Wasn't runescape released like 5 years + after this song came out/was popular?
Maybe 11 year old me went through a phase?? Or the fact it’s still a kick ass song 10+years later?
I always thought that scream was the sound of the X wings when I was younger.
It's actually referred to as the TIE Fighter scream due to the similarity. Now [check this out.] Edit: FYI the actual TIE Fighter sfx was [made from an elephant sound.]
Actually, it could have done with a bit more punctuation. Or something. Getting used to his "unique style" of writing was annoying. It was an affectation I could have done without, and the book would not have suffered for it.
I take it you've never read ee cummings? I didn't think it was difficult at all and followed in a literary tradition that makes the prose all the more beautiful.
It definitely seems like it takes the kind of individual who values their career more than their personal life to work there. I've had plenty of coworkers with that mindset but I just can't relate. Pay me for my 40 hours then leave me alone.
My ex works there. She could do so much more but refuses to leave because she values the store too much. She has a college degree and she's really smart and business savvy but she drank some kind of koolaid. Anytime I ask her to take time off she says she can't because she needs more than 2 MONTHS ADVANCE NOTICE to beat out coworkers, her hours always get in the way, she always complains that her managers are fucking her over and that the promotions she goes for are unobtainable because they close potions before filling them. But she just won't leave. Some people value Apple over a career over personal life.
There wasn't any plot to give away. Move along. Move along.
Han Solo dying, the main villain being his son, the girl is the force sensitive one, Luke is a hermit alone on an island after failing to train the main villain...I mean I can go on?
I've got about 10/15 minutes to read on the way to work, it's a shuttle ride. It's not much but it feel like a luxury; I could be driving in traffic. Beyond that it's in the evenings when I'm in bed, but that's only 50% of my nights. The other 50% is reddit, and let's toss in another 50% for porn.
If you're already on reddit, you might as well... 2 birds 1 stone
I don’t know what you are on about, you seem to be just looking for an argument. I don’t know what information that you gathered from my post that makes you think I am a trump supporter, but you are plain wrong. You are saying talking about a musician is irrelevant on r/music? All of these things you are saying are just assumptions about me. A simple read through my post history would show that you are mistaken. I want to argue with trump people to do but I’m not one of them. Like I said in my comment, Steven Tyler is a piece of shit. Draw whatever you want from that
The point is there's a thing these days (by both sides) of attacking anyone who disagrees with your politics. You've spoken out for gun laws? Look here's a hacked picture of your boobs you sent your boyfriend. You don't like Trump, we're going to go through your old tweets and get you fired. So, when someone complains that a politician is using their song, bringing up their past feels like that. That said people complaining about a politician can be treated as heroes so it's good to remember that sometimes they aren't.
I understand having all of these big artists back tidal and be on stage, that I don't have a problem with. But why didn't these big artists say something like "we know how hard it was to get where we are, and how the odds can be stacked against new artists, let us introduce you to some awesome new artists and explain how they will benefit more on Tidal." Make it so it was the big guys giving back to the little guys, instead of the big guys needing more.
Way better stance! They need a new PR team I think.
Seriously? "It's ok that people are poor, because most of them deserve it"?
Are you interested in truth and understanding, or convincing yourself that you're morally and intellectually superior? Honestly, what should be done about the employees at Amazon, and why?
If you do have such a technology, you really shouldn't be discussing it in an open forum. You should be pitching it to VCs. If you don't, then you are just talking out your ass. I'm going with that second one.
Its not even that fancy - uses normal electronic components to build it, not physics equipment. Ill say no more about how it works.
Perhaps I'm being short-sighted, but based on the provided test, I'm failing to see what this big security hole is, unless you'd classify defining a function and printing some text as a vulnerability. Doesn't this just define a function that declares true then prints something?
Any web-facing application that calls other executables on a system with bash as a default shell is vulnerable. Big problem. edit: Any web-facing application that uses CGI. Which is most because people don't like it when their entire web-server goes down due to a bug in PHP.
They're printing money with world of Warcraft why would they assign developers to risky projects when they can keep going with an insanely successful and dependable long term project.
Why do companies come out with new products all the time despite their current products selling well? To innovate and try to expand their market share.
Well, no. People damn sure do react to photos. I was about to start explaining the power of photography in exposing something, then I remembered we're on reddit. Open your fucking eyes.
Exposing what? That a bunch of hippies want to ruin our parks and thoroughfares by erecting tent cities on public property? Occupy is dead, Jim. The majority spoke and they told you to go home, put on some clothes, and get a damn job. In places where public sentiment is overwhelming in agreement against the government, shutting down the communications infrastructure won't do anything but further inflame the masses. Some photos on the internet aren't going to sway anyone. See the revolutions in the Middle East for example. They shut communications down and it only escalated the fall of power.
For me, an LCD screen is much harsher to look at than e-ink. My eyes get watery and stingy when I play games or read on an LCD screen, and I also feel like have a harder time getting my eyes to focus properly. E-ink does not have these effects, I can read on an e-ink display for hours and my eyes do not fatigue any more than when looking at normal paper. I have no whether or not LCDs do any actual harm to my vision, but they are certainly a less pleasant experience.
You must have a bear of a time posting here on reddit then. But that's you. And I'm sorry you have the problem, but that doesn't make it a problem most people suffer. I read stuff on an LCD display 8 hours a day for work, and read for pleasure on my LCD display tablet and I'm fine. As, I strongly suspect, are most people given that people aren't reporting any major trouble with reading on LCD monitors at work. For you and people who share your problem, I'd imagine that even with the low refresh rate epaper is a godsend. For most of us the only real advantage is low power consumption.
Yep. They're going to fuck this up... Remember Guyver? Even worse. :(
David Hayter is a great actor, I don't know what you're talking about.
I have no idea if you’re saying real Cthulthuese or just putting random consonants and apostrophes together, but it looks impressively Chuthulthan.
Nah it's real, that's the chant the cultists used while summoning Cthulhu IIRC.
Well, there was a Frances single that was a part of the Japanese release. I think it was Japan, at least. It included the Frances title track and a live version of The Widow. Really good stuff.
You can buy that single separately in the US as well. That's what I did. It has the single edit of the Widow on it too!
> fiber will seem not all that great for a lot of things. Fiber is a transport medium. It provides an unobstructed path for light to travel. Simply changing the equipment on the ends changes the performance...
It won't matter, hardware won't advance that quickly any way. If it would they wouldn't be offering just 1 gbps right now. 5 years from now people won't be getting 20gbps. They'll maybe be getting 2, to match comcast. 5 years from now 99% of all people in the US still won't have google fiber, or even be offered it.
Who is the biggest retailer in the world right now? It isn't J. C. Penny, or any of the other scam artists who perpetually have sales so they can trick mall rats into thinking they got a deal. The biggest retailer in the world is Walmart, who advertise low prices every day. The mistake J. C. Penny made was switching market segments without actively wooing the different crowd that would actually be responsive to the different tactic.
Kohl's is the worst. No bitch, I didn't save $40. I paid $20, which is what it's fair value is. Don't act like it was a gift to me. I never would have paid full price.
> If it simply took the place of star ratings then anyone who didn't finish who chose to give a star rating would be viewed as unfairly influencing the overall rating balance. You could just as easily say that people who finished unfairly balance the ratings. If a book is so bad you didn't even finish it, it deserves a one star rating. If enough people didn't finish to significantly change the rating, the chances are it's just not a good book.
You're looking for an argument. Find it elsewhere or read what I said more carefully.
And why, exactly, do they not just sell them everyday?
I believe it's to easier regulate the manufacturing costs. It's more predictable to ration out sales do they aren't producing too many units and potentially being undersold. It helps keep the price point lower. At least from what I've heard.
Oh hell no, that movie deserves at least a 60%.
Eh. I hated the ending. Could understand why it was criticized.
You clearly don't go to EDM shows or raves very often.
Nope, the only one I've been to was Skrillex some months back. We rarely get big artists where I live, and when we do, it's horribly expensive. Maybe it's a cultural thing (I'm from Denmark), but I don't see how someone would be able or want to dance like the guy in your video at a packed show.
Welp, here's the question. *Why* would we upvote or downvote a post in response to OP's question? Certainly we're not supposed to upvote because we agree or disagree with the film he's named, it's supposed to come from whether or not he articulates *why* in a way that contributes to the discussion. Am I wrong? I would downvote him simply for not giving us any valid reason for *why* he thinks it's not as bad as it's rating, other than "it's not as bad".
You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.
He mostly certainly is. He tells the story. He comes to know more about humanity and about himself throughout the novel. That's something of a high school definition, but it works here. It is his personal odyssey as he observes larger-than-life, enigmatic people and things (one of which is Gatsby).
> He tells the story. That's called a narrator. Not the same thing.
Have been reading a lot of quite heavy non-fiction recently, so can anyone recommend me an easy read fiction, something quirky but with a bit of humour in it - am flexible on genre...: hope this isn’t too vague! Thinking along the lines of matt haig’s books...
If you're after humour, you can't go wrong with Jasper Fforde
I actually saw the Gears commercial before I saw Donnie Darko and thought the song was just the most beautiful thing. So many moments in Gears matched the tone of that song so well.
I'll post this whenever that song and Gears is mentioned: that short was directed by Joseph Kosinski, director of Oblivion and TRON: Legacy.
c# is objectively fantastic. With an open sourced .net, I look forward to the eventual death of Java. At least, I can hope.
Growing up on Java, I never really liked it. It felt slow, was so verbose and just confusing. When I graduated I got a C# job, and after my first week learning it I loved it. "Never write a getter or setter again?? Sold!" And that's just the tip of the iceberg
"What, you want to buy things from us? OK then" I don't see anything surprising here.
It doesn't have to be surprising to be posted in /r/tech, it just has to be about technology.
I looked up the hash tag on Twitter and there are alot of people calling it racist. But maybe that's just Twitter for you I guess
Yeah, well, the internet is full of anonymous kneejerk idiots. Shit, all kinds of really stupid stuff trends on Twitter, that doesn't mean someone intelligent actually put together an argument for it.
That doesn't explain why the man needs to be old.
Women are attracted to older, powerful men. It isn't rocket science. Old women and denial go together like peanut butter and jelly. I'm sure your downvotes will testify this fact. Edit: also, brand recognition for the male actors. If the female actresses' faces didn't turn to silly putty I'm sure the studios would keep them around too since they've built rapport with audiences and have fans.
See, having a law *apply* to the government and having the government actually following said law are two entirely different things. Pretty sure the US government isn't allowed to do a lot of things they currently do.
I'd risk saying that applies to all governments around the world. The ones you hear less about might just do less shady stuff but they might also have learnt to keep it hidden better.
Decent enough list... But how you could have The Martian and Dubliners in the same rating band is beyond me. Insanity.
Good point. Might be some shortcomings in the A to D system
It was okay. I had a lot of problems with the unexplained state of things or the reasons for the actors to behave in certain ways. Felt like it needed more background to give the story credibility. Furthermore, in many reviews; the movie is being complimented on it's cinematography, which I didn't find that great or unique. Not really a reason to see this movie.
I would be *more* inclined to like it without the background story all spelled out.
Doesn't seem that strange to me. Death is bad, and killing is horrendous, but there's an huge visual difference in Mufasa falling from a cliff side, Denethor ritualistically setting himself on fire, and Sweeny Todd bashing a guy's skull and slitting his throat.
That is very true. I was thinking a bit more of weapon based violence, how some it's done without blood or slightly off camera or quickly, and then it's OK for children. Although even Mufasa being murdered is a very traumatic event for a child add they are supposed to identify with the son. Completely forgot his name...
Hello, all. As the title suggests, I am wondering how one would go about gathering data off of a HD? I currently have two computers - one iMac and one laptop - that are no longer useable or functional. Both computers have pictures, music, etc on them that I wish to retrieve, but I'm hoping I do not have to pay someone to do it. I'm hoping it is simple enough for me to do on my own. So my question is this: what would I need, and what would I need to do, to retrieve any data off a hard drive that I want? Or would it simply be best for me to pay someone to do it for me? Thanks in advance.
I have a related issue. My external HD stopped powering up/spinning. Wondering if there is anything I can do to retrieve the data. I don't think the HD is scratched.
I liked it, but I do agree with some of the complaints too. My biggest thing is Batman actually screwing Batgirl. It's perfectly understandable how Batgirl could have a crush on Batman. But, she's gotta be near fresh out of high school and he's somewhere between 40-50. Batman has broken other guys bones for less of a crime. She Jim's daughter for crying out loud.
Older men tend to like younger girls. Young girls tend to like older men. It's not uncommon. Plus Batman rarely gets laid, so if a hot young minx like Batgirl went for him, it makes sense he'd go with it. Plus it makes it more of a personal vendetta when Batman is going after the Joker for shooting and violating Barbara
I have three off the top of my head. [Rancid - Roots Radicals] [Fugazi - Waiting Room] [Primus - Southbound Pachyderm]
Surprised Waiting Room wasn't higher up there in the comments.
The Soundgarden album to compare to Nevermind is Ultramega OK, which was released before Nirvana was formed. I guess it didn't break out of the northwest coz it wasn't as radio friendly.
I just meant both of those albums are each of the band's Magnum Opus' so to speak.
So excited! I had to put [all 3 trailers together in a mashup.]
Beautifully done, sir. Good artistic crafty sense to keep the major "buttons" at the end !
It was rejected by one specific imprint after being read by one individual reader from that house. While it's an interesting story from that reader's perspective, it certainly doesn't make any kind of broader point in the context of the pseudonym/famous author discussion happening right now. Although it does go to show how acceptance/rejection by any particular house is not a sign of quality or lack thereof because this decision can be based on the taste of a very very small number of people, often just one.
Exactly. I once interned for a small publisher. I was 22 and an English major. I was the first line of defense on manuscripts we received. That makes me laugh that these seasoned writers were sending in books that they might have spent years on, and this 22 year kid (me) could, in 5 minutes if I wanted to, toss them into the rejection pile.
What about the video cards? Can they handle such high resolutions? Does it mean that new video cards would be made for this?
I have an R9 390x, top of the line for AMD (aside from the flagship "fury"), and it can handle all new games I've tried at 1440 without dipping below 60fps. At 4k I doubt it will maintain 60fps without dropping the graphics settings at least slightly. At 8k it will struggle at even moderate settings. Point being, no graphics card is ready for 8k gaming. Not only is it about the raw number of pixels but in order to benefit from such high resolution you need much higher resolution models and textures... my card has 8GB of memory but it's not unusual for current games designed for 1080p gaming to use close to 4...
All fun and games, but I hardly think the communication between end users and Facebook needs to be protected. Rather the communication between users ON facebook should be encrypted. But you will never see that ofcourse.
If by our key can be made visible to other users, this may be a good start.
I saw this tour in Dallas. Literally thought I was going to be killed at some point. The crowd started burning everything and tearing up the floor and rioting coming out after the show.
You did decide to see them in their hometown. you have to expect it to be crazier than any other place, especially for being Dallas.
R&R HoF has been a joke for years. Fucking Run-DMC and Tupac get inducted before Iron Maiden, The Cars, The Doobie Brothers, Motley Crue, Bad Company, Ronnie James Dio, Bon Jovi, Roxy Music, The Moody Blues, The Guess Who, The Cure, Def Leppard, Jethro Tull, Sammy Hagar, Judas Priest, Dire Straits, Pixies, Ozzy and Motörhead. Who's up for induction next year? N*Sync?
>Bob Jovi. I loved that album of his, Sticky When Wet. The banjo playing was excellent.
What does that have to do with the universe being a "hologram"?
I suspect the headline is sensationalized. I think space-time quanta is the real headline here. Real life holograms, when examined closely, are "fuzzy" due to limitations of resolution. If space-time can be quantized, it too will be innately fuzzy. The part I don't understand is how this test relates to the previously establish [Holographic principle] other than to further verify the [Bekenstein bound]
if you read the article, you'll see the title misrepresents the quote.
"My day was really good, I won't screw it up by reading." - lecherous_hump
*The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test* by Tom Wolfe. and. *Stranger in a Strange Land* by Robert A. Heinlein.
Actually, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test pairs really well with Songs of the Doomed by Hunter S. Thompson. They both contain the story of a party between the Merry Pranksters and the Hell's Angels; one told from Tom Wolfe's perspective, the other from Hunter's. Vastly different views of what was going on.
Descent is great. Doomsday was fun--saw it in the theater. Not so great on repeated viewings. Centurion is pretty good. Pretty sure it's streaming on Netflix
Doomsday? Or The Descent? Horror movies are never that good after their first time. But Doomsday is one of those movies I'll pull out when I want to see some whacky shit, as well as a five minute ad for a Bentley (Was that a Bentley?) while Frankie Goes To Hollywood plays. So top.
They're not doing any of the old monsters for this one, I believe they said there will be two new monsters.
i guess thats why i didnt recognise the dead one in the trailer
1 was good, 2 tried to leech off the success of 1. 4 was ok, 5 was great, 6 went back a bit to above average. Haven't seen 7 yet.
2 was pretty good in its own right I thought, and it's basically the formula for 5+. Tokyo Drift is a lot of fun, but I'm not sure why they aren't bringing Lucas Black back into the movies. Seems like the natural choice to replace Paul Walker (not as Brian, of course). Maybe they just don't feel he has the acting chops and yes I say that with a straight face.
Brothers K is sublime. The court room drama at the end is fantastic and thought provoking.
I'm about 20% through as I've only been doing a 3 or 4 chapters a day. His writing style is a bit tricky to get into but I think I've mastered my earlier impatience and am now going 'with the flow'. It's a thought provoking book which is my favourite kind!
Kin by Kealan Patrick Burke. The Grip of It by Jac Jemc. The Sound of Broken Ribs by Edward Lorn. Don't read Anihilation. It is a piece of shit. People read it for the hype of the movie.
I will say that Annihilation, while certainly not a piece of shit, is the weakest of the three. Did you read the other two?
Great Song, but that isn't the first song on the wall.
You're right, first song on the second disc. In that case I vote "shine on you crazy diamond".
4chan is like 4 tons of shit with 3 absolutely beautiful diamonds buried in it. I'd rather let someone else find the diamonds and let me admire their beauty than dig through shit myself.
Yeah but most of the website isn't shit (at least the kind that you're referring to), the shit is on the boards separate from where the "diamonds" are located. If your impression of 4chan is based on the most upvoted screencaps then that's completely backwards.
With a naïve IPv6 configuration which many systems use by default (MAC-based addresses) it's downright trivial to track specific users, even as they change ISPs.
That's what [RFC 4941] - Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6 - addresses.
Listen, You're worrying for nothing. If it fucks up, it's on Lionsgate, not you. Don't let it stress you out, it's their fault. That stress will eat you up. Source: Stress almost ate me up.
If something goes wrong though, nobody is going to bitch at Lionsgate. They are going to chew on the nearest person available and that sounds like OP.
Good riddance, credit card fraud is a PITA for both customers and retailers.
The problem is with the credit cards companies. A smartcard with a PIN shouldn't take a genius to deploy.
If I had to choose between waiting 20 minutes and *paying $25+ for gas*, I'm gonna go with the 20 minute wait. Edit: I got a bit off topic there without fully explaining. You're right that it's not an improvement. But not everything has to be if there are other benefits. If you frequently drive more than 300 miles without taking breaks, then EVs aren't for you. But that's an unusual stipulation.
Now think about what happens as the number of EVs goes from miniscule to the norm (remember the idea is that we replace gasoline entirely). You thought having to wait 3-6 min at a busy gas station for 1-2 people ahead of you in line to finish filling their tank was bad. Have fun waiting 20-40 minuets before you can even start charging.
Can someone please for the love of god explain to me what about Lady Gaga's music is at all the least bit ground breaking or influential? I feel like i'm taking fucking crazy pills. I always sound like i'm shitting on her, I'm honestly not, but people keep insisting that she's something more than just a run-of-the-mill pop singer and never ever explain why. "She plays piano," or "she went to NYU" are not reasons shes groundbreaking or different. And seriously, I haven't heard a peep from her since Born this Way, which was an absolute flop to most people. She'll be remembered the same way we remember the band Boston now; a great blip on the radar of the past.
But, but but...she did burlesque! No, your right. She "just another" pop star and if people like her it's really just because they do, taste is subjective that way. Fuck yeah, Boston! No shame in being a blip.
because Mutants in X-Men are created by a specific gene called the X (hence the name) gene. the detection only detects for mutations in that gene.
Okay, I didn't know that. Thanks. I guess it wouldn't have been practical to have a device that detects all mutations because it would flag every person on the planet. I just think there was an opportunity missed by not having the machine indicate that Trask himself was not an "ordinary" human.
It Follows seemed like a good atmospheric representation of suburban Detroit
It Follows was filmed in the metro area. There is a wonderful photoshop of the C in "C-Lawson High School"
> Memory is managed automatically, and you don’t even need to type semi-colons. Sounds like a real breakthrough in the programming languages department.
built in memory management is not a new thing Java has had it for years and it generally sucks as a concept. Objectve C's garbage collector has a problem where it deletes variables that haven't been modified for a specific time regardless if they are important are not.
Here's the thing about the grammies. All of the voting are done by Grammy members. In order to be a Grammy member you have to be in the music industry with a certain number of album credits. Grammy Members are allowed to nominate any Artist or Album up to 15 different categories and they are only allowed to vote for the winner up to 15 categories. It's not rigged in any way, the people who vote for music are the people that make music for a living and for industry professionals it is actually a really important night. Also awards are typically given to what impacted the industry more not what may be the best.
That's what surprised me, bey did something that is relatively new in the industry with the movie/album thing. She is pushing pop music in a new direction with her different sound. And she sounded good doing it. I love Adele and would never deny that she is a talented woman. But I just think that her album, amazing though it was, will have less of an impact on the music industry going forward. On a tangent. If you took a couple of songs from 25 and added them to the end of 21 and told someone they all came off the same album they may not catch the lie. Adele had little progression.
I have to agree, touchwiz seems fine until you flash a custom ROM with vanilla android and see how much potential is lost in that crappy overlay.
I was stunned how much my old Galaxy sped up when I got rid of TouchWiz.
TAFT YOU FUCK! You bought your clothes at the Portly Gentleman! I know because I SOLD THEM TO YOU!
PLINKETT, YOU FUCK! You bought your wheelchair at the thrift store! I know because I SOLD IT TO YOU!!!!
Thanks for the tip. I've had a look at Arduino and it looks like an interesting new thing to learn about.
You might also want to look into Espressif's esp8266 and related modules, as it has built-in wifi.
Sam L Jackson in every Sam L Jackson film ever made.
He's been in some terrible movies. You seen "cell"?
It was a great homage to the Halloween soundtrack. Really set the tone. Excellent movie too, one of my favorite horror movies ever.
How did you find a homage to halloween? Doesn't sound even remotely like carpenters soundtrack to me
No I thought that it was something like this: you spend months training, and then are shipped overseas to fight in war. Although you spend countless nights contemplating if you could actually kill another man or not, when the time comes, everyone ceases to think and ends up shooting the enemy. Today, I guess that is the trend, but the book says that prior to ~30 years ago (vietnam was the beginning), most soldiers would go to great lengths to not kill the enemy.
Actually, Korea was the beginning (55%). Vietnam was the arrival at the finished product, so to speak.
That's a pretty unfair response. Trivializing other's love for something and chalking it up to nonsense simply because you didn't understand or like it.
I don't quite understand what you're saying. I liked the film.
I loved the books, but the movie just came out flat to me.
I haven't read the books. Obviously I should put them on my list.
Well he did write a lot of episodes for LOST which was known at the time for being greatly received.
He *wrote* Lost, not a lot. That show was a success because of him, regardless of all the shit it gets.
I can't do Stressed Out anymore because of endless radio play(still like it tho). Also I know most people would disagree, but I'm not a fan of We Don't Believe Whats On TV
Really? Such a high energy, feel good song, especially live. Evidence:
I love Sing the Sorrow. Man, that disk has been a huge part of my life :D.
I also like StS. I think that AFI's decline happened on the December Underground album. It did have a few songs that were passable, but overall it was a huge "fuck you" to their fan base. Sing the Sorrow was their last legitimately good album. Essential listening for AFI is the Holy Trinity: Black Sails In The Sunset, Art Of Drowning, and Sing The Sorrow. Beyond that, the EP All Hallows. That is the cream of the AFI crop- and what a crop it is.
The life rating is based upon how much the emitter is driven. Drive the emitter less and it'll last longer. It's all just statistical. Heck, the simplest case would be just to only drive 1/4 of the emitters at any given time. It makes the fixture 4x bigger and a lot more expensive, but it will last 4x as long (increase the life rating 4x).
The amount of current driven to the LED is proportional to the amount of heat the chip generates. The challenge in designing reliable LED lights is less about controlling the current (as long as it does not exceed the limit for the chip's design) and more to do with removing heat from the LED via heatpipes and heatsinsks like mentioned in the article.
Judging by the trailers its gonna involve a lot of teal and orange filters acting as visual cues for which city it's set in, which I can't really say I'm excited about. Hopefully they'll keep the specifics of how the two cities are related unexplained for a while and make a lot of clever use of framing to hide what's going on so folks who haven't already read the book can have a big "Oh!" moment midway through.
>Judging by the trailers its gonna involve a lot of teal and orange filters acting as visual cues for which city it's set in. Not too hot on that either, especially when we're told repeatedly in the book about how Ul Quoma is sleek and colourful and Bezel is drab and grey and old looking.
Maybe not as weird as flatland but, [The Dice Man] has an odd and intriguing premise and when you explain it you might come off as someone who enjoys playing yatzy.
A man decides to base his life off of chance rolls of dice and accidentally creates a new psychotherapy... good book.
If the police asked apple to share your screen without you knowing could it happen ?
No. Most of your stuff on your iPhone even Apple and computer forensic experts will have trouble getting to. They def aren’t sharing your live screen with the cops at any point. I would imagine the most they can do is give the cops access to stuff on the cloud/your Apple account in extreme situations. Every so often forensic companies will come out with a iPhone code cracker that cost 30k+ but Apple will usually fix the usual hardware exploit as fast as they can. (Source: have taken a few computer forensic classes)
I hope they show how manipulative he was.. it wasn't just screaming at his co-workers that made him an asshole, he used to go behind peoples back, or just straight up manipulate them face to face. The story of how Jobs recruited Scully and then turned on him is incredible.
>The story of how Jobs recruited Scully and then turned on him is incredible. That is in the trailer.
"I’m not a comic book villain. Do you seriously think I would explain my master stroke to you if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome? I triggered it 35 minutes ago." Ozymandias, Watchmen
I remeber reading Watchmen the first time and stopping at that line. It's just so chilling. I felt the flick pulled it off pretty well.
Saw them live last month. Awesome show but Jeff bitched about cell phones for most of the night.
he hates pics and people not being "present" at his shows. they actually strictly enforced no phones when i saw him. i think he just wants you to fully experience the performance and be a part of it, he also encourages fans to sing along and even took some questions at me show. very intimate performer, i can respect that
My opinion. Flying Microtonal Banana - 8.5. Murder of the Universe - 6. Sketches of Brunswick East - 8. Polygondwanaland - 9.5 (I love polymeters) Gumboot Soup - 7.5
I would totally agree with that order. Initially Polygondwanaland was my least favorite, but upon listening to it more it is by far my favorite of 2017.
*Macbeth*. (Reading a play counts, right?) To be honest, I read the play and felt a bit "meh" about it. But then my 12th grade English teacher showed us a BBC performance of it and it really clicked with me. I've read it many times since then and it's still one of my favorite stories.
I remember writing my final high school paper on Macbeth. I enjoyed the play, though it begins to blur after the second act for me. Might need to freshen up and reread.
The one-sentence paragraph. Used to lend "gravitas" where the writer can't manage to inject it otherwise. Drives me nuts.
I despise all the various ways pacing is used as a ham-fisted drama-creator not warranted by the content.
Well this is just wrong--this isn't a map of Manhattan.
Right, because most of the outdoor scenes in the trilogy were shot in Chicago i do believe.
This is the only comment after 6 hrs. I probably should resubscribe to /r/technology.
Having really nothing to do with technology is the main problem I think.
I checked it out from a University library near me. First things first: it's not a novel he wrote in the traditional sense; he took street of crocodiles by Bruno Shultz (I think?) and went through each page and cut out significant portions of it, literally took scissors to the book, this "creating" a new narrative. Tree of codes is a printing of that effort. It's interesting as an artifact and a collectible (used copies regularly sell for $100), but it isn't exemplary of his work.
ahh am all excited to get the book already! thanks for sharing u/pearloz! :)
I think he means if the phone freezes, you simply pulled the battery out previously.
There's typically a key combination on unibody phones, which overrides everything and powers the phone off.
HBM with a TB or more on server and hpc CPUs is a possibility.
AMD Naples itself seems to already be geared towards that already, even with standard RAM. It'll be interesting to see if they come out with an HBM solution too, or a mixed one.
How isn't he? His lyrics are tops. His metaphors are pretty unique, and his delivery is awesome.
His flow is average at best, lyrics aren't anything special and he is too inconsistent in putting new material out. Dude promised his new album like 3 years ago. Plus there's legitimately 20 rappers that are technically better in flow, voice, lyrics and beat selection.
It's so odd that they would go ahead and make a sequel to such a lackluster entry into the Star Trek movies.
The first one made money. And they saw the potential of the franchise. Paramount did make a key decision to switch production from their movie studio to the television studio, so different people were involved in the making of it.
Probably that it was written first. Some people are very much against editing a "finished" piece.
I suppose we've all said the same thing about ET
Dude after reading this thread I almost thought I was the only one. I only got halfway through, and thought it was super boring so I stopped watching.
Yeah this thread is a huge circlejerk. I saw this in theaters and I was unimpressed. Its a lot of the same ideas I've seen before but with zombies that run fast. I can't remember most of it. The ending seemed really terrible as well. His plan to rescue them from the soldiers was to set free one zombie than run around like a crazy naked person? I can't even remember I was pretty uninterested by that point.
Bastards of Young by The Replacements, and Wires by Red Fang.
> Bastards of Young by The Replacements. Yeah, that came to mind, too. Definitely the best anti-video video ever.
Well XP probably does everything you want it to, so you may as well downgrade. Windows 7 will become an obsolete OS with no security upgrades in a while. The upgrade is free and will get you a newer, better and more supported OS. Don't know why you wouldn't upgrade.
The place I work still uses XP :-( I think I'm mostly just being lazy and don't want to have to mess with all my settings for no significant gain.
I like Lies the best. I really like the entire album though, they are probably my favorite "new" artist.
Tether definitely takes the cake for me. When those synths go off at the end I get so hyped.
A lot of movies are above a 5.0 on IMDB and I wasn't looking at their user rating scores
> a lot of movies are above a 5.0 on IMDB. > favourite movie with a sub 5.0 on IMDB. wat
Planning on starting Empire of Storms by Sarah Maas!
I just finished Queen of Shadows! Tell me if it's better than the last! I had a few problems with it.
It had a couple bangers, but generally the sound of it all ran together for me and just felt bland. Turn blue was a slight improvement, but still just sounds like reused ideas from brothers.
That's my feeling as well. For me, Dan Auerbach's solo album is actually his best work.