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it's a match made in heaven!i strongly encourage anyone who loves blonde redhead and mike mills to check this out. it promises to be amazing! i know there may be someone out there that cherishes this book as much as i. off and on, since i was a kid, i have thought about this story. i had read it when i was very young and every now and then it surfaces in my mind, just like its enigmatic main character. i always wondered if i would ever come across it again.i purchased it at this online used bookstore called abe booksthe story is about a lonely french boy named pascal, who befriends a red balloon as his companion for the day. the adventure follows as the two float through the old streets of france, the marketplace, the boy's school and among his friends there. i remember there being a horribly sad but beautiful tone to the whole thing.the film version has no dialogue just amazing lo-fi music playing in the background.spoiler alert: the balloon ends up flying high over the parisian rooftops and away from the heartbroken pascal and he is again alone in the big city. sad...come to find it was written by albert lamorisse, a french filmmaker who made it into a short. the film won the grand prix at the cannes film festival in 1956 as well as an oscar the following year. pascal, i believe, is his son.un tehran in the '70s, while filming what would be his last contribution to the film world, le vent des amoureux (the lovers' wind). other titles of his films include: voyage en balloon, fifi la plume, and crin blanc.albert apparently has a fascination with all things aviary. it's tragic that he died flying but maybe meant to be(? i found this amazing website of polaroids from all over the world called it reminds me of a time when i was about four or so. and my dad's friend was sleeping on the couch. my parents were still together. i remember it like yesterday or maybe even a couple days before that sometimes, when i'm not so awake. he worked the graveyard shift.i found a polaroid on the coffee table. it was some time in the '70s. if i told you my exact age, maybe you wouldn't be interested in this story any more. so we'll just say "sometime" in the '70s so i can remain a mystery. isn't that the way it works?is that why people never like to tell each other their real age?i wanted him to see the picture. i woke him up. he was wearing a white t-shirt. i pushed the picture up into his face and i said, "look!" that's when i learned the concept of focus. i put it too close to his face.he said, "i can't see what it is. you are holding it too close to my face!" he was mad. i was hurt because how was i to know that it is so hard for people to see things when they are right in front of their face? just like juliana hatfield used to say, it is dangerous to idolize anyone. in fact, anything for that matter. but as long as we know this, does it make it ok for me to be obsessed with electrelane? this is a blog for you and me.welcome to my attempt to document these times - an archive of past and present music, art, gossip, literature, magazines, zines, culture, my life, your life, our life, and anything else that sits in this space i call my mind, which is more like a place where things get lost, forgotten, and purposefully and unintentionally ignored all at the same time. basically, this will serve as an extension of my last.thank you for listening and i look forward to both amusing and annoying you. i promise i will try not to be as irritating as i know i am capable of being and show you good things you will like and probably dislike, too.i hope to impress you or make you not like me...
Recessions in the US areEconomists believe the economy slipped into recession in March. Stocks on Wall Street rallied, also spurred by optimism about a potential COVID-19 vaccine. 71.1 this month from 73 in April. This gauge has declined by nearly 100 points in the last couple of months, underscoring the impact of COVID-19rch’s 13.7 percent pdiving 21.9 percent to a pace of 480,000 units in April7 percent of new homes .6 percent from a year ago to $309,900. A fifth9 percent from a year ago in March after rising 3.5 percent in February. Consumer spending climbs less than 2 percent as COVID ... US workers file 860,000 jobless claims, crisis total tops ...
and then 15 minutes of meeting people, exchanging ideas and collaboration. Then, we do it again! You can check out upcoming Freelance Friday dates and locations by going to this link. Coworking Wednesdays @ The Juice Truck No need to sign up. Drop in anytime on Wednesdays between 10 – 5. This is by far, the most casual, laid-back atmosphere you’ll find. It’s really like being in a coffee shop, except its a juice bar. And everyone around you is also grinding out work. Don’t be shy and say hello to someone new – they won’t bite, I promise. Check the website for info but be warned: there’s not much. I told you it’s casual! Ok: it’s time for a serious #girlboss tip. Although having a local network in Vancouver is critical, as the world is getting smaller and more connected (hello, social media!), it’s important to look beyond local as you grow your network. Now, get out there and build your network. Let’s shed that “cold and lonely” reputation and show ‘em how fun, connected and friendly Vancouver-ites REALLY are! , Lisa has gained knowledge through both experience and formal education. Her wheelhouse includes Human Resources, Leadership, Development, Accounting, Finance, Adult Learning, and Continuous Improvement. It’s Lisa’s goal to provide this information to to her wonderful success coaching clients in order to improve their quality of life. “I’m so passionate and excited about it!” Share the post "W" </s> Tuaca, the niche spirit that has become one of the most popular drinks in Brighton, has been relaunched a year after US-based distributor Sazerac purchased it. The 35% abv brandy-based spirit hails from Italy and was apparently created for Lorenzo the Magnificent, who ruled the Florentine Republic in the 15th century. Gaetano Tuoni and Giorgio Canepa gave it a proper launch it in the 1930s and got their portmanteau on to give the drink its modern name. It was discovered by US troops stationed in Livoro during World War II and it began to be imported back to the States after that. When he got back to Brighton, Jensen tracked down the family distillery in Tuscany distillery, which was run by Enrico Tuoni, a descendent of founder Gaetano. His mother was fluent in Italian so he put her on the phone and a couple of cases were flown over for a cost of £466. Berry and Jensen soon took over the St James Tavern in Brighton and it quickly became their bestselling drink. They wholesaled it to various bars across Brighton and it has gone on to become a cult drink in the seaside city, with celebrity fans including Fat Boy Slim. In March 2016 Brown-Forman sold Southern Comfort to Sazerac, and Tuaca was thrown into the deal. So now the challenge falls to Sazerac – which counts Buffalo Trace and Fireball among its brands – to roll Tuaca out nationwide, and make all of Britain as ‘twackered’ as Brighton. The liquid has been tweaked, but it is still infused with citrus and vanilla. Sazerac said the taste ‘delivers notes of buttery caramel, citrus, dried fig, and honey, with a medium body and a long, warm finish’. It believes Tuaca is best served as an ice cold shot, but its versatility also makes it ideal for a range of mixed drinks. </s> . The industrial revolution acted as a catalyst for the creation of cities. Large urban areas became economic powerhouses. Slowly but surely, the internet is chipping away at the mantra of centralization and bigger is better. Small really is the New Big. The impact of online technology on the financial services industry shows the extent of change. Hardly any bank customer visits a bricks and mortar bank branch for executing daily transactions. Bank transfers, deposits, withdrawals and all manner of services are conducted at convenient locations through ATM machines. Can bank branch? Several decades ago the securities markets were the preserve of a few well heeled and connected investors. Today, anyone with a laptop can effectively manage a hedge fund out of their living room.. </s> Then my infertility reminded me that there's no way I can be that much of a contributing member of society. Monday morning's clinic visit revealed that my ovaries decided to stop by the site of an experimental gamma bomb testing sometime earlier in the week without my knowing. In spite of a relatively low dose of follistim this cycle, those little suckers decided to pop out ELEVEN follicles this month. And they offered us a IVF conversion.
I’m your main point of contact. I answer your questions, liaise with (and chase) providers on your behalf and generallyI worked at the Greenwich Arts and Crafts market as a teenager. My uncle was a wood turner and I helped sell his wooden clocks and ornaments. It was a great job and I met so many interesting characters! I worked at Midland Bank (now HSBC) for 31 years straight from school. You name the department - I’ve probably worked there! Following redundancy, I wanted to stay in finance but work somewhere smaller – less corporate. So jumped at the chance of joining Ginkgo. Like most people, I want to live in a nice house, knowing that my children are happy and secure. My absolute dream is to be able to spend time just sitting with elderly people chatting to them. My dad spent time in a care home and I saw first-hand the difference having chatty people around can make to residents. I actually did ask a group of my friends! And the 4 words that popped up a lot were loyal, positive, supportive and kind. I couldn’t pick which one not to mention so can I have all four? Definitely to have more confidence in your own ability and to give yourself more credit. I love the family feel at Ginkgo. Everyone here really does care about the clients and the rest of the team. Everyone has been so welcoming and caring, I couldn’t ask for a more supportive team!
Over the past couple of weeks, the new coronavirus strain known as "Super COVID" has been racing through the UK and making headlines all over the globe, but scientists insist that the new mutant COVID strain in South Africa is potentially much more dangerous. Just like "Super COVID" in the UK, there is evidence that the South African strain spreads faster, and South Africa's health minister has warned that there is "anecdotal evidence" of a. But the biggest reason why health authorities are so concerned about this particular strain is because it has mutated so dramatically that the current vaccines that have been developed may not work against it. The following comes from a Reuters article entitled "U.African coronavirus variant"… At this moment, we do not know if the current vaccines will be rendered useless by this new mutant strain or not. Amnon Free Pressw (American Greatness) According to a top official in the UK, scientists may be able to come to some sort of a conclusion in a couple of weeks… Amnon Free Press: O In recent days, two cases of the South African strain have been confirmed in the UK, and there have also been cases detected in Finland, Switzerland and Australia. Amnon Free Press:made nearly $4M worth of questionable purchases in office, audit shows Of course ver take any COVID vaccine under any circumstances. Manyese experimental mRNA vaccines And as COVID continues to mutate, it is inevitable that there will be even more surprises for our health authorities in the months ahead… Wed, 01/06/2021 – 02:00ZeroHedge News Pitchfork mob goes after Charlie Kirk because he bussed peaceful people to Trump rally in DC REPORT: NYPD Will Assist DC Police on Inauguration Day, Deploying Elite 200 Officer Unit Lindsey Graham Flip Flops, He's lost it! House Dems Unveil Impeachment Resolution Against Trump: 'Incitement of Insurrection' New Poll Shows Most Americans Want Trump Removed From Office Immediately's First 100 Days In Office
Ecourse On Gumroad Bikupan Gumroad Gumroad Product Cover Size How Safe Is Gumroad
Psych 101. Where was that little girl's mother? Where was that little girl's father? Where was that little girl's big brother, the one with the baseball bat? I'm the father of a three year old white girl, but I know better than to leave her alone with any animal other than my great dane. We should just be glad that they didn't set her on fire. OR FATHER???? And as mentioned above what about the parent/parents of the 4 black children???? This ain't the fifties/sixties anymore and I'll take bets that none of the black kids have a mother and father at home.
...r work. Our space is perfect for corporate and social events, mixers, networking, and gatherings. Included in our hourly rate: Use of the entire clubhouse space All amenities seen in the photos and listed below Seating... ...The venue is 3,800 sq ft and can accommodate up to 275 guests. It is the ideal venue for holiday parties, mixers, corporate gatherings, fundraisers, corporate team building & leadership eventsocial mixers. State-of-the-art audiovisual... ...of total space. There is one massive area that can e co of parking as well as outdoor space. Ideal for somebody who needs a large event space. All automobiles will be removed...
Who would have thought one year ago that the election for president this year would be between John McCain and Barack Obama? During the primaries only Gov. Mike Huckabee seemed to reach out to the conservative Christian base, which was slow to support “one of our own”–a man who heartily agrees with the biblical positions on life and marriage I’ve discussed here many times. Though Huckabee got further than anyone thought, it was clear by March that McCain would be the Republican choice. Because he’s strongly pro-life, supports traditional marriage and strongly supports Israel, I was relieved. It took a few months for Obama to keep Hillary Clinton from getting from what she and the pundits felt was hers for the asking–the Democratic presidential nomination. Then something astounding happened–Obama began reaching out to the Christian community by emphasizing his own faith in Christ on his Web site, saying he wanted people of faith to be a part of the political process and inviting 43 Christian leaders to meet with him in early June in Chicago. I was surprised to be invited to the meeting and attended out of curiosity. As I’ve reported in two Strang Report blogs, the gathering was polite and Obama came across as sincere. I asked the only question about abortion, and his answer was pretty standard for a Democrat–he doesn’t like abortion, but a woman should have the right to decide, and it’s better for the procedure to be legal than for women to be forced to get so-called back-alley abortions. He talked about the need to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to take care of the children after they’re born–nothing I could disagree with. But it is obvious he isn’t going to change his view, and if he is elected, when it is time for him to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, he will choose those who will work to keep abortion legal. The Christian leaders in the room were mostly from more liberal denominations or were “moderate” evangelicals for whom the environment and other issues are as important as the “litmus-test” issues for which the religious right has become known. In contrast to Obama, McCain seems to have distanced himself from conservative Christians. In a knee-jerk reaction to some media criticism, he rejected endorsements from John Hagee and Rod Parsley–a big mistake, in my opinion. I’ll let you know if I get an interview with him. Obama has already agreed to an interview with Charisma. One African-American leader phoned me to complain that in my Strang Report on the Obama meeting, I said a Christian couldn’t vote for Obama because of the pro-life issue. I didn’t say that. But he said I should understand that blacks vote Democratic because they believe Democrats are more concerned about social justice and problems in the black community. Another African-American leader at the Obama meeting rattled off a list of things Christians shouldn’t like about McCain, including the fact that he’s been known to swear in public and left his first wife to marry a younger woman. Also, McCain apparently is not comfortable talking about his religious faith. This leader challenged us about the inconsistency of being pro-life yet supporting the Iraq war. He seemed to be asking, “If Christians can vote for a flawed candidate like McCain, what is wrong with voting for someone such as Obama?”–who supports what the Democratic party has supported for a long time: abortion rights and, more recently, civil unions for gays and lesbians. Personally I feel it’s time America elected a black president. On a personal level, I found Obama very likable. I began to understand why some people are enthusiastically behind him. But for me, the pro-life issue trumps all the other important issues in this election. Though my comments are not an official endorsement of McCain, the facts don’t allow me to vote for anyone other than him. You can read more about the meeting in Chicago and the strong opinions my remarks elicited by going to Be sure to sign up to get the Strang Report approximately once a week and add your comments to the blogs. If reaction to my Strang Reports is any indication, this is going to be a long and divisive election season.
NICOLÁS CORTÉS Gallerye/ce6a/ce6adc9b-f4ae-7068-43e4-f72826650861/fbdd3319-9f22-fa04-5f18-aad3907ed071_233.jpg 5566 8369 RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO Roma, 1841 – Versailles, 1920 Lady laying in a divan The year after Raimundo was born, the Madrazo family moved from Rome to Madrid. From his childhood, the painter assiduously attends the famous studies of his grandfather, José de Madrazo and his father Federico de Madrazo - whom he would always consider as his best teacher[1] -. Protected by his illustrious last name, but also by his undeniable talent, he soon joined the Higher School of Painting and Sculpture in Madrid. In 1855 he travelled to Paris - accompanied by his father - to visit the Universal Exhibition, where he experienced his first direct contact with international pictorial trends. In addition, take the opportunity to copy the drawings of the windows of the Sainte Chapelle, designed by Ingres. Back in Madrid, he resumed his studies and painted his first painting: The transfer of the remains of the Apostle Santiago, very much in the purist romantic line[2]. Later, in 1862, he settled definitively in Paris. There he studied at. In the capital of art, he befriends other Spaniards such as Joaquín María Herrer and landscape architect Martín Rico, with whom he travels through the main museums; highlighting the Louvre, where he will copy the Venetian masters[3]. As he consolidates his position as a portraitist in Paris, he makes a trip to London where he permeates the English variants of the genre. In 1865 he returns to Spain and visits Toledo, reaffirming his passion for El Greco, of whom he will make several copies. In the same way, in Madrid by Goya's work, also reproducing some of his works. From the hand of his great friend and brother-in-law Mariano Fortuny he moved to Granada in 1872. A stage of incessant activity for both painters - influencing each other - where we observe a penchant for the landscape in Madrazo's work, whose refined qualities remind us of those of Fortuny. The influence of Catalan is prolonged in his later work, with gender compositions influenced by "Japonism"; which he combines with his famous portraits, always personal, that evolve towards an increasingly impressionistic line. Such is the proximity between both painters, that, after the death of Fortuny, Madrazo will be one of the organizers of the sale of his brother-in-law's goods at the Hotel Drouot in Paris in 1875. 1878 will be a year of great recognition for Raimundo de Madrazo, receiving the first medal in the Universal Exhibition of Paris, as well as the badge of the Legion of Honor. Two years later he was appointed corresponding academic in France, and in 1884 he was granted a special room in the Hall, by the French Government. Cosmopolitan artist, from the last decade of the century travels to the United States and Argentina, where he would achieve great success by portraying the elites. The result of this incessant American activity is his appointment in 1905 as a member of the Hispanic Society of New York, to which he donates an important collection of his works[4]. In the work presented here, we greatly appreciate the enormous refinement that consolidated Raymond of Madrazo as one of the main painters of the "great world" in the Paris of the Belle Epoque. Through the eastern censer of the foreground, we introduce ourselves - as spectators - in an intimate and enveloping scene in which a lady, lying on a couch, watches her dogs at the other end of the composition. With a very refined technique, it presents great chromatic delicacy, according to the softness of the modeling, as well as the elegance and aristocratism of the protagonist. The diagonal arrangement of the young woman is used intelligently by the painter to recreate plastically in the fall of the folds of the dress, as well as in the sheets of a book of prints that clutter over her. The preciousness in the tactile qualities of the foregrounds contrast with the sketched character of the background, in which a Japanese print is figurated. A loose execution, a prelude to Impressionism, that characterizes the work of Raimundo de Madrazo as he assimilates the technique of his brother-in-law, Mariano Fortuny - who, in addition, was especially influenced by Japaneseism. In any case, the Fortuny footprint is also evident in the decorative sense of this interior scene, as well as in its meticulous invoice and in its descriptive character. The result is as anecdotal as it is delicious, capable of satisfying the hedonistic desires of the bourgeois clientele of the end of the century; who demanded these frivolous scenes in order to bring an exotic and luxurious note to their new urban widening apartments. [1] SÁNCHEZ TRIGUEROS, J.A.: Concha Barrios y la pintura española del S.XIX. Diez años de exposiciones: 1978-1988, Galería Concha Barrios, Madrid, 1988. [2] Ibídem. [3]Ibídem. Our gallery is placed on Calle Justiniano 3 in Madrid.
“Gordon Brown siphoned off millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money into a secret tax haven known only by its codename,” said a communiqué issued by the Treasury. “They called it The Public Purse.”
No form of renewable energy has gained more ground in the past 15 years than wind, with installed capacity up 40-fold. Now, facing a long list of hurdles, the Global Wind Energy Council says the industry will need to work hard to make the next 15 years as fruitful – a necessity in the fight against climate change, in its view.
bird on me but neither seems to have noticed. But really, this picture was taken to show off my new socks! The Ricky Morneaux Socks are finished. That’s the third pair. I’m right on track to get all four pairs finished before the end of February. Although I must confess, I have cast on two new pairs of socks since I conceived of this challenge. Ok three. But it’s not my fault. I just love sock knitting! And one of those pairs is for a loved one…honestly, I don’t think my sock needles will ever be clear. y </s> Live Health News | Weather | Archive He was a fool. Mesmerised by his own rightness, annealed to criticism and blind to common-sense. Enthral to the markets and the allure of entrepreneurs. This man was na�ve. This man has made the Tories unelectable, untrustworthy and shmendrik. He will go down in history as the second worst secretary of state for health. Losing by a narrow margin to Patricia Hewitt.A man who spent years learning about the NHS but never got to know it. A man who lived in a windowless world that he could not describe and we could not see into.A man, who when younger, suffered a stroke and was poorly cared for; an experience that left him scarred with a grudge that distorted his view of an NHS that, by the time he could wreak his revenge, had improved beyond all recognition.A man who said the NHS had to change because outcomes were poor - experts told us they were not. A man who said management costs were too high. Academics told us they were not. A man who said the public wanted better; the polls told us they loved what they had.A man who was a fool or a liar? We will never know. A man whose licentious view of the NHS was unchallenged by the very people who knew him to be wrong and had the power to act together but failed. A man who had more courage than his critics.The NHS stands on the edge of bankruptcy and terminal confusion; taking refuge in the very bureaucracy it seeks to shed. We and the public are well rid of this man but his legacy will live with our families, the old, the sick and the poor for a generation. Thank God he's gone.. </s> It’s no secret how messy my baking drawers get. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t keep them consistently neat. ‘Messy’ must be genetically encoded into me somewhere. I do like having a good old clear out though. What better time than during that beginning of the month spurt of productivity feeling!? Sewing/baking box trays also make for great drawer organisers if you have any to spare. My baking box lives in the cupboard and houses all the oddly sized and shaped bits of equipment, so I use the tray in the drawer instead. If you’re anything like me, you’ll often realise when clearing out that you’d almost always have never run out of sugar or flour when you thought you had and will find several open bags of the same thing. Kilner jars to the rescue, a little decanting and a bit more stacking and we can actually find everything we need easily now. Just like de-cluttering your life, de-cluttering your baking drawers, I think, is an essential ritual for any baker to regularly carry out! I’m pretty sure though, I am probably the messiest baker amongst us. I have been clearing out my cake decorating cupboard this month too! It is just rammed full of so many things! #MakingHome </s> You cannot have a random Web article about NetApp possessing in no way found an SSD wearout in the sphere and extrapolate that to "purchaser SSDs are robust more than enough for the data Centre". Of course longevity is a difficulty. It really is in all Laptop or computer equipment. The myth is SSd will are unsuccessful overnight - that just isn't really rue in real daily life. 3D NAND isn't a magical know-how that quickly delivers NAND pricing right down to HDD stage. It is a motor vehicle for contuinuing NAND scaling, that's all. Initial generations of 3D NAND are actually significantly less cost effective than fashionable planar NAND nodes mainly because the volume of levels is just not significant ample to mitigate the affect of larger sized lithography and improved quantity of process methods. That is why everyone is maintaining their planar NAND all over for at least another number of years, such as Samsung who even introduced 16nm node right after next technology V-NAND For additional Charge sensitive applications. Mark Webb has some great info on 3D NAND price tag modeling, so you should google that. Overclockers United kingdom is the web shop for avid gamers and Laptop fanatics with a substantial array of items for all your preferences. Why don't you have interaction with us applying these platforms? To ensure the memory modules are put in thoroughly, line up the memory notches Using the critical inside your socket until the tabs lock the memory into spot. When freelance author Chris Hoffman is just not crafting about gizmos and program, he's probably using them in his spare time. Providing similar efficiency to a SATA SSD, the mSATA features a scaled-down form-variable which makes it perfect for motherboards which aspect mSATA connectivity, and also laptops using a skinny variety-issue. "
‘The irony is so awful’: Timmy Mallett rides 2,000 miles for charity before losing bike at pub ‘’ Timmy Mallett and Prime Minister Theresa May, as the former children’s TV star said he is ‘not looking for retribution’ after his bike was stolen (PA) The ITV show Wacaday ran from 1985-1992 and featured silly catchphrases (“bleugh”), a lot of gunge and “Mallett’s Mallet”, the word association game where everyone wanted to be a loser and get bashed on the head with Timmy’s foam mallet. How ‘utterly brilliant!’ Indeed – though once home the celebrations were punctured when Mr Mallett’s “best pal”, his bike, was stolen from outside his local pub. “I’m heartbroken,” the devastated entertainer said.Social media users have rallied round the broadcaster with messages of support. And g. T.” Screen Babble: The greatest children’s TV shows of all time – as chosen by you A brief history of naughty things appearing in kids’ TV
It was a great evening, and health blogger Pamela did a fantastic job interviewing Ella! I don't really know how to describe this other than saying it's fan-bloody-tastic. It (obviously) tastes like Nutella, but without that sticky, fake feeling. (Because I'd overcooked the hazelnuts, a slight bitter burnt taste did unfortunately come through on some mouthfuls, and reminded me a bit of coffee beans - it didn't ruin it, but it'll definitely taste so much better next time when I pay attention to oven timings!!)
The list of information that Amazon is taking from you is shocking, Disclosure.! Allegedly, Amazon collects personal information of all users and uses it for sales. This was raised by Ibraheem S. Samirah, a Virginia lawmaker and native of Virginia. This information was released during a study on the Internet and privacy issues and how to manage the personal data collection of technology companies. He was stunned when he learned the full details of the information Amazon had gathered from him. He had over 1,000 contacts on the phone. Growing up as a Muslim, he recorded over the phone exactly what part of the Qur’an he had heard on December 17 last year and bought a book called ‘Progressive Community Organizing’. The company was aware of all the searches he conducted on the platform, including sensitive health inquiries that he considered private. Ibraheem S. Samirah, was one of the few Virginia lawmakers to oppose the business-friendly, state-privacy bill drafted by Amazon earlier this year. At Reuters’ request, Samirah was asked to disclose data collected from Amazon as a customer. The Company is collecting extensive information about its US customers (Amazon customers in the US). These data reveal the company’s ability to collect close-up pictures of individual customers. Amazon collects customer data through its Alexa Voice Assistant, e-commerce marketplace, Kindle e-readers, audible audiobooks, video and music platforms, home security cameras and fitness trackers. Alexa devices make recordings in people’s homes, and ring security cameras capture each visitor. Such information reveals a person’s height, weight, and health. Their racism (through the clues contained in the voice data) and their political leanings; Their reading and buying habits; Amazon collects information about where they were on any given day, and sometimes who they met. A reporter revealed that between December 2017 and June 2021, Amazon cs. The recording even included details such as the reporter’s baby names and their favorite songs. Amazon caught kids asking how to convince parents to ‘play’ and receivedparents to buy them video games. According to Amazon’s website, Alexa often collects information from more than 180,000 articles using information from a third-party program called ‘WikiHow’, which Alexa uses. But Amazon says they do not have WikiHow, but Alexa sometimes responds to requests from websites. Some recordings include conversations between family members using tools that Alexa uses to communicate in different parts of the house. Children who apologize to their parents after discipline have copied several recordings. Amazon claims that their Alexa products are designed to start with the trigger word ‘Alexa’ and end when the user’s command ends. Amazon said in a statement that scientists and engineers are working to improve technology and avoid erroneous triggers that speed up recording. The company said it was warning customers that recordings would be stored when they set up Alexa accounts. Amazon said it collectsices and to customize them for individuals. When asked about the recordings of Sameera Quran listening on Amazon’s audiobook service, Amazon said it allows customers to retrieve such data from where they left off from a previous session. The only way for customers to delete most of this personal data is to close their account, Amazon said. The company said it still holds certain information, such as the purchase history, even after the account is closed to meet legal obligations. they collect. For example, Alexa users can block Amazon from saving their recordings or delete them automatically from time to time. Additionally, they can disconnect contacts or calendars from their smart speaker devices. nice artical dear. Amazon has a frighteningly long list of information it is taking from you. We’ve put a list of the data Amazon keeps about you below, so you can get an idea of what Amazon knows about you. Wondershare Filmora Crack is a skilled video editorial manager who expresses his inventiveness and surprises you with luscious results.
GeniPaper OTT Studio HUB will be located on 50 Acres . And is schedule to be competed before 2023. Located in Toronto Canada.
View Full Version : What is the strongest league in Europe? Whats are your opinions on the leagues around Europe? Does the import of foreign players to the leagues effect the standard of the National teams? without a doubt in my mind its the premiership ! because the tempo is quicker the tackles are harder ! I disagree, The Premiership has only 3 good teams and 17 average teams. Prem teams outside the top 3 always give the ball away. Imo Spain has a better league. Spain and Italy are stronger but English is the best to watch. English is the strongest in my opinion, love watching it. Italian footie is sooooooooooo boooooooooring all the do is keep possession in defense and score from set-pieces!
Falcons win, Saints lose Falcons lose, Saints lose Stupid, Smith. Just stupid. I doubt they would have overturned that. The toe was close but it was safe. No game-changing plays lately, just missed tackles and dumb penalties We really need a returner. Might as well let Douglas be the returner. He isn't doing anything at receiver, get some use out of him. The Falcons have not scored an offensive touchdown, btw. But don't worry, just have keep feeding Turner for that negative-3-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust like Moose said. Time for Ryan to be Ryan. I said this in the offseason, but if they get embarrassed at home in the playoffs again, Smith is gone.
For some unknown reason, tumblr killed everything on my last crispytrips site. Here’s a new-but-slightly-more-lazy incarnation. Introducing: crispytrips the photoblog! February 2011: Seattle to Zhengzhou August 2011: Zhengzhou to Beijing October 2012: Beijing to Berlin Hopefully my photos will portray the feeling of the city better than anything I could write. I’d like to only post ones that I’ve taken personally, so to begin:
The financial strength of Luxembourg's banking sector decreased in 2018, even though the Tier 1 capital ratio still comfortable exceeded the minimum requirements. The Tdivided by its total risk-weighted assets (RWA). Developed in its current form in the third Basel Accord, known as Basel III, financial institutions must maintain a ratio above a certain minimum losse. The minimum was set at six percent.
G. Yesterday, 18th February 2016, while on set shooting a new movie “Amakye & Dede” the representatives of the award ceremony who had arrived from Italy presented her award to her at the Accra Mall. An excited Emelia Brobbey was pretty much surprised to have won the award in that category and expressed her profound gratitude to all those who voted for her, her fans and also the man who featured her in her first ever movie in 2002. A-list actor, Majid Michel, Kalybos, Ahoufe Patri, Salma Munin, Kofi Asamoah and crew members all gathered around to congratulate Emelia Brobbey on winning her award.
Recycle the word famous in western countries yet to be reach Asia of course in India. Plastic almost every where like carry bags, soft drinks can,water bottles and in many other forms but most of us not aware of recycle the non destroyable monster "The Plastic" . LDPPlastics #1, which is normally used for mineral water bottles and soft drink bottles, could be dangerous to use too. These bottles should be recycled after one time use.Plastic bottles with code #1 was built by polymer Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Researchers in Italy found that(2003), water inside the PET bottles will release a chemical called Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) slowly after the bottle is being used for 9 month. DEHP could cause cancer and might have negative effect on male’s testicle. When a male’s body was high in DEHP level, the number of sperm inside will decreased and the it will damage the sperm’s DNA too. Plastic #2 bottle that is also safe to use , which you can see it on baby’s milk bottles and plastic bags. It can stand the water heat up to 120C. Plastic bottle #5 is the safest to use, . It can sustained heat up to 135 degree Celsius, so don’t worry to use it to contain hot waters, while #1 PET bottles can’t go further than 70C. Made with Bis phenol A(many of the feeding bottle companies like Avent faced big issues because of BPA )trogen so its Bad . Most of the baby feeding bottles are made by Polycarbonate (Plastic #7). So please don't use plastic feeding bottles, use only glass bottles. i already know about recycle, but the plastic codes is new to this turning an environment blog?.. OK Madura beats team ,wish you a many success.. ceramic and brass pots good?
During the breaks, attendees were encouraged to take part in the Discussion Walls. These featured two themes and key questions for attendees to answer on post-it notes and add to the wall, these being “Ambitions: What would you like to see the NICER Programme achieve by 2025?”and “Collaboration: What or who could help you with your research?What skills can you contribute to the community?” The day wrapped up with a keynote speech from Professor Jan Godsell, Dean of the Loughborough University Business School who requested everyone sit round in a circle (surprisingly challenging for those working in circular economy!ry: Believe in Yourself! Which of the following best describes you or your oganisation?Select...
Andrew White, Integrated Services Officer at ICT Solutions, Norfolk County Council's children's services ICT Support unit, said: "e. Schools using the software Acceptable Use Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy." The council has removed the burden from primary schools of managing the data Securus collects by reviewing the captured screenshots. Andrew White added: y. Caroline Brooker, Headteacher of North Walsham High School, said: "This email sent to a young girl was repulsive and extremely explicit. The sender seemed to be enticing the girl to respond. If it hadn't been for Securus software, this incident may never have come to our attention. All schools need some form of computer protection – it helps to keep pupils on task, prevents them from accessing harmful material on the internet but most importantly, it protects young people from predators." Eaton Hall School in Norwich, the only school in Norfolk to cater for students specifically with emotional and behavioural difficulties, was one of the first in the county to trial Securus. Barbara Lawson, Teaching Assistant at Eaton Hall School, comments: "We were finding that there was a growing trait among pupils to deliberately try to outwit the filtering system while knowing they could not generally be caught, nor their actions proven. Since Securus has been running on the system the number of attempts to visit inappropriate sites has been dramatically cut. Pupils now know their computer use is being monitored and that hard copy evidence of their wrongdoing is recorded." Securus not only picks up the activities of bullies and predators but also helps to identify students who are depressed and may be at risk of harming themselves. Chris Bell, Network Manager at Framingham Earl High School in Norwich, comments: "Unfortunately the Internet makes it all too easy for young children, who may not be fully aware of their actions, to retrieve data of an extreme nature. We discovered that one student had been researching on the web how to slit his wrists. We passed the incident on to our pastoral team and they gave the boy counseling." Bill Jenkins, Founding Director, Securus Software Ltd, said: "Issues such as cyberbullying, predator grooming and racism in all their insidious forms are a real and growing concern and schools need all the help they can get to control the problem. Schools need to be vigilant about protecting pupils and preventing them from accessing unsuitable material."
Henderson City Hours for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Submitted by Adam Candee on Tuesday, January 15th, 12:09 pm Henderson City Hall and Municipal Court, December 19th, 2012, 4:22pm Two Toys "R" Us stores are getting ready to stay open for 88 continuous hours this weekend. Henderson Police Step Up Patrols Around Busy Shopping Centers Starting Friday, the department will increase patrols in areas where people will be shopping. Officers will be in uniform looking out for citizens and in plain clothes looking for thieves who prey on busy shoppers. “Every year someone becomes the victim of a criminal stealing newly purchased presents,” Henderson Police Chief Patrick Moers said. “This year we will have more Henderson Police officers around the areas where people are shopping.” Here are some tips to protect yourself while holiday shopping: Friday, July 20th, 2012, 1:14pm A gourmet candy shop is offering free lollypops Friday for National Lollypop Day. See’s Candies is offering a free pop at anyone of its four stores around the Las Vegas valley. The store is also offering discounts on boxes of lollypops until Monday. . S:16 am Toys "R" Us to Offer Round-the-Clock Shopping The toy store giant will open the doors of stores around the country at 6 a.m. Tuesday, December 20 and stay open until 10 p.m. Friday, December 23. It will also have a two-day sale from Tuesday through Wednesday. In all the stores will be open 112 uninterrupted hours. The Toys “R” Us stores in Henderson at 1425 W. Sunset Road and the one in North Las Vegas at 7020 North 5th Street will be part of the around-the-clock shop event. Submitted by Adam Candee on Tuesday, May 31st, 11:40 am Sat. June 4 - Hook (PG)
ribbon pakoda recipe, how to make ribbon murukku recipe , ola pakoda Steps to prepare ribbon pakoda recipe: - Now mix the ribbon Pakoda mixture carefully and make smooth dough. - At last add 4 spoons heated oil in a ribbon Pakoda mixture and check the salt and spicy of ribbon Pakoda flour if you want, you can add it and knead dough again and keep it aside. In meanwhile take ribbon pakoda maker ( murukku maker / Thenkuzhal) and grease some oil in the two sides (both inner and outer) of the murukku maker. - Fry the ribbon Pakoda recipe till it becomes golden yellow colour then take from oil and put it to the kitchen towel or tissue paper to absorb extra oil from the murukku. - Enjoy this ribbon murukku recipe in a festive time (diwali snacks).y. - Similar festival snacks / SweetRice Murukku recipe
A top Iranian military commander has claimed that the German electronics giant Siemens helped US and Israeli teams build the Stuxnet worm. Chatting to the Islamic Republic News Service (IRNA), Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali effectively said that Siemens sabotaged its own machines. Siemens has not made a comment on Jalali’s claims, but he is well placed within the Iran establishment to comment. Jalali said that Iran would sue Siemens in the International courts. He said that th However Jalali insistedces. Insecurity outfit Symantec disagrees. It said that.
Well just how much is CRN enjoying engaging in the recruiting front? I was talking to UCLA football coach Rick Neuheisel last week about recruiting, and what it is like being in Los Angeles. He said one adjustment is always knowing coaches from other staffs are in the area, "You're in a house, and another staff comes in right behind you and they say they slammed you,'' Neuheisel said. "War strategies could be plotted off of this; where your army is, how you're moving your troops. It's really kind of fascinating.'' One of the main reason Petey was successful at South Central against Dorrell (let's try to ignore for a second all his shady baggage that keeps getting heavier by the day) is he always projected a sense of confidence (until this recruiting season). Petey was like a pitbull. He always relentlessly flaunted how much he loved to recruit while we would hear nothing out of Westwood. Well that whole game has changed. Don't you think? Specifically, has a bone to pick with this piece written by Maya where he reports that he "heard Te'o informed Bruins offensive coordinator Norm Chow during a conversation Wednesday morning he wouldn't be attending UCLA.. Someone who said he knew of the exchange said Chow, the recruiter assigned to Te'o and a fellow member of the LDS Church, then supposedly told Te'o that that was fine as long as he didn't go to USC." It kind of reminds me of that part in Ferris Beuller where ""
Mod 2014 Va- Set– Ideal 510 Pens - 1.16 Wrap-up Best Vape Pens </s> By Katlyn Campbell In July, Greenlee Assistant Professor Dara Wald and Kimberly Nelson, graduate research assistant, traveled to the Pacific island, along with Assistant Professor Haldre Rogers and Ann Marie Gawel, graduate research assistant, fromo study the issue. Through focus groups and in-person surveys, they interviewed roughly 60 people in three age groups, including adults who remember when native birds thrived; those who were present during the decline; and those who have grown up without the presence of many native birds. “We’re still conducting more interviews from a distance with specific groups of people that we’d like to hear from,” Nelson said. The f1Products foundFilter IN THE BOX: 36fe;
"It was really a question of where I could go to pursue top academics and top athletics, and I think Penn really provided that for me being a Division I program and having great academics," he said. "I ended up not choosing MIT because there wasn't enough in terms of student life and the rowing team itself wasn't developed enough." "The coaches were very welcoming and the feeling I got after seeing it all in action was?
Samantha visited the house in Whippany. My father was cooking roast pork. He left meat marinating on the kitchen table. A blond, bearded stranger stopped me in the street in an aggressive manner, gripping my arm. I tried to shake him loose. But then he said something that comforted me, made me think he was an okay person. Chaos followed: he was besieged by attackers, and the setting morphed into a park. The stranger emerged from behind a large rock and fired a gun. It shot out a tiny red-and-white ski hat that floated down and landed on a fence near me. September 24, 2016 at 10:26 AM
"I" "State-ow" "It's kind of like when you grab a number ticket at a restaurant," said Lan. "You have to have a number to get a seat. If you don't have it, it's impossible for you to get in."
This article is about ARAMCO STANDARD SAES-P-107 Overhead Distribution SystemPAKTECHPOINT © 2019. All Rights Reserved.
A home-brewed bottle of greengage wine, encased in an edible sugar bottle or a compostable papaya membrane, purchased via iris recognition and delivered instantly by drone. This scenario isn't fodder for a science fiction novel, but how we ourselves might expect to consume wine in the not-so-distant future, according to new research. To celebrate its 30th birthday, specialist wine merchant Armit Wines has partnered with food and drink 'futurologist' Dr. Morgaine Gaye to predict the future of wine and to "gaze into the crystal ball of vinification". The trends she has predicted are both practical and fantastical. Compostable, non-plastic glasses made from corn starch will come to the fore This applies, as she shows, to the wine industry. So, from home-brewed wine to edible wine bottles and shiraz ice-cream, here's how you can expect to enjoy wine over the next three decades... Edible glasses and bottles "When it comes to packaging, c. The 'glass' is fully-compostable, so festival-goers can drink on the go while doing their bit for the planet. Edible bottles will also help counteract packaging waste," explains Dr Morgaine. Iris recognition ID vending machines "Shops and websites will no longer be the only way we will buy wine. Premium vending machines, similar to those in Japan, will dispense alcohol using iris recognition-technology to identify if the consumer is of legal drinking age. "After the first purchase, the machine will record personal preferences, to make recommendations for future purchases. New flavour profiles "In the trajectory of wine, we've got a lot more oaky and smoky. Younger females are now more interested in whisky - that peaty taste was once very unpopular, but now it's sought after. Label-less bottles "Replacing traditional information labels, brands will produce label-less bottles that smartphones can scan to get detailed information on how, when and where it was made, using QR codes and AR [augmented reality]. We will also see a greater variety of shapes, sizes and materials that will enable brands to become much more distinctive and give greater stand-out on shelf. We're inundated with information - there's so much to read all the time. The information we actually want is almost lost - with wine, we really just need to know the grape and the percentage in the first instance." "This will thrive in the hospitality industry as restaurants and bars look to order at times convenient to them, such as after service. Oenophiles with cash to flash will also have instant delivery of fine wines to exotic locations at a moment's notice. The British will drink less alcohol but enjoy better-quality products that are produced locally. "We have clearly seen the trend for drinking less, but better," explains Kirsten Kilby, managing director of Armit Wines. Dr Morgaine agrees: "Our palettes are changing. We're more sensitive and developed, and looking to look for distinctions and nuances in wine. The same goes for chocolate: we're looking for the distinctions between different beans and different grapes, and we want to know about the different ways food and drink is made, from vine-to-glass as well as from bean-to-bar. Any old bottle of plonk won't cut it anymore - the new generation just won't buy it. "We're seeing more wine poured over ice, and more interesting wine cocktails. There's a crossover with drinking vinegars and the lines are blurring between all of those things. The ways in which wine can be used is changing and becoming wider: we're seeing chardonnay ice cream, Shiraz cocktail nuts - wine is showing up in food in lots of new ways, which isn't typical. It's a step beyond rum and raisin. Previously, we wouldn't have expected that tannic profile to be found in ice cream."
In the end he didn't need the third set and it was returned to Pirelli afterwards, but before the race, with high degradation expected due to the 'greenness' of the circuit (plus rain all Friday) and a circuit which evolved more than any other in 2010, that set could have proved crucial. Which shows how Red Bull works – shows also how Ferrari works: after qualifying Alonso was asked whether Ferrari had considered the tactic? And why did you then not do implement it? "We didn't want to risk it…" NEW TAKE ON BUILD QUALITY: Grid girls the world over are the same old... WHERE WAS VITAL INGREDIENT? That vital ingredient, which fuels paddocks from Melbourne to Monza, was simply nowhere to be seen (or felt), be it in the pits lane, in the media centre or in the stands. If the race ticked all the boxes it failed to answer a burning question: what was F1 doing in a country with absolutely no feel for the sport?For real passion, rewind a week to Japan: Fittingly, that race was twice as close at the sharp end?
N/A Site Quality Can Cause Loss of Rich Resultseiant? Category: Cryptocurrency Investing Introduction However, since it was a two-part question, the answer to the second half was not supplied until after John had done answering the first. So, at the 55:19 minute mark, the solution arrives three minutes later. After the site was redesigned, the rich results were removed. Many anecdotal examples exist of site redesigns that fail, succeed, or remain neutral with no change in rankings. They checked their schema markup to see if it had any technical issues, but it passed all of them. Because it’s difficult to mend anything if you don’t know what’s wrong, the individual who asked the inquiry just wants a notion of where they should go with this. John Mueller, Google’s Product Manager, Talks About Rich Results Part two of a two-part question is as follows: Whll?” It’s possible that the loss of rich results is just coincidental. John Mueller responded to the inquiry, implying that modifications to the site may not have been the cause of the loss of rich results. One possibility is that we re-evaluated the general quality of your website about the same time you made those adjustments. If that’s the case, it’s probably more of a coincidence. We normally don’t provide any rich results if we aren’t ” The Eligibility of Rich Results Can Be Affected by Site Quality John Mueller’s Quality Check for Rich Results “O” If they appear there, it implies we recognize them but don’t want to show them. So there’s an indication that you may need to enhance things from a quality standpoint. If they don’t come up in a site query, it’s” Mueller concluded his response by saying: “So it’s not like there’” It’s more like… e’s a technological problem.” “It’s not perfect, but it’s close.”” The Site Query Exploit The following is an example of a site query: Keywords as an example Google’s standard ranking algorithm isn’t used in a site query. It’s unclear what it employs, but it’s clear that it’s not the same as a standard search query, as is the case with all advanced search inquiries. It’s simply a straightforward website search. Rich Results Can Be Removed Due To Poor Site Quality At the 55:19 minute mark, John Mueller explains why rich findings were lost (part of two-part question from 52:26 minute mark) The “search engine journal” is a blog that covers search engine news and trends. It has been found that site quality can cause loss of rich results. google mobile-first indexing 2021 core web vitals page experience google page speed update google ranking factors 2021 h1 headings over 50 of seos doing it wrong How to Do Quarterly Ad Planning Google Launching New Version Of PageSpeed Insights The 15-Step SEO Audit That Is Guaranteed to Improve Rankings Google Expands Trusted Store Badge To Free Shopping Listings Google Announces “Things to Do” Free Listing & Ad Units
ABRAHAM or IBRAHIM? I was going to write a blog in essay-format arguing a case for the logic of I wanted to first preface that by explaining the background issues briefly, namely the Sunni/Shiite split and the Arab/Non-Arab split. I will probably do that later today but instead wanted to post something I rediscovered while looking for a precise definition of Arab (in trying to explain, for example, Iran is Muslim but not Arab.) What I came across was a story from the Book of Genesis about Abraham. Abraham is accepted as the patriach of Judaism, Christianity and Islam; and the story offers how the divisions began. Here is the story brieafter God created the world but before the Land of Israel was settled, there lived a man named Abraham in the city of Harran (modern Turkey.) One day God spoke to Abraham, and directed him south to Shechem, where he promised Abraham that his son would inherit and rule the land.Wishing to fulfil his pact with God, Abraham got busy with his wife, Sarai, but to no avail. As these were the days before fertility pills, they had very few options. Desperate to keep his end of the agreement up, Abraham came into an "agreement" with his wife, who urged him to turn to the housekeeper, Hagar (Genesis 16:2).And thus Abraham impregnated Hagar, while still wed to Sarai, which as expected created some very tense and extremely akward situations. But soon Hagar gave birth to a son, Ishmael!They all began to raise Ishmael together and apparently Abraham was still physically intimate with his barren wife because out of the blue she became pregnant, and soon gave birth to their son, Isaac!Well to sum it up, things were just too tense in that house, Abraham having a child with both the his wife and the housekeeper and them all trying to live together. Being Abraham's actual wife, Sarai put her foot down and got Hagar and Ishmael to leave.Ishmael went east and became the father of the Arab people, Isaac stayed local and became father to the Jewish people, one of of whom many years later started an offshoot of Judaism that was called Christianity.And still today Christians, Jews and and Muslims all regard Abraham as the patriarch of their peoples, one of the most important prophets in all three religions. And as fighting in the Middle East rages today among people, Muslims Christian and Jews, who all agree that they are all descendents of the Prophet Abraham, they may want look a little past the family fighting and estrangment between Abraham's two children Ishmael and Isaac, and what happened at the end of the story of Abraham.Although they had fought eachother as enemies and lived apart for years without ever speaking, Isaac and Ishmael came together one last time to fulfil their responsibility as brothers; and that was to bury and mourn their father, oldtownboys Statement on Mid-East Hostilities
Money Management Series - Ypsilanti (Summer) Time: 9 - 10 a.m. Location: Hope Center, 518 Harriet Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 C: - Using Credit Wisely August 12, September 10) - Pumping Up Savings (August 20, September 17) - Creating Financial Goals (August 27, September 24)
ATT Email Login – Just Published.. The last few years have brought some amazing new technological innovationsremains as well as other social media applications are becoming a lot more common among all internet users, and today more than ever, the internet has to be able to take care of us. The good thing is that peoplalong with us. Not really a “Do-It-Yourself” Type? No worries! AT&T’s ConnecTech service is there to assist. Offert login can assist-home pc repair. Ask for the installation extmore. Sandproof Beach Towel – Discover More..
back and forth to NY and Italy to create the Conte family so my readers were always intrigued. Setting becomes part of the story and characters. Look at Lucky Harbor with Jill Shalvis. Cedar Cove with Debbie Macomber. In my upcoming Searching For... Series, it takes place at a matchmaking agency in a quaint river town in upstate NY. #5 - Create high stakes - Big time conflict is key to keep readers engaged. Make sure you've developed your characters to have contradicitons, issues, and a strong conflict to keep them apart. #8 - A good hook - Readers are sometimes wary when they are starting a new series. Make it easy for them to love you and your book. Keep that first scene, that first sentence even, crystal clear and sharp. In my upcoming Posse series, I start with a funeral where five men who are like brothers lose one of their own. In the Marriage Series, I start with a love spell. Intrigue is key. Thank You Andrea. I just loved this entire series. Especially the second segment. But this one is up there. I'm glad you enjoyed the same quotes as I did. I will be looking yours up! Great review! I'm in the middle of reading this and I love Sawyer, Julietta, and Wolfe! </s> Thet’s call it “downtown”When choosing a location, firms must balance the cost of land against the benefits of clustering, access to markets, and proximity to workers. For some firms, cheaper land and the presence of a labor pool outside the city center may outweigh the benefits of being near other businesses they deal with. According to this simple view, firms would decentralize in part to gain shorter commutes for their workers, expecting that to translate into reduced wage costs. Of course, the real world cannot be explained by this simple theory. Consider three further complications. First, workers are less likely to choose where to live based on job proximity if they know they’ll change jobs, if the location of their next job is uncertain due to job decentralization, or if their household has more than one worker. The choice becomes a gamble. Since it’s costly to move, workers may hedge their bets by locating at some intermediate spot, say somewhere between the city center and the suburbs, to reduce their long-range commute and moving costs. For households with two or more workers whose current and expected future jobs are in different places, finding a place to live near work may not even be possible. In either case, decentralization of jobs might increase commute distances. Second, firms may not choose to locate in suburbs solely to be near their work forces. They may enjoy other benefits from decentralization, including underused transportation capacity in outlying areas, better access to external markets, lower taxes, and proximity to suburban customers. If these factors are important, then job decentralization will not necessarily produce shorter commutes. Third, households clearly think about more than just job location when choosing where to live. They also consider access to shopping and other nonwork activities, the quality of the neighborhood, schools, and other public services, and the resale value of the property (which reflects all of these). In general, the higher priority they give other considerations, the less likely it is that people will reduce commute length when firms decentralize. Other research using data on individuals has found that decentralization lengthens the commute under some circumstances or for particular household groups. For example, in his UC Berkeley dissertation and subsequent research, Jonathan Levine found that commutes of low-income households increased in distance as employment suburbanized, in part due to shortages of affordable housing nearby. This finding raises a further complication: although land tends to be cheaper in the suburbs, regulations on the construction of higher density, cheaper housing units may reduce the available supply in many areas. This line of research remains in its infancy. Behavioral data typically are either too aggregated or are limited in some other way, making it difficult to explore individual choices; and statistical models are insufficiently developed. Although empirical relationships may be too complex ever to be fully understood, it is certainly possible to understand them better. For information on individuals and their commute distances, we use data from 1985 to 1997 from the American Housing Survey (AHS), a large, nationwide survey administered every two
Ready for Maintenance Mode? But, instead of wallowing in that low place for too long, Morgan picked herself up and turned to the program that had given her so much success the first time. With Nutrisystem (click here for her favorite Nutrisystem chocolate treat! "To be honest, I was scared to start flexing meals," Morgan admits of making the transition to Success."Nutrisystem had given me a structure that I had grown used to and I was afraid that, if left to my own to make decisions, I would fall into old habits. But, the Nutrisystem Success program helped me make the transition with the structure I needed." "The Success program has given me control over my food choices during this transition, while also giving me the structure I needed to be successful," Morgan explains. "It's given mmaintain my healthy eating habits."
It is a sort of Thrombosis which is a disorder pay for a university essay caused by the scarcity of Thrombin in your system. This disorder is caused by the irregular production of this4type of Thrombosis that affects approximately 4 million men and women inside the usa. There are a number of is broken up into branches. Some Types of the branches have been both Micro Biology, Immunology, and Microbiology. In definition the congestion of blood vessels due to its blood clots causes of this disease. In shape that is easy it’s not difficult to know the fundamentals about any of it. In order to understand the basics concerning this particular disease you need to attempt to be acquainted with expressions and different terms in this particular branch. Once understanding it you can declare a suitable definition with this disease. From the method of building energy. This Cellular respiration is currently in fact employed same day essay reviews in all surviving creatures. Thisbeing a power supply. Cells use ozone as the origin of electricity by using the expression Called Polysed in all surviving creatures. Which means definition of may be utilised in divisions. In basic math, we’re interested at cell movements, cell, cells work, cell division, tissues replica, the compounds, iThese are all a many researchose organs and the body generally. This includes laboratory reports in elements of the science, a few of which are discussed below. Physiology research that the organism which is the body and includes factors like physiological adaptations anatomy , immune system and the levels of fcomprises the bones and muscles and how they function out. Inside Anatomy is sophisticated in arrangement and also research with the tissues and also how they converse and socialize with eachother. The key concepts from the branch are transplants, blood cells, tissue, intercellular diffusion, circulation, cell type, parts of the cell and cells. These are part of the definition of Biology, that may be utilized in divisions. By simply taking biology quizzes, you may learn the fundamentals concerning those branches. Taking quests can help you find the latestlearn the basics.
Master of Commerce (CBCS) Post Graduate Diploma [Evening] Department of Commerce and Business Managment : ACADEMIC ENDEVAOURS IN TERMS OF CHANGES MADE IN THE COURSES AND PROGRAMMES: Our Department was the first department in the whole of the M S University of Baroda in introducing the very first Self-Financn the year 1997 with a view to facilitate an integrated undergraduate module for M.B.A. aspirants. The BBA programme, which is now being run by the Faculty of Commerce, has today become the role models for other universities and other colleges and business schools in the surrounding regions. Recently in a year 2021, faculty has launched M.Com(CBCS) In which department has offered six new subjects like Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Startup skills, HRM Processes and strategies, Behavioral Dynamics in Organization, Essentials of Marketing Management and Dynamics of Consumer Behavior . Department has also launched 10 short term Skill Development Program from 2021. At present, 01 Professor, 7 Associate Professors, and 25 Assistant Professors are working in the department. 1 Associate Professor, 04 Assistant Professors are also appointed at M K Amin Arts & Science College and College of Commerce, Padra which is a constituent unit of the M S University of Baroda. Our faculty members also have a fair number of research publications to their credit. They are regularly participating in order to update the knowledge and skills by participation in the various State levels, National and International levels Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops. They are also engaged in research and extension along with basic teaching. It has well-trained faculty who are actively engaged in research work. They are invited as a Resource persons' in the Orientation Programmes of the Academic Staff Colleges, and UGC's Refresher Courses. Some of them also render honorary services as a visiting faculty for IGNOU, as well as Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar Open University as well as other recognized courses being offered by other management institutions from time to time. They are actively involved with regional educational institutions as honorary Visiting Faculty members. Few of them also conduct Training Programmes for industry professionals. PLACEMENT RECORD OF THE PAST STUDENTS AND THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE DEPARTMENT TO THE STUDENTS' PLACEMENTS: THE MANAGEMENT STUDENTS; ASSOCIATION: [PG]: The MSA: PG organized the one day State level seminar on Impact of Technology on Business [Issues, Opportunities and Challenges] on 7th January 2007. It also released souvenir consisting abstracts of selected papers received for it. It also releases Newsletter called as PRAGYAN at least twice a year. In the year 2021 MSA UG & PG organized webinar series in which 8 webinars were conducted. A large number of students participated and benefited gaining Knowledge from experts who were presenting across the country. We have already initiated efforts to set up Placement Celli as well Alumni Association of our department for the benefit of our students.
ArtsATL > Theater > Athem The project is meant not just for young people interested in a theater career. “Collision is not designed to make ‘Broadway babies,’ but to create active, engaged citizens, to use the creative experience to become more engaged in the world,” McColery declares. Cleage says many participants have later become part of the Alliance extended family in different capacities, such as instructors or patrons. Likewise for the students, it gives them a connectivity they might not have had before, Cleage feels. “This project helps them to look around and they do. They meet a range of people they might have never met, that they would have never bumped into, and through this they can provide each other with a sense of community.” From “Officer Don” to maestro of “Big Band Jump,” Don Kennedy stays in the swing
Mark Todd Ladies Deluxe Long Coat is tailored for riding. Mark Todd Ladies Coat has a detachable collar. This coat also has a two-way riding zip, side zips, and side front zips. The coat is machine washable.
Dysart Taylor andre joining together for the annual Food From The Bar drive to support Harvesters non-profit food bank. A food collection barrel will be in our office from April 4 through May 2. Clients, colleagues and friends are welcome to drop off donations of canned goods, minute rice, dry pasta, pasta sauce, cereals or peanut butter. chum.
Liberty Quotes - Prof. Sanford H. Kadish, Reverend Martin Niemoeller, Robert M. Lafollette, Sr. -- Reverend Martin Niemoeller Source: paraphrased an "Let of the Government arrest suspected "radicals"...we have shorn the Bill of Rights of its sanctity..." (1855-1925) U.S. Senator Source: The Progressive, March 1920
OK, that is funny, but the rest of Gavin McNett's review betrays a bad case of what Nussbaum described as "hipster defeatism," which runs rampant at Salon. "The enemies that Rage are fighting are atavistic bogeymen like censorship, conformity and White Men in Suits." Quoi? Exsqueeze me? Even if you don't like their music and don't agree 100% with their message, Rage is a Pied Piper leading kids into politics. And they are immensely popular. Just the other day, the young, purple-haired Philippino woman who was cutting my hair told me how much she loved Rage which led to an enjoyable conversation about their politics - something she didn't know that much about - and politics in general.
Springsteen's main deputy on stage, guitarist Steve Van Zandt, told us during the 2012 dates that the influx of horns, background singers, and a percussionist supplementing the E Street Band kept things both exciting and slightly dangerous: "It's been a long time since we screwed up, (laughs), y'know, I'm just kidding. But there haven't been. . . there haven't been that many screw-ups — even with the new guys. I'm more likely to screw up than they are. What makes it — you get a little bit of the excitement that they have, being, y'know, a new edition to the group. Y'know, I think you get a little bit of that rubbing off on you so it makes it just even more exciting." "Out In The Street" "The Ties That Bind" "Cynthia" "Badlands" "Who'll Stop The Rain" "Cover Me" "Downbound Train" "We Take Care Of Our Own" "Wrecking Ball" "Death To My Hometown" "My City Of Ruins" "It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City" "Jole Blon" "This Little Girl" "Pay Me My Money Down" "Janey Don't You Lose Heart" "In The Midnight Hour" "Into The Fire" "Because The Night" "She's The One" "Working On The Highway" "Shackled And Drawn" "Waitin' On A Sunny Day" "Meeting Across The River" "Jungleland" "Thunder Road" "Rocky Ground" "Born To Run" "Glory Days" "Seven Nights To Rock" "Dancing In The Dark" "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" "Twist And Shout" Bruce Springsteen biographer, author Peter Ames Carlin, told us that losing Clarence Clemons in 2011 —"
06 Aug / 2019 08 Oct / 2021 by Gabriel Lorenzi Check out what to buy in Orlando: the best products, souvenires and more! There are things and specific items that everyone want to buy once in Orlando. See 10 of them: 1. iPhones and electronics It’s no news that electronics in the US are usually much cheaper than in a lot of other countries. If you’re heading there, be aware that there are plenty of electronics that worth bringing along, especially cellphones and the long-awaited iPhone. Besides them, there are also those who buy notebooks, tablets, baby monitors, smart watches and video games. The truth is that most electronics are worth it, but even so, don’t forget to do some research beforehand. 2. Chocolate and Nutella The US has a great variety of chocolates, and you can find them everywhere. Prices are especially low at supermarkets and pharmacies, such as Walmart and Walgreens. Plus, at the Dollar Tree store, for example, you can find Lindt chocolates for just a dollar! A product of desire that is also worth it are the Nutella jars, such as the jars that come with chopsticks, for you to eat together, and those giant jars. In several places there are promotions where you can buy pots of Nutella for a dollar. One of the most remembered stores in Disney Springs is the Lego one. It will certainly not go unnoticed by you! Right at the entrance, you can see huge sculptures made only by Lego pieces. The store itself is also fully interactive, with branded pieces for children to play with. It also sells Lego games, sets and pieces of all types. 4. Clothes and sheets Anyone who has been in the US knows that you can find clothes and other garments for a few dollars. Branded stores, such as Tommy and Gap, also sell their pieces here for a much lower price, and the big show here is the department stores, which sell branded and unbranded products for really great prices. There are several of them: Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Ross, Marshalls, T.J.Max… In these stores, you can still find good options for perfumes, watches, shoes and bags at very good prices. A tip that everyone gives is to buy those thousand thread count sheets at Ross, that have great prices! 5. Shampoos and hair care products Whoever loves makeup can enjoy shopping in Orlando, as there are stores specializing in it, in addition to the products being sold in the aforementioned department stores and pharmacies. Everything there is cheaper: mascara, mask, pencil, eyeliner, foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks, lipbalms… Makeup brushes, especially those from Sigma, which is one of the most used brands by influencers, are also worth in Orlando. 7. Cetaphil, moisturizers and sunscreen 8. Snacks and candies from supermarkets 9. Vitamins and Medicines Vitamins and medications are generally cheaper in Orlando, which is why many people who use continuous medication buy them while traveling to the US. Melatonin is an item that is much cheaper out there. There are even those who recommend, for parents traveling with children, to buy Alivium for fevers. 10. Funko Toys Insider tips for shopping in Orlando Now that you’ve seen everything about what to buy i13 Aug / 2012 14 Jul / 2021 Orlando’s best sights, attractions and popular landmarks
Secretary in her sexy and short dress got fucked really nice and hard 2949 4 Secretary in Contribute toummer Dress Is Hot. British blond secretary dressed to get your erect.
After introducing me to iris folding, Judibug (her user name on the PcCrafter message board), then sent me a beautiful tag card – you can see this card in the gallery. I didn't get hooked right away because I just had my baby then. Well, of course, as soon as I was able to, here I go again, copying her, LOL!My tag card is a more humble version – but of course, you can add as much or as little embellishments as you want! When the tags were all "dressed up" I cut "hinges" from a med. weight cardstock so it would fold nicely. I attached all of the front side tags together in a row using the "hinges". Leaving a small space between each tag (so there would be room for each tag edge when it is folded) I put all front tags together, side by side. After scoring the hinges down the middle I used glue pens from Sam's Club to apply the adhesive. You could use double stick tape. I tried running stuff through the Xyron but it was just too sticky for this project....after all hinges were attached to the tags, I flipped the "chain" of tags over. Then taking the rest of the tags, being mindful of keeping them in the correct order, I used double stick tape on the back of the tags and adhered them to their respectful fronts. This makes the hinge almost invisible as it is "caught" in-between the front and back tag. At this point I punched a hole in each tag pair using the pair before it to place the hole at the same place in each pair. Then I put several yarns and ribbons in each in each of these folds up like an accordion and if one chooses it will stand on a flat surfaces all by it's self while it is slightly folded....that is all there is to it...sure didn't take as long to write about it as it did to do it....I hope all of these instructions are helpful...
January 31st marks the end of the sign-up phase of the program when people can sign-upar but, it does not mark the end of the program. People who have signed-up at will have 2 d sign a contract.
In .. Keeping Up with the Cavendishes series.
The stresses of adapting to a new environment can be traumatizing for immigrant children and adolescents, says Edilma Yearwood, associate professor of nursing, and part of that stress is due to delays in accessing mental health care. With support fromYearwood also is researching childhood obesity in Latino immigrants -- an issue that may be related to mental health, she says. The scholar is co-editing a textb, which will focus on giving U.S. primary-care providers the knowledge base they need to recognize mental health issues in adolescents and children. She says this will help them makes.
Affirmative action case postponed May 3 2013 at 05:34pm By SAPA Andre Jonkers, a Correctional Services Department employee, in the Labour Court where he testified that he believed his skin colour prevented him from being promoted. The landmark case against the department continues. Photo: Michael Walker Cape Town - An affirmative action case by union Solidarity against the Western Cape correctional services department was postponed in the Labour Court in Cape Town, the union said on Friday. “The case was postponed today (Friday) on condition that the posts applied for by the applicants and those that have not been filled, remain vacant. The trial will resume on 29 July until 9 August,” the union said in a statement. Solidarity said it brought the matter to court on behalf of the department's staff members - Linda-Jean Fortuin, Christopher February, Andre Jonkers, Geo-nita Baartman, Pieter Davids, Derick Wehr, Jan Kotze, Desiree Merkeur, Deidre Jordaan and Teresa Abrahams. “In each case, the persons concerned were the best candidates for pon they have not been appointed,” the union said. “Solidarity maintains that the department's blatant policy of absolute racial representation is unfair, irrational and unlawful.” In all the cases, the department argued that the national demographics had to be used as the criterion, said Solidarity. Geo-Nita Baartman, who has worked for the Correctional Services Department for over 13 years, believes she has been overlooked for promotion. Photo: Brenton Geach It said coloured employees were overlooked because of the department's affirmative action policy. Fortuin, a coloured woman with 26 years of service at the department, was one of the employees who were allegedly dealt a blow by the policy. “She applied for three posts, but as a result of affirmative action, was passed over for all three. She was later appointed to one of the posts, that of Area Co-ordinator at Pollsmoor, with effect from 1 June 2012.” February, a coloured employee with 16 years of service, applied for the post of senior state acc “However, the director for equitable employment argued that the recommendation was not in line position. She, however, had already accepted another position, and the post was re-advertised.” Teboho Mokoena, deputy commissioner of human resources at the department, said his department followed the requirements of the Employment Equity Act. Freddie Engelbrecht of the Correctional Services Department. Photo: Michael Walker “In terms of senior management posts of director and chief director levels in the Western Cape, there are five coloured males, two coloured females, five African males, five African females and one white male - there are no white females or Indian males or females in senior management,” said Mokoena. “Coloureds therefore comprise more than one third, or 38.89 percent, of senior managers.” Mokoena said Minister Sibusiso Ndebele convened a ministerial consultative forum in February, designated to resolve any problems that may exist between the department and recognised trade unions. “The department and the unions have structures in place to address issues related to the employment equity plan.” “Solidarity does not serve on these structures, due to the fact that it is not recognised within the department, as per rules of the collective bargaining council.” - Sapa Related Stories ANC leader agrees to equity debate ‘My skin colour worked against me’ I am now ‘fighting another system’ ‘I also suffered under apartheid’ IOL / News / Crime & Courts / Affirmative action case postponed We like to make your life easier
A team travels on the Iditarod trail to Tanana. (Photo: Ben Matheson, KNOM)Iditarod mushers reached the Yukon River last night at Tanana. Teams are ready to launch their race plans as the 8-hour and 24-hour rest periods come into view. But first, they must run the longest stretch of the race between checkpoints and make it through the early race with their teams intact.As the sun went down Tuesday, Nicolas Petit staked his claim as the first musher to the Yukon River. He receives $3,500 in ones and a five-course meal prepared by chefs at the Lakefront Hotel. But first, he needed to find a guest. Martin Buser, the musher who arrived 36 minutes after him wasn’t up for it.“The Yukon River dinner? I might? Otherwise, I may have to find someone else,” Buser said. “I have to go to sleep; I don’t like all of that hoopla.”Nicolas Petit and Tanana resident Blanche Edwin enjoy the five-course meal Petit won for being the first musher to the Yukon River. (Photo: Ben Matheson, KNOM)Tanana Mayor Donna Folger presented him with gifts from the community and, ultimately, found him a date.“You guys arm wrestle for it? Blanche, will you eat with him for me? Yes, Blanche!” Folger said.Tanana resident Blanche Edwin joined Petit for the gourmet meal as cameras clicked. Andrew Adlesperger, Food and Beverage Director at the Lakefront Hotel, described the salad course.“Our sun-dried cranberry pear and gorgonzola salad on fresh springs, and it’s topped with a raspberry lime dressing that Bobby made in house.”Petit’s team, however ate a less leafy meal in the dog yard at 25 below.“le,” Petit said. “No rib eye steaks. I’ve done that before, and it backfired.”Nicolas Petit was the first musher to reach the Yukon River. (Photo: Ben Matheson, KNOM)While Petit ate, several teams pulled into Tanana. Jason Mackey arrived fourth, right behind Mitch Seavey.“” Mackey said. “ked.”Dozens of teams Tuesday afternoon pulled off to nana. Chief Ve’ body condition over the course of another frigid interior Alaska night.“Very few dropped dogs, very low numbers. Overall, the dogs are healthy; we want to really monitor the hydration and body weights. But they’re pretty perky and peppy.”Upon reaching the Yukon, mushers’ mandatory rest strategies are on the horizon: teams can now take their 8-hour rest at checkpoints between here and Kaltag in addition to their 24-hour layover. Mackey wants to get hundreds of more miles behind him before taking the big rest.“I’o,” Mackey said. “’re screaming.”Before many take the 8-hour break, teams will head west on the Yukon to Ruby: the longest stretch between checkpoints at close to 120 miles. Petit’s plan is to have options with the gear and supplies he packs.“I ” Petit said. “You see I still have straw? I don’t make a plan because I don’t know what the trail is going to do, and I don’t know what the weather is going to do, and I don’t knowing.”The checkpoint of Tanana is the first stop on the Yukon River. (Photo: Ben Matheson, KNOM)For Wade Marrs, the fifth musher into the checkpoint, the next couple runs to Ruby will determine how quickly he needs to bank his big rest.“’ll take an eight and keep on going,” Marrs said. “If they don’t, we’ll te.”25 minutes behind Marrs was Bethel musher Pete Kaiser.“I prefer to take my 24 first; we’ll see how it goes,” Kaiser said. “’’t think we’ll need either of them, here.”Mushers will drive their teams west early Wednesday, with both options at hand and hard choices to make.
Merry Monday #244 Wreath ABC Christmas - H for Home (bird house) and I for Informal (sentiment) Christmas @ Sweet Stampin - Anything Goes And a dino update too: Fab card thanks for sharing st craft this week and good luck in the draw Enjoyed reading your post! Great card - but I love the fish tank! lo,
Seton Hall University School of Law, 2018, J.D. Ashley Hahh8. SheMs. Hahn is the author of To 48 SETON HALL L. REV. 897 (2018). She received a B.A. magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr College in 2014 where she served as aundergraduate research fellow. w. Ms. Hahn is a member of the s.
In an earlier article, I showed how to make a system dual-boot Windows Vista and Debian Linux through GRUB. This was fairly straightforward, even with the new boot loader (BCD) that ships with the latest Vista builds. All of that happened in a reasonably simple environment – I used Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 SP1 to run Vista build 5342 and Debian. This time, things are bound to get a little bit more interesting: I am installing Vista build 5342 on a Sun Ultra 40 AMD workstation. The other OS is – obviously – Solaris 10 01/06 (Update 1). The overall procedure is very similar to what I have described before: 1. Install Windows Vista 2. Install Solaris and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst as described here. STOP: Solaris is not quite as smart about the boot loaders as GRUB and does some strange things to the MBR – OR – Vista x64 has a different behavior about writing its boot records. At this point, I could start Solaris by default. Vista did NOT boot for me – it was complaining about \Windows\System32\Winload.exe missing. As such, I ran the System Recovery option from the Vista boot DVD, which reinstalled the Vista boot loaders. To be sure, I ran the bootsect.exe with switch /nt60 on the SYS volume. For the restore options it is very important that you decline to have the boot problems fixed automatically .Just say “No” and click “Next” and you will be taken to a menu where you can get a full Windows shell – this is MUCH better than the recovery console. 3. Reboot into the Windows shell on the Vista Install DVD. 4. bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c: 5. bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c: 6. Run d:\boot\bootsect /nt60 c: If you screw up GRUB Now back into booting Solaris by throwing the Solaris install DVD into the drive, going to the command prompt of grub and specifying Great. Solaris boots. Now run installgrub(1M) with the following arguments: installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 -m /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/ NOTE: After you re-install GRUB, you will need to go back to the Vista Recovery console.
and both Miller and Chapman were selected for the academyVignettes of Ancient Mathematics This module consists of a mathematical analysis of these two descriptions of Hippocrates' work on lunules in four sections. There is general introduction to the mathematics of lunules. This discussion does not concern Hippocrates per se and is anachronistic. Then there is an analysis of Alexander's method . This analysis assumes that the method may be generalizable, and so uses a lunule that is not in any ancient account. The analysis of Eudemus' method likewise uses a lunule not in any ancient account. Finally, the two methods, of Alexander and Eudemus, are comparedmeeting the needs of others. Calvin offers a social work curriculum that integrates the teachings of the Bible with the knowledge and skills used by social workers in order to equip graduates to effectively and professionally serve others. As a social work major at Calvin, you'll prepare for a career of Christian service as a generalist social work practitioner. This BSW program combines courses in social work with a strong liberal arts core curriculum. The major culminates in the community practicum experience, in which you'll spend 400 hours as an intern at social work agency either in Grand Rapids, Chicago, or Washington D.C. Study abroad in Chicago or Washington D.C.; volunteer in local schools, churches and hospitals; gain hands on experience through a summer internship; assist a professor with sociological research.Social Work as a:s> Thread Your friend is partially right. (I didn't read that link, but rather am using infinite wisdom passed down from GMHTP magazine The breaking-in period isn't a huge issue as much as it was. However, it still exists (the need for a break-in). How long you take is up to you. They advise ~500 miles, . The reason is to seat the rings (like said above). And city driving is preferred to do that. Because a constant rpm is only going to seat the rings at that speed, not the rest (over-simplification). Opening her up once of twice isn't going to kill it. In fact, it may help out the break-in process. Also - as I think was mentioned above, get an oil change earlier than you're supposed to. Because the first round of oil is gonna get REAL crappy, real fast with all the wear on the brand new parts (mainly the rings). So: change the oil early. Don't go road racing for AT LEAST 200 miles (imho), and vary the revolutions (minimize highway driving). : I just read the link posted up...and although it's the same thing (motors and all) I'd rather not rely on guides for BIKES (and other small vehicles like that) to break in my CAR. (call me picky Visit Mr. Wyndham's homepage! </s> International and Comparative Competition Law - ISBN:9780521736244 - 714pages -. </s> Camp Keewaydin, founded in 1893, is the oldest canoe-trip camp in the world. It’s for boys and girls (single gender groups) who are interested in wilderness canoe tripping in Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec. We cook over open fires and prepare our food from scratch, paddle wood canvas canoes, and maintain traditions that have kept our camp thriving for over 100 years. Our very experienced staff teach and support each camper as they meet and succeed over the daily challenges of canoeing and camping. Call us to find out more about the leadership, teamwork, friendship and personal growth that occur in our three, six and seven week sessions. </s> List Price: $44.95 Time is running out for shoppers to finish finding holiday bargains. If your advent calendar has you in a panic about finding the best gifts for the people on your list, you won't want to miss our last-minute shopping chat. Our bargain-hunting experts will help you find the best deals without breaking a sweat. For great gift ideas, join our panel: Debbie Frye is the general manager of and shopping for Postmedia Network and writes about bargains in her blog, Smart Not Che
When is a house a home and when is it not? Comments Off on When is a house a home and when is it not? The question of whether a home is a home or not has been a contentious issue in India for centuries. Thd home is. Home, for instance, is not a property. In other words, a house is not the same as a building. So, a property can’t be considered a home, since it’s a structure that has its own boundaries. But a house can be considered to be a place, because it’s an integral part of a community or a structure, or, if that’s not enough, a community can be said to be comprised of many houses. The definition of a home has been debated for centuries, and has been interpreted and debated for the past 100 years. The debate over the meaning of the term home is part of the history of the country. A large part of that history comes from the 18th century, when Englishman Charles Dickens created a series of books that explored the lives of people living in the country and the problems that they faced. The stories were aimed at helping people in India feel better about their condition. For many, the books were a means to better understand and understand the country, which is still a place that some people would describe as being on the wrong side of history. Today, the country has seen a lot of progress in the past century. However, the term house has remained controversial. While some have claimed that a house should be defined by its exterior, others argue that a home can be defined only by its interior. In any case, there is no consensus about the definition. In India, there are two distinct concepts for what constitutes a home. The first is the house itself, which refers to the living space that houses the family, friends, and property. A house is usually the main living space for a family. The second is the property that the family owns, which can be a building, a building or even a shed. The concept of a house in India is very complex. Different states in the north and west have their own definitions of the concept, while in the south and east, it is more complicated. Aa single crime in a house includes a murder, robbery, rape, burglary, arson and any other criminal act committed against a house. According to the Crime Survey of India, the number of crimes committed in a single house varies from state to state, but in general, the total number of murders committed in an entire state is less than 1 per 100,000 population. But the numbers for other crimes are much higher, as the number is usually far higher. According for instance to the National Crime Records Bureau, a, the figure for murders per 100 million population is 4.7, while the figure of rapes is 3.7. For all crimes, the maximum punishment is death. In the northern states of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, the rate of murders is 8 per 100 and rapes is 9.5 per 100. The maximum punishment for murder is life imprisonment, while for rape, the punishment is 10 years imprisonment. For a crime that is committed against an entire family, there can be different punishments depending on the victim and the accused. For example, in a case where two women are killed by their husband and his two sons in a private house, the accused can be hanged, while a family can get the death penalty. The Crime Survey Bureau said that only in Uttar Pradesh, in which there is a large number of Muslim-majority population, the sentence for murder or rape is death, while other crimes, like robbery, are punishable by life imprisonment. In Bihar, in Bihar’s northeast, the same case is the same, but the maximum penalty is death for the accused, while if the crime is committed in the same district, the death sentence is the life term. In Kerala, in Kerala’s south, the state where the BJP has come to power, the crime rate is higher, but this is not surprising. In a survey conducted in 2015, it was found that in the district where the state BJP has its stronghold, the murder rate was about 8 per 10,000 people, while it was higher in the neighbouring district of Andaman and Nicobar, where the Congress party holds a minority. The state BJP is currently in power in Kerala, while its coalition partner in Andaman is the Left Front. According the Crime Prevention Commission of India (CPI), a crime committed in Uttar (the state whn) has a of 15 years. Similarly, in Andhra (the largest Muslim-dominated state in the state) the maximum sentence is a life term with a maximum sentence of five years. In Maharashtra, a murder is punishable by up to life imprisonment and a rape is punishable to life in prison with a term of 10 years. « Cowboys receiver Pierre Garcon, wide receiver, says he is ‘100 percent’ healthy after season-ending foot injury How does artcraft lumber fit in? »
in a casual setting. The Glass Lounge is a discreet meeting place with a soothing ambience and a magnificent view of the Petronas Twin Towers. And finally, Tiffins’ offers an array of light snacks and pastries. ——- </s> BURBANK, Calif., Feb. 1 (UPI) — Late-night comic Jay Leno said he’s “kind of sad” to see “The Tonight Show” leaving its longtime home in Burbank, Calif., for new dig </s> Dog Events in Chicago, IL, USMark your calendars! There are 2! Chicago Dog Events Calendar SHOW EVENTS IN ... - 1 Dog Events in Elmhurst, IL, US (16.3 miles from Chicago) - 2 Dog Events in Glen Ellyn, IL, US (22.5 miles from Chicago) Chicago Quick Links </s> S,we are the closest off site accommodation, only 1 km from the airport terminal, Thursday), hourly from 16:00 - 23:00 and 06:00 - 10:00 and 2 days free parking following your stay, additional days charged at £5 day. Despite being so close to Stansted Ahts sleep, in our well appointed en-suite rooms. Stansted Guest House i open countryside, yet only 3 minutes by car, or 15 minutes by foot, from Stansteds main terminal, making it ideal if using the airport for business or pleasure. BRE, which is available from 03:00. This includes white toast with a selection of jams and marmalade, cereal, orange juice, tea and coffee and costs GBP 3 per person, please email direct to order your breakfast.PLACES TO EAT:We do not offer evening meals, but there is a pub that serves food, either a 15-minute walk (country road, not lit) or GBP 6 by taxi. The pub offers traditional pub food until 21:00 (limited menus on Sundays and Public Holidays). , Maestro, Switch or debit cards as security. From: £39.4 miles (Historic Church) Full list of B&Bs in Hertfordshire </s> Search
options that will, at the same time, protect me from these attacks _and_ not buffer too much response along the way). <issue_comment>username_0: At the minimum - two flags on the falcon executable that would set minimum throughput barriers for reading and writing. They could be default-"off" but you do need them. <issue_comment>username_0: For later - here is how many of these "enforce throughput" exceptions we have noticed since we started running the test code (last Thursday): ![slowloris50782551-a2675f00-12a8-11e9-942f-137740168694.png) I am going to try to integrate this with the limit queue by putting a few around conditionals on the `write` of the body meanwhile. <issue_comment>username_1: I've released `async` v1.13.0 which changed the internal timeout API to raise the `Async::TimeoutError` exception and I'm preparing an update to `async-io` which includes a per-socket `timeout_duration`: I'm not sure where is the best place to set `timeout_duration`, but perhaps the endpoint or `accept_each` could do it as an option. This should catch connections that simply stop responding. It won't catch connections that are maliciously slow though. For that, we need more advanced throughput calculations. @username_0 thanks so much for all your detailed feedback, it's really really awesome. <issue_comment>username_1: BTW, I haven't realised `async-io` v1.18.0 yet because I don't know if it's the right design or not. So,first step - we need to try it live to find out. I believe it is more than doable to implement a throughput calculator that can be controlled from the writing sid0abd93788293b1ab54cfa1b706570317 as long as there is some guarantee that sockets that did not get `select()`ed for a long time get forcibly closed and evicted. For example here I included socket evicition on the condition that a socket was not selected for more than N. I do not thoroughly understand _yet_ whether calling `close` on a `Writable` will lead falcon to close the socket immediately, without waiting for the client to accept the entire body. Basically what worries me is that I'm missing the understanding of how do you get rid of stale and/or maliciously slow connections. Maybe there is a need for some "command bus" attached to a `Task` or to the `Writable` - something like `force_abort!`? <issue_comment>username_1: If `Body#read` raises an exception, it is likely to kill the entire connection. There is no mechanism for doing this with any of the default implementations, but you could certainly do it yourself... when clients go "silent", does that not eventually trigger TCP keep alive timeouts within the kernel? Why is it necessary to do this within the application, assuming that one could set the TCP keep-alive timeouts to something smallish (like, say, 2 minutes). This would avoid the requirement of doing it in application land, which is probably a slight overhead. I can clearly see the benefit of some application side timeouts, but if this can be done in the kernel would it not be a good idea too? <issue_comment>username_0: Ok, that gets us somewhere. But since I only `write` into the body from the "emitter" task, how do I ensure the next `read` will raise short of subclassing the `Body` for these needs. And more importantly will `read` get called even if the socket was not `select()`ed by NIO just prior? <issue_comment>username_1: Any body wrapper can raise in `#read`. If an IO is unresponsive for long enough, eventually the timeout will kill it. This only applies to HTTP/1. HTTP/2 multiplexing connections might be more tricky. HTTP/3 with UPD will require protocol-level timeouts to free resources. <issue_comment>username_1: I've just released falcon v0.20.0 which includes a 30s timeout by default for read/write/connect operations. I've also released an update to async-http v0.37.10 which handles timeout failures for http/2 correctly. More specs/tests welcome. <issue_comment>username_0: 🎉 There will be. Incredible where we are getting here 🎉 <issue_comment>username_1: Blocking the reactor could be causing issues, I'm thinking of adding logging to tasks which are hogging the event loop. Did you make any progress on using `async` replacements? <issue_comment>username_0: We did find out a ton of connections in TIME_WAIT when we were investigating but our last testing round was cut short. We will try to figure out where the leaks come from. <issue_comment>username_0: Alright, we finally got to doing another round of tests. This time we elected to remove nginx from the picture entirely and opened bare falcon to the outside. We served prod traffic from one machine to a few hundred clients again, and observed the results. On the whole it was really nice: as predicted we did peg as many cores as the number of falcons we launched, which is fine, and we reached pretty high bandwidth numbers even though these went up and down. For managing writing I have used the following subclass of the writable body: which did indeed raise the SlowLoris exception a few times. We did also adjust the kernel keepalive setting to kick out dormant sockets. We did however get into trouble on one front. Here are the graphs for the machine we were using. This is the TCP connections: ![ds_tcpconns2904259-cfa11880-3229-11e9-863a-8417e38cd970.png) The two "rocks" are two time periods when we were running falcon. As you can see, we have pretty continuous growth of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT. When we look at the memory usage we see that these sockets _also_ consume system memory - curiously enough falcon is great with userspace mem use, can't commend your buffering strategy enough 💯 ![ds_mem82-10992d00-322a-11e9-942a-5cb7c5c30b82.png) We have also encountered multiple warnings about TCP memory buffers being too low for the number of sockets open from the kernel, and we had to use sockstat to raise the number of pages from the default. It did not help much. Neither did adjusting keepalive. When we were exhausting that memory completely the net throughput on the box would grind to a halt, painting the following picture: ![ds_constip319-7dacc280-322a-11e9-8959-f1319a5f0a01.png) Our primary workload is basically proxying stuff from S3. So we decided to investigate
Ethical Markets Media welcomes Earth Day with). As of Q4 2015, the GTS totals $7.13 TRILLION cumulative in non-government investments and commitments tracked since 2007 in the global green transition now underway. The 2016 report, “Ending Externalities: Full-Spectrum Accounting Clarifies Transition Management”, focuses on the top priority: ending “externalities” which the IMF estimates at $5.3 trillion annually worldwide. Companies tracked since 2007 by the GTS are those avoiding negative externalities and focusing on transition management to low-carbon economies agreed by 195 member count climate agreements in Paris in 2015. Renewable Energy – Growing strongly as fossil fuel becomes less appealing in light of cost parity of renewables, limiting carbon emissions and driving evolution to sustainable societies. Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil), Certified B Corporation, is a micro-multinational sociaEthical Biomimicry Finance®, Transforming Finance TV Series and research and daily news at
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2019. Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26- SixTwo bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun, During youth hunt, youths may take six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does., Dec. 1 and Feb. 2. Hunting Opportunities Exception -B Recreation Other Than Hunting There are motels, supplies and restaurants in Monticello and Dermott. Supplies and food in Collins. There are two boat ramps on the area. Getting lost on the area is a problem due to water and similarity of all the terrain. The area has a good population of mosquitoes and cottonmouths and deer flies. Access to the hunting area is by foot or boat.
At Convergence 2004, Texas Instruments displayed a 1394b wired passenger car cockpit showing the transport of three simultaneous video streams, a navigation display, and access to an Apple iPOD. It included three displays, one for the front seat and two for backseat passengers. It included as sources an Apple iPOD, a DVD player, a Sony Playstation 2, a live video camera and for an example diagnostic station, a DAP 1394b analyzer displayed on a laptop computer. Rear switches allow the selection of the video streams for the rear seat displays, while a touch screen in the front seat allows selection of the DVD, PS2 display, iPOD, or uncompressed video camera for viewing on the front display. Also at Convergence, Sumitomo showed a concept demo of the uses of high speed 1394 to implement driver aids using high speed cameras. It included Sumitomo plastic optical fiber transceivers, TI's 1394b physical layer devices, Mitsubishi Rayon POF cabling, and a Unibrain camera. Delphi Automotive showed its latest automotive grade 1394 connectors and cables. 1394 a Leader in Industrial Automation VISION 2004 brings together leaders in industrial automation throughout the European Union and elsewhere, and features the latest in machine vision and identification technologies. Four vendors exhibited new IEEE 1394b-equipped systems. These included Sony, with a large booth that featured the company's new 1394b-equipped IIDC camera. Also prominent were Point Grey Research, with their own new IIDC camera, and Allied Vision Technologies, showing hubs, PCI cards, CardBus cards, GOF hubs, Cat5 hubs, and cables. Allied indicated that a 1394b-enabled camera is coming sometime in 2005. Also Fraunhofer IPMS, a leader of the 1394automation Group, showed a prototype of a 1394b IIDC camera as well as optical repeaters for industrial installations. All of the new cameras used the 6-pin or 9-pin 1394 socket. PixeLINK, which demonstrated IIDC cameras up to 6.6 megapixels; PHYTEC, a new maker of IIDC cameras, introduced their initial 1394a-based camera, which includes two ports for daisy-chaining; Strampe, which makes a control box to control IIDC cameras over 1394, like National Instruments, and uses 1394 for IIDC; NeuroCheck, which sells Windows software for machine vision using IIDC and also resells and rebrands IIDC cameras manufactured by leading vendors; Baumer Optronic now has fifteen models of 1394 equipped cameras, many of which were at the show; Matrox demonstrated their popular Matrox Imaging Library MIL that supports image grabbing from IIDC compliant cameras; Fraunhofer IMS showed its specialty (high sensitivity, high speed) CMOS optics, with 1394-enabled IIDC cameras built around them; Hamamatsu showed various IIDC cameras, as did Hitachi F.A. Systems Engineering from Japan demonstrated 1394 components like 1394a cameras and hubs; Pentacon showed a high resolution digital still image camera with up to 8192 x 12000 pixels per image that is mainly used for applications like PCB inspection. It uses 1394 and the SBP-2 protocol for data transfer. For more information about 1394 or the 1394 Trade Association, please visit ← RAUSCHER: Intelligente Bildverarbeitung auf kleinstem Raum Inos Automationssoftware GmbH Stuttgart, gewinnt VISION AWARD 2004 →
WWE will not take any disciplinary action against Jeff Hardy stemming from the incident at the airport in Nashville, Tenn., according to a report on this afternoon. The fact that Hardy will not be fined or suspended is certainly positive news for him. However, as I wrote yesterday, even though this incident did not lead to Hardy being disclipined, it might make WWE officials leery of putting the WWE title on him or even pushing him as a main-eventer. As a fan, I hope that isn't the case.
95 Empirical Rule Formula Dec 22, 2017 · May be This answer on superuser will be useful to you, it classifies the selected cells into "input", "output" and "calculation" categories and assigns the respective cell style. I find it easy to understand or debug sheet. For your scenario you should be looking for cells without any styles and cells with "input" style while using this macro. We also calculated an empirical measure of extension of life. with exceeding 1.0). Our study does not rule out the possibility that blacks may. Both empirical observations and parametric studies suggest that. Though F ∈ [0, 2] is acceptable in theory, F ∈ (0, 1) is more efficient in practice. In fact, F ∈ [0.4, 0.95] is a good range, with. With modern optical biometry for the majority of patients, informed formula choice and intraocular lens (IOL. appears to follow the Pareto Principle, an empirical rule of thumb used in many. B For our case (tail: 2, test value: 4%, sample average: 5%, sample’s standard deviation: 2%, confidence level: 95%), after entering those parameters. is a critical step for any analyses. Use. In this lesson, we will explore how empirical data is defined. Y. Then there’s the personal trainer James Duigan’s Body Brilliance powder (a “supermodel’s secret weapon”), a vegan, protein-rich chocolate shake containing, among other things, green vegetables, raw. Here’s a rule of thumb to thin out the candidates. On this view, there are certainly things we can learn from empirical psychology about decision-making but the best way to improve our own is. KATHERYN HUME: This can be tricky because we’re always looking for sort of silver bullet answers that would make it easy to apply a rule and just update our. So how can we be sort of empirical and. Td. In the 31 cases where our “polls-only” model gave a candidate at least a 95 percent chance of winning a state. Instead, they’ne’s. Mar 18, 2016 · You’ll want to use Conditional Formatting for this. You can format a cell based on a formula. It’s in the Styles section of the Home ribbon. Select Conditional Formatting > New Rule. empirical rule calculator – a.. “You must be 95% certain to send a citizen to jail” can be interpreted as: B. make an observation and. A conservative rule of thumb for a small fraction is one-tenth. So, practicing engineers have developed an empirical formula to modify the characteristic impedance and signal velocity to account. Geography 301 Tamu Quizlet Oceanography Review Sheet : Seafloor Features Essential Principle #1: Earth has one big ocean with many features. a. The ocean is the dominant physical. and diverse habitats from the surface through the water column to the seafloor. Most of. A seamount Gad Saad Seth Macfarlane 3 The. Embryology Proof Of Evolution I. Executive Summary and Background. Last fall, we proposed comprehensive changes to the various regulatory schemes applicable to issuer and third-party tender offers, mergers, going-private transactions and security holder communications. 10 The proposed changes were prompted by an increase in the number of transactions where securities are offered as consideration; an increase in the number. The second line gives the marginal product of forests in providing the service; in combination, the second and third lines give the marginal value product of forests as a source of the environmental. There, among the oak trees on their 95-acre farm, they began a summer theater in 1954 that. He held seminars on how to use a slide rule. “Ks. the association of lower P/E ratios and lower volatility ought to be “a rule… we can use [as] one sign post in our research.” But is this really true? Pricing models such as discounted cash flows that. Forecasting a Customer Base. Let’s’. . hypothesis and backing. Bauman (1891) identified homogentisic acid (HGA) and its empirical formula of CgHaO^ Virchow (1866. 24’25 Serum and urine muramidase were measured in order to rule out any other causes for elevated. Physiology Best Ways To Work What’s your secret to hiring superstars. we help train and encourage them to become HR What’s your secret to hiring superstars? Brooksource, and all divisions in our parent company Eight Eleven Group, is a 100. President Obama recently recommended CMS base its reimbursement formula on a 95 percent utilization. proposed physician rule, CMS did not alter the equipment utilization assumption, stating: "We do.
What oldies - no newer than 10 years - has not stood the test of time?What music, series or film is just not good in 2014? I watched many primetime soaps in the 90s. I recently decided to check out some episodes for old times sake, maybe even re-watch a whole series. But good lord did they fail to interest me. I am talking about Central Park West, Models Inc, Pasific Palisades, Savannah, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place...... I never watched them first run, but now if I catch a segment or so in syndication of Seinfeld or Friends, they are SO outdated! Cast out the unbeliever! Can we also add books that haven't withstood the test of time? Seinfeld, really? I agree with Athena about Friends. I think it can withstand the test of time better than some of the 90's shows because it was all about the relationships between the friends. Who cares if they didn't have iphones, wifi, etc?
Many people believe they need the assistance of a professional financial adviser to properly manage their money. The truth is all you need is the right type of information. As far as dealing with personal finances goes, knowledge is power. You can make progress toward a sound financial future with the information below. When you are investing in the Forex market watch the trends. Keep on top of things so you can buy at a lower price and sell high. Don’t ever sell when there’s an upswing or a downswing. You must have a goal, and stick to it during these wild trends. There is more to the subject of personal finance than just dollar bills. In reality, it requires a good dose of common sense. Managing your finances smartly is a learned behavior and too often people learn the hard way. Take the following tips seriously and try to implement these changes into your finances to experience a happier and stress free life. You can save both time and money by buying bulk packages of lean protein. If you end up using everything you bought, you could drastically reduce your expenses. Grill up plenty of chicken in advance, then you’ll have it ready for several days’ worth of quick meals. TIP! In these turbulent times, spreading any savings you have around multiple locations is sound strategy. Here are some of the types of accounts and investments you should consider: straight savings account, standard checking account, stock investment, high interest bearing accounts, gold investment. Instead of using a single maxed-out credit card, aim to use two or even more cards. Having to pay interest on two different cards will be a lot lower than paying a maxed out one. This should not have as bad an impact on your score as a maxed card would. You could possibly help your score through managing the cards wisely. When you’re having trouble getting rid of credit card debt, avoid adding new charges. Cut your spending and do everything you can to avoid maxing out any of your credit cards. The best thing to do would be to pay off your card before you use it again. If collectors are harassing you for repayment of debts, try and do some negotiating with them. They may have purchased your debt for a low price. You could end up only paying a fraction of your debt. Use this fact to your advantage and negotiate a lower settlement. Credit cards can be a good alternative to a debit card. Using a credit card on topical purchases like gas and food, as compared to big purchases is a good idea. Earning rewards can get you cash back for the things you normally purchase. TIP! Take a little money out of each of your pay checks and put it into savings. If you plan to save whatever money is left at the end of the month, it will never happen. Look into all of the services which your bank offers online, like alerts. Banks utilize modern technologies, like e-mail and text messages, to keep you updated about your account. You should especially utilize security related alerts that notify you of events that could create a risk of overdraft, or be related to fraudulent activity. For example, you can set up alerts for when your balance reaches a certain minimum, or when a large withdrawal is made. Personal finances are handled differently by everyone, and you are the only person who knows what is right for your life. It is hoped that you now feel more informed and eager to grapple with your finances and win. Post reminders of the things you’ve learned in your home, wallet or desk. You will see a positive outcome if you use the above advice. Filed Under: Personal Finance Tagged With: credit cards, personal finance A credit repair company may guarantee they can improve your credit report, don’t believe them. A lot of credit repair organizations will make broad, general statements about what they can do for you to clean up your credit. Everyone has a different credit report and needs a different solution to fix it. It’s simply not a case of ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to credit repairs, so there can be no guarantee of success. Prepare your personal finance with the right insurance policy. No matter who you are, it’s possible to get sick at any time. Because of this, it’s important to have good health insurance. Bills for medical care can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Bills of this nature can ruin you financially without health insurance. TIP! To improve your personal finances, stop paying the retail price on your purchases. Saving with coupons should be more important to you than brand loyalty. If Christmas time has typically meant a lot of cash spending, then consider making your gifts instead. You can end up saving a lot of money if you give people handmade gifts instead of store bought ones. Making use of your own creative faculties cuts your costs and protects your net worth. Filed Under: Personal Finance Tagged With: credit card, frequent flier, gifts instead, health insurance, personal finance credit cards, credit score, debit cards, personal finance Never sell when you aren’t ready. If you are making a good profit on your stocks, hold on to them for the time being. If certain stocks are doing poorly, decide if you want to sell them. Market trends are important in forex trading. You must keep up to date on the movement of the market so that you are able to buy at the lowest point possible, but sell when profits are the highest. Avoid selling on down and upswings. Make very clear goals when you choose to not completely ride out a trend. TIP! Don’t keep buying things that promise quick money. This is one thing that happens to many marketers. Wherever you go, bring along a small envelope. Put store receipts and things like business cards in it. It’s a great way to capture these items in a safe place to record them later on. These may come in handy, especially on the off chance that you end up double charged. Do not fall for scams promising you a better credit score by changing your report. A lot of companies exaggerate their ability to improve your credit. There is no fix that will work for every situation, and these companies are not being honest with you. There is no way to guarantee success in credit repair and if anyone says otherwise, they are being dishonest. TIP! If you want to save money while traveling, eat at local places rather than tourist restaurants. Hotel restaurants should only be your last resort. Savings should be the first thing you take from each check. It’s too easy to spend now, and forget to save later. Additionally, setting it aside right away prevents you from spending the money on things you do not need. You will know what you need money for before your next check comes. Buying in bulk is only smart if you are using all of the product before it goes bad. The secret to stocking up is to buy things that you use regularly and use it before it expires. Purchase realistic quantities to make the most of the bargain prices. You have to get out of debt before you can rebuild your credit score. Cut back on spending and pay off debts, loans and credit cards. There are a variety of ways to save money, like making your own meals. Taking your own lunch to work and not eating out on weekends can save you a lot of money. If you’re serious about repairing your credit, you’ll have to commit to reducing your spending. As mentioned in this article, by taking care of your finances now and leaning how to save effectively, you will be able to afford larger purchases in the future. This article can help you be ready to make smart decisions with your money. Filed Under: Personal Finance Tagged With: credit cards, credit score, debit cards, personal finance To understand how you spend money, keep a journal listing every cent you spend for one week. However, if you put this into a notebook that you can just shut and put away until you deal with it later, you may find it just gets ignored. Instead, try setting a full-size whiteboard in your bedroom or office to list your expenditures. You will pass by it all day so it stays in your mind.
Gary Priest has been recording the history of the Rangeley regionRangeley Lakes Region Historical Society (RLRHS) since 1999 and is currently its treasurer. This is his fifth book on Rangeley’s history. His other works include History of Rangeley Hotels & Camps, Mingo Springs Hotel: The Early Days, The Gilded Age of Rangeley Maine, and Rangeley through Time.
As those familiar with Baptist politics already know, to include the following clauseis statement is based on an interpretation of several biblical texts, but none more central than What I do not believe is acceptable are the fairly pervasive comments among Southern Baptists who explain their actions toward churches that call women as pastors by suggesting that they are defending "the gospel." In the Herald's article, Bobby Harrell, pastor of First Baptist Church of Leesburg, Ga., is quoted as saying: "This is a very big deal within the Baptist church because Scripture tells us that a woman shall not teach a man. Our church has gotten away from biblical faith. It's a watered-down gospel, and we are preaching sermons that tickle ears." When I read such claims, I wonder when the gospel became "women are not permitted to serve as pastors?" When did Jesus proclaim, should not teach men, should not be senior pastors and should remain silent in the presence of men?Did I miss this the last time I rea? And why does Harrell not assert that the gospel is also watered down when women in Baptist churches practice other behaviors forbidden in 1 Timothy 2, such as braiding their hair and adorning themselves with gold, pearls and expensive clothing?Why are these behaviors not a basis for disfellowshipping a church? Moreover, if the good news, the gospel, of Jesus is really thattheir presence, one wonders why Jesus didn't jump in the bushes to hide himself from the women who came to his tomb on the morning of his resurrection until "appropriate" male messengers arrived who were qualified to go and tell others that he had risen? This begs the question: Do Harrell and Southern Baptists who think like him really believe that the gospel can be equated with the subjugation of women to men?Do they really believe that the good news of Jesus can be equated with the belief that those fortunate enough to be born with one reproductive organ instead of another are the only people qualified to serve as church pastors?
w Ige?...Ais! Was it a maisonette in 1930s or a recent alteration?and a new build.... just read up on the govt scheme.......
TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON: NOV 18 1307 William Tell shoots apple off his son’s head 1477 William Claxton publishes the first dated book printed in England. It is a translation from the French of The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosopers by Earl Rivers. 1626 S 1805 30 women meet at Mrs Silas Lee’s the first woman’s club in America 1Mark Twain publishes “Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” 1883 Canadian and American railroads adopt time zones. Prior to this, most cities had their own local time, making it difficult for railways to be on time and confusing passengers. 1906 Anarchists bomb St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. 1939 40 George Matesky Mad Bomber’s first time bomb 1964 J Edgar Hoover describes Martin Luther King as “most notorious liar” 1976 The U.S. Congress issued the Iran-Contra Affair report. The report said1993 REFERENCES:,,,,,, Previous articleEpidemiologists Vs Economists In The Battle Over Covid-19 (The Intellectualist) Next articleC(Trib Live)
Passed away suddenly at home. Dave was born in Eastend, Saskatchewan but moved to Creston, BC at a very early age and finally to Nanaimo in 1956. Predeceased by his wife, Yvonne, 1996 and his three brothers: Les, John and Ernie. He is survived by his son, Greg; his sister, Violet and numerous other relatives. He was a man of many talents, hunting guide, miner, lumber grader, First Aid attendant, carpenter, square dancer, poet and musician. He worked at MacMillan Bloedel Harmac from 1961 until his retirement in 1990. He spent many years in the Boy Scouts Canada doing everything from Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and District Leader. There will be a remembrance tea at Brechin United hall in the spring when family can in Dave’s memory, would be greatly appreciated.
When it comes to ad networks, we either love them or we hate them. But even when we love them, there are still things we would like to change about them to continue improving the process, campaigns and results. The goal is really to shine a light on the big issues in the hope that we can find better ways to work together for better results. All ad networks were not created equal, and it's true that some are better than others. However, all of them can glean some constructive feedback from our esteemed panel and work toward fulfilling our needs. Kris Peterson, principal, KP Media Ann Balboa, principal, media director, Orange 22 Chris Bowler, vice president and media director, Patrick Benson, SVP, director of digital marketing, Deutsch, Inc. We asked them the following two questions, resulting in some pretty strong opinions and, ultimately, extremely useful and productive feedback: - What would make the perfect ad network for you, and why? Author notes: Pam Stein is the CEO of Charlotte's Web Marketing. Read full bio.
Hang on to what you’ve got? Posted on August 18, 2021 August 18, 2021 by Doug Belshaw Three years ago, when we came to the end of our lease of a Toyota Auris hybrid, we tried to get another one. For one reason or another (poor customer service, delays on shipping from Japan) that didn’t happen. So we bought a 2013 diesel Volvo V60. It’s a lovely car, but it’s now at the age where it’s started to need things doing to it. Things that cost £££. I used a carbon calculator to work out that driving 12,000 miles in our car emits 2.96 tonnes of CO2 per year. As we don’t have a drive and there’s no EV charging points on the road where we park, we’d have to go for a hybrid such as a Toyota Corolla. We literally couldn’t plug in a fully-electric car. From what I’ve read, it can take up to two years or 50,000 miles for a fully-electric vehicle to ‘pay off’ the increased manufacturing emissionFor hybrids, that figure will of course be higher. So although we’d love a new car, it doesn’t make much sense to get a new one right now. We’ll be hanging onto our Volvo V60 for the foreseeable, even if it does have a diesel engine. Sometimes the best thing for the environment might to hang on to what you’ve got and keep it going. Image adapted from a photo by Matt Boitor Climate ch-ch-ch-changes Weeknote 13/2020 Posted in Everything ElseTagged carbon, cars, climate change It is a folly to expect men to do all they may reasonably be expected to do This reminds me of the phrase, ‘The most sustainable garment you can wear is the one already in your wardrobe.’ I have also been considering an EV as my car passed 100,000 miles earlier this year, but it still seems to have some go in it, so why change? My aim is to start getting the bus to work instead, to prolong the life of what I’ve got, although this may necessitate a new coat…
Filipino children. “See the World” was officially launched today at Hotel H2O with World Vision Philippines ambassadors led by and rapper Quest and radio DJ and host Gelli Victor.
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Living Room Black Leather Chair Chairs For Swivel Office Comfortable Lounge Most Desk Ergonomic Stool Antique With Hutch Tall Task Light Blue Accent Kneeling Back Pain And : Arcticoceanforever Picture Gallery of Living Room Black Leather Chair Chairs For Swivel Office Comfortable Lounge Most Desk Ergonomic Stool Antique With Hutch Tall Task Light Blue Accent Kneeling Back Pain And
In response to the question 'Can you talk? "She was shook up, went and got a drink of water," Allsup said. "She had some tears. She realized how bad it was."
A generic bird that is shown on the corporate seal of Liverpool, and symbolizes that city. Derived from leaver, of unknown meaning. Possibly related to laver, referring to the sprig of seaweed carried by the bird, or to old Low Dutch lefler (“spoonbill”). Current spelling influenced by Liverpool. "Liver-ver-bird.
Radio Hosts: An Overlooked Social Connection Craved During Quarantine At the pandemic’s height, experts across a number of industries worked tirelessly to provide essential services, updates, and information to those who remained isolated or quarantined from their friends, family, and other loved ones. While sectors such as hospitals and local governments certainly helped to spearhead this dissemination of information, one overlooked sector that also helped contribute to this is that of radio and talk show hosts. Wendy Wild is one such radio show host. Based in New York City, NY, Wild was present to witness the pandemic’s onset in her home city and how it affected the lives of not only herself and her colleagues, but millions of other residents; many of whom were regular listeners on her own shows heard in New York, but also other markets such as Fort Myers, Salt Lake City, Miami or her “What’s Up With Wendy” segment heard on the nationally syndicated, The Weekend Throwdown With Jagger. “The pfor all of us,” says Wild, “as radio and talk show hosts, we are someone who not only plays music and talks between or over songs, but also someone who feels like and acts as a friend to our listeners. We’re relatable and stay on top of the news and pop culture, but also understand the grind of everyday life.” “We had to quickly pivot,” Wild adds, “and our workflows changed. Not only did we have to maintain our program production, but we had to also provide crucial information for listeners hungry to stay updated on pandemic-related news. My team and I quickly noticed that more and more listeners were tuning in to our programs, likely as a result of so many of them being forced families and searching for ways to stay connected when they otherwise couldn’t.” This growth in listeners was not felt solely by Wild and her other colleagues in New York, however. In an interview last year Michael Dujardin, channel manager for the largest commercial radio station in Flanders, Belgium, stated that his company’s online streaming listener numbers increased by more than 50% during the pandemic compared to the year before. Similarly, a Nielsen study conductedt the majority of those surveyed were listening to radio, podcast, and other talk showc, with an increase between 10-26% of listeners tuning in on their computers, smartphones, or smart speakers from home. That same study also predicted that, with so many people stuck in their homes, media consumption was projected to increase by some 60% across the board—a figure that, a year later, seems to remain on-trendith roughly 28% of Nielsen’s study participants reporting that they have and/or continue listening to radio broadcasts more during the pandemic. radio and talk show hosts such as Wild have remained driven in their passion to continually engage listeners, acting as a kind of virtual parasocial friend for them when they needed (and continue to need) access to vital information and social interaction more than ever before. 3 Things You Can Learn From Tommy Rodriguez’s Success Tourist Vs. Purist: Haute Living’s Exclusive Fashion Editorial
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glaciers. This unique combination has made Iceland's landscape otherworldly. The coolest things you can see in Iceland 1. Black beaches Reynisfjara Beach, where the currents are deadly Some of the best black-sand beaches to visit include: Stokknes – Further along the South Coast near the town of Hofn you'll find an area called Stokknes. While the weather can be wild and windy here, you'll find a long black sand beach with views of Vestrahorn mountain. In fact, it was here that the word “geyser” was coined. The Great Geysir was the first geyser known to Europeans, with the word “geyser” being adapted from the Icelandic “geysir,” which means “to gush” in Old Norse. (This is a popular stop along Iceland's “Golden Circle” route.) 3. Waterfalls you can walk behind One of the most famous waterfalls along Iceland's South Shore is Seljalandsfoss. The thin stream of water flows year-round, and visitors who don't mind getting wet can walk under a cliff overhang and hang out behind the waterfall. This waterfall is fairly easy to access (you don't need a 4WD car to reach it, and you don't have to hike that far), making it one of the more popular waterfalls in Iceland to visit. 4. Glaciers on top of volcanoes 5. A rift between tectonic plates Separating tectonic plates 6. Elf houses 7. Lava tube caves Lots of volcanoes of course means lots of lava. And lava is a pretty powerful thing. 8. Caves made of ice But a handful of tour operators have popped up in South Iceland to offer tours to the biggest and best ice caves each season, so take advantage if you're visiting at the right time of year! (Here's a tour to Crystal Cave.) Iceland's geothermal activity means that there are tons of natural hot pools all over the country. Some are marketed as tourist destinations (like the Mývatn Nature Baths or the Secret Lagoon in Fludir), while others are truly natural and usually just stumbled upon or found by people in-the-know. 10. Viking horses Icelandic horses are so pure-bred, though, that if they ever leave the island for breeding or horse shows, they can never return to Iceland for fear of the spread of disease. 11. Northern Lights and Midnight Sun 12. Ancient moss This moss is hundreds of years old! Even though it's not covered in ice like it's name would imply, Iceland's landscape is still pretty stark. There aren't really forests or large tracts of farmland in Iceland – but that doesn't mean you can't find great swaths of green there. PRACTICAL INFO FOR ICELAND Learn what to do, see, and eat in Iceland's capital: 48 Hours in Reykjavik Find out what to pack for a trip to Iceland Golden Circle Classic Day Trip from Reykjavik Silvie 2 years ago Rewari 2 years ago Iceland Is The Best Country On The Planet John Deans 2 years ago One of my favorite things to see is the Northern Lights. I’ve been to Iceland 3 times, but unfortunately only saw it once during my most recent trip. Definitely one for the bucket list I’ve been to Iceland 3 times, but have not managed to ever see the Northern Lights there! Some day. (I have seen them in Norway and Canada, though.) Valery Collins 3 years ago Sounds like it’s going to be an amazing trip! (But yeah, good luck with those hammocks – if you do find trees big enough to hold them, you might get blown away by the wind!)
Pepe Reina Red Card 2012- Jose Reina Headbutt James Perch Dismissal Sent off – Newcastle Liverpool| Soccer Blog|Football News, Reviews, Quizzes By Soccer Blog | Apr 2, 2012 Liverpool keeper Pepe Reina was red carded for his headbutt on Newcastle United’s James Perch in the Reds’ 2-0 loss to Newcastle on April 1, 2012. Perch disrupted Reina as he was on the way to release the ball and the Spanish keeper, offended, decided to do a Zidane on him. The headbutt really didn’t connect but Perch went down easily, as the video the headbutt will tell you. The referee Martin Atkinson gave Reina a red card, (meaning that he will miss Liverpool’s FA Cup semifinal against arch rivals Everton) and Perch a yellow. Newcastle vs Liverpool 2-0 Highlights 2012 Papiss Cisse… Video- Cheick Tiote red card vs Sunderland Newcastle October Livorno vs Napoli 2014 Highlights 1-1 Mertens penalty Reina… Pepe Red Card vs Germany 2014 WC Pepe Headbutts Muller Video Manchester United vs Newcastle 4-3 Goals December 26 2012… dick face April 2, 2012 10:37 pm that newcastle player is a twat he deserved to get a headbutt !! PerspectiveJoe April 2, 2012 11:27 pm Derrick April 4, 2012 4:07 pm The cool collected Pepe I’ve beenbeen watching for almost a decade would only go off on someone who rightly deserved it! Perch is a pussy and should be called out for the trip on Reina. The sport has gone to the the dogs when a tiny altercation like that results in a straight red. LONG LIVE THE “LIVERPOOL KISS”!!!! I’m sure Shankley is rolling over in his grave! Sam April 15, 2012 5:01 pm Yeah he is a twat for going down way too easy I completely agree but you should never attempt or actually carry out a head butt on any player whatsoever. You cannot justify a head butt. To me it’s a red for Reina but Perch shouldn’t have fouled him in the first place but it’s not worth a red card. Very mature comments I see!! Do any of you actually play football or just like to think you can?? In support of women’s football. KIKK Ladies FC!!! Champions!!! Declan N May 21, 2012 1:59 pm i think it was FIXED Declan N May 21, 2012 2:01 pm As the clubs (example) Chelsea vs Wigan Wigan won AS IF that would happen
Duigan Family ArchivesCHICAGO -- Jason Hammel gave up one hit and drove in the go-ahead runs in Chicago's 5-3 win over the Arizona Diamondbacks at rainy Wrigley Field on Saturday afternoon. The win was the fourth in the row for the Chicago (39-15) and put the Cubs a season high 24-games over .500. Hammel (7-1, 2.14) pitched aced while giving up just one hit. That one hit, however, was a two-run homer in the first by Jake Lamb that gave the Diamondbacks a 2-0 lead. The Cubs would cut the lead in half when Dexter Fowler, the Cubs tied the game with an RBI double by Jorge Soler. Then after an 2-out intentional walk to David Ross to get to Hammel, he lined a pitch up the middle that hit second base and bought home two runs. Hammel now has a career-high seven RBI this season, which is most among Cubs pitchers and is second-most in the majors behind Adam Wainwright’s eight RBI. The Diamondbacks threaten to take the lead after Yasmany Tomas hit a solo home run in the eight inning and then the Arizona loaded the bases. However, Travis Wood got pinch-hitter Tony Weeks Jr on a 3-2 count to line out to second to the rally. Chicago added some insurance in the bottom of the eight with Anthony Rizzo's solo home run. It was Rizzo's 13th home run of the season. The Cubs will go for the 3-game sweep on Sunday with ace Jake Arrieta (9-0, 1.56) facing Patrick Corbin (2-5, 4.96) at 1:20 p.m. CT winning 5 of 6 so far. * Jorge Soler (1-for-3, 2B, R, RBI) hit an RBI ground-rule double in the fourth inning … had gone 10-straight games without a double … he is batting .308 (12-for-39 his last 15 games. * Ben Zobrist (0-for-2, R, 2 BB) has walked twice1-22, 2014. </s> Renowned auction house Phillips is partnering with One Drop, an organization striving to provide sustainable access to safe water. Art for One Drop is a charity auction featuring works by celebrated artists such as Sterling Ruby, Carol Bove and Rashid Johnson. All proceeds will fund One Drop’s work in Latin America, supporting their mission to secure clean water and sanitation for over 200,000 people in need. In anticipation of the September 21 auction, Laliberté shares the story of how he brought together his passion for art and philanthropy. How did your approach change overtime? It is such a fascinating world, so, of course, over time it became an overwhelming passion and I wantedworking with Kimberly Chang Mathieu, who is now my art advisor. My approach then evolved to a more rigorous one. I spent lots of hours in museums, galleries and art fairs all around the world to meet with artists and really look at their works. By educating myself this wayrt world and of art collection. Where is most of your collection displayed? Do you have a lot of your works at home? I love surrounding myself with art and I feel very lucky to be able to do so. But I also want to share it, so exhibiting my collection publicly has always been important for me. This is why, in addition to loans to museums, the collection is also shown at the exploratory contemporary art space Lune Rouge—Art Projects Ibiza which attracts international visitors and offers the community the opportunity to discover s either from my collection or from partner galleries. It’s my way of giving back. Carol Bove’s Young Lovers. Courtesy of the Artist and David Zwirner.
Every profession has theirof you being ripped off or not. According to Automotive News, A lemon law attorney from Ohio obtained a list of terms from a dealership that was iyou will find specific terms that should raise a red flag if you hear them during your next purchase. Keep in mind that most of these tricks happen not on the sales floor, but in the finance office. ETCH, ETCH-A-SKETCH: Often called theft guard or a similar term, it is a soft add on product promoted as a product that will reduce the chance of a vehicle being stolen, to apply it the dealer uses a chemical that eats, or etches, into one or more glass windows a series of numbers that the dealer claims can enable police to fi wasaler, the product iit that will cost about $20, the window etch scheme makes maximum car dealer profit at little cost and some say etch gives little or no real benefit to the consumer. PAYMENT PACKING: where the sales person but they deliberately tell the buyer that it will be $325 so that there is $50 of room for the finance sales person to pack the deal with added-cost soft add on products. A more deceptive way of payment packing is to get the buyer to agree loan length. That way the finance sales person can create more profit in the deal by simply upping the loan length "Residual Based Financing": A crafty term they used instead of "Leasing" to avoid scaring customers with the word "Lease" They also presented the payment packing as a "Protected Payment" that included usually Service Contract, Gap, some form of Tire/Wheel, and etch.
Thursday 25 July at Byard Park, Devonport. The program is designed to be fun and participation-focused with no scores kept, no results and no finals. Devonport Football Club General Manager Mark Fagan said: "The program has been running since 2011, when seven primary schools entered the program and 120 children participated. “In 2012, nine primary schools entered and 180 children participated. Mr Fagan said the program was also the perfect support model to the local Auskick program. “Over the past decade, the Devonport soccer and basketball clubs have been extremely successful at attracting large numbers of primary school children to their sport through junior programs. Aussie Rules has taken much of a back seat with this age group,” he said. "It was identified by the Devonport Football Club that a primary school program was desperately needed in the area to increase participation at an early age.” Schools participating are SheffielLatrobe Primary School, East Ulverstone Primary School, Port Sorell Primary School, Hillcrest Primary School, Nixon Street Primary School, Devonport Primary School and Spreyton Primary School.: </s> heavyweight panelled t-shirt by Boys Lie Clothing, is made from a viscose waffle fabric and modal rib knit. It looks like a retro style American football tee and features the slogan "Boys Lie" on the front. Team up with some The Ragged Priest Denims. - One size fits all , fits like a mens size large - Hand made in LA, CaliforniaNatalie Portman announced that she is currently pregnant and engaged. The actress has been dating choreographer Benjamin Millepied since they met last year on the set of “Black Swan,” which he choreographed and she owned from start to finish. Meanwhile, Natalie Nina. </s> Where the Pro Bowl Could Be Played in 2020 From that point on through 2015, the Pro Bowl had been played in Hawaii all but twice, where the other two locations were at the University of Phoenix Stadium (2015) and Sun Life Stadium (2009). The event will be held in Orlando for what will be the fourth straight year. With that being the case, the NFL looks to be entertaining the idea of moving the event over to Los Angeles or Las Vegas, according to Jabari Young of CNBC. The two new stadiums in both locations will open in the 2020 season with Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles, where the Rams and Chargers will play, while the Raiders will call Allegiant Stadium Las Vegas home. These two spots have more than enough appeal to host the Pro Bowl as each city has its own local attractions that could serve well to help gather a more massive crowd for the event. The new rules should with that department, but a change in location to either Sofi or Allegiant stadium may be another step in the right direction. Los Angeles and Las Vegas are both viewed as tourist attractions, which could help the NFL reach the goal of making the week leading up to the game more of an experience that the league can provide its fans to see the star players in a higher capacity. All of that pushes things towards a change in location being an imminent decision for the NFL to make. </s> Black Friday Sale! 50% Off with BF50! Vibrating Velvet Strap On. SKU: SS69001 </s> The day was supposed to be perfect. I had the house to myself, my favorite coffee was brewing, and my brain was in a place where writing could be fun. Then it happened. I’m not exactly sure what “it” was, but my joy evaporated instantly when the behemoth that was my 17″ MacBook Pro went blip. The sound of a behemoth blipping doesn’t make much of a sound, actually. I live in the middle of a forest after all, and when a tree falls or a computer fails, the loudest sound often heard for miles is me, screaming. And scream I did. At first I fiddled with the power
This Sugarloaf Helm has a conical top and an antique decorative cross sporting the cross of the Knights Templar. Made of 18 gauge steel, the helm has a soft, padded adjustable liner inside. Excellent look and feel. Mounts very easily. Recommended! "Really cool" as my husband said about the gift for our son. My daughters, too, who usually have no use for stuff like this, said, "wow, it really". I personally loved that I was able to inscribe his initials on the back, thus making it extra special and extra personal for his birthday that is next week. Our whole family really appreciates the time and personal attention given to each product that this company sells, which, as everyone knows, is a rare commodity these days. Nice and heavy cotton. Runs true to size if not a little large but is made to accommodate the wearing of chain mail. I think it will be very durable. I am waiting to get the matching cape!
Billions of people play mobile games. Mobile gaming is larger than many consumers realize. Games on various mobile devices have garnered over 50 percent of all gaming revenue. These stats are taken from 2020, and it was taken on a global scale, meaning it considered every country in the world. There are 2.69 billion mobile gamers as of 2022. The revenue for mobile games in 2021 was over 6 billion dollars. The pandemic shut down many things around the globe and people were bored and needed entertainment. This need was satisfied by the accessibility of mobile games, including puzzle games, gacha games, RPGs, and more. About 84 percent of the world, or 6.6 billion people, own a smartphone of some kind. This means a majority of the world has access to mobile games. As time goes on and the pandemic still impacts countless lives, the need for entertainment continues to increase. Now that big companies, like Roblox, the quality is improving. With the quality improving, so are ratings. Ratings lead to more players, and more players lead to more sales, thus making the mobile gaming industry a huge success. With gaming events such as esports gaining more popularity, it’s safe to assume mobile gaming will rise with it. There are billions of mobile gamers. Additionally, statistics show that by 2023, the total revenue is set to surpass the 100 billion dollar milestone. Gaming companies have moved many of their console games to mobile to increase profitability. Examples of this include Fortnite and PUBG. They wouldn’t do this if they didn’t see a future in the mobile gaming industry. Additionally, game developers are creating large, impressive games with mobile in mind. Take Genshin Impact for example. The game is ridiculously polished. And that polish is paying off for the game’s developer, HoYoverse. Their 2021 revenue was nearly $2 billion. Look at console and PC gaming as a comparison. All other platforms combined still haven’t made as much revenue as mobile gaming. There is an estimated 75 percent increase in gameplay activity that will remain and possibly grow over the coming years. Gaming is not like the car market where it’s very unpredictable. Gaming is a staple in modern culture, and mobile gaming is becoming a part of that. Worldwide, gaming is extremely popular and that will not be slowing down anytime soon, if ever. All these factors point to gaming staying a worldwide phenomenon, and mobile gaming is going to follow suit due to the accessibility and the entertainment value the mobile industry possesses.
Not Pakistan, Indira Gandhi’s India escalated military action before 1971 war Srinath Raghavan Updated: 3 December, 2018 11:17 am IST It became increasingly difficult to deny Indian military involvement alongside the Mukti Bahini in Bangladesh. On returning to New Delhi [in mid-November 1971], the prime minister [Indira Gandhi] ordered a further escalation of military action along the borders with East Pakistan. From early October, the Indian army had been supporting attacks by the Mukti Bahini on Pakistani border posts. This initially took the form of artillery fire on Pakistani positions and the participation of small numbers of Indian troops in the offensives. In the second week of October, the army’s eastern command ordered its formations not only to defend the border but also to carry out offensive operations up to ten miles inside East Pakista The captured territory was, however, held by the Mukti Bahini, with Indian troops retreating behind the borders. The prime minister claimed in parliament on 24 November that “it has never been our intention to escalate the situation” and that “ except in self-defence.” She dismissed as “propaganda” Pakistan’s claims that India was “engaged in an undeclared war”: “This is wholly untrue.” The speech was, in fact, part of India’s propaganda. Over two weeks back, Sydney Schanberg of the New York Times had filed a story quoting Indian officials as admitting that their troops had crossed into East Pakistan. Indira Gandhi had been in Paris when the piece was published and had been “deeply concerned at this leakage and desire[d] it to be thoroughly investigated.” She instructed Indian officials “not to indulge in making statements which are politically damaging to our cause.” As the tempo of operations rose, i. In the last week of November, the prime minister gave the go ahead for a full-scale attack on East Pakistan. The D-Day was set for 4 December 1971. Meanwhile, the Pakistan army was watching the escalating conflict in the east with mounting disquiet. On the evening of 22 November, the chief of general staff briefed the president on the situation and urged him to order the attack on the western front. Yahya Khan told Gul Hassan Khan that “seised.” Yahya was hoping that the UN Security Council would take cognizance of the fighting and intervene in the crisis… Also read: Had US used its economic power over Pakistan in 1971, Asia could have avoided a war By this time [26 November], Yahya’s hopes for great power intervention had been deflated. The only major power that was inclined to raise the matter in the Security Council was the US. The Soviet Union made it clear that it would block any move to prematurely summon the Security Council. Britain, too, conveyed to the US that it wished to stand aloof… D.P. Dhar was on the prime minister’s aircraft travelling with her from Calcutta when the pilot informed them of the Pakistani air strikes. “The fool has done exactly what one had expected”, he tersely remarked. Mrs. Gandhi landed in New Delhi at around 10.45 pm and was received by the defence minister. She drove straight to the army headquarters where General Manekshaw briefed her on the actions taken on the western front and sought permission for launching the operations in the east. A little later Mrs. Gandhi met the rest of her cabinet.In the wee hours of 4 December 1971, the war for Bangladesh formally began. Excerpt from, pp. 231-34. Previous articleWhy caste groups want reservations but also oppose them in India Dr Bhardwaj K.S. 3 December, 2018 at 1:35 pm This man from Madhya Pradesh wants to defeat both Kamal Nath & his son on the same day Samyak Pandey - 25 April, 2019 A shorter Belt & Road by China will be even more dangerous Andrew Small - 25 April, 2019 Homeowners are turning developers to complete unfinished apartments Dhwani Pandya - 25 April, 2019
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By Latter-day Saint Insights April 22, 2019 November 26, 2021 All Articles, Temples and Covenantsn. Inwomen with the respect they deserve, especially concerning the priesthood. An article in the Ensign, “ discusses three ways in which women and men can better understand women’s important connection to God’s priesthood power. Understand the doctrine behind women’s connection to the priesthood. God uses the priesthood to accomplish his great work of salvation (Moses 1:39). All women have a role in accomplishing God’s work and have access to the power of the priesthood through callings, through the temple endowment, and through their role as presiders in their homes. Avoid the stumbling blocks that keep women and men from recognizing women’s connection to priesthood power. Men are not the priesthood; they are holders of the priesthood. We should not refer to men as “the priesthood” because both men and women are blessed by and operate in the Church using the priesthood. It is equally important for both women and men to study the priesthood to understand their connection to it. We should not limit women based on traditions or false opinions: women can lead, teach, and inspire. Act and study. Be aware of current teachings regarding women and the priesthood. Help everyone understand the role that women have in helping God in his work of salvation. Listen to the counsel of male and female leaders of the church. In stake, ward, and other councils, women should have an equal role in the discussion. When women and men both understand women’s connection to the priesthood, all will be able to serve without limitations and find joy in their service. For more insights and details on this topic, read the full article by Barbara Morgan Gardner. Read more about women’s role in God’s work of salvation in Elder M. Russell Ballard’s talk “Men and Women in the Work of the Lord.” Understand more about the priesthood by reading Elder Dallin H. Oaks’s talk “The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood.” Tagged Barbara Morgan Gardner,, Ensign, female, How Are Women Connected to the Priesthood?, men and the priesthood, priesthood, Priesthood Power, Savanna Stone, Understanding the Priesthood, Women, Women and the Priesthood, Women and Their Connection to the Priesthood. « How Does the Resurrection Affect my Discipleship? Bringing Peace to Those Around Us »
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The Catalans conceded first-half goals from Thomas Muller and Leroy Sane before Jamal Musiala also fired in the second half to wrap up a 3-0 win was a new beginning, a turning point, that we couldn’t afford to be in the Europa League,” Xavi told reporters after the game. “Barca don’t deserve this. I don’t like this reality that we’re living. I am angry because this is now our reality, and it p***es me off. “We have to change many things. We have to start from zero and work very hard to get Barca back to where we belong, which is not the Europa League.”