<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Non-sudo installation without conda username_0: Hi, for people without sudo rights that do not want to rely on creating a conda environment during installation, I can recommend setting up everything with local perl installations: Citing [](url) ``` wget -O- | perl - -l ~/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib` echo 'eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`' >> ~/.profile echo 'export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH' >> ~/.profile This assumes your profile is named .profile, you may need to change that to be .bash_profile, .bashrc, etc. ``` Afterwards, perl modules can be installed in the usual manner of `cpanm Module::Name`. The rest of the installation then should work outside of a conda environment, too. Best wishes, Isabel<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Build Failed On Case-Sensitive System username_0: Hi , I use cocoapod to integrate this SDK in our app, but it seems there are some error when building it. /Users/duke/Desktop/Workspace/innoBase/Controller/PPCloudController/Example/Pods/OneDriveSDK/OneDriveSDK/OneDriveCoreSDK/model/ODAsyncOperationStatus.h:24:9: 'UIKit/UiKit.h' file not found and I just search & replaced the string '**UIKit/UiKit.h**' with '**UIKit/UIKit.h**' in all files of this SDK , there will be no error and run successfully in our project. but this modification will be reset when I update it from remote, so I can't use this SDK as a pod dependency target in my customize pod. It seems like there is a spelling-mistake of UiKit.h from U"**I**"Kit.h, this error will lead to build failed when using case-sensitive system. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks for reporting this. If you have a set of changes that resolves the issue, would you mind forking the repo and creating a pull request? I can probably get around to making this change sometime in the next few days, but my system is not case-sensitive so I won't be able to test if the issue is resolved for you or not. <issue_comment>username_1: Fixed with #101<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Alpha slider showing when Alpha-channel is disabled and vice-versa username_0: Title pretty much sums up: With `md-color-alpha-channel="false"`, the alpha slider is present. With` md-color-alpha-channel="true"`, the alpha slider is not. The option works well with the spectrum pallet, not with the slider one.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Files screens - final mergedown and rebase username_0: <issue_comment>username_0: just waiting for the bot then merging <issue_comment>username_1: :mag_right: :zap: These commits introduced some visual changes: * Added: **Popup_Menu-Popup_Simple** ![Popup_Menu-Popup_Simple rendered]( * Added: **Popup_Menu-Popup_Complex** ![Popup_Menu-Popup_Complex rendered]( * Added: **Files-You_can_unlock_Public** ![Files-You_can_unlock_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-You_can_unlock_Private** ![Files-You_can_unlock_Private rendered]( * Added: **Files-Participant_Unlock_Public** ![Files-Participant_Unlock_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-Participant_Unlock_Private** ![Files-Participant_Unlock_Private rendered]( * Added: **Files-No_files_Public** ![Files-No_files_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-No_files_Private** [(view)]( * Changed: **Files-Popup_Public** [(before)]( [(after)]( [(diff)]( * Changed: **Files-Popup_Private** [(before)]( [(after)]( [(diff)]( <issue_comment>username_1: :mag_right: :zap: These commits introduced some visual changes: * Added: **Popup_Menu-Popup_Simple** ![Popup_Menu-Popup_Simple rendered]( * Added: **Popup_Menu-Popup_Complex** ![Popup_Menu-Popup_Complex rendered]( * Added: **Files-You_can_unlock_Public** ![Files-You_can_unlock_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-You_can_unlock_Private** ![Files-You_can_unlock_Private rendered]( * Added: **Files-Participant_Unlock_Public** ![Files-Participant_Unlock_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-Participant_Unlock_Private** ![Files-Participant_Unlock_Private rendered]( * Added: **Files-No_files_Public** ![Files-No_files_Public rendered]( * Added: **Files-No_files_Private** [(view)]( * Changed: **Files-Popup_Public** [(before)]( [(after)]( [(diff)]( * Changed: **Files-Popup_Private** [(before)]( [(after)]( [(diff)](
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Edge case for jasmine init using node username_0: This may be a very unlikely and trivial edge case, but wanted to bring it up. When running ```jasmine init``` within a folder that already has a **spec** folder it will look for **jasmine.json** within **spec/spec/support/jasmine.json** folder. Granted you likely wouldn't have a spec folder if you were running jasmine init and this may be a bit too trivial. Felt like sharing. ```javascript Laptop:spec user$ jasmine module.js:341 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '/Users/user/workspace/localrepo/spec/spec/support/jasmine.json' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:339:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:290:25) at Module.require (module.js:367:17) at require (internal/module.js:16:19) at Jasmine.loadConfigFile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jasmine/lib/jasmine.js:83:16) at runJasmine (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jasmine/lib/command.js:92:11) at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jasmine/lib/command.js:49:7) at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js:11:9) at Module._compile (module.js:413:34) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10) ``` <issue_comment>username_0: My mistake....was actually in the spec folder. Hindsight is 20/20.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Synchronize Gettext plural forms with Django username_0: [Django bugfix #30439]( has cause translations with different plural forms definitions are loaded in a separated catalogue. This means that app translations cannot be overwritten on the project level (in project LOCALE). This pull request synchronize plural forms with the current Django version <issue_comment>username_1: Ok, good yes. And this was backported to all supported versions, so we can do this. Finally. A reason for a release. 🥳 I'll sort that out over the next week.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Package name collision detected in job (upgrade from v3 to v6) username_0: I used to have an ingestor job that has firehose, syslog and relp all together But when upgraded to v6 I got Started preparing deployment > Binding templates. Failed: Package name collision detected in job `ingestor': template `logsearch-for-cloudfoundry/ingestor_cloudfoundry-firehose' depends on package `logsearch-for-cloudfoundry/logstash', template `logsearch/ingestor_relp' depends on `logsearch/logstash'. BOSH cannot currently collocate two packages with identical names from separate releases. (00:00:00) The reason is since v4, the logsearch-for-cloudfoundry include a package named as logstash. Now I have to split them into two separate VMs. - instances: 1 name: ingestor networks: - name: ls1 static_ips: - xxxxxxx release: logsearch resource_pool: common templates: - name: ingestor_cloudfoundry-firehose release: logsearch-for-cloudfoundry - name: ingestor_syslog - name: ingestor_relp <issue_comment>username_1: Related to no ?<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Missing git tags for 1.2.0, 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 username_0: Based on and the list of available tags on the GitHub project, tags are missing for versions 1.2.0, 1.3.0 and 1.3.1. This makes it a little confusing when trying to see which versions are available from within GitHub, or when you want to jump to a historical snapshot of the codebase. Any chance of tagging the older versions? ![screen shot 2014-12-30 at 18 01 41]( <issue_comment>username_1: Fixed and pushed, thank you for finding the relevant commits :+1:<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Thanks! :sparkles:
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add Date/Time and Sever for unexpected error messages username_0: When people get unexpected error messages, we have a message for them to contact support. It would be useful for us to have the day/time and server on this, so that if they take a screenshot, we know exactly where in the logs to look. <issue_comment>username_1: Related: #2200 <issue_comment>username_2: No way to reproduce but will make sure rest of app works ok. Closing.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: As I was mentioning to @username_0 the commit at c32cd3e contains code that should show which server you are on (such as kirk vs. picard for us). #2200 is related.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: no annotation for process profile username_0: _From []( on June 27, 2012 14:07:22_ Process profile doesn't have any annotation. _Original issue: <issue_comment>username_0: _From []( on July 24, 2012 04:57:06_ current definition doesn't really help: b is a process_profile =Def. there is some process c such that b process_profile_of c (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [093-002])
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Upgrade maven plugins to improve build speed username_0: ### Issues - [x] My PR addresses the following Helix issues and references them in the PR description: Resolves #1669 ### Description - [x] Here are some details about my PR, including screenshots of any UI changes: Maven package plugins in helix are way too old. We found that the build time on some linux machines are ~X5 longer: 0:50 min -> 4:40 min. Troubleshooting tells maven jar plugins take a much longer time to package jars because of id group check. And upgrading the maven plugins completely solves the problem: 4:40 min -> 0:28 min. ### Tests - [ ] The following tests are written for this issue: (List the names of added unit/integration tests) - The following is the result of the "mvn test" command on the appropriate module: ``` 11:20:38,148 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:20:38,148 [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 11:20:38,148 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:20:38,149 [INFO] Total time: 28.482 s 11:20:38,149 [INFO] Finished at: 2021-03-22T11:20:38-07:00 11:20:38,149 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ``` ### Documentation (Optional) - In case of new functionality, my PR adds documentation in the following wiki page: (Link the GitHub wiki you added) ### Commits - My commits all reference appropriate Apache Helix GitHub issues in their subject lines. In addition, my commits follow the guidelines from "[How to write a good git commit message](": 1. Subject is separated from body by a blank line 1. Subject is limited to 50 characters (not including Jira issue reference) 1. Subject does not end with a period 1. Subject uses the imperative mood ("add", not "adding") 1. Body wraps at 72 characters 1. Body explains "what" and "why", not "how" ### Code Quality - My diff has been formatted using helix-style.xml (helix-style-intellij.xml if IntelliJ IDE is used) <issue_comment>username_0: This PR is ready to be merged, approved by @dasahcc @zhangmeng916 @narendly Upgrade maven plugins to improve build speed
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Tests are not passed under windows username_0: Env: strawberry per 5.22.0 x64 ``` "D:\devel\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ............ ok t/00-report-prereqs.t ..... # # Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones): # # === Configure Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ------- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.04_01 # # === Build Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ------- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.04_01 # # === Test Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- -------- # B any 1.58 # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.04_01 # File::Spec any 3.60 # IO::Handle any 1.35 # IPC::Open3 any 1.18 # Math::BigInt any 1.999710 # Test::Fatal any 0.014 # Test::More 0.96 1.001014 # # === Test Recommends === # # Module Want Have # ---------- -------- -------- # CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150005 # # === Runtime Requires === # # Module Want Have # -------------------- ---- -------- # Carp any 1.38 # Exporter any 5.72 # List::AllUtils any 0.09 # Math::Int128 0.06 0.22 # Moo any 2.000002 # Moo::Role any 2.000002 # Scalar::Util any 1.42 # Socket 1.99 2.021 # Sub::Quote any 2.000002 # integer any 1.01 # namespace::autoclean 0.16 0.28 # overload any 1.26 # strict any 1.09 # warnings any 1.32 # t/00-report-prereqs.t ..... ok t/Address.t ............... ok t/author-eol.t ............ skipped: these tests are for testing by the author t/author-no-tabs.t ........ skipped: these tests are for testing by the author t/author-pod-spell.t ...... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author t/bad-data.t .............. 1/? # Failed test 'Net::Works::Address->new_from_string() died with 1.1 as string (v4)' # at t/bad-data.t line 85. # undef # doesn't match '(?^:1\.1\ is\ not\ a\ valid\ IPv4\ address)' # Failed test 'Net::Works::Network->new_from_string() died with 1.1/20 as string (v4)' # at t/bad-data.t line 97. # undef # doesn't match '(?^:1\.1\/20\ is\ not\ a\ valid\ IP\ network)' # Failed test 'Net::Works::Address->new_from_string() died with 1.1 as string (v4)' # at t/bad-data.t line 118. # 'The new() method for Net::Works::Address expects a hash reference or a key/value list. You passed an odd number of arguments # ' # doesn't match '(?^:1\.1\ is\ not\ a\ valid\ IPv6\ address)' # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 74. [Truncated] t/Network.t ............... ok t/release-cpan-changes.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-portability.t ... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-synopsis.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-test-version.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-tidyall.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Test Summary Report ------------------- t/bad-data.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 74 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 27-28, 41 Non-zero exit status: 3 Files=16, Tests=1468, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.31 usr + 0.08 sys = 0.39 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/16 test programs. 3/1468 subtests failed. dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' FAIL ``` <issue_comment>username_1: As of 0.22, this [still seems to be an issue](
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Use the correct synced block when calculating confs. username_0: This was previously using the most recently notified (by the chain package) block, but transaction processing from this block may not be finished yet. Using this block's height to calculate the number of confirmations is therefore incorrect, and can result in every RPC handler missing transactions or returning transactions from the wrong block. <issue_comment>username_1: OK
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add supermarket search filter username_0: ## Description Add supermarket search filter ## Definition of Done ## Issues Resolved [List any existing issues this PR resolves, or any Discourse or StackOverflow discussion that's relevant] ## Related PRs ## Check List - [ ] Spell Check - [ ] Local build - [ ] Examine the local build - [ ] All tests pass
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Invalid CSS selector in material.js username_0: The invalid selector causes error when arrive is involved. On Firefox: *SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified* On Chrome: *Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'matches' on 'Element': '.btn:not(.btn-link),.card-image,.navbar a:not(.withoutripple),.dropdown-menu a,.nav-tabs a:not(.withoutripple),.withripple,.pagination li:not(.active, .disabled) a:not(.withoutripple)' is not a valid selector*<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Improve the description for debug configurations username_0: When the user creates the launch.json manually, they can choose from a list of debug configurations, the configs need to be improved: here is some examples of debug configs: ``` { "name": "(gdb) Launch", "type": "cppdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "enter program name, for example ${workspaceFolder}/a.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${fileDirname}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": false, "MIMode": "gdb", "miDebuggerPath": "/path/to/gdb", "setupCommands": [ { "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", "ignoreFailures": true }, { "description": "Set Disassembly Flavor to Intel", "text": "-gdb-set disassembly-flavor intel", "ignoreFailures": true } ] } ``` and ``` { "name": "(Windows) Launch", "type": "cppvsdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "enter program name, for example ${workspaceFolder}/a.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${fileDirname}", "environment": [], "console": "externalTerminal" } ```
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: use of properties instead of setters/getters in wrapper username_0: Hello, As the `pylibui` wrapper is supposed to be pythonic, I thought it would be great to use the properties instead of defining `setValue`/`getValue`-like methods. Here is a little implementation example for checkboxes `checked` attribute: ``` @property def checked(self): """ Returns whether the checkbox is checked or not. :return: bool """ return libui.uiCheckboxChecked(self.control) @checked.setter def checked(self, checked): """ Sets whether the checkbox is checked or not. :param checked: bool :return: None """ libui.uiCheckboxSetChecked(self.control, checked) ``` That way, that would allow us to do things like: ``` if my_checkbox.checked: my_checkbox.checked = False ``` instead of... ``` if my_checkbox.getChecked(): my_checkbox.setChecked(False) ``` What do you think ? Should I make a PR for this ? Have a good day, Nicolas. <issue_comment>username_1: I think it's a good idea, but we should let it mature a little bit until we implement more things in pylibui. My rationale is that somewhere in the future we may have to decide which functions are worth wrapping as properties and which functions not and until then we won't be sure which things are common on the api. For now, let's keep this issue open, but it's more important to continue implementing the libui ctypes wrapping functions so that we can match libui's functionality.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: fails with a poor error message when an old version of Android Support Repository is installed username_0: From the Android SDK, I had "Extras / Android Support Repository Rev. 14" installed, but the dependency needed by robolectric is in Rev. 16 of that package. Running `./scripts/` gives the following error message. ``` /Users/me/tools/android-sdk-macosx/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/22.2.0/support-v4-22.2.0.aar (No such file or directory) at Method) at<init>( at<init>( at<init>( at at at ``` After executing the following command, the script completes successfully: ```bash echo y | ~/tools/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android update sdk --no-ui --filter extra-android-m2repository --all ``` It would be preferred to give a hint about how to correct the error instead of simply failing with `FileNotFoundException`. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_2 This is not really an issue, the message is clear. Eventually the build should be moved to Gradle anyways. You will see a similar message with Gradle as well. Developers should always keep up-to-date with the latest repositories. <issue_comment>username_2: This has nothing to do with Gradle vs Maven. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_2 I am just saying. Besides, he wants the scripts to print out a message if he doesn't have his environment setup correctly. The exception shown is already showing that. We should keep issues in Robolectric related to the code for testing.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Allow the platform STRAPLINE to be configured alongside SITENAME username_0: The strapline on our homepage ("The Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals") is specific to PhysioNet. Collaborators reusing the platform, like Toronto, will want to customise the strapline. This pull request adds a STRAPLINE setting to the environment file, so it can be configured alongside SITENAME. After merging, .env files will need to be updated with `STRAPLINE=my strapline` <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0, this looks good to me!
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Uncomment byebug in framework Gemfile username_0: History: 1. `debugger` was there until d2ed433b where it was commented out, and I couldn't figure out why 2. Since then we inherited that when switching to `byebug` in 93559da4 Reasons: 1. It's nice to have a debugger when working on framework bugs 2. It's an uncommented dependency in app Gemfiles since Rails 4.2 (see fbe38c9e) @username_2 do you know anything about this? <issue_comment>username_1: I guess it was because, `debugger` dint have good support ruby 2 onwards. <issue_comment>username_2: Does it work with Ruby trunk? If so let's uncomment. Usually @tenderlove or I comment the debuggers because they don't work with trunk and we always use trunk. But this was with the debugger gem, not sure about byebug. <issue_comment>username_0: I'll figure out how to build Ruby trunk so I can test that. But even if it works, I suppose it is quite possible that it will break occasionally as commits go into trunk. We can either ignore that problem until it happens, or we can proactively limit this to the `:mri_21`, `:mri_22` platforms, thus excluding it on ruby-trunk? <issue_comment>username_3: `byebug` is tested in Travis CI against trunk and has worked for a long time. Support is very unlikely to break because (as opposed to `debugger` had to hack into Ruby internals) `byebug` only uses well defined API's (`TracePoint` + `DebugInspector`). <issue_comment>username_0: @username_3 thanks for confirming!
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: [feature proposal] allow functions in the moduleName option username_0: Today I needed to hand-craft a gulp plugin similar to this one as I needed to dynamically calculate a module name (`moduleName` option) based on the input file path. Would you be open to suggestion of supporting `moduleName` being a function that would be executed with the input file path (or the whole vinyl file) to calculate module name as string? <issue_comment>username_1: Why? What's your use-case for needing that? <issue_comment>username_0: You need a module name(s) to be able to be able pre-load modules outputted by traceur's `instantiate` module format. I might want to generate different modules, ex.: based on the folder name and then pre-load some of the modules. Obviously I could duplicate `gulp.src('foldername/**/*.js').pipe('traceur({moduleName: 'foldername'})'` for each folder in my project but a function to "calculate" a module name would solve it more elegantly, IMO. What would you propose as an alternative solution in this case? Relevant discussion in <issue_comment>username_1: Yeah, good point. I'm not sure it's possible to implement this here though as we need to reuse the Traceur compiler instance for all files and the options are passed in the constructor. Suggestions welcome. <issue_comment>username_2: +1 I am in a similar case :) Here a function I have made for my process (maybe the moduleName option can be a function): function _traceurGulpStream() { return through2.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var filePath = file.path.substr(options.dirname.length + 1), // To be on the root folder filename = filePath.substr(4), // To be on the src folder compiler = new traceur.NodeCompiler({ 'experimental': true, 'modules': 'instantiate', 'moduleName': filename.substr(0, filename.length - 3) }), inputFilePath = compiler.normalize(filePath); try { file.contents = new Buffer(compiler.write( compiler.transform( compiler.parse( fs.readFileSync(file.path).toString(), inputFilePath ), undefined, inputFilePath ), inputFilePath )); this.push(file); cb(); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', new gutil.PluginError('gulp-traceur', 'Exit code with ' + e)); this.push(file); cb(); } }); } <issue_comment>username_3: +1 to this I also need to calculate the moduleName and not sure how to do this from within gulp using pipe.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: This package is deprecated now as Traceur is unmaintained.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add 'ignore' and 'passthrough' tags username_0: - Adds `'ignore'` and `'passthrough'` tags to `list_semantic_tags` and update the Understanding Logical Types and Semantic Tags guide to include explanations of them. - Closes #929 <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 My understanding (@username_2 please correct me if I'm wrong) is that these are tags that Woodwork will not itself add or act on but that are recognized as having a specific meaning. We've already had `date_of_birth`, which definitely has meaning in the `Age` primitive in Featuretools. And we'll eventually want to do something similar with passthrough features. <issue_comment>username_1: I guess my question applies more broadly to the `date_of_birth` tag as well. If we wanted to just use these for illustrative purposes to show users how the could add custom tags in their applications that have special meaning, that makes some sense. I'm still wrestling with the idea of listing certain tags that are considered to have special meaning, but aren't used in any way inside the Woodwork code base. If Woodwork doesn't do anything different with them compared to any other custom tag what makes them special? <issue_comment>username_2: @username_1 I agree that Woodwork doesn't do anything with these semantic tags currently. We could update our statistical functions to recognize and take action on these tags. In addition, we could document in Featuretools the meaning of these special tags. However, putting this in Woodwork docs allows other libraries to benefit from their usage (such as EvalML). Even if these tags aren't used in Woodwork, they are **suggested** tags that end users may want to use in certain situations. <issue_comment>username_1: So with this in mind, perhaps what I'm getting hung up on is the wording "recognized to have special meaning" . Could we update the wording in the section where these are discussed to reflect that we are just suggesting that the users use these tags when they have columns that need to be used in the manner described by the tag? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Another thing I noticed: `time_index` shows that `Datetime` is the only valid logical type, but Woodwork allows numeric logical types to be used for the time index, so the Age, Integer, and Double logical types should all be included there as well. As long as we're changing the index's valid logical types, I'm thinking it makes sense to also change `time_index`'s as well. (`date_of_birth` I'm less sold on telling people that they can use numeric logical types for...) <issue_comment>username_1: I think it makes sense to fix the time index line. I'm also in favor of not listing numeric types for `date_of_birth`, but probably even more in favor of removing it from our list of tags... <issue_comment>username_1: I'm ok with leaving it in though
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Reading malformed (network) binaries username_0: Hi, I am not sure, if this is the right place for this issue, but since we have this issue with the generated python code I open the issue here. We have a pcap file, which contains ethernet frames, but some of them are malformed, e.g. the pcap package header says its an ethernet frame, but the frame has only one byte. If I try to parse the complete pcap-file into a pcap object the parser fails due to reading less than expected bytes and the an exception is raised. Is there a possibility to skip malformed packages? Currently, we removed the link to the ethernet frames in the pcap.ksy and parse each package in a try catch block.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: PR Comment: Change Content For Target Branch Contains Warning1 username_0: <issue_comment>username_1: Docs Build status updates of commit _[9d15b87]( :clock10: **Pending**: waiting for processors ([6]( builds ahead of you) :warning: **Docs Build is busy**, currently there are 6 builds ahead of this one, for more information you can view the Build queue graph on the [Docs Portal]( <issue_comment>username_2: Docs Build status updates of commit _[9d15b87]( ### :white_check_mark: Validation status: passed File | Status | Preview URL | Details ---- | ------ | ----------- | ------- [E2E_DocsBranch_Dynamic/]( | :white_check_mark:Succeeded | [View]( | For more details, please refer to the [build report]( **Note:** Broken links written as relative paths are included in the above build report. For broken links written as absolute paths or external URLs, see the [broken link report]( For any questions, please:<ul><li>Try searching in the <a href=";category=All&amp;scope=help-docs&amp;category=All&amp;branch=master">Docs contributor and Admin Guide</a></li><li>See the <a href="">frequently asked questions</a></li><li>Post your question in the <a href=";tenantId=72f98bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47">Docs support channel</a></li></ul>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: USE VS2019 VisualGDB build debug fault username_0: I use VS2019 Visual GDB cross complie the raspberry version, if I Chioce debug build this this fault , I guess command line need run google test in windows there does't satisfy , Can you give a swicth to turn off google test, i think most of people does't need google test. <issue_comment>username_1: As for many CMake projects, you can set BUILD_TESTING=OFF to disable building of the unit tests. <issue_comment>username_2: Closing due to inactivity. Please reopen if necessary.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: BPLAT-15124 GitHub actions for automatic versioning username_0: - Check that pull requests to master contain one of the following labels: bump:major, bump:minor, bump:patch - Automatic version tagging according to pull request bump tag
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: [VideoSubscriberAccount] Adopt XAMCORE_4_0 changes in .NET. username_0: <issue_comment>username_1: ### :white_check_mark: [PR Build] Tests passed on Build. :white_check_mark: Tests passed on Build. * [Azure DevOps]( * [Html Report (VSDrops)](;/tests/vsdrops_index.html) [Download]($format=zip) # API diff :white_check_mark: API Diff from stable <details><summary>View API diff</summary> * iOS [vsdrops](;/ios-api-diff.html) [gist]( * macOS [vsdrops](;/mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * tvOS [vsdrops](;/tvos-api-diff.html) [gist]( * watchOS [vsdrops](;/watchos-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet API diff</summary> * dotnet-iOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-macOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.Mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-tvOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.TVOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-MacCatalyst [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.MacCatalyst-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet legacy API diff</summary> * dotnet-legacy-iOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-legacy-macOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.Mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-legacy-tvOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.TVOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet iOS-MacCatalayst API diff</summary> * dotnet-macCatiOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS.MacCatalyst-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> # API Current PR diff :information_source: API Diff (from PR only) (please review changes) <details><summary>View API diff</summary> * iOS [vsdrops](;/ios-api-diff.html) [gist]( * macOS [vsdrops](;/mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * tvOS [vsdrops](;/tvos-api-diff.html) [gist]( * watchOS [vsdrops](;/watchos-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet API diff</summary> * dotnet-iOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-macOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.Mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-tvOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.TVOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-MacCatalyst [vsdrops](;/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.MacCatalyst-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet legacy API diff</summary> * dotnet-legacy-iOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-legacy-macOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.Mac-api-diff.html) [gist]( * dotnet-legacy-tvOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.TVOS-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> <details><summary>View dotnet iOS-MacCatalayst API diff</summary> * dotnet-macCatiOS [vsdrops](;/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net6.0/Xamarin.iOS.MacCatalyst-api-diff.html) [gist]( </details> # Generator diff :information_source: [Generator Diff](;//generator-diff/index.html) (please review changes) # GitHub pages Results can be found in the following github pages (it might take some time to publish): * [Test results]( * [API diff ]( * [API & Generator diff]( # :tada: All 148 tests passed :tada: [Pipeline]( on Agent XAMBOT-1108.BigSur' Merge f697700b25b700a231618f08c6c681279565d5c0 into 3e7330e559e3ce6ab0f01ac45a5249543880f4ff
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: setup bitpay plugin on VM3 & J3.51 username_0: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$max_amount in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 199 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$min_amount in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 198 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$max_amount in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 199 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$cost_percent_total in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 126 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$cost_percent_total in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 132 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$cost_per_transaction in /xxx/plugins/vmpayment/bitpay/bitpay.php on line 135 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$payment_logos in /xxx/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/plugins/vmpsplugin.php on line 748 <issue_comment>username_0: ![cart_error]( ![extension]( ![payment_method]( ![payment_method_config]( ![payment_select_error]( ![plugin](
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Redraw event username_0: It would be very useful to be able to ping off a redraw event that is handled up by the google chart directive to cause the chart to redraw itself. As an example of when this would be useful: Having a chart inside an ng-show directive causes problems when the chart is not initially shown until the ng-show becomes true. In which case the chart is often drawn the wrong size and is only resized correctly when the window or chart container is manually resized. Being able to send a redraw event when the ng-show state changes would be a simple solution to this problem. <issue_comment>username_1: You can use ng-if instead of ng-show to prevent the chart from drawing until displayed. If you need to trigger a redraw of all charts for some other reason, broadcast `resizeMsg` and it will behave as if the window was resized and redraw all charts. <issue_comment>username_0: Will give it a try. Thanks very much for the prompt reply. Graham <issue_comment>username_1: Oh ya, I forgot about the other strategy. If you want just one chart to redraw, change some meaningless option on the chart's options. Like `options: {redrawTrigger: 0};` and then `redrawTrigger++`. Then just that chart will redraw. But personally, I just use ng-if. You'd need this approach if you're resizing individual elements, or ng-if isn't an option, for performance reasons perhaps. <issue_comment>username_0: Your original solution works perfectly, though I'll keep in mind what you've just said. I was using the Angular UI tab directives, which I guess use ng-show or similar internally and hence my problem. As soon as I re-coded a tab like solution that uses ng-if your solution worked. Again many thanks.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: Glad that worked for you. You're welcome to ask more questions anytime.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Adding rspec-expectations as a dependency username_0: The RSpec matcher requires RSpec Expectations to be installed. Adding rspec-expectations as a dependency, leaving rspec as a development dependency. This was missed during testing because we didn't test installing the built gem in a clean environment. Verified that this works by building the gem locally then testing in a clean Docker container. <issue_comment>username_1: LGTM
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Type inference breaks in chain of generic functions username_0: # Bug Report <!-- Please fill in each section completely. Thank you! --> ### 🔎 Search Terms type inference nested generic ### 🕗 Version & Regression Information v4.5.2, v4.6.0-dev.20211208 ### ⏯ Playground Link <!-- A link to a TypeScript Playground "Share" link which shows this behavior The TypeScript Workbench can be used for more complex setups, try As a last resort, you can link to a repo, but these will be slower for us to investigate. --> [Playground link with relevant code]( ### 💻 Code <!-- Please post the relevant code sample here as well--> ```ts class FooBuilder<TShape> { constructor(readonly foos: TShape) { } addFoo<TName extends string, TValue>(name: TName, value: TValue) { return new FooBuilder(add(this.foos, name, value)); } with<TNewShape extends FooBuilder<{}>>( cb: (builder: this) => TNewShape) { // Cast to include the existing type and the result of the callback. return cb(this) as this & TNewShape; } } export function addBar12() { return <T extends FooBuilder<{}>>(builder: T) => { return builder.addFoo(`bar1`, 1).addFoo(`bar2`, 2); }; } export function addBar1234() { return <T extends FooBuilder<{}>>(builder: T) => { return builder.with(addBar12()).addFoo(`bar3`, 3).addFoo(`bar4`, 4); }; } // Simple demo (has a & b): const foo1 = new FooBuilder({}).addFoo('a', 1).addFoo('b', /2/); foo1.foos.b; // Complex demo (adds bar1 & bar2): const foo2 = foo1.with(addBar12()); foo2.foos.b; // More complex demo (FAILS: adds bar3 & bar4, but not bar & bar2): const foo3 = foo1.with(addBar1234()); foo3.foos.b; /** Clones an object and adds a property, at runtime and in the type system. */ export function add<TShape, TName extends string, TValue>( obj: TShape, name: TName, value: TValue) { // The cast is necessary due to return { ...obj, [name]: value } as TShape & { readonly [name in TName]: TValue }; } ``` ### 🙁 Actual behavior `foo3.foos` contains `bar3` & `bar4`, but not `bar1` & `bar2`. Calling `.addFoo()` after `.with(addBar12())` seems to lose the type information from the latter. ### 🙂 Expected behavior It should also have `bar1` and `bar2`, from the `.with(addBar12())` in `addBar1234()`. ### Further note If you comment out `as this & TNewShape` on line 10, it will correctly include `bar1` and `bar2`, but it then won't have `a` and `b`. That's expected, because that makes `.with()` ignore the existing `this` type from `foo1`. It looks like including `this` in the return type of `with()` makes it drop the nested `with()` call. I can't imagine why though. <issue_comment>username_1: I think the signature of your `with` method is not corrected. It should be ```ts with<TNewShape>(cb: (builder: this) => FooBuilder<TNewShape>) { return cb(this); } ``` which will make your example work. <issue_comment>username_1: I think the signature of your `with` method is not corrected. It should be ```ts with<TNewShape>(cb: (builder: this) => FooBuilder<TNewShape>): FooBuilder<TShape & TNewShape> { return cb(this) as FooBuilder<TShape & TNewShape>; } ``` which will make your example work. <issue_comment>username_0: You're right; that works. Thanks! But why doesn't it work my way? This feels like a bug with the `this` type. <issue_comment>username_1: Another solution in your way would be ```ts with<TNewShape extends FooBuilder<{}>>(cb: (builder: this) => TNewShape) { // The only change here is replacing 'this & TNewShape' with 'TNewShape & this'. return cb(this) as TNewShape & this; } ``` It may seem weird where `T & U` and `U & T` have different behavior, but I guess the way ts treats an intersection of function signature is the same as overloading: [The first applicable overload is chosen]( A simple example: ```ts type A = { (input: string): string }; type B = { (input: string): number }; declare var fn1: A & B; declare var fn2: B & A; var result1 = fn1('foo'); // string var result2 = fn2('foo'); // number ``` <issue_comment>username_2: Seems like you got the right help -- intersecting two object types with the same method name is pretty fraught and it's usually better to use a sort of spread equivalent to exclude the overwritten method from one of the input types.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: CRLP Account Soft Credit fix username_0: We corrected a bug that caused Account Soft Credit batch jobs to run twice - once in NonSkew mode and once in Skew mode. # Critical Changes # Changes # Issues Closed # Community Ideas Delivered # Features Intended for Future Release # Features for Elevate Customers # New Metadata # Deleted Metadata <issue_comment>username_0: @force2b This PR is in draft status. I am adding a new test class to validate our query results, but the logic for the work item should be complete. It's a small PR, so if you have a few minutes to take a quick look, I would appreciate it. <issue_comment>username_0: @lparrott @force2b Moving out of draft status. Would appreciate another look. @username_1 Would you take a look at the PR description? Thanks all!!! <issue_comment>username_0: Tracking [W-9162816]( and [W-9061202]( <issue_comment>username_1: Looks good @username_0. Nice work!
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: make some utils gpu friendly username_0: With this, I can do: ```julia julia> using Optim, CUDA julia> init = CUDA.rand(10, 10); julia> function fg!(_, G, w) res = sum(abs2, w) if !isnothing(G) @. G = 2w end return res end fg! (generic function with 1 method) julia> CUDA.allowscalar(false) julia> optimize(Optim.only_fg!(fg!), init) * Status: success * Candidate solution Final objective value: 0.000000e+00 * Found with Algorithm: L-BFGS * Convergence measures |x - x'| = 9.90e-01 ≰ 0.0e+00 |x - x'|/|x'| = Inf ≰ 0.0e+00 |f(x) - f(x')| = 3.48e+01 ≰ 0.0e+00 |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = Inf ≰ 0.0e+00 |g(x)| = 0.00e+00 ≤ 1.0e-08 * Work counters Seconds run: 5 (vs limit Inf) Iterations: 1 f(x) calls: 3 ∇f(x) calls: 3 ``` <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks! It's so annoying that those norm calls don't just work on gpus. Do you know why? <issue_comment>username_0: Looks like the fallbacks are done with for loops instead of `mapreduce`, e.g., [here]( I'll try a PR as soon as I have a bit more time (I hope there aren't too many weird corner cases like `NaN` and such to cover).
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: javascript types wrong with Array.prototype.flat/faltMap username_0: When using `flat` or `flatMap` in a javascript file the type is set to `any`. The type behaves as if the function were unknown. Example: ```js const test = [[1]].flat(); ``` `test` should have the type `number[]` but has any instead.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Not able to disable Ripple Effect. username_0: if I click on button to perform any action, it will first finish the whole ripple effect than perform the action. I m using Android 6.0.1 On moto g3. <issue_comment>username_1: Did you try to set "animate" attribute to false? It's used here
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Adds support for getting information about me. username_0: This adds support for getting information about the current agent (that is using the API): I made it so you could call: var me = await freshdeskClient.Me.ViewMeAsync(); This is discussable :-) This function could also have been added in the Agents-property, I think. But I have seen other SDK:s having a “Me” property, like the one for MS Graph. This has been tested against Freshdesk. <issue_comment>username_1: Hi, I am fine with the structure. The `Me` route is quite common, I think. <issue_comment>username_1: Thank you!
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Fix fast scroll issue on mobile device username_0: Pull request does not fix on mobile device browser, this is the fix for it. <issue_comment>username_1: Can you produce an example where without this change scrolling is slow and with it, fast? I applied this patch locally and couldn't see a difference. <issue_comment>username_0: When I swipe down with fast acceleration, during the scrolling, quickly swipe back to the top, it will display blank page. I tried it against a long list of [material-ui ListItem]( <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 remove then add the update callback, would it be possible there is a race condition that the callback will be executed out of order, then causing rendering problem? <issue_comment>username_1: I don't think so. Can you please replicate this? I'm not going to be able to find the problem until I can see it. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 I am afraid that you have to test on Android Chrome to see the problem, with the instructions above. The previous fix ( looks really like a browser hack, and `mousewheel` won't work on touch devices. <issue_comment>username_0: I am closing this as it seems no one shares the same problem. I published [a fixed version]( for my own use case, in case anyone want it.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Smart Scenes ? Tap-To-Run username_0: I've been using LocalTuya for a while now and I'm trying to find my Tap-to-run automations and Custom Scenes that I've created on the app. Is there a way for me to access them on Home Assistant? <issue_comment>username_1: I think you may have meant to open an issue here:<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Use the logical && operator when conditionally rendering a component username_0: *This issue was created automatically with [bugzilla2github](* ## [Bug 1692699]( Bug Reporter: @abowler2 CC: @username_0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0 Steps to reproduce: N/A Actual results: N/A Expected results: Currently when a component is rendered conditionally we are using the ternary operator: ``` !condition ? null : <component> ``` Using the logical && operator would be a cleaner way to accomplish this: ``` condition && <component> ``` There are already some uses of the logical && operator that have been introduced in the code. In order to keep consistency we should consider replacing the ternary operator uses with the logical && operator.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Also rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN in send method username_0: Otherwise `pod setup` fails, just because the stats upload is blocked. This can happen behind a firewall or when using something like LittleSnitch on OS X. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks @username_0 looks great - any chance you can add this to the CHANGELOG too please? <issue_comment>username_0: Sure, one moment. <issue_comment>username_2: Imo this change belongs upstream in nap <issue_comment>username_0: @username_2 OK, I can try fixing it there. <issue_comment>username_1: @alloy ^ <issue_comment>username_0: My fix was just merged upstream! <issue_comment>username_1: ace, we just need this updated in CocoaPods
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Inference result differs from training username_0: I trained a yolos model in my datasets with given code and tested it with tools/ AP in training is 60% but nothing was detected when I run tools/ I don't know what's wrong. <issue_comment>username_0: test images come from the trainsets. <issue_comment>username_1: Did your specify your weights? What's your command? <issue_comment>username_0: `python tools/ image -f exps/default/ -c ./YOLOX_outputs/yolox_s/best_ckpt.pth.tar --conf 0.25 --nms 0.45 --tsize 640 --save_result --device gpu --path ./datasets/COCO/train2017` The test command should be OK. The default yolo_s model provided in this repo achieves good results. But my model behaves strangely. <issue_comment>username_1: Did `inference result differs from training` solved? Did your best_ckpt get the same result with your training result? <issue_comment>username_0: Not yet. Besides, nothing changes, no matter I use the best_ckpt as pretrained model or not.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Security remediation username_0: Updated javascript libraries to versions specified in the security scan report and added the autocomplete=off attribute to input fields used for logging in. <issue_comment>username_1: Cherry-picked JS library updates. Autocomplete fields are in FOSUserBundle and will be added to vendor overrides.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Fixed bug in TiGLViewer when loading a cpacs file with multiple models. username_0: Not sure if setting the char length to a constant 90 is adviseable, but my C++ skills have suffert from a couple of years of python. :) <issue_comment>username_1: Made changes to remove unsecure code. Please verify 67bc42959 and pull these changes into your branch if they are okay.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Improve non-code contributing guidelines username_0: Currently the non-code contributions are rather a second class citizen in the documentation. It would be great to provide better contributing guidelines to those who want to contribute to other areas, e.g. documentation or artwork. ## Scope * is updated to include non-code contributions * Documentation contributor guidelines are updated for the key repositories * There is a default issue template for documentation available in the repositories * There is a repository for artwork contributions - #65 * ...
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Replace PIXELS_HIGH_PERF and PIXELS_LOW_POWER with WGPU_POWER_PREF username_0: This is mostly a documentation change. `wgpu` itself supports an environment variable for GPU switching. This was added in and available since version 0.7. And this whole function can be removed: <issue_comment>username_0: I just realized the `WGPU_POWER_PREF` env variable is only in the `wgpu` example framework. It's not usable in downstream crates.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Getting 404 with /flask-apispec/static/ files while accessible default swagger server URL username_0: This is likely to be a noobish question... Experiencing with flask-apispec, I'm trying to get the swagger server to run. The spec is generated correctly: `http://localhost:5000/swagger/` provides what I expect. However, when accessing `http://localhost:5000/swagger-ui/`, I get 404s: ``` - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /swagger-ui/ HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/css/typography.css HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/css/reset.css HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/css/screen.css HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/css/print.css HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/jquery-1.8.0.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/jquery.slideto.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/jquery.wiggle.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/ HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/handlebars-2.0.0.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/underscore-min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/backbone-min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/swagger-ui.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/highlight.7.3.pack.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/marked.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/swagger-oauth.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/jquery.slideto.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/jquery.wiggle.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/ HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/handlebars-2.0.0.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/underscore-min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/backbone-min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/swagger-ui.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/highlight.7.3.pack.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/marked.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [30/May/2016 18:23:39] "GET /flask-apispec/static/lib/swagger-oauth.js HTTP/1.1" 404 - ``` This shouldn't be a surprise since I don't have any of those file in my code. However, I don't see any mention to this in the install guide. Did I miss any step? Where should I get them? <issue_comment>username_0: Answering to myself. The missing files should be taken from and copied in `flask-apispec/static`. This is done in [this task]( Sorry for the noise.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: The static files seems to be missing again in 0.4 as pushed to PyPI
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: F1 service redirects to binary operator for `>` in generic username_0: **Version Used**: main **Steps to Reproduce**: ```csharp [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.F1Help)] public async Task TestGenericAngle2() { await TestAsync( @"class Program { static void generic<T>(T t) { generic<int[|>|](0); } }", "Program.generic``1"); } ```<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add methods for r-group composition (scaffold based enumeration) username_0: Add methods for r-group composition (scaffold based enumeration). See the attached as an example. The output should contain enumerated products from scaffold and monomers <issue_comment>username_0: [](<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Error compiling "./gradlew buid" username_0: When I attempt to compile on x86_64 system the build fails with: H2OContextUtils.scala:52: value actorSystem in class SparkEnv is deprecated: Actor system is no longer supported as of 1.4.0 env.actorSystem.settings.config.getString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname") ^ there were 1 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details three warnings found :sparkling-water-core:compileScala FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What can I do to address this. I am using rel-1.6 <issue_comment>username_1: Hi username_0, can you please run gradle with `stacktrace` and `info` options - `./gradlew build -x check --stacktrace --info` and copy the whole command output here ? Thanks, Kuba <issue_comment>username_0: * Try: Run with --debug option to get more log output. * Exception is: org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':sparkling-water-core:compileScala'. at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.PostExecutionAnalysisTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.processTask( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$ at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor.process( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.SelectedTaskExecutionAction.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.access$000( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter$1.proceed( at org.gradle.execution.DryRunBuildExecutionAction.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$ at org.gradle.internal.Factories$1.create( at at at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuildStages( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.access$200( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$1.create( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$1.create( at at at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuild( at at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter$ at at at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ContinuousBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ContinuousBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ExecuteBuild.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.WatchForDisconnection.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ResetDeprecationLogger.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.RequestStopIfSingleUsedDaemon.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$ at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$ at org.gradle.util.Swapper.swap( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.LogToClient.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.EstablishBuildEnvironment.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.StartBuildOrRespondWithBusy$ at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.DaemonStateCoordinator$ at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute( at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$ Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: List(object package$DoubleHolder, object package$DoubleHolder) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.suchThat(Symbols.scala:1678) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.companionModule0(Symbols.scala:2988) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.companionModule(Symbols.scala:2991) at$JPlainBuilder.genClass(GenASM.scala:1371) at$ [Truncated] at sbt.compiler.AggressiveCompile.compile1(AggressiveCompile.scala:70) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:201) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:183) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:174) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:165) at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler$Compiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.daemon.CompilerDaemonServer.execute( at org.gradle.messaging.dispatch.ReflectionDispatch.dispatch( at org.gradle.messaging.dispatch.ReflectionDispatch.dispatch( at org.gradle.messaging.remote.internal.hub.MessageHub$ ... 2 more BUILD FAILED Total time: 50.356 secs Stopped 1 compiler daemon(s). Received result Failure[value=org.gradle.initialization.ReportedException: org.gradle.internal.exceptions.LocationAwareException: Execution failed for task ':sparkling-water-core:compileScala'.] from daemon DaemonInfo{pid=11634, address=[95b8ab59-a87f-440b-b904-bab31f4fa327 port:40262, addresses:[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo, /]], idle=false, context=DefaultDaemonContext[uid=1bc3de48-9a27-4bec-afaa-d05e2f0d329a,javaHome=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-,daemonRegistryDir=/home/gary/.gradle/daemon,pid=11634,idleTimeout=120000,daemonOpts=-XX:MaxPermSize=384m,-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8,,-Duser.language=en,-Duser.variant]} (build should be done). <issue_comment>username_0: * Try: Run with --debug option to get more log output. * Exception is: org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':sparkling-water-core:compileScala'. at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.PostExecutionAnalysisTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.processTask( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$ at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor.process( at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.SelectedTaskExecutionAction.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.access$000( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter$1.proceed( at org.gradle.execution.DryRunBuildExecutionAction.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$ at org.gradle.internal.Factories$1.create( at at at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuildStages( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.access$200( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$1.create( at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher$1.create( at at at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuild( at at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter$ at at at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ContinuousBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ContinuousBuildActionExecuter.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ExecuteBuild.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.WatchForDisconnection.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ResetDeprecationLogger.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.RequestStopIfSingleUsedDaemon.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$ at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$ at org.gradle.util.Swapper.swap( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.LogToClient.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.EstablishBuildEnvironment.doBuild( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed( at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.StartBuildOrRespondWithBusy$ at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.DaemonStateCoordinator$ at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute( at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$ Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: List(object package$DoubleHolder, object package$DoubleHolder) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.suchThat(Symbols.scala:1678) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.companionModule0(Symbols.scala:2988) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.companionModule(Symbols.scala:2991) at$JPlainBuilder.genClass(GenASM.scala:1371) at$ [Truncated] at sbt.compiler.AggressiveCompile.compile1(AggressiveCompile.scala:70) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:201) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:183) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:174) at com.typesafe.zinc.Compiler.compile(Compiler.scala:165) at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler$Compiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.scala.ZincScalaCompiler.execute( at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.daemon.CompilerDaemonServer.execute( at org.gradle.messaging.dispatch.ReflectionDispatch.dispatch( at org.gradle.messaging.dispatch.ReflectionDispatch.dispatch( at org.gradle.messaging.remote.internal.hub.MessageHub$ ... 2 more BUILD FAILED Total time: 50.356 secs Stopped 1 compiler daemon(s). Received result Failure[value=org.gradle.initialization.ReportedException: org.gradle.internal.exceptions.LocationAwareException: Execution failed for task ':sparkling-water-core:compileScala'.] from daemon DaemonInfo{pid=11634, address=[95b8ab59-a87f-440b-b904-bab31f4fa327 port:40262, addresses:[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo, /]], idle=false, context=DefaultDaemonContext[uid=1bc3de48-9a27-4bec-afaa-d05e2f0d329a,javaHome=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-,daemonRegistryDir=/home/gary/.gradle/daemon,pid=11634,idleTimeout=120000,daemonOpts=-XX:MaxPermSize=384m,-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8,,-Duser.language=en,-Duser.variant]} (build should be done). <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks for the log! Can you please just try one possible quick solution once I go through it and let me know? Please try to run `./gradlew clean build -x check` The `clean` part is important. This happens to me sometimes as well when only some classes were recompiled. <issue_comment>username_0: Hi Kuba I am cloning the master branch and recompiling. It seems to get much further and is not running some of the unit test. Not sure why the rel-1.6 branch tag was causing me issue. Right now I am at 69% of the build. Will wait until it's complete to see if it errors out or builds. Will post back once it's done <issue_comment>username_0: Hi Kuba It seems to compile just fine from the master branch. Is the master branch set for Spark 1.6.x ? From what I could infer and what I read the master branch is set for the latest Spark release <issue_comment>username_1: When I do `git checkout rel-1.6` followed by `./gradlew clean build -x check` it compiles just fine. Can you please try the command also with the `clean` ? <issue_comment>username_0: Just executed that and it works fine. I cloned in a new directory and a clean build works. Thanks<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Move ConfigHelper to the data project username_0: ### JIRA link _[HEEDLS-609]( ### Description _A technical debt ticket to move functionality from `ConfigHelper` to `ConfigurationExtensions` in the data project._ ----- ### Developer checks (Leave tasks unticked if they haven't been appropriate for your ticket.) I have: - [X] Run the formatter and made sure there are no IDE errors. - [X] Written tests for the changes (accessibility tests, unit tests for controller, data services, services, view models, etc) - [X] Manually tested my work with and without JavaScript. Full manual testing guidelines can be found here: - [ ] Updated/added documentation in Swiki and/or Readme. Links (if any) are below: - [doc_1_here](link_1_here) - [X] Updated my Jira ticket with information about other parts of the system that were touched as part of the MR and have to be sanity tested to ensure nothing’s broken. - [X] Scanned over my own MR to ensure everything is as expected. <issue_comment>username_1: I don't have any new comments to add to what Alex said, just to make sure you deal with the merge conflicts as well.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Marker not shown username_0: Hi all, I am just trying to Add a marker to the map with a particular LatLng but the marker icon is not visible only the info window is being shown and it is not at the correct location how can I fix this?please correct me if I am coding wrongly. Please clone my repo <issue_comment>username_1: In your code, you should pass the raw div object like this: `var mapDiv = $("#mapHolder")[0];`. If you use only with dialog, you just do `map =;`. At least for me, this work like this. ![screen shot 2016-03-23 at 10 31 39 pm](<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Thanks will try this.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Instrument bundle service with better logging username_0: Set up a logger through the python `logging` module, and start putting in helpful log statements at the appropriate log levels. Design decisions: - Where should log messages go (e.g. when using the `cl` command)? - Where should logger configuration go? (assuming `~/.codalab/config.json`) etc.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: There does not seam to be a built in way of making the mdl-layout__drawer pull out. username_0: I have been looking and I can't find a good way of making the mdl-layout__drawer pull out on mobile. This is something which is really a necessary for easy access to the side bar on mobile and can be done in other frameworks easily. ex in materialize `$(".button-collapse").sideNav();`. Am I missing something or is this not supported with MDL? <issue_comment>username_1: Can you please specify what you mean by "pull out"? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 I mean the type of menu that is in the inbox and until very recently was in YouTube. The type that you swipe right to pull out and left to push in so you don't have to press the hamburger button to move the side menu in and out of view. <issue_comment>username_1: So, this is a duplicate of #1023 it seems. There currently is no public API for drawer toggling within the layout.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: StringsExplained doesn't mention c.g.c.b.Strings username_0: [StringsExplained]( mentions several useful `String` utilities, but leaves out the [`Strings`]( class. <issue_comment>username_1: It is at least technically mentioned nowadays:<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Search bar UI Needed username_0: The basic design of the search bar is given in the link: Just waiting 🤞 Contributor✨ <issue_comment>username_1: Hi, Can I work on this? <issue_comment>username_0: Yes, Go Ahead @username_1 ✨ <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 We have updated our site into components. So you can add your code inside [Main Code]( <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Also you can add CSS code inside [Style.css](<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_2: The basic design of the search bar is given in the link: Just waiting 🤞 Contributor✨ Make sure to merge your code in the website.css file which is present in the code section in the main branch. <issue_comment>username_2: @username_1 there is some error in your code please check again and send pr with a different branch<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: The basic design of the search bar is given in the link: Just waiting 🤞 Contributor✨ Make sure to merge your code in the website.css file which is present in the code section in the main branch. <issue_comment>username_0: We need a search bar in our website. For Reference [Design]( Thankyou ✨<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: 🛑 Monika 机房 is down username_0: In [`49e1db9`]( ), Monika 机房 ( was **down**: - HTTP code: 0 - Response time: 0 ms<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: **Resolved:** Monika 捐助计划 is back up in [`84f5f70`]( ).
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Force compile user code to ensure that CA certs can be loaded username_0: This was a tricky one to solve in a "not awful" way. Found the solution [here]( <issue_comment>username_1: This change was better than what I was fearing. Thanks for linking that mailing list chain.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Check if dropdown is selected from the promised value when the binding value property is a promise username_0: `{{select-2 value=myValue content=myContent optionLabelPath='name' allowClear=true}}` If "myValue" in the example above is a "belongsTo" in ember-data, even when it doenst have a content it's value is not null or any falsy value, because the property it's a promise that resolves to its promised (real) value. I think if the ember-select-2 could see if the property is a promise and check if there is a promised value to set the dropdown as selected or not. <issue_comment>username_1: I swear this used to work for me but has recently regressed. Perhaps because I've been upleveling ember and ember data? I have a select for a hasOne relationship called 'resource' that looks like this: ```handlebars {{select-2 optionLabelPath='name' placeholder=(format-message (intl-get 'attributes.resource-node.resource')) query='queryResources' value=model.resource }} ``` My select renders fine if model.resource is null, but if it has a value, the select doesn't render even after the promise has been resolved. I'm using: * ember-select-2 1.3.0 * ember 1.13.4 * ember-data 1.13.5
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: chore: update ajv and glob username_0: <issue_comment>username_0: :tada: This PR is included in version 1.2.1 :tada: The release is available on [GitHub release]( Your **[semantic-release](** bot :package::rocket:
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Should use Laravel's BaseController here username_0: Using 'App' namespace could mess up with applications using custom namespaces <issue_comment>username_1: I prefer to use instead facade 'Controller', like before <issue_comment>username_0: OK, I'm using the Facade too, pointing to my actual base Controller. As Laravel 5 doesn't come with this Facade as default, I think it would be cool to point this out in the readme. Or, instead of using routes and a Controller in the package, maybe it would be more "Laravel 5's" way to use a Trait that provides Tweet and Upload methods. So people would only need to "use SirTrevorJS" in their controller implementation and also they could choose their own routes. <issue_comment>username_1: Hello @username_0, I do a trait for controller in develop branch. <issue_comment>username_0: Wow, that's cool!! I'll test it when I have some time to study it carefully and maybe integrate to my project. As ST is a core feature of the project I'm working, I ended up using my fork because I needed some very custom features (adding a user hash id to directory upload, for example). I have a checklist of some changes that I intended to do with my fork, that I think it would be a bit simpler to use, but haven't found time yet to focus on this (just now my focus is the project that just **uses** ST). If you'd like, I could share this checklist here as issues, so we can talk about them before actually implementing, and then I would pull the changes here, instead of into my own fork. <issue_comment>username_1: Yes, with pleasure
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: wrong parser position after JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM username_0: If after reading the primitive or string, we can not get token, parser->pos becomes invalid fix : change in jsmn_parse_primitive and jsmn_parse_string #!c if (token == NULL) return JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM; to #!c if (token == NULL) { parser->pos = start; return JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM; } ---------------------------------------- - Bitbucket: - Originally reported by: Anonymous - Originally created at: 2012-01-23T16:44:55.303<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Fixed and covered with tests. Same bug happened for primitive types as well as for strings. ---------------------------------------- Original comment by: Serge Zaitsev
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: "ImportError: No module named related" on latest django 1.8 username_0: Aparently the `django.db.models.related` module was moved/removed/merged on latest django versions, which causes a import error when trying to use the filter backend. <issue_comment>username_1: Same here <issue_comment>username_2: I'll see if I can get some time to put together a PR for this, but I saw this on some other issue: try: from django.db.models.related import RelatedObject as ForeignObjectRel except: # django 1.8 + from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignObjectRel That would allow it to work for both Django 1.7 and 1.8. The other issue: How they applied the fix: <issue_comment>username_3: This should now be fixed. It looks like I'd forgotten to push a new release to PyPI.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: (PHP) fixes getting indirect table, also fixes getInt method on 32bit machine username_0: Hi, Current PHP implementation has reading nested table bug. this PR fixes: * fixes reading indirect table * also, added monsteredata_indirect.json to check above problem. (should I add it to monsterdata_test.json?) * fixes getInt method on 32bit machine / windows. <issue_comment>username_1: Yes, there is already a nested table in there (field "test"), lets not new test files when not necessary. <issue_comment>username_0: okay, field `test` seems any type, i'll add enemy entry to `monsterdata_test.json` when i back home. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks! <issue_comment>username_2: This PR broke the Python unit tests with "improve indirect buffer test" (7fbd9b8). <issue_comment>username_1: What test fails? Did this PR really break something, or is the Python test overly conservative? <issue_comment>username_2: Hi, here's what I see when running ``: ``` prideout ~/git/flatbuffers/tests $ sh Testing with interpreter: python2.6 ..........................................................F ====================================================================== FAIL: test_wire_format (__main__.TestWireFormat) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 66, in test_wire_format CheckReadBuffer(bytearray(canonicalWireData), 0) File "", line 155, in CheckReadBuffer asserter(monster.Enemy() is None) File "", line 81, in asserter raise AssertionError('CheckReadBuffer case failed') AssertionError: CheckReadBuffer case failed ``` I think the `monster.Enemy() is None` check is failing due to the addition of Fred to the test dataset; after I localled reverted the aforementioned commit, the test starting passing again. <issue_comment>username_1: fixed:
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Apply NamingStrategy after applying prefix username_0: Fixes #1806 ### Problem Invalid `SQL`, generated with `Escape` `NamingStrategy`: `AS _1"name"` instead if `AS "_1name"`. ### Solution Apply `NamingStrategy` after applying order prefix. ### Checklist - [x] Unit test all changes - [x] Update `` if applicable (not applicable) - [x] Add `[WIP]` to the pull request title if it's work in progress (not WIP AFAIC) - [x] [Squash commits]( that aren't meaningful changes (single commit) - [x] Run `sbt scalariformFormat test:scalariformFormat` to make sure that the source files are formatted @getquill/maintainers <issue_comment>username_1: Hi @username_0, thank you for this fix. As preparation for Dotty I have moved out the normalizations into `quill-sql-portable`. Please rebase against master (`git pull --rebase upstream master`) and then this PR is good to go! <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1, done. Sorry for delay. There were no conflicts. <issue_comment>username_2: This gets my approval as well. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 is there anything else to be done before it can get merged? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 @username_2 it seems like there is a config issue on travis: ``` No container found for sqlserver_1 The command "./build/ db" exited with 1. ``` <issue_comment>username_0: @getquill/maintainers could someone, please, merge this PR? <issue_comment>username_2: I will merge this on Tuesday if @username_1 doesn't approve it by then
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: One-off benchmarking commit username_0: Please don't merge. * * * * <!-- This selection should only be completed by Swift admin --> Before merging this pull request to apple/swift repository: - [ ] Test pull request on Swift continuous integration. <details> <summary>Triggering Swift CI</summary> The swift-ci is triggered by writing a comment on this PR addressed to the GitHub user @swift-ci. Different tests will run depending on the specific comment that you use. The currently available comments are: **Smoke Testing** Platform | Comment ------------ | ------------- All supported platforms | @swift-ci Please smoke test All supported platforms | @swift-ci Please smoke test and merge OS X platform | @swift-ci Please smoke test OS X platform Linux platform | @swift-ci Please smoke test Linux platform **Validation Testing** Platform | Comment ------------ | ------------- All supported platforms | @swift-ci Please test All supported platforms | @swift-ci Please test and merge OS X platform | @swift-ci Please test OS X platform OS X platform | @swift-ci Please benchmark Linux platform | @swift-ci Please test Linux platform **Lint Testing** Language | Comment ------------ | ------------- Python | @swift-ci Please Python lint Note: Only members of the Apple organization can trigger swift-ci. </details> <!-- Thank you for your contribution to Swift! --> <issue_comment>username_0: @swift-ci Please benchmark <issue_comment>username_0: I got the information I needed.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Errors broken with ember-changeset validation username_0: When working with ember-changeset and binding errors, input is broken. Typing briefly changes the input value then is immediately reset to blank. See issue filed with ember-changeset: <issue_comment>username_1: This was never designed to be compatible.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Error in the tutorial 'Extracting Features' username_0: The [tutorial]( says 'The features are stored to LevelDB'. But it actually stores them in lmdb. And the tutorial says 'the features are ready for access by some other code'. Where can I find those code? <issue_comment>username_1: It does look the text is out-of-date. You're welcome to PR the appropriate changes. The text about "some other code" doesn't refer to anything specifically, it just means you can write any (LM)DB code you want to process the output.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Tries to load library to wrong target username_0: I'm developing a framework in swift, I'm using Carthage for dependency management. When I add Mockingjay to the test target my tests work, but when I try to build an app with my framwork i get `dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Mockingjay.framework/Mockingjay` Which is strange, as Mockingjay is only added to the test target. Reproducible example can be found at: <issue_comment>username_0: Further research revealed that the issue was caused by certain source files added to the 'Compile Sources' of the wrong target.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: ruby 3.0.3 username_0: Will rbenv support installing the latest ruby version? (3.0.3 <img width="547" alt="Screen Shot 2021-11-24 at 1 55 11 PM" src=""> )
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Move to SPDX codes for our licenses username_0: So SPDX has become the standard for license codes and formats — — perhaps it would make sense for us to move to it. This would eliminate our current categorisation of the licenses (e.g. all GPL licenses together), but that may not actually be that useful in practicality over having the specific licenses actually listed. Dual licenses could still be listed as the SPDX format supports that: <issue_comment>username_1: I think this is a good idea, it's a bit of a drawback having to add a license to our known licenses list and dual licensing is needed by some projects. We should check out the [new API for licenses]( we could use this to automatically add license info to the list based on the license file within the GitHub repo. <issue_comment>username_2: Sounds good to me. <issue_comment>username_0: This sound like a great first step, as it could save us a lot of trouble in determining exact licenses. <issue_comment>username_0: Perhaps we can setup a hack day for this over the holidays? Do a Google+ Hangout on Air or something. Things to be tackled: - Updating the verify script - Update the enhancement script (I'll dib this) - Update the license fields for the listings Questions remaining: - For the sake of compatibility in case anything is using the file and depending on the "license" field, perhaps we should keep the "license" field as is, but introduce a new "spdx" field for the updated format, and leave a deprecated notice for the "license" field, and completely remove it in February or something. <issue_comment>username_0: This can essentially go two ways: 1. Thorough: We go through each item and check for dual licenses, and other license combinations, and what specific subset of the current value we have is being used, and update accordingly (e.g. GPL would be changed to LGPL if that was the actual case) 2. Simple: We update our current values to the SPDX equivalents, not caring about correctness (e.g. LGPL values would be ignored) <issue_comment>username_0: Let's do the second and leave the onus on the SSG authors and community to keep them updated. I'll update the script to be node.js based and use for verification <issue_comment>username_0: Doing this now. <issue_comment>username_0: All done.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: [Blade] Commenting out an extend will still echo the parent view username_0: When placing an `@extends` tag in comments (like `{{--@extends('default')--}}`), the `default` view will still be loaded. I don't think that is intended behavior. The result is an empty PHP comment, followed by the inclusion of the `default` view. This can also be tested by running `Blade::compileString("{{-- @extends('default')--}}")` in `artisan tinker`. A possible solution would be to completely ignore comments (as proposed earlier in #5441), or to add comments around the include line.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks, but this is actually a known bug, and we had to revert the fix because it broke loads of things. <issue_comment>username_0: Cheers, then I'll just remember not to leave those in comments.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: [Android][Websockets] - Origin header check shouldn't be case sensitive username_0: <!-- Thanks for submitting a pull request! We appreciate you spending the time to work on these changes. Please provide enough information so that others can review your pull request. The three fields below are mandatory. --> ## Summary Based on [this](, header names are not case sensitive. That means that it's valid to pass a header `Origin` or `origin`. With the current implementation. on Android only, if you pass `Origin`, it will get overwritten by the default origin. This made me waste a lot of time debugging a problem while trying to connect to a websockets server that required an `origin` header and my implementation was working fine in iOS but not on Android, so I'm suggest changing the logic a little bit to take that into account. ## Changelog <!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. See for an example. --> [Android] [Fixed] - Support for case insensitive "Origin" headers for Websockets ## Test Plan <!-- Demonstrate the code is solid. Example: The exact commands you ran and their output, screenshots / videos if the pull request changes the user interface. --> Here's a screenshot of that shows the issue before the fix (`Origin` header set, but getting overridden) ![Screen Shot 2020-01-21 at 11 41 33 AM]( The fix is not that easy to test since it requires a public websocket server that checks for a custom Origin header, but I think the code changes are very small and clear.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: IBLinter warning occurs username_0: ## Warnings ### Log ``` .../UhooiPicBook/.build/checkouts/Gedatsu/GedatsuExample/iOS/GedatsuExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard:1:1: "View as:" should be iPhone XR (retina6_1) explicitly .../UhooiPicBook/.build/checkouts/Gedatsu/GedatsuExample/macOS/GedatsuExample/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard:1:1: useTraitCollection must be enabled .../UhooiPicBook/.build/checkouts/Gedatsu/GedatsuExample/iOS/GedatsuExample/CollectionViewCell.xib:1:1: CollectionViewCell (gTV-IL-0wX) should have the same Reuse Identifier ``` ### Screenshot |Warnings| |:--:| |<img width="342" alt="スクリーンショット 2022-01-11 13 01 50" src="">|
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: add feature test demonstrating mailbox system user assigned on approval restart username_0: trello: <issue_comment>username_0: cc @phirefly re <issue_comment>username_1: Looks good. I'd like us to move to using page objects for this kind of spec (see comment above) but it doesn't have to be in this PR. <issue_comment>username_0: thanks @username_1 -- test refactored in 88206c9 <issue_comment>username_1: Yay! :+1:
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Container's bounds not corresponding with its x,y/width,height username_0: I just "discovered" this strange behavior and I'm not sure why things work this way. ```as3 var quad:Quad = new Quad(30, 10); var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.addChild(quad); ``` Now sprite's bounds are (0, 0, 30, 10), its x,y is (0,0) and size (30, 10). So far so good. But if I do this: ```as3 quad.x += 100; quad.y += 50; ``` sprite's bounds will be (100, 50, 130, 60), but the rest is still the same - x,y is (0,0) and size is (30, 10). It doesn't make much sens, because by looking at sprite's x,y and size you'll get the impression it's positioned in the upper-left, it's 30px wide and 10px high. By looking at it bounds that it's positioned at (100, 50) and it's 30 by 10 px. But none of it is true, because (for me it's the only logical solution) it should be positioned at (0, 0), be 130px wide and 60px high. Am I missing something? :) <issue_comment>username_1: It helps to look at the exact definitions of the different properties you're looking at. Granted, those are mostly only existent in my head, so I can understand any confusion: 😜 * The "position" of an object (`x` & `y`) describes the location of its coordinate root (!) in the parent coordinate system. When I think of an object, I always have its coordinate axes in my head, with a pin stuck trough the root, attached to the parent. → Thus, the position of the `quad` is given relative to the `sprite`; and the position of the `sprite` is given relative to its parent (unknown in that sample). * The `bounds` property returns the bounds of an object in its parent's (!) coordinate system. * The `width` and `height` properties are just shortcuts to `object.bounds.width` and `object.bounds.height`. → The bounds of the sprite will return the width and height of the bounds rectangle, i.e. the width and height of the quad; no matter where that quad is placed. That's also exactly how the original Flash display tree works, and it makes a lot of sense in terms of consistency. It's always a matter of coordinate systems: as soon as you think in those terms, everything is completely logical. I hope that helps! :smile: <issue_comment>username_0: Yes, all of this is clear, but I wasn't taking about Quad's bounds, but the ones of the Sprite. The thing is Sprite is anchored at it's (x, y) inside its parent, BUT its width/height does not change when this Sprite's children change their position - width/height is based on Sprite's children bounding box (which is calculated in Sprite's parent coords), but doesn't take into account where the Sprite is anchored. I found out about this while porting Starling to Kotlin (for fun :smile:) and fixed it in my port by simply merging the resulting bounds with Sprite's location (which is a point at (0, 0) in Sprite's space). After this fix things make sense to me: I also created some tests for it: PS. I found a different but while playing with this in Starling, its connected to skewX and skewY, but I just create a different issue for it. <issue_comment>username_1: That's what I meant when I wrote that it depends on the definitions of those properties. By definition, the width of a sprite is just the width of its contents. It's origin has nothing to do with it. For me, this makes sense - but I can understand that others see this differently. BTW: Kotling? Man, how cool is that?!?! Definitely keep me updated on your progress, and let me know if you run into any other things you find non-intuitive. <issue_comment>username_1: Nevertheless, I'll close this issue now, since it works as designed, from my point of view. :wink:<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Sure. For me it still is a bit confusing to have size in such abstract form, disconnected from position. I also defined something similar to UIKit Views' internal bounds in my port, so this is one things I had to change.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Fix type error for Pokemon/location_area_encounters username_0: The API returns a list, not a string <issue_comment>username_1: Actually, it returns a path (string) to a list resource <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 ah, then the example here is wrong: That is what I was testing with. <issue_comment>username_1: Yeah, the example is outdated. Feel free to fix it. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 I'll do future testing with actual API responses. And if I find some time, I'll go through the examples and update them as needed.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Fix #257 and minor improvements username_0: Fix for #257 Remove leading whitespaces from "empty" lines and correct indent Change regex replacement to substring <issue_comment>username_1: I should find some time for a release during the weekend. will be 2.1.0 as we change the dependencies altogether and there was at least one new feature of yours. anything else you have in your pipeline, let me know so we coordinate things. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1: You can have a look at otherwise nothing more for the weekend. I thought about trying to fix the problem with guava and serialization (issue 266) but not for weekend.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: [WIP] Refactoring commands for documentation. username_0: This is to convert all legacy commands from `OldCommandBase` to `CommandBase` for documentation purposes. <issue_comment>username_1: I finished updating all of the commands code-wise, however I did not finish writing all the descriptions. I will continue this tomorrow :smile: <issue_comment>username_0: All done.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: codec/color: support for 16bpp color pointer username_0: This should fix issues #2679 and #2460 <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Would this also work for 8-bit cursors? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 8bit support is/was already there <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Have you tested this? In my tests both, 8 and 16 bit cursors were not being displayed. <issue_comment>username_2: @username_0 Tested your commit now. Worked like a charm for me. ![14340237329381712364824]( <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 monochrome pointers are working perfectly fine with xp (just tested it). Please try again and if you still see an issue, please report it in your issue #2460 <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 I was wrong: 8bit support was never there. I've mixed this up with monochrome. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 I see... So are you planning on adding support for 8-bit? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Not right now. I'll need to install a Windows 2000 VM. Maybe next week. Do you know if it also happens with XP RTM (as in without any Service packs) <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 ahh easy to reproduce also with XP, just connect with /bpp:8 ;) <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Nice finding! =) <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 I've added a commit to this pr for 8bit, please test. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Seems to work fine in xfreerdp using /gdi:hw. However, when using /gdi:sw 8-bit cursors are completely black. Furthermore, in my own FreeRDP client (which is always using software gdi), I'm passing NULL to the palette parameter which results in the function returning -1. Could you give me some pointers on how to obtain the palette? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Sure? I don't have any issues with /gdi:sw I'm running client/X11/xfreerdp /v:xp-server /bpp:8 /gdi:sw What is the bpp of your xserver ? Does this happen only with Server 2000 or also with xp + /bpp:8 ? <issue_comment>username_1: ./xfreerdp /v:win2k /bpp:8 /gdi:sw == Bad (Black Cursors) ./xfreerdp /v:win2k /bpp:8 /gdi:hw == Good ./xfreerdp /v:winxp /bpp:8 /gdi:sw == Bad (No Cursor at all) ./xfreerdp /v:winxp /bpp:8 /gdi:hw == Good ./xfreerdp /v:winxp /bpp:16 /gdi:sw == Good ./xfreerdp /v:winxp /bpp:16 /gdi:hw == Good X Server is set to 32 bit. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 very weird and this is definitely built from my branch without any other modifications ? <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Re. your question: With 8 bit the stored values are not colors but indexes in a corresponding palette. Thus you cannot pass a NULL palette if you want the conversion to succeed. The palette is transferred in a rdp update PDU: - (Slow-Path) - (Fast-Path) The X11 hw gdi callback for this order is xf_gdi.c/xf_gdi_palette_update() and the software gdi is gdi.c/gdi_pallete_update() These functions store the received palette data in the appropriate context to be passed to or accessed by functions who need it. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Just did a fresh clone and build: ``` git clone -b 'add-16bit-cursor-conversion' cd FreeRDP cmake "-DWITH_CHANNELS=ON" "-DSTATIC_CHANNELS=ON" "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" "-DWITH_FFMPEG=OFF" "-DWITH_X11=ON" "-DWITH_MACAUDIO=ON" "-DWITH_CUPS=ON" "-DWITH_CLIENT=ON" "-DWITH_PCSC=ON" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" -D "CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET:STRING=10.8" -D "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT:STRING=/Applications/" -D "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES:STRING=x86_64" . make cd client/X11/ ``` Then I redid the tests for the bad cases. On Win2k using gdi:sw I still get a black cursor. Same as before. On WinXP however, the first time I connected the cursor was colored but as soon as I switched to another cursor, it became all black. I then reconnected to the XP machine and now I get an all black cursor all the time. <issue_comment>username_3: +1 even if some cases don't work yet, as it's an improvement for @username_2 <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 what's your platform? Linux/x86? <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 OS X/x64 <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 also experienced the black cursor now with /gdi:sw. The issue is that xfc->palette never gets updated since gdi_pallete_update() only writes to gdi->palette <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 shoud be fixed now. Please confirm. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Yep, 8-bit cursors are now working too! thx! <issue_comment>username_2: @username_0 @username_3 Thanks for the fix - tried with another affected user and also worked perfectly. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 ok cool. @username_3 @awakecoding any objections regarding the last commit f04bb6c53dc5193b35652cb58f1db0732e494fbb ? If not this can be merged. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_2 once this PR is merged please close issue #2679 and @username_1 please do the same for issue #2460. Thanks. <issue_comment>username_2: @username_0 sure will do <issue_comment>username_4: +1
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Cannot start anim on deAttachedView username_0: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot start this animator on a detached view! at at at android.view.RenderNodeAnimator.setTarget( at android.animation.RevealAnimator.<init>( at android.view.ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal( at com.rkop.dismoji.theme.ThemeActivity.changeTheme( at com.rkop.dismoji.theme.ThemeManager.changeTheme( at com.rkop.dismoji.theme.ThemeManager.changeTheme( at$1$1.onClick( at android.view.View.performClick( at android.view.View.performClickInternal( at android.view.View.access$3900( at android.view.View$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Hi, I added the multi Activities sample and fix the bug. please use version 1.1.4: ```gradle dependencies { implementation "com.dolatkia:animated-theme-manager:1.1.4" } ``` Thank you for your report.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: More fieldset[disabled] compatibility data username_0: <issue_comment>username_1: Cool, thanks! <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Likewise. Also, you're down to only 4 remaining potential duplicate issues (among those I flagged): <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 Should be handled now. Thanks again for all that! Oh and I just did the remaining research and publishing of the fieldset[disabled] feature too, so it's on the site. <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 Great, thanks! That just leaves some likely-defunct issues where the data is probably already on the site:✓&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Ausername_0+covered
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Justin Tucker has only 7 PAT according to NFLDB, but 9 in reality username_0: I'm just starting to get familiar with the query functionality, so I may have done something wrong, but in trying to calculate points for my fantasy team, I saw that Justin Tucker has only 7 PATs according to NFLDB. has 9 PATs, though. ![jt]( Here's my script: ```python import nfldb db = nfldb.connect() q = nfldb.Query(db) points = 0 q.player(full_name = 'Justin Tucker') = 'Regular', season_year = 2015) for st in q.as_aggregate(): print '%d PATs (%d)' % (st.kicking_xpmade, st.kicking_xpmade * 1) points += st.kicking_xpmade * 1 print 'Justin Tucker scored %d points in 2015 so far' % points ``` output: ``` 7 PATs (7) Justin Tucker scored 7 points in 2015 so far ``` <issue_comment>username_1: It seems to be missing one from the game 1 vs DEN and one from game 3 vs CIN ``` nfldb=> select gsis_id,kicking_xpmade from play_player where player_id = '00-0029597' and kicking_xpa = 1 and gsis_id > '2015091200'; gsis_id | kicking_xpmade ------------+---------------- 2015092010 | 1 2015092010 | 1 2015092010 | 1 2015092707 | 1 2015092707 | 1 2015100100 | 1 2015100100 | 1 ``` <issue_comment>username_0: Yeah, it seems that the PATs that are missing resulted from defensive scores. <issue_comment>username_2: XP's are often left out of the GameCenter JSON data, and therefore are never added to nfldb. In order for this to be a bug, you'll have to dig into the source JSON data for the games and show that there are XP's there that aren't in nfldb. Looking at total statistics over the season from isn't necessarily derived from the same data feed. <issue_comment>username_1: It's missing from the GameCenter JSON data.|contentId%3A0ap3000000541648&tab=analyze&recap=fullstory&analyze=playbyplay Check out 4th Quarter, Cincinnati Bengals at 09:04. The drive ends with a TD not XP. <issue_comment>username_0: I'll see if I can contact the GC devs then. Thanks for taking a look.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Inconsistent sorting of methods username_0: @username_1 discovered this: Specifically, running mvn clean verify -Dxwiki.clirr.skip=true in xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-legacy/xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcorefails for me with: ``` [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.revapi:revapi-maven-plugin:0.4.2:check (revapi-check) on project xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore: The following API problems caused the build to fail: [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getContentOfSection(int) throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getContentOfSection(int) throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.util.List<com.xpn.xwiki.api.DocumentSection> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getSections() throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.util.List<com.xpn.xwiki.api.DocumentSection> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getSections() throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.util.Set<java.lang.String> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getUniqueLinkedPages(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.util.Set<java.lang.String> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getUniqueLinkedPages(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext)", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method void com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::setMinorEdit(boolean): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method void com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::setMinorEdit(boolean)", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::updateDocumentSection(int, java.lang.String) throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::updateDocumentSection(int, java.lang.String) throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocumentCompatibilityAspect::ajc$interMethod$com_xpn_xwiki_doc_XWikiDocumentCompatibilityAspect$com_xpn_xwiki_doc_XWikiDocument$extractTitle(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocumentCompatibilityAspect::ajc$interMethod$com_xpn_xwiki_doc_XWikiDocumentCompatibilityAspect$com_xpn_xwiki_doc_XWikiDocument$extractTitle(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument)", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeId::getVersion(): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeId::getVersion()", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method void com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeId::setVersion(org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method void com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeId::setVersion(org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version)", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.diff.DiffPlugin: java.class.removed: Class was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.class.removed", [ERROR] "old": "class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.diff.DiffPlugin", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.diff.DiffPluginApi: java.class.removed: Class was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.class.removed", [ERROR] "old": "class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.diff.DiffPluginApi", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:7.4.2] method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.web.DeleteVersionsForm::getRev(): java.method.removed: Method was removed. [ERROR] If you're using the semver-ignore extension, update your module's version to one compatible with the current changes (e.g. mvn package revapi:update-versions). If you want to explicitly ignore this change and provide a justification for it, add the following JSON snippet to your Revapi configuration under "revapi.ignore" path: [ERROR] { [ERROR] "code": "java.method.removed", [ERROR] "old": "method java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.web.DeleteVersionsForm::getRev()", [ERROR] "justification": <<<<< ADD YOUR EXPLANATION FOR THE NECESSITY OF THIS CHANGE >>>>> [ERROR] } [ERROR] -> [Help 1] ``` At least for the method `java.lang.String com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument::getContentOfSection(int) throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException` this is caused by incosistent sorting of the methods in the class between old and new version of the API. Coiterator then doesn't match these and thus Revapi thinks this is a removal. <issue_comment>username_0: Excluding the comments and tests, this is a single character fix :) <issue_comment>username_1: :) Those are the fixes we like! (of course no fix at all is better...) <issue_comment>username_0: `revapi-java-0.6.3` fixes this.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: Cool, thanks! Just tested on `xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore` and it works. Will commit and let the CI try the full run.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Patch when no data received. username_0: If there was not a response from the Mojang servers then an error would occur: ``` SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at Object.parse (native) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/player-info/node_modules/mojang/lib/_request.js:18:21) at emitNone (events.js:85:20) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:179:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:913:12) at _combinedTickCallback (node.js:377:13) at process._tickCallback (node.js:401:11) ``` You can replicate by looking up a username which does not exist. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks for the PR. I should probably setup some tests, now that you remind me. <issue_comment>username_1: Released v0.4.0 with this.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: VACUUM needs to batch requests to _bulk username_0: The VACUUM hook needs to batch requests to the _bulk endpoint, otherwise it's possible for Postgres to: ``` vacuumdb: vacuuming of database "xxxx" failed: ERROR: out of memory DETAIL: Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073727206 bytes by 16384 more bytes. ``` when VACUUM has millions of dead rows to delete.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: new javadoc for Quaternion username_0: Despite previous efforts, the `Quaternion` javadoc leaves much to be desired. I plan to clarify what the components represent, what the methods do, which methods modify the object, which arguments can be null, and so on, similar to what I did in PRs #1689 and #1706. <issue_comment>username_0: Unless there's substantial discussion, I plan to self-integrate this in about 24 hours.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Feature/update express username_0: - integrated most important HTTP endpoints - some are still missing, hopefully somebody will integrate in the future #### Tests make test-all is green <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 tell me if you miss something or where we can optimise things. some http calls are still missing, hopefully somebody will integrate in the future. this is just the beginning :+1: :) <issue_comment>username_1: we had `lodash` module inside, couldn't that be used instead of `async` ?
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add support for command-line arguments username_0: As a developer, I want to be able to configure command line args as a separate set of properties to be passed to an app when it's deployed. Similar to the Local SPI (_via: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#597_), we would need this supported at the Kubernetes deployer SPI. <issue_comment>username_1: It should just work with the Kubernetes Deployer as is, we don't do anything fancy woth the command line parameters there. Tested with the "timestamp" task and a format parameter: ``` dataflow:>task create task4 --definition "timestamp --format='yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa'" Created new task 'task4' dataflow:>task launch task4 Launched task 'task4' ``` And the execution log: ``` $ kubectl logs task4-h8c6h . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot :: (v1.3.3.RELEASE) 2016-06-06 21:11:16.050 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.c.t.a.t.TimestampTaskApplication : Starting TimestampTaskApplication v1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT on task4-h8c6h with PID 1 (/maven/timestamp-task.jar started by root in /) 2016-06-06 21:11:16.054 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.c.t.a.t.TimestampTaskApplication : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default 2016-06-06 21:11:16.107 INFO 1 --- [ main] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@1dfcf6f2: startup date [Mon Jun 06 21:11:16 GMT 2016]; root of context hierarchy 2016-06-06 21:11:17.294 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.jdbc.datasource.init.ScriptUtils : Executing SQL script from class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/task/schema-mysql.sql] 2016-06-06 21:11:17.306 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.jdbc.datasource.init.ScriptUtils : Executed SQL script from class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/task/schema-mysql.sql] in 12 ms. 2016-06-06 21:11:17.588 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup 2016-06-06 21:11:17.596 INFO 1 --- [ main] : Starting beans in phase 0 2016-06-06 21:11:17.828 INFO 1 --- [ main] TimestampTaskConfiguration$TimestampTask : 02016.June.06 AD 09:11 PM 2016-06-06 21:11:17.853 INFO 1 --- [ main] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@1dfcf6f2: startup date [Mon Jun 06 21:11:16 GMT 2016]; root of context hierarchy 2016-06-06 21:11:17.855 INFO 1 --- [ main] : Stopping beans in phase 0 2016-06-06 21:11:17.858 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Unregistering JMX-exposed beans on shutdown 2016-06-06 21:11:17.867 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.c.t.a.t.TimestampTaskApplication : Started TimestampTaskApplication in 2.106 seconds (JVM running for 2.509) ```<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: As a developer, I want to be able to configure command line args as a separate set of properties to be passed to an app when it's deployed. Similar to the Local SPI (_via: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#597_), we would need this supported at the Kubernetes deployer SPI. <issue_comment>username_1: ```<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Some hacks to make building with llvm 3.3 easier username_0: drop @ char from julia_@ symbol names on linux otherwise the linker complains about "version node not found for symbol julia_@stat_call_..." add `-std=c++11` since some c++11 constructs are now used in `src`, but llvm 3.3's llvm-config doesn't add the `-std=c++11` flag there are a bunch of test failures that we could also make llvm-version-conditional, but this at least makes things easier to build edit: initially had a travis timeout because I cleared out the cache for llvm build changes, restarted now that the cache has been repopulated - old log backed up at, it's pretty long and uninteresting <issue_comment>username_1: Great, I precisely needed this today. I confirm it fixes the LLVM 3.3 build on Linux.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Keep trailing formatting in Texts.of(Objects...) username_0: @username_1 @Aaron1011 Here the fix you requested for [Team prefixes]( ## The Issue The current `Texts.of(Object...)` method will ignore all trailing formatting codes, which makes the team prefixes hard to use. ````java Texts.of(TextColors.RED) == Texts.of() Texts.of(TextColors.RED).toPlain() == "" Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo").toPlain() == "&4Foo" Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo", TextColors.BLUE) == Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo") Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo", TextColors.BLUE).toPlain() == "&4Foo" ```` ## The Fix The fixed version will append the formatting using an empty text if it was not applied to previous elements. ````java Texts.of(TextColors.RED) != Texts.of() Texts.of(TextColors.RED).toPlain() == "&4" Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo").toPlain() == "&4Foo" Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo", TextColors.BLUE) != Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo") Texts.of(TextColors.RED, "Foo", TextColors.BLUE).toPlain() == "&4Foo&6" ```` If you have any questions I'll be back in a couple of hours. -------------------------------------------------- PS: I haven't tested it with the method in question yet, nor did I test the capabilities of `toPlain()/toLegacy()`. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Support for strict mode username_0: It looks like obfuscated script throws errors in strict mode because it doesn't allow assignment of undefined variables. It would be great to have an option to declare vars for use strict.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Assignment issue was on my end. Ignore please.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Android preload images v2 username_0: Improve image preload/cache speed and packing. It should now be more efficient, especially for Android. <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0: What is the status on this? Is it still relevant? If so, what needs to be done to get it mergeable?
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: SmartBear CrossBrowserTesting tool: capabilities are not passed correctly in VIVIDUS 0.4.0 username_0: **Describe the bug** In VIVIDUS 0.4.0 the following error message is displayed for CBT executions: Could not start a new session. Unable to parse remote response: Capabilities must specify either a browserName or browser_api_name so we know what browser to launch. **To Reproduce** Run any story with the following capabilities set: selenium.grid.enabled=true selenium.grid.username=$username selenium.grid.password=$password selenium.grid.url=http://($username):($password)@${}:80/wd/hub Test selenium.grid.capabilities.browserName=CHROME selenium.grid.capabilities.version=latest selenium.grid.capabilities.platformName=Android selenium.grid.capabilities.platformVersion=9.0 selenium.grid.capabilities.deviceName=Galaxy Tab S5E selenium.grid.capabilities.device-orientation=portrait selenium.grid.capabilities.screen-resolution=1600x2560 Actual: json is generated successfully: { "browserName" : "CHROME", "device-orientation" : "portrait", "deviceName" : "Galaxy Tab S5E", "goog:chromeOptions" : { "args" : [ ], "extensions" : [ ] }, "name" : "Selenium Test", "platformName" : "Android", "platformVersion" : "9.0", "screen-resolution" : "1600x2560", "version" : "latest" } At the same time the error message is displayed and the test script cannot be started<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: SmartBear CrossBrowserTesting uses legacy JWP, but Appium forces to use W3C protocol. The workaround is implemented, here is an example how to run tests on iOS platform: ```sh ./gradlew runStories -Pvividus.configuration.profiles=crossbrowsertesting/web,web/phone/iphone \ -Pvividus.selenium.grid.username=_username_ \ -Pvividus.selenium.grid.password=_key_ \ -Pvividus.selenium.grid.capabilities.cbt\:options.deviceName="iPhone 12 Pro Max" ```
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Cannot start api username_0: and I receive the error "node: bad option: --harmony_destructuring" The full error is below and [npm-debug.txt]( is attached. I'm using Windows Server 2012 R2. Thanks in advance! PS C:\web\popcorn-api> npm start popcorn-api@1.1.0 start C:\web\popcorn-api node --harmony --harmony_destructuring --harmony_default_parameters --use_strict index.js node: bad option: --harmony_destructuring npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600 npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "sta rt" npm ERR! node v6.2.1 npm ERR! npm v3.9.3 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! popcorn-api@1.1.0 start: `node --harmony --harmony_destructuring --harmony_default_parameters --use_strict inde x.js` npm ERR! Exit status 9 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the popcorn-api@1.1.0 start script 'node --harmony --harmony_destructuring --harmony_default_paramete rs --use_strict index.js'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the popcorn-api package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node --harmony --harmony_destructuring --harmony_default_parameters --use_strict index.js npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with: npm ERR! npm bugs popcorn-api npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls popcorn-api npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! C:\web\popcorn-api\npm-debug.log PS C:\web\popcorn-api> <issue_comment>username_1: What version of NodeJS and npm do you have installed? You can check this by typing `node -v` and `npm -v`. <issue_comment>username_0: Node 6.2.1NPM 3.9.3 <issue_comment>username_0: Got an email that someone replied, but they must have deleted it. But here's the answer to their question: Node version 6.2.1 NPM version 3.9.3 <issue_comment>username_0: So I downgraded Node to 5.6.0 and it's now working. Not sure if this should stay open or not, since someone might want to fix this. <issue_comment>username_1: This issue will be fixed with the [v2]( branch. <issue_comment>username_1: Fixed as of 5d710b3d33ef1d0a0bf5cf11345b1043bb46fccc.<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Obtaining topic metadata username_0: I would like to use Poseidon as part of a Kafka monitoring tool. This means I'd like to get the topic metadata periodically, which I hope includes the first and last offset on the topic, the current leader, and the ISR status. Ideally, this would also have a way to list the topics as well. Is this possible with the current code, and if so, how? If not, what approach would you use? Thanks! <issue_comment>username_1: Here is how I do it: ```ruby client_id, seed_brokers, (kafka_settings[:socket_timeout_ms] || 1_000) do |broker_pool| cluster_metadata = # you could pass multiple partitions, in my case i'm looking for a specific one cluster_metadata.update broker_pool.fetch_metadata [topic] topics_metadata = cluster_metadata.metadata_for_topics [topic] metadata = topics_metadata[topic] partitions = metadata.available_partitions # ... do stuff with partitions end ```
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Re-appearance of symbols for latest dashboard change when a non-dashboard-affecting slider is moved username_0: Hard to phrase, but here is an attempt: Changing certain sliders does not affect the dashboard quantities at all; however, when doing so the increase/decrease arrows for the **previous** change re-appear in the dashboard. This is best illustrated by an example. Set all trucks to be electric in the demand of car technology, and then change the slider for efficiency improvement `combustion engine trucks`. One would expect the dashboard quantities not to change at all, because there are no combustion engine trucks in existence. This is indeed observed; however, one does see the arrows reflecting the previous change (in this case, of setting all trucks to be electric) re-appear in the dashboard. This might give the user the impression that the quantities in the dashboard do change because of these symbols, while in fact they don't. It's also worth noting that these symbols do *not* appear if enough time has passed between the previous change and changing a slider that does not affect the dashboard quantities. Re-assign at will. P.S. My sincerest apologies for this horrifying title. <issue_comment>username_1: This behaviour is as old as the ETM. I kinda got used to it but that is not a reason to correct it. It would be better IMO if the arrows disappear as you touch a new slider that does not change anything. Assigning @antw to pick this up after the deploy. <issue_comment>username_2: Assigning @username_3 . <issue_comment>username_3: Took my some reading but I get the issue. :sweat_smile: The current implementation is that it 'animates' away after [30s]( <issue_comment>username_3: I would love that aswell but the event is triggered >5 times when dragging one slider. Also checking if a slider 'did nothing' overall is harder than I thought. I wasted too much time on this (consider it a "I probably need a very speedy introduction to Backbone in combination with Coffeescript"). The fix I came up with is not letting the arrows stay on the field for 30 seconds. That's too long. How about 2 seconds? That way you see that it changed and that's it.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_3: Fixed with:
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Enable finding webjars outside of META-INF/resources/webjars username_0: I'm writing a Maven plugin that watches directories and rebuilds web assets when they change. I'd like to be able to have the user put the sources (which might be CoffeeScript, LESS, etc.) wherever they want, then put the compiled version in META-INF/resources/webjars/... Currently, the path prefix is hardcoded in quite a few places in WebJarAssetLocator. Is anyone against making this the default, but configurable via a constructor? <issue_comment>username_1: Sounds good to me.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Organize lint groups username_0: <issue_comment>username_1: I'd like the "zealous" group to be called `pedantic_clippy`. Also as username_0 (as I should have) found out, in the range-parentheses case, we don't have the option, as method calls actually require the parentheses. <issue_comment>username_2: :bike: :house: sgtm<issue_closed>
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: BUCK fails to detect my code modification at v2016.02.29.01 username_0: As the title described. My BUCK version is `v2016.02.29.01`. I create a [reproduce project](, after first run of `buck install -r appRelease`, then edit any java code inside `app`, `firstlevellib` or `secondlevellib` module, then run `buck install -r appRelease` again, the new build doesn't contains the modification. <issue_comment>username_0: When I roll back to `v2016.02.08.01`, it works fine. <issue_comment>username_1: Thanks for the report, I have checked that the issue reproduces on the master branch as well. It looks like we are not getting modification events from Watchman. I will try to find the commit that broke this.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_1: Bisect points to 10942e9e65ce4905bbc7a276e4a18d1d40a2807d as the breaking commit. The problem seems to be caused by [this line in your `.buckconfig`]( ``` ignore = .git, **/.svn, ``` Due to the trailing comma, the newer version of Buck parses this value as a list of 3 elements where the third element is an empty string representing the root of the repository. Removing the trailing comma fixes the issue: ``` --- a/.buckconfig +++ b/.buckconfig @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ target = android-23 [project] - ignore = .git, **/.svn, + ignore = .git, **/.svn ``` There is a work in progress to abort the build when someone tries to build a target in an ignored directory, which would make problems like this easier to debug.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Fixed: permissions dialog on launch on old iOS versions. username_0: See #455 Creation instance of`PHCachingImageManager` initiate request permissions dialog. I made cachingManager lazy to fix it. So now permissions won't be asked on application launch, but only when they really needed. <issue_comment>username_1: Could you add a description in the CHANGELOG to indicate this change? Thanks.