from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max =
get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg)
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r =
get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max =
get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r =
get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max =
get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm =
get_default(comm, self.comm)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a =
get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r =
get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max =
get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.')
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other =
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other = get_standard_keywords() master_prefix =
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None:
assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0])
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape
assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0])
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other = get_standard_keywords() master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix() for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others): sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other = get_standard_keywords() master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix() for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others): sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1) output.set_output_prefix(sub_prefix) kwargs['master_problem'] = problem confi = ProblemConf.from_file(ifname, required, other, define_args=kwargs) pbi =
Problem.from_conf(confi, init_equations=True)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other = get_standard_keywords() master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix() for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others): sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1) output.set_output_prefix(sub_prefix) kwargs['master_problem'] = problem confi = ProblemConf.from_file(ifname, required, other, define_args=kwargs) pbi = Problem.from_conf(confi, init_equations=True) sti =
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) raise self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, M=precond, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ PETSc Krylov subspace solver. The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm` argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector. The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf` object. Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`, where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned* residual. """ name = 'ls.petsc' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods. Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters. """), ('precond', 'str', 'icc', False, 'The preconditioner.'), ('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False, 'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'), ('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False, 'The preconditioner side.'), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False, 'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""), ] _precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2} def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): if comm is None: from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc converged_reasons = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__): if isinstance(val, int): converged_reasons[val] = key LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm, converged_reasons=converged_reasons, fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None, context=context, **kwargs) def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None): """ Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit' preconditioner. This function must be called before solving the linear system. """ comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) self.fields = [] for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges): if isinstance(rng, slice): rng = rng.start, rng.stop size = rng[1] - rng[0] field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1, comm=comm) self.fields.append((key, field_is)) def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None): optDB = self.petsc.Options() optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond if options is not None: for key, val in six.iteritems(options): optDB[key] = val ksp = self.petsc.KSP() ksp.create(comm) ksp.setType(self.conf.method) pc = ksp.getPC() if self.conf.setup_precond is None: pc.setType(self.conf.precond) else: pc.setType(pc.Type.PYTHON) ksp.setFromOptions() if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'): if self.fields is not None: pc.setFieldSplitIS(*self.fields) else: msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!' raise ValueError(msg) side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side] if side is not None: ksp.setPCSide(side) return ksp def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None): if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat): pmtx = mtx else: mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx) pmtx = self.petsc.Mat() pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,, comm=comm) return pmtx @petsc_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) eps_d = self.conf.eps_d is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if (not is_new) and self.ksp is not None: ksp = self.ksp pmtx = self.pmtx else: pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm) ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm) ksp.setOperators(pmtx) ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d, max_it=i_max) setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond if setup_precond is not None: ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context)) ksp.setFromOptions() self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest self.ksp = ksp self.pmtx = pmtx if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): prhs = rhs else: prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft() prhs[...] = rhs if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec): psol = x0 else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() psol[...] = x0 ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) else: psol = pmtx.getVecRight() ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(False) ksp.solve(prhs, psol) output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond, ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason], ksp.getIterationNumber()), verbose=conf.verbose) if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec): sol = psol else: sol = psol[...].copy() return sol class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps self.mumps_ls = None if not mumps.use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if not self.mumps_presolved: self.presolve(mtx, presolve_flag=conf.use_presolve) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) self.mumps_ls(3) # solve return out def presolve(self, mtx, presolve_flag=False): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() if self.mumps_ls is None: system = 'complex' if'complex')\ else 'real' is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system, is_sym=is_sym, mem_relax=mem_relax) if is_new: if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) self.mumps_ls(4) # analyze + factorize if presolve_flag: self.mumps_presolved = True self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest def __del__(self): if self.mumps_ls is not None: del(self.mumps_ls) class MUMPSParallelSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to MUMPS parallel solver. """ name = 'ls.mumps_par' _parameters = [ ('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False, 'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): import multiprocessing import sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps as mumps mumps.load_mumps_libraries() # try to load MUMPS libraries LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=mumps, mumps_ls=None, number_of_cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): from mpi4py import MPI import sys from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as op from tempfile import gettempdir def tmpfile(fname): return op.join(gettempdir(), fname) if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() is_sym = self.mumps.coo_is_symmetric(mtx) rr, cc, data = mtx.row + 1, mtx.col + 1, if is_sym: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] n = mtx.shape[0] nz = rr.shape[0] flags = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_flags.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(4,)) flags[0] = n flags[1] = 1 if'complex') else 0 flags[2] = int(is_sym) flags[3] = int(self.conf.verbose) idxs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('idxs.array'), dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=(2, nz)) idxs[0, :] = rr idxs[1, :] = cc dtype = {0: 'float64', 1: 'complex128'}[flags[1]] vals_mtx = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_mtx.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(nz,)) vals_rhs = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_rhs.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(n,)) vals_mtx[:] = data vals_rhs[:] = rhs mumps_call = op.join(data_dir, 'sfepy', 'solvers', '') comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[mumps_call], maxprocs=self.number_of_cpu) comm.Disconnect() out = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='r') return out class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver): r""" Mumps Schur complement solver. """ name = 'ls.schur_mumps' _parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [ ('schur_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of Schur variables.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): import scipy.linalg as sla if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix): mtx = mtx.tocoo() system = 'complex' if'complex') else 'real' self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system) if self.conf.verbose: self.mumps_ls.set_verbose() schur_list = [] for schur_var in conf.schur_variables: slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var] schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i')) self.mumps_ls.set_mtx_centralized(mtx) out = rhs.copy() self.mumps_ls.set_rhs(out) S, y2 = self.mumps_ls.get_schur(nm.hstack(schur_list)) x2 = sla.solve(S.T, y2) # solve the dense Schur system using scipy.linalg return self.mumps_ls.expand_schur(x2) class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect): r""" Conjugate multiple problems. Allows to define conjugate multiple problems. """ name = 'ls.cm_pb' _parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [ ('others', 'list', None, True, 'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'), ('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True, 'The list of coupling variables.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs): from sfepy.discrete.state import State from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # init subproblems problem = self.context pb_vars = problem.get_variables() # get "master" DofInfo and last index pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy() last_indx = -1 for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx): last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop]) # coupling variables self.cvars_to_pb = {} for jj in conf.coupling_variables: self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None] if jj in pb_vars.names: if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1 else: self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1 # init subproblems self.subpb = [] required, other = get_standard_keywords() master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix() for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others): sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1) output.set_output_prefix(sub_prefix) kwargs['master_problem'] = problem confi = ProblemConf.from_file(ifname, required, other, define_args=kwargs) pbi = Problem.from_conf(confi, init_equations=True) sti = State(pbi.equations.variables) pbi.equations.set_data(None, ignore_unknown=True) pbi.time_update() pbi.update_materials() sti.apply_ebc() pbi_vars = pbi.get_variables()
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError:
output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
output('using cg instead')
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError:
output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead')
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import numpy as nm import warnings import scipy.sparse as sps import six from six.moves import range warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning) from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports from sfepy.base.timing import Timer from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None): """ Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side `rhs`. Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below. """ solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect) solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {}) solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx) solution = solver(rhs) return solution def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000): def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes() ii += chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices): sha1.update(chunk) for chunk in _gen_array_chunks( sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() return digest def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False): if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix): return True, mtx_digest if force_reuse: return False, mtx_digest id0, digest0 = mtx_digest id1 = id(mtx) digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx) if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0): return False, (id1, digest1) return True, (id1, digest1) def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers. """ def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0]) if x0 is not None: assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, context=context, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, n_iter = result else: n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable. elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = n_iter return result return _standard_call def petsc_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers. """ def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx) status = get_default(status, self.status) context = get_default(context, self.context) comm = get_default(comm, self.comm) mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0]) if x0 is not None: xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0]) result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status, comm, context=context, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber() return result return _petsc_call class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver): """ Direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_direct' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs): LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs) um = self.sls = None if method is None: method = self.conf.method aux = try_imports(['import scipy.linsolve as sls', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve as sls', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'], 'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!') if 'sls' in aux: self.sls = aux['sls'] else: raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!') if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']: aux = try_imports([ 'import scipy.linsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.splinalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack as um', 'import scikits.umfpack as um']) is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\ and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack: raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!') elif method == 'superlu': is_umfpack = False else: raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method) if is_umfpack: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True) else: self.sls.use_solver(useUmfpack=False) @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): if conf.use_presolve: self.presolve(mtx) if self.solve is not None: # Matrix is already prefactorized. return self.solve(rhs) else: return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs) def presolve(self, mtx): is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest) if is_new: self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect): """ SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_superlu' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs) class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect): """ UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy. """ name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack' _parameters = [ ('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs) class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver): """ Interface to SciPy iterative solvers. The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it. """ name = 'ls.scipy_iterative' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): import scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve as la LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using cg instead') solver = self.solver = solver self.converged_reasons = { 0 : 'successful exit', 1 : 'number of iterations', -1 : 'illegal input or breakdown', } @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None), self.conf.setup_precond) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) precond = setup_precond(mtx, context) if conf.method == 'qmr': prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond} else: prec_args = {'M' : precond} solver_kwargs.update(prec_args) try: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) except TypeError: sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **solver_kwargs) output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)' % (, self.conf.method, info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter), verbose=conf.verbose) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG solvers. The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', 'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver. """ name = 'ls.pyamg' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('accel', 'str', None, False, 'The accelerator.'), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False, """If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""), ('*', '*', None, False, """Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:' prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for the subsequent solver call."""), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): try: import pyamg except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method) except AttributeError: output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method) output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead') solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver self.solver = solver @standard_call def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None, i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs): solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf) eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r) i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max) callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None), self.conf.callback) self.iter = 0 def iter_callback(sol): self.iter += 1 msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter) if conf.verbose > 2: if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res: res = mtx * sol - rhs else: res = sol rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res) msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1) # Call an optional user-defined callback. callback(sol) is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest, force_reuse=conf.force_reuse) if is_new or ( is None): _kwargs = {key[7:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs) self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest _kwargs = {key[6:] : val for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs) if key.startswith('solve:')} sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback, **_kwargs) return sol, self.iter class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver): """ Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers. """ name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov' _parameters = [ ('method', 'str', 'cg', False, 'The actual solver to use.'), ('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False, """User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}. """), ('callback', 'callable', None, False, """User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm. """), ('i_max', 'int', 100, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The relative tolerance for the residual.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] # All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into # a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm. _callbacks_res = ['gmres'] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): try: import pyamg.krylov as krylov except ImportError: msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!' raise ImportError(msg) LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, context=context, **kwargs) try: solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method) except AttributeError:
output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook,
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain =
IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh =
Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0]))
assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io =
MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 =
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3':
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3': Cached(int_ar), 'types': ( True, False, None ), 'tuple': ('first string', 'druhý UTF8 řetězec'), 'struct': Struct( double=nm.arange(4, dtype=float), int=nm.array([2,3,4,7]), sparse=sps.csr_matrix(nm.array([1,0,0,5]). reshape((2,2))) ) } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.h5', delete=False) as fil: io =
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3': Cached(int_ar), 'types': ( True, False, None ), 'tuple': ('first string', 'druhý UTF8 řetězec'), 'struct': Struct( double=nm.arange(4, dtype=float), int=nm.array([2,3,4,7]), sparse=sps.csr_matrix(nm.array([1,0,0,5]). reshape((2,2))) ) } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.h5', delete=False) as fil: io = HDF5MeshIO( ts =
TimeStepper(0,1.,0.1, 10)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3': Cached(int_ar), 'types': ( True, False, None ), 'tuple': ('first string', 'druhý UTF8 řetězec'), 'struct': Struct( double=nm.arange(4, dtype=float), int=nm.array([2,3,4,7]), sparse=sps.csr_matrix(nm.array([1,0,0,5]). reshape((2,2))) ) } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.h5', delete=False) as fil: io = HDF5MeshIO( ts = TimeStepper(0,1.,0.1, 10) io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=data, unpack_markers=False ) }, ts=ts) ts.advance() mesh = data['problem_mesh'] =
DataSoftLink('Mesh', '/mesh', mesh)
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import absolute_import import os from sfepy import data_dir import six filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh', '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh', '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk', '/meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node', '/meshes/various_formats/comsol_tri.txt', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_hex.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_quad_tri.inp', '/meshes/various_formats/hex4.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/tetra8.mesh3d', '/meshes/various_formats/cube.bdf', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tri.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/msh_tetra.msh', '/meshes/various_formats/', '/meshes/various_formats/'] filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): """Write test names explicitely to impose a given order of evaluation.""" tests = ['test_read_meshes', 'test_compare_same_meshes', 'test_read_dimension', 'test_write_read_meshes', 'test_hdf5_meshio'] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_read_meshes(self): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) meshes = {} for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim])'read ok') meshes[filename] = mesh self.meshes = meshes return True def _compare_meshes(self, mesh0, mesh1): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks def test_compare_same_meshes(self): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = self.meshes[name0] mesh1 = self.meshes[name1] oks = self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_read_dimension(self): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in six.iteritems(meshes):'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) return ok def test_write_read_meshes(self): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import (supported_formats, supported_capabilities) conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) oks = [] for suffix, format_ in six.iteritems(supported_formats): if isinstance(format_, tuple) or (format_ == 'xyz'): continue if 'w' not in supported_capabilities[format_]: continue filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) oks.extend(self._compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)) return sum(oks) == len(oks) def test_hdf5_meshio(self): try: from igakit import igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return True import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3': Cached(int_ar), 'types': ( True, False, None ), 'tuple': ('first string', 'druhý UTF8 řetězec'), 'struct': Struct( double=nm.arange(4, dtype=float), int=nm.array([2,3,4,7]), sparse=sps.csr_matrix(nm.array([1,0,0,5]). reshape((2,2))) ) } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.h5', delete=False) as fil: io = HDF5MeshIO( ts = TimeStepper(0,1.,0.1, 10) io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=data, unpack_markers=False ) }, ts=ts) ts.advance() mesh = data['problem_mesh'] = DataSoftLink('Mesh', '/mesh', mesh) io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=data, unpack_markers=True ) }, ts=ts) cache = {'/mesh': mesh } fout = io.read_data(0, cache=cache) fout2 = io.read_data(1, cache=cache ) out = fout['cdata'] out2 = fout2['cdata'] assert_(out['mesh7'] is out2['mesh7'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh6'] is out2['mesh6'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh5'] is not out2['mesh5'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh1'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh1'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh4'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh5'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh6'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh7'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh3'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be different objects') assert_(out['cached2'] is out['cached3'], 'These two array should be the same object') assert_(out2['problem_mesh'] is mesh, 'These two meshes should be the same objects') assert_(self._compare_meshes(out['mesh1'], mesh0), 'Failed to restore mesh') assert_(self._compare_meshes(out['mesh3'], mesh0), 'Failed to restore mesh') assert_((out['struct'].sparse == data['struct'].sparse).todense() .all(), 'Sparse matrix restore failed') ts.advance() io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=[ DataSoftLink('Mesh', '/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', mesh0), mesh0 ] ) }, ts=ts) out3 = io.read_data(2)['cdata']
assert_(out3[0] is out3[1])
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder =
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov =
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r)
output('residual: %e' % err)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get =
make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common =
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts =
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get =
make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'), lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.mass =
MassOperator(self.problem, self.conf)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'), lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.mass = MassOperator(self.problem, self.conf) def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_explicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, self.mass, nls_status=nls_status) return state class AdaptiveTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with an adaptive time step. Either the built-in or user supplied function can be used to adapt the time step. """ name = 'ts.adaptive' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get =
make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'), lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.mass = MassOperator(self.problem, self.conf) def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_explicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, self.mass, nls_status=nls_status) return state class AdaptiveTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with an adaptive time step. Either the built-in or user supplied function can be used to adapt the time step. """ name = 'ts.adaptive' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2), red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3), inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25), inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4), inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5), red=1.0, wait=0, dt0=0.0) return Struct(adapt_fun=get('adapt_fun', adapt_time_step), adt=adt) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'), lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.mass = MassOperator(self.problem, self.conf) def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_explicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, self.mass, nls_status=nls_status) return state class AdaptiveTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with an adaptive time step. Either the built-in or user supplied function can be used to adapt the time step. """ name = 'ts.adaptive' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2), red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3), inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25), inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4), inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5), red=1.0, wait=0, dt0=0.0) return Struct(adapt_fun=get('adapt_fun', adapt_time_step), adt=adt) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts =
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results and (is_save[ii] == ts.step): filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_implicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, nls_status=nls_status) return state class ExplicitTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Explicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.explicit' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'), lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.mass = MassOperator(self.problem, self.conf) def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ state = make_explicit_step(ts, state0, self.problem, self.mass, nls_status=nls_status) return state class AdaptiveTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with an adaptive time step. Either the built-in or user supplied function can be used to adapt the time step. """ name = 'ts.adaptive' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs) adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2), red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3), inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25), inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4), inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5), red=1.0, wait=0, dt0=0.0) return Struct(adapt_fun=get('adapt_fun', adapt_time_step), adt=adt) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = VariableTimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) self.adt = adt = self.conf.adt adt.dt0 = self.ts.get_default_time_step() self.ts.set_n_digit_from_min_dt(get_min_dt(adt)) self.format = '====== time %e (dt %e, wait %d, step %d of %d) =====' if isinstance(self.conf.adapt_fun, basestr): self.adapt_time_step = self.problem.functions[self.conf.adapt_fun] else: self.adapt_time_step = self.conf.adapt_fun def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts: output(self.format % (time, ts.dt, self.adt.wait, step + 1, ts.n_step)) state = self.solve_step(ts, state0, nls_status=nls_status) state0 = state.copy(deep=True) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, ts, state) if save_results: filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=ts.suffix % ts.step) problem.save_state(filename, state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None, ts=ts) ii += 1 problem.advance(ts) return state def solve_step(self, ts, state0, nls_status=None): """ Solve a single time step. """ status =
IndexedStruct(n_iter=0, condition=0)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder):
output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib])
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals =
get_subdict(parts0, block)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib])
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError:
output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...')
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError:
output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...')
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True)
output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 else: adt.wait = 0 is_break = True else: = * adt.red_factor if < adt.red_max: is_break = True else: ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *, update_time=True) output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt) adt.wait = 0 return is_break class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step. """ name = 'ts.simple' @staticmethod def process_conf(conf, kwargs): """ Process configuration options. """ get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs) common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf) return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0), t1=get('t1', 1.0), dt=get('dt', None), n_step=get('n_step', 10), quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf) nd = self.ts.n_digit format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd) self.format = format def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): """ Solve the time-dependent problem. """ problem = self.problem ts = self.ts suffix, is_save = prepare_save_data(ts, problem.conf) if state0 is None: state0 = get_initial_state(problem) ii = 0 for step, time in ts:
output(self.format % (time, step + 1, ts.n_step))
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r)
output('initial residual: %e' % err)
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError:
output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...')
""" Time stepping solvers. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct, IndexedStruct, basestr from sfepy.solvers.solvers import make_get_conf, TimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.discrete.mass_operator import MassOperator from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems without time stepping. This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping solvers also for stationary problems. """ name = 'ts.stationary' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): problem = self.problem problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def replace_virtuals(deps, pairs): out = {} for key, val in deps.iteritems(): out[pairs[key]] = val return out class EquationSequenceSolver(TimeSteppingSolver): """ Solver for stationary problems with an equation sequence. """ name = 'ts.equation_sequence' def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, ts=None, **kwargs) def __call__(self, state0=None, save_results=True, step_hook=None, post_process_hook=None, nls_status=None): from sfepy.base.base import invert_dict, get_subdict from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve problem = self.problem if state0 is None: state0 = problem.create_state() variables = problem.get_variables() vtos = variables.get_dual_names() vdeps = problem.equations.get_variable_dependencies() sdeps = replace_virtuals(vdeps, vtos) sorder = resolve(sdeps) stov = invert_dict(vtos) vorder = [[stov[ii] for ii in block] for block in sorder] parts0 = state0.get_parts() state = state0.copy() solved = [] for ib, block in enumerate(vorder): output('solving for %s...' % sorder[ib]) subpb = problem.create_subproblem(block, solved) subpb.equations.print_terms() subpb.time_update() substate0 = subpb.create_state() vals = get_subdict(parts0, block) substate0.set_parts(vals) substate = subpb.solve(state0=substate0, nls_status=nls_status) state.set_parts(substate.get_parts()) solved.extend(sorder[ib]) output('...done') if step_hook is not None: step_hook(problem, None, state) if save_results: problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(), state, post_process_hook=post_process_hook, file_per_var=None) return state def get_initial_state(problem): """ Create a zero state vector and apply initial conditions. """ state = problem.create_state() problem.setup_ic() state.apply_ic() return state def prepare_save_data(ts, conf): """ Given a time stepper configuration, return a list of time steps when the state should be saved. """ try: save_steps = conf.options.save_steps except: save_steps = -1 if save_steps == -1: save_steps = ts.n_step is_save = nm.linspace(0, ts.n_step - 1, save_steps).astype(nm.int32) is_save = nm.unique(is_save) return ts.suffix, is_save def prepare_matrix(problem, state): """ Pre-assemble tangent system matrix. """ problem.update_materials() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: mtx = ev.eval_tangent_matrix(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('matrix evaluation failed, giving up...') raise return mtx def make_implicit_step(ts, state0, problem, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an implicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) if not ts.is_quasistatic: problem.init_time(ts) ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('initial residual: %e' % err) if problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state) else: mtx = None # Initialize solvers (and possibly presolve the matrix). presolve = mtx is not None problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx, presolve=presolve) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() if ts.is_quasistatic: # Ordinary solve. state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) else: if (ts.step == 1) and ts.is_quasistatic and problem.is_linear(): mtx = prepare_matrix(problem, state0) problem.init_solvers(nls_status=nls_status, mtx=mtx) state = problem.solve(state0=state0, nls_status=nls_status) return state def make_explicit_step(ts, state0, problem, mass, nls_status=None): """ Make a step of an explicit time stepping solver. """ problem.time_update(ts) if ts.step == 0: state0.apply_ebc() state = state0.copy(deep=True) problem.init_time(ts) # Initialize variables with history. state0.init_history() ev = problem.get_evaluator() try: vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state0(), is_full=True) except ValueError: output('residual evaluation failed, giving up...') raise else: err = nm.linalg.norm(vec_r) output('residual: %e' % err) if ts.step > 0: variables = problem.get_variables() vec_rf = variables.make_full_vec(vec_r, force_value=0.0) rhs = -ts.dt * vec_rf + mass.action(state0()) vec = mass.inverse_action(rhs) state = state0.copy(preserve_caches=True) state.set_full(vec) state.apply_ebc() return state def get_min_dt(adt): red = while red >= adt.red_max: red *= adt.red_factor dt = adt.dt0 * red return dt def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, problem=None): """ Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the nonlinear solver. The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following parameters: - red_factor : time step reduction factor - red_max : maximum time step reduction factor - inc_factor : time step increase factor - inc_on_iter : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less than this amount of iterations... - inc_wait : ...for this number of consecutive time steps Parameters ---------- ts : VariableTimeStepper instance The time stepper. status : IndexedStruct instance The nonlinear solver exit status. adt : Struct instance The adaptivity parameters of the time solver: problem : Problem instance, optional This canbe used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used here. Returns ------- is_break : bool If True, the adaptivity loop should stop. """ is_break = False if status.condition == 0: if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter: adt.wait += 1 if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait: if < 1.0: = * adt.inc_factor ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 *
output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt)
import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.conf import transform_functions from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon def get_vertices(coors, domain=None): x, z = coors[:,0], coors[:,2] return nm.where((z < 0.1) & (x < 0.1))[0] def get_cells(coors, domain=None): return nm.where(coors[:, 0] < 0)[0] class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf( conf, options ): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete import Functions mesh = Mesh('test mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp') mesh.nodal_bcs['set0'] = [0, 7] domain =
FEDomain('test domain', mesh)
import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.conf import transform_functions from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon def get_vertices(coors, domain=None): x, z = coors[:,0], coors[:,2] return nm.where((z < 0.1) & (x < 0.1))[0] def get_cells(coors, domain=None): return nm.where(coors[:, 0] < 0)[0] class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf( conf, options ): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete import Functions mesh = Mesh('test mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/abaqus_tet.inp') mesh.nodal_bcs['set0'] = [0, 7] domain = FEDomain('test domain', mesh) conf_functions = { 'get_vertices' : (get_vertices,), 'get_cells' : (get_cells,), } functions = Functions.from_conf(
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os.path as op import numpy as nm from acoustics_macro_utils import get_homogmat from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic import match_y_plane, match_x_plane wdir = op.dirname(__file__) def get_regions(filename_mesh): mesh =
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os.path as op import numpy as nm from acoustics_macro_utils import get_homogmat from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic import match_y_plane, match_x_plane wdir = op.dirname(__file__) def get_regions(filename_mesh): mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename_mesh) bbox = nm.array(mesh.get_bounding_box()) region_lb, region_rt = bbox return
define_box_regions(2, region_lb, region_rt)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sfepy from sfepy.base.base import load_classes, insert_static_method from .solvers import * from .eigen import eig solver_files =
from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sfepy from sfepy.base.base import load_classes, insert_static_method from .solvers import * from .eigen import eig solver_files = sfepy.get_paths('sfepy/solvers/*.py') remove = ['', '', ''] solver_files = [name for name in solver_files if os.path.basename(name) not in remove] solver_table = load_classes(solver_files, [LinearSolver, NonlinearSolver, TimeSteppingSolver, EigenvalueSolver, OptimizationSolver], package_name='sfepy.solvers') def register_solver(cls): """ Register a custom solver. """ solver_table[] = cls def any_from_conf(conf, **kwargs): """Create an instance of a solver class according to the configuration.""" return solver_table[conf.kind](conf, **kwargs)
insert_static_method(Solver, any_from_conf)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain =
FEDomain('domain', mesh)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx =
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field)
assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod))
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source =
FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain =
FEDomain('domain', mesh)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target =
FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field)
make_l2_projection(target, source)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field) make_l2_projection(target, source) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_target.vtk') target.save_as_mesh(name) bbox = self.field.domain.get_mesh_bounding_box() x = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 0] + 0.001, bbox[1, 0] - 0.001, 20) y = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 1] + 0.001, bbox[1, 1] - 0.001, 20) xx, yy = nm.meshgrid(x, y) test_coors = nm.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].copy() vec1 = source.evaluate_at(test_coors) vec2 = target.evaluate_at(test_coors) ok = (nm.abs(vec1 - vec2) < 0.01).all() return ok def test_projection_iga_fem(self): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.discrete.projections import (make_l2_projection, make_l2_projection_data) shape = [10, 12, 12] dims = [5, 6, 6] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain =
IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field) make_l2_projection(target, source) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_target.vtk') target.save_as_mesh(name) bbox = self.field.domain.get_mesh_bounding_box() x = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 0] + 0.001, bbox[1, 0] - 0.001, 20) y = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 1] + 0.001, bbox[1, 1] - 0.001, 20) xx, yy = nm.meshgrid(x, y) test_coors = nm.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].copy() vec1 = source.evaluate_at(test_coors) vec2 = target.evaluate_at(test_coors) ok = (nm.abs(vec1 - vec2) < 0.01).all() return ok def test_projection_iga_fem(self): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.discrete.projections import (make_l2_projection, make_l2_projection_data) shape = [10, 12, 12] dims = [5, 6, 6] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) ig_omega = ig_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') ig_field = Field.from_args('iga', nm.float64, 1, ig_omega, approx_order='iga', poly_space_base='iga') ig_u = FieldVariable('ig_u', 'parameter', ig_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') mesh =
gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, name='fem')
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field) make_l2_projection(target, source) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_target.vtk') target.save_as_mesh(name) bbox = self.field.domain.get_mesh_bounding_box() x = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 0] + 0.001, bbox[1, 0] - 0.001, 20) y = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 1] + 0.001, bbox[1, 1] - 0.001, 20) xx, yy = nm.meshgrid(x, y) test_coors = nm.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].copy() vec1 = source.evaluate_at(test_coors) vec2 = target.evaluate_at(test_coors) ok = (nm.abs(vec1 - vec2) < 0.01).all() return ok def test_projection_iga_fem(self): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.discrete.projections import (make_l2_projection, make_l2_projection_data) shape = [10, 12, 12] dims = [5, 6, 6] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) ig_omega = ig_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') ig_field = Field.from_args('iga', nm.float64, 1, ig_omega, approx_order='iga', poly_space_base='iga') ig_u = FieldVariable('ig_u', 'parameter', ig_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, name='fem') fe_domain =
FEDomain('fem', mesh)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field) make_l2_projection(target, source) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_target.vtk') target.save_as_mesh(name) bbox = self.field.domain.get_mesh_bounding_box() x = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 0] + 0.001, bbox[1, 0] - 0.001, 20) y = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 1] + 0.001, bbox[1, 1] - 0.001, 20) xx, yy = nm.meshgrid(x, y) test_coors = nm.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].copy() vec1 = source.evaluate_at(test_coors) vec2 = target.evaluate_at(test_coors) ok = (nm.abs(vec1 - vec2) < 0.01).all() return ok def test_projection_iga_fem(self): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.discrete.projections import (make_l2_projection, make_l2_projection_data) shape = [10, 12, 12] dims = [5, 6, 6] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) ig_omega = ig_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') ig_field = Field.from_args('iga', nm.float64, 1, ig_omega, approx_order='iga', poly_space_base='iga') ig_u = FieldVariable('ig_u', 'parameter', ig_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, name='fem') fe_domain = FEDomain('fem', mesh) fe_omega = fe_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') fe_field = Field.from_args('fem', nm.float64, 1, fe_omega, approx_order=2) fe_u = FieldVariable('fe_u', 'parameter', fe_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') def _eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs): return**2, axis=1)[:, None, None]
make_l2_projection_data(ig_u, _eval_data)
from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path as op import numpy as nm import sfepy from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.base.base import assert_ from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('linear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) test = Test(conf=conf, options=options, omega=omega, field=field) return test def test_mass_matrix(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import create_mass_matrix field = self.field mtx = create_mass_matrix(field) assert_(mtx.shape == (field.n_nod, field.n_nod)) assert_(abs(mtx.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14) return True def test_projection_tri_quad(self): from sfepy.discrete.projections import make_l2_projection source = FieldVariable('us', 'unknown', self.field) coors = self.field.get_coor() vals = nm.sin(2.0 * nm.pi * coors[:,0] * coors[:,1]) source.set_data(vals) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_source.vtk') source.save_as_mesh(name) mesh = Mesh.from_file('meshes/2d/square_quad.mesh', prefix_dir=sfepy.data_dir) domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') field = Field.from_args('bilinear', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega, approx_order=1) target = FieldVariable('ut', 'unknown', field) make_l2_projection(target, source) name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_projection_tri_quad_target.vtk') target.save_as_mesh(name) bbox = self.field.domain.get_mesh_bounding_box() x = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 0] + 0.001, bbox[1, 0] - 0.001, 20) y = nm.linspace(bbox[0, 1] + 0.001, bbox[1, 1] - 0.001, 20) xx, yy = nm.meshgrid(x, y) test_coors = nm.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].copy() vec1 = source.evaluate_at(test_coors) vec2 = target.evaluate_at(test_coors) ok = (nm.abs(vec1 - vec2) < 0.01).all() return ok def test_projection_iga_fem(self): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.discrete.projections import (make_l2_projection, make_l2_projection_data) shape = [10, 12, 12] dims = [5, 6, 6] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) ig_omega = ig_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') ig_field = Field.from_args('iga', nm.float64, 1, ig_omega, approx_order='iga', poly_space_base='iga') ig_u = FieldVariable('ig_u', 'parameter', ig_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, name='fem') fe_domain = FEDomain('fem', mesh) fe_omega = fe_domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') fe_field = Field.from_args('fem', nm.float64, 1, fe_omega, approx_order=2) fe_u = FieldVariable('fe_u', 'parameter', fe_field, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') def _eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs): return**2, axis=1)[:, None, None] make_l2_projection_data(ig_u, _eval_data)
make_l2_projection(fe_u, ig_u)
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os.path as op import numpy as nm from import Iterable from import savemat, loadmat from sfepy.base.base import output, debug, Struct from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic import match_y_plane, match_x_plane from acoustics_macro_utils import eval_phi, post_process,\ generate_plate_mesh, get_region_entities from sfepy.discrete.projections import project_by_component from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain wdir = op.dirname(__file__) def post_process_macro(out, pb, state, extend=False): pbvars = pb.get_variables() n1, ng1, c1, cg1, ds1, nmap1 = get_region_entities(pbvars['p1']) noff = n1.shape[0] n2, ng2, c2, cg2, _, nmap2 = get_region_entities(pbvars['p2'], noff=noff) nend = nm.max(c2) + 1 nmap = nm.hstack([nmap1, nmap2]) n1[:, 2] += pb.conf.eps0 * 0.5 n2[:, 2] -= pb.conf.eps0 * 0.5 mesh2 = Mesh.from_data('m2', nm.vstack([n1, n2]), nm.hstack([ng1, ng2]), [nm.vstack([c1, c2])], [nm.hstack([cg1, cg2])], [ds1]) oname = op.join(pb.output_dir, pb.ofn_trunk + '_p.vtk') out2 = {} for ir in ['real.', 'imag.']: pdata = nm.zeros((nmap.shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) for v, idxs in [('p1', slice(0, noff)), ('p2', slice(noff, nend))]: pdata[idxs, :] = out[ir + v].data out2[ir + 'p'] =
Struct(name='p', mode='vertex', data=pdata)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ First solve the stationary electric conduction problem. Then use its results to solve the evolutionary heat conduction problem. Run this example as on a command line:: $ python <path_to_this_file>/ """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys sys.path.append( '.' ) import os from sfepy import data_dir filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/special/circle_in_square.mesh' # Time stepping for the heat conduction problem. t0 = 0.0 t1 = 0.5 n_step = 11 # Material parameters. specific_heat = 1.2 ########## cwd = os.path.split(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __file__))[0] options = { 'absolute_mesh_path' : True, 'output_dir' : os.path.join(cwd, 'output') } regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Omega1' : 'cells of group 1', 'Omega2' : 'cells of group 2', 'Omega2_Surface': ('r.Omega1 *v r.Omega2', 'facet'), 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < %f)' % -0.4999, 'facet'), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %f)' % 0.4999, 'facet'), } materials = { 'm' : ({ 'thermal_conductivity' : 2.0, 'electric_conductivity' : 1.5, },), } # The fields use the same approximation, so a single field could be used # instead. fields = { 'temperature': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), 'potential' : ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), } variables = { 'T' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 0, 1), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 'T'), 'phi' : ('unknown field', 'potential', 1), 'psi' : ('test field', 'potential', 'phi'), 'phi_known' : ('parameter field', 'potential', '(set-to-None)'), } ics = { 'ic' : ('Omega', {'T.0' : 0.0}), } ebcs = { 'left' : ('Left', {'T.0' : 0.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'right' : ('Right', {'T.0' : 2.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'inside' : ('Omega2_Surface', {'phi.0' : 'set_electric_bc'}), } def set_electric_bc(coor): y = coor[:,1] ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max() val = 2.0 * (((y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)) - 0.5) return val functions = { 'set_electric_bc' : (lambda ts, coor, bc, problem, **kwargs: set_electric_bc(coor),), } equations = { '2' : """%.12e * dw_volume_dot.2.Omega( s, dT/dt ) + dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.thermal_conductivity, s, T ) = dw_electric_source.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, s, phi_known ) """ % specific_heat, '1' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, psi, phi ) = 0""", } solvers = { 'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}), 'newton' : ('nls.newton', { 'i_max' : 1, 'eps_a' : 1e-10, 'problem' : 'nonlinear', }), 'ts' : ('ts.simple', { 't0' : t0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : None, 'n_step' : n_step, # has precedence over dt! }), } def main(): from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from sfepy.discrete import Problem output.prefix = 'therel:' required, other =
#!/usr/bin/env python """ First solve the stationary electric conduction problem. Then use its results to solve the evolutionary heat conduction problem. Run this example as on a command line:: $ python <path_to_this_file>/ """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys sys.path.append( '.' ) import os from sfepy import data_dir filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/special/circle_in_square.mesh' # Time stepping for the heat conduction problem. t0 = 0.0 t1 = 0.5 n_step = 11 # Material parameters. specific_heat = 1.2 ########## cwd = os.path.split(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __file__))[0] options = { 'absolute_mesh_path' : True, 'output_dir' : os.path.join(cwd, 'output') } regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Omega1' : 'cells of group 1', 'Omega2' : 'cells of group 2', 'Omega2_Surface': ('r.Omega1 *v r.Omega2', 'facet'), 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < %f)' % -0.4999, 'facet'), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %f)' % 0.4999, 'facet'), } materials = { 'm' : ({ 'thermal_conductivity' : 2.0, 'electric_conductivity' : 1.5, },), } # The fields use the same approximation, so a single field could be used # instead. fields = { 'temperature': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), 'potential' : ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), } variables = { 'T' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 0, 1), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 'T'), 'phi' : ('unknown field', 'potential', 1), 'psi' : ('test field', 'potential', 'phi'), 'phi_known' : ('parameter field', 'potential', '(set-to-None)'), } ics = { 'ic' : ('Omega', {'T.0' : 0.0}), } ebcs = { 'left' : ('Left', {'T.0' : 0.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'right' : ('Right', {'T.0' : 2.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'inside' : ('Omega2_Surface', {'phi.0' : 'set_electric_bc'}), } def set_electric_bc(coor): y = coor[:,1] ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max() val = 2.0 * (((y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)) - 0.5) return val functions = { 'set_electric_bc' : (lambda ts, coor, bc, problem, **kwargs: set_electric_bc(coor),), } equations = { '2' : """%.12e * dw_volume_dot.2.Omega( s, dT/dt ) + dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.thermal_conductivity, s, T ) = dw_electric_source.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, s, phi_known ) """ % specific_heat, '1' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, psi, phi ) = 0""", } solvers = { 'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}), 'newton' : ('nls.newton', { 'i_max' : 1, 'eps_a' : 1e-10, 'problem' : 'nonlinear', }), 'ts' : ('ts.simple', { 't0' : t0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : None, 'n_step' : n_step, # has precedence over dt! }), } def main(): from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from sfepy.discrete import Problem output.prefix = 'therel:' required, other = get_standard_keywords() conf =
ProblemConf.from_file(__file__, required, other)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ First solve the stationary electric conduction problem. Then use its results to solve the evolutionary heat conduction problem. Run this example as on a command line:: $ python <path_to_this_file>/ """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys sys.path.append( '.' ) import os from sfepy import data_dir filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/special/circle_in_square.mesh' # Time stepping for the heat conduction problem. t0 = 0.0 t1 = 0.5 n_step = 11 # Material parameters. specific_heat = 1.2 ########## cwd = os.path.split(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __file__))[0] options = { 'absolute_mesh_path' : True, 'output_dir' : os.path.join(cwd, 'output') } regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Omega1' : 'cells of group 1', 'Omega2' : 'cells of group 2', 'Omega2_Surface': ('r.Omega1 *v r.Omega2', 'facet'), 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < %f)' % -0.4999, 'facet'), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %f)' % 0.4999, 'facet'), } materials = { 'm' : ({ 'thermal_conductivity' : 2.0, 'electric_conductivity' : 1.5, },), } # The fields use the same approximation, so a single field could be used # instead. fields = { 'temperature': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), 'potential' : ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), } variables = { 'T' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 0, 1), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 'T'), 'phi' : ('unknown field', 'potential', 1), 'psi' : ('test field', 'potential', 'phi'), 'phi_known' : ('parameter field', 'potential', '(set-to-None)'), } ics = { 'ic' : ('Omega', {'T.0' : 0.0}), } ebcs = { 'left' : ('Left', {'T.0' : 0.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'right' : ('Right', {'T.0' : 2.0, 'phi.0' : 0.0}), 'inside' : ('Omega2_Surface', {'phi.0' : 'set_electric_bc'}), } def set_electric_bc(coor): y = coor[:,1] ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max() val = 2.0 * (((y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)) - 0.5) return val functions = { 'set_electric_bc' : (lambda ts, coor, bc, problem, **kwargs: set_electric_bc(coor),), } equations = { '2' : """%.12e * dw_volume_dot.2.Omega( s, dT/dt ) + dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.thermal_conductivity, s, T ) = dw_electric_source.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, s, phi_known ) """ % specific_heat, '1' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega( m.electric_conductivity, psi, phi ) = 0""", } solvers = { 'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}), 'newton' : ('nls.newton', { 'i_max' : 1, 'eps_a' : 1e-10, 'problem' : 'nonlinear', }), 'ts' : ('ts.simple', { 't0' : t0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : None, 'n_step' : n_step, # has precedence over dt! }), } def main(): from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from sfepy.discrete import Problem output.prefix = 'therel:' required, other = get_standard_keywords() conf = ProblemConf.from_file(__file__, required, other) problem =
Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Plot quadrature points for the given geometry and integration order. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys sys.path.append('.') from argparse import ArgumentParser import sfepy.postprocess.plot_quadrature as pq helps = { 'geometry' : 'reference element geometry, one of "2_3", "2_4", "3_4", "3_8"' ' [default: %(default)s]', 'order' : 'quadrature order [default: %(default)s]', 'boundary' : 'plot boundary quadrature points', 'min_radius' : 'min. radius of points corresponding to the min. weight' ' [default: %(default)s]', 'max_radius' : 'max. radius of points corresponding to the max. weight' ' [default: %(default)s]', 'show_colorbar' : 'show colorbar for quadrature weights', 'show_labels' : 'label quadrature points', 'print_qp' : 'print quadrature points and weights', } def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-g', '--geometry', metavar='name', action='store', dest='geometry', default='2_4', help=helps['geometry']) parser.add_argument('-n', '--order', metavar='order', type=int, action='store', dest='order', default=2, help=helps['order']) parser.add_argument('-b', '--boundary', action='store_true', dest='boundary', default=False, help=helps['boundary']) parser.add_argument('-r', '--min-radius', metavar='float', type=float, action='store', dest='min_radius', default=10, help=helps['min_radius']) parser.add_argument('-R', '--max-radius', metavar='float', type=float, action='store', dest='max_radius', default=50, help=helps['max_radius']) parser.add_argument('-c', '--show-colorbar', action='store_true', dest='show_colorbar', default=False, help=helps['show_colorbar']) parser.add_argument('-l', '---show-labels', action='store_true', dest='show_labels', default=False, help=helps['show_labels']) parser.add_argument('-p', '--print-qp', action='store_true', dest='print_qp', default=False, help=helps['print_qp']) options = parser.parse_args() aux = pq.plot_quadrature(None, options.geometry, options.order, boundary=options.boundary, min_radius=options.min_radius, max_radius=options.max_radius, show_colorbar=options.show_colorbar, show_labels=options.show_labels) if options.print_qp: ax, coors, weights = aux for ic, coor in enumerate(coors): print(ic, coor, weights[ic])
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Plot quadrature points for the given geometry and integration order. """ from optparse import OptionParser import sfepy.postprocess.plot_quadrature as pq usage = '%prog [options]\n' + __doc__.rstrip() helps = { 'geometry' : 'reference element geometry, one of "2_3", "2_4", "3_4", "3_8"' ' [default: %default]', 'order' : 'quadrature order [default: %default]', 'min_radius' : 'min. radius of points corresponding to the min. weight' ' [default: %default]', 'max_radius' : 'max. radius of points corresponding to the max. weight' ' [default: %default]', 'show_colorbar' : 'show colorbar for quadrature weights' } def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog') parser.add_option('-g', '--geometry', metavar='name', action='store', dest='geometry', default='2_4', help=helps['geometry']) parser.add_option('-n', '--order', metavar='order', type=int, action='store', dest='order', default=2, help=helps['order']) parser.add_option('-r', '--min-radius', metavar='float', type=float, action='store', dest='min_radius', default=10, help=helps['min_radius']) parser.add_option('-R', '--max-radius', metavar='float', type=float, action='store', dest='max_radius', default=50, help=helps['max_radius']) parser.add_option('-c', '--show-colorbar', action='store_true', dest='show_colorbar', default=False, help=helps['show_colorbar']) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 0: parser.print_help(), return pq.plot_quadrature(None, options.geometry, options.order, options.min_radius, options.max_radius, options.show_colorbar)
""" The Dirichlet, periodic and linear combination boundary condition classes, as well as the initial condition class. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import basestr, Container, Struct from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function import six def get_condition_value(val, functions, kind, name): """ Check a boundary/initial condition value type and return the value or corresponding function. """ if type(val) == str: if functions is not None: try: fun = functions[val] except IndexError: raise ValueError('unknown function %s given for %s %s!' % (val, kind, name)) else: raise ValueError('no functions given for %s %s!' % (kind, name)) elif (isinstance(val, Function) or nm.isscalar(val) or isinstance(val, nm.ndarray)): fun = val else: raise ValueError('unknown value type for %s %s!' % (kind, name)) return fun def _get_region(name, regions, bc_name): try: region = regions[name] except IndexError: msg = "no region '%s' used in condition %s!" % (name, bc_name) raise IndexError(msg) return region class Conditions(Container): """ Container for various conditions. """ @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, regions): conds = [] for key, cc in six.iteritems(conf): times = cc.get('times', None) if 'ebc' in key: region = _get_region(cc.region, regions, cond = EssentialBC(, region, cc.dofs, key=key, times=times) elif 'epbc' in key: rs = [_get_region(ii, regions, for ii in cc.region] cond = PeriodicBC(, rs, cc.dofs, cc.match, key=key, times=times) elif 'lcbc' in key: if isinstance(cc.region, basestr): rs = [_get_region(cc.region, regions,, None] else: rs = [_get_region(ii, regions, for ii in cc.region] cond = LinearCombinationBC(, rs, cc.dofs, cc.dof_map_fun, cc.kind, key=key, times=times, arguments=cc.get('arguments', None)) elif 'ic' in key: region = _get_region(cc.region, regions, cond = InitialCondition(, region, cc.dofs, key=key) else: raise ValueError('unknown condition type! (%s)' % key) conds.append(cond) obj = Conditions(conds) return obj def group_by_variables(self, groups=None): """ Group boundary conditions of each variable. Each condition is a group is a single condition. Parameters ---------- groups : dict, optional If present, update the `groups` dictionary. Returns ------- out : dict The dictionary with variable names as keys and lists of single condition instances as values. """ if groups is None: out = {} else: out = groups for cond in self: for single_cond in cond.iter_single(): vname = single_cond.dofs[0].split('.')[0] out.setdefault(vname, Conditions()).append(single_cond) return out def canonize_dof_names(self, dofs): """ Canonize the DOF names using the full list of DOFs of a variable. """ for cond in self: cond.canonize_dof_names(dofs) def sort(self): """ Sort boundary conditions by their key. """ self._objs.sort(key=lambda a: a.key) self.update() def zero_dofs(self): """ Set all boundary condition values to zero, if applicable. """ for cond in self: if isinstance(cond, EssentialBC): cond.zero_dofs() def _canonize(dofs, all_dofs): """ Helper function. """ vname, dd = dofs.split('.') if dd == 'all': cdofs = all_dofs elif dd[0] == '[': cdofs = [vname + '.' + ii.strip() for ii in dd[1:-1].split(',')] else: cdofs = [dofs] return cdofs class Condition(Struct): """ Common boundary condition methods. """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
Struct.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
import numpy as nm from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences from sfepy.terms.terms import Term, terms from sfepy.terms.terms_th import THTerm, ETHTerm from sfepy.terms.terms_elastic import CauchyStressTerm class BiotTerm(Term): r""" Biot coupling term with :math:`\alpha_{ij}` given in: * vector form exploiting symmetry - in 3D it has the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23]`, in 2D it has the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 12]`, * matrix form - non-symmetric coupling parameter. Corresponds to weak forms of Biot gradient and divergence terms. Can be evaluated. Can use derivatives. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} p\ \alpha_{ij} e_{ij}(\ul{v}) \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} q\ \alpha_{ij} e_{ij}(\ul{u}) :Arguments 1: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`p` :Arguments 2: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` - virtual : :math:`q` :Arguments 3: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - parameter_v : :math:`\ul{u}` - parameter_s : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_biot' arg_types = (('material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('material', 'state', 'virtual'), ('material', 'parameter_v', 'parameter_s')) arg_shapes = [{'material' : 'S, 1', 'virtual/grad' : ('D', None), 'state/grad' : 1, 'virtual/div' : (1, None), 'state/div' : 'D', 'parameter_v' : 'D', 'parameter_s' : 1}, {'material' : 'D, D'}] modes = ('grad', 'div', 'eval') def get_fargs(self, mat, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): sym_mode = False if mat.shape[-2] == mat.shape[-1] > 1 else True if not sym_mode: sh = mat.shape # the gradient given by 'self.get' is transposed mat = nm.swapaxes(mat, 2, 3) mat = mat.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) if self.mode == 'grad': qp_var, qp_name = svar, 'val' else: if sym_mode: qp_var, qp_name = vvar, 'cauchy_strain' else: qp_var, qp_name = vvar, 'grad' if mode == 'weak': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) svg, _ = self.get_mapping(svar) if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(qp_var, qp_name) if qp_name == 'grad': sh = val_qp.shape val_qp = val_qp.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) fmode = 0 else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 return 1.0, val_qp, mat, svg, vvg, fmode elif mode == 'eval': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) if sym_mode: strain = self.get(vvar, 'cauchy_strain') else: strain = self.get(vvar, 'grad') sh = strain.shape strain = strain.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) pval = self.get(svar, 'val') return 1.0, pval, strain, mat, vvg else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode)) def get_eval_shape(self, mat, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) return (n_el, 1, 1, 1), vvar.dtype def set_arg_types(self): self.function = { 'grad' : terms.dw_biot_grad, 'div' : terms.dw_biot_div, 'eval' : terms.d_biot_div, }[self.mode] class BiotStressTerm(CauchyStressTerm): r""" Evaluate Biot stress tensor. It is given in the usual vector form exploiting symmetry: in 3D it has 6 components with the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23]`, in 2D it has 3 components with the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 12]`. Supports 'eval', 'el_avg' and 'qp' evaluation modes. :Definition: .. math:: - \int_{\Omega} \alpha_{ij} \bar{p} .. math:: \mbox{vector for } K \from \Ical_h: - \int_{T_K} \alpha_{ij} \bar{p} / \int_{T_K} 1 .. math:: - \alpha_{ij} \bar{p}|_{qp} :Arguments: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - parameter : :math:`\bar{p}` """ name = 'ev_biot_stress' arg_types = ('material', 'parameter') arg_shapes = {'material' : 'S, 1', 'parameter' : 1} @staticmethod def function(out, val_qp, mat, vg, fmode): if fmode == 2: out[:] =
dot_sequences(mat, val_qp)
import numpy as nm from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences from sfepy.terms.terms import Term, terms from sfepy.terms.terms_th import THTerm, ETHTerm from sfepy.terms.terms_elastic import CauchyStressTerm class BiotTerm(Term): r""" Biot coupling term with :math:`\alpha_{ij}` given in: * vector form exploiting symmetry - in 3D it has the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23]`, in 2D it has the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 12]`, * matrix form - non-symmetric coupling parameter. Corresponds to weak forms of Biot gradient and divergence terms. Can be evaluated. Can use derivatives. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} p\ \alpha_{ij} e_{ij}(\ul{v}) \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} q\ \alpha_{ij} e_{ij}(\ul{u}) :Arguments 1: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`p` :Arguments 2: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` - virtual : :math:`q` :Arguments 3: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - parameter_v : :math:`\ul{u}` - parameter_s : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_biot' arg_types = (('material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('material', 'state', 'virtual'), ('material', 'parameter_v', 'parameter_s')) arg_shapes = [{'material' : 'S, 1', 'virtual/grad' : ('D', None), 'state/grad' : 1, 'virtual/div' : (1, None), 'state/div' : 'D', 'parameter_v' : 'D', 'parameter_s' : 1}, {'material' : 'D, D'}] modes = ('grad', 'div', 'eval') def get_fargs(self, mat, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): sym_mode = False if mat.shape[-2] == mat.shape[-1] > 1 else True if not sym_mode: sh = mat.shape # the gradient given by 'self.get' is transposed mat = nm.swapaxes(mat, 2, 3) mat = mat.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) if self.mode == 'grad': qp_var, qp_name = svar, 'val' else: if sym_mode: qp_var, qp_name = vvar, 'cauchy_strain' else: qp_var, qp_name = vvar, 'grad' if mode == 'weak': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) svg, _ = self.get_mapping(svar) if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(qp_var, qp_name) if qp_name == 'grad': sh = val_qp.shape val_qp = val_qp.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) fmode = 0 else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 return 1.0, val_qp, mat, svg, vvg, fmode elif mode == 'eval': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) if sym_mode: strain = self.get(vvar, 'cauchy_strain') else: strain = self.get(vvar, 'grad') sh = strain.shape strain = strain.reshape(sh[:2] + (sh[2]**2, 1)) pval = self.get(svar, 'val') return 1.0, pval, strain, mat, vvg else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode)) def get_eval_shape(self, mat, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) return (n_el, 1, 1, 1), vvar.dtype def set_arg_types(self): self.function = { 'grad' : terms.dw_biot_grad, 'div' : terms.dw_biot_div, 'eval' : terms.d_biot_div, }[self.mode] class BiotStressTerm(CauchyStressTerm): r""" Evaluate Biot stress tensor. It is given in the usual vector form exploiting symmetry: in 3D it has 6 components with the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23]`, in 2D it has 3 components with the indices ordered as :math:`[11, 22, 12]`. Supports 'eval', 'el_avg' and 'qp' evaluation modes. :Definition: .. math:: - \int_{\Omega} \alpha_{ij} \bar{p} .. math:: \mbox{vector for } K \from \Ical_h: - \int_{T_K} \alpha_{ij} \bar{p} / \int_{T_K} 1 .. math:: - \alpha_{ij} \bar{p}|_{qp} :Arguments: - material : :math:`\alpha_{ij}` - parameter : :math:`\bar{p}` """ name = 'ev_biot_stress' arg_types = ('material', 'parameter') arg_shapes = {'material' : 'S, 1', 'parameter' : 1} @staticmethod def function(out, val_qp, mat, vg, fmode): if fmode == 2: out[:] = dot_sequences(mat, val_qp) status = 0 else: status =
terms.de_cauchy_stress(out, val_qp, mat, vg, fmode)
r""" Diametrically point loaded 2-D disk. See :ref:`sec-primer`. Find :math:`\ul{u}` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u}) = 0 \;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;, where .. math:: D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) + \lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} \;. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import refine_mesh from sfepy import data_dir # Fix the mesh file name if you run this file outside the SfePy directory. filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/its2D.mesh' refinement_level = 0 filename_mesh =
refine_mesh(filename_mesh, refinement_level)
r""" Diametrically point loaded 2-D disk. See :ref:`sec-primer`. Find :math:`\ul{u}` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u}) = 0 \;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;, where .. math:: D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) + \lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} \;. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import refine_mesh from sfepy import data_dir # Fix the mesh file name if you run this file outside the SfePy directory. filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/its2D.mesh' refinement_level = 0 filename_mesh = refine_mesh(filename_mesh, refinement_level) output_dir = '.' # set this to a valid directory you have write access to young = 2000.0 # Young's modulus [MPa] poisson = 0.4 # Poisson's ratio options = { 'output_dir' : output_dir, } regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < 0.001)', 'facet'), 'Bottom' : ('vertices in (y < 0.001)', 'facet'), 'Top' : ('vertex 2', 'vertex'), } materials = { 'Asphalt' : ({'D':
stiffness_from_youngpoisson(2, young, poisson)
""" Friction-slip model formulated as the implicit complementarity problem. To integrate over a (dual) mesh, one needs: * coordinates of element vertices * element connectivity * local base for each element * constant in each sub-triangle of the dual mesh Data for each dual element: * connectivity of its sub-triangles * base directions t_1, t_2 Normal stresses: * Assemble the rezidual and apply the LCBC operator described below. Solution in \hat{V}_h^c: * construct a restriction operator via LCBC just like in the no-penetration case * use the substitution: u_1 = n_1 * w u_2 = n_2 * w u_3 = n_3 * w The new DOF is `w`. * for the record, no-penetration does: w_1 = - (1 / n_1) * (u_2 * n_2 + u_3 * n_3) w_2 = u_2 w_3 = u_3 """ from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.compat import unique import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables from sfepy.fem.mappings import VolumeMapping, SurfaceMapping from sfepy.fem.fe_surface import FESurface from sfepy.fem.utils import compute_nodal_normals def edge_data_to_output(coors, conn, e_sort, data): out = nm.zeros_like(coors) out[conn[e_sort,0]] = data return Struct(name='output_data', mode='vertex', data=out, dofs=None) class DualMesh(Struct): """Dual mesh corresponding to a (surface) region.""" def __init__(self, region): """ Assume a single GeometryElement type in all groups, linear approximation. Works for one group only for the moment. """ domain = region.domain self.dim = domain.shape.dim self.region = copy(region) self.region.setup_face_indices() self.mesh_coors = domain.mesh.coors # add_to_regions=True due to Field implementation shortcomings. omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all', add_to_regions=True) self.field =
Field('displacements', nm.float64, (3,), omega, 1)
""" Friction-slip model formulated as the implicit complementarity problem. To integrate over a (dual) mesh, one needs: * coordinates of element vertices * element connectivity * local base for each element * constant in each sub-triangle of the dual mesh Data for each dual element: * connectivity of its sub-triangles * base directions t_1, t_2 Normal stresses: * Assemble the rezidual and apply the LCBC operator described below. Solution in \hat{V}_h^c: * construct a restriction operator via LCBC just like in the no-penetration case * use the substitution: u_1 = n_1 * w u_2 = n_2 * w u_3 = n_3 * w The new DOF is `w`. * for the record, no-penetration does: w_1 = - (1 / n_1) * (u_2 * n_2 + u_3 * n_3) w_2 = u_2 w_3 = u_3 """ from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.compat import unique import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables from sfepy.fem.mappings import VolumeMapping, SurfaceMapping from sfepy.fem.fe_surface import FESurface from sfepy.fem.utils import compute_nodal_normals def edge_data_to_output(coors, conn, e_sort, data): out = nm.zeros_like(coors) out[conn[e_sort,0]] = data return Struct(name='output_data', mode='vertex', data=out, dofs=None) class DualMesh(Struct): """Dual mesh corresponding to a (surface) region.""" def __init__(self, region): """ Assume a single GeometryElement type in all groups, linear approximation. Works for one group only for the moment. """ domain = region.domain self.dim = domain.shape.dim self.region = copy(region) self.region.setup_face_indices() self.mesh_coors = domain.mesh.coors # add_to_regions=True due to Field implementation shortcomings. omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all', add_to_regions=True) self.field = Field('displacements', nm.float64, (3,), omega, 1) self.gel = domain.geom_els.values()[0] self.sgel = self.gel.surface_facet face_key = 's%d' % self.sgel.n_vertex # Coordinate interpolation to face centres. = self.gel.interp.poly_spaces[face_key] centre = / =[None,:]) self.surfaces = surfaces = {} self.dual_surfaces = dual_surfaces = {} for ig, conn in enumerate(domain.mesh.conns): surface = FESurface(None, self.region, self.gel.faces, conn, ig) surfaces[ig] = surface dual_surface = self.describe_dual_surface(surface) dual_surfaces[ig] = dual_surface def describe_dual_surface(self, surface): n_fa, n_edge = surface.n_fa, self.sgel.n_edge mesh_coors = self.mesh_coors # Face centres. fcoors = mesh_coors[surface.econn] centre_coors =, fcoors) surface_coors = mesh_coors[surface.nodes] dual_coors = nm.r_[surface_coors, centre_coors] coor_offset = surface.nodes.shape[0] # Normals in primary mesh nodes. nodal_normals = compute_nodal_normals(surface.nodes, self.region, self.field) ee = surface.leconn[:,self.sgel.edges].copy() edges_per_face = ee.copy() sh = edges_per_face.shape ee.shape = edges_per_face.shape = (sh[0] * sh[1], sh[2]) edges_per_face.sort(axis=1) eo = nm.empty((sh[0] * sh[1],), dtype=nm.object) eo[:] = [tuple(ii) for ii in edges_per_face] ueo, e_sort, e_id =
unique(eo, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)