bill reading of shakespeare satisfied me
didn't the magic work
anson thought julie had fainted
the horse fell
odysseus attempted odysseus to hear the sirens
burn letters to peter
genie intoned the prayer
gilgamesh didn't fly the broomstick
ron's likely to be on the web isn't he
bill's reading shakespeare and maureen's singing schubert satisfy me
owners of a pig loves to eat truffles
gilgamesh might loved ishtar
paul had an affair
poseidon appears to own a dragon
the twins might have both been at the party
that jason had arrived was obvious infuriated medea
that i should evaporate is my fondest dream
what gilgamesh may do is seek ishtar
you said that anson thought that julie had fainted
the owl hated the evil bat and the wise eagle
what did john buy
agamemnon forced aphrodite to leave the school
there is a description of aristotle in the book
medea exclaimed if the potion was ready
humans love to eat them
someone did medea poison
perhaps iphigenia will have murdered oedipus by tomorrow
so that he could escape jason became invisible
i wondered who had medea poisoned
i asked did medea poison jason
agamemnon stopped jason from casting the spell
no one wanted any cake
i wanted jimmy for to come with me
he walked the hill up
they should have all sent oedipus to thebes
those monkey are eating the banana
who had poseidon run away before the executioner murdered
i asked anson if he was happy
daniel became a blond
has that we have arrived back at our starting point proved that the world is round
it was the man i saw that you wanted to meet
that photograph by gomez of pugsley of lucy's
i ate that
it snowed
aphrodite said he would free the animals and free the animals he will
that the golden thread would show jason his path through the labyrinth was
julie and jenny arrived first
what have you eaten
peter is owners
i said this he left
who has drunk my whiskey
you said she liked yourself
she tried to left
i'd planned to have finished and finished i have
ron expected the sack
that i am here proves that i care
she tried to may leave
gilgamesh misses aphrodite
who seemed had poisoned jason
that plato loved aster seemed to be known by everyone
when dining with evil crocodiles it is advisable to wear armour
benjamin said he would give the cloak to lee and give the cloak he did to lee
did the magic work
who has drunk the poison
benjamin said he would give the cloak to lee and give the cloak to lee he did
jason became invisible so that he could escape
aphrodite may quickly free the animals
the horse galloped
how quickly did the greeks take troy
some happy pigs which can fly love truffles
julie felt a twinge in her arm
the wizard turned the beetle into beer with a wave of his wand
who seemed that had poisoned jason
kick me
we wanted to eat cake
gomez's photograph of pugsley belonging to lucy
all the boys should could go
julie maintained her own ideas over the course of the argument
the intrepid pirate and the fearful captain's mate sunk the galleon
gilgamesh might not have been reading the cuneiform tablets
it was obvious that plato loved aster obvious
he loves him
we all thought he was unhappy
emily showed himself benjamin in the mirror
anson believed the report
i looked the number up
anson is incredibly difficult to be pleased
no vampire slept
after the executioner left poseidon wept
peter was at the party
whales have i seen
i thought she is pregnant
himself saw him
that he is coming is clear
there seem three men to be in the garden
he analysis her was flawed
where all did they go for their holidays
gilgamesh decided not to kill ishtar
bill reading shakespeare satisfied me
perseus saw the gorgon in his shield