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Gigi Hadid , 24, and Tyler Cameron, 26, looked like they were gearing up to have a great time this weekend when they were spotted at a liquor store on Aug. 16! The rumored new couple made a pit stop in Long Lake, which is in upstate New York, on their road trip to get what appeared to be wine in a box that read “Pinot Noir”. From restaurant outings to apparent sleepovers, they seem to beif anything serious comes of it! For now, though, Tyler seems to be taking things slow as he’s also reportedly been out with Hannah after the show ended and Instagram star Violet Benson.
One of the largest banks of Azerbaijan - PASHA Bank - in cooperation with British Council announces the start of the next Business Journalism programme in Azerbaijan.This is a unique project aimed at strengthening professional competencies and skills of national media through a special training programme tailored to the needs of the selected journalists. the Thomson Foundation which is one of the Europe's biggest media organisations empowering thousands of journalists worldwide to generate and sustain a diverse media and working in over 100 countries towards encouraging the highest ethical and practical standards in media. The project activities will include design and provision of special media course to ten selected participants and a study tour for the successful journalists (selected based on attendance results and successful completion of the local training sessions) to the UK involving visits to well-known newspapers, magazines and other media establishments and meetings with leading journalists. Our ambition is to have a leading group of journalists setting an example of fair and quality reporting in the country and notably contributing to raising the standards of business reporting in Azerbaijan. All British Council's website and email with CV to |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| not later than the 30 September 2016. Background information about the programme: PASHA Bank, the British Council and the Thomson Foundation have delivered a benchmark media training project in Azerbaijan over the last five years. Since the start of the project in May 2011, the British Council successfully organised and managed training programme for the leading Azerbaijani journalists covering business topics in the media with final study visit to London and Cardiff, UKtrainers from the Thomson Foundation. The project activities included design and provision of up to 15 days of special media course and a study tour of the journalists to the UK involving visits and placements at, and meetings with leading British journalists.
Board of Directors Regular Meeting May 2, at 5:30 pm. Special Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, August 13th at 9:00 a.m. Environmental Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 11 at 10:00 a.m. Public Relations Committee Meeting June 2, 2015 - 9:00 a.m.
or immature employees: They may find an emotional release in antisocial behaviors such as theft. Drug users: They can find themselves under financial pressure to maintain their habits. The company’s assets become attractive to help satisfy this need. Rule breakers: An employee who frequently violates company policy or rules may not be trustworthy to handle merchandise or cash. By setting up basic loss prevention techniques, any business can avoid this and reduce the chances of becoming a victim of internal theft. </s> Located in Temple Hills serving Baltimore and surrounding area. Arel Architects Inc.Baltimoel Architecobjective of the article is to find out how revenue management practices in Okinawa and Hokkaido area hotels have changed in several years by external environmental change such as net agents rising, increase of foreign travelers. As a result of questionnaire survey, we found that many hotels have changed their way of revenue management to place more emphasis on demand forecasting process, revenue maximization rather than occupancy rate. Also, we found that the authorities of revenue managers increase along with revenue management practices change. </s> St. Steven's Day: Die Lunæ, 26 die Decembris. Countess of Banbury, a Pass to France. Alexander and Bennett, a Pass to the King. Examination about procuring the Petition of the Citizens of London. Petition of Three Colleges in Cambridge, for their Principals to be released, who are in The Tower. Because these Persons were apprehended by Order of the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom; it is Ordered, To be committed to (fn. 1) that Committee, to see by the Clerks Books of that Committee for what Offences these Persons were committed, and to report t (fn. 2) take the said Business into Consideration. Upon Information to this House, "That whereas a Conference was had with the House of Commons, about a general Order to be given, for any menial Servant of the King's, Prince's, or Duke of Yorke, to go to Oxford; and the House of Commons have Resolved to give Leave to such as shall particularly desire it:" Hereupon this House Ordered, That Hen. Alexander, Esquire, Sewer in ordinary to the Prince, and Edward Bennett, Esquire, Gentleman Waiter in ordinary to the Duke of Yorke, (fn. 4) may repair to Court, to give their several Attendance there without any Interruption. Upon Information to this House, "That Colonel Hurry hath had his House in London searched, by virtue of a Warrant, in July last;" and because the said Colonel Hurry is a Gentleman of great Desert, and hath done faithful Service to the Parliament, it is Ordered, That the Lord Mayor of London shall be desired to examine by what Warrant, and upon (fn. 5) what Ground, and by whom, his House was searched, and certify the Truth hereof to this House speedily. Ordered, That Sir Balthazar Gerbier, Master of the Ceremonies, shall have a Pass, to go with the Spanish Ambassador, who goes to the King; and that the said Ambassador shall have a Pass, to go without any Molestation or Interruption, and to be used with that Respect as becomes a Public Minister of State. The Committee appointed to consider of the Instructions concerning Lancashire (fn. 5) met; and they are of Opinion, "That the Instructions are fit to pass, with these Amendments; videlicet, That whereas the Commission of Array is to be brought to the House of Commons, that it be made ["to the Parliament"]. Ordered, That Mr. Michaell Andrewes, Chirurgeon to the King's Person, shall have a Pass, to go to Oxford, provided he carry no more Money with him than will serve for his necessary Expences in his Journey.s; and they being now
Honda, others want Fed to buy their paper: report The coalition, which also counts Dow Chemical Co (DOW.N) and Nissan Motor Co (7201.T) as members, wants the Fed to go beyond top-rated paper and buy debt with the second-highest grade, the people told the agency on condition of anonymity. American Electric Power Co (AEP.N) Chief Financial Officer Holly Koeppel told the agency that the group is seeking to add more companies and preparing a letter to outline its case. The companies ce Federal Reserve in the latest week amassed more holdings of commercial paper that it is buying from U.S. companies and banks to free up this critical area of short-term lending, Fed data released on Thursday showed. Ne, which is buying three-month top-rated CP, were $257.29 billion as of November 12, up from $243.31 billion on November 5.
Charles Gimpel was an English photographer and art collector who travelled in the Canadian Arctic many times between 1958 and 1968, capturing moments of Inuit life. In 1958, the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) funded Gimpel’s trip from Winnipeg to Churchill, Manitoba, and to various ports around the Foxe Basin and northern Hudson Bay. In return, the HBC received photographs of their stores and the products in use in Kangiqliniq (Rankin Inlet), Igluligaarjuk (Chesterfield Inlet), Pangnirtung and other locations. TCanada funded subsequent trips to the Arctic, in varying degrees. Gimpel’s patrons largely determined his activities in what was then part of the Northwest Territories (present-day Nunavut). Gimpel’s correspondence, articles, journals, notebooks and large number of slides in the Charles Gimpel fonds chronicle the beginning of an era of artistic production in the Canadian Arctic. The notebooks from his first trip in 1958 are particularly specific about his activities and demonstrate who and what would influence the rest of his career. Gimpel’s notebooks and photographs detail the places he travelled, the people he encountered and the conversations he had with them. Treaties between Indigenous peoples and settlers were made during early contact and continue to be negotiated today. Su (Indigenous) and Treaty rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Library and Archives Canada’s (LAC) holdings include pre-Confederation and post-Confederation Indigenous treaties and treaty-related material. A range of this content is available on our website, to promote public awareness and improve access. Modern treaty agreements are located in the Inuit and Indian Affairs Program sous-fonds. LAC preserves many treaties but does not have all of them. There are descriptions of modern treaties in our catalogue, but some are not yet available for public viewing. Many early treaties and agreements from the Western and Maritime regions are archived in other institutions. A land claim settlement was awarded to the Lubicon Lake Band of Cree in Northern Alberta in 2018. They were inadvertently not included in Treaty 8 in 1899, and for decades theya reserve for them. By the 1980s, oil exploration and wells in their traditional territory made their claim urgent. They made themselves heard in 1988, when the Winter Olympics were about to be held in Calgary, Alberta, with a boycott of a landmark exhibition of Indigenous art and culture, “The Spirit Sings” (ironically, it was originally titled “Forget Not My Land”). Want to read more blog posts on how to research your Indigenous heritage? Try one of these postcords: Estate files or The Inuit: Disc numbers and Project Surname. The last post on our list is an impressive one! The blog announcing the completion of LAC’s 5-year project to digitize all 622,290 files of soldiers who enlisted in the First World War was well-received by many researchers. Many people were enfranchised against their will, some because of employment as lawyers, doctors or clergy. Others were enfranchised because of serving in the First or Second World War, attending university, or simply because an Indian agent thought they were “civilized” enough. Eventually, compulsory enfranchisement expanded to include any First Nations woman who married a non-Status individual (see below for 1985 changes to the Indian Act). The size of an ulu depends on the personal preference of its owner or the region where it was made. A husband or other male relative sometimes presents an ulu to a woman or.
A legal viewpoint has been sought and diligently reported on by Glenn Gabe. The comments, which are not to be taken as legal advice, came from lawyer Mike Pisauro. He covered five scenarios, which I’ll list here but you can go to the original post to read the details. - Grandfathered Twitter Accounts - Twitter Account Already Established, But Employee Has Agreed That Twitter Will Be Part Of His Job - T- TFor The - -- They-y. All these reasons have one common element – they all imply that the company does not want to be associated with the account. They all are purposeful actions to refuse ownership of the account. I have a very hard time believing, legal genius that I am not, that any court would be able to ignore that fact if the real owner — the employee — articulated that argument well. On the other hand, if the account was set up in the company’s name by the employee, overtly being the ACME account, I cannot imagine for a moment that a court would award ownership of the account to the employee. The only place I see as being murky is if the account is personal in the person’s name and that person is the official spokesperson for the company and promoted as such. For isnstance if a Twitter account is @MaryWilkins and the ACME logo is used as the background. Situations 4 and 5 above could fall into that class. No matter how you slice it, Twitter owns all Twitter accounts at the end of the day. In the end I think Twitter owns them but will twitter try to police them. For example I take IBM and the company IBM wants it! Does Twitter take action? Twitter is over rated it only works well for establihed brands and the darker industries Interesting! I never thought about such legal issues in tweeting Unregulated always goes regulated some day and if Twitter can make a dollar out of regulating the names they should and will do it. The tipping point will come when we pay and bid for the names we want and expect to pay. Just wait you will see Wow lot’s of very interesting different Twitter ownership scenarios here. I’m so glad I work for myself and don’t have to worry about my company trying to claim ownership of my Twitter account. he he. 😉 In regards to the matter of a company employing someone and getting them to start one of these social media accounts I believe that the account would belong to the company – however only if that was apart of the job description and therefore they were being paid to do so. Another question is how many people have sold their twitter accounts to someone else because they were tired tweeting… You could be getting tweets from a stranger…
Quick (to listen) - (Bible Thought ABC for Teens) Quick (to listen) Means something; proceeding or immediate; swift or rapid (emphasis mine; Let me tell you three very quick, true stories: On a very cold Sundayd: "IAnd the third story: ? "3, 6, 1, 8, 4, 5, 9, 2, 10, 7". (emphasis mine; - What do you think of these stories, where they too short? - Can some of you retell at least one of the stories? - Would you tell them differently? Those stories probably sounded like funny or stupid jokes to some of you, but they are not. It might have been better to think a bit more about what I want to tell you before I started. I could have filled in some more details in order that the stories make more sense to you. James gives good advice on what we should do when we communicate with each other. Firstly, we should listen carefully, too often we only listen with one ear (even though we have two) or what has been said enters one ear and immediately exits at the other ear. Secondly, think before you speak. Often we just say things as they are without thinking them through first and therefore we might hurt the other person with our words. And thirdly, don’t get offended quickly. First try to understand what the other person said before you come to quick snapshot conclusions. Game: I Am (optional) This is a game which tests both the vocabulary and helps people to learn about each other. It's very simple and non-competitive; everyone has to think of adjectives to describe themselves. But here's the catch: the adjectives must start"I am troublesome Tom" or "I am elegant Emily". Depending on the average age of your group, you might be surprised at the ingenuity and the word power of the people playing this ice breaker. It can also be good to test the memory by playing again at the end of the session; instead of coming up with new names, ask each player to try to remember someone else's adjective and name. This really helps to familiarise people with others in the group. ( Labels: Bible Thought ABC for Teens, listening, quick, talks, youth ministry QGGI (Quick General Game Instructions)
What relationships lie hidden in a text?At what point does a text stop being unintelligible and begin being meaningful?Is it possible to create abstract, illegible text that nonetheless have a means of mediation with the reader? IncrementDecrementEffectGauge 1qaWord order randomnessGauge 2wsRandomness of letters within wordsGauge 3edCauses words to randomly disappearGauge 4rfCauses letters to randomly disappearGauge 5tyAll vowels progressively replaced with 'e' The program is primarily a creative vehicle for uncovering, by random juxtaposition, previously unseen relationships between elements in a text. The use of analog controls facilitates the fine-grained adjustment of randomness, allowing the user to explore the line between meaning and unintelligibility. The program is, in essence, a means of exploring the following question: Is there a "perceptual threshold" for meaning in written textsstart being meaningful?
Kate Farrell (author of Story Power) brings us into this drinking game from old China- a literary folktale. Now it chanced that their parents were celebrating a birthday. So the three daughters came, together with their husbands, to wish them long life and happiness. The parents-in-law prepared a meal for their three sons-in-law, and put the birthday wine on the table. But the oldest son-in-law, who knew that the third one had not attended school, wanted to embarrass him. Ie. s. Source: The Chinese Fairy Book, edited by Dr. R. Wilhelm. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co, 1921.
Rotterdam second seed Grigor Dimitrov remains motivated and optimisitc that he can carry his 2017 form into the future and attain new goals. Dimitrov: "I Always Want To Do More" There is a spring in the step of Grigor Dimitrov as he walks along the corridors of the Rotterdam Ahoy. Nine years on from being awarded a wild card by Tournament Director Richard Krajicek into the 2009 ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament, much has changed for the amiable Bulgarian. Dimitrov knows there are more goals to chase, 2017 is over. His love of the challenge, of testing and proving himself, of managing his own and fan expectations, has strengthened. This week, Dimitrov competes in an ATP World Tour 500 field that includes 2005 and 2012 champion Roger Federer, who, with a Rotterdam semi-final run would return to No. 1 in the ATP Rankings, Alexander Zverev, last year’s runner-up David Goffin, 2015 titlist Stan Wawrinka and 2014 winner Tomas Berdych. With a 6-2 match record in 2018, including two battles against a hungry Nick Kyrgios, first a loss in the Brisbane International presented by Suncorp semi-finals, then, victory two weeks later in the Australian Open fourth round, Dimitrov has highlighted once again, how his off-season work with coach Dani Vallverdu, is laying the foundations for a strong season. “I. I ches.
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Then he put out a magazine in the front windshield of the car and I realized I had the same magazine back in Kelowna, BC featuring the car. Small world!!! This car is owned by Michel Lalonde and he bought the car when he retired in 2005. It is a 1967 289 Standard model in Jamaica Yellow.
Browse these tips from past years to get an idea of what you might be able to save. The deals gave shoppers their choice of bag color and style. Keep an eye out for the Guitar Center Black Friday sale and you might be able to score an acoustic guitar for a fraction of the price. You'll score deals on amplifiers, mixers, headphones, guitar pedals and loudspeakers. You could find huge discounts on American DJ Lighting packages and studio-quality microphones. - pacifier online coupon codes. For those of you wondering, "is Guitar Center participating in the Black Friday sale? You can browse the best Black Friday deals from Guitar CenterBut don't miss out on Guitar Center other Black Friday deals! Could be the year you take advantage of an amazing Black Friday Fender deal? Could we see other guitar manufacturers launching products in the lead up to the shopping event? If so, November could be the perfect time to be an early adopter of a new bit of kit. Not sure about buying a guitar online without giving it a play first? Guitar Center, for example, offers a 'day satisfaction guarantee'.
"We are joining the dots between restaurants, attractions and hotels to ensure our visitors experience the 'magic' of Northern Ireland in every element of their journey." "We hope to connect tourists to local businesses through an Experience Northern Ireland app which will launch in the upcoming months."
Thu, 10/21/2021 - 7:53am T graduate a burgeoning, high-demand field that utilizes data analytics to improve health outcomes among specific groups of people. The graduate certificate in population health is designed for a range of professionals. They include clinanalysts and risk managers. “The online format enables coursework to be completed from anywhere, which is a big plus o balance career and family obligations,” said. The new bachelor’s or graduate degrees in nursing, allied health, informatics, business and other disciplines, said Dr “The graduate certificate in population health will expand the University’s graduate offerings in health sciences related fields, providing another option for our students who want to compete in high-demand fields,” Farmer-Kaiser sai– population health analysts –Health care providers and policymakers are increasingly relying on population health to address disparities in health care and enhance services. That’s particularly true among socioeconomic groups who lack resources for adequate medical care and in rural areas where health care facilities often don’t exist, Hazelwood said. “The data-driven approach eliminates guesswork for a health care company, for example, in determining where to establish a cardiology or diabetic care clinic. It also informs decision-makers who allocate state or federal resources for health care programs and facilities,” she explained. Photo caption: Louisiana at Lafayette’s new graduate certificate in population health. The 12-credit-hour online program enables health care professionalse
20th Annual Wahine Fishing Tournament Recap The annual charity fundraiser takes place in the waters off Kailua-Kona each July and proceeds benefit the local charity, Family Support Hawaii. Winning participants do go home with more than just bragging rights, however! This year winning teams competed for more than $30,000 in cash and prizes. Following 8 hours of fishing, Team “Pointless Sisters” on the sport fishing boat “Medusa” claimed First Place Team Overall with two Pacific Blue marlin caught and released by anglers Lisa Barbas and her mother Jennifer Ching with Captain Lance Gelman at the helm. Touted as the largest women’s billfish tournament in the Pacific and possibly the world, this year’s three-day event was capped by the awards dinner at Lava Lava Beach Club on Sunday, July 26. Team “Pointless Sisters” was joined by the second place team on board “Raptor”; third place team “Kona Hookers” on the boat “Teresa”; fourth place team aboard the “Five Star”; and 5th place team on “Bite Me 1” on the awards platform this year. As part of the evening’s festivities, a video celebrating the lives of long-time and much beloved Huggo’s team member Maurice Haggard and Captain Randy Llanes, who was an integral part of the tournament from day one was shown to the delight of all attendees. Mark your calendars now for the 2016 Huggo’s Wahine Tournament set for Saturday, July 30. Here are just SOME of the photos we were able to take while out enjoying all the fun! Also, be sure to watch this recap of the Wahine Fishing Tournament over the years!
I’ve always reckoned that Spurs and Everton fans had a lot in common. Both sets of supporters have remained steadfast through the doldrums of recent times even though loyalty has been sorely tested by the success of their neighbours and bitter rivals. Once members of the so-called ‘Big Five’, the five most influential clubs from the mid-sixties to the mid-eighties (the others being Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool), now no longer movers and shakers. To a large extent it still holds true but over the past three seasons the comparisons with the other Merseyside club, Liverpool, have been unavoidable. Both Spurs and Liverpool were in the process of rebuilding, both appointed youngish managers, Andre Villas-Boas and Brendan Rodgers, within 2 days of each other in June 2012 whose reputations had gone before them. In the background, both clubs were itching for success and prepared, so it appeared, to invest heavily in the transfer market but looming over them was the expense of rebuilding famous but aging grounds. Times change – the following December Liverpool ferociously tore into Spurs at White Hart Lane and ripped us apart as instinctively as a lion tearing the throat out of its prey. We lost 5-0, AVB was sacked and Liverpool’s thrilling attacking football nearly won the league. Pochettino’s choice of tactics is pretty much fixed to a 4-2-3-1 although the system itself has built-in flexibility, especially with the movement of the 3 and varying the attacking freedom given to the full-backs. One justified criticism is that he doesn’t have a Plan B if after 70 minutes things aren’t working, However, he knows what he wants and, above all, so now do the players. This has been at the root of our progress this season. Also, he chooses players to fit that system. I think he is wary of the challenges that can be presented by players with experience who may have influence in the dressing room and different ideas about how they should play and what they should do in training. That’s why he goes for youth, because he can mould them, and why he was an attractive option for Levy when it came to choose AVB’s replacement. Liverpool have spent an astronomic amount on players since Rodgers became manager. However, he’s fatally changed his tactical approach and bought players who don’t fit and/or aren’t good enough. Too many changes, players who are not the right fit for what their manager wants them to do, players who are not right for the intensity of the PL. There’s no spine, whereas our development this season is founded on the axis of Lloris, Vertonghen and Alderweireld, Dier (and Mason until he was injured). Mulling this article over, Pochettino’s approach comes out in a positive light. The coachis at White Hart Lane, not Anfield, whatever Rodgers’ reputation may be. Some of it is refreshingly familiar though. Players with the right skills, the right attitude, playing in the right position, the one that suits them and team best. This applies to every successful side football has ever produced but it’s a lesson many managers and clubs easily forget, including Liverpool. Caught up in tactics, false nines, inside legs, registas, the essence of a manager’s job is player judgement. Still is, always has been. Right player, right attitude. Rodgers’ experience at Liverpool also highlights a real potential problem, who takes decisions. Much has been said about Liverpool’s transfer committee. Informed sources point to players being bought who Rodgers did not want and an over-reliance on analytics, which provided skill but did not assess their attitude in the highly competitive PL. Swansea – a reasonable performance and reasonable point, all in all. Blunt up front with chances missed. Kane’s fluency has eluded him but he never hides, even after the catastrophic unforced error when he sliced a corner into his own net, having been so reliable at that near post set-piece defensive position. Chances gone but not quite true to say ‘last season he would have hit that first time’, because last season he would often have a few touches and still score, but there are times when he’s thinking too much now. At the back, we let too many runners go in the first half especially. A fine header for their first but three Swansea players advanced unaccompanied on the back four. Dier looked weary at the end, still brooding about an unjustified booking. He deserves a rest over the international break plus I think he misses the Liverpool game through suspension. His frustration bubbled over at the end. After a fine 20 minutes when we should have scored, a point seemed enough, then Dier chopped down an attacker. The free-kick imposed needless pressure and all our efforts were about to go waste when Hugo arced into the top corner to miraculously tip a header onto the bar and away. 6 thoughts on “Poch’s Judgement Sound As Spurs Stay Stable” Finally, and without wishing to come across as as brown noser, the writing on this site, and most replies ( quite possibly apart from the nonsense I spout) are much more articulate than most, so any readers who don’t already download it may be interested in issue 17 of quarterly football e-zine The Blizzard. There’s a piece primarily on Exeter City manager Paul Tilsdale, but includes a little interview with Steve Perryman whose approach to football and footballers made an old cynic like me all warm and fuzzy inside. One aspect is talent but another is desire and its fuel,energy. Son wants to make a difference. We see that every week in Lloris’s face. Dier all season has offered this kind of energy (this week he was totally tired and gave himself a rest with the yellow card) but Duer has been in it lije a Mackay might.And Alli,what a fine player,mature kid he is and ge puts it out there. Eriksen never seemed like that. He runs around almost anonymous at times but this week when we needed it,he produced 2 wonderful goals (Im giving him the first) and steadily through the game became our best player with his incisive passing sonetimes more medium distance forward even rather than the usual short pass to the sides.I mean he challeged the brilliant Montero for MOTM for sure. Spurs are different every week for some reason. For me a flow is a great group of passes often at pace that flow through from one end of tge field to another. We’ve seen such footie many times this season already.Its not constant but its there. Didnt even see it in this game . Infact one of Swansea’s goals were like that. We let them pass right through us and aroubd us while Lloris saw that whole mess in front if him unfold. Nobody touched one of their players.Nobody was witjin 5 or 10 yards if them all the way through. I was thinking maybe Poch had our players playing zone and marking blades of grass ratger than other humans. Still we held the game in our hands more than they did but coudnt seem to put it away. I was so appreciative of Kane last year to save us from ourselves,this year with me he has had a free ride.But no more. The man has to start standing up and ge may need to start doing instead of thinking.Him straining doesnt help. But its only Kane that can get out of the mess. Im seeing so many good things around our team now.Poch system us beginning to show.Its absolutely frustrating at times but a lot less than last season.We do see some football. The Americans want success NOW.Liverpool demand success NOW. We have waited eons so we have tge oatience to wait longer. The plan looks good. Lets hope that we continue to build and grow. It was a super game. We’ve improved in terms of cohesion and tempo in a short space of time this season. Rodgers’s sacking is interesting when compared to Spurs as you show Alan. The ups and downs (rapid turnover) of acclaim or brickbats are instructive. While Rodgers suffered by comparison with AVB (indebted to Bale, but not only) in the first season and we all breathed a sigh of relief, Rodgers’s stellar second season (indebted to Suarez, but not only) had him telling all and sundry (and most people listening) how he turned Spurs down as Levy doesn’t have the patience to allow a man to build a side, unlike Fenway Sports. It looks like Levy is learning the lesson, while Rodgers will do well to get another gig as big as Liverpool. Sobering stuff football. The introduction of Townsend and Njie, rather than propelling us towards the three points, had the reverse effect. Townsend was horrible – a one-dimensional player if ever I’ve seen one. He’s below par far too often and, personally, I’d like to see him shipped out. Clinton is very raw but one can see that he has pace, flair and natural ability. It will take a year or two for Poch to cultivate him. Our Harry will come good, for sure. He has all the tools. Alan is right, he just needs to think less and allow his instincts to come to the fore. The Liverpool game, with them under the stewardship of Klopp, will be a barometer of how far we’ve come since the 5-0 drubbing that Alan talked about. All in all, very encouraging. Once Poch saw the error of his ways and brought on Dembele things improved considerably but why do we conspire to let opportunity slip away so often? Not just the goal chances but our collective will to win.. We could’ve gone third or fourth with a win but still lack a “take charge” mentality that would have had a Mackay or Mullery or Roberts, or Yorath like figure telling them that it’s not “We can win this match”, but “We will win it”. We just don’t have that in us at the moment. And that’s why we’ll float up and down the top half of the table from 10th to fifth on any given weekend until next Spring. IAlan,ve never compared Livrrpool to Tottenham.I coukdnt care less about Liverpool.I couldnt care less about Carragher. When we were at the height of our game,in tge early sixties,I think Liverpool were just coming up from Division 2,Arsenal was crap tgey had 3500 (hundred)for a top division game against Leeds. I didnt worry so much about any of them. I compare Tottenham to Tottenham.
"If you had to compare football with a type of music, what would it sound like? B" –> really good compare! RT @JCFanzone: News: Interview with Jamie from…
Immediate and different investments in public infrastructure are needed now to Build Up, to address the health risks, create jobs, and make healthy, resilient communities. Redeemer University based its school policy on the theory of "biblical intentions," and said discto engage in . "This covers a broad range of sexual behaviour by students when it falls outside biblical intentions and/or explicit guidelines. These include se, including any type of intercourse or sexual relations or involvement with pornographic material," the policy says, reported by CBC News. "The question for decision makers in our courts is, 'Can religion do anything it wants? Or in a decent, multicultural, diverse society, are there even limits on what religion can do?" Ursel said, reported by CBC. “Pride began as a protest. And that work continues, as many LGBTQ2S+ people around the world still fight for basic rights that many people take for granted: equal marriage, access to adoption, legal y. “As we mark the Vancouver Pride parade virtually this year, I hope everyone takes this opportunity to learn more about LGTBQ2S+ history, celebrate how far we’ve come and recognize how far we have to go.
“The reform points us in a certain direction. And every school, every teacher together with parents adjust it. Why should this project based learning (a method that involves pupils’ exploration of real, interesting and challenging questions – ed.) only be in forms 1-3 and not in all forms?Why can’t these methods be used with other pupils? “Every assistant is like a mother. We study the child’s peculiarities, we get used to them, we are concerned,” says the teacher-defectologist, assistant Maryna Ivchenko. – I work with a seventh-form girl. It is difficult for her to absorb information in class for more than half an hour. Therefore, an individual approach works here: she and I can switch from the lesson topic to another activity, play a game for 3 minutes to distract her and reset her mind.” “Now a small child can be given a mobile phone and they will understand how to use it faster than an adult. Previously, our sources of information were the library, television, school teachers and parents. Nowadays, a child knows so much information from an early age that they react to it in a completely different way”, says Ms Iryna. – And teachers must be different! “We have closed Facebook groups for each form, the teaching staff, and the board of guardians. There the participants can discuss the learning process, offer their ideas,” explains Amriko Amzeshvili, school principal. – Every Friday is “my day”. I can be added to any group. If questions arise, I join the discussion. Once they are resolved, I am removed from the group so that participants can continue the discussion freely in the future.” The specifics of the region make the school’s work more difficult. The lion’s share of the school’s pupils are orphans or children whose parents work abroad. “We have great kids! “There used to be a catastrophe here: there was no floor,” recalls Mamuka Khamkhadze, the school principal, who proudly takes journalists on a tour of the school. “Now it still smells like fresh renovation.” “The main task of a teacher today is to get the child interested. Of course, new methods should be used for this,” says Khasmik Sargsian, who has been working as a teacher for 26 years. “The teacher should not present a ready-made solution to the pupil, but encourage them to find their own. In addition to the traditional teacher’s explanations, this should be done in groups, in pairs, so that children learn to analyse the problem and try to find a way out of it. Eventually, this knowledge will help them in real life.”
I am in the process (and actually have been for the past 5 years) of studying for my Cisco certification, specifically now, the CCENT. One of the labs I wanted to familiarize myself with was copying a config from a switch or router to a TFTP server. Eventually, I want to test the boot of an IOS on that TFTP server too. I had purchased an old Catalyst 2950 on Amazon a little over a year ago and recently had to start using it full time as one of my switches in my LAN because my DLink died a little over a week ago. No problem there except for the noise and heat that the 2950 puts out. But the advantage of it is that I can use it as a live lab. No worries there also since it doesn't really have high traffic devices connected to it, just my Xbox 360, Media PC, and NAS; those are devices I don't use all the time. Well, since I use Linux Mint 12 on my desktop I needed to setup TFTP server on it so that I could backup my switch config to it for practice. Trying to find the best setup of TFTP server in Linux Mint wasn't the easiest find. After numerous searches and a couple of failed How-To's I finally came across this blog post for Ubuntu. However, if you are using Ubuntu, or other like distribution, you still may need it so I would not skip it if I were you. In the server_args, I have var/lib/tftpboot, which represents the location of the tftp root, i.e., /var/lib/tftpboot. Notice that I skip the root /. – Make sure that the tftp is started with -s flag. – After you've made any changes to the TFTP configuration, make sure that you stop and start the inet service again. – Don't forget to quit tftp before retrying the command. Well, for a little over a year I have been using a Linksys E2000 running DD-WRT with no issues, until last Tuesday. I came home and had no internet connection. Even attempting to connect to wireless was pointless, the SSID I had setup over a year ago didn't even appear. I tried rebooting the router but still had no access to the internet. Even rebooting my cable modem didn't help. I then attempted the 30/30/30 reset per the DD-WRT guide to get to the default setup. Once this was completed I plugged in my laptop and was able to get an IP address, so this indicated DHCP was working on the router. I tried pinging the router and came up with "Destination Host Unreachable", then a couple of "Request timed out" and then "Destination Host Unreachable" again. So, based on this I assumed there was some issue with the router and not DD-WRT, since DHCP was working. I posted to the DD-WRT forum but, unfortunately, did not get a lot a feedback. As of today, DD-WRT does not have an image for the EA2700, which I am fine with. I think I will keep it running the Cisco image just in case a year down the road I have hardware issues again. That way, maybe, Cisco will be able to assist me with getting the router functioning again, if there is an issue like I had with the E2000.
On October 31, the Philippine Island, as the country is approaching Storm Goni, the strongest in the world this year. Pre-emptive evacuations have started in coastal and landslide-prone communitieaccording to Gremil Naz, a local disaster official, while the provincial authorities of Albay will order residents in risky areas to leave their homes. With 215 kph ofprojected to land on November 1 as the strongestindividuals in November 2013. On the evening of October 31, Goni, moving westward at 20 kph from the Pacific Ocean, will rain heavily over the capital and 14 nearby provinces.
Best selection and great deals on Direction 2 items. Dennis Kirk carries more Direction 2Direction 2'About 18 months ago we renegotiated our contract with external law firms and from that we made significant savings' But it turns out that Amazon is evil. And now that Amazon has fired all its Colorado affiliates — mostly mom-and-pop outfits, and who can resist an outfit with a mom or a pop?
As HDR’s Northeast transportation director, he will provide leadership across 14 states from Virginia to Maine, plus the District of Columbia. HDR Adds to Zero Emissions Transportation Team The new positions build upon HDR’s expertise in this area of infrastructure and offer clients leadership as they continue to transition fleets and infrastructure. Kathryn Roos will share her experience with programmatic efforts to help municipal, regional, and private transportation clients develop and implement new programs. HDR Sponsors Economics of Equity Research The aim of this work is to help public agencies better understand a project’s value from an equity perspective. HDR's Gonzalez-Tudor Discusses Diversity, Funding HDR's Janet Gonzalez-Tudor talked about the role of consultants helping transit agencies with equity, funding, and more. HDR to Develop Electric Bus Transition Plans Across Ontario The modeling will be provided by HDR’s proprietary Zero+ Fleet Optimization Tool, an industry-leading, fuel-neutral tool that is fully customizable to an agency’s needs across multiple transit systems, geographies, climates, and fuel technologies. Ontario Line Subway Project Celebrates Groundbreaking, Station Renderings HDR has assisted Metrolinx as technical advisor on the approximate $8.8 billion Ontario Line project since 2020. HDR Names Kannan as Mid-Atlantic Transit Lead Shyam Kannan will be responsible for planning, directing, and monitoring all aspects of large multidisciplinary transit and transportation planning projects in the Mid-Atlantic region. Knowlton Joins HDR as Infrastructure Consulting Business Transformation Director Chip Knowlton will advise HDR’s public and private clients to meet create and maintain infrastructure development.
Posted on May 4, 2010 by Mike Baker TweetKucana v. Holder, No. 07-1002"T' discretion is specified by … Ig 2 30 mins47 hours 14.
Because it is a predominantly sailing-yacht focused programme, asked Skat's captain, Brad Kitchen, about his reasons for choosing Huisfit. "Skat did a smaller project with Huisfit in 2012 that went well, and from past boats, I am very familiar with the company, its resources, level of workmanship and after-sales service," explained Captain Kitchen. "Royal Huisman builds and maintains exceptional sailboats; the shipyard's expertise and attention to detail is highly valued for any large yacht refit."
rew the bracket in to the shim after the epoxy is dry. Sep 18, 2011 | Frigidaire FGHD2433K 24 in Builtin... Sep 17, 2011 | Frigidaire FGHD2433KF Builtin Dishwasher Jan 22, 2011 | LG LDF6920ST Fully Integrated Dishwasher... Sep 11, 2008 | Viking DFUD042 Built-in Dishwasher Jun 25, 2008 | GE Dishwashers 6,375 people viewed this question I have a Kenmore model 665.15639000 (made by Whirlpool) that has been installed since approximately 2003. It was installed by Sears when we remodeled our Kitchen and included granite countertops. Yesterday when opening the door it almost tipped over as it appears the top-mount brackets were held in place by silicone or some 'cement'. That has just worked its way loose. Looking for best 'fix'. I understand that Kenmore makes a floor mounting bracket that attaches over the side frame and screws to floor.....looking for best option....floor bracket?, would GE sidemount brackets work?.....or just re-cement? If last option, what is used to do so? Posted by DARTGREEN4 on Remove the cartridge and put it back in. If same issue persists, try You should be able to see nozzle check, click it and follow the prompt. Line patterns that corresponds to the colors of the ink cartridges would be printed. If breaks on those patterns appears, continue with head cleaning. Try to do this about 3 times until all patterns are | Epson WorkForce 600 All-In-One InkJet... Jun 30, 2009 | HP PSC 1510 All-In-One InkJet Printer Feb 07HeOn the back of the computer, the Ethernet lights are Orange (solid) and yellow-green (flashing). From what I heard, solid orange is a good thing. Plus my speed is 100MB/s, so... If I don't manually set the IP settings, it can't get an IP. It always returns a 169.254.*.* IP, which isn't right. And it can't get a default gateway, and the subnet mask is (Instead of PS: I couldn't find any help online. None of the solutions helped. Posted by Charlie11112 on × </s> KeraStraight SKU: 009355 Flat Iron Ever!!!!!!My hair is so course and curly, I have tried many flat irons and they just don't glide nicely and I have to pass over sections of hair several times!! Not anymore!!! I'm throwing all my old Irons away!!!!!Jul 9, 2013Dixieis flat
The annual event is sponsored by Puertorrican Culture Preservation Inc. Lehigh County was part of a stay at home order issued by Pennsylvania Governor Wolf on March 25. The county entered a “yellow” phase of reopening on June 4. Reopening restricts event sizes to no more than 25 persons. Even in the so-called “green” phase of reopening, crowd sizes are limited to no more than 250 persons. The governor has not yet announced when Lehigh County will be admitted into the “green” phase of reopening.
Poster from the Netsci18 conference in Paris on the dynamics of radicalization. In online media, the way of communication changed and based on the observations from a dataset of the German election campaign 2017 on twitter, we assume heterogeneously distributed activity of the agents. This ingredient can turn settings that have produced a stable consensus into an unstable scenario. This points towards the important role that the ways of communication play.
On Thursday, the Public Utilities Commission and Chief Executive Sunil Paul. Technology has made it easy for consumers to avoid established companies and rent goods and services from one another. Home rental site Airbnb, for example, now offers more rooms than many hotel chains. "It's a trend we're going to see everywhere," said Uday Karmarkar, a technology and strategies.
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Lagom est un adverbe suédois réputé intraduisible signifiant approximativement "moyen", "assez" ou "optimal". Il est fréquemment utilisé parmi les Suédois pour désigner une quantité ou une qualité qui est ni trop, ni trop peu. De plus, lagom est parfois considéré le mot le plus suédois existant. Puisque le mot est employé dans plusieurs contextes différents, le sens varie en fonction de la situation mais dans des nombreux cas il signifie que quelque chose est "dans la mesure où il doit être". Il est aussi relié à l'art de vie à la suédoise. Cet art de vivre à la suédoise implique un mode de vie dont le but est d'atteindre le bien-être et l'équilibre parfait. On le retrouve notamment en décoration d'intérieur. Vattnet är (l'eau a )
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The geometry factor in SENSE imaging provides a measure of the noise amplification of the unaliasing process. It gives the ratio of the noise of the reconstructed complex image obtained from the full acquisition over that of the accelerated acquisition. We recast SENSE in terms of the magnitude and phase. Assuming a sensitivity matrix with no errors, we compute the Cramr-Rao bound (CRB) to show numerically that the geometry factor is a normalized CRB for both magnitude and phase. Hence, the minimum variance of the magnitude and phase of the reconstructed images are minimized when the geometry factor is minimized.
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Where will José Mourinho go next? Where next for the Special One? Alex Ferguson, who will be involved in recruiting his successor at Manchester United, is known to be a fan of Mourinho. Perhaps Ferguson can relate better to his combustible side. "He can manage anywhere," said Ferguson"
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All of the FoodNex team have extensive experience volunteering with food pantries and food banks throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, and some even occasionally seek out food at these areas. Through this, we’ve realized the severity of the issue: food insecurity. Hundreds of families each event seek food assistance from surrounding pantries, and the process is always straining for all parties involved. With our team’s technical foundations, we sought to reduce this and allow more foodstuff to be directed towards those in need through our app - FoodNex. FoodNex is a mobile application that connects businesses and individuals with surplus food to hunger assistance organizations in their area. Through the application, users can view nearby food pantries and banks, send custom donation requests to food banks and food pantries to ensure that food banks and food pantries can use the donation items, and create as many requests as they would like anytime and send to as many food banks and food pantries. This application was built through the Flutter SDK, an open-source software development kit made by Google. For our backend, we are using the Back4App platform, and we are using OpenSignal to handle push notifications for our users. By building this app, we encountered numerous challenges along the way. First, ensuring that our database would not be overloaded in requests was imperative was we would not be able to afford the extra database costs in our plans. In order to develop the application, we needed to know what features pantries needed in order to fully tailor our app. We met with the Stewpot, one of the largest food pantries in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex, the Food Group - Minnesota, the second largest food bank in the state with over 230 partner agencies, and the CARE Corps Food Pantry, a local pantry serving those in need in the city of Richardson. From our meetings, we received positive feedback on how the app could transform the way these organizations operate. We’ve gotten responses such as: This feels like Christmas, but for the next ten years. We’ve been looking for something like this forever. Rob Guild, Food Recovery Specialist @ The Stewpot A web implementation of FoodNex will be released later this year for pantries who would prefer an interface to be used on desktop devices. We are also currently building an inventory management and volunteer management system, which are scheduled to be released as Phase 2 of FoodNex in Q2 of 2023. These programs will be priced at $50/month with the donation management section of FoodNex remaining free forever. FoodNex is available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Forward Future is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to finding modern solutions to pressing global issues such as poverty, food insecurity, and food waste through student-led initiatives.
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Easing Paw Animal Therapy – A Wonderful Form of Pet Care Pet Services your animal (past or present) have spiritual agreements with each other?And could it be that your animal has valuable information for you that you have not spent much effort learor her? Miranda can help you with even the most basic questions that you might have with your pet or animal that you cannot treat on your own. You simply give her a call, send a recent picture of your pet and she will spend time with you on the phone to find out through your pet what the issue is and how to treat it. She listens to your pet's wants and needs and councils both the human and the animal to reach a harmonious resolution. You may be very surprised to learn what your pet has to say! Miranda can help you get the answers that you just don't understand when your pet starts to behave differently. Why is my cat suddenly crying in the middle of the night?Why does my dog run out the front door when he never has before?What was my pet's life like before I adopted her? Miranda told me a story about a dog named Elvis, who was the perfect dog to his humans until he suddenly began to act erratically. He started to pee in different rooms of the house and never with a pattern that his owners could understand. This behavior continued for a few months, during which time his owners got him every health test possible by his vet. However, he was found to be in perfect health. Then one night, when his owners returned home, they walked inside to find that Elvis had peed on the coffee table! She also helps pet owners with end of life issues. Is your pet suffering and is he ready to transition?What can you do to make him comfortable?Where does she want to be buried when she has passed away?Miranda Alcott and her Animal Communication therapy are a great way for us to really understand what is occurring in the life of our pet(s) beyond the obvious. It is an incredible form of therapy that we all should be open to and trust when our beloved pets are trying to tell us something that we simply cannot grasp. Take a look at her website and contact her to find out what your pet is telling you. You will be glad that you did!
Continue reading "Robert (Bob) S. Lahey | Obituary" Continue reading "Vernon Charles Sanders – Obituary" "The community response has been really positive," said Weaver. "It makes things easier." Continue reading "Helping LCF's Target Store Put Down Some Roots"'"Jackpot!" Continue reading "Marlowe: From Aspiring Judge to City Manager" "Highlights Aplenty for NFL Reporter From LCF" Continue reading "Obituary: Bryan Louis Herrmann" "It's like where science and art combine," said Dr. Brandon Ho, of his family's chosen field. "I dream about it. I love it." His father, Dr. Ken Ho, has been in the business — not the teeth business, but the people business, he'll tell you — in LCF since 1980, when he purchased the La Cañada dental practice and established a local legacy that now spans generations. Continue reading "LCF Dentists Keep it All in the Family"
Careers at Newcastle Unitedb's incredible supporters – the Toon Army. Newcastle United and Newcastle United Women are two of the most exciting environments in UK and global sport at the moment. We are on a journey of transformation as we aim to ignite the passion and pride of our city, communities and supporters. Honouring our heritage and creating a new legacy, United as OnClub’s and Communities. United As One encapsulates. View here Cleaning Assistant Open Monday – Friday: 07.30am – 4pm – St James Park Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 10am – 4pm – St James Park which is fixed term until May 2023. We are also looking for casual cleaning staff to cover weekend and evening events. With a salary of £10.90 per houry. Please refer to the full job description below before applying: Cleaning Assistant Job Description (PDF Download) Janitor Job Description (PDF Download) Sound like you? Great, wform, () and self-declaration below and return to Job Application Form (PDF Download) Self-Declaration Form (PDF Download)
Il conclave del 1342o XII e si concluse con l'elezione di papa Clemente VI, quartoCardinali presenti Papa Benedetto XII morì ad Avignone il 25 aprile 1342. Al tempo del suo decesso, diciannove cardinali componevano il Sacro Collegio, dei quali solo diciassette poterono raggiungere Avignone e partecipare al conclave. Dieci elettori furono creati da papa Giovanni XXII, sei da papa Benedetto XII e uno da papa Clemente V. Tredici erano francesi, tre italiani e uno spagnolo. Il camerlengo di Santa Romana Chiesa al tempo era il cardinale Gasbert de Valle, nipote di papa Giovanni XXII. J. E. Wrigley, The Conclave and the Electors of 1342, Archivum Historiae Pontificiae Roma, 1982.
s - Two with regard to the efficacy of Econiche. These articles were related to field challenge studies conducted at the.
"The problem is that a big cover-up is going on," Rodrigues said. "e."
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It doesn’t matter if you like Nicki Minaj’s new single “Anaconda” or not because you’re going to watch this teaser she released on Instagram for the music video anyway. Nicki Minaj twerking, yo. Insane. Twerking is dead. Long live twerking. Related: Nicki Minaj has Instagram all figured out: Nipple pasties
AtAt Elite® Graphix, we are the experts in Illuminated Signage! We have three decades of experience in the creation & maintenance of plaques & honour boards. State of the art robotic cutting equipment at Elite® Graphix! At Elite® Graphix, any sign requirement you have can be met, ready when you need them.
BEDAZZLED-United States/Germany-2000 Screenplay by Larry Gelbart, Harold Ramis and Peter Tolan Based on a 1967 story and screenplay by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “John, have you lost your ever-loving, modestly intelligent mind?” “But Bedazzled is a comedy!” Hey, I know; it’s as stupid and ridiculous a movie as you’re ever going to see and I could care less. I’ve watched Bedazzled countless times and I laugh out loud (lol) every time. I personally think this is the best movie Brendan Fraser has ever done. His chance to portray so many characters with so many different characteristics is essentially the cherry on the whipped cream of his career. As for Elizabeth Hurley as the Devil; all I can say is that my reactions changed with each new outfit she wore. Black Bikini (while walking Doberman Pinschers on the beach): Arf! Arf! Down boy!! Traffic Cop: So, tell me officer, do those handcuffs come in fuzzy style? School Teacher: I have been so bad, Miss Hurley. I really think I need to stay after school. Nurse: I got a boo boo. Kiss it and make it better. *Sigh* Huh, what? Oh, sorry. I got drool all over my keyboard. Anyway, the plot of Bedazzled is this. Brendan Fraser (George of the Jungle, Encino Man) is Elliot Richards, a nerd, dweeb, and loser; just pick one because they all apply. Elliot is in love with Allison (Frances O’Connor, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and Timeline); a girl who barely even knows that he exists. When Elliot says aloud that he would do anything to be with Alison he sparks the interest of Old Scratch, Beelzebub, Lucifer (well, “Lucy”-fer); you know, the Devil (Hurleyystery). Appearing to Elliot in the various aforementioned fantasy inducing ensembles, the Devil grants him 7 wishes in exchange for-you guessed it-his soul. Now, of course, with the Devil and wishing with every wish there comes a curse and Elliot soon finds himself getting a lot less than he bargained for out of this agreement. If you take Bedazzled seriously as a piece of cinematic art then there is really something wrong with you. The only way that you can take this movie and get any sort of enjoyment out of it is to see it for what it is: good, sexy, dumb as bricks fun. The Devil’s dogs in the beach scene are named Dudley and Peter, a reference to the writers and stars of the original Bedazzled, Dudley Moore and Peter Cook. - Fab Flash: Liz Hurley Makes Jordache Sexy ( - Behind the Seams: The Bedazzle Bonanza ( - Trend Alert: Razzle Bedazzle Rhinestones ( - Look of the Day: Chambray After Dark ( - 20 Makeup Tips Every Bride Should Know ( - Bedazzled… Am I? :) ( - Screenplays – ‘Django Unchained’, ‘Looper’, ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, and many more ( - This company will bedazzle your shoes for you [Sweet] ( - Elizabeth Hurley injures back ( - Curbed Maps: Where To Be Bedazzled By All The Holiday Lights This Season ( Posted on 12/24/2012, in Movies and tagged A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Bedazzled, Devil, Dudley Moore, Elizabeth Hurley, Harold Ramis, Hurley, Larry Gelbart, Peter Cook, Peter Tolan. Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments. Wow, thank you! I don’t know what to say. This is my second nomination. I just hope I can make up my mind who to pick. Thank you! Elizabeth Hurley + Red Dress, think I will watch this again :D +schoolgirl+traffic cop+nurse+cheerleader. every time I watch this movie I think Hugh Grant is a moron. I’d say this and Little Nicky can pass for horror comedies. If the devil ever comes to me dressed like that… I’m going straight to hell! Beside Elizabeth’s outfits, my fave part is when he becomes a Mexican drug lord! (subtitles: wait a moment, I don’t speak spanish) I truly believe the movie is On my reader this said ‘continue reading, 666 more words’/ I kid you not……that is surely a sign? :) ha ha.. John, good change frm the regular horror.. a sweet one.. :) Are you bedazzled by the Christmas fever? :) Oh yes a good movie to just chill out and enjoy. Brendan is actually really good in this movie and as for Liz… *sigh* oops sorry started daydreaming… Ok back to Liz…….. …. …. …. ….. … mmmm schoolgirl ….. ….. .. …. … It’s okay, Rince, I understand. Oh boy do I understand. Giggity!! While she (was) easy on the eyes back then, there is something about her. Whenever I see her acting my eyes bleed, and if she has dialogue too then my ears hemorrhage at an equal rate. Another great review, keep it up. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Alex. BTW, I love her accent.
“Collectively, ou for (and returns to) capital providers. The research suggests the need to redirect the spotlight on CEO pay away from a focus on pay levels and broad calls for more performance-related pay arrangements, towards a more refined discussion about the type of performance measures employed.
A comforter baby pillow, made with organic millet hulls from the USA ! Keep your baby feeling safe and secured!Dust-Mite, Mold and Mildew Resistant! This eco-friendly pillow is made with organic millet hulls from the USA, certified by the US National Organic Program, and 100% Cotton fabric. Natural Millet Hulls have been enjoyed as a pillow filling since medieval times in Europe. It is dust-mite, mold and mildew resistant, and hypoallergenic. This makes it a naturally clean, allergy-free pillow for your baby. A comforter baby pillow makes your baby feel secure by acting as a comforter. Babies are easily frightened by sudden movements and noises around them. When this happens, they may cry for long periods and may find it difficult to fall asleep. Over time, this could lead to a sense of insecurity that may make babies cling on to their caregivers.
Forgotten Film Friday: Kurt Russell in 'Breakdown' It was one of the best thrillers of the 90's and it's not even out on Blu Ray!What is wrong with the world! Breakdown plays out like an episode of 24, where Jeff needs to do some crazy stuff to try and figure out where his wife went to. The 90 minute running time feels like 45 minutes and that's a good thing because Director Jonathan Mostow (U-571, Terminator 3) doesn't let the film drag for one minute. The true highlight of the film is the performance by the late, great J.T. Walsh (A Few Good Men, Good Morning Vietnam plus too many other classics to mention) as Red Barr, the trucker with the heart of gold (or is it? Fargo Season 2 Adds a Villain!
Used eagle eyes available for cataract surgery Rome, Ga, August 22, 2016, Star-Gazer News Service–When author Malcolm R. Campbell scheduled cataract surgery this week for his left eye, he learned that he will be the first man in his town to receive a used golden eagle eye insteadCampbell, who is a long-time member of such groupsexpressed reservations about the used golden eagle eyes due to the fuzzy nature of the “used” concept. Filed under satire and tagged artificial lens, cataract surgery, Golden Eagle, IOL, satire | 6 Comments 6 responses Beth on August 22, 2016 at 9:04 pm said: Malcolm R. Campbell on August 22, 2016 at 11:26 pm said: montucky on August 23, 2016 at 9:38 am said: I’m not sure that having perfect vision would be an advantage to a writer, especially when reading reviews, but I hope it works for you! Malcolm R. Campbell on August 23, 2016 at 10:01 am said: C. M. LaVielle on August 23, 2016 at 11:36 am said: Don’t be surprised if you start craving raw meat and fish. I suggest you locate a few good sushi bars!
127×63 Halls Silverline 126 LeanTo Greenhouse 127×63 Halls Silverline 126 LeanTo Greenhouse×63-385x191m-halls-silverline-126-leanto-greenhouse-1_800_600_141002115836.jpg The Silverline 126 lean to greenhouse from the Halls Greenhouses range. The Silverline is ideal for those gardeners who prefer traditional lean-tos to free-standing models and will find this range just right for them. Trapping both the warmth of the sun and the heatComplete with a smooth action sliding 575mm wide single door, this model is constructed from long-life, low maintenance natural finish aluminium framing, complete with diagonal bracing – all offered at a truly economical price. As its crucial to support your lean to greenhouse upon a firm foundation, we do recommend that you select the optional 125mm (5″) galvanised base rail kit, which will also enable easier installation. Basic pricing includes;toughened glass;glazing and two roof vents, nt the small pane toughened glass option should always be chos… SHS17484 1169.0000
In 1951, Wise graduated from Columbia University. In 1951, Wise joined the New York Herald-Tribune960. He was chief of the paper's Washington, D.C. bureau from 1963 to 1966.[2] In 1970–71 77–79,was later a commentator on intelligence issues for CNN for six years.[2] On October 8, 2018, Wise died from pancreatic cancer in Washington, D.C.. He was 88 years old.[5] [6] The U-2 Affair (with Thomas B. Ross), Random House, 1962 The Invisible Government (with Thomas B. Ross), Random House, 1964 The Espionage Establishment (with Thomas B. Ross), Random House, 1967 , Random House, 1973 , Random House, 1976 The Samarkand Dimension, St. Martin's/Marek, 1987 (novel) The Spy Who Got Away, Random House, 1988, Random House, 1992 Nightmover: How Aldrich Ames Sold The CIA To The KGB For $4.6m, 1995Random House, 2002 Tiger Trap: America's Secret Spy War with China, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011[7] 1973 George Polk Award (Book category), for The Politics of Lying[8] ^ Random House, David Wise Archived 2013-12-03 at the Wayback Machine ^ a b c SoHo Journal, Author David Wise To Discusses New Book At AFIO Luncheon Archived 2018-10-11 at the Wayback Machine ^ Giglio, David (December 2, 2018). "David Wise: Bestseller journalist and Historian - Author of "The Invisible Government - dead at 88". Retrieved August Polk Awards" David Wise at BNF: cb11929311x (data) NLK: KAC2018O1111
Wisconsin Ticks: Tick Biology, Diseases, and Personal Protection: ONLINE. Free. LIVE. Time: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Location: Video via Zoom. Spring means gardening season, but it also means that the ticks are out. In this talk, we’ll cover the basic biology of Wisconsin’s main tick species and discuss the health threats associated with ticks. Lastly, we’ll examine ways toticks. Our presenter will be PJ Liesch from the UW-Madison Dept. Entomology Insect Diagnostic Lab email with confirmation will be sent to you.
For the second time thisbefore its regularly scheduled announcement date, taking the overnight rate down a further 50 basis points to 0.25 per cent. That level is what the Bank considers its effective lower bound, meaning it can not reduce rates further without p ... B of C RATE LIKELY UNCHANGED.. slowdown over the past two quarters was temporary and growth should pick up beginning in the second quarter of 2019. On inflation, the Bank expects that ...
A. not cooperate with ACER and National Regulatory Authorities(NRAs) in fixing data may face sanction. Some of the issues listed also relate to untimely reporting, and possible missing reports. For example, it states that ACER or NRAs may investigate entities registered int he central "CEREMP" database, who have not reported (However, there could be some scenarios where this may be permitted). All of the above, are part of the general trend to "make things work" (see here). The data in question is used by ACER and NRAs to monitor for market abuse. As the data is improved we can expect to see more cases.
Many Umrah pilgrims are unable to travel to Makkah and Madinah during the Haj season. If you have a valid Umrah visa you can travel at another time. You can Apply for Saudi Arabia visit visa(Single visit visa) from any Saudi embassy but wait or not? The Saudi Arabia visit visa is usually issued on a single-entry basis and is valid for 30 days. A visitor’s visa allows access to all cities and regions, including those with temporary residence status and those participating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s visa waiver program (eVisa). Passport and nationality restrictions apply. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of IslThe Kingdom attracts more then two million Muslim pilgrims annually who flock to Makkah, Madinah and the surrounding areas for Hajj and Umrah. Wondering what is the difference between Umra and Haji Visa? Is there any difference, or both the terms are used interchangeably? Undertaking Haji is compulsory for all Muslims, once in a lifetime. It can be performed at Mecca and Medina (both in Saudi Arabia) only. There is a specific time period to undertake Hajj starting from the last day of Ramadan until a few days after Eid Al Adha every year. Those interested to perform Hajj may apply online, as soon as possible. Meach year to perform a religious pilgrimage. Foreigners who wish to visit Saudi Arabia for Umrah need a visa. This page explains the Saudi Arabia visa requirements for Umrah pilgrims. What is Umrah in Saudi Arabia? Umrah is a pilgrimage to Mecca, a holy city in Saudi Arabia. It is known as the ‘lesser pilgrimage’ as it Taking part in Umrah is voluntary, it is an opportunity for Muslims to worship, seek forgiveness, and pray. This pilgrimage can be carried out at any time of year. Hajj, on the other hand, is compulsory. The Hajj pilgrimage is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and . Hajj is carried out at a specific time of year, between the 8th and 13th day ofCan I Go on Umrah with the Saudi eVisa? Yes, pilgrims can travel to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah using an eVisa. The Saudi eVisa covers Umrah, excluding Hajj season. Umrah pilgrims can complete the Saudi visa application online and receive the approved electronic visa by email. Who is eligible to apply for the eVisa? With the approved eVisa, Umrah pilgrims can stay in Saudi Arabia for up to 90 days. Visitors can use the same visa to carry out the pilgrimage and visit other parts of Saudi Arabia for tourism. Umrah pilgrims from countries not eligible for the eVisa must apply for a Saudi Arabia pilgrim visa through an embassy or consulate. Is the Saudi Arabia eVisa valid to perform Hajj? Hajj cannot be carried out with the Saudi Arabia eVisa. A special Hajj visa is required to go on the major pilgrimage. Pilgrims can apply for a Hajj visa at their nearest Saudi Consulate. Several Hajj visa. Can you perform Umrah if you are not a Muslim? No, Umrah and Hajj are for Muslims only. Non-Muslims cannot enter the holy city of Mecca or pass through. Travelers who have converted to Islam may needer to enter Mecca and perform Umrah. When Can Muslims Perform Umrah? Umrah can be undertaken at any time of the year. However, travelers with an eVisa cannot perform Umrah during Hajj season. Hajj season is from 8th to the 13th of Dhu Al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim Lunar Calendar. A Hajj visa is required to carry out a pilgrimage at this time of the year. Pilgrimages to Umrailgrims must check the latest COVID-19 entry restrictions for Saudi Arabia for arranging travel. Applicantsreceive the approved visa by email in 1 to 5 business days. It is the most convenient way to apply for a Saudi Arabia visa for Umrah. Hajj pilgrims, or Muslims who wish to carry out Umrah during the Hajj season, need a special Hajj visa issued by an Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Women under the age of 45 must be accompanied by their husband or another male relative (mahram). They must travel to Saudi Arabia on the same flight or be met by them on arrival. Women aged over 45 can travel as part of a tour group without a mahram but must provide a ‘letter of no objection’ from someone who could be considered to be their mahram. Normally, Muslims of all nationalities can perform Umrah, provided they meet Saudi Arabian entry requirements. Foreign pilgrims must visit a medical center in Mecca at least 6 hours before performing Umrah. Their vaccination status will be verified, and they are issued with a bracelet that they are required to wear. All pilgrims must carry out Umrah on the day and time allocated to them. Pilgrims coming from countries on Saudi Arabia’s red list can travel but must complete quarantine before performing Umrah. The number of Umrah participants has been limited to 70,000 per day, this may soon change as restrictions are eased. All foreign Umrah pilgrims must have insurance that covers possible costs related to COVID-19. The insurance must cover the cost of treatment, emergencies, and institutional quarantine in case it is required. Mandatory health insurance is a permanent entry requirement for foreign tourists. Electronic visa applicants take out the insurance policy when applying for their visas online.
Through those three Olympics, I really started to get into daily blogging. I would write a main article about something that struck my fancy that day, and then launch into mini blurbs - things that wouldn't be long enough for an article but I still wanted to discuss. I knew that my obsession had become huge when I would sit in front of three screens playing three different events and have my paper and pen in hand while taking notes. It was early mornings and late nights (or, in Sochi's case, middle-of-the-night-gold-medal-wake-up calls) and I loved it. So hopefully you'll join me on my Olympic journey. Leading up to February 8 I'll be doing a few blurbs here and there, but once the Winter Games unofficially begin I will hit the ground running!
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1690 Hevelius Detail of Ptolemy ? on frontispiece of Hevelius Celestial Atlas, 1690. IN NEED EITHER OF TRANSCRIPTIONS OF ALL SCRIPTURES OR A BETTER IMAGE...!!! Frontispice de l'Atlas céleste de Hevelius, 1690. Collaboration from Anna Felicity FRIEDMAN I can provide two additional Ptolemy portraits from the works of Hevelius in addition to the one you already have on your site (and I can provide a much better photo of that one, as well, after I clear this all with our rights and reproductions person). Hevelius's Firmamentum Sobiescianum actually features two fronispieces -- one for the Firmamentum Sobiescianum proper (the star atlas) [this is the one you have already] and the other for the Prodromus Astronomiae (the introduction to the star catalog and atlas). The Prodromus Astronomiae frontispiece also has a portrait of Ptolemy. His Machina Coelestis (vol. 1, 1673) has what is likely a portrait of Ptolemy, given that this figure is grouped with portraits of Tycho Brahe and Copernicus and another figure that is presumably Aristotle, the four comprising the major figures in planetary system theory. These books are currently on exhibit in my exhibit about The Remarkable Work of Copernicus, Hevelius, and Other Historic Polish Astronomers, but will be coming off exhibit in two weeks. I can snap some digital pics for you once they're back in the library, as well as providing descriptions of the plates. Remind me during the first week of February, in case I forget. The Hevelius image that you currently have on your site depicts Hevelius himself (in the foreground) presenting his star catalog and nine of his twelve new constellations to the history of astronomy represented by ten major historical figures (of which Ptolemy is one), Urania, personifications of the planets, and representations of some of the original 48 (Ptolemaic) constellations. Although the date on the frontispiece is 1687, the atlas was not published until 1690 due to the untimely death of Hevelius shortly before it was to go to press. Portrait of Hevelius from Johannes Hevelius, Machina coelestis (Gdansk, 1679) Collaboration de Robert H. van Gent But there is plenty more to be found in 16th & 17th-century astronomy books. Offhand I recall having seen him depicted on the frontispieces of celestial atlases of Bayer (1603), Cellarius (1660) and Hevelius (1690), the frontispiece of Kepler's Rudolphine Tables (1627) and also on the star map of the northern hemisphere by Albrecht Durer (1515). Plusieurs autres portraits des XVIe et XVIIe siècles se trouvent dans des livres d'astronomie. Je me souviens en avoir vu dans les frontispices des atlas célestes de Bayer (1603), Cellarius (1660) et Hevelius (1690), le frontispice de Kepler's Rudolphine Tables (1627) et aussi dans les cartes du ciel de l'hémisphère nord par Albrecht Durer (1515). FRIEDMAN Anna Felicity, Assistant Curator, History of Astronomy, Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, 1300 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605, 1 312 322-0527 phone, 1 312 341-9935 fax. Alternative email. Johann Hevelius, URANOGRAPHIA (1690), second internal page, web edition by Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera.
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“…for you never fail to help and govern those whom you have set upon the sure foundation of your loving-kindness…” Every Sunday, the Collect of the Day names some theme that we then hear borne on the air in readings from so long ago. It’s not unlike asking “Where’s Waldo?”, to catch the theme in the prayer and then listen for it to appear in the readings. So today we should be asking “How does God help and govern?” And "What does it mean to be set on the sure foundation of God’s loving-kindness?" The ground keeps moving beneath our feet. Those are the words of Debbie Monahan, our Junior Warden, who—bless her—will chair a committee of parishioners whose task will be to re-examine where we are, and to recommend to the vestry and parish what we may do, to be wise stewards of our buildings and property and resources, once our big preservation project has been completed. This is a miniature version of what God faced in creation: Once the waters in the firmament above are kept where they belong, and the waters in the firmament below are kept where they belong, what do we bring forth out of the dry ground of the middle where we live? What worthy plan will be animated by the Spirit breathing life into our base elements so that we rise and bring delight to God and lovingkindness to the world around us? A big enough task without the ground constantly shifting under our feet. What she means by that is all too familiar to the vestry, perhaps not to everyone here. The micro version is that we thought we were on our way to creating new spaces for hospitality, outreach, mission—when a still small voice of dripping water called us to a different challenge, the extensive repair and restoration of the outer shell of this old building. Lest that sound like just one shifting of ground beneath us, it was more like several, as one discovery led to another and the number of resident demons in these walls became known as legion, many, and very expensive to send packing. But did the ground then stand still for a while? No! Out of the blue, the College informed us this spring that their longterm lease of our old rectory, which they’ve been using since 1994 as a popular co-op house for eight seniors each year, will end in June 2008. 2005-2006 saw us revising plans for new building. 2006-2007 saw us shift our focus to this building. 2007-2008 will now require our prospecting new uses for our third building which we’d had good reason to believe was sown-up for years to come. To quote Elijah under the broom tree in Beer-sheba, “It is enough…” Or, as the commentator says the Hebrew really says, “Too much, O Lord, too much.” How does God help and govern? Elijah falls asleep, under the shelter of that tree. He is stirred awake as if to receive a message. There it is: “Get up and eat.” And there, by his head, next to him on the ground, is a cake baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. Hot stones: the Hebrew says “hot coals”, and the other place in the Hebrew scriptures where we meet that term is the prophet Isaiah’s vision in the temple, where a seraph takes from the altar a hot coal with which he touches Isaiah’s lips in answer to the prophet’s lament that he is not up to the challenge of being a prophet. “Oh yes, you are,” needles the seraph, capturing his undivided attention, “because God is up to the challenge.” “No, it is not too much, what you’re being asked to do,” is the message of the hot coals, and we prefer by far Elijah’s experience, how they warm for him the bread of angels. There are angels among us, strengthening our hands and hearts for the work we have to do here. But there’s more alongside Elijah’s head as he awakens: a jug of water. The Hebrew word for that is so uncommon that we hear it in only two other places, one just last week when that widow at Zarephath offered Elijah her jug of oil, so little that she expected it to feed only her son and herself, but once shared the oil would not stop flowing. Generosity among us does not stop flowing—and not just the “us” we already know. After Polly’s jug of water pitch last Sunday, a visiting family sent us not only a surprising and gracious gift, but also word that they have bought a home here and will in time be joining St. John’s. How does God help and govern? Through signs and gifts and wonders, more numerous than the shiftings below our feet. But these signs of lovingkindness are not ends in themselves, only means by which our faith is encouraged, inspired, formed—and freed, to follow the sense of St. Paul’s letter heard this morning. Without faith, he says, we’re in a prison whose bars are all the shoulds and oughts and musts inherited from the past. In a later chapter of that letter, Paul says it out loud: “For freedom Christ has set us free!” Trusting in Jesus Christ, staking our lives on his love for us, putting ourselves fully in his care, we discover that he has fired the jailer, set free all of us who were prisoners to one kind of fear or another, and exchanged our prison jumpsuits for a fine suit of clothes brought up from that basement of lovingkindness. Notice that sign in each of our readings. The tormented man in the country of the Gerasenes wore no clothes until Jesus freed him: then his neighbors marveled to see him sitting at the feet of Jesus, in his right mind, clothed. “As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ,” says Paul. And that is not a suit of camouflage to hide in. Elijah, when he finally heard what he knew to be the voice of God, “wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of his cave.” By the shoulds and musts inherited from the past, Elijah knew that he must hide himself from God even as he presented himself to the summons of God. There is no room or need for fear in Christ; clothed in Christ, we are healed of our fears and find our right mind—and God’s help and governance—in the company of disciples willing to sit at the feet of Jesus. Remember the hymn: “Reclothe us in our rightful mind, in purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence, praise.” Are we finding Waldo? These readings are answering the question, “How does God help and govern?” On one level, we’re hearing, it’s through gifts that show us the lovingkindness that is actually the ground of our being. At a deeper level, it’s through faith that God helps and governs, because only through faith are we freed to be open and receptive, freed from our demons, from our fears, become willing to listen, to sit with Jesus and his people in the world, willing to learn even through the soles of our feet when the ground shakes and shifts beneath us. God is there, in all that movement, all that change. “What are you doing here, Elijah?” You may have noticed that God asks him that question twice, once right after Elijah has received those gifts that strengthened him for his journey to Mt. Sinai, and again after that sudden violent summer storm rumbled through and left just its calm silent aftermath to convey the presence of God. It’s the inescapable question that God poses to us and will until the cows come home: What are you doing here, now, just as you are? It’s one more way God helps and governs, by relentlessly asking, and getting us to ask, that question: What are we doing here? What purposes are we serving? What do we seek? Whom do we love? How will our plans bring delight to God and lovingkindness to the world? Posted by Fr. Peter Elvin at 1:46 PM Gosh, it’s hard being a woman in the Bible. You’re Jezebel, and your blog gets hit by hate mail like “Love that part where the dogs lick up your blood.” Or you’re Mary Magdalene, and you get great parts—but you’re always weeping, and the men doing the writing keep harping on those seven demons that used to make life one bad hair day after another. Even Luke, a pretty sensitive guy talking about Joanna and Susanna (with all their resources), has to make sure we know that Mary Magdalene “was a sinner”, as if all of the twelve could have passed their safe church background checks… It’s not easy being a woman in the Bible, minefield of patriarchal values and virtues that it is. Which makes all the more impressive that range of windows across our south wall, women and children of the Bible, installed in the 1920’s, when the passage of women’s suffrage was still recent history. Our own recent history suggests that the Church, despite our collect today, proclaims truth with something less than boldness. That a woman now serves as our Presiding Bishop still causes me to pinch myself, to make sure I haven’t dreamed that. That was 2006, mighty close to two thousand years after the script of redemption got written, but it has happened: a woman now stands among the primates of the Anglican Communion. Or, to put that just a little differently, for the first time in Christian history a woman serves as an archbishop. So hold onto your sombreros. “Asi lo haremos—We will!” thundered a standing-room-only crowd in Havana’s Episcopal Cathedral of the Holy Trinity last weekend, when asked if they would accept as Cuba’s first bishops suffragan The Rev. Canon Nerva Cot Aguilera and Archdeacon Ulises Mario Aguero Prendes. Now The Right Reverend Nerva Cot Aguilera, she is the first woman to be elected an Anglican bishop in Latin America. Present for the three-hour service last Sunday were bishops from Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Spain, and representatives from a number of Cuban faith traditions (including the Greek Orthodox), along with the head of the Religious Affairs Office for the Communist Party of Cuba, also a woman, Caridad Diego. This liturgy was a blend of Anglican dignity and Cuban spontaneity—I’ll bet the party afterwards would have made it worthwhile risking the ire of the State Department to attend. Yes, Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori was there, you bet. We celebrate today the ministry of a woman (and the ministry of her husband) who have brought us at least vicariously—some of us actually—to cross borders of culture and class, not to mention borders of denomination, borders between indoors and outdoors, and between old ways and new. Brooke and Andrew are moving to Tucson—back to Tucson, for Brooke. Since hearing that news, we have been sad, moody, even, to think of this. Not to think of Brooke and Andrew happy in Tucson, but to anticipate our future without them, for we have come to love them. Perhaps you know Barbara Kingsolver’s book High Tide in Tucson. In it she tells the story of a hermit crab that was a stowaway in a bunch of seashells that the author brought home to Tucson from the California coast. She named the crab Buster, and built him a habitat. She began to notice that Buster somehow seemed out of sorts, even moody. Kingsolver was puzzled, and consulted a marine biologist who came to observe Buster. Whatever these behaviors were that worried them occurred at certain times of day. The biologist chewed on this long enough to recognize a pattern that looked like a tide chart. Buster got agitated every day in exact rhythm with what would have been high tide in Tucson, if Tucson were coastal. Buster was being a hermit crab, a Californian hermit crab, even in Tucson, where tide charts aren’t—yet— posted on kitchen bulletin boards. This story suggests that you can all too easily take the crab out of California, but taking California out of the crab is not for us mere mortals to do. What we get to do is to watch the discovery of another creature’s truth, allow that discovery to free us from our own worries by freeing us to read reality, and along the way find out more about ourselves. Today we celebrate how the movement of two dear people and one dog from San Francisco to Williamstown to spend nearly two years of life together with us has caused us all to learn more about belonging. How powerful an experience it is to belong. The claim of the ocean on a little hermit crab came along with him. Today we celebrate how the claim of God asserts itself within and among us. …It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. So says St. Paul today, a good day to hear it, to celebrate the inner claim of God that we call “vocation”. That is how and why Brooke and Andrew came to us, what they have fulfilled with us, helping us hear and respond more clearly to our own calling. And that is to keep ensuring that children and teenagers feel their belonging at this table and at all our tables. To keep ensuring that the Church’s apostolate to students is realized on this campus, and their vitality in our fellowship. And to keep ensuring that this community’s heart and mind and will open to the achievement of justice with compassion here in this valley and across all borders. Brooke and Andrew, we join you in celebrating that what draws you to Tucson is Christ within you, calling, as always, to faithfulness, and calling, as always, to particular places and people and service. We know that you rejoice with us that we have been particular together—and that what we have shared together will always belong to us. Posted by Fr. Peter Elvin at 2:17 PM Global Positioning in Baptism Jack is about to take a mighty step. Will it take him anywhere new? No, and yes. He knows every square foot of this place already, especially his lair back there in the outfield, and his square foot or so of space on the chancel steps where he has helped many a children’s sermon happen, and all those nooks and crannies in our church school building. Most important of all, he already knows he has a place at our Lord’s table, another square foot of landing space at that altar rail where he has belonged for much of his young life. So today in his baptism he’ll get up close and personal to the font, a piece of antique furniture he has walked by countless times and seen in use along the way. Those few square feet are like a launching pad, sending one person after another into an orbit that belongs to Jesus Christ, drawing each person into a parallel track with Jesus. Given to every person in his or her baptism is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus, implanted within the person, or, if you prefer, raised up within the person. To be given that Spirit is like being given a compass to guide you, or a telecommunication system to receive and send—I mean receive from Jesus and send to Jesus. To have the Spirit of God inside you, as we believe will be raised up in Jack through his baptism, is like connecting to a global positioning system that helps you locate God and lets God signal you. Well, I said like… make sure you hear that like, because what baptism doesn’t do is make anything automatic. Or mechanical. What baptism has done for each of us who has stood where Jack will soon stand, is the one thing we could not do for ourselves: in baptism God joins us to Jesus and makes us members of the living Body of Jesus, each of us an equally loved, equally valuable, equally crucial member, just like an organ or a limb in a human body. Each unique, all equally essential. And once we are joined to Jesus, it is his love, and his courage, and his peace that flow through our veins and animate our imagination and form our loving. What does baptism not do? It does not take away our responsibility for our own journey. It unites us to the journeying of a whole community. It unites us to a long history of journeyers like those we hear about in our Bible readings today, Elijah and Paul and, very specially, Jesus—whose stories inspire (and sometimes puzzle) us. Best of all, Baptism unites us to Jesus himself and his Spirit, the very best navigational team there is in the universe—but it’s up to each baptized person to position herself/himself daily in order to see Jesus wherever he shows himself and hear God however God may speak to the heart, sing to the ear, or whisper to the mind. We position ourselves by praying. Both the kind that asks and the kind that keeps quiet to listen. We position ourselves by reading the Bible. Not just here in church, but alone at home, at the kitchen table together at home, and in groups of friends who help one another listen for Jesus the Word by saying how the Word becomes flesh and makes sense to them. We position ourselves by worshiping and learning together, and by serving together—cooking and delivering meals to elderly people, running bingo nights for nursing home residents, going on a medical mission trip, setting aside time and money and other resources to share with people who need us to, and because we need to, and because we need them. So, Jack: will the mighty step you’re going to take set you on a new journey? That’s up to you. But from what I know of you, I think your answer will be Yes, that you will be open to knowing Jesus and loving God and serving in the world in new ways. Our job is to show you what “open” looks like, how open minds and hearts behave. Where will your journey in faith take you? How new will life become because of your faith in God and God’s faith in you? When Christians ask big questions like that, they need their positioning devices, and one of them is the Bible. The stories we’ve heard today tell us about the faith journeys of the prophet Elijah, the apostle Paul, and our Lord Jesus Christ. In his travels to do what God asked of him, Elijah met a very generous and very poor woman, a widow, and her son. They are important enough that they stand in one of our windows, the one nearest the font—while Elijah isn’t with them in the big part of the window, he’s there in the little roundel at the bottom. This mother and son had so little to live on that they were actually preparing to die—but they freely shared what they had, that jar of meal and jug of olive oil. What they thought might be enough to feed just the two of them in fact fed Elijah too and still did not run out. Jack, we pray that your life journey, like Elijah’s, will show you how abundant life is, and can be made, by the power of sharing. St. Paul was launched into orbit when one day, on a dusty desert trade route, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a blinding light. Paul had been doing everything he could to make life miserable for Jesus’s disciples. He was certain that their new religion was phony and dangerous, and that Jesus’s death on Good Friday simply proved how right his judgment was. But now this same Jesus was speaking to him. He could feel his life turn around. From then on, he would become walking proof of the truth and power of Jesus’s love. Paul was so persuasive that he won the hearts of people who just didn’t matter to the other apostles—those leaders of the Church didn’t approve of the type of people who became Christians because of Paul’s message. But Paul’s mind was made up, that all are equal in God’s sight and in God’s love. Jack, may you have St. Paul’s courage and conviction, his open heart, and become walking proof of Jesus’s love. And Jesus himself is shown on his journey, his great three-year pilgrimage of healing, on foot through the villages and fishing ports and on into the great city, Jerusalem. Today, he encounters a funeral procession. The only son of a widow had died, and Jesus will not let them pass to the cemetery. He touches the casket and, with the same voice that would one day reach Paul, he calls the young man to life. Jack, we pray that you will be strong with Jesus’s compassion to reach out and help even the person everyone would swear was beyond hope. Enough talk about other people’s steps. Jack is about to take his. Remember your role. It isn’t just to say today “We will!” when I ask, “Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support this person in his life in Christ?” Your role is to do that, to show Jack how faith works, to model openness, to share the journey, and to learn from him as well. Posted by Fr. Peter Elvin at 12:31 PM Wisdom to See and Hear This is no ordinary Sunday. It is Trinity Sunday, yes, but in our gathering here to make our weekly sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving on the Lord’s Day, some are preparing to be part of the panoramic pageant of Williams College commencement, as the class of 2007 steps onto that dais and is ceremonially changed in status from undergraduates to members of the Alumni Association, with all the rights and tax-deductible responsibilities pertaining thereto. We rejoice with you who are here for such additional high purpose today, and we’re honored to welcome family and friends of Williams seniors who have become very dear to us during their years in this purple valley. We’re honored, as well, to welcome this weekend’s baccalaureate speaker, Sri Lankan supreme court justice Shiranee Tilakawardane, a dedicated leader in the Anglican Church. Madame Justice, in our own small way today we represent the Anglican Communion as we rejoice that you will be honored for your pioneering work on behalf of women and children, internationally. It’s also not every Sunday when we get to hear a portion of the Book of Proverbs. It was not a frequent flyer in the Book of Common Prayer lectionary, but now that we’re using the Revised Common Lectionary we’ll be hearing it more often. It’s a biblical book that feminists struggle with, because its voice is strongly patriarchal: in Proverbs, women are defined by their relationships with men. But what can we expect from literature that is so very old? It is in this vein that some of the proverbs set up a straw woman, the adulteress, who can bring ruin upon a man and his family (as if it could all be her fault). “Her house is the way to Sheol,” we are warned. But there is another feminine presence in the book, a dominant presence, and we hear her voice today: this is the voice of wisdom. “Wisdom has built her house,” we hear in the chapter that follows ours today, “she has hewn her seven pillars.. she has also set her table. She has sent out her servant girls, she calls from the highest places in the town, ‘You that are simple, turn in here!’ To those without sense she says, ‘Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have mixed. Lay aside immaturity, and live, and walk in the way of insight.’” In our portion today we hear her say, “The LORD created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago… before the beginning of the earth… when he had not yet made earth and fields, or the world’s first bits of soil. When he established the heavens, I was there… then I was beside him, like a master worker; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the human race.” "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being… in him was life, and the life was the light of all people…" Are these cherished words that open John’s Gospel shaped by more ancient words that we have heard this morning, from the Book of Proverbs? In John’s Gospel, it’s the Greek idea of Word that matters, the rational order that lies at the foundation of reality. In the Hebrew worldview of Proverbs, it is Wisdom that matters. As one commentator puts it, “Wisdom requires a humble, earnest effort to hear what the other person says and a willingness to see our world in the other person’s terms.” Oh, let us pray for wisdom to matter more and more in this 21st-century world that we inhabit. In relations among people of differing religious faiths, and in the dialogue that people of religious faith have with religionless culture, the earnest effort to hear, the willingness to see. In the leadership exercised by those who order our reality, in government, in the media, in education, that earnest effort to hear and that willingness to see… and courage to act upon what is heard and seen. In our self-understanding as human beings accountable to global belonging and stewardship, not just national citizenship, wisdom must matter more and more. And in our friendships and constantly changing family structures, the humble grasp of terms that matter, and the letting go of those that do not. All three of our Bible readings today cause us to understand that God is active strategically in this stunningly complex world that we inhabit. Our New Testament readings proclaim the animating, revealing, guiding power of the Spirit that God pours into human hearts, the Spirit of truth that causes faith, faith that reorders all human experience, faith that welcomes and takes part in the transforming of all things, even suffering, into peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. And from the Hebrew scriptures the voice we hear is wisdom calling from “the heights, beside the way, at the crossroads… beside the gates… at the entrance of the portals…” at all times, in all places, wherever we may step across a line that could change our status, change our minds, change our outlook, change our fortunes, inviting us to walk in the way of insight first and so understand, by listening to what we do not yet know, how and when and where to place our feet and our hope and our faith, so that we will be instruments of peace and truth and justice. Word and wisdom: let the Church cherish both and train us in both, so we may always have a community that calls and empowers us to let the Word be made flesh as we pour ourselves into the world, and a community in which we may understand what happens to us when we do.
The word is "raise" used intransitively. As I was fantasizing about having quad 60 machine guns mounted under the hood of my car to deploy whenever I was irritated by other drivers, I said to myself, "… Puzzling over that, my thoughts turned to my book English Verb Classes and Alternations by Beth Levin. I found 'raise' in the index and the second reference pointed to this use of a transitive verb intransitively, i.e. why not use the transitive either with a subject e.g. "I can raise the guns up" or passively, "The guns will be raised up," or use the intransitive, "The guns will rise up"? The following discussion is quite opaque. I have read only the introduction to this book and found it fascinating, her discussion of word groups like touch, break, cut, hit, viz. I can touch you and hit you and cut you on your arm but cannot *break you on your arm; and a host of examples follow. The point of the book is how linguists account for such groupings and limits. Each of hundreds of categories have their [yes, their] own bibliography. Yes, kiddos, scholars write a lot about these kind [yes, kind] of things. In fact, I introduced these 'alternations' to a class one year and had them do exercises on it. Why?
She loves sitting outside her house in a small mat. During early mornings, she loves to sit directly under the sun. I always place a jug of uji by her side. She turns away every time I hold a cupful of uji before her. So I have to beg and coax her. She agrees and drowns a cupful. She throws away the cup when she is done. This means she doesn’t want more. Then the drugs, it takes hours to get her to swallow only one tablet, every morning; she has to swallow four, two for her hypertension, one for pain, and one for? So every day I would take the mirror and look at my mother’s beautiful eyes. Then I would imagine life with her. Maybe it would have been a little different, a little better even. What if she would have lived?Would I be having a father?Would I have lived with grandma all this long? ……………………………………………………..BEYOND ZERO………………………………………… STAYING TRUE TO DISEASE..... But what’s postpartum hemorrhage? postpartum hemorrhage……
Testicular torsion is a urological emergency - failure to recognize and perform a surgical exploration will result as in this case with a infarcte...”
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've started collaborating with many of the people at WPP digital and we're a member of the advisory board there,” says Vos. “It's really a gateway to great talent for us.” Dietz adds that ghg is also a gateway for clients into all of WPP's capabilities. “We're extremely choosy about the type of people we bring in—they have to want to work in this model. If you come from Digitas you worked in a very straightforward digital environment,” says Vos. “People love the fact that we're starting with a big brand strategy, that we're thinking multi-channel and that we have the ability to collaborate—some of our guys in the creative department are working actively with our medical education companies, because med eds are going digital as well—so the ideas can come from anywhere, and the platforms can come from anywhere, and people are jazzed about doing this.” For those employees working in ghg's New York City office, Google's East Coast headquarters is just four avenue blocks west, a convenience the agency has been putting to use for clients. “Our creative teams can go over there with an idea, and work with google to bring it to life,” says Stowe. “Our understanding of Google, and the search process, is absolutely integral to the strategy for our products and customers,” says Vos. “We would not consider making a recommendation on how to market a brand unless we truly understand what's going on online. And that's were our collaboration with Google is key.” Vos says the one of biggest struggles the agency faces is persuading clients to climb into the digital and interactive rabbit hole with them. “Clients know they want to change, but it's difficult to leave the old and bring on the new. We're in a very interesting moment where they are transitioning, and our job is to just keep them ahead of the curve,” says Vos. “We've always prided ourselves in being forward thinking, and really having the oars in the water maybe a little too early, but I think it's really paying out beautifully now.” The agency launched (currently in beta), an “expert-guided” online community site owned by LLuminari in 2000. Vos says there are three major clients in on the site. “The opportunity for clients is to sponsor a community where issues can be discussed, and there's expert guidance around that discussion,” she explains. The downside of some social media communities, according to Vos, is that “there's a lot of misinformation and a lot of whining. If we can establish communities where discussions are held and there is mediation by an expert, we're probably going to be helping paitents get better faster, rather than just have a place to sit and stew on their condition.” The firm iWhite House and Voxiva, a mobile technology firm, to launch Text4Baby, a new mobile health service. The service will “send well-timed messages to expectant mothers, mostly from an underserved population, on their pregnancy and the services they need during that pregnancy, and the first year after they deliver their baby,” explains Vos. “We think it's one of the first mobile health programs out there, and we're really excited about it.” </s> KiI have always managed to keep myself entertained so being in a situation where I am alone for an extended amount of time has never really bothered me and I doubt it ever really will. Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source) Yes. I tend to remove myself from others for the greater part of the day, and have on occasion gone several days without even saying a word. Other people tend to ignore me on a consistent basis, a system I am very much in favor of as I ignore them right back, and ultimately I'm perfectly happy spending an evening enjoying a nice meal of penne vodka with wine, watching a movie in my home instead of going out to a nearby party. Even back in my home country, I found the company of others tedious. Next week meaning don't even call me until we're meeting up, dammit. Always been frustrating being more of an introvert in a family of extroverts. For lack of a better term it seems like they don't understand why I wouldn't want to be smothered with people. I appreciate having a chance to be alone, but I do like company of other people in most cases. I live with my spouse though, so I'm never really alone at this point. I don't go out a lot, maybe once every few weeks. And I don't make friends easily. In the sense that I still live with my family, brother and parents because we get along I do not consider myself a loner, but I would like to own my very own place one day. </s> Fsix things you should do during this decade to improve your health. Provided you don’t have a family history or personal risk of colorectal cancer (in which case you've probably had a colonoscopy already), regular screening beginning at age 50 is recommended
It works as follows; bring your own lunch, arrive at 12 noon and then have an interactive session with an expert on the topic of that week. One of our members will speak and answer questions between 12 and 1 pm on a topic that is their area of expertise. We supply tea and coffee. Spots are limited, with a of maximum 10 attendees, so make sure you register early!
We are sad to announce the death of the Manager for the Arts of the Inland Hospital Gallery Donna Thewlis. She played a very important role for AOI and everyone respected her work, for those who would like to attend her memorial, it will be on July 29th from 2-4pm at t...
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Mediation, for the uninitiated, is a process in which the disputana resolution of their dispute. The parties themselves decide the scope of information they will exchange prior to the mediation, the nature of the presentations to be made to the mediator, the date, time and place of the mediation, and the terms of the resolution. Sis more akin to litigation in that the parties submit their dispute for resolution, although.
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Television actress Zikhona Sodlaka cannot wait to officially join motherhood and she is overflowing with joy following her pregnancy. 2020 saw many celebs taking the #Siyamitha2020 to a new level by announcing their pregnancy and it was a beautiful sight to see. Taking to her Instagram page to celebrate her pregnancy. Zikhona posted a picture of her holding her baby bump. Her fans and media colleaguNew mommies Minnie Dlamini and Manaka Ranaka congratulated her. The actress hasn't revealed the gender of her baby as she has been keeping all aspects of her pregnancy on the low, citing that pregnancy is a sacred experience. Zikhona kept her pregnancy a secret for a few months now as she wanted to announce it when the timing was perfect. Sunday World broke the story that she is expecting after she was spotted with a pregnancy glow in Hyde Park. A mole told the publication that being a mother has always been her dream but she was waiting for the right partner. "Being a mother has always been Zikhona’s dream but work commitments and not finding the right person to father her baby was a big problem for her. She is over the moon. She kept her pregnancy a secret because she did not want to bring bad luck on the pregnancy,” a source told the publication. Following this story, Zikhona debuted her baby bump on social media, announcing her pregnancy. Bet her unborn baby as well as her, because it is believed that pregnancy is a sacred experience. Another actress who is Manaka Ranaka. The actress confirmed to Daily Sun that she was expecting. Manaka whed she was carrying a baby boy. "It’said. The actress gave birth to a baby boy. Congratulations Zikhona and we cannot wait to see your baby.
While Roger had been sectioned six months earlier the Doctors were reluctant to let him go and were moving to have it extended. At first it had been thought that the stresses of University had gotten to him, resulting in him landing in old Bedlam. Then as time wore on, they had come to a different conclusion and that had changed everything, Schizophrenia. While Roger had responded well to drugs, it was feared that he would be the type who would relapse as soon as he got out because he would stop taking them. It didn’t take a genius to understand why, the drugs left Roger feeling rotten most of the time and he had not been shy about his desire not to take them. So, Roger was stuck in the hospital until this impasse was resolved. During her last visit, his mother had told him that she wanted him to come home and eventually return to University so that he could eventually become a Doctor like his father had been. Roger considered that a complete farce. After the circumstances of his departure from the dormitory that he had lived in during his breakdown, he doubted that they would be too welcoming of him in the future. Walking through the ward after his latest session with his Doctor, Roger saw Edward reading a newspaper while seated on a chair. Everyone knew that he was Royalty and he had his own room because of that, just he insisted upon drifting around the wards as if he owned the place. The fact that he was the former King of England until he had become an embarrassment to his family and his niece was the Queen afforded him special treatment. “How goes the battle young Mister Barrett?” Edward asked as Roger sat down on his bed. “They still think I’m mental” Roger replied. “That sounds like something from bad Science Fiction” Roger replied, wondering why Edward had chosen him to bother today. Roger hadn’t been wondering at all. The insertion into orbit around the Moon had gone off without a hitch and everyone had looked out the windows transfixed by the landscape that was passing below. After a few minutes, they had needed to get to work. Even as he was helping Viktor Himmel with the checklist to start the scientific portion of this flight, but only if Vik needed the help, which he didn’t. Ben still looked out the window at the dark side of the moon that was lit up. It had taken him a moment to realize that with the Moon being in the last quarter, as seen on Earth, of course the dark side would be lit up. Fortunately, Ben had not said anything, otherwise he probably would never have heard the end of it. Captain Brown and Dieter Dohman, the Systems Engineer were already preparing for the return trip that was due to start in twelve hours. Brown had said that he would need Ben as soon as he was done meeting with Dohman, so he should enjoy the sightseeing while he could. “Look at this!” Vik said excitedly as he looked at the feed that he was getting through his console, data that was being fed to him through the Recon Module where Ayano was working feverishly now that they were over target. “Craters” Vik said with a sly smile. Ben tried not to be annoyed by getting pulled into a silly joke like that. Vik had not minded when Ben had been pulled from being his Alternate and had leapfrogged him in the Mission hierarchy. Instead he had been delighted that a friend was getting a chance to come on this journey. Back in Cam Ranh, he had told Ben while they were on the elevator going up to the capsule that he would be a passenger for most of the trip while at the same time Ben would get stuck with a great deal of work. That had certainly turned out to be true. Looking at one of the screens, Ben saw the Earth rise from behind the Lunar horizon, he had seen that through the window on the last pass. Everything that they were seeing on those screens was being recorded. “It looks like the people back home must be getting quite a show” Ben said absently. “Certainly not” Ben said. “While we are here, is there anything you want to name?” Vik asked. “Can we do that?” Ben asked in reply. Looking out the window, Ben saw a mare passing below. “I don’t care” Ben replied. I can't wait for Kiki's reaction to this! I'm going out on a limb, but if he is who I think he is, Roger shouldn't worry about going back to university. He'll shine on anyway, that crazy diamond. Though it is nice to see him getting help this time around. At first I was wondering why he didn’t name her after a mountain but reading about mares changed that, it makes sense. Kind of like Kiki who comes from an ancient family, who people from a far thought to be a prim and proper but otherwise useless princess, is actually far more useful and intriguing upon getting to know her. Actually more formed by meteorites hitting moon. Headline in UK newspaper: Britain rule the mare. Being "doomed" to be the first human on the moon sounds worth it, though. While the United States and Germany are rivals they are not adversaries ITTL unlike how the United States and the Soviet Union were IOTL and that should mean that scientific research is more open and shared. IOTL the United States had Ranger, Pioneer, and Surveyor missions before attempting to land on the Moon so I would assume that both the ESA and the United States are doing the same thing and may even be sharing some of the data with each other. If the United States are not going to be first in the moon they may decide to build the biggest man-made object in space and go with an Earth Orbital Laboratory instead and trade access to it in return for American Astronauts being part of possible future moon landing missions. What I would.really love too an international space rescue mission. Salamander if you think overly nationalistic newspaper headlines do only appear in Germany and France and England have none of them... you may not have been in any of those countries. Right ir wrong my country was not coined by a German. I am perfectly aware that other countries have overly nationalistic newspapers and headlines, every country has them. In the above scenario, however, it is far more likely that they will be trumpeting the presence of any astronaut from their own nation, while trying vainly to down play those from other countries. As for the phrase, no self-respecting tabloid editor (an oxymoron if ever there was one) would pass on using that phrase, regardless of who invented it, where or why. Its just too eye-catching as a headline. I had been wondering what had happened to the Duke of Windsor; his current abode seems appropriate. As for the schizophrenia drugs for 'young Mister Barrett', I hope they can find something that doesn't make him feel like crap, and that he won't decide that he doesn't need to take 'because he feel's fine'. Good to see that the crew of Amicitia are meshing well. The 5 person crew probably makes the scientific part easier as the dedicated science team handles that part of the mission leaving the flight crew & engineer to worry about keeping everything together & pointed the right way. I'm guessing the 3 modules are Command, Recon & Landing, with Recon designated for the laboratory & survey equipment. I'm also guessing that TTL's ESA command module pilot for the actual landing won't be orbiting the moon by him/herself and that the Lunar landing Module will have a 2 - 3 person crew. As for Ben commanding the Moon Landing mission, I'm not so sure. Remember Jim Lovell was on Apollo 8 & didn't return to the moon until Apollo 13. There are others in the hierarchy ahead of him, including Sigi. Also remember that Ben is primarily in the program for his scientific skill-set, not as a pilot, and that his being a pilot is a happy & fortunate bonus as far as the ESA is concerned. Now imagine the PR campaigns that would result from the first moon landing ever being commanded by a woman. And then imagine that the first person on the moon is Sigi and the second is Ben in a scientific role. The three modules are Command, Rocon/Lander depending on mission, and the Service module which contains propulsion and mission consumables, such as fuel and air. I thought it was Syd who was the crazy one. In any case it seems appropriate while the other part of the chapter i happening on the dark side of the moon. As for the moon landing. I expect that the public will react accordingly to the makeup of the crew. Having a diverse crew will make a slogan like "For all Mankind" ring a bit more true. Perry Rhodan mentioned above or whatever sci-fi replaces it will not feature American astronauts landing on the moon to create a third power in the cold war, but more likely envision fairy tales from the day after tomorrow, where nation states are no more and starships with diverse crews fly among the stars. With a Japanese woman being part of this crew and later crew actaully landing likely being similar, the notion of "Whitey on the moon" will not hold water as much. I wonder if The Rocking Vickers will end up at the V8 club around this time? And Syd Barrett's real name is? Most non-English speakers won't make the connection since that isn't a word they use for a female horse. Most English speakers would snigger a bit, true, but would also think its juvenile. It's well written enough that i can usually keep track of almost everyone, but sometimes it takes a while for me to figure out who a character we haven't seen for a while is... It was “night” aboard the Command Module when Ben woke up and remembered where he was when he saw Ayano floating in her sleeping bag which was tethered to bulkhead just a few dozen centimeters away. Vik and Dohman were on the other side of her in the narrow confines of the aft cabin. Looking at the glowing numbers of the mission clock Ben saw that he would need to spell out Captain Brown and take the next watch in just a few minutes. While the outbound flight had been full of excitement the return journey had been almost boring so far. By this point, everyone just wanted to get home and feel gravity again. Breaking Lunar orbit had been easy enough. They had jettisoned to Recon Module. It was to remain in Lunar Orbit and send data back to Earth until the fuel cells ran out. Then its orbit would decay, and it would eventually crash into the surface to create one more crater on the face of the moon. Leaving his sleeping bag and being mindful of the battery pack that connected to the medical gear that was attached to him, Ben launched himself towards the hatch that went up to the cockpit, careful not to bump into any of the others. The “floor” between the two compartments was only a plastic screen, just enough to block out the light and some of the noise from the cockpit. During the “day” the aft space included the workstations of the other three members of the crew, but for the next few hours it would be used for sleeping. Brown was sitting strapped into the Pilot’s seat, the lights dimmed and the Earth shining in the distance visible through the tiny windows. He had asked Ben to spell him out so that he could get a few hours of sleep before they would need to jettison the Service Module and reorient the Capsule for reentry. All of that was automated and could have been done by Mission Control, they however preferred it if they were awake and talking to them during that process. “Sir” Ben said as he strapped himself into the Co-Pilot’s seat. “Awake early I see” Brown said. “Couldn’t sleep” Ben answered. Ben gave him a quizzical look. “Something going on?” Ben asked. Ben hadn’t thought about that. If he were to suffer another bout of insanity and volunteered for another Taxidiotis mission it wouldn’t be with Eric “Winkle” Brown. There would be a different Commander, possibly the entire mission would be different as well. As well she should, Ben thought to himself considering what Kiki had told him about Sigi being her father’s half-sister. It seemed that Wilhelm the 3rd had gotten around, so she was just one of several. Louis Ferdinand had quietly guided her career, making sure that she had every opportunity starting out in life. “How do you know this?” Brown asked. Ben said that last part in a bad imitation of a Russian accent. “Leonov did that?” Brown asked in disbelief. “You know that we can hear every word you Gentlemen are saying?” A voice said coming out of one of the speakers, the same voice that Ben had been hearing since he had started training for this mission months earlier. Albrecht von Richthofen. “So, you heard that Alexei?” Ben asked. Brown just chuckled at what had just happened. He might have warned Ben that Mission Control was listening in, but clearly thought that it was a lot more fun not to have done so. With that Brown unbuckled himself from the Pilot’s seat and swung himself through the hatch in one movement. Ben envied the grace with which he had done that. Whenever Ben tried to maneuver himself around the capsule, he felt like he was clumsy and always needed to grab things to keep under control.
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Social media is nothing new but it’s still vital If you haven’t launched a social media campaign yet, it’s gone beyond the time when it was a ‘nice to have’. Every business – small... More ... More Mobile Landscape 101: Part 1, The TrendsPosted on: November 7th, 2013 by Walid Abou-Halloun It wasn't that long ago that sitting down at your computer to go shopping online was a new trend and it was still just as likely someone would pull out a yellow pages book as to turn to Nowadays, the e-commerce trend is... More Categories: Business and Mobile Websites. Tags: Mobile Websites and Trends. Releted Products: Mobile Websites. | No Comments
If any motorsport series could lay claim to looking as loud as they sound, then surely drag racing is it! One could almost argue it's where my career as an automotive artist began. Ever since I can remember, I've been drawing cars and trucks, and after many early attempts at trying to design wedge-shaped super cars of Italian descent, it was the dragster shape that I found I could capture well enough at that age. But why would a young boy growing up in the heartland of British motorsport be so obsessed with this all-American form of racing? This was particularly true in the UK; whereas in the United States the street cars being customized were not only the road-going versions of the genuine Funny Cars, but they were also big enough to carry all those mods without looking overcrowded. Apply the same tactics to a Ford Anglia or a Morris Minor van though, and you end up with the original definition of having driven a car through an auto spares store where everything stuck! Back on the quarter mile, the other big difference between the road and the 'strip were the names given to these creations. Where else do cars take on and become such characters as Jungle Jim?The cars are the stars in this sport more than any other (save for monster trucks maybe) and they all had crazy names we can remember as easy as superheroes, all thanks to the wacky and wonderful sign-writing emblazoned all along the bodywork. So I'd put Jungle Jim in with Johnny Rotten when it comes to being the original form of the culture. These cars really are the voice of a decade… "Drive Tastefully" mindset up in tire smoke. Yowza!
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New World's engaging crafting and faction rivalries are held back by abysmal PvE and a boring world. High-stakes PvP battles and top-notch production values bolster Amazon's MMORPG, even if its PvE content and occasionally frustrating systems may leave some players wanting. I was admittedly surprised with how thoroughly I enjoyed my time with New World. From the freeform character and weapon progression to the resource gathering and faction dynamics, there’s a lot to explore and experience. That said, New World very much feels like an MMO in a very early state. There’s not a ton of Expeditions, there’s no mounts, and there’s an obvious need for balancing with features like Siege. Luckily, MMOs often get better as they age, and if Amazon Games can build upon this great foundation, they’ll have a surefire hit on their hands. Neither meat nor fish, New World amazes but not in a positive sense. Not everything is to be thrown away: the mass game created by Amazon Games can entertain and has potential, but the absence of identity and technical problems weigh. New World is a pretty damn good MMORPG. It's fun and accessible, and though it doesn't do anything truly new, it has enough little twists on existing ideas to keep me invested. New World is one of the most beginner-friendly MMOs available, but its lacking quests and PvE makes me worried about the future. The PvP, however, is a blast. Amazon has done a decent job with New World with its exquisite visuals and overall environment. They just need to smooth out those rough edges and implement some mounts!
Many hundreds of years later, the tribe of Judah had proliferated to perhaps 200,000 men and were occupying a goodly portion of the Promised Land. From them God chose a young shepherd boy named David (with, say, a probability of one out of 200,000). Of David's nineteen sons, Solomon was chosen (one out of 19). This wonderful child, this Son to be given, is also "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father." So here is another prophecy of the Incarnation, with the eternal God entering humanity's flesh—a prophecy, which surely has a mathematical probability of chance fulfillment of absolutely zero! Except that God is Creator and can do anything except "deny Himself" (2 Timothy 2:13)Improbability of the Incarnation. Acts & Facts. 33 (12).
I’ve been having a blast testing out apps this summer for my first grade students! I have found that there are a number of apps which I believe would enhance the curriculum in my classroom and provide the children a wide variety of unique learning experiences. The first app that caught my attention is Build a Word by @Reks: Educational Applications One of the most significant aspects of this app that I like is that there is an option to choose the kind of word list you would like the children to work on. There are lists for all of the following and more: beginning blend sounds, double consonants, short vowels, long vowels, Dolch word lists for grades preprimer to third and 1-3 letter word lists all the way to 6+ letter word lists. This feature really allows for differentiation within one classroom while it also enables teachers to use this app across the grades as well. What I wish I could do on this app is have more flexibility in the lists themselves. While there is a wide array to choose from, I would like the option to mix lists together at once. For instance, if we are working on long vowels and the children should have already mastered short vowels, I would like to include both word groups on the list. I would also like to have the option for some accountability on the children’s part. It would be helpful for them to somehow show me all the lists they have completed and have some way of tracking their progress. Without this step, it is difficult to know how effective this app truly is. Posted by Salam at 10:16 AM Integrating iPads into a Kindergarten Language Art...
Brian Johnson - a very experienced, self Recently he has begun performing with 'My Juke Box Generation' 60's/70's tribute show. Every major classic hit is covered from the era with a fast moving performance. It is suitable for most venues which want a theme night, or just an enjoyable evening of nostalgia. A dynamic show with friendly chat about that period, his own career plus at some venues a video backdrop depicting the change of culture and fashions, with scenes from his own career. All delivered with friendly chat, humour and banter! His range of styles encompasses Country, Rock n Roll & Power Ballads by some of the well loved artistes such as Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Glenn Campbell, Louis Armstrong, Shakin' Stevens, Tom Jones, Michael Bubl� & many more... Ideal for Wedding,.
Lena Dunham Releases Banner 2022 2 New film — her first self-made, self-directed project since girl Ended in 2017. first released, sharp stick, about a 26-year-old babysitter who loses her virginity to a married client. Another one of his drops on Prime Video on Oct. 7 and is an adaptation of the beloved historical children’s novel. Catherine called BirdieWait what? After watching the trailer, it makes a little more sense. No, Catherine called Birdie It is unlikely to contain as much explicit nudity as the controversial creator is known to like. It follows a feisty, headstrong young woman who goes against a society that tries to limit her and force her into a box (not literally, it’s not about sex). I think the classic blush mix looks like a second coming ever sinceand I’m here for that. Comes at the other end of the adaptive spectrum Peripheral (October 21), a before/after apocalyptic adaptation of William Gibson’s sci-fi thriller of the same name. The trailer did such an excellent job of streamlining the premise that it took hundreds of pages of brain numbing to solve the puzzle. Westworld Creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy suggest it’s still going to be a head-scratching journey. Here’s Everything Else Coming To Prime This month includes the streaming debut of Viking epic norseman (October 11) and stifling British posh epic Downton Abbey: A New Age (October 28). to save google go for it, ghost (October 6) is 2016 Korean drama It’s not an odd left turn in the cheerleading movie franchise.
COSHISH Launch Two Music Videos in One Day By Niko Savić on March 21, 2014 Prog rockers from India, Coshish, have revealed two videos lately for the songs taken from their critically acclaimed debut album Firdous. View the videos below.... Coshish means “attempt” in Hindi language, and is also a name of the Indian progressive rock band with plenty of different influences, both musical and...
Luminaries of the entertainment world pay tribute to actress Natasha Richardson, who hasa. Film-maker Ken Russell directed Richardson in Gothic, her 1986 screen debut in which she played Mary Shelley. The 81-year-old's tribute appeared in The Times newspaper. I chose Natasha because of her ephemeral delicacy and intelligent beauty in her debut stage role as Nina in The Seagull. Natasha was under pressure having such an enormously complex burden for her first film role, but she was always poised, prepared, focused and very, very bright. Theer. Her physical presence was so unique and warm, inviting yet cool, vulnerable yet proud. Her beauty was golden, that's the word that keeps coming to mind. A chip off her mum's perfect bone structure, yes - but her very own blend of tenderness and fire. he was pretty, The Oscar-winning star worked with Richardson on the 1987 TV production of the Henrik Ibsen play Ghosts. . I It's always difficult if you have parents in theatre I - I Oscar winner Sam Mendes' 1998 Broadway production of Cabaret saw Richardson win a Tony in the lead role of Sally Bowles. n - She was one of a kind, a magnificent actress. It on's untimely passing is for the theatre community. H All of us at the Old Vic Theatre Company mourn her loss and send our heartfelt wishes to Liam and her family. We hope that the warmth we all feel about her will bring some comfort to those closest to her, who shared her life, her wit, her style and know that she will never be forgotten. I met her a couple of times, I know Liam [Neeson] q My. They are a close-knit family, they will be able to share their grief together, that is the only consolation. Liam is one of the nicest guys I'v, t - it's very sad. It's a terrible, terrible thing. It's always tragic when people of such buoyancy and life are taken away on what appears to be utterly trivial events. Whenever you met her, it was like a joy. It's a twinkle and a sparkle that has left the world. We at Central are stunned by this news. Natasha has been a shining example to so many students, her photo is ever present in our board room and her name is etched on the steps to the main entrance. We hope to establish a scholarship fund in her memory. Natasha Richard980 to 1983. The star appeared alongside Richardson in the 2002 romantic comedy Maid in Manhattan. She was a star - a. S Lohan co-starred with Richardson in the 1998 film The Parent Trap.
The uncle who left his daughter to die in the open air is interviewed. He is being eaten alive, metaphorically, which some would see as poetic justice. But moral judgments tend to curdle in this context. What, says the village chief, now 74, was he to do?It was policy handed down from on high. It made sense. A woman who oversaw that policy still believes that the country would have "perished" without it, and that the well-being of the collective must always always supersede personal feelings. In contrast, a local midwife who performed 20 sterilizations a day — the women sometimes carried in kicking and screaming on poles, "like pigs" — has devoted her last decade to helping seemingly infertile couples conceive. Although she is "atoning for her sins," she knows that, "There'll be retribution for me. The state gave the orders, but I carried them out." Context — what a concept. How do we judge so-called "human traffickers" who sold female babies to orphanages and made a tidy profit?Those girls were given up by families who didn't want them. Many would have otherwise been killed at birth. It's easier to condemn the village officials who — after China legalized international adoption, in 1992 — outright abducted babies and sold them to orphanages. The corruption was breathtaking. One of the toughest things for Americans to contemplate after seeing One Child Nation is how many parents we might personally know who were given false stories about their child's provenance. The filmmakers profile a Utah couple, Brian and Longlan Stuy, who adopted three daughters from China and have gone on to devote themselves to helping Chinese families determine the whereabouts of their abducted children and American families trace their children's true lineage. But it turns out that many American parents don't want to know — and who can blame them? One useful thing about One Child Nation is that it puts the work of someone like Ayn Rand in perspective. The little Jewish girl who grew up in the Soviet Union had a fierce, undying rage at collectivist repression and the corruption that followed in its wake. You can almost forgive her for going the opposite way and insisting on a society built on unbridled selfishness. Maybe you can. The movie ends on a note of bitter irony. Having lost a large percentage of its young thanks to its one-child policy, the Chinese government is now a two-child nation: "One is too few, two is just right."
Experiencing the unfair trial of Tom Robison through the eyes of a little girl named Scout makes “To Kill a Mockingbird” and unparalleled story of the civil rights movement. So many books set in this time are portrayed from the vantage point of the adults who are causing the problems or the adults who are working to solve them. Scout was simply an observant little girl who wanted to understand why people were so insistent on treating other people differently. So poignantly sheow easy it is to see this point of view as a child who can so plainly see the similarities between men of all social standings! As Scout and Jem watch the slow but noticeable changes in their father Atticus, they begin to realize the strength and honor their father possesses. Having many times discussed their father’s lack of “manly” skills such as football, hunting, and rough housing, the Finch children slowly learn to appreciate Atticus for his innumerable strengths of honesty, courage, and intellect. Tom Robison was accused of doing something horrible and the whole town was willing to cast him out simply because of the color of his skin. Jem felt the severity of the court house verdict as he realized that it mattered not what the evidence portrayed, but rather; only the skin color of the accuser held validity. This was a difficult concept for a 13 year old boy to grab hold of. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is filled to the brim of wonderful characters, including Dill, Boo Radley, Calpurnia, Miss Maudie, and Heck Tate. The friends and neighbors engulfing Scout have a profound influence upon her analysis of the world around her. Scout has been raised by the town of Maycomb and is a delightfully exuberant little girl with a passion for living. Everyone can learn a great deal about human nature from Scout, Jem and Atticus in the wild, and madly unfair adventures of Tom Robinson.