1 value
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Air Level: 1 School: Conjuration Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Yards Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a small stoppered flask Description: Creates fresh air around target and up to 2 other creatures. When this spell is cast it creates a bubble of clean air around the target. This drives out foul or stale air and turns it to fresh air. It is used most often to create the air bubble around a person who has fallen overboard and has drifted out of the air envelope of the ship. This air bubble lasts for 5 rounds then the vacuum of space takes over. If the target is affected by a spell or an event like the cloudkill spell, it will shield them from the effects by creating a vacuum around them, separating them from the harmful air, before the effect of the spell/event begins again. At Higher Levels. When using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher the air bubble lasts an additional 5 rounds per spell slot above 1s
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Building Level: 1 School: Conjuration Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Minute Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V Description: This spell creates a simple building that fits entirely within a 10-foot cube within range. Creatures within this area when you cast the spell are harmlessly pushed to the nearest unoccupied space. The building may be made of wood, stone, brick, or similar structural material, and can be structured and furnished however you wish. This spell can't create food, magic items, mechanical details more complex than hinges and latches, or anything stronger than iron, and any material removed from the building vanishes instantly. After 7 days or when you create another building with this spell, the building crumbles into the ground and vanishes. You can cast this spell again while it is active to maintain the building’s existence for another 7 days. Casting this spell on the same building once every 7 days for a year makes it permanent. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can increase the size of the cube by 5 feet for each slot level beyond 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Construct Level: 2 School: Conjuration (Ritual) Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 20 Minutes Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: at least 10g, incense and charcoal, one metallic pot of any sort, bone dust, object(s) that the DM agrees are reasonable for creating a construct. Description: Target one suit of armor, statue, pile of rocks, or similar target, given that the DM agrees a golem could be made using it as a body. Burn the incense with the charcoal in the pot, and let the smoke fill the air around it. Pour the powdered bone into the pot, followed by all of the gold and valuables, then chant an incantation. All materials are consumed by the spell, other than the pot. Gemstones, enchanted items, or other valuables are a reasonable substitute for gold, if a large amount of gold is not readily available. A pile of bones can be targeted with this spell, but it will not technically be considered undead, and will not be sensed by spells or abilities such as Detect Evil, unless constructs are mentioned specifically in those spells. Immediately, the construct will stand on its feet, and await orders. The construct can follow orders, but if its intelligence is too low, it may misunderstand the intention behind certain phrases. The construct can communicate with you telepathically if its intelligence is above 6 and it is within 100 ft. The nature of the construct will be determined between yourself and the DM, and its statistics will vary based on the type of construct created, the amount of gold sacrificed, and the target chosen. If the chosen target is a suit of armor, for example, but only 10 gold is sacrificed, the construct will become an Animated Armor. If the suit of armor is enchanted, however, or a more substantial amount of gold is sacrificed, a Helmed Horror or Shield Guardian will be produced. If a particularly large amount of valuables are sacrificed, and the suit of armor is particularly large and high-quality, an Iron Golem will be produced. If an insubstantial amount of gold is produced for the target, the spell will fail. Due to this, a short out-of-character dialogue with the DM may be necessary when creating particularly high-level constructs with heavy sacrifices, such as Iron Golems. The DM can prepare the stats of the produced construct by rolling them or by choice, if suitable statistics do not already exist. If suitable statistics do exist, the construct will be able to perform actions that constructs of that type would know. For example, a Shield Guardian produced by this spell would be able to use Regeneration. The construct rolls for its own initiative, and you can spend your action ordering it any command. If the construct reaches 0 hit points, it collapses onto the ground, and the spell must be reperformed. Any enchanted items used will remain enchanted, and clatter to the ground. You can only produce one construct at a time, but you can dismiss them at any time verbally. By default, they will simply follow you around and defend themselves against hostile enemies unless instructed to do otherwise
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Demise Armor Level: 9 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 4 Hours Range: 15 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A complete skeleton from a large or bigger creature, which are consumed Description: There may be some balance problems, use it under your own responsibility. You infuse the skeleton with arcane symbols and necromantic power threads, infusing it with a power beyond death. It then becomes a Demise Armor and you become its master. It is completely loyal to you, and will do whatever it takes to keep you alive, following every command you give it. You can act separately or, if its at least one size larger than you, put it on as the armor it actually is. Doing this will follow similar rules than those for mounts and will grant you some especial benefits. If you act separately: It rolls its own initiative in combat and will follow any command you give it. You may telepathically communicate with it (no action required by you). If no command is given, it will defend itself to the best of its ability. If you leave the armor during combat, it acts after your initiative. If you put it on: Entering and leaving the armor works as riding a normal mount. While on it, you count as a singular unit and act on your initiative: Use its movement speed. You can choose between your own actions and reactions or the armor's. You can't cast spells from 8th or 9th levels. You can use Shadow Stealth. Your AC is equal to the armor's or yours, whichever is higher. You share all your senses, resistances and inmunities. Damage from all sources hits the armor instead of you. If you recieve damage, substract it from the armor's HP. If its HP falls to 0, it's destroyed, you leave it and any excess damage carries to you. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your HP to 0, you aren't knocked unconscious. However, a Demise Armor needs a constant supply of magic to keep working. Once every 24 hours, you must cast this spell again on it or the Demise Armor will become inactive until you do so. You can only have 1 Demise Armor active using this spell. Additionally, your hit points will be halved whenever the Armor is active. This reduction cannot be avoided. Your HP will return to normal after a short or long rest (and only if the armor is dormant or it has been destroyed). Additionally, you can make it stronger by providing it with more magic. As an action while the armor is active, you may spend any number of spell slots to pay for one of the next effects, each spell slot gives X charges, where X is its level. Unused charges will be lost after your next short or long rest. Reform (14 Charges) The Demise Armor reforms in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you and you take 4d8 necrotic damage. The Armor must have been destroyed in order to use this. Demise Aura (8 Charges) For the next 5 rounds at the beginning of the armor's turn, every creature within 30 feet which isn't a constructor or undead makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell Saving DC. On a fail, they take 4d8 necrotic damage and become frightened for the next 3 rounds. On a success, they take only half as much damage and aren't frightened. Undead in the affected area instead recover 2d6 hit points. Wings (7 Charges) The Demise Armor gains a flying speed of 40 ft. for the next 24 hours. You must be toching it in order to use this. Teleport (7 Charges) The Demise Armor appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. You don't even need to be in the same plane. Heal (X Charges) The Demise Armor is healed by Xd8 hit points. You must be at most 60 feet away from it in order to use this. Power Up (X Charges, as a Reaction to the Demise Armor attacking) The Demise Armor's next attack deals an additional Xd6 necrotic damage. You may use this after the attack roll, but not after you know whether it hits or not. You must be at most 60 feet away from it in order to use this.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Elemental Undead Level: 7 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Minute Range: 10 Ft. Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A ring containing a black onyx gem worth at least 120 gp for each corpse, which must be placed on the corpse's finger or similar digit, and additional components (see below) Description: Choose 1 Medium or Small humanoid corpse you can see within range. Each corpse becomes your choice of flinthusk, poolhusk, singehusk, or windhusk. (The GM has the game statistics for these creatures.) As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can mentally command any creature you animated with this spell if the creature is within 120 feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. The creature is under your control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying any command you have given it. To maintain control of the creature for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the creature before the current 24-hour period ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control over one creature you have animated with this spell, rather than animating new ones. All 4 creatures have specific death requirements for animation. If these requirements are not met, the ring used as a component for this spell must contain an additional gem worth at least 60 GP: A blue sapphire for a windhusk, a yellow diamond for a flinthusk, a red corundum for a singehusk, or an emerald for a poolhusk. If the spell is cast in this way, the corpses will take form as if they had died in the way they would've otherwise required to (a singehusk will burst into flames, etc). At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you can animate or assert control over 1 additional creature per level after the first.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Ghost Level: 5 School: Necromancy (Ritual) Classes: Cleric, Wizard Casting time: 1 Hour Range: Touch Duration: 1 Year Components: V, S Description: You touch a willing humanoid. If they die within the spell's duration, they immediately turn into a ghost with the same alignment as in life. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you may affect one additional humanoid per slot level above 5th.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Guardian Level: 5 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 12 Hours Range: Touch Duration: Indefinite Components: V, S, M Material cost: the body of the victim which is consumed Description: You create a loyal guardian and companion that will serve you for life... or longer... Spending your essence, you create an undead guardian, be it existing or new, as long as it is of a Challenge Rating equal to or less than 1 level below the caster. You must target a creature's corpse with this spell. It then returns to life as an undead creature with the same statistics it had in life except for the below alterations. Its creature type changes to undead. It gains the following changes unless it already has better ones: 60ft. darkvision Its Strength becomes 16. Its Constitution becomes 14. It becomes proficient in Strength and Constitution saving throws. It gets immunity to diseases. It gets immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. It gets immunity to necrotic damage. In addition, its Intelligence becomes 3 and It cannot speak, but it can understand languages it previously knew and can understand sentences spoken by its creator in any language. Finally, any attack that deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing or slashing now deals necrotic damage. Being an Undead, it does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. It also gains the zombie's Undead Fortitude feature (when reduced to 0 hit points, except by radiant damage or a critical hit, it can make a Constitution save against 5 plus the damage dealt to be reduced to 1 hit point instead). It rolls its own initiative in combat and will follow any command you give it. You may telepathically communicate with it (no action required by you). If no command is given, it will defend itself to the best of its ability. When a zombified creature is destroyed and its corpse remains intact (i.e. not disintegrated), that corpse is treated as the corpse of the original creature for the purposes of further zombification. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6 or higher, the Challenge Rating may increase by one.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Magic Item Level: 1 School: Transmutation Classes: Artificer, Wizard Casting time: 8 Hours Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a nonmagical item that you would like to enchant, which the spell consumes Description: You draw your magical energy into an object, turning it into a magic item. As you start casting this spell, choose a magic item. The material component must match the magic item you want to create, i.e., using a sword as a material component to turn it into a +1 sword, or turning. Once the spell completes, the object used becomes the designated magic item. If the spell is disrupted during the casting process, the spell fails and the spell slot is wasted. The maximum rarity of the magic item you can create is determined by the level spell slot you expend, as shown in the table below. Spell Level Name Item Description 1st Common Varies You can replicate or create a common magic item 3rd Uncommon Varies You can replicate or create an uncommon magic item 5th Rare Varies You can replicate or create a rare magic item 7th Very rare Varies You can replicate or create a very rare magic item 9th Legendary Varies You can replicate or create a legendary magic item If you already have a magic item created with this spell and you cast this spell again, the first magic item disappears in a flash, with nothing remaining behind.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Major Helm Level: 7 School: Transmutation Classes: Bard, Cleric, Wizard Casting time: 1 Hour Range: Touch Duration: 3 Days Components: V, S, M Material cost: chair or something similar that can be sat on Description: You touch a Chair or similar object, creating a temporary Major Helm. see Spelljammer Helms for details on how a helm works. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, increase the duration by 2 days for each slot level above 7th
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Minor Helm Level: 5 School: Transmutation Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Wizard Casting time: 1 Hour Range: Touch Duration: 1 Week Components: V, S, M Material cost: chair or something similar that can be sat on Description: You touch a Chair or similar object, creating temporary minor helm. see Spelljammer Helms for details on how a helm works. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, increase the duration by 1 week for each slot level above 5th
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Pit Level: 1 School: Conjuration Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You Choose a point on the ground in an area of dirt or stone you can see. The ground opens in a 5-foot radius, 15-foot deep pit around the point of your choice. If the surface is not large enough, the spell fails. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On success, they can move 5 feet outside of the radius of the spell. Creatures that fail their saving throw fall to the bottom of the pit taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. The side of the pit are climbable with a DC 12 athletic check. The pit remains until filled. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, The pit is 5-foot wider and for each spell slot level above 1st, the pit is 5-foot deeper.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Portal Level: 5 School: Conjuration (Ritual) Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Wizard Casting time: 10 Minutes Range: 100 Yards Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Hour. Components: V, S, M Material cost: wire and a piece of amber Description: Creates a portal in a crystal shell for a ship to pass through. The spell causes the crystal shell (100 foot radius) to become insubstantial allowing a ship to pass through it. This portal can be dispelled unlike natural portals. At Higher Levels. When using a higher spell slot the size of portal is increased by 100 feet radius per spell slot increase
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Create Soul Gem Level: 9 School: Necromancy Classes: Wizard Casting time: 8 Hours Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A discolored jewel that costs at least 1,000 GP, a willing subject in possession of their own soul Description: You seal a being's soul into a gem, granting them a profane form of immortality. In order to cast this spell, a willing subject in possession of their own soul is necessary. If the subject is not willing, or if they do not possess a soul, the spell fails. Place the gem in direct contact with the body of the subject. At the conclusion of the spell's casting, the subject's soul is removed from their body and sealed within the gem, leaving a metaphysical tether between the two. The Soul Gem is now the repository of the subject's soul, and they cannot be killed by normal means. When the subject drops to 0 hit points, instead of falling unconscious, they will instead become Incapacitated and fall Prone for 1d4 hours, after this time is up they will regain 1 hit point and both conditions will end. So long as the Soul Gem remains within 100 feet of the body, no outward effect is noticeable. The soul retains full control of the body, which functions as normal, and for all purposes is considered alive. If the Soul Gem is removed from the vicinity of the subject, however, the body is immediately rendered unconscious, and cannot be awakened by any means. If the Soul Gem is not returned within seven days, the body dies. It is treated as a corpse, and unless preserved by a spell such as Gentle Repose, it decays as normal. So long as the Soul Gem is missing, the body cannot be the target of any spell made to raise it as undead, or attempting to resurrect it. If the Soul Gem is returned to the body after it dies, the body is immediately reanimated under the control of the soul within, and is considered Undead for all purposes except spells capable of restoring the body to life. Spells attempting to restore the body to life can now succeed, though the soul remains sealed within the gem. If the body is thoroughly destroyed, such as by fire, disintegration, or any other effect that would remove anything recognizable as remains, it cannot be reanimated, though the body may be restored by spells such as Clone or Wish. The Soul Gem is fragile, and if it breaks, the soul dies with it. It is then treated as if it had freshly died, and resurrection spells function as normal. If the Soul Gem is touched by anyone other than the individual whose soul resides within, both individuals make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 psychic damage on a failure. A Soul Gem is permanent save for three exceptions: The aforementioned destruction of the Soul Gem, which results in the trapped soul being able to be resurrected. Casting Wish to negate the Soul Gem as if it never happened. Casting a 9th-Level Dispel Magic spell while the Soul Gem is held closely to its owner, therefore returning the soul back to its owner
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Creation of Wings Level: 4 School: Transmutation Classes: Druid, Sorcerer Casting time: 10 Minutes Range: Self Duration: 1 Hour Components: V, S, M Material cost: A wax figure of a vulture Description: You gain 20 Temporary hitpoints in the form of two iridescent, insectoid wings. While you have these Temporary Hitpoints, you have a Fly speed of 30 feet.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Creeping Darkness Level: 3 School: Illusion Classes: Warlock Casting time: 1 Minute Range: 300 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 10 Minutes Components: V, S, M Material cost: a whisker from a black cat and a tiny bottle of smoke Description: You create an amorphous cloud of inky darkness that fills a 10-foot cube. When you cast this spell and as a bonus action each round, you can move the cloud 20 feet. The cloud can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there, and it can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud or moves into the cloud for the first time on its turn must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded and deafened until it leaves the cloud
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crimson Aura of Death Level: 0 School: Enchantment Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: 1 Minute Components: S Description: You call upon yourself the aura of death, becoming the personification of the end itself. Any creature that can perceive you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature is charmed by you or frightened of you (your choice) as long as it can perceive you.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crimson Enhancement Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Hour Components: S, M Description: You coat your weapon in blood, black runes coagulating on its surface, taking 1d4 slashing damage as you do so. While this effect persists, each attack made with the affected weapon deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2 or higher, you take an additional 1d4 damage and deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage per spell level above 1st. Should you have taken the "Blood Magic" feat, you may learn this spell at your DM's discretion
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crimson Skin Level: 2 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Hour Components: V, S, M Material cost: at least 1 gallon of blood from a corpse that deceased within the past minute Description: You cannot use a focus in place of the material component used for this spell, nor can this component be stored in a component pouch. By transforming the material component of this spell, you wrap your arms with magical burgundy blades and surround your body with grotesque armor. The armor and weapons can transform at your will, and never hinder you. For the duration, whenever you make an attack you can choose to attack as though you are wielding one or two scimitars. You add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with these weapons if you otherwise would not. You can add your casting ability modifier to attack and damage rolls with these weapons instead of another ability modifier. Once per turn, a hit with one of these scimitars deals an extra 1d10 necrotic damage. For the duration, your AC equals 15 + your Dexterity modifier (max 2) if it would otherwise be lower. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 1d10 damage for every two spell slot levels above 2nd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crippling Darkness Level: 3 School: Necromancy Classes: Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, M Material cost: Bat fur and a pinch of dirt from a ghoul's lair Description: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. When a creature ends its turn inside the spell's area, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. The creature gains one level of exhaustion on a failed save. This level of exhaustion is removed if the creature ends its turn outside the spell's area. A creature that is affected by this exhaustion cannot gain further levels of exhaustion this way. If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, a creature can gain one additional level of exhaustion from this spell for each slot level above 3rd. A creature that ends its turn inside the spell's area must make additional Constitution saving throws and gains one level of exhaustion for each failure, up to the maximum number depending on the slot level used. If the creature ends its turn outside the spell's area, all their levels of exhaustion gained from this spell are removed.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Critterkill Level: 2 School: Necromancy Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (30-Foot Radius) Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a drop of hubris Description: You whisper a word of power that compels all creatures of a challenge rating of 0 within range to die instantly
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crono's Energy Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Bard, Cleric, Paladin Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You invoke the mighty power of a god of time to help you in your time of need. Choose one cantrip that you know. You may cast this cantrip as a bonus action for the spell's duration.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crowley's Complicated Combustion Level: 9 School: Evocation Classes: Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (30-Foot Radius) Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A Pint of Blood mixed with a Mead, Consumed upon use Description: Upon draining the fluid from your glass into your stomach, you feel this bursting feeling inside of your body, as if something wishes to escape from you. From your body explodes a deep black and crimson flame, anyone or anything caught in a 30 foot radius of you will be engulfed in a necrotic flame. The damage caused by this explosion is equivalent to double your warlock levels of d8's. For example, if you were 17th level it would be 34d8 (Your Choice of) Necrotic or Fire Damage. If a creature is caught in this swirling inferno they make a Constitution Save against your spell save dc. Upon failing the saving throw, the creature takes all damage dealt and is knocked back 30 feet from you, if they are dead from this attack their body is incinerated and turned to ash along with any items that are non magical. Upon passing the saving throw, the creature will take only half of the damage dealt by the spell and is only knocked back 5 feet away from you. The spell damages Objects in the area and ignites flammable Objects that aren't being worn or carried. There is a catch to you casting this spell: upon casting, the flames run through your body, leaving you covered in soot and ash. From this you are left at 1 hit point from casting, however, along with that, until the end of your next turn you get a +10 to your base speed and +3 to your armor class.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crucify Level: 7 School: Conjuration Classes: Cleric, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Or Until Dispelled (See Text) Components: V, S, M Material cost: wood, nails and hammer Description: You summon a giant cross and attempt to magically nail one creature to it. You force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the body of the creature is restrained, as it's arms and legs (or similar limbs) are tied up by magic bonds to the cross. Creatures with the amorphous trait are immune to this spell. Creature with more than two arms and two legs have Advantage on the save. On a successful save, the spell fails. A creature restrained by this spell must make another Strength saving throw at the end of each of its turns, having different consequences for each failure. These failures don't need to be consecutive, just write down each one until three are completed. 1st-failure. The creature's hands are pierced by magic nails, causing 4d6 piercing damage. The creature also has now Disadvantage on Strength checks, and attack rolls that use Strength until it completes a short or a long rest. 2nd-failure. The creature's knees are broken by a magical hammer, causing 4d6 bludgeoning damage. The creature also has now disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity until it completes a short or a long rest. 3rd-failure. The creature feet are pierced by magic nails, causing 4d6 piercing damage. The creature also have disadvantage on Strength saving throws. After the third failure, the creature becomes fully crucified, ending the spell, but completely summoning the cross. The crucified creature takes, each hour, 2d6 piercing damage as its body is torn apart by nails as it is pulled down by gravity, plus 2d6 necrotic, as it starts to bleed profusely. In addition, any damage taken by the creature while crucified causes additional 2d6 piercing damage.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crushing Despair Level: 3 School: Enchantment Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a vial of tears Description: You cause crushing despair that dampens the spirts of those hit. An invisible cone of despair causes great sadness in the targets in a 30 ft. cone. Each affected creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, and they have 2 or fewer points of exhaustion, they act as if they have 3 points of exhaustion. At the end of an affected creatures turn, they can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect early on them on a success
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crushing Gravity Level: 3 School: Transmutation Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 150 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a smooth, round rock Description: Choose a point on the Ground you can see. A 20-foot diameter, 30-foot high cylinder of heavy gravity pulls creatures to the ground. Flying Creatures are pulled to the ground and their flying speed is 0 while in this area. The area is also considered difficult terrain for creatures trying to move through it. When a creature first enters the target area, and at the beginning of each of its turns, that creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, The creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage, is pulled from their feet and knocked prone, and, while still in this area on their turn, cannot stand up from being prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. Flying creatures fail this save automatically. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crushing Wave Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (30-Foot Cone) Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: A wave of water rushes out from you. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 water damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. Any unprotected flames in the area of this spell are smothered and quenched. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cry of the Ancestral Druids Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Druid Casting time: 1 Action Range: 20 Ft. Duration: Instantaneous. Components: V Description: All the old users of his magic being old masters and apprentices scream with their previous animal forms toward a point you choose, within range, and then hatches with a loud stamp, exploding into sound. Each creature in a 9-meter-radius, point-centered sphere must perform a Dexterity resistance test. A target takes 9d6 Thunder damage, or half of that damage if successful and will be thrown 10 feet away from you. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Barrage Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30Ft. Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A handful of glintstone shards Description: From a rift opened on the end of your arcane focus, a group of 5 glintstone shards are fired in a direction at a target of the player’s choosing. Make a ranged spell attack, each shard deals 1d4 piercing damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, an additional 2 shards (each dealing 1d4 piercing damage) are fired alongside the others per level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Burst Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (Semicircle With 5Ft Radius) Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A handful of glintstone shards Description: On the end of the caster’s arcane focus a rift forms, releasing a short ranged, spread out blast of glintstone shards. Make a melee spell attack, every target inside the semicircle’s radius takes 1d6 piercing damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the blast increases by 1d6 piercing damage per level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Release Level: 2 School: Conjuring Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (Circle With 10Ft Radius) Duration: 6 Seconds Components: V, S, M Material cost: A handful of purple glintstone shards Description: By thrusting the caster’s arcane focus upwards, a small rift opens above the caster’s head which rains down with purple glintstone shards. Each creature within the range of the spell must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 piercing damage, on a successful save, the target takes half. If a creature enters the range of the spell (while it is lingering) for the first time, it must make the same saving throw. If a creature ends its turn inside the range of the spell, it takes 1d4 piercing damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage from ending a turn in the range of the spell increases by 1d4 piercing damage and the initial hit increases by 1d8 piercing damage per level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Spike Level: 0 School: Conjuration Classes: Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: S Material cost: touch ground Description: You touch the ground with your hand or an arcane focus, which then sends a bolt of energy through the ground to a location you desire within range. Choose one creature on the ground within range. A crystal spike of any color of choice erupts from the ground below the target, forcing it to make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 1d8 piercing damage on a failed save. On a success, the creature takes slashing damage equal to half the number rolled on the d8. This spell does not affect creatures that are 5 feet above the ground or higher, and does not work if you are not on solid ground. At Higher Levels.The number of spikes you create increases at higher levels, 5th (2 spikes), 11th (3 spikes), 17th (4 spikes). Wen you create more spikes they can be directed toward multiple targets or just a single target.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Torrent Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 15Ft. Duration: Concentration Up To A Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: A small handful of purple glintstone shards Description: By thrusting the arcane focus of the caster forward, a small rift opens, firing a torrent of glintstone shards. Make a ranged spell attack, the barrage of shards deals 1d8 piercing damage when casting the spell, and 1d4 piercing damage at the start of the turn of each creature caught in the torrent. At the end of a creature’s (who has been caught in the spell) turn, it may make a dexterity saving throw to escape. On a successful save, the creature escapes to the nearest unoccupied space, on a failed save, the creature remains in the spell. If a creature enters the spell for the first time, it must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save it takes 1d8 piercing damage and is caught in the spell, on a successful save, it evades the spell and goes to the nearest unoccupied space of the creature’s choosing. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the initial barrage (when first casted) increases by 1d8 piercing damage per level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystal Wave Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You touch the ground, a thin sheet of crystal rapidly extends forth in a 15-foot cone, then ruptures, causing crystal shards to launch skyward. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystalline Chamber Level: 4 School: Conjuration Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a gem worth at least 1,000 gp Description: You create a portal to a demiplane corresponding to the material gem in range. The portal occupies a 5 foot square, and can only be created in an open space. When the portal is created, the material component of this spell vanishes. The portal leads to a 10 foot cube with gem-like walls and moderate ambient light. Any creature can pass through the portal to this demiplane with any form of movement. The portal remains open until you close it by using an action and touching the portal. When you do, the material gem reappears in your hand. Objects inside the demiplane when the portal closes remain there, but living creatures must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell DC. If it succeeds, the creature is ejected harmlessly out of the demiplane. On a failure, the creature is banished as though by the Banishment spell for one minute. A willing creature banished to their home plane in this way can choose to stay in that plane at the end of the minute, while unwilling creatures are always returned. Using the same gem as a component in a later casting will open a portal to the same demiplane room. If the gem is lost or destroyed, other planar magic will be required to reach the demiplane, if at all. Demiplane etching The caster can choose to, instead of opening a portal, etch miniscule special runes onto a gem. An etched gem connects to a different demiplane than it did before, and the new demiplane may have special properties according to the specific kind of mineral used: Onyx: The demiplane is affected by permanent magical darkness. Sunstone: The demiplane is full of true sunlight. Moonstone: The demiplane is full of true moonlight. Emerald: The demiplane doubles natural healing within, and plants grow ten times as fast. Ruby: The demiplane is warm and arid. Wet objects dry rapidly within. Diamond: The demiplane cannot be closed while a living creature is in it, by any means. Jasper: The demiplane will mend items inside, as with Mending, over 24 hours. Aquamarine: The demiplane is forever full of water that does not escape the portal. Amber: The demiplane slows entropy, and items inside do not deteriorate, decay, or spoil. Rose quartz: Creatures inside the demiplane are filled with peace. When they attempt to make an attack or cast a spell on an unwilling target, they must make a Wisdom saving throw or they lose the attack or spell. Amethyst: Creatures inside are able to rest much more efficiently, taking a full rest in only two hours. Opal: Each time the portal is opened, the demiplane can take on an illusory appearance- but cannot hide objects or creatures inside. Quartz: Creatures and objects inside the demiplane are invisible- the demiplane always appears empty. Bismuth: The portal opens to a different demiplane each time. The demiplane connected to may have any sort of planar detritus within, lost things, broken and useless things, or occasionally, treasure or danger
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Crystallized Spell Level: 2 School: Transmutation Classes: Artificer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Minute Range: Touch Duration: 1 Hour Components: S, M Material cost: a gem worth at least 15 gp Description: You can imbue a cantrip or 1st level spell you know or have prepared with a casting time of 1 action into a crystal. While holding the crystal, a creature can take an action to cast the spell using your spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the crystal until it has been used or until 1 hour has passed. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher the maximum spell level you can imbue into a gem increases by 1 for every two spell slot levels above 2nd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cubes from God Level: 7 School: Conjuration Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Wizard Casting time: 1 Minute Range: 10 Miles Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You summon a 2.5-foot cube of solid iron, steel, lead, or tungsten and fling it at a point within range. All creatures within a 5-foot radius of that point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 20d6 bludgeoning damage. If they succeed, they move to the nearest unoccupied space of their choice outside of the spell's targeted area. Structures and objects not being worn or carried in the radius automatically take the damage. When you cast this spell, you can decide whether or not to place writing and/or images engraved onto the surface of the cube. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the dimensions of the cube double for each spell slot above 7th, becoming a 5-foot cube at 8th level and a 10-foot cube at 9th level. The targeted radius also increases by 5 feet for each spell level, and the damage increases by 15d6 per spell level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Culdir's Orb of Fire Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You conjure a 1 foot diameter sphere of magma in range, coated in runes which bolsters other spells. For the duration, when a creature within 30 feet of the sphere takes damage from a spell, they take 1d4 extra fire damage. As a bonus action, you can move the sphere to a different empty space within range. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d4 for every level above 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cure Disease Level: 3 School: Evocation (Ritual) Classes: Cleric, Druid Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: None Description: When cast you select a target at which point they are cured of a disease, if multiple it's randomly selected which is removed/cured. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, it will give temporary immunity to the disease removed, 4th(1day), 5th(1 week), 6th(1 month), 7th(2 month), 8th(1 year), 9th(permanently)
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cure Heavy Wounds Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Paladin Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 4d8 + your spellcasting modifier and gains 1d6 temporary hit points. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you heal an extra 1d8 hit points and confer an extra 1d6 temporary hit points per spell level above 3rd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cure Minor Wounds Level: 0 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: 1 Hour Components: V, S Description: You touch a willing creature other than yourself, giving it a moment of respite. The target gains 2 temporary hit points for the duration. The number of temporary hit points granted by this spell doubles when you reach 5th level (4), 11th level (8), and 17th level (16).
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curing Mist Level: 2 School: Abjuration (Ritual) Classes: Cleric, Druid, Paladin Casting time: 1 Action Range: 10Ft Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: Holy water worth at least 25 gp, which this spell consumes Description: You emit a pulse of soothing mist out to a distance of 10ft. This mist removes the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, stunned, and poisoned conditions from any creatures you choose within its radius of effect. Alternatively, instead of removing debilitating conditions, you may use this spell to cure diseases from afflicted creatures. Each creature in your area of effect may make a Constitution saving throw contested against a DC of 30 minus your spell save DC, ending any diseases it has on a success. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the area of effect extends 5ft further for every level above 2nd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curse Level: 0 School: Necromancy Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You bestow a minor curse on a creature or object, causing one of several effects. Make a melee spell attack against a target you can reach. On a hit, you choose one of the following curses to be inflicted: The target takes 1d4 necrotic damage the next time they are hit with an attack. The target cannot take bonus actions. The target cannot take reactions. The target's speed is reduced by 10 feet. The target's vision appears as if they were in dim light. You can cast this spell on an object, causing anyone to carry it to instantly suffer the chosen curse. You may also choose to cast the spell on a 5 foot radius on the ground. Whenever a creature enters that space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Charisma saving throw, suffering the selected curse on a failed save. At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curse of Comus Level: 1 School: Transmutation Classes: Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Minute Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a bottle of fine wine worth at least 10 gp Description: You speak an incantation over a cup of wine and imbue the liquid with transmogrifying powers. The next time a humanoid willingly drinks this wine it must make a Wisdom saving throw, with disadvantage on the save if it's drunk or otherwise not in full possession of its faculties. Once a creature has made a save in this way, whether it fails or succeeds, the wine loses its magical properties and becomes a mundane beverage. If it fails the save, the creature's head is transformed into the head of a beast of the DM's choice for the next hour, in proportion to the rest of its body. For the duration of the transformation, the creature is poisoned and it has the senses of its new head in place of its ordinary senses. As long as it has a mouth, it can still speak. It is aware that a spell has been cast on it, but it believes that it's become supernaturally beautiful rather than monstrous. It feels compelled to dance, sing and otherwise celebrate this beneficial transformation. It is charmed by you for the duration of its transformation and views you as a trusted friend and benefactor who has given it a wonderful blessing. Whenever the creature willingly drinks alcohol, it extends the duration of the transformation for an additional hour. A lesser restoration spell or similar magic can end the effect early. If the creature continues to drink in such quantities as to extend the duration to a year or longer, the transformation becomes permanent. Once this has happened, nothing short of a wish spell can dispel it. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may enchant an additional cup of wine for each level above 1st. The number of cups you can enchant is, of course, limited by the amount of wine you have available.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curse of the Diminished Soul Level: 9 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: 90 Feet Duration: Until Dispelled Components: V, S Description: Choose a creature within range. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with a dire curse for the duration of the spell. While cursed, a creature has a -3 penalty to all saving throws. This spell can only be dispelled by a dispel magic or remove curse cast with a 9th-level spell slot or by a wish spell.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curse Water Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Paladin Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: powdered silver worth at least 25 gp, which the spell consumes Description: This spell imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with negative energy, turning it into unholy water. Unholy water damages celestials the way holy water damages undead and fiends
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Curse Weapon Level: 3 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Ranger Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Hour Components: V Description: Touching a weapon, you imbue it with necromantic energy, temporarily transforming steel to bone and wrappings to rotting flesh, both clawing at any creature that holds them. The first creature to wield a weapon under the effects of this spell can not stop wielding it until this spell ends if they fall unconscious. Roll 1d4 for each weapon. Depending on the roll, it gains one of the following until this spell ends: 1 - The curse of the plague. When a successful attack is made with the weapon against a creature, the target becomes weakened until this spell ends. 2 - The curse of the souls. On the wielder's first successful attack made with the weapon against a creature, it absorbs a piece of their soul. The weapon deals half as much damage to other creatures, but twice as much to the initial target. 3 - The curse of the death. All attack rolls with the weapon have disadvantage, but it deals an additional necrotic damage equal to its damage roll. 4 - The curse of suffering. When a successful attack is made with the weapon against a creature, its attack rolls have advantage, but any damage dealt as a result of a hit with the weapon is halved (i.e. base damage roll, a rogue's sneak attack damage, a barbarian's rage damage, etc.}}. Casting at Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you may target one additional weapon per spell slot level above 3rd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cursed Tablet Level: 3 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 10 Minutes Range: Special Duration: 1 Week Components: V, S, M Material cost: A lead tablet worth 15 gp Description: For this spell to come into effect, you must inscribe your victim’s name on a lead tablet, invoke the spirits of the dead, and place the tablet in an occupied tomb. Each midnight thereafter, your victim must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw. Failure means the subject suffers horrifying nightmares of his own death. When the target wakes up, he will have taken a level of exhaustion that cannot be removed until he gets an undisturbed night’s rest. He will also take 1d10 psychic damage. The levels of exhaustion are cumulative. If the target succeeds on the saving throw, he is unaffected that night. If your target succeeds at three saving throws in a row, the curse is broken and the spell ends. If the curse tablet, which radiates both magic and evil, is found and destroyed, this also breaks the curse, but it will inflict 1d10 psychic damage to the target as well. Because the curse is laid upon the tablet and not directly on the target, a remove curse spell will not end the curse. It will, however, give the target advantage on the next night’s saving throw. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th or higher, the spell lasts an additional two days per spell slot above 3rd level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cut Down Level: 4 School: Transmutation Classes: Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: S, M Material cost: a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp Description: When casting this spell, you must be touching the weapon used in the spell's components, or a willing creature currently wielding the target weapon. Until the start of your next turn, when an attack roll is made with that weapon, it ignores the AC of the attack target. Instead, the attack roll is made against a value equal to 10 + the target's Dexterity modifier. On a hit, the damage roll ignores immunities and resistances against the damage being dealt.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cutter Boomerang Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Artificer, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You create a 5 foot diameter blade, which starts in your space. You then throw it straight to a location within range. At the start of your next turn, it moves back to your space. Until the spell ends, you may use your action to throw it again, as above. If this blade passes through something's space(other than your own), they must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d6 slashing damage. The blade disappears when the spell ends. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6, and the range increases by 10 feet for every level above 2nd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Cyclone Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: 1 Round Components: V, S, M Material cost: a small hailstone Description: You speed up a cylinder of air in either the clockwise or anticlockwise direction. You then send the spiral of air to roam the area around you for 6 seconds. The cylinder is 10' wide and 15' high and has a move speed of 45'. It moves randomly, and creatures caught within its path must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d4 bludgeoning damage and be swept into it. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not swept in. There can only be a maximum of 12 Small or Medium creatures and 2 Large creatures in the cyclone at one time. If this maximum is reached, creatures that would be swept in automatically succeed their saving throw. At the beginning of your next turn, the cyclone dissipates and all creatures within it are left prone in the spot it dissipated at. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher add 5 feet of range, move speed, or 5 feet to each of the dimensions of the cyclone
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dalamar's Antilife Dome Level: 4 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (10-Foot Radius Sphere) Duration: 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You create a dome of energy around yourself that is physically painful for creatures to stay in for too long. Each creature that starts their turn in the sphere other than yourself must make a Constitution saving throw. They take 6d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. In addition, creatures in the sphere have their movement speed halved until they exit the sphere. You may select up to 9 creatures other than you to be immune to the effects of the sphere. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dalamars Arm of Fire Deamon Level: 5 School: Transmutation Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a bit of sulfur, a humanoid finger Description: You touch a creature, causing its arm to become wreathed in flame and assume the likeness of that of a fire demon. The target gain the following benefits: Inkindling Touch. As a bonus action on your turn, you can use your flaming arm to make unarmed strikes. You can use your melee weapon attack or the caster's melee spell attack bonus (whichever is higher) for the attack. On a hit, your unarmed strike causes additional damage equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability. Demonic Fireball. At the start of your turn, without using an action, the target can hurl a small fireball of demonic fire in a point within 30 feet. Creatures in a 10-foot radius sphere must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d12 fire damage on fa failed save. Flaming Aura. Any hostile creature that moves within 10 feet of the target for the first time, or end its turn there, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or take fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability. Blinding Sparks. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is blinded for the duration of the spell. The blinded creature can make another saving throw at the start of each of its turns to end the effect.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dalamars Unerring Strikes Level: 8 School: Enchantment Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (30-Ft Radius Sphere) Duration: 1 Minute Components: V Description: You create an invisible force field around yourself that guides projectiles to their targets. You and up to 9 other creatures of your choice gain advantage on ranged attack rolls while they are within range of the spell, and they gain a bonus to damage rolls from ranged attacks equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. If a creature ever leaves the spell's area, they lose the benefit, but they regain it if they enter the spell's area again.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Damian's Wanderer's Mark Level: 4 School: Conjuration Classes: Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: A page of paper with the spell's formula Description: Upon learning this spell, the caster must spend 10 minutes with a caligraphy set to create a special and unique formula for this spell to be used through, This can be done on a short or long rest Upon casting the spell, the user's spell formula appears on the surface of whatever the caster was making physical contact with with their hands (people, weapons etc) and the spell slot is used up. From this point onwards this mark will always be there unless the user willingly makes it dissapear, or the object is harmed in a way that interrupts the formula. if a person with this mark dies, the mark will stay on their physical body unless the conditions stated previously are met As a bonus action at any moment after the placement of a mark the user may teleport to a mark of their choosing neigh-instantly accompanied by their unique effect (the sound of whipping, a yellow flash and so on). Teleporting to a mark within 50ft of the user is treated as a cantrip (and thus, the user may instead teleport to one mark and another before ending their turn). then 50+ feet will use up a first level spell slot and so on untill the 7th level spell slot, at which point the user may teleport directly to anywhere on their plane (the distances each slot allows is up to the DM), 8th level spell slots allow for teleportation to nearby planes and a 9th level spell slot allows the user to teleport to their mark regardless where it is. Some barriers or other events may increase boundaries for this (1st level spell slot to teleport 30ft out of a magical barrier for example) Alternatively, This spell can be cast as a reaction when being attacked by someone/thing the user can react to (in other words, attacks/spells with an attack roll). In this case they have to either be able to dodge the attack regardless (Have a higher ac) or if the attack would normally hit them, roll a DEX save at a dc of the attack's attack roll+3 (or more if the gm wishes) to teleport to a mark within cantrip-level distance it is possible to bring along other people while teleporting, in which case the limit of people the user can bring is their class level divided by 4 rounded to the nearest full number (in the event of multiclassing, the class with which the caster learned the spell is used, and their other fullcaster classes add onto this with another class divided by 4, and half-casters divided by 6). In order to bring someone else when teleporting the user must make physical contact with them, or have something/one they're making physical contact with make physical contact with them. If the caster wishes they can teleport an item to a place with a mark (i.e a sword they're holding to an ally) without teleporting themself or vice versa, teleporting themself without things they're holding. if two things have a mark on themself the user can teleport one to the other aslong as what they're teleporting is within 10ft of them The caster can carry more people than their limit at the cost of a point of exhaustion (though the caster cannot do this if they have 2 or more points of exhaustion) aswell as extend their range of teleportation for a spell slot (a 1st level spell slot taking them a distance a 2nd level spell slot would) for one exhaustion for each "level up" The spell's formula is 5 inches across and 2 inches high, and so anything smaller than this cannot be marked (though the formula can be looped around things like orbs, aslong as the formula can go in a straight line without going over itself). If the paper with the formula is destroyed (ripped, burned etc) the caster will lose acess to all marks made with said formula, they will either haven to create a new one through the same process as listed above or spend an hour and use caligraphy tools to re-create the mark (at a dc determinated by the DM) to regain all mark
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dancing Plague Level: 6 School: Enchantment Classes: Bard, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up To 7 Days Components: V, S Description: You begin dancing wildly. All creatures within 30 feet of you who can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw. A creature who fails drops whatever it is holding and begins dancing with you. The creature may make a new saving throw each hour. After the first hour, the creature gains a level of exhaustion every four hours until the spell ends, the creature succeeds on a saving throw, or the creature dies. Every creature affected by this spell affects nearby creatures with this spell as well, forcing them to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or join in. You are unaffected by the exhaustion that comes with perpetual dancing. While this spell is active, you don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, and you cannot gain levels of exhaustion.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dancing Rune Weapon Level: 2 School: Conjuration Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Wizard Casting time: 1 Bonus Action Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: S, M Material cost: a small bone replica of a weapon Description: You conjure a floating spectral weapon, identical to one that you are wielding, that floats alongside you and mimics your actions for the duration. Whenever you take the Attack action, you may make one weapon attack with the spectral weapon against the same target. The spectral weapon deals force damage on a hit instead of its normal damage.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Danmaku Level: 7 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (120-Foot Radius) Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You spam hundreds if not thousands of colorful magical projectiles in every direction, often forming some sort of fanciful geometric pattern in the process. Each creature you choose within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 force damage on a hit. As an action, you may repeat this attack again during your turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dareun's Overexertion Level: 4 School: Necromancy Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 15 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: two objects of the same weight Description: Lifting one object in each hand, a small circuit of energy forms between the two, increasing in size as the target exerts themselves. Choose one creature within range, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 10. On a failure, the target takes no damage, however, on a success, the target takes an amount of d8s of necrotic damage equal to the amount the creature succeeded by. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, reduce the DC by 2 for every level above 4th.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Darius's Selfless Shield Level: 1 School: Abjuration Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Reaction Range: 30 Feet Duration: 1 Round Components: V, S Description: When a creature is about to be attacked, you put up an invisible barrier that protects them using a reaction. Until the start of your next turn, the target gains a +5 to their AC and cannot be damaged by the spell Magic Missile.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer Casting time: 1 Action, Or 1 Reaction, Which You Take When A Creature You Can See Deals Damage To You (See Text) Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You direct a blast of shadowy energy at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 necrotic damage. If you have the dark II or dark III spell prepared, you can cast this spell as a reaction.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Abyss Level: 7 School: Conjuration Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Round Range: 120 Ft. Duration: 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a dark crystal or a dark pearl that is worth 500 gp, which the spell consumes Description: A pit of eternal darkness from which there is no escape, filled to the brim with the influence of evil. A hole through time and space is created, and centered on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 10 feet. Thunder cracks from the dark hole, and strong winds roar, pulling nearby creatures towards it. Each creature within 60 ft. must make a Strength saving throw equal to your spell DC at the start of every round that they are within the range of the vortex. Creatures within reach of an anchored object may use their reaction to grab onto the object, granting them advantage on the save. On a success, creatures slide 5 feet towards the center, but are able to move away from the center of the abyss, treating each movement away as difficult terrain (In case of being grabbed to an anchored object, it does not move). On a failed save, the creature is dragged 15 feet toward the dark hole, cannot move on its turn, and gets sucked into the dark dimension when they are within the boundaries of the hole. While there (in the hole), creatures take 7d10 necrotic damage each turn. They can escape the dimension by succeeding the saving throw on their turn. Creatures within the dimension have disadvantage on their saving throws to escape. Creatures within the dimension when the duration is up are ejected into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the entrance to the abyss (or the nearest unoccupied space if none are left), take 3d6 bludgeoning damage from the sudden return to reality, and are Stunned until the end of their next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th or higher, increase the distance pulled by 5 feet, and the radius of its influence by 10
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Bead Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You create three small black beads that seem to sap away the light around them. Each bead targets a creature of your choice that you can see within range. The targets must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage per bead on a failed save, or half as much on a success. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more bead for each slot level above 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Chant Level: 9 School: Necromancy Classes: Bard, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (120-Foot-Radius Sphere) Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V Description: You damn nearby creatures to a void of eternal punishment by performing a chant invoking the power of death. Creatures that die while within range cannot be resurrected by any means short of a wish spell. When you cast this spell, and as an action once each round while you maintain Concentration, you cause one or more additional effects within range, as detailed below. These effects are cumulative, with each effect occurring along with the ones proceeding it, and the count resets if you finish your turn without using an action to cause an effect. You and a number of creatures of your choice up to your your spellcasting ability modifier ignore these effects. Action 1. All creatures that can hear you and aren't undead or a construct take 2d4 psychic damage. Action 2. Creatures which fail a Wisdom saving throw become stunned for the duration. Action 3+. Each creature must make a Constitution saving throw, with disadvantage if it has 100 hit points or fewer. A creature takes 3d10 + 20 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Dive Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: The grapple between the caster (left) and his target (right) has just ended.Dark dive usually ends with a small, fiery explosion.Source You grab hold of a creature you can touch and drain its life force until it breaks free. Make a melee spell attack against the target. You can choose to substitute the attack roll with a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). On a hit or a successful check, the target suffers 1d12 lightning damage and is grappled by you, regardless of its size. The escape DC for this grapple is equal to your spell save DC. While you maintain the grapple on the target, you can inflict this lightning damage again as an action. When the grapple ends, the target suffers 1d6 fire damage and is pushed up to 5 feet away from you, then the spell ends. Any creature that is not alive, such as an undead or construct, has resistance to the lightning damage from this spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, increase the lightning damage by 1d12 for every two slot levels above 1st
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Dome Level: 3 School: Abjuration Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Reaction, Which You Take When You Are Targeted By An Attack Or Spell Range: Self (10-Foot Radius) Duration: Instantaneous Components: S Description: You invoke the power of Urei, conjuring a dome of dark magic that surrounds you in a protective dark barrier, in response to an attack. When you are the target of an attack or spell, you can cast this spell in response and raise a dome of darkness around you. The attacking creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the dome blocks the incoming attack. If it was a melee attack, the creature is knocked back 5 feet
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Exchange Level: 0 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a piece of dried sinew Description: You touch an injured, willing creature, concentrate on the wound as the sinew magically stitches close wounds, graft overs burns and otherwise closes and protects the injured creature. Their hit point maximum is reduced by 1d4, then they regain hit points equal to twice that amount. Hit point maximums reduced in this way are recovered after a long rest. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Spells → Warlock Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Spells → Wizar
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Fire Level: 0 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Ft Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: A wisp of purple flame coalesces in your hand, which you can use to either illuminate an area or deal damage to an enemy. When you cast this spell, choose one of the following effects: Illumination: The flame sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius around the point you choose within range. The light lasts for 1 hour or until you dismiss it as an action. Attack: Make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can see within range. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 necrotic damage and a 5-foot radius pool of shadows is created around the target. This pool of shadows counts as difficult terrain and lasts until the end of your next turn. At Higher Levels: This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Flare Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (40-Foot Line) Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a magnifying glass and a piece of black cloth Description: A stream of dark fire bursts forth from your hand in a 40-foot long, 15-foot wide line. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 fire damage and 5d4 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the fire damage and the necrotic damage each increase by 1d4 for each spell level above 3rd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Force Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a black pearl worth at least 50 gp Description: A mysterious black orb appears in the center of a point you choose within range, which then crackles and rapidly expands to fill a 10-foot radius sphere. Each creature in the area of the sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 2d6 force damage and 2d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the amount of both the force and necrotic damage caused by the spell increases by 1d6 each for each level above 1st
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark II Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer Casting time: 1 Action Or 1 Bonus Action (See Text) Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You direct a blast of shadow energy at one creature. Make a ranged spell attack against the target, dealing 3d8 necrotic damage on a hit. If you have the dark III spell prepared, you can cast this spell as a bonus action.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark III Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You direct a blast of shadow energy at one creature. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. The target takes 5d8 necrotic damage.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Matter Blast Level: 0 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: None Description: You hurl a clump of shadowy, invisible space matter at a target within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target, dealing 1d3 bludgeoning damage and 1d3 force damage on a hit. The target cannot benefit from cover against this attack. The projectile summoned by this spell is made of invisible dark matter. Creatures can't react to it unless they have an ability that lets them see the invisible, such as truesight or the see invisibility spell. Eldritch Invocations. Any eldritch invocation that affects eldritch blast also affects dark matter blast in the same manner. At Higher Levels. This spell fires multiple clumps of dark matter as you reach higher levels. It launches one additional projectile when you reach 5th level (2), 11th level (3), and 17th level (4). You may choose the same target or new targets for each projectile.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Meteor Level: 9 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 1 Mile Duration: Instantaneous Components: None Description: An invisible orb of shadowy space matter plummets to the ground at a point you can see within range and then explodes. Each creature in a 40-foot radius sphere of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 20d6 force damage and 20d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The area of effect spreads around corners. A creature that fails its saving throw must also make a Strength saving throw, getting flung 30 feet directly away from the point and getting knocked prone on a failed save. The projectile summoned by this spell is made of invisible dark matter. Creatures have disadvantage on their saving throw and can't react to it unless they have an ability that lets them see the invisible, such as truesight or the see invisibility spell.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Nebula Level: 4 School: Illusion Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 10 Minutes Components: S, M Material cost: a pinch of charcoal dust Description: You spawn complex shadowy voids covering a total volume of twenty-five 5-foot cubes within range, made of inky-black space dust starred with tiny specks of light. Each affected cube is heavily obscured by the dust, and the affected volumes count as magical darkness. Ranged weapon attacks and ranged spell attacks have disadvantage on targeting anything inside or through an affected volume. The darkness created by this spell can crudely resemble animals, figures, objects, or whatever other rough shapes you designate. The volume this spell covers can be contiguous or discontiguous. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the number of 5-foot cubes of dark dust you generate increases by ten and the maximum range increases by 30 feet for every slot level above 4th.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Orb Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: You create a dark orb in a point of space that you can see within range. It is Large size, with a diameter of ten feet. When you cast this spell, all creatures whose space is occupied by the dark orb must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save. As an action on your following turns until this spell ends, you can move the dark orb up to 30 feet, but no more than 120 feet away from you. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the dark orb deals an additional 1d8 necrotic damage for every level above 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Reach Level: 1 School: Evocation Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S Description: One creature of your choice that you can see within range must make Strength saving throw as their shadow is essentially strapped down and immobilized, restricting their own movements. On a failed save, they are restrained for the duration of the spell. A creature restrained by this spell can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself. This spell does not affect creatures that do not cast shadows.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Shovel Level: 0 School: Conjuration (Ritual) Classes: Warlock Casting time: 1 Minute Range: Self Duration: 8 Hours Components: V, S, M Material cost: sand from the shadowfell Description: You wave your hand and speak a word of power from which a magical dark shovel with an evil aura akin to that of a cemetery is summoned to your hand. The dark shovel is immune to all damage except force, magical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing, upon being hit by any of these damage types the shovel vanishes in a puff of black smoke. You may have up to 5 dark shovels summoned at once and can use an action to dismiss any dark shovel you summoned. The shovel seems to be extra sharp and thus can cut through natural dirt and stone quite easily. It digs far faster then any normal shovel can dig through solid stone as well. You may dig out four 5ft cubes of dirt or half that of stone while digging with this shovel. While wielding this shovel you have advantage on the shove action.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Striking Thunder Level: 3 School: Evocation Classes: Cleric Casting time: Instantaneous Range: Self (20-Foot Radius) Duration: 1 Action Components: V, S Description: You raise your hand up towards the sky and issue a prayer to the King of Urei to strike you and your enemies with dark lightning. You raise your hand towards the stormy sky and summon a massive bolt of black lightning to hit anyone within a 10-foot radius of you, then spreads out across the ground an additional 10 feet. Every target in range must make a Dexterity saving throw. Any target within 10 feet of you that fails the save takes 4d8 dark damage and half as much on a success. If a creature is not within the range of the initial strike, but are in range of the spread, it takes 2d8 dark damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. Add 1d8 to the damage for every spell slot level above 3r
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Tentacle Level: 0 School: Conjuration Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a piece of shadow Description: You create a tentacle of darkness in an empty space you can see within range. The tentacle lasts for the duration or until destroyed. The tentacle has 1 hit point and an armor class of 10. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the tentacle up to 30 feet in any direction. You can use an action on your turn to make a melee spell attack with the tentacle against a creature within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled up 5 feet towards the tentacle.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Transformation Level: 5 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Concentration, Up To 10 Minutes Components: V, S, M Material cost: a small piece of ebony or ivory carved into a skull worth at least 200 gp Description: You infuse and undead creature within range with power, transforming it into an unstoppable monstrosity for the duration of the spell. Its size category increases by one, its strength increases to 20, its current and maximum hit points are doubled, and its attacks deal an extra 4d6 necrotic damage.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark Transport Level: 3 School: Necromancy Classes: Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Bonus Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: S Description: You briefly turn into a flurry of ravens, a dark mist, or similar foreboding phenomena before reappearing somewhere else in range. You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, forming a 10 foot wide line behind you. Creatures that you designate in the line must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 3d10 necrotic damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dark World Level: 6 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 10 Minutes Range: 300 Feet Duration: 24 Hours Components: V, S, M Material cost: a black pearl worth at least 500 gp Description: You invoke the powers of darkness to corrupt an area as small as a 30-foot cube or as large as a 100-foot cube. If you cast this spell in the same area every day for a year, the spell lasts until dispelled. The spell creates the following effects within the area. When you cast the is spell, you can specify creatures as friends who are immune to the effects. You can also specify a password that, when spoken aloud, makes the speaker immune to these effects. You can also specify a symbol that, when worn, makes the wearer immune to the effects. The entire cursed area radiates magic. A dispel magic spell cast on the area, if successful, removes only one of the following effects, not the entire area. That spell's caster chooses which effect to end. Only when all its effects are gone is the spell dispelled. Gloom. The area is filled with a persistent gloom; the area within can never be brighter than dim light, and the range of light sources is halved. Even when it's a bright, sunny day, the area is as dark as twilight. Magical light created by a spell of 6th level or lower cannot penetrate the gloom. To creatures immune to the effect, the dimness creates an interesting mood but doesn't impede vision. Shadow Horrors. You can summon up to eight shadows within the area. If any creature not immune to this effect enters the cursed area, the shadows fight until they have driven off or slain the intruders. The shadows also obey your spoken commands that you issue while in the area. If you don't give them commands and no intruders are present, the shadows do nothing. The shadows can't leave the warded area. When the spell ends, the shadows vanish without a trace. If the spell has been cast in the same area every day for a year, the shadows respawn at every sunset. Terror. A creature that enters the cursed area and is not immune to the effect must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the area and drop anything it's holding. While frightened by this effect, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from the area by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to the cursed area, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is no longer frightened. Nightmares. A creature that sleeps in the area and is not immune to the effect must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and gains no benefit from sleeping. If this damage reduces a creature below 1 hit point, the creature is reduced to 1 hit point and permanently gains a flaw representing insanity. Cursed Wounds. All natural or magical healing that a creature not immune to the effect receives while in the area is halved. Additionally, creatures not immune to the effect have disadvantage on death saving throws. Undeath. 1d4 hours after dying while in the area, a creature not immune to the effect comes back to life as a Zombie. Zombies created by this effect aren't under your control, but will not attack you or creature's immune to the effect
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Darkbolt Level: 5 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self (120 Feet) Duration: See Below Components: V, S Description: With a quick invocation you call forth a nimbus of jet-black night around your hands, from which you shoot black bolts of power that trail wisps of terrible darkness. You unleash seven bolts of darkness from your open palms and fire them at targets within range. You can fire them at one target or several. Make a ranged spell attack for each bolt. On a hit, a target takes 2D8 necrotic damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Choose one of the following two options when you cast this spell: You can fire all the bolts at once, and all targets must be within 60 feet of each other. When you use this option, the spell's duration is instantaneous. When you cast this spell -and as a bonus action on each of your turns thereafter- you can expend one or two of the bolts to fire them at a target or targets you choose within range. When you use this option, the spell's duration is Concentration, up to 10 minutes. No matter how many bolts strike a single target, a target can only be stunned until the end of its next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you create one additional bolt for each slot level above 5th
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Darkmoon Blade Level: 3 School: Transmutation Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Bonus Action Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: S, M Material cost: a weapon Description: You touch a non-magical weapon, enveloping it in brilliant purple light. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, it deals an additional 1d6 force damage for every slot level above 3rd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dartboard Level: 1 School: Conjuration Classes: Ranger Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, M Material cost: a dart Description: You throw a dart into the air and choose a point of 5-foot radius within range. The dart multiplicates into many, falling in a volley from above and then disappear. Each creature in a 5-foot-radius of your chosen point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d4 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, choose one creature who fails the save, and that creature take damage equal to the damage of an attack made by you using a dart. The damage type is piercing. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases in 2d4 per spell slot spent above the 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Darunia's Explosive Boulder Level: 8 School: Conjuration Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: 1 Round Components: V, S, M Material cost: a charred pebble Description: You conjure a giant, rough sphere of solid rock about 3 feet in diameter and weighing about 2000 pounds. You can only cast this spell while standing on solid ground. The boulder appears in your space, but as part of the action used to cast this spell, you can throw or launch the boulder from your person to any point in range. The launched boulder's path is a 5-foot-wide line originating from you, and is up to 60 feet in length. Any creature in the boulder's path must make a Strength saving throw. A Huge or larger creature has advantage on this saving throw, while a Small or smaller creature has disadvantage. On a failure, the creature takes 5d8 bludgeoning damage, is moved with the boulder until the boulder's momentum stops, and falls prone wherever the boulder stops. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, stops the momentum of the boulder in its space, and is neither moved nor knocked prone. At any point before the start of your next turn, you can use your reaction to cause the boulder to detonate with a fiery explosion. You can do this even with the launched boulder is in mid-trajectory, such as when a creature succeeded on its Strength save to stop the boulder. Each creature in a 30 foot radius of the boulder at that point must make a Dexterity save, taking 5d8 fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If the duration of this spell ends and the boulder hasn't exploded, it becomes a mundane boulder permanently. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the bludgeoning damage and fire damage both increase by 1d8
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Daunting Volt Blade Level: 0 School: Evocation Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 5 Feet Duration: 1 Round Components: V, S, M Material cost: a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp Description: As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and the target becomes imbued with electric energy. If by the end of the target's next turn it hasn't moved from its space, it takes 1d6 lightning damage. At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d6 lighting damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for not moving increases to 2d6. Both damage rolls increase by 1d6 at 11th level and 17th level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dawnbrand Level: 2 School: Evocation Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer Casting time: 1 Action Range: Touch Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration) Components: V, S, M Material cost: A gold medallion depicting the sigil of a god of light Description: When you cast this spell, you make a melee spell attack against a single creature in range. On a successful hit, the sigil of a god of light (typically Pelor or Pholtus) appears on that creature's forehead or most similar body part. At the end of each of this creature's turns for the duration, it takes 2d6 radiant damage. If this damage kills the target, the sigil on their forehead becomes a permanent brand and they may not be risen as an undead. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage of this spell increases by 1d6 per each spell slot level above 2nd
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Daze Level: 0 School: Enchantment Classes: Bard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a pinch of wool or similar substance Description: You patch together a complex string of disconnected or contradictory thoughts before causing them to fill a person's mind, briefly dazing them. Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its next turn. A target with 12 or more hit points succeeds on this saving throw automatically. The hit point limit on this spell increases by 12 when you reach 5th level (24 hit point), 11th level (36 hit point), and 17th level (48 hit point).
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Daze Monster Level: 2 School: Enchantment Classes: Bard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a pinch of wool or similar substance Description: Choose a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its next turn. A target that has more than 60 remaining hit points automatically succeeds on the saving throw. This spell has no effect on undead. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the hit point limit increases by 10 for each slot level above 2nd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dazzling Glare Level: 2 School: Illusion Classes: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 10 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You unleash an overwhelming flash of light. Choose any number of creatures within range. Each target that can see you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute; a creature sensitive to sunlight makes this saving throw with disadvantage. If a target is concentrating, its concentration is also broken on a failed save. A blinded target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Dead Again Level: 2 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: Each humanoid corpse within range explodes with dark energy. Each creature except you within 5 feet of such a corpse must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius of each explosion increases to 10 feet. The damage increases by 1d6 for each spell slot above 2nd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Armor Level: 4 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting time: 1 Bonus Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: 10 Minutes Components: V, S, M Material cost: a small piece of iron or steel Description: You shroud yourself and up to five other creatures within range in protective energy. An affected creature gains 4 temporary hit points for every five points of damage dealt to it until the spell ends. The temporary hit points last for the duration of the spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the temporary hit points granted by this spell increase by 1 for each slot level above 4th
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Blade Level: 0 School: Necromancy Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 10 Minutes Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M Material cost: a blade Description: You enchant a blade you wield with a slain soul. If you have slain an enemy in the last turn, you can cast this spell as a bonus action, otherwise it has a casting time of 10 minutes. Until the start of your next turn, a bladed weapon you wield gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls. A creature hit by this weapon must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the start of your next turn
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Blade, Variant Level: 8 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: A small tarred doll Description: You infuse necrotic power into a weapon. This spell deals 12d6 necrotic damage in addition to the weapon's normal damage. Anything killed with the weapon rises up as an undead under your control. You also heal for half of the necrotic damage dealt to the target. The undead creature uses the stat block of the creature that was killed, but with no spellcasting ability, 1/4th of its HP, and gains vulnerability to radiant damage. It is considered an undead creature in addition to its original creature types. Constructs and other non-organic beings are not affected by the undead effect and only take the damage At Higher Levels. You deal addition 1d6 necrotic damage for every spell slot above 8th level.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Blossom Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous Components: V Description: You invoke the power of the Shadowfell, and darkness wreathes your body as you assault everything nearby. This spell may only be used if you are below half of your maximum Hit Points. You assault all creatures within 10ft., who each make a Constitution Saving Throw. They take 4d8 necrotic damage, which is halved on a successful save. Using this spell is tiring, and you will lose Hit Points equal to 10% of your Maximum after the spell has taken effect. If the backlash damage of this spell would make you drop below 1 hp, you simply fail to cast the spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2 or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each spell slot above 1st
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Bolt Level: 0 School: Necromancy Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Description: You hurl a dark ball at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 necrotic damage. This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10)
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Cloud Level: 3 School: Necromancy Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet (15-Foot Cube) Duration: Concentration, Up To 1 Minute Components: V, S, M Material cost: a pouch of bone meal and a dried bundle of wolfsbane Description: You fill the lungs of your foes with the stench of death. Upon casting this spell, a cube of horrid black or crimson gas appears, originating from the point you select. When a creature enters this area for the first time or ends their turn there, they must make a Constitution saving throw or take 9d6 necrotic damage and fall prone as their senses are overtaken by the toxic vapors. This damage is reduced by half and the creature does not fall prone if they pass this saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher the damage of this spell increases by 1d6 necrotic damage for every spell slot level above 3rd.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Coil Level: 1 School: Necromancy Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard Casting time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Concentration, 1 Round Components: V, S Description: A blast of unholy energy snakes its way toward a creature within range, attempting to constrict it. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained for the duration. A creature that starts its turn restrained in this manner takes 2d6 necrotic damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration is extended an additional round for every two spell levels above 1st.
Write a spell for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.
Name: Death Finger Level: 0 School: Evocation Classes: Artificer, Bard, Warlock Casting time: 1 Action Range: 120 Feet Duration: Instantaneous Components: S Description: Point a finger at a creature within range, shooting a thin beam of magical energy at them. If their AC is less than your spellsave DC, they take 1d10 force damage. At Higher Levels. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones.