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19800 | 文章怎样进行火焰重建的 |
19801 | 创新性:论文与之前其他工作相比的效果如何 |
19802 | Most of the revenue gains would come at Norfolk Southern’s expense, though a significant fraction would also come from the trucking industry. |
19803 | 片段1中的主人公为什么会担心化妆会让她感到羞辱?这可能与她的过去经历有关吗? |
19804 | 为什么在不同实验室中观察到的单层石墨烯的可见性会有如此大的差异?是否可以将这种差异归因于使用不同的相机? |
19805 | 文章的主要创新点有哪些? |
19806 | 从主人公的行为和思想中,我们可以看到哪些关于人性和社会的思考和反思? |
19807 | What did you glean from this article that could be useful for senior living? |
19808 | 应计盈余管理与实际盈余管理 |
19809 | 动物形象在欧亚大草原上的游牧民族文化中扮演了什么角色?这些动物形象是否与宗教和/或魔法有关?它们是否象征着高社会地位? |
19810 | 采用ifrs的好处 |
19811 | 总结关于教师的职业倦怠的内容 |
19812 | 与骨关节炎疼痛相关的结构 |
19813 | 文中提到Durer的自画像在世俗场景中展示,而不是宗教场景,这对于当时的文化、政治和艺术议程有何重要贡献?为什么Durer选择在自画像中强调绘画过程而不是艺术家的虔诚? |
19814 | 哪5个不同的标准? |
19815 | 这跟USB数据线在哪里? |
19816 | 简述沉浸式学习的三个层次,不超过100词 |
19817 | The data consist of weekly closing values for each precious metal. We selected the US$/Troy ounce for gold, the London Free Market price in US$/Troy ounce for platinum, the London Free Market US$/Troy ounce for palladium, and the Zurich silver price in US$/kilogram for silver. This gives us 3240 observations for all four precious metals market indices from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2018; i.e., gold (the XAU Index), silver (the XAG Index), platinum (the XPT Index), and palladium (the XPD Index). |
19818 | 片段3中提到了“爱控制”,作者似乎对这种态度持批评态度。那么,作者认为为什么控制会对生命产生负面影响?他提出了什么样的替代方案来取代控制? |
19819 | We care about the time-to-accuracy performance and final model accuracy of model training tasks on the testing set. For model testing, we measure the end-to-end testing duration, which consists of the computation overhead of the solution and the duration of actual computation. For each experiment, we report the mean value over 5 runs, and error bars show the standard deviation. |
19820 | 介绍一下钠离子电池正极材料的研究现状以及面临挑战 |
19821 | in the artical find the Relationship for Lina with another character Include a quote to support |
19822 | 解释第二步怎么实现 |
19823 | 阶级如何在当代本土主义社会中表现出来?在全球化和技术进步的时代,是否出现了新的阶级划分形式? |
19824 | 文中提到了英国人对社会阶级的观念,那么这种阶级观念在英国社会中的影响有多大?它对人们的生活和交往方式有何影响? |
19825 | 文档中提到了“CNE”(构造性中性进化),它是如何解释和定义的?它与正选择和纯净选择有什么区别? |
19826 | How did the author define the First Balkan War? |
19827 | 请对本文的核心结论,创新点,意义,局限性等分别做出介绍。 |
19828 | 本文的中文题目是? |
19829 | 在这篇文章中,作者提到了使用MATLAB进行结构优化,然后使用ANSYS进行静态和模态分析。你认为这种结合使用不同软件的方法有什么优势和局限性? |
19830 | 如果对这篇论文审稿,你能提出什么问题? |
19831 | 文档中提到的风险评估和控制措施是否符合国际标准?如果不符合,应该如何改进? |
19832 | I argue that the major social scientific approaches to music in everyday life, from sociology, anthropology, and psychology, overestimate people’s freedom to use music, and understate ways in which music is tied up with social problems such as inequality and suffering. |
19833 | 从方法和结果中找出本文的至少两个主要缺点 |
19834 | 自由主义和自由意志 |
19835 | 第六段应该写什么,给出示例 |
19836 | 是提高城市为不断扩大的城市人口提供基本服务的能力的关键 |
19837 | 这篇文章对于经济周期有何提及 |
19838 | 什么是“Difference Dating”技术,它是如何应用于冰川冰碛石的年代测定的? |
19839 | 在胰岛移植中,如何设计和选择最佳的植入部位和植入物参数,以实现最佳的胰岛成活和功能? |
19840 | 这篇文章的贡献和创新点是什么?这些发现对当前研究领域有哪些重要意义? |
19841 | scaling factor是什么 |
19842 | 这篇文档探讨的是北美索普塔米亚的晚铜器时代的图像和意识形态,那么这些图像和意识形态在当时的社会中扮演了什么样的角色? |
19843 | 本文的结构合理吗 |
19844 | What determines how the factors of production are used to produce each good and service? |
19845 | 金融科技(fintech)正在通过信息技术对金融行业进行颠覆性改变,这种改变对全球未能获得安全金融服务的人群有何影响?研究人员如何研究这些技术改变的影响,并为金融行业提供最佳服务的建议? |
19846 | 文档中提到了一些老年人在处理广告和隐私设置时遇到的困难,他们对于取消订阅功能的不信任是如何影响他们的行为的? |
19847 | 文中提到了电影和手术的共同点,它们如何相互影响,进而促进了跨性别身份的出现和认知? |
19848 | progranulin在哪些疾病中起到了保护作用?它与炎症和神经退行性疾病的关系如何?它的水平在这些疾病中是如何变化的? |
19849 | 对这篇讲座进行概要总结,详细点,300-500字 |
19850 | 对你科研思路的启发 |
19851 | 本文的可视化发现了什么规律吗? |
19852 | what are structured interviews |
19853 | Shein有哪些不符合射虎责任的行为 |
19854 | As discussed in class, abstinence-only sex education consistently differs from comprehensive sex education in that it:Group of answer choicesa) highlights the importance of refraining from sexual contact.b) provides no information about contraception.c) tends to ignore sexual pleasure.d) Both (b) and (c).e) All listed answers. |
19855 | What can you learn from this case? Breifly explain and how can lehman improve to avoid the final bankcruptcy. |
19856 | 本文的文献思路 |
19857 | 低碳城市实验是什么 |
19858 | 这篇论文用到了什么技术 |
19859 | In what ways can Rua Bioscience differentiate themselves in the global market? |
19860 | 解释负反馈控制的概念 |
19861 | 在项目融资中,为什么要进行资产抵押和资产投资基金的基础解释?这些解释如何与船舶和飞机融资相关联? |
19862 | 在第234页,里尔登和TallBear认为威尔斯重新演绎了一种对土著人民的古老理解,即把他们定义为“仅仅是DNA的存储库”。你认为有什么方法来做人口基因组学研究包括不同的人类群体来避免这种框架吗?实际上,这样的研究可能是什么样子的? |
19863 | 3.2部分主要讲了什么得到了什么结论 |
19864 | We used droplet-based scRNA-seq to profile individual fibroblasts from a total of 74 high- quality samples in lung, large intestine, lip salivary glands, and joint synovium, selecting donors with inflammatory diseases and controls (Figure 1A). For synovium, we collected arthroplasties and biopsies from 15 individuals with RA and 6 with osteoarthritis (OA) (Table S2). For the lung analysis, we acquired lung biopsies samples from 8 individuals with earlier-stage interstitial lung disease (ILD) who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical (VATS) biopsy for ILD diagnosis, characterized by inflammatory pathology, and comparator lung transplant samples of explanted lung from 4 control donors and 11 individuals with end-stage IPF and RA-ILD (STAR Methods; Table S3). All individuals |
19865 | 第二部分的逻辑是什么 |
19866 | 博茨瓦纳在提高教育的可及性和质量方面的进展有哪些 |
19867 | 对联合国资源支出的思考和看法 |
19868 | 该文章写学术自我效能和学术成功的关系是什么 |
19869 | How are intentions similar to both beliefs and desires? |
19870 | TABLE 2. Corporate venture capital arms of major media companies. |
19871 | 能将本文的不足之处说的更详细点吗 |
19872 | 应该用什么标准评估项目 |
19873 | 为什么VR在课堂上运用有优势用图解释 |
19874 | 组胺受体2抑制剂治疗包膜挛缩的效果 |
19875 | 文档中提到了工具的使用对于提供反馈和学习者对反馈的参与程度有影响,那么这些工具具体是什么,它们如何影响学习者对反馈的内化和运用? |
19876 | 文中提到的关于高风险测试的定义 |
19877 | 总结文中working |
19878 | 这篇文档讨论了大数据对知识生产的影响和新的认识论范式转变,那么大数据是如何改变人们对知识的获取和理解方式的? |
19879 | PDA的作用 |
19880 | 其他测量方式 |
19881 | What were the dues-paying residents of seigneuries who worked the land referred to as?IntendantsSeigneursVoyageursCensitaires在领主的土地上劳作的纳税居民被称为什么?管家领主旅行者计数 |
19882 | We now complete the proof of Proposition 2.15. We assume (2.33), where we initially take ρ to be invertible. We omit the hat in (2.70) as well as the suffix ωor ρ on vectors. As noted, we then have Ω ρ = ρ1/2 , and we also know that A i is given by A i b = bai for some ai ∈ Mn(C), viz. ai = A i1n (where 1n = 1H is to be distinguished from Ω ρ = ρ1/2 ). In this case, (2.81) means 0 ≤ Tr (b∗ba i) ≤ 1 for each b with Tr (b∗b) = 1, which is true iff 0 ≤ ai ≤ 1, whereas (2.82) immediately yields ∑i ai = 1. In terms of such a family (a i) in Mn(C) itself, the decomposition (2.80) of ω = Tr (ρ−) into arbitrary states ωi follows from (2.83) - (2.84) aspi = Tr (ρai); (2.85)ωi(a) = Tr (ρi a); (2.86)ρi = ρ1/2aiρ1/2 Tr (ρa i) . (2.87) To obtain pure and orthogonal states ωi, we subsequently ask when the new density matrices ρi are mutually orthogonal one-dimensional projections ρi = |υi〉〈υi|. To answer this, we use the spectral theorem (A.37) - (A.38) applied to ρ, which gives ρ = ∑ j p j e j and hence ρ1/2 = ∑ j√p j e j, so thatρ1/2aiρ1/2 = ∑j,k√p j pk e j ai ek. (2.88) This can only be proportional to a one-dimensional projection if each a i is a one- dimensional projection that commutes with all spectral projections e j of ρ (and hence also commutes with ρ itself), and all further constraints on the a i may then only be satisfied if a i = |υi〉〈υi|, for some basis (υi) of eigenvector υi of ρ. A similar analysis applies to non-invertible ρ, the only new point being that pro- jections ei orthogonal to the range of ρ fall into the null space Nρ , cf. (2.76) - (2.79), and hence do not contribute to (2.52), so that they may be ignored. |
19883 | 阅读章节,了解论文的框架,但不涉及其中的细节。 |
19884 | 要将允许误差缩小为原来的1/2,可以采取以下措施: -优化实验设计,减少误差来源,例如控制环境条件、使用更精确的仪器等在原文的哪一页有体现 |
19885 | 美国和联合国在其中都起到了什么作用 |
19886 | Platform A platform is a set of common components, assembly methods or technologies that serve as building blocks for a port- folio of products or services. Platform innovation involves exploiting the “power of commonality” — using modularity to create a diverse set of derivative offerings more quickly and cheaply than if they were stand-alone items. Innovations along this dimension are frequently overlooked even though their power to create value can be considerable. Platform innovation, for example, has allowed Nissan Motor Co. to resurrect its fortunes in the automotive industry. The company has relied on a common set of components to develop a line of cars and sport utility vehi- cles with markedly different styles, performance and market posi- tioning. Nissan uses essentially the same small engine block (a |
19887 | 如何设计反馈机制以突出滑板技巧的不同方面,并与滑板运动的美学相契合? |
19888 | 整篇文章与景观形态有怎样的关系? |
19889 | 在化学系统中,为什么神经网络势能(NNP)对于拟合潜在能量面并加速模拟具有重要意义? |
19890 | 法国的糖尿病惰性现状如何 |
19891 | 传统的相关算法如何用于重建图像,并且在UV-CGI中有何应用? |
19892 | 作者实现该系统的思路是怎样的 |
19893 | 学生们认为在解决欺凌问题时,提供支持是最好的方式。那么,他们对于支持的具体形式有什么建议?是否有一些特定的支持措施被提到? |
19894 | 本文主要有哪些贡献? |
19895 | 文档中提到了一些研究的质量,那么这些研究的结果是否一致?是否存在一些不同的观点或结论? |
19896 | 看完文章你会问什么问题 |
19897 | Clinical outcomesThe results from eight studies (641 patients) were available to examine clinical response rates in patients with different colistin administration routes [13–18,20,21]. The overall clinical response rates (improvement and cure) differed significantly between IV-AS and IV groups (OR = 1.81, 95% CI 1.30–2.53; P = 0.0005) (Fig. 2). No evidence of statistical heterogeneity was found for this outcome (I2 = 21%; P = 0.26). The subgroup analysis of clinical cure rate is presented in Fig. 3 [13–16,20]. Patients receiving IV-AS colistin treatment trended to show a higher clinical cure rate compared with those treated with IV colistin alone (OR = 1.69, 95% CI 0.98–2.91; P = 0.06) (Fig. 3). The statistical heterogeneity did not reach statistical significance (I2 = 51%; P = 0.08). |
19898 | 本篇文章的结果和讨论是什 |
19899 | 这篇文档主要探讨了男性在工作中如何改变或抵制性别规范和文化,你认为男性在工作场所中改变或抵制性别规范的具体方式有哪些? |