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All right! | Sip! | https://subscene.com/ |
Thanks to you, I finally rememberedwhat's important. | Berkat kau, akhirnya aku teringat akan hal yang penting. | https://subscene.com/ |
It seems I had it all wrong. | Sepertinya, akunya yang salah pemahaman. | https://subscene.com/ |
There's meaning behind the thingsyou feel like drawing. | Tapi, terdapat perasaan yang berarti di baliknya. | https://subscene.com/ |
I felt chakra passinginto the drawing. | aku rasakan chakra yang masuk ke dalam gambar. | https://subscene.com/ |
This is my favorite drawing. | Ini gambar kesukaanku. | https://subscene.com/ |
And that applies from now on too. | Dan itu berlaku untuk ke depannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's because ofthe Super Beast Scroll that time… | Gara-gara Rajah Plagiat Hewan waktu itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
Huh? It is? | Eh, yakin? | https://subscene.com/ |
And Daddy will be even happierwith the next one! | Dan akan kubuat papa lebih senang lagi melihatnya! | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah, so let's draw some more! | Jadi, ayo kita menggambar lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
All right, let's draw! | Sip, ayo menggambar! | https://subscene.com/ |
Everyone's so seriousabout training now. | Yang lainnya pada serius latihan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Who cares about graduation? | Siapa yang peduli dengan kelulusan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Everyone has their reasons, | Yang lainnya punya alasan masing-masing, | https://subscene.com/ |
But didn't they sayfriendship is eternal? | Tapi, persahabatan itu kekal, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
"The Night of the Shooting Stars" | Malam Hujan Bintang. | https://subscene.com/ |
That was close! | Hampir saja! | https://subscene.com/ |
I can't get caught here either. | Yang jelas, aku tak boleh tertangkap! | https://subscene.com/ |
Where am…I? | Di mana ini? | https://subscene.com/ |
Boruto! | Boruto! | https://subscene.com/ |
I wasn't really trying to. | Sebenarnya aku tak berniat melakukannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Anyway… | Yang lebih penting | https://subscene.com/ |
What the hell is going on? | Apa maksudnya, coba? | https://subscene.com/ |
Because of them,a lot of Leaf shinobi died! | Karena ulah mereka, banyak ninja Konoha yang jadi korban, tahu! | https://subscene.com/ |
It's also to help protect you,as well. | Dan juga demi lindungimu, lo. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's because you're weak. | Karena kau itu lemah. | https://subscene.com/ |
I do. | Tahu. | https://subscene.com/ |
What did you say?! | Apa kaubilang? | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't let it go to your head! | Jangan besar kepala! | https://subscene.com/ |
Though right now,you probably won't understand. | Kau yang sekarang takkan mengerti. | https://subscene.com/ |
I've had enough of this! | Aku sudah lelah mendengarmu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm going back to my friends. | Aku akan kembali ke tempat teman-temanku. | https://subscene.com/ |
I never thoughtwe'd end up here… | Tak kusangka aku ragu di saat seperti ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
This is the Sanzu Plains. | Tempat ini adalah Dataran Sanzu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Once inside,you can't get out easily. | Setelah memasukinya, siapa pun takkan bisa keluar dengan mudah. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm not lying. | Aku tak berbohong. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll just go outthe way I came in. | Aku tinggal keluar lewati jalanku masuk tadi! | https://subscene.com/ |
What the hell's happening? | Apa yang terjadi? | https://subscene.com/ |
Then all I have to do is findthat heart stone? | Jadi, aku hanya perlu cari batu hati itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
this one. | ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's not that simple. | Tak segampang itu ditemukan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Nope. | Tak ada. | https://subscene.com/ |
Are you serious? | Serius, nih? | https://subscene.com/ |
In that case, I'll use my shadowclones to find a way out of here! | Kalau sudah begini, akan kugunakan Klona Bayangan untuk cari jalan keluar dari sini. | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey… | Lo? | https://subscene.com/ |
That depends on how you look at it. | Itu tergantung pemikiranmu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just a pebble? With no powers? | Hanya batu yang tak punya kekuatan apa-apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
It's about how you found it. | Yang berharga dari batu itu adalah | https://subscene.com/ |
The young people in the villagesay the same thing. | Anak-anak muda di desa juga mengatakan hal yang sama. | https://subscene.com/ |
Nowadays, nobody comes hereto search for their heart stone. | Saat ini, tak ada lagi yang datang ke sini untuk cari batu hati mereka. | https://subscene.com/ |
You mean…? | itu artinya... | https://subscene.com/ |
The two of us are doomed to rotin here without ever getting out. | Kita berdua takkan bisa keluar dari sini dan akan mati membusuk. | https://subscene.com/ |
There's no way we can accept that! | Mana mungkin aku bisa menerimanya, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Rather than finding an exit, | Pertama, daripada temukan jalan keluar | https://subscene.com/ |
Have you foundthe master yet? | Apa kalian masih belum temukan Master? | https://subscene.com/ |
I had the Akuta comb the area,but we still haven't found him. | Aku sudah kirim Akuta untuk menyisir wilayah, tapi kami masih belum menemukannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
But if we expandthe search too far, | Tapi, kalau kami perluas wilayah pencariannya | https://subscene.com/ |
Have her keep things quiet. | Perintahkan dia lindungi rahasia kita. | https://subscene.com/ |
It means you can't keep rumorsfrom spreading. | Itu artinya, mau dirahasiakan seperti apa pun, rumornya akan tetap menyebar. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's simple, really. | Caranya sederhana, kok! | https://subscene.com/ |
No. That would be againstthe master's wishes. | Itu akan bertentangan dengan keinginan Master. | https://subscene.com/ |
Then we will lead the searchby the Akuta ourselves. | Kalau begitu, kami akan pimpin langsung para Akuta untuk mencarinya. | https://subscene.com/ |
I said no! | Tidak! | https://subscene.com/ |
Your task is to increaseproduction of Akuta. | Tugas kalian adalah tingkatkan produksi Akuta. | https://subscene.com/ |
—and do it secretly! | dan jangan sampai ada yang mengetahuinya! | https://subscene.com/ |
What is all of this? | Ini apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
Isn't it quite human? | Manusiawi banget, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
What? | Apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
No one I knew did anythinglike this. | Kenalanku tak ada yang lakukan hal seperti ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's not what the intelI gathered told me… | Itu sangat berbeda dengan informasi yang kudapatkan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Kirara was showing me her things. | Kirara tunjukkan barang-barangnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Why don't you just dumpall this stuff? | Benda-benda seperti ini lebih baik dibuang saja! | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't you see how wonderfulthese are? | Apa kau tak bisa pahami keindahan dari barang-barang ini? | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll kill you. | Aku akan membunuhmu! | https://subscene.com/ |
You'll never understand humans. | Kau takkan pernah pahami manusia. | https://subscene.com/ |
Is there something going on? | Apa sudah terjadi sesuatu? | https://subscene.com/ |
Lord Ku chased them away. | Dan sepertinya Tn. Ku berhasil singkirkan mereka. | https://subscene.com/ |
Things are pretty busy today. | Sekarang ini dia sedang sibuk, tahu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Shi-ka-da-i. | Shikadai. | https://subscene.com/ |
Okay… How about this one? | Baiklah, kalau ini? | https://subscene.com/ |
Too hard, huh? | Terlalu sulit, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Cho-Cho, the Chubs. | Si gendut Chocho! | https://subscene.com/ |
Chubs! Chubs! | Gendut, gendut! | https://subscene.com/ |
Who's there?! | Siapa itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
Are you being pursued? | Apa kalian dikejar? | https://subscene.com/ |
Are you saying…they're not here yet?! | Jadi, mereka berdua belum tiba, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
Should we look for them? | Perlukah kita cari mereka? | https://subscene.com/ |
We should wait and see first. | Kupikir, lebih baik kita amati situasi dulu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Chubs! | Gendut! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm so hungry, I can't move. | Aku lapar dan tak bisa bergerak. | https://subscene.com/ |
At this rate, I'll die. | Kalau begini terus, aku bisa mati. | https://subscene.com/ |
Water… | Air. | https://subscene.com/ |
Oh, Old Man?! | Kakek? | https://subscene.com/ |
Here's some water. | Ini air. | https://subscene.com/ |
You sure? | Boleh? | https://subscene.com/ |
I feel alive again! | Aku serasa hidup lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Wanna eat? | Mau makan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Here. | Nih. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's a valuable source of protein. | Serangga kaya akan sumber protein. | https://subscene.com/ |