30 values
15 values
package io.github.ageofwar.telejam.updates; import io.github.ageofwar.telejam.Bot; import io.github.ageofwar.telejam.TelegramException; import io.github.ageofwar.telejam.methods.GetUpdates; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator; /** * Utility class that reads new updates received from a bot. * * @author Michi Palazzo */ public final class UpdateReader implements AutoCloseable { private final Bot bot; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Update> updates; private final LongUnaryOperator backOff; private long lastUpdateId; /** * Constructs an UpdateReader. * * @param bot the bot that receive updates * @param backOff back off to be used when long polling fails */ public UpdateReader(Bot bot, LongUnaryOperator backOff) { = Objects.requireNonNull(bot); this.backOff = Objects.requireNonNull(backOff); updates = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); lastUpdateId = -1; } /** * Constructs an UpdateReader. * * @param bot the bot that receive updates */ public UpdateReader(Bot bot) { this(bot, a -> 500L); } /** * Returns the number of updates that can be read from this update reader without blocking by the * next invocation read method for this update reader. The next invocation * might be the same thread or another thread. * If the available updates are more than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}, returns * {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}. * * @return the number of updates that can be read from this update reader * without blocking by the next invocation read method */ public int available() { return updates.size(); } /** * Tells whether this stream is ready to be read. * * @return <code>true</code> if the next read() is guaranteed not to block for input, * <code>false</code> otherwise. Note that returning false does not guarantee that the * next read will block. */ public boolean ready() { return !updates.isEmpty(); } /** * Reads one update from the stream. * * @return the read update * @throws IOException if an I/O Exception occurs * @throws InterruptedException if any thread has interrupted the current * thread while waiting for updates */ public Update read() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!ready()) { for (long attempts = 0; getUpdates() == 0; attempts++) { Thread.sleep(backOff.applyAsLong(attempts)); } } return updates.remove(); } /** * Retrieves new updates received from the bot. * * @return number of updates received * @throws IOException if an I/O Exception occurs */ public int getUpdates() throws IOException { try { Update[] newUpdates = getUpdates(lastUpdateId + 1); Collections.addAll(updates, newUpdates); if (newUpdates.length > 0) { lastUpdateId = newUpdates[newUpdates.length - 1].getId(); } return newUpdates.length; } catch (Throwable e) { if (!(e instanceof TelegramException)) { lastUpdateId++; } throw e; } } /** * Discards buffered updates and all received updates. * * @throws IOException if an I/O Exception occurs */ public void discardAll() throws IOException { Update[] newUpdate = getUpdates(-1); if (newUpdate.length == 1) { lastUpdateId = newUpdate[0].getId(); } updates.clear(); } private Update[] getUpdates(long offset) throws IOException { GetUpdates getUpdates = new GetUpdates() .offset(offset) .allowedUpdates(); return bot.execute(getUpdates); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { Update nextUpdate = updates.peek(); getUpdates(nextUpdate != null ? nextUpdate.getId() : lastUpdateId + 1); lastUpdateId = -1; updates.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Unable to close update reader", e); } } }
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} .input-group-addon:last-child { border-left: 0; } .input-group-btn { position: relative; white-space: nowrap; } .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn { margin-right: -1px; } .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn { margin-left: -1px; } .input-group-btn > .btn { position: relative; } .input-group-btn > .btn + .btn { margin-left: -4px; } .input-group-btn > .btn:hover, .input-group-btn > .btn:active { z-index: 2; } .nav { padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; list-style: none; } .nav:before, .nav:after { display: table; content: " "; } .nav:after { clear: both; } .nav:before, .nav:after { display: table; content: " "; } .nav:after { clear: both; } .nav:before, .nav:after { display: table; content: " "; } .nav:after { clear: both; } .nav:before, .nav:after { display: table; content: " "; } .nav:after { clear: both; } .nav:before, .nav:after { display: table; content: " "; } .nav:after { clear: both; } .nav > li { position: relative; display: block; } .nav > li > a { position: relative; display: block; 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background-color: #eeeeee; } .navbar-default .navbar-text { color: #000000; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a { color: #000000; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus { color: #000000; background-color: #eeeeee; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus { color: #000000; background-color: #eeeeee; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:focus { color: #cccccc; background-color: transparent; } .navbar-default .navbar-toggle { border-color: #dddddd; } .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus { background-color: #dddddd; } .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar { background-color: #cccccc; } .navbar-default .navbar-collapse, .navbar-default .navbar-form { border-color: #eeeeee; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .dropdown > a:hover .caret, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .dropdown > a:focus .caret { border-top-color: #000000; 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border-bottom-color: #ffffff; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-header { border-color: #e53c37; } .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a { color: #ffffff; } .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus { color: #ffffff; background-color: #e74b47; } .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { color: #ffffff; background-color: #e74b47; } .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { color: #444444; background-color: transparent; } } .navbar-inverse .navbar-link { color: #ffffff; } .navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover { color: #ffffff; 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Copyright 2013 Romens Team Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
/** * Reverb for the OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Christopher Fitzgerald. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * Or go to */ #include "config.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "alMain.h" #include "alAuxEffectSlot.h" #include "alEffect.h" #include "alError.h" #include "alu.h" typedef struct DelayLine { // The delay lines use sample lengths that are powers of 2 to allow // bitmasking instead of modulus wrapping. ALuint Mask; ALfloat *Line; } DelayLine; typedef struct ALverbState { // Must be first in all effects! ALeffectState state; // All delay lines are allocated as a single buffer to reduce memory // fragmentation and management code. ALfloat *SampleBuffer; // Master effect low-pass filter (2 chained 1-pole filters). FILTER LpFilter; ALfloat LpHistory[2]; // Initial effect delay and decorrelation. DelayLine Delay; // The tap points for the initial delay. First tap goes to early // reflections, the last four decorrelate to late reverb. ALuint Tap[5]; struct { // Total gain for early reflections. ALfloat Gain; // Early reflections are done with 4 delay lines. ALfloat Coeff[4]; DelayLine Delay[4]; ALuint Offset[4]; // The gain for each output channel based on 3D panning. ALfloat PanGain[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; } Early; struct { // Total gain for late reverb. ALfloat Gain; // Attenuation to compensate for modal density and decay rate. ALfloat DensityGain; // The feed-back and feed-forward all-pass coefficient. ALfloat ApFeedCoeff; // Mixing matrix coefficient. ALfloat MixCoeff; // Late reverb has 4 parallel all-pass filters. ALfloat ApCoeff[4]; DelayLine ApDelay[4]; ALuint ApOffset[4]; // In addition to 4 cyclical delay lines. ALfloat Coeff[4]; DelayLine Delay[4]; ALuint Offset[4]; // The cyclical delay lines are 1-pole low-pass filtered. ALfloat LpCoeff[4]; ALfloat LpSample[4]; // The gain for each output channel based on 3D panning. ALfloat PanGain[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; } Late; // The current read offset for all delay lines. ALuint Offset; } ALverbState; // All delay line lengths are specified in seconds. // The lengths of the early delay lines. static const ALfloat EARLY_LINE_LENGTH[4] = { 0.0015f, 0.0045f, 0.0135f, 0.0405f }; // The lengths of the late all-pass delay lines. static const ALfloat ALLPASS_LINE_LENGTH[4] = { 0.0151f, 0.0167f, 0.0183f, 0.0200f, }; // The lengths of the late cyclical delay lines. static const ALfloat LATE_LINE_LENGTH[4] = { 0.0211f, 0.0311f, 0.0461f, 0.0680f }; // The late cyclical delay lines have a variable length dependent on the // effect's density parameter (inverted for some reason) and this multiplier. static const ALfloat LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER = 4.0f; // Input into the late reverb is decorrelated between four channels. Their // timings are dependent on a fraction and multiplier. See VerbUpdate() for // the calculations involved. static const ALfloat DECO_FRACTION = 1.0f / 32.0f; static const ALfloat DECO_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f; // The maximum length of initial delay for the master delay line (a sum of // the maximum early reflection and late reverb delays). static const ALfloat MASTER_LINE_LENGTH = 0.3f + 0.1f; // Find the next power of 2. Actually, this will return the input value if // it is already a power of 2. static ALuint NextPowerOf2(ALuint value) { ALuint powerOf2 = 1; if(value) { value--; while(value) { value >>= 1; powerOf2 <<= 1; } } return powerOf2; } // Basic delay line input/output routines. static __inline ALfloat DelayLineOut(DelayLine *Delay, ALuint offset) { return Delay->Line[offset&Delay->Mask]; } static __inline ALvoid DelayLineIn(DelayLine *Delay, ALuint offset, ALfloat in) { Delay->Line[offset&Delay->Mask] = in; } // Delay line output routine for early reflections. static __inline ALfloat EarlyDelayLineOut(ALverbState *State, ALuint index) { return State->Early.Coeff[index] * DelayLineOut(&State->Early.Delay[index], State->Offset - State->Early.Offset[index]); } // Given an input sample, this function produces stereo output for early // reflections. static __inline ALvoid EarlyReflection(ALverbState *State, ALfloat in, ALfloat *out) { ALfloat d[4], v, f[4]; // Obtain the decayed results of each early delay line. d[0] = EarlyDelayLineOut(State, 0); d[1] = EarlyDelayLineOut(State, 1); d[2] = EarlyDelayLineOut(State, 2); d[3] = EarlyDelayLineOut(State, 3); /* The following uses a lossless scattering junction from waveguide * theory. It actually amounts to a householder mixing matrix, which * will produce a maximally diffuse response, and means this can probably * be considered a simple feedback delay network (FDN). * N * --- * \ * v = 2/N / d_i * --- * i=1 */ v = (d[0] + d[1] + d[2] + d[3]) * 0.5f; // The junction is loaded with the input here. v += in; // Calculate the feed values for the delay lines. f[0] = v - d[0]; f[1] = v - d[1]; f[2] = v - d[2]; f[3] = v - d[3]; // Refeed the delay lines. DelayLineIn(&State->Early.Delay[0], State->Offset, f[0]); DelayLineIn(&State->Early.Delay[1], State->Offset, f[1]); DelayLineIn(&State->Early.Delay[2], State->Offset, f[2]); DelayLineIn(&State->Early.Delay[3], State->Offset, f[3]); // Output the results of the junction for all four lines. out[0] = State->Early.Gain * f[0]; out[1] = State->Early.Gain * f[1]; out[2] = State->Early.Gain * f[2]; out[3] = State->Early.Gain * f[3]; } // All-pass input/output routine for late reverb. static __inline ALfloat LateAllPassInOut(ALverbState *State, ALuint index, ALfloat in) { ALfloat out; out = State->Late.ApCoeff[index] * DelayLineOut(&State->Late.ApDelay[index], State->Offset - State->Late.ApOffset[index]); out -= (State->Late.ApFeedCoeff * in); DelayLineIn(&State->Late.ApDelay[index], State->Offset, (State->Late.ApFeedCoeff * out) + in); return out; } // Delay line output routine for late reverb. static __inline ALfloat LateDelayLineOut(ALverbState *State, ALuint index) { return State->Late.Coeff[index] * DelayLineOut(&State->Late.Delay[index], State->Offset - State->Late.Offset[index]); } // Low-pass filter input/output routine for late reverb. static __inline ALfloat LateLowPassInOut(ALverbState *State, ALuint index, ALfloat in) { State->Late.LpSample[index] = in + ((State->Late.LpSample[index] - in) * State->Late.LpCoeff[index]); return State->Late.LpSample[index]; } // Given four decorrelated input samples, this function produces stereo // output for late reverb. static __inline ALvoid LateReverb(ALverbState *State, ALfloat *in, ALfloat *out) { ALfloat d[4], f[4]; // Obtain the decayed results of the cyclical delay lines, and add the // corresponding input channels attenuated by density. Then pass the // results through the low-pass filters. d[0] = LateLowPassInOut(State, 0, (State->Late.DensityGain * in[0]) + LateDelayLineOut(State, 0)); d[1] = LateLowPassInOut(State, 1, (State->Late.DensityGain * in[1]) + LateDelayLineOut(State, 1)); d[2] = LateLowPassInOut(State, 2, (State->Late.DensityGain * in[2]) + LateDelayLineOut(State, 2)); d[3] = LateLowPassInOut(State, 3, (State->Late.DensityGain * in[3]) + LateDelayLineOut(State, 3)); // To help increase diffusion, run each line through an all-pass filter. // The order of the all-pass filters is selected so that the shortest // all-pass filter will feed the shortest delay line. d[0] = LateAllPassInOut(State, 1, d[0]); d[1] = LateAllPassInOut(State, 3, d[1]); d[2] = LateAllPassInOut(State, 0, d[2]); d[3] = LateAllPassInOut(State, 2, d[3]); /* Late reverb is done with a modified feedback delay network (FDN) * topology. Four input lines are each fed through their own all-pass * filter and then into the mixing matrix. The four outputs of the * mixing matrix are then cycled back to the inputs. Each output feeds * a different input to form a circlular feed cycle. * * The mixing matrix used is a 4D skew-symmetric rotation matrix derived * using a single unitary rotational parameter: * * [ d, a, b, c ] 1 = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 * [ -a, d, c, -b ] * [ -b, -c, d, a ] * [ -c, b, -a, d ] * * The rotation is constructed from the effect's diffusion parameter, * yielding: 1 = x^2 + 3 y^2; where a, b, and c are the coefficient y * with differing signs, and d is the coefficient x. The matrix is thus: * * [ x, y, -y, y ] x = 1 - (0.5 diffusion^3) * [ -y, x, y, y ] y = sqrt((1 - x^2) / 3) * [ y, -y, x, y ] * [ -y, -y, -y, x ] * * To reduce the number of multiplies, the x coefficient is applied with * the cyclical delay line coefficients. Thus only the y coefficient is * applied when mixing, and is modified to be: y / x. */ f[0] = d[0] + (State->Late.MixCoeff * ( d[1] - d[2] + d[3])); f[1] = d[1] + (State->Late.MixCoeff * (-d[0] + d[2] + d[3])); f[2] = d[2] + (State->Late.MixCoeff * ( d[0] - d[1] + d[3])); f[3] = d[3] + (State->Late.MixCoeff * (-d[0] - d[1] - d[2])); // Output the results of the matrix for all four cyclical delay lines, // attenuated by the late reverb gain (which is attenuated by the 'x' // mix coefficient). out[0] = State->Late.Gain * f[0]; out[1] = State->Late.Gain * f[1]; out[2] = State->Late.Gain * f[2]; out[3] = State->Late.Gain * f[3]; // The delay lines are fed circularly in the order: // 0 -> 1 -> 3 -> 2 -> 0 ... DelayLineIn(&State->Late.Delay[0], State->Offset, f[2]); DelayLineIn(&State->Late.Delay[1], State->Offset, f[0]); DelayLineIn(&State->Late.Delay[2], State->Offset, f[3]); DelayLineIn(&State->Late.Delay[3], State->Offset, f[1]); } // Process the reverb for a given input sample, resulting in separate four- // channel output for both early reflections and late reverb. static __inline ALvoid ReverbInOut(ALverbState *State, ALfloat in, ALfloat *early, ALfloat *late) { ALfloat taps[4]; // Low-pass filter the incoming sample. in = lpFilter2P(&State->LpFilter, 0, in); // Feed the initial delay line. DelayLineIn(&State->Delay, State->Offset, in); // Calculate the early reflection from the first delay tap. in = DelayLineOut(&State->Delay, State->Offset - State->Tap[0]); EarlyReflection(State, in, early); // Calculate the late reverb from the last four delay taps. taps[0] = DelayLineOut(&State->Delay, State->Offset - State->Tap[1]); taps[1] = DelayLineOut(&State->Delay, State->Offset - State->Tap[2]); taps[2] = DelayLineOut(&State->Delay, State->Offset - State->Tap[3]); taps[3] = DelayLineOut(&State->Delay, State->Offset - State->Tap[4]); LateReverb(State, taps, late); // Step all delays forward one sample. State->Offset++; } // This destroys the reverb state. It should be called only when the effect // slot has a different (or no) effect loaded over the reverb effect. ALvoid VerbDestroy(ALeffectState *effect) { ALverbState *State = (ALverbState*)effect; if(State) { free(State->SampleBuffer); State->SampleBuffer = NULL; free(State); } } // NOTE: Temp, remove later. static __inline ALint aluCart2LUTpos(ALfloat re, ALfloat im) { ALint pos = 0; ALfloat denom = aluFabs(re) + aluFabs(im); if(denom > 0.0f) pos = (ALint)(QUADRANT_NUM*aluFabs(im) / denom + 0.5); if(re < 0.0) pos = 2 * QUADRANT_NUM - pos; if(im < 0.0) pos = LUT_NUM - pos; return pos%LUT_NUM; } // This updates the reverb state. This is called any time the reverb effect // is loaded into a slot. ALvoid VerbUpdate(ALeffectState *effect, ALCcontext *Context, ALeffect *Effect) { ALverbState *State = (ALverbState*)effect; ALuint index; ALfloat length, mixCoeff, cw, g, coeff; ALfloat hfRatio = Effect->Reverb.DecayHFRatio; // Calculate the master low-pass filter (from the master effect HF gain). cw = cos(2.0 * M_PI * Effect->Reverb.HFReference / Context->Frequency); g = __max(Effect->Reverb.GainHF, 0.0001f); State->LpFilter.coeff = 0.0f; if(g < 0.9999f) // 1-epsilon State->LpFilter.coeff = (1 - g*cw - aluSqrt(2*g*(1-cw) - g*g*(1 - cw*cw))) / (1 - g); // Calculate the initial delay taps. length = Effect->Reverb.ReflectionsDelay; State->Tap[0] = (ALuint)(length * Context->Frequency); length += Effect->Reverb.LateReverbDelay; /* The four inputs to the late reverb are decorrelated to smooth the * initial reverb and reduce harsh echos. The timings are calculated as * multiples of a fraction of the smallest cyclical delay time. This * result is then adjusted so that the first tap occurs immediately (all * taps are reduced by the shortest fraction). * * offset[index] = ((FRACTION MULTIPLIER^index) - 1) delay */ for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { length += LATE_LINE_LENGTH[0] * (1.0f + (Effect->Reverb.Density * LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER)) * (DECO_FRACTION * (pow(DECO_MULTIPLIER, (ALfloat)index) - 1.0f)); State->Tap[1 + index] = (ALuint)(length * Context->Frequency); } // Calculate the early reflections gain (from the master effect gain, and // reflections gain parameters). State->Early.Gain = Effect->Reverb.Gain * Effect->Reverb.ReflectionsGain; // Calculate the gain (coefficient) for each early delay line. for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) State->Early.Coeff[index] = pow(10.0f, EARLY_LINE_LENGTH[index] / Effect->Reverb.LateReverbDelay * -60.0f / 20.0f); // Calculate the first mixing matrix coefficient (x). mixCoeff = 1.0f - (0.5f * pow(Effect->Reverb.Diffusion, 3.0f)); // Calculate the late reverb gain (from the master effect gain, and late // reverb gain parameters). Since the output is tapped prior to the // application of the delay line coefficients, this gain needs to be // attenuated by the 'x' mix coefficient from above. State->Late.Gain = Effect->Reverb.Gain * Effect->Reverb.LateReverbGain * mixCoeff; /* To compensate for changes in modal density and decay time of the late * reverb signal, the input is attenuated based on the maximal energy of * the outgoing signal. This is calculated as the ratio between a * reference value and the current approximation of energy for the output * signal. * * Reverb output matches exponential decay of the form Sum(a^n), where a * is the attenuation coefficient, and n is the sample ranging from 0 to * infinity. The signal energy can thus be approximated using the area * under this curve, calculated as: 1 / (1 - a). * * The reference energy is calculated from a signal at the lowest (effect * at 1.0) density with a decay time of one second. * * The coefficient is calculated as the average length of the cyclical * delay lines. This produces a better result than calculating the gain * for each line individually (most likely a side effect of diffusion). * * The final result is the square root of the ratio bound to a maximum * value of 1 (no amplification). */ length = (LATE_LINE_LENGTH[0] + LATE_LINE_LENGTH[1] + LATE_LINE_LENGTH[2] + LATE_LINE_LENGTH[3]); g = length * (1.0f + LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER) * 0.25f; g = pow(10.0f, g * -60.0f / 20.0f); g = 1.0f / (1.0f - (g * g)); length *= 1.0f + (Effect->Reverb.Density * LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER) * 0.25f; length = pow(10.0f, length / Effect->Reverb.DecayTime * -60.0f / 20.0f); length = 1.0f / (1.0f - (length * length)); State->Late.DensityGain = __min(aluSqrt(g / length), 1.0f); // Calculate the all-pass feed-back and feed-forward coefficient. State->Late.ApFeedCoeff = 0.6f * pow(Effect->Reverb.Diffusion, 3.0f); // Calculate the mixing matrix coefficient (y / x). g = aluSqrt((1.0f - (mixCoeff * mixCoeff)) / 3.0f); State->Late.MixCoeff = g / mixCoeff; for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { // Calculate the gain (coefficient) for each all-pass line. State->Late.ApCoeff[index] = pow(10.0f, ALLPASS_LINE_LENGTH[index] / Effect->Reverb.DecayTime * -60.0f / 20.0f); } // If the HF limit parameter is flagged, calculate an appropriate limit // based on the air absorption parameter. if(Effect->Reverb.DecayHFLimit && Effect->Reverb.AirAbsorptionGainHF < 1.0f) { ALfloat limitRatio; // For each of the cyclical delays, find the attenuation due to air // absorption in dB (converting delay time to meters using the speed // of sound). Then reversing the decay equation, solve for HF ratio. // The delay length is cancelled out of the equation, so it can be // calculated once for all lines. limitRatio = 1.0f / (log10(Effect->Reverb.AirAbsorptionGainHF) * SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC * Effect->Reverb.DecayTime / -60.0f * 20.0f); // Need to limit the result to a minimum of 0.1, just like the HF // ratio parameter. limitRatio = __max(limitRatio, 0.1f); // Using the limit calculated above, apply the upper bound to the // HF ratio. hfRatio = __min(hfRatio, limitRatio); } // Calculate the low-pass filter frequency. cw = cos(2.0f * M_PI * Effect->Reverb.HFReference / Context->Frequency); for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { // Calculate the length (in seconds) of each cyclical delay line. length = LATE_LINE_LENGTH[index] * (1.0f + (Effect->Reverb.Density * LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER)); // Calculate the delay offset for the cyclical delay lines. State->Late.Offset[index] = (ALuint)(length * Context->Frequency); // Calculate the gain (coefficient) for each cyclical line. State->Late.Coeff[index] = pow(10.0f, length / Effect->Reverb.DecayTime * -60.0f / 20.0f); // Eventually this should boost the high frequencies when the ratio // exceeds 1. coeff = 0.0f; if (hfRatio < 1.0f) { // Calculate the decay equation for each low-pass filter. g = pow(10.0f, length / (Effect->Reverb.DecayTime * hfRatio) * -60.0f / 20.0f) / State->Late.Coeff[index]; g = __max(g, 0.1f); g *= g; // Calculate the gain (coefficient) for each low-pass filter. if(g < 0.9999f) // 1-epsilon coeff = (1 - g*cw - aluSqrt(2*g*(1-cw) - g*g*(1 - cw*cw))) / (1 - g); // Very low decay times will produce minimal output, so apply an // upper bound to the coefficient. coeff = __min(coeff, 0.98f); } State->Late.LpCoeff[index] = coeff; // Attenuate the cyclical line coefficients by the mixing coefficient // (x). State->Late.Coeff[index] *= mixCoeff; } // Calculate the 3D-panning gains for the early reflections and late // reverb (for EAX mode). { ALfloat earlyPan[3] = { Effect->Reverb.ReflectionsPan[0], Effect->Reverb.ReflectionsPan[1], Effect->Reverb.ReflectionsPan[2] }; ALfloat latePan[3] = { Effect->Reverb.LateReverbPan[0], Effect->Reverb.LateReverbPan[1], Effect->Reverb.LateReverbPan[2] }; ALfloat *speakerGain, dirGain, ambientGain; ALfloat length; ALint pos; length = earlyPan[0]*earlyPan[0] + earlyPan[1]*earlyPan[1] + earlyPan[2]*earlyPan[2]; if(length > 1.0f) { length = 1.0f / aluSqrt(length); earlyPan[0] *= length; earlyPan[1] *= length; earlyPan[2] *= length; } length = latePan[0]*latePan[0] + latePan[1]*latePan[1] + latePan[2]*latePan[2]; if(length > 1.0f) { length = 1.0f / aluSqrt(length); latePan[0] *= length; latePan[1] *= length; latePan[2] *= length; } // This code applies directional reverb just like the mixer applies // directional sources. It diffuses the sound toward all speakers // as the magnitude of the panning vector drops, which is only an // approximation of the expansion of sound across the speakers from // the panning direction. pos = aluCart2LUTpos(earlyPan[2], earlyPan[0]); speakerGain = &Context->PanningLUT[OUTPUTCHANNELS * pos]; dirGain = aluSqrt((earlyPan[0] * earlyPan[0]) + (earlyPan[2] * earlyPan[2])); ambientGain = (1.0 - dirGain); for(index = 0;index < OUTPUTCHANNELS;index++) State->Early.PanGain[index] = dirGain * speakerGain[index] + ambientGain; pos = aluCart2LUTpos(latePan[2], latePan[0]); speakerGain = &Context->PanningLUT[OUTPUTCHANNELS * pos]; dirGain = aluSqrt((latePan[0] * latePan[0]) + (latePan[2] * latePan[2])); ambientGain = (1.0 - dirGain); for(index = 0;index < OUTPUTCHANNELS;index++) State->Late.PanGain[index] = dirGain * speakerGain[index] + ambientGain; } } // This processes the reverb state, given the input samples and an output // buffer. ALvoid VerbProcess(ALeffectState *effect, const ALeffectslot *Slot, ALuint SamplesToDo, const ALfloat *SamplesIn, ALfloat (*SamplesOut)[OUTPUTCHANNELS]) { ALverbState *State = (ALverbState*)effect; ALuint index; ALfloat early[4], late[4], out[4]; ALfloat gain = Slot->Gain; for(index = 0;index < SamplesToDo;index++) { // Process reverb for this sample. ReverbInOut(State, SamplesIn[index], early, late); // Mix early reflections and late reverb. out[0] = (early[0] + late[0]) * gain; out[1] = (early[1] + late[1]) * gain; out[2] = (early[2] + late[2]) * gain; out[3] = (early[3] + late[3]) * gain; // Output the results. SamplesOut[index][FRONT_LEFT] += out[0]; SamplesOut[index][FRONT_RIGHT] += out[1]; SamplesOut[index][FRONT_CENTER] += out[3]; SamplesOut[index][SIDE_LEFT] += out[0]; SamplesOut[index][SIDE_RIGHT] += out[1]; SamplesOut[index][BACK_LEFT] += out[0]; SamplesOut[index][BACK_RIGHT] += out[1]; SamplesOut[index][BACK_CENTER] += out[2]; } } // This processes the EAX reverb state, given the input samples and an output // buffer. ALvoid EAXVerbProcess(ALeffectState *effect, const ALeffectslot *Slot, ALuint SamplesToDo, const ALfloat *SamplesIn, ALfloat (*SamplesOut)[OUTPUTCHANNELS]) { ALverbState *State = (ALverbState*)effect; ALuint index; ALfloat early[4], late[4]; ALfloat gain = Slot->Gain; for(index = 0;index < SamplesToDo;index++) { // Process reverb for this sample. ReverbInOut(State, SamplesIn[index], early, late); // Unfortunately, while the number and configuration of gains for // panning adjust according to OUTPUTCHANNELS, the output from the // reverb engine is not so scalable. SamplesOut[index][FRONT_LEFT] += (State->Early.PanGain[FRONT_LEFT]*early[0] + State->Late.PanGain[FRONT_LEFT]*late[0]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][FRONT_RIGHT] += (State->Early.PanGain[FRONT_RIGHT]*early[1] + State->Late.PanGain[FRONT_RIGHT]*late[1]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][FRONT_CENTER] += (State->Early.PanGain[FRONT_CENTER]*early[3] + State->Late.PanGain[FRONT_CENTER]*late[3]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][SIDE_LEFT] += (State->Early.PanGain[SIDE_LEFT]*early[0] + State->Late.PanGain[SIDE_LEFT]*late[0]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][SIDE_RIGHT] += (State->Early.PanGain[SIDE_RIGHT]*early[1] + State->Late.PanGain[SIDE_RIGHT]*late[1]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][BACK_LEFT] += (State->Early.PanGain[BACK_LEFT]*early[0] + State->Late.PanGain[BACK_LEFT]*late[0]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][BACK_RIGHT] += (State->Early.PanGain[BACK_RIGHT]*early[1] + State->Late.PanGain[BACK_RIGHT]*late[1]) * gain; SamplesOut[index][BACK_CENTER] += (State->Early.PanGain[BACK_CENTER]*early[2] + State->Late.PanGain[BACK_CENTER]*late[2]) * gain; } } // This creates the reverb state. It should be called only when the reverb // effect is loaded into a slot that doesn't already have a reverb effect. ALeffectState *VerbCreate(ALCcontext *Context) { ALverbState *State = NULL; ALuint samples, length[13], totalLength, index; State = malloc(sizeof(ALverbState)); if(!State) { alSetError(AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } State->state.Destroy = VerbDestroy; State->state.Update = VerbUpdate; State->state.Process = VerbProcess; // All line lengths are powers of 2, calculated from their lengths, with // an additional sample in case of rounding errors. // See VerbUpdate() for an explanation of the additional calculation // added to the master line length. samples = (ALuint) ((MASTER_LINE_LENGTH + (LATE_LINE_LENGTH[0] * (1.0f + LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER) * (DECO_FRACTION * ((DECO_MULTIPLIER * DECO_MULTIPLIER * DECO_MULTIPLIER) - 1.0f)))) * Context->Frequency) + 1; length[0] = NextPowerOf2(samples); totalLength = length[0]; for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { samples = (ALuint)(EARLY_LINE_LENGTH[index] * Context->Frequency) + 1; length[1 + index] = NextPowerOf2(samples); totalLength += length[1 + index]; } for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { samples = (ALuint)(ALLPASS_LINE_LENGTH[index] * Context->Frequency) + 1; length[5 + index] = NextPowerOf2(samples); totalLength += length[5 + index]; } for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { samples = (ALuint)(LATE_LINE_LENGTH[index] * (1.0f + LATE_LINE_MULTIPLIER) * Context->Frequency) + 1; length[9 + index] = NextPowerOf2(samples); totalLength += length[9 + index]; } // All lines share a single sample buffer and have their masks and start // addresses calculated once. State->SampleBuffer = malloc(totalLength * sizeof(ALfloat)); if(!State->SampleBuffer) { free(State); alSetError(AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } for(index = 0; index < totalLength;index++) State->SampleBuffer[index] = 0.0f; State->LpFilter.coeff = 0.0f; State->LpFilter.history[0] = 0.0f; State->LpFilter.history[1] = 0.0f; State->Delay.Mask = length[0] - 1; State->Delay.Line = &State->SampleBuffer[0]; totalLength = length[0]; State->Tap[0] = 0; State->Tap[1] = 0; State->Tap[2] = 0; State->Tap[3] = 0; State->Tap[4] = 0; State->Early.Gain = 0.0f; for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { State->Early.Coeff[index] = 0.0f; State->Early.Delay[index].Mask = length[1 + index] - 1; State->Early.Delay[index].Line = &State->SampleBuffer[totalLength]; totalLength += length[1 + index]; // The early delay lines have their read offsets calculated once. State->Early.Offset[index] = (ALuint)(EARLY_LINE_LENGTH[index] * Context->Frequency); } State->Late.Gain = 0.0f; State->Late.DensityGain = 0.0f; State->Late.ApFeedCoeff = 0.0f; State->Late.MixCoeff = 0.0f; for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { State->Late.ApCoeff[index] = 0.0f; State->Late.ApDelay[index].Mask = length[5 + index] - 1; State->Late.ApDelay[index].Line = &State->SampleBuffer[totalLength]; totalLength += length[5 + index]; // The late all-pass lines have their read offsets calculated once. State->Late.ApOffset[index] = (ALuint)(ALLPASS_LINE_LENGTH[index] * Context->Frequency); } for(index = 0;index < 4;index++) { State->Late.Coeff[index] = 0.0f; State->Late.Delay[index].Mask = length[9 + index] - 1; State->Late.Delay[index].Line = &State->SampleBuffer[totalLength]; totalLength += length[9 + index]; State->Late.Offset[index] = 0; State->Late.LpCoeff[index] = 0.0f; State->Late.LpSample[index] = 0.0f; } // Panning is applied as an independent gain for each output channel. for(index = 0;index < OUTPUTCHANNELS;index++) { State->Early.PanGain[index] = 0.0f; State->Late.PanGain[index] = 0.0f; } State->Offset = 0; return &State->state; } ALeffectState *EAXVerbCreate(ALCcontext *Context) { ALeffectState *State = VerbCreate(Context); if(State) State->Process = EAXVerbProcess; return State; }
# # Installation * Cloning and creating docker image **NOTE**: This installation requires installed docker server. ```bash $ git clone git clone $ cd $ docker build -t jekyll -f jekyll.dockerfile . ... Successfully tagged jekyll:latest ``` * Creating container ```bash $ USER_ID=$(id -u) $ USER_NAME=$(id -un) $ GROUP_ID=$(id -g) $ GROUP_NAME=$(id -gn) $ docker create \ --name jekyll-$USER_NAME \ --mount type=bind,source=$PWD,target=/home/$USER_NAME/ \ --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.ssh,target=/home/$USER_NAME/.ssh \ --workdir /home/$USER_NAME/ \ -t -p 4000:4000 jekyll $ docker start jekyll-$USER_NAME ``` * Mirror user and group to the container ```bash $ CMD="useradd -u $USER_ID -N $USER_NAME && \ groupadd -g $GROUP_ID $GROUP_NAME && \ usermod -g $GROUP_NAME $USER_NAME &&\ echo '$USER_NAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/$USER_NAME &&\ chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /home/$USER_NAME" docker exec jekyll-$USER_NAME /bin/bash -c "$CMD" ``` * Entering in the container install gihub pages ```bash $ docker exec -it -u $USER_NAME jekyll-$USER_NAME /bin/bash $USER_NAME@bcfa7ea7eb52$ export PATH="/home/baites/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin:$PATH" $USER_NAME@bcfa7ea7eb52$ gem install bundler ... $USER_NAME@bcfa7ea7eb52$ bundle exec jekyll serve -I --future --host ... ``` * Open browser at http://localhost:4000/
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class Product(Model): _required = [] _attribute_map = { 'integer': {'key': 'integer', 'type': 'int'}, 'string': {'key': 'string', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Product :param int integer :param str string """ self.integer = None self.string = None super(Product, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components'; const blink = keyframes` from, to { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0; } `; const CursorSpan = styled.span` font-weight: 100; color: black; font-size: 1em; padding-left: 2px; animation: ${blink} 1s step-end infinite; `; const Cursor = ({ className }) => ( <CursorSpan className={className}>|</CursorSpan> ); Cursor.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string }; Cursor.defaultProps = { className: '' }; export default Cursor;
// Copyright Louis Dionne 2015 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. #include <type_traits> template <typename T> using void_t = std::conditional_t<true, void, T>; // sample(common_type-N3843) template <typename T, typename U> using builtin_common_t = std::decay_t<decltype( true ? std::declval<T>() : std::declval<U>() )>; template <typename, typename ...> struct ct { }; template <typename T> struct ct<void, T> : std::decay<T> { }; template <typename T, typename U, typename ...V> struct ct<void_t<builtin_common_t<T, U>>, T, U, V...> : ct<void, builtin_common_t<T, U>, V...> { }; template <typename ...T> struct common_type : ct<void, T...> { }; // end-sample template <typename ...Ts> using common_type_t = typename common_type<Ts...>::type; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tests ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename = void> struct has_type : std::false_type { }; template <typename T> struct has_type<T, void_t<typename T::type>> : std::true_type { }; struct A { }; struct B { }; struct C { }; // Ensure proper behavior in normal cases static_assert(std::is_same< common_type_t<char>, char >{}, ""); static_assert(std::is_same< common_type_t<A, A>, A >{}, ""); static_assert(std::is_same< common_type_t<char, short, char, short>, int >{}, ""); static_assert(std::is_same< common_type_t<char, double, short, char, short, double>, double >{}, ""); static_assert(std::is_same< common_type_t<char, short, float, short>, float >{}, ""); // Ensure SFINAE-friendliness static_assert(!has_type<common_type<>>{}, ""); static_assert(!has_type<common_type<int, void>>{}, ""); int main() { }
package remove_duplicates_from_sorted_list; import common.ListNode; public class RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedList { public class Solution { public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) { if (head != null) { ListNode pre = head; ListNode p =; while (p != null) { if (p.val == pre.val) { =; } else { pre = p; } p =; } } return head; } } public static class UnitTest { } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace Umbraco.Core.Models.EntityBase { /// <summary> /// A base class for use to implement IRememberBeingDirty/ICanBeDirty /// </summary> public abstract class TracksChangesEntityBase : IRememberBeingDirty { /// <summary> /// Tracks the properties that have changed /// </summary> private readonly IDictionary<string, bool> _propertyChangedInfo = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); /// <summary> /// Tracks the properties that we're changed before the last commit (or last call to ResetDirtyProperties) /// </summary> private IDictionary<string, bool> _lastPropertyChangedInfo = null; /// <summary> /// Property changed event /// </summary> public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; /// <summary> /// Method to call on a property setter. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyInfo">The property info.</param> protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { _propertyChangedInfo[propertyInfo.Name] = true; if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyInfo.Name)); } } /// <summary> /// Indicates whether a specific property on the current entity is dirty. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to check</param> /// <returns>True if Property is dirty, otherwise False</returns> public virtual bool IsPropertyDirty(string propertyName) { return _propertyChangedInfo.Any(x => x.Key == propertyName); } /// <summary> /// Indicates whether the current entity is dirty. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if entity is dirty, otherwise False</returns> public virtual bool IsDirty() { return _propertyChangedInfo.Any(); } /// <summary> /// Indicates that the entity had been changed and the changes were committed /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool WasDirty() { return _lastPropertyChangedInfo != null && _lastPropertyChangedInfo.Any(); } /// <summary> /// Indicates whether a specific property on the current entity was changed and the changes were committed /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to check</param> /// <returns>True if Property was changed, otherwise False. Returns false if the entity had not been previously changed.</returns> public virtual bool WasPropertyDirty(string propertyName) { return WasDirty() && _lastPropertyChangedInfo.Any(x => x.Key == propertyName); } /// <summary> /// Resets the remembered dirty properties from before the last commit /// </summary> public void ForgetPreviouslyDirtyProperties() { _lastPropertyChangedInfo.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Resets dirty properties by clearing the dictionary used to track changes. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Please note that resetting the dirty properties could potentially /// obstruct the saving of a new or updated entity. /// </remarks> public virtual void ResetDirtyProperties() { ResetDirtyProperties(true); } /// <summary> /// Resets dirty properties by clearing the dictionary used to track changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="rememberPreviouslyChangedProperties"> /// true if we are to remember the last changes made after resetting /// </param> /// <remarks> /// Please note that resetting the dirty properties could potentially /// obstruct the saving of a new or updated entity. /// </remarks> public virtual void ResetDirtyProperties(bool rememberPreviouslyChangedProperties) { if (rememberPreviouslyChangedProperties) { //copy the changed properties to the last changed properties _lastPropertyChangedInfo = _propertyChangedInfo.ToDictionary(v => v.Key, v => v.Value); } _propertyChangedInfo.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Used by inheritors to set the value of properties, this will detect if the property value actually changed and if it did /// it will ensure that the property has a dirty flag set. /// </summary> /// <param name="setValue"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="propertySelector"></param> /// <returns>returns true if the value changed</returns> /// <remarks> /// This is required because we don't want a property to show up as "dirty" if the value is the same. For example, when we /// save a document type, nearly all properties are flagged as dirty just because we've 'reset' them, but they are all set /// to the same value, so it's really not dirty. /// </remarks> internal bool SetPropertyValueAndDetectChanges<T>(Func<T, T> setValue, T value, PropertyInfo propertySelector) { var initVal = value; var newVal = setValue(value); if (!Equals(initVal, newVal)) { OnPropertyChanged(propertySelector); return true; } return false; } } }
# coding=utf8 """ Parser for todo format string. from todo.parser import parser parser.parse(string) # return an Todo instance """ from models import Task from models import Todo from ply import lex from ply import yacc class TodoLexer(object): """ Lexer for Todo format string. Tokens ID e.g. '1.' DONE e.g. '(x)' TASK e.g. 'This is a task' """ tokens = ( "ID", "DONE", "TASK", ) t_ignore = "\x20\x09" # ignore spaces and tabs def t_ID(self, t): r'\d+\.([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?' t.value = int(t.value[:-1]) return t def t_DONE(self, t): r'(\(x\))' return t def t_TASK(self, t): r'((?!\(x\))).+' return t def t_newline(self, t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) def t_error(self, t): raise SyntaxError( "Illegal character: '%s' at Line %d" % (t.value[0], t.lineno) ) def __init__(self): self.lexer = lex.lex(module=self) class TodoParser(object): """ Parser for Todo format string, works with a todo lexer. Parse string to Python list todo_str = "1. (x) Write email to tom" TodoParser().parse(todo_str) """ tokens = TodoLexer.tokens def p_error(self, p): if p: raise SyntaxError( "Character '%s' at line %d" % (p.value[0], p.lineno) ) else: raise SyntaxError("SyntaxError at EOF") def p_start(self, p): "start : translation_unit" p[0] = self.todo def p_translation_unit(self, p): """ translation_unit : translate_task | translation_unit translate_task | """ pass def p_translation_task(self, p): """ translate_task : ID DONE TASK | ID TASK """ if len(p) == 4: done = True content = p[3] elif len(p) == 3: done = False content = p[2] task = Task(p[1], content, done) self.todo.append(task) def __init__(self): self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=0, write_tables=0) def parse(self, data): # reset list self.todo = Todo() return self.parser.parse(data) lexer = TodoLexer() # build lexer parser = TodoParser() # build parser
--- title: A List of the White Rabbit Mechanics We Are Considering author: all date: 15/01/11 tags: [concept, summary, gamemechanics, whiterabbit] layout: post --- The white rabbit. Here is a list of some of the rabbits we could pull out of our designer's magical top hat. ## Cooperative Rope Walking ### Summary One scenario is while one person crawls across a cable to breach the hull of another ship, the other must move the ship in sync with the other ship to ensure the crawling player doesn't fall. Could further add elements of wind and obstacles. ### Pros + Very explicit cooperative components + Leaves room for interesting use of physics + Fits well as minigame between core hack and slash ### Cons + Direct cooperation between players requires very fast and accurate network syncing + Can be frustrating if your partner is very poor at this minigame ## Ghost with Visibility Goggles ### Summary While one player only sees shimmers of an enemy or an important object, the other can see it very clearly. They must cooperate ### Pros ### Cons ## Building Blocks with Imbuement > Originally by me but I find the gravitational singularities to be more interesting and probably even easier to implement. This could be interesting regardless and could be considered in another light where one player can imbue the weaponry of the others. - Calem ### Summary ### Pros ### Cons ## Cooperative Gravitational Singularities ### Summary Players get a singularity tool that can produce singularities that either push or pull all objects within a sphere of influence. The map would preferably be prepared to be interactive with this weapon. For the ice planet, this could be as simple as pre-subdividing the terrain mesh into large icy chunks and into ice shards that can damage enemies. Interesting physics based puzzles become available. In the prototype, this was used to traverse a bridge of objects trapped between to singularities. Another mode is allowing a double jump by jumping onto the top of a singularity, which pushes the character up or allows them to walk on top of the sphere of influence depending on the gravitational factor. ![Little dude traversing a bridge between singularities]( ![Low framerate gif from proof of concept]( (note this image has a low framerate as it is a low quality gif :-) actual prototype is very smooth) Mesh collision can greatly improve the look and feel, but will dramatically reduce performance. Smooth performance with mesh collision limited to some 250 cubes. ![Mesh collision rather than box collision]( A bridge can be formed with 25 sheets if optimising for few objects with convex collision meshes. ![Flatter sheets bridge]( ### Pros + Very easy to implemented if the prototyping is any indication + Adds more interesting components to level design + Purely physics based cooperation and problem solving, which should be very intuitive, deterministic (like Portal) + No particularly special considerations for AI + Concept has been tested for resource usage and does well without optimisations + Particle effects can be used to hide unrealistic collision a bit and make sense in the context of the singularity + Cooperative elements are less contrived, and if friendly fire is enabled accidentally sucking your partner into a singularity could be very amusing given the appropriate sound effects and cues ### Cons + Would require level design considerations beyond normal puzzle making (subdivisions) + Fine control of singularity location may be awkward (though could be easy if both joysticks used in fine control mode?) + Syncing physics of multiple bodies between players may be difficult and needs to be tested. + Approximated collision has to be used for the objects in the sphere of influence if there are going to be more than a couple hundred objects ## Transition into spirit with different environmental interactions ### Summary ### Pros ### Cons ## Time travelling with effects on past ### Summary ### Pros ### Cons ## Collector and defender with pinging for resource collection ### Summary ### Pros ### Cons ## Single item to share ### Summary > The mechanics of this need to be fleshed out more, I think. - Calem ### Pros ### Cons ## One player can transform the other, changing their abilities ### Summary ### Pros ### Cons
--- layout: page title: Pride Solutions Conference date: 2016-05-24 author: Carl Mccarty tags: weekly links, java status: published summary: Curabitur ipsum ante, aliquam sit. banner: images/banner/office-01.jpg booking: startDate: 05/26/2016 endDate: 05/31/2016 ctyhocn: LITWTHX groupCode: PSC published: true --- Cras vitae ullamcorper libero, id laoreet lacus. Praesent sed ligula suscipit, interdum nulla in, blandit ipsum. Nunc sem massa, posuere ut tellus et, tempus consectetur erat. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam ultricies nunc sit amet congue vestibulum. Pellentesque vehicula tristique tellus, sed pellentesque risus fringilla eget. Nullam id malesuada ligula. Praesent ante nibh, accumsan non urna vel, molestie condimentum justo. Ut feugiat ligula vitae odio mattis, at facilisis neque ultricies. In sagittis ante justo, eu ornare nibh rhoncus non. Ut vel ligula nec est maximus gravida non nec massa. Sed placerat orci sed lacus tristique dictum. Sed id ipsum cursus, lacinia ligula id, scelerisque nibh. Nullam fringilla mi metus, a rutrum tortor aliquam in. Sed et nibh vulputate, iaculis nulla id, auctor mi. Integer elit dui, eleifend eget diam commodo, sagittis vestibulum magna. * Aenean luctus metus in quam elementum, vitae mollis augue ornare * Praesent eget ipsum accumsan, scelerisque ex id, pharetra quam. Aenean tempor sollicitudin aliquet. Ut interdum ex et mauris finibus tempus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi mollis laoreet elit, at iaculis lectus iaculis ut. Donec rutrum volutpat purus, sed pretium urna feugiat a. Mauris porta feugiat ligula, eget posuere tellus vehicula vel. Sed commodo eros eget ante sollicitudin, id pretium enim consequat. Duis sed ex sit amet elit venenatis consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam gravida nisl quis nisl porta, ut malesuada lacus iaculis. Proin suscipit orci id dolor mattis, ac mollis ligula placerat. Curabitur facilisis nibh odio, eu vulputate nulla congue et. Quisque dolor dolor, accumsan et vestibulum a, suscipit nec felis.
/** * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * **/ #include "stateengine/AtomicState.h" #include "stateengine/Defines.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAtomicState //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace donut { typedef void (*TUpdaterFunction)(const TStateEngineId&, double); typedef void (*TStateCallBack)(const TStateEngineId&, TStateData *); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- TAtomicState::TAtomicState(TStateEngineId parStateEngineId, TStateId parId, TStateData (* parTStateData), void (* parEnterCallBack), void (* parLeaveCallBack), void (* parUpdater)) : FStateEngineId (parStateEngineId) { FEnterCallBack = parEnterCallBack; FLeaveCallBack = parLeaveCallBack; FStateData = parTStateData; FUpdater = parUpdater; FId = parId; } TAtomicState::~TAtomicState() { // assert_msg_NO_RELEASE(FStateData!=NULL, "The state data has been already deleted. you do not need to.") delete FStateData; } void TAtomicState::AddTransition(TTransitionId parId, TTransition * parTransition) { FOutTransitions[parId] = parTransition; } #if _DEBUG void TAtomicState::AddInTransition(const TTransition * parTransition) { // FInTransitions.push_back(parTransition) } #endif void TAtomicState::Update(double parDt) { void (*updater)( const TStateEngineId&, double) = *((TUpdaterFunction*) (&FUpdater)); updater(FStateEngineId , parDt); } void TAtomicState::Enter() { void (*enter)(const TStateEngineId&, TStateData *) = *((TStateCallBack*) (&FEnterCallBack)); enter(FStateEngineId, FStateData); } void TAtomicState::Leave() { void (*leave)(const TStateEngineId&, TStateData *) = *((TStateCallBack*) (&FLeaveCallBack)); leave(FStateEngineId, FStateData); } void TAtomicState::TransitionCallBack() { } } // End namestate StateEngine
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Parameter; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBag; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Scope; /** * GraphvizDumper dumps a service container as a graphviz file. * * You can convert the generated dot file with the dot utility ( * * dot -Tpng > foo.png * * @author Fabien Potencier <> */ class GraphvizDumper extends Dumper { private $nodes; private $edges; private $options = array( 'graph' => array('ratio' => 'compress'), 'node' => array('fontsize' => 11, 'fontname' => 'Arial', 'shape' => 'record'), 'edge' => array('fontsize' => 9, 'fontname' => 'Arial', 'color' => 'grey', 'arrowhead' => 'open', 'arrowsize' => 0.5), 'node.instance' => array('fillcolor' => '#9999ff', 'style' => 'filled'), 'node.definition' => array('fillcolor' => '#eeeeee'), 'node.missing' => array('fillcolor' => '#ff9999', 'style' => 'filled'), ); /** * Dumps the service container as a graphviz graph. * * Available options: * * * graph: The default options for the whole graph * * node: The default options for nodes * * edge: The default options for edges * * node.instance: The default options for services that are defined directly by object instances * * node.definition: The default options for services that are defined via service definition instances * * node.missing: The default options for missing services * * @param array $options An array of options * * @return string The dot representation of the service container */ public function dump(array $options = array()) { foreach (array('graph', 'node', 'edge', 'node.instance', 'node.definition', 'node.missing') as $key) { if (isset($options[$key])) { $this->options[$key] = array_merge($this->options[$key], $options[$key]); } } $this->nodes = $this->findNodes(); $this->edges = array(); foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) { $this->edges[$id] = array_merge( $this->findEdges($id, $definition->getArguments(), true, ''), $this->findEdges($id, $definition->getProperties(), false, '') ); foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) { $this->edges[$id] = array_merge( $this->edges[$id], $this->findEdges($id, $call[1], false, $call[0].'()') ); } } return $this->startDot().$this->addNodes().$this->addEdges().$this->endDot(); } /** * Returns all nodes. * * @return string A string representation of all nodes */ private function addNodes() { $code = ''; foreach ($this->nodes as $id => $node) { $aliases = $this->getAliases($id); $code .= sprintf(" node_%s [label=\"%s\\n%s\\n\", shape=%s%s];\n", $this->dotize($id), $id.($aliases ? ' ('.implode(', ', $aliases).')' : ''), $node['class'], $this->options['node']['shape'], $this->addAttributes($node['attributes'])); } return $code; } /** * Returns all edges. * * @return string A string representation of all edges */ private function addEdges() { $code = ''; foreach ($this->edges as $id => $edges) { foreach ($edges as $edge) { $code .= sprintf(" node_%s -> node_%s [label=\"%s\" style=\"%s\"];\n", $this->dotize($id), $this->dotize($edge['to']), $edge['name'], $edge['required'] ? 'filled' : 'dashed'); } } return $code; } /** * Finds all edges belonging to a specific service id. * * @param string $id The service id used to find edges * @param array $arguments An array of arguments * @param bool $required * @param string $name * * @return array An array of edges */ private function findEdges($id, $arguments, $required, $name) { $edges = array(); foreach ($arguments as $argument) { if ($argument instanceof Parameter) { $argument = $this->container->hasParameter($argument) ? $this->container->getParameter($argument) : null; } elseif (is_string($argument) && preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $argument, $match)) { $argument = $this->container->hasParameter($match[1]) ? $this->container->getParameter($match[1]) : null; } if ($argument instanceof Reference) { if (!$this->container->has((string) $argument)) { $this->nodes[(string) $argument] = array('name' => $name, 'required' => $required, 'class' => '', 'attributes' => $this->options['node.missing']); } $edges[] = array('name' => $name, 'required' => $required, 'to' => $argument); } elseif (is_array($argument)) { $edges = array_merge($edges, $this->findEdges($id, $argument, $required, $name)); } } return $edges; } /** * Finds all nodes. * * @return array An array of all nodes */ private function findNodes() { $nodes = array(); $container = $this->cloneContainer(); foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) { $class = $definition->getClass(); if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) { $class = substr($class, 1); } $nodes[$id] = array('class' => str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $this->container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($class)), 'attributes' => array_merge($this->options['node.definition'], array('style' => ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE !== $definition->getScope() ? 'filled' : 'dotted'))); $container->setDefinition($id, new Definition('stdClass')); } foreach ($container->getServiceIds() as $id) { $service = $container->get($id); if (array_key_exists($id, $container->getAliases())) { continue; } if (!$container->hasDefinition($id)) { $class = ('service_container' === $id) ? get_class($this->container) : get_class($service); $nodes[$id] = array('class' => str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $class), 'attributes' => $this->options['node.instance']); } } return $nodes; } private function cloneContainer() { $parameterBag = new ParameterBag($this->container->getParameterBag()->all()); $container = new ContainerBuilder($parameterBag); $container->setDefinitions($this->container->getDefinitions()); $container->setAliases($this->container->getAliases()); $container->setResources($this->container->getResources()); foreach ($this->container->getScopes() as $scope => $parentScope) { $container->addScope(new Scope($scope, $parentScope)); } foreach ($this->container->getExtensions() as $extension) { $container->registerExtension($extension); } return $container; } /** * Returns the start dot. * * @return string The string representation of a start dot */ private function startDot() { return sprintf("digraph sc {\n %s\n node [%s];\n edge [%s];\n\n", $this->addOptions($this->options['graph']), $this->addOptions($this->options['node']), $this->addOptions($this->options['edge']) ); } /** * Returns the end dot. * * @return string */ private function endDot() { return "}\n"; } /** * Adds attributes. * * @param array $attributes An array of attributes * * @return string A comma separated list of attributes */ private function addAttributes($attributes) { $code = array(); foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) { $code[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $k, $v); } return $code ? ', '.implode(', ', $code) : ''; } /** * Adds options. * * @param array $options An array of options * * @return string A space separated list of options */ private function addOptions($options) { $code = array(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $code[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $k, $v); } return implode(' ', $code); } /** * Dotizes an identifier. * * @param string $id The identifier to dotize * * @return string A dotized string */ private function dotize($id) { return strtolower(preg_replace('/\W/i', '_', $id)); } /** * Compiles an array of aliases for a specified service id. * * @param string $id A service id * * @return array An array of aliases */ private function getAliases($id) { $aliases = array(); foreach ($this->container->getAliases() as $alias => $origin) { if ($id == $origin) { $aliases[] = $alias; } } return $aliases; } }
'use strict'; angular.module('mean.system').directive('googleMaps', ['GoogleMaps', 'Global', function(GoogleMaps, Global) { return { restrict: 'E', template: '<div id="map" style="height: 600px; width: 100%;"></div>', controller: function() { var mapOptions; if ( GoogleMaps ) { mapOptions = { center: new GoogleMaps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644), zoom: 14, mapTypeId: GoogleMaps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; = new GoogleMaps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions); } } }; }]);
// // URBSegmentedControl.h // URBSegmentedControlDemo // // Created by Nicholas Shipes on 2/1/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Urban10 Interactive. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, URBSegmentedControlOrientation) { URBSegmentedControlOrientationHorizontal = 0, URBSegmentedControlOrientationVertical }; typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, URBSegmentViewLayout) { URBSegmentViewLayoutDefault = 0, URBSegmentViewLayoutVertical }; typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, URBSegmentImagePosition) { URBSegmentImagePositionLeft = 0, URBSegmentImagePositionRight }; @interface URBSegmentedControl : UISegmentedControl <UIAppearance> typedef void (^URBSegmentedControlBlock)(NSInteger index, URBSegmentedControl *segmentedControl); /** Layout behavior for the segments (row or columns). */ @property (nonatomic) URBSegmentedControlOrientation layoutOrientation; /** Layout behavior of the segment contents. */ @property (nonatomic) URBSegmentViewLayout segmentViewLayout; /** * Position of the image when placed horizontally next to a segment label. Not used for controls containing only text or images. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) URBSegmentImagePosition imagePosition; /** Block handle called when the selected segment has changed. */ @property (nonatomic, copy) URBSegmentedControlBlock controlEventBlock; /** Background color for the base container view. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *baseColor; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *baseGradient; /** Stroke color used around the base container view. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *strokeColor; /** Stroke width for the base container view. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat strokeWidth; /** Corner radius for the base container view. */ @property (nonatomic) CGFloat cornerRadius; /** Whether or not a gradient should be automatically applied to the base and segment backgrounds based on the defined base colors. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showsGradient; /** Padding between the segments and the base container view. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets segmentEdgeInsets; ///---------------------------- /// @name Segment Customization ///---------------------------- @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *segmentBackgroundColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *segmentBackgroundGradient UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *imageColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *selectedImageColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets contentEdgeInsets; @property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets titleEdgeInsets; @property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets imageEdgeInsets; - (id)initWithTitles:(NSArray *)titles; - (id)initWithIcons:(NSArray *)icons; - (id)initWithTitles:(NSArray *)titles icons:(NSArray *)icons; - (void)insertSegmentWithTitle:(NSString *)title image:(UIImage *)image atIndex:(NSUInteger)segment animated:(BOOL)animated; - (void)setSegmentBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)segmentBackgroundColor atIndex:(NSUInteger)segment; - (void)setImageColor:(UIColor *)imageColor forState:(UIControlState)state UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; - (void)setSegmentBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)segmentBackgroundColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; - (void)setControlEventBlock:(URBSegmentedControlBlock)controlEventBlock; @end @interface UIImage (URBSegmentedControl) - (UIImage *)imageTintedWithColor:(UIColor *)color; @end
import { Component, OnInit, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { Router, NavigationEnd, NavigationExtras } from '@angular/router'; import { AuthService } from '../../services/auth.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-nav', templateUrl: 'app-nav.component.html' }) export class AppNavComponent implements OnInit { loggedIn: boolean; menuDropped: boolean; searchKeyword: string; constructor( public auth: AuthService, private router: Router, private elementRef: ElementRef ) { => { if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) { this.menuDropped = false; this.searchKeyword = ''; } }); this.searchKeyword = ''; } ngOnInit() { this.auth.checkLogin(); } toggleMenu() { this.menuDropped = !this.menuDropped; } logout(): void { this.auth.logout(); this.menuDropped = false; } searchPackages(e: Event): void { e.preventDefault(); const navigationExtras: NavigationExtras = { queryParams: { 'keyword': this.searchKeyword } }; this.router.navigate(['search'], navigationExtras); } @HostListener('document:click', ['$event']) onBlur(e: MouseEvent) { if (!this.menuDropped) { return; } let toggleBtn = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.drop-menu-act'); if ( === toggleBtn || toggleBtn.contains(<any> { return; } let dropMenu: HTMLElement = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.nav-dropdown'); if (dropMenu && dropMenu !== && !dropMenu.contains((<any> { this.menuDropped = false; } } }
// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or #include "walletview.h" #include "addressbookpage.h" #include "askpassphrasedialog.h" #include "bitcoingui.h" #include "clientmodel.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include "optionsmodel.h" #include "overviewpage.h" #include "receivecoinsdialog.h" #include "sendcoinsdialog.h" #include "signverifymessagedialog.h" #include "transactiontablemodel.h" #include "transactionview.h" #include "walletmodel.h" #include "miningpage.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include <QAction> #include <QActionGroup> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QProgressDialog> #include <QPushButton> #include <QVBoxLayout> WalletView::WalletView(QWidget *parent): QStackedWidget(parent), clientModel(0), walletModel(0) { // Create tabs overviewPage = new OverviewPage(); transactionsPage = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(); QHBoxLayout *hbox_buttons = new QHBoxLayout(); transactionView = new TransactionView(this); vbox->addWidget(transactionView); QPushButton *exportButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Export"), this); exportButton->setToolTip(tr("Export the data in the current tab to a file")); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC // Icons on push buttons are very uncommon on Mac exportButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/export")); #endif hbox_buttons->addStretch(); hbox_buttons->addWidget(exportButton); vbox->addLayout(hbox_buttons); transactionsPage->setLayout(vbox); receiveCoinsPage = new ReceiveCoinsDialog(); sendCoinsPage = new SendCoinsDialog(); miningPage = new MiningPage(); addWidget(overviewPage); addWidget(transactionsPage); addWidget(receiveCoinsPage); addWidget(sendCoinsPage); addWidget(miningPage); // Clicking on a transaction on the overview pre-selects the transaction on the transaction history page connect(overviewPage, SIGNAL(transactionClicked(QModelIndex)), transactionView, SLOT(focusTransaction(QModelIndex))); // Double-clicking on a transaction on the transaction history page shows details connect(transactionView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), transactionView, SLOT(showDetails())); // Clicking on "Export" allows to export the transaction list connect(exportButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), transactionView, SLOT(exportClicked())); // Pass through messages from sendCoinsPage connect(sendCoinsPage, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int)), this, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int))); // Pass through messages from transactionView connect(transactionView, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int)), this, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int))); } WalletView::~WalletView() { } void WalletView::setBitcoinGUI(BitcoinGUI *gui) { if (gui) { // Clicking on a transaction on the overview page simply sends you to transaction history page connect(overviewPage, SIGNAL(transactionClicked(QModelIndex)), gui, SLOT(gotoHistoryPage())); // Receive and report messages connect(this, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int)), gui, SLOT(message(QString,QString,unsigned int))); // Pass through encryption status changed signals connect(this, SIGNAL(encryptionStatusChanged(int)), gui, SLOT(setEncryptionStatus(int))); // Pass through transaction notifications connect(this, SIGNAL(incomingTransaction(QString,int,qint64,QString,QString)), gui, SLOT(incomingTransaction(QString,int,qint64,QString,QString))); } } void WalletView::setClientModel(ClientModel *clientModel) { this->clientModel = clientModel; overviewPage->setClientModel(clientModel); miningPage->setClientModel(clientModel); } void WalletView::setWalletModel(WalletModel *walletModel) { this->walletModel = walletModel; // Put transaction list in tabs transactionView->setModel(walletModel); overviewPage->setWalletModel(walletModel); receiveCoinsPage->setModel(walletModel); sendCoinsPage->setModel(walletModel); miningPage->setWalletModel(walletModel); if (walletModel) { // Receive and pass through messages from wallet model connect(walletModel, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int)), this, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString,unsigned int))); // Handle changes in encryption status connect(walletModel, SIGNAL(encryptionStatusChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(encryptionStatusChanged(int))); updateEncryptionStatus(); // Balloon pop-up for new transaction connect(walletModel->getTransactionTableModel(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(processNewTransaction(QModelIndex,int,int))); // Ask for passphrase if needed connect(walletModel, SIGNAL(requireUnlock()), this, SLOT(unlockWallet())); // Show progress dialog connect(walletModel, SIGNAL(showProgress(QString,int)), this, SLOT(showProgress(QString,int))); } } void WalletView::processNewTransaction(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int /*end*/) { // Prevent balloon-spam when initial block download is in progress if (!walletModel || !clientModel || clientModel->inInitialBlockDownload()) return; TransactionTableModel *ttm = walletModel->getTransactionTableModel(); QString date = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent).data().toString(); qint64 amount = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent).data(Qt::EditRole).toULongLong(); QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent).data().toString(); QString address = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent).data().toString(); emit incomingTransaction(date, walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), amount, type, address); } void WalletView::gotoOverviewPage() { setCurrentWidget(overviewPage); } void WalletView::gotoHistoryPage() { setCurrentWidget(transactionsPage); } void WalletView::gotoReceiveCoinsPage() { setCurrentWidget(receiveCoinsPage); } void WalletView::gotoSendCoinsPage(QString addr) { setCurrentWidget(sendCoinsPage); if (!addr.isEmpty()) sendCoinsPage->setAddress(addr); } void WalletView::gotoMiningPage() { setCurrentWidget(miningPage); } void WalletView::gotoSignMessageTab(QString addr) { // calls show() in showTab_SM() SignVerifyMessageDialog *signVerifyMessageDialog = new SignVerifyMessageDialog(this); signVerifyMessageDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); signVerifyMessageDialog->setModel(walletModel); signVerifyMessageDialog->showTab_SM(true); if (!addr.isEmpty()) signVerifyMessageDialog->setAddress_SM(addr); } void WalletView::gotoVerifyMessageTab(QString addr) { // calls show() in showTab_VM() SignVerifyMessageDialog *signVerifyMessageDialog = new SignVerifyMessageDialog(this); signVerifyMessageDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); signVerifyMessageDialog->setModel(walletModel); signVerifyMessageDialog->showTab_VM(true); if (!addr.isEmpty()) signVerifyMessageDialog->setAddress_VM(addr); } bool WalletView::handlePaymentRequest(const SendCoinsRecipient& recipient) { return sendCoinsPage->handlePaymentRequest(recipient); } void WalletView::showOutOfSyncWarning(bool fShow) { overviewPage->showOutOfSyncWarning(fShow); } void WalletView::updateEncryptionStatus() { emit encryptionStatusChanged(walletModel->getEncryptionStatus()); } void WalletView::encryptWallet(bool status) { if(!walletModel) return; AskPassphraseDialog dlg(status ? AskPassphraseDialog::Encrypt : AskPassphraseDialog::Decrypt, this); dlg.setModel(walletModel); dlg.exec(); updateEncryptionStatus(); } void WalletView::backupWallet() { QString filename = GUIUtil::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Backup Wallet"), QString(), tr("Wallet Data (*.dat)"), NULL); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; if (!walletModel->backupWallet(filename)) { emit message(tr("Backup Failed"), tr("There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1.").arg(filename), CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); } else { emit message(tr("Backup Successful"), tr("The wallet data was successfully saved to %1.").arg(filename), CClientUIInterface::MSG_INFORMATION); } } void WalletView::changePassphrase() { AskPassphraseDialog dlg(AskPassphraseDialog::ChangePass, this); dlg.setModel(walletModel); dlg.exec(); } void WalletView::unlockWallet() { if(!walletModel) return; // Unlock wallet when requested by wallet model if (walletModel->getEncryptionStatus() == WalletModel::Locked) { AskPassphraseDialog dlg(AskPassphraseDialog::Unlock, this); dlg.setModel(walletModel); dlg.exec(); } } void WalletView::usedSendingAddresses() { if(!walletModel) return; AddressBookPage *dlg = new AddressBookPage(AddressBookPage::ForEditing, AddressBookPage::SendingTab, this); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->setModel(walletModel->getAddressTableModel()); dlg->show(); } void WalletView::usedReceivingAddresses() { if(!walletModel) return; AddressBookPage *dlg = new AddressBookPage(AddressBookPage::ForEditing, AddressBookPage::ReceivingTab, this); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->setModel(walletModel->getAddressTableModel()); dlg->show(); } void WalletView::showProgress(const QString &title, int nProgress) { if (nProgress == 0) { progressDialog = new QProgressDialog(title, "", 0, 100); progressDialog->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); progressDialog->setMinimumDuration(0); progressDialog->setCancelButton(0); progressDialog->setAutoClose(false); progressDialog->setValue(0); } else if (nProgress == 100) { if (progressDialog) { progressDialog->close(); progressDialog->deleteLater(); } } else if (progressDialog) progressDialog->setValue(nProgress); }
<?php return array ( 'id' => 'samsung_gt_m5650_ver1', 'fallback' => 'generic_dolfin', 'capabilities' => array ( 'pointing_method' => 'touchscreen', 'mobile_browser_version' => '1.0', 'uaprof' => '', 'model_name' => 'GT M5650', 'brand_name' => 'Samsung', 'marketing_name' => 'Corby Lindy', 'release_date' => '2010_february', 'softkey_support' => 'true', 'table_support' => 'true', 'wml_1_1' => 'true', 'wml_1_2' => 'true', 'xhtml_support_level' => '3', 'wml_1_3' => 'true', 'columns' => '20', 'rows' => '16', 'max_image_width' => '228', 'resolution_width' => '240', 'resolution_height' => '320', 'max_image_height' => '280', 'jpg' => 'true', 'gif' => 'true', 'bmp' => 'true', 'wbmp' => 'true', 'png' => 'true', 'colors' => '65536', 'nokia_voice_call' => 'true', 'streaming_vcodec_mpeg4_asp' => '0', 'streaming_vcodec_h263_0' => '10', 'streaming_3g2' => 'true', 'streaming_3gpp' => 'true', 'streaming_acodec_amr' => 'nb', 'streaming_vcodec_h264_bp' => '1', 'streaming_video' => 'true', 'streaming_vcodec_mpeg4_sp' => '0', 'wap_push_support' => 'true', 'mms_png' => 'true', 'mms_max_size' => '307200', 'mms_max_width' => '0', 'mms_spmidi' => 'true', 'mms_max_height' => '0', 'mms_gif_static' => 'true', 'mms_wav' => 'true', 'mms_vcard' => 'true', 'mms_midi_monophonic' => 'true', 'mms_bmp' => 'true', 'mms_wbmp' => 'true', 'mms_amr' => 'true', 'mms_jpeg_baseline' => 'true', 'aac' => 'true', 'sp_midi' => 'true', 'mp3' => 'true', 'amr' => 'true', 'midi_monophonic' => 'true', 'imelody' => 'true', 'j2me_midp_2_0' => 'true', 'j2me_cldc_1_0' => 'true', 'j2me_cldc_1_1' => 'true', 'j2me_midp_1_0' => 'true', 'wifi' => 'true', 'max_data_rate' => '3600', 'directdownload_support' => 'true', 'oma_support' => 'true', 'oma_v_1_0_separate_delivery' => 'true', 'image_inlining' => 'true', ), );
<?php /** * File: SimpleImage.php * Author: Simon Jarvis * Modified by: Miguel Fermín * Based in: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details: * */ class Image_compression_helper { public $image; public $image_type; public function __construct($filename = null) { if (!empty($filename)) { $this->load($filename); } } public function load($filename) { $image_info = getimagesize($filename); $this->image_type = $image_info[2]; if ($this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $this->image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); } elseif ($this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $this->image = imagecreatefromgif($filename); } elseif ($this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $this->image = imagecreatefrompng($filename); } else { throw new Exception("The file you're trying to open is not supported"); } } public function example($url) { // Usage: // Load the original image $image = new SimpleImage($url); // Resize the image to 600px width and the proportional height $image->resizeToWidth(600); $image->save('lemon_resized.jpg'); // Create a squared version of the image $image->square(200); $image->save('lemon_squared.jpg'); // Scales the image to 75% $image->scale(75); $image->save('lemon_scaled.jpg'); // Resize the image to specific width and height $image->resize(80, 60); $image->save('lemon_resized2.jpg'); // Resize the canvas and fill the empty space with a color of your choice $image->maxareafill(600, 400, 32, 39, 240); $image->save('lemon_filled.jpg'); // Output the image to the browser: $image->output(); } public function save($filename, $image_type = IMAGETYPE_JPEG, $compression = 75, $permissions = null) { if ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { imagejpeg($this->image, $filename, $compression); } elseif ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { imagegif($this->image, $filename); } elseif ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { imagepng($this->image, $filename); } if ($permissions != null) { chmod($filename, $permissions); } } public function output($image_type = IMAGETYPE_JPEG, $quality = 80) { if ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($this->image, null, $quality); } elseif ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); imagegif($this->image); } elseif ($image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($this->image); } } public function getWidth() { return imagesx($this->image); } public function getHeight() { return imagesy($this->image); } public function resizeToHeight($height) { $ratio = $height / $this->getHeight(); $width = round($this->getWidth() * $ratio); $this->resize($width, $height); } public function resizeToWidth($width) { $ratio = $width / $this->getWidth(); $height = round($this->getHeight() * $ratio); $this->resize($width, $height); } public function square($size) { $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size); if ($this->getWidth() > $this->getHeight()) { $this->resizeToHeight($size); imagecolortransparent($new_image, imagecolorallocate($new_image, 0, 0, 0)); imagealphablending($new_image, false); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); imagecopy($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, ($this->getWidth() - $size) / 2, 0, $size, $size); } else { $this->resizeToWidth($size); imagecolortransparent($new_image, imagecolorallocate($new_image, 0, 0, 0)); imagealphablending($new_image, false); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); imagecopy($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, ($this->getHeight() - $size) / 2, $size, $size); } $this->image = $new_image; } public function scale($scale) { $width = $this->getWidth() * $scale / 100; $height = $this->getHeight() * $scale / 100; $this->resize($width, $height); } public function resize($width, $height) { $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecolortransparent($new_image, imagecolorallocate($new_image, 0, 0, 0)); imagealphablending($new_image, false); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); imagecopyresampled($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight()); $this->image = $new_image; } public function cut($x, $y, $width, $height) { $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecolortransparent($new_image, imagecolorallocate($new_image, 0, 0, 0)); imagealphablending($new_image, false); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); imagecopy($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, $x, $y, $width, $height); $this->image = $new_image; } public function maxarea($width, $height = null) { $height = $height ? $height : $width; if ($this->getWidth() > $width) { $this->resizeToWidth($width); } if ($this->getHeight() > $height) { $this->resizeToheight($height); } } public function minarea($width, $height = null) { $height = $height ? $height : $width; if ($this->getWidth() < $width) { $this->resizeToWidth($width); } if ($this->getHeight() < $height) { $this->resizeToheight($height); } } public function cutFromCenter($width, $height) { if ($width < $this->getWidth() && $width > $height) { $this->resizeToWidth($width); } if ($height < $this->getHeight() && $width < $height) { $this->resizeToHeight($height); } $x = ($this->getWidth() / 2) - ($width / 2); $y = ($this->getHeight() / 2) - ($height / 2); return $this->cut($x, $y, $width, $height); } public function maxareafill($width, $height, $red = 0, $green = 0, $blue = 0) { $this->maxarea($width, $height); $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $color_fill = imagecolorallocate($new_image, $red, $green, $blue); imagefill($new_image, 0, 0, $color_fill); imagecopyresampled($new_image, $this->image, floor(($width - $this->getWidth()) / 2), floor(($height - $this->getHeight()) / 2), 0, 0, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight() ); $this->image = $new_image; } }
# == Schema Information # # Table name: accounts # # id :integer not null, primary key # type :string default("Account"), not null # description :string default(""), not null # currency :string default("USD"), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # owner_id :integer # owner_type :string # standalone :boolean default(FALSE) # override_fee_percentage :integer # # Indexes # # index_accounts_on_item_id (owner_id) # index_accounts_on_item_type (owner_type) # index_accounts_on_type (type) # class Account::SoftwarePublicInterest < Account end
package illume.analysis; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; /* This simple analyser example averages pixel values. */ public class SimpleImageAnalyser<T extends BufferedImage> extends AbstractImageAnalyser<T> { @Override public double analyse(T input) { int sum_r = 0; int sum_g = 0; int sum_b = 0; for (int y = 0; y < input.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < input.getWidth(); x++) { final int clr = input.getRGB(x, y); sum_r += (clr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; sum_g += (clr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; sum_b += clr & 0x000000ff; } } double sum_rgb = ((sum_r + sum_b + sum_g) / 3.0d); double avg = sum_rgb / (input.getHeight() * input.getWidth()); // 8-bit RGB return avg / 255; } }
import { ExtraGlamorousProps } from './glamorous-component' import { ViewProperties, TextStyle, ViewStyle, ImageStyle, TextInputProperties, ImageProperties, ScrollViewProps, TextProperties, TouchableHighlightProperties, TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties, TouchableOpacityProperties, TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, FlatListProperties, SectionListProperties } from 'react-native' export interface NativeComponent { Image: React.StatelessComponent< ImageProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & ImageStyle > ScrollView: React.StatelessComponent< ScrollViewProps & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > Text: React.StatelessComponent< TextProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & TextStyle > TextInput: React.StatelessComponent< TextInputProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & TextStyle > TouchableHighlight: React.StatelessComponent< TouchableHighlightProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > TouchableNativeFeedback: React.StatelessComponent< TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > TouchableOpacity: React.StatelessComponent< TouchableOpacityProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > TouchableWithoutFeedback: React.StatelessComponent< TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > View: React.StatelessComponent< ViewProperties & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > FlatList: React.StatelessComponent< FlatListProperties<any> & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > SectionList: React.StatelessComponent< SectionListProperties<any> & ExtraGlamorousProps & ViewStyle > }
var express = require('../') , Router = express.Router , request = require('./support/http') , methods = require('methods') , assert = require('assert'); describe('Router', function(){ var router, app; beforeEach(function(){ router = new Router; app = express(); }) describe('.match(method, url, i)', function(){ it('should match based on index', function(){ router.route('get', '/foo', function(){}); router.route('get', '/foob?', function(){}); router.route('get', '/bar', function(){}); var method = 'GET'; var url = '/foo?bar=baz'; var route = router.match(method, url, 0);'Route'); route.method.should.equal('get'); route.path.should.equal('/foo'); var route = router.match(method, url, 1); route.path.should.equal('/foob?'); var route = router.match(method, url, 2); assert(!route); url = '/bar'; var route = router.match(method, url); route.path.should.equal('/bar'); }) }) describe('.matchRequest(req, i)', function(){ it('should match based on index', function(){ router.route('get', '/foo', function(){}); router.route('get', '/foob?', function(){}); router.route('get', '/bar', function(){}); var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/foo?bar=baz' }; var route = router.matchRequest(req, 0);'Route'); route.method.should.equal('get'); route.path.should.equal('/foo'); var route = router.matchRequest(req, 1); req._route_index.should.equal(1); route.path.should.equal('/foob?'); var route = router.matchRequest(req, 2); assert(!route); req.url = '/bar'; var route = router.matchRequest(req); route.path.should.equal('/bar'); }) }) describe('.middleware', function(){ it('should dispatch', function(done){ router.route('get', '/foo', function(req, res){ res.send('foo'); }); app.use(router.middleware); request(app) .get('/foo') .expect('foo', done); }) }) describe('.multiple callbacks', function(){ it('should throw if a callback is null', function(){ assert.throws(function () { router.route('get', '/foo', null, function(){}); }) }) it('should throw if a callback is undefined', function(){ assert.throws(function () { router.route('get', '/foo', undefined, function(){}); }) }) it('should throw if a callback is not a function', function(){ assert.throws(function () { router.route('get', '/foo', 'not a function', function(){}); }) }) it('should not throw if all callbacks are functions', function(){ router.route('get', '/foo', function(){}, function(){}); }) }) describe('.all', function() { it('should support using .all to capture all http verbs', function() { var router = new Router(); router.all('/foo', function(){}); var url = '/foo?bar=baz'; methods.forEach(function testMethod(method) { var route = router.match(method, url);'Route'); route.method.should.equal(method); route.path.should.equal('/foo'); }); }) }) })
#include "EventQueueThread.h"
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>slickgrid-colfix-plugin example</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/slickgrid/slick.grid.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/slickgrid/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/slickgrid/examples/examples.css" type="text/css" /> <style> body {margin: 0;} .grid {background: white; outline: 0; border: 1px solid gray;} {background-color: #fcc;} .idx {background-color: #f2f2f2; border-right: 1px solid #aaa; text-align: right; font-size: 0.8em; padding-right: 8px;} </style> </head> <body> <div id="my-grid" class="grid" style="width: 800px; height: 400px"></div> <script src="../bower_components/slickgrid/lib/jquery-1.7.min.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/slickgrid/lib/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/slickgrid/lib/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/slickgrid/slick.core.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/slickgrid/slick.grid.js"></script> <script src="../dist/slick.colfix.js"></script> <script> /** columns defination */ var columns = [ {id: '#', name: '', field: 'idx', width: 50, cssClass: 'idx'}, {id: 'col1', name: 'col 1', field: 'col1', width: 50}, {id: 'col2', name: 'col 2', field: 'col2', width: 80}, {id: 'col3', name: 'col 3', field: 'col3', width: 100}, {id: 'col4', name: 'col 4', field: 'col4', width: 200}, {id: 'col5', name: 'col 5', field: 'col5', width: 50}, {id: 'col6', name: 'col 6', field: 'col6', width: 300}, {id: 'col7', name: 'col 7', field: 'col7', width: 100}, {id: 'col8', name: 'col 8', field: 'col8', width: 200}, {id: 'col9', name: 'col 9', field: 'col9', width: 100} ]; /** grid options */ var options = { enableColumnReorder: false, explicitInitialization: true }; /** data */ var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { data[i] = { idx: i, col1: 'col 1-' + i, col2: 'col 2-' + i, col3: 'col 3-' + i, col4: 'col 4-' + i, col5: 'col 5-' + i, col6: 'col 6-' + i, col7: 'col 7-' + i, col8: 'col 8-' + i, col9: 'col 9-' + i }; } /** SlickGrid */ var grid = new Slick.Grid('#my-grid', data, columns, options); // register colfix plguin grid.registerPlugin(new Slick.Plugins.ColFix('#')); // initialize grid.init(); </script> </body> </html>
using Foundation; using System; using System.Linq; using UIKit; namespace UICatalog { public partial class BaseSearchController : UITableViewController, IUISearchResultsUpdating { private const string CellIdentifier = "searchResultsCell"; private readonly string[] allItems = { "Here's", "to", "the", "crazy", "ones.", "The", "misfits.", "The", "rebels.", "The", "troublemakers.", "The", "round", "pegs", "in", "the", "square", "holes.", "The", "ones", "who", "see", "things", "differently.", "They're", "not", "fond", "of", @"rules.", "And", "they", "have", "no", "respect", "for", "the", "status", "quo.", "You", "can", "quote", "them,", "disagree", "with", "them,", "glorify", "or", "vilify", "them.", "About", "the", "only", "thing", "you", "can't", "do", "is", "ignore", "them.", "Because", "they", "change", "things.", "They", "push", "the", "human", "race", "forward.", "And", "while", "some", "may", "see", "them", "as", "the", "crazy", "ones,", "we", "see", "genius.", "Because", "the", "people", "who", "are", "crazy", "enough", "to", "think", "they", "can", "change", "the", "world,", "are", "the", "ones", "who", "do." }; private string[] items; private string query; public BaseSearchController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { } public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); items = allItems; } protected void ApplyFilter(string filter) { query = filter; items = string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) ? allItems : allItems.Where(s => s.Contains(query)).ToArray(); TableView.ReloadData(); } public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableView, nint section) { return items.Length; } public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(CellIdentifier, indexPath); cell.TextLabel.Text = items[indexPath.Row]; return cell; } #region IUISearchResultsUpdating [Export("updateSearchResultsForSearchController:")] public void UpdateSearchResultsForSearchController(UISearchController searchController) { // UpdateSearchResultsForSearchController is called when the controller is being dismissed // to allow those who are using the controller they are search as the results controller a chance to reset their state. // No need to update anything if we're being dismissed. if (searchController.Active) { ApplyFilter(searchController.SearchBar.Text); } } #endregion } }
// // AppDelegate.h // DecoratorPattern // // Created by Vito on 13-11-15. // Copyright (c) 2013年 Vito. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate> @property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window; @end
<?php /** * This file is part of the Cubiche package. * * Copyright (c) Cubiche * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Cubiche\Core\EventDispatcher; use Cubiche\Core\Bus\MessageInterface; /** * Event interface. * * @author Ivannis Suárez Jerez <> */ interface EventInterface extends MessageInterface { /** * Stop event propagation. * * @return $this */ public function stopPropagation(); /** * Check whether propagation was stopped. * * @return bool */ public function isPropagationStopped(); /** * Get the event name. * * @return string */ public function eventName(); }
<?php namespace Kordy\Ticketit\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File; use Kordy\Ticketit\Models\Agent; use Kordy\Ticketit\Models\Setting; use Kordy\Ticketit\Seeds\SettingsTableSeeder; use Kordy\Ticketit\Seeds\TicketitTableSeeder; class InstallController extends Controller { public $migrations_tables = []; public function __construct() { $migrations = \File::files(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/Migrations'); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $this->migrations_tables[] = basename($migration, '.php'); } } public function publicAssets() { $public = $this->allFilesList(public_path('vendor/ticketit')); $assets = $this->allFilesList(base_path('vendor/kordy/ticketit/src/Public')); if ($public !== $assets) { Artisan::call('vendor:publish', [ '--provider' => 'Kordy\\Ticketit\\TicketitServiceProvider', '--tag' => ['public'], ]); } } /* * Initial install form */ public function index() { // if all migrations are not yet installed or missing settings table, // then start the initial install with admin and master template choices if (count($this->migrations_tables) == count($this->inactiveMigrations()) || in_array('2015_10_08_123457_create_settings_table', $this->inactiveMigrations()) ) { $views_files_list = $this->viewsFilesList('../resources/views/') + ['another' => trans('ticketit::install.another-file')]; $inactive_migrations = $this->inactiveMigrations(); $users_list = User::lists('first_name', 'id')->toArray(); return view('ticketit::install.index', compact('views_files_list', 'inactive_migrations', 'users_list')); } // other than that, Upgrade to a new version, installing new migrations and new settings slugs if (Agent::isAdmin()) { $inactive_migrations = $this->inactiveMigrations(); $inactive_settings = $this->inactiveSettings(); return view('ticketit::install.upgrade', compact('inactive_migrations', 'inactive_settings')); } \Log::emergency('Ticketit needs upgrade, admin should login and visit ticketit-install to activate the upgrade'); throw new \Exception('Ticketit needs upgrade, admin should login and visit ticketit install route'); } /* * Do all pre-requested setup */ public function setup(Request $request) { $master = $request->master; if ($master == 'another') { $another_file = $request->other_path; $views_content = strstr(substr(strstr($another_file, 'views/'), 6), '.blade.php', true); $master = str_replace('/', '.', $views_content); } $this->initialSettings($master); $admin_id = $request->admin_id; $admin = User::find($admin_id); $admin->ticketit_admin = true; $admin->save(); return redirect('/'.Setting::grab('main_route')); } /* * Do version upgrade */ public function upgrade() { if (Agent::isAdmin()) { $this->initialSettings(); return redirect('/'.Setting::grab('main_route')); } \Log::emergency('Ticketit upgrade path access: Only admin is allowed to upgrade'); throw new \Exception('Ticketit upgrade path access: Only admin is allowed to upgrade'); } /* * Initial installer to install migrations, seed default settings, and configure the master_template */ public function initialSettings($master = false) { $inactive_migrations = $this->inactiveMigrations(); if ($inactive_migrations) { // If a migration is missing, do the migrate Artisan::call('vendor:publish', [ '--provider' => 'Kordy\\Ticketit\\TicketitServiceProvider', '--tag' => ['db'], ]); Artisan::call('migrate'); $this->settingsSeeder($master); // if this is the first install of the html editor, seed old posts text to the new html column if (in_array('2016_01_15_002617_add_htmlcontent_to_ticketit_and_comments', $inactive_migrations)) { Artisan::call('ticketit:htmlify'); } } elseif ($this->inactiveSettings()) { // new settings to be installed $this->settingsSeeder($master); } \Cache::forget('settings'); } /** * Run the settings table seeder. * * @param string $master */ public function settingsSeeder($master = false) { $cli_path = 'config/ticketit.php'; // if seeder run from cli, use the cli path $provider_path = '../config/ticketit.php'; // if seeder run from provider, use the provider path $config_settings = []; $settings_file_path = false; if (File::isFile($cli_path)) { $settings_file_path = $cli_path; } elseif (File::isFile($provider_path)) { $settings_file_path = $provider_path; } if ($settings_file_path) { $config_settings = include $settings_file_path; File::move($settings_file_path, $settings_file_path.'.backup'); } $seeder = new SettingsTableSeeder(); if ($master) { $config_settings['master_template'] = $master; } $seeder->config = $config_settings; $seeder->run(); } /** * Get list of all files in the views folder. * * @return mixed */ public function viewsFilesList($dir_path) { $dir_files = File::files($dir_path); $files = []; foreach ($dir_files as $file) { $path = basename($file); $name = strstr(basename($file), '.', true); $files[$name] = $path; } return $files; } /** * Get list of all files in the views folder. * * @return mixed */ public function allFilesList($dir_path) { $files = []; if (File::exists($dir_path)) { $dir_files = File::allFiles($dir_path); foreach ($dir_files as $file) { $path = basename($file); $name = strstr(basename($file), '.', true); $files[$name] = $path; } } return $files; } /** * Get all Ticketit Package migrations that were not migrated. * * @return array */ public function inactiveMigrations() { $inactiveMigrations = []; $migration_arr = []; // Package Migrations $tables = $this->migrations_tables; // Application active migrations $migrations = DB::select('select * from migrations'); foreach ($migrations as $migration_parent) { // Count active package migrations $migration_arr [] = $migration_parent->migration; } foreach ($tables as $table) { if (!in_array($table, $migration_arr)) { $inactiveMigrations [] = $table; } } return $inactiveMigrations; } /** * Check if all Ticketit Package settings that were not installed to setting table. * * @return bool */ public function inactiveSettings() { $seeder = new SettingsTableSeeder(); // Package Settings $installed_settings = DB::table('ticketit_settings')->lists('value', 'slug'); // Application active migrations $default_Settings = $seeder->getDefaults(); if (count($installed_settings) == count($default_Settings)) { return false; } $inactive_settings = array_diff_key($default_Settings, $installed_settings); return $inactive_settings; } /** * Generate demo users, agents, and tickets. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function demoDataSeeder() { $seeder = new TicketitTableSeeder(); $seeder->run(); session()->flash('status', 'Demo tickets, users, and agents are seeded!'); return redirect()->action('\Kordy\Ticketit\Controllers\TicketsController@index'); } }
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<a href="#friends">Friends</a> &#124; <a href="classv8_1_1Maybe-members.html">List of all members</a> </div> <div class="headertitle"> <div class="title">v8::Maybe&lt; T &gt; Class Template Reference</div> </div> </div><!--header--> <div class="contents"> <p><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="v8_8h_source.html">v8.h</a>&gt;</code></p> <table class="memberdecls"> <tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="pub-methods"></a> Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> <tr class="memitem:a486b608c21c8038d5019bd7d75866345"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a486b608c21c8038d5019bd7d75866345"></a> V8_INLINE bool&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>IsNothing</b> () const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:a486b608c21c8038d5019bd7d75866345"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:adc82dc945891060d312fb6fbf8fb56ae"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="adc82dc945891060d312fb6fbf8fb56ae"></a> V8_INLINE bool&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>IsJust</b> () const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:adc82dc945891060d312fb6fbf8fb56ae"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:a4959bad473c4549048c1d2271a1a73e0"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a4959bad473c4549048c1d2271a1a73e0"></a> V8_INLINE T&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>ToChecked</b> () const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:a4959bad473c4549048c1d2271a1a73e0"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:ae2e1c6d0bd1ab5ff8de22a312c4dbb37"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="ae2e1c6d0bd1ab5ff8de22a312c4dbb37"></a> V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT V8_INLINE bool&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>To</b> (T *out) const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:ae2e1c6d0bd1ab5ff8de22a312c4dbb37"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:a02b19d7fcb7744d8dba3530ef8e14c8c"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a02b19d7fcb7744d8dba3530ef8e14c8c"></a> V8_INLINE T&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>FromJust</b> () const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:a02b19d7fcb7744d8dba3530ef8e14c8c"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:a0bcb5fb0d0e92a3f0cc546f11068a8df"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a0bcb5fb0d0e92a3f0cc546f11068a8df"></a> V8_INLINE T&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>FromMaybe</b> (const T &amp;default_value) const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:a0bcb5fb0d0e92a3f0cc546f11068a8df"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:adf61111c2da44e10ba5ab546a9a525ce"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="adf61111c2da44e10ba5ab546a9a525ce"></a> V8_INLINE bool&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>operator==</b> (const <a class="el" href="classv8_1_1Maybe.html">Maybe</a> &amp;other) const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:adf61111c2da44e10ba5ab546a9a525ce"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:a5bbacc606422d7ab327c2683462342ec"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a5bbacc606422d7ab327c2683462342ec"></a> V8_INLINE bool&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>operator!=</b> (const <a class="el" href="classv8_1_1Maybe.html">Maybe</a> &amp;other) const </td></tr> <tr class="separator:a5bbacc606422d7ab327c2683462342ec"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> </table><table class="memberdecls"> <tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="friends"></a> Friends</h2></td></tr> <tr class="memitem:aeb9593e125b42d748acbd69b72c89f37"><td class="memTemplParams" colspan="2"><a class="anchor" id="aeb9593e125b42d748acbd69b72c89f37"></a> template&lt;class U &gt; </td></tr> <tr class="memitem:aeb9593e125b42d748acbd69b72c89f37"><td class="memTemplItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="classv8_1_1Maybe.html">Maybe</a>&lt; U &gt;&#160;</td><td class="memTemplItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>Nothing</b> ()</td></tr> <tr class="separator:aeb9593e125b42d748acbd69b72c89f37"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> <tr class="memitem:aeff0e7fedd63cfebe9a5286e2cd8552d"><td class="memTemplParams" colspan="2"><a class="anchor" id="aeff0e7fedd63cfebe9a5286e2cd8552d"></a> template&lt;class U &gt; </td></tr> <tr class="memitem:aeff0e7fedd63cfebe9a5286e2cd8552d"><td class="memTemplItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="classv8_1_1Maybe.html">Maybe</a>&lt; U &gt;&#160;</td><td class="memTemplItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>Just</b> (const U &amp;u)</td></tr> <tr class="separator:aeff0e7fedd63cfebe9a5286e2cd8552d"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr> </table> <a name="details" id="details"></a><h2 class="groupheader">Detailed Description</h2> <div class="textblock"><h3>template&lt;class T&gt;<br /> class v8::Maybe&lt; T &gt;</h3> <p>A simple <a class="el" href="classv8_1_1Maybe.html">Maybe</a> type, representing an object which may or may not have a value, see <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>If an API method returns a Maybe&lt;&gt;, the API method can potentially fail either because an exception is thrown, or because an exception is pending, e.g. because a previous API call threw an exception that hasn't been caught yet, or because a TerminateExecution exception was thrown. In that case, a "Nothing" value is returned. </p> </div><hr/>The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:<ul> <li>deps/v8/include/<a class="el" href="v8_8h_source.html">v8.h</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- contents --> <!-- start footer part --> <hr class="footer"/><address class="footer"><small> Generated by &#160;<a href=""> <img class="footer" src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen"/> </a> 1.8.11 </small></address> </body> </html>
package com.covoex.qarvox; import com.covoex.qarvox.Application.BasicFunction; /** * @author Myeongjun Kim */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BasicFunction.programStart(); } }
## ![](Common/DeviceInfoPlugin/component/DeviceInfoPlugin_128x128.png) Device Info Plugin for Xamarin Simple way of getting common device information. ### Setup * Available on NuGet: [![NuGet](]( * Install into your PCL project and Client projects. **Platform Support** |Platform|Supported|Version| | ------------------- | :-----------: | :------------------: | |Xamarin.iOS|Yes|iOS 7+| |Xamarin.iOS Unified|Yes|iOS 7+| |Xamarin.Android|Yes|API 10+| |Windows Phone Silverlight|Yes|8.0+| |Windows Phone RT|Yes|8.1+| |Windows Store RT|Yes|8.1+| |Windows 10 UWP|Yes|10+| |Xamarin.Mac|No|| ### API Usage Call **CrossDeviceInfo.Current** from any project or PCL to gain access to APIs. **GenerateAppId** Used to generate a unique Id for your app. ```csharp /// <summary> /// Generates a an AppId optionally using the PhoneId a prefix and a suffix and a Guid to ensure uniqueness /// /// The AppId format is as follows {prefix}guid{phoneid}{suffix}, where parts in {} are optional. /// </summary> /// <param name="usingPhoneId">Setting this to true adds the device specific id to the AppId (remember to give the app the correct permissions)</param> /// <param name="prefix">Sets the prefix of the AppId</param> /// <param name="suffix">Sets the suffix of the AppId</param> /// <returns></returns> string GenerateAppId(bool usingPhoneId = false, string prefix = null, string suffix = null); ``` **Id** ```csharp /// <summary> /// This is the device specific Id (remember the correct permissions in your app to use this) /// </summary> string Id { get; } ``` Important: Windows Phone: Permissions to add: ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE **Device Model** ```csharp /// <summary> /// Get the model of the device /// </summary> string Model { get; } ``` **Version** ```csharp /// <summary> /// Get the version of the Operating System /// </summary> string Version { get; } ``` Returns the specific version number of the OS such as: * iOS: 8.1 * Android: 4.4.4 * Windows Phone: 8.10.14219.0 * WinRT: always 8.1 until there is a work around **Platform** ```csharp /// <summary> /// Get the platform of the device /// </summary> Platform Platform { get; } ``` Returns the Platform Enum of: ```csharp public enum Platform { Android, iOS, WindowsPhone, Windows } ``` #### Contributors * [jamesmontemagno]( Thanks! #### License Dirived from: [@Cheesebaron]( //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2013 Tomasz Cielecki ( // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?php /* Safe sample input : get the field UserData from the variable $_POST sanitize : use of ternary condition construction : concatenation with simple quote */ /*Copyright 2015 Bertrand STIVALET Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement or royalty fee, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. AUTHORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS AND AUTHORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS.*/ $tainted = $_POST['UserData']; $tainted = $tainted == 'safe1' ? 'safe1' : 'safe2'; $var = http_redirect("pages/'". $tainted . "'.php"); ?>
----------------------------------------------------------- -- LibAddonManager.lua ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Take the global "..." (name, addon) as parameters to -- initialize an addon object. -- -- Abin (2014-11-04) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- API Documentation: ----------------------------------------------------------- -- addon = LibAddonManager:CreateAddon("name", addon) -- Take over the addon object -- addon is a table represents your addon object, it contains the following field upon creation: -- version: string, the value of fileld "## Version" in toc file, or "1.0" if missing -- numericVersion: number, numeric form of version -- name: string, name of the addon, same as the toc file name -- title: string, same as "name" by default but developers may change for different locales -- player: string, player name -- realm: string, current realm name -- faction: string, player faction group in English, either "Alliance" or "Horde" -- class: string, player class in upper-cased English, "WARRIOR", "MAGE", "PALADIN" etc. -- race: string, player race in English, "Human", "NightElf", "Troll", etc. -- guid: string, GUID of the player -- And the following functions & methods are defined for the object: -- addon.tcopy(source [, destination]) -- Copy entire table data includes sub-tables from source to destination, return new table -- addon.tfind(table, value) -- Seach a numeric based table for match value, return index -- addon.tfind(table, func, ...) -- Seach a numeric based table for match value using defined function, return index, [boolean] func(element, ...) -- addon:Print("text" [, r, g, b]) -- Prints a message -- addon:Debug("text") -- Prints a message ONLY if addon.debug is true -- addon:Initialized() -- Returns whether the addon has been initialized -- addon:RegisterDB("dbName", hasCharDB) -- "hasCharDB" can be string, in which case char db will be the contents in toc field "SavedVariablesPerCharacter". Non-string type will treated as "name - realm" stored in db["profiles"] -- addon:VerifyDBVersion(version [, db]) -- Returns true only if value of [db].version is numeric and no smaller than the specified version value -- addon:RegisterSlashCmd("command1" [, "command2" [, ...]]) -- Register slash commands, no limited numbers -- addon:RegisterBindingClick(button, "name", "text") -- Set an override binding click to a button, "name" is the binding name, "text" is what appears in the game's "Key Bindings" UI -- addon:GetCurProfileName() -- Return current profile name string, in format of "name - realm" -- addob:GetProfileNameList() -- Return a table stores list of profile names { "name1", "name2", ... } -- addon:GetProfileData("name") -- Return the profile data table specified by "name" -- addon:CopyProfile("src" [, "dest"]) -- Copy contents from profile "src" to "dest", copy to current profile if "dest" is not specified -- addon:DeleteProfile("name") -- Delete a profile specified by "name", cannot delete current profile -- addon:RegisterLocale("name", "locale", data) -- Register a localized string table -- addon:GetLocale("name", "locale") -- Get a registered string table -- addon:PopupShowConfirm("text", func, arg1 [, "buttons"]) -- Show a popup dialog without editbox, func(arg1) will be called. "buttons" can be "MB_OK", "MB_OKCANCEL", "MB_YESNO", "MB_ACCEPTCANCEL", "MB_ACCEPTDECLINE" -- addon:PopupShowAck("text" [, func, arg1]) -- Show an acknowledgement dialog with a fixed "Okay" button -- addon:PopupShowInput("text", func, arg1, "default" [, wide]) -- Show a popup dialog with editbox for user inputs, func(arg1, "text") will be called. editbox width will be set to 260 if "wide" is true -- addon:PopupHide() -- Hide the popup dialog shown by this addon -- addon:EmbedEventObject([ object ]) -- Embeds an object with event-handling capability -- addon:RegisterEvent("event" [, func]) -- addon:RegisterEvent("event" [, "method"]) -- addon:UnregisterEvent("event") -- addon:RegisterAllEvents() -- addon:UnregisterAllEvents() -- addon:RegisterTick(interval) -- addon:UnregisterTick() -- addon:SetInterval(interval) -- addon:IsTicking() -- addon:BroadcastEvent("event" [, ...]) -- addon:RegisterEventCallback("event", func [, arg1]) -- addon:BroadcastOptionEvent(option [, ...]) -- addon:RegisterOptionCallback("option", func [, arg1]) -- addon:CreateModule("key", "dbType" [, ...]) -- Create a module using an unique key, "dbType" can be "ACCOUNT", "CHAR" or "ACCOUNT|CHAR", ... can be anything -- addon:NumModules() -- Return number of modules registered in this addon -- addon:GetModule(index) -- Get a module specified by index -- addon:GetModule("key") -- Get a module specified by key string -- addon:EnumModules(func, ...) -- Enum all modules and call func(module, ...) -- addon:CallAllModules("method", ...) -- Call all modules' method specified by "method"(STRING), regardless the enable/disable states of the module -- addon:CallAllEnabledModules("method", ...) -- Call all modules' method specified by "method"(STRING), only enabled modules are involved ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Callback functions: ----------------------------------------------------------- -- addon:OnInitialize(db, dbIsNew, chardb, chardbIsNew) -- Called when PLAYER_LOGIN event fires -- addon:OnModulesInitDone() -- Called after all modules of this addon are initialized done -- addon:OnTick(elapsed) -- Fires when ticking -- addon:OnSlashCmd(text) -- Fires when the user types a slash command registered by this addon -- addon:OnVerifyModule("key", "dbType" [, ...]) -- Called before creates a new module, if this method exists and returns nil/false, the creatiopn fails -- addon:OnCreateModule(module, "key", ...) -- Called when a new module is created, "..." is what passed in addon:CreateModule -- addon:OnEvent(event, ...) -- Fires when an event fires and this callback is defined -- addon:OnEnterCombat() -- Fires when the player enters combat -- addon:OnLeaveCombat() -- Fires when the player leaves combat ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Module functions: ----------------------------------------------------------- -- module:Enable() -- module:Disable() -- module:IsEnabled() ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Module callback functions: ----------------------------------------------------------- -- module:OnInitialize(db, dbIsNew, chardb, chardbIsNew) -- Fires after the PLAYER_LOGIN event fires, db and chardb are subsets of the addon dbs -- module:OnEnable() -- Fires when the module is enabled via "module:Enable()" -- module:OnDisable() -- Fires when the module is disabled via "module:Disable()" -- module:OnTick(elapsed) -- Fires when ticking -- module:OnEvent(event, ...) -- Fires when an event fires and this callback is defined -- module:OnEnterCombat() -- Fires when the player enters combat, only for enabled modules -- module:OnLeaveCombat() -- Fires when the player leaves combat, only for enabled modules ----------------------------------------------------------- local type = type local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local tinsert = tinsert local GetAddOnMetadata = GetAddOnMetadata local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local select = select local strupper = strupper local strfind = strfind local strtrim = strtrim local wipe = wipe local ClearOverrideBindings = ClearOverrideBindings local GetBindingKey = GetBindingKey local SetOverrideBindingClick = SetOverrideBindingClick local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local InCombatLockdown = InCombatLockdown local UnitName = UnitName local GetRealmName = GetRealmName local UnitFactionGroup = UnitFactionGroup local UnitClass = UnitClass local UnitGUID = UnitGUID local format = format local error = error local StaticPopup_Show = StaticPopup_Show local StaticPopup_Hide = StaticPopup_Hide local StaticPopupDialogs = StaticPopupDialogs local _G = _G local VERSION = 1.22 local lib = _G.LibAddonManager if type(lib) == "table" then local version = lib.version if type(version) == "number" and version >= VERSION then return end else lib = {} _G.LibAddonManager = lib end lib.version = VERSION local PRIVATE = "{62B10A9A-6AF5-40EF-93F6-D7271489AA66}" local PLAYER_INFO = {} local PROFILE_NAME ------------------------------------------------------- -- Library utility function ------------------------------------------------------- function lib.tcopy(src, dest) if type(dest) == "table" then wipe(dest) else dest = {} end local k, v for k, v in pairs(src) do if type(v) == "table" then dest[k] = lib.tcopy(v) else dest[k] = v end end return dest end function lib.tfind(t, arg, ...) if type(t) ~= "table" then return end local funcSearch = type(arg) == "function" local index, data for index, data in ipairs(t) do if funcSearch then if arg(data, ...) then return index end else if data == arg then return index end end end end local function Addon_Print(self, msg, r, g, b) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffff78"..self.title..":|r "..tostring(msg), r or 0.5, g or 0.75, b or 1) end local function Addon_Debug(self, msg) if self.debug then Addon_Print(self, msg, 1, 0.5, 0) end end local function Addon_GetCurProfileName(self) return PROFILE_NAME end local function Addon_GetProfileNameList(self) local list = {} if self.db and type(self.db.profiles) == "table" then local name for name in pairs(self.db.profiles) do tinsert(list, name) end end return list end -- Depreciated local function Addon_CopyTable(self, ...) return lib.tcopy(...) end local function Addon_GetProfileData(self, profile) if self.db and type(self.db.profiles) == "table" then return self.db.profiles[profile] end end local function Addon_CopyProfile(self, source, dest) if type(source) ~= "string" then source = Addon_GetCurProfileName(self) end if type(dest) ~= "string" then dest = Addon_GetCurProfileName(self) end if source == dest then return end if self.db and type(self.db.profiles) == "table" then if self.db.profiles[source] then self.db.profiles[dest] = lib.tcopy(self.db.profiles[source]) end end end local function Addon_DeleteProfile(self, profile) if self.db and type(self.db.profiles) == "table" and type(profile) == "string" and profile ~= Addon_GetCurProfileName(self) then self.db.profiles[profile] = nil end end local function Addon_RegisterSlashCmd(self, ...) local UPPER_NAME = strupper( local i for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local cmd = select(i, ...) if type(cmd) == "string" then if strfind(cmd, "/") ~= 1 then cmd = "/"..cmd end _G["SLASH_"..UPPER_NAME..i] = cmd end end SlashCmdList[UPPER_NAME] = function(text) if type(self.OnSlashCmd) == "function" then self:OnSlashCmd(strtrim(text)) -- The addon wants to process the slash command itself elseif type(self.OnClashCmd) == "function" then self:OnClashCmd(strtrim(text)) -- The addon wants to process the slash command itself else local frame = self.optionFrame or self.optionPage or self.frame if type(frame) ~= "table" then return end if type(frame.Toggle) == "function" then frame:Toggle() elseif type(frame.Open) == "function" then frame:Open() elseif frame:IsShown() then frame:Hide() else frame:Show() end end end end local function Addon_RegisterDB(self, dbName, hasCharDB) if type(dbName) ~= "string" then dbName = nil end if dbName then local private = self[PRIVATE] private.dbName, private.hasCharDB = dbName, hasCharDB end end local function Addon_RegisterBindingClick(self, button, name, text) if type(name) ~= "string" or type(button) ~= "table" then return end --local header = "BINDING_HEADER_"..strupper("_TITLE" --if not _G[header] then -- _G[header] = self.title --end if type(text) == "string" then _G["BINDING_NAME_"] = text end button.bindingName, button.bindingText = name, text lib._bindingList[name] = button end local function EEO_RegisterEvent(self, event, method) if type(method) ~= "function" and type(method) ~= "string" then method = nil end local frame = self[PRIVATE].frame if not frame:IsEventRegistered(event) then frame:RegisterEvent(event) end[event] = method end local function EEO_UnregisterEvent(self, event) local frame = self[PRIVATE].frame[event] = nil if frame:IsEventRegistered(event) then frame:UnregisterEvent(event) end end local function EEO_IsEventRegistered(self, event) return self[PRIVATE].frame:IsEventRegistered(event) end local function EEO_RegisterAllEvents(self) return self[PRIVATE].frame:RegisterAllEvents() end local function EEO_UnregisterAllEvents(self) return self[PRIVATE].frame:UnregisterAllEvents() end local function EEO_SetInterval(self, interval) if type(interval) ~= "number" or interval < 0.2 then interval = 0.2 end local frame = self[PRIVATE].frame frame.elapsed = 0 frame.tickSeconds = interval end local function EEO_RegisterTick(self, interval) EEO_SetInterval(self, interval) self[PRIVATE].frame:Show() end local function EEO_UnregisterTick(self) local frame = self[PRIVATE].frame frame:Hide() frame.tickSeconds = nil end local function EEO_IsTicking(self) return self[PRIVATE].frame:IsShown() end local function EEOFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...) local object = self.parentObject if type(object.OnEvent) == "function" then object:OnEvent(event, ...) else local func =[event] if not func then func = object[event] elseif type(func) ~= "function" then -- string, number, etc func = object[func] end if type(func) == "function" then func(object, ...) end end end local function EEOFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) local tickSeconds = self.tickSeconds if not tickSeconds then self:Hide() return end local updateElapsed = (self.elapsed or 0) + elapsed if updateElapsed >= tickSeconds then local object = self.parentObject if object.OnTick then object:OnTick(updateElapsed) end updateElapsed = 0 end self.elapsed = updateElapsed end local function Lib_EmbedEventObject(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then object = {} end local private = lib._SetupTable(object, PRIVATE) local frame = CreateFrame("Frame") private.frame = frame frame.parentObject = object = {} frame:Hide() frame:SetScript("OnEvent", EEOFrame_OnEvent) frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", EEOFrame_OnUpdate) object.RegisterEvent = EEO_RegisterEvent object.UnregisterEvent = EEO_UnregisterEvent object.IsEventRegistered = EEO_IsEventRegistered object.RegisterAllEvents = EEO_RegisterAllEvents object.UnregisterAllEvents = EEO_UnregisterAllEvents object.RegisterTick = EEO_RegisterTick object.UnregisterTick = EEO_UnregisterTick object.SetInterval = EEO_SetInterval object.IsTicking = EEO_IsTicking return object end local function BCO_BroadcastEvent(self, event, ...) local callbacks = self[PRIVATE].broadcastCallbacks[event] if not callbacks then return end local i for i = 1, #callbacks do local arg1 = callbacks[i].arg1 if arg1 then callbacks[i].func(arg1, ...) else callbacks[i].func(...) end end end local function BCO_RegisterEventCallback(self, event, func, arg1) if type(event) ~= "string" or type(func) ~= "function" then return end local list = self[PRIVATE].broadcastCallbacks local callbacks = list[event] if not callbacks then callbacks = {} list[event] = callbacks end tinsert(callbacks, { func = func, arg1 = arg1 }) end local OPTION_EVENT_PREFX = "OnOptionChanged_" -- Option event name prefix local function BCO_BroadcastOptionEvent(self, option, ...) if type(option) == "string" then BCO_BroadcastEvent(self, OPTION_EVENT_PREFX..option, ...) end end local function BCO_RegisterOptionCallback(self, option, func, arg1) if type(option) == "string" then BCO_RegisterEventCallback(self, OPTION_EVENT_PREFX..option, func, arg1) end end local function Lib_EmbedBroadcastObject(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then object = {} end local private = lib._SetupTable(object, PRIVATE) private.broadcastCallbacks = {} object.BroadcastEvent = BCO_BroadcastEvent object.RegisterEventCallback = BCO_RegisterEventCallback object.BroadcastOptionEvent = BCO_BroadcastOptionEvent object.RegisterOptionCallback = BCO_RegisterOptionCallback return object end local function Module_IsEnabled(self) return self[PRIVATE].enabled end local function Module_Enable(self) if Module_IsEnabled(self) then return end self[PRIVATE].enabled = 1 if type(self.OnEnable) == "function" then self:OnEnable() end end local function Module_Disable(self) if not Module_IsEnabled(self) then return end self[PRIVATE].enabled = nil self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnregisterTick() if type(self.OnDisable) == "function" then self:OnDisable() end end local function Addon_EnumModules(self, func, ...) if type(func) == "function" then local modules = self[PRIVATE].modules local i for i = 1, #modules do func(modules[i], ...) end end end local function Addon_CallAllModules(self, method, ...) local modules = self[PRIVATE].modules local i for i = 1, #modules do local module = modules[i] local func = module[method] if type(func) == "function" then func(module, ...) end end end local function Addon_CallAllEnabledModules(self, method, ...) local modules = self[PRIVATE].modules local i for i = 1, #modules do local module = modules[i] if Module_IsEnabled(module) then local func = module[method] if type(func) == "function" then func(module, ...) end end end end local function Addon_GetModule(self, key) local modules = self[PRIVATE].modules if type(key) ~= "string" then return modules[key] end local _, module for _, module in ipairs(modules) do if module.key == key then return module end end end local function Addon_NumModules(self) return #(self[PRIVATE].modules) end local function Addon_CreateModule(self, key, dbType, ...) if type(key) ~= "string" then error(format("bad argument #1 to 'addon:CreateModule' (string expected, got %s)", type(key))) return end local module = Addon_GetModule(self, key) if module then error(format("bad argument #1 to 'addon:CreateModule' (key '%s' already used)", key)) return end if type(dbType) == "string" then dbType = strupper(dbType) else dbType = nil end local verifyFunc = self.OnVerifyModule if type(verifyFunc) == "function" and not verifyFunc(self, key, dbType, ...) then return end module = Lib_EmbedEventObject() module.key, module.dbType = key, dbType module.IsEnabled = Module_IsEnabled module.Enable = Module_Enable module.Disable = Module_Disable tinsert(self[PRIVATE].modules, module) if type(self.OnCreateModule) == "function" then self:OnCreateModule(module, key, ...) end return module end local function Addon_RegisterLocale(self, name, locale, data) if type(name) == "string" and type(data) == "table" and type(locale) == "string" then local moduleLocales = self[PRIVATE].moduleLocales if not moduleLocales[name] then moduleLocales[name] = {} end if not moduleLocales[name][locale] then moduleLocales[name][locale] = data end end end local function Addon_GetLocale(self, name, locale) local data = self[PRIVATE].moduleLocales[name] if data then if type(locale) ~= "string" then locale = GetLocale() end return data[locale] or data.enUS end end local function Addon_EmbedEventObject(self, object) return Lib_EmbedEventObject(object) end local function Addon_VerifyDBVersion(self, version, t) if type(version) ~= "number" then version = 0 end if type(t) ~= "table" then t = self.db end if t and type(t.version) == "number" then return t.version >= version end end local function Addon_Initialized(self) return self[PRIVATE].initDone end local function EditBox_Highlight(self) self:SetFocus() self:HighlightText() end local function PopupData_EditBoxOnEnterPressed(self) local text = strtrim(self:GetText()) local parent = self:GetParent() local func = parent.data2 if text == "" or (type(func) == "function" and func(, text)) then EditBox_Highlight(self) else self:GetParent():Hide() end end local function PopupData_OnShow(self) local editBox = self.editBox if editBox:IsShown() and editBox:GetText() ~= "" then EditBox_Highlight(editBox) end end local function PopupData_EditBoxOnEscapePressed(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end local function PopupData_OnAccept(self, arg1, func) if type(func) ~= "function" then return end local editBox = self.editBox if not editBox:IsShown() then return func(arg1) end local text = strtrim(editBox:GetText()) if text == "" or func(arg1, text) then EditBox_Highlight(editBox) return 1 end end local function ParsePopupButtons(buttons) if buttons == "MB_OK" then return OKAY end if buttons == "MB_YESNO" then return YES, NO end if buttons == "MB_ACCEPTCANCEL" then return ACCEPT, CANCEL end if buttons == "MB_ACCEPTDECLINE" then return ACCEPT, DECLINE end return OKAY, CANCEL -- "MB_OKCANCEL" or others end local function Addon_PopupShowConfirm(self, text, func, arg1, buttons) local data = self[PRIVATE].popupData data.text = text data.hasEditBox = nil data.editBoxWidth = nil data.button1, data.button2, data.button3 = ParsePopupButtons(buttons) local dialog = StaticPopup_Show(self[PRIVATE].popupId) if dialog then = arg1 dialog.data2 = func return dialog end end local function Addon_PopupShowAck(self, text, func, arg1) return Addon_PopupShowConfirm(self, text, func, arg1, "MB_OK") end local function Addon_PopupShowInput(self, text, func, arg1, default, wide) local data = self[PRIVATE].popupData data.text = text data.hasEditBox = 1 data.editBoxWidth = wide and 260 or nil data.button1, data.button2, data.button3 = ParsePopupButtons() local dialog = StaticPopup_Show(self[PRIVATE].popupId) if dialog then = arg1 dialog.data2 = func if default then dialog.editBox:SetText(tostring(default)) return dialog end end end local function Addon_PopupHide(self) StaticPopup_Hide(self[PRIVATE].popupId) end function lib:CreateAddon(name, addon) if type(name) ~= "string" then error(format("bad argument #1 to 'LibAddonManager:CreateAddon' (string expected, got %s)", type(name))) return end if type(addon) ~= "table" then error(format("bad argument #2 to 'LibAddonManager:CreateAddon' (table expected, got %s)", type(addon))) return end if _G[name] then error(format("'LibAddonManager:CreateAddon' failed to register addon '%s' (object already exists)", name)) return end _G[name] = addon addon.version = GetAddOnMetadata(name, "Version") or "1.0" addon.numericVersion = tonumber(addon.version) or 1.0 = name addon.title = name -- This may be changed by developers into other locales, but just use name for now lib.CopyPlayerInfo(addon) local popupId = "LibAddonManager_PopupData_" local popupData = { exclusive = 1, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1, OnAccept = PopupData_OnAccept, EditBoxOnEnterPressed = PopupData_EditBoxOnEnterPressed, EditBoxOnEscapePressed = PopupData_EditBoxOnEscapePressed, OnShow = PopupData_OnShow, } StaticPopupDialogs[popupId] = popupData addon[PRIVATE] = { modules = {}, moduleLocales = {}, popupData = popupData, popupId = popupId } Lib_EmbedEventObject(addon) Lib_EmbedBroadcastObject(addon) addon.Print = Addon_Print addon.Debug = Addon_Debug addon.RegisterDB = Addon_RegisterDB addon.GetCurProfileName = Addon_GetCurProfileName addon.GetProfileNameList = Addon_GetProfileNameList addon.GetProfileData = Addon_GetProfileData addon.CopyProfile = Addon_CopyProfile addon.DeleteProfile = Addon_DeleteProfile addon.Initialized = Addon_Initialized addon.RegisterBindingClick = Addon_RegisterBindingClick addon.RegisterSlashCmd = Addon_RegisterSlashCmd addon.RegisterLocale = Addon_RegisterLocale addon.GetLocale = Addon_GetLocale addon.EmbedEventObject = Addon_EmbedEventObject addon.VerifyDBVersion = Addon_VerifyDBVersion addon.PopupShowConfirm = Addon_PopupShowConfirm addon.PopupShowAck = Addon_PopupShowAck addon.PopupShowInput = Addon_PopupShowInput addon.PopupHide = Addon_PopupHide addon.tcopy = lib.tcopy addon.tfind = lib.tfind addon.CreateModule = Addon_CreateModule addon.NumModules = Addon_NumModules addon.GetModule = Addon_GetModule addon.EnumModules = Addon_EnumModules addon.CallAllModules = Addon_CallAllModules addon.CallAllEnabledModules = Addon_CallAllEnabledModules -- Depreciated functions but stay for downward compatibility addon.CopyTable = Addon_CopyTable tinsert(lib._addonList, addon) return addon end ------------------------------------------------------- -- The library background event frame works ------------------------------------------------------- function lib.CopyPlayerInfo(addon) local key, val for key, val in pairs(PLAYER_INFO) do addon[key] = val end end local function Lib_UpdatePlayerInfo() PLAYER_INFO.player = UnitName("player") PLAYER_INFO.realm = GetRealmName() PLAYER_INFO.faction = UnitFactionGroup("player") PLAYER_INFO.class = select(2, UnitClass("player")) PLAYER_INFO.race = select(2, UnitRace("player")) PLAYER_INFO.guid = UnitGUID("player") PROFILE_NAME = PLAYER_INFO.player.." - "..PLAYER_INFO.realm end Lib_UpdatePlayerInfo() function lib._SetupTable(parent, key, isFrame) if type(parent) ~= "table" or not key then return end local t = parent[key] local isNew if type(t) ~= "table" then isNew = 1 if isFrame then t = CreateFrame("Frame") else t = {} end parent[key] = t end return t, isNew end lib._SetupTable(lib, "_addonList") lib._SetupTable(lib, "_bindingList") local function Module_InitializeDB(self, db, chardb) local moduledb, moduledbNew, moduleChardb, moduleChardbNew if strfind(self.dbType or "", "ACCOUNT") then local temp = lib._SetupTable(db, "modules") moduledb, moduledbNew = lib._SetupTable(temp, self.key) end if strfind(self.dbType or "", "CHAR") then local temp = lib._SetupTable(chardb, "modules") moduleChardb, moduleChardbNew = lib._SetupTable(temp, self.key) end self.db, self.chardb = moduledb, moduleChardb local private = self[PRIVATE] if type(self.OnInitialize) == "function" then self:OnInitialize(moduledb, moduledbNew, moduleChardb, moduleChardbNew) end end local function Lib_CallAllAddonsAndEnabledModules(method, ...) local _, addon for _, addon in ipairs(lib._addonList) do local func = addon[method] if type(func) == "function" then func(addon, ...) end Addon_CallAllEnabledModules(addon, method, ...) end end local function Lib_CheckInitDB(addon) local private = addon[PRIVATE] local db, dbIsNew = lib._SetupTable(_G, private.dbName) addon.db = db local chardb, chardbIsNew if db and private.hasCharDB then if type(private.hasCharDB) == "string" then chardb, chardbIsNew = lib._SetupTable(_G, private.hasCharDB) addon.chardb = chardb else local profileName = addon:GetCurProfileName() local profiles = lib._SetupTable(db, "profiles") chardb, chardbIsNew = lib._SetupTable(profiles, profileName) addon.chardb = chardb end end if type(addon.OnInitialize) == "function" then addon:OnInitialize(db, dbIsNew, chardb, chardbIsNew) end end local function Lib_ApplyAllBindings() local name, button for name, button in pairs(lib._bindingList) do ClearOverrideBindings(button) local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey(name) if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick(button, false, key2, button:GetName()) end if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick(button, false, key1, button:GetName()) end end end local function EventFrame_TryUpdateBindings(self) if InCombatLockdown() then self.hasPending = 1 -- Delay call else Lib_ApplyAllBindings() end end local frame = lib._SetupTable(lib, "_eventFrame", 1) frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, arg1) if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then Lib_UpdatePlayerInfo() local _, addon for _, addon in ipairs(lib._addonList) do lib.CopyPlayerInfo(addon) Lib_CheckInitDB(addon) end for _, addon in ipairs(lib._addonList) do Addon_EnumModules(addon, Module_InitializeDB, addon.db, addon.chardb) end for _, addon in ipairs(lib._addonList) do addon[PRIVATE].initDone = 1 if type(addon.OnModulesInitDone) == "function" then addon:OnModulesInitDone() end end self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS") EventFrame_TryUpdateBindings(self) elseif event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS" then EventFrame_TryUpdateBindings(self) elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" then Lib_CallAllAddonsAndEnabledModules("OnEnterCombat") elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then if self.hasPending then self.hasPending = nil Lib_ApplyAllBindings() end Lib_CallAllAddonsAndEnabledModules("OnLeaveCombat") end end)
import {Curve} from '../curve' export class Line extends Curve { constructor(p0, v) { super(); this.p0 = p0; this.v = v; this._pointsCache = new Map(); } intersectSurface(surface) { if (surface.isPlane) { const s0 = surface.normal.multiply(surface.w); return /; // 4.7.4 } else { return super.intersectSurface(surface); } } intersectCurve(curve, surface) { if (curve.isLine && surface.isPlane) { const otherNormal = surface.normal.cross(curve.v)._normalize(); return /; // (4.8.3) } return super.intersectCurve(curve, surface); } parametricEquation(t) { return; } t(point) { return point.minus(this.p0).dot(this.v); } pointOfSurfaceIntersection(surface) { let point = this._pointsCache.get(surface); if (!point) { const t = this.intersectSurface(surface); point = this.parametricEquation(t); this._pointsCache.set(surface, point); } return point; } translate(vector) { return new Line(, this.v); } approximate(resolution, from, to, path) { } offset() {}; } Line.prototype.isLine = true; Line.fromTwoPlanesIntersection = function(plane1, plane2) { const n1 = plane1.normal; const n2 = plane2.normal; const v = n1.cross(n2)._normalize(); const pf1 = plane1.toParametricForm(); const pf2 = plane2.toParametricForm(); const r0diff = pf1.r0.minus(pf2.r0); const ww = r0diff.minus(n2.multiply(; const p0 = ww.multiply( /; return new Line(p0, v); }; Line.fromSegment = function(a, b) { return new Line(a, b.minus(a)._normalize()); };
--- layout: default title: Distributed compressed sensing --- <h2>{{ page.title }}</h2> <p>To be writen<a href="">here</a></p>
_posts/2015-05-15-Distributed compressed sensing.html
<?php /** * * Enter address data for the cart, when anonymous users checkout * * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage User * @author Max Milbers * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * @version $Id: edit_address_addshipto.php 7499 2013-12-18 15:11:51Z Milbo $ */ // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla! defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?> <fieldset> <legend> <?php echo '<span class="userfields_info">' .vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_SHIPTO_LBL').'</span>'; ?> </legend> <?php echo $this->lists['shipTo']; ?> </fieldset>
#include "TString.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h" #include <fstream> #include <Riostream.h> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; TGraphErrors* GetGraphWithSymmYErrorsFromFile(TString txtFileName, Color_t markerColor=1, Style_t markerStyle=20, Size_t markerSize=1, Style_t lineStyle=1,Width_t lineWidth=2, bool IsNoErr=0) { Float_t x_array[400],ex_array[400],y_array[400],ey_array[400]; Char_t buffer[2048]; Float_t x,y,ex,ey; Int_t nlines = 0; ifstream infile(txtFileName.Data()); if (!infile.is_open()) { cout << "Error opening file. Exiting." << endl; } else { while (!infile.eof()) { infile.getline(buffer,2048); sscanf(buffer,"%f %f %f\n",&x,&y,&ey); x_array[nlines] = x; ex_array[nlines] = 0; y_array[nlines] = y; ey_array[nlines] = ey; if(IsNoErr) ey_array[nlines]=0; nlines++; } } TGraphErrors *graph = new TGraphErrors(nlines-1,x_array,y_array,ex_array,ey_array); txtFileName.Remove(txtFileName.Index(".txt"),4); graph->SetName(txtFileName.Data()); graph->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle); graph->SetMarkerColor(markerColor); graph->SetLineStyle(lineStyle); graph->SetLineColor(markerColor); graph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); graph->SetLineWidth(3); return graph; } void drawSysBoxValue(TGraph* gr, int fillcolor=TColor::GetColor("#ffff00"), double xwidth=0.3, double *percent, double xshift=0) { TBox* box; for(int n=0;n<gr->GetN();n++) { double x,y; gr->GetPoint(n,x,y); double yerr = percent[n]; box = new TBox(x+xshift-xwidth,y-fabs(yerr),x+xwidth,y+fabs(yerr)); box->SetLineWidth(0); box->SetFillColor(kGray); box->Draw("Fsame"); } }
<?php // Documentation test config file for "Components / Jumbotron" part return [ 'title' => 'Jumbotron', 'url' => '%bootstrap-url%/components/jumbotron/', 'rendering' => function (\Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer $oView) { echo $oView->jumbotron([ 'title' => 'Hello, world!', 'lead' => 'This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component ' . 'for calling extra attention to featured content or information.', '---' => ['attributes' => ['class' => 'my-4']], 'It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space ' . 'content out within the larger container.', 'button' => [ 'options' => [ 'tag' => 'a', 'label' => 'Learn more', 'variant' => 'primary', 'size' => 'lg', ], 'attributes' => [ 'href' => '#', ] ], ]) . PHP_EOL; // To make the jumbotron full width, and without rounded corners, add the option fluid echo $oView->jumbotron( [ 'title' => 'Fluid jumbotron', 'lead' => 'This is a modified jumbotron that occupies the entire horizontal space of its parent.', ], ['fluid' => true] ); }, 'expected' => '<div class="jumbotron">' . PHP_EOL . ' <h1 class="display-4">Hello, world!</h1>' . PHP_EOL . ' <p class="lead">This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component ' . 'for calling extra attention to featured content or information.</p>' . PHP_EOL . ' <hr class="my-4" />' . PHP_EOL . ' <p>It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space ' . 'content out within the larger container.</p>' . PHP_EOL . ' <a href="&#x23;" class="btn&#x20;btn-lg&#x20;btn-primary" role="button">Learn more</a>' . PHP_EOL . '</div>' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="jumbotron&#x20;jumbotron-fluid">' . PHP_EOL . ' <div class="container">' . PHP_EOL . ' <h1 class="display-4">Fluid jumbotron</h1>' . PHP_EOL . ' <p class="lead">This is a modified jumbotron that occupies ' . 'the entire horizontal space of its parent.</p>' . PHP_EOL . ' </div>' . PHP_EOL . '</div>', ];
using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following // set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information // associated with an assembly. [assembly: AssemblyTitle("CssMerger.Tests")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("CssMerger.Tests")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2009")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] // Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible // to COM componenets. If you need to access a type in this assembly from // COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. [assembly: ComVisible(false)] // The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM [assembly: Guid("f7c36817-3ade-4d22-88b3-aca652491500")] // Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: // // Major Version // Minor Version // Build Number // Revision // // You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers // by using the '*' as shown below: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
// // bridging-header.h // BitWake // // Created by Niklas Berglund on 2017-07-08. // Copyright © 2017 Niklas Berglund. All rights reserved. // #import "NSMenu+setHasPadding.h"
""" Gauged (MIT Licensed) Copyright 2014 (c) Chris O'Hara <> """ from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl from urllib import unquote from .mysql import MySQLDriver from .sqlite import SQLiteDriver from .postgresql import PostgreSQLDriver def parse_dsn(dsn_string): """Parse a connection string and return the associated driver""" dsn = urlparse(dsn_string) scheme = dsn.scheme.split('+')[0] username = password = host = port = None host = dsn.netloc if '@' in host: username, host = host.split('@') if ':' in username: username, password = username.split(':') password = unquote(password) username = unquote(username) if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) database = dsn.path.split('?')[0][1:] query = dsn.path.split('?')[1] if '?' in dsn.path else dsn.query kwargs = dict(parse_qsl(query, True)) if scheme == 'sqlite': return SQLiteDriver, [dsn.path], {} elif scheme == 'mysql': kwargs['user'] = username or 'root' kwargs['db'] = database if port: kwargs['port'] = port if host: kwargs['host'] = host if password: kwargs['passwd'] = password return MySQLDriver, [], kwargs elif scheme == 'postgresql': kwargs['user'] = username or 'postgres' kwargs['database'] = database if port: kwargs['port'] = port if 'unix_socket' in kwargs: kwargs['host'] = kwargs.pop('unix_socket') elif host: kwargs['host'] = host if password: kwargs['password'] = password return PostgreSQLDriver, [], kwargs else: raise ValueError('Unknown driver %s' % dsn_string) def get_driver(dsn_string): driver, args, kwargs = parse_dsn(dsn_string) return driver(*args, **kwargs)
#!/bin/sh # CYBERWATCH SAS - 2017 # # Security fix for DSA-3345-1 # # Security announcement date: 2015-08-29 00:00:00 UTC # Script generation date: 2017-01-01 21:07:32 UTC # # Operating System: Debian 8 (Jessie) # Architecture: x86_64 # # Vulnerable packages fix on version: # - iceweasel:38.2.1esr-1~deb8u1 # # Last versions recommanded by security team: # - iceweasel:38.8.0esr-1~deb8u1 # # CVE List: # - CVE-2015-4497 # - CVE-2015-4498 # # More details: # - # # Licence: Released under The MIT License (MIT), See LICENSE FILE sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade iceweasel=38.8.0esr-1~deb8u1 -y
/*** * ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package mockit.external.asm4; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /** * A Java field or method type. This class can be used to make it easier to * manipulate type and method descriptors. * * @author Eric Bruneton * @author Chris Nokleberg */ public class Type { /** * The sort of the <tt>void</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int VOID = 0; /** * The sort of the <tt>boolean</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int BOOLEAN = 1; /** * The sort of the <tt>char</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int CHAR = 2; /** * The sort of the <tt>byte</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int BYTE = 3; /** * The sort of the <tt>short</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int SHORT = 4; /** * The sort of the <tt>int</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int INT = 5; /** * The sort of the <tt>float</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int FLOAT = 6; /** * The sort of the <tt>long</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int LONG = 7; /** * The sort of the <tt>double</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int DOUBLE = 8; /** * The sort of array reference types. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int ARRAY = 9; /** * The sort of object reference types. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int OBJECT = 10; /** * The sort of method types. See {@link #getSort getSort}. */ public static final int METHOD = 11; /** * The <tt>void</tt> type. */ public static final Type VOID_TYPE = new Type(VOID, null, ('V' << 24) | (5 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 0, 1); /** * The <tt>boolean</tt> type. */ public static final Type BOOLEAN_TYPE = new Type(BOOLEAN, null, ('Z' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (5 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>char</tt> type. */ public static final Type CHAR_TYPE = new Type(CHAR, null, ('C' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (6 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>byte</tt> type. */ public static final Type BYTE_TYPE = new Type(BYTE, null, ('B' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (5 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>short</tt> type. */ public static final Type SHORT_TYPE = new Type(SHORT, null, ('S' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (7 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>int</tt> type. */ public static final Type INT_TYPE = new Type(INT, null, ('I' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>float</tt> type. */ public static final Type FLOAT_TYPE = new Type(FLOAT, null, ('F' << 24) | (2 << 16) | (2 << 8) | 1, 1); /** * The <tt>long</tt> type. */ public static final Type LONG_TYPE = new Type(LONG, null, ('J' << 24) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 2, 1); /** * The <tt>double</tt> type. */ public static final Type DOUBLE_TYPE = new Type(DOUBLE, null, ('D' << 24) | (3 << 16) | (3 << 8) | 2, 1); private static final Type[] NO_ARGS = new Type[0]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fields // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The sort of this Java type. */ private final int sort; /** * A buffer containing the internal name of this Java type. This field is * only used for reference types. */ private final char[] buf; /** * The offset of the internal name of this Java type in {@link #buf buf} or, * for primitive types, the size, descriptor and getOpcode offsets for this * type (byte 0 contains the size, byte 1 the descriptor, byte 2 the offset * for IALOAD or IASTORE, byte 3 the offset for all other instructions). */ private final int off; /** * The length of the internal name of this Java type. */ private final int len; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Constructs a reference type. * * @param sort the sort of the reference type to be constructed. * @param buf a buffer containing the descriptor of the previous type. * @param off the offset of this descriptor in the previous buffer. * @param len the length of this descriptor. */ private Type(int sort, char[] buf, int off, int len) { this.sort = sort; this.buf = buf; = off; this.len = len; } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor. * * @param typeDescriptor a field or method type descriptor. * @return the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor. */ public static Type getType(String typeDescriptor) { return getType(typeDescriptor.toCharArray(), 0); } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given internal name. * * @param internalName an internal name. * @return the Java type corresponding to the given internal name. */ public static Type getObjectType(String internalName) { char[] buf = internalName.toCharArray(); return new Type(buf[0] == '[' ? ARRAY : OBJECT, buf, 0, buf.length); } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given method descriptor. * Equivalent to <code>Type.getType(methodDescriptor)</code>. * * @param methodDescriptor a method descriptor. * @return the Java type corresponding to the given method descriptor. */ public static Type getMethodType(String methodDescriptor) { return getType(methodDescriptor.toCharArray(), 0); } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given class. * * @param c a class. * @return the Java type corresponding to the given class. */ public static Type getType(Class<?> c) { if (c.isPrimitive()) { if (c == Integer.TYPE) { return INT_TYPE; } else if (c == Void.TYPE) { return VOID_TYPE; } else if (c == Boolean.TYPE) { return BOOLEAN_TYPE; } else if (c == Byte.TYPE) { return BYTE_TYPE; } else if (c == Character.TYPE) { return CHAR_TYPE; } else if (c == Short.TYPE) { return SHORT_TYPE; } else if (c == Double.TYPE) { return DOUBLE_TYPE; } else if (c == Float.TYPE) { return FLOAT_TYPE; } else /* if (c == Long.TYPE) */{ return LONG_TYPE; } } else { return getType(getDescriptor(c)); } } /** * Returns the Java method type corresponding to the given constructor. * * @param c a {@link Constructor Constructor} object. * @return the Java method type corresponding to the given constructor. */ public static Type getType(Constructor<?> c) { return getType(getConstructorDescriptor(c)); } /** * Returns the Java method type corresponding to the given method. * * @param m a {@link Method Method} object. * @return the Java method type corresponding to the given method. */ public static Type getType(Method m) { return getType(getMethodDescriptor(m)); } /** * Returns the Java types corresponding to the argument types of the given * method descriptor. * * @param methodDescriptor a method descriptor. * @return the Java types corresponding to the argument types of the given * method descriptor. */ public static Type[] getArgumentTypes(String methodDescriptor) { if (methodDescriptor.charAt(1) == ')') return NO_ARGS; char[] buf = methodDescriptor.toCharArray(); int off = 1; int size = 0; while (true) { char car = buf[off++]; if (car == ')') { break; } else if (car == 'L') { while (buf[off++] != ';') { } ++size; } else if (car != '[') { ++size; } } Type[] args = new Type[size]; off = 1; size = 0; while (buf[off] != ')') { args[size] = getType(buf, off); off += args[size].len + (args[size].sort == OBJECT ? 2 : 0); size += 1; } return args; } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given * method descriptor. * * @param methodDescriptor a method descriptor. * @return the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given * method descriptor. */ public static Type getReturnType(String methodDescriptor) { char[] buf = methodDescriptor.toCharArray(); return getType(buf, methodDescriptor.indexOf(')') + 1); } /** * Computes the size of the arguments and of the return value of a method. * * @param desc the descriptor of a method. * @return the size of the arguments of the method (plus one for the * implicit this argument), argSize, and the size of its return * value, retSize, packed into a single int i = * <tt>(argSize << 2) | retSize</tt> (argSize is therefore equal * to <tt>i >> 2</tt>, and retSize to <tt>i & 0x03</tt>). */ public static int getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(String desc) { int n = 1; int c = 1; while (true) { char car = desc.charAt(c++); if (car == ')') { car = desc.charAt(c); return n << 2 | (car == 'V' ? 0 : (car == 'D' || car == 'J' ? 2 : 1)); } else if (car == 'L') { while (desc.charAt(c++) != ';') { } n += 1; } else if (car == '[') { while ((car = desc.charAt(c)) == '[') { ++c; } if (car == 'D' || car == 'J') { n -= 1; } } else if (car == 'D' || car == 'J') { n += 2; } else { n += 1; } } } /** * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor. For * method descriptors, buf is supposed to contain nothing more than the * descriptor itself. * * @param buf a buffer containing a type descriptor. * @param off the offset of this descriptor in the previous buffer. * @return the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor. */ private static Type getType(char[] buf, int off) { int len; switch (buf[off]) { case 'V': return VOID_TYPE; case 'Z': return BOOLEAN_TYPE; case 'C': return CHAR_TYPE; case 'B': return BYTE_TYPE; case 'S': return SHORT_TYPE; case 'I': return INT_TYPE; case 'F': return FLOAT_TYPE; case 'J': return LONG_TYPE; case 'D': return DOUBLE_TYPE; case '[': len = 1; while (buf[off + len] == '[') { ++len; } if (buf[off + len] == 'L') { ++len; while (buf[off + len] != ';') { ++len; } } return new Type(ARRAY, buf, off, len + 1); case 'L': len = 1; while (buf[off + len] != ';') { ++len; } return new Type(OBJECT, buf, off + 1, len - 1); case '(': return new Type(METHOD, buf, 0, buf.length); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type descriptor: " + new String(buf)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Accessors // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the sort of this Java type. * * @return {@link #VOID VOID}, {@link #BOOLEAN BOOLEAN}, * {@link #CHAR CHAR}, {@link #BYTE BYTE}, {@link #SHORT SHORT}, * {@link #INT INT}, {@link #FLOAT FLOAT}, {@link #LONG LONG}, * {@link #DOUBLE DOUBLE}, {@link #ARRAY ARRAY}, * {@link #OBJECT OBJECT} or {@link #METHOD METHOD}. */ public int getSort() { return sort; } /** * Returns the number of dimensions of this array type. This method should * only be used for an array type. * * @return the number of dimensions of this array type. */ public int getDimensions() { int i = 1; while (buf[off + i] == '[') { ++i; } return i; } /** * Returns the type of the elements of this array type. This method should * only be used for an array type. * * @return Returns the type of the elements of this array type. */ public Type getElementType() { return getType(buf, off + getDimensions()); } /** * Returns the binary name of the class corresponding to this type. This * method must not be used on method types. * * @return the binary name of the class corresponding to this type. */ public String getClassName() { switch (sort) { case VOID: return "void"; case BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; case CHAR: return "char"; case BYTE: return "byte"; case SHORT: return "short"; case INT: return "int"; case FLOAT: return "float"; case LONG: return "long"; case DOUBLE: return "double"; case ARRAY: StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(getElementType().getClassName()); for (int i = getDimensions(); i > 0; --i) { b.append("[]"); } return b.toString(); case OBJECT: return new String(buf, off, len).replace('/', '.'); default: return null; } } /** * Returns the internal name of the class corresponding to this object or * array type. The internal name of a class is its fully qualified name (as * returned by Class.getName(), where '.' are replaced by '/'. This method * should only be used for an object or array type. * * @return the internal name of the class corresponding to this object type. */ public String getInternalName() { return new String(buf, off, len); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Conversion to type descriptors // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the descriptor corresponding to this Java type. * * @return the descriptor corresponding to this Java type. */ public String getDescriptor() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); getDescriptor(buf); return buf.toString(); } /** * Appends the descriptor corresponding to this Java type to the given * string buffer. * * @param buf the string buffer to which the descriptor must be appended. */ private void getDescriptor(StringBuffer buf) { if (this.buf == null) { // descriptor is in byte 3 of 'off' for primitive types (buf == null) buf.append((char) ((off & 0xFF000000) >>> 24)); } else if (sort == OBJECT) { buf.append('L'); buf.append(this.buf, off, len); buf.append(';'); } else { // sort == ARRAY || sort == METHOD buf.append(this.buf, off, len); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Direct conversion from classes to type descriptors, // without intermediate Type objects // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the internal name of the given class. The internal name of a * class is its fully qualified name, as returned by Class.getName(), where * '.' are replaced by '/'. * * @param c an object or array class. * @return the internal name of the given class. */ public static String getInternalName(Class<?> c) { return c.getName().replace('.', '/'); } /** * Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given Java type. * * @param c an object class, a primitive class or an array class. * @return the descriptor corresponding to the given class. */ public static String getDescriptor(Class<?> c) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); getDescriptor(buf, c); return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given constructor. * * @param c a {@link Constructor Constructor} object. * @return the descriptor of the given constructor. */ public static String getConstructorDescriptor(Constructor<?> c) { Class<?>[] parameters = c.getParameterTypes(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) { getDescriptor(buf, parameters[i]); } return buf.append(")V").toString(); } /** * Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given method. * * @param m a {@link Method Method} object. * @return the descriptor of the given method. */ public static String getMethodDescriptor(Method m) { Class<?>[] parameters = m.getParameterTypes(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) { getDescriptor(buf, parameters[i]); } buf.append(')'); getDescriptor(buf, m.getReturnType()); return buf.toString(); } /** * Appends the descriptor of the given class to the given string buffer. * * @param buf the string buffer to which the descriptor must be appended. * @param c the class whose descriptor must be computed. */ private static void getDescriptor(StringBuffer buf, Class<?> c) { Class<?> d = c; while (true) { if (d.isPrimitive()) { char car; if (d == Integer.TYPE) { car = 'I'; } else if (d == Void.TYPE) { car = 'V'; } else if (d == Boolean.TYPE) { car = 'Z'; } else if (d == Byte.TYPE) { car = 'B'; } else if (d == Character.TYPE) { car = 'C'; } else if (d == Short.TYPE) { car = 'S'; } else if (d == Double.TYPE) { car = 'D'; } else if (d == Float.TYPE) { car = 'F'; } else /* if (d == Long.TYPE) */{ car = 'J'; } buf.append(car); return; } else if (d.isArray()) { buf.append('['); d = d.getComponentType(); } else { buf.append('L'); String name = d.getName(); int len = name.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char car = name.charAt(i); buf.append(car == '.' ? '/' : car); } buf.append(';'); return; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Corresponding size and opcodes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the size of values of this type. This method must not be used for * method types. * * @return the size of values of this type, i.e., 2 for <tt>long</tt> and * <tt>double</tt>, 0 for <tt>void</tt> and 1 otherwise. */ public int getSize() { // the size is in byte 0 of 'off' for primitive types (buf == null) return buf == null ? off & 0xFF : 1; } /** * Returns a JVM instruction opcode adapted to this Java type. This method * must not be used for method types. * * @param opcode a JVM instruction opcode. This opcode must be one of ILOAD, * ISTORE, IALOAD, IASTORE, IADD, ISUB, IMUL, IDIV, IREM, INEG, ISHL, * ISHR, IUSHR, IAND, IOR, IXOR and IRETURN. * @return an opcode that is similar to the given opcode, but adapted to * this Java type. For example, if this type is <tt>float</tt> and * <tt>opcode</tt> is IRETURN, this method returns FRETURN. */ public int getOpcode(int opcode) { if (opcode == Opcodes.IALOAD || opcode == Opcodes.IASTORE) { // the offset for IALOAD or IASTORE is in byte 1 of 'off' for // primitive types (buf == null) return opcode + (buf == null ? (off & 0xFF00) >> 8 : 4); } else { // the offset for other instructions is in byte 2 of 'off' for // primitive types (buf == null) return opcode + (buf == null ? (off & 0xFF0000) >> 16 : 4); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Equals, hashCode and toString // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Tests if the given object is equal to this type. * * @param o the object to be compared to this type. * @return <tt>true</tt> if the given object is equal to this type. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Type)) { return false; } Type t = (Type) o; if (sort != t.sort) { return false; } if (sort >= ARRAY) { if (len != t.len) { return false; } for (int i = off, j =, end = i + len; i < end; i++, j++) { if (buf[i] != t.buf[j]) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Returns a hash code value for this type. * * @return a hash code value for this type. */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hc = 13 * sort; if (sort >= ARRAY) { for (int i = off, end = i + len; i < end; i++) { hc = 17 * (hc + buf[i]); } } return hc; } /** * Returns a string representation of this type. * * @return the descriptor of this type. */ @Override public String toString() { return getDescriptor(); } }
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "ibtokin.settings") try: from import execute_from_command_line except ImportError: # The above import may fail for some other reason. Ensure that the # issue is really that Django is missing to avoid masking other # exceptions on Python 2. try: import django except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and " "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you " "forget to activate a virtual environment?" ) raise execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> <tr> <th>Student Id</th> <th>Student Name</th> <th>Course</th> <!--<th> <select class="form-control" name='Year Level' required> <option> THIRD YEAR</option> <option> ALL</option> <option> FIRST YEAR</option> <option> SECOND YEAR</option> <option> FOURTH YEAR</option> </select> </th>--> <th colspan="2">Action</th> </tr> <?php // fetch the records in tbl_enrollment $result = $this->enrollment->getStud($param); foreach($result as $info) { extract($info); $stud_info = $this->party->getStudInfo($partyid); $course = $this->course->getCourse($coursemajor); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $stud_info['legacyid']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $stud_info['lastname'] . ' , ' . $stud_info['firstname'] ?></td> <td><?php echo $course; ?></td> <!--<td></td>--> <td> <?php if($stud_info['status'] != 'C'){ ?> <a class="a-table label label-info" href="/rgstr_build/<?php echo $stud_info['legacyid'];?>">View Records <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file"></span></a> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php //} } ?> </table>
/** * <copyright> * </copyright> * * $Id$ */ package org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd; /** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Query</b></em>'. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * * <p> * The following features are supported: * <ul> * <li>{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getQueryLanguage <em>Query Language</em>}</li> * <li>{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getOpaque <em>Opaque</em>}</li> * <li>{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getValue <em>Value</em>}</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.PbdPackage#getQuery() * @model * @generated */ public interface Query extends ExtensibleElements { /** * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Query Language</b></em>' attribute. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <p> * If the meaning of the '<em>Query Language</em>' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... * </p> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @return the value of the '<em>Query Language</em>' attribute. * @see #setQueryLanguage(String) * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.PbdPackage#getQuery_QueryLanguage() * @model * @generated */ String getQueryLanguage(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getQueryLanguage <em>Query Language</em>}' attribute. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param value the new value of the '<em>Query Language</em>' attribute. * @see #getQueryLanguage() * @generated */ void setQueryLanguage(String value); /** * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Opaque</b></em>' attribute. * The literals are from the enumeration {@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.OpaqueBoolean}. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <p> * If the meaning of the '<em>Opaque</em>' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... * </p> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @return the value of the '<em>Opaque</em>' attribute. * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.OpaqueBoolean * @see #setOpaque(OpaqueBoolean) * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.PbdPackage#getQuery_Opaque() * @model * @generated */ OpaqueBoolean getOpaque(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getOpaque <em>Opaque</em>}' attribute. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param value the new value of the '<em>Opaque</em>' attribute. * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.OpaqueBoolean * @see #getOpaque() * @generated */ void setOpaque(OpaqueBoolean value); /** * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Value</b></em>' attribute. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <p> * If the meaning of the '<em>Value</em>' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... * </p> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @return the value of the '<em>Value</em>' attribute. * @see #setValue(String) * @see org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.PbdPackage#getQuery_Value() * @model * @generated */ String getValue(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.bpel4chor.model.pbd.Query#getValue <em>Value</em>}' attribute. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param value the new value of the '<em>Value</em>' attribute. * @see #getValue() * @generated */ void setValue(String value); } // Query
// // SMActivityEventBuilder.h // SessionMEventsKit // // Copyright © 2018 SessionM. All rights reserved. // #ifndef __SM_ACTIVITY_EVENT_BUILDER__ #define __SM_ACTIVITY_EVENT_BUILDER__ #import "SMEventBuilder.h" #import "SMActivityEvent.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /*! @class SMActivityEventBuilder @abstract Class used for building <code>SMActivityEvent</code> objects that represent a basic activity event performed by the user to make progress towards completing an application-specific campaign. */ @interface SMActivityEventBuilder : SMEventBuilder /*! @abstract Generates an activity event based on the builder's current configuration. @result The generated <code>SMActivityEvent</code> object. */ - (SMActivityEvent *)build; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #endif /* __SM_ACTIVITY_EVENT_BUILDER__ */
import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import java.awt.SystemColor; /** * The GUIError object is used to show an error message if the Path of Exile API is not responding. * * @author Joschn */ public class GUIError{ private JFrame windowError; private JButton buttonRetry; private volatile boolean buttonPressed = false; private ButtonRetryListener buttonRetryListener = new ButtonRetryListener(); private String errorMessage = "Error! Path of Exile's API is not responding! Servers are probably down! Check"; private String version = "2.7"; /** * Constructor for the GUIError object. */ public GUIError(){ initialize(); } /** * Initializes the GUI. */ private void initialize(){ Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // error window windowError = new JFrame(); windowError.setBounds(100, 100, 300, 145); windowError.setLocation(dim.width/2-windowError.getSize().width/2, dim.height/2-windowError.getSize().height/2); windowError.setResizable(false); windowError.setTitle("Ladder Tracker v" + version); windowError.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icon.png")).getImage()); windowError.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); windowError.getContentPane().setLayout(null); // button retry buttonRetry = new JButton("Retry"); buttonRetry.setBounds(10, 80, 274, 23); buttonRetry.addActionListener(buttonRetryListener); windowError.getContentPane().add(buttonRetry); // error text JTextPane textError = new JTextPane(); textError.setText(errorMessage); textError.setEditable(false); textError.setBackground(; textError.setBounds(10, 21, 274, 39); windowError.getContentPane().add(textError); } /** * Shows the error GUI and waits for the retry button to be pressed. */ public void show(){ windowError.setVisible(true); while(!buttonPressed){} windowError.dispose(); } /** * The definition of the action listener for the retry button. * * @author Joschn */ private class ButtonRetryListener implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ buttonPressed = true; } } }
import { GraphQLError } from '../../error/GraphQLError'; import type { SchemaDefinitionNode, SchemaExtensionNode, } from '../../language/ast'; import type { ASTVisitor } from '../../language/visitor'; import type { SDLValidationContext } from '../ValidationContext'; /** * Unique operation types * * A GraphQL document is only valid if it has only one type per operation. */ export function UniqueOperationTypesRule( context: SDLValidationContext, ): ASTVisitor { const schema = context.getSchema(); const definedOperationTypes = Object.create(null); const existingOperationTypes = schema ? { query: schema.getQueryType(), mutation: schema.getMutationType(), subscription: schema.getSubscriptionType(), } : {}; return { SchemaDefinition: checkOperationTypes, SchemaExtension: checkOperationTypes, }; function checkOperationTypes( node: SchemaDefinitionNode | SchemaExtensionNode, ) { // See: /* c8 ignore next */ const operationTypesNodes = node.operationTypes ?? []; for (const operationType of operationTypesNodes) { const operation = operationType.operation; const alreadyDefinedOperationType = definedOperationTypes[operation]; if (existingOperationTypes[operation]) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( `Type for ${operation} already defined in the schema. It cannot be redefined.`, operationType, ), ); } else if (alreadyDefinedOperationType) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( `There can be only one ${operation} type in schema.`, [alreadyDefinedOperationType, operationType], ), ); } else { definedOperationTypes[operation] = operationType; } } return false; } }
"$CLOUD_REBUILD" CDump 32 dll release same
#include "DirectShow.h"
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Windows.UI.Xaml; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Data; namespace Podcasts.Converters { public class PodcastDurationConverter : TypedConverter<TimeSpan?, string> { public override string Convert(TimeSpan? duration, object parameter, string language) { if (!duration.HasValue) { return "--"; } else if (duration.Value.TotalHours >= 1.0) { return duration?.ToString(@"h\:mm\:ss"); } else { return duration?.ToString(@"m\:ss"); } } public override TimeSpan? ConvertBack(string value, object parameter, string language) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }
// // JJProductCell.h // Footprints // // Created by Jinjin on 14/12/3. // Copyright (c) 2014年 JiaJun. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> typedef void(^ExchangeBlock)(GiftProductModel *model); @interface JJProductCell : UITableViewCell @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *realCotent; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *nameLabel; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *jifenLabel; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *avatarLabel; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *exchangeBtn; @property (nonatomic,strong) GiftProductModel *model; @property (nonatomic,strong) ExchangeBlock exChangeBlock; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *countLabel; - (IBAction)exchangeBtnDidTap:(id)sender; @end
/** * Swaggy Jenkins * Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1.2-pre.0 * Contact: * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator ( * * Do not edit the class manually. * */ import ApiClient from '../ApiClient'; import PipelineRunNodeedges from './PipelineRunNodeedges'; /** * The PipelineRunNode model module. * @module model/PipelineRunNode * @version 1.1.2-pre.0 */ class PipelineRunNode { /** * Constructs a new <code>PipelineRunNode</code>. * @alias module:model/PipelineRunNode */ constructor() { PipelineRunNode.initialize(this); } /** * Initializes the fields of this object. * This method is used by the constructors of any subclasses, in order to implement multiple inheritance (mix-ins). * Only for internal use. */ static initialize(obj) { } /** * Constructs a <code>PipelineRunNode</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not. * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest. * @param {module:model/PipelineRunNode} obj Optional instance to populate. * @return {module:model/PipelineRunNode} The populated <code>PipelineRunNode</code> instance. */ static constructFromObject(data, obj) { if (data) { obj = obj || new PipelineRunNode(); if (data.hasOwnProperty('_class')) { obj['_class'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['_class'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('displayName')) { obj['displayName'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['displayName'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('durationInMillis')) { obj['durationInMillis'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['durationInMillis'], 'Number'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('edges')) { obj['edges'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['edges'], [PipelineRunNodeedges]); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('id')) { obj['id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['id'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('result')) { obj['result'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['result'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('startTime')) { obj['startTime'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['startTime'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('state')) { obj['state'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['state'], 'String'); } } return obj; } } /** * @member {String} _class */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['_class'] = undefined; /** * @member {String} displayName */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['displayName'] = undefined; /** * @member {Number} durationInMillis */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['durationInMillis'] = undefined; /** * @member {Array.<module:model/PipelineRunNodeedges>} edges */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['edges'] = undefined; /** * @member {String} id */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['id'] = undefined; /** * @member {String} result */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['result'] = undefined; /** * @member {String} startTime */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['startTime'] = undefined; /** * @member {String} state */ PipelineRunNode.prototype['state'] = undefined; export default PipelineRunNode;
package com.lamost.update; import; import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope; import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject; import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope; import org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransportSE; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import android.util.Log; /** * Created by Jia on 2016/4/6. */ public class UpdateWebService { private static final String TAG = "WebService"; // 命名空间 private final static String SERVICE_NS = ""; // 阿里云 private final static String SERVICE_URL = ""; // SOAP Action private static String soapAction = ""; // 调用的方法名称 private static String methodName = ""; private HttpTransportSE ht; private SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope; private SoapObject soapObject; private SoapObject result; public UpdateWebService() { ht = new HttpTransportSE(SERVICE_URL); // ① ht.debug = true; } public String getAppVersionVoice(String appName) { ht = new HttpTransportSE(SERVICE_URL); ht.debug = true; methodName = "getAppVersionVoice"; soapAction = SERVICE_NS + methodName;// 通常为命名空间 + 调用的方法名称 // 使用SOAP1.1协议创建Envelop对象 envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11); // ② // 实例化SoapObject对象 soapObject = new SoapObject(SERVICE_NS, methodName); // ③ // 将soapObject对象设置为 SoapSerializationEnvelope对象的传出SOAP消息 envelope.bodyOut = soapObject; // ⑤ envelope.dotNet = true; envelope.setOutputSoapObject(soapObject); soapObject.addProperty("appName", appName); try { // System.out.println("测试1");, envelope); // System.out.println("测试2"); // 根据测试发现,运行这行代码时有时会抛出空指针异常,使用加了一句进行处理 if (envelope != null && envelope.getResponse() != null) { // 获取服务器响应返回的SOAP消息 // System.out.println("测试3"); result = (SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn; // ⑦ // 接下来就是从SoapObject对象中解析响应数据的过程了 // System.out.println("测试4"); String flag = result.getProperty(0).toString(); Log.e(TAG, "*********Webservice masterReadElecticOrder 服务器返回值:" + flag); return flag; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { resetParam(); } return -1 + ""; } private void resetParam() { envelope = null; soapObject = null; result = null; } }
<?php namespace gries\Pokemath\Numbers; use gries\Pokemath\PokeNumber; class Mienshao extends PokeNumber { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('mienshao'); } }
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MinimalCaleydoIntegration ========================= a minimal eclipse rcp example for integrating caleydo gl elements into a view
<?php /** * This file is automatically created by Recurly's OpenAPI generation process * and thus any edits you make by hand will be lost. If you wish to make a * change to this file, please create a Github issue explaining the changes you * need and we will usher them to the appropriate places. */ namespace Recurly\Resources; use Recurly\RecurlyResource; // phpcs:disable class ShippingMethodMini extends RecurlyResource { private $_code; private $_id; private $_name; private $_object; protected static $array_hints = [ ]; /** * Getter method for the code attribute. * The internal name used identify the shipping method. * * @return ?string */ public function getCode(): ?string { return $this->_code; } /** * Setter method for the code attribute. * * @param string $code * * @return void */ public function setCode(string $code): void { $this->_code = $code; } /** * Getter method for the id attribute. * Shipping Method ID * * @return ?string */ public function getId(): ?string { return $this->_id; } /** * Setter method for the id attribute. * * @param string $id * * @return void */ public function setId(string $id): void { $this->_id = $id; } /** * Getter method for the name attribute. * The name of the shipping method displayed to customers. * * @return ?string */ public function getName(): ?string { return $this->_name; } /** * Setter method for the name attribute. * * @param string $name * * @return void */ public function setName(string $name): void { $this->_name = $name; } /** * Getter method for the object attribute. * Object type * * @return ?string */ public function getObject(): ?string { return $this->_object; } /** * Setter method for the object attribute. * * @param string $object * * @return void */ public function setObject(string $object): void { $this->_object = $object; } }
<!-- content start --> <div class="admin-content" style="min-height:450px"> <div class="am-cf am-padding"> <div class="am-fl am-cf"><strong class="am-text-primary am-text-lg">成交明细表</strong></div> </div> <div class="am-g"> <div class="am-u-sm-12 am-u-md-6">&nbsp;</div> <form method="post" action="{{site_url url='cw_brokerage/list_brokerage'}}" class="search_form"> <div class="am-u-sm-12 am-u-md-3"> <div class="am-input-group am-input-group-sm"> <select data-am-selected="{btnWidth: '120', btnSize: 'sm', btnStyle: 'default'}" name="house_id"> <option value="0">- 楼盘(全选) -</option> {{foreach from=$houses item=item}} <option value="{{$}}" {{if $ == $data.house_id}}selected{{/if}}>{{$}}</option> {{/foreach}} </select> </div> </div> <div class="am-u-sm-12 am-u-md-3"> <div class="am-input-group am-input-group-sm"> <input type="text" class="am-form-field" name="uname" value="{{$data.uname}}"> <span class="am-input-group-btn"> <input type="submit" class="am-btn am-btn-default" value="搜索" /> </span> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="am-g"> <div class="am-u-sm-12"> <table class="am-table am-table-striped am-table-hover table-main"> <thead> <tr> <th class="table-id">ID</th> <th class="table-title">客户姓名</th> <th class="table-title">客户电话</th> <th class="table-title">楼盘</th> <th class="table-title">房号</th> <th class="table-title">面积</th> <th class="table-title">总价</th> <th class="table-title">业务员</th> <th class="table-title">订购日期</th> <th class="table-set">操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{foreach from=$data.items key=key item=item}} <tr> <td>{{$}}</td> <td>{{$item.customer}}</td> <td>{{$}}</td> <td>{{$}}</td> <td>{{$item.house_no}}</td> <td>{{$item.acreage}}</td> <td>{{$item.total_price}}</td> <td>{{$item.rel_name}}</td> <td class="am-hide-sm-only">{{$}}</td> <td> <div class="am-btn-toolbar"> <div class="am-btn-group am-btn-group-xs"> <button class="am-btn am-btn-default am-btn-xs am-text-secondary" onclick="javascript:location.href='{{site_url url='cw_brokerage/view_brokerage'}}/{{$}}';"><span class="am-icon-pencil-square-o"></span> 查看</button> </div> </div> </td> </tr> {{/foreach}} </tbody> </table> <div class="am-cf">{{$pager}}</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content end -->
class Client { constructor(http_client){ this.http_client = http_client this.method_list = [] } xyz() { return this.http_client } } function chainable_client () { HttpClient = require('./http_client.js') http_client = new HttpClient(arguments[0]) chainable_method = require('./chainable_method.js') return chainable_method(new Client(http_client), true) } module.exports = chainable_client
<div class="collapsibleregioninner" id="aera_core_competency_template_has_related_data_inner"><br/><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#E2E0E0; color:#222222;padding:4px;">Check if a template has related data</div><br/><br/><span style="color:#EA33A6">Arguments</span><br/><span style="font-size:80%"><b>id</b> (Required)<br/>        The template id<br/><br/><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#FFF1BC;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>General structure</b><br/> int <span style="color:#2A33A6"> <i>//The template id</i></span><br/> </pre></div></div><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#DFEEE7;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>XML-RPC (PHP structure)</b><br/> [id] =&gt; int </pre></div></div><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#FEEBE5;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>REST (POST parameters)</b><br/> id= int </pre></div></div></span><br/><br/><span style="color:#EA33A6">Response</span><br/><span style="font-size:80%">True if the template has related data<br/><br/><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#FFF1BC;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>General structure</b><br/> int <span style="color:#2A33A6"> <i>//True if the template has related data</i></span><br/> </pre></div></div><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#DFEEE7;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>XML-RPC (PHP structure)</b><br/> int </pre></div></div><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#FEEBE5;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>REST</b><br/> &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?&gt; &lt;RESPONSE&gt; &lt;VALUE&gt;int&lt;/VALUE&gt; &lt;/RESPONSE&gt; </pre></div></div></span><br/><br/><span style="color:#EA33A6">Error message</span><br/><br/><span style="font-size:80%"><div><div style="border:solid 1px #DEDEDE;background:#FEEBE5;color:#222222;padding:4px;"><pre><b>REST</b><br/> &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"&gt; &lt;MESSAGE&gt;Invalid parameter value detected&lt;/MESSAGE&gt; &lt;DEBUGINFO&gt;&lt;/DEBUGINFO&gt; &lt;/EXCEPTION&gt; </pre></div></div></span><br/><br/><span style="color:#EA33A6">Restricted to logged-in users<br/></span>Yes<br/><br/><span style="color:#EA33A6">Callable from AJAX<br/></span>Yes<br/><br/></div>
import boto import mock import moto import tempfile import unittest from click.testing import CliRunner from import rubberjack class CLITests(unittest.TestCase): @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy(self, cav, ue): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_promote(self, ue, de): de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-live', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'old', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'new', }, ], }, }, } CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote'], catch_exceptions=False) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('sys.exit') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_promoting_same_version(self, ue, de, se): de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-live', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'same', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'same', }, ], }, }, } CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote'], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(se.called) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated def test_sigv4(self): CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['--sigv4-host', 'foo', 'deploy'], catch_exceptions=False) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_to_custom_environment(self, ue, cav): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy', '--environment', 'wibble',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 1, "update_environment wasn't called, but it should") @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_without_updating_the_environment(self, ue, cav): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy', '--no-update-environment',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 0, "update_environment was called, but it shouldn't") @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_to_custom_bucket(self, ue, cav): bucket_name = 'rbbrjck-test' s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket(bucket_name) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['--bucket', bucket_name, 'deploy',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 1, "update_environment wasn't called, but it should") _, cav_kwargs = cav.call_args self.assertEqual(bucket_name, cav_kwargs['s3_bucket']) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') def test_promote_to_custom_environment(self, de, ue): CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT = "loremipsum" de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT, 'VersionLabel': 'old', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'new', }, ], }, }, } result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote', '--to-environment', CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output)
# Flask based simple API char-rnn from ## Launch Server in Heroku * Run heroku create and push to heroku: ```bash cd poem-bot heroku create git push heroku master ``` * Alternatively, click the button below: [![Deploy](](
require 'spec_helper' describe Blockhead::Extractors::Value, '#valid?' do it 'returns true' do extractor ='test', nil, nil) expect(extractor).to be_valid end end describe Blockhead::Extractors::Value, '#extract_value' do it 'returns @value unmolested' do extractor ='test', nil, nil) expect(extractor.extract_value).to eq 'test' end it 'cleans up strings when passed with: :pretty_print' do extractor = "This is Crazy \n", { with: :pretty_print }, nil ) expect(extractor.extract_value).to eq 'This Is Crazy' end end
<?php /* * jQuery File Upload Plugin PHP Class 6.1.1 * * * Copyright 2010, Sebastian Tschan * * * Licensed under the MIT license: * */ class UploadHandler { protected $options; // PHP File Upload error message codes: // protected $error_messages = array( 1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 4 => 'No file was uploaded', 6 => 'Missing a temporary folder', 7 => 'Failed to write file to disk', 8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload', 'post_max_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini', 'max_file_size' => 'File is too big', 'min_file_size' => 'File is too small', 'accept_file_types' => 'Filetype not allowed', 'max_number_of_files' => 'Maximum number of files exceeded', 'max_width' => 'Image exceeds maximum width', 'min_width' => 'Image requires a minimum width', 'max_height' => 'Image exceeds maximum height', 'min_height' => 'Image requires a minimum height' ); function __construct($options = null, $initialize = true) { $this->options = array( 'script_url' => $this->get_full_url().'/', 'upload_dir' => dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'/files/', 'upload_url' => $this->get_full_url().'/files/', 'user_dirs' => false, 'mkdir_mode' => 0755, 'param_name' => 'files', // Set the following option to 'POST', if your server does not support // DELETE requests. This is a parameter sent to the client: 'delete_type' => 'DELETE', 'access_control_allow_origin' => '*', 'access_control_allow_credentials' => false, 'access_control_allow_methods' => array( 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE' ), 'access_control_allow_headers' => array( 'Content-Type', 'Content-Range', 'Content-Disposition' ), // Enable to provide file downloads via GET requests to the PHP script: 'download_via_php' => false, // Defines which files can be displayed inline when downloaded: 'inline_file_types' => '/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i', // Defines which files (based on their names) are accepted for upload: 'accept_file_types' => '/.+$/i', // The php.ini settings upload_max_filesize and post_max_size // take precedence over the following max_file_size setting: 'max_file_size' => null, 'min_file_size' => 1, // The maximum number of files for the upload directory: 'max_number_of_files' => null, // Image resolution restrictions: 'max_width' => null, 'max_height' => null, 'min_width' => 1, 'min_height' => 1, // Set the following option to false to enable resumable uploads: 'discard_aborted_uploads' => true, // Set to true to rotate images based on EXIF meta data, if available: 'orient_image' => false, 'image_versions' => array( // Uncomment the following version to restrict the size of // uploaded images: /* '' => array( 'max_width' => 1920, 'max_height' => 1200, 'jpeg_quality' => 95 ), */ // Uncomment the following to create medium sized images: /* 'medium' => array( 'max_width' => 800, 'max_height' => 600, 'jpeg_quality' => 80 ), */ 'thumbnail' => array( 'max_width' => 80, 'max_height' => 80 ) ) ); if ($options) { $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options); } if ($initialize) { $this->initialize(); } } protected function initialize() { switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'OPTIONS': case 'HEAD': $this->head(); break; case 'GET': $this->get(); break; case 'PATCH': case 'PUT': case 'POST': $this->post(); break; case 'DELETE': $this->delete(); break; default: $this->header('HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed'); } } protected function get_full_url() { $https = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'; return ($https ? 'https://' : 'http://'). (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].'@' : ''). (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. ($https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] === 443 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] === 80 ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))). substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],0, strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/')); } protected function get_user_id() { @session_start(); return session_id(); } protected function get_user_path() { if ($this->options['user_dirs']) { return $this->get_user_id().'/'; } return ''; } protected function get_upload_path($file_name = null, $version = null) { $file_name = $file_name ? $file_name : ''; $version_path = empty($version) ? '' : $version.'/'; return $this->options['upload_dir'].$this->get_user_path() .$version_path.$file_name; } protected function get_query_separator($url) { return strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; } protected function get_download_url($file_name, $version = null) { if ($this->options['download_via_php']) { $url = $this->options['script_url'] .$this->get_query_separator($this->options['script_url']) .'file='.rawurlencode($file_name); if ($version) { $url .= '&version='.rawurlencode($version); } return $url.'&download=1'; } $version_path = empty($version) ? '' : rawurlencode($version).'/'; return $this->options['upload_url'].$this->get_user_path() .$version_path.rawurlencode($file_name); } protected function set_file_delete_properties($file) { $file->delete_url = $this->options['script_url'] .$this->get_query_separator($this->options['script_url']) .'file='.rawurlencode($file->name); $file->delete_type = $this->options['delete_type']; if ($file->delete_type !== 'DELETE') { $file->delete_url .= '&_method=DELETE'; } if ($this->options['access_control_allow_credentials']) { $file->delete_with_credentials = true; } } // Fix for overflowing signed 32 bit integers, // works for sizes up to 2^32-1 bytes (4 GiB - 1): protected function fix_integer_overflow($size) { if ($size < 0) { $size += 2.0 * (PHP_INT_MAX + 1); } return $size; } protected function get_file_size($file_path, $clear_stat_cache = false) { if ($clear_stat_cache) { clearstatcache(true, $file_path); } return $this->fix_integer_overflow(filesize($file_path)); } protected function is_valid_file_object($file_name) { $file_path = $this->get_upload_path($file_name); if (is_file($file_path) && $file_name[0] !== '.') { return true; } return false; } protected function get_file_object($file_name) { if ($this->is_valid_file_object($file_name)) { $file = new stdClass(); $file->name = $file_name; $file->size = $this->get_file_size( $this->get_upload_path($file_name) ); $file->url = $this->get_download_url($file->name); foreach($this->options['image_versions'] as $version => $options) { if (!empty($version)) { if (is_file($this->get_upload_path($file_name, $version))) { $file->{$version.'_url'} = $this->get_download_url( $file->name, $version ); } } } $this->set_file_delete_properties($file); return $file; } return null; } protected function get_file_objects($iteration_method = 'get_file_object') { $upload_dir = $this->get_upload_path(); if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) { return array(); } return array_values(array_filter(array_map( array($this, $iteration_method), scandir($upload_dir) ))); } protected function count_file_objects() { return count($this->get_file_objects('is_valid_file_object')); } protected function create_scaled_image($file_name, $version, $options) { $file_path = $this->get_upload_path($file_name); if (!empty($version)) { $version_dir = $this->get_upload_path(null, $version); if (!is_dir($version_dir)) { mkdir($version_dir, $this->options['mkdir_mode'], true); } $new_file_path = $version_dir.'/'.$file_name; } else { $new_file_path = $file_path; } list($img_width, $img_height) = @getimagesize($file_path); if (!$img_width || !$img_height) { return false; } $scale = min( $options['max_width'] / $img_width, $options['max_height'] / $img_height ); if ($scale >= 1) { if ($file_path !== $new_file_path) { return copy($file_path, $new_file_path); } return true; } $new_width = $img_width * $scale; $new_height = $img_height * $scale; $new_img = @imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); switch (strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_name, '.'), 1))) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $src_img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path); $write_image = 'imagejpeg'; $image_quality = isset($options['jpeg_quality']) ? $options['jpeg_quality'] : 75; break; case 'gif': @imagecolortransparent($new_img, @imagecolorallocate($new_img, 0, 0, 0)); $src_img = @imagecreatefromgif($file_path); $write_image = 'imagegif'; $image_quality = null; break; case 'png': @imagecolortransparent($new_img, @imagecolorallocate($new_img, 0, 0, 0)); @imagealphablending($new_img, false); @imagesavealpha($new_img, true); $src_img = @imagecreatefrompng($file_path); $write_image = 'imagepng'; $image_quality = isset($options['png_quality']) ? $options['png_quality'] : 9; break; default: $src_img = null; } $success = $src_img && @imagecopyresampled( $new_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $img_width, $img_height ) && $write_image($new_img, $new_file_path, $image_quality); // Free up memory (imagedestroy does not delete files): @imagedestroy($src_img); @imagedestroy($new_img); return $success; } protected function get_error_message($error) { return array_key_exists($error, $this->error_messages) ? $this->error_messages[$error] : $error; } function get_config_bytes($val) { $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]); switch($last) { case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $this->fix_integer_overflow($val); } protected function validate($uploaded_file, $file, $error, $index) { if ($error) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message($error); return false; } $content_length = $this->fix_integer_overflow(intval($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); if ($content_length > $this->get_config_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'))) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('post_max_size'); return false; } if (!preg_match($this->options['accept_file_types'], $file->name)) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('accept_file_types'); return false; } if ($uploaded_file && is_uploaded_file($uploaded_file)) { $file_size = $this->get_file_size($uploaded_file); } else { $file_size = $content_length; } if ($this->options['max_file_size'] && ( $file_size > $this->options['max_file_size'] || $file->size > $this->options['max_file_size']) ) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('max_file_size'); return false; } if ($this->options['min_file_size'] && $file_size < $this->options['min_file_size']) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('min_file_size'); return false; } if (is_int($this->options['max_number_of_files']) && ( $this->count_file_objects() >= $this->options['max_number_of_files']) ) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('max_number_of_files'); return false; } list($img_width, $img_height) = @getimagesize($uploaded_file); if (is_int($img_width)) { if ($this->options['max_width'] && $img_width > $this->options['max_width']) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('max_width'); return false; } if ($this->options['max_height'] && $img_height > $this->options['max_height']) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('max_height'); return false; } if ($this->options['min_width'] && $img_width < $this->options['min_width']) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('min_width'); return false; } if ($this->options['min_height'] && $img_height < $this->options['min_height']) { $file->error = $this->get_error_message('min_height'); return false; } } return true; } protected function upcount_name_callback($matches) { $index = isset($matches[1]) ? intval($matches[1]) + 1 : 1; $ext = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : ''; return ' ('.$index.')'.$ext; } protected function upcount_name($name) { return preg_replace_callback( '/(?:(?: \(([\d]+)\))?(\.[^.]+))?$/', array($this, 'upcount_name_callback'), $name, 1 ); } protected function get_unique_filename($name, $type, $index, $content_range) { while(is_dir($this->get_upload_path($name))) { $name = $this->upcount_name($name); } // Keep an existing filename if this is part of a chunked upload: $uploaded_bytes = $this->fix_integer_overflow(intval($content_range[1])); while(is_file($this->get_upload_path($name))) { if ($uploaded_bytes === $this->get_file_size( $this->get_upload_path($name))) { break; } $name = $this->upcount_name($name); } return $name; } protected function trim_file_name($name, $type, $index, $content_range) { // Remove path information and dots around the filename, to prevent uploading // into different directories or replacing hidden system files. // Also remove control characters and spaces (\x00..\x20) around the filename: $name = trim(basename(stripslashes($name)), ".\x00..\x20"); // Use a timestamp for empty filenames: if (!$name) { $name = str_replace('.', '-', microtime(true)); } // Add missing file extension for known image types: if (strpos($name, '.') === false && preg_match('/^image\/(gif|jpe?g|png)/', $type, $matches)) { $name .= '.'.$matches[1]; } return $name; } protected function get_file_name($name, $type, $index, $content_range) { return $this->get_unique_filename( $this->trim_file_name($name, $type, $index, $content_range), $type, $index, $content_range ); } protected function handle_form_data($file, $index) { // Handle form data, e.g. $_REQUEST['description'][$index] } protected function orient_image($file_path) { if (!function_exists('exif_read_data')) { return false; } $exif = @exif_read_data($file_path); if ($exif === false) { return false; } $orientation = intval(@$exif['Orientation']); if (!in_array($orientation, array(3, 6, 8))) { return false; } $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path); switch ($orientation) { case 3: $image = @imagerotate($image, 180, 0); break; case 6: $image = @imagerotate($image, 270, 0); break; case 8: $image = @imagerotate($image, 90, 0); break; default: return false; } $success = imagejpeg($image, $file_path); // Free up memory (imagedestroy does not delete files): @imagedestroy($image); return $success; } protected function handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index = null, $content_range = null) { $file = new stdClass(); $file->name = $this->get_file_name($name, $type, $index, $content_range); $file->size = $this->fix_integer_overflow(intval($size)); $file->type = $type; if ($this->validate($uploaded_file, $file, $error, $index)) { $this->handle_form_data($file, $index); $upload_dir = $this->get_upload_path(); if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) { mkdir($upload_dir, $this->options['mkdir_mode'], true); } $file_path = $this->get_upload_path($file->name); $append_file = $content_range && is_file($file_path) && $file->size > $this->get_file_size($file_path); if ($uploaded_file && is_uploaded_file($uploaded_file)) { // multipart/formdata uploads (POST method uploads) if ($append_file) { file_put_contents( $file_path, fopen($uploaded_file, 'r'), FILE_APPEND ); } else { move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file, $file_path); } } else { // Non-multipart uploads (PUT method support) file_put_contents( $file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r'), $append_file ? FILE_APPEND : 0 ); } $file_size = $this->get_file_size($file_path, $append_file); if ($file_size === $file->size) { if ($this->options['orient_image']) { $this->orient_image($file_path); } $file->url = $this->get_download_url($file->name); foreach($this->options['image_versions'] as $version => $options) { if ($this->create_scaled_image($file->name, $version, $options)) { if (!empty($version)) { $file->{$version.'_url'} = $this->get_download_url( $file->name, $version ); } else { $file_size = $this->get_file_size($file_path, true); } } } } else if (!$content_range && $this->options['discard_aborted_uploads']) { unlink($file_path); $file->error = 'abort'; } $file->size = $file_size; $this->set_file_delete_properties($file); } return $file; } protected function readfile($file_path) { return readfile($file_path); } protected function body($str) { echo $str; } protected function header($str) { header($str); } protected function generate_response($content, $print_response = true) { if ($print_response) { $json = json_encode($content); $redirect = isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['redirect']) : null; if ($redirect) { $this->header('Location: '.sprintf($redirect, rawurlencode($json))); return; } $this->head(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE'])) { $files = isset($content[$this->options['param_name']]) ? $content[$this->options['param_name']] : null; if ($files && is_array($files) && is_object($files[0]) && $files[0]->size) { $this->header('Range: 0-'.($this->fix_integer_overflow(intval($files[0]->size)) - 1)); } } $this->body($json); } return $content; } protected function get_version_param() { return isset($_GET['version']) ? basename(stripslashes($_GET['version'])) : null; } protected function get_file_name_param() { return isset($_GET['file']) ? basename(stripslashes($_GET['file'])) : null; } protected function get_file_type($file_path) { switch (strtolower(pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) { case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': return 'image/jpeg'; case 'png': return 'image/png'; case 'gif': return 'image/gif'; default: return ''; } } protected function download() { if (!$this->options['download_via_php']) { $this->header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return; } $file_name = $this->get_file_name_param(); if ($this->is_valid_file_object($file_name)) { $file_path = $this->get_upload_path($file_name, $this->get_version_param()); if (is_file($file_path)) { if (!preg_match($this->options['inline_file_types'], $file_name)) { $this->header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); $this->header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); $this->header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file_name.'"'); $this->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); } else { // Prevent Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing the content-type: $this->header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'); $this->header('Content-Type: '.$this->get_file_type($file_path)); $this->header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$file_name.'"'); } $this->header('Content-Length: '.$this->get_file_size($file_path)); $this->header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', filemtime($file_path))); $this->readfile($file_path); } } } protected function send_content_type_header() { $this->header('Vary: Accept'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/json') !== false)) { $this->header('Content-type: application/json'); } else { $this->header('Content-type: text/plain'); } } protected function send_access_control_headers() { $this->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.$this->options['access_control_allow_origin']); $this->header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: ' .($this->options['access_control_allow_credentials'] ? 'true' : 'false')); $this->header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ' .implode(', ', $this->options['access_control_allow_methods'])); $this->header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: ' .implode(', ', $this->options['access_control_allow_headers'])); } public function head() { $this->header('Pragma: no-cache'); $this->header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); $this->header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="files.json"'); // Prevent Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing the content-type: $this->header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'); if ($this->options['access_control_allow_origin']) { $this->send_access_control_headers(); } $this->send_content_type_header(); } public function get($print_response = true) { if ($print_response && isset($_GET['download'])) { return $this->download(); } $file_name = $this->get_file_name_param(); if ($file_name) { $response = array( substr($this->options['param_name'], 0, -1) => $this->get_file_object($file_name) ); } else { $response = array( $this->options['param_name'] => $this->get_file_objects() ); } return $this->generate_response($response, $print_response); } public function post($print_response = true) { if (isset($_REQUEST['_method']) && $_REQUEST['_method'] === 'DELETE') { return $this->delete($print_response); } $upload = isset($_FILES[$this->options['param_name']]) ? $_FILES[$this->options['param_name']] : null; // Parse the Content-Disposition header, if available: $file_name = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION']) ? rawurldecode(preg_replace( '/(^[^"]+")|("$)/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'] )) : null; // Parse the Content-Range header, which has the following form: // Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/2000000 $content_range = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE']) ? preg_split('/[^0-9]+/', $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE']) : null; $size = $content_range ? $content_range[3] : null; $files = array(); if ($upload && is_array($upload['tmp_name'])) { // param_name is an array identifier like "files[]", // $_FILES is a multi-dimensional array: foreach ($upload['tmp_name'] as $index => $value) { $files[] = $this->handle_file_upload( $upload['tmp_name'][$index], $file_name ? $file_name : $upload['name'][$index], $size ? $size : $upload['size'][$index], $upload['type'][$index], $upload['error'][$index], $index, $content_range ); } } else { // param_name is a single object identifier like "file", // $_FILES is a one-dimensional array: $files[] = $this->handle_file_upload( isset($upload['tmp_name']) ? $upload['tmp_name'] : null, $file_name ? $file_name : (isset($upload['name']) ? $upload['name'] : null), $size ? $size : (isset($upload['size']) ? $upload['size'] : $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']), isset($upload['type']) ? $upload['type'] : $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], isset($upload['error']) ? $upload['error'] : null, null, $content_range ); } return $this->generate_response( array($this->options['param_name'] => $files), $print_response ); } public function delete($print_response = true) { $file_name = $this->get_file_name_param(); $file_path = $this->get_upload_path($file_name); $success = is_file($file_path) && $file_name[0] !== '.' && unlink($file_path); if ($success) { foreach($this->options['image_versions'] as $version => $options) { if (!empty($version)) { $file = $this->get_upload_path($file_name, $version); if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } } } } return $this->generate_response(array('success' => $success), $print_response); } }
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"use strict"; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var core_1 = require("@angular/core"); var http_1 = require("@angular/http"); var RegService = (function () { function RegService(_http) { this._http = _http; } RegService.prototype.ngOnInit = function () { }; RegService.prototype.getUsers = function () { return this._http.get('') .map(function (response) { return response.json(); }); }; RegService.prototype.regUser = function (User) { var payload = JSON.stringify({ payload: { "Username": User.Username, "Email_id": User.Email_id, "Password": User.Password } }); return'', payload) .map(function (response) { return response.json(); }); }; return RegService; }()); RegService = __decorate([ core_1.Injectable(), __metadata("design:paramtypes", [http_1.Http]) ], RegService); exports.RegService = RegService; //#
require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) module Pod describe Command::Search do extend SpecHelper::TemporaryRepos describe 'Search' do it 'registers it self' do Command.parse(%w{ search }) Command::Search end it 'runs with correct parameters' do lambda { run_command('search', 'JSON') }.should.not.raise lambda { run_command('search', 'JSON', '--simple') }.should.not.raise end it 'complains for wrong parameters' do lambda { run_command('search') }.should.raise CLAide::Help lambda { run_command('search', 'too', '--wrong') }.should.raise CLAide::Help lambda { run_command('search', '--wrong') }.should.raise CLAide::Help end it 'searches for a pod with name matching the given query ignoring case' do output = run_command('search', 'json', '--simple') output.should.include? 'JSONKit' end it 'searches for a pod with name, summary, or description matching the given query ignoring case' do output = run_command('search', 'engelhart') output.should.include? 'JSONKit' end it 'searches for a pod with name, summary, or description matching the given multi-word query ignoring case' do output = run_command('search', 'very', 'high', 'performance') output.should.include? 'JSONKit' end it 'prints search results in order' do output = run_command('search', 'lib') output.should.match /BananaLib.*JSONKit/m end it 'restricts the search to Pods supported on iOS' do output = run_command('search', 'BananaLib', '--ios') output.should.include? 'BananaLib' Specification.any_instance.stubs(:available_platforms).returns([Platform.osx]) output = run_command('search', 'BananaLib', '--ios') output.should.not.include? 'BananaLib' end it 'restricts the search to Pods supported on OS X' do output = run_command('search', 'BananaLib', '--osx') output.should.not.include? 'BananaLib' end it 'restricts the search to Pods supported on Watch OS' do output = run_command('search', 'a', '--watchos') output.should.include? 'Realm' output.should.not.include? 'BananaLib' end it 'restricts the search to Pods supported on tvOS' do output = run_command('search', 'n', '--tvos') output.should.include? 'monkey' output.should.not.include? 'BananaLib' end it 'outputs with the silent parameter' do output = run_command('search', 'BananaLib', '--silent') output.should.include? 'BananaLib' end it 'shows a friendly message when locally searching with invalid regex' do lambda { run_command('search', '--regex', '+') }.should.raise CLAide::Help end it 'does not try to validate the query as a regex with plain-text search' do lambda { run_command('search', '+') }.should.not.raise CLAide::Help end it 'uses regex search when asked for regex mode' do output = run_command('search', '--regex', 'Ba(na)+Lib') output.should.include? 'BananaLib' output.should.not.include? 'Pod+With+Plus+Signs' output.should.not.include? 'JSONKit' end it 'uses plain-text search when not asked for regex mode' do output = run_command('search', 'Pod+With+Plus+Signs') output.should.include? 'Pod+With+Plus+Signs' output.should.not.include? 'BananaLib' end end describe 'option --web' do extend SpecHelper::TemporaryRepos it 'searches with invalid regex' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', 'NSAttributedString+CCLFormat') end it 'should url encode search queries' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', 'NSAttributedString+CCLFormat') end it 'searches the web via the open! command' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', 'bananalib') end it 'includes option --osx correctly' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--osx', 'bananalib') end it 'includes option --ios correctly' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--ios', 'bananalib') end it 'includes option --watchos correctly' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--watchos', 'bananalib') end it 'includes option --tvos correctly' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--tvos', 'bananalib') end it 'includes any new platform option correctly' do Platform.stubs(:all).returns([Platform.ios, Platform.tvos,'whateveros')]) Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--whateveros', 'bananalib') end it 'does not matter in which order the ios/osx options are set' do Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--ios', '--osx', 'bananalib') Executable.expects(:execute_command).with(:open, ['']) run_command('search', '--web', '--osx', '--ios', 'bananalib') end end end end
package cn.winxo.gank.module.view; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import cn.winxo.gank.R; import cn.winxo.gank.adapter.DetailTitleBinder; import cn.winxo.gank.adapter.DetailViewBinder; import cn.winxo.gank.base.BaseMvpActivity; import; import; import; import cn.winxo.gank.module.contract.DetailContract; import cn.winxo.gank.module.presenter.DetailPresenter; import cn.winxo.gank.util.Toasts; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Locale; import me.drakeet.multitype.Items; import me.drakeet.multitype.MultiTypeAdapter; public class DetailActivity extends BaseMvpActivity<DetailContract.Presenter> implements DetailContract.View { protected Toolbar mToolbar; protected RecyclerView mRecycler; protected SwipeRefreshLayout mSwipeLayout; private long mDate; private MultiTypeAdapter mTypeAdapter; @Override protected int setLayoutResourceID() { return R.layout.activity_detail; } @Override protected void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.init(savedInstanceState); mDate = getIntent().getLongExtra(Constant.ExtraKey.DATE, -1); } @Override protected void initView() { mToolbar = findViewById(; mRecycler = findViewById(; mSwipeLayout = findViewById(; mToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(view -> finish()); mToolbar.setNavigationIcon(R.drawable.ic_arrow_back_white_24dp); mRecycler.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this)); mTypeAdapter = new MultiTypeAdapter(); mTypeAdapter.register(String.class, new DetailTitleBinder()); DetailViewBinder detailViewBinder = new DetailViewBinder(); detailViewBinder.setOnItemTouchListener((v, gankData) -> { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(DetailActivity.this, WebActivity.class); intent.putExtra("url", gankData.getUrl()); intent.putExtra("name", gankData.getDesc()); startActivity(intent); }); mTypeAdapter.register(GankData.class, detailViewBinder); mRecycler.setAdapter(mTypeAdapter); mSwipeLayout.setOnRefreshListener(() -> mPresenter.refreshDayGank(mDate)); } @Override protected void initData() { if (mDate != -1) { String dateShow = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.CHINA).format(mDate); mToolbar.setTitle(dateShow); mSwipeLayout.setRefreshing(true); mPresenter.loadDayGank(mDate); } else { finish(); } } @Override protected DetailPresenter onLoadPresenter() { return new DetailPresenter(this, Injection.provideGankDataSource(this)); } @Override public void showLoading() { mSwipeLayout.setRefreshing(true); } @Override public void hideLoading() { mSwipeLayout.setRefreshing(false); } @Override public void loadSuccess(Items items) { hideLoading(); mTypeAdapter.setItems(items); mTypeAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public void loadFail(String message) { Toasts.showShort("数据加载失败,请稍后再试"); Log.e("DetailActivity", "loadFail: " + message); } }
<?php /* UserFrosting Version: 0.2.2 By Alex Weissman Copyright (c) 2014 Based on the UserCake user management system, v2.0.2. Copyright (c) 2009-2012 UserFrosting, like UserCake, is 100% free and open-source. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /********************************* * Formatting Functions *********************************/ /** * Converts phone numbers to the formatting standard * * @param String $num A unformatted phone number * @return String Returns the formatted phone number */ function formatPhone($num) { $num = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $num); $len = strlen($num); if($len == 7) $num = preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '$1-$2', $num); elseif($len == 10) $num = preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '($1) $2-$3', $num); return $num; } function formatCurrency($num){ if ($num === "") return ""; else return number_format($num, 2); } function formatDateComponents($stamp) { $formatted = []; $formatted['date'] = date("M jS, Y", $stamp); $formatted['day'] = date("l", $stamp); $formatted['time'] = date("g:i a", $stamp); return $formatted; } function formatSignInDate($stamp){ $stamp = intval($stamp); if ($stamp == '0'){ return "Brand new!"; } else { $datetime = new DateTime(); $datetime->setTimestamp($stamp); return $datetime->format('l, F j Y'); } } // Filter out all non-digits from a string function filterNonDigits($num){ return preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $num); } // Convert text that might be in a different case or with trailing/leading whitespace to a standard form function str_normalize($str) { return strtolower(trim($str)); } // Parse a comment block into a description and array of parameters function parseCommentBlock($comment){ $lines = explode("\n", $comment); $result = array('description' => "", 'parameters' => array()); foreach ($lines as $line){ if (!preg_match('/^\s*\/?\*+\/?\s*$/', $line)){ // Extract description or parameters if (preg_match('/^\s*\**\s*@param\s+(\w+)\s+\$(\w+)\s+(.*)$/', $line, $matches)){ $type = $matches[1]; $name = $matches[2]; $description = $matches[3]; $result['parameters'][$name] = array('type' => $type, 'description' => $description); } else if (preg_match('/^\s*\**\s*@(.*)$/', $line, $matches)){ // Skip other types of special entities } else if (preg_match('/^\s*\**\s*(.*)$/', $line, $matches)){ $description = $matches[1]; $result['description'] .= $description; } } } return $result; } // Useful for testing output of API functions function prettyPrint( $json ) { $result = ''; $level = 0; $in_quotes = false; $in_escape = false; $ends_line_level = NULL; $json_length = strlen( $json ); for( $i = 0; $i < $json_length; $i++ ) { $char = $json[$i]; $new_line_level = NULL; $post = ""; if( $ends_line_level !== NULL ) { $new_line_level = $ends_line_level; $ends_line_level = NULL; } if ( $in_escape ) { $in_escape = false; } else if( $char === '"' ) { $in_quotes = !$in_quotes; } else if( ! $in_quotes ) { switch( $char ) { case '}': case ']': $level--; $ends_line_level = NULL; $new_line_level = $level; break; case '{': case '[': $level++; case ',': $ends_line_level = $level; break; case ':': $post = " "; break; case " ": case "\t": case "\n": case "\r": $char = ""; $ends_line_level = $new_line_level; $new_line_level = NULL; break; } } else if ( $char === '\\' ) { $in_escape = true; } if( $new_line_level !== NULL ) { $result .= "\n".str_repeat( "\t", $new_line_level ); } $result .= $char.$post; } return $result; } /********************************* * Language Functions *********************************/ //Retrieve a list of all .php files in models/languages function getLanguageFiles() { $directory = "../models/languages/"; $languages = glob($directory . "*.php"); //print each file name return $languages; } //Inputs language strings from selected language. function lang($key,$markers = NULL) { global $lang; if($markers == NULL) { $str = $lang[$key]; } else { //Replace any dyamic markers $str = $lang[$key]; $iteration = 1; foreach($markers as $marker) { $str = str_replace("%m".$iteration."%",$marker,$str); $iteration++; } } //Ensure we have something to return if($str == "") { return ("No language key=$key found (markers=$markers)"); } else { return $str; } } function getCurrentLanguage($language){ $ex_l = explode('/', $language); $ex_l_2 = explode('.', $ex_l[2]); return $ex_l_2[0]; } /********************************* * Security Functions *********************************/ //Retrieve a list of all .php files in a given directory function getPageFiles($directory) { $pages = glob("../" . $directory . "/*.php"); $row = array(); //print each file name foreach ($pages as $page){ $page_with_path = $directory . "/" . basename($page); $row[$page_with_path] = $page_with_path; } return $row; } //Destroys a session as part of logout function destroySession($name) { if(isset($_SESSION[$name])) { $_SESSION[$name] = NULL; unset($_SESSION[$name]); } } //Generate a unique code function getUniqueCode($length = "") { $code = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); if ($length != "") return substr($code, 0, $length); else return $code; } //Generate an activation key function generateActivationToken($gen = null) { do { $gen = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), false)); } while(validateActivationToken($gen)); return $gen; } // Master function for validating passwords. Ensures backwards compatibility with sha1 (usercake) and the old homegrown implementation of crypt function passwordVerifyUF($password, $hash){ if (getPasswordHashTypeUF($hash) == "sha1"){ $salt = substr($hash, 0, 25); // Extract the salt from the hash $hash_input = $salt . sha1($salt . $password); if ($hash_input == $hash){ return true; } else { return false; } } // Homegrown implementation (assuming that current install has been using a cost parameter of 12) else if (getPasswordHashTypeUF($hash) == "homegrown"){ /*used for manual implementation of bcrypt*/ $cost = '12'; if (substr($hash, 0, 60) == crypt($password, "$2y$".$cost."$".substr($hash, 60))){ return true; } else { return false; } // Modern implementation } else { return password_verify($password, $hash); } } // Hash a new password. Uses the modern implementation. function passwordHashUF($password){ return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); } function getPasswordHashTypeUF($hash){ // If the password in the db is 65 characters long, we have an sha1-hashed password. if (strlen($hash) == 65) return "sha1"; else if (substr($hash, 0, 7) == "$2y$12$") return "homegrown"; else return "modern"; } //multipurpose security function. works on strings, array's etc. function security($value) { if(is_array($value)) { $value = array_map('security', $value); } else { if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } else { $value = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } $value = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $value); } return $value; } //get ip address //taken from function get_ip_address() { $ip_keys = array('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_FORWARDED', 'REMOTE_ADDR'); foreach ($ip_keys as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true) { foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip) { $ip = trim($ip); if (validate_ip($ip)) { return $ip; } } } } return isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : false; } //validate ip address function validate_ip($ip) { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) === false) { return false; } return true; } //getuseragent //taken from comments @ function getBrowser() { $u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $bname = 'Unknown'; $platform = 'Unknown'; $version= ""; if (preg_match('/linux/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'linux'; } elseif (preg_match('/macintosh|mac os x/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'mac'; } elseif (preg_match('/windows|win32/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'windows'; } if(preg_match('/MSIE/i',$u_agent) && !preg_match('/Opera/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Internet Explorer'; $ub = "MSIE"; } elseif(preg_match('/Firefox/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Mozilla Firefox'; $ub = "Firefox"; } elseif(preg_match('/Chrome/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Google Chrome'; $ub = "Chrome"; } elseif(preg_match('/Safari/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Apple Safari'; $ub = "Safari"; } elseif(preg_match('/Opera/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Opera'; $ub = "Opera"; } elseif(preg_match('/Netscape/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Netscape'; $ub = "Netscape"; } $known = array('Version', $ub, 'other'); $pattern = '#(?<browser>' . join('|', $known) . ')[/ ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#'; if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $u_agent, $matches)) { //no match } $i = count($matches['browser']); if ($i != 1) { if (strripos($u_agent,"Version") < strripos($u_agent,$ub)){ $version= $matches['version'][0];}else{ $version= $matches['version'][1];} } else { $version= $matches['version'][0];} if ($version==null || $version=="") {$version="?";} return array( 'userAgent' => $u_agent, 'name' => $bname, 'version' => $version, 'platform' => $platform, 'pattern' => $pattern ); } //to be used with csrf token system /* simply add inside of a form tag like so: form_protect($loggedInUser->csrf_token); then in the processing script: require_once __DIR__ . '/models/post.php'; < OR > require_once 'models/post.php'; */ function form_protect($token) { if(isUserLoggedIn()) {echo '<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="'. $token .'">';} } // Check that request is made by a logged in user. Immediately fail if not. function checkLoggedInUser($ajax){ if (!isUserLoggedIn()){ addAlert("danger", lang("LOGIN_REQUIRED")); apiReturnError($ajax, getReferralPage()); } } // Check that a CSRF token is specified and valid. function checkCSRF($ajax, $csrf_token){ global $loggedInUser; if ($csrf_token) { if (!$loggedInUser->csrf_validate(trim($csrf_token))){ addAlert("danger", lang("ACCESS_DENIED")); if (LOG_AUTH_FAILURES) error_log("CSRF token failure - invalid token."); apiReturnError($ajax, $failure_landing_page); } } else { addAlert("danger", lang("ACCESS_DENIED")); if (LOG_AUTH_FAILURES) error_log("CSRF token failure - token not specified."); apiReturnError($ajax, $failure_landing_page); } } /********************************* * Validation Functions. TODO: Switch over to Valitron. *********************************/ //Checks if an email is valid function isValidEmail($email) { if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isValidName($name) { return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/', $name); } //Checks if a string is within a min and max length function minMaxRange($min, $max, $what) { if(strlen(trim($what)) < $min) return true; else if(strlen(trim($what)) > $max) return true; else return false; } /********************************* * Miscellaneous Functions *********************************/ /** * array_merge_recursive does indeed merge arrays, but it converts values with duplicate * keys to arrays rather than overwriting the value in the first array with the duplicate * value in the second array, as array_merge does. I.e., with array_merge_recursive, * this happens (documented behavior): * * array_merge_recursive(array('key' => 'org value'), array('key' => 'new value')); * => array('key' => array('org value', 'new value')); * * array_merge_recursive_distinct does not change the datatypes of the values in the arrays. * Matching keys' values in the second array overwrite those in the first array, as is the * case with array_merge, i.e.: * * array_merge_recursive_distinct(array('key' => 'org value'), array('key' => 'new value')); * => array('key' => array('new value')); * * Parameters are passed by reference, though only for performance reasons. They're not * altered by this function. * * @param array $array1 * @param array $array2 * @return array * @author Daniel <daniel (at) danielsmedegaardbuus (dot) dk> * @author Gabriel Sobrinho <gabriel (dot) sobrinho (at) gmail (dot) com> */ function array_merge_recursive_distinct ( array &$array1, array &$array2 ) { $merged = $array1; foreach ( $array2 as $key => &$value ) { if ( is_array ( $value ) && isset ( $merged [$key] ) && is_array ( $merged [$key] ) ) { $merged [$key] = array_merge_recursive_distinct ( $merged [$key], $value ); } else { $merged [$key] = $value; } } return $merged; } function generateCaptcha(){ /* generates a base 64 string to be placed inside the src attribute of an html image tag. @blame -r3wt */ $md5_hash = md5(rand(0,99999)); $security_code = substr($md5_hash, 25, 5); $enc = md5($security_code); $_SESSION['captcha'] = $enc; $width = 150; $height = 30; $image = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 30); //color pallette $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); $red = imagecolorallocate($image,255,0,0); $yellow = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 0); $dark_grey = imagecolorallocate($image, 64,64,64); $blue = imagecolorallocate($image, 0,0,255); //create white rectangle imagefilledrectangle($image,0,0,150,30,$white); //add some lines for($i=0;$i<2;$i++) { imageline($image,0,rand()%10,10,rand()%30,$dark_grey); imageline($image,0,rand()%30,150,rand()%30,$red); imageline($image,0,rand()%30,150,rand()%30,$yellow); } // RandTab color pallette $randc[0] = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); $randc[1] = imagecolorallocate($image,255,0,0); $randc[2] = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 0); $randc[3] = imagecolorallocate($image, 64,64,64); $randc[4] = imagecolorallocate($image, 0,0,255); //add some dots for($i=0;$i<1000;$i++) { imagesetpixel($image,rand()%200,rand()%50,$randc[rand()%5]); } //calculate center of text $x = ( 150 - 0 - imagefontwidth( 5 ) * strlen( $security_code ) ) / 2 + 0 + 5; //write string twice ImageString($image,5, $x, 7, $security_code, $black); ImageString($image,5, $x, 7, $security_code, $black); //start ob ob_start(); ImagePng($image); //get binary image data $data = ob_get_clean(); //return base64 return 'data:image/png;base64,'.chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); //return the base64 encoded image. } function checkUpgrade($version, $dev_env){ if(is_dir("upgrade/") && $dev_env != TRUE) { // Grab up the current changes from the master repo so that we can update (cache them to file if able to otherwise move on) $versions = file_get_contents('upgrade/versions.txt'); // Grab all versions from the update url and push the values to a array $versionList = explode("\n", $versions); // Remove new lines and carriage returns from the array $versionList = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $versionList); // Search the array to find out where the currently installed version falls $nV = array_search($version, $versionList); // Find out if the update is in the list or not $newVersion = isset($versionList[$nV - 1]); // Find out if we need to do the update or not based on the version information // If update is found then forward to the installer to run the script else exit if($newVersion != NULL) { header('Location: upgrade/'); die(); } } }
package; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; /** * Tipo Evento * * <p>Classe Java de TEvento complex type. * * <p>O seguinte fragmento do esquema especifica o contedo esperado contido dentro desta classe. * * <pre> * &lt;complexType name="TEvento"> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element name="infEvento"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element name="cOrgao" type="{}TCOrgaoIBGE"/> * &lt;element name="tpAmb" type="{}TAmb"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpjOpc"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element name="chNFe" type="{}TChNFe"/> * &lt;element name="dhEvento" type="{}TDateTimeUTC"/> * &lt;element name="tpEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="[0-9]{6}"/> * &lt;enumeration value="110140"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="nSeqEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="[1-9]|[1][0-9]{0,1}|20"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="verEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;enumeration value="1.00"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="detEvento"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}descEvento"/> * &lt;element ref="{}cOrgaoAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}verAplic"/> * &lt;element ref="{}dhEmi"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}IE"/> * &lt;element name="dest"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}UF"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpj"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;element name="idEstrangeiro"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="([!-]{0}|[!-]{5,20})?"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element ref="{}IE" minOccurs="0"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vICMS"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vST"/> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="versao" use="required"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;enumeration value="1.00"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="Id" use="required"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}ID"> * &lt;pattern value="ID[0-9]{52}"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element ref="{}Signature"/> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="versao" use="required" type="{}TVerEvento" /> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * </pre> */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "TEvento", namespace = "", propOrder = { "infEvento", "signature" }) public class TEvento { @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected TEvento.InfEvento infEvento; @XmlElement(name = "Signature", namespace = "", required = true) protected SignatureType signature; @XmlAttribute(name = "versao", required = true) protected String versao; /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade infEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento } */ public TEvento.InfEvento getInfEvento() { return infEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade infEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento } */ public void setInfEvento(TEvento.InfEvento value) { this.infEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade signature. * * @return possible object is * {@link SignatureType } */ public SignatureType getSignature() { return signature; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade signature. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link SignatureType } */ public void setSignature(SignatureType value) { this.signature = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade versao. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVersao() { return versao; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade versao. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVersao(String value) { this.versao = value; } /** * <p>Classe Java de anonymous complex type. * * <p>O seguinte fragmento do esquema especifica o contedo esperado contido dentro desta classe. * * <pre> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element name="cOrgao" type="{}TCOrgaoIBGE"/> * &lt;element name="tpAmb" type="{}TAmb"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpjOpc"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element name="chNFe" type="{}TChNFe"/> * &lt;element name="dhEvento" type="{}TDateTimeUTC"/> * &lt;element name="tpEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="[0-9]{6}"/> * &lt;enumeration value="110140"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="nSeqEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="[1-9]|[1][0-9]{0,1}|20"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="verEvento"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;enumeration value="1.00"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;element name="detEvento"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}descEvento"/> * &lt;element ref="{}cOrgaoAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}verAplic"/> * &lt;element ref="{}dhEmi"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}IE"/> * &lt;element name="dest"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}UF"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpj"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;element name="idEstrangeiro"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="([!-]{0}|[!-]{5,20})?"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element ref="{}IE" minOccurs="0"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vICMS"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vST"/> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="versao" use="required"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;enumeration value="1.00"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="Id" use="required"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}ID"> * &lt;pattern value="ID[0-9]{52}"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * </pre> */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "cOrgao", "tpAmb", "cnpj", "cpf", "chNFe", "dhEvento", "tpEvento", "nSeqEvento", "verEvento", "detEvento" }) public static class InfEvento { @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String cOrgao; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String tpAmb; @XmlElement(name = "CNPJ", namespace = "") protected String cnpj; @XmlElement(name = "CPF", namespace = "") protected String cpf; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String chNFe; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String dhEvento; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String tpEvento; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String nSeqEvento; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String verEvento; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento detEvento; @XmlAttribute(name = "Id", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlID protected String id; /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cOrgao. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCOrgao() { return cOrgao; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cOrgao. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCOrgao(String value) { this.cOrgao = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade tpAmb. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getTpAmb() { return tpAmb; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade tpAmb. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setTpAmb(String value) { this.tpAmb = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cnpj. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCNPJ() { return cnpj; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cnpj. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCNPJ(String value) { this.cnpj = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cpf. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCPF() { return cpf; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cpf. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCPF(String value) { this.cpf = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade chNFe. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getChNFe() { return chNFe; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade chNFe. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setChNFe(String value) { this.chNFe = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade dhEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getDhEvento() { return dhEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade dhEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setDhEvento(String value) { this.dhEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade tpEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getTpEvento() { return tpEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade tpEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setTpEvento(String value) { this.tpEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade nSeqEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getNSeqEvento() { return nSeqEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade nSeqEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setNSeqEvento(String value) { this.nSeqEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade verEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVerEvento() { return verEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade verEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVerEvento(String value) { this.verEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade detEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento } */ public TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento getDetEvento() { return detEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade detEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento } */ public void setDetEvento(TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento value) { this.detEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade id. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade id. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setId(String value) { = value; } /** * <p>Classe Java de anonymous complex type. * * <p>O seguinte fragmento do esquema especifica o contedo esperado contido dentro desta classe. * * <pre> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}descEvento"/> * &lt;element ref="{}cOrgaoAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpAutor"/> * &lt;element ref="{}verAplic"/> * &lt;element ref="{}dhEmi"/> * &lt;element ref="{}tpNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}IE"/> * &lt;element name="dest"> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}UF"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpj"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;element name="idEstrangeiro"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="([!-]{0}|[!-]{5,20})?"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element ref="{}IE" minOccurs="0"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vICMS"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vST"/> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;attribute name="versao" use="required"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;enumeration value="1.00"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * </pre> */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "descEvento", "cOrgaoAutor", "tpAutor", "verAplic", "dhEmi", "tpNF", "ie", "dest" }) public static class DetEvento { @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String descEvento; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String cOrgaoAutor; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String tpAutor; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String verAplic; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String dhEmi; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected String tpNF; @XmlElement(name = "IE", namespace = "", required = true) protected String ie; @XmlElement(namespace = "", required = true) protected TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento.Dest dest; @XmlAttribute(name = "versao", required = true) protected String versao; /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade descEvento. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getDescEvento() { return descEvento; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade descEvento. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setDescEvento(String value) { this.descEvento = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cOrgaoAutor. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCOrgaoAutor() { return cOrgaoAutor; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cOrgaoAutor. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCOrgaoAutor(String value) { this.cOrgaoAutor = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade tpAutor. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getTpAutor() { return tpAutor; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade tpAutor. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setTpAutor(String value) { this.tpAutor = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade verAplic. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVerAplic() { return verAplic; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade verAplic. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVerAplic(String value) { this.verAplic = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade dhEmi. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getDhEmi() { return dhEmi; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade dhEmi. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setDhEmi(String value) { this.dhEmi = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade tpNF. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getTpNF() { return tpNF; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade tpNF. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setTpNF(String value) { this.tpNF = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade ie. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getIE() { return ie; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade ie. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setIE(String value) { = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade dest. * * @return possible object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento.Dest } */ public TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento.Dest getDest() { return dest; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade dest. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento.Dest } */ public void setDest(TEvento.InfEvento.DetEvento.Dest value) { this.dest = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade versao. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVersao() { return versao; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade versao. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVersao(String value) { this.versao = value; } /** * <p>Classe Java de anonymous complex type. * * <p>O seguinte fragmento do esquema especifica o contedo esperado contido dentro desta classe. * * <pre> * &lt;complexType> * &lt;complexContent> * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"> * &lt;sequence> * &lt;element ref="{}UF"/> * &lt;choice> * &lt;element name="CNPJ" type="{}TCnpj"/> * &lt;element name="CPF" type="{}TCpf"/> * &lt;element name="idEstrangeiro"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{}string"> * &lt;whiteSpace value="preserve"/> * &lt;pattern value="([!-]{0}|[!-]{5,20})?"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/element> * &lt;/choice> * &lt;element ref="{}IE" minOccurs="0"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vNF"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vICMS"/> * &lt;element ref="{}vST"/> * &lt;/sequence> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/complexContent> * &lt;/complexType> * </pre> */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "uf", "cnpj", "cpf", "idEstrangeiro", "ie", "vnf", "vicms", "vst" }) public static class Dest { @XmlElement(name = "UF", namespace = "", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "string") protected TUf uf; @XmlElement(name = "CNPJ", namespace = "") protected String cnpj; @XmlElement(name = "CPF", namespace = "") protected String cpf; @XmlElement(namespace = "") protected String idEstrangeiro; @XmlElement(name = "IE", namespace = "") protected String ie; @XmlElement(name = "vNF", namespace = "", required = true) protected String vnf; @XmlElement(name = "vICMS", namespace = "", required = true) protected String vicms; @XmlElement(name = "vST", namespace = "", required = true) protected String vst; /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade uf. * * @return possible object is * {@link TUf } */ public TUf getUF() { return uf; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade uf. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link TUf } */ public void setUF(TUf value) { this.uf = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cnpj. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCNPJ() { return cnpj; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cnpj. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCNPJ(String value) { this.cnpj = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade cpf. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getCPF() { return cpf; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade cpf. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setCPF(String value) { this.cpf = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade idEstrangeiro. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getIdEstrangeiro() { return idEstrangeiro; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade idEstrangeiro. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setIdEstrangeiro(String value) { this.idEstrangeiro = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade ie. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getIE() { return ie; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade ie. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setIE(String value) { = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade vnf. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVNF() { return vnf; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade vnf. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVNF(String value) { this.vnf = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade vicms. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVICMS() { return vicms; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade vicms. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVICMS(String value) { this.vicms = value; } /** * Obtm o valor da propriedade vst. * * @return possible object is * {@link String } */ public String getVST() { return vst; } /** * Define o valor da propriedade vst. * * @param value allowed object is * {@link String } */ public void setVST(String value) { this.vst = value; } } } } }
<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Form * @subpackage Element * @copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License */ /** Zend_Form_Element_Select */ // require_once 'Zend/Form/Element/Select.php'; /** * Multiselect form element * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Form * @subpackage Element * @copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id$ */ class Zend_Form_Element_Multiselect extends Zend_Form_Element_Select { /** * 'multiple' attribute * @var string */ public $multiple = 'multiple'; /** * Use formSelect view helper by default * @var string */ public $helper = 'formSelect'; /** * Multiselect is an array of values by default * @var bool */ protected $_isArray = true; }
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,openany,oneside]{book} \input{thesis-setting} % 仅用于测试 \usepackage{blindtext} \title{\textsf{比如我举个例子}} \author{{\kai 谁知道呢}} \date{May 20, 20xx} \begin{document} \sloppy \pagenumbering{Roman} % 封皮 \frontmatter \input{cover.tex} \setcounter{page}{1} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.25} % 中文摘要 \include{preface/c_abstract} % 英文摘要 \include{preface/e_abstract} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.25} \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\fHei 目录} \tableofcontents \clearpage \mainmatter \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} \sHalfXiaosi\fSong % 正文内容 \input{chapters/chapter01.tex} \input{chapters/chapter02.tex} % 参考文献设置 \clearpage \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\fHei 参考文献} \sWuhao % npu专用 \bibliographystyle{nputhesis} % 参考文献位置 \bibliography{references/reference} % 附录 \backmatter \input{appendix/acknowledgements.tex} \input{appendix/design-conclusion.tex} \clearpage \end{document}
.work { min-height: 520px; } .work > div > p { margin-bottom: 5px; }
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient} */ public class DocumentModelAdminAsyncClientJavaDocCodeSnippets { private final DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient = new DocumentModelAdministrationClientBuilder().buildAsyncClient(); /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient} initialization */ public void formTrainingAsyncClientInInitialization() { // BEGIN: DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient = new DocumentModelAdministrationClientBuilder().buildAsyncClient(); // END: } /** * Code snippet for creating a {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient} with pipeline */ public void createDocumentTrainingAsyncClientWithPipeline() { // BEGIN: HttpPipeline pipeline = new HttpPipelineBuilder() .policies(/* add policies */) .build(); DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient = new DocumentModelAdministrationClientBuilder() .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}")) .endpoint("{endpoint}") .pipeline(pipeline) .buildAsyncClient(); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#beginBuildModel(String, DocumentBuildMode, String)} */ public void beginBuildModel() { // BEGIN: String trainingFilesUrl = "{SAS-URL-of-your-container-in-blob-storage}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginBuildModel(trainingFilesUrl, DocumentBuildMode.TEMPLATE, "model-name" ) // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result. .flatMap(AsyncPollResponse::getFinalResult) .subscribe(documentModel -> { System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#beginBuildModel(String, DocumentBuildMode, String, BuildModelOptions)} * with options */ public void beginBuildModelWithOptions() { // BEGIN: String trainingFilesUrl = "{SAS-URL-of-your-container-in-blob-storage}"; Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); attrs.put("createdBy", "sample"); documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginBuildModel(trainingFilesUrl, DocumentBuildMode.TEMPLATE, "model-name", new BuildModelOptions() .setDescription("model desc") .setPrefix("Invoice") .setTags(attrs)) // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result. .flatMap(AsyncPollResponse::getFinalResult) .subscribe(documentModel -> { System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); System.out.printf("Model assigned tags: %s%n", documentModel.getTags()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#deleteModel} */ public void deleteModel() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "{model_id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.deleteModel(modelId) .subscribe(ignored -> System.out.printf("Model ID: %s is deleted%n", modelId)); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#deleteModelWithResponse(String)} */ public void deleteModelWithResponse() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "{model_id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.deleteModelWithResponse(modelId) .subscribe(response -> { System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode()); System.out.printf("Model ID: %s is deleted.%n", modelId); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getCopyAuthorization(String)} */ public void getCopyAuthorization() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "my-copied-model"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getCopyAuthorization(modelId) .subscribe(copyAuthorization -> System.out.printf("Copy Authorization for model id: %s, access token: %s, expiration time: %s, " + "target resource ID; %s, target resource region: %s%n", copyAuthorization.getTargetModelId(), copyAuthorization.getAccessToken(), copyAuthorization.getExpiresOn(), copyAuthorization.getTargetResourceId(), copyAuthorization.getTargetResourceRegion() )); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getCopyAuthorizationWithResponse(String, CopyAuthorizationOptions)} */ public void getCopyAuthorizationWithResponse() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "my-copied-model"; Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); attrs.put("createdBy", "sample"); documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getCopyAuthorizationWithResponse(modelId, new CopyAuthorizationOptions() .setDescription("model desc") .setTags(attrs)) .subscribe(copyAuthorization -> System.out.printf("Copy Authorization response status: %s, for model id: %s, access token: %s, " + "expiration time: %s, target resource ID; %s, target resource region: %s%n", copyAuthorization.getStatusCode(), copyAuthorization.getValue().getTargetModelId(), copyAuthorization.getValue().getAccessToken(), copyAuthorization.getValue().getExpiresOn(), copyAuthorization.getValue().getTargetResourceId(), copyAuthorization.getValue().getTargetResourceRegion() )); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getAccountProperties()} */ public void getAccountProperties() { // BEGIN: documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getAccountProperties() .subscribe(accountProperties -> { System.out.printf("Max number of models that can be build for this account: %d%n", accountProperties.getDocumentModelLimit()); System.out.printf("Current count of built document analysis models: %d%n", accountProperties.getDocumentModelCount()); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getAccountPropertiesWithResponse()} */ public void getAccountPropertiesWithResponse() { // BEGIN: documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getAccountPropertiesWithResponse() .subscribe(response -> { System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode()); AccountProperties accountProperties = response.getValue(); System.out.printf("Max number of models that can be build for this account: %d%n", accountProperties.getDocumentModelLimit()); System.out.printf("Current count of built document analysis models: %d%n", accountProperties.getDocumentModelCount()); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#beginCreateComposedModel(List, String)} */ public void beginCreateComposedModel() { // BEGIN: String modelId1 = "{model_Id_1}"; String modelId2 = "{model_Id_2}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginCreateComposedModel(Arrays.asList(modelId1, modelId2), "my-composed-model") // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result. .flatMap(AsyncPollResponse::getFinalResult) .subscribe(documentModel -> { System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#beginCreateComposedModel(List, String, CreateComposedModelOptions)} * with options */ public void beginCreateComposedModelWithOptions() { // BEGIN: String modelId1 = "{model_Id_1}"; String modelId2 = "{model_Id_2}"; Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); attrs.put("createdBy", "sample"); documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginCreateComposedModel(Arrays.asList(modelId1, modelId2), "my-composed-model", new CreateComposedModelOptions().setDescription("model-desc").setTags(attrs)) // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result. .flatMap(AsyncPollResponse::getFinalResult) .subscribe(documentModel -> { System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); System.out.printf("Model assigned tags: %s%n", documentModel.getTags()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#beginCopyModel(String, CopyAuthorization)} */ public void beginCopy() { // BEGIN: String copyModelId = "copy-model"; String targetModelId = "my-copied-model-id"; // Get authorization to copy the model to target resource documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getCopyAuthorization(targetModelId) // Start copy operation from the source client // The ID of the model that needs to be copied to the target resource .subscribe(copyAuthorization -> documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginCopyModel(copyModelId, copyAuthorization) .filter(pollResponse -> pollResponse.getStatus().isComplete()) .flatMap(AsyncPollResponse::getFinalResult) .subscribe(documentModel -> System.out.printf("Copied model has model ID: %s, was created on: %s.%n,", documentModel.getModelId(), documentModel.getCreatedOn()))); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#listModels()} */ public void listModels() { // BEGIN: documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.listModels() .subscribe(documentModelInfo -> System.out.printf("Model ID: %s, Model description: %s, Created on: %s.%n", documentModelInfo.getModelId(), documentModelInfo.getDescription(), documentModelInfo.getCreatedOn())); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getModel(String)} */ public void getModel() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "{model_id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getModel(modelId).subscribe(documentModel -> { System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getModelWithResponse(String)} */ public void getModelWithResponse() { // BEGIN: String modelId = "{model_id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getModelWithResponse(modelId).subscribe(response -> { System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode()); DocumentModel documentModel = response.getValue(); System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId()); System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription()); System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn()); documentModel.getDocTypes().forEach((key, docTypeInfo) -> { docTypeInfo.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> { System.out.printf("Field: %s", field); System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType()); System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", docTypeInfo.getFieldConfidence().get(field)); }); }); }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getModel(String)} */ public void getOperation() { // BEGIN: String operationId = "{operation_Id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getOperation(operationId).subscribe(modelOperation -> { System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", modelOperation.getOperationId()); System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", modelOperation.getKind()); System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", modelOperation.getStatus()); System.out.printf("Model ID created with this operation: %s%n", modelOperation.getModelId()); if (ModelOperationStatus.FAILED.equals(modelOperation.getStatus())) { System.out.printf("Operation fail error: %s%n", modelOperation.getError().getMessage()); } }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#getOperationWithResponse(String)} */ public void getOperationWithResponse() { // BEGIN: String operationId = "{operation_Id}"; documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getOperationWithResponse(operationId).subscribe(response -> { System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode()); ModelOperation modelOperation = response.getValue(); System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", modelOperation.getOperationId()); System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", modelOperation.getKind()); System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", modelOperation.getStatus()); System.out.printf("Model ID created with this operation: %s%n", modelOperation.getModelId()); if (ModelOperationStatus.FAILED.equals(modelOperation.getStatus())) { System.out.printf("Operation fail error: %s%n", modelOperation.getError().getMessage()); } }); // END: } /** * Code snippet for {@link DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient#listOperations()} */ public void listOperations() { // BEGIN: documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.listOperations() .subscribe(modelOperation -> { System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", modelOperation.getOperationId()); System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", modelOperation.getStatus()); System.out.printf("Operation Created on: %s%n", modelOperation.getCreatedOn()); System.out.printf("Operation Percent completed: %d%n", modelOperation.getPercentCompleted()); System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", modelOperation.getKind()); System.out.printf("Operation Last updated on: %s%n", modelOperation.getLastUpdatedOn()); System.out.printf("Operation resource location: %s%n", modelOperation.getResourceLocation()); }); // END: } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace NetsuiteEnvironmentViewer { // public partial class MyTreeView : TreeView { public MyTreeView() : base() { } private List<MyTreeView> linkedTreeViews = new List<MyTreeView>(); /// <summary> /// Links the specified tree view to this tree view. Whenever either treeview /// scrolls, the other will scroll too. /// </summary> /// <param name="treeView">The TreeView to link.</param> public void AddLinkedTreeView(MyTreeView treeView) { if (treeView == this) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot link a TreeView to itself!", "treeView"); if (!linkedTreeViews.Contains(treeView)) { //add the treeview to our list of linked treeviews linkedTreeViews.Add(treeView); //add this to the treeview's list of linked treeviews treeView.AddLinkedTreeView(this); //make sure the TreeView is linked to all of the other TreeViews that this TreeView is linked to for (int i = 0; i < linkedTreeViews.Count; i++) { //get the linked treeview var linkedTreeView = linkedTreeViews[i]; //link the treeviews together if (linkedTreeView != treeView) linkedTreeView.AddLinkedTreeView(treeView); } } } /// <summary> /// Sets the destination's scroll positions to that of the source. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source of the scroll positions.</param> /// <param name="dest">The destinations to set the scroll positions for.</param> private void SetScrollPositions(MyTreeView source, MyTreeView dest) { //get the scroll positions of the source int horizontal = User32.GetScrollPos(source.Handle, Orientation.Horizontal); int vertical = User32.GetScrollPos(source.Handle, Orientation.Vertical); //set the scroll positions of the destination User32.SetScrollPos(dest.Handle, Orientation.Horizontal, horizontal, true); User32.SetScrollPos(dest.Handle, Orientation.Vertical, vertical, true); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { //process the message base.WndProc(ref m); //pass scroll messages onto any linked views if (m.Msg == User32.WM_VSCROLL || m.Msg == User32.WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { foreach (var linkedTreeView in linkedTreeViews) { //set the scroll positions of the linked tree view SetScrollPositions(this, linkedTreeView); //copy the windows message Message copy = new Message { HWnd = linkedTreeView.Handle, LParam = m.LParam, Msg = m.Msg, Result = m.Result, WParam = m.WParam }; //pass the message onto the linked tree view linkedTreeView.ReceiveWndProc(ref copy); } } } /// <summary> /// Recieves a WndProc message without passing it onto any linked treeviews. This is useful to avoid infinite loops. /// </summary> /// <param name="m">The windows message.</param> private void ReceiveWndProc(ref Message m) { base.WndProc(ref m); } /// <summary> /// Imported functions from the User32.dll /// </summary> private class User32 { public const int WM_VSCROLL = 0x115; public const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A; [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern int GetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation nBar); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation nBar, int nPos, bool bRedraw); } } }
/** * Anonymous class */ class A { a: any; constructor(a: number) { this.a = a; } } /** * Named class */ class B { a: any; b: any; constructor(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } /** * Named class extension */ class C extends A { b: any; constructor(a, b) { super(a); this.b = b; } } /** * Anonymous class extension */ class D extends B { c: any; constructor(a, b, c) { super(a, b); this.c = c; } } /** * goog.defineClass based classes */ class E extends C { constructor(a, b) { super(a, b); } } let nested = {}; nested.klass = class {}; class F { // inline comment /** * block comment */ constructor() {} } class G { /** * ES6 method short hand. */ method() {} }
/* * measured-elasticsearch * * Copyright (c) 2015 Maximilian Antoni <> * * @license MIT */ 'use strict'; exports.index = 'metrics-1970.01'; exports.timestamp = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'; function header(type) { return { index : { _type : type} }; } exports.headerCounter = header('counter'); exports.headerTimer = header('timer'); exports.headerMeter = header('meter'); exports.headerHistogram = header('histogram'); exports.headerGauge = header('gauge');
@import url("screen.css"); @import url("non-screen.css") handheld; @import url("non-screen.css") only screen and (max-device-width:640px); #canvas-outer { border: 0px; position: relative; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #main_canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0; } #tracer_canvas { left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; z-index: 1; } a#fractal-download { display: none; }
/** * University of Campinas - Brazil * Institute of Computing * SED group * * date: February 2009 * */ package br.unicamp.ic.sed.mobilemedia.copyphoto.impl; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable; import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet; import br.unicamp.ic.sed.mobilemedia.copyphoto.spec.prov.IManager; import br.unicamp.ic.sed.mobilemedia.copyphoto.spec.req.IFilesystem; import br.unicamp.ic.sed.mobilemedia.main.spec.dt.IImageData; import; /** * TODO This whole class must be aspectized */ class PhotoViewController extends AbstractController { private AddPhotoToAlbum addPhotoToAlbum; private static final Command backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0); private Displayable lastScreen = null; private void setAddPhotoToAlbum(AddPhotoToAlbum addPhotoToAlbum) { this.addPhotoToAlbum = addPhotoToAlbum; } String imageName = ""; public PhotoViewController(MIDlet midlet, String imageName) { super( midlet ); this.imageName = imageName; } private AddPhotoToAlbum getAddPhotoToAlbum() { if( this.addPhotoToAlbum == null) this.addPhotoToAlbum = new AddPhotoToAlbum("Copy Photo to Album"); return addPhotoToAlbum; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ubc.midp.mobilephoto.core.ui.controller.ControllerInterface#handleCommand(javax.microedition.lcdui.Command, javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable) */ public boolean handleCommand(Command c) { String label = c.getLabel(); System.out.println( "<*"+this.getClass().getName()+".handleCommand() *> " + label); /** Case: Copy photo to a different album */ if (label.equals("Copy")) { this.initCopyPhotoToAlbum( ); return true; } /** Case: Save a copy in a new album */ else if (label.equals("Save Photo")) { return this.savePhoto(); /* IManager manager = ComponentFactory.createInstance(); IPhoto photo = (IPhoto) manager.getRequiredInterface("IPhoto"); return photo.postCommand( listImagesCommand ); */ }else if( label.equals("Cancel")){ if( lastScreen != null ){ MIDlet midlet = this.getMidlet(); Display.getDisplay( midlet ).setCurrent( lastScreen ); return true; } } return false; } private void initCopyPhotoToAlbum() { String title = new String("Copy Photo to Album"); String labelPhotoPath = new String("Copy to Album:"); AddPhotoToAlbum addPhotoToAlbum = new AddPhotoToAlbum( title ); addPhotoToAlbum.setPhotoName( imageName ); addPhotoToAlbum.setLabelPhotoPath( labelPhotoPath ); this.setAddPhotoToAlbum( addPhotoToAlbum ); //Get all required interfaces for this method MIDlet midlet = this.getMidlet(); //addPhotoToAlbum.setCommandListener( this ); lastScreen = Display.getDisplay( midlet ).getCurrent(); Display.getDisplay( midlet ).setCurrent( addPhotoToAlbum ); addPhotoToAlbum.setCommandListener(this); } private boolean savePhoto() { System.out.println("[PhotoViewController:savePhoto()]"); IManager manager = ComponentFactory.createInstance(); IImageData imageData = null; IFilesystem filesystem = (IFilesystem) manager.getRequiredInterface("IFilesystem"); System.out.println("[PhotoViewController:savePhoto()] filesystem="+filesystem); imageData = filesystem.getImageInfo(imageName); AddPhotoToAlbum addPhotoToAlbum = this.getAddPhotoToAlbum(); String photoName = addPhotoToAlbum.getPhotoName(); String albumName = addPhotoToAlbum.getPath(); filesystem.addImageData(photoName, imageData, albumName); if( lastScreen != null ){ MIDlet midlet = this.getMidlet(); Display.getDisplay( midlet ).setCurrent( lastScreen ); } return true; } }
body {font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:11px; line-height:16px } body,div,navigation {font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:11px; line-height:16px } td {font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:11px; line-height:16px } code, pre { font-family: "courier new", "courier";font-size:12px; line-height:14px } h1 {font-weight:bold; font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:14px; line-height:18px} h2 {font-weight:bold; font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:12px; line-height:18px} h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight:bold; font-family: verdana, arial, sans serif; font-size:11px; line-height:16px}
// generated by jwg -output misc/fixture/j/model_json.go misc/fixture/j; DO NOT EDIT package j import ( "encoding/json" ) // FooJSON is jsonized struct for Foo. type FooJSON struct { Tmp *Temp `json:"tmp,omitempty"` Bar `json:",omitempty"` *Buzz `json:",omitempty"` HogeJSON `json:",omitempty"` *FugaJSON `json:",omitempty"` } // FooJSONList is synonym about []*FooJSON. type FooJSONList []*FooJSON // FooPropertyEncoder is property encoder for [1]sJSON. type FooPropertyEncoder func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error // FooPropertyDecoder is property decoder for [1]sJSON. type FooPropertyDecoder func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error // FooPropertyInfo stores property information. type FooPropertyInfo struct { fieldName string jsonName string Encoder FooPropertyEncoder Decoder FooPropertyDecoder } // FieldName returns struct field name of property. func (info *FooPropertyInfo) FieldName() string { return info.fieldName } // JSONName returns json field name of property. func (info *FooPropertyInfo) JSONName() string { return info.jsonName } // FooJSONBuilder convert between Foo to FooJSON mutually. type FooJSONBuilder struct { _properties map[string]*FooPropertyInfo _jsonPropertyMap map[string]*FooPropertyInfo _structPropertyMap map[string]*FooPropertyInfo Tmp *FooPropertyInfo Bar *FooPropertyInfo Buzz *FooPropertyInfo Hoge *FooPropertyInfo Fuga *FooPropertyInfo } // NewFooJSONBuilder make new FooJSONBuilder. func NewFooJSONBuilder() *FooJSONBuilder { jb := &FooJSONBuilder{ _properties: map[string]*FooPropertyInfo{}, _jsonPropertyMap: map[string]*FooPropertyInfo{}, _structPropertyMap: map[string]*FooPropertyInfo{}, Tmp: &FooPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Tmp", jsonName: "tmp", Encoder: func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Tmp = src.Tmp return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Tmp = src.Tmp return nil }, }, Bar: &FooPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Bar", jsonName: "", Encoder: func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Bar = src.Bar return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Bar = src.Bar return nil }, }, Buzz: &FooPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Buzz", jsonName: "", Encoder: func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Buzz = src.Buzz return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Buzz = src.Buzz return nil }, }, Hoge: &FooPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Hoge", jsonName: "", Encoder: func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } d, err := NewHogeJSONBuilder().AddAll().Convert(&src.Hoge) if err != nil { return err } dest.HogeJSON = *d return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error { if src == nil { return nil } d, err := src.HogeJSON.Convert() if err != nil { return err } dest.Hoge = *d return nil }, }, Fuga: &FooPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Fuga", jsonName: "", Encoder: func(src *Foo, dest *FooJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } else if src.Fuga == nil { return nil } d, err := NewFugaJSONBuilder().AddAll().Convert(src.Fuga) if err != nil { return err } dest.FugaJSON = d return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FooJSON, dest *Foo) error { if src == nil { return nil } else if src.FugaJSON == nil { return nil } d, err := src.FugaJSON.Convert() if err != nil { return err } dest.Fuga = d return nil }, }, } jb._structPropertyMap["Tmp"] = jb.Tmp jb._jsonPropertyMap["tmp"] = jb.Tmp jb._structPropertyMap["Bar"] = jb.Bar jb._jsonPropertyMap[""] = jb.Bar jb._structPropertyMap["Buzz"] = jb.Buzz jb._jsonPropertyMap[""] = jb.Buzz jb._structPropertyMap["Hoge"] = jb.Hoge jb._jsonPropertyMap[""] = jb.Hoge jb._structPropertyMap["Fuga"] = jb.Fuga jb._jsonPropertyMap[""] = jb.Fuga return jb } // Properties returns all properties on FooJSONBuilder. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) Properties() []*FooPropertyInfo { return []*FooPropertyInfo{ b.Tmp, b.Bar, b.Buzz, b.Hoge, b.Fuga, } } // AddAll adds all property to FooJSONBuilder. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) AddAll() *FooJSONBuilder { b._properties["Tmp"] = b.Tmp b._properties["Bar"] = b.Bar b._properties["Buzz"] = b.Buzz b._properties["Hoge"] = b.Hoge b._properties["Fuga"] = b.Fuga return b } // Add specified property to FooJSONBuilder. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) Add(info *FooPropertyInfo) *FooJSONBuilder { b._properties[info.fieldName] = info return b } // AddByJSONNames add properties to FooJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) AddByJSONNames(names ...string) *FooJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // AddByNames add properties to FooJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) AddByNames(names ...string) *FooJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // Remove specified property to FooJSONBuilder. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) Remove(info *FooPropertyInfo) *FooJSONBuilder { delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) return b } // RemoveByJSONNames remove properties to FooJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) RemoveByJSONNames(names ...string) *FooJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // RemoveByNames remove properties to FooJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) RemoveByNames(names ...string) *FooJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // Convert specified non-JSON object to JSON object. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) Convert(orig *Foo) (*FooJSON, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } ret := &FooJSON{} for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Encoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // ConvertList specified non-JSON slice to JSONList. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) ConvertList(orig []*Foo) (FooJSONList, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } list := make(FooJSONList, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { json, err := b.Convert(or) if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = json } return list, nil } // Convert specified JSON object to non-JSON object. func (orig *FooJSON) Convert() (*Foo, error) { ret := &Foo{} b := NewFooJSONBuilder().AddAll() for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Decoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // Convert specified JSONList to non-JSON slice. func (jsonList FooJSONList) Convert() ([]*Foo, error) { orig := ([]*FooJSON)(jsonList) list := make([]*Foo, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { obj, err := or.Convert() if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = obj } return list, nil } // Marshal non-JSON object to JSON string. func (b *FooJSONBuilder) Marshal(orig *Foo) ([]byte, error) { ret, err := b.Convert(orig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return json.Marshal(ret) } // HogeJSON is jsonized struct for Hoge. type HogeJSON struct { Hoge1 string `json:"hoge1,omitempty"` } // HogeJSONList is synonym about []*HogeJSON. type HogeJSONList []*HogeJSON // HogePropertyEncoder is property encoder for [1]sJSON. type HogePropertyEncoder func(src *Hoge, dest *HogeJSON) error // HogePropertyDecoder is property decoder for [1]sJSON. type HogePropertyDecoder func(src *HogeJSON, dest *Hoge) error // HogePropertyInfo stores property information. type HogePropertyInfo struct { fieldName string jsonName string Encoder HogePropertyEncoder Decoder HogePropertyDecoder } // FieldName returns struct field name of property. func (info *HogePropertyInfo) FieldName() string { return info.fieldName } // JSONName returns json field name of property. func (info *HogePropertyInfo) JSONName() string { return info.jsonName } // HogeJSONBuilder convert between Hoge to HogeJSON mutually. type HogeJSONBuilder struct { _properties map[string]*HogePropertyInfo _jsonPropertyMap map[string]*HogePropertyInfo _structPropertyMap map[string]*HogePropertyInfo Hoge1 *HogePropertyInfo } // NewHogeJSONBuilder make new HogeJSONBuilder. func NewHogeJSONBuilder() *HogeJSONBuilder { jb := &HogeJSONBuilder{ _properties: map[string]*HogePropertyInfo{}, _jsonPropertyMap: map[string]*HogePropertyInfo{}, _structPropertyMap: map[string]*HogePropertyInfo{}, Hoge1: &HogePropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Hoge1", jsonName: "hoge1", Encoder: func(src *Hoge, dest *HogeJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Hoge1 = src.Hoge1 return nil }, Decoder: func(src *HogeJSON, dest *Hoge) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Hoge1 = src.Hoge1 return nil }, }, } jb._structPropertyMap["Hoge1"] = jb.Hoge1 jb._jsonPropertyMap["hoge1"] = jb.Hoge1 return jb } // Properties returns all properties on HogeJSONBuilder. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) Properties() []*HogePropertyInfo { return []*HogePropertyInfo{ b.Hoge1, } } // AddAll adds all property to HogeJSONBuilder. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) AddAll() *HogeJSONBuilder { b._properties["Hoge1"] = b.Hoge1 return b } // Add specified property to HogeJSONBuilder. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) Add(info *HogePropertyInfo) *HogeJSONBuilder { b._properties[info.fieldName] = info return b } // AddByJSONNames add properties to HogeJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) AddByJSONNames(names ...string) *HogeJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // AddByNames add properties to HogeJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) AddByNames(names ...string) *HogeJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // Remove specified property to HogeJSONBuilder. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) Remove(info *HogePropertyInfo) *HogeJSONBuilder { delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) return b } // RemoveByJSONNames remove properties to HogeJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) RemoveByJSONNames(names ...string) *HogeJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // RemoveByNames remove properties to HogeJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) RemoveByNames(names ...string) *HogeJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // Convert specified non-JSON object to JSON object. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) Convert(orig *Hoge) (*HogeJSON, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } ret := &HogeJSON{} for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Encoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // ConvertList specified non-JSON slice to JSONList. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) ConvertList(orig []*Hoge) (HogeJSONList, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } list := make(HogeJSONList, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { json, err := b.Convert(or) if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = json } return list, nil } // Convert specified JSON object to non-JSON object. func (orig *HogeJSON) Convert() (*Hoge, error) { ret := &Hoge{} b := NewHogeJSONBuilder().AddAll() for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Decoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // Convert specified JSONList to non-JSON slice. func (jsonList HogeJSONList) Convert() ([]*Hoge, error) { orig := ([]*HogeJSON)(jsonList) list := make([]*Hoge, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { obj, err := or.Convert() if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = obj } return list, nil } // Marshal non-JSON object to JSON string. func (b *HogeJSONBuilder) Marshal(orig *Hoge) ([]byte, error) { ret, err := b.Convert(orig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return json.Marshal(ret) } // FugaJSON is jsonized struct for Fuga. type FugaJSON struct { Fuga1 string `json:"fuga1,omitempty"` } // FugaJSONList is synonym about []*FugaJSON. type FugaJSONList []*FugaJSON // FugaPropertyEncoder is property encoder for [1]sJSON. type FugaPropertyEncoder func(src *Fuga, dest *FugaJSON) error // FugaPropertyDecoder is property decoder for [1]sJSON. type FugaPropertyDecoder func(src *FugaJSON, dest *Fuga) error // FugaPropertyInfo stores property information. type FugaPropertyInfo struct { fieldName string jsonName string Encoder FugaPropertyEncoder Decoder FugaPropertyDecoder } // FieldName returns struct field name of property. func (info *FugaPropertyInfo) FieldName() string { return info.fieldName } // JSONName returns json field name of property. func (info *FugaPropertyInfo) JSONName() string { return info.jsonName } // FugaJSONBuilder convert between Fuga to FugaJSON mutually. type FugaJSONBuilder struct { _properties map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo _jsonPropertyMap map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo _structPropertyMap map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo Fuga1 *FugaPropertyInfo } // NewFugaJSONBuilder make new FugaJSONBuilder. func NewFugaJSONBuilder() *FugaJSONBuilder { jb := &FugaJSONBuilder{ _properties: map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo{}, _jsonPropertyMap: map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo{}, _structPropertyMap: map[string]*FugaPropertyInfo{}, Fuga1: &FugaPropertyInfo{ fieldName: "Fuga1", jsonName: "fuga1", Encoder: func(src *Fuga, dest *FugaJSON) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Fuga1 = src.Fuga1 return nil }, Decoder: func(src *FugaJSON, dest *Fuga) error { if src == nil { return nil } dest.Fuga1 = src.Fuga1 return nil }, }, } jb._structPropertyMap["Fuga1"] = jb.Fuga1 jb._jsonPropertyMap["fuga1"] = jb.Fuga1 return jb } // Properties returns all properties on FugaJSONBuilder. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) Properties() []*FugaPropertyInfo { return []*FugaPropertyInfo{ b.Fuga1, } } // AddAll adds all property to FugaJSONBuilder. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) AddAll() *FugaJSONBuilder { b._properties["Fuga1"] = b.Fuga1 return b } // Add specified property to FugaJSONBuilder. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) Add(info *FugaPropertyInfo) *FugaJSONBuilder { b._properties[info.fieldName] = info return b } // AddByJSONNames add properties to FugaJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) AddByJSONNames(names ...string) *FugaJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // AddByNames add properties to FugaJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) AddByNames(names ...string) *FugaJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } b._properties[info.fieldName] = info } return b } // Remove specified property to FugaJSONBuilder. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) Remove(info *FugaPropertyInfo) *FugaJSONBuilder { delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) return b } // RemoveByJSONNames remove properties to FugaJSONBuilder by JSON property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) RemoveByJSONNames(names ...string) *FugaJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._jsonPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // RemoveByNames remove properties to FugaJSONBuilder by struct property name. if name is not in the builder, it will ignore. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) RemoveByNames(names ...string) *FugaJSONBuilder { for _, name := range names { info := b._structPropertyMap[name] if info == nil { continue } delete(b._properties, info.fieldName) } return b } // Convert specified non-JSON object to JSON object. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) Convert(orig *Fuga) (*FugaJSON, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } ret := &FugaJSON{} for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Encoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // ConvertList specified non-JSON slice to JSONList. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) ConvertList(orig []*Fuga) (FugaJSONList, error) { if orig == nil { return nil, nil } list := make(FugaJSONList, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { json, err := b.Convert(or) if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = json } return list, nil } // Convert specified JSON object to non-JSON object. func (orig *FugaJSON) Convert() (*Fuga, error) { ret := &Fuga{} b := NewFugaJSONBuilder().AddAll() for _, info := range b._properties { if err := info.Decoder(orig, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } // Convert specified JSONList to non-JSON slice. func (jsonList FugaJSONList) Convert() ([]*Fuga, error) { orig := ([]*FugaJSON)(jsonList) list := make([]*Fuga, len(orig)) for idx, or := range orig { obj, err := or.Convert() if err != nil { return nil, err } list[idx] = obj } return list, nil } // Marshal non-JSON object to JSON string. func (b *FugaJSONBuilder) Marshal(orig *Fuga) ([]byte, error) { ret, err := b.Convert(orig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return json.Marshal(ret) }
#ifndef __NV_FACE_MLP_STATIC_H #define __NV_FACE_MLP_STATIC_H #include "nv_core.h" #include "nv_ml.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern nv_mlp_t nv_face_mlp_dir; extern nv_mlp_t nv_face_mlp_parts; extern nv_mlp_t nv_face_mlp_face_00; extern nv_mlp_t nv_face_mlp_face_01; extern nv_mlp_t nv_face_mlp_face_02; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
{{define "header"}} <head> <title>Ulbora CMS V3 Admin</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <script type='text/javascript' src="/admin/js/popper.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="/admin/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="/admin/js/semantic.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="/admin/js/tinymce.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="/admin/js/custom.js"></script> <script> tinymce.init( { selector: '#content-area', extended_valid_elements : 'button[onclick]', // width: 600, height: 300, browser_spellcheck: true, paste_data_images: true, plugins: [ 'advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak spellchecker', 'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking', 'save table contextmenu directionality emoticons template paste textcolor' ], //content_css: 'css/content.css', toolbar: [ 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify' , 'bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | print preview media fullpage', 'forecolor backcolor emoticons' ] //toolbar: [ //'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | link image', // 'alignleft aligncenter alignright' //] } ); </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/admin/css/semantic.min.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/admin/css/content.css"> --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/admin/css/style.css"> </head> {{end}}
package station import ( "" "" "log" "net/http" ) func (r *request) execute() { ratelimit.Add() res, err := http.Get(r.url) ratelimit.Sub() if err != nil { log.Println("station.execute: " + err.Error()) return } rsp, err := parseResBody(res) if err != nil { log.Println("station.execute parse:" + err.Error()) return } station.Update(r.stationId, rsp.SystemID, rsp.Name) log.Printf("Updated station %d\n", r.stationId) }
a === b
<div lass="trials-container center-container" ng-controller="TimerCtrl"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <form name="logEntryForm" class="form-inline" ng-submit="createLog()"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" ng-model="newLog.description" class="form-control" placeholder="Description"/> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" ng-model="newLog.project_id" class="form-control" placeholder="Project"/> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" ng-model="newLog.time_seconds" class="form-control" value="0 sec"/> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" ng-model="newLog.time_from" class="form-control" placeholder="Description"/> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" ng-model="newLog.time_to" class="form-control" placeholder="Description"/> </div> <div class="checkbox"> <label> <input ng-model="newLog.billable" type="checkbox"/> </label> </div> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Start"/> </form> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <table class="table"> <tbody> <tr ng-repeat="log in logs"> <td><input type="checkbox"/></td> <td>{{log.description}}</td> <td>{{log.project_id}}</td> <td>{{log.time_seconds}}</td> <td>{{log.time_from | date: 'shortTime' }} : {{log.time_to | date: 'shortTime'}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>
const pug = require("pug"); const pugRuntimeWrap = require("pug-runtime/wrap"); const path = require("path"); const YAML = require("js-yaml"); const getCodeBlock = require("pug-code-block"); const detectIndent = require("detect-indent"); const rebaseIndent = require("rebase-indent"); const pugdocArguments = require("./arguments"); const MIXIN_NAME_REGEX = /^mixin +([-\w]+)?/; const DOC_REGEX = /^\s*\/\/-\s+?\@pugdoc\s*$/; const DOC_STRING = "//- @pugdoc"; const CAPTURE_ALL = "all"; const CAPTURE_SECTION = "section"; const EXAMPLE_BLOCK = "block"; /** * Returns all pugdoc comment and code blocks for the given code * * @param templateSrc {string} * @return {{lineNumber: number, comment: string, code: string}[]} */ function extractPugdocBlocks(templateSrc) { return ( templateSrc .split("\n") // Walk through every line and look for a pugdoc comment .map(function (line, lineIndex) { // If the line does not contain a pugdoc comment skip it if (!line.match(DOC_REGEX)) { return undefined; } // If the line contains a pugdoc comment return // the comment block and the next code block const comment = getCodeBlock.byLine(templateSrc, lineIndex + 1); const meta = parsePugdocComment(comment); // add number of captured blocks if (meta.capture <= 0) { return undefined; } let capture = 2; if (meta.capture) { if (meta.capture === CAPTURE_ALL) { capture = Infinity; } else if (meta.capture === CAPTURE_SECTION) { capture = Infinity; } else { capture = meta.capture + 1; } } // get all code blocks let code = getCodeBlock.byLine(templateSrc, lineIndex + 1, capture); // make string if (Array.isArray(code)) { // remove comment code.shift(); // join all code code = code.join("\n"); } else { return undefined; } // filter out all but current pugdoc section if (meta.capture === CAPTURE_SECTION) { const nextPugDocIndex = code.indexOf(DOC_STRING); if (nextPugDocIndex > -1) { code = code.substr(0, nextPugDocIndex); } } // if no code and no comment, skip if (comment.match(DOC_REGEX) && code === "") { return undefined; } return { lineNumber: lineIndex + 1, comment: comment, code: code, }; }) // Remove skiped lines .filter(function (result) { return result !== undefined; }) ); } /** * Returns all pugdocDocuments for the given code * * @param templateSrc {string} * @param filename {string} */ function getPugdocDocuments(templateSrc, filename, locals) { return extractPugdocBlocks(templateSrc).map(function (pugdocBlock) { const meta = parsePugdocComment(pugdocBlock.comment); const fragments = []; // parse jsdoc style arguments list if (meta.arguments) { meta.arguments = (arg) { return pugdocArguments.parse(arg, true); }); } // parse jsdoc style attributes list if (meta.attributes) { meta.attributes = (arg) { return pugdocArguments.parse(arg, true); }); } let source = pugdocBlock.code; source = source.replace(/\u2028|\u200B/g, ""); if (meta.example && meta.example !== false) { if (meta.beforeEach) { meta.example = `${meta.beforeEach}\n${meta.example}`; } if (meta.afterEach) { meta.example = `${meta.example}\n${meta.afterEach}`; } } // get example objects and add them to parent example // also return them as separate pugdoc blocks if (meta.examples) { for (let i = 0, l = meta.examples.length; i < l; ++i) { let x = meta.examples[i]; // do nothing for simple examples if (typeof x === "string") { if (meta.beforeEach) { meta.examples[i] = `${meta.beforeEach}\n${x}`; } if (meta.afterEach) { meta.examples[i] = `${x}\n${meta.afterEach}`; } continue; } if (meta.beforeEach && typeof x.beforeEach === "undefined") { x.example = `${meta.beforeEach}\n${x.example}`; } if (meta.afterEach && typeof x.afterEach === "undefined") { x.example = `${x.example}\n${meta.afterEach}`; } // merge example/examples with parent examples meta.examples[i] = getExamples(x).reduce( (acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [] ); // add fragments fragments.push(x); } meta.examples = meta.examples.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []); } // fix pug compilation for boolean use of example const exampleClone = meta.example; if (typeof meta.example === "boolean") { meta.example = ""; } const obj = { // get meta meta: meta, // add file path file: path.relative(".", filename), // get pug code block matching the comments indent source: source, // get html output output: compilePug(source, meta, filename, locals), }; // remove output if example = false if (exampleClone === false) { obj.output = null; } // add fragments if (fragments && fragments.length) { obj.fragments = => { return { // get meta meta: subexample, // get html output output: compilePug(source, subexample, filename, locals), }; }); } if (obj.output || obj.fragments) { return obj; } return null; }); } /** * Extract pug attributes from comment block */ function parsePugdocComment(comment) { // remove first line (@pugdoc) if (comment.indexOf("\n") === -1) { return {}; } comment = comment.substr(comment.indexOf("\n")); comment = pugdocArguments.escapeArgumentsYAML(comment, "arguments"); comment = pugdocArguments.escapeArgumentsYAML(comment, "attributes"); // parse YAML return YAML.safeLoad(comment) || {}; } /** * get all examples from the meta object * either one or both of meta.example and meta.examples can be given */ function getExamples(meta) { let examples = []; if (meta.example) { examples = examples.concat(meta.example); } if (meta.examples) { examples = examples.concat(meta.examples); } return examples; } /** * Compile Pug */ function compilePug(src, meta, filename, locals) { let newSrc = [src]; // add example calls getExamples(meta).forEach(function (example, i) { // append to pug if it's a mixin example if (MIXIN_NAME_REGEX.test(src)) { newSrc.push(example); // replace example block with src } else { if (i === 0) { newSrc = []; } const lines = example.split("\n"); lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.trim() === EXAMPLE_BLOCK) { const indent = detectIndent(line).indent.length; line = rebaseIndent(src.split("\n"), indent).join("\n"); } newSrc.push(line); }); } }); newSrc = newSrc.join("\n"); locals = Object.assign({}, locals, meta.locals); // compile pug const compiled = pug.compileClient(newSrc, { name: "tmp", externalRuntime: true, filename: filename, }); try { const templateFunc = pugRuntimeWrap(compiled, "tmp"); return templateFunc(locals || {}); } catch (err) { try { const compiledDebug = pug.compileClient(newSrc, { name: "tmp", externalRuntime: true, filename: filename, compileDebug: true, }); const templateFuncDebug = pugRuntimeWrap(compiledDebug, "tmp"); templateFuncDebug(locals || {}); } catch (debugErr) { process.stderr.write( `\n\nPug-doc error: ${JSON.stringify(meta, null, 2)}` ); process.stderr.write(`\n\n${debugErr.toString()}`); return null; } } } // Exports module.exports = { extractPugdocBlocks: extractPugdocBlocks, getPugdocDocuments: getPugdocDocuments, parsePugdocComment: parsePugdocComment, getExamples: getExamples, };
module SimpleForm class FormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder attr_reader :template, :object_name, :object, :wrapper # When action is create or update, we still should use new and edit ACTIONS = { :create => :new, :update => :edit } extend MapType include SimpleForm::Inputs map_type :text, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::TextInput map_type :file, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::FileInput map_type :string, :email, :search, :tel, :url, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput map_type :password, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::PasswordInput map_type :integer, :decimal, :float, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::NumericInput map_type :range, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::RangeInput map_type :select, :radio, :check_boxes, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionInput map_type :date, :time, :datetime, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::DateTimeInput map_type :country, :time_zone, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::PriorityInput map_type :boolean, :to => SimpleForm::Inputs::BooleanInput def self.discovery_cache @discovery_cache ||= {} end def initialize(*) #:nodoc: super @defaults = options[:defaults] @wrapper = SimpleForm.wrapper(options[:wrapper] || :default) end # Basic input helper, combines all components in the stack to generate # input html based on options the user define and some guesses through # database column information. By default a call to input will generate # label + input + hint (when defined) + errors (when exists), and all can # be configured inside a wrapper html. # # == Examples # # # Imagine @user has error "can't be blank" on name # simple_form_for @user do |f| # f.input :name, :hint => 'My hint' # end # # This is the output html (only the input portion, not the form): # # <label class="string required" for="user_name"> # <abbr title="required">*</abbr> Super User Name! # </label> # <input class="string required" id="user_name" maxlength="100" # name="user[name]" size="100" type="text" value="Carlos" /> # <span class="hint">My hint</span> # <span class="error">can't be blank</span> # # Each database type will render a default input, based on some mappings and # heuristic to determine which is the best option. # # You have some options for the input to enable/disable some functions: # # :as => allows you to define the input type you want, for instance you # can use it to generate a text field for a date column. # # :required => defines whether this attribute is required or not. True # by default. # # The fact SimpleForm is built in components allow the interface to be unified. # So, for instance, if you need to disable :hint for a given input, you can pass # :hint => false. The same works for :error, :label and :wrapper. # # Besides the html for any component can be changed. So, if you want to change # the label html you just need to give a hash to :label_html. To configure the # input html, supply :input_html instead and so on. # # == Options # # Some inputs, as datetime, time and select allow you to give extra options, like # prompt and/or include blank. Such options are given in plainly: # # f.input :created_at, :include_blank => true # # == Collection # # When playing with collections (:radio and :select inputs), you have three extra # options: # # :collection => use to determine the collection to generate the radio or select # # :label_method => the method to apply on the array collection to get the label # # :value_method => the method to apply on the array collection to get the value # # == Priority # # Some inputs, as :time_zone and :country accepts a :priority option. If none is # given SimpleForm.time_zone_priority and SimpleForm.country_priority are used respectivelly. # def input(attribute_name, options={}, &block) options = @defaults.deep_merge(options) if @defaults chosen = if name = options[:wrapper] name.respond_to?(:render) ? name : SimpleForm.wrapper(name) else wrapper end chosen.render find_input(attribute_name, options, &block) end alias :attribute :input # Creates a input tag for the given attribute. All the given options # are sent as :input_html. # # == Examples # # simple_form_for @user do |f| # f.input_field :name # end # # This is the output html (only the input portion, not the form): # # <input class="string required" id="user_name" maxlength="100" # name="user[name]" size="100" type="text" value="Carlos" /> # def input_field(attribute_name, options={}) options[:input_html] = options.except(:as, :collection, :label_method, :value_method)[:input], :wrapper => false).render find_input(attribute_name, options) end # Helper for dealing with association selects/radios, generating the # collection automatically. It's just a wrapper to input, so all options # supported in input are also supported by association. Some extra options # can also be given: # # == Examples # # simple_form_for @user do |f| # f.association :company # Company.all # end # # f.association :company, :collection => Company.all(:order => 'name') # # Same as using :order option, but overriding collection # # == Block # # When a block is given, association simple behaves as a proxy to # simple_fields_for: # # f.association :company do |c| # c.input :name # c.input :type # end # # From the options above, only :collection can also be supplied. # def association(association, options={}, &block) return simple_fields_for(*[association, options.delete(:collection), options].compact, &block) if block_given? raise ArgumentError, "Association cannot be used in forms not associated with an object" unless @object reflection = find_association_reflection(association) raise "Association #{association.inspect} not found" unless reflection options[:as] ||= :select options[:collection] ||= reflection.klass.all(reflection.options.slice(:conditions, :order)) attribute = case reflection.macro when :belongs_to reflection.options[:foreign_key] || :"#{}_id" when :has_one raise ":has_one associations are not supported by f.association" else if options[:as] == :select html_options = options[:input_html] ||= {} html_options[:size] ||= 5 html_options[:multiple] = true unless html_options.key?(:multiple) end # Force the association to be preloaded for performance. if options[:preload] != false && object.respond_to?(association) target = object.send(association) target.to_a if target.respond_to?(:to_a) end :"#{}_ids" end input(attribute, options.merge(:reflection => reflection)) end # Creates a button: # # form_for @user do |f| # f.button :submit # end # # It just acts as a proxy to method name given. # def button(type, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options[:class] = [SimpleForm.button_class, options[:class]].compact args << options if respond_to?("#{type}_button") send("#{type}_button", *args, &block) else send(type, *args, &block) end end # Creates an error tag based on the given attribute, only when the attribute # contains errors. All the given options are sent as :error_html. # # == Examples # # f.error :name # f.error :name, :id => "cool_error" # def error(attribute_name, options={}) options[:error_html] = options.except(:error_tag, :error_prefix, :error_method) column = find_attribute_column(attribute_name) input_type = default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options) wrapper.find(:error). render(, attribute_name, column, input_type, options)) end # Return the error but also considering its name. This is used # when errors for a hidden field need to be shown. # # == Examples # # f.full_error :token #=> <span class="error">Token is invalid</span> # def full_error(attribute_name, options={}) options[:error_prefix] ||= if object.class.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) object.class.human_attribute_name(attribute_name.to_s) else attribute_name.to_s.humanize end error(attribute_name, options) end # Creates a hint tag for the given attribute. Accepts a symbol indicating # an attribute for I18n lookup or a string. All the given options are sent # as :hint_html. # # == Examples # # f.hint :name # Do I18n lookup # f.hint :name, :id => "cool_hint" # f.hint "Don't forget to accept this" # def hint(attribute_name, options={}) options[:hint_html] = options.except(:hint_tag, :hint) if attribute_name.is_a?(String) options[:hint] = attribute_name attribute_name, column, input_type = nil, nil, nil else column = find_attribute_column(attribute_name) input_type = default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options) end wrapper.find(:hint). render(, attribute_name, column, input_type, options)) end # Creates a default label tag for the given attribute. You can give a label # through the :label option or using i18n. All the given options are sent # as :label_html. # # == Examples # # f.label :name # Do I18n lookup # f.label :name, "Name" # Same behavior as Rails, do not add required tag # f.label :name, :label => "Name" # Same as above, but adds required tag # # f.label :name, :required => false # f.label :name, :id => "cool_label" # def label(attribute_name, *args) return super if args.first.is_a?(String) || block_given? options = args.extract_options! options[:label_html] = options.dup options[:label] = options.delete(:label) options[:required] = options.delete(:required) column = find_attribute_column(attribute_name) input_type = default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options), attribute_name, column, input_type, options).label end # Creates an error notification message that only appears when the form object # has some error. You can give a specific message with the :message option, # otherwise it will look for a message using I18n. All other options given are # passed straight as html options to the html tag. # # == Examples # # f.error_notification # f.error_notification :message => 'Something went wrong' # f.error_notification :id => 'user_error_message', :class => 'form_error' # def error_notification(options={}), options).render end # Extract the model names from the object_name mess, ignoring numeric and # explicit child indexes. # # Example: # # route[blocks_attributes][0][blocks_learning_object_attributes][1][foo_attributes] # ["route", "blocks", "blocks_learning_object", "foo"] # def lookup_model_names @lookup_model_names ||= begin child_index = options[:child_index] names = object_name.to_s.scan(/([a-zA-Z_]+)/).flatten names.delete(child_index) if child_index names.each { |name| name.gsub!('_attributes', '') } names.freeze end end # The action to be used in lookup. def lookup_action @lookup_action ||= begin action = template.controller.action_name return unless action action = action.to_sym ACTIONS[action] || action end end private # Find an input based on the attribute name. def find_input(attribute_name, options={}, &block) #:nodoc: column = find_attribute_column(attribute_name) input_type = default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options) if block_given?, attribute_name, column, input_type, options, &block) else find_mapping(input_type).new(self, attribute_name, column, input_type, options) end end # Attempt to guess the better input type given the defined options. By # default alwayls fallback to the user :as option, or to a :select when a # collection is given. def default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options) #:nodoc: return options[:as].to_sym if options[:as] return :select if options[:collection] custom_type = find_custom_type(attribute_name.to_s) and return custom_type input_type = column.try(:type) case input_type when :timestamp :datetime when :string, nil case attribute_name.to_s when /password/ then :password when /time_zone/ then :time_zone when /country/ then :country when /email/ then :email when /phone/ then :tel when /url/ then :url else file_method?(attribute_name) ? :file : (input_type || :string) end else input_type end end def find_custom_type(attribute_name) #:nodoc: SimpleForm.input_mappings.find { |match, type| attribute_name =~ match }.try(:last) if SimpleForm.input_mappings end def file_method?(attribute_name) #:nodoc: file = @object.send(attribute_name) if @object.respond_to?(attribute_name) file && SimpleForm.file_methods.any? { |m| file.respond_to?(m) } end def find_attribute_column(attribute_name) #:nodoc: if @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) @object.column_for_attribute(attribute_name) end end def find_association_reflection(association) #:nodoc: if @object.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) @object.class.reflect_on_association(association) end end # Attempts to find a mapping. It follows the following rules: # # 1) It tries to find a registered mapping, if succeeds: # a) Try to find an alternative with the same name in the Object scope # b) Or use the found mapping # 2) If not, fallbacks to #{input_type}Input # 3) If not, fallbacks to SimpleForm::Inputs::#{input_type}Input def find_mapping(input_type) #:nodoc: discovery_cache[input_type] ||= if mapping = self.class.mappings[input_type] mapping_override(mapping) || mapping else camelized = "#{input_type.to_s.camelize}Input" attempt_mapping(camelized, Object) || attempt_mapping(camelized, self.class) || raise("No input found for #{input_type}") end end # If cache_discovery is enabled, use the class level cache that persists # between requests, otherwise use the instance one. def discovery_cache #:nodoc: if SimpleForm.cache_discovery self.class.discovery_cache else @discovery_cache ||= {} end end def mapping_override(klass) #:nodoc: name = if name =~ /^SimpleForm::Inputs/ attempt_mapping name.split("::").last, Object end end def attempt_mapping(mapping, at) #:nodoc: return if SimpleForm.inputs_discovery == false && at == Object begin at.const_get(mapping) rescue NameError => e e.message =~ /#{mapping}$/ ? nil : raise end end end end
import zmq import datetime import pytz from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from registrations.models import Registration from registrations import handlers from registrations import tasks class Command(BaseCommand): def log(self, message): f = open(settings.TASK_LOG_PATH, 'a') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) log_message = "%s\t%s\n" % (now, message) self.stdout.write(log_message) f.write(log_message) f.close() def handle(self, *args, **options): context = zmq.Context() pull_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) pull_socket.bind('tcp://*:7002') self.log("Registration Worker ZMQ Socket Bound to 7002") while True: try: data = pull_socket.recv_json() task_name = data.pop('task') task_kwargs = data.pop('kwargs') self.log("Got task '%s' with kwargs: %s" % (task_name, task_kwargs)) if hasattr(tasks, task_name): result = getattr(tasks, task_name)(**task_kwargs) self.log("Task '%s' result: %s" % (task_name, result)) else: self.log("Received unknown task: %s", task_name) except Exception, e: self.log("Error: %s" % e) pull_socket.close() context.term()
module.exports.up=function(onSuccess,onFailed){ var dbo=new entity.Base(); dbo.saveToDB("recipe_drink",["recipe_code","drink_code","quantity","description"], [ ["3622","342",9.83,"1/3 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3622","315",9.83,"1/3 shot Grand Marnier "], ["3622","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["3622","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3622","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3622","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3622","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4511","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4511","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1736","479",7.5,"1/4 oz Galliano "], ["1736","480",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish cream "], ["1736","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch "], ["1736","462",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila "], ["2420","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2420","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2420","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2420","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2420","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2420","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2420","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2420","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2434","94",480,"16 oz Lager "], ["2434","462",150,"1.5 oz Tequila "], ["2395","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2395","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["2395","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2395","487",30,"1 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2395","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["2395","259",90,"3 oz Milk "], ["2395","417",30,"1 oz Coconut liqueur "], ["2395","503",257,"1 cup Vanilla ice-cream "], ["3794","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["3794","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3794","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["3794","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4753","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4753","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4753","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["4753","34",30,"1 oz Blue Maui "], ["2366","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2366","232",14.75,"1/2 shot Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["1671","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1671","263",10,"1/3 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["1671","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["3798","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["3798","416",15,"1/2 oz Grape juice "], ["3798","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3798","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["3798","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3798","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3798","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["3798","404",15,"1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5334","391",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5334","376",10,"1/3 oz Gin "], ["5334","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["5334","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["5334","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Goldschlager) "], ["5334","445",180,"6 oz pulp-free Orange juice "], ["4476","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Goldschlager) "], ["4476","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5340","309",9.83,"1/3 shot Peach schnapps "], ["5340","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["5340","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Skyy) "], ["5340","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2897","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2897","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["2897","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2897","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2897","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["3590","376",60,"2 oz dry Gin (Gordon's) "], ["3590","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["3590","424",2250,"0.75 oz Lemon juice "], ["1836","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["1836","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["1836","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1836","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec (Bandolero) "], ["1836","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1836","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1836","323",3.7,"Top with 1 splash Sprite or 7-Up "], ["4904","297",10,"1/3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4904","358",10,"1/3 oz Ouzo "], ["4904","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3793","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["3793","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3793","444",30,"1 oz Hot Damn "], ["3793","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4754","503",120,"4 oz Vanilla ice-cream "], ["4754","316",120,"4 oz Vodka (Popov) "], ["4754","476",60,"2 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["4754","396",60,"2 oz Orange soda "], ["4421","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4421","487",7.5,"1/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["4421","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4421","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1277","312",60,"2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1277","166",15,"1/2 oz Orange Curacao "], ["1277","269",3.7,"1 splash Strawberry liqueur "], ["1277","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6132","214",22.25,"1/2 jigger Light rum "], ["6132","387",22.25,"1/2 jigger Dark rum "], ["6132","355",240,"8 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["6132","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6129","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6129","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["6129","323",150,"5 oz Sprite or 7-Up "], ["2322","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["2322","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5417","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["5417","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5417","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5417","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["3919","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3919","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3919","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["3919","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5486","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5486","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5486","469",15,"Float 1/2 oz Creme de Almond "], ["2","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2","443",60,"2 oz Soda water "], ["2","146",150,"0.5 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2","10",150,"0.5 oz Creme de Banane "], ["3360","423",45,"1 1/2 oz Applejack "], ["3360","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["5","14",60,"2 oz Peach nectar "], ["5","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5994","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5994","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5994","245",0.63,"1/8 tsp Absinthe "], ["5000","365",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["5000","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5000","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5000","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite or 7-up "], ["1902","119",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["1902","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1902","417",15,"1/2 oz Coconut liqueur "], ["1902","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice cocktail "], ["1902","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2452","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["2452","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2452","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2452","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2452","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["1775","119",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["1775","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1775","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1775","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1775","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1775","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6117","312",20,"2 cl Absolut Citron "], ["6117","269",20,"2 cl Strawberry liqueur (Liviko) "], ["6117","424",40,"4 cl Lemon juice "], ["6117","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["6117","323",120,"12 cl Sprite "], ["5153","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5153","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5153","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5153","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5153","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5153","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5153","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5460","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["5460","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth "], ["5460","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["5460","22",30,"3 cl 7-Up "], ["5460","342",20,"2 cl Southern Comfort "], ["3844","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3844","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5540","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (99 banana) "], ["5540","153",15,"1/2 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["5540","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2194","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2194","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2194","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2194","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2194","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5936","70",390,"13 oz Snapple Rain "], ["5936","226",210,"7 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["2027","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2027","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["4536","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["4536","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4536","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["4069","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4069","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5611","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5611","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5611","462",240,"0.8 oz Tequila "], ["5611","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5611","297",150,"1.5 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5611","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5611","323",30,"1 oz Sprite "], ["5629","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5629","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5629","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5629","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5629","266",180,"6 oz Sour mix "], ["5629","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3264","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3264","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["3264","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3264","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["3264","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3264","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["3264","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["9","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["9","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["9","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["4731","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["4731","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4731","205",10,"1/3 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2313","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2313","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["2313","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4082","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4082","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1831","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["1831","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3827","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["3827","464",30,"1 oz Avalanche Peppermint schnapps "], ["1302","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["1302","471",30,"1 oz Jim Beam "], ["1302","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["1302","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1302","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1302","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1302","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1302","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3310","381",50,"5 cl Drambuie "], ["3310","36",50,"5 cl Malibu rum "], ["3310","179",50,"5 cl Cherry brandy "], ["3310","2",100,"10 cl Lemonade "], ["2383","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2383","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2383","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["4837","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4837","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4837","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4837","441",240,"8 oz Fruit punch "], ["4837","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5192","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5192","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5192","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5192","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["13","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["13","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["13","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["13","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["13","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2278","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2278","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["2278","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2278","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["14","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["14","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["4071","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4071","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["4071","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["5539","316",60,"2 oz Stefanoffs Vodka "], ["5539","59",30,"1 oz Fanta "], ["5539","323",150,"0.5 oz Sprite "], ["5539","100",150,"0.5 oz Kiwi juice , concentrate "], ["2304","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["2304","333",20,"2 cl Creme de Cacao "], ["2304","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["18","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["18","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["18","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["18","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["15","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["15","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["15","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["1370","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1370","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1370","221",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["1370","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1370","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1370","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["21","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["21","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["21","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1002","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["1002","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["1002","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1002","422",40,"4 cl Cream "], ["3130","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3130","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3130","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["3130","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5184","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["5184","315",29.5,"1 shot Grand Marnier "], ["5184","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1903","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1903","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1903","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4658","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["4658","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4658","175",60,"2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1510","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1510","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1510","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1510","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1510","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1510","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4176","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4176","368",10,"1/3 oz Sloe gin "], ["4176","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4176","261",10,"1/3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["23","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["23","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["23","360",2.5,"1/2 tsp Kummel "], ["2034","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2034","309",10,"1/3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2034","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2034","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2034","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["2764","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2764","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2764","482",240,"8 oz Coffee (hot) "], ["5675","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5675","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3348","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3348","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3348","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["4468","365",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4468","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4468","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4468","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4468","372",3.7,"1 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["33","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["33","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["33","451",15,"1/2 oz Tawny port "], ["4422","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4422","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4422","167",7.5,"1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["4422","487",7.5,"1/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1899","387",150,"0.5 oz Dark rum "], ["1899","214",150,"0.5 oz Light rum "], ["1899","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1899","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1899","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1626","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1626","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["1626","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["4816","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4816","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["4816","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["36","333",7.5,"1/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["36","368",7.5,"1/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["36","192",7.5,"1/4 oz Brandy "], ["36","41",7.5,"1/4 oz Light cream "], ["4575","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["4575","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4575","186",30,"1 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["4575","357",5,"1 tsp Sugar syrup (optional) "], ["2161","32",10,"2 tsp Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["2161","304",60,"2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["2161","199",180,"6 oz Mountain Dew "], ["39","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["39","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["39","28",30,"1 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["3133","316",60,"2 oz Smirnoff Vodka "], ["3133","459",10,"2 tsp Lemon-lime mix "], ["3133","352",257,"1 cup Water "], ["1895","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1895","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1895","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1895","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4554","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4554","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4554","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4554","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4554","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4554","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4554","266",7.5,"1/4 oz Sour mix "], ["4554","404",7.5,"1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2275","512",45,"1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Blanc "], ["2275","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3898","248",20,"2 cl Aperol "], ["3898","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3898","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth "], ["3875","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["3875","200",20,"2 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["3875","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["3875","248",40,"4 cl Aperol "], ["2960","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2960","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["2960","265",15,"1/2 oz oz Kahlua "], ["2960","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2960","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2960","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2960","310",60,"2 oz Hot chocolate "], ["4992","449",26.25,"7/8 oz Apple schnapps (DeKuyper Apple Barrel) "], ["4992","115",3.75,"1/8 oz Goldschlager "], ["4534","74",10,"1 cl Apfelkorn "], ["4534","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["4534","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["4534","323",20,"2 cl Sprite or 7-up "], ["42","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["42","461",60,"2 oz Apple juice "], ["42","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["42","316",0.9,"1 dash Vodka "], ["2889","449",44.5,"1 jigger Apple schnapps "], ["2889","115",44.5,"1 jigger Goldschlager "], ["2889","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["2667","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["2667","449",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple schnapps "], ["2667","132",22.5,"3/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2667","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4212","462",90,"3 oz Tequila (Cuervo Mystico) "], ["4212","324",360,"12 oz Apple cider "], ["3210","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3210","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3210","461",90,"3 oz Apple juice "], ["5112","147",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish Mist "], ["5112","132",7.5,"1/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["5112","167",7.5,"1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["5112","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["46","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["46","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["46","423",5,"1 tsp Applejack "], ["46","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["46","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["3188","223",20,"2 cl Licor 43 "], ["3188","74",20,"2 cl Apfelkorn "], ["3188","259",20,"2 cl Milk "], ["48","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["48","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["48","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["48","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["5923","423",30,"1 oz Applejack "], ["5923","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5923","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2879","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2879","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2879","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["53","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["53","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["53","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["53","404",15,"1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2033","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["2033","295",90,"Fill with 3 oz Champagne "], ["1482","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1482","234",22.5,"3/4 oz Acerola pulp "], ["1482","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1482","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["2900","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka (Fris) "], ["2900","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2900","211",10,"1/3 oz Sweet and sour (Mr.& Mrs.T's) "], ["4830","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4830","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4830","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5206","304",14.75,"1/2 shot Rum "], ["5206","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5206","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["5206","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["5291","33",90,"3 oz Lillet "], ["5291","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["5291","383",3.7,"1 splash Sweet Vermouth "], ["5446","294",29.5,"1 shot Lime juice cordial "], ["5446","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["5446","12",29.5,"1 shot Blavod vodka "], ["4045","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4045","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4045","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["3910","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3910","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3910","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["3910","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5677","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["5677","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5677","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["5677","287",15,"3 tsp Chocolate syrup "], ["4246","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4246","376",30,"1 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Vermouth "], ["3753","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["5909","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5909","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["1904","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1904","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["1904","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["1275","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["1275","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["1275","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1758","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["1758","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1758","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["2664","375",20,"2 cl Amaretto "], ["2664","270",15,"1 1/2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2664","304",5,"1/2 cl Rum "], ["4009","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4009","475",9.83,"1/3 shot Sambuca "], ["4009","315",9.83,"1/3 shot Grand Marnier "], ["1387","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1387","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1387","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1387","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2197","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2197","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["2197","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2197","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2356","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2356","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2356","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2356","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2356","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5242","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["5242","464",9.83,"1/3 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["5242","480",9.83,"1/3 shot Irish cream "], ["3115","265",75,"2 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3115","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1573","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1573","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1573","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3869","214",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Bacardi Light rum "], ["3869","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3869","357",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["3869","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1867","381",150,"1.5 oz Drambuie "], ["1867","315",150,"1.5 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4372","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4372","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4372","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka "], ["4690","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4690","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4690","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4690","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum "], ["4690","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["4690","116",15,"1/2 oz Cherry Heering "], ["4690","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4648","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4648","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2713","304",22.5,"3/4 oz Rum (Havanna Club Silver Dry) "], ["2713","356",7.5,"1/4 oz Limoncello (Luxardo) "], ["2713","446",15,"1/2 oz Condensed milk (Nestle) "], ["2088","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2088","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["2088","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2088","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2088","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1283","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1283","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1283","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["1283","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1283","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1283","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1283","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2089","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["2089","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2089","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["2089","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["2089","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["3283","274",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Melon liqueur "], ["3283","169",29.5,"1 shot Lime vodka "], ["3283","119",29.5,"1 shot Absolut Vodka "], ["3283","213",29.5,"1 shot Triple sec "], ["3283","243",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Blueberry schnapps "], ["3283","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3283","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1993","142",200,"20 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["1993","319",200,"20 cl Bacardi Black rum "], ["1993","10",200,"20 cl Creme de Banane "], ["1993","157",200,"20 cl Passoa "], ["1993","417",100,"10 cl Coconut liqueur "], ["1993","82",100,"10 cl Grenadine "], ["1993","445",2000,"200 cl Orange juice or tropical fruit mix "], ["1048","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1048","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1048","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2496","379",29.5,"1 shot Tomato juice "], ["2496","462",29.5,"1 shot white Tequila "], ["2496","424",29.5,"1 shot Lemon juice "], ["3722","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3722","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["3722","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (99 bananas) "], ["3842","227",40,"4 cl Banana liqueur "], ["3842","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["3842","445",80,"8 cl Orange juice "], ["4589","42",29.5,"1 shot Irish whiskey "], ["4589","147",29.5,"1 shot Irish Mist "], ["1632","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1632","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1632","422",60,"2 oz Cream, sweet "], ["68","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["68","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["68","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4662","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["4662","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4662","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4662","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5002","378",15,"1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5002","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5002","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["5002","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5002","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["3406","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["3406","376",7.5,"1/4 oz Gin "], ["3406","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch "], ["1972","304",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Rum "], ["1972","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1972","34",59,"1 - 2 shot Blue Maui "], ["73","66",60,"2 oz Cachaca "], ["73","483",120,"4 oz Pineapple (fresh), chunks "], ["73","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp granulated Sugar "], ["73","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["6126","66",60,"2 oz Cachaca "], ["6126","184",120,"4 oz Mango, fresh, chopped "], ["6126","477",10,"2 tsp granulated Sugar "], ["6126","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["3329","136",60,"2 oz Blackberry schnapps (Black Haus) "], ["3329","361",30,"1 oz Chocolate liqueur "], ["3329","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1852","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1852","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["3709","36",12,"2/5 oz Malibu rum "], ["3709","304",12,"2/5 oz Rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["3709","375",12,"2/5 oz Amaretto "], ["3709","372",12,"2/5 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3709","261",12,"2/5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2910","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2910","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2910","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["76","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["76","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5263","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5263","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5263","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["5263","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["5263","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["78","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["78","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["78","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2017","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2017","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2017","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["3587","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3587","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3587","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4408","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["4408","471",29.5,"1 shot Jim Beam "], ["3222","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3222","464",14.75,"1/2 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["1342","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1342","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1342","31",480,"1/16 oz Grain alcohol "], ["1342","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["6104","340",30,"1 oz Barenjager "], ["6104","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4714","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["4714","286",30,"1 oz Purple passion "], ["4714","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4714","420",30,"1 oz Cider (White lightning) "], ["4714","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4714","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4714","181",30,"1 oz Plum Wine "], ["4714","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["79","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["79","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["79","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["79","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["79","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1579","304",60,"2 oz Barbados Rum "], ["1579","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1579","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1579","175",180,"6 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1579","186",15,"1/2 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["5610","3",30,"1 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["5610","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["80","174",45,"1 1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["80","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5890","392",300,"10 oz Beer "], ["5890","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2276","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2276","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2276","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["81","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["81","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["81","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["81","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2325","295",180,"6 oz Champagne "], ["2325","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["86","231",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["86","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin "], ["86","82",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["5763","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum (Gosling's Black Seal) "], ["5763","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5763","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5365","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5365","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3398","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3398","282",150,"5 oz Peach juice "], ["3398","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["2487","312",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2487","323",300,"10 oz Sprite "], ["2487","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4006","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4006","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["4006","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4006","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5367","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["5367","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2330","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2330","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["2330","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum "], ["2330","10",60,"2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2330","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5423","259",257,"1 cup Milk "], ["5423","508",2.5,"1/2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["5423","64",192.75,"3/4 cup Chocolate ice-cream "], ["5423","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4833","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4833","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4833","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4833","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4833","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["1725","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["1725","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1725","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1332","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["1332","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["2505","3",22.5,"3/4 oz Cognac "], ["2505","332",22.5,"3/4 oz Pernod "], ["4043","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4043","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4043","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4043","266",7.5,"1/4 oz Sour mix "], ["3744","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3744","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3744","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3744","332",5,"1 tsp Pernod "], ["2888","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2888","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2888","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2888","445",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["2888","266",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Sour mix "], ["2888","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5491","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5491","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5491","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5491","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2925","136",30,"1 oz Blackberry schnapps "], ["2925","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2925","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1759","265",30,"3 cl Kahlua "], ["1759","259",30,"3 cl Milk "], ["2467","267",22.5,"3/4 oz Black Sambuca "], ["2467","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2467","85",15,"1/2 oz bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4323","479",30,"3 cl Galliano "], ["4323","108",30,"3 cl J�germeister "], ["5299","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Sauza) "], ["5299","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["5299","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["4198","237",22.5,"3/4 oz Raspberry liqueur (Chambord) "], ["4198","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["4198","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["4198","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4198","126",22.5,"3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["4198","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5937","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["5937","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5937","109",90,"3 oz Cola "], ["6020","267",45,"1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca "], ["6020","206",180,"6 oz Eggnog "], ["2745","316",44.25,"1 - 1 1/2 shot Vodka "], ["2745","95",15,"1/2 oz Soy sauce "], ["4363","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4363","475",7.5,"1/4 oz Sambuca (Romana) "], ["4363","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4363","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3345","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3345","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["3345","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3345","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3345","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2563","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["2563","115",22.5,"3/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["2448","376",20,"2/3 oz Gin "], ["2448","267",10,"1/3 oz Black Sambuca "], ["1607","431",60,"2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["1607","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["1607","482",120,"4 oz strong, black Coffee "], ["1607","236",10,"2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4701","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4701","267",15,"1/2 oz Black Sambuca (Opal) "], ["4701","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["4701","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["102","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["102","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["102","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["102","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["4669","368",7.38,"1/4 shot Sloe gin (CreamyHead) "], ["4669","297",7.38,"1/4 shot Blue Curacao "], ["4669","309",7.38,"1/4 shot Peach schnapps "], ["4669","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1958","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Stoli) "], ["1958","240",30,"3 cl Coffee liqueur (Kaluha) "], ["1958","175",150,"15 cl Coca-Cola "], ["3107","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["3107","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["104","296",30,"1 oz Sake "], ["104","95",15,"1/2 oz Soy sauce "], ["3449","173",75,"2 1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["3449","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5734","135",150,"5 oz chilled Stout "], ["5734","295",150,"5 oz chilled Champagne "], ["1848","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1848","267",30,"1 oz Black Sambuca (Opal Nera) "], ["1866","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1866","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1866","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1866","186",120,"4 oz Lime juice (or Sour Mix) "], ["99","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["99","121",30,"1 oz Kirschwasser "], ["99","482",30,"1 oz Coffee "], ["106","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["106","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["106","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["106","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5345","12",45,"1 1/2 oz Blavod vodka "], ["5345","455",180,"6 oz Longbranch Bloody mary mix "], ["3909","114",45,"1 1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3909","85",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2871","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["2871","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2871","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1900","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["1900","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1900","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5522","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5522","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5522","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5522","91",30,"1 oz Strawberry syrup "], ["2850","85",7.5,"1/4 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2850","232",7.5,"1/4 oz Wild Turkey (101 proof) "], ["2850","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2850","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2850","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3007","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3007","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3007","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3007","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3007","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4303","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["4303","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4303","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["4303","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["4303","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["4157","3",22.5,"3/4 oz Cognac "], ["4157","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4157","499",22.5,"3/4 oz Calvados "], ["4157","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["5101","327",30,"1 oz Campari "], ["5101","376",30,"1 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["3134","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5183","327",60,"2 oz Campari "], ["5183","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["5183","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["6207","496",30,"1 oz Hpnotiq "], ["6207","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6207","507",90,"3 oz White cranberry juice "], ["4081","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4081","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4081","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["4081","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4081","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["4081","29",90,"3 oz Tonic water "], ["5661","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5661","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5661","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3941","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["3941","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4865","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["4865","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["4865","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4865","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4865","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["120","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin (Tanqueray Malacca) "], ["120","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["120","211",45,"1 1/2 oz fresh Sweet and sour mix "], ["120","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2373","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2373","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2373","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1590","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1590","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6115","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["6115","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["6115","297",14.75,"1/2 shot Blue Curacao "], ["2626","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2626","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2626","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6144","108",5.9,"1/5 shot J�germeister "], ["6144","85",5.9,"1/5 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6144","145",5.9,"1/5 shot Rumple Minze "], ["6144","115",5.9,"1/5 shot Goldschlager "], ["6144","297",5.9,"1/5 shot Blue Curacao "], ["6206","297",29.5,"1 shot Blue Curacao "], ["6206","424",29.5,"1 shot Lemon juice "], ["3784","243",30,"3 cl Blueberry schnapps or liqueur "], ["3784","142",10,"1 cl White rum "], ["3784","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["3784","357",20,"2 cl Sugar syrup "], ["5726","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5726","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5726","250",128.5,"1/2 cup blueberry or black currant Tea "], ["3690","243",30,"1 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["3690","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3690","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3690","422",0.9,"1 dash Cream (optional) "], ["2705","130",180,"6 oz Club soda "], ["2705","243",29.5,"1 shot Blueberry schnapps "], ["2705","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5637","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["5637","36",29.5,"1 shot Malibu rum "], ["5637","252",29.5,"1 shot Whisky "], ["4337","331",360,"12 oz Surge "], ["4337","108",120,"4 oz J�germeister "], ["4337","427",480,"16 oz Ice "], ["2158","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2158","36",10,"1/3 oz Malibu rum "], ["2158","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1419","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1419","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1419","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1395","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1395","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["1006","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["1006","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1006","357",5,"1 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["1006","422",60,"6 cl Cream "], ["3059","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3059","392",300,"10 oz Beer "], ["1678","448",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple brandy "], ["1678","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1678","383",1.25,"1/4 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["4412","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4412","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4412","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5450","184",3.7,"1 splash Mango puree "], ["5450","295",180,"4-6 oz Champagne "], ["124","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["124","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["124","309",29.5,"1 shot Peach schnapps "], ["124","132",29.5,"1 shot Cinnamon schnapps "], ["124","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["4802","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4802","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4802","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4802","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["4802","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4812","449",15,"1/2 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4812","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4812","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4812","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4812","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["3428","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["3428","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["3428","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["3428","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao "], ["3627","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["3627","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2540","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["2540","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2540","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["2540","213",29.5,"1 shot Triple sec "], ["2540","82",14.75,"1/2 shot Grenadine "], ["2540","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2540","445",64.25,"1/4 cup Orange juice "], ["2540","261",64.25,"1/4 cup Pineapple juice "], ["4747","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4747","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4747","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1857","232",22.5,"3/4 oz Wild Turkey 101 proof "], ["1857","274",22.5,"3/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1857","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3292","316",10,"1 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3292","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3292","482",10,"1 cl Coffee (Cappuchino) "], ["3292","259",10,"1 cl Milk "], ["2939","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2939","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["3278","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3278","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3278","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["3278","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3278","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2749","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["2749","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2749","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2749","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2749","459",420,"14 oz Lemon-lime mix "], ["2749","175",15,"1/2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["3380","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3380","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3380","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Bacardi) "], ["3380","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2117","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["2117","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2117","475",29.5,"1 shot Sambuca "], ["126","261",100,"10 cl Pineapple juice "], ["126","355",60,"6 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["126","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["126","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["130","211",75,"2 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["130","274",75,"2 1/2 oz Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["130","276",75,"2 1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["4968","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["4968","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4968","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4685","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4685","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4685","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4685","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4685","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["132","249",120,"4 oz Bourbon (Henry McKenna bourbon) "], ["132","323",210,"7 oz Sprite "], ["1855","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["1855","352",120,"4 oz bottled Water "], ["140","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["140","41",15,"1/2 oz 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["6183","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1255","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1255","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1255","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1673","465",15,"1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godiva) "], ["1673","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1673","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1673","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["5874","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["5874","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5874","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5874","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2491","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2491","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["1552","202",10,"1/3 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["1552","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["1552","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up "], ["3965","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3965","227",20,"2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["3965","266",200,"20 cl Sour mix "], ["3965","22",50,"5 cl 7-Up "], ["5244","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["5244","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5244","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5244","477",10,"2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["5244","250",120,"4 oz cold Tea "], ["178","179",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["178","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["178","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["178","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["178","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["178","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["178","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4973","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4973","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4973","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4066","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4066","330",45,"1 1/2 oz Port "], ["4066","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["179","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["179","88",5,"1 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["179","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["910","276",90,"3 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["910","323",270,"9 oz Sprite "], ["4927","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["4927","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4927","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4927","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4927","272",3.7,"1 splash Razzmatazz "], ["4927","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["4927","392",60,"1-2 oz Beer "], ["185","264",15,"1/2 oz Peanut liqueur "], ["185","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["185","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["3178","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["3178","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["3178","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4352","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4352","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4352","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4352","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["4352","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5856","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5856","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5856","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["5856","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1519","132",20,"2/3 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Hot 100) "], ["1519","131",10,"1/3 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["2087","301",150,"5 oz Red wine, french "], ["2087","316",210,"7 oz Vodka "], ["3071","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["3071","352",180,"6 oz cold Water "], ["1849","249",24,"4/5 oz Bourbon "], ["1849","131",6,"1/5 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["3926","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3926","370",90,"3 oz Beef bouillon, chilled "], ["3926","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["3926","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["3926","168",0.9,"1 dash Black pepper "], ["3748","505",480,"16 oz Malt liquor (Schlitz) "], ["3748","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum (Lemon Hart Demerara) "], ["1802","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1802","370",90,"3 oz Beef bouillon "], ["1802","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1802","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1802","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["1802","188",0.9,"1 dash Celery salt "], ["5884","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5884","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5884","475",10,"1/3 oz Sambuca "], ["3543","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["3543","340",30,"1 oz Barenjager "], ["192","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["192","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["192","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["192","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["193","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["193","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1464","165",45,"1 1/2 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["1464","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1717","76",10,"1/3 oz George Dickel "], ["1717","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1717","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["1717","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4542","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["4542","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4542","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1527","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1527","512",30,"1 oz Dubonnet Blanc "], ["1527","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1704","17",30,"1 oz Mezcal "], ["1704","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4210","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["4210","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4210","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5499","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5499","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5499","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["5499","427",30,"1 oz crushed Ice "], ["5355","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5355","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4512","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4512","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["1685","114",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1685","240",14.75,"1/2 shot Coffee liqueur "], ["2164","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2164","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2307","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2307","480",14.75,"1/2 shot Irish cream "], ["1661","309",20,"2/3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1661","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2432","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2432","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2432","247",5,"1 tsp Cherry liqueur "], ["5382","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5382","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5382","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5382","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3502","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["3502","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5852","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5852","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["5852","170",15,"1/2 oz Anis "], ["5852","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3731","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3731","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3731","445",90,"3 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["5976","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5976","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["5976","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4948","97",30,"1 oz RedRum "], ["4948","497",180,"6 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["4948","227",0.9,"1 dash Banana liqueur (99 Bananas) "], ["4862","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Captain Morgan's Rum "], ["4862","166",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange Curacao "], ["4862","211",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2279","462",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Tequila "], ["2279","301",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Red wine "], ["2279","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2279","266",195,"6 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2279","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["2279","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["200","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["200","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["200","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["200","381",10,"2 tsp Drambuie "], ["200","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["200","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1985","261",270,"9 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1985","186",180,"6 oz Lime juice "], ["1985","214",90,"3 oz Light rum "], ["1985","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["1985","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2682","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2682","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2682","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2998","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2998","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2998","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["206","22",360,"12 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["206","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["206","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5879","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5879","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5879","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5879","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5879","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5879","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4933","387",20,"2 cl Dark rum "], ["4933","240",20,"2 cl Coffee liqueur "], ["4978","114",22.13,"3/4 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4978","270",7.38,"1/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4721","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4721","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4721","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4721","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["209","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["209","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["209","445",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Orange juice "], ["209","424",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["210","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["210","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["210","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["210","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2238","173",22.5,"3/4 oz Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["2238","324",75,"2 1/2 oz Canadian Apple cider "], ["5375","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5375","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["5375","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5375","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5955","316",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Vodka "], ["5955","211",7.38,"1/4 shot Sweet and sour "], ["5955","445",3.7,"1 splash concentrated Orange juice "], ["5955","130",3.7,"1 splash Club soda "], ["5955","82",0.9,"1 dash Rose's Grenadine "], ["3339","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3339","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3339","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4242","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["4242","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["214","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["214","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["214","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["5278","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5278","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5278","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["215","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["215","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["215","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1325","324",120,"4 oz Apple cider "], ["1325","335",15,"1/2 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["1325","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["1325","40",15,"1/2 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["5295","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5295","199",600,"20 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1996","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1996","344",180,"6 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3871","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["3871","314",90,"3 oz Cream soda "], ["2248","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2248","408",5,"1 tsp Vermouth "], ["2248","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5167","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5167","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["216","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Cpt. Morgan) "], ["216","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3317","304",29.5,"1 shot Captain Morgan's Silver Rum "], ["3317","468",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Parrot Bay Coconut rum "], ["3317","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3317","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4544","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["4544","415",90,"3 oz Apple-cranberry juice "], ["4544","335",30,"1 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["4899","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["4899","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["217","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["217","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["217","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4194","442",420,"13-14 oz Guinness stout "], ["4194","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4194","21",30,"1 oz Whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["1931","304",20,"2 cl Rum (Bacardi superior) "], ["1931","359",10,"1 cl Cointreau "], ["1931","196",10,"1 cl White port "], ["218","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["218","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["218","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["218","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["2575","316",30,"1 oz SKYY Vodka "], ["2575","214",7.5,"1/4 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["2575","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2575","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2575","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5596","391",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5596","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5596","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2312","251",45,"1 1/2 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["2312","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2312","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2312","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2312","2",90,"3 oz Lemonade "], ["2312","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["1396","3",29.5,"1 shot Cognac (Hennessey) "], ["1396","505",360,"12 oz Malt liquor "], ["2086","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2086","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2086","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2086","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2086","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2086","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["3281","376",30,"3 cl Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["3281","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["3281","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice (Monin) "], ["3281","290",70,"Fill with 7 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["3450","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3450","443",30,"1 oz Soda water "], ["3450","416",75,"2 1/2 oz Grape juice "], ["4298","449",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4298","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5333","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5333","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5333","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5333","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (or more to taste) "], ["5333","161",180,"4-6 oz sweet Iced tea "], ["2545","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2545","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2545","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2545","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1268","295",60,"2 oz Champagne "], ["1268","401",60,"2 oz Strega "], ["1793","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1793","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1793","132",7.5,"1/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1425","115",5,"1 tsp Goldschlager "], ["1425","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1425","240",60,"2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["221","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["221","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["221","186",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Lime juice "], ["221","176",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["3539","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3539","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3539","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["223","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["223","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["223","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["225","304",180,"6 oz Rum "], ["225","364",360,"12 oz Black Cherry Cola "], ["3961","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["3961","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["3961","111",20,"2 cl Advocaat "], ["3961","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1086","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1086","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1086","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1086","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["5915","182",45,"1 1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["5915","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4522","3",30,"1 oz Cognac "], ["4522","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4522","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4522","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["227","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["227","42",30,"1 oz Irish whiskey "], ["227","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["227","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3611","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3611","186",14.75,"1/2 shot Lime juice "], ["3611","85",14.75,"1/2 shot 151 proof rum "], ["1299","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["1299","186",44.5,"1 jigger Lime juice "], ["4982","435",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["4982","97",45,"1 1/2 oz RedRum "], ["4982","137",120,"4 oz Grapefruit-lemon soda (Squirt) "], ["4907","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4907","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4907","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4351","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4351","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4351","372",0.9,"1 dash Cranberry juice "], ["4351","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["5419","165",60,"2 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["5419","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5419","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4847","81",120,"4 oz Mad Dog 20/20 (any flavor) "], ["4847","295",180,"6 oz cheap Champagne "], ["4847","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["231","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["231","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["231","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["231","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["232","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["232","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["232","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["233","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["233","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["233","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5914","18",20,"2 cl Charleston Follies "], ["5914","133",20,"2 cl Aquavit "], ["5914","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["5914","29",30,"3 cl indian Tonic water "], ["5313","378",40,"4 cl Scotch "], ["5313","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5313","88",0.9,"1 dash Dry Vermouth (Martini) "], ["5313","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["3089","215",20,"2 cl Tia maria "], ["3089","217",10,"1 cl Hazelnut liqueur "], ["3089","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream or cream "], ["3089","422",5,"1/2 cl Cream "], ["4114","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4114","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4114","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["234","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["234","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["234","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["236","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["236","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["236","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["4368","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4368","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["4368","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["1382","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1382","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1382","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["2208","465",22.5,"3/4 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2208","412",22.5,"Layered on 3/4 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["2716","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort 100 proof "], ["2716","364",120,"4 oz Cherry Cola "], ["239","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["239","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["239","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["239","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["6157","465",22.5,"3/4 oz Godet White chocolate liqueur "], ["6157","179",7.5,"1/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5695","179",120,"4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5695","175",240,"8 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5988","342",120,"4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5988","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["5988","445",300,"10 oz Orange juice "], ["243","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["243","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5826","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5826","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5826","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5118","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5118","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["5118","256",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["2958","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2958","487",10,"1/3 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2958","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream "], ["244","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["244","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["244","64",150,"5 oz Chocolate ice-cream "], ["5950","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5950","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5950","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5950","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["3846","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3846","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["3846","377",60,"2 oz Chocolate milk "], ["3846","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1088","333",29.5,"1 shot white Creme de Cacao "], ["1088","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["5531","224",14.75,"1/2 shot Godiva liqueur "], ["5531","340",14.75,"1/2 shot Barenjager "], ["1331","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1331","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4403","391",75,"2 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["4403","361",15,"1/2 oz Chocolate liqueur (Godiva) "], ["1385","361",14.75,"1/2 shot Chocolate liqueur (Droste) "], ["1385","259",14.75,"1/2 shot Milk "], ["1385","375",0.9,"1 dash Amaretto "], ["246","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["246","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["246","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["246","205",10,"2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["246","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["5569","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5569","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1278","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["1278","377",90,"3 oz Chocolate milk "], ["1669","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1669","54",45,"1 1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["247","488",45,"1 1/2 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["247","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2959","310",240,"8 oz Hot chocolate "], ["2959","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["5277","391",22.5,"3/4 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5277","487",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5277","291",15,"1/2 oz Cherry juice "], ["5277","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5277","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["5307","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5307","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5307","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3955","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3955","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1898","206",14.75,"1/2 shot Eggnog "], ["1898","464",14.75,"1/2 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["5742","462",75,"2 1/2 oz a�ejo or white Tequila "], ["5742","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5742","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4248","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["4248","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur (99 Bananas) "], ["4248","373",90,"3 oz Pina colada mix "], ["5889","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5889","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["5889","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream "], ["5125","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Goldschlagger) "], ["5125","391",60,"2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["5305","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5305","461",257,"1 cup Apple juice "], ["5123","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["5123","425",60,"2 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["5123","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4148","407",30,"1 oz Lemon vodka "], ["4148","2",60,"2 oz Lemonade "], ["4148","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4148","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3126","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["3126","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3126","266",15,"1-1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3126","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["3422","259",90,"3 oz Milk "], ["3422","468",22.5,"3/4 oz Coconut rum "], ["3422","55",22.5,"3/4 oz Cream of coconut "], ["3422","155",22.5,"3/4 oz Heavy cream "], ["3422","333",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["254","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["254","379",90,"3 oz Tomato juice "], ["254","321",30,"1 oz Clamato juice "], ["146","111",30,"1 oz Advocaat "], ["146","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["146","342",3.7,"1 splash Southern Comfort "], ["146","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5990","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5990","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5990","1",7.5,"1/4 oz Firewater "], ["5990","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["255","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["255","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["255","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["255","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["255","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["255","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["5926","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5926","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["5926","83",200,"20 cl Ginger ale "], ["5154","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5154","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5154","181",15,"1/2 oz Muscatel Wine "], ["3781","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3781","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3781","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["3781","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["3781","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3781","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["3494","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3494","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3494","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3494","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3494","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["3494","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5736","277",40,"4 cl Batida de Coco "], ["5736","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["5736","261",80,"8 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1756","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1756","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["1756","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["259","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["259","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["259","422",90,"3 oz Cream "], ["5029","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5029","381",60,"2 oz Drambuie "], ["5952","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["5952","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5952","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["6108","265",11.25,"3/8 oz Kahlua "], ["6108","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["6108","167",3.75,"1/8 oz Frangelico "], ["6108","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["264","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["264","175",360,"8-12 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5214","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5214","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["5214","3",10,"1/3 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["3064","462",45,"1 1/2 oz chilled Tequila "], ["3064","379",45,"1 1/2 oz Tomato juice "], ["3064","131",3.6,"1-4 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3064","168",3.6,"1-4 dash Black pepper "], ["5902","62",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Yukon Jack "], ["5902","269",22.5,"3/4 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["5902","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3135","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3135","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3135","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["3135","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3135","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3135","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3135","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["266","88",75,"2 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["266","192",5,"1 tsp Brandy "], ["266","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["266","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["266","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1475","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["1475","327",30,"1 oz Campari "], ["1475","424",30,"1 oz fresh Lemon juice "], ["2533","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2533","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth (Noilly Prat) "], ["269","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["269","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["269","487",10,"2 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2554","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2554","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3044","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3044","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3044","85",5,"1 tsp Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3457","400",22.5,"3/4 oz Mandarine Napoleon "], ["3457","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto di Saranno "], ["3457","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["3457","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["3457","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine (Tavern) "], ["4036","444",29.5,"1 shot Hot Damn "], ["4036","464",29.5,"1 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["1984","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["1984","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1984","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["4335","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4335","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["6103","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6103","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur (Chambord) "], ["6103","198",7.5,"1/4 oz Aftershock "], ["6103","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2652","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["2652","83",180,"6 oz Ginger ale "], ["5692","490",45,"1 1/2 oz Citrus vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["5692","462",22.5,"3/4 oz Tequila "], ["5692","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5692","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["277","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["277","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["277","28",22.5,"3/4 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["278","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["278","280",15,"1/2 oz Fernet Branca "], ["278","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3650","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["3650","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3650","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3650","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["279","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["279","186",7.5,"1/4 oz Lime juice "], ["279","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec or Cointreau "], ["279","372",64.25,"1/4 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2446","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2446","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2446","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5714","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["5714","3",15,"1/2 oz Cognac "], ["5714","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4341","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["4341","304",120,"4 oz Rum "], ["4341","445",360,"12 oz Orange juice "], ["2609","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2609","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2609","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["5418","136",14.75,"1/2 shot Blackberry schnapps (Blackhaus) "], ["5418","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["3768","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3768","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3768","418",60,"2 oz Collins mix "], ["5275","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5275","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6212","463",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry vodka (Finlandia) "], ["6212","514",22.5,"3/4 oz Sour apple liqueur "], ["6212","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1122","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1122","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5721","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5721","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5721","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5721","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5721","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1441","463",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry vodka or schnapps "], ["1441","49",15,"1/2 oz Wild Spirit liqueur "], ["1052","461",257,"1 cup Apple juice "], ["1052","259",257,"1 cup Milk "], ["6188","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["6188","328",60,"2 oz strawberry Daiquiri mix "], ["6188","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["281","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["281","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["281","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["281","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["281","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["282","61",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["282","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["282","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["5911","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5911","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5911","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["5045","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5045","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5045","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5045","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["287","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["287","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["287","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["287","451",15,"1/2 oz Tawny port "], ["2400","119",7.5,"1/4 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2400","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2400","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2400","34",7.5,"1/4 oz Maui "], ["2400","342",7.5,"1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2400","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2400","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2400","323",7.5,"1/4 oz Sprite or 7-Up "], ["3979","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3979","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3979","303",15,"1/2 oz White wine "], ["3979","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5867","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["5867","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5867","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5350","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5350","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["5350","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["5350","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5350","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4307","65",135,"4 1/2 oz strawberry Guava juice "], ["4307","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4307","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4320","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["4320","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4320","372",67.5,"2 1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5904","142",300,"30 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["5904","333",100,"10 cl white Creme de Cacao (Bols) "], ["5904","482",300,"30 cl hot Coffee "], ["5904","477",15,"3 tsp Sugar "], ["5904","422",200,"20 cl double Cream "], ["3669","349",75,"2 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3669","67",15,"1/2 oz Ricard "], ["3838","3",30,"1 oz Cognac "], ["3838","269",15,"1/2 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["3838","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["3838","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3838","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["2401","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2401","407",15,"1/2 oz Lemon vodka (Stoli) "], ["2401","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5251","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5251","141",15,"1/2 oz Becherovka "], ["1603","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1603","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1603","2",300,"10 oz Lemonade "], ["1401","340",22.5,"3/4 oz Barenjager "], ["1401","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1401","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["5348","214",44.5,"1 jigger Light rum "], ["5348","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5348","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["3173","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["3173","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5009","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["5009","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1455","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps (DeKuyper Buttershots) "], ["1455","15",7.5,"1/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1455","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1455","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["293","21",2250,"0.75 oz Whiskey (Black Velvet recommended) "], ["293","444",750,"0.25 oz Hot Damn "], ["2427","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["2427","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2427","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["295","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["295","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["295","408",0.9,"1 dash Vermouth "], ["295","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5218","462",180,"6 oz Tequila "], ["5218","55",240,"8 oz Cream of coconut "], ["5218","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3815","319",60,"2 oz Gosling's Black rum "], ["3815","156",240,"8 oz Ginger beer "], ["1536","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["1536","115",3.75,"1/8 oz Goldschlager "], ["1536","259",3.75,"1/8 oz Milk "], ["297","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["297","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["297","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3574","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3574","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3574","229",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon schnapps (Lemon Tattoo) "], ["3574","445",15,"1/4 - 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3574","126",22.5,"1/2 - 3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3574","82",3.75,"1/8 oz Grenadine "], ["5324","391",75,"2 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["5324","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5324","22",75,"2 1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["3696","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3696","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5547","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5547","417",30,"1 oz Coconut liqueur "], ["5547","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5547","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["5665","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5665","462",30,"Layer 1 oz Tequila "], ["5665","108",30,"Layer 1 oz J�germeister "], ["1686","145",6,"1/5 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1686","265",6,"1/5 oz Kahlua "], ["1686","15",6,"1/5 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1686","270",6,"1/5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1686","316",6,"1/5 oz Vodka "], ["1528","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1528","108",20,"2/3 oz J�germeister "], ["3833","295",150,"5 oz well chilled Champagne "], ["3833","332",30,"1 oz Pernod "], ["4097","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4097","376",30,"1 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["4097","175",90,"3 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5794","376",30,"3 cl Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5794","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5794","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["5794","261",40,"4 cl Pineapple juice "], ["5794","443",50,"5 cl Soda water "], ["299","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["299","468",45,"1 1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["299","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3214","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3214","349",15,"1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3214","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3214","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["300","359",60,"2 oz Cointreau "], ["300","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["300","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4623","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["4623","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["302","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["302","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["302","170",5,"1 tsp Anis "], ["302","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["304","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["304","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["304","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["304","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["304","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1738","131",30,"1 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1738","462",30,"Fill with 1 oz Tequila "], ["4643","473",150,"5 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["4643","316",30,"1 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2465","83",180,"6 oz Ginger ale / soda (Vernors Original) "], ["2465","132",59,"1-2 shot Cinnamon schnapps "], ["5496","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5496","330",45,"1 1/2 oz Port "], ["5496","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2914","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2914","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["3323","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3323","199",300,"10 oz Mountain Dew "], ["306","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["306","303",150,"0.5 oz White wine "], ["1961","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["1961","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["1961","487",5,"1 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1961","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["2598","309",29.5,"1 shot Peach schnapps "], ["2598","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2598","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2598","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["2598","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2598","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2598","315",3.7,"1 splash Grand Marnier "], ["1751","270",19.67,"2/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1751","182",9.83,"1/3 shot Crown Royal "], ["1962","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1962","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1962","259",240,"8 oz Milk "], ["1962","409",5,"1 tsp Cinnamon "], ["5246","304",120,"4 oz Rum (Captain Morgan) "], ["5246","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["5246","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3195","85",20,"2/3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3195","71",20,"2/3 oz Everclear "], ["3195","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["6011","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["6011","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6011","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["6011","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["6011","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["5984","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5984","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5984","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5984","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["5984","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3711","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3711","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3711","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3711","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3711","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3711","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["2572","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2572","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2572","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2572","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3318","376",75,"2 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3318","329",3.7,"1 splash Olive juice "], ["2567","2",240,"8 oz Lemonade "], ["2567","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["2567","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["4661","480",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4661","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4661","3",45,"1 1/2 oz Cognac "], ["5448","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5448","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["312","12",15,"1/2 oz Blavod vodka "], ["312","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["312","157",15,"1/2 oz Passoa "], ["312","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["312","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1955","108",45,"1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1955","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6145","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6145","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["315","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["315","205",2.5,"1/2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["315","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["317","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["317","205",2.5,"1/2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["317","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["317","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["317","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5755","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["5755","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5755","342",2.5,"1/2 tsp Southern Comfort "], ["2501","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2501","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2501","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["2501","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1287","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["1287","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["1287","342",120,"4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3451","71",9.83,"1/3 shot Everclear "], ["3451","145",9.83,"1/3 shot Rumple Minze "], ["3451","115",9.83,"1/3 shot Goldschlager "], ["1629","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1629","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5699","119",60,"2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5699","427",257,"1 cup Ice "], ["5699","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5699","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["1368","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1368","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1368","443",60,"2 oz Soda water "], ["3856","256",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla schnapps (Dr. McGillicuddy's) "], ["3856","291",30,"1 oz unsweetened Cherry juice "], ["3856","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3856","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5475","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5475","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5475","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5475","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5475","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5475","126",120,"4 oz Half-and-half "], ["5475","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4782","376",30,"1 oz Tanqueray Gin "], ["4782","378",30,"1 oz Single malt Scotch "], ["4160","115",22.5,"3/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["4160","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2654","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2654","342",7.5,"1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2654","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4673","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4673","251",30,"1 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["5083","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["5083","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["4726","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["4726","376",40,"4 cl Gin "], ["4726","142",40,"4 cl White rum "], ["4726","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["4726","436",40,"4 cl white Curacao "], ["4726","186",40,"4 cl Lime juice "], ["4726","109",260,"26 cl Cola "], ["5148","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5148","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["4935","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4935","388",30,"1 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["4935","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["4935","21",30,"1 oz Whiskey "], ["4935","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4935","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["2723","392",240,"8 oz Beer "], ["2723","175",120,"4 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2723","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2723","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2723","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3580","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3580","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3706","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["3706","119",90,"3 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["3706","198",120,"4 oz Aftershock "], ["4838","344",180,"6 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["4838","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["2962","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["2962","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2055","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2055","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2055","124",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anisette "], ["1360","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1360","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1360","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1360","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["3488","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3488","445",105,"3 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["323","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["323","423",30,"1 oz Applejack "], ["323","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["324","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["324","179",10,"2 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["324","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["324","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2899","170",45,"1 1/2 oz Anis "], ["2899","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2899","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1392","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["1392","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1392","173",22.5,"3/4 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["4250","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4250","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4250","270",10,"Float 1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3170","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["3170","376",60,"2 oz dry Gin "], ["3170","309",135,"4 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2484","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2484","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["2484","85",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5157","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5157","317",60,"2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["5044","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5044","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5044","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5044","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5404","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["5404","173",15,"1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["5161","297",10,"1/3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5161","362",10,"1/3 oz Pi�a Colada "], ["5161","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["1053","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["1053","362",10,"1 cl Pi�a Colada "], ["1053","157",10,"1 cl Passoa "], ["1053","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1053","261",60,"6 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3565","318",15,"1/2 oz Chocolate mint liqueur "], ["3565","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3565","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["3565","216",5,"1 tsp shaved sweet Chocolate "], ["6000","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["6000","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["6000","245",22.5,"3/4 oz Absinthe (Deva) "], ["4000","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["4000","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4000","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1346","487",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1346","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1346","287",5,"1 tsp Chocolate syrup "], ["1346","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["3509","316",50,"5 cl Vodka "], ["3509","372",50,"5 cl Cranberry juice "], ["3509","297",25,"2 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5071","462",180,"6 oz Tequila "], ["5071","316",180,"6 oz Vodka "], ["5071","387",180,"6 oz Dark rum "], ["5071","376",180,"6 oz Gin "], ["5071","261",360,"12 oz sweetened Pineapple juice "], ["5071","21",180,"6 oz Whiskey "], ["4186","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4186","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4186","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao (Bols) "], ["4186","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4186","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4186","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4958","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4958","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["4958","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["4958","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3993","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3993","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3993","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3993","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3993","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3993","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["333","387",44.5,"1 jigger Dark rum "], ["333","383",44.5,"1 jigger red Sweet Vermouth "], ["333","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2063","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2063","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2063","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2063","333",0.9,"1 dash white Creme de Cacao "], ["2063","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3255","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3255","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3255","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3255","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3079","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3079","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["3079","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["3079","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["3940","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3940","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3940","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5168","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5168","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5168","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5168","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4734","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["4734","323",180,"6 oz Sprite "], ["4734","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4734","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5366","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5366","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5366","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["5366","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4188","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["4188","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4188","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3512","36",240,"8 oz Malibu rum "], ["3512","146",120,"4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3512","297",120,"4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3512","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3512","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["3739","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3739","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey 101 proof "], ["3739","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["341","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["341","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["341","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["3749","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3749","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Hiram Walker) "], ["3749","373",180,"6 oz Pina colada mix "], ["4553","204",30,"1 oz cold Espresso "], ["4553","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4553","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4553","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["342","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["342","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["342","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["344","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["344","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["344","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4800","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["4800","161",150,"5 oz Iced tea "], ["3460","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["3460","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3460","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3460","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["345","202",45,"1 1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["345","445",120,"4 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["345","473",10,"2 tsp Creme de Cassis "], ["6112","335",60,"2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["6112","161",300,"10 oz Iced tea (very sweet) "], ["1643","111",15,"2/4 oz Advocaat "], ["1643","252",7.5,"1/4 oz Whisky "], ["1643","333",7.5,"1/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1643","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec, blue "], ["1643","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["1643","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["6148","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["6148","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6148","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["6148","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6148","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["346","335",210,"7 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["346","175",300,"10 oz Coca-Cola "], ["346","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5078","387",6,"1/5 oz Dark rum "], ["5078","265",6,"1/5 oz Kahlua "], ["5078","375",6,"1/5 oz Amaretto "], ["5078","270",12,"2/5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5758","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["5758","212",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["5758","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1256","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1256","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["1256","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1256","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1256","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1256","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1256","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["347","119",60,"6 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["347","287",40,"4 cl Chocolate syrup (light chocolate preferably) "], ["347","347",20,"2 cl crushed Strawberries "], ["347","427",30,"3 cl crushed Ice "], ["1488","387",11.8,"2/5 shot Dark rum "], ["1488","399",11.8,"2/5 shot Margarita mix, Strawberry "], ["1488","424",5.9,"1/5 shot Lemon juice "], ["5401","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["5401","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5401","205",5,"1 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["5401","176",5,"1 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["356","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["356","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["356","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["356","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["357","462",60,"2 oz Tequila, almond flavored "], ["357","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["4706","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4706","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4706","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["4706","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["358","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["358","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["358","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["6169","62",10,"1/3 oz Yukon Jack "], ["6169","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["6169","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["359","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["359","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["359","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["359","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3181","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["3181","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["3181","295",100,"10 cl Champagne "], ["4407","265",15,"Layer 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4407","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4407","358",15,"1/2 oz Ouzo "], ["4407","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4407","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2663","146",10,"1 cl Midori melon liqueur "], ["2663","269",15,"1 1/2 cl Strawberry liqueur "], ["2663","167",15,"1 1/2 cl Frangelico "], ["2663","479",15,"1 1/2 cl Galliano "], ["2663","422",45,"4 1/2 cl Cream "], ["1804","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1804","71",9.83,"1/3 shot Everclear "], ["1804","213",9.83,"1/3 shot Triple sec "], ["3845","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3845","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3845","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["362","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["362","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["362","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["361","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["361","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5843","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5843","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5843","29",30,"1 oz Tonic water "], ["2038","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2038","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["2038","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2038","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2038","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2744","1",14.75,"1/2 shot Firewater "], ["2744","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["2301","249",30,"3 cl Bourbon (Four Roses) "], ["2301","231",10,"1 cl Apricot brandy (Bols) "], ["2301","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth (Cinzano) "], ["363","316",40,"4 cl Finlandia Vodka "], ["363","454",20,"2 cl Passion fruit syrup (Monin) "], ["363","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["363","211",60,"6 cl Sweet and sour mix "], ["5509","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5509","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5509","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1570","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1570","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3311","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["3311","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["4593","316",66.75,"1 1/2 jigger Vodka "], ["4593","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4593","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4593","424",3.7,"1 splash freshly squeezed Lemon juice "], ["1791","108",40,"2-4 cl J�germeister "], ["1791","83",40,"2-4 cl Ginger ale or Red Soda Water "], ["5330","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5330","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5330","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5330","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5330","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5330","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["5668","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5668","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5668","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5668","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5668","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3812","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["3812","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3812","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["3812","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Overproof is best) "], ["4755","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4755","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4755","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4755","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3379","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["3379","408",15,"1/2 oz Vermouth "], ["3379","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6052","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["6052","21",14.75,"1/2 shot Whiskey "], ["6052","392",240,"8 oz Beer "], ["6052","71",0.9,"1 dash Everclear "], ["3266","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3266","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["3266","85",0.9,"1 dash 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["1375","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1375","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1375","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1375","344",30,"1 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["1375","392",30,"1 oz Beer "], ["1647","1",150,"1.5 oz Firewater "], ["1647","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["1322","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1322","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1322","94",180,"6 oz Lager "], ["1988","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1988","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1988","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3843","68",30,"1 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["3843","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["5639","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["5639","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5639","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2162","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2162","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2162","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2162","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["1344","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1344","344",3.7,"1 splash Dr. Pepper "], ["1648","392",30,"1 oz Blackened Voodoo Beer "], ["1648","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1648","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1648","71",7.5,"1/4 oz Everclear "], ["1648","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1648","443",120,"4 oz Soda water "], ["1648","199",30,"1 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1648","427",720,"24 oz Ice "], ["4217","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4217","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4217","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4217","85",15,"Float 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3307","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3307","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["3307","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3307","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2966","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2966","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2966","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2966","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["2966","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2966","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["5853","476",600,"20 oz Diet Pepsi Cola "], ["5853","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["2709","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["2709","444",30,"1 oz Hot Damn "], ["2645","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2645","85",6,"1/5 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["365","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["365","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3219","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi Rum "], ["3219","304",18.75,"5/8 oz Meyers Rum "], ["3219","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3219","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3219","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3219","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3257","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3257","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["3257","88",5,"1 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["3257","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["3257","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["5239","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5239","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5239","480",90,"3 oz Irish cream "], ["5239","482",90,"Fill with 3 oz Coffee "], ["368","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["368","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3677","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["3677","121",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Kirschwasser "], ["3677","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["3677","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3677","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3925","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3925","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5283","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5283","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["5283","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["5283","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["369","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["369","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["369","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3146","274",5,"1/6 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3146","304",5,"1/6 oz Rum "], ["3146","316",5,"1/6 oz Vodka "], ["3146","323",10,"1/3 oz Sprite "], ["3146","82",5,"1/6 oz Grenadine "], ["5233","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["5233","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5233","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5233","357",1.25,"1/4 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["371","479",29.5,"1 shot Galliano "], ["371","205",29.5,"1 shot White Creme de Menthe "], ["371","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["371","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["4163","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4163","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1796","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1796","355",15,"1/2 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["1796","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3839","280",40,"4 cl Fernet Branca "], ["3839","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream (whipped) "], ["4784","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4784","124",30,"1 oz Anisette "], ["4784","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2754","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2754","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5910","71",23.6,"4/5 shot Everclear "], ["5910","131",5.9,"1/5 shot Tabasco sauce "], ["5899","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5899","304",30,"1 oz amber Rum "], ["5899","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5899","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5899","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5899","2",210,"7 oz Lemonade "], ["1784","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["1784","210",10,"1 cl Lakka "], ["1784","205",10,"1 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["1784","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1784","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["4852","317",7.5,"1/4 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["4852","471",7.5,"1/4 oz Jim Beam "], ["4852","122",7.5,"1/4 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4852","263",7.5,"1/4 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["4960","249",7.5,"1/4 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["4960","159",7.5,"1/4 oz Tennessee whiskey (Jack Daniel's) "], ["4960","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch (Johnnie Walker Red) "], ["4960","462",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["3681","5",40,"4 cl Coconut milk "], ["3681","316",60,"6 cl Vodka "], ["3681","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["3681","205",50,"5 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["3681","227",40,"4 cl Banana liqueur "], ["1705","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["1705","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["1705","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1705","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["374","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["374","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["374","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["2712","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2712","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2712","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["5381","295",105,"3 1/2 oz Champagne "], ["5381","26",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Fraise des Bois (Marie Brizard) "], ["5381","3",15,"1/2 oz Cognac "], ["377","278",257,"1 cup Ice-cream "], ["377","167",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["377","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["377","259",64.25,"1/4 cup Milk "], ["377","287",30,"1 oz Chocolate syrup "], ["1105","482",128.5,"1/2 cup strong black Coffee "], ["1105","259",128.5,"1/2 cup Milk "], ["1105","477",10,"1-2 tsp Sugar or honey "], ["5549","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5549","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5549","405",10,"1/3 oz Tequila Rose (or Baja Rosa Tequila) "], ["378","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["378","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["378","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["2066","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2066","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2066","316",15,"1/2 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["4863","199",180,"6 oz Mountain Dew "], ["4863","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4863","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3734","450",60,"2 oz Rye whiskey "], ["3734","351",7.5,"1/4 oz Benedictine "], ["3734","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4334","316",30,"1 oz Skyy Vodka "], ["4334","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4334","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4334","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4079","142",60,"2 oz White rum "], ["4079","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4079","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4079","427",85.67,"1/3 cup Ice "], ["387","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["387","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["392","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["392","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["392","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["392","503",180,"6 oz Vanilla ice-cream "], ["3699","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3699","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["3699","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3699","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["3699","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["3699","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3699","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3699","85",7.5,"Float 1/4 oz 151 proof rum (optional) "], ["6151","347",240,"8 oz Strawberries in sugar sauce "], ["6151","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["6151","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["1057","163",257,"1 cup Yoghurt "], ["1057","346",257,"1 cup Fruit juice "], ["4429","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4429","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4429","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4429","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["4471","227",7.5,"1/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4471","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4471","179",7.5,"1/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4471","468",7.5,"1/4 oz Coconut rum "], ["1058","353",30,"1 oz Orange liqueur "], ["1058","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1058","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1058","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4345","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["4345","36",29.5,"1 shot Malibu rum "], ["4345","226",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi Limon "], ["4345","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4345","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4345","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2178","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2178","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["2178","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2178","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4893","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["4893","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4893","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4244","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["4244","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4244","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4244","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4244","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3025","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3025","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3025","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3025","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3025","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3025","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2052","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2052","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2052","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey "], ["2052","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["2052","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2052","243",30,"1 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["2083","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2083","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2083","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice (Dole) "], ["2083","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice (Dole) "], ["2083","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3920","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["3920","232",14.75,"1/2 shot Wild Turkey "], ["3736","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3736","274",22.5,"3/4 oz Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["3736","247",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry liqueur (Wild Cherry) "], ["3736","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3736","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3736","388",60,"2 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3736","186",44.5,"1 jigger Lime juice "], ["2249","309",8.83,"1/3 measure Peach schnapps "], ["2249","323",17.67,"2/3 measure Sprite "], ["5724","392",1200,"40 oz Beer "], ["5724","83",360,"12 oz Ginger ale "], ["5724","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5724","214",7.38,"1/4 shot Light rum "], ["5724","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["4794","14",60,"2 oz Peach nectar "], ["4794","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["6186","437",2.5,"1/2 tsp Tang mix, powdered "], ["6186","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["6186","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["3136","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3136","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["4170","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum or vodka "], ["4170","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4170","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4170","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4170","445",120,"Fill with 4 oz Orange juice "], ["4484","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4484","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4484","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2343","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["2343","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2343","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2343","445",15,"1-1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5361","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5361","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5361","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["2627","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2627","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2627","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["4514","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4514","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4514","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5072","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka (Skyy) "], ["5072","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["4218","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["4218","119",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Absolut Vodka "], ["3120","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3120","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3120","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3120","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3120","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3120","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3120","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["2172","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2172","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2172","387",29.5,"1 shot Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["2172","131",3.7,"1 splash Tabasco sauce "], ["1100","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1100","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["1447","119",60,"6 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["1447","323",60,"6 cl Sprite "], ["1447","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["3196","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3196","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["3196","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2154","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2154","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2154","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["2154","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["5196","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5196","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5196","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["393","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["393","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["393","263",29.5,"1 shot Johnnie Walker red label "], ["2024","335",150,"1.5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2024","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2024","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2024","213",750,"0.25 oz Triple sec "], ["5978","304",30,"3 cl Rum (Ron Bacardi Superior) "], ["5978","10",10,"1 cl Creme de Banane "], ["5978","424",10,"1 cl fresh Lemon juice "], ["396","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Russian) "], ["396","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["396","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear (190 proof) "], ["2324","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["2324","376",30,"3 cl Gin "], ["2324","462",30,"3 cl Tequila "], ["2324","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["397","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["397","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["397","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["397","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["5065","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5065","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5065","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5065","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5550","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5550","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5550","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5550","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5550","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["5550","351",7.5,"1/4 oz Benedictine "], ["5550","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["5550","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["5887","76",60,"2 oz George Dickel "], ["5887","83",60,"2 oz Ginger ale "], ["1576","462",22.5,"3/4 oz Tequila "], ["1576","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1576","269",15,"1/2 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["1576","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour, mix "], ["2721","237",22.5,"3/4 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["2721","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2721","261",180,"6 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2721","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["6044","316",120,"4 oz Vodka (Aristocrat) "], ["6044","505",600,"20 oz Malt liquor (Colt 45) "], ["399","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["399","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["399","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["399","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["400","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["400","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["403","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["403","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["403","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["403","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["420","186",45,"1 1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["420","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["420","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["420","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["420","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["421","376",75,"2 1/2 oz Gin "], ["421","424",45,"1 1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["421","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["421","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["421","473",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["4196","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["4196","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4196","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2054","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["2054","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["4776","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4776","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4776","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5193","88",3.7,"1 splash Dry Vermouth "], ["5193","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["5193","295",90,"3 oz chilled Champagne "], ["5193","176",0.9,"1 dash Maraschino liqueur "], ["4285","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4285","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4285","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4285","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["4180","274",45,"1 1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4180","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4180","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["4180","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4180","297",45,"Float 1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["424","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["424","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["424","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1501","304",7.38,"1/4 shot Rum "], ["1501","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["1501","237",7.38,"1/4 shot Raspberry liqueur or Creme de Cassis "], ["1501","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["1501","85",0.9,"1 dash 151 proof rum "], ["5767","310",128.5,"1/2 cup Hot chocolate "], ["5767","464",29.5,"1 shot Peppermint schnapps (Rumple Minze) "], ["5767","224",29.5,"1 shot Godiva liqueur "], ["3653","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["3653","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1194","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1194","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2067","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["2067","359",45,"1 1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2067","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["2067","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["6068","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["6068","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["5754","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5754","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["3251","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3251","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5743","175",360,"12 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5743","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["427","391",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["427","465",45,"1 1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur "], ["427","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["427","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["427","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["427","357",3.7,"1 splash Sugar syrup "], ["3369","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["3369","333",60,"2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3369","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["4270","324",257,"1 cup sparkling Apple cider "], ["4270","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5316","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5316","92",15,"1/2 oz Peach brandy "], ["5316","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["429","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["429","131",3.7,"1 splash Tabasco sauce "], ["5898","462",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Tequila "], ["5898","315",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Grand Marnier "], ["5898","200",29.5,"1 shot Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5898","266",29.5,"1 shot Sour mix (homemade) "], ["4696","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4696","2",60,"2 oz Lemonade "], ["6149","124",22.5,"3/4 oz Anisette "], ["6149","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4873","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4873","238",22.5,"3/4 oz Aliz� "], ["4873","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["2306","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["2306","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2306","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["2306","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2155","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["2155","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4582","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4582","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4582","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4582","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["1585","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["1585","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["1585","231",7.5,"1/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["1585","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1585","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2365","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2365","342",9.83,"1/3 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2365","122",9.83,"1/3 shot Jack Daniels "], ["2565","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2565","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey "], ["2565","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["3455","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3455","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["5880","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["5880","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["2957","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["2957","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2957","111",6,"1/5 oz Advocaat "], ["3518","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3518","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3518","227",9.83,"1/3 shot Banana liqueur "], ["1606","85",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1606","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["2590","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2590","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["2590","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2470","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["2470","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5290","36",15,"1 1/2 cl Malibu rum "], ["5290","309",15,"1 1/2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["5290","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5290","211",30,"3 cl Sweet and sour "], ["2433","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2433","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2433","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4901","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["4901","316",20,"2 cl Koskenkorva salmiac Vodka "], ["1042","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1042","404",60,"6 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["2250","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2250","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2250","266",10,"1/3 oz Sour mix "], ["1011","404",300,"10 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1011","36",120,"4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1011","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["2983","297",90,"3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2983","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2983","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2983","416",60,"2 oz Grape juice "], ["2983","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2983","261",3.7,"1 splash of Pineapple juice "], ["434","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["434","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["434","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["435","416",257,"1 cup Grape juice "], ["435","324",257,"1 cup Apple cider (or apple juice) "], ["435","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["435","409",1.25,"1/4 tsp Cinnamon "], ["1545","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1545","21",14.75,"1/2 shot Whiskey (James B. Beam) "], ["6138","226",40,"4 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["6138","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["6138","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["6138","355",80,"8 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["6138","323",40,"4 cl Sprite "], ["1653","358",10,"1/3 oz Ouzo "], ["1653","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["1653","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur ( Cassis) "], ["5191","376",60,"2 oz Gin (Tanqueray Malacca) "], ["5191","354",30,"1 oz Metaxa "], ["2101","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2101","146",3.7,"1 splash Midori melon liqueur "], ["2101","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["2674","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["2674","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2674","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2674","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["2674","22",29.5,"1 shot 7-Up "], ["5004","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5004","464",14.75,"1/2 shot green Peppermint schnapps "], ["3397","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3397","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3397","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4461","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["4461","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4461","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Rum or vodka "], ["5535","119",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5535","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5535","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2527","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2527","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2527","323",60,"6 cl Sprite light "], ["2527","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["436","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["436","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["436","230",60,"2 oz Limeade "], ["2217","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2217","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2217","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2217","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2217","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["2217","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["2217","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2394","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2394","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2394","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["438","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["438","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["438","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["438","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["438","2",60,"2 oz yellow Lemonade "], ["2927","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2927","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2927","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2927","55",15,"1/2 oz Cream of coconut "], ["2927","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["439","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["439","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["439","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1369","32",240,"8 oz green Kool-Aid "], ["1369","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["5847","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Cossack) "], ["5847","46",5,"1/2 cl Green Curacao (Bols) "], ["5847","10",5,"1/2 cl Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["5847","404",5,"1/2 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["5847","424",15,"1 1/2 cl Lemon juice "], ["2792","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2792","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Two Fingers) "], ["2792","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["6182","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6182","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6182","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1273","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1273","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1273","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["1273","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3508","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["3508","142",40,"4 cl White rum "], ["3508","319",20,"2 cl Black rum "], ["3508","473",10,"1 cl Creme de Cassis "], ["3508","297",10,"1 cl Blue Curacao "], ["3508","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3508","261",260,"26 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3486","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["3486","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["3486","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["3486","355",20,"2 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["3486","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["4004","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4004","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["440","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["440","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["440","170",30,"1 oz Anis "], ["1823","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["1823","10",20,"2 cl Creme de Banane "], ["1823","297",30,"3 cl Blue Curacao "], ["1823","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["4041","146",14.75,"1/2 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["4041","186",29.5,"1 shot Lime juice "], ["4041","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["4041","211",14.75,"1/2 shot Sweet and sour "], ["4041","29",300,"10 oz Tonic water "], ["4377","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4377","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["4377","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["3907","85",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3907","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4583","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["4583","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4583","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4629","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4629","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4629","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4629","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5646","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5646","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5646","213",3.7,"1 splash Triple sec "], ["5646","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5646","323",29.5,"1 shot Sprite "], ["3788","462",120,"4 oz Tequila "], ["3788","425",120,"4 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["3788","445",240,"8 oz Orange juice "], ["2830","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2830","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["2830","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["3111","123",7.38,"1/4 shot Kiwi liqueur "], ["3111","316",22.13,"3/4 shot Vodka "], ["441","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["441","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["441","478",10,"2 tsp Orgeat syrup "], ["441","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4450","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4450","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2043","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2043","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2043","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2043","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5953","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5953","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5953","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1102","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1102","352",90,"3 oz Water "], ["1525","376",40,"4 cl Gin "], ["1525","259",160,"16 cl skimmed Milk "], ["1525","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["4090","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4090","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4090","404",15,"1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["446","250",257,"1 cup strong black Tea "], ["446","387",29.5,"1 shot Dark rum (Bundaberg) "], ["445","365",15,"1-1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["445","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["445","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2854","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2854","352",180,"6 oz Water "], ["2854","316",3.75,"1/8 oz Vodka "], ["4357","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["4357","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["4357","97",60,"2 oz RedRum "], ["4357","293",30,"1 oz Lemon liqueur "], ["4357","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5235","359",50,"5 cl Cointreau "], ["5235","68",50,"5 cl Green Chartreuse "], ["2588","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2588","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2588","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2588","263",30,"1 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["3490","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3490","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3490","62",3.7,"1 splash Yukon Jack "], ["1499","358",20,"2 cl Ouzo "], ["1499","131",20,"2 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["1764","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1764","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1764","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1764","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1764","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1764","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1654","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["1654","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1654","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["1654","259",70,"7 cl Milk "], ["2584","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["2584","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["2894","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["2894","68",15,"1/2 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["451","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["451","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["451","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4712","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4712","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1405","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["1405","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1405","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["1405","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1405","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["2396","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2396","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["2396","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["453","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["453","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["453","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["453","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["455","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["455","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["455","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5428","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["5428","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5428","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5428","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["456","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["456","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["456","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6009","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6009","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6009","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6009","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["6009","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6009","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5928","319",60,"2 oz Black rum (Bacardi) "], ["5928","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5928","261",180,"6 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5928","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine to taste "], ["1589","114",9.83,"1/3 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1589","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["1589","468",9.83,"1/3 shot Coconut rum "], ["2147","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2147","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2147","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["2147","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2147","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2147","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2147","82",45,"1 1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6168","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6168","372",75,"2 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6168","445",75,"2 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["6168","443",45,"1 1/2 oz Soda water "], ["3400","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["3400","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["3400","261",210,"7 oz Pineapple juice (Dole) "], ["3400","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["5702","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5702","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5702","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["5702","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5702","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5702","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1442","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1442","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1442","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1442","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1442","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1442","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2703","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Rum (Malibu) "], ["2703","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps (Dekuyper) "], ["2703","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao (Dekuyper) "], ["2703","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2703","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["1965","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["1965","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5391","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5391","176",7.5,"1/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["5391","186",22.5,"3/4 oz Lime juice "], ["5391","404",7.5,"1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["459","316",20,"2 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bitters "], ["4619","270",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4619","375",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["5376","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5376","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["5376","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5376","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["464","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["464","351",22.5,"3/4 oz Benedictine "], ["464","176",22.5,"3/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["4678","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4678","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["4678","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4678","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4678","464",3.7,"1 splash Peppermint schnapps "], ["4678","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite or 7-up "], ["465","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["465","33",15,"1/2 oz Lillet "], ["465","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4267","230",180,"6 oz frozen Limeade concentrate "], ["4267","2",180,"6 oz frozen Lemonade concentrate "], ["4267","309",180,"6 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4267","85",180,"6 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3656","462",9.83,"1/3 shot Tequila "], ["3656","142",9.83,"1/3 shot White rum "], ["3656","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["3657","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["3657","304",14.75,"1/2 shot Rum "], ["4389","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["4389","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2636","139",45,"1 1/2 oz Tuaca "], ["2636","324",180,"6 oz Apple cider "], ["3185","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3185","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3185","409",0.9,"1 dash Cinnamon (optional) "], ["2558","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2558","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3724","316",25,"2 1/2 cl Vodka "], ["3724","252",25,"2 1/2 cl Whisky "], ["3724","376",25,"2 1/2 cl Gin "], ["3724","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1012","132",45,"1 1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1012","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1061","42",29.5,"1 shot Irish whiskey (Bushmill's) "], ["1061","270",22.13,"3/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1061","482",180,"6 oz hot Coffee "], ["1687","21",15,"1/2 oz Whiskey "], ["1687","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1687","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["1687","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["471","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["471","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4918","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["4918","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2673","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2673","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["5470","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Fris) "], ["5470","501",15,"1/2 oz Ice 101 "], ["5470","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["5018","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Habanero) "], ["5018","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5018","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["4233","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4233","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5409","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["5409","359",18.75,"5/8 oz Cointreau "], ["5409","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5409","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5409","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4874","270",45,"1 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["4023","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["4023","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4023","326",90,"3 oz Orange "], ["5473","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["5473","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5267","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5267","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5267","476",15,"1/2 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["4255","198",18.75,"5/8 oz Aftershock "], ["4255","316",15,"4/8 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4255","85",3.75,"1/8 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3147","375",20,"2/3 oz Amaretto "], ["3147","376",10,"1/3 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["2270","227",20,"2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["2270","133",20,"2 cl Aquavit linie "], ["2270","186",50,"1,5 cl Lime juice "], ["2270","22",50,"2,5 cl 7-Up "], ["2469","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2469","29",45,"1 1/2 oz Tonic water "], ["4376","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["4376","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["4376","503",128.5,"1/2 cup Vanilla ice-cream "], ["479","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["479","161",105,"3 1/2 oz Iced tea, pre-sweetened "], ["2007","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2007","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["2007","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["3489","450",90,"3 oz Rye whiskey "], ["3489","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["3489","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["482","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["482","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["482","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["482","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["482","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1074","186",40,"4 cl Lime juice "], ["1074","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["1074","248",40,"4 cl Aperol "], ["6082","496",60,"2 oz Hpnotiq "], ["6082","3",60,"2 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["3253","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3253","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3253","199",60,"2 oz Mountain Dew "], ["3847","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["3847","252",14.75,"1/2 shot Whisky "], ["3847","295",29.5,"1 shot Champagne "], ["3836","85",90,"3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3836","71",90,"3 oz Everclear "], ["3836","108",90,"3 oz J�germeister "], ["3836","352",150,"5 oz Water "], ["3836","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["4203","312",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4203","365",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4203","315",3.7,"1 splash Grand Marnier "], ["5285","480",60,"2 oz Irish cream "], ["5285","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["1274","482",240,"8 oz Coffee "], ["1274","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1274","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["1274","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["5264","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5264","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5264","41",45,"1 1/2 oz Light cream "], ["4781","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4781","249",22.5,"3/4 oz Bourbon "], ["4781","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["4781","445",90,"2-3 oz Orange juice "], ["4454","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4454","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5673","147",30,"1 oz Irish Mist "], ["5673","15",3.7,"1 splash Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4469","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4469","295",90,"3 oz Champagne "], ["4469","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3051","15",90,"3 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3051","375",90,"3 oz Amaretto "], ["3051","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4289","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["4289","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["4289","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["4496","173",30,"1 oz Canadian whisky "], ["4496","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4496","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4496","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1294","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["1294","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1294","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["1294","443",100,"10 cl Soda water "], ["4253","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["4253","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2882","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2882","65",120,"4 oz Guava juice "], ["2882","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2882","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["5534","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5534","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5534","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5534","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5534","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5534","175",60,"2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1815","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1815","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1815","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1815","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["1815","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["5819","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5819","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5819","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5819","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5185","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5185","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5185","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5185","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5573","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5573","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5573","139",30,"1 oz Tuaca "], ["4411","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4411","41",90,"3 oz Light cream "], ["5187","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5187","327",22.5,"3/4 oz Campari "], ["5187","356",7.5,"1/4 oz Limoncello "], ["5187","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["5187","211",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5771","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["5771","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5771","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["5771","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4876","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["4876","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["1253","293",30,"1 oz Lemon liqueur "], ["1253","404",20,"2/3 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1253","316",5,"1/6 oz Vodka "], ["1253","424",5,"1/6 oz Lemon juice "], ["1253","82",5,"1/6 oz Grenadine syrup "], ["489","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["489","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["489","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["491","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["491","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2833","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2833","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["5301","423",60,"2 oz Applejack "], ["5301","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5301","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5260","335",14.75,"1/2 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5260","375",7.38,"1/4 shot Amaretto "], ["5260","10",7.38,"1/4 shot Creme de Banane "], ["2861","182",75,"2 1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["2861","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps (Buttershots) "], ["4266","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4266","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1645","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["1645","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1645","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5203","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5203","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["494","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister (ice cold) "], ["494","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["494","373",60,"2 oz Pina colada mix "], ["4149","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["4149","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1205","431",30,"1 oz Coffee brandy "], ["1205","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1205","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["6016","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["6016","494",180,"6 oz chilled Jolt Cola "], ["3644","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3644","468",120,"4 oz Coconut rum "], ["3644","372",60,"1 - 2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5614","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5614","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5614","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2810","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2810","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["2810","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2810","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["3454","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3454","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3454","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3454","372",3.7,"Add 1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3454","261",3.7,"Add 1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3594","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["3594","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3594","445",135,"4 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3594","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4878","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Captain Morgan's Rum "], ["4878","304",15,"1/2 oz Meyers Rum "], ["4878","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4878","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4878","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5037","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["5037","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5037","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5037","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5648","59",120,"4 oz Fanta "], ["5648","323",120,"4 oz Sprite "], ["5648","226",120,"4 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["498","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["498","451",15,"1/2 oz Tawny port "], ["498","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["498","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["6170","134",1050,"0.35 oz (small boxI) Jello, any flavor "], ["6170","352",257,"1 cup boiling Water "], ["6170","316",257,"1 cup Vodka "], ["4457","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["4457","335",90,"3 oz Spiced rum "], ["4457","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4457","83",360,"12 oz Ginger ale "], ["5829","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5829","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5829","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5829","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["6054","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["6054","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["6054","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["2437","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["2437","124",14.75,"1/2 shot Anisette "], ["2437","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1609","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1609","170",30,"1 oz Anis "], ["1440","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["1440","114",29.5,"1 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1440","480",3.7,"1 splash Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["3676","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["3676","124",150,"0.5 oz Anisette "], ["3676","445",150,"0,5 oz Orange juice "], ["5620","226",60,"6 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["5620","323",80,"8 cl Sprite "], ["5620","484",120,"12 cl Red Bull or Battery "], ["3122","290",200,"20 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["3122","316",190,"19 cl Vodka "], ["502","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["502","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["502","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["502","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["502","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["502","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["502","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["502","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["502","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3070","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3070","383",10,"2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["3070","267",5,"1 tsp Black Sambuca "], ["504","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["504","506",120,"4 oz White grape juice "], ["1891","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Finlandia Vodka "], ["1891","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["1891","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["505","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["505","68",15,"1/2 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["505","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["3832","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3832","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["3832","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["3832","53",15,"1/2 oz Seagram 7 "], ["4530","471",30,"1 oz Jim Beam "], ["4530","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3678","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["3678","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3678","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["3658","316",600,"20 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3658","323",900,"30 oz Sprite "], ["3658","243",300,"10 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["3658","270",150,"5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3658","416",300,"10 oz Grape juice "], ["510","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["510","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["510","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["510","85",15,"Float 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["510","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["510","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["511","312",10,"1 cl Absolut Citron "], ["511","169",10,"1 cl Lime vodka (Hammer) "], ["511","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["511","479",10,"1 cl Galliano "], ["512","368",45,"1 1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["512","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["512","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["4222","449",29.5,"1 shot Apple schnapps (Apple Barrell) "], ["4222","322",29.5,"1 shot Peachtree schnapps "], ["4222","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["514","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["514","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["514","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["514","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["514","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["514","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4560","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["4560","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["515","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["515","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["517","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["517","257",14.75,"1/2 shot Tropical fruit schnapps "], ["517","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["517","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3441","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3441","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["3441","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2613","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2613","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["2613","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2613","387",3.7,"1 splash Dark rum "], ["2613","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2613","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2613","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2613","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2700","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["2700","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["2700","175",60,"6 cl Coca-Cola "], ["5855","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5855","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["3340","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3340","493",30,"1 oz Taboo "], ["3340","330",15,"1/2 oz Port "], ["3340","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["3340","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5905","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5905","174",60,"2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2504","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2504","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2504","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1065","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["1065","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1065","263",10,"1/3 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["1065","317",10,"1/3 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["1065","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["1065","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2219","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["2219","479",9.83,"1/3 shot Galliano "], ["2219","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["520","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["520","82",29.5,"1 shot Grenadine "], ["520","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["4626","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4626","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4626","29",7.5,"1/4 oz Tonic water "], ["4605","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4605","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4605","477",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sugar "], ["5327","179",10,"1/3 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5327","231",10,"1/3 oz Apricot brandy "], ["5327","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["1824","301",100,"10 cl Red wine "], ["1824","175",100,"10 cl Coca-Cola "], ["3540","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3540","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3540","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3540","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3540","150",10,"1/3 oz Pimm's No. 1 "], ["1406","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["1406","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["521","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["521","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["521","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1015","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1015","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1015","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2174","425",30,"3 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2174","270",30,"3 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2174","36",30,"3 cl Malibu rum "], ["2416","335",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Spiced rum "], ["2416","319",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Black rum "], ["2416","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["2416","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["2416","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["2416","372",22.5,"3/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4995","194",20,"2 cl Peach Vodka "], ["4995","323",30,"3 cl Sprite "], ["524","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["524","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["4313","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4313","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4313","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4313","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["4313","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5108","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5108","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5108","62",15,"1/2 oz Yukon Jack "], ["5108","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["5108","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5108","109",60,"2 oz Cola "], ["1537","450",60,"2 oz Rye whiskey (Crown Royal or Gibson's finest) "], ["1537","161",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Iced tea mix "], ["1537","352",360,"12 oz cold Water "], ["4439","304",15,"1 1/2 cl Rum (Bacardi) "], ["4439","425",15,"1 1/2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4439","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["4439","227",15,"1 1/2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["1373","85",10,"1/3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1373","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["1373","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1515","271",30,"1 oz Key Largo schnapps "], ["1515","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1515","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1515","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1515","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1515","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5624","223",22.5,"3/4 oz Licor 43 "], ["5624","316",3.7,"1 splash Vodka "], ["5624","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5624","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk or cream "], ["1806","223",30,"1 oz Licor 43 "], ["1806","142",15,"1/2 oz White rum (good quality) "], ["1806","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1806","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice (or Nellie & Joe's) "], ["1806","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5802","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5802","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5802","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["5802","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["6014","388",200,"20 cl Lemon-lime soda (7-up or Sprite) "], ["6014","82",30,"3 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["2112","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["2112","85",90,"3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2112","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["2112","376",90,"3 oz Gin "], ["2112","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["1081","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["1081","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1081","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["1081","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1081","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1081","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1081","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1081","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1081","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1081","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1081","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3005","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3005","340",15,"1/2 oz Barenjager "], ["1509","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1509","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1509","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1509","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice cocktail "], ["1752","475",40,"4 cl Sambuca "], ["1752","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["2406","475",30,"3 cl Sambuca "], ["2406","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["3988","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3988","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3988","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3988","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["3761","179",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3761","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3761","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["2367","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["2367","17",10,"1/3 oz Mezcal "], ["2367","132",10,"1/3 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2298","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2298","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2419","497",240,"8 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["2419","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["2419","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["3046","198",45,"1 1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["3046","32",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["1316","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["1316","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1316","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["1316","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1945","85",60,"2 oz light 151 proof rum "], ["1945","32",2.5,"1/2 tsp Tropical Kool-Aid mix "], ["3868","32",15,"1/2 oz Grape Kool-Aid "], ["3868","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka or rum "], ["2444","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2444","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2444","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2444","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4773","469",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Almond "], ["4773","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["4773","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["5694","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["5694","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5694","396",30,"1 oz Orange soda (Orangina) "], ["5694","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["3256","146",29.5,"1 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["3256","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["3256","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3256","85",29.5,"Layer 1 shot 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["2823","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["2823","34",90,"3 oz Maui "], ["2823","261",180,"6 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5659","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5659","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5659","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5139","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["5139","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5139","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5139","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5139","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4854","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4854","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4854","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4854","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["532","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["532","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["532","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3799","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee Vodka (Stolichnya) "], ["3799","361",22.5,"3/4 oz Royale Chocolate liqueur (Marie Brizard) "], ["3799","126",22.5,"3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3799","357",7.5,"1/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["5008","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["5008","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5008","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["5008","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5997","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5997","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5997","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5997","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["6120","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["6120","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["6120","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6120","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["536","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["536","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["536","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["536","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["537","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["537","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["537","121",15,"1/2 oz Kirschwasser "], ["5663","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5663","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5663","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["538","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["538","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["538","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["538","334",3.7,"1 splash Cherry syrup "], ["1207","376",20,"2 cl dry Gin (Gilbey's) "], ["1207","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["1207","88",10,"1 cl Dry Vermouth (Cinzano) "], ["1207","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["1207","509",10,"1 cl Monin bitter \"Sans Alcool\" "], ["2233","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2233","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2233","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["2233","355",60,"2 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["2233","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5012","94",360,"12 oz Lager "], ["5012","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["5543","66",40,"4 cl Cachaca "], ["5543","55",40,"4 cl Cream of coconut "], ["5543","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["5543","291",100,"10 cl Cherry juice "], ["2303","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["2303","473",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["2303","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["540","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["540","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["540","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["6180","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["6180","202",7.5,"1/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["6180","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Rum (Cpt. Morgan) "], ["6180","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["6180","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6180","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["6180","261",128.5,"1/2 cup Pineapple juice "], ["6007","471",50,"5 cl Jim Beam "], ["6007","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["6007","246",10,"1 cl Sirup of roses "], ["6007","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec "], ["4126","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4126","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4126","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4126","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4126","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4126","445",210,"7 oz Orange juice "], ["2025","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2025","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2025","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["2025","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["541","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["541","416",22.5,"3/4 oz Grape juice "], ["541","288",22.5,"3/4 oz Swedish Punsch "], ["1066","163",128.5,"1/2 cup plain Yoghurt "], ["1066","352",321.25,"1 1/4 cup cold Water "], ["1066","190",2.5,"1/2 tsp ground roasted Cumin seed "], ["1066","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt "], ["1066","30",1.25,"1/4 tsp dried Mint "], ["1068","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1068","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1068","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1068","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3923","303",240,"8 oz White wine "], ["3923","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["3923","237",60,"2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["4724","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["4724","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4724","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4724","176",1.25,"1/4 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["4724","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2906","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2906","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2906","377",180,"6 oz Chocolate milk ( Yoo-Hoo works best) "], ["6110","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["6110","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["6110","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["6110","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["4485","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4485","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["4485","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4485","377",180,"6 oz Chocolate milk "], ["543","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin "], ["543","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["543","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["543","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["545","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["545","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["545","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["545","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["2053","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2053","292",5,"1 tsp Raspberry syrup "], ["2053","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2053","176",1.25,"1/4 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["1785","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1785","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["1785","295",90,"3 oz Champagne "], ["5306","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5306","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5306","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5306","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["1016","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1016","424",60,"6 cl Lemon juice "], ["2697","356",15,"1/2 oz Limoncello "], ["2697","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["2697","381",15,"1/2 oz Drambuie "], ["3191","356",15,"1/2 oz Limoncello "], ["3191","253",15,"1/2 oz Grappa "], ["3850","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3850","480",14.75,"1/2 shot Irish cream "], ["5043","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["5043","468",45,"1 1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot bay/Malibu) "], ["4711","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4711","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["4853","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4853","259",9.83,"1/3 shot Milk "], ["4853","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4630","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4630","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4630","315",0.9,"1 dash Grand Marnier "], ["4630","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao "], ["6046","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6046","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["6046","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2133","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["2133","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myers) "], ["2133","427",30,"1 oz crushed Ice "], ["5416","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5416","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5416","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1994","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1994","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1994","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["1994","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3853","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["3853","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3853","404",3.7,"1 splash Grapefruit juice "], ["4479","392",330,"33 cl Beer "], ["4479","186",50,"5 cl Lime juice "], ["4479","341",50,"5 cl Hoopers Hooch "], ["5567","56",30,"1 oz Blended whiskey "], ["5567","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5567","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar "], ["5567","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5567","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2397","475",22.5,"3/4 oz Sambuca, Chilled "], ["2397","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister, Chilled "], ["1351","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["1351","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1351","109",180,"6 oz Cola "], ["1514","315",7.38,"1/4 shot Grand Marnier "], ["1514","342",7.38,"1/4 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1514","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1514","375",7.38,"1/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1514","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2803","462",15,"1/2 oz Silver Tequila "], ["2803","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2803","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2803","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2803","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3551","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3551","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["3551","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["3551","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["3551","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["3551","65",128.5,"1/2 cup Guava juice "], ["6004","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["6004","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["6004","342",7.5,"1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6004","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["6004","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6004","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5987","119",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5987","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5987","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["5987","338",60,"2 oz Mello Yello "], ["1946","145",150,"1.5 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1946","108",150,"1.5 oz J�germeister "], ["5172","490",45,"1 1/2 oz Citrus vodka "], ["5172","32",195,"6 1/2 oz Black Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["5237","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5237","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["5237","61",0.9,"1 dash Vanilla liqueur "], ["5034","487",30,"1 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5034","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5034","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5034","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["5597","205",45,"1 1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5597","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3959","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3959","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1676","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1676","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1676","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["550","316",150,"1.5 oz Vodka "], ["550","304",150,"1.5 oz Rum "], ["550","342",150,"1.5 oz Southern Comfort "], ["550","375",150,"1.5 oz Amaretto "], ["550","469",150,"1.5 oz Creme de Almond "], ["550","237",150,"1.5 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["550","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["550","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["550","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix (optional) "], ["4343","122",20,"2/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4343","315",10,"1/3 oz Grand Marnier "], ["551","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["551","245",7.5,"1/4 oz Absinthe (Deva) "], ["553","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["553","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2856","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2856","119",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2856","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila "], ["2856","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2856","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["2856","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2856","476",60,"2 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["556","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["556","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["5709","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5709","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5709","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5709","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["558","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["558","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["558","215",30,"1 oz Tia maria "], ["5557","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["5557","445",75,"2 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5557","461",60,"2 oz Apple juice "], ["5557","380",195,"6 1/2 oz Squirt (or any other citrus soda) "], ["1372","435",30,"1 oz Orange vodka (Stoli) "], ["1372","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1372","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3363","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3363","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3363","291",29.5,"1 shot Cherry juice or 1 tblsp of Grenadine "], ["3363","261",420,"14 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2975","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2975","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1020","417",10,"1 cl Coconut liqueur (or coconut concentrate) "], ["1020","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1020","261",50,"5 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1020","404",50,"5 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["1020","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["1020","357",150,"15 cl Sugar syrup "], ["4823","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4823","166",60,"2 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["4239","375",29.5,"Drop in 1 shot Amaretto "], ["1911","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["1911","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["1911","231",0.9,"1 dash Apricot brandy "], ["1927","304",10,"1 cl Rum "], ["1927","131",10,"2 tsp Tabasco sauce "], ["1927","462",20,"2 cl Tequila "], ["2165","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2165","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2165","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2165","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2165","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2165","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["2165","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4951","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4951","396",90,"3 oz Orange soda "], ["4951","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1872","342",40,"4 cl Southern Comfort "], ["1872","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1872","109",60,"6 cl Cola "], ["5116","316",80,"8 cl Vodka "], ["5116","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["5116","290",120,"12 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["4058","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["4058","105",15,"1/2 oz cream Sherry "], ["4058","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4058","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4058","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3523","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["3523","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["561","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["561","105",15,"1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["561","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["561","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["561","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1498","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1498","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4697","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4697","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4697","2",30,"1 oz Lemonade "], ["4697","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["564","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["564","376",10,"1 cl Gin "], ["564","417",10,"1 cl Coconut liqueur "], ["564","261",120,"12 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4577","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4577","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4577","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4993","342",40,"4 cl Southern Comfort "], ["4993","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4993","308",30,"3 cl Almond syrup "], ["4993","200",30,"3 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4993","424",20,"2 cl fresh Lemon juice "], ["567","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["567","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["567","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["567","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["568","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["568","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["568","192",5,"1 tsp Brandy "], ["568","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2237","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2237","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2237","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["1315","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1315","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1315","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2684","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2684","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["2684","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2684","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1282","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1282","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1282","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["1282","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1282","419",10,"1/3 oz Coconut syrup "], ["1282","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3482","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3482","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3482","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3482","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4261","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["4261","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4261","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["571","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["571","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["571","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5228","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["5228","95",0.9,"1 dash Soy sauce "], ["5609","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5609","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5609","294",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice cordial "], ["5685","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5685","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5685","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5685","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["574","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["574","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["574","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["574","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["574","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["574","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["6066","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6066","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["6066","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["6066","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6066","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6066","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["6066","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["3672","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3672","184",45,"1 1/2 oz Mango nectar "], ["3672","205",10,"2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["3672","427",90,"3 oz crushed Ice "], ["575","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["575","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["575","319",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Black rum "], ["575","387",15,"1/2 oz Myer's Dark rum "], ["575","482",330,"11 oz Coffee "], ["3949","383",90,"3 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["3949","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["4674","202",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo 1800) "], ["4674","315",22.5,"3/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4674","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4674","211",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["580","349",60,"2 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schnapps "], ["2012","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2012","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5140","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5140","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5140","333",0.9,"1 dash white Creme de Cacao "], ["592","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["592","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["592","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["592","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["3780","368",45,"1 1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["3780","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3780","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["1495","263",30,"3 cl Johnnie Walker "], ["1495","327",20,"2 cl Campari "], ["1495","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["5772","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5772","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5772","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5772","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5297","378",15,"1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5297","480",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish cream "], ["5297","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1144","445",257,"1 cup Orange juice "], ["1144","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["1144","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1144","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2604","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2604","153",30,"1 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["2604","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (optional) "], ["2604","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["2604","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["6143","122",50,"5 cl Jack Daniels "], ["6143","83",150,"15 cl Ginger ale "], ["6143","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["596","462",60,"2 oz Tequila (Juarez) "], ["596","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["596","274",60,"2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["596","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3746","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3746","71",7.5,"1/4 oz Everclear "], ["3746","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5653","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5653","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5666","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5666","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5666","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5666","29",30,"1 oz Tonic water or club soda "], ["3751","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3751","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3751","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3751","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2171","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2171","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2171","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["4136","479",20,"2 cl Galliano "], ["4136","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["4136","372",20,"2 cl Cranberry juice "], ["598","316",150,"5 oz Vodka (Vox) "], ["598","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao (Dekyper) "], ["598","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["598","463",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry vodka (Finlandia) "], ["601","383",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["601","192",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Brandy "], ["601","357",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["601","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["600","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["600","247",15,"1/2 oz Cherry liqueur "], ["5651","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["5651","424",14.75,"1/2 shot Lemon juice "], ["1145","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["1145","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1145","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2815","492",480,"16 oz Corona "], ["2815","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["5371","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5371","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5371","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["5371","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["6064","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["6064","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4746","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["4746","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["4746","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5791","122",20,"2/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5791","471",20,"2/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["5791","317",20,"2/3 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["3698","316",10,"1 cl Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["3698","462",20,"2 cl white Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["3698","157",10,"1 cl Passoa "], ["3002","462",20,"2/3 oz Tequila "], ["3002","165",10,"1/3 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["3002","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["3002","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5680","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["5680","420",90,"3 oz cherry Cider "], ["602","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["602","378",22.5,"3/4 oz Scotch "], ["602","404",22.5,"3/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["3719","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3719","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3719","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3719","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3719","388",30,"1 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3719","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3719","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1093","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["1093","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["1093","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["2143","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2143","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5781","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5781","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5781","422",22.5,"3/4 oz double Cream "], ["2562","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2562","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2562","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2562","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice (maybe 1/2 oz) "], ["5439","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5439","211",10,"1/3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5439","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["1646","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1646","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5824","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5824","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5824","412",5,"1 tsp Creme de Noyaux "], ["5824","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5824","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["605","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["605","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec "], ["605","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["605","412",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Noyaux "], ["605","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1434","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1434","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1434","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec (op. Triple Cognac) "], ["1434","261",75,"2 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1434","424",3.7,"1 splash sweetened Lemon juice "], ["5318","215",20,"2 cl Tia maria "], ["5318","108",20,"2 cl J�germeister "], ["5318","332",20,"2 cl Pernod "], ["2832","295",150,"4-5 oz Champagne "], ["2832","54",89,"1-2 jigger Chambord raspberry liqueur to taste "], ["5169","223",30,"1 oz Licor 43 "], ["5169","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4618","391",60,"2 oz Vanilla vodka "], ["4618","361",60,"2 oz Chocolate liqueur "], ["4618","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3983","376",30,"3 cl dry Gin (Beefeater) "], ["3983","375",30,"3 cl Amaretto di saronno (ILLVA Saronno S.p.a.) "], ["3983","269",10,"1 cl Strawberry liqueur (Greizer) "], ["3983","91",50,"1.5 cl Strawberry syrup (Monin) "], ["3983","261",30,"Fill up 3 cl fresh Pineapple juice "], ["6026","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6026","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["6026","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["3473","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3473","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["3473","167",14.75,"1/2 shot Frangelico "], ["3473","482",180,"6 oz Coffee "], ["4029","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["4029","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["4029","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["1262","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1262","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1262","29",60,"2 oz Tonic water "], ["6147","67",7.5,"1/4 oz Ricard "], ["6147","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6147","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["609","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["609","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["609","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["611","376",30,"1 oz mint flavored Gin "], ["611","196",30,"1 oz White port "], ["611","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["4987","99",60,"2 oz Melon vodka "], ["4987","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4987","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4987","19",30,"1 oz Strawberry juice "], ["3651","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3651","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3651","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3651","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["614","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["614","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["614","487",10,"2 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2634","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2634","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2634","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["2634","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2634","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2634","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3915","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3915","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["3915","388",90,"3 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3915","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["3074","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["3074","331",240,"8 oz Surge "], ["5894","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5894","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5894","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4240","215",60,"2 oz Tia maria "], ["4240","487",60,"2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["4240","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4154","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4154","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["4154","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["617","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["617","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["617","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1656","182",22.5,"3/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["1656","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1656","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4920","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4920","85",3.7,"Float 1 splash 151 proof rum "], ["3247","270",22.13,"3/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3247","114",7.38,"1/4 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["619","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["619","351",5,"1 tsp Benedictine "], ["619","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["619","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1983","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1983","59",150,"15 cl Fanta "], ["2786","214",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Light rum "], ["2786","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2786","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2786","355",30,"1 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["2786","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["1214","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1214","404",90,"3 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1214","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["621","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["621","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["621","330",30,"1 oz Port "], ["624","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["624","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["624","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (DeKuyper) "], ["625","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["625","170",15,"1/2 oz Anis "], ["2139","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2139","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2139","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["2139","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2139","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2139","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2139","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3496","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3496","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3496","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["628","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["628","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["628","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["628","265",5,"1 tsp Kahlua "], ["630","71",240,"8 oz Everclear "], ["630","418",750,"25 oz Collins mix "], ["1348","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1348","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["1348","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["1748","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["1748","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1748","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1295","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1295","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["1295","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1295","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5773","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["5773","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5773","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5773","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["633","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["633","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["633","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6123","376",30,"1 oz dry Gin "], ["6123","83",300,"10 oz Ginger ale "], ["6123","287",3.7,"1 splash Chocolate syrup "], ["5481","199",120,"4 oz Mountain Dew "], ["5481","296",120,"4 oz Sake "], ["1309","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1309","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1309","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3554","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["3554","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3554","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3554","315",22.5,"3/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1731","215",60,"2 oz Tia maria "], ["1731","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1731","333",60,"2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1731","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["634","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["634","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["634","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["634","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["634","409",0.63,"1/8 tsp ground Cinnamon "], ["634","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["635","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["635","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["635","422",45,"1 1/2 oz Cream "], ["635","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["635","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["635","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5892","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5892","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5892","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["636","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["636","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["636","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["636","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["2896","405",29.5,"1 shot Tequila Rose, chilled "], ["2896","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2896","165",29.5,"1 shot Strawberry schnapps, chilled "], ["5809","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5809","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5809","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["5809","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5809","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3418","376",90,"3 oz Gin "], ["3418","314",360,"12 oz Cream soda "], ["4179","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4179","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4179","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4179","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4179","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2118","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2118","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3913","214",7.5,"1/4 oz Light rum "], ["3913","387",7.5,"1/4 oz Dark rum "], ["3913","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3913","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3913","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3913","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["2718","482",180,"6 oz black brewed Coffee "], ["2718","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2718","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2718","167",3.7,"1 splash Frangelico "], ["2539","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2539","436",2.5,"1/2 tsp Curacao "], ["2539","28",2.5,"1/2 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["637","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["637","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Fire and Ice) "], ["637","85",3.7,"1 splash 151 proof rum "], ["5891","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5891","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5891","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5891","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["4399","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4399","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["1317","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1317","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1317","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["1317","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1317","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1317","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["5901","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["5901","25",15,"1/2 oz Gold rum (Bacardi) "], ["5901","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum (Meyer's) "], ["5901","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5901","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5901","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5901","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1829","465",90,"3 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["1829","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum Bacardi "], ["3659","36",90,"3 oz Malibu rum "], ["3659","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2309","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2309","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["3116","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3116","327",30,"1 oz Campari "], ["3116","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1660","316",30,"3 cl Vodka shot, Hot n'sweet (white) "], ["1660","425",30,"3 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["5349","36",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5349","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5349","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5349","261",105,"3 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5931","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["5931","199",15,"1/2 oz Mountain Dew "], ["5931","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Firewater) "], ["2776","463",45,"1 1/2 oz Finlandia Cranberry vodka "], ["2776","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2776","54",3.7,"1 splash Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2776","200",0.9,"1 dash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5352","212",30,"3 cl Absolut Peppar "], ["5352","146",30,"3 cl Midori melon liqueur "], ["2402","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2402","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["2402","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["639","3",30,"1 oz Cognac "], ["639","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["639","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["639","403",30,"1 oz Peach liqueur (Creme de peche) "], ["639","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["639","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["639","91",0.9,"1 dash Strawberry syrup "], ["3888","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3888","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["3888","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["2787","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2787","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2787","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["640","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["640","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["640","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["640","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["640","477",10,"2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1323","312",60,"2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1323","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1323","424",60,"2 oz sweetened Lemon juice "], ["1323","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["4850","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4850","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4850","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4850","332",0.9,"1 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["3155","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["3155","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5703","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5703","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5703","214",30,"1 oz Light rum or vodka "], ["5703","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2781","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["2781","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3588","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3588","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3588","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["3588","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3588","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3588","274",3.7,"1 splash Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["645","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["645","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["645","392",3.7,"1 splash Beer "], ["2691","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2691","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2691","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2691","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2691","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["2691","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2691","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1094","57",10,"2 tsp Cocoa powder "], ["1094","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["1094","508",2.5,"1/2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["1094","259",360,"12 oz Milk "], ["1216","340",22.5,"3/4 oz Barenjager "], ["1216","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["1216","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["6023","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6023","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6023","167",45,"1 1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["6023","200",22.5,"3/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5319","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5319","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5319","259",90,"Add 3 oz Milk or half and half "], ["1941","54",150,"1.5 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1941","167",150,"1.5 oz Frangelico "], ["1941","126",150,"1.5 oz Half-and-half "], ["2492","465",30,"1 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2492","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["2492","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5474","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5474","217",30,"1 oz Hazelnut liqueur "], ["5474","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["5474","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["5474","259",105,"3 1/2 oz Milk "], ["5474","427",150,"5 oz Ice "], ["2230","480",22.25,"1/2 jigger Irish cream "], ["2230","217",22.25,"1/2 jigger Hazelnut liqueur "], ["2230","259",257,"1 cup steamed Milk "], ["2230","204",257,"1 cup Espresso (small) "], ["1846","99",60,"6 cl Melon vodka (Artic) "], ["1846","36",40,"4 cl Malibu rum "], ["1846","425",30,"3 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1846","424",70,"7 cl Lemon juice "], ["1846","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["3684","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3684","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps (Buttershots) "], ["3684","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["3684","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["646","115",44.5,"1 jigger Goldschlager (or Hotdam) "], ["646","114",44.5,"1 jigger Butterscotch schnapps "], ["646","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["1572","108",5.9,"1/5 shot J�germeister "], ["1572","115",5.9,"1/5 shot Goldschlager "], ["1572","85",5.9,"1/5 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1572","265",5.9,"1/5 shot Kahlua "], ["1572","270",5.9,"1/5 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1947","115",22.13,"3/4 shot Goldschlager "], ["1947","108",7.38,"1/4 shot J�germeister "], ["4425","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["4425","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["4625","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4625","56",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Blended whiskey "], ["4625","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2403","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2403","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey Whiskey "], ["2317","387",75,"2 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["2317","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2317","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["650","335",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["650","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["650","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["650","2",135,"4 1/2 oz Lemonade "], ["650","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["652","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["652","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["652","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5832","445",257,"1 cup Orange juice "], ["5832","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["4117","435",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange vodka (Stoli) "], ["4117","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4117","445",105,"3 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5249","400",30,"1 oz Mandarine Napoleon "], ["5249","361",15,"1/2 oz Truffles Chocolate liqueur "], ["5249","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5249","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["1618","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1618","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["1025","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1025","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1025","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1025","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2387","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2387","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2387","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4332","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["4332","357",22.5,"3/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["4332","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["4332","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["6073","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6073","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["6073","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["6073","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["6073","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["6073","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4494","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["4494","421",40,"4 cl Cinzano Orancio "], ["4494","323",60,"5-6 cl Sprite "], ["5442","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5442","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5442","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["5442","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4526","335",150,"1.5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4526","82",150,"0.5 oz Grenadine "], ["4526","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["4526","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["656","78",29.5,"1 shot Absolut Mandrin "], ["656","322",29.5,"1 shot Peachtree schnapps "], ["656","445",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Orange juice "], ["1095","424",30,"3 cl Lemon juice "], ["1095","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["4088","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["4088","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4088","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["3747","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3747","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3747","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3747","316",3.7,"1 splash Vodka "], ["2461","464",150,"0.5 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2461","270",150,"0.5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2851","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2851","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2851","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2851","508",10,"2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["3382","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3382","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["657","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["657","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["657","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["657","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["657","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["658","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["658","351",30,"1 oz Benedictine "], ["658","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["658","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["2224","359",210,"0.7 oz Cointreau "], ["2224","424",1050,"0.35 oz Lemon juice "], ["2224","462",120,"1.4 oz Tequila "], ["4772","383",20,"2 cl red Sweet Vermouth "], ["4772","248",20,"2 cl Aperol "], ["4772","378",30,"3 cl Scotch "], ["3900","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3900","482",240,"8 oz Coffee "], ["3900","477",10,"2 tsp Sugar "], ["2612","145",45,"1 1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2612","267",45,"1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca (Romana) "], ["659","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["659","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["659","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["659","351",1.25,"1/4 tsp Benedictine "], ["659","192",1.25,"1/4 tsp Brandy "], ["4047","92",30,"1 oz Peach brandy "], ["4047","169",30,"1 oz Lime vodka "], ["4047","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["660","142",15,"1/2 oz White rum (Bacardi) "], ["660","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["660","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["660","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["1321","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1321","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1321","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1321","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["5033","21",360,"12 oz Whiskey "], ["5033","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["5033","2",360,"12 oz frozen Lemonade concentrate "], ["5033","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["3019","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3019","227",60,"2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3019","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2422","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2422","237",45,"1 1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["2422","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["2422","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Coco Ribe) "], ["2422","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2422","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["2422","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2142","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["2142","121",15,"1/2 oz Kirschwasser "], ["2142","28",15,"1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["2142","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2142","110",5,"1 tsp Mint syrup "], ["2285","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2285","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2285","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2285","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4306","65",90,"3 oz pineapple Guava juice "], ["4306","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4306","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4306","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["664","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["664","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["664","404",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Grapefruit juice "], ["666","56",60,"2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["666","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["666","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4882","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi silver Rum "], ["4882","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4882","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["4882","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Meyers Rum "], ["4882","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4911","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4911","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["667","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["667","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["667","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["667","404",180,"6 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2742","85",240,"8 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2742","287",60,"2 oz Chocolate syrup (Hershey's) "], ["2742","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream (optional) "], ["3466","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3466","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3466","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3466","41",120,"4 oz Light cream "], ["3466","175",135,"4 1/2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["6192","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["6192","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["6192","473",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["2042","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2042","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["2042","202",7.5,"1/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2042","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4423","157",30,"3 cl Passoa "], ["4423","322",20,"2 cl Peachtree schnapps "], ["4423","226",20,"2 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["4423","404",80,"8 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["4423","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["5262","201",30,"1 oz Genever "], ["5262","280",5,"1 tsp Fernet Branca "], ["5262","266",0.9,"1 dash Sour mix "], ["4167","378",30,"1 oz Scotch whiskey (Cutty Sark) "], ["4167","396",120,"4 oz Orange soda (C'Plus) "], ["1339","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1339","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1339","32",60,"2 oz Kool-Aid "], ["2128","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2128","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2128","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["4929","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["4929","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["674","92",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach brandy "], ["674","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["674","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["2550","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["2550","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2550","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["3661","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["3661","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3661","500",22.5,"3/4 oz Cheri Beri Pucker "], ["3661","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3661","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3661","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5383","161",270,"9 oz Iced tea "], ["5383","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4945","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4945","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3000","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3000","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["1813","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1813","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1813","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4897","405",15,"1/2 oz Tequila Rose "], ["4897","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5715","226",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["5715","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5715","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["5715","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["4699","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4699","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4699","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4699","28",1.25,"1/4 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["1363","316",20,"2 cl Koskenkorva Vodka "], ["1363","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["677","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["677","297",10,"1/3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["677","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["5372","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["5372","359",29.5,"1 shot Cointreau or triple sec "], ["5372","29",180,"6 oz Tonic water "], ["2439","249",29.5,"1 shot Bourbon "], ["2439","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2439","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3480","464",150,"1.5 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3480","36",150,"1.5 oz Malibu rum "], ["4277","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4277","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2798","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2798","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps (Dr. McGuillicudys) "], ["2091","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2091","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2091","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["678","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["678","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["678","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["678","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["678","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["680","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["680","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["680","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["680","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2596","202",60,"2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo 1800) "], ["2596","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2596","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2596","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice (Tropicana) "], ["2596","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2596","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour mix (Lemate's) "], ["2610","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["2610","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4969","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4969","222",180,"6 oz Sunny delight (to taste) "], ["684","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["684","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["3353","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3353","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3353","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["3353","82",1.25,"1/4 tsp Grenadine "], ["3758","218",50,"5 cl Amer Picon "], ["3758","392",200,"20 cl Beer "], ["5086","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5086","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4172","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila (Herradura reposado) "], ["4172","280",15,"1/2 oz Fernet Branca "], ["4172","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette (Cadenas) "], ["5036","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["5036","218",30,"1 oz Amer Picon "], ["5036","357",0.9,"1 dash Sugar syrup "], ["1356","42",60,"2 oz Irish whiskey "], ["1356","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1356","464",3.7,"1 splash Peppermint schnapps "], ["4113","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4113","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4113","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4113","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice (Sunny D) "], ["4331","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["4331","359",29.5,"1 shot Cointreau "], ["4331","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["4331","424",14.75,"1/2 shot Lemon juice "], ["3432","221",30,"1 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["3432","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["3432","323",180,"6 oz Sprite "], ["2185","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum "], ["2185","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["1733","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["1733","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1733","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1733","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1733","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1651","342",135,"4 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1651","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1651","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["1651","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1651","175",120,"4 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2971","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2971","178",150,"5 oz Pink lemonade "], ["4204","295",120,"4 oz chilled pink Champagne "], ["4204","445",120,"4 oz chilled Orange juice "], ["4204","473",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Cassis "], ["688","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["688","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["688","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["688","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["688","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["688","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["5669","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5669","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5471","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5471","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5471","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["2078","376",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Gin "], ["2078","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4344","312",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4344","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4344","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1575","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1575","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["1575","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["1575","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["4881","226",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["4881","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4881","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1489","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1489","223",40,"4 cl Licor 43 "], ["1489","259",60,"6 cl Milk "], ["1489","82",5,"1/2 cl Grenadine "], ["5560","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["5560","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5560","211",150,"5 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5560","83",150,"5 oz Ginger ale "], ["1701","392",360,"12 oz Beer (any beer will do) "], ["1701","178",360,"12 oz frozen Pink lemonade concentrate "], ["1701","316",360,"12 oz Vodka "], ["691","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["691","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["691","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["691","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["691","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2267","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2267","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2267","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["5458","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["5458","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5458","469",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Almond "], ["5458","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5458","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2111","82",14.75,"1/2 shot Grenadine "], ["2111","333",14.75,"1/2 shot white Creme de Cacao "], ["2111","259",29.5,"1 shot Milk "], ["1916","145",22.13,"3/4 shot Rumple Minze "], ["1916","1",7.38,"1/4 shot Firewater "], ["693","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["693","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["693","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["693","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["6191","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["6191","497",240,"8 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["3820","382",30,"1 oz Pistachio liqueur "], ["3820","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["3820","503",150,"5 oz Vanilla ice-cream "], ["1801","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1801","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1801","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["1544","117",30,"1 oz Wildberry schnapps "], ["1544","405",3.7,"1 splash Tequila Rose "], ["5684","231",20,"2 cl Apricot brandy "], ["5684","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["5684","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["2001","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["2001","155",20,"2 cl Heavy cream "], ["3314","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["3314","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["3314","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["5551","239",40,"4 cl Pear liqueur (Poire au Cognac) "], ["5551","323",100,"10 cl Sprite "], ["2415","74",30,"1 oz Apfelkorn (Berentzen's) "], ["2415","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4327","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["4327","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["3462","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["3462","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2408","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2408","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps or creme de menthe "], ["2616","71",60,"2 oz Everclear, 190 proof "], ["2616","396",60,"2 oz Orange soda "], ["3361","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3361","425",30,"1 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["3361","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["3361","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1535","392",120,"4 oz Beer "], ["1535","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1257","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["1257","22",14.75,"1/2 shot 7-Up or Sprite "], ["701","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["701","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1431","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1431","247",60,"2 oz Cherry liqueur "], ["1431","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1431","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["702","284",15,"1/2 oz Maple syrup "], ["702","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["702","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["702","265",75,"2 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["703","330",75,"2 1/2 oz Port "], ["703","192",2.5,"1/2 tsp Brandy "], ["6080","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6080","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["6080","205",7.5,"1/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3286","477",15,"3 tsp Sugar "], ["3286","316",50,"5 cl Vodka "], ["3286","259",150,"15 cl Milk "], ["1304","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["1304","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3092","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3092","131",10,"2 tsp Tabasco sauce "], ["5588","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5588","192",30,"1 oz Brandy (E&J) "], ["5588","378",30,"1 oz Scotch (Scoresby) "], ["5588","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps (Phillips) "], ["1975","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1975","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1975","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["708","457",30,"1 oz chilled Cactus Juice liqueur "], ["708","462",15,"1/2 oz Cuervo Tequila "], ["709","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["709","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["709","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["709","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6051","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["6051","131",40,"4 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["3631","378",10,"1/3 oz Scotch "], ["3631","422",10,"1/3 oz Cream "], ["3631","321",10,"1/3 oz Clamato juice "], ["3159","304",40,"4 cl Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3159","479",20,"2 cl Galliano "], ["3159","445",80,"8 cl Orange juice "], ["3159","261",80,"8 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3159","82",20,"2 cl Grenadine "], ["710","40",15,"1/2 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["710","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kamora) "], ["710","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1418","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1418","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1418","85",3.75,"1/8 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6090","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6090","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["6090","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["6090","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3208","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3208","166",30,"1 oz Orange Curacao (Bols) "], ["3208","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec (Bols) "], ["3208","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3208","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["2286","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2286","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2286","436",15,"1/2 oz red Curacao "], ["2286","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2286","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2286","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2770","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2770","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2770","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["2770","86",15,"1/2 oz Grape soda "], ["2203","34",29.5,"1 shot blue Maui "], ["2203","34",29.5,"1 shot red Maui "], ["3811","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["3811","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3811","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1521","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1521","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up "], ["1521","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2678","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2678","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2678","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["1228","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1228","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["1228","54",0.9,"1 dash Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3680","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3680","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3680","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4845","462",60,"2 oz Tequila (Hornitos) "], ["4845","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4845","54",60,"2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4845","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4845","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2982","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2982","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2982","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5032","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5032","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5032","416",30,"1 oz Grape juice "], ["5959","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5959","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5959","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5959","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5066","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5066","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5066","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5066","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["5066","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4095","54",60,"2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4095","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["4095","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4095","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4095","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4095","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["4095","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4095","404",3.7,"1 splash Grapefruit juice "], ["3504","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["3504","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3504","416",3.7,"1 splash Grape juice "], ["3504","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4075","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4075","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4075","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3168","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["3168","368",22.5,"3/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["3168","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4939","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao (Bols) "], ["4939","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps (De Kuyper) "], ["4939","214",30,"1 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["4939","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["4939","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["4939","323",90,"3 oz Sprite or 7-Up "], ["4713","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["4713","261",40,"4 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4713","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["4713","404",40,"4 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["1974","173",15,"1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["1974","480",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's Irish cream "], ["1974","377",60,"2 oz Chocolate milk "], ["1974","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1974","443",45,"1 1/2 oz Soda water (Perrier) "], ["716","431",30,"1 oz Coffee brandy "], ["716","169",45,"1 1/2 oz Lime vodka "], ["716","105",15,"1/2 oz cream Sherry "], ["717","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["717","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["717","351",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Benedictine "], ["1320","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1320","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1320","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["1320","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["4632","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4632","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4632","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4309","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["4309","265",10,"1 cl Kahlua "], ["4309","146",10,"1 cl Midori melon liqueur "], ["2603","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2603","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2603","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["2603","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["3020","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3020","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3020","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3020","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3020","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3020","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3020","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3020","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2738","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2738","22",360,"12 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["5896","265",25,"2 1/2 cl Kahlua "], ["5896","475",25,"2 1/2 cl Sambuca "], ["5896","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["2232","71",7.38,"1/4 shot Everclear "], ["2232","265",7.38,"1/4 shot Kahlua "], ["2232","445",7.38,"1/4 shot Orange juice "], ["2232","184",7.38,"1/4 shot Mango juice "], ["2321","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2321","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2321","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2640","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2640","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2385","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2385","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["2385","303",30,"1 oz White wine "], ["2385","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["2820","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2820","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2820","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2820","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2125","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2125","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["2125","237",60,"2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["3770","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3770","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3770","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3770","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3770","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3770","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3770","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4318","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["4318","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4318","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4318","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["5617","488",20,"2/3 oz Raspberry vodka "], ["5617","372",10,"1/3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5617","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up or sprite "], ["1230","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["1230","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["6116","339",90,"3 oz Zima "], ["6116","221",30,"1 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["4824","97",45,"1 1/2 oz RedRum "], ["4824","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4824","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4824","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4824","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4824","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4590","488",30,"1 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["4590","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4590","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4590","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2202","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2202","7",60,"2 oz Fresca "], ["4446","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4446","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4446","126",90,"3 oz Half-and-half "], ["1779","375",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1779","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3287","182",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["3287","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["3287","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2068","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2068","132",7.5,"1/4 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juice "], ["5839","376",25,"2 1/2 cl Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5839","10",10,"1 cl Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["5839","187",5,"1/2 cl Apricot liqueur (Marie Brizard Apry) "], ["5839","424",100,"10 cl sweetened Lemon juice "], ["5839","91",0.9,"1 dash Strawberry syrup (Monin) "], ["3386","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["3386","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3386","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4291","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4291","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5254","251",40,"4 cl Watermelon schnapps "], ["5254","309",20,"2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["5254","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5254","323",100,"10 cl Sprite "], ["5254","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5769","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5769","444",30,"1 oz Hot Damn "], ["4483","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4483","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["4483","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4483","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4234","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4234","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["4234","65",180,"6 oz Guava juice "], ["4234","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3464","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["3464","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3464","213",14.75,"1/2 shot Triple sec "], ["3464","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3464","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["3464","211",29.5,"1 shot Sweet and sour "], ["4703","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["4703","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3098","182",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["3098","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3098","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["727","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["727","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["727","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2058","166",15,"1/2 oz Orange Curacao "], ["2058","132",22.5,"3/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2058","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2058","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1765","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["1765","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["1765","372",29.5,"1 shot Cranberry juice "], ["4111","376",30,"3 cl Gin "], ["4111","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4111","323",70,"7 cl Sprite "], ["4111","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["4111","82",5,"1/2 cl Grenadine "], ["2516","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["2516","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["2516","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3405","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3405","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3405","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3405","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["3405","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5735","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["5735","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5866","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5866","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["5866","153",30,"1 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["5866","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5866","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["1797","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1797","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["1797","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1797","1",30,"1 oz Firewater "], ["1039","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["1039","13",20,"2 cl Amarula Cream "], ["1039","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3303","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["3303","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3303","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["3303","482",300,"30 cl Coffee "], ["2974","119",30,"3 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["2974","21",30,"3 cl Whiskey "], ["2974","270",30,"3 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2974","482",250,"25 cl strong, black Coffee "], ["2974","138",10,"2 tsp Brown sugar "], ["2046","212",30,"1 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["2046","78",30,"1 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["2046","359",3.7,"1 splash Cointreau "], ["2046","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2046","200",0.9,"1 dash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5636","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["5636","445",15,"1/2 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["5087","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Mt. Gay Barbados Eclipse) "], ["5087","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["5087","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5087","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5087","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5087","473",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Cassis "], ["5087","292",0.9,"1 dash Raspberry syrup "], ["5827","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5827","435",15,"1/2 oz Orange vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["5827","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["5827","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5827","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5827","237",7.5,"1/4 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["5827","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5827","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["733","198",10,"1/3 oz Aftershock "], ["733","62",10,"1/3 oz Yukon Jack "], ["733","445",10,"1/3 oz Orange juice "], ["3704","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["3704","444",29.5,"1 shot Hot Damn "], ["3704","173",29.5,"1 shot Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["734","275",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry vodka "], ["734","276",45,"1 1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["1506","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1506","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1506","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1822","68",20,"2 cl Green Chartreuse "], ["1822","280",10,"1 cl Fernet Branca "], ["1822","192",10,"1 cl Brandy "], ["736","203",30,"1 oz Rock and rye "], ["736","196",30,"1 oz White port "], ["736","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["3510","237",29.5,"1 shot Raspberry liqueur (Razzamatazz) "], ["3510","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["3510","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3638","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3638","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["3638","297",7.38,"1/4 shot Blue Curacao "], ["1870","316",29.5,"1 shot 160 proof Vodka "], ["1870","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["1870","142",29.5,"1 shot White rum "], ["3065","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["3065","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3065","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2241","159",20,"2/3 oz Tennessee whiskey (Jack Daniel's) "], ["2241","462",20,"2/3 oz Tequila "], ["2241","85",20,"2/3 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["1592","275",30,"1 oz Cherry vodka "], ["1592","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1592","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5124","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5124","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["5124","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5124","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4453","194",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach Vodka "], ["4453","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4453","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["4453","372",270,"9 oz Cranberry juice "], ["739","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["739","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["739","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["739","351",5,"1 tsp Benedictine "], ["2946","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2946","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2946","464",10,"1/3 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5559","34",29.5,"1 shot blue Maui "], ["5559","457",29.5,"1 shot Cactus Juice liqueur "], ["5559","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1314","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1314","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1928","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1928","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1924","317",29.5,"1 shot Jose Cuervo "], ["1924","445",29.5,"1 shot Orange juice "], ["1924","379",29.5,"1 shot Tomato juice "], ["1924","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["2607","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2607","476",180,"6 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["2607","479",3.7,"1 splash Galliano "], ["3138","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["3138","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["742","42",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey "], ["742","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["742","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["744","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["744","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["744","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2935","261",30,"3 cl Pineapple juice "], ["2935","292",10,"1-2 tsp Raspberry syrup "], ["2935","422",70,"6-7 cl Cream "], ["2288","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2288","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2288","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2288","327",30,"1 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Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3119","175",240,"8 oz Coca-Cola "], ["759","28",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["759","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["759","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["5294","174",26.25,"7/8 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["5294","227",26.25,"7/8 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5294","319",15,"1/2 oz Black rum "], ["5294","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5294","82",18.75,"5/8 oz Grenadine "], ["5294","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1394","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum (Myer's) "], ["1394","214",30,"1 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["1394","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1394","227",7.5,"1/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1394","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1394","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2848","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2848","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2848","445",120,"3-4 oz Orange juice "], ["2848","261",120,"3-4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2848","372",120,"3-4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3349","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3349","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["3335","70",70,"2 1/3 oz Kiwi-Strawberry Snapple "], ["3335","304",10,"1/3 oz Rum "], ["770","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["770","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5452","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["5452","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5452","198",0.9,"1 dash Aftershock "], ["5452","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["4247","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4247","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["1598","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1598","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1598","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1554","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["1554","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["1554","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5346","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["5346","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3655","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3655","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["3655","240",22.13,"3/4 shot Coffee liqueur "], ["3655","375",22.13,"3/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1767","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1767","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["1767","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["1767","167",29.5,"1 shot Frangelico "], ["1767","422",30,"Top off 1 oz Cream or Milk "], ["1284","240",30,"1 oz Coffee liqueur (Kaluha) "], ["1284","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1284","353",30,"1 oz Orange liqueur (Grand Marnier) "], ["1284","217",30,"1 oz Hazelnut liqueur (Frangelico) "], ["1284","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["5507","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5507","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1110","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1110","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["1110","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["1110","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5321","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5321","243",15,"1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["5521","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5521","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5521","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5521","445",120,"3 - 4 oz Orange juice "], ["5521","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["5632","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5632","284",30,"1 oz Maple syrup "], ["5529","78",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5529","224",22.5,"3/4 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["5229","78",120,"4 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5229","83",210,"7 oz Ginger ale "], ["5229","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5229","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5229","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["1915","226",10,"1/3 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["1915","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1915","186",10,"1/3 oz Lime juice "], ["4611","428",480,"16 oz Genny 12 horse Ale "], ["4611","81",480,"16 oz Mad Dog 20/20 (any flavor) "], ["2938","408",3.75,"1/8 oz Vermouth "], ["2938","212",60,"2 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["775","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["775","61",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["775","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1044","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1044","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1044","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt "], ["776","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["776","475",60,"2 oz Sambuca "], ["1781","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1781","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1781","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1781","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["1781","427",180,"6 oz Ice "], ["2065","105",60,"2 oz cream Sherry "], ["2065","327",22.5,"3/4 oz Campari "], ["2065","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["777","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["777","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["777","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["777","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["777","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["779","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["779","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["779","68",5,"1 tsp Green Chartreuse "], ["1231","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["1231","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["1231","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1231","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1231","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1366","238",180,"6 oz Aliz� "], ["1366","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["780","378",30,"3 cl Scotch "], ["780","3",30,"3 cl Cognac "], ["780","330",30,"3 cl Port "], ["1235","448",60,"2 oz Apple brandy "], ["1235","231",2.5,"1/2 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["1235","332",2.5,"1/2 tsp Pernod "], ["6114","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6114","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["6114","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["6114","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice (fresh) "], ["6114","443",15,"1/2 oz Soda water "], ["6114","424",3.7,"1 splash Lemon juice (fresh) "], ["2040","119",420,"12-14 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2040","142",420,"12-14 oz White rum "], ["2040","376",240,"6-8 oz dry Gin (London's) "], ["2040","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2741","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Wyborowa) "], ["2741","140",20,"2 cl Cranberry liqueur (Chymos) "], ["2741","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["2741","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["2741","477",10,"1 cl Sugar "], ["4449","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4449","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4449","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2359","251",180,"6 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["2359","380",360,"12 oz Squirt "], ["2538","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2538","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["2538","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2538","114",3.75,"1/8 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2538","108",3.75,"1/8 oz J�germeister "], ["2347","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["2347","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2347","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2676","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2676","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2676","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2676","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["786","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["786","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["786","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["786","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["2695","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2695","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1530","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["1530","352",150,"5 oz Water "], ["5500","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5500","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5500","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5500","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5500","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5500","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1417","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1417","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3630","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3630","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3630","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3630","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3630","322",30,"1 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["3630","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["3905","108",45,"1 - 1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3905","115",45,"1 - 1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1762","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1762","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec or other Orange Liquer "], ["1762","3",150,"0.5 oz Cognac "], ["1715","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1715","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1715","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4028","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["4028","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4028","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2005","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2005","316",60,"2 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"], ["810","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4868","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Herradura) "], ["4868","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec (Bandolero) "], ["4868","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["4868","399",15,"1/2 oz Margarita mix "], ["4868","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4990","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4990","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4990","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur, black "], ["4990","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4990","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1503","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1503","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1503","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1503","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1503","372",128.5,"1/2 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2333","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2333","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2333","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2333","261",30,"3 cl Pineapple juice "], ["2405","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2405","165",30,"1 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["2405","445",180,"5-6 oz Orange juice "], ["2405","422",7.5,"1/4 oz Cream "], ["5859","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5859","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5859","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4358","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4358","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4358","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4358","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["4358","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice (optional) "], ["4315","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4315","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4315","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4315","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4315","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4315","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5919","127",300,"10 oz Mango juice (Fresh Samantha) "], ["5919","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["5919","213",90,"3 oz Triple sec "], ["4490","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4490","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4490","266",22.5,"3/4 oz Sour mix "], ["4490","326",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange "], ["5526","42",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["5526","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5526","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["814","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["814","352",360,"12 oz Water "], ["3626","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myers) "], ["3626","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["3626","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3626","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3626","427",90,"3 oz Ice "], ["2818","316",180,"6 oz Vodka "], ["2818","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["2818","82",90,"3 oz Grenadine "], ["1389","387",150,"1.5 oz Dark rum "], ["1389","186",750,"0.25 oz Lime juice "], ["1389","424",750,"0.25 oz Lemon juice "], ["1389","82",750,"0.25 oz Grenadine "], ["1389","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["4458","243",45,"1 1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["4458","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4458","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["4458","416",180,"6 oz Grape juice "], ["4458","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (optional) "], ["3514","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["3514","421",30,"1 oz Cinzano Orancio "], ["1353","133",40,"4 cl Aquavit, Simer's "], ["1353","255",40,"4 cl St. Hallvard "], ["1040","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1040","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3407","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myer's) "], ["3407","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3407","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3407","136",7.5,"1/4 oz Blackberry schnapps "], ["3407","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3407","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3407","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2929","83",200,"20 cl Ginger ale "], ["2929","82",30,"3 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["2253","146",14.75,"1/2 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["2253","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["1897","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1897","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1897","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3737","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["3737","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["3737","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3737","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["3737","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2725","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["2725","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["2725","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2725","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["2725","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["912","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Aftershock) "], ["912","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["2801","83",15,"1/2 oz Ginger ale "], ["2801","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["3021","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3021","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["3021","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3021","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3021","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["2226","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2226","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["2226","324",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple cider "], ["4061","132",90,"3 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["4061","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4061","219",30,"1 oz Carbonated water "], ["4474","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["4474","404",120,"4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4474","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["6034","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6034","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1334","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1334","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1334","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5516","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["5516","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5516","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5516","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5516","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["5131","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["5131","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["5131","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["821","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["821","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["821","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["821","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["823","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["823","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4205","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4205","327",45,"1 1/2 oz Campari "], ["4205","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5533","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5533","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["5533","445",7.5,"1/4 oz Orange juice "], ["3710","376",257,"1 cup Gin "], ["3710","2",360,"12 oz Lemonade concentrate "], ["3710","392",720,"24 oz Beer "], ["3710","352",720,"24 oz Water "], ["1354","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1354","392",90,"3 oz Beer "], ["1354","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1354","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["5857","488",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","194",15,"1/2 oz Peach Vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","391",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","2",120,"4 oz Lemonade "], ["5857","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5089","259",30,"3 cl Milk (2.7-3.8% ) "], ["5089","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["5089","265",10,"1 cl Kahlua "], ["5089","375",2.5,"1/2 tsp Amaretto "], ["829","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["829","304",22.5,"3/4 oz Rum "], ["829","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["829","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["829","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["830","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["830","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["830","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["830","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["3010","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3010","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["3010","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3010","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["3010","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["2895","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2895","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2895","2",30,"1 oz Lemonade "], ["2895","392",30,"1 oz Beer (Red Dog) "], ["1487","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["1487","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["1487","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3561","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3561","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2782","240",9.83,"1/3 shot Coffee liqueur (kahlua) "], ["2782","480",9.83,"1/3 shot Irish cream (bailey's) "], ["2782","249",9.83,"1/3 shot Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2950","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2950","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2950","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2950","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2950","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["2950","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2950","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2458","315",120,"4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2458","166",120,"4 oz Orange Curacao "], ["2458","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2458","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["6037","82",29.5,"1 shot Grenadine "], ["6037","68",29.5,"1 shot Green Chartreuse "], ["6037","462",29.5,"1 shot silver Tequila "], ["4503","335",96,"3 1/5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4503","331",600,"20 oz Surge "], ["3180","114",45,"1 1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3180","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3180","126",120,"3-4 oz Half-and-half "], ["1608","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1608","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1608","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["1502","270",150,"0.5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1502","114",150,"0.5 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2486","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["2486","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2486","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua (Coffee) "], ["2240","368",90,"3 oz Sloe gin "], ["2240","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2240","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2240","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["2299","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2299","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["833","368",60,"2 oz Sloe gin "], ["833","88",1.25,"1/4 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["833","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["835","368",60,"2 oz Sloe gin "], ["835","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["840","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["840","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["840","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["840","335",120,"4 oz Spiced rum (Capt. Morgan) "], ["5513","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["5513","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["5513","330",22.5,"3/4 oz Port "], ["5513","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5513","82",1.25,"1/4 tsp Grenadine "], ["6130","97",29.5,"1 shot RedRum "], ["6130","479",14.75,"1/2 shot Galliano "], ["6130","368",14.75,"1/2 shot Sloe gin "], ["6130","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["842","85",29.5,"1 shot 151 proof rum "], ["842","203",360,"12 oz Rock and rye "], ["5224","142",60,"2 oz White rum (Bacardi) "], ["5224","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5224","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["5224","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1383","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1383","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["1383","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3230","160",15,"1/2 oz Grape schnapps "], ["3230","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1925","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1925","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1925","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1925","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2085","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2085","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2085","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2085","445",1.25,"1/4 tsp Orange juice "], ["2085","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1910","376",300,"3/10 oz dry Gin "], ["1910","346",300,"3/10 oz tropical Fruit juice "], ["1910","297",300,"2/10 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1910","359",300,"1/10 oz Cointreau "], ["1910","14",300,"1/10 oz Peach nectar "], ["845","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["845","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["845","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["846","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["846","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["846","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3055","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3055","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["3055","175",0.9,"1 dash Coca-Cola "], ["3055","442",0.9,"1 dash Guinness stout "], ["1543","375",22.13,"3/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1543","22",7.38,"1/4 shot 7-Up or Sprite "], ["1782","372",960,"32 oz Cranberry juice cocktail "], ["1782","83",840,"28 oz Ginger ale "], ["1782","2",360,"12 oz Lemonade "], ["1782","249",128.5,"1-1/2 cup Bourbon "], ["3802","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3802","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3802","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3802","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3802","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2606","34",45,"1 1/2 oz blue Maui "], ["2606","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2606","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1416","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["1416","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1416","309",120,"3-4 oz Peach schnapps or crantasha "], ["2837","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2837","450",30,"1 oz Rye whiskey "], ["2837","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["1560","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1560","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["3759","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3759","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["3895","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["3895","124",45,"1 1/2 oz Anisette "], ["4762","431",45,"1 1/2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["4762","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2457","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka or rum "], ["2457","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2457","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2457","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2457","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["848","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka or light rum "], ["848","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["848","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["848","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["848","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["3220","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3220","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3220","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3220","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["3220","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1964","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1964","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["1964","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["1964","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1964","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["849","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["849","199",150,"5 oz Mountain Dew "], ["849","416",60,"2 oz Grape juice "], ["2438","182",22.5,"3/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["2438","274",7.5,"1/4 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["5725","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["5725","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["5725","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1326","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1326","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1326","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1326","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6204","342",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6204","404",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["6204","261",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6204","219",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Carbonated water "], ["856","122",22.5,"3/4 oz Jack Daniels "], ["856","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["856","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["856","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["856","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4367","342",20,"2 cl Southern Comfort "], ["4367","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["4367","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice (fresh) "], ["4367","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["2429","407",30,"1 oz Lemon vodka (Stoli Limonnaya) "], ["2429","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2429","200",30,"1 oz Rose's 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["3458","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["3801","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3801","13",7.5,"1/4 oz Amarula Cream "], ["3801","422",0.9,"1 dash Cream "], ["2213","365",40,"4 cl Absolut Kurant "], ["2213","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["2213","372",100,"10 cl Cranberry juice "], ["2213","112",30,"3 cl Bitter lemon "], ["4717","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice (Britvic) "], ["4717","112",120,"4 oz Bitter lemon "], ["1096","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1096","68",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["1096","42",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish whiskey "], ["1096","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3332","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3332","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4836","333",15,"1/2 oz oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4836","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["4836","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4836","126",45,"1 1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["4524","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["4524","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4524","140",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry liqueur "], ["862","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["862","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["862","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["862","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["6176","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["6176","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["6176","365",10,"1 cl Absolut Kurant "], ["6176","387",10,"1 cl Dark rum (Bacardi) "], ["2341","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2341","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["2341","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2341","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2341","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2341","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4165","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["4165","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["4165","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4165","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["4832","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["4832","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2108","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2108","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2108","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2108","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2108","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["4317","376",100,"10 cl dry Gin (Gordon's) "], ["4317","200",50,"5 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4317","116",40,"4 cl Cherry Heering "], ["4317","461",200,"20 cl Apple juice "], ["4317","29",50,"5 cl Tonic water "], ["4316","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["4316","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["4316","131",5,"1/2 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["1237","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1237","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1237","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1718","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1718","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1111","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1111","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["1111","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4355","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4355","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum "], ["4355","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["5422","378",300,"10 oz Scotch "], ["5422","316",150,"5 oz Vodka "], ["5422","284",120,"4 oz Maple syrup "], ["3964","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3964","333",15,"1/2 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"], ["5932","176",10,"2 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["5932","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5932","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4356","332",20,"2 cl Pernod / Ricard "], ["4356","327",60,"6 cl Campari "], ["871","381",10,"1 cl Drambuie "], ["871","353",10,"1 cl Orange liqueur "], ["871","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["871","259",6.67,"2/3 cl Milk "], ["872","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["872","119",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["872","198",45,"1 1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["872","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3404","85",15,"11/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3404","131",7.5,"1/4 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["875","345",30,"1 oz Lemon gin "], ["875","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["875","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["875","441",90,"3 oz Fruit punch "], ["4402","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4402","323",50,"5 cl Sprite light "], ["4402","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["5494","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5494","376",30,"1 oz Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5494","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["877","226",60,"6 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["877","22",50,"5 cl 7-Up "], ["877","266",30,"3 cl Sour mix "], ["877","290",20,"2 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["878","36",30,"3 cl Malibu rum "], ["878","445",30,"3 cl Orange juice "], ["878","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["878","1",20,"2 cl Firewater "], ["878","301",10,"1 cl Red wine "], ["3668","85",14.75,"1/2 shot 151 proof rum "], ["3668","316",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Vodka "], ["3668","68",0.9,"1 dash Green Chartreuse "], ["6163","435",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["6163","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["6163","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["6163","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["6163","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["880","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["880","222",75,"2 1/2 oz Sunny delight "], ["880","257",30,"1 oz Tropical fruit schnapps "], ["3324","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3324","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3324","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3324","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3324","483",60,"2 oz Pineapple "], ["1240","331",120,"4 oz Surge "], ["1240","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1082","392",180,"6 oz Beer "], ["1082","462",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Tequila "], ["1082","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2310","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2310","432",0.9,"1 dash Whipped cream "], ["2310","314",15,"1/2 oz Cream soda "], ["1555","39",20,"2 cl Parfait d'Amour (Bols) "], ["1555","375",50,"1.5 cl Amaretto di Saronno (ILLVA Saronno) "], ["1555","158",50,"1.5 cl Vanilla syrup (Monin) "], ["1555","422",50,"1.5 cl fresh Cream "], ["1555","436",50,"0.5 cl red Curacao (Marie Brizard) "], ["3440","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3440","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3440","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3440","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["883","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["883","454",75,"2 1/2 oz Passion fruit syrup "], ["883","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["883","347",30,"1 oz pureed frozen Strawberries "], ["3564","297",180,"6 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3564","227",120,"4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3564","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3564","372",50,"1 2/3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3564","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["3985","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["3985","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3985","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3985","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["3139","142",30,"3 cl White rum "], ["3139","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3139","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["3139","375",10,"1 cl Amaretto "], ["3139","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["3139","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4681","444",7.5,"1/4 oz Hot Damn "], ["4681","86",22.5,"Almost 3/4 oz Grape soda "], ["4681","513",7.4,"1-2 splash Maraschino cherry juice "], ["2428","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2428","405",15,"1/2 oz Tequila Rose "], ["2428","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2442","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["2442","358",10,"1/3 oz Ouzo "], ["2442","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["4585","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["4585","361",14.75,"1/2 shot Chocolate liqueur "], ["4898","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4898","437",120,"4 oz Tang "], ["4898","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["3474","250",128.5,"1/2 cup Tea (Earl Grey or Yellow Label) "], ["3474","270",128.5,"1/2 cup Bailey's irish cream "], ["3474","252",3.7,"1 splash Whisky "], ["5652","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5652","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5652","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5652","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["4063","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4063","330",30,"1 oz Port "], ["888","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["888","213",3.75,"1/8 oz Triple sec "], ["888","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["888","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["888","445",7.5,"1/4 oz Orange juice "], ["1612","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["1612","294",7.5,"1/4 oz Lime juice cordial (Rose's) "], ["1612","462",60,"2 oz white Tequila "], ["3814","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3814","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3814","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5825","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5825","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5825","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5825","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5825","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4444","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4444","199",15,"1/2 oz Mountain Dew "], ["2552","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["2552","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4431","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4431","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["4431","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4431","399",90,"3 oz Margarita mix "], ["4588","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4588","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5741","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5741","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1233","444",40,"4 cl Hot Damn "], ["1233","344",40,"4 cl Dr. Pepper "], ["5599","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5599","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5599","412",30,"1 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["5599","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3153","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["3153","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3153","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4001","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4001","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4001","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4001","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4001","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["1741","31",29.5,"1 shot Grain alcohol "], ["1741","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine syrup "], ["1741","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1741","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["1741","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["1741","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["6076","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["6076","376",10,"1 cl Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["6076","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["6076","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao (10 drops) "], ["892","232",45,"1 1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["892","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["892","200",5,"1 tsp Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["892","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2680","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["2680","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["2680","448",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple brandy "], ["2680","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5190","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5190","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5190","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5190","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5190","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5190","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5190","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5756","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5756","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5756","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4265","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4265","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["4265","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4265","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3354","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3354","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["3354","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5453","108",45,"1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5453","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5453","145",45,"1 1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["894","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["894","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["894","263",15,"1/2 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["894","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4326","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["4326","471",29.5,"1 shot Jim Beam "], ["4326","62",29.5,"1 shot Yukon Jack "], ["4326","232",29.5,"1 shot Wild Turkey "], ["4025","122",9.83,"1/3 shot Jack Daniels "], ["4025","471",9.83,"1/3 shot Jim Beam "], ["4025","263",9.83,"1/3 shot Johnnie Walker "], ["2152","108",20,"2/3 oz J�germeister "], ["2152","119",20,"2/3 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2152","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5457","108",9.83,"1/3 shot J�germeister "], ["5457","115",9.83,"1/3 shot Goldschlager "], ["5457","464",9.83,"1/3 shot Peppermint schnapps (Rumple Minze) "], ["5693","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["5693","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5693","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4382","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["4382","181",30,"1 oz Green Ginger Wine "], ["4382","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5591","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["5591","316",60,"2 oz Skyy Vodka "], ["5069","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5069","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2916","56",22.5,"3/4 oz Blended whiskey "], ["2916","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["2916","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1244","352",257,"1 cup Water "], ["1244","138",257,"3/4-1 cup Brown sugar "], ["1244","482",20,"4 tsp Coffee powder "], ["1244","304",257,"1 cup Rum (Bundy) "], ["1244","508",20,"4 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["898","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["898","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["898","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["898","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["898","82",60,"2 oz Grenadine "], ["899","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["899","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["899","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["899","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["899","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4921","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4921","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4921","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4921","477",10,"2 tsp Sugar "], ["3346","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3346","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3346","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["901","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["901","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["901","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["901","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["901","31",45,"1 1/2 oz pure Grain alcohol "], ["901","412",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["902","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["902","42",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish whiskey "], ["902","68",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["4499","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4499","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4499","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4499","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4499","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1272","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1272","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1272","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["2870","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2870","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2870","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5536","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5536","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5536","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3114","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["3114","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["3114","211",29.5,"1 shot Sweet and sour "], ["3114","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1532","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["1532","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1532","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["5261","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5261","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5261","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["5261","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5261","123",60,"2 oz Kiwi liqueur "], ["1722","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1722","418",20,"2 cl Collins mix "], ["1722","323",80,"8 cl Sprite light "], ["1780","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1780","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1780","155",90,"3 oz Heavy cream "], ["2791","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2791","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2311","215",10,"1/3 oz Tia maria "], ["2311","487",10,"1/3 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2311","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["4742","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["4742","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4742","211",75,"2 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4742","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["4742","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4855","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4855","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4359","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4359","85",5,"1 tsp 151 proof rum "], ["4359","431",15,"1/2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["4359","422",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Cream "], ["913","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["913","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["913","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["913","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["913","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5912","82",9.83,"1/3 shot Grenadine "], ["5912","479",9.83,"1/3 shot Galliano "], ["5912","146",9.83,"1/3 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["4728","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4728","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4728","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4728","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["1445","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1445","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1445","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["1623","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1623","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1623","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["2928","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2928","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2928","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["4886","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4886","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4886","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["4886","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4886","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4886","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4543","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4543","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4543","176",22.5,"3/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["4543","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4259","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4259","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["4259","312",10,"1/3 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4259","251",10,"1/3 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["917","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["917","421",20,"2 cl Cinzano Orancio "], ["917","36",0.9,"1 dash Malibu rum "], ["1149","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["1149","387",20,"2 cl Dark rum "], ["1149","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["1149","315",20,"2 cl Grand Marnier "], ["1149","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1149","127",120,"12 cl Mango juice "], ["3043","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3043","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["3043","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["3043","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3043","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["3043","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["919","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["919","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["919","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["919","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3787","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["3787","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5017","239",60,"2 oz Pear liqueur "], ["5017","97",30,"1 oz RedRum "], ["5017","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["5017","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5017","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["3971","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3971","194",60,"2 oz Peach Vodka "], ["3971","83",60,"2 oz Ginger ale "], ["5974","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["5974","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5974","404",120,"4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1728","82",20,"2 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["1728","110",20,"2 cl Mint syrup "], ["1728","259",100,"10 cl cold Milk "], ["3248","227",14.75,"1/2 shot Banana liqueur "], ["3248","468",14.75,"1/2 shot Coconut rum (Parrot bay, Malibu) "], ["3248","435",3.7,"1 splash Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["3248","488",3.7,"1 splash Raspberry vodka (Stoli Razberi) "], ["3248","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["3248","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["3248","261",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Pineapple juice "], ["4336","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4336","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4336","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["4336","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4336","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5501","139",30,"1 oz Tuaca "], ["5501","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5501","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5501","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["4966","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4966","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4966","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["3182","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["3182","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["3182","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["1574","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1574","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1574","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["1574","427",60,"2 oz Ice "], ["921","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["921","362",15,"1/2 oz Pi�a Colada "], ["921","157",15,"1/2 oz Passoa "], ["921","425",15,"1/2 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["921","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6010","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6010","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["6010","439",180,"6 oz Root beer "], ["1245","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey "], ["1245","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1245","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2441","309",20,"2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["2441","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1041","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1041","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1041","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["1041","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4774","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["4774","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Bacardi) "], ["4774","175",0.9,"1 dash Coca-Cola "], ["4774","200",0.9,"1 dash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2455","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2455","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2455","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["4135","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["4135","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4135","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["923","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["923","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["923","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["1889","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1889","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1889","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1889","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1889","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4767","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["4767","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4767","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["4767","427",257,"1 cup Ice "], ["3391","379",60,"2 oz Tomato juice "], ["3391","392",180,"6 oz Beer "], ["2169","376",7.38,"1/4 shot Gin "], ["2169","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["2169","213",7.38,"1/4 shot Triple sec "], ["2169","186",7.38,"1/4 shot Lime juice "], ["5013","316",60,"6 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5013","265",60,"6 cl Kahlua "], ["5013","270",60,"6 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["5013","315",60,"6 cl Grand Marnier "], ["5013","381",60,"6 cl Drambuie "], ["2805","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2805","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2805","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2805","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["924","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["924","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["924","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["924","357",7.5,"1/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["924","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["924","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2671","297",14.75,"1/2 shot Blue Curacao "], ["2671","221",14.75,"1/2 shot Raspberry schnapps "], ["925","198",10,"1/3 oz Aftershock "], ["925","464",10,"1/3 oz Avalanche Peppermint schnapps "], ["925","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4096","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4096","368",22.5,"3/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["4096","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4308","42",40,"4 cl Irish whiskey "], ["4308","204",40,"4 cl Espresso "], ["4308","482",40,"4 cl Coffee "], ["4308","138",20,"4 tsp Brown sugar "], ["3242","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3242","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3242","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["926","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["926","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["4158","316",30,"1 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["4158","309",150,"1.5 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1821","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1821","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1821","224",10,"1/3 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["1821","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5814","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5814","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5814","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4085","214",90,"3 oz Light rum "], ["4085","284",30,"1 oz Maple syrup "], ["4085","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2345","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2345","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2765","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2765","284",60,"2 oz Maple syrup "], ["2765","352",60,"2 oz Water "], ["6033","330",60,"2 oz Port "], ["6033","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["6033","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5822","376",90,"3 oz dry Gin (Gordon's) "], ["5822","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5822","33",15,"1/2 oz Kina Lillet "], ["3390","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["3390","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4375","15",10,"1/3 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4375","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4375","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4375","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5178","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5178","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5178","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5178","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5178","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4153","161",360,"12 oz Iced tea, lemon flavor (Nestea) "], ["4153","36",150,"4.5 oz Malibu rum "], ["1901","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1901","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1901","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["6099","372",64.25,"1/4 cup Cranberry juice "], ["6099","445",64.25,"1/4 cup Orange juice "], ["6099","513",2.5,"1/2 tsp Maraschino cherry juice "], ["6099","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6099","433",1.8,"1-2 dash Orange bitters "], ["930","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["930","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["930","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["933","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["933","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["933","259",140,"14 cl Milk "], ["3945","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3945","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3945","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["935","294",30,"1 oz Lime juice cordial "], ["935","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["935","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4394","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4394","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4394","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt 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["2338","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["4238","358",15,"1/2 oz Ouzo "], ["4238","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3546","85",29.5,"1 shot 151 proof rum "], ["3546","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["1871","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["1871","21",29.5,"1 shot Whiskey "], ["1871","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["5363","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5363","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5363","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["5320","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["5320","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5320","179",10,"1/3 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3773","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3773","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3773","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["3773","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1151","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1151","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1151","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1150","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["1150","514",30,"1 oz Sour apple liqueur "], ["1150","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5245","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal 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Dry Vermouth "], ["947","231",1.25,"1/4 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["947","448",2.5,"1/2 tsp Apple brandy "], ["946","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["946","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["946","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["946","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2577","333",20,"2/3 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2577","475",20,"2/3 oz Sambuca "], ["2577","480",20,"2/3 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1742","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1742","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5845","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5845","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5845","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2100","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2100","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2100","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2100","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2100","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2100","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3689","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3689","480",60,"2 oz Irish cream "], ["3689","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["2862","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2862","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2862","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2862","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["2862","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["1657","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1657","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1657","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["1657","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["953","21",150,"1.5 oz Whiskey "], ["953","383",150,"1.5 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2071","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2071","181",30,"1 oz Green Ginger Wine "], ["3795","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["3795","408",45,"1 1/2 oz Vermouth "], ["3942","490",60,"2 oz Citrus vodka "], ["3942","507",120,"4 oz White cranberry juice (Ocean Spray) "], ["3942","186",30,"1 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["3942","357",30,"1 oz Sugar syrup "], ["5775","215",30,"1 oz Tia maria "], ["5775","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5775","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2134","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2134","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2134","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["4311","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["4311","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["4311","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["4311","124",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anisette "], ["2380","316",44.5,"1 jigger Vodka "], ["2380","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2380","422",30,"1 oz Cream or milk "], ["5084","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["5084","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5084","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau (or triple sec) "], ["958","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["958","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2694","475",22.5,"3/4 oz Sambuca "], ["2694","405",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila Rose "], ["3145","139",22.5,"3/4 oz Tuaca "], ["3145","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream "], ["5622","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5622","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["959","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["959","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["959","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["959","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["961","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["961","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["961","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["961","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5492","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["5492","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5492","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4723","316",30,"1 oz Cinnamon Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4723","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4723","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4723","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4723","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["962","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["962","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["962","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["962","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4803","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4803","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3593","122",45,"1 1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3593","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3593","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2018","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["2018","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["2018","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2018","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2018","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1998","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1998","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1998","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["1998","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4258","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum "], ["4258","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4258","174",22.5,"3/4 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["4258","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4258","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4505","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut or Stoli) "], ["4505","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4505","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4173","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["4173","297",10,"1 cl Blue Curacao "], ["4173","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["965","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Beefeater) "], ["965","137",300,"Add 10 oz Grapefruit-lemon soda (Wink) "], ["3328","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3328","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3328","399",45,"1 1/2 oz strawberry Margarita mix "], ["968","207",60,"2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["968","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["968","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy, spiced "], ["968","129",1.25,"1/4 tsp ground Cloves "], ["968","20",0.9,"1 dash Nutmeg "], ["968","336",0.9,"1 dash Allspice "], ["2669","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2669","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2669","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2669","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2669","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4922","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4922","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4922","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["4922","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3166","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3166","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3166","372",105,"3 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["972","114",15,"1-1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["972","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["975","179",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["975","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["975","207",22.5,"3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["2404","368",29.5,"1 shot Sloe gin "], ["2404","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2404","328",60,"2 oz strawberry Daiquiri mix "], ["3708","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3708","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["3708","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["978","105",60,"2 oz dry Sherry "], ["978","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["1723","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1723","117",22.5,"3/4 oz Wildberry schnapps "], ["1723","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1723","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["980","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["980","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["980","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5841","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5841","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5841","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["5841","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4846","391",10,"1/3 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["4846","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["4846","261",10,"1/3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6209","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6209","479",150,"0.5 oz Galliano "], ["6209","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["6209","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["4843","316",30,"1 oz Vodka or light rum "], ["4843","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4843","323",180,"6 oz Sprite or 7-up "], ["2589","465",15,"1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2589","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["983","207",22.5,"3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["983","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["983","124",7.5,"1/4 oz Anisette "], ["985","62",60,"2 oz Yukon Jack "], ["985","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["3484","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3484","439",15,"1/2 oz Root beer "], ["986","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["986","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["986","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["986","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["986","126",0.9,"1 dash Half-and-half "], ["4751","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4751","28",45,"1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["4751","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["5514","408",40,"4 cl Vermouth "], ["5514","461",160,"16 cl Apple juice "], ["4438","146",150,"1.5 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4438","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4983","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4983","54",90,"3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2785","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["2785","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4521","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4521","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4521","422",7.5,"1/4 oz Cream "], ["988","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["988","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["988","32",120,"4 oz Grape Kool-Aid "], ["1599","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1599","469",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Almond "], ["1599","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1599","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1599","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1599","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3791","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3791","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["3791","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3791","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3791","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3791","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2625","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2625","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["2625","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["2625","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2625","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["2131","424",40,"4 cl Lemon juice "], ["2131","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2131","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["2131","116",20,"2 cl Cherry Heering "], ["2131","142",20,"2 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["2131","319",60,"6 cl Bacardi Black rum "], ["2131","85",20,"2 cl 151 proof rum "], ["2364","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2364","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2364","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3826","357",10,"Layer 1/3 oz Sugar syrup "], ["3826","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["3826","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["3826","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3826","479",10,"1/3 oz Galliano "], ["3826","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2637","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2637","358",7.5,"1/4 oz Ouzo "], ["3715","475",20,"2 cl Sambuca "], ["3715","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3715","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["2514","62",60,"2 oz Yukon Jack liqueur "], ["2514","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["4472","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4472","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4472","424",3.7,"1 splash Lemon juice "], ["1249","68",26.5,"1 measure Green Chartreuse "], ["1249","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2688","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2688","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2688","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2688","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2688","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["2688","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["1638","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1638","243",15,"1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["1358","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1358","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1358","176",0.9,"1 dash Maraschino liqueur "], ["3053","342",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3053","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3053","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["4732","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4732","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4732","232",60,"2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4732","175",90,"3 oz Coca-Cola "], ["4732","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["991","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["991","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1956","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1956","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1799","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1799","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4374","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4374","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4817","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4817","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4817","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4817","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4817","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5697","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5697","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5697","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5697","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["3890","372",22.25,"1/2 jigger Cranberry juice "], ["3890","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3890","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["5088","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["5088","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5088","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["5137","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5137","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["2245","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2245","448",45,"1 1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["2245","124",2.5,"1/2 tsp Anisette "], ["3862","108",20,"2 cl J�germeister "], ["3862","239",20,"2 cl Pear liqueur (Xant� Poire au Cognac) "], ["3862","459",60,"6 cl Lemon-lime mix "], ["3862","485",60,"6 cl Battery "], ["3998","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3998","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3998","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["997","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["997","238",30,"1 oz Aliz� "], ["997","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4231","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["4231","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1289","165",22.5,"3/4 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["1289","71",22.5,"3/4 oz Everclear "], ["1973","347",385.5,"1 1/2 cup Strawberries, fresh "], ["1973","398",20,"4 tsp Honey "], ["1973","352",128.5,"1/2 cup Water "], ["1490","475",29.5,"1 shot Sambuca "], ["1490","479",3.7,"1 splash Galliano "], ["4100","479",14.75,"1/2 shot Galliano "], ["4100","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["1800","251",15,"1/2 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["1800","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1800","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1800","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3063","21",45,"1 1/2 oz Whiskey "], ["3063","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["3063","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5075","316",200,"20 cl Vodka "], ["5075","252",200,"20 cl Whisky "], ["5075","344",200,"20 cl Dr. Pepper "], ["5075","377",200,"20 cl Chocolate milk "], ["4748","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4748","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4748","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4748","186",7.5,"1/4 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["2166","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2166","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["2166","479",5,"1 tsp Galliano "], ["2166","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1754","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1754","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1754","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1754","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2019","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["2019","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2019","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2019","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2019","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2019","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3297","42",15,"1/2 oz Irish whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["3297","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Hot Damn) "], ["3297","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2386","243",60,"2 oz Blueberry schnapps (Blue Tattoo) "], ["2386","323",300,"10 oz Sprite "] ],[],onSuccess,onFailed); } module.exports.down=function(onSuccess,onFailed){ //TODO:delete all the data var dbo=new entity.Base("recipe_drink"); dbo.delete("1=1",true); onSuccess(); }
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import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ tagName: 'img', attributeBindings: ['src'], height: 100, width: 100, backgroundColor: 'aaa', textColor: '555', format: undefined, // gif, jpg, jpeg, png text: undefined, src: Ember.computed('height', 'width', 'backgroundColor', 'textColor', 'format', function() { // build url for placeholder image var base = ''; var src = base + this.get('width') + 'x' + this.get('height') + '/'; src += this.get('backgroundColor') + '/' + this.get('textColor'); // check for image format if (this.get('format')) { src += '.' + this.get('format'); } // check for custom placeholder text if (this.get('text')) { src += '&text=' + this.get('text'); } return src; }) });
import database from "../api/database"; import * as types from "../actions/ActionTypes" const receiveAspects = aspects => ({ type: types.GET_COMMON_ASPECTS, aspects }); export const getCommonAspects = () => dispatch => { database.getCommonAspects(aspects => { dispatch(receiveAspects(aspects)) }) }; export const loadAll = () => ({ type: types.LOAD_ALL_ASPECTS });
var https = require('https'), q = require('q'), cache = require('./cache').cache; var API_KEY = process.env.TF_MEETUP_API_KEY; var fetch_events = function () { var deferred = q.defer(); var options = { host: '', path: '/2/events?&sign=true&photo-host=public&group_urlname=GOTO-Night-Stockholm&page=20&key=' + API_KEY }; var callback = function (response) { var str = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { var json = JSON.parse(str); deferred.resolve(json.results); }); }; var req = https.request(options, callback); req.on('error', function (e) { deferred.reject(e); }); req.end(); return deferred.promise; }; module.exports.fetch_events = cache(fetch_events, 10000, true, []);
using System; namespace monomart.Models.Domain { public class MM_GetBrand { public virtual int id { get; set; } public virtual string name { get; set; } } }