wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-646.wav|No, it's not like that man. With him, we called you. Right now, you just arrived by yourself. Like a raven, plucking at the window glass.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-791.wav|Is there anything else I can help you with?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-555.wav|Get out of here, trying to ruin my day!. And that youth centre better be a good one or you'll have trouble from me.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-79.wav|I don't know... further up the coast. She tried to leave quietly but the hinges on that door screech like a cat in heat, woke me up. I heard her rushing in those heavy boots, heading up north.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-680.wav|Your mind just flips back and forth, doesn't it... what are they about exactly?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-463.wav|No! They're good kids. I brought them up the right way.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-503.wav|None of my business, either way. How you spend your hours is up to you...
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-535.wav|She's right over there.. The dark-haired woman, leaning over the railing.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-464.wav|Aye, they're good kids. I brought them up the right way.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-328.wav|Ah, look at me ramble on.. What brings you to us?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-633.wav|She tried not to let it show, but I could tell she hadn't come to fish, usually she likes to cast a few lines, but this time she mostly stayed in her room.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-777.wav|These ears know every sound that belongs to this coast. I would know if I heard anything different.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-95.wav|Not that I know of, though she was into nice music. She once showed me a few mixtape-milieus she'd made.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-142.wav|Surely not the first one.... So are you interested or not?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-409.wav|Did you say something?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-312.wav|What do you expect? Police officers get put into dangerous situations all the time. Sometimes they get shot. It's a rough trade you're in.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-53.wav|Well, there's that music. Music from across the sea.. It started a few days ago and now it's blasting, even through the nights.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-368.wav|Your mind just flips back and forth, doesn't it... what are they about exactly?
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-194.wav|I'm sure you did,. Nature keeps them in rotation. A new face pops up every now and then and an old one disappears and is forgotten. This is who we are.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-9.wav|Aye? What's this about?. Come now, I can't read all this scribble. Tell me what it says.
wavs/Washerwoman-VILLAGE WASHERWOMAN-100.wav|Tut, tut. Don't be shy now. It's going to be alright.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-224.wav|Good, that's probably the right thing, thank you...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-141.wav|Yesterday morning. He went to the library.. He went to retrieve my book and he promised, he promised he'd walk straight back home.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-362.wav|You're a keen observer,
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-350.wav|Money?. Does the working class ever have any money?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-153.wav|And who should I contact...?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-109.wav|Where? Did he run away?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-189.wav|Oh,. But he was just...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-135.wav|No.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-194.wav|What happened to him?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-97.wav|No, no.... my relationship with disco remains irrefutably healthy.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-119.wav|Why do you think that I smoke?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-116.wav|From the kiosk? There's one near the harbour, it's a Frittte. You can look it up.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-41.wav|No. Absolutely not.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-9.wav|There is no investigation here, I can tell you that!
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-81.wav|Police? I don't follow.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-261.wav|Mhmh, they came home later. They're good girls.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-256.wav|No, well.... The lining is hand-sewn. It's blue; I tried to make the thing more weatherproof since he's running around with it in the middle of winter.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-92.wav|I don't know, the most talkative one?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-204.wav|I see.... And you just... found him there? Lying in the cold?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-13.wav|Honestly, not that different from you.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-116.wav|Oh.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-47.wav|Me?. No one, I'm just a working class woman.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-56.wav|His old leather jacket.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-18.wav|It's you from the bookstand...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-62.wav|Mhm.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-232.wav|My handkerchief...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-324.wav|What does anything I said have to do with police? Or is Police some kind of disco phenomenon as well?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-157.wav|Fighting for it how?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-2.wav|Hello, I'm Billie. Would you like something to drink? Tea, lemonade?. We're out of coffee, I was supposed to get some tomorrow...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-113.wav|They're not missing, sir.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-53.wav|No. I guess I'll find out when he decides to come back home.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-43.wav|Hello.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-58.wav|What with?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-17.wav|So you are going to look for him?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-346.wav|I'll take it from here. Thank you.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-439.wav|Well, what can you do... I hope that at least that extra lining helps him keep warm at night. I wouldn't like him to catch cold.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-143.wav|What?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-291.wav|No, I'm not lying. Why should I lie?. Please go to the Frittte kiosk.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-114.wav|Yes, I...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-420.wav|Alright, go ahead. Do you have any questions?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-15.wav|Are you a police man or a nanny?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-339.wav|Hmm-hmm-hmm...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-457.wav|Hmh?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-211.wav|Hmm-hmm-hmm.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-38.wav|The girls are staying at their friend's place tonight, and Victor is... out.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-188.wav|Oh.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-191.wav|You were right. I do have an alcoholic husband. Although not that one.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-374.wav|I don't even have a cockatoo. And guess what?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-334.wav|God, should I call them? Should I tell them to come home?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-327.wav|I haven't seen him for... Well, to hell with him!
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-221.wav|Annette's a sweet sprout, but she doesn't know anything about marriage. Why am I even talking about this...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-469.wav|Right, uh...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-118.wav|You're right, we do smoke worse than chimneys here.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-501.wav|Some things are officer.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-115.wav|I'm sorry, I just need a... I don't know what to say.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-7.wav|Report what? He's just out, drinking with his friends... I'm sure the police has better things to do than to chase down local goofballs.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-218.wav|Yes, thank you.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-15.wav|I don't think I introduced myself properly, I'm Billie. Would you like something to drink?. Tea, lemonade? We're out of coffee...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-434.wav|What I was trying to say before is that he's a little bit chubby, that's all. I didn't mean anything offensive!
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-42.wav|Why, do you have any news?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-319.wav|God, should I call them? Should I tell them to come home?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-334.wav|Thank you!. Please, do... Even though I'm sure he will return home by himself. I'm still sure of that.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-90.wav|What problem?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-54.wav|It shouldn't be long from now. He's never gone for more than a few days.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-48.wav|He's probably in the Pox, drinking with his friends. I sent him to the library a few days ago, but I guess something came up...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-247.wav|They're almost grown up now anyway. They're past the age they need me protecting them from everything now.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-240.wav|Thank you.. Thank you for telling me. I'll call, if...
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-43.wav|As I already told you, he has a problem with drinking. And so he... disappears every now and then.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-248.wav|Just to return a book of mine, why?. Why all those questions, detective? Did he...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-391.wav|Wonderful. The store is open.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-122.wav|I already told you, I don't have any. Go bother someone else.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-54.wav|I know you are.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-381.wav|Nothing. Go read up on them if you're so interested. There's a great book in the bookstore.
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-278.wav|How have I been?. You're not here to discuss me, what is this about, officer?
wavs/Working Class Woman-APT WCW MAIN-140.wav|No. I'll call you if something comes up, I'm still a bit...
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-98.wav|Oh, no! That's not what I meant!
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-318.wav|Right, 'cause working class women come with alcoholic husbands.. You know what?
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-139.wav|Who said anything about shame? Stop talking down to me.. My husband is not missing.
wavs/Working Class Woman-PLAZA WORKING CLASS WOMAN-50.wav|Not all the time. Right now I'm browsing books.. Even a working class woman needs something to read.