9 values
15 values
module RedditKit class Client # Methods for searching reddit's links. module Search # Search for links. # # @param query [String] The search query. # @option options [String, RedditKit::Subreddit] subreddit The optional subreddit to search. # @option options [true, false] restrict_to_subreddit Whether to search only in a specified subreddit. # @option options [1..100] limit The number of links to return. # @option options [String] count The number of results to return before or after. This is different from `limit`. # @option options [relevance, new, hot, top, comments] sort The sorting order for search results. # @option options [String] before Only return links before this full name. # @option options [String] after Only return links after this full name. # @option options [cloudsearch, lucene, plain] syntax Specify the syntax for the search. Learn more: # @option options [hour, day, week, month, year, all] time Show results with a specific time period. # @return [RedditKit::PaginatedResponse] def search(query, options = {}) path = "%s/search.json" % ('r/' + options[:subreddit] if options[:subreddit]) parameters = { :q => query, :restrict_sr => options[:restrict_to_subreddit], :limit => options[:limit], :count => options[:count], :sort => options[:sort], :before => options[:before], :after => options[:after], :syntax => options[:syntax], :t => options[:time] } objects_from_response(:get, path, parameters) end end end end
//APP var app = angular.module('PortfolioApp', ['ngRoute', 'slick']); //ROUTING app.config(function ($routeProvider) { "ngInject"; $routeProvider .when('/', { controller: "HomeController", templateUrl: "js/angular/views/home-view.html" }) .when('/work/:projectId', { controller: 'ProjectController', templateUrl: 'js/angular/views/project-view.html' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }); //CONTROLLERS app.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'projects', function($scope, projects) { "ngInject"; projects.success(function(data) { $scope.projects = data; }); //init function for binding function bindListeners() { $("header").on("click", ".mobile-toggle", function() { $(this).toggleClass("active"); }) $("header, .about").on("click", ".nav-link", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if($(window).width() <= 740) $(".mobile-toggle").removeClass("active"); var anchor = $(this).attr("href"); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(anchor).offset().top - 70 }, 500); }) } //Home page initializations angular.element(document).ready(function () { bindListeners(); }); }]); app.controller('ProjectController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$http', function($scope, $routeParams, $http, $sce) { "ngInject"; $ = false; $http.get('projects/' + $routeParams.projectId + '.json').success(function(data) { $scope.detail = data; }) .error(function(data) { console.log("Failed to get data") }); } ]); //SERVICES app.factory('projects', ['$http', function($http) { "ngInject"; return $http.get('projects/project-list.json') .success(function(data) { return data; }) .error(function(data) { return data; console.log("Failed to get data") }); }]); //FILTERS app.filter('safe', function($sce) { "ngInject"; return function(val) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; });
// Copyright (c) 2018 Louis Wu // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Threading; namespace Unicorn { public static class CancellationTokenSourceExtensions { public static void CancelAndDispose(this CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource) { if (cancellationTokenSource == null) { return; } try { cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); cancellationTokenSource.Dispose(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } catch (AggregateException) { } } } }
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<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <img src="images/blog/3.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="single-blog"> <img src="images/blog/2.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <ul class="post-meta"> <li><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i><strong> Posted By:</strong> John</li> <li><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><strong> Posted On:</strong> Apr 15 2014</li> </ul> <div class="blog-content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#blog-two">Read More</a> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="blog-two" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <img src="images/blog/2.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="single-blog"> <img src="images/blog/3.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <ul class="post-meta"> <li><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i><strong> Posted By:</strong> John</li> <li><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><strong> Posted On:</strong> Apr 15 2014</li> </ul> <div class="blog-content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#blog-three">Read More</a> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="blog-three" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <img src="images/blog/3.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="single-blog"> <img src="images/blog/3.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <ul class="post-meta"> <li><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i><strong> Posted By:</strong> John</li> <li><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><strong> Posted On:</strong> Apr 15 2014</li> </ul> <div class="blog-content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#blog-four">Read More</a></div> <div class="modal fade" id="blog-four" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <img src="images/blog/3.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="single-blog"> <img src="images/blog/2.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <ul class="post-meta"> <li><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i><strong> Posted By:</strong> John</li> <li><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><strong> Posted On:</strong> Apr 15 2014</li> </ul> <div class="blog-content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#blog-six">Read More</a> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="blog-six" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <img src="images/blog/2.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="single-blog"> <img src="images/blog/1.jpg" alt="" /> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <ul class="post-meta"> <li><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i><strong> Posted By:</strong> John</li> <li><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><strong> Posted On:</strong> Apr 15 2014</li> </ul> <div class="blog-content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> <a 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aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!--/#blog--> <section id="contact"> <div class="container"> <div class="row text-center clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <div class="contact-heading"> <h2 class="title-one">Contact With Us</h2> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="contact-details"> <div class="pattern"></div> <div class="row text-center clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="contact-address"> <address><p><span>Departemen </span>Sistem Informasi</p><strong> Sekretariat <br> Lt. 2 Gd. 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let original: (fn: FrameRequestCallback) => number; let requesters: any[] = []; function fakeRaf(fn: FrameRequestCallback): number { requesters.push(fn); return requesters.length; } function use() { original = window.requestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame = fakeRaf; } function restore() { setTimeout(() => { window.requestAnimationFrame = original; }, 2000); } function step() { let cur = requesters; requesters = []; cur.forEach(function(f) { return f(16); }); } export default { use, restore, step, };
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MotoBotCore.Interfaces { public interface IChannel { string Name { get; set; } string Motd { get; set; } } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Декодер Mpeg Layer 1,2,3 // Копонент звукового двигателя Шквал // команда : AntiTank // разработчик : Гилязетдинов Марат (Марыч) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // включения #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "MpegDecoder.h" void CDecompressMpeg::imdct_init() { int k, p, n; double t, pi; n = 18; pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0); t = pi / (4 * n); for (p = 0; p < n; p++) w[p] = (float) (2.0 * cos(t * (2 * p + 1))); for (p = 0; p < 9; p++) w2[p] = (float) (2.0 * cos(2 * t * (2 * p + 1))); t = pi / (2 * n); for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) { for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) coef[k][p] = (float) (cos(t * (2 * k) * (2 * p + 1))); } n = 6; pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0); t = pi / (4 * n); for (p = 0; p < n; p++) v[p] = (float) (2.0 * cos(t * (2 * p + 1))); for (p = 0; p < 3; p++) v2[p] = (float) (2.0 * cos(2 * t * (2 * p + 1))); t = pi / (2 * n); k = 1; p = 0; coef87 = (float) (cos(t * (2 * k) * (2 * p + 1))); for (p = 0; p < 6; p++) v[p] = v[p] / 2.0f; coef87 = (float) (2.0 * coef87); } void CDecompressMpeg::imdct18(float f[18]) /* 18 point */ { int p; float a[9], b[9]; float ap, bp, a8p, b8p; float g1, g2; for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) { g1 = w[p] * f[p]; g2 = w[17 - p] * f[17 - p]; ap = g1 + g2; // a[p] bp = w2[p] * (g1 - g2); // b[p] g1 = w[8 - p] * f[8 - p]; g2 = w[9 + p] * f[9 + p]; a8p = g1 + g2; // a[8-p] b8p = w2[8 - p] * (g1 - g2); // b[8-p] a[p] = ap + a8p; a[5 + p] = ap - a8p; b[p] = bp + b8p; b[5 + p] = bp - b8p; } g1 = w[p] * f[p]; g2 = w[17 - p] * f[17 - p]; a[p] = g1 + g2; b[p] = w2[p] * (g1 - g2); f[0] = 0.5f * (a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4]); f[1] = 0.5f * (b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] + b[4]); f[2] = coef[1][0] * a[5] + coef[1][1] * a[6] + coef[1][2] * a[7] + coef[1][3] * a[8]; f[3] = coef[1][0] * b[5] + coef[1][1] * b[6] + coef[1][2] * b[7] + coef[1][3] * b[8] - f[1]; f[1] = f[1] - f[0]; f[2] = f[2] - f[1]; f[4] = coef[2][0] * a[0] + coef[2][1] * a[1] + coef[2][2] * a[2] + coef[2][3] * a[3] - a[4]; f[5] = coef[2][0] * b[0] + coef[2][1] * b[1] + coef[2][2] * b[2] + coef[2][3] * b[3] - b[4] - f[3]; f[3] = f[3] - f[2]; f[4] = f[4] - f[3]; f[6] = coef[3][0] * (a[5] - a[7] - a[8]); f[7] = coef[3][0] * (b[5] - b[7] - b[8]) - f[5]; f[5] = f[5] - f[4]; f[6] = f[6] - f[5]; f[8] = coef[4][0] * a[0] + coef[4][1] * a[1] + coef[4][2] * a[2] + coef[4][3] * a[3] + a[4]; f[9] = coef[4][0] * b[0] + coef[4][1] * b[1] + coef[4][2] * b[2] + coef[4][3] * b[3] + b[4] - f[7]; f[7] = f[7] - f[6]; f[8] = f[8] - f[7]; f[10] = coef[5][0] * a[5] + coef[5][1] * a[6] + coef[5][2] * a[7] + coef[5][3] * a[8]; f[11] = coef[5][0] * b[5] + coef[5][1] * b[6] + coef[5][2] * b[7] + coef[5][3] * b[8] - f[9]; f[9] = f[9] - f[8]; f[10] = f[10] - f[9]; f[12] = 0.5f * (a[0] + a[2] + a[3]) - a[1] - a[4]; f[13] = 0.5f * (b[0] + b[2] + b[3]) - b[1] - b[4] - f[11]; f[11] = f[11] - f[10]; f[12] = f[12] - f[11]; f[14] = coef[7][0] * a[5] + coef[7][1] * a[6] + coef[7][2] * a[7] + coef[7][3] * a[8]; f[15] = coef[7][0] * b[5] + coef[7][1] * b[6] + coef[7][2] * b[7] + coef[7][3] * b[8] - f[13]; f[13] = f[13] - f[12]; f[14] = f[14] - f[13]; f[16] = coef[8][0] * a[0] + coef[8][1] * a[1] + coef[8][2] * a[2] + coef[8][3] * a[3] + a[4]; f[17] = coef[8][0] * b[0] + coef[8][1] * b[1] + coef[8][2] * b[2] + coef[8][3] * b[3] + b[4] - f[15]; f[15] = f[15] - f[14]; f[16] = f[16] - f[15]; f[17] = f[17] - f[16]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* does 3, 6 pt dct. changes order from f[i][window] c[window][i] */ void CDecompressMpeg::imdct6_3(float f[]) /* 6 point */ { int w; float buf[18]; float* a,* c; // b[i] = a[3+i] float g1, g2; float a02, b02; c = f; a = buf; for (w = 0; w < 3; w++) { g1 = v[0] * f[3 * 0]; g2 = v[5] * f[3 * 5]; a[0] = g1 + g2; a[3 + 0] = v2[0] * (g1 - g2); g1 = v[1] * f[3 * 1]; g2 = v[4] * f[3 * 4]; a[1] = g1 + g2; a[3 + 1] = v2[1] * (g1 - g2); g1 = v[2] * f[3 * 2]; g2 = v[3] * f[3 * 3]; a[2] = g1 + g2; a[3 + 2] = v2[2] * (g1 - g2); a += 6; f++; } a = buf; for (w = 0; w < 3; w++) { a02 = (a[0] + a[2]); b02 = (a[3 + 0] + a[3 + 2]); c[0] = a02 + a[1]; c[1] = b02 + a[3 + 1]; c[2] = coef87 * (a[0] - a[2]); c[3] = coef87 * (a[3 + 0] - a[3 + 2]) - c[1]; c[1] = c[1] - c[0]; c[2] = c[2] - c[1]; c[4] = a02 - a[1] - a[1]; c[5] = b02 - a[3 + 1] - a[3 + 1] - c[3]; c[3] = c[3] - c[2]; c[4] = c[4] - c[3]; c[5] = c[5] - c[4]; a += 6; c += 6; } } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct_init() /* gen coef for N=32 (31 coefs) */ { int p, n, i, k; double t, pi; pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0); n = 16; k = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++, n = n / 2) { for (p = 0; p < n; p++, k++) { t = (pi / (4 * n)) * (2 * p + 1); coef32[k] = (float) (0.50 / cos(t)); } } } void CDecompressMpeg::forward_bf(int m, int n, float x[], float f[], float coef[]) { int i, j, n2; int p, q, p0, k; p0 = 0; n2 = n >> 1; for (i = 0; i < m; i++, p0 += n) { k = 0; p = p0; q = p + n - 1; for (j = 0; j < n2; j++, p++, q--, k++) { f[p] = x[p] + x[q]; f[n2 + p] = coef[k] * (x[p] - x[q]); } } } void CDecompressMpeg::back_bf(int m, int n, float x[], float f[]) { int i, j, n2, n21; int p, q, p0; p0 = 0; n2 = n >> 1; n21 = n2 - 1; for (i = 0; i < m; i++, p0 += n) { p = p0; q = p0; for (j = 0; j < n2; j++, p += 2, q++) f[p] = x[q]; p = p0 + 1; for (j = 0; j < n21; j++, p += 2, q++) f[p] = x[q] + x[q + 1]; f[p] = x[q]; } } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct32(float x[], float c[]) { float a[32]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[32]; int p, q; // если эквалайзер включен занести значения /* if (m_enableEQ) { for (p = 0; p < 32; p++) x[p] *= m_equalizer[p]; }*/ /* special first stage */ for (p = 0, q = 31; p < 16; p++, q--) { a[p] = x[p] + x[q]; a[16 + p] = coef32[p] * (x[p] - x[q]); } forward_bf(2, 16, a, b, coef32 + 16); forward_bf(4, 8, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(8, 4, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(16, 2, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(8, 4, a, b); back_bf(4, 8, b, a); back_bf(2, 16, a, b); back_bf(1, 32, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct32_dual(float x[], float c[]) { float a[32]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[32]; int p, pp, qq; /* if (m_enableEQ) { for (p = 0; p < 32; p++) x[p] *= m_equalizer[p]; }*/ /* special first stage for dual chan (interleaved x) */ pp = 0; qq = 2 * 31; for (p = 0; p < 16; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { a[p] = x[pp] + x[qq]; a[16 + p] = coef32[p] * (x[pp] - x[qq]); } forward_bf(2, 16, a, b, coef32 + 16); forward_bf(4, 8, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(8, 4, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(16, 2, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(8, 4, a, b); back_bf(4, 8, b, a); back_bf(2, 16, a, b); back_bf(1, 32, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct32_dual_mono(float x[], float c[]) { float a[32]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[32]; float t1, t2; int p, pp, qq; /* special first stage */ pp = 0; qq = 2 * 31; for (p = 0; p < 16; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { t1 = 0.5F * (x[pp] + x[pp + 1]); t2 = 0.5F * (x[qq] + x[qq + 1]); a[p] = t1 + t2; a[16 + p] = coef32[p] * (t1 - t2); } forward_bf(2, 16, a, b, coef32 + 16); forward_bf(4, 8, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(8, 4, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(16, 2, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(8, 4, a, b); back_bf(4, 8, b, a); back_bf(2, 16, a, b); back_bf(1, 32, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct16(float x[], float c[]) { float a[16]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[16]; int p, q; /* special first stage (drop highest sb) */ a[0] = x[0]; a[8] = coef32[16] * x[0]; for (p = 1, q = 14; p < 8; p++, q--) { a[p] = x[p] + x[q]; a[8 + p] = coef32[16 + p] * (x[p] - x[q]); } forward_bf(2, 8, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(4, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(8, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(4, 4, b, a); back_bf(2, 8, a, b); back_bf(1, 16, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct16_dual(float x[], float c[]) { float a[16]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[16]; int p, pp, qq; /* special first stage for interleaved input */ a[0] = x[0]; a[8] = coef32[16] * x[0]; pp = 2; qq = 2 * 14; for (p = 1; p < 8; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { a[p] = x[pp] + x[qq]; a[8 + p] = coef32[16 + p] * (x[pp] - x[qq]); } forward_bf(2, 8, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(4, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(8, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(4, 4, b, a); back_bf(2, 8, a, b); back_bf(1, 16, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct16_dual_mono(float x[], float c[]) { float a[16]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[16]; float t1, t2; int p, pp, qq; /* special first stage */ a[0] = 0.5F * (x[0] + x[1]); a[8] = coef32[16] * a[0]; pp = 2; qq = 2 * 14; for (p = 1; p < 8; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { t1 = 0.5F * (x[pp] + x[pp + 1]); t2 = 0.5F * (x[qq] + x[qq + 1]); a[p] = t1 + t2; a[8 + p] = coef32[16 + p] * (t1 - t2); } forward_bf(2, 8, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8); forward_bf(4, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(8, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(4, 4, b, a); back_bf(2, 8, a, b); back_bf(1, 16, b, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct8(float x[], float c[]) { float a[8]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[8]; int p, q; /* special first stage */ b[0] = x[0] + x[7]; b[4] = coef32[16 + 8] * (x[0] - x[7]); for (p = 1, q = 6; p < 4; p++, q--) { b[p] = x[p] + x[q]; b[4 + p] = coef32[16 + 8 + p] * (x[p] - x[q]); } forward_bf(2, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(4, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(2, 4, b, a); back_bf(1, 8, a, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct8_dual(float x[], float c[]) { float a[8]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[8]; int p, pp, qq; /* special first stage for interleaved input */ b[0] = x[0] + x[14]; b[4] = coef32[16 + 8] * (x[0] - x[14]); pp = 2; qq = 2 * 6; for (p = 1; p < 4; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { b[p] = x[pp] + x[qq]; b[4 + p] = coef32[16 + 8 + p] * (x[pp] - x[qq]); } forward_bf(2, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(4, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(2, 4, b, a); back_bf(1, 8, a, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::fdct8_dual_mono(float x[], float c[]) { float a[8]; /* ping pong buffers */ float b[8]; float t1, t2; int p, pp, qq; /* special first stage */ t1 = 0.5F * (x[0] + x[1]); t2 = 0.5F * (x[14] + x[15]); b[0] = t1 + t2; b[4] = coef32[16 + 8] * (t1 - t2); pp = 2; qq = 2 * 6; for (p = 1; p < 4; p++, pp += 2, qq -= 2) { t1 = 0.5F * (x[pp] + x[pp + 1]); t2 = 0.5F * (x[qq] + x[qq + 1]); b[p] = t1 + t2; b[4 + p] = coef32[16 + 8 + p] * (t1 - t2); } forward_bf(2, 4, b, a, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4); forward_bf(4, 2, a, b, coef32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2); back_bf(2, 4, b, a); back_bf(1, 8, a, c); } void CDecompressMpeg::bitget_init(unsigned char* buf) { bs_ptr0 = bs_ptr = buf; bits = 0; bitbuf = 0; } int CDecompressMpeg::bitget(int n) { unsigned int x; if (bits < n) { /* refill bit buf if necessary */ while (bits <= 24) { bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) | *bs_ptr++; bits += 8; } } bits -= n; x = bitbuf >> bits; bitbuf -= x << bits; return x; } void CDecompressMpeg::bitget_skip(int n) { unsigned int k; if (bits < n) { n -= bits; k = n >> 3; /*--- bytes = n/8 --*/ bs_ptr += k; n -= k << 3; bitbuf = *bs_ptr++; bits = 8; } bits -= n; bitbuf -= (bitbuf >> bits) << bits; } void CDecompressMpeg::bitget_init_end(unsigned char* buf_end) { bs_ptr_end = buf_end; } int CDecompressMpeg::bitget_overrun() { return bs_ptr > bs_ptr_end; } int CDecompressMpeg::bitget_bits_used() { unsigned int n; n = ((bs_ptr - bs_ptr0) << 3) - bits; return n; } void CDecompressMpeg::bitget_check(int n) { if (bits < n) { while (bits <= 24) { bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) | *bs_ptr++; bits += 8; } } } /* only huffman */ /*----- get n bits - checks for n+2 avail bits (linbits+sign) -----*/ int CDecompressMpeg::bitget_lb(int n) { unsigned int x; if (bits < (n + 2)) { /* refill bit buf if necessary */ while (bits <= 24) { bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) | *bs_ptr++; bits += 8; } } bits -= n; x = bitbuf >> bits; bitbuf -= x << bits; return x; } /*------------- get n bits but DO NOT remove from bitstream --*/ int CDecompressMpeg::bitget2(int n) { unsigned int x; if (bits < (MAXBITS + 2)) { /* refill bit buf if necessary */ while (bits <= 24) { bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) | *bs_ptr++; bits += 8; } } x = bitbuf >> (bits - n); return x; } /*------------- remove n bits from bitstream ---------*/ void CDecompressMpeg::bitget_purge(int n) { bits -= n; bitbuf -= (bitbuf >> bits) << bits; } void CDecompressMpeg::mac_bitget_check(int n) { if (bits < n) { while (bits <= 24) { bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) | *bs_ptr++; bits += 8; } } } int CDecompressMpeg::mac_bitget(int n) { unsigned int code; bits -= n; code = bitbuf >> bits; bitbuf -= code << bits; return code; } int CDecompressMpeg::mac_bitget2(int n) { return (bitbuf >> (bits - n)); } int CDecompressMpeg::mac_bitget_1bit() { unsigned int code; bits--; code = bitbuf >> bits; bitbuf -= code << bits; return code; } void CDecompressMpeg::mac_bitget_purge(int n) { bits -= n; bitbuf -= (bitbuf >> bits) << bits; } void CDecompressMpeg::windowB(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 16; bx = (si + 32) & 511; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 16 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } si++; bx--; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; /*-- last 15 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } } void CDecompressMpeg::windowB_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; /* dual window interleaves output */ int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 16; bx = (si + 32) & 511; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 16 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } si++; bx--; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; /*-- last 15 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::windowB16(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; unsigned char si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 8; bx = si + 16; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 8 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } si++; bx--; coef += 16; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; /*-- last 7 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { coef -= 16; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } } void CDecompressMpeg::windowB16_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; unsigned char si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 8; bx = si + 16; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 8 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } si++; bx--; coef += 16; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; /*-- last 7 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { coef -= 16; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::windowB8(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 4; bx = (si + 8) & 127; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 4 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } si++; bx--; coef += 48; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; /*-- last 3 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { coef -= 48; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; } } /*--------------- 8 pt dual window (interleaved output) -----------------*/ void CDecompressMpeg::windowB8_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, unsigned char* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 4; bx = (si + 8) & 127; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 4 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } si++; bx--; coef += 48; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; /*-- last 3 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { coef -= 48; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = ((unsigned char) (tmp >> 8)) ^ 0x80; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct32_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); windowB_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); windowB_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; sample++; /* point to right chan */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct16_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); windowB16_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); windowB16_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; sample++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct8_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); windowB8_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); windowB8_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; sample++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } else for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); windowB_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB16_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB16_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); windowB16_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbtB8_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; unsigned char * pcm = (unsigned char *) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); windowB8_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); windowB8_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } } // window coefs float CDecompressMpeg::wincoef[264] = { 0.000000000f, 0.000442505f, -0.003250122f, 0.007003784f, -0.031082151f, 0.078628540f, -0.100311279f, 0.572036743f, -1.144989014f, -0.572036743f, -0.100311279f, -0.078628540f, -0.031082151f, -0.007003784f, -0.003250122f, -0.000442505f, 0.000015259f, 0.000473022f, -0.003326416f, 0.007919312f, -0.030517576f, 0.084182739f, -0.090927124f, 0.600219727f, -1.144287109f, -0.543823242f, -0.108856201f, -0.073059082f, -0.031478882f, -0.006118774f, -0.003173828f, -0.000396729f, 0.000015259f, 0.000534058f, -0.003387451f, 0.008865356f, -0.029785154f, 0.089706421f, -0.080688477f, 0.628295898f, -1.142211914f, -0.515609741f, -0.116577141f, -0.067520142f, -0.031738281f, -0.005294800f, -0.003082275f, -0.000366211f, 0.000015259f, 0.000579834f, -0.003433228f, 0.009841919f, -0.028884888f, 0.095169067f, -0.069595337f, 0.656219482f, -1.138763428f, -0.487472534f, -0.123474121f, -0.061996460f, -0.031845093f, -0.004486084f, -0.002990723f, -0.000320435f, 0.000015259f, 0.000625610f, -0.003463745f, 0.010848999f, -0.027801514f, 0.100540161f, -0.057617184f, 0.683914185f, -1.133926392f, -0.459472656f, -0.129577637f, -0.056533810f, -0.031814575f, -0.003723145f, -0.002899170f, -0.000289917f, 0.000015259f, 0.000686646f, -0.003479004f, 0.011886597f, -0.026535034f, 0.105819702f, -0.044784546f, 0.711318970f, -1.127746582f, -0.431655884f, -0.134887695f, -0.051132202f, -0.031661987f, -0.003005981f, -0.002792358f, -0.000259399f, 0.000015259f, 0.000747681f, -0.003479004f, 0.012939452f, -0.025085449f, 0.110946655f, -0.031082151f, 0.738372803f, -1.120223999f, -0.404083252f, -0.139450073f, -0.045837402f, -0.031387329f, -0.002334595f, -0.002685547f, -0.000244141f, 0.000030518f, 0.000808716f, -0.003463745f, 0.014022826f, -0.023422241f, 0.115921021f, -0.016510010f, 0.765029907f, -1.111373901f, -0.376800537f, -0.143264771f, -0.040634155f, -0.031005858f, -0.001693726f, -0.002578735f, -0.000213623f, 0.000030518f, 0.000885010f, -0.003417969f, 0.015121460f, -0.021575928f, 0.120697014f, -0.001068115f, 0.791213989f, -1.101211548f, -0.349868774f, -0.146362305f, -0.035552979f, -0.030532837f, -0.001098633f, -0.002456665f, -0.000198364f, 0.000030518f, 0.000961304f, -0.003372192f, 0.016235352f, -0.019531250f, 0.125259399f, 0.015228271f, 0.816864014f, -1.089782715f, -0.323318481f, -0.148773193f, -0.030609131f, -0.029937742f, -0.000549316f, -0.002349854f, -0.000167847f, 0.000030518f, 0.001037598f, -0.003280640f, 0.017349243f, -0.017257690f, 0.129562378f, 0.032379150f, 0.841949463f, -1.077117920f, -0.297210693f, -0.150497437f, -0.025817871f, -0.029281614f, -0.000030518f, -0.002243042f, -0.000152588f, 0.000045776f, 0.001113892f, -0.003173828f, 0.018463135f, -0.014801024f, 0.133590698f, 0.050354004f, 0.866363525f, -1.063217163f, -0.271591187f, -0.151596069f, -0.021179199f, -0.028533936f, 0.000442505f, -0.002120972f, -0.000137329f, 0.000045776f, 0.001205444f, -0.003051758f, 0.019577026f, -0.012115479f, 0.137298584f, 0.069168091f, 0.890090942f, -1.048156738f, -0.246505737f, -0.152069092f, -0.016708374f, -0.027725220f, 0.000869751f, -0.002014160f, -0.000122070f, 0.000061035f, 0.001296997f, -0.002883911f, 0.020690918f, -0.009231566f, 0.140670776f, 0.088775635f, 0.913055420f, -1.031936646f, -0.221984863f, -0.151962280f, -0.012420653f, -0.026840210f, 0.001266479f, -0.001907349f, -0.000106812f, 0.000061035f, 0.001388550f, -0.002700806f, 0.021789551f, -0.006134033f, 0.143676758f, 0.109161377f, 0.935195923f, -1.014617920f, -0.198059082f, -0.151306152f, -0.008316040f, -0.025909424f, 0.001617432f, -0.001785278f, -0.000106812f, 0.000076294f, 0.001480103f, -0.002487183f, 0.022857666f, -0.002822876f, 0.146255493f, 0.130310059f, 0.956481934f, -0.996246338f, -0.174789429f, -0.150115967f, -0.004394531f, -0.024932859f, 0.001937866f, -0.001693726f, -0.000091553f, -0.001586914f, -0.023910521f, -0.148422241f, -0.976852417f, 0.152206421f, 0.000686646f, -0.002227783f, 0.000076294f, }; void CDecompressMpeg::window(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 16; bx = (si + 32) & 511; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 16 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } si++; bx--; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; /*-- last 15 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } } void CDecompressMpeg::window_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; /* dual window interleaves output */ int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 16; bx = (si + 32) & 511; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 16 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } si++; bx--; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; /*-- last 15 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 64) & 511; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 64) & 511; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::window16(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; unsigned char si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 8; bx = si + 16; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 8 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } si++; bx--; coef += 16; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; /*-- last 7 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { coef -= 16; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } } void CDecompressMpeg::window16_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; unsigned char si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 8; bx = si + 16; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 8 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } si++; bx--; coef += 16; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; /*-- last 7 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { coef -= 16; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si += 32; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx += 32; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::window8(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 4; bx = (si + 8) & 127; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 4 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } si++; bx--; coef += 48; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; /*-- last 3 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { coef -= 48; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm++ = (short) tmp; } } void CDecompressMpeg::window8_dual(float* vbuf, int vb_ptr, short* pcm) { int i, j; int si, bx; float* coef; float sum; long tmp; si = vb_ptr + 4; bx = (si + 8) & 127; coef = wincoef; /*-- first 4 --*/ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum -= (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } si++; bx--; coef += 48; tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } /*-- special case --*/ sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef++) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; /*-- last 3 --*/ coef = wincoef + 255; /* back pass through coefs */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { coef -= 48; si--; bx++; sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[si]; si = (si + 16) & 127; sum += (*coef--) * vbuf[bx]; bx = (bx + 16) & 127; } tmp = (long) sum; if (tmp > 32767) tmp = 32767; else if (tmp < -32768) tmp = -32768; *pcm = (short) tmp; pcm += 2; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_init() { int i; /* clear window vbuf */ for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { vbuf[i] = 0.0F; vbuf2[i] = 0.0F; } vb2_ptr = vb_ptr = 0; } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct32_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); window_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); window_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; sample++; /* point to right chan */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct32_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct16_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); window16_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); window16_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; sample++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct16_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_dual(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); fdct8_dual(sample + 1, vbuf2 + vb_ptr); window8_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); window8_dual(vbuf2, vb_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_dual_mono(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual_mono(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_dual_left(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_dual_right(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int n) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; sample++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fdct8_dual(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 64; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 32; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } else for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct32(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); window_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 32) & 511; pcm += 64; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 16; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt16_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window16_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct16(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); window16_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 16) & 255; pcm += 32; } } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_mono_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; ch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 8; } } void CDecompressMpeg::sbt8_dual_L3(float* sample, void* in_pcm, int ch) { int i; short* pcm = (short*) in_pcm; if (ch == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf + vb_ptr); window8_dual(vbuf, vb_ptr, pcm); sample += 32; vb_ptr = (vb_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { fdct8(sample, vbuf2 + vb2_ptr); window8_dual(vbuf2, vb2_ptr, pcm + 1); sample += 32; vb2_ptr = (vb2_ptr - 8) & 127; pcm += 16; } } } int CDecompressMpeg::br_tbl[3][3][16] = { {// MPEG-1 // Layer1 { 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0 }, // Layer2 { 0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0 }, // Layer3 { 0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0 }, }, {// MPEG-2 // Layer1 { 0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0 }, // Layer2 { 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0 }, // Layer3 { 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0 }, }, {// MPEG-2.5 // Layer1 (not available) { 0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0 }, // Layer2 (not available) { 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0 }, // Layer3 { 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0 }, }, }; int CDecompressMpeg::fr_tbl[3][4] = { { 44100, 48000, 32000, 0 }, // MPEG-1 { 22050, 24000, 16000, 0 }, // MPEG-2 { 11025, 12000, 8000, 0 }, // MPEG-2.5 }; void CDecompressMpeg::mp3DecodeInit() { m_option.reduction = 0; m_option.convert = 0; m_option.freqLimit = 24000; L1table_init(); L2table_init(); L3table_init(); } int CDecompressMpeg::mp3GetHeader(BYTE* buf, MPEG_HEADER* h) { h->version = (buf[1] & 0x08) >> 3; h->layer = (buf[1] & 0x06) >> 1; h->error_prot = (buf[1] & 0x01); h->br_index = (buf[2] & 0xf0) >> 4; h->fr_index = (buf[2] & 0x0c) >> 2; h->padding = (buf[2] & 0x02) >> 1; h->extension = (buf[2] & 0x01); h->mode = (buf[3] & 0xc0) >> 6; h->mode_ext = (buf[3] & 0x30) >> 4; h->copyright = (buf[3] & 0x08) >> 3; h->original = (buf[3] & 0x04) >> 2; h->emphasis = (buf[3] & 0x03); if (buf[0] != 0xFF) { //sync error m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_INVALID_SYNC; return 0; } if ((buf[1] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) //MPEG-1, MPEG-2 h->version = (h->version) ? 1 : 2; else if ((buf[1] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) //MPEG-2.5 h->version = 3; else { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_INVALID_SYNC; return 0; } if (h->fr_index >= 3 || h->br_index == 0 || h->br_index >= 15 || h->layer == 0 || h->layer >= 4) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; return 0; } h->layer = 4 - h->layer; h->error_prot = (h->error_prot) ? 0 : 1; return 1; } bool CDecompressMpeg::mp3GetHeaderInfo(BYTE* buffer, MPEG_HEADER_INFO* info) { int ch, ver; MPEG_HEADER* h =& info->header; // получим информацию из заголовка if (!mp3GetHeader(buffer, h)) return false; // расчет нужных данных info->curBitRate = br_tbl[h->version - 1][h->layer - 1][h->br_index] * 1000; switch (h->layer) { case 1: //layer1 info->curFrameSize = (12 * info->curBitRate / m_frequency + h->padding) * 4; break; case 2: //layer2 info->curFrameSize = 144 * info->curBitRate / m_frequency + h->padding; break; case 3: //layer3 if (h->version == 1) info->curFrameSize = 144 * info->curBitRate / m_frequency + h->padding; else info->curFrameSize = (144 * info->curBitRate / m_frequency) / 2 + h->padding; break; } ch = (h->mode == 3) ? 1 : 2; ver = (h->version == 1) ? 1 : 2; info->samplesInFrame = (1152 >> m_option.reduction) / ver; info->outputSize = info->samplesInFrame * 2 * ch; return true; } int CDecompressMpeg::mp3GetLastError() { return m_last_error; } int CDecompressMpeg::mp3FindSync(BYTE* buf, int size, int* sync) { int i; MPEG_HEADER h; *sync = 0; size -= 3; if (size <= 0) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_OUT_OF_BUFFER; return 0; } // поиск данных for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0xFF) { if (mp3GetHeader(buf + i, & h)) { if ((h.layer == _layer) && (h.version == _version) && (h.br_index == _br_index) && (h.fr_index == _fr_index) && (h.mode == _mode)) break; } } } if (i == size) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_OUT_OF_BUFFER; return 0; } *sync = i; return 1; } void CDecompressMpeg::mp3GetDecodeOption(MPEG_DECODE_OPTION* option) { *option = m_option; } int CDecompressMpeg::mp3SetDecodeOption(MPEG_DECODE_OPTION* option) { m_option = *option; return 1; } /* //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Установка эквалайзера // value - указатель на параметры эквалайзера //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDecompressMpeg::mp3SetEqualizer(int* value) { int i; if (value == (void*)0) { m_enableEQ = 0; return 1; } m_enableEQ = 1; //60, 170, 310, 600, 1K, 3K for (i = 0; i < 6; i ++) { m_equalizer[i] = (float)pow(10,(double)value[i]/200); } //6K m_equalizer[6] = (float)pow(10,(double)value[6]/200); m_equalizer[7] = m_equalizer[6]; //12K m_equalizer[8] = (float)pow(10,(double)value[7]/200); m_equalizer[9] = m_equalizer[8]; m_equalizer[10] = m_equalizer[8]; m_equalizer[11] = m_equalizer[8]; //14K m_equalizer[12] = (float)pow(10,(double)value[8]/200); m_equalizer[13] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[14] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[15] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[16] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[17] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[18] = m_equalizer[12]; m_equalizer[19] = m_equalizer[12]; //16K m_equalizer[20] = (float)pow(10,(double)value[9]/200); m_equalizer[21] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[22] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[23] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[24] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[25] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[26] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[27] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[28] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[29] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[30] = m_equalizer[20]; m_equalizer[31] = m_equalizer[20]; return 1; } */ #define VBR_FRAMES_FLAG 0x0001 #define VBR_BYTES_FLAG 0x0002 #define VBR_TOC_FLAG 0x0004 #define VBR_SCALE_FLAG 0x0008 // big endian extract int CDecompressMpeg::extractInt4(BYTE* buf) { return buf[3] | (buf[2] << 8) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[0] << 24); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // извленение заголовка и важных данных // mpeg - указатель на буфер с данными // size - размер буфера с данными // info - указатель на структуру куда поместить расширенные данные // decFlag - ? помоему использовать настройки частоты из файла //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDecompressMpeg::mp3GetDecodeInfo(BYTE* mpeg, int size, MPEG_DECODE_INFO* info, int decFlag) { MPEG_HEADER* h =& info->header; byte* p = mpeg; int vbr; DWORD minBitRate, maxBitRate; DWORD i, j, flags; //int bitRate; //int frame_size; // if (size < 156) {//max vbr header size // m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_OUT_OF_BUFFER; // return 0; // } if (!mp3GetHeader(p, h)) { return 0; } //check VBR Header p += 4;//skip mpeg header if (h->error_prot) p += 2;//skip crc if (h->layer == 3) { //skip side info if (h->version == 1) { //MPEG-1 if (h->mode != 3) p += 32; else p += 17; } else { //MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5 if (h->mode != 3) p += 17; else p += 9; } } info->bitRate = br_tbl[h->version - 1][h->layer - 1][h->br_index] * 1000; info->frequency = fr_tbl[h->version - 1][h->fr_index]; if (memcmp(p, "Xing", 4) == 0) { //VBR p += 4; flags = extractInt4(p); p += 4; if (!(flags & (VBR_FRAMES_FLAG | VBR_BYTES_FLAG))) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; return 0; } info->frames = extractInt4(p); p += 4; info->dataSize = extractInt4(p); p += 4; if (flags & VBR_TOC_FLAG) p += 100; if (flags & VBR_SCALE_FLAG) p += 4; /* //•WЏЂVBR‘О‰ћ if ( p[0] == mpeg[0] && p[1] == mpeg[1] ) { info->skipSize = (int)(p - mpeg); } else { bitRate = br_tbl[h->version-1][h->layer-1][h->br_index] * 1000; switch (h->layer) { case 1://layer1 frame_size = (12 * bitRate / fr_tbl[h->version-1][h->fr_index]) * 4;//one slot is 4 bytes long if (h->padding) frame_size += 4; break; case 2://layer2 frame_size = 144 * bitRate / fr_tbl[h->version-1][h->fr_index]; if (h->padding) frame_size ++; break; case 3://layer3 frame_size = 144 * bitRate / fr_tbl[h->version-1][h->fr_index]; if (h->version != 1) //MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5 frame_size /= 2; if (h->padding) frame_size ++; break; } info->skipSize = (int)(frame_size); } info->bitRate = 0; */ vbr = 1; minBitRate = 0xffffffff; maxBitRate = 0; for (i = 1; i < 15; i ++) { j = br_tbl[h->version - 1][h->layer - 1][i] * 1000; if (j < minBitRate) minBitRate = j; if (j > maxBitRate) maxBitRate = j; } } else if (memcmp(p, "VBRI", 4) == 0) { //VBRI p += 10; info->dataSize = extractInt4(p); p += 4; info->frames = extractInt4(p); p += 4; vbr = 1; minBitRate = 0xffffffff; maxBitRate = 0; for (i = 1; i < 15; i ++) { j = br_tbl[h->version - 1][h->layer - 1][i] * 1000; if (j < minBitRate) minBitRate = j; if (j > maxBitRate) maxBitRate = j; } } else { //not VBR vbr = 0; info->frames = 0; //info->skipSize = 0; info->dataSize = 0; //info->bitRate = br_tbl[h->version-1][h->layer-1][h->br_index] * 1000; } // info->frequency = fr_tbl[h->version-1][h->fr_index]; // info->msPerFrame = ms_p_f_table[h->layer-1][h->fr_index]; // if (h->version == 3) info->msPerFrame *= 2; switch (h->layer) { case 1: //layer1 info->outputSize = 384 >> m_option.reduction; //if (info->bitRate) { if (!vbr) { info->skipSize = 0; info->minInputSize = (12 * info->bitRate / info->frequency) * 4;//one slot is 4 bytes long info->maxInputSize = info->minInputSize + 4; } else { info->skipSize = (12 * info->bitRate / info->frequency + h->padding) * 4; info->minInputSize = (12 * minBitRate / info->frequency) * 4; info->maxInputSize = (12 * maxBitRate / info->frequency) * 4 + 4; } break; case 2: //layer2 info->outputSize = 1152 >> m_option.reduction; //if (info->bitRate) { if (!vbr) { info->skipSize = 0; info->minInputSize = 144 * info->bitRate / info->frequency; info->maxInputSize = info->minInputSize + 1; } else { info->skipSize = 144 * info->bitRate / info->frequency + h->padding; info->minInputSize = 144 * minBitRate / info->frequency; info->maxInputSize = 144 * maxBitRate / info->frequency + 1; } break; case 3: //layer3 i = (h->version == 1) ? 1 : 2; //info->outputSize = 1152 >> m_option.reduction; info->outputSize = (1152 >> m_option.reduction) / i; //if (info->bitRate) { if (!vbr) { info->skipSize = 0; info->minInputSize = 144 * info->bitRate / info->frequency / i; info->maxInputSize = info->minInputSize + 1; } else { info->skipSize = 144 * info->bitRate / info->frequency / i + h->padding; info->minInputSize = 144 * minBitRate / info->frequency / i; info->maxInputSize = 144 * maxBitRate / info->frequency / i + 1; } break; /* if (h->version != 1) { //MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5 info->outputSize /= 2; info->minInputSize /= 2; info->maxInputSize /= 2; } info->maxInputSize ++; break; */ } if ((h->mode == 3) || (m_option.convert & 3)) info->channels = 1; else info->channels = 2; if (m_option.convert & 8) { //not available info->bitsPerSample = 8; info->outputSize *= info->channels; } else { info->bitsPerSample = 16; info->outputSize *= info->channels * 2; } if (decFlag == 1) { m_frequency = info->frequency; m_pcm_size = info->outputSize; } info->frequency >>= m_option.reduction; info->HeadBitRate = info->bitRate; if (vbr) info->bitRate = 0; return 1; } // начало декодирования int CDecompressMpeg::mp3DecodeStart(BYTE* mpeg, int size) { MPEG_DECODE_INFO info; MPEG_HEADER* h =& info.header; // распаковка заголовка и предрасчет важных данных if (!mp3GetDecodeInfo(mpeg, size, & info, 1)) return 0; // инициализация sbt_init(); // вызов методов инициализации слоя switch (h->layer) { case 1: L1decode_start(h); break; case 2: L2decode_start(h); break; case 3: L3decode_start(h); break; } return 1; } // декодирование 1 фрейма int CDecompressMpeg::mp3DecodeFrame(MPEG_DECODE_PARAM* param) { MPEG_HEADER* h =& param->header; // проверка размера входных данных if (param->inputSize <= 4) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_OUT_OF_BUFFER; return 0; } // прочитаем заголовок if (!mp3GetHeader((unsigned char *) param->inputBuf, h)) { return 0; } // вычисление размера данных в фрейме param->bitRate = br_tbl[h->version - 1][h->layer - 1][h->br_index] * 1000; switch (h->layer) { //layer1 case 1: m_frame_size = (12 * param->bitRate / m_frequency + h->padding) * 4; break; //layer2 case 2: m_frame_size = 144 * param->bitRate / m_frequency + h->padding; break; //layer3 case 3: if (h->version == 1) m_frame_size = 144 * param->bitRate / m_frequency + h->padding; else m_frame_size = (144 * param->bitRate / m_frequency) / 2 + h->padding; break; } // проверка размера входных данных if (param->inputSize < m_frame_size) { m_last_error = MP3_ERROR_OUT_OF_BUFFER; return 0; } // подбор декодера switch (h->layer) { case 1: L1decode_frame(h, (unsigned char *) param->inputBuf, (unsigned char *) param->outputBuf); break; case 2: L2decode_frame(h, (unsigned char *) param->inputBuf, (unsigned char *) param->outputBuf); break; case 3: L3decode_frame(h, (unsigned char *) param->inputBuf, (unsigned char *) param->outputBuf); break; } //!!!todo m_frame_proc(h, (unsigned char*)param->inputBuf, (unsigned char *)param->outputBuf); // скоректируем размеры входного и выходного буфера param->inputSize = m_frame_size; param->outputSize = m_pcm_size; return 1; } void CDecompressMpeg::mp3Reset(void) { sbt_init(); L3decode_reset(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Установка новой позиции файла // на входе : pos - новая позиция в файле // на выходе : * //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDecompressMpeg::mp3seek(DWORD frame) { // инициализация переменных DWORD cur = 0; DWORD back = 3; int off = 0; DWORD need_frame_offset = 0; // позиционируемся на данных if (_curFrame != frame) { if (_curFrame != (frame - 1)) { // прочитаем на несколько фреймов назад if (frame > back) frame -= back; else { back = frame; frame = 0; } if (!_vbr) { // приблизительный расчет положения фрейма need_frame_offset = (DWORD) floor(((double) frame * _bitPerFrame) / 8); // поиск начала фрейма while (1) { // установка позиции чтения if (SourceData->seek(need_frame_offset, 0) != need_frame_offset) return 0; // проверка на конец файла if (SourceData->eof()) return 0; // прочитаем данные для поиска начала if (SourceData->peek(_frameBuffer, _minFrameSize) != _minFrameSize) return 0; // поиск начала файла if (!mp3FindSync(_frameBuffer, _minFrameSize, & off)) { need_frame_offset += (_minFrameSize - 3); } else { need_frame_offset += off; break; } }; } else { need_frame_offset = _vbrFrameOffTable[frame]; } if (SourceData->seek(need_frame_offset, 0) != need_frame_offset) return 0; mp3Reset(); // сбросим декодер for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { for (int gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++) { for (int sam = 0; sam < 576; sam++) { m_sample[ch][gr][sam].s = 0; m_sample[ch][gr][sam].x = 0; } } } for (cur = 0; cur < back; cur++) { SourceData->peek(_frameBuffer, 4); if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(_frameBuffer, & _mpegHI)) return 0; _curFrameSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; if (SourceData->read(_frameBuffer, _curFrameSize) != _curFrameSize) return 0; _mpegDP.header = _mpegHI.header; _mpegDP.bitRate = _mpegHI.curBitRate; _mpegDP.inputBuf = _frameBuffer; _mpegDP.inputSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; _mpegDP.outputBuf = _sampleBuffer; _mpegDP.outputSize = _mpegHI.outputSize; // декодирование одного фрейма if (!mp3DecodeFrame(&_mpegDP)) return 0; } } } return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Конструктор декодера // на входе : a - указатель на данные файла // на выходе : * //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDecompressMpeg::CDecompressMpeg(WAVEFORMATEX* pcm_format, bool& flag, CAbstractSoundFile* a) : CAbstractDecompressor(pcm_format, flag, a) { DWORD cur; DWORD pos; MPEG_HEADER_INFO info; BYTE head[156]; // файл не определен flag = false; // инициализация декодера mp3DecodeInit(); // инициализация данных декодера m_cs_factorL1 = m_cs_factor[0]; // m_enableEQ = 0; memset(&m_side_info, 0, sizeof(SIDE_INFO)); memset(&m_scale_fac, 0, sizeof(SCALE_FACTOR) * 4); memset(&m_cb_info, 0, sizeof(CB_INFO) * 4); memset(&m_nsamp, 0, sizeof(int) * 4); // очистим указатели на буфера _frameBuffer = 0; _vbr = 0; _vbrFrameOffTable = 0; // получение информаци о файле if (SourceData->peek(head, sizeof(head)) != sizeof(head)) return; if (!mp3GetDecodeInfo(head, sizeof(head), & _mpegDI, 1)) return; if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(head, & _mpegHI)) return; // получим интерисующую нас информацию _channels = _mpegDI.channels; _frequency = _mpegDI.frequency; _bitrate = _mpegDI.HeadBitRate; _vbr = _mpegDI.bitRate ? false : true; _minFrameSize = _mpegDI.minInputSize; _maxFrameSize = _mpegDI.maxInputSize; _samplesInFrame = _mpegHI.samplesInFrame; _curFrameSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; _version = _mpegDI.header.version; _layer = _mpegDI.header.layer; _br_index = _mpegDI.header.br_index; _fr_index = _mpegDI.header.fr_index; _mode = _mpegDI.header.mode; _slotSize = (_mpegDI.header.layer == 1) ? 4 : 1; _bitPerFrame = (_mpegDI.header.version == 1) ? (double) (144 * 8 * _bitrate) / (double) _frequency : (double) (144 * 8 * _bitrate) / (double) (_frequency * 2); _frames = _vbr ? _mpegDI.frames : (DWORD) floor(((double) ((SourceData->size + _slotSize) * 8)) / _bitPerFrame); _samplesInFile = _frames * _samplesInFrame; //********************************************************************************* // отладка // заполним таблицу смещений cur = 0; pos = 0; while (!SourceData->eof()) { SourceData->seek(pos, 0); if (SourceData->peek(head, 4) != 4) break; if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(head, & info)) break; pos += info.curFrameSize; cur++; } SourceData->seek(0, 0); if (cur != _frames) _frames = cur; _vbr = true; //********************************************************************************** // файл с переменным битрейтом ? if (_vbr) { // выделим память под таблицу смещений на фреймы #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC _vbrFrameOffTable = (DWORD *) malloc(_frames * sizeof(DWORD)); #else _vbrFrameOffTable = (DWORD *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, _frames * sizeof(DWORD)); #endif if (!_vbrFrameOffTable) return; cur = 0; pos = 0; // заполним таблицу смещений while (cur != _frames) { SourceData->seek(pos, 0); SourceData->peek(head, 4); if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(head, & info)) break; _vbrFrameOffTable[cur] = pos; pos += info.curFrameSize; cur++; } SourceData->seek(0, 0); } // выделим феймовый буфер #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC _frameBuffer = (BYTE *) malloc(_mpegDI.maxInputSize); #else _frameBuffer = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, _mpegDI.maxInputSize); #endif if (!_frameBuffer) return; // прочитаем один фрейм if (SourceData->read(_frameBuffer, _curFrameSize) != _curFrameSize) { #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC free(_frameBuffer); #else GlobalFree(_frameBuffer); #endif _frameBuffer = 0; return; } // начало декодирования if (!mp3DecodeStart(_frameBuffer, _curFrameSize)) { #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC free(_frameBuffer); #else GlobalFree(_frameBuffer); #endif _frameBuffer = 0; return; } // подготовка к декодированию первого фрейма _mpegDP.header = _mpegDI.header; _mpegDP.bitRate = _mpegDI.bitRate; _mpegDP.inputBuf = _frameBuffer; _mpegDP.inputSize = _curFrameSize; _mpegDP.outputBuf = _sampleBuffer; _mpegDP.outputSize = _mpegDI.outputSize; // декодируем первый фрейм if (!mp3DecodeFrame(&_mpegDP)) { #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC free(_frameBuffer); #else GlobalFree(_frameBuffer); #endif _frameBuffer = 0; return; } // установим дополнительные параметры _curFrame = 0; _curSampleOffset = 0; // преобразуем данные для Direct X (иначе Direct X не сможет создать буфер) pcm_format->wFormatTag = 1; pcm_format->wBitsPerSample = 16; pcm_format->nSamplesPerSec = _frequency; pcm_format->nChannels = _channels; pcm_format->nBlockAlign = (pcm_format->nChannels * pcm_format->wBitsPerSample) >> 3; pcm_format->nAvgBytesPerSec = pcm_format->nBlockAlign * pcm_format->nSamplesPerSec; // файл определен flag = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Деструктор декодера // на входе : * // на выходе : * //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDecompressMpeg::~CDecompressMpeg() { if (_vbrFrameOffTable) { #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC free(_vbrFrameOffTable); #else GlobalFree(_vbrFrameOffTable); #endif _vbrFrameOffTable = 0; } if (_frameBuffer) { #if AGSS_USE_MALLOC free(_frameBuffer); #else GlobalFree(_frameBuffer); #endif _frameBuffer = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Декомпрессия Mp3 формата в моно данные // на входе : buffer - указатель на буфер // start - смещение в данных звука, в семплах // length - количество семплов для декодирования // на выходе : На сколько байт сдвинулся буфер в который // читали семплы //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetMonoSamples(void* buffer, DWORD start, DWORD length, bool loop) { DWORD NeedFrame; DWORD NeedOffset; DWORD samples; DWORD i; BYTE head[4]; short* dst = (short*) buffer; // проверка выхода за пределы if (start > _samplesInFile) return 0; // проверка на чтение сверх нормы if ((start + length) > _samplesInFile) length = _samplesInFile - start; // вычислим текущую позицию чтения NeedFrame = start / _samplesInFrame; NeedOffset = start % _samplesInFrame; // позиционируемся на данных if (!mp3seek(NeedFrame)) return 0; DWORD remaining = length; DWORD readsize = 0; bool readframe = false; while (remaining) { if ((_channels == 1) && (NeedOffset == 0) && (remaining > _samplesInFrame)) readframe = true; else readframe = false; if (_curFrame != NeedFrame) { _curFrame = NeedFrame; if (SourceData->peek(&head, 4) != 4) break; if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(head, & _mpegHI)) return 0; _curFrameSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; if (SourceData->read(_frameBuffer, _curFrameSize) != _curFrameSize) return 0; _mpegDP.header = _mpegHI.header; _mpegDP.bitRate = _mpegHI.curBitRate; _mpegDP.inputBuf = _frameBuffer; _mpegDP.inputSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; _mpegDP.outputBuf = (readframe) ? dst : _sampleBuffer; _mpegDP.outputSize = _mpegHI.outputSize; // декодирование одного фрейма if (!mp3DecodeFrame(&_mpegDP)) return 0; } samples = _samplesInFrame - NeedOffset; readsize = (remaining > samples) ? samples : remaining; short* src = _sampleBuffer + (NeedOffset* _channels); if (_channels == 1) { if (!readframe) memcpy(dst, src, readsize * 2); dst += readsize; } else { for (i = 0; i < readsize; i++) { int s = ((int) src[0] + (int) src[1]) >> 1; s = (s < -32768) ? -32768 : (s > 32767) ? 32767 : s; *dst++ = (short) s; src += 2; } } NeedOffset = 0; remaining -= readsize; if (remaining) NeedFrame++; } return ((DWORD) dst - (DWORD) buffer); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Декомпрессия Mp3 формата в стерео данные // на входе : buffer - указатель на буфер // start - смещение в данных звука, в семплах // length - количество семплов для декодирования // на выходе : На сколько байт сдвинулся буфер в который // читали семплы //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetStereoSamples(void* buffer, DWORD start, DWORD length, bool loop) { DWORD NeedFrame; DWORD NeedOffset; // DWORD NeedFrameOffset; DWORD samples; DWORD i; BYTE head[4]; // int off; short* dst = (short*) buffer; // проверка выхода за пределы if (start > _samplesInFile) return 0; // проверка на чтение сверх нормы if ((start + length) > _samplesInFile) length = _samplesInFile - start; // вычислим текущую позицию чтения NeedFrame = start / _samplesInFrame; NeedOffset = start % _samplesInFrame; // позиционируемся на данных if (!mp3seek(NeedFrame)) return 0; DWORD remaining = length; DWORD readsize = 0; bool readframe = false; while (remaining) { if ((_channels == 2) && (NeedOffset == 0) && (remaining > _samplesInFrame)) readframe = true; else readframe = false; if (_curFrame != NeedFrame) { _curFrame = NeedFrame; SourceData->peek(&head, 4); if (!mp3GetHeaderInfo(head, & _mpegHI)) return 0; _curFrameSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; if (SourceData->read(_frameBuffer, _curFrameSize) != _curFrameSize) return 0; _mpegDP.header = _mpegHI.header; _mpegDP.bitRate = _mpegHI.curBitRate; _mpegDP.inputBuf = _frameBuffer; _mpegDP.inputSize = _mpegHI.curFrameSize; _mpegDP.outputBuf = (readframe) ? dst : _sampleBuffer; _mpegDP.outputSize = _mpegHI.outputSize; // декодирование одного фрейма if (!mp3DecodeFrame(&_mpegDP)) return 0; } samples = _samplesInFrame - NeedOffset; readsize = (remaining > samples) ? samples : remaining; short* src = _sampleBuffer + (NeedOffset* _channels); if (_channels == 1) { for (i = 0; i < readsize; i++) { *dst++ = *src; *dst++ = *src; src++; } } else { if (!readframe) memcpy(dst, src, readsize * 4); dst += readsize * 2; } NeedOffset = 0; remaining -= readsize; if (remaining) NeedFrame++; } return ((DWORD) dst - (DWORD) buffer); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Создание тишины на заданом отрезке буфера моно режим // на входе : buffer - указатель на буфер // length - количество семплов // на выходе : На сколько байт сдвинулся буфер //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetMonoMute(void* buffer, DWORD length) { length <<= 1; memset(buffer, 0, length); return length; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Создание тишины на заданом отрезке буфера стерео режим // на входе : buffer - указатель на буфер // length - количество семплов // на выходе : На сколько байт сдвинулся буфер //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetStereoMute(void* buffer, DWORD length) { length <<= 2; memset(buffer, 0, length); return length; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Получение количества семплов в файле // на входе : * // на выходе : Количество семплов в файла //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetSamplesInFile(void) { return _samplesInFile; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Получение количества байт в треке моно режим // на входе : * // на выходе : Количество баит в треке //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetRealMonoDataSize(void) { return _samplesInFile * 2; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Получение количества байт в треке стерео режим // на входе : * // на выходе : Количество баит в треке //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDecompressMpeg::GetRealStereoDataSize(void) { return _samplesInFile * 4; }
import { moduleForModel, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; // ToDo: Install ember-cli-faker import mocks from './mocks'; const { inventoryMock, productMock, componentsMock } = mocks; let mockServer; moduleForModel('inventory', 'Unit | Serializer | inventory', { needs: ['serializer:application', 'model:product', 'model:inventory', 'model:component'], beforeEach() { mockServer = new Pretender(function() { this.get('/products', function() { const response = { records: [productMock] }; return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); this.get(`/products/${}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(productMock)]; }); this.get('/inventories', function() { const response = { records: [inventoryMock] }; return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); this.get(`/components/${componentsMock[0].id}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(componentsMock[0])]; }); this.get(`/components/${componentsMock[1].id}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(componentsMock[1])]; }); }); }, afterEach() { mockServer.shutdown(); } }); test('it serializes records', function(assert) { return'inventory').then((inventories) => { assert.equal(inventories.get('length'), 1); const inventory = inventories.objectAt(0); assert.ok(inventory.get('created')); assert.equal(inventory.get('qty'), inventoryMock.fields['qty']); assert.equal(inventory.get('restock-at'), inventoryMock.fields['restock-at']); }); }); test('it serializes belongsTo relationship', function(assert) { return'inventory').then((inventories) => { const inventory = inventories.objectAt(0); inventory.get('product').then((product) => { assert.equal(product.get('name'),; assert.equal(product.get('description'), productMock.fields.description); }); }); }); test('it serializes hasMany relationship', function(assert) { return'product').then((products) => { const product = products.objectAt(0); product.get('components').then((components) => { components.forEach((component, index) => { assert.equal(component.get('name'), componentsMock[index]; }); }); }); });
package com.asksunny.batch.tasklets; public class Demo1 { long id; String name; public Demo1() { } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } }
package; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag; import org.bukkit.util.BlockVector; public final class UpdateBlockEntityCodec implements Codec<UpdateBlockEntityMessage> { @Override public UpdateBlockEntityMessage decode(ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { BlockVector pos = GlowBufUtils.readBlockPosition(buffer); int action = buffer.readByte(); CompoundTag nbt = GlowBufUtils.readCompound(buffer); return new UpdateBlockEntityMessage(pos.getBlockX(), pos.getBlockY(), pos.getBlockZ(), action, nbt); } @Override public ByteBuf encode(ByteBuf buf, UpdateBlockEntityMessage message) throws IOException { GlowBufUtils.writeBlockPosition(buf, message.getX(), message.getY(), message.getZ()); buf.writeByte(message.getAction()); GlowBufUtils.writeCompound(buf, message.getNbt()); return buf; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright file="DuplicateStream.cs" company="Microsoft Corporation"> // Copyright (c) 1999, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> // <summary> // Part of the Deployment Tools Foundation project. // </summary> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.Archivers.Internal.Compression { using System; using System.IO; /// <summary> /// Duplicates a source stream by maintaining a separate position. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// WARNING: duplicate streams are not thread-safe with respect to each other or the original stream. /// If multiple threads use duplicate copies of the same stream, they must synchronize for any operations. /// </remarks> public class DuplicateStream : Stream { private Stream source; private long position; /// <summary> /// Creates a new duplicate of a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source of the duplicate</param> public DuplicateStream(Stream source) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } this.source = DuplicateStream.OriginalStream(source); } /// <summary> /// Gets the original stream that was used to create the duplicate. /// </summary> public Stream Source { get { return this.source; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the source stream supports reading. /// </summary> /// <value>true if the stream supports reading; otherwise, false.</value> public override bool CanRead { get { return this.source.CanRead; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the source stream supports writing. /// </summary> /// <value>true if the stream supports writing; otherwise, false.</value> public override bool CanWrite { get { return this.source.CanWrite; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the source stream supports seeking. /// </summary> /// <value>true if the stream supports seeking; otherwise, false.</value> public override bool CanSeek { get { return this.source.CanSeek; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the length of the source stream. /// </summary> public override long Length { get { return this.source.Length; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the position of the current stream, /// ignoring the position of the source stream. /// </summary> public override long Position { get { return this.position; } set { this.position = value; } } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the original stream from a possible duplicate stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Possible duplicate stream.</param> /// <returns>If the stream is a DuplicateStream, returns /// the duplicate's source; otherwise returns the same stream.</returns> public static Stream OriginalStream(Stream stream) { DuplicateStream dupStream = stream as DuplicateStream; return dupStream != null ? dupStream.Source : stream; } /// <summary> /// Flushes the source stream. /// </summary> public override void Flush() { this.source.Flush(); } /// <summary> /// Sets the length of the source stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The desired length of the stream in bytes.</param> public override void SetLength(long value) { this.source.SetLength(value); } #if !CORECLR /// <summary> /// Closes the underlying stream, effectively closing ALL duplicates. /// </summary> public override void Close() { this.source.Close(); } #endif /// <summary> /// Disposes the stream /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing"></param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { this.source.Dispose(); } } /// <summary> /// Reads from the source stream while maintaining a separate position /// and not impacting the source stream's position. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer /// contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and /// (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.</param> /// <param name="offset">The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin /// storing the data read from the current stream.</param> /// <param name="count">The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.</param> /// <returns>The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less /// than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, /// or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.</returns> public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { long saveSourcePosition = this.source.Position; this.source.Position = this.position; int read = this.source.Read(buffer, offset, count); this.position = this.source.Position; this.source.Position = saveSourcePosition; return read; } /// <summary> /// Writes to the source stream while maintaining a separate position /// and not impacting the source stream's position. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">An array of bytes. This method copies count /// bytes from buffer to the current stream.</param> /// <param name="offset">The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which /// to begin copying bytes to the current stream.</param> /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to be written to the /// current stream.</param> public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { long saveSourcePosition = this.source.Position; this.source.Position = this.position; this.source.Write(buffer, offset, count); this.position = this.source.Position; this.source.Position = saveSourcePosition; } /// <summary> /// Changes the position of this stream without impacting the /// source stream's position. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.</param> /// <param name="origin">A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference /// point used to obtain the new position.</param> /// <returns>The new position within the current stream.</returns> public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { long originPosition = 0; if (origin == SeekOrigin.Current) { originPosition = this.position; } else if (origin == SeekOrigin.End) { originPosition = this.Length; } this.position = originPosition + offset; return this.position; } } }
+(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('DashboardApplication') .controller('FileManagerRemoveFolderController', ['$scope', '$q', 'Event', 'FoldersRest', FileManagerRemoveFolderController]); function FileManagerRemoveFolderController($scope, $q, Event, FoldersRest) { var vm = this; var folderId = $scope.ngDialogData.folderId; vm.removeFolder = removeFolder; function removeFolder() { var id = folderId; var $defer = $q.defer(); () { console.log("FoldersRest"); debugger; Event.publish('FOLDERS_TREEVIEW_UPDATED'); alert('فولدر با موفقیت حذف شد', 'انجام شد!'); $defer.resolve(); }, function (error) { $defer.reject(error); }); return $defer.promise; } } })();
package co.colector.model.request; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import co.colector.ColectorApplication; import co.colector.R; import co.colector.model.IdInputValue; import co.colector.model.IdValue; import co.colector.model.Survey; import co.colector.model.AnswerValue; import co.colector.session.AppSession; import co.colector.utils.NetworkUtils; /** * Created by dherrera on 11/10/15. */ public class SendSurveyRequest { private String colector_id; private String form_id; private String longitud; private String latitud; private String horaini; private String horafin; private List<IdInputValue> responses; public SendSurveyRequest(Survey survey) { this.colector_id = String.valueOf(AppSession.getInstance().getUser().getColector_id()); this.form_id = String.valueOf(survey.getForm_id()); this.longitud = survey.getInstanceLongitude(); this.latitud = survey.getInstanceLatitude(); this.horaini = survey.getInstanceHoraIni(); this.horafin = survey.getInstanceHoraFin(); this.setResponsesData(survey.getInstanceAnswers()); } public List<IdInputValue> getResponses() { return responses; } public void setResponses(List<IdInputValue> responses) { this.responses = responses; } private void setResponsesData(List<IdValue> responsesData) { responses = new ArrayList<>(); for (IdValue item : responsesData) { switch (item.getmType()) { case 6: case 14: case 16: for (AnswerValue answerValue : item.getValue()) if (!answerValue.getValue().equals("")) { int lastIndex = answerValue.getValue().length(); int slashIndex = answerValue.getValue().lastIndexOf("/"); responses.add(new IdInputValue(String.valueOf(item.getId()), ColectorApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.image_name_format, NetworkUtils.getAndroidID(ColectorApplication.getInstance()), answerValue.getValue().substring((slashIndex + 1), lastIndex)))); } break; default: for (AnswerValue answerValue : item.getValue()) responses.add(new IdInputValue(String.valueOf(item.getId()), answerValue.getValue())); } } } }
package controllers import ( "" "AuthKeyPush/app/models" ) type Auth struct { *revel.Controller } func (c Auth) Github(code string) revel.Result { login := models.GitHub(code) if login == true { c.Session["login"] = "true" } else { c.Session["login"] = "false" c.Session["msg"] = "Login faied. Check conf/site.json or" } return c.Redirect("/") }
// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or #include "init.h" #include "util.h" #include "sync.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "base58.h" #include "bitcoinrpc.h" #include "db.h" #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/asio/ip/v6_only.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp> #include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <list> using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace boost::asio; using namespace json_spirit; static std::string strRPCUserColonPass; // These are created by StartRPCThreads, destroyed in StopRPCThreads static asio::io_service* rpc_io_service = NULL; static ssl::context* rpc_ssl_context = NULL; static boost::thread_group* rpc_worker_group = NULL; static inline unsigned short GetDefaultRPCPort() { return GetBoolArg("-testnet", false) ? 16540 : 16541; } Object JSONRPCError(int code, const string& message) { Object error; error.push_back(Pair("code", code)); error.push_back(Pair("message", message)); return error; } void RPCTypeCheck(const Array& params, const list<Value_type>& typesExpected, bool fAllowNull) { unsigned int i = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(Value_type t, typesExpected) { if (params.size() <= i) break; const Value& v = params[i]; if (!((v.type() == t) || (fAllowNull && (v.type() == null_type)))) { string err = strprintf("Expected type %s, got %s", Value_type_name[t], Value_type_name[v.type()]); throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, err); } i++; } } void RPCTypeCheck(const Object& o, const map<string, Value_type>& typesExpected, bool fAllowNull) { BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, Value_type)& t, typesExpected) { const Value& v = find_value(o, t.first); if (!fAllowNull && v.type() == null_type) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, strprintf("Missing %s", t.first.c_str())); if (!((v.type() == t.second) || (fAllowNull && (v.type() == null_type)))) { string err = strprintf("Expected type %s for %s, got %s", Value_type_name[t.second], t.first.c_str(), Value_type_name[v.type()]); throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, err); } } } int64 AmountFromValue(const Value& value) { double dAmount = value.get_real(); if (dAmount <= 0.0 || dAmount > 84000000.0) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid amount"); int64 nAmount = roundint64(dAmount * COIN); if (!MoneyRange(nAmount)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid amount"); return nAmount; } Value ValueFromAmount(int64 amount) { return (double)amount / (double)COIN; } std::string HexBits(unsigned int nBits) { union { int32_t nBits; char cBits[4]; } uBits; uBits.nBits = htonl((int32_t)nBits); return HexStr(BEGIN(uBits.cBits), END(uBits.cBits)); } /// /// Note: This interface may still be subject to change. /// string CRPCTable::help(string strCommand) const { string strRet; set<rpcfn_type> setDone; for (map<string, const CRPCCommand*>::const_iterator mi = mapCommands.begin(); mi != mapCommands.end(); ++mi) { const CRPCCommand *pcmd = mi->second; string strMethod = mi->first; // We already filter duplicates, but these deprecated screw up the sort order if (strMethod.find("label") != string::npos) continue; if (strCommand != "" && strMethod != strCommand) continue; if (pcmd->reqWallet && !pwalletMain) continue; try { Array params; rpcfn_type pfn = pcmd->actor; if (setDone.insert(pfn).second) (*pfn)(params, true); } catch (std::exception& e) { // Help text is returned in an exception string strHelp = string(e.what()); if (strCommand == "") if (strHelp.find('\n') != string::npos) strHelp = strHelp.substr(0, strHelp.find('\n')); strRet += strHelp + "\n"; } } if (strRet == "") strRet = strprintf("help: unknown command: %s\n", strCommand.c_str()); strRet = strRet.substr(0,strRet.size()-1); return strRet; } Value help(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "help [command]\n" "List commands, or get help for a command."); string strCommand; if (params.size() > 0) strCommand = params[0].get_str(); return; } Value stop(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { // Accept the deprecated and ignored 'detach' boolean argument if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "stop\n" "Stop TMCoin server."); // Shutdown will take long enough that the response should get back StartShutdown(); return "TMCoin server stopping"; } // // Call Table // static const CRPCCommand vRPCCommands[] = { // name actor (function) okSafeMode threadSafe reqWallet // ------------------------ ----------------------- ---------- ---------- --------- { "help", &help, true, true, false }, { "stop", &stop, true, true, false }, { "getblockcount", &getblockcount, true, false, false }, { "getbestblockhash", &getbestblockhash, true, false, false }, { "getconnectioncount", &getconnectioncount, true, false, false }, { "getpeerinfo", &getpeerinfo, true, false, false }, { "addnode", &addnode, true, true, false }, { "getaddednodeinfo", &getaddednodeinfo, true, true, false }, { "getdifficulty", &getdifficulty, true, false, false }, { "getnetworkhashps", &getnetworkhashps, true, false, false }, { "getgenerate", &getgenerate, true, false, false }, { "setgenerate", &setgenerate, true, false, true }, { "gethashespersec", &gethashespersec, true, false, false }, { "getinfo", &getinfo, true, false, false }, { "getmininginfo", &getmininginfo, true, false, false }, { "getnewaddress", &getnewaddress, true, false, true }, { "getaccountaddress", &getaccountaddress, true, false, true }, { "setaccount", &setaccount, true, false, true }, { "getaccount", &getaccount, false, false, true }, { "getaddressesbyaccount", &getaddressesbyaccount, true, false, true }, { "sendtoaddress", &sendtoaddress, false, false, true }, { "getreceivedbyaddress", &getreceivedbyaddress, false, false, true }, { "getreceivedbyaccount", &getreceivedbyaccount, false, false, true }, { "listreceivedbyaddress", &listreceivedbyaddress, false, false, true }, { "listreceivedbyaccount", &listreceivedbyaccount, false, false, true }, { "backupwallet", &backupwallet, true, false, true }, { "keypoolrefill", &keypoolrefill, true, false, true }, { "walletpassphrase", &walletpassphrase, true, false, true }, { "walletpassphrasechange", &walletpassphrasechange, false, false, true }, { "walletlock", &walletlock, true, false, true }, { "encryptwallet", &encryptwallet, false, false, true }, { "validateaddress", &validateaddress, true, false, false }, { "getbalance", &getbalance, false, false, true }, { "move", &movecmd, false, false, true }, { "sendfrom", &sendfrom, false, false, true }, { "sendmany", &sendmany, false, false, true }, { "addmultisigaddress", &addmultisigaddress, false, false, true }, { "createmultisig", &createmultisig, true, true , false }, { "getrawmempool", &getrawmempool, true, false, false }, { "getblock", &getblock, false, false, false }, { "getblockhash", &getblockhash, false, false, false }, { "gettransaction", &gettransaction, false, false, true }, { "listtransactions", &listtransactions, false, false, true }, { "listaddressgroupings", &listaddressgroupings, false, false, true }, { "signmessage", &signmessage, false, false, true }, { "verifymessage", &verifymessage, false, false, false }, { "getwork", &getwork, true, false, true }, { "getworkex", &getworkex, true, false, true }, { "listaccounts", &listaccounts, false, false, true }, { "settxfee", &settxfee, false, false, true }, { "getblocktemplate", &getblocktemplate, true, false, false }, { "submitblock", &submitblock, false, false, false }, { "setmininput", &setmininput, false, false, false }, { "listsinceblock", &listsinceblock, false, false, true }, { "makekeypair", &makekeypair, true, false, true }, { "dumpprivkey", &dumpprivkey, true, false, true }, { "importprivkey", &importprivkey, false, false, true }, { "listunspent", &listunspent, false, false, true }, { "getrawtransaction", &getrawtransaction, false, false, false }, { "createrawtransaction", &createrawtransaction, false, false, false }, { "decoderawtransaction", &decoderawtransaction, false, false, false }, { "signrawtransaction", &signrawtransaction, false, false, false }, { "sendrawtransaction", &sendrawtransaction, false, false, false }, { "gettxoutsetinfo", &gettxoutsetinfo, true, false, false }, { "gettxout", &gettxout, true, false, false }, { "lockunspent", &lockunspent, false, false, true }, { "listlockunspent", &listlockunspent, false, false, true }, { "verifychain", &verifychain, true, false, false }, }; CRPCTable::CRPCTable() { unsigned int vcidx; for (vcidx = 0; vcidx < (sizeof(vRPCCommands) / sizeof(vRPCCommands[0])); vcidx++) { const CRPCCommand *pcmd; pcmd = &vRPCCommands[vcidx]; mapCommands[pcmd->name] = pcmd; } } const CRPCCommand *CRPCTable::operator[](string name) const { map<string, const CRPCCommand*>::const_iterator it = mapCommands.find(name); if (it == mapCommands.end()) return NULL; return (*it).second; } // // HTTP protocol // // This ain't Apache. We're just using HTTP header for the length field // and to be compatible with other JSON-RPC implementations. // string HTTPPost(const string& strMsg, const map<string,string>& mapRequestHeaders) { ostringstream s; s << "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" << "User-Agent: tmcoin-json-rpc/" << FormatFullVersion() << "\r\n" << "Host:\r\n" << "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << strMsg.size() << "\r\n" << "Connection: close\r\n" << "Accept: application/json\r\n"; BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, string)& item, mapRequestHeaders) s << item.first << ": " << item.second << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n" << strMsg; return s.str(); } string rfc1123Time() { char buffer[64]; time_t now; time(&now); struct tm* now_gmt = gmtime(&now); string locale(setlocale(LC_TIME, NULL)); setlocale(LC_TIME, "C"); // we want POSIX (aka "C") weekday/month strings strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", now_gmt); setlocale(LC_TIME, locale.c_str()); return string(buffer); } static string HTTPReply(int nStatus, const string& strMsg, bool keepalive) { if (nStatus == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) return strprintf("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Server: tmcoin-json-rpc/%s\r\n" "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"jsonrpc\"\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "Content-Length: 296\r\n" "\r\n" "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\r\n" "\"\">\r\n" "<HTML>\r\n" "<HEAD>\r\n" "<TITLE>Error</TITLE>\r\n" "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' CONTENT='text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1'>\r\n" "</HEAD>\r\n" "<BODY><H1>401 Unauthorized.</H1></BODY>\r\n" "</HTML>\r\n", rfc1123Time().c_str(), FormatFullVersion().c_str()); const char *cStatus; if (nStatus == HTTP_OK) cStatus = "OK"; else if (nStatus == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) cStatus = "Bad Request"; else if (nStatus == HTTP_FORBIDDEN) cStatus = "Forbidden"; else if (nStatus == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) cStatus = "Not Found"; else if (nStatus == HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) cStatus = "Internal Server Error"; else cStatus = ""; return strprintf( "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Connection: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %"PRIszu"\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Server: tmcoin-json-rpc/%s\r\n" "\r\n" "%s", nStatus, cStatus, rfc1123Time().c_str(), keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close", strMsg.size(), FormatFullVersion().c_str(), strMsg.c_str()); } bool ReadHTTPRequestLine(std::basic_istream<char>& stream, int &proto, string& http_method, string& http_uri) { string str; getline(stream, str); // HTTP request line is space-delimited vector<string> vWords; boost::split(vWords, str, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if (vWords.size() < 2) return false; // HTTP methods permitted: GET, POST http_method = vWords[0]; if (http_method != "GET" && http_method != "POST") return false; // HTTP URI must be an absolute path, relative to current host http_uri = vWords[1]; if (http_uri.size() == 0 || http_uri[0] != '/') return false; // parse proto, if present string strProto = ""; if (vWords.size() > 2) strProto = vWords[2]; proto = 0; const char *ver = strstr(strProto.c_str(), "HTTP/1."); if (ver != NULL) proto = atoi(ver+7); return true; } int ReadHTTPStatus(std::basic_istream<char>& stream, int &proto) { string str; getline(stream, str); vector<string> vWords; boost::split(vWords, str, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if (vWords.size() < 2) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; proto = 0; const char *ver = strstr(str.c_str(), "HTTP/1."); if (ver != NULL) proto = atoi(ver+7); return atoi(vWords[1].c_str()); } int ReadHTTPHeaders(std::basic_istream<char>& stream, map<string, string>& mapHeadersRet) { int nLen = 0; loop { string str; std::getline(stream, str); if (str.empty() || str == "\r") break; string::size_type nColon = str.find(":"); if (nColon != string::npos) { string strHeader = str.substr(0, nColon); boost::trim(strHeader); boost::to_lower(strHeader); string strValue = str.substr(nColon+1); boost::trim(strValue); mapHeadersRet[strHeader] = strValue; if (strHeader == "content-length") nLen = atoi(strValue.c_str()); } } return nLen; } int ReadHTTPMessage(std::basic_istream<char>& stream, map<string, string>& mapHeadersRet, string& strMessageRet, int nProto) { mapHeadersRet.clear(); strMessageRet = ""; // Read header int nLen = ReadHTTPHeaders(stream, mapHeadersRet); if (nLen < 0 || nLen > (int)MAX_SIZE) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; // Read message if (nLen > 0) { vector<char> vch(nLen);[0], nLen); strMessageRet = string(vch.begin(), vch.end()); } string sConHdr = mapHeadersRet["connection"]; if ((sConHdr != "close") && (sConHdr != "keep-alive")) { if (nProto >= 1) mapHeadersRet["connection"] = "keep-alive"; else mapHeadersRet["connection"] = "close"; } return HTTP_OK; } bool HTTPAuthorized(map<string, string>& mapHeaders) { string strAuth = mapHeaders["authorization"]; if (strAuth.substr(0,6) != "Basic ") return false; string strUserPass64 = strAuth.substr(6); boost::trim(strUserPass64); string strUserPass = DecodeBase64(strUserPass64); return TimingResistantEqual(strUserPass, strRPCUserColonPass); } // // JSON-RPC protocol. Bitcoin speaks version 1.0 for maximum compatibility, // but uses JSON-RPC 1.1/2.0 standards for parts of the 1.0 standard that were // unspecified (HTTP errors and contents of 'error'). // // 1.0 spec: // 1.2 spec: // // string JSONRPCRequest(const string& strMethod, const Array& params, const Value& id) { Object request; request.push_back(Pair("method", strMethod)); request.push_back(Pair("params", params)); request.push_back(Pair("id", id)); return write_string(Value(request), false) + "\n"; } Object JSONRPCReplyObj(const Value& result, const Value& error, const Value& id) { Object reply; if (error.type() != null_type) reply.push_back(Pair("result", Value::null)); else reply.push_back(Pair("result", result)); reply.push_back(Pair("error", error)); reply.push_back(Pair("id", id)); return reply; } string JSONRPCReply(const Value& result, const Value& error, const Value& id) { Object reply = JSONRPCReplyObj(result, error, id); return write_string(Value(reply), false) + "\n"; } void ErrorReply(std::ostream& stream, const Object& objError, const Value& id) { // Send error reply from json-rpc error object int nStatus = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; int code = find_value(objError, "code").get_int(); if (code == RPC_INVALID_REQUEST) nStatus = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; else if (code == RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND) nStatus = HTTP_NOT_FOUND; string strReply = JSONRPCReply(Value::null, objError, id); stream << HTTPReply(nStatus, strReply, false) << std::flush; } bool ClientAllowed(const boost::asio::ip::address& address) { // Make sure that IPv4-compatible and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are treated as IPv4 addresses if (address.is_v6() && (address.to_v6().is_v4_compatible() || address.to_v6().is_v4_mapped())) return ClientAllowed(address.to_v6().to_v4()); if (address == asio::ip::address_v4::loopback() || address == asio::ip::address_v6::loopback() || (address.is_v4() // Check whether IPv4 addresses match (loopback subnet) && (address.to_v4().to_ulong() & 0xff000000) == 0x7f000000)) return true; const string strAddress = address.to_string(); const vector<string>& vAllow = mapMultiArgs["-rpcallowip"]; BOOST_FOREACH(string strAllow, vAllow) if (WildcardMatch(strAddress, strAllow)) return true; return false; } // // IOStream device that speaks SSL but can also speak non-SSL // template <typename Protocol> class SSLIOStreamDevice : public iostreams::device<iostreams::bidirectional> { public: SSLIOStreamDevice(asio::ssl::stream<typename Protocol::socket> &streamIn, bool fUseSSLIn) : stream(streamIn) { fUseSSL = fUseSSLIn; fNeedHandshake = fUseSSLIn; } void handshake(ssl::stream_base::handshake_type role) { if (!fNeedHandshake) return; fNeedHandshake = false; stream.handshake(role); } std::streamsize read(char* s, std::streamsize n) { handshake(ssl::stream_base::server); // HTTPS servers read first if (fUseSSL) return stream.read_some(asio::buffer(s, n)); return stream.next_layer().read_some(asio::buffer(s, n)); } std::streamsize write(const char* s, std::streamsize n) { handshake(ssl::stream_base::client); // HTTPS clients write first if (fUseSSL) return asio::write(stream, asio::buffer(s, n)); return asio::write(stream.next_layer(), asio::buffer(s, n)); } bool connect(const std::string& server, const std::string& port) { ip::tcp::resolver resolver(stream.get_io_service()); ip::tcp::resolver::query query(server.c_str(), port.c_str()); ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query); ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; boost::system::error_code error = asio::error::host_not_found; while (error && endpoint_iterator != end) { stream.lowest_layer().close(); stream.lowest_layer().connect(*endpoint_iterator++, error); } if (error) return false; return true; } private: bool fNeedHandshake; bool fUseSSL; asio::ssl::stream<typename Protocol::socket>& stream; }; class AcceptedConnection { public: virtual ~AcceptedConnection() {} virtual std::iostream& stream() = 0; virtual std::string peer_address_to_string() const = 0; virtual void close() = 0; }; template <typename Protocol> class AcceptedConnectionImpl : public AcceptedConnection { public: AcceptedConnectionImpl( asio::io_service& io_service, ssl::context &context, bool fUseSSL) : sslStream(io_service, context), _d(sslStream, fUseSSL), _stream(_d) { } virtual std::iostream& stream() { return _stream; } virtual std::string peer_address_to_string() const { return peer.address().to_string(); } virtual void close() { _stream.close(); } typename Protocol::endpoint peer; asio::ssl::stream<typename Protocol::socket> sslStream; private: SSLIOStreamDevice<Protocol> _d; iostreams::stream< SSLIOStreamDevice<Protocol> > _stream; }; void ServiceConnection(AcceptedConnection *conn); // Forward declaration required for RPCListen template <typename Protocol, typename SocketAcceptorService> static void RPCAcceptHandler(boost::shared_ptr< basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol, SocketAcceptorService> > acceptor, ssl::context& context, bool fUseSSL, AcceptedConnection* conn, const boost::system::error_code& error); /** * Sets up I/O resources to accept and handle a new connection. */ template <typename Protocol, typename SocketAcceptorService> static void RPCListen(boost::shared_ptr< basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol, SocketAcceptorService> > acceptor, ssl::context& context, const bool fUseSSL) { // Accept connection AcceptedConnectionImpl<Protocol>* conn = new AcceptedConnectionImpl<Protocol>(acceptor->get_io_service(), context, fUseSSL); acceptor->async_accept( conn->sslStream.lowest_layer(), conn->peer, boost::bind(&RPCAcceptHandler<Protocol, SocketAcceptorService>, acceptor, boost::ref(context), fUseSSL, conn, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } /** * Accept and handle incoming connection. */ template <typename Protocol, typename SocketAcceptorService> static void RPCAcceptHandler(boost::shared_ptr< basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol, SocketAcceptorService> > acceptor, ssl::context& context, const bool fUseSSL, AcceptedConnection* conn, const boost::system::error_code& error) { // Immediately start accepting new connections, except when we're cancelled or our socket is closed. if (error != asio::error::operation_aborted && acceptor->is_open()) RPCListen(acceptor, context, fUseSSL); AcceptedConnectionImpl<ip::tcp>* tcp_conn = dynamic_cast< AcceptedConnectionImpl<ip::tcp>* >(conn); // TODO: Actually handle errors if (error) { delete conn; } // Restrict callers by IP. It is important to // do this before starting client thread, to filter out // certain DoS and misbehaving clients. else if (tcp_conn && !ClientAllowed(tcp_conn->peer.address())) { // Only send a 403 if we're not using SSL to prevent a DoS during the SSL handshake. if (!fUseSSL) conn->stream() << HTTPReply(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "", false) << std::flush; delete conn; } else { ServiceConnection(conn); conn->close(); delete conn; } } void StartRPCThreads() { strRPCUserColonPass = mapArgs["-rpcuser"] + ":" + mapArgs["-rpcpassword"]; if ((mapArgs["-rpcpassword"] == "") || (mapArgs["-rpcuser"] == mapArgs["-rpcpassword"])) { unsigned char rand_pwd[32]; RAND_bytes(rand_pwd, 32); string strWhatAmI = "To use tmcoind"; if (mapArgs.count("-server")) strWhatAmI = strprintf(_("To use the %s option"), "\"-server\""); else if (mapArgs.count("-daemon")) strWhatAmI = strprintf(_("To use the %s option"), "\"-daemon\""); uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(strprintf( _("%s, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file:\n" "%s\n" "It is recommended you use the following random password:\n" "rpcuser=tmcoinrpc\n" "rpcpassword=%s\n" "(you do not need to remember this password)\n" "The username and password MUST NOT be the same.\n" "If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.\n" "It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;\n" "for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s \"TMCoin Alert\"\n"), strWhatAmI.c_str(), GetConfigFile().string().c_str(), EncodeBase58(&rand_pwd[0],&rand_pwd[0]+32).c_str()), "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); StartShutdown(); return; } assert(rpc_io_service == NULL); rpc_io_service = new asio::io_service(); rpc_ssl_context = new ssl::context(*rpc_io_service, ssl::context::sslv23); const bool fUseSSL = GetBoolArg("-rpcssl"); if (fUseSSL) { rpc_ssl_context->set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2); filesystem::path pathCertFile(GetArg("-rpcsslcertificatechainfile", "server.cert")); if (!pathCertFile.is_complete()) pathCertFile = filesystem::path(GetDataDir()) / pathCertFile; if (filesystem::exists(pathCertFile)) rpc_ssl_context->use_certificate_chain_file(pathCertFile.string()); else printf("ThreadRPCServer ERROR: missing server certificate file %s\n", pathCertFile.string().c_str()); filesystem::path pathPKFile(GetArg("-rpcsslprivatekeyfile", "server.pem")); if (!pathPKFile.is_complete()) pathPKFile = filesystem::path(GetDataDir()) / pathPKFile; if (filesystem::exists(pathPKFile)) rpc_ssl_context->use_private_key_file(pathPKFile.string(), ssl::context::pem); else printf("ThreadRPCServer ERROR: missing server private key file %s\n", pathPKFile.string().c_str()); string strCiphers = GetArg("-rpcsslciphers", "TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!AH:!3DES:@STRENGTH"); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(rpc_ssl_context->impl(), strCiphers.c_str()); } // Try a dual IPv6/IPv4 socket, falling back to separate IPv4 and IPv6 sockets const bool loopback = !mapArgs.count("-rpcallowip"); asio::ip::address bindAddress = loopback ? asio::ip::address_v6::loopback() : asio::ip::address_v6::any(); ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(bindAddress, GetArg("-rpcport", GetDefaultRPCPort())); boost::system::error_code v6_only_error; boost::shared_ptr<ip::tcp::acceptor> acceptor(new ip::tcp::acceptor(*rpc_io_service)); bool fListening = false; std::string strerr; try { acceptor->open(endpoint.protocol()); acceptor->set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true)); // Try making the socket dual IPv6/IPv4 (if listening on the "any" address) acceptor->set_option(boost::asio::ip::v6_only(loopback), v6_only_error); acceptor->bind(endpoint); acceptor->listen(socket_base::max_connections); RPCListen(acceptor, *rpc_ssl_context, fUseSSL); fListening = true; } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) { strerr = strprintf(_("An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv6, falling back to IPv4: %s"), endpoint.port(), e.what()); } try { // If dual IPv6/IPv4 failed (or we're opening loopback interfaces only), open IPv4 separately if (!fListening || loopback || v6_only_error) { bindAddress = loopback ? asio::ip::address_v4::loopback() : asio::ip::address_v4::any(); endpoint.address(bindAddress); acceptor.reset(new ip::tcp::acceptor(*rpc_io_service)); acceptor->open(endpoint.protocol()); acceptor->set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true)); acceptor->bind(endpoint); acceptor->listen(socket_base::max_connections); RPCListen(acceptor, *rpc_ssl_context, fUseSSL); fListening = true; } } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) { strerr = strprintf(_("An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv4: %s"), endpoint.port(), e.what()); } if (!fListening) { uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(strerr, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); StartShutdown(); return; } rpc_worker_group = new boost::thread_group(); for (int i = 0; i < GetArg("-rpcthreads", 4); i++) rpc_worker_group->create_thread(boost::bind(&asio::io_service::run, rpc_io_service)); } void StopRPCThreads() { if (rpc_io_service == NULL) return; rpc_io_service->stop(); rpc_worker_group->join_all(); delete rpc_worker_group; rpc_worker_group = NULL; delete rpc_ssl_context; rpc_ssl_context = NULL; delete rpc_io_service; rpc_io_service = NULL; } class JSONRequest { public: Value id; string strMethod; Array params; JSONRequest() { id = Value::null; } void parse(const Value& valRequest); }; void JSONRequest::parse(const Value& valRequest) { // Parse request if (valRequest.type() != obj_type) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid Request object"); const Object& request = valRequest.get_obj(); // Parse id now so errors from here on will have the id id = find_value(request, "id"); // Parse method Value valMethod = find_value(request, "method"); if (valMethod.type() == null_type) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Missing method"); if (valMethod.type() != str_type) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Method must be a string"); strMethod = valMethod.get_str(); if (strMethod != "getwork" && strMethod != "getworkex" && strMethod != "getblocktemplate") printf("ThreadRPCServer method=%s\n", strMethod.c_str()); // Parse params Value valParams = find_value(request, "params"); if (valParams.type() == array_type) params = valParams.get_array(); else if (valParams.type() == null_type) params = Array(); else throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Params must be an array"); } static Object JSONRPCExecOne(const Value& req) { Object rpc_result; JSONRequest jreq; try { jreq.parse(req); Value result = tableRPC.execute(jreq.strMethod, jreq.params); rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(result, Value::null,; } catch (Object& objError) { rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(Value::null, objError,; } catch (std::exception& e) { rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(Value::null, JSONRPCError(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, e.what()),; } return rpc_result; } static string JSONRPCExecBatch(const Array& vReq) { Array ret; for (unsigned int reqIdx = 0; reqIdx < vReq.size(); reqIdx++) ret.push_back(JSONRPCExecOne(vReq[reqIdx])); return write_string(Value(ret), false) + "\n"; } void ServiceConnection(AcceptedConnection *conn) { bool fRun = true; while (fRun) { int nProto = 0; map<string, string> mapHeaders; string strRequest, strMethod, strURI; // Read HTTP request line if (!ReadHTTPRequestLine(conn->stream(), nProto, strMethod, strURI)) break; // Read HTTP message headers and body ReadHTTPMessage(conn->stream(), mapHeaders, strRequest, nProto); if (strURI != "/") { conn->stream() << HTTPReply(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "", false) << std::flush; break; } // Check authorization if (mapHeaders.count("authorization") == 0) { conn->stream() << HTTPReply(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "", false) << std::flush; break; } if (!HTTPAuthorized(mapHeaders)) { printf("ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from %s\n", conn->peer_address_to_string().c_str()); /* Deter brute-forcing short passwords. If this results in a DOS the user really shouldn't have their RPC port exposed.*/ if (mapArgs["-rpcpassword"].size() < 20) MilliSleep(250); conn->stream() << HTTPReply(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "", false) << std::flush; break; } if (mapHeaders["connection"] == "close") fRun = false; JSONRequest jreq; try { // Parse request Value valRequest; if (!read_string(strRequest, valRequest)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, "Parse error"); string strReply; // singleton request if (valRequest.type() == obj_type) { jreq.parse(valRequest); Value result = tableRPC.execute(jreq.strMethod, jreq.params); // Send reply strReply = JSONRPCReply(result, Value::null,; // array of requests } else if (valRequest.type() == array_type) strReply = JSONRPCExecBatch(valRequest.get_array()); else throw JSONRPCError(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, "Top-level object parse error"); conn->stream() << HTTPReply(HTTP_OK, strReply, fRun) << std::flush; } catch (Object& objError) { ErrorReply(conn->stream(), objError,; break; } catch (std::exception& e) { ErrorReply(conn->stream(), JSONRPCError(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, e.what()),; break; } } } json_spirit::Value CRPCTable::execute(const std::string &strMethod, const json_spirit::Array &params) const { // Find method const CRPCCommand *pcmd = tableRPC[strMethod]; if (!pcmd) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method not found"); if (pcmd->reqWallet && !pwalletMain) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method not found (disabled)"); // Observe safe mode string strWarning = GetWarnings("rpc"); if (strWarning != "" && !GetBoolArg("-disablesafemode") && !pcmd->okSafeMode) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_FORBIDDEN_BY_SAFE_MODE, string("Safe mode: ") + strWarning); try { // Execute Value result; { if (pcmd->threadSafe) result = pcmd->actor(params, false); else if (!pwalletMain) { LOCK(cs_main); result = pcmd->actor(params, false); } else { LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); result = pcmd->actor(params, false); } } return result; } catch (std::exception& e) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, e.what()); } } Object CallRPC(const string& strMethod, const Array& params) { if (mapArgs["-rpcuser"] == "" && mapArgs["-rpcpassword"] == "") throw runtime_error(strprintf( _("You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file:\n%s\n" "If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions."), GetConfigFile().string().c_str())); // Connect to localhost bool fUseSSL = GetBoolArg("-rpcssl"); asio::io_service io_service; ssl::context context(io_service, ssl::context::sslv23); context.set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2); asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> sslStream(io_service, context); SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> d(sslStream, fUseSSL); iostreams::stream< SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> > stream(d); if (!d.connect(GetArg("-rpcconnect", ""), GetArg("-rpcport", itostr(GetDefaultRPCPort())))) throw runtime_error("couldn't connect to server"); // HTTP basic authentication string strUserPass64 = EncodeBase64(mapArgs["-rpcuser"] + ":" + mapArgs["-rpcpassword"]); map<string, string> mapRequestHeaders; mapRequestHeaders["Authorization"] = string("Basic ") + strUserPass64; // Send request string strRequest = JSONRPCRequest(strMethod, params, 1); string strPost = HTTPPost(strRequest, mapRequestHeaders); stream << strPost << std::flush; // Receive HTTP reply status int nProto = 0; int nStatus = ReadHTTPStatus(stream, nProto); // Receive HTTP reply message headers and body map<string, string> mapHeaders; string strReply; ReadHTTPMessage(stream, mapHeaders, strReply, nProto); if (nStatus == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) throw runtime_error("incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed)"); else if (nStatus >= 400 && nStatus != HTTP_BAD_REQUEST && nStatus != HTTP_NOT_FOUND && nStatus != HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) throw runtime_error(strprintf("server returned HTTP error %d", nStatus)); else if (strReply.empty()) throw runtime_error("no response from server"); // Parse reply Value valReply; if (!read_string(strReply, valReply)) throw runtime_error("couldn't parse reply from server"); const Object& reply = valReply.get_obj(); if (reply.empty()) throw runtime_error("expected reply to have result, error and id properties"); return reply; } template<typename T> void ConvertTo(Value& value, bool fAllowNull=false) { if (fAllowNull && value.type() == null_type) return; if (value.type() == str_type) { // reinterpret string as unquoted json value Value value2; string strJSON = value.get_str(); if (!read_string(strJSON, value2)) throw runtime_error(string("Error parsing JSON:")+strJSON); ConvertTo<T>(value2, fAllowNull); value = value2; } else { value = value.get_value<T>(); } } // Convert strings to command-specific RPC representation Array RPCConvertValues(const std::string &strMethod, const std::vector<std::string> &strParams) { Array params; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &param, strParams) params.push_back(param); int n = params.size(); // // Special case non-string parameter types // if (strMethod == "stop" && n > 0) ConvertTo<bool>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "getaddednodeinfo" && n > 0) ConvertTo<bool>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "setgenerate" && n > 0) ConvertTo<bool>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "setgenerate" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getnetworkhashps" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "getnetworkhashps" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "sendtoaddress" && n > 1) ConvertTo<double>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "settxfee" && n > 0) ConvertTo<double>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "setmininput" && n > 0) ConvertTo<double>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "getreceivedbyaddress" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getreceivedbyaccount" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "listreceivedbyaddress" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "listreceivedbyaddress" && n > 1) ConvertTo<bool>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "listreceivedbyaccount" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "listreceivedbyaccount" && n > 1) ConvertTo<bool>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getbalance" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getblockhash" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "move" && n > 2) ConvertTo<double>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "move" && n > 3) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[3]); if (strMethod == "sendfrom" && n > 2) ConvertTo<double>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "sendfrom" && n > 3) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[3]); if (strMethod == "listtransactions" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "listtransactions" && n > 2) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "listaccounts" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "walletpassphrase" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getblocktemplate" && n > 0) ConvertTo<Object>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "listsinceblock" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "sendmany" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Object>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "sendmany" && n > 2) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "addmultisigaddress" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "addmultisigaddress" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Array>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "createmultisig" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "createmultisig" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Array>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "listunspent" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "listunspent" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "listunspent" && n > 2) ConvertTo<Array>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "getblock" && n > 1) ConvertTo<bool>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "getrawtransaction" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "createrawtransaction" && n > 0) ConvertTo<Array>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "createrawtransaction" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Object>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "signrawtransaction" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Array>(params[1], true); if (strMethod == "signrawtransaction" && n > 2) ConvertTo<Array>(params[2], true); if (strMethod == "gettxout" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "gettxout" && n > 2) ConvertTo<bool>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "lockunspent" && n > 0) ConvertTo<bool>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "lockunspent" && n > 1) ConvertTo<Array>(params[1]); if (strMethod == "importprivkey" && n > 2) ConvertTo<bool>(params[2]); if (strMethod == "verifychain" && n > 0) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[0]); if (strMethod == "verifychain" && n > 1) ConvertTo<boost::int64_t>(params[1]); return params; } int CommandLineRPC(int argc, char *argv[]) { string strPrint; int nRet = 0; try { // Skip switches while (argc > 1 && IsSwitchChar(argv[1][0])) { argc--; argv++; } // Method if (argc < 2) throw runtime_error("too few parameters"); string strMethod = argv[1]; // Parameters default to strings std::vector<std::string> strParams(&argv[2], &argv[argc]); Array params = RPCConvertValues(strMethod, strParams); // Execute Object reply = CallRPC(strMethod, params); // Parse reply const Value& result = find_value(reply, "result"); const Value& error = find_value(reply, "error"); if (error.type() != null_type) { // Error strPrint = "error: " + write_string(error, false); int code = find_value(error.get_obj(), "code").get_int(); nRet = abs(code); } else { // Result if (result.type() == null_type) strPrint = ""; else if (result.type() == str_type) strPrint = result.get_str(); else strPrint = write_string(result, true); } } catch (boost::thread_interrupted) { throw; } catch (std::exception& e) { strPrint = string("error: ") + e.what(); nRet = 87; } catch (...) { PrintException(NULL, "CommandLineRPC()"); } if (strPrint != "") { fprintf((nRet == 0 ? stdout : stderr), "%s\n", strPrint.c_str()); } return nRet; } #ifdef TEST int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef _MSC_VER // Turn off Microsoft heap dump noise _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, CreateFile("NUL", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)); #endif setbuf(stdin, NULL); setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); try { if (argc >= 2 && string(argv[1]) == "-server") { printf("server ready\n"); ThreadRPCServer(NULL); } else { return CommandLineRPC(argc, argv); } } catch (boost::thread_interrupted) { throw; } catch (std::exception& e) { PrintException(&e, "main()"); } catch (...) { PrintException(NULL, "main()"); } return 0; } #endif const CRPCTable tableRPC;
/** * @module {Module} utils/math * @parent utils * * The module's description is the first paragraph. * * The body of the module's documentation. */ import _ from 'lodash'; /** * @function * * This function's description is the first * paragraph. * * This starts the body. This text comes after the signature. * * @param {Number} first This param's description. * @param {Number} second This param's description. * @return {Number} This return value's description. */ export function sum(first, second){ ... }; /** * @property {{}} * * This function's description is the first * paragraph. * * @option {Number} pi The description of pi. * * @option {Number} e The description of e. */ export var constants = { pi: 3.14159265359, e: 2.71828 };
<?php /* WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig */ class __TwigTemplate_c8d21550850074782862265b813a9c2aea7c608253db98e24225c2ea859cc33f extends Twig_Template { public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env) { parent::__construct($env); // line 1 $this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig", "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig", 1); $this->blocks = array( 'toolbar' => array($this, 'block_toolbar'), 'menu' => array($this, 'block_menu'), 'panel' => array($this, 'block_panel'), ); } protected function doGetParent(array $context) { return "@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig"; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { $__internal_4f799fe0cc7f22495efc73fba23694e0a3a0583a5214948f3c58038a44fe2573 = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"); $__internal_4f799fe0cc7f22495efc73fba23694e0a3a0583a5214948f3c58038a44fe2573->enter($__internal_4f799fe0cc7f22495efc73fba23694e0a3a0583a5214948f3c58038a44fe2573_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig")); $__internal_e2229cc8c004aedff67d2ce1c45f9efcfa69922e12b762676067fdd639b13361 = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"); $__internal_e2229cc8c004aedff67d2ce1c45f9efcfa69922e12b762676067fdd639b13361->enter($__internal_e2229cc8c004aedff67d2ce1c45f9efcfa69922e12b762676067fdd639b13361_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig")); $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); $__internal_4f799fe0cc7f22495efc73fba23694e0a3a0583a5214948f3c58038a44fe2573->leave($__internal_4f799fe0cc7f22495efc73fba23694e0a3a0583a5214948f3c58038a44fe2573_prof); $__internal_e2229cc8c004aedff67d2ce1c45f9efcfa69922e12b762676067fdd639b13361->leave($__internal_e2229cc8c004aedff67d2ce1c45f9efcfa69922e12b762676067fdd639b13361_prof); } // line 3 public function block_toolbar($context, array $blocks = array()) { $__internal_cb109454b38b7b24070cff9ccc466e56af2d95b49464b6409586a5d2d6a2c19a = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"); $__internal_cb109454b38b7b24070cff9ccc466e56af2d95b49464b6409586a5d2d6a2c19a->enter($__internal_cb109454b38b7b24070cff9ccc466e56af2d95b49464b6409586a5d2d6a2c19a_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "toolbar")); $__internal_5f178640e8cca7dbb07a0d59d8a8fdfb7be7bfc9c63cb7423b245a520c7e632d = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"); $__internal_5f178640e8cca7dbb07a0d59d8a8fdfb7be7bfc9c63cb7423b245a520c7e632d->enter($__internal_5f178640e8cca7dbb07a0d59d8a8fdfb7be7bfc9c63cb7423b245a520c7e632d_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "toolbar")); $__internal_5f178640e8cca7dbb07a0d59d8a8fdfb7be7bfc9c63cb7423b245a520c7e632d->leave($__internal_5f178640e8cca7dbb07a0d59d8a8fdfb7be7bfc9c63cb7423b245a520c7e632d_prof); $__internal_cb109454b38b7b24070cff9ccc466e56af2d95b49464b6409586a5d2d6a2c19a->leave($__internal_cb109454b38b7b24070cff9ccc466e56af2d95b49464b6409586a5d2d6a2c19a_prof); } // line 5 public function block_menu($context, array $blocks = array()) { $__internal_72ed7e1b4749995ea5e7260ecc524f48453edb598dbde0a3016fbc2e5b926b3d = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"); $__internal_72ed7e1b4749995ea5e7260ecc524f48453edb598dbde0a3016fbc2e5b926b3d->enter($__internal_72ed7e1b4749995ea5e7260ecc524f48453edb598dbde0a3016fbc2e5b926b3d_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "menu")); $__internal_475683fdbeda0d78d3d7fe71e064ce50ca9a62435dad2752533107cf00f9f060 = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"); $__internal_475683fdbeda0d78d3d7fe71e064ce50ca9a62435dad2752533107cf00f9f060->enter($__internal_475683fdbeda0d78d3d7fe71e064ce50ca9a62435dad2752533107cf00f9f060_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "menu")); // line 6 echo "<span class=\"label\"> <span class=\"icon\">"; // line 7 echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Icon/router.svg"); echo "</span> <strong>Routing</strong> </span> "; $__internal_475683fdbeda0d78d3d7fe71e064ce50ca9a62435dad2752533107cf00f9f060->leave($__internal_475683fdbeda0d78d3d7fe71e064ce50ca9a62435dad2752533107cf00f9f060_prof); $__internal_72ed7e1b4749995ea5e7260ecc524f48453edb598dbde0a3016fbc2e5b926b3d->leave($__internal_72ed7e1b4749995ea5e7260ecc524f48453edb598dbde0a3016fbc2e5b926b3d_prof); } // line 12 public function block_panel($context, array $blocks = array()) { $__internal_c19da141a630f3669f5fe7c94e5a968903f29bcb7cd994a4051ecf7ff1079825 = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"); $__internal_c19da141a630f3669f5fe7c94e5a968903f29bcb7cd994a4051ecf7ff1079825->enter($__internal_c19da141a630f3669f5fe7c94e5a968903f29bcb7cd994a4051ecf7ff1079825_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "panel")); $__internal_312c0a27d2cccc06836145cd58525914aabe820d95097702356e71e0e516ea07 = $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"); $__internal_312c0a27d2cccc06836145cd58525914aabe820d95097702356e71e0e516ea07->enter($__internal_312c0a27d2cccc06836145cd58525914aabe820d95097702356e71e0e516ea07_prof = new Twig_Profiler_Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "panel")); // line 13 echo " "; echo $this->env->getRuntime('Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpKernelRuntime')->renderFragment($this->env->getExtension('Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension')->getPath("_profiler_router", array("token" => (isset($context["token"]) ? $context["token"] : $this->getContext($context, "token"))))); echo " "; $__internal_312c0a27d2cccc06836145cd58525914aabe820d95097702356e71e0e516ea07->leave($__internal_312c0a27d2cccc06836145cd58525914aabe820d95097702356e71e0e516ea07_prof); $__internal_c19da141a630f3669f5fe7c94e5a968903f29bcb7cd994a4051ecf7ff1079825->leave($__internal_c19da141a630f3669f5fe7c94e5a968903f29bcb7cd994a4051ecf7ff1079825_prof); } public function getTemplateName() { return "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 94 => 13, 85 => 12, 71 => 7, 68 => 6, 59 => 5, 42 => 3, 11 => 1,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig' %} {% block toolbar %}{% endblock %} {% block menu %} <span class=\"label\"> <span class=\"icon\">{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/router.svg') }}</span> <strong>Routing</strong> </span> {% endblock %} {% block panel %} {{ render(path('_profiler_router', { token: token })) }} {% endblock %} ", "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:router.html.twig", "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebProfilerBundle/Resources/views/Collector/router.html.twig"); } }
// *********************************************************** // This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins // // You can change the location of this file or turn off loading // the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option. // // You can read more here: // // *********************************************************** // This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to // the project's config changing) module.exports = (on, config) => { // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits // `config` is the resolved Cypress config if (process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE) { on(`before:browser:launch`, (browser = {}, args) => { if ( === `chrome` && process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE === `slow` ) { args.push(`--force-effective-connection-type=2G`) } return args }) } }
<?php if ($_SESSION['manager']==""){ header("Location: admin_login.php"); exit; }; header("Location: admin_index.php"); ?>
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using CreateThis.Factory.VR.UI.Button; namespace MMVR.Factory.UI.Button { [CustomEditor(typeof(FileManagerSaveButtonFactory))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] public class FileManagerSaveButtonFactoryEditor : MomentaryButtonFactoryEditor { SerializedProperty fileManager; protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); fileManager = serializedObject.FindProperty("fileManager"); } protected override void BuildGenerateButton() { if (GUILayout.Button("Generate")) { if (target.GetType() == typeof(FileManagerSaveButtonFactory)) { FileManagerSaveButtonFactory buttonFactory = (FileManagerSaveButtonFactory)target; buttonFactory.Generate(); } } } protected override void AdditionalProperties() { base.AdditionalProperties(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fileManager); } } }
var box, mbox; function demo() { cam ( 0, 20, 40 ); world = new OIMO.World(); world.add({ size:[50, 10, 50], pos:[0,-5,0] }); // ground var options = { type:'box', size:[10, 10, 10], pos:[0,20,0], density:1, move:true } box = world.add( options ); mbox = view.add( options ); // three mesh }; function update () { world.step(); mbox.position.copy( box.getPosition() ); mbox.quaternion.copy( box.getQuaternion() ); }
class CreateCourses < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :courses do |t| t.string :name t.string :short_name t.string :sisid t.text :description t.integer :department_id t.integer :term_id t.boolean :graded t.boolean :archived t.string :type t.timestamps end end end
import traceback class EnsureExceptionHandledGuard: """Helper for ensuring that Future's exceptions were handled. This solves a nasty problem with Futures and Tasks that have an exception set: if nobody asks for the exception, the exception is never logged. This violates the Zen of Python: 'Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced.' However, we don't want to log the exception as soon as set_exception() is called: if the calling code is written properly, it will get the exception and handle it properly. But we *do* want to log it if result() or exception() was never called -- otherwise developers waste a lot of time wondering why their buggy code fails silently. An earlier attempt added a __del__() method to the Future class itself, but this backfired because the presence of __del__() prevents garbage collection from breaking cycles. A way out of this catch-22 is to avoid having a __del__() method on the Future class itself, but instead to have a reference to a helper object with a __del__() method that logs the traceback, where we ensure that the helper object doesn't participate in cycles, and only the Future has a reference to it. The helper object is added when set_exception() is called. When the Future is collected, and the helper is present, the helper object is also collected, and its __del__() method will log the traceback. When the Future's result() or exception() method is called (and a helper object is present), it removes the the helper object, after calling its clear() method to prevent it from logging. One downside is that we do a fair amount of work to extract the traceback from the exception, even when it is never logged. It would seem cheaper to just store the exception object, but that references the traceback, which references stack frames, which may reference the Future, which references the _EnsureExceptionHandledGuard, and then the _EnsureExceptionHandledGuard would be included in a cycle, which is what we're trying to avoid! As an optimization, we don't immediately format the exception; we only do the work when activate() is called, which call is delayed until after all the Future's callbacks have run. Since usually a Future has at least one callback (typically set by 'yield from') and usually that callback extracts the callback, thereby removing the need to format the exception. PS. I don't claim credit for this solution. I first heard of it in a discussion about closing files when they are collected. """ __slots__ = ['exc', 'tb', 'hndl', 'cls'] def __init__(self, exc, handler): self.exc = exc self.hndl = handler self.cls = type(exc) self.tb = None def activate(self): exc = self.exc if exc is not None: self.exc = None self.tb = traceback.format_exception(exc.__class__, exc, exc.__traceback__) def clear(self): self.exc = None self.tb = None def __del__(self): if self.tb: self.hndl(self.cls, self.tb)
module GitNetworkitis class Getter include HTTParty include JSONHelper base_uri '' attr_accessor :url, :local_options, :query_options LOCAL_KEYS = [:batch, :since] def initialize(url, options={}) @url = url scrub_local_options options @query_options = options end def get local_options[:batch] ? batched_get : single_get end private def scrub_local_options(options={}) @local_options = LOCAL_KEYS.inject({}) {|opts, key| opts[key] = options.delete(key); opts } @local_options[:batch] = true unless @local_options[:since].nil? end def single_get(use_query_options=true) ret = use_query_options ? Getter.get(url, query: query_options) : Getter.get(url) if ret.response.code == "200" return ret else raise "Unable to find Github Repository" end end def batched_get resps = [] links = {next: url} first_batch = true while links[:next] do self.url = links[:next] resp = single_get first_batch resps << resp first_batch = false links = build_links_from_headers resp.headers['link'] end resps end # see the json files in spec/vcr_cassettes for examples of what the link headers look like def build_links_from_headers(headers) return {} if headers.nil? links = headers.split(',') links.inject({}) do |rel, link| l = link.strip.split(';') next_link = l.first[1...-1] # [1...-1] because the actual link is enclosed within '<' '>' tags rel_command = l.last.strip.match(/rel=\"(.*)\"/).captures.first.to_sym # e.g. "rel=\"next\"" #=> :next rel.tap {|r| r[rel_command] = next_link } end end end end
var fs = require('fs'), cons = require('consolidate'), dust = require('dustjs-linkedin'); var pages = [ 'index', 'contact', 'faq', 'registration', 'sponsors', 'travel', 'visit', 'volunteers' ]; pages.forEach(function(page) { cons.dust('views/'+page+'.dust', { views: __dirname+'/views'}, function(err, html) { if(err) return console.log('error: ', err); fs.writeFile(__dirname+'/dist/'+page+'.html', html, function(err) { if(err) return console.log('error saving file: ', page, err); console.log('create page: ', page); }); }); });
__package__ = 'archivebox.core'
package com.team2502.robot2017.command.autonomous; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.CommandGroup; public class ShinyFollow extends CommandGroup { /** * Does a follow */ public ShinyFollow() { addSequential(new AutoVisionCommand(200, 0.3)); } }
package; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; public class SimpleAction implements Action { public String getUri() { return uri; } public String getRel() { return rel; } private final String uri; private final String rel; public SimpleAction(String rel, String uri) { this.rel = rel; this.uri = uri; } public SimpleAction(String rel, HttpServletRequest request, String uri) { this.rel = rel; this.uri = "" + uri; // this.uri = "http://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath() + uri; } }
package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import org.loader.model.OnModelListener; import java.util.List; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscription; /** * Created by 啟成 on 2016/3/15. */ public class DbGroupBreastModel extends DbGroupModel { private String pager_offset; public Subscription loadWeb(Context context, OnModelListener<List<ImgItem>> listener, String pager_offset) { this.pager_offset = pager_offset; return loadWeb(context, listener); } @Override protected Subscription reSubscription(Context context, OnModelListener<List<ImgItem>> listener) { Observable<String> dbGroupBreast = getDbGroup().RxDbGroupBreast( MyOkHttpClient.getCacheControl(context), pager_offset ); return rxDbGroup(dbGroupBreast, listener); } }
import logging.handlers import os _pabotlog = logging.getLogger('PABot') _pabotlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _logPath = os.path.abspath("./logging/pabot.log") _formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s') _consoleStreamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() _consoleStreamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _consoleStreamHandler.setFormatter(_formatter) _symLogRotFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_logPath, maxBytes=2000000, backupCount=5) _symLogRotFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _symLogRotFileHandler.setFormatter(_formatter) _pabotlog.addHandler(_consoleStreamHandler) _pabotlog.addHandler(_symLogRotFileHandler) def LogPABotMessage(message): def LogPABotError(message): _pabotlog.error(message)
<?php namespace Phpmvc\Comment; /** * To attach comments-flow to a page or some content. * */ class CommentController implements \Anax\DI\IInjectionAware { use \Anax\DI\TInjectable; /** * View all comments. * * @return void */ public function viewAction($page) { $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $all = $comments->findAll($page); $this->views->add('comment/comments', [ 'comments' => $all, ]); } /** * Add a comment. * * @return void */ public function addAction() { $isPosted = $this->request->getPost('doCreate'); if (!$isPosted) { $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } $comment = [ 'page' => $this->request->getPost('page'), 'content' => $this->request->getPost('content'), 'name' => $this->request->getPost('name'), 'web' => $this->request->getPost('web'), 'mail' => $this->request->getPost('mail'), 'timestamp' => time(), 'ip' => $this->request->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), ]; $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $comments->add($comment); $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } /** * Remove all comments. * * @return void */ public function removeAllAction() { $isPosted = $this->request->getPost('doRemoveAll'); if (!$isPosted) { $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $comments->deleteAll(); $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } public function removeAction($id) { // $isPosted = $this->request->getPost('doRemove'); //doRemove måste lägga till i formulär i tpl. // if (!$isPosted) { // $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); // } $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $comments->delete($id); $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } public function editFormAction($id) { $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $all = $comments->findAll(); $i = 0; foreach($all as $comment){ if($comment['id'] == $id){ break; } $i++; } $this->views->add('comment/editComment', [ 'comment' => $all[$i], ]); } public function editAction($id) { $isPosted = $this->request->getPost('doEdit'); if (!$isPosted) { $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } $comment = [ 'page' => $this->request->getPost('page'), 'content' => $this->request->getPost('content'), 'name' => $this->request->getPost('name'), 'web' => $this->request->getPost('web'), 'mail' => $this->request->getPost('mail'), 'timestamp' => $this->request->getPost('timestamp'), 'ip' => $this->request->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'id' => $id, 'edited' => time(), ]; $comments = new \Phpmvc\Comment\CommentsInSession(); $comments->setDI($this->di); $comments->edit($comment, $id); $this->response->redirect($this->request->getPost('redirect')); } }
import ast import heisenberg.library.heisenberg_dynamics_context import heisenberg.library.orbit_plot import heisenberg.option_parser import heisenberg.plot import heisenberg.util import matplotlib import numpy as np import sys # says this should fix "Exceeded cell block limit" problems matplotlib.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000 dynamics_context = heisenberg.library.heisenberg_dynamics_context.Numeric() op = heisenberg.option_parser.OptionParser(module=heisenberg.plot) # Add the subprogram-specific options here. op.add_option( '--initial-preimage', dest='initial_preimage', type='string', help='Specifies the preimage of the initial conditions with respect to the embedding map specified by the --embedding-dimension and --embedding-solution-sheet-index option values. Should have the form [x_1,...,x_n], where n is the embedding dimension and x_i is a floating point literal for each i.' ) op.add_option( '--initial', dest='initial', type='string', help='Specifies the initial conditions [x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z], where each of x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z are floating point literals.' ) op.add_option( '--optimization-iterations', dest='optimization_iterations', default=1000, type='int', help='Specifies the number of iterations to run the optimization for (if applicable). Default is 1000.' ) op.add_option( '--optimize-initial', dest='optimize_initial', action='store_true', default=False, help='Indicates that the specified initial condition (via whichever of the --initial... options) should be used as the starting point for an optimization to attempt to close the orbit. Default value is False.' ) op.add_option( '--output-dir', dest='output_dir', default='.', help='Specifies the directory to write plot images and data files to. Default is current directory.' ) op.add_option( '--disable-plot-initial', dest='disable_plot_initial', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disables plotting the initial curve; only has effect if --optimize-initial is specified.' ) options,args = op.parse_argv_and_validate() if options is None: sys.exit(-1) num_initial_conditions_specified = sum([ options.initial_preimage is not None, options.initial is not None, ]) if num_initial_conditions_specified != 1: print('Some initial condition option must be specified; --initial-preimage, --initial. However, {0} of those were specified.'.format(num_initial_conditions_specified)) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) # Validate subprogram-specific options here. # Attempt to parse initial conditions. Upon success, the attribute options.qp_0 should exist. if options.initial_preimage is not None: try: options.initial_preimage = np.array(ast.literal_eval(options.initial_preimage)) expected_shape = (options.embedding_dimension,) if options.initial_preimage.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError('--initial-preimage value had the wrong number of components (got {0} but expected {1}).'.format(options.initial_preimage.shape, expected_shape)) options.qp_0 = dynamics_context.embedding(N=options.embedding_dimension, sheet_index=options.embedding_solution_sheet_index)(options.initial_preimage) except Exception as e: print('error parsing --initial-preimage value; error was {0}'.format(e)) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) elif options.initial is not None: try: options.initial = heisenberg.util.csv_as_ndarray(heisenberg.util.pop_brackets_off_of(options.initial), float) expected_shape = (6,) if options.initial.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError('--initial value had the wrong number of components (got {0} but expected {1}).'.format(options.initial.shape, expected_shape)) options.qp_0 = options.initial.reshape(2,3) except ValueError as e: print('error parsing --initial value: {0}'.format(str(e))) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) else: assert False, 'this should never happen because of the check with num_initial_conditions_specified' rng = np.random.RandomState(options.seed) heisenberg.plot.plot(dynamics_context, options, rng=rng)
def send_simple_message(): return "", auth=("api", "key-679dc79b890e700f11f001a6bf86f4a1"), data={"from": "Mailgun Sandbox <>", "to": "nick <>", "subject": "Hello nick", "text": "Congratulations nick, you just sent an email with Mailgun! You are truly awesome! You can see a record of this email in your logs: . You can send up to 300 emails/day from this sandbox server. Next, you should add your own domain so you can send 10,000 emails/month for free."}) # cURL command to send mail aith API key # curl -s --user 'api:key-679dc79b890e700f11f001a6bf86f4a1' \ # \ # -F from='Excited User <>' \ # -F \ # -F subject='Hello' \ # -F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
<?php namespace Ooxif\LaravelSpecSchema\SqlServer; trait BlueprintTrait { }
def load_keys(filepath): """ Loads the Twitter API keys into a dict. :param filepath: file path to config file with Twitter API keys. :return: keys_dict :raise: IOError """ try: keys_file = open(filepath, 'rb') keys = {} for line in keys_file: key, value = line.split('=') keys[key.strip()] = value.strip() except IOError: message = ('File {} cannot be opened.' ' Check that it exists and is binary.') print message.format(filepath) raise except: print "Error opening or unpickling file." raise return keys
"""Main entry points for scripts.""" from __future__ import print_function, division from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import OrderedDict from copy import copy from datetime import datetime import glob import json import logging import math import os import scipy.stats import numpy as np from .version import __version__ from .psffuncs import gaussian_moffat_psf from .psf import TabularPSF, GaussianMoffatPSF from .io import read_datacube, write_results, read_results from .fitting import (guess_sky, fit_galaxy_single, fit_galaxy_sky_multi, fit_position_sky, fit_position_sky_sn_multi, RegularizationPenalty) from .utils import yxbounds from .extern import ADR, Hyper_PSF3D_PL __all__ = ["cubefit", "cubefit_subtract", "cubefit_plot"] MODEL_SHAPE = (32, 32) SPAXEL_SIZE = 0.43 MIN_NMAD = 2.5 # Minimum Number of Median Absolute Deviations above # the minimum spaxel value in fit_position LBFGSB_FACTOR = 1e10 REFWAVE = 5000. # reference wavelength in Angstroms for PSF params and ADR POSITION_BOUND = 3. # Bound on fitted positions relative in initial positions def snfpsf(wave, psfparams, header, psftype): """Create a 3-d PSF based on SNFactory-specific parameterization of Gaussian + Moffat PSF parameters and ADR.""" # Get Gaussian+Moffat parameters at each wavelength. relwave = wave / REFWAVE - 1.0 ellipticity = abs(psfparams[0]) * np.ones_like(wave) alpha = np.abs(psfparams[1] + psfparams[2] * relwave + psfparams[3] * relwave**2) # correlated parameters (coefficients determined externally) sigma = 0.545 + 0.215 * alpha # Gaussian parameter beta = 1.685 + 0.345 * alpha # Moffat parameter eta = 1.040 + 0.0 * alpha # gaussian ampl. / moffat ampl. # Atmospheric differential refraction (ADR): Because of ADR, # the center of the PSF will be different at each wavelength, # by an amount that we can determine (pretty well) from the # atmospheric conditions and the pointing and angle of the # instrument. We calculate the offsets here as a function of # observation and wavelength and input these to the model. # Correction to parallactic angle and airmass for 2nd-order effects # such as MLA rotation, mechanical flexures or finite-exposure # corrections. These values have been trained on faint-std star # exposures. # # `predict_adr_params` uses 'AIRMASS', 'PARANG' and 'CHANNEL' keys # in input dictionary. delta, theta = Hyper_PSF3D_PL.predict_adr_params(header) # check for crazy values of pressure and temperature, and assign default # values. pressure = header.get('PRESSURE', 617.) if not 550. < pressure < 650.: pressure = 617. temp = header.get('TEMP', 2.) if not -20. < temp < 20.: temp = 2. adr = ADR(pressure, temp, lref=REFWAVE, delta=delta, theta=theta) adr_refract = adr.refract(0, 0, wave, unit=SPAXEL_SIZE) # adr_refract[0, :] corresponds to x, adr_refract[1, :] => y xctr, yctr = adr_refract if psftype == 'gaussian-moffat': return GaussianMoffatPSF(sigma, alpha, beta, ellipticity, eta, yctr, xctr, MODEL_SHAPE, subpix=3) elif psftype == 'tabular': A = gaussian_moffat_psf(sigma, alpha, beta, ellipticity, eta, yctr, xctr, MODEL_SHAPE, subpix=3) return TabularPSF(A) else: raise ValueError("unknown psf type: " + repr(psftype)) def setup_logging(loglevel, logfname=None): # if loglevel isn't an integer, parse it as "debug", "info", etc: if not isinstance(loglevel, int): loglevel = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(loglevel, int): print('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) exit(1) # remove logfile if it already exists if logfname is not None and os.path.exists(logfname): os.remove(logfname) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfname, format="%(levelname)s %(message)s", level=loglevel) def cubefit(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = "Fit SN + galaxy model to SNFactory data cubes." parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cubefit", description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration file name (JSON format)") parser.add_argument("outfile", help="Output file name (FITS format)") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument("--logfile", help="Write log to this file " "(default: print to stdout)", default=None) parser.add_argument("--loglevel", default="info", help="one of: debug, info, warning (default is info)") parser.add_argument("--diagdir", default=None, help="If given, write intermediate diagnostic results " "to this directory") parser.add_argument("--refitgal", default=False, action="store_true", help="Add an iteration where galaxy model is fit " "using all epochs and then data/SN positions are " "refit") parser.add_argument("--mu_wave", default=0.07, type=float, help="Wavelength regularization parameter. " "Default is 0.07.") parser.add_argument("--mu_xy", default=0.001, type=float, help="Spatial regularization parameter. " "Default is 0.001.") parser.add_argument("--psftype", default="gaussian-moffat", help="Type of PSF: 'gaussian-moffat' or 'tabular'. " "Currently, tabular means generate a tabular PSF from " "gaussian-moffat parameters.") args = parser.parse_args(argv) setup_logging(args.loglevel, logfname=args.logfile) # record start time tstart ="cubefit v%s started at %s", __version__, tstart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) tsteps = OrderedDict() # finish time of each step."parameters: mu_wave={:.3g} mu_xy={:.3g} refitgal={}" .format(args.mu_wave, args.mu_xy, args.refitgal))" psftype={}".format(args.psftype))"reading config file") with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) # basic checks on config contents. assert (len(cfg["filenames"]) == len(cfg["xcenters"]) == len(cfg["ycenters"]) == len(cfg["psf_params"])) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load data cubes from the list of FITS files. nt = len(cfg["filenames"])"reading %d data cubes", nt) cubes = [] for fname in cfg["filenames"]: logging.debug(" reading %s", fname) cubes.append(read_datacube(os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname))) wave = cubes[0].wave nw = len(wave) # assign some local variables for convenience refs = cfg["refs"] master_ref = cfg["master_ref"] if master_ref not in refs: raise ValueError("master ref choice must be one of the final refs (" + " ".join(refs.astype(str)) + ")") nonmaster_refs = [i for i in refs if i != master_ref] nonrefs = [i for i in range(nt) if i not in refs] # Ensure that all cubes have the same wavelengths. if not all(np.all(cubes[i].wave == wave) for i in range(1, nt)): raise ValueError("all data must have same wavelengths") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PSF for each observation"setting up PSF for all %d epochs", nt) psfs = [snfpsf(wave, cfg["psf_params"][i], cubes[i].header, args.psftype) for i in range(nt)] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize all model parameters to be fit yctr0 = np.array(cfg["ycenters"]) xctr0 = np.array(cfg["xcenters"]) galaxy = np.zeros((nw, MODEL_SHAPE[0], MODEL_SHAPE[1]), dtype=np.float64) sn = np.zeros((nt, nw), dtype=np.float64) # SN spectrum at each epoch skys = np.zeros((nt, nw), dtype=np.float64) # Sky spectrum at each epoch yctr = yctr0.copy() xctr = xctr0.copy() snctr = (0., 0.) # For writing out to FITS modelwcs = {"CRVAL1": -SPAXEL_SIZE * (MODEL_SHAPE[0] - 1) / 2., "CRPIX1": 1, "CDELT1": SPAXEL_SIZE, "CRVAL2": -SPAXEL_SIZE * (MODEL_SHAPE[1] - 1) / 2., "CRPIX2": 1, "CDELT2": SPAXEL_SIZE, "CRVAL3": cubes[0].header["CRVAL3"], "CRPIX3": cubes[0].header["CRPIX3"], "CDELT3": cubes[0].header["CDELT3"]} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Position bounds # Bounds on data position: shape=(nt, 2) xctrbounds = np.vstack((xctr - POSITION_BOUND, xctr + POSITION_BOUND)).T yctrbounds = np.vstack((yctr - POSITION_BOUND, yctr + POSITION_BOUND)).T snctrbounds = (-POSITION_BOUND, POSITION_BOUND) # For data positions, check that bounds do not extend # past the edge of the model and adjust the minbound and maxbound. # This doesn't apply to SN position. gshape = galaxy.shape[1:3] # model shape for i in range(nt): dshape = cubes[i].data.shape[1:3] (yminabs, ymaxabs), (xminabs, xmaxabs) = yxbounds(gshape, dshape) yctrbounds[i, 0] = max(yctrbounds[i, 0], yminabs) yctrbounds[i, 1] = min(yctrbounds[i, 1], ymaxabs) xctrbounds[i, 0] = max(xctrbounds[i, 0], xminabs) xctrbounds[i, 1] = min(xctrbounds[i, 1], xmaxabs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Guess sky"guessing sky for all %d epochs", nt) for i, cube in enumerate(cubes): skys[i, :] = guess_sky(cube, npix=30) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regularization penalty parameters # Calculate rough average galaxy spectrum from all final refs. spectra = np.zeros((len(refs), len(wave)), dtype=np.float64) for j, i in enumerate(refs): avg_spec = np.average(cubes[i].data, axis=(1, 2)) - skys[i] mean_spec, bins, bn = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(wave, avg_spec, bins=len(wave)/10) spectra[j] = np.interp(wave, bins[:-1] + np.diff(bins)[0]/2., mean_spec) mean_gal_spec = np.average(spectra, axis=0) # Ensure that there won't be any negative or tiny values in mean: mean_floor = 0.1 * np.median(mean_gal_spec) mean_gal_spec[mean_gal_spec < mean_floor] = mean_floor galprior = np.zeros((nw, MODEL_SHAPE[0], MODEL_SHAPE[1]), dtype=np.float64) regpenalty = RegularizationPenalty(galprior, mean_gal_spec, args.mu_xy, args.mu_wave) tsteps["setup"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit just the galaxy model to just the master ref. data = cubes[master_ref].data - skys[master_ref, :, None, None] weight = cubes[master_ref].weight"fitting galaxy to master ref [%d]", master_ref) galaxy = fit_galaxy_single(galaxy, data, weight, (yctr[master_ref], xctr[master_ref]), psfs[master_ref], regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step1.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) tsteps["fit galaxy to master ref"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit the positions of the other final refs # # Here we only use spaxels where the *model* has significant flux. # We define "significant" as some number of median absolute deviations # (MAD) above the minimum flux in the model. We (temporarily) set the # weight of "insignificant" spaxels to zero during this process, then # restore the original weight after we're done. # # If there are less than 20 "significant" spaxels, we do not attempt to # fit the position, but simply leave it as is."fitting position of non-master refs %s", nonmaster_refs) for i in nonmaster_refs: cube = cubes[i] # Evaluate galaxy on this epoch for purpose of masking spaxels. gal = psfs[i].evaluate_galaxy(galaxy, (cube.ny, cube.nx), (yctr[i], xctr[i])) # Set weight of low-valued spaxels to zero. gal2d = gal.sum(axis=0) # Sum of gal over wavelengths mad = np.median(np.abs(gal2d - np.median(gal2d))) mask = gal2d > np.min(gal2d) + MIN_NMAD * mad if mask.sum() < 20: continue weight = cube.weight * mask[None, :, :] fctr, fsky = fit_position_sky(galaxy,, weight, (yctr[i], xctr[i]), psfs[i], (yctrbounds[i], xctrbounds[i])) yctr[i], xctr[i] = fctr skys[i, :] = fsky tsteps["fit positions of other refs"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Redo model fit, this time including all final refs. datas = [cubes[i].data for i in refs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in refs] ctrs = [(yctr[i], xctr[i]) for i in refs] psfs_refs = [psfs[i] for i in refs]"fitting galaxy to all refs %s", refs) galaxy, fskys = fit_galaxy_sky_multi(galaxy, datas, weights, ctrs, psfs_refs, regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) # put fitted skys back in `skys` for i,j in enumerate(refs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step2.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) tsteps["fit galaxy to all refs"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit position of data and SN in non-references # # Now we think we have a good galaxy model. We fix this and fit # the relative position of the remaining epochs (which presumably # all have some SN light). We simultaneously fit the position of # the SN itself."fitting position of all %d non-refs and SN position", len(nonrefs)) if len(nonrefs) > 0: datas = [cubes[i].data for i in nonrefs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in nonrefs] psfs_nonrefs = [psfs[i] for i in nonrefs] fyctr, fxctr, snctr, fskys, fsne = fit_position_sky_sn_multi( galaxy, datas, weights, yctr[nonrefs], xctr[nonrefs], snctr, psfs_nonrefs, LBFGSB_FACTOR, yctrbounds[nonrefs], xctrbounds[nonrefs], snctrbounds) # put fitted results back in parameter lists. yctr[nonrefs] = fyctr xctr[nonrefs] = fxctr for i,j in enumerate(nonrefs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] sn[j, :] = fsne[i] tsteps["fit positions of nonrefs & SN"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # optional step(s) if args.refitgal and len(nonrefs) > 0: if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step3.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Redo fit of galaxy, using ALL epochs, including ones with SN # light. We hold the SN "fixed" simply by subtracting it from the # data and fitting the remainder. # # This is slightly dangerous: any errors in the original SN # determination, whether due to an incorrect PSF or ADR model # or errors in the galaxy model will result in residuals. The # galaxy model will then try to compensate for these. # # We should look at the galaxy model at the position of the SN # before and after this step to see if there is a bias towards # the galaxy flux increasing."fitting galaxy using all %d epochs", nt) datas = [ for cube in cubes] weights = [cube.weight for cube in cubes] ctrs = [(yctr[i], xctr[i]) for i in range(nt)] # subtract SN from non-ref cubes. for i in nonrefs: s = psfs[i].point_source(snctr, datas[i].shape[1:3], ctrs[i]) # do *not* use in-place operation (-=) here! datas[i] = cubes[i].data - sn[i, :, None, None] * s galaxy, fskys = fit_galaxy_sky_multi(galaxy, datas, weights, ctrs, psfs, regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) for i in range(nt): skys[i, :] = fskys[i] # put fitted skys back in skys if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step4.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Repeat step before last: fit position of data and SN in # non-references"re-fitting position of all %d non-refs and SN position", len(nonrefs)) if len(nonrefs) > 0: datas = [cubes[i].data for i in nonrefs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in nonrefs] psfs_nonrefs = [psfs[i] for i in nonrefs] fyctr, fxctr, snctr, fskys, fsne = fit_position_sky_sn_multi( galaxy, datas, weights, yctr[nonrefs], xctr[nonrefs], snctr, psfs_nonrefs, LBFGSB_FACTOR, yctrbounds[nonrefs], xctrbounds[nonrefs], snctrbounds) # put fitted results back in parameter lists. yctr[nonrefs] = fyctr xctr[nonrefs] = fxctr for i, j in enumerate(nonrefs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] sn[j, :] = fsne[i] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write results"writing results to %s", args.outfile) write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, args.outfile) # time info"step times:") maxlen = max(len(key) for key in tsteps) fmtstr = " %2dm%02ds - %-" + str(maxlen) + "s" tprev = tstart for key, tstep in tsteps.items(): t = (tstep - tprev).seconds, t//60, t%60, key) tprev = tstep tfinish ="finished at %s", tfinish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) t = (tfinish - tstart).seconds"took %3dm%2ds", t // 60, t % 60) return 0 def cubefit_subtract(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = \ """Subtract model determined by cubefit from the original data. The "outnames" key in the supplied configuration file is used to determine the output FITS file names. The input FITS header is passed unaltered to the output file, with the following additions: (1) A `HISTORY` entry. (2) `CBFT_SNX` and `CBFT_SNY` records giving the cubefit-determined position of the SN relative to the center of the data array (at the reference wavelength). This script also writes fitted SN spectra to individual FITS files. The "sn_outnames" configuration field determines the output filenames. """ import shutil import fitsio prog_name = "cubefit-subtract" prog_name_ver = "{} v{}".format(prog_name, __version__) parser = ArgumentParser(prog=prog_name, description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration file name " "(JSON format), same as cubefit input.") parser.add_argument("resultfile", help="Result FITS file from cubefit") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument("--outprefix", default="", help="path prepended to output file names; default is " "empty string") args = parser.parse_args(argv) setup_logging("info") # get input & output filenames with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) fnames = [os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["filenames"]] outfnames = [os.path.join(args.outprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["outnames"]] # load results results = read_results(args.resultfile) epochs = results["epochs"] sny, snx = results["snctr"] if not len(epochs) == len(fnames) == len(outfnames): raise RuntimeError("number of epochs in result file not equal to " "number of input and output files in config file") # subtract and write out. for fname, outfname, epoch in zip(fnames, outfnames, epochs):"writing %s", outfname) shutil.copy(fname, outfname) f = fitsio.FITS(outfname, "rw") data = f[0].read() data -= epoch["galeval"] f[0].write(data) f[0].write_history("galaxy subtracted by " + prog_name_ver) f[0].write_key("CBFT_SNX", snx - epoch['xctr'], comment="SN x offset from center at {:.0f} A [spaxels]" .format(REFWAVE)) f[0].write_key("CBFT_SNY", sny - epoch['yctr'], comment="SN y offset from center at {:.0f} A [spaxels]" .format(REFWAVE)) f.close() # output SN spectra to separate files. sn_outnames = [os.path.join(args.outprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["sn_outnames"]] header = {"CRVAL1": results["header"]["CRVAL3"], "CRPIX1": results["header"]["CRPIX3"], "CDELT1": results["header"]["CDELT3"]} for outfname, epoch in zip(sn_outnames, epochs):"writing %s", outfname) if os.path.exists(outfname): # avoid warning from clobber=True os.remove(outfname) with fitsio.FITS(outfname, "rw") as f: f.write(epoch["sn"], extname="sn", header=header) f[0].write_history("created by " + prog_name_ver) return 0 def cubefit_plot(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = """Plot results and diagnostics from cubefit""" from .plotting import plot_timeseries, plot_epoch, plot_sn, plot_adr # arguments are the same as cubefit except an output parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cubefit-plot", description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration filename") parser.add_argument("resultfile", help="Result filename from cubefit") parser.add_argument("outprefix", help="output prefix") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument('-b', '--band', help='timeseries band (U, B, V). ' 'Default is a 1000 A wide band in middle of cube.', default=None, dest='band') parser.add_argument('--idrfiles', nargs='+', default=None, help='Prefix of IDR. If given, the cubefit SN ' 'spectra are plotted against the production values.') parser.add_argument("--diagdir", default=None, help="If given, read intermediate diagnostic " "results from this directory and include in plot(s)") parser.add_argument("--plotepochs", default=False, action="store_true", help="Make diagnostic plots for each epoch") args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Read in data with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) cubes = [read_datacube(os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname), scale=False) for fname in cfg["filenames"]] results = OrderedDict() # Diagnostic results at each step if args.diagdir is not None: fnames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(args.diagdir, "step*.fits"))) for fname in fnames: name = os.path.basename(fname).split(".")[0] results[name] = read_results(fname) # Final result (don't fail if not available) if os.path.exists(args.resultfile): results["final"] = read_results(args.resultfile) # plot time series plot_timeseries(cubes, results,, fname=(args.outprefix + '_timeseries.png')) # Plot wave slices and sn, galaxy and sky spectra for all epochs. if 'final' in results and args.plotepochs: for i_t in range(len(cubes)): plot_epoch(cubes[i_t], results['final']['epochs'][i_t], fname=(args.outprefix + '_epoch%02d.png' % i_t)) # Plot result spectra against IDR spectra. if 'final' in results and args.idrfiles is not None: plot_sn(cfg['filenames'], results['final']['epochs']['sn'], results['final']['wave'], args.idrfiles, args.outprefix + '_sn.png') # Plot the x-y coordinates of the adr versus wavelength # (Skip this for now; contains no interesting information) #plot_adr(cubes, cubes[0].wave, fname=(args.outprefix + '_adr.png')) return 0
module IncomeTax module Countries class Morocco < Models::Progressive register 'Morocco', 'MA', 'MAR' currency 'MAD' level 30_000, '0%' level 50_000, '10%' level 60_000, '20%' level 80_000, '30%' level 180_000, '34%' remainder '38%' end end end
using System; namespace sep20v1.Areas.HelpPage { /// <summary> /// This represents a preformatted text sample on the help page. There's a display template named TextSample associated with this class. /// </summary> public class TextSample { public TextSample(string text) { if (text == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); } Text = text; } public string Text { get; private set; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { TextSample other = obj as TextSample; return other != null && Text == other.Text; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Text.GetHashCode(); } public override string ToString() { return Text; } } }
<?php namespace YB\Bundle\RemoteTranslationsBundle\Tests\Translation\Loader; use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase; /** * Class AwsS3LoaderTest * @package YB\Bundle\RemoteTranslationsBundle\Tests\Translation\Loader */ class AwsS3LoaderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $result * * @dataProvider getExamples */ public function testIndex($expected, $result) { $this->assertSame($expected, $result); } /** * @return \Generator */ public function getExamples() { yield ['Lorem Ipsum', 'Lorem Ipsum']; } }
package; import; import; import; import; /** * Params to create new user. */ public class ParamsUserNew extends Params { /** Name of user */ @Expose @SerializedName(value = "user_name") private String userName; /** Nickname of user */ @Expose private String nick; /** Avatar base64 for user */ @Expose private String avatar; /** User's password. */ @Expose @SerializedName(value = "password") private String password; /** * @param userName * User name defining user. Can be <code>null</code>. */ public ParamsUserNew(String userName) { setUserName(userName); } @Override public String getMethodName() { return ""; } public Response instantiateResponse() { return new ResponseUserNew(); } /** * @return user name */ public String getUserName() { return userName; } /** * Sets user name * * @param user_name * user name */ public void setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; } /** * @return user nickname */ public String getNick() { return nick; } /** * Sets user nickname * * @param nick * nickname */ public void setNick(String nick) { this.nick = nick; } /** * @return avatar base64 */ public String getAvatar() { return avatar; } /** * Sets avatar base64 * * @param avatar * avatar base64 */ public void setAvatar(String avatar) { this.avatar = avatar; } /** * @return password */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** * @param Sets * user password */ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } }
class BeachApiCore::TeamUpdate include Interactor def call if context.params context.status = :ok else context.status = :bad_request! message: end end end
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def calc_note(count, value): qnt = 0 if count >= value: qnt = int(count) / value print '%d nota(s) de R$ %d.00' % (qnt, value) return count - qnt * value n = float(raw_input()) print 'NOTAS:' n = calc_note(n, 100) n = calc_note(n, 50) n = calc_note(n, 20) n = calc_note(n, 10) n = calc_note(n, 5) n = calc_note(n, 2) print 'MOEDAS:' print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 1.00' % int(n) n -= int(n) m50 = n / 0.50 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.50' % m50 n -= int(m50) * 0.50 m25 = n / 0.25 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.25' % m25 n -= int(m25) * 0.25 m10 = n / 0.10 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.10' % m10 n -= int(m10) * 0.10 if round(n, 2) >= 0.05: print '1 moeda(s) de R$ 0.05' m1 = (n - 0.05) * 100 else: print '0 moeda(s) de R$ 0.05' m1 = round(n, 2) * 100 if round(m1, 0): print '%.0f moeda(s) de R$ 0.01' % m1 else: print '0 moeda(s) de R$ 0.01'
'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { var exec = require('child_process').exec; grunt.registerMultiTask('install-dependencies', 'Installs npm dependencies.', function () { var cb, options, cp; cb = this.async(); options = this.options({ cwd: '', stdout: true, stderr: true, failOnError: true, isDevelopment: false }); var cmd = "npm install"; if(!options.isDevelopment ) cmd += " -production"; cp = exec(cmd, {cwd: options.cwd}, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err && options.failOnError) { grunt.warn(err); } cb(); }); grunt.verbose.writeflags(options, 'Options'); if (options.stdout || grunt.option('verbose')) { console.log("Running npm install in: " + options.cwd); cp.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); } if (options.stderr || grunt.option('verbose')) { cp.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); } }); };
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', -1); $loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $loader->add('ThisPageCannotBeFound', __DIR__);
<?php /* Safe sample input : get the field userData from the variable $_GET via an object, which store it in a array SANITIZE : use of preg_replace construction : use of sprintf via a %s with simple quote */ /*Copyright 2015 Bertrand STIVALET Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement or royalty fee, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. AUTHORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS AND AUTHORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS.*/ class Input{ private $input; public function getInput(){ return $this->input['realOne']; } public function __construct(){ $this->input = array(); $this->input['test']= 'safe' ; $this->input['realOne']= $_GET['UserData'] ; $this->input['trap']= 'safe' ; } } $temp = new Input(); $tainted = $temp->getInput(); $tainted = preg_replace('/\'/', '', $tainted); $query = sprintf("echo $'%s';", $tainted); $res = eval($query); ?>
ActionController::Dispatcher.to_prepare do # Extend :account model to add :issues association. Account.send(:include, AccountServiceRequestAssociations) # Make issues observable. ActivityObserver.instance.send :add_observer!, ServiceRequest # Add :issues plugin helpers. ActionView::Base.send(:include, ServiceRequestsHelper) end # Make the issues commentable. CommentsController.commentables = CommentsController.commentables + %w(service_request_id)
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ moduleId:, selector: 'chips-demo', templateUrl: 'chips-demo.html', styleUrls: ['chips-demo.css'] }) export class ChipsDemoComponent { }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; public interface IIdentifiable { string Id { get; } }
Exercises-Interfaces/2. Multiple Implementation/IIdentifiable.cs
/******************************************************************************* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2019 Dr. Marc Mültin (V2G Clarity) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. *******************************************************************************/ package com.v2gclarity.risev2g.evcc.states; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.evcc.session.V2GCommunicationSessionEVCC; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.enumerations.GlobalValues; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.enumerations.V2GMessages; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.messageHandling.ReactionToIncomingMessage; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.messageHandling.TerminateSession; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.misc.TimeRestrictions; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.utils.SecurityUtils; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.AuthorizationReqType; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.AuthorizationResType; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.ChargeParameterDiscoveryReqType; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.EVSEProcessingType; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.PaymentOptionType; import com.v2gclarity.risev2g.shared.v2gMessages.msgDef.V2GMessage; public class WaitForAuthorizationRes extends ClientState { public WaitForAuthorizationRes(V2GCommunicationSessionEVCC commSessionContext) { super(commSessionContext); } @Override public ReactionToIncomingMessage processIncomingMessage(Object message) { if (isIncomingMessageValid(message, AuthorizationResType.class)) { V2GMessage v2gMessageRes = (V2GMessage) message; AuthorizationResType authorizationRes = (AuthorizationResType) v2gMessageRes.getBody().getBodyElement().getValue(); if (authorizationRes.getEVSEProcessing() == null) return new TerminateSession("EVSEProcessing parameter of AuthorizationRes is null. Parameter is mandatory."); if (authorizationRes.getEVSEProcessing().equals(EVSEProcessingType.FINISHED)) { getLogger().debug("EVSEProcessing was set to FINISHED"); getCommSessionContext().setOngoingTimer(0L); getCommSessionContext().setOngoingTimerActive(false); ChargeParameterDiscoveryReqType chargeParameterDiscoveryReq = getChargeParameterDiscoveryReq(); /* * Save this request in case the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes indicates that the EVSE is * still processing. Then this request can just be resent instead of asking the EV again. */ getCommSessionContext().setChargeParameterDiscoveryReq(chargeParameterDiscoveryReq); return getSendMessage(chargeParameterDiscoveryReq, V2GMessages.CHARGE_PARAMETER_DISCOVERY_RES); } else { getLogger().debug("EVSEProcessing was set to ONGOING"); long elapsedTimeInMs = 0; if (getCommSessionContext().isOngoingTimerActive()) { long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - getCommSessionContext().getOngoingTimer(); elapsedTimeInMs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(elapsedTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); if (elapsedTimeInMs > TimeRestrictions.V2G_EVCC_ONGOING_TIMEOUT) return new TerminateSession("Ongoing timer timed out for AuthorizationReq"); } else { getCommSessionContext().setOngoingTimer(System.nanoTime()); getCommSessionContext().setOngoingTimerActive(true); } // [V2G2-684] demands to send an empty AuthorizationReq if the field EVSEProcessing is set to 'Ongoing' AuthorizationReqType authorizationReq = getAuthorizationReq(null); return getSendMessage(authorizationReq, V2GMessages.AUTHORIZATION_RES, Math.min((TimeRestrictions.V2G_EVCC_ONGOING_TIMEOUT - (int) elapsedTimeInMs), TimeRestrictions.getV2gEvccMsgTimeout(V2GMessages.AUTHORIZATION_RES))); } } else { return new TerminateSession("Incoming message raised an error"); } } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Phpcq\Runner\Test\Console\Definition; use Phpcq\Runner\Console\Definition\OptionDefinition; use Phpcq\Runner\Console\Definition\OptionValue\OptionValueDefinition; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; /** @covers \Phpcq\Runner\Console\Definition\OptionDefinition */ final class OptionDefinitionTest extends TestCase { public function testDefinition(): void { $optionValue = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(OptionValueDefinition::class, [], '', false); $definition = new OptionDefinition( 'foo', 'Full description', 'f', true, false, false, $optionValue, '=' ); self::assertSame('foo', $definition->getName()); self::assertSame('Full description', $definition->getDescription()); self::assertSame('f', $definition->getShortcut()); self::assertSame(true, $definition->isRequired()); self::assertSame(false, $definition->isArray()); self::assertSame(false, $definition->isOnlyShortcut()); self::assertSame($optionValue, $definition->getOptionValue()); self::assertSame('=', $definition->getValueSeparator()); } public function testShortcutOnly(): void { $optionValue = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(OptionValueDefinition::class, [], '', false); $definition = new OptionDefinition( 'foo', 'Full description', null, true, false, true, $optionValue, '=' ); self::assertSame('foo', $definition->getName()); self::assertSame('Full description', $definition->getDescription()); self::assertSame('foo', $definition->getShortcut()); self::assertSame(true, $definition->isRequired()); self::assertSame(false, $definition->isArray()); self::assertSame(true, $definition->isOnlyShortcut()); self::assertSame($optionValue, $definition->getOptionValue()); self::assertSame('=', $definition->getValueSeparator()); } }
<?php if (isset($user_data['id'])) { ?> <script> var $records_per_page = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>'; var page_url = '<?php echo base_url(); ?>'; var $user_data ="<?php echo $user_data['id']?>"; </script> <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/detail_pages/include/navbar.js"></script> <?php } ?> <!--Main Menu File--> <!--For Demo Only (Remove below css file and Javascript) --> <div class="wsmenucontainer clearfix"></div> <div class="wsmenucontent overlapblackbg "></div> <div class="wsmenuexpandermain slideRight"> <a id="navToggle" class="animated-arrow slideLeft "><span></span></a> <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>" class="smallogo"><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/logos/logo-07.png" width="120" alt=""></a> <?php if (!empty($user_data['id'])) { $notyfi_ = $this->M_notify->getnotify($user_data['id'], 1); ?> <div class="callusicon dropdown notifications"> <a href="" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <i class="fa fa-globe"></i> <?php if (count($notyfi_) != 0) { ?><span class="badge bg-lightred"><?php echo count($notyfi_)?></span><?php } ?> </a> <div class="dropdown-menu pull-right with-arrow panel panel-default animated littleFadeInLeft"> <div class="panel-heading"> You have <strong><?php echo count($notyfi_)?></strong> notifications unread </div> <ul class="list-group"> <?php $notify = $this->M_notify->getnotify($user_data['id']); foreach ($notify as $row) { if ($row['type'] == 'invite') { $link = base_url().'chat/dashboard'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'amper_register') { $link = base_url().'amper/dashboard_affiliates'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'amper_register') { $link = base_url().'amper/dashboard_affiliates'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'Invite tour') { $link = $row['active_url']; } else { $link = '#'; } //var_dump($link);exit; ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <a role="button" tabindex="0" class="media" href="<?=$link?>"> <div class="media-body"> <span class="block"><?php echo $row['messages']?></span> <small class="text-muted"><?php echo $this->M_user->time_calculation($row['time'])?></small> </div> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="panel-footer"> <a href="<?=base_url('notifications/all')?>" role="button" tabindex="0">Show all notifications <i class="fa fa-angle-right pull-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <?php }?> </div> <?php $params1 = $this->uri->segment(1); $params2 = $this->uri->segment(2); if (($params1 == 'mds' || ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'amp') || ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'managerrpk') || $params1 == 'chat' || $params1 == 'social_media' || $params1 == 'the_total_tour') && $user_data['role'] > 2) { header('Location: '.base_url()); exit; } ?> <div class="header"> <div class="wrapper clearfix bigmegamenu"> <?php if (isset($user_data['id']) && $user_data['role'] == 1) { ?> <nav class="slideLeft "> <ul class="mobile-sub wsmenu-list wsmenu-list-left_logo"> <!--view login with account artists --> <li> <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>" title=""><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/logos/logo-07.png" alt="" /></a> <?php if ($params1 == null) { ?> <ul class="wsmenu-submenu" style="min-width: 160px;"> <li ><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Artist</a></li> <li ><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/fan");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Fan</a></li> <li><a href="#worldwide"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Worldwide Featured Artist</a></li> <li><a href="#local"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Local-Featured Artist</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("mds");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Music Distribution System</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist#artist_landing");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>ALP</a></li> <!--<li><a href="#epk"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Electronic Press Kit</a></li>--> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist#ttt");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>The Total Tour</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("make_money");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Artist Music Player</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist#social_media");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>One Stop Social Media</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist#gigs_events");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Gigs & Events</a></li> <!--<li><a href="#dashboard"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Dashboard Chat</a></li>--> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("features/artist#music_referral");?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Musicians Referral</a></li> </ul> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </nav> <?php } else { ?> <div class="logo"><a href="<?php echo base_url(); 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} ?> href="#"><i class="fa fa-heartbeat"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Dashboard<span class="arrow"></span></a> <ul class="wsmenu-submenu" style="min-width: 160px;"> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'managersong') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('artist/managersong') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Songs</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'managervideo') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('artist/managervideo') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Videos</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'managerphoto') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('artist/managerphoto') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Photos</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'manager-comment') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('artist/manager-comment')?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Comments</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'managerpress') { echo 'class="activesub"'; 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} ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url('social_media/stop_typing') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>1 stop typing</a></li> --> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'top-100-list') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url('top-100-list') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Top 100 Fans - Amp Sales</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="wsmenu-click"></span><a <?php if ($params1 == 'findamusician' || $params1 == 'artists' || $params1 == 'make_money' || $params1 == 'top-100-list') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> href="#"><i class="fa fa-music"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Earn Money<span class="arrow"></span></a> <ul class="wsmenu-submenu" style="min-width: 160px;"> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'artists') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url('artists') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Create AMP-Video</a></li> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'make_money') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>make_money"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Artist Music Player</a></li> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'top-100-list') { echo 'class="activesub"'; 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} ?> href="<?php echo base_url('local-featured') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Local Featured Artist</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params2 == 'world_wide_featured') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('world_wide_featured') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>World Wide Featured Artist</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="wsmenu-click"></span><a <?php if ($params1 == 'findamusician' || $params1 == 'artists' || $params1 == 'make_money' || $params1 == 'top-100-list') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> href="#"><i class="fa fa-music"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Earn Money<span class="arrow"></span></a> <ul class="wsmenu-submenu" style="min-width: 160px;"> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'artists') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url('artists') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Create AMP-Video</a></li> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'make_money') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>make_money"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Artist Music Player</a></li> <li <?php if ($params1 == 'top-100-list') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>><a href="<?php echo base_url('top-100-list') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Top 100 Fans - Amp Sales</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="wsmenu-click"></span><a <?php if ($params1 == 'gigs_events') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('gigs_events') ?>"><i class="fa fa-music"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;SHOWs</a> </li> <li> <span class="wsmenu-click"></span><a <?php if ($params1 == '#') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('#') ?>"><i class="fa fa-music"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Search</a> </li> <?php }?> </ul> <ul class="mobile-sub wsmenu-list wsmenu-list-right"> <?php if (isset($user_data)) { ?> <li> <span class="wsmenu-click"></span><a <?php if (($params1 == 'account' && $params2 == 'credit') || ($params1 == 'subscriptions' && $params2 == 'upgrade') || ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'profile')) { echo 'class="active"'; } if($user_data['role'] == 1) { $image_url = $this->M_user->get_avata($user_data['id']); } else{ $image_url = $this->M_user->get_avata_flp($user_data['id']); } ?> href="#"><img src="<?php echo $image_url?>" width="30"/> <span><?php echo $this->M_user->get_name($user_data['id'])?></span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <ul class="wsmenu-submenu responsive_menu" style="min-width: 160px;"> <?php if ($user_data['role'] == 1) { if ($user_data['is_admin'] != 0) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo base_url('admin/dashboard') ?>"><i class="fa fa-tachometer"></i>Admin Dashboard</a></li> <?php } ?> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'artist' && $params2 == 'profile') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('artist/profile') ?>"><i class="fa fa-tachometer"></i> Create Profile</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'amper' && $params2 == 'dashboard') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?>href="<?php echo base_url('amper/dashboard') ?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>Music-Player Dashboard</a></li> <?php if ($check_upgrade) { ?><li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'subscriptions' && $params2 == 'subscriptions_plan') { echo 'class="activesub"'; } ?> href="<?php echo base_url('subscriptions/subscriptions_plan') ?>"><i class="fa fa-tachometer"></i> Subscriptions & Billing</a></li> <?php } ?> <!--<li><a <?php if ($params1 == 'subscriptions' && $params2 == 'upgrade') { echo 'class="activesub"'; 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// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers // Copyright (c) 2013 The NovaCoin developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or #include "txdb.h" #include "miner.h" #include "kernel.h" using namespace std; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BitcoinMiner // extern unsigned int nMinerSleep; int static FormatHashBlocks(void* pbuffer, unsigned int len) { unsigned char* pdata = (unsigned char*)pbuffer; unsigned int blocks = 1 + ((len + 8) / 64); unsigned char* pend = pdata + 64 * blocks; memset(pdata + len, 0, 64 * blocks - len); pdata[len] = 0x80; unsigned int bits = len * 8; pend[-1] = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; pend[-2] = (bits >> 8) & 0xff; pend[-3] = (bits >> 16) & 0xff; pend[-4] = (bits >> 24) & 0xff; return blocks; } static const unsigned int pSHA256InitState[8] = {0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19}; void SHA256Transform(void* pstate, void* pinput, const void* pinit) { SHA256_CTX ctx; unsigned char data[64]; SHA256_Init(&ctx); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) ((uint32_t*)data)[i] = ByteReverse(((uint32_t*)pinput)[i]); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) ctx.h[i] = ((uint32_t*)pinit)[i]; SHA256_Update(&ctx, data, sizeof(data)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) ((uint32_t*)pstate)[i] = ctx.h[i]; } // Some explaining would be appreciated class COrphan { public: CTransaction* ptx; set<uint256> setDependsOn; double dPriority; double dFeePerKb; COrphan(CTransaction* ptxIn) { ptx = ptxIn; dPriority = dFeePerKb = 0; } void print() const { printf("COrphan(hash=%s, dPriority=%.1f, dFeePerKb=%.1f)\n", ptx->GetHash().ToString().substr(0,10).c_str(), dPriority, dFeePerKb); BOOST_FOREACH(uint256 hash, setDependsOn) printf(" setDependsOn %s\n", hash.ToString().substr(0,10).c_str()); } }; uint64_t nLastBlockTx = 0; uint64_t nLastBlockSize = 0; int64_t nLastCoinStakeSearchInterval = 0; // We want to sort transactions by priority and fee, so: typedef boost::tuple<double, double, CTransaction*> TxPriority; class TxPriorityCompare { bool byFee; public: TxPriorityCompare(bool _byFee) : byFee(_byFee) { } bool operator()(const TxPriority& a, const TxPriority& b) { if (byFee) { if (a.get<1>() == b.get<1>()) return a.get<0>() < b.get<0>(); return a.get<1>() < b.get<1>(); } else { if (a.get<0>() == b.get<0>()) return a.get<1>() < b.get<1>(); return a.get<0>() < b.get<0>(); } } }; // CreateNewBlock: create new block (without proof-of-work/proof-of-stake) CBlock* CreateNewBlock(CWallet* pwallet, bool fProofOfStake, int64_t* pFees) { // Create new block auto_ptr<CBlock> pblock(new CBlock()); if (!pblock.get()) return NULL; CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = pindexBest; // Create coinbase tx CTransaction txNew;;[0].prevout.SetNull(); txNew.vout.resize(1); if (!fProofOfStake) { CReserveKey reservekey(pwallet); CPubKey pubkey; if (!reservekey.GetReservedKey(pubkey)) return NULL; txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey.SetDestination(pubkey.GetID()); } else { // Height first in coinbase required for block.version=2[0].scriptSig = (CScript() << pindexPrev->nHeight+1) + COINBASE_FLAGS; assert([0].scriptSig.size() <= 100); txNew.vout[0].SetEmpty(); } // Add our coinbase tx as first transaction pblock->vtx.push_back(txNew); // Largest block you're willing to create: unsigned int nBlockMaxSize = GetArg("-blockmaxsize", MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_GEN/2); // Limit to betweeen 1K and MAX_BLOCK_SIZE-1K for sanity: nBlockMaxSize = std::max((unsigned int)1000, std::min((unsigned int)(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE-1000), nBlockMaxSize)); // How much of the block should be dedicated to high-priority transactions, // included regardless of the fees they pay unsigned int nBlockPrioritySize = GetArg("-blockprioritysize", 27000); nBlockPrioritySize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockPrioritySize); // Minimum block size you want to create; block will be filled with free transactions // until there are no more or the block reaches this size: unsigned int nBlockMinSize = GetArg("-blockminsize", 0); nBlockMinSize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockMinSize); // Fee-per-kilobyte amount considered the same as "free" // Be careful setting this: if you set it to zero then // a transaction spammer can cheaply fill blocks using // 1-satoshi-fee transactions. It should be set above the real // cost to you of processing a transaction. int64_t nMinTxFee = MIN_TX_FEE; if (mapArgs.count("-mintxfee")) ParseMoney(mapArgs["-mintxfee"], nMinTxFee); pblock->nBits = GetNextTargetRequired(pindexPrev, fProofOfStake); // Collect memory pool transactions into the block int64_t nFees = 0; { LOCK2(cs_main, mempool.cs); CTxDB txdb("r"); // Priority order to process transactions list<COrphan> vOrphan; // list memory doesn't move map<uint256, vector<COrphan*> > mapDependers; // This vector will be sorted into a priority queue: vector<TxPriority> vecPriority; vecPriority.reserve(mempool.mapTx.size()); for (map<uint256, CTransaction>::iterator mi = mempool.mapTx.begin(); mi != mempool.mapTx.end(); ++mi) { CTransaction& tx = (*mi).second; if (tx.IsCoinBase() || tx.IsCoinStake() || !IsFinalTx(tx, pindexPrev->nHeight + 1)) continue; COrphan* porphan = NULL; double dPriority = 0; int64_t nTotalIn = 0; bool fMissingInputs = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, { // Read prev transaction CTransaction txPrev; CTxIndex txindex; if (!txPrev.ReadFromDisk(txdb, txin.prevout, txindex)) { // This should never happen; all transactions in the memory // pool should connect to either transactions in the chain // or other transactions in the memory pool. if (!mempool.mapTx.count(txin.prevout.hash)) { printf("ERROR: mempool transaction missing input\n"); if (fDebug) assert("mempool transaction missing input" == 0); fMissingInputs = true; if (porphan) vOrphan.pop_back(); break; } // Has to wait for dependencies if (!porphan) { // Use list for automatic deletion vOrphan.push_back(COrphan(&tx)); porphan = &vOrphan.back(); } mapDependers[txin.prevout.hash].push_back(porphan); porphan->setDependsOn.insert(txin.prevout.hash); nTotalIn += mempool.mapTx[txin.prevout.hash].vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue; continue; } int64_t nValueIn = txPrev.vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue; nTotalIn += nValueIn; int nConf = txindex.GetDepthInMainChain(); dPriority += (double)nValueIn * nConf; } if (fMissingInputs) continue; // Priority is sum(valuein * age) / txsize unsigned int nTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); dPriority /= nTxSize; // This is a more accurate fee-per-kilobyte than is used by the client code, because the // client code rounds up the size to the nearest 1K. That's good, because it gives an // incentive to create smaller transactions. double dFeePerKb = double(nTotalIn-tx.GetValueOut()) / (double(nTxSize)/1000.0); if (porphan) { porphan->dPriority = dPriority; porphan->dFeePerKb = dFeePerKb; } else vecPriority.push_back(TxPriority(dPriority, dFeePerKb, &(*mi).second)); } // Collect transactions into block map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapTestPool; uint64_t nBlockSize = 1000; uint64_t nBlockTx = 0; int nBlockSigOps = 100; bool fSortedByFee = (nBlockPrioritySize <= 0); TxPriorityCompare comparer(fSortedByFee); std::make_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); while (!vecPriority.empty()) { // Take highest priority transaction off the priority queue: double dPriority = vecPriority.front().get<0>(); double dFeePerKb = vecPriority.front().get<1>(); CTransaction& tx = *(vecPriority.front().get<2>()); std::pop_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); vecPriority.pop_back(); // Size limits unsigned int nTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); if (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockMaxSize) continue; // Legacy limits on sigOps: unsigned int nTxSigOps = tx.GetLegacySigOpCount(); if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) continue; // Timestamp limit if (tx.nTime > GetAdjustedTime() || (fProofOfStake && tx.nTime > pblock->vtx[0].nTime)) continue; // Transaction fee int64_t nMinFee = tx.GetMinFee(nBlockSize, GMF_BLOCK); // Skip free transactions if we're past the minimum block size: if (fSortedByFee && (dFeePerKb < nMinTxFee) && (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockMinSize)) continue; // Prioritize by fee once past the priority size or we run out of high-priority // transactions: if (!fSortedByFee && ((nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockPrioritySize) || (dPriority < COIN * 144 / 250))) { fSortedByFee = true; comparer = TxPriorityCompare(fSortedByFee); std::make_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); } // Connecting shouldn't fail due to dependency on other memory pool transactions // because we're already processing them in order of dependency map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapTestPoolTmp(mapTestPool); MapPrevTx mapInputs; bool fInvalid; if (!tx.FetchInputs(txdb, mapTestPoolTmp, false, true, mapInputs, fInvalid)) continue; int64_t nTxFees = tx.GetValueIn(mapInputs)-tx.GetValueOut(); if (nTxFees < nMinFee) continue; nTxSigOps += tx.GetP2SHSigOpCount(mapInputs); if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) continue; if (!tx.ConnectInputs(txdb, mapInputs, mapTestPoolTmp, CDiskTxPos(1,1,1), pindexPrev, false, true)) continue; mapTestPoolTmp[tx.GetHash()] = CTxIndex(CDiskTxPos(1,1,1), tx.vout.size()); swap(mapTestPool, mapTestPoolTmp); // Added pblock->vtx.push_back(tx); nBlockSize += nTxSize; ++nBlockTx; nBlockSigOps += nTxSigOps; nFees += nTxFees; if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printpriority")) { printf("priority %.1f feeperkb %.1f txid %s\n", dPriority, dFeePerKb, tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str()); } // Add transactions that depend on this one to the priority queue uint256 hash = tx.GetHash(); if (mapDependers.count(hash)) { BOOST_FOREACH(COrphan* porphan, mapDependers[hash]) { if (!porphan->setDependsOn.empty()) { porphan->setDependsOn.erase(hash); if (porphan->setDependsOn.empty()) { vecPriority.push_back(TxPriority(porphan->dPriority, porphan->dFeePerKb, porphan->ptx)); std::push_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); } } } } } nLastBlockTx = nBlockTx; nLastBlockSize = nBlockSize; if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printpriority")) printf("CreateNewBlock(): total size %"PRIu64"\n", nBlockSize); if (!fProofOfStake) pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue = GetProofOfWorkReward(nFees); if (pFees) *pFees = nFees; // Fill in header pblock->hashPrevBlock = pindexPrev->GetBlockHash(); pblock->nTime = max(pindexPrev->GetPastTimeLimit()+1, pblock->GetMaxTransactionTime()); pblock->nTime = max(pblock->GetBlockTime(), PastDrift(pindexPrev->GetBlockTime())); if (!fProofOfStake) pblock->UpdateTime(pindexPrev); pblock->nNonce = 0; } return pblock.release(); } void IncrementExtraNonce(CBlock* pblock, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, unsigned int& nExtraNonce) { // Update nExtraNonce static uint256 hashPrevBlock; if (hashPrevBlock != pblock->hashPrevBlock) { nExtraNonce = 0; hashPrevBlock = pblock->hashPrevBlock; } ++nExtraNonce; unsigned int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight+1; // Height first in coinbase required for block.version=2 pblock->vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig = (CScript() << nHeight << CBigNum(nExtraNonce)) + COINBASE_FLAGS; assert(pblock->vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig.size() <= 100); pblock->hashMerkleRoot = pblock->BuildMerkleTree(); } void FormatHashBuffers(CBlock* pblock, char* pmidstate, char* pdata, char* phash1) { // // Pre-build hash buffers // struct { struct unnamed2 { int nVersion; uint256 hashPrevBlock; uint256 hashMerkleRoot; unsigned int nTime; unsigned int nBits; unsigned int nNonce; } block; unsigned char pchPadding0[64]; uint256 hash1; unsigned char pchPadding1[64]; } tmp; memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); tmp.block.nVersion = pblock->nVersion; tmp.block.hashPrevBlock = pblock->hashPrevBlock; tmp.block.hashMerkleRoot = pblock->hashMerkleRoot; tmp.block.nTime = pblock->nTime; tmp.block.nBits = pblock->nBits; tmp.block.nNonce = pblock->nNonce; FormatHashBlocks(&tmp.block, sizeof(tmp.block)); FormatHashBlocks(&tmp.hash1, sizeof(tmp.hash1)); // Byte swap all the input buffer for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tmp)/4; i++) ((unsigned int*)&tmp)[i] = ByteReverse(((unsigned int*)&tmp)[i]); // Precalc the first half of the first hash, which stays constant SHA256Transform(pmidstate, &tmp.block, pSHA256InitState); memcpy(pdata, &tmp.block, 128); memcpy(phash1, &tmp.hash1, 64); } bool CheckWork(CBlock* pblock, CWallet& wallet, CReserveKey& reservekey) { uint256 hashBlock = pblock->GetHash(); uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(pblock->nBits).getuint256(); if(!pblock->IsProofOfWork()) return error("CheckWork() : %s is not a proof-of-work block", hashBlock.GetHex().c_str()); if (hashBlock > hashTarget) return error("CheckWork() : proof-of-work not meeting target"); //// debug print printf("CheckWork() : new proof-of-work block found \n hash: %s \ntarget: %s\n", hashBlock.GetHex().c_str(), hashTarget.GetHex().c_str()); pblock->print(); printf("generated %s\n", FormatMoney(pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue).c_str()); // Found a solution { LOCK(cs_main); if (pblock->hashPrevBlock != hashBestChain) return error("CheckWork() : generated block is stale"); // Remove key from key pool reservekey.KeepKey(); // Track how many getdata requests this block gets { LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); wallet.mapRequestCount[hashBlock] = 0; } // Process this block the same as if we had received it from another node if (!ProcessBlock(NULL, pblock)) return error("CheckWork() : ProcessBlock, block not accepted"); } return true; } bool CheckStake(CBlock* pblock, CWallet& wallet) { uint256 proofHash = 0, hashTarget = 0; uint256 hashBlock = pblock->GetHash(); if(!pblock->IsProofOfStake()) return error("CheckStake() : %s is not a proof-of-stake block", hashBlock.GetHex().c_str()); // verify hash target and signature of coinstake tx if (!CheckProofOfStake(pblock->vtx[1], pblock->nBits, proofHash, hashTarget)) return error("CheckStake() : proof-of-stake checking failed"); //// debug print printf("CheckStake() : new proof-of-stake block found \n hash: %s \nproofhash: %s \ntarget: %s\n", hashBlock.GetHex().c_str(), proofHash.GetHex().c_str(), hashTarget.GetHex().c_str()); pblock->print(); printf("out %s\n", FormatMoney(pblock->vtx[1].GetValueOut()).c_str()); // Found a solution { LOCK(cs_main); if (pblock->hashPrevBlock != hashBestChain) return error("CheckStake() : generated block is stale"); // Track how many getdata requests this block gets { LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); wallet.mapRequestCount[hashBlock] = 0; } // Process this block the same as if we had received it from another node if (!ProcessBlock(NULL, pblock)) return error("CheckStake() : ProcessBlock, block not accepted"); } return true; } void StakeMiner(CWallet *pwallet) { SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); // Make this thread recognisable as the mining thread RenameThread("EddieCoin-miner"); bool fTryToSync = true; while (true) { if (fShutdown) return; while (pwallet->IsLocked()) { nLastCoinStakeSearchInterval = 0; MilliSleep(1000); if (fShutdown) return; } while (vNodes.empty() || IsInitialBlockDownload()) { nLastCoinStakeSearchInterval = 0; fTryToSync = true; MilliSleep(1000); if (fShutdown) return; } if (fTryToSync) { fTryToSync = false; if (vNodes.size() < 3 || nBestHeight < GetNumBlocksOfPeers()) { MilliSleep(60000); continue; } } // // Create new block // int64_t nFees; auto_ptr<CBlock> pblock(CreateNewBlock(pwallet, true, &nFees)); if (!pblock.get()) return; // Trying to sign a block if (pblock->SignBlock(*pwallet, nFees)) { SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); CheckStake(pblock.get(), *pwallet); SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); MilliSleep(500); } else MilliSleep(nMinerSleep); } }
using System.Threading.Tasks; using Lykke.Service.ExchangeConnector.Client.Models; using MarginTrading.Backend.Core; using MarginTrading.Contract.RabbitMqMessageModels; namespace MarginTrading.Backend.Services.Notifications { public interface IRabbitMqNotifyService { Task AccountHistory(string transactionId, string accountId, string clientId, decimal amount, decimal balance, decimal withdrawTransferLimit, AccountHistoryType type, decimal amountInUsd = default, string comment = null, string eventSourceId = null, string legalEntity = null, string auditLog = null); Task OrderHistory(IOrder order, OrderUpdateType orderUpdateType); Task OrderReject(IOrder order); Task OrderBookPrice(InstrumentBidAskPair quote); Task OrderChanged(IOrder order); Task AccountUpdated(IMarginTradingAccount account); Task AccountStopout(string clientId, string accountId, int positionsCount, decimal totalPnl); Task UserUpdates(bool updateAccountAssets, bool updateAccounts, string[] clientIds); void Stop(); Task AccountCreated(IMarginTradingAccount account); Task AccountDeleted(IMarginTradingAccount account); Task AccountMarginEvent(AccountMarginEventMessage eventMessage); Task UpdateAccountStats(AccountStatsUpdateMessage message); Task NewTrade(TradeContract trade); Task ExternalOrder(ExecutionReport trade); } }
require 'ims/lti' class GuideController < ApplicationController def home end def xml_builder @placements = CanvasExtensions::PLACEMENTS end def xml_config tc = => "Example Tool Provider", :launch_url => blti_launch_url) tc.description = "This is a Sample Tool Provider." if query_params = request.query_parameters platform = CanvasExtensions::PLATFORM tc.set_ext_param(platform, :selection_width, query_params[:selection_width]) tc.set_ext_param(platform, :selection_height, query_params[:selection_height]) tc.set_ext_param(platform, :privacy_level, 'public') tc.set_ext_param(platform, :text, 'Extension text') tc.set_ext_param(platform, :icon_url, view_context.asset_url('selector.png')) tc.set_ext_param(platform, :domain, request.host_with_port) query_params[:custom_params].each { |_, v| tc.set_custom_param(v[:name].to_sym, v[:value]) } if query_params[:custom_params] query_params[:placements].each { |k, _| create_placement(tc, k.to_sym) } if query_params[:placements] end render xml: tc.to_xml(:indent => 2) end private def create_placement(tc, placement_key) message_type = request.query_parameters["#{placement_key}_message_type"] || :basic_lti_request navigation_params = case message_type when 'content_item_selection' {url: content_item_launch_url, message_type: 'ContentItemSelection'} when 'content_item_selection_request' {url: content_item_request_launch_url, message_type: 'ContentItemSelectionRequest'} else {url: blti_launch_url} end navigation_params[:icon_url] = view_context.asset_url('selector.png') + "?#{placement_key}" navigation_params[:canvas_icon_class] = "icon-lti" navigation_params[:text] = "#{placement_key} Text" tc.set_ext_param(CanvasExtensions::PLATFORM, placement_key, navigation_params) end end
require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require_relative 'shared/constants' require_relative '../../../core/file/shared/read' describe "Digest::SHA512.file" do describe "when passed a path to a file that exists" do before :each do @file = tmp("md5_temp") touch(@file, 'wb') {|f| f.write SHA512Constants::Contents } end after :each do rm_r @file end it "returns a Digest::SHA512 object" do Digest::SHA512.file(@file).should be_kind_of(Digest::SHA512) end it "returns a Digest::SHA512 object with the correct digest" do Digest::SHA512.file(@file).digest.should == SHA512Constants::Digest end it "calls #to_str on an object and returns the Digest::SHA512 with the result" do obj = mock("to_str") obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(@file) result = Digest::SHA512.file(obj) result.should be_kind_of(Digest::SHA512) result.digest.should == SHA512Constants::Digest end end it_behaves_like :file_read_directory, :file, Digest::SHA512 it "raises a Errno::ENOENT when passed a path that does not exist" do lambda { Digest::SHA512.file("") }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "raises a TypeError when passed nil" do lambda { Digest::SHA512.file(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end
using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Anotar.NLog; using CroquetAustralia.Domain.Services.Serializers; using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage; using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue; namespace CroquetAustralia.Domain.Services.Queues { public abstract class QueueBase : IQueueBase { private readonly Lazy<CloudQueue> _lazyQueue; private readonly string _queueName; private readonly QueueMessageSerializer _serializer; protected QueueBase(string queueName, IAzureStorageConnectionString connectionString) : this(queueName, connectionString, new QueueMessageSerializer()) { } protected QueueBase(string queueName, IAzureStorageConnectionString connectionString, QueueMessageSerializer serializer) { _queueName = queueName; _serializer = serializer; _lazyQueue = new Lazy<CloudQueue>(() => GetQueue(queueName, connectionString.Value)); } private CloudQueue CloudQueue => _lazyQueue.Value; public async Task AddMessageAsync(object @event) { LogTo.Info($"Adding '{@event.GetType().FullName}' to '{_queueName}' queue."); var content = _serializer.Serialize(@event); var message = new CloudQueueMessage(content); await CloudQueue.AddMessageAsync(message); } private static CloudQueue GetQueue(string queueName, string connectionString) { var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString); var queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient(); var queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(queueName); queue.CreateIfNotExists(); return queue; } } }
class CreatePhrases < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :phrases do |t| t.belongs_to :country t.string :hello t.string :please t.string :thanks t.string :bathroom t.timestamps end end end
const electron = require('electron'); const ipcRenderer = electron.ipcRenderer; window.onload = function() { ipcRenderer.send('game-preview-loaded'); } ipcRenderer.on('game-preview-start', function(event, data) { var app = new Application({ // resize: true, fullscreen: true, antyAliasing: true, preload: function(){ console.log(data.assets); //load images for (var i = 0; i < data.assets.length; i++) { var meta = data.assets[i]; if(meta.type == 'script') { require(meta.path); // connect script with uuid } else { this.loader.load(meta.type, meta.path,, meta.uuid); } } //load scene (json) // this.loader.load('json', scene file path, 'scene.json'); }, //instantiate scene objects loaded: function(){ //instantiate all object for(var i = 0; i < data.sceneFile.length; i++) { if(data.sceneFile[i].tag == 'mainCamera') { this.mainCamera = this.scene.instantiate(data.sceneFile[i]); } else { this.scene.instantiate(data.sceneFile[i]); } } }, //actual start function start: function(){ //show must go on }, preupdate: function(){ }, postupdate: function(){ }, postrender: function(){ // var layer =; //; // layer.textAlign('left'); // layer.font('30px Arial'); // layer.fillStyle('white'); // // var fps = (Time.deltaTime).toFixed(3); // // layer.fillText(fps || 0, 0,30); // layer.ctx.restore(); } }); })
module.exports = { token: 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN', polling: { timeout: 3, limit: 100 } };
/* ColorComboBoxTest.cs -- * Ars Magna project, * ------------------------------------------------------- * Status: poor */ #region Using directives using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using AM; using AM.Windows.Forms; using CodeJam; using IrbisUI; using JetBrains.Annotations; using ManagedIrbis; using MoonSharp.Interpreter; using Newtonsoft.Json; #endregion namespace UITests { public sealed class ColorComboBoxTest : IUITest { #region IUITest members public void Run ( IWin32Window ownerWindow ) { using (Form form = new Form()) { form.Size = new Size(800, 600); ColorComboBox colorBox = new ColorComboBox { Location = new Point(10, 10), Width = 200 }; form.Controls.Add(colorBox); TextBox textBox = new TextBox { Location = new Point(310, 10), Width = 300 }; form.Controls.Add(textBox); colorBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) => { textBox.Text = colorBox.SelectedColor.ToString(); }; form.ShowDialog(ownerWindow); } } #endregion } }
<?php return array( '_root_' => 'admin/index', // The default route '_404_' => 'welcome/404', // The main 404 route 'admin/detail/:id' => array('admin/detail/$1', 'name' => 'detail'), 'admin/write' => '/admin/write/', 'test'=> 'api/test', 'blog'=> 'api/blog', 'blog/insert'=> 'api/blog/insert', 'blog/update'=> 'api/blog/update', 'admin/list/'=> '/admin/list', 'admin/edit/:id' => array('admin/edit/$1', 'name' => 'edit'), 'admin/view/:id' => array('admin/view/$1', 'name' => 'view'), 'test/insert'=> 'api/test/insert', 'hello(/:name)?' => array('welcome/hello', 'name' => 'hello'), );
<!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="explor_post" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="post_structlLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Organization Position</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body" id="post_exp"> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $('#explor_post').on('', function (e) { StructOrgPost(1); }) $('#explor_post').on('click', '.nav-open', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).data('id'); StructOrgPost(id); }); $('#explor_post').on('click', '.nav-select', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).data('id'); var text = $(this).data('text'); $('#txt_post').val(text); $('#hdn_post').val(id); }); function StructOrgPost(id) { var ajaxUrl = siteUrl + '/Om/Ajax/ShowOrgStrucSelection' ; $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrl, type: 'POST', dataType: 'html', data: {id: id,mode:'post'} }) .done(function(respond) { $('#post_exp').html(respond); }); } </script>
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using ActiproSoftware.Text; using ActiproSoftware.Text.Utility; using ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor; using ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor.IntelliPrompt.Implementation; using NQuery.Authoring.ActiproWpf.SymbolContent; using NQuery.Authoring.ActiproWpf.Text; using NQuery.Authoring.QuickInfo; namespace NQuery.Authoring.ActiproWpf.QuickInfo { internal sealed class NQueryQuickInfoProvider : QuickInfoProviderBase, INQueryQuickInfoProvider { private readonly IServiceLocator _serviceLocator; public NQueryQuickInfoProvider(IServiceLocator serviceLocator) { _serviceLocator = serviceLocator; } private INQuerySymbolContentProvider SymbolContentProvider { get { return _serviceLocator.GetService<INQuerySymbolContentProvider>(); } } public Collection<IQuickInfoModelProvider> Providers { get; } = new(); public override object GetContext(IEditorView view, int offset) { var documentView = view.SyntaxEditor.GetDocumentView(); var document = documentView.Document; if (!document.TryGetSemanticModel(out var semanticModel)) return null; var snapshot = document.Text.ToTextSnapshot(); var snapshotOffset = new TextSnapshotOffset(snapshot, offset); var position = snapshotOffset.ToOffset(); var model = semanticModel.GetQuickInfoModel(position, Providers); return model; } protected override bool RequestSession(IEditorView view, object context) { if (context is not QuickInfoModel model) return false; var text = model.SemanticModel.SyntaxTree.Text; var textSnapshotRange = text.ToSnapshotRange(model.Span); var textRange = textSnapshotRange.TextRange; var content = SymbolContentProvider.GetContentProvider(model.Glyph, model.Markup).GetContent(); var quickInfoSession = new QuickInfoSession(); quickInfoSession.Context = context; quickInfoSession.Content = content; quickInfoSession.Open(view, textRange); return true; } protected override IEnumerable<Type> ContextTypes { get { return new[] { typeof(QuickInfoModel) }; } } } }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void display(const int *xPos, const int *yPos); void move(int *xPos, int *yPos); int main(void) { int x = 10; int y = 20; display(&x, &y); move(&x, &y); display(&x, &y); return 0; } void display(const int *xPos, const int *yPos) { // btw const not needed for this cout << "Current position [" << *xPos << ", " << *yPos << "]" << endl; } void move(int *xPos, int *yPos) { *xPos = *xPos + 1; *yPos = *yPos + 1; }
Software/Game Programming/Codes/ConsoleApplication5/ConsoleApplication5/ConstPointer.cpp
class Room < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, :presence => true has_many :users has_many :room_logs end
Template.friendPosts.onCreated(function() { Bisia.Notification.resetNotify('note', 'post'); }) Template.friendPosts.helpers({ getPost: function(postId) { var post = Posts.findOne(postId); if (post) { var user = Users.findOne({ '_id': post.authorId }, { 'fields': { 'username': 1, '': 1, 'profile.gender': 1, 'profile.status': 1, 'profile.avatar': 1, '': 1, 'profile.birthday': 1 }}); post.showHeader = true; post.usern = user.username; post.profile = user.profile; return post; } }, detectFirstPage: function() { var increment = Bisia.getController('increment'); var limit = Bisia.getController('params')['pageLimit']; // Don't show spinner by default var pageDisplay = true; // If we are on the first page... if (!limit || limit == increment) { // pageDisplay becomes reactive pageDisplay = this.pageReady; } // Add pageDisplay to this return _.extend(this, { pageDisplay: pageDisplay }); } });{ 'scroll .content': function(e, t) { Bisia.Ui.toggleAtBottom(e, '#helpbars', 'bottom-show'); } });
import { all, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import actions from '#actions'; import handleShareFormChange from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareFormChange'; import handleShareFormSubmit from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareFormSubmit'; import handleShareItemsSelect from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareItemsSelect'; function* startAlbumsSharingService(apis) { yield all([ takeEvery(actions.uiShareItemsSelected, handleShareItemsSelect, apis), takeEvery(actions.uiShareFormSubmited, handleShareFormSubmit, apis), takeEvery(actions.uiShareFormChanged, handleShareFormChange, apis), ]); } export default startAlbumsSharingService;
var fs = require('fs'), eol = require('eol'), path = require('path'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp'), watch = require('watch'); var specialFiles = { '': function(fileContent, consoleContent) { consoleContent.welcome = processFileContent(fileContent); }, 'config.json': function(fileContent, consoleContent) { var config = JSON.parse(fileContent); consoleContent.executables = config.executables; consoleContent.__config = config; } }; function processFileContent(fileContent) { fileContent = eol.lf(fileContent); fileContent = new Buffer(fileContent).toString('base64'); return fileContent; } function createContentFile(fileName, fileContent) { var parsed = path.parse(fileName); return { content: processFileContent(fileContent), base: fileName, name:, ext: parsed.ext }; } function hasExecutableForFile(executables, fileName) { if (!executables) { return false; } for (var i in executables) { if (executables[i].file === fileName) { return true; } } return false; } function setFilePermissions(files, config) { if (!files) { return; } for (var fileName in files) { var file = files[fileName]; if (!config.noRead || config.noRead.indexOf(file.base) === -1) { file.readable = true; } if (config.writeable && config.writeable.indexOf(file.base) !== -1) { file.writeable = true; } if (hasExecutableForFile(config.executables, file.base)) { file.executable = true; } } } /** * This badass here reads all files from the console folders and creates the content.json file. */ function createConsoleContent() { var srcPath = './src/content'; var targetPath = './dist/content'; var consoleFolders = fs.readdirSync(srcPath); if (!consoleFolders) { return; } consoleFolders.forEach(function(folderName) { var consoleSrcPath = srcPath + '/' + folderName; var consoleTargetPath = targetPath + '/' + folderName; var stats = fs.statSync(consoleSrcPath); if (!stats.isDirectory()) { return; } var files = fs.readdirSync(consoleSrcPath); if (!files || files.length === 0) { console.log('No files found for ' + consoleSrcPath); } else { console.log('Processing content ' + folderName); var consoleContent = { files: {} }; files.forEach(function(file) { var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(consoleSrcPath + '/' + file, 'utf8'); if (specialFiles[file]) { specialFiles[file](fileContent, consoleContent); } else { consoleContent.files[file] = createContentFile(file, fileContent); } }); if (consoleContent.__config) { setFilePermissions(consoleContent.files, consoleContent.__config); delete consoleContent.__config; } mkdirp.sync(consoleTargetPath); fs.writeFileSync(consoleTargetPath + '/content.json', JSON.stringify(consoleContent), 'utf8'); } }); } if (process.argv.indexOf('--watching') !== -1) { watch.watchTree('./src/content', function() { createConsoleContent(); }); } else { createConsoleContent(); }
<?php include_once('conexao.class.php'); class Disciplina{ public $id_disciplina; public $nome; public $professor; public $curso; public $carga_horaria; public function __construct(){ //print "Disciplina instanciada!"; } public function gravar(){ $sql = "insert into disciplina (nome, professor, curso, carga_horaria) values (?,?,?,?)"; $con = new Conexao(); $stm = $con->prepare($sql); $stm->bindParam(1, $this->nome); $stm->bindParam(2, $this->professor); $stm->bindParam(3, $this->curso); $stm->bindParam(4, $this->carga_horaria); $stm->execute(); //echo "gravado"; } public function __get($var){ return $this->$var; } public function __set($var, $valor){ $this->$var = $valor; } public function listar(){ $sql = "select * from disciplina"; $con = new Conexao(); $stm = $con->prepare($sql); $stm->execute(); return $stm; } } ?>
// // MIT License // // Copyright 2019 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // #include "controller.hh" #include "log.hh" #include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp> #include <boost/static_assert.hpp> #include <map> using namespace jones; using button = jones::controller::button; using button_state = jones::controller::button_state; using button_state_map = std::map<button, button_state>; namespace { auto position_to_button(const uint8_t position) -> button { switch (position) { case 0: return button::BUTTON_A; case 1: return button::BUTTON_B; case 2: return button::BUTTON_SELECT; case 3: return button::BUTTON_START; case 4: return button::BUTTON_UP; case 5: return button::BUTTON_DOWN; case 6: return button::BUTTON_LEFT; case 7: return button::BUTTON_RIGHT; default: BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT("unexpected button found"); return button::BUTTON_INVALID; } } } // namespace auto controller::button_to_string(const button button) -> auto { switch (button) { case button::BUTTON_A: return "BUTTON_A"; case button::BUTTON_B: return "BUTTON_B"; case button::BUTTON_SELECT: return "BUTTON_SELECT"; case button::BUTTON_START: return "BUTTON_START"; case button::BUTTON_UP: return "BUTTON_UP"; case button::BUTTON_DOWN: return "BUTTON_DOWN"; case button::BUTTON_LEFT: return "BUTTON_LEFT"; case button::BUTTON_RIGHT: return "BUTTON_RIGHT"; default: return "BUTTON_INVALID"; } } auto controller::button_state_to_string(const button_state button_state) -> auto { switch (button_state) { case button_state::BUTTON_STATE_DOWN: return "BUTTON_STATE_DOWN"; case button_state::BUTTON_STATE_UP: return "BUTTON_STATE_UP"; default: return "BUTTON_STATE_INVALID"; } } auto controller::controller_state_to_string(const controller_state controller_state) -> auto { switch (controller_state) { case controller_state::CONTROLLER_STATE_CONNECTED: return "CONTROLLER_STATE_CONNECTED"; case controller_state::CONTROLLER_STATE_DISCONNECTED: return "CONTROLLER_STATE_DISCONNECTED"; default: return "CONTROLLER_STATE_INVALID"; } } class controller::controller::impl { public: explicit impl(const memory &memory) : memory_(memory), strobe_(0), index_(0), button_states_(), controller_state_(controller_state::CONTROLLER_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { boost::ignore_unused(memory_); } ~impl() = default; auto set_button_state(const button button, const button_state button_state) -> void { button_states_[button] = button_state; LOG_DEBUG << "controller::set_button_state : " << "button [" << button_to_string(button) << "] " << "button_state [" << button_state_to_string(button_state) << "]"; } auto get_button_state(const button button) -> auto { return button_states_[button]; } auto set_controller_state(const controller_state controller_state) -> void { controller_state_ = controller_state; LOG_DEBUG << "controller::set_controller_state : " << "controller_state [" << controller_state_to_string(controller_state) << "]"; } auto get_controller_state() -> auto { return controller_state_; } auto peek(uint16_t const address) const -> uint8_t { boost::ignore_unused(address); uint8_t data = 0; if (index_ < 8) { auto const button_state = button_states_.find(position_to_button(index_)); if (button_state != button_states_.end() && button_state->second == button_state::BUTTON_STATE_DOWN) { data = 1; } } return data; } auto read(const uint16_t address) -> uint8_t { auto const data = peek(address); index_++; update_button_index(); return data; } auto write(uint16_t const address, uint8_t const data) -> void { boost::ignore_unused(address); strobe_ = data; update_button_index(); } private: auto update_button_index() -> void { if ((strobe_ & 0x1U) == 1) { index_ = 0; } } private: const memory &memory_; uint8_t strobe_; uint8_t index_; button_state_map button_states_; controller_state controller_state_; }; controller::controller::controller(memory const &memory) : impl_(std::make_unique<impl>(memory)) { } controller::controller::~controller() = default; auto controller::controller::set_button_state(button const button, button_state const state) -> void { impl_->set_button_state(button, state); } auto controller::controller::get_button_state(button const button) const -> button_state { return impl_->get_button_state(button); } auto controller::controller::set_controller_state(controller_state const state) -> void { impl_->set_controller_state(state); } auto controller::controller::get_controller_state() const -> controller_state { return impl_->get_controller_state(); } auto controller::controller::peek(uint16_t const address) const -> uint8_t { return impl_->peek(address); } auto controller::controller::read(uint16_t const address) const -> uint8_t { return impl_->read(address); } auto controller::controller::write(uint16_t const address, uint8_t const data) -> void { impl_->write(address, data); }
export const Camera = ` <svg viewBox="0 0 28 28"> <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M3 3h22a2 2 0 012 2v18a2 2 0 01-2 2H3a2 2 0 01-2-2V5a2 2 0 012-2z" stroke="currentColor"/> <circle stroke="currentColor" cx="14" cy="14" r="5"/> <path d="M22 7h1" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> </svg>`;
import datetime import time import boto import redis import requests import random import zlib from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.db import IntegrityError from django.db.models import Q from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.auth import login as login_user from django.contrib.auth import logout as logout_user from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden, Http404 from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import mail_admins from django.core.validators import email_re from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.utils import feedgenerator from mongoengine.queryset import OperationError from mongoengine.queryset import NotUniqueError from apps.recommendations.models import RecommendedFeed from apps.analyzer.models import MClassifierTitle, MClassifierAuthor, MClassifierFeed, MClassifierTag from apps.analyzer.models import apply_classifier_titles, apply_classifier_feeds from apps.analyzer.models import apply_classifier_authors, apply_classifier_tags from apps.analyzer.models import get_classifiers_for_user, sort_classifiers_by_feed from apps.profile.models import Profile from apps.reader.models import UserSubscription, UserSubscriptionFolders, RUserStory, Feature from apps.reader.forms import SignupForm, LoginForm, FeatureForm from apps.rss_feeds.models import MFeedIcon, MStarredStoryCounts from import MUserSearch from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics # from import SearchStarredStory try: from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed, MFeedPage, DuplicateFeed, MStory, MStarredStory except: pass from import MSharedStory, MSocialProfile, MSocialServices from import MSocialSubscription, MActivity, MInteraction from apps.categories.models import MCategory from import load_social_page from apps.rss_feeds.tasks import ScheduleImmediateFetches from utils import json_functions as json from utils.user_functions import get_user, ajax_login_required from utils.feed_functions import relative_timesince from utils.story_functions import format_story_link_date__short from utils.story_functions import format_story_link_date__long from utils.story_functions import strip_tags from utils import log as logging from utils.view_functions import get_argument_or_404, render_to, is_true from utils.view_functions import required_params from utils.ratelimit import ratelimit from vendor.timezones.utilities import localtime_for_timezone BANNED_URLS = [ "", ] @never_cache @render_to('reader/dashboard.xhtml') def index(request, **kwargs): if request.method == "GET" and request.subdomain and request.subdomain not in ['dev', 'www', 'debug']: username = request.subdomain try: if '.' in username: username = username.split('.')[0] user = User.objects.get(username__iexact=username) except User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect('http://%s%s' % ( Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('index'))) return load_social_page(request,, username=request.subdomain, **kwargs) if request.user.is_anonymous(): return welcome(request, **kwargs) else: return dashboard(request, **kwargs) def dashboard(request, **kwargs): user = request.user feed_count = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user).count() recommended_feeds = RecommendedFeed.objects.filter(is_public=True, ).select_related('feed')[:2] unmoderated_feeds = [] if user.is_staff: unmoderated_feeds = RecommendedFeed.objects.filter(is_public=False, declined_date__isnull=True ).select_related('feed')[:2] statistics = MStatistics.all() social_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( start_import_from_google_reader = request.session.get('import_from_google_reader', False) if start_import_from_google_reader: del request.session['import_from_google_reader'] if not user.is_active: url = "https://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('stripe-form')) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) logging.user(request, "~FBLoading dashboard") return { 'user_profile' : user.profile, 'feed_count' : feed_count, 'account_images' : range(1, 4), 'recommended_feeds' : recommended_feeds, 'unmoderated_feeds' : unmoderated_feeds, 'statistics' : statistics, 'social_profile' : social_profile, 'start_import_from_google_reader': start_import_from_google_reader, 'debug' : settings.DEBUG, }, "reader/dashboard.xhtml" def welcome(request, **kwargs): user = get_user(request) statistics = MStatistics.all() social_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( if request.method == "POST": if request.POST.get('submit', '').startswith('log'): login_form = LoginForm(request.POST, prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(prefix='signup') else: login_form = LoginForm(prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(request.POST, prefix='signup') else: login_form = LoginForm(prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(prefix='signup') logging.user(request, "~FBLoading welcome") return { 'user_profile' : hasattr(user, 'profile') and user.profile, 'login_form' : login_form, 'signup_form' : signup_form, 'statistics' : statistics, 'social_profile' : social_profile, 'post_request' : request.method == 'POST', }, "reader/welcome.xhtml" @never_cache def login(request): code = -1 message = "" if request.method == "POST": form = LoginForm(request.POST, prefix='login') if form.is_valid(): login_user(request, form.get_user()) if request.POST.get('api'): logging.user(form.get_user(), "~FG~BB~SKiPhone Login~FW") code = 1 else: logging.user(form.get_user(), "~FG~BBLogin~FW") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) else: message = form.errors.items()[0][1][0] if request.POST.get('api'): return HttpResponse(json.encode(dict(code=code, message=message)), mimetype='application/json') else: return index(request) @never_cache def signup(request): if request.method == "POST": form = SignupForm(prefix='signup', data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): new_user = login_user(request, new_user) logging.user(new_user, "~FG~SB~BBNEW SIGNUP: ~FW%s" % if not new_user.is_active: url = "https://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('stripe-form')) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) return index(request) @never_cache def logout(request): logging.user(request, "~FG~BBLogout~FW") logout_user(request) if request.GET.get('api'): return HttpResponse(json.encode(dict(code=1)), mimetype='application/json') else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) def autologin(request, username, secret): next = request.GET.get('next', '') if not username or not secret: return HttpResponseForbidden() profile = Profile.objects.filter(user__username=username, secret_token=secret) if not profile: return HttpResponseForbidden() user = profile[0].user user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0] login_user(request, user) logging.user(user, "~FG~BB~SKAuto-Login. Next stop: %s~FW" % (next if next else 'Homepage',)) if next and not next.startswith('/'): next = '?next=' + next return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index') + next) elif next: return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) @ratelimit(minutes=1, requests=24) @never_cache @json.json_view def load_feeds(request): user = get_user(request) feeds = {} include_favicons = request.REQUEST.get('include_favicons', False) flat = request.REQUEST.get('flat', False) update_counts = request.REQUEST.get('update_counts', False) version = int(request.REQUEST.get('v', 1)) if include_favicons == 'false': include_favicons = False if update_counts == 'false': update_counts = False if flat == 'false': flat = False if flat: return load_feeds_flat(request) try: folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) except UserSubscriptionFolders.DoesNotExist: data = dict(feeds=[], folders=[]) return data except UserSubscriptionFolders.MultipleObjectsReturned: UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.filter(user=user)[1:].delete() folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user) day_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) scheduled_feeds = [] for sub in user_subs: pk = sub.feed_id if update_counts and sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=True) feeds[pk] = sub.canonical(include_favicon=include_favicons) if not continue if not and not sub.feed.has_feed_exception: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.next_scheduled_update < day_ago: scheduled_feeds.append( if len(scheduled_feeds) > 0 and request.user.is_authenticated(): logging.user(request, "~SN~FMTasking the scheduling immediate fetch of ~SB%s~SN feeds..." % len(scheduled_feeds)) ScheduleImmediateFetches.apply_async(kwargs=dict(feed_ids=scheduled_feeds, starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( social_params = { 'user_id':, 'include_favicon': include_favicons, 'update_counts': update_counts, } social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds(**social_params) social_profile = MSocialProfile.profile( social_services = MSocialServices.profile( categories = None if not user_subs: categories = MCategory.serialize() logging.user(request, "~FB~SBLoading ~FY%s~FB/~FM%s~FB feeds/socials%s" % ( len(feeds.keys()), len(social_feeds), '. ~FCUpdating counts.' if update_counts else '')) data = { 'feeds': feeds.values() if version == 2 else feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds, 'social_profile': social_profile, 'social_services': social_services, 'user_profile': user.profile, "is_staff": user.is_staff, 'folders': json.decode(folders.folders), 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts, 'categories': categories } return data @json.json_view def load_feed_favicons(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_ids') if not feed_ids: user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) feed_ids = [sub['feed__pk'] for sub in user_subs.values('feed__pk')] feed_icons = dict([(i.feed_id, for i in MFeedIcon.objects(feed_id__in=feed_ids)]) return feed_icons def load_feeds_flat(request): user = request.user include_favicons = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_favicons', False)) update_counts = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('update_counts', True)) feeds = {} day_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) scheduled_feeds = [] iphone_version = "2.1" if include_favicons == 'false': include_favicons = False if update_counts == 'false': update_counts = False if not user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() try: folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) except UserSubscriptionFolders.DoesNotExist: folders = [] user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) if not user_subs and folders: folders.auto_activate() user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) for sub in user_subs: if update_counts and sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=True) feeds[sub.feed_id] = sub.canonical(include_favicon=include_favicons) if not and not sub.feed.has_feed_exception: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.next_scheduled_update < day_ago: scheduled_feeds.append( if len(scheduled_feeds) > 0 and request.user.is_authenticated(): logging.user(request, "~SN~FMTasking the scheduling immediate fetch of ~SB%s~SN feeds..." % len(scheduled_feeds)) ScheduleImmediateFetches.apply_async(kwargs=dict(feed_ids=scheduled_feeds, flat_folders = [] if folders: flat_folders = folders.flatten_folders(feeds=feeds) social_params = { 'user_id':, 'include_favicon': include_favicons, 'update_counts': update_counts, } social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds(**social_params) social_profile = MSocialProfile.profile( social_services = MSocialServices.profile( starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( categories = None if not user_subs: categories = MCategory.serialize() logging.user(request, "~FB~SBLoading ~FY%s~FB/~FM%s~FB feeds/socials ~FMflat~FB%s" % ( len(feeds.keys()), len(social_feeds), '. ~FCUpdating counts.' if update_counts else '')) data = { "flat_folders": flat_folders, "feeds": feeds, "social_feeds": social_feeds, "social_profile": social_profile, "social_services": social_services, "user": user.username, "is_staff": user.is_staff, "user_profile": user.profile, "iphone_version": iphone_version, "categories": categories, 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts, } return data @ratelimit(minutes=1, requests=10) @never_cache @json.json_view def refresh_feeds(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') check_fetch_status = request.REQUEST.get('check_fetch_status') favicons_fetching = request.REQUEST.getlist('favicons_fetching') social_feed_ids = [feed_id for feed_id in feed_ids if 'social:' in feed_id] feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(social_feed_ids)) feeds = {} if feed_ids or (not social_feed_ids and not feed_ids): feeds = UserSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, feed_ids=feed_ids, check_fetch_status=check_fetch_status) social_feeds = {} if social_feed_ids or (not social_feed_ids and not feed_ids): social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, social_feed_ids=social_feed_ids) favicons_fetching = [int(f) for f in favicons_fetching if f] feed_icons = {} if favicons_fetching: feed_icons = dict([(i.feed_id, i) for i in MFeedIcon.objects(feed_id__in=favicons_fetching)]) for feed_id, feed in feeds.items(): if feed_id in favicons_fetching and feed_id in feed_icons: feeds[feed_id]['favicon'] = feed_icons[feed_id].data feeds[feed_id]['favicon_color'] = feed_icons[feed_id].color feeds[feed_id]['favicon_fetching'] = feed.get('favicon_fetching') user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, active=True).only('feed') sub_feed_ids = [s.feed_id for s in user_subs] if favicons_fetching: moved_feed_ids = [f for f in favicons_fetching if f not in sub_feed_ids] for moved_feed_id in moved_feed_ids: duplicate_feeds = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=moved_feed_id) if duplicate_feeds and duplicate_feeds[0] in feeds: feeds[moved_feed_id] = feeds[duplicate_feeds[0].feed_id] feeds[moved_feed_id]['dupe_feed_id'] = duplicate_feeds[0].feed_id if check_fetch_status: missing_feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(sub_feed_ids)) if missing_feed_ids: duplicate_feeds = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id__in=missing_feed_ids) for duplicate_feed in duplicate_feeds: feeds[duplicate_feed.duplicate_feed_id] = {'id': duplicate_feed.feed_id} interactions_count = MInteraction.user_unread_count( if True or settings.DEBUG or check_fetch_status: logging.user(request, "~FBRefreshing %s feeds (%s/%s)" % ( len(feeds.keys()), check_fetch_status, len(favicons_fetching))) return { 'feeds': feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds, 'interactions_count': interactions_count, } @json.json_view def interactions_count(request): user = get_user(request) interactions_count = MInteraction.user_unread_count( return { 'interactions_count': interactions_count, } @never_cache @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def feed_unread_count(request): user = request.user feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') force = request.REQUEST.get('force', False) social_feed_ids = [feed_id for feed_id in feed_ids if 'social:' in feed_id] feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(social_feed_ids)) feeds = {} if feed_ids: feeds = UserSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, feed_ids=feed_ids, force=force) social_feeds = {} if social_feed_ids: social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, social_feed_ids=social_feed_ids) if len(feed_ids) == 1: if settings.DEBUG: feed_title = Feed.get_by_id(feed_ids[0]).feed_title else: feed_title = feed_ids[0] elif len(social_feed_ids) == 1: feed_title = MSocialProfile.objects.get(user_id=social_feed_ids[0].replace('social:', '')).username else: feed_title = "%s feeds" % (len(feeds) + len(social_feeds)) logging.user(request, "~FBUpdating unread count on: %s" % feed_title) return {'feeds': feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds} def refresh_feed(request, feed_id): user = get_user(request) feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) feed = feed.update(force=True, compute_scores=False) usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed=feed) usersub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=False) logging.user(request, "~FBRefreshing feed: %s" % feed) return load_single_feed(request, feed_id) @never_cache @json.json_view def load_single_feed(request, feed_id): start = time.time() user = get_user(request) # offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) # limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 6)) limit = 6 page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 1)) offset = limit * (page-1) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'all') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') include_story_content = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_story_content', True)) include_hidden = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_hidden', False)) message = None user_search = None dupe_feed_id = None user_profiles = [] now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) if not feed_id: raise Http404 feed_address = request.REQUEST.get('feed_address') feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id, feed_address=feed_address) if not feed: raise Http404 try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None if query: if user.profile.is_premium: user_search = MUserSearch.get_user( user_search.touch_search_date() stories = feed.find_stories(query, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif read_filter == 'starred': mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id=feed_id ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % ('-' if order == 'newest' else ''))[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) elif usersub and (read_filter == 'unread' or order == 'oldest'): stories = usersub.get_stories(order=order, read_filter=read_filter, offset=offset, limit=limit, default_cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) else: stories = feed.get_stories(offset, limit) checkpoint1 = time.time() try: stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories, except redis.ConnectionError: logging.user(request, "~BR~FK~SBRedis is unavailable for shared stories.") checkpoint2 = time.time() # Get intelligence classifier for user if usersub and usersub.is_trained: classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id=feed_id, social_user_id=0)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) else: classifier_feeds = [] classifier_authors = [] classifier_titles = [] classifier_tags = [] classifiers = get_classifiers_for_user(user, feed_id=feed_id, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_tags=classifier_tags) checkpoint3 = time.time() unread_story_hashes = [] if stories: if (read_filter == 'all' or query) and usersub: unread_story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, read_filter='unread', feed_ids=[usersub.feed_id], usersubs=[usersub], group_by_feed=False, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories if story['story_hash']] starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(,, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'starred_date', 'user_tags') shared_story_hashes = MSharedStory.check_shared_story_hashes(, story_hashes) shared_stories = [] if shared_story_hashes: shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=shared_story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(starred_date=story.starred_date, user_tags=story.user_tags)) for story in starred_stories]) shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) checkpoint4 = time.time() for story in stories: if not include_story_content: del story['story_content'] story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) if usersub: story['read_status'] = 1 if (read_filter == 'all' or query) and usersub: story['read_status'] = 1 if story['story_hash'] not in unread_story_hashes else 0 elif read_filter == 'unread' and usersub: story['read_status'] = 0 if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['user_tags'] = starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['user_tags'] if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True shared_date = localtime_for_timezone(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['shared_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['shared_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(shared_date, now) story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) else: story['read_status'] = 1 story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, feed), 'author': apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags': apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title': apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), } story['score'] = UserSubscription.score_story(story['intelligence']) # Intelligence feed_tags = json.decode( if else [] feed_authors = json.decode( if else [] if usersub: usersub.feed_opens += 1 usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['feed_opens', 'needs_unread_recalc']) diff1 = checkpoint1-start diff2 = checkpoint2-start diff3 = checkpoint3-start diff4 = checkpoint4-start timediff = time.time()-start last_update = relative_timesince(feed.last_update) time_breakdown = "" if timediff > 1 or settings.DEBUG: time_breakdown = "~SN~FR(~SB%.4s/%.4s/%.4s/%.4s~SN)" % ( diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN) " % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FYLoading feed: ~SB%s%s (%s/%s) %s%s" % ( feed.feed_title[:22], ('~SN/p%s' % page) if page > 1 else '', order, read_filter, search_log, time_breakdown)) if not include_hidden: hidden_stories_removed = 0 new_stories = [] for story in stories: if story['score'] >= 0: new_stories.append(story) else: hidden_stories_removed += 1 stories = new_stories data = dict(stories=stories, user_profiles=user_profiles, feed_tags=feed_tags, feed_authors=feed_authors, classifiers=classifiers, updated=last_update, user_search=user_search,, elapsed_time=round(float(timediff), 2), message=message) if not include_hidden: data['hidden_stories_removed'] = hidden_stories_removed if dupe_feed_id: data['dupe_feed_id'] = dupe_feed_id if not usersub: data.update(feed.canonical()) # if not usersub and feed.num_subscribers <= 1: # data = dict(code=-1, message="You must be subscribed to this feed.") # if page <= 3: # import random # time.sleep(random.randint(2, 4)) # if page == 2: # assert False return data def load_feed_page(request, feed_id): if not feed_id: raise Http404 feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if feed and feed.has_page and not feed.has_page_exception: if settings.BACKED_BY_AWS.get('pages_on_node'): url = "http://%s/original_page/%s" % ( settings.ORIGINAL_PAGE_SERVER,, ) page_response = requests.get(url) if page_response.status_code == 200: response = HttpResponse(page_response.content, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response['Last-Modified'] = page_response.headers.get('Last-modified') response['Etag'] = page_response.headers.get('Etag') response['Content-Length'] = str(len(page_response.content)) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, proxied from node: ~SB%s bytes" % (len(page_response.content))) return response if settings.BACKED_BY_AWS['pages_on_s3'] and feed.s3_page: if settings.PROXY_S3_PAGES: key = settings.S3_PAGES_BUCKET.get_key(feed.s3_pages_key) if key: compressed_data = key.get_contents_as_string() response = HttpResponse(compressed_data, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, proxied: ~SB%s bytes" % (len(compressed_data))) return response else: logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, non-proxied") return HttpResponseRedirect('//%s/%s' % (settings.S3_PAGES_BUCKET_NAME, feed.s3_pages_key)) data = MFeedPage.get_data(feed_id=feed_id) if not data or not feed or not feed.has_page or feed.has_page_exception: logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, ~FRmissing") return render(request, 'static/404_original_page.xhtml', {}, content_type='text/html', status=404) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, from the db") return HttpResponse(data, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") @json.json_view def load_starred_stories(request): user = get_user(request) offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 10)) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)) query = request.REQUEST.get('query') order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') tag = request.REQUEST.get('tag') story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('h')[:100] version = int(request.REQUEST.get('v', 1)) now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) message = None order_by = '-' if order == "newest" else "" if page: offset = limit * (page - 1) if query: # results = SearchStarredStory.query(, query) # story_ids = [result.db_id for result in results] if user.profile.is_premium: stories = MStarredStory.find_stories(query,, tag=tag, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif tag: if user.profile.is_premium: mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, user_tags__contains=tag ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to read saved stories by tag." elif story_hashes: mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: mstories = MStarredStory.objects( ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories,, check_all=True) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories] story_feed_ids = list(set(s['story_feed_id'] for s in stories)) usersub_ids = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed__pk__in=story_feed_ids).values('feed__pk') usersub_ids = [us['feed__pk'] for us in usersub_ids] unsub_feed_ids = list(set(story_feed_ids).difference(set(usersub_ids))) unsub_feeds = Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=unsub_feed_ids) unsub_feeds = dict((, feed.canonical(include_favicon=False)) for feed in unsub_feeds) shared_story_hashes = MSharedStory.check_shared_story_hashes(, story_hashes) shared_stories = [] if shared_story_hashes: shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=shared_story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, nowtz) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['read_status'] = 1 story['starred'] = True story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': 1, 'author': 0, 'tags': 0, 'title': 0, } if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN)" % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FCLoading starred stories: ~SB%s stories %s" % (len(stories), search_log)) return { "stories": stories, "user_profiles": user_profiles, 'feeds': unsub_feeds.values() if version == 2 else unsub_feeds, "message": message, } @json.json_view def starred_story_hashes(request): user = get_user(request) include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) mstories = MStarredStory.objects( ).only('story_hash', 'starred_date').order_by('-starred_date') if include_timestamps: story_hashes = [(s.story_hash, s.starred_date.strftime("%s")) for s in mstories] else: story_hashes = [s.story_hash for s in mstories] logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCstarred story hashes~FY: %s story hashes" % (len(story_hashes))) return dict(starred_story_hashes=story_hashes) def starred_stories_rss_feed(request, user_id, secret_token, tag_slug): try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 try: tag_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.objects.get(user_id=user_id, slug=tag_slug) except MStarredStoryCounts.MultipleObjectsReturned: tag_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.objects(user_id=user_id, slug=tag_slug).first() except MStarredStoryCounts.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 data = {} data['title'] = "Saved Stories - %s" % tag_counts.tag data['link'] = "%s%s" % ( settings.NEWSBLUR_URL, reverse('saved-stories-tag', kwargs=dict(tag_name=tag_slug))) data['description'] = "Stories saved by %s on NewsBlur with the tag \"%s\"." % (user.username, tag_counts.tag) data['lastBuildDate'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() data['generator'] = 'NewsBlur - %s' % settings.NEWSBLUR_URL data['docs'] = None data['author_name'] = user.username data['feed_url'] = "%s%s" % ( settings.NEWSBLUR_URL, reverse('starred-stories-rss-feed', kwargs=dict(user_id=user_id, secret_token=secret_token, tag_slug=tag_slug)), ) rss = feedgenerator.Atom1Feed(**data) if not tag_counts.tag: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects( ).order_by('-starred_date').limit(25) else: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, user_tags__contains=tag_counts.tag ).order_by('-starred_date').limit(25) for starred_story in starred_stories: story_data = { 'title': starred_story.story_title, 'link': starred_story.story_permalink, 'description': (starred_story.story_content_z and zlib.decompress(starred_story.story_content_z)), 'author_name': starred_story.story_author_name, 'categories': starred_story.story_tags, 'unique_id': starred_story.story_guid, 'pubdate': starred_story.starred_date, } rss.add_item(**story_data) logging.user(request, "~FBGenerating ~SB%s~SN's saved story RSS feed (%s, %s stories): ~FM%s" % ( user.username, tag_counts.tag, tag_counts.count, request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', "")[:24] )) return HttpResponse(rss.writeString('utf-8'), content_type='application/rss+xml') @json.json_view def load_read_stories(request): user = get_user(request) offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 10)) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) message = None if page: offset = limit * (page - 1) if query: stories = [] message = "Not implemented yet." # if user.profile.is_premium: # stories = MStarredStory.find_stories(query,, offset=offset, limit=limit) # else: # stories = [] # message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." else: story_hashes = RUserStory.get_read_stories(, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order) mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) stories = sorted(stories, key=lambda story: story_hashes.index(story['story_hash']), reverse=bool(order=="oldest")) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories,, check_all=True) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories] story_feed_ids = list(set(s['story_feed_id'] for s in stories)) usersub_ids = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed__pk__in=story_feed_ids).values('feed__pk') usersub_ids = [us['feed__pk'] for us in usersub_ids] unsub_feed_ids = list(set(story_feed_ids).difference(set(usersub_ids))) unsub_feeds = Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=unsub_feed_ids) unsub_feeds = [feed.canonical(include_favicon=False) for feed in unsub_feeds] shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'starred_date') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, story.starred_date) for story in starred_stories]) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) story['read_status'] = 1 story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': 1, 'author': 0, 'tags': 0, 'title': 0, } if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN)" % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FCLoading read stories: ~SB%s stories %s" % (len(stories), search_log)) return { "stories": stories, "user_profiles": user_profiles, "feeds": unsub_feeds, "message": message, } @json.json_view def load_river_stories__redis(request): limit = 12 start = time.time() user = get_user(request) message = None feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feeds') if feed_id] if not feed_ids: feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('f') if feed_id] story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('h')[:100] original_feed_ids = list(feed_ids) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 1)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'unread') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') include_hidden = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_hidden', False)) now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) usersubs = [] code = 1 user_search = None offset = (page-1) * limit limit = page * limit story_date_order = "%sstory_date" % ('' if order == 'oldest' else '-') if story_hashes: unread_feed_story_hashes = None read_filter = 'unread' mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes).order_by(story_date_order) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) elif query: if user.profile.is_premium: user_search = MUserSearch.get_user( user_search.touch_search_date() usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter='all') feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] stories = Feed.find_feed_stories(feed_ids, query, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit) mstories = stories unread_feed_story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter="unread", order=order, group_by_feed=False, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) else: stories = [] mstories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif read_filter == 'starred': mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id__in=feed_ids ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % ('-' if order == 'newest' else ''))[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter=read_filter) all_feed_ids = [f for f in feed_ids] feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] if feed_ids: params = { "user_id":, "feed_ids": feed_ids, "all_feed_ids": all_feed_ids, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "order": order, "read_filter": read_filter, "usersubs": usersubs, "cutoff_date": user.profile.unread_cutoff, } story_hashes, unread_feed_story_hashes = UserSubscription.feed_stories(**params) else: story_hashes = [] unread_feed_story_hashes = [] mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes).order_by(story_date_order) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories, if not usersubs: usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=found_feed_ids, read_filter=read_filter) trained_feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs if sub.is_trained] found_trained_feed_ids = list(set(trained_feed_ids) & set(found_feed_ids)) # Find starred stories if found_feed_ids: if read_filter == 'starred': starred_stories = mstories else: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id__in=found_feed_ids ).only('story_hash', 'starred_date') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(starred_date=story.starred_date, user_tags=story.user_tags)) for story in starred_stories]) else: starred_stories = {} # Intelligence classifiers for all feeds involved if found_trained_feed_ids: classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids, social_user_id=0)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) else: classifier_feeds = [] classifier_authors = [] classifier_titles = [] classifier_tags = [] classifiers = sort_classifiers_by_feed(user=user, feed_ids=found_feed_ids, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_tags=classifier_tags) # Just need to format stories nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: if read_filter == 'starred': story['read_status'] = 1 else: story['read_status'] = 0 if read_filter == 'all' or query: if (unread_feed_story_hashes is not None and story['story_hash'] not in unread_feed_story_hashes): story['read_status'] = 1 story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['user_tags'] = starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['user_tags'] story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, story['story_feed_id']), 'author': apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags': apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title': apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), } story['score'] = UserSubscription.score_story(story['intelligence']) if not user.profile.is_premium: message = "The full River of News is a premium feature." code = 0 # if page > 1: # stories = [] # else: # stories = stories[:5] diff = time.time() - start timediff = round(float(diff), 2) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCriver stories~FY: ~SBp%s~SN (%s/%s " "stories, ~SN%s/%s/%s feeds, %s/%s)" % (page, len(stories), len(mstories), len(found_feed_ids), len(feed_ids), len(original_feed_ids), order, read_filter)) if not include_hidden: hidden_stories_removed = 0 new_stories = [] for story in stories: if story['score'] >= 0: new_stories.append(story) else: hidden_stories_removed += 1 stories = new_stories # if page <= 1: # import random # time.sleep(random.randint(0, 6)) data = dict(code=code, message=message, stories=stories, classifiers=classifiers, elapsed_time=timediff, user_search=user_search, user_profiles=user_profiles) if not include_hidden: data['hidden_stories_removed'] = hidden_stories_removed return data @json.json_view def unread_story_hashes__old(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if feed_id] include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) usersubs = {} if not feed_ids: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(Q(unread_count_neutral__gt=0) | Q(unread_count_positive__gt=0), user=user, active=True) feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] else: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(Q(unread_count_neutral__gt=0) | Q(unread_count_positive__gt=0), user=user, active=True, feed__in=feed_ids) unread_feed_story_hashes = {} story_hash_count = 0 usersubs = dict((sub.feed_id, sub) for sub in usersubs) for feed_id in feed_ids: if feed_id in usersubs: us = usersubs[feed_id] else: continue if not us.unread_count_neutral and not us.unread_count_positive: continue unread_feed_story_hashes[feed_id] = us.get_stories(read_filter='unread', limit=500, withscores=include_timestamps, hashes_only=True, default_cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) story_hash_count += len(unread_feed_story_hashes[feed_id]) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCunread story hashes~FY: ~SB%s feeds~SN (%s story hashes)" % (len(feed_ids), len(story_hash_count))) return dict(unread_feed_story_hashes=unread_feed_story_hashes) @json.json_view def unread_story_hashes(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if feed_id] include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'unread') story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, feed_ids=feed_ids, order=order, read_filter=read_filter, include_timestamps=include_timestamps, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCunread story hashes~FY: ~SB%s feeds~SN (%s story hashes)" % (len(feed_ids), len(story_hashes))) return dict(unread_feed_story_hashes=story_hashes) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_all_as_read(request): code = 1 try: days = int(request.REQUEST.get('days', 0)) except ValueError: return dict(code=-1, message="Days parameter must be an integer, not: %s" % request.REQUEST.get('days')) read_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=days) feeds = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for subtype in [feeds, socialsubs]: for sub in subtype: if days == 0: sub.mark_feed_read() else: if sub.mark_read_date < read_date: sub.needs_unread_recalc = True sub.mark_read_date = read_date logging.user(request, "~FMMarking all as read: ~SB%s days" % (days,)) return dict(code=code) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_read(request): story_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('story_id') try: feed_id = int(get_argument_or_404(request, 'feed_id')) except ValueError: return dict(code=-1, errors=["You must pass a valid feed_id: %s" % request.REQUEST.get('feed_id')]) try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) if duplicate_feed: feed_id = duplicate_feed[0].feed_id try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=duplicate_feed[0].feed) except (Feed.DoesNotExist): return dict(code=-1, errors=["No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id]) else: return dict(code=-1, errors=["No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id]) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None if usersub: data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) else: data = dict(code=-1, errors=["User is not subscribed to this feed."]) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hashes_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('story_hash') feed_ids, friend_ids = RUserStory.mark_story_hashes_read(, story_hashes) if friend_ids: socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter(, subscription_user_id__in=friend_ids) for socialsub in socialsubs: if not socialsub.needs_unread_recalc: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % socialsub.subscription_user_id) # Also count on original subscription for feed_id in feed_ids: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed=feed_id) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] if not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) hash_count = len(story_hashes) logging.user(request, "~FYRead %s %s in feed/socialsubs: %s/%s" % ( hash_count, 'story' if hash_count == 1 else 'stories', feed_ids, friend_ids)) return dict(code=1, story_hashes=story_hashes, feed_ids=feed_ids, friend_user_ids=friend_ids) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_feed_stories_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) feeds_stories = request.REQUEST.get('feeds_stories', "{}") feeds_stories = json.decode(feeds_stories) data = { 'code': -1, 'message': 'Nothing was marked as read' } for feed_id, story_ids in feeds_stories.items(): try: feed_id = int(feed_id) except ValueError: continue try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: return dict(code=-1, error="You are not subscribed to this feed_id: %d" % feed_id) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) try: if not duplicate_feed: raise Feed.DoesNotExist usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=duplicate_feed[0].feed) data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) except (UserSubscription.DoesNotExist, Feed.DoesNotExist): return dict(code=-1, error="No feed exists for feed_id: %d" % feed_id) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_social_stories_as_read(request): code = 1 errors = [] data = {} r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) users_feeds_stories = request.REQUEST.get('users_feeds_stories', "{}") users_feeds_stories = json.decode(users_feeds_stories) for social_user_id, feeds in users_feeds_stories.items(): for feed_id, story_ids in feeds.items(): feed_id = int(feed_id) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=social_user_id) data = socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, feed_id, request=request) except OperationError, e: code = -1 errors.append("Already read story: %s" % e) except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: MSocialSubscription.mark_unsub_story_ids_as_read(, social_user_id, story_ids, feed_id, request=request) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) if duplicate_feed: try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=social_user_id) data = socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, duplicate_feed[0], request=request) except (UserSubscription.DoesNotExist, Feed.DoesNotExist): code = -1 errors.append("No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id) else: continue r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % social_user_id) data.update(code=code, errors=errors) return data @required_params('story_id', feed_id=int) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_unread(request): story_id = request.REQUEST.get('story_id', None) feed_id = int(request.REQUEST.get('feed_id', 0)) try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) feed = usersub.feed except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if usersub and not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) data = dict(code=0, payload=dict(story_id=story_id)) story, found_original = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_id) if not story: logging.user(request, "~FY~SBUnread~SN story in feed: %s (NOT FOUND)" % (feed)) return dict(code=-1, message="Story not found.") if usersub: data = usersub.invert_read_stories_after_unread_story(story, request) message = RUserStory.story_can_be_marked_read_by_user(story, request.user) if message: data['code'] = -1 data['message'] = message return data social_subs = MSocialSubscription.mark_dirty_sharing_story(, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid_hash=story.guid_hash) dirty_count = social_subs and social_subs.count() dirty_count = ("(%s social_subs)" % dirty_count) if dirty_count else "" RUserStory.mark_story_hash_unread(, story_hash=story.story_hash) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) logging.user(request, "~FY~SBUnread~SN story in feed: %s %s" % (feed, dirty_count)) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view @required_params('story_hash') def mark_story_hash_as_unread(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash') feed_id, _ = MStory.split_story_hash(story_hash) story, _ = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_hash) if not story: data = dict(code=-1, message="That story has been removed from the feed, no need to mark it unread.") return data message = RUserStory.story_can_be_marked_read_by_user(story, request.user) if message: data = dict(code=-1, message=message) return data # Also count on original subscription usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed=feed_id) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] if not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) data = usersub.invert_read_stories_after_unread_story(story, request) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) feed_id, friend_ids = RUserStory.mark_story_hash_unread(, story_hash) if friend_ids: socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter(, subscription_user_id__in=friend_ids) for socialsub in socialsubs: if not socialsub.needs_unread_recalc: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % socialsub.subscription_user_id) logging.user(request, "~FYUnread story in feed/socialsubs: %s/%s" % (feed_id, friend_ids)) return dict(code=1, story_hash=story_hash, feed_id=feed_id, friend_user_ids=friend_ids) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_feed_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') cutoff_timestamp = int(request.REQUEST.get('cutoff_timestamp', 0)) direction = request.REQUEST.get('direction', 'older') multiple = len(feed_ids) > 1 code = 1 errors = [] cutoff_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cutoff_timestamp) if cutoff_timestamp else None for feed_id in feed_ids: if 'social:' in feed_id: user_id = int(feed_id.replace('social:', '')) try: sub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=user_id) except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: logging.user(request, "~FRCouldn't find socialsub: %s" % user_id) continue if not multiple: sub_user = User.objects.get(pk=sub.subscription_user_id) logging.user(request, "~FMMarking social feed as read: ~SB%s" % (sub_user.username,)) else: try: feed = Feed.objects.get(id=feed_id) sub = UserSubscription.objects.get(feed=feed, user=request.user) if not multiple: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking feed as read: ~SB%s" % (feed,)) except (Feed.DoesNotExist, UserSubscription.DoesNotExist), e: errors.append("User not subscribed: %s" % e) continue except (ValueError), e: errors.append("Invalid feed_id: %s" % e) continue if not sub: errors.append("User not subscribed: %s" % feed_id) continue try: if direction == "older": marked_read = sub.mark_feed_read(cutoff_date=cutoff_date) else: marked_read = sub.mark_newer_stories_read(cutoff_date=cutoff_date) if marked_read and not multiple: r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) except IntegrityError, e: errors.append("Could not mark feed as read: %s" % e) code = -1 if multiple: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking ~SB%s~SN feeds as read" % len(feed_ids)) r.publish(request.user.username, 'refresh:%s' % ','.join(feed_ids)) if errors: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking read had errors: ~FR%s" % errors) return dict(code=code, errors=errors, cutoff_date=cutoff_date, direction=direction) def _parse_user_info(user): return { 'user_info': { 'is_anonymous': json.encode(user.is_anonymous()), 'is_authenticated': json.encode(user.is_authenticated()), 'username': json.encode(user.username if user.is_authenticated() else 'Anonymous') } } @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def add_url(request): code = 0 url = request.POST['url'] folder = request.POST.get('folder', '') new_folder = request.POST.get('new_folder') auto_active = is_true(request.POST.get('auto_active', 1)) skip_fetch = is_true(request.POST.get('skip_fetch', False)) feed = None if not url: code = -1 message = 'Enter in the website address or the feed URL.' elif any([(banned_url in url) for banned_url in BANNED_URLS]): code = -1 message = "The publisher of this website has banned NewsBlur." else: if new_folder: usf, _ = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) usf.add_folder(folder, new_folder) folder = new_folder code, message, us = UserSubscription.add_subscription(user=request.user, feed_address=url, folder=folder, auto_active=auto_active, skip_fetch=skip_fetch) feed = us and us.feed if feed: r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:%s' % MUserSearch.schedule_index_feeds_for_search(, return dict(code=code, message=message, feed=feed) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def add_folder(request): folder = request.POST['folder'] parent_folder = request.POST.get('parent_folder', '') folders = None logging.user(request, "~FRAdding Folder: ~SB%s (in %s)" % (folder, parent_folder)) if folder: code = 1 message = "" user_sub_folders_object, _ = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) user_sub_folders_object.add_folder(parent_folder, folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders_object.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') else: code = -1 message = "Gotta write in a folder name." return dict(code=code, message=message, folders=folders) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feed(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', None) if not in_folder or in_folder == ' ': in_folder = "" user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feed(feed_id, in_folder) feed = Feed.objects.filter(pk=feed_id) if feed: feed[0].count_subscribers() r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, message="Removed %s from '%s'." % (feed, in_folder)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feed_by_url(request): message = "" code = 0 url = request.POST['url'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') if in_folder == ' ': in_folder = "" feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(url, create=False) if feed: user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feed(, in_folder) code = 1 feed = Feed.objects.filter( if feed: feed[0].count_subscribers() else: code = -1 message = "URL not found." return dict(code=code, message=message) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_folder(request): folder_to_delete = request.POST.get('folder_name') or request.POST.get('folder_to_delete') in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', None) feed_ids_in_folder = [int(f) for f in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if f] request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have deleted an entire folder of feeds, so here's a backup just in case.") # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # Deletes all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_folder(folder_to_delete, in_folder, feed_ids_in_folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=folders) @required_params('feeds_by_folder') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feeds_by_folder(request): feeds_by_folder = json.decode(request.POST['feeds_by_folder']) request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have deleted a number of feeds at once, so here's a backup just in case.") # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # Deletes all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feeds_by_folder(feeds_by_folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=folders) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def rename_feed(request): feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=int(request.POST['feed_id'])) user_sub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=feed) feed_title = request.POST['feed_title'] logging.user(request, "~FRRenaming feed '~SB%s~SN' to: ~SB%s" % ( feed.feed_title, feed_title)) user_sub.user_title = feed_title return dict(code=1) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def rename_folder(request): folder_to_rename = request.POST.get('folder_name') or request.POST.get('folder_to_rename') new_folder_name = request.POST['new_folder_name'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') code = 0 # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # renames all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? if folder_to_rename and new_folder_name: user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.rename_folder(folder_to_rename, new_folder_name, in_folder) code = 1 else: code = -1 return dict(code=code) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feed_to_folders(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folders = request.POST.getlist('in_folders', '') to_folders = request.POST.getlist('to_folders', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feed_to_folders(feed_id, in_folders=in_folders, to_folders=to_folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feed_to_folder(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') to_folder = request.POST.get('to_folder', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feed_to_folder(feed_id, in_folder=in_folder, to_folder=to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_folder_to_folder(request): folder_name = request.POST['folder_name'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') to_folder = request.POST.get('to_folder', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_folder_to_folder(folder_name, in_folder=in_folder, to_folder=to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @required_params('feeds_by_folder', 'to_folder') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feeds_by_folder_to_folder(request): feeds_by_folder = json.decode(request.POST['feeds_by_folder']) to_folder = request.POST['to_folder'] new_folder = request.POST.get('new_folder', None) request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have moved a number of feeds at once, so here's a backup just in case.") user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) if new_folder: user_sub_folders.add_folder(to_folder, new_folder) to_folder = new_folder user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feeds_by_folder_to_folder(feeds_by_folder, to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @login_required def add_feature(request): if not request.user.is_staff: return HttpResponseForbidden() code = -1 form = FeatureForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): code = 1 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) return dict(code=code) @json.json_view def load_features(request): user = get_user(request) page = max(int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)), 0) logging.user(request, "~FBBrowse features: ~SBPage #%s" % (page+1)) features = Feature.objects.all()[page*3:(page+1)*3+1].values() features = [{ 'description': f['description'], 'date': localtime_for_timezone(f['date'], user.profile.timezone).strftime("%b %d, %Y") } for f in features] return features @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def save_feed_order(request): folders = request.POST.get('folders') if folders: # Test that folders can be JSON decoded folders_list = json.decode(folders) assert folders_list is not None logging.user(request, "~FBFeed re-ordering: ~SB%s folders/feeds" % (len(folders_list))) user_sub_folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=request.user) user_sub_folders.folders = folders return {} @json.json_view def feeds_trainer(request): classifiers = [] feed_id = request.REQUEST.get('feed_id') user = get_user(request) usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, active=True) if feed_id: feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) usersubs = usersubs.filter(feed=feed) usersubs = usersubs.select_related('feed').order_by('-feed__stories_last_month') for us in usersubs: if (not us.is_trained and us.feed.stories_last_month > 0) or feed_id: classifier = dict() classifier['classifiers'] = get_classifiers_for_user(user, classifier['feed_id'] = us.feed_id classifier['stories_last_month'] = us.feed.stories_last_month classifier['num_subscribers'] = us.feed.num_subscribers classifier['feed_tags'] = json.decode( if else [] classifier['feed_authors'] = json.decode( if else [] classifiers.append(classifier) user.profile.has_trained_intelligence = True logging.user(user, "~FGLoading Trainer: ~SB%s feeds" % (len(classifiers))) return classifiers @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def save_feed_chooser(request): is_premium = request.user.profile.is_premium approved_feeds = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.POST.getlist('approved_feeds') if feed_id] if not is_premium: approved_feeds = approved_feeds[:64] activated = 0 usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user) for sub in usersubs: try: if sub.feed_id in approved_feeds: activated += 1 if not = True if sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: sub.feed.count_subscribers() elif = False except Feed.DoesNotExist: pass request.user.profile.queue_new_feeds() request.user.profile.refresh_stale_feeds(exclude_new=True) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') logging.user(request, "~BB~FW~SBFeed chooser: ~FC%s~SN/~SB%s" % ( activated, usersubs.count() )) return {'activated': activated} @ajax_login_required def retrain_all_sites(request): for sub in UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user): sub.is_trained = False return feeds_trainer(request) @login_required def activate_premium_account(request): try: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=request.user) for sub in usersubs: = True if sub.feed.premium_subscribers <= 0: sub.feed.count_subscribers() sub.feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() except Exception, e: subject = "Premium activation failed" message = "%s -- %s\n\n%s" % (request.user, usersubs, e) mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=True) request.user.profile.is_premium = True return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) @login_required def login_as(request): if not request.user.is_staff: logging.user(request, "~SKNON-STAFF LOGGING IN AS ANOTHER USER!") assert False return HttpResponseForbidden() username = request.GET['user'] user = get_object_or_404(User, username__iexact=username) user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0] login_user(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) def iframe_buster(request): logging.user(request, "~FB~SBiFrame bust!") return HttpResponse(status=204) @required_params('story_id', feed_id=int) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_starred(request): return _mark_story_as_starred(request) @required_params('story_hash') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hash_as_starred(request): return _mark_story_as_starred(request) def _mark_story_as_starred(request): code = 1 feed_id = int(request.REQUEST.get('feed_id', 0)) story_id = request.REQUEST.get('story_id', None) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash', None) user_tags = request.REQUEST.getlist('user_tags') message = "" if story_hash: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_hash=story_hash) feed_id = story and story.story_feed_id else: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_feed_id=feed_id, story_id=story_id) if not story: return {'code': -1, 'message': "Could not find story to save."} story_db = dict([(k, v) for k, v in story._data.items() if k is not None and v is not None]) story_db.pop('user_id', None) story_db.pop('starred_date', None) story_db.pop('id', None) story_db.pop('user_tags', None) now = story_values = dict(starred_date=now, user_tags=user_tags, **story_db) params = dict(story_guid=story.story_guid, starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(**params).limit(1) created = False removed_user_tags = [] if not starred_story: params.update(story_values) starred_story = MStarredStory.objects.create(**params) created = True MActivity.new_starred_story(, story_title=story.story_title, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_id=starred_story.story_guid) new_user_tags = user_tags MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, feed_id=feed_id, amount=1) else: starred_story = starred_story[0] new_user_tags = list(set(user_tags) - set(starred_story.user_tags or [])) removed_user_tags = list(set(starred_story.user_tags or []) - set(user_tags)) starred_story.user_tags = user_tags for tag in new_user_tags: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=1) for tag in removed_user_tags: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=-1) if random.random() < 0.01: MStarredStoryCounts.schedule_count_tags_for_user( MStarredStoryCounts.count_for_user(, total_only=True) starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( if created: logging.user(request, "~FCStarring: ~SB%s (~FM~SB%s~FC~SN)" % (story.story_title[:32], starred_story.user_tags)) else: logging.user(request, "~FCUpdating starred:~SN~FC ~SB%s~SN (~FM~SB%s~FC~SN)" % (story.story_title[:32], starred_story.user_tags)) return {'code': code, 'message': message, 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts} @required_params('story_id') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_unstarred(request): return _mark_story_as_unstarred(request) @required_params('story_hash') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hash_as_unstarred(request): return _mark_story_as_unstarred(request) def _mark_story_as_unstarred(request): code = 1 story_id = request.POST.get('story_id', None) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash', None) starred_counts = None starred_story = None if story_id: starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(, story_guid=story_id) if not story_id or not starred_story: starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash=story_hash or story_id) if starred_story: starred_story = starred_story[0] logging.user(request, "~FCUnstarring: ~SB%s" % (starred_story.story_title[:50])) user_tags = starred_story.user_tags feed_id = starred_story.story_feed_id MActivity.remove_starred_story(, story_feed_id=starred_story.story_feed_id, story_id=starred_story.story_guid) starred_story.user_id = 0 try: except NotUniqueError: starred_story.delete() MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, feed_id=feed_id, amount=-1) for tag in user_tags: try: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=-1) except MStarredStoryCounts.DoesNotExist: pass # MStarredStoryCounts.schedule_count_tags_for_user( MStarredStoryCounts.count_for_user(, total_only=True) starred_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts( else: code = -1 return {'code': code, 'starred_counts': starred_counts} @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def send_story_email(request): code = 1 message = 'OK' story_id = request.POST['story_id'] feed_id = request.POST['feed_id'] to_addresses = request.POST.get('to', '').replace(',', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').strip().split(' ') from_name = request.POST['from_name'] from_email = request.POST['from_email'] email_cc = is_true(request.POST.get('email_cc', 'true')) comments = request.POST['comments'] comments = comments[:2048] # Separated due to PyLint from_address = '' share_user_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( if not to_addresses: code = -1 message = 'Please provide at least one email address.' elif not all(email_re.match(to_address) for to_address in to_addresses if to_addresses): code = -1 message = 'You need to send the email to a valid email address.' elif not email_re.match(from_email): code = -1 message = 'You need to provide your email address.' elif not from_name: code = -1 message = 'You need to provide your name.' else: story, _ = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_id) story = Feed.format_story(story, feed_id, text=True) feed = Feed.get_by_id(story['story_feed_id']) params = { "to_addresses": to_addresses, "from_name": from_name, "from_email": from_email, "email_cc": email_cc, "comments": comments, "from_address": from_address, "story": story, "feed": feed, "share_user_profile": share_user_profile, } text = render_to_string('mail/email_story.txt', params) html = render_to_string('mail/email_story.xhtml', params) subject = '%s' % (story['story_title']) cc = None if email_cc: cc = ['%s <%s>' % (from_name, from_email)] subject = subject.replace('\n', ' ') msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text, from_email='NewsBlur <%s>' % from_address, to=to_addresses, cc=cc, headers={'Reply-To': '%s <%s>' % (from_name, from_email)}) msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html") try: msg.send() except, e: code = -1 message = "Email error: %s" % str(e) logging.user(request, '~BMSharing story by email to %s recipient%s: ~FY~SB%s~SN~BM~FY/~SB%s' % (len(to_addresses), '' if len(to_addresses) == 1 else 's', story['story_title'][:50], feed and feed.feed_title[:50])) return {'code': code, 'message': message} @json.json_view def load_tutorial(request): if request.REQUEST.get('finished'): logging.user(request, '~BY~FW~SBFinishing Tutorial') return {} else: newsblur_feed = Feed.objects.filter(feed_address__icontains='').order_by('-pk')[0] logging.user(request, '~BY~FW~SBLoading Tutorial') return { 'newsblur_feed': newsblur_feed.canonical() }
const determineTestFilesToRun = ({ inputFile, inputArgs = [], config }) => { const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const glob = require("glob"); let filesToRun = []; if (inputFile) { filesToRun.push(inputFile); } else if (inputArgs.length > 0) { inputArgs.forEach(inputArg => filesToRun.push(inputArg)); } if (filesToRun.length === 0) { const directoryContents = glob.sync( `${config.test_directory}${path.sep}**${path.sep}*` ); filesToRun = directoryContents.filter(item => fs.statSync(item).isFile()) || []; } return filesToRun.filter(file => { return file.match(config.test_file_extension_regexp) !== null; }); }; module.exports = { determineTestFilesToRun };
import "reflect-metadata"; import {createTestingConnections, closeTestingConnections, reloadTestingDatabases} from "../../utils/test-utils"; import {Connection} from "../../../src/connection/Connection"; import {Post} from "./entity/Post"; import {expect} from "chai"; import {PostStatus} from "./model/PostStatus"; describe("github issues > #182 enums are not saved properly", () => { let connections: Connection[]; before(async () => connections = await createTestingConnections({ entities: [__dirname + "/entity/*{.js,.ts}"], schemaCreate: true, dropSchemaOnConnection: true, enabledDrivers: ["mysql"] // we can properly test lazy-relations only on one platform })); beforeEach(() => reloadTestingDatabases(connections)); after(() => closeTestingConnections(connections)); it("should persist successfully with enum values", () => Promise.all( connection => { const post1 = new Post(); post1.status = PostStatus.NEW; post1.title = "Hello Post #1"; // persist await connection.entityManager.persist(post1); const loadedPosts1 = await connection.entityManager.findOne(Post, { title: "Hello Post #1" }); expect(loadedPosts1!); loadedPosts1!{ id: 1, title: "Hello Post #1", status: PostStatus.NEW }); // remove persisted await connection.entityManager.remove(post1); const post2 = new Post(); post2.status = PostStatus.ACTIVE; post2.title = "Hello Post #1"; // persist await connection.entityManager.persist(post2); const loadedPosts2 = await connection.entityManager.findOne(Post, { title: "Hello Post #1" }); expect(loadedPosts2!); loadedPosts2!{ id: 2, title: "Hello Post #1", status: PostStatus.ACTIVE }); // remove persisted await connection.entityManager.remove(post2); const post3 = new Post(); post3.status = PostStatus.ACHIEVED; post3.title = "Hello Post #1"; // persist await connection.entityManager.persist(post3); const loadedPosts3 = await connection.entityManager.findOne(Post, { title: "Hello Post #1" }); expect(loadedPosts3!); loadedPosts3!{ id: 3, title: "Hello Post #1", status: PostStatus.ACHIEVED }); // remove persisted await connection.entityManager.remove(post3); }))); });
// nodejs按行读取文件流 var Stream = require('stream').Stream, util = require('util'); var LineStream = function() { this.writable = true; this.readable = true; this.buffer = ''; }; util.inherits(LineStream, Stream); LineStream.prototype.write = function(data, encoding) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { data = data.toString(encoding || 'utf8'); } var parts = data.split(/\n/g); var len = parts.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.emit('data', parts[i]+'\n'); } }; LineStream.prototype.end = function() { if(this.buffer.length > 0){ this.emit('data',this.buffer); this.buffer = ''; } this.emit('end'); }; module.exports = LineStream;
using LibrarySystem.Models; using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace LibrarySystem.Account { public partial class Manage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected string SuccessMessage { get; private set; } protected bool CanRemoveExternalLogins { get; private set; } protected void Page_Load() { if (!IsPostBack) { // Determine the sections to render ILoginManager manager = new IdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext())).Logins; if (manager.HasLocalLogin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) { changePasswordHolder.Visible = true; } else { setPassword.Visible = true; changePasswordHolder.Visible = false; } CanRemoveExternalLogins = manager.GetLogins(User.Identity.GetUserId()).Count() > 1; // Render success message var message = Request.QueryString["m"]; if (message != null) { // Strip the query string from action Form.Action = ResolveUrl("~/Account/Manage"); SuccessMessage = message == "ChangePwdSuccess" ? "Your password has been changed." : message == "SetPwdSuccess" ? "Your password has been set." : message == "RemoveLoginSuccess" ? "The account was removed." : String.Empty; successMessage.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(SuccessMessage); } } } protected void ChangePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { IPasswordManager manager = new IdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext())).Passwords; IdentityResult result = manager.ChangePassword(User.Identity.GetUserName(), CurrentPassword.Text, NewPassword.Text); if (result.Success) { Response.Redirect("~/Account/Manage?m=ChangePwdSuccess"); } else { AddErrors(result); } } } protected void SetPassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { // Create the local login info and link the local account to the user ILoginManager manager = new IdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext())).Logins; IdentityResult result = manager.AddLocalLogin(User.Identity.GetUserId(), User.Identity.GetUserName(), password.Text); if (result.Success) { Response.Redirect("~/Account/Manage?m=SetPwdSuccess"); } else { AddErrors(result); } } } public IEnumerable<IUserLogin> GetLogins() { ILoginManager manager = new IdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext())).Logins; var accounts = manager.GetLogins(User.Identity.GetUserId()); CanRemoveExternalLogins = accounts.Count() > 1; return accounts; } public void RemoveLogin(string loginProvider, string providerKey) { ILoginManager manager = new IdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext())).Logins; var result = manager.RemoveLogin(User.Identity.GetUserId(), loginProvider, providerKey); var msg = result.Success ? "?m=RemoveLoginSuccess" : String.Empty; Response.Redirect("~/Account/Manage" + msg); } private void AddErrors(IdentityResult result) { foreach (var error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error); } } } }
__author__ = "Guillaume" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "2015, ESRF" import numpy from freesas.model import SASModel class Grid: """ This class is used to create a grid which include all the input models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files needed for averaging """ self.inputs = inputfiles self.size = [] self.nbknots = None self.radius = None self.coordknots = [] def __repr__(self): return "Grid with %i knots"%self.nbknots def spatial_extent(self): """ Calculate the maximal extent of input models :return self.size: 6-list with x,y,z max and then x,y,z min """ atoms = [] models_fineness = [] for files in self.inputs: m = SASModel(files) if len(atoms)==0: atoms = m.atoms else: atoms = numpy.append(atoms, m.atoms, axis=0) models_fineness.append(m.fineness) mean_fineness = sum(models_fineness) / len(models_fineness) coordmin = atoms.min(axis=0) - mean_fineness coordmax = atoms.max(axis=0) + mean_fineness self.size = [coordmax[0],coordmax[1],coordmax[2],coordmin[0],coordmin[1],coordmin[2]] return self.size def calc_radius(self, nbknots=None): """ Calculate the radius of each point of a hexagonal close-packed grid, knowing the total volume and the number of knots in this grid. :param nbknots: number of knots wanted for the grid :return radius: the radius of each knot of the grid """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() nbknots = nbknots if nbknots is not None else 5000 size = self.size dx = size[0] - size[3] dy = size[1] - size[4] dz = size[2] - size[5] volume = dx * dy * dz density = numpy.pi / (3*2**0.5) radius = ((3 /( 4 * numpy.pi)) * density * volume / nbknots)**(1.0/3) self.radius = radius return radius def make_grid(self): """ Create a grid using the maximal size and the radius previously computed. The geometry used is a face-centered cubic lattice (fcc). :return knots: 2d-array, coordinates of each dot of the grid. Saved as self.coordknots. """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() if self.radius is None: self.calc_radius() radius = self.radius a = numpy.sqrt(2.0)*radius xmax = self.size[0] xmin = self.size[3] ymax = self.size[1] ymin = self.size[4] zmax = self.size[2] zmin = self.size[5] x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 xlist = [] ylist = [] zlist = [] knots = numpy.empty((1,4), dtype="float") while (zmin + z) <= zmax: zlist.append(z) z += a while (ymin + y) <= ymax: ylist.append(y) y += a while (xmin + x) <= xmax: xlist.append(x) x += a for i in range(len(zlist)): z = zlist[i] if i % 2 ==0: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) knots = numpy.delete(knots, 0, axis=0) self.nbknots = knots.shape[0] self.coordknots = knots return knots class AverModels(): """ Provides tools to create an averaged models using several aligned dummy atom models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles, grid): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files of aligned models :param grid: 2d-array coordinates of each point of a grid, fourth column full of zeros """ self.inputfiles = inputfiles self.models = [] self.header = [] self.radius = None self.atoms = [] self.grid = grid def __repr__(self): return "Average SAS model with %i atoms"%len(self.atoms) def read_files(self, reference=None): """ Read all the pdb file in the inputfiles list, creating SASModels. The SASModels created are save in a list, the reference model is the first model in the list. :param reference: position of the reference model file in the inputfiles list """ ref = reference if reference is not None else 0 inputfiles = self.inputfiles models = [] models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[ref])) for i in range(len(inputfiles)): if i==ref: continue else: models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[i])) self.models = models return models def calc_occupancy(self, griddot): """ Assign an occupancy and a contribution factor to the point of the grid. :param griddot: 1d-array, coordinates of a point of the grid :return tuple: 2-tuple containing (occupancy, contribution) """ occ = 0.0 contrib = 0 for model in self.models: f = model.fineness for i in range(model.atoms.shape[0]): dx = model.atoms[i, 0] - griddot[0] dy = model.atoms[i, 1] - griddot[1] dz = model.atoms[i, 2] - griddot[2] dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz add = max(1 - (dist / f), 0) if add != 0: contrib += 1 occ += add return occ, contrib def assign_occupancy(self): """ For each point of the grid, total occupancy and contribution factor are computed and saved. The grid is then ordered with decreasing value of occupancy. The fourth column of the array correspond to the occupancy of the point and the fifth to the contribution for this point. :return sortedgrid: 2d-array, coordinates of each point of the grid """ grid = self.grid nbknots = grid.shape[0] grid = numpy.append(grid, numpy.zeros((nbknots, 1), dtype="float"), axis=1) for i in range(nbknots): occ, contrib = self.calc_occupancy(grid[i, 0:3]) grid[i, 3] = occ grid[i, 4] = contrib order = numpy.argsort(grid, axis=0)[:, -2] sortedgrid = numpy.empty_like(grid) for i in range(nbknots): sortedgrid[nbknots - i - 1, :] = grid[order[i], :] return sortedgrid def make_header(self): """ Create the layout of the pdb file for the averaged model. """ header = [] header.append("Number of files averaged : %s\n"%len(self.inputfiles)) for i in self.inputfiles: header.append(i + "\n") header.append("Total number of dots in the grid : %s\n"%self.grid.shape[0]) decade = 1 for i in range(self.grid.shape[0]): line = "ATOM CA ASP 1 20.00 2 201\n" line = line[:7] + "%4.i"%(i + 1) + line[11:] if not (i + 1) % 10: decade += 1 line = line[:21] + "%4.i"%decade + line[25:] header.append(line) self.header = header return header def save_aver(self, filename): """ Save the position of each occupied dot of the grid, its occupancy and its contribution in a pdb file. :param filename: name of the pdb file to write """ if len(self.header) == 0: self.make_header() assert self.grid.shape[-1] == 5 nr = 0 with open(filename, "w") as pdbout: for line in self.header: if line.startswith("ATOM"): if nr < self.grid.shape[0] and self.grid[nr, 4] != 0: coord = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % tuple(self.grid[nr, 0:3]) occ = "%6.2f" % self.grid[nr, 3] contrib = "%2.f" % self.grid[nr, 4] line = line[:30] + coord + occ + line[60:66] + contrib + line[68:] else: line = "" nr += 1 pdbout.write(line)
// Based on "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" // book by Erich Gamma, John Vlissides, Ralph Johnson, and Richard Helm // // Created by Bartosz Rachwal. The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. #include "btree.h" namespace structural { namespace flyweight { BTree::BTree(long size) : size_(size) { leafs_ = new operational::iterator::List<Font*>(); nodes_ = new int[size_]; for (auto i = 0; i < size_; i++) { nodes_[i] = -1; } } BTree::BTree() : BTree(1000) { } void BTree::Set(Font* font, const int& index, const int& span) const { auto font_index = -1; for (auto i = 0; i < leafs_->Count(); i++) { if (&leafs_->Get(i) == &font) { font_index = i; } } if (font_index == -1) { leafs_->Append(font); font_index = leafs_->Count() - 1; } for (auto j = index; j < index + span; j++) { nodes_[j] = font_index; } } Font *BTree::Get(int index) const { if (index > size_) { return nullptr; } auto font_index = nodes_[index]; if (font_index == -1) { return nullptr; } return leafs_->Get(font_index); } } }
Enefele::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! config.cache_classes = true # Do not eager load code on boot. This avoids loading your whole application # just for the purpose of running a single test. If you are using a tool that # preloads Rails for running tests, you may have to set it to true. config.eager_load = false # Configure static asset server for tests with Cache-Control for performance. config.serve_static_assets = true config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=3600" # Show full error reports and disable caching. config.consider_all_requests_local = true config.action_controller.perform_caching = false # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates. config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false # Disable request forgery protection in test environment. config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false # Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. # The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the # ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test # Print deprecation notices to the stderr. config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr end
<!doctype html> <html class="no-js" lang=""> <head> <title>Zabuun - Learn Egyptian Arabic for English speakers</title> <meta name="description" content=""> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/head.php';?> </head> <body> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/ie8.php';?> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/header.php';?> <div class="content"> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/side.php';?> <div class="main"> <div class="location"> <p class="breadcrumbs">Essays > The First Song</p> <p class="expandcollapse"> <a href="">Expand All</a> | <a href="">Collapse All</a> </p> </div> <!-- begin essay --> <h1>The First Song</h1> <p> She sits in the car. Her dad turns on the radio. A song plays. She taps her feet. She sways her head. Her dad laughs at her. He likes the song too. The song is over. The radio plays a different song. She does not like the new song. She sits quietly. </p> <!-- end essay --> </div> </div> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/footer.php';?> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout/scripts.php';?> </body> </html>
package main import ( "os" "" ) func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "nano-client" app.Usage = "Send a request to service" app.Version = Version app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "service, s", Usage: "Service endpoint to send request to (Required)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "method, m", Usage: "RPC method to call (Required)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "params, p", Usage: "Parameters as JSON (Required)", }, } //app.Action = SendRequest app.Run(os.Args) }
import logger from './logger'; import app from './app'; const port = app.get('port'); const server = app.listen(port); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => logger.error('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise ', p, reason) ); server.on('listening', () =>'Feathers application started on http://%s:%d', app.get('host'), port) );
// Template Source: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License in the project root for license information. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package; import; import; // **NOTE** This file was generated by a tool and any changes will be overwritten. /** * The class for the Contact Folder Collection Response. */ public class ContactFolderCollectionResponse extends BaseCollectionResponse<ContactFolder> { }
/* * Copyright 2013 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*package;*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import { ZXingStringBuilder } from '@zxing/library'; import Random from '../../../core/util/Random'; import { ZXingSystem } from '@zxing/library'; import { GenericGF } from '@zxing/library'; import { ReedSolomonEncoder } from '@zxing/library'; import { ReedSolomonDecoder } from '@zxing/library'; /*import java.util.Random;*/ import { corrupt } from './ReedSolomonCorrupt'; /** * @author Rustam Abdullaev */ describe('ReedSolomonSpec', () => { it('testDataMatrix 1 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.DATA_MATRIX_FIELD_256, Int32Array.from([142, 164, 186]), Int32Array.from([114, 25, 5, 88, 102]) ); }); it('testDataMatrix 2 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.DATA_MATRIX_FIELD_256, Int32Array.from([ 0x69, 0x75, 0x75, 0x71, 0x3B, 0x30, 0x30, 0x64, 0x70, 0x65, 0x66, 0x2F, 0x68, 0x70, 0x70, 0x68, 0x6D, 0x66, 0x2F, 0x64, 0x70, 0x6E, 0x30, 0x71, 0x30, 0x7B, 0x79, 0x6A, 0x6F, 0x68, 0x30, 0x81, 0xF0, 0x88, 0x1F, 0xB5 ]), Int32Array.from([ 0x1C, 0x64, 0xEE, 0xEB, 0xD0, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x1C, 0xF1, 0xD0, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x98, 0xDA, 0x80, 0x88, 0xBE, 0xFF, 0xB7, 0xFA, 0xA9, 0x95 ]) ); }); it('testDataMatrix 3.1 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.DATA_MATRIX_FIELD_256, 10, 240); }); it('testDataMatrix 3.2 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.DATA_MATRIX_FIELD_256, 128, 127); }); it('testDataMatrix 3.3 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.DATA_MATRIX_FIELD_256, 220, 35); }); it('testQRCode 1 - from example given in ISO 18004, Annex I', () => { // Test case from example given in ISO 18004, Annex I testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.QR_CODE_FIELD_256, Int32Array.from([ 0x10, 0x20, 0x0C, 0x56, 0x61, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11 ]), Int32Array.from([ 0xA5, 0x24, 0xD4, 0xC1, 0xED, 0x36, 0xC7, 0x87, 0x2C, 0x55 ]) ); }); it('testQRCode 2 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.QR_CODE_FIELD_256, Int32Array.from([ 0x72, 0x67, 0x2F, 0x77, 0x69, 0x6B, 0x69, 0x2F, 0x4D, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x5F, 0x50, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x3B, 0x3B, 0x00, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11, 0xEC, 0x11 ]), Int32Array.from([ 0xD8, 0xB8, 0xEF, 0x14, 0xEC, 0xD0, 0xCC, 0x85, 0x73, 0x40, 0x0B, 0xB5, 0x5A, 0xB8, 0x8B, 0x2E, 0x08, 0x62 ]) ); }); it('testQRCode 3.1 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.QR_CODE_FIELD_256, 10, 240); }); it('testQRCode 3.2 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.QR_CODE_FIELD_256, 128, 127); }); it('testQRCode 3.3 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.QR_CODE_FIELD_256, 220, 35); }); it('testAztec 1 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM, Int32Array.from([0x5, 0x6]), Int32Array.from([0x3, 0x2, 0xB, 0xB, 0x7]) ); }); it('testAztec 2 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM, Int32Array.from([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9]), Int32Array.from([0xA, 0xD, 0x8, 0x6, 0x5, 0x6]) ); }); it('testAztec 3 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM, Int32Array.from([0x2, 0x8, 0x8, 0x7]), Int32Array.from([0xE, 0xC, 0xA, 0x9, 0x6, 0x8]) ); }); it('testAztec 4 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_6, Int32Array.from([0x9, 0x32, 0x1, 0x29, 0x2F, 0x2, 0x27, 0x25, 0x1, 0x1B]), Int32Array.from([0x2C, 0x2, 0xD, 0xD, 0xA, 0x16, 0x28, 0x9, 0x22, 0xA, 0x14]) ); }); it('testAztec 5 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_8, Int32Array.from([ 0xE0, 0x86, 0x42, 0x98, 0xE8, 0x4A, 0x96, 0xC6, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x8C, 0xA7, 0x4A, 0xDA, 0xF8, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xDE, 0x88, 0x64, 0x29, 0x8E, 0x84, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x6B, 0x9F, 0x08, 0xCA, 0x74, 0xAD, 0xAF, 0x8C, 0xEB, 0x7C, 0x10, 0xC8, 0x53, 0x1D, 0x09, 0x52, 0xD8, 0xD7, 0x3E, 0x11, 0x94, 0xE9, 0x5B, 0x5F, 0x19, 0xD6, 0xFB, 0xD1, 0x0C, 0x85, 0x31, 0xD0, 0x95, 0x2D, 0x8D, 0x73, 0xE1, 0x19, 0x4E, 0x95, 0xB5, 0xF1, 0x9D, 0x6F]), Int32Array.from([ 0x31, 0xD7, 0x04, 0x46, 0xB2, 0xC1, 0x06, 0x94, 0x17, 0xE5, 0x0C, 0x2B, 0xA3, 0x99, 0x15, 0x7F, 0x16, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xBA, 0x33, 0xD9, 0xE8, 0x87, 0x86, 0xBB, 0x4B, 0x15, 0x4E, 0x4A, 0xDE, 0xD4, 0xED, 0xA1, 0xF8, 0x47, 0x2A, 0x50, 0xA6, 0xBC, 0x53, 0x7D, 0x29, 0xFE, 0x06, 0x49, 0xF3, 0x73, 0x9F, 0xC1, 0x75]) ); }); it('testAztec 6 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_10, Int32Array.from([ 0x15C, 0x1E1, 0x2D5, 0x02E, 0x048, 0x1E2, 0x037, 0x0CD, 0x02E, 0x056, 0x26A, 0x281, 0x1C2, 0x1A6, 0x296, 0x045, 0x041, 0x0AA, 0x095, 0x2CE, 0x003, 0x38F, 0x2CD, 0x1A2, 0x036, 0x1AD, 0x04E, 0x090, 0x271, 0x0D3, 0x02E, 0x0D5, 0x2D4, 0x032, 0x2CA, 0x281, 0x0AA, 0x04E, 0x024, 0x2D3, 0x296, 0x281, 0x0E2, 0x08A, 0x1AA, 0x28A, 0x280, 0x07C, 0x286, 0x0A1, 0x1D0, 0x1AD, 0x154, 0x032, 0x2C2, 0x1C1, 0x145, 0x02B, 0x2D4, 0x2B0, 0x033, 0x2D5, 0x276, 0x1C1, 0x282, 0x10A, 0x2B5, 0x154, 0x003, 0x385, 0x20F, 0x0C4, 0x02D, 0x050, 0x266, 0x0D5, 0x033, 0x2D5, 0x276, 0x1C1, 0x0D4, 0x2A0, 0x08F, 0x0C4, 0x024, 0x20F, 0x2E2, 0x1AD, 0x154, 0x02E, 0x056, 0x26A, 0x281, 0x090, 0x1E5, 0x14E, 0x0CF, 0x2B6, 0x1C1, 0x28A, 0x2A1, 0x04E, 0x0D5, 0x003, 0x391, 0x122, 0x286, 0x1AD, 0x2D4, 0x028, 0x262, 0x2EA, 0x0A2, 0x004, 0x176, 0x295, 0x201, 0x0D5, 0x024, 0x20F, 0x116, 0x0C1, 0x056, 0x095, 0x213, 0x004, 0x1EA, 0x28A, 0x02A, 0x234, 0x2CE, 0x037, 0x157, 0x0D3, 0x262, 0x026, 0x262, 0x2A0, 0x086, 0x106, 0x2A1, 0x126, 0x1E5, 0x266, 0x26A, 0x2A1, 0x0E6, 0x1AA, 0x281, 0x2B6, 0x271, 0x154, 0x02F, 0x0C4, 0x02D, 0x213, 0x0CE, 0x003, 0x38F, 0x2CD, 0x1A2, 0x036, 0x1B5, 0x26A, 0x086, 0x280, 0x086, 0x1AA, 0x2A1, 0x226, 0x1AD, 0x0CF, 0x2A6, 0x292, 0x2C6, 0x022, 0x1AA, 0x256, 0x0D5, 0x02D, 0x050, 0x266, 0x0D5, 0x004, 0x176, 0x295, 0x201, 0x0D3, 0x055, 0x031, 0x2CD, 0x2EA, 0x1E2, 0x261, 0x1EA, 0x28A, 0x004, 0x145, 0x026, 0x1A6, 0x1C6, 0x1F5, 0x2CE, 0x034, 0x051, 0x146, 0x1E1, 0x0B0, 0x1B0, 0x261, 0x0D5, 0x025, 0x142, 0x1C0, 0x07C, 0x0B0, 0x1E6, 0x081, 0x044, 0x02F, 0x2CF, 0x081, 0x290, 0x0A2, 0x1A6, 0x281, 0x0CD, 0x155, 0x031, 0x1A2, 0x086, 0x262, 0x2A1, 0x0CD, 0x0CA, 0x0E6, 0x1E5, 0x003, 0x394, 0x0C5, 0x030, 0x26F, 0x053, 0x0C1, 0x1B6, 0x095, 0x2D4, 0x030, 0x26F, 0x053, 0x0C0, 0x07C, 0x2E6, 0x295, 0x143, 0x2CD, 0x2CE, 0x037, 0x0C9, 0x144, 0x2CD, 0x040, 0x08E, 0x054, 0x282, 0x022, 0x2A1, 0x229, 0x053, 0x0D5, 0x262, 0x027, 0x26A, 0x1E8, 0x14D, 0x1A2, 0x004, 0x26A, 0x296, 0x281, 0x176, 0x295, 0x201, 0x0E2, 0x2C4, 0x143, 0x2D4, 0x026, 0x262, 0x2A0, 0x08F, 0x0C4, 0x031, 0x213, 0x2B5, 0x155, 0x213, 0x02F, 0x143, 0x121, 0x2A6, 0x1AD, 0x2D4, 0x034, 0x0C5, 0x026, 0x295, 0x003, 0x396, 0x2A1, 0x176, 0x295, 0x201, 0x0AA, 0x04E, 0x004, 0x1B0, 0x070, 0x275, 0x154, 0x026, 0x2C1, 0x2B3, 0x154, 0x2AA, 0x256, 0x0C1, 0x044, 0x004, 0x23F ]), Int32Array.from([ 0x379, 0x099, 0x348, 0x010, 0x090, 0x196, 0x09C, 0x1FF, 0x1B0, 0x32D, 0x244, 0x0DE, 0x201, 0x386, 0x163, 0x11F, 0x39B, 0x344, 0x3FE, 0x02F, 0x188, 0x113, 0x3D9, 0x102, 0x04A, 0x2E1, 0x1D1, 0x18E, 0x077, 0x262, 0x241, 0x20D, 0x1B8, 0x11D, 0x0D0, 0x0A5, 0x29C, 0x24D, 0x3E7, 0x006, 0x2D0, 0x1B7, 0x337, 0x178, 0x0F1, 0x1E0, 0x00B, 0x01E, 0x0DA, 0x1C6, 0x2D9, 0x00D, 0x28B, 0x34A, 0x252, 0x27A, 0x057, 0x0CA, 0x2C2, 0x2E4, 0x3A6, 0x0E3, 0x22B, 0x307, 0x174, 0x292, 0x10C, 0x1ED, 0x2FD, 0x2D4, 0x0A7, 0x051, 0x34F, 0x07A, 0x1D5, 0x01D, 0x22E, 0x2C2, 0x1DF, 0x08F, 0x105, 0x3FE, 0x286, 0x2A2, 0x3B1, 0x131, 0x285, 0x362, 0x315, 0x13C, 0x0F9, 0x1A2, 0x28D, 0x246, 0x1B3, 0x12C, 0x2AD, 0x0F8, 0x222, 0x0EC, 0x39F, 0x358, 0x014, 0x229, 0x0C8, 0x360, 0x1C2, 0x031, 0x098, 0x041, 0x3E4, 0x046, 0x332, 0x318, 0x2E3, 0x24E, 0x3E2, 0x1E1, 0x0BE, 0x239, 0x306, 0x3A5, 0x352, 0x351, 0x275, 0x0ED, 0x045, 0x229, 0x0BF, 0x05D, 0x253, 0x1BE, 0x02E, 0x35A, 0x0E4, 0x2E9, 0x17A, 0x166, 0x03C, 0x007 ]) ); }); it('testAztec 7 - real life test case', () => { testEncodeDecode( GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_12, Int32Array.from([ 0x571, 0xE1B, 0x542, 0xE12, 0x1E2, 0x0DC, 0xCD0, 0xB85, 0x69A, 0xA81, 0x709, 0xA6A, 0x584, 0x510, 0x4AA, 0x256, 0xCE0, 0x0F8, 0xFB3, 0x5A2, 0x0D9, 0xAD1, 0x389, 0x09C, 0x4D3, 0x0B8, 0xD5B, 0x503, 0x2B2, 0xA81, 0x2A8, 0x4E0, 0x92D, 0x3A5, 0xA81, 0x388, 0x8A6, 0xAA8, 0xAA0, 0x07C, 0xA18, 0xA17, 0x41A, 0xD55, 0x032, 0xB09, 0xC15, 0x142, 0xBB5, 0x2B0, 0x0CE, 0xD59, 0xD9C, 0x1A0, 0x90A, 0xAD5, 0x540, 0x0F8, 0x583, 0xCC4, 0x0B4, 0x509, 0x98D, 0x50C, 0xED5, 0x9D9, 0xC13, 0x52A, 0x023, 0xCC4, 0x092, 0x0FB, 0x89A, 0xD55, 0x02E, 0x15A, 0x6AA, 0x049, 0x079, 0x54E, 0x33E, 0xB67, 0x068, 0xAA8, 0x44E, 0x354, 0x03E, 0x452, 0x2A1, 0x9AD, 0xB50, 0x289, 0x8AE, 0xA28, 0x804, 0x5DA, 0x958, 0x04D, 0x509, 0x20F, 0x458, 0xC11, 0x589, 0x584, 0xC04, 0x7AA, 0x8A0, 0xAA3, 0x4B3, 0x837, 0x55C, 0xD39, 0x882, 0x698, 0xAA0, 0x219, 0x06A, 0x852, 0x679, 0x666, 0x9AA, 0xA13, 0x99A, 0xAA0, 0x6B6, 0x9C5, 0x540, 0xBCC, 0x40B, 0x613, 0x338, 0x03E, 0x3EC, 0xD68, 0x836, 0x6D6, 0x6A2, 0x1A8, 0x021, 0x9AA, 0xA86, 0x266, 0xB4C, 0xFA9, 0xA92, 0xB18, 0x226, 0xAA5, 0x635, 0x42D, 0x142, 0x663, 0x540, 0x45D, 0xA95, 0x804, 0xD31, 0x543, 0x1B3, 0x6EA, 0x78A, 0x617, 0xAA8, 0xA01, 0x145, 0x099, 0xA67, 0x19F, 0x5B3, 0x834, 0x145, 0x467, 0x84B, 0x06C, 0x261, 0x354, 0x255, 0x09C, 0x01F, 0x0B0, 0x798, 0x811, 0x102, 0xFB3, 0xC81, 0xA40, 0xA26, 0x9A8, 0x133, 0x555, 0x0C5, 0xA22, 0x1A6, 0x2A8, 0x4CD, 0x328, 0xE67, 0x940, 0x3E5, 0x0C5, 0x0C2, 0x6F1, 0x4CC, 0x16D, 0x895, 0xB50, 0x309, 0xBC5, 0x330, 0x07C, 0xB9A, 0x955, 0x0EC, 0xDB3, 0x837, 0x325, 0x44B, 0x344, 0x023, 0x854, 0xA08, 0x22A, 0x862, 0x914, 0xCD5, 0x988, 0x279, 0xA9E, 0x853, 0x5A2, 0x012, 0x6AA, 0x5A8, 0x15D, 0xA95, 0x804, 0xE2B, 0x114, 0x3B5, 0x026, 0x98A, 0xA02, 0x3CC, 0x40C, 0x613, 0xAD5, 0x558, 0x4C2, 0xF50, 0xD21, 0xA99, 0xADB, 0x503, 0x431, 0x426, 0xA54, 0x03E, 0x5AA, 0x15D, 0xA95, 0x804, 0xAA1, 0x380, 0x46C, 0x070, 0x9D5, 0x540, 0x9AC, 0x1AC, 0xD54, 0xAAA, 0x563, 0x044, 0x401, 0x220, 0x9F1, 0x4F0, 0xDAA, 0x170, 0x90F, 0x106, 0xE66, 0x85C, 0x2B4, 0xD54, 0x0B8, 0x4D3, 0x52C, 0x228, 0x825, 0x512, 0xB67, 0x007, 0xC7D, 0x9AD, 0x106, 0xCD6, 0x89C, 0x484, 0xE26, 0x985, 0xC6A, 0xDA8, 0x195, 0x954, 0x095, 0x427, 0x049, 0x69D, 0x2D4, 0x09C, 0x445, 0x355, 0x455, 0x003, 0xE50, 0xC50, 0xBA0, 0xD6A, 0xA81, 0x958, 0x4E0, 0xA8A, 0x15D, 0xA95, 0x806, 0x76A, 0xCEC, 0xE0D, 0x048, 0x556, 0xAAA, 0x007, 0xC2C, 0x1E6, 0x205, 0xA28, 0x4CC, 0x6A8, 0x676, 0xACE, 0xCE0, 0x9A9, 0x501, 0x1E6, 0x204, 0x907, 0xDC4, 0xD6A, 0xA81, 0x70A, 0xD35, 0x502, 0x483, 0xCAA, 0x719, 0xF5B, 0x383, 0x455, 0x422, 0x71A, 0xA01, 0xF22, 0x915, 0x0CD, 0x6DA, 0x814, 0x4C5, 0x751, 0x440, 0x22E, 0xD4A, 0xC02, 0x6A8, 0x490, 0x7A2, 0xC60, 0x8AC, 0x4AC, 0x260, 0x23D, 0x545, 0x055, 0x1A5, 0x9C1, 0xBAA, 0xE69, 0xCC4, 0x134, 0xC55, 0x010, 0xC83, 0x542, 0x933, 0xCB3, 0x34D, 0x550, 0x9CC, 0xD55, 0x035, 0xB4E, 0x2AA, 0x05E, 0x620, 0x5B0, 0x999, 0xC01, 0xF1F, 0x66B, 0x441, 0xB36, 0xB35, 0x10D, 0x401, 0x0CD, 0x554, 0x313, 0x35A, 0x67D, 0x4D4, 0x958, 0xC11, 0x355, 0x2B1, 0xAA1, 0x68A, 0x133, 0x1AA, 0x022, 0xED4, 0xAC0, 0x269, 0x8AA, 0x18D, 0x9B7, 0x53C, 0x530, 0xBD5, 0x450, 0x08A, 0x284, 0xCD3, 0x38C, 0xFAD, 0x9C1, 0xA0A, 0x2A3, 0x3C2, 0x583, 0x613, 0x09A, 0xA12, 0xA84, 0xE00, 0xF85, 0x83C, 0xC40, 0x888, 0x17D, 0x9E4, 0x0D2, 0x051, 0x34D, 0x409, 0x9AA, 0xA86, 0x2D1, 0x10D, 0x315, 0x426, 0x699, 0x473, 0x3CA, 0x01F, 0x286, 0x286, 0x137, 0x8A6, 0x60B, 0x6C4, 0xADA, 0x818, 0x4DE, 0x299, 0x803, 0xE5C, 0xD4A, 0xA87, 0x66D, 0x9C1, 0xB99, 0x2A2, 0x59A, 0x201, 0x1C2, 0xA50, 0x411, 0x543, 0x148, 0xA66, 0xACC, 0x413, 0xCD4, 0xF42, 0x9AD, 0x100, 0x935, 0x52D, 0x40A, 0xED4, 0xAC0, 0x271, 0x588, 0xA1D, 0xA81, 0x34C, 0x550, 0x11E, 0x620, 0x630, 0x9D6, 0xAAA, 0xC26, 0x17A, 0x869, 0x0D4, 0xCD6, 0xDA8, 0x1A1, 0x8A1, 0x352, 0xA01, 0xF2D, 0x50A, 0xED4, 0xAC0, 0x255, 0x09C, 0x023, 0x603, 0x84E, 0xAAA, 0x04D, 0x60D, 0x66A, 0xA55, 0x52B, 0x182, 0x220, 0x091, 0x00F, 0x8A7, 0x86D, 0x50B, 0x848, 0x788, 0x373, 0x342, 0xE15, 0xA6A, 0xA05, 0xC26, 0x9A9, 0x611, 0x441, 0x2A8, 0x95B, 0x380, 0x3E3, 0xECD, 0x688, 0x366, 0xB44, 0xE24, 0x271, 0x34C, 0x2E3, 0x56D, 0x40C, 0xACA, 0xA04, 0xAA1, 0x382, 0x4B4, 0xE96, 0xA04, 0xE22, 0x29A, 0xAA2, 0xA80, 0x1F2, 0x862, 0x85D, 0x06B, 0x554, 0x0CA, 0xC27, 0x054, 0x50A, 0xED4, 0xAC0, 0x33B, 0x567, 0x670, 0x682, 0x42A, 0xB55, 0x500, 0x3E1, 0x60F, 0x310, 0x2D1, 0x426, 0x635, 0x433, 0xB56, 0x767, 0x04D, 0x4A8, 0x08F, 0x310, 0x248, 0x3EE, 0x26B, 0x554, 0x0B8, 0x569, 0xAA8, 0x124, 0x1E5, 0x538, 0xCFA, 0xD9C, 0x1A2, 0xAA1, 0x138, 0xD50, 0x0F9, 0x148, 0xA86, 0x6B6, 0xD40, 0xA26, 0x2BA, 0x8A2, 0x011, 0x76A, 0x560, 0x135, 0x424, 0x83D, 0x163, 0x045, 0x625, 0x613, 0x011, 0xEAA, 0x282, 0xA8D, 0x2CE, 0x0DD, 0x573, 0x4E6, 0x209, 0xA62, 0xA80, 0x864, 0x1AA, 0x149, 0x9E5, 0x99A, 0x6AA, 0x84E, 0x66A, 0xA81, 0xADA, 0x715, 0x502, 0xF31, 0x02D, 0x84C, 0xCE0, 0x0F8, 0xFB3, 0x5A2, 0x0D9, 0xB59, 0xA88, 0x6A0, 0x086, 0x6AA, 0xA18, 0x99A, 0xD33, 0xEA6, 0xA4A, 0xC60, 0x89A, 0xA95, 0x8D5, 0x0B4, 0x509, 0x98D, 0x501, 0x176, 0xA56, 0x013, 0x4C5, 0x50C, 0x6CD, 0xBA9, 0xE29, 0x85E, 0xAA2, 0x804, 0x514, 0x266, 0x99C, 0x67D, 0x6CE, 0x0D0, 0x515, 0x19E, 0x12C, 0x1B0, 0x984, 0xD50, 0x954, 0x270, 0x07C, 0x2C1, 0xE62, 0x044, 0x40B, 0xECF, 0x206, 0x902, 0x89A, 0x6A0, 0x4CD, 0x554, 0x316, 0x888, 0x698, 0xAA1, 0x334, 0xCA3, 0x99E, 0x500, 0xF94, 0x314, 0x309, 0xBC5, 0x330, 0x5B6, 0x256, 0xD40, 0xC26, 0xF14, 0xCC0, 0x1F2, 0xE6A, 0x554, 0x3B3, 0x6CE, 0x0DC, 0xC95, 0x12C, 0xD10, 0x08E, 0x152, 0x820, 0x8AA, 0x18A, 0x453, 0x356, 0x620, 0x9E6, 0xA7A, 0x14D, 0x688, 0x049, 0xAA9, 0x6A0, 0x576, 0xA56, 0x013, 0x8AC, 0x450, 0xED4, 0x09A, 0x62A, 0x808, 0xF31, 0x031, 0x84E, 0xB55, 0x561, 0x30B, 0xD43, 0x486, 0xA66, 0xB6D, 0x40D, 0x0C5, 0x09A, 0x950, 0x0F9, 0x6A8, 0x576, 0xA56, 0x012, 0xA84, 0xE01, 0x1B0, 0x1C2, 0x755, 0x502, 0x6B0, 0x6B3, 0x552, 0xAA9, 0x58C, 0x111, 0x004, 0x882, 0x7C5, 0x3C3, 0x6A8, 0x5C2, 0x43C, 0x41B, 0x99A, 0x170, 0xAD3, 0x550, 0x2E1, 0x34D, 0x4B0, 0x8A2, 0x095, 0x44A, 0xD9C, 0x01F, 0x1F6, 0x6B4, 0x41B, 0x35A, 0x271, 0x213, 0x89A, 0x617, 0x1AB, 0x6A0, 0x656, 0x550, 0x255, 0x09C, 0x125, 0xA74, 0xB50, 0x271, 0x114, 0xD55, 0x154, 0x00F, 0x943, 0x142, 0xE83, 0x5AA, 0xA06, 0x561, 0x382, 0xA28, 0x576, 0xA56, 0x019, 0xDAB, 0x3B3, 0x834, 0x121, 0x55A, 0xAA8, 0x01F, 0x0B0, 0x798, 0x816, 0x8A1, 0x331, 0xAA1, 0x9DA, 0xB3B, 0x382, 0x6A5, 0x404, 0x798, 0x812, 0x41F, 0x713, 0x5AA, 0xA05, 0xC2B, 0x4D5, 0x409, 0x20F, 0x2A9, 0xC67, 0xD6C, 0xE0D, 0x155, 0x089, 0xC6A, 0x807, 0xC8A, 0x454, 0x335, 0xB6A, 0x051, 0x315, 0xD45, 0x100, 0x8BB, 0x52B, 0x009, 0xAA1, 0x241, 0xE8B, 0x182, 0x2B1, 0x2B0, 0x980, 0x8F5, 0x514, 0x154, 0x696, 0x706, 0xEAB, 0x9A7, 0x310, 0x4D3, 0x154, 0x043, 0x20D, 0x50A, 0x4CF, 0x2CC, 0xD35, 0x542, 0x733, 0x554, 0x0D6, 0xD38, 0xAA8, 0x179, 0x881, 0x6C2, 0x667, 0x007, 0xC7D, 0x9AD, 0x106, 0xCDA, 0xCD4, 0x435, 0x004, 0x335, 0x550, 0xC4C, 0xD69, 0x9F5, 0x352, 0x563, 0x044, 0xD54, 0xAC6, 0xA85, 0xA28, 0x4CC, 0x6A8, 0x08B, 0xB52, 0xB00, 0x9A6, 0x2A8, 0x636, 0x6DD, 0x4F1, 0x4C2, 0xF55, 0x140, 0x228, 0xA13, 0x34C, 0xE33, 0xEB6, 0x706, 0x828, 0xA8C, 0xF09, 0x60D, 0x84C, 0x26A, 0x84A, 0xA13, 0x803, 0xE16, 0x0F3, 0x102, 0x220, 0x5F6, 0x790, 0x348, 0x144, 0xD35, 0x026, 0x6AA, 0xA18, 0xB44, 0x434, 0xC55, 0x099, 0xA65, 0x1CC, 0xF28, 0x07C, 0xA18, 0xA18, 0x4DE, 0x299, 0x82D, 0xB12, 0xB6A, 0x061, 0x378, 0xA66, 0x00F, 0x973, 0x52A, 0xA1D, 0x9B6, 0x706, 0xE64, 0xA89, 0x668, 0x804, 0x70A, 0x941, 0x045, 0x50C, 0x522, 0x99A, 0xB31, 0x04F, 0x353, 0xD0A, 0x6B4, 0x402, 0x4D5, 0x4B5, 0x02B, 0xB52, 0xB00, 0x9C5, 0x622, 0x876, 0xA04, 0xD31, 0x540, 0x479, 0x881, 0x8C2, 0x75A, 0xAAB, 0x098, 0x5EA, 0x1A4, 0x353, 0x35B, 0x6A0, 0x686, 0x284, 0xD4A, 0x807, 0xCB5, 0x42B, 0xB52, 0xB00, 0x954, 0x270, 0x08D, 0x80E, 0x13A, 0xAA8, 0x135, 0x835, 0x9AA, 0x801, 0xF14, 0xF0D, 0xAA1, 0x709, 0x0F1, 0x06E, 0x668, 0x5C2, 0xB4D, 0x540, 0xB84, 0xD35, 0x2C2, 0x288, 0x255, 0x12B, 0x670, 0x07C, 0x7D9, 0xAD1, 0x06C, 0xD68, 0x9C4, 0x84E, 0x269, 0x85C, 0x6AD, 0xA81, 0x959, 0x540, 0x954, 0x270, 0x496, 0x9D2, 0xD40, 0x9C4, 0x453, 0x554, 0x550, 0x03E, 0x50C, 0x50B, 0xA0D, 0x6AA, 0x819, 0x584, 0xE0A, 0x8A1, 0x5DA, 0x958, 0x067, 0x6AC, 0xECE, 0x0D0, 0x485, 0x56A, 0xAA0, 0x07C, 0x2C1, 0xE62, 0x05A, 0x284, 0xCC6, 0xA86, 0x76A, 0xCEC, 0xE09, 0xA95, 0x011, 0xE62, 0x049, 0x07D, 0xC4D, 0x6AA, 0x817, 0x0AD, 0x355, 0x024, 0x83C, 0xAA7, 0x19F, 0x5B3, 0x834, 0x554, 0x227, 0x1AA, 0x01F, 0x229, 0x150, 0xCD6, 0xDA8, 0x144, 0xC57, 0x514, 0x402, 0x2ED, 0x4AC, 0x026, 0xA84, 0x907, 0xA2C, 0x608, 0xAC4, 0xAC2, 0x602, 0x3D5, 0x450, 0x551, 0xA59, 0xC1B, 0xAAE, 0x69C, 0xC41, 0x34C, 0x550, 0x10C, 0x835, 0x429, 0x33C, 0xB33, 0x4D5, 0x509, 0xCCD, 0x550, 0x35B, 0x4E2, 0xAA0, 0x5E6, 0x205, 0xB09, 0x99C, 0x09F ]), Int32Array.from([ 0xD54, 0x221, 0x154, 0x7CD, 0xBF3, 0x112, 0x89B, 0xC5E, 0x9CD, 0x07E, 0xFB6, 0x78F, 0x7FA, 0x16F, 0x377, 0x4B4, 0x62D, 0x475, 0xBC2, 0x861, 0xB72, 0x9D0, 0x76A, 0x5A1, 0x22A, 0xF74, 0xDBA, 0x8B1, 0x139, 0xDCD, 0x012, 0x293, 0x705, 0xA34, 0xDD5, 0x3D2, 0x7F8, 0x0A6, 0x89A, 0x346, 0xCE0, 0x690, 0x40E, 0xFF3, 0xC4D, 0x97F, 0x9C9, 0x016, 0x73A, 0x923, 0xBCE, 0xFA9, 0xE6A, 0xB92, 0x02A, 0x07C, 0x04B, 0x8D5, 0x753, 0x42E, 0x67E, 0x87C, 0xEE6, 0xD7D, 0x2BF, 0xFB2, 0xFF8, 0x42F, 0x4CB, 0x214, 0x779, 0x02D, 0x606, 0xA02, 0x08A, 0xD4F, 0xB87, 0xDDF, 0xC49, 0xB51, 0x0E9, 0xF89, 0xAEF, 0xC92, 0x383, 0x98D, 0x367, 0xBD3, 0xA55, 0x148, 0x9DB, 0x913, 0xC79, 0x6FF, 0x387, 0x6EA, 0x7FA, 0xC1B, 0x12D, 0x303, 0xBCA, 0x503, 0x0FB, 0xB14, 0x0D4, 0xAD1, 0xAFC, 0x9DD, 0x404, 0x145, 0x6E5, 0x8ED, 0xF94, 0xD72, 0x645, 0xA21, 0x1A8, 0xABF, 0xC03, 0x91E, 0xD53, 0x48C, 0x471, 0x4E4, 0x408, 0x33C, 0x5DF, 0x73D, 0xA2A, 0x454, 0xD77, 0xC48, 0x2F5, 0x96A, 0x9CF, 0x047, 0x611, 0xE92, 0xC2F, 0xA98, 0x56D, 0x919, 0x615, 0x535, 0x67A, 0x8C1, 0x2E2, 0xBC4, 0xBE8, 0x328, 0x04F, 0x257, 0x3F9, 0xFA5, 0x477, 0x12E, 0x94B, 0x116, 0xEF7, 0x65F, 0x6B3, 0x915, 0xC64, 0x9AF, 0xB6C, 0x6A2, 0x50D, 0xEA3, 0x26E, 0xC23, 0x817, 0xA42, 0x71A, 0x9DD, 0xDA8, 0x84D, 0x3F3, 0x85B, 0xB00, 0x1FC, 0xB0A, 0xC2F, 0x00C, 0x095, 0xC58, 0x0E3, 0x807, 0x962, 0xC4B, 0x29A, 0x6FC, 0x958, 0xD29, 0x59E, 0xB14, 0x95A, 0xEDE, 0xF3D, 0xFB8, 0x0E5, 0x348, 0x2E7, 0x38E, 0x56A, 0x410, 0x3B1, 0x4B0, 0x793, 0xAB7, 0x0BC, 0x648, 0x719, 0xE3E, 0xFB4, 0x3B4, 0xE5C, 0x950, 0xD2A, 0x50B, 0x76F, 0x8D2, 0x3C7, 0xECC, 0x87C, 0x53A, 0xBA7, 0x4C3, 0x148, 0x437, 0x820, 0xECD, 0x660, 0x095, 0x2F4, 0x661, 0x6A4, 0xB74, 0x5F3, 0x1D2, 0x7EC, 0x8E2, 0xA40, 0xA6F, 0xFC3, 0x3BE, 0x1E9, 0x52C, 0x233, 0x173, 0x4EF, 0xA7C, 0x40B, 0x14C, 0x88D, 0xF30, 0x8D9, 0xBDB, 0x0A6, 0x940, 0xD46, 0xB2B, 0x03E, 0x46A, 0x641, 0xF08, 0xAFF, 0x496, 0x68A, 0x7A4, 0x0BA, 0xD43, 0x515, 0xB26, 0xD8F, 0x05C, 0xD6E, 0xA2C, 0xF25, 0x628, 0x4E5, 0x81D, 0xA2A, 0x1FF, 0x302, 0xFBD, 0x6D9, 0x711, 0xD8B, 0xE5C, 0x5CF, 0x42E, 0x008, 0x863, 0xB6F, 0x1E1, 0x3DA, 0xACE, 0x82B, 0x2DB, 0x7EB, 0xC15, 0x79F, 0xA79, 0xDAF, 0x00D, 0x2F6, 0x0CE, 0x370, 0x7E8, 0x9E6, 0x89F, 0xAE9, 0x175, 0xA95, 0x06B, 0x9DF, 0xAFF, 0x45B, 0x823, 0xAA4, 0xC79, 0x773, 0x886, 0x854, 0x0A5, 0x6D1, 0xE55, 0xEBB, 0x518, 0xE50, 0xF8F, 0x8CC, 0x834, 0x388, 0xCD2, 0xFC1, 0xA55, 0x1F8, 0xD1F, 0xE08, 0xF93, 0x362, 0xA22, 0x9FA, 0xCE5, 0x3C3, 0xDD4, 0xC53, 0xB94, 0xAD0, 0x6EB, 0x68D, 0x660, 0x8FC, 0xBCD, 0x914, 0x16F, 0x4C0, 0x134, 0xE1A, 0x76F, 0x9CB, 0x660, 0xEA0, 0x320, 0x15A, 0xCE3, 0x7E8, 0x03E, 0xB9A, 0xC90, 0xA14, 0x256, 0x1A8, 0x639, 0x7C6, 0xA59, 0xA65, 0x956, 0x9E4, 0x592, 0x6A9, 0xCFF, 0x4DC, 0xAA3, 0xD2A, 0xFDE, 0xA87, 0xBF5, 0x9F0, 0xC32, 0x94F, 0x675, 0x9A6, 0x369, 0x648, 0x289, 0x823, 0x498, 0x574, 0x8D1, 0xA13, 0xD1A, 0xBB5, 0xA19, 0x7F7, 0x775, 0x138, 0x949, 0xA4C, 0xE36, 0x126, 0xC85, 0xE05, 0xFEE, 0x962, 0x36D, 0x08D, 0xC76, 0x1E1, 0x1EC, 0x8D7, 0x231, 0xB68, 0x03C, 0x1DE, 0x7DF, 0x2B1, 0x09D, 0xC81, 0xDA4, 0x8F7, 0x6B9, 0x947, 0x9B0 ]) ); }); it('testAztec 8.1 - synthetic test cases (compact mode message)', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM, 2, 5); }); it('testAztec 8.2 - synthetic test cases (full mode message)', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM, 4, 6); }); it('testAztec 8.3 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_6, 10, 7); }); it('testAztec 8.4 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_6, 20, 12); }); it('testAztec 8.5 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_8, 20, 11); }); it('testAztec 8.6 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_8, 128, 127); }); it('testAztec 8.7 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_10, 128, 128); }); it('testAztec 8.8 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_10, 768, 255); }); it('testAztec 8.9 - synthetic test cases', () => { testEncodeDecodeRandom(GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_12, 3072, 1023); }); }); const DECODER_RANDOM_TEST_ITERATIONS: number /*int*/ = 3; const DECODER_TEST_ITERATIONS: number /*int*/ = 10; function testEncodeDecodeRandom(field: GenericGF, dataSize: number /*int*/, ecSize: number /*int*/): void { assert.strictEqual(dataSize > 0 && dataSize <= field.getSize() - 3, true, 'Invalid data size for ' + field); assert.strictEqual(ecSize > 0 && ecSize + dataSize <= field.getSize(), true, 'Invalid ECC size for ' + field); const encoder = new ReedSolomonEncoder(field); const message = new Int32Array(dataSize + ecSize); const dataWords = new Int32Array(dataSize); /*Int32Array(dataSize)*/ const ecWords = new Int32Array(ecSize); /*Int32Array(ecSize)*/ const random: Random = getPseudoRandom(); const iterations: number /*int*/ = field.getSize() > 256 ? 1 : DECODER_RANDOM_TEST_ITERATIONS; for (let i: number /*int*/ = 0; i < iterations; i++) { // generate random data for (let k: number /*int*/ = 0; k < dataSize; k++) { dataWords[k] =; } // generate ECC words ZXingSystem.arraycopy(dataWords, 0, message, 0, dataWords.length); encoder.encode(message, ecWords.length); ZXingSystem.arraycopy(message, dataSize, ecWords, 0, ecSize); // check to see if Decoder can fix up to ecWords/2 random errors testDecoder(field, dataWords, ecWords); } } function testEncodeDecode(field: GenericGF, dataWords: Int32Array, ecWords: Int32Array): void { testEncoder(field, dataWords, ecWords); testDecoder(field, dataWords, ecWords); } function testEncoder(field: GenericGF, dataWords: Int32Array, ecWords: Int32Array): void { const encoder = new ReedSolomonEncoder(field); const messageExpected = new Int32Array(dataWords.length + ecWords.length); const message = new Int32Array(dataWords.length + ecWords.length); ZXingSystem.arraycopy(dataWords, 0, messageExpected, 0, dataWords.length); ZXingSystem.arraycopy(ecWords, 0, messageExpected, dataWords.length, ecWords.length); ZXingSystem.arraycopy(dataWords, 0, message, 0, dataWords.length); encoder.encode(message, ecWords.length); assertDataEquals(message, messageExpected, 'Encode in ' + field + ' (' + dataWords.length + ',' + ecWords.length + ') failed'); } function testDecoder(field: GenericGF, dataWords: Int32Array, ecWords: Int32Array): void { const decoder = new ReedSolomonDecoder(field); const message = new Int32Array(dataWords.length + ecWords.length); const maxErrors: number /*int*/ = Math.floor(ecWords.length / 2); const random: Random = getPseudoRandom(); const iterations: number /*int*/ = field.getSize() > 256 ? 1 : DECODER_TEST_ITERATIONS; for (let j: number /*int*/ = 0; j < iterations; j++) { for (let i: number /*int*/ = 0; i < ecWords.length; i++) { if (i > 10 && i < Math.floor(ecWords.length / 2) - 10) { // performance improvement - skip intermediate cases in long-running tests i += Math.floor(ecWords.length / 10); } ZXingSystem.arraycopy(dataWords, 0, message, 0, dataWords.length); ZXingSystem.arraycopy(ecWords, 0, message, dataWords.length, ecWords.length); corrupt(message, i, random, field.getSize()); try { decoder.decode(message, ecWords.length); } catch (e/*ReedSolomonException e*/) { // fail only if maxErrors exceeded assert.strictEqual(i > maxErrors, true, 'Decode in ' + field + ' (' + dataWords.length + ',' + ecWords.length + ') failed at ' + i + ' errors: ' + e); // else stop break; } if (i < maxErrors) { assertDataEquals(message, dataWords, 'Decode in ' + field + ' (' + dataWords.length + ',' + ecWords.length + ') failed at ' + i + ' errors'); } } } } function assertDataEquals(received: Int32Array, expected: Int32Array, message: string): void { for (let i: number /*int*/ = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { if (expected[i] !== received[i]) { const receivedToString = arrayToString(Int32Array.from(received.subarray(0, expected.length))); assert.ok(false, `${message}. Mismatch at ${i}. Expected ${arrayToString(expected)}, got ${receivedToString}`); } } } function arrayToString(data: Int32Array): String { const sb = new ZXingStringBuilder(); sb.append('{'); for (let i: number /*int*/ = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(data[i].toString(16)); } return sb.append('}').toString(); } function getPseudoRandom(): Random { return new Random('0xDEADBEEF'); }
require "capybara/rspec" require "webmock/rspec" require "plek" require "gds_api/test_helpers/publishing_api" WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) RSpec.configure do |config| config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations| expectations.include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions = true end config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true end config.include GdsApi::TestHelpers::PublishingApi end
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Project-wide application configuration. DO NOT STORE SECRETS, PASSWORDS, ETC. IN THIS FILE. They will be exposed to users. Use environment variables instead. See get_secrets() below for a fast way to access them. """ import os """ NAMES """ # Project name used for display PROJECT_NAME = 'quotable' # Project name in urls # Use dashes, not underscores! PROJECT_SLUG = 'quotable' # The name of the repository containing the source REPOSITORY_NAME = 'quotable' REPOSITORY_URL = '' % REPOSITORY_NAME REPOSITORY_ALT_URL = None # '' % REPOSITORY_NAME' # The name to be used in paths on the server PROJECT_FILENAME = 'quotable' """ DEPLOYMENT """ FILE_SERVER = '' S3_BUCKET = '' ASSETS_S3_BUCKET = '' # These variables will be set at runtime. See configure_targets() below DEBUG = True """ COPY EDITING """ COPY_GOOGLE_DOC_KEY = '0AlXMOHKxzQVRdHZuX1UycXplRlBfLVB0UVNldHJYZmc' """ SHARING """ PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = 'An opinionated project template for (mostly) server-less apps.' SHARE_URL = 'http://%s/%s/' % (S3_BUCKET, PROJECT_SLUG) TWITTER = { 'TEXT': PROJECT_NAME, 'URL': SHARE_URL, # Will be resized to 120x120, can't be larger than 1MB 'IMAGE_URL': '' } FACEBOOK = { 'TITLE': PROJECT_NAME, 'URL': SHARE_URL, 'DESCRIPTION': PROJECT_DESCRIPTION, # Should be square. No documented restrictions on size 'IMAGE_URL': TWITTER['IMAGE_URL'], 'APP_ID': '138837436154588' } GOOGLE = { # Thumbnail image for Google News / Search. # No documented restrictions on resolution or size 'IMAGE_URL': TWITTER['IMAGE_URL'] } NPR_DFP = { 'STORY_ID': '203618536', 'TARGET': 'News_NPR_News_Investigations', 'ENVIRONMENT': 'NPRTEST', 'TESTSERVER': 'true' } """ SERVICES """ GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = 'UA-5828686-4'
class AddIndexToSkillTotals < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_index :skill_totals, :name add_index :skill_totals, :date end end
require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require 'matrix' describe "Vector#normalize" do it "returns a normalized copy of the vector" do x = 0.2672612419124244 Vector[1, 2, 3].normalize.should == Vector[x, x * 2, x * 3] end it "raises an error for zero vectors" do lambda { Vector[].normalize }.should raise_error(Vector::ZeroVectorError) lambda { Vector[0, 0, 0].normalize }.should raise_error(Vector::ZeroVectorError) end end
'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var users = require('../../app/controllers/users'), goaliedash = require('../../app/controllers/goaliedash'); module.exports = function(app) { app.route('/goaliedash') .get(users.requiresLogin, users.hasAuthorization); };
// @flow import React from 'react' import withPropsStream from '@vega/utils/withPropsStream' import {map} from 'rxjs/operators' import styles from './styles/Communicator.css' import ThreadList from './ThreadList' import CreateComment from './CreateComment' function getPropsStream(props$) { // todo: implement open/close behavior return props$.pipe(map(props => ({...props, isOpen: true}))) } type Props = { isOpen: boolean, subjectIds: string[], focusedCommentId: string } export default withPropsStream( getPropsStream, class Communicator extends React.Component<Props> { state = { createCommentIsSticky: false } handleCloseCreateComment = event => { this.setState({ createCommentIsSticky: false }) event.stopPropagation() } handleStickCreateComment = () => { this.setState({ createCommentIsSticky: true }) } render() { const {isOpen, subjectIds, focusedCommentId} = this.props const {createCommentIsSticky} = this.state return isOpen ? ( <div className={styles.root}> <div className={ createCommentIsSticky ? styles.feedWithWithStickyCreateComment : styles.feed } > <ThreadList subjectId={subjectIds} focusedCommentId={focusedCommentId} /> </div> {subjectIds.length === 1 && ( <CreateComment subjectId={subjectIds[0]} showCloseButton={createCommentIsSticky} className={ createCommentIsSticky ? styles.createCommentSticky : styles.createComment } onClose={this.handleCloseCreateComment} onSubmit={this.handleCloseCreateComment} onClick={this.handleStickCreateComment} /> )} </div> ) : null } } )
package pricing; import org.configureme.ConfigurationManager; import org.configureme.Environment; import org.configureme.GlobalEnvironment; import org.configureme.environments.DynamicEnvironment; public class ShowPrice { public static void main(String a[]){ showPrice(); showPriceIn("USA", GlobalEnvironment.INSTANCE); showPriceIn("United Kingdom", new DynamicEnvironment("europe", "uk")); showPriceIn("Germany", new DynamicEnvironment("europe", "de")); showPriceIn("Austria", new DynamicEnvironment("europe", "at")); } private static void showPriceIn(String description, Environment environment){ Pricing pricing = new Pricing(); ConfigurationManager.INSTANCE.configure(pricing, environment); System.out.println("Price in "+description+" is "+pricing.getProductPrice()); } private static void showPrice(){ Pricing pricing = new Pricing(); ConfigurationManager.INSTANCE.configure(pricing); System.out.println("Please pay "+pricing.getProductPrice()); } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2022 The Voxie Authors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include <VoxieBackend/VoxieBackend.hpp> #include <VoxieBackend/Data/Data.hpp> #include <VoxieClient/ObjectExport/Client.hpp> #include <VoxieClient/ObjectExport/ExportedObject.hpp> #include <QtCore/QPointer> #include <QtDBus/QDBusAbstractAdaptor> #include <QtDBus/QDBusObjectPath> namespace vx { class NodePrototype; namespace io { class Operation; class RunFilterOperation; } // namespace io class Exception; class ExternalOperationAdaptorImpl; class VOXIEBACKEND_EXPORT ExternalOperation : public vx::RefCountedObject { Q_OBJECT REFCOUNTEDOBJ_DECL(ExternalOperation) friend class ExternalOperationAdaptorImpl; QPointer<vx::Client> client = nullptr; QSharedPointer<vx::io::Operation> operation_; protected: // TODO: Get rid of this / replace it by operation()->isFinished()? bool isFinished = false; void checkClient(); virtual void cleanup(); public: explicit ExternalOperation( const QSharedPointer<vx::io::Operation>& operation); ~ExternalOperation() override; QWeakPointer<QSharedPointer<ExternalOperation>> initialReference; virtual QString action() = 0; virtual QString name() = 0; const QSharedPointer<vx::io::Operation>& operation() const { return operation_; } bool isClaimed(); Q_SIGNALS: void error(const vx::Exception& error); // Emitted when the operation is claimed void claimed(); }; // TODO: Should probably be moved to ExtensionImporter / ExtensionExporter class ExternalOperationImportAdaptorImpl; class VOXIEBACKEND_EXPORT ExternalOperationImport : public ExternalOperation { Q_OBJECT REFCOUNTEDOBJ_DECL(ExternalOperationImport) friend class ExternalOperationImportAdaptorImpl; QString filename_; QMap<QString, QDBusVariant> properties_; QString name_; public: explicit ExternalOperationImport( const QSharedPointer<vx::io::Operation>& operation, const QString& filename, const QMap<QString, QDBusVariant>& properties, const QString& name); ~ExternalOperationImport() override; QString action() override; QString name() override; const QString& filename() { return filename_; } const QMap<QString, QDBusVariant>& properties() { return properties_; } Q_SIGNALS: void finished(const QSharedPointer<vx::Data>& data); }; class ExternalOperationExportAdapterImpl; class VOXIEBACKEND_EXPORT ExternalOperationExport : public ExternalOperation { Q_OBJECT REFCOUNTEDOBJ_DECL(ExternalOperationExport) friend class ExternalOperationExportAdaptorImpl; QString filename_; QString name_; QSharedPointer<vx::Data> data_; public: explicit ExternalOperationExport( const QSharedPointer<vx::io::Operation>& operation, const QString& filename, const QString& name, const QSharedPointer<vx::Data>& data); ~ExternalOperationExport() override; QString action() override; QString name() override; // TODO: data const QString& filename() { return filename_; } const QSharedPointer<vx::Data>& data() { return data_; } Q_SIGNALS: void finished(); }; } // namespace vx
var models = require('../models'); var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); /* GET home page. */ router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.session); res.render('layout'); }); module.exports = router;
import os import logging from import BaseCommand from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.template.loader import get_template from workshops.models import Badge, Person, Role logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Report instructors activity.' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--send-out-for-real', action='store_true', default=False, help='Send information to the instructors.', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-may-contact-only', action='store_true', default=False, help='Include instructors not willing to be contacted.', ) parser.add_argument( '--django-mailing', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use Django mailing system. This requires some environmental ' 'variables to be set, see ``.', ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sender', action='store', default='', help='E-mail used in "from:" field.', ) def foreign_tasks(self, tasks, person, roles): """List of other instructors' tasks, per event.""" return [ task.event.task_set.filter(role__in=roles) .exclude(person=person) .select_related('person') for task in tasks ] def fetch_activity(self, may_contact_only=True): roles = Role.objects.filter(name__in=['instructor', 'helper']) instructor_badges = Badge.objects.instructor_badges() instructors = Person.objects.filter(badges__in=instructor_badges) instructors = instructors.exclude(email__isnull=True) if may_contact_only: instructors = instructors.exclude(may_contact=False) # let's get some things faster instructors = instructors.select_related('airport') \ .prefetch_related('task_set', 'lessons', 'award_set', 'badges') # don't repeat the records instructors = instructors.distinct() result = [] for person in instructors: tasks = person.task_set.filter(role__in=roles) \ .select_related('event', 'role') record = { 'person': person, 'lessons': person.lessons.all(), 'instructor_awards': person.award_set.filter( badge__in=person.badges.instructor_badges() ), 'tasks': zip(tasks, self.foreign_tasks(tasks, person, roles)), } result.append(record) return result def make_message(self, record): tmplt = get_template('mailing/instructor_activity.txt') return tmplt.render(context=record) def subject(self, record): # in future we can vary the subject depending on the record details return 'Updating your Software Carpentry information' def recipient(self, record): return record['person'].email def send_message(self, subject, message, sender, recipient, for_real=False, django_mailing=False): if for_real: if django_mailing: send_mail(subject, message, sender, [recipient]) else: command = 'mail -s "{subject}" -r {sender} {recipient}'.format( subject=subject, sender=sender, recipient=recipient, ) writer = os.popen(command, 'w') writer.write(message) writer.close() if self.verbosity >= 2: # write only a header self.stdout.write('-' * 40 + '\n') self.stdout.write('To: {}\n'.format(recipient)) self.stdout.write('Subject: {}\n'.format(subject)) self.stdout.write('From: {}\n'.format(sender)) if self.verbosity >= 3: # write whole message out self.stdout.write(message + '\n') def handle(self, *args, **options): # default is dummy run - only actually send mail if told to send_for_real = options['send_out_for_real'] # by default include only instructors who have `may_contact==True` no_may_contact_only = options['no_may_contact_only'] # use mailing options from or the `mail` system command? django_mailing = options['django_mailing'] # verbosity option is added by Django self.verbosity = int(options['verbosity']) sender = options['sender'] results = self.fetch_activity(not no_may_contact_only) for result in results: message = self.make_message(result) subject = self.subject(result) recipient = self.recipient(result) self.send_message(subject, message, sender, recipient, for_real=send_for_real, django_mailing=django_mailing) if self.verbosity >= 1: self.stdout.write('Sent {} emails.\n'.format(len(results)))
<?php /* * This file is part of the Phuri package. * * Copyright © 2014 Erin Millard * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Eloquent\Phuri\Generic; use Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface; use Eloquent\Phuri\Generic\Parser\GenericUriComponentsInterface; use Eloquent\Phuri\Normalization\UriNormalizerInterface; use Eloquent\Phuri\Parameters\Factory\UriParametersFactoryInterface; use Eloquent\Phuri\Path\Factory\UriPathFactory; use Eloquent\Phuri\UriInterface; use Eloquent\Phuri\Validation\Exception\InvalidUriComponentExceptionInterface; /** * An abstract base class for implementing generic URIs. */ abstract class AbstractGenericUri implements GenericUriInterface { /** * Construct a new generic URI. * * @param GenericUriComponentsInterface $components The URI components. * * @throws InvalidUriComponentExceptionInterface If any of the components are invalid. */ public function __construct(GenericUriComponentsInterface $components) { $this->username = $components->username(); $this->password = $components->password(); $this->host = $components->host(); $this->port = $components->port(); $this->path = $components->path(); $this->fragment = $components->fragment(); if (null === $components->queryParameters()) { $this->hasQueryDelimiter = false; $this->queryParameters = static::queryParametersFactory() ->createEmpty(); } else { $this->hasQueryDelimiter = true; $this->queryParameters = static::queryParametersFactory() ->createFromEncodedPairs($components->queryParameters()); } } // Implementation of GenericUriInterface =================================== /** * Returns true if this URI has a username. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string usernames. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a username. */ public function hasUsername() { return null !== $this->encodedUsername() && '' !== $this->encodedUsername(); } /** * Get the username. * * @link * * @return string|null The username, or null if there is no username. */ public function username() { if (null === $this->encodedUsername()) { return null; } return static::encoder()->decode($this->encodedUsername()); } /** * Get the encoded username. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded username, or null if there is no username. */ public function encodedUsername() { return $this->username; } /** * Returns true if this URI has a password. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string passwords. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a password. */ public function hasPassword() { return null !== $this->encodedPassword() && '' !== $this->encodedPassword(); } /** * Get the password. * * @link * * @return string|null The password, or null if there is no password. */ public function password() { if (null === $this->encodedPassword()) { return null; } return static::encoder()->decode($this->encodedPassword()); } /** * Get the encoded password. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded password, or null if there is no password. */ public function encodedPassword() { return $this->password; } /** * Get the encoded host. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded host, or null if there is no host. */ public function encodedHost() { return $this->host; } /** * Returns true if this URI has a port. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string ports. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a port. */ public function hasPort() { return null !== $this->encodedPort() && '' !== $this->encodedPort(); } /** * Get the port. * * @link * * @return integer|null The port, or null if there is no port, or the port is an empty string. */ public function port() { if ($this->hasPort()) { return intval($this->encodedPort()); } return null; } /** * Get the encoded port. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded port, or null if there is no port. */ public function encodedPort() { return $this->port; } /** * Returns true if this URI has a path. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string paths. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a path. */ public function hasPath() { return '' !== $this->path(); } /** * Get the path. * * @link * * @return string The path. */ public function path() { return static::encoder()->decode($this->encodedPath()); } /** * Get the encoded path. * * @link * * @return string The encoded path. */ public function encodedPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Get the path as a path object. * * @link * * @return UriPathInterface The path. */ public function pathObject() { return static::pathFactory()->create($this->path()); } /** * Returns true if this URI has a query. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string queries. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a query. */ public function hasQuery() { return !$this->queryParameters()->isEmpty(); } /** * Get the query. * * @link * * @return string|null The query, or null if there is no query. */ public function query() { if ($this->hasQueryDelimiter()) { return static::encoder()->decode($this->encodedQuery()); } return null; } /** * Get the encoded query. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded query, or null if there is no query. */ public function encodedQuery() { if ($this->hasQueryDelimiter()) { return $this->queryParameters()->string(); } return null; } /** * Get the query parameters. * * @link * * @return UriParametersInterface The query parameters. */ public function queryParameters() { return $this->queryParameters; } /** * Returns true if this URI has a fragment. * * This method will return false for URIs with empty string fragments. * * @link * * @return boolean True if this URI has a fragment. */ public function hasFragment() { return null !== $this->encodedFragment() && '' !== $this->encodedFragment(); } /** * Get the fragment. * * @link * * @return string|null The fragment, or null if there is no fragment. */ public function fragment() { if (null === $this->encodedFragment()) { return null; } return static::encoder()->decode($this->encodedFragment()); } /** * Get the encoded fragment. * * @link * * @return string|null The encoded fragment, or null if there is no fragment. */ public function encodedFragment() { return $this->fragment; } /** * Get the fragment parameters. * * @link * * @return UriParametersInterface The fragment parameters. */ public function fragmentParameters() { if (null === $this->encodedFragment()) { return static::queryParametersFactory()->createEmpty(); } return static::queryParametersFactory() ->createFromString($this->encodedFragment()); } // Implementation of UriInterface ========================================== /** * Return a normalized version of this URI. * * @return UriInterface A normalized version of this URI. */ public function normalize() { return static::normalizer()->normalize($this); } /** * Get a string representation of this URI. * * @return string A string representation of this URI. */ public function __toString() { return $this->string(); } // Implementation details ================================================== /** * Returns true if this URI has a query delimiter. * * @return boolean True if this URI has a query delimiter. */ public function hasQueryDelimiter() { return $this->hasQueryDelimiter; } /** * Get the most appropriate factory for this type of URI. * * @return Factory\GenericUriFactoryInterface The factory. */ protected static function factory() { return Factory\GenericUriFactory::instance(); } /** * Get the most appropriate path factory for this type of URI. * * @return PathFactoryInterface The factory. */ protected static function pathFactory() { return UriPathFactory::instance(); } /** * Get the most appropriate query parameters factory for this type of URI. * * @return UriParametersFactoryInterface The factory. */ protected static function queryParametersFactory() { return Factory\GenericUriQueryParametersFactory::instance(); } /** * Get the most appropriate validator for this type of URI. * * @return Validation\GenericUriValidatorInterface The validator. */ protected static function validator() { return Validation\GenericUriValidator::instance(); } /** * Get the most appropriate encoder for this type of URI. * * @return Encoding\GenericUriEncoderInterface The encoder. */ protected static function encoder() { return Encoding\GenericUriEncoder::instance(); } /** * Get the most appropriate normalizer for this type of URI. * * @return UriNormalizerInterface The normalizer. */ protected static function normalizer() { return Normalization\GenericUriNormalizer::instance(); } private $username; private $password; private $host; private $port; private $path; private $hasQueryDelimiter; private $queryParameters; private $fragment; }
/* * This file is part of Sponge, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) SpongePowered <> * Copyright (c) contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; public class SpongeSignaledOutputData extends AbstractIntData<SignaledOutputData> implements SignaledOutputData { public static final DataQuery OUTPUT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH = of("OutputSignalStrength"); public SpongeSignaledOutputData() { super(SignaledOutputData.class, 0, 0, 15); } @Override public int getOutputSignal() { return this.getValue(); } @Override public SignaledOutputData setOutputSignal(int signal) { return this.setValue(signal); } @Override public SignaledOutputData copy() { return new SpongeSignaledOutputData().setValue(this.getValue()); } @Override public DataContainer toContainer() { return new MemoryDataContainer().set(OUTPUT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, this.getValue()); } }
// Copyright (c) 2013 Raphael Estrada // License: The MIT License - see "LICENSE" file for details // Author URL: // Author E-Mail: using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following // set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information // associated with an assembly. [assembly: AssemblyTitle("AutofacExtensions")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Raphael Estrada")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("AutofacExtensions")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (c) Raphael Estrada 2013")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] // Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible // to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from // COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. [assembly: ComVisible(false)] // The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM [assembly: Guid("31dee9f1-b44b-4a04-89cf-d17ea82953ef")] // Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: // // Major Version // Minor Version // Build Number // Revision // // You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers // by using the '*' as shown below: // [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import functools from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar import warnings from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error from azure.core.paging import ItemPaged from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse from azure.core.pipeline.transport import HttpResponse from import HttpRequest from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace from azure.mgmt.core.exceptions import ARMErrorFormat from msrest import Serializer from .. import models as _models from .._vendor import _convert_request, _format_url_section T = TypeVar('T') JSONType = Any ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, HttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]] _SERIALIZER = Serializer() _SERIALIZER.client_side_validation = False def build_delete_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="DELETE", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_create_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, *, json: JSONType = None, content: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) # type: Optional[str] api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if content_type is not None: header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="PUT", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, json=json, content=content, **kwargs ) def build_get_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name: str, subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "resourceGroupName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str', max_length=90, min_length=1, pattern=r'^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'), "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str', skip_quote=True) query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name: str, resource_provider_namespace: str, parent_resource_path: str, resource_type: str, resource_name: str, subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "resourceGroupName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str', max_length=90, min_length=1, pattern=r'^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'), "resourceProviderNamespace": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_provider_namespace", resource_provider_namespace, 'str'), "parentResourcePath": _SERIALIZER.url("parent_resource_path", parent_resource_path, 'str', skip_quote=True), "resourceType": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_type", resource_type, 'str', skip_quote=True), "resourceName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_name", resource_name, 'str'), "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str') query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_request( subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str') query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_delete_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="DELETE", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_create_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, *, json: JSONType = None, content: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) # type: Optional[str] api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if content_type is not None: header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="PUT", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, json=json, content=content, **kwargs ) def build_get_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) class PolicyAssignmentsOperations(object): """PolicyAssignmentsOperations operations. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. :ivar models: Alias to model classes used in this operation group. :type models: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. """ models = _models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self._config = config @distributed_trace def delete( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional["_models.PolicyAssignment"]: """Deletes a policy assignment. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment to delete. :type policy_assignment_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment or None :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[Optional["_models.PolicyAssignment"]] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_delete_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, template_url=self.delete.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized delete.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def create( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, parameters: "_models.PolicyAssignment", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Creates a policy assignment. Policy assignments are inherited by child resources. For example, when you apply a policy to a resource group that policy is assigned to all resources in the group. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment. :type policy_assignment_name: str :param parameters: Parameters for the policy assignment. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', "application/json") # type: Optional[str] _json = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'PolicyAssignment') request = build_create_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, content_type=content_type, json=_json, template_url=self.create.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized create.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def get( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Gets a policy assignment. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment to get. :type policy_assignment_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_get_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, template_url=self.get.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized get.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list_for_resource_group( self, resource_group_name: str, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets policy assignments for the resource group. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains policy assignments. :type resource_group_name: str :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list_for_resource_group.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list_for_resource_group.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list_for_resource( self, resource_group_name: str, resource_provider_namespace: str, parent_resource_path: str, resource_type: str, resource_name: str, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets policy assignments for a resource. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group containing the resource. The name is case insensitive. :type resource_group_name: str :param resource_provider_namespace: The namespace of the resource provider. :type resource_provider_namespace: str :param parent_resource_path: The parent resource path. :type parent_resource_path: str :param resource_type: The resource type. :type resource_type: str :param resource_name: The name of the resource with policy assignments. :type resource_name: str :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace=resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path=parent_resource_path, resource_type=resource_type, resource_name=resource_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list_for_resource.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace=resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path=parent_resource_path, resource_type=resource_type, resource_name=resource_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list_for_resource.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list( self, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets all the policy assignments for a subscription. :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_request( subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_request( subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def delete_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Deletes a policy assignment by ID. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to delete. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_delete_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, template_url=self.delete_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized delete_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def create_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, parameters: "_models.PolicyAssignment", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Creates a policy assignment by ID. Policy assignments are inherited by child resources. For example, when you apply a policy to a resource group that policy is assigned to all resources in the group. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to create. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :param parameters: Parameters for policy assignment. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', "application/json") # type: Optional[str] _json = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'PolicyAssignment') request = build_create_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, content_type=content_type, json=_json, template_url=self.create_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized create_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def get_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Gets a policy assignment by ID. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to get. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_get_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, template_url=self.get_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized get_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore
class CreateDocuments < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :documents do |t| t.integer :product_id, null: false t.string :type, null: false t.string :url, null: false t.timestamps end end end
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jun 25 16:20:12 2015 @author: Balázs Hidasi @lastmodified: Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi at gmail dot com) """ import sys import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import datetime as dt # To redirect output to file class Logger(object): def __init__(self, filename="Default.log"): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.log = open(filename, "a") def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) def flush(self): pass sys.stdout = Logger( os.environ['HOME' ] + '/theano.log' ) PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_DATA = os.environ['HOME'] + '/' PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA = os.environ['HOME'] + '/' data = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_DATA + 'yoochoose-clicks.dat', sep=',', header=None, usecols=[0,1,2], dtype={0:np.int32, 1:str, 2:np.int64}) data.columns = ['SessionId', 'TimeStr', 'ItemId'] data['Time'] = data.TimeStr.apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').timestamp()) #This is not UTC. It does not really matter. del(data['TimeStr']) session_lengths = data.groupby('SessionId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_lengths[session_lengths>1].index)] item_supports = data.groupby('ItemId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.ItemId, item_supports[item_supports>=5].index)] session_lengths = data.groupby('SessionId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_lengths[session_lengths>=2].index)] tmax = data.Time.max() session_max_times = data.groupby('SessionId').Time.max() session_train = session_max_times[session_max_times < tmax-86400].index session_test = session_max_times[session_max_times >= tmax-86400].index train = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_train)] test = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_test)] test = test[np.in1d(test.ItemId, train.ItemId)] tslength = test.groupby('SessionId').size() test = test[np.in1d(test.SessionId, tslength[tslength>=2].index)] print('Full train set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(train), train.SessionId.nunique(), train.ItemId.nunique())) train.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_full.txt', sep='\t', index=False) print('Test set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(test), test.SessionId.nunique(), test.ItemId.nunique())) test.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_test.txt', sep='\t', index=False) tmax = train.Time.max() session_max_times = train.groupby('SessionId').Time.max() session_train = session_max_times[session_max_times < tmax-86400].index session_valid = session_max_times[session_max_times >= tmax-86400].index train_tr = train[np.in1d(train.SessionId, session_train)] valid = train[np.in1d(train.SessionId, session_valid)] valid = valid[np.in1d(valid.ItemId, train_tr.ItemId)] tslength = valid.groupby('SessionId').size() valid = valid[np.in1d(valid.SessionId, tslength[tslength>=2].index)] print('Train set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(train_tr), train_tr.SessionId.nunique(), train_tr.ItemId.nunique())) train_tr.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_tr.txt', sep='\t', index=False) print('Validation set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(valid), valid.SessionId.nunique(), valid.ItemId.nunique())) valid.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_valid.txt', sep='\t', index=False)