stringclasses 8
values | main_lang
stringclasses 7
values | message
stringlengths 1
| sha
stringlengths 40
| patch
stringlengths 52
| file_count
int64 1
Python | Python | use the full path to the workflow being edited | 3e917f1c02c4654a135c9a740ee264b766bbc58a | <ide><path>scripts/ci/runners/
<ide> #
<ide> # This script should replace the contents of the array with a new list of
<ide> # identically formatted names, such that changes to the source of truth:
<ide> AUTHORS = ''
<del># end up being reflected in the ci.yml.
<add># ...end up being reflected in the ci.yml:
<add>WORKFLOW = '.github/workflows/ci.yml'
<ide> req = requests.get(AUTHORS)
<ide> authors = authors[:-2]
<del>with open('ci.yml') as handle:
<add>with open(WORKFLOW) as handle:
<ide> new_ci = re.sub(
<ide> r'''
<ide> ^
<ide> flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE,
<ide> )
<del>with open('ci.yml', 'w') as handle:
<add>with open(WORKFLOW, 'w') as handle:
<ide> handle.write(new_ci) | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | use const instead of var | 98dfcf57ec0e44390f250829fe2a4ca24fedf405 | <ide><path>pdf.js
<ide> var CanvasGraphics = (function() {
<ide> };
<ide> }
<del> var LINE_CAP_STYLES = [ "butt", "round", "square" ];
<del> var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = [ "miter", "round", "bevel" ];
<del> var NORMAL_CLIP = {};
<del> var EO_CLIP = {};
<add> const LINE_CAP_STYLES = [ "butt", "round", "square" ];
<add> const LINE_JOIN_STYLES = [ "miter", "round", "bevel" ];
<add> const NORMAL_CLIP = {};
<add> const EO_CLIP = {};
<ide> constructor.prototype = {
<ide> beginDrawing: function(mediaBox) { | 1 |
Python | Python | fix conn issues | 8b19d31ab53595014c0791b85663478767ad0f82 | <ide><path>libcloud/compute/drivers/
<ide> def ex_create_subnet(self, name, network, cidr, ip_version=4):
<ide> """
<ide> data = {'subnet': {'cidr': cidr, 'network_id':,
<ide> 'ip_version': ip_version, 'name': name}}
<del> response = self.connection.request(self._subnets_url_prefix,
<del> method='POST', data=data).object
<add> response = self.network_connection.request(
<add> self._subnets_url_prefix, method='POST', data=data).object
<ide> return self._to_subnet(response['subnet'])
<ide> def ex_delete_subnet(self, subnet):
<ide> def ex_delete_subnet(self, subnet):
<ide> :rtype: ``bool``
<ide> """
<del> resp = self.connection.request('%s/%s' % (self._subnets_url_prefix,
<del> method='DELETE')
<add> resp = self.network_connection.request('%s/%s' % (
<add> self._subnets_url_prefix,, method='DELETE')
<ide> return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
<ide> def ex_list_ports(self): | 1 |
Python | Python | add accuracy tests for fp16 umath functions | df168ac05b0bd925f858dec101ddfa1ed29ec973 | <ide><path>numpy/core/tests/
<ide> from numpy.testing._private.utils import _glibc_older_than
<ide> from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import __cpu_features__
<add>UNARY_UFUNCS = [obj for obj in np.core.umath.__dict__.values() if
<add> isinstance(obj, np.ufunc)]
<add>UNARY_OBJECT_UFUNCS = [uf for uf in UNARY_UFUNCS if "O->O" in uf.types]
<add>UNARY_OBJECT_UFUNCS.remove(getattr(np, 'invert'))
<ide> IS_AVX = __cpu_features__.get('AVX512F', False) or \
<ide> (__cpu_features__.get('FMA3', False) and __cpu_features__.get('AVX2', False))
<ide> # only run on linux with AVX, also avoid old glibc (numpy/numpy#20448).
<ide> def test_validate_transcendentals(self):
<ide> outval = outval[perm]
<ide> maxulperr = data_subset['ulperr'].max()
<ide> assert_array_max_ulp(npfunc(inval), outval, maxulperr)
<add> @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", UNARY_OBJECT_UFUNCS)
<add> def test_validate_fp16_transcendentals(self, ufunc):
<add> with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
<add> arr = np.arange(65536, dtype=np.int16)
<add> datafp16 = np.frombuffer(arr.tobytes(), dtype=np.float16)
<add> datafp32 = datafp16.astype(np.float32)
<add> assert_array_max_ulp(ufunc(datafp16), ufunc(datafp32),
<add> maxulp=1, dtype=np.float16) | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | use host header as effective servername | b0c0111b04201bf99fde0fe0616b9fdf1f33655d | <ide><path>lib/http.js
<ide> Agent.prototype.addRequest = function(req, host, port, localAddress) {
<ide> }
<ide> if (this.sockets[name].length < this.maxSockets) {
<ide> // If we are under maxSockets create a new one.
<del> req.onSocket(this.createSocket(name, host, port, localAddress));
<add> req.onSocket(this.createSocket(name, host, port, localAddress, req));
<ide> } else {
<ide> // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue.
<ide> if (!this.requests[name]) {
<ide> Agent.prototype.addRequest = function(req, host, port, localAddress) {
<ide> this.requests[name].push(req);
<ide> }
<ide> };
<del>Agent.prototype.createSocket = function(name, host, port, localAddress) {
<add>Agent.prototype.createSocket = function(name, host, port, localAddress, req) {
<ide> var self = this;
<ide> var options = util._extend({}, self.options);
<ide> options.port = port;
<ide> = host;
<ide> options.localAddress = localAddress;
<add> options.servername = host;
<add> if (req) {
<add> var hostHeader = req.getHeader('host');
<add> if (hostHeader) {
<add> options.servername = hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '');
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> var s = self.createConnection(options);
<ide> if (!self.sockets[name]) {
<ide> self.sockets[name] = [];
<ide> Agent.prototype.removeSocket = function(s, name, host, port, localAddress) {
<ide> }
<ide> }
<ide> if (this.requests[name] && this.requests[name].length) {
<add> var req = this.requests[name][0];
<ide> // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one
<del> this.createSocket(name, host, port, localAddress).emit('free');
<add> this.createSocket(name, host, port, localAddress, req).emit('free');
<ide> }
<ide> };
<add>// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
<add>// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
<add>// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
<add>// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
<add>// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
<add>// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
<add>// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
<add>// following conditions:
<add>// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
<add>// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
<add>if (!process.versions.openssl) {
<add> console.error('Skipping because node compiled without OpenSSL.');
<add> process.exit(0);
<add>var common = require('../common');
<add>var assert = require('assert');
<add>var fs = require('fs');
<add>var path = require('path');
<add>var https = require('https');
<add>function file(fname) {
<add> return path.resolve(common.fixturesDir, 'keys', fname);
<add>function read(fname) {
<add> return fs.readFileSync(file(fname));
<add>// key1 is signed by ca1.
<add>var key1 = read('agent1-key.pem');
<add>var cert1 = read('agent1-cert.pem');
<add>// key2 has a self signed cert
<add>var key2 = read('agent2-key.pem');
<add>var cert2 = read('agent2-cert.pem');
<add>// key3 is signed by ca2.
<add>var key3 = read('agent3-key.pem');
<add>var cert3 = read('agent3-cert.pem');
<add>var ca1 = read('ca1-cert.pem');
<add>var ca2 = read('ca2-cert.pem');
<add>// different agents to use different CA lists.
<add>// this api is beyond bad.
<add>var agent0 = new https.Agent();
<add>var agent1 = new https.Agent({ ca: [ca1] });
<add>var agent2 = new https.Agent({ ca: [ca2] });
<add>var agent3 = new https.Agent({ ca: [ca1, ca2] });
<add>var options1 = {
<add> key: key1,
<add> cert: cert1
<add>var options2 = {
<add> key: key2,
<add> cert: cert2
<add>var options3 = {
<add> key: key3,
<add> cert: cert3
<add>var server1 = server(options1);
<add>var server2 = server(options2);
<add>var server3 = server(options3);
<add>var listenWait = 0;
<add>var port = common.PORT;
<add>var port1 = port++;
<add>var port2 = port++;
<add>var port3 = port++;
<add>server1.listen(port1, listening());
<add>server2.listen(port2, listening());
<add>server3.listen(port3, listening());
<add>var responseErrors = {};
<add>var expectResponseCount = 0;
<add>var responseCount = 0;
<add>var pending = 0;
<add>function server(options, port) {
<add> var s = https.createServer(options, handler);
<add> s.requests = [];
<add> s.expectCount = 0;
<add> return s;
<add>function handler(req, res) {
<add> this.requests.push(req.url);
<add> res.statusCode = 200;
<add> res.setHeader('foo', 'bar');
<add> res.end('hello, world\n');
<add>function listening() {
<add> listenWait++;
<add> return function() {
<add> listenWait--;
<add> if (listenWait === 0) {
<add> allListening();
<add> }
<add> }
<add>function makeReq(path, port, error, host, ca) {
<add> pending++;
<add> var options = {
<add> port: port,
<add> path: path,
<add> ca: ca
<add> };
<add> var whichCa = 0;
<add> if (!ca) {
<add> options.agent = agent0;
<add> } else {
<add> if (!Array.isArray(ca)) ca = [ca];
<add> if (-1 !== ca.indexOf(ca1) && -1 !== ca.indexOf(ca2)) {
<add> options.agent = agent3;
<add> } else if (-1 !== ca.indexOf(ca1)) {
<add> options.agent = agent1;
<add> } else if (-1 !== ca.indexOf(ca2)) {
<add> options.agent = agent2;
<add> } else {
<add> options.agent = agent0;
<add> }
<add> }
<add> if (host) {
<add> options.headers = { host: host }
<add> }
<add> var req = https.get(options);
<add> expectResponseCount++;
<add> var server = port === port1 ? server1
<add> : port === port2 ? server2
<add> : port === port3 ? server3
<add> : null;
<add> if (!server) throw new Error('invalid port: '+port);
<add> server.expectCount++;
<add> req.on('response', function(res) {
<add> responseCount++;
<add> assert.equal(res.connection.authorizationError, error);
<add> responseErrors[path] = res.connection.authorizationError;
<add> pending--;
<add> if (pending === 0) {
<add> server1.close();
<add> server2.close();
<add> server3.close();
<add> }
<add> })
<add>function allListening() {
<add> // ok, ready to start the tests!
<add> // server1: host 'agent1', signed by ca1
<add> makeReq('/inv1', port1, 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE');
<add> makeReq('/inv1-ca1', port1,
<add> 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s altnames',
<add> null, ca1);
<add> makeReq('/inv1-ca1ca2', port1,
<add> 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s altnames',
<add> null, [ca1, ca2]);
<add> makeReq('/val1-ca1', port1, null, 'agent1', ca1);
<add> makeReq('/val1-ca1ca2', port1, null, 'agent1', [ca1, ca2]);
<add> makeReq('/inv1-ca2', port1,
<add> 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE', 'agent1', ca2);
<add> // server2: self-signed, host = 'agent2'
<add> // doesn't matter that thename matches, all of these will error.
<add> makeReq('/inv2', port2, 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT');
<add> makeReq('/inv2-ca1', port2, 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT',
<add> 'agent2', ca1);
<add> makeReq('/inv2-ca1ca2', port2, 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT',
<add> 'agent2', [ca1, ca2]);
<add> // server3: host 'agent3', signed by ca2
<add> makeReq('/inv3', port3, 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE');
<add> makeReq('/inv3-ca2', port3,
<add> 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s altnames',
<add> null, ca2);
<add> makeReq('/inv3-ca1ca2', port3,
<add> 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s altnames',
<add> null, [ca1, ca2]);
<add> makeReq('/val3-ca2', port3, null, 'agent3', ca2);
<add> makeReq('/val3-ca1ca2', port3, null, 'agent3', [ca1, ca2]);
<add> makeReq('/inv3-ca1', port3,
<add> 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE', 'agent1', ca1);
<add>process.on('exit', function() {
<add> console.error(responseErrors);
<add> assert.equal(server1.requests.length, server1.expectCount);
<add> assert.equal(server2.requests.length, server2.expectCount);
<add> assert.equal(server3.requests.length, server3.expectCount);
<add> assert.equal(responseCount, expectResponseCount);
<add>}); | 2 |
PHP | PHP | remove variable | e8dc4057c48bb2b2b7607cb4cf2b84a5e2c64db5 | <ide><path>src/Illuminate/Support/Collection.php
<ide> public function median($key = null)
<ide> */
<ide> public function mode($key = null)
<ide> {
<del> $count = $this->count();
<del> if ($count == 0) {
<add> if ($this->count() == 0) {
<ide> return;
<ide> }
<ide> | 1 |
Text | Text | fix maintainer link | 9f58edbdd5b104cff885ce4724f984c534a63c36 | <ide><path>
<ide> This is our PGP key which is valid until May 24, 2017.
<ide> ## Who Are You?
<ide> Homebrew's lead maintainer is [Mike McQuaid](
<del>Homebrew's current maintainers are [Misty De Meo](, [Andrew Janke](, [Xu Cheng](, [Tomasz Pajor](, [Baptiste Fontaine](, [Zhiming Wang](, [Brett Koonce](, [ilovezfs](, [Martin Afanasjew](, [Uladzislau Shablinski](, [Dominyk Tiller](, [Tim Smith]( and [Alex Dunn](
<add>Homebrew's current maintainers are [Misty De Meo](, [Andrew Janke](, [Xu Cheng](, [Tomasz Pajor](, [Baptiste Fontaine](, [Zhiming Wang](, [Brett Koonce](, [ilovezfs](, [Martin Afanasjew](, [Uladzislau Shablinski](, [Dominyk Tiller](, [Tim Smith]( and [Alex Dunn](
<ide> Former maintainers with significant contributions include [Jack Nagel](, [Adam Vandenberg]( and Homebrew's creator: [Max Howell](
<ide> | 1 |
Text | Text | remove to_s example | 30769669e388104626bfc9bd8e9680c4fcee25cc | <ide><path>guides/source/
<ide> above the "Title" output inside `app/views/blorgh/articles/show.html.erb`:
<ide> ```html+erb
<ide> <p>
<ide> <b>Author:</b>
<del> <%= %>
<add> <%= %>
<ide> </p>
<ide> ```
<del>By outputting `` using the `<%=` tag, the `to_s` method will be
<del>called on the object. By default, this will look quite ugly:
<del>This is undesirable. It would be much better to have the user's name there. To
<del>do this, add a `to_s` method to the `User` class within the application:
<del>def to_s
<del> name
<del>Now instead of the ugly Ruby object output, the author's name will be displayed.
<ide> #### Using a Controller Provided by the Application
<ide> Because Rails controllers generally share code for things like authentication | 1 |
Text | Text | translate tip-15 to korean | 23a5a8907726e9d0718ebde5db3ca82a645888ad | <ide><path>docs/tips/
<add>id: expose-component-functions-ko-KR
<add>title: ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ ํจ์ ๋๋ฌ๋ด๊ธฐ
<add>layout: tips
<add>permalink: expose-component-functions-ko-KR.html
<add>prev: communicate-between-components-ko-KR.html
<add>next: references-to-components-ko-KR.html
<add>[์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๊ฐ์ ํต์ ](/react/tips/communicate-between-components-ko-KR.html)์ ์ํ (์ผ๋ฐ์ ์ด์ง ์์) ๋๋ค๋ฅธ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์ด ์์ต๋๋ค: ๋จ์ํ ๋ถ๋ชจ์ ํธ์ถ์ ์ํด ์์ ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์ ๋ฉ์๋๋ฅผ ๋
ธ์ถํ๋ ๊ฒ๋๋ค.
<add>ํ ์ผ ๋ชฉ๋ก์ ์๊ฐํด๋ณด์ฃ . ์์ดํ
์ ํด๋ฆญํ๋ฉด ์ ๊ฑฐ๋๊ณ , ํ๋๊ฐ ๋จ์ผ๋ฉด ์ ๋๋ฉ์ด์
ํจ๊ณผ๋ฅผ ์ค๋๋ค:
<add>var Todo = React.createClass({
<add> render: function() {
<add> return <div onClick={this.props.onClick}>{this.props.title}</div>;
<add> },
<add> //์ด ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ `ref` ์ดํธ๋ฆฌ๋ทฐํธ๋ฅผ ํตํด ๋ถ๋ชจ์๊ฒ ๋ค๋ค์ง ๊ฒ์
<add> animate: function() {
<add> console.log('%s์ด ์ ๋๋ฉ์ดํ
ํ๋๊ฒ์ฒ๋ผ ์์
๋๋ค', this.props.title);
<add> }
<add>var Todos = React.createClass({
<add> getInitialState: function() {
<add> return {items: ['์ฌ๊ณผ', '๋ฐ๋๋', 'ํฌ๋๋ฒ ๋ฆฌ']};
<add> },
<add> handleClick: function(index) {
<add> var items = this.state.items.filter(function(item, i) {
<add> return index !== i;
<add> });
<add> this.setState({items: items}, function() {
<add> if (items.length === 1) {
<add> this.refs.item0.animate();
<add> }
<add> }.bind(this));
<add> },
<add> render: function() {
<add> return (
<add> <div>
<add> {, i) {
<add> var boundClick = this.handleClick.bind(this, i);
<add> return (
<add> <Todo onClick={boundClick} key={i} title={item} ref={'item' + i} />
<add> );
<add> }, this)}
<add> </div>
<add> );
<add> }
<add>React.render(<Todos />, mountNode);
<add>๋ค๋ฅธ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์ผ๋ก๋, `isLastUnfinishedItem` prop์ `todo`์ ๋๊ธฐ๋ ๋ฐฉ์์ผ๋ก ์ํ๋ ๋ฐ๋ฅผ ์ด๋ฃฐ์๋ ์์ต๋๋ค. `componentDidUpdate`์์ prop์ ํ์ธํ๊ณ ์ค์ค๋ก ์ ๋๋ฉ์ด์
ํจ๊ณผ๋ฅผ ์ฃผ๋๊ฒ๋๋ค; ํ์ง๋ง ์ ๋๋ฉ์ด์
์ ์ด๋ฅผ ์ํด ๋ค๋ฅธ prop๋ค์ ๋๊ธฐ๊ฒ ๋๋ฉด ์ด๋ ๊ธ์ ๋์กํด์ง ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. | 1 |
PHP | PHP | remove comment bloat | d197a97aac3637d90c5afaefc0f8b44553272faa | <ide><path>system/arr.php
<ide> class Arr {
<ide> * also be accessed using JavaScript "dot" style notation. Retrieving items nested
<ide> * in multiple arrays is also supported.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Returns "taylor"
<del> * $item = Arr::get(array('name' => 'taylor'), 'name', $default);
<del> *
<del> * // Returns "taylor"
<del> * $item = Arr::get(array('name' => array('is' => 'taylor')), '');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param array $array
<ide> * @param string $key
<ide> * @param mixed $default
<ide> class Asset {
<ide> * Containers provide a convenient method of grouping assets while maintaining
<ide> * expressive code and a clean API.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Get the default asset container
<del> * $container = Asset::container();
<del> *
<del> * // Get the "footer" asset contanier
<del> * $container = Asset::container('footer');
<del> *
<del> * // Add an asset to the "footer" container
<del> * Asset::container('footer')->add('jquery', 'js/jquery.js');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $container
<ide> * @return Asset_Container
<ide> */
<ide> public static function container($container = 'default')
<ide> /**
<ide> * Magic Method for calling methods on the default Asset container.
<del> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Add jQuery to the default container
<del> * Asset::script('jquery', 'js/jquery.js');
<del> *
<del> * // Equivalent call using the container method
<del> * Asset::container()->script('jquery', 'js/jquery.js');
<del> * </code>
<ide> */
<ide> public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
<ide> {
<ide> public function __construct($name)
<ide> * asset being registered (CSS or JavaScript). If you are using a non-standard
<ide> * extension, you may use the style or script methods to register assets.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Register a jQuery asset
<del> * Asset::add('jquery', 'js/jquery.js');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * You may also specify asset dependencies. This will instruct the class to
<ide> * only link to the registered asset after its dependencies have been linked.
<ide> * For example, you may wish to make jQuery UI dependent on jQuery.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Register jQuery UI as dependent on jQuery
<del> * Asset::add('jquery-ui', 'js/jquery-ui.js', 'jquery');
<del> *
<del> * // Register jQuery UI with multiple dependencies
<del> * Asset::add('jquery-ui', 'js/jquery-ui.js', array('jquery', 'fader'));
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $name
<ide> * @param string $source
<ide> * @param array $dependencies
<ide> private function get_group($group)
<ide> /**
<ide> * Get the link to a single registered CSS asset.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * echo $container->get_style('common');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $name
<ide> * @return string
<ide> */
<ide> public function get_style($name)
<ide> /**
<ide> * Get the link to a single registered JavaScript asset.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * echo $container->get_script('jquery');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $name
<ide> * @return string
<ide> */
<ide> class Auth {
<ide> /**
<ide> * Determine if the current user of the application is authenticated.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * if (Auth::check())
<del> * {
<del> * // The user is logged in...
<del> * }
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @return bool
<ide> * @see login
<ide> */
<ide> public static function check()
<ide> * the "by_id" closure in the authentication configuration file. The result
<ide> * of the closure will be cached and returned.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * $email = Auth::user()->email;
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @return object
<ide> * @see $user
<ide> */
<ide> public static function user()
<ide> * The password passed to the method should be plain text, as it will be hashed
<ide> * by the Hash class when authenticating.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * if (Auth::login('', 'secret'))
<del> * {
<del> * // The credentials are valid...
<del> * }
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $username
<ide> * @param string $password
<ide> * @return bool
<ide> public static function driver($driver = null)
<ide> /**
<ide> * Get an item from the cache.
<ide> *
<del> * If the cached item doesn't exist, the specified default value will be returned.
<del> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Get the "name" item from the cache
<del> * $name = Cache::get('name');
<del> *
<del> * // Get the "name" item, but return "Fred" if it doesn't exist
<del> * $name = Cache::get('name', 'Fred');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<del> * The driver may also be specified:
<del> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * $name = Cache::get('name', null, 'memcached');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $key
<ide> * @param mixed $default
<ide> * @param string $driver
<ide> public static function get($key, $default = null, $driver = null)
<ide> * Get an item from the cache. If the item doesn't exist in the cache, store
<ide> * the default value in the cache and return it.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Get the name item. If it doesn't exist, store "Fred" for 30 minutes
<del> * $name = Cache::remember('name', 'Fred', 30);
<del> *
<del> * // Closures may also be used as default values
<del> * $name = Cache::remember('votes', function() {return Vote::count();}, 30);
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $key
<ide> * @param mixed $default
<ide> * @param int $minutes
<ide> public static function has($key)
<ide> * If the name of a configuration file is passed without specifying an item, the
<ide> * entire configuration array will be returned.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Get the application timezone
<del> * $timezone = Config::get('application.timezone');
<del> *
<del> * // Get the application configuration array
<del> * $application = Config::get('application');
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $key
<ide> * @param string $default
<ide> * @return array
<ide> public static function get($key, $default = null)
<ide> *
<ide> * If a configuration item is not specified, the entire configuration array will be set.
<ide> *
<del> * <code>
<del> * // Set the application timezone
<del> * Config::set('application.timezone', 'America/Chicago');
<del> *
<del> * // Set the application configuration array
<del> * Config::set('application', array());
<del> * </code>
<del> *
<ide> * @param string $key
<ide> * @param mixed $value
<ide> * @return void | 5 |
Python | Python | add dns module to | 6d724b3cf283289d4c188778051399863529fe88 | <ide><path>
<ide> def run(self):
<ide> 'libcloud.drivers',
<ide> 'libcloud.loadbalancer',
<ide> 'libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers',
<add> 'libcloud.dns',
<add> 'libcloud.dns.drivers'
<ide> ],
<ide> package_dir={
<ide> 'libcloud': 'libcloud', | 1 |
Text | Text | describe labelling process for backports | b440e8e4e480e71d43eee3f1fadcf4e07886296b | <ide><path>doc/
<ide> Please use these when possible / appropriate
<ide> git checkout $(git show -s --pretty='%T' $(git show-ref -d $(git describe --abbrev=0) | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}')) -- test; make -j4 test
<ide> ```
<add>### LTS/Version labels
<add>We use labels to keep track of which branches a commit should land on:
<add>* `dont-land-on-v?.x`
<add> * For changes that do not apply to a certain release line
<add> * Also used when the work of backporting a change outweighs the benefits
<add>* `land-on-v?.x`
<add> * Used by releasers to mark a PR as scheduled for inclusion in an LTS release
<add> * Applied to the original PR for clean cherry-picks, to the backport PR otherwise
<add>* `backport-requested-v?.x`
<add> * Used to indicate that a PR needs a manual backport to a branch in order to land the changes on that branch
<add> * Typically applied by a releaser when the PR does not apply cleanly or it breaks the tests after applying
<add> * Will be replaced by either `dont-land-on-v?.x` or `backported-to-v?.x`
<add>* `backported-to-v?.x`
<add> * Applied to PRs for which a backport PR has been merged
<add>* `lts-watch-v?.x`
<add> * Applied to PRs which the LTS working group should consider including in a LTS release
<add> * Does not indicate that any specific action will be taken, but can be effective as messaging to non-collaborators
<add>* `lts-agenda`
<add> * For things that need discussion by the LTS working group
<add> * (for example semver-minor changes that need or should go into an LTS release)
<add>* `v?.x`
<add> * Automatically applied to changes that do not target `master` but rather the `v?.x-staging` branch
<add>Once a release line enters maintenance mode, the corresponding labels do not
<add>need to be attached anymore, as only important bugfixes will be included.
<ide> ### Other Labels
<ide> Please use these when possible / appropriate
<ide> * Architecture labels
<ide> * `arm`, `mips`, `s390`, `ppc`
<ide> * No x86{_64}, since that is the implied default
<del>* `lts-agenda`, `lts-watch-v*`
<del> * tag things that should be discussed to go into LTS or should go into a specific LTS branch
<del> * (usually only semver-patch things)
<del> * will come more naturally over time
<ide> ## Updating Node.js from Upstream | 1 |
Python | Python | add minmaxnorm constraint | 99ee2fb09ab33f72dca627dc586ac3884ded337a | <ide><path>keras/
<ide> def get_config(self):
<ide> 'axis': self.axis}
<add>class MinMaxNorm(Constraint):
<add> """MinMaxNorm weight constraint.
<add> Constrains the weights incident to each hidden unit
<add> to have the norm between a lower bound and an upper bound.
<add> # Arguments
<add> low: the minimum norm for the incoming weights.
<add> high: the maximum norm for the incoming weights.
<add> rate: rate for enforcing the constraint: weights will be
<add> rescaled to yield (1 - rate) * norm + rate * norm.clip(low, high).
<add> Effectively, this means that rate=1.0 stands for strict
<add> enforcement of the constraint, while rate<1.0 means that
<add> weights will be rescaled at each step to slowly move
<add> towards a value inside the desired interval.
<add> axis: integer, axis along which to calculate weight norms.
<add> For instance, in a `Dense` layer the weight matrix
<add> has shape `(input_dim, output_dim)`,
<add> set `axis` to `0` to constrain each weight vector
<add> of length `(input_dim,)`.
<add> In a `Convolution2D` layer with `dim_ordering="tf"`,
<add> the weight tensor has shape
<add> `(rows, cols, input_depth, output_depth)`,
<add> set `axis` to `[0, 1, 2]`
<add> to constrain the weights of each filter tensor of size
<add> `(rows, cols, input_depth)`.
<add> """
<add> def __init__(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, rate=1.0, axis=0):
<add> self.low = low
<add> self.high = high
<add> self.rate = rate
<add> self.axis = axis
<add> def __call__(self, p):
<add> norms = K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(p), axis=self.axis, keepdims=True))
<add> desired = self.rate * K.clip(norms, self.low, self.high) + (1 - self.rate) * norms
<add> p *= (desired / (K.epsilon() + norms))
<add> return p
<add> def get_config(self):
<add> return {'name': self.__class__.__name__,
<add> 'low': self.low,
<add> 'high': self.high,
<add> 'rate': self.rate,
<add> 'axis': self.axis}
<ide> # Aliases.
<ide> maxnorm = MaxNorm | 1 |
Python | Python | add example for custom intent parser | 9dfca0f2f8fb53314dfe874fd327b07239669438 | <ide><path>examples/training/
<add>#!/usr/bin/env python
<add># coding: utf-8
<add>"""Using the parser to recognise your own semantics spaCy's parser component
<add>can be used to trained to predict any type of tree structure over your input
<add>text. You can also predict trees over whole documents or chat logs, with
<add>connections between the sentence-roots used to annotate discourse structure.
<add>In this example, we'll build a message parser for a common "chat intent":
<add>finding local businesses. Our message semantics will have the following types
<add>of relations: INTENT, PLACE, QUALITY, ATTRIBUTE, TIME, LOCATION. For example:
<add>"show me the best hotel in berlin"
<add>('show', 'ROOT', 'show')
<add>('best', 'QUALITY', 'hotel') --> hotel with QUALITY best
<add>('hotel', 'PLACE', 'show') --> show PLACE hotel
<add>('berlin', 'LOCATION', 'hotel') --> hotel with LOCATION berlin
<add>from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
<add>import plac
<add>import random
<add>import spacy
<add>from import GoldParse
<add>from spacy.tokens import Doc
<add>from pathlib import Path
<add># training data: words, head and dependency labels
<add># for no relation, we simply chose an arbitrary dependency label, e.g. '-'
<add>TRAIN_DATA = [
<add> (
<add> ['find', 'a', 'cafe', 'with', 'great', 'wifi'],
<add> [0, 2, 0, 5, 5, 2], # index of token head
<add> ['ROOT', '-', 'PLACE', '-', 'QUALITY', 'ATTRIBUTE']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['find', 'a', 'hotel', 'near', 'the', 'beach'],
<add> [0, 2, 0, 5, 5, 2],
<add> ['ROOT', '-', 'PLACE', 'QUALITY', '-', 'ATTRIBUTE']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['find', 'me', 'the', 'closest', 'gym', 'that', "'s", 'open', 'late'],
<add> [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 6, 4, 6, 6],
<add> ['ROOT', '-', '-', 'QUALITY', 'PLACE', '-', '-', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'TIME']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['show', 'me', 'the', 'cheapest', 'store', 'that', 'sells', 'flowers'],
<add> [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4], # attach "flowers" to store!
<add> ['ROOT', '-', '-', 'QUALITY', 'PLACE', '-', '-', 'PRODUCT']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['find', 'a', 'nice', 'restaurant', 'in', 'london'],
<add> [0, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3],
<add> ['ROOT', '-', 'QUALITY', 'PLACE', '-', 'LOCATION']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['show', 'me', 'the', 'coolest', 'hostel', 'in', 'berlin'],
<add> [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4],
<add> ['ROOT', '-', '-', 'QUALITY', 'PLACE', '-', 'LOCATION']
<add> ),
<add> (
<add> ['find', 'a', 'good', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'near', 'work'],
<add> [0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 5],
<add> )
<add> model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str),
<add> output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
<add> n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int))
<add>def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=100):
<add> """Load the model, set up the pipeline and train the parser."""
<add> if model is not None:
<add> nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
<add> print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
<add> else:
<add> nlp = spacy.blank('en') # create blank Language class
<add> print("Created blank 'en' model")
<add> # add the parser to the pipeline if it doesn't exist
<add> # nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
<add> if 'parser' not in nlp.pipe_names:
<add> parser = nlp.create_pipe('parser')
<add> nlp.add_pipe(parser, first=True)
<add> # otherwise, get it, so we can add labels to it
<add> else:
<add> parser = nlp.get_pipe('parser')
<add> for _, _, deps in TRAIN_DATA:
<add> for dep in deps:
<add> parser.add_label(dep)
<add> other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != 'parser']
<add> with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train parser
<add> optimizer = nlp.begin_training(lambda: [])
<add> for itn in range(n_iter):
<add> random.shuffle(TRAIN_DATA)
<add> losses = {}
<add> for words, heads, deps in TRAIN_DATA:
<add> doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words)
<add> gold = GoldParse(doc, heads=heads, deps=deps)
<add> nlp.update([doc], [gold], sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
<add> print(losses)
<add> # test the trained model
<add> test_model(nlp)
<add> # save model to output directory
<add> if output_dir is not None:
<add> output_dir = Path(output_dir)
<add> if not output_dir.exists():
<add> output_dir.mkdir()
<add> nlp.to_disk(output_dir)
<add> print("Saved model to", output_dir)
<add> # test the saved model
<add> print("Loading from", output_dir)
<add> nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
<add> test_model(nlp2)
<add>def test_model(nlp):
<add> texts = ["find a hotel with good wifi",
<add> "find me the cheapest gym near work",
<add> "show me the best hotel in berlin"]
<add> docs = nlp.pipe(texts)
<add> for doc in docs:
<add> print(doc.text)
<add> print([(t.text, t.dep_, t.head.text) for t in doc if t.dep_ != '-'])
<add>if __name__ == '__main__':
<add> # Expected output:
<add> # find a hotel with good wifi
<add> # [
<add> # ('find', 'ROOT', 'find'),
<add> # ('hotel', 'PLACE', 'find'),
<add> # ('good', 'QUALITY', 'wifi'),
<add> # ('wifi', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'hotel')
<add> # ]
<add> # find me the cheapest gym near work
<add> # [
<add> # ('find', 'ROOT', 'find'),
<add> # ('cheapest', 'QUALITY', 'gym'),
<add> # ('gym', 'PLACE', 'find')
<add> # ]
<add> # show me the best hotel in berlin
<add> # [
<add> # ('show', 'ROOT', 'show'),
<add> # ('best', 'QUALITY', 'hotel'),
<add> # ('hotel', 'PLACE', 'show'),
<add> # ('berlin', 'LOCATION', 'hotel')
<add> # ] | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | add deprecation warning to listview | e90f5fa2630f8a89e15fa57c70ada83e75a20642 | <ide><path>Libraries/react-native/react-native-implementation.js
<ide> const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
<add>let showedListViewDeprecation = false;
<ide> // Export React, plus some native additions.
<ide> const ReactNative = {
<ide> // Components
<ide> const ReactNative = {
<ide> return require('KeyboardAvoidingView');
<ide> },
<ide> get ListView() {
<add> if (!showedListViewDeprecation) {
<add> console.warn(
<add> 'ListView is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. ' +
<add> 'See for more information',
<add> );
<add> showedListViewDeprecation = true;
<add> }
<ide> return require('ListView');
<ide> },
<ide> get MaskedViewIOS() { | 1 |
PHP | PHP | add scope to email logging | f1b815a9bbc9d58e09da9bab4f2110c643baa814 | <ide><path>lib/Cake/Network/Email/CakeEmail.php
<ide> public function send($content = null) {
<ide> $contents = $this->transportClass()->send($this);
<ide> if (!empty($this->_config['log'])) {
<ide> $level = LOG_DEBUG;
<add> $scope = 'email';
<ide> if ($this->_config['log'] !== true) {
<del> $level = $this->_config['log'];
<add> if (!is_array($this->_config['log'])) {
<add> $this->_config['log'] = array('level' => $this->_config['log']);
<add> }
<add> $this->_config['log'] = array_merge(compact('level', 'scope'), $this->_config['log']);
<add> extract($this->_config['log']);
<ide> }
<del> CakeLog::write($level, PHP_EOL . $contents['headers'] . PHP_EOL . $contents['message']);
<add> CakeLog::write($level, PHP_EOL . $contents['headers'] . PHP_EOL . $contents['message'], $scope);
<ide> }
<ide> return $contents;
<ide> }
<ide> public function testSendWithLog() {
<ide> CakeLog::drop('email');
<ide> }
<add> * testSendWithLogAndScope method
<add> *
<add> * @return void
<add> */
<add> public function testSendWithLogAndScope() {
<add> CakeLog::config('email', array(
<add> 'engine' => 'FileLog',
<add> 'path' => TMP,
<add> 'types' => array('cake_test_emails'),
<add> 'scopes' => array('email')
<add> ));
<add> CakeLog::drop('default');
<add> $this->CakeEmail->transport('Debug');
<add> $this->CakeEmail->to('');
<add> $this->CakeEmail->from('');
<add> $this->CakeEmail->subject('My title');
<add> $this->CakeEmail->config(array('log' => array('level' => 'cake_test_emails', 'scope' => 'email')));
<add> $result = $this->CakeEmail->send("Logging This");
<add> App::uses('File', 'Utility');
<add> $File = new File(TMP . 'cake_test_emails.log');
<add> $log = $File->read();
<add> $this->assertTrue(strpos($log, $result['headers']) !== false);
<add> $this->assertTrue(strpos($log, $result['message']) !== false);
<add> $File->delete();
<add> CakeLog::drop('email');
<add> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * testSendRender method
<ide> * | 2 |
Python | Python | fix compatibility with tf 0.11 | 914d976801c5d2323cdc87b902a5342637e86dc7 | <ide><path>keras/backend/
<ide> def normalize_batch_in_training(x, gamma, beta,
<ide> target_shape.append(1)
<ide> else:
<ide> target_shape.append(tf.shape(x)[axis])
<del> target_shape = tf.stack(target_shape)
<add> target_shape = stack(target_shape)
<ide> broadcast_mean = tf.reshape(mean, target_shape)
<ide> broadcast_var = tf.reshape(var, target_shape)
<ide> def repeat(x, n):
<ide> '''
<ide> assert ndim(x) == 2
<ide> x = tf.expand_dims(x, 1)
<del> pattern = tf.stack([1, n, 1])
<add> pattern = stack([1, n, 1])
<ide> return tf.tile(x, pattern)
<ide> def batch_flatten(x):
<ide> '''Turn a n-D tensor into a 2D tensor where
<ide> the first dimension is conserved.
<ide> '''
<del> x = tf.reshape(x, tf.stack([-1, prod(shape(x)[1:])]))
<add> x = tf.reshape(x, stack([-1, prod(shape(x)[1:])]))
<ide> return x
<ide> def spatial_3d_padding(x, padding=(1, 1, 1), dim_ordering='default'):
<ide> def stack(x):
<del> return tf.stack(x)
<add> try:
<add> return tf.stack(x)
<add> except AttributeError:
<add> return tf.pack(x)
<ide> def one_hot(indices, nb_classes):
<ide> def rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states,
<ide> successive_states = []
<ide> successive_outputs = []
<del> input_list = tf.unstack(inputs)
<add> input_list = tf.unpack(inputs)
<ide> if go_backwards:
<ide> input_list.reverse()
<ide> if mask is not None:
<del> mask_list = tf.unstack(mask)
<add> mask_list = tf.unpack(mask)
<ide> if go_backwards:
<ide> mask_list.reverse()
<ide> def rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states,
<ide> # it just repeats the mask along its second dimension
<ide> # n times.
<ide> tiled_mask_t = tf.tile(mask_t,
<del> tf.stack([1, tf.shape(output)[1]]))
<add> stack([1, tf.shape(output)[1]]))
<ide> if len(successive_outputs) == 0:
<ide> prev_output = zeros_like(output)
<ide> def rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states,
<ide> for state, new_state in zip(states, new_states):
<ide> # (see earlier comment for tile explanation)
<ide> tiled_mask_t = tf.tile(mask_t,
<del> tf.stack([1, tf.shape(new_state)[1]]))
<add> stack([1, tf.shape(new_state)[1]]))
<ide> return_states.append(tf.where(tiled_mask_t,
<ide> new_state,
<ide> state))
<ide> def rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states,
<ide> successive_states.append(states)
<ide> last_output = successive_outputs[-1]
<ide> new_states = successive_states[-1]
<del> outputs = tf.stack(successive_outputs)
<add> outputs = stack(successive_outputs)
<ide> else:
<ide> for input in input_list:
<ide> output, states = step_function(input, states + constants)
<ide> successive_outputs.append(output)
<ide> successive_states.append(states)
<ide> last_output = successive_outputs[-1]
<ide> new_states = successive_states[-1]
<del> outputs = tf.stack(successive_outputs)
<add> outputs = stack(successive_outputs)
<ide> else:
<ide> if go_backwards:
<ide> def _step(time, output_ta_t, *states):
<ide> for state, new_state in zip(states, new_states):
<ide> new_state.set_shape(state.get_shape())
<ide> tiled_mask_t = tf.tile(mask_t,
<del> tf.stack([1, tf.shape(output)[1]]))
<add> stack([1, tf.shape(output)[1]]))
<ide> output = tf.where(tiled_mask_t, output, states[0])
<ide> new_states = [tf.where(tiled_mask_t, new_states[i], states[i]) for i in range(len(states))]
<ide> output_ta_t = output_ta_t.write(time, output)
<ide> def random_binomial(shape, p=0.0, dtype=_FLOATX, seed=None):
<ide> if seed is None:
<ide> seed = np.random.randint(10e6)
<ide> return tf.where(tf.random_uniform(shape, dtype=dtype, seed=seed) <= p,
<del> tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype),
<del> tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype))
<add> tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype),
<add> tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype))
<ide> # CTC
<ide> def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_lengths):
<ide> # undocumented feature soon to be made public
<ide> from tensorflow.python.ops import functional_ops
<ide> label_shape = tf.shape(labels)
<del> num_batches_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[0]])
<del> max_num_labels_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[1]])
<add> num_batches_tns = stack([label_shape[0]])
<add> max_num_labels_tns = stack([label_shape[1]])
<ide> def range_less_than(previous_state, current_input):
<ide> return tf.expand_dims(tf.range(label_shape[1]), 0) < tf.fill(max_num_labels_tns, current_input) | 1 |
Go | Go | add check about filter name for containers | 8a90e8a19b8108ecdff325fc19dbdf945aa15fad | <ide><path>daemon/list.go
<ide> var acceptedVolumeFilterTags = map[string]bool{
<ide> "dangling": true,
<ide> }
<add>var acceptedPsFilterTags = map[string]bool{
<add> "ancestor": true,
<add> "before": true,
<add> "exited": true,
<add> "id": true,
<add> "isolation": true,
<add> "label": true,
<add> "name": true,
<add> "status": true,
<add> "since": true,
<add> "volume": true,
<ide> // iterationAction represents possible outcomes happening during the container iteration.
<ide> type iterationAction int
<ide> func (daemon *Daemon) reducePsContainer(container *container.Container, ctx *lis
<ide> func (daemon *Daemon) foldFilter(config *types.ContainerListOptions) (*listContext, error) {
<ide> psFilters := config.Filter
<add> if err := psFilters.Validate(acceptedPsFilterTags); err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<ide> var filtExited []int
<ide> err := psFilters.WalkValues("exited", func(value string) error {
<ide> code, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> func assertContainerList(out string, expected []string) bool {
<ide> return true
<ide> }
<add>func (s *DockerSuite) TestPsListContainersInvalidFilterName(c *check.C) {
<add> out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("ps", "-f", "invalidFilter=test")
<add> c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
<add> c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Invalid filter")
<ide> func (s *DockerSuite) TestPsListContainersSize(c *check.C) {
<ide> // Problematic on Windows as it doesn't report the size correctly @swernli
<ide> testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) | 2 |
Python | Python | update modelserializer mappings | 313b3d7c3b8dfdb159e3570c3baade827bd6d687 | <ide><path>rest_framework/
<ide> class ModelSerializer(Serializer):
<ide> models.SmallIntegerField: IntegerField,
<ide> models.TextField: CharField,
<ide> models.TimeField: TimeField,
<del> models.URLField: URLField
<add> models.URLField: URLField,
<add> models.GenericIPAddressField: IPAddressField,
<ide> # Note: Some version-specific mappings also defined below.
<ide> })
<ide> _related_class = PrimaryKeyRelatedField
<ide> class Meta:
<ide> if hasattr(models, 'UUIDField'):
<ide> ModelSerializer._field_mapping[models.UUIDField] = UUIDField
<add># IPAddressField is deprecated in Django
<add>if hasattr(models, 'IPAddressField'):
<add> ModelSerializer._field_mapping[models.IPAddressField] = IPAddressField
<ide> if postgres_fields:
<ide> class CharMappingField(DictField):
<ide> child = CharField() | 1 |
Text | Text | add readme in chinese | f40ed302df99f73a1059929041325e1d9d5e7f2f | <ide><path>
<add><img width="112" alt="screen shot 2016-10-25 at 2 37 27 pm" src="">
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<add>Next.js ๆฏไธไธช่ฝป้็บง็ React ๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆๅบ็จๆกๆถใ
<add>**ๅฏ่ฎฟ้ฎ []( ๅผๅงๅญฆไน Next.js.**
<add>[README in English](
<add><!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
<add><!-- -->
<add>- [ๆไนไฝฟ็จ](#how-to-use)
<add> - [ๅฎ่ฃ
<add> - [ไปฃ็ ่ชๅจๅๅฒ](#automatic-code-splitting)
<add> - [CSS](#css)
<add> - [ๆฏๆๅตๅ
ฅๆ ทๅผ](#built-in-css-support)
<add> - [ๅ
ๅตๆ ทๅผ](#css-in-js)
<add> - [ไฝฟ็จ CSS / Sass / Less / Stylus files](#importing-css--sass--less--stylus-files)
<add> - [้ๆๆไปถๆๅก๏ผๅฆๅพๅ)](#static-file-serving-eg-images)
<add> - [`<head>`](#populating-head)
<add> - [่ทๅๆฐๆฎไปฅๅ็ปไปถ็ๅฝๅจๆ](#fetching-data-and-component-lifecycle)
<add> - [่ทฏ็ฑ](#routing)
<add> - [`<Link>` ็จๆณ](#with-link)
<add> - [URL ๅฏน่ฑก](#with-url-object)
<add> - [ๆฟๆข่ทฏ็ฑ](#replace-instead-of-push-url)
<add> - [็ปไปถๆฏๆ็นๅปไบไปถ`onClick`](#using-a-component-that-supports-onclick)
<add> - [ๆด้ฒ`href`็ปๅญๅ
็ด ](#forcing-the-link-to-expose-href-to-its-child)
<add> - [็ฆๆญขๆปๅจๅฐ้กต้ข้กถ้จ](#disabling-the-scroll-changes-to-top-on-page)
<add> - [ๅฝไปคๅผ](#imperatively)
<add> - [ๆฆๆชๅจ `popstate`](#intercepting-popstate)
<add> - [URL ๅฏน่ฑก็จๆณ](#with-url-object-1)
<add> - [่ทฏ็ฑไบไปถ](#router-events)
<add> - [ๆต
<add> - [้ซ้ถ็ปไปถ](#using-a-higher-order-component)
<add> - [้ขๅ ่ฝฝ้กต้ข](#prefetching-pages)
<add> - [`<Link>`็จๆณ](#with-link-1)
<add> - [ๅฝไปคๅผ prefetch ๅๆณ](#imperatively-1)
<add> - [่ชๅฎไนๆๅก็ซฏ่ทฏ็ฑ](#custom-server-and-routing)
<add> - [็ฆๆญขๆไปถ่ทฏ็ฑ](#disabling-file-system-routing)
<add> - [ๅจๆๅ็ผ](#dynamic-assetprefix)
<add> - [ๅจๆๅฏผๅ
<add> - [1. ๅบ็กๆฏๆ (ๅๆ ทๆฏๆ SSR)](#1-basic-usage-also-does-ssr)
<add> - [2. ่ชๅฎไนๅ ่ฝฝ็ปไปถ](#2-with-custom-loading-component)
<add> - [3. ็ฆๆญขไฝฟ็จ SSR](#3-with-no-ssr)
<add> - [4. ๅๆถๅ ่ฝฝๅคไธชๆจกๅ](#4-with-multiple-modules-at-once)
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน `<App>`](#custom-app)
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน `<Document>`](#custom-document)
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน้่ฏฏๅค็](#custom-error-handling)
<add> - [ๆธฒๆๅ
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน้
<add> - [่ฎพ็ฝฎ่ชๅฎไนๆๅปบ็ฎๅฝ](#setting-a-custom-build-directory)
<add> - [็ฆๆญข etag ็ๆ](#disabling-etag-generation)
<add> - [้
็ฝฎ onDemandEntries](#configuring-the-ondemandentries)
<add> - [้
<add> - [้
็ฝฎๆๅปบ ID](#configuring-the-build-id)
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน webpack ้
<add> - [่ชๅฎไน babel ้
<add> - [ๆด้ฒ้
<add> - [ๅฏๅจๆๅก้ๆฉ hostname](#starting-the-server-on-alternative-hostname)
<add> - [CDN ๆฏๆๅ็ผ](#cdn-support-with-asset-prefix)
<add>- [้กน็ฎ้จ็ฝฒ](#production-deployment)
<add>- [ๆต่งๅจๆฏๆ](#browser-support)
<add>- [ๅฏผๅบ้ๆ้กต้ข](#static-html-export)
<add> - [ไฝฟ็จ](#usage)
<add> - [้ๅถ](#limitation)
<add>- [ๅค zone](#multi-zones)
<add> - [ๆไนๅฎไนไธไธช zone](#how-to-define-a-zone)
<add> - [ๆไนๅๅนถไปไปฌ](#how-to-merge-them)
<add>- [ๆๅทง](#recipes)
<add>- [FAQ](#faq)
<add>- [่ดก็ฎ](#contributing)
<add>- [ไฝ่
<add><!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
<add><a id="how-to-use" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ๆไนไฝฟ็จ
<add><a id="setup" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๅฎ่ฃ
<add>npm install --save next react react-dom
<add>ๅฐไธ้ข่ๆฌๆทปๅ ๅฐ package.json ไธญ:
<add> "scripts": {
<add> "dev": "next",
<add> "build": "next build",
<add> "start": "next start"
<add> }
<add>ไธ้ข, ๆไปถ็ณป็ปๆฏไธป่ฆ็ API. ๆฏไธช`.js` ๆไปถๅฐๅๆไธไธช่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผ่ชๅจๅค็ๅๆธฒๆใ
<add>ๆฐๅปบ `./pages/index.js` ๅฐไฝ ็้กน็ฎไธญ:
<add>export default () => <div>Welcome to next.js!</div>
<add>่ฟ่ก `npm run dev` ๅฝไปคๅนถๆๅผ `http://localhost:3000`ใ ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณไฝฟ็จๅ
ถไป็ซฏๅฃ๏ผๅฏ่ฟ่ก `npm run dev -- -p <่ฎพ็ฝฎ็ซฏๅฃๅท>`.
<add>- ่ชๅจๆๅ
็ผ่ฏ (ไฝฟ็จ webpack ๅ babel)
<add>- ็ญๅ ่ฝฝ
<add>- ไปฅ `./pages`ไฝไธบๆๅก็ซฏ็ๆธฒๆๅ็ดขๅผ
<add>- Static file serving. `./static/` is mapped to `/static/` (given you [create a `./static/` directory](#static-file-serving-eg-images) inside your project)
<add>- ้ๆๆไปถๆๅก. `./static/` ๆ ๅฐๅฐ `/static/` (ๅฏไปฅ [ๅๅปบไธไธช้ๆ็ฎๅฝ](#static-file-serving-eg-images) ๅจไฝ ็้กน็ฎไธญ)
<add>่ฟ้ๆไธช็ฎๅ็ๆกไพ๏ผๅฏไปฅไธ่ฝฝ็็ [sample app - nextgram](
<add><a id="automatic-code-splitting" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ไปฃ็ ่ชๅจๅๅฒ
ฅ`import`ไธญ็ปๅฎไปฅๅ่ขซ็จๅฐ็ไปฃ็ . ไนๅฐฑๆฏ่ฏดๅนถไธไผๅ ่ฝฝไธ้่ฆ็ไปฃ็ !
<add>import cowsay from 'cowsay-browser'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <pre>
<add> {cowsay.say({ text: 'hi there!' })}
<add> </pre>
<add><a id="css" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### CSS
<add><a id="built-in-css-support" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๆฏๆๅตๅ
ฅๆ ทๅผ
<add> <summary><b>ๆกไพ</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="">Basic css</a></li></ul>
<add>ๆไปฌ็ปๅฎ [styled-jsx]( ๆฅ็ๆ็ฌ็ซไฝ็จๅ็ CSS. ็ฎๆ ๆฏๆฏๆ "shadow CSS",ไฝๆฏ [ไธๆฏๆ็ฌ็ซๆจกๅไฝ็จๅ็ JS](
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Hello world
<add> <p>scoped!</p>
<add> <style jsx>{`
<add> p {
<add> color: blue;
<add> }
<add> div {
<add> background: red;
<add> }
<add> @media (max-width: 600px) {
<add> div {
<add> background: blue;
<add> }
<add> }
<add> `}</style>
<add> <style global jsx>{`
<add> body {
<add> background: black;
<add> }
<add> `}</style>
<add> </div>
<add>ๆณๆฅ็ๆดๅคๆกไพๅฏไปฅ็นๅป [styled-jsx documentation](ๆฅ็.
<add><a id="css-in-js" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๅ
ๅตๆ ทๅผ
<add> <summary>
<add> <b>Examples</b>
<add> </summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-styled-components">Styled components</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-styletron">Styletron</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-glamor">Glamor</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-glamorous">Glamorous</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-cxs">Cxs</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-aphrodite">Aphrodite</a></li><li><a href="./examples/with-fela">Fela</a></li></ul>
ๅตๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ CSS ๅ
ๅต JS ๅๆณใๅฆไธๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add>export default () => <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>hi there</p>
ๅตๆ ทๅผ่งฃๅณๆนๆก๏ผ็นๅซๆฏๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆ็ๆถๆ ทๅผๆดๆนใๆไปฌๅฏไปฅ้่ฟๅ
่ฃน่ชๅฎไน Document๏ผๆฅๆทปๅ ๆ ทๅผ๏ผๆกไพๅฆไธ๏ผ[custom `<Document>`](#user-content-custom-document)
<add><a id="importing-css--sass--less--stylus-files" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ไฝฟ็จ CSS / Sass / Less / Stylus files
<add>ๆฏๆ็จ`.css`, `.scss`, `.less` or `.styl`๏ผ้่ฆ้
็ฝฎ้ป่ฎคๆไปถ next.config.js๏ผๅ
<add>- [@zeit/next-css](
<add>- [@zeit/next-sass](
<add>- [@zeit/next-less](
<add>- [@zeit/next-stylus](
<add><a id="static-file-serving-eg-images" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ้ๆๆไปถๆๅก๏ผๅฆๅพๅ๏ผ
<add>ๅจๆ น็ฎๅฝไธๆฐๅปบๆไปถๅคนๅซ`static`ใไปฃ็ ๅฏไปฅ้่ฟ`/static/`ๆฅๅผๅ
<add>export default () => <img src="/static/my-image.png" alt="my image" />
<add>_ๆณจๆ๏ผไธ่ฆ่ชๅฎไน้ๆๆไปถๅคน็ๅๅญ๏ผๅช่ฝๅซ`static` ๏ผๅ ไธบๅชๆ่ฟไธชๅๅญ Next.js ๆไผๆๅฎๅฝไฝ้ๆ่ตๆบใ
<add><a id="populating-head" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ็ๆ`<head>`
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/head-elements">Head elements</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/layout-component">Layout component</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>import Head from 'next/head'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> <Head>
<add> <title>My page title</title>
<add> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
<add> </Head>
<add> <p>Hello world!</p>
<add> </div>
้ๅค็`<head>`ๆ ็ญพ๏ผไฟ่ฏ`<head>`ๅชๆธฒๆไธๆฌก๏ผๅฆไธๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add>import Head from 'next/head'
<add>export default () => (
<add> <div>
<add> <Head>
<add> <title>My page title</title>
<add> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" key="viewport" />
<add> </Head>
<add> <Head>
<add> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.2, width=device-width" key="viewport" />
<add> </Head>
<add> <p>Hello world!</p>
<add> </div>
<add>ๅชๆ็ฌฌไบไธช`<meta name="viewport" />`ๆ่ขซๆธฒๆใ
ถไป้กต้ขๅทฒ็ปๅ ่ฟไบ
<add><a id="fetching-data-and-component-lifecycle" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ทๅๆฐๆฎไปฅๅ็ปไปถ็ๅฝๅจๆ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/data-fetch">Data fetch</a></li></ul>
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ้่ฆไธไธชๆ็ถๆใ็ๅฝๅจๆๆๆๅๅงๆฐๆฎ็ React ็ปไปถ๏ผ่ไธๆฏไธ้ข็ๆ ็ถๆๅฝๆฐ๏ผ๏ผๅฆไธๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add>import React from 'react'
<add>export default class extends React.Component {
<add> static async getInitialProps({ req }) {
<add> const userAgent = req ? req.headers['user-agent'] : navigator.userAgent
<add> return { userAgent }
<add> }
<add> render() {
<add> return (
<add> <div>
<add> Hello World {this.props.userAgent}
<add> </div>
<add> )
<add> }
<add>็ธไฟกไฝ ๆณจๆๅฐ๏ผๅฝ้กต้ขๆธฒๆๆถๅ ่ฝฝๆฐๆฎ๏ผๆไปฌไฝฟ็จไบไธไธชๅผๆญฅๆนๆณ`getInitialProps`ใๅฎ่ฝๅผๆญฅ่ทๅ JS ๆฎ้ๅฏน่ฑก๏ผๅนถ็ปๅฎๅจ`props`ไธ
<add>ๅฝๆๅกๆธฒๆๆถ๏ผ`getInitialProps`ๅฐไผๆๆฐๆฎๅบๅๅ๏ผๅฐฑๅ`JSON.stringify`ใๆไปฅ็กฎไฟ`getInitialProps`่ฟๅ็ๆฏไธไธชๆฎ้ JS ๅฏน่ฑก๏ผ่ไธๆฏ`Date`, `Map` ๆ `Set`็ฑปๅใ
<add>ๅฝ้กต้ขๅๆฌกๅ ่ฝฝๆถ๏ผ`getInitialProps`ๅชไผๅจๆๅก็ซฏๆง่กไธๆฌกใ`getInitialProps`ๅชๆๅจ่ทฏ็ฑๅๆข็ๆถๅ๏ผๅฆ`Link`็ปไปถ่ทณ่ฝฌๆ่ทฏ็ฑ่ชๅฎไน่ทณ่ฝฌ๏ผๆถ๏ผๅฎขๆท็ซฏ็ๆไผ่ขซๆง่กใ
<add>ๅฝ้กต้ขๅๅงๅๅ ่ฝฝๆถ๏ผ`getInitialProps`ๅชไผๅ ่ฝฝๅจๆๅก็ซฏใๅชๆๅฝ่ทฏ็ฑ่ทณ่ฝฌ๏ผ`Link`็ปไปถ่ทณ่ฝฌๆ API ๆนๆณ่ทณ่ฝฌ๏ผๆถ๏ผๅฎขๆท็ซฏๆไผๆง่ก`getInitialProps`ใ
<add>> ๅชๆๆๅก็ซฏ็จๅฐ็ๆจกๅๆพๅจ`getInitialProps`้๏ผ่ฏท็กฎไฟๆญฃ็กฎ็ๅฏผๅ
ฅไบๅฎไปฌ๏ผๅฏๅ่[import them properly](ใ
<add>> ๅฆๅไผๆๆ
ขไฝ ็ๅบ็จ้ๅบฆใ
<add>ไฝ ไนๅฏไปฅ็ปๆ ็ถๆ็ปไปถๅฎไน`getInitialProps`๏ผ
<add>const Page = ({ stars }) =>
<add> <div>
<add> Next stars: {stars}
<add> </div>
<add>Page.getInitialProps = async ({ req }) => {
<add> const res = await fetch('')
<add> const json = await res.json()
<add> return { stars: json.stargazers_count }
<add>export default Page
<add>- `pathname` - URL ็ path ้จๅ
<add>- `query` - URL ็ query ้จๅ๏ผๅนถ่ขซ่งฃๆๆๅฏน่ฑก
<add>- `asPath` - ๆพ็คบๅจๆต่งๅจไธญ็ๅฎ้
<add>- `req` - HTTP ่ฏทๆฑๅฏน่ฑก (ๅชๆๆๅกๅจ็ซฏๆ)
<add>- `res` - HTTP ่ฟๅๅฏน่ฑก (ๅชๆๆๅกๅจ็ซฏๆ)
<add>- `jsonPageRes` - [่ทๅๆฐๆฎๅๅบๅฏน่ฑก]( (ๅชๆๅฎขๆท็ซฏๆ)
<add>- `err` - ๆธฒๆ่ฟ็จไธญ็ไปปไฝ้่ฏฏ
<add><a id="routing" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ทฏ็ฑ
<add><a id="with-link" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### `<Link>`็จๆณ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/hello-world">Hello World</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>ๅฏไปฅ็จ `<Link>` ็ปไปถๅฎ็ฐๅฎขๆท็ซฏ็่ทฏ็ฑๅๆขใ
<add>// pages/index.js
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click{' '}
<add> <Link href="/about">
<add> <a>here</a>
<add> </Link>{' '}
<add> to read more
<add> </div>
<add>// pages/about.js
<add>export default () => <p>Welcome to About!</p>
<add>ๆณจๆ๏ผๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ[`<Link prefetch>`](#prefetching-pages)ไฝฟ้พๆฅๅ้ขๅ ่ฝฝๅจๅๅฐๅๆถ่ฟ่ก๏ผๆฅ่พพๅฐ้กต้ข็ๆไฝณๆง่ฝใ
<add>1. ็ปไปถ่ทๅ
<add>2. ๅฆๆ็ปไปถๅฎไนไบ`getInitialProps`๏ผๆฐๆฎ่ทๅไบใๅฆๆๆ้่ฏฏๆ
ๅตๅฐไผๆธฒๆ `_error.js`ใ
<add>3. 1ๅ2้ฝๅฎๆไบ๏ผ`pushState`ๆง่ก๏ผๆฐ็ปไปถ่ขซๆธฒๆใ
ฅ`pathname`, `query` ๆ `asPath`ๅฐไฝ ็ปไปถไธญ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ[withRouter](#using-a-higher-order-component)ใ
<add><a id="with-url-object" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### URL ๅฏน่ฑก
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/with-url-object-routing">With URL Object Routing</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>็ปไปถ`<Link>`ๆฅๆถ URL ๅฏน่ฑก๏ผ่ไธๅฎไผ่ชๅจๆ ผๅผๅ็ๆ URL ๅญ็ฌฆไธฒ
<add>// pages/index.js
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click{' '}
<add> <Link href={{ pathname: '/about', query: { name: 'Zeit' }}}>
<add> <a>here</a>
<add> </Link>{' '}
<add> to read more
<add> </div>
<add>ๅฐ็ๆ URL ๅญ็ฌฆไธฒ`/about?name=Zeit`๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จไปปไฝๅจ[Node.js URL module documentation](ๅฎไน่ฟ็ๅฑๆงใ
<add><a id="replace-instead-of-push-url" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ๆฟๆข่ทฏ็ฑ
<add>`<Link>`็ปไปถ้ป่ฎคๅฐๆฐ url ๆจๅ
ฅ่ทฏ็ฑๆ ไธญใไฝ ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ`replace`ๅฑๆงๆฅ้ฒๆญขๆทปๅ ๆฐ่พๅ
<add>// pages/index.js
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click{' '}
<add> <Link href="/about" replace>
<add> <a>here</a>
<add> </Link>{' '}
<add> to read more
<add> </div>
<add><a id="using-a-component-that-supports-onclick" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ็ปไปถๆฏๆ็นๅปไบไปถ `onClick`
<add>`<Link>`ๆฏๆๆฏไธช็ปไปถๆๆฏๆ็`onClick`ไบไปถใๅฆๆไฝ ไธๆไพ`<a>`ๆ ็ญพ๏ผๅชไผๅค็`onClick`ไบไปถ่`href`ๅฐไธ่ตทไฝ็จใ
<add>// pages/index.js
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click{' '}
<add> <Link href="/about">
<add> <img src="/static/image.png" alt="image" />
<add> </Link>
<add> </div>
<add><a id="forcing-the-link-to-expose-href-to-its-child" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ๆด้ฒ `href` ็ปๅญๅ
็ด ๆฏไธไธชๆฒกๆ href ๅฑๆง็`<a>`ๆ ็ญพ๏ผๆไปฌๅฐไผๆๅฎๅฎไปฅๅ
็จๆท้ๅคๆไฝใ็ถ่ๆไบๆถๅ๏ผๆไปฌ้่ฆ้้ขๆ`<a>`ๆ ็ญพ๏ผไฝๆฏ`Link`็ปไปถไธไผ่ขซ่ฏๅซๆ*่ถ
้พๆฅ*๏ผ็ปๆไธ่ฝๅฐ`href`ไผ ้็ปๅญๅ
็ด ใๅจ่ฟ็งๅบๆฏไธ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅฎไนไธไธช`Link`็ปไปถไธญ็ๅธๅฐๅฑๆง`passHref`๏ผๅผบๅถๅฐ`href`ไผ ้็ปๅญๅ
็ด ใ
<add>**ๆณจๆ**: ไฝฟ็จ`a`ไนๅค็ๆ ็ญพ่ไธๆฒกๆ้่ฟ`passHref`็้พๆฅๅฏ่ฝไผไฝฟๅฏผ่ช็ไธๅปๆญฃ็กฎ๏ผไฝๆฏๅฝๆ็ดขๅผๆ็ฌ่กๆฃๆตๆถ๏ผๅฐไธไผ่ฏๅซๆ้พๆฅ๏ผ็ฑไบ็ผบไน href ๅฑๆง๏ผ๏ผ่ฟไผๅฏนไฝ ็ฝ็ซ็ SEO ไบง็่ด้ขๅฝฑๅใ
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>import Unexpected_A from 'third-library'
<add>export default ({ href, name }) =>
<add> <Link href={href} passHref>
<add> <Unexpected_A>
<add> {name}
<add> </Unexpected_A>
<add> </Link>
<add><a id="disabling-the-scroll-changes-to-top-on-page" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ็ฆๆญขๆปๅจๅฐ้กต้ข้กถ้จ
<add>`<Link>`็้ป่ฎค่กไธบๅฐฑๆฏๆปๅฐ้กต้ข้กถ้จใๅฝๆ hash ๅฎไนๆถ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ้กต้ขๅฐไผๆปๅจๅฐๅฏนๅบ็ id ไธ๏ผๅฐฑๅ`<a>`ๆ ็ญพไธๆ ทใไธบไบ้ข้ฒๆปๅจๅฐ้กถ้จ๏ผๅฏไปฅ็ป`<Link>`ๅ
<add><Link scroll={false} href="/?counter=10"><a>Disables scrolling</a></Link>
<add><Link href="/?counter=10"><a>Changes with scrolling to top</a></Link>
<add><a id="imperatively" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๅฝไปคๅผ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/using-router">Basic routing</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/with-loading">With a page loading indicator</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>ไฝ ไนๅฏไปฅ็จ`next/router`ๅฎ็ฐๅฎขๆท็ซฏ่ทฏ็ฑๅๆข
<add>import Router from 'next/router'
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click <span onClick={() => Router.push('/about')}>here</span> to read more
<add> </div>
<add><a id="intercepting-popstate" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๆฆๆชๅจ `popstate`
ๅต๏ผๆฏๅฆไฝฟ็จ[custom router](#custom-server-and-routing)๏ผ๏ผไฝ ๅฏ่ฝๆณ็ๅฌ[`popstate`](๏ผๅจ่ทฏ็ฑ่ทณ่ฝฌๅๅไธไบๅจไฝใ
<add>ๆฏๅฆ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๆไฝ request ๆๅผบๅถ SSR ๅทๆฐ
<add>import Router from 'next/router'
<add>Router.beforePopState(({ url, as, options }) => {
<add> // I only want to allow these two routes!
<add> if (as !== "/" || as !== "/other") {
<add> // Have SSR render bad routes as a 404.
<add> window.location.href = as
<add> return false
<add> }
<add> return true
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๅจ`beforePopState`ไธญ่ฟๅ false๏ผ`Router`ๅฐไธไผๆง่ก`popstate`ไบไปถใ
<add>ไพๅฆ[Disabling File-System Routing](#disabling-file-system-routing)ใ
<add>ไปฅไธ`Router`ๅฏน่ฑก็ API ๅฆไธ๏ผ
<add>- `route` - ๅฝๅ่ทฏ็ฑ็`String`็ฑปๅ
<add>- `pathname` - ไธๅ
<add>- `query` - ๆฅ่ฏขๅ
ๅฎน๏ผ่ขซ่งฃๆๆ`Object`็ฑปๅ. ้ป่ฎคไธบ`{}`
<add>- `asPath` - ๅฑ็ฐๅจๆต่งๅจไธ็ๅฎ้
<add>- `push(url, as=url)` - ้กต้ขๆธฒๆ็ฌฌไธไธชๅๆฐ url ็้กต้ข๏ผๆต่งๅจๆ ๆพ็คบ็ๆฏ็ฌฌไบไธชๅๆฐ url
<add>- `replace(url, as=url)` - performs a `replaceState` call with the given url
<add>- `beforePopState(cb=function)` - ๅจ่ทฏ็ฑๅจๅค็ไบไปถไนๅๆฆๆช.
<add>`push` ๅ `replace` ๅฝๆฐ็็ฌฌไบไธชๅๆฐ`as`๏ผๆฏไธบไบ่ฃ
้ฅฐ URL ไฝ็จใๅฆๆไฝ ๅจๆๅกๅจ็ซฏ่ฎพ็ฝฎไบ่ชๅฎไน่ทฏ็ฑๅฐไผ่ตทไฝ็จใ
<add><a id="with-url-object-1" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### URL ๅฏน่ฑก็จๆณ
<add>`push` ๆ `replace`ๅฏๆฅๆถ็ URL ๅฏน่ฑก๏ผ`<Link>`็ปไปถ็ URL ๅฏน่ฑกไธๆ ท๏ผๆฅ็ๆ URLใ
<add>import Router from 'next/router'
<add>const handler = () =>
<add> Router.push({
<add> pathname: '/about',
<add> query: { name: 'Zeit' }
<add> })
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> Click <span onClick={handler}>here</span> to read more
<add> </div>
<add>ไนๅฏไปฅๅ`<Link>`็ปไปถไธๆ ทๆทปๅ ้ขๅค็ๅๆฐใ
<add><a id="router-events" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ่ทฏ็ฑไบไปถ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็ๅฌ่ทฏ็ฑ็ธๅ
<add>- `routeChangeStart(url)` - ่ทฏ็ฑๅผๅงๅๆขๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>- `routeChangeComplete(url)` - ๅฎๆ่ทฏ็ฑๅๆขๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>- `routeChangeError(err, url)` - ่ทฏ็ฑๅๆขๆฅ้ๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>- `beforeHistoryChange(url)` - ๆต่งๅจ history ๆจกๅผๅผๅงๅๆขๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>- `hashChangeStart(url)` - ๅผๅงๅๆข hash ๅผไฝๆฏๆฒกๆๅๆข้กต้ข่ทฏ็ฑๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>- `hashChangeComplete(url)` - ๅฎๆๅๆข hash ๅผไฝๆฏๆฒกๆๅๆข้กต้ข่ทฏ็ฑๆถ่งฆๅ
<add>> ่ฟ้็`url`ๆฏๆๆพ็คบๅจๆต่งๅจไธญ็ urlใๅฆๆไฝ ็จไบ`Router.push(url, as)`๏ผๆ็ฑปไผผ็ๆนๆณ๏ผ๏ผ้ฃๆต่งๅจไธญ็ url ๅฐไผๆพ็คบ as ็ๅผใ
<add>const handleRouteChange = url => {
<add> console.log('App is changing to: ', url)
<add>'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChange)
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ไธๆณ้ฟๆ็ๅฌ่ฏฅไบไปถ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็จ`off`ไบไปถๅปๅๆถ็ๅฌ๏ผ
<add>'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChange)
<add>ๅฆๆ่ทฏ็ฑๅ ่ฝฝ่ขซๅๆถ๏ผๆฏๅฆๅฟซ้่ฟ็ปญๅๅป้พๆฅ๏ผ
<add>'routeChangeError', (err, url) => {
<add> if (err.cancelled) {
<add> console.log(`Route to ${url} was cancelled!`)
<add> }
<add><a id="shallow-routing" style="display: none"></a>
<add>##### ๆต
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/with-shallow-routing">Shallow Routing</a></li>
<add> </ul>
่ฎธไฝ ๆนๅ URL ไฝๆฏไธๆง่ก`getInitialProps`็ๅฝๅจๆใไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅ ่ฝฝ็ธๅ้กต้ข็ URL๏ผๅพๅฐๆดๆฐๅ็่ทฏ็ฑๅฑๆง`pathname`ๅ`query`๏ผๅนถไธๅคฑๅป state ็ถๆใ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็ป`Router.push` ๆ `Router.replace`ๆนๆณๅ `shallow: true`ๅๆฐใๅฆไธ้ข็ไพๅญๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add>// Current URL is "/"
<add>const href = '/?counter=10'
<add>const as = href
<add>Router.push(href, as, { shallow: true })
<add>็ฐๅจ URL ๆดๆฐไธบ`/?counter=10`ใๅจ็ปไปถ้ๆฅ็`this.props.router.query`ไฝ ๅฐไผ็ๅฐๆดๆฐ็ URLใ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅจ[`componentdidupdate`](้ฉๅญๅฝๆฐไธญ็ๅฌ URL ็ๅๅใ
<add>componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
<add> const { pathname, query } = this.props.router
<add> // verify props have changed to avoid an infinite loop
<add> if ( !== {
<add> // fetch data based on the new query
<add> }
<add>> ๆณจๆ:
<add>> ๆต
ๅฑ่ทฏ็ฑๅชไฝ็จไบ็ธๅ URL ็ๅๆฐๆนๅ๏ผๆฏๅฆๆไปฌๅๅฎๆไธชๅ
ถไป่ทฏ็ฑ`about`๏ผ่ไฝ ๅไธ้ขไปฃ็ ๆ ท่ฟ่ก:
<add>> ```js
<add>> Router.push('/?counter=10', '/about?counter=10', { shallow: true })
<add>> ```
<add>> ้ฃไน่ฟๅฐไผๅบ็ฐๆฐ้กต้ข๏ผๅณไฝฟๆไปฌๅ ไบๆต
ๅฑ่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผไฝๆฏๅฎ่ฟๆฏไผๅธ่ฝฝๅฝๅ้กต๏ผไผๅ ่ฝฝๆฐ็้กต้ขๅนถ่งฆๅๆฐ้กต้ข็`getInitialProps`ใ
<add><a id="using-a-higher-order-component" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ้ซ้ถ็ปไปถ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/using-with-router">Using the `withRouter` utility</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๅบ็จ้ๆฏไธช็ปไปถ้ฝๅค็่ทฏ็ฑๅฏน่ฑก๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ`withRouter`้ซ้ถ็ปไปถใไธ้ขๆฏๅฆไฝไฝฟ็จๅฎ๏ผ
<add>import { withRouter } from 'next/router'
<add>const ActiveLink = ({ children, router, href }) => {
<add> const style = {
<add> marginRight: 10,
<add> color: router.pathname === href? 'red' : 'black'
<add> }
<add> const handleClick = (e) => {
<add> e.preventDefault()
<add> router.push(href)
<add> }
<add> return (
<add> <a href={href} onClick={handleClick} style={style}>
<add> {children}
<add> </a>
<add> )
<add>export default withRouter(ActiveLink)
<add>ไธ้ข่ทฏ็ฑๅฏน่ฑก็ API ๅฏไปฅๅ่[`next/router`](#imperatively).
<add><a id="prefetching-pages" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ้ขๅ ่ฝฝ้กต้ข
<add>โ ๏ธ ๅชๆ็ไบง็ฏๅขๆๆๆญคๅ่ฝ โ ๏ธ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-prefetching">Prefetching</a></li></ul>
<add>Next.js ๆๅ
่ฎธไฝ ้ขๅ ่ฝฝ้กต้ข็ APIใ
<add>็จ Next.js ๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆไฝ ็้กต้ข๏ผๅฏไปฅ่พพๅฐๆๆไฝ ๅบ็จ้ๆๆๆชๆฅไผ่ทณ่ฝฌ็่ทฏๅพๅณๆถๅๅบ๏ผๆๆ็ๅบ็จ Next.js๏ผๅฏไปฅ้่ฟ้ขๅ ่ฝฝๅบ็จ็จๅบ็ๅ่ฝ๏ผๆๅคง็จๅบฆ็ๅๅงๅ็ฝ็ซๆง่ฝใ[ๆฅ็ๆดๅค](
<add>> Next.js ็้ขๅ ่ฝฝๅ่ฝๅช้ขๅ ่ฝฝ JS ไปฃ็ ใๅฝ้กต้ขๆธฒๆๆถ๏ผไฝ ๅฏ่ฝ้่ฆ็ญๅพ
<add><a id="with-link-1" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### `<Link>`็จๆณ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็ป<Link>ๆทปๅ `prefetch` ๅฑๆง๏ผNext.js ๅฐไผๅจๅๅฐ้ขๅ ่ฝฝ่ฟไบ้กต้ขใ
<add>import Link from 'next/link'
<add>// example header component
<add>export default () =>
<add> <nav>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li>
<add> <Link prefetch href="/">
<add> <a>Home</a>
<add> </Link>
<add> </li>
<add> <li>
<add> <Link prefetch href="/about">
<add> <a>About</a>
<add> </Link>
<add> </li>
<add> <li>
<add> <Link prefetch href="/contact">
<add> <a>Contact</a>
<add> </Link>
<add> </li>
<add> </ul>
<add> </nav>
<add><a id="imperatively-1" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๅฝไปคๅผ prefetch ๅๆณ
<add>ๅคงๅคๆฐ้ขๅ ่ฝฝๆฏ้่ฟ<Link />ๅค็็๏ผไฝๆฏๆไปฌ่ฟๆไพไบๅฝไปคๅผ API ็จไบๆดๅคๆ็ๅบๆฏใ
<add>import { withRouter } from 'next/router'
<add>export default withRouter(({ router }) =>
<add> <div>
<add> <a onClick={() => setTimeout(() => router.push('/dynamic'), 100)}>
<add> A route transition will happen after 100ms
<add> </a>
<add> {// but we can prefetch it!
<add> router.prefetch('/dynamic')}
<add> </div>
่ฎธๅจๅบ็จ็จๅบ็ๅฎขๆท็ซฏใไปฅ้ฒๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆๅ็้่ฏฏ๏ผๅปบ่ฎฎ prefetch ไบไปถๅๅจ`componentDidMount()`็ๅฝๅจๆ้ใ
<add>import React from 'react'
<add>import { withRouter } from 'next/router'
<add>class MyLink extends React.Component {
<add> componentDidMount() {
<add> const { router } = this.props
<add> router.prefetch('/dynamic')
<add> }
<add> render() {
<add> const { router } = this.props
<add> return (
<add> <div>
<add> <a onClick={() => setTimeout(() => router.push('/dynamic'), 100)}>
<add> A route transition will happen after 100ms
<add> </a>
<add> </div>
<add> )
<add> }
<add>export default withRouter(MyLink)
<add><a id="custom-server-and-routing" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไนๆๅก็ซฏ่ทฏ็ฑ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/custom-server">Basic custom server</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/custom-server-express">Express integration</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/custom-server-hapi">Hapi integration</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/custom-server-koa">Koa integration</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/parameterized-routing">Parameterized routing</a></li>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/ssr-caching">SSR caching</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>ไธ่ฌไฝ ไฝฟ็จ`next start`ๅฝไปคๆฅๅฏๅจ next ๆๅก๏ผไฝ ่ฟๅฏไปฅ็ผๅไปฃ็ ๆฅ่ชๅฎไน่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผๅฆไฝฟ็จ่ทฏ็ฑๆญฃๅ็ญใ
<add>ๅฝไฝฟ็จ่ชๅฎไนๆๅกๆไปถ๏ผๅฆไธ้ขไพๅญๆ็คบๅซ server.js ๆถ๏ผ็กฎไฟไฝ ๆดๆฐไบ package.json ไธญ็่ๆฌใ
<add> "scripts": {
<add> "dev": "node server.js",
<add> "build": "next build",
<add> "start": "NODE_ENV=production node server.js"
<add> }
<add>ไธ้ข่ฟไธชไพๅญไฝฟ `/a` ่ทฏ็ฑ่งฃๆไธบ`./pages/b`๏ผไปฅๅ`/b` ่ทฏ็ฑ่งฃๆไธบ`./pages/a`;
<add>// This file doesn't go through babel or webpack transformation.
<add>// Make sure the syntax and sources this file requires are compatible with the current node version you are running
<add>// See for discussions on Universal Webpack or universal Babel
<add>const { createServer } = require('http')
<add>const { parse } = require('url')
<add>const next = require('next')
<add>const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
<add>const app = next({ dev })
<add>const handle = app.getRequestHandler()
<add>app.prepare().then(() => {
<add> createServer((req, res) => {
<add> // Be sure to pass `true` as the second argument to `url.parse`.
<add> // This tells it to parse the query portion of the URL.
<add> const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true)
<add> const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl
<add> if (pathname === '/a') {
<add> app.render(req, res, '/b', query)
<add> } else if (pathname === '/b') {
<add> app.render(req, res, '/a', query)
<add> } else {
<add> handle(req, res, parsedUrl)
<add> }
<add> }).listen(3000, err => {
<add> if (err) throw err
<add> console.log('> Ready on http://localhost:3000')
<add> })
<add>`next`็ API ๅฆไธๆ็คบ
<add>- `next(opts: object)`
<add>opts ็ๅฑๆงๅฆไธ:
<add>- `dev` (`boolean`) ๅคๆญ Next.js ๅบ็จๆฏๅฆๅจๅผๅ็ฏๅข - ้ป่ฎค`false`
<add>- `dir` (`string`) Next ้กน็ฎ่ทฏๅพ - ้ป่ฎค`'.'`
<add>- `quiet` (`boolean`) ๆฏๅฆ้่ๅ
็้่ฏฏไฟกๆฏ - ้ป่ฎค`false`
<add>- `conf` (`object`) ไธ`next.config.js`็ๅฏน่ฑก็ธๅ - ้ป่ฎค`{}`
<add>็ไบง็ฏๅข็่ฏ๏ผๅฏไปฅๆดๆน package.json ้็`start`่ๆฌไธบ`NODE_ENV=production node server.js`ใ
<add><a id="disabling-file-system-routing" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ็ฆๆญขๆไปถ่ทฏ็ฑ
่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผๅฆ`/pages/some-file.js` ๆธฒๆไธบ ``๏ผ
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ็้กน็ฎไฝฟ็จ่ชๅฎไน่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผ้ฃไนๆๅฏ่ฝไธๅ็่ทฏ็ฑไผๅพๅฐ็ธๅ็ๅ
ๅฎน๏ผๅฏไปฅไผๅ SEO ๅ็จๆทไฝ้ชใ
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> useFileSystemPublicRoutes: false
<add>ไฝ ๅฆๆๆณ้
็ฝฎๅฎขๆท็ซฏ่ทฏ็ฑไธ่ฝ่ทณ่ฝฌๆไปถ่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผๅฏไปฅๅ่[Intercepting `popstate`](#intercepting-popstate)ใ
<add><a id="dynamic-assetprefix" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ๅจๆๅ็ผ
<add>ๆๆถไฝ ้่ฆ่ฎพ็ฝฎๅจๆๅ็ผ๏ผๅฏไปฅๅจ่ฏทๆฑๆถ่ฎพ็ฝฎ`assetPrefix`ๆนๅๅ็ผใ
<add>const next = require('next')
<add>const micro = require('micro')
<add>const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
<add>const app = next({ dev })
<add>const handleNextRequests = app.getRequestHandler()
<add>app.prepare().then(() => {
<add> const server = micro((req, res) => {
<add> // Add assetPrefix support based on the hostname
<add> if ( === '') {
<add> app.setAssetPrefix('')
<add> } else {
<add> app.setAssetPrefix('')
<add> }
<add> handleNextRequests(req, res)
<add> })
<add> server.listen(port, (err) => {
<add> if (err) {
<add> throw err
<add> }
<add> console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)
<add> })
<add><a id="dynamic-import" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๅจๆๅฏผๅ
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul>
<add> <li><a href="./examples/with-dynamic-import">With Dynamic Import</a></li>
<add> </ul>
<add>ext.js ๆฏๆ JavaScript ็ TC39 ๆ่ฎฎ[dynamic import proposal](ใไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅจๆๅฏผๅ
ฅ JavaScript ๆจกๅ๏ผๅฆ React ็ปไปถ๏ผใ
ฅ็ธๅฝไบๆไปฃ็ ๅๆๅไธชๅ็ฎก็ใNext.js ๆๅก็ซฏๅจๆๅฏผๅ
ฅๅ่ฝ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅๅพๅค็ซ้
<add><a id="1-basic-usage-also-does-ssr" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### 1. ๅบ็กๆฏๆ (ๅๆ ทๆฏๆ SSR)
<add>import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
<add>const DynamicComponent = dynamic(import('../components/hello'))
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> <Header />
<add> <DynamicComponent />
<add> <p>HOME PAGE is here!</p>
<add> </div>
<add><a id="2-with-custom-loading-componen" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### 2. ่ชๅฎไนๅ ่ฝฝ็ปไปถ
<add>import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
<add>const DynamicComponentWithCustomLoading = dynamic(
<add> import('../components/hello2'),
<add> {
<add> loading: () => <p>...</p>
<add> }
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> <Header />
<add> <DynamicComponentWithCustomLoading />
<add> <p>HOME PAGE is here!</p>
<add> </div>
<add><a id="3-with-no-ssr" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### 3. ็ฆๆญขไฝฟ็จ SSR
<add>import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
<add>const DynamicComponentWithNoSSR = dynamic(import('../components/hello3'), {
<add> ssr: false
<add>export default () =>
<add> <div>
<add> <Header />
<add> <DynamicComponentWithNoSSR />
<add> <p>HOME PAGE is here!</p>
<add> </div>
<add><a id="4-with-multiple-modules-at-once" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### 4. ๅๆถๅ ่ฝฝๅคไธชๆจกๅ
<add>import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
<add>const HelloBundle = dynamic({
<add> modules: () => {
<add> const components = {
<add> Hello1: import('../components/hello1'),
<add> Hello2: import('../components/hello2')
<add> }
<add> return components
<add> },
<add> render: (props, { Hello1, Hello2 }) =>
<add> <div>
<add> <h1>
<add> {props.title}
<add> </h1>
<add> <Hello1 />
<add> <Hello2 />
<add> </div>
<add>export default () => <HelloBundle title="Dynamic Bundle" />
<add><a id="custom-app" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน `<App>`
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-app-layout">Using `_app.js` for layout</a></li></ul>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-componentdidcatch">Using `_app.js` to override `componentDidCatch`</a></li></ul>
<add>็ปไปถๆฅๅๅงๅ้กต้ขใไฝ ๅฏไปฅ้ๅๅฎๆฅๆงๅถ้กต้ขๅๅงๅ๏ผๅฆไธ้ข็ไบ๏ผ
<add>- ๅฝ้กต้ขๅๅๆถไฟๆ้กต้ขๅธๅฑ
<add>- ๅฝ่ทฏ็ฑๅๅๆถไฟๆ้กต้ข็ถๆ
<add>- ไฝฟ็จ`componentDidCatch`่ชๅฎไนๅค็้่ฏฏ
<add>- ๆณจๅ
ฅ้ขๅคๆฐๆฎๅฐ้กต้ข้ (ๅฆ GraphQL ๆฅ่ฏข)
<add>้ๅ็่ฏ๏ผๆฐๅปบ`./pages/_app.js`ๆไปถ๏ผ้ๅ App ๆจกๅๅฆไธๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add>import App, {Container} from 'next/app'
<add>import React from 'react'
<add>export default class MyApp extends App {
<add> static async getInitialProps ({ Component, router, ctx }) {
<add> let pageProps = {}
<add> if (Component.getInitialProps) {
<add> pageProps = await Component.getInitialProps(ctx)
<add> }
<add> return {pageProps}
<add> }
<add> render () {
<add> const {Component, pageProps} = this.props
<add> return <Container>
<add> <Component {...pageProps} />
<add> </Container>
<add> }
<add><a id="custom-document" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน `<Document>`
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-styled-components">Styled components custom document</a></li></ul>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-amp">Google AMP</a></li></ul>
<add>- ๅจๆๅก็ซฏๅ็ฐ
<add>- ๅๅงๅๆๅก็ซฏๆถๆทปๅ ๆๆกฃๆ ่ฎฐๅ
<add>- ้ๅธธๅฎ็ฐๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆไผไฝฟ็จไธไบ css-in-js ๅบ๏ผๅฆ[styled-components](./examples/with-styled-components), [glamorous](./examples/with-glamorous) ๆ [emotion](with-emotion)ใ[styled-jsx](ๆฏ Next.js ่ชๅธฆ้ป่ฎคไฝฟ็จ็ css-in-js ๅบ
<add>`Next.js`ไผ่ชๅจๅฎไนๆๆกฃๆ ่ฎฐ๏ผๆฏๅฆ๏ผไฝ ไปๆฅไธ้่ฆๆทปๅ `<html>`, `<body>`็ญใๅฆๆๆณ่ชๅฎไนๆๆกฃๆ ่ฎฐ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๆฐๅปบ`./pages/_document.js`๏ผ็ถๅๆฉๅฑ`Document`็ฑป๏ผ
<add>// _document is only rendered on the server side and not on the client side
<add>// Event handlers like onClick can't be added to this file
<add>// ./pages/_document.js
<add>import Document, { Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'
<add>export default class MyDocument extends Document {
<add> static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
<add> const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)
<add> return { ...initialProps }
<add> }
<add> render() {
<add> return (
<add> <html>
<add> <Head>
<add> <style>{`body { margin: 0 } /* custom! */`}</style>
<add> </Head>
<add> <body className="custom_class">
<add> <Main />
<add> <NextScript />
<add> </body>
<add> </html>
<add> )
<add> }
<add>้ฉๅญ[`getInitialProps`](#fetching-data-and-component-lifecycle)ๆฅๆถๅฐ็ๅๆฐ`ctx`ๅฏน่ฑก้ฝๆฏไธๆ ท็
<add>- ๅ่ฐๅฝๆฐ`renderPage`ๆฏไผๆง่ก React ๆธฒๆ้ป่พ็ๅฝๆฐ(ๅๆญฅ)๏ผ่ฟ็งๅๆณๆๅฉไบๆญคๅฝๆฐๆฏๆไธไบ็ฑปไผผไบ Aphrodite ็ renderStatic ็ญไธไบๆๅกๅจ็ซฏๆธฒๆๅฎนๅจใ
<add>__ๆณจๆ๏ผ`<Main />`ๅค็ React ็ปไปถๅฐไธไผๆธฒๆๅฐๆต่งๅจไธญ๏ผๆไปฅ้ฃๆทปๅ ๅบ็จ้ป่พไปฃ็ ใๅฆๆไฝ ้กต้ข้่ฆๅ
ทๆ ๏ผ๏ผๅฏไปฅๅ็
<add><a id="custom-error-handling" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน้่ฏฏๅค็
<add>404ๅ500้่ฏฏๅฎขๆท็ซฏๅๆๅก็ซฏ้ฝไผ้่ฟ`error.js`็ปไปถๅค็ใๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๆนๅๅฎ๏ผๅๆฐๅปบ`_error.js`ๅจๆไปถๅคนไธญ๏ผ
<add>import React from 'react'
<add>export default class Error extends React.Component {
<add> static getInitialProps({ res, err }) {
<add> const statusCode = res ? res.statusCode : err ? err.statusCode : null;
<add> return { statusCode }
<add> }
<add> render() {
<add> return (
<add> <p>
<add> {this.props.statusCode
<add> ? `An error ${this.props.statusCode} occurred on server`
<add> : 'An error occurred on client'}
<add> </p>
<add> )
<add> }
<add><a id="reusing-the-built-in-error-page" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๆธฒๆๅ
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๆธฒๆๅ
็ฝฎ้่ฏฏ้กต้ข๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ`next/error`๏ผ
<add>import React from 'react'
<add>import Error from 'next/error'
<add>import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch'
<add>export default class Page extends React.Component {
<add> static async getInitialProps() {
<add> const res = await fetch('')
<add> const statusCode = res.statusCode > 200 ? res.statusCode : false
<add> const json = await res.json()
<add> return { statusCode, stars: json.stargazers_count }
<add> }
<add> render() {
<add> if (this.props.statusCode) {
<add> return <Error statusCode={this.props.statusCode} />
<add> }
<add> return (
<add> <div>
<add> Next stars: {this.props.stars}
<add> </div>
<add> )
<add> }
<add>> ๅฆๆไฝ ่ชๅฎไนไบไธช้่ฏฏ้กต้ข๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅผๅ
<add><a id="custom-configuration" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน้
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณ่ชๅฎไน Next.js ็้ซ็บง้
็ฝฎ๏ผๅฏไปฅๅจๆ น็ฎๅฝไธๆฐๅปบ`next.config.js`ๆไปถ๏ผไธ`pages/` ๅ `package.json`ไธ่ตท๏ผ
<add>ๆณจๆ๏ผ`next.config.js`ๆฏไธไธช Node.js ๆจกๅ๏ผไธๆฏไธไธช JSON ๆไปถ๏ผๅฏไปฅ็จไบ Next ๅฏๅจๆๅกๅทฒ็ปๆๅปบ้ถๆฎต๏ผไฝๆฏไธไฝ็จไบๆต่งๅจ็ซฏใ
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> /* config options here */
<add>module.exports = (phase, {defaultConfig}) => {
<add> //
<add> //
<add> return {
<add> /* config options here */
<add> }
็ฝฎๆไปถ่ขซๅ ่ฝฝๆถ็ๅฝๅๅ
ๅฎนใไฝ ๅฏ็ๅฐๆๆ็ phases ๅธธ้๏ผ[constants](./lib/constants.js)
<add>const {PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER} = require('next/constants')
<add>module.exports = (phase, {defaultConfig}) => {
<add> if(phase === PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER) {
<add> return {
<add> /* development only config options here */
<add> }
<add> }
<add> return {
<add> /* config options for all phases except development here */
<add> }
<add><a id="setting-a-custom-build-directory" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ่ฎพ็ฝฎ่ชๅฎไนๆๅปบ็ฎๅฝ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ่ชๅฎไนไธไธชๆๅปบ็ฎๅฝ๏ผๅฆๆฐๅปบ`build`ๆไปถๅคนๆฅไปฃๆฟ`.next` ๆไปถๅคนๆไธบๆๅปบ็ฎๅฝใๅฆๆๆฒกๆ้
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> distDir: 'build'
<add><a id="disabling-etag-generation" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ็ฆๆญข etag ็ๆ
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็ฆๆญข etag ็ๆๆ นๆฎไฝ ็็ผๅญ็ญ็ฅใๅฆๆๆฒกๆ้
็ฝฎ๏ผNext ๅฐไผ็ๆ etags ๅฐๆฏไธช้กต้ขไธญใ
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> generateEtags: false
<add><a id="configuring-the-ondemandentries" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ้
็ฝฎ onDemandEntries
<add>Next ๆด้ฒไธไบ้้กนๆฅ็ปไฝ ๆงๅถๆๅกๅจ้จ็ฝฒไปฅๅ็ผๅญ้กต้ข๏ผ
<add>module.exports = {
<add> onDemandEntries: {
<add> // period (in ms) where the server will keep pages in the buffer
<add> maxInactiveAge: 25 * 1000,
<add> // number of pages that should be kept simultaneously without being disposed
<add> pagesBufferLength: 2,
<add> }
<add>่ฟไธชๅชๆฏๅจๅผๅ็ฏๅขๆๆ็ๅ่ฝใๅฆๆไฝ ๅจ็ๆ็ฏๅขไธญๆณ็ผๅญ SSR ้กต้ข๏ผ่ฏทๆฅ็[SSR-caching](
<add><a id="configuring-extensions-looked-for-when-resolving-pages-in-pages" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ้
<add>ๅฆ typescript ๆจกๅ[`@zeit/next-typescript`](๏ผ้่ฆๆฏๆ่งฃๆๅ็ผๅไธบ`.ts`็ๆไปถใ`pageExtensions` ๅ
่ฎธไฝ ๆฉๅฑๅ็ผๅๆฅ่งฃๆๅ็ง pages ไธ็ๆไปถใ
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> pageExtensions: ['jsx', 'js']
<add><a id="configuring-the-build-id" style="display: none"></a>
<add>#### ้
็ฝฎๆๅปบ ID
<add>Next.js ไฝฟ็จๆๅปบๆถ็ๆ็ๅธธ้ๆฅๆ ่ฏไฝ ็ๅบ็จๆๅกๆฏๅชไธช็ๆฌใๅจๆฏๅฐๆๅกๅจไธ่ฟ่กๆๅปบๅฝไปคๆถ๏ผๅฏ่ฝไผๅฏผ่ดๅคๆๅกๅจ้จ็ฝฒๅบ็ฐ้ฎ้ขใไธบไบไฟๆๅไธไธชๆๅปบ ID๏ผๅฏไปฅ้
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> generateBuildId: async () => {
<add> // For example get the latest git commit hash here
<add> return 'my-build-id'
<add> }
<add><a id="customizing-webpack-config" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน webpack ้
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-webpack-bundle-analyzer">Custom webpack bundle analyzer</a></li></ul>
<add>- [@zeit/next-css](
<add>- [@zeit/next-sass](
<add>- [@zeit/next-less](
<add>- [@zeit/next-preact](
<add>- [@zeit/next-typescript](
<add>*ๆณจๆ๏ผ `webpack`ๆนๆณๅฐ่ขซๆง่กไธคๆฌก๏ผไธๆฌกๅจๆๅก็ซฏไธๆฌกๅจๅฎขๆท็ซฏใไฝ ๅฏไปฅ็จ`isServer`ๅฑๆงๅบๅๅฎขๆท็ซฏๅๆๅก็ซฏๆฅ้
<add>const withTypescript = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
<add>const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
<add>module.exports = withTypescript(withSass({
<add> webpack(config, options) {
<add> // Further custom configuration here
<add> return config
<add> }
<add>// next.config.js is not transformed by Babel. So you can only use javascript features supported by your version of Node.js.
<add>module.exports = {
<add> webpack: (config, { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders }) => {
<add> // Perform customizations to webpack config
<add> // Important: return the modified config
<add> return config
<add> },
<add> webpackDevMiddleware: config => {
<add> // Perform customizations to webpack dev middleware config
<add> // Important: return the modified config
<add> return config
<add> }
<add>`webpack`็็ฌฌไบไธชๅๆฐๆฏไธชๅฏน่ฑก๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅ่ชๅฎไน้
<add>- `buildId` - ๅญ็ฌฆไธฒ็ฑปๅ๏ผๆๅปบ็ๅฏไธๆ ็คบ
<add>- `dev` - `Boolean`ๅ๏ผๅคๆญไฝ ๆฏๅฆๅจๅผๅ็ฏๅขไธ
<add>- `isServer` - `Boolean` ๅ๏ผไธบ`true`ไฝฟ็จๅจๆๅก็ซฏ, ไธบ`false`ไฝฟ็จๅจๅฎขๆท็ซฏ.
<add>- `defaultLoaders` - ๅฏน่ฑกๅ ๏ผๅ
้จๅ ่ฝฝๅจ, ไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅฆไธ้
<add> - `babel` - ๅฏน่ฑกๅ๏ผ้
<add> - `hotSelfAccept` - ๅฏน่ฑกๅ๏ผ `hot-self-accept-loader`้
็ฝฎ้้กน.่ฟไธชๅ ่ฝฝๅจๅช่ฝ็จไบ้ซ้ถๆกไพใๅฆ [`@zeit/next-typescript`](ๆทปๅ ้กถๅฑ typescript ้กต้ขใ
<add>// Example next.config.js for adding a loader that depends on babel-loader
<add>// This source was taken from the @zeit/next-mdx plugin source:
<add>module.exports = {
<add> webpack: (config, {}) => {
<add> config.module.rules.push({
<add> test: /\.mdx/,
<add> use: [
<add> options.defaultLoaders.babel,
<add> {
<add> loader: '@mdx-js/loader',
<add> options: pluginOptions.options
<add> }
<add> ]
<add> })
<add> return config
<add> }
<add><a id="customizing-babel-config" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ่ชๅฎไน babel ้
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-custom-babel-config">Custom babel configuration</a></li></ul>
<add>ไธบไบๆฉๅฑๆนไพฟๆไปฌไฝฟ็จ`babel`๏ผๅฏไปฅๅจๅบ็จๆ น็ฎๅฝๆฐๅปบ`.babelrc`ๆไปถ๏ผ่ฏฅๆไปถๅฏ้
<add>ๅฆๆๆ่ฏฅๆไปถ๏ผๆไปฌๅฐไผ่่ๆฐๆฎๆบ๏ผๅ ๆญคไน้่ฆๅฎไน next ้กน็ฎ้่ฆ็ไธ่ฅฟ๏ผไนๅฐฑๆฏ `next/babel`้ข่ฎพใ
<add>่ฟ็ง่ฎพ่ฎกๆนๆกๅฐไผไฝฟไฝ ไธ่ฏงๅผไบๆไปฌๅฏไปฅๅฎๅถ babel ้
<add> "presets": ["next/babel"],
<add> "plugins": []
<add>`next/babel`้ข่ฎพๅฏๅค็ๅ็ง React ๅบ็จๆ้่ฆ็ๆ
<add>- preset-env
<add>- preset-react
<add>- plugin-proposal-class-properties
<add>- plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
<add>- plugin-transform-runtime
<add>- styled-jsx
<add>presets / plugins ไธๅ
่ฎธๆทปๅ ๅฐ`.babelrc`ไธญ๏ผ็ถ่ไฝ ๅฏไปฅ้
<add> "presets": [
<add> ["next/babel", {
<add> "preset-env": {},
<add> "transform-runtime": {},
<add> "styled-jsx": {},
<add> "class-properties": {}
<add> }]
<add> ],
<add> "plugins": []
<add>`"preset-env"`ๆจกๅ้้กนๅบ่ฏฅไฟๆไธบ false๏ผๅฆๅ webpack ไปฃ็ ๅๅฒๅฐ่ขซ็ฆ็จใ
<add><a id="exposing-configuration-to-the-server--client-side" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๆด้ฒ้
<add>`next/config`ๆจกๅไฝฟไฝ ๅบ็จ่ฟ่กๆถๅฏไปฅ่ฏปๅไบๅญๅจๅจ`next.config.js`็้
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> serverRuntimeConfig: { // Will only be available on the server side
<add> mySecret: 'secret'
<add> },
<add> publicRuntimeConfig: { // Will be available on both server and client
<add> staticFolder: '/static',
<add> mySecret: process.env.MY_SECRET // Pass through env variables
<add> }
<add>// pages/index.js
<add>import getConfig from 'next/config'
<add>// Only holds serverRuntimeConfig and publicRuntimeConfig from next.config.js nothing else.
<add>const {serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig} = getConfig()
<add>console.log(serverRuntimeConfig.mySecret) // Will only be available on the server side
<add>console.log(publicRuntimeConfig.staticFolder) // Will be available on both server and client
<add>export default () => <div>
<add> <img src={`${publicRuntimeConfig.staticFolder}/logo.png`} alt="logo" />
<add><a id="starting-the-server-on-alternative-hostname" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๅฏๅจๆๅก้ๆฉ hostname
<add>ๅฏๅจๅผๅ็ฏๅขๆๅกๅฏไปฅ่ฎพ็ฝฎไธๅ็ hostname๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅจๅฏๅจๅฝไปคๅ้ขๅ ไธ`--hostname ไธปๆบๅ` ๆ `-H ไธปๆบๅ`ใๅฎๅฐไผๅฏๅจไธไธช TCP ๆๅกๅจๆฅ็ๅฌ่ฟๆฅๆๆไพ็ไธปๆบใ
<add><a id="cdn-support-with-asset-prefix" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### CDN ๆฏๆๅ็ผ
<add>ๅปบ็ซไธไธช CDN๏ผไฝ ่ฝ้
็ฝฎไฝ ็ CDN ๆบใ
<add>const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
<add>module.exports = {
<add> // You may only need to add assetPrefix in the production.
<add> assetPrefix: isProd ? '' : ''
<add>ๆณจๆ๏ผNext.js ่ฟ่กๆถๅฐไผ่ชๅจๆทปๅ ๅ็ผ๏ผไฝๆฏๅฏนไบ`/static`ๆฏๆฒกๆๆๆ็๏ผๅฆๆไฝ ๆณ่ฟไบ้ๆ่ตๆบไน่ฝไฝฟ็จ CDN๏ผไฝ ้่ฆ่ชๅทฑๆทปๅ ๅ็ผใๆไธไธชๆนๆณๅฏไปฅๅคๆญไฝ ็็ฏๅขๆฅๅ ๅ็ผ๏ผๅฆ [in this example](ใ
<add><a id="production-deployment" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ้กน็ฎ้จ็ฝฒ
<add>้จ็ฝฒไธญ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅ
็ๆ็ฏๅขไปฃ็ ๏ผๅๅฏๅจๆๅกใๅ ๆญค๏ผๆๅปบๅๅฏๅจๅไธบไธ้ขไธคๆกๅฝไปค๏ผ
<add>next build
<add>next start
<add> "name": "my-app",
<add> "dependencies": {
<add> "next": "latest"
<add> },
<add> "scripts": {
<add> "dev": "next",
<add> "build": "next build",
<add> "start": "next start"
<add> }
<add>Next.js ไนๆๅ
ถไปๆ็ฎก่งฃๅณๆนๆกใ่ฏทๆฅ่ wiki ็ซ ่['Deployment']( ใ
็ฝฎ๏ผไผๆๅคงๆธฒๆ๏ผๅฆๆไฝ ไฝฟ็จ็ผ็จๅผๅๆณ็่ฏ[programmatically](#custom-server-and-routing)๏ผไฝ ้่ฆๆๅจ่ฎพ็ฝฎ`NODE_ENV=production`ใ
ๆไปถๅคน[custom dist folder](ๆพๅ
ฅ`.gitignore` ๆ `.npmignore`ไธญใๅฆๅ๏ผไฝฟ็จ`files` ๆ `now.files`
<add>ๆทปๅ ้จ็ฝฒ็ฝๅๅ๏ผๅนถๆ้ค`.next`ๆ่ชๅฎไนๆๅ
<add><a id="browser-support" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ๆต่งๅจๆฏๆ
<add>Next.js ๆฏๆ IE11 ๅๆๆ็็ฐไปฃๆต่งๅจไฝฟ็จไบ[`@babel/preset-env`](ใไธบไบๆฏๆ IE11๏ผNext.js ้่ฆๅ
จๅฑๆทปๅ `Promise`็ polyfillใๆๆถไฝ ็ไปฃ็ ๆๅผๅ
ถไป NPM ๅ
็้จๅๅ่ฝ็ฐไปฃๆต่งๅจไธๆฏๆ๏ผๅ้่ฆ็จ polyfills ๅปๅฎ็ฐใ
<add>ployflls ๅฎ็ฐๆกไพไธบ[polyfills](ใ
<add><a id="static-html-export" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ๅฏผๅบ้ๆ้กต้ข
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-static-export">Static export</a></li></ul>
<add>`next export`ๅฏไปฅ่พๅบไธไธช Next.js ๅบ็จไฝไธบ้ๆ่ตๆบๅบ็จ่ไธไพ้ Node.js ๆๅกใ
<add>่ฟไธช่พๅบ็ๅบ็จๅ ไนๆฏๆ Next.js ็ๆๆๅ่ฝ๏ผๅ
ๆฌๅจๆ่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผ้ข่ทๅ๏ผ้ขๅ ่ฝฝไปฅๅๅจๆๅฏผๅ
<add>`next export`ๅฐๆๆๆๆๅฏ่ฝๆธฒๆๅบ็ HTML ้ฝ็ๆใ่ฟๆฏๅบไบๆ ๅฐๅฏน่ฑก็`pathname`ๅ
ณ่ๅฐ้กต้ขๅฏน่ฑกใ่ฟไธชๆ ๅฐๅซๅ`exportPathMap`ใ
<add>- `page` - ๅญ็ฌฆไธฒ็ฑปๅ๏ผ้กต้ข็ๆ็ฎๅฝ
<add>- `query` - ๅฏน่ฑก็ฑปๅ๏ผๅฝ้ขๆธฒๆๆถ๏ผ`query`ๅฏน่ฑกๅฐไผไผ ๅ
<add><a id="usage" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ไฝฟ็จ
<add>้ๅธธๅผๅ Next.js ๅบ็จไฝ ๅฐไผ่ฟ่ก๏ผ
<add>next build
<add>next export
<add>`next export`ๅฝไปค้ป่ฎคไธ้่ฆไปปไฝ้
็ฝฎ๏ผๅฐไผ่ชๅจ็ๆ้ป่ฎค`exportPathMap`็ๆ`pages`็ฎๅฝไธ็่ทฏ็ฑไฝ ้กต้ขใ
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๅจๆ้
็ฝฎ่ทฏ็ฑ๏ผๅฏไปฅๅจ`next.config.js`ไธญๆทปๅ ๅผๆญฅๅฝๆฐ`exportPathMap`ใ
<add>// next.config.js
<add>module.exports = {
<add> exportPathMap: async function (defaultPathMap) {
<add> return {
<add> '/': { page: '/' },
<add> '/about': { page: '/about' },
<add> '/': { page: '/readme' },
<add> '/p/hello-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'hello-nextjs' } },
<add> '/p/learn-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'learn-nextjs' } },
<add> '/p/deploy-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'deploy-nextjs' } }
<add> }
<add> }
<add>> ๆณจๆ๏ผๅฆๆ path ็็ปๅฐพๆฏ็ฎๅฝๅ๏ผๅๅฐๅฏผๅบ`/dir-name/index.html`๏ผไฝๆฏๅฆๆ็ปๅฐพๆๆฉๅฑๅ๏ผๅฐไผๅฏผๅบๅฏนๅบ็ๆไปถ๏ผๅฆไธ`/`ใๅฆๆไฝ ไฝฟ็จ`.html`ไปฅๅค็ๆฉๅฑๅ่งฃๆๆไปถๆถ๏ผไฝ ้่ฆ่ฎพ็ฝฎ header ็`Content-Type`ๅคดไธบ"text/html".
<add>next build
<add>next export
<add>ไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅจ`package.json`ๆทปๅ ไธไธช NPM ่ๆฌ๏ผๅฆไธๆ็คบ๏ผ
<add> "scripts": {
<add> "build": "next build",
<add> "export": "npm run build && next export"
<add> }
<add>npm run export
<add>็ถๅไฝ ๅฐไผๆไธไธช้ๆ้กต้ขๅบ็จๅจ`out` ็ฎๅฝไธใ
<add>> ไฝ ไนๅฏไปฅ่ชๅฎไน่พๅบ็ฎๅฝใๅฏไปฅ่ฟ่ก`next export -h`ๅฝไปคๆฅ็ๅธฎๅฉใ
<add>็ฐๅจไฝ ๅฏไปฅ้จ็ฝฒ`out`็ฎๅฝๅฐไปปๆ้ๆ่ตๆบๆๅกๅจไธใๆณจๆๅฆๆ้จ็ฝฒ GitHub Pages ้่ฆๅ ไธช้ขๅค็ๆญฅ้ชค๏ผ[ๆๆกฃๅฆไธ](
<add>ไพๅฆ๏ผ่ฎฟ้ฎ`out`็ฎๅฝๅนถ็จไธ้ขๅฝไปค้จ็ฝฒๅบ็จ[ZEIT Now](
<add><a id="limitation" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ้ๅถ
<add>ไฝฟ็จ`next export`๏ผๆไปฌๅๅปบไบไธช้ๆ HTML ๅบ็จใๆๅปบๆถๅฐไผ่ฟ่ก้กต้ข้็ๅฝๅจๆ`getInitialProps` ๅฝๆฐใ
<add>> ๆไปฅไฝ ไธ่ฝ้ขๆๅปบ HTML ๆไปถๆถๅจๆๆธฒๆ HTML ้กต้ขใๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๅจๆๆธฒๆๅฏไปฅ่ฟ่ก`next start`ๆๅ
ถไป่ชๅฎไนๆๅก็ซฏ APIใ
<add><a id="multi-zones" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ๅค zone
<add> <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
<add> <ul><li><a href="./examples/with-zones">With Zones</a></li></ul>
<add>ไธไธช zone ๆถไธไธชๅ็ฌ็ Next.js ๅบ็จใๅฆๆไฝ ๆๅพๅค zone๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅๅนถๆไธไธชๅบ็จใ
<add>ไพๅฆ๏ผไฝ ๅฆไธๆไธคไธช zone๏ผ
<add>* ๆๅกไบ่ทฏ็ฑ `/docs/**`
<add>* ๆๅกไบๆๆ้กต้ข
<add>ๆๅค zone ๅบ็จๆๆฏๆฏๆ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅฐๅ ไธชๅบ็จๅๅนถๅฐไธไธช๏ผ่ไธๅฏไปฅ่ชๅฎไน URL ่ทฏๅพ๏ผไฝฟไฝ ่ฝๅๆถๅ็ฌๅผๅๅไธชๅบ็จใ
<add>> ไธ microservices ่งๅฟต็ฑปไผผ, ๅชๆฏๅบ็จไบๅ็ซฏๅบ็จ.
<add><a id="how-to-define-a-zone" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๆไนๅฎไนไธไธช zone
<add>zone ๆฒกๆๅ็ฌ็ API ๆๆกฃใไฝ ้่ฆๅไธ้ขไบๅณๅฏ๏ผ
<add>* ็กฎไฟไฝ ็ๅบ็จ้ๅชๆ้่ฆ็้กต้ข (ไพๅฆ, ไธๅ
ๅซ `/docs/**`)
<add>* ็กฎไฟไฝ ็ๅบ็จๆไธชๅ็ผ[assetPrefix](ใ๏ผไฝ ไนๅฏไปฅๅฎไนๅจๆๅ็ผ[dynamically](๏ผ
<add><a id="how-to-merge-them" style="display: none"></a>
<add>### ๆไนๅๅนถไปไปฌ
<add>ไฝ ่ฝไฝฟ็จ HTTP ไปฃ็ๅๅนถ zone
<add>ไฝ ่ฝไฝฟ็จไปฃ็[micro proxy](ๆฅไฝไธบไฝ ็ๆฌๅฐไปฃ็ๆๅกใๅฎๅ
่ฎธไฝ ๅฎไน่ทฏ็ฑ่งๅๅฆไธ๏ผ
<add> "rules": [
<add> {"pathname": "/docs**", "method":["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"], "dest": ""},
<add> {"pathname": "/**", "dest": ""}
<add> ]
<add>็ไบง็ฏๅข้จ็ฝฒ๏ผๅฆๆไฝ ไฝฟ็จไบ[ZEIT now](๏ผๅฏไปฅๅฎ็ไฝฟ็จ[path alias]( ๅ่ฝใๅฆๅ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅ่ฎพ็ฝฎไฝ ๅทฒไฝฟ็จ็ไปฃ็ๆๅก็ผๅไธ้ข่งๅๆฅ่ทฏ็ฑ HTML ้กต้ข
<add><a id="recipes" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ๆๅทง
<add>- [่ฎพ็ฝฎ301้ๅฎๅ](
<add>- [ๅชๅค็ๆๅกๅจ็ซฏๆจกๅ](
<add>- [ๆๅปบ้กน็ฎ React-Material-UI-Next-Express-Mongoose-Mongodb](
<add>- [ๆๅปบไธไธช SaaS ไบงๅ React-Material-UI-Next-MobX-Express-Mongoose-MongoDB-TypeScript](
<add><a id="faq" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ้ฎ็ญ
<add> <summary>่ฟไธชไบงๅๅฏไปฅ็จไบ็ไบง็ฏๅขๅ๏ผ</summary>
<add> ้ฝๆฏไธ็ด็จ Next.js ๅ็ใ
<add> ๅฎ็ๅผๅไฝ้ชๅ็ป็ซฏ็จๆทไฝ้ช้ฝๅพๅฅฝ๏ผๆไปฅๆไปฌๅณๅฎๅผๆบๅบๆฅ็ปๅคงๅฎถๅ
<add> <summary>ไฝ็งฏๅคๅคง๏ผ</summary>
<add>ๅฎขๆท็ซฏๅคงๅฐๆ นๆฎๅบ็จ้ๆฑไธไธๆ ทๅคงๅฐไนไธไธๆ ทใ
<add>ไธไธชๆ็ฎๅ Next ๅบ่ฏฅ็จ gzip ๅ็ผฉๅๅคง็บฆ65kb
<add> <summary>่ฟไธชๅ `create-react-app`?</summary>
<add>ๆฏ๏ผๅ ไธบๅฎ่ฎฉไฝ ็ SSR ๅผๅๆด็ฎๅใ
<add>ไธๆฏ๏ผๅ ไธบๅฎ่งๅฎไบไธๅฎ็็ฎๅฝ็ปๆ๏ผไฝฟๆไปฌ่ฝๅไปฅไธๆด้ซ็บง็ไบ๏ผ
<add>- ๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆ
<add>- ่ชๅจไปฃ็ ๅๅฒ
<add>ๆญคๅค๏ผNext.js ่ฟๆไพไธคไธชๅ
<add>- ่ทฏ็ฑไธๆๅ ่ฝฝ็ปไปถ: `<Link>` (้่ฟๅผๅ
ฅ `next/link`)
<add>- ไฟฎๆน`<head>`็็ปไปถ: `<Head>` (้่ฟๅผๅ
ฅ `next/head`)
<add>ๅฆๆไฝ ๆณๅๅ
ฅ Next.js ๅบ็จๅ React ๅบ็จไธญ๏ผๆจ่ไฝฟ็จ`create-react-app`ใไฝ ๅฏไปฅๆดๆน`import`ไฟๆไปฃ็ ๆธ
<add> <summary>ๆไน่งฃๅณ CSS ๅตๅ
ฅ JS ้ฎ้ข?</summary>
<add>Next.js ่ชๅธฆ[styled-jsx](ๅบๆฏๆ CSS ๅตๅ
ฅ JSใ่ไธไฝ ๅฏไปฅ้ๆฉๅ
ฅๆนๆณๅฐไฝ ็้กน็ฎไธญ๏ผๅฏๅ่ๆๆกฃ[as mentioned before](#css-in-js)ใ
<add> <summary>ๅชไบ่ฏญๆณไผ่ขซ่ฝฌๆข๏ผๆไน่ฝฌๆขๅฎไปฌ๏ผ</summary>
<add>ๆไปฌ้ตๅพช V8 ๅผๆ็๏ผๅฆไป V8 ๅผๆๅนฟๆณๆฏๆ ES6 ่ฏญๆณไปฅๅ`async`ๅ`await`่ฏญๆณ๏ผๆไปฅๆไปฌๆฏๆ่ฝฌๆขๅฎไปฌใไฝๆฏ V8 ๅผๆไธๆฏๆไฟฎ้ฅฐๅจ่ฏญๆณ๏ผๆไปฅๆไปฌไนไธๆฏๆ่ฝฌๆข่ฟ่ฏญๆณใ
ง[่ฟไบ]( ไปฅๅ [่ฟไบ](
<add> <summary>ไธบไปไนไฝฟ็จๆฐ่ทฏ็ฑ?</summary>
<add>Next.js ็็นๅซไนๅคๅฆไธๆ็คบ:
<add>- ่ทฏ็ฑไธ้่ฆ่ขซๆๅ็ฅ้
<add>- ่ทฏ็ฑๆปๆฏ่ขซๆๅ ่ฝฝ
<add>- ้กถๅฑ็ปไปถๅฏไปฅๅฎไน็ๅฝๅจๆ`getInitialProps`ๆฅ้ปๆญข่ทฏ็ฑๅ ่ฝฝ๏ผๅฝๆๅก็ซฏๆธฒๆๆ่ทฏ็ฑๆๅ ่ฝฝๆถ๏ผ
<add>ๅ ๆญค,ๆไปฌๅฏไปฅไป็ปไธไธช้ๅธธ็ฎๅ็่ทฏ็ฑๆนๆณ,ๅฎ็ฑไธ้ขไธค้จๅ็ปๆ:
<add>- ๆฏไธช้กถๅฑ็ปไปถ้ฝๅฐไผๆถๅฐไธไธช`url`ๅฏน่ฑก๏ผๆฅๆฃๆฅ url ๆไฟฎๆนๅๅฒ่ฎฐๅฝ
<add>- `<Link />`็ปไปถ็จไบๅ
ๅฆ(`<a/>`)ๆ ็ญพ็ๅ
็ด ๅฎนๅจ๏ผๆฅๆง่กๅฎขๆท็ซฏ่ฝฌๆขใ
<add>ๆไปฌ้่ฟ่ฏทๆฑๅค็ๆฅ[ๆทปๅ ](#custom-server-and-routing)ไปปๆ URL ไธไปปๆ็ปไปถไนๅ็ๆ ๅฐๅ
้ฅฐๆนๅ่ทๅๅฐ็ URLใ
<add>่ฟ็ฑไฝ ๅณๅฎใ`getInitialProps`ๆฏไธไธชๅผๆญฅๅฝๆฐ`async`๏ผไนๅฐฑๆฏๅฝๆฐๅฐไผ่ฟๅไธช`Promise`๏ผใไฝ ๅฏไปฅๅจไปปๆไฝ็ฝฎ่ทๅๆฐๆฎใ
<add> <summary>ๆๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ GraphQL ๅ?</summary>
<add>ๆฏ็! ่ฟ้ๆไธชไพๅญ[Apollo](./examples/with-apollo).
<add><summary>ๆๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็จ Redux ๅ?</summary>
<add>ๆฏ็! ่ฟ้ๆไธช[ไพๅญ](./examples/with-redux)
<add><summary>ๆๅฏไปฅๅจ Next ๅบ็จไธญไฝฟ็จๆๅๆฌข็ Javascript ๅบๆๅทฅๅ
<add>ไปๆไปฌ็ฌฌไธๆฌกๅ็ๅฐฑๅทฒ็ปๆไพ**ๅพๅค**ไพๅญ๏ผไฝ ๅฏไปฅๆฅ็่ฟไบ[ไพๅญ](./examples)ใ
<add>ๆไปฌๅฎ็ฐ็ๅคง้จๅ็ฎๆ ้ฝๆฏ้่ฟ Guillermo Rauch ็[Web ๅบ็จ็7ๅๅ](ๆฅๅฏๅๅบ็ใ
<add>PHP ็ๆ็จๆงไนๆฏไธชๅพๅฅฝ็็ตๆๆฅๆบ๏ผๆไปฌ่งๅพ Next.js ๅฏไปฅๆฟไปฃๅพๅค้่ฆ็จ PHP ่พๅบ HTML ็ๅบๆฏใ
<add>ไธ PHP ไธๅ็ๆฏ๏ผๆไปฌๅพๅฉไบ ES6 ๆจกๅ็ณป็ป๏ผๆฏไธชๆไปถไผ่พๅบไธไธช**็ปไปถๆๆนๆณ**๏ผไปฅไพฟๅฏไปฅ่ฝปๆพ็ๅฏผๅ
ฅ็จไบๆๅ ่ฝฝๅๆต่ฏ
<add>ๆไปฌ็ ็ฉถ React ็ๆๅกๅจๆธฒๆๆถๅนถๆฒกๆ่ฑ่ดนๅพๅคง็ๆญฅ้ชค๏ผๅ ไธบๆไปฌๅ็ฐไธไธช็ฑปไผผไบ Next.js ็ไบงๅ๏ผReact ไฝ่
Jordan Walke ๅ็[react-page]( (็ฐๅจๅทฒ็ปๅบๅผ)
<add><a id="contributing" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ่ดก็ฎ
<add>ๅฏๆฅ็ [](./
<add><a id="authors" style="display: none"></a>
<add>## ไฝ่
<add>- Arunoda Susiripala ([@arunoda]( โ [ZEIT](
<add>- Tim Neutkens ([@timneutkens]( โ [ZEIT](
<add>- Naoyuki Kanezawa ([@nkzawa]( โ [ZEIT](
<add>- Tony Kovanen ([@tonykovanen]( โ [ZEIT](
<add>- Guillermo Rauch ([@rauchg]( โ [ZEIT](
<add>- Dan Zajdband ([@impronunciable]( โ Knight-Mozilla / Coral Project | 1 |
Java | Java | fix measurement of virtual nodes | 008ad0200fd55b8351c108ecfbdd1890a7ae8ab9 | <ide><path>ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/flat/
<ide> private void measureHelper(int reactTag, boolean relativeToWindow, Callback call
<ide> return;
<ide> }
<add> // virtual nodes do not have values for width and height, so get these values
<add> // from the first non-virtual parent node
<add> while (node != null && node.isVirtual()) {
<add> node = (FlatShadowNode) node.getParent();
<add> }
<add> if (node == null) {
<add> // everything is virtual, this shouldn't happen so just silently return
<add> return;
<add> }
<ide> float width = node.getLayoutWidth();
<ide> float height = node.getLayoutHeight();
<del> float xInParent = node.getLayoutX();
<del> float yInParent = node.getLayoutY();
<add> boolean nodeMountsToView = node.mountsToView();
<add> // this is to avoid double-counting xInParent and yInParent when we visit
<add> // the while loop, below.
<add> float xInParent = nodeMountsToView ? node.getLayoutX() : 0;
<add> float yInParent = nodeMountsToView ? node.getLayoutY() : 0;
<del> while (true) {
<del> node = Assertions.assumeNotNull((FlatShadowNode) node.getParent());
<del> if (node.mountsToView()) {
<del> mStateBuilder.ensureBackingViewIsCreated(node);
<del> break;
<add> while (!node.mountsToView()) {
<add> if (!node.isVirtual()) {
<add> xInParent += node.getLayoutX();
<add> yInParent += node.getLayoutY();
<ide> }
<del> xInParent += node.getLayoutX();
<del> yInParent += node.getLayoutY();
<add> node = Assertions.assumeNotNull((FlatShadowNode) node.getParent());
<ide> }
<ide> float parentWidth = node.getLayoutWidth(); | 1 |
Mixed | Javascript | add domain postmortem | 4a74fc9776d825115849997f4adacb46f4303494 | <ide><path>doc/topics/
<add># Domain Module Postmortem
<add>## Usability Issues
<add>### Implicit Behavior
<add>It's possible for a developer to create a new domain and then simply run
<add>`domain.enter()`. Which then acts as a catch-all for any exception in the
<add>future that couldn't be observed by the thrower. Allowing a module author to
<add>intercept the exceptions of unrelated code in a different module. Preventing
<add>the originator of the code from knowing about its own exceptions.
<add>Here's an example of how one indirectly linked modules can affect another:
<add>// module a.js
<add>const b = require('./b');
<add>const c = require('./c');
<add>// module b.js
<add>const d = require('domain').create();
<add>d.on('error', () => { /* silence everything */ });
<add>// module c.js
<add>const dep = require('some-dep');
<add>dep.method(); // Uh-oh! This method doesn't actually exist.
<add>Since module `b` enters the domain but never exits any uncaught exception will
<add>be swallowed. Leaving module `c` in the dark as to why it didn't run the entire
<add>script. Leaving a potentially partially populated `module.exports`. Doing this
<add>is not the same as listening for `'uncaughtException'`. As the latter is
<add>explicitly meant to globally catch errors. The other issue is that domains are
<add>processed prior to any `'uncaughtException'` handlers, and prevent them from
<add>Another issue is that domains route errors automatically if no `'error'`
<add>handler was set on the event emitter. There is no opt-in mechanism for this,
<add>and automatically propagates across the entire asynchronous chain. This may
<add>seem useful at first, but once asynchronous calls are two or more modules deep
<add>and one of them doesn't include an error handler the creator of the domain will
<add>suddenly be catching unexpected exceptions, and the thrower's exception will go
<add>unnoticed by the author.
<add>The following is a simple example of how a missing `'error'` handler allows
<add>the active domain to hijack the error:
<add>const domain = require('domain');
<add>const net = require('net');
<add>const d = domain.create();
<add>d.on('error', (err) => console.error(err.message));
<add> => net.createServer((c) => {
<add> c.end();
<add> c.write('bye');
<add>Even manually removing the connection via `d.remove(c)` does not prevent the
<add>connection's error from being automatically intercepted.
<add>Failures that plagues both error routing and exception handling are the
<add>inconsistencies in how errors are bubbled. The following is an example of how
<add>nested domains will and won't bubble the exception based on when they happen:
<add>const domain = require('domain');
<add>const net = require('net');
<add>const d = domain.create();
<add>d.on('error', () => console.error('d intercepted an error'));
<add> => {
<add> const server = net.createServer((c) => {
<add> const e = domain.create(); // No 'error' handler being set.
<add> => {
<add> // This will not be caught by d's error handler.
<add> setImmediate(() => {
<add> throw new Error('thrown from setImmediate');
<add> });
<add> // Though this one will bubble to d's error handler.
<add> throw new Error('immediately thrown');
<add> });
<add> }).listen(8080);
<add>It may be expected that nested domains always remain nested, and will always
<add>propagate the exception up the domain stack. Or that exceptions will never
<add>automatically bubble. Unfortunately both these situations occur, leading to
<add>potentially confusing behavior that may even be prone to difficult to debug
<add>timing conflicts.
<add>### API Gaps
<add>While APIs based on using `EventEmitter` can use `bind()` and errback style
<add>callbacks can use `intercept()`, alternative APIs that implicitly bind to the
<add>active domain must be executed inside of `run()`. Meaning if module authors
<add>wanted to support domains using a mechanism alternative to those mentioned they
<add>must manually implement domain support themselves. Instead of being able to
<add>leverage the implicit mechanisms already in place.
<add>### Error Propagation
<add>Propagating errors across nested domains is not straight forward, if even
<add>possible. Existing documentation shows a simple example of how to `close()` an
<add>`http` server if there is an error in the request handler. What it does not
<add>explain is how to close the server if the request handler creates another
<add>domain instance for another async request. Using the following as a simple
<add>example of the failing of error propagation:
<add>const d1 = domain.create();
<add> = true; // custom member to make more visible in console
<add>d1.on('error', (er) => { /* handle error */ });
<add> => setTimeout(() => {
<add> const d2 = domain.create();
<add> = 43;
<add> d2.on('error', (er) => console.error(er.message, domain._stack));
<add> => {
<add> setTimeout(() => {
<add> setTimeout(() => {
<add> throw new Error('outer');
<add> });
<add> throw new Error('inner')
<add> });
<add> });
<add>Even in the case that the domain instances are being used for local storage so
<add>access to resources are made available there is still no way to allow the error
<add>to continue propagating from `d2` back to `d1`. Quick inspection may tell us
<add>that simply throwing from `d2`'s domain `'error'` handler would allow `d1` to
<add>then catch the exception and execute its own error handler. Though that is not
<add>the case. Upon inspection of `domain._stack` you'll see that the stack only
<add>contains `d2`.
<add>This may be considered a failing of the API, but even if it did operate in this
<add>way there is still the issue of transmitting the fact that a branch in the
<add>asynchronous execution has failed, and that all further operations in that
<add>branch must cease. In the example of the http request handler, if we fire off
<add>several asynchronous requests and each one then `write()`'s data back to the
<add>client many more errors will arise from attempting to `write()` to a closed
<add>handle. More on this in _Resource Cleanup on Exception_.
<add>### Resource Cleanup on Exception
<add>The script [`domain-resource-cleanup.js`](domain-resource-cleanup.js)
<add>contains a more complex example of properly cleaning up in a small resource
<add>dependency tree in the case that an exception occurs in a given connection or
<add>any of its dependencies. Breaking down the script into its basic operations:
<add>- When a new connection happens, concurrently:
<add> - Open a file on the file system
<add> - Open Pipe to unique socket
<add>- Read a chunk of the file asynchronously
<add>- Write chunk to both the TCP connection and any listening sockets
<add>- If any of these resources error, notify all other attached resources that
<add> they need to clean up and shutdown
<add>As we can see from this example a lot more must be done to properly clean up
<add>resources when something fails than what can be done strictly through the
<add>domain API. All that domains offer is an exception aggregation mechanism. Even
<add>the potentially useful ability to propagate data with the domain is easily
<add>countered, in this example, by passing the needed resources as a function
<add>One problem domains perpetuated was the supposed simplicity of being able to
<add>continue execution, contrary to what the documentation stated, of the
<add>application despite an unexpected exception. This example demonstrates the
<add>fallacy behind that idea.
<add>Attempting proper resource cleanup on unexpected exception becomes more complex
<add>as the application itself grows in complexity. This example only has 3 basic
<add>resources in play, and all of them with a clear dependency path. If an
<add>application uses something like shared resources or resource reuse the ability
<add>to cleanup, and properly test that cleanup has been done, grows greatly.
<add>In the end, in terms of handling errors, domains aren't much more than a
<add>glorified `'uncaughtException'` handler. Except with more implicit and
<add>unobservable behavior by third-parties.
<add>### Resource Propagation
<add>Another use case for domains was to use it to propagate data along asynchronous
<add>data paths. One problematic point is the ambiguity of when to expect the
<add>correct domain when there are multiple in the stack (which must be assumed if
<add>the async stack works with other modules). Also the conflict between being
<add>able to depend on a domain for error handling while also having it available to
<add>retrieve the necessary data.
<add>The following is a involved example demonstrating the failing using domains to
<add>propagate data along asynchronous stacks:
<add>const domain = require('domain');
<add>const net = require('net');
<add>const server = net.createServer((c) => {
<add> // Use a domain to propagate data across events within the
<add> // connection so that we don't have to pass arguments
<add> // everywhere.
<add> const d = domain.create();
<add> = { connection: c };
<add> d.add(c);
<add> // Mock class that does some useless async data transformation
<add> // for demonstration purposes.
<add> const ds = new DataStream(dataTransformed);
<add> c.on('data', (chunk) =>;
<add>}).listen(8080, () => console.log(`listening on 8080`));
<add>function dataTransformed(chunk) {
<add> // FAIL! Because the DataStream instance also created a
<add> // domain we have now lost the active domain we had
<add> // hoped to use.
<add>function DataStream(cb) {
<add> this.cb = cb;
<add> // DataStream wants to use domains for data propagation too!
<add> // Unfortunately this will conflict with any domain that
<add> // already exists.
<add> this.domain = domain.create();
<add> = { inst: this };
<add> = function data(chunk) {
<add> // This code is self contained, but pretend it's a complex
<add> // operation that crosses at least one other module. So
<add> // passing along "this", etc., is not easy.
<add> {
<add> // Simulate an async operation that does the data transform.
<add> setImmediate(() => {
<add> for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++)
<add> chunk[i] = ((chunk[i] + Math.random() * 100) % 96) + 33;
<add> // Grab the instance from the active domain and use that
<add> // to call the user's callback.
<add> const self =;
<add>, chunk);
<add> });
<add> });
<add>The above shows that it is difficult to have more than one asynchronous API
<add>attempt to use domains to propagate data. This example could possibly be fixed
<add>by assigning `parent:` in the `DataStream` constructor. Then
<add>restoring it via ` =` just before the
<add>user's callback is called. Also the instantiation of `DataStream` in the
<add>`'connection'` callback must be run inside ``, instead of simply using
<add>`d.add(c)`, otherwise there will be no active domain.
<add>In short, for this to have a prayer of a chance usage would need to strictly
<add>adhere to a set of guidelines that would be difficult to enforce or test.
<add>## Performance Issues
<add>A significant deterrent from using domains is the overhead. Using node's
<add>built-in http benchmark, `http_simple.js`, without domains it can handle over
<add>22,000 requests/second. Whereas if it's run with `NODE_USE_DOMAINS=1` that
<add>number drops down to under 17,000 requests/second. In this case there is only
<add>a single global domain. If we edit the benchmark so the http request callback
<add>creates a new domain instance performance drops further to 15,000
<add>While this probably wouldn't affect a server only serving a few hundred or even
<add>a thousand requests per second, the amount of overhead is directly proportional
<add>to the number of asynchronous requests made. So if a single connection needs to
<add>connect to several other services all of those will contribute to the overall
<add>latency of delivering the final product to the client.
<add>Using `AsyncWrap` and tracking the number of times
<add>`init`/`pre`/`post`/`destroy` are called in the mentioned benchmark we find
<add>that the sum of all events called is over 170,000 times per second. This means
<add>even adding 1 microsecond overhead per call for any type of setup or tear down
<add>will result in a 17% performance loss. Granted, this is for the optimized
<add>scenario of the benchmark, but I believe this demonstrates the necessity for a
<add>mechanism such as domain to be as cheap to run as possible.
<add>## Looking Ahead
<add>The domain module has been soft deprecated since Dec 2014, but has not yet been
<add>removed because node offers no alternative functionality at the moment. As of
<add>this writing there is ongoing work building out the `AsyncWrap` API and a
<add>proposal for Zones being prepared for the TC39. At such time there is suitable
<add>functionality to replace domains it will undergo the full deprecation cycle and
<add>eventually be removed from core.
<add>'use strict';
<add>const domain = require('domain');
<add>const EE = require('events');
<add>const fs = require('fs');
<add>const net = require('net');
<add>const util = require('util');
<add>const print = process._rawDebug;
<add>const pipeList = [];
<add>const FILENAME = '/tmp/tmp.tmp';
<add>const PIPENAME = '/tmp/node-domain-example-';
<add>const FILESIZE = 1024;
<add>var uid = 0;
<add>// Setting up temporary resources
<add>const buf = Buffer(FILESIZE);
<add>for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)
<add> buf[i] = ((Math.random() * 1e3) % 78) + 48; // Basic ASCII
<add>fs.writeFileSync(FILENAME, buf);
<add>function ConnectionResource(c) {
<add> this._connection = c;
<add> this._alive = true;
<add> this._domain = domain.create();
<add> this._id = Math.random().toString(32).substr(2).substr(0, 8) + (++uid);
<add> this._domain.add(c);
<add> this._domain.on('error', () => {
<add> this._alive = false;
<add> });
<add>util.inherits(ConnectionResource, EE);
<add>ConnectionResource.prototype.end = function end(chunk) {
<add> this._alive = false;
<add> this._connection.end(chunk);
<add> this.emit('end');
<add>ConnectionResource.prototype.isAlive = function isAlive() {
<add> return this._alive;
<add> = function id() {
<add> return this._id;
<add>ConnectionResource.prototype.write = function write(chunk) {
<add> this.emit('data', chunk);
<add> return this._connection.write(chunk);
<add>// Example begin
<add>net.createServer((c) => {
<add> const cr = new ConnectionResource(c);
<add> const d1 = domain.create();
<add>, 'r', d1.intercept((fd) => {
<add> streamInParts(fd, cr, 0);
<add> }));
<add> pipeData(cr);
<add> c.on('close', () => cr.end());
<add>function streamInParts(fd, cr, pos) {
<add> const d2 = domain.create();
<add> var alive = true;
<add> d2.on('error', (er) => {
<add> print('d2 error:', er.message)
<add> cr.end();
<add> });
<add>, new Buffer(10), 0, 10, pos, d2.intercept((bRead, buf) => {
<add> if (!cr.isAlive()) {
<add> return fs.close(fd);
<add> }
<add> if (cr._connection.bytesWritten < FILESIZE) {
<add> // Documentation says callback is optional, but doesn't mention that if
<add> // the write fails an exception will be thrown.
<add> const goodtogo = cr.write(buf);
<add> if (goodtogo) {
<add> setTimeout(() => streamInParts(fd, cr, pos + bRead), 1000);
<add> } else {
<add> cr._connection.once('drain', () => streamInParts(fd, cr, pos + bRead));
<add> }
<add> return;
<add> }
<add> cr.end(buf);
<add> fs.close(fd);
<add> }));
<add>function pipeData(cr) {
<add> const pname = PIPENAME +;
<add> const ps = net.createServer();
<add> const d3 = domain.create();
<add> const connectionList = [];
<add> d3.on('error', (er) => {
<add> print('d3 error:', er.message);
<add> cr.end();
<add> });
<add> d3.add(ps);
<add> ps.on('connection', (conn) => {
<add> connectionList.push(conn);
<add> conn.on('data', () => {}); // don't care about incoming data.
<add> conn.on('close', () => {
<add> connectionList.splice(connectionList.indexOf(conn), 1);
<add> });
<add> });
<add> cr.on('data', (chunk) => {
<add> for (var i = 0; i < connectionList.length; i++) {
<add> connectionList[i].write(chunk);
<add> }
<add> });
<add> cr.on('end', () => {
<add> for (var i = 0; i < connectionList.length; i++) {
<add> connectionList[i].end();
<add> }
<add> ps.close();
<add> });
<add> pipeList.push(pname);
<add> ps.listen(pname);
<add>process.on('SIGINT', () => process.exit());
<add>process.on('exit', () => {
<add> try {
<add> for (var i = 0; i < pipeList.length; i++) {
<add> fs.unlinkSync(pipeList[i]);
<add> }
<add> fs.unlinkSync(FILENAME);
<add> } catch (e) { }
<add>}); | 2 |
Python | Python | fix linode tests | 06a9439aeffb819c883e866950d8d4db5c238a5b | <ide><path>test/dns/
<ide> def test_get_record_zone_does_not_exist(self):
<ide> try:
<ide> record = self.driver.get_record(zone_id='444', record_id='28536')
<ide> except ZoneDoesNotExistError:
<del> self.assertEqual(e.zone_id, '4444')
<add> pass
<ide> else:
<ide>'Exception was not thrown')
<ide> def test_get_record_record_does_not_exist(self):
<ide> try:
<ide> record = self.driver.get_record(zone_id='444', record_id='28536')
<ide> except ZoneDoesNotExistError:
<del> self.assertEqual(e.zone_id, '4444')
<add> pass
<ide> else:
<ide>'Exception was not thrown')
<ide> | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | update stream2 transform for corrected behavior | c2f62d496a08e9d44bea4a459c2eab7457d724ee | <ide><path>test/simple/test-stream2-transform.js
<ide> test('assymetric transform (expand)', function(t) {
<ide> t.equal(, 'uelku');
<ide> t.equal(, 'el');
<ide> t.end();
<del> }, 100);
<add> }, 200);
<ide> });
<ide> test('assymetric transform (compress)', function(t) {
<ide> test('passthrough event emission', function(t) {
<ide> console.error('need emit 0');
<ide> pt.write(new Buffer('bazy'));
<add> console.error('should have emitted, but not again');
<ide> pt.write(new Buffer('kuel'));
<del> console.error('should have emitted readable now');
<add> console.error('should have emitted readable now 1 === %d', emits);
<ide> t.equal(emits, 1);
<ide> t.equal(, 'arkba');
<ide> test('passthrough event emission reordered', function(t) {
<ide> console.error('need emit 0');
<ide> pt.once('readable', function() {
<ide> t.equal(, 'arkba');
<del> t.equal(, 'zykue');
<ide> t.equal(, null);
<ide> console.error('need emit 1');
<ide> pt.once('readable', function() {
<del> t.equal(, 'l');
<add> t.equal(, 'zykue');
<ide> t.equal(, null);
<del> t.equal(emits, 2);
<del> t.end();
<add> pt.once('readable', function() {
<add> t.equal(, 'l');
<add> t.equal(, null);
<add> t.equal(emits, 3);
<add> t.end();
<add> });
<add> pt.end();
<ide> });
<del> pt.end();
<add> pt.write(new Buffer('kuel'));
<ide> });
<ide> pt.write(new Buffer('bazy'));
<del> pt.write(new Buffer('kuel'));
<ide> });
<ide> test('passthrough facaded', function(t) { | 1 |
Python | Python | remove config side effects from tests | caa60b1141ac02cdde1c33464be9adca114c2ed5 | <ide><path>airflow/models/
<ide> def serialize_value(value: Any):
<ide> # "pickling" will be removed in Airflow 2.0.
<ide> if conf.getboolean('core', 'enable_xcom_pickling'):
<ide> return pickle.dumps(value)
<ide> try:
<ide> return json.dumps(value).encode('UTF-8')
<del> except ValueError:
<add> except (ValueError, TypeError):
<ide> log.error("Could not serialize the XCOM value into JSON. "
<ide> "If you are using pickles instead of JSON "
<ide> "for XCOM, then you need to enable pickle "
<ide> def choose_branch(self, context: Dict) -> Union[str, Iterable[str]]:
<ide> if context['dag_run'] and context['dag_run'].external_trigger:
<ide> "Externally triggered DAG_Run: allowing execution to proceed.")
<del> return context['task'].get_direct_relative_ids(upstream=False)
<add> return list(context['task'].get_direct_relative_ids(upstream=False))
<ide> now = pendulum.utcnow()
<ide> left_window = context['dag'].following_schedule(
<ide> def choose_branch(self, context: Dict) -> Union[str, Iterable[str]]:
<ide> return []
<ide> else:
<ide>'Latest, allowing execution to proceed.')
<del> return context['task'].get_direct_relative_ids(upstream=False)
<add> return list(context['task'].get_direct_relative_ids(upstream=False))
<ide> import pytest
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from import BackfillJob
<ide> from airflow.models import DagBag
<ide> from airflow.utils import timezone
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> try:
<ide> from airflow.executors.dask_executor import DaskExecutor
<ide> class TestDaskExecutorTLS(TestBaseDask):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> self.dagbag = DagBag(include_examples=True)
<add> @conf_vars({
<add> ('dask', 'tls_ca'): get_cert('tls-ca-cert.pem'),
<add> ('dask', 'tls_cert'): get_cert('tls-key-cert.pem'),
<add> ('dask', 'tls_key'): get_cert('tls-key.pem'),
<add> })
<ide> def test_tls(self):
<add> # These use test certs that ship with dask/distributed and should not be
<add> # used in production
<ide> with dask_testing_cluster(
<del> worker_kwargs={'security': tls_security(), "protocol": "tls"},
<del> scheduler_kwargs={'security': tls_security(), "protocol": "tls"}) as (cluster, _):
<del> # These use test certs that ship with dask/distributed and should not be
<del> # used in production
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_ca', get_cert('tls-ca-cert.pem'))
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_cert', get_cert('tls-key-cert.pem'))
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_key', get_cert('tls-key.pem'))
<del> try:
<del> executor = DaskExecutor(cluster_address=cluster['address'])
<del> self.assert_tasks_on_executor(executor)
<del> executor.end()
<del> # close the executor, the cluster context manager expects all listeners
<del> # and tasks to have completed.
<del> executor.client.close()
<del> finally:
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_ca', '')
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_key', '')
<del> conf.set('dask', 'tls_cert', '')
<add> worker_kwargs={'security': tls_security(), "protocol": "tls"},
<add> scheduler_kwargs={'security': tls_security(), "protocol": "tls"}
<add> ) as (cluster, _):
<add> executor = DaskExecutor(cluster_address=cluster['address'])
<add> self.assert_tasks_on_executor(executor)
<add> executor.end()
<add> # close the executor, the cluster context manager expects all listeners
<add> # and tasks to have completed.
<add> executor.client.close()
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.executors.dask_executor.DaskExecutor.sync')
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.executors.base_executor.BaseExecutor.trigger_tasks')
<add>def disable_load_example():
<add> with conf_vars({('core', 'load_examples'): 'false'}):
<add> yield
<ide> class TestDagFileProcessor(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> clear_db_runs()
<ide> def create_test_dag(self, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE + timed
<ide> @classmethod
<ide> def setUpClass(cls):
<ide> cls.dagbag = DagBag()
<del> cls.old_val = None
<del> if conf.has_option('core', 'load_examples'):
<del> cls.old_val = conf.get('core', 'load_examples')
<del> conf.set('core', 'load_examples', 'false')
<del> @classmethod
<del> def tearDownClass(cls):
<del> if cls.old_val is not None:
<del> conf.set('core', 'load_examples', cls.old_val)
<del> else:
<del> conf.remove_option('core', 'load_examples')
<ide> def test_dag_file_processor_sla_miss_callback(self):
<ide> """
<ide> def test_process_file_queries_count(
<ide> processor.process_file(ELASTIC_DAG_FILE, [])
<ide> class TestSchedulerJob(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> @classmethod
<ide> def setUpClass(cls):
<ide> cls.dagbag = DagBag()
<del> cls.old_val = None
<del> if conf.has_option('core', 'load_examples'):
<del> cls.old_val = conf.get('core', 'load_examples')
<del> conf.set('core', 'load_examples', 'false')
<del> @classmethod
<del> def tearDownClass(cls):
<del> if cls.old_val is not None:
<del> conf.set('core', 'load_examples', cls.old_val)
<del> else:
<del> conf.remove_option('core', 'load_examples')
<ide> def test_is_alive(self):
<ide> job = SchedulerJob(None, heartrate=10, state=State.RUNNING)
<ide> import unittest
<ide> from airflow import settings
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from airflow.models import DAG, TaskInstance as TI, XCom, clear_task_instances
<ide> from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
<ide> from airflow.utils import timezone
<ide> from airflow.utils.session import create_session
<ide> from airflow.utils.state import State
<ide> from tests.models import DEFAULT_DATE
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> class TestClearTasks(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> def test_operator_clear(self):
<ide> # try_number (0) + retries(1)
<ide> self.assertEqual(ti2.max_tries, 1)
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "enable_xcom_pickling"): "False"})
<ide> def test_xcom_disable_pickle_type(self):
<ide> json_obj = {"key": "value"}
<ide> execution_date = timezone.utcnow()
<ide> key = "xcom_test1"
<ide> dag_id = "test_dag1"
<ide> task_id = "test_task1"
<del> conf.set("core", "enable_xcom_pickling", "False")
<ide> XCom.set(key=key,
<ide> value=json_obj,
<ide> dag_id=dag_id,
<ide> def test_xcom_disable_pickle_type(self):
<ide> self.assertEqual(ret_value, json_obj)
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "enable_xcom_pickling"): "True"})
<ide> def test_xcom_enable_pickle_type(self):
<ide> json_obj = {"key": "value"}
<ide> execution_date = timezone.utcnow()
<ide> key = "xcom_test2"
<ide> dag_id = "test_dag2"
<ide> task_id = "test_task2"
<del> conf.set("core", "enable_xcom_pickling", "True")
<ide> XCom.set(key=key,
<ide> value=json_obj,
<ide> dag_id=dag_id,
<ide> def test_xcom_enable_pickle_type(self):
<ide> self.assertEqual(ret_value, json_obj)
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "xcom_enable_pickling"): "False"})
<ide> def test_xcom_disable_pickle_type_fail_on_non_json(self):
<ide> class PickleRce:
<ide> def __reduce__(self):
<ide> return os.system, ("ls -alt",)
<del> conf.set("core", "xcom_enable_pickling", "False")
<ide> self.assertRaises(TypeError, XCom.set,
<ide> key="xcom_test3",
<ide> value=PickleRce(),
<ide> dag_id="test_dag3",
<ide> task_id="test_task3",
<ide> execution_date=timezone.utcnow())
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "xcom_enable_pickling"): "True"})
<ide> def test_xcom_get_many(self):
<ide> json_obj = {"key": "value"}
<ide> execution_date = timezone.utcnow()
<ide> def test_xcom_get_many(self):
<ide> dag_id2 = "test_dag5"
<ide> task_id2 = "test_task5"
<del> conf.set("core", "xcom_enable_pickling", "True")
<ide> XCom.set(key=key,
<ide> value=json_obj,
<ide> dag_id=dag_id1,
<ide> from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
<ide> from airflow import models, settings
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, AirflowSkipException
<ide> from airflow.models import (
<ide> DAG, DagRun, Pool, RenderedTaskInstanceFields, TaskFail, TaskInstance as TI, TaskReschedule, Variable,
<ide> from airflow.utils.state import State
<ide> from tests.models import DEFAULT_DATE
<ide> from tests.test_utils import db
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> class CallbackWrapper:
<ide> def test_email_alert(self, mock_send_email):
<ide> self.assertIn('test_email_alert', body)
<ide> self.assertIn('Try 1', body)
<add> @conf_vars({
<add> ('email', 'subject_template'): '/subject/path',
<add> ('email', 'html_content_template'): '/html_content/path',
<add> })
<ide> @patch('airflow.models.taskinstance.send_email')
<ide> def test_email_alert_with_config(self, mock_send_email):
<ide> dag = models.DAG(dag_id='test_failure_email')
<ide> def test_email_alert_with_config(self, mock_send_email):
<ide> ti = TI(
<ide> task=task,
<del> conf.set('email', 'subject_template', '/subject/path')
<del> conf.set('email', 'html_content_template', '/html_content/path')
<ide> opener = mock_open(read_data='template: {{ti.task_id}}')
<ide> with patch('', opener, create=True):
<ide> try:
<ide> def test_resolve_xcom_class_fallback_to_basexcom(self):
<ide> assert cls().serialize_value([1]) == b"[1]"
<ide> @conf_vars({("core", "enable_xcom_pickling"): "False"})
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "xcom_backend"): "to be removed"})
<ide> def test_resolve_xcom_class_fallback_to_basexcom_no_config(self):
<del> init = conf.get("core", "xcom_backend")
<ide> conf.remove_option("core", "xcom_backend")
<ide> cls = resolve_xcom_backend()
<ide> assert issubclass(cls, BaseXCom)
<ide> assert cls().serialize_value([1]) == b"[1]"
<del> conf.set("core", "xcom_backend", init)
<ide> import boto3
<ide> from moto import mock_s3
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from airflow.models import DAG, TaskInstance
<ide> from import S3ToSFTPOperator
<ide> from airflow.providers.ssh.operators.ssh import SSHOperator
<ide> from airflow.utils import timezone
<ide> from airflow.utils.timezone import datetime
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> TASK_ID = 'test_s3_to_sftp'
<ide> BUCKET = 'test-s3-bucket'
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> self.s3_key = S3_KEY
<ide> @mock_s3
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "enable_xcom_pickling"): "True"})
<ide> def test_s3_to_sftp_operation(self):
<ide> # Setting
<del> conf.set("core", "enable_xcom_pickling", "True")
<ide> test_remote_file_content = \
<ide> "This is remote file content \n which is also multiline " \
<ide> "another line here \n this is last line. EOF"
<ide> import unittest
<ide> from argparse import Namespace
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from import kerberos
<ide> from import renew_from_kt
<ide> from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<add>KRB5_KTNAME = os.environ.get('KRB5_KTNAME')
<del>@unittest.skipIf('KRB5_KTNAME' not in os.environ,
<del> 'Skipping Kerberos API tests due to missing KRB5_KTNAME')
<add>@unittest.skipIf(KRB5_KTNAME is None, 'Skipping Kerberos API tests due to missing KRB5_KTNAME')
<ide> class TestKerberos(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<del> if not conf.has_section("kerberos"):
<del> conf.add_section("kerberos")
<del> conf.set("kerberos", "keytab",
<del> os.environ['KRB5_KTNAME'])
<del> keytab_from_cfg = conf.get("kerberos", "keytab")
<del> self.args = Namespace(keytab=keytab_from_cfg, principal=None, pid=None,
<add> self.args = Namespace(keytab=KRB5_KTNAME, principal=None, pid=None,
<ide> daemon=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, log_file=None)
<add> @conf_vars({('kerberos', 'keytab'): KRB5_KTNAME})
<ide> def test_renew_from_kt(self):
<ide> """
<ide> We expect no result, but a successful run. No more TypeError
<ide> """
<ide> self.assertIsNone(renew_from_kt(principal=self.args.principal, # pylint: disable=no-member
<ide> keytab=self.args.keytab))
<add> @conf_vars({('kerberos', 'keytab'): ''})
<ide> def test_args_from_cli(self):
<ide> """
<ide> We expect no result, but a run with sys.exit(1) because keytab not exist.
<ide> """
<ide> self.args.keytab = "test_keytab"
<del> with conf_vars({('kerberos', 'keytab'): ''}):
<del> with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as err:
<del> renew_from_kt(principal=self.args.principal, # pylint: disable=no-member
<del> keytab=self.args.keytab)
<add> with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as err:
<add> renew_from_kt(principal=self.args.principal, # pylint: disable=no-member
<add> keytab=self.args.keytab)
<del> with self.assertLogs(kerberos.log) as log:
<del> self.assertIn(
<del> 'kinit: krb5_init_creds_set_keytab: Failed to find '
<del> 'airflow@LUPUS.GRIDDYNAMICS.NET in keytab FILE:{} '
<del> '(unknown enctype)'.format(self.args.keytab), log.output)
<add> with self.assertLogs(kerberos.log) as log:
<add> self.assertIn(
<add> 'kinit: krb5_init_creds_set_keytab: Failed to find '
<add> 'airflow@LUPUS.GRIDDYNAMICS.NET in keytab FILE:{} '
<add> '(unknown enctype)'.format(self.args.keytab), log.output)
<del> self.assertEqual(err.exception.code, 1)
<add> self.assertEqual(err.exception.code, 1)
<ide> })
<ide> class TestConf(unittest.TestCase):
<del> @classmethod
<del> def setUpClass(cls):
<del> conf.set('core', 'percent', 'with%%inside')
<ide> def test_airflow_home_default(self):
<ide> with unittest.mock.patch.dict('os.environ'):
<ide> if 'AIRFLOW_HOME' in os.environ:
<ide> def test_airflow_config_override(self):
<ide> get_airflow_config('/home//airflow'),
<ide> '/path/to/airflow/airflow.cfg')
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "percent"): "with%%inside"})
<ide> def test_case_sensitivity(self):
<ide> # section and key are case insensitive for get method
<ide> # note: this is not the case for as_dict method
<ide> def test_env_var_config(self):
<ide> 'os.environ',
<ide> )
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "percent"): "with%%inside"})
<ide> def test_conf_as_dict(self):
<ide> cfg_dict = conf.as_dict()
<ide> def test_conf_as_dict_sensitive(self):
<ide> self.assertEqual(
<ide> cfg_dict['testsection']['testkey'], ('testvalue', 'env var'))
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "percent"): "with%%inside"})
<ide> def test_conf_as_dict_raw(self):
<ide> # test display_sensitive
<ide> cfg_dict = conf.as_dict(raw=True, display_sensitive=True)
<ide> def test_deprecated_options(self):
<ide> with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', AIRFLOW__CELERY__CELERYD_CONCURRENCY="99"):
<ide> self.assertEqual(conf.getint('celery', 'worker_concurrency'), 99)
<del> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
<del> conf.set('celery', 'celeryd_concurrency', '99')
<add> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning), conf_vars({('celery', 'celeryd_concurrency'): '99'}):
<ide> self.assertEqual(conf.getint('celery', 'worker_concurrency'), 99)
<del> conf.remove_option('celery', 'celeryd_concurrency')
<ide> @conf_vars({
<ide> ('logging', 'logging_level'): None,
<ide> def test_deprecated_options_with_new_section(self):
<ide> with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', AIRFLOW__CORE__LOGGING_LEVEL="VALUE"):
<ide> self.assertEqual(conf.get('logging', 'logging_level'), "VALUE")
<del> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
<del> conf.set('core', 'logging_level', 'VALUE')
<add> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning), conf_vars({('core', 'logging_level'): 'VALUE'}):
<ide> self.assertEqual(conf.get('logging', 'logging_level'), "VALUE")
<del> conf.remove_option('core', 'logging_level')
<ide> @conf_vars({
<ide> ("celery", "result_backend"): None,
<ide> def test_deprecated_options_cmd(self):
<ide> conf.as_command_stdout.add(('celery', 'celery_result_backend'))
<ide> conf.remove_option('celery', 'result_backend')
<del> conf.set('celery', 'celery_result_backend_cmd', '/bin/echo 99')
<del> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
<del> tmp = None
<del> if 'AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND' in os.environ:
<del> tmp = os.environ.pop('AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND')
<del> self.assertEqual(conf.getint('celery', 'result_backend'), 99)
<del> if tmp:
<del> os.environ['AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND'] = tmp
<add> with conf_vars({('celery', 'celery_result_backend_cmd'): '/bin/echo 99'}):
<add> with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
<add> tmp = None
<add> if 'AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND' in os.environ:
<add> tmp = os.environ.pop('AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND')
<add> self.assertEqual(conf.getint('celery', 'result_backend'), 99)
<add> if tmp:
<add> os.environ['AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND'] = tmp
<ide> def test_deprecated_values(self):
<ide> def make_config():
<ide> # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
<ide> # specific language governing permissions and limitations
<ide> # under the License.
<add>import contextlib
<ide> import importlib
<ide> import os
<ide> import pathlib
<ide> SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME = 'custom_airflow_local_settings'
<del>class settings_context: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
<add>def settings_context(content, directory=None, name='LOGGING_CONFIG'):
<ide> """
<ide> Sets a settings file and puts it in the Python classpath
<ide> :param content:
<ide> The content of the settings file
<ide> """
<add> settings_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
<add> filename = f"{SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME}.py"
<add> if directory:
<add> # Replace slashes by dots
<add> module = directory.replace('/', '.') + '.' + SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<add> # Create the directory structure
<add> dir_path = os.path.join(settings_root, directory)
<add> pathlib.Path(dir_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
<del> def __init__(self, content, directory=None, name='LOGGING_CONFIG'):
<del> self.content = content
<del> self.settings_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
<del> filename = "{}.py".format(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME)
<del> if directory:
<del> # Replace slashes by dots
<del> self.module = directory.replace('/', '.') + '.' + SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<del> # Create the directory structure
<del> dir_path = os.path.join(self.settings_root, directory)
<del> pathlib.Path(dir_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
<del> # Add the __init__ for the directories
<del> # This is required for Python 2.7
<del> basedir = self.settings_root
<del> for part in directory.split('/'):
<del> open(os.path.join(basedir, ''), 'w').close()
<del> basedir = os.path.join(basedir, part)
<add> # Add the __init__ for the directories
<add> # This is required for Python 2.7
<add> basedir = settings_root
<add> for part in directory.split('/'):
<ide> open(os.path.join(basedir, ''), 'w').close()
<add> basedir = os.path.join(basedir, part)
<add> open(os.path.join(basedir, ''), 'w').close()
<add> settings_file = os.path.join(dir_path, filename)
<add> else:
<add> module = SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<add> settings_file = os.path.join(settings_root, filename)
<add> with open(settings_file, 'w') as handle:
<add> handle.writelines(content)
<add> sys.path.append(settings_root)
<add> with conf_vars({('logging', 'logging_config_class'): module}):
<add> yield settings_file
<del> self.settings_file = os.path.join(dir_path, filename)
<del> else:
<del> self.module = SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<del> self.settings_file = os.path.join(self.settings_root, filename)
<del> def __enter__(self):
<del> with open(self.settings_file, 'w') as handle:
<del> handle.writelines(self.content)
<del> sys.path.append(self.settings_root)
<del> conf.set(
<del> 'logging',
<del> 'logging_config_class',
<del> self.module
<del> )
<del> return self.settings_file
<del> def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
<del> # shutil.rmtree(self.settings_root)
<del> # Reset config
<del> conf.set('logging', 'logging_config_class', '')
<del> sys.path.remove(self.settings_root)
<add> sys.path.remove(settings_root)
<ide> class TestLoggingSettings(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> # under the License.
<ide> import os
<del>import pathlib
<ide> import sys
<del>import tempfile
<ide> import unittest
<ide> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
<ide> from unittest import mock
<ide> from airflow.utils.file import correct_maybe_zipped, open_maybe_zipped
<ide> from airflow.utils.session import create_session
<ide> from airflow.utils.state import State
<add>from tests.test_logging_config import SETTINGS_FILE_VALID, settings_context
<ide> from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> from tests.test_utils.db import clear_db_runs
<ide> DEFAULT_DATE = timezone.datetime(2016, 1, 1)
<del> 'version': 1,
<del> 'disable_existing_loggers': False,
<del> 'formatters': {
<del> 'airflow.task': {
<del> 'format': '[%(asctime)s] {%(process)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
<del> },
<del> },
<del> 'handlers': {
<del> 'console': {
<del> 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
<del> 'formatter': 'airflow.task',
<del> 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout'
<del> },
<del> 'task': {
<del> 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
<del> 'formatter': 'airflow.task',
<del> 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout'
<del> },
<del> },
<del> 'loggers': {
<del> 'airflow': {
<del> 'handlers': ['console'],
<del> 'level': 'INFO',
<del> 'propagate': False
<del> },
<del> 'airflow.task': {
<del> 'handlers': ['task'],
<del> 'level': 'INFO',
<del> 'propagate': False,
<del> },
<del> }
<del>SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME = 'custom_airflow_local_settings'
<del>class settings_context: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
<del> """
<del> Sets a settings file and puts it in the Python classpath
<del> :param content:
<del> The content of the settings file
<del> """
<del> def __init__(self, content, directory=None, name='LOGGING_CONFIG'):
<del> self.content = content
<del> self.settings_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
<del> filename = "{}.py".format(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME)
<del> if directory:
<del> # Replace slashes by dots
<del> self.module = directory.replace('/', '.') + '.' + SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<del> # Create the directory structure
<del> dir_path = os.path.join(self.settings_root, directory)
<del> pathlib.Path(dir_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
<del> # Add the __init__ for the directories
<del> # This is required for Python 2.7
<del> basedir = self.settings_root
<del> for part in directory.split('/'):
<del> open(os.path.join(basedir, ''), 'w').close()
<del> basedir = os.path.join(basedir, part)
<del> open(os.path.join(basedir, ''), 'w').close()
<del> self.settings_file = os.path.join(dir_path, filename)
<del> else:
<del> self.module = SETTINGS_DEFAULT_NAME + '.' + name
<del> self.settings_file = os.path.join(self.settings_root, filename)
<del> def __enter__(self):
<del> with open(self.settings_file, 'w') as handle:
<del> handle.writelines(self.content)
<del> sys.path.append(self.settings_root)
<del> conf.set(
<del> 'logging',
<del> 'logging_config_class',
<del> self.module
<del> )
<del> return self.settings_file
<del> def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
<del> # shutil.rmtree(self.settings_root)
<del> # Reset config
<del> conf.set('logging', 'logging_config_class', '')
<del> sys.path.remove(self.settings_root)
<ide> class TestDagFileProcessorManager(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> def test_custom_backend(self, mock_send_email):
<ide> self.assertFalse(mock_send_email.called)
<add>@conf_vars({('smtp', 'SMTP_SSL'): 'False'})
<ide> class TestEmailSmtp(unittest.TestCase):
<del> def setUp(self):
<del> conf.set('smtp', 'SMTP_SSL', 'False')
<ide> @mock.patch('')
<ide> def test_send_smtp(self, mock_send_mime):
<ide> attachment = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
<ide> import unittest
<ide> from airflow.config_templates.airflow_local_settings import DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from airflow.models import DAG, TaskInstance
<ide> from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
<ide> from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import set_context
<ide> from airflow.utils.timezone import datetime
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<ide> DEFAULT_DATE = datetime(2019, 1, 1)
<ide> TASK_LOGGER = 'airflow.task'
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> 'formatter': 'airflow',
<ide> 'stream': 'sys.stdout'
<ide> }
<del> conf.set('logging', 'task_log_prefix_template', "{{ti.dag_id}}-{{ti.task_id}}")
<ide> logging.config.dictConfig(DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG)
<ide> logging.root.disabled = False
<ide> def tearDown(self):
<ide> super().tearDown()
<add> @conf_vars({('logging', 'task_log_prefix_template'): "{{ti.dag_id}}-{{ti.task_id}}"})
<ide> def test_formatter(self):
<ide> dag = DAG('test_dag', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE)
<ide> task = DummyOperator(task_id='test_task', dag=dag)
<ide> import pytest
<ide> from airflow.api.auth.backend.kerberos_auth import CLIENT_AUTH
<del>from airflow.configuration import conf
<ide> from airflow.www import app as application
<add>from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars
<add>KRB5_KTNAME = os.environ.get("KRB5_KTNAME")
<ide> @pytest.mark.integration("kerberos")
<ide> class TestApiKerberos(unittest.TestCase):
<add> @conf_vars({
<add> ("api", "auth_backend"): "airflow.api.auth.backend.kerberos_auth",
<add> ("kerberos", "keytab"): KRB5_KTNAME,
<add> })
<ide> def setUp(self):
<del> try:
<del> conf.add_section("api")
<del> except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
<del> pass
<del> conf.set("api",
<del> "auth_backend",
<del> "airflow.api.auth.backend.kerberos_auth")
<del> try:
<del> conf.add_section("kerberos")
<del> except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
<del> pass
<del> conf.set("kerberos",
<del> "keytab",
<del> os.environ['KRB5_KTNAME'])
<ide>, _ = application.create_app(testing=True)
<ide> def test_trigger_dag(self):
<ide> def test_list(self):
<ide> class TestMountPoint(unittest.TestCase):
<ide> @classmethod
<add> @conf_vars({("webserver", "base_url"): "http://localhost/test"})
<ide> def setUpClass(cls):
<ide> = None
<ide> application.appbuilder = None
<del> conf.set("webserver", "base_url", "http://localhost/test")
<ide> app = application.cached_app(config={'WTF_CSRF_ENABLED': False}, session=Session, testing=True)
<ide> cls.client = Client(app, BaseResponse)
<ide> def test_task_stats(self):
<ide> self.assertEqual(set(list(resp.json.items())[0][1][0].keys()),
<ide> {'state', 'count', 'color'})
<add> @conf_vars({("webserver", "show_recent_stats_for_completed_runs"): "False"})
<ide> def test_task_stats_only_noncompleted(self):
<del> conf.set("webserver", "show_recent_stats_for_completed_runs", "False")
<ide> resp ='task_stats', follow_redirects=True)
<ide> self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
<ide> def test_code_no_file(self):
<ide> self.check_content_in_response('Failed to load file', resp)
<ide> self.check_content_in_response('example_bash_operator', resp)
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "store_dag_code"): "True"})
<ide> def test_code_from_db(self):
<del> with conf_vars(
<del> {
<del> ("core", "store_dag_code"): "True"
<del> }
<del> ):
<del> from airflow.models.dagcode import DagCode
<del> dag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True).get_dag("example_bash_operator")
<del> DagCode(dag.fileloc, DagCode._get_code_from_file(dag.fileloc)).sync_to_db()
<del> url = 'code?dag_id=example_bash_operator'
<del> resp = self.client.get(url)
<del> self.check_content_not_in_response('Failed to load file', resp)
<del> self.check_content_in_response('example_bash_operator', resp)
<add> from airflow.models.dagcode import DagCode
<add> dag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True).get_dag("example_bash_operator")
<add> DagCode(dag.fileloc, DagCode._get_code_from_file(dag.fileloc)).sync_to_db()
<add> url = 'code?dag_id=example_bash_operator'
<add> resp = self.client.get(url)
<add> self.check_content_not_in_response('Failed to load file', resp)
<add> self.check_content_in_response('example_bash_operator', resp)
<add> @conf_vars({("core", "store_dag_code"): "True"})
<ide> def test_code_from_db_all_example_dags(self):
<del> with conf_vars(
<del> {
<del> ("core", "store_dag_code"): "True"
<del> }
<del> ):
<del> from airflow.models.dagcode import DagCode
<del> dagbag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True)
<del> for dag in dagbag.dags.values():
<del> DagCode(dag.fileloc, DagCode._get_code_from_file(dag.fileloc)).sync_to_db()
<del> url = 'code?dag_id=example_bash_operator'
<del> resp = self.client.get(url)
<del> self.check_content_not_in_response('Failed to load file', resp)
<del> self.check_content_in_response('example_bash_operator', resp)
<add> from airflow.models.dagcode import DagCode
<add> dagbag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True)
<add> for dag in dagbag.dags.values():
<add> DagCode(dag.fileloc, DagCode._get_code_from_file(dag.fileloc)).sync_to_db()
<add> url = 'code?dag_id=example_bash_operator'
<add> resp = self.client.get(url)
<add> self.check_content_not_in_response('Failed to load file', resp)
<add> self.check_content_in_response('example_bash_operator', resp)
<ide> def test_paused(self):
<ide> url = 'paused?dag_id=example_bash_operator&is_paused=false'
<ide> def setUp(self):
<ide> with open(settings_file, 'w') as handle:
<ide> handle.writelines(new_logging_file)
<ide> sys.path.append(self.settings_folder)
<del> conf.set('logging', 'logging_config_class', 'airflow_local_settings.LOGGING_CONFIG')
<del>, self.appbuilder = application.create_app(session=Session, testing=True)
<del>['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False
<del> self.client =
<del> settings.configure_orm()
<del> self.login()
<del> from airflow.www.views import dagbag
<del> dag = DAG(self.DAG_ID, start_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE)
<del> dag.sync_to_db()
<del> dag_removed = DAG(self.DAG_ID_REMOVED, start_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE)
<del> dag_removed.sync_to_db()
<del> dagbag.bag_dag(dag, parent_dag=dag, root_dag=dag)
<del> with create_session() as session:
<del> self.ti = TaskInstance(
<del> task=DummyOperator(task_id=self.TASK_ID, dag=dag),
<del> execution_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE
<del> )
<del> self.ti.try_number = 1
<del> self.ti_removed_dag = TaskInstance(
<del> task=DummyOperator(task_id=self.TASK_ID, dag=dag_removed),
<del> execution_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE
<del> )
<del> self.ti_removed_dag.try_number = 1
<del> session.merge(self.ti)
<del> session.merge(self.ti_removed_dag)
<add> with conf_vars({('logging', 'logging_config_class'): 'airflow_local_settings.LOGGING_CONFIG'}):
<add>, self.appbuilder = application.create_app(session=Session, testing=True)
<add>['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False
<add> self.client =
<add> settings.configure_orm()
<add> self.login()
<add> from airflow.www.views import dagbag
<add> dag = DAG(self.DAG_ID, start_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE)
<add> dag.sync_to_db()
<add> dag_removed = DAG(self.DAG_ID_REMOVED, start_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE)
<add> dag_removed.sync_to_db()
<add> dagbag.bag_dag(dag, parent_dag=dag, root_dag=dag)
<add> with create_session() as session:
<add> self.ti = TaskInstance(
<add> task=DummyOperator(task_id=self.TASK_ID, dag=dag),
<add> execution_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE
<add> )
<add> self.ti.try_number = 1
<add> self.ti_removed_dag = TaskInstance(
<add> task=DummyOperator(task_id=self.TASK_ID, dag=dag_removed),
<add> execution_date=self.DEFAULT_DATE
<add> )
<add> self.ti_removed_dag.try_number = 1
<add> session.merge(self.ti)
<add> session.merge(self.ti_removed_dag)
<ide> def tearDown(self):
<ide> logging.config.dictConfig(DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG)
<ide> def tearDown(self):
<ide> sys.path.remove(self.settings_folder)
<ide> shutil.rmtree(self.settings_folder)
<del> conf.set('logging', 'logging_config_class', '')
<ide> self.logout()
<ide> super().tearDown()
<ide> | 16 |
Ruby | Ruby | use opt_prefix for service helpers | 869b0ea519ce1d18303d62c75a136a09a30361a8 | <ide><path>Library/Homebrew/formula.rb
<ide> def service_name
<ide> # The generated launchd {.plist} file path.
<ide> sig { returns(Pathname) }
<ide> def plist_path
<del> prefix/"#{plist_name}.plist"
<add> opt_prefix/"#{plist_name}.plist"
<ide> end
<ide> # The generated systemd {.service} file path.
<ide> sig { returns(Pathname) }
<ide> def systemd_service_path
<del> prefix/"#{service_name}.service"
<add> opt_prefix/"#{service_name}.service"
<ide> end
<ide> # The service specification of the software.
<ide> class #{Formulary.class_s(dep_name)} < Formula
<ide> it "works if plist is set" do
<ide> formula =
<ide> path = formula.plist_path
<del> formula.prefix.mkpath
<add> formula.opt_prefix.mkpath
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:plist).twice.and_return("PLIST")
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:plist_path).and_call_original
<ide> class #{Formulary.class_s(dep_name)} < Formula
<ide> plist_path = formula.plist_path
<ide> service_path = formula.systemd_service_path
<ide> service =
<del> formula.prefix.mkpath
<add> formula.opt_prefix.mkpath
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:plist).and_return(nil)
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:service?).exactly(3).and_return(true)
<ide> class #{Formulary.class_s(dep_name)} < Formula
<ide> it "returns without definition" do
<ide> formula =
<ide> path = formula.plist_path
<del> formula.prefix.mkpath
<add> formula.opt_prefix.mkpath
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:plist).and_return(nil)
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:service?).exactly(3).and_return(nil)
<ide> class #{Formulary.class_s(dep_name)} < Formula
<ide> it "errors with duplicate definition" do
<ide> formula =
<ide> path = formula.plist_path
<del> formula.prefix.mkpath
<add> formula.opt_prefix.mkpath
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:plist).and_return("plist")
<ide> expect(formula).to receive(:service?).and_return(true)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<del> specify "#service" do
<del> f = formula do
<del> url ""
<add> describe "#service" do
<add> specify "no service defined" do
<add> f = formula do
<add> url ""
<add> end
<add> expect(f.service).to eq(nil)
<ide> end
<del> f.class.service do
<del> run [opt_bin/"beanstalkd"]
<del> run_type :immediate
<del> error_log_path var/"log/beanstalkd.error.log"
<del> log_path var/"log/beanstalkd.log"
<del> working_dir var
<del> keep_alive true
<add> specify "service complicated" do
<add> f = formula do
<add> url ""
<add> end
<add> f.class.service do
<add> run [opt_bin/"beanstalkd"]
<add> run_type :immediate
<add> error_log_path var/"log/beanstalkd.error.log"
<add> log_path var/"log/beanstalkd.log"
<add> working_dir var
<add> keep_alive true
<add> end
<add> expect(f.service).not_to eq(nil)
<ide> end
<del> expect(f.service).not_to eq(nil)
<del> end
<del> specify "service uses simple run" do
<del> f = formula do
<del> url ""
<del> service do
<del> run opt_bin/"beanstalkd"
<add> specify "service uses simple run" do
<add> f = formula do
<add> url ""
<add> service do
<add> run opt_bin/"beanstalkd"
<add> end
<ide> end
<add> expect(f.service).not_to eq(nil)
<ide> end
<del> expect(f.service).not_to eq(nil)
<add> specify "service helpers return data" do
<add> f = formula do
<add> url ""
<add> end
<add> expect(f.plist_name).to eq("homebrew.mxcl.formula_name")
<add> expect(f.service_name).to eq("homebrew.formula_name")
<add> expect(f.plist_path).to eq(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt/formula_name/homebrew.mxcl.formula_name.plist")
<add> expect(f.systemd_service_path).to eq(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt/formula_name/homebrew.formula_name.service")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> specify "dependencies" do | 3 |
Javascript | Javascript | add html5 elements to the whitelist | fabc9f77a3fae10c2b8d9a9ad1541e827cc0390d | <ide><path>src/sanitizer.js
<ide> var START_TAG_REGEXP = /^<\s*([\w:-]+)((?:\s+[\w:-]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:
<ide> URI_REGEXP = /^((ftp|https?):\/\/|mailto:|#)/,
<ide> NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP = /([^\#-~| |!])/g; // Match everything outside of normal chars and " (quote character)
<del>// Empty Elements - HTML 4.01
<del>var emptyElements = makeMap("area,br,col,hr,img");
<del>// Block Elements - HTML 4.01
<del>var blockElements = makeMap("address,blockquote,center,dd,del,dir,div,dl,dt,"+
<del> "hr,ins,li,map,menu,ol,p,pre,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul");
<del>// Inline Elements - HTML 4.01
<del>var inlineElements = makeMap("a,abbr,acronym,b,bdo,big,br,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,img,"+
<del> "ins,kbd,label,map,q,s,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var");
<del>// Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open
<del>// (and which close themselves)
<del>var closeSelfElements = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr");
<add>// Good source of info about elements and attributes
<add>// Safe Void Elements - HTML5
<add>var voidElements = makeMap("area,br,col,hr,img,wbr");
<add>// Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open (and which close themselves)
<add>var optionalEndTagBlockElements = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,p,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr"),
<add> optionalEndTagInlineElements = makeMap("rp,rt"),
<add> optionalEndTagElements = extend({}, optionalEndTagInlineElements, optionalEndTagBlockElements);
<add>// Safe Block Elements - HTML5
<add>var blockElements = extend({}, optionalEndTagBlockElements, makeMap("address,article,aside," +
<add> "blockquote,caption,center,del,dir,div,dl,figure,figcaption,footer,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6," +
<add> "header,hgroup,hr,ins,map,menu,nav,ol,pre,script,section,table,ul"));
<add>// Inline Elements - HTML5
<add>var inlineElements = extend({}, optionalEndTagInlineElements, makeMap("a,abbr,acronym,b,bdi,bdo," +
<add> "big,br,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,img,ins,kbd,label,map,mark,q,ruby,rp,rt,s,samp,small," +
<add> "span,strike,strong,sub,sup,time,tt,u,var"));
<ide> // Special Elements (can contain anything)
<ide> var specialElements = makeMap("script,style");
<del>var validElements = extend({}, emptyElements, blockElements, inlineElements, closeSelfElements);
<add>var validElements = extend({}, voidElements, blockElements, inlineElements, optionalEndTagElements);
<ide> //Attributes that have href and hence need to be sanitized
<del>var uriAttrs = makeMap("background,href,longdesc,src,usemap");
<add>var uriAttrs = makeMap("background,cite,href,longdesc,src,usemap");
<ide> var validAttrs = extend({}, uriAttrs, makeMap(
<ide> 'abbr,align,alt,axis,bgcolor,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,class,clear,'+
<ide> 'color,cols,colspan,compact,coords,dir,face,headers,height,hreflang,hspace,'+
<ide> function htmlParser( html, handler ) {
<ide> }
<ide> }
<del> if ( closeSelfElements[ tagName ] && stack.last() == tagName ) {
<add> if ( optionalEndTagElements[ tagName ] && stack.last() == tagName ) {
<ide> parseEndTag( "", tagName );
<ide> }
<del> unary = emptyElements[ tagName ] || !!unary;
<add> unary = voidElements[ tagName ] || !!unary;
<ide> if ( !unary )
<ide> stack.push( tagName ); | 1 |
Text | Text | use code markup/markdown in headers | 5847a4d8ce8d1731125c9f9b426d093916f6676b | <ide><path>doc/api/
<ide> for (const b of buf) {
<ide> Additionally, the [`buf.values()`][], [`buf.keys()`][], and
<ide> [`buf.entries()`][] methods can be used to create iterators.
<del>## Class: Buffer
<add>## Class: `Buffer`
<ide> The `Buffer` class is a global type for dealing with binary data directly.
<ide> It can be constructed in a variety of ways.
<del>### new Buffer(array)
<add>### `new Buffer(array)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> Allocates a new `Buffer` using an `array` of octets.
<ide> const buf = new Buffer([0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x66, 0x65, 0x72]);
<ide> ```
<del>### new Buffer(arrayBuffer\[, byteOffset\[, length\]\])
<add>### `new Buffer(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v3.0.0
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 88 13 70 17>
<ide> ```
<del>### new Buffer(buffer)
<add>### `new Buffer(buffer)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf2.toString());
<ide> // Prints: buffer
<ide> ```
<del>### new Buffer(size)
<add>### `new Buffer(size)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
<ide> ```
<del>### new Buffer(string\[, encoding\])
<add>### `new Buffer(string[, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf1.toString('ascii'));
<ide> // Prints: this is a tC)st
<ide> ```
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.alloc(size\[, fill\[, encoding\]\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> contents will *never contain sensitive data*.
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> pool, while `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)` *will* use the internal
<ide> difference is subtle but can be important when an application requires the
<ide> additional performance that [`Buffer.allocUnsafe()`][] provides.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.12.0
<ide> -->
<ide> developer has observed undue memory retention in their applications.
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.byteLength(string\[, encoding\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.byteLength(string[, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.90
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(`${str}: ${str.length} characters, ` +
<ide> When `string` is a `Buffer`/[`DataView`][]/[`TypedArray`][]/[`ArrayBuffer`][]/
<ide> [`SharedArrayBuffer`][], the actual byte length is returned.
<del>### Class Method:, buf2)
<add>### Class Method: `, buf2)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.13
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(arr.sort(;
<ide> // (This result is equal to: [buf2, buf1].)
<ide> ```
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.concat(list\[, totalLength\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.concat(list[, totalLength])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.7.11
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(bufA.length);
<ide> // Prints: 42
<ide> ```
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.from(array)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.from(array)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> const buf = Buffer.from([0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x66, 0x65, 0x72]);
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `array` is not an `Array` or other type
<ide> appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.from(arrayBuffer\[, byteOffset\[, length\]\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.length);
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `arrayBuffer` is not an [`ArrayBuffer`][] or a
<ide> [`SharedArrayBuffer`][] or other type appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.from(buffer)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.from(buffer)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf2.toString());
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `buffer` is not a `Buffer` or other type
<ide> appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.from(object\[, offsetOrEncoding\[, length\]\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.from(object[, offsetOrEncoding[, length]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v8.2.0
<ide> -->
<ide> const buf = Buffer.from(new Foo(), 'utf8');
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `object` has not mentioned methods or is not of
<ide> other type appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.from(string\[, encoding\])
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.from(string[, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf1.toString('ascii'));
<ide> A `TypeError` will be thrown if `string` is not a string or other type
<ide> appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.isBuffer(obj)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.isBuffer(obj)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.101
<ide> -->
<ide> added: v0.1.101
<ide> Returns `true` if `obj` is a `Buffer`, `false` otherwise.
<del>### Class Method: Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)
<add>### Class Method: `Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.9.1
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(Buffer.isEncoding(''));
<ide> // Prints: false
<ide> ```
<del>### Class Property: Buffer.poolSize
<add>### Class Property: `Buffer.poolSize`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.3
<ide> -->
<ide> added: v0.11.3
<ide> This is the size (in bytes) of pre-allocated internal `Buffer` instances used
<ide> for pooling. This value may be modified.
<del>### buf\[index\]
<add>### `buf[index]`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> type: property
<ide> name: [index]
<ide> console.log(buf.toString('ascii'));
<ide> // Prints: Node.js
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.buffer
<add>### `buf.buffer`
<ide> * {ArrayBuffer} The underlying `ArrayBuffer` object based on
<ide> which this `Buffer` object is created.
<ide> console.log(buffer.buffer === arrayBuffer);
<ide> // Prints: true
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.byteOffset
<add>### `buf.byteOffset`
<ide> * {integer} The `byteOffset` on the underlying `ArrayBuffer` object based on
<ide> which this `Buffer` object is created.
<ide> const nodeBuffer = new Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
<ide> new Int8Array(nodeBuffer.buffer, nodeBuffer.byteOffset, nodeBuffer.length);
<ide> ```
<del>###\[, targetStart\[, targetEnd\[, sourceStart\[, sourceEnd\]\]\]\])
<add>### `[, targetStart[, targetEnd[, sourceStart[, sourceEnd]]]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.13
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(, 5, 6, 5));
<ide> [`ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE`][] is thrown if `targetStart < 0`, `sourceStart < 0`,
<ide> `targetEnd > target.byteLength`, or `sourceEnd > source.byteLength`.
<del>### buf.copy(target\[, targetStart\[, sourceStart\[, sourceEnd\]\]\])
<add>### `buf.copy(target[, targetStart[, sourceStart[, sourceEnd]]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.90
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.toString());
<ide> // Prints: efghijghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.entries()
<add>### `buf.entries()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v1.1.0
<ide> -->
<ide> for (const pair of buf.entries()) {
<ide> // [5, 114]
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.equals(otherBuffer)
<add>### `buf.equals(otherBuffer)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.13
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf1.equals(buf3));
<ide> // Prints: false
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.fill(value\[, offset\[, end\]\]\[, encoding\])
<add>### `buf.fill(value[, offset[, end]][, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.fill('zz', 'hex'));
<ide> // Throws an exception.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.includes(value\[, byteOffset\]\[, encoding\])
<add>### `buf.includes(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.3.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.includes('this', 4));
<ide> // Prints: false
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.indexOf(value\[, byteOffset\]\[, encoding\])
<add>### `buf.indexOf(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v1.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> If `value` is an empty string or empty `Buffer` and `byteOffset` is less
<ide> than `buf.length`, `byteOffset` will be returned. If `value` is empty and
<ide> `byteOffset` is at least `buf.length`, `buf.length` will be returned.
<del>### buf.keys()
<add>### `buf.keys()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v1.1.0
<ide> -->
<ide> for (const key of buf.keys()) {
<ide> // 5
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.lastIndexOf(value\[, byteOffset\]\[, encoding\])
<add>### `buf.lastIndexOf(value[, byteOffset][, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v6.0.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', []));
<ide> If `value` is an empty string or empty `Buffer`, `byteOffset` will be returned.
<del>### buf.length
<add>### `buf.length`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.90
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.length);
<ide> // Prints: 5
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.parent
<add>### `buf.parent`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v8.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> deprecated: v8.0.0
<ide> The `buf.parent` property is a deprecated alias for `buf.buffer`.
<del>### buf.readBigInt64BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readBigInt64LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readBigInt64BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readBigInt64LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v12.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> the specified endian format (`readBigInt64BE()` returns big endian,
<ide> Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
<del>### buf.readBigUInt64BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readBigUInt64LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readBigUInt64BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readBigUInt64LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v12.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.readBigUInt64LE(0));
<ide> // Prints: 18446744069414584320n
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readDoubleBE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readDoubleLE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readDoubleBE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readDoubleLE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readDoubleLE(1));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readFloatBE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readFloatLE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readFloatBE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readFloatLE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readFloatLE(1));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readInt8(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readInt8([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readInt8(2));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readInt16BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readInt16LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readInt16BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readInt16LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readInt16LE(1));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readInt32BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readInt32LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readInt32BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readInt32LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readInt32LE(1));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readIntBE(offset, byteLength)
<del>### buf.readIntLE(offset, byteLength)
<add>### `buf.readIntBE(offset, byteLength)`
<add>### `buf.readIntLE(offset, byteLength)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readIntBE(1, 0).toString(16));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readUInt8(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readUInt8([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readUInt8(2));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readUInt16BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readUInt16LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readUInt16BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readUInt16LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(2).toString(16));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readUInt32BE(\[offset\])
<del>### buf.readUInt32LE(\[offset\])
<add>### `buf.readUInt32BE([offset])`
<add>### `buf.readUInt32LE([offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readUInt32LE(1).toString(16));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.readUIntBE(offset, byteLength)
<del>### buf.readUIntLE(offset, byteLength)
<add>### `buf.readUIntBE(offset, byteLength)`
<add>### `buf.readUIntLE(offset, byteLength)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.readUIntBE(1, 6).toString(16));
<ide> // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.subarray(\[start\[, end\]\])
<add>### `buf.subarray([start[, end]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v3.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf.subarray(-5, -2).toString());
<ide> // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(1, 4).)
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.slice(\[start\[, end\]\])
<add>### `buf.slice([start[, end]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.3.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf.toString());
<ide> // Prints: buffer
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.swap16()
<add>### `buf.swap16()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> const buf = Buffer.from('This is little-endian UTF-16', 'utf16le');
<ide> buf.swap16(); // Convert to big-endian UTF-16 text.
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.swap32()
<add>### `buf.swap32()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v5.10.0
<ide> -->
<ide> buf2.swap32();
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.swap64()
<add>### `buf.swap64()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v6.3.0
<ide> -->
<ide> buf2.swap64();
<ide> JavaScript cannot encode 64-bit integers. This method is intended
<ide> for working with 64-bit floats.
<del>### buf.toJSON()
<add>### `buf.toJSON()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.9.2
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(copy);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.toString(\[encoding\[, start\[, end\]\]\])
<add>### `buf.toString([encoding[, start[, end]]])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.90
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf2.toString(undefined, 0, 3));
<ide> // Prints: tรฉ
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.values()
<add>### `buf.values()`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v1.1.0
<ide> -->
<ide> for (const value of buf) {
<ide> // 114
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.write(string\[, offset\[, length\]\]\[, encoding\])
<add>### `buf.write(string[, offset[, length]][, encoding])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.1.90
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(`${len} bytes: ${buf.toString('utf8', 0, len)}`);
<ide> // Prints: 12 bytes: ยฝ + ยผ = ยพ
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeBigInt64BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeBigInt64LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeBigInt64BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeBigInt64LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v12.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeBigUInt64BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeBigUInt64LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeBigUInt64BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeBigUInt64LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v12.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer de fa ce ca fe fa ca de>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeDoubleBE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeDoubleLE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeDoubleBE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeDoubleLE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 77 be 9f 1a 2f dd 5e 40>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeFloatBE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeFloatLE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeFloatBE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeFloatLE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer bb fe 4a 4f>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeInt8(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeInt8(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 02 fe>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeInt16BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeInt16LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeInt16BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeInt16LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 04 03>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeInt32BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeInt32LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeInt32BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeInt32LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 08 07 06 05>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)
<del>### buf.writeIntLE(value, offset, byteLength)
<add>### `buf.writeIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)`
<add>### `buf.writeIntLE(value, offset, byteLength)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.11.15
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer ab 90 78 56 34 12>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeUInt8(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeUInt8(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer 03 04 23 42>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeUInt16BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeUInt16LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeUInt16BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeUInt16LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer ad de ef be>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeUInt32BE(value\[, offset\])
<del>### buf.writeUInt32LE(value\[, offset\])
<add>### `buf.writeUInt32BE(value[, offset])`
<add>### `buf.writeUInt32LE(value[, offset])`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer ce fa ed fe>
<ide> ```
<del>### buf.writeUIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)
<del>### buf.writeUIntLE(value, offset, byteLength)
<add>### `buf.writeUIntBE(value, offset, byteLength)`
<add>### `buf.writeUIntLE(value, offset, byteLength)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.5
<ide> changes:
<ide> console.log(buf);
<ide> // Prints: <Buffer ab 90 78 56 34 12>
<ide> ```
<del>## buffer.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES
<add>## `buffer.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v0.5.4
<ide> -->
<ide> Returns the maximum number of bytes that will be returned when
<ide> This is a property on the `buffer` module returned by
<ide> `require('buffer')`, not on the `Buffer` global or a `Buffer` instance.
<del>## buffer.kMaxLength
<add>## `buffer.kMaxLength`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v3.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> An alias for [`buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTH`][].
<ide> This is a property on the `buffer` module returned by
<ide> `require('buffer')`, not on the `Buffer` global or a `Buffer` instance.
<del>## buffer.transcode(source, fromEnc, toEnc)
<add>## `buffer.transcode(source, fromEnc, toEnc)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v7.1.0
<ide> changes:
<ide> with `?` in the transcoded `Buffer`.
<ide> This is a property on the `buffer` module returned by
<ide> `require('buffer')`, not on the `Buffer` global or a `Buffer` instance.
<del>## Class: SlowBuffer
<add>## Class: `SlowBuffer`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> socket.on('readable', () => {
<ide> Use of `SlowBuffer` should be used only as a last resort *after* a developer
<ide> has observed undue memory retention in their applications.
<del>### new SlowBuffer(size)
<add>### `new SlowBuffer(size)`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> deprecated: v6.0.0
<ide> -->
<ide> added: v8.2.0
<ide> `buffer.constants` is a property on the `buffer` module returned by
<ide> `require('buffer')`, not on the `Buffer` global or a `Buffer` instance.
<del>### buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTH
<add>### `buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTH`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v8.2.0
<ide> -->
<ide> On 64-bit architectures, this value is `(2^31)-1` (~2GB).
<ide> This value is also available as [`buffer.kMaxLength`][].
<del>### buffer.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH
<add>### `buffer.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH`
<ide> <!-- YAML
<ide> added: v8.2.0
<ide> --> | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | add isobject3d unittest | a221c4a17770c4b79ba9b4055acb3e0ba4fd4f55 | <ide><path>test/unit/src/core/Object3D.tests.js
<ide> export default QUnit.module( 'Core', () => {
<ide> } );
<del> QUnit.todo( 'isObject3D', ( assert ) => {
<add> QUnit.test( 'isObject3D', ( assert ) => {
<del> assert.ok( false, 'everything\'s gonna be alright' );
<add> const object = new Object3D();
<add> assert.ok( object.isObject3D, 'Object3D.isObject3D should be true' );
<add> const object2 = {};
<add> assert.ok( object2.isObject3D === undefined, 'other object isObject3D should be undefined' );
<ide> } );
<ide> | 1 |
Python | Python | fix dagrun.conf when using trigger_dag api | 31cab8ffbba7fa70a524e5809361f1e1f4306e99 | <ide><path>airflow/models/
<ide> def __init__(
<ide> self.execution_date = execution_date
<ide> self.start_date = start_date
<ide> self.external_trigger = external_trigger
<del> self.conf = conf
<add> self.conf = conf or {}
<ide> self.state = state
<ide> self.run_type = run_type
<ide> super().__init__()
<ide> # specific language governing permissions and limitations
<ide> # under the License.
<del>import json
<ide> import unittest
<ide> from unittest import mock
<add>from parameterized import parameterized
<ide> from airflow.api.common.experimental.trigger_dag import _trigger_dag
<ide> from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
<ide> from airflow.models import DAG, DagRun
<ide> from airflow.utils import timezone
<add>from tests.test_utils import db
<ide> class TestTriggerDag(unittest.TestCase):
<add> def setUp(self) -> None:
<add> db.clear_db_runs()
<add> def tearDown(self) -> None:
<add> db.clear_db_runs()
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagRun')
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag')
<ide> def test_trigger_dag_dag_not_found(self, dag_bag_mock, dag_run_mock):
<ide> def test_trigger_dag_include_nested_subdags(self, dag_bag_mock, dag_run_mock, da
<ide> self.assertEqual(3, len(triggers))
<del> @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag')
<del> def test_trigger_dag_with_str_conf(self, dag_bag_mock):
<del> dag_id = "trigger_dag_with_str_conf"
<del> dag = DAG(dag_id)
<del> dag_bag_mock.dags = [dag_id]
<del> dag_bag_mock.get_dag.return_value = dag
<del> conf = "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"
<del> dag_run = DagRun()
<del> triggers = _trigger_dag(
<del> dag_id,
<del> dag_bag_mock,
<del> dag_run,
<del> run_id=None,
<del> conf=conf,
<del> execution_date=None,
<del> replace_microseconds=True)
<del> self.assertEqual(triggers[0].conf, json.loads(conf))
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag')
<ide> def test_trigger_dag_with_too_early_start_date(self, dag_bag_mock):
<ide> dag_id = "trigger_dag_with_too_early_start_date"
<ide> def test_trigger_dag_with_valid_start_date(self, dag_bag_mock):
<ide> assert len(triggers) == 1
<add> @parameterized.expand([
<add> (None, {}),
<add> ({"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}),
<add> ('{"foo": "bar"}', {"foo": "bar"}),
<add> ])
<ide> @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag')
<del> def test_trigger_dag_with_dict_conf(self, dag_bag_mock):
<del> dag_id = "trigger_dag_with_dict_conf"
<add> def test_trigger_dag_with_conf(self, conf, expected_conf, dag_bag_mock):
<add> dag_id = "trigger_dag_with_conf"
<ide> dag = DAG(dag_id)
<ide> dag_bag_mock.dags = [dag_id]
<ide> dag_bag_mock.get_dag.return_value = dag
<del> conf = dict(foo="bar")
<ide> dag_run = DagRun()
<ide> triggers = _trigger_dag(
<ide> dag_id,
<ide> def test_trigger_dag_with_dict_conf(self, dag_bag_mock):
<ide> execution_date=None,
<ide> replace_microseconds=True)
<del> self.assertEqual(triggers[0].conf, conf)
<add> self.assertEqual(triggers[0].conf, expected_conf) | 2 |
PHP | PHP | revert the throw thing | 88430a39968a33dbed94b87ee4fb8ae1c6879b48 | <ide><path>src/Model/Behavior/TreeBehavior.php
<ide> public function findChildren($query, $options) {
<ide> *
<ide> * @param integer|string $id The ID of the record to move
<ide> * @param integer|boolean $number How many places to move the node, or true to move to first position
<add> * @throws \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException When node was not found
<ide> * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
<ide> */
<ide> public function moveUp($id, $number = 1) {
<ide> public function moveUp($id, $number = 1) {
<ide> ->first();
<ide> if (!$node) {
<del> return false;
<add> throw new \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException("Node \"{$id}\" was not found in the tree.");
<ide> }
<ide> if ($node->{$parent}) {
<ide> public function moveUp($id, $number = 1) {
<ide> *
<ide> * @param integer|string $id The ID of the record to move
<ide> * @param integer|boolean $number How many places to move the node or true to move to last position
<add> * @throws \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException When node was not found
<ide> * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
<ide> */
<ide> public function moveDown($id, $number = 1) {
<ide> public function moveDown($id, $number = 1) {
<ide> ->first();
<ide> if (!$node) {
<del> return false;
<add> throw new \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException("Node \"{$id}\" was not found in the tree.");
<ide> }
<ide> if ($node->{$parent}) {
<ide> public function testMoveUp() {
<ide> $this->assertFalse($this->table->moveUp(1, 0));
<ide> $this->assertFalse($this->table->moveUp(1, -10));
<del> // move unexisting node
<del> $this->assertFalse($table->moveUp(500, 1));
<ide> // move inner node
<ide> $result = $table->moveUp(3, 1);
<ide> $nodes = $table->find('children', ['for' => 1])->all();
<ide> public function testMoveUp() {
<ide> $this->assertEquals([8, 1, 6], $nodes->extract('id')->toArray());
<ide> }
<add> * Tests that moveUp() will throw an exception if the node was not found
<add> *
<add> * @expectedException \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException
<add> * @return void
<add> */
<add> public function testMoveUpException() {
<add> $table = TableRegistry::get('MenuLinkTrees');
<add> $table->addBehavior('Tree', ['scope' => ['menu' => 'main-menu']]);
<add> $table->moveUp(500, 1);
<add> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * Tests the moveDown() method
<ide> *
<ide> public function testMoveDown() {
<ide> $this->assertFalse($this->table->moveUp(8, -10));
<ide> // move inner node
<del> $nodeIds = [];
<ide> $result = $table->moveDown(2, 1);
<ide> $nodes = $table->find('children', ['for' => 1])->all();
<ide> $this->assertEquals([3, 4, 5, 2], $nodes->extract('id')->toArray());
<ide> $this->assertTrue($result);
<del> // move unexisting node
<del> $this->assertFalse($table->moveDown(500, 1));
<ide> // move leaf
<ide> $this->assertFalse( $table->moveDown(5, 1));
<ide> public function testMoveDown() {
<ide> $this->assertEquals([6, 8, 1], $nodes->extract('id')->toArray());
<ide> }
<add> * Tests that moveDown() will throw an exception if the node was not found
<add> *
<add> * @expectedException \Cake\ORM\Error\RecordNotFoundException
<add> * @return void
<add> */
<add> public function testMoveDownException() {
<add> $table = TableRegistry::get('MenuLinkTrees');
<add> $table->addBehavior('Tree', ['scope' => ['menu' => 'main-menu']]);
<add> $table->moveDown(500, 1);
<add> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * Tests the recover function
<ide> * | 2 |
Mixed | Javascript | add build option for setting the amd name | 7e8a91c205723f11cd00c8834f348a649ab15926 | <ide><path>
<ide> Some example modules that can be excluded are:
<ide> - **event/alias**: All event attaching/triggering shorthands like `.click()` or `.mouseover()`.
<ide> - **offset**: The `.offset()`, `.position()`, `.offsetParent()`, `.scrollLeft()`, and `.scrollTop()` methods.
<ide> - **wrap**: The `.wrap()`, `.wrapAll()`, `.wrapInner()`, and `.unwrap()` methods.
<del>- **exports/amd**: Exclude the AMD definition.
<del>- **exports/global**: Exclude the attachment of global jQuery variables ($ and jQuery) to the window.
<ide> - **core/ready**: Exclude the ready module if you place your scripts at the end of the body. Any ready callbacks bound with `jQuery()` will simply be called immediately. However, `jQuery(document).ready()` will not be a function and `.on("ready", ...)` or similar will not be triggered.
<ide> - **deferred**: Exclude jQuery.Deferred. This also removes jQuery.Callbacks. *Note* that modules that depend on jQuery.Deferred(AJAX, effects, core/ready) will not be removed and will still expect jQuery.Deferred to be there. Include your own jQuery.Deferred implementation or exclude those modules as well (`grunt custom:-deferred,-ajax,-effects,-core/ready`).
<add>- **exports/global**: Exclude the attachment of global jQuery variables ($ and jQuery) to the window.
<add>- **exports/amd**: Exclude the AMD definition.
<ide> As a special case, you may also replace Sizzle by using a special flag `grunt custom:-sizzle`.
<ide> As a special case, you may also replace Sizzle by using a special flag `grunt cu
<ide> The build process shows a message for each dependent module it excludes or includes.
<add>##### AMD name
<add>As an option, you can set the module name for jQuery's AMD definition. By default, it is set to "jquery", which plays nicely with plugins and third-party libraries, but there may be cases where you'd like to change this. Simply set the `"amd"` option:
<add>grunt custom --amd="custom-name"
<add>Or, to define anonymously, set the name to an empty string.
<add>grunt custom --amd=""
<add>#### Custom Build Examples
<ide> To create a custom build of the latest stable version, first check out the version:
<ide> ```bash
<ide> Then, make sure all Node dependencies are installed:
<ide> npm install
<ide> ```
<del>Create the custom build, use the `grunt custom` option, listing the modules to be excluded. Examples:
<add>Create the custom build using the `grunt custom` option, listing the modules to be excluded.
<ide> Exclude all **ajax** functionality:
<ide> module.exports = function( grunt ) {
<ide> * @param {String} contents The contents to be written (including their AMD wrappers)
<ide> */
<ide> function convert( name, path, contents ) {
<add> var amdName;
<ide> // Convert var modules
<ide> if ( /.\/var\//.test( path ) ) {
<ide> contents = contents
<ide> module.exports = function( grunt ) {
<ide> // Remove EXPOSE lines from Sizzle
<ide> .replace( /\/\/\s*EXPOSE[\w\W]*\/\/\s*EXPOSE/, "return Sizzle;" );
<add> // AMD Name
<add> } else if ( (amdName = grunt.option( "amd" )) != null && /^exports\/amd$/.test( name ) ) {
<add> // Remove the comma for anonymous defines
<add> contents = contents
<add> .replace( /(\s*)"jquery"(\,\s*)/, amdName ? "$1\"" + amdName + "\"$2" : "" );
<ide> } else {
<ide> // Ignore jQuery's exports (the only necessary one)
<ide> module.exports = function( grunt ) {
<ide> //
<ide> // grunt build:*:*:+ajax:-dimensions:-effects:-offset
<ide> grunt.registerTask( "custom", function() {
<del> var args = [] arguments ),
<add> var args = this.args,
<ide> modules = args.length ? args[ 0 ].replace( /,/g, ":" ) : "";
<ide> grunt.log.writeln( "Creating custom build...\n" );
<del>[ "build:*:*:" + modules, "uglify", "dist" ]);
<add>[ "build:*:*" + (modules ? ":" + modules : ""), "uglify", "dist" ]);
<ide> });
<ide> }; | 2 |
Ruby | Ruby | move `assert_raise` into behavior classes | aabc27fe15de6df988c8fb9caa658e85ff65a068 | <ide><path>activesupport/test/cache/behaviors/failure_raising_behavior.rb
<ide> module FailureRaisingBehavior
<ide> def test_fetch_read_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", "bar")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.fetch("foo")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.fetch("foo")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_fetch_with_block_read_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", "bar")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.fetch("foo") { '1' }
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.fetch("foo") { "1" }
<add> end
<ide> end
<add> assert_equal "bar","foo")
<ide> end
<ide> def test_read_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", "bar")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_read_multi_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write_multi("foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.read_multi("foo", "baz")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.read_multi("foo", "baz")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_write_failure_raises
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.write("foo", "bar")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.write("foo", "bar")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_write_multi_failure_raises
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.write_multi("foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.write_multi("foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_fetch_multi_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write_multi("foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.fetch_multi("foo", "baz") { |k| "unavailable" }
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.fetch_multi("foo", "baz") { |k| "unavailable" }
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_delete_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", "bar")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.delete("foo")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.delete("foo")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_exist_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", "bar")
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.exist?("foo")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.exist?("foo")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_increment_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", 1, raw: true)
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.increment("foo")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.increment("foo")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_decrement_failure_raises
<ide> @cache.write("foo", 1, raw: true)
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> cache.decrement("foo")
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.decrement("foo")
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_clear_failure_returns_nil
<del> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<del> assert_nil cache.clear
<add> assert_raise Redis::BaseError do
<add> emulating_unavailability do |cache|
<add> cache.clear
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def emulating_unavailability
<ide> old_client = Redis.send(:remove_const, :Client)
<ide> Redis.const_set(:Client, UnavailableRedisClient)
<del> assert_raise Redis::BaseConnectionError do
<del> yield @namespace, error_handler: -> (method:, returning:, exception:) { raise exception })
<del> end
<add> yield @namespace,
<add> error_handler: -> (method:, returning:, exception:) { raise exception })
<ide> ensure
<ide> Redis.send(:remove_const, :Client)
<ide> Redis.const_set(:Client, old_client)
<ide> def emulating_unavailability
<ide> old_client = Redis.send(:remove_const, :Client)
<ide> Redis.const_set(:Client, MaxClientsReachedRedisClient)
<del> assert_raise Redis::CommandError do
<del> yield @namespace, error_handler: -> (method:, returning:, exception:) { raise exception })
<del> end
<add> yield @namespace,
<add> error_handler: -> (method:, returning:, exception:) { raise exception })
<ide> ensure
<ide> Redis.send(:remove_const, :Client)
<ide> Redis.const_set(:Client, old_client) | 2 |
Ruby | Ruby | allow "press enter" to be a \r | dfa75f9230f75060a693add842fcdc5648398c69 | <ide><path>install_homebrew.rb
<ide> def macos_version
<ide> if STDIN.tty?
<ide> puts
<ide> puts "Press enter to continue"
<del> abort unless getc == 13
<add> c = getc
<add> # we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead
<add> abort unless c == 13 or c == 10
<ide> end
<ide> if "/usr/local" | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | increase coverage of process.emitwarning | 9e698bd6db036e7eaf8f9aa47c9b90cd721818f5 | <ide><path>test/parallel/test-process-emitwarning.js
<ide> process.on('warning', common.mustCall((warning) => {
<ide> assert(warning);
<ide> assert(/^(Warning|CustomWarning)/.test(;
<ide> assert(warning.message, 'A Warning');
<del>}, 3));
<add>}, 7));
<ide> process.emitWarning('A Warning');
<ide> process.emitWarning('A Warning', 'CustomWarning');
<add>process.emitWarning('A Warning', CustomWarning);
<add>process.emitWarning('A Warning', 'CustomWarning', CustomWarning);
<ide> function CustomWarning() {
<ide> function CustomWarning() {
<ide> util.inherits(CustomWarning, Error);
<ide> process.emitWarning(new CustomWarning());
<add>const warningNoToString = new CustomWarning();
<add>warningNoToString.toString = null;
<add>const warningThrowToString = new CustomWarning();
<add>warningThrowToString.toString = function() {
<add> throw new Error('invalid toString');
<ide> // TypeError is thrown on invalid output
<ide> assert.throws(() => process.emitWarning(1), TypeError);
<ide> assert.throws(() => process.emitWarning({}), TypeError); | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | remove the global router | 226dfc2681c98deaf14e4ae82e973d1d5caedd68 | <ide><path>actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb
<ide> module ActionController
<ide> autoload :SessionManagement
<ide> autoload :Streaming
<ide> autoload :Testing
<del> autoload :UrlFor
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Proxy UrlFor to Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
<ide> autoload :Verification
<ide> end
<ide> class Base < Metal
<ide> include ActionController::Helpers
<ide> include ActionController::HideActions
<del> include ActionController::UrlFor
<add> # include ActionController::UrlFor
<ide> include ActionController::Redirecting
<ide> include ActionController::Rendering
<ide> include ActionController::Renderers::All
<ide> ActionController::AbstractRequest = ActionController::Request = ActionDispatch::Request
<ide> ActionController::AbstractResponse = ActionController::Response = ActionDispatch::Response
<ide> ActionController::Routing = ActionDispatch::Routing
<del>ActionController::UrlWriter = ActionController::UrlFor
<add># ROUTES TODO: Figure out how to deprecate this.
<add># ActionController::UrlWriter = ActionController::UrlFor
<ide> module ActionController
<ide> module Head
<ide> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
<del> include ActionController::UrlFor
<ide> # Return a response that has no content (merely headers). The options
<ide> # argument is interpreted to be a hash of header names and values.
<ide> def head(status, options = {})
<ide> end
<ide> self.status = status
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Figure out how to rescue from a no method error
<add> # This is needed only if you wire up a controller yourself, and
<add> # this not working would be baffling without a better error
<ide> self.location = url_for(location) if location
<ide> self.content_type = Mime[formats.first]
<ide> self.response_body = " "
<ide> module Redirecting
<ide> include AbstractController::Logger
<ide> include ActionController::RackDelegation
<del> include ActionController::UrlFor
<ide> # Redirects the browser to the target specified in +options+. This parameter can take one of three forms:
<ide> #
<ide> def _compute_redirect_to_location(options)
<ide> raise RedirectBackError unless refer = request.headers["Referer"]
<ide> refer
<ide> else
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Figure out how to rescue from a no method error
<add> # This is needed only if you wire up a controller yourself, and
<add> # this not working would be baffling without a better error
<ide> url_for(options)
<ide> end.gsub(/[\r\n]/, '')
<ide> end
<del>require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute'
<del>require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors'
<del>module ActionController
<del> # In <b>routes.rb</b> one defines URL-to-controller mappings, but the reverse
<del> # is also possible: an URL can be generated from one of your routing definitions.
<del> # URL generation functionality is centralized in this module.
<del> #
<del> # See ActionDispatch::Routing and ActionController::Resources for general
<del> # information about routing and routes.rb.
<del> #
<del> # <b>Tip:</b> If you need to generate URLs from your models or some other place,
<del> # then ActionController::UrlFor is what you're looking for. Read on for
<del> # an introduction.
<del> #
<del> # == URL generation from parameters
<del> #
<del> # As you may know, some functions - such as ActionController::Base#url_for
<del> # and ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#link_to, can generate URLs given a set
<del> # of parameters. For example, you've probably had the chance to write code
<del> # like this in one of your views:
<del> #
<del> # <%= link_to('Click here', :controller => 'users',
<del> # :action => 'new', :message => 'Welcome!') %>
<del> #
<del> # #=> Generates a link to: /users/new?message=Welcome%21
<del> #
<del> # link_to, and all other functions that require URL generation functionality,
<del> # actually use ActionController::UrlFor under the hood. And in particular,
<del> # they use the ActionController::UrlFor#url_for method. One can generate
<del> # the same path as the above example by using the following code:
<del> #
<del> # include UrlFor
<del> # url_for(:controller => 'users',
<del> # :action => 'new',
<del> # :message => 'Welcome!',
<del> # :only_path => true)
<del> # # => "/users/new?message=Welcome%21"
<del> #
<del> # Notice the <tt>:only_path => true</tt> part. This is because UrlFor has no
<del> # information about the website hostname that your Rails app is serving. So if you
<del> # want to include the hostname as well, then you must also pass the <tt>:host</tt>
<del> # argument:
<del> #
<del> # include UrlFor
<del> # url_for(:controller => 'users',
<del> # :action => 'new',
<del> # :message => 'Welcome!',
<del> # :host => '') # Changed this.
<del> # # => ""
<del> #
<del> # By default, all controllers and views have access to a special version of url_for,
<del> # that already knows what the current hostname is. So if you use url_for in your
<del> # controllers or your views, then you don't need to explicitly pass the <tt>:host</tt>
<del> # argument.
<del> #
<del> # For convenience reasons, mailers provide a shortcut for ActionController::UrlFor#url_for.
<del> # So within mailers, you only have to type 'url_for' instead of 'ActionController::UrlFor#url_for'
<del> # in full. However, mailers don't have hostname information, and what's why you'll still
<del> # have to specify the <tt>:host</tt> argument when generating URLs in mailers.
<del> #
<del> #
<del> # == URL generation for named routes
<del> #
<del> # UrlFor also allows one to access methods that have been auto-generated from
<del> # named routes. For example, suppose that you have a 'users' resource in your
<del> # <b>routes.rb</b>:
<del> #
<del> # map.resources :users
<del> #
<del> # This generates, among other things, the method <tt>users_path</tt>. By default,
<del> # this method is accessible from your controllers, views and mailers. If you need
<del> # to access this auto-generated method from other places (such as a model), then
<del> # you can do that by including ActionController::UrlFor in your class:
<del> #
<del> # class User < ActiveRecord::Base
<del> # include ActionController::UrlFor
<del> #
<del> # def base_uri
<del> # user_path(self)
<del> # end
<del> # end
<del> #
<del> # User.find(1).base_uri # => "/users/1"
<del> #
<del> module UrlFor
<del> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
<del> included do
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.install_helpers(self)
<del> # Including in a class uses an inheritable hash. Modules get a plain hash.
<del> if respond_to?(:class_attribute)
<del> class_attribute :default_url_options
<del> else
<del> mattr_accessor :default_url_options
<del> end
<del> self.default_url_options = {}
<del> end
<del> # Overwrite to implement a number of default options that all url_for-based methods will use. The default options should come in
<del> # the form of a hash, just like the one you would use for url_for directly. Example:
<del> #
<del> # def default_url_options(options)
<del> # { :project => ? @project.url_name : "unknown" }
<del> # end
<del> #
<del> # As you can infer from the example, this is mostly useful for situations where you want to centralize dynamic decisions about the
<del> # urls as they stem from the business domain. Please note that any individual url_for call can always override the defaults set
<del> # by this method.
<del> def default_url_options(options = nil)
<del> self.class.default_url_options
<del> end
<del> def rewrite_options(options) #:nodoc:
<del> if options.delete(:use_defaults) != false && (defaults = default_url_options(options))
<del> defaults.merge(options)
<del> else
<del> options
<del> end
<del> end
<del> # Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the
<del> # routes defined in routes.rb. The following options are supported:
<del> #
<del> # * <tt>:only_path</tt> - If true, the relative url is returned. Defaults to +false+.
<del> # * <tt>:protocol</tt> - The protocol to connect to. Defaults to 'http'.
<del> # * <tt>:host</tt> - Specifies the host the link should be targeted at.
<del> # If <tt>:only_path</tt> is false, this option must be
<del> # provided either explicitly, or via +default_url_options+.
<del> # * <tt>:port</tt> - Optionally specify the port to connect to.
<del> # * <tt>:anchor</tt> - An anchor name to be appended to the path.
<del> # * <tt>:skip_relative_url_root</tt> - If true, the url is not constructed using the
<del> # +relative_url_root+ set in ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.
<del> # * <tt>:trailing_slash</tt> - If true, adds a trailing slash, as in "/archive/2009/"
<del> #
<del> # Any other key (<tt>:controller</tt>, <tt>:action</tt>, etc.) given to
<del> # +url_for+ is forwarded to the Routes module.
<del> #
<del> # Examples:
<del> #
<del> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :port=>'8080' # => ''
<del> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :anchor => 'ok', :only_path => true # => '/tasks/testing#ok'
<del> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :trailing_slash=>true # => ''
<del> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :number => '33' # => ''
<del> def url_for(options = {})
<del> options ||= {}
<del> case options
<del> when String
<del> options
<del> when Hash
<del> _url_rewriter.rewrite(rewrite_options(options))
<del> else
<del> polymorphic_url(options)
<del> end
<del> end
<del> protected
<del> def _url_rewriter
<del> ActionController::UrlRewriter
<del> end
<del> end
<ide> def self.new_escaped(strings)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<del> def assign_parameters(controller_path, action, parameters = {})
<add> def assign_parameters(router, controller_path, action, parameters = {})
<ide> parameters = parameters.symbolize_keys.merge(:controller => controller_path, :action => action)
<del> extra_keys = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.extra_keys(parameters)
<add> extra_keys = router.extra_keys(parameters)
<ide> non_path_parameters = get? ? query_parameters : request_parameters
<ide> parameters.each do |key, value|
<ide> if value.is_a? Fixnum
<ide> def xml_http_request(request_method, action, parameters = nil, session = nil, fl
<ide> def process(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET')
<ide> # Sanity check for required instance variables so we can give an
<ide> # understandable error message.
<del> %w(@controller @request @response).each do |iv_name|
<add> %w(@router @controller @request @response).each do |iv_name|
<ide> if !(instance_variable_names.include?(iv_name) || instance_variable_names.include?(iv_name.to_sym)) || instance_variable_get(iv_name).nil?
<ide> raise "#{iv_name} is nil: make sure you set it in your test's setup method."
<ide> end
<ide> def process(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method =
<ide> @request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = http_method
<ide> parameters ||= {}
<del> @request.assign_parameters($/, ''), action.to_s, parameters)
<add> @request.assign_parameters(@router,$/, ''), action.to_s, parameters)
<ide> @request.session = unless session.nil?
<ide> @request.session["flash"] = @request.flash.update(flash || {})
<ide> def build_request_uri(action, parameters)
<ide> options.update(:only_path => true, :action => action)
<ide> url =, parameters)
<del> @request.request_uri = url.rewrite(options)
<add> @request.request_uri = url.rewrite(@router, options)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def initialize(request, parameters)
<ide> @request, @parameters = request, parameters
<ide> end
<del> def rewrite(options = {})
<add> def rewrite(router, options = {})
<ide> options[:host] ||= @request.host_with_port
<ide> options[:protocol] ||= @request.protocol
<del> self.class.rewrite(options, @request.symbolized_path_parameters) do |options|
<add> self.class.rewrite(router, options, @request.symbolized_path_parameters) do |options|
<ide> process_path_options(options)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def to_str
<ide> alias_method :to_s, :to_str
<del> def self.rewrite(options, path_segments=nil)
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Class method code smell
<add> def self.rewrite(router, options, path_segments=nil)
<ide> rewritten_url = ""
<ide> unless options[:only_path]
<ide> def self.rewrite(options, path_segments=nil)
<ide> path_options = options.except(*RESERVED_OPTIONS)
<ide> path_options = yield(path_options) if block_given?
<del> path = Routing::Routes.generate(path_options, path_segments || {})
<add> path = router.generate(path_options, path_segments || {})
<ide> rewritten_url << ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.to_s unless options[:skip_relative_url_root]
<ide> rewritten_url << (options[:trailing_slash] ? path.sub(/\?|\z/) { "/" + $& } : path)
<ide> module Routing
<ide> autoload :Route, 'action_dispatch/routing/route'
<ide> autoload :Routes, 'action_dispatch/routing/routes'
<ide> autoload :RouteSet, 'action_dispatch/routing/route_set'
<add> autoload :UrlFor, 'action_dispatch/routing/url_for'
<ide> SEPARATORS = %w( / . ? )
<ide> HTTP_METHODS = [:get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :options]
<ide> def install_helpers(destinations = [ActionController::Base, ActionView::Base], r
<ide> named_routes.install(destinations, regenerate_code)
<ide> end
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Revisit the name of these methods
<add> def url_helpers
<add> @url_helpers ||= begin
<add> router = self
<add> do
<add> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
<add> include UrlFor
<add> define_method(:_router) { router }
<add> end
<add> end
<add> end
<add> def named_url_helpers
<add> @named_url_helpers ||= begin
<add> router = self
<add> do
<add> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
<add> include router.url_helpers
<add> # ROUTES TODO: install_helpers isn't great... can we make a module with the stuff that
<add> # we can include?
<add> included do
<add> router.install_helpers(self)
<add> end
<add> end
<add> end
<add> end
<ide> def empty?
<ide> routes.empty?
<ide> end
<ide> # A singleton that stores the current route set
<del>ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes =
<add># ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes =
<ide> # To preserve compatibility with pre-3.0 Rails action_controller/deprecated.rb
<ide> # defines ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes as an alias
<add>module ActionDispatch
<add> module Routing
<add> # In <b>routes.rb</b> one defines URL-to-controller mappings, but the reverse
<add> # is also possible: an URL can be generated from one of your routing definitions.
<add> # URL generation functionality is centralized in this module.
<add> #
<add> # See ActionDispatch::Routing and ActionController::Resources for general
<add> # information about routing and routes.rb.
<add> #
<add> # <b>Tip:</b> If you need to generate URLs from your models or some other place,
<add> # then ActionController::UrlFor is what you're looking for. Read on for
<add> # an introduction.
<add> #
<add> # == URL generation from parameters
<add> #
<add> # As you may know, some functions - such as ActionController::Base#url_for
<add> # and ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#link_to, can generate URLs given a set
<add> # of parameters. For example, you've probably had the chance to write code
<add> # like this in one of your views:
<add> #
<add> # <%= link_to('Click here', :controller => 'users',
<add> # :action => 'new', :message => 'Welcome!') %>
<add> #
<add> # #=> Generates a link to: /users/new?message=Welcome%21
<add> #
<add> # link_to, and all other functions that require URL generation functionality,
<add> # actually use ActionController::UrlFor under the hood. And in particular,
<add> # they use the ActionController::UrlFor#url_for method. One can generate
<add> # the same path as the above example by using the following code:
<add> #
<add> # include UrlFor
<add> # url_for(:controller => 'users',
<add> # :action => 'new',
<add> # :message => 'Welcome!',
<add> # :only_path => true)
<add> # # => "/users/new?message=Welcome%21"
<add> #
<add> # Notice the <tt>:only_path => true</tt> part. This is because UrlFor has no
<add> # information about the website hostname that your Rails app is serving. So if you
<add> # want to include the hostname as well, then you must also pass the <tt>:host</tt>
<add> # argument:
<add> #
<add> # include UrlFor
<add> # url_for(:controller => 'users',
<add> # :action => 'new',
<add> # :message => 'Welcome!',
<add> # :host => '') # Changed this.
<add> # # => ""
<add> #
<add> # By default, all controllers and views have access to a special version of url_for,
<add> # that already knows what the current hostname is. So if you use url_for in your
<add> # controllers or your views, then you don't need to explicitly pass the <tt>:host</tt>
<add> # argument.
<add> #
<add> # For convenience reasons, mailers provide a shortcut for ActionController::UrlFor#url_for.
<add> # So within mailers, you only have to type 'url_for' instead of 'ActionController::UrlFor#url_for'
<add> # in full. However, mailers don't have hostname information, and what's why you'll still
<add> # have to specify the <tt>:host</tt> argument when generating URLs in mailers.
<add> #
<add> #
<add> # == URL generation for named routes
<add> #
<add> # UrlFor also allows one to access methods that have been auto-generated from
<add> # named routes. For example, suppose that you have a 'users' resource in your
<add> # <b>routes.rb</b>:
<add> #
<add> # map.resources :users
<add> #
<add> # This generates, among other things, the method <tt>users_path</tt>. By default,
<add> # this method is accessible from your controllers, views and mailers. If you need
<add> # to access this auto-generated method from other places (such as a model), then
<add> # you can do that by including ActionController::UrlFor in your class:
<add> #
<add> # class User < ActiveRecord::Base
<add> # include ActionController::UrlFor
<add> #
<add> # def base_uri
<add> # user_path(self)
<add> # end
<add> # end
<add> #
<add> # User.find(1).base_uri # => "/users/1"
<add> #
<add> module UrlFor
<add> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
<add> included do
<add> # ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.install_helpers(self)
<add> # Including in a class uses an inheritable hash. Modules get a plain hash.
<add> if respond_to?(:class_attribute)
<add> class_attribute :default_url_options
<add> else
<add> mattr_accessor :default_url_options
<add> end
<add> self.default_url_options = {}
<add> end
<add> # Overwrite to implement a number of default options that all url_for-based methods will use. The default options should come in
<add> # the form of a hash, just like the one you would use for url_for directly. Example:
<add> #
<add> # def default_url_options(options)
<add> # { :project => ? @project.url_name : "unknown" }
<add> # end
<add> #
<add> # As you can infer from the example, this is mostly useful for situations where you want to centralize dynamic decisions about the
<add> # urls as they stem from the business domain. Please note that any individual url_for call can always override the defaults set
<add> # by this method.
<add> def default_url_options(options = nil)
<add> # ROUTES TODO: This should probably be an instance method
<add> self.class.default_url_options
<add> end
<add> def rewrite_options(options) #:nodoc:
<add> if options.delete(:use_defaults) != false && (defaults = default_url_options(options))
<add> defaults.merge(options)
<add> else
<add> options
<add> end
<add> end
<add> # Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the
<add> # routes defined in routes.rb. The following options are supported:
<add> #
<add> # * <tt>:only_path</tt> - If true, the relative url is returned. Defaults to +false+.
<add> # * <tt>:protocol</tt> - The protocol to connect to. Defaults to 'http'.
<add> # * <tt>:host</tt> - Specifies the host the link should be targeted at.
<add> # If <tt>:only_path</tt> is false, this option must be
<add> # provided either explicitly, or via +default_url_options+.
<add> # * <tt>:port</tt> - Optionally specify the port to connect to.
<add> # * <tt>:anchor</tt> - An anchor name to be appended to the path.
<add> # * <tt>:skip_relative_url_root</tt> - If true, the url is not constructed using the
<add> # +relative_url_root+ set in ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.
<add> # * <tt>:trailing_slash</tt> - If true, adds a trailing slash, as in "/archive/2009/"
<add> #
<add> # Any other key (<tt>:controller</tt>, <tt>:action</tt>, etc.) given to
<add> # +url_for+ is forwarded to the Routes module.
<add> #
<add> # Examples:
<add> #
<add> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :port=>'8080' # => ''
<add> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :anchor => 'ok', :only_path => true # => '/tasks/testing#ok'
<add> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :trailing_slash=>true # => ''
<add> # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'', :number => '33' # => ''
<add> def url_for(options = {})
<add> options ||= {}
<add> case options
<add> when String
<add> options
<add> when Hash
<add> _url_rewriter.rewrite(_router, rewrite_options(options))
<add> else
<add> polymorphic_url(options)
<add> end
<add> end
<add> protected
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Figure out why _url_rewriter is sometimes the class and
<add> # sometimes an instance.
<add> def _url_rewriter
<add> ActionController::UrlRewriter
<add> end
<add> end
<add> end
<ide>\ No newline at end of file
<ide> def assert_generates(expected_path, options, defaults={}, extras = {}, message=n
<ide> expected_path = "/#{expected_path}" unless expected_path[0] == ?/
<ide> # Load routes.rb if it hasn't been loaded.
<del> generated_path, extra_keys = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.generate_extras(options, defaults)
<add> generated_path, extra_keys = @router.generate_extras(options, defaults)
<ide> found_extras = options.reject {|k, v| ! extra_keys.include? k}
<ide> msg = build_message(message, "found extras <?>, not <?>", found_extras, extras)
<ide> def assert_routing(path, options, defaults={}, extras={}, message=nil)
<ide> # end
<ide> #
<ide> def with_routing
<del> real_routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<del> temporary_routes =
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { const_set :Routes, temporary_routes }
<del> yield temporary_routes
<add> old_routes, @router = @router,
<add> old_controller, @controller = @controller, @controller.clone if @controller
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Figure out this insanity
<add> silence_warnings { ::ActionController.const_set(:UrlFor, @router.named_url_helpers) }
<add> _router = @router
<add> @controller.metaclass.send(:send, :include, @router.named_url_helpers) if @controller
<add> yield @router
<ide> ensure
<del> if ActionDispatch::Routing.const_defined? :Routes
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<del> end
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.const_set(:Routes, real_routes) if real_routes
<add> @router = old_routes
<add> @controller = old_controller if @controller
<add> silence_warnings { ::ActionController.const_set(:UrlFor, @router.named_url_helpers) } if @router
<ide> end
<ide> def method_missing(selector, *args, &block)
<del> if @controller && ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
<add> if @controller && @router.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
<ide> @controller.send(selector, *args, &block)
<ide> else
<ide> super
<ide> def recognized_request_for(path, request_method = nil)
<ide> request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"] = request_method.to_s.upcase if request_method
<ide> request.path = path
<del> params = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(path, { :method => request.method })
<add> params = @router.recognize_path(path, { :method => request.method })
<ide> request.path_parameters = params.with_indifferent_access
<ide> request
<ide> def reset!
<ide> unless defined? @named_routes_configured
<ide> # install the named routes in this session instance.
<ide> klass = singleton_class
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.install_helpers(klass)
<add> # ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.install_helpers(klass)
<ide> # the helpers are made protected by default--we make them public for
<ide> # easier access during testing and troubleshooting.
<del> klass.module_eval { public *ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers }
<add> # klass.module_eval { public *ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers }
<ide> @named_routes_configured = true
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def host!(name)
<ide> # Returns the URL for the given options, according to the rules specified
<ide> # in the application's routes.
<ide> def url_for(options)
<add> # ROUTES TODO: @app.router is not guaranteed to exist, so a generic Rack
<add> # application will not work here. This means that a generic Rack application
<add> # integration test cannot call url_for, since the application will not have
<add> # #router on it.
<ide> controller ?
<ide> controller.url_for(options) :
<del> generic_url_rewriter.rewrite(options)
<add> generic_url_rewriter.rewrite(SharedTestRoutes, options)
<ide> end
<ide> private
<ide> def initialize
<ide> setup :setup_with_controller
<ide> def setup_with_controller
<ide> @controller =
<add> @router = SharedTestRoutes
<ide> @output_buffer =
<ide> @rendered = ''
<ide> def _assigns
<ide> end
<ide> def method_missing(selector, *args)
<del> if ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
<add> if @router.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
<ide> @controller.__send__(selector, *args)
<ide> else
<ide> super
<ide> def run_setup_once
<ide> end
<ide> end
<del>class ActiveSupport::TestCase
<del> include SetupOnce
<del> # Hold off drawing routes until all the possible controller classes
<del> # have been loaded.
<del> setup_once do
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
<del> match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
<add>SharedTestRoutes =
<add>module ActiveSupport
<add> class TestCase
<add> include SetupOnce
<add> # Hold off drawing routes until all the possible controller classes
<add> # have been loaded.
<add> setup_once do
<add> SharedTestRoutes.draw do |map|
<add> match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
<add> end
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Don't do this here
<add> # brodel :'(
<add> do
<add> match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<add>class RoutedRackApp
<add> attr_reader :router
<add> def initialize(router, &blk)
<add> @router = router
<add> @stack =
<add> end
<add> def call(env)
<add> end
<ide> class ActionController::IntegrationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
<ide> def self.build_app(routes = nil)
<del> ActionDispatch::Flash
<del> { |middleware|
<add> || do |middleware|
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions"
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::Callbacks"
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::ParamsParser"
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::Cookies"
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::Flash"
<ide> middleware.use "ActionDispatch::Head"
<del> }.build(routes || ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes)
<add> end
<ide> end
<ide> = build_app
<ide> def self.stub_controllers
<ide> end
<ide> def with_routing(&block)
<del> real_routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<ide> temporary_routes =
<del> = self.class.build_app(temporary_routes)
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { const_set :Routes, temporary_routes }
<add> old_app, =, self.class.build_app(temporary_routes)
<add> old_routes = SharedTestRoutes
<add> silence_warnings { Object.const_set(:SharedTestRoutes, temporary_routes) }
<ide> yield temporary_routes
<ide> ensure
<del> if ActionDispatch::Routing.const_defined? :Routes
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<del> end
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.const_set(:Routes, real_routes) if real_routes
<del> = self.class.build_app
<add> = old_app
<add> silence_warnings { Object.const_set(:SharedTestRoutes, old_routes) }
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> class Base
<ide> class TestCase
<ide> include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
<add> setup do
<add> # ROUTES TODO: The router object should come from somewhere sane
<add> @router = SharedTestRoutes
<add> end
<ide> def assert_template(options = {}, message = nil)
<ide> validate_request!
<ide> def assert_template(options = {}, message = nil)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<add># ROUTES TODO: Cleaner way to do this?
<add>module ActionController
<add> UrlFor = SharedTestRoutes.named_url_helpers
<add> class Base
<add> include UrlFor
<add> end
<ide>\ No newline at end of file
<ide> def test_assert_redirect_to_named_route_failure
<ide> end
<ide> def test_assert_redirect_to_nested_named_route
<add> @controller =
<ide> with_routing do |set|
<ide> set.draw do |map|
<ide> match 'admin/inner_module', :to => 'admin/inner_module#index', :as => :admin_inner_module
<ide> match ':controller/:action'
<ide> end
<del> @controller =
<ide> process :redirect_to_index
<ide> # redirection is <{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"admin/admin/inner_module"}>
<ide> assert_redirected_to admin_inner_module_path
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_assert_redirected_to_top_level_named_route_from_nested_controller
<add> @controller =
<ide> with_routing do |set|
<ide> set.draw do |map|
<ide> match '/action_pack_assertions/:id', :to => 'action_pack_assertions#index', :as => :top_level
<ide> match ':controller/:action'
<ide> end
<del> @controller =
<ide> process :redirect_to_top_level_named_route
<ide> # assert_redirected_to "" would pass because of exact match early return
<ide> assert_redirected_to "/action_pack_assertions/foo"
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_assert_redirected_to_top_level_named_route_with_same_controller_name_in_both_namespaces
<add> @controller =
<ide> with_routing do |set|
<ide> set.draw do |map|
<ide> # this controller exists in the admin namespace as well which is the only difference from previous test
<ide> match '/user/:id', :to => 'user#index', :as => :top_level
<ide> match ':controller/:action'
<ide> end
<del> @controller =
<ide> process :redirect_to_top_level_named_route
<ide> # assert_redirected_to top_level_url('foo') would pass because of exact match early return
<ide> assert_redirected_to top_level_path('foo')
<ide> def test_ensure_url_for_works_as_expected_when_called_with_no_options_if_default
<ide> end
<ide> def test_named_routes_with_path_without_doing_a_request_first
<add> @controller =
<ide> with_routing do |set|
<ide> set.draw do |map|
<ide> resources :things
<ide> end
<del> assert_equal '/things',
<add> assert_equal '/things', @controller.send(:things_path)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_url_for_with_controller
<ide> def test_url_for_without_controller
<ide> options = {:action => 'show'}
<ide> mock_rewriter = mock()
<del> mock_rewriter.expects(:rewrite).with(options).returns('/show')
<add> mock_rewriter.expects(:rewrite).with(SharedTestRoutes, options).returns('/show')
<ide> @session.stubs(:generic_url_rewriter).returns(mock_rewriter)
<ide> @session.stubs(:controller).returns(nil)
<ide> assert_equal '/show', @session.url_for(options)
<ide> def test_generate_url_with_controller
<ide> private
<ide> def with_test_route_set
<ide> with_routing do |set|
<add> controller = ::IntegrationProcessTest::IntegrationController.clone
<add> controller.class_eval do
<add> include set.named_url_helpers
<add> end
<ide> set.draw do |map|
<del> match ':action', :to => ::IntegrationProcessTest::IntegrationController
<del> get 'get/:action', :to => ::IntegrationProcessTest::IntegrationController
<add> match ':action', :to => controller
<add> get 'get/:action', :to => controller
<ide> end
<ide> yield
<ide> end
<ide> def show_errors(exception)
<ide> end
<ide> test 'rescue routing exceptions' do
<del> @app = do
<add> @app = do
<ide> rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Gotcha!"]] }
<ide> end
<ide> def show_errors(exception)
<ide> end
<ide> test 'unrescued exception' do
<del> @app =
<add> @app =
<ide> assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) { get '/b00m' }
<ide> end
<ide> def test_multiple_default_restful_routes
<ide> def test_with_custom_conditions
<ide> with_restful_routing :messages, :conditions => { :subdomain => 'app' } do
<del> assert ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.recognize_path("/messages", :method => :get, :subdomain => 'app')
<add> assert @router.recognize_path("/messages", :method => :get, :subdomain => 'app')
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_override_new_method
<ide> assert_restful_routes_for :messages do |options|
<ide> assert_recognizes(options.merge(:action => "new"), :path => "/messages/new", :method => :get)
<ide> assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) do
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.recognize_path("/messages/new", :method => :post)
<add> @router.recognize_path("/messages/new", :method => :post)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def test_shallow_nested_restful_routes_with_namespaces
<ide> def test_restful_routes_dont_generate_duplicates
<ide> with_restful_routing :messages do
<del> routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.routes
<add> routes = @router.routes
<ide> routes.each do |route|
<ide> routes.each do |r|
<ide> next if route === r # skip the comparison instance
<ide> def assert_restful_routes_for(controller_name, options = {})
<ide> options[:shallow_options] = options[:options]
<ide> end
<del> new_action = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.resources_path_names[:new] || "new"
<del> edit_action = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.resources_path_names[:edit] || "edit"
<add> new_action = @router.resources_path_names[:new] || "new"
<add> edit_action = @router.resources_path_names[:edit] || "edit"
<ide> if options[:path_names]
<ide> new_action = options[:path_names][:new] if options[:path_names][:new]
<ide> def assert_restful_named_routes_for(controller_name, singular_name = nil, option
<ide> end
<ide> @controller = "#{options[:options][:controller].camelize}Controller"
<add> # ROUTES TODO: Figure out a way to not extend the routing helpers here
<add> @controller.metaclass.send(:include, @router.named_url_helpers)
<ide> @request =
<ide> @response =
<ide> get :index, options[:options]
<ide> def assert_singleton_routes_for(singleton_name, options = {})
<ide> def assert_singleton_named_routes_for(singleton_name, options = {})
<ide> (options[:options] ||= {})[:controller] ||= singleton_name.to_s.pluralize
<ide> @controller = "#{options[:options][:controller].camelize}Controller"
<add> @controller.metaclass.send(:include, @router.named_url_helpers)
<ide> @request =
<ide> @response =
<ide> get :show, options[:options]
<ide> def test_assert_realistic_path_parameters
<ide> end
<ide> def test_with_routing_places_routes_back
<del> assert ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes
<del> routes_id = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.object_id
<add> assert @router
<add> routes_id = @router.object_id
<ide> begin
<ide> with_routing { raise 'fail' }
<ide> fail 'Should not be here.'
<ide> rescue RuntimeError
<ide> end
<del> assert ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes
<del> assert_equal routes_id, ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes.object_id
<add> assert @router
<add> assert_equal routes_id, @router.object_id
<ide> end
<ide> def test_remote_addr
<ide> module Testing
<ide> class UrlForTests < ActionController::TestCase
<ide> class W
<del> include ActionController::UrlFor
<add> include SharedTestRoutes.url_helpers
<ide> end
<ide> def teardown
<ide> def setup
<ide> def test_port
<ide> assert_equal('',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :port => 1271)
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :port => 1271)
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_protocol_with_and_without_separator
<ide> assert_equal('',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:protocol => 'https', :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :protocol => 'https', :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<ide> )
<ide> assert_equal('',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:protocol => 'https://', :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :protocol => 'https://', :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_user_name_and_password
<ide> assert_equal(
<ide> '',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:user => "david", :password => "secret", :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :user => "david", :password => "secret", :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_user_name_and_password_with_escape_codes
<ide> assert_equal(
<ide> '',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:user => "", :password => "one two?", :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :user => "", :password => "one two?", :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i')
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_anchor
<ide> assert_equal(
<ide> '',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor => 'anchor')
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor => 'anchor')
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_anchor_should_call_to_param
<ide> assert_equal(
<ide> '',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor =>'anchor'))
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor =>'anchor'))
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_anchor_should_be_cgi_escaped
<ide> assert_equal(
<ide> '',
<del> @rewriter.rewrite(:controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor =>'anc/hor'))
<add> @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :controller => 'c', :action => 'a', :id => 'i', :anchor =>'anc/hor'))
<ide> )
<ide> end
<ide> def test_overwrite_params
<ide> @params[:action] = 'bye'
<ide> @params[:id] = '2'
<del> assert_equal '/hi/hi/2', @rewriter.rewrite(:only_path => true, :overwrite_params => {:action => 'hi'})
<del> u = @rewriter.rewrite(:only_path => false, :overwrite_params => {:action => 'hi'})
<add> assert_equal '/hi/hi/2', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :only_path => true, :overwrite_params => {:action => 'hi'})
<add> u = @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :only_path => false, :overwrite_params => {:action => 'hi'})
<ide> assert_match %r(/hi/hi/2$), u
<ide> end
<ide> def test_overwrite_removes_original
<ide> @params[:action] = 'list'
<ide> @params[:list_page] = 1
<del> assert_equal '/search/list?list_page=2', @rewriter.rewrite(:only_path => true, :overwrite_params => {"list_page" => 2})
<del> u = @rewriter.rewrite(:only_path => false, :overwrite_params => {:list_page => 2})
<add> assert_equal '/search/list?list_page=2', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :only_path => true, :overwrite_params => {"list_page" => 2})
<add> u = @rewriter.rewrite(@router, :only_path => false, :overwrite_params => {:list_page => 2})
<ide> assert_equal '', u
<ide> end
<ide> def test_to_str
<ide> def test_trailing_slash
<ide> options = {:controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar', :id => '3', :only_path => true}
<del> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3', @rewriter.rewrite(options)
<del> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3?query=string', @rewriter.rewrite(options.merge({:query => 'string'}))
<add> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, options)
<add> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3?query=string', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, options.merge({:query => 'string'}))
<ide> options.update({:trailing_slash => true})
<del> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3/', @rewriter.rewrite(options)
<add> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3/', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, options)
<ide> options.update({:query => 'string'})
<del> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3/?query=string', @rewriter.rewrite(options)
<add> assert_equal '/foo/bar/3/?query=string', @rewriter.rewrite(@router, options)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def app
<ide> Routes
<ide> end
<add> include Routes.named_url_helpers
<ide> def test_logout
<ide> with_test_routes do
<ide> delete '/logout'
<ide> def test_nested_optional_scoped_path
<ide> private
<ide> def with_test_routes
<del> real_routes, temp_routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes, Routes
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { const_set :Routes, temp_routes }
<ide> yield
<del> ensure
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes }
<del> ActionDispatch::Routing.const_set(:Routes, real_routes)
<ide> end
<ide> end
<ide> def render_from_helper
<ide> end
<ide> test "is able to use routes" do
<del> controller.request.assign_parameters('foo', 'index')
<add> controller.request.assign_parameters(@router, 'foo', 'index')
<ide> assert_equal '/foo', url_for
<ide> assert_equal '/bar', url_for(:controller => 'bar')
<ide> end | 26 |
Text | Text | add faq entry on pre-trained models | 52ea31b65c09ec3370522956419f42e7507495c2 | <ide><path>docs/templates/getting-started/
<ide> - [How can I "freeze" layers?](#how-can-i-freeze-keras-layers)
<ide> - [How can I use stateful RNNs?](#how-can-i-use-stateful-rnns)
<ide> - [How can I remove a layer from a Sequential model?](#how-can-i-remove-a-layer-from-a-sequential-model)
<add>- [How can I use pre-trained models in Keras?](#how-can-i-use-pre-trained-models-in-keras)
<ide> ---
<ide> print(len(model.layers)) # "2"
<ide> model.pop()
<ide> print(len(model.layers)) # "1"
<ide> ```
<add>### How can I use pre-trained models in Keras?
<add>Code and pre-trained weights are available for the following image classification models:
<add>For an example of how to use such a pre-trained model for feature extraction or for fine-tuning, see [this blog post](
<add>The VGG-16 model is also the basis for several Keras example scripts:
<add>- [style transfer](
<add>- [feature visualization](
<add>- [deep dream]( | 1 |
Python | Python | add a note, remove bad comment line | 9734f6935aec8766b05155bd02c41239f5dee72a | <ide><path>libcloud/
<ide> :var __version__: Current version of libcloud
<ide> """
<del>import logging
<ide> import os
<ide> import codecs
<ide> import atexit
<ide> from libcloud.base import get_driver # NOQA
<ide> try:
<add> # TODO: This import is slow and adds overhead in situations when no
<add> # requests are made but it's necessary for detecting bad version of
<add> # requests
<ide> import requests # NOQA
<ide> have_requests = True
<ide> except ImportError:
<ide> def _init_once():
<ide> have_paramiko = False
<ide> if have_paramiko and hasattr(paramiko.util, 'log_to_file'):
<add> import logging
<ide> paramiko.util.log_to_file(filename=path, level=logging.DEBUG)
<ide> # check for broken `yum install python-requests`
<ide> def ex_import_snapshot(self, client_data=None,
<ide> :type client_data: ``dict``
<ide> :param client_token: The token to enable idempotency for VM
<del> import requests.(optional)
<add> (optional)
<ide> :type client_token: ``str``
<ide> :param description: The description string for the | 2 |
Javascript | Javascript | extract common code to function | d9ca2459172a3ad62f0a19b8b1306d739c4b75b7 | <ide><path>src/auto/injector.js
<ide> var FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/;
<ide> var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;
<ide> var $injectorMinErr = minErr('$injector');
<add>function extractArgs(fn) {
<add> var fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''),
<add> args = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
<add> return args;
<ide> function anonFn(fn) {
<ide> // For anonymous functions, showing at the very least the function signature can help in
<ide> // debugging.
<del> var fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''),
<del> args = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
<add> var args = extractArgs(fn);
<ide> if (args) {
<ide> return 'function(' + (args[1] || '').replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ' ') + ')';
<ide> }
<ide> function anonFn(fn) {
<ide> function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
<ide> var $inject,
<del> fnText,
<ide> argDecl,
<ide> last;
<ide> function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
<ide> throw $injectorMinErr('strictdi',
<ide> '{0} is not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode', name);
<ide> }
<del> fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');
<del> argDecl = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
<add> argDecl = extractArgs(fn);
<ide> forEach(argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT), function(arg) {
<ide> arg.replace(FN_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) {
<ide> $inject.push(name); | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | fix minor typo in rails/engine docs [ci skip] | af8751fcf80cdce31744a05a2bbd148e3194346f | <ide><path>railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
<ide> module Rails
<ide> # resources :articles
<ide> # end
<ide> #
<del> # If +MyEngine+ is isolated, The routes above will point to
<add> # If +MyEngine+ is isolated, the routes above will point to
<ide> # <tt>MyEngine::ArticlesController</tt>. You also don't need to use longer
<ide> # URL helpers like +my_engine_articles_path+. Instead, you should simply use
<ide> # +articles_path+, like you would do with your main application. | 1 |
Text | Text | fix syntax error in docs | 974ff00464d7743182f842a2c7786c334b9ca82c | <ide><path>docs/
<ide> var img = new Image();
<ide> img.src = '';
<ide> img.onload = function() {
<ide> var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
<del> var fillPattern = ctx.CreatePattern(img, 'repeat');
<add> var fillPattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat');
<ide> var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
<ide> data: { | 1 |
Python | Python | optimize error messages on docker driver init | ff0d2e550fff45abbd30e5913cdaab79450097d3 | <ide><path>libcloud/container/drivers/
<ide> def __init__(self, key='', secret='', secure=False, host='localhost',
<ide> else:
<ide> self.key_file = key_file
<ide> self.cert_file = cert_file
<del> super(DockerContainerDriver, self).__init__(key=key,
<del> secret=secret,
<del> secure=secure, host=host,
<del> port=port,
<del> key_file=key_file,
<del> cert_file=cert_file)
<del> # set API version
<del> self.version = self._get_api_version()
<ide> if host.startswith('https://'):
<ide> secure = True
<ide> def __init__(self, key='', secret='', secure=False, host='localhost',
<ide> if host.startswith(prefix):
<ide> host = host.strip(prefix)
<add> super(DockerContainerDriver, self).__init__(key=key,
<add> secret=secret,
<add> secure=secure, host=host,
<add> port=port,
<add> key_file=key_file,
<add> cert_file=cert_file)
<add> # set API version
<add> self.version = self._get_api_version()
<ide> if key_file or cert_file:
<ide> # docker tls authentication-
<ide> #
<ide> def deploy_container(self, name, image, parameters=None, start=True,
<ide> data = json.dumps(payload)
<ide> if start:
<del> if float(self._get_api_version()) > 1.22:
<add> if float(self.version) > 1.22:
<ide> result = self.connection.request(
<ide> '/v%s/containers/%s/start' %
<ide> (self.version, id_),
<ide> def start_container(self, container):
<ide> # starting container with non-empty request body
<ide> # was deprecated since v1.10 and removed in v1.12
<del> if float(self._get_api_version()) > 1.22:
<add> if float(self.version) > 1.22:
<ide> result = self.connection.request(
<ide> '/v%s/containers/%s/start' %
<ide> (self.version,,
<ide> def ex_get_logs(self, container, stream=False):
<ide> payload = {}
<ide> data = json.dumps(payload)
<del> if float(self._get_api_version()) > 1.10:
<add> if float(self.version) > 1.10:
<ide> result = self.connection.request(
<ide> "/v%s/containers/%s/logs?follow=%s&stdout=1&stderr=1" %
<ide> (self.version,, str(stream))).object | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | freeze reactelement.props in dev mode | 95373ce769188aacd25c6485bc2c628ff02a856f | <ide><path>src/isomorphic/classic/element/ReactElement.js
<ide> var ReactCurrentOwner = require('ReactCurrentOwner');
<ide> var assign = require('Object.assign');
<del>var warning = require('warning');
<ide> var RESERVED_PROPS = {
<ide> key: true,
<ide> ref: true,
<ide> };
<del> * Warn for mutations.
<del> *
<del> * @internal
<del> * @param {object} object
<del> * @param {string} key
<del> */
<del>function defineWarningProperty(object, key) {
<del> Object.defineProperty(object, key, {
<del> configurable: false,
<del> enumerable: true,
<del> get: function() {
<del> if (!this._store) {
<del> return null;
<del> }
<del> return this._store[key];
<del> },
<del> set: function(value) {
<del> warning(
<del> false,
<del> 'Don\'t set the %s property of the React element. Instead, ' +
<del> 'specify the correct value when initially creating the element.',
<del> key
<del> );
<del> this._store[key] = value;
<del> },
<del> });
<del> * This is updated to true if the membrane is successfully created.
<del> */
<del>var useMutationMembrane = false;
<del> * Warn for mutations.
<del> *
<del> * @internal
<del> * @param {object} prototype
<del> */
<del>function defineMutationMembrane(prototype) {
<del> try {
<del> var pseudoFrozenProperties = {
<del> props: true,
<del> };
<del> for (var key in pseudoFrozenProperties) {
<del> defineWarningProperty(prototype, key);
<del> }
<del> useMutationMembrane = true;
<del> } catch (x) {
<del> // IE will fail on defineProperty
<del> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * Base constructor for all React elements. This is only used to make this
<ide> * work with a dynamic instanceof check. Nothing should live on this prototype.
<ide> var ReactElement = function(type, key, ref, owner, props) {
<ide> this._owner = owner;
<ide> if (__DEV__) {
<del> // The validation flag and props are currently mutative. We put them on
<add> // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on
<ide> // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.
<ide> // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in
<ide> // commonly used development environments.
<del> this._store = {props: props, originalProps: assign({}, props)};
<add> this._store = {};
<ide> // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make
<ide> // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should
<ide> var ReactElement = function(type, key, ref, owner, props) {
<ide> configurable: false,
<ide> enumerable: false,
<ide> writable: true,
<add> value: false,
<ide> });
<ide> } catch (x) {
<add> this._store.validated = false;
<ide> }
<del> this._store.validated = false;
<del> // We're not allowed to set props directly on the object so we early
<del> // return and rely on the prototype membrane to forward to the backing
<del> // store.
<del> if (useMutationMembrane) {
<del> Object.freeze(this);
<del> return;
<del> }
<add> this.props = props;
<add> Object.freeze(this.props);
<add> Object.freeze(this);
<ide> }
<del> this.props = props;
<ide> };
<ide> // We intentionally don't expose the function on the constructor property.
<ide> ReactElement.prototype = {
<ide> _isReactElement: true,
<ide> };
<del>if (__DEV__) {
<del> defineMutationMembrane(ReactElement.prototype);
<ide> ReactElement.createElement = function(type, config, children) {
<ide> var propName;
<ide> ReactElement.cloneAndReplaceProps = function(oldElement, newProps) {
<ide> // If the key on the original is valid, then the clone is valid
<ide> newElement._store.validated = oldElement._store.validated;
<ide> }
<ide> return newElement;
<ide> };
<ide> function checkPropTypes(componentName, propTypes, props, location) {
<ide> }
<ide> }
<del>var warnedPropsMutations = {};
<del> * Warn about mutating props when setting `propName` on `element`.
<del> *
<del> * @param {string} propName The string key within props that was set
<del> * @param {ReactElement} element
<del> */
<del>function warnForPropsMutation(propName, element) {
<del> var type = element.type;
<del> var elementName = typeof type === 'string' ? type : type.displayName;
<del> var ownerName = element._owner ?
<del> element._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor.displayName : null;
<del> var warningKey = propName + '|' + elementName + '|' + ownerName;
<del> if (warnedPropsMutations.hasOwnProperty(warningKey)) {
<del> return;
<del> }
<del> warnedPropsMutations[warningKey] = true;
<del> var elementInfo = '';
<del> if (elementName) {
<del> elementInfo = ' <' + elementName + ' />';
<del> }
<del> var ownerInfo = '';
<del> if (ownerName) {
<del> ownerInfo = ' The element was created by ' + ownerName + '.';
<del> }
<del> warning(
<del> false,
<del> 'Don\'t set .props.%s of the React component%s. Instead, specify the ' +
<del> 'correct value when initially creating the element or use ' +
<del> 'React.cloneElement to make a new element with updated props.%s',
<del> propName,
<del> elementInfo,
<del> ownerInfo
<del> );
<del>// Inline polyfill
<del>function is(a, b) {
<del> if (a !== a) {
<del> // NaN
<del> return b !== b;
<del> }
<del> if (a === 0 && b === 0) {
<del> // +-0
<del> return 1 / a === 1 / b;
<del> }
<del> return a === b;
<del> * Given an element, check if its props have been mutated since element
<del> * creation (or the last call to this function). In particular, check if any
<del> * new props have been added, which we can't directly catch by defining warning
<del> * properties on the props object.
<del> *
<del> * @param {ReactElement} element
<del> */
<del>function checkAndWarnForMutatedProps(element) {
<del> if (!element._store) {
<del> // Element was created using `new ReactElement` directly or with
<del> // `ReactElement.createElement`; skip mutation checking
<del> return;
<del> }
<del> var originalProps = element._store.originalProps;
<del> var props = element.props;
<del> for (var propName in props) {
<del> if (props.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
<del> if (!originalProps.hasOwnProperty(propName) ||
<del> !is(originalProps[propName], props[propName])) {
<del> warnForPropsMutation(propName, element);
<del> // Copy over the new value so that the two props objects match again
<del> originalProps[propName] = props[propName];
<del> }
<del> }
<del> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,
<ide> * provided by the type.
<ide> function validatePropTypes(element) {
<ide> var ReactElementValidator = {
<del> checkAndWarnForMutatedProps: checkAndWarnForMutatedProps,
<ide> createElement: function(type, props, children) {
<ide> // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to
<ide> // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.
<ide> describe('ReactElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(ComponentClass);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe(null);
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({});
<add> var expectation = {};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('allows a string to be passed as the type', function() {
<ide> var element = React.createFactory('div')();
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe('div');
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe(null);
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({});
<add> var expectation = {};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('returns an immutable element', function() {
<ide> describe('ReactElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(ComponentClass);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe('12');
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe('34');
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({foo:'56'});
<add> var expectation = {foo:'56'};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('coerces the key to a string', function() {
<ide> describe('ReactElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(ComponentClass);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe('12');
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({foo:'56'});
<add> var expectation = {foo:'56'};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('preserves the owner on the element', function() {
<ide> describe('ReactElement', function() {
<ide> expect(inst2.props.prop).toBe(null);
<ide> });
<del> it('warns when changing a prop after element creation', function() {
<del> spyOn(console, 'error');
<add> it('throws when changing a prop (in dev) after element creation', function() {
<ide> var Outer = React.createClass({
<ide> render: function() {
<ide> var el = <div className="moo" />;
<del> // This assignment warns but should still work for now.
<del> el.props.className = 'quack';
<del> expect(el.props.className).toBe('quack');
<add> expect(function() {
<add> el.props.className = 'quack';
<add> }).toThrow();
<add> expect(el.props.className).toBe('moo');
<ide> return el;
<ide> },
<ide> });
<ide> var outer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Outer color="orange" />);
<del> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).className).toBe('quack');
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall.length).toBe(1);
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'Don\'t set .props.className of the React component <div />.'
<del> );
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'The element was created by Outer.'
<del> );
<del> console.error.reset();
<del> // This also warns (just once per key/type pair)
<del> outer.props.color = 'green';
<del> outer.forceUpdate();
<del> outer.props.color = 'purple';
<del> outer.forceUpdate();
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall.length).toBe(1);
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'Don\'t set .props.color of the React component <Outer />.'
<del> );
<add> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).className).toBe('moo');
<ide> });
<del> it('warns when adding a prop after element creation', function() {
<del> spyOn(console, 'error');
<add> it('throws when adding a prop (in dev) after element creation', function() {
<ide> var container = document.createElement('div');
<ide> var Outer = React.createClass({
<ide> getDefaultProps: () => ({sound: 'meow'}),
<ide> render: function() {
<ide> var el = <div>{this.props.sound}</div>;
<del> // This assignment doesn't warn immediately (because we can't) but it
<del> // warns upon mount.
<del> el.props.className = 'quack';
<del> expect(el.props.className).toBe('quack');
<add> expect(function() {
<add> el.props.className = 'quack';
<add> }).toThrow();
<add> expect(el.props.className).toBe(undefined);
<ide> return el;
<ide> },
<ide> });
<ide> var outer = React.render(<Outer />, container);
<ide> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).textContent).toBe('meow');
<del> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).className).toBe('quack');
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall.length).toBe(1);
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'Don\'t set .props.className of the React component <div />.'
<del> );
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'The element was created by Outer.'
<del> );
<del> console.error.reset();
<del> var newOuterEl = <Outer />;
<del> newOuterEl.props.sound = 'oink';
<del> outer = React.render(newOuterEl, container);
<del> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).textContent).toBe('oink');
<del> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).className).toBe('quack');
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall.length).toBe(1);
<del> expect(console.error.argsForCall[0][0]).toContain(
<del> 'Don\'t set .props.sound of the React component <Outer />.'
<del> );
<add> expect(React.findDOMNode(outer).className).toBe('');
<ide> });
<ide> it('does not warn for NaN props', function() {
<ide> var React;
<ide> describe('ReactES6Class', function() {
<ide> var container;
<add> var freeze = function(expectation) {
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> return expectation;
<add> };
<ide> var Inner;
<ide> var attachedListener = null;
<ide> var renderedName = null;
<ide> describe('ReactES6Class', function() {
<ide> lifeCycles = []; // reset
<ide> test(<Foo value="bar" />, 'SPAN', 'bar');
<ide> expect(lifeCycles).toEqual([
<del> 'receive-props', {value: 'bar'},
<del> 'should-update', {value: 'bar'}, {},
<del> 'will-update', {value: 'bar'}, {},
<del> 'did-update', {value: 'foo'}, {},
<add> 'receive-props', freeze({value: 'bar'}),
<add> 'should-update', freeze({value: 'bar'}), {},
<add> 'will-update', freeze({value: 'bar'}), {},
<add> 'did-update', freeze({value: 'foo'}), {},
<ide> ]);
<ide> lifeCycles = []; // reset
<ide> React.unmountComponentAtNode(container);
<ide> describe('ReactJSXElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(Component);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe(null);
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({});
<add> var expectation = {};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('allows a lower-case to be passed as the string type', function() {
<ide> var element = <div />;
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe('div');
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe(null);
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({});
<add> var expectation = {};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('allows a string to be passed as the type', function() {
<ide> describe('ReactJSXElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe('div');
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe(null);
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({});
<add> var expectation = {};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('returns an immutable element', function() {
<ide> describe('ReactJSXElement', function() {
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(Component);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe('12');
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe('34');
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({foo:'56'});
<add> var expectation = {foo:'56'};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('coerces the key to a string', function() {
<ide> var element = <Component key={12} foo="56" />;
<ide> expect(element.type).toBe(Component);
<ide> expect(element.key).toBe('12');
<ide> expect(element.ref).toBe(null);
<del> expect(element.props).toEqual({foo:'56'});
<add> var expectation = {foo:'56'};
<add> Object.freeze(expectation);
<add> expect(element.props).toEqual(expectation);
<ide> });
<ide> it('merges JSX children onto the children prop', function() {
<ide> var DOMProperty = require('DOMProperty');
<ide> var ReactBrowserEventEmitter = require('ReactBrowserEventEmitter');
<ide> var ReactCurrentOwner = require('ReactCurrentOwner');
<ide> var ReactElement = require('ReactElement');
<del>var ReactElementValidator = require('ReactElementValidator');
<ide> var ReactEmptyComponent = require('ReactEmptyComponent');
<ide> var ReactInstanceHandles = require('ReactInstanceHandles');
<ide> var ReactInstanceMap = require('ReactInstanceMap');
<ide> var ReactMount = {
<ide> nextElement,
<ide> container,
<ide> callback) {
<del> if (__DEV__) {
<del> ReactElementValidator.checkAndWarnForMutatedProps(nextElement);
<del> }
<ide> ReactMount.scrollMonitor(container, function() {
<ide> ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueElementInternal(prevComponent, nextElement);
<ide> if (callback) {
<ide> var ReactComponentEnvironment = require('ReactComponentEnvironment');
<ide> var ReactCurrentOwner = require('ReactCurrentOwner');
<ide> var ReactElement = require('ReactElement');
<del>var ReactElementValidator = require('ReactElementValidator');
<ide> var ReactInstanceMap = require('ReactInstanceMap');
<ide> var ReactLifeCycle = require('ReactLifeCycle');
<ide> var ReactNativeComponent = require('ReactNativeComponent');
<ide> var ReactCompositeComponentMixin = {
<ide> }
<ide> if (this._pendingStateQueue !== null || this._pendingForceUpdate) {
<del> if (__DEV__) {
<del> ReactElementValidator.checkAndWarnForMutatedProps(
<del> this._currentElement
<del> );
<del> }
<ide> this.updateComponent(
<ide> transaction,
<ide> this._currentElement,
<ide> 'use strict';
<ide> var ReactRef = require('ReactRef');
<del>var ReactElementValidator = require('ReactElementValidator');
<ide> /**
<ide> * Helper to call ReactRef.attachRefs with this composite component, split out
<ide> var ReactReconciler = {
<ide> */
<ide> mountComponent: function(internalInstance, rootID, transaction, context) {
<ide> var markup = internalInstance.mountComponent(rootID, transaction, context);
<del> if (__DEV__) {
<del> ReactElementValidator.checkAndWarnForMutatedProps(
<del> internalInstance._currentElement
<del> );
<del> }
<ide> if (internalInstance._currentElement.ref != null) {
<ide> transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(attachRefs, internalInstance);
<ide> }
<ide> var ReactReconciler = {
<ide> return;
<ide> }
<del> if (__DEV__) {
<del> ReactElementValidator.checkAndWarnForMutatedProps(nextElement);
<del> }
<ide> var refsChanged = ReactRef.shouldUpdateRefs(
<ide> prevElement,
<ide> nextElement | 8 |
Ruby | Ruby | use tt in doc for actionpack [ci skip] | 8c5ab21b25faa991de40fd7937387e20f0770d4b | <ide><path>actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb
<ide> class InvalidCrossOriginRequest < ActionControllerError #:nodoc:
<ide> # Since HTML and JavaScript requests are typically made from the browser, we
<ide> # need to ensure to verify request authenticity for the web browser. We can
<ide> # use session-oriented authentication for these types of requests, by using
<del> # the `protect_from_forgery` method in our controllers.
<add> # the <tt>protect_from_forgery</tt> method in our controllers.
<ide> #
<ide> # GET requests are not protected since they don't have side effects like writing
<ide> # to the database and don't leak sensitive information. JavaScript requests are
<ide> # frozen_string_literal: true
<ide> module ActionController #:nodoc:
<del> # This module is responsible for providing `rescue_from` helpers
<add> # This module is responsible for providing +rescue_from+ helpers
<ide> # to controllers and configuring when detailed exceptions must be
<ide> # shown.
<ide> module Rescue
<ide> module Rescue
<ide> # Override this method if you want to customize when detailed
<ide> # exceptions must be shown. This method is only called when
<del> # consider_all_requests_local is false. By default, it returns
<del> # false, but someone may set it to `request.local?` so local
<add> # +consider_all_requests_local+ is +false+. By default, it returns
<add> # +false+, but someone may set it to <tt>request.local?</tt> so local
<ide> # requests in production still show the detailed exception pages.
<ide> def show_detailed_exceptions?
<ide> false
<ide> def date=(utc_time)
<ide> # support strong ETags and will ignore weak ETags entirely.
<ide> #
<ide> # Weak ETags are what we almost always need, so they're the default.
<del> # Check out `#strong_etag=` to provide a strong ETag validator.
<add> # Check out #strong_etag= to provide a strong ETag validator.
<ide> def etag=(weak_validators)
<ide> self.weak_etag = weak_validators
<ide> end
<ide> module ActionDispatch
<ide> # When called, this middleware renders an error page. By default if an HTML
<del> # response is expected it will render static error pages from the `/public`
<add> # response is expected it will render static error pages from the <tt>/public</tt>
<ide> # directory. For example when this middleware receives a 500 response it will
<del> # render the template found in `/public/500.html`.
<add> # render the template found in <tt>/public/500.html</tt>.
<ide> # If an internationalized locale is set, this middleware will attempt to render
<del> # the template in `/public/500.<locale>.html`. If an internationalized template
<del> # is not found it will fall back on `/public/500.html`.
<add> # the template in <tt>/public/500.<locale>.html</tt>. If an internationalized template
<add> # is not found it will fall back on <tt>/public/500.html</tt>.
<ide> #
<ide> # When a request with a content type other than HTML is made, this middleware
<ide> # will attempt to convert error information into the appropriate response type.
<ide> module Session
<ide> # be encrypted, and signed cookies generated by Rails 3 will be
<ide> # transparently read and encrypted to provide a smooth upgrade path.
<ide> #
<del> # Configure your session store in config/initializers/session_store.rb:
<add> # Configure your session store in <tt>config/initializers/session_store.rb</tt>:
<ide> #
<ide> # Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_your_app_session'
<ide> #
<del> # Configure your secret key in config/secrets.yml:
<add> # Configure your secret key in <tt>config/secrets.yml</tt>:
<ide> #
<ide> # development:
<ide> # secret_key_base: 'secret key'
<ide> #
<del> # To generate a secret key for an existing application, run `rails secret`.
<add> # To generate a secret key for an existing application, run <tt>rails secret</tt>.
<ide> #
<ide> # If you are upgrading an existing Rails 3 app, you should leave your
<ide> # existing secret_token in place and simply add the new secret_key_base.
<ide> module Redirection
<ide> # get "/stories" => redirect("/posts")
<ide> #
<ide> # This will redirect the user, while ignoring certain parts of the request, including query string, etc.
<del> # `/stories`, `/stories?foo=bar`, etc all redirect to `/posts`.
<add> # <tt>/stories</tt>, <tt>/stories?foo=bar</tt>, etc all redirect to <tt>/posts</tt>.
<ide> #
<ide> # You can also use interpolation in the supplied redirect argument:
<ide> #
<ide> module Redirection
<ide> # get '/stories', to: redirect(path: '/posts')
<ide> #
<ide> # This will redirect the user, while changing only the specified parts of the request,
<del> # for example the `path` option in the last example.
<del> # `/stories`, `/stories?foo=bar`, redirect to `/posts` and `/posts?foo=bar` respectively.
<add> # for example the +path+ option in the last example.
<add> # <tt>/stories</tt>, <tt>/stories?foo=bar</tt>, redirect to <tt>/posts</tt> and <tt>/posts?foo=bar</tt> respectively.
<ide> #
<ide> # Finally, an object which responds to call can be supplied to redirect, allowing you to reuse
<ide> # common redirect routes. The call method must accept two arguments, params and request, and return
<ide> def initialize(*)
<ide> end
<ide> # Hook overridden in controller to add request information
<del> # with `default_url_options`. Application logic should not
<add> # with +default_url_options+. Application logic should not
<ide> # go into url_options.
<ide> def url_options
<ide> default_url_options
<ide> class TestRequest < Request
<ide> "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Rails Testing",
<ide> )
<del> # Create a new test request with default `env` values.
<add> # Create a new test request with default +env+ values.
<ide> def self.create(env = {})
<ide> env = Rails.application.env_config.merge(env) if defined?(Rails.application) && Rails.application
<ide> env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] ||= {}.with_indifferent_access | 8 |
Javascript | Javascript | replace loaders with rules in test | 25fe5209693f98c7c2b720a94e4dea0550974145 | <ide><path>test/TestCases.test.js
<ide> describe("TestCases", () => {
<ide> extensions: [".webpack-loader.js", ".web-loader.js", ".loader.js", ".js"]
<ide> },
<ide> module: {
<del> loaders: [{
<add> rules: [{
<ide> test: /\.coffee$/,
<ide> loader: "coffee-loader"
<ide> }, { | 1 |
Text | Text | remove outdated rule on single quotes in docs | 42474f38690030f9c853f5ac1aa4959349d7ff15 | <ide><path>
<ide> npm run test:watch
<ide> ### Docs
<del>Improvements to the documentation are always welcome. In the docs we abide by typographic rules, so instead of ' you should use '. Same goes for โ โ and dashes (โ) where appropriate. These rules only apply to the text, not to code blocks.
<del>The docs are published automatically when the `master` branch is updated.
<add>Improvements to the documentation are always welcome. You can find them in the [`docs`](/docs) path. We use [Docusaurus]( to build our documentation website. The website is published automatically whenever the `master` branch is updated.
<ide> ### Examples
<ide> | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | fix touchhistorymath import | 554243eb567cc587ce50a3f2224bbf42b931c9b4 | <ide><path>Libraries/Interaction/PanResponder.js
<ide> 'use strict';
<ide> const InteractionManager = require('./InteractionManager');
<del>const TouchHistoryMath = require('TouchHistoryMath');
<add>const TouchHistoryMath = require('./TouchHistoryMath');
<ide> const currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter = TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter;
<ide> const currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter = TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter; | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | fix rubocop warnings | 501774e3bc73d5dd367054b954893d9561bf00d2 | <ide><path>Library/Homebrew/test/test_os_mac_language.rb
<ide> class OSMacLanguageTests < Homebrew::TestCase
<ide> def test_language_format
<del> assert_match %r{\A[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?\Z}, OS::Mac.language
<add> assert_match(/\A[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?\Z/, OS::Mac.language)
<ide> end
<ide> end | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | allow optionalmemberexpression in deps | 7992ca10df497002e0e91bb5bfbc9661c9c85b88 | <ide><path>packages/eslint-plugin-react-hooks/__tests__/ESLintRuleExhaustiveDeps-test.js
<ide> const tests = {
<ide> },
<ide> ],
<ide> },
<add> {
<add> code: normalizeIndent`
<add> function MyComponent({ history }) {
<add> useEffect(() => {
<add> return [
<add> history?.foo
<add> ];
<add> }, []);
<add> }
<add> `,
<add> errors: [
<add> {
<add> message:
<add> "React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'history?.foo'. " +
<add> 'Either include it or remove the dependency array.',
<add> suggestions: [
<add> {
<add> desc: 'Update the dependencies array to be: [history?.foo]',
<add> output: normalizeIndent`
<add> function MyComponent({ history }) {
<add> useEffect(() => {
<add> return [
<add> history?.foo
<add> ];
<add> }, [history?.foo]);
<add> }
<add> `,
<add> },
<add> ],
<add> },
<add> ],
<add> },
<ide> {
<ide> code: normalizeIndent`
<ide> function MyComponent() {
<ide> function scanForDeclaredBareFunctions({
<ide> */
<ide> function getDependency(node) {
<ide> if (
<del> node.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
<add> (node.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' ||
<add> node.parent.type === 'OptionalMemberExpression') &&
<ide> node.parent.object === node &&
<ide> !== 'current' &&
<ide> !node.parent.computed &&
<ide> function getDependency(node) {
<ide> * (foo) -> 'foo'
<ide> * foo.(bar) -> ''
<ide> * -> ''
<add> * foo?.(bar) -> 'foo?.bar'
<ide> * Otherwise throw.
<ide> */
<ide> function toPropertyAccessString(node) {
<ide> function toPropertyAccessString(node) {
<ide> const object = toPropertyAccessString(node.object);
<ide> const property = toPropertyAccessString(;
<ide> return `${object}.${property}`;
<add> } else if (node.type === 'OptionalMemberExpression' && !node.computed) {
<add> const object = toPropertyAccessString(node.object);
<add> const property = toPropertyAccessString(;
<add> return `${object}?.${property}`;
<ide> } else {
<ide> throw new Error(`Unsupported node type: ${node.type}`);
<ide> } | 2 |
PHP | PHP | fix return type of model update() | 4495d0cfb8632e3c59d0a80a8da03595b4dfb3ab | <ide><path>src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php
<ide> protected function incrementOrDecrementAttributeValue($column, $amount, $method)
<ide> *
<ide> * @param array $attributes
<ide> * @param array $options
<del> * @return bool|int
<add> * @return bool
<ide> */
<ide> public function update(array $attributes = [], array $options = [])
<ide> { | 1 |
Python | Python | update (#702) | ad68eed73e2cf39ee347e36a4e0fdf54310bd79a | <ide><path>ciphers/
<ide> def main():
<ide> print("4.Quit")
<ide> choice = input("What would you like to do?: ")
<ide> if choice not in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
<del> print ("Invalid choice")
<add> print ("Invalid choice, please enter a valid choice")
<ide> elif choice == '1':
<del> strng = input("Please enter the string to be ecrypted: ")
<add> strng = input("Please enter the string to be encrypted: ")
<ide> key = int(input("Please enter off-set between 1-94: "))
<ide> if key in range(1, 95):
<ide> print (encrypt(strng.lower(), key))
<ide> elif choice == '2':
<ide> strng = input("Please enter the string to be decrypted: ")
<ide> key = int(input("Please enter off-set between 1-94: "))
<del> if key > 0 and key <= 94:
<add> if key in range(1,95):
<ide> print(decrypt(strng, key))
<ide> elif choice == '3':
<ide> strng = input("Please enter the string to be decrypted: ") | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | add a test for this.render('template') | 6e6668a7acd93ccea5ccc7d87fe22414effa42c0 | <ide><path>packages/ember/tests/routing/basic_test.js
<ide> test("The Homepage with explicit template name in renderTemplate", function() {
<ide> equal(Ember.$('h3:contains(Megatroll)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, "The homepage template was rendered");
<ide> });
<add>test("An alternate template will pull in an alternate controller", function() {
<add> {
<add> this.route("home", { path: "/" });
<add> });
<add> App.HomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
<add> renderTemplate: function() {
<add> this.render('homepage');
<add> }
<add> });
<add> App.HomepageController = Ember.Controller.extend({
<add> home: "Comes from homepage"
<add> });
<add> bootApplication();
<add> {
<add> router.handleURL("/");
<add> });
<add> equal(Ember.$('h3:contains(Megatroll) + p:contains(Comes from homepage)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, "The homepage template was rendered");
<ide> test("The Homepage with explicit template name in renderTemplate and controller", function() {
<ide> {
<ide> this.route("home", { path: "/" }); | 1 |
Text | Text | add changelog entry for yaml parsing removal | ec53106068ad7950dc005739b2132f2392c3517b | <ide><path>activerecord/
<ide> ## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##
<add>* Remove support for parsing YAML parameters from request.
<add> *Aaron Patterson*
<ide> * Support for PostgreSQL's `ltree` data type.
<ide> *Rob Worley*
<del>* Fix undefined method `to_i` when calling `new` on a scope that uses an
<add>* Fix undefined method `to_i` when calling `new` on a scope that uses an
<ide> Array; Fix FloatDomainError when setting integer column to NaN.
<ide> Fixes #8718, #8734, #8757.
<ide> | 1 |
Python | Python | fix ineffective no_decay bug | 6c4789e4e86012a5678335e5eae47ac0687e6b2f | <ide><path>examples/
<ide> def main():
<ide> param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters())
<ide> no_decay = ['bias', 'gamma', 'beta']
<ide> optimizer_grouped_parameters = [
<del> {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if n not in no_decay], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.01},
<del> {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if n in no_decay], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.0}
<add> {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.01},
<add> {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.0}
<ide> ]
<ide> optimizer = BertAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters,
<ide> lr=args.learning_rate, | 1 |
Text | Text | fix stability text for n-api | 3706c65500008a8f762317ceb956477c0c2e39e2 | <ide><path>doc/api/
<ide> illustration of how it can be used.
<ide> ## N-API
<del>> Stability: 1 - Experimental
<add>> Stability: 2 - Stable
<ide> N-API is an API for building native Addons. It is independent from
<ide> the underlying JavaScript runtime (e.g. V8) and is maintained as part of | 1 |
Text | Text | add v4.9.0-beta.4 to changelog | 792ca6cc82e28214228a27419d1f9caf370e352b | <ide><path>
<ide> # Ember Changelog
<add>### v4.9.0-beta.4 (November 15, 2022)
<add>- [#20256]( [BUGFIX] Correct types for Ember Arrays
<add>- [#20257]( [BUGFIX] Fix types for `getOwner` and GlimmerComponent
<ide> ### v4.8.2 (November 3, 2022)
<ide> - [#20244]( Add missing type for `getComponentTemplate` to preview types | 1 |
Text | Text | use kbd element in tty doc | 8a3808dc378219d39b0bf9693f0e640d390e51fb | <ide><path>doc/api/
<ide> Allows configuration of `tty.ReadStream` so that it operates as a raw device.
<ide> When in raw mode, input is always available character-by-character, not
<ide> including modifiers. Additionally, all special processing of characters by the
<ide> terminal is disabled, including echoing input characters.
<del>`CTRL`+`C` will no longer cause a `SIGINT` when in this mode.
<add><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> will no longer cause a `SIGINT` when in this mode.
<ide> ## Class: `tty.WriteStream`
<ide> <!-- YAML | 1 |
PHP | PHP | skip flaky test when no results come back | 418cdc45c16944321306882a89999f9234962b7d | <ide><path>tests/TestCase/ORM/QueryRegressionTest.php
<ide> public function testDeepBelongsToManySubqueryStrategy()
<ide> ]);
<ide> $result = $table->find()->contain(['Articles.Tags'])->toArray();
<add> $this->skipIf(count($result) == 0, 'No results, this test sometimes acts up on PHP 5.6');
<ide> $this->assertEquals(
<ide> ['tag1', 'tag3'],
<ide> collection($result[2]->articles[0]->tags)->extract('name')->toArray() | 1 |
Go | Go | fix some revision about log output | adfd1ddfc6e094295d07ff2b36fb6e91cf7878dd | <ide><path>daemon/graphdriver/devmapper/deviceset.go
<ide> func (devices *DeviceSet) initDevmapper(doInit bool) error {
<ide> }
<ide> func (devices *DeviceSet) AddDevice(hash, baseHash string) error {
<del> log.Debugf("[deviceset] AddDevice() hash=%s basehash=%s", hash, baseHash)
<add> log.Debugf("[deviceset] AddDevice(hash=%s basehash=%s)", hash, baseHash)
<ide> defer log.Debugf("[deviceset] AddDevice(hash=%s basehash=%s) END", hash, baseHash)
<ide> baseInfo, err := devices.lookupDevice(baseHash)
<ide> func (devices *DeviceSet) waitClose(info *DevInfo) error {
<ide> }
<ide> func (devices *DeviceSet) Shutdown() error {
<del> log.Debugf("[deviceset %s] shutdown()", devices.devicePrefix)
<add> log.Debugf("[deviceset %s] Shutdown()", devices.devicePrefix)
<ide> log.Debugf("[devmapper] Shutting down DeviceSet: %s", devices.root)
<del> defer log.Debugf("[deviceset %s] shutdown END", devices.devicePrefix)
<add> defer log.Debugf("[deviceset %s] Shutdown() END", devices.devicePrefix)
<ide> var devs []*DevInfo
<ide> func (devices *DeviceSet) MountDevice(hash, path, mountLabel string) error {
<ide> if info.mountCount > 0 {
<ide> if path != info.mountPath {
<del> return fmt.Errorf("Trying to mount devmapper device in multple places (%s, %s)", info.mountPath, path)
<add> return fmt.Errorf("Trying to mount devmapper device in multiple places (%s, %s)", info.mountPath, path)
<ide> }
<ide> info.mountCount++ | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | fix comment typo | ee73183dc953fe736a59b981d66c2babc08f3d69 | <ide><path>src/menu-sort-helpers.js
<ide> function indexOfGroupContainingCommand (groups, command, ignoreGroup) {
<ide> }
<ide> // Sort nodes topologically using a depth-first approach. Encountered cycles
<del>// and broken.
<add>// are broken.
<ide> function sortTopologically (originalOrder, edgesById) {
<ide> const sorted = []
<ide> const marked = new Set() | 1 |
Go | Go | add compress option for 'jsonfiles' log driver | f69f09f44ce9fedbc9d70f11980c1fc8d7f77cec | <ide><path>daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/jsonfilelog.go
<ide> func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return nil, err
<ide> }
<add> if capval <= 0 {
<add> return nil, fmt.Errorf("max-size should be a positive numbler")
<add> }
<ide> }
<ide> var maxFiles = 1
<ide> if maxFileString, ok := info.Config["max-file"]; ok {
<ide> func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
<ide> }
<ide> }
<add> var compress bool
<add> if compressString, ok := info.Config["compress"]; ok {
<add> var err error
<add> compress, err = strconv.ParseBool(compressString)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> if compress && (maxFiles == 1 || capval == -1) {
<add> return nil, fmt.Errorf("compress cannot be true when max-file is less than 2 or max-size is not set")
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> attrs, err := info.ExtraAttributes(nil)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return nil, err
<ide> func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
<ide> return b, nil
<ide> }
<del> writer, err := loggerutils.NewLogFile(info.LogPath, capval, maxFiles, marshalFunc, decodeFunc, 0640)
<add> writer, err := loggerutils.NewLogFile(info.LogPath, capval, maxFiles, compress, marshalFunc, decodeFunc, 0640)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return nil, err
<ide> }
<ide> func ValidateLogOpt(cfg map[string]string) error {
<ide> switch key {
<ide> case "max-file":
<ide> case "max-size":
<add> case "compress":
<ide> case "labels":
<ide> case "env":
<ide> case "env-regex":
<ide> package jsonfilelog // import "
<ide> import (
<ide> "bytes"
<add> "compress/gzip"
<ide> "encoding/json"
<ide> "io/ioutil"
<ide> "os"
<ide> func TestJSONFileLoggerWithOpts(t *testing.T) {
<ide> }
<ide> defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
<ide> filename := filepath.Join(tmp, "container.log")
<del> config := map[string]string{"max-file": "2", "max-size": "1k"}
<add> config := map[string]string{"max-file": "3", "max-size": "1k", "compress": "true"}
<ide> l, err := New(logger.Info{
<ide> ContainerID: cid,
<ide> LogPath: filename,
<ide> func TestJSONFileLoggerWithOpts(t *testing.T) {
<ide> t.Fatal(err)
<ide> }
<ide> defer l.Close()
<del> for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
<add> for i := 0; i < 36; i++ {
<ide> if err := l.Log(&logger.Message{Line: []byte("line" + strconv.Itoa(i)), Source: "src1"}); err != nil {
<ide> t.Fatal(err)
<ide> }
<ide> }
<ide> res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> t.Fatal(err)
<ide> }
<ide> penUlt, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename + ".1")
<add> if err != nil {
<add> if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> file, err := os.Open(filename + ".1.gz")
<add> defer file.Close()
<add> if err != nil {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> zipReader, err := gzip.NewReader(file)
<add> defer zipReader.Close()
<add> if err != nil {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> penUlt, err = ioutil.ReadAll(zipReader)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> }
<add> file, err := os.Open(filename + ".2.gz")
<add> defer file.Close()
<add> if err != nil {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> zipReader, err := gzip.NewReader(file)
<add> defer zipReader.Close()
<add> if err != nil {
<add> t.Fatal(err)
<add> }
<add> antepenult, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zipReader)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> t.Fatal(err)
<ide> }
<del> expectedPenultimate := `{"log":"line0\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<add> expectedAntepenultimate := `{"log":"line0\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line1\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line2\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line3\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> func TestJSONFileLoggerWithOpts(t *testing.T) {
<ide> {"log":"line14\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line15\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> `
<del> expected := `{"log":"line16\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<add> expectedPenultimate := `{"log":"line16\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line17\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line18\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> {"log":"line19\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<add> expected := `{"log":"line32\n","stream":"src1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
<ide> `
<ide> if string(res) != expected {
<ide> func TestJSONFileLoggerWithOpts(t *testing.T) {
<ide> if string(penUlt) != expectedPenultimate {
<ide> t.Fatalf("Wrong log content: %q, expected %q", penUlt, expectedPenultimate)
<ide> }
<add> if string(antepenult) != expectedAntepenultimate {
<add> t.Fatalf("Wrong log content: %q, expected %q", antepenult, expectedAntepenultimate)
<add> }
<ide> }
<ide> func TestJSONFileLoggerWithLabelsEnv(t *testing.T) {
<ide> package loggerutils // import "
<ide> import (
<ide> "bytes"
<add> "compress/gzip"
<ide> "context"
<add> "encoding/json"
<ide> "fmt"
<ide> "io"
<ide> "os"
<ide> "strconv"
<add> "strings"
<ide> "sync"
<ide> "time"
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<add> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> ""
<ide> )
<add>const tmpLogfileSuffix = ".tmp"
<add>// rotateFileMetadata is a metadata of the gzip header of the compressed log file
<add>type rotateFileMetadata struct {
<add> LastTime time.Time `json:"lastTime,omitempty"`
<add>// refCounter is a counter of logfile being referenced
<add>type refCounter struct {
<add> mu sync.Mutex
<add> counter map[string]int
<add>// Reference increase the reference counter for specified logfile
<add>func (rc *refCounter) GetReference(fileName string, openRefFile func(fileName string, exists bool) (*os.File, error)) (*os.File, error) {
<add> defer
<add> var (
<add> file *os.File
<add> err error
<add> )
<add> _, ok := rc.counter[fileName]
<add> file, err = openRefFile(fileName, ok)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> if ok {
<add> rc.counter[fileName]++
<add> } else if file != nil {
<add> rc.counter[file.Name()] = 1
<add> }
<add> return file, nil
<add>// Dereference reduce the reference counter for specified logfile
<add>func (rc *refCounter) Dereference(fileName string) error {
<add> defer
<add> rc.counter[fileName]--
<add> if rc.counter[fileName] <= 0 {
<add> delete(rc.counter, fileName)
<add> err := os.Remove(fileName)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return err
<add> }
<add> }
<add> return nil
<ide> // LogFile is Logger implementation for default Docker logging.
<ide> type LogFile struct {
<del> f *os.File // store for closing
<del> closed bool
<del> mu sync.RWMutex
<del> capacity int64 //maximum size of each file
<del> currentSize int64 // current size of the latest file
<del> maxFiles int //maximum number of files
<del> notifyRotate *pubsub.Publisher
<del> marshal logger.MarshalFunc
<del> createDecoder makeDecoderFunc
<del> perms os.FileMode
<add> mu sync.RWMutex // protects the logfile access
<add> f *os.File // store for closing
<add> closed bool
<add> rotateMu sync.Mutex // blocks the next rotation until the current rotation is completed
<add> capacity int64 // maximum size of each file
<add> currentSize int64 // current size of the latest file
<add> maxFiles int // maximum number of files
<add> compress bool // whether old versions of log files are compressed
<add> lastTimestamp time.Time // timestamp of the last log
<add> filesRefCounter refCounter // keep reference-counted of decompressed files
<add> notifyRotate *pubsub.Publisher
<add> marshal logger.MarshalFunc
<add> createDecoder makeDecoderFunc
<add> perms os.FileMode
<ide> }
<ide> type makeDecoderFunc func(rdr io.Reader) func() (*logger.Message, error)
<ide> //NewLogFile creates new LogFile
<del>func NewLogFile(logPath string, capacity int64, maxFiles int, marshaller logger.MarshalFunc, decodeFunc makeDecoderFunc, perms os.FileMode) (*LogFile, error) {
<add>func NewLogFile(logPath string, capacity int64, maxFiles int, compress bool, marshaller logger.MarshalFunc, decodeFunc makeDecoderFunc, perms os.FileMode) (*LogFile, error) {
<ide> log, err := os.OpenFile(logPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, perms)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return nil, err
<ide> func NewLogFile(logPath string, capacity int64, maxFiles int, marshaller logger.
<ide> }
<ide> return &LogFile{
<del> f: log,
<del> capacity: capacity,
<del> currentSize: size,
<del> maxFiles: maxFiles,
<del> notifyRotate: pubsub.NewPublisher(0, 1),
<del> marshal: marshaller,
<del> createDecoder: decodeFunc,
<del> perms: perms,
<add> f: log,
<add> capacity: capacity,
<add> currentSize: size,
<add> maxFiles: maxFiles,
<add> compress: compress,
<add> filesRefCounter: refCounter{counter: make(map[string]int)},
<add> notifyRotate: pubsub.NewPublisher(0, 1),
<add> marshal: marshaller,
<add> createDecoder: decodeFunc,
<add> perms: perms,
<ide> }, nil
<ide> }
<ide> func (w *LogFile) WriteLogEntry(msg *logger.Message) error {
<ide> n, err := w.f.Write(b)
<ide> if err == nil {
<ide> w.currentSize += int64(n)
<add> w.lastTimestamp = msg.Timestamp
<ide> }
<ide> return err
<ide> func (w *LogFile) checkCapacityAndRotate() error {
<ide> }
<ide> if w.currentSize >= w.capacity {
<del> name := w.f.Name()
<add> w.rotateMu.Lock()
<add> fname := w.f.Name()
<ide> if err := w.f.Close(); err != nil {
<add> w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<ide> return errors.Wrap(err, "error closing file")
<ide> }
<del> if err := rotate(name, w.maxFiles); err != nil {
<add> if err := rotate(fname, w.maxFiles, w.compress); err != nil {
<add> w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<ide> return err
<ide> }
<del> file, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, w.perms)
<add> file, err := os.OpenFile(fname, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, w.perms)
<ide> if err != nil {
<add> w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<ide> return err
<ide> }
<ide> w.f = file
<ide> w.currentSize = 0
<ide> w.notifyRotate.Publish(struct{}{})
<add> if w.maxFiles <= 1 || !w.compress {
<add> w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<add> return nil
<add> }
<add> go func() {
<add> compressFile(fname+".1", w.lastTimestamp)
<add> w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<add> }()
<ide> }
<ide> return nil
<ide> }
<del>func rotate(name string, maxFiles int) error {
<add>func rotate(name string, maxFiles int, compress bool) error {
<ide> if maxFiles < 2 {
<ide> return nil
<ide> }
<add> var extension string
<add> if compress {
<add> extension = ".gz"
<add> }
<ide> for i := maxFiles - 1; i > 1; i-- {
<del> toPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)
<del> fromPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i-1)
<add> toPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i) + extension
<add> fromPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i-1) + extension
<ide> if err := os.Rename(fromPath, toPath); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<del> return errors.Wrap(err, "error rotating old log entries")
<add> return err
<ide> }
<ide> }
<ide> if err := os.Rename(name, name+".1"); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<del> return errors.Wrap(err, "error rotating current log")
<add> return err
<ide> }
<ide> return nil
<ide> }
<add>func compressFile(fileName string, lastTimestamp time.Time) {
<add> file, err := os.Open(fileName)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> logrus.Errorf("Failed to open log file: %v", err)
<add> return
<add> }
<add> defer func() {
<add> file.Close()
<add> err := os.Remove(fileName)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> logrus.Errorf("Failed to remove source log file: %v", err)
<add> }
<add> }()
<add> outFile, err := os.OpenFile(fileName+".gz", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0640)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> logrus.Errorf("Failed to open or create gzip log file: %v", err)
<add> return
<add> }
<add> defer func() {
<add> outFile.Close()
<add> if err != nil {
<add> os.Remove(fileName + ".gz")
<add> }
<add> }()
<add> compressWriter := gzip.NewWriter(outFile)
<add> defer compressWriter.Close()
<add> // Add the last log entry timestramp to the gzip header
<add> extra := rotateFileMetadata{}
<add> extra.LastTime = lastTimestamp
<add> compressWriter.Header.Extra, err = json.Marshal(&extra)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> // Here log the error only and don't return since this is just an optimization.
<add> logrus.Warningf("Failed to marshal JSON: %v", err)
<add> }
<add> _, err = pools.Copy(compressWriter, file)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> logrus.WithError(err).WithField("module", "container.logs").WithField("file", fileName).Error("Error compressing log file")
<add> return
<add> }
<ide> // MaxFiles return maximum number of files
<ide> func (w *LogFile) MaxFiles() int {
<ide> return w.maxFiles
<ide> func (w *LogFile) Close() error {
<ide> // ReadLogs decodes entries from log files and sends them the passed in watcher
<ide> func (w *LogFile) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher) {
<del> files, err := w.openRotatedFiles()
<del> if err != nil {
<del> watcher.Err <- err
<del> return
<del> }
<del> defer func() {
<del> for _, f := range files {
<del> f.Close()
<del> }
<del> }()
<ide> currentFile, err := os.Open(w.f.Name())
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> func (w *LogFile) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher)
<ide> defer currentFile.Close()
<ide> currentChunk, err := newSectionReader(currentFile)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> watcher.Err <- err
<ide> return
<ide> }
<ide> if config.Tail != 0 {
<add> files, err := w.openRotatedFiles(config)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> watcher.Err <- err
<add> return
<add> }
<ide> seekers := make([]io.ReadSeeker, 0, len(files)+1)
<ide> for _, f := range files {
<ide> seekers = append(seekers, f)
<ide> func (w *LogFile) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher)
<ide> if len(seekers) > 0 {
<ide> tailFile(multireader.MultiReadSeeker(seekers...), watcher, w.createDecoder, config)
<ide> }
<add> for _, f := range files {
<add> f.Close()
<add> fileName := f.Name()
<add> if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, tmpLogfileSuffix) {
<add> err := w.filesRefCounter.Dereference(fileName)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> logrus.Errorf("Failed to dereference the log file %q: %v", fileName, err)
<add> }
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> }
<ide> if !config.Follow || w.closed {
<ide> return
<ide> func (w *LogFile) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher)
<ide> followLogs(currentFile, watcher, notifyRotate, w.createDecoder, config.Since, config.Until)
<ide> }
<del>func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFiles() (files []*os.File, err error) {
<add>func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFiles(config logger.ReadConfig) (files []*os.File, err error) {
<add> w.rotateMu.Lock()
<add> defer w.rotateMu.Unlock()
<ide> defer func() {
<ide> if err == nil {
<ide> return
<ide> }
<ide> for _, f := range files {
<ide> f.Close()
<add> if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), tmpLogfileSuffix) {
<add> err := os.Remove(f.Name())
<add> if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<add> logrus.Warningf("Failed to remove the logfile %q: %v", f.Name, err)
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> }
<ide> }()
<ide> func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFiles() (files []*os.File, err error) {
<ide> if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<ide> return nil, err
<ide> }
<add> fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.gz", w.f.Name(), i-1)
<add> decompressedFileName := fileName + tmpLogfileSuffix
<add> tmpFile, err := w.filesRefCounter.GetReference(decompressedFileName, func(refFileName string, exists bool) (*os.File, error) {
<add> if exists {
<add> return os.Open(refFileName)
<add> }
<add> return decompressfile(fileName, refFileName, config.Since)
<add> })
<add> if err != nil {
<add> if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> continue
<add> }
<add> if tmpFile == nil {
<add> // The log before `config.Since` does not need to read
<add> break
<add> }
<add> files = append(files, tmpFile)
<ide> continue
<ide> }
<ide> files = append(files, f)
<ide> func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFiles() (files []*os.File, err error) {
<ide> return files, nil
<ide> }
<add>func decompressfile(fileName, destFileName string, since time.Time) (*os.File, error) {
<add> cf, err := os.Open(fileName)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> defer cf.Close()
<add> rc, err := gzip.NewReader(cf)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> defer rc.Close()
<add> // Extract the last log entry timestramp from the gzip header
<add> extra := &rotateFileMetadata{}
<add> err = json.Unmarshal(rc.Header.Extra, extra)
<add> if err == nil && extra.LastTime.Before(since) {
<add> return nil, nil
<add> }
<add> rs, err := os.OpenFile(destFileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0640)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> _, err = pools.Copy(rs, rc)
<add> if err != nil {
<add> rs.Close()
<add> rErr := os.Remove(rs.Name())
<add> if rErr != nil && os.IsNotExist(rErr) {
<add> logrus.Errorf("Failed to remove the logfile %q: %v", rs.Name(), rErr)
<add> }
<add> return nil, err
<add> }
<add> return rs, nil
<ide> func newSectionReader(f *os.File) (*io.SectionReader, error) {
<ide> // seek to the end to get the size
<ide> // we'll leave this at the end of the file since section reader does not advance the reader | 3 |
PHP | PHP | update controller alias | 73f37c6ce004a6da53711573365c3e8be555019e | <ide><path>app/config/app.php
<ide> 'Cache' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache',
<ide> 'ClassLoader' => 'Illuminate\Support\ClassLoader',
<ide> 'Config' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config',
<del> 'Controller' => 'Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\Controller',
<add> 'Controller' => 'Illuminate\Routing\Controller',
<ide> 'Cookie' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie',
<ide> 'Crypt' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt',
<ide> 'DB' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB', | 1 |
Text | Text | show images in by removing html tags | 0d4c7748124a152aa92fc0f30d9707000291db95 | <ide><path>resnet/
<ide> <b>Results:</b>
<del>![Precisions Legends](g3doc/cifar_resnet_legends.gif)
<add>![Precisions](g3doc/cifar_resnet.gif) ![Precisions Legends](g3doc/cifar_resnet_legends.gif)
<ide> CIFAR-10 Model|Best Precision|Steps | 1 |
Text | Text | add link to preview the new clas | 683ceb8ff067ac53a7cb464ba1ec3f88e353e3f5 | <ide><path>
<ide> Note: This is the code development repository for *jQuery Core* only. Before ope
<ide> We're always looking for help [identifying bugs](#how-to-report-bugs), writing and reducing test cases, and improving documentation. And although new features are rare, anything passing our [guidelines]( will be considered.
<del>More information on how to contribute to this and other jQuery organization projects is at [](, including a short guide with tips, tricks, and ideas on [getting started with open source]( Please review our [commit & pull request guide]( and [style guides]( for instructions on how to maintain a fork and submit patches. Before we can merge any pull request, we'll also need you to sign our [contributor license agreement](
<add>More information on how to contribute to this and other jQuery organization projects is at [](, including a short guide with tips, tricks, and ideas on [getting started with open source]( Please review our [commit & pull request guide]( and [style guides]( for instructions on how to maintain a fork and submit patches.
<add>When opening a pull request, you'll be asked to sign our Contributor License Agreement. Both the Corporate and Individual agreements can be [previewed on GitHub](
<ide> ## Questions and Discussion
<ide> | 1 |
Java | Java | move routerfunction webhandler to inner class | edd86e5dd556429f69f2098676867d77b7044116 | <ide><path>spring-webflux/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/reactive/function/server/
<ide> public abstract class RouterFunctions {
<ide> RouterFunctions.class.getName() + ".matchingPattern";
<del> private static final HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> NOT_FOUND_HANDLER =
<del> request -> ServerResponse.notFound().build();
<ide> /**
<ide> public static WebHandler toWebHandler(RouterFunction<?> routerFunction, HandlerS
<ide> Assert.notNull(routerFunction, "RouterFunction must not be null");
<ide> Assert.notNull(strategies, "HandlerStrategies must not be null");
<del> return exchange -> {
<del> ServerRequest request = new DefaultServerRequest(exchange, strategies.messageReaders());
<del> addAttributes(exchange, request);
<del> return routerFunction.route(request)
<del> .defaultIfEmpty(notFound())
<del> .flatMap(handlerFunction -> wrapException(() -> handlerFunction.handle(request)))
<del> .flatMap(response -> wrapException(() -> response.writeTo(exchange,
<del> new HandlerStrategiesResponseContext(strategies))));
<del> };
<add> return new RouterFunctionWebHandler(strategies, routerFunction);
<ide> }
<del> private static <T> Mono<T> wrapException(Supplier<Mono<T>> supplier) {
<del> try {
<del> return supplier.get();
<del> }
<del> catch (Throwable ex) {
<del> return Mono.error(ex);
<del> }
<del> }
<del> private static void addAttributes(ServerWebExchange exchange, ServerRequest request) {
<del> Map<String, Object> attributes = exchange.getAttributes();
<del> attributes.put(REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, request);
<del> }
<del> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
<del> private static <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFunction<T> notFound() {
<del> return (HandlerFunction<T>) NOT_FOUND_HANDLER;
<del> }
<del> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
<del> static <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFunction<T> cast(HandlerFunction<?> handlerFunction) {
<del> return (HandlerFunction<T>) handlerFunction;
<del> }
<ide> /**
<ide> * Represents a discoverable builder for router functions.
<ide> * Obtained via {@link RouterFunctions#route()}.
<ide> public DifferentComposedRouterFunction(RouterFunction<?> first, RouterFunction<?
<ide> @Override
<ide> public Mono<HandlerFunction<ServerResponse>> route(ServerRequest request) {
<ide> return this.first.route(request)
<del> .map(RouterFunctions::cast)
<del> .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> this.second.route(request).map(RouterFunctions::cast)));
<add> .map(this::cast)
<add> .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> this.second.route(request).map(this::cast)));
<add> }
<add> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
<add> private <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFunction<T> cast(HandlerFunction<?> handlerFunction) {
<add> return (HandlerFunction<T>) handlerFunction;
<ide> }
<ide> @Override
<ide> public List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers() {
<ide> }
<ide> }
<add> private static class RouterFunctionWebHandler implements WebHandler {
<add> private static final HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> NOT_FOUND_HANDLER =
<add> request -> ServerResponse.notFound().build();
<add> private final HandlerStrategies strategies;
<add> private final RouterFunction<?> routerFunction;
<add> public RouterFunctionWebHandler(HandlerStrategies strategies, RouterFunction<?> routerFunction) {
<add> this.strategies = strategies;
<add> this.routerFunction = routerFunction;
<add> }
<add> @Override
<add> public Mono<Void> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
<add> return Mono.defer(() -> {
<add> ServerRequest request = new DefaultServerRequest(exchange, this.strategies.messageReaders());
<add> addAttributes(exchange, request);
<add> return this.routerFunction.route(request)
<add> .defaultIfEmpty(notFound())
<add> .flatMap(handlerFunction -> wrapException(() -> handlerFunction.handle(request)))
<add> .flatMap(response -> wrapException(() -> response.writeTo(exchange,
<add> new HandlerStrategiesResponseContext(this.strategies))));
<add> });
<add> }
<add> private void addAttributes(ServerWebExchange exchange, ServerRequest request) {
<add> Map<String, Object> attributes = exchange.getAttributes();
<add> attributes.put(REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, request);
<add> }
<add> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
<add> private static <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFunction<T> notFound() {
<add> return (HandlerFunction<T>) NOT_FOUND_HANDLER;
<add> }
<add> private static <T> Mono<T> wrapException(Supplier<Mono<T>> supplier) {
<add> try {
<add> return supplier.get();
<add> }
<add> catch (Throwable ex) {
<add> return Mono.error(ex);
<add> }
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> } | 1 |
Python | Python | return pidlockfile if the lock is stale | fa0fb625f233bbc475a72abb85670c817e8ad758 | <ide><path>celery/bin/
<ide> def acquire_pidlock(pidfile):
<ide> if exc.errno == errno.ESRCH:
<ide> sys.stderr.write("Stale pidfile exists. Removing it.\n")
<ide> pidlock.release()
<del> return
<add> return PIDLockFile(pidfile)
<ide> else:
<ide> raise SystemExit(
<ide> "ERROR: Pidfile (%s) already exists.\n" | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | add signature for bottle dsl | 88a8def34cf617f20ef84c6191a9dbfc7b8790d6 | <ide><path>Library/Homebrew/formula.rb
<ide> def stage(interactive: false, debug_symbols: false)
<ide> # The methods below define the formula DSL.
<ide> class << self
<ide> extend Predicable
<add> extend T::Sig
<ide> include BuildEnvironment::DSL
<ide> include OnSystem::MacOSAndLinux
<ide> def sha256(val)
<ide> #
<ide> # Formulae which should not be bottled should be tagged with:
<ide> # <pre>bottle :disable, "reasons"</pre>
<del> def bottle(*args, &block)
<del> stable.bottle(*args, &block)
<add> sig { params(block: T.proc.bind(BottleSpecification).void).void }
<add> def bottle(&block)
<add> stable.bottle(&block)
<ide> end
<ide> # @private | 1 |
Go | Go | use sequential file access | c98e77c77c5b43bf50e8ae5296b02ce0b47ea188 | <ide><path>cli/command/utils.go
<ide> package command
<ide> import (
<ide> "fmt"
<ide> "io"
<del> "io/ioutil"
<ide> "os"
<ide> "path/filepath"
<ide> "runtime"
<ide> "strings"
<add> ""
<ide> )
<ide> // CopyToFile writes the content of the reader to the specified file
<ide> func CopyToFile(outfile string, r io.Reader) error {
<del> tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(filepath.Dir(outfile), ".docker_temp_")
<add> // We use sequential file access here to avoid depleting the standby list
<add> // on Windows. On Linux, this is a call directly to ioutil.TempFile
<add> tmpFile, err := system.TempFileSequential(filepath.Dir(outfile), ".docker_temp_")
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return err
<ide> }
<ide> func (fg *fileGetCloserWithBackupPrivileges) Get(filename string) (io.ReadCloser
<ide> var f *os.File
<ide> // Open the file while holding the Windows backup privilege. This ensures that the
<ide> // file can be opened even if the caller does not actually have access to it according
<del> // to the security descriptor.
<add> // to the security descriptor. Also use sequential file access to avoid depleting the
<add> // standby list - Microsoft VSO Bug Tracker #9900466
<ide> err := winio.RunWithPrivilege(winio.SeBackupPrivilege, func() error {
<ide> path := longpath.AddPrefix(filepath.Join(fg.path, filename))
<ide> p, err := syscall.UTF16FromString(path)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return err
<ide> }
<del> h, err := syscall.CreateFile(&p[0], syscall.GENERIC_READ, syscall.FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING, syscall.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0)
<add> const fileFlagSequentialScan = 0x08000000 // FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN
<add> h, err := syscall.CreateFile(&p[0], syscall.GENERIC_READ, syscall.FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING, syscall.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS|fileFlagSequentialScan, 0)
<ide> if err != nil {
<ide> return &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: path, Err: err}
<ide> }
<ide> package system
<ide> import (
<add> "io/ioutil"
<ide> "os"
<ide> "path/filepath"
<ide> )
<ide> func IsAbs(path string) bool {
<ide> return filepath.IsAbs(path)
<ide> }
<del>// The functions below here are wrappers for the equivalents in the os package.
<add>// The functions below here are wrappers for the equivalents in the os and ioutils packages.
<ide> // They are passthrough on Unix platforms, and only relevant on Windows.
<ide> // CreateSequential creates the named file with mode 0666 (before umask), truncating
<ide> func OpenSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) {
<ide> func OpenFileSequential(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {
<ide> return os.OpenFile(name, flag, perm)
<ide> }
<add>// TempFileSequential creates a new temporary file in the directory dir
<add>// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading
<add>// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File.
<add>// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory
<add>// for temporary files (see os.TempDir).
<add>// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously
<add>// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name()
<add>// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility
<add>// to remove the file when no longer needed.
<add>func TempFileSequential(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) {
<add> return ioutil.TempFile(dir, prefix)
<ide> import (
<ide> "os"
<ide> "path/filepath"
<ide> "regexp"
<add> "strconv"
<ide> "strings"
<add> "sync"
<ide> "syscall"
<add> "time"
<ide> "unsafe"
<ide> winio ""
<ide> func syscallOpenSequential(path string, mode int, _ uint32) (fd syscall.Handle,
<ide> h, e := syscall.CreateFile(pathp, access, sharemode, sa, createmode, fileFlagSequentialScan, 0)
<ide> return h, e
<ide> }
<add>// Helpers for TempFileSequential
<add>var rand uint32
<add>var randmu sync.Mutex
<add>func reseed() uint32 {
<add> return uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(os.Getpid()))
<add>func nextSuffix() string {
<add> randmu.Lock()
<add> r := rand
<add> if r == 0 {
<add> r = reseed()
<add> }
<add> r = r*1664525 + 1013904223 // constants from Numerical Recipes
<add> rand = r
<add> randmu.Unlock()
<add> return strconv.Itoa(int(1e9 + r%1e9))[1:]
<add>// TempFileSequential is a copy of ioutil.TempFile, modified to use sequential
<add>// file access. Below is the original comment from golang:
<add>// TempFile creates a new temporary file in the directory dir
<add>// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading
<add>// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File.
<add>// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory
<add>// for temporary files (see os.TempDir).
<add>// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously
<add>// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name()
<add>// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility
<add>// to remove the file when no longer needed.
<add>func TempFileSequential(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) {
<add> if dir == "" {
<add> dir = os.TempDir()
<add> }
<add> nconflict := 0
<add> for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
<add> name := filepath.Join(dir, prefix+nextSuffix())
<add> f, err = OpenFileSequential(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0600)
<add> if os.IsExist(err) {
<add> if nconflict++; nconflict > 10 {
<add> randmu.Lock()
<add> rand = reseed()
<add> randmu.Unlock()
<add> }
<add> continue
<add> }
<add> break
<add> }
<add> return
<add>} | 4 |
Javascript | Javascript | reuse program when not changed | a9e0b9de16960b04389bec9ee64c105d80d0e9c2 | <ide><path>src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js
<ide> THREE.WebGLRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
<ide> function initMaterial( material, lights, fog, object ) {
<del> material.addEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );
<ide> var shaderID = shaderIDs[ material.type ];
<del> if ( shaderID ) {
<del> var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ shaderID ];
<del> material.__webglShader = {
<del> uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ),
<del> vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
<del> fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader
<del> }
<del> } else {
<del> material.__webglShader = {
<del> uniforms: material.uniforms,
<del> vertexShader: material.vertexShader,
<del> fragmentShader: material.fragmentShader
<del> }
<del> }
<ide> // heuristics to create shader parameters according to lights in the scene
<ide> // (not to blow over maxLights budget)
<ide> THREE.WebGLRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
<ide> var code = chunks.join();
<add> if ( !material.program ) {
<add> // new material
<add> material.addEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );
<add> } else if ( material.program.code !== code ) {
<add> // changed glsl or parameters
<add> deallocateMaterial( material );
<add> } else {
<add> // same glsl and parameters
<add> return;
<add> }
<add> if ( shaderID ) {
<add> var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ shaderID ];
<add> material.__webglShader = {
<add> uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ),
<add> vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
<add> fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader
<add> }
<add> } else {
<add> material.__webglShader = {
<add> uniforms: material.uniforms,
<add> vertexShader: material.vertexShader,
<add> fragmentShader: material.fragmentShader
<add> }
<add> }
<ide> var program;
<ide> // Check if code has been already compiled
<ide> THREE.WebGLRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
<ide> if ( material.needsUpdate ) {
<del> if ( material.program ) deallocateMaterial( material );
<ide> initMaterial( material, lights, fog, object );
<ide> material.needsUpdate = false;
<ide> | 1 |
PHP | PHP | fix extra parameters to action method | cc0bd4d8c8f86d4fb841d02d3a7a2106c4f037f9 | <ide><path>src/Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator.php
<ide> protected function toRoute($route, $parameters)
<ide> $path = preg_replace_sub('/\{.*?\}/', $parameters, $route->uri());
<del> return $this->trimUrl($this->getRouteRoot($route, $domain), $path);
<add> $query = count($parameters) > 0 ? '?'.http_build_query($parameters) : '';
<add> return $this->trimUrl($this->getRouteRoot($route, $domain), $path.$query);
<ide> }
<ide> /**
<ide> public function testBasicRouteGeneration()
<ide> $routes->add($route);
<ide> $this->assertEquals('', $url->route('foo'));
<del> $this->assertEquals('', $url->route('bar', array('taylor', 'otwell')));
<add> $this->assertEquals('', $url->route('bar', array('taylor', 'otwell', 'fly' => 'wall')));
<ide> $this->assertEquals('', $url->route('baz'));
<ide> $this->assertEquals('', $url->action('foo@bar'));
<ide> } | 2 |
Javascript | Javascript | run gc and dump stats if --expose-gc is set | 4e84dfa6830336131a63993dcf2119b3edcb0f37 | <ide><path>benchmark/http_simple_auto.js
<ide> server.listen(port, function () {
<ide> cp.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
<ide> cp.on('exit', function() {
<ide> server.close();
<add> process.nextTick(dump_mm_stats);
<ide> });
<ide> });
<add>function dump_mm_stats() {
<add> if (typeof gc != 'function') return;
<add> var before = process.memoryUsage();
<add> for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) gc();
<add> var after = process.memoryUsage();
<add> setTimeout(print_stats, 250); // give GC time to settle
<add> function print_stats() {
<add> console.log('\nBEFORE / AFTER GC');
<add> ['rss', 'heapTotal', 'heapUsed'].forEach(function(key) {
<add> var a = before[key] / (1024 * 1024);
<add> var b = after[key] / (1024 * 1024);
<add> console.log('%sM / %sM %s', a.toFixed(2), b.toFixed(2), key);
<add> });
<add> }
<add>} | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | add duration.add() and duration.subtract() methods | e9e6c4201768446406984613ca19d39c376007fc | <ide><path>moment.js
<ide> return this.lang().postformat(output);
<ide> },
<add> add : function (input, val) {
<add> // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(moment)
<add> var dur = moment.duration(input, val);
<add> this._milliseconds += dur._milliseconds;
<add> this._days += dur._days;
<add> this._months += dur._months;
<add> return this;
<add> },
<add> subtract : function (input, val) {
<add> var dur = moment.duration(input, val);
<add> this._milliseconds -= dur._milliseconds;
<add> this._days -= dur._days;
<add> this._months -= dur._months;
<add> return this;
<add> },
<ide> get : function (units) {
<ide> units = normalizeUnits(units);
<ide> return this[units.toLowerCase() + 's'](); | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | correct @ngdoc annotations for methods of $q | 9da8d63ef43d5b8e90a3b390c6449878fa2f92ea | <ide><path>src/ng/q.js
<ide> function qFactory(nextTick, exceptionHandler) {
<ide> }
<ide> /**
<del> * @ngdoc
<add> * @ngdoc method
<ide> * @name ng.$q#defer
<del> * @methodOf ng.$q
<add> * @kind function
<add> *
<ide> * @description
<ide> * Creates a `Deferred` object which represents a task which will finish in the future.
<ide> *
<ide> function qFactory(nextTick, exceptionHandler) {
<ide> };
<ide> /**
<del> * @ngdoc
<del> * @name ng.$q#reject
<del> * @methodOf ng.$q
<add> * @ngdoc method
<add> * @name $q#reject
<add> * @kind function
<add> *
<ide> * @description
<ide> * Creates a promise that is resolved as rejected with the specified `reason`. This api should be
<ide> * used to forward rejection in a chain of promises. If you are dealing with the last promise in
<ide> function qFactory(nextTick, exceptionHandler) {
<ide> };
<ide> /**
<del> * @ngdoc
<del> * @name ng.$q#when
<del> * @methodOf ng.$q
<add> * @ngdoc method
<add> * @name $q#when
<add> * @kind function
<add> *
<ide> * @description
<ide> * Wraps an object that might be a value or a (3rd party) then-able promise into a $q promise.
<ide> * This is useful when you are dealing with an object that might or might not be a promise, or if
<ide> function qFactory(nextTick, exceptionHandler) {
<ide> };
<ide> /**
<del> * @ngdoc
<del> * @name ng.$q#all
<del> * @methodOf ng.$q
<add> * @ngdoc method
<add> * @name $q#all
<add> * @kind function
<add> *
<ide> * @description
<ide> * Combines multiple promises into a single promise that is resolved when all of the input
<ide> * promises are resolved. | 1 |
Text | Text | fix incorrect markdown rendering | 4a698c9c43804df1d6096e09ff682477efae3431 | <ide><path>docs/extend/
<ide> Responds with a list of Docker subsystems which this plugin implements.
<ide> After activation, the plugin will then be sent events from this subsystem.
<ide> Possible values are:
<del> - [`authz`](
<del> - [`NetworkDriver`](
<del> - [`VolumeDriver`](
<add>* [`authz`](
<add>* [`NetworkDriver`](
<add>* [`VolumeDriver`](
<ide> ## Plugin retries | 1 |
Text | Text | make less facebooky | ed98f2ca571fbf738d5ac9db2a3494a5b0d940b5 | <ide><path>docs/docs/refactor/
<ide> React is all about building reusable components. In fact, with React the *only*
<ide> ## Give it five minutes
<del>React challenges a lot of conventional wisdom, and at first glance some of the ideas may seem crazy. We ask that you [give it five minutes]( while reading about React; we've built thousands of components with engineers and designers at Facebook and Instagram, and we hope you'll find it useful!
<add>React challenges a lot of conventional wisdom, and at first glance some of the ideas may seem crazy. We ask that you [give it five minutes]( while reading about React; engineers and designers have built thousands of components both inside and outside of Facebook and Instagram, and we hope you'll find it useful! | 1 |
Mixed | Javascript | add rectrounded point style | 97f6c8f12d75981ace1df5662f544f0758653170 | <ide><path>docs/
<ide> pointHitRadius | `Number or Array<Number>` | The pixel size of the non-displayed
<ide> pointHoverBackgroundColor | `Color or Array<Color>` | Point background color when hovered
<ide> pointHoverBorderColor | `Color or Array<Color>` | Point border color when hovered
<ide> pointHoverBorderWidth | `Number or Array<Number>` | Border width of point when hovered
<del>pointStyle | `String, Array<String>, Image, Array<Image>` | The style of point. Options are 'circle', 'triangle', 'rect', 'rectRot', 'cross', 'crossRot', 'star', 'line', and 'dash'. If the option is an image, that image is drawn on the canvas using `drawImage`.
<add>pointStyle | `String, Array<String>, Image, Array<Image>` | The style of point. Options are 'circle', 'triangle', 'rect', 'rectRounded', 'rectRot', 'cross', 'crossRot', 'star', 'line', and 'dash'. If the option is an image, that image is drawn on the canvas using `drawImage`.
<ide> showLine | `Boolean` | If false, the line is not drawn for this dataset
<ide> spanGaps | `Boolean` | If true, lines will be drawn between points with no or null data
<ide> steppedLine | `Boolean` | If true, the line is shown as a stepped line and 'lineTension' will be ignored
<ide> pointHitRadius | `Number or Array<Number>` | The pixel size of the non-displayed
<ide> pointHoverBackgroundColor | `Color or Array<Color>` | Point background color when hovered
<ide> pointHoverBorderColor | `Color or Array<Color>` | Point border color when hovered
<ide> pointHoverBorderWidth | `Number or Array<Number>` | Border width of point when hovered
<del>pointStyle | `String or Array<String>` | The style of point. Options include 'circle', 'triangle', 'rect', 'rectRot', 'cross', 'crossRot', 'star', 'line', and 'dash'
<add>pointStyle | `String or Array<String>` | The style of point. Options include 'circle', 'triangle', 'rect', 'rectRounded', 'rectRot', 'cross', 'crossRot', 'star', 'line', and 'dash'
<ide> An example data object using these attributes is shown below.
<ide> module.exports = function(Chart) {
<ide> ctx.fillRect(x - size, y - size, 2 * size, 2 * size);
<ide> ctx.strokeRect(x - size, y - size, 2 * size, 2 * size);
<ide> break;
<add> case 'rectRounded':
<add> var offset = radius / Math.SQRT2;
<add> var leftX = x - offset;
<add> var topY = y - offset;
<add> var sideSize = Math.SQRT2 * radius;
<add> Chart.helpers.drawRoundedRectangle(ctx, leftX, topY, sideSize, sideSize, radius / 2);
<add> ctx.fill();
<add> break;
<ide> case 'rectRot':
<ide> size = 1 / Math.SQRT2 * radius;
<ide> ctx.beginPath();
<ide> describe('Point element tests', function() {
<ide> args: []
<ide> }]);
<add> var drawRoundedRectangleSpy = jasmine.createSpy('drawRoundedRectangle');
<add> var drawRoundedRectangle = Chart.helpers.drawRoundedRectangle;
<add> var offset = point._view.radius / Math.SQRT2;
<add> Chart.helpers.drawRoundedRectangle = drawRoundedRectangleSpy;
<add> mockContext.resetCalls();
<add> point._view.pointStyle = 'rectRounded';
<add> point.draw();
<add> expect(drawRoundedRectangleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
<add> mockContext,
<add> 10 - offset,
<add> 15 - offset,
<add> Math.SQRT2 * 2,
<add> Math.SQRT2 * 2,
<add> 2 / 2
<add> );
<add> expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toContain(
<add> jasmine.objectContaining({
<add> name: 'fill',
<add> args: [],
<add> })
<add> );
<add> Chart.helpers.drawRoundedRectangle = drawRoundedRectangle;
<ide> mockContext.resetCalls();
<ide> point._view.pointStyle = 'rectRot';
<ide> point.draw(); | 4 |
Ruby | Ruby | remove bintray.version method | 71c7781ecd673722b1fe8a9547cb57e9e6fb55a5 | <ide><path>Library/Homebrew/bottles.rb
<ide> def self.repository(tap=nil)
<ide> return "bottles" if tap.to_s.empty?
<ide> "bottles-#{tap.sub(/^homebrew\/(homebrew-)?/i, "")}"
<ide> end
<del> def self.version(path)
<del> BottleVersion.parse(path).to_s
<del> end
<ide> end
<ide> class BottleCollector | 1 |
Go | Go | fix the usage for `service rm` command | cf61cd3a920809f6a0be44a584f365544acaf1a9 | <ide><path>api/client/service/remove.go
<ide> import (
<ide> func newRemoveCommand(dockerCli *client.DockerCli) *cobra.Command {
<ide> cmd := &cobra.Command{
<del> Use: "rm [OPTIONS] SERVICE",
<add> Use: "rm [OPTIONS] SERVICE [SERVICE...]",
<ide> Aliases: []string{"remove"},
<ide> Short: "Remove a service",
<ide> Args: cli.RequiresMinArgs(1), | 1 |
Text | Text | update changelog for 2.11.2 | 75285e141cdf034bd270fc7973f6c93248531662 | <ide><path>
<ide> Changelog
<ide> =========
<add>### 2.11.2 (Fix ReDoS attack vector)
<add>* [#2939]( use full-string match to speed up aspnet regex match
<ide> ### 2.11.1 [See full changelog](
<ide> ## Bugfixes: | 1 |
Python | Python | maximize fmeasure as well when mode==auto | f6b804263a6e1d3ce6d2131cb9d758e1d7e57888 | <ide><path>keras/
<ide> def __init__(self, filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0,
<ide> self.monitor_op = np.greater
<ide> = -np.Inf
<ide> else:
<del> if 'acc' in self.monitor:
<add> if self.monitor.startswith(('acc', 'fmeasure')):
<ide> self.monitor_op = np.greater
<ide> = -np.Inf
<ide> else:
<ide> def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=0, verbose=0, mode=
<ide> elif mode == 'max':
<ide> self.monitor_op = np.greater
<ide> else:
<del> if 'acc' in self.monitor:
<add> if self.monitor.startswith(('acc', 'fmeasure')):
<ide> self.monitor_op = np.greater
<ide> else:
<ide> self.monitor_op = np.less | 1 |
Python | Python | improve output handling in evaluate | 42eb381ec6107b68e7683d5d0244358b54a15aca | <ide><path>spacy/cli/
<ide> from timeit import default_timer as timer
<ide> from wasabi import Printer
<ide> from pathlib import Path
<add>import re
<add>import srsly
<ide> from import Corpus
<ide> from ..tokens import Doc
<ide> def evaluate_cli(
<ide> # fmt: off
<ide> model: str = Arg(..., help="Model name or path"),
<ide> data_path: Path = Arg(..., help="Location of JSON-formatted evaluation data", exists=True),
<add> output: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--output", "-o", help="Output JSON file for metrics", dir_okay=False),
<ide> gpu_id: int = Opt(-1, "--gpu-id", "-g", help="Use GPU"),
<ide> gold_preproc: bool = Opt(False, "--gold-preproc", "-G", help="Use gold preprocessing"),
<ide> displacy_path: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--displacy-path", "-dp", help="Directory to output rendered parses as HTML", exists=True, file_okay=False),
<ide> displacy_limit: int = Opt(25, "--displacy-limit", "-dl", help="Limit of parses to render as HTML"),
<del> return_scores: bool = Opt(False, "--return-scores", "-R", help="Return dict containing model scores"),
<del> # fmt: on
<add> # fmt: on
<ide> ):
<ide> """
<ide> Evaluate a model. To render a sample of parses in a HTML file, set an
<ide> def evaluate_cli(
<ide> evaluate(
<ide> model,
<ide> data_path,
<add> output=output,
<ide> gpu_id=gpu_id,
<ide> gold_preproc=gold_preproc,
<ide> displacy_path=displacy_path,
<ide> displacy_limit=displacy_limit,
<ide> silent=False,
<del> return_scores=return_scores,
<ide> )
<ide> def evaluate(
<ide> model: str,
<ide> data_path: Path,
<add> output: Optional[Path],
<ide> gpu_id: int = -1,
<ide> gold_preproc: bool = False,
<ide> displacy_path: Optional[Path] = None,
<ide> displacy_limit: int = 25,
<ide> silent: bool = True,
<del> return_scores: bool = False,
<ide> ) -> Scorer:
<ide> msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent)
<ide> util.fix_random_seed()
<ide> if gpu_id >= 0:
<ide> util.use_gpu(gpu_id)
<ide> util.set_env_log(False)
<ide> data_path = util.ensure_path(data_path)
<add> output_path = util.ensure_path(output)
<ide> displacy_path = util.ensure_path(displacy_path)
<ide> if not data_path.exists():
<ide>"Evaluation data not found", data_path, exits=1)
<ide> def evaluate(
<ide> ents=render_ents,
<ide> )
<ide> msg.good(f"Generated {displacy_limit} parses as HTML", displacy_path)
<del> if return_scores:
<del> return scorer.scores
<add> data = {re.sub(r"[\s/]", "_", k.lower()): v for k, v in results.items()}
<add> if output_path is not None:
<add> srsly.write_json(output_path, data)
<add> return data
<ide> def render_parses( | 1 |
Java | Java | remove timeout on tests | 9b3a838c02b433ed8fbed014a5565fcb5b800891 | <ide><path>rxjava-core/src/test/java/rx/schedulers/
<ide> public Subscription call(Scheduler innerScheduler, Long i) {
<ide> assertEquals(10, counter.get());
<ide> }
<del> @Test(timeout = 20000)
<add> @Test
<ide> public void recursionUsingFunc2() throws InterruptedException {
<ide> final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
<ide> getScheduler().schedule(1L, new Func2<Scheduler, Long, Subscription>() {
<ide> public Subscription call(Scheduler innerScheduler, Long i) {
<ide> latch.await();
<ide> }
<del> @Test(timeout = 20000)
<add> @Test
<ide> public void recursionUsingAction0() throws InterruptedException {
<ide> final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
<ide> getScheduler().schedule(new Action1<Action0>() { | 1 |
Python | Python | add ipv6 support | 44b27d9787e123e124c0984602273bc6ab64b933 | <ide><path>glances/
<ide> def update(self, stats):
<ide> self.__cvsfile_fd.flush()
<del>class GlancesHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
<add>class GlancesXMLRPCHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
<ide> """
<ide> Main XMLRPC handler
<ide> """
<ide> def log_message(self, format, *args):
<ide> pass
<add>class GlancesXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
<add> """
<add> Init a SimpleXMLRPCServer instance (IPv6-ready)
<add> """
<add> def __init__(self, bind_address, bind_port=61209,
<add> requestHandler=GlancesXMLRPCHandler):
<add> try:
<add> self.address_family = socket.getaddrinfo(bind_address, bind_port)[0][0]
<add> except socket.error as e:
<add> print(_("Couldn't open socket: %s") % e)
<add> sys.exit(1)
<add> SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, (bind_address, bind_port),
<add> requestHandler)
<ide> class GlancesInstance():
<ide> """
<ide> All the methods of this class are published as XML RPC methods
<ide> class GlancesServer():
<ide> """
<ide> This class creates and manages the TCP client
<ide> """
<ide> def __init__(self, bind_address, bind_port=61209,
<del> RequestHandler=GlancesHandler, cached_time=1):
<del> self.server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((bind_address, bind_port),
<del> requestHandler=RequestHandler)
<add> requestHandler=GlancesXMLRPCHandler, cached_time=1):
<add> self.server = GlancesXMLRPCServer(bind_address, bind_port,
<add> requestHandler)
<ide> # The users dict
<ide> # username / MD5 password couple
<ide> # By default, no auth is needed
<ide> def main():
<ide> if server_tag:
<ide> # Init the server
<ide> print(_("Glances server is running on") + " %s:%s" % (bind_ip, server_port))
<del> server = GlancesServer(bind_ip, int(server_port), GlancesHandler, cached_time)
<add> server = GlancesServer(bind_ip, int(server_port), GlancesXMLRPCHandler, cached_time)
<ide> # Set the server login/password (if -P tag)
<ide> if password != "": | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | remove redundant helper and guide code from header | 67d49efd1ee825bb5afa090a52ee4ac69f5ff265 | <ide><path>client/src/components/Header/index.js
<ide> import { Link } from '../helpers';
<ide> import './header.css';
<ide> const propTypes = {
<del> disableSettings: PropTypes.bool,
<del> navigationMenu: PropTypes.element
<add> disableSettings: PropTypes.bool
<ide> };
<ide> function Header(props) {
<del> const { disableSettings, navigationMenu } = props;
<add> const { disableSettings } = props;
<ide> return (
<ide> <header>
<ide> <nav id='top-nav'>
<ide> <Link className='home-link' to='/'>
<ide> <NavLogo />
<ide> </Link>
<ide> {disableSettings ? null : <SearchBar />}
<del> {navigationMenu ? (
<del> navigationMenu
<del> ) : (
<del> <NavigationMenu disableSettings={disableSettings} />
<del> )}
<add> <NavigationMenu disableSettings={disableSettings} />
<ide> </nav>
<ide> </header>
<ide> );
<ide> const propTypes = {
<ide> isOnline: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
<ide> isSignedIn: PropTypes.bool,
<ide> landingPage: PropTypes.bool,
<del> navigationMenu: PropTypes.element,
<ide> onlineStatusChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
<ide> pathname: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
<ide> removeFlashMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
<ide> class DefaultLayout extends Component {
<ide> isOnline,
<ide> isSignedIn,
<ide> landingPage,
<del> navigationMenu,
<ide> removeFlashMessage,
<ide> showFooter = true
<ide> } = this.props;
<ide> class DefaultLayout extends Component {
<ide> <style>{fontawesome.dom.css()}</style>
<ide> </Helmet>
<ide> <WithInstantSearch>
<del> <Header
<del> disableSettings={landingPage}
<del> navigationMenu={navigationMenu}
<del> />
<add> <Header disableSettings={landingPage} />
<ide> <div
<ide> className={`default-layout ${landingPage ? 'landing-page' : ''}`}
<ide> >
<del>exports.getGithubPath = function getGithubPath(fileAbsolutePath) {
<del> const { NODE_ENV: env } = process.env;
<del> const guideType = env === 'production' ? 'guide' : 'mock-guide';
<del> let githubFilePath =
<del> '';
<del> const pathIndex = fileAbsolutePath.indexOf(`/${guideType}`);
<del> if (pathIndex > -1) {
<del> const newPath = fileAbsolutePath.slice(pathIndex);
<del> githubFilePath = `${newPath}`;
<del> }
<del> return githubFilePath;
<del>}; | 3 |
Javascript | Javascript | add unstable args test | 0f6afed29de363bfe755dd229e6ce43d7aed1051 | <ide><path>packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/components/tracked-test.js
<del>import { EMBER_METAL_TRACKED_PROPERTIES } from '@ember/canary-features';
<ide> import { Object as EmberObject, A } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
<add>import {
<add>} from '@ember/canary-features';
<add>import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
<ide> import { tracked, nativeDescDecorator as descriptor } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
<ide> import { moduleFor, RenderingTestCase, strip, runTask } from 'internal-test-helpers';
<ide> import GlimmerishComponent from '../../utils/glimmerish-component';
<ide> }
<ide> }
<ide> );
<add> moduleFor(
<add> 'Component Tracked Properties w/ Args Proxy',
<add> class extends RenderingTestCase {
<add> '@test downstream property changes do not invalidate upstream component getters/arguments'(
<add> assert
<add> ) {
<add> let outerRenderCount = 0;
<add> let innerRenderCount = 0;
<add> class OuterComponent extends GlimmerishComponent {
<add> get count() {
<add> outerRenderCount++;
<add> return this.args.count;
<add> }
<add> }
<add> class InnerComponent extends GlimmerishComponent {
<add> @tracked count = 0;
<add> get combinedCounts() {
<add> innerRenderCount++;
<add> return this.args.count + this.count;
<add> }
<add> updateInnerCount() {
<add> this.count++;
<add> }
<add> }
<add> this.registerComponent('outer', {
<add> ComponentClass: OuterComponent,
<add> template: '<Inner @count={{this.count}}/>',
<add> });
<add> this.registerComponent('inner', {
<add> ComponentClass: InnerComponent,
<add> template: '<button {{action this.updateInnerCount}}>{{this.combinedCounts}}</button>',
<add> });
<add> this.render('<Outer @count={{this.count}}/>', {
<add> count: 0,
<add> });
<add> this.assertText('0');
<add> assert.equal(outerRenderCount, 1);
<add> assert.equal(innerRenderCount, 1);
<add> runTask(() => this.$('button').click());
<add> this.assertText('1');
<add> assert.equal(
<add> outerRenderCount,
<add> 1,
<add> 'updating inner component does not cause outer component to rerender'
<add> );
<add> assert.equal(
<add> innerRenderCount,
<add> 2,
<add> 'updating inner component causes inner component to rerender'
<add> );
<add> runTask(() => this.context.set('count', 1));
<add> this.assertText('2');
<add> assert.equal(outerRenderCount, 2, 'outer component updates based on context');
<add> assert.equal(innerRenderCount, 3, 'inner component updates based on outer component');
<add> }
<add> }
<add> );
<add> }
<ide> } | 1 |
Javascript | Javascript | add support for regex in yellowbox warnings | 50fc666aad1e83d5728b09646c3a5fbbecaddfb9 | <ide><path>Libraries/YellowBox/Data/YellowBoxRegistry.js
<ide> export type Registry = Map<Category, $ReadOnlyArray<YellowBoxWarning>>;
<ide> export type Observer = (registry: Registry) => void;
<add>type IgnorePattern = string | RegExp;
<ide> export type Subscription = $ReadOnly<{|
<ide> unsubscribe: () => void,
<ide> |}>;
<ide> const observers: Set<{observer: Observer}> = new Set();
<del>const ignorePatterns: Set<string> = new Set();
<add>const ignorePatterns: Set<IgnorePattern> = new Set();
<ide> const registry: Registry = new Map();
<ide> let disabled = false;
<ide> let updateTimeout = null;
<ide> function isWarningIgnored(warning: YellowBoxWarning): boolean {
<ide> for (const pattern of ignorePatterns) {
<del> if (warning.message.content.includes(pattern)) {
<add> if (pattern instanceof RegExp && pattern.test(warning.message.content)) {
<add> return true;
<add> } else if (
<add> typeof pattern === 'string' &&
<add> warning.message.content.includes(pattern)
<add> ) {
<ide> return true;
<ide> }
<ide> }
<ide> const YellowBoxRegistry = {
<ide> }
<ide> },
<del> addIgnorePatterns(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray<string>): void {
<del> const newPatterns = patterns.filter(
<del> pattern => !ignorePatterns.has(pattern),
<del> );
<add> addIgnorePatterns(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray<IgnorePattern>): void {
<add> const newPatterns = patterns.filter((pattern: IgnorePattern) => {
<add> if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
<add> for (const existingPattern of ignorePatterns.entries()) {
<add> if (
<add> existingPattern instanceof RegExp &&
<add> existingPattern.toString() === pattern.toString()
<add> ) {
<add> return false;
<add> }
<add> }
<add> return true;
<add> }
<add> return !ignorePatterns.has(pattern);
<add> });
<ide> if (newPatterns.length === 0) {
<ide> return;
<ide> }
<ide> describe('YellowBoxRegistry', () => {
<ide> expect(registry().size).toBe(0);
<ide> });
<add> it('ignores warnings matching regexs or pattern', () => {
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.add({args: ['There are 4 dogs'], framesToPop: 0});
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.add({args: ['There are 3 cats'], framesToPop: 0});
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.add({args: ['There are H cats'], framesToPop: 0});
<add> expect(registry().size).toBe(3);
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.addIgnorePatterns(['dogs']);
<add> expect(registry().size).toBe(2);
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.addIgnorePatterns([/There are \d+ cats/]);
<add> expect(registry().size).toBe(1);
<add> YellowBoxRegistry.addIgnorePatterns(['cats']);
<add> expect(registry().size).toBe(0);
<add> });
<ide> it('ignores all warnings when disabled', () => {
<ide> YellowBoxRegistry.add({args: ['A!'], framesToPop: 0});
<ide> YellowBoxRegistry.add({args: ['B?'], framesToPop: 0}); | 2 |
PHP | PHP | write the compiled file to the storage directory | 3812a6f80ef79bc87a5b42d5c0728333bb5085ba | <ide><path>src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ClearCompiledCommand.php
<ide> class ClearCompiledCommand extends Command {
<ide> */
<ide> public function fire()
<ide> {
<del> if (file_exists($path = $this->laravel['path.base'].'/bootstrap/compiled.php'))
<add> if (file_exists($path = $this->laravel[''].'/meta/compiled.php'))
<ide> {
<ide> @unlink($path);
<ide> }
<ide> protected function compileClasses()
<ide> {
<ide> $this->registerClassPreloaderCommand();
<del> $outputPath = $this->laravel['path.base'].'/bootstrap/compiled.php';
<add> $outputPath = $this->laravel[''].'/meta/compiled.php';
<ide> $this->callSilent('compile', array(
<ide> '--config' => implode(',', $this->getClassFiles()), | 2 |
Javascript | Javascript | add version to glslang | ca306c07511a63a257d07f505e6a0a7ef4dbc5a6 | <ide><path>examples/jsm/libs/glslang.js
<add>// 0.0.15
<ide> var Module = (function() {
<ide> var _scriptDir = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined;
<ide> return (
<ide> function(Module) {
<ide> Module = Module || {}; | 1 |
Text | Text | fix navigation links in documentation | 2f2c3ea2547c9a76a0452c1a75d7514032ff2dee | <ide><path>docs/
<ide> ---
<del>id: components
<add>id: components-and-apis
<ide> title: Components and APIs
<ide> layout: docs
<ide> category: Guides
<ide> title: More Resources
<ide> layout: docs
<ide> category: The Basics
<ide> permalink: docs/more-resources.html
<del>next: components
<add>next: components-and-apis
<ide> previous: network
<ide> ---
<ide> layout: docs
<ide> category: Guides
<ide> permalink: docs/platform-specific-code.html
<ide> next: navigation
<del>previous: components
<add>previous: components-and-apis
<ide> ---
<ide> When building a cross-platform app, you'll want to re-use as much code as possible. Scenarios may arise where it makes sense for the code to be different, for example you may want to implement separate visual components for iOS and Android. | 3 |
Javascript | Javascript | upgrade flow definition in rn + metro | f8b4850425f115c8a23dead7ec0716b61663aed6 | <ide><path>flow/jest.js
<ide> * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
<ide> * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
<ide> *
<del> * Modified from
<add> * Modified from
<ide> * Duplicated from www/flow/shared/jest.js
<add> * List of modifications:
<add> * - added function fail
<add> * - added jest.requireActual
<add> * - added jest.requireMock
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mockName
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mockRejectedValue
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mockRejectedValueOnce
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mockResolvedValue
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mockResolvedValueOnce
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mock.thrownErrors
<add> * - added JestMockFn.mock.returnValues
<add> * - added jest.setTimeout
<ide> * @flow
<ide> * @format
<ide> */
<del>'use strict';
<add>/* eslint-disable lint/no-unclear-flowtypes */
<del>type JestMockFn = {
<del> (...args: Array<any>): any,
<add>type JestMockFn<TArguments: $ReadOnlyArray<*>, TReturn> = {
<add> (...args: TArguments): TReturn,
<add> /**
<add> * An object for introspecting mock calls
<add> */
<ide> mock: {
<del> calls: Array<Array<any>>,
<del> instances: mixed,
<add> /**
<add> * An array that represents all calls that have been made into this mock
<add> * function. Each call is represented by an array of arguments that were
<add> * passed during the call.
<add> */
<add> calls: Array<TArguments>,
<add> /**
<add> * An array that contains all the object instances that have been
<add> * instantiated from this mock function.
<add> */
<add> instances: Array<TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * An array containing the results of a method, and whether they were
<add> * returned or thrown.
<add> */
<add> results: Array<{isThrown: boolean}>,
<ide> },
<del> mockClear(): Function,
<del> mockReset(): Function,
<del> mockImplementation(fn: Function): JestMockFn,
<del> mockImplementationOnce(fn: Function): JestMockFn,
<add> /**
<add> * Resets all information stored in the mockFn.mock.calls and
<add> * mockFn.mock.instances arrays. Often this is useful when you want to clean
<add> * up a mock's usage data between two assertions.
<add> */
<add> mockClear(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Resets all information stored in the mock. This is useful when you want to
<add> * completely restore a mock back to its initial state.
<add> */
<add> mockReset(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Removes the mock and restores the initial implementation. This is useful
<add> * when you want to mock functions in certain test cases and restore the
<add> * original implementation in others. Beware that mockFn.mockRestore only
<add> * works when mock was created with jest.spyOn. Thus you have to take care of
<add> * restoration yourself when manually assigning jest.fn().
<add> */
<add> mockRestore(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Accepts a function that should be used as the implementation of the mock.
<add> * The mock itself will still record all calls that go into and instances
<add> * that come from itself -- the only difference is that the implementation
<add> * will also be executed when the mock is called.
<add> */
<add> mockImplementation(
<add> fn: (...args: TArguments) => TReturn,
<add> ): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Accepts a function that will be used as an implementation of the mock for
<add> * one call to the mocked function. Can be chained so that multiple function
<add> * calls produce different results.
<add> */
<add> mockImplementationOnce(
<add> fn: (...args: TArguments) => TReturn,
<add> ): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Accepts a string to use in test result output in place of "jest.fn()" to
<add> * indicate which mock function is being referenced.
<add> */
<add> mockName(name: string): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Sugar for: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(value));
<add> */
<add> mockRejectedValue(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Sugar for: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.reject(value));
<add> */
<add> mockRejectedValueOnce(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Sugar for: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(value));
<add> */
<add> mockResolvedValue(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Sugar for: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve(value));
<add> */
<add> mockResolvedValueOnce(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Just a simple sugar function for returning `this`
<add> */
<ide> mockReturnThis(): void,
<del> mockReturnValue(value: any): JestMockFn,
<del> mockReturnValueOnce(value: any): JestMockFn,
<add> /**
<add> * Deprecated: use jest.fn(() => value) instead
<add> */
<add> mockReturnValue(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Sugar for only returning a value once inside your mock
<add> */
<add> mockReturnValueOnce(value: TReturn): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<ide> };
<ide> type JestAsymmetricEqualityType = {
<add> /**
<add> * A custom Jasmine equality tester
<add> */
<ide> asymmetricMatch(value: mixed): boolean,
<ide> };
<ide> type JestCallsType = {
<ide> type JestClockType = {
<ide> install(): void,
<ide> mockDate(date: Date): void,
<del> tick(): void,
<add> tick(milliseconds?: number): void,
<ide> uninstall(): void,
<ide> };
<ide> type JestPromiseType = {
<ide> resolves: JestExpectType,
<ide> };
<add> * Plugin: jest-enzyme
<add> */
<add>type EnzymeMatchersType = {
<add> toBeChecked(): void,
<add> toBeDisabled(): void,
<add> toBeEmpty(): void,
<add> toBePresent(): void,
<add> toContainReact(element: React$Element<any>): void,
<add> toHaveClassName(className: string): void,
<add> toHaveHTML(html: string): void,
<add> toHaveProp(propKey: string, propValue?: any): void,
<add> toHaveRef(refName: string): void,
<add> toHaveState(stateKey: string, stateValue?: any): void,
<add> toHaveStyle(styleKey: string, styleValue?: any): void,
<add> toHaveTagName(tagName: string): void,
<add> toHaveText(text: string): void,
<add> toIncludeText(text: string): void,
<add> toHaveValue(value: any): void,
<add> toMatchElement(element: React$Element<any>): void,
<add> toMatchSelector(selector: string): void,
<ide> type JestExpectType = {
<del> not: JestExpectType,
<add> not: JestExpectType & EnzymeMatchersType,
<add> /**
<add> * If you have a mock function, you can use .lastCalledWith to test what
<add> * arguments it was last called with.
<add> */
<ide> lastCalledWith(...args: Array<any>): void,
<add> /**
<add> * toBe just checks that a value is what you expect. It uses === to check
<add> * strict equality.
<add> */
<ide> toBe(value: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toHaveBeenCalled to ensure that a mock function got called.
<add> */
<ide> toBeCalled(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeCalledWith to ensure that a mock function was called with
<add> * specific arguments.
<add> */
<ide> toBeCalledWith(...args: Array<any>): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Using exact equality with floating point numbers is a bad idea. Rounding
<add> * means that intuitive things fail.
<add> */
<ide> toBeCloseTo(num: number, delta: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeDefined to check that a variable is not undefined.
<add> */
<ide> toBeDefined(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeFalsy when you don't care what a value is, you just want to
<add> * ensure a value is false in a boolean context.
<add> */
<ide> toBeFalsy(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * To compare floating point numbers, you can use toBeGreaterThan.
<add> */
<ide> toBeGreaterThan(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * To compare floating point numbers, you can use toBeGreaterThanOrEqual.
<add> */
<ide> toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * To compare floating point numbers, you can use toBeLessThan.
<add> */
<ide> toBeLessThan(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * To compare floating point numbers, you can use toBeLessThanOrEqual.
<add> */
<ide> toBeLessThanOrEqual(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeInstanceOf(Class) to check that an object is an instance of a
<add> * class.
<add> */
<ide> toBeInstanceOf(cls: Class<*>): void,
<add> /**
<add> * .toBeNull() is the same as .toBe(null) but the error messages are a bit
<add> * nicer.
<add> */
<ide> toBeNull(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeTruthy when you don't care what a value is, you just want to
<add> * ensure a value is true in a boolean context.
<add> */
<ide> toBeTruthy(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toBeUndefined to check that a variable is undefined.
<add> */
<ide> toBeUndefined(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toContain when you want to check that an item is in a list. For
<add> * testing the items in the list, this uses ===, a strict equality check.
<add> */
<ide> toContain(item: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toContainEqual when you want to check that an item is in a list. For
<add> * testing the items in the list, this matcher recursively checks the
<add> * equality of all fields, rather than checking for object identity.
<add> */
<ide> toContainEqual(item: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toEqual when you want to check that two objects have the same value.
<add> * This matcher recursively checks the equality of all fields, rather than
<add> * checking for object identity.
<add> */
<ide> toEqual(value: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toHaveBeenCalled to ensure that a mock function got called.
<add> */
<ide> toHaveBeenCalled(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toHaveBeenCalledTimes to ensure that a mock function got called exact
<add> * number of times.
<add> */
<ide> toHaveBeenCalledTimes(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toHaveBeenCalledWith to ensure that a mock function was called with
<add> * specific arguments.
<add> */
<ide> toHaveBeenCalledWith(...args: Array<any>): void,
<del> toHaveProperty(path: string, value?: any): void,
<del> toMatch(regexp: RegExp): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toHaveBeenLastCalledWith to ensure that a mock function was last called
<add> * with specific arguments.
<add> */
<add> toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(...args: Array<any>): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Check that an object has a .length property and it is set to a certain
<add> * numeric value.
<add> */
<add> toHaveLength(number: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> *
<add> */
<add> toHaveProperty(propPath: string, value?: any): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toMatch to check that a string matches a regular expression or string.
<add> */
<add> toMatch(regexpOrString: RegExp | string): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toMatchObject to check that a javascript object matches a subset of the properties of an object.
<add> */
<ide> toMatchObject(object: Object): void,
<del> toMatchSnapshot(): void,
<del> toThrow(message?: string | Error | Class<Error>): void,
<del> toThrowError(message?: string | Error | Class<Error> | RegExp): void,
<add> /**
<add> * This ensures that a React component matches the most recent snapshot.
<add> */
<add> toMatchSnapshot(name?: string): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toThrow to test that a function throws when it is called.
<add> * If you want to test that a specific error gets thrown, you can provide an
<add> * argument to toThrow. The argument can be a string for the error message,
<add> * a class for the error, or a regex that should match the error.
<add> *
<add> * Alias: .toThrowError
<add> */
<add> toThrow(message?: string | Error | RegExp): void,
<add> toThrowError(message?: string | Error | RegExp): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Use .toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot to test that a function throws a error
<add> * matching the most recent snapshot when it is called.
<add> */
<ide> toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(): void,
<ide> };
<add>type JestObjectType = {
<add> /**
<add> * Disables automatic mocking in the module loader.
<add> *
<add> * After this method is called, all `require()`s will return the real
<add> * versions of each module (rather than a mocked version).
<add> */
<add> disableAutomock(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * An un-hoisted version of disableAutomock
<add> */
<add> autoMockOff(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Enables automatic mocking in the module loader.
<add> */
<add> enableAutomock(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * An un-hoisted version of enableAutomock
<add> */
<add> autoMockOn(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Clears the mock.calls and mock.instances properties of all mocks.
<add> * Equivalent to calling .mockClear() on every mocked function.
<add> */
<add> clearAllMocks(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Resets the state of all mocks. Equivalent to calling .mockReset() on every
<add> * mocked function.
<add> */
<add> resetAllMocks(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Restores all mocks back to their original value.
<add> */
<add> restoreAllMocks(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Removes any pending timers from the timer system.
<add> */
<add> clearAllTimers(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * The same as `mock` but not moved to the top of the expectation by
<add> * babel-jest.
<add> */
<add> doMock(moduleName: string, moduleFactory?: any): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * The same as `unmock` but not moved to the top of the expectation by
<add> * babel-jest.
<add> */
<add> dontMock(moduleName: string): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Returns a new, unused mock function. Optionally takes a mock
<add> * implementation.
<add> */
<add> fn<TArguments: $ReadOnlyArray<*>, TReturn>(
<add> implementation?: (...args: TArguments) => TReturn,
<add> ): JestMockFn<TArguments, TReturn>,
<add> /**
<add> * Determines if the given function is a mocked function.
<add> */
<add> isMockFunction(fn: Function): boolean,
<add> /**
<add> * Given the name of a module, use the automatic mocking system to generate a
<add> * mocked version of the module for you.
<add> */
<add> genMockFromModule(moduleName: string): any,
<add> /**
<add> * Mocks a module with an auto-mocked version when it is being required.
<add> *
<add> * The second argument can be used to specify an explicit module factory that
<add> * is being run instead of using Jest's automocking feature.
<add> *
<add> * The third argument can be used to create virtual mocks -- mocks of modules
<add> * that don't exist anywhere in the system.
<add> */
<add> mock(
<add> moduleName: string,
<add> moduleFactory?: any,
<add> options?: Object,
<add> ): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Resets the module registry - the cache of all required modules. This is
<add> * useful to isolate modules where local state might conflict between tests.
<add> */
<add> resetModules(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Exhausts the micro-task queue (usually interfaced in node via
<add> * process.nextTick).
<add> */
<add> runAllTicks(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Exhausts the macro-task queue (i.e., all tasks queued by setTimeout(),
<add> * setInterval(), and setImmediate()).
<add> */
<add> runAllTimers(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Exhausts all tasks queued by setImmediate().
<add> */
<add> runAllImmediates(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Executes only the macro task queue (i.e. all tasks queued by setTimeout()
<add> * or setInterval() and setImmediate()).
<add> */
<add> advanceTimersByTime(msToRun: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Executes only the macro task queue (i.e. all tasks queued by setTimeout()
<add> * or setInterval() and setImmediate()).
<add> *
<add> * Renamed to `advanceTimersByTime`.
<add> */
<add> runTimersToTime(msToRun: number): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Executes only the macro-tasks that are currently pending (i.e., only the
<add> * tasks that have been queued by setTimeout() or setInterval() up to this
<add> * point)
<add> */
<add> runOnlyPendingTimers(): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Explicitly supplies the mock object that the module system should return
<add> * for the specified module. Note: It is recommended to use jest.mock()
<add> * instead.
<add> */
<add> setMock(moduleName: string, moduleExports: any): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Indicates that the module system should never return a mocked version of
<add> * the specified module from require() (e.g. that it should always return the
<add> * real module).
<add> */
<add> unmock(moduleName: string): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Instructs Jest to use fake versions of the standard timer functions
<add> * (setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval, nextTick,
<add> * setImmediate and clearImmediate).
<add> */
<add> useFakeTimers(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Instructs Jest to use the real versions of the standard timer functions.
<add> */
<add> useRealTimers(): JestObjectType,
<add> /**
<add> * Creates a mock function similar to jest.fn but also tracks calls to
<add> * object[methodName].
<add> */
<add> spyOn(object: Object, methodName: string): JestMockFn<any, any>,
<add> /**
<add> * Set the default timeout interval for tests and before/after hooks in milliseconds.
<add> * Note: The default timeout interval is 5 seconds if this method is not called.
<add> */
<add> setTimeout(timeout: number): JestObjectType,
<add> // These methods are added separately and not a part of flow-typed OSS
<add> // version of this file. They were added in jest@21.0.0.alpha-2 which is not
<add> // yet publicly released yet.
<add> // TODO T21262347 Add them to OSS version of flow-typed
<add> requireActual(module: string): any,
<add> requireMock(module: string): any,
<ide> type JestSpyType = {
<ide> calls: JestCallsType,
<ide> };
<del>declare function afterEach(fn: Function): void;
<del>declare function beforeEach(fn: Function): void;
<del>declare function afterAll(fn: Function): void;
<del>declare function beforeAll(fn: Function): void;
<del>declare function describe(name: string, fn: Function): void;
<add>/** Runs this function after every test inside this context */
<add>declare function afterEach(
<add> fn: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add>): void;
<add>/** Runs this function before every test inside this context */
<add>declare function beforeEach(
<add> fn: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add>): void;
<add>/** Runs this function after all tests have finished inside this context */
<add>declare function afterAll(
<add> fn: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add>): void;
<add>/** Runs this function before any tests have started inside this context */
<add>declare function beforeAll(
<add> fn: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add>): void;
<add>/** A context for grouping tests together */
<add>declare var describe: {
<add> /**
<add> * Creates a block that groups together several related tests in one "test suite"
<add> */
<add> (name: string, fn: () => void): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Only run this describe block
<add> */
<add> only(name: string, fn: () => void): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Skip running this describe block
<add> */
<add> skip(name: string, fn: () => void): void,
<add>/** An individual test unit */
<ide> declare var it: {
<del> (name: string, fn: Function): ?Promise<void>,
<del> only(name: string, fn: Function): ?Promise<void>,
<del> skip(name: string, fn: Function): ?Promise<void>,
<add> /**
<add> * An individual test unit
<add> *
<add> * @param {string} Name of Test
<add> * @param {Function} Test
<add> * @param {number} Timeout for the test, in milliseconds.
<add> */
<add> (
<add> name: string,
<add> fn?: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add> ): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Only run this test
<add> *
<add> * @param {string} Name of Test
<add> * @param {Function} Test
<add> * @param {number} Timeout for the test, in milliseconds.
<add> */
<add> only(
<add> name: string,
<add> fn?: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add> ): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Skip running this test
<add> *
<add> * @param {string} Name of Test
<add> * @param {Function} Test
<add> * @param {number} Timeout for the test, in milliseconds.
<add> */
<add> skip(
<add> name: string,
<add> fn?: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add> ): void,
<add> /**
<add> * Run the test concurrently
<add> *
<add> * @param {string} Name of Test
<add> * @param {Function} Test
<add> * @param {number} Timeout for the test, in milliseconds.
<add> */
<add> concurrent(
<add> name: string,
<add> fn?: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add> ): void,
<ide> };
<del>declare function fit(name: string, fn: Function): ?Promise<void>;
<del>declare function pit(name: string, fn: () => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
<add>declare function fit(
<add> name: string,
<add> fn: (done: () => void) => ?Promise<mixed>,
<add> timeout?: number,
<add>): void;
<add>/** An individual test unit */
<ide> declare var test: typeof it;
<add>/** A disabled group of tests */
<ide> declare var xdescribe: typeof describe;
<add>/** A focused group of tests */
<ide> declare var fdescribe: typeof describe;
<add>/** A disabled individual test */
<ide> declare var xit: typeof it;
<add>/** A disabled individual test */
<ide> declare var xtest: typeof it;
<add>/** The expect function is used every time you want to test a value */
<ide> declare var expect: {
<del> (value: any): JestExpectType & JestPromiseType,
<del> any: any,
<add> /** The object that you want to make assertions against */
<add> (value: any): JestExpectType & JestPromiseType & EnzymeMatchersType,
<add> /** Add additional Jasmine matchers to Jest's roster */
<ide> extend(matchers: {[name: string]: JestMatcher}): void,
<del> objectContaining(any): void,
<add> /** Add a module that formats application-specific data structures. */
<add> addSnapshotSerializer(serializer: (input: Object) => string): void,
<add> assertions(expectedAssertions: number): void,
<add> hasAssertions(): void,
<add> any(value: mixed): JestAsymmetricEqualityType,
<add> anything(): void,
<add> arrayContaining(value: Array<mixed>): void,
<add> objectContaining(value: Object): void,
<add> /** Matches any received string that contains the exact expected string. */
<add> stringContaining(value: string): void,
<add> stringMatching(value: string | RegExp): void,
<ide> };
<ide> declare function fail(message?: string): void;
<ide> // TODO handle return type
<ide> //
<ide> declare function spyOn(value: mixed, method: string): Object;
<del>type Jest = {
<del> autoMockOff(): Jest,
<del> autoMockOn(): Jest,
<del> resetAllMocks(): Jest,
<del> clearAllTimers(): void,
<del> currentTestPath(): void,
<del> disableAutomock(): Jest,
<del> doMock(moduleName: string, moduleFactory?: any): void,
<del> dontMock(moduleName: string): Jest,
<del> enableAutomock(): Jest,
<del> fn(implementation?: Function): JestMockFn,
<del> genMockFromModule(moduleName: string): any,
<del> isMockFunction(fn: Function): boolean,
<del> mock(
<del> moduleName: string,
<del> moduleFactory?: any,
<del> options?: {virtual?: boolean},
<del> ): Jest,
<del> resetModuleRegistry(): Jest, // undocumented alias for resetModuleRegistry
<del> resetModules(): Jest,
<del> restoreAllMocks(): Jest,
<del> runAllTicks(): Jest,
<del> runAllTimers(): Jest,
<del> runTimersToTime(msToRun: number): Jest,
<del> runOnlyPendingTimers(): Jest,
<del> setMock(moduleName: string, moduleExports: any): Jest,
<del> unmock(moduleName: string): Jest,
<del> useFakeTimers(): Jest,
<del> useRealTimers(): Jest,
<del>declare var jest: Jest;
<add>/** Holds all functions related to manipulating test runner */
<add>declare var jest: JestObjectType;
<add> * The global Jamine object, this is generally not exposed as the public API,
<add> * using features inside here could break in later versions of Jest.
<add> */
<ide> declare var jasmine: {
<ide> any(value: mixed): JestAsymmetricEqualityType,
<ide> anything(): void,
<ide> arrayContaining(value: Array<mixed>): void,
<ide> clock(): JestClockType,
<ide> createSpy(name: string): JestSpyType,
<add> createSpyObj(
<add> baseName: string,
<add> methodNames: Array<string>,
<add> ): {[methodName: string]: JestSpyType},
<ide> objectContaining(value: Object): void,
<ide> stringMatching(value: string): void,
<ide> }; | 1 |
Text | Text | add v3.3.0 to changelog | d08990a3045367d4be73729899c6c8016c92167b | <ide><path>
<ide> # Ember Changelog
<del>### v3.3.0-beta.5 (July 2, 2018)
<del>- [#16781]( [BUGFIX] Ensure tests from @ember/* are excluded from debug/prod builds.
<del>### v3.3.0-beta.4 (June 25, 2018)
<del>- [#16754]( [BUGFIX] Fix container destroy timing
<del>- [#16767]( [BUGFIX] Ensure meta._parent is initialized
<del>### v3.3.0-beta.3 (June 18, 2018)
<del>- [#16743]( [BUGFIX] Update glimmer-vm to 0.35.4.
<del>- [#16750]( [BUGFIX] Bring back isObject guard for ember-utils/is_proxy
<del>### v3.3.0-beta.2 (June 11, 2018)
<del>- [#16709]( [BUGFIX] Avoid ordered set deprecation in @ember/ordered-set addon
<del>- [#16715]( [BUGFIX] Update glimmer-vm to 0.35.3
<del>- [#16729]( [BUGFIX] Throw error if run.bind receives no method
<del>- [#16731]( [BUGFIX] Better error when a route name is not valid
<del>### v3.3.0-beta.1 (May 31, 2018)
<add>### v3.3.0 (July 16, 2018)
<ide> - [#16687]( [FEATURE] Implement optional jQuery integration (see [emberjs/rfcs#294]( for more details).
<ide> - [#16690]( [DEPRECATION] [emberjs/rfcs#294](emberjs/rfcs#294) Deprecate accessing `jQuery.Event#originalEvent`.
<ide> - [#16691]( [DEPRECATION] [emberjs/rfcs#237]( Implement `Ember.Map`, `Ember.MapWithDefault`, and `Ember.OrderedSet` deprecation.
<ide> - [#16692]( [DEPRECATION] [emberjs/rfcs#322]( Implement `Ember.copy`/`Ember.Copyable` deprecation.
<add>- [#16709]( [BUGFIX] Avoid ordered set deprecation in @ember/ordered-set addon.
<add>- [#16729]( [BUGFIX] Throw error if run.bind receives no method.
<add>- [#16731]( [BUGFIX] Better error when a route name is not valid.
<add>- [#16743]( [BUGFIX] Update glimmer-vm to 0.35.4.
<add>- [#16767]( [BUGFIX] Ensure meta._parent is initialized.
<add>- [#16781]( [BUGFIX] Ensure tests from @ember/* are excluded from debug/prod builds.
<add>- [#16619]( [BUGFIX] Update router_js to ensure `(hash` works in query params.
<add>- [#16632]( [BUGFIX] computed.sort array should update if sort properties array is empty/
<ide> ### v3.2.2 (June 21, 2018)
<ide> | 1 |
Python | Python | fix timeout of test-heap-prof.js in riscv devices | 186745bc0d32b81aca658503318b2b2d7a5cca45 | <ide><path>tools/
<ide> def GetTestStatus(self, context, sections, defs):
<del> 'arm' : { 'debug' : 8, 'release' : 3 }, # The ARM buildbots are slow.
<del> 'ia32' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 },
<del> 'ppc' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 },
<del> 's390' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 } }
<add> 'arm' : { 'debug' : 8, 'release' : 3 }, # The ARM buildbots are slow.
<add> 'riscv64' : { 'debug' : 8, 'release' : 3 }, # The riscv devices are slow.
<add> 'ia32' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 },
<add> 'ppc' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 },
<add> 's390' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 } }
<ide> class Context(object):
<ide> def GuessArchitecture():
<ide> return 'ppc'
<ide> elif id == 's390x':
<ide> return 's390'
<add> elif id == 'riscv64':
<add> return 'riscv64'
<ide> else:
<ide> id = platform.processor()
<ide> if id == 'powerpc': | 2 |
Ruby | Ruby | add missing require for cookies middleware | a50865c7dcc0827ea843d04a58e91acce9bf2c0e | <ide><path>actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_process.rb
<add>require 'action_dispatch/middleware/cookies'
<ide> require 'action_dispatch/middleware/flash'
<ide> require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access'
<ide> | 1 |
Text | Text | fix example of i18n setting in the guide [ci skip] | 939b85af709d02da569be6a6009f732d5a9d3742 | <ide><path>guides/source/
<ide> A trivial implementation of using an `Accept-Language` header would be:
<ide> def switch_locale(&action)
<ide> logger.debug "* Accept-Language: #{request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']}"
<ide> locale = extract_locale_from_accept_language_header
<del> logger.debug "* Locale set to '#{I18n.locale}'"
<add> logger.debug "* Locale set to '#{locale}'"
<ide> I18n.with_locale(locale, &action)
<ide> end
<ide> | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | use v2 api | 7962b15a982cef28cf2356fff1f534000fdb333a | <ide><path>Library/Homebrew/utils.rb
<ide> def find_pull_requests rx
<ide> require 'vendor/multi_json'
<ide> pulls = []
<del> uri = URI.parse("")
<del> uri.query = "per_page=100"
<add> query = rx.source.delete '.*'
<add> uri = URI.parse("{query}")
<ide> open uri do |f|
<del> MultiJson.decode(( do |pull|
<del> pulls << pull['html_url'] if rx.match pull['title']
<add> MultiJson.decode(["issues"].each do |pull|
<add> pulls << pull['pull_request_url'] if rx.match pull['title'] and pull["pull_request_url"]
<ide> end
<del> uri = if f.meta['link'] =~ /rel="next"/
<del> f.meta['link'].slice(URI.regexp)
<del> else
<del> nil
<del> end
<del> end while uri
<add> end
<ide> pulls
<ide> rescue
<ide> [] | 1 |
Python | Python | improve docs of conv_filter_vis example | bb2b3ada3d502c740f2704e44362c9bc32be4353 | <ide><path>examples/
<ide> This script can run on CPU in a few minutes (with the TensorFlow backend).
<ide> Results example:
<add>Before running this script, download the weights for the VGG16 model at:
<add>and make sure the variable `weights_path` in this script matches the location of the file.
<ide> '''
<ide> from __future__ import print_function
<ide> from scipy.misc import imsave
<ide> def normalize(x):
<ide> # we start from a gray image with some random noise
<ide> input_img_data = np.random.random((1, 3, img_width, img_height)) * 20 + 128.
<del> # we run gradient ascent for 12 steps
<del> for i in range(12):
<add> # we run gradient ascent for 20 steps
<add> for i in range(20):
<ide> loss_value, grads_value = iterate([input_img_data])
<ide> input_img_data += grads_value * step
<ide> | 1 |
Text | Text | add my text about web components to the article | b7b1cdad60a639266e6b89f4e854e4a0218745ce | <ide><path>guide/english/web-components/how-do-i-use-web-components/
<ide> title: How do I use Web Components?
<ide> ---
<ide> #### How do I use Web Components?
<del>This is a stub. <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Help our community expand it</a>.
<del><ahref='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>This quick style guide will help ensure your pull request gets accepted</a>.
<add><h1>Web Components</h1>
<add> <p>Web Components are <q>a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps</q>. You can learn more<a href="" target="_blank"> here</a>.</p>
<add> <img src="*_yWD1AV3xLlml1l5.png" alt="four web components" width="704" height="531" />
<add> <p>You can also learn more about this <b>components</b> and how to use them on other <i>websites</i>, such as:
<del><!-- The article goes here, in GitHub-flavored Markdown. Feel free to add YouTube videos, images, and CodePen/JSBin embeds -->
<ide> #### More Information:
<ide> <!-- Please add any articles you think might be helpful to read before writing the article -->
<add>- <a href="">Mozilla</a>
<add>- <a href="">Sitepen</a>
<add>- <a href="">Codeburst</a>
<add> | 1 |
Python | Python | fix template for new models in readme | aeeab1ffd06aaf9703494508752ab75448019c38 | <ide><path>utils/
<ide> def check_model_list_copy(overwrite=False, max_per_line=119):
<del> "1. **[{model_name}]({model_type})** (from <FILL INSTITUTION>) "
<del> "released with the paper [<FILL PAPER TITLE>](<FILL ARKIV LINK>) by <FILL AUTHORS>."
<add> "1. **[{model_name}]({model_type})** (from "
<add> "<FILL INSTITUTION>) released with the paper [<FILL PAPER TITLE>](<FILL ARKIV LINK>) by <FILL AUTHORS>."
<ide> )
<ide> | 1 |
Ruby | Ruby | improve test coverage | fe98d21289b7510182e338f352f5a416bd01f1ad | <ide><path>railties/lib/rails/commands/test.rb
<ide> require "rails/test_unit/minitest_plugin"
<ide> if defined?(ENGINE_ROOT)
<del> $: << File.expand_path("test", ENGINE_ROOT)
<add> $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("test", ENGINE_ROOT)
<ide> else
<del> $: << File.expand_path("../../test", APP_PATH)
<add> $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("../../test", APP_PATH)
<ide> end
<ide> exit
<ide> def teardown
<ide> teardown_app
<ide> end
<del> test "truth" do
<add> test "simple successful test" do
<ide> app_file "test/unit/foo_test.rb", <<-RUBY
<ide> require 'test_helper'
<ide> def test_truth
<ide> assert_successful_test_run "unit/foo_test.rb"
<ide> end
<add> test "simple failed test" do
<add> app_file "test/unit/foo_test.rb", <<-RUBY
<add> require 'test_helper'
<add> class FooTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
<add> def test_truth
<add> assert false
<add> end
<add> end
<add> RUBY
<add> assert_unsuccessful_run "unit/foo_test.rb", "Failed assertion"
<add> end
<ide> test "integration test" do
<ide> controller "posts", <<-RUBY
<ide> class PostsController < ActionController::Base
<ide> class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
<ide> def assert_unsuccessful_run(name, message)
<ide> result = run_test_file(name)
<ide> assert_not_equal 0, $?.to_i
<del> assert result.include?(message)
<add> assert_includes result, message
<ide> result
<ide> end
<ide> | 2 |
Text | Text | fix typo in hostnameversioning doc | 0712094ea2e846d41ef3ce2a4d12b9159911abfe | <ide><path>docs/api-guide/
<ide> By default this implementation expects the hostname to match this simple regular
<ide> Note that the first group is enclosed in brackets, indicating that this is the matched portion of the hostname.
<del>The `HostNameVersioning` scheme can be awkward to use in debug mode as you will typically be accessing a raw IP address such as ``. There are various online services which you to [access localhost with a custom subdomain][lvh] which you may find helpful in this case.
<add>The `HostNameVersioning` scheme can be awkward to use in debug mode as you will typically be accessing a raw IP address such as ``. There are various online tutorials on how to [access localhost with a custom subdomain][lvh] which you may find helpful in this case.
<ide> Hostname based versioning can be particularly useful if you have requirements to route incoming requests to different servers based on the version, as you can configure different DNS records for different API versions.
<ide> | 1 |