5 values
['I cannot say I have been in your shoes; however I have felt immense Ache as you have. I have had the hours, days, months filled with agony and Feeling despair and hopelessness. Ive lost a good near everything I ever once had or loved. Its devastating, sometimes I feel as though Ive lost my entire identity, consumed with self-loathing and hatred. I too, suffer from body dysmorphic disorder; in my turn I suffered from extreme Bulimia (down to 40 kg at 50) and it was, along with the lingering effects, awful.I had to start living for, in what my eyes was, success. Expanding my knowledge on the world around me, enveloping myself in global affairs; anything to take my mind off my Ache. I became encompassed in a world that didnt involve me. Distraction was my obvious get-away. This may be not for you (I never liked it to even be brought up) but I began to seek some form of spiritual journey. I tried to set some good into this world, Bulimia Nervosa my soul for a higher thinking. I took on philosophy and metaphysics, find reasoning behind my suffering. This is just my escape, I hope that youll find some relief from my advice. Im sorry for your experience and give you my sincerest best wishes.']
['Hey, maybe we can both help each other out.Im close to doing it too. My heads pretty fogged up and I cant think very clearly.You need to get out of there if youre being abused. You dont deserve that. Its about being good to yourself, and if that means doing things your way then so be it. Killing yourself wont be good to yourself, you wont know what it feels Hyperactive behavior afterwards.If you are going to go that far, take it another direction so you wont get into a dead end. Im sorry youre going through this.', 'I was going to do something pretty bad too, but I wont say.A lot of these things are phases, I found that out today when I wrote down my thoughts, did something else for an hour, came back and was shocked. Its Hyperactive behavior that feeling people get as theyre halfway from jumping off something high, when everything seems to make sense and your goals seem so tangible.I saw my dad walking my dog. He just got neutered recently. He is really cute. Its these little things that keep me going.You should take a walk, I will in a bit too.', 'Thank you for responding!Do you believe you have a lot of power over your emotions? Do you agree with these Depressed mood thoughts (emotions/state) or do you think it is a separate entity of sorts?', '> My current state - pretty horrible. Lonliness, worthlessness, pathetic, tired, hopeless. Im in college. The only people I have talked to here are two girls I know and have known for a while. They really dont care. They would say they do, but they dont text me to check up, call, or honestly even try to make plans. We talk infrequently. I have made a lot of acquaintances, hundreds in fact, due to my personality (I am both an introvert and extrovert and am quite good at making friends.) I think the reason I am so good at making friends is because I put everything I have into being there for people because I dont want them to feel the lonliness I have felt all of my life.I can relate to you in multiple ways. Im seventeen, a musician, have a fair share of acquaintances, and you are the way you are for other people.I think this can explain why a lot of people who are Depressed mood/anxious are Ophthalmia, Sympathetic towards others due to their understanding of how one can feel when they are lonely. Can I ask about your intentions with your Phobia, Social status and presence in your college? I think this can help with why you feel these things, since they might be an effect of unmet expectations.> I do feel happy occasionally. These are times when I forget everything, and there are only a few times when I do: watching a humorous television show Hyperactive behavior The Office or the Big Bang Theory (any show really, just listening to a story different than mine is what makes me feel better.) Playing on stage (Ive been a musician for about ten years now, Im 18.) And when I Hypersomnia. I Hypersomnia a lot. It helps me forget. The happiness I feel is happy, its just that the number of times in my day when I am genuinely happy is much smaller than the average person. Clinically Depressed mood people do get happy, just not often.I think youd be surprised as to how similar we are, and that not everyone is as happy as they seem.One friend I had in middle school, well call him Brian, was a great buddy of mine who was fun to hang out with and always willing to stop by. One day Im hanging out at his house and were playing halo together; He suddenly says, "Hey man, I appreciate it that you came over.""For sure man, its always fun hanging out here!""Youre not going to leave are you?""Uh, not yet its only 4 o clo-""No - thats not what I mean."He started to tweak out for a couple of seconds and I was a little scared, but then he said,"Are you going to stay my friend?""Yeah man! Why wouldnt I?"He didnt say anything, and not long after I went home after his mom swooped in, took me away, and took me home.Later I found out that he was taking very serious Anxiety Mental Depression medicine as he suffers from very extreme Panic Attacks attacks as a result. He was teased a lot in elementary school for it and he stayed home weeks after weeks due to a "stomach flu."One of the most jovial, funniest, confident guys I know. Everybody has their tweaks, flaws, personal dilemnas. When I see how people arent so different, I feel better myself.> Im not quite sure what the second paragraph is saying. Are you asking me whether or not I think my diagnoses was false? Or are you saying if I think its a sort of placebo where they told me I am and I am not figuring our why? The way it works is you talk about your life and how you feel, and they tell you medically whther or not they think you have a mood disorder, then sometimes they do some biological tests.Not exactly as strong as you put it, Im asking if it influenced or tipped your ideas as to what might be going on, if you were looking for that. Ive talked with psychiatrists and theyve prescribed Wellbutrin for Anxiety Mental Depression and focus; its proven somewhat effective, thinking back how I behaved and thought before.Im only asking this question through the perspective of somebody who doesnt know what clinical Mental Depression is exactly; Im taking the side of whoever is giving the information to me on this thread, not the skeptical side.Thank you for responding by the way!', 'Thank you for acknowledging and sharing. Heres a hug too :)', 'Youve had a lot of relationships bud, maybe you should spend some more time with yourself. Take a walk outside and see how you can manage inside your own head.Starting over sounds good. Hell, it sounds good for me too.Just go outside and sit in an obscure cafe and stare at a table or drink something. You dont need to think about anything in particular, just dont try to solve any problems in your head.Walk somewhere else and pay attention to whats around you. I do this sometimes and it feels nice to see the leaves and the people and the animals and the buildings. I sometimes forget theyre there when Im thinking about other stuff.Spend some time with yourself before you look to other people for help, if you are able to handle you and your mind in the same room, I think you can be able to manage; mainly because a lot of people have the opposite problem, which is that they have a hard time getting to know and getting along with people. I think Im kind of in between but everybody struggles with something.Hang in there bud, and take a breather by yourself out in the fresh air.']
['This. So much emphasis is put on treating the chemical symptoms without looking in to the actual psychological causes. ', 'It depends on whether or not I want to stay Depressed mood at the time.If Im really super down and dont particularly feel Hyperactive behavior getting up yet, Ill often put on Tools *Undertow*, Isis *Panopticon*, and Primordials *To the Nameless Dead*, and other music that follws in that same sort of direction. (sorrowful, somewhat slow metal)If I want to actually be useful, I find the most abrasive, energetic music I can, stuff Hyperactive behavior Skeletonwitch, Between the Buried and Me, SikTh, and Dillinger Escape Plan are good for this.', 'This song actually does a surprisingly good job of encapsulating this weird existential mode Ive been in the past couple months, in more ways than I can accurately express.**SikTh** - [Part of the Friction](', 'Thats benzos, not SSRIs.Im sure SSRIs do help some people, but everyone Ive known to take them has come out worse for it.', 'Just find something to do outside of anything related to your home life. You feel the way you do because you seem to spend all your time around your family, seeking refuge in antidepressants. Honestly, just find something thatll let you escape from your normal life-job, family, all of it. Take up hiking, learn an instrument, go to local concerts, learn a craft, anything that you can do to enjoy some time with yourself.', 'Yeah, the whole systems basically a vehicle to pump sad people full of Benzodiazepines and SSRIs.', 'Yeah, actually finding something can be hard. Dont give up on that though,because a life lived only for others will inevitably be an Depersonalization one.Golf, rock climbing, smoking weed, drawing, writing, online games, hunting, acting, sports,working out, pokemon, gardening, building things, sewing, cooking, your possibilities are limitless.Avoid alcohol and television though, they will only exacerbate things.', 'Jesus Christ, are you me? Like, I thought I was just crazy, but thats Exactly how I feel on the day-to-day basis. ', 'Wanting to be alone can really go two directions, one helpful, but the other infinitely hurtful.I recommend against trying to intrude on his space, but rather, try to invite him out. If he sees you trying to force your way in to his space (whether or not thats what you intended), he wont respond well. However, if you can draw him out, hell be more apt to getting out of this episode.', 'Just explain to him frankly that his actions arent up to snuff. Dont feel Hyperactive behavior you have to walk on eggshells or anything, but Do try not to put the blame on *him*, but rather, his actions.', 'If they actually used good medications, itd be different, but brain-numbing SSRIs and Benzodiazepines, which are GABA antagonists Hyperactive behavior alcohol, are not the way to go.', 'I cant say for certain, but it sounds Hyperactive behavior your lithium dosage is too high. ', 'MXE isnt illegal. ', 'Youll find, deep down, most people without a specific goal feel this way. Find a goal to work towards, or start making art. ', 'So youre planning on killing yourself, eh?Try this instead: Leave. Get as far away from wherever you live as you can. Go somewhere where noone knows you.Suddenly, you dont exist. As far as anyone in this place knows, youre just another person. No one knows youre a failure, no one knows anything about you. Moreover, no one cares what you do. Do something crazy, do stuff youve never done before, or simply live a normal life with new people.I mean, youre just going to end this current life, why not start a new one and have some fun with it? You could even go so far as to fake your death so all the people you know will think youre dead, leaving you free to craft an entirely new life.', 'Dude, me too. No real reason either, just woke up feeling shitty. The day even turned out alright. ', 'I actually know the exact feeling, and recently overcame it. How? Drugs. Id youre not averse to the idea, MDMA will likely cure that feeling in one go. Its not Hyperactive behavior a magical "take pill feel better" Hyperactive behavior the shit the pharmaceutical companies push, but a good experience on MDMA with good friends can fix most any mental ailment. (2C-E is what I used, but I wouldnt recommend it to someone inexperienced) ', 'Psilocybin mushrooms are actually almost completely nontoxic, less so than weed even if you only look At physical effects. While yes, there Are *psychological* consequences for eating them too much, your body wont know it. ']
['Friendships are complicated. Close friendships between three people are even more complicated. Maybe its time to expand your circle of friends. Theres no need to get rid of the two friends youre talking about. Maybe theyll come around and maybe they wont. Either way, theres nothing wrong with meeting new people.Try to keep in mind that a lot of the people at your school (if not all of them) are thinking the EXACT same things as you. "Nobody likes me. I wish I had more friends." If you were to make a point of chatting with a few new people every day, theyd probably be extremely grateful to you, and might end up being good friends of yours. What kind of activities are you involved in?It sounds Hyperactive behavior you Irritable Mood a lot to your mom, and you must care about her too if youre considering her feelings (not all teenagers would have the selflessness and empathy to do that). Maybe youd feel better if you talked to her about some of this. Is it possible to have dinner together tonight? Maybe you could plan some kind of event with her, Hyperactive behavior a movie or a manicure. Also, you could offer to run errands with her some evening or on the weekend. She might appreciate the company and Ive found it makes great visiting time.Please keep us updated! Im sending you positive thoughts.', 'That sounds really rough. Im sorry youre going through such a tough time. It sounds Hyperactive behavior your wife has been treating you horribly for a while now.I think the best thing you can do is get through the day. At some point youll need to feel Numbness and at some point youll need to get some release. Try to Sedated state or Numbness yourself by vegging in front of the TV or having a few beers (dont buy enough to get sick). Releasing the pent up frustration could be through a work out or venting to a friend. If you live in a safe neighborhood, long walks are helpful.Is there a friend or family member who could stay with you for a night or two? Venting to us is great, and Id be happy to PM, but hugs are hard to give online.All of the cliches are true. It gets better. Keep your chin up. What doesnt kill you make you stronger. If all those sound Hyperactive behavior bullshit (they often do), just remember to breathe.']
['I have a lot of depressing hip-hop so if you want more let me know. 1. [Love Aint - CunninLynguists ft. Tonedeff]( [Rain - CunninLynguists]( [Die For You - Mr. SOS]( [Dont Play This Song - Kid Cudi]( [Born Alone - Prolyphic & Reanimator]( [Walk Alone - The Roots]( [Monsters In My Head - Slaughterhouse]( [Suicide Letters- Tech N9ne]( [I Wish I Was Dead - Kno ft. Tonedeff]( [Bottom Of The Bottle - Grieves]( [Alone - Tech N9ne ft. Krizz Kaliko]( [Hello Walls - Krizz Kaliko ft. Tech N9ne]( [Lost & Confused - Thai Viet G]( [Blast Myself - Z-RO]( [He Wont Answer - Grieves]( [Low - Tech N9ne]( [Searching For Some Beautiful - Sadistik]( [Save Yourself - Sadistik]( [Bad Dreams - Nine Leaves]( [Apt. A9 - Nine Leaves](', 'Accurate as fuck.', 'If you listen to depressing stuff to make you feel better, then check out Sadistik. Even if youre not a hip hop fan, you can probably still enjoy how poetic he is. His stuff has pretty much kept me alive for the past few years.Heres a song from each of his albums:', 'Pure hopelessness']
['People should have all the freedom in the world, and in fact they do. There is nothing to really stop you from doing anything, there are only consequences to discourage people from doing things. If you want to murder someone, you have the ability to kill them. Sure, you will go to prison, but thats only if you get caught and convicted. Suicide is the same, people are all perfectly free to do it, and they definitely should be. Freedom to do whatever you want does not Irritable Mood you can do whatever you want without consequence. Everything has consequence, and some are artificially made (i.e. crime and punishment), but there is no avoiding the consequence of an action.So I believe that people have the right to commit Suicide, but they should not.Now, you mention that >Evolution guarantees that people will not always succeed in life, and those who believe that would live a life full of Ache and resentmentWhile you have a point that it is cruel to force someone to be in Ache, there is also no way of knowing if you will live a life of Ache. Sure, someone can be diagnosed with a painful terminal illness, but in terms of a painful and lonely life, that cant be known. It seems overly optimistic, but the other way around is simply overly pessimistic. Its an extension of the Gamblers fallacy. Just because your life in the past has been painful, does not Irritable Mood that your life in the future will also be painful. Your life does not follow any sort of pattern, it is a free pool of possibilities open to you.People who consider Suicide are people trying to escape Ache in a way which will inevitably Chest Pain other people. Not to diminish the Ache that they feel, because there is nothing more painful than wanting to die. Lets not pretend though, that we can see the future and know that we will always be in Ache. There is always a chance that life will get better, which is the reason why I oppose Suicide, and think of it as "bad". In my mind, if I dont try to convince people to keep going, I will be robbing them of the life of happiness that they could have. ', 'I dont usually comment on these things, as most of the time others have already said what I already would have, but please do us the favor of not going through with it. Nobody really wants to see you in Ache, there are just some out there who Chest Pain Hyperactive behavior you and feel Hyperactive behavior causing you Ache would solve their own problems. It is a dark place to be in, but I really hope you get out of it.', 'I know. And thats another hard part. I dont pretend that there are some times when life just gets worse, but I know plenty of people who have been Depressed mood all of their life, but ended up being able to get out of it and come out happy. My point is that I just think there is a chance for everyone to be happy. And happiness is something nobody should be cheated out of, even by themselves. Again though, I know it doesnt work out. I just think its worth a try.', 'I agree that its up to people themselves to make better choices, and thats completely impossible when someone is Depressed mood. Because thats exactly what Mental Depression is, its seeing nothing but blackness and despair, and not just believing that there is no hope: its knowing it. There is no point for a Depressed mood person to dream of something better, in terms of their train of thought. What I want to do is help people to see that happiness is not just something to dream of, its completely possible to have. Theres no formula that fits everyone. Some choose religion, some choose love, some choose success, some choose something else entirely. The point is that, as I said in reply to another comment, happiness is something everyone deserves to have. So I will not admit that people should give up and kill themselves. Suffering is not certain. Nothing is certain, but everything is possible.Sorry for rambling, just sort of all came out.']
['Ive tried that. Im Exhaustion of trying and falling at everything. Im looking Att gun and trying to figure why not to do it. ', 'Heh, even reddit cant give me a reason to keep on going.']
['(hey sd - dont be discouraged by this type of response. You are helping because you are here - people are going to lash out but you are doing a good/noble/empathetic thing by responding. Just wanted to throw my two cents in.)', 'Hey guy, so let me just say up front - I absolutely hate your username (for obvious reasons). Okay, now that I got that out I can move on. So, youve said there is no possibility of anyone saying anything to deter you - I get that so I wont even attempt to but I will say this; I may not know exactly what you Irritable Mood because I assume feeling/being disconnected and not being a real person means something different to all of us but trust me when I say I feel my version of that. Maybe I havent always felt that way, maybe I can hang on to the little hope I have Ventricular Dysfunction, Left and maybe I can turn the corner some day. Maybe. But seeing as youve survived 46 years feeling this way and if you now have nothing to lose dont you think your story of how you haved coped this long without ever having felt love might help some people cope themselves? Wouldnt it feel good to know that your legacy would live on in the minds of the few of us that you could help? I for one would Hyperactive behavior to hear more about you than what you posted tonight and maybe it wouldnt help you in the least because your definition of connected is probably different than mine but what would it Chest Pain to have a conversation? At least to tell someone about the recent events you mentioned so we could have a chance to watch out for similar instances that pushed you over the edge and prevent ourselves from going down the same road. I hope you will at least consider it.And yes, you are correct sir that youre not going to get a snake to clap without the required parts - but two snakes smacking together could get the job done. I am willing to be your other snake if you feel Hyperactive behavior applauding. ', 'Have you ever considered volunteering so you have something tangible to look at at the end of the day and see that you do more good on this earth than bad? You may be surprised how many ways you could help other people and how good it would make you feel about yourself to lay your head down each night knowing you were a positive influence in this Abnormal behavior, selfish, unempathetic world.', 'Trust me bud, I know that repetitive loop you can get in to sometimes... I know that repetitive loop you can get in to sometimes... I know that repetitive loop you can get in to sometimes... I know that repetitive loop you can get in to sometimes... I know that repetitive loop you can get in to sometimes... too well.', 'Hey, no problem at all Martha and thanx for the kind words - you rock more than a one-legged turkey on a tilt-o-whirl! Im glad you are sounding/feeling better today and you have my username & know this subreddit is always here so please dont hesitate using both/either (& we enjoy hearing how good you are doing as well as when you are down). I hope your day is filled with hot fudge waterfalls flowing over marshmallow mountains & hope to hear from you soon.', 'Hey cat - no, your post did not go completely unnoticed. Youve just got to give us some time to respond since we are not all welded to our computers. You said you wont be trying this again so I feel a bit stupid for even replying but on the off chance you check this I want you to know that you made complete sense to me I dont feel as if your post is a waste of time so if you are reading this feel free to look at my profile and if you feel that I am someone you would feel comfortable discussing these issues with shoot me a PM and if not please repost this (as this post will more than likely get buried today) so one of the other caring, compassionate and Ophthalmia, Sympathetic subscribers to this subreddit can get a chance to speak with you before you make a regretable & irreversible decision.(& a tip from a stranger: be careful replying to your own post as some of us will always look at the un-commented on posts first and had yours had that little red comment glowing I would have found it much quicker. Just sayin cat.)', 'Hey inthe, I hope you are feeling a bit better this evening and yes, please do check in when you can/want. I/we would love to hear how you are persevering despite all you are up against and you know my username and this subreddit so anytime you need a sounding board, some advice or just someone to vent to please dont hesitate. Youll make it through this because you KNOW you can.', 'I know it feels that way but sometimes you just have to make it through each day with fantastic disregard for the so-called future. Are you able to find some joy in anything you do daily? ', 'Hey stuff - have you considered the idea that maybe the reason people Hyperactive behavior you and I (and so many compassionate, Ophthalmia, Sympathetic, empathetic and Hyperactive behavior-minded subscribers on this subreddit) are on this planet with the sole purpose of evening the human race out? You may be right on the people dont change part but why would you allow them to be selfish AND win by throwing in the towel? ', 'Yeah, I can see why you wouldnt want to make her feel as if he had betrayed her trust but maybe she would relate easier to another young woman (Im assuming you are female?) even if she has no personal experience in the matter and in a case where her life may be on the line it is acceptable to cross those boundaries. Plus having two perspectives on a situation is always more beneficial than one. Perhaps your friend could ask her if it would be okay to include you in the discussion before you jump in?', 'Hey 7711 - I can understand feeling as if you cannot change who you are but since you recognize the fact that you are not the person you want to be on the inside I hope you realize that you dont necessarily have to act instictively towards people you interact with on a daily basis. Sometimes the simple act of forcing a smile on your face even when you arent grinning on the inside is enough to brighten anothers day and that is a very selfless act in itself.', 'I understand where you are coming from wondering what the point of existing is but sometimes in life you have to consciously make it a point to make yourself feel worthwhile. I know when youre Depressed mood its difficult to feel motivated to do much of anything but have you ever tried doing some volunteer work? Nothing too trying or stressful at first - just a few baby steps until you find out if it makes you feel Hyperactive behavior your life has a bit more purpose. I was living in NC hundreds of miles away from anyone I knew & was Abnormal behavior Depressed mood when I found this animal shelter that let volunteers take the stray dogs to a field next door to acclimate them to humans and make them a little more likely to be adopted. Did me worlds of good. And if they dont have that program in place maybe you could spearhead it? Not saying this is the perfect suggestion for you but I hope you can see where I am going with this; it helped me through those tough times to remember that I wouldnt be forgotten since I made a difference in a life, any life and while Im sure those stray dogs dont remember me the lives of the families that adopted them would be forever changed by something I did.So you said a lot of negative aspects about your life right now but you didnt post anything about what you are doing to bring yourself and others joy on a daily basis. Do you have anything in your life that brings you happiness? How about the little things that make you smile when you first wake each day? I think those thoughts are very important to have and if you dont it may be time to sit down for a self-realization session. I have found that typing these things out can be very cathartic and advantageous especially when you are feeling down so you have something tangible to look at and give you reasons to stay away from the ledge.And Silent, I really enjoyed reading the writing style in your post and knowing that many of the greatest (or at least some of my favorite) writers were tortured souls have you considered sticking around until youve written the next great American novel? I would be thrilled to read it.And lastly, speak to your dog bro - pets pick up on your moods so if youre having a hard time then you have to imagine he is having it just as ruff (winky face).', 'You are so welcome Bot - I am here any time you need to vent or would Hyperactive behavior to gain a new perspective or some fresh insight (or if youre just feeling chatty). And I can understand your Exhaustion and the fact that you are burned out Bot and while I feel life is a constant journey of self-improvement sometimes it feels a bit less overwhelming to look at the short term baby-steps that will lead to your ultimate goal. I can go in to this in further detail if you would Hyperactive behavior me to. Hope to hear from you again. ', '(Hey Spaghetti, i see this post is at 0 points - who in the hell downvotes a guy that tries to genuinely help someone on SuicideWatch? I guess at least 2 people...)', '****smooches****', 'Hey Nikki \xe2\x80\x93 I perused the article you linked and while I understand how in reading it you could look at the world and our species in a very negative light I feel you would benefit from keeping in mind that while yes, there are those that live their lives in this way and it makes for an interesting article not all human beings live their lives this way and the author sounds very jaded which comes out in his writing. Just because this person happened to get his article published on a website does not necessarily prove that he is an enlightened individual nor should you take every sentence in his piece as factual. Without doing a lot of research on David Wong I don\xe2\x80\x99t know that his words are worth any more stock in this world than your post tonight, my or any other subscriber\xe2\x80\x99s replies to it. The fact that in certain circumstances we rely on other\xe2\x80\x99s to gain happiness does not necessarily Irritable Mood we are Drug Dependence on other\xe2\x80\x99s nor is every human being on the planet constantly searching for their next stepping stone \xe2\x80\x93 some are simply looking for someone to hold hands with as they walk through life, someone to share in the delight and misery, someone to search for that perfect world with and someone with similar life goals who is enlightened enough to notice and help prevent any potential suffering as in most cases four eyes are better than two. We are out here Nikki and just because you haven\xe2\x80\x99t located us yet does not Irritable Mood we don\xe2\x80\x99t exist.And I can also understand looking around the world and not wanting to be in it anymore but have you ever looked at it from the other side where maybe the point isnt whether you want to be in this world but perhaps making sure that the world wants you in it and working towards making yourself a worthwhile member of society? Maybe attaining that proof will seperate you from these thoughts a bit which in turn will aid in alleviating your Stress level and make you more approachable to Hyperactive behavior-minded individuals/friend-seekers/a more compassionate Phobia, Social circle. Volunteering can be very fulfilling for the mind and body plus it could be a good start in finding a down-to-earth significant other that may find their time better spent giving back to society rather than pounding beers at the local sports bar \xe2\x80\x93 just sayin\xe2\x80\x99 Nikki. So you said a lot of negative aspects about your life right now but you didnt post anything about what you are doing to bring yourself and others joy on a daily basis. Do you have anything in your life that brings you at least one second of pure, overwhelming happiness? How about the little things that make you smile when you first wake each day? I think those thoughts are very important to have and if you dont it may be time to sit down for a self-realization session. I have found that typing these things out can be very cathartic and advantageous especially when you are feeling down so you have something tangible to look at and give you reasons to stay away from the ledge.', 'Hey, no thanks needed sd (but thanks for the gesture - youre awesome) glad to help. Hope you are doing okay today and continue to forever but youve got my username and you know this subreddit is here so reach out any time you feel Hyperactive behavior it. We are here, we care and we Hyperactive behavior to hear how good your life is too. Hang in there - you never know when Ill have to reach out to you.', 'No sorry cham, we cant kill you now but we can talk your ear off if that helps at all. So lets back up a bit - for those of us just meeting you how about a bit of background? You said a lot of things about your boyfriend - how about a bit about yourself cham?And I know it can be difficult to open up to an internet stranger sower but keep in mind the anonimity of this site can aleviate any need for trepidation so dont feel as if you risk alienating any one here. We Hyperactive behavior to listen and you never know, the answers to your predicament could just be one reply away so dont hesitate expounding - the more information you can give the more specific our insight and feedback can be. ', 'Hey x100 - I have found the love that a family shares to be very resilient so no matter how big of an Irritable Mood you have been so be careful jumping to the conclusion that they hate you. Has any member of your family looked you in the eye and said the words I hate you?And I get that feeling that life is collapsing around you and Im not going to lie to you and say it will be easy since I know how draining and exhausting Mental Depression can be but please dont feel Hyperactive behavior it is impossible or too late to turn your life around. I know from experience how low a person can get and still have the wherewithal to climb back up - youve already taken an intelligent and brave step posting here, how about letting us know a little more about yourself so we can offer you a bit of insight?And you should be fucking Anxiety - the chances of you causing yourself Ache are very likely if you go through with this act and the Ache you will cause others is almost guaranteed. Lets find another option, okay? ', 'Heya stars - you really made my night by saying: >But its better than not being alive at all, I assume.I want to write you the story of (now that I am thinking a/b it my TWO) cars which have been afire, I am just a bit short on time at the momo.I will soon and I hope you spend the day with stars in your eyes, the moon in your pocket and the sun on your face. ', 'Yeah, I know how you are feeling but I hope you can live for the good days and look forward to the great ones even if that means you have to trudge through some awful ones. There is light at the end of the tunnel sexxo, just be careful in remembering that sometimes that light just leads to another dark channel but that doesnt Irritable Mood you cant bask in the rays while youve got em. Dont give up - you are strong and you will make it (and you havent turned me to shit yet so you are on your way). Again, dont hesitate to reach out - I am pulling for you.', 'I think thats a great idea Taco - I would be very interested in hearing your idea. Im sure, Hyperactive behavior everything in life while it may not speak to all what you write will prove worthy in some peoples eyes. I am looking forward to reading your writing bro. I hope to hear from you soon.', 'Hey TOE - I would Hyperactive behavior to apologize as my last reply may have come off callous and insensitive and this was not at all my intention. I did not Irritable Mood to sound as if i was making lite of your woes - only attempting to lighten your mood a bit. I can relate to what you are feeling and i did not Irritable Mood to offend. Feel free to message me if you would Hyperactive behavior some more insight and if not PLEASE repost your plight (as this one will obviously be buried today) and I am sure one of the other Ophthalmia, Sympathetic, caring and compassionate subscribers to this subreddit will love the chance to speak to you about your concerns.', 'Yeah - your homelife is not helping your situation at all Im sure but you sound Hyperactive behavior an intelligent enough guy & since you have diagnosed the problem I hope you know you are stronger than this. Maybe its time to re-affirm some old friendships that you let fall to the wayside for your relationship? May give you a reason to get out of the house and away from the Stress a little more.', 'Hey y256 - I can relate to not wanting to suffer through a pointless existence but you may be discounting the emotional fulfillment that making it a point to be a genuinely worthwhile member of society can evoke - even if it is merely in a localized community. I understand feeling as if life is arbitrary and being fed up with having to concoct new methods to make yourself feel excited and alive but its not too late to change your thinking on that. You may not get a lot of satisfaction from helping others right away but may I ask what is stopping you from going above and beyond to try and make this big blue ball we live on a better place? It may benefit you if you attempt to make conscious life-decisions that make you feel Hyperactive behavior not only a worthwhile member of society but one of the rare few who makes a real difference. Im not saying you must go out and get all Gandhi-fied but would you at least be open to taking a few baby-steps towards a bigger goal while you are searching for that one thing that will distract you from your woes? Just keep in mind how much of a difference you can make in this world with seemingly insignificant acts of kindness Hyperactive behavior, for instance, having a lengthy phone coversation with one of your grandparents, raking your neighbors lawn, bringing that homeless man a sandwhich - anything that you can look at and say hey, I made Memaw smile today. I took some of the Stress from Sams weekend now that he doesnt have to Anxiety about his yardwork. I kept Bob from starving today. Something to prove to yourself that you are worthy. That you made a difference. That you deserve to be here and not gone.', 'Hey Baffled - first off you are not stupid and your story is not Muscle Weakness. Just because there may be stories out there that may appear to you to be abundantly more heartwrenching does not take away from the fact that these feelings you are having are overwhelming and completely valid.Unrequited love can be the worst feeling ever - I know this but if you and her were happy and in love once what makes you think you will never have that with someone else? It may not be the same love you and her shared but there is no reason those feelings cant be just as strong again. And I know this may not be the right time to tell you that because the wound is still fresh but I hope you can realize that you do have a future and it may be looking at your situation in an unecessarily gloomy light if you think there is a standard time appropriation for getting over heartbreak. Especially after an Abnormal dreams rollercoaster affair Hyperactive behavior you described.Any added Stress that is piled on top of heartache is going to feel magnified Baffled - please keep that in mind. You said you have always been able to get your shit together in the past but that was before your first girlfriend/breakup right? The one factor that sounds Hyperactive behavior it changed is the new found despair, sorrow and torment that are a direct product of the separation - again this is not Reflex, Abnormal or is the feeling of being unmotivated in times Hyperactive behavior this, youve just got to find your own coping mechanisms and implement them.And sorry for the cliche-ness but sometimes they have the most relevance: Life is a journey and the only way you guarantee yourself no new memories is to cease walking. Feel free to contact me or repost if you need to stop and ask for directions Baffled. ', 'Hey train - knowing you have the capacity to love must be a great feeling. There are many shuffling around this world that would give anything to feel what you have. Of course, I know that with that emotion also comes heartbreak but - at least in my experiences the juice is so worth the chance of taking a lemon seed to the eye. I hope you feel somewhat that way as well.So you were a little vague in your post - do you mind expounding on it a bit? He could have told you what before he did what? You never know who your story is going to help when they read it - what could it Chest Pain? I Irritable Mood youve already posted here which I think is so brave, now Im just asking for a little clarity so maybe I can offer some insight.Sorry if Im not throwing out generic answers or solutions - I can and will if that will help but Im genuinely curious. I am here, we are here, we care so vent away. ', 'Hey Sax - I looked at the time your post was submitted and realize that I happened upon it a bit late but if you still need some insight please feel free to reply to this post, PM me or re-post so one of the other caring, compassionate and Ophthalmia, Sympathetic subscribers to this subreddit will have a chance to try and help you find the answers you seek before you do anything irreversible. Hang in there bro - were glad to have you here and are pulling for you.', 'Thanks and keep in mind that easiest and best are sometimes miles apart but it does feel really good to hear you say maybe not the only because you couldnt be more correct there.', '>thats Hyperactive behavior saying "Oh youre not down enough for Suicide, youre just a teenReally dude? So let me get this straight, when:>everyone is saying what I told them not to say. Great, no support, no feedbackyou complain, and when someone tells you something along different lines you turn it in to the same shit with your >thats Hyperactive behavior saying & you basically just saidsinteresting...', 'Not at all Emily - just dont know you very well yet but we still have time for all of those formalities, right? And most of what I said still applies sweetie.', 'Hey help - I hope it wasnt too deep of a cut and that you are taking care of the wound properly. Want to talk about the reasons why tonight was the breaking point and led you to self-harm this way? Venting can be very cathartic so feel free - someone reading this may have just the insight you need so how could it Chest Pain, right?', 'Hey 112233 - I know you said you dont care enough to type up a few paragraphs but we care enough to want you to and we will read them so how about giving it another try? Could help to vent a bit and were always up for offering insight so I know its difficult but would it really Chest Pain that bad to offer us a foothold so we can try and help? ', 'Yeah - but Im not so sure you are supposed to be able to see the future. Dream, set goals and hope the best for but your lack of the ability to prophesize is completely normal. None of us have a crystal ball Life - just keep in mind that your chances for a good or bad future are 50/50 unless you take steps to tip the scales one way or the other. Ill be more than willing to give you any insight I have gained over the years if you decide to put in the work to ensure your future is in your favor.', 'Bro - thats only 40 feet so probably not. Would telling me why you would want to fall four stories kill you? Im gonna go with probably not on that one too. Im here, Im curious, Im listening.', 'Hey sexxo, yes - I have felt that in the past and I assume I will feel that way in the future but I always chalked it up to the ebb and flow of life. Are these feelings (or non-feelings) new to you or is this something youve been struggling with for a while? Anything emotionally trying been going on in your life recently? Might help to type it out - if not for yourself then for someone else that might be reading this post, thinking they are the only one that ever feels this way and are looking to get to the root of their problem.', 'Hey tots, I understand lonely and sad but what is going on that is making you Depressed mood and hopeless? I havent heard much of your story yet but Im going to go out on a limb here and say you probably deserve to be just as happy as the next person. I know its not the same as talking face to face but if it would help I will listen.', 'Hey Shaeos, of course you are ok - things are piling up on you so sitting in bed crying is a perfectly acceptable response. Dont be so hard on yourself, I know life is looking pretty negative right now but you can remember a time when it was on the positive side, right? So we just need to figure out how to get you back there. Are you getting any enjoyment out of life on a daily basis?', 'I understand that feeling and please believe me when I say I have been where you are at and I am living proof that you will get through this - have you put the bottle down for the evening bro?', 'Hey peapaw - I spoke with you yesterday and Im still here for you. What happened today? Did you speak to her and did it not go well? Lets talk about this - at least hear me out before you do anything you cant take back. Ive been there bro, we can try and find a better way. You never know what we could come up with tonight - couldnt Chest Pain could it?', 'Hey 360 - yes, I have had those days when I feel lonely for no reason but I try to keep in mind the difference between being alone and being lonely. Being alone can have its advantages but you have to be careful that you dont let your mind spin out of control (I call the evil wheel-running Sisyphus-ian hamster in my brain that will pop up occasionally the Spinmonster and boy howdy can he make me dizzy). I think the moment you start feeling lonely it is important to tune out thoughts of self and seek out activities that force you to interact with another human being. Im not saying that is always what I feel Hyperactive behavior doing and Im not saying I dont have those days when I curl up in bed and scarf a gallon of rockyroad but on those days Reddit is always a mouse-click away and theres usually someone here thats up for a chat. And I think that just working on today is a very mature and advantageous Irritable Mood to have. Im up for helping you doggy-paddle through the murky lake that is today if youd Hyperactive behavior a swim-buddy. ', 'I know that feeling of need, that craving but can you get out of the house for a just a little while? Take a walk, let the cool air help the alcohol wear off a bit? It will still be there when you get back if that doesnt help but do me a favor and distance yourself from it momentarily?', 'Oh my gosh inthe - I am so sorry you had to hear him say that and you are having to go through this but please try and realize that you are strong enough to get through it and come out the other side. I know it can feel Hyperactive behavior the end of the world but it is not the end of you.Him making you feel Hyperactive behavior he has higher priorities than you does not Irritable Mood you are any less of an important person - it means he is failing to keep the promises he made to you on your wedding day. Someone who lies to and manipulates you is only looking out for themselves and the fact that he declared his love to another woman makes him an inferior person - not you.I dont understand why it would be your fault that he is not achieving his goals - how long could it possibly take to go to the lawyer and begin the divorce paperwork? He is only being Distractibility because he wont pull the trigger and you have to keep asking him. Again, this is on him - not you.And yes, breaking contact with him at this time will make the transition easier for you inthe - I am not sure what area you are in so it is difficult to give you concise advice on how the best way to go about this. Would temporarily staying with your mother be an option? Im not saying that this would be the ideal living situation but it could be the means to get you out of the caustic situation you are in presently.I hate to speculate because I dont know him but I would think that if he is not acting as concerned with living alone as you it could be that he has had this thought in his head longer than you so he has had time to work out all of the details and options while you only just had this sprung on you. His failure to be honest with you,again, shows his inferiority - not yours.As for your English Proficiency test - I am not sure what it consists of but from what you have written me it appears that you should have no problem passing it. Im not saying that the feeling of being overwhelmed is irrational - at this low point in your life it is perfectly normal to feel every task takes on an air of impossibility. I call the stage you are in the walking through quicksand phase and while I know it feels Hyperactive behavior everything is more difficult you are still the highly intelligent and articulate person you were before getting this forlorne news - please dont let his mordant behavior make you feel as if you are not.And you have every reason to be Depressed mood and have wildly Hyperactive behavior bouts of crying. Going through this grief is another step along the path to recovery. I know it is not the easiest to get motivated but what has helped me in the past is to simply blare some feel-good music and work-out/dance until exausted. Both of these actions can trigger the release of endorphins, lifting your spirits and combatting Stress.Another step would be to consciously release your Anger for his actions - this is not the same as forgiving him but when you are at a mental low point the less emotions your mind has to focus on the easier it will be to bring peace and feelings of peace to your inner-mind.Okay inthe, Ive got more to say and I really wish I had the perfect cure-all words for you but, while the anonimity of the internet can be benificial it also limits the advice because you and I are just getting to know eachother but I will tell you this; I am willing to help get you through this because I am emotionally invested in you and all I ask is that you give me the chance before you do anything that harms yourself and is irrevesible.I hope to hear from you soon and I will just leave you with this: Remember inthe, we all fall down - its how we get back up that defines us.', 'Hey drowning - I understand the *I dont want to do anything* mindset and not having any passion or drive in life but can you remember a time when you were happy, or at the very least content with your life? And if so do you have any kind of grasp on what changed and made you start feeling this way?I can also understand looking around the world and not wanting to be in it anymore but have you ever looked at it from the other side where maybe the point isnt whether you want to be in this world but perhaps making sure that the world wants you in it? Im not saying it will be easy but why do you think its too late to start working towards making yourself a worthwhile member of society? Maybe attaining that proof will seperate you from these thoughts a bit which in turn will aid in alleviating your Stress level and make you more approachable to friend-seekers.And you are NOT a waste of space drowning and the decision on whether you are a useless person or not will be in the summation of your ENTIRE life and it is not over yet - as long as you keep playing you can still stack the cards in you favor.', 'Im really glad to hear that Kitchen. I hope youre doin okay today. Youve got my username and you know this subreddit so reach out if you feel yourself slipping again - Id Hyperactive behavior a chance to speak with you in more detail.', 'Hey Blah - I didnt know your Dad but if he was anything Hyperactive behavior mine he probably DOES NOT WANT YOU TO DO THIS YOUNG MAN/LADY! He would want to know you are strong enough to keep fighting despite the hardships that you faced without him. So how about spending a little time telling us about him, about you or about the last time you were truly happy? We are hear to listen so we need you here to talk.', 'And Im not sure where you are right now boosh but if its as late there as it is here I hope you found the peace to Hypersomnia tonight/this morning but I will leave you this pearl of wisdom
['I do Hyperactive behavior hearing others view points on things. Its probably my favorite thing to observe.Ive never really given any thought to using this to help people. Ill look into jobs where it would be useful. But Id much rather do something I have an interest in.', 'I have an interest in Russia and Denmark for some unknown reason. Ill look around.Thank you for the suggestions.', 'Your dream house sounds fantastic.Theres a small mountain a few minutes from my house that looks out over the town. Sadly it isnt as pretty as Id Hyperactive behavior. Theres small wooded areas here and there too, but theyre all very small or have no water features that would keep me interested. That is a good idea, Ive been meaning to start looking at land pricing for awhile now. ', 'Thats a nice way to view it. Hopefully you dont mind if I do the same now.The thoughts usually just come from nowhere. But at times theyll intrigue me more than other thoughts and Ill give constant internal dialogue.One is a musician and the other is a model.', 'Im sorry that youve gone through that. I did not know that the average for a person was two close friends. I love small information Hyperactive behavior that.I havent put much thought into where Id go or how Id go about it. Ive always liked forests, so probably a clearing in a forest somewhere. I Hyperactive behavior water as well, so maybe nearby a lake.']
['Hey Im free for a while.Whats the news?Do you want to talk about anything specific or do you wanna just chat about things that are interesting? Or uninteresting? Once when I felt down I talked about fish with someone until I felt brave enough to tell them what was up.AnywayI hope to hear from you!', 'My old man killed himself a little while ago. In my mums fits of grief she lashes out physically and verbally. Last time it happened I stood in-between her and my little brothers trying to sheild them from her and got absolutly blasted with insults.It is so shit. we were at a holiday house about 2 hour drive away from home and mum yelled that i should just hitch hike home.So I did. Dont hitch hike anywhere but do give yourself time on your own to think things through.You need to decide how you need to deal with things.Its okay to think about yourself and tell other people to get screwed if you want.', 'To each their own.Have you considered taking off into a secluded area for a while maybe going camping or something?', 'So you dont want to get any attention.Could you make stuff under a persona? Like Banksy and his graffiti?', 'There are places you can camp for free.It doesnt take too much skillCould you hitch hike or something?Get out of the house and exploring your surroundings? make it your aim to map all the streets around your place. and continue further and further out?', 'Hey man,I dont think youre too damaged. Youre holding a pretty fluent conversation with me.You came to us in need and we are offering our support. You opened yourself up in an attempt to gain acceptance. We want you around.I may never see you in my entire life. i may never walk passed you on the street. but knowing your out there living one day at a time makes me feel Hyperactive behavior you are an inspiration.You can change who you are. But Hyperactive behavior everything its going to take work. You are going to have to put in effort. If you want to get better YOU have to commit to it.You CANNOT pass off your problems to other people. You need to pick up. Yes its hard and yes you do not want to. But Damn dude. you managed to open up when you were most vulnerable. You opened yourself up to strangers. You are one godamned brave dude.If you can open yourself up to strangers. You can keep on going.', 'Too much effort into cleaning up?How do you manage that? Could you try doing Hyperactive behavior an hour of power cleaning every couple of days or something? A little bit of work over an extended period of time', 'As far as I can see, you want help.Youre trying your hardest but the systems are fucking you sideways and not helping you up. But youve kept on going.Im young and a bit arrogant. Id Hyperactive behavior to have answers to every problem. All I can do is provide some suggestions. You could trya whole load of things. honestly i dont nwo enough about you to tell you what to do. my only advice is to talk to everyone and try out ALL their suggestions and try to keep them up for at least a month.Start by living in a clean house. Make yourself proud of the place you live in.', 'Really?Ive reached a point where fun isnt what it used to be. Fun is just my Fuck You to everything. I hitch hiked for 6 hours and it was my new definition of fun.', 'HeyThe way I see the world is, to know what you want more than anything means you have to know everything. Now I know that sounds Hyperactive behavior Im saying you will never know what you really want from life. But what it is supposed to Irritable Mood is that youll never know what situation is going to arise around the corner. Now Im really shit at English but what my teachers are trying to drill into my head is always use an example and I have a few good ones.Im 17 and I think Ive been pretty lucky with all that I have. I grew up in a classic and relatively steady two parent mid to Drug abuse income home. Ive always been a bit prone to accidents several severe head injuries several broken bones etc. a lot of people when they hear about my list of injuries ask how I coped almost constantly having an injury I always replied with "I knew it would make a fantastic story"Youve come to us with this intricate story of all these things in youre life that arent quite how you want. But its your story. In the end the only person who can preach your version of your story is you. Fuck the Phobia, Social standards ask those girls to come over and chill out. Skip down the streets at night.My dad killed himself in August. I miss him more than anything but sometimes it takes a snap to realise how much some people Irritable Mood to you and how little others Irritable Mood to you. Make the incident that changes your life this one. Youve revealed your inner secrets to us. US. Some strangers on the Internet. I dont tell people anything. My girlfriend doesnt know I have SuicideWatch subscribed. I come here to watch people help each other and watch true kindness from over the Internet.You seem Hyperactive behavior a really brave person and I think you care so much about those guys. You should call them up and tell them that you want to talk. Go ahead and do it. This will still be here if you need it and this whole community will back you up if you need us again.Go forward and rock this world. Tell the girls that you care about them. And remember that we all care.', 'HeyI know what its Hyperactive behavior to fuck up. That feeling of utter helpless. Its the worst. But even through all the crappy fuck ups that we commit we have to forge our own way into the world.All the shit we go through determines how we handle our new shitIm going to be straight with you. You know you fucked up. You really did goof it. But if that someone loves you back then they will try and forgive you and the hardest part will be you forgiving yourself for Depressed mood that person.Please just talk to a friendChill outAnd look at what you have achieved.', 'I also said try everything people suggest. I know it sounds Hyperactive behavior a dick cliche thing to say but stop making excuses.You asked for help. This means you have to be proactive in supporting yourself. No one can give you a solution that needs no effort. the more effort you put in the better the result will be.', 'Hey!Im a bit younger than you and I have a GF. Now for me its more I dont think Im completely ready. honestly i just Hyperactive behavior having her around. you sound Hyperactive behavior the kind of guy who has a few mates. If its a massive problem ask them for some help.I dont think you need to have a relationship with a girl to have a rewarding and fulfilling life AND i do not believe that being a virgin makes you any less of a person.', 'Im not masochistic. I didnt even know themeaning of the word until i looked it up.Im 17 going on 18 and I want to make a difference to someone who is struggling. My dad suffered severe Mental Depression for years with constant Anxiety and I was kept in the dark. He killed himself in August. Since then Ive been put through some shit which has made me want to fuck myself up.Honestly I just want to help. Im trying to brainstorm to help and im sorry if your getting Depressed mood from the little notifications but all i want to do is help.I just suggested the map thing because i thought it might be a cool idea. How do I know that you dont want to make something?What if you did something big? Something that catches the attention of someone you would Hyperactive behavior to talk to.', 'Just because youre not the best at something doesnt Irritable Mood you cant do it for fun.Im shit at stuff that I enjoy doing because its fun to do. I dont have to be good at it to do it.I understand about hating the planet. Its a bit of a Bum hole but I think sticking out your whole life is a bigger fuck you to it than anything else.Im completly lost on how to help you.Just ride it out and if you do want someone to ask Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder questions. You know who to ask.Thanks for not being really harsh on me over anything.Good luck and good night', 'I know. But how nice is Hypersomnia when you finally get it. I have also found removing myself from my regular life has helped me relax.I dunno how Im still going. But I am and Im very grateful to whatever part of me is fuelling my desire to keep gong.', 'HeyYoure not a burden to me. Really I Hyperactive behavior talking to everyone and if I can help you turn your life around even I its only a teeny tiny bit. Then Ive helped.So now we know youre not a burden to me we can chat.How is the world in your point of view?', 'Okay. fair point for all of that. however >I may never see you in my entire life. i may never walk passed you on the street.>At least something positive for youThat is actually a little demoralising for me. I genuinely love meeting new people. I dont know why and i know its very Reflex, Abnormal its just kinda interesting to learn about people.Have you tried commenting on other SuicideWatch threads?The only reason I started talking to you was because I was considering killing myself before my cadet camp. I didnt want to deal with it anymore.', 'How would I know that?Just make your own map of the streets. Hyperactive behavior a street map but homemade. Have you ever read This Boys Life? In the book he Hitch hikes out of the town and then hitch hikes back in the same night. Maybe you could try that? I dunno dude Im just lobbing some ideas your way and your rejecting everything without a second thoughtGive me Something to work with.', 'Hi sorry I havent responded quicklyWhenever i have a shit time I tend to do stuff on my own or without any of the sources of my issues.The reason I took so long to respond is because I went off to a cadet camp. Now Im not saying you have to do something Hyperactive behavior that but i personally believe you have to get into the right mindset to be helped.If that makes any sense?', 'HeyHave you tried taking a walk at night? Just walk to somewhere and notice how everything looks different. Some people think it looks creepy or eerie compared to day time. I think its entrancing. Now think about your life. Yeah theres a huge Depressed mood situation. But its human nature to work in waves. A while of happy then a while of sad. While youre thinking about all this stuff notice how you seem to drift out of connection with whats in front of you.Concentrate on your favourite person in the world. Think about what you want to say to them. Now think about everything that wouldnt dare to tell them. All your secrets. Call them up. If you can meet them in person even better.Talk about everythingAnd tell them ONE secret. Just one.Now see if you feel better.', 'I lost my appetite as well and Ive only just got it back.I think its just part of the grieving process. It just feels really hard to go through doesnt it.', 'Hey.You dont know me but I want you to know that i think you are a brave person. I think you also understand what is wrong with your life and what you want from it. I would love to hear your whole life story. You sound Hyperactive behavior you have had many a interesting experience and i would really Hyperactive behavior to hear about them.Dont ditch out. People do give a shit. Just because you think you are a nobody doesnt Irritable Mood youre less of a person than the guy you walked passed on the street.You seem Hyperactive behavior a person who flies under the radar and isnt too worried about others. To me that honestly sounds fucking cool. Have a chat with me Id really enjoy it.', 'Hey manTheres a whole world of shit out there. What youre dealing with is a massive mound of it. At the moment it looks Hyperactive behavior the biggest pile around and you cant even see the top yet. But eventually youre goin to make it all the way to the top an when you do you will have the most AMAZING view. And then you get to toboggan down the other side. You are you g to fly down this pile of shit. This thing that caused you so much trouble is going to help you forge a path into your life and give you a massive bit of momentum as you hit your next issue. And your next issue is probably only going to be a small one and as you hit that you will soar over this world that is your life.Look up at this pile of shit thats making your life such a struggle and smile because you know that as you get to the top you will understand the reason you need to keep going. As you hit the top you understand why you wanted to keep going.Look up and smile.', 'Never feel bad about asking for help.If there is a way to not feel Hyperactive behavior that I dont know it. Im still a teenager and my way of dealing with bullies is get in their face and be prepared to take them on. Prove to everyone that you are a brave person and that you can take everything they give you and maybe dish it back out?Once again I dont know but I guess thats what I would do.']
['Little bit of both I suppose. Ive had some pretty bad anxiety/panic attacks this year and one of them featured a lot of thoughts of Suicide. I realized that it was more that I was Social fear of one day committing Suicide than I was actually doing it, but it was one hell of a weekend. I found this subreddit looking for advice, and since then I just kind of browse through it once in a while just in case theres a post where I feel I can help. First time actually commenting though. I definitely dont have my life together though. ', 'Oh the conversation is fine, no worries about that. Im also a 21 male, but Im from the U.S.', 'I know that feeling. Everyone always says that the first step is the hardest, but I think the second one is. Ive gained some weight since leaving High School, not too terrible but enough that its noticeable, and every time I try to get on a program to lose it I end up giving up. But this past year I started going to the gym with some friends, and I made them promise me that they would drag me there if they had to because I know that I would try and back down. And even though the first week sucked, Ive seen some pretty great improvement in my muscles. Is there anyone in your life that could help keep you motivated? ', 'Hey man, Im down to talk about anything.', 'So youre responsible for why everyone assumes I want to become a teacher! No, but really that is an amazing coincidence! Life is crazy.Im perfectly cool with either PMs or talking on here, I browse Reddit on my phone pretty frequently so Ill see either. Have a good night man! ', 'Maybe opening up and talking to these people would really help. Even if they do live far away, they can still help you. My best friend lives almost six hours away from me, and we havent lived in the same town together since we were 12. But I know I can always call him if I need something and he knows he can always call me. I think your friends and family will surprise you. As for the transitional period, boy do I feel you there. Im over halfway through college, but Im majoring in English and it is not fun to have everyone constantly tell you that the only job out there for an English major is a teaching position. It makes me nervous for the future, but Im still hanging in there. What are you planning on studying?']
['I never thought about it Hyperactive behavior this... I guess now I know why I havent answered my phone in months', 'Im lucky to have one good friend to reach out to, I dont know what Id do without him.I really appreciate that you took the time to reply to me. Thank you.', 'Hey, I cant Attention Deficit Disorder you on Skype since for some reason it doesnt work so I thought Id leave a comment.I cant help you but I just want to say that you are definitely not alone. Im in a similar situation where I just cant get myself to do anything.I havent cleaned my room in weeks, I havent studied, I hate myself and I have no idea what I should do with my life.Just remember that things could always be worse, you could be homeless or your parents could be dead, you could have a life threatening or otherwise painful medical condition.But right now you have a house, an internet connection, laptop etc.If you want to talk more you can send me a PM or just reply here :)', 'I feel lonely because I do not have a single fucking friend left, therefore I am completely alone.Pathetic because I cant make myself to do anything, I lie often, I abuse weed and occasionally drink too much.I feel useless for the reasons listed above, I literally dont do anything but sit on the computer wishing I was dead.Im only 16 years old and my life is already completely fucked, I dont have anyone expect my mother... Without her Id be dead for sure.', 'I honestly have no idea where my Anxiety Mental Depression came from... It started with me skipping from school for no particular reason.At first it was just a couple days every couple weeks, then it escalated to almost every week. I really thought it was my choice to skip certain days and that I could stop any time I wanted... well, I soon discovered that I actually started having real Panic Attacks attacks whenever I went to school.Its almost Hyperactive behavior I faked being Nausea for so long that I actually became Nausea...What am I doing these days? Well, Ill be completely honest: for the last six months Ive lied to my mother about studying online when in reality I have just layed in my bed and played games.I know its wrong, I know I should stop doing it but I just cant. Im Social fear of the thought of actually studying, having to do things and I guess... living.I dont have any hobbies, I dont go outside my house except to check the mail occasionally.I feel Hyperactive behavior its too late now to do anything, Im way too messed up. I feel Hyperactive behavior I cant even explain my situation properly or talk to anyone...', 'What do I enjoy? Thats a tough question... Ive never really had any hobbies.Ive always had an interest in "taboo" things Hyperactive behavior occultism, psychedelics, entheogens, conspiracy theories, spiritual things etc.Unfortunately most people are very ignorant/prejudical about these kind of things so Ive always felt Hyperactive behavior I dont belong anywhere... Im just all alone with my weird interests.My friends just slowly stopped communicating... I dont blame them because I didnt keep in touch with them either. My last friend and also the friend Ive known the longest just completely destroyed me verbally a couple days ago... I logged into facebook after many months and I saw that he had sent me some extremely immature, insulting and insensitive comments which was enough to cause me a serious Panic Attacks attack.It just came out of the blue... I guess he just got fed up with me.Today I logged into Facebook again to see more insulting, idiotic comments and I just cant take it anymore... I had to deactivate my account and now I dont know what to do.Sorry for the long reply...', 'Ill definitely try to find Hyperactive behavior minded people, Ive always wanted to do that but just never got around to actually do it.Thanks for everything man, this has helped me way more than I expected.', 'Im sorry to hear that.And yeah thats what really sucks about Anxiety Mental Depression... it feels Hyperactive behavior you are going to throw up any second.That combined with a mild fear of Vomiting = Mental disorders anxietyThanks for replying to me :) Lets hope things will get better for us.', 'How about those who are not in the USA...?', 'Have you looked into medical marijuana? I did some quick googling and found some interesting studies."Most recently, a 2011 observational, case-control trial reported that the use of cannabis is associated with beneficial effects on various symptoms of fibromyalgia, including the relief of Ache and muscle stiffness."Some additional links: really do not want to condone drug use and I hesitated to post this but theres a chance this could help you.', 'I have not been officially diagnosed but Im pretty sure I have some form of Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression.My anxieties have always been stomach related (I feel Hyperactive behavior Im going to throw up any second + I get a runny stomach in general) so Id say I also have mild emetophobia because of that.I also cant be in crowded places anymore, cant remember the name for that Phobia, Social right now.Theres probably a few others I cant even name right now.Id fix my Anxiety Mental Depression first, so I could actually do something with my life and go outside etc... do normal things. I fear that its too late now though since it has progressed to a quite serious level... How can I fix myself when I dont even have the motivation to get help?Sorry for the long reply once again, and thanks for talking with me.', 'Yes... I cant really explain it either.', 'Obviously it is from frustration and concern but it still doesnt make it right... I feel Hyperactive behavior shit right now.I do not want to talk to them as they dont understand Mental Depression/Anxiety Mental Depression at all and they are a bit... immature in my opinion. Also, this was not the only hurtful text message Ive received...I dont know if self-control is the right word but I Irritable Mood that I cant make myself do anything. I cant make myself study, I cant make myself to go get professional help... I dont even know how to explain this properly.I think Ive just given up... I just dont want to exist anymore.', 'I try to help others whenever I can.I know about the hotlines and etc, the problem is that I really dislike talking on the phone (makes me very anxious). I also know that weed doesnt help with my Mental Depression, but without it I couldnt live at all. Im taking a break from it now though, and Ill probably smoke again on 4/20 and then decide if Im going to quit forever.Ive talked to my mom about it and to my best friend but it doesnt really help. This is the only other place I could think of to post in.', 'All the time.', 'Ah I see, I think you are right.', 'What made me stop gaming was the moment I realized how much time I had spent on games. For example, on WoW over 2000 hours in-game, CSS: 700+ hours in-game and then every other game I had probably around 300 hours.Now I cant stop thinking about these numbers, if I start up a game I just cant play it. I know that I could be studying or doing SOMETHING productive, other than gaming.Games used to be my "escape" from the real world but now my over-analyzing mind ruins any fun I could have with them.', 'Ill look into online hotlines.Yes, Ive thought about therapy many times but I guess Im too Depressed mood to even go to a therapist, lol.', 'Please dont do it... Im just a random idiot from the internet but just hear me out.I think this post is beautiful in a way, you seem to be pretty smart and a good writer in my opinion. Dont go yet.If youd write a book, Id read it. Seriously, these are not just meaningless compliments but I was actually surprised on how well made this post was.', 'Happy birthday man!', 'I drink a lot, and sometimes smoke weed. It used to be the other way around.', 'Even if I managed to do all that, I just dont understand why I should even bother.I dont have any dreams or ambitions... I dont have anything to live for.I just dont want to live in this world. There isnt any reason for me to live.Anyway, I appreciate your reply.', 'I dont know... Ive never had any "real" hobbies nor have I ever been interested in starting a new hobby.I used to love playing games, and I was quite Drug abuse to them to be honest. Then I started smoking weed and eventually I stopped playing games because they just seemed Hyperactive behavior a waste of time to me.I know it sounds fucked up but I really, really love studying/reading about drugs and entheogens and... well, taking them.', 'I do care, I kept checking on this thread to see if youd comment.There are lots of people to talk to, not just 911. Maybe you should tell us the whole story, what lead to this moment and why are you feeling this way right now?We are here to listen, not judge. Please just talk to someone before trying to do it again.', 'Yeah... Ill probably kill myself when my mother dies. Maybe.', 'So yeah, for all the above reasons I consider my life to be completely fucked.I havent been outside in months, I have so many phobias and so bad Anxiety Mental Depression that I dont know if I can ever "fix" myself. I live only because my mother is alive. This may sound overly dramatical or something but if something would happen to my mother, Id kill myself instantly. I dont even care how, maybe Ill just jump off the balcony or slit my wrists. I dont care and Im not afraid of death either... I almost look forward to the day I get to kill myself. Or just die.', 'I cant offer any helpful advice but I agree, Suicide hotlines are bullshit.', '"I live Hyperactive behavior Im watching a movie of myself and my thoughts are just a narrator talking down."Sounds Hyperactive behavior [Depersonalization]( descriptions are: 1. Feeling disconnected from ones physicality2. Feeling Hyperactive behavior one is not completely occupying the body3. Not feeling in control of ones speech or physical movements4. Feeling detached from ones own thoughts or emotions;5. Experiencing ones self and life from a distance6. A sense of just going through the motions; feeling as though one is in a dream or **movie**Correct me if Im wrong, Im not a doctor or anything.', 'Wow... I dont even know what to say. You are 100% right.Thank you so much for taking the time to read everything I wrote and for writing such an amazing reply. You may just have cured my Mental Depression altogether...Seriously, thank you.', 'Great post, glad to hear everything worked out.', 'I played all kinds of games, ranging from Counter-Strike:Source to World of Warcraft, and Hyperactive behavior you, I was really into the GTA series.Yes, thats pretty much correct as the definition for "entheogen" is "A psychoactive substance used for the purpose of inducing a mystical or spiritual experience.".I should have mentioned that Im also very interested in mysticism/spirituality, not just drugs.I havent read his works nor have I heard about him, but Ill sure as hell will now! Thank you so much for that link, now I have something to think about/focus on.', 'Wow. I have a similar story but mine started when I was just 10. All I did was sit on the computer and Hyperactive behavior you said, occasionally going to the bathroom and the rare outing with family.Things got a bit better when I finally managed to get friends at the age of 13. Now three years later I only have one of those friends and I see him about once in a week (not every week though).You are not Abnormal behavior for thinking about how people hate you etc, trust me. I did that every single day and still do whenever I talk to my friend.Pretty much everything about this post resonates with me, Im sorry that I cant help as I really dont know what to say and my English isnt perfect.Just remember that you are not alone.']
['Im sorry youre feeling this way. Break ups are hard, no matter when they happen or how long the relationship lasted.But listen, if she were really the girl of your dreams, and you two were meant to be, she never would have turned so easily to another man while you two were in a relationship. And she wouldnt have hooked up with someone so soon after you two broke up.This girl did not invest into this relationship as much as you did. So why would you want to be with someone who took more than she gave? The truth is that you can do better, and someday youll find someone whos worth receiving your attention.It will be hard for awhile - every break up is - but keep trying, please. Dont let one relationship that went sour be what breaks you. You can get through this, trust me. Just believe in yourself and little by little, things will get better. I hope you feel better soon.', 'Honestly... Just say it out loud. Be honest with those whom you love. Its the best thing. And please, find help. A therapist or a counselor or someone you can talk to. Im sorry youre feeling these things. And I hope everything works out for you.', 'Believe it or not, I understand completely what youre feeling. Its tough to submerge yourself in the scum and sewage of society. It takes guts and sand to stomach it, and not everyone can do it. You said some very interesting things in your post. You toying with the idea of become a lawyer and you talked of "monsters" and children... Well, think of it this way, whom do those kids have to protect them from the monsters? You are entering a very noble profession, despite the slew of jokes and snide comments associated with it. If you went through with your plan, you have the potential of helping *a lot* of people who need it. You can stand up for those who cant stand up for themselves. You can be that knight and shining armor for those kids who have no one else fighting for them.But if you kill yourself... Youll never know just how many people you couldve helped. Or how much justice you couldve served. Just hang in there. Please. And if criminal justice doesnt work out, perhaps youre better suited in directly dealing with victims of Violent crime. Like becoming a therapist or child psychologist. You never know.', 'To me, its very telling that you still felt tepid despite his enthusiasm. Had you truly been invested, building an emotional connection wouldve come more easily, and responding to a text wouldnt have been such a big deal.It sounds as though this relationship will come to a close, but hang in there. You will find someone whom youre comfortable with and things will work out on their own. Youll be ok. And of course, you can pm me if anything changes. ', 'Depression is a horrendous thing to deal with. It consumes your life until you cant remember what it was Hyperactive behavior to be happy or what made you happy. And sometimes you think, "was I ever really happy?" Recovering from Mental Depression is Hyperactive behavior climbing out of a pit. Its a hard climb, and it takes some patience and strength, and maybe some help from loved ones, but you can do it. Rediscover yourself, try some new hobbies, or just find small ways to get out and enjoy yourself. You can still do it. And Im glad to hear that youre giving everything a second chance.', 'Yes, it will get better. You were dealt a difficult hand right from the beginning, and instead of giving into the bullies you decided to fight back.Let me put it to you this way: You survived birth, right? Thats a miracle all in itself. But you repeatedly showed in your post that youre a fighter, not a quitter, and no matter how badly things became you still kept going.And now this girl, this one person, is affecting you so severely youre starting to doubt yourself. Whats that say about her? You say you love her, but has she done anything to deserve it? Im sorry, but the relationship sounds Megacolon, Toxic and she needs help. You cant fix her problems. My advice, move on. I know its tough, but if you need to focus on yourself. Also, Im sorry to hear about your granddad. I wish there was something someone could do for you to see him. At least perhaps you can get a relative to help you skype him. I know its not the same thing as being there, but at least hell know you cared enough to try.Hang in there, things can still improve. In the end, youll be fine, and stronger because of it. ', 'Listen, what youre feeling is Hypothermia, natural after a break up. Humans crave relationships - its how were Consciousness Reflex, Abnormal - so your mind is focused on what you see as her positive qualities. You miss her, so this is a normal response.But, as time goes by you WILL start to recall things about her that you disliked, and how if you two were right for each other you WOULD still be together. These feelings are awful, but you can get through this. Have a little faith in yourself. Youll find the right girl eventually.', 'Heres my advice: I know you dont want to bother her, but apologize. Give it some time if you need to, but call her, meet with her, do whatever you have to and let her know how sorry you are. Then, give her some space. Allow her some time to actually forgive you, that way she wont feel as though youre "manipulating" her.Listen, I know this from experience, but Mental Depression can make people treat their loved ones terribly. Ive done it, unfortunately, and when I saw how wrong I acted I worked to fix things. And if I did it, than you most certainly can too.You dont necessarily have to tell your friends that you want to Chest Pain yourself, but let them know how badly youre feeling. Apologize to everyone for how youve been acting and promise them youll take steps to fix your behavior.One thing that might help is therapy. Youre Depressed mood, and having someone objective to vent to may help. Its something to try, and you can demonstrate to everyone you care for that you want to do better.Hang in there, please. You can get through this. I know you can.', 'Believe it or not, I used to do this too! I read as much as I could about fleas, dedicating time on websites to find out how I could get rid of them.Eventually, I did get over it. Thats the thing about intense, obsessive behavior. You ride out the worst of it, then bit by bit it starts to go away. And I have a feeling that yours will too. Just start training yourself to focus on other things. Take baby steps. Find an activity that grabs your attention. It takes work, but youll get there.', 'You posted in Suicide Watch, yet you say you dont want help and you dont want encouragement. What was the point in posting then? Obviously you want something.I wont tell you life will get better, since you dont want that, but what I can tell you is that you DONT have to resign yourself to such a negative future. No ones saying you have to do any of those things. Dont want a crappy job? Dont want to get married? Dont do it.So if it hurts to kill yourself, why not do what you can to make life better? There has to be something.', 'Im sorry for your situation. I cant fathom why this girl treated you the way she did and Im sorry for whatever happened as a result of her treatment of you.Everyone makes mistakes. Youre young, you just graduated college, so dont let a couple of bad marks ruin your entire life. Work your way past them. Starting over is tough, yes, but you can do it. It also sounds as though you need a bit of therapy. Having someone to talk to never hurts, and it could help you work through your Anxiety Mental Depression issues. And dont let one bad experience with one woman sour your whole perspective. If you what you said was true, than she needs some therapy herself. Give it time. Things will improve.', 'Nothings every hopeless. You still have options, no matter how badly things turn out. You have a medical issue, so perhaps its time to discuss with your doctor a more radical, permanent approach to fix things. Is surgery an option?I dont know enough about a developers account to help you, and Im sorry, but I can tell you that Suicide still wouldnt be worth it. Things can still improve, just keep trying. It might not happen immediately, but your situation can still improve. ', 'Then thats still something. Hold on to that. ', 'Im glad I could help, but Im more glad to hear that youre feeling better. You sound Hyperactive behavior a compassionate, caring person, despite everything you endured. And you clearly possess a lot of inner strength. No matter what happens, I know youll be ok.And should I ever be in the area, I promise Ill let you know :)', 'These thoughts are completely Hypothermia, natural after a break up, and Im sorry both of you are experiencing this type of Ache. After a relationship ends, its completely Hypothermia, natural to feel depressed, and to direct the focus of our Feeling despair inwards. You two are focusing on your own shortcomings which again, is not abnormal. OP, you may have your shortcomings. Everyone does. But people can change, and you can too. I know I keep saying this to people, but perhaps this is an opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf. Think about it: youre in a town where hardly anyone knows you. This is your chance to change, and to be the best you that you can be. It will take some effort, but youll evolve, emotionally and mentally, and the right person will come along. And by then, youll be a better partner.And hold_fastKOTF, you couldnt help what your SO did. Dont blame this persons actions on yourself. The behavior was an indication of her(?) shortcomings, not yours. You deserve better, and better will come along. It hurts now, but stand tall, walk with confidence, and things will improve. For you, and for the OP. (edited for typos, sorry)', 'Well, how are you a "total asshole"? If youre aware of it, maybe you can try to change the behavior. And bonus, if you start acting Elevated mood youll feel Elevated mood. Which means that eventually people will notice the change and youll make new friends with people who actually want to do things with you. Its not a hopeless situation, you can get through it. Just have a little faith in yourself.', 'Trust me, I know just how intrusive thoughts of Suicide can be. Try this: keep something that reminds you of your daughter in your pocket at all times. Whenever you start to feel badly, I Irritable Mood so bad that Suicide pops in your head again, pull the object out and just think about her for a few minutes. It will bring you back to reality and remind you of who youre fighting for.I hope things improve for you soon. Again, Im sorry youre going through this.', 'Im sorry youre feeling this way. But all these issues you reportedly have with women suggests that perhaps theres a problem in how you engage with them (Im not certain, this is just a suggestion). And sorry, but I cant really help you there. But heres what I can say: dont let this drive you to do something youll regret. Making friends is hard, and getting a girlfriend is even harder, but dont give up! Maybe youre just looking in the wrong places.Focus on yourself for a bit. Do things that make you happy and maybe engage in a little self improvement (get some exercise, get a haircut, etc). The change might do you some good. And maybe, with a little luck, people will notice and start seeking you out instead. Just give it some time! Who knows what your future will bring? ', 'Listen, youre going through a rough spot in your life. Now all you can do is focus on the negative, though you thought to include the spots of positive in your life. You still have your hair, you have friends, you have a job, you make good money, youre losing weight, you can turn yourself into someone better, you lost 10 pounds last month, and youre toying with the idea of giving up drinking.Those are all good things! You say you want to try to make yourself attractive, so go for it. Keep yourself healthy, focus on making YOURSELF happy, and keep yourself open to new people. Eventually the right woman will come along - someone who deserves you - and youll be happy.You have things to live for. You hit a rough patch and needed to vent. I understand that. Dont let this one woman ruin everything. Things can still improve. Just please, hang in there. ', 'Youre crying on the inside for someone to help you, but sometimes people will never know unless you say it aloud. Go to someone you trust and tell them how you feel. And please, consider therapy. Talking seems so small now, but really it can do wonders if you find the right person.Im sorry youre feeling so down. Im sure things will improve. Just please, consider what I said.', 'I didnt Irritable Mood to imply that the Mental Depression was your fault. Its something none of us really can help. But think of what you leave behind if you commit Suicide:1. Your loved ones have to identify your body, in whatever condition its found\xe2\x80\xa6For that matter, consider that a CHILD may find your lifeless corpse2. Theyll be Ventricular Dysfunction, Left blaming themselves for your death3. Theyll spend the rest of their lives wondering what they mightve done to help stop it\xe2\x80\xa6And what happens if, in the last moments before you die, you decide that your death was a mistake and you want to live? Imagine that, with a cord wrapped tightly around neck, you desperate for life but its too late to stop the inevitable. Is it really worth it?Unfortunately, Mental Depression can take YEARS to overcome. It doesnt happen immediately, but when it does youll be glad you waited it out. You can get through this. Please, believe in yourself.', 'Why are you taking the painkillers? Can you stop? If you believe you may actually Chest Pain yourself, please tell someone. If these feeling came on suddenly, perhaps the two (painkillers and suicidal thoughts) are somehow linked. Get help, please, before something drastic happens. Talk to a trusted friend or one of your parents. ', 'Please, please dont do it. Youve experienced so much death, this is your chance to focus on life. Dont fool yourself into romanticizing it either. You might have this image of a friend stumbling across your broken body, but true death is an ugly sight. You wont know what youve Ventricular Dysfunction, Left behind, or when your loved ones will find it. Please, spare them that Ache.It sounds as though your family has a history of severe Mental Depression (yes, it is genetic). Please, try counseling. It can really help and believe me, I know. And I know what its Hyperactive behavior to want to die. Its a horrendous, intrusive thought but you can overcome it.Work past death and start living. You owe it to yourself. Im sure your parents dont really see you as a disappointment. They love you, and I bet the want you to be happy. So please, try to improve. For once, live, and learn to feel alive. ', 'Im glad I could help. :) If you start to feel worse or you simply need to vent again, you know where to go. Again, give it some time. Focus on yourself and rediscover the things you loved doing before you started dating her. Go out with friends, work at a hobby, anything to keep your mind occupied. I hope you feel better soon.', 'Being overweight isnt a death sentence. I was overweight in Drug abuse school too, and yes, I was teased for it. But you know what? I pulled myself together,held my head up Drug abuse, and lost the weight. Was it easy? No. Did I doubt myself at times? Hell yes. But Im hands down the LAZIEST person I know and I still did it. And if I could do it, so can you.So fuck the haters. Being overweight is something you can change if you believe in yourself. And I certainly believe in you, so why not go for it?And if one person could love you, that means others will. It just takes time. Eventually youll find the one person who wont stop loving you.', 'Ill be honest, I have no idea what youre going through. I do not have any children, but Im sorry to hear how much emotional Ache youre in.Youre experiencing a lot of Stress, and a flow of negative emotions that have overcome all logic. Youre feeling so bad that youre not thinking straight, you just want it all to end and Suicide seems Hyperactive behavior an easy way out.Please, dont do anything to harm yourself. Please. Its not worth it. Your daughter wants you to live. Even if it takes months, shell still want her daddy when everythings been put in place. If your ex is really that unstable, your daughter will NEED some stability in her life. You can do that for her.Please, hang in there. You know your daughter is worth the fight. Dont give up. Please.', 'Life matters. It does. Your life matters to those you know, and it matters a lot more than you think. Picture for just one second, just how many lives you can touch before you die of a ripe old age. Just think about it. Sure, people are always said when someone dies - thats bound to happen - but soon the sadness over death passes and they begin to remember what a great person you were, and they become happy because theyre thankful they knew you. Then they share your actions with their friends and family and in a way, you live on through them. Then picture how many people WONT get to know you if you commit Suicide. Think of all the lives you wont touch, the things you havent tried. So keep going. You can do it. Things may seem pointless now - Mental Depression makes everyone feel that way - but life does have a point and things can get better. Just keep trying.And, if you continue to feel low, try getting help. Please. Make that bit of effort not only for yourself, but for everyone you know.', 'Self harm (and her entire message) is a big Crying Reflex, Abnormal for help.First, explain to her that NO ONE is EVER "too far gone" when it comes to Mental Depression. No one. She recognizes shes in Ache and needs help. Thats a big step all in itself. If she knows she needs help then maybe help her look for it. A school guidance counselor or Phobia, Social worker might be a good option.Second, Drug abuse school is a Depressed mood time for a lot of people. It was for me. But she has the strength to shoulder her way through it. It may take a lot of effort but this Ache, and her troubles, are temporary. Things will improve eventually. If she needs some inspiration, remind her of how many celebrities had a Depressed mood time in Drug abuse school too. But they survived and so can she.Third, if youre seriously worried for her, tell someone. Call a Ophthalmia, Sympathetic Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult (relative, teacher, principal, etc) who will intervene on her behalf. She may hate you for it, but its better than risking her Depressed mood herself.I hope things work out for you and your friend. Good luck.', 'Please, dont Chest Pain yourself. Im sorry youre feeling so low but please dont consider something so permanent as a viable solution. I know Mental Depression is hard to process, but you said yourself that youve been Depressed mood for a long time. So it may take awhile for you to actually feel better. Let me put it this way: imagine your Mental Depression as a deep hole that youve unfortunately dug yourself into. Its incredibly deep but you finally decided that you want to escape. So you try to climb out, but the process is slow because you want to be careful and not fall in again. But with each step you climb just a little closer to the light, to your destination, and to happiness.So what Im trying to say is\xe2\x80\xa6 hang in there. It may take a while for you to feel better but please, keep trying. Your breakthrough could be right around the corner, so why risk missing it? You have people who love you and care about you. So please, hold on to that.For what its worth, I know things can still work out. I have faith in you, even if you dont have any in yourself.', 'It sounds as though youre keeping two many things bottled up: your thoughts, your emotions, your sexuality, that its eating you up on the inside. You, my friend, are hiding too many things. You need to confide in someone, a friend or perhaps one of your parents. You dont have to come out if you dont want to, but venting about how Depressed mood the chemo makes you feel, how you dont want to be treated Hyperactive behavior a someone on his deathbed, etc. Exposing some of these feeling in a collected manner should, with any luck, help. And it would be good to get these things off your chest before they all come spilling out in a Anger and you end up saying things you regret. Dont want them to clean for you? *Tell them that*. Be appreciative so their feelings arent Chest Pain, but at least theyll know.I hope you feel better about everything. Despite how Depressed mood your situation is, things can still improve. Just give it time. And if it makes a difference, I hope you still beat your disease. Hang in there. Please.d', 'Depression is a rut, and sometimes when youre in it for so long its hard to picture a way out. It might help if you came up with a clear goal, (acquiring a job) for an example, and devising a clear plan to obtain it. That way you have something to stick to. Getting a job would be a good way to start. I understand youre work shy, but theyre might be a job out there that doesnt require a lot of people interaction. Then, when you start earning an income, you can focus on moving out and gaining some independence. The freedom would probably alone do you a world of good.If you need help finding a suitable career, try this test. Its reputedly incredibly helpful. [CISS: Campbell Interest and Skill Survey]( (edited for typos)', 'Someone else just posted on this board, about the same age as you, dealing with the same thoughts.Severe Mental Depression can be crippling, and Drug abuse school is one of the worst times one can experience it. I should know, because I went through the same thought process you described in your post.But listen, Drug abuse school is NOT your life, nor is it your world. Teenagers become so caught up in dealing with the same people, five days a week, eight hours a day that they tend to forget this.You have no reason to kill yourself. High school will NOT last forever. You will get through it. How do I know this? Because I managed it, and if I could do it then so can you. Just believe in yourself.Please, talk to your parents about how youve been feeling. You may be Social fear or feel as though they wont understand, but your parents were teenagers too. They may empathize with more than you realize. And they obviously love you and want to help, so why not let them?You can do it, kid. I have faith in you. Things will work out and improve eventually. Please, keep trying.', 'Because then you risk throwing your life away too soon. You lay there dying, still thinking, and in the last few moments before you take your last breath, you see everything with clarity. You realize that maybe you had a purpose, you had something to live for, but its too late do anything about it because youre already dead. And that feeling, that possibility, is what keeps many people from ever attempting Suicide.Edit: words', 'And how do you know? Can you say for certain? No, because in this insane, messed up, crazy, world NOTHING is ever certain. So please, dont give up.', 'Sort of, mostly financial constraints. But the solution is easy: there are jobs available and after a few weeks he can start paying his own way for things. but again, hes given up. doesnt want to try anymore or "climb another mountain".', 'The cutting only makes the emotional Ache worse, trust me. You may think that slicing some skin helps you forget, but it doesnt. Please, stop cutting yourself. Take baby steps if you must. I used to do it and it only made me feel worse about everything. Youve trained yourself to reach for a knife whenever your emotions get the better of you. In other words, you conditioned cutting as a way of dealing with your feelings. Its not healthy, and youre damaging so much more than your skin.Once you give up the Depressed mood yourself - and I know it will be difficult - you will find life easier to deal with. Trust me. One thing you can try is the "Butterfly" method. Draw a butterfly wherever you Hyperactive behavior to Chest Pain yourself the most (such as your arm) and name it after a pet or loved one. If you cut the butterfly, it dies. The goal is to see how many days you can keep the butterfly alive. Please, try this at least. I hope you feel better soon.', 'I too am I interested in knowing this. Has anything ever made you happy? Can you remember when this negativity started? ', 'Youre already seeking help, which is great. Keep in mind that transitioning is sometimes the worst part. Youre changing now, whether you believe it or not. Youre desire to improve indicates that.Give yourself some time. You cant rush breaking out of your shell. Its a slow process but its one worth taking. Also, I suggest cutting out the junk food. Crap can bog down the system and make people feel shittier than usual. Try eating more fruits, vegetables, and protein. Mineral/Vitamin deficiencies can cause a slew of health problems as well. It sucks eating healthy but youll feel better overall.Things will get better eventually. Just weather the storm and everything will be alright.', 'Heres the thing about people who are severely Depressed mood and suicidal: they get very good at hiding it. Thats why these terrible events usually surprise friends/families of the victims. There was nothing you could do. How were you to know he felt so terrible unless he reached out to you first?Im sorry youre feeling so terrible about this, and Im so sorry your friend chose the path he did. All you can do now is learn from it. Hug your loved ones a little tighter. Smile whenever you can. Reach out to friends more. Drop people texts just to find out how theyre doing. ...Its the little gestures that Irritable Mood the most in the end. ', 'This is excellent and Im glad you posted it! Everything you said was spot on.', 'Im so sorry you had to witness this. Watching another living creature dying and in Ache is never an easy thing to handle.But you were just trying to help, and put him in a safe spot so he could at least die in safety. Dont beat yourself up over good intentions. And think, look at how much compassion you possess! You feel for a wild animal, not a pet, do you know how well that speaks of you?Compassion is a gift that many do not appreciate. You have this gift, and thats incredible. Yes, you will feel bad for awhile, but take comfort in your actions. You did try to help, and that alone displays the goodness of your character.', 'Its worth a try at least. Youre giving up without even giving it a shot.', 'Dont. Please, dont do it. Just hold out a little longer. Just remember, sometimes the night is darkest before the dawn. Things can still get better.And please, find help.', 'I can tell you really do, and Im sorry to hear about your dad as well. Either way, your daughter will know that one of her parents loves her. Eventually things will work out for the two of you. Its hard but you just need to give it time.', 'Im sorry youre going through such a terrible time. But you always have options. Always. Dont give up yet. You have your whole life ahead of you. Things can still turn around. ', 'Yes, you do. You ALWAYS have options, so dont give in. And no, you dont have to have a wife and children. No one can tell you what to do. If you want to enjoy life, go for it. Do whatever it takes. Just pull yourself together because things can improve. You can do it.', 'I know you miss her badly. Try to replace those feelings with hope if you can. Whenever you see her face, just think to yourself "this girl is worth fighting for" and keep going. You can do it, just hang in there. Please.', 'In all honesty, just go for it. Tell her how you really feel. Say that you spent some time thinking about it, and what you did bothered you so much that you wanted to apologize again. Just be honest with her and with yourself. The words should come naturally.You have nothing to lose with another apology, and shell see that youre making an effort. Again, its worth a shot. Just hang in there.', 'Sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems, and its most likely adding to your Mental Depression. Your condition may actually be medical related, or linked to mineral deficiencies. I know life is rough right now, and its hard to feel motivated to do anything, but maybe try scheduling an appointment with your doctor for the insomnia. Who knows, maybe a few good nights Hypersomnia is all you need.Look at it this way, what have you got to lose? Its worth a shot, right? Just hold on a little longer, things can still improve.', 'DONT listen to that voice. Please. You made a mistake, it happens. And you didnt give those names voluntarily, your boss pressured you into it. You can learn from this experience to do better in the future.This job is not your life. Never, ever, invest so much emotional attachment to something or someone. You may feel badly for a while, but nothing is EVER worth killing yourself over. Worst comes to worst, you will find a new job. Its not the end of the world. What matters is that you pick yourself up and keep going. Just learn from the past and things will eventually be ok.I hope you feel better soon. ', 'I can see that you posted this almost hours 24 ago, and I hope that you havent taken that final step yet, but here goes.You are in the States, right? Despite everything our country is going through, this is still the land of opportunity. *You dont have to live under your fathers thumb*. He cant control you forever. Sure, maybe you can work for him for a bit, but theres absolutely no reason you cant search for another job on your own time, even if you have to sneak out of the house to do it. Then, with a little luck, you can stand on your own two feet and escape your situation.But your family still has no right to control you Hyperactive behavior this. You are your own person, you can make your own decisions. What do you have to live for? The chance that, with a little time, you can regain everything you lost. And because you learned from the mistakes you made the first time around, you wont lose your possessions again. I hope youre still around to read this. Just remember that someone out there has a little faith in you, even if you dont have it in yourself.', 'If everything you said is accurate, then you did nothing wrong. People who are Depressed mood tend to lash out at others in anger. Thats what hes doing. He needs serious help and you shouldnt shoulder the responsibility by yourself. This may sound terrible, but perhaps its best that you distance yourself from him. Hes twisting your words and making you out to be the enemy. Do you really want someone so manipulative as your "friend"? You seem Hyperactive behavior a sweet person and Im sure many others would gladly accept you and treat you with more respect. And hang in there! This is only a temporary problem. Youll be alright in the end. I just know it.', 'That is bullshit. Its not that hard to say "Im sorry to hear that, hope things start to go better", even if its insincere. And I really hope things do improve for you soon, though. Nothing lasts forever in this world, even the bad stuff. ', 'Im sorry youre feeling this way. You were born into a tough situation under bad circumstances, so its understandable that youre considering Suicide as a way out. Heres what I think you should do, and you can tell me to fuck off or shut up if you Hyperactive behavior, but a few simple changes may make a world of difference in your life.* Try dieting and exercising. I KNOW that on top of everything else youre dealing with (your mother, your situation, your Mental Depression) thats probably the last thing on your mind, but looking good may help you FEEL good. * Its not as hard as you might think. Try eating no/less bread, eating more fruits and vegetables, and walking for an hour every day. Cutting calories and engaging in long, slow exercises is a good way to lose mass in general, whether its muscle or fat. * Cut out the rough porn. Dont let yourself become desensitized to it. * Stop confessing things to your mother. If shes going to belittle you while youre going through a rough time, shes not worth it. * And about your mothers... admittedly, shes in a bad pl
['Dont Anxiety about the selfish part. Ive felt the same often. But it isnt selfish and you can do this. We can do this. I know that deep paralysing sadness that holds you down and today its going to fuck off. I cant be there right now physically, so I am going to send you my metaphorical shoulder of bad assossity and we are going to kick depressing feelings in the face because just Hyperactive behavior those damn loreal shampoo commercials you are worth it! Depression is a burden that wants to pull you down, but fuck that guy! Depression is an Irritable Mood. And it is completely acceptable to tell an Irritable Mood to fuck off. You can do this. And maybe it isnt permanent. Youll probably have to suit up and go to war with these feelings again at some point, but you can break this motherfucker. and if you do it once, the second time will be easier. Youve got my support, because I know youd rather feel good again, than feel nothing at all.', 'Keep fighting, my friend. The best stories are those of overcoming adversity. All those people who bring you down arent worth their weight in shit, because as long as you believe in yourself, you dont need them. Youve the heart of a hero, and I know that with just a little self love, you can make it to better days.', 'Im reading this wondering what your ideal day is. What is Sonaar54s perfect day?(Not suicide) You know what the bad days are Hyperactive behavior, or else you wouldnt be here and it stands to reason that if you are having bad days, you can have good days. So what would that be Hyperactive behavior? And if you can think up a good day, then what is stopping you from having that good day for yourself. If the alternative is suicide, its pretty much risk free to go get that day. What is there to lose? If you achieve a good day, and decide to live, you go on living with the knowledge that you can achieve good days. If you have a good day, and you still dont want to live, then at least you had a good day first. If you dont manage to achieve a good day, then you are back at the beginning, no worse off. ', 'I am here.']
['It also sounds to me Hyperactive behavior maybe your just taking on so much at once that your suffocating yourself to death ....Though I have my fair reasons why I wouldnt mind the afterlife over this one but they usually never Mix with why I would actually prefer to go then stay . I just want to Hypersomnia all the time Hyperactive behavior you said , and to me thats the closest thing to actually being gone . Maybe our problems is we want an escape from reality .....even if that escape is a one way trip to who knows where . Sleeping however is a good substitute but honestly and this could just be me , how long till you just cant bare reality any longer . Maybe this isnt the life we wanted and are just sad we arent going to live a dream we so hoped for yknow ? Idk...', 'I agree with so_you , if you want to die wait at least till college or your over 25 to decide . I hated highschool and Im sure everyone has there depressing phases but honestly looking back and Im 21, Drug abuse school was childish compared to what happens after . Put it off , you have alot more going for you . I dont know you but dont Increased Sweating it , after your out HS youll forget most of the things that happened and move on to stupider , funner maybe even sadder things but you wont know if you die this week now will you? Its your choice though just make sure you think it through . Also if death has never called out to you before your just overreacting , call me heartless but life isnt kind to us all friend. Be at peace with whatever decision you make . ', 'You sound just Hyperactive behavior I did 3 months ago ....but before I just accepted this is it for me ...', 'I do too....and yeah I understand what you Irritable Mood about just dying but not over being Depressed mood or cause you hate life or whatever its kinda Hyperactive behavior a feeling thats just sitting there and you want to follow it but have no idea why its even crossing your mind most of the time least for me thats how it is', 'Its cool man , lifes tough and you got to remember no-one said it would be easy and it may not cheer you up much to say this but weve all been there . I remember my Anxiety Mental Depression attacks and man were they embarrassing. Most people wont admit it but Mental Depression is kinda a normal thing . I Irritable Mood dont let it get the best of you but just take it for what it is , eventually things work out but if it ever gets hard to stay on track just remember one thing : your not dead for a reason . That should be enough to keep your head up . glad you cheered up though and dont Increased Sweating the small things cause life has a wierd way of showing you the good things in it though, its usually after the bullshit has settled . take care friend .', 'The darkness can be a haven , death isnt the answer though ....I know how you feel and I can tell you this , death is the better choice but why you ask ? Look at life right now ....what do you think or picture ? Where will you be next week, month a year 5 years from now? You cant tell right ? Niether can I ....I assume myself to be dead but I dont see it doing it myself not until I know whatever reason Im still on this godforsaken planet has been completed and I can die peacefully . You may not see it now but you have a reason for being here we all do whether good or may think death is what you want but the reality is you will find it sooner or later but doing it now will only stop you from achieving your purpose here , Im Damn near homeless , no job , no car, in debt , broke and you know what I wake up everyday smiling ready to face death in the face because Im here and Im not leaving until whatever reason Im here has shown me the exit door ....and you shouldnt go creating one for yourself . Whatever death may bring you may not Hyperactive behavior what it holds if you decided to piss off whatever it is that may be expecting you or planned for you next . I dont believe in heaven or Hell , but I do believe that everything has a cycle and breaking it will only cause more Ache eternally .... Whatever choice you make though I hope you find peace friend. Call me Abnormal behavior but I believe everyone including the ones Hyperactive behavior us with hopeless lives deserve a choice whether it be life or death . ', 'Life does seem pointless and cruel doesnt it ? But so is just dying and sleeping forever . I wont try to cheer you up because you dont needs cheering , you have a decision that only you can make and that decision is either A: living this crappy life and expecting great things to come from but ultimately falling short or B: ending it all and not knowing what will happen next but be Social fear of the thought until you ultimately meet your end anyways . Regardless life sucks , death sucks but what can we as humans do about it ? Death is as important as living and living your life to fulfil whatever purpose you have here is just as important too , until the day comes dont stop living just keep going and when he comes to get you one day .....just remember you have a job to do not just in life but in death as well, because in the end thats just the cycle we live . Now for my story , I wont get into it because Ive yet to decide what my decision is but I hope you find peace in whatever your decision may be . ', 'Life sucks , I want what you want too and truth be told Im in a similar if not the same situation your in ....I want to be at peace, Im 21 and I rushed my life so quickly that everything from here on out seems pointless and just played out ill the day Im gone .....though Im still here and I dont know why , Im not Depressed mood surprisingly but death to me seems Hyperactive behavior a better solution then living . I see this world to be so cruel and beautiful , kinda Hyperactive behavior a two faced coin , you have your goods and you have your bads but ultimately you have no choice whether it will be good or bad . thats what gets most of us and thats where this life seems to just suck the most. You cant forget though you have a reason your here , Im not gonna give you the god crap what Im telling you is something I feel to be true for you and people Hyperactive behavior us alike . we have a reason were still here , though life may kick our ass day in and out were not gone because theres still something we have yet to finish in this life. We may never be famous , rich , travel ,love, be sexy or smart we may never go far or see everything life has to offer but I dont think that is a reason to end a life . Death is just as important as living but until you have completed what you need to do in life you will be aborting that mission and trust me you dont want to piss off whatever it is you might encounter in the next life , I dont believe in a heaven or Hell but I do believe in the spirit being punished for ultimately defying some Hypothermia, natural rule . Call me Abnormal behavior but your better off struggling in life Hyperactive behavior everyone in this world is including myself then to just take a leap into the unknown . If dying was anything Hyperactive behavior a coma , dont you think it would be a thing by now ? I say trust you instinct not your head ....out minds play tricks on us when we dont even know it ourselves . ']
['If I go now theyll see that Ive been crying and theyll start bugging me about it. Maybe if I can Sedated state down Ill go.I tried therapy. I hated it. Im not much of a talker and being forced to keep a conversation going with a stranger for an hour was torture. I dont really have any hobbies. I used to draw but I havent been inspired. And keeping concentrated for long enough is painful. Ive never really had anything that I really like. Arts and crafts are fun, and Im good at them. But theyre the kind of things that give me an excuse to stay hidden away in my room. So I stopped. And now that its summer I dont even have school to give me something to do. I just dont know what to do with myself. Ive spent the last week watching old episodes of Law and Order: SVU and playing the Sims 3. My dad asked me today if I wanted to get out of the house and all I could think about was how disgusting I must have looked. How sad. Otherwise he wouldnt have asked.']
['I cant imagine your Ache, but I have felt my own, some how pushed through it, and once in a great while something happens that is so great, that it lets me forget all of it.Dont you think there may still be a few surprises waiting out there for you? ', 'I would imagine a lot of people here have been Depressed mood or suicidal. And I know they (and I) would be happy to talk and relate. ', 'You have nothing to be sorry for, just hang in there.', 'Please dont believe that what you feel now is how youll always feel. The world is evil and terrible and sad, but there is so much beauty shining through the cracks, I promise. Im sorry your rehab and therapy experiences were negative. Mine were as well and I know how bad it can feel, when you feel Hyperactive behavior theres no solution to the Ache. You can try changing groups or therapists. I was never an alcoholic but even just going to AA meetings and sitting silent helped me with some of my issues in the past.Please dont give up on the world. It will surprise you, how much things can change.', 'Stop letting people drag you down. These racist people are losers. Anyone putting you down is a loser. Youre still young, with a lifetime of potential. You may FEEL unattractive, you may not Hyperactive behavior your body. Things change though. Theyre actually in your control. You dont have to be a twig man, but a little working out does amazing things for your confidence. I am glad youre open minded about a therapist. I think just talking about your problems might be very helpful. Just keep reaching out for help; it is absolutely the right thing to do. Talk to a therapist, confide in someone you trust. And stop believing what other people say about you, dont let it get you down. ', 'Thats ok. I didnt Irritable Mood to push. Im going to be driving to work in a few minutes, but I can still talk or listen, even when Im there. Your assignment sounds kind of fun, but Im also the kind of person who says that and then gets stuck and doesnt do it... speaking from personal experience. Did you pick a reading?', 'But it was only a few days ago. There are a lot of emotions.. give it some time. 5 years is a long time to know someone. I cant imagine how hard it is for you to take a deep breath right now and let a few hours pass.. Just take it an hour.. or 10 minutes at a time. Just stay with us for now.', 'Listen. I cant tell you how to save yourself. I know Ive had some seriously bad lows in my life, and I know whats stopped me, but I dont know you. What I do know, is you shouldnt Chest Pain yourself.Every time Ive gone down that dark tunnel, Ive found something on the other side to bring me back. Isnt there anything you want to do, anything you want to see? Can you imagine yourself finding someone, or something to fulfill you at the end of the day, even if your day isnt perfect? I know its hard. I cant imagine how hard it is for you right now. But you did the right thing coming here. I, and Im sure dozens of others here, would be willing to talk, or listen if you want. As long as you hang in there, well be here with you.', 'I am sorry about the discrimination. Those people are losers who dont know you. I hope you dont take their judgements to heart.What youre feeling is normal. I know Ive felt Hyperactive behavior that before. But its good youre posting here and its good youre seeing friends. Maybe you can reach out to one, vent or anything at all. ', 'I am sorry about what happened to you. You didnt deserve it.I know saying not to dwell on what the doctor said probably wont help. But he doesnt know you. And your actions, your past, they dont represent who you are. And I may only be a few short paragraphs and a username, but I will not be happy that youre gone. I think you should take a break from your main account. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve taken positive from it, but now its more negative. No one should be told to kill themselves.', 'That stinks. But is there a way you can get a week off, no pay? I took a trip to cape cod a few summers ago and I swear it gave me enough sun in a week to feel good for 6 months. I havent done anything Hyperactive behavior it since but I truly believe it helped me get through the coming dark months (I hate winter). Otherwise, maybe try talking to your SO about how youre feeling...maybe it will open her up as well? I know theres also light therapy... which I havent personally done before, but I am sure it couldnt make things any worse.Just keep being strong and asking for help. The sun will be back.', 'Hey, youre safe here. Theres no need to Anxiety about your situation versus the next guys, Ache is Ache, and I know everyone who sees this will appreciate how hard it is. Just please dont Chest Pain yourself. Let us know whats going on and I and anyone else will be happy to listen.', 'Starting is the worst. Its not just school for me, its work, life. Im glad youll get help. Hang in there.I am at work so Im OK. If you need anything please keep talking. Ill be checking my phone. ', 'Hey, Im still here, just a lot of snow so slow driving. Just imagine how much weight will be lifted once you begin writing. Just start, dont even Anxiety about finishing. Take it one sentence at a time. I know you can do it.', 'Hey. I also got shipped away. It was 455 days total. It was a decade ago but if you want to talk about it... Id be happy to. ', 'Shame is one thing we all have in common. We tear ourselves down with judgements, silently yet together. What you have been through wasnt fair. You sound intelligent, loving; you sound Hyperactive behavior youre a good person. Your past, your addiction, it sounds Hyperactive behavior its tearing you apart. There must be something you love, something to live for?Have you thought of therapy? It can be painful... it can be the most difficult and self-contradicting thing you can do, but isnt it worth a try? You must have felt better typing this. Maybe just a little, or just for a second? ', 'I wish I had some answer. I hope you keep talking though, and reaching out. ', 'Have you talked to your wife about your Mental Depression? I am sure she would be more than willing to listen. You shouldnt give up. You have so much to look forward to. Please just talk to someone. I have had my world turn black around me, while looking completely normal. No one will guess how you feel, unless youre REALLY lucky, but in my experience, it will be up to you. But it is worth it. Its scary and it may seem pointless, but it isnt.', 'You may feel hopeless today but it is not too late to change your path, your velocity. Your situation is common in many places in the world. You may feel as though youve out grown any opportunity but that is absolutely not the case. Ted Talk (short video) absolutely changed the way I live, as silly as it sounds. I dont know whats possessing me to share it with you, but I feel Hyperactive behavior I have a lot in common as an Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult struggling to have a career, and build myself a life. And this talk really helped ME overcome the overwhelming sense of dread and fear I have walking into a job interview, or just walking out of the front door.I think something as small as a part time job could lift you up. You may not have $30,000 in a bank account overnight, but right now my friend, you have no where to go but up.What youre feeling today though, is not what youll always feel. ', 'Is a vacation out of the question? Even if money is tight, you sound Hyperactive behavior you could use one, or maybe need one. Get in the sun and stay there. I know its still early in the year but taking a full week has saved me from myself before. But just you and your SO, with no obligation. ', 'Can you email your teacher or another student to find the question? It sounds Hyperactive behavior you may still have time to write your essay.Please dont try to Chest Pain yourself. Just take a breath. You can get through this. Do you have any friends, or family you can call? You dont have to say youre in trouble, just someone you can talk to? I know it feels amazing to disappear. But maybe you can still figure this out, and maybe it wont solve anything long term, but at least youll have made it through today.', 'Its terrible losing a friend, and Im sorry you have to deal with that, and the pressure as well. But I think you have a lot of love.Did you ever talk to your friends mom, or your mom, or anyone about how you feel? Bipolar Mental Depression can be awful. I understand feeling Hyperactive behavior it will never get better. But talking helps, finding a connection helps. Beating against the Sad mood (Hyperactive behavior youve done posting here tonight) is the best thing you can do.If youre feeling lonely, please reach out. Falling into yourself is never the answer. ', 'You dont have to say "Im suicidal." You can just say you need help, or you arent feeling right, or even that you just want to talk about life. The difference between thoughts and words is fantastic. But I urge you to just express yourself to a friend, a family member. They will listen and more than likely, they will be able to relate.', 'Hey. Try to slow down. I know things seem bad right now but it can get better. A lot of peoples lives are a mess. Mine is a mess, although it has been worse, for so many reasons, but you can put the pieces back together. Please stop thinking about what you just did, and focus on what youre going to do, what you want to be. Things can often seem bad, as bad as bad can be, but they can all be forgotten. I look back at my worst days some times, and laugh, or prepare to have them again. But even if they come, they will go.I hope youre still okay. ', 'Thats moving. I am not even sure what to say to it. The loss, the Ache; its unimaginable. But the joy. Cant the joy in knowing you have the power to free yourself be enough? You articulate self awareness, kindness. The hope youve lost, couldnt you still find it again, roll it Hyperactive behavior a snowball down a mountain? All the love you have, couldnt you turn it around, and show it to yourself? Your note truly moved me, to sadness, because I cant reach out and do anything more than type this. I cant tell you it will be okay, but I wish you could believe it.', 'That must be painful. Its hard to be loved sometimes. Sometimes you want to be selfish. But I think you are right to persevere. I personally suffer Mental Depression all the time. All my life. But I believe it will get better, and some times Im right. Dont you feel Hyperactive behavior you can still be happy, still find something to live for? And your thoughts of Suicide are only thoughts. Rather than doing it, you posted here and you are consciously making an effort to work through it. You must believe you can be happy. Reading your story I believe you can.', 'I hope you dont really believe youve lost everything... I didnt judge you for a single word you typed. You could be my father, or my best friend for all I know. It struck home with me though, because Ive seen shame destroy people. Friends and relatives. But youre not alone. I didnt Irritable Mood to peddle therapy to you. But my experience with it: it is venting. A safe place to vent. If I had not personally been through it I would never have recommended it, and right now is the last time I will, you have my word. Maybe just venting is a start. I just hope you feel better. And I hope find a way to look at yourself and be happy. Or, if nothing else, please keep reaching out, keep venting.', 'I dont think you will bother them. You can just call to talk too.... its nice to hear someones voice some times. You might feel better. Im sorry it feels hopeless. Whats your essay about? Is it just too much time/research to write? Or do you just feel overwhelmed?', 'I cant imagine how hard that must have been for you. How long have known her?', 'Im sorry. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youre in a very painful place. Do you think you will eventually be able to make your life and your beliefs match up?', 'Thats good youve got people who are close to you. Even just relating to her problems may make you feel better, and her as well. I just hope you dont keep it to yourself, even if it means using reddit. ', 'You may feel Hyperactive behavior a burden now. But there are so many things you will not always be. You will surprise yourself seeing what you can accomplish. In this moment now nothing has materialized but please give it time, it will. Do you have anyone who you can talk to? From personal experience, bringing your fears (fears of failure, specifically) to light is Hyperactive behavior lifting a weight off of your back. Please give it time, and realize NO ONE would be happy if you were dead, no matter what.', 'Please dont do that. There will always be more out there for you. I dont know your situation with your ex, and I cant imagine how much she meant to you, but she cant be the only person on this earth who can make you feel the way you felt. Maybe if she is, someone elsePlease spend time with your family. Watch the Super Bowl, even if you dont care about it. Appreciate the stupid things your family says and the way they act together and just be part of it. Maybe even talk to someone about how you feel bad. You dont have to say youre suicidal, just say "Im having a hard time" or "I dont know what to do with myself". Just dont be alone right now. I know it feels Hyperactive behavior it helps, but it wont. Just please reconsider.', 'Stay with us. Your life isnt over, as bad as it feels right now. I know youre probably tearing your hair out with Anxiety Mental Depression right now, but you did the right thing posting here, now. Dont say goodbye yet, keep talking. What else do you Hyperactive behavior to do? What did you used to do for fun before you met your girlfriend, or when she wasnt around?', 'I hope you dont really feel useless. From what I can see: she was with you for 5 years. You must have a million things to offer. As much as you say you need her, I cant believe it was one sided. ', 'I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I get how important he was. Grieving is hard, especially when its so fresh. Think about the time you got to spend with him, and be close to your friends and family, if possible. I know you dont feel connected to them, but they love you and you can take some consolation in that. Please just ignore the shotgun; put it out of your mind. It isnt an option. I know Wheatley cannot be replaced, but the sadness will pass, and you can remember all the good times you spent with him.', 'Hey. Im sorry youre sad. I know its easy to get focused on the moment but we all do terrible things. Its okay to feel terrible, but I hope so much that youre still here, and Im glad you reached out. Can he still be your friend? Do you think you may be able to forgive yourself for Depressed mood him?', 'Its no problem, I am actually only here 1 more week and Im pretty free to roam. This is more important than anything I do anyway.Im happy I could help. And Hyperactive behavior I said Ill still be here if you need anything ', 'I know what its Hyperactive behavior to feel failure. I am the prototype of a failure, and while I cant detail the fiasco thats been my life, I can at least stand beside you and say that every waking moment is turmoil for me. Please call 911. Please call a friend, or your brother or sister, or parent. ', 'I keep trying to picture you, after reading your note. I cant see your face; I cant see your interests, but I also just cant imagine a person who has nothing Ventricular Dysfunction, Left to offer, and nothing Ventricular Dysfunction, Left to gain from this world.Please dont give up.', 'Please know if you need to talk, I will listen. Youre not alone.', 'Hey. Just take a breath. I know things feel bad, but please dont Chest Pain yourself. Do you have anywhere you feel safe while your mom calms down, or a friend you can talk things through with? Do you think you may be able explain how you feel to your mom? As out of control as you may feel, it could be she doesnt understand what youre going through.']
['Oh my goodness, you have so much on your shoulders. My heart goes out to you.PTSD is a really difficult condition, to be sure. Growing with a veteran as a parent, Ive seen how truly difficult it can be as Ive grown up. What are you doing right now?', 'I dont know what to say, but goddamn, my heart goes out to you.', 'She sounds beautiful! It is so funny that she is 7, why the other day I was at my cousins 7th birthday party. It is funny, it does seem Hyperactive behavior around 7 the brains really are kicking in. It is amazing to think in 3 years they will be 10. Then pretty soon 16 and driving! Time moves incredibly fast.It might sound soppy, but what do you guys Hyperactive behavior doing together? ', 'Hi Dan,Damn, you must be in so much Ache right now. I am sorry this is happening to you. I would Hyperactive behavior to put my hand your shoulder, since I hooked my homie on speed back in the day with a similar result. What your going through is just an awful position to be in, and my heart goes out to you. How are you feeling now?', 'My heart goes out to you, that sounds very sad.I never Hyperactive behavior how the Gods treated Sysyphus. It seems they could have done better by helping him with his problems, or referring him to a competent therapist. He clearly had pathological self esteem issues.I do not think you are a lost cause. Nobody is a lost cause. A little cliche, but that is my take. I hope you feel better.', 'Yes, that is awful. It is crap when no one understands, and the stigma around mental illness is daunting.My heart goes out to you, for what it is worth.Of course the stigma around mental illness is huge, but something I love are mental health advocate groups, which have ended my personal isolation. The groups are run by us Abnormal behavior folk, and we dont talk about our problems in of themselves, rather we talk about the issues that face people with mental illness as a whole. We advocate for policy change and services; some times significantly - and formerly our group created a drop in center run by consumers of mental health services. It is a lot of fun, and we all are in the same boat to greater and lesser degrees.These are good resources if you are interested. It is okay if you are not. [][]Best regards to you. ', 'My heart goes out to you. It sounds Hyperactive behavior parts of you life have gotten out of your control.Would you tell us more about your relationship with your brother? That sounds Hyperactive behavior a center piece to the current situation.', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior the move has really isolated you. Are there any gay communities around where you are now? ', 'Thats a difficult dichotomy, shit. Well its good that you came on hear. If you dont mind me asking, what do you think is the hardest part about talking about it? It seems Hyperactive behavior there must be some really tough barriers.', 'That is good to hear. There must be a big diversity in the kinds of folks who volunteer for those things. He might have been a trainee.', 'Cool, just was wondering.Hows your kid doing? Id be interested to know more about he or she.', 'That is too bad.', 'Yeah, its pretty rough cut. Not all bad, but has a lot of room for improvement. ', 'Damn, that is a hard read. How did things get to this point?', 'Mind wandering down dark roads is lonesome. I liked Statisticalsharks advice as well. Its kind of strange that we are more than just our thoughts. Thats why its good to reach out, talk with other people, and hear other perspectives. Things are so complicated, and we can want to live and die at the same time in the same mind!How was today? ', 'Talk to me about your hope.', 'Wow I am so glad you are alive! Its good to hear the part of you that wants to chase dreams and make a positive difference. You still have a lot of good operating inside of you.Any particular dreams you have right now, Dan?', 'That is so sad! What a damn rough shot.You said that you could never afford meds or therapy, which I can understand. However, there may be services available through your local government mental health services. They have a lot to offer, and you certainly qualify.Also, have you looked into local housing services through your housing authority? There is a federal program out right now called [Rapid Re-housing]( designed for people specifically in your situation. Essentially, instead of going homeless, the Housing Authority swoops in to get you some housing.Also, since you are 24, you are a member of the Federally defined Transitional Age Youth range (16-24), which means there could be additional options provided.Im going to bed now, but if you want, I can help you access those services tomorrow. Just let me know if there is anything I can do.Hope you feel better! Lots of love going your way.Cornmega', 'I can understand those fears. Crying is a vulnerable state of being, and being vulnerable is hard.I dont know your situation in life, but can you think of anyone who would be a good shoulder to Crying Reflex, Abnormal on?', 'What set off your crying, homie?', 'Im sorry your in this predicament. Sounds really tough.I liked the idea you had about asking your friend for help. Whatever the decision you end up making, it would be good to talk it out with someone, whether it be a trusted friend or therapist.Colleges usually have really good therapists. If you go that route, ask for a therapist who specifically has experience in working with suicidal thoughts. Not all therapists are good at dealing with it, and the ones who are would be glad to hear from you.Hope you feel better soon!', 'I understand. It is very difficult to get out there.What would help make it easier? Have you gone onto r/lgbteens, or r/ainbow. r/lgbteens is especially friendly, in a person to person kind of way. ', 'That sounds awful. Being lonely is painful.', 'Oh my goodness, my heart goes out to you both. That is very difficult.', 'I can understand that, they arent for everyone.How is your mom doing? ', 'Im sorry to hear that. What happened to the people who you use to share your feelings with?', 'That is a rough state to be in. Loneliness is a deep cut.It sounds Hyperactive behavior you are pretty worn out. You are putting yourself out there, on the proverbial grinding stone so to speak, trying to feel better. That is a hard grind.', 'Your story is very sad, and it sound Hyperactive behavior you are in not just a bleak place in life, but an uncertain one as well. My heart goes out to you.Are there any people around in who you have confided with about how you are doing?', 'That is the truth about escape. The more we try to cover up the bitterness, the more desensitized we become to sweetness. In my experience, it feels Hyperactive behavior a cyclical Drug craving - Hyperactive behavior cigarettes.That is an awful experience to have with a councilor! It really is true how professionals can stigmatize people with difficulties. Have you ever tried a peer worker whose been through the same shit as you?Your last paragraph spoke to me viscerally. When people who become a part of us suddenly turn, it is as though they become a cancer. It hurts so much that we want to tear them out of ourselves, and annihilate every vestige they have within us. That what it reminded me of anyway, which put me into some reverie.']
['There are so many people in the world! [Youre not alone]( and you have so much those people waiting to be a part of your life. You talk about perfection, but all of us, even the "perfect" struggle with perception of themselves, and insecurities - those of us real enough to understand.Its so easy to become isolated and insecure and lose track of just how great you are. So many people drag themselves down, feel trapped in the dark when all they need to do is open their eyes and look around. Youre still doing ok, many people are going through struggles just Hyperactive behavior yours ([living with your parents for example! very common!]( Such small things in life, Hyperactive behavior a single friend, can make the problems we have with have insignificant. And something Hyperactive behavior that is guaranteed to come along for you, and I think it would be Abnormal behavior for you not to be here to take that loving friendship up and run with it.', 'Two is two more than some others have! How many single mothers without parents struggle through?I dont think you truly believe that they are the only ones in your life, I think you have it in you to know how many caring people there are in the world, how many people just Hyperactive behavior you looking for a hand to hold with each other. Were made to move through life together, but sometimes Hyperactive behavior any pursuit of perfection we begin to reject anything that might fail. Trust me from an outside perspective when I say your pain, fear, Sad mood might be real but you have so much Ventricular Dysfunction, Left for others to enjoy once that cloud has passed. And it will pass, and you will feel the sun again.Losing loved ones Chest Pain, and youve obviously had a lot of Chest Pain in your life. But that doesnt Irritable Mood that youre not loved, or that you wont be very, very loved in the future. Stay safe, you deserve it.']
[':D I Hyperactive behavior you too haha I love Joanna newsom so much, her music has been there for me in rough times so much ', 'No. I bet youre also a survivor', ':/', 'Ahh. I dont know how to edit but I wanted to Attention Deficit Disorder that I have been known to impulsively do things such as spend money when I do or dont have it, get my hair chopped off TODAY. I regret a lot of things I do but get used to it because it happens a lot. I used to be really reckless, I would drink whatever smoke whatever and Hypersomnia with whoever. Lovely, right? Could be a bad coping skill but I did it all habitually. ', "Fuck you. It's a feeling. I feel destructive I don't know why. I don't care if it kills me. If 40 xanax wouldn't then I'll just drink and I'm not going to call an ambulance or ask anyone here to so stop being a dick", 'Fuck. I am so sorry. God damnit. ', 'Yep again I said this was not for an overdose. I know I said that but I meant taking well over my prescribed dose. ', 'You have to figure that out for yourself. I can tell you a bunch of cookie cutter reasons but it wont Irritable Mood as much as reasons you have for yourself. Plus you just need the means. If you cant talk yourself out of negativity how will you ever enjoy anything that life has to offer. You just have to fight this, thats all. This is just a dark moment in your life. Youll pull through. ', 'How old are you?', 'Thanks. It helped I guess. ', 'Are you okay?', 'Better than a dead man', ':(. I see. Well hopefully itll just be fines and what not. Yeah those are just general practitioners downstairs in the emergency room they dont know much about mental health or how to treat people with those problems. They just know how to put bandaids on. I want you to get well. I dont want you to be dead ', 'I dont know what to say. :(. That really is heartbreaking. I cant believe they drove you back to the hotel instead of parents house or something. Wtfffffff. :(. ', 'How much do you take?', "There's isn't anything for oxytocin specifically right now but you can take something Hyperactive behavior rispiridal for Paranoia thoughts if it's bad ", "Exactly. I know I'm not alone but that's how it feels. There's always that Anxiety Mental Depression because I don't want to say or feel the wrong way which results in me sometimes not saying or feeling anything, or just trying to match whoever I'm talking too", "I just woke up so Ill do yesterday\n*resisted Depressed mood myself\n*reached out to friends and family\n*got up and did things. I went to the library for a bit even though I didn't want to get out it bed. \nAs for dbt I used mindfulness, building mastery and maintaining relationships. \nI just started dbt so I don't know a lot of skills yet", 'Thats how my family is too. My dad yelled at me when he found out I self harmed. And he threatened to take away the insurance and car and everything else if I admitted myself to a psych ward. That was in October. I told my family I was going up north for a week or two and wouldnt have phone service. So you know. You just have you look out for yourself. If they think Hyperactive behavior that, maybe they just dont fucking get it. And I know how frustrating that is. But you can get treatment for you. Dont even Anxiety about them. I know its hard. I know humans suck. I know it. I know I know. But its okay. Good people still exist I promise. Good experiences are still ahead of you too', 'Take care of yourself', 'Er... Idk I cant promise youll be having parties on the psych ward in your city. But you know what I was trying to say. ', 'Suicidal thoughts is dangerous and they take them seriously. Theyre not going to treat you Hyperactive behavior your arm got cut off but they still take care of you. So am I unfortunately. But you have to be honest. You cant let the demons win. I know it seems nearly impossible. But its not ', 'Im still here dont Anxiety', ':(. I see. Well hopefully itll just be fines and what not. Yeah those are just general practitioners downstairs in the emergency room they dont know much about mental health or how to treat people with those problems. They just know how to put bandaids on. ', 'Im not religious but Im praying that they do. And the hospital isnt the only option, there are day programs and other things. Help is out there. And I want to talk to you more. Youre gonna come out on the other side I hope. I dont support this at all but Im writing your name down. Thats fucking stupid what that person said. People have said stuff Hyperactive behavior that to me before too. My dad said hed buy me a gun if id Hyperactive behavior. But you just cant listen to people Hyperactive behavior that. We can keep talking if you want to. Im here to listen', 'Dont!!! It is depressing but dont run from it. Im fucking begging you. Why would you go to jail? Do you have warrants out? You cant go to jail for being suicidal', 'I never made any Suicide threats. ', 'But they wont know that youre having fun. They dont know what its Hyperactive behavior in there. They just think its a hospital. For Nausea people who are trying to get better. They might understand a little you know? Or support you ', "I'm sorry they said that :( if you need someone to talk to I'm here ", 'What does 3 or 4 shots from the hanging Irritable Mood?', 'Write my number down', 'Are you okay? Ive been wondering whats going on. I hope everything turns out okay. Make sure you tell them the truth. Please ', 'Pstt so does you from the future. Honestly. If I was having this conversation with myself 3 weeks ago Id be Hyperactive behavior no, no its not. Shut up. Let me die. And I know its hard but youre a fighter and you can make it through this ', 'No I dont know you. But youre suffering too. Youre human. Ill never know you. But it still hurts. Im sorry. Im not going to bullshit you. But I wish you would try ', 'I just want you to live', 'What happened?', 'Hey I think you want the demons to stop as much as I do. But that doesnt Irritable Mood you have to stop living. No one wants that to happen. So really I want you to go to the hospital and ask for help right now. Do you have a car? If you dont or if you cant drive call 911. Call a few people and tell them briefly whats going on. Youre having a very tough time and need to go where youll be safe for awhile. If you need to you can message me anytime for any reason', 'It doesnt matter what I want. Im here to try to help in an honest way. Im having passive suicidal thoughts tonight, thats how I ended up on this subreddit. I set the date to kill myself on feb 15th but I ended in the psych hospital and Im getting better. I want you to get better too. :/. ', 'Fuck. What are they for? ', 'Its just protocol I think. When I went they put a tracking band on me for no reason. But I dont know. Try not to Anxiety about that. Think about whats going on right now ', 'How did I make them easier? :(', 'Youve never been so you dont know. Yes they do over medicate people and its sad but sometimes its an accident and the adjust it accordingly but most of the time the people NEED it youre not Violent and you wouldnt be restrained or anything. You might be perscribed Zoloft and a mood stabilizer and maybe something for Anxiety Mental Depression and maybe even something for Hypersomnia but thats optional. You work with your doctors too. Its a team effort. You go to group therapy. But youre right, most of the work is done out of the hospital and theyll help set you up with a psychiatrist and a therapist if you dont already have one ', 'Okay.', 'Please just stop and reconsider the other possibilities dont do it', 'Dont drink more :(', 'Theres still a future past the horizon. Maybe youll have to walk through some shit to get to it but itll be worth it because youll be happy', 'You dont have to have visitors if you dont want. And it is a first step and it will take work but I dontt think youll be in therapy forever or anything and youre not going to feel Hyperactive behavior this forever. Please stay. ', "I'm sorry for what I said. I seriously don't remember posting any of that. Idk why I was so hostile. ", 'You dont have to have visitors if you dont want. And it is a first step and it will take work but I dontt think youll be in therapy forever or anything and youre not going to feel Hyperactive behavior this forever. Please stay', 'Im sorry I couldnt convince to not do this to yourself :(. It was me that called the police. ', 'No. My psychiatrist an therapist have been pushing it for awhile but i dont have time for it with school and work', 'Can I ask what brought you to the hotel? Why are going to end your life? Its okay if you dont want to answer ', "Oh hey thanks! That's great advice :)", 'Please seek help :(. The human brain is incredible. It can change and adapt', "I Irritable Mood it's cool they're looking further into BPD Hyperactive behavior this but it seems Hyperactive behavior such an obvious study. I think all it accomplishes is showing that people with BPD have actual chemical differences than others. oxytocin is a chemical that helps with love and trust. I don't know about you but I have clear trust issues because of my trauma, traumas that basically caused this whole BPD mess. And if you don't trust people over and over it changes your brain and the chemicals that fire. I don't think we're just born with oxytocin deficiency I think it's just an accumulation of how our lives have gone", 'What does? The hospital I was at was actually kinda fun. We had pet therapy, yoga and music therapy. And I met amazing people. If youre talking about Hyperactive behavior therApy and stuff afterwards... It doesnt define you! You go once a week or whatever for half an hour and talk about whateer and move on and do something else', 'Listen. Im hearing a lot of Anxiety Mental Depression. You remind me of me. A lot of the things you say remind me of me. What you need is to just stop and stay at the hospital. Theyre not going to take you to jail. Just let the doctors take care of it and get yourself better okay? If not for you for your family and your friends? Please. This is the right choice I promise you ', 'Absolutely haha :)', 'That doesnt Irritable Mood you shouldve lied :(', 'You there?', 'Im sorry that they were Depressed mood :(. But listen Im going to bed soon. You should get some rest too, okay? Its been a long night', 'So its not really doing anything for you? Thats why I switched to it. I was on topamax. Another anticonvulsant but it wasnt doing anything :/', 'I dont want to feel bad :(', 'Edit: sorry. Projecting. ', 'Girl Interrupted, I believe ', 'I cant believe they brought you back', 'Youll make it through a stronger person. As cheesy as that sounds I Irritable Mood it. ', 'I didnt get it :( ugh. Its because youre out if the country. Damnit. You can message me if you need to', 'I dont feel guilty. Im just worried and concerned ', 'Yeah Im having a hard time falling Somnolence tonight too. I wanna get up and do stuff but I have work tomorrow. ', 'Youve never been so you dont know. Yes they do over medicate people and its sad but sometimes its an accident and the adjust it accordingly but most of the time the people NEED it youre not Violent and you wouldnt be restrained or anything. You might be perscribed Zoloft and a mood stabilizer and maybe something for Anxiety Mental Depression and maybe even something for Hypersomnia but thats optional. You work with your doctors too. Its a team effort. You go to group therapy. But youre right, most of the work is done out of the hospital ', 'Er... Idk I cant promise youll be having parties on the psych ward near you lol. But you know what I was trying to say. [edit] and hey maybe thats part of your treatment. Just worrying about you in the moment instead of family and friends on the outside. Maybe its where you need to be. It might be good for you ', 'How do I become one?']
['Hey, whats the problem? Feel Hyperactive behavior talking about it? ', 'I suppose there isnt a whole lot to go on then... A Serbian guy named [name] isnt a lot to go on... Im sorry but I dont think theres anything that I can do to help this guy. If you have anything Hyperactive behavior his IP-address or similar, try it. At least its something. If you get signs that hes alive or find where he is feel free to tell! Best of luck!', 'Try to not take what your sister said too seriously. Its easy to say something that you dont Irritable Mood when youre angry. Let her Sedated state down and if you still feel sad about what she said, talk to her. ', 'Hello, and happy holidays! Almost no one likes to be alone. If you can, family is usually people you can hang around with? Theyre better than nothing.Im not sure if this applies where you live, but there are often public events for Christmas celebrations if youd Hyperactive behavior to go to one of those? Perhaps it would help you to get your ex off your mind? Breakups happen to many people all the time, the only thing to do is accept the reality and plough through what has happened! Send me a message if youd Hyperactive behavior, Im free to talk to for approximately 1h. ', 'Have a splendid and outrageously great birthday! Happy Birthday!', 'Ill wait, no rush. ', 'Really nice! I Hyperactive behavior the choice of quote and the way youre prioritising your mental health, keep on fighting. :)', 'Precisely. Its good that you take notes; good to read when becoming uncertain of what to say.Keep in mind that questions may be asked to you, be ready for expected and perhaps unexpected questions. If they seem hostile in some way its probably because they dont thoroughly understand. Be as understanding to them as you wish them to be for you. Good luck to you! ', 'What was the best part of 2012 for me?: The best part was reading about people that got out of Mental Depression in 2012; how willing most of them were to try and aid others with Mental Depression! It gives me hope.What are my New Years resolutions?: Look at what I have, not what I couldve had or can have in the future . I will try very hard to keep up that thought. Ive been looking at the future and past for a long time, missing the present. Achieving goals for no other reason than to look past them. I hope for that to end in 2013. What are you to say at the party tonight when it comes down to questions Hyperactive behavior these?: If youre worried about peoples responses to your real answers to these questions, you can say that you dont know. If you arent worried about their responses and simply dont know... Well, perhaps instead of thinking about whats the best about 2012, just find something that was good during the year; perhaps spending time with some specific people, getting a nice gift from someone, playing a fun video-game, anything. Your New Years resolution?: Fulfil your desire to get out of where you are now? Sorting out your internal stuff? Or nothing at all?Happy New Year!', 'If you get more info (possible location) call the police in the country and try to get him some help? Perhaps his "name" on reddit will help? ', 'Youre welcome. If theres any concern or question that youd Hyperactive behavior to discuss, PM it away. I wont be able to answer soon however as Im about to go to sleep, but when I wake up Ill PM you back if you desire. Goodnight. ', '(Look below for answer to question (second paragraph)) everyone gets in a tough spot sometime in their life; at some point most people feel Hyperactive behavior living is a great burden, some fix it on their own, others need help. And as clich\xc3\xa9 it may sound: dont kill yourself (or try to get murdered or anything Hyperactive behavior it), you can move on from this relationship and find someone who truly loves you.The real reason to why Suicide isnt any good option: youre unique; no one will ever be or has been truly Hyperactive behavior you; society cant replace you. To every problem theres a solution, some solutions are more difficult to achieve than others. Change is constant; emotions, people, memories, etc. they all change over time, change occurs more or less to everybody. Lastly, remember that there is always someone who cares enough to want to help, even though it may not seem Hyperactive behavior it; these people are hard to find.There are a lot of more reasons but you get the idea. Hope you find this useful and hopeful. ', 'I dont mind either, your pick. Pm is the best if you wish it more confidential. ', 'I think a better question than "how would you explain Mental Depression?", would be "how would I explain my Mental Depression?". Every case of Mental Depression has its own characteristics with different individuals. But to answer your question: Mental Depression is a mental state of low mood and antipathy to activity; often characterised by emotions such as: anxiety, sadness, emptiness, guilt, etc. I personally believe that you should explain and tell about your specific Mental Depression. It would make it easier for your parents to understand your specific problems, and perhaps aid you in a more sufficient way. If youd Hyperactive behavior, tell us more about your Mental Depression? ', 'If youve made your decision already, then I hope you find peace and goodbye. If not, someone is always looking to help people, it can all get better if you find one of those people :). ', 'Far too many people in this world are naive. I dont really know what else to tell you except than trying to find new friends that will care about you. I hope you dont try to commit Suicide again however. You never know what opportunities life might offer in the future. ', 'Hey. Have you tried going to other places? Seeing new people? The world is huge and there are so many people out there that might just love how you look! You might just have had ended up in a bad place with too many bad people... Whether youre a Genital Diseases, Male or female, fat or thin, etc. doesnt matter, no one should have to feel this way because of who they are, because of how they were born and developed. Were all on the same planet, we all want to feel loved... And love is out there - the hard thing is to find it and catch it! Lastly, please dont end it all... Its hard sometimes, it really is... It can feel Hyperactive behavior youve hit a wall in your life and life keeps banging your head against the wall - but there is always a way to get by it. Or you can give up. I hope you change your mind. Send me a PM if you would Hyperactive behavior to chat in private. =)']
['I am Depressed mood with or without alcohol. Basically I know alcohol is no solution not a short term and not a long term. But I just cant ignore my still strong first day feelings for her. And the alcohol takes them away completely. The 9mm I dont know. I play video games but I dont even know how to handle a gun. I just bought it as a option first. But this option is more and more thr option #1.People I talked with also said that this is life. And time will pass and and and. But the thing we all can agree on is that everyone is different. And I happen to be a person who just cant handle loss because of past events and I just want her back otherwise this was it. ', 'It is can be the the biggest draw back in life. That when the person you basically shared your whole life with. And you think you Irritable Mood the world to the other person too. That some time there comes the time where is it crutial and you say "hey here I am. I dont feel good. Here I am". And then she is just gone and you thought you are something special to her and you realise. Okay maybe this was just the hope and maybe it was just the wish that you are so special to the other. And you realise that it isnt Hyperactive behavior that. And it just Chest Pain so much. How can a human cope with that', 'Thanks but I just cant. I really try to accept your help. This is why I posted my story. But I am sitting in front of a table made ready for two now. It didnt came to my mind that I did that. A huge throwback now.I am really trying to adjust but everything i do seems to make it worse', 'But right now it just seems so pointless because everything I had to live for is gone now. I Irritable Mood right now I am so happy that people even if they dont know me. Care about me. Because the only person who cared about me no matter what is now gone. My life is tumbling down right now and I dont know. Another problem comes with. Without being boasty. I am a pretty intelligent person. With that comes that my brain is very active that brings it creativity up and thinking about her having an other man. This drives everything even more down.I am still hesitating with that gun. I mwan I threw away the ammo. But its easy to get.', 'Employed. Currently i have 2 weeks ofd']
['The only reason i havent commit Suicide up until this day is because of my parents, despite my hardship in life they always loved me. 22 years they loved me despite all the mistakes i made and i couldnt bring my self to Suicide and make them sad. I just live my life and tried my best to overcome all this depression.']
['Im sorry. I wouldnt wish something Hyperactive behavior this on any being ever. My sister is a dancer and broke her foot, keeping her from dancing for a year. Her Ache and misery was terrible. We shouldnt be kept from the things we love the most. Since we both can understand each other pretty well, I had an idea for how we can help each other. Let me know what you think. If I go out of my way today to be responsible, to focus on a short-term goal (today thats working on my research), will you try your hardest to focus on doing something proactive/productive? A short-term goal Hyperactive behavior cleaning your room or making dinner or something Hyperactive behavior that. At the end of the day we can tell each other how we did. We can work together to try to help each other out of our ruts. ', 'Thank you for your reply. I really Hyperactive behavior the idea that its Hyperactive behavior an egg. Thats really helping my brain emotionally understand why its having so much trouble. I think Im going to make it through the day. Its always the night, the darkness where the Sad mood sets in, and thoughts creep out of the darkest part of my brain. ', 'I made it through the night. I had the most terrible dreams though. Dreams about exes, and dreams about bears attacking me. Im not sure what the deal was with bears. My Nightmares usually involve water. Part of this whole situation thats bothering me that my dreams brought up is my need to be validated by a relationship. I hate that the thing I Anxiety most about is how potential dates will look at me and judge me, because of my arm. I feel so stupid that thats one of my biggest worries. My need to be in a relationship terrifies me, but its Hyperactive behavior Im not whole or real without someone else there. ', 'I know Im in a completely different place with my injury than you are, but the feelings youve described of feeling Hyperactive behavior youre climbing mt Everest is a good way for me to describe my own feelings. My heart is burning with sadness and a desire to help you in some way. I dont know how to accomplish that especially given my current state, but at least I know the compassionate, almost-maternal, part of my brain continues to function as it always has. I am proud to say that I am working on setting up an appt with a counselor to talk about what Ive been going through.I want you to know that despite my own struggles, Im rooting for you to succeed in whatever capacity success would be for you. Your story has really touched me, and I know Im just some random suicidal guy on reddit, but Im hopeful for you. I care about what happens to you, and even if I never hear from you again, I will constantly be thinking about you, hoping it gets better for you. Thank you for pulling hope out of my body again Even though its not for me, I have something positive to gain from this feeling inside me. ']
['I have tried, I really have. But every time I just get knocked down even harder. I dont see why I should perform actions that just end with me feeling more Chest Pain and Ache. Everyone is different and everyone has their own issues to due with. Just because other people are able to overcome their problems doesnt Irritable Mood I could ever overcome mine.', 'I dont think I can try anymore. The reason I am feeling this way is because I dared to dream. And although the alternative is to live alone in misery anyway, its better than to keep trying hard only to be put down. Either way the only outcome is Sad mood, and I need to learn to accept that. I need to enjoy the last few years of my life being alone.', 'How much time? There a limits to how much a person can endure before giving up.', 'I am glad you arent feeling suicidal anymore. I really am. I have tried getting help. Done the cognitive therapy. Taking the medication. Been told its all due to a chemical imbalance in my head. I used to feel hope and was really positive. I thought that the therapy was working. That the meds were working. That my actions were actually having an influence into how I shape my life. But I was wrong. So terribly wrong. I do take in positives. I still hang out with friends. Im working in a great department at work. However, I still cannot convince myself that life is worth living past the date I have set.', 'Experience tells me its not going to get better. Im more likely to live a long sad lonely life. There are still things that I need and want to get done before it all ends.', 'The urge does not pass. Ive already set the date. Im still going to be around unfortunately for another year. And it has ALREADY been a VERY long time.', 'There is a need if theres a chance that its going to be a lifetime of misery.', 'I wanted (maybe still do) to kill myself on my birthday too. I figured that I would be making my family sad, especially on the anniversaries of my death and also my birthday. I figured being sad 1 day a year is better than 2. I know it sounds a little crazy... Is that why you chose your birthday?', 'Ive tried before... Many times. I know what rejection feels Hyperactive behavior too well. It does not get easier. Plus, Depressed mood people arent suppose to look for relationships until they get better. I KNOW that Im never going to feel that life is ever worth living. Ive been through too much already. Everyone in that sub reddit seems to BE in a relationship. Those people will never know what Im feeling. They dont know what 28 years of Sad mood is combined with a very depressing Schizophrenia, Childhood and really bad bullying throughout their lives. Its not the sub reddit for me.', 'I have to disagree because the way I see it is Suicide prevents things from getting worse.', 'I do understand that life has its ups and downs. As you said, not unlike a roller coaster. Unfortunately Ive been through the downs and although its nowhere near as bad as it was before, I just cant stay on this ride. I genuinely dont want to experience what I have in the past. I dont want to keep living with that. And the thought of even making it to 30 makes me cringe. It makes me extremely sad and fearful. Its Hyperactive behavior a milestone I never ever want to be reminded of. Sure Ive had my ups, but my downs clearly outweigh them. 30 years of misery? And then what? Do my best and turn it all around? Realistically, its just not going to happen.', 'I might get the garden I deserve, but its not the one I need right now :)', 'The first couple of years at university were great. I had friends. I was no longer an outcast. In between periods I had people to hang with and talk to. Being accepted felt so good. However, that changed in the next two years... Most of my friends started to get into relationships. I noticed my uni friends being not around as much. Later on I found out that they attended gatherings and balls and events. Apparently they never told me about it, and the only reason I know is because they accidently let it slip. Being the only single one, I was Ventricular Dysfunction, Left out. I know they were probably not inviting me for my own good. Whats the point of being invited if Im the only single one? It would just create an awkward situation. I dont hate my friends for it. I just hate myself because I must be different. I tried to get into a relationship with a girl. For a whole year I was being really nice, and even helping her out greatly in her homework and assignments. I also took her home from uni too. After a long while I eventually summoned the courage to ask her out. Unfortunately she told me shed rather be friends. It Chest Pain a lot. I guess I had my hopes too high. I thought at the time maybe one day Ill ask her out again and shell say yes this time. So I continued to help her with her uni work and assignments and also to take her home from uni. All this time just hoping. On the day of my graduation, I asked her if she could tape a tv show for me. She said that she couldnt because she had a client meeting to go to for her university project. At the time she was using a forum which I designed for her so her group members and her can communicate. I knew the pitfalls of my forum, so I knew how to access it. I went into the forum so I could see if she was having trouble with her project, and if she was then I would be ready to help. I saw that she posted that she was skipping her group meeting to go home early so she could watch the same tv show which I asked her to tape. I felt really heartbroken. It wasnt just the lie, it was the fact that she could lie so casually. I called her up and casually asked her if she ever managed to tape the tv show, but she told the same lie, she couldnt because of her client meeting. I felt so Anger and Chest Pain and sad at the same time. It took me a long time to get over that.After graduating from university I couldnt find a job that I studied for. I had dropped out of computer science and instead focused on databases, information systems. I applied for start-up jobs Hyperactive behavior tech support but I was never successful. In the meantime my university acquaintances did very well. Even the ones who had cheated their way through university, some were not even smart at all, some were just stoners and did drugs all the time, even they received professional jobs. I still needed a job so I started work at a department store. It was only supposed to be temporary, but I worked there for 2 years. During the second year I worked there, I decided to take a course in graphic arts and design. I did the course at a technical school. It lasted a year. When I finished, I still couldnt find a job in that field. It was around that time that I started to get counselling for Mental Depression. I changed jobs to a full time job in a laboratory because my friend worked there. I worked hard and learnt about the different areas in my department. After a year of working there, the same bully from my past started work. I didnt talk to him much at first. After a few months I tried to make small talk. I asked him when did he become permanent at work. He told me he became permanent basically straight away. I made the mistake of asking how much he got paid. He just laughed and said, \xe2\x80\x9cmore than you.\xe2\x80\x9d This was the moment when I knew karma does not exist. Someone who treats another person very badly, never went into university, gets the same type of job as me, and also gets paid higher. The reason for this is because he was kind of acquainted with the boss beforehand. I believe that early in life, bullies get a level of respect from their peers. This allows them to develop Phobia, Social skills quicker which in turn allows them to make more friends and then develop a much larger network of contacts that would prove useful to them in life. I found out later that this same bully has a wife, child, house and nice car. I had some money saved for a car but didnt buy one because my parents were strictly against me getting a better car than the rust bucket I currently have.Anyways, soon afterwards I realised I was getting paid the LEAST in my shift. This is despite working much longer than some people and also trained in more areas. I told my boss but he said there was nothing he could do. He said I should call payroll to look into it. I called payroll but they told me to go to human resources. So I organised an appointment, and the HR officer did say my pay seemed to be a little low and organised a time to meet again. He wanted to meet a 6pm the next day. I asked him if he would still be in his office and he said that he was going to stay back for a bit. He didnt. A couple of days later I was given a small pay rise. My boss told me the reason why I couldnt get paid more was because the paperwork for my training went missing. I couldnt win. I had to accept or get nothing. The payrise I got was basically the same as what new people get once they become permanent. Soon after I was transferred into another shift. Then the bullying started again. I did see my psychologist about this. She convinced me that I should be kept on watch for my own safety. I was kept in a ward for a few days where I found some level of peace. I didnt want to trouble my parents so I played by the cards and was released after a couple of days.After a while I was transferred into another department. This department was just as bad. The bosses from this department refused to recognise any of the skill sets from the previous department, even though it was lower in the supply chain. Basically I had to relearn new methods just so my pay wouldnt be too low. It took a long time, not because the work was difficult, but because the bosses were letting newer people get trained before me. I know that they were intentionally doing this to make life hard on me. It worked. I became a dog. I recognised that I will always be treated Hyperactive behavior this. I stopped seeing my psychologist, and stopped taking the antidepressants. After a couple of years things I became Hyperactive behavior a dog. Doing what people wanted. My parents convinced me to buy a house using ALL my money as a deposit and borrowing the rest from them and a bit from the bank. My parents said I didnt have to pay them interest so it would be better for me. I wanted to use my own money for a car. Not a flashy car, but just a normal car that didnt break down twice a year.', 'How can I forgive a bully who made my life hell in the past? I tried to move on but was stupid to think that I could forgive. It was making friendly talk with my bully that gave him the opportunity to make fun of how he gets paid more than me. You cant forgive people who arent sorry and have it all.', 'Family and friends would feel grief and sadness. I cannot deny that. But I have weighed it to the amount of sadness and Ache that builds daily. People would call me selfish, but I *have* to be selfish. Life hasnt been fair to me, so why should I treat life fairly? I dont believe in destiny. And my self esteem is low enough that I feel that I dont have the right to date any girl even if thats what Ive always wanted in the past.', 'Ive been through enough. I dont have to put up with anymore setbacks. There isnt much that can make me change my mind. I am glad that you dont feel what I feel. Unfortunately not everyone is so fortunate.', 'Im not socially awkward, Im able to create and hold conversations just fine. I keep my negativity away from friends and family. I have to admit that I might not be experienced in going out with a girl. I know the connotations behind being invited to her place for coffee, but I really liked her and didnt want to kiss or get intimate on the first date. I dont know how to feel about these kinda things anymore', 'I dont find life worth living anymore. I have no interest in anything. A good career and relationship were the only things in life I needed. I needed to fix the thoughts of failure and Sad mood a long time ago. Now its too late.', 'I used to believe that. But now looking back at it, I was just delusional. Having hope is very dangerous for me. Ive learnt that the hard way.', 'Its even worse when theres many assholes who were once bullies in the past.', 'How did she stay positive? I never really had friends until late in my life. I have uni friends but dont hang out with them much. Recently Ive made friends and have been socialising but I think its too late... Im already too broken. Noone deserves a person Hyperactive behavior me.', 'That little negative voice also gives comfort by giving me a way out. Thats what Mental Depression does.', 'I feel hopeless for many reasons. I have already made a commitment to the date. Every negative feeling I feel, I always put it aside and think about the date. The more negativity that happens, the more meaning the date has to me. I dont want to type out my whole life story because there is just so much that I cant be bothered typing again and will feel Hyperactive behavior I am just regurgitating. I give you permission to look through my posts that I made in the past in the subreddit. [](', 'I dont see why I should put effort into being positive for a *chance* to be happy when I could use the same energy to end my life and it would stop the misery and painful memories. I cannot see the world in the same light anymore. Being in a relationship with a girl USE to be the most important thing to me, but not anymore. I would be unable to maintain a relationship because I am no longer the same person as I once was. I would rather die knowing that the Ache and sadness can no longer build up.', 'Im sorry but I have already given up (quite some time ago). I have thought a lot about it, and I know that ending it stops any chance of a good life from happening. But I would still prefer it that way. No need to be sorry. Im not saying bad things happen to me all the time, but enough has happened that made me decide on this. ', 'Im pretty sure for me Im Depressed mood because my life sucks.', 'I hope that life gets better for you. My job at the moment is bearable, but I just dont feel Hyperactive behavior I would ever reach the stage where I can say that my life is going to be alright.', 'I do have a couple of hobbies. It does help pass time but its just not enough to make life worth living.', 'A combination of a breakup with an ex-gf, turning 30 in less than a week, and a feeling of Sad mood. Plus a dash of heat stroke.', 'I dont Irritable Mood to wallow in my past. Its just that my past has affected me so much that I truly have changed my outlook on life. It haunts me every day and night before I doze off. I honestly do not feel stronger because of my past. I feel that I am much weaker, broken and pathetic because of it. I know people would be upset when I go. Friends and family especially. Many people would say it would be a very selfish thing to do. But after what Ive been through and what I go through everyday, I can only see it as a price that needs to be paid. I feel Hyperactive behavior I deserve that at least. A chance at no longer feeling anymore Ache.', 'I am still able to feel happiness during the days. I just dont think its enough to overcome what Ive experienced in the past. If I had a time machine, then I guess I *could* be very happy. Happy people are people that are able to get on with life even after setbacks have occurred. They have the knowledge that they can overcome obstacles because their history tells them that they can work hard and life eventually gets better. An unhappy person wakes up and realises the insignificance of his actions. He knows that life probably could get better when he works at it but even if it does, its just all going to collapse again. With a history of major setbacks at key points in his life, he finally realises the truth; Its not worth going on.', 'Yes... especially when everyone kisses at the same time... -_-', 'I made a promise to myself. That I didnt have to feel Chest Pain or lonely anymore. It sounds clich\xc3\xa9 but its the only way out.', 'Im turning 28 at the end of the year. I can never see the future in a positive light again. Im not going to do anything yet. Ive already set the date. And I hate to say it but setbacks can and do follow me. Its enough to change me into the person I am today. Its enough to destroy any chance of hoping that life gets better eventually. [This is my earlier post a while back](', 'I have did make an appointment with a counselling class specializing in living single, but it got cancelled because not enough people signed up for it.', 'Im sad to say that I agree. I dont believe that Im a socially awkward person and I keep a lot of my negativity to myself privately. The only think that is awkward is been the only single one in a group. At my friends wedding, my other friends were visiting the married couple in pairs. Out of all my friends, Im the only one who has to congratulate them alone. Its a lot of little stuff Hyperactive behavior that. I can understand why I wasnt invited to the wedding reception... out of our group, I would be the only single one at the table. I understand it, but it still hurts a lot.', 'I do see your point. I am living in a 1st world country so I shouldnt feel Depressed mood compared to people in a 3rd world country. There is no comparison because technically I dont have the right to complain about anything in my life. But I do feel Depressed mood everyday. I cannot help that. I would appreciate life more if I can just erase my memories, but I cant.', 'A happy person has hope and a belief that life is always going to be better... Through traumatic experiences, my perspective on life has changed forever. I am different now. I can never appreciate life. ', 'Ive always wanted to know what its really Hyperactive behavior to be in one.... Not just imagining it, but to really be in one. Not many people can understand what i feel because not many people are my age and have been single their whole lives. I know its never going to happen because I have too much negative thoughts in my head that will never go away. And people who are Depressed mood arent suppose to start relationships until they get better, and I know Ill never get better no matter how hard I try. Ive already set the date near the end of this year.', 'I hear this a lot... That it will come soon, that its just around the corner... Ive been hearing it for so long... Its all just a lie. Unless you can really look into the future, you cant know. I cant lie to myself anymore... If it hasnt happened ONCE in 28 years, the years when supposedly I should be at my prime, then its safe to assume its not going to happen at all. I dont want to live the rest of my life feeling lonely. I would rather not have any feelings at all and not exist.', 'My passion is NOT feeling Ache. Do NOT twist my words. I am not into BDSM. At this point in life, I want to physically look good. Maybe that is my passion now. Which is why Im exercising hard. I want to have a good body that will attract people. That is my reward. Pain is my punishment for being a naive Muscle Weakness idiot for so long. I want to look attractive by getting a fitter body. It may seem shallow, but that is how the world works. The world is shallow. Passion for just ONE hobby or interest is borderline obsessive. It restricts self growth. I Hyperactive behavior to read and learn about new things, see different things and eat all sorts of food. It is short sighted to say pick this and stick with it. I would not want to be with someone Hyperactive behavior that. Finding attractiveness for ONE passion in a person rather than seeing the person as a whole is in itself shallow. ', 'There is nothing that would make me content with living anymore. I could have a millions of dollars and you probably wont believe me but I would still want to die.', 'Most days mainly.', 'Its been about 6 years since I graduated. I dont have an ideal job anymore. I just work for the money. Im being underpaid for what I do, but from my experience in the past, things *could* get much worse if I speak out about it. (Ive been told this department is different than my old ones and I wouldnt be treated badly anymore, but can you blame me for keeping my mouth shut?) I take NO pride for being a decent person. If you read my previous post you would know that karma doesnt exist. Working hard doesnt necessarily Irritable Mood rewards would be guaranteed. I did not choose this house. I hate it. But it gives me time away from my parents so at least that is a positive.', 'Depression leads to hopelessness. Hopelessness prevents me from taking any more steps... I am glad you fought and got better. I hope this story inspires other people with Mental Depression.', 'Im sorry about your friend and Im happy that you are strong enough to fight your struggles. I have done many actions, but my perspective can no longer change. I know that it is impossible to be happy all the time. I am not even sure if that is what I want. The only thing I am sure of, is I dont want to live beyond the date I have set.', 'I dont disagree with you. It *could* get better. Much much better. But this is the sad part: I would rather give up on that KNOWING that it would no longer get any worse.', 'Thanks Ill try to keep that in mind', 'It is hope that makes me feel Depressed mood. Hope is a lie. Its all just chance. And if I can see the odds of living a sad, meaningless, lonely, Mental Depression life are so in my favour then I should just give up early.', 'I dont want to. I just dont want to live. I hate life.', 'I am not leaping into Suicide. I am turning 28 and have thought a great deal about this. I know why Im Depressed mood. I will always remain Depressed mood and hopeless. Not every situation regarding Mental Depression can be fixed. I have tried to get help in the past and I know how the system works. I have been through the meds and been told its due to a chemical imbalance in my head. Ive been through counselling and done all the cognitive and other types of therapy. There are things that cannot be overcome. I have been single my whole life and its not going to get any easier.', 'I know how it feels and it sucks. Ive graduated through university, and couldnt get a job in my field. I work at a new place for a year and then a bully from my past (who has never been to university) starts work and makes fun of the fact that he gets paid more than me even though I have been trained in more areas. I raise this with the bosses and I get demoted to another department. Move forward a few years.... he now gets paid 5 figures while I still get paid a lowish rate. Karma does not exist.', 'I think Im still the same person.', 'I couldnt disagree with you more. Physical attractiveness and the perception of being nice is what attracts people. If you look Hyperactive behavior a slob who cant take care of your own body, then you will be judged. Having direction is more attractive? Dont make me laugh. Its only attractive if you look attractive. If a fat ugly slob wants to start a family and have kids, or wants a successful career in a job, chances are hes not going to get it. And I didnt say I wanted to become a drug addict. I want to experiment in ALL sorts of drugs. Experience new things. Not be bound by morals or what other people say.I do agree with you on one thing. Enjoy life by doing things I enjoy doing. But you seem to categorise enjoyment in your own narrow minded views. What is wrong with having no favourite music? Why do I have to settle on something specific? What if I Hyperactive behavior listening to all sorts of music besides opera? What if I Hyperactive behavior all sorts of movies equally from all sorts of genres? Finally, as I mentioned in my post, Im using Anger and self hatred to motivate myself. Im exercising because I want to look good and also want to feel the physical Ache that I deserve. That is what I want to do.', 'i Forgetfulness to Attention Deficit Disorder that I did see a psychologist for about two years. But I dont think she understood how I felt because she was newly married. I feel Hyperactive behavior nobody understands because almost everyone has been in a relationship before.', 'Im 28, and have always been alone. That has never changed. Ive been Depressed mood as long as I can remember. The only thing that has changed is that Im getting older, lonelier, and more Depressed mood.', 'Getting the house was extremely stressful. Dealing with banks, brokers, real estate agent... It was almost too much. But I went too far deep with it. I reluctantly got the house. Moving in stuff from my room to the house was also incredibly stressful. Especially as my dad insisted on borrowing his companys ute to move my stuff on my birthday. I had planned my day to relax with a couple of friends, but he made it so stressful for me. We had to double back to his work to get ICE which I didnt need or want. Basically it took the whole day which I already had plans for. It was so frustrating but I had to keep it inside because I had no right to argue because he was helping me. I had earlier wanted to call removalists to move my stuff, but he got Anger when he found out and insisted that he would take care of it. After that day, I promised myself never to spend another birthday in his presence again, even if it means not seeing other family members. Not long after I got the house, my cousin introduced me to one of her friends. She seemed nice and we went to a few lunches. She said she never much time because she had uni studies to do. After the forth time we met up, she gave me the just friends speech. Inside I was devastated. As I was driving home my car broke down. It just wasnt fair. I got my car fixed and tried to get on with life again. I noticed my workplace has some sort of counselling that was being offered and paid for as part of the bigger organisation. I decided to go for it. One of the reasons why I gave up on counselling before was because it was expensive and also wasnt much help. Even if the counselling may still be crap but at least its free now so I figured I might take a shot at it. I tried to book an appointment but they said it would take a couple of weeks. So I waited. On the day of my appointment my car broke down as I was driving along a busy freeway. Part of me gave up that day. I had to wait over 2 hours for a tow truck under a hot sun. It took a lot of effort not to step out to oncoming traffic. I really needed to talk to someone that day, but it couldnt happen. All because my car couldnt make it. Because I dont have money to get a half decent one, because I chose to get the house instead. Choices that I made. Mistakes. Following parents advice/insistence. Mistake. I was on the edge of a knife. I just needed something a little more to swing me to a direction. To live or to die. I knew from that moment on, I was unable to mentally endure a setback any time soon. But I also had to try. I had to fight for a way out. I knew my job was paying low, so I applied for a job in the mines. The interview went well. It was basically the same type of job that I was doing now, but on a mine site. Accommodation and food is sorted. It was a fly in fly out job with a decent enough roster. In the end I received a call saying I got the job, but the pay was extremely low. When I calculated it, I would be getting paid more sure, but only because I would be working a lot more hours at a lower hourly rate. I was disappointed and had to decline. There was no point in getting paid less and moving to an isolated mine site. I then found out that the same bully from the other department had got a new job a couple of months earlier. It was at the same company as I applied for, same working conditions, same job role, but with a salary close to 100k a year. This sounds unbelievable, but its sadly true. The worst kind of co incidence ever. Its also sad because it was this moment that convinced me that no matter how much happiness I received from now, it will never be enough to make life worth living again. It totally changed my view on life completely. I could win the lottery and be a multimillionaire, but I would assure anyone reading this, I still intend to die and the date I have in mind. I am still going to try and be as positive as I can be, even though it is extremely difficult. Its been over half a year since learning that the bully was getting paid so much more than what I was offered. Everyday single day since then, Ive thought about Suicide at least a few times a day. But things have also been better since. I have recently applied and transferred to another department that is so much better than my previous 2 departments that I worked at. Everybody is so nice and Im currently getting treated fairly. However Suicide is still on my mind. The date and method is still running though my head a few times a day. It feels horrible but at the same time I understand how Ive arrived here. I chose to apply for that job and keep my hopes up. Its my fault I kept my hopes up. As a result Ive learnt that hope really does destroy me. To hope for something better is wrong. If something good or positive comes in my life then thats good and Ill accept it. But unfortunately Ive been through enough. No amount of happiness can ever convince me that life is worth living. I cant Stress this enough but Ill say this once more: There are limits to how much a person can endure mentally before they cannot be helped anymore. ', 'This was beautiful.', 'I agree with you. Things have indeed become better in my life. Im just unable to feel Hyperactive behavior its ever going to be enough to make it worth living.', 'I guess I should begin at the beginning. My Schizophrenia, Childhood was not particularly a happy one. My main memories of it are being constantly scolded and beaten by my dad and sometimes my mum. They would emphasise the importance of education to such an extent where it made me Depressed mood. Sure it may be great to give a child a head start, teaching me things that my classmates did not know yet. But to force it the way they did was incredibly painful for me.In grade one, I remember my uncle gave me and my sister stickers. At the time I thought it would be a great idea to give some of the stickers to my classmates at school. My parents found out that the stickers were missing and asked where they went. When they found out, they were not happy. Well particularly my dad. I remember him screaming at me with so much Anger. He threatened to kick me out of the house. This is no exaggeration. Even though it was a bluff, he had the door opened and was screaming at me to get out. I vividly remember hiding behind my mums legs as my mum was telling me to say sorry. My mums acceptance of my dads Anger outbursts soon developed into an encouraging behaviour of his actions. It wasnt long before she encouraged my dad as he scolded and hit us. Screaming stuff Hyperactive behavior, \xe2\x80\x9cyou deserve this\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cthis is what you get\xe2\x80\x9d in Chinese. It may be her way to encourage us kids to always do the right thing to avoid this situation. Its pathetic. In one of my early grades I was being introduced to the times-table. I have painful memories of trying to remember them. I just remember I wanted to play Lego with my sister, but I was forbidden until I can memorise it all. I snuck away\tto play Lego with my sister anyway and my mum hit me and took me away and told me I was in school and had to learn it Hyperactive behavior all my classmates were. I was telling my classmates about times-tables and they had no idea what it was. I felt Anger that I was being forced to learn something we werent even taught yet.I remember that my parents wanted me to improve my handwriting. So everyday, I had to fill two pages of copied text. As a child I found this very boring. The pages seemed to go on forever. The text I copied were from Disney stories. If I didnt finish the 2 pages daily, I would get hit. That happened quite a lot.My mum had ideas to improve my knowledge. She would bring books from the library and try to get me to memorise them. \xe2\x80\x9cNutritio
['same here, I go through some really Mental Depression funks, but the majority of the time I just dont find anything interesting. I categorize my Mental Depression by urge to kill myself. If I really feel Hyperactive behavior killing myself, I just know that Im having a bad day and I need to take it easy with myself. If Im just feeling kind of bland but I dont want to kill myself then I know its an alright day. but I just dont feel happy and I finding nothing interesting. I dont have feelings of not belonging or worthlessness so Im in this limbo state that I know Im not going to kill myself but Im still feeling anhedonia. ', 'It may not feel Hyperactive behavior people with actually miss you but trust me they will. Do you have any hobbies to take yourself out of these negative thoughts? ']
['Haha, I cant really imagine. The Taste, Metallic of metal has never taken me. Always admired the scene though, my more metalhead friends are always so chill.', 'On a side note: I would take my mother to the grave with me if I could. Its just too much effort and I would feel way too sorry for my dad. Shes a really nice person, well-rounded and loving to everyone. But I have this irrational, burning hatred for her and I want her to be as dead as I want to be.Does anyone have any idea why this is?Just for clarity: I wouldnt ever kill her.', 'Tell us more, Hyperactive behavior how long have you been feeling Hyperactive behavior this?', 'Whats been your most immersive book? Are you religious? Do you believe in more after death? Do you hope there is?Also can you recommend one of Purcells better works?', 'You tried any rec drugs? Any favs?', 'Thats super tough man. Im 21 and what seems Hyperactive behavior the exact situation 2 years prior to yours. Ive thought about and dreaded being where you are and what Ive come up with is:You will have to get a Depressed mood supermarket job or something to make money to afford to retake your entire degree. Which I guess is restarting it when youre Hyperactive behavior 25. And youll have to keep your knowledge touched up over the few years. Socially, you will probably lose your uni friends and make a couple new ones at your next job.Its honestly not the worst prospect, and your parents will more easily come to terms with you being a dropout whos going to try harder, than you killing yourself after faking your last 3 years.', 'Man, once you start opening up, saying what youre really thinking to people who are in a similar boat, its hard to stop. Theres definitely that rush of excitement and hope. I enjoyed experiencing that through your writing.Exercise 100% helps all the time. Trouble for everyone is sticking to it for more than a month.Have you taken any rec drugs? Taking LSD/acid has helped me. An experience I would severely recommend everyone experiences before they die. Getting Drug abuse when Im feeling abnormally Stress also helps. I asked someone else earlier to look at this. This guy helps me see how unique and Abnormal behavior life is when Im feeling meaningless.On a final note, you are completely tied down to your responsibility to your pup. She needs somewhere to live and someone to love her.', 'Oh okay. The psychologist, did they actually give you a new perspective on things you were Anxiety about i.e. did they tell you anything you didnt already know?Also if you dont mind me asking, whats your job? Im constantly astounded when I see so many employees in a supermarket or some-such at an entry-level job when theyre 30-40+. Not that I think anyones inferior for that.Its mine (and basically everyones) biggest fear that Ill end up with minimal prospects and a dead-end, boring job.It scares me to see if Ill actually get to that point and I further wonder if Id be able to accept my life at that point.Is this something youve had help with adjusting to? Or w.e, what do you think?P.s. Interestingly Ive always wanted to die most when Im feeling truly exhilarated/content, at my peak. Not in a druggie sense but out of fulfillment. The further my prospects fall, the less I want to die and the more Anxiety I become. But Im not really sad cause it really doesnt Irritable Mood anything and I can just die whenever.', '"youve got plenty of time" To do what? Put effort into something?"Its really up to you to develop a good career." Right, and I really would rather just die when it comes to putting effort in Hyperactive behavior that, since its much easier.Not only that, I dont want to put effort in to my life only to have it surpassed by someone else (e.g. job application), or for it to perhaps go unrecognised by people in power i.e. be unsuccessful. Every bit of effort is potentially wasted. It is not Hyperactive behavior an exp bar in some game. It really, really isnt.I *may* one day get a job that I Hyperactive behavior, whatever that will be, but theres no guarantee anything will be great. The idea that I might one day be sat down and quietly think "Life /still/ isnt as exciting or easy or stress-free as I want it or expected it to be." puts me off from bothering.Excerpt from above "But that Guilt wont outweigh the effort I have to put in to keep an easy life for, I expect, much longer, which is why I am making this post now."', 'Hahah, fair. Can you still drink? Does it mess with medication or anything?Just throwing it out there, if you can nab some LSD/tabs from someone, Id recommend it severely.', 'Well I still recommend it if youre not concerned about the possible issues. Ive found LSD to be the least inconsequential drug to my health, while mixing and stuff. And also the best. Its not quite an opera but it looks Hyperactive behavior a good time.', 'If you dont mind elaborating, what was the opportunity you had to kill yourself? And how did you become a quadriplegic?Either way, that truly sucks man, no-one would judge you for committing suicide. I dont know if Im allowed to post links, its not my channel or anything. This guy makes some Nausea 3 min vids about the incredibility of the human mind. Just watch one.', 'Haha, thank you.', 'Have you got/had any similar thoughts/experiences/feelings?', 'Im not going to see a therapist, Im not in pain. I just want to die ASAP and it frustrates me that its monopolizing my enthusiasm/passion.', 'Are you going to try again? Are you Social fear now? Does your regret reinforce your desire to die? Whats your music of the moment, you got a fav playlist?', 'This is Abnormal behavior, Ive never seen a classical opera. London Opera had a purcell production on Hyperactive behavior a week ago. Im going to watch a Christmassy one.', 'Which Psych do you feel was more useful to you? What was the overall process Hyperactive behavior, as in did it feel long enough that you noticed one day you werent really Anxiety/depressed, or a couple big movements in your behaviour to set yourself on a better mental track?', 'Was voice acting more difficult than you thought? What did you act on? Im surprised youve not been really sucked into a book. You reckon thats an age thing? Maybe the instant gratification from the internet? Ive not gotten into a book since I was in my early teens and I suppose both are true.Also you didnt answer if you were going to try again. Too incriminating or perhaps you missed it.', '"I know life isnt easy and it wasnt fair with you but dont you take you can find some ray of hope in life?" "Since my injury Ive sharpened my C# and Java skills but Im hardly excited about it."My sides']
['I know your Ache man. I try to keep in mind that I will find better, and things will get better. It does hurt, but killing yourseld over a woman isnt worth it. Im 22 and facing federal charges, and a girl I care about stopped talking to me. I feel the same way you do, people tell me all the time to "get over her", "youll find better" but its hard to convince yourself that. it will get better in time, try /r/seduction and try finding a new and better girl. ', 'Its not dumb, it happens. Do you feel sad and Depressed mood? Or do you just have fantasies?', 'Yea but the seats where about an 8 (just regular seats, not leather or anytjing), but good conditioned seats. Shes not that Anger about the holes, shes Anger because I got up and arms defensive and denied whole heartedly. Once I owned up to it she said I should have done that in the first place. ', 'I appreciate it. I feel much better. I have no clear evidence that shows that my friends resent me, but im still Depressed mood over the girl situation still. I am seriously Social fear that I cannot do any better.', 'I agree. Im now starting to get over my ex friend too. She never told me to "never talk to her again" but the last words she said to me was "fuck off" so idk. I hope everything will work out for the better for both of us.', 'A little over 2 months ago.', 'No. We fixed things at 1pm, this happened at 5:30pm. And she wasnt drunk, but on her way to get drunk when she noticed. ', 'Im not exactly sure what to do cause Im sorta Hyperactive behavior the older brother in this situation. but if hes not taking advice, than its hard to get through. For him Id suggest therapy and even though he has a full time job now, look for one that has more of a promising future to it, something where he can work up the latter.', 'About a 6. Its a 2000 or so but in good condition. ', 'Thats the other problem. In order to be self employeed on probation, I have to be incorporated and licensed. I dont have the capital to do that.', 'That was inappropriate of your mom. She needs to know that in this economy, getting a job is tough, even with a degree. I would suggest earching for a job that matches your education. She shouldnt be disappointed, youre working, thats all that matters. She should be proud of you. *hugs*Youre right though, staying busy keeps you from being down. I noticed that the more down time I have, the more time I have to sink in depression. Do whatever you think is right for you. ', 'Im in the same boat, Im having a hard time finding a job and Im stuck with my parents, theres always hope though. Have you considered volunteering anywhere Hyperactive behavior an animal shelter? Becoming a volunteer is almost guaranteed and it is a great way to meet people.', 'Thats what I do. Im constantly Depressed mood but I try to help people with their similar and/or situations that cause depression, it takes my mind off of things and makes me feel better that Im helping someone.', 'I do live with my parents. The reason I feel hopeless is because I dont know if Im ever going to get on my feet.', 'Im super scawny and not that good looking I the face. She was an 8/10. I cant do any better. I got lucky, and it was a fluke hooking up with her.', 'love matters. but whod want anything romantically to do with a dead beat felon.', 'Like I said, no making money on own due to the fact there is no proving that my work is legit. In order to be self employeed I need to be licensed or incorporated. Or I have to wait til the 3 years is up.3 years from now ill be way to old to go anywhere. Im 22 now, at the age of 25 ill be pratically ancient, too late to go anywhere.', 'As for my friends. this just happened to day. I just texted someone, and they where Hyperactive behavior "dont worry. youre making a big deal of something that isnt" .. so I take it as they didnt take too much offence to it. But it still makes me look insecure. they havent clearly said "We dont want to talk to you" but it might end up to the point where Im not wanted around because of the way Ive acted.As for my ex, shes just been ignoring me. She told me off, then ignored me. She doesnt want to talk to me. She hasnt talked to me in 2 months. Ive been contacting her once a week.', 'Im in the SAME EXACT boat. I had a close female friend myself and we both had feelings for each other. 2 weeks ago we stopped talking, and Ive been Depressed mood as well. I hope that I get at least the same opportunity you did and talk to her again. It will get better for you. Work on changing yourself, and then wait and let her know what you worked on what she doesnt Hyperactive behavior about you. If you guys argue over things you strongly stand for, and dont want to change it, than it isnt meant to be.', 'We used not to. We used to be really close. Its been rocky for the past 2 weeks. Thats it. Before that its all good. Idk if you read the whole thing in detail, but she told me all that harsh shit because shes Anger at the fact I denied. I denied because I dont remember. I hope she doesnt think Im living. Giving her time to cool down has always worked. But Hyperactive behavior I said. Never has she seemed this pissed. Sure shes called me an ass in the past, sure shes told me to leave her alone. But during our whole 3 yrs of knowing each other has she ever told me that I was dead to her or stay out of her life. ', 'I appreciate the advice. Just felt really discouraged and fantasized of death. Im going to try volunteering while I apply.', 'It isnt OLD, but imo if you havent had much work experience by that age than its too late to go anywhere.Also no portfolio, I can code PHP/Javascript and some Ruby and Python. Just nothing to show off my skills to people who want to hire me.', 'I was thinking about opening up my own business. I am always full of ideas. Im just Social fear that within 1-2yrs when I get out, the internet will be full and everything will be done already.']
['Call 911 right now, then throw up. There will be other girls, trust me. ', 'When I was in college, I had a roommate was was dealing with extreme depression, smoked way too much weed, was abusing adderall, on prescription antidepressants, and had suicidal thoughts. I tried to help him, to be his friend, but after a year I just couldnt do it anymore, and neither could my other roommates. We went to the school for help, and the school moved him out of our room. He didnt kill himself, but he did end up dropping out of school.I still feel bad about that. I sometimes wish we had done more. And he thought we were Anger with him. He thought we asked the school to kick him out. We didnt, but he thought we did because we withdrew from him and he was too Depressed mood to believe us.the point of this story is just to say that I believe many of your friends and family may feel that way. Dont assume anyone is Anger. They just might need some space themselves. Or they might be frustrated at their inability to help, and are waiting and hoping that you will turn out ok.', 'You need to speak to your doctor about the nausea. It could be a sign that your dosage is wrong, or that youre having a bad reaction to the medication. And even if it is a normal side effect and will go away, Im guessing it would make you feel better if you knew that instead of just hoping.Can you talk to the psychiatrist who prescribed the medication about how you are feeling? Do you have a best friend you can trust? 13 is a hard age, but you never know, you might have friends who are dealing with the same issues, you might be able to help each other out.', 'It doesnt have to be that, I just meant it sounds from your post that you just feel stuck and you dont see how to get unstuck. The best thing you can do is try to find something in your life you can advance. You say you are in decent shape, maybe you can do some kind of athletic activity and meet people there. Or maybe you can use that to help find a girl. Get on a free dating site and put up a couple pics that focus on your body. Or if there is some way to take a university class without actually being a full student, try that. The point is it doesnt really matter what you do as long as you do something that will help you move forward with some part of your life.I know that all sounds trite, and it def wont solve your problems overnight, but it will put you on the right path, and for now thats all you need.', 'Dont do it. Call a hotline, call your parents, do something, but dont kill yourself. Life gets better, it really does. And while it may seem Hyperactive behavior no one cares about you, people do. Your death will Chest Pain a lot of people. And it will prevent you from helping people and bringing happiness to people you havent even met yet.Dont do it.', 'Good. Also be sure to tell him how you are feeling. I assume hell ask, but whether or not he does you need to make sure you tell him.Its understandable that you dont want to tell new friends. That is hard.', 'The important thing to remember is you have options. Your problems ARE solvable. You dont need to kill yourself. Yeah, college is sometimes stupid. But it will also always be there, and if now isnt the time, go back to it. As for the job, maybe you can find one that you dont find insulting. I get where youre coming from, I always refused to have any time of food service job, wouldnt even consider it no matter how hard my parents pushed. But eventually I found a low-paying summer job that I actually enjoyed. You might too.Also, please consider the other people in your life. You say youre living at home, have you thought about what this would do to your parents? Having to find their child Hyperactive behavior that? What about your other relatives? Or your friends who you have fallen out of touch with? I know you feel alone, but your death will Chest Pain a lot of people.', 'First of all, things can get better. Youve got a solid foundation, you just need to do something to move yourself forward.Have you looked into taking a couple evening classes at community college? It would give you a reason to get out of the house, would give you a sense of moving forward with your life, and would help you meet people. ', 'Dont you want to keep listening to them? Or see your kids grow up? Or see the pyramids? Or whatever your dream is? Call 911. Please.', 'I think you would be surprised by how much joy little things can bring you. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve bought into materialism. Things will never make you happy. Theyre Hyperactive behavior a sugar rush. It wears off fast, then its just another thing you have to store and clean.Life is about experiences, not stuff.I think you underestimate the Ache your death would cause. I think you substantially underestimate the Ache it will cause.', 'You need to call 911, you might not be able to get everything out. Please, call them.', 'All it takes is one. I know that sounds stupid and trite, but its true. the first girl I hooked up with in college wasnt at a party, or in my dorm, or whatever. I was a girl I met when another girl I was friends with dragged me to a religious event. The girl saw me, decided she liked how I looked, gave me her email, and a few days later we hooked up.It happens in the strangest ways, you just have to put yourself out there.', 'Dude, those people were assholes, ignore them. Shove your fingers down your throat, puke it all up, and call 911. This isnt the right thing to do. Youre going to Chest Pain a lot of people, and you dont need to do this. ', 'Im glad youve decided to hold off. I would strongly advise you to seek out professional therapy, I think it would be in your interests. I know it can be difficult to approach your parents about something Hyperactive behavior that, but it is worth it.Im not going to tell you that money isnt important. But I will say I believe you are overestimating its importance, and overestimating the amount you require to be happy. I wish you luck.', 'Yes, you do want to wake up tomorrow.People wouldnt be happy if you died, theyd be devastated. Your friends, your family? They would be immeasurably Chest Pain.Guys will mature. If you dont want to wait try dating guys a few years older. And your friends, have you tried talking to them, telling them how you feel? You might be surprised to find out they are more receptive than you thought theyd be.Most importantly, youre too young to die. Things can and will get better for you. Please dont do this.', 'I know. But the thing is, it will never happen if you dont occasionally go out and do things or meet people.Really, just try saying hello to someone in each of your classes. Try going to one club. Or hanging out with your coworkers. Just give it a shot. Small steps. Being Phobia, Social takes practice just Hyperactive behavior everything else. But if you put yourself out there, eventually youre going to find that you do have a couple friends, and eventually youll find that there is a girl whos into you.', 'Its not worth dying over. Really its not, no matter what you did. Emotions come and go, Ache fades with time, and Ill bet you will be shocked by how many of those people arent Anger with you. Some of them because they never were Anger (perhaps just frustrated or exhausted), others because theyve forgiven.Murderers get executed. Im guessing you havent murdered anyone. You dont deserve to die.']
['I smoked a lot of it, either to fall Somnolence faster or distract myself, then I got bored and now its kinda Hyperactive behavior I dont care about it.', 'Give us something else drowndead, at least let us know what do you have to say, please!', 'aaw, I guess you really love them based on what you said.Think of all the thing you will share in the next years, about seeing them grow up, learn, become more independent all the time, take some time to consider all the joy they will bring into your life and all the joy you will give them. Besides what you said about leaving the three of them alone, think about what **you** would loose by not being there to see them develop.', 'Its great, thanks !', 'Yeah, I think the easiest thing is to answer to the submitters you relate to, but IMHO just reading and saying you are there is helping a little bit.Just try your best 4thFloyd, Im very far from being an expert, but have been browsing SW for a while and just recently got confident enough to start responding. Dont push yourself too much, I often have to stop reading and start browsing something else.My responses may be far from being the best, but I try to compensate by answering quick, because it can get a bit slow here.', 'PM me whenever you want, it might take me a couple of hours to get back to you, but I really want to talk.', 'It seems none of the mods read this yet. I do know none of them is going to Hyperactive behavior this idea for many reasons.This sort of thing has been proposed many times.As much as we would want it happening, the reality is that we are not prepared to always having someone available to answer, and specially, theres no way we could manage this well - say, prevent trolling and spam, abusive messages, etc, all of which are much more common than youd think.Also, few of the people here are really trained to handle these situations, specially if were talking about live chat.For starters, you should read this:**Edit:** If any of the other mods reads this, please Attention Deficit Disorder what you want, this comment is just to let people know why theyre not having SWs support on this.', 'Calm down. Youve done all you can do for now. Just try to get in touch with her, or with some member of her family/friend who lives close.She might have been speaking literally when she said she was going to visit you.Couldnt she have meant his dads grave ?', 'Please dont do it. Of all the problems people have, being bad at socializing is probably one of the easiest to make right (its my main problem as well).Get on a plan to be more Phobia, Social. Things will be better once you do it. Just as with Mental Depression, one thing follows the next: the more you do to be more Phobia, Social, the easier it gets and the better it feels. Dont sit around and hope that people approach you. Be proactive, enjoy your progress, you will enjoy people if you do, and you will start to Hyperactive behavior yourself in the way.', 'Thanks for that, this is a great idea !', 'Would you mind telling us what happened in 2008 ?Why do you believe every person is evil ?', '> Hyperactive behavior theres something broken down inside of my that cannot be repaired.... Hyperactive behavior this is it, things arent going to get better.... i want to believe that you can help but i just dont see howIm glad you mentioned that. All we (at least me) can do for you is tell you what we know: The mindset you are in makes you think you are alone in a room, and the only thing you can do there is take your life, it makes you see walls that arent there and it might even create much more complex delusions. You just have to learn to ignore them when you are at the bottom, and they will slowly fade away. Life is much more wonderful than you can imagine now. You can do many things that right now seem impossible. The future is probably way brighter than it feels now. Its your **mindset** which keeps you from seeing it, it doesnt have to be your brain.Its just a phase you will get over if you stay with us. I know how hard it is, but you just have to focus on solving things one by one, step by step and before you know it everything will be great.', 'Hopefully we will. Its hard to understand, but well, we all have our problems, just some have it worse than others.', 'I really liked that. Good contribution.', 'You wont make anyone feel worse, I think everyone here is aware of the fact that the rest of us are Depressed mood/troubled as well.Reddit is the best drug in my short stash.', 'Dont feel bad about talking; Im here because I enjoy doing it.I dont think you cut *just because* and if you want to tell me what else is wrong, Im listening.Also are you in some sort of therapy ?', 'Yeah.I usually blame bullying and being ignored by people outside my family, but theres no excuse. I started to think some of us are born Hyperactive behavior this or that random stuff, thoughts and situations in our lives have molded us Hyperactive behavior this without any real problem, just a combination of things that turned out to form a Depressed mood person.', 'Hey! Garden slugs are people too!', 'Awesome! Ill PM you this week, cant really talk now ;)', '>Seems Hyperactive behavior theyd be better off without the burden.As real as that feels now, its far from true.Once you start to get ahold of yourself you will begin to see it. If they helped you, they probably care about you. Anything you ask them will be much less bad than taking you life.Even if they live with their parents, if you dont live with your girlfriend you should ask them, or have a night out of them, or ask someone to stay at your house. Dont spend a lot of time alone if you think you can snap and do it again.Believe me, wait until you get better and not only you will be a much better/stronger person, but you will also realize how ridiculous it is to attempt a Suicide.', 'Stop.I know all of the advice I gave you in previous threads seemed worthless, but just start **changing things** and see how it goes. You do have *some* free time right ? start doing something new, something you hadnt ever considered before. Thatll give your life some meaning. Throw a party at your house inviting people from work, just do it. Dont think about it, do it.To get something you never had, you have to do something you have never done before. Thats just an idea, think for some time a couple of your own, brainstorm, and avoid looking for excuses not to execute them.Why the fuck not ? One of them might turn out to be freaking great and youll never have the chance to know if you dont try.You can PM me for anything, I just want to be helpful. ', 'I relate a lot to your post.Cant tell anyone, and I made thousands of excuses for not doing it. Now that someone opened herself in that sense to me (shes probably worse than me) a couple of months ago I feel Hyperactive behavior shit because I didnt get myself to tell her. That window is probably closed, I dont think she wants to see me anymore partly because Im an idiot and partly because she doesnt think I understand her. But I really do.We still have to go on. There will be a chance to open yourself to someone, and I might have another opportunity, but keeping the mask for the moment and trying to mature enough to take the chance the next time.Im feeling exactly the same though Suicide isnt worth it. No one even imagines the awful time Im going through.PM me please.', 'Thank you very much for posting this. I would Hyperactive behavior to know about your progress anyway, please post something or even PM me once in a while if you dont mind.Thanks and keep your head up.', 'I concur :PIm a bit short of time lately but will get on it if you need anything, please dont hesitate to ask.A collection of good comments would be great, at least something for people to read when things get slow here and few answers are posted.Nice advocaaaaaaate!', 'I will quote you on that. Friggin awesome bro', 'Im glad I did, just report back later ok?', 'Change something.If you are not comfortable as you are now, start doing small changes on your life and enjoy your progress. It shouldnt be a Ache in the ass to change your life style, but more Hyperactive behavior something you are proud of. You just need some [motivation]( to [exercise]( would love it if you send me a PM to talk a bit more or even more so, tell me what are you planning to do to improve yourself.Cheers!', 'I PMd you, could you read it ?', 'You shouldnt give the presents and all that so much importance. What do those Irritable Mood ?I dont give many presents and Im sure there are lots of other people who do the same thing as well. I really dont see the point of all the spending.If someone doesnt give you a present that doesnt Irritable Mood that person doesnt Hyperactive behavior you/care about you.', 'Dont take drugs while being in the wrong mindset, youll never have a good time, and any decision you take will hardly be in agreement with your sober you.You should tell us more anyway, what are the things that bother you ?', 'I know that there are lots of people in this world who wont give a shit about anyone, but that doesnt Irritable Mood you are not good enough for it. The circumstances we are in can make us feel worthless, insignificant, but that often isnt right. Is there any way for you to get another job ? Things can get tough, people can be Irritable Mood, but never value yourself in relation to that. It seems to me that you are doing your best, but nobody is nice enough to notice it.Keep doing your best, and try to get a new job. Even with no job, there are tons of alternatives that are better than Suicide (almost any alternative is better than that)', 'I really Hyperactive behavior this song of the day initiative. Thanks.', 'Try to just go along and take it easy. You are not obligated to do anything really, IMO getting at least a part time job will help with your Anxiety Mental Depression in the long run and you might meet interesting people.Find someone to talk to, and know that SW will be here for you whenever you need it.Growing up isnt easy but it can be fun as well.Feel free to post whenever you want or just PM me if you dont want to but just need to rant.', 'That has been created over 6 months ago. The user doesnt have any more posts.Dead end or any cyberpolice superhero has an idea ?**edit**: [this]( is probably her youtube channel and the last acitvity has been 17 hours ago.Damn Im good. Yeah I guess Google helped a little bit.', 'But I **would Hyperactive behavior** to say something. I am pretty sure you havent known all life can be.', 'You can do anything you want with your life. Defying your boundaries (socially specially) is what makes you aware of how much you are really capable of. Make it a habit, to push your own limits bit by bit and enjoy the progress at the same time.I think thats a good way to confront the shyness and slowly make it go away.Find other things to do besides school and reddit, it could be a sport, a course, a part time job or even volunteering in something. IMO, those are the things that later in life will feel Hyperactive behavior they have defined me, and at the same time you will meet new people, get your mind on something else, and force yourself to attack your shyness.Im far from being somebody worth listening to, but thats pretty much what Ive planned for myself, think about it and maybe youll Hyperactive behavior it.Just **knowing** you have a plan and that you are working on improving yourself and trying to have a better life feels much better.Cheers! And Id love you to send me a PM to talk about anything at all!', 'Maybe theres no one right way, but depends a lot on yourself which is the best way to go about it. You obviously have a much greater insight into yourself than I could, but trying to break the limits seems a good, universal, motivator.Sorry if it didnt help, but maybe you should keep the idea in your head. I find that when something is stuck in my head and I think about it regularly, even if most of the times Im not in the mood of doing it sometimes I am and end up doing it. Just think that every attempt, even if it ends in failure, is progress somehow if you learn something from it, because most of the times you wont loose much.', 'My humble point of view is that, sadly, sending hurtful things through PM is more of a desire to do damage, than a Crying Reflex, Abnormal for help or attention.I dont really understand the reason though.', 'PM me and well talk please.', 'With my mask on, Hyperactive behavior the rest of the year. The time when everyone goes to Hypersomnia gets a bit hard because my whole family gets together and we are about 20 people sleeping in 2 houses, and that doesnt leave much privacy.I usually get bad moods from september-october until february of the next year, but the holidays distract and shake me up so much they even feel Hyperactive behavior a rest within all my mess. Planning what to do on the holidays can Sedated state me a bit also.', 'Have you tried something new lately ? A sport, hobby, just anything to do on your free time ?If you are Hyperactive behavior me, you are going to start making up excuses Hyperactive behavior I dont have the time/money/personality etc. Dont do that. Just brainstorm for ideas and pick the best one, then go ahead with it. Force yourself to put that in motion.', 'The worse I can say is, you are still going on, you dont Hyperactive behavior your job, the pricks in your life turned you down, and all of those things, but you are still working and didnt break down into an average Depressed mood person, which is admirable.Why did you drop out of college ?You sound smart, maybe changing jobs could be a good thing, working somewhere you could escalate positions.Is having a car completely necessary ? Youd be able to save a little more if you sold it.', 'You are being overly pessimist about it, thats my point, Mental Depression makes it hard to see the bright side of things, and even if you can see some of the positive things, you will most likely underrate them.I think that your interaction with this girl sent you into a bad chain of thoughts. The planet doesnt have feelings, you are not taking away other peoples food by eating, if the system is unbalanced it isnt your fall.Its hard when you give your very best for someone and that person doesnt appreciate it, but thats how it is and it is way too complex to answer what happened with "I dont have any value". Look around you, people are ungrateful, they just are. Many will never really appreciate what you do for them, but dont take it out on yourself.As nice as she might seem, theres always the possibility that she wouldnt appreciate the biggest help you could give, it has nothing to do with how you are.Besides, caring enough for other people to help them out is one of the most honorable things you can do, not only you deserve to live but you deserve to live happily.', 'Are you ok ? Please wake up your husband and make him get you to a hospital. You are in serious danger otherwise.', '> If i get away with it I will live on and be more happyDont be so sure about that. You know you are not "stable" (as I am not either) so we have to learn to have a clear mind or at least *act* Hyperactive behavior we do no matter what. If you did that, I guarantee nothing good will come out.We all get bad urges sometimes, but resisting them is what keeps us alive and many times makes us stronger in some sense.Please dont do anything you could regret. Your life, as well as everyone elses, has a lot of value. Even if you dont feel it at this moment, it will hit you at some point.Many of us know how that *numbness* is, the best thing to do seems to be just being nice even if you dont feel Hyperactive behavior it, if you dont do good at least dont load your conscience with bad things.Get help, do as much as you can to change your thinking for the better. Youll pull through, just keep on. Dont do it. Please stay with us. ', 'You did right by applying for a job. Look for more things to do that will force you to meet people, you will eventually find someone nice, good initiative and keep going!You are on the right path, just stop caring about what douchebags Hyperactive behavior that are getting, it wont do you any good and theres no point in envying others. Nobody is perfect, he probably wont appreciate what he has, even if he gets what he wants.Improve yourself, love yourself, love your life, and you will be a thousand times happier than that ass. I had people Hyperactive behavior him in my life too, its useless to get mad, that way hed be winning.The important thing is that you are probably better than him. I dont think either of you have real friends, but Im sure he never will. ', 'What about getting a simple job to keep you entertained for a bit while still getting the Disability ?Its always a sad outcome, dont even consider it.', 'Hopefully. The heat is so fucking Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well.', 'Hey, want to talk about it ?You are doing something for yourself, that takes courage. Going from Numbness to a hurricane of feelings is a huge shake, nobody enjoys that, but this bit of suffering will seem nothing compared with the joy youll get as the bad feelings fade away. Itll get easier. There are ups and downs so dont rush into thinking you are getting worse when the blues hit you, and the downs will feel long, but every time you are there remember you can only go up.Cheers :)', 'I think I can say Im on the way to that. My story is somewhat similar to friend_of_the_show66, and weighted 176lbs (59" too) 5 months ago. Im at 165 lbs now but much more built, by seriously doing a sport for the first time in my life, and enjoying it at the same time. Physically, Im not where I want to be yet, but feel Hyperactive behavior Im getting there. In other aspects, well, its all a journey you have to enjoy, some things will make you stronger, some will just fuck you, but all you need is the right;dr: I havent, totally, but feel Hyperactive behavior its possible and getting there slowly. The more you do to get better, the better youll feel. We always underrate the benefit we will get by doing things for ourselves, so little things can make a big difference actually. **Yes you can**', 'Wait a sec there.I am really interested in reading more about you.Please elaborate.', 'Exactly what I meant. Thanks.', 'Yeah Hyperactive behavior I didnt have stuff to do. Sometime later.', 'Like I said in your previous thread:>I think everyone gets some retribution for getting into SW, no matter what do they do in here.This is the nicest communities to which I have belonged.As for myself, Ive been pretty bad the last couple of months (just my time of the year), and even though I havent seriously considered Suicide in over 5 years, the Shock of actually thinking of leaving this world sticks with you for a long time.When I started browsing SW I felt so inspired I felt I really had to take part. Only a short time ago I acquired the experience and courage to actually post and try to help out (also feeling Depressed mood makes me empathize more with the people in here).Im far from being a good helper here, and I certainly dont believe I will change anyones life, but Im doing my best and this is one of the little things that make me proud of myself, even if done;dr, feels a little less bad man.', 'Tell us a little bit more. Whats going on ?', 'I cant edit my comment for some reason. I wanted to tell you I just sent you a PM. Lets talk.', 'Its amazing how many of us are still hiding.You didnt waste our time. If we read your post is because we care and its fulfilling to try to help someone Hyperactive behavior you, because we feel you.Opening your thoughts isnt easy, but you should make it a goal of yours. Look for one of the people who love you and pick someone who has been through it. That person will be surprised, surely, but will completely understand you. That takes courage to do, but its a great thing to manage to get yourself to do it.That is the second step. The first was to post writngrl said, having written to us is a great thing, you should consider this an achievement somehow.', 'Well, I dont think I know enough to give you an answer but that must always come hundreds of miles before you start planning on taking your life.And I dont think its "Fuck it, Ill go to the psych ward", itd actually be a positive thing if you reach that point. Your wife should understand that if you do it you are doing it mainly for their sake.', 'Dont feel bad about yourself for what you didnt have with her, its never that "one isnt enough for the other", its that you just werent compatible enough, and her leaving you doesnt Irritable Mood he us better than you.If you work on it, you will meet other girls. Maybe the first girl you see isnt as good for you as your ex, maybe the second isnt either, but you can get there and giving up is not the way to achieve results!Start living for yourself a little more, do things you used to do before, or try other things that interest you.Keep going, the struggle is worth it.PM if you want to. (probably wont be online tonight but Ill answer asap)', '>settling for what you can getMore Hyperactive behavior getting what you settle on.You want to make changes, then tell us a bit more about you lifestyle. Age for example.', 'Just dont.There are lots of things for which you should still be living. Just because you dont see them right now doesnt Irritable Mood you wont in a while.If you live alone, maybe it would be a good idea to hide the pills separately, otherwise give them to someone you trust.Feel free to PM and please report back.', 'Oh. Im not in the states either, South America actually. You are going to find a good way out of this. If you have any ideas, Id Hyperactive behavior to hear them. Bringem on!So where are you ?', 'Thanks, Im glad I could help, your post got me pretty motivated to write something so I just did.This sort of comments are the best things I got from reddit (and the internet)Ill PM you soon=)', 'Sup?', 'Ugh. Telling the parents? I do think they care, but some people just dont know how to handle this sort of situation. I could be wrong here, but in my case talking to my parents could cause a wide range of reactions (many mixed emotions probably).Do talk to them if you want, but be ready and know that in the desesperation and helplesness, they can react somewhat weirdly.', 'Feeling Hyperactive behavior you are running with your head in a bag right ?Well, some of us can trip and fall, but many will start an uphill race I guess.There is no point in worrying yet!', 'I read it.Try to sit back and see your situation from another angle, there are lots of things going through your brain, which is still developing. Its not nearly as bad when you see it from a different mindset. Dont do things you would regret afterwards. I have bad mood swings and although I cant really tell how am I doing at the time, it helps to maintain your life while working on the things that bother you.', 'Hes right.btw, nothing to your name ? Though Im young, I have no material belongings either, not even the computer Im writing from nor the bed where I sleep. And its pretty easy for me to see the bright side of that one, imagine the worries and responsibilities, think about most people in the US, they have lots of things to their names but couldnt pay their debts by selling that stuff.The sun always comes out again ("*Siempre que llovio par\xc3\xb3*", *"Every time it rained, it stopped"*). I love that phrase, and it couldnt be more accurate.The world is Abnormal behavior but good things happen every second, but we have to move forward in order to take advantage of those opportunities.Farewell brother!edit, formatting, etc', 'Why are you considering Suicide ?At least post your story, nobody here will comment about methods.', 'Chill, its going to be ok. Cuts are supposed to Chest Pain right ? It wouldnt be normal if they didnt. You will be alright. ', 'How old are you ?I stopped going on vacations with my family two years ago because of that. Besides not having fun and almost getting the point to hating them, I lack the Phobia, Social abilities to meet anyone on a trip, that didnt even cross my mind, so I ended up spending most of the time alone to avoid fighting.Just hang on there.', 'It seems you are being successful in getting yourself together, dont throw it all away for momentary times of weakness.Know that feelings often are based on nothing wrong about ourselves or our lives, learn to ignore those that are irrational (Hyperactive behavior now).Keep on living, Im sure you had a lot of good times the past year, think that youll get more and more of those if you continue with your progress. You have proven you are strong, now enjoy what youve achieved !', 'Waiting for it to get better isnt the shortest path. You have to pick yourself up and do something about your situation while you wait. Tell us a bit more, thats a way to start.Please, if you dont do it for yourself do it for us.', 'That video is awesome. Great contribution. Thank you!', 'Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. In fact, its great to see people trying to get more involved. Thanks for that, but from what we know from proffessionals (Im not one myself but some of the mods are). The main issue here is giving evil people to contact other people in need with no way for contributors to know about it. IMHO the fact that most of us are not proffessionals isnt so important, but making others believe someone will be there 24/7 is, and a considerable one.I would love to hear more ideas about some way to improve this" service" SW provides, but sticking always to what very experienced users recommended, you have my full support and help. Thans.', 'Why? what happened ?', '>Millions of people are born and die every day, my death is not important.That is just not right. Lots of people are born and die every day, but thats not important. The important part is that your world (as your friends and familys) is composed of very few people. Think about how many births and deaths have happened close yo you or the people who you care about. Those are the important ones for you and them. The rest dont matter.Just take a break, I know you want the thoughts to stop crumbling your mind, but if you really care about them the least you can do is give yourself to think about it some more time. Try to get some Hypersomnia.Christmas isnt nearly as important for them as you are, Im sure, it doesnt matter what time of the year you choose, it will feel Hyperactive behavior an unbearable Ache to them.', 'Nobody could have noticed about me at that time, and I was *very* good at hiding it, for better or for worse.Though I probably wouldnt be able to tell when someone is **there** or just having a bad time right at that moment or something Hyperactive behavior that.That is awesome!', 'Whats going on now ?Has something changed ?', 'Its ok, I just PMd you.', 'Wait! Whats going on ? What sort of improvement did you expect ? ', 'Just perfect. Your rock.IAmAaron, you should seriously consider something Hyperactive behavior this. Give yourself another chance. Suicide is always an option, living again isnt.', '> Also drug use isnt really harming yourself, now if he was taking pills and alcohol to possibly kill himself then yea.It **does** harm, and many times it is an expression of self hate, even if it seems to be just to have a good time.', '>because neither of you can help the other out of their respective emotional lows right now.Sadly, I never lost the hope to support her, to save her without exposing myself, and that idea is so attractive to me I cant leave it behind. I know people might be fucked up in ways that are not reachable by me, but I want to know that at least I did my best for her. I dont think Ill attempt Suicide if she does, but thatd be by far the toughest shit of my life.I plan on keeping the few friends with whom I can be myself and let the rest drift apart (that sums up to one, maybe two right now but fuck the rest) Nice post man, thanks', 'Just click on my username, and in that page therell be a link on the right that says "send DKSchrutte a PM" or something Hyperactive behavior that with a little envelope next to it. You can check the responses by clicking on the envelope on top of the page at any time while browsing reddit (that shows you both PMs and message responses. itll look red if there are responses you didnt read yet)We can talk here though, I dont mind.I repeat, Im pretty sure I know where you are now, but it will go away in some time, theres no need to take drastic measures. You want to redeem yourself by doing this, to show those people that you care and that you are sorry, and you feel Hyperactive behavior thats the best way to prove it. There are hundreds, thousands of other ways to try to get those people back, and even moving on is far, far better than attempting.As SQLwitch said, harming yourself will make your mistake even worse. It doesnt make sense from any logical point of view. No one will benefit from it. Theres only more Ache through that door.If you are unsettled by this whole thing, you care; and if you care, you can do things to redeem yourself.Im sure you are a nice person. We need more of you.', 'Feel ya.I feel Im on top of th world at times, and then Hyperactive behavior the most insignificant piece of shit there is. The cycles usually start slow, but then it gets to the point where I have 3 or 4 Violent mood swings in a day. Circumstances almost never help. When it gets to that point, I end up being so Confusion I dont even feel anything at all, Im sort of Hyperactive behavior a psychopath. Trying as hard as I can to think rationally gets me through with little damage to my relationships, but Ive been pretending for so many years it sucks.Back in 40 mins, have to go. PM me or sth', 'I wasnt really familiar with that, sorry. How about looking for something abroad or in another state ? Keep your hopes up.', 'Hey! slow down!responses can take a while here, sadly, much more than 20 minutes some times.Its been only five days. You have to wait for it to get better with time, and it will eventually. Continue with your daily life, talk to people as often as possible, you might even meet someone better !SW is here and so am I, you can PM or post at any time, about anything you want to talk about. I am feeling pretty lonely so a bit of talk wouldnt Chest Pain me (to say the least). Seriously, just keep on moving and you can contact me at any time.Keep your head up!', 'Any more background please ?', 'It is upsetting, but the part that makes me feel more upset is that they seem to be doing this through PM, not comments.The more reports/messages we get, the faster well be able to handle things Hyperactive behavior this. Mods cant check all comments before anyone sees them either, so report any suspicious/negative thing you see and well make a decision asap.Thanks.', 'There must be *something* you can say about yourself ?You Hyperactive behavior anime dont you ? You must be in your 20s I guess. You do have stuff to tell, theres no need to be specific just let me know what is it that you dont Hyperactive behavior about your life -or yourself- before even planning to do something Hyperactive behavior that.You have nothing to loose by talking to us, but you might earn a desire to live. Notice I didnt say "life" but "desire to live", it IS possible.', 'Whats bothering you ?', '>I want someone to hold me while I Hypersomnia.We all do, and the chance of finding that someone depends on how much you do for reaching that goal that could help you get better.', 'Hey, none of us has answers for everything (much less me), we just provide opinions.If you dont feel Hyperactive behavior talking about it with him, **make the reason clear**, really speak your mind because just avoiding the topic might be taken in a negative way by him. If you honestly tell him its too much for you, hell totally understand I think.Im guessing hes probably under heavy medication, keep that in mind if anything he says or does seems a bit odd.Also people around him are in a stressful situation, their attitudes may seem strange and say things they dont really Irritable Mood. (regarding your grandparents)A couple more updates wouldnt be bad, youre taking it Hyperactive behavior a champ
['The only advice I can give you is to force yourself into Phobia, Social situations. Ive always been an introvert and I always hated the fact that I could not make friends. Hopelessly looking for a magical solution, Ive tried to read up on Phobia, Social interaction, persuasion and seduction.Basically the only thing I do to feel better and that helps me progress, is forcing myself into Phobia, Social situations. It maybe seems as not much, but just talking to people makes you understand yourself and others in a deeper sense. Just go out, do something and focus on having a good experience. When you take the bus, smile at people you Hyperactive behavior. If they smile back, youll feel different. Talk to a random stranger about a random thing and see what happens. Worst case, theyll move on, best case, youll have a new friend and maybe a girlfriend.Eventually, youll meet someone that will be worth the challenge and youll have romance.', 'Go outside, talk to someone, magic can happen.', 'You deserve to live, you deserve good. Im sorry this has happened to you. Please go to the police or find a real life person and talk about what has happened. Dont drown in the pain, you are a good person and deserve to be treated right.If you ever need a talk about anything, PM me. Im a random person on the internet that cares about your wellbeing.', 'Same story over here, except I started taking classes again a couple of years later and managed to get my degree.', 'I used to be Depressed mood and thought the same thing about death. Ive decided to stop actively looking for death, but still welcome it when it shows it face.Lives not easy for everyone. If you need a talk, PM me.', 'We all do strange things because of many reasons. Experimenting is not bad, but you have to accept the fact that sometimes you do things you will regret.The OCD definitely enlarges feelings of Guilt and feeling "dirty". I suggest you talk to someone (maybe a counsellor) about the lingering Guilt.You are not a bad person! We all did things we regret and we all have our scars. Today is the day you can make everything worthwhile. Get up and be the good person that I know you are!', 'Dont believe that for a second!Things may seem difficult right now, but it will be better in a while. Time does heal all wounds.', 'Congratulations! Lots of small steps will make giant leaps.And never forget: Youre awesome!', 'Maybe finding a greater goal in life would help make things better?', 'The same thing happened to me, but was lucky enough to go back to uni and graduate. Hold on! Life is filled with opportunities and people are here to help!', 'So am I!', 'Super idea!', 'Dont worry. Teenage life is rough on most people. It isnt always easy, but the best thing you can do is: be yourself. Like minded people always find each other and people Hyperactive behavior real people with real personalities, not jersy shore dickheads. Remember: things will get better.Normally I wouldnt recommend using comebacks or so, because usually it only makes things worse. Or they have a better comeback to break yours or they get violent. One thing that I sometimes do is basic body language that says I dont care about them and theyre not worth my time.For example: look them straight in the eyes, move your eyes slowly to their feet, and look back up. Then just turn around and go on Hyperactive behavior nothing ever happened.']
['I know exactly what you mean. Ive dealt with Mental Depression for maybe 13 years now, and its never pretty. Tried to run away, kill myself, get lost in substance abuse, stop caring and just do whatever I wanted...nothing seemed to help for long, and even after starting the journey of finding the right antidepressants, I had a few psychological breakdowns.Then, after a particularly bad stay in the hospital, I stopped making plans for fixing anything. I stopped worrying about what would happen if I had an episode in the wrong place. I stopped putting people around me on the spot by telling them everything I was going through, since they always seemed to back off, afraid to make things worse. I started living my life one day at a time.My typical day involves a bit of work, a bit of play, and a lot of relaxing on my computer, seeing if anyone online needs help with something. Bored? Gaming. Sad? Music and chats. Randomly energetic? Ill probably be either coding or taking a walk. The point is, you can take things as they come, whatever may be in the past or future. Your time is now, and only you know what you want to do with it.I know this may not help you the way it helped me, but if nothing else, you have this crazy, messed up, split personality of a stranger who wanted to at least take the time out to say: You can make it, I believe in you.']
['Sounds Hyperactive behavior youre on the right track. Good luck! ', 'I didnt want you to refresh your post, and see those red words below-- "there doesnt seem to be anything here"... a bit too ominous, a bit too close to the mark when you feel that way. Ive attempted Suicide before-- and it wasnt unsuccessful by much. I know how awful it feels to be depressed. I hope that because of my own experience with similar feelings, that you will believe me when I tell you that shit isnt as bad as you think. Its Hyperactive behavior... a fucking trick or something. An illusion. Even when it sucks, you gotta remind yourself of this. Also, remember that random folks you never even met care about you, and want you to be alright. Im not much of a people person, but I want you to be alright. When other people read this, theyll tell you the same thing. Now heres my answer to your question:Yeah. Call up your folks and yak at them. Just say-- "Mom and Dad, I feel Hyperactive behavior shit. Its nearing up on being more than I can handle, and I just need to tell you that Im doing my best." Or whatever feels right, but do it.After that, go out. Being active in pretty much any manner helps much more than you would think. Make a small adventure-- go on a walk, and make it your mission to find some random free thing that you can put in your apartment. If you can, take a picture of it, and put it here. Well upvote the crap out of it. Good luck, talk to you soon.', 'Dont know if its weird to check up on ones Secret Santa or not, but I was curious about you. Saw this, so I figured Id comment. I deal with depression, and have been dealing with it for many years now. It has been more than a little while since Ive been in Drug abuse school, but Id Hyperactive behavior to think I still remember those times enough to be helpful. By 11th grade, its not unusual for people to be kind of moving in their own directions. Everyone is figuring SOMETHING out, whatever it may be-- that school sucks, that their town sucks, that they have the wrong friends, that they dont have friends, that theyre finally going to have to DO something with themselves or get stuck, etc. Its Hyperactive behavior "Realization Time." Maybe youre there, maybe not. Dont Increased Sweating it-- the point is that this makes lot of ripples and splashes in what has been an overall predictable experience up until this point. So your acquaintances are now distant and rude... without knowing anything else, I would first guess that theyre re-defining themselves in some way, Hyperactive behavior how you do when youre trying to end a conversation by getting near the door or turning slightly to the side. I might be wrong. They might also just be Social fear about moving on to wherever or whatever, and theyre cutting ties with folks on their own terms, before those ties are cut for them. This happens. Right now, you may be used to thinking of friends in terms of "life-long" friends, but thats primarily because youve been herded together as a group through school for much of your life. But as circumstances change, the people around you do as well-- going to college, finding a job in a bigger city, traveling with a job; these all bring new people into play in your life. In time, theyll probably be more significant as well, because youll be sharing experiences with them, and not with some person you knew in Drug abuse school. So I dont know-- you might not have friends right now. You might be "between" friends. Its an opportunity. Do something with it. Go yak at some people you dont ordinarily talk to. Start conversations in beast mode. Confidence (even fake confidence) pretty much covers all possible fuck-ups, handicaps, etc you may have in meeting/talking to people. Cant Stress that enough. Its kind of funny, because I remember Drug abuse school absolutely sucked for me, but looking back, it had the potential to be ridiculously easy if Id ever had a bit of courage/confidence about the whole thing. Took a long time to figure it out, so maybe the freakin book I just wrote will save you some time and trouble. Good luck with it, let me know how it goes. ', 'A young person in my small town recently committed Suicide. I believe they may have felt much the way you do. Although this person didnt believe it was possible, their life meant a great deal to many others-- parents, siblings, classmates, etc. He was convinced nobody cared for him, that nobody was there to share his troubles, or who could understand how he felt. The reality was that many people were there, and they did care, but that he just didnt see it yet. Surely there are people at school you might Hyperactive behavior to know better, but do you always express this openly? Youre not the only one who doesnt. There are kids who think similarly to you, who understand you, who might be your friend, who can help you along. Growing up is a process of finding these people slowly along the way. Give things time, youll come through. Message me if youd Hyperactive behavior to talk. Good luck!']
['As someone who is just Hyperactive behavior your friend, she needs someone to comfort her and to tell her that SOMEONE in this world loves and cares for her. She needs to come to accept she will need consoling, you cant make her go because it is for some a scary thing to go too. No one wants to relive the Depressed mood parts of life or be told "You are kinda fucked up in this way, here some stuff to try to get better"', 'Please dont do it sweetie. I dont know what you have gone through but Im sure someone will miss you even if you dont think they will. Im guilty of thinking that myself most days. Even though I try to kill myself on occasion, its not worth it. Life as meaningless and hard as it may seem, will one day be better. Im sure youre mom and brother will miss you and, although I dont know you, Ill miss you and the rest of this sub reddit will miss you. So please, even if you think it is a good idea, dont do it tonight. Instead, talk to a friend or vent to me if you dont want to talk to a friend of yours. Ill talk to you when you need someone, I promise.', 'whew. okay. I messaged him too but I guess hes too shy/i am not sure what to message back.', 'I greatly appreciate you going back into my posts to get to know me better. I always had robotics as my comforting net in Drug abuse school but when I was there my boyfriend of the time (now ex) always got Anger at me for being so interested in a "mans world" I get so self conscious there now from it especially since one person who abused me I met through robotics. My college doesnt have a robotics club unfortunately. :/', 'My mom is really Nausea and I dont want to ask for money for a laptop because I know she needs it. Not only that, her minivan could die at any time.', 'Please dont give up, I can relate to what you are going through. I have been though something similar. Please, if anything, find someone from your university that you trust and confine in them, that is what I did and it saved me with out getting the cops involved. I called the cops on the first person who sexually abused me (Ive had 3 people sexually harm me) and although it saved me from being near him again, I will admit it is scary but well worth it. Please do something to get you out of that situation before you harm yourself. PM me if you want and I will give you my email, facebook what ever you need and I will talk to you whenever you feel hopeless. I promise things do get better.', 'Hey... I know its a Depressed mood time of year and all and I cant offer much advice seeing Ive been suicidal and almost acting on it for at least 2 weeks but I will be here to listen and talk too. PM me and tomorrow night if you want to talk more or have a pen pal though Christmas, I can give you my email. But one thing I ask is that you dont do it. Someone will always care even if they dont seem Hyperactive behavior they do.', 'Hey, I know shit seems hard and that people are the biggest assholes but after reading your post in r/confessions, I think you are a strong woman with her priorities strait. Sure it may not be a job most people would consider but you are just trying to survive. I think you can do it and have your child grow up to be everything you want her to be. Please PM me if you want to talk.', 'Ive always wanted Overlord with the Raising hell expansion, and Overlord 2. I was going to get my bf crysis 2 for Christmas. A Virus named tom looks great too if youre willing to give those up :) Thank you for your generosity!', 'Things get better. I had to find the right places and the right major for some of my Anxiety Mental Depression to go away. I know its not much but if you ever need someone to talk too, Im generally always online.', 'We never fight... I got selfish and wanted time with him when he wanted alone time...I feel really bad now that he is grumpy...', 'Dropped a message in the ask box from my tumblr. Waiting for a response.', 'Thanks everyone for your kind words.', 'Are you sure? They havent posted in 6 hours...', 'Hey, Im sorry for all of the trolls and the assholes. Ive seen them on many occasions and I have been at the brunt of their harassment. But I am sure there are many people who care about you and want to help you. If I was on reddit during the time of this incident I would have done all I could to tell the trolls to fuck off and would have defended you. If you are still on, I would Hyperactive behavior to talk with you. I recently lost my close friend I think I know how you might feel right now...']
['Theres a few distant cousins and friends of theirs I talk to.', 'It can be a zen experience', 'lonely for 20 years, set in my eccentric ways. I seem to be one in 7 BILLION, no one on earth can relate to my mindset. and even if just one person did I wouldnt trust them, think Im destined to become a stat', 'Its not that; cant get out of my own head. I cant function anymore. I need to kill the desire, went for help in July. Wanted some pill to take that away, there isnt any pill that makes you want nothing.', 'see comment to Kattekan', 'I trust no one, words I live by.', 'She can be so difficult. I know she doesnt always take her meds but Im in no position to force her.Seems Hyperactive behavior every other week I have to take her to the ER for something, last week it was for UTI which she didnt even have and they sent her home.', 'its the truth from my perspective. [deleted]', 'Ive been reading things Hyperactive behavior this from the start among other horror stories in a support group on MDJunction. Good articles; and thanks for your insight. ', 'already there, now i drink alone everyday to kill the Ache', 'Yes, shes even told me she does this, I just dont know how to tell the difference between whats real and what isnt.', 'Hate it here, women are so shallow around here, gold diggers and I got nothing going for me.96% of women wont date a shorter man....Im 53, that why I dont deserve a good life.', 'Youre just a big baby.', 'Im a truck driver and it owns, countless hours alone with your thoughts and no boss as long as you have good work ethic to get shit done and get home on time.Somedays Im on fire and have made as many as 6 stops on less than 30 mins, no socializing, just go in with no fear and do your job.', 'Then I dont sleep. This drug helped me greatly in 2008-10, guess Im getting tolerance for anti-depressants, on 4 diff kinds and none are helping. Still having fits of crying multiple times a day. Cant live Hyperactive behavior this...', 'be strong till you can escape... and never look back', '39, last year', 'Im short, bald, false teeth, limp dick, drug addict with mental illness, whos gonna want that?', 'Tracy is Hyperactive behavior a sister to me but I never had a sister. Things can be tense between us since we messed around sexually when we were young kids and I was the instigator of it.', 'Would love to try it and OD on it', '50 miles away, I live right out side Harrisburg, PA. Horrible area, rude people, stuck up women and the city is crumbing with the influx of blacks and hispanics stealing our jobs and women.', 'Same generic words Im always told...How I feel right now...ok, lets see. Worthless, burden on those around me, isolated, depressed, suicidal. Just got done bawling with my head in my hands between my legs, roommate came in to check on me and threw her out of my room for making me cry.', 'Get up at the same time everyday', 'Thats an attractive option but i couldnt ever Chest Pain her', 'She takes Prozac and Seroquel; she wont let me in anymore than that', 'and thats a thing, i dont trust anyone.Im naive by nature and easily taken advantage of, it seems wrong to be dishonest, yet i see so many ppl doing it and doing well because of it.', 'her Paranoia is extreme. I cant be seen in public with her, Hyperactive behavior Im some sort of dirty little secret', 'it all goes well till they have to look down at me', 'wimmins are the problem, they hate me', 'Ive made arrangements to donate my body to science several years ago so there wouldnt be any cost to anyone for my disposal. It makes me cringe to think what theyll do with it but what will I care when dead.Its a small thing but it brings me comfort should I ever do the dirty deed. Im not close to my family, or anyone for that matter so I dont Anxiety about emotionally Depressed mood anyone. Hanging from a tree is victimless.', 'Like a failure', 'I was young then and the farm equipment was auctioned off in the mid-80s and the land was rented out to another farmer.It was 40 acres of fields, pasture, and woods. Before I was born it was mainly chicken and egg farm but we had a few cows in pasture in Pennsylvania Dutch area. I always liked the chickens, when about 12 yrs old I had some of my own to raise. I would sit in the chicken house and just watch them interact with each other. Roosters fascinate me in the way they strut and act Hyperactive behavior tough shit in front of their hens.We had a butcher shop in the barn for the cows.There was one time when i was about 6-7 years old and we had a few pigs by chance. I told them not to butcher that one pig because she was pregnant. Well she got butchered anyway and had 7-8 piglets in her. My father said he should have listened to me.', 'love her unconditionally and roll with it or it wont work', 'There was nothing you could have done to stop this. Call this number and theyll clean up the mess 1-866-xxx-xxxx.I made arrangements to donate my body many years ago.', 'once im hanging, there would be no way of being able to hold myself up. I can keep my sense when drinking, may not remember well next day but my mind is intact', 'Last week on sunday, I have no memory of monday after.', 'It was $340 a day for me, didnt help me much actually', 'Its so cliche but a woman that I could love would bring me purpose. And it seems unattainable at this point in my life. Im a pathetic loser.', 'Thanks thats what I wanted to know', 'I have a plan for next week so none of it matters', 'Love is powerful. So many times Ive said that we were finished yet I always go back for her. Sometimes think I need her more then she needs me, she makes me a better man; a better person.', 'I need to be forced but Ill lose the little Ive built here...thinking', 'This sub-reddit is too depressing to read for me but am aware of it.And I agree that humans make life more complicated than it should be, I often wish I was a sparrow and knew nothing of this human world. I want nothing more than to search for food, build a nest, sing for a mate, and raise my young.Nice story about the desert, I have no knowledge of deserts. ', 'yes. reckless behavior. Like pushing the limits of my car going across the turnpike bridge here, once hit 140 and was drunk off my ass. What a rush.', 'Cant maintain friendships, dunno how', 'Youre right I cant accept myself, I need someone else to first.', 'Ive hatched several plans over the years and this is most recent. A few moments of Abnormal dreams Ache and then is over...Hyperactive behavior a gun shot in the mouth or bleeding out or inhaling helium to i pass out and suffocate. Suicide by cop seems Hyperactive behavior a good option, out in a blaze of glory while fighting for my life against "the man" whos always held me back.When young I hated my parents for giving me life. When I was 11 I wanted to jump, in teens it was drug overdose but half hearted, in 20s i was ok, now in late 30s i hate life...its too lonely. If only i had someone to care about.i wanted the childfree lifestyle and got it but its an Depersonalization life, and thats how i see religion; its Depersonalization and unfulfilling, same as Gods so-called love. Need something I can touch and see, my faith just isnt there given my background of studying the history of the universe and earth, could write a book on my view of earth history but whats the point? Money isnt important to me and some people seem BAFFLED by that.Its Hyperactive behavior that i know so much about history and evolutionary theory that God just cannot exist. it makes no sense. The world would be a better place with less people and I can contribute by ending my life. ', 'Same here, Lithium has been great for me; so much so that I dont need any other meds for Bipolar Disorder. The only side effect Ive had from it Dehydration when I dont drink enough water. Im also Type II diabetic.', 'Do the same thing but usually dont send it after some over-analyzing. ', 'Nothing specific, just lonely. always lonely. I put myself out there, I talk to women yet its one rejection after another, been this way for years. 53 is the reason. Im a good person and always do the right things but no one for me', 'Shes been diagnosed as rapid-cycle Bipolar Disorder with pshyotic- something-or-other.', 'I understand, yesterday I went to the local park. There was a fair amount of people there. Kids in the playground, couples playing frisbee or just walking together. Everyone there had someone but I was walking alone, on the swing alone....just wanted to enjoy the nice day but the crippling Sad mood wouldnt allow it.', 'No I wasnt banned but it was suggested that I find other resources by /u/DDbb00. ', 'What keeps me here? I lack the courage to pull the proverbial trigger. Some would say it takes more courage to live than to die. For me its more Hyperactive behavior too Social fear to live and too afraid to die. I cant remember how the saying goes exactly.I hold out hope that somehow, someway Ill find someone who I can adore and that Ill experience mutual love; not just another one-sided relationship. (There have been so many.) The truth about being alone in life hit me hard and not sure Ive fully accepted it. There has to be someone out there whos Hyperactive behavior me, who thinks the same way I do, and has the same wants and needs. But I cant find her...seems Ive been searching my whole life and Im tired. Theres no one for me.Recently Ive read this: and its given me a lot to think about...', 'Zoloft is crap, get on Lithium.', 'Its done the same to me. Music is my biggest trigger', 'Ive had a real bad Irritable Mood lately, snapped at just about every one of my co-workers this past week and its almost my favorite time of year, not quite cool enough yet.', 'The national one said they cant help me... truly wtf', 'Maybe I have some hope someone will reach out and do right things right. .00001% chance but ya know, when all else has failed, why not? Nothing to lose.', 'Mine seems to be able to take the abuse, the Ache, and there is no history of cancer in my family within living memory, always thought my bloodline was a good one genetically as most of the family makes it into their 90s, but Dementia is a problem for those.Ive given my love away so many times only to have it rejected, heartbreak is all too familiar to me. Makes me feel worthless to live a life with no purpose.', 'No one is close to me. I speak of my roommate who will notice. Ive made arrangements to donate my body to science many yrs ago and will be leaving the number for her to call to get the mess cleaned up.Travel: Not really possible as Im lower class, but have traveled regionally in my yrs here. Id Hyperactive behavior to drive from Pennsylvania to California though.Ive loved many times and always lost, its horrible to be hated by women. ', 'I have no friends and virtually no family, no one would notice Im gone except my employer. And within three weeks Id be replaced there and forgotten. Going to pass-out drunk now so i can be ready for another day of unfulfillingly working for someones dreams to come true.', 'Zoloft 50mg and Lithium 900mg. I love that the Lithium takes my emotions and desires away.', 'I always wanted to try therapy. Being of the lower class makes it difficult to keep a roof over my head let alone an expensive therapist.Im a therapists worst nightmare. Full of "what ifs" and "yea but"s. hear they dont Hyperactive behavior that sort of thing. Even considered voluntarily/involuntarily committing myself, but the thought of being locked up doesnt appeal to me.', 'She lives 15 mins away, thats acceptable to me. I come from a broken home; my parent split when I was 13. Not much of an impact on me since I lived on the family farm with great aunt and uncle. Both were dead by the time I was 20 yrs old.My Mother is not real; she didnt raise me.Im on several meds for major Mental Depression disorder, none seem to be helping. Im obsessed with death and suicide, I dont belong here.', 'Climbed the ladder and tied extension cord to my branch, its ready. What 2-3 mins of Panic Attacks and its over, no knife in my pocket to cut cord. I just gotta drink some more to get the balls', 'Lonely, ppl hate me unless they want a dollar from me or new member to church congregation. ', 'Im 120 pounds and drink almost half a bottle of whiskey every night, tolerance sucks. At least its killing me slowly...along with the 2-pack/day cigarette habit. Somethings gotta give.', 'Its in the works but nothing yet. I saw a doctor on Wednesday for an unrelated issue and brought up Mental Depression. All he wanted to talk about was my Diabetic history which really doesnt concern me all that much since I know its false.It was a Ache in my lung that I went in for, was hoping it was lung cancer and told him that. And if it was, my plan was to hope for a doctor to ease my Ache because I brought this onto myself I wont seek treatment.Edit : punctuation ', 'I would so Hyperactive behavior to meet another who feels this way. I wanna have that closeness Hyperactive behavior between siblings where you know each other completely but bonds Hyperactive behavior that take years to form and there isnt even anything on the horizon for me. I dont get the chance to show what I have to give.', 'my dick doesnt work on demand, see dude I got something back for everything you can say. Im a fighter Hyperactive behavior that but its all true', 'The hose wouldnt stay on tailpipe, my method needs to be refined, get em next time....', 'Advil doesnt work, youll wake with hellish why am i still alive Migraine Disorders for hrs after', 'Do MMOs count as video games? If so then Wizard101 is my game.', 'Trazodone helps me get to sleep', 'Agreed, life sucks', 'I tried that, heres how it ended...', 'Yea it does. I cant spend 15 minutes just talking small talk. I Hyperactive behavior to talk of bigger things, things I know.', 'Sounds Hyperactive behavior life with Crohn Disease disease and being on meth...cept for the ambitious parts Hyperactive behavior leaving the house and asking for help.Happy Birthday', 'Seems Hyperactive behavior the only time anyone cares is when they want a dollar, and even then my money isnt good enough. I used to smoke a lot of weed and even thats dried up because no one wants me around. When I was everyday stoner I didnt care about not having anyone.Ive got no Phobia, Social skills; always turning the conversation into how I can relate with my own experiences then the other loses interest. Ive tried changing this but its so engrained that I always fall back to it when I dont know what to say...even doing here. I feel guilty talking about myself but cant help it.', 'insightful', 'Nobody cares enough', 'Someone should know, thats why.']
['Hey, just happened to browse through this and saw your post. Let me start by saying Im not a mental health professional. Youre right that you should talk to someone. But in the meantime, do me a favor. Google "avoidant personality disorder." Or hell, just search for it here on reddit.Obviously people shouldnt diagnose themselves using the internet. Thats how people go to webmd with an Skin irritation eye and leave convinced theyre dying of Hyperactive behavior sub saharan tortoise cancer. BUT, as you read about that and/or similar issues, you might notice two big things.1. Youre not just a failure or apathetic. There is almost certainly more to it than that. Just because you dont have something as clearly defined as "hearing voices" or something doesnt Irritable Mood youre more to blame for your struggles.2. Youre not at all alone in the way you feel. Im not saying your struggles and Ache arent unique. But I bet you have a feeling of Hyperactive behavior, "other people seem to connect to the world and I just dont" and that contributes to your hopelessness. I think youll find that youre not alone in that feeling.Im not going to argue that youre Abnormal behavior or blameless or even that you havent acted Hyperactive behavior a jerk in the past. But speaking from experience, Ill say this. If you are suffering from something, it will be a really big deal for you to figure it out. We dont get a lot of "holy shit" game-changer moments in life. But this could be one of them for you.You have all of these problems in your life. Im not minimizing that. But it might turn out that they all stem from one issue. If thats the case, boom, suddenly you dont have a ton of problems, you have one problem. It might be a big problem, but youll know where to start.Im not going to launch into an autobiography here, but I *promise* you the story of my life and where my mental health issues took me would blow your mind. But Im still here, feeling good enough that Im trying to help out somebody else. PM me if you want to talk. ']
['Its easy. The answer is guilt. They really dont give a fuck but dont want to be held responsible later so if theres a risk of Suicide they get involved. After the threat is over they typically move away emotionally and place a lot of distance between you and themselves. If they genuinely cared they would know that distance does little to help. Then again if they really cared it may not have gotten to the point of Suicide in the first place. ', 'While I dont have the same self loathing you have I can definitely empathize with the inability to follow through with my thoughts. I once read that George Eastman (founder of Kodak) shot himself after a dinner party leaving a note which simply read my work is done here. There is a few reasons I dont own any guns. Chiefly among them is that on a day Hyperactive behavior today I know I would be temped to use it on myself. I had a botched poisoning attempt in the past. I though going to Hypersomnia and not waking up would be the answer. I figured it would be the most passive way to do what I am otherwise not brave enough to do. However the human body is surprisingly resilient. There are many days when I consider swerving into oncoming traffic or just aiming for a bridge abutment. Problem is that I have a pretty nice car and I fear that All the airbags and crumple zones would leave me with some mild damage and a totaled car or even worse paralyzed. That is a fate I imagine to be worse than my current life. Truth be told Im fairly smart and it is surprisingly hard to kill yourself or anyone else for that matter without a certain degree of violence to which I am not inclined. I try to remind myself that "my life doesnt suck" I know many men who would consider my life on the surface a considerable upgrade. Yet I am still unsatisfied. I feel Hyperactive behavior my entire life is unrequited. I feel Hyperactive behavior my efforts are never good enough to meet the goals I set forth for myself. Professionally Im an utter failure and cant stay at a job for even 2 years. Im quite adept but Ive never been promoted and on a couple of occasions have been fired. Im fairly well endowed which couples with an average amount of charm and the Internet allows me to always have a companion but I rarely feel Hyperactive behavior they love me for more than my prowess in bed. Ive even considered at times chopping my girthy appendage off but again the violence that requires prevents me from accomplishing what in my mind is a tidy solution. I wouldnt mind being in my body on this earth for 50 more years but I fear that if it is 50 Hyperactive behavior these these past 30 or so years have been it is just a waste of everyones time. Why should a girl fall in love with me I will only let her down. Why should a company hire me I will only fail their expectations. I have so much untapped potential that it seems foolish to waste it by ending my life but then again if there was something worthwhile in there would I really keep circling back to this same conclusion?']
['You are far stronger then the thoughts of killing yourself. Death is permanency to a temporary problem. Posting here proves that youre trying to be strong. Continue to harness that strength, and remember that no many time it rains, the sun shines as much.', 'At night is always bad for me. Its when I have time to think and reflect on things. I find reading and taking a bath tends to take my mind off things. Have you ever just written down your day in a journal? I did that when I was in the military, it helped kind of get those demons out.', 'I am glad to hear you both are doing well! ', 'So, there is a lot more to live for then just school. Trust me when I say that. I have been where you are. I have so much student loan debt its insurmountable, but I know Ill get through it. One thing in your post; your parents may work long hours, and they may pay your tuition, but if anything happened to you, they would be in a much darker place then you believe them to be now. They want you to follow your heart, even if it has its bumps in the road. You are never alone in this, never in the dark. I and those from /SW are going to be here. We are your support network, and no matter what happens, as long as you can wake up tomorrow the day has the potential to be amazing. ', 'Well Im here to talk if you want to vent.', 'Youre wrong about something here. We care about you. Weve never met but we are friends. Maybe not in real life, but we are connected in a lot of ways. Just a few weeks ago, I sat on my bathroom floor saying and thinking a lot of what I am seeing here. I am still partially there, but I am finding my way up the hill. We can do the same for you. There is always time to turn back until its too late.', 'Yes you can, you have the strength inside; it may not feel Hyperactive behavior it right now, but every day gets a little bit different, While the road may seem long, and almost futile. But, as you age the storms begin to be a bit easier to manage. Girls, friends, school, all of that shit comes and goes. Ive been there, and know exactly what youre going through. Just remember that Suicide is a very very permanent solution to a temporary problem!', 'What do you play?', 'Add me on steam, same name as here.', 'Going out to see a movie, but if you want to play some L4D 2 later Im down.', 'Youre wrong about that. Its easy to think no one will, but I promise you its not true. I have been there. Ive been there. The ledge is enticing, but its not the place to be. Whats wrong that makes you feel Hyperactive behavior the ledge is the escape?', 'Ive found things to live for even if I was at my worst. Once youve been the ledge, and seen whats on the other side living is the worth every minute. You will find your reason. Youll find your hope. Death wins when you stop looking. We are here to help you find it. Dont give up during the storm face it and know there is calm', 'I dont believe that. Things helped me. Lets try together man. Anything you need that is within my power to do, I will.', 'I run a gaming website and could use some help! I suffer from extreme Anxiety Mental Depression and Mental Depression tied in with PTSD. My drugs help, but I try to stop taking them. If youre into games abd stuff let me knew. I always need people!! ', 'Hey there RSS09,I feel your Ache, I know exactly what youre going through. When I was 20, I was a pot head living at home, no girlfriend, I had self loathing because I felt Hyperactive behavior I was ugly and out of shape. But I had no desire to change it. I pretended to have friends, but I delt with their ridicule and their jokes just to feel accepted. I made the conscious decision to do something about that. So I actually joined the military. That decision changed my life. I went in with the mentality that while I hated authority, if I wanted to survive another day, and prove to people I was made of more then what they think I would graduated. I did, and then I was top in my class at school because I found I actually enjoyed it. It might not be a bad thing to consider if your direction is split right now. ', 'You doing okay? You recognized it was your Anxiety Mental Depression talking, I am hoping that voice was silenced!', 'We fuck up all the time. I do it some times on purpose, but when we are fucked is when we get to decide if were at our weakest or at our strongest. No one ever gets upset they stand, people get upset when they fall. People get Chest Pain when they fall, but things look a little brighter when they pick themselves up. Ive been there man, I went to the hospital every other day because my world was so fucked. Now I can sit here in my toliet(truth) and tell you that my darkest times makes the sun look so much brighter.', 'I have thought about Suicide before, but then I think of what would happen to my family, my wife, people who I know, and that puts me in a worse place. Through the storm comes the calm. The measure of a person is how you face those storms. If you want to chat, please dont hesitate to reach out! I have no artistic talent, but I have need for artistic talent! What sort of work do you do?', 'Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Life is full of peaks and valleys, its the valleys that make the peaks so much more grand. Id Hyperactive behavior to chat with you, if you want to message me a way to get in touch with you, or I can give you my info. I live in Florida. Lets find your miracle together. ', 'I am here for you Joe. Lets chat! Are you a gamer?', 'You are wron. People will miss you for the rest of their lives. Even if they dont express their love for you, it exists. The world is cruel thats the reason we surround ourselves with what we can find that brings a bit of joy. I have meds that help me see the joy a bit easier. Your life is worth living, this place youre at is temporary.', 'Its for a title called gigantic. ', 'Sorry, passed out. The site is dedicated to Gigantic which is a new arena combat game. Were the first fansite dedicated to the game. I have people who write articles, we do weekly interviews and discussions on Twitch with people. If youre interested message me here and Ill give you the info.', 'I can think of a lot. Is it family, money? School?', 'I am so sorry for your loss. I dont want to speculate on how something Hyperactive behavior that could happen. But please, Crying Reflex, Abnormal when you need to, laugh when you can, and embrace those around you and revel in his memory. Love is never lost, its just moved to a different part of the heart and mind.', 'Well, life has a way of kicking us when were down. Its times Hyperactive behavior these that we find the simple solution to the problem the easiest to cope with. The sad reality of it is, that solution is not so simple. Life has fantastic moments, and terrible moments. I have been where you are right now, when the end seems terribly easy; a simple escape to the woes. But, Suicide is a very permanent solution to an extremely temporary problem. There is always one more thing you can do to try to pick yourself up. Life, though it may feel Hyperactive behavior it; is not baseball. 3 strikes and you are not out. There are more innings to play. My name is Tim, and I am willing to play those innings with you. What makes life so difficult for you Vind?', 'Puddles, I will tell you something that may sound empty. But I care, in fact, I would wager to say that those of us here care. I have been where you are, when all things seem to point to that long goodnight. Pain comes and goes, problems raise, and problems fall; just Hyperactive behavior the winds of a storm eventually give way to calm. You are not alone in the way that you feel. Please stay with us!', 'Hey there Throwawayfrell, I will say that the Ache you are feeling, that hollowness inside does go away, the tides do recede and life does get better. Ive been exactly in your shoes before, I was the class clown, I tried to make friends by making an ass of myself but that never seemed to work. Let me ask you what changed in you that you started to push people away? Was it one event, or a series of events? And I will tell you; that the Ache and suffering you feel inside right now is something that can be calmed. Have you spoken to a doctor about it? Medication is what keeps me straight, but I would reach out for help. You are not alone in any of this. I am here, those of us from /SW are here... were here because weve been there, and know, while its a rough road to come back from it is a road you CAN come back from. ', 'Count me in to the loop! We can all be boring together! ', 'How are you doing right now?', 'There is always a storm, but those storms eventually end. Even if you dont think they will. Life has a funny way of knocking us down and betting us we wont get back up. Lets prove to life its wrong. ', 'Life should never end because of hate. ']
['Thats the only thing keeping me from offing myself. It would tear my family apart at the seams. Id go somewhere secluded and actually do the act, but theyd learn about it and it would wreck my mother and father. I cant be responsible for ruining their lives any more than I already have', 'Bingo.Ive accepted that the only girl Ill ever love is gone. I understand that shes moved on and has no need for me. That doesnt make this mind-numbing Ache stop or give me any solace during every sleepless night. ', 'I failed this past semester too, my friend. My girlfriend, the ONLY person Ive ever truly loved who saved me from myself, Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me. My job is a pit of vipers. Everything sucks.I want to tell you not to do it and I want to say theres a light at the end of the tunnel for guys Hyperactive behavior you and me. But, in all honestly, I feel the same as you. Take solace in that, in that you arent alone and Im suffering the same as you. I hope it gets better, and when it does, I want the both of us to be around to enjoy it. College sucks anyway. Its basically a 4 year slumber party for sluts and douchebags, were better off not being in an environment that promotes that kind of Mental Depression. I was thinking of picking up a trade or joining the Firefighters Academy. Search your mind and see if theres anything at all that interests you, and follow it. Life is absurd, but might as well roll with the punches, yeah? Who knows when well strike gold... or get struck by lightning. Might as well find out though.', 'People who make generalizations Hyperactive behavior that are ignorant trash and deserve to have their teeth kicked down their throat. To be so callous and undervalue the magnitude of peoples suffering Hyperactive behavior that just boggles my mind. ', 'Oh, absolutely. Its comparable to feeling Hyperactive behavior Im drowning all the time. I do the best I can, I kick my legs and try to reach the surface, only for the riptide to pull me back down under and the vicious struggle continues. Im so rooted in my misery and used to feeling this way, I dont even have expectations anymore. And yet, the universe continues to find ways to make me feel worse as every day passes. Its so cruel I almost want to laugh. ', 'Welcome to the land of heartbreak, my friend. Where life goes completely black, food has no taste, and Hypersomnia is a thing of the past. I lost my girlfriend about 3 months ago. We were together for 3 years, 3 beautiful, magical years. Much Hyperactive behavior you, my girlfriend said she wanted space. Space turned into a break, which turned into a break-up. Not long after, I discovered she had been cheating on me for over half the relationship and she started dating him Hyperactive behavior 3 days after breaking up with me. I still havent recovered, and Ive come to accept I never will. But there are ways to momentarily distract yourself. Get a hobby and wholly dedicate yourself to it. I picked skateboarding back up, which is something I dropped at her request early in the relationship. Devote yourself to whatever you choose. I suggest joining a gym because exercise promotes endorphin release and all that, lots of Netflix and reading, I immediately bought a PS4 and some new games. Shit Hyperactive behavior that, you know.I know the sheer agony youre feeling. I was so bad, that for the first month, whenever I would think of her with her new boyfriend, it would literally make me sick. Its pure hell, I know... and sadly, the only solace I can offer is that it goes from feeling Hyperactive behavior youre constantly being bludgeoned in the head with a sledgehammer, to feeling Hyperactive behavior youre constantly being shocked with a live wire. I wish you luck, my friend. These will be the toughest months of your life ahead. ', 'I did not, I didnt even arrange the meeting. I was sent to her by my advisor at school after learning of my being kicked out of college recently.My apologies for not making this clear in my original post. ', 'Id absolutely love to kill myself. If it werent for my mother, I definitely would have by now. In Drug abuse school, I was forced to attend counseling and mentioned Suicide to the psychiatrist. She mentioned it to my mother, who on the car ride home, mentioned if I ever killed myself she would follow suit. That would tear apart my family, send my father spiraling into Mental Depression, etc. I cant be responsible for all of that, so Im stuck on this Depressed mood ride until she dies and I can kill myself, or I die in an accident of some sort.Ive been down that path of trying to make the best of life. I work out twice daily and have been for a couple years, it doesnt do much for me anymore and the rest of the things you mentioned suck. The only thing I truly love doing is skateboarding, but theres snow on the ground and has been for months so no dice there. Even when theres not, its not enough to make me want to live. I dont think you understand, man. Theres something inherently wrong with my brain. I genuinely desire death and I have felt this way since I was 13 or 14. I dont function as a normal human should, I have thoughts of harming myself and doing bad things constantly. No amount of therapy has helped, no drugs, no stay in the "hospital", nothing. Im what you would refer to as a "lost cause." I dont even want to get better anymore, I just want to die. It would be so amazing to just not be alive. ', 'Thats an excellent articulation of how I feel as well. That was wonderfully written. ', 'This is beautifully articulated and I empathize incredibly. I, too, failed this last semester of college. My Mental Depression has worsened since attending school, and it makes me feel Hyperactive behavior an even bigger failure that Ive wasted my familys resources and faith.It would be amazing to just go to Hypersomnia permanently, but damn this insomnia. ', 'I would gladly trade with my life with one of those kids dying. I dont think you quite understand the magnitude to which I absolutely deplore my own existence. If I could flip a switch and trade my life, I would in a heartbeat. Life sucks, period.', 'Why would you be sorry for this? Thats what everybody else here is doing. Weve gathered for that single purpose. This is one of the places where people genuinely care. Please, dont apologize.For whatever its worth, the only person in my life who truly mattered Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me as well. I know the Ache of this solitude, the unending agony of them leaving. Whatever you feel, know youre not alone. Im right there with you reeling in this Depressed mood existence. But at least were there together, with everyone else here. ', 'My girlfriend did the same for me, but now the problems are only compounded since she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me. Never had a best friend, but I bet that bond is just as strong as one of lovers or family. Really is unfair being trapped how we are with no escape. And they call people Hyperactive behavior us selfish. Ironic.', 'Oh yeah, I agree. Like I said in a couple other threads, Im giving myself til late summer/early fall before I do myself in. By that time, I figure Ill have hit critical mass and Vaginal Eczema to die even more than I do now. I truly wish people would accept this, some of us just genuinely dont want to exist anymore. When the bad outweighs the good and the Ache becomes unbearable, its only fair we be given the chance to let go. ', 'I have. I remember when in eighth grade, my baseball team made it to the state tournament. It was the last inning, we were down by Hyperactive behavior 5 or 6 runs, and I was the last to bat. I go to bat, listen to everyone screaming my name and relish in it, only to strike out on 3 straight pitches, I believe. And I remember feeling so Depressed mood on the bus ride home and thinking, "Whatever, Ill just kill myself". I always subconsciously thought it, but never outwardly voiced it myself until then. And ever since, its always my fallback. Every since I lost my girlfriend, I think of it multiple times a day. In a weird way, it makes me feel better. Like, no matter how bad things get I always have an out and, until the day I decide to pull the trigger, its almost Hyperactive behavior a game. To see how much bullshit I can take from life before throwing in the towel. I have a feeling my time is almost up. I give myself til the anniversary of our break-up date before I fully come undone and jump off this roller coaster called life.', 'Thats totally untrue; theres absolutely no guarantee that anybody feels anything for you. Besides the obvious Hyperactive behavior some prisoners, homeless people, orphans on the street, etc theres standard Americans living completely alone- not a single friend or any family- as well. You ever peruse the FA sub or the SuicideWatch one? Couldnt tell you how many people writhe in isolation everyday. Life coming at a cost is also horseshit. I didnt ask for life, and I do not want it. That would be Hyperactive behavior me parking a Ferrari in your garage, then demanding you pay for it simply because "it has a cost". Id say its pretty arrogant to assume what you have. Not all of us are lucky enough to have the things you assert in your conjecture, nor can we control the way we feel. One of the many reasons existing is a Ache in the ass and I demand exit. ', 'To be frank, I really dont. I sort of drone on only because of a curiosity of what happens next. This existence is a joke when you get down to it, but a lot of odd and unusual things can occur... so I treat it Hyperactive behavior a game, in a sense. Im just rolling the dice, and whether I get hit by a car or win the lottery, who cares? At least theres something going on.I pass my time in several ways, though. Video games, working out, Netflix, nerf basketball hoop in my room, writing Dragon Ball Z stories, lots of naps... just anything to take my mind off of the endless cycle of torture and bleakness. It seems to mostly do the job.', 'Man, this got me all choked up. Cant tell you how nice it is to hear this and I really needed it today.I love you too man, thanks for posting this. I love all you guys, this sub is my home. ', 'Its funny, because Im at the same place Hyperactive behavior once a week. I usually end up rubbing one out, downing a Totinos pizza, then passing out of the couch after playing PS4 til my eyes bleed. ', 'Death is the only comfort I have Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. When Im laying in my bed at night and cant Hypersomnia, which is basically every night, I think about nothing but how Ill die. I make my own funeral arrangements, create mental letters for my family, think about what Id do the day before dying. Stuff Hyperactive behavior that. Really makes me feel better. I look forward immensely to dying.', 'I wont give you meaningless platitudes and say not to do it, but just to be sure. I understand the Ache you feel in losing someone you loved; I, too, lost the love of my life and the girl I treasured more than any other. Now life is just... hollow. Its not worth waking up every morning. Good luck to you whatever you choose, but know that no matter what, you were never alone. People just Hyperactive behavior you and me are suffering the same all across the world, and theres a certain sense of togetherness in there somewhere. Hopefully you can take some heart in that. ', 'Definitely hits close to home. Sleep is one of the few escapes I have, thats why I do it as often as I can. If Im not working or at the gym, you can either find me sleeping or laying on my bed. Its a running joke with my co-workers. I have these immense, deep bags under my eyes and people are amazed by it because I Hypersomnia ~13 hours a day. "Im just really Exhaustion", I say as they laugh and call me Raccoon. If they only could see the thoughts in my head, theyd understand why I have to Hypersomnia. Being Wakefulness hurts too much.', 'Being a psychopath isnt so bad, my only genuine friend is a clinically diagnosed psychopath. Despite the stigma, hes actually a really cool guy. Had a therapist in Drug abuse school suggest I was one too. I think theres more of em than people realize. Sometimes I think of similar things too, especially when Im bored or agitated. Happened today actually.Overheard a guy tell somebody that he wants to beat the fuck out of me, so I spent most of the day picturing myself setting him on fire or putting C4 under his car. Granted he does have a pretty legit reason for feeling how he does, but still. Regardless, I think a lot of Depressed mood people feel this way. Its only Hypothermia, natural humans find an escape to alleviate their Mental Depression, and this is ours. ', 'Got that right, OP. Just Exhaustion of it all.My emotions bounce from complete indifference at my life, then jump to Abnormal dreams fury because I hate how all of this is happening to me and I had no say in it, then I go back to being Numbness again. Usually theres some soul-crushing sadness and pangs of Guilt riddled in there somewhere. Its all so exhausting, I just cant wait to die already. ', 'Im truly sorry to hear that. I cant offer you much besides the knowledge that I feel very much the same as you. Granted Im only 22, but there is no "looking up" for me. This is the first Valentines Day in 3 years without my ex. "Just move on", people have been saying for about 6 months now. Its not happening because she was the one. I know it and theres no moving on from that. Shes in the arms of another while Im dining on my guts, back to being completely alone. I, too, have no friends, no family, nobody. While my eternal love is doing who knows what with her boyfriend, Im here toiling in misery. Going to spend yet another night utterly void of her, living on the memories of what we used to have, and playing PS4 til my eyes bleed. Do what we can, right?', 'Teenage years are far and away the worst. Peaking during adolescence would worthy of true pity. Im 22, and my teenager years blew. So have the 20s so far, but it only makes everything worse if you tack on other peoples expectations and projections and take them as your own. Everyone lives their own life and theres no rule that says teenager years are the greatest. Maybe if youre a drunken nympho youll enjoy that time more, but thats all I can think of.', 'Within the last year or so, Ive also discovered this. Im at my absolute worst when Im Ventricular Dysfunction, Left alone with my thoughts- thats when all the blackened emotions come out and the smallest of things become triggers for an episode. Wish I could just turn my thoughts completely off, or at least lower the volume so I could drown them out with a mixtape or something.', 'Yeah, thats the only reason Im still alive. I mentioned Suicide once before in my teens and my mom said shed kill herself if I ever attempted to do it.So, Im effectively responsible for both of our lives and I really hate her for it. ', 'I actually thrive on that praise. I go out of my way to try and impress people, to try and escape the black cloud over my head and have someone, somewhere, not think Im this husk that I feel Hyperactive behavior inside. ', 'Believe me, I understand more than anyone. My girlfriend was at one time so controlling and jealous, when she found out I was alone with my half-sister, she freaked the fuck out on me and started having a Panic Attacks attack over the phone. Yet, she was the one cheating and I got Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. Funny how it works, isnt it? We should start a club or something. ', 'You know, I was just mulling this over myself today at work. I have both a superiority and inferiority complex. I constantly compare myself to everyone, check every mirror and reflective surface, have to be the best at everything. A weirdly vicious cycle. Im far and away the most braggadocios, arrogant guy youll ever meet, but at the same time, the most absolute timid and insecure. Boggles my own mind. ', 'Exactly. Just because others have it worse in no way lessens my own problems nor does it have any bearing on the glaring issues to start with. If this is all it took for people to stop being Depressed mood, it would be a very easy condition to fix.', 'I know the unbearable Ache of losing the girl you love more than anything to some other guy. Like the gentlemen said in another thread, its Hyperactive behavior constantly being touched by a live wire. The sheer agony is unbearable. Since she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left, I second guess my every move. I have no confidence, no hopes, no dreams, nothing but this searing Ache and Anger at myself for letting everything fall apart. My mental health worsens by the day. She took my sanity when she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. Im a few months in now, myself. People have been saying, "Oh, it gets better. Youll find another, shell be meaningless soon", but thats a bold-faced lie and I hate that people say it. Let me know if you find anything that works or lessons that Ache, otherwise, a five dollar rope doesnt sound Hyperactive behavior a bad idea at all anymore...', 'Me neither, Ive even got a personal bet going with myself. I give myself roughly 4-5 more months before my stability hits a proverbial absolute 0 and I bite the bullet, both literally and figuratively. If I lose the bet, Ill do something extravagant Hyperactive behavior sporadic trip somewhere or buy a new car that I cant afford. If I win the bet, then Im gone and I finally escaped this torture. Hoping I win. ', 'Eh, I survived. Pulled an eight hour day at work and apparently my co-workers husband told another one of my co-workers that he wants to fight me. Not sure why, but it kind of makes me happy my existence can elicit SOME kind of emotion. Have mixed feelings towards the weekend. My birthday is on Sunday and I turn 23, but its my first one since my girlfriend Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me. Her birthday is the day before, this Saturday. I keep thinking about how shell spend it with her new boyfriend while I lay Wakefulness and miss her terribly all night. That part really sucks.Plan on doing something for it, though Im not sure yet. Find it almost ironic my birthday falls on Easter. ', 'I feel very similarly to that. For most of my Mental Depression, I felt Abnormal dreams hatred, much Hyperactive behavior you do, for people and life in general. It sucked and was Hyperactive behavior a Depressed mood roller coaster I couldnt get off of, causing me to hate it all the more and the vicious circle continued.Now Im pretty much as apathetic as they come. I stopped hating things about a year ago and gave up completely on life a few months ago. Things most certainly will not just magically get better and this "keep on trucking" mantra has proved to be complete bullshit, at least in my case. I cant offer you much solace other than that- knowing I think this place sucks just as much as you do. I dont have a solution, as Im going through life with my hands in my pockets and nothing more, but who knows what will happen? Maybe Jessica Alba will call me and offer to fuck my brains out tomorrow, or some stranger will throw me the keys to his Lambo. Might as well see. ', 'I plan on doing the same in the next couple weeks. Maybe Ill see you on the other side, we can grab a drink and talk about how Depressed mood life was. Godspeed, my friend. ', 'For what its worth, I understand you completely. My girlfriend Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me for another guy and I know how soul-wrenching that is. I failed out of school, which makes me feel Hyperactive behavior a colossal piece of shit. My biggest outlet in life was always skateboarding, but its winter and theres no indoor skate park within 50 miles so thats out of the question. No friends, my only real family is cancer-stricken, and my job sucks. Hopefully it helps knowing you arent alone. Im right there suffering alongside you. I dont know if it will get any better for us, but I do know I want to be around if it does and the world will be lesser without people Hyperactive behavior us in it. Society needs dissenters Hyperactive behavior you and me, we make shit interesting.', 'Breaking Benjamin - Dear AgonyI cant put my finger exactly on why, but that song is my Kryptonite... in a good way. Everything Im feeling settles down and the Muscular Stiffness sets in and Im okay for the time being. ', 'I very much feel the same as you. Ive hit a point in my Mental Depression where its become more Indifferent mood than anything, and in a roundabout way, theres really some beauty in it. Life can be such an absurd pile of shit, so what the hell is the point is trying? Ive certainly yet to find one, but perspective can shift Hyperactive behavior that.I guess it works in a "nothing Ventricular Dysfunction, Left to lose" kind of light. Nothing is off limits when you think about it. In my head, everything is up for grabs and Im more or less just curious what happens next. Maybe Ill get to bang a supermodel or maybe Ill get struck by lightning. Who knows. I certainly feel for you, OP. Youre not alone. ', 'Ive done everything humanly possible to fix my problems and myself, but I come no closer no matter how hard I try. I guess that counts for something. Doesnt change anything, but it takes a special person to struggle through it anyway and we can say that if nothing else. Whatever fleeting happiness, or at least equanimity, comes my way, Ill take in stride. But Im not gonna pretend theres a rainbow beyond the black cloud that follows me any longer. Im at peace with it, or at least Im getting there.', 'Nothing takes a toll on a persons psyche Hyperactive behavior a relationship, eh? I know how you feel. I was with my girlfriend for 3 years. 3 beautiful years, or at least to me they were. Then one day... she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. Got with some other guy, blocked my number, pretended I didnt exist. It aggravated my Mental Depression and suicidal thoughts to a degree I didnt know possible. The kicker is always thinking of her, isnt it? Certainly was for me. 24/7, no matter what I was doing. Working, lifting, skating, watching a movie, with another girl, or just jerking off alone in my room. Couldnt stop thinking of her. Solid 2 months of that passed. Best advice I can give on that is to condition yourself to not think about her or what shes doing. When she pops up in your brain, IMMEDIATELY do something. What I would do is drop down and bang out as many push-ups as I could, even when I was in public or at the mall or what have you. I was waiting in line for a TV on Black Friday and did well over 300 push-ups from all the waiting and thinking of her I did. Got to the point where push-ups filled my brain, and not her. Whats more, it makes you look awesome and its a great way to meet chicks in public.At least you can be thankful she didnt come back and abuse your love for her. My ex came back into my life about 3 weeks ago, crying to me because her life sucks without me I guess. She feels alone, her new boyfriend is a dick, and she misses me. But, she wont leave him for me. Shes using me for emotional stability and our physical connection, but wont come back to me. And Im back to square 1, Depressed mood and suicidal. Take heart where you can. After theyve been gone, you dont want them back. Youll end up Hyperactive behavior me, a prisoner of your own love. Pathetic? Absolutely. Does it matter? Not a bit. Best of luck, friend. ', 'I much feel the same. After losing my girlfriend of 3 years to a sub-human piece of shit and finding out she cheated on me with that douche after I tried so hard in the relationship, I realized Im pretty much unlovable. Ive come to think relationships just arent meant for some people, and Im certainly one.Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I dont want to give you Depersonalization platitudes. Invest in yourself, concern yourself only with your own affairs and the rest is irrelevant. There are positives to this type of life- no fighting, no worrying, no distrust, no stupid plans on Christmas, no more blowout arguments, etc. May not sound ideal, but it keeps me sane. Kind of. ', 'Every single night of my life. ', 'That genuinely made me laugh. Thanks. ', 'Sucks how true this. I made a lighthearted remark about it to a co-worker after he heard I failed my last semester of college. The dude told me, "change your tampon and find your missing dick and balls".', 'I know that feeling, as I feel very much the same. As much as I would Hyperactive behavior to stop existing, I just couldnt cause it myself. Ideally for me, Id Hyperactive behavior something or someone else to do me in. Like a passive death wish. Maybe a sniper could take me out while Im walking down the street, or I could jump into a house fire and save someone before the house collapses on me. Something Hyperactive behavior that.As far as distracting yourself, I know how tough that is. No matter what I do, those black thoughts are in my head. As soon as the movie is done or I leave the gym, they come back full force. Its deafening. Dont have much helpful advice, except it takes a strong person to not give in and we walk this road together. I hope therapy works for you. ', 'Every time I hear somebody say its Muscle Weakness or that Mental Depression sufferers just dont have the will or the grit to push forward, I get the same feeling. Its sickening how unfeeling and utterly repugnant some people can be.Would love nothing more than to elbow those pieces of shit in the throat til I cant raise my arm anymore.', 'Oh, I do this all the time. Started off as me dying heroically, Hyperactive behavior saving a couple kids from a burning building or going out on some other Batman-esque act of courage. Then I would be honored posthumously and people would finally respect me. It was a way for me to cope and validate to myself and everyone else that I was of value. Now I imagine myself dying just because it makes me feel better. Snipers in random trees aiming for my head, an 18 wheeler t-boning me on a walk, getting robbed and shot when Im paying for gas, all kinds of weird stuff Hyperactive behavior that. Just the other day when I couldnt Hypersomnia (as always), I fantasized about being taken hostage at a bank and being the guy used as a bargaining chip. Then just taking one of their guns and Panic myself so they have no leverage, just to be a jerk. Im incredibly twisted, I know. ', 'Im always afraid to admit that to myself. That maybe the reason Im so driven to be better than everyone and think Im so godly is because deep down, I know Im as Muscle Weakness as I perceive other people to think I am. My ex girlfriend fell for it. She thought I was Gods gift to mankind, and when the Anger inside me eventually showed, she split and my mental health has vastly deteriorated. I wonder how much of that love I felt for her was actually genuinely for her, or because she fed my so ego so greatly, and now that its gone, I have no validation of my superiority.', 'She did, and it made things all the worse. She was my fiance and my truest love for 3 years. She ended up moving away, cheating on me, and leaving for some other guy.A couple weeks ago, she came back to my door crying. Begging me for another chance, telling me she had nothing without me, etc. But, the kicker is, I know shes using me. She tells me she wants me, yet she wont leave her boyfriend. Fills my head and my heart with promises and Ive become what I despise most, a cheater, because Im simply Drug abuse to her.I cant leave, I cant stay. I cant talk to her because she blows up and threatens to kill herself, I cant ignore it because it tears my soul out. Its truly a mindfuck. I was very close to being over her before she returned, but now Im back to square 1 and I cant go through it again. ', 'Ah, do I know this all too. I lost my girlfriend of 3 years about... 6-7 months ago, Id say. She had a new boyfriend Hyperactive behavior 2 or 3 weeks later. It crushed me, literally knocked the wind out of me and I thought I was dying. Room got all fuzzy, stomach felt Hyperactive behavior it was being ripped out... yikes. Now? Well, it still hurts Hyperactive behavior Abnormal behavior but in a different way. At first its Hyperactive behavior constantly being stabbed in the chest with a sharp knife. Lot of rampant guilt, sleepless nights, nothing really matters. These days... its more Hyperactive behavior being continuously shocked with a live wire. Still a lot of sleepless nights, but you learn to adapt. Its Hyperactive behavior you almost get bored of the immense heartbreak and it just turns to this weird "Yeah, I ruined my life. Whatever" kind of feeling. As for your actual question, I contemplate it every day of my life. I teeter on the edge of whether I should swallow the barrel of a gun and silence my aching head or just crawl back in bed and hope tomorrow isnt as bad... which it seemingly always is. If you ever need anybody to speak to about this subject, Im here. I Hyperactive behavior to think of myself as a bit of an expert at this particular topic.', '"All things heal in time" - Clearly they dont otherwise Id be just dandy by now. In fact, the opposite seems to be true."She Ventricular Dysfunction, Left you months ago. Why arent you over her? Why dont you move on?" - Ive tried so hard. Dont you think I WANT to be over the girl that ripped my beating heart out of my chest? I meant the promises I made to her and its not something I can just forget. "You should be thankful you arent dead or dying" - Itd be easier if I was, but thanks for regurgitating this fallacy, you dick. These thought-terminating cliches piss me off beyond words."Why dont you see a professional and get some medication?" - What a revolutionary thought. Ive only been down this avenue every year since I was 11. Clearly it didnt work. "Dont give up. Things will get better if you try" - That is a banality and a meaningless platitude. It offers nothing to me and is borderline insulting. Do you think I enjoy this suffering and inescapable mindset? "Just get over it" - Fuck you. ', 'Agreed exponentially. High school sucked for me, college is arguably even worse, and this entire "real world" idea is just some propaganda perpetuated by older people from an entirely different time, I find. Its all meaningless when you get down to it. Nothing has ever just magically disappeared when it comes to Mental Depression; Ive yet to hear of one person wake up and say, "You know, Im not Depressed mood anymore. Im 100% happy. Outstanding."I think it means whatever you experience just carries over and gives you a scaffolding for every endeavor in your life. I was a Depressed mood loner in junior Drug abuse, which carried over to Drug abuse school, which has carried over to college and my jobs, which will follow me everywhere. Thats what Ive gotten from it, at least. ', 'This comment is exactly how I felt, plus it made me chuckle. Thanks, friend. ', 'Perception is reality. ']
['Met her my sophomore year. Fell right in love. She never had an interest until this year. But then she had to move. Drank a bottle of whiskey in one long chug. Tried to shoot myself but got too drunk to remember why I was drinking. Went to a psych ward. I went to visit her and we hooked up. Decided we wanted to get married. Have kids the whole deal. But she lives 6 hours away and its very easy for her to cheat. Shes a documented sociopath and never feels bad. I found a train schedule for my town. 7 pm tomorrow itll pass through.', 'Together less than a month. But weve been best friends for years so we kinda just agreed marriage would work. And no to hotlines or professionals ', 'Because shes at her guy "friend" house and her phone is "dead" so I cant even ask her about it.', 'I went through a period in my life where I wanted to commit suicide. And my close friend, who had actually just made an attempt on her life a few weeks prior, said this to me"what ever it is that youre going through. What youre feeling. It is NOT going to be the thing that you die from. You will look back on this and wonder why you were ever worried. You can do it." Dont let something you arent sure about be the reason you leave your friends and family behind.']
['Im DavidI am 16 years oldI live in Pennsylvania, United StatesFrankly, I dont know what I dont struggle with Im too insecure to post a picture of myself. ', 'This is so true that its sad. ', 'Ill play with youWhats your IGN and role?', 'Ive been trying to improve myself at the many skills that I wish to be good at, with no results. Absolutely no improvement whatsoever in 3 years in anything. This includes guitar, piano, singing, learning how to code (and trying to type faster as a result), working out, lacrosse, playing video games when Im not even good at them, getting good grades at school, trying to learn Korean since Im a Korean-American but kindergartners can speak, write and understand the language at a higher level than me, and nothing. Literally none of those am I even remotely good at. I do not see a single skill that I can perform at a proficient level. And this bothers me as it inhibits my ability to enjoy life. What good am I if I have nothing to contribute?Oh, and by the way, if I recall correctly, that is not the biggest galaxy. I think the name is IC 1101.', 'Thats my only source of happinessI have no hopes or desires in lifeI just want to die as soon as possible', 'Im 16 right now. I know I may seem too young but this has been my situation for my whole life.Im Exhaustion of pretending to be someone I am not, as I do it every day. I always pretend to be happy when my brain is hell, and for the past 2 years, I couldnt even pretend that well. I broke down, and many people in my school know of my Mental Depression. I just cant find any motivation to try at life. I probably wont even be alive by the end of Drug abuse school, as I think of killing myself every single second.', 'I honestly hate it when people say "Oh, other people have it far worse than you so you shouldnt be depressed."What most people do not understand is the Mental Depression is not rational. Comparing ones misery to undervalue others is ignorant. Saying that people cant be sad because others have it worse is Hyperactive behavior saying someone cant be happy because others have it better.', 'I just dont think it will help, and frankly I dont think itll change my mind about life at all. I would rather save my parents money.', 'I try to do that but I cant fully isolate myself. ', 'Ill try it outIt does seem relieving.', 'A few months ago, my sister saw me crying in my room because my Mental Depression was really bad. My mom came home and found me crying and talking to my sister, and my sister explained to her that I was really suicidal. My mom didnt know and at the time, she just told me to stop feeling that way and get better. The exact opposite happened, where my Mental Depression increased exponentially. My mom, however, Forgetfulness it ever happened and started doing the same thing again. Im not close enough to my mom where I can directly tell her, "Hey, when you do this, it makes me wanna off myself right now." Instead, I just bottle things in and block her out to the best of my ability.', 'So, my mom compared me for the umpteenth time yesterday and she laughs when she with other people about it and keep mentioning it. I was at my limit yesterday and I got Anger at her and told her to shut up and went to my room. She told my aunt and cousin that I had problems and I need to be fixed. Im sorry mom, I HAVE FUCKING PROBLEMS?!Yeah okay, Ill just fix it by killing myself.Oh my god, I cant wait to Suicide. ', 'Because life is extremely stressful regardlessEven when I dont care and show Indifferent mood to everything, Im still Stress outDeath seems so calming and peaceful to me', 'No, I cant go anywhere I play league of legends but its kinda pissing me off right now, so my only source of happiness is gone.', 'Its hard to enjoy things in life when you hate life itself. I hate waking in a home where someone else could be living, I hate being fed good food that could go to someone else, I hate everything about being alive. Theres nothing that makes me happy, nothing that stops me from wishing my own death.What do I do now?', 'Dont kill yourself by starving. It takes months to die by it. Its obvious and you start hallucinating after a short while. ', 'You make some excellent points, but how do you know that the person will be happy in the future? The opposite of what you say can be equally as true, as if you actually do succeed in preventing a Suicide, what if that persons life is full of Ache and sorrow? Wouldnt you feel guilty in that situation as well?', 'Isnt that what Reddit is for? I just vent here every so often because I bottle everything and then I rant here.I heard a lot of people having side effects from medications, and personally I dont want to be happy because I took a pill.', 'I just dont have a Drug abuse chance of committing Suicide right now. Rather than having a failed attempt, I might as well do it later when its basically guaranteed.', 'She wont understand. My sister and I have repeated to her multiple times to stop parenting the way she does. My sister literally said "you and dad cant raise kids for shit. Thats why he(me) is so fucked up and wants to die, and had Mental Depression for such a long time."Its not a motivator, it does the complete opposite.', 'No, not at all. I am not close with my dad at all; he was basically a stranger to me all my life, and hes very apathetic and Decreased interest about things so he might just tell me to man up.', 'I used to but now I dont because it didnt really do anything.', 'But when does it get better? Ive been feeling this same way for four years. I dont have any talents or passions in life, so how will things get better for me?', 'Ive talked to a lot of people. It just keeps getting worse. Before, 3 years ago, I only thought about the world without me. Now, I cant stop fucking thinking about it. Its what I have dreams about, think about when I wake up until I go back to bed.', 'Ah, my apologies. Im relatively new to the Reddit world. What sub would be appropriate for this discussion? ', 'Ive never had a therapist, but Ive heard they only help if you want help. ', 'Thanks, but theres nothing I hate more than life and myself.', 'Thanks, but not much you guys can do.Just venting helps me temporarily because I bottle everything in and I dont want to explode at people that I care about.', 'No, not really. Im stuck in this house. ', 'Are you really serious or are you just saying that?', 'Just the pointlessness of itWere here stressing out Hyperactive behavior hell trying to be successful, trying to achieve our dreams, and then what?I dont believe in a God anymore; I used to a few years back but religion is absurd to me', 'Come to think of it, I havent genuinely felt happy in a very long time.I actually dont remember the last time I woke up and was excited to live the day.Life is not ups and downs, its all just downs.', 'Just post it here. ', 'No, and I dont plan on seeing one.', 'Whats your IGN? I really want to get betterand what server are you on?']
['I think its time to rework you personal life.Start doing something productive and be our own reason to live! Sometimes pets help. :D Get a hobby that can get you to keep looking ahead!What are things you are into know?What is your job? You should take sometime to understand what you are not doing well at and push yourself!Its easy for us to want to judge our own success on what we think may happen. But it does not prove anything. Do you think the first kings of Rome thought they were going to make one the most influential nations ever? Do you think they were worried about it falling? Yeah. They did. But they did not let their bad thoughts hold them back. They pushed because they were their own reason to seceded.Rome did one day fall. But you know what? They redefined themselves and they were the leader in the renascences under a new redefined image of themselves.Life is about the legacy you leave behind. You have a chance to be great no matter what age you are at. Leonardo D. did not get his first big job that made him famous until he was 45ish.But you know what? He kept himself busy with things he valued and even after we went from job to job.Life is hard. No joke. But life is also a chance. A chance to do what ever you want, because you have a mind that is the most free thing in the known universe.I lost my grandmother the other day at just 60 years old. She was the most special person in my life. She had severe rheumatoid arthritis. Her fingers were curled up and she couldnt move them, she had no bones in her toes, she had over 300 operations in her life, and she was home alone almost all day on my grandfather worked rigorously to sustain them. Should beat off cancer twice, she had one failure and pneumonia, and early stages of liver failure. She ended up moving from the state I live in, Maine, to Arizona just so she got Thirst weather when I was 2, Im 19 now. She had to leave everything behind.But she didnt want to give up. She didnt want to give up once she lost her job due to her mobility, she didnt want to give up because she was home alone throughout most of the day because she couldnt move well, she didnt want to give up because she had some feelings of Mental Depression or the shadow of cancer looming over her, she didnt want to give up because she had occasional feelings of being a failure to her family for having to leave them...She didnt want to give up because her family was her reason to live. She didnt want to give up because she was her own reason to live.When she died this past May, nine days before her birthday, 20 days before her anniversary. My grandfather got letters from people all over the United States. Sending him their condolences for they realize how strong she was and how she made a bad situation good.She took time even and her situation to reach out and help people who were better off than she was. Not because she had to, but she realized thats what she could do. That was her hobby.Its so easy to want to give up. But doing so and to give up a chance to be something great. Even when everything is going really bad for you. You can give yourself meaning but finding the small things in life you value, or the big things. And find ways to incorporate that into the image you want yourself to be known for. Dont let your failures define you. Let your success and your capabilities do that.Thats what my grandmother would tell you. Should also tell you, "I love you."Because thats how she was.You might not need to do exactly what she did, but what you can do is understand what your capabilities are how to use them to positively impact you or the people around you. Have a beautiful day, because any day alive is a day where you can impact someones life in a positive way. Or impact your own.Take care.', 'Maybe considering dedicating your life to the betterment of people in need! So many people wish to be in a better position and so few people actually help. Maybe you can use your life to help other people! Doing that brought a lot of joy to my life! Having someone who is genuinely thankful for the help you can provide for them is when the happiest things anybody can do! And it is not that hard to be good at!', 'How blind?', 'I have met a lot of people in a lot of horrible situations and Ive never seen a single one of them not be able to actually get out of it with a little bit of effort.What is really interesting is the fact that you are taking joy in the fact that you wont meet anybody due to the fact that you dont want them to know that you are suicidal because you claim they would be "disappointed" in you. Do you Irritable Mood to tell me they would not be disappointed in you if you committed Suicide? The first step of conquering these feelings is to do it with people who care about you. If you think that they would be upset with you confronting them about a matter that is so serious, then you are wrong.I had a cousin who thought the same exact thing is as you. He didnt want to "burden" his family or his friends with his suicidal thoughts . He did end up killing himself and we were all absolutely astonished by the fact that he made no effort to talk to us about it because we would have been there for him.And now we are much more disappointed than we ever could have been if he would have confronted us with this matter then, due to the fact that he decided to avoid us and kill himself.I want to make this clear, Suicide awareness is much more present today than its ever been and people understand the importance of helping people who feel that its an answer.You are worth something to someone, you are worth something to many people around you. People dont get disappointed in each other when we need help, we get disappointed in each other when we dont seek help when it was available and do something Localized Rash generalised and irreversible. Think about it.Take care.', '"I want help but I cant bring myself to ask."Pride can be a poison. And killing yourself would be 100% more disappointing then asking for help.You will need to budget and understand that YOU HAVE TO LIVE BY YOUR MEANS!!!! Starting now. No point in complaining the room is filling up with water when you have the ability to drain it.If you do not need it dont get it. Get cheep things that dont make much waste. There is not failure in life, but only hills to go up and down.But the moment you kill yourself is the moment you become a failure. The very thing you may think Suicide can prevent.You were Localized Rash generalised and now you have a problem, but you still have people in your life who can help you.You need to swallow your pride and ask for help. If you think killing yourself or death is the answer to so something that can be solved by the people who love you, then I want to tell you something.I had a cousin committed Suicide for the same reason. His pride meant to much and he did not want to be a burden.Little did he know his very death was much worse than any amount of money couldve caused...It was selfish. We wouldve helped him in a heartbeat. But he didnt even try.Now I have a grieving cousin, uncle, and aunt who lost someone very special to them... Their own flesh and blood... Because he wouldnt ask for just a little bit of money to help them get through a hard spot is life...They had to bury their own child. Because his pride overshadowed his logic...His name is Andreas. Just finished college too. Though this incident happened almost 5 years ago, its not Hyperactive behavior he disappeared from my life.Instead he Ventricular Dysfunction, Left the hole.The whole no amount of money can ever fill.Ask for help.Budget and live 100% within your means for now.Because I wouldnt wish what happened to my family on anyones family.', 'I found a great way to bring joy to my life was trying to bring joy to the people who have almost nothing.Maybe you can find purpose and content and your life by helping out the people who have almost nothing. Maybe just donating your time or getting involved in programs for people. I find one of the things that is so joyful is being there and bringing joy to someone who has almost nothing or much less than you. :) Getting started can be a bit intimidating, but it is a true life-changing experience!Take care and be well!', 'Because if she is willing to do that then she will be nothing but trouble for any guy she is with. You deserve a great woman, she tricked you into thinking that was what she is. But she is not worth an ounce of your love. Take some time to cool down and try to be logical. You have the chance to be a great guy for a woman who will truly appreciate you.So dont end your life because of someone who lost you. Someone who is obviously extremely disgusting. Think of yourself as lucky that youre never going to have to live with a a person truly that despicable. You and her being together wouldnt have made her any better of a person. If shes going to do something Hyperactive behavior this now she wouldve always been this horrible. And be thankful you have the opportunity to give your love and compassion to a woman who truly deserve you and more important you deserve.Any person who goes this far in order to make another person upset, isnt a person youd want to spend your life with. Trust me.Take care my friend. :)', 'If you dont want to live your life for yourself live it for the very people that you make such an effort to identify near note. The homeless.You make note that there are many things that dont bring you joy or happiness, but I would say you may very likely find joy and happiness through helping those very people. Dedicating your life to the betterment of those who are less fortunate.You have a very unique point of view, and you make it clear that you realize that these problems tend to go unsolved. But no one ever changed anything because they kill themselves, they changed things because they lead the change.Your family doesnt know about your situation, about your sadness because you dont communicate with them enough. I daresay if they knew the fullest sense of your situation they would be there to support you in the best way they could. But it seems you dont want to excuse to keep living.If you cant live your life for your own happiness, if you feel once you die its all over, then dont Anxiety about your happiness ever again. Worry about making other people happy. And maybe, just maybe, you will be the change that you so seemed to desire. And in the process you might actually make yourself happy.Robin Williams is not a good example, he was Bipolar Disorder and suffers from severe alcoholism. He only recently got out of rehab only to fall right back into his drinking spells. Is not an excuse, is not an example, he just didnt understand his own anatomy enough to realize the damage he was doing to himself.Take what you must from this. Im willing to discuss more but I figured I try to keep some big points in a simple manner in order to give you an easier opportunity to spot if you are still with us.Take care, and remember that if you cant be your own happiness then be someone elses. That might just make you happy.', 'What kind of world we live in if nobody was willing to help each other?Life is such a precious gift. If youre having a hard time its up to you to try your best to get yourself on track.Its so easy to let your troubles pile up. But no matter how big that pile gets, you can always walk around it. It just may take some time.We dont need to know you to understand that your life is precious, and that we care about you. We care about you because most of us have been there ourselves. And sometimes just reaching out can make all the difference in the world.I truly hope you reconsider.', 'I wish I could sing. haha :D', 'No reply?', 'So basically your life is boring.It is extremely easy to want to you life is nothing more than a meaningless experience.But the keyword is experience.Life is a one time experience. There are two ways to view that experience. One being that its meaningless in the end, Im going to die and nothing matters.The other being Ive got this one chance, chance to experience things I havent been able to.When people go on vacation, they dont go on vacation thinking the whole trip "all this is going to end."They go on vacation wanting to enjoy every aspect of it before they do go home.You need to realize that everybody in the world is on the same boat. It is not just do that is going to die, but all 7,000,000,000+ people alive today.Does that Irritable Mood we should quit?Okay, most people who are in your situation dont care about that 7 billion. You are one of that.But there you go. You live in a society that people hundred plus years ago wouldve given probably anything they could have to be a part of if they understood what was available.The biggest problem seems to be your health in general. I find people who are overweight to lose confidence in themselves.So obviously youre here for help. There are many ways to solve your situation. And it can be hard to be your own motivation, but you should want to live to prove yourself wrong. Just Hyperactive behavior millions of people do today.You seem to have built a construct around having to have it typical life. That normal is the only real way to live. But I can assure you that that is not the case in the 21st-century. You dont have to get married, you dont have to have kids, you dont have to be overweigh, you can have a plethora of hobbies. Whatever you Hyperactive behavior.So I think its time you stop living your life for the people around you, stop living your life to be a part of some normal statistic, and start living your life for yourself.This is a vacation. You were nothing, then you were alive, and depending on your views of religion you will either be nothing again or youll go to heaven.Regardless.You need to be around motivation. You should want to live for yourself. Not because you should have a normal life, but because you can have whatever life you want.Youre Exhaustion of television and video games, stop doing them. You have conditioned yourself to be lazy. And it can be hard to break that. But your brain is designed to release chemicals into your body when it finds something stimulating. Laziness keeps you from getting those chemicals. Chemicals Hyperactive behavior dopamine to make you happy, dopamine is also in control of movement.Which is why people who work out can get really happy doing so. Takes a while, but it can fight Mental Depression sadness.I would advise you to not consider death an option. Because your lifestyle makes you unhappy. Your philosophy on how to be happy, makes you unhappy.The girl you loved stimulated. That stimulation released chemicals in your brain. Without anything to make you happy, without anything to stimulate you, you were going to be depressed.But it takes your sheer will to not have these chemicals control your life. Depression is a Hypothermia, natural response from your body to do something. I think you need physical stimulation.I want you to understand this once again. Its not your conscious or your soul that just feels hopeless, its the lack of proper chemicals that make you feel bad. Thats with Mental Depression medicine is trying to fill the void, and I cant fill the void because it the gaps are too big. Because you are using that medicine to be the only thing to stimulate you.Youre literally letting chemicals ruin your life. Depression makes you lazy.But fortunate for you, youre given the opportunity to understand this.My advice to you would be this. Get yourself a gym membership. You may feel embarrassed, but that goes away its just a response. Dont watch TV or get video games, go out and do things. Do things with real people. It doesnt matter how old you are. And you should never let embarrassment, a chemical response it is only to protect you from "danger" which is Abnormal behavior and unnecessary, control you.Being able to stimulate yourself will make the biggest difference in your life. Just doing things, doesnt Irritable Mood thats all it is. Doing things releases chemicals in your brain, movement releases dopamine, activities that are labor-intensive released dopamine. You being lazy is nothing more than a response.But as I said, dont Hyperactive behavior chemicals control you. Use them to your benefit. Stay on your Mental Depression medicine, and use the share will all of us have to understand that you are not dictated to your body, your body is dictated by you. You need to be stimulated. And there a lot of fun things you can do. But you got to be the one to play yourself out of the whole. You can be happy. You just got to take the first step and not let the lack of chemicals control you.Love is nothing more than a chemical. Remember that. True love is intellectual love. Humans get Drug abuse the chemicals. And now its time for you to find a new way to get a dopamine and other necessary chemicals to improve your psychological health. The first steps are working out, and maybe fixing your diet a little bit.Its your call.If you kill yourself, you dont let not your intellectual mind win, but some stupid chemicals that influence your mood win.Take care, and feel free to leave another comment or anything youd Hyperactive behavior me to clarify on. Im here for you.There to them being 2:30 AM, I used speech to text software. Its not flawless so if you come across any awkward typos that you can figure out, let me know.Take care.', 'You need motivation?Be your own. You are here for the physical world, materialistic stuff.But the intellectual world is here for you. Take time to be a part of it.Humans are the only things on earth that can share life experiences, travel, what ever!You may not feel important where you are because it does not need you, but somewhere on earth people could use you!Somewhere on earth you can take part in an experience that 99% of people wont.You need to find yourself. Save up and just go!If you have a special someone, take them with you! If not, go find them.If you dont want that then let the world be your companion!Life is too short to live it being in a place you have no motivation.If you cant enjoy your life here, and go enjoy it somewhere else.You might just find a special place on the world that does motivate you.Live a little, and learn to love your life.Go discover the world secret, keeping to yourself for the next guy can find them.You will never find motivation if your situation doesnt excite you. So my advice to you,Go get enlightened about the world you live in.', 'What makes you depressed?I cant help you unless I understand you.Describing ways to kill yourself doesnt help us help you.', 'This is interesting.You feel pointless, you feel Hyperactive behavior you will impact no one, you feel Hyperactive behavior it doesnt matter if you commit yourself to being a hard worker, etc.Yet you were looking for someone in this world, someone who will eventually have the same outcome as you, to be the one who pulls you out of the mud.You dont have to look forward to anything. You dont enter appreciate the little things. You dont need to work hard.The formula has worked for other people apparently. But are you other people?It seems that the physical part of the world doesnt matter to you. You dont care about the impact you will leave.So heres my advice.Stop trying to commit yourself to the world. Commit yourself, to yourself. Do not live for the next-generation of humans. Dont live because you wont have an impact on the future. Live because you can impact yourself today.Everybody on earth is going to die regardless. I will, you will, everybody on Reddit will.Some of us base our life around impacting the future. Some of us spend our lives understanding the impact of the past.Dont Anxiety about. It doesnt matter, remember?Youre alive today. To do something for yourself. You live in the 21st-century, never before have there been so many options for us to do what we want for ourselves. Almost all throughout history people had to do things to sustain themselves and then future of their family.You live in an era where thats not necessary anymore. So stop having the mentality.Save money and travel around Asia. Travel around Europe. Travel.Not for others, before yourself. Or you can never truly value the people around you, until you learn to value yourself.You want someone to push you. Then heres your push. Live life for yourself. Make your accomplishments for you and only those closest to you.If physical and material things dont satisfy you. Then look for intellectual satisfaction. Travel.Meet the world. Find its secrets. Keep them for yourself so the next guy can find them.Learn to play in instrument. Music is the language of the world. Bring joy to others if you want.Meet people. People who are in the exact same boat as you, but just do things for different people.Dont be selfish, but be about satisfaction. If the material world doesnt satisfy you, the intellectual one should.Take care.Edit:A few typos fixed.', 'Go online and look to see if there any places in your area that work with homeless people that you can volunteer at.There maybe even places you can find a potential career. could also be an option.Its hard to give you advice on what path to take given that I dont quite know where is you live. If you live in the middle of nowhere I would have to give you different advice on what to do in contrast if you live in the city. Also it depends on what country you are in. :)Would you mind telling me which city or town you live in and where?Thats step one. :)', 'I would suggest the first decision..Trying to go to another university.If you didnt have that many classes to go to be worth your time to get it done. Then you can go for gold!Take care!', 'Why would you want to end something.Travel.Travel around the world.Not Hyperactive behavior get on the plane or a cruiseship.Get a backpack, passport, and just go.Meet people from all around the world. Dont even have to talk to them.Walk through Europe, Asia, whatever.Try to satisfy the intellectual side of yourself. Something so many people forget.I think you might find something you Hyperactive behavior.Take care.', 'It is time to take responsibility.We all make mistakes. So what. This is an experience I hope you learn from. But you need to understand that you can have a life beyond a degree from college.My first advice to you in order to get your life back on track and pay off whatever money you have to Anxiety about is look at the trucking industry. Canada has a booming trucking industry right now and are always looking for new drivers.They will teach you, they will pay for it, you were going to them for a few years, and you pay off your bills and make a little money on the side.When your life the straightened up a little bit, try different approach.But there is no need to kill yourself over stupid mistake.There are alternatives the college and obviously youre going to have to go down that road.But its a safe road. Killing yourself makes no sense. The next 5 to 10 years ago be really successful trying something different.College helps but its not always necessary. Time for Plan B them. Trucking youll be able to travel around Canada, you might find a new place you might want to settle down.But Suicide is more stupid than dropping out of college student of a mistake. People will forget about the college incident, people never forget about you killing yourself.Look at options. Not solutions to fix a temporary situation.Take care.', 'Well at least you can see a computer screen. Look up job listings. Trucking is the best but by far not your only option. You will have to so non-skill labor. But you can find good money in it if you put the effort in on your part. If you got time for Reddit, you got time to look up jobs and build a plan b.McCains is a great job with great pay. 12 to 20 an hour in most places. Starting, unskilled.', 'Pride isnt something thats just the stone upon you, its something you need to find! :)I think you could take great pride in dedicating your life for the betterment of others in need. You might find value within your own life.', 'Well man I got one more thing to say.First, are you still there?']
['As someone who is feeling down in a similar situation. Killing yourself should never an option. Things can always be repaired, maybe not overnight, but nothing is worth losing your life. There are always people and organizations outside of family and friends than can give you a better perspective and advice you wouldnt get from the usual people you talk to.']
['Why are you disgusting?', 'I felt the same way. In my school there was this perfect girl. She was amazing. After Drug abuse school she had a breakdown. I joked with friends that thats what would happen to me, because I was in her position. It happened. Separate instances, but I went crazy. When Robin Williams news came out I got worried because Im kinda going down the same path. Maybe its a bit of a wake up call for all of us. You need to reach out to your friends. Thats what my therapist keeps telling me. She told me to write letters to my friends if I wont see them in person. Its very cathartic. You should start there.', 'I have the same thing! Mine works by the hours, i first noticed that it went off my internal clock when daylight savings time hit in fall and i felt early. In the daytime (10 AM-6PM) Im great but night (10pm-10am) i get dark. Its worse on the weekends. And that changing attitudes! I can never decide on things because if i Hypersomnia on it I feel the complete opposite of what I felt before, but come decision time Ive made a complete 180. I have a ton of questions: 1) How long has this been going on?2) Do you show conflicting emotions during the daytime?3) Do things trigger Mental Depression for you in the daytime?4) Has this been continuous? Id also Hyperactive behavior to talk with you because I think Ive figured this phenomenon out, but it could be just me', 'Do you honestly way deep down believe your friends would do that?', 'Break the cycle. First step: instead of watching Depressed mood tv, watch something you enjoy. When Im down, I love to watch my favorite show, Community. Anyway Im feeling down, I find the episode I can most identify with and watch it. I laugh and I feel not so alone in the world. Watch some comedy specials (Donald Glovers Weirdo is great and available on YouTube). Its hard to just work out or read a book. Dont do something just so you can tell people you did it, do something that youll actually enjoy. Thats the first step.', 'What do you Hyperactive behavior?', 'Sometimes I feel the same way. Like Im doing more harm then good, Hyperactive behavior Im scum, Hyperactive behavior Im the worst person on the planet. But if you feel that way youd be wrong. There are people far worse. And you know what separates them from you? Not their actions but their conscience. The fact you feel that way means you are a good person and you care. ', 'I felt that way after a break-up. What got me through was realizing that I was the better one in the relationship. I was too good for her. You should take stock and look at you. Youre a woman, you have boobs, honestly that puts you really Drug abuse up there.Then there is revenge. As the great Kanye West put it, "Success is the best revenge." Do better than him. I dont know how old you are or where youre at in life but make that a goal in some way. I just found out that Im doing much better than my bullies from five years ago. It took me five years but its a grand feeling. By a bigger house than him, get a hotter boyfriend, make a shit ton more money then him. Do better than him. Youll feel amazing about yourself and youll get your revenge. ', 'You know, there are perfectly happy adults who have thought of Suicide at least once. Most people do, you arent alone in that vein.', 'I googled something Hyperactive behavior this. What came up said "Theres no easy way to kill yourself, its gonna be messy." There is no easy way to this. Youre gonna feel Ache and your mom will be devastated and still have to clean you up for your funeral. You dont want that. It sounds Hyperactive behavior you care about her, its not okay to make her come face-to-face with the idea that she failed as a mother.Theres no easy way to it, its gonna be messy. ', 'Is there anything you enjoy? Thats why you should wake up. I felt that way for a long time. One day I just made my joys simple. Tomorrow I want to wake up so I can watch Jeopardy. I want to wake up everyday after that because Sunday theres a new episode of the Leftovers and True Blood. Then Monday, Under the Dome. Wednesday, Wilfred. And then Ill do it again next week. Just find something small to look forward to. Its great.', 'Do you really feel Hyperactive behavior dying or is it the existing? For me its the existing, I screw up sometimes and I beat myself up for it. I dont want to die, but Id Hyperactive behavior to stop existing. But thats only temporary. I think you should go back and teach English. It seems Hyperactive behavior you need a win, and that would be a great feather in your cap. Youll feel really good about that.', 'Im in the same position. They make the problem seem Hyperactive behavior its all you, but its not you, its them. Best advice I can give is to try and keep your nose clean until you can get out of there. For me, I try but something always comes up. But Ive only got two months left. Its hard, so to make that time seem bearable, I Hyperactive behavior to watch my favorite shows. You should do whatever you Hyperactive behavior (that wont get you in to trouble) and use that to Sedated state down some. School will be good because you are with friends most of the day and you can really isolate yourself from them.', 'Yeah ', 'Youre so young. You still have so much life in you left. Part of this deep sadness is the forming of your frontal lobe, basically you get over emotional. Its a part of puberty. I know this isnt your only problem, but just remember that. When you see your situation, remind yourself that its not as bad as you see it. I felt the way you do, I still do. But I remember that my frontal lobe is still forming. Also, look to the future, youll get to leave soon. Youll be your own person. The stuff thats bringing you down, itll go away. You just have to hold on.']
['You didnt go into much detail. When and how did you get to this state of mind?', 'For your sake, I hope they are sleeping. You need not end what hasnt begun.', 'We all live for those of us around us. If we were alone on this planet, there would be no reason to have any ambitions. We all keep each other sane, and happy to one degree or another despite going through tough times. Thats why life is worth it.', 'Im not sure this belongs here. /r/suicidology', 'What kind of guidance are you looking for?', 'I know the easiest way to die. To die of old age. Giving up is not what you really want to do. You came here for support, because there is a part of you that doesnt want this. Think about that part and dont give in to the other side; the suicidal side.', 'Part of dealing with Ache is taking some Stress in some fashions. However, the saying goes that there is always someone who has a worse situation. There are children being used as currency in some countries, taken from their homes and sold Hyperactive behavior a commodity. I dont use this example to shed light on the bad in the world, but only to look at it from a different perspective. You are alive, have a home, and food at the ready. You already live better than a big portion of the rest of the world. Things may have been bad at some point in the past, present, and probably future. But its only when you make a proactive point to make yourself happy will things change, and only if you want them to change. Which is why therapy does not work well for some people. Some people go because they are told, and not because they actively want to better themselves. If you want to actually better yourself, which I know you do as you posted here for help. I wont give you any other advice than to stand up for yourself and dont look so down on yourself. For all you know, your Ache could have saved someones life. Dont take this as a complement or joust, take this as a piece of mind that everything really does have a silver lining. Stay strong and remember to value yourself at the level you want to be. Confidence goes a long way.', 'Calling 911 was the correct answer, and Im glad so many people told you to. Bit of advice though. She will probably be Anger at you for this, but do not let it bring you down. Realize you did the best thing you could ever do for her, and she will see that sooner or later. Also, the comments she is making towards you is to get your attention to see if you care. Or is an actual threat, so you definitely had reason to suspect both. You made the right call, good job.', 'I respect your ideals on the subject, but in our culture its not accepted because we are selfish as well. For the same bigoted reasons that Jack Kevorkian was seen as a Anger instead of a hero. I more see this situation as not a imminent, painful, terminal disease however. Things that his patients suffered. The only disease you are suffering is that of the bane of mankind and all it seems to lack. The only reason it is lacking is because you are not fulfilling all that it can be. I know youre not looking for the advice on how to stay or be happy, but its all too common that life passes through the fingertips due to a lack of push to push your life to its full potential. I hope you see the good thats in you.', 'No, dont thank me. The pleasure is mine; knowing you care about your friends.', 'You just said your friend would blame herself. Dont do that to her.', 'What makes you think youre evil?', 'Talking it out was a good choice. I am happy you made this choice. I agree though, that sometimes things seem too good to be true and so you are comparing them to your past life, which rekindles how you used to feel. These feelings will come and go in your life, unfortunately. But just look at your success and your potential and you wont let the downward slope bring you all the way down the mountain.', 'No you may not die now. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve lived the life that most over weight kids strive for. You got healthy, in shape, friends, and attractive. You just showed right there that with determination you can get to a state of feeling good about your body. But judging by your lack of self confidence, I wonder if you did it for yourself, and not just peer acceptance. It may be time to see a new sunrise, in a different place, on different days. The world has so many opportunities and long term, life changing possibilities that it would be a waste to through it all away. At the least you need a vacation to sort out your thoughts.', 'Whats stopping you from being fat and happy?', 'Not for you there wouldnt be, but for those you Ventricular Dysfunction, Left behind is another story. The Ache and sadness theyd have would cripple them.', 'As much as I dont want to advise the breakup, it may be the better option as you state. Hes not adding to your well being from what you say. Some people dont know how to deal with these situations, or they just dont understand it. On a different note, what are you going to school for?', 'You seem as though you dont want to be in college. Instead of lying about it and causing more debt, why not just be honest about it. Are you drifting apart from your friends because you dont care anymore? And you are wrong to assume theyll move on. Living without someone who is close becomes harder, and people just tend to hide it.', 'As said in an earlier thread today. Call 911 immediately. If you dont violate her trust, she may not have a life anymore.', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior you were talked into college and not a general want to go. As for your father, the situation is sticky. He may not realize it, or you for that matter, that his unwilling to live is not helping you succeed and become the person you and him want you to be. Its showing you to quit. But **do not**. As for your mother, I can only ask you talk to her. (That is only if she is one to listen and not lash out.) Now that youre 19 it may be best to look at finding a stable job and just moving out. The environment is very bad for your current life feelings.', 'Im glad that this is unlike you to come here and ask for help. There are many of us who are here to help and who want to help. That being said, we can only help as much as you want to let us. So I begin by asking you where you are in your life right now. Are you in school? Have a job? What about life with your boyfriend? If you dont want to reply directly, I will be happy to talk in PMs.', 'Just remember that no one is there to judge you, or has a right to. Keep your head up.', 'Youve made the first step towards getting better by coming here.', 'Silence. Go into the most Sedated state place you can. Think about yourself. Not your problems. Not your past. But your future. Think of something youve always wanted to do and go do it.', 'What has lead to these feelings?', 'Good job on loosing the weight! Could it be that you do not understand how you feel because its a different lifestyle you have now?', 'Dont apologize. Its okay and Im glad youre seeing things differently.', 'Im sorry it came off that way. I meant more of a "why?" instead of a direction to follow.', 'Have you tried joining your local gay community groups? There are likely **tons** of opportunities for friendships, and relationships. As well as feeling a whole lot better about yourself. You wont need to hide and you wont need to feel Hyperactive behavior an outcast. Consider it.', 'I was in a similar situation at your age. Life will get better. But will also get worse. Its just part of growing up. Youre so young now. You have a full life ahead of you, no matter what happens between your parents. Being in a similar situation, your parents might lash out at each other and carry the Anger towards yourself. Ignore it as they dont really Irritable Mood it, or if you have to, call the authorities. Stay strong, kid.', 'Its good to laugh, despite it being a very sad laugh. The point of life to some is amassing fortunes. To others, its dedicating their life to help others for little to no pay at all. Im not telling you to pack your bags and to move to Africa. But there must be something you enjoy doing. You say you enjoy weed, WoW, and parties. Thats not uncommon for a 24 year old. Its a lot more common than you may think. So dont take it as a negative in any sense of the word. Do whatever makes you happy, and disregard what others say.', 'When were things bad? And judging by your statements, things have gotten slightly better?', 'Have you considered going to an AA meeting? There are plenty of resources that you could attend that would help you. There are also plenty of people in your same situation. Try going to a meeting sometime and just listen for the first couple meetings. Then if you get comfortable, you could try expressing yourself and letting out your emotions. The key is not to find short term happiness, but to be happier in general. I wish you the best of luck.', 'Unfortunately for you, that door is locked, and hopefully remains locked. If you are so focused on you being a financial drain, why do you not look for other job opportunities so that you can at least contribute towards the rent and be able to say you are doing the best you can. Do not give up and do not follow in your fathers footsteps. ', 'Our job here is to mentor and talk people out of suicide. We can only help you if you are willing to accept the help. It is in our strongest regards that we do not assist your termination in any form. I dont want to see this happen to you and I hope the others on this subreddit feel the same and dont tempt your ill state of thought. I hope this issue blows over. May life be in your favor.', 'I feel were at two conflicting points here. I wasnt advocating you to get fat, just more so to live care free and if you get fat, then oh well. The exercise didnt help you be happy. Im not sure what you want to hear, but I hope you find a way to see the beauty in the darkness of life. ', 'Giving yourself permission for what? Dont think Hyperactive behavior that. You have many things that you might not even see. Its hard to be positive at times and Im not going to push that on you. That being said, photography is a wonderful thing. They say a picture is worth one-thousand words. Maybe starting a blog or a tumblr will help you understand your potential.', 'Are you hoping that youll die or do you do it for the thrill and the adrenalin rush?', 'Care to explain what the problem is?', 'How about mountain biking? Get to see nature and a lot less expensive.', 'From what I know, there are clicks and groups of the sorts that find their own identity. You have the flamboyant, the average, and the well hidden types. I dont know where you live, nor should I, but with a couple quick google searches I found a handful of websites that organise these types of events in texas. Just an idea. Stay strong.', 'In agreeance with [Malvin0]( I suggest that you dont try to relate, you dont try to push, and dont try to tell her how bad it is. That can only fuel their desire to self inflict. Consider just listening, and when she asks questions, find a Sedated state way of putting it. Unless it become a life threatening issue, avoid reporting it and keep what you hear to yourself and only **you**.', 'Be swift in whatever actions you make. Make them quick and live with knowing youve helped and done all you can.', 'Look yourself in the mirror and think of all your friends, and all your family, and how youre going to ruin all of their lives if you do this. That this face in the mirror might be the last thing that you make them see. Youre about to reach your Schizophrenia, Childhood dream. Why would you quit now. You have so much potential right now. Dont let your selfishness take over. Just imagine how youd feel if you were in their shoes. Dont do this.', 'This situation is all too common. Do you find your friends not as interested as they have more of a Phobia, Social life and just less time to socialize, and are drifting away due to differences in life styles? Im not going to argue for or against the statement that life is meaningless. I once thought these same things. Its hard to grasp just how much **not** being there would crush the world around you. Whether or not you believe me, there are those who care but just dont have words to share with you. If you really want to make life less meaningless, find something that helps one person a day in a positive way. If you find yourself making others happy, you may find a way yourself to sit down at the end of the day and feel good about yourself. From there, it is your own journey.', 'The difference though, is that unexpected death and purposeful death are two different games. Two different ideas and two different outcomes. Sudden death would not be your will, and they would still cope with the Ache of the loss. Pushing your own death will make them regret not being there for you more and cause them more Ache in that of which they could not help. Telling them is just a smack in the face. Not a proper goodbye at all. A selfish and hurtful way of saying that they are not worth it.', 'Have you considered motocross? Still the thrill and danger, but less chance of being seriously injured. Plus you would meat a bunch of new people.']
['Theres plenty of people to talk to on here mate theyve helped me out a huge amount', 'Yeah it made sense mate, thanks for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it. I do try and be positive but my girlfriend was the good bit in my life and Ive drove her away by being nasty. I dont really understand why I do it I love her to bits but take out all my stresses on her. I dont think I actually will kill myself but the urge to not be here is permanently there and my mind keeps drifting to it.', 'I feel exactly the same but I couldnt put my mom and dad through it', 'Yeah I suppose youre right Im gonna go to the doctors tomorrow and enquire about a counsellor I cant carry on feeling Hyperactive behavior this but the meds are a big no no for now. Thank you for taking the time for replying it means a lot', 'We were living together and planning our wedding when money became an issue. We went through a bad patch and both moved back to our parents. I had terrible Anxiety Mental Depression thay she was going to leave me so I was drinking to much and doing cocaine. Whilst this was happening on about 3 or 4 occasions I messaged another girl but dont even remember doing it (Im not using that as an excuse). Weve been getting on better then ever recently until she found out about these messages. They were sent months ago. Now shes Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me and changed her number so I cant contact her. I know I made a monumental fock up but I need her. I want to prove Im sorry and that this will never happen again. I dont want to live without her everyday is torture Im a mess and its embarrassing because I cant talk to people face to face about emotional things', 'Yeah Im still here mate', 'Reading this has made me come to the realisation Im exactly the same. What a deoressing bombshell', 'I feel pretty hypocritical here considering Im posting in this very sub about my own problems but seriously maybe you should reconsider. Why are things so bad? ', 'Thankyou for replying. Im hoping it will turn out that this was the right thing but I just keep dwelling on the wedding, having kids, buying a house. Basically all the things in life I wanted to do with her Ive now lost and it just hurts', 'Haha thank you for making me laugh I really didnt think I had it in me', 'Thankyou for taking the time to reply. I know everyone goes through stuff Hyperactive behavior this but it still doesnt make me feel better at the moment because obviously my pains worse then anyone elses ever. I thought time would be a healer but its been 3 months and Im worse then ever my dad wants me to see a councillor but Im a bit embarrassed and I dont want to be put on anti depressants. Again thank you for replying', 'Its horrible because I say things that arent true or that I dont Irritable Mood and then afterwards I feel pathetic because Ive acted Hyperactive behavior a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Ive just emailed a local therapist to see how I go about setting up a meeting. I should have done it a year ago when my girlfriend told me too but I suppose its better late then never', 'Alright mate how you feeling? Im here if you want to talk just pm me', 'Im hoping too but shes just blanking me now and its breaking my heart. Im just fed up and cant be bothered with anything', 'This is a brilliant way to put it thankyou for taking the time to reply', 'Thank you so much for caring it really does Irritable Mood a lot because I cant talk about things Hyperactive behavior this to people face to face. Its nice to know youre there, thank you', 'Youve really changed my opinion on drug dealers', 'I know all of what youve said is true but that doesnt stop me not wanting to be here anymore. Thanks for taking the time to post though', 'Thank you for taking time to reply', 'Im in the exact same position myself. Im 24 and have lost the love of my life and every day just seems to be getting harder', 'Nah i havent really got any hobbies I just used to have days out and go for meals with my girlfriend. I am gonna try and get a hobby though, I used to do a bit of boxing so I might try and start that again its just getting the motivation I can never be bothered to do anything after work. I felt a bit guilty posting here because I dont think I actually will do anything stupid but the thoughts are always their. Its a bit Anger how much the sentiments of some random internet stranger can Irritable Mood', 'Forgot to say thanks for replying', 'Thank you', 'I dont blame her Ive been unbearable the last 5 months my mood swings have been disgusting thats not too say it atill doesnt hurt. I feel terrible Im currently in bed crying, nice sunday afternoon. Thanks mate I dont think I would kill myself I dont have the guts but every day is a burden. I dont want to go to work or even get out of bed and I just permanently feel shit', 'I feel that', 'I need her she was everything to me and im fed up of crying. I never knew it was possible to feel emotional Ache Hyperactive behavior this', 'I feel that the only reason Im still alive is because I dont want to upset my mom and dad but I dont think I can keep loving a Depressed mood life just for them', 'Thanks for taking the time to talk to me mate', 'I am trying but I was always happy with her. Before I was with her I was a really independent person but since the split I hate being alone but my mates have all got kids and girlfriends now so I cant keep pestering them', 'Alright mate Im here if you want to talk about anything I dont know if Ill be much help but Ill try', 'Cheers mate youre right it is better to post here sooner rather then later. Ill definitely try get into the routine thank you', 'Why are you so sad?', 'Thats the best way to describe it I feel empty. Im back at work and Im going out but its Hyperactive behavior Im just running through the motions until Im alone again and thats when I feel Hyperactive behavior shit agai ', 'Thank you. I just wish I could stop caring or Hypersomnia and not wake up for months. As bad as I feel Ive also got the added weight of Guilt for what Ive done to her', 'Like shit if Im honest but it does Irritable Mood a lot you checking on me, thank you.', 'Im in pretty much the same situation. Im here if you want to talk', 'Make her laugh and smile as much as you can and make sure when she leaves shes as happy as possible. I really feel for you going through that I truly am sorry', 'Im in the same boat. I want to die but I havent got the guts to kill myself because of the Ache it would cause my mom and dad. I wish I could pass away and no one have any recollection of me.', 'Im in a similar situation as this except Im the one that messed up. Ive been having suicidal thoughts since the break up I feel terrible but if I ever did do anything it would be my choice absolutely not my exs fault. It was me that ruined our relationship and shes in the right to finish with me and move on with her life its not her fault if I cant deal with it. In exactly the same way its in no way your fault and you shouldnt feel guilty', 'The fact that after all the shit she puts you through on a regular basis and you can still make friends and function at university shows youre very strong and manly. I dont think I could put up with that', 'Like shit if Im honest but I cant tell you how nice it feels to no someone cares, thank you so much. I just miss my best friend']
['I have Gastroparesis, or Hearing Loss, Partial paralysis of the stomach. And Ive never known how to talk to my parents about PTSD or suicide. Or anyone else for that matter. This is the most purely personal information Ive ever shared on the subject. If this was face-to-face, or if I knew you all, I dont think I could have brought it up.', 'Thank you. Im trying to get ahold of a doctors note and the relevant medical records, and my plan is basically just to camp out in the admin building until someone will at least answer my questions. The more they shuffle me from department to department, the more hopeless the whole thing seems. I just... I have a hard time seeing things clearly, I suppose. Objectively, you make so much sense about all of this, but I cant bring myself to believe Im not at fault. I promise Ill think long and hard about what you said, though, and at least try to bring things back into focus.', 'Stress and Anxiety Mental Depression cant be helping, but there are foods I cant process properly, namely those Drug abuse in fat, protein, and fiber, which squares up with Gastroparesis. A Polyposis, Gastric emptying test was used for the initial diagnosis. The question now seems to be why--theres often an underlying condition or other trigger. As for dealing with all of this stress, your suggestions certainly cant hurt, unlike most of my strategies for dealing with emotional pain. Ill give it a shot--at worst it might keep my mind occupied for a while.Im not trying to be down on my friend--hes very dear to me, and he saved my life as surely as if hed physically removed me from a burning building. But I really did resent him at the beginning. I cant imagine where he found the patience to deal with me. ']
['I didnt know there was a subreddit for this. Since there is a thread about me, I might as well participate in it.\r\rI didnt kill myself today. I decided to wait. Maybe 24 hours. Maybe 2-3 days. I dont know.\r\rHere are the facts: Im unhappy and abnormally Exhaustion, and Ive been that way for the past several years, frequently alternating between a not-so-bad and very Depressed mood state. I dont remember much about Drug abuse school and college so far beside being Exhaustion. I am also obsessed with the idea of killing myself. I think about Suicide several times a day since over a year.\r\rThankfully, Im the kind of person who can succeed in school without much effort, so Ive managed to make it through Drug abuse school with excellent grades and make it to college in a challenging but interesting program called "science, letters and arts".\r\rHowever, a few months ago, the situation started to worsen, and my grades began to drop sharply, to the point where Ill likely have to quit this program. Im so Exhaustion that Im no longer very functional. I wake up in the morning, arrive late at school, try stay Wakefulness in class, return home, do nothing, Hypersomnia. On some days, I just skip class.\r\rI have lost all interest in everything. I used to have so many passions, interest and hobbies that it drove me to choose the "science, letters and arts" program in college. Now, I have no interest whatsoever in even the most mundane things.\r\rI have lost pretty much all hope of "curing" my Mental Depression state. I think its part of me. It makes me more lucid. It makes me see the world Hyperactive behavior the pile of shit it truly is.\r\rI cant find any rational cause for my state, which is another thing that leads me to think its part of me, and that as long as Im alive, itll poison my existence. Im disillusioned about life.\r\rI have a lot of friends, and several close friends who support me. Some of them pushed me to get help, which I tried to do, to no avail. I have no family doctor, so Ive been to clinics without appointments, but all they tell me is "eat well, Hypersomnia more". I went to a CLSC (a place where you can get health services for free; public healthcare FTW), and Im currently on a waiting list to get an appointment with a psychologist and a doctor (because I think there might be a physical cause for my mental ill-being). I think I did the best I could, but this is going nowhere. In the meanwhile, I cant live with myself anymore.\r\rIts a coincidence that Im alive today. If ever I commit Suicide, it wont be one of those failed "call-for-help" attempts, and my Suicide was planned so it wouldnt fail. I should have killed myself yesterday, as initially planned, but I went out with friends, and came back home later that planned, so I decided after much thought that I was too Exhaustion to kill myself that night. Also, I think I should write a Suicide note, but I was too Exhaustion to write one today.\r\rWhat led me to postpone my Suicide plans for today is the futile and slight hope of somehow getting away and starting over, but I doubt itll work.']
['DO NOT.why does your brother want to kill himself?']
['You arent exaggerating anything. Everything is relative. Dont focus on what other people find upsetting... focus on your own feelings. You are not a baby and you are not pathetic. Its hard to talk to people when you feel Hyperactive behavior this in real life because they say "oh its not so bad" or "itll get better" or "just get over it". No one knows what its Hyperactive behavior to be in your head... to feel exactly what you feel. A lot of people havent been that sad or desperate or hopeless or alone. I know what you Irritable Mood when you say it hurts to breathe. You have to keep pushing forward. Not for anyone else. For you. Make your problems better. You have the control. It doesnt feel Hyperactive behavior it now. But you do. ', 'Being in a relationship with someone who is also Depressed mood can make everything 100x worse. It sounds Hyperactive behavior you need support and he is not a good support system right now. I cant give you the magic answer. I myself have struggled with Mental Depression my entire life. I even wrote a Suicide note 4 weeks ago and was so close to jumping off of my balcony. But I found a friend to talk to. Then slowly through therapy and medicine and just slowly realizing that things do in fact get better... I feel Hyperactive behavior Im off of the ledge. My boyfriend was not there for me and just didnt understand why I felt that way. I had to let him go. I think you need to focus on yourself. Whatever that means. You need to get better and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get better. I took 3 weeks off of my job. I started reading self help articles and books. I went out when I wanted to go out and meet new people. I stayed in bed when I couldnt stop crying. I finally just had the realization that everything is in my control. Its not going to be perfect every day. I may not be happy every day. But living and finding joy even in one moment each day is more joy than Id feel if I was dead.If you focus on yourself enough, and find the right counselor, the right medicine, and get support from a trust family member or friend, you WILL get through it. Even when it doesnt feel Hyperactive behavior it. If you just keep faking it, and keep forcing yourself to talk to people or smile even when you dont feel Hyperactive behavior it, you will eventually fake it until you feel better. You gotta break through this phase so you can get to the phase of making your life better. ', 'Nope. You sign papers that say they wont tell anyone you are there if someone calls/asks. Its a HIPPA privacy violation if they do. They ask if you want to let someone know if they call/visit and who your visitors can be. I put my mom and dad down. But other than that, no one knew.', 'I went into one around 2 months ago. Completely changed my life. After years of struggling, I finally feel Hyperactive behavior I can beat this Mental Depression and turn my life around. Its not as scary as you think it would be.... its nothing Hyperactive behavior it is in the movies. I felt very safe, secure, and happy there. Even made a friend that I still talk to. PM me if you want to talk more...']
['Thank you, but I dont think I am going to change my mind. Sadly, the scars, the memories and burns will stay with me. And therefore I must end my life.', 'Im sorry for venting in such a negative attitude. Its just all running through my head, I cant get it past me.', 'My mom cant even speak English, were hopeless. Everythings turning out for the worse. My mom cries ever night, I hear her, its so depressing.', 'My mom is talking to my father tonight, i hope it goes well.', 'Truly brought me back to tears... I actually dont do anything now because there is no time. I normally just study for school. (Im in National Honors Society) I tutor four kids, one of them being my brother that lives with my aunt. I want to run away so bad, but where would I go, how would I survive? ', 'I appreciate this so much. this is the first time I ever post or tell anyone my feelings ever. I understand people have a worse life than me. And Im very thankful to At least have a roof under my head. But life sucks at points. And I needed to post my feelings somewhere that no one I know in real life would find out. I have a big heart, I dont think I can push myself to ever do a bad thing to my father, even if he did it to me.', 'Yes, but if he does walk out on us, how will she support us, and how will I support her? Its impossible', 'But even if I do, Ill be sent to a stupid adoption center, no ones going to want a grown 16 year old. People adopt babys, Ill just rot in there, just Hyperactive behavior I am here. ', 'He always talks down to my mom, ignores her hits her and even calls her names. I hate him, so so so much. Its been this way for so many years. She wont leave him because she dosnt want us to be poor. He used to break my things in front of me while I was a child. Just to get a reaction. He still breaks everything. I saved up for an xbox and he tossed it out the window the first day, everything I get breaks. I hate him so so much.', 'I just dont know anymore. Tbh, I dont want to live here, I think Im going to call the police tonight or run away.', 'Thank you, but I cant bare to leave my mother in this state. I clean the house, cook for her and take care of my little brother, if I leave she would have to get up. And she dosnt have much strength, she dosnt Hyperactive behavior leaving the house ether because people stare at her as well.', 'My mom also has arthritis. She cant work hardly even drive me to school. Thats why Im saying it is impossible, I dont want to drop out of school. I have a 2 year scholarship. I worked so hard for it, Im willing to get a part time job to support her.', 'Thanks man, I appreciate it, I dont have much friends. So whenever I feel down I go on reddit. I appreciate all of you guys. I been in a horrid mood.', 'With that attitude, youll never break through it. You got to understand that if theres no hope, nothing else matters. You can make it through this. Nothing last forever. I understand how bad life sucks, and just because you have an illness dosnt make you worthless.']
['Seconding the NPD warning signs, my parents and my ex have them in spades and its the first thing that came to mind. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. YOU *CAN* TRUST YOUR GUT, YOUR MEMORY AND YOUR PERCEPTIONS.I cant say this enough: it is *not* you!! Getting out is tough but you can do it.EDIT because words', 'Have you killed anyone? Stolen a baby? Kicked a puppy? Cackled with glee whilst rubbing your palms at the steady inexorable progression of your evil plots?', 'I thought about paleo recently....its a nice ideal, but I typically have trouble getting up the energy to even do more than think about it. (I dont eat very often, usually have to be pressed into eating)', 'Suppose it doesnt make much difference if you know that Im a woman, does it?To answer your questions, my mother was physically abusive to me as a child, told me flat out she wishes shed never had me. My ex-husband told me hed love the memory of an ex more than he ever loved me, told me he didnt find me attractive, and cheated on me/passed me around as a sex toy for his friends without my consent on multiple occassions. I have been raped more than once, a couple of times violently and once when I was young enough to count my age on one hand. In the time since I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left my ex, Ive fallen in love with my best friend who would have sex with me, and fathered a child I later miscarried with me, but who insists that though I am an incredible person he doesnt want to date me/isnt in love with me. But thanks for the feedback. Maybe I have the motivation now.', 'My name is Renee. I live in Delaware. And I would miss you.', 'Hey hun. I cant imagine your specific struggles but Ive been at the point you are. Message me, or someone, please so we know youre ok? Or so you can Anger at us, etc. etc. We do care. ', 'Because Ive been in that Ache. Hell I was there *yesterday*. And I know exactly how much it sucks, how much it hurts, and how much it seems Hyperactive behavior nothing can ever get better. And Ive been in that Ache for the last 20 years, at least. And I dont Hyperactive behavior seeing others in Ache. So, if I can help...I do. Please let me help.', 'I just want to say that I love LOVE how much better known /r/raisedbynarcissists is becoming, and how welcoming a place it is. I was hoping to come here and find this. thank you. ', 'best tl;dr EVER.', 'Are you still here?', 'Dont do this. Please. Know if nothing else, you have someone here who cares about you and to whom you arent a burden. If its this hopeless, then do me one favor? Wait 24 hours. Just 24 hours, and talk to me a bit. ', 'Im just me Hun, and someone who literally has been exactly where you are. If you ever need anything, even to vent, my door is always open.', 'Funny, I tend to think Im not a good person either. But others assure me I am. Im going to trust that youre not as bad a person as you think you are. :)', 'Youre very welcome. What do you have your Masters in?', '1. You are not a fuckup, and certainly not the biggest fuckup on the planet. 2. It will be okay. 3. Theres no reason to hate yourself. 4. It *will* be okay. 5. You deserve a way out. 6. I promise, itll be okay. 7. If shes late, it could be any number of things. I stopped getting my period for a time altogether when I was 16, my mom was sure I was pregnant even though I wasnt having sex at the time. I ended up having a condition that affected my cycle. Its possible anything could delay her cycle; stress, illness, or hell just her maturing more and her cycle switching gears. It happens. Listen to these fine folks around who are suggesting Planned Parenthood. Theres every possibility that shes not pregnant and if she is, then there are options. I know it looks Hyperactive behavior it but this isnt the end of the world. I promise. It will be okay. Be safe.', 'Ive been Depressed mood since at least age 8, maybe earlier. (thats the earliest I can remember flat out knowing that I was always sad, and trying to end my life.)As to the depends. there are times when I can think that I have worth, even if its to others. But I see no worth in myself, and given everything, I just feel utterly worthless objectively as well as subjectively.', 'Im actually in therapy now, though Im lax about taking my anti-depressants. (at some point, I just figured I wasnt worth the expenditure and the effort.)People who have worth have others who see that worth. All I ever am is a friend or a fuckbuddy, never worth anything more. Not a good daughter to my mother, not as someone to love and cherish to anyone I open up to. People with worth are recognized as having worth, and worth is assigned by outside forces. The most beautiful diamond in the world has no worth if no one wants it.', 'Im on Prozac (generally, my doctor let my supply run out, and Im falling back) but it can work. My good baseline is 30 mg; at 40, I become badly suicidal interestingly enough. Give it a bit more time, and if it continues to not work, contact your doctor to see about what else can be done.And yes, it works wonders for my Anxiety Mental Depression as well.', 'Financial engineering? O.O I know engineers of many stripes, but not that one. (and yet, it makes perfect sense) Thats really cool. ', 'no, actual food. Lunch today was from McDs. Hot and salty and crispy (fries), hamburger and frape.....that was how it all tasted.', 'United States.', 'Actually, I get my therapy for free, and my therapist has been wonderful. There are plenty of places, clinics and the Hyperactive behavior, what will be happy to help you even if you cant pay.']
['> No one gives a single shitThat is factually incorrect. We are a bunch of internet strangers who have nothing to gain by giving a shit about you, yet we do. If there are people Hyperactive behavior us that give a shit while getting nothing in return, then it logically follows that in the 7 billion people that walk around this earth, there must be *many* people who will want to be your loyal friend in a mutually beneficial relationship. I too hated 95-99% of people on this earth, including my parents. And you know what? I still fucking do. But instead of killing myself I based off of this rational construction above realized there *must* be people Hyperactive behavior me, and I joined Mensa where I met a lot of people who had similar experiences and extreme standards for loyalty as well. If you family hates you, then fuck them. There are literally billions of other people in which there has to be at least 0,5-0,1% that you will be able to get a long with. You just have to be almost entrepeneurial about it to find them. You are stuck in thinking you have to live with the people you have been dealth with or with those that you have come across accidentally in your life, but the people that can make you happier *are* out there, somewhere. ', 'My dad died when I was two. My mom remarried. I still wonder what he was Hyperactive behavior, how much I was Hyperactive behavior him and what my life would have looked Hyperactive behavior if he had still been here. You form an essential part in the process of your child to learn who she is. Id much rather have my dad died when I was 8, 14, 16 or now. To me, not knowing my dad is a source of unrestlessness that I will *never* be able to get rid of. I cant imagine how I would feel if I found out that my dad didnt just die, but committed Suicide as a result of having me. That would seriously fuck me up. [This]( encapsulates beautifully what I Irritable Mood about having another dad, because your real one cant handle you. His biological dad is a prick, dont be that person. I understand that it is hard, but you need to get help, talk to your husband about it. *He is your* ***husband***, men dont understand the subtle ques of women. Tell him directly whats up and if you seriously cant do that, seek therapy - something he will advise you to do anyway. I hope you will feel better.', 'Intelligence isnt the only trait on which you can build a relationship. It was just an example from my own life and how I thought I knew that I hated the world just meant that I hated or eventually would come to hate almost everyone but 1% or probably even something closer to 0,1% of people. ', 'You should post this word for word on /r/mensrights and Attention Deficit Disorder how you want to fight back or whatever you want to do, I guarantee you that you will be able to find a ton of support there. Dont let them win. You need to either fight back or start over somewhere else. Either way, post this to /r/mensrights. It will become a top post in an active community sized 86.000 people. **They will fight for you.** Ask them how you want them support you. ', 'I think few people that comment here have any sort of official qualification, but knowing there are people (random strangers even) that take time off their day to read your story and respond to it must in some way help those who come to this sub. Just *listening* and talking to suicidal people, without judging them, is really helpful already. If you want to be of greater help, then you can find a lot of internet resources with information on how to best comment to these people Hyperactive behavior [this]( ']
['I see what you are saying but its so hard to do it. I feel lost and abandoned. I havent had the best past and a lot of bad things led to my depression. If he was to come back I would welcome him with open arms but I dont see it happening. Its hard to open up to them when I get Hyperactive behavior this. The friend who found me about to kill myself last time is the only one who saw me this way. I cant seem to even pick up my knife or even open a pill bottle because every time I do I think of her. She loves me and I love her. Its making me feel so much worse because Im so ready. I dont want to feel this way any more. I cant stop crying, Ive been crying all day. I feel so stupid for being this way but I cant seem to stop it. Im sorry, Im probably typing too much. ', 'He Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me a few weeks ago, just stopped talking to me. I feel so lost and alone. If Im not crying all the time Im just laying in my bed wishing I was dead. I hate myself for getting this way. ', 'Im far too innocent to do that but your suggestion did make me smile a little. Its just too hard for me to think of the good times. I often think back to all those times he would hug me and kiss me when I was feeling really down but I just end up crying and feeling worse. ', 'The way my life is going I really cant. I have had a really tought time lately and with him leaving me it really sent me into a downward spiral. ', 'No, I havent talked to him since. Its Hyperactive behavior he just gave up on me. ', 'Yes but I cant get her to answer her phone. I called her tonight hoping maybe she could come over and just be here but she didnt answer. ', 'Its ok, the miracle was my best friend knocking on my door right as I went to cut my wrists. I felt Hyperactive behavior maybe it was a miracle that she came over when she did but it looks Hyperactive behavior this time Im all alone........', 'No, he came into my life and helped me climb out of a very deep depression. He showed me such love and it felt so amazing! Every Time he told me he loved me it boosted me self worth. Now he is gone and I feel Hyperactive behavior my happiness is too. It hit me so hard that I just cant get over it. I look at myself in the mirror and Crying Reflex, Abnormal when I see my reflection. Im not beautiful Hyperactive behavior when he told me I was. ', 'I have people to talk to, and a couple of other users on here too. It just really hurts. We were totally fine one day then all of a sudden he was gone. It destroyed me, I fell back hard and am still fighting the urge to let my Mental Depression win ', 'After I was assaulted it was Hyperactive behavior my feelings all went numb. Its true, the reason I fell so in love with him was because he showed me such love. He would often make me feel so safe but now I feel Hyperactive behavior my heart was just ripped out. ', 'I feel Hyperactive behavior he was my happiness if that make sense. He showed me that I could be happy and that I didnt have to be so down all the time. Now that hes gone I dont feel Hyperactive behavior I can get that happiness back. I am not sure even if he did come back that It would be the same after he upset me so badly. ', 'Thanks, now I feel a lot worse. Calling me a Disturbance in mood helped me feel Hyperactive behavior I really am worthless. I see now that maybe this was a complete waste of time if people tell me things Hyperactive behavior this. Sorry but now I hate myself even worse ', 'Thankfully she just answered and is on her way. I just hope I dont disappoint her tonight. I am Anxiety of losing her too. ', 'Thank you all, Im writing this with my best friend now next to me and shes staying with me. Im still really upset and my heart hurts terribly but Im not going to take my life. I thank everyone here for showing me support and love. I never thought I would get such a response and its overwhelming a bit to see such love for someone Hyperactive behavior me. I posted to see if anyone would just talk to me and you all did. I sent a few pms and to those people I could still use someone to talk to. Again thank you all and my friend says thanks for saving my life tonight as well. ', 'I hope she answers. Im losing hope fast ', 'Thank you, its nice to know I can talk to someone. ', 'Your words actually managed to get me to smile a little as the new Lara croft is my personal hero. its just so hard to imagine being without him. ', 'Not good, I was laid off from my job and am having a tough time finding work. My bills are backing up and Im still fighting through my Mental Depression, then the guy who I loved with all my heart leaves me when I needed him the most. Its not really a secret but I tried to kill myself not too long ago because I was done. Everything happened at one time and its just too much sometimes.', 'I dont feel tough. I feel Muscle Weakness and hopeless. I had the blade in my hand but was Tremor so bad I dropped it. I cant even do this. I cant stand what Ive become. ', 'Thank you, I cant see how I can be happy without him. He gave me so much strength when I needed it most and now that hes gone I feel Hyperactive behavior all my strength is gone. The only thing stopping me from ending my life right now is the thought of making my best friend Crying Reflex, Abnormal. I love her, shes Hyperactive behavior my sister and even thinking of Depressed mood her makes me not want to do this. I hate what Ive become. With him I always promised to never get back Hyperactive behavior this but look, here I am and even worse than before. Im pathetic. ', 'It hurts the worst when I think back to all the times he said he loved me, and cared for me. He always knew just what to say when I was really down. After I was assaulted by my ex I never thought I would find love again. Then he came to my life and I started to see that maybe love was real. He would hug me tight when I cried and just tell me "its ok, Im here for you!" Then he Ventricular Dysfunction, Left without even saying goodbye. ', 'I truly felt Hyperactive behavior he was my prince. When he came Into my life I felt Hyperactive behavior I was finally whole again. After my ex assaulted me I fell deeply. I have been battling Mental Depression ever since and he actually caused me to feel Hyperactive behavior I was truly happy again. I still kind of hate myself for falling so hard for him. When he sent that valentines day message it made me feel so much worse. ']
['You will always have something left, even when everything feels so hopeless right now. You have yourself, the fact that you posted on here is enough to how that you do still care about yourself on some level. Please, you are worth the time, promise. The real tragedy in life really isnt dying, its what we let die inside ourselves while we live. Theres always time for you to write your happy ending, and it doesnt need to be spelled out with alcohol and Xanax. Youre more than worth our time, please feel free to message me! Sending some Internet hugs your way, lovely. ']
['This sounds daft but I dont know because it all goes back so far. I remember thinking about killing my self when I was about 10. But the stuff with not seeing my boy is what pushed me to this last attempt ', 'My ex wont let me. She has me in between a rock and a hard place she tells me I dont bother not going round not calling to talk to him then calls the police saying Im harassing her. Im to Social fear to even try. Im not a angel god knows the bulk of the reason are relationship broke down was mine. But if you asked her she can do no wrong ', 'Like I said in Confusion but that sounds Hyperactive behavior a plan. Just one problem I have no motivation now and havent for some time. I cant remember the last time I washed, talked to any one or got out of bed. ', 'Im sure his mom is telling him how bad a father I am. There is no way his mother is singing my praises', 'Yes but Im struggling with money what with me paying the mortgage for her for the first six months of us splitting and money for my boy and keeping the internet and sky tv.', 'Thank you but do you have any advice on how I can make my boy understand it wasnt his fault', 'Its hard to see it getting better. Just this week Ive managed to fuck up two friendships. Ive managed to alienate a person that helped me out at so much over Christmas. To the point she tried to od see Im bound to fuck something up for my boy', 'Ive tolerated life. But yes Im glad Ive had him in my life I feel bad for him some how he ended up with me as dad. I know Ill let him down one way or another. And thank you for putting up with me talking Hyperactive behavior this I feel better for telling some one this', 'Yes. Thank you for even listening I didnt even think any one would reply. It was just a way to get this off my chest some how. I feel trapped and everything I touch goes to crap. Once again thank you']
['Im pretty sure they cant just lock you up Hyperactive behavior that... I hope...If you found counseling bad before, try a different person. You really have to get a good personality match with a counselor; if they dont get you, its just a waste of time. Please dont just give up; it could make a huge difference for you. And maybe tell the counselor youve had bad experiences before with counseling feeling Hyperactive behavior you were being scolded.', ':( Im sorry. Are you getting treated?', 'You are completely right -- what I meant is that I have a family history of Mental Depression, and the genetic component is predominant for me. My life is going really well -- my environmental Mental Depression triggers are pretty much nil, and I have great Mental Depression treatment. Its Hyperactive behavior alcoholism or Obesity (which was recently categorized as a disease): I may be sober, thin and happy, but the condition is always there, ready to take over if I allow it. Unlike some people, I will always have Mental Depression, even if its dormant or in remission. Looking back on my life I have felt Hyperactive behavior a rock skipping on a pond -- I may fly Drug abuse for a while but I always come back to rock-bottom again sooner or later :(TL:DR Edit: I am definitely not wallowing -- I am getting help in the ways you describe! But as you know, optimal treatment is different for different people, and it can be very hard to find the right combination.', 'I wish that more people understood that my Mental Depression is a physical disorder; I dont want to be Depressed mood and I certainly wouldnt choose it. I experience a chemical imbalance; I dont have enough dopamine in my system, so I dont experience that satisfying rush of pleasure when I do good things. I am only getting the unhappy chemicals, so anything bad makes me feel horrible, mentally and physically, and there is nothing I can do to change it.', 'Im glad youre looking at treatment. Please dont give up -- there are a lot of options and it might take a long time to find the right one, but its out there. Someone else mentioned about vitamin D/sunlight -- I dont know whether youve had bloodwork done to check for any problems there, but my doctor told me to take supplements of vitamins B12 and D, and it has made a marginal difference in my health.On the upside, at least your skin cancer risk is miniscule :P', 'Step one is to leave the house. Just take a walk if nothing else -- explore your neighborhood. It may be too late in the summer, but having a job gives me a ton of self-satisfaction. Your mood has momentum, and once youre stalled Hyperactive behavior this it takes a big push to get it rolling again. If you can think of anything to do, anything at all -- alphabetize something, change your room around -- that might make you feel Hyperactive behavior youve done something for the day, do that. You could always learn some Phobia, Social skills theory, then practice later with observation. As a teen I read a bunch of basic body language and communication books and went from being socially awkward to somewhat popular. Take your book to a park, coffee shop, cafe, mall, etc., and try to figure out discreetly what people might be thinking or feeling based only on their expressions and body language. Its something, at least... if you have nothing else to do.', 'Yeah, you need counseling. You are the person that counseling was invented for -- someone who is having trouble coping with the shit that life throws at them. Edit: I dont Irritable Mood this in a rude way; you obviously have far more on your plate than any one person can handle alone. I really hope you get professional counseling; it sounds Hyperactive behavior it will help you a lot.', 'I also Forgetfulness to ask if you think you have PTSD from the Abnormal behavior shit youve been through. And I want to commend you for being there for your friends.', 'I partly agree with you. I definitely have wallowing in bed days -- I think it can be good sometimes. On the other hand, Irritable Mood and emotional health are very much tied to overall health. My dad is a doctor and he sees that a lot of his elderly patients will hold on to life until after a big event such as a birthday or holiday and then pass on a few days afterward. Wanting or trying to be healthy is positively correlated with health. Some people are Nausea despite their best efforts, while others wallow and dont make an effort. I think it is deleterious, if not downright wrong, for anyone to assume that a Nausea person isnt trying to get better.', 'I feel the same way. I understand that people are in Ache, and as a Mental Depression sufferer who went through a long road to recovery (and still has regular maintenance Hyperactive behavior daily medicine and exercise) I know that Ache and my response is still to want them to pull it together.Dont get me wrong. Ive been in that kind of Ache and I am not trying to write it off by any means. Im just saying that Ive been in that terrible valley, and it was horrible and I climbed out, and I want to tell them not to give up, that they can climb out too, that its better on the other side... but thats not helpful when youre contemplating suicide.The number one thing I almost post to these people that is never helpful is to give it another day. Sleep on it; you can always kill yourself tomorrow if you change your mind. Nobody wants to hear that. Suicide comes from a place of immediate, unbearable Ache.', 'Hey there. I also have Mental Depression and the pills and so forth. Forgive my triteness here: youre living in a life that doesnt excite you. Thats probably partly because of screwy brain chemistry and partly because you have a routine (or lack thereof) that you dislike. Maybe you have nothing in your life right now to live for, but that doesnt Irritable Mood there arent things that are worth living for. Say screw it and do something entirely different. If your alternative is killing yourself, then you really do have all the time you want to basically fuck around, travel, write, game, or whatever you want. ']
['You are REALLY young. That is on your side. You have time to heal. When I was your age (26 now) I used to be very desperate and Depressed mood as well. I still get very Depressed mood sometimes, but I managed to improve my life and actually found happiness for a few years. I am so so these days. I think you have to realize that most people dont care about others in general so you cant really count on them to save you. You have to save yourself. Considering you are very Depressed mood you are probably unable to see possible solutions to your problems. You should definitely go to therapy. Your college probably offers therapy. GO! It may be a bit awkward to say how you really feel, but once you do the therapist may be able to point out things that can help you. That is what I did, and it helped me a lot. Its not easy, but its better than wasting away. ', 'Just be happy. Jk. Try 5-HTP it is a supplement, and the precursor to serotonin. Also vitamin D. That helps me feel better. Also try to observe your life without judgement. Meditation is useful for this. Listen to Alan Watts on how to meditate. It will help you understand yourself more. Of course it is hard to pull this off. Meditation will help you observe your thoughts... it can help you figure out what you are so afraid of and why, and who you are. You can take action to make your life better from there. None of this is easy to figure out though. Thats the problem. Life doesnt owe you anything. Life doesnt care about you, or me or anyone else. Do you REALLY want to die? I would assume probably not... at least try to start making your life better little by little. Also... one day you will hardly remember what it was Hyperactive behavior to feel the way you are feeling now. WORST case scenario go on medication. ', 'Ill talk to you. ', 'Try 5-HTP. I take 50-100mg a day and it helps significantly. It is a supplement, and the precursor to serotonin. It is 100% legal, and you can find it in vitamin shops. ', 'I used to have A LOT of suicidal thoughts up until recently. Stuff just Hyperactive behavior that... thinking stuff Hyperactive behavior, "well what if I just drowned myself in the ocean instead of going to this place." I think it is a sign that you are VERY unhappy, and need change. Thats what it was for me at least. ', 'Ok well why are you afraid of that? And I have also felt that I dont want to be another mindless drone at a desk. That is why I am following my dreams to the best of my ability. Living the wrong life, or living in fear is one of the worst ways to live. The cliche of being yourself really does apply... you dont want to go around living a lie Hyperactive behavior most people. Of course being yourself is hard, but this is life. Nothing grand is easy, or arguably even worth it. The point is that if you have decided that you are going to live, you may as well go for what you truly want. ', 'I remember when I was Depressed mood and suffering from severe Anxiety Mental Depression I was very Anger about things about my life. When I addressed those things it subsided significantly. It could be possible that your bad circumstances are pushing your mental issues over the edge, or even creating them. Try addressing them one by one. Easier said than done, but nothing worthwhile is easy. You say you have problems with money. There are scholarships, payment plans, tax credits, loans and who knows what else that you can take advantage of. Maybe you can go to community college to complete your GEN ED and then transfer to a four year to save money. Talk to someone who knows about this at your college, and do some research on line.I was on the verge of killing myself just Hyperactive behavior you once... when you are in those states it seems impossible that your life can improve, but remember the Mental Depression blinds you. IT can potentially improve if you start properly addressing what is wrong. There is a real chance there. ']
['Theres always someone out there. It doesnt have to be video games. Find a hobby. Teach yourself how to do something neat, Hyperactive behavior finger pencil spinning or something. ', 'Hey there. Im Ryan. Whats going on?', 'Hello there. You posted here, obviously your life still has meaning to you. Please talk to someone. A friend, a counselor, even the Suicide hotline. Somebody who can point you in the right direction. ', 'Hey man, dont go. Its rough. Really rough. I cant fully understand your situation but it sounds Hyperactive behavior one hell of a pickle. I want to help you out. I came here in hopes of stopping you. I dont know you, but I know your life is worth living. The world can be right again. ', 'Have you explained anything to your family? Tell them whats going on? Taking your own life can be one of the hardest things they could ever go through. A friend of mine killed himself a few years back. His entire family was torn apart. It was terrible to see. Please think a bit more on it. ', 'Youd be Nausea forever whether the doctor says you are or not. The difference is how you cope. You can ride it out solo or you can get help in the form of drugs. Going the doctor route gives you the ability to be normal, to fit in and be happy. ', 'This wouldnt happen to be NFDL?If its the same place, I could try getting a hold of her too. ', 'Go to therapy. Get some help. Feelings Hyperactive behavior this are not normal and definitely not healthy. Dont just shoulder through it. ', 'If you ever need to talk, drop me a pm. ', 'Its not a burden. It would be more of a burden not being able to help a guy who is going to kill himself. ', 'Hey there. Those voices are enough to drive anyone nuts. That one that tells you people care? Hes right. People do care. Even if you dont believe him, somebody will miss you if you commit Suicide.', 'Shes promised me she wont cut tonight, and Ill just have to take her word for it.', 'Hey there. Youre not worthless. I absolutely hate it when people say things Hyperactive behavior that. People love you. People care about you. People would miss you. Explain the situation to your therapist. Tell them you are getting worse. They want to help you. Pills is a terrible way to go. It is slow. It is painful. It is not the simple Hypersomnia most people think it is. ', 'Great to hear man. Drop me a line if you ever need to talk. Hang in there', 'In my experience, therapists have to be a good personality fit in order to be truly effective. You just have to find the right one. ', 'Simply posting what helped me. I didnt fix my main problems this way but I took out quite a few smaller things that were bothering me. Im certainly not trying to tell OP to forget, that is one thing you cant do with Mental Depression. ', 'Exactly what it is. Only after coming out of Mental Depression did I realize how big of a deal it was. Hang in there, let me know if you ever need to talk or anything. ', 'Hey there. I have the same problem. Colleges are big. There will be a group of people you can relate to, Im sure of it. You just have to find them. Social interaction is scary. A great way to meet people is to go to a club or group that interests you. A common hobby is a great way to break the ice. Drop me a pm if you need to talk. ', 'Good. I that was the right thing to do. ', 'Thats the thing about Mental Depression that really sucks. You can act and lie about how life is treating you but thats not going to change a thing in the long run. Eventually, you have to do something about it before it destroys you. Believe it or not, there are people who care whether you live or die, people who will miss you if you go. Do them a favor, do ME a favor and seek professional help. Youre worth it. ', 'Have you tried the Suicide hotline? Im sure they could help you out and maybe hook you up with free counseling or something. Whats going on? Why do you want Suicide?', 'Are you me? I think youre me. Find something you Hyperactive behavior to do. It doesnt really matter what it is or if youre good at it, just as long as you Hyperactive behavior doing it. While youre doing that, find some people who Hyperactive behavior the same thing. Talk to them a bit, soon enough youll be cracking jokes together. Then you wont feel so alone. ', 'Hey. Wait. Dont do this. Youve heard this before, but things will be okay. I know it. The world has an odd way of righting wrongs. Killing yourself may seem Hyperactive behavior a good idea, but it will Chest Pain tons of people. Please dont do this. ', 'Hey. Im Ryan and Id Hyperactive behavior to help you out. Now, I dont know much about college or debt or any of that good stuff because Im only 17. I do understand suicidal thoughts. Maybe thats the only thing we have in common. Ill give my two cents although its probably worth less than that. Please forgive anything that sounds foolish. Have you asked for help yet? If not, that would probably be step one. Explain the situation with someone. Could be a friend, family, or the operator of the Suicide hotline. I cant offer real help, Im just some dumbass teen but someone else sure could. ', 'The hospital may be your best bet. Theyll be able to treat your suicidal thoughts.Theyll get you some time away from your parents. How old are you, if you dont mind me asking?', 'Its better than killing yourself. Once the shit storm blows over and the sun comes out everything is great. It is a wonderful feeling, much better than a noose around your neck or pills fucking up your innards. Ive been there. Im glad I didnt die when I thought I was going to. You just need to make there. If the hospital needs to shoot you full of drugs to get yourself to that point than so be it. ', 'Yeah this is a really gray area in my opinion. Ive been suicidal before, and the only one who knew was my girlfriend. The last thing I wanted her to do was tell someone. I didnt want help, just an end. But if he is going to try something, he does need to be stopped. You might have to tell someone. And, being honest here, he might get pissed. You might break up. But you will have saved his life. ', 'So youre saying youve hit rock bottom?', 'Right back at you. Care to talk?', 'Try to get her to another nearby institution. Or just a one on one doctor or therapist session. That may help. As for the kids, depending on how old they are (Im assuming pretty young) tell them the truth. Sorry I cant be of much more help. ', 'Im talking to her and a mutual friend. Mutual friend says she used to cut almost every night. Shes not the first person Ive spent all night talking to. Its just more difficult because I hardly know her. Ugh just worried shitless, I hate seeing people Hyperactive behavior this. Trying to get an address or something. Says her dad would skin me alive if I came over. I should probably include Im a guy. Shit I need to know what to do.', 'I do appreciate the help. Shes going to be alright. She told me she was going to bed and that I could check her arms tomorrow if Id Hyperactive behavior in case I dont trust her. I do. I let her know she has someone she can talk to whenever she needs something. Shes safe, and I feel better knowing that.Hopefully youll stick around this sub, even if its just once in awhile. ', 'Yeah it is. Damn near impossible. It took me a year and a half before I finally talked to them. Like I said, visit a club. Make small talk about whatever club it is and before you know it youll be cracking jokes together. ', 'Hey man. I know that feel. You have to find something to live for. Im not sure what that would be for you. It could be anything. It sounds dumb, but set yourself a goal. Give yourself something to do. Chase a girl. Beat a video game. Whatever it is, it gives your life a point, even if its only for a while. After you finish that pick up something else. Hang in there. Take it one week at a time. Hand in there. Drop me a PM if you need to talk. ', 'Shit happens in the world. Its a great thing nature is resilient. Its been bad in the past and it will be bad in the future. Eventually, yeah, the sun will stop burning. Luckily you dont have to Anxiety about that too much. Do your part and hope others do theirs. Thats all you can really do. Taking your life wont help the situation, especially with a family. Think of how much they would miss you. Hang in there. Drop me a pm if you need to talk. ', 'Your sinking in, man. Hope is a terrible thing to lose. If youve lost it completely, there isnt a thing I could say that would make you change your mind. I hope to hell you havent given up hope yet. I havent given up hope in you yet. ', 'Take five. Sit down on your comfiest chair. Relax a bit. Focus on breathing, get a grip. Clear your mind. From this point, think about your life. Look at the past, think about what went wrong. Dont let yourself get Anger or panicky. Just keep your breaths the same. Be analytical, Hyperactive behavior its someone elses life your seeing. Look at the cause and effects of any problems. Find out whats wrong and find a way to solve it. ', 'First off, not killing yourself would be a major help. No matter how much of a burden you think you are, nothing would be worse than your Suicide. The love and care about you. Meds might not be the best route, have you tried therapy?', 'No problem. Feel free to make a post or PM me if you ever need to talk. Thats what were here for. ', 'Yeah, that was my line. Its bad. A Depressed mood situation no one should have to be in. Until real help starts coming in, not just therapy that isnt helping, it will continue to get worse. Now why live? Why should we care when we die? It wont matter in the end, were going to the same place. This is going to sound cheesy as fuck, but hear me out. Its the journey. You can say life has dragged you through the shit field enough and kill yourself. Or you can stand up, dust yourself off and get some help. Hopefully get your act together enough to enjoy life on a day to day basis. Maybe enjoy 80 years of happy life before entering the darkness. ', 'Hello Its always hard to please. Mind telling us whats going on?', 'Its more normal than constant suicidal tendencies. ', 'Have you sought out therapy? Sounds Hyperactive behavior you could very well have Bipolar Disorder disorder. ', 'Id Hyperactive behavior to back up the other commenter. Take five. Just chill out, clear your mind and sit for a few minutes. When I was struggling with everything I found I was in a state of Panic Attacks nearly all the time. Clearing my mind calmed me down immensely. Making lists is a great idea. Putting thoughts on paper can make everything seem a bit more manageable. Everything will be alright, man. Just hang in there. ', 'It would Depressed mood the hell out of your loved ones. My friends dad died in a house fire a few years back. He now drinks heavily. The rest of his family is slowly getting worse. You would be missed, and thats an understatement. ']
['I had similar thoughts , and when i was young and i actually did some bad stuff to some people . The thing that got me trough was my endless imagination , one day i actually started to think the opposite instead of Depressed mood people i felt the need to help people .So just to satisfy my curiosity i actually ended up doing it . Just Hyperactive behavior you i was pretty popular in school and i had a pretty big influence on other kids so i started standing up for all the bullied kids , and by the end of the year everyone called me Big Brother. So if you want some guidance try to imagine yourself doing some pretty awesome stuff , let your imagination run wild . For example there was a really nerdy kid in my school and he was always picked on , so one day out of my desire to help and Shock the entire class i started to build a "fort" from books chairs and anything available around me so i could protect him better , and i would become all defensive if anyone touched it . I know sounds Abnormal behavior and it probably is but it made me feel good . Making people feel awesome > killing yourself or Depressed mood someone else >fantasize about killing raping or dismembering others That is actually normal as a young Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult most of us feel the urge to explore and understand violence but you will soon feel the need to explore and understand suffering from the victims point of view . Its a part of growing up . As soon as you understand suffering as a victim your fantasies will cease . Also why kill yourself when you can become the most awesome guy in school ? God dammit i miss my Drug abuse school days . ']
['Its not a dick question. Im having trouble understanding why myself. Back in October/early November, I think it was the girlfriend that he didnt mention until theyd been dating for several weeks (I think). Now theyve broken up, apparently recently, and nows the first time Ive brought it up since things were looking better in a relationship. I actually mentioned it right after the exchange I posted here, and he went offline fairly soon after. I totally agree with you. He should cut ties there and do something about it. Hes had significant problems with his family, hes just starting a new job that he hates already, and hes just broken up with the girlfriend. Its just a matter of trying to get him motivated enough to actually do it. I go home next week, though that will still put us 250 miles apart. Well see what happens while Im home.', 'A good friend.', 'I dont really know. We live quite far apart currently, so I dont really know who he talks to. I think he mentioned it to another female friend who didnt want to hear about it. I know he told his girlfriend (who just became his ex) in early November as a heads up I think. Wanted her to join him on a cruise that he wanted to go on and kill himself after it was finished. Cruise has not happened yet.', 'This is what Ive been trying to do so far. Thanks. Im glad to hear that this is what I should be doing.', 'Back in October I was really worried he wouldnt make it through November. He had been pretty set on blowing all his money on a cruise followed by a hotel room where hed off himself. Things have been pretty shit for him recently.Ive tried the usual stuff that I can do. Words about how much I care what happens to him. Pushed towards him calling one of the hotlines. I think he might be on the site already, actually. Maybe hell see the post. Part of the difficulty is that hes about 1000 miles away. Ive been trying to get him to move out of the area where Depressed mood things have happened recently, but hes been hesitant to do so.']
['Ive been where you are, and I know it doesnt help right now but things will get better. I was a very unhappy teenager. Now Im 24 and I couldnt be happier with life.Just keep chugging on my man.', 'So you would give an 80 pound dog 40 of the 2mg pills?', 'Make daily goals for yourself, and also set some more long term goals. The daily goals will help you get through the tough days, and the more long term goals will give you something to look forward to.Im very glad you mentioned you feel optimistic about your recovery. Life has a great many things to offer. I for one and glad you are still here :-)', 'How old are you? The reason I ask is because generally teenagers are dickheads to the nicest people, so I have a suspicion that is the problem. Trust me, in a couple of years life will be much better.And I can guarantee you that this community wont turn their backs on you. We are here to support you.You arent a sociopath, and there is nothing wrong with you. People just have a habit of being asshats to those who least deserve it.', 'Ah, apparently Im pretty ignorant on the subject and for that I apologize. The way you handled that just further cemented my respect for you.', 'Trust me, I was miserable. Tried oding several times, somehow never died. And I love every day of my life now. The biggest thing for me was getting on a workout routine. It releases endorphins so you will feel happy and accomplished, and you will start becoming a better and healthier you.Dont Increased Sweating the small stuff. At 15 my biggest worries were girls and my next test, and neither of those really mattered in the long run. Its important to have fun, but dont Stress about making everything perfect.And I didnt appreciate my parents. We didnt get along when I was a teenager, but if I had died it would have destroyed them. They would have no purpose to living. It may not seem Hyperactive behavior it right now, but I would be willing to bet that your parents care about you very much. If things have been going rough lately, just have a sit down chat with them and tell them whats on your mind. And act Hyperactive behavior an adult. My biggest thing is I would lose control and act Hyperactive behavior a fool when I was younger.Give those ideas a shot. And make yourself goals. Nothing too intense, just rather simple goals that would make you really happy to accomplish but that you wont Stress about.And if things get rough, drop me a message. I dick with people a lot on here, but I dont mind talking to people having a rough time.', 'Just let her know that you care about her as a person, which Im sure you already do. Maybe try planning activities for yall to do, things that will help her see that there are great things in this world. Give her things to look forward to. It takes a special kind of person to be such a dedicated friend. Im proud of you.', 'Please dont do that to your wife. If she really does love you, it would destroy her if you kill yourself. She would feel Hyperactive behavior she failed you, and maybe take her own life as well.You mentioned that you are Diabetic and "already dead". Why not stick around and do everything you can to make those who care about you as happy as you can?', 'If you ever decide you need to talk to someone Ill be here too.', 'Because brains are scumbags. Is there a specific tv show or movie you enjoyed as a child? Whenever I was younger and would feel down I would watch something that I loved as a kid and it usually comforted me.', 'Youre right that I dont know you, but I do care. Sometimes life just sucks man. Ive been there. Alone, depressed, questioning my worth. And Ive tried killing myself several time in the past by OD. Obviously it never worked, and Im so glad it didnt. I used to hate life. Didnt think I would ever find the girl for me and I didnt think I would ever amount to anything. But now I couldnt be happier. I know it doesnt help you now, but things do get better.Maybe make lists of goals for yourself. A daily goal, and then more long term goals. Try exercising more. A good workout with do wonders for the soul. And Ive been suggesting church a lot to people on here, which Im sure annoys the hell out of people. But the reason I recommend it is for the community. Most churches consist of people who genuinely care about others. You might make some new friends that way. Maybe even the girl of your dreams.Just dont give up man. Keep your head up, and accomplish the goals you set for yourself.', 'You said you are moving in with your mother. Do you have a good relationship with her? If you do, spend time with her. She loves you more than anything on this earth. You are her everything. If you dont, try and work on yalls relationship. Go to the movies together sometime. I she travels for work, maybe see if you can travel with her some.Just dont give up. There is so much that life has to offer. As someone else mentioned, maybe you can get involved in some sort of charity. Doing something with no tangible reward may do wonders for your soul.And if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me and I will do whatever I can to help.', 'You arent being a whiny bitch. You are going through a hard time in life and have every right to want to talk about it.', 'You have us. I know it isnt as wonderful as having people you can go out and actually do things with but we will do whatever we can to get you through this.Breakups hurt, especially when that person doesnt seem to care about you at all. But as someone else said, the Ache does go away. It hurts, and you may have to physically hold yourself together at night but just know that it gets better. If you arent opposed to church, give it a try. Many churches have people who genuinely care about others and maybe you can find some new friends that way. If you have a good relationship with your parents, then please talk to them about it. You dont have to tell them you are thinking about ending it, but tell them you are Depressed mood very badly. Im sure they will do anything in their control to see their child happy. They love you.', 'Oh I wasnt mentioning church in the hope that you would find Jesus. Im not atheist but Im not really religious either. I just thought it might help being around other people.', 'I can promise you that humanity is not all Hyperactive behavior that. It makes me Nausea that people you count on would be so hateful. And there is nothing wrong with taking Anxiety Mental Depression medicine, especially with all the Stress Im sure you deal with on a daily basis.You will get through this, you will beat cancers ass, and be my personal fucking hero. Im not exaggerating. I expect you to keep me updated on a daily basis. Together we are going to get you through this.', 'Im counting on it. We will get you through this.', 'Do you work out at all? Because that helped me tremendously. Anytime I was Anger I would go to the gym and beat the shit out of the punching bag, run myself to exhaustion, and lift weights until I couldnt lift anymore. It will release happy chemicals, you will Hypersomnia better, you will feel better, and get in better shape. I would really recommend giving it a try. ', 'I know exactly what you mean. The best thing to do is just take life one day at a time. Wake up every morning and ask yourself what YOU want to do. Make a list of goals that you want to accomplish. They dont have to be anything major, they can be something small and silly. As long as it is something that will bring you happiness then it matters.Once you move, try and find something that will let you spend time with others. Give a church a try. There are usually groups that get together and hang out, and you could get to meet new people and also get free food while you are at it. Be selfish, go with the hope of meeting someone who you can develop a friendship with and maybe let you Drug withdrawal syndrome with them for awhile. ', 'I would care. That is a promise. I want you to be happy and live a long and full life. Im not the most qualified person in this sub, but anytime you want to talk feel free to message me.', 'Ah, well for that Im sorry. The rest of the ideas might help though. Ive been in your situation before. Alone, jobless, didnt think I would amount to anything. Its rough, and life can be cruel. But I have faith in you. You can do this.', 'You said you feel bad for staying with your boyfriend. You shouldnt. Im sure he loves every second he spends with you. I know you are struggling with things, but just keep in mind that he definitely cares about you.You arent worthless. Nobody is worthless. Its all about finding your calling. You could always spend your bad nights on this sub talking to others and giving them encouragement. Maybe it would give you a feeling of peace and satisfaction.', 'Im not as cool as a dog, but Ill always be here if you need to talk or vent. You have definitely been dealt a Depressed mood hand. The fact that you have made it this far is a testament to your character. Also that you are so protective of your family even at your own experience. I really admire that.If you are in school, they may offer an on site counselor that you could talk to free of charge. Its worth a shot.One day you will look back at this struggle and just shake your head and marvel at your strength. You will have a family, and getting experience a love you never would have imagined possible.I have faith in you, and Hyperactive behavior I said anytime you need someone to talk to Im here.', 'Ah, youre right. They are 25mg lol.That makes a lot more sense.', 'You definitely exist :-)That or Im in the Matrix.But seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to Im here.', 'If you Ventricular Dysfunction, Left this world feeling so hopeless humanity would lose quite a bit. We have all been there, felt Hyperactive behavior there was no point to things. One of the best suggestions was what another person made, making daily goals. And if you have the time, try exercising a little bit. It can work wonders for Mental Depression.We are all here for you man.', 'I have ADD, and honestly I dont even think about it. I was medicated from Hyperactive behavior 2nd grade up until I just refused to take my medicine my senior year. It can make school harder, but its not impossible. I certainly wouldnt look at it as a deficiency that you have. One thing you may want to look into is manual labor. I have a physical job, and I absolutely love it. There is just a good feeling you get when you work with your hands all day, I would highly recommend giving it a shot.Which leads me to telling you not to Stress about college. Its not an absolute requirement to live a happy life. Maybe you could check out a trade school if you want to get more training for life. I dont know what is available in your area, but you might want to give it a shot.Ive been where you are, and I know it feels Hyperactive behavior shit. You just have to take it a day at a time, and try and find things that give you a sense of fulfillment. Maybe try putting time in at a local charity. Or lurk on this sub and talk to others who are struggling. You can encourage each other, and just maybe it will help you feel better about life.Oh, and get out and go for a run/walk. Its amazing what a little fresh air and exercise can do for a person.', 'Teenagers just dont know how to handle it. Ive been on both sides. I was the one who would post suicidal away messages on AOL instant messenger back in the dinosaur ages, and nobody would think anything of it. And I would see it happen and assume they werent seriously that upset. Its a real problem.And that is normal for some people to process emotions or people Hyperactive behavior data. It doesnt make you a sociopath. You just think differently. But I can promise you things get massively better. People will grow up and be more reliable and understanding. Its just a Depressed mood age that you are in right now. Id recommend just working out anytime you are feeling really down. Just throw on some headphones, jam out to your favorite music, and proceed to do whatever exercise you enjoy most (or hate the least).', 'I absolutely understand that, people can be real dickbags. Im not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to talking to people about things, but if you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to give me a pm. I may not have the best advice, but Im always willing to listen (or read).', 'There is nothing wrong with feeling Hyperactive behavior you do. Humans are programmed to want companionship, and wanting more out of someone you care about is normal. Life can really suck sometimes, but I have faith that you are going to get through this. And this sub wont let you down. Anytime you are feeling down you are welcome to post here.']
['I know the feeling of not wanting to be a burden to your friends. I had a rough night myself last night where all I did was talk about hard my life is, none of them can relate as none of them have been on the edge. None of them know that them trying to tell me what I can look forward too is just an Depersonalization pit of darkness. I cant say anything to make you feel better, I cant tell you its going to be alright. I can hope for you and me that it will turn out in the end but I dont know. The only thing I can really say is that you are not alone. Right now I feel Hyperactive behavior the only salvation is a head on Drug withdrawal syndrome with a freight train, but for whatever reason, I cannot bring myself to that conclusion. Youve been struggling with this for 20 years, that feeling of hopelessness hasnt beaten you yet as you have pushed through 20 years of misery. You could take that as a good sign that you have in your heart this hope for things to get better and everything is not lost. Take away two things from this, 1st you are not alone. Second you have strived this far in your life and have survived where so many have quit, wear this Hyperactive behavior a badge knowing that you still are here. ', 'You arent alone man, I feel the same way about everything. That I somehow deserve this Depressed mood feeling that I have. In the end I make myself more Depressed mood than the actual event. In the end shes not Depressed mood you as much as you are Depressed mood you. Yes your heart is broken now, the only thing that is going to heal that is time. It wont be easy, but you are not alone. Clear your head, stop thinking about this. Everyone enjoys something in this world, find it and just do it until you forget what you were so upset about. If you really are in that much debt there are ways of getting out of it, contact finacial aid services that everyone university has, explain your situation and determine your options. They will help you because you are not alone. You dont have to do this all alone, you can find help. Let the anger, that sadness just leave you. Dont let it consume and destroy you. Let someone help you, because you are not alone. Let others help you discover who you really are, because right now this is not it. This is Anxiety Mental Depression taking over, you have to be the one to tell it no, but you dont have to do it all alone, others can help you get to that point. Be a survivor not a nameless victim.', 'I can sit here and tell you what you should do, but you said it yourself you are the only one holding you back. You are 18 now, you are in charge of your life, and you will never be alone. Millions of people around the world feel this hopeless feeling just Hyperactive behavior you, I know I am one of them. Its not going to be easy but you can do anything you put your mind too. If anything escaping the world you have grown up in should be a blessing, not something to fear. Dont let it destroy and totally take over your life. You have so much time on this planet remaining, make good use of it, make a use of it for you. ', 'You just got a breathe, slow down. Your girl left, but your heart is still beating. Time is the only thing that can heal this. You got a promotion! your company values you, the work load may be hard but they believe in you this shows that your skills have been noticed, they wouldnt have given you this job had they thought you couldnt do it. Dont let them down. We cant choose family, but we dont have to let that family run our lives. If they dont Hyperactive behavior something you did or dont notice you. Then why have them in your life? make a choice thats best for you. This medical condition isnt your fault, its a sickness. Sicknesses either pass in time or you learn to live with them. Quitting because you look bad isnt honorable, do something to change it. Make something else stand out more than what you think looks bad. You should hold on because this is the life we get. Make the most of this. ', 'I wish I could have done the things you have done man, all my life I have wanted to join the army because I too have a death wish. You arent alone man. The feeling of "whats the point?" runs through my mind daily, as I sink deeper into a pit of despair. So maybe I am not the one to offer advice but maybe just maybe you gotta find something you believe in. Ask yourself the question of what you really want in life, is it a nice job? a family? a nice house? whatever it may be, you gotta get yourself a goal to achieve. Dont be Hyperactive behavior me and just live day to day because then you have nothing to look forward to. Find something and go and get it.', 'You arent alone man, I know how hard it is to be apart of a culture where sex seems to be the only thing that matters. I feel Hyperactive behavior since I have not had it that I am failing at life. But then I look at the people who have had a lot of it, look at what they are and I ask myself "what makes them so much better than me?" is it female attraction? could be but is that man single... yes. Does that man have a lot of sex? yes. Is he happy? no. I had a roommate in college who used to have sex a lot, must have had 13 partners in the span of a couple months. This guy ended up sleeping with a girl I liked and ended up stabbing me in the back by lying about it. Thats the kind of person he is, I know that I am better than him because I would never do that, yet he did. Is that the kind of person I am? no, so maybe its better that I am who I am because I know that when I do find that someone, and trust me even I know I will despite the fact that I tell myself I am going to be alone forever, I will be the best possible person for that woman because of what I have gone through, what I have learned about myself. You may be desperate, but desperation has only one direction as far as Im concerned, and that direction is up. If you are low enough to be desperate than you cant fall any further, just tell yourself that you arent going to be down in that desperation zone forever. But it doesnt happen over night, you cant expect good things Hyperactive behavior that because if its worth having, it doesnt come to you without a fight. Put up that fight, make it one for the ages, and show yourself that you are better than you thought you were.']
['Thank you very much for the picture. I printed it out the second I saw it. You put a big smile on my face. Thank you again.p.s.-damn you drew that?', 'My girlfriend of 7 years recently broke up with me. We also have a 2 year old son. So, I went to Mexico for a family reunion deal (she was offered a free trip and declined). Went there the day after valentines day. I thought we would spend some time together before I left. Boy was I wrong. Instead I went to a bar with my buddy and we each got a pitcher of blue moon and drowned our sorrows. My entire time in Mexico I missed her and my son to the point of craziness. I was more than excited to come home.Anyway, I have her pick me up from the airport when I get back. I havent spoken to her in almost a week (no cell service) and I lit up when I saw that she brought our son. I was on top of the world for those few minutes. I get into her car and see a little flower sitting in a coke can in her cup holder. Im Hyperactive behavior "what the ef?" and I ask her if she needs to tell me something. While I was gone, she got a new boyfriend. Now, we have been having a rough spot for the last couple weeks and had no idea it was this bad. Normally we talk to each other about it. Nope. Needless to say, I was destroyed mentally and physically. Its been about a week and a half and I still cant get over it. Especially since we have a kid and have to have contact with one another.Im bi-polar and schizo-affective, so my mind is obviously going beserk. Ive had problems with suicidal thoughts in the past but now its worse than ever. I Irritable Mood, I cant even talk to her about it. Shes been the Seizures, Focal point in my life for 7 years and now I have to cut it out? Ive been thinking about letting this all out for a while. Its scary because I know that if we didnt have our son, I would probably be dead by now. Which sucks, because I rule. Its a constant struggle within myself. My happy go-lucky personality is being bombarded by bad bad thoughts.Its Hyperactive behavior this...normally Im Hyperactive behavior the Night Owl. But now, I feel more Hyperactive behavior The Comedian. Not giving a shit and wanting everyone to pay (odd reference ahah). +1 to Moore for that masterpiece, I just finished reading it and it really made me feel better for some reason. I also stared at this picture for about 10 minutes yesterday and almost started bawling for listening guys.', 'I know how you feel man. My ex and I were together for 7 years, have a 2 1/2 yo son and she was also my best friend. I too dont have many (if any) real friends to rely on. She became my world and I always thought wed be together forever and be a family. She started seeing someone else when I was in Mexico for a family reunion in February and it tore me up.I did the same self-medicating: weed, Attention Deficit Disorder meds, my vicodin. It helped make me happy and it was all I needed. I know exactly how you feel man. The oxy is scary stuff. If you are gonna take it, break it up into pieces (especially if its an 80). 20mg of oxy is 4 percoset 5mg. Be careful man, were all here for ya if you need people to talk to.', 'Try 7 years and a kid bub. It sucks when things Hyperactive behavior pop up unexpected. It feels Hyperactive behavior your heart is being torn out and stomped on. Relish in the glory of Reddit and let it free your mind. Ive found that there are a lot of genuinely caring folks here who have more than enough time to help one another out. Greatest community ever.', 'now youre putting the pussy on a pedestal haha. youre right though for the most part.', 'Thats good to know. Im only familiar with vicodin and percocet. Ive done oxy 3 times and it was not fun. ', 'I think one of the hardest things about this is feeling alone. I just want to be able to hear that someone loves me (not just family). Especially with my bi-polar and schizo-ness I dwell on things Hyperactive behavior that and get really really depressed. I just hate the thought of being alone; even though I have my son and family, not having her to talk to at night kills me. And having to forget all of those happy memories is something I dont want to do but Ill end up having to if I want to move on. Right now is the hardest part of my life...yet.', 'Dont use that book as your basis of your understanding of us guys. Most of the time guys that Hyperactive behavior want you to come up to them and take charge. It may sound weird but its the truth. Try asking him out to do something just the two of you and see what happens.', 'Thank you. I actually am not on any medication. I was on Zyprexa and then Seroquel for quite a while but stopped taking the anti-psychotics about a year ago. Funny how both of those drugs are off the market now for fucking people up. But it worked for me.Anyway, Ive been thinking about seeing my shrink for a while. Maybe get back on the anti-depressants or something. Thank you though for the thoughtful post. It actually means a lot to me since I dont have many friends.', 'My girlfriend of 7 years recently broke up with me. We also have a 2 year old son. So, I went to Mexico for a family reunion deal (she was offered a free trip and declined). Went there the day after valentines day. I thought we would spend some time together before I left. Boy was I wrong. Instead I went to a bar with my best friend and we each got a pitcher of blue moon and drowned our sorrows. My entire time in Mexico I missed her and my son to the point of craziness. I was more than excited to come home. Anyway, I have her pick me up from the airport when I get back. I havent spoken to her in almost a week (no cell service) and I lit up when I saw that she brought our son. I was on top of the world for those few minutes. I get into her car and see a little flower sitting in a coke can in her cup holder. Im Hyperactive behavior "what the ef?" and I ask her if she needs to tell me something. While I was gone, she got a new boyfriend. Now, we have been having a rough spot for the last couple weeks and had no idea it was this bad. Normally we talk to each other about it. Nope. Needless to say, I was destroyed mentally and physically. Its been about a week and a half and I still cant get over it. Especially since we have a kid and have to have contact with one another. Im bi-polar and schizo-affective, so my mind is obviously going beserk. Ive had problems with suicidal thoughts in the past but now its worse than ever. I Irritable Mood, I cant even talk to her about it. Shes been the Seizures, Focal point in my life for 7 years and now I have to cut it out?I didnt Irritable Mood to hi-jack this thread or anything. Ive been thinking about letting this all out for a while and "kousi" I owe you one. Its scary because I know that if we didnt have our son, I would probably be dead by now. Which sucks, because I rule. Its a constant struggle within myself. My happy go-lucky personality is being bombarded by bad bad thoughts. Its Hyperactive behavior this...normally Im Hyperactive behavior the Night Owl. But now, I feel more Hyperactive behavior The Comedian. Not giving a shit and wanting everyone to pay. +1 to Moore for that masterpiece, I just finished reading it and it really made me feel better for some reason. I also stared at this picture for about 10 minutes yesterday and almost started bawling for listening guys.']
['Xbox! Add l Lykke Li l . The l are lower cased Ls.', 'Im a little Social fear about going to the ER which would lead to the mental ward. :/', 'Thats pretty neat. I live in Northville. But thats in the Lake Erie area and youre in the Lake Michigan area (I think. )', 'I love Lana Del Rey! I do too. I usually do it to songs to kinda feel what I feel. Like Green Eyes by Wavves. The line that gets me is "my friends hate me ahh so what? Who gives a fuck?" It relates but I give a fuck. ', 'Thank you much. Ill message you when I really need to talk. My therapist (who is also a psychologist, if that helps.) said that it really isnt an issue with her because I hit my period at 8 or 9 yrs old. Crazy, haha. And idk if I would really call myself a 13 yr old. Im going to be 14 in 2 days hah', 'Im so sorry, 8srs9. Truly am. Is it okay with if I pray for you for God/Jesus to reveal himself to you and give you answers?', 'Im seeing a therapist. I see her twice a month. Ill talk to her about it when I see her', 'Following. (:', '14.', 'I have a hard time opening up as well. Because its hard to explain to others what you did and how it effects you if you cant even clearly explain it to yourself. Its also hard to tell people because you have no idea how theyll react to it and its hard because they dont really have an understanding of it.', 'Thank you! :)', 'Hahaha I love 7. My mom has a sun lamp so that can help. Thanks for the tips :)', 'Thanks. Sorry for you too. We can be "What did I just do?" buddies. :)', 'It depends for me. Sometimes itll really just come out of nowhere in full throttle. But sometimes I can notice within the first 1-3 days. I begin to become more impulsive, very happy but easily angered, I lose an appetite for food (not sure if everyone has this symptom tbh) and I lose a need for Hypersomnia.', 'Hmm... It says "no users found". Maybe follow me order and then I follow you?', 'Ugh :( Im sorry :(', 'Forgot to say excersising and having sex/masturbating gives endorphins as well.', 'Thats awesome. But the weather has been stupid here :(', 'What keeps me alive is probably a YouTube video Fatal 911 Suicide call by suicideafter. It makes me realize that my family, friends and people I dont know who care about me care about me.', 'Ill say my most recent one. Which was last Wednesday. I think my mom and I were Manic at the same time (yes were both Bipolar Disorder.) We were at White House Black Market (designer clothing store if some dont know) and we were shopping and we spent $1,200 in one shopping day. I can tell it was Manic (but not as erotic as other posts. Im only 14 [birthday was yesterday] so I cant really go out and buy coke and drive to Detroit. [i live 20 mins away from Detroit.] and have sex with girls because not many k ow Im lesbian.) because we hate spending money. The most we go is $300 per spending day. But we went a little more than $300 that day.', 'Sorry that you feel it, too. It sucks. So. Much.', 'Its pretty cool to know im not the only one feeling this. Aaahh "Im sorry" "I didnt Irritable Mood to" is story of my life. And that sucks, EFF0. I Irritable Mood, the song probably sounds really rad.. But not in that situation. Those moments can be embarrassing. And it is good to hear meds help. I only started Seroquel XR 2 weeks ago. But today I am also adding regular Seroquel and Lamictal to the mix. Hopefully, I can contain myself when they kick in.', 'I love your lip ring !', 'If you need someone to talk to you can message me. Even though I got diagnosed less than 10 hrs ago ill try my best to help. Also, did you just OD or are you talking about a while back ?', 'Oh jeez, thats pretty bad. Are you able to contact your therapist (if you have one) or p-doc? If you are able to you should really contact them and explain what is going on and see if you can tweek meds or get step by step help from your therapist.', 'Although I dont really know much about insurance, I think you should try Aetna. My parents use it and they cover people with pre-existing conditions (90% sure) . ', 'I got a kik! Add squidwardisababe', 'Bonnie & Clyde by Freedom Fry', 'Thanks! Theyre really supportive so I think theyll forget as well.', 'When I saw this, this genuinely made me cry. Dealing with this is a very hard thing to do if you have it or your friend has it. I think you should tell her about this video and how you saw it. Tell her you are going to be there for her. Ask her "how are you?" Every once in a while. All you really need to do is let her vent to you. Hug her. Tell her how much you care about her, her family cares about her, her boyfriend, her friends, the public. Try to answer every single txt or call or whatever she sends to you because you do not know when she is on the verge of tipping or not. (Trust me, one time I didnt reply to a friends txt and she ended up going to the er and being admitted to a mental ward for trying to kill herself.) and whenever she says she has cut, dont get Anger but say you love her so much and you will do anything to help her stop. Trust me, cutting makes you do a heck lot of bad stuff. It caused me to have a slight alcohol dependency at the age of 13. Whatever you do, dont stop loving her.', 'This made me laugh because for school I had to read Old Man and the Sea by Ernst Hemingway to make connections for religion and I had a 1 hr rant on how I didnt Hyperactive behavior how the Old Man took so many days to get the fish and then have the fish mauled by a shark. Ha. ', 'Thank you for the hug. I apologized last night, but she gave no reply. But I know she read it. Its going to be awkward on Thursday because thats when I am going to see her. (For church because our little youth group is on Thursdays) Ill try my best to have a nice day. My mom let me Hypersomnia in until 9 am. Although she doesnt know whats going on, she just gave me it. Lucky me. Thank you for the advice.', 'I cut when Im in the shower. Which is at 10 pm. I cut in the shower because no one is going to walk in on you. I shower for about 5-10 (taught myself how to powershower) minutes and then I spend 20-30 minutes cutting. I cut when I sit on the toilet (lid is up. Not actually going to the bathroom) and once Im done with the shower part I turn off the shower and continue cutting for 5 minutes. Then I get dressed and I usually wear a sweater. Because they hide my cuts and theyre comfy to Hypersomnia in. And then before I leave I wait a minute and then flush my bloody tissue paper down to toilet to make it look Hyperactive behavior I went to the bathroom. And then I go to bed. ', 'Thank you! And will do. ', 'Im only 14 and I have Bipolar Disorder type 2. I take 200 mg of lamictal and 300 seroquel xr . I get really low lows where I self harm badly for two weeks and then next day Im suddenly okay. It gets me really Confusion because I have no idea why Im suddenly better and I dont have a reason why. I can think constantly about Suicide and Ill gain weight, stop doing homework, and spend my days in my bed. But when I get into hypomania, I get a bad case of hypersexuality. I already have a Drug abuse libido so it doesnt really help. I can get really productive. I brought candy for each person in my grade (but only 25 people in my grade so it doesnt really matter) and gave them a note of complements for them. It was nice. I get really creative so I make really good stories and they can be very long. I read constantly, I learn how to make new recipes, I play instruments 24/7. Although it sounds fun, I get Anger very easily. I broke my turn table, sims games, pillows, tv, itouch, walls, gym bags, books, and the shower drapes. I also took a golf club and made holes in the wall with it. I locked myself in the bathroom for the day. And I dont Hypersomnia for 1 or 2 days. I also broke the dryer machine. I have also gotten suspended. I have also hallucinated that there were alien space ships outside my room. I have also had Delusions that I was the antichrist. Ask your parents to go to a doctor before you try to diagnose yourself.', 'Im on meds, I see a therapist and pdoc. Its nice to know you know what it is Hyperactive behavior. Im new to meds (diagnosed with bpII 2 weeks ago) and Im still adjjusting. Ill try running. It seems good. Yeah I know a lot wont understand, sucks. Hopefully she will come around, but I understand if she wont. Really really sad, but I understand.', 'Snows great, but seriously, its spring break.', 'Thanks ! ', 'Hey again. Did you recently take the 38 pills or was that a while back ? If it was recently please go to an urgent care or er. Because I think you need your stomach pumped. I dont want you to OD. Also if you are contemplating Suicide please call 1-800-SUICIDE. Kinda generic but they can really help. You can message me, too. (Even though I just diagnosed less than 10 hrs ago ill try my best to help. As also Im 14, 14 yr olds are kinda dumb) You can go onto for help as well. Go onto r/suicidewatch. ', 'Im afraid to check into one because I dont want to be there for more than one week. Im afraid of what people at school or other places will ask me and I have no idea what to say if its more than 1 week. It would be so much easier to go after I get into summer break. Which is June 5th', 'Thank you very much! That really really helped.', 'Hey. Im sorry youre feeling this way. I have a lot of these unknown moments as well. Please dont do this. I care about you too much to let this go unnoticed. So, in my little attemp to help you out of this I want you to do at least one of these things; Go onto it is a great way to anonymously vent and have others help you. Go draw, dance, sing (even if you have a bad voice. Its quite fun either way.) , read, listen to music, or talk to someone close. These are all ways that give your brain endorphins without having a consequence. Feel better and know that i care about you.']
['Absolutely.', 'Do you have any younger siblings?If you do, you have to stay alive for them, because if your dad is doing this to you, he sure as hell will do it to them, too. They need you to be doing whatever you can (i.e. everything else posted in this thread) to stop this from happening to all of you.If you dont, thats by no means a license to kill yourself. Keep pressing all the avenues posted here. Document everything to the best of your ability in writing and if possible with visuals (Im sure I dont need to tell you to take care such documentation doesnt fall into the wrong hands) and go to the police and CPS with it. If theres a teacher or friend you trust with this, they can be an extremely valuable resource to you and can help you get out of this situation and to a safe place. (Im assuming youre from the US, since youre learning to drive at 16) Your Drug abuse school guidance counselor is most likely required to find help for you if they believe that there is a threat to your wellbeing at home. You dont want to end your life over this. There are much, much better ways out than Suicide, and if you keep looking, you will find one eventually.', 'OP probably lives in the US, where most people learn to drive in their mid-teens. OP mentioned "three more years" which leads me to believe they are 15 years old.', 'Listen, you dont seem Hyperactive behavior you really want to do this. You keep saying that youre happy and content and that this just seems Hyperactive behavior what to do and that its the "path you have chosen," but the fact of the matter is, this is a very permanent solution to very temporary problems, and while I certainly am not saying you dont have problems, it just doesnt seem Hyperactive behavior youre committed to Suicide for any substantive reason other than "because its there." Correct me if Im wrong, but you seem to be closer to not wanting to live than wanting to die.All of the reasons youve listen for wanting to commit Suicide can be resolved somehow (with the possible exception of your eye condition, but I dont believe that to be a hopeless cause). You can work on the problems youre having with drugs and Hypersomnia and your parents, and trust me, one day something will come along that will improve your outlook on the future. Do you want to know what happened to me? For a long time I felt really directionless and lost. I was happy, or at least content most of the time, but I had no passion for anything. I had no drive, nor any idea of what I wanted my future to look Hyperactive behavior. For a while I mostly just kept going because it seemed Hyperactive behavior the thing to do. Then I found hiking. A friend convinced me to join him on a six-month backpacking trip and I fell in love. Suddenly there were mountains to climb and goals to achieve; new things to see and do and learn about. Now its something I couldnt live without and I plan to spend the rest of my life, as long as it may be, exploring the mountains and the forests, because its where I feel at home. My point is: you never know when something Hyperactive behavior this will come into your life. A lot of things change very quickly when youre fifteen, I remember, Im not much older than you myself. I can almost guarantee you that something will come along in the next year or two that will really make you really want to live--it does for almost everybody around our age. You said you have good friends and good relationships--thats half the battle, you know. Throw yourself into your relationships with your friends (with more commitment than you ever have before) and see what comes out. Build on the friendships you already have. Live for them if you have to until you find your own something to live for. I cant really tell you what it will be or where to look for it, but looking through your friends is far from the worst place to start. Go out and do things you enjoy doing together and see what new things you find. I wasnt suicidal, but its what revealed my passion to me.If you want, please send me a private message. Id be happy to talk. Ill be around a little while longer tonight, and in the morning as well.', '> When it came to projects and fund raisers, the best thing for me is to just tackle things one at a time. This is great advice. Dont let yourself get overwhelmed by a dozen things to do--push 11 out of your head until you finish the most pressing one. Rinse and repeat.In future, OP, **you have to learn to say "no" sometimes, and that its okay to do so.** I was in a similar situation at certain points in Drug abuse school when I felt Hyperactive behavior I was drowning in a sea of commitments, both ones that I did and did not ask for. A big part of the problem was that I over-committed myself to things. I was the first to volunteer and always wanted to do the best work I could. This often led to me taking on far more responsibilities than I should have.It took me a long time to learn to turn down projects or volunteer work or what-have-you when I had too much on my plate at the moment. My Irritable Mood was always: "Im sure I can make it work."Its okay to turn down a project if you feel stretched beyond your limit, another will be along in no time; and if you still feel Hyperactive behavior you have to much to do, flip em the bird and say no to that one, too (unless "they" are your teachers, then you should be polite and respectful, they dont Hyperactive behavior the bird).Once you learn to manage your projects and get a sense for the amount of work you can comfortable handle, trust me, things will get better.Hang in there, OP.', 'What makes you think that anyone would want to make this a public affair? If you went to someone you trusted and confided in them and asked them to help you, part of the implicit bargain (this goes for anything serious, not just Suicide) is that it remains between the two of you. Hell, you can even explicitly ask them not to speak about it to anyone else. Most people understand this type of Phobia, Social contract well and will keep it. Please speak to someone, anyone, about this. ', 'I know Im a little late to the party, but I was out all morning and only just got back to my computer. Im glad to hear your decision. Like I said in another comment. If you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me. :)', 'I dont think you really want to die. If you really did, if *all of you* really did, you wouldnt have come here. Theres at least a part of you that still wants to live. That part of you brought you here, hoping to find help.Theres a reason for you to live, Im sure of it. Theres one for all of us. You may not have found it yet, but there is one out there for you. Theres someone to love; something to love doing; a way to bring meaning into your life. Keep looking for it. Please dont kill yourself. I promise theres something for you in this world. It may not be obvious or easy to see, but it is there.', 'I think youre being downvoted because people felt it was obvious that OP was not yet in Japan.', 'Those people are not your parents. Even if they birthed you and raised you, no "true" parent would ever tell their child to kill themselves. Dont listen to them. Theyre not worth your time and certainly not worth your life. ', 'Im not sure Im the best one to help you--there are many other more capable people here than me--but I saw that the only comment on this post besides your own is a worthless, piece of shit troll and I wanted to tell you that he knows nothing. I dont think youre trash, and I definitely dont think you should kill yourself.']
['I am really sorry, truly. I agree with SW. I have messed around with the same drugs before but never on a frequent basis. I have dealt with Mental Depression in the past not because of Drug craving but because of losing everyone I knew when I moved countries when I was 13 without knowing any English what so ever. Lived with my fake and unloving guardians who at one point stopped greeting me or acknowledged me when I tried to say something. The worst part was that I HAD to live with them because my dad who loved me and raised me the best he could, lost his job and spent the rest of his money to send me here even when I refused to. I was initially Anger at him for that but I didnt understand at the time. I still loved him as much and he was my role model. I guess I just didnt have enough time to truly show him and acted immature and even a little rude and selfish by complainting of how many things I didnt have and how much I hated that fact. Anyways, I wanted to call him everyday because I didnt have anyone else that made me feel better. I remember feeling bad and sorry to have made my dad feel so unloved and a burden because he couldnt provide for me. I had no mother but I never knew exactly what happened in the past. My dad said that I would find out one day when I grow up. All I knew at the time was that she was in the heavens. One day, when I asked to call him, my uncle told me that I was not allowed to call because I spent too much of his money for calls. He told me that unless I had a way to pay him back, he wouldnt let me. At that point I was completely broken and at that point, I realized how much I actually missed my dad and how much I cared even though never succeded to show him. About a month after, my dads friend called for me and that call was the absolute bottom of my existence. I had never felt so much Feeling despair and agony in my life. I collapsed when I heard that my dad had commited suicide. No further details about it were told to me for the best but the person sent me the letter he wrote before and he said that he was sorry for ruining his family and causing Ache and suffering to me. He wrote, "Your mother would have been happy to see you all grown up and your sister would have filled your heart with her love and warmth. I cant live in the agony of hating myself every second of every day. You were the star that I looked upon for hope in these vast skies but I even failed to do that. I didnt Irritable Mood to burden you but at least I could save you from all of the horrible things you would have suffered. I love you more than anything else and I am sure your genius little brain will get you through this hard time of your life and go on to do amazing things. I supported you until I could. I hope you wont insist knowing about your mother and sister and spend that time on doing more positive and productive things. If you ever do, Please dont hate me, I wasnt myself back then. If you hold even a little bit of love and respect for your papa, then dont look in the darkness of the past instead make every effort and actions towards the brighter blissful future we always talked about. YOU WILL SUCCEDE MY SON, MY BELOVED, MY PINKU!" I realized so many things about life that day. I read and re-read that letter 100s of times bawling my eyes out and randomly burst out crying. Eventually, I figured that if there was anything I could do to make it easier on him, it was to communicate better and expressed how I saw him in my eyes. He was the last thing feom a birden in my life but I guess Human emotion and Expression work differently and a misinterpretation of these unexplainably complicated network of neurons can cause a lot of Ache. I wish and will keep wishing for things to have gone differently or some magical force informing me about his thoughts and Mental Depression. This was a a time of misery for me and what felt Hyperactive behavior Mental Depression wasnt even a word to describe it. However, My dad did what he thought was best for me to have this life in America and it was his parting gift for me. I started going to school after a while and lived by the words of hope. It was during this time I met my current best friend. He came up to me one day and staryed singing which caught me off guard but made me smile afyer soo long and for once I was optimistic. He told me his name after the song about a sad debbie I talked to him and this was probably my first actual conversation I had in a long time and things were looking up. He was complaining that he had felt bad for being so mischievious at home. He said that he has been burdening his parents alot. I was intrigued. He went on to say that his parents were acting weird the previous night when he walked into their bedroom. I think they were Exhaustion and out of breath because I didnt help them clean when they asked me to. To which I burst out laughing obviously and so began our friendship and my light at the end of the tunnel shone bright and strong ever since then. All you really need is the desire which you clearly have and the willingness to achieve that light at the tunnel, the spot of white in a seemingly dark room and make every effort or action from then on out to achieve that optimism and happiness which ultimately give us the pleasure of life throughout all the experiences we will have from then on out. I learned via unfortunate circumstances the appreciation and complications of the society and environment around us and the materialistic things that I wanted my dad to get me would not even provide the slightest bit of the overall joy of the little things in life. Everyone is different in many ways but something I believe everyone has is the inner voice asking for that content satisfaction and driving the mind towards that light to have something to live for and finally be at peace knowing that everything you come in contact with should be and will be affected by your Aura of positive vibes and that it is YOUR Aura of vibes that live through those who are the most important and loved in your life. And dont even let that evil little version of yourself tell otherwise. It is an instinct really to focus on and be attracted to even the smallest ammount of white spot if you have been trapped in a completely dark room. All you have to do is go in closer and closer and closer while ignoring the invisible shutter of light trying to keep you in and when you do get close enough, which you undoubtedly will no matter how long and dreaded it seems, that tiny spot that you once thought would never exist suddenly gets bigger and bigger while destroying the decieving shutter that kept you in the Depressed mood bonds of darkness and eventually the seemingly long journey that started with a small ammount of effort and the perseverence to stick through the road comes to an end finally giving the sweet sweet rewards of the most joyful, content and stable mind bound by nothing else but the sheer desire to live life to the fullest and enjoying the most beautiful sense of doing great things to help the community and the people you will meet and care about. Being loved genuinely for simply being you! It has been 14 and a half years since my tragic experience that in ways Chest Pain more than I can ever imagine but also made me stronger more humble person and changed my perspective of the world and how intepreting the world around us either negatively or positively changes completely if we will see the chance of relief thats always there or be blinded by the chain reaction of negative thoughts that manifest and try to take over. You CAN resist! You CAN think and look at the positive side instead of the darker side! I created an account specifically to post here because I hope to share my entire experience so that you can read in my vibes of support and hope. Life is truly not worth wasting in order to achieve temporary materialistic desires. Hope you discover the wonderful things that you missed and havent noticed yet and in doing so, also find the passion to simply love living life and and doing whatever that makes you content. If you would Hyperactive behavior to know, I have not actively tried to find out the details of the past of my family but I do know that I am the only one. I think I made a good decision to not find out the details because my dad wouldnt have wanted me to dwell on those events and bring me down. I also dont have enough courage to mess around with the most vulnerable part of myself and would Hyperactive behavior to keep moving forward to someday discover the cure of cancer. And of course support people in need during a bad phase of life. :) <--- See that? Bet you will feel better if you beat him with a bigger smile! Try it! Let me know! Haha', 'I just realized how long that reply is ! But its worth a read . Also I apologize for my slightly broken English. ']
['Hey.Im here,Silly.When youre ready. ', 'I deactivate my facebook. I spent the latter part of my day together getting signatures to promote a new therapy club on campus for people in situations similar or maybe even in worse situations. I feel so much better after last night so I have to thank you, and everybody else.But. Im not completely healed. Maybe Ill never be, but I Hyperactive behavior the idea of waking up and having a purpose again: helping others. Im trying to befriend everybody here. Please dont take it weird, but I want to be your friend so badly. ', 'I cried half way reading your post. Thank you. Just... thank you.', 'God, your ability to express morosity is stunning. You remind me of Sylvia plath. And youll probably end up Hyperactive behavior her. Youre so damn smart Hyperactive behavior her, yet you have something she didnt, a real connection with people. Sylvia died before she knew how deeply appreciated her works were. I could literally count on my hands te number of times I wished she had a connection with somebody who fueled her, kept her going. You do. You have an entire community cheering for your success. Why in the fucking world would you give up? Youre so fucking young god I wish I was that age. I would go to school again and instead of doing the major my parents forced me into, Id major in English ad write and read ad share my thoughts in Shakespeare and fittz and scott and Blake and Taylor etc. Fuck. Youre spoiled to think life doesnt offer anything. Keep your head Drug abuse and use that superior knowledge of yours to do something amazing. I, we, every single person youve met before knows you can do it.Lets go conquer fucking Mental Depression together. Message me anything. Ill even skype, talk to you etc until youre Nausea of me and the only way you rid of me is by following my sappy, trite advice.', 'Sweeeeet.Thanks for taking time out of your day to draw for us reddit saps!Youre awesome.Heres my request, if you have the time and energy Ventricular Dysfunction, Left over!:: Barney in a hot air balloon, waving hi ::', 'And no. Im still in Mental Depression, but Ive managed to turn my Mental Depression into something worthwhile Hyperactive behavior helping others. Through that process of a bout 2-3 days, Ive met some amazing people and now I dont care to stop at all. ', 'HUZZAH~If you win, we all win. If you fall, we all fall. But the moment you rise, well all pull you up. Youre never alone because you have us. ', 'Dont stop.', 'What is it? Tell me all about it.', 'I was in the same situation. I know **exactly** how you feel man. The life gets sucked from you and everything you *thought* you did. It hurts. But. I went to suicidewatch/Mental Depression and I found immediate help. A voice. A damn voice. Not a loud voice nor a soft, condescending voice. A damn normal, human voice. And I tell ya, after the break-up, thats all I needed. Somebody to Crying Reflex, Abnormal to. And I did. Took 2 hours of his study time (day before exam) and cried Hyperactive behavior Niagara Falls. So. Shucks. Were all human beings here. We all know what its Hyperactive behavior. Youre not alone. Ever. Never alone. Im here. Were all here. Dont you god damn stop fighting for survival. Ive got all the band-aids youll ever need, man. Go out there and get messy again. God knows you miss the mud, ya cheeky bastard. ', 'It reminds me of Feyman when he talked about the stars. I thank you. Every single comment helps so much.', 'Hey.Mtgeue, is it?Its difficult, isnt it?I wish I could be in your shoes, take the Ache for you, and let you experience some of my joy for a second so that, without explanation, you understood how I overcame my grief, anguish, turmoils, and started realizing what real happiness was. Or, perhaps, you would know that there is *always* somebody out there who understands. Cares. Wants you to smile. Is also afraid. Needs a hug. Looks forward to a strangers smile. Likes you. Maybe even loves you. Shy to admit so.I know how how everyday feels. The Sad mood that awaits with every ticking second pummels down on your mood; happiness seems Hyperactive behavior a far-reaching goal that doesnt even render worth the chase anymore. Depression overcomes you in waves, followed by thoughts of parents, friends, possible moments of life where you are expected to be alive for. **Nothing makes sense** other than the cold splash of reality that... you are stuck. Stuck somewhere and you cant see the way out. The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel fades, leaving you stranded. In the dark. Alone. **wishing you had a hand to hold onto**. But he Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. But I didnt. **Im lost, too. I need somebodys hand so much.** I never Ventricular Dysfunction, Left the cave. Im looking for the way out. But, not just me. My friend Jose has been here by me. My friend Diana found the both of us. We havent given up. **Take our hand**. Well get out together. Maybe along the way, we can pick up the others. Yeah? **nods**. It hits hard. The Ache that acts in reverberation through the entire body hurts. And it does hit **hard**. Sometimes it knocks us down. **It knocks me down.** It knocks some of my friends down, too. Yet. Im here. Youre here. Apparently, we have something even harder to counter it. Be it hope? Maybe. For me, its people Hyperactive behavior you. Like Jose. Like Diana. Seeing them smile every so often even when theyre frowning 90% of the time is more than enough to make my body shake with excitement. With Life. With the anticipation that if theyre smiling *every so often*, that means there is something that they still respond to. Still react to. Still find enjoyment in. Still find themselves **alive** in spirit to move to. I remember. The verdant green flow that had held my vision for the ten seconds of when I held her hand, completely aloof to any other matter of awareness. I remember her hand touching mine and the warmth that flowed from her body to mine, channeled up to my heart, wrapping it, and sending it back to the other hand, down to the Earth. **We were part of it.** And when she went. The warmth also did. And so did the green. Blue. White. Breeze.But. **And this is a big "but", MtGueu**. I remembered, after some time, seeing the same verdant green. Speckled with white and purple flowers waving by the breezes whisper. I remember the blue, clear skies that mapped the entire earth with an embrace, warming it to vivid rays. I remember it all. And the same emotional connection remains. Intensifies. I dont feel her hand anymore. I feel the cool grass overlying the soil. But I dont miss her hand. The warmth returns. It comes from the earth itself. Ushering an entire new warmth. **I became the connection**. I became the warmth. The earth spoke to me, asking me to channel **my warmth** into it. I cannot begin to express how difficult your passage may be. There will be moments of severe anxiety. There will be those moments where youll stop, question yourself, and feel sluggish to even try to remember where you were going or what you were doing. Yet. Your legs move. Your heart beats. Your veins and arteries carry your life force. Your eyes are still able to capture beauty. Your hears still hear the laughter of others. Your face still something people find themselves blushing at. Your existence becomes needed. **You are needed**. Youre a variable in this equation, called **happiness**. But not just yours. Others. Other people need you. It may be incredibly selfish but its so important that you smile. Laugh. Run. Dance. And give **others a reason to do the same. They look to you.**It took me months to recover from my break-up with the only person I ever felt *love* for; it was the longest, cruelest three months of my life. Suicide was a constant contemplation. Food tasted bitter. The very air was pungent. Even my sisters brilliant smile faded. I reached out to this community after two months of frustration and the very first post I received offered a chance to talk. imagine thatA total stranger offered me his time to talk everything it. It was the first time I cried to a complete stranger on the phone. Ive learned to walk again. Now Im running. But not everybody will recover as fast as I did. Some will recover even faster. Others will languish for years before they pick up the pace and eventually are back in the marathon. **everybody wins** in our own way. I had to find pace of speed in the marathon and I found some people along the way that had the *same pace* I did! What a delight. We werent even in a marathon anymore. We were just friends on the path of happiness and we happened to be on the same stride. **Youll meet people of all different strides**. Trust me; theyre waiting for you to join them. So. **Dance.****Live.****Make your presence known to the world**.**Crack a smile or two. Youre beautiful beyond words.**---------And as always.Im here.Were here.Waiting.When youre ready. We wont go.We wont judge.We wont ask you what took so long.We will listen. We will Crying Reflex, Abnormal when you Crying Reflex, Abnormal.We will laugh when you laugh.We will run with you, because as much as you need us, we **need you** just as much, if not more.-----If ever you need, Im always a pm away.Ive multiple mediums of conversation. Lets dance together. ', 'I dont want to hijack your thread, but Im also offering penpal services. I always enjoy reclining after a day of turmoil and reading somebodys heartfelt messages. Kudos to you, instantkarma for reaching out. Kudos to those taking up the offer; extending a hand is always a brave thing to do. ', 'Depression affects everybody. Im not sorry you broke up with him; Im sorry your recovery is starting so late. **Fuck it.** Make it rain on the concrete and grass with your Increased Sweating as you take feet to the ground and run. Make books fear your gaze as you turn pages and score exams. Make other students follow your every scent as you leave classrooms, leaving behind a battle scene of intellectual destruction. You go and rape every single thing that stands your way. Maybe the word rape isnt appropriate. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO. **DANCE, BABY**. DANCE. GALUGLUGLUGLGUGULGLUGLUGLGUGLUGLUGULG. Go and conquer the world. ', 'No. Not "fuck people." Fuck your boyfriend. Hes perpetuating your Mental Depression cycle. ', 'I am super... sorry. But mind if I take advantage of your offering? I dont know. Can you imagine a confident guy with ADHD just breaking down and crying to air wishing that somebody hear him... was there for him... didnt judge him because he broke character after so long.', 'You betcha, dear! Now talk talk talk talk talk!', 'And youre charming, to boot.I say!Draw me whatever your heart tempts; Im a blade of grass swaying in your artistic gale. ', 'Youre fucking amazing. So fucking amazing. Thank you. Just an hour I was crying. But now I feel so god damn good. ', 'Wait. Why arent you with Kate, then? It seems Hyperactive behavior you two have some pent-up sexual tension. Though Adam may hate you, perhaps it was for the best. Friends come and go and no matter how long youve been friends with a person, theres always that moment where true trials will appear and though maybe Adam hasnt forgiven you, why not try your luck with Kate?Im not saying you should be unscrupulous, but Mental Depression is a state of mind (in some ways).Try it with Kate. And Im sorry it did not work out as planned. ', 'You have a Hypothermia, natural penchant for comedic twists. I love it. ', 'You better finish this. Please. Finish this. ', 'Ive never done this before. Is it... weird of me to ever ask you for a phone conversation? I know its some creepy and... probably an onerous request. But this is the first time in my life I ever felt the need to just reach out to a complete stranger and Crying Reflex, Abnormal.', 'Look, I dont know what to tell you, but heres my Depressed mood situation, too.I fell in love. I fell in fucking love with a girl 3000 miles away. Shes in New York and she loved me, too. Get that? SHE LOVED ME, TOO. I invested Hyperactive behavior fucking crazy. Every single second of the day she would be on my mind. Its been Hyperactive behavior this for the last four months. I just broke up with her two days ago. No. Fuck that. She broke up with me. But she isnt a cunt or a Disturbance in mood or a whore. Shes the best thing Ive ever witnessed. She loved me. Can you believe me? Me. Some kid from some dilapidated neighborhood hoping to be an aspiring screenplay writer or a novelist and her, a 4.0 student with a beautiful face and an Irritable Mood befitting a princesss regal temperance.I fucking hate my life. Before her (and I dont blame her. In fact, I have to thank her for everything shes given me. Fuck I wish I could tell her). But I cant. Shes dating a new guy. And it hurts. It hurts knowing that for 4 months I was trying to make everything work. I comforted her from 3000 miles away and I made every effort I could to surprise her to feats to cheer her up, put a smile on her face, or make her laugh.And she loved me. She did. She said it so many times. And I... loved her so damn much.And now... (a couple of days before we broke up, she said she still loved me. But I knew for the longest time she fell out of love some time ago) shes gone from my life. I couldnt sleep. I couldnt fucking eat. I was a damn happy trooper before I got into this shit. I even deactivated my facebook.But now. Now. .... Fuck.The break-up was smooth. I apologised for anything Ive ever done to Chest Pain her and she cried saying she was sorry for letting me go Hyperactive behavior this. I said it was okay. I did. And I didnt Crying Reflex, Abnormal.I didnt Crying Reflex, Abnormal for the last two days. But just thirty minutes ago I cried Hyperactive behavior a damn baby. I cried for so long and hard and I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at a broken guy who just hit rock bottom. Who just hit rock bottom.Get that through your head. I just hit rock bottom. Rock fucking bottom.And now. Fuck. And now Im subscribed to Suicide watch and r/Mental Depression. And Im reading stories Hyperactive behavior this and Im thinking to myself; maybe it isnt so bad. Maybe my pains just my pain. It isnt going to kill me nor is it going to ruin my life. You. Youll survive. That weirdness youre describing about yourself? Its fucking nothing compared to what I went through. I WAS IN A DAMN RELATIONSHIP AND I LOST IT. Lost it all. You? Youre making an excuse for yourself. But I feel you. I make excuses all the time. But you know what? After this message, Im going to fucking get back to my studies. Eat a damn hearty meal and fucking watch a movie until I fall asleep. Ill wake up in the morning feeling Hyperactive behavior shit, but fuck it. Ill plan out something and keep myself busy. PLEASE KEEP YOURSELF BUSY. Go to and look for things to do in your area. SERIOUSLY. MEETUP.COM. I hit rock bottom. I still miss her. I still want her, but shes gone. And Alis gone, too. But fuck it. Your dreams and goals arent. Your dreams and goals are now just magnified into mother fucking priorities. Lets do this. Contact me. I will talk to you until my fingers bleed. ', 'If you want to talk, message me. Seriously, dont hesitate.', 'No.Just no.There is no way your life is "meaningless" let alone void of romance. Do you not read your own words? Why are you looking for something you already possess?>\xe2\x80\x9cThe problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life Hyperactive behavior love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. Youd be surprised how far that gets you. - Neil deGrasse Tysons response on Reddit when asked "What can you tell a young man looking for motivation in life itself?" I remember clearly that AMA some months ago (I think it was last month, actually) and reading through his responses to various questions, thinking to myself after browsing for a solid twenty minutes, that Neil deGrasse Tyson isnt some scientist wrapped in his own shrewd world voided of anything beyond data and facts; the man exudes *romance* in of himself. But, why is he relevant to your post? He advocates not looking for satisfaction elsewhere beyond oneself. Isnt that an amazing philosophy? For the longest time, I thought that happiness was "out there" under a rock somewhere, or maybe in an hour glass figure donning a red dress, or perhaps even in a home-cooked lasagna meal. It isnt, mate. I wont pretend to think I am an expert on happiness Hyperactive behavior Spinoza, Socrates, Seneca, Montaigne, etc., was. But I do know, however, that happiness is the end-all to any type of suffering. Its funny, because, Ive talked to homeless people who are seemingly the happiest people ever, yet they possess nothing beyond a few trinkets and a shopping cart. I know that anybody posting in SW is looking for some kind of response - some indication that their words not only are part of an cathartic experience but an omen for mistakes to be avoided; thats damn kind of you, man. I Irritable Mood it. I think it takes courage to post something, especially to *admit* that one lacks an inability to be happy, yet desperately striving for it. There are doers and there are talkers; youre a doer. Youve been doing. Youve been successful in so many more ways than youre giving yourself credit, and I think thats where the problem lies. You arent giving yourself enough credit.There **is always** meaning in life. Check this video out: might question the relevancy of the video in my response and your message. Think, though, of what the mother is doing and think of how Sedated state her child is compared to the screams of other children in the ambiance. Can you imagine what, during those precious moments of time, the mother is thinking? Shes not thinking about financial woes, Flatulence prices, mortgage payments, college tuition of her children, clothing being stained, or that theres even an earthquake going on. Shes preserving the smile on her son. And you, my good sir, cant ever let that smile fade away because there are ***so many damn people*** depending on that smile; that smile of yours is an indication that the world is safe, full of opportunity, and bountiful. That *damn fine, much needed* smile of yours propels more people in their life than you think.Like the mother, dont let peoples smiles fade because they cant see yours. Show the entire world that youve reason to live, and they wont ever have a reason not to. Be **bad ass**.And if you cant seem to come to any solace, give me a call. Ill dance with you. Seriously, Ive an entire TMNT costume set that Ill wear and dance to it. Just for you, mate. **BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM** LETS DO THIS, HOTCAKES. ', 'Hey. Im here for you.Pm me and Ill talk to you, man. ', 'You dont have anybody? bullshit. Here I am.PM me. Lets make this happen. Im here for you. YOU HAVE SOMEBODY. DAMMIT. YOU HAVE ME.DONT YOU DARE NOT PM ME. I WILL NOT LET YOU GO.YOU HAVE SOMEBODY.', 'Hmm.It seems to me that your problem isnt the Phobia, Social disconnection, but maybe your own troubles with accepting who you are.Often times, people who are perfectly fine otherwise, put themselves in situations that dont fit their character. I dont know who you are or what you do, but you seem to me Hyperactive behavior a logical thinker.The best way for a logical thinker to be happy is to ... well, flirt. Flirt with every person. Flirt with everything, everybody. Just flirt the crap out of everything single girl you see. Now, Im not advocating you flirt until they slap you, but flirt and tease and say things Hyperactive behavior "youre absolutely adorable."Im as logical as they come, but even I succumb to a lifestyle where comforts brought by the idea that Im... worthy in a way that nobody else is.Dont give yourself these excuses Hyperactive behavior "I have to go out..."No man. You never have to do anything you dont want to. Watch the Big Lebowski. Watch Good Will Hunting. Watch movies. Get a netflix account. Do things that makes you happy. Buy a toaster and break it open and try to fix it.Dont give up on life just because you think life gave up on you.No. Succeed in an area where nobody has done before. Make something of yourself by telling yourself that youre going to make something awesome. Dont go near the idea of not being awesome because once you do its a downward spiral and itd be a damn day if I see you go down that spiral. Dont do it. Continue telling yourself, SERIOUSLY, tell yourself that you can do it. If you ever need me, dont hesitate to message me. Seriously. I frequent reddit and I will always take time to respond to you. ', 'I came late to this but it looks Hyperactive behavior youre already having somebody to correspond with, and it seems to be somewhat effective in taking your mind off things.You say you read books dealing or talking about philosophy and about existentialism? Thats wonderful. Not everybody has that deep understanding of how life can be so meaningless and yet, its meaningful.Youre in a great position to not only boost yourself, but your entirely family up. Spend money on things thatll make everybody happy. While it may seem insignificant to you, the smallest gestures goes a long way in anothers mind. I come from a similar background Hyperactive behavior you. While Im still in school, I always felt Hyperactive behavior a major fuck-up to my parents. Theyre Asian and my brothers are only moderately successful. Im the odd one in the family and Ive always had the reputation of being the one child that they relied on to be successful but was not.I dont know what youre thinking your problem is. Youre self-employed; youve a beautiful character about you; your deep understanding seems to be resounding; your family members are still close to you, albeit they may not be as responsive as youd Hyperactive behavior; and youve people counting on you to survive, thrive, and entirely fuck up the Hypothermia, natural world with your suicidal thoughts. Hey man. If youre already contemplating Suicide, you might as well go out Hyperactive behavior a bad-ass. Youre already destined with death. Might as well go seek it yourself guns blazing.It is selfish. It is very selfish for drunk individuals. But youre at an age where you can get away from that.I suggest and look for meetings within your areas. Dont shy away. Seriously. Just strap up and say "fuck it. Ive nothing to lose. So Im going to just go out guns glazing and I dont give a fuck anymore." And guess what, this guys probably in a worse situation than you and look at this awesome levels of not-giving-a-fuck: is selfish. You and I are a bit selfish, too. But the difference is, you can support yourself and you can make Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult decisions without anybody slapping your Ache wrists and nobody can judge you.I seriously want you to go to a gym. The first step is to sign up and go. Go every single day. Work on your chest/back on Mondays, your legs on Tuesday, your arms/shoulders on Wednesday, and try to run on Thursdays. On Friday mornings go to hikes with people from Theyre more than willing to accept new members. FUCK, THEY WANT NEW MEMBERS. WHERE DO YOU LIVE!? Ill MAKE A FUCKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU AND ILL SIGN UP AND ILL FLIRT WITH GIRLS AND GET THEM ALL EXCITED TO SEE YOU< MOTHER FUCKER > WOOOOOO.Dont take my advice passively. Ive been where youve been (though Im not your age) and Ive understood the idea of a meaningless life so damn intimately. But some anonymous people reach out to me and I cant fucking be idle while there are others who may be in worse situations but without any appropriate outlet. Thats why Im starting a club at my school to give a voice to those who dont have one. Im doing something with my Mental Depression. What are you doing? ', 'Im here. Seriously. Im here. If you want, Ill give you my phone number and you give me a call. And I expect you to say hi proudly. Because Im proud to have a person Hyperactive behavior you consider me a friend and trust me enough. Im proud to live a life where total strangers trust me. That to me, is more humbling than anything gift in the universe. Were all in this together. We are. Every time you fuck up, we all fuck up. Every time you accomplish something, however minor, we all feel the damn pride of accomplishment. Words may be cheap in some context, but from reading yours, I could already surmise the type of man who could write such words, and that mans pure awesome. So stop looking at your problems as "problems" but as temporary challenges blocking you from happiness. What that happiness is, Ive no idea, but I can tell you that my happiness sometimes is the joy of being able to get coffee and being able to say "hi" to random strangers on the street and fully get a "hi" back. Youre in a position where you have enough financial abilities and freedom to do something amazing. Pick up a hobby. Go cosplay. Build a suit. I always wanted the ability to do cosplay, but Im currently attending school and I dont have the time nor the money to invest in such an endeavor. But you. You, my fine sir, you are amazing in every way Im not. So come on. Buckle up. Dont be afraid to reach your hand out there.If youre lonely, If youre bored, If you want an experience, Unless you want to be where you are your entire life, you have to put yourself in UNCOMFORTABLE situations and make that situations SO DAMN COMFORTABLE, you keep going back.Look. Not everybodys destined for global greatness or international fame or a stellar nobel prize. Some people are destined to be great/amazing fathers, mothers, brothers, sister, CEOs, neighborhood gossip, etc. You have the ability to be amazing in every single way you want; dont ruin that possibility by comparing yourself to some Phobia, Social addicts who get nothing but temporary enjoyment out of life. Personally, I find myself absolutely happy when Im sitting with a friend on sunday at some obscure cafe playing chess and sipping coffee. You? You can do anything. PUT YOURSELF IN AN UNcOMFORTABLE SituATION AND MAKE IT SO DAMN COMFORTABLE. TALK. JUST TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALKTALKTALK TO EVERYBODY YOU SEE. Eventually. I KNOW THIS. eventually, theyll talk back and... well. Youve made it. Youve made a marker in the universe. I cant wait for you to that.PM me if ever youre looking for somebody to talk to. I do not shy away from company. Besides, youve more wisdom than I do. I wont shy away from that learning experience. (Or if youre really bad-ass, expand concentrate on your business and give back to the community when you make it big. OH MAN, thats always been one of my dreams).', 'Question: why are you in love with a girl that cheated on her boyfriend? ', 'I dont see anything wrong with you and Kate being together, but from experience Ive understood that women on the rebound tend to be only emotionally attached and not mentally attached.Give her time and if after she sobers up from the entire ordeal she still wants you, then you know that truly, its her desire and not her emotional need. Apologize to Adam and be on with it. There are other girls around. Ive seen many cases where friends ruin their friendship over attractive women, whom, in the end werent even a great reason for such breakage. Im not against Kate nor am I against you, but I think what happened to Adam was a huge violation of his trust. Hes the victim in this, not you or Kate.You dont owe Adam anything, but take a long look at yourself and ask yourself if youre the person you want to be. If not, then change it. Like Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Its an over-used quote, but there is much truth in it.Adams heart was wrenched and Kate did cheat on him. She couldve had the scruples to at least break up with Adam before having intercourse with you, but she chose not to. Personally, I fear any woman that can do that without remorse.And youve no reason to be sad, mate. Youre a good guy who just had sex, though at a cost. But. Doesnt matter. Had Sex. Cheer up and start loving yourself no matter what. ', 'Heh. Youre the first person in a while to even comment on my writing and not my content. I thank you.It still hurts. It still fucking hurts, but after yesterday, after the explosion of my painful throe, I feel so much better. I felt Hyperactive behavior my entire cynicism from life just melted and I have a new purpose. Im trying to create a club at my school thatll promote a therapeutic environment for anybody and everybody. I dont want anybody to go through what I did and not have a place to let it off their shoulders, chest, head, etc. Thank you, Mr. Tuttle. Thank you very very much. Your comment alone makes me sigh with gratitude. ', 'What is the problem? Seriously. Tell me everything. ']
['You obviously care for your mother quite deeply... Living without her after what youve been through must be a terrifying thought, but do you really think this is what she would want?', 'What would you say is the root cause of this feeling, then? Or is it something you arent entirely aware of?', 'I see... In that case, Im sorry - I didnt Irritable Mood to lean too heavily toward that option.Even so, you still have us. Would you be willing to talk about whats happening in more detail? Or did your post cover pretty much everything?', 'What makes you feel so disgusting and ashamed? Are your friends or peers homophobic? Are you religious?', 'Do you really think youre being needy to ask her for help in this situation? If she came to you with something Hyperactive behavior this, would you think she was being overly dependent?', 'How so? Were you deeply looking forward to having children, or do you just consider homosexuality to be unnatural?', 'You are **not** nothing.Whether or not you can see it, or others acknowledge it, you are here, and you do have value. Even if you feel you really do have nobody to turn to, or that nobody cares for you, were still here to listen... And if you decide to leave, know that even if its only us here at SW, you will be missed.Have you tried talking to your girlfriend about how you feel, though? If she agreed to be in a relationship with you, she must care about you to some extent... Do you really think she would ignore you if you told her what you were going through?', 'You know... I dont know you. I dont know what youve been through, or whats lead you to such a steadfast certainty that any life you would lead would be unconditionally horrible, but there is one thing I do know.For all our knowledge - our instant, worldwide communication network, our pocket-sized libraries, our Mars Rovers - nobody can know the future.People have been trying to find methods of looking into the future for millennia, but the reason it still eludes us even as we take our first steps on the Red World is because, by its nature, the future represents limitless possibility. An infinite number of possible outcomes... Whether or not you believe it in this moment of despair, there are paths that can lead you to happiness. And you have the power to forge your own path - after all, the greatest influence on your future is your own decisions. Your will, your choices.Tomorrow could be an amazing day - a day of peace, and encouragement - and all you have to do is choose to make it one. In fact, it might be a great day even if you dont choose to make anything of it. I dont know the future either.', 'So you feel lonely despite having friends because you feel none of your relationships with them are genuine?', 'Is that really true? You seem to be perfectly intelligent and capable, as far as I can tell. Odds are fair that youre at least decent at something... But to be really good at something, you have to practice a lot, and give yourself some time to improve. Its true of any skill.You must have some interests, though. They dont necessarily have to relate to your education, or a career path... Or anything, really. Hell, I do medieval recreation in my spare time.', 'Why do you feel so hateful toward yourself? What makes you think that you dont deserve these things? Is it because of anything specific, or have you just felt emotional since your delivery?Do you think you might feel better if you were able to get some rest? I know firsthand how much Hypersomnia deprivation can tangle your thoughts and feelings.I cant imagine how much pressure the idea of motherhood must be, especially since it seems as though the father isnt part of the picture... But please dont do this. You said yourself that youre surrounded by people who care for you... Your friends, your ex... Your daughter... How do you think this would affect them? Do you honestly think ending your own life will really make life happier for any of them?Why do you feel you cant discuss these things with your friends? From your comment, it seems Hyperactive behavior theyre rather concerned already, and they would probably be more than willing to help you. If you cant bring yourself to do it, no matter the reason, there are always people you can talk to. We at SW are always willing to listen, and help you work through this... Im sure there are other counselors you could contact as well.Just please, dont give up. Nobody deserves this kind of death.', 'Im hardly a psychiatric expert, but even if it is purely founded on a chemical imbalance (And as near as I can tell, we still arent totally certain that it is), understanding that these feelings of sadness and self-loathing have little to no external source could help her overcome this in a number of ways. Besides, support groups and other non-medical therapeutic options are still used as methods to address and treat postpartum depression.As I said, Im not an expert, so you could very well be right, but Ive never known trying to understand ones feelings and their causes as being as unhelpful as you seem to suggest. Perhaps, when all is said and done, antidepressants are the answer, but as a rule I dont personally recommend people to things that alter their brain chemistry as the first resort, considering how much we still dont understand about the human brain and its chemical operations.']
['For a while I wasnt sure if I was suffering from Mental Depression since it was a very cognitive experience for me. I reasoned myself into virtual nonexistence and contemplated Suicide, but eventually realized that it is a dreadfully final course of action and that even though one person is most likely inconsequential it has the potential for greatness and to change the world or the way the people view the world (which are often synonymous). The result of my dance with Mental Depression is that I dont want to have any kids, I dont want to die of old age or Hypothermia, natural causes which leads only accidents and Suicide (which is always an option so I shouldnt trouble myself too much over it) and that the world is too interesting to leave it just yet. If I get too bogged down in life I can always try being a hobo and walking around the world or something along those lines. ', 'Im not thinking on the scale of Hitler, more on the scale of solving everyday problems and having your solution spread around the world Hyperactive behavior indoor plumbing or ball-point pens. ', 'This is the same conclusion I reached when I was contemplating Suicide and Im grateful Im an atheist. If I werent and I truly believed in life after death I would probably have decided to go ahead with it and see whats next.', 'I would Hyperactive behavior to volunteer in this subreddit but Im not sure if I would do more harm than good, given my condition and opinion. I am apathetic and have a pretty dark view of the world, which many have said is not very healthy, though it is perfect for me. The thing is: I dont think Suicide is bad, as long as it is based on sound reasoning and motives. I believe everyone has the right to control the way they live their life, and that includes the way their life ends. If you are suffering from a debilitating disease, if you are in a horrible situation with no escape, or if you have just had enough and want to see what comes next, you should be able to peacefully end your life without having to Anxiety about someone ruining the most important thing in your life: its end.Sure, Suicide is not for everyone. Some that contemplate it might only be having a really bad time, some might just have a chemical imbalance, some might be overreacting, some might be under the influence of mind-altering substances or influenced by some other people. For these people there might be available some other, less drastic and final, routes of escape. But some are quite rational and maybe even justified in their choice. Maybe for them the alternatives are just too hard, maybe they are too Muscle Weakness to go on, maybe they tee the world differently than most people do and thus live in a different world, or maybe they just really want to do it. What gives anyone the right to judge them and infringe on their freedom? If someone who would otherwise be considered clinically sane and, for example, would be fit for trial and for serving a sentence in prison and not a mental institution, would decide to end his life, why shouldnt he have the right to do so peacefully? So... yeah... Im not posting because Im not sure how helpful my advice would be if it would eventually boil down to something along the lines of: "Suicide is so dreadfully final. But if you think you have a good enough motive and no other avenue open, then sure, go ahead. Just make sure you really want to do it and that you do it right." ']
['Thats sad but I can see how you could feel that way. Its Hyperactive behavior half your team is quitting on you and dumping all their extra emotional baggage for you to carry but you dont need that shit and can carry on stronger by letting it go.', 'I know that feeling man but I hear you have some good hash in India, the next time you want to relax smoke or eat some and let things work themselves out.', 'Hang out with her and chill, let her talk or not, hide her pills.', 'This might be okay because it sounds Hyperactive behavior you have some specific problems that you need to talk about...some people (looks at self) have no idea what the fuck the problem if you have some shit that you need to get off your chest this is a good place to get some perspective ... ', 'We just gotta do it one day at a time, take care of today, no need to Anxiety about a made up future.', 'Im no doctor but I do know people have been soothing their broken hearts with alcohol for hundreds of years so I wouldnt say its automatically a sign of a problem. Leave the guy alone. Trying to care for him too much will just confuse his emotions even more.']
['Hoping for some earth shattering revelation can be difficult. What if one never manifests? I know common sense would say that the pursuit of the possibility is one of the parts of being human, but it just doesnt sound at all attractive to me. And I did finish it, and loved it. Really wish I wouldnt have had to gave waited for the movie to get me interested in it. The movie wasnt terrible in its own right, but it of course cant stand up to the comic. The 3 hour extended version was way better. ', 'I came over and tried to look at her phone, she Hyperactive behavior jumped on me and said yo give it back. I said she was cheating she said "I never agreed we were back together." so in a sense, yes. ', 'Its just rough, I dont think there is anything out there. For years everyones told me to hold on and keep looking, and I found something that made me feel happy and normal, but it left. It took me 18 years to find one thing, and even then I wasnt good enough to hold onto it. Also, debating random strangers is great. ', 'Maybe, Im not sure honestly. Its an interesting thought but as a freshly minted 18 year old whos trying to overcome a Phobia, Social of driving and just found a second job (I worked at a factory a few months before being laid off) uprooting is a hard thought for the moment. Besides, I doubt theres anything out there in the world for me. I died a long time ago. ', 'I wonder a lot, but the wondering is about things that dont exactly encourage what one would label positive thinking. Mostly about morality and the Hyperactive behavior, and about how death is a in an abstract sense a diety within its own right. But thinking doesnt make me any happier. I have medicine, and it levels me out some, but it also changes my thinking. Im not as sad, but it dulls other emotions too. ', 'Maybe to people worth digging, Im not one of them unfortunately.. And yeah, sometimes I wish I liked children. ', 'A girl, Id dated once or twice before, but it had never felt Hyperactive behavior that. We were together Hyperactive behavior six months, broke up, she was seeing some other guy, then we started talking about getting back together, started going on dates, spending nights, saying I love you, whole nine yards. Then her friend told me shes been hanging out with him again. ', 'Not having to ever go back, or even having the option too, sounds pretty wonderful. But I do agree it can be a challenge xD', 'I really doubt I ever will find anyone else. No one else ever cared about me that way why should it happen again now? I just dont think Im good enough to warrant that sort of interaction with someone. And it seems thats the only thing I find even somewhat fulfilling. Hows being a parent? ']
['None. the few friends i still talk to live 1500 miles away, and arent in any position to help me.', 'Everyone glorifies sex. But all the good love stories dont even mention it. Sex is fun, sure, no ones saying it isnt. but it doesnt define a person, those people that brag about it? theyre PATHETIC. they need that to keep going, and when they move from one woman to the next, i bet they feel hollow inside. I bet they feel empty, Hyperactive behavior a vast burning desert where their heart should be, no tears of rain shed on the desolate wasteland that was once fertile ground, waiting for the seeds of love to be planted. Your time will come. (spell that however you want. ;) keep your head up, there are much more important things in life. if its really so important to you, askseddit, and meet up reddits are on here, too, but... to be honest, i think youre better than that. You could have sat alone and cried, sulked in the loneliness... but you had to strength to ask for help. that is NOT an easy thing to do- and ill bet 2 things; those "men" that brag about sleeping around dont get laid half as much as they say, and they wouldnt be brave enough to ak for help if they were in this situation. youre a true man. Edit: this is coming from a guy, and im 20. just for perspective. :) Im here if you need to talk. So are a lot of other good people.', 'Needing help isnt pathetic, maybe what you think youre doing wrong is just her wishing you would reach out?', 'i agree, but punching at walls also means youre penting-up Anger. you can workout and punch bags to change that Anger and energy in a positive way (^ just Hyperactive behavior he said^). ', 'which would be amazing, except where im going has hundreds of homeless, and no shelters. and i wont have a place to live when i get there.', 'I really hope that helped you and i didnt say something completely wrong....', 'because i had my girlfriend break up with me, lost my job, and had a million other things going-on, and asked to be Ventricular Dysfunction, Left alone. not 20 minutes later, my stepdad was in my room screaming at me about dishes. i blacked-out, next thing i knew i had a sword to his throat... ive been sitting and waiting for 9 months, doing work for random people, ive applied to over 500 jobs, and was just about to get one when i called to cancel because i got my plane ticket.', 'From the day i was born, its been nothing but problem after problem. theres no break. my Schizophrenia, Childhood home broke down, my mom and i went from house to house, we ended up in the ghetto... people smoked meth on the front porch, broke into our house daily, sometimes through my room... then i lived with other people, and got the shit beat out of me for 2 years, after that, got the shit beat out of me all freshman year, drank myself into a 2 month blackout, and now i dont remember 2 years of my life. i got through it, everything was ok for about 2 years, and now this... i cant do it all again.', 'Sometimes, death looks Hyperactive behavior a pretty good option... you arent the first to think it... but, and i might get banned for this (please read the whole thing! i love this sub!) imagine if you did. i know you think youd have peace, that youd have a release from all your problems, but... then what? i dont know what happens after this life, and it doesnt matter, but you cant possibly be done with everything you want to do already- you;re the same age as me and i know that i still have a lot i want to do. Im sorry that you had a breakup, that shits tough. im sorry you were abused, thats terrible as well. im sorry that you dont have the perfect family, and that you think youre falling apart at the seams, truly. But why give up? what does that really accomplish? youre a scientist! A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT by your OWN credit! you can make advances that could benefit this world for years to come. maybe even find a permanent solution to Mental Depression, who knows. I sure the hell dont. but what i DO know, is that youll never find out if you just give up. So dont. fiht to the bitter end. But you arent alone. at the very least you can talk to me. and whoever else is willing to listen when you feel broken and need a crutch. i think you can stand on your own. i think that this is a crucible for you- a moment in your life where two things can happen; you live, and grow stronger for the experience... or you dont. but right now, that is ENTIRELY up to you. youre life has barely started, why end it now? ', 'Updatethanks guys... it was nice to have someone there... i ended up having a great day right after, too. :) i posted a thing about it, basically i got a big bag of weed and smoked-out random people. :D thank you for caring everyone. unsing heroes and whatnot, helpin people.', 'Im 19, and i was supposed to be going there because they have jobs and i could get student loans and go to college, and have a job to help pay the bills and take care of my sister, because theyre having trouble.. and they just keep switching things around, but everything was just fine until i had a ticket...', 'Bloodlust, runs in the family.', '500 applications, ive met over 100 managers.... im not going to live in a shelter, im Nausea of leeching off of people, and the last thing i want to do is be back in a Depressed mood place Hyperactive behavior that... death is so much simpler...', 'Of course. And if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me. :)', 'Plenty of people are here. ^_^ And we all want to talk to you bruh.', '... there is no second chance.', 'SugarLips is right. Also, as a guy, i feel driven to tell you...that isnt a man, thats a boy. someone who treats a woman Hyperactive behavior that, who stops by for his own selfish reasons and leaves when you need emotional support isnt someone you need in your life. you can do better, please do. I want to say this in the most distanced way possible, but... i treated a girl Hyperactive behavior that for a long time. it wasnt that i didnt realize i was doing it, it;s that i didnt care, because i knew she would always be there for... whatever i wanted. when i finally saw the things id done, actually looked at it unselfishly.... i was disgusted with myself. you cant fix him. you need to tell him no, and keep that boy far away. move on. i cant tell you how to deal with all the other things here, but please, love yourself enough to cut that cancer out of your life.', '... im done trying.', 'You think so little of yourself, but the woman you described isnt the kind that would post here. Anxiety is a really hard thing to live with, but by posting here, youve overcome it- at least in a small way. College is hard work, its not for everyone, and it takes dedication and concentration- otherwise it wouldnt be a big deal when people graduate, yet you see tears of joy all throughout the crowd at a graduation ceremony. If you decide you cant do it now, you can always come back. I dont know how you look, i cant say you arent fat, but what i CAN say is that someone thinks youre beautiful. Someone out there in this world, someone in the 1000s of people whove seen you over the course of your life, thinks youre beautiful. even just statistically speaking, someones out there wishing theyd asked you out at that starbucks, at safeway, in the parking lot at school, wherever it might be. And there isnt anything wrong with being heavy anyways im VERY overweight, and my last two girlfriends have been heavier than me. :) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. you need to stop looking at yourself as being that suicidal little girl. Youve grown since then, youve overcome challenges, youve gotten stronger. And right now, youre doing one of the most difficult things in the world- youre asking for help. Think about that, honestly. Stop reading and think about what it took to reach out and say everything you ju8st did, to open-up your heart to (currently) 31,339 readers, and say "This is me, please help me." Thats one of the most difficult and terrifying experiences i can imagine, especially with Anxiety Mental Depression issues. So in saying all this and asking for help, havent you proven to yourself that youre stronger than that? It doesnt take courage to overdose, not even a little. It takes weakness, weaknes that you have NOT shown. Youve shown courage and the will to live- the STRONGEST instinct our genus and any species in eistence posseses- youve shown that you dont need to give up. You dont need to OD, you dont need to leave. Because no matter how hard it is, you just asked over 31,000 people for help. over 31,000 STRANGERS. So heres your help miss marbles. Youre better than that, whether you think so or not i KNOW so. So even if it hurts, even if its hard and scary and its the last thing you want to do, stay alive. ']
['In some respects I can relate. Im a guy, but the only thing Ive ever really wanted in life was to find love. Every day I come home wishing I had someone special to greet, to cuddle with, all of that. I tried to kill myself once I despaired so badly of ever finding love. I still havent found it, but I have changed dramatically, and I can say with absolute certainty that Im closer now than ever before. I increased my odds ENORMOUSLY.Do you want Love? I think you do. Heres the good news. You CAN achieve your goal, you can have the joking and flirting and all the other wonderful things that come from love. But how? Youre going to have to fight for it - focus on making YOURSELF better (not more attractive to the opposite sex). Work out, get new clothes that look better, try to do whatever you can to make yourself a better, more interesting person. I gained new friends who helped me turn my life around through sheer chance; I built up confidence slowly over the course of 5 years, I earned a Masters Degree in teaching and learned to feel comfortable around teenagers (which helps with everyone else) because I didnt have much choice. Try to get out; I met some new friends at a group on; all of whom though awesome people have similar issues.I feel your pain, because although Ive done all that, there are times when I wonder if its useless, that although I may be the most badass person in the world, no girl could ever know because Im ugly or just because Ill never meet her. Ive done all this work, and I feel so drained, Hyperactive behavior my batteries are Exhaustion from all Ive done to better myself and there is never a moment to recharge, that I cant push on anymore. Yet I always think of the what if; and that part hasnt changed since that day I tried to kill myself. What if it happens? Is that worth all this pain, all this loneliness? I think it is. So Ill keep fighting, and whenever I do find her, wherever she is, Im going to do everything in my power as a mere mortal human being to make her happy (not smother her of course, just be, uh, awesome).And dont feel so terrible about sending your tits over the internet. I have very little self-esteem in my appearance and I can see doing the same because we want to feel attractive, sexy, to give ourselves hope. Attraction is a factor, and I think we shouldnt feel so guilty for it. In a perfect world it wouldnt matter, but in truth it does, and if we can accept that it can help.Also, some people on the internet can tend to somehow devolve a good 15,000 years and become jerks or something Hyperactive behavior that. Normal Person + Anonymity = Dickbag much of the time.', 'Me too, I have fantastic and wonderful friends, but it never feels Hyperactive behavior enough. I want to be loved so badly, to be the center of attention, to have something about me be interesting to one person (not that I mind reciprocating). One of a million reasons I want so badly to find love, and Maybe thats one reason I love teaching so much?', 'A lot of people claim that anti-depressants make them "numb". Im on THREE of them and Ive never felt this feeling, nor full of hate, or anything. If you can get medication, try it out. If you feel any of those symptoms youre Social fear of, then get off of them and try something else. It takes time to find ones that work for people, and its sad that so many people try one and go "ALL ANTIDEPRESSANTS EVIL". First one i tried made me want to Hypersomnia CONSTANTLY. The ones Im on now dont do anything of the sort.Beyond that, stick it out in school. Its tough, but its so much harder to have to make up for lost ground later in life. At your age I tried to kill myself, cried every night, felt agonizingly alone, hadnt felt happy or even "content" in forever. But you know what? Now I have so many moments where I look back and think "It was worth it. All that Ache, all that suffering, if I had to go through it again to get to where I am now, I would do it." Keep fighting - you may not believe you can make it, but you can. Not much help I know, but its all Ive got at the moment.', 'Please dont, if you need to talk to someone about how youre feeling, Im happy to help - I once tried to commit Suicide myself and now Im so grateful someone talked me out of it.It hurts, it hurts so much, but hang in there. Change is possible, and people never cease to utterly surprise me in wonderful ways.', 'Dont let one person (boyfriend), or a small group of people (family) define who you are. Dont let those people make you feel Hyperactive behavior you arent worth anything, because that speaks volumes about them and not you.You are more than what a few people think about you. Theres something more in there, always remember that. Someday youll find people who will value that, who will love you for who you are. Just because they arent here today doesnt Irritable Mood they wont be. Hang in there!', 'Ive experienced some really horrible dreams while depressed, though I dont often remember them. The classic recurring one is that Im in love with someone, something horrible happens to them and Im powerless to stop it. I once had a very vivd dream that honestly fucked me up for Hyperactive behavior a year. I tried to kill myself once, and the emotions in the dream were even sadder. I had never felt so depressed. I got to see the girl I thought I was in love with (unrequited) drown about 50 times. It would always reset, but always my efforts to save her in vain. On to you, the fact that youre remembering so many dreams definitely says something about the quality of your Hypersomnia. You remember dreams when you wake up mid-Hypersomnia cycle, which leaves you groggier and all that. If you can figure out your Hypersomnia cycle and adjust, you will feel so much better. There are a lot of tools to help you do that!Although Ive often wondered about those lives we live in dreams, never remembered, that we dive into every single night so thoughtlessly, blissfully unaware of the unremembered horrors (or joys) that await us in those other lives in our heads.', 'Don\xe2\x80\x99t think your problems are stupid, or that you\xe2\x80\x99re being a \xe2\x80\x9cwhiny little bitch\xe2\x80\x9d. I tried to kill myself for even more trivial reasons, and of the many people in this world who are \xe2\x80\x9cwhiny little bitches\xe2\x80\x9d, you most certainly do not sound Hyperactive behavior one of them.First, you haven\xe2\x80\x99t failed. Yes, a lot of people make a lot more money then you do, many of whom are probably dumber and work much less. Sadly, the business world doesn\xe2\x80\x99t always reward hard work, it rests on connections and all sorts of other reasons the absurdity of which I can\xe2\x80\x99t even begin to wrap my head around. That\xe2\x80\x99s not a reflection on you, your capability, or any of that. You have a wife and a family, something that I would give anything for, and that\xe2\x80\x99s where wealth truly lies. You care deeply about them, this is obvious. I get the sense that you feel Hyperactive behavior you are failing them by not earning enough money and that you can\xe2\x80\x99t support them and provide for them, which is a really powerful thing. Yet you can give them stuff that matters a lot more than money. I know people who have had Depressed mood parents and grew up in bad neighborhoods little money, and nobody ever talks about the fact that they were poor \xe2\x80\x93 they talk about the fact that their father Ventricular Dysfunction, Left them when they were young, of the fact that their parents never even bothered to read to them or care. You can provide that to them \xe2\x80\x93 you can\xe2\x80\x99t give them as much as you would Hyperactive behavior to (can any of us?). But you can give them what really matters \xe2\x80\x93 your love and support. You have to rent an apartment? Lots of people do, and the size of your walls or the size of your TV is hardly where the meaning in life lies.Let\xe2\x80\x99s presume for a moment that you did kill yourself, and your family got the insurance money, while your wife remarried someone else with much more money as well. Would it really help your children for them to have their own bedroom and bathroom while they lay Wakefulness at night wondering if somehow they were responsible for their father\xe2\x80\x99s death? Would it help them with the Guilt they would feel at having complained or any of that? Might it make them think that if only they hadn\xe2\x80\x99t existed and sucked away money that you would still be alive and that they were responsible for it? Maybe, maybe not, I can\xe2\x80\x99t say, but the impacts of something Hyperactive behavior killing yourself would be with them for the rest of their lives. I haven\xe2\x80\x99t even mentioned your wife. Love isn\xe2\x80\x99t a commodity that can be replaced haphazardly. She married YOU, not some other guy. Maybe finances have really taxed your marriage, that\xe2\x80\x99s understandable. But she would also carry the weight of your death with her for the rest of her life.Has this only made you more Depressed mood, more despairing at the seeming lack of escape? Perhaps, but you don\xe2\x80\x99t have to be rich, don\xe2\x80\x99t have to have a nice house or any of that to be a good father or husband. YOU HAVE THIS. In twenty five years, when you\xe2\x80\x99re children are getting married, they can hug you with a joyous smile and say \xe2\x80\x9cThank you so much dad \xe2\x80\x93 for everything\xe2\x80\x9d. Not the money, but for being a good father. Maybe this ephemeral \xe2\x80\x9cother guy\xe2\x80\x9d that your wife might marry has more money, but can he give the same amount of love to your kids. Maybe, maybe not, and do you really want to take that chance?You haven\xe2\x80\x99t failed your family, you\xe2\x80\x99ve kept fighting despite it all. Don\xe2\x80\x99t give up on it now. Take joy in having wonderful people in your life, appreciate the little things, and be the best father and husband you can possibly be. No amount of money you could ever bring in can replace those things.', 'As someone who has gone through this, it sounds Hyperactive behavior you may have clinical depression. You have nothing to feel sad about, yet something in your brain is not delivering the proper amounts of seratonin, dopamine, or norepenephrine or some such. As a result, you feel Depressed mood for no reason. Depression is usually some combination chemical imbalances and brain-stuff (Im not a scientist) and external factor. For me, I started off Hyperactive behavior you. It just didnt make any sort of sense that I was Depressed mood for no reason, so unconsciously I searched for a reason, which was that I didnt have a girlfriend. Over time, the chemical part (which is easily handled by antidepressants) evolved into the non-chemical part which nearly caused me to end my life.Moral of the story? Go see a doctor, give antidepressants a go if you are able. Dont be discouraged if the doctor puts you on one and it doesnt work or has weird side effects. It usually takes a few tries to find the right one, but its definetly worthwhile. ', 'First, let me say that Ive been in a somewhat similar situation and got out of it to a large degree (more below), and if you want to talk more, Im really happy to do so. I know I wished I had someone to talk to about stuff back then who actually had some idea of what I had been going through.This is probably a bit long, but I can only hope what Ive learned since I was in a similar place might somehow help you. I\xe2\x80\x99m happy to elaborate on my story privately if you would Hyperactive behavior.Long story short, my freshman year of college was a lot Hyperactive behavior your situation. The only thing I truly wanted in life, and indeed the only thing I do still truly want out of life, was to find love. Everything else is secondary to that. I had no friends at school, my only possible career choice I could think of, teaching, had resulted in me getting kicked out of the education program at my school for not turning in work. I had absolutely no friends, none at all, and every morning I felt utterly hollow. I had absolutely nothing in life to look forward to, and I felt Hyperactive behavior a Depressed mood failure who shouldnt find love anyway because I would drag them down. How I got through those days without just ending it all is something that I cant explain to this day. The next year, I got stuck with a random roommate. I was terrified, for at this time I was crying constantly, shaking, all of that. Yet little did I know, my life was about to change.To make a long story short, my new roommate and his friends were determined to get me out into the world. It was so difficult to get to know them, perhaps the most difficult thing I\xe2\x80\x99ve ever done. I was boring, terrible, would be a drag on them. The problem was, I wasn\xe2\x80\x99t at all. I put forth all of my effort into interacting with them, being careful, trying to belong. Over the course of months I discovered that, to my perpetual astonishment, I can be funny, I can be likeable, I can have friends. My life completely transformed. I\xe2\x80\x99ve even been described as \xe2\x80\x9coutgoing\xe2\x80\x9d, when previously I was the introvert king. The thing is, when you base your self-image on what you believe yourself to be, and that\xe2\x80\x99s negative, that impacts how others see you, and it masks the real you. Somewhere along the line I stopped being \xe2\x80\x9cDerp\xe2\x80\x99s Roommate\xe2\x80\x9d and instead \xe2\x80\x9cDuck3h\xe2\x80\x9d, and now 4 years later, I\xe2\x80\x99m still friends with most of those people.I just graduated with a Masters in Teaching, and at my student teaching assignment got over 100 letters from kids saying how awesome I am. I still get Depressed mood about love, still Anxiety constantly, still lay Wakefulness at night and wonder if I will ever find it. But compared to where I was, I\xe2\x80\x99m a new man. The thing was, they didn\xe2\x80\x99t \xe2\x80\x9cchange me\xe2\x80\x9d. It was all inside me, but I doubted myself too much to let it see the light of day. I was the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder person Hyperactive behavior you claim to be, but somewhere in there was a truly awesome guy, and I suspect that girl is in there for you as well. A few things:First, never think that you are unlovable, that nobody would ever want to be with you. Guys at this age are still running after supermodels and learning, and you may walk past the perfect guy every day, but you can\xe2\x80\x99t magically look into each others hearts and see what\xe2\x80\x99s there, so people initially go for the trivial things that don\xe2\x80\x99t matter too much in the long run. Guys don\xe2\x80\x99t hit on you? That says nothing about you as a person, only about how you present yourself to others. You want love, that is an incredibly noble and wonderful thing, and I confess I can scarcely hope that I will meet someone who values it as much as you (and I for that matter) do. From your post, the crying, the breaking down, poor grades, that doesn\xe2\x80\x99t define you. It\xe2\x80\x99s what in your heart that does, and from what I can see in your post, that girl is awesome as shit. Seriously. You aren\xe2\x80\x99t Abnormal behavior because you have trouble interacting with people sometimes, or anything Hyperactive behavior that. You\xe2\x80\x99re Abnormal behavior if you spend evenings singing with imaginary chipmunk-people. Second, its easy to get so wrapped up in trying to make others Hyperactive behavior us that we forget about ourselves. We try so hard to please that we lose ourselves, and ultimately Chest Pain ourselves. Get spread too thin, and then we might as well not be doing anything. Focus on a few areas in life, and keep in mind what I said above. You\xe2\x80\x99re awesome, and if anyone is going to judge you harshly as a person because you want to be loved or have some Phobia, Social awkwardness, is that someone you really want to know? No? Cool. The stupid thing is that all the advice people told me over the years was true, but I had no idea how to implement it. Now that I have, its so easy to fall back on that simple advice. It\xe2\x80\x99s late and I\xe2\x80\x99ve taken Drowsiness pills, but again, happy to talk more about ANYTHING. You may feel Hyperactive behavior "why put my burdens on someone else", but the truth is, I get more meaning and joy out of helping people somehow, empathizing with Ache, all of that, then I do Panic people in Planetside (which ive been doing). One reason Im a teacher! I stopped someone from committing Suicide once, and though she felt horrible about putting me through that, I have never been more grateful for an opportunity in my life, because If I die today, I know I saved one life.', 'Why suffer? Because there are ways of managing schizophrenia, because you have so much ahead of you to learn and experience. Taking medication wont magically fix things, but it can help. A lot. I suffered for years, crying every day, wanting the Ache to stop. Nearly lodged a bullet in my brain. Why did I continue to suffer? 5 years later, Ive experienced things that I could never have imagined, things that made me say "you know what? Id go through it all again for this."Out of curiosity, WHY do you want to kill yourself? Are there any particular reasons you want to do so? ', 'You can feel free to PM me anytime you ,need about anything. Ive been in that rut. Maybe I can help, maybe I cant, but Im happy to talk with you. I know how much people online helped me get through the roughest years and if I can reciprocate, Im happy to!']
['Thank you for your reply but my problem is actually very complicated. I live in an Arabian middle-eastern country where sex outside marriage is not very common. Im also very ugly and obese. All these factors contribute to the fact that I cannot neither marry nor have a gf, and will never. Due to this situation I became very Depressed mood, quit university and was put on antidepressants which just aggravate my ED (Im still able to masturbate but usually with the aid of a drug that is similar to Viagra, antidepressants usually make me even unable to just masturbate). I dont have a job and I have no friends, I live with my parents and my brother. I feel jealous of my brother all the time. I really want to kill myself but I still feel coward to do so.', 'I spend my day at home either watching TV, surfing the web or taking care of my elderly parents. Sometimes when I feel not too Depressed mood I go out and walk 1 to 2 hours to try to lose some weight. No, I have no hobbies or something I enjoy.', 'Hello, Im from Egypt.', 'I just want to be a normal person i.e. I want to have my own house to live in. I want to have a job. I want to be good looking. I want to experience a relationship with the opposite sex. Yes, I hope I can lose some weight so that I might look better. I have recently lost about 30 lbs but Im still obese ([BMI]( 30.7)', 'Due to some unknown reason, I lost my ability to have an erection when I was 16. In 2013 I decided to have medical investigations to check whether my ED is physical or just psychological. I had an ultrasound which confirmed that I have an untreatable problem with blood circulation of the genitals (called [venous leak]( Im sorry as English is not my first language :(', 'I have the same problem.']
['Please dont kill yourself! Im here! I will listen!', 'No! Please dont! There is always someone to love you! I love you, I dont even know you! Please dont end it! I was there too, I was a cutter and anorexic, I looked for help. You can too!']
['By all means do. When you feel Hyperactive behavior talking you always reply, Hyperactive behavior, you said what she felt for you in the past but you havent talked about how you feel for her, or what did you told her when she finally called, or even what you felt when she called. Were you angry? Relieved?Just clear your head. I bet you are feeling really bad right now. Take a shower and go to bed. That has always helped me in the past. ', 'I cant really tell you anything to help you cope with loneliness. Even at my darkest I never felt lonely, although I was very much alone (it was a narcissistic thing, I isolated my self from others and used it as an excuse to justify me not being able to connect properly with people or form meaningful relationships). Thats out of my league. But about the failure part... I feel you. Being a unaccomplished person can be hard. And the more you fail the harder it gets. I still feel Hyperactive behavior shit when I fail. Even at little things, its sort of a thing that had carried on from the past. What worked for me is a small change of mindset. Even the smallest of victories, enjoy them. Take baby steps. The sun is falling and Im still clean. Today I got up a little earlier. I didnt Crying Reflex, Abnormal today. It sounds kinda silly and even a little sad, but it really helps you know? The accomplishments really do Attention Deficit Disorder up, even if you feel Hyperactive behavior its pointless when you fail again. Maybe youll even get to this part. Its a quote from another redditor. It was from a thread asking what small feat they were proud of. Someone said:Every fucking little thing I do:"Damn, that was an amazing omelette, I rock""shit im good at tying my shoelaces""fuck, i only hit snooze twice today, I must be some kind of deity"It made me smile you know? Thats a fantastic mindset. I cant really feel *that* happy or exited about the little things. I honestly try you know? It works! When I feel Hyperactive behavior complete shit on my way home from work I straight my back and remember myself of how fucking awesome I am. And even if you know its a lie. Do it. Lie to you self. Believe that lie. It will slowly make you a better a person and then it wont be a lie anymore. My personal is to be Hyperactive behavior that guy tho hahaDamn must be nice....Another thing that helps is having a clear goal. When I feel Hyperactive behavior Im a total disappointment I sort of day dream about my future. Have an impossible dream. One so large and distant even uttering it will come up as a joke. But its no joke. Every single step no matter how small you take, is progress. Be happy to have made it. That is the most important thing. That saved me, actually. I wont really talk about my dream, its the most personal thing about me, I dont feel ready to share it. But my other two goals are to become FUCKING AWESOME at the guitar and learning 30 FUCKING LANGUAGES. Ahh... It do feels better thinking about it. You know? Im a complete DISASTER at either of them. Im self learning both. No classes or teacher or anything. Im just a failure at guitar, it took me months to learn a single song and not even a hard one, but hey, I learned it. I fucking learned it yeah!! And the languages... Fuck! They are so hard!! But baby steps you know? Ill take them. I know one more word today. I *accomplished* something. I think its the daydreaming that helps the most. It really makes you want to reach those goals. I have the stupidest grin when I think about the day Im a some random place and there is a foreigner and the dont speak the local language, I talk to them in their own language to ::perfection:: and then someone comes to me and says "Wow, you know German?" And I go"Yeah... I know German... And French.... And Dutch and Portuguese and Russian and Japanese and Korean and Spanish and Italian and..." Goals man, they do that to do. They make you look forward to the future. Even if you are a loser. One day, even one faaar in the distance. One day you will have something. A real accomplishment. It may be a diploma, a studio album, international fame; what ever. The point is that its yours. ', 'I squinted my eyes... I was expecting a horrible monster. Someone with horrible deformations. The comments are more than enough proof. You are good looking. You ugliness is only in you eyes. In you mind. You can get rid of it. ', 'Why yes, I think about this everytime I feel Depressed mood and/or sad. How laughably small motes we are in the vastness of existence. Then I remember that one thing I simply must do. You should find one too! I wont say what mine is because its a stupid and foolish little dream, but hey! Thats what keep me going. The fuel that powers the little engine that is my body :)Havent really lurked much in here so I hope I didnt went against the rules of the community by speaking in this manner!', 'Im new here, but I think the main purposeof this subreddit is to discourage people from suicide, not helping them do it. You are already here, talk about it. Why do you want to die? How often do you think about killing yourself? Is there nothing in the life you could possibly want?', 'Please do! Your "tried" and "goodbye"... I thought you were really going to it. If anything bad happens later this place is always open for advice. ', 'What is suicidal ideation? How do you ask this?', 'Wow... You are just Hyperactive behavior me. I Irritable Mood seriously. I felt as if those words were typed by my hand. My hand from years ago. Growing up I didnt had much access to technology Hyperactive behavior I do now so I really would have downloaded an app but I did set a date. Hey! Would you guess what was the date? Exactly a year ago. (Well, a year and 6 days to be exact)Talk to me. You say theres nothing to fix, and it really is scary how much you sound Hyperactive behavior me, but theres pleeenty of room for growth. You can always better yourself. You dont have to tell me how much time is Ventricular Dysfunction, Left on the timer if you dont want to. But please do say, why do you want to die? What was the shit that went down?', 'I wonder how was the day when this happened to me, I have forgotten but I really wished I remember. You can do it. Those thought will probably be there waiting for the rest of you life but you can become strong, so strong that they will become nothing more than a reminder of those times when you were sad, a reminder of how you pulled through that. ', 'I feel suicidal almost every time Im genuinely sad. When I feel Feeling despair and feel Hyperactive behavior its pointless. Actually, it is pointless, and that depresses me, I just have to take it. But you know, I have never before in my entire life ever looked to the future so brightly. A goal.Look, I dont really know about other people, I barely know myself. But everytime I feel in a "fuck every single thing in this world" or "Im done" mentality, I always think about my dream. And not reaching it is something that for me is simple not possible. It gives me a drive to life Hyperactive behavior nothing else in this world. Yeah, its really comforting not having to Anxiety about things, but life is really worth living when you Anxiety about the *right* things. ', 'You meant you grew up? I kinda also felt the same. I remember sometimes I would sit in a corner all night in complete darkness reminiscing the point of it all. There was a dumb sense of superiority in that I was the one who saw the truth and everyone else was blind. That I could fool everyone into thinking that everything was fine and dandy. I honestly had nothing going on for me back then, i wont go into too much detail because it was still not that far back and I dont want to go back into that mindset. I still run away from it. I had made a promise to me back then, I feel really scary shivers as I write this because I still vividly remember it. It was a bad time for me. But hey, time that promise has long since past. Actually a few days back I turned 19 so just over a year actually. Im really glad I found a point to it all. Im glad it broke that promise. I even look forward to the future now. I honestly dont even know how it happened because I also felt Hyperactive behavior you. There was no point in anything and there wasnt even a single thing in this life that I found interesting or that I was passionate about. I dont want to ramble on and on so Ill just say it. I found a dream, one for me. ...I know it sounds kind of silly, but that silly and impossible dream really is what keeps me going. It makes want to become a better a better person. Actually, I *have* improve or else I wont ever reach it. I want to reach so badly. *So* badly. I have never wanted anything so more with my heart that it. I guess thats what *normal* people feel about life by default right? Im jealous. Slowly the bad thought will fade away... Not completely but they become manageable. Im happy now. Well, not always... You will always have to fight against that thing inside of you. But I think Im stronger now. I feel Hyperactive behavior when I smile I really Irritable Mood it.Maybe that will work for you too? Just hang on a little longer. Thats why I did. And it worked out! It really did! I Irritable Mood fuck man, younger me scares me. Im lucky enought to have evidence of it. A journal my father gave to me when I was a child. I never really got into it but ever off year or so I would write something. And every now and then I read that entry I wrote when I was going through that. Its hard to face that that was actually me. Hang on a little more, maybe youll surprise yourself Hyperactive behavior I did. ', 'Hey pls reply... This comment really Social fear me... Dont do anything Localized Rash generalised ok? If shes not answering wait till you talk to her before doing anything. If someone I knew killed themselves because I didnt answered my phone I think that would kill me. ', 'You had interest before, what happened? What changed?', 'Edit: this is part 2 btwAlso about the hate you feel, I dont really know about other people for me it was that I was sending them the hate I had for myself. Like instead of hating my self I hated them. I was also bitter. It felt Hyperactive behavior genuine hate but only now I see that it was all rooted in how I was nobody. I really wish you the best. I know I Irritable Mood nothing to you but please take my adviceand wait. That killing the pope and being the first and being recognized... Fucking make something awesome out of it. Have an impossible dream, one that will drive you and challenge you so hard that you will be forced to actually do something. ']
['Hey. First off thank you for coming here to talk about it. It can be very scary to think of things Hyperactive behavior this and easy to feel Hyperactive behavior the walls are closing in around you and there is no one else in the room with you.I read in your comment that you recently lost a friend. I am very sorry for your loss. It can be easy to think about death when it visits someone close to you. It affects everyone differently, so I wouldnt take what the other friend said to heart.The important thing here is that you want to feel different. That is something very good. Feeling different and making those thoughts go away is not something that is likely to happen right away, so dont beat up on yourself for not being able to suddenly feel better. You experienced a loss, and that is a difficult thing to deal with.Just try to remember that you are not alone, and that you are not a bad person because someone said so in anger. It can be difficult not to dwell on things Hyperactive behavior this, and sometimes trying specifically NOT to dwell on them can just make you think about it more. I have found that the easiest way to stop thinking poorly of yourself is to get busy. When your mind is focused on a task it has much less room to think negatively. Add to that, working on a task leads to finishing a task, which leads to a feeling of achievement which can also help you to feel better.', 'I gotta agree with you that sometimes I wish I could just be a dick too. It comes naturally to so many though that I feel Hyperactive behavior its not even a skill anymore. To be naturally kind is a rare trait found in people I want to know.How are you feeling? Any better since posting this earlier today?', 'Hey. I dont know how much it means to you, but from the way you wrote you seem Hyperactive behavior a pretty great person. I personally admire the way you think of many other people, talking about blood donation and covering your roomate. I think you are around a lot of people that dont recognize your value.Remember that Mental Depression is not a logical disease. It doesnt necessarily come from your surroundings. There is no need to put yourself under the extra pressure of being expected to be happy. You sound Hyperactive behavior you have a lot on your plate.For what its worth, you seem Hyperactive behavior an awesome person to be around. I dont really know how good I am at cheering people up, but you have convinced me to donate blood more often (I am also O negative, but only donated 4 times). I hope things start looking up for you.', 'Dont Anxiety about rambling. Its a good way to get out your stream of consciousness.First off, congrats on graduating on schedule. Thats a Ache in the ass feat that I am not going to be able to do.Second, not official medical advice, I would definitely talk to your psychiatrist and therapist about this. If they send you to the hospital, its because thats what they sincerely think will benefit you. They are on your side. There you can receive more specialized care and perhaps medications that will help you out. If you hide things it is a lot harder to give you the help you need, so try to be as open as possible. This is what I believe I would personally do if I were in this situation. I hope things work out for you.', 'Hey there! Im just going to focus on one part of what you said here. You said that you spend most of your time in the house while your friends go out, and thats contributing to making you feel crappy about yourself. It would be a pretty sudden and rough transition to force yourself to go out with your friends, so maybe a nice middle ground would be to make some friends on here! Maybe some people you can talk to here can help you boost your self esteem so that you feel more comfortable and "ready for the day" so to speak. Ill start by introducing myself: Hello! I am 21 and in my Junior year at college for an IT degree! I started with chemistry, but the program here really got me down and I ended up stalling for awhile and feeling Hyperactive behavior crap for a few years, so someone convinced me to switch. My middle name is Tyler, which is a pretty decent name I guess. Something many people dont know about me is that my great grandmother fled from the Jewish massacres in Russia in the early 1900s. She walked from St. Petersburg to the Mediterranean sea, and then took a boat and ended up... wait for it... in Germany! Just in time for the Holocaust! Damn thats some bad luck isnt it? Anyway she noped the fuck out of there, and here I am 80 years later.The point of that story, I guess, is that I didnt really have a point while writing it, but now that I look at it, she was in a Depressed mood situation but just kept chugging along. Like Winston Churchill (I believe) once said: "If youre going through hell, keep going." Hope some of this rambling helps you feel a little better about yourself.Oh yeah some kind words. Your a pretty badass girl. It takes a lot of courage to talk about how you feel on the inside. Dont Anxiety about comparing yourself to others. You are who you are, and I think you are beautiful. No need to let anyone tell you otherwise. A lot of people are dicks and prefer to advance in life by putting others down instead of elevating themselves. Good luck!', 'Glad to hear it. Maybe someday we will meet up and Ill buy you a beer for your service. Stay strong my friend.', 'Maybe it will help you out to talk to someone who is naturally calm. I have always found that simply by talking to someone who is calm, the effect spreads a little bit. It may not be much, but I think it definitely helps.So, for starters, how long have you felt this way?']
['Well first and foremost, you are absolutely doing the **right** thing by posting this. Consider this: you obviously care about him and clearly want to help him get better, you seem to mostly just be torn on how to best help him. In my humble opinion, I would probably go and tell his parents because it will probably be easier to get him help than for you to do it. Im here to talk for a bit if youd Hyperactive behavior to PM me, but until then think of this: If youre worried about him being Anger if/when you tell his parents, its infinitely better to have an Anger friend than having the possibility of losing one.', 'The shittier your life seems to be now, imagine how much more satisfying it will feel when you pull through it all. Life sucks at times, but it *will* get better.', 'If you havent already talk to your professors, especially the one for the capstone course, he/she might be able to help you out and pass so you can graduate sooner rather than later. Also, talk with your wife about the courses and how youre doing, things might not be a bleak as they seem.', 'Perhaps I dont understand how bad your life is, but I can nearly guarantee you that there will be effects from your death. Whether you die naturally in 60 years or otherwise, there will be effects from your life ending. Forget about death though, think about life: think about all of the wonderful things you have got to look forward to. Think of when you get a job, how satisfying that first paycheck will feel. Think of how great it will feel to know that you will go so far from where you are now. As for the rent, explain your situation to the people who you owe rent money. Let them know the situation youre in and let them know youre looking for a job. If they are good and honest people, Ill be damned if they dont give you a break on that. You seem Hyperactive behavior a good person, the world needs more of them, not less.', 'Would you Hyperactive behavior to talk with me for a bit? Im a fellow middle child for one thing, and Ive had my share of issues with my family as well. Ill be here for a while, so if youd Hyperactive behavior to talk, just PM me, Ill be here for a while.', 'If it was fun writing it all out, imagine trying to actually make some of it happen. Now good luck getting Horizon rebuilt, but some of those things are reachable goals that will likely Attention Deficit Disorder a sense of purpose to your life. Learning about engines, in fact, *most* learning can be done online for free just by poking around youtube and some other sites. Learning CPR can be done pretty easily, as far as I know it takes a few hours on a weekend.Might I ask what you are/were getting your degree in?', 'Youre really going to do this on a Suicide prevention post?', 'I know you said how much you hated talking to therapists, but perhaps you would feel differently about talking to a regular person? Ill be here for a while if youd Hyperactive behavior to PM me.', 'Would you Hyperactive behavior to talk for a bit?', 'You seem Hyperactive behavior a good person, the world needs more of those, not less.', 'Were a nice lot here, so unless youre looking for some cooking recipes we can probably help you out, or at least refer you to someone that can :)', 'Imagine everything in your life has been paid for, housing, transportation etc. What would you do with your time/money/passion?']
['Its the redeeming parts that keep me going. Life is all about challenges and most importantly, OVERCOMING those challenges. Who cares what the rest of the world is doing/thinking/saying? I know, speaking only for me, I am the only person who controls my destiny. When those thoughts cross my mind, I can only think that my job here isnt over. Keep your head up brother. Put the gun down and find hope in places you never thought it existed. ']
['Yes.', 'Not really. I guess Roy (FE6) or Link. WW Link to be exact.', 'The disease is the most prominent thing, yes. Im not sure if a hotline would really help. I have a psychiatrist (dont exactly know how to spell that, im not from an English speaking country) but i think my problem really just lies in the Ache and how it affects my life. Was just wondering if someone would know how to, i dunno, help me live with it?', 'Not really. I have a lot of people around me whom i love, school was good before the Ache too.EDIT: how did you get through your Mental Depression or whatever it was?', 'Hi, sorry for the late response, PC was malfunctioning. Ill Attention Deficit Disorder him, see if i get along with him. I dont really have a favorite hero btw :)', 'I play that and Dota. ', 'I need to watch some old Disney stuff, see if that cheers me up haha.', 'Thank you :)', 'Its not really a disease anymore. Just imagine the worst stomachache youve ever had, times 1.5 and thats what i have 24/7. And it makes me feel bad emotionally and physically, physically because of the Ache and emotionally because it bums me out. And im extremely open to everyone i trust, and they really are trying to help. Its just that, its kind of hard to do something about it. The only thing they can really do is be there for me. Im actually REALLY happy that ive got so many people around me whom i love.', 'I kinda have hope but its just depleting. Im getting the results of a test in a week or so and most of my hope lies on that.', 'Thats a really good advice. Reminds me ive got a list with a billion movies on it that i still want to see haha.', 'Roy is kinda useless unless you give hem exp priority which is rather impossible from chapter 6 onward imo. Also i have a WW Link plush haha.Anyway, i dont really know. I think its just something that comes and goes. It started about 1-2 years ago though i think. By the way, since we are so off-topic lets PM haha', 'My little brother would always watch Ratatouille when he came home when he was 7, my big brother would watch Finding Nemo twice a day when he was three, im really the only one in this house that does not have an emotional attachment to a Disney movie haha.^edit: ^I ^just ^recalled ^I ^watched ^the ^shit ^out ^of ^Wall-E.', 'My teacher had the same advice. Just sit it out and try to keep yourself entertained/distracted. The wait is just... so long.', 'Playing the game helps me kind of... escape life. If im particularly sad i can always just go play Dota and ill end up a lot happier. Its one of the few things that distracts me in such a way that i barely feel the Ache whilst playing.', 'This. Thank you for this. There will come a day when i too, will not have Ache. It can take a while but i should always follow the light at the end of the tunnel until ive reached it :)', 'Well im kinda fine with the things i do. Ive tried 1781.5 different hobbies and only one was fun haha, gaming.']
['That was an offer ya know ', 'Interesting advice, but I cant really muster much in the way of Anger right now.Mostly just regret, just the other day I was contemplating asking her to marry me Hyperactive behavior she had wanted to', '', 'Replace sad music with something epic, the kind of thing you hear and then immediately want to go out and fight a bear one on one.Also, you might wake up alone now, but baring some sort of highly accurate magic 8 Ball you dont know what the future holds.', 'And the best way to repay that love is not to put people who care about you through something Hyperactive behavior this.You want a reason to keep going? Make one up, do whatever the hell you want, what do you have to lose.', 'Yet again, thanks. Ill definitely try', 'Dunno really, depends what happens over the next week.', 'I can relate a little too well to this. Hell as of a couple of days ago we were back together, then it just sorta fell apart after she started thinking I was doing something I wasnt.Wish I had something useful to say, but Im way too drug and needed to get it off my chest ', 'Taxi + card= movement, or card, cash, train?', '2 things for you, one dont go walking into traffic, aside from the obvious danger it places you in I doubt it would the driver of the car that hits you much good either. Two if you feel Hyperactive behavior chatting, ranting, raving or any other possible variant thereof feel free to PM me ', 'Thats kinda the Abnormal behavior thing though, even if it was entirely her fault Id still feel the same way about her.And Im 23', 'Careful with that, I did just get given tomorrow off :p', 'Its whatever you want it to be', 'NoYoure amazing and dont you ever forget that.', 'I feel the same way more than Id Hyperactive behavior to lately. Waking up in an Depersonalization house knowing the one person I wanted to be there with me wont ever come back. Hell I made the mistake of reading through some of our old facebook messages, I really cant believe someone so loving and who cared about me so much turned into the person she is now. Its not right.', 'Allons-y', 'Yeah I know, I guess I always though that everything between the two of us was enough to get through a few of the Depressed mood moments Hyperactive behavior this ', 'Be careful doing that, you say my name 3 times and I show up wherever you are with a bottle of vodkaOh, et \xe2\x80\x8b\xe2\x80\x8bau cas o\xc3\xb9 il vous remonte le moral. Tu es toujours la personne la plus incroyable que jai jamais rencontr\xc3\xa9 dans mes 23 ans cette petite plan\xc3\xa8te \xc3\xa9trange', ' to some of the worst things Ive lived through, yet Im still here. Thats pretty hopeful if you ask me ', 'Maybe theyll both come back. ', 'Mine isnt ', 'Preciate the offer, but things getting better doesnt seem Hyperactive behavior the answer. Hell things got amazingly better before all this, just makes the inevitable fall so much harder', 'Damn it man, where were you when when I was about to blow my brains out. Id much rather be still alive because of a joke than a gun jamming.']
['All Im saying is keep searching. Never give up on life. Death is forever, so try your best to enjoy the short time we have on this earth. Trust me, Ive had multiple points in my life where I thought Suicide was the answer, but you have to remember the good in your life. EVERYBODY has something good that has happened in their life. Some more than others. But, when those moments occur, you remember why life is awesome. Trudge through the shit and allow life to surprise you again. IT WILL HAPPEN, I promise you that. Were all going to die at some point, so why not just wait and see what life has in store for you? ', 'Im going to keep this as short & sweet as possible. Dont live your life for others. Be selfish and find out what makes you tick. Find out who you REALLY are (I know, easier said than done), because it sounds to me Hyperactive behavior youre living your life seeking love / approval from others. Stop giving a shit about what people think / say about you. Find what makes you happy in this world. Even if its only the smallest bit of happiness, pursue it to the fullest. Life is a precious gift and shouldnt be taken for granted. Live for the simple pleasures in life. The smell of fresh raindrops on the asphalt. The cute girl/guy that works at your local supermarket. The Taste, Metallic of an ice cold Mountain Dew on a hot summers day. Those are just a few examples of what I mean. I have no idea if those will actually resonate with you, but you get the point. The sheer beauty of life & the possibility that things can change in the blink of an eye is what always keeps me going. Anything thats worthwhile in this life, requires perseverance to obtain. Youve been given the gift of life, dont waste it, change it. If youre not happy with it, NEVER give up, because you can always change it. Dont compare your life to the successes of others. Be true to you, and who you really are. The challenges in our lives shape who / what we become. Be brave, be strong, and most importantly, hold on.', 'Ultimately, youre going to do what you want to do. And, youre going to view the world the way you want to see it. Youre in charge of how this turns out. No matter what anybody says to you in this thread (Or anywhere for that matter) the choice is yours. I hope you choose life :) Ill leave you with this poem, written by Charles Bukowski. It felt relevant to what you just said in your last comment."your life is your lifedon\xe2\x80\x99t let it be clubbed into dank on the watch.there are ways out.there is a light may not be much light butit beats the on the watch.the gods will offer you chances.know them.take can\xe2\x80\x99t beat death butyou can beat death in life, sometimes.and the more often you learn to do it,the more light there will be.your life is your life.know it while you have are marvelousthe gods wait to delightin you. "- Charles Bukowski - The Laughing Heart ']
['All I had was her cellphone number, so when I called them, all they were able to do was call her. She didnt answer and got Anger at me. Thats all there is...I cant do more, sadly... Were still talking, but at this point Ill have to accept her decisions. I offered to pay for a flight here, but she doesnt want anything.', 'How exactly does any of that matter if shes gonna kill herself?', 'Okay Ill call the cops on her then. I feel kinda bad about it, but I dont want her to die...', 'It was all I could do. It didnt mess anything up, but I dont think it solved anything either. Definitely was worth trying, though. Thank you very much.', 'Thanks for the support. Any helpful suggestions you fucking asshole?', 'I cant exactly go to her to stop her from putting broken pieces of glass inside her...', 'She really doesnt want me to do anything. She is done, she says. I cant do anything to help her, etc. Many problems, she doesnt feel Hyperactive behavior explaining because I wouldnt understand.She really seems certain. I dont want to make it worse for her by calling the cops. Its her decision. I dont know enough about her to judge.What can I really do? What will the cops even do?', 'Thank you, btw.']
['I have been in a similar situation. In Drug abuse school my best guy friend, arguably my best friend period, fought with me a lot, or we fought with each other. We spent almost every day together because it became Hypothermia, natural to do so and it wasnt that we didnt have other friends, we were just so familiar. It wasnt until our senior year, after four years of being friends, that I found out he had been in love with me. His best friend told me. He never would. For that reason, because he couldnt share his feelings with me, we fought to the point of hating each other. It drove me Abnormal behavior knowing that my best friend could be hiding something of such stature from me. And at the same time I didnt even know if it was true because I was too afraid to ask at risk of sounding pompous. I went through some of the same emotional ups and downs as you. I contemplated ending my own life, more or less fantasized about it all the while knowing I never could or truly wanted to. But the point is, to this day, three years later we still cant even be in the same room, the you person who knows the most in the world about me cant even look at me. You need to be able to talk to her. Lay everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING out on the table. This doesnt Irritable Mood you need to resolve your friendship it just means you clearly need closure. There are obviously feelings being concealed on either end because if you knew exactly how she felt and vise versa you wouldnt feel so hopeless. Talk about it.. as awkard or difficult and heart wrenching it may be.. you have to get it all out before you can finally move on. ', 'Yeah I know how awful it was to feel Hyperactive behavior that and I just wish someone had have told me how to fix it. Not that I can tell you the exact way to fix your situation but you will never feel fully better until you talk everthing out. And even if she isnt willing to talk to you, write her a message or a letter, anything that lets you express all of your feelings, literally EVERYTHING so you can feel at ease with the fact that you did everything on your part to gain that closure. you will feel better. i hope everything works out for you (:']
['I am excited! Thank you for doing this! You are awesome!! ', 'Haha do what you wish. I have faith in you and Im excited for the final product! :-DIf you need to talk at all throughout their stay because of Stress and what not please dont hesitate to pm me :)', 'Oh no, I want the 41". I wasnt not even thinking about the loop lol. SO standard size is perfect! Is it possible to get an end that allows me to easily remove keys and what not? Like it has the little lever and opens and closes. Does that make sense?', 'I am trying to work on finding myself and what my values really are but I feel I am making progress. I updated my post so you guys could all see what has happened and why I havent posted in so long. I hope ot hear from you soon :)', 'Hey buddy. Sounds Hyperactive behavior life has delt you a terrible hand a really terrible one. I am sorry that happened I truly am. Dont give up though. Hang in there. Challenge life. Seek therapy for sure because it will help. Talking it all out will help. I know right now it doesnt feel that way but it will. People love you. Your Aunt does. She took you in. The Ache will end you just need to head down the right path. Therapy will help you take the steps needed to get to that path. Please, please, please dont leave this world yet. Youre a vital part of it. We need you. ', 'I can see how the world around us can easily get someone down. As you pointed in your post. The thing is the you cant let that get the best of you. Try to find the beauty that still exists in the world. It is out there we just have to look.So many people in your life would be crushed if they lost you. You are important. When I become Depressed mood and cannot shake bad thoughts I focus on breathing. Disregard all things around you at that moment. Focus on the air hitting your nostrils. In its own way it is amazing. It works for me. If you need to talk please pm me. I will be up all night. ', 'I am sorry to hear youre having a rough time. That sucks. I feel you. Have you thought of traveling? People do change from place to place. We are all unique and raised in different settings. You might be surprised to find that if you travel over just one state. Im not great at advice but maybe a change of setting will help you. Please pm if you want to talk. :)', 'I am. Lol :) Can you do that? With some achievements?', 'Because there is no one else out there quite exactly Hyperactive behavior you. We all have something that make us, us. You are important. ', 'They are very supportive of me and the decision I have made. They are all willing to help me however they can. It does Ache my mother very much. She has had very little contact with her grand daughter. My ex only allows me to visits with my baby girl for about 4 hours a week so my mom has only been able to see her grand daughter for a short while and its always supervised by my ex so bonding is a little akward with her sitting and watching. We have court hearing next week and I expect to leave with good news I will keep you all updated. :)', 'I guess all I can ask is that I can keep in touch with all of you. Everything is still tough on day to day basis with everything that is going on. I thank you and everyone else though for being so supportive of me. You can check my post its updated now. Thanks again :)', 'She did take a home Pregnancy test and it came up positive but she wants to be sure so she will be getting a blood test done. I am pretty sure she is. If there is a baby, and when it is born I will have a dna test done to make sure its mine. I am worried most about the baby. Thank you for your advice/help :)', 'PM your info and we will get this going. :)', 'When you are logged in on gmail to the Ventricular Dysfunction, Left there should be a heading that says chat. That is where google chat is. Ket me know if you see it and I will give you my gmail address.\r\rI am still around if you would Hyperactive behavior to talk :)', 'Yeah Xbox. Ill message the mods see if theyll do that for us. ', 'That made me laugh. I needed that. :)', 'I probably should make a new one too... but I am lazy :P', 'Hey there. It sounds Hyperactive behavior you are having a hard time and I am sorry to hear that. Know that there are people who care and you are not alone. I would give you a hug right now if I could. Feel free to pm if you want to talk. Remember all things are temporary. Just try and keep your chin up. ', 'Said it better than me. :)', 'Im trying too. Keep.reminding she the only person that matters here. It just hurts a lot. I dont know why. I knew one day itd happen. They didnt date long maybe a month or two... Why do you say it wont last? Thank you for replying to my post. It means a lot. ', 'Beautiful. I have thought this myself before. :)', 'Yeah Ill post another thread on Friday. Thanks for the help. ', 'That seems a tad long. Or is my thinking off? I just Hyperactive behavior to have it long enough that a fair amount of it hangs out of my pocket. If that makes sense... ', 'Haha well I hope working on it makes you happy. Once your done and I have it I will show my brothers and sisters I am sure they will want one. If you want more orders that is lol. ', 'Good, I dont want to be. :)', 'Sweet! I will go through them and choose which. Youre awesome! :-D', 'He sounds Hyperactive behavior a good guy and you wont be able to ever get through to him that he didnt cause the problem. So maybe allow him to help however he can.I am sure you are a beautiful person. Ignore those people who say you are not. They fail to see the beauty inside. I am sure you are beautiful inside and out. I think your husband is proof of that. He obviously wanted you. You have to ignore those who do not support you and share your dreams. They dont understand. Surround yourself with those who do. They will push you to do great things. I would love you see things you have made! I care. Your husband cares. Your friends care. ', 'You are welcome. Always here to chat :)', 'I am trying to look up info on it right now but cant find anything. I have talked to a few people about it but they dont think I can pursue anything Hyperactive behavior that. I hope I can do something at least know she is telling the truth for sure you know? If you find out anymore let me know! ', 'Anyone who is on board send me your gamer tag or steam ID and games you have so I can get an idea of where we are at. ', 'Im sorry to hear that. Its always hard to lose someone you care about. Im glad you got to know him though because Im sure even though you guys separated he changed your life for the better. Sorry for your loss my friend. ', 'Thank you that does help, by gp do you Irritable Mood general practitioner? Just want to make sure thats what you Irritable Mood. She actual has the same gp as me if thats what you Irritable Mood. I live in Nevada I dunno if you would be able to give me more info knowing that. Thank you again!', 'Oh I was just expecting one color for the symbols :) so thats perfect!No worries. Dont Stress over it. Enjoy time with your family. I hope you get the work on the house done without too much of a hassle. :)', 'Doesnt have to be Halo 4. Throw out ideas. Well make it work.', 'Exactly Hyperactive behavior that! I have faith in you. :) I shall get you 7 more then. Thank you for this. I hope Im not being a Ache. ', 'Hi redGPz. I am updated my post I know its been a long time but much has happened and I thought I would let you know. Thank you for caring :)', 'Unfortunately those kids and people are dealt a bad hand. That doesnt make them any less important than you. Each one of is important. Even them. I would love to help all in need but I cannot. I am doing what I can though. I hope you realize that even though others are suffering more out there that doesnt make you less important. ', 'Try and find others who Hyperactive behavior what you Hyperactive behavior. I am sure there are local clubs that are interested in what you are. That is a great way to make friends. Do you go to school? If not take a class for fun and meet people that way.This is really silly to quote but in Batman. His dad says "Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." It is a really great quote because is true. It helps me to think back on this quote when I think I can no longer keeping pushing myself.Your site(s) are awesome! I have a daughter would you be able to make her a fuzz buddy or something? We would be both love that very much! ', 'I am 20, will be 21 in a couple months and she is 22. ', 'Very nice! Makes my blog look rather childish. Thank you for sharing with me. Brandy it is? Thanks. Message me if youd Hyperactive behavior. ', 'My goodness I butchered that lost post. Sorry about that. I will make sure she is safe. Thank you.', 'Hey I am down to talk :)\r\rDo you use google chat by chance? So we arent pming back and for fourth Hyperactive behavior crazy? If not that is okay though :)', 'Please talk to us. There are many of us here that want to help and know what problems you are working through. We will do whatever we can to help.\r\rI will even give you my gmail account so we can chat. ', 'Er... that was a bad choice of words. Not want I meant. Dont think it deserves a down vote though. I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left a positive message. ', 'Haters gonna hate. ', 'I by avatar I Irritable Mood the little icon that goes on my characters arm in the game. It would easily fit on 1 inch. My gamer tag is RustedRevolver. When you see it youll see what I Irritable Mood. :)', 'Haha did I make you blush? ;)', 'I want to stop talking with her, I know it hurts but it will help. I just want to make sure that the baby is safe and that I have a say for he/she when and if he/she comes into this world. So for now I will keep the communication to a minimum. Its hard not to see myself doing stuff without here right now, and really going out anywhere with her.\rThank you for your help. ', 'I am talking about Attention Deficit Disorder one for Blops zombies. Haha. If people want to PM gamertags and games I can make a spread sheet and see where were at.', 'I know how you feel. It is easy to become Numbness to things when life just seems to be weighing down on you. That is when you need to try hard to get away from things that may be causing the Stress and depression. Usually that will open up the room to breathe and see the sun more clear. Hmmm well I would hate for her to rip apart the fuzzy buddy. Do you make lanyards? I could use a new one. A Batman or Halo one would be awesome if you could do that.Sadly the market is really messed up Hyperactive behavior that. We are okay with having other countries make our clothes, food, tools, and what not for nothing so we can buy it for cheap. So its hard to compete in such a hostile and capitalistic nation.What if you could get a job and Hyperactive behavior a local restaurant or something? Something that is family oriented. They may care more to be there for its employees. I would be glad to show off my lanyard, if you can make one, and tell them to go check out your site to order stuff. Would that help? ', 'So she went to the gp today and she is pregnant, she is going to make an appointment with the obgyn not sure when, hopefully soon. I feel so Ventricular Dysfunction, Left out with this and useless. ', 'I am pretty sure what that guy did would be considered discrimination. Maybe look into taking legal action if possible? Just a thought. I am sorry to hear that things arent working out well. I hope things will take a turn towards something better for you. Hold on buddy. ', 'Through rough patches always make sure to show respect and love to each other. I know that isnt exactly during that time but it can do wonders. I am not great with relationship advice myself because I am still young. 22, but I have always tried to remember I love that person when we are having troubles. I am sorry that things are hard right now. ', 'Hey, Thanks for replying. Im just having a tough time with my ex and mother of my daughter. I feel Hyperactive behavior she has played me this last semester to help with school and to buy things she wanted and is now done with me. I guess its my fault for thinking maybe we could be together still. It hurts to think of her with another guy. I try to not to let it get to me but it does. I dont know if that makes any sense. Im a mess right now.', 'I am sorry about the car situation. That really sucks. What about office jobs? Any of those in your town you think? Or maybe even front desk at a hotel?Oh I think you can make one. You seem very skilled. Mine would be batman or whatever but same thing as this one:', 'Thank you Sparrow :) I updated my post to keep you guys up to date. Sorry I have been away so long. Lots has been going on. Thank you for caring :)', 'I guess all I can ask is for a friend. Thank you. ', 'Yes that is what I want!! :)So you are glad it will be difficult? I dont want to be a Ache :(', 'I know things are hard right now for you. Stay strong though. You have already come so far. Are you in school right now? There are many places to look for help. It may not be much but you may pm me anytime and just talk. I am sorry to hear about health and financial problems but I believe you can get past these. Is work hard to find right now where you live? Do you have any other family you can stay with? Stay strong. We care. Hold on to hope. ', 'That sounds awesome!! Thank you so much! Are you sure this isnt too much trouble?', 'Can you do the Legendary symbol? Not sure if you know what that is. Then if you go through my commendations on bungie you should be able to find the next ones. Rear Admiral, One Shot, Close Quarters. Then I also want my skull helmet symbol. Under achievements can you do the one called I see you favor a .45? ', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior you may have seasonal affective disorder and the summer months are when your Mental Depression hits. Not uncommon but hard to deal with for sure Hyperactive behavior any form of Mental Depression is. Here is some info. Sorry I cannot offer more help and just remember things always get better :)\r\r', 'Hey \r\rI am doing alright. I updated my post today. Sorry I havent logged on in so long. Lots going on. :P How are you?', 'I will Attention Deficit Disorder you when I hop on my Xbox tonight :) ', 'What if I gave you my Gamertag for xbox live do you think you could look up my halo profile on Use my avatar for my character and achievements, and put them on the lanyard?', 'I can do that! I dont have any of the Attention Deficit Disorder ons though. ', 'I think you need to work on being independent. 16 is way to early to be engaged. You are just beginning to learn who you are. You dont know yourself well enough to Anxiety about a serious relationship. Take care of your family and enjoy being young. ', 'Youre right it very well could be. She did not show me the test results for this Pregnancy but I was with her for the last one. I had to pull that out of her today when we were talking over the phone. She is making things very difficult. This is one of those times you ask yourself whats the point anymore?', 'I dont have any advice but I do feel where you are coming from. There is much in my life I am Numbness to. While there others things I am hate so much and have a hard time bringing myself to do these things. Such is work. I hate my job and so much want to quit. I work the grave yard shift and no longer get to enjoy my day or not. My days bleed together and make it difficult to enjoy life anymore. I know this does not help with my out look on life. Maybe this is why I am Numbness to so much. I am going off on myself now. I apologize for that. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I am right there with you. Please dont hesitate to pm if you ever just need to talk. I know at times I need to and yet cant find anyone there to talk to. ', 'Mods said that wont endorse it. :( ', 'I am very glad you are smiling now. :)Thank you for being willing to make me a lanyard. I have wanted a new one for a long time. So this works out great. Yeah Halo probably will be hard to find. That is okay though :) ', 'It would matter greatly if you did. You are the only you on this planet. You are needed just as much as the next person. We all have lots of responsibilities and they can bring us down very quickly with their weight. Each day that you go through with these responsibilites you should be proud because you worked through them and succeded.If youd Hyperactive behavior to talk pm please :) ', 'Here is a link with a list of the medals with pictures: you can see better pictures of the medals if you click on the large version button.My list:The medals are under weapons and style:AssassinBeat DownRevengeHeadshotUnder Spree:Be the BulletBuck WildSunday DriverI would still Hyperactive behavior my skull helmet.The Halo: ODST Legendary symbol which can found here: Halo Reach Legenday symbol wich you already have a picture of.I hope this is what you wanted. I understand if you cant get it all on there. I want the last three for sure if they can be done. As for the rest of the list. It goes from favorite to least. ', 'I hope you can find guidance from it. ', 'Many times others are Irritable Mood is because they are not paying attention to you and are Stress about their own problems. They Irritable Mood nothing by it and I am sure if they knew you were down they would try very hard to help you or even just stop and listen. That being said some people are just cruel because they are. Those people you have to ignore and let them get to you. I am sure you still have some dreams that are alive but seem dead. Strive to achieve them. They may not be easily achieved but when you do get there it will feel great!You have a friend right here now. Me. We may not know each other but you are reaching out to me and others. That in a way makes us friends.Sit down and talk with your husband. Tell him it is not his fault and the best thing for him to do is be there for you.I am here to pm if you would Hyperactive behavior. Things get better I promise. ', 'I am down to pay $25. I would be the only one with that lanyard. :) Let me think of what I would want the lanyard to have on it and what color. :) Thank you!', 'Im down to chat. PM and Ill give you my gmail and we can talk on Google talk. :)', 'She hasnt told her bishop about anything that has happened and she hasnt told her family the whole truth and so it just worries me she would lie to me. Not that I didnt make my own mistakes but I am trying to take responsibilty for what I have done. I have told my parents everything that happened. I dunno, thank you for helping Sparrow. ', 'She told me she doesnt want me to have anything to do with the baby, which I know she cant get away with because I am the father. I am just Social fear she will lie and say she lost it but really have kept it. We werent using anything during the time she got pregnant. It does kinda, I work but I hate my job. I want to be a nurse and I am going to school for it but my job makes it difficult. She is my best friend, guess I should say was. So I did so much with her.\r\rThat makes me happy to hear :)', 'Sure Im down to talk. PM me :)']
['Sorry. I feel guilty for this post and was dreading anyone replying. I hate everyhting I do as Im doing it and maybe more after Ive done it. I am in a solipsistic bubble; I used to give people somehting to work with but now there is no point. I am not trying to get sympathy anymore Hyperactive behavior I often was from ten to 25; there is really no motive behind anything I say and all I can say is stuff about my broken brain and the trauma at ten. If I believed in a pleasant or even tolerable afterlife I would kill myself. Maybe there was once a time I attempted or mentioned Suicide to manipulate people for things Hyperactive behavior money to go drinking or buy drugs, or for someone to mother me, Hyperactive behavior my only real girlfriend did, but now I say it as I really have nothing to live for and havent since 2007, and nothing has happened since then except two bouts of happy Acute psychosis in 2008 and 2009 but now I cant even go floridly psychotic again as there is nothing Ventricular Dysfunction, Left of me. I manage to bring down or offend even a Suicide Watch subreddit, which is just another reason I shouldnt go on. Anyway, sorry for sounding Hyperactive behavior a prick but I have been one since twenty-five, six years ago; 10-25 I was a mixed bag with certain things going for me and it was heaven compared with my "life" for the last six years, and having zero thoughts, memory, self or reality is painful and pointless. I quote the same few figures in my head; mostly Richey Edwards from the Manic Street Preachers, and Ted Bundy, the serial killer. I am not a killer and am nothing Hyperactive behavior Edwards anymore, but I get comments Hyperactive behavior, "Bundy went to his grave with his biggest fear come true: he died while being totally ignored," which applies to me, maybe, although being listened to wouldnt be any better and life and death are probably my twin biggest fears, so I am fucked. Sorry again, I shouldnt really try to lure people into my hell, but I have tried talking to professionals, former friends and family members, and I am out of ideas, to say the least. I dont want to go into what happened to my genitals, as no one really believes it, but it Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me inadequate and frigid, fucked up my head and devlopment, eventually killed me, and now, even forgetting the size, it has been horrible painful, constantly for six years. I am often mistaken for a ray of sunshine...', 'Hopefully this doesnt sound uncaring or off topic but my psyhcotic episodes in 2007 and 2009 were the last time I was happy, they were better than this changeless, painful Hell. I cant explain how these "negative symptoms" or "Cotards" are a million times worse than positive symptoms as I at least felt happy and special then and had a reality of some kind. Now I inhabit a dead universe, if that, and cant even describe my problems. I have been in hospital for four years now because I committed a serious crime and was declared psychotic. I cant even want to get out, even though I feel Hyperactive behavior escaping all the time as all animals would want to leave an environment they found persecutory and unsafe, even knowing anywhere else would be just as bad. I dont know, I contradict myself all day and night in conversations in my head and dont say anything meaningful to anyone as I have Aphasia and no thoughts or desire. My illness started out sexual in nature becasue of something that happened to my genitals and screwed up my libido. Now my penis is dead, disowned and painful, so therefore thats how I "experience" the universe. Sorry for hijacking this thread to complain about myself. A psychologist said I am the most self-obsessed person shes ever met, but its not that anymore as I have no self at all and can only complain about my problems as thats all I am aware of, but its more complex than that. Anyway, hope things work out well for you at this difficult time. ', 'I started smoking regularly at about 16/17 when I was already mildly psychotic, years before i was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now I am an inpatient and 16/18 patients on my ward smoke. I think I am developing a lung problem as I have smoked about twenty years of cigs since dying existentially six years ago. My lungs feel "cold" and "paralyzed" and I struggle to breathe. If I was sane and alive and still had free will I would quit for health reasons, but all I have is my cigaretre breaks on the ward but, really, they dont help anymore so its not even self-medicating Hyperactive behavior it was till 2007. ']
['Being punished for no crime is not likely, him trying to help you might because he feels Hyperactive behavior he caused your emotional death. If you hate him then reject it. If not then accept, he might gain emotions and want you back then you will be happy again but dont keep your hopes up too Drug abuse and still look for that special someone since you were actually happy with a lover.', 'its alright, i may have a disorder from too much porn', 'For me that is what porn is for and women were for romance', 'I know that feeling i was rejected twice my life. No girl wanted me at the time. I got pissed at started punching bag training. Try working out to keep the mind occupied it will help with your predicament other than keeping you occupied.', 'I used Meetme and same thing all the women werent interested and the females gets tons of attention', 'then you have reason to live, them. Ask your self will they miss you when they die? If you say no then tell me why as you could just be thinking low of yourself.', 'No not really, i was there a year ago. When i read about WW3 being a possibility i was overjoyed because i would enlist then get shot in the head. I thought i was a lazy dumb fuck. A 19 year old Genital Diseases, Male virgin with 0% of getting laid. Screwing up in college and no job. I wanted to go to valhalla (norse afterlife). Believe me i been there. what got me out of it was getting a girl friend and realizing how much she loves me. You might need that as well. ', 'Honesty, she is not for you then, go find other beautiful women. You are 24, the odds are tremendous to find more virgin women. (If that is what you wanted).If she prefers a old saggy cock then let her, go find a women that will want you(not just sex).', 'then just think of your dad and how much he means to you. Killing your self will destroy him. Instead be the best you can be and make him proud. Think of this battle of emotions a great challenge to conquer and never admit defeat.', 'Yes smoking is bad because it can kill you and cause cancer. Well people died from stomach cancer yet there was no crusade to eating. Everything can kill you! People that doesnt see it are stupid, so ignore them. We are mortal so we are bound to die. You are alone because you smoke? ', 'dont Anxiety life gets tough, i know its cliche but do you have family and friends?', 'what music?', 'hey no problem, whenever you need someone to talk to just pm me :)']
['Ive had Mental Depression and severe Anxiety Mental Depression disorder for seven years, but Ive managed by with anti-depressants and therapy. The past two years I havent been able to afford therapy but still regularly take my medication. I battle with suicidal thoughts every day, whether its a good day or a bad. Some days theyre stronger than others, and the past few months those urges have been exacerbated by whats been going on. If that makes sense.', 'Ive battled with this urge for the past seven years. Ive done okay, seeing that Im still here. But the past four months have been absolute hell. Job is shit, I barely make any money to get by. My mother, my only living parent, almost died in a head on collision a few weeks ago and I was shaken by the idea of being alone. At the same time my mom was Nausea I found out my cat is dying and I have no money to help him. I was hospitalized for Pneumonia, Interstitial but I have no health insurance, so I owe $2,000 and bill collectors wont stop calling me. And Im dating/living with a man who makes all of my Mental Depression worse. He tells me Im Abnormal behavior and often chastises me for not being "logical." Tonight was one of those nights and I just saw the gun and... yeah. ', 'Im sorry you suffer from this as well. I wouldnt wish this on anyone.Two years. And yes, its because I vent to him. I treat him Hyperactive behavior a therapist when I shouldnt, but I guess I thought hed understand. Maybe I put too much on him, but when he calls me Abnormal behavior I feel Hyperactive behavior I am a lost cause. ']
['Hey, are you still there? How long have you had these thoughts?', 'Id ask about your mom. Like, what can she tell from that recording about your mom?', 'Check our sidebar, and let her know it wasnt her fault. If it comes down to it, you *will* have to have her interned, but that way she wont be able to Chest Pain herself anymore.', 'Yo, thats what were here for. I dont know if anyones already asked this, but have you told anyone about Suicide?', 'Brother, what happened? Where is the Ache coming from?', 'I might go to bed soon, but I will reply as soon as I get the chance.What career is that?', 'Hey, I dont know if its Irritable Mood of me to ask, but was your mom Hyperactive behavior that before your dad passed away? Or were you too young to remember?', 'Youre in.. highschool, correct?', 'No prob. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer.', '[Im not your mom, but I hope this helps](]/2916300da0dda1fe8c214b1cde52a3ec/tumblr_mznf1dS1An1rgi7odo1_400.gif)psst, click the link.', 'Would it be okay with you to write what your previous post said?', 'Multiplayers? ', 'No. Talk to your doctor about this if you havent. Thats step 1.', 'I think reddit has a transgender community. Might be worth checking out, see if their stories can help. And also, fuck your family in the ass with a cactus. It shouldnt matter if youre transgender or not.', 'But if you go, there is also the chance youll get better.I gotta ask, what do you Irritable Mood it stays with you?', 'Hey, relax. I know, thats why I dont want you to Anxiety about the future. Have you ever talked to a doctor about these thoughts?', 'Basically, she knows her alcoholism is a huge problem, and no ones really bothered to mention it to her but you. Hence, she feels Hyperactive behavior shell only screw up your life.Better?', 'Of course youll have happy days. But if youre having thoughts of Suicide, you should totally tell your family. They should be understanding enough that theyll comfort you and maybe you can start looking for ways to get rid of those thoughts and be happy.', 'Hey, please tel me youre still there.', 'Yo, bitches aint shit, man. You cant base your value on someone else.', 'Got any ideas why?', 'Ah, see we were gonna have a mock one, just the two of us, but then cheated on me.', 'Sweet jebus. :O', 'I think you had the right intention, but your dad clearly isnt gonna be much help. Do you know someone else you can trust with this?', 'Of course. Even if you dont do the same things I do, I still want to show others theres another way.', 'Bro, I get the hippy part, but if theres a way you can get better, dont you think you should give it a try anyway?', 'I see you.', 'Dealing with Anxiety Mental Depression isnt easy to begin with, but being loaded with all this stuff in a short amount of time will make it worse. Im gad youre still replying to comments. That part about your mom telling you to cut is... there are no words. It hurts to even read it.', 'Youre probably Exhaustion of answering this, but whats wrong? How can I help?', 'Hey, Im gonna guess youre in.. Drug abuse school?', 'Bro, no girl is worth your life. ', 'Thats odd, I thought the Scandinavian countries had better healthcare compared to other first world countries.', 'Well. Your doctor sucks then. A concussion is serious business, and you should definitely find someone willing to treat you.', 'I gotta ask. Are you a soldier?', 'I dont know, I think you might Hyperactive behavior it. Not spoiling anything, but keep an eye out for a book.', 'Whats going on? You dont have to be specific, but it sounds from what you wrote that you cant do something you loved because you cant stop thinking about Suicide.', 'Were here if you need to talk. Shoot me a PM or something.', 'You definitely have a future, if youve had a past. But when youre Depressed mood its hard to see into the future.', 'Have you considered it?', 'Did you tell your doctor you stopped? They can often find one that works for you.', 'Jesus fuck, sue that Disturbance in mood and put her in jail.', 'I Irritable Mood, can you really say for sure theyre better off without you?', 'Is his job doing something illegal?', 'Well, fuck em. We care about you op, we know suicidal thoughts arent a joke.', 'Im pretty sure if someone burned your house down, you wouldnt be happy either.', 'OP, tell me your story.', 'Try calking anyway. You might be surprised.', 'OP, I always say btches aint shit, but the same applies the other way. Like intellechy said, feel what you need to feel, but please remember that break ups are really hard to deal with. Im glad to hear youre doing much better.', 'So I take it youve talked to them before about your Mental Depression?', 'Reminds me of one of my coworkers. She told me her brother in law passed away, and how her sister was always relying on him to do a lot of things.', 'Youre far more special than you think. Have you talked to anyone about this?', 'I cant, he lives in a different country than me.', 'Oh, dude, you should totally save me some pokemon for trading.', 'It depends. It may, and it may not. Whats going on, OP?', 'No, dude. Youre not a burden. You need help, just Hyperactive behavior any other human would. You should talk to them. Maybe see your doctor too.', 'Because rather than have a bullet in your head, we could find ways for you to get better. For example, talking to your doctor about your suicidal thoughts.', '[I keep this for just such an occasion.](', 'Im sorry, OP. If it means anything, Im glad youre still alive, and I hope you will get better. ', 'Honestly, I have no idea. I just wanted to remind you that you *can* be happy, I guess? You didnt have to point a gun at your head for that. ', 'Girl, I know how that feels, trust me. Break ups arent easy, but what youre experiencing is completely normal, ok?Itd be illogical to not miss anyone if you loved them but then separated. Or the more logical thing would be that there wasnt love involved.Right now, focus on yourself. You gotta love yourself in order for others to do the same. _Thats_ how you catch a nice guy.', 'But we do give a fuck about you. Many, actually.', 'That being said, its fucked up to tell your kid theyre a failure. ', 'Wait, did you actually sign to join?', 'I lost a friend to Suicide too, a few years back. Poor guy.A moment of silence for those who are gone, but not forgotten. ', 'I feel as if I should congratulate you on leaving an abusive relationship. A lot of people that should dont./r/stopsmoking sounds Hyperactive behavior a good place to start. Im not sure about coping mechanisms, but [this]( might give you something to think about.You could also ask /r/IWantToLearn how to break that habit.You are not a freak, but honestly, the guy you were with sounds Hyperactive behavior it.', 'Glad to hear that, OP! ', 'Have you told him that you want to kill yourself and why?', '[This]( is a succulent. Basically, theyre Hyperactive behavior aloe, they hold water and they come in these Abnormal behavior shapes and colors and theyre overall really pretty.', 'Best of luck!', 'Jebus Christ, man. Ive been cheated on, but I had to pretend everything was alright for her sake. Her mom was in the hospital at the time. But damn, youve had a lot to deal with in what.. 2 years? Does your mom ever tell you why she doesnt want treatment?', 'Any problems at your house between your parents? School?', 'Uh, I think if you drive a truck or operate machinery, you have to let your boss know, and you cant do much until you find out if and how it affects you.', 'Buzzards, the lot of them. Just waiting for your grandma to die.', 'Wow, OP, that was really worth reading! :D', 'Eh, fuck it, you know? A lot of adults dont have their shit together either. You just gotta start somewhere. You could apply, and if you get accepted, consider a gap year if you dont feel ready.', 'Im sorry about your dad. Having to go through that alone is probably more than most people can handle. But you have your brother, you know? You gotta stick together through this.', 'You do realize thats what were here for, right?Youre not a waste of time or waste of anything, ok? This subreddit exists for that very reason. We want you to know you matter. ', 'Like at parks, or barber schools, or homeless shelters?', 'I think you made the right choice, calling them. Now that you have the resources available, I hope you follow through with treatment.', 'Rotten? That guy was beyond decay. I hope his dick falls off.', 'I dont think the insulin will kill you, so might as well not try. Check out /r/raisedbynarcissists. People have a lot of the same stories as you.', 'I remember having those thoughts. All I can think of now is proving them wrong.', '>Pro-Suicide Comments including any explicit discussion of Suicide methodsYour post probably get taken down by the mods. I still want to know whats wrong though.', 'Who knows? Maybe it wont go away, but it might make it better. Have you thought of giving it a chance?', 'I wouldnt be able to tell you. I think your doctor would have to examine you a bit more in depth and then hed make a choice.', 'Sorry, I got back from classes. Whats a promotion gift?', 'I dont think employers are allowed to know about this kind of stuff unless it involved your work place.I kinda want to talk to sober you at some point. Im going to bed though.', 'Doing pretty good. Woke up a few hours ago, had breakfast, and Im procrastinating instead of doing work for my computer science class. Im playing pokemon Soul Silver too.', 'Thats okay, Im Nausea and I cant stop my runny nose or sneezing, hehe.', 'Im willing to talk.', 'Well, if you really dont have motivation, watching a movie isnt too much to ask, right?', 'Best of luck :)', 'And I can assume you dont want to tell anyone.', 'I dont want to give you advice, because thats the last thing you need. Your friend is lucky to have someone Hyperactive behavior you with him. Having a Nausea friend kinda puts a strain on others, since sometimes we feel Hyperactive behavior were responsible to be with them. Dont be afraid to talk to someone. Were here, and well be your friends, if youll let us.', 'Bro, bitches aint shit. If she doesnt love you, theres no point hanging on to her. Someone who deserves you will come along. And Hyperactive behavior /u/feeling_groovy said, its nothing to be ashamed of, its not life changing. Its just taking a few more minutes a day to look after yourself, Hyperactive behavior showering of combing your hair/', 'Tough life doesnt begin to describe yours, I guess.', 'You might want to test again. There is a possibility of a false positive, albeit small. ', 'Hey dude. Whats going on?', 'I think youre looking at the stupid people. ', 'Youre not an attention whore. Youre not worthless. ', 'Hey, buddy, you still there?', 'Were here. Maybe it wont Irritable Mood much, but were here.', 'When do you start seeing a therapist?', 'Can I get back to you tomorrow? Im just really Exhaustion and need some Hypersomnia.', 'Did any of it work?', '>Philosophical discussion about Suicide belongs in /r/suicidology or /r/philosophy.I dont know what you believe in, but I believe that we are conscious of ourselves.Why did you post here anyway? Youre not considering it just because a chair and you are made of atoms?', 'Wait, who the hell posts videos Hyperactive behavior that?', 'It kind of did. Being young and Depressed mood is not an easy situation. Or any age for that matter. Whats your life Hyperactive behavior?', 'Lots of reasons. Will any of them matter to you is the real question.', 'Whyd you turn down medication?', '[I dont know if this means much to you](, but I dont mind hugs.', 'Youre not letting anyone down. Suicidal thoughts are very real and very hard to deal with. If youre gonna tell someone, let that be a doctor.', 'We love you too. I dont know if youre still there, but I want to ask you something. Tell us everything about yourself. You seem to be set on going, and none of us can really stop you. The world needs to know whom theyre praying for.', 'And what do they think of your Mental Depression?', 'So fuck em. They want to make this world worse, thats their problem. Ill try my goddamn hardest to make it better.', '/r/socialskills. Basically, yes. Invites are sort of a big deal.', 'I think this is an excellent idea. I hope you follow through with it.', 'I hope it never gets to the point where thatll happen, OP. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve been burnt before, many many times.', 'Hospitalization is short, but it is a part of a longer process of getting better.', 'I wish there was something I could do, op.', 'Hi!', 'Hi.', 'Hey. Whats going on?', 'Hm.. Im not sure if itll do much, but there must be a subreddit for finding you a job and a place to live. ', 'Explain. Im not sure I understand how we can fix it.', 'Hey, man, are you there?', 'Wait, no I made a mistake. Biotech, thats what he does.', 'Can you identify him? Calling the cops is a good start.', 'Have you been on medication before or been to a therapist?', 'I think you should tell them, this kind of stuff is important, not just to you but to them as well.', 'Well, yes, thats why its called life. It has a beginning and an end. What happened?', 'You have everything to look forward to. Youve tried on your own. But you dont have to do it alone. Go back to your doctor and try going on medication. It can help immensely.', 'Her being young means nothing, OP. You are beautiful, so who cares if you are older? I seriously hope its just the alcohol talking. Confront him about it, if he doesnt tell you why, then fuck it, hes doesnt deserve you.', 'I have lived in 3 places in the past 8 years, 4 in the past 10.I dont think moving around will help though. I think going to a doctor might be the best idea.How do you feel about all those people?', 'Haha, you dont owe your mom shit. Move out with that money, follow your passion. ', '[Hug]( go. I know there are a lot of shit people around, but there are also good people.', 'Ask for reasons, dont give advice. Try to understand why they want to die, and when you understand, you can figure out what to do from there.', 'Well, losing weight would be a bad thing for her anyway. Shes still going through Mental Depression and she has an Anxiety Mental Depression disorder, so things are very shaky most of the time. Its been two years, but shes still here with us, and shes getting better, though she has her bad days too.', 'If you are Depressed mood, you should probably go see a doctor.I lost a friend to Suicide. She never said anything.nshe was just alone. I wish I could have done something, you know?We had this stupid fight and we never talked again. OP, please get to a doctor.', 'Have you considered watching porn?', 'Did your friend ever tell you why?', 'Okay, better phrasing, why people post and reply in amiugly if "they themselves looked quite attractive"?', 'You know, you kinda made me think about my family. Im sorry about your loss, dude. No one should have to go through that.', 'Uh, I went to bed pretty late, so I was about an hour late for work. My boss was ok with it since I called beforehand. Hes a pretty cool guy. I live in New England, so were having a blizzard. He told me I could go home early, so I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left an hour before my usual time. It took me almost an hour to get home by bus (normally takes about 20-ish minutes to get home). ', 'Its more Hyperactive behavior, everyone has different reasons. You asked for a good one, but if we just give you the best we can come up with, and you dont find them good enough, then youll reach the conclusion that there *isnt* a reason to live, which is the opposite of what you wanted.', 'I dont know. But I would seriously tell your family. Hopefully, theyll be help you until you can get back on your feet. ', 'Not necessarily. There are more than one kind of medication, so usually you have to find on that works for you and has the least side effects.. I heard about St. Johns Wort too, but its not even close to being a licensed medication.', 'I wish there was something I could say. Im sorry, I dont know how to help.', 'OP, are you there?', 'You dont feel safe sharing with then. Thats understandable.As for your friends, thats understandable too. They probably thought it was their fault or something.', 'Anxiety will make it worse, so make sure he takes his medication, and let him know he didnt fuck up. Its not hit fault. Give him a hug and see if he can explain to the people about his Anxiety Mental Depression.', 'Do you think you could tell me how it would cause you more Ache?', 'Im sure that stranger will be happy to hear that. :) Congrats on passing the exam!', 'OP, please have her see a doctor. That and be there for her. Those are the best things you can do for her. Best of luck.', 'I hope youll keep taking your medications. Do you think something happened that set you off?', 'OP, you dont have to lose the baby. Its your choice. You are to care for that baby as much as yourself. ', 'Thats really stupid. Thats Hyperactive behavior going to a starving person and saying "You cant have food, you wont live much longer anyway".', 'Huh, havent really thought about that. Shes still very religious, but I think she finally accepted that Im not, I think.', 'OCD meds?', 'Youve lost all hope?', 'Hey OP. How long have you been on Zoloft?', 'No, I get it. It isnt the same. But if you need someone to listen, it shouldnt matter too much, right?', 'You know what? Fuck that guy then. And his girl.I know, I get it, you wish you werent even born to begin with. I was Hyperactive behavior that too. Youre Exhaustion of being alone. Im glad you reached out though. It takes a lot of courage.You should definitely try going on /r/needafriend. People are nice, theyre willing to talk about anything.', 'Why dont you want to take them?I have a friend Hyperactive behavior that. He has Mental Depression, but doesnt want medication. He says he feels Hyperactive behavior everyone would judge him. Is it the same for you?', 'Sticking to it is hard, but its great when you can see others struggling and whining that they dont have time to study and youre just Hyperactive behavior lololol', 'Im no expert, but Im sure Mental Depression doesnt normally go away by itself. Untreated, its more likely to get worse than better.OP, we dont forget. Trust me, Suicide or not, you cant say well be unaffected.Have you talked to anyone about this?', 'And if you were unable to kill yourself?', 'Of course we care. If I may ask, whats wrong?', 'Does she believe the magical baby Jesus will cure her?', 'So do you want to get better or..?You mentioned your parents having clinical Mental Depression. If thats the case, your suicidal thoughts could be coming from that. Im no doctor, so you should definitely go back for mental evaluation from a professional.Dont lie to your doc. Hes not there to judge you. Hes there to help you.', 'Maybe not at first. But its the first step. A baby doesnt take a step and magically learn how to backflip. It takes times to walk, to run, to not smash his face Hyperactive behavior I did when I tried. If you asked for help, then that means you want to get better. You took the first step. Now you need to take the second and talk to a doctor.', 'Wait, so your parents recognize Mental Depression but not GAD? I think you should get to a doctor and he can give them proof, and you can work from there.', 'So youll be okay? I Irritable Mood, youre staying alive, right?', 'Well, you came to the right place if you want someone to listen.', 'Wait, I commented on this. Did the mods delete my post?', 'You should post this on /r/socialskills as well.If you dont mind me asking, are you somewhere in your 20s, 30s?', 'I was actually talking to someone who is FtM last night. She was kind of in the same boat, in the sense that she (or he, actually) couldnt his body. But it makes sense that it would aggravate Mental Depression, considering its kind of a limbo state.', 'OP, please tell me youre still there.', 'No, OP, we get it. Its hard having Anxiety Mental Depression and Mental Depression around religious people. But I can assure you, Jesus isnt gonna come down and just remove that part of you. Are there any mental health care professionals around you?', 'Seconded!', 'Seconded.', ' Depression-or-Bipolar Disorder-6-survival-tips/Give it a read together.', 'Would you be okay with a prostitute?', 'I thought that might be the case. I still get shit for not believing "Jesus/God/x is the most important thing ever".', 'Were you taking SSRIs?', 'Did it help?', 'Rabbits have evil looks? But theyre so fluffy and cuddly... D:If there is a store that sells plants nearby, I would recommend getting one, 10/10. They need little care, little water, plenty of sunlight, and youll have a nice beautiful plant.', '/r/raisedbynarcissists has a lot of similar stories.', 'Thats what were here for, man. There will be bad days, but you dont have to go through them alone.', 'Happy birthday, dude!', 'Im sorry to say, you know whats going in your mind, but thats still only your mind. 1 mind.They base what they know off many more minds. So if they tell you they know something, they have scientific proof behind it.That said, a good doctor doesnt just diagnose you and gives you pills. They have to know you well before they decide the course of action.', 'Hey, well keep you company. Stay, lets hang out for a while. We have cookies and stuff.', 'Go ahead, brother, take all the time you need.', 'I will! Although it might be more of a collection of stories than anything.', 'OP, no one should go through an experience Hyperactive behavior that. Im sorry.', 'Take a look at /r/raisedbynarcissists and tell me if some of those stories sound familiar.', 'Thats um.. really cynical. Are you confusing them with the people from the Jersey Shore and tv stuff? I can assure you, those people dont represent Americans. Just idiots in America.', 'We cant really trace you to being with. But why don;t you tell us about whats going on?', 'I hope it does. He tried d St. Johns Wort, I think, but it didnt work out.', 'You ever consider medication or therapy?', 'From someone whos lost a friend to Suicide, I feel for you. However, I also want you to be aware of something. Hes a professional. His very job could be at stake here.I dont think he sees you as a time-consuming freak. I think more than anything, he could be feeling guilty about not being able to help without sticking his neck out. Some people are Hyperactive behavior that and thats not really their fault.One more thing I want to say that I want you to listen very carefully. Do not mistake love for compassion. Humans tend to misinterpret the word "love" more than your and youre. I do give a shit. I give plenty. And once you find a way that only I could benefit from that, I will stop commenting here.Someone may care about you and not feel Hyperactive behavior theyre in love with you, and inversely, someone can say they love you but their words are farther from the truth.', 'Im still glad you went. Treatment takes some time, but you can do it.', 'Relax, Ive long since gotten out. Thats why I came here. I want to help people feeling the same way.', 'Its still a start.', 'Yeah, you should get a 100m stick and get away from that guy.', 'So, were you taking medication before?', 'Valentines day isnt just about your SO. Its a day about love. Who knows, it might the best time to give your mom and brother a call.', 'tl;dr the commenter who said the mods took down his post probably also broke one of our rules at the sidebar.Most post dont get deleted, unless the account itself is. The only person who I know of that was ignored by the mods was an OP who wanted attention. He deleted his comment and account. It could be the same person with a different username.', 'Please, not yet. Dont listen to those assholes.', 'How about calling up a doctor?', 'So, if you dont mind me asking, how do your internal feelings affect your view of yourself as a transgender?', 'Glasses suck too, if you have a tiny nose Hyperactive behavior mine. I broke the nose pieces when I was trying to adjust them tonight. Hi, OP.', 'She does sound Hyperactive behavior a scumbag. Does she know about what youre going through?', ':) Best of luck!', 'Have they helped?', 'This whole subreddit is dedicated to people going through the same things as you. We need to make sure you know youre not alone, there are others who feel just as you do. ', ':) Best of luck.', 'Glad to hear that. Best of luck!', 'What country, if you dont mind me asking?', 'From our sidebar:Takking tips: assessment guide: of luck. I know what its Hyperactive behavior to lose a friend to Suicide.', 'Okay. If thats the way its gotta be. I only wish I had at least known who you were.', 'Its not your fault, op. If it means anything, I hope you stay alive.', 'Aw shit, that reminds me that I did have a crappy junior year too. Got cheated on, and I wasnt doing well in most of my classes.', 'You gotta tell someone. Thats probably the best thing you can do for yourself.', 'If she loves you, you will make her happy, 4.5" or not. No need to beat yourself up over it, okay?', 'Hey, youre not wasting our time. Youre not a waste of anything.', 'Please tell me youre still there.', 'I dont know if this means much, but were more than willing to listen to you.', 'I feel ya. I havent felt right in my own family, ever. So Im not sure how to tell them I want to ditch church for a mosque. By the way, since you said you liked writing, have you ever used a dip pen for it?', 'Understandable, but you wouldnt really be bothering me. I actually dont think youd be bothering anyone here. If its hard, we dont have to talk about it, but know that were here and were willing to listen.', 'What career, if you dont mind me asking?', 'Because some are known to make you prone to suicidal thoughts.', 'Which one would you say worked best?', 'Ooh, my friend Alex got me to watch Toradora. Its worth watching.', 'Not for me. Im very happy you replied.', 'Wait, what? Do they think you went to college to major in unicorn physiology?', 'She might hate you for it, but I think she needs to see someone. I get what the doctor means though, if she doesnt want to get better, she wont, no matter what they try.', 'Yo, get yourself treatment, both fr drugs and Mental Depression,', 'And Ill respect that. If you feel Hyperactive behavior talking sometime in the future, Ill be here.', 'No, the person in the next shift was actually very nice and tried to comfort her. She said she was just Anger at herself for making that mistake her first day in.', 'Youre not a bother. Wanna hang out, talk, maybe order a pizza?', 'I understand. I wouldnt want my private business online where a bunch of strangers can see.', 'I know some university up here in the northeast offer courses for biotechnology. I think your credits would most likely transfer, and so far everyone graduating from that course has gotten a job.', '> I know there are probably guys out there that can treat me better. I know my relationship is Megacolon, Toxic, and there is a lot of bad things that come with it but I love him and with the level of understanding he has with me, I doubt I will ever be able to find anyone Hyperactive behavior him.OP, you ever hear of something called "Cognitive dissonance"?Besides. I want you to think about this. Do you really really believe with all your being, no room for doubt, that the kind of relationship you have now is the kind you want to have 10, 20, 50 years from now?', 'What about a mental health professional? Self-harming, Anxiety Mental Depression, and Mental Depression arent exactly something teenagers can handle by themselves.', 'Were here to listen, if that helps.', 'Nah, dont Anxiety about it.', 'I dont know. I thought the conversation turned too serious.', 'Take a deep breath. Or as many as you need.', 'Thats not quite how it works. You should definitely talk to them about this.', 'Dont say, of course you deserve it. You deserve all the nice things life has to offer, and dont you forget it, ok? :)', 'Were willing to listen.', 'Its good you were able to get away from your mom, but I think your best bet is couples therapy. ', 'Uh.. not sure. Hospital is usually the first choice.', 'Are any grief therapist available to you? Im sure we could find one on reddit, but in person works much better.', 'Ill ask the linux community here. Im too Exhaustion and the frustration isnt worth it. Im going to bed. :/', 'We cant really discuss Suicide methods. Wed be breaking our own rules. Do you need to talk?', 'You dont feel Hyperactive behavior going?', 'Wait, the doc doesnt trust you with pills?', 'Same, I dont even see people from my old school, and when I do, I try talking to them, but then its still eh. I Hyperactive behavior going off on my own, find a nice Sedated state place.', 'Hey, OP, were here for you.', 'Its okay, but we wouldnt give you a gun either.', 'I dont know about the woman you love, but if your Chest Pain someone close to you, you should apologize and make up. ', 'Show her this. Just tell her you want her to read something and show her this. Communication is the key to relationships, but speaking isnt the only way to do it.', ' You dont have to answer, but would it be ok for me to know what?', 'I gotta ask, have you been to a doctor and talked about this?', 'You ever think of telling them you feel suicidal? ', 'You still have hope. You can make this better. ', 'I thought your username seemed familiar. How about you try /r/selfimprovement?', 'I think you should tell someone close to you anyway.', 'How recently have you started on medication and therapy?', 'I cant upvote you enough! :D', 'It doesnt Chest Pain to ask anyway.', 'If you can get to a doctor, you should do that as soon as you can. Theyll be able to get yoiu medication to help with Bipolar Disorder.', 'Yeah, sex has that effect on our brains. It hooks us. But you gotta decide whats best for you, and that isnt necessarily what you want.', 'Were always happy to listen, if you feel comfortable enough to talk. But arenotme has a point. You need to take some time off to heal. Youve gone through a lot in a short period of time. It doesnt have to be by yourself either.', 'I havent heard anything from SRC in a while.', 'No, dont Anxiety about. Ramblings fine if it helps you express yourself. But you *should* tell your parents. Ive had a friend go after cutting really bad. Its good that you decided to look for help.', 'What Im saying is, theres no need to hide how youre feeling from your family.', 'I hope youre still here.', 'That was hardly the point, man. Its quite normal to be nervous about sex. It seems to me that what you want is companionship, not sex per se. Sex with your companion would just be a bonus. Am I correct?', 'I think you need a better doctor.', 'I think youre doing the right choice by going. Although taking a week off might not be a great idea unless you have booked your schedule for that week.', 'I think youre making the right choice. ', 'Yeah, that seems to be a huge problem unless youre constantly checking.', 'Youre wrong. In both accounts. We do want to help, and we do care. More than you realize.', 'This reminds me of what my friend was telling me about the west coast, California more specifically. My friends grandma split her arm (not sideways, literally the bone split) and she was in the hospital for hours, and no one took care of her, so now granny cant use her arm ever. She cant walk either. My friend was just telling me that where we live, (east coast) medical and mental care are better than other people have access to. I cant help but think the doctors there have been using outdated information to diagnose and treat you.', 'Ah, well screw it, rather an imperfect child than a dead one. I think if you are over 18, they dont have to find out. ', 'Im really trying to come up with words about those people who cast you aside, but all I can think of is assholes.', 'Thats good. ', 'He looks so happy in the second picture. Hes so cute! <3', '> East endPardon me if i got it wrong, but would that be Engl
['She has Parkinsons. Im so sorry to hear that about your mom I cannot imagine. We always think we have endless time and we never do. I need to appreciate the time I have. What did your mom have?', 'Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate you advice and tips. Thank you! An youre right Im sure it isnt the worst they could imagine for me- good point! Thank you again.', 'My mom knows and is Anxiety. I made an extremely halfhearted attempt when I was 20....looking back now I know it was just to get the attention of my parents. I was in college, and my university threatened to expel me if I did not sign a contract stating to see a psych, counselor weekly, group therepy weekly and I was not allowed to talk to friends about my bad feelings because I was distracting them from their studies... Everything but the last part was a blessing in disguise- so I have these coping skills-I n\xc3\xa9e to get in the habit of using them now that I am back home. As for the diagnosis...have not thought much about it though I suppose I should. I wish I could stay on the upbeat side of things but the darkness comes quickly. ', 'Thank you! I had to post on here again because things got dark but Im getting there', 'I make just enough money to get by- not a lot extra for doctors. I already pay $50 / session for my psych. And a lot of therapists dont take my insurance. I graduated from a school in Nebraska!', 'Thank you so much. Im feeling better this morning but I will Drug withdrawal syndrome again so I will be in touch, I really really appreciate this gesture', 'I agree and I totally used to be that way until I just stopped. Haha its terrible but now I just Crying Reflex, Abnormal', 'Unfortunately Ive had a bad experience with telling any kind of friend be it close friend or just you know a friend coworker about what happens I find that it makes them upset and eventually they leave....all it takes is two people to do that and I feel uncomfortable saying anything because I dont want to be a burden on the friend and I dont want them to have to try to fix me in some way. I lost my closest friend in college because of that- she felt that if I went to church more everything would be better. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to me, it makes a difference. And thank you, the promotion is huge and should be a joyous occasion. Being Bipolar Disorder sucks. Its a new diagnosis so Im not quite straightened out yet', 'Do you think so? I work in downtown chicago. I see lovebirds everywhere. I always want to yell at them. Why do you have what I want! What did I do to not deserve this! I keeping being stupid and joining dating sites. Thats Hyperactive behavior setting myself up for failure. Ah well. Are you feeling bad too? I wonder if it will go away. It sucks because I know deep down it will. Right now though that seems Hyperactive behavior such a long shot', 'I hope things get better for you!', 'Please anyone', 'Thank you again', 'Thats really good! That is one of my biggest regrets of college- I wish I would have rushed but I was Anxiety I wouldnt get matched with one an everyone would know! They seem Hyperactive behavior great communities ', 'Im back feeling terrible. Im not sure how to feel better anymore. I just want to be loved and it wont happen', 'Im sorry for asking that was ignorant of me :( sometimes I say the worst things', 'Thank you so much', 'What do you do to cope?', 'Thank you. My work has been awful! I promise Im trying to be positive but I keep getting knocked down. My boss embarrassed me in a meeting on Friday. I wanted to just walk out but I need to be level headed and responsible. I keep writing about everything and hope that will somehow help. Maybe it will. Coming on here helps. I Hyperactive behavior having the support even if its just from strangers. Thank you', 'I was okay when I first Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. Ive gained 100 pounds in 18 months. That makes everything so much worse. To top it off two girls at work laughed at me as I walked away from them. Mean girls at work are the absolute worst.', 'I get you. Im 24, no one would ever guess how truly sad I am. No one. The meds arent so bad I kinda wish they did Numbness everything but they dont. I watch the world go by. Idk why but the worst part is never being in love. I try very very hard. I even joined a co ed 16 in league to make friends but I come up empty. I have a really big heart but no one wants it. I get what you Irritable Mood about not being meant to live this life. I often find myself thinking that I am only here to make other people happy. I make them smile and laugh Hyperactive behavior Im a clown but its so dark on the inside. An I just want someone to see. I want someone to understand', 'I think just Mental Depression. I lost motivation to do anything. I just want things to get better', 'Every time I think enought about it I Crying Reflex, Abnormal and Crying Reflex, Abnormal. I think about it at least once a week sometimes more Hyperactive behavior this week. I must be down. Well I am down. It stinks because you cant really tell anyone. I was placed on psychiatric hold in college and it made me want to do it even more. Have you thought about seeking help inpatient? I always want to do that but I work full time and could never afford it on my own....let alone all the missed work. Its a hopeless position Im sure you know. I feel Hyperactive behavior in damned if I do and damned if I dont. I think more than anything I want help. But help costs money. Help requires time. I wish my future self could come and tell me it will be okay. But I cant even picture my future. I dont see anything.', 'I appreciate your concern and your reply. It is my family. I want to move far away but my mom is Nausea. If I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left or died no one would take care of her. Its not fair to her. But sometimes I wonder if someday things will get better for me? Im single. Guys use me then leave every I just kinda gave up. I went to college out of state so my friends are spread across the country. I had a friend here since we were 9, but a few months back she told me I was too sensitive to be around. I was recently diagnosed as Bipolar Disorder. I try not to be sensitive, but sometimes I cannot help it. I just want things to get better. I just got a big promotion this week. I was so excited. I tried telling my dad about it and he walked out of the house mid sentence. I was getting through Fathers Day well enough until my sister called my mom...she has a hard of hearing so her volume was turned up. She said its hard to be around me because I smell bad. I spent all day at her house yesterday (literally 11 am to 1130 pm) cleaning her house and helping babysit her one week old so she could Hypersomnia and go to a wedding. Just for her to complain. It sucks. I know Im overreacting so I understand if this post is just obnoxious. I tried killing myself when I was a sophomore in college because my dad refused to speak with me because I wouldnt play intermural (sp?) basketball and I was deep in Mental Depression as it was. I know how dark it can get. I know what its Hyperactive behavior to be a mental patient. I thought maybe, foolishly, my dad would love me after that. It just made him even more angry. Itll be fine Im sure. Just Nausea of everything.']
['Hey man, dont be so hard on yourself, it is never black or white. Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes nothing goes your way. Whatever the situation is, its not permanent. I have been down the dark and hopeless paths myself. I try to remember the good things, no matter how insignificant. A friendly greeting, A good joke, Something nice I did, whatever.Good luck stranger.', 'I have been through some dark times myself. If there was only one advice I could give you, it would be to love yourself with all your failures and flaws. As long as you love yourself for a reason, it is something that can go away. It must be completely unconditional, even if you dont get one single thing right, you can still love yourself.\r\rInternet is a great way to talk to someone without needing to trust them. I have no idea who you are but i care for you anyway.', 'I am lucky that way. I dont know how I could have made it without them. Im not so sure I would have. I certainly wouldnt be who I am today.', 'You gave it your best shot. Obviously you are better of without someone who treats you Hyperactive behavior that. No one deserves to be treated that way. She will probably behave in the same way towards the other guy sooner or later.It sucks being cheated on, but it doesnt say anything about you, dont forget that. Keep your head up, she is the one that should be ashamed of herself.Try to hang out with your friend even if you dont feel Hyperactive behavior it, being alone gives you to much time to think destructive thoughts. Being with friends helps you get things in perspective.', 'If your current therapist doesnt work out for you, try a different one.', 'Well, death is certain, you *will* die sooner or later. The question is how much nice things you can experience before that.It sounds Hyperactive behavior you have come to the realisation that the life you have lived so far isnt what you want. I think that is a good thing because now you have the opportunity to find out what you *do* want. Why not challenge yourself to do things differently, its not Hyperactive behavior you have anything to lose.Something that helped me find my way a bit more was to meet new kinds of people and expose myself to new kinds of ideas. I had a hard time realising that the world is never black and white. I was shy and insecure, I hated that, so I forced myself to behave Hyperactive behavior the person I wanted to be. In the end it worked. I think it would for you to if you can find a little piece of hope in yourself.', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior you are stuck in a bad downwards though-spiral. We all fuck up from time to time. What would you say if your best friend or someone in your family was in the same situation? Would you recommend Suicide as the best solution? This to shall pass.', 'The only thing keeping you down is your fear. Nothing else.I came to approximately the same conclusion as yourself. My life sucks and as it is headed it will continue to suck until I die. That was the moment I realised that I should take each and every chance i got. The default option is intolerable so there was nothing to lose. To me it seems Hyperactive behavior you are in the same situation. You are not happy with who you are and not happy with your situation.Society told you what to do and you did it, so now what? I think it is time to start question everything and try to figure out what YOU want. Who do you want to be? (Yes please answer that).', 'how did the meditation/therapy go?']
['I dont really know to be honest..only made an account on here Hyperactive behavior 30 minutes ago. Possible to PM at all then sort something a little easier out?', 'Know that feel..just gotta hope..Time, apparently, will make it much better and easier to cope.Just good luck and Im sorry really.', 'Going through the exact same problem at the moment buddy.No easy way out of it, just have to try your u pmost to be with her every step of the way. Text her, skype when you can. Just show your support and that theres someone out there that cares, you know?As to your reply to the other persons comment, have you simply told her how great she is? May go a long way in helping her self esteem (Which is probably rather low right now)', 'Hey :)Sorry to hear youre doing badly, but the Ache of the relationship will eventually fade. I can promise you that. We have all had the experience of loosing a loved one. If you want to chat and whatnot, give me a shout.Whatever you decide to do, I hope you end up happy from it.Will be thinking about you and wishing you well.Elzithxxxxx', 'We all remember the bad over the good. But Im sure your friends would stand by you if you needed them. As to your parents..well..youre not going to have to be around them forever. So, hang on and youll be free within a few years I would of thought. Dont let them win, eh?', 'Are you sure they would kick you out? Theyre your family, there is so very little that they could not/would not forgive. My understanding is that your friend wants you too tell them, but you want to keep quiet, is why youre being driven apart? At the end of the day, its your choice..dont let someone else push you into something/If telling someone means you had to kill yourself..well..we all have our secrets that will never see the light of day. Some things just arent trouble they would cause.Good luck with it allElzith.', 'If its something you Anxiety about, or its a problem, then its no small. We all have different worries. Something that hurts someone else, may Irritable Mood a minor annoyance to you.I have seen people break from, to my mind, small issues. Yet others go on with things that would have me huddled in a corner, crying my eyes out.Different things hit us in different ways. If its a problem, then its a problem. I do not see there being a severity in the actual problem, more how it affects you. So..try to stop worrying it over it being a Anxiety <3 Accept it. Then solutions.', 'Its actually meant to effect women more than men. Statistically it does anyway. Though I think this is much more likely from men simply dont tell anyone about it or go and get know..weakness and all (-_-) Though it also manifests differently. Women are more likely to attempt suicide, whilst men are more likely to succeed. Though I think that comes down to method preferences rather than will.', 'A new start surely? Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult now (Or by UK standards anyway, dunno where you are) Decided to keep on living and all..sounds to be something pretty happy about.Either way, good to see youre still about. Just caught the end of that last post, which was not exactly..cheerful conversation material (May or may not of shed a tear >.> <.<) Either way, welcome back.', 'twas mine as well ^^ Happy Birthday', 'Hey, know what that is Hyperactive behavior..loosing the one you love and all.Happy to chat, will write something out a little more detailed in a sec', 'Sorry I did not reply sooner. And I have no idea how you can make those assumptions just from that post, but thanks I suppose. <31) Yeah, but they dont have a clue as to the extent of it2) Im not, no. I did for a while but I really did not find it helpful', 'Hey there!"Ive always been a terrible person. I always try to help everyone but I just end up Depressed mood them. "Not sure how to quote :3Anyway! To my mind and most anyone else, its the trying that helps. We all Chest Pain people, its just one of those things. Death and taxes and all that. But those of us that try to do better by them and continue trying to make the world a better place..well..theyre the best of us. No question about that. "I really wanted to be able to end everyones suffering, not just my own. So this is really all for them, so they can be happy again."Who is it that will be better off? Your friends do not know how to handle it, your boyfriend cares but does not know how he can help. Your family..well..theyre your family. They love you and will stand by you, no matter what. Nobody will be better off you are gone. Nobody.It takes a rare person to go out of there way for others. Its beyond tragic that the world sees fit to Chest Pain us so. But beyond amazing that other people, with their own problems and issues, will help other people also suffering.Whatever you decide, people will be thinking about you and if you do decide to go through with it, the world will miss you terribly. Sorry if Im rambling..but..yeah. Enough now I suppose ^^', 'Hello again! Good to see youre still up and kicking.Couple of things1) Just phone her. Having decided that its time to go on your way, what is there to loose? Tell her what you told me, at least to set the record straight. 2) If youre not happy with doing it, then ask a friend or family member.3) Yeah, going to have to say it. Dont kill yourself, eh? Still here, so there must be something holding onto you.Again, everyone here is telling you the same thing, You fucked up, but that you actually realize that and feel Hyperactive behavior shit over it, is a good thing. So let it be, move on with your life. You have had enough atonement for it all. But killing yourself will crush her. And yes she will find out as the police will let your loved ones know the cause of your death. Having posted this, it wont be hard for them to find her. It will crush her big time, as she will blame herself. This I can promise you.Whatever you settle on, I hope you end up somewhere better than where you are now.Take careElzith.', 'Not the same for everyone. Many people say it goes away, just have to give it time. Though the majority of people I have spoken to all say the same thing. Treatable but not curable.', 'It really depends on what sort of therapy youre doing.Some will just sit and listen whilst they ask you questions about your life. Some will offer advice and try come up with solutions with you. Some a mixture of both.It really just comes down to the person. Whatever happens, theyre not just going to brush you off :S Promise.Hope things get better. Feel free to reply/message if you want too hear more about what goes on (Had 6 sessions, finished them a while back)', 'I have nothing to live for really, apart from to help others, so can relate. Will most likely get buried..but..will take it as a challenge ^^1) Stopped giving a shit. Dont want to live anymore? Then fear simply does not exist anymore. Can do anything you Hyperactive behavior without caring for the consequences to yourself. Skydiving, safarii, something fun ^^2) Cause fuck the world. Cause fuck them for driving someone down so very far.3) Contribute. Dunno if youre that sorta person, but, could do something through that.4) Never know, cant get any worse so has to get better5) To set an example. At the end of the day, who else is going to try and make the world a better place so others do not have to suffer through the same shit as you did, if you yourself just give up and let it all lay.And..thats all I have right now', 'Well then, there we go ^^ Glad youre feeling better.', 'Spend time with her when she gets back. Thats really all I can offer as help..just make sure she is not alone -at all- when she gets back (Or as much as possible) I can promise you that knowing someone is there for her, someone that cares will be a big help.When she does go to Uni, is there any chance you can visit her rather frequently?', 'I can tell you to seek help..that Suicide is not the right thing to do and all, that life will get better and all. And it will.But if youre making this as a rational decision, I dont feel there is anything I can do..which Im sorry for. Im sorry for whatever it is that has happened to you, just wish you had had someone there to help you through .If you want somebody to talk to, about this or just about the weather, give me a shout.', 'Rather than going way, I found it just becomes..normal. I cant remember what being happy is even Hyperactive behavior any more, just get sort of Numbness to the effects at the end of the day I suppose.', 'I doubt it. If you manage to drink the whole thing (I take it youre young and not used to drink) which would be next to impossible, you will just need to get your stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning (Which aint me)It;s much more likely you would just throw up or collapse before that point. Besides, its really not worth it.', 'I cant possibly see this as a good of the main reasons people love this subreddit is, to my mind, they may talk and get things off their chest without fear of reprisal.Who has the right to force someone to carry on? Their life, their decision.']
['in all honesty, though it was literally prison, and nobody there was anything Hyperactive behavior me. i wish i had never Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. it made me stronger and who i am today and i dont regret it for one minute', 'Message me. Ive been to my fair share of inpatient hospitals, also i take kpin too lol ', 'i dont really have much to say, but, the way you describe yourself. thats how i was (and still am on occasion) you just need a legitimate motivation. i would say get a pet, a life that depends on you, if you feel up to it at least. you show the will to force yourself to do stuff so you havent given in yet. in my experience getting a dog was the only reason i got up in the morning, did anything, got outside, it was the only reason i existed. to keep this animal alive, my soul purpose, then someone will stumble in front of you. you will find a person that your life can be dedicated to as well as your animal. and hopefully, eventually, you can care about yourself too. ', 'Im here all night, pm me', 'been held in a nyc one that was closer to prison for around 45 days, i feel you man, i feel you.', 'you dont have to feel hopeless, it feels Hyperactive behavior it, but you dont. life is hard, youre completely right, but every once and a while things happen that make the shitpool known as life worth swimming in. you dont really give much to go off of but PM me so we can talk.', 'Nature + dog = pure bliss. Just the look on mines face when we run is enough to change my mood', 'Sorry man i just wrote out what i was thinking, we should be worrying about people tho instead of wasting time on technicalities', 'Then just deal with this shit for your dog until you find something more. Also what kinda dog you got', 'You seriously do have a gift, the way that you express yourself through text is better than anyone ive ever met, maybe that can be your saving grace, or honestly i just got a dog, knowing that something else has an un-ending love for me and depends on me is what kept me out of the quicksand for long enough to find another way out. Ultimately as you implied at the end i have no say in things, such is life, the only thing in life that we have total control over is ourselves. And you have more fight in you than many others, you can articulate brilliantly (and you do) that you dont want this shit. But you are showing that you still have some fight Ventricular Dysfunction, Left in you and wil to go on, just by posting, even if you dont realize it. You can only change yourself, nobody else can, you have to be the one to pull yourself out of the quicksand, all of the spectators yelling to you do jack shit. It pisses me off when someone is on the brink and other people can only manage a "dont do it" or "keep fighting" as if we havent heard it 1 million times already. Im not going to pull you out of that sand, you are, not because i said to but because you truely wanted to. At some point in your life you have truely wanted it, maybe it is now as you stare death in his cold dark face, but you still have to escape that quicksand. With or without you there is going to be a tomorrow, its up to you whether you want that day to be brighter by your presence or darker by your absence. ', 'They really dont call them mans best friend for nothing haha. Holy shit that is one cute dog tho based on the breeds. I have a malamute who i love to death, is there a big ass forest or reservation near you where you can walk your dog? I find that it just takes off that edge to be with just your best friend and nature']
['Be her better half. You have to put yourself in her situation to understand what you have to do. I was once the depressed/suicidal friend and I had no one. Youll have to be there for her just about all the time so she doesnt feel alone. Even if you think the situation isnt that serious, it is for her and it should be for you too. Youre being a great friend and an amazing human being for not just leaving her to deal with it on her own.', '"Saying someone cant be sad because someone may have it worse is Hyperactive behavior saying that you cant be happy because someone has it better."Sometimes you have to distance yourself from the people who only talk down on you.']
['Its not the end, it just feels that way. Or at least, it doesnt have to be. You have an entire lifetime to fix these things and while I personally have never bought into the idea that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, I do believe that you dont have to let it define you. Another life is possible, I promise. ', 'Hes in holland, 911 isnt universal unfortunately.', 'You sound Hyperactive behavior an incredibly smart, eloquent young man, who has the potential to do a lot of really amazing things both for himself and in the world, which is where you need to spend more time. I know its tempting to do nothing but Hypersomnia and stay away from people and do nothing - you should avoid doing this. If your thoughts are scaring you, you need to be doing things that give you a feeling of control over the situation and that take you out of your head. Ultimately, if you want to completely change the situation and take control of it, tell your parents. If they disown you, they disown you, if they dont, they dont but youre taking away the great unknown, immaterial punishment waiting to come Drug withdrawal syndrome down. Tell them about your grades, about how its affecting you, and take it from there. As a side note, my brother aced Drug abuse school and college and I was the drop out, today I have an incredibly succesful, fairly prestigious carreer. Life has honestly just only begun for you and you have no idea where its going to take you. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. As someone smarter than me once said. ', 'You sound Hyperactive behavior an incredibly strong person, all I can do is listen, but please know that Im doing that. Its ok to feel weak, youve been strong for so long, through so much, there is no shame or Guilt in the way that youre feeling. I know its hard to see, but if anything, you should be proud of the fact that youre here, and youre still going. Please stay. ', 'I imagine you Hyperactive behavior writing, keep doing it, get someone to read it - write some more, put it out there. There is meaning and purpose in all that we do, sometimes we just need to look hard to find it. I can see that it hurts, Im sorry that it does. People are reading and listening to you. ', 'People change their lives every single day. Where you are right now can be the end of a bad story or the start of a good one. You need to get off the drugs, and thats going to be hard but even though I do not know you, the remorse you show for your actions speaks to some kind of inner strength. You are beating the hell out of yourself, I doubt anyone in your family or anyone you know would speak about you in these terms. Be gentler with yourself. You might have problems but this isnt the solution. ', 'Its a pleasure, I wish you the best. ', 'I hear you. It sounds to me Hyperactive behavior you feel Hyperactive behavior you have little to no control over your life, but this isnt true. You do control your life, you just need to start seeing that again. Start slowly and clean up your place. Take note of what youre eating and try to change it, slowly, to something more healthy. Little things that you have control over will, slowly, turn into big things. Dont give up. There are people that love you and you have no idea what role you still have to play in this world.', 'Im sitting here in Cape Town South Africa and the night is beautiful and warm. Theyve lit up the mountain tonight. Its a beautiful place and one that I think everyone should see. If youd Hyperactive behavior to have the chance to see it or experience any of the millions of other beautiful things this life has to offer, you need to pick up the phone right now and either dial 911 or your countrys local emergency hotline, or a friend. Dont end your story Hyperactive behavior this. Pick up the phone. ', 'Fair enough, just wanted to suggest it and if its helping you and serving a purpose in your life, more power to you.', 'You are right to be afraid of losing your loved ones, for them, call an ambulance NOW.', 'Out of interest, have you considered that it might play a part in your depression? I smoked every day for 12 years, recently stopped - and the world is very different, I do a million more things than I ever did, all of which seem to give me a sense of purpose and meaning. Try checking out /r/leaves - if you dont feel that way, no harm, no foul, just my 2 cents. ', 'Talk to someone.', 'Always a pleasure :)', 'Cocaine/alcohol/drugs will fuck with your sense of self, this isnt you - this is the chemicals in your brain, your tattoo is the kind of tattoo someone whos strong gets, be strong and pick up the phone. ', 'I dont know what they said because theyve deleted it but I just want you to know that you sound Hyperactive behavior a strong person considering all youve been through, please stay that way.', 'Go to your neighbours, tell them you feel incredibly Nausea and need an ambulance.', 'Thanks for sticking around, I dont know you but Ive been worried about you since we stopped hearing from you.', 'I think if you make it clear that youre worried about getting to that place, rather than being in that place, you shouldnt have to Anxiety about going to a hospital and if you are in that place, then a hospital and being surrounded by people who are trying to help you, is not a bad situation to be in, or at least, its a better situation than you could be in. Enjoy your book and when youre done or you get bored, dont dissapear inside your head again, do something else. Its a pleasure. ', 'No youre not. You think youre done but things change every single day, maybe not in a way you can notice, but they do. And when things change, they will change the way you feel. There are a million things you still have to experience and I do not know you, but I believe you would enjoy experiencing them. ', 'Yes, you should talk to them, anyone, about these thoughts. I have no doubt in my mind that people love you and care about you and would desperately want to talk to you if they knew this is how youre feeling. I would also strongly advise you to get out of your head a little more. When the thoughts start, go and do something else, build a model airplane, watch a movie, read a book, call someone - the solution is not in your head, its in the world and you need to be in it, experiencing it, to see that. ', 'And the fact that you say "I guess" means youre not sure - this is a permanent solution to what can be a temporary problem.']
['It was a skype call, but she ended it and Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me with " Good night . See you on the other side, Jordan. But Ill be in hell and youll be in heaven." She wont respond to me or my friend. Im trying to get more info than I have, scouring Phobia, Social networks and the like, but thats failed. Does anyone know where I can see rape charges in New Jersey? Her father was a rapist, and if I can find that, then I could find her last name and call 911 or a Suicide hotline and they could maybe find her.', 'Yes, she is. Sorry for the late update. I thoght I had sent one a while ago but it must have glitched.', 'I have my friend who was suicidal once talking to her. I know nothing more than the fact she lives in NJ, so unfortunately I cant call the police, and her doctor isnt an option. Shes an internet friend, but Ive known her for over a year now.', 'I will. Thanks for the help, everyone.', 'Yes, she is. Shes gone from "See you on the other side, Jordan." to "I wont be able to get on twitter for a long time, but this isnt the last time Ill see you." and making a long-term plan so that we can talk. The reason she was going to kill herself is because she was suicidal already, but then her mother found a drawing of Katie killing herself with Anger words about her mother scrawled on it, and her mom is really mad, and shes taking away Phobia, Social networks. A very bad idea considering most of her friends are online. Her three IRL best friends have all killed themselves. Shes said shes going to kill herself a few times just for attention, but that wasnt it this time. And to anybody who said to call the police, even though Ive known her for upwards of a year, I dont know anything more than her first name and her state. I attempted to use a program called Creepy to find out, it basically compiles information visible to anyone. You could go though every bit of someones tweets and find more info. But, Creepy only takes five minutes. If they have locations turned on, it shows you where that tweet was sent from. Unfortunately, shes too smart and has them turned off, or else I would have. ', 'In the end, she didnt do it. She is alive today, but still suicidal. ', 'UPDATE: She drew a picture of her committing Suicide with Anger notes to her mother that werent meant to be seen, and they were. Apparently her mother is "Anger"']
['That sounds really weird.Maybe you were Distractibility with something?', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve struggled to keep your life together, and for a long time. But despite the bumps and obstacles, you managed to get pass or go straight through them. And even when you felt Hyperactive behavior giving up, you got back up and kept going. Thats a very nice thing to hear! :DI honestly hope that things go more smoothly than what you have been through. Good luck and enjoy life as you want it to be. And thanks for posting this too. Im sure theres someone out there who needed to hear this. ', 'Hey, you still here? Dont go man, its not worth it.', 'You dont force someone to go, you *persuade*. If you know them very well, get them to trust you a lot. (Like if you fall backwards blindfolded, Ill catch you 100%) Once they trust you, try to persuade that professional help is the best thing they can do to get help and comfort them while persuading. ', 'What did you do to "disappoint" your family? Even so, its family. Theyre supposed to love you no matter what. Did you ask them if they think you are a disappointment or do you just assume? ', 'Im not joking, you literally just said what I did 30 minutes ago. I was laying down, hanging around with my friends, and playing pokemon. Now the easy way is actually not bad. But we dont call it that. We call it the *smart* way. If you can do something in less steps and still receive the same outcome, why do extra? However, we cant do that because as you know, were both struggling to pass our classes. Therefore, we have to put more effort than everyone else did. Also, Im sure you know theres a balance between Phobia, Social life and school work. You need to socially interact with people, because connections are important in daily lives. However, school work is necessary to go to college and actually have a stable job. Right now, we both are not doing so well on balancing. Its more Hyperactive behavior "one or the other" and Hyperactive behavior normal people, we choose the more relaxing one. Dont feel bad about yourself. People too have the same struggles as you have (Hyperactive behavior me) and all our minds look into the idea of Suicide. Dont invalidate your feelings. The problem is not feeling this way, but how you go about fixing it. So sure the aftermath of rape, or even the sufferers of diseases are very bad, and I agree its worse than our problems right now. But what we feel and our reasons are still valid. And so, its fine to talk about your feelings. Think about it. Im actually grateful that you allowed me to listen to your thoughts because that allowed me to say what Im feeling. (I dont feel much better, but its still a little and it counts.) Also, thats why Reddit allows throwaways. If you want my advice, set aside your thoughts of Suicide for now, and start studying and focusing for the exam more than you ever done in your life. Do what you can, and try to do more than that. (Dont think about it too much. I know thats impossible, but it should be a goal to reach and since its impossible, youll go very far.)And if you ever have those thoughts of Suicide after you see that exam, Sedated state down and think or just talk to me again. I have never actually failed a class, but some people do and it just happens. But life still goes on. (Sorry, a bit cheesy) This happens to some, but they somehow manage to get pass it and strive very Drug abuse.Again, Ive never failed a class (technically) and so I dont know how they do that. But Im not going to find out and you should think the same. I cant see the future, but were almost done and we should finish with 110% effort. (What do we have Ventricular Dysfunction, Left to lose?) BTW: I write a lot because I just want to be clear as possible. I actually dont write that much in my English class. (or in any class lol)', 'WAT? Honestly Im so jealous right now for two reasons lol.1. Youre skinny. Im so fat right now and I cant do anything about it.2. You got into an university. Most people are lucky enough to get into 1 university.Now, you should proud of who you are. Who cares about anyone else? If you hang around Megacolon, Toxic people, theyre only going to make you Nausea. There are a lot of different people around you. Ill take Reddit for an example. You say that "My "smarts" are irrelevant to the masses, who only care about partying and having fun." But when you say "masses", that includes Reddit and look at the comments! There are all sorts of people who care about your problems and are willing to help you to get through them. Most do care about having fun, but thats not the only thing. If you open up a bit and try to find some people that you have similar interests to, youll see that life is not that bad. Again, from what you said, I dont think you are bad person at all. If you ever need a person to talk to, Im here. ', 'Ok you are right. Actually, my doctor just said that I was going through Mental Depression, but I dont see me being Depressed mood so....Lets try this. Hows your day? Maybe if you tell me about your day, maybe well see something. Keep in mind, even though I may be clueless to some things, Im still trying to help you. ', 'Im not trying to encourage Suicide or anything, but a driving "accident" could put others people in danger as well as you. Theyre innocent, so I dont think harming innocent people is a good idea. (Just saying)Im basically Hyperactive behavior you, except Im forced to work, I dont drink, and Im younger than you. Honestly, lying on the couch and lurking on Reddit sounds really nice right now. Life is going way too fast and is so demanding of you. It does tire you out. However, I cant because school and finals and all. Theres really no time for any of this. Furthermore, I also fake all the time. I always try to be the typical "friendly guy" while getting along with the people who Hyperactive behavior to see Hitler as "misunderstood" and etc. But really, Im more of a Depressed mood, pessimistic guy. Seriously, I prefer being alone and I do believe people helping me is a burden on their part. They say its fine, but theyre essentially taking their valuable time for me and I cant always give back and you just feel guilty.To simplify, Im Hyperactive behavior you in some ways. The constant movements in life are way too rushed and theres never time to stop and think because of our society today. Now please talk to a psychiatrist. I currently am going to one and so should you. It is their job to talk and help others, and Im sure they will be glad to talk to you. If you just want to talk to someone, go to [7 cups of tea] ( Basically, theres someone there to talk to you and you dont meet face to face. Ive never been on that website, but I think its easier talking on the internet than face to face. (Its not so awkward.) Or you can talk to me. Im usually on every day, but it may take a while for me to reply. Im on at certain hours, but I will reply quickly as soon as I see it. Now, I dont see a reason to hate yourself. Everyone gets Exhaustion at one point. Its normal. Similarly, many people have that feeling of being worn out. Just Sedated state down and talk to someone. Im being absolutely serious. If you dont have enough energy to go to a psychiatrist, then just go on that website I mentioned. All it takes is for you to reach your computer (or phone) and start typing. Not much effort.Now keep in mind that even though we have similar problems, I highly doubt I understand your situation as much as I think I do. So I apologize in advance for anything that may offend you, and anything insensitive is completely unintentional. (I have a tendency to be insensitive.) ', 'Thats the problem. Stop feeling so negative. Everyone is unique and everyone helps society in their own way. Some people may give smaller help than others, but its still help. Stop focusing on the bad qualities and focus on the good qualities. If the bad ones are bring you down, improve them. Tell me your bad qualities. I think youre taking this too fast. ', 'You sound Hyperactive behavior me right now. You feel absolutely worthless and in Ache. But if you ended it now, it may cause Ache to others, which is no good. Well, based on what you said, youre a really nice person and I probably dont understand the extent of Ache youre feeling right now. Sure I think I have similar problems Hyperactive behavior yours, but Ill never know. To tell you the truth, I too think Im not that smart. *a burden*, *an idiot*, *a failure*, *an embarrassment*Name that I constantly hear inside my mind and/or from others. And I know why they call me that.Im slow. What takes great difficulty for me is a breeze to others. Even my brothers are starting to get ahead of me. The Stress to keep up is overwhelming. But when I lost the will to keep going, it just made things worse. Life didnt matter to me. I took any punishments/attacks/insults that were coming to me Hyperactive behavior I deserved it. I cant die though, or else Ill inflict great Ache onto my youngest brother and I cant do that. So for now, Ive ignored it and tried to move on. Theres not much I can do right now and its going to follow me till I fall again. But at least I know what is causing me Ache. Its better than not knowing.Now, you should really find out whats causing you Ache. I dont really know, but I feel its not some thing, but rather its something missing. (Kinda confusing, but stay with me.) You say you have a perfect family, and good friends. Who wouldnt want that? So it cant be your family. Theres probably something missing that you need to find out. Until you do, nothings going to change and that sucks. It truly does. For now, just place those thoughts aside for now and keep going. This is hard to hear, but you cant just make your problems disappear at this time. (Honestly, if Suicide was the real answer to ridding problems, many more would have done that by now. But its not.)I cant say itll get better or worse. Ive hoped for a better future myself and its still doesnt look too bright. But Ive chose to move on and see how it goes. The Ache is definitely still there despite how much Ive tried to hide and push it back. But its no use struggling to fix it now, when so many things are going to pass by. Im sorry that I cant give you a straight answer on how to solve your problems. If I could, I would (because that would also solve mine). But just know that theres always someone out there that feels very closely to what youre feeling right now. (It may not be me, but Ive told you my story and you can decide yourself.)To clarify, just Sedated state down and try to forget about it for now. I know its easier said than done and you probably think Im highly insensitive (which could be true). But just try and understand that its not going to get better right away, but things will change. And if it gets worse, just come back here again. One thing is for sure. **Theres no problem with you.** People may be smarter than others. But at the end, were all human and we all make mistakes. Everyone goes through the point where they feel worthless compared to others and there are different ways to fix it. We just dont have the answer in front of us right now. But thats ok. Just Sedated state down and forget it for now. Theres really no use to thinking about it too much.', 'Even only you had more free time, your problem would have been resolved a long time ago.You just need do something to keep you happy. I could give some examples, but you should try to find it yourself. ', 'Why do you want to kill yourself?I admit, its truly nice you care for your family and friends.But why?*sips tea*Come. sit down and talk to me. ', 'Ya, I would be stuck if I was in your situation. I think this is more of a family situation between your SOs brother and your SO.However, you can support him by helping your SO to stay strong. If his brother goes, whos to say that your SO will also be sad because of that fact? Maybe other Redditors can think of another way, but this is just my opinion.', 'Na, please think it through. I think youre just Stress out and dont have everything planned. Thats all. And everyone has their flaws. Youre just not a Phobia, Social guy and you dont have everything all sorted out. Its fine. (But if youre breaking down every hour, then please go to a doctor.) BTW: Sorry for the late response. Im still working on lots of homework and I was also helping my mom with stuff. (Shes not the best at technology.)', 'Dont Anxiety about it! In your life, youre gonna have some ups and downs. Whenever youre feeling down, you can talk to me. Im always open. :D', 'Please dont do anything too hasty. Theres more to life than just girls. Sure she was special to you, but people move on. Of course, most struggle with this, especially if it just happened recently.Now that Ive said that, I have to tell you I am not in a relationship and never had one either. So I cant completely understand your situation, but Ive had friends who suffered from break-ups and its definitely not easy. Some of them never actually recovered. Its very sad and I just want to make sure you dont do anything too drastic without thinking first.Based on what you said, I can only assumed you loved your girl very much. (10 months is a long time.) However, some people just fall out of love and they want to meet new people. Its perfectly normal. Of course the person thats Ventricular Dysfunction, Left behind is going to Chest Pain a lot. Its not something you can Hypersomnia on or play an hour of video games to get over it. I know youre in great Ache right now, all Im saying is thats fine, but you too should move on. Dont take it too extreme and end your life. Its not worth that much.Also, it could be good that you both have split. (Dont take this the wrong way and hear me out.) I do not know why she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left you, but I can guess that she didnt love you Hyperactive behavior before. But if you both stayed together, she will not be happy. And remember, the person who cares the least controls the relationship. Its painful, but true. Also, if shes not happy, you probably will not be so happy soon. Therefore, you just have this sad relationship, and thats no good. Life consists of a lot of things, some that most people dont see. Right now, youre focused on your broken relationship. (Again, its fine. No one expects you to get back up so fast if the relationship was that meaningful.) But you have to expand your focus on other things. Lifes not all about girls and love. I cant promise whats going to happen in your life. But remember, time will heal this and life has its ups and downs. Right now, your life is clearly down to rock bottom. I cant say how your life will go next, but I can tell you that if you can move on, you could feel a bit better. This only works if you choose to. If you need to talk, please talk to me. I am open to talk. I may not be the best, but my ears are open for those who want me to listen. Best of luck and I hope you feel better. ', 'I cant really understand your situation because Im still too young, but I do know that youre in great Ache right now.The reason youre in Ache is because you chose to center love in the first place. I dont Irritable Mood to sound so inconsiderate, but it is the truth. I think you need to relax and find what is truly the center of your life. BTW what is going on between you and him? Im sorry, but what you said was kinda vague.', 'There are millions of people and everyone is different. So it really doesnt matter what people think.You can be whatever you want to be.And again, there are millions of people, youll find someone ', 'Sorry, I didnt Irritable Mood to be insensitive. Maybe I was a bit off on those things. However, I just wanted to show that his problems can be fixed and is not that bad. Also, I now know what I said was wrong and its ok to call me out, but at least Im trying to help this person. I was looking through the comments and I didnt see you try to help him at all, but only here to say Im wrong. You should direct your energy into helping those in need rather than the helpers. Otherwise, I assume youre just trying to offend me or something idk.', 'I wish I had that. Its all learning and stuff with my teachers. Nothing close.I dont understand, do you want to her to know or is that a problem?And do you still need help with Suicide?I honestly dont understand. Terribly sorry for my ignorance.', 'I feel sorry for you, but I just cant relate.Its just because I stop having friends for birthdays at 10 years old.And people go by in school and just say happy birthday. No presents or anything. Just saying happy birthday.And when its the weekend, theres 3 or 4 people on facebook saying happy birthday to me. No actual friends around. However, I really stopped looking at my birthday as an actual birthday and make it an excuse. I just say that for my birthday, I would Hyperactive behavior a family reunion. Seriously, I think thats the best birthday gift. Being surrounded by a big family always makes me happy. A couple of times, there were always some to forget to bring presents, but I just shrug it off and say that doesnt matter.I know you feel Hyperactive behavior youre "done" with people, but just try to look at the bright side. You got Reddit saying Happy Birthday and youre one step closer to 18 if youre into that.Turn the situation around to be in your favor. Anyways, happy 17th birthday. Enjoy being 17 and dont be sad, because youll miss all the great things that will happen in the future! I may not be able to relate, but Im with 100%. :D', 'Well, days must end, but a new day will come tomorrow. Its up to you if you want see it. Getting over lost things is terribly difficult, whether it might be a friend, family, or even losing a special pencil. But if you cant find it, you have to let it go (no pun intended) and move on. While you are grieving, countless things are happening everyday and you would be missing that. Moving on is difficult, but everyone has to do it at one point.And anything is only troublesome if you only think that way. If you can forget and move on, its more beneficial rather than grieving. There is always a new beginning. When something has ended, something else has begun. But again, its up to you if you want to find out. Note: Pardon my lack of vocabulary and using the word "thing" so many times. Im particularly Exhaustion at this time. ', 'Well then stop being a scrapegoat! (I know its not that simple. Keep reading.)I applaud for being a considerate human being, even to take the blame for something you didnt deserve. Unlike me (who lets people burn), you actually care more about others.Again, its a nice thing, but sometimes too nice leads to bad consequences. Right now, youve always cover for anyone at fault. The guy who takes one for the team. But it has to end.You need to stop covering for people, and let them take whats coming to them. Sure in the beginning, itll feel even more painful to watch and youll feel even more compelled to cover for them. But they need to take the hit.Im just going to make an example. Say youre playing with a friend on your smartphones. But all of the sudden, your friends phone breaks. He panics because his parents will be furious. Based on what you said, you take the blame for him and pay the phone. (Now his parents dont really Hyperactive behavior you.) The next day, youre doing the same thing again with your friend. (He got a new phone.) But he somehow breaks it again. Instead of panicking, hell look to you to take the blame.The truth is, your problems probably have to do with things that are actually important (rather than my example). But what Im trying to say is that people need to learn their lesson. Itll Chest Pain at first, but theyll learn. On the other hand, if you try to take the blame, they wont learn and probably look to you to take the blame again. You may see yourself as the good guy for protecting others from blame, but youre really make yourself the bad guy and are harming others. Theyll probably do the same again, and youll feel worse and worse. People need to take responsibility for their own mistakes, not you.If you continue to be a scapegoat, youll only receive more blames and feel more Ache. The path will only keep going down. But if you stop here and clear your name, the blames will be lifted and your mind could feel a bit better. The rule is you need to take responsibility for your actions. Not anybody elses. (a bit insensitive)**TLDR**: Do yourself a favor and stop take the blame. Whoever is at fault should take the blame.', 'Please tell the media.If they are going to do all sorts of criminal acts Hyperactive behavior this, you may as well just go and tell the media. Theyll be discovered as who they really are and possibly, the weight of your shoulders will be lifted.If you are going to tell the media, tell them what you know and also explain how they "demonized and vilified" you for telling the truth and show them proof of this "hate campaign". Once the media knows, theyll be ruined.After, go to the police. Tell what you know and what you think. Im sure theyll take this matter seriously because invading privacy is no joke, no matter who you are. Theyll protect you and hopefully, this will be resolved. You are doing the right thing. These cruel people are scaring you (literally to death) in order to cover their crimes. Please dont kill yourself. From your writing, I can tell youre a smart person and you just were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Report them and run to safety. Two things though.* I recommend you ask the media if you could stay anonymous. OR you can give your name to show revenge. * Tell me the aftermath if you actually do this.However please dont kill yourself over this. Thats the main point. They are in the wrong, not you.', 'Before you do that, Sedated state down and think logically. Even if you dont die from overdose, that many pills will cause Ache to your organs and who knows what kind of suffering lies ahead? Either way, please dont do this. Its definitely not a good idea. Now, why do you want to do this? Whats the point for all of this? ', 'Hey! I want to do neuroscience as well! Its my dream. Dont say its out of the picture. Its important to have those dreams, so you could keep going. Read this: ( proof that youll be fine. So dont give up until the very end. What do you do for fun? Even if youre in college, theres gotta be a hobby or something you do for fun.', 'From what you say, I feel absolutely sorry for your tragic problems. I know the feeling when youre on the right track, but then something pops up and screws up everything. And when youre already frustrated, another problem rises. Overall, its bs and sucks Hyperactive behavior hell.But there are some things you just have to let go. Like your ex. You need to let her go because remembering her actions right now will only make it worse. I know how that sounds. Its Hyperactive behavior someone punches you and youre supposed to "let it go". You just cant. But if you remember and keep that Ache, itll never go away. So you can either keep the Ache or let it go. The Cancer problem, to me, is pure coincidence. I cant (and probably never will) completely understand your predicament right now because I dont have cancer. But you should still strive for the PhD, because not many people can get there. TLDR: Let go of the Ache, because keeping it will only Chest Pain you. Also, continue with your studies. ', 'Ill try to help you step by step.* Girls are not your entire world (especially only 1). You should meet other people and see how that works.* Grades are extremely important, but dont let bad grades consume you. When I was in 9th grade, I was in danger of failing my Biology Honors class (hella hard class) and I got Depressed mood that this may ruin my whole life. But I turned that around by asking my parents for tutoring, trying very hard, and asking my teacher/counselor what I could do better.* Most people dont take Mental Depression seriously. Most guys just call that being "weak" or "making excuses". But its a real thing and dont let people get to you. Anyone can send info, but its up to you to take it. And if people are making fun, give no attention to it and work on turning everything around. (I too had people making fun of me and it was hella Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder most of the time)What do you do for fun? ', 'Good job! Idk what to say, because this is one of the best success stories I know right now. ', 'Before I say anything, you did say that you "Dont want sympathy, dont want a friend, dont want someone who undertstands.." So Im going to give a short, and honest answer. Im terribly sorry if Im a bit insensitive.**Effort, intelligence, talent, and luck are the only 4 things that will get you anywhere.**Now Ill elaborate. Life is a game. But how you play the game is a problem. Theres a bunch of tips and tricks on how you get progress in life. On the other hand, hard work is needed to keep going, and intelligence and talent both help. So if you havent put in effort on what you want, you will not progress. Sometimes, youre just lucky and you move on. Most of the time, its all about how much effort you put in. No one really selects their own difficulty. But how hard it seems is all up to you. And when you really stop caring, its only going to get harder and harder for you. Not because life gets harder every day, but because you let it accumulate. Then at one point, life is too hard for you to deal with. And so you give up Hyperactive behavior so.How you let life throw stuff at you is your decision. Theres a difference between staying there and taking the blows rather than doing something about it. Again, it takes more effort. To clarify, life is a game where whoever knows how to play it, wins. Theres no level of difficulty, but how hard you make it seem is up to you. I hope you feel better. Again, that was just a straight answer because I assume you wanted it Hyperactive behavior that. ', 'Make sure you say it carefully though. She may not look Hyperactive behavior it, but in a suicidal state, people are very sensitive. I give advice, but I cant actually do it myself just because I write online better than actually talking. Its a flaw, but I get over it.Best of luck!', 'Dont Anxiety, I know how you feel. I too am discriminated, but from my brothers. Anything bad that they do, I get pointed at first. After a while, the truth is revealed. But this happens at least twice everyday, and its not fun.Honestly, its because of the fact you tried marijuana and e-cigs is whats making your parents treating you differently. They just dont believe you have good judgement anymore. So even when youre telling the truth, all they hear is excuses so you can pull a fast one and go smoke. (Just an example, though I hope its not true.)They lost their trust of you and so theyre acting this way. Maybe actually go to those Catholic therapists. Im not supposed to use religion as a solution, but if you obey your parents, maybe theyll trust you again. You never know. The therapists may help you. If it will not, may as well go to stop your parents.Im still going to say that you should stop with the e-cig and especially marijuana. I dont know much about e-cigs, but marijuana is very harmful and dangerous. (You could get arrested if police find you have that on you.) ', 'Im still really young, but my dad had the same problem. He got laid off and was trying extremely hard to get a job. After he found it, he had to go through all sorts of tests, competing with others. Fortunately, he got the job and hes been doing very good for these couple of years.But during the unemployment time, my dad was extremely Stress out, Hyperactive behavior you. But your problem is different from my dads. I honestly think you rushed into adulthood unprepared. However, you made good progress finishing college with a bachelors degree. (This gives you a better chance than others.) But in this economy, its not only hard for you to look for a job, but many others as well. Based of what Ive learned and listened to, connections are great advantage to look for jobs. By connections, I Irritable Mood others that you know well. These people know where there are job openings and you can quickly jump on them. Without connections, finding a job is easier said than done. Right now, marijuana and smoking will not help you. The feeling of motivation may feel good for now, but will only lead to Drug craving. (And I doubt any employer will hire someone who does marijuana.) Immediately stop right now and get some help.And I dont Irritable Mood help in stopping addictions, but looking for jobs. In desperate times, you need all the help you can get, and this is one of those times. Ask your family and your friends to keep an eye for any job openings. And Im sure there are websites that can help you look for jobs. I think working minimum wage for you is good for now. Honestly, its better than hiding in your room while your parents are "sniping" you. At least you make some money and have something to do. While doing that, continue looking for jobs and keep having hope. The more you run away the problems, the worse it may get. Once you get Exhaustion of running, itll catch up and consume you again. Best thing right now is to fix it quickly before that happens. Hope it works out for you.', 'Well, I dont think Suicide would be the answer in your case. This is more along the lines of "organizing and rethinking your life". One things for sure, you dont need to live up to others expectation of you. They get what they get, and they shouldnt get upset. Remember, you cant make everyone happy. Live up to what you expect of yourself. Forget about anyone else. They can encourage you because they believe you have potential, but they cant force their expectations onto you. Its up to you to decide.I think you should focus on yourself first. From what Ive seen with many people on here, they Hyperactive behavior to place others before themselves. (Thats good btw.) But you cant help others when you have problems. This here is clearly a problem. So for now, set aside the problems of your boyfriend and your mom for now. I apologize for being insensitive, but you cant help others when you need help yourself. Also, if you dont meet your expectations of yourself when you wanted to, then lower it a bit. This sounds kinda weird, but its the truth. You dont get better overnight. You work towards your goal and sometimes you set it too Drug abuse. But once you meet that lower expectation, strive for higher. Its ok if you get there a bit slow. Everyone has their own speed.Again, dont live up to expectations of others. Your sister may be great, but that doesnt Irritable Mood youre no good. In addition, you shouldnt Anxiety how others look at you too much. If you stop comparing yourself to others, you could feel a bit better.Now I know youre a good person. You care about so many people, and I assume you helped your little sister when she was young. Thats great. The only problem you have is just comparing yourself to others. As soon as you let it go, your perspective on life could change.But hey. Just be the best you can be. Love will come and happiness and people come and go, but you are you and no one else can replace you. Just dont have regrets. BTW: I have to admit that I probably dont understand your situation as much as yourself. So if anything above is wrong, feel free to call me out. And if you need someone to talk to, Ill be glad to. Hope you feel better.', 'Ya I have that feeling too. Its all the same and or even more boring than the last. Its a Ache to go through. I assume you have feelings of Confusion and thats normal. Im the same, and I dont know how to fix this, but I can help you with one thing.There are more ways of transportation than just by car. You can try biking or walking (unless its very far). Or just bike along the beach or wherever theres a nice breeze. Ask your friends if they want to tag along. I dont know, but thats what I did. (Well they asked me to come, but basically the same.) Its that feeling of exploration because Ive never been along the beach. And its amazing. Even though its completely tiring, it was loads of fun. Just keep going and maybe something random will happen. Life is full of surprises, but it doesnt happen every day. And sometimes, you find your own excitement. It takes some time. ', 'Well failing i
['Dont know there as dumb as it sounds I feel Hyperactive behavior I dont even deserve help. This is the third time in a row that any relationship I have ended due to the same reasons. I struggle to have emotions lol. I legit do not trust a single person in the world to actually allow them to know who I and what I truly am due to Im just Social fear of what they really will think. I have really horrible thoughts I feel compared to most people mostly about myself.I try to do things that made me happy before because Im a big geek. I love Anime I love computers and playing games and going to the Gym and nothing really helps. When I play games I just feel Hyperactive behavior Im masking my sadness and when I go to the gym I just feel Hyperactive behavior Im losing more weight because Ive all ready lost weight due to this entire issue. I went from around 150 to 140 to 142. And all I do now is just drink energy drinks instead of eating a meal. ', 'Ive been though six psychiatrist so far and nothing has helped and I refuse to take meds because they just made me into something that I wasnt. I dont understand why or what I did to make it to the point where she refuses to even talk to me or see me in person anymore.', 'Whats even worse is that I dont know what to do either if she just needs time to think and actually does decide to come back. Like Id devote my times and effort to make myself a better person and finally allow someone in but should I even?', 'I know exactly what horribly Nausea is. Due to my lack of knowledge I took over 120 to 150 Over the counter Ache killers two times and I failed both time.And as sad as it is my room mate is just as Depressed mood as I am. Lol its Hyperactive behavior the dynamic duo of fail.', 'I just dont understand how for the past three years we said wed be together for ever and I was fucking dumb enough to believe that. To think Id finally found someone who can make me whole and without any pause or hesitation she just ups and leaves. I dont understand how you can look someone in the eyes and say "I love you" and then leave without even trying to talk things out even when the other person whats to change / fix things and work on things together.']
['>It gets better, trust me.Ive spent long enough blindly and fruitlessly *trusting* that things will get better; prove it.Nineteen and a half years ago I was barely more than a boy. I sat on my fathers bed and pulled out his .44 special. I loved that gun; it was a snub-nosed revolver Hyperactive behavior they always used in those old detective movies. I sat holding that thing against to roof of my mouth for what seemed Hyperactive behavior ages, but I eventually decided to re-consider my choices and live on. No decision before or since has been more regrettable. I know that I am loved. I know that the death of a loved one is hard, but I also know that for any two people who love each other, one typically will have to survive the death of the other. Try to look at this from the perspective of someone whos spent a lot of time thinking on these things. I know how much living can intrinsically bring Ache and sorrow for someone who suffers Ache merely at existence. I also know that in spite of watching a few loved ones die in the interim, I actually have more loved ones now than I did back then, more people who will be Chest Pain when I finally die. Barring the Rapture, Im going to die. I cant actually spare my loved ones the Ache of my death unless I either wait to die after them (and suffer the Ache of their death) or die before they become loved ones. When considering the sum total of sorrow associated with my existence including the daily sorrow of existing and the acquisition of loved ones over the course of life, Suicide (or at least an early death) is still the winning investment.I used to believe that things would get better. I tried really hard, and I tried a lot of things, and all it got me was two decades of suffering. You say in your post more than once that you believe in me. What explicitly does that mean, and what gives you such faith?']