6 values
how soon will I bleed after taking regestrone
hello as you asked yes it is common to have nausea after taking regestrone pills as it is a hormonal pill your periods will stop only after stopping the tablet and should be getting any time between 10 days after stopping it as it varies from person to person map medical termination of pregnancy can be offered till 24 weeks of gestation if the pregnancy is assumed to be constituting grave injury to the physical or mental health of the woman although they have not clearly mentioned as the scenario you mentioned any unwanted pregnancy arising due to rape or contraceptive failure can be a grave mental injury to a woman also in your scenario I would like to know why would a woman consider a termination of pregnancy at an advanced gestational age if neither there were any complications nor it happens due to contraception failure but one needs to get it approved by two registered medical practitioners for going ahead with the termination of pregnancy I hope this helps
hello doctor my periods are delayed by a month and was prescribed regestrone my twice daily for three days how soon can I expect to start bleeding and is it normal to feel nauseous after taking that dosage until when is it legal to get an abortion for a woman without any complications or failed contraception
low severity
my anal lining bulges out during defecation is it due to hemorrhoids or rectal prolapse
hi hope you are fine pain while defecating and feeling of bulge this is mostly a hemorrhoid which sometimes could be associated with spot of blood on the toilet seat and sometimes not how to differentiate between a hemorrhoid and a rectal prolapse to be examined by a surgeon other wise it is difficult by history only however being young and healthy it is unlikely to have a prolapse it a disease of elderly and anoreceptor intercourse prolapse is usually completely circumferential but hemorrhoids usually one location described as clockwise related 7 o clock your abdominal pain likely it is having intermittent diarrhea and constipation flavoring it so to help ease your symptoms we need to treat and fix your bowel habits which is more fibers green vegetables avoid carbs stool softener like normacol over the counter drug which is basically fibers sachet per day till having soft easy stool part of is treatment is psychological therapy you need to relieve your stress which will help you a lot with the diarrhea
hi I am a 29 year old male with 171 am height and 5kg weight and suffer from is every time I go to toilet I have pain while defecating and after it I have a burning sensation in the anus region for the whole day sometimes I also have abdominal pain but I think this is due to is before and after going to the toilet my anal lining is normal but during defecation something bulges out and I am not sure if these are hemoroids or this is mucosal rectal prolapse after defecation I have burning sensation in my anus and mild pain in my left side I also suffer from constipation go to toilet times per week and almost always have to strain when going to toilet when I am anxious I suffer from diarrhea and my stool is mostly liquid but if I am not anxious I suffer from constipation I already excluded all wheat grain as it was causing me gases and pain and my is improved but I still have occasional abdominal pain especially after defecation can you please help me understand if I have hemoroids or mucosal rectal prolapse and what I need to do to cure them
medium severity
I am a diabetic and pregnant for months without doctor consultation is my baby safe
hello first of all diabetes with pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy the blood sugars should be checked before getting pregnant in case a woman gets pregnant with high blood sugar levels then there can be a risk of miscarriages and certain congenital disabilities in the baby please check your blood glucose levels and hba1c level to see for your glycemic control also I am assuming you are taking folic acid supplements because that is a vitamin that helps prevent certain birth defects neural tube defects in other words brain and spine defects in the baby it would have been good if you had mentioned the medications that you been taking for your diabetes to check if you could continue them also if any dose modifications are required because pregnancy induced hormonal changes can disturb the glucose control as the pregnancy advances and it needs close monitoring please get back to me with the necessary details so that I can help you better and guide you through your pregnancy I hope this helps have a great day
hello doctor I am a diabetic patient for two years and currently entered the third month of pregnancy and till now I did not consult any doctor is my baby safe I am taking iron calcium and zinc tablets for six months please tell me about the precautions and healthy tips
high severity
why do I have off and on neck and head pains
hi welcome to icliniq I hope you are doing well I understand your concern I understood that you are having an off and on headache likely a chronic headache for the last days you are having a new onset headache which is triggered by cleaning your left ear associated with scalp tenderness and pain behind ear there are several possible causes of a headache behind the ear one of the most common causes of such type of headache is occipital neuralgia in this condition occipital nerves are injured or inflamed the nature of pain is piercing and sometimes throbbing or similar to the feeling of an electric shock for such pain you need evaluation maybe a scan medications that decrease nerve pain such as carbamazepine pregabalin etc another common cause is mastoiditis it is an infection of the mastoid bone which is the bone directly behind the ear it can cause a headache behind the ear it is mostly associated with fever discharge from the ear in your case it is likely possible as you have a history of ear trauma while cleaning your ear simply taking anti inflammatory medication and antibiotics will help other cause includes temporomandibular joints taj inflammation these joints can become inflamed and painful there is sense jaw tightness and pain in addition to a headache behind the ear lastly migraines can present in a various manner as your having chronic headache it is also a possibility it is important to find out the specific cause so it can be treated appropriately new onset headache we like to search for red flag symptoms this are sudden onset of headache the onset of headache after 50 years of age increased frequency or severity of headache new onset of headache with an underlying medical condition headache with concomitant systemic illness such systemic illness fever stiff neck rash as fever focal neurologic signs or symptoms if these red flags are present it needs urgent medical evaluation some home remedy for symptomatic relief of pain are over the counter anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen paracetamol massage of neck muscles apply heat packs if swelling then apply a cold pack to take rest in a quiet room hope this is helpful regards
i have had off and on neck head pains kind of like a headache my scalp in the back center is a little tender and when I cleaned my left ear I had pain deep inside started days ago with killer headache coming from left side behind ear scalp tenderness towards the back of the head
medium severity
I have thalassemia minor is there a treatment for it and how to improve my health
hi welcome to icliniq well according to your history and complaints I would like to inform you that a sure shot cure for this for thalassemia minor is not there at present but yes many treatments for major thalassemias are there which are not at all needed in minor forms yes symptomatic treatments and supportive therapy are advice but nothing is sure shot to improve your health it is recommended ypu must live a balanced life and acquire healthy habits like adequate work and rest adequate balanced diet mild exercise but with utmost care be vigilant about any new or worsening signs of symptoms I also recommend you to be in touch with your treating doctor and get yourself checked periodically incl blood tests da of it is minimum 600 iu day for healthy individuals and minimum 100 iu day eith ostroporosis although getting vitamins and levels checked and then to discuss the amount with your doctor is advised take care have a nice day
health query I have thalassemia minor in the blood and I would like to know if there is a final treatment for it and if not then what would you advise me to improve my health symptoms paleness hair loss rapid fatigue medication folic acid tablets vitamin capsules would like to know how much iu vitamin is suitable gender male age 20 height 172 am weight 70
medium severity
why does the pulse oximeter not read my dad recording properly
hi there we have just recently bought an oximeter and it is reading very well for four people in our household however with my dad it struggles to read his recordings he also has a very up and down heart rate varying from normal to really low however his blood pressure readings are fine thanks
medium severity
my second ultrasound showed an empty embryonic sac how is this possible
dear welcome toiclinq com I can absolutely understand ur concern what you are going through must be missed miscarriage this is because of defective embryogenesis the ovum b'cos of ur age may have meitoic dysfunction resulting in multiplication errors it is a way of natural selection in which only the good embryo moves forward just wait for a week rat us and decide as per reports do not worry you have kids we do come across such worse scenarios in women going through if pregnancies stay bold it shall pass by hope you find it useful regards missed miscarriage tis after a week missed miscarriage as per scan reports if any query
hi doctor I am having a situation here I am a mother with kids my last first period was 69 days back I am worried and made an up which shows positive 20 days back after 12 years I am pregnant I do faces all the pregnancy symptoms as vomiting and so on unfortunately I am spotting since last week which comes in chocolate color upon ironing only which is not a heavy flow and made my first ultrasound days back doctor says baby is fine then the spotting still have not stop so I decide to refer another doctor since really worried when I did and ultrasound a couple of days back I only can see my empty sac how this possible the doctor request me to come over for another scan after weeks if still empty then I have to abbot it I am depressed really not sure what happen please advise doctor
high severity
I am unable to focus on studies because of the fear of not being the topper again please help
i was topper for semesters and I have fear that I will be not topper for ith semester because of this fear I am unable to focus on studies
low severity
should I be concerned about fertility and pregnancy complications due to bicornuate uterus
hi thanks for your query woman may never need treatment for a bicornuate uterus if it is required the surgery is known as a strassman metroplasty this surgery may be recommended if a woman has repeated miscarriages and bicornuate uterus is thought to be the cause performing this procedure as a solution to infertility is controversial as the majority of research carried out suggests that having a bicornuate uterus will not affect a womans chances of falling pregnant some evidence suggests that problems such as miscarriage and early birth are more likely in women with the condition though it does not rule out a successful pregnancy and natural delivery women with a bicornuate uterus who do become pregnant should have additional monitoring and checkups throughout their pregnancy to minimize risk and identify any problems early on its not necessary that all those with this condition will get problems with fertility or pregnancy but the chances are more especially if it is septate uterus where there is full septum diving uterus into two sometimes it cannot be established on imaging and laparoscopic view may be necessary
results from an hug procedure showed that I have a bicornuate uterus or a thick septum both fallopian tubes are patent but there is an abnormal position of the uterine body possibly due to a cystic nodularity in the right adnexa displacing the entire uterine body toward the left side of the pelvic cavity currently trying to conceive and I am pretty concerned about the complications with both fertility and pregnancy due to the potential above diagnosis further clinical evaluation is recommended what can be done to fix this and or make the changes for a healthy full term pregnancy thanks
medium severity
I get recurrent ear pain whenever I clean my ears with tips
hi I know how frustrating this problem can get you can follow the advice mentioned below please stop using earbuds tips as they introduce infections into a sensitive region such as the ear if there is pus coming out of your ear there is a possibility of you developing an ear infection that may or may not involve the eardrum take tablet amoxicillin 500 my with potassium clavulanate 125 my combination one tablet thrice times a day after food for one week along with this you can also take a combination of paracetamol phenylephrine and levocetirizine one tablet twice daily for one week keep your ears closed with sterile cotton and change it every six hours do not allow any water or air to enter into your ear as it can keep getting infected and pus or ear discharge will start once again in a case where if by chance there is perforation of the eardrum it will close on its own once the discharge subsides do not worry about it you will be completely fine in a week time I hope this helps
hello doctor last february I have had an ear infection from cleaning my left ear too often with a tip I went to the hospital and was prescribed aplosyn optic drops celebrex and an antibiotic which starts with a letter I forgot it as I lost the prescription I am sorry I took it for a week and went back to the doctor to have me flushed he told me my eardrum was not perforated all went well until two nights ago I gently cleaned my left ear with a tip after shower before going to sleep I woke up the following morning with mild pain in my ear maybe because I was sided left all throughout my sleep and have put so much pressure on it today I used a mirror to have a look at it looks like it has pus again and the moderate pain now is up to my left neck what should I do please help
low severity
I have sinusitis for the past months and no medication helped me why
hi yes I understand how frustrating your problem can be sinusitis is usually secondary to a certain problem such as allergy which is the most common cause once other rare causes are ruled out so considering the treatment of this particular issue we need to always treat the primary from its root source so that the effect remains for a longer time with the least amount of medications what can be done if you are having underlying allergic issues such as sneezing watery nasal discharge ear fullness heaviness in the head and facial regions we need to treat the allergy first you need to wear an n95 mask and nothing else other than that to prevent any irritative substance such as dust fumes from entering your nose and initiating the allergic cascade mechanism leading to its symptoms wearing a mask even at home avoiding exposure to dust and other substances which instigate sneezing according to me is the single most important factor which you have to take care of as other things mentioned below are all for symptomatic relief and we are not treating the allergy as such precisely speaking take tablet sinarest acetaminophen chlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine one tablet two times a day after food for 10 days allegra fexofenadine and montelukast one tablet two twice for 10 days duonase nasal spray two puffs in both nostrils twice daily for three continuous months do not inhale while applying the spray tablet mucomix 600 my one tablet twice daily for 10 days do steam inhalation two or three times a day for supportive relief take wysolone 10 my once a day after breakfast for 10 days tablet pan pantoprazole one tablet before breakfast for 10days clarithromycin 500 my twice daily for one month saltwater gargles to 10 times a day will keep irritative substances away from the throat all these medications will be useful only if you strictly follow the precautionary measures the requirement of medications will automatically reduce once your symptoms come down with a decreased allergic load please do get a noncontrast it computed tomography of the nose and paranasal sinuses and show it to me once you get it done in the subsequent follow ups I advise you for a follow up after two weeks of treatment so I can evaluate and let you know about the further requirement of medications I hope this helps
hello doctor I am suffering from sinusitis for the last six months I have tried lots of medicines but there is no improvement because of the current scenario of couid 19 I cannot visit any ent specialist please help me and prescribe some medicines
medium severity
is crud good for heart patient with acute heart failure and mi
hi as he had a heart attack first priority is revascularization of angioplasty or bypass surgery if this is done and heart function improves then it will be good in right bundle branch block there is very little benefit of cut cardiac resynchronization therapy if revascularization is not possible then maximum medical therapy is best yes ice implantable cadioverter defibrillator is indicated it should be considered once the patient is out of the acute episode and is stabilized if the patient needs recurrent hospitalization for heart failure or recurrent be drops that need medicines to raise it then the option is left ventricular assist device lvad or total artificial heart tah or heart transplantation subject to availability of facilities first thing is to assess for revascularization if there is viable heart muscle I hope this helps
hi doctor my father has acute heart failure and extensive mi since two months ago also he got a pleural effusion and leg edema he is in bed symptomatic depending on oxygen device most of the time his ef is 21 the egg shows possible left atrial enlargement nonspecific intraventricular block right ventricular hypertrophy inferior infact and anterolateral infact irs 138 with right bundle branch block he sleeps in a 30 45 degree we did not do pi until now I would like to know will crud be good for him
high severity
I have tinnitus small bursts of light and burning at the back of throat are these signs of brain tumor
hi so the problem here is right ear tinnitus regarding this I need to know is there hearing difficulty in the right ear what type of tinnitus swishing or continuous how long it lasts is there any vertigo associated with tinnitus is there any discharge or fullness of the right ear regarding bursts of light which eye single eye or both eyes at the same time of tinnitus or at a different time are flashes colored or black or white is burning on the back of tongue one sided or both sided is there any redness on the tongue is there coarseness of voice or throat pain please answer all these questions
hello doctor I am a 30 year old healthy woman I am diagnosed with anxiety disorder 10 years ago for the past year I have been experiencing crippling health anxiety I have experienced a number of frightening symptoms including brain zaps weakness in legs body twitching dizziness etc last year I had a it scan and mri of the head and neck I consulted with a family doctor and neurologist terrified of is all scans came back clear my doctor said this was all a result of my anxiety and also said he thought I was suffering from herd or acid reflux I felt better for some time but for the past two weeks I started experiencing very strange symptoms that I have never before felt in my life I get on and off tinnitus in my right ear seeing small bursts of light once or twice a day and feeling of spice burning in the back of my tongue while eating bland nonspicy food I have called my optometrist who did a full workup less than a year ago I have 20 vision and no eye conditions I explained the small bursts of light and he was not too worried and simply told me to keep track and let him know if they are increasing so far they are not but these small bursts of light coupled with the tinnitus and also the tongue burning sensation has absolutely terrified me I am terrified I have a tumor or brain cancer this fear is crippling me and I can hardly think straight should I be concerned I am on the verge of running to the er every night and begging for a it scan please help
high severity
what are the recommended measures to control high be in a stroke patient
hi if there is any acute stressful condition tackle it be will be fine measures to control be blood pressure avoid smoking and other addictions reduce salt intake in diet reduce fatty foods junk foods and saturated fats avoid stress and anxiety do regular moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walk for 30 minutes have proper night sleep at least eight hours a day including at least six hours in the night uninterrupted sleep reduce weight even if weight is within the normal range drink plenty of water do deep breathing exercises and meditation measure be while you are totally relaxed sit for five minutes in a quiet room without talking to anyone empty bowel and bladder before checking be avoid tea coffee 30 minutes before checking be sit on the chair with feet on the ground back supported hand supported on a table cuff at the position of heart check the be and repeat it after five minutes again then check the be in the other arm and repeat it after minutes during the entire period remain relax and quiet arm with higher be readings is your exact blood pressure you may take at least two or more readings and the average of readings is your actual be if these measures do not help then switch medicines but before switching have renal function tests and electrolytes done if the tests are normal and you are not allergic to components of the following medicines then take tablet amlodipine or valsartan 10 160 my in the morning or evening time measure be daily as described above for two to three weeks if it normalizes continue the medicine if not reconsult
hello doctor my father is 65 years old he had a stroke left thalamic ich a few months back but now his blood pressure remains very high which is 10 180 200 presently he is taking prazopress 5 olmesan 40 0 and cardobis 0 please advise
high severity
can schizophrenia be inherited and pass down to next generation
hello based on the history provided I see that you do not have any first degree relatives with schizophrenia so the risk is not high this condition can run in families but the risk is more when you have first degree relatives with schizophrenia like parents siblings schizophrenia is relatively rare affecting about of the general population so anyone in the world has a in 100 chance of developing schizophrenia your risk will be the same as the general population possibly marginally higher due to extended family history you need not worry unnecessarily as the risk is not substantially higher than anybody else in the world to give you an idea about the genetic risk of schizophrenia look at these figures if there is a first degree relative with schizophrenia the risk increases to 10 if both parents have schizophrenia the risk increases to 50 if there is identical twin the risk can increase to about 50 to 65 you do not fall into these categories you may be aware that genes play a role in the etiology of schizophrenia but they alone are not responsible schizophrenia is caused by a complex interaction between genes environment and psychological factors environmental factors like illicit drug use and high stress levels play a huge role since there is a possible history of schizophrenia in the extended family it makes sense to avoid any risk factors like illicit drugs use weed cocaine etc continue an active and healthy lifestyle continue appropriate treatment for depression anxiety and ocd obsessive compulsive disorder if you have any other concerns you can contact your psychiatrist for a review I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 28 year old male in good health I have suffered bouts of depression for the past few years along with anxiety and ocd I am on zoloft every day and am doing well for the most part I am staying active and keeping busy the reason why I ask this is that on my mother side there are two stories of people with suspected schizophrenia my maternal grandmother mother was said to have been institutionalized for her life because of it and my maternal aunt mom sister is a paranoid schizophrenic according to my grandma does this skip generations neither of my parents or siblings has this condition what are the chances of becoming a schizophrenic do I have anything to worry about
medium severity
is it normal to feel hot over the hands and vagina with sharp abdominal pain during pregnancy
hello I read your examination they are all normal the symptoms that you prescribe above are common during pregnancy burning sensation in palms and hand is called carpal syndrome it happens in pregnancy due to swelling of tissues the burning sensation in the vagina is because your sexual organs are more vasculated more blood comes to them during pregnancy to exclude vaginal infection you can perform a vaginal swab and urinary analysis your cervical length is 31 my so you do not have to worry about abdominal pain that does not seem to be a uterine contraction continue your medication and especially you have to consult with an endocrinologist to secure that the thyearoid hormone levels are normal
hello doctor I am four months pregnant my hand and leg palms feel like burning and become very hot and I have the same feeling in my vagina too I also get an occasional sharp pain in my lower abdomen for a few seconds is this normal in pregnancy kindly suggest I have attached my reports and I am currently taking fol 123 duvadilan duphaston 10 my udiliv 300 my pan thyearoxine 12 and eltroxin 75
medium severity
I have ringworm on left side of my stomach will it spread to other parts of the body
hello how long it has been there what are the symptoms of it any other area affected any other family members affected any history of hypertension diabetes mellitus or thyearoid disorder any known drug reaction looking forward to your response in order to help you
hello doctor I think I may have ringworm it is located on the left side of my stomach almost hip I have tried putting clotrimozol and daktarin on it I am afraid that it may spread to other parts of my body please help
low severity
I am 23 years old with a habit of urinating in bed still please suggest medication
hello have you tried any medication before also do you have a dry period anytime until these 23 years you still do bed wetting on a daily basis or it is just when you cough or sneeze do you have any history of diabetes or hypertension or any medications kindly elaborate on how many times at night you wet and how many times you get up to urinate
hello doctor I am a 23 year old female I used to urinate on the bed since childhood please suggest me some medicines
medium severity
I have severe neck and shoulder pain with numbness and tingling please help
hello it would have been better if you had included the mri and ray films or at least the report as I believe it is your cervical spondylosis that may be the cause of your current symptoms I will recommend you to do neck strengthening exercises shoulder elevation exercise and take pregabalin tablets for nerve pain along with duloxetine and take antiinflammatory tablets for a couple of weeks to see the response as your are getting twitching and this may be viral in nature or may be myoclonus I will not to ignore that and perhaps see a neurologist at the next opportunity
hello doctor I have severe pain in the neck and shoulders often accompanied by numbness and tingling I also have frequent migraines and some times dizziness as well with occasional fainting which is exacerbated by loud sounds and harsh lighting I used to be a professional bass player 20 years but no longer performing live for the past two years due to worsening conditions I am currently taking ot painkillers and homeopathy medicine for migraines
medium severity
I have difficulty in bowel movement without laxatives why
hello welcome to icliniq com you have chronic constipation there is possibility that your large bowel is functioning slow or it may be a problem with the ejection of stools and not necessarily slow bowel to differentiate between I need to have more information the laxative you use is safe but it has the potential to develop tolerance I it can lose its effect if uses for a long time so as far as it is working fine you can use it the other complaint you mention of bloating and fullness after a small meal are secondary to constipation recently the fda food and drug administration has approved some newer medications for primary constipation you can use it take tablet prucalopride my daily you can stop other medications for constipation let me know in a few days how you respond if no improvement we can increase the dose or add some other medicines I hope this helps chronic idiopathic constipation defecatory disorder tablet prucalopride my daily follow up in one week
hello doctor I am 16 years old my weight 87 keg and 73 am tall it has been a year since I am not comfortable having bowel movements I go to the toilet once a week and the stool is usually hard to pass without a natural laxative and I use agiolax I do not know if the use of this laxative is safe or not but it is working every time whenever I use it
medium severity
my 10 month old baby is having irritation in her ears with persistent itching please help
hello I would like to know is there fever or any other complaints
hello doctor my 10 month old baby is facing irritation in her ear with persistent itching
medium severity
my grandmother has purple spots on legs and arms resembling senile pura please suggest solution
hello welcome to icliniq com I can understand your concern according to your statement your grandmother have been suffering from purple spots on leg and arm with osteoporosis when small blood vessels are ruptured causing blood to pool under the skin and can create purple spots on the skin are known as purpura may be resulted from illnesses such as bleeding disorder recent history of blood transfusion cancer she systemic lupus erythematosus infections like hiv human immunodeficiency virus hepatitis civ cytomegalovirus ebb epstein bar virus etc it may also occur due to inflammation of blood vessels blood stream infection vitamin deficiencies medications like heparin aspirin sulphonamide steroid chemotherapy digoxin hormone replacement therapy etc pura are usually benign and may resulted from above mentioned causes and it sizes can vary from small dots to large patches senile pura is benign which affects older people as their skin and underlying blood vessels become more fragile with aging and may bleed from minor trauma the treatment depends on causes and most of the pura does not need any treatment and dissolved over time it may take to weeks to heal the treatment are only needed for those which are not disappeared over time you can use topical retinoids along with her current medications I want to add that according to the pictures that are shown here your grandmother have been suffering from age related senile pura give her vitamin and citrus foods like orange lemon etc with application of sunscreen and sun protective clothing along with previously mentioned medications
hi doctor my grandmother has purple spots on her legs and arms it looks like senile pura but I cannot be sure the one on her leg is much larger and seems to spread a little over the course of a few days the one on the arm is small she is taking calcium and vitamin for her osteoporosis and I have given her some vitamin ke and do drops as well from time to time she is 85 years old
medium severity
is there any chance for pregnancy even after taking depo shot
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I started the depo shot before six months and I missed my second shot I did not continue getting the shot so I have been off birth control it was my first depo shot I have ever received and I am not sure how long it takes to be totally gone but I have been very sexually active with my boyfriend for the past few months I have not started my period as I got the shot yesterday I bled very lightly but only for a couple of hours and then it stopped completely I am wondering if this could be implantation bleeding I have had a couple of bad headaches recently but do not feel as crappy as I do when I am on a normal period I was wondering that any chances to become pregnant or not but I have not noticed any morning sickness or weird cravings please suggest me
medium severity
how to heal my broken ankle
hi revert back with the ray report to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hello doctor my partner who is 36 years old broke his ankle fibula break before 5 weeks I had been for his appointment where he had an ray and found that the bone has not knitted together he smokes approximately 10 cigarettes per day I have found through online research that smoking hinders bone healing and have advised him to stop even if short term to assist with the healing of the broken bone he had cast for three weeks and then was transferred to a walking boot with vague instructions on how to deal with it he is being told that he should be walking more on the ankle which is broken but he is worried as he will cause more damage as it is not yet aligned also should he be wearing his walking boot at all times he wears while sleeping and he removes it while bathing daily please explain to him that how the bone will heal and whether he should be wearing his boot all the time
high severity
what can cause knee pain with swelling
hello I have noted your complaints and also gone through the reports carefully anti dnase and echocardiogram rheumatic fever nsaids nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs like celecoxib 200 my piroxicam 20 my twice a day it can help to reduce the symptoms of pain and swelling for further information consult a general practitioner online
hi doctor I am 27 years old I have knee pain in both the legs and it is paining alternatively for the past 5 years pain starts with swelling around the knee and stay for three to four hours and the pain will be at least once in one to two months I feel like pinching with needle in the feet I also get backbone pain in the early morning I have consulted a specialist and he told to do the attached laboratory tests I have aso titer 800 iu my and I do not have any tiredness headache fever history of jaundice joint pain etc please help
medium severity
as I am short I am worried about my son height what to do
hello genetic and nutritional thyearoid profile and ray both wrist joints for bone age estimation constitutional or genetic short stature for further information consult a paediatrician online
hi doctor my son is years month old his height is 19 am and weight is 25 keg he is a very normal and healthy boy my height is feet inches and my wife height is feet I am worried about his height please explain me
low severity
can childhood head injuries cause bad coordination later in life
hello I read your query and understand your concerns from the available description there are two possibilities which need proper evaluation for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor for four years I have the really bad coordination I fumble things a lot I am very clumsy weak tired and I pee all the time I drag my feet along the ground while walking and my legs do not work when I try to stand but that is a rare thing for me I have memory issues moderate vertigo blurry and double vision and often trouble using my hands severe anxiety and depression but I do not have any emotions my mood changes rapidly sometimes while talking I slur my words and I often have jumbled speech when I was 15 I was kicked and punched in the head while I was sitting down and I was unconscious for about 10 minutes also when I was around to 10 years old I fell off from the roof and twisted my vertebrae I have done my brain scan and spine scan please help me
medium severity
are there any chances of pregnancy after using both condom and I pill
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I had my periods on the 31st of last month then I had sex on the 26th with protection I also used emergency pill when will I get my next periods are there any chances of pregnancy please explain me
medium severity
please interpret my us liver report
hello revert back with report and answer to the above question to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor four months before I was diagnosed with fatty liver slightly elevated fasting sugar and the level of total cholesterol my current medications are tablet viboliv 500 daily two times in a restricted diet and nexpro rd I had consumed spicy foods rarely in the last four months I lost keg weight however today I have repeated the same tests and all the blood tests are normal but there is something in my us of the whole abdomen my us report of liver is as follows liver is enlarged the echogenicity is diffusely increased without any focal lesion the intrahepatic structures are normal and no focal area of altered echogenicity is noted the hepatic ports are normal the common duct at ports measures my and the portal vein measures 10 my to porta final impression is hepatomegaly with fatty liver and this is my recent us report my other organs are normal and I feel pain in the run and flatulence is present also I tested for fbi let and lipid profile is it a reversible condition also please let me know how much time will it take will you please guide me about the seriousness of this condition thank you
high severity
before urine test shall we start antibiotic for ti
hi crying while voiding urine and fever might be due to urinary tract infection ti urine routine and microscope needs to be done for screening and if it suggests infection then urine sample for culture and sensitivity needs to be given and oral antibiotics has to be started the culture report which takes two to three days will guide the further use of antibiotics if any infection positive antibiotics should be started only after giving off a sample for culture and sensitivity if ti is suspected giving urine sample for testing after taking antibiotics might alter the test report and delay the infection for further information consult a child health specialist online
hi doctor my son is 20 months old he is suffering from ti since yesterday he cries while urinating in the morning he has fever for two days and cough and running nose for five days the general physician gave cefpodoxime oral syearup but urine test has to be done tomorrow morning only should we start the antibiotic no pediatrician nearby and we have to drive six hours to another town for the pediatrician please suggest me
low severity
is it risky to undergo surgery with low blood pressure
hi for further information consult an anesthesiologist online
hi doctor my 19 year old daughter is having a benign tumor in the liver predicted as unh it has been advised to be removed under surgery since the tumor is growing in size although insignificantly she is having a blood pressure reading of only 90 60 mhg normally for months together can she go for surgery or is it risky her low blood pressure is the concern
high severity
are cerebral hemorrhages cancerous
hi revert back with the scan report to a radiologist online
hi doctor I have been having neuro issues such as seizures headaches etc for the past 5 years I was tested for paraneoplastic syndrome and came up as reactive on immunofluorescence but negative ultimately on western blot still a pet scan was done and it was clear I have had several brain iris over the past 5 years all have noted cerebral microhemorrhages these are unexplained I understand that they have not changed in size or character over the years but one or two more have appeared I understand in the differential diagnosis for these bleeds is hemorrhagic metastatic melanoma no doctor has been suggested it what is the possibility that these are actually melanomas my doctor said unlikely because it has been 5 years and the actual hemorrhages remain unchanged how can a radiologist be sure that these are not cancerous the first scan done before two and a half years was with contrast and the remaining were without contrast I am just concerned about these unexplained hemorrhages in light of my neuro symptoms I wonder if I have brain metastasis without cancer anywhere else in my body please explain
high severity
should we increase the insulin to control up sugar level
hello I can understand your concern for your father for further doubts consult a diabetologist online
hi doctor for the past six weeks we have been noticing that my father up sugar levels after breakfast are in the range of 195 to 250 depending on what he eats fasting levels are more or less fine he had done his laboratory tests before two months and his hba1c was fine I have attached the blood reports along with his current medications list should we increase the insulin please explain thank you
high severity
I have a pink spot on the skin unnoticed for a longer period what could it be
hi welcome to icliniq com I have gone through the picture and blood investigations that you sent this lesion is asymmetric and presents irregular borders and irregular distribution of the pigmentation presents border irregularity color variation and a modular component of diameter my before I make further diagnosis I would like to know for the last few months is there any change in size and new lesion change in color change in shape is there inflammation bleeding or crusting sensory change lesion diameter my meanwhile I would like to classify this lesion as suspicious and would like to advise biopsy for treatment I would wait for the answers to the above questions and give you some iron and vitamin supplements that are deficient in your body melanoma coagulation profile biopsy of the lesion common melanocytic nexus atypical melanocytic nexus traumatized nexus pigmented actinic keratosis seborrheic keratosis melanoma iron and vitamin supplements injection ferric carboxymaltose 100 my in 100 my is over 30 minutes cholecalciferol sachet 60 iu once a week for eight weeks tablet shelcal 500 my twice daily biopsy of the lesion
hello doctor I am a year old female I have found a pink spot on my skin that resembles melanoma a little I was wondering if I can send pictures for you to look at and let me know if it looks like that
low severity
what is the reason for discoloration of teeth in a 15 months old
hi for further information consult a pedodontist online
hi doctor my daughter is 15 months old her weight is 2 keg and height is 80 am her food includes apple rice green gram vegetables along with breast milk but I am not adding sugar or salt I am giving her ostocalcium vitamin and multivitamin as suggested by her pediatrician she has got her four upper teeth and two lower teeth last week I noticed that half portion of the upper teeth not covered with white and looks like enamel loss I have attached her teeth photos for your reference does it need any treatment or is it common is it because of the vitamin supplements could you please suggest me the treatment and what needs to be taken care of further thank you
low severity
what are the risks in pregnancy following two sections
hi I think your go has guided you correctly abortion can be associated with complications some of which may be major your gynecologist informed you about your weak uterine scar so continuation of pregnancy can be risky as well in my opinion you should consult your gynecologist who had done your cesarean section then after understanding every advantage and disadvantage you yourself take the decision for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor a couple of days before I found out that I am pregnant according to the first day of last menstrual period I am about four and a half weeks pregnant this is my fourth pregnancy I had an ectopic pregnancy before four years then gave a birth after a year through emergency cesarean and delivered another baby through cesarean after 15 months after my second baby my doctor advised me not to get pregnant for a minimum of 18 months to years she said that my uterine wall was very thin it has been almost 18 months since my last cesarean I am in a confused state now whether to continue with the pregnancy or not I spoke to my go and she said it is all up to me but there is a risk what should I do now
medium severity
how to find the reason for the swelling of the feet
hi for further information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor my wife is suffering from feet swelling for the past four years we met nearly seven to eight doctors for this issue but she did not get any relief please help
low severity
could urine pregnancy test be false negative
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend on ith of last month it was the fifth day of her periods then she took an I pill within three hours she got her periods on the 17th of the same month may be it could be a discharge because of I pill after that till now she has not gotten her periods we have taken three pregnancy tests and all are negative can you please suggest the next step thank you
medium severity
what is the reason for on and off urinary infection
hi I assume that your reports have all been normal if not then please forward it to me revert back with the reports to a urologist online
hi doctor I am a 28 year old male approximately six to seven years back I had urinary infection when I was sexually active with my girlfriend I was advised to take an antibiotic course which I did not complete at that time and the infection was not fully cured after that incident I used to get urinary infection once in a few months during urination I sometimes used to have one or two drops of blood only during the time of urinary infection in addition to the above mentioned problems I have some other issues related to sexual health such as premature ejaculation extremely bad timing sensitivity of the penis skin lower back pain lack of confidence etc very often on my way to the toilet some urine drops are leaked during night time I have to stand up several times to urinate sometimes approximately once a week after urinating suddenly sperm drops are released but I have not discussed this part with my urologist in person I am not a stressful person so the reason behind this has to be something else than stress I have now recently been to a urologist and I was told that the infection became chronic the doctor recommended antibiotics again and I have now completed the course the urinary infection should be cured by now all the new tests were negative the urologist told me that my prostate size is bigger than people in my age please suggest me some good solution for the above mentioned problems I want to get married soon and live a healthy life the ultrasound has been made the urologist here told me that my prostate size is bigger than normal people in my age this is not suppose to happen until a person gets older that is the main reason of feeling weak and not being able to control urine etc I hope you understood all my problems please suggest me some medication for all the above mentioned problems thank you
medium severity
a few reddish spots have developed on my baby head are they harmful
hi for further information consult a paediatrician online
hi doctor my baby boy who is months 14 days old his weight is 6 keg and height is 27 inches he is taking arbivit and zincovit drops daily according to the doctor advice are his weight and height fine from few days there are some reddish spots developed on his head and in some parts of the body it is gradually increasing and there is no secretion from this spot what are these spots are these harmful what is the treatment please explain me
low severity
why do I have some white semicircular band on my fingernails
hi for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I have noticed something different on the tip of the nails at the tip of all nails a band of half white color has formed and it is going around the circumference of the nail horizontally they are not an exact horizontal line but a circular band around the tip of the nail I am also attaching the picture of my nails for your better understanding I am not sure whether they were always there or have developed recently but I noticed them recently please tell me what is the cause of this I also have some unusual taste in my mouth or tongue I do not know whether they are related with the nails but I have not had this before please help
low severity
I took clavulin for frontal sinusitis but still feel pressure on top of my head why
hi apologies for the late reply as you have rightly put it the most probable problem out there is a severe allergic problem with an associated sinusitis frontal sinusitis to be precise I have tried to explain things in a very simple yet precise manner below the cascade of events is explained in a very simple manner below eventhough its not as simple as it looks exposure to dust or any irritative substance that your body is hyper sensitive to will initially initiate reflexes such as sneezing to remove the offending agent out but if this fails mucosal cells in you nose start to hyperfunction producing loads of mucus to trap dust owing to its sticky nature this mucus has no where to go other than either being blown out of due to mucociliary activity gets pushed into the throat thereby entering into a new zone the throat initially reacts by activating cough impulses to push out the mucus but if that fails a local inflammation around the throat starts which often leads to symptoms such as feeling of a lump in the throat and repeated feeling to clear the throat now this is general cascade that usually occurs in most people but need not be specific to you sinusitis is always secondary to something allergy being the most common out of them there could be other reasons as well for sinusitis to occur such as a hypoplastic frontal sinus narrow frontal outflow tract frontal recess sinonasal polyposis etc another important fact about sinusitis is about its recurrence plain use of antibiotics does not solve the issue but just keeps it off for a while we need to dig down and see what has caused the sinusitis in the first place for appropriate treatment rather than superficially treating it with plain antibiotics precautionary measures is one such thing which if followed such as in a case or allergy will definetely go a very long way in keeping the problem at bay the requirement of medications also will be less and on the whole you will have immense benefit you can consider the following advice all precautionary measures have to be followed strictly for maximum relief other wise medications will not be useful on long term if things do not seem ok even after following the treatment schedule mentioned above a non contrast it is mandatory to find out what exactly could be going on in the sinonasal region anatomical variations extent of inflammatory load are few things we look into while reading a it scan surgery can be considered if above medications and precautionary measures do not give any relief but there is a catch to it the symptoms might come back sometimes even on a higher scale after a brief relief following surgery if the precautionary measures post surgery are not followed ideally speaking in a nut shell I again emphasis on preventing any irritative substance from entering the nose and throat thereby triggering an allergic cascade of events and reproducing the symptoms you have mentioned above I hope I have answered to your query in detail sorry again for the late reply get well soon warm regards
i had a sinus infection and was prescribed two weeks clavulin for a total dose of 1500 my per day at the end of two weeks I was symptom free but the day after I finished the meds I got my symptoms back and developed frontal sinus infection I went on clavulin for three weeks at the highest dose and had frontal sinus symptoms the whole time while I was on the antibiotics I finish these antibiotics two weeks ago every day for the last two weeks I have a lot of pressure tension on the top of my head that is pressing down on the top of my head and is very bothersome and also sometimes across the top of my forehead with occasional aches in my eyes it is very hard to focus on anything else because the pressure is so bothersome it has not gotten worse but remains the same every day can you tell me what is going on
medium severity
does high ash value affect weight
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my weight is keep on increasing in spite of diet and regular exercise I got my thyearoid test done and it showed high ash of 7 with normal to and to I am getting regular cold what to do
high severity
why am I getting headache during sex
hi for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor I am getting headaches during sex also the pain peaks at orgasms please help
low severity
my years and months old son does not answer a few of our questions is it a problem
my son is and months old we are not in our home town at the place where we live they speak a different language so as to connect him with a common language we speak in english initially he struggled but now he is able to understand english very well he even speak in english very well to few questions we ask he does not answer properly like if we ask him what is your name daddy and mother name he answers perfect if we ask him how are you sometime he answer but sometime he just repeat how are you he has good eye contact he has good social skills even if iam sad or sitting alone he wil come to me ask what happened mommy do you have fever in the beginning when he started to teach him talking if we ask him to say hi even he will say hi but no if we ask him to say hi he will just say hi if he is hungry he wil come and say me he is hungry if he does not need something too he wil say no if he wants to go to toilet too he will say us he wants to go to toilet he needs help only in washing initially he likes to play with rotating objects like rotating a remote control something like that but now he does not do that he is of little shy type but once he mingle with someone he will be very happy and will play with them initially he did not have clarity in speech but now he is good in that too he just does not answer to few of our questions if we show him picture and ask what he is doing he all answer it lke crying laughing eating apple and all tat he is able to identify fruits vegetables and whatever things we give him he does not have any problem with his sleep so I want to know if it is a problem or if he is fine
low severity
please give some advice on hit for male to female transition
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to an endocrinologist online
hi doctor I am a 28 year old transwoman I am looking forward to start hit I need some advice from you to start on hit for male to female transition thank you
low severity
what to do for a mole like projection in my lip
hi for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor a mole like projection has developed in my lip it does not get cured I bite my lip often but I feel it is very abnormal on my lip can you please help me
high severity
why am I bleeding after taking contraceptive pill
hi revert back with further details to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I had unprotected sex on the fourth day of my periods and I took a contraceptive pill within half an hour now I am bleeding after seven days from the day I had taken the pill are there any chances of pregnancy please explain me
low severity
will banging head against wall lead to adhd
hi first of all let me tell you that you are doing a great job managing a kid with add along with some family issues what you had mentioned for further information consult a child health specialist online clinical examination by a pediatrician
hi doctor I am not living together with my husband and we have a six year old boy my child is living with my husband only he used to meet me for some time and tell all the information what he had done before four years when he was years old he said that my husband banged my son head five to six times on the wall and made his nose bleeding now we got to know that my son has add now what should I do to know whether my son is fine or not
medium severity
I have severe pain in spine and lower back with history of fibromyalgia please help
hello from your history and being unable to examine you I can only speculate on the cause yes fibromyalgia can lead to trigger spots like tender areas which can be over the muscle belly or their attachment on the bone the good thing was that the neurological exam was normal now coming to your concern that the shin and ankles had become painful I will recommend that you get your ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate cop reactive protein complete blood count abc urine routine vitamin levels and blood sugar tested this will generally show indication about any inflammatory process and bars on that you can be started on antiinflammatory medication including steroids and possibly vitamin too please let me know your investigation results
hello doctor for the last month I have been suffering with pain on my spine and lower back when I touch a specific point on my spine the pain is severe it hurts when I bend or sit it feels very sore I visited a go and she said that she thinks it is a muscle insertion that causes the pain but she is not sure she did a neurological examination and all was normal I wanted your opinion as my ankles and shin bone now started being painful too I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia four months ago and wanted to know if it is this that causes bone pain my posture is quite bad too so I am not sure what it could be I am very worried in case it is something very serious what I should do now
low severity
my year old daughter has redness in eyes which aggravates on rubbing the eyes please help
hello for how many days you have used these drops is she having itching also any symptoms like running nose cough or fever is there problem in only one eye or both eyes
hello doctor my year old daughter is having redness in eyes we consulted her pediatrician and he advised moxicip and mezol eye drops for five days but the redness has not gone away but it is reduced
low severity
after getting dental aligners I found a little white contour around the lower gums what is that
hello welcome to icliniq com no your gums are absolutely fine and nothing to be alarmed for they are minor issues due to the realignment of the contour of your gums do continue to use aligned when you remove your aligned please apply rexidine forte gel if you feel any discomfort it is just contouring your gums to the same level if you carefully look to the image you uploaded you will notice those white lines only on the tooth that placed below realignment of the gingiva contouring it on the same level continue using aligners I do not think there might be any sharp edge do mention to your dentist if present follow up after seven days apply the gel when not using your aligned use a simple mouthwash like collate plus after brushing your teeth to keep your gums healthy warm saline gargle occasionally
hello doctor I currently have aligners on and since I started the treatment I noticed a little white contour around my gums lower teeth they lift a little bit is it something to be alarmed about
medium severity
I have hives on my body which turns painful on scratching please suggest medication
hi itching with hives has various causes treatment of it is mostly according to the cause another treatment is symptomatic loratadine is antihistaminic and antiallergic medicine in your case of itching with hives you can take desloratadine with montelukast dazit or fexofenadine with montelukast allegra but to search for the cause of itching with hives will be more beneficial
hello doctor I just want to ask what is the best medicine for allergy I have hives on my body and so itchy when I scratch them it turns painful I even have them on my soles and palm I am currently on loratadine
medium severity
I have pain in my decayed tooth even after filling could this be an infection
hello welcome to icliniq com yes you are certainly correct do warm saline gargle three to four times a day your dentist should have taken an ray before filling it please take tablet sporidex cephalexin 500 my tablet twice after meals for five days metrogyl er tablet twice after meal for five days zerodol so aclofenac and serratiopeptidase tablet twice after meal for five days rantac ranitidine tablet twice before meal for five days your doubts are certainly correct later you might need a root canal or extraction to eliminate the cause completely please do not worry so much it is nothing serious and it will subside once you are on these medications and get proper treatment I hope this helps periapical abscess root canal or extraction warm saline gargle betadine mouth rinses twice or thrice a day after seven days
hello doctor I had tooth decay and got it fixed at my dentist after that I started feeling pain and my dentist told me it is because of the sinus I started using salt sprays after a few days I could still feel the pain yet he did an ray and could not figure out what is wrong but I am still in pain today I have a fever stomachache and my molar still hurts me I read it could be an infection or is this wrong
high severity
I feel numbness and cold sensation on the left side of the body including face why
hello well most of your symptoms do look like related to the nerves only as the feeling of tingling and numbness can be related to that I have gone through your older reports as well where there is a mild spasm of the spine but since it is affecting your hands and face it probably looks like coming from the neck region this time you can get an ray done as and when you get time but will guide you with the following lifestyle changes as well you can continue pregabalin for 15 days to 30 days at least if you feel the relief is not adequate you can increase the dose to twice daily for seven days include vitamin along with pregabalin as well to strengthen your bones as for the postures make sure you are not sitting in front of the laptop for too long with head bent forward it should be at a good height so it does not strain your neck too much daily walk for 20 minutes along with spine and neck strengthening exercises for 10 minutes you can use local sprays and gels over the neck for some relief I hope this helps cervical radiculopathy
hi doctor I am feeling numbness and cold sensation on the left side of my body from calf legs up to arms and face I am 35 years old with a height of 169 am and weigh about 64 keg I am taking pregabalin for the past two days
medium severity
my wife hug test is positive should she continue the same medicines prescribed for conceiving
hello if the hug human chorionic gonadotropin strip results positive it means that your wife is pregnant based on her last menstrual date she is weeks and days pregnant she can take duphaston for two weeks every day two tablets a day and folic acid 400 mug one tablet a day until 12 weeks of pregnancy she should not take any other medication ultrasound
hello doctor we got married for the past three years we planned to have a child after one year we tried to conceive for about a year but were unable to do so then we consulted a doctor who conducted many tests such as endometrial lining hormonal levels etc all tests including hormonal levels were normal but the ultrasound as per doctor showed pro not cos she prescribed medicines for three months duphaston 10 my from 16th day of period peril it and fol at the end of the third month my wife felt pain similar to menses but nothing happened we tested with hug strip which resulted in positive and her last period date is and april now the problem is I am now unable to contact the present doctor due to lockdown I want suggestions regarding whether to continue the medicines or not if not will there be a change in medicine any specific diet plan any exercise yoga etc will complete bed rest help or can she do some house chores in the initial pregnancy period
medium severity
I feel bloated with frequent burping after meals is this due to anxiety
hello well the burping while having meals or just after the meals is a normal phenomenon and I assure you it is not alarming in your case however it may cause trouble if gas trapped excessively and result in belly swelling the reason behind this excessive bloating in your case may be aerophagia engulfing air while taking meals that commonly occur in one who keeps speaking while having bolus can be due to supragastric belching and may be due to excessive gas production after meals the last group of people in medical science are termed as bloater some are early floaters where bloating occurs within 15 minutes of meal and some are late floaters where bloating occurs after two hours of meal this whole explanation is just to make you understand your own condition well you seem to be late bloater and cause seems to be excessive gas production plus aerophagia I want you to take a three week course of antibiotics to reduce the excessive gas production within your bowel the antibiotic is safe without any side effects except in some may cause diarrhea of mild intensity silo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth tablet rifxamin 200 my thrice daily for three weeks and then stop tablet digestive metaclopramide 40 my half an hour before meals for one week and then as per need you can stop sompraz as tab digestive will work in more effective way than this
hello doctor I have been suffering from gas for the past three years I have bloating after meals for about 15 minutes after which it passes away I can eat normally but some times I feel bloated and cannot eat I keep burping like once in 20 minutes is that normal and also bloating increases when I have anxiety I am taking sompraz esomeprazole 40 my and levosulpiride 75 my once in an empty stomach daily whenever I try to leave the medicine I have gas and acidity on the second day I also take alcohol like 90 my regularly for three years there is no pain or anything but only burping and bloating I wonder is it just anxiety or something serious I am also very much afraid to visit a doctor least they prescribe endoscopy I am feet inches tall and weighs 78 keg I had an ultrasound about one and a half years ago and it was normal please suggest
low severity
I started devilry after negative pregnancy test when can I expect my period
hi I understand your concern you are absolutely correct that stoppage of pill causes mid cycle spotting why are you taking birth control if you are trying to conceive now coming to your question the dose of devilry medroxyprogesterone is 10 my twice a day for five days you only need to take 10 tablets and your period will start about two to seven days after taking the last tablet it varies from person to person devilry will not interfere with ovulation and since you get regular cycles you can expect to ovulate any time between 12 to 16th day I am sharing a little extra detail that will help you ovulation symptoms that can help you plan intercourse during those fertile days are cervical mucus changes heightened sense of smell breast soreness or tenderness mild pelvic or lower abdominal pain light spotting or discharge libido changes and changes in the cervix you should have intercourse on every alternate day from 10 the to 20 the day of your cycle to increase your chances of conception I hope this helps
hi doctor I am 26 years old and trying to conceive I ovulate on 16th april and noticed spotting on 17th and 18th april my period was due on 30th april and I am currently days late my pregnancy test is negative and I was prescribed devilry I am on my first day of devilry when can I expect my period and will I ovulate in this cycle
low severity
my penile head turned blackish with horizontal wrinkles in it do regular masturbation be the cause
hello I read your query and understand your concerns I have gone through the attached images and it is true that there is some black discoloration at the glans penis head but it does not look like symptom of any illness or disease in other words it can be stated that poor personal hygiene can be the cause and exercising proper care during bath and otherwise can be of much use I must acknowledge that images attached to the query are of low resolution but can be considered of average quality for the initial assessment in case there is no improvement after improving personal hygiene I recommend you to post high resolution images on the follow up query I must also inform you that slight black pigmentation of the penis can be due to the overproduction of melanin which is responsible for the color of our skin this generally represents injury to the penis because of some injury due to aggressive masturbation which may be applicable in your case so it is important to remain gentle with yourself when you hold your penis next time I recommend you to wash with a mild cleanser and rinsing thoroughly so that dead skin can be removed which will change the color to the original it is also recommended to use antioxidants and mineral rich diet in your daily schedule to rejuvenate the skin of the body I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 21 years old I have been worried because my penis head has turned blackish and I have horizontal wrinkles on it I masturbate once a day for the past three years and often forget to clean the sperm after masturbating please suggest
medium severity
how long will it take for permanent incisors to erupt after shedding of milk teeth in a year old kid
hello as you mentioned your daughter is years and months old please confirm if she has lost all her upper primary teeth or lowers where the permanent teeth have come other thing is if all the upper four primary incisors are gone and three have come generally we need to see which tooth incisor has not come out of four permanent incisors if missing tooth is lateral incisor means next to two central incisors then we can wait and watch for another two to three months other scenario is if only one upper incisor is lost three to four months ago and the rest of the milk primary incisors are intact then we can still wait two to three more months but if out of four upper permanent incisors only one that too central permanent incisor has not come out then it is better to take radiograph iota intraoral periapical radiograph ray first to rule out any hindrance in the eruption of the tooth or any permanent missing tooth if possible click and share the picture of mouth oral cavity with teeth and send it across generally a delay of one year in an eruption of permanent teeth is quite normal but we need to confirm which tooth is missing and need to see the chronology of other teeth simultaneously to rule out any abnormal changes eruption delay if only one primary tooth was lost and counterpart permanent tooth is missing for the past four months iota ray of upper front teeth first need to examine clinically and then if needed iota ray and depending on iota findings treatments to be planned
hello doctor this query is for my daughter who is years and months old she lost her top primary incisor teeth universal numbering before four months she still has not got the permanent teeth until now she however has lost the other three incisors and got the permanent teeth kindly do let me know if the above delay in the growth of these teeth is normal she is taking eltroxin 25 my since birth
low severity
is there any medical procedure to heal acne pits and scars
hello chronic acne with resultant scarring is an indication for treatment with oral isotretinoin besides topical antiacne preparations like benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin for scarring there are cosmetic procedures like laser resurfacing or dermabrasion
hello doctor I am 21 years old with acne prone skin I have lots of acne scars and pits from popping pimples when younger I tried benzoyl peroxide and did not work what medical procedure can stop pimples and heal the pits and scars I am suffering from this for the past six to seven years
medium severity
I get recurrent fungal infection in ear with pain and tinnitus why does it happen
hi as you have rightly put it there is a possibility of recurrent fungal infection what we call as otomycosis this condition is very notorious for its recurrence even after treatment usually usage of earbuds I q tip initiate the entire problem as often the cotton tip is not sterilized in a proper manner thereby introducing infection the entire fungal blob can obstruct your ear canal and you will have fullness along with itching and associated pain it is very essential that the fungal blob be suctioned out completely not leaving backtrace of fungal hyphae as they can form another colony in no time I recommend you to see an ent to get this entire blob suctioned out continue to use the antifungal ear drops I usually recommended a combination containing clotrimazole as it is the most effective in treating such conditions it will take a while before your ear gets back to normal and there is nothing you need to get stressed about as it is a very common entity we encounter in the outpatient department I hope this helps
hi doctor I want to ask about the condition of my ear because I have pain in one ear and I had some fungi in addition to the tinnitus I recently went to a doctor so he gave me some drops to eliminate these fungi but after getting rid of those few fungi I do not hear as well as the other ear some blood started flowing and the pain is more I think that there are infections and something more dangerous because the blood has not stopped please help
medium severity
I have painful pea like lump on labia will it go on its own
hi your history suggests a bartholin abscess or maybe a fungal growth the growth actually needs to be seen before I can give you any coherent advice but I definitely suggest personal hygiene wearing cotton underwear and preferably sun drying your underwear to prevent any infection good diet and exercise goes a long way to provide immunity against genital infections too for relief I suggest you start a warm sit bath and avoid intercourse for a few days any over the counter painkillers like paracetamol can be taken if you have no known drug sensitivity but if still your symptoms do not subside you may have to take antibiotics I hope this helps
hello doctor I am having a pea like lump in my labia it is not visible but it is like a ball and painful I have started having ciplox 500 and applying a warm compress please help as I am very scared regarding what is it and how will it go away
medium severity
I have pain in ear after getting a slap on my ear what damage could it caused
hi you might have developed an eardrum hole I perforation since the eardrum is a very delicate structure and cannot tolerate a high volume and high impact gush of air in such a circumstance you will definitely have symptoms such as ringing sensations feeling of air coming out irritation unable to tolerate loud sounds and even decreased hearing there is nothing to worry as the eardrum heals on its own in four to six weeks provided you follow certain precautionary measures precautionary measures include not allowing water to enter the ear place sterile cotton in the outer ear and wear a shower cap as well while having a head bath cotton places have to be changed every six hours during the day there is no medication as such required unless your ear has got infected and there is discharge in such a situation the healing process might take even more time or sometimes if adequate care and hygiene are not maintained the hole or perforation might not heal at all and might require surgery to get it closed I hope this helps
hello doctor I have semi acute pain in my left ear due to someone slapped in my ear while ragging last year I did not visit a doctor because I feel uncomfortable about discussing this issue but nowadays I feel a sound that is like when water enters our ear now I have feared of phonophobia please suggest
medium severity
what is the treatment for thygeson superficial punctuate keratitis
hello for further information consult to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am suffering from thygeson superficial punctuate keratitis disease and it is chronic my father has glaucoma I have been using steroid eye drop they are fluorometholone ophthalmic suspension and restasis eye drop I have been having this eye problem since about two years I am attaching my detailed description please help me
low severity
can pine tree pollen cause swollen throat
hello revert back to an allergy specialist online for further follow up
hello doctor the symptoms I have are bad cold or strep throat itchy eyes and throat but no cough I do not have tonsils but seems like there is a whitish puffiness on one side of my throat it started five days ago and it has been getting mildly worse since then I have been loading up on fruits vegetables preventative vitamins raw garlic and even tried a saline sinus rinse I just moved to a place where it is very dry and I am used to very humid climate I have never had hay fever or sinus issues or been affected by pollen am I sick or is this a severe reaction to the blanket of green pine pollen all over the town can pine tree pollen cause swollen throat earache and headache only on one side of my face
low severity
can I consume some powder to gain weight
hi for further information consult a nutritionist online
hi doctor I am a year old male my uric acid level is 2 can I consume some powder for gaining weight sometime I feel stiffness and joint pain please help me
medium severity
can oral sex result in sad
hi oral sex does not cause hiv human immunodeficiency virus to the recipient it may cause genital herpes gonorrhea chlamydia syphilis and warts if these infections are present in the partner your doctor may advise you to get hav and herpes simplex virus and vdrl venereal disease research laboratory tests to detect sexually transmitted disease urine test for gonorrhea is done only if there is any burning or pain while micturition these tests are usually free in government hospitals and private laboratory can also perform these tests for further doubts consult a hiv aids specialist online
hi doctor four days ago I had oral sex with a lady who I already know though no intercourse happened I am worried about studs please suggest if I have to undergo any test I am very tensed for this and I want to clear my mind I do not have any problem except stress also please explain where should I get the test done
medium severity
is salt therapy beneficial for non specific interstitial pneumonia
hi for further information consult a pulmonologist online
hi doctor what is non specific interstitial pneumonia is salt therapy beneficial for non specific interstitial pneumonia please explain
low severity
is there a need to consult a doctor for jerks of a months old baby
hi I have read your question with care and understand that you are concerned about few jerks your kid has first and foremost I would like to appreciate and congratulate you for giving detailed descriptions for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor my months old baby boy is dropping down his head occasionally sometimes he has some mild jerks were at the time after his feeding or after he wakes up that time he just swallows or lick his lips with tongue otherwise his activities are very normal he can hear us identify us clearly take his toys on his own choice starts to grasping things etc he started to crawl and got his milk teeth for example if we ask where is the fan then he automatically sees the roof if the fan is switched off then he just sees it and cry if he crosses some particular color lights or television he will turn his head towards it and watch it when I took him to his pediatrician he said he is absolutely normal also his health is good he asked us not to worry but it makes me fear while he drop his head down or getting jerk he is our second son and it was a cesarean now he is having cold he got his vaccinations on correct time is there any need to take him to a neurologist
low severity
can venous aneurysm cause headache
hi for further information consult a neuro surgeon online
hi doctor I have a 12 my sac type aneurysm on the vein of galen I am 50 years old and otherwise in a good health I have had bad headaches and nausea for about seven months it led mri and that found the aneurysm I know the risks of an arterial aneurysm rupturing but do venous ones rupture is it very unusual for them to do that my family tends to have a long lifespan could I have another 30 or 40 years of life with this my be is normal my current medications include meloxicam claritin nexium and zofran
medium severity
is there a permanent cure for abdomen pain caused by uterus fibroid
hi after going through the detailed information given by you the issues I think need resolution are as follows regarding fibroid it need removal as that is an important cause of pain abdomen it can be done laparoscopically at this age my suggestion is to remove the uterus instead of the fibroid alone for pancreatic lipoma you should get a second opinion on this with gastroenterology specialists before planning fibroid surgery vaginal infections can be tackled easily it is not a major concern after gastroenterologist opinion we will plan for mri scan if required endometrial biopsy or dilation and curettage with pap smear is mandatory prior to definitive surgery hysterectomy revert back for further doubts to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor my sister is 46 years old now she got married 17 years back and have a girl child of age 15 for nearly 10 years she is having abdominal pain which will occur during the periods and will last for five days it will start two days before periods and will last three or four days after it the pain will be more and sometimes intolerable it will not even reduce with painkiller and the pain will be more during night time with the following symptoms lack of appetite lower abdominal pain breathing difficulty indigestion bolting and constipation all these symptoms will persist until the pain is there she had been frequently visiting doctors for treatment but the doctor says that she has no major problem in the stomach she was diagnosed with fibroid 10 years back and the size was small the doctors also said that the fibroid will not have pain as she feel whenever the pain is more she used to visits the hospital it will be six to seven visit a year and yearly once she will be treated with antibiotics for severe infection during her last period 30 days back the pain started and did not reduce until now the pain was so severe and for the last four days she had mild fever so she visited a doctor and he advised for a it scan after seeing the results he suggested to immediately go for surgery and advised to get her uterus removed and also said she might have cancer when we went for a second opinion to another doctor she said there is some uterus infection and advised medicine for that and asked to come back after two weeks I have attached the it scan and report kindly comment on it based on the results is there a chance of cancer which the local doctor has said the problem exists for nearly 10 years and many times due to intolerable pain she used to roll on the floor is there any permanent cure for it I have attached the prescription too can we continue it or should go for further investigations why infections reappear yearly as advised by the local doctor is removal of the uterus is necessary will it give a permanent solution please suggest me if any other investigation or treatment is needed or to be followed
high severity
what are the risk factors of chest pain
hi I have carefully worked through your case and can well realize your health worries thanks for uploading the details of some laboratory reports for further information consult a cardiologist online
hi doctor I am a 35 year old female I have on and off sharp pain in the left upper chest sometimes it radiates to the neck and sometimes shoulder and upper arm my egg bloods and chest ray were normal with all these tests is it likely to be the heart movement does not seem to influence the pain sometimes I get a bit dizzy too pain seems to come randomly doctor prescribed diclac 50 my thrice a day and clorom 500 my twice a day what else could it be colonoscopy has done recently due to family history of cancer and that was clear ultrasound of the abdomen was also clear
low severity
following a fall my thumb got swollen how to cure it
hi for further doubts consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor last week I fell and jammed my thumb into the floor it instantly hurt and I knew I had sprained or jammed something the next day my palm and the thumb muscle were swollen with a painful lump I could not grab or hold anything but I can move it around so I know it did not break it has almost been a week and is still very sore there is no pain in the knuckle and I still cannot hold heavy things and grab things on bending it is very painful I wanted to give it some time before seeing a doctor if it is just a mild sprain typing and working is very difficult so I was wondering if seeing a doctor would help or if it is just going to take time
low severity
what is the reason for double vision following an accident
hi revert back with the medical records and photos to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor my daughter is 16 years old she met with an accident and got an injury on her face it was operated by a maxillofacial surgeon the upper portion of the right eye is red she can open her eye but she is having double vision what to do
low severity
what is the recommended course of action for lad stenosis
hi I appreciate your concerns and can well realize the sensitivity of the issues there is considerable calcification of lad left anterior descending artery if it reaches up to 75 that is quite possible in the near future then complications and consequences can be severe in case of single artery involvement in coronary artery disease cad it is best to have an angioplasty of the vessel with stent placement for further information consult a cardiologist online
hi doctor this patient is complaining of prolonged chest pain for three weeks now took medication for gastric issue and the pain has not subsided I have attached the angiogram report egg performed several times and nothing abnormal in it the angiogram report showed mid lad 12 my length and segment eccentric calcification soft plaque in lad causing 50 stenosis what is the recommended course of action
high severity
why do periods get delayed following an I pill
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor we had sex on her fourth day of the period she took an I pill within two hours she got bleeding after five days today is the 27th day after sex she got some nausea at noon but no other symptoms she got an I pill previous month is it the temporary hormonal problem or she might be pregnant can she use pregnancy kit now please help
low severity
how to confirm pneumonia
hi I have read your daughter story in detail I also heard the quality of cough you provided in the sound clip allergy spirometry put pneumonia regular steroid inhalers and albuterol inhaler sos avoid dusts and cold drinks for further information consult a pulmonologist online
hello doctor my daughter is suffering from cough for the past four weeks she started it out very gently and it is getting worse last weekend she was coughing almost non stop I took her to a walk in clinic and they gave her a cough syearup and an antibiotic I was told to start the antibiotic four days later if she does not get better I have started the antibiotics after six days but she was getting weaker and coughing with choking I took her back to the doctor they told me that she might have whooping cough I was not entirely surprised as she had hypoxia at birth and she did not get that one vaccine the pertussis she only got it from chest ray we came to know that she had pneumonia too but not on both lungs and the ray was not entirely white so it was a smaller pneumonia by that time we were on day three of the antibiotics they made a sample test from the nose for whooping cough I was told that even if she has it the results might come back negative as she took azithromycin we were told to wait and see after the antibiotic the result came back negative the same night her cough got so bad that she was not getting any air she was coughing without being able to breathe she was vomiting and a tone of white long phlegm or mucus came out with the vomiting it was white sticky and lots of it in the emergency room they turned out that she had bronchospasm they treated her with albuterol and steroids she was put on albuterol for two hours there then we came home with an inhaler she has been using that three to four times a day ever since then she has been very weak they checked her again for whooping cough and that too came back negative she took the second dose of prednisone three pills she felt better and was so happy but the next day she did not feel that good today she had more coughs and it is a second sound behind the usual cough sound this second one is like the laryngitis cough but not barking sound it is just a deeper cough I am totally lost I do not what to do anymore she had a different kind of cough sounds throughout for almost a period of four weeks intense barking whooping cough like silent more loud and now this strange one she is allergic on amoxicillin ceftin bactrim and cefalosporins I gave her mucinex to loosen the mucus I would like to know what to do should I go and see a pulmonologist in person
medium severity
please evaluate my condition from the medical report
hi I feel sorry for the dullness and tiredness you feel it is really troublesome for a patient at this early age I have carefully gone through your case and thanks for making it easy to evaluate on the basis of the attached reports
hi doctor I am suffering from dullness and tiredness all the time also I have anxiety and irritation my current medication includes lodoz 5 and cilaheart val 40 my medical report shows some abnormalities please suggest
low severity
what is the treatment for absence of eyebrow
hello for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a year old male I do not have an eyebrow it has been like this since birth and I am ashamed about it but my siblings have good eyebrows and mine is different I do apply castor oil sometimes but it is not growing at all please help me
low severity
how to get closer to my husband
hi for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor my husband is suffering from stress my husband does not share anything with me but he does share his feelings with his mother I am unable to handle this and I am becoming weak internally everyone is after my husband health but no one understands my situation due to such tension and stress I am also facing health issues there is no friend of mine with whom I can share things most of the time my husband feels stressed when we plan to go out for some holidays and every time he cancels it
low severity
observed few changes in a mole is it something alarming
hi if there is a change in color size margin and shape in a pre existing mole especially in this age then it is always an alarming sign as you said it is changing its texture and color then yes definitely we should suspect about melanoma in your case it is very difficult to say either it is a just normal change in a mole or precancerous change for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor my relative who is years old has a red color mole like thing in her forearm she has been having this red color mole since so many years today only we noticed that there are small fresh red dots inside it looks new what could it be no other associated symptoms we are worried if this might be something alarming what should we do please explain in detail she is hypothyearoid and on medication for the past two years she is also taking medication for more than to 10 years for her cholesterol issue
medium severity
how to find out the reason for vomiting sensation
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am having some obstruction feel in the throat and vomiting sensation for the past 20 days there is a feeling of giddiness and strain to the eyes I do not have any pain or burning sensation please suggest some treatment
low severity
what is the reason for spotting with positive pregnancy test
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I am 19 days late for my period I got my home pregnancy test positive but the next day I had a brown color spotting and yesterday afternoon I had brown color bleeding with heavy abdominal cramps and today there is no bleeding but spotting just like on the first day I am confused am I having a miscarriage please explain
medium severity
why do I have a big belly
hi we are here to help you for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am a 23 year old male my height is 6 and weight is 74 keg I have a big belly with the rest of my body being a little leaner I have continuous hunger even after I have had food after a meal with five roti and a cup of rice I will feel hungry within an hour or two I have zero activity I sit in front of the computer for nearly seven to eight hours every day is there any tests that I could take to know if anything is wrong I have no sugar and be thank you for the advice in advance
low severity
is it a must to remove gallbladder for right upper abdomen pain
hi we are here to help you for further information consult a medical gastroenterologist online
hi doctor about a month ago I experienced acute pain in my right upper abdomen and that radiated to my back it happened after I had a high fat meal that night the pain lasted for hours and continued as a dull ache for the next week I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist and he advised an abdominal it the report revealed that besides a mildly hydronephrotic kidney for which I have already seen a urologist everything else was normal except for the following a focus of calcification is in the gallbladder lumen or the posterior gallbladder wall the gallbladder wall is minimally prominent however the gallbladder is collapsed all of my laboratory blood work showed that my kidney liver and pancreas functions are normal the gastroenterologist did not really give me any insight he said to find a surgeon in case I have another attack so that the gallbladder can be removed I have found a surgeon but I would like to get a second opinion from a different gastroenterologist I have had a dull ache since the initial attack but I have not had any more excruciating pain should I wait to get the gallbladder out if I do have another attack when the report says focus of calcification does that mean I just have one gallstone though I do not have any extreme pain is this an emergency any advice you can provide would be helpful
medium severity
how to reduce the body temperature of a years old baby
hello for further information consult a child health specialist online
hi doctor my son is 4 years old his weight is 12 keg he has been suffering from fever for the last 12 hours his temperature came down but not to the normal temperature he was given only paracetamol liquid solution three times please suggest
medium severity
what are the preventive measures I should take to avoid pregnancy
hi your question is very interesting for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am a year old married female one week before I had intercourse with my husband and took an I pill within 24 hours but we had unprotected sex on the next day morning would the pill be effective even if I had intercourse after consuming I pill if not what are the preventive measures should I take for not getting pregnant please explain me
low severity
got skin whitening as a side effect of gleevec will this go away
hi for further information consult a hematologist online
hi doctor I have cml up I am on gleevec for the last one year my query is about the skin whitening as it has turned too white will this side effect go away
low severity
my mother has skin infection in face neck and ear canal what could cause this
hello your mother has herpes foster it is caused by varicella foster virus which causes chickenpox earlier in life and gets reactivated later in life to cause herpes foster she has to take tablet valacyclovir go thrice a day for seven days for the pain tablet diclofenac 50 my at night if severe twice a day apply fusidic acid cream twice a day over it to avoid secondary bacterial infection varicella foster virus herpes foster tablet valacyclovir go thrice a day for one week diclofenac 50 my at night for one week twice a day if severe pain along with tablet rabeprazole 20 my in the morning empty stomach follow up after one week
hello doctor my mother is 57 years old she is having skin infection around his face neck and ear area and she is a cardiac patient for the past two days she is taking surfaz in ointment clotrimazole beclomethasone dipropionate and neomycin sulfate cream zenflox oz ofloxacin and ornidazole and allegra 120 my please help
medium severity
I have a painful pulp outside the ass crack what is that
hello I went through your question it seems from the picture that you should be having severe pain attachment removed to protect identity this can be the result of thrombosed hemorrhoids perianal fistula or a pilonidal sinus still to guide you better I need a few more details what is the exact site is it the anal orifice or around the anal orifice is there any discharge serious or purulent is there any kind of bleeding do you have a fever do you have to complain of constipation or straining in the past at present to relieve your symptoms please take tablet aceclofenac 100 my per orally twice daily for two days after you provide me details I will add further specific advice
hello doctor I have a pulp just outside the ass crack which just originated today and it is painful
medium severity
I have itching and infection in my private area could have passed from someone with scabies
hello any other area affected any history of diabetes mellitus hypertension thyearoid disorder any family history of disease is itching occurs predominantly at night looking forward to your response in order to help you
hello doctor I have itching and infection in my private area for the past one month please help
medium severity
I get painful acne with discharge and scars please suggest solution
hello welcome to icliniq com are you a diabetic are you using any hormonal supplements since when your taking tablet lamictal or effexor lamictal in few cases may cause drug induced eruption and acne effexor also cause rash I saw your images not clear but it shows the pustular and modular type of lessons followed by healing with pigmentation you may use clindamycin gel local application twice a day after face wash apply only the area that pustular acne are do not apply near the eye you may take capsule doxycycline 100 my twice a day for one week check your hormonal status like serum estrogen and testosterone levels check your blood sugar levels avoid chemicals new soap or creams application on the face if you developed any allergy to the above drugs please stop it immediately and consult with your physician
hello doctor I have had acne since three months I cannot get it to stop I am a 45 year old female and have not had issues since I was a teenager I do not know what is going on it is mostly on my chin occasionally it will be on my forehead and nose they are very painful with clear drainage it leaves terrible scars everything I have tried makes the acne worse I have very sensitive skin I am not sure what to do what are your suggestions currently I am on ativan ambien lamictal effexor and methyl folate
medium severity
my period is delayed this month can hypothyearoidism be the cause
hi do you have any other associated symptoms like painful menstruation do you have headaches for how long this problem is going on do you feel you bleed more or is it usual there are many causes of irregular menses any mental stress can cause even your having exams or any other stress related activity can affect the regularity there are hormonal disturbances that can lead to menses irregularities levothyearoxine dose 25 mug is very low if you cannot do your blood tests I think you can increase it to 50 mug and try to check ash thyearoid stimulating hormone in six weeks hopefully until then labs will be open regarding nutrition you need to eat a low carbohydrate diet without any sugary juices or added sugars in any way take a good sleep of seven to eight hours drink plenty of water at least two to three liters if you practice intermittent fasting it will give your health a great boost
hello doctor I am a 21 year old female I have hypothyearoid for the past one and a half years and currently on 25 my thyearonorm things have been normal but my period has been delayed this time it is exactly 46 days since my last one I feel tired most part of the day and currently due to lockdowns I could not exercise much can you please suggest some nutrition and about what can I do to get my period and if my doubt is correct thyearoid levels must have been increased but I cannot take a test right now last time when I checked before one year the amount of ash was near normal 1
medium severity
sompraz for duodenal ulcer is causing gas problem what to do
hello any ulcers in the duodenum can cause the feeling of wind anytime proper treatment is required to get rid of it only sompraz esomeprazole will not solve the problems you have to give some other medicines to him avoid fatty and spicy food do regular walk and exercise is a must let done us ultrasound whole abdomen to exclude other problems us whole abdomen syearup gelusil tablespoons ads syearup sacral two tablespoons ads tablet normaxin clidinium bromide and dicyclomine be take all these for seven days after seven days
hello doctor my husband had duodenal ulcer two months back and was treated immediately by a gastroenterologist for the past 70 days he is taking sompraz 40 but sometimes he has wind formation in his stomach he is very nervous and believes that he might have developed cancer he always does this whatever disease thinking about cancer please let me know about the seriousness
low severity
I am bleeding heavily with clots after using emergency contraceptive pills is it worrisome
hi do not be stressed I am here to help according to your history you have not got periods this month and you are having some abnormal discharge I saw the picture my first suggestion would be to do get a urine pregnancy test I understand that you have used emergency contraceptive but sometimes it fails we need to know whether you have a pregnancy in which cases sometime the discharge is of nature as you described you may be in the process of a miscarriage if this is negative then the next step would be to get a pelvic ultrasound done because the discharge seems unusual but let me assure you that there are more chances of you having a miscarriage due to the failure of emergency contraceptives in case your urine pregnancy test is positive you need to take proper treatment like pregnancy termination kits or misoprostol tablets depending on the condition of the concepts baby at this time in case your pregnancy test is negative you need a pap smear ultrasound and sos biopsy of the tissue you are discharging whatever it is it can be managed properly if it is addressed on time there is no need for panic please follow up with your pregnancy test results I hope this helps failure of emergency contraception pregnancy test endometrial hyperplasia according to the test results
hello doctor I am a 23 year old female who is currently struggling with the unknown of what is happening to my body since I first started menstruating I have always been heavy and longer than average my normal periods last for 10 days and I use typically 5 complete boxes of tampons during a cycle I am in a long term relationship and have only had this singular sexual partner since 2017 I am not on birth control of any means and in some cases I have had to use emergency contraceptives post intercourse in the past two months I have used contraceptives twice once in the end of march and most recently about two weeks ago since then and this is the first time experiencing this I have had dark brown clumpy discharge the closest comparison would be like damp coffee grounds within the past week I had also gotten a thing flesh toned or white clot with blood on it about 5 inches in length I am started to feel concerned as the discharge has not stopped and I believe that is occurring rather than a menstrual cycle at the time I am writing this I should have had my period cycle now but instead I have this dark brown discharge at this time I fear the idea of going to a doctors office for the safety of myself during this pandemic but also do not want to prolong any critical issues I may be facing I have taken photographed images of all of this in worry that the typed description does not come across correctly please help
medium severity
I have heartburn dry cough and nausea for almost a month now can you suggest medicines
hi I reviewed your detailed history which is more suggestive of reflux disease I would like to prescribe some treatment at the moment and I am hopeful that it will get better there is nothing to worry about and nothing to panic if you have any other query kindly get back to me thank you no need at the moment herd gastroesophageal reflux disease capsule omeprazole 40 my one in the morning and one in the evening before meals for two weeks and then only one in the morning before meals for two weeks
hi doctor I have been having heartburn dry cough and nauseous feel for almost a month now I have amended my diet for more than two months and have not been eating pork or beef I am taking veggies and fish now also I am eating small portions already at the onset I experience that food has been stuck in my throat and my stomach feels like it is always full although I feel hunger both my toes cramps at the same time and my toe bumps are also painful I have been diagnosed with gastritis since a decade ago I am a 35 years old female and weighs 51 keg doctor can you prescribe me medication thank you very much
medium severity
why do I get chills without any trigger or cold climate
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from severe chills that you needed to wear thick warm clothes at home without ac or fan in summer now chills are the sensation of feeling cold chills are caused by rapid muscle contraction and relaxation they are the body way of producing heat when it feels cold they often occur alongside a fever which is when the person temperature is higher than normal however a person can also experience chills without a fever like you and there can be many different reasons for this possible causes include hypothyearoidism is when a person thyearoid gland does not produce enough hormone that regulates their metabolism some people like you are more sensitive to the cold and may feel chills more frequently any type of viral or bacterial infection sometimes produces chills before a person gets a fever chill is a classic symptom of malaria it can have three stages cold stage where a person experience chills hot stage where they have a high temperature sweating stage anemia may develop due to poor diet age chronic illness medications gynecological diseases etc most common symptoms include waking up tired looking pale and always feeling cold with chills hypothermia can be resulted from dropping body temperature below the normal range due to any causes hypothermia can be dangerous especially when your body temperature falls further if the temperature falls below 96 degrees you should seek medical care immediately so you should monitor the body temperature with a thermometer during chills you can do some investigations like abc complete blood count with pbf peripheral blood film thyearoid function test to ash ribs random blood sugar etc treatment depends on causes so we should find out the exact causes of your suffering and then treat them accordingly I want to add that dehydration anxiety panic attacks may cause chills too when your body does not have enough fluids it is hard to maintain regular body temperature and this can lead to hyperthermia and fever like symptoms including chills again anxiety is more often associated with feeling sweaty than feeling cold but sometimes it can cause a chilly feel as well and if you have panic attacks you might experience full body chills according to the national institute of mental health nimh in order to cope up with your chills you can do the following drink lots of fluids including oral rehydration saline and plenty of rest sponge with lukewarm water don bundle up in blankets or use ac or high speed fans enjoy a warm soup and drink warm beverages use a humidifier please inform the results after undergoing the investigations
hi doctor I am a 23 year old female I have severe chills that I needed to wear thick sweaters and jackets at home without ac or fan I do not feel the heat and just cold water or slight cold breeze in the morning makes my head frozen or close to shutting down and it is getting worse it always starts with the nose and then my head sometimes I have to sleep to make the symptoms less severe I am not under any medications nor do I have any medical condition
low severity
pain increasing gradually even after using a heel pad for plantar fasciitis please help
hi welcome to icliniq sorry to hear about you being troubled with plantar fascitis it is a fairly common problem heel pad is indeed helpful but apart from it you need to stop walking bare foot as much as possible do not use any acupuncture type of footwear use soft footwear contrast bath is helpful alternative warm and cold water fomentation one after other for period of 10 mins atleast twice a day is beneficial if there is no relief after this conservative treatment along with some pain killers local steroid injection methylprednisolone injection at the site of maximum pain can give you immense relief in those symptoms please get the injection only from orthopedic surgeon I hope you get cured of your ailment feel free to ask any other querry thanks
hi I have been diagnosed with plantar fascitis doctor said to use heel pad using it but no relief pain is increasing gradually please help
medium severity
will positive toxoplasma egg result in miscarriage
hello we consider toxoplasmosis when i'm are positive it meas the person has an active infection when egg are positive it means you are protected from future infection your wife is in her first week of pregnancy so spotting is a common finding due to implantation vomiting is also common until 12 weeks she does not have to worry about it she can try small frequent meals baked bread etc I recommend an ultrasound at five or six weeks to evaluate the well being of pregnancy the symptoms that you prescribe does not mean that it will be a future miscarriage it is common in every pregnancy if this pregnancy terminate spontaneously then after that you have to perform several examinations but I recommend you to be positive ultrasound scan
hello doctor my wife has a history of two earlier miscarriages which occurred during the first trimester in the first month we consulted a local gynecologist and the problem turned up to be high toxoplasmic infection reading was egg 82 she received rovamycin forte for three months along with other supplements like folinext and ecospirin for six months now my wife is pregnant again we visited the doctor and she advised to perform toxoplasma egg which again came back positive with egg 78 her first day of the last menses was 27th feburary she has been receiving rovamycin forte once again and duphaston folxt ecospirin and doxinate but now the problem is she is unwell and been vomiting nearly every day during evening hours there is a little brown discharge seen in this situation I am very much concerned about what will happen next will it be a miscarriage for the third time please help
high severity