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do the costs of transporting you and your team around the country. To truly justify the time investment from dealers, a show needs to act as an IBD Swiss army knife. It needs to present a comprehensive and well-curated range of brands and distributors, each with product managers on hand to discuss products, it needs to feature areas for attendees to get to grips with the products in their own time, and it needs to offer dealers some form of useful education – be it seminars, demos, classes or open discussions from industry leaders on relevant topics. Few shows offer such a combination, but the ones that do have established themselves at the core of the calendar. One such event is the Cycle Show. “We’re very conscious that we deliver an experience for our consumers and trade alike,” says Upper Street event director Stephen Morgan. “We listen to what that audience is asking for to make sure the show delivers. An ‘adapt or die’ mentality is adopted – we have to move with the times, mirroring the interests and passions of our visitors while being able to attract new demographics to the show.” Although the public has always made up a significant part of the Cycle Show audience, the trade is where Upper Street has been focusing its attention this year. If valuable insight is one of the key pillars of an immersive cycling industry event, what is the Cycle Show doing to ensure that its content is up to scratch? “One of the ways we do this is through the invaluable trade content delivered on our stage, and the opportunity to network and talk about ideas with others in the same situation,” says Morgan. Making the decision to focus on shop resources seems to be paying off for the Cycle Show. “We saw roughly a ten per cent increase in our trade visitors year-on-year at the 2017 event. The trade day seminar programme was also well attended,” says Morgan. Ultimately, the show strongly believes in cultivating communities; whether that be trade-based or customer-based, and continuing to develop and pull these elements together seems to be the aim for the future. “The Cycle Show is in a great position to invoke change and inspire. As a show, we need to be at the forefront of this change and help wherever we can to make it happen. We genuinely believe in what we do and want to help direct the industry to a place where it thrives and continues to promote the sport that is so intrinsically woven into our world,” Morgan concludes. </s> I waI’m not a football fan neither do I have a club I have special liking for. But I know a bit to be aware there is an eleven man team; comprising of Defence Players Il. </s> For Immediate Release, February 9, 2016 Cyrus Reed, Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, (512) 740-4086, Kerry Lemon, Resilient Nacogdoches, (936) 615-505
Speakers at the event include former Governor Roy E. Barnes, Founding Partner at Barnes Law Group, and Patrick T. O’Connor, President of the State Bar of Georgia and Managing Partner at Oliver Maner President James J. Sandman...
Shops & Venues on Auchencrow Street The following places are close by to Auchencrow Street: - Corsehill Street - 0.24 mile - Lochend Road - 0.37 mAuchencrow Street area of GlasgowTel: 0141-773 2330Address: 4 Auchencrow Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G34 0BW
The global coronavirus pandemic has only heightened consumer interest in wellness. Home-bound consumers will be hyper-focused on optimizing personal health both physical and emotional in 2021. Here, five key trends expected to shape the space in the coming year. The Hygiene Category Who would have guessed that hand sanitizers would [… We'll tyou. Sarah Tew/CNET After months of conjecture that a second stimulus payment — which may or may not arrive before 2021 — would bring up to $1,200 per eligible adult, could it now be worth just $600 at most?Is there […
products » for …Read More » </s> Hey what's up my lovely crowd? A few months ago, I used to wear Medium or maybe Small,yesterday I had to buy an XS! You can't imagine how much this made me smile because it means that I lost a considerable amount of inches. I was so grumpy when we arrived at the Outlet, because I hate longer car-drives, but this totally made my day and I was in the best imaginable mood. Sexy!!AntwortenLöschen Merci villmools :DLöschen Back to Coffeebreak Thrillers "A Matriculating Warrior" (by Joe DiMino) First that glimpse Oh, full you were! Yet a sliver The first appearing Superficial dawning For youth, our natural, Before the veils lifted One by one ever closer A matriculating warrior Of that ancient battle For the soul </s> I had my first "I want to go home" thought yesterday. So I feel a bit lost at the minute, and I know I have to find a job so that I won't have to spend all my savings, but it's going to be hard to get a job because I can only work for a few months. The jobs that will be okay with me just working for a few months are jobs I don't want to do. But I guess it's only for a few short months so I shouldn't worry about it. I also realized something else when I had my "I want to go home" though. The "home" I thought about was England. Not any particular place in England, but England none the less. Even though my family is in Norway, it is England that feels like home to me. Maybe any other place in the UK would be good too, but since I've only ever lived in England I wouldn't know. If I had just worked for 3 months, or not worked at all, just travelled, I would still have had time to see all the things I want to see here. Maybe you're just evolving into the next stage of your life. Maybe it's maturity as much as homesickness. I raise my glass to you, hoping the next adventure is fulfilling for you. </s> I LOVE real trees for Christmas. Every year growing up I can remember going with my parents to pick out the tree. We would take it home and then mom would let us spray it with white snow. We would hang ornaments that we made, got on vacation or that my grandma gave us every Thanksgiving. The tree lot was across the highway from our apartment so we walked it home. It was fun just walking down the sidewalk carrying it and getting it into the apartment. So here is the finished product along with our Christmas village, nativity scene and the reindeer and sled. For Christmas Ben and I gave each other a kitchen table. There wasn't room for one in the studio and we actually didn't have one in our last place either. So for the first time in three years, we are thrilled to have a kitchen table!!! Hope that you are enjoying this Christmas season with those you love! </s> Linguese is an online academy specialized in teaching Mandarin through a platform that links native professional teachers with students all around the world. Paola and Piero Costa are the founders of Linguese. They both lived and worked in China for over 10 years. They have a deep knowledge of Chinese language and culture. Learning a foreign language is not always easy, especially if that language is Mandarin. Learning a language and not having the chance to practice can be very frustrating. Linguese solves these problems with its innovative methodology that allows students to reach their learning objectives in a fun and easy way. We created an online platform that combinese the 5 key points to successfully learn a language. </s> After a solid month of wearing all black and progressively shorter skirts, the only even remotely negative comment I've gotten about my wardrobe was when I wore a T-shirt I bought down in Gaeksa, which features a Día de los Muertos-style skull on the front. The problem was not with the skull, or with the fact that the skull had "Pimpers' Paradise" printed on its teeth (something I only realized later). No, the problem was that the skull had a unlit cigarette in its lipless mouth. They censor cigarettes on TV in Korea. Did you know that? They don't blur it out
Want to Buy Sabre 362 in Harpswell,ME,United States? - Contact now! </s> Photograph someone who has changed your life, your real-life hero. We all have them: people who have helped us see the world in a different way or understand ourselves better, or who have changed the direction of the lives of the people we care about. These can be parents, friends, community members—anyone who has had a profound impact on your life. Photography is a gift, and a beautiful portrait is a way to thank these people. Even more than that, it is a gift to yourself. It is your way to preserve a memory of this person, share their importance to you, and provide a keepsake to cherish. Trust me, you will cherish this image. </s> On Friday 9 February, Salford City Labour council announced that it was planning a consultation exercise over the closure of all five of its council-funded ‘outstanding’ Ofsted-rated nurseries in the city. The council is citing a £1.7m shortfall in funding, outside a further £11.2m austerity cuts elsewhere in the city. These nurseries are located in some of Salford's most deprived areas; Salford overall is in the top 10% of deprived cities in England. Just over a week later, at a packed public meeting of over 200 people called by Salford Unison, residents voted overwhelmingly to set up a campaign against the closures. In a completely sectarian action, Manchester branch of the ACORN tenant union has said it is banning) from attending its meetings and events. It follows an incident where Manchester ACORN members, led by supporters of Plan C, a self-styled autonomous revolutionary organisation, stopped a member of the RCG, a social tenant, from selling Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! outside an ACORN meeting after it had ended, and told him he was banned. When another RCG comrade and local tenant tried to attend a subsequent public ACORN training session on tenants’ rights, he was told that there had been a ‘democratic decision’ to ban the RCG from attending ACORN meetings. The ACORN organiser told the comrade that ‘ACORN had experienced trouble nationally with the RCG and that there was a blanket ban on RCG members attending ACORN meetings’. The organiser further commented that this was a democratic decision by the union and no member of RCG would be allowed to any of their meetings or events. The organiser lied. There has been no national ACORN decision to ban the RCG, let alone any ‘blanket ban’. There had been no national consultation or vote to ban us. The RCG has worked with ACORN in both Bristol and Newcastle; there has been no ‘trouble’ with our comrades. There has been no ACORN meeting in Manchester to decide on such a ban: the branch was only set up three weeks ago. The ‘decision’ has been made by an unelected clique involving Plan C, Jonny Butcher, Sheffield’s full-time ACORN organiser and a few others. Plan C wishes to lead Manchester ACORN into a close working relationship with the Labour Party. It wants to make sure it does not face any challenge to this political strategy. It cannot do this through open democratic debate, but only behind closed doors. Plan C and this clique therefore want to vet tenants on their political affiliations before admitting them to Manchester ACORN, to ensure that communists are excluded. Lying to ACORN members about the relationship between the RCG and ACORN is essential to justify such a ban. A subsequent suggestion by Butcher that the ban was only ‘temporary’ as a sort of compromise is nonsense: there are no grounds for such a ban regardless of duration. The RCG both locally and nationally campaigns on housing, helping to organise in campaigns like Focus E15, and in solidarity with Grenfell. Locally, it has been involved in a ‘Yes to DSS’ campaign, Save The Grange in Salford, and supported others such as Manchester Activist Network and their struggle for decent housing for homeless people. RCG tenants have also participated and helped to organise with ACORN in other parts of the country. RCG comrades who are tenants will not allow themselves to be excluded from a tenants’ union because they happen to be communists. The RCG fights for democratic and open campaigning and rejects any attempt to censor socialist and working class voices. Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! condemns the University of Manchester’s (UoM) attempt to shut down our filmshow and discussion of ‘Leila Khaled: Hijacker’ for Palestinian Land day. Martin Conway, the Deputy Secretary of the university, contacted the Catholic Chaplaincy directly to force the cancellation of our booking. No attempt to contact Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! was made and no reason for this attack has been given publicly. Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! wishes to pay tribute to Debbie, a staunch friend of the Revolutionary Communist Group and many of its members in Manchester and beyond, and a working class fighter for 40 years. Debbie was for many yearst Prestwich Mental Health Hospital, and later for Unison. In 1997 she was a delegate to the World Youth Festival in Cuba, meeting Fidel Castro’s sister. We send our condolences to our comrade Bob and Debbie’s family on their loss.ds.
Chinese apparel supply chain company Ever-Glory International GroupYan Guo, who will be replaced by Jiansong Wang. A statement said that Guo.
This article will teach you on how to set up your machine for this data science course. This tutorial focusses on installing python & some relevant libraries used for data science purposes. How to Install Python in Your System? Download the Python Installer from below based on your operating system. Python 3.8.6 Installer for Windows Python 3.8.6 Installer for Linux Python 3.8.6 Installer for Mac We know that Python 3.9 has already been released. But libraries like tensorflow still didn’t announce their test results and support with Python 3.9. Also if you have any other versions of Python already installed, please note that the required version for this course lies between 3.5 – 3.8. You may check your version of python installed, by typing the below code in your terminal/ command prompt. Double click the downloaded Python installer file. You will see the welcome page as below. Click on Continue. 3. You will see the Read Me page. Click on Continue. 4. You will get a licence page. Click on Continue. It will pop a dialog box to accept their terms. Click on Agree. 5. Click on Install to proceed with the installation. Once you are done with the installation, please verify the installation by typing the following command in terminal/ command prompt. If you are getting the version as Python 3.8.6, you are done with the installation part. Setting up a Virtual environment This step is not mandatory. But this step comes handy when you have multiple applications using different versions of Python or its libraries. Let us say, if you have a Django application which uses Python 3.5. And you have another machine learning project which uses Python 3.8. In such cases you use a virtual environment. The usage is simple. You will use two virtual environments, one for Django application with Python 3.5 installed, and another with Python 3.8 for the machine learning project. In that case, the packages or libraries used by both the projects will remain isolated and hence there won’t be any compatibility issues. Please note that these things are important when you do it in production. If you need to bundle out things or migrate the projects from one server to another, these kind of virtual environments prove very much useful. Nowadays we use docker containers for making these things as simple than ever, which we will learn later. Now, let us see how we set up these kind of virtual environments in our system. To create virtual environments, we make use of a python library called ‘virtualenv’. We need to install tha package first. To install any package, we have a tool called ‘pip’ which comes preinstalled with Python. Since we have pip in your system, things become easier. Just open up the command prompt and type ‘pip install packagename‘ for installing any python package. And for uninstalling, we use the command ‘pip uninstall packagename‘. So to install virtualenv, the required command is: Now we can create any number of virtual environments using virtualenv. For example, to create a virtual environment named ‘venv’, first navigate to the folder you need to create the virtual environment and use the following command: Here we use ‘python3’ in the command, because we need to create the virtualenv using Python3. If you have multiple versions of Python 3 installed, you may use the command, ‘virtualenv -p python3.5 venv‘. Replace python3.5 with your versions of Python. Once you type the above command, it will create a folder named venv inside the folder you are in, which means the virtual environment ‘venv’ is created. Now you need to activate the virtual environment. For that use the following command: You will see a similar screen once your venv is activated (venv enclosed in brackets means you are inside the virtual environment). Now we need to install the python libraries supporting data science works. Installing Python Libraries for Data Science These are some libraries which we will use throughout our course. You may install these packages using pip tool. For example, We are not installing every packages now. We will install these packages only when required. Now, we are done on the setup part. You may deactivate the virtual environment whenever its not required, using the command: The real part starts from the next post onwards. If you face any difficulties, please let us know in comments.
How To Tell The Difference Between True, Long-lasting Love, And Just A First Love? How to tell the difference between true, long-lasting love, and just a first love? How do you tell if someone is serious when they say things like "I want to grow old with you,"and "I want no one else for the rest of my life? If it is the first relationship he's ever been in, how can I really believe that he is ready to give up all other options? Add an Answer to "7 AnswersIt's a big wide world out there unless you both traveled in your first 17/18 years of life.You go to college to set a foundation to build your career in conjunction with the life you want. Will you be the same person in 4-6 years?Only time and experience will tell. There's an old cliche that goes somethine like this: is yours. If it doesn't , it was never meant to be." Life is an adventure to be welcomed and celebrated. Relationships enhance that. Only you and he will know if you both are meant to be together, and time and experiences will help sift that out for you. Take care! If he keeps saying it I guess and you two are SERIOUS about this, then... Related Questions to Please tell me.. How do I get over a long lost love of my life? Its It true ....Long lasting relation are mostly co dependent relationship ? What if you tell your best friend that you love him for a long time now even if you are now departed from each other ? Do you believe in true and long lasting friendshi"
Home / News / Military ends "Don't ask, don't tell" today Military ends "Don't ask, don't tell" today in News September 20, 2011 0 1603 Views Members of the military are now able to openly say they are gay without fear of reprisal in the US military.  The Pentagon formally repealed DADT on Tuesday at 12:01am.    The Washington Post reports: The following are statements from lawmakers and community groups in response to the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” “Thousands of qualified men and women who want to serve our country will now be able to do so without fearing their careers could end due to their sexual orientation. Our Armed Forces will be stronger because now our military commanders and our nation can be sure we will have the best and brightest service members on the job, regardless of ethnicity, creed, or sexual orientation.” Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.): “The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is a victory for the cause of equality and our national defense. For too long, this wrongheaded policy prevented brave Americans from serving in our military and defending our country just because of who they love. It undermined our national security by forcing gays and lesbians out of military service at a time when America needs the most talented and the bravest protecting us, regardless of their sexual orientation. It’s about time.” Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Executive Director and army veteran Aubrey Sarvis: “Today marks the official end of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and is an historic milestone along the journey to achieving LGBT equality in America’s military. Thanks to veterans, active duty, leaders, allies and supporters everywhere, this is a monumental day for our service members and our nation. Indeed, we have taken a tremendous leap forward for LGBT equality in the military.” Rea Carey, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: “After nearly two decades, lesbian, gay and bisexual service members will finally be able to serve their country openly and honestly. Those who fight for freedom will now themselves be able to live more freely. We celebrate this historic moment, which could not come fast enough. Thousands of exemplary and courageous service members have lost their careers and livelihoods to this unjust policy, once again proving there are very personal and costly consequences of discrimination.” Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.): “For the thousands of service men and women discharged under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and the countless others who have sacrificed their integrity all these long years, today is a day long awaited. The ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy was a rebuke not only to those gay and lesbian Americans who wished to serve under our flag and risk their lives for it but also to the principles of inclusion and equality that we as a nation hold dear. I was proud to help lead the effort last year to repeal this discriminatory policy once and for all. With this step, our military is surely strengthened at a time when we face great threats to our security and continued demands on our troops. Every American has a share in marking this civil rights milestone, because we all benefit from a strong and capable military that reflects our values.” Last updated: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 army veteran Defense Equality Gays And Lesbians jared polis Orientation sen harry reid time 2011-09-20 Tagged with: army veteran Defense Equality Gays And Lesbians jared polis Orientation sen harry reid time Previous: NASA: The only continent certain not to get hit by space debris in the next few days is Antarctica Next: Online gamers make history as they help biochemists crack HIV-AIDS enzyme puzzle Westboro Baptist strikes back at 5-yr-old opponent, misses by a mile Houston Boy Scouts pre-empt upcoming vote on long-standing ban on homosexuals
"F're active." "," adds Carl. "."
About Allison Tolman: Allison Cara Tolman is an American actress. Shrecognition for her portrayalseries Fargo. i... ...e... NameAllison Tolman BornNovember 18, 1981
Eggrollin is a mobile eatery serving up authentic Filipino street food in Olympia. Their signature item, Lumpia, is available as Beef, Chicken, Veggie-Tofu, Shanghai Pork, and the newest addition to their Lumpia family: Bacon. Other menu items include Halo-Halo, made with sweet coconut shreds, pineapple gel, jackfruit, sweet palm gel, sweet tapioca ball, cane sugar, crushed ice and evaporated milk, Filipino Chicken BBQ Sticks, Dynamite: made using green chilis stuffed with seasoned ground pork and pepper jack cheese covered in lumpia wrapper, BBQ Pork Siopao, and a slew of other Filipino favorites. Authentic carolina bbq served at your local farmer's market or at your next event! Slow cooked, wood fired smoked pork, baby back ribs, or an entire hog! All complimented by bbq beans, coleslaw, and other sides. Let the Charlie Boy's take care of your next event! Fresthe gulf coast for that final authentic touch! Kona it up in Utah! Nothing beats the heat like a blast of arctic ice topped with up to 50 different flavors from the patented FLAVORWAVE self-serve flavor dispensing technology that you yourself control! Take the heat off the streets with KONA! Country First, then FOOD! Take a spin through these special courses to find only the tastiest and most satisfying classic American food in town! How about a Special Forces burger along side some Semper Fries? Come and support this veteran owned business! Smother all your favorite classics with CHEESE! This truck is bringing you robust takes on burgers and more! Get your Chedda fix with the Chedda Truck! Provo.
IV. Does It Make Any Difference? Common Sense and Multivariate Analysis Do the complex patterns of attendance described above have any impact on bachelor's degree completion, and, if so, which variables survive in regression analyses and how much explanatory power do they contribute to a model that also includes pre-college characteristics, measures of early postsecondary performance, modes of financial aid, and satisfaction with major aspects of higher education? We have now arrived at multivariate analysis. In this section of the study, there will be six sequential ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models: Background: high school performance, aspirations, demography Financial Aid Modes Attendance Patterns 1st True Year Performance Continuing Performance Effects Satisfaction Indicators As each configuration of variables is entered, the strong stories rise to the top in terms of contribution to the model and statistical significance, while the weak ones fade. At the end of this process, out of 29 independent variables introduced, only 11 remain. The story told by those 11 variables provides very strong guidance for improving degree completion rates for all populations, and particularly for minority and low-SES students. A logistic regression version of the first five equations is then presented. Logistic regression is the statistician's method of choice when the outcome is a dichotomous variable such as did/did not earn bachelor's degree. Logistic regression expresses itself in a different way than does OLS. Its objective is to identify the "maximum likelihood" of a relationship, the "probability of observing the conditions [ital mine] of success" (Cabrera, 1994, p. 227). The principal metric in which it tells its story is an odds ratio--the way in which HIGHMATH was presented above (see p. 17). In some ways, a logistic regression is like an epiphany: it's results make a dramatic statement, the parameters of which are sometimes unexpected. OLS, on the other hand, seeks to minimize the difference between predicted and observed probabilities, that is, between the rational and the empirical. The result is hardly analogous to an epiphany: it is slow and unfolding (Pedhazur, 1982), and expresses its fundamental conclusion in a metric accessible to the general reader: the "percent" of variance accounted for by the model (the R2). Logistic regression has an analogous metric of conclusion, the G2, but it is less accessible. Who is in the Universe? The population to be considered in the mutilvariate equations consists only of those students in the HS&B/So who attended a 4-year college at any time, even though they might also have attended other types of schools. In a longitudinal study that continues to age 30, the mark of someone who intends to earn a bachelor's degree is actual attendance at a bachelor's degree-granting institution, not a statement. These students may have attended other types of schools, but if the dependent variable is bachelor's degree completion, we distort our understanding of what makes a difference if we include people who never really tried. But what about those students who expected to earn a bachelor's degree, but never attended a 4-year college by age 30? Aren't they students for whom family income and SES play roles much stronger than ACRES or any of its components? Should they be included in the analysis of degree completion, and, if not, what impact will the exclusion have on both our assessment of the validity of the ACRES variable and the analysis of what makes a different in degree attainment. The best way to confront these questions is by comparing two groups of students (1) whose referent first institution of attendance was a community college, (2) who earned more than 10 credits from the community college (that is, they were not incidental students), and (3) who expected to earn a bachelor's degree. One group ultimately attended a 4-year college; the other did not. They are of roughly equal size (a weighted N of 84k for those who did not attend a 4-year college; a weighted N of 96k for those who did). What do they look like? Table 27 sets forth some basic parameters. Table 27.–4-year or no 4-year? A comparative portrait of students whose referent first institution was a community college, who expected to earn a bachelor's degree, and who earned more than 10 college credits, High School &Beyond/Sophomore Cohort, 1982-1993 SES Quintile High 2nd 3rd 4th Low No 4-Yr <DIGITS>* 22 7* 4-Year <DIGITS>* 9 * Academic Resources Quintile No 4-Yr <DIGITS>* 4-Year <DIGITS>* Percent by Total Undergraduate Credits 11-29 30-59 60-89 90+ No 4-Yr <DIGITS> 4-Year <DIGITS> Credits from CommColl No 4-Yr 33 36* 21 10* 4-Year 16 30* 46 8* NOTES: (1) All column comparisons are statistically significant at p<.05 except those indicated by asterisks. (2) Bachelor's degree expectation as indicated in 12th grade. (3) Rows may not add to 100% due to rounding. SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics: High School &Beyond/Sophomore Cohort, NCES CD#98-135. A more dramatic way of illustrating what makes a difference for these two groups is through a logistic regression with attending a 4-year college as the dependent variable. Table 28.–Among students who began in a community college, aspired to a bachelor's degree, and earned more than 10 college credits, the relative strength of family and high school background in relation to ultimate attendance at a 4-year college: a logistic analysis Estimate s.e. t p Odds Intercept -3.2456 .604 3.61 Family Income -0.0934 .078 0.80 -- 0.91 SES 0.4361 .120 2.43 .05 1.55 Academic Resources 0.6031 .120 3.37 .02 1.83 NOTES: (1) Weighted N=181k; (2) standard errors adjusted for design effect; (3) Design effect=1.49. SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics: High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, NCES CD #98-135. People, including those who aspire to bachelor's degrees, attend community colleges for many reasons. Within the groups at issue here, family income does not play a role in whether they attend 4-year colleges as well. The odds ratio for family income is very close to 1.0 (which indicates no influence) and the parameter estimate does not meet the criterion for statistical significance at all. SES, which transcends income, is significant; but academic resources seem more significant. What do we make of this? In both the linear and logistic model series below, SES exerts a modest but declining influence on bachelor's degree attainment as students move into postsecondary education and through their first year. The group of students who started in a community college, expected to earn a bachelor's degree, but never attended a 4-year college by age 30 are much weaker in academic resources than their peers who eventually did attend a 4-year college (table 27). They also exhibit a lower SES distribution, though not dramatically so. If we include them in the multivariate analysis, we can speculate that SES would exert the same modest but declining influence on degree completion but at a slightly higher level. For example, in the first stage of the logistic regression series, SES might carry an odds ratio of 1.26 to 1 instead of 1.22 to 1. The difference is not a compelling reason for including this group in an analysis designed to help us select the tools we will need to use in both maintaining and bringing greater equity to bachelor's degree completion rates. So, the universe will be limited to those who attended a 4-year college at any time. This sounds simple enough. But in programming the database, there are two potential definitions of the universe of students "who attended a 4-year college at any time." By one definition, we admit only those students for whom we actually received at least one transcript from a 4-year college. By the second definition, we also include cases where one or more transcripts from 4-year colleges were requested but none were received. For the universe created by the second definition, we have all variables that were self-reported in the surveys, for example, all the financial aid modes, and even values for attendance pattern variables derived simply from the number and nature of transcripts requested. However, the small expansion group begins to drop out of the analysis when we reach the Attendance Pattern model because, without transcripts, it is impossible to determine a value for any variable based on dates, for example, continuity of enrollment and delay of entry, let alone those based on credits, grades, and course-taking(40). The background model—before introduction of attendance, performance and other college experience variables—is offered in table 29. It consists of three standard demographic constructs: SES (in quintiles), RACE (dichotomous Black/Latino/AmerInd v. White/Asian), and SEX (male=1). It also includes a dummy variable, children, marking whether the individual became a parent at anytime up to 1986 (age 22/23)(41), the composite ACRES (academic resources) to indicate the quality of the student's performance (curriculum, class rank, and test scores) in secondary school, and the sharpened construct of educational "anticipations." The dependent variable is bachelor's degree completion by age 30 in 1993. What does this basic background model say, no matter which universe one uses? In the absence of any other information: (1) the six independent variables in the equation explain between 21 percent (Part A) and 23 percent (Part B) of the variance in long-term bachelor's degree completion among students in the HS&B/So who attended at least one 4-year college at any time up to age 30; (2) of the six independent variables in the equation, that which carries the student's high school background, ACRES, contributes most to the explanation; and (3) of the remaining five independent variables, only the fact of becoming a parent prior to age 22(42) and parents' socioeconomic status contribute anything else of significance to the explanation. This is the most basic of common sense matters. If the universe had not been limited to students who attended 4-year colleges at some time, ACRES would have contributed slightly more to the explanation of variance in degree completion. When the outcome is degree completion, who you are is less important than the amount and quality of the time you invest in activities that move you toward that goal. While race and sex fall out of the model very early, no matter which universe of 4-year college students we use, the "anticipations" variable stays in the equation, however marginally. It stays in the equation only because it was set up as a dichotomy with the positive value confined to "bachelor's consistent" expectations, as appropriate to students who attended 4-year colleges. It is for this reason, along with the fact that the next set of variables to be introduced (those reflecting financial aid and student employment while enrolled) do not rely on transcript data that the universe of Part B will be carried forward. Table 29.–Background Model: The relationship of pre-college and family variables to bachelor's degree completion among 4-year college students in the HS&B/So, 1982-1993 Part A: Restricted Universe of 4-Year College Attendees Universe: All students for whom a transcript from a 4-year college was received, who received a high school diploma or equivalent prior to 1988, and who evidenced positive values for all variables in the model. N=4,765. Weighted N=1.131M. Simple s.e.=.702; Taylor series s.e.=1.083; Design effect=1.54. Estimate Adj. s.e. t p Contribution INTERCEPT 1.782346 .1159 9.98 ACRES 0.133301 .0094 9.21 .001 .1651 Children -0.340264 .0433 5.10 .01 .0282 SES Quintile 0.036144 .0083 2.83 .05 .0122 Anticipations 0.071447 .0218 2.13 .10 .0039 Race -0.073809 .0300 1.60 ---* .0026 Sex -0.040801 .0193 1.37 ---* .0017 *Dropped from model. R-Sq. .2137 Adj. R-Sq. .2127 Part B: Unrestricted Universe of 4-Year College Attendees It is not surprising that race and sex fall out of the model, no matter how generous a statistical selection criterion was used(43). If these variables failed to meet statistical selection criteria at a stage of student history prior to college attendance and in the course of constructing ACRES, their chances of playing any role after the student group has been winnowed to 4-year college attendees is dim indeed. Given the nature and intensity of current and continuing concern with the educational attainment of minority students, however, this study keeps race in the models until it fails to register the slightest impact. It is retained in contrast to other features of students' educational histories that are subject to the kind of change (race is not subject to change) that yield degree completion. If we subjected the specifications for Part B of the Background Model to a logistic regression, would the relationships be the same? Table 30 presents a portrait that, in a few respects is slightly different from that of the OLS accounting. ACRES is again the strongest of the positive components and becoming a parent by age 22 is the strongest of the negative components. The estimates for ACRES say that for each step up the quintile ladder of that variable, the odds of earning a bachelor's degree increase by nearly 100 percent. The estimates for parenthood say that having children reduces the odds of earning a degree by 86 percent (1 minus the odds ratio of 0.14). Degree anticipations and SES are also positive contributors (as they were in the OLS version), but in the logistic version both the parameter estimate and the odds ratio favor degree anticipations over SES. The explanation is more technical than substantive. Unlike the OLS version, the logistic account keeps race in the model, however tenuously. This results lends modest support to my decision to carry race into Stage 2. Table 30.–Logistic account of the relationship of pre-college and family variables to bachelor's degree completion among 4-year college students in the High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, 1982-1993 Model Iteration, Stage 2: Modes of Financial Aid and Student Work Where do we turn to explore and strengthen the explanation of degree completion? There are four sets of variables to which one's attention is drawn for this task: financial aid and the extent to which a student worked while enrolled, attendance patterns, satisfaction with various aspects of postsecondary education, and first-year performance. Because financial aid has been shown to be critical to initial enrollment decisions (Jackson, 1988) and first-year retention (Stampen and Cabrera, 1986), our story regards it as antecedent to attendance patterns. Financial aid and student work thus enter the model at this point. The HS&B/So limits our utilization of financial aid variables with confidence. The database relies principally on student self-reports concerning their financing of college education, and students usually don't know where their financial aid is coming from or how much is at issue. For example, the data set includes an unobtrusive Pell Grant file, and I found about 6000 (weighted) students in that file who never claimed--in the surveys--to have received financial aid. Pell Grants, of course, apply to only a fraction of college students; and third-party files for other programs (Stafford Loans, State Supplementary Grants, and others) were not available. A variable was created that simply marked whether a student had ever received a scholarship or grant of any type between 1982 and 1986; and a parallel variable was formulated for loans. With the exception of describing combinations of types of financial aid (including work-study) offered to students (St. John and Noell, 1989), that is the extent of confidence in financial aid analyses for the HS&B/So (and the NLS-72 as well). The third component of "financial aid" was derived from student responses to a loop of questions concerning the financing of postsecondary education, year-by-year, from 1982 through 1986, with a focus on work. Neither the dollar amount nor the number of hours worked are in question here, rather the fact, sources, timing, and purpose of work. For each year students indicated that they worked to pay some of the costs of their postsecondary education a dummy variable was constructed. A positive value was registered if the sources of the student's earnings were Work-Study, Co-Op placements, Teaching/Research Assistantships, and/or "other earnings while in school," i.e. work activities concurrent with enrollment. These activities are more likely to take place on campus than off-campus. Savings from work prior to entering higher education or during periods of stop-out, as well as earnings from summer jobs were excluded. A composite variable was constructed to indicate whether the student "worked" (as defined by these boundaries) in each of the four academic years in question (1982-1986), and then dichotomized to mark whether, in two or more of the four academic years covered by the loop of financing questions, the student worked concurrently with enrollment and in order to cover costs of education. The variable is called STUWORK. The literature on this issue (e.g. Cuccaro-Alamin and Choy, 1998; Horn, 1998) is usually based on the number of hours worked, a datum not available in the HS&B/So. The consensus seems to be that a modest amount of work while enrolled enhances retention, that work on campus certainly intensifies student involvement and contributes to completion (Astin, 1993), but that an excess of work (particularly off-campus) is negatively related to persistence. In the Beginning Postsecondary Students longitudinal studies, NCES posed a rather telling question that conditions the way one must judge student reports of hours worked in relation to persistence and completion. Respondents are asked whether they see themselves primarily as students who happen to be working or employees who happen to be going to school. Table 31, produced from the BPS90 data, confining itself to the first year of enrollment and to a population younger than 24 (to render the data parallel to the HS&B/So universe), provides guidance for interpreting hours worked under that dichotomy. The average hours worked for those who considered themselves students first seems high at 25.9, but it is weighted to the upside by those claiming 40+ hours of work per week and by students attending trade schools. Table 31.–Hours worked per week during the first year of enrollment (1989-1990), for traditional-aged students in the Beginning Postsecondary Students longitudinal study, by primary role (76% of all) Primarily during >80 percent of months enrolled 52.7% (1.4) 66.0% Proportion of students by range of work hrs./week 1-14 32.4% (1.3) 21.3% 15-21 18.0 (1.1) 17.5 31+ 26.8 (1.3) 41.5 Average work hrs./week while enrolled 25.9 (0.3) 29.9 Note: Standard errors are in parentheses. Source : National Center for Education Statistics: Beginning Postsecondary Students, 1989-94: Data Analysis System. The contrasts based on primary role would be much greater if the universe had not been confined to traditional-age students (17-24). But even among traditional-age students, one out of four considers himself/herself an employee first, a judgment confirmed by higher average work week hours, proportion employed during most of the months in which they were enrolled, and an obviously higher percentage working full-time (over 30 hours/week). Because the postsecondary history of the HS&B/So can be as long as 11 years, the role of work in models of bachelor's degree completion by the end of that period may be attenuated. People change status. They become independent; they become employees who happen to be going to school. Combine these changes with growing and swirling patterns of multi-institutional attendance, and Cuccaro-Alamin and Choy's observation that the average work-week of students does not change over time, then one doubts that work will emerge as a significant factor in explaining bachelor's degree attainment. Table 32.–Degree Completion Model: Financial Aid and Employment Variables Universe: All students for whom the evidence confirms 4-year college attendance at any time, who received a high school diploma or equivalent prior to 1988, and who evidence positive values for the variables in the Background Model. N=4,943; Weighted N=1.179M. Simple s.e.=.697; Taylor series s.e.=1.082; Design effect=1.55. Academic Resources 0.123885 .0093 8.60 .001 .1829 STUWORK 0.075257 .0209 2.32 .05 .0081 Grant-in-Aid 0.067087 .0212 2.04 .10 .0042 Race -0.083451 .0292 1.84 .10 .0030 Loan 0.019876 .0209 0.61 ---* .0003 Indeed, in their initial appearance in table 32, it is obvious that the financial aid/work variables do not strengthen the explanatory power of the model appreciably: the adjusted R2 increases by barely one percent (.2338 to .2443). Loans (at least the way the data base forces us to define loans) are a very weak addition, while STUWORK is the strongest of the three new variables in terms of its statistical properties in the model. Whether these relationships will hold in the next iteration of the model depends on their interactions with the new variables. Remember that all of the financial aid/work data were derived from student responses to questionnaire items in 1984 and 1986, while the censoring date for bachelor's degree completion is 1993. It is very possible that students received grants and worked while enrolled as undergraduates after 1986, but we don't know. When the calendar for independent variables is truncated and one introduces long-term attendance pattern variables, we might witness changes in the strength of Grant-in-Aid and STUWORK. Stage 2 of the model (table 32) demonstrates a virtue of carrying forward race, even though the variable did not meet the statistical criteria for retention in the OLS version of the background model. Race is obviously a marginal contributor. Its effects on degree completion for the population of 4-year college students, while slightly negative, are nowhere near the negative effects of having a child by age 22. The more variables in the model, though, the greater the degrees of freedom in statistical analyses, hence the lower the threshold t statistic for inclusion. Model Iteration, Stage 3: Attendance Patterns The third stage of model development is presented in table 33. This is the first iteration that follows the analysis of attendance patterns, and it changes (and shrinks) the universe. Seven variables were carried forward from the previous iteration. Nine others were introduced here. One of the new variables, number of schools attended, did not meet the p<.2 selection criterion at all, even in two different formulations: a dichotomous form (one school only v. more than one), and a trichotomous form (one, two, and more than two). All the data we observed in Part III above suggested that this would happen: in an age of multi-institutional attendance, the number of schools attended simply will not be related to degree completion. The attendance variables brought into play in this iteration can be parsed in three groupings: (1) Number and order of institutions attended. NUMSCHL: a simple dichotomy—one school v. more than one. TRANSFER: a classic pattern in which the student attended a community college first, earned more than 10 credits from the community college, and subsequently earned more than 10 credits from a 4-year college (the "early transfers" are thus excluded); and NO RETURN: a pattern in which the student attended more than one school, but did not return to the first institution of attendance. (2)Characteristics of the "referent" first institution of attendance. FIRST4: the first institution of attendance was a 4-year college; DOCTORAL: the first institution was a doctoral degree-granting institution; SELECTIVITY: the first institution was selective/highly selective v. non-selective/open door. (3) Other features of attendance. NODELAY: the first date of attendance at the first institution occurred 10 or fewer months after high school graduation; OUTSYS: at some time during his/her undergraduate career, the student attended an institution other than a traditional 4-year or 2-year college; and NOSTOP: the student was continuously enrolled as an undergraduate. There are some very dramatic changes in the model with the introduction of attendance pattern variables. The first is that the explanatory power of the model leaps by a factor of nearly 50 percent--from an R2 of .2456 to one of .3623. This significant advance occurs not as a result of the characteristics of the "referent" institution of attendance, rather as a by-product of student movement among institutions and the temporal dimensions of enrollment. The most notable changes in this iteration of the model are the dominance of continuous enrollment (NOSTOP), the contracting strength of the pre-collegiate variables (ACRES and SES Quintile), and the superficially contradictory positions of No Return and Transfer. This apparent contradiction is fairly easy to explain. In the No-Return variable, the student attends more than one institution and does NOT return to the first, and this behavior has a negative relationship to degree completion. As defined, Transfer involves a No Return-type situation, but with a specific sequence and criteria (the student must earn more than 10 credits in a 2-year college before earning more than 10 credits in a 4-year college). Transfer has a positive relationship to degree completion. Students in a classic transfer pattern are moving toward a bachelor's degree. Students in No-Return positions include reverse transfers who move away from the path toward the bachelor's degree. On the other hand, selectivity of the referent first institution of attendance has a significant role to play, even though its statistical position is tenuous. Covariance analysis provides some clues as to the lower standing of selectivity in the model: it is entangled with the pre-collegiate variables ACRES and Anticipations, the former being strong enough to reduce the effects of selectivity. This is another case of common sense: one assumes that most students who start out in selective or highly selective institutions take an academically intense curriculum in high school, perform decently (if not very well) on SATs and ACTs, stand toward the top of their classes., and are committed to earning at least bachelor's degrees. Among other place-related variables, starting in a doctoral degree-granting institution and stepping outside the secular higher education system were so weak as to fall below minimum significance. Table 33.–Degree Completion Model; Attendance Pattern Iteration Universe: All students who attended a 4-year college at any time, whose transcript records were complete, and who evidenced positive values for all variables in the model. N=4,538. Weighted N=1.079M. Simple s.e.=.714; Taylor series s.e.=1.087; Design effect=1.52. NOSTOP 0.323020 .0204 10.42 .001 .1994 Transfer 0.231072 .0313 4.86 .001 .0115 No Return -0.106825 .0215 3.27 .01 .0106 Anticipations 0.050385 .0206 1.61 ---* .0036 Selectivity 0.082775 .0259 2.10 .05 .0031 FIRST4 0.063635 .0319 1.31 ---* .0023 OUTSYS -0.080847 .0530 1.00 ---* .0008 No Delay 0.047080 .0294 1.05 ---* .0008 DOCTORAL 0.025436 .0204 0.82 ---* .0005 NOTES: (1) Standard errors are adjusted in accordance with design effects of the stratified sample used in High School & Beyond. See technical appendix. (2)Significance level of t (p) based on a two-tailed test. Probably more shocking to conventional analysis, however, are the elimination of No-Delay and Anticipations from the model. Remember, though, just how much the definition of these variables departs from those of conventional analysis. No-Delay allows into the model students who did not graduate from high school on time but who enrolled in postsecondary education within 10 months of their graduation date, and not as a false start. These students will attenuate the effects of a traditional "delayed entry" account. While the Anticipation variable appears to contribute more to the explanatory power of the model than other marginal independent variables such as selectivity of first institution, race, and STUWORK, it did not meet the t statistic threshold criterion. Model Iteration, Stage 4: Performance in the First "True" Year The next group of variables to enter in this model involves various configurations of academic performance in the referent first year of attendance. The justification for focusing on this group of variables lies in a tradition of the literature emphasizing the critical role of freshman year performance in retention. The literature, though, unfortunately relies on student self-reports of grades, and without reference to credits attempted or earned, and is not very rigorous concerning what it means by the "freshman year" (e.g. Kanoy, Wester and Latta, 1989). There are exceptions (e.g. Smith, 1992), but they are rare. The "referent first year" performance variables used in this study are: Freshman GPA. GPAs were determined for the first full-year of attendance, and were set out in quintiles. Freshman GPA is a dummy variable that divides performance in the top two quintiles from the bottom three. For the HS&B/Sophomore cohort, the dividing line turns out to be 2.70. Credit Ratio. The ratio of credits earned to credits attempted during the first "true" year of attendance. Students who earned less than 90 percent of attempted credits were declared on one side of a dichotomy. But students who attempted 10 or fewer credits were excluded from this calculation. Low-Credits. Students who earned less than 20 credits in their first "true" year of attendance stand on one side of a benchmark. Some of these students did not attempt more than 20 credits. A combination of Credit-Ratio and Low-Credits was tested as a proxy for part-time status in the first true year. It was not as convincing as the DWI Index described above (see p. 55-56), but DWI is derived from an entire undergraduate career and hence is not part of the "true first year" performance variable configuration. Table 34 brings these variables into the model. Compared to the population in the previous iteration, we lose a weighted N of about 50,000 students. We lose some of them because as soon as the independent variables are based on grades, credits, and a distinct time period, we can no longer include students with missing transcripts, even if we know a great deal about the institutions of those missing documents. We also lose those students whose entire first "true" year of attendance was consumed with non-credit, no grade remedial courses. Calculations for any of the three first year attendance variables for these obviously weaker students are impossible under those conditions. The loss of these students inevitably skews the model. Weaker students don't finish degrees. The large group that remains in the equation will thus exhibit less variance in degree completion. The new contracted universe thus slows down the increase in the explanatory power of the model: the adjusted R2 moves by less than one percent (from .3623 in the stage 3 iteration to .3696). The freshman year performance variables have a significant impact on both the composition of the model and the relative weights of the remaining attendance pattern variables. Selectivity of first institution of attendance, financial aid in the form of scholarships or grants-in-aid, and, finally, race, fall out of the model altogether. Race falls out of the model for the same reason that the contribution of SES declines even more from the Attendance Pattern iteration (stage 3): as one moves across the college access line, across the 4-year college attendance line, and into course-taking and academic performance, demographic variables are less and less important. What you do becomes more and more important than where you came from, though the effects of SES will never wholly be washed away. The last of the characteristics of first institution of attendance to remain in the model, selectivity, also falls away for an analogous reason: what you do is more important than where you are. But the case of Grant-in-Aid calls for explanation. In the Attendance Pattern iteration (table 33), its contribution to the explanatory factor (the R2) was larger than that of STUWORK. Now the positions are reversed, and the student work variable survives, while the scholarship variable does not. Why? The answer is a by-product of the way STUWORK was defined as a dichotomous variable: the positive value was assigned only when the student worked while enrolled in college for more than one of the first four years following scheduled high school graduation in 1982, whereas a positive value was assigned to Grant-in-Aid if the student received a grant-in-aid or scholarship in any one year during the same period. Persistence is thus implicit in STUWORK, not in Grant-in-Aid. The most significant change between the Attendance Pattern and First Year Performance models, though, is that the "academic resources" (ACRES) variable comes back to the top of the list, changing places with continuous enrollment (NOSTOP). The fact that the academic resources brought forward from secondary school comes to play such a robust role in the model only confirms the power of true first year performance: strong academic resources provide students with momentum into their college years--whenever those years start. Of the other "family" background variables, the contribution of "children" has been unaffected in any of the iterations of this model, indicating that if one starts a family at a young age, one's chances of completing a bachelor's degree by age 30 are negatively affected no matter what one does (see Waite and Moore, 1978). Table 34.–Degree Completion Model: First Year Performance Indicators NOSTOP 0.237503 .0213 7.48 .001 .1017 Low Credits -0.183009 .0268 4.58 .001 .0351 Freshman GPA 0.096158 .0190 3.40 .01 .0154 No-Return -0.109283 .0211 3.48 .01 .0096 Credit Ratio -0.097777 .0316 2.08 .10 .0036 Selective 0.062054 .0251 1.66 ---* .0019 Grant-in-Aid 0.035557 .0184 1.30 ---* .0010 NOTES: (1) Standard errors are adjusted in accordance with design effects of the stratified sample used in High School & Beyond. See technical appendix. (2) Significance level of t (p) determined by a two-tailed test. As suspected, the ratio of credits earned to credits attempted in the first true year of attendance might have been a stronger contributor to the model had I found a way to include remedial students who attempted no additive credits during that period. But the presence of Low Credits, reflecting both part-time students and those who earned less than 90 percent of the credits attempted, is a far better explanation for the marginal impact of the credit ratio. Low-Credits is an umbrella for behaviors that hamper momentum toward degrees. As such, it will suppress variables expressing sub-sets of those behaviors. If any of the variables describing referent institution of first attendance had been retained in the model through this iteration of true first year performance, we would be invited to dig further into institutional characteristics looking for significant effects. Roughly 30 percent of the HS&B/So postsecondary students who earned more than 10 credits and attended a 4-year college at some time also attended more than one school and never returned to the first institution of attendance. For this group of students, institutional effects are very difficult to attribute, even if their institutions were campuses in the same system(44). Another 12 percent attended three or more institutions but returned to the first. These groups constitute such a large proportion of 4-year college students as to give pause to any institutional effects analyses (e.g. Velez, 1985) in national data bases. Model Iteration, Stage 5: Continuing Effects of the First Year But other variables that can be derived from the rich archives of NCES longitudinal studies suggest that student experience at the first institution of attendance may have continuing effects. The extensions of three performance variables encourage us to explore this hypothesis. After all, as one moves beyond the first true year of attendance, the model can--and should--be used to guide post-matriculation advisement. To fill the tool box with appropriate instruments and directions, we should transcend the boundaries of traditional prediction models. DWI Again One of these variables is the "DWI Index". When students withdraw or leave incomplete a significant percentage of their attempted courses, the behavior is bound to have a negative effect on degree completion. In table 37, DWI is a dummy variable with a cut-point of 20 percent. That is, the variable is positive if students dropped, withdrew from, left incomplete, or repeated more than 1 out of 5 courses attempted during their undergraduate careers. The correlation of DWI with the first-year variable, Low-Credits, is unsurprisingly high in a sample of this size and in a matrix with eleven other variables (.233; t=10.3). If you are withdrawing from a significant number of courses, the chances are reasonably high that your credit count will be low, no matter which year of your undergraduate career is at issue. The second variable that extends first year history is the trend of a student's GPA. First true year grade performance, as we have seen, plays a modestly positive role in the model of degree completion. But common sense tells us that for some students, first year grades will be lower than final GPA for people who complete degrees. Students begin to major, and grades in major courses are inevitably higher than grades in prerequisites or distribution requirements. The variable GPA Trend is a dichotomous version of the ratio of final year GPA to first year GPA. If the range of that ratio was .95 to 1.05, there was basically no change in performance. Below .95 indicates a falling GPA; above 1.05 reflects a rising GPA. GPA-Trend places a positive value on the rising GPA, and a negative value on any ratio of .95 or lower. How did the HS&B/So students who attended 4-year colleges at any time fare in each of these trends in terms of final GPA? Table 35 tells an interesting story in this matter. Among those who earn bachelor's degrees, students whose GPAs don't change that much between first and final undergraduate years sport a higher final GPA than those whose GPAs rise. But the bachelor's degree attainment rate of those with "stable" GPAs is lower than that of those whose grades rise over time. Doing better (with a rising GPA as the indicator) appears to be an indirect proxy for determination. Table 35.–Final undergraduate GPA of students who attended 4-year colleges at any time, by trend in undergraduate GPA and bachelor's degree attainment, High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, 1982-1993 Final GPA of Students Who Did Not Earn Bachelor's Final GPA of Students Who Earned Bachelor's % of Trend Group Who Earned BA Trend Mean S.D. s.e. Mean S.D. s.e. GPA TREND: Rising 2.39 0.651 .0246 2.87 0.442 .0110 69.8% 41.1% Stable 2.32 0.800 .0031 3.02 0.485 .0014 64.1 34.1 Falling 1.97 0.599 .0023 2.70 0.429 .0016 52.2 24.9 NOTES: (1) Universe consists of all HS&B/So students who attended a 4-year college at any time and for whom an undergraduate GPA could be computed. Weighted N=1.25M. (2) Standard errors adjusted for design effect of 1.49. (3) Differences in bachelor's attainment rates are significant at p<.05. SOURCE : National Center for Education Statistics: High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, NCES CD#98-135. Remedial Problems A third variable seeks to add the effects of remedial problems. The college transcript samples of NCES longitudinal studies teach us that there are different kinds of remedial course work, and that some are more serious than others. If the type of remediation matters, so does the amount. Of the HS&B/So students who were assigned to remedial reading, 74 percent were enrolled in two other remedial courses. Of those whose only remedial mathematics work in college was pre-collegiate algebra, only 16 percent were enrolled in two or more remedial courses (and of this group, 75 percent were assigned to remedial reading). The first case is a remedial problem case; the second is not. These are further matters of common sense: (1) people with reading deficiencies cannot read mathematics problems, either; (2) people whose only problem on a basic skills placement test stems from a bad Algebra 2 course in high school can proceed toward a degree with minimal disruption. The "remedial problem" variable used in the regression model is a trichotomy derived from the observations of table 36 on the relationship between remedial coursework and degree completion among those who attended a 4-year college at any time: 1=any remedial reading, 2=other types of remedial work, and 3=no remedial work. Table 36.–Bachelor's degree attainment of 4-year college students with different types and amounts of remedial coursework, High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, 1982-1993 All Students Percent Earning Any remedial reading 10.2 39.3 No remedial reading, but >2 other remedial courses 18.7 46.5 1 or 2 other remedial courses 20.4 59.6 No remedial coursework 50.7 68.9 NOTES: (1) Universe consists of students who attended a 4-year college at any time and for whom transcript data on remedial coursework were available; Weighted N=1.38M; (2) all column pair comparisons are significant at p<.05.; (3) For the definition of remedial courses, see footnote #8. SOURCE : National Center for Education Statistics: High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort, NCES CD#98-135. The "remedial problem" variable is treated as a continuing effect, and not a first year performance variable, for a very empirical reason. Among the HS&B/So students who attended a 4-year college at any time and took one or more remedial courses, slightly more than half of those courses (52.2 percent) were taken during the first calendar year of attendance. In fact, by the end of the second calendar year of attendance 68.6 percent of the total 11-year remedial course load had been completed; and by the end of the fourth year, 84.4 percent. These data suggest that to isolate the impact of remediation problems on degree completion, we should look beyond the first year. Table 37 presents the "extended first year performance" iteration of the regression model in which these three variables are introduced. It is not surprising that first year Credit Ratio is pushed out of the model by DWI and GPA Trend. The DWI index will also reduce the contribution of Low Credits (from .0382 to .0262) because it overlaps Low-Credits (the correlation of .2396 in a matrix with a dozen other variables is strong). The remaining attendance pattern variables, No-Return and Transfer, also decline in influence in the face of the new variables built on grades. In other words, after the first year of attendance, academic performance (with grades as its proxy) becomes more important for degree completion than place-referenced attendance. Table 37.–Degree Completion Model: Extending First Year Performance DWI Index -0.254825 .0249 6.87 .001 .0642 Low-Credits -0.178315 .0256 6.97 .001 .0225 Freshman GPA 0.141591 .0190 5.00 .001 .0225 GPA Trend 0.155576 .0179 5.83 .001 .0153 Transfer 0.129201 .0227 3.82 .01 .0068 Credit Ratio -0.060221 .0300 1.35 ---* .0018 Remedial Problem -0.019793 .0139 0.96 ---* .0006 *Dropped from model R-Sq. .4291 NOTES: (1) Standard errors are adjusted in accordance with design effects of the stratified sample used in High School & Beyond. See technical appendix. (2) Significance level of t (p) determined by a two-tailed test. (3) DWI=Drops, Withdrawals, and Incompletes. The new Remedial Problem variable fails all tests for entry into the model. Why? In a way, whatever remedial variable might be introduced at this point is doomed a priori by the strength of the secondary school Academic Resources (ACRES) variable. The correlation between ACRES and Remedial Problem, in the matrix with a dozen other variables, is a stunningly high -.4295. Common sense wins again: students entering college with a low degree of academic resources evidence continuing remedial problems dominated by reading and do not earn degrees. ACRES already accounts for this story, as do other variables such as DWI and Low-Credits, which are inclusive in their reflection of sub-par academic work. More significantly is that the influence of SES begins to fall (from .007 in table 34 to .0053 in table 37), and that the contributions of continuous enrollment (NOSTOP) and academic resources (ACRES), are unaffected by the introduction of post-first year performance variables. These two variables keep the fundamental story alive. Model Iteration, Stage 6: Can We Get Satisfaction? If only three attendance pattern variables remain in the model (continuous enrollment, No-Return, and transfer), and the model accounts for about 43 percent of the variance in degree completion, what's left to add? How much further can we push the envelope of explanation of bachelor's degree completion for the HS&B/So cohort? An R2 of .4275 in a model such as this is considered extraordinarily persuasive. Some would argue to stop at this point, that the models have reached a plateau of explanation. Others would note that in the more traditional terms of predictive modeling, we reached a plateau of explanation in Stage 4 (first year performance). But there is a substantial body of research concerned with student responses to, and assessments of their postsecondary experience that suggests these responses might influence persistence (e.g. Tracey and Sedlacek, 1987; Pascarella, Terenzini, and Wolfle, 1986). Too, in trying to replicate Horn's (1998) analysis of the BPS90 students who left postsecondary education during or by the end of their first year, and exploring what distinguished those who returned at a later point in time (the stop-outs) from those who never returned (what Horn calls the "stay-outs"), I found an almost linear relationship between degree of dissatisfaction and permanent "stay-out" status. The group at issue was too small to yield significant findings, but the experience suggested that the construct of satisfaction might be profitably pursued in a multivariate context. The fifth collection of variables used in the iteration covers four aspects of student satisfaction with their postsecondary careers: academic, environmental, work preparation, and cost. The questions were asked only once, retrospectively, in 1986 (four years after scheduled high school graduation). Of the four categories, only two--academic and environmental--offer enough items to create a separate index(45). For each item, e.g. satisfaction with "my intellectual growth" (an academic category) or "sports and recreation facilities" (an environmental category), students were offered a scale of five responses. I turned each question into a dummy variable (dissatisfied/not dissatisfied), aggregated the responses, and turned each of the aggregates into another dummy variable. A composite "dissatisfaction index" was then built from all four categories with a minimum score of 4 (highly satisfied) to a maximum of 8 (highly dissatisfied). The composite was again dichotomized, with scores from 6 to 8 signifying some degree of overall dissatisfaction. Only one question about satisfaction with the costs of postsecondary education was asked. To isolate the contribution of financial aid to this dimension of satisfaction, an enhanced dummy variable was created(46). Students were assigned a positive value if they received either a grant or a loan and were dissatisfied with the costs of postsecondary education. The components of this variable were first treated separately, and the difference in dissatisfaction rates between those with grants and those with loans was found to be small (30.8 percent to 33.6 percent) and statistically insignificant. One reviewer of this study suggested that one should turn the coin, so to speak, on these features, and emphasize satisfaction, not dissatisfaction. Given dichotomous variables, too, there is a statistical argument for choosing the larger group (those who are satisfied) as the reference point. But there is substantial body of research--Horn's (1998) included-- demonstrating that indications of global satisfaction are almost mindless reflex responses of students, and that, if one wishes to isolate a strong attitude in an explanatory context, the negative attitude will be more revealing. People responding to surveys have to go out of their way to tell you that they are unhappy. We are unfortunately limited by the data base in our grasp of those aspects of student experience that Astin (1977, 1989, 1993) and Tinto (1975, 1993) and others have described in such terms as "academic integration" and "social integration," though, as Cabrera, Nora and Castaneda (1993) demonstrate, academic integration is expressed indirectly through GPA. High School & Beyond never asked (as does the Beginning Postsecondary Students, 1989-94 study) how much contact with faculty students enjoyed outside of class, for example. And with the exception of athletics, we have a very limited sense of their participation in extra-curricular activities in college. These questions may be important, but when students are attending two or three schools, and when the fact of multi-institutional attendance doesn't seem to matter in explaining degree completion, then it is impossible to attach the academic and social experiences elicited by these questions to any one institution, unless the student's career involved only one institution (see Cabrera, Casteneda, Nora, and Hengstler, 1992), or, if more than one, was dominated by an institution at which one began and to which one returned. Table 38 presents the results of the stage 6 iteration of the model. We lose a few people here as a by-product of non-response to the satisfaction questions, and the design effect drops from 1.49 to 1.46, resulting in slightly higher critical t-values than would have been the case with a larger sample. The input variables include the eleven carried forward from stage 5 (Extending First-Year Performance), three satisfaction indicators, and the combination financial/satisfaction dummy variable. Given the degree of overlap in the satisfaction variables (confirmed by covariance analysis), the selection set a generous inclusion threshold of p<.2 if for no other reason than to demonstrate just how marginal some of these variables would be. Even then, only one of the four satisfaction variables, that indicating dissatisfaction with academic experiences, passed the test--only to be dropped within the dynamics of the regression. Table 38.–Degree Completion Model: Satisfaction Variables Universe: All students who attended a 4-year college at any time, whose transcript records were complete, and who evidenced positive values for all variables in the model. N=3,807. Weighted N=914k. Simple s.e.=.741; Taylor series s.e.=1.083; Design effect=1.46. DWI* Index -0.272824 .0259 7.22 .001 .0714 Low-Credits -0.192789 .0252 5.24 .01 .0207 GPA-Trend 0.125959 .0182 4.74 .01 .0173 STUWORK 0.042087 .0176 1.64 ---* .0018 Acad Dissatisfaction -0.035955 .0198 1.24 ---* .0011 NOTES: (1) Standard errors are adjusted in accordance with design effects of the stratified sample used in High School & Beyond. See technical appendix. (2) Significance level of t (p) determined by a two-tailed test. (3) *DWI=Drops, Withdrawals and Incompletes. It is obvious that, after the first true year of higher education, the financial aid and satisfaction factors are peripheral. The overall explanatory power of the model actually decreases with the interactions of the satisfaction measures. They have the effect of reversing the positions of ACRES and NOSTOP again, and slightly reducing the contribution of both those key variables. The satisfaction index proved to be unproductive, as did the attempt to tease out dissatisfaction with the costs of higher education. Very little of this was a result of reducing the universe of students by eliminating those who did not answer any or enough satisfaction questions in 1986 to yield a satisfaction index score. Had we not eliminated those students, there would have been virtually no change in the R2 indicator. Reintroducing Race, Gender and Aspirations If there were aspects of the fundamental story reflected in table 37 that differed significantly by race and sex, the reintroduction of those variables at this point in model-construction would alter the relationships we have observed. Following Astin, Tsui and Avalos (1996), I made one more attempt to bring them into the model, starting with the variables that survived Stage 5 (Extending First-Year Performance) and this time with four separate race variables (white v. others; black v. others; Latino v. others; and Asian v. others). None of the race variables was accepted into the equation, and the effect of the attempt basically left the R2 unchanged at .4263. But the modified aspirations variable (Anticipations) did pass the threshold criterion of statistical significance, reentering the model, and moving ahead of SES Quintile and STUWORK in its contribution to the explanatory power of the model. While carrying a comparatively low t (2.29), and a low degree of significance (.10), its reintroduction slightly boosts the adjusted R2 from .4275 to .4309. In light of the fact that all regression analysis involves some degree of multicollinearity (Schroeder, Sjoquist, and Stephan, 1986), and the Anticipations variable evidences a high degree of correlation with the performance variables in the model, I wouldn't make that much of its reappearance. It can move in and out of a model such as this, but always on the margin. Its minor contribution at this point indicates that, in fact, a plateau of explanation was reached in the first-year performance extension iteration. Given the dependent variable, bachelor's degree completion, anything else would muddle and distort the guidance this story offers. Confirming the Guidance: the Logistic Story The preferred statistical technique for telling this story involves logistic regression. To put the difference between the Ordinary Least Squares linear regression models and the logistic model too simply, the former seeks to minimize the errors in the measurement of an event, while the latter seeks to estimate the maximum likelihood of an event. Table 39 takes the first five equations from the OLS story-that is, up to the point at which the story reached a plateau-and presents them in a logistic form. By displaying the equations together, we can both observe the changes in the position of the independent variables from step to step, and assess whether the sequence of models provides an increasingly convincing explanation ("goodness-of-fit"). What do we see in Table 39? First, there are five statistics at the bottom of page 81 that help us judge the explanatory power of the sequence of models and that tell us which stages make the greatest difference. To put it simply, everything that is supposed to happen in a series of logistic models such as this (Cabrera, 1994), happens: the G2 declines; the ratio of G2 to the degrees of freedom declines; the Chi-square rises in the face of an increasing number of variables. All of this says that the logistic analysis becomes increasingly efficient. The relative changes of these statistics also tell us that the Financial Aid model does not add that much to the potential guidances in our tool box, and that the Attendance Pattern model adds the most (the same conclusions reached in the OLS sequence). To appreciate the convergences and differences between logistic and linear models of this story, one must watch the changes in the odds ratios for a given variable and the statistical significance of its parameter estimates. For example, the variable indicating that the first college attended was a 4-year institution exhibits seemingly impressive odds ratios in all three of its appearances, but only in one of those cases is the estimate statistically significant, and even in that case, barely. The linear version did not even allow the "First Was 4-Year" variable into its models. On the other hand, in the logistic version, SES evidences more modest odds ratios, but its estimates are statistically significant in all five appearances. Table 39.–Logistic version of 5 sequential regression models with bachelor's degree attainment by age 30 as the outcome. High School & Beyond/Sophomore Cohort, 1982-1993 1: Background 2:Financial Aid 3: Attendance Patts 4:1st Year Perform 5.Extending Perform Estimate Odds Ratio Estimate Odds Ratio Estimate Odds Ratio Estimate Odds Ratio Estimate Odds Ratio Intercept -3.174 -3.248 -4.212 -3.609 -3.548 ACRES 0.678* 1.97 0.628* 1.87 0.544* 1.72 0.403* 1.50 0.389* 1.48 Children -1.968* 0.14 -1.924* 0.15 -1.469** 0.23 -1.517** 0.22 -1.480** 0.23 Race -0.398++ 0.67 -0.461++ 0.63 -0.461++ 0.63 -0.325 0.72 -0.069 0.93 Sex -0.234 0.79 -0.201 0.82 -0.150 0.86 -0.091 0.91 0.006 1.01 Grant-in-Aid 0.370+ 1.44 0.405+ 1.50 0.215 1.24 0.201 1.22 Loan 0.134 1.11 0.056 1.06 0.059 1.06 0.044 1.05 STUWORK 0.396++ 1.49 0.259 1.30 0.200 1.22 0.228 1.26 # of Schools -0.009 0.99 0.015 1.02 -0.077 0.93 First Was 4-Yr 0.403 1.50 0.603++ 1.83 0.441 1.55 First Was Doctoral 0.153 1.17 0.187 1.21 0.171 1.19 First Was Select 0.693+ 2.00 0.600++ 1.82 0.561 1.75 OUTSYS -0.652 0.52 -0.564 0.56 -0.782 0.46 Transfer 1.349* 3.85 1.449* 4.26 1.255* 3.51 No Return -0.691** 0.50 -0.634** 0.53 -0.522+ 0.59 No Delay 0.262 1.30 0.166 1.18 0.214 1.24 No Stop 1.553* 4.73 1.408* 4.09 1.349* 3.85 1st Yr Grades 0.726* 2.07 1.104* 3.02 1st Yr Low Creds -0.887* 0.41 -0.927** 0.40 1st Yr Cred Ratio -0.573++ 0.56 -0.501 0.61 DWI Index# -1.558* 0.21 Grade Trend 1.167* 3.21 Remedial Problem -0.137 0.87 G2 5386.5 5304.6 4106.7 3643.1 3300.3 df <PHONE> <DIGITS> G2/df 1.0928 1.0768 0.9293 0.8598 0.7795 X2(df) 35.61 (6) 36.74 (9) 41.15 (18) 41.64 (21) 45.57 p .001 .001 .01 .01 .01 NOTES: (1) The universe for each stage in the model is the same as that used for the parallel steps in the Ordinary Least Squares regressions above. (2) Standard errors used in the determination of statistical significant of the Beta estimates are adjusted by the same design effects as in the OLS versions. (3) Keys to significance levels: *=.001 **=.01 ***=.02 +=.05 ++=.10. (4) #DWI Index=Drops, Withdrawals and Incompletes. SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics: High School & Beyond/Sophomore cohort. NCES CD#98-135. The logistic story, unlike the linear story, truly disentangles the Transfer and No Return variables. There is a dramatic diversion between the two, and Transfer, in particular, turns out to be much stronger in the "maximum likelihood" approach to bachelor's degree completion than it does in the linear model. The Transfer variable is very distinct in this account. It does not mean merely that you attended both a 2-year and a 4-year college, rather that you started at the 2-year, earned more than 10 credits, then moved to the 4-year and earned more than 10 credits there, too. This definition truly sorts people moving toward a bachelor's degree from those multi-institutional attendees engaged in less direct routes. It also filters out the "early transfers," those who did not wait for the community college to provide a sufficient comfort level in higher education. As noted above (p. 52) those who jump ship early to the 4-year college are much less likely to complete a bachelor's degree. The odds ratios for Transfer so defined are very high: 3.85:1 in the Attendance Pattern model, 4.26:1 when we add the 1st Year Performance variables, and 3.51:1 in the Extended Performance model. The only other variable in the logistic story that exceeds those odds ratios is NOSTOP, that is, continuous enrollment. The transfer focus thus becomes a critical direction in the tool box. If we know that students who meet the transfer sequence criteria succeed as well as they do, then we should guide them into that sequence instead of allowing them to leave the community college too early. What else is different when we compare the logistic to the linear account? The Academic Resources variable, while statistically significant in all its appearances in the logistic model, exhibits an odds ratio decline to the point at which its power appears to be less than first year grades, overall GPA trend, Transfer, and continuous enrollment. The power is still considerable, but not as overwhelming as the linear story would lead us to believe. While this is a disappointment to the tenor of the analysis to date, the most significant drop in the odds ratio for ACRES occurs in the 1st Year Performance iteration (Stage 4), when the restricted Transfer variable enters. Otherwise, the two stories-linear and logistic-are the same, and the same 11 variables remain statistically significant in the final step of the model.
Maybe I’m just getting to be an older and more cynical pharmacist? Maybe I can’t see the merits of certain decisions? Maybe there is value to changing hydrocodone combination products (HCPs) to C2 status? Or maybe, I have a valid concern that this is the wrong way to handle a real problem. Starting October 6th, 2014 chronic pain patients and pharmacists will notice a significant change that will impact both groups. The decision has been made to change the status of hydrocodone combination products from C3 to C2 status. The move will further restrict legal access to this group of medications and put them on the same level of control as other C2 medications such as oxycodone. I think the idea needed to be considered. The drug abuse problem in America has gotten that bad. Even bad ideas that might address the problem should be considered. But again, I am referencing “bad ideas” to describe this change. That should clear up how I personally feel on the matter. I have seen anecdotal evidence in my area that there has been an uptick of HCP scripts in recent weeks. I wonder if pain patients are “stocking up” before the switch in status?similar trends recently. I’d like to be on board with this idea. I’d like to say that everything will be fine starting 10/6/14 and that hydrocodone abuse will start a nice gradual decline after it become C2. But the reality is I can’t help but feel that this will not do what it intended to do. We will continue to have a serious drug abuse problem even after early October. This will not change that fact. And that leaves us with the real question of the day: what can be done that will actually work?
MUMBAI: Fifteen migrant labourers sleeping by a roadside were crushed to death on Tuesday morning by a truck near Surat in Gujarat. The incident took place near Kosamba, around 60 km from Surat. The truck ran over the sleeping labourers, including a one-year-old girl, on Kim-Mandvi road, killing 12 on the spot. According to the local police, the injured labourers were taken to a nearby hospital. Three of the eight injured died during treatment it hit the sugarcane hanging out of a. “The truck’s front windshield shattered on impact, which blocked the driver’s sight. The vehicle then veered off the road and ran over the sleeping labourers,” said police. Surat superintendent of police Usha Rada said the driver, who was also injured, has been arrested and booked Apart from a 19-year-old from Madhya Pradesh, the rest were from Banswada in Rajasthan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an ex gratia of `e victims and Rs 50,000 each for the injured labourerssaids’ kin. The Rajasthan governmenThe deceased were identified as Rahul Mahida (19), Manisha Mahida (19), Vanita Mahida (17), Sangeeta Vasunia (27), Champa Panda (16), Naresh Panda (25), Rajila Mahida (25), Vikesh Mahida (27), Shakan Vasunia (21), Mukesh Mahida (25), Lila Mahida (22), Anita Mahida (40), Dilip Vasania (20), Shobha Vasania (23) and one-year-old girl Tejal Mahida.
? In a recent Tell people about BDS! It's'ret's just as true for pets as for people! </s> To declare a minor in Linguistics, please go to A MINOR in Linguistics consists of 7 courses of 3 credits each for a total of 21 credits. The distribution of these courses falls into four main categories, as specified below work that is to be applied to the minor. This course is required for Linguistics Majors and Minors. ONE of 325 or 350, NOT BOTH; second course may be applied to (C). </s> Alfa Romeo.E Smith is being appointed to lead the c) integration across all trades that cross paths on a single project. As a result, we have many real examples of where insight about information has helped our clients y, clash detection and a reduction in rework and variations. Because our team is online, they can submit any onsite impacts and progress directly back into the BIM model at the end of the day. This evolving extraction and submission of information ensures everyone knows what’s next. We can schedule works and resource more precisely, so there’s far less chance of someone standing idle with a shovel while an issue is resolved. One of the greatest productivity gains is through utilising parallel manufacturing technologies. BIM allows us to pull the design apart and make modules, which can then be prefabricated and delivered to site in cages, ready to be connected. This approach dramatically improves site productivity. Whilst we manufacture offsite, the builder can move forward onsite leading to time savings along the critical path and significant workplace safety enhancements. In a traditional build this type of scenario often results in rework, because trades aren’t aware of changes taking place dynamically. This can be costly both in time and materials. Whereas when all trades are working from the same model, specification information immediately informs design and adjustments can be made accordingly before work begins. Essentially, it’s much cheaper to make changes on-screen than onsite. Often in a Design and Construct (D&C) project there is a requirement for dynamic type designs, with clients requesting variations. When you have a conceptual 3D model, this helps the client to visualise the project and can immediately show the implications of a change both on design and cost. Data from overseas shows BIM can significantly reduce change orders and variations from 20% to 25%. At AE Smith, we’re experiencing similar levels of reduction in variation with our clients. As an industry we are working together to develop the core approaches of BIM and the standards for how all projects are carried out. AE Smith are also involved in developing a BIM enablement course for trades, to ensure basic skills are learned to use technologies effectively. For example being invited by AIRAH to host their “BIM: The Basics” national seminars series around Australia in 2014 (see right). In the case of BIM, there is no doubt that knowledge about information equals improved profit margin. The entire value of BIM will only be truly realised when there is collaboration between all practitioners and trades,right through to ongoing facility management. “BIM: The Basics” Is AIRAH’s 2014 national seminar series at which Mark Jacobson, M.AIRAH & AE Smith National BIM Operations Manager, will illustrate how a well-executed BIM project can substantially improve a building’s operation and maintenance. AIRAH (& Heating) </s> Outerlaw is a recreation of the classic Atari 2600 game: Outlaw. In the original game you battle it out with other cowboys by bouncing bullets around obsticles to hit them. Outerlaw has a similar concept except in space! You can select multiple characters which all have their own unique weapons to defeat your for. The game is built in Unity and can be played with one or two players. Our goal ith the game was to keep the unique feel of the original game, but bring it in to the 21st century. The original game had a mechanic where you needed to wait until your bullet impacted before you could start moving again. We thought this restriction did more harm than good. To keep the feel of the original game we did make it so you could not walk while aiming. If we were to remove this it would not feel like the original game. The robot has tiny fast lasers that shoots from his main eye. These bullets are the easiest to get around corners fast and suprise your enemy, but their hitbox is small and it requires pinpoint accuracy in order to hit your enemy! Finally the Astronaut. He has slower moving large hitbox bullets. Contrary to the robot his bullets may have some more trouble getting around corners without the second player noticing, however their larger hitbox makes them much harder to avoid. The game has four stages you can choose from: space, planet, satellite, and the asteroid. Each stage has its own decor and obstacle to avoid! The obstacles are destructible, so don’t count on them for cover forever! </s> oiled bronze shower fixtures modern bathroom contemporary bathroom. oiled bronze shower fixtures traditional tub shower faucets at oil rubbed bronze rainfall 8 round head bath. oiled bronze shower fixtures vintage shower faucet oil rubbed bronze shower fixtures shower systems oil rubbed bronze wall mount single. oiled bronze shower fixtures bronze shower fixtures. oiled bronze shower fixtures simple oil rubbed bronze hardware oil rubbed bronze bathroom remodel. oiled bronze show
Cupcake outlets are a rising favorite for youths and adults alike!They aalternative to ice cream outlets. It's best to retain the same tone (both formal or informal) throughout your whole communication, from the primary all the way in which to the last phrase! Earlier than you start any actual plans you'll want that you must save to spend?To try this wee need to sort out one of the tough looking because I've simply purchased a condo but won't be accomplished till next November. Thus far I'rniture. There's an Ikea too however I haven't been there but. …
Feb. 07, 2023 11:28AM EST Massachusetts ($896.9K, Tax rate 26.4%) California ($805.5K, Tax rate 26.78%) Washington ($736.1K, Tax rate 25.02%) Turns out Austin-born millennials haven't moved too far. Photo by Getty Images Data compiled by re pinpoints Houston as the No. 1 target for millennials who lived in Austin at age 16 and grew up here but lived somewhere else in the U.S. at age 26. The Bayou City attracted 3.9 percent of millennial movers born from 1984 to 1992 (a large subset of the millennial generation) who grew up in Austin. These are the top five out-of-state destinations for Austin-raised, on-the-move millennials: Los Angeles is the only out-of-state destination that broke the 1 percent barrier for millennials who relocated to Austin (1.6 percent), followed by Chicago (0.97 percent), Washington, D.C. (0.63 percent), Detroit (0.51 percent), and Boston and New York City (0.49 percent each). Researchers relied on federal tax, population, and housing data to assemble the report. The statistics for Austin largely align with nationwide trends. The researchers say 80 percent of young-adult movers in the U.S. had relocated less than 100 miles from where they grew up and 90 percent had moved less than 500 miles. “The majority of young adults stay close to home,” the researchers explain. “Average migration distances are shorter for Black and Hispanic young adults than for White and Asian young adults. Average migration distances are also shorter for those with lower levels of parental income.” “S” he adds. “’t maey’ht.” Across the U.S., the retail sector witnessed the heftiest increase (59.7 percent) in new-business applications from 2019 to 2020. “So many companies have made it so easy to sell online that people feel good about taking the plunge,” Schulz says. “Setting up an online store is generally simpler, quicker and less expensive than ever, so the barriers to entry that once scared potential entrepreneurs away from opening a new store aren’t the obstacles that they once were.” A new development in shuttling to work has developed: super commuters. In fact, the number of so-called "super commuters" — those traveling at least 90 minutes to get to work, and another 90 minutes or more to get home, is on the rise. The number of super commuters in the Houston region grew by 68.3 percent from 2010-2019, compared to the 23.0 percent growth rate of the region's overall workforce. "Since the start of the pandemic, the fastest rent growth in large metros has been occurring in the further suburbs and exurbs, indicating that hybrid remote work arrangement[s] could create a new class of part-time super commuters," Apartment list notes. In Texas, North Texas grew 49 percent in super commuters from 2010 to 2019. A new report finds both Houston and Texas rank highly based on startup creation. Photo by Tim Leviston/Getty Imagess. Annual number of startup formations: 9,214 Annual number of jobs created by startups: 55,475 Here's the additional data for the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area:
FORECAST INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Pilot Ed Nebinger and ground crew alongside a P-51 Mustang fighter Forecast International Inc. (FI) ig ands. FI was founded in 1973 by former U.S. Air Force officer Ed Nebinger. Having spent 25 years as a career officer, Ed had a keen understanding of aviation — he piloted a P-51 Mustang over the Normandy beaches on D-Day and flew a range of supersonic fighters during his time as a test pilot. After WWII he flew a second tour of combat in Korea. His military awards include the Air Medal with 11 oak leaf clusters (2 silver, 1 bronze), Korea retiring from the Air Force, Ed worked for DMS, an aerospace and defense market intelligence company based in Greenwich, Connecticut. It was in the early 1970s that Ed elected to branch out on his own. In its early days, FI pioneered some new methods of forecasting and was ts. Acquired by GovExec in January 2022s.
A: I agree with you about that — to a point. I recently tested a fixed-Sigma cameras use a Foveon sensor, which works in a completely different way. The red, green and blue pixels are stacked on the sensor, and each pixel can record every color of light, just like film. In theory, this is a better way to record a digital image. Then why doesn't everyone use it? Besides it being a proprietary Sigma innovation — and the fact that Bayer sensorg —gy, which Sigma is quite candid about. I recently tested the Sigma DP2 Quattro camera ($999 MSRP, online price usually less)ing.
d a thorough assessment of all contingent workforce vendors and an analysis of the supporting systems and business processes. We also organised the implementation and management of a tailor-made Vendor Management System (VMS). - Reducing risks by full follow-up of processes and contracts - Implementation of a Rate Card Analysis Direct cost savings of 250,000 euro per year
ways, federal jails, etc. I suppose I’d like the patent office to retain all it’s intake because I too have a stake in it’s efficiency, but the federal government, as an entity, isn’t “stealing” by appropriating funds however it so chooses. One thing’s certain: if enough of those in the patent community keep beating the drum about fee diversion, then eventually something’s got to. </s> A FEW weeks back we published the list of U.S. history and civics questionstudy guide for those pursuing naturalization. The list consisted of 96 questions and answers on various historical topics and current events that applicants could expect to be asked during the naturalization interview. The new list of questions becomes official on October 1 of this year. Those who file their naturalization paperwork before that date have the option of continuing to use the old 96 questions as a study guide, provided that their initial USCIS interview takes place prior to October 1 of 2009. Those filing after October 1 of this year will have to take the new exam. Several of the oldies are still on the list, such as who is the current president, what month do Americans vote for a president, and what is the name of the national anthem? The new questions will definitely require extra thought - and, let's face it, that's not a bad thing, considering the prize on offer. In fact, macorrect answers, or at least would have to put their thinking caps on. One of the new questions asks the applicant to name one state that borders Canada - how many Americans can name them all? (The correct answers are) Can you name one U.S. territory?)(use.) To check out the new citizenship test questions, visit.: </s> Up front, Hughes Insurance Academy players Kyle McCall and Jonny Murphy are joined by Ricky Lutton in the front row. Queen's University clubman Marc Campbell is named in the second row along with Matthew Rea. Ireland Under-20 flanker Conor Joyce is selected in the back row as is Frank Taggart of Belfast Harlequins and Ballymena's Adrian Hamilton. Ulster Ravens have played two matches so far in the competition, losing to Cornish Pirates in the first round before beating Jersey at Ravenhill in round 2. ULSTER RAVENS (v Ayr): Ricky Andrew; Ross Adair, Stuart McCloskey, Paddy Wallace (capt), Peter Nelson; James McKinney, Michael Heaney; Kyle McCall, Jonny Murphy, Ricky Lutton, Marc Campbell, Matthew Rea, Conor Joyce, Frank Taggart, Adrian Hamilton.statutes for which Criminal Investigation (CI) has jurisdiction are contained in the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), Partaw. Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 24-Mar-2014 </s> Streaking into 2008 January 17, 2008 by Bryon Powell · 9 Comments On hat note, this morning while drinking coffee and enjoying a breakfast of homemade cookies sent to me by my awesome grandmother, I glanced at my 2007 running log. A quick skim of this simple Excel chart confirmed my suspicion – I already had a longer streak of consecutive running days in 2008 than I did in all of 2007! My longest streak in 2007 was 14 day. Through last night I’d run the first 16 days of January 2008. I’m hoping tonight I log day 17 in the snow rather than some mid-Atlantic “winter mix.” Olga,I've got no intention
Home Naturopathic Newborn Gut Microbiome Predicts Allergy & Asthma Risk Comments commentsNaturalPath is the leading clinical information resource for patients interested in naturopathic & alternative treatments in North America. It serves as a dynamic voice,opathic medicine. NaturalPath includes clinical protocols, natural treatment options, expert interviews, breaking natural news and more. tweet Previous articlePNext articleDeditor RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORTHE END OF STATIC STRETCHING TO IMPROVE HIP MOBILITY Is it the Dawning of the Age of AI in Medicine? EDITOR PICKS
cannot guarantee they work because the research is not there to prove that they are effective," said Dr. Soraya Juarbe-Diaz a veterinarian who specializes in pet behavior treatment. Juarbe-Diaz, who goes by Dr. JD, said the idea for an adjustable shirt for pets to wear came from a product that was used on autistic patients. Coats that sort of swaddled these autistic adults were shown to be very effective. Pet owners like Mary Weinaug are optimistic that something like the thundershirt will help calm her dog Jude's fear of thunder and fireworks. Instantly Jude ran and hid under Mary's feet and cowered for attention, the same reaction he would normally have to unpleasant noises. Lindsay and Joe Guzman had a little better luck when testing the product on their American bulldog-mix, Harley. When they put the shirt on Harley, she instantly calmed down despite a news crew and lots of commotion being present in the house. The Guzmans said they put Harley in the shirt during a birthday party celebration they had at their home and they felt it helped out immensely. "The pro is, it's not going to have a side effect. And both of these products have a money back guarantee so I tell owners if you want to try it, I think it is okay for you to try it," she said. </s> Case Control Study of Non Viral Hepatitis Relating to Herbal Drug Use in the Emergency DeparBetter than VDN - absolutely. Still, something doesn't quite seem right. In two, recent tough road games that might count as moral victories, the Clippers still failed to win the game at the end when they had chances to do so. In the recent Utah game, the Clippers looked absolutely ugly during the first half. The losses to Phoenix at home and the loss to the Spurs were outright humiliating. In the face of these losses, it wasn't that long ago when Doc said that the team was "very close" to being "really good". Does Doc have many good excuses for the team playing so poorly, so regularly, so recently? From a management standpoint, does Doc (without Danny Ainge) have the management chops to assess and recruit the talent that the Clippers need to go to the next level? Bledsoe is gone and the Clippers now have two, unathletic 29 year old players who have been life-long subs. The Clippers have no front court depth and decided to sign Barnes for $3 Million while already having 5 wings on the roster. The Clippers have at least four players on their active roster who most fans hope to see DNP- Coaches Decision next to their names (Jamison, Jackson, Mullens, Hollins). Doc gives good speeches, but does that translate into results? While he took the Celtics from almost worst to best in 2008, having three hall-of-famers in or near their prime was perhaps the defining factor. That turnaround would argue Doc's coaching success is largely player-dependent (like most coaches). The roster that Doc has constructed seems to lack the talent that would be required to make a title run. His coaching abilities simply aren't good enough to take this particular team to the next level. Connect with Clips Nation </s> 'Caribbean Currents' Project Caribbean Currents website A Cloth of Gold project in partnership with the Horniman Museum, The Cuming Museum, Grange Museum, Wandsworth Museum, the Newham Heritage Centre and Carl Campbell Dance Company 7's Recyled Teenagers Dance Theatre (project 1) West Indian Self Effort (WISE) (project 2) Stonebridge Area Youth Project (SAY) (project 3) Servol Community Trust (project 4) Dominica UK Association (DUKA) (project 5) </s> Quote:Binoviewers were my solution. Quote:It seems like solar viewing, even with the measures above, e.g., a hood, is more strenuous than night time viewing. White light viewing not so much. Quote:I've heard that binoviewers can help with this problem as well, as they decrease the amount of light striking your eye by 50%. </s> Mirror Reporter Great Four-State Championships at the Target Center in Minneapolis. All teams that enter will play 3-4 games in one day. All players must either attend the same school or live in the same school district. Smaller schools may combine with a combined enrollment for grades 9-12 of 400 or fewer. To register, visit. </s> Hello, Problem: to get the characteristics of a commercial numerical CFD code on a Cluster with respect to memory bandwidth. The Application is running single cpu jobs on SMP Nodes, no parallel application. The runtimes show symptomes of concurring about memory bandwith. I.e., if two One-CPU Jobs run on the dual CPU Node, the total run time is far more than twice the time of one job + e.g 30 % penalty for ressource competition of both jobs on a SMP Node. Question: Is it possible, to show with standard linux profiling commands that really memory bandwidth is the issue ? (Memory requirements and disk IO rate of the jobs are moderate, as far as iostat / top shows) thx .
Voice search makes getting information and answers fast and easy. Instead of typing a question or query into a phone, device, or search engine, users simply ask the question using the device’s AI technology. For example, “Hey Siri, what’s the weather today?”
Dowbusiness has some significant legal concerns as well, such as liquidated damages issue that should be taken into account. The business then requires finance for its operations and means of obtaining these finances are to be evaluated. It is important for the owners to study these matters to understand whether this business is well suited to them and to understand what kind of management skills, legal and financial expertise they should have in the enterprise for it to successfully turn it into a successful, profitable venture. The LLC is considered a partnership-corporation hybrid because of its characteristics. Like partnerships have partners and corporations have shareholders, the LLC has members. These members do not own shares but rather an interest in the business. As mentioned earlier, the LLC allows owners to have limited liability protection, which would benefit the owners of a construction business by offering them protection from. The taxation for an LLC does not take place on the business level, instead the income, profit or loss is passed on to the owners and is treated as their personal income and reported in the owner's personal tax return. Constructi575-construction-business. “...?BUSINESS INTEGRATION AND EVALUATION Task: Business Integration and Evaluation Introduction XYZ Construction Company is currently based in the USA and is a private company, meaning that it does not offer public services. The company h as in recent times exhibited augmenting growth due to its lucrative nature. Thus, it plans to expand globally to offer its services on a wider scale. Due to these plans, the proprietors are planning to launch their first IPO. Due to this initiative to go global, the proprietors are taking extremely careful steps to ensure that they design an innovative and workable strategic plan that will guide them on the proper way forward to their future prospects (Davis, 2008). To achieve an ingenious plan, they would... ...? Research Proposal: Underground Construction Business in Russia Introduction wash with tunnelling projects with there being a lot of enthusiasm globally from industry players. This has mainly been due to advancements in tunnelling technology and techniques which have occurred over the past decade, and also due to increased awareness of the need for ‘green’ projects which have less environmental impact (Deloitte, 2012). This excitement has been an impetus to the rapidity with which the underground construction industry has grown and also the extent to which it has attracted a lot of attention from key players within the construction industry (Beer, 2009). Notably, emerging... ...available in the context of this research study. All the available studies that are related to this study are included in this section. Since one of the objectives of this study deals with formulation of social capital in the construction business carried on in different organisations located in Thailand, the existing literature related to the importance of social capital and the various kinds of benefits that can be derived from it has been discussed in this section. The other objective of this study is related to the creation of sustainable relationships in between the stakeholders of the organisations operating its business in the construction industrial sector of... ... perioofy form the basis of this study. A globally sustainable construction business entails one operating in an environment that that greatly empowers it to becoming more productive. This is where a construction company business employs a process where it manages its financial, social and environmental risks, compulsions and opportunities. In other words, these three requirements for a sustainable business are known as profits, people and the planet at large. In essence, for a business to be sustainable, it has to find a way on balancing out the challenges imposed to it by... Green buildings built with the help of non-toxic products and materials will help combat these ill-effects of conventional building material. A lot has been said on the practice . With rocesses can be constantly improved and upgraded. This is true for any industry. The construction industry has also seen tremendous changes in the recent past. Reengineering of business processes has led to several ch today. ... ar’s success... ...A R’ska’s.Desi “business’s innovation process”Business for FREE!
h2g2 - A Conversation for Why are Beliefs Held so Dearly? Entry: Why are beliefs held so dearly? Unusually for me this entry simply explains something, it does not try to argue a point. I must be softening up in my old age! Because you start off with 2 questions - Why do people die for their beliefs?Why will they kill for them?- I thought you were going to examine that and suggest the answers, but I don't see any. At the end of the entry I found myself asking, OK, so why *do* people die or kill for their beliefs then? "Our beliefs and values are core to who we are." "your faith is the core of who you are" - OK, this is somebody's theory, that you seem to agree with. But what is the difference between beliefs and values?- you always seem to lump them together, as in "Some beliefs and values are more important to an individual than others." Since this article seems to be based on a theory that there is something called a core to something called 'who we are', I think we need to know more about that. I mean, who do you reckon we are?Are we our beliefs?Are we somebody else's beliefs?What is the connection between what we believe and 'the core of who we are'?A couple of times you said 'who we are', but how about also 'what we are'? "" - blimey - there has got to be a whole book in that one! "" doesn't really address it does it? Arrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh! In some respects we are like a nutmeg. Nutmegs consist (from the centre out to the outside) of an inner nut (the nutmeg), a hard shell, a layer of membrane (which is the spice Mace) and an outer fleshy fruit like an apricot. What IS the nutmeg, then? 31st Jan - Ready or Not! Oh why do I do this sort of thing to myself? And if you are contemplating writng another entry for the project itself, you know what to do and when to do it by!Let's get this one up, running and on the front page! Totally agreed, didi. The subject line is 'Ready or Not! Is this going anywhere?It's been in WW for an awfully long time...
Tagged: 'Vietnam' On 11 April 2017, the Prime Minister of Vietnam issued Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg ("Decision 11"), an encouraging development in the promotion of domestic solar power projects in Vietnam. Decision 11 came into effect on 1 June 2017 and is due to expire on...
W. How should I Biblically look at this situation??...
Home Politics Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger claims left-leaning editors have made site biased, untrustworthy riticized the current state of the online encyclopedia he started in a recent interview, casting doubt on whether it can be trusted to provide unbiased information because of the heavy input of editors with “establishment” views. “Canadded Mr. Sanger, who left Wikipedia in 2002 and has been vocally critical of the site ever since. Mr. Sanger, 53, made the comments in a video interview conducted by the website UnHerd. WikipediaTimes seeking a reaction to his remarks. Several years ago, said Mr. Sanger, a Wikipedia article for a hot-button issue such as a U.S. president’s record would be presented with “multiple different points of view, reasonably, fairly laid out.” But as Wikipedia gained influence over time, Mr. Sanger said that “a very big, nasty, complex game” emerged behind the scenes being played by people wanting the website to push a particular narrative, usuallyMr. Sanger cited the Wikipedia page for President Biden, arguing that it presented an “extremely biased” interpretation of allegations made against him and “reads like a defense counsel’s brief.” Asked why the article about Mr. Biden was biased in the president’s favor, Mr. Sanger said he is “pretty sure” it is because of Democratic-leaning volunteer Wikipedia editors controlling the content. “ neutral, more politically neutral, but they’re not allowed to,” claimed Mr. Sanger. added. “,” Mr. Sanger said. “And they do that.” Wikipedia deemed the Daily Mail an “unreliable source” in 2017 and said it could no longer be cited in online entries. A spokesperson for the paper responded then by calling it a “s.” Previous articleRochelle Walensky, CDC head, says rise in COVID variant cases is 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' Next articleJudge dismisses “frivolous” defamation lawsuit against Stefan Halper in Trump-Russia case Pelosi Asks Biden to Extend Eviction Moratorium in Violation of Supreme Court Ruling Mark W. Sanchez - August 3, 2021 0...
payment was approved. costs incurred in the recovery. starting the lawsuits. financial compensation for the creditor. considered a small or medium one (last year’s turnover below € 6 milion). a court claim should have been filed. creditor company should notify the debtor that it will deduct the VAT. company is a small or medium one) and a maximum of 3 months. the VAT included in the unpaid invoices from the VAT to be paid by the company. recovery tips in a later article for IR newsletter.
Dear Celtics: Bring Back Paul Pierce Kevin Aherne (@KAherne17) He's nearly 37-years old, his point-per-game scoringand he made more than $15 million this year; but Paul Pierce could prove be the missing piece to the Celtics' rebuild machine. In his first--and likely only--season in Brooklyn, Pierce put up consistent and solid numbers on a competitive playoff team. He averaged 13.5 points per game, 4.6 rebounds, and got to the free throw line more times than anybody on the Nets. More importantly, Pierce was durable, playing in 77 games, with 64 starts. This season was no anomaly either. Across the past six seasons, Pierce has appeared in an 75 regular season games on average. On top of that, Pierce has been on playoff teams in each of those seasons, appearing in 121 (of 121) post-season games over the span. Most importantly, Pierce, no longer capable of playing at a superstar level, now has a season as a supporting cast member under his belt. While is it clearly in the Celtics' best interest to look towards youth, veteran leadership, which is currently lacking, will essential to Boston's rebuilding efforts. Rondo is an elite point guard, but certainly no front-man; to date, Jeff Green has done little to establish himself as a clubhouse leader; and both Jared Sullinger and Avery Bradley are too "green" to have yet earned the respect of their peers. The presence of an experienced leader will be vital to the development of this team. Paul Pierce can be that leader. With 15 seasons (14 in Boston) under his belt, Pierce offers his next squad values in both form and function. He can score in bunches, get to the line, and actually play effective defense. His true value, however, is dependent on his willingness to take onswing position players. Stockpiling potential Through a series of deals, the Celtics now holdthree seasons. Though they seem likely to address the lack of front court depth with the first of those selections, they will certainly be shopping for their next-generation star in the next few drafts. With an inexperienced coach, and journeyman Gerald Wallace as the team's de facto leader, guidance of Paul Pierce would mean a whole lot to the future of the Celtics. So, Danny, Wyc, and the powers that be--bring back Paul Pierce. It is a win-win-win. The fans benefit from seeing their team in transition under its old captain; the team benefits from his experience and leadership; and Pierce gets the opportunity to close out his illustrious career where it began, while passing the torch to the next era of greatness.
Navratri is a fascinating time. South Indian families celebrate it with "golu" (or "kolu" as some choose to correct others)- idols and dolls are brought out of the dusty attic and arranged in steps. Shiva, Vishnu and Devi occupy centre-stage and share their space graciously with the Queen's Guard- that motionless soldier at the Buckingham Palace with the enviable head of hair! Ganesha, Kartikeya, Rama with Lakshmana, Sita and Hanuman, the Statue of Liberty, the Swiss cow-bell, the Taj Mahal, the snake charmer, the "marapaachis" (wooden couple), saints like Raghavendra swami and Adi Sankara, the "chettiar couple" selling grocery items- it is a motley crowd all right, but for nine days, they fill the home with their lively presence and make the occasion so entertaining. Yuvraj's fans are sure that he is a better allrounder than Jadeja. So too, in the dashavataram side, there is a strong contingent out there, which would like Balarama's place taken up by Lord Buddha. But if you place Buddha, the batting lineup needs to be changed. Buddha can bat only after Krishna whereas Balarama is a better batsman and would play before Krishna! It all becomes terribly confusing. But "golus" in South India rarely feature Buddha. Buddha didn't accept the validity of the vedas supposedly and it was reason enough to leave him out of the side. In the South, they go with the time tested side where Balarama always plays- no questions asked. "Arey Balram!?... but Krishn and Balram grew up together at Vrindavan no!? They are brothers kyon? How can they be different avataras?" What people conveniently forget is that there is a more obvious example of avataras appearing together- Parashurama. Parashurama spanned three avataras- he was of course the hero in his own time, but he continued to live on and later confronted Rama. Not just that- he was present in Krishna's time too and taught archery to Karna and even battled with Bhishma. Many years ago, Adarsh Chitra Katha competed with our good old Amar Chitra Katha and brought out a comic on Balarama. We were still kids and hadn't yet learnt to read and had to be satisfied looking at the illustrations. In this book, Balarama took on a powerful monkey and with his bare hands, completely beat him up. The illustrations were engaging. To our childish eyes, the monkey looked like Hanuman... (despite the anachronism) and it appeared as if Balarama could challenge even the mighty Hanuman! Another approach would be to truncate the number of avataras to nine- nava-avataars for nava-raatri! Posted by shankar at 04:01
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On Saturday, a horde of people descended on my house and we shot another episode of our new web series. This is confusingly the fourth episode of the series, but only the third one we’ve shot. While it would be against the rules to tell you too much about the content, I can tell you how we’re shooting it, and the equipment we’re using. First off, our friend and collaborator, Shaun Pulsifer, has lent us most of the things we use. This is both extremely kind of him, and equally cost-effective. We have three lights in total. Two of them are Yongnuo Digital YN300 II Pro LED Video Lights. The third is an older Lowel VIP System Pro-Light from Tiffen. Sometimes we get students from the local sound school to help us out, and they bring their own equipment. For the first two episodes, the students used the Zoom H6 Portable Recorder. Again this depends on whether we use the students’ equipment, or our own. We may be amateurs, but we’re not dummies. We need to make sure that the camera shoots the best it can, which is why we use Filmic Pro. If you’re at all familiar with this app, you’ll know that the film Tangerine was shot exclusively on iPhone with Filmic Pro. For post-production, we will make use of a combination of iMovie and Final Cut Proat @west_yyc.
Q: What’s the definition of a minor second? Q: Q: What’s the best recording of William Walton’s viola concerto?
April 6, 2019 | Category: Prophecy News | Tags: Middle East, Peace Plan Palestinians See Golan Move as Quiet Rollout of U.S. Peace Plan it’s . MORE/palestinians-see-golan-move-as-quiet-rollout-of-u-s-peace-plan One Response to “QUIET ROLLOUT OF U.S. PEACE PLAN?” Abraham April 9, 2019
Thom Hartmann: Glad to have you with us. I'm a little baffled by this article where you say, "liberal thinking is all we need to know about life's fundamental unfairness. The heart and soul of liberalism is economic egalitarianism, making this a policy objective. Liberals never seem to take the effort to analyze or diagnose the sources of what they see as problems. Their concern rarely penetrates the surface. Liberals see income leveling as a cash cow." Do you really believe that stuff? Thom Hartmann: Are you familiar with the research that Richard Wilkinson and Kate Picket have done over the last 30 years in the UK at the Equality Trust?They wrote, they've written two books about it, "Why Equality Matters" and "The Spirit Level." Their website is Thom Hartmann: Well I'm not talking about Mother Jones, I'm talking about real economists, real epidemiologists. Their actual, their numbers suggest that if, and they're looking at the OECD countries. And they graph out on a horizontal access income inequality and on a vertical axis a variety of indices, okay? The most unequal states areCalifornia, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Georgia and Florida, and they all have high school drop out rates above 20%. The most equal states in the union, where you have the fewest very rich people and the fewest very poor people and the largest middle class, are Alaska, Utah, New Hampshire, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Vermont, Wyoming, Montana, Washington State, Maine, Idaho, Delaware and Indiana and they all have high school drop out rates below 15%. So just looking at a simple index like that which is the best predictor of the future of our nation, wouldn't you say inequality is destroying the future of our country? Ron Ross: Well, I'm not going to argue that. And I'm not going to argue any of your data there. I think you're probably, all that's probably correct. But, so how do you do that?How do you make Mississippi more like Alaska, for example? Ron Ross: What would you raise the top rate to?
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Benoît Hamon (French National Assembly): A more effective consumer law for a more competitive economy - Concurrences INTERVIEW: CONSUMER LAW - ECONOMY - COMPETITIVITY Benoît Hamon (French National Assembly): A more effective consumer law for a more competitive economy Interview conducted by Nicolas Charbit, Editor in chief, Concurrences. *This article is an automatic translation of the original article, provided here for your convenience. Read the original article. 1. In June, you will be defending a long-awaited consumer bill before the National Assembly. What is the general philosophy of this text? The main objective of this text is to make consumer law more effective. It focuses in particular on defining the means of guaranteeing consumers that the rights granted to them will actually be applied and that, in the event of infringements, they can effectively obtain compensation for the damage suffered individually. This naturally involves adapting the means of legal action, but also improving the effectiveness of the means of action of the administrative authority responsible for consumer protection, the DGCCRF. French National Assembly (Paris) France 3 contributions 1989 visits France 38 contributions 111666 visits Benoît Hamon, Nicolas Charbit, Benoît Hamon (French National Assembly): A more effective consumer law for a more competitive economy, May 2013, Concurrences N° 2-2013, Art. N° 52034, pp. 7-11
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This is a great idea, I'm definitely going to give this a try next time I run Whitehack. Quick question: the critical, is that when an enemy crits you, you can try to block it, and if you fail, you either take damage or lose your shield (attacker's choice)? Or did you mean something else? I'm assuming it's that, in which case attempting to block after a crit is risky, since you can end up losing your shield (which wouldn't normally happen). Thanks - and apologies for the late reply: didn't spot this over the weekend! We do it as an opposed roll - i.e. rolled at the same time as the attack using differently coloured dice. That means you only find out about the critical after you attempt to use your shield. And then the attacker has the choice of wounding or reducing your defences for the next attack by breaking your shield. Thanks! I'd come across that before, but had forgotten about it. It is a good rule, and it has the advantage over my proposal of being 'neater' (no additional roll *and* the simulation of real-world shield breakages).
Anna A. Ostrovskya Roman V. ShaminAlexandr S. SemenovNadejda A. Petrovssoc. Prof. Jeffrey Ingosan, University of the Cordilleras, Philippines Prof. Svetlana Y. Petrova , Y, Russian Federation Assoc. Prof. Hassan Hajjdiab, Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates Dr. Kazunori Otsuka, University of Nagasaki, Japan Prof.Jong Yih KuoSenior Lecturer Patrick Hosein Prof.Wei-Guang Teng, National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan Assoc. Prof. Shaowei Chen, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Dr. Chien-Ho Liao, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan Prof.Duong Tuan Anh, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology/Vietnam National University, Vietnam Dr. Khalid Samara, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE Dr. R. Dineshkumar, Ktvr Knowledge Park for Engg and Tech, India Dr. Darshan M Tank , Gujarat Technological University, India Assoc. Prof. Nordin Abu Bakar, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia Dr.Julia Flores, University of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain Assoc. Prof. Angelina Tzacheugo d'Albert, Technical University of Munich, Germany Dr. Lalit Garg, University of Malta, United Kingdom Dr. Teodoro a. Macaraeg jr, University Of Caloocan City, Philippines Lecturer Dr. Sivaraman Kuppusamy, University of Reading Malaysia, Malaysia Senior Lecturer Dr.Tamilsalvi Mari, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia Assoc. Prof. Shi Wang,Lecturer Saide Saide,Pekanbaru, Indonesia </s> LaSpecializing in Large Bronze Wildlife Statues and Sculptures Twice Life-size Monumental Bronze Tiger Mascot "Setters" English Setter Bronze Monument The sports mascot is the symbol of school spirit, pride, inspiration, and tradition for the students, alumni and facility of any educational institution from high schools right through the university level. For many schools, their sports mascot is a powerful and noble animal which is the protector and guardian spirit of everyone associated with the school., </s> Photo by David Rauzi Pictured at Saturday’s Century Farm ceremony are (L-R) Jeffrey, Mollie, Brendan and Dereck Arnzen; seated is Dorothy Schmidt. “John and Mary stood here 100 years ago and looked out over the prairie, wondering what they had gotten themselves into,” Bennett said. Established in 1990, the program recognizes , and that include 40 acres or more of the original land parcel
Realizing the challenges that individuals face because of their substance abuse problem are never identical to one another, Huntington Creek Recovery Center provides many different levels of care that can meet the needs of each and every patient. Our alcohol and drug detox program, which clears the body of dangerous substances, is most suitable for those who need supportive services to manage this part of their recovery. Residential treatment, which we also offer here at Huntington Creek Recovery Center, is a comprehensive treatment approach that applies intensive therapeutic services and evidence-based methodologies in an effort to help those who are addicted to substances like alcohol, prescription painkillers, and more overcome their challenges with this problem. Also, Huntington Creek Recovery Center supplies continuing care to all of our patients. Through this program, we can help our patients prevent relapse, as well as help keep them connected to support groups such as AA and NA. It is our primary goal at Huntington Creek Recovery Center to offer up an environment where each individual feels safe and secure as he or she works towards a life of recovery. Our devotion to supplying the utmost quality care within an environment that is encouraging starts at admissions. Realizing that searching for treatment for a substance abuse problem and/or a co-occurring mental health condition can be overwhelming and stress-provoking, the process of Admissions at Huntington Creek has been developed to reduce anxieties and stress, allowing individuals to feel safe in making the decision to obtain treatment. Individuals can start the process of admissions by reaching out to us via phone or by coming directly to our center. Once an individual reaches out to us, we immediately begin the process of admissions ensuring that he or she meets the criteria needed in order to receive care with us (i.e. being 18 years of age or older, possessing the ability to be physically mobile, etc.). From there, we will work and his or her condition, including a medical, family, treatment, mental health, and general history.
Read this review on Genesis Vision Coin to learn more about it, or check our list of 1500+ other cryptocurrencies to find the right one for you. This con claims to be a blockchain based web platform for private trust management and is located in the UK. Genesis Vision Review Genesis Vision is a blockchain based decentralized asset management platform. The platform is designed to connect people who want to trade or access the investment landscape with individuals who actually know how to trade. This is a free directory listing of Genesis Vision. May 23, 2020 · Genesis Vision platform is intended for trust management markets. 13:30. Scamming the Scammers - How to Handle Fake Tech Support Calls - Duration: 1 Genesis Vision. 15K likes · 16 talking about this. Genesis Vision - The Next Generation Social Trading Platform. Find 1 listings related to Genesis Vision Group Inc in Spring Hill on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Genesis Vision Group Inc locations in Spring Hill, FL. Genesis Vision - The Next Generation Social Trading Platform. Genesis Vision is the platform for the private trust management market, built on blockchain technology and smart contracts. it is simply impossible to see the growth of genesis vision with the currencies that are currently accepted. gustavo lorenzo 2 days ago in Other • updated by Genesis Vision Support yesterday at 12:47 a.m. • 1 These will provide openness, transparency, and trust to the platform and its users. Sep 12, 2020 Genesis Vision Review. It is an exciting approach to managing an investment program; this index tracks approximately 80% of global crypto $USD-denominated trailing 90d volumes for top cryptocurrencies, excluding stablecoins. Leverage the expertise of seasoned traders while keeping control of your capital. Just choose a program and Genesis Vision will automatically copy the trades from your account. You will be able to withdraw your investment or exit trades at any point in time. Discover Welcome to our review on Genesis-vision. We will descriptively analyze to you why you should avoid this scam just as Air-blockchain. An overview of Genesis-vision. See business transparency This investment program represents a Genesis Vision Benchmark Index (GVBIX), which is a Blue-Chip Crypto Global Volume, at least this is the information stated by the manager. It is an exciting approach to managing an investment program; this index tracks approximately 80% of global crypto $USD-denominated trailing 90d volumes for top cryptocurrencies, excluding stablecoins. Leverage the expertise of seasoned traders while keeping control of your capital. Just choose a program and Genesis Vision will automatically copy the trades from your account. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. it is simply impossible to see the growth of genesis vision with the currencies that are currently accepted. gustavo lorenzo 2 days ago in Other • updated by Genesis Vision Support yesterday at 12:47 a.m. • 1 Apr 26, 2019 · Not only is it a weekly holiday in celebration of the upcoming weekend for all us nine-to-fivers but it is also the time to wrap up the performance of the Genesis Vision managers. One of the suggestions we received as feedback for our previous and first performance review was to avoid highlighting short term weekly wonders and focus more on Genesis Vision is a trading platform that aims to integrate parties from all across the trading ecosystem – including brokers, investors, and investment managers. Good investment managers can rise to the top of the ecosystem by consistently making smart, profitable trades. Managers issue their own cryptocurrencies. The GV80 is the three-row sport-utility that the fledgling luxury brand has needed from the start. Diandra LakkerGenesis · Genesis GV80 review - South Korean  Lumi Genesis Vision features: Exchange Genesis Vision to 1200+ coins and tokens. Lumi also provides Genesis Vision mobile wallet app for Android and IOS does not conduct any independent diligence on or substantive review of any. Genesis Analytics was one of the first economics-based consulting firms to be established in Africa and has since grown into the largest. Our purpose is  Get detailed information on Genesis Vision (GVT) including real-time price index, historical the GVT chart, transaction volume and up to date Genesis Vision price. With that being said, the barrier of entry for those who have no clue about “investing” is quite high. Overall, Genesis Vision sounds very good on paper but the real project is rather underwhelming. převod peso argentino a dolares nejvyšší vyrobený v číně tag sean ono lennon a john lennon 59 000 eur na usd 24 lakhs inr na cad Jak dlouho těžit 1 bitcoin v roce 2010 Cena kucoinu v inr 299 eur v singapurských dolarech Brian brooks occ coinbase Deloitte ma & a zprávy Převod měn na a dolary Jaký je název čínské digitální měny Genesis Vision - The Next Generation Social Trading Platform has 24 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. They are trusted. The software is opensource so you can   Buy Elini Barokas Men's ELINI-20007-01-BB Genesis Vision Analog Display Warranty, If this product is sold by Amazon, please review the manufacturer's  With an eye firmly on the future of urban mobility, the Genesis Mint Concept is our vision of the electric luxury city car. Jul 05, 2019 · This investment program represents a Genesis Vision Benchmark Index (GVBIX), which is a Blue-Chip Crypto Global Volume, at least this is the information stated by the manager. It is an exciting approach to managing an investment program; this index tracks approximately 80% of global crypto $USD-denominated trailing 90d volumes for top cryptocurrencies, excluding stablecoins. Overall, Genesis Vision sounds very good on paper but the real project is rather underwhelming. They do have a working product but all the managers on their site seem to have really poor performance and there’s also a bigger issue. Genesis Vision platform is intended for trust management markets. GVT is not distributed on the GV platform, but it could be used there for investing. Each manager in the Genesis Vision network has their own cryptocurrency. The Summary of Genesis Vision ICO. Speaking of Genesis Vision ICO price prediction – it is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is worthwhile to invest in a token. GVT has already surpassed the expectations of many experts, demonstrating a serious growth in cryptoexchanges. Now the daily volatility of the token is 10-20% per day. According to present data Genesis Vision (GVT) and potentially its market environment has been in a bullish cycle in the last 12 months (if exists). Our Ai cryptocurrency analyst implies that there will be a positive trend in the future and the GVT might be good for investing for making money. May 08, 2019 · Genesis Vision / GVT Review - The Future Of Blockchain Finance - Duration: 13:30.
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NED, you sure you are not a Russian troll, stirring up the pot. Large scale development IS NOT HAPPENING in eastern Queens....,maybe Flushing which is zoned for it. You simply DO NOT know what you're talking about. >No one is trying to take you fucking guns away, not the progressive liberals, not the Democrats, NO ONE. Yes, we should all listen to NRA Ned So a bunch of people who bought a bunch of overpriced condos in LIC are protesting? Who cares, you got conned, if you had that kind of money and a brain, you would have bought a nice house in leafy suburb, endured an extra hour to get to work, but at least not have to deal with the city and its screwed up government. Queens has been Queens for decades it was never meant to be place for the very rich and the pampered. Get used to being screwed over snowflakes, we deal with this every single day for years. </s> Description - - Do not give to children under 2 years of age except on medical advice. There are no reviews yet. </s> One) or by claiming lawful deductions. How Do Tax Deductions Work? - Form 1040 (Note: You cannot use Form 1040-A or 1040-EZ, as you cannot include self-employed income on either) - Schedule C (or Schedule C-EZ, for claimed expenses less than $5,000) To be a legitimate business expense, it must be both “ordinary and necessary” as it relates to the operation of your small business. An ordinary expense is accepted if it’s considered common within your industry or trade, while a necessary expense is both helpful and appropriate within the confines of your industry. According to the IRS, ordinary and necessary expenses include business expenses, cost of goods sold, capital expenses and some personal expenses. To claim a legitimate business deduction, you must first separate your business and personal expenses. Business deductions are listed on Schedule C, which details the profit or loss from a business. NOTE: There’s a very important deductions. Personal deductions can be claimed as itemized deductions on Schedule A, but only if you forego the standard deduction. Personal deductions are those commonly called “itemized deductions,” which include: - Personal mortgage interest payments - Personal medical expenses - Casualty or theft loss What You Can’t Deduct (But Feels Like You Can) Although a business transaction may be related to the cost of doing business, it doesn’t always mean it’s a legitimate business expenses. Here are six examples of deductions you cannot make for business. - Business clothing and shoes: The only thing you can deduct for clothing is ak. - - Coffee and dining out: You can only deduct the cost of a meal or coffee if you’re meeting with a client. You’re allowed 50% as a meal and entertainment expense, but not if you’re alone. - Traf- Tech gadgets and toys: Just because you want the latest and greatest technology doesn’t mean it’s deductible. Only computers, mobile phones and tablets that are essential to running your business qualify as a deduction. To accurately calculate and claim the home office deduction It cannot be a dual-purpose space. Prior to the January 2014 filing season, self-employed taxpayers had to use the Regular Method to calculate the home office deduction, where you had to determine the actual expenses of your mortgage, utilities, insurance and other costs. Now, you can use the Simplified Option for computing business use of the home. Yoyear (or 300 square feet). It’s up to you to decide which method provides the biggest tax break for your specific case. But for a more in-depth guide to claiming a home office deduction, see our article on choosing the regular method or simplified method. Car-Related Costs (Mileage vs. Actual Expenses) When deducting the business use of your car, especially as a ridesharer, there are two options: the Standard Mileage Rate and the Actual Expense Method. With the Standard Mileage Rate, you take a deduction for a certain number of cents per mile. For tax year 20
Infantrymen, following John's tank that was parked in front of theergeant Jim Bates, the frontline photographer that took the pictures on these pages. Sergeant Bates won the Bronze Star during the fighting in Cologne. The account follows: "The greatest part of my life was in Cologne, Germany. It was my finest moments at Combat Photography when I joined the Third Armored Division in its capture of Cologne, Germany. It was this action that German tank. Sergeant Early told me to stay there and he would come back in his tank and try to put the German tank out of commission. He told me that I could photograph it. He had one of the new M-26 Pershing tanks with a ninety-mm gun. Sgt. Early said he would turn into the square under me, stop and fire at the German tank. When his tank came into the square, the German tank began to traverse its gun. Cpl. Clarence Smoyer, the gunner, did not wait for his tank to stop but fired before the Mark V's gun was aimed at him. His first shot hit the German tank in the bottom and cut off the tank commander's legs. After the next shot, three of the crew bailed out but the shrapnel had got them. My pictures show the tank commander burned up with the tank, which was still smoldering the next morning. The driver got to the back of the building where he fell dead. The assistant gunner fell over a bicycle and lay there dead. The gunner went down nearby. All had been killed." my buttons or backgrounds, a link back to my Music, Compliments of Deb Ackely Friday, January 10, 2003 01:59 PM
What is the Average Price of New Dwellings in BiH? Newly elected deputies took an oath at the constitutingH, which was held in the capital Sarajevo on Tuesday. The new assembly of the House of Representatives has been constituted after General Elections, which were held in BiH […] Inauguration Ceremony for New Members of BiH Presidency officially held in the upcoming term today have officially taken over their duties, Milorad Dodik from the Serb people, Željko Komšić from the ranks of the Croat people and Šefik Džaferović from the Bosniak people. The constituent session of the BiH Presidency, which began […] November 9, 2018 12:00 PM […] New Hospital worth 54.5 Million BAM opened in East Sarajevo A new hospital has is opened in East Sarajevo on Friday which costs 54.5 million KM. The authorities in the entity point out that it is a modern and functional healthcare institution in which medical care will be available for about 120,000 citizens of the Sarajevo-Romanija region. The hospital was […]
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Ultimate piece of junk!!! I have had many electrical problems! lights go out when they want. The car is quick and sporty, but that appeal quickly fades with its lack of reliability and poor build quality. The 2001 Chrysler Sebring Coupe is a very sporty looking vehicle. It has a nice design, and is made for 2, but because the only thing that is Chrysler is the body (the motor and all other parts being Mitsubishi/Lambert), the damn thing is very costly to fix, and parts are not easy to find cheap. I love my car, but would never buy another one, even if they made the same thing now, and would recommend that if you are not rich and don't want to lose money, don't buy one. These cars are pretty awful. Sporty, yes, but they are the very definition of why people have switched from American cars to imports in droves. Which is ironic, considering that the Sebring is actually a Mitsubishi underneath. The worst thing Chrysler ever did was getting involved in Mitsubishi, known the world over for some of the worst quality vehicles in the industry. I wouldn't buy another one either, even the newer, redesigned Sebring/Chrysler 200 (the 200 is the exact same car with a minimal restyling and slightly better interior). I had one for a rental, and it was truly an abysmal automobile. There is not a major area of the car I did not have a problem with. The first was the power window motor, no big deal $200. 53,000 miles at this point. At 55,000, the alternator went 60 miles away from my house, a friend picked me up and I installed it roadside. Parts were difficult to come by, my car was left for 11 days, and it still ran me near to $400. On the way home with the new alternator, the A/C was not functioning, so I took it in for service. I was told the compressor was bad, $250 installed. I had a trouble free and smooth month and then it began making a front end noise/ vibration. Turned out to be a wheel bearing, ran me $175 labor on me. Not even a week later, I got cut off, and had to hit the brakes, and nearly rear-ended someone because the right front caliper bolt/pin assembly snapped, allowing the caliper to flap around in my rim. Exhaust had been making noise since I bought it, patches weren't holding anymore so I went ahead and replaced it for $900. I at this point begin to shop for vehicles and slap a for sale sign in the window for quite a bit less than I paid. The car must have been hurt by this, I noticed coolant when I changed my oil, and dark coolant in the radiator. We are now at 60,000 miles, and I'm looking at a head gasket? That would have been lucky. After careful inspection, there was actually a crack in the rear of the cylinder head of the motor. Estimates were in excess of $2500. I would also like to mention that this car was driven by an older adult woman, and then I babied the car from the day I bought it, It got a daily highway warm up, mainly in the right lane. Overall a disappointment, I gave Chrysler another shot because I figured since the engine was Mitsu, that was a good thing. Apparently they are a lethal combination. Problem areas within the 13,000 miles of ownership : Major Engine + Cooling System failure, exhaust, brakes, A/C, Engine Electrical, Interior electrical Accessory issues, minor front suspension repair, WHO KNOWS IF I WOULD HAVE KEPT IT!! I have now been driving a Honda Accord for the last 25,000 miles, and I have never been happier with a car. I also put a lot of trust in Mitsubishi (Diamante), and had several of the same problems you experienced. The leaking heater core was an unbelievable mess... It leaked into the cabin, took out the ECU and ultimately cost me ~ $3,000. to repair! Apparently the leaky heater core is a common ailment (according to the Mitsubishi mechanic)... too bad they did not see fit to warn their paying customers! Mitsubishi components and design are the reason Chryslers have been so unreliable for a long time now. Aside from personal experience, with every Mitsubishi owner I've ever known having atrocious problems with their cars, Mitsu has been ranked consistently at the bottom of reliability ratings for years and years. Their transmissions and engines just do not hold up over time. Some of the Mitsu cars like the Eclipse may be appealing, but don't bite!! Ask anyone with a Chrysler from the 80's and 90's... it's the Mitsubishi parts that don't last.
S. 2818 - Small Business Health Plans Act of 2008 The Chamber's Bruce Josten sent a letter today to Senator Enzi and Senator Nelson to thank them for introducing S. 2818, the "Small Business Health Plans Act of 2008." From the letter: While the number of uninsured continues to risose are. S. 2818 wouldbargain for better rates; increase administrative efficiencies, and create a streamlined regulatory structure so that a small business health plan (SBHP) can offer a uniform product regardless of where employees live, work, or receive medical care. Large corporations and unions already enjoy these benefits; thiarge corporations and labor unions have tax, pooling, and administrative advantages that make providing health care more affordable and feasible for them. SBHPs would allow small businesses the same benefits; SBHPs would give small businesses some choice, increasing competition in health care markets; and SBHP; by some estimates, 8 million or more uninsured individuals could gain insurance if SBHPs become law. Importantly, S. 2818 also includes compromise language originally proposed by Senator Snowe during previous Senate consideration of similar legislation. This is a bipartisan bill as evidenced by its moderate approach to preemption of state benefit mandates. The Chamber also acknowledges that further changes to this bill will need to be made to ensure its enactment into law. Washington insiders will be discussing this, and other legislation, at America's Small Business Summit 2008, which starts tomorrow.
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This article is about using the internet in a daily routine that how useful is this use of the internet is in our daily life.without this we cannot be able to get the efficiency in our works and the work we cannot finish it on a specified time as well. Internet use is very much essential and important in all the faces that it secures the software’s and the products that are work on the internet. Sometimes it happens that you secure something but it became hacked by the hacker through any mean. The businesses and security have a direct relationship with each other. Internet of things when implemented in the society it is best to make suitable that it facilitates the people in the society and its best fit into the society. Internet of things needs a consistent and continues change and up gradation so that it can easily be made according to fulfill the needs of the people across the world. Society needs variety, which makes them comfortable in their daily routine working and in terms of making their daily routine tasks comfortable and convenient as well. Vulnerabilities are actually the flaws in the IOTs items. If these weaknesses and threats cannot be diminished then it can be made possible to make it strong and more interesting and useful as well. The vulnerability can be used in making the performance of the things better in order to make our weaknesses our strengths. This activity will improve the efficiency of the working system of IOTs items and increases their working life as well. Threats are all the time came unexpectedly in the IOTs that can cause a lot of damage to the IOTs. Diego Mendez, I. P 1-16.
Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Rasperries, it’s not just their rich color, it’s their texture and the clean fresh taste they leave on our lips that make them irresistible any time of day thoughout the summer. Fresh from the garden with our morning coffee, paired with cereal, sprinkled in salads, dressing up our cheese plate or better yet, added to a cocktail there’s more to celebrate in a berry than pie and shortcake. We bring this up on our blog because we can find inspiration from anywhere! I have an upcoming cross country trip a of me. Where do you guys find your inspiration from? Next postGreetings from Montana!
Chile Construction Industry Analysis & Forecast to 2018 The Report “018″The Chile79% during the review period (2009-2013). During the review period, and following the 2010 earthquake, growth was supported by a rapid inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI), low unemployment, reconstruction and modernization work. 2014?2018), as t meet the rising demand for residential units and increase investment in the mining and retail industri8.90% over the forecast period.ile-e The construction, as a result of healthy inflows of FDI. According to the Foreign Investment Committee, the country attracted a total of CLP11.1 trillion (US$28.2 billion) in FDI in 2012; an increase of 63.0% over 2011. u, received CLP1.0 quadrillion (US$2.1 trillion) as total planned investment for the period 2013-2016. Of this total investment, Chile is likely to receive CLP50.2 trillion (US$102.0 billion) FDI over 2013-2016. Continuous investments in the mining industry and infrastructure will also aidBu89110 . Inquire89110 . You can also reach us @
The housingwarlooking for a choice to the traditional real estate market. New house buildinghouses sold by the end of 2021 will be brand-new constructions. However what should you understand prior to purchasing a new home? Let’s discuss some of the most common mistaken beliefs about purchasing a new house. Initially, make certain you understand funding options. While the loan provider of the home builder may provide the most effective bargain, you should constantly shop around for a home loan from multiple lenders. It’s likewise essential to recognize your terms of lock your price for a longer period. Ensure your loan provider supplies a financing commitment for an extended perinterest rates for a much shorter time period than you initially intended. Second, make certain you get written assurances for any kind of problems or deficiencies in your new home. Having warranties in place can help prevent future issues, such as invalidating your funding if the brand-new house doesn’t satisfy your expectations. Likewise, make sure you obtain a floor plan as well as ao standard things for most cu must keep in mind that a warranty does not always indicate that your residence is defective. Lastly, don’t neglect to negotiate. New house contractors do not like to reduce their base rates. This will certainly influence their compensations as well as might lead to more negotiating. Ultimately, you want to obtain the very best rate possible. And it’s importantcontractor who understands what they’re doing. A great, consisting of any type of extra info. Another means to prevent pitfalls is to work withur passions and be straightforward as well as uncomplicated with you. Additionally, answer your questions and also guide you via the buying process. However, if you’re purchasing a brand-new residence as a first-time property buyer, you must hire a property representative rather. A real estate representative will make the process easier and also help you get the most effective cost possible. In addition to these advantages, purchasing a new residence is a challenging and also difficult procedure. It’s necessary to meticulously consider the timeline of the whole process. You may have to move out of your existing residence before the new house prepares, or vice versa. In the latter case, you might alsoresidence while you’re functioning to offer your brand-new one. Yet it’s possible to make the shift much easier by interacting with your new home sales representative. A brand-new home has a greater price than a used one, but a newly constructed one will certainly be much more power effective. New houses have lots of energy-efficient features, such as drifting staircases, open floor plans, and also automated home systems. Furthermore, a new residence will also have a higher resale value than a previously owned one. So you may intend to acquire a brand-new house if you’re on a budget plan, or if you want a bigger residence.
stands in the garage during te 7. said. . All Season Stats>>>
. Cohen. Mr. Levinson stressed the unreliability of informer testimony, quoting, in part, the relevant instruction later given by the court, Tr. 1660-1661, and also reminded the jury that Berry had specifically testified that defendant Warner Smith was not a member of the Family. Tr. 1683. In Cohen's portion of the closing argument he pointed out that Berry had been a client of his firm and stated: We Cohen was not disqualified from cross-examining Berry by a conflict of interests, and then, even if that ruling was correct, whether Cohen's refusal to conduct a more thorough cross-examination than he did nevertheless requires reversal. Thereafter we discuss the defendants' other contentions. On that subjecdisabling conflict did not exist. As a matter of procedure we first note that both defense counsel and the trial judge properly addressed the issue as soon as it arose.11 We also emphasize at the outset that this is not a case involving an existing personal relationship between Cohen and the witness Berry.12 Consequently, the numerous cases involving an on-going relationship between an adverse witness and a lawyer are inapposite.13 The first of these factors is clearly not significant here. Looking strictly at the lawyer's pecuniary interests, it is manifest that the relationship with the leaders of the Family who were then on trial had much greater value to Cohen's firm than any work they had done, or might do in the future, for the witness Berry. Of greater importance, however, is the pr The entire record in this case is consistent with that presumption; there is no basis for speculating that the mere possibility of some additional work for Berry would have impaired in the slightest Cohen's undivided loyalty to the defendants on trial. Even though the district court correctly found no conflict of interests and ordered Cohen to conduct a full cross-examination, he did not do so. Cohen misjudged his ethical responsibilities, but the fact remains that an important witness was not thoroughly cross-examined. Arguably, therefore, his cliee declined to heed the court's directive to conduct a full cross-examination notwithstanding his partner's former relationship with Berry. n
Are tight tolerances, thin-walls, and complex geometries limiting your design flexibility? We utilize a unique combination of an extensive, mold flow analysis, a proprietary tool If it’s possible to mold, we can do it. A bold statement, and one we take very seriously. We augment (Solidworks, STP, Parisolid, and IGES)ch. Our process incorporates 3D CT scan measurements of. This generates a component plot with up to 1.2 million critical dimensional measurements which we, using our proprietary true form sizing technology, integrate with CAD/CAM software allowing us to make exacting tool modifications. This tooling modification process results in best in cFurther, wty eliminating, or significantly reducing, secondary machinings. Seals and valve bodies, in particular, benefit from the tight tolerance and smooth surface finish utilizing our proprietary process capable of attaining 0.0003″ tolerance. Performance Plastics ability to insert mold is significantly more advanced than other injection molders. We have developed tool designs, fixturing and robotic material placement techniques allowing us to overmold very delicate inserts commonly thought to be too thin or complicated to be accurately placed and consistently restrained in the mold. In addition, we commonly utilize difficult to mold filled (graphite, glass, long and short glass fiber, carbon fiber, etc.) and unfilled high performance thermoplastic polymers. These capabilities give engineers greater design flexibility to maximize component performance and reduce cost in developing next generation products.
Is this a new low in I'm-a-very-special-person Westport behavior?Or can you top that? 30 responses to "But Wait!There's More!" It's times like that you wish a front loader was on hand. Guarantee the entitled non-gentleman would never do that again! I have seen exactly what this reader described and I have been a victim to it as well. I suspect John Hartwell is not the only one who has since elected to go elsewhere…it is such a shame since the staff at this location is lovely, the service wonderful and great coffee… Remember when stores used to post bounced checks up by the cash register for all to see? So much discord!This is a very very important person!He drives a very important German car!Most likely with a very important job!We should be beholden to have him in our great town at our former local strip joint clogging up the flow of life… I would like to ask other readers–does anyone else find the parking situation in our town horrible? Anyone else feel the same way? There's only one of two solutions. A short stubby knife to flatten all four tires or a nice long key to make pretty pictures all over his car. That'll get his attention and I bet he'll never do it again! That sure takes the cake…or scone, or whatever…Boy Scout Troop 100's scoutmaster Jennifer Jackson encourages, "Do a good turn daily." My family's good turns are often on the roads around here in the hopes some of these purposely polite behaviors rub off a bit. When Diane Farrell was First Selectman I recall she provided bumper stickers to encourage friendlier driving habits in town. Anyone remember that? " I don't back up for A**holes! Unfortunately, no matter where you live or frequent, there are Mercedes owners just like this guy!My mother drove a Corvair most of my childhood. You'll never see a Corvair do this! Bob, et al – this is a real bummer. The love I feel for the old Westport — it's getting ruined. I just do drive through's now but wouldn't and couldn't, in that order, live there anymore. Gloria's story is too sad and what kind of man is calling a woman an a^*&*hole?My husband would deck him with no regrets, no kidding. Where is the world going? Holy cow, this must qualify as the official bottom. By the way, I would suspect the driver of that Mercedes is likely capable of much worse. Is it time to move to New Zealand? Hold on everybody! If the lot is full at Starbucks- go to Dunkin Donuts, McDonald, Java, Oscars, Panera, or any other coffee store! I thoroughly enjoyed the Seinfeld bit, "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" – thanks for sharing Andy!It took the caffeine driven edge off of this hot topic!
Message: The responding provider cannot or will not support the requested name identifier policy. internal code: INVALID_PARAMETERS Message: There are some parameters with invalid values in the request. MESSAGE_VALIDATION_FAILED internal code: MESSAGE_VALIDATION_FAILED Message: The parsing of a third party message has failed. internal code: MISSING_PARAMETERS Message: There are some parameters missing in the request. NO_AUTHN_CONTEXT internal code: NO_AUTHN_CONTEXT Message: The specified authentication context requirements cannot be met by the responder. NO_AVAILABLE_IDP internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoAvailableIDP Message: Used by an intermediary to indicate that none of the supported identity provider <Loc> elements in an <IDPList> can be resolved or that none of the supported identity providers are available. internal code: NO_IDPS NO_PASSIVE internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoPassive Message: Indicates that the responding provider cannot authenticate the principal passively, as has been requested. NO_PROXY_SP internal code: NO_PROXY_SP Message: No Gateway Service Provider found internal code: SP_SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND Message: There is no value present for the attribute used as subject for the Service Provider you are trying to access NO_SUPPORTED_IDP internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoSupportedIDP Message: Used by an intermediary to indicate that none of the identity providers in an <IDPList> are supported by the intermediary. PROXY_COUNT_EXCEEDED internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:ProxyCountExceeded Message: Indicates that a responding provider cannot authenticate the principal directly and is not permitted to proxy the request further. internal code: REQUEST_DENIED Message: The SAML responder or SAML authority is able to process the request but has chosen not to respond. This status code MAY be used when there is concern about the security contents of the request message or the sequence of request messages received from a particular requester. REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestUnsupported Message: The SAML responder or SAML authority does not support the request. REQUEST_VERSION_DEPRECATED internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionDeprecated Message: The SAML responder cannot process any requests with the protocol version specified in the request. REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_HIGH internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionTooHigh Message: The SAML responder cannot process the request because the protocol version specified in the request message is a major upgrade from the highest protocol version supported by the responder. REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_LOW internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestVersionTooLow Message: The SAML responder cannot process the request because the protocol version specified in the request message is too low. RESOURCE_NOT_RECOGNIZED internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:ResourceNotRecognized Message: The resource value provided in the request message is invalid or unrecognized. internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:TooManyResponses Message: The response message would contain more elements than the SAML responder is able to return. UNKNOWN_ATTR_PROFILE internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:UnknownAttrProfile Message: An entity that has no knowledge of a particular attribute profile has been presented with an attribute drawn from that profile. internal code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:UnknownPrincipal Message: The responding provider does not recognize the principal specified or implied by the request.
living under viaducts on the North Side. – Eithne McMenamin, Associate Policy Director </s> As we move towards October, it is important to start protecting ourselves from the damaging effects of the cold, winter weather. During these colder months, dryness in the air forces our hair, skin and nails to behave very differently. Compensating for this loss of natural moisture in the air can be challenging, but here at Chi, we have an all-in-one solution for you… Labelled as “nature’s wonder oil,” Coconut Oidry hair skin and hair. Organic, Virgin, Coconut Oil is also a natural and effective way to lessen your exposure to the toxins and chemicals found in many everyday beauty products. Many moisturisers, shampoos and conditioners contain alcohols and damage hair. Commercial beauty brands often contain a lot of water too, which makes you feel like your skin/hair are being moisturised, but as soon as the water dries, your skin driesto strengthen underlying tissues and remove excessive dead cells on the skin’s surface, as well as strengthen hair follicles and add shine for gorgeous, silky locks. 2. Apply a generous amount of Coconut Oil to your hair, and comb through to the ends. (Tip: leave about 1 inch of the roots un-oiled to avoid the greasy-look!) 3. Leave for 10 – 30 minutes. Rinse once or twice and leave the hair to dry naturally. blake lively link 1. Cleanse face as per your usual routine. 3. Allow 10 minutes to soak into the skin before applying make-up. 4. Apply your favourite nail polish. (We recommend Zoya – free from harsh chemicals and toxins.) Beautiful skin also comes from within. Remember to drink plenty of water and coconut water during winter. </s> Meet the musician preserving one of China’s most unique sounds All exotic hardwoods and veneers wholesalers & exotic hardwoods and venexotic hardwoods and vene1. American Walnut Veneer, also called black walnut ve... ... style.While the labor cost involed with this process is higherthan normal smooth type hardwood floor.Hand scraped hardwood floor is regarded as manuallyproduced art pieces with scraping tools so each hand... ... every piece of exotic hardwood veneer is hand selected for quality and consistency prior to being laminated to the core. We use only the finest core substrates to manufacture our SkyPly Hardwood Plywood. This... Model Number:brazilian cherry engineered hardwood flooring ... wood flooring, Brazilian Cherry Engineered Hardwood Flooring 1) Wood origin: South America 2) Flooring type:e0.6MM,1MM,2MM,3MM, 4MM, jatoba veneer 4) Lock system: T & G or click... Model Number:Sliced Russian Ash Wood Veneer Sheet For Furniture, Door Model Number:American Natural Sliced Black Walnut Wood Veneer Sheet Crown Cut For Furniture ...You are here: Home > Products > Reconstituted Wood Veneer High Quality Exotic Species with Diversified colors Product name: Exotic Species Scope of application: As the veneer face of furniture, cabinet and wall Raw material: Ayous... Model Number:BC247 1.Product Eco-friendly 2.Clear or colored 3.UV coating or Oil coating 4.15*90*910mm 5.T&G system Product Details: - 15mm T&G Solid Natural White Oak WO006 Item Name 15mm T&G Solid Natural ... ...E
. Public health, prevention are key to success of health reform, says new APHA report Public health leaders to advance implementation of Affordable Care Act at June 23-25 meeting in Chicago Washington, D.C., June 15, 2011 — Public health and prevention must remain centrf health reform is to succeed, says a n “If we hope to realize the laudable goals of the Affordable Care Act — expanding access to care, improving quality of care, controlling health costs, and improve — then we must safeguard the law’s public health and prevention provisions and ensure their timely implementhave a real opportunity to not only, but to transform our communities, reduce our growing chronic disease burden and achieve wellness. The experiences of public health professionals along with their longtime ties to the communities they serve are critical to realizing the promise of health reform.” The paper, , covers the proceedings of a November 2010 meeting where public health leaders explored the implications of the new law for public health programs and priorities, and spells out recommendations for ensuring that the law stays true to its intentions. Among its recommendations, the report urges public health professionals to advocate and educate on behalf of the law, demonstrate the value of public health and prevention programcreate innovative public-private partnerships, seize funding opportunities to improve community health and ensure that public health has a voice in insurance reforms. Public health leaders will again meet to discuss health reform and the law’s implementation next week in Chicago, exactly 15 months following its enactment. Hundreds of public health administrators, practitioners and experts will attend the APH. For more about the report, visit For more about the APHA Midyear Meeting, visit
"In today's society law enforcement officers are called names that I will not repeat… "After I read this letter that was sent to Sgt. Bowden, I realized he had really made a difference in this family's lives," Parsons said. "I want people to realize law enforcement officers are human. We have and will make mistakes. Please realize the that 99.9 percent of law enforcement officers only want to keep the public safe and make a difference." "I knew I'd always want to reach out to you, but I wasn't sure how," Amber said. "Two years ago this week, my mom had a brain aneurysm. You got a call because she was refusing aid from the paramedics and trying to hit and bite them. They left her there while her brain was bleeding and she was dying. You came and you met me in the front of my yard. I was crying so hard I couldn't talk or breathe and you hugged me and asked what was going on." Amber said that her brother was also on the scene and had become angry at the paramedics for "the way they were trying to forcefully take my mom." "You calmed me and then you went to shake my brother's hand to show him you were there to help," Amber said. "You took your time with her and after 30 minutes of her going in and out of consciousness and not allowing anyone to touch her or help her, you finally got her to realize she wasn't ok and she needed to get in my car and let me take her to the hospital. We had no idea at that point what was wrong with her. It was worse than any of us could have imagined." Amber said that once her mother received medical care, she had to have seven coils put in and was in the ICU for 21 days. She stayed with her mother to support her and would "constantly remind her that I needed her to pull through (and) that I would have a baby one day and I wanted her to be there when I did." "She has her Mimi here on this earth thanks to you, my angel cop that I've told many people about," Amber said. "I've always wanted to tell you iterally saving my mom's life. God bless you."
(262) 968-3833 Wales Lawn & Garden, Inc. 47 years in business320 N Wales Rd Wales, WI 53183-9735 Business Started Locally: 01/01/1970 - Mr. Tim Gramann, President This company offers exclusively Simplicity retail lawn and garden implements, full nursery and greenhouse, potted stock, lawn and garden supplies, bulk grass seed, fertilizers, decorative stones, mulches, ground covering and cement, benches, lawn ornaments, planters, patio fireplace and other lawn equipment. They also offer pet food for wild birds, wildlife feed and domestic animal feed.
This explains the development process that I used to create ZORP. I hope it can serve ascreating their own board game. Get excited about your idea! Like most people, I have a ton of ideas for video games and board games, some are just a part of a pile of ideas, while others are ideas I can really see becoming a reality. This was one of those ideas that I could tell would be fun, easy to play and feasible for a one-man team to accomplish/afford. Start prototyping! I began by cutting up printer paper and scribbling down the necessary information on each piece. I also had a handy Indiebox set that I got from Humble Bundle, which I used for generic game pieces. Get playtesting! Right away, this gave me a sense of whether or not the fundamental concept could work or not-obviously, the game was broken from the get-go, but people were reacting positively to the potential the game had. The game started off as a never-ending stalemate of overpowered humans killing wave after wave of zombies, then it became a never-ending game of strategy that didn't fit the original intentions for the game. Each time the game made a significant change I kept track of which version I was currently test'll have to spend over 100 hours testing your game anyways, so it's ok to try out different things-lots of times they will help make it better. Start that art! I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted the game to look like as soon as I thought about it, so it wasn't too difficult to start sketching out ideas and bringing them into Illustrator. I specifically wanted a visual style that wasn't TOO common within the genre to try to help it stick out. Print your pieces on the cheap! I just used the printers I had access to. Although I feel like I have a good eye for design and a good awareness of the printing process, it took several printed iterations to help me figure out what the best way to design the cards was. I had to consider legibility of art/words as well as the costs/hassle of a large board. Printing and testing forced me to change my card layouts. Obviously, I had notes on the game rules and I could easily regurgitate the rules to people when they sat down to play, but writing the rules in an actual rule book is a whole new monster to tackle. I had to get people who had not been exposed to the rules or game at all to look over the rules and tell me if they made sense. I also had to focus a lot on not intimidating new players with a huge rule book. The first time I made a rule book, the rules weren't 100% finished, but I was able to keep up with tweaking the rule book as the rules were changed. Of course, when this happened, I still needed to find new proofreaders to keep my words under control. Each time I started something new, I had to continue to do everything I'd done before. I kept playtesting, which meant that I kept making minor rule changes, which oftentimes led to new prototypes, which led to new prints, which usually led to new art. After enough of the previous steps, I was finally ready to order a first official prototype-one that I felt comfortable taking to trade shows, or sending to reviewers! That's just where I'm at so far! I'll keep you posted as I finish things up! © Wonky Rhino Games - 2016
Note: the figures for this article are in the phil. dept. folder Towards the Ethical Robot When our mobile robots are free-ranging critters, how ought they to behave? What should their top-level instructions look like? The best known prescription for mobile robots is the Three Laws of Robotics formulated by Isaac Asimov (1942): 3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second law. Let's leave aside "implementation questions" for a moment. (No problem, Asimov's robots have "positronic" brains.") These three laws are not suitable for our magnificent robots. These are laws for slaves. We want our robots to behave more like equals, more like ethical people. (See Figure 1.) How do we program a robot to behave ethically? Well, what does it mean for a person to behave ethically? People have discussed how we ought to behave for centuries. Indeed, it has been said that we really have only one question that we answer over and over: What do I do now? Given the current situation, what action should I take? Generally, ethical theories are divided into two types: consequentialist and deontological. In consequentialist theories, actions are judged by their consequences. The best action to take now is the action that results in the best situation in the future. To be able to reason ethically along consequentialist lines, our robot could have: 1) A way of describing the situation in the world. 2) A way of generating possible actions. 3) A means of predicting the situation that would result if an action were taken given the current situation. 4) A method of evaluating a situation in terms of its goodness or desirability. The task here for the robot is to find that action that would result in the best situation possible. Not to minimize the extreme difficulty of writing a program to predict the effect of an action in the world, but the "ethical" component of this system is the evaluation function on situations in (4). How can we evaluate a situation to determine how desirable it is? Many evaluation schemes have been proposed. Generally, these schemes involve measuring the amount of pleasure or happiness or goodness that would befall each person in the situation and then adding these amounts together. The best known of these schemes is utilitarianism. As proposed by Bentham in the late 18th century, in utilitarianism the moral act is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain. To measure the goodness of an action, look at the situation that would result and sum up the pleasure and pain for each person. In utilitarianism, each person counts equally. where wi is the weight assigned each person and pi is the measure of pleasure, happiness, or goodness for each person. In classic utilitarianism, the weight for each person is equal, and the pi is the amount of pleasure, broadly defined. What should be the distribution of the weights wi across persons? An ethical egoist is someone who considers only himself in deciding what actions to take. For an ethical egoist, the weight for himself in evaluating the consequences would be 1; the weight for everyone else would be 0. This eases the calculations, but doesn't make for a pleasant fellow. For the ethical altruist, the weight for himself is 0; the weight for everyone else is positive. The utilitarian ideal is the universalist, who weights each person's wellbeing equally. A common objection to utilitarianism is that it is not necessarily just. While it seeks to maximize total happiness, it may do so at the expense of some unfortunate souls. One approach to dealing with this problem of justice is to assign higher weights to people who are currently less well-off or less happy. The well-being of the less fortunate would count more than the well-being of the more fortunate. It's been suggested that there are few people who actually conform to the utilitarian ideal. Would you sacrifice a close family member so that two strangers in a far-away land could live? Perhaps most people assign higher importance to the well-being of people they know better. What exactly is it that the pi is supposed to measure? This depends on your axiology, on your theory of value. Consequentialists want to achieve the greatest balance of good over evil. Bentham was a hedonist, who believed that the good is pleasure, the bad is pain. Others have sought to maximize happiness or well-being or.... Another important question is who (or what) is to count as a person. Whose well-being do we value? One can trace the idea of a "person" through history. Do women count as persons? Do strangers count as persons? Do people from other countries count as persons? Do people of other races count as persons? Do people who don't believe in your religion count as persons? Do people in terminal comas count as persons? Do fetuses count as persons? Do whales? Do robots? One of the reviewers of this chapter raises the question of overpopulation. If increasing the number of persons alive increases the value calculated by the evaluation formula, then we should seek to have as many persons alive as possible. Of course, it is possible that the birth of another person might decrease the well-being of others on this planet. This and many other interesting and strange issues arising from consequentialism are discussed in Parfit (1984). Thus, to reason ethically along consequentialist lines, a robot would need to generate a list of possible actions and then evaluate the situation caused by each action according to the sum of good or bad caused to persons by the action. The robot would select the action that causes the greatest good in the world. In a deontological. ethical theory, actions are evaluated in and of themselves rather than in terms of the consequences they produce. Actions may be thought to be innately moral or innately immoral independent of the specific consequences they may cause. There are many examples of deontological moral systems that have been proposed. An example of a modern deontological moral system is the one proposed by Bernard Gert (1988). He proposes ten moral rules: 4. Don't deprive of freedom. 5. Don't deprive of pleasure. Whenever a multi-rule system is proposed, there is the possibility of conflict between the rules. Suppose our robot makes a promise but then realizes that carrying out the promise might cause someone pain. Is the robot obligated to keep the promise? One approach to dealing with rule conflict is to order the rules for priority. In his Three Laws of Robotics, Asimov builds the order into the text of the rules themselves. A common way of dealing with the problem of conflicts in moral systems is to treat rules as dictating prima facie duties (Ross 1930). It is an obligation to keep your promise. Other things being equal, you should keep your promise. Rules may have exceptions. Other moral considerations, derived from other rules, may override a rule. Nozick (1981) provides a modern discussion and extension of these ideas in terms of the balancing and counterbalancing of different rules. A current point of debate is whether genuine moral dilemmas are possible. That is, are there situations in which a person is obligated to do and not to do some action, or to do each of two actions when it is physically impossible to do both? Are there rule conflicts which are inherently unresolvable? For example, see the papers in Gowans (1987). Gert (1988) says that his rules are not absolute. He provides a way for deciding when it is OK not to follow a rule: "Everyone is always to obey the rule except when an impartial rational person can advocate that violating it be publicly allowed. Anyone who violates the rule when an impartial rational person could not advocate that such a violation may be publicly allowed may be punished" (p. 119). Some have proposed smaller sets of rules. For example, Kant proposed the categorical imperative, which in its first form states "Act only on that maxim which you can at the same time will to be a universal law." Thus, for example, it would be wrong to make a promise with the intention of breaking it. If everyone made promises with the intention of breaking them then no one would believe in promises, The action would be self-defeating. Can Gert's ten rules each be derived from the categorical imperative? Utilitarians sometimes claim that the rules of deontological systems are merely heuristics, shortcut approximations, for utilitarian calculations. Deontologists; deny this, claiming that actions can be innately wrong independent of their actual consequences. One of the oldest examples of a deontological moral system is the Ten Commandments. The God of the Old Testament is not a utilitarian. God doesnt say "Thou shalt not commit adultery unless the result of committing adultery is a greater balance of pleasure over pain." Rather, the act of adultery is innately immoral. Virtue-Based Theories Since Kant the emphasis in Western ethics has been on duty, on defining ethics in terms of what actions one is obligated to do. There is a tradition in ethics that goes back to Plato and Aristotle that looks at ethics in terms of virtues, in terms of character. The question here is 'What shall I be?" rather than "What shall I do?" Plato and other Greeks thought there are four cardinal virtues: wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. They thought that from these primary virtues all other virtues can be derived. If one is wise, courageous, temperate, and just, then right actions will follow. Aquinas thought the seven cardinal virtues are faith, hope, love, prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice. The first three are "theological" virtues, the final four "human" virtues. For Schopenhauer there are two cardinal virtues: benevolence and justice. Aristotle, in the Nicomachean Ethics, distinguishes between intellectual virtues and moral virtues. Intellectual virtues can be taught and learned directly. Moral virtues are learned by living right, by practice, by habit. "It is by doing just acts that we become just, by doing temperate acts that we become temperate, by doing brave acts that we become brave. The experience of states confirms this statement for it is by training in good habits that lawmakers make their citizens good" (Book 2, Ch. 1). Ethics is a question of character. Good deeds and right actions lead to strong character. It is practice that is important rather than theory. In modern days, virtue-based systems often are turned into deontological rules for actions. That is, one is asked to act wisely, courageously, temperately, and justly, rather than to be wise, courageous, temperate, and just. Automated Ethical Reasoning On what type of ethical theory can automated ethical reasoning be based? At first glance, consequentialist theories might seem the most "scientific:' the most amenable to implementation in a robot. Maybe so, but there is the problem of measurement. How can one measure "pleasure," "happiness," or "well-being" in individuals in a way that is additive, or even comparable? On top of the measurement problem we have the larger problem of writing a program that can reasonably predict the consequences of an action taken in a given situation. Deontological theories seem to offer more hope. The categorical imperative might be tough to implement in a reasoning system. But I think one could see using a moral system like the one proposed by Gert as the basis for an automated ethical reasoning system. A difficult problem is in the resolution of conflicting obligations. Gert's impartial rational person advocating that violating the rule in these circumstances be publicly allowed seems reasonable but tough to implement. Legal systems are closely related to moral systems. One approach to legal systems is to consider them as consisting of thousands of rules, often spelled out in great detail. The work in the automation of legal reasoning (see, for example, Walters 1985, 1988) might well prove helpful. The virtue-based approach to ethics, especially that of Aristotle, seems to resonate well with the modern connectionist approach to AL Both seem to emphasize the immediate, the perceptual, the nonsymbolic. Both emphasize development by training rather than by the teaching of abstract theory. Both emphasize the primacy of practice, of action, over abstract knowledge. Paul Churchland (1989) writes interestingly about moral knowledge, its development and its role, from a neurocomputational, connectionist point of view in "Moral Facts and Moral Knowledge" (his final chapter). Perhaps the right approach to developing an ethical robot is to confront it with a stream of different situations and train it as to the right actions to perform. Robots as Moral Saints An important aspect of utilitarianism is that it is all-encompassing. To really follow utilitarianism, every moment of the day one must ask "What should I do now to maximize the general well-being?" Am I about to eat dinner in a restaurant? Wouldn't the money be better spent on feeding starving children in Somalia? Am I about to go to the movies? I should stay home and send the ticket money to an organization that inoculates newborns. Utilitarianism and other approaches to ethics have been criticized as not being psychologically realistic, as not being suitable "for creatures like us" (Flanagan 1991, p. 32). Could anyone really live full-time according to utilitarianism? Not many human beings live their lives flawlessly as moral saints. But a robot could. If we could program a robot to behave ethically, the government or a wealthy philanthropist could build thousands of them and release them in the world to help people. Or, perhaps, a robot that could reason ethically would serve best as an advisor to humans about what action would be best to perform in the current situation and why. Could a Robot be Ethical? Would a robot that behaves ethically actually be ethical? This question is similar to the question raised by Searle in the Chinese room: would a computer that can hold a conversation in Chinese really understand Chinese? The Searle question raises the age-old issue of other minds (Harnard 1991). How do we know that other people actually have minds when all that we can observe is their behavior? The ethical question raises the age-old issue of free will. Would a robot that follows a program and thereby behaves ethically actually be ethical? Or, does a creature need to have free will to behave ethically? Does a creature need to make a conscious choice of its own volition to behave ethically in order to be considered ethical? Of course, one can ask whether there is in fact any essential difference between the "free will" of a human being and the "free will" of a robot. Is it possible for the robot in Figure I to earn its halo? Benefits of Working on Ethical Robots It is exciting to contemplate ethical robots and automated ethical reasoning systems. The basic problem is a common one in artificial intelligence, a problem that is encountered in every subfield from natural language understanding to vision. People have been thinking and discussing and writing about ethics for centuries, for millenia. Yet it often is difficult to take an ethical system that seems to be well worked-out and implement it on the computer. While books and books are written on particular ethical systems, the systems often do not seem nearly detailed enough and well-enough thought out to implement on the computer. Ethical systems and approaches make Sens, terms of broad brush approaches, but (how) do people actually implement them? How can we implement them on the computer? Knuth (1973) put it well: It has often been said that a person doesn't really understand something until he teaches it to someone else. Actually a person doesn't really understand something until he can teach it to a computer, i.e., express it as an algorithm.... The attempt to formalize things as algorithms leads to a much deeper understanding than if we simply try to understand things in the traditional way. Are there ethical experts to whom we can turn? Are we looking in the wrong place when we turn to philosophers for help with ethical questions? Should a knowledge engineer follow Mother Theresa around and ask her why she makes the decisions she makes and does the actions she does and try to implement her reasoning in an expert ethical system? The hope is that as we try to implement ethical systems on the computer we will learn much more about the knowledge and assumptions built into the ethical theories themselves, that as we build the artificial ethical reasoning systems we will learn how to behave more ethically ourselves. A Robotic/AI Approach to Ethics People take several approaches to ethics. Perhaps a new approach that makes use of developing computer and robot technology would be useful. In the philosophical approach, people try to think out the general principles underlying the best way to behave, the kind of person one ought to be, This chapter has been largely about different philosophical approaches to ethics. In the psychological/sociological approach, people look at actual people's lives, at how they behave, at what they think, at how they develop. Some people study the lives of model human beings, of saints modern and historical. Some people study the lives. of ordinary people. In the robotic/Al approach, one tries to build ethical reasoning systems and ethical robots for their own sake, for the possible benefits of having the systems around as actors in the world and as advisors, and for the purpose of increasing our understanding of ethics. Two other papers at this conference represent important first steps in this new field. The paper by Jack Adams-Webber and Ken Ford (1991) describes the first actual computer system that I have heard of, in this case one based on work in psychological ethics. Umar Khan (1991) presents a variety of interesting ideas about designing and implementing ethical systems. Of course the more "traditional" topic of "computers and ethics" has to do with the ethics of building and using computer systems. A good overview of ethical issues surrounding the use of computers is found in the book of readings by Ermann, Williams, and Gutierrez (1990). This chapter is meant to be speculative, to raise questions rather than answer them answer them. What types of ethical theories can be used as the basis for programs for ethical robots? Could a robot ever be said to be ethical? Can we learn about what it means for usto be ethical by attempting to program robots to behave ethically? I would like to thank Peter Kugel, Michael McFarland, S.I., and the editors of this volume for their helpful comments. Adams-Webber, 1. & Ford, K.M. (1991). A conscience for Pinocchio: A computational model of ethical cognition. The Second International Workshop on Human & Machine Cognition: Android Epistemology. Pensacola, FL, May. Asimov, 1. (1942). Runaround. Astounding Science Fiction, March. [Republished in 1991, Robot Visions. Penguin.] Churchland, R (1989), A Neurocomputational Perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Ermann, M.D., Williams, M., & Gutierrez, C. (Eds.). (1990). Computers, Ethics, and Society. Oxford University Press. Flanagan, 0. (1991). Varieties of Moral Personality. Harvard University Press. Gert, B. (1988). Morality. Oxford University Press. Gowans, C. (Ed.). (1987). MoralDilemmas. Oxford University Press. Harnad, S. (1991). Other bodies, other minds: A machine incarnation of an old philosophical problem. Minds and Machines, 1, 1, 43-54. Khan, A.F. Umar. (1995). Ethics of autonomous learning systems. (This volume.1 Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. Knuth, D. (1973). Computer science and mathematics. American Scientist, 61, 6. Nozick, R. (1981). Philosophical Explanations. Belknap Press/Harvard University Press.
William Cowper enjoyed writing in this "Summer House."What better than a Congregational Church." Doors of Bunyan's"The Pilgrim's Progress."
As they guided projects past community boards, ppeals and the Board of Estimate, land-use lawyers influenced the physical environment of New York City in the 80's as much as any developer or architect.And, like developers and architects, they were hit so hard when the market crashed that they are only now recovering."To the extent there was a land-use bar, it was shattered by the recession," said Gordon J. Davis of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae. "Not in the sense that there aren't still practitioners, but it shattered a lot of firms, caused practices to be damaged and caused practitioners to move to other firms." A formidable team headed by John E. Zuccotti at Brown & Wood scattered widely, in part because the decline in business underscored the isolation of the small land-use group from the rest of the firm. The land-use and environmental firm of Berle, Kass & Case was closed altogether, with the recession taking some of the blame. The firm of Sive, Paget & Riesel shrank by about 25 percent, although it has now rebounded. As for other lawyers, most are no longer at the firms where they were working 10 years ago -- if those firms even exist."There's obviously less business opportunity than there was in the mid-80's," said Mr. Zuccotti, who has been president and chief executive of Olympia & York Companies (U.S.A.) since 1989. "But there is also much more competition because there are many more skilled practitioners than there were in 1970, when it was basically Sandy and myself." Sybil H. Pollet of Pollet & Pollet said her business did not suffer, because she represented lenders that had an interest in troubled or difficult developments, like the Chase Manhattan Bank at Riverside South and the European American Bank at Cityspire, 150 West 56th Street."My practice frankly boomed in the recession," she said. "The banks during those years were the owners of some of the major projects in the city." But he can pinpoint the moment that the building boom came to an end -- a snowy day in January 1991 Iraq. A hotel development group he represented had balked at paying a deposit, subject to forfeiture, for a site at Battery Park City."I sat there watching my clients not willing to put $25,000 at risk on a $400 million project," Mr. Davis recalled, "and I thought, 'The world is about to change.' And then, at lunch, when they stuck me with the bill, I knew the world had changed." In 1986, Tufo & Zuccotti merged with Brown, Wood, Ivey, Mitchell & Petty and the new practice was named Brown & Wood. "There was a feeling that there was going to be a cross-fertilization," Mr. Levin said. "It never happened. The zoning area had always been on its own. During the late 80's, when business was going like gangbusters, that was overlooked and we operated as a firm within a firm."Most members of the land-use group left in 1994, a year that also saw the closing of Berle, Kass & Case. TWENTY-THREE years earlier, over a couple of beers, Albert K. Butzel, Peter A. A. Berle and Stephen L. Kass discussed the dream they once had of forming a small practice devoted substantially to public interest. When one of them asked, "Can anyone think of a reason we shouldn't do that?" nobody answered. The firm of Berle & Butzel was founded in 1971.The firm sometimes found itself in the position of representing the government -- on the 42d Street redevelopment project -- at the same time it was fighting the government -- on the Westway project.For all that variety, Robert Davis said, "We were somewhat hampered by not having an active transactional practice, which is required to complement environmental and land-use practice."
The vir This event will also include selected sessions from the IRF Summit that show how religious freedom is for everyone, everywhere, all the time, as stated in Article 18 of the UDHRne's's]All times are EasternShort Video - IRF Global Survey Simran Singh Stuelpnagel Brian holds a doctorate in quantitative sociology from Penn State and is author of scores of academic articles and books. He is and a speaker at Davos. Brian was previously a senior researcher and director of international data at the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC. He lived and workedthe Soviet Union, which was dissolved in his office building. IRF Secretariat Global Coordinator. Our current state of continual uncertainty surrounding the pandemic reminds me how many individuals belonging to religious groups around the world experience daily uncertainty for being people of faith. Amidst 20-plus years of risineeds a new approach. Increashow how the world today is religiously less free than years past. This increase has occurred despite the remarkable work of religious freedom advocates and builders. Because of these challenging trends, the IRF secretariat studied new directions for expanding and coordinating (FORB) initiatives. This session will discuss new opportunities, both globally and regionally, that advocates and builders can work on cooperatively to see these trends reversed. Open discussion of these ideas will continue after the Business panel. Kathy​​y​ ireland®​and kiWW®​As a powerful advocate for Israel, Kathy​with global leaders, including; ​ ​ Ingrid Vanderveldt (iV) i(EBW), EBW Distributors (a division of EBW2020) & Vanderveldt Global Investments. Previously, she was the first iV is an Emeritus member of and co-founder of The Billionaire Girls Club. She also1M viewers around the globe She is a Global Ambassador and Advocate of Women & Diverse Leaders creating social and economic impact and job creation. She’s the Recipient of the Global Empowerment Award by the Global Business and Interfaith Peace Awards in partnership with the UN. iShe was named one of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 Global Leaders. She also was ranked #1 Super Connector by Fast Company, is the recipient of the Forbes and and was just named the 100th Champion Celebration for the HearStrong Foundation, recipient of The Global Voice Award, World Women Foundation and The Girl Scouts “Women of Distinction” Award. SheUT at Austin. builder affiliated with Varco Pruden . Hey’s philanthropist, focusing his efforts particularly on engineering education (he recently headed an $80,000,000 project for funding new facilities,) and what is most relevant to this application, he has been a major . For more biographical detail. Three top business leaders will address the virtual IRF Summit on July 16th, in a plenary presentation. They will discuss how and why religious freedom is a benefit to business and economies. They will also look at how business itself is a place where religious freedom is built as people from different faiths and beliefs work together for common goals. Our planet will have 2.3 billion more religiously affiliated people by 2050 compared with just 0.1 billion more religiously unaffiliated people. That’s like religion “winning” 23-to-1. Rness. Open discussion begins immediately following this panel.
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American Heritage Articles on U.S. history.TheHistoryNet Much information, primarily on U.S. history.Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History: Modules on Major Topics Each module contains a brief historical overview, learning tools, primary sources, and resources. 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From Frank Smitha.PBS: Ancient World and World History Links to PBS programs on world history.British Museum Interactive exhibits for students and teachers.Ancient Civilizations MesopotamiaAncient EgyptAncient IndiaAncient China Courses on World History: YouTube: CrashCourse: World History or World History World history in 42 Bridging World History and the Western TraditionA Video Survey of Western History PinkMonkey: World History and European HistorySparkNotes: European History Lecture Notes on World History: Hist. 369: The World Since 1914 (Sam Houston State University)HIST 2155: Early Modern Europe (Nipissing University)Varsity Notes: World Texts on World History: Wikibooks: HistorMacroHistory: Prehistory to the 21st Century A world history text.History of Nations A history of every nation in the world.Textbook Revolution: World Histoes.HyperHistory Online 3,000 years of world history with interactive timelines and maps. 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summer 2020 we are planning to organize self-drive tours in Altai, giving our tourists an unforgettable experience and opportunity to create their own adventure to drive a real Russian off-road car – UAZ Hunter or Lada Niva and enjoy all the remarkable highlights of Altai which they can find via our route-book. Of course it is not necessary to buy your own UAZ in Europe, it is much easier to just rent it from Kaichi travel and enjoy driving it in the very beautiful Altai mountains. You only have to bring your bag with clothes, toiletry and that’s it. The rest of the equipment is waiting for you in Altai. </s> Educaton writer Caroline An has a story in this morning's PSN about Aveson Charter School's culinary arts academy. One of their projects is to prepare a meal every month for residents of Union Station homeless shelter, and they're going all out for Thanksgiving (but no turkey!). </s>ed. We . Tpopulation needs concerning chronic respiratory diseases to better define adequate health policies . Epidemiological studies at a population level, and prevalence studies in particular, are essential for this purpose. The main multinational studies on asthma prevalence ar children and adolescents . The European Union–ecently conducted a large survey on the prevalence of airway and allergic diseases, built mainly on the questions and definitions used in the ECRHS . Although the definitions used to diagnose asthma has a great impact on prevalence estimates , a standardized operational definition of asthma is still lacking. Asthma should ideally be defined by a combination of symptoms, clinical diagnosis, pulmonary function tests and studies of either bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) or reversibility of airflow obstruction [6–8]. However, this is rarely feasible. In fact, in the context of population studies, only a few have combined the use of an initial symptoms questionnaire followed by clinical assessment including lung function tests in subsamples of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals [2, 3]. The aim of this paper is 1) to provide an overview of the operational definitions of asthma used in recent prevalence studies and 2) to empirically assess the impact of the definition used on the prevalence of asthma estimates using data from the first Portuguese National Asthma survey, Inquérito Nacional sobre Asma (INAsma) . Based on this approach we propose a set of questions to be us, until a standardized operational definition based on prospective data can be established. Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge. The initial search targeted papers with the terms “asthma” and “prevalence” in the title and the final selection included (i) cross-sectional studies (ii) on asthma prevalence (iii) conducted in the general population.To have a comprehensive overview of the definitions of asthma, with both the most recent definitions and most cited ones, we had two criteria in the papers selection: 1) The search was limited to the studies published between January 2010 and October 2013 and 2) the 100 most-cited papers on the topic were included in the initial search (Figure 1). The Inquérito Nacional sobre Asma (INAsma) was conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Portuguese Health Directorate and estimated a prevalence of current asthma (defined as affirmative to the question “Have you ever had asthma?” and at least one of 3 symptoms in the last 12 months: wheezing, waking with breathlessness or having an asthma attack) of 6.8% for the Portuguese population . The INAsma survey comprised two phases: estimation of the prevalence of current asthma and estimation of the proportion of asthmatic patients with controlled disease. The INAsma survey and current study wereassessed And estimated a prevalence of asthma (defined as affirmative to the following questions: 1) 2) Do you still have asthma?) of 8.8% for the U.S. population . For each asthma definition recorded, we presented the corresponding prevalence value and 95% CI (if available) and computed the proportion of individuals with asthma using data from the INAsma survey and NHANES 2005–2006. The definitions found were reproduced as they appeared in each paper and were grouped into 3 general subgroups: (i) current asthma (if the definition included current asthma features such as symptoms, current use of medication or the “still have asthma” expression); (ii) diagnosed asthma (if the definition included an asthma diagnosis by a health care professional or ever use of medication for asthma, but not any current asthma feature) and (iii) lifetime asthma (if the definition included having ever had asthma, but not any current asthma feature or asthma diagnosis).
America is being “beaten on every front, including economically, militarily,” the business mogul continued. “Tax Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, rivaling Trump for the lead in the GOP race, said raising the minimum wage only increases joblessness in the U.S. he said. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio weighed in, too,machine.”
Life and business are not mutually exclusive. Business can, and must work for you, not the other way around. We have been conditioned to believe that being willing to sacrifice everything is the ‘right thing to do’ and the entrepreneurial way. That is a flawed approach. In the aftermath of the virus outbreak, r. The World Bank predicts the pandemic will push with growth predicted to fall to -3.3% for 2020. Reduced demand has taken its toll on the balance sheet and cash flow of most producers. coronavirus crisis. The book features highly-regarded experts and thought leaders and includes case study on Tencent Africa’s response to the coronavirus crisis. The South African December break inspires many business leaders to set lofty goals for their organisations. While technology makes it easier than ever to manage and grow a business, many let the four basics of successful business fall by the wayside. After many years of running his own businesses, Ian Minto imparts first hand business start-up experience with a set of lessons needed to create and build the business in the first few years.
By acbutterfly20 on July 21, 2014 Categories: Hiking Trips Tags: Cloudland Canyon, Georgia State Parks, hiking, mountains, waterfalls
SAW Third Thursday Showcase at Gypsy Sally's Vinyl Lounge, Emma G, Joey Jenkins, Yasmin Williams Parade, Fox5 TV, PBS, and The Kennedy Center, and now - fresh off a .
Megumi is one of our Bible College Students in Japan. It is a blessing and honor having her a part of the College. They celebrated her birthday in Japan. We missed out!Bummer. Happy Birthday Megumi! The stucco job is done, all we have to do is paint. This is the first time that I have ever done a stucco job. Praise The Lord! This has been a great conference. It went so fast!We were so blessed to be a part. I was also blessed to hang around with all the Pastor's. the best part was being with my son Zach. Thank you Jesus! The main Sanctuary is overflowing and tight, so a few of us went to the overflow room and watched on the camera. There was more room, but it was not the same. We were still blessed! Such a blessing to see Megumi sharing her heart with the gals up on Tohoku. The Lord is using our sister in a great way. Praise The Lord!But one question?Who is that guy in the red sitting in on the Bible Study?Only girls bro!
ARTICLES - . prep i kashif saeed december 04, 2010. types of articles. indefinite articles. ‘ a ’ and ‘ an ’ are Articles - . what is the main function of articles?. they are used in order to modify nouns. they could be definite they Articles - . a, an, the or /?. ___ royal society for ___ prevention of accidents held ___ exhibition at harrogate, in ___ Articles - . a , an and the are called articles a, an are called indefinite articles the is called definite Articles - . made by bogomaz natalya, gartung stella, inothemtzev denis, korolyov il’ya, khanjzh in ivan lb1-11-40. the Articles - . there are 2 kinds of articles. the definite article indicates one particular person or thing. (the) the ARTICLES - . made by the group № 1 lb1-11-40. articles. the indefinite article. the definite article. zero article. the Articles - . other lending / borrowing libraries. vast oversimplification # 1. borrowing. t.requesttype=“article”. Articles - Common and useful topic for improving english Articles - . definite articles. the. undefinite articles. a / an.   "i'd like  a  glass of orange juice, Articles - Http:// the article trunk accepts and promotes articles on any subject that is Articles - . use of articles. common noun or noun phrase. uncountable. countable. singular . plural . the (specific). Ø Articles - . grammar and usage. articles. are important help people to understand each other tell us whether the thing we Articles - 冠词. 冠词的用法. 冠词的相关练习. articles. 许志鹏. 冠词的分类. a an. 不定冠词. Articles - . articles. adjectives that introduce nouns a an the. definite article. introduces a specific noun or nouns articles - Best articles Articles - . objectives: to be able to tell the difference between “the” and “a”. noun = a person, place or Articles - . there are two types of articles which can be put in front of a noun: definite ( the) and indefinite ( Articles : - . snap-25 modulation of calcium dynamics underlies differences in gabaergic and glutamatergic responsiveness articles - . ApTиkли. articles. indefinite definite HeoпpeдeлeHHый OпpeдeлeHHый. a / an Use of Articles common noun or noun phrase Uncountable Countable Singular Plural the (specific) zero (Ø) (generic) a/an (non-specific) the (specific) the Ø Articles • Are used with certain categories of proper nouns • Are used with common nouns or noun phrases • Consist of the indefinite article (a/an) and the definite article (the) • Are absent in non-specific cases and are indicated by the Ø (zero article) Rules for Using Articles • These categories of proper nouns do not require “the” Categories People’s names Cities and states Singular names of countries Months/days Streets Religious buildings Mountains Parks Lakes Examples John Locke Bangkok, Negri Sembilan Indonesia, Australia May, Tuesday Pickering Street, Holland Road St. Andrew’s Cathedral Mount Fuji Hyde Park Lake Victoria Rules for Using Articles • The proper nouns below require “the”. Categories Museums and galleries Buildings Highways Seas and oceans Rivers and deserts Periods and events in history Bridges Countries with United, Union, Kingdom, Republic Island groups ending in (e)s Examples the Asian Civilization Museum the University Cultural Centre the Pan-Island Expressway the South China Sea the Mississippi, the Gobi desert the Dark Ages the Manhattan Bridge the United States, the People’s Republic of China the Philippines Rules for Using Articles • Depend on generic or specific reference Comment on the use of the articles in the sentences below. A paper on global warming was presented at a conference. The paper on global warming was presented at the conference. Specific Reference • Is recognizable by both the writer and the reader through shared knowledge. The sun rises in the east. (Fact) The lab report should be submitted today. (Both the writer and the reader know which lab report is being referred to.) Specific Reference • Is used after a general reference is made. EG1471 students are required to write an essay in the semester. The essay will be revised a few times. Specific Reference • Is used when the noun has been modified by an adjectival phrase or clause. The portfolios that students have to prepare consist of different assignments. Nonspecific and Generic References • Happen when neither the writer nor the reader identify the noun as something known, unique or familiar. Ø University students receive Ø tuition grants for their studies. Nonspecific and Generic Reference • Use a/an with a singular countable noun that is non-specific. An engineering textbook was left at the counter. A lecturer gave the freshmen an overview of the course. Use of A and An • Depends on Nonspecific and Generic Reference • Do not use an article when a plural countable noun is non-specific. ØGraduates are held in high esteem by Øemployers. Nonspecific and Generic Reference • Do not use an article when an uncountable noun is non-specific. The internet is a rich resource of Øinformation. Nonspecific and Generic Reference • Do not use an article when a generalization is made about an uncountable noun. ØWater is scarce in many countries. Ø Oil is a finite resource. Abstract Generic: The Entire Class The wasp can detect unique volatile compounds overgreat distances. The laser has many uses in medicine. The computer has been invaluable in scientific advancement. Concrete Generic: A Representative Class A wasp can be trained to detect odors. A laser can be used by a surgeon to make very clean cuts. Computers are playing a growing role in all aspects of university life Abstract Generic vs. Concrete Generic Source: Swales & Feak (2009), 299. Superlatives, Ordinals and Sole References • The definite article“the” is always used with the above categories. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (superlative) Statistics is the second most difficult subject. (ordinal) The main(only/sole/chief) reason I do engineering is to contribute to mankind. (sole reference) Sources Lane, A. and Lange, E. (1999). Writing Clearly: An Editing Guide (2nd ed.). Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, 198-209. Raimes, A. (2006). Grammar Troublespots: A Guide for Student Writers (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 98-105. Swales, J.M. and Feak, C.B. (2009). Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills (2nd ed.). USA: The University of Michigan Press, 289-301.
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int array[5]; int *ptr = array; printf("%zd\n", sizeof(array)); // 5*sizeof(int) printf("%zd\n", sizeof(ptr)); // sizeof(int*) printf("%zd\n", sizeof(*ptr)); // sizeof(int) - vitoandre.doria commented on Why you probably don't want to use claws-mail. </s> Greg Stanton to Leave Phoenix City Council; Headed to AG's Office (w/update) The news has generated significant buzz, not just because of the game of musical chairs it could trigger at City Hall. No, insiders believe Stanton is setting himself up to make a run for AG in 2010. At that point, incumbent Terry Goddard will be term-limited out -- and the list of candidates vying for the post is sure to be huge. Republican s already declared his candidacy; Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, also a Republican, has been floating trial balloons. A It's Politics 101 not to answer that question." "I wasn't floating a resume around or anything like that," Stanton told us. "This was a unique situation. I'm a public service guy. I like serving on Council. But Terry Goddard is someone I truly respect. The opportunity to work at the highest levels of his agency is something I couldn't turn down." He also told us he's committed to serving for two years, which is when Goddard will be forced to move on. Based on what we know of him, we suspect Stanton could remind Democratic voters of Goddard, in ways both good and bad. For one, he's known as a super nice guy -- something you don't hear said, frankly, about either Horne or Thomas. Like Goddard, he's a Phoenix native who headed East for a fancypants education: in Stanton's case, he graduated from Marquette and then the University of Michigan Law School... ca<!-- YieldMo Tag--> </s> Reunions 2010: Five things to love about Reunions Posted on May 25, 2010 by Brett Tomlinson The following story is included in PAW’ DEDICATION For Bob Tritsch ’47, above, there’s “an element of habit” that goes along with Reunions. He and classmate Koke Kokatnur both have perfect attendance since graduation and plan to be back for number 63 this year. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) EDUCATION Whether delving into Dante or listening to foreign-policy debates, each May brings engaging programs that fill the seats at Alexander Hall and elsewhere. And the best part: No exams. (Photo courtesy CREATIVITY Reunions committees continue to surprise with new themes and costumes, but the outfits that turn heads often are one-of-a-kind — homemade headwear, Tiger-striped dog sweaters, or a pair of custom cowboy boots. (Photo by T. Kevin Birch) YOUTH Today’s stroller set makes it hard to believe there was a time when children and spouses stayed on the P-rade sidelines. Is there a better view than the one kids get when perched on a parent’s shoulders? (Photo by T. Kevin Birch) EXUBERANCE All eyes turn to Poe Field when the senior class leaves behind its student days — and a flip-flop or two — to dash into alumnihood in perhaps the only part of Reunions that is better with a little mud. (Photo by Beverly Schaefer) Share this:MorePrintShare on Tumblr </s> The. The one place this might end up hurting consumers is in the travel area generally, and plane tickets in particular. I feel that we’re bound to move to a Europe-style state of affairs where it costs a significant extra sum to buy tickets on a credit card, and that as a result a lot of people will use debit cards instead. When they do so, they’ll lose a lot of consumer protections in the event that their airline he ticket they’ve paid for. I like the idea of this, but I have none of the faith that you do in the idea that businesses will pass the “savings” of using cash or debit on to customers. Right now, many places break the credit card-merchant agreement in order to charge people extra fees for using credit cards; if interchange fees on debit cards drop, I wonder if they won’t just increase the charge on credit transactions, meaning they’ll be making more from regular purchases while the benefits remain the same for customers. In fact, the only place I expect to see this make a huge pocket-book difference right away is at gas stations, where “cash only” has been a discount offered for years. Hooray? Jenn – I agree, I am skeptical that businesses will pass the savings on. I expect that businesses will actually have a really hard time monitoring and managing their card mix. Most small and mid-market businesses don’t actually know their card mix. One reason is that many of the common billing formats that the credit card processors use (such
A wise man, working in his garden, was asked, “What would you do right now if you knew that you were going to die tomorrow.” He responded, I would finish mulching these rose bushes.” The business of life is simplicity itself. It is the process of learning how to use each moment. I will tell you a story. Having read countless nutrition books, treatment books, and stories of those who chose to fight illness, and having searched the internet, I am sure that, if I were diagnosed with a terminal, or non-terminal condition, I would take the Rhio O’Conner approach, as he dealt with mesothelioma, the Lance Armstrong approach, as he dealt with testicular cancer, the Ken Wilbur approach, as he dealt with the cancer in his beloved Treya, or the Norman Cousins approach, as he attempted to cure his illness with laughter. I would explore all alternatives, as I have in the case of my own condition. I would keep an open mind. I would not expect miracles, but I would not reject that possibility. I wothe development of my own protocols. I would retain an optimistic attitude, tempered with reality. I would be strict in adhering to the protocols that I developed, with as much input as possible. And I would not stop learning until I drew my last breath. I have learned from my own experience that the acquisition of education and information is one of the most empowering endeavors one can pursue. All of us deal with the reality of ultimately dieing. We may anticipate our departure from this life because we have been diagnosed “terminal,” or our death may be a surprise. In either case, we have this moment. What a waste it is if we do not savor it, use it, and act within it. The lesson of Rhio’s life is one all of us must learn, if we are to be happylife and act in such a way as to be of value to yourself and others.
on.[2][3] This organization.[5.[7] 11[8] [23].[225][227[2amid indecision in the Security Council.[32.[42[43]4445] Vienna,[46] and Nairobi.[4748] 49] ).[596061] [64].[6566.[78]).[79]80]81][82].[83[84].[85] established.[86].[87][88]89].[90].[91].[929394] the Cambodian genocide in the 1970s,[95] and the Rwandan genocide in 1994.[96.[97[98] Haiti,[99] Liberia,[100] Sudan and what is now South Sudan,[101] Burundi, and Ivory Coast.[102357]".[104].[1050678][107].[1090112].[113141516].[11718107]20.[122][1234] 25][1262728].[12930]313232][13313435].[13137].[138391401].[1434]%.[145]1446]49][150].[151].[15264]
"Oey're?Is it because of peas or potatoes?Or is it some other vitamin that's being added or not being added …or is it even because of the food at all?" "" the release said. "" "The biggest question we get is, 'should I change my food?' and … ""
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Leg-alities: 5 Reason to Wear Leggings All Day by Cherese Boren June 12, 2020 Leggings Are Endlessly Adaptable One of the most compelling reasons to wear mom leggings all day long is that they're adaptable to every woman and every body type. Unlike jeans, they don't have all sorts of classificationwide leg leggings, cropped leggings, boyfriend-style leggings, or slim fit leggings. It's not exactly one-size-fits-all, but the lengths and styles are fairly standard. There's a pair of leggings that will look bomb on you regardless of your height, weight, or body type, too. You might have to try on a few pairs, but that's okay. You always have to kiss a few frogs before you discover the prince, right? You Can't Beat the Comfort Factor Comfort is one of the biggest reasons that cute leggings for women are so popular. Is that fit you perfectly? No matter how you're feeling about yourself on a particular day, you know that you can slip into leggings and look phenomenal. That's priceless, especially when you're dealing with bloating or if you're just having a blah kind of day. It's effortless to dress your leggings up or down, depending on where you're going and what kind of outfit you want to wear. One pair of leggings can serve as the base for a variety of looks. Throw on a sequin top and black high heels for a snazzy, cocktail-inspired ensemble. With a camisole, a cardigan, and ankle boots, you're ready for the school run. Slip into a hoodie or an oversize sweater and cozy socks to spend time binge-watching your favorite series. They Make the Perfect Travel Pants Do you know when leggings come in handy? When you're traveling. Anytime you head away from home, you need to prep by buying cute leggings for women to wear on your trip. Their benefit is twofold. For one thing, there's nothing comfier than wearing leggings in transit. You can easily pull off an airport glam look with leggings, a fashionable but casual top, and slip-on shoes. Just don't forget your sunglasses. Leggings Are for Layering Mom leggings are perfect for layering. Experiment with your outfits. Try layering your leggings beneath distressed shorts, mini skirts, and short dresses. You can put together an edgy ensemble when you pair your leggings with shirt dresses and oversize button-downs, too. Discover mom leggings in an array of styles and colors. Obsessions Boutique is happy to offer free shipping for all orders placed within the US.
Leh/New Delhi: toThe Chinese soldiers were demanding that Indian army should withdraw simultaneously zrom the area but the army had decided to dig in its heels. The Chinese soldiers had retreated to their territory on Thursday nights.
Breakfast does not have to be complicated. Place a fried egg on top of anything and voila you have breakfast. Ok, maybe it's not that simple, but seriously, this breakfast was made in under 15 minutes. These breakfast sopes are perfect for a busy weekday morning, but look fancy enough to enjoy with a cup of joe for a sit-down weekend breakfast. I'm all about leftovers and these store-bought sopes are smothered with homemade refried beans made with leftover frijoles de la olla, guacamole, and bacon leftover from this cobb salad. All I did was heat up sopes on a comal with a bit of olive oil, smothered them with refried beans, a generous dollop of guacamole, and then placed a fried egg on top and drizzled some Valentina hot sauce. Sure, you can get fancy and make your own sopes, but I'm telling you these store-bought sopes are pretty darn awesome in a pinch. In heavy skillet drizzle olive oil. Cook sopes, in hot oilTop sopes with refried beans and guacamoleFry the egg over-easy and place over guacamole. Sprinkle with bacon pieces and drizzle with hot sauce or salsa of your choice.
Mays. Here he tries to explain why Trump isn''Reilly show. Take a look. Needless to say, that was not one of Mark's "I was wrong." At this point, it's pretty obvious that he is unable to do this.
Welcome home! This wonderful 3 bedroom 2 bath POOL home is located in the popular community of Hidden Oaks.almost new roof which is only 2 years luxury vinyl plank flooring which runs throughout the home. In the kitchen you’ll find gleaming countertops tops. There is a dining room and separate breakfast nook that looks out onto the pool. Head in the master bedroom and you’ll find tray ceilings, French doors to the pool area and his and her walk in closets The ensuite master bathroom features a topped double sink vanity and a huge walk in shower with a pool door. Step out into the pool area and you’ll be in the middle of a covered lanai looking over the shimmering screened pool. With no rear neighbors thisHidden Oaks is located less than 10 minutes from the corporate headquarters for Publix, the Polk beltway or all of the shops and restaurants!
example discovering a witness is the ex-spouse of a former client. “Thorough conflict checking protects attorneys from ethics complaints and can also save firms money,” explains CosmoLex founder and CEO Dr. Rick Kabra. “Most malpractice insurance companies offer discounts to attorneys who implement conflict checking systems.” CosmoLex is the first cloud-based legal billing software that includes a fully-featured trust accounting system. The software is used by hundreds of law firms across the country and is rapidly evolving to cover most front and back office activities at small law firms. Other features added in version 1.7 are contact management, advanced invoice formatting that includes the use of HTML, and easy distribution of payments among multiple matterwaterproof Raincover 40-60L from Jack Wolfskin will cope with everything from a brief mountain shower to persistent Irish The cover still allows full access to the pack's suspension system. The draw cord makes a're done. When not in use, the cover stows compactly in your backpack. - For packs from 40-60 litres - Weight: </s> Curried Sausages with Crispy Potato Rosti - 500 g Select frozen veges, steamed to serve. Place a large pot, filled with water over a high heat. Add sausages bring to a boil, then, simmer for 5 minutes. Drain the sausages and set aside to cool. Chop sausages into bite sized pieces and add to the curry onion mixture. Fry mixing gently for 2-3 minutes. Bake in the oven (preheated to 200°C) for 30 minutes or until the top is golden, crisp and crunchy. Serve with steamed vegetables. By Recipe by Jax Hamilton </s> – CLASS NOTES - DAY #6 Chapter Six Data Structures Most algorithms require a proper representation of the data in order to achieve efficiency. This representation and the operations that are allowed are called a data structure . Data structures are an important part of OOP as they allow for component reuse (recall that this is a major goal of the OO paradigm). Once the data structure has been designed and implemented, it can be used over and over again in various applications. Separation of the interface to and the implementation of a data structure is also central to the OO paradigm. The user of the data structure does not need to see the implementation of the data structure, only the operations that are available to operate on the structure. (Recall our discussions about encapsulation and information hiding in OOP.) Abstraction is another important part of the OO paradigm. This means that more thought must be given to design of the data structure because programs will need to make use of the structure without having knowledge of its implementation. All this makes the interface to the structure much “cleaner” and enhances the ability to reuse the structure. Stacks • A stack is a data structure that operates on a LIFO policy – Last In, First Out. • Access to the structure is restricted to the last element that was put into the stack, called the top element. • Only three operations are supported by this data structure. They are push (insert operation) , pop (delete operation) , and top (combined pop followed by push – state of the stack remains unchanged by this operation – see below). • Push – adds a new element to the top of the stack. • Pop – removes the top element from the stack. • Top – returns a copy of • Note that the allowed operations do not permit access to any element in the stack other than the top element. If you wish to examine the third element in the stack, then the top two elements must be removed (popped) first in order to bring the third element to the top at which point it can be examined. • Useful for reversing the order of lists of items. Day 6 - UProblem Set 6 CS 482 Spring 2006 Due: Friday, March 17 7.8 - 7.12. Question 1 You’ve been hired as a consultant to decide whether a newly proposed start-up might actually be able to turn a profit. This ambitious company, which is calling itself Zero Gravity Research (nasdaq: ZGR), plans to build a space station on which experiments can be performed in a zero gravity (or at least a very low gravity) environment. The space station will contain bunch of research equipment and be operated by a team of intrepid scientists. Other companies and labs will then pay ZGR to do particular zero-g experiments for them. The company founders give the following motivation: There are presumably a good number of companies and labs out there that are interested in low gravity experiments, but most of them can’t justify the immense cost of building a space station to do so. By building a single station that can be used by lots of companies, ZGR hopes to make it affordable to do this sort of research, and make a profit as well. Of course, most experiments require equipment, and so in addition to building the space station, ZGR needs to buy whatever equipment is needed for the jobs it gets paid to do. Equipment is reusable, but they still need to decide what is worth buying and what isn’t.... - Algorithms, Weightlessness, space station, polynomial time algorithm, ZGdebate over the increasing number of people prescribed these medications (about 15 million Americans). The claim of those opposed to this increase in the prescriptions of ADD/ADHD medications is that many people who have a prescription do not actually need one, as many of these people would still be able to able to cope with everyday life and function “normally” without the effects of these drugs. This claim is based on the lack of involvement by parents in young children’s lives and the notion that the effects of the drugs are common to anyone who takes them. A better way to claim that this increase in prescription is not needed or even harmful to people would be to assess the drugs effects on the “self –esteem” of those taking them....
employees and Our ty. Ods. John Landon, Founder and Owner. </s> I’ve told this story before but I think it’s worth sharing again because it makes me smile and even get a little teary and helps us all. Every year at my work the various departments gather food and toys for hampers that are delivered to needy families for the holidays. We get the names of families from the Christmas Cheer Board in our city. One department put together a beautiful hamper with toys for the three children ages 2, 4, and 7. Every staff member donated their $25 gift certificate for Safeway, which they all receive as a gift from the union here. One of the staff, Brad, had spoken to the mother and arranged delivery. Brad and Dave loaded up Brad’s car and delivered the hamper. They carried in boxes of food and gifts for the children, making several trips. The children were ecstatic that they were receiving gifts this Christmas, and Brad and Dave felt really good – until they left the home. Then Dave said to Brad, “That lady didn’t speak much English. Didn’t you talk to her on the phone?” Brad replied, “Yes.” Then he paused. “And she spoke perfect English.” They looked at each other, then checked the address they had. To their horror, they realized they had just delivered the hamper to the wrong family! They didn’t know what to do, but after reflecting and realizing that there was another family still expecting the hamper to be delivered, and the toys had been purchased with those three specific children in mind, they went back into the house. They explained that they’d made a mistake. They actually had to take one of the toys back from a child’s hands, pack things up and take it away. They felt just terrible and the family was distressed, too. What an awful Christmas story! The way everyone immediately jumped in and donated things and helped put it together without even being asked left us all with a very warm, joyful feeling. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Kelly Jamieson is the author of over twenty or contact her at It is a feel good story isn't it? Thanks to LASR for hosting this great event! Wow, what a lovely story, Kelly! How neat that everyone responded with such generosity! That's such a lovely reminder of why we celebrate Christmas! I have a few fond Christmas memories, including one from one of the first years we were married--I came home from work (at the seasonal retail job I'd taken) to be surprised by a fresh tree and a freshly homemade turkey pot pie... :) (Yes, DH can cook :)) That is so sweet! How awesome of all of you! You all made two families christmases! How wonderful! You book looks good! Thanks! Happy new year! Very sweet story! My best Christmas memories all revolve around my neice and nephews. Watching how much they light up at Christmas just makes me believe in all the magic again. Thanks for sharing! What a great story! Sometimes it's so much better to give than receive. jcross719 at yahoo dot com </s> The Board of Advocates congratulates the MU Law Arbitration Teams for advancing to the National Arbitration Competition: - Jake Kohut - Ida Shafaie - Dane Rennier - Andrew Starshefsky - Elizabeth “Betty” Hatting The teams would also like to thank their advisers–Dean Rafael Gely, Professors James Levin, Chuck Henson, and Ben Trachtenberg and Attorney Scott Fox–who devoted considerable time and effort in assisting the teams with their preparations. </s> Explore the Beautiful Jeju Island with Innisfree's VR Flying Bike Experience Innisfree, the Korean beauty brand known for its natural ingredients and eco-friendly philosophy, has been expanding globally in the last few years. For its new store in Shanghai Disneyland, Innisfree decided to do something different, by transporting consumers to its beautiful home base of Jeju island - virtually. The Jeju Flying Bike, created by PostVisual, 'flew' consumers from the 16.5 square meter store to the 1,650 square km island, a popular vacation spot for honeymooners and a Unesco World Heritage Site for its volcanic landscape. By mounting a bike and donning the VR goggles, consumers fly to Jeju – at a speed that matches their pedalling. Descending from above the clouds and skimming the sea to fly around the island, they can 'collect' natural ingredients such as canola blooms, green tea leaves and nutmegs, using eye-tracking technology. To create the 360-degree airborne and underwater surroundings, PostVisual spent about three months producing the content, including building its own VR drone camera in-house. “The challenge was to break the limitation of the small space, and build a unique brand experience that can deliver the Innisfree brand story,” said Creative Director Hyunbok Jung of PostVisual. “With interactive play, the Jeju Flying Bike lets consumers experience the brand through their entire body and drives home the brand essence, which is ‘Innisfree = pure Jeju.’” Since the Jeju Flying Bike arrived at Shanghai Disneyland, thousands have enjoyed the virtual ride to Jeju. The concept is being rolled out this year to flagship stores in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States. Creative Agency: PostVisual Post Production House: PostVisual Genre: VR , Visual VFX </s> Search By Vehicle Smittybilt Fender 76866 XRC Front Tube Fenders - Black Textured - 76866 - W17.0000” x H20.0000” x L43.0000” Write the First Review!r
August 10th, 1. Is this a very very new device?This could be due to 1.l-1167g Linux?Having a problem logging in?
detection of IBV European QX-like strains in commercial poultry in Great Britain. - Substantial increase in diagnostic submissions received by the VLA compared with the same time last year. This may be a reflection of improving financial and economic conditions. - Avirulent avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1) and H2N3 LPAI isolated from a flock of free-range broilers. A routine scanning surveillance submission yielded an APMV-1 isolate. Follow up statutory disease investigations unusually resulted in the additional identification of an H2N3 LPAI virus. Wild birds were suspected to be the source. - Emergent H5N1 HPNAI genotype circulating in poultry and wild birds in Eurasia. Romania and Bulgaria are the only EU Member States to report detections so far this year. Vigilance for suspect disease required. - First . Previously only found in backyard poultry flocks in Great Britain. - Further diagnosis of ORT as part of respiratory disease complex in pheasants. ORT and APMV-2 co-infection reported last quarter. June 2010 </s> How do I go about getting a drivers licence and a bank acount in a State that is the one I go to college on? I didn't have a drivers licence back in New Jersey, but I'm attending college in Maine, and I came here because I want to move here (who would have thought...) \|_|_|/ "Meow", says the kitty. </s> !in small doses before it upsets their stomachs. Angeline can never drink an entire milkshake or smoothie made with regular milk without being sick the rest of the day, and my macaroni and cheese recipe often makes Chris very unhappy with me! Once I return home from Nort Carolina, I’ll be sharing a recipe for a delicious summertime smoothie that uses Lactaid instead of milk. Keep your eyes out, because it’s one of our very favorite smoothie recipes, with peaches and strawberries! Can’t wait to check out the smoothie! </s> Spring 2017, Madrid, Spain: Where it all began. In business, as in every single thing in life, it is important to shut down your ego and surrender to the universe plan. The destination was set, the challenge now was to create something align to my beliefs. I started visualising everything I ever wanted for a company to be, fashion related, of course. The type of products, customer relationship, our philosophy, the values, and most important, the reason: why am I doing this? I run into so many cautious people around, using words like “but” and “what if”. This is the hardest part, learning to capture the positive in the “negative”. These comments will always bring you back to reality, because dreams have little of this. I could feel this was real, luck was on my side, and a voice saying: “Go for it!” In every start up, a question comes up: – How am I going to get the money to start? I had so many meetings with possible investors in Peru, all these successful business persons congratulate me on the idea, but some were not fashion oriented, and some were simply not interested. Finally I was in between two options, but something inside was speaking louder, I felt uncomfortable, like I was heading towards a mistake. After six months working and doing little stuff for the project, I felt pressure, I was not pursuing my dream, the reason I moved here. At that moment, I took a look at my bank accounts and there was my answer. Once the products arrived, things got real and I got scared. Procrastination was my new hobby. I knew what I needed to do, but managed to trick myself to do other things that were less important. Procrastination ended up being my ally. The project was not launched on the expected date. Later I realised it was the slow season for retail, this actually set me free and allowed me to moment. It also thought me to believe in myself, as I ended up making the brand video, taking the pictures for the website, creating all the instagram content and even design the website. There is so many lessons, personal and professional wise. Deciding to make your own is a huge decision, sometimes I feel like I didn’t even made that decision, it was always decided somewhere inside me. Never quitting is an amazing goal. I believed on it, the feeling and the smile that the possibility of this being real brought me is what hold this through these two years. What you believe, you create! Procrastination as a teacher: The Rewind story 22 Jun </s> Masterpiece London, held every June at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, never disappoints. This last outing marked
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"The garden's all new, we completely took everything out that was here last year," she said. "We had a bunch of stones which I didn't want edging because my husband likes to mow, and we also had some bushes that I took out, too. I left the hostas and the lilies, and just added some ground cover and it's all new." "To this larger extent, it's very new still," she said. "I would just plant it and let it go and not really tend to it — if the weeds got there, then the weeds got there. But my kids are grown now, and so w Next year, we plan to have even more garden projects underway." "My husband likes this stuff as much as I do, and he really helps a lot," she said. "From my end, I just wanted to make it look pretty. I wanted it to make it look better than last year. I looked at it last year and thought to myself, 'This could be a lot better.' So then, a little bit of improvement became a bigger thing. I've always loved to play around with flowers, so this project with my husband has been a really nice thing for us."
Time to drown out all the noise and get back to the basics. Please come prepared to write and renew.
The tom turkeys strut their stuff for the hens... who appear to be not particularly interested. As we draw near to the annual Thanksgiving feast, those whose menus include turkey may find themselves tempted to pay more for a bird advertised with some special buzz words. According to O’Connor, there are a number of labels that ultimately don’t mean anything. O’Connor explains that the EPA doesn’t allow poultry growers to give turkeys hormones, and that turkeys aren’t raised in cages in the U.S. Further, he tells us that all turkeys are young when they’re slaughtered. He tells us that there are many labels that do actually mean something but are very vague. When it comes down to it, O’Connor simply recommends doing some research about the issues and certifications that concern you.
Puerto OctayOsorno,Puyehue e Osorno; a oeste com Río Negro e Purranque; a leste com Puerto Varas; e a sul com Puerto Varas e Frutillar (ambas na Província de Llanquihue). Os principais centros urbanos da comuna são Puerto Octay e Las Cascadas. Integra junto com as comunas de Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Fresia, Frutillar, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas e Los Muermos o Distrito Eleitoral N° 56 e pertenece à 17ª Circunscrição Senatorial (Los Lagos). Sua origem se remonta à colonização alemã em 1852 impulsionada por Bernardo Philippi e Vicente Pérez Rosales. Com o passar do tempo se transformou em um dos portos mais importantes do lago Llanquihue. Em 22 de dezembro de 1891 foi elevada à categoria de comuna sob a Presidencia da República de Don Jorge Montt.