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Select the organism in the same species as the green tree frog.
[ "Hyla cinerea", "Atelopus zeteki", "Bufo viridis" ]
This organism is a green tree frog. Its scientific name is Hyla cinerea.
closed choice
natural science
Scientific names
Use scientific names to classify organisms
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
A green tree frog's scientific name is Hyla cinerea. Bufo viridis does not have the same scientific name as a green tree frog. So, Hyla cinerea and Bufo viridis are not in the same species. Hyla cinerea has the same scientific name as a green tree frog. So, these organisms are in the same species. Atelopus zeteki does not have the same scientific name as a green tree frog. So, Hyla cinerea and Atelopus zeteki are not in the same species.
What is the direction of this push?
[ "toward his hands", "away from his hands" ]
Two friends are out in a park. One man walks. He uses a force to push the other man's wheelchair with his hands.
closed choice
natural science
Force and motion
Identify directions of forces
A force is a push or a pull that one object applies to another. Every force has a direction. The direction of a push is away from the object that is pushing. The direction of a pull is toward the object that is pulling.
The walking man pushes the wheelchair. The direction of the push is away from his hands.
Which of the following could Dakota's test show?
[ "if the blade guards would break in a crash", "how much the drone weighed with the blade guards", "if adding the blade guards made the drone fly poorly" ]
People can use the engineering-design process to develop solutions to problems. One step in the process is testing if a potential solution meets the requirements of the design. The passage below describes how the engineering-design process was used to test a solution to a problem. Read the passage. Then answer the question below. Dakota was designing small aircraft called drones to pick up items from warehouse shelves. She knew that the drones' propeller blades would get damaged if they bumped into anything while flying through the warehouse. So, Dakota wanted to add blade guards to protect the propeller blades. The guards had to be sturdy so they would not break in a crash. But she thought that if the guards weighed too much, the drones would not fly well. So, Dakota put guards made of lightweight metal on one drone. Then she observed how well the drone flew with the guards. Figure: a drone without blade guards.
closed choice
natural science
Engineering practices
Evaluate tests of engineering-design solutions
People can use the engineering-design process to develop solutions to problems. One step in the process is testing if a potential solution meets the requirements of the design. How can you determine what a test can show? You need to figure out what was tested and what was measured. Imagine an engineer needs to design a bridge for a windy location. She wants to make sure the bridge will not move too much in high wind. So, she builds a smaller prototype, or model, of a bridge. Then, she exposes the prototype to high winds and measures how much the bridge moves. First, identify what was tested. A test can examine one design, or it may compare multiple prototypes to each other. In the test described above, the engineer tested a prototype of a bridge in high wind. Then, identify what the test measured. One of the criteria for the bridge was that it not move too much in high winds. The test measured how much the prototype bridge moved. Tests can show how well one or more designs meet the criteria. The test described above can show whether the bridge would move too much in high winds.
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Select the amphibian.
[ "green chameleon", "hammerhead shark", "western toad", "Banggai cardinalfish" ]
closed choice
natural science
Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Amphibians have moist skin and begin their lives in water.
A hammerhead shark is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Hammerhead sharks get their names from the shape of their heads. They have a wide, flat head and a small mouth. A green chameleon is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. Chameleons eat insects. They use their long, sticky tongues to catch their prey. A western toad is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Toads do not have teeth! They swallow their food whole. A Banggai cardinalfish is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Cardinalfish often live near coral reefs. They are nocturnal, which means that they are active mostly at night.
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Is a strawberry a good or a service?
[ "a service", "a good" ]
closed choice
social science
Goods and services
Everything you can buy is either a good or a service. A good is something you can touch or hold in your hands. For example, a hammer is a good. A service is a job you pay someone else to do. For example, cooking food in a restaurant is a service.
To decide whether a strawberry is a good or a service, ask these questions: Is a strawberry something you can touch? Yes. Is a strawberry a job you might pay someone else to do? No. So, a strawberry is a good.
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What does the euphemism in this text suggest? Will is big-boned, so despite being in middle school, he often shops in the men's department.
[ "Will has larger bones than most people.", "Will is overweight." ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Interpret the figure of speech
Figures of speech are words or phrases that use language in a nonliteral or unusual way. They can make writing more expressive. A euphemism is a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. The head of Human Resources would never refer to firing people, only to laying them off.
The text uses a euphemism, a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. The euphemism big-boned suggests that Will is overweight.
Is Oxalis acetosella made up of one cell?
[ "yes", "no" ]
This organism is Oxalis acetosella. It is a member of the plant kingdom. Oxalis acetosella is commonly called wood sorrel. A wood sorrel plant has heart-shaped leaves and white flowers. Its flowers and leaves can fold up at night. Folding up helps protect the flowers and leaves from being eaten by insects.
yes or no
natural science
Describe, classify, and compare kingdoms
In the past, scientists classified living organisms into two groups: plants and animals. Over the past 300 years, scientists have discovered many more types of organisms. Today, many scientists classify organisms into six broad groups, called kingdoms. Organisms in each kingdom have specific traits. The table below shows some traits used to describe each kingdom. | Bacteria | Archaea | Protists | Fungi | Animals | Plants How many cells do they have? | one | one | one or many | one or many | many | many Do their cells have a nucleus? | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes Can their cells make food? | some species can | some species can | some species can | no | no | yes
Oxalis acetosella is a plant. Plants are made up of many cells.
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Which sentence is more formal?
[ "On a date next week TBD, the library will close so that new computers can be installed.", "The library will close for one day next week so that new computers can be installed." ]
closed choice
language science
Author's purpose and tone
Which sentence is more formal?
Formal writing is used for essays, business letters, and reports. The following types of informal language should be avoided in formal writing: Type | Examples slang | cool, awesome idioms | knock your socks off conversational language | gonna, kinda, yeah abbreviated language | ASAP, FYI overly simple or imprecise language | he got some stuff at the store contractions | can't, won't Contractions are not as informal as the other types, but they should be used sparingly in formal writing. Compare the following sentences. The first is informal. The second is formal. Informal: Yeah, ostriches can't fly, but they're awesome runners. Formal: Though ostriches are flightless, they are remarkably adept runners.
The second sentence is less formal. You can tell because it uses abbreviated language (TBD). The first sentence does not use abbreviated language, so it is more formal.
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2." ]
The images below show two pairs of magnets. The magnets in different pairs do not affect each other. All the magnets shown are made of the same material, but some of them are different sizes.
closed choice
natural science
Velocity, acceleration, and forces
Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when the magnets are smaller.
Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The smaller the magnets, the smaller the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "neither; the samples have the same temperature", "sample B", "sample A" ]
The diagrams below show two pure samples of gas in identical closed, rigid containers. Each colored ball represents one gas particle. Both samples have the same number of particles.
closed choice
natural science
Particle motion and energy
Identify how particle motion affects temperature and pressure
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in sample B has more mass than each particle in sample A. The particles in sample B also have a higher average speed than the particles in sample A. So, the particles in sample B have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample A. Because the particles in sample B have the higher average kinetic energy, sample B must have the higher temperature.
Which month has the lowest average precipitation in London?
[ "November", "May", "July" ]
Use the graph to answer the question below.
closed choice
natural science
Weather and climate
Use climate data to make predictions
Scientists record climate data from places around the world. Precipitation, or rain and snow, is one type of climate data. Scientists collect data over many years. They can use this data to calculate the average precipitation for each month. The average precipitation can be used to describe the climate of a location. A bar graph can be used to show the average amount of precipitation each month. Months with taller bars have more precipitation on average.
To describe the average precipitation trends in London, look at the graph. Choice "May" is incorrect. Choice "Jul" is incorrect. Choice "Nov" is incorrect. July has an average monthly precipitation of about 45 millimeters. This is lower than in any other month. So, July has the lowest average precipitation.
What is the capital of Nebraska?
[ "Bismarck", "Lincoln", "Omaha", "Topeka" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Midwest
Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska.
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Is the following trait inherited or acquired? Jerry has five toes on each foot.
[ "inherited", "acquired" ]
Hint: Jerry was born with five toes on each foot.
closed choice
natural science
Traits and heredity
Identify inherited and acquired traits
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment. Children do not inherit their parents' acquired traits.
Most humans are born with five toes on each foot. So, having five toes is an inherited trait.
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Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? shy - spool
[ "symbol", "slippery" ]
closed choice
language science
Reference skills
Use guide words
Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. To put words in alphabetical order, put them in order by their first letters. If the first letters are the same, look at the second letters. If the second letters are the same, look at the third letters, and so on. If one word is shorter, and there are no more letters to compare, then the shorter word comes first in alphabetical order. For example, be comes before bed.
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since slippery is between the guide words shy - spool, it would be found on that page.
Identify the question that Alvin's experiment can best answer.
[ "Does temperature affect how much bacteria can grow in liquid?", "Do more bacteria grow in liquid with cinnamon than in liquid without cinnamon?" ]
The passage below describes an experiment. Read the passage and then follow the instructions below. Alvin mixed bacteria into a nutrient-rich liquid where the bacteria could grow. He poured four ounces of the mixture into each of ten glass flasks. In five of the ten flasks, he also added one teaspoon of cinnamon. He allowed the bacteria in the flasks to grow overnight in a 37°C room. Then, Alvin used a microscope to count the number of bacteria in a small sample from each flask. He compared the amount of bacteria in the liquid with cinnamon to the amount of bacteria in the liquid without cinnamon. Figure: flasks of liquid for growing bacteria.
closed choice
natural science
Designing experiments
Identify the experimental question
Experiments can be designed to answer specific questions. How can you identify the questions that a certain experiment can answer? In order to do this, you need to figure out what was tested and what was measured during the experiment. Imagine an experiment with two groups of daffodil plants. One group of plants was grown in sandy soil, and the other was grown in clay soil. Then, the height of each plant was measured. First, identify the part of the experiment that was tested. The part of an experiment that is tested usually involves the part of the experimental setup that is different or changed. In the experiment described above, each group of plants was grown in a different type of soil. So, the effect of growing plants in different soil types was tested. Then, identify the part of the experiment that was measured. The part of the experiment that is measured may include measurements and calculations. In the experiment described above, the heights of the plants in each group were measured. Experiments can answer questions about how the part of the experiment that is tested affects the part that is measured. So, the experiment described above can answer questions about how soil type affects plant height. Examples of questions that this experiment can answer include: Does soil type affect the height of daffodil plants? Do daffodil plants in sandy soil grow taller than daffodil plants in clay soil? Are daffodil plants grown in sandy soil shorter than daffodil plants grown in clay soil?
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Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? The Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the driest places on Earth. It has an average precipitation of only 1.5 centimeters per year.
[ "weather", "climate" ]
Hint: Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place.
closed choice
natural science
Weather and climate
What's the difference between weather and climate?
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures.
Read the text carefully. The Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the driest places on Earth. It has an average precipitation of only 1.5 centimeters per year. This passage tells you about the usual precipitation in the Atacama Desert. It does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
Two magnets are placed as shown. Hint: Magnets that attract pull together. Magnets that repel push apart.
closed choice
natural science
Identify magnets that attract or repel
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the north pole of the other magnet. Poles that are different attract. So, these magnets will attract each other.
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Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
[ "Mr. Garza was reaching for the ladle in the gravy bowl when his wife took it away.", "Mr. Garza was reaching for the ladle in the gravy bowl when his wife took the ladle away." ]
closed choice
language science
Identify vague pronoun references
When writing, make sure to avoid vague pronoun references. A vague pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun could refer to more than one possible antecedent. When Lisa and Kim finally landed, she breathed a sigh of relief. The pronoun she could refer to either Lisa or Kim, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. Vague pronoun references can be corrected in one of two ways: 1. Replace the pronoun with its correct antecedent: When Lisa and Kim finally landed, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. 2. Rewrite the sentence: Lisa breathed a sigh of relief when she and Kim finally landed. A vague pronoun reference also occurs when they, them, their, theirs, it, or its is used without its antecedent. They say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. This problem can be fixed by replacing the pronoun with its missing antecedent. The advertisements say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes.
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it could refer to the ladle or the gravy bowl. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the ladle. Mr. Garza was reaching for the ladle in the gravy bowl when his wife took the ladle away.
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Complete the sentence. An icicle forming on the edge of a roof is a ().
[ "physical change", "chemical change" ]
closed choice
natural science
Physical and chemical change
Identify physical and chemical changes
Chemical changes and physical changes are two common ways matter can change. In a chemical change, the type of matter changes. The types of matter before and after a chemical change are always different. Burning a piece of paper is a chemical change. When paper gets hot enough, it reacts with oxygen in the air and burns. The paper and oxygen change into ash and smoke. In a physical change, the type of matter stays the same. The types of matter before and after a physical change are always the same. Cutting a piece of paper is a physical change. The cut pieces are still made of paper. A change of state is a type of physical change. For example, ice melting is a physical change. Ice and liquid water are made of the same type of matter: water.
An icicle forming on the edge of a roof is a change of state. So, it is a physical change. Liquid water freezes and becomes solid, but it is still made of water. A different type of matter is not formed.
What is the capital of West Virginia?
[ "Topeka", "Tallahassee", "Charleston", "Huntington" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Southeast
Charleston is the capital of West Virginia.
What is the capital of Missouri?
[ "Pierre", "Kansas City", "Jefferson City", "Saint Louis" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Midwest
Jefferson City is the capital of Missouri.
Which solution has a higher concentration of blue particles?
[ "neither; their concentrations are the same", "Solution B", "Solution A" ]
The diagram below is a model of two solutions. Each blue ball represents one particle of solute.
closed choice
natural science
Compare concentrations of solutions
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the blue particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of blue particles, look at both the number of blue particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of blue particles per milliliter. Solution A has more blue particles per milliliter. So, Solution A has a higher concentration of blue particles.
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "salty", "smooth", "flexible" ]
Select the best answer.
closed choice
natural science
Compare properties of objects
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A flexible object can be folded or bent without breaking easily. The fries are flexible, but the potato chips are not. A smooth object is not scratchy or rough. The potato chips and the fries are not smooth. Potato chips have a salty taste. All three objects are salty. The property that all three objects have in common is salty.
What is the capital of South Carolina?
[ "Charleston", "Columbia", "Memphis", "Atlanta" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Southeast
Columbia is the capital of South Carolina.
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Based on this information, what is Toriel's phenotype for the coat color trait?
[ "a reddish-brown coat", "a black coat" ]
In a group of horses, some individuals have a black coat and others have a reddish-brown coat. In this group, the gene for the coat color trait has two alleles. The allele for a reddish-brown coat (l) is recessive to the allele for a black coat (L). Toriel is a horse from this group. Toriel has the homozygous genotype LL for the coat color gene.
closed choice
natural science
Genes to traits
Genetics vocabulary: dominant and recessive
All organisms have pieces of hereditary material called genes, which are passed from parents to offspring. Genes contain instructions for building the parts of an organism. An organism's genes affect its observable traits, including its appearance, its behavior, and which diseases it may have. Genes may have different alleles, or forms, that can cause different versions of a trait. For example, flower color is a trait in pea plants. The gene for this trait has two possible alleles. Each allele is represented by an uppercase or lowercase letter. The allele F is for purple flowers, and the allele f is for white flowers. Each pea plant has two alleles for the flower color gene—one allele inherited from each parent. An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. So, a pea plant may have a genotype of FF, Ff, or ff for the flower color gene. An organism's phenotype for a trait is its observable version of that trait, which depends on the organism's combination of alleles. A pea plant may have a phenotype of purple flowers or white flowers for the flower color trait. Some traits, like flower color in pea plants, are controlled by a single gene. Most plants and animals have a genotype made up of two alleles for these traits. These two alleles determine whether an organism is homozygous or heterozygous for the gene. An organism with two identical alleles for a gene is homozygous for that gene. A pea plant with the genotype FF or ff is homozygous for the flower color gene. An organism with two different alleles for a gene is heterozygous for that gene. A pea plant with the genotype Ff is heterozygous for the flower color gene. The types of alleles in an organism's genotype determine the organism's phenotype. Some alleles have types called dominant and recessive. These two types can cause different versions of a trait to appear as the organism's phenotype. A dominant allele causes its version of the trait to appear even when the organism also has a recessive allele for the gene. In pea plants, the F allele, which causes purple flowers, is dominant over the f allele. A pea plant with at least one F allele will have the F allele's version of the flower color trait. So, a plant with the genotype FF or Ff will have purple flowers. A recessive allele causes its version of the trait to appear only when the organism does not have any dominant alleles for the gene. In pea plants, the f allele, which causes white flowers, is recessive to the F allele. A pea plant with only f alleles will have the f allele's version of the flower color trait. So, a plant with the genotype ff will have white flowers.
Toriel's genotype for the coat color gene is LL. Toriel's genotype of LL has only L allelles. The L allele is for a black coat. So, Toriel's phenotype for the coat color trait must be a black coat. To check this answer, consider whether Toriel's alleles are dominant or recessive. The allele for a reddish-brown coat (l) is recessive to the allele for a black coat (L). This means L is a dominant allele, and l is a recessive allele. Toriel's genotype of LL has two dominant alleles. An organism with at least one dominant allele for a gene will have the dominant allele's version of the trait. So, Toriel's phenotype for the coat color trait must be a black coat.
What is the capital of Massachusetts?
[ "Boston", "Providence", "Cambridge", "Charlotte" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Northeast
Boston is the capital of Massachusetts.
Identify the question that Juan's experiment can best answer.
[ "Do more bacteria grow in liquid with cinnamon than in liquid without cinnamon?", "Does temperature affect how much bacteria can grow in liquid?" ]
The passage below describes an experiment. Read the passage and then follow the instructions below. Juan mixed bacteria into a nutrient-rich liquid where the bacteria could grow. He poured four ounces of the mixture into each of ten glass flasks. In five of the ten flasks, he also added one teaspoon of cinnamon. He allowed the bacteria in the flasks to grow overnight in a 37°C room. Then, Juan used a microscope to count the number of bacteria in a small sample from each flask. He compared the amount of bacteria in the liquid with cinnamon to the amount of bacteria in the liquid without cinnamon. Figure: flasks of liquid for growing bacteria.
closed choice
natural science
Designing experiments
Identify the experimental question
Experiments can be designed to answer specific questions. How can you identify the questions that a certain experiment can answer? In order to do this, you need to figure out what was tested and what was measured during the experiment. Imagine an experiment with two groups of daffodil plants. One group of plants was grown in sandy soil, and the other was grown in clay soil. Then, the height of each plant was measured. First, identify the part of the experiment that was tested. The part of an experiment that is tested usually involves the part of the experimental setup that is different or changed. In the experiment described above, each group of plants was grown in a different type of soil. So, the effect of growing plants in different soil types was tested. Then, identify the part of the experiment that was measured. The part of the experiment that is measured may include measurements and calculations. In the experiment described above, the heights of the plants in each group were measured. Experiments can answer questions about how the part of the experiment that is tested affects the part that is measured. So, the experiment described above can answer questions about how soil type affects plant height. Examples of questions that this experiment can answer include: Does soil type affect the height of daffodil plants? Do daffodil plants in sandy soil grow taller than daffodil plants in clay soil? Are daffodil plants grown in sandy soil shorter than daffodil plants grown in clay soil?
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Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
[ "Mr. Warren wanted the new employees to fill out their intake forms, but he couldn't find the forms.", "Mr. Warren wanted the new employees to fill out their intake forms, but he couldn't find them." ]
closed choice
language science
Identify vague pronoun references
When writing, make sure to avoid vague pronoun references. A vague pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun could refer to more than one possible antecedent. When Lisa and Kim finally landed, she breathed a sigh of relief. The pronoun she could refer to either Lisa or Kim, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. Vague pronoun references can be corrected in one of two ways: 1. Replace the pronoun with its correct antecedent: When Lisa and Kim finally landed, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. 2. Rewrite the sentence: Lisa breathed a sigh of relief when she and Kim finally landed. A vague pronoun reference also occurs when they, them, their, theirs, it, or its is used without its antecedent. They say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. This problem can be fixed by replacing the pronoun with its missing antecedent. The advertisements say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes.
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun them could refer to the new employees or their intake forms. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. Them has been replaced with the forms. Mr. Warren wanted the new employees to fill out their intake forms, but he couldn't find the forms.
Select the reptile below.
[ "giraffe", "coral snake" ]
Reptiles have scaly, waterproof skin. Most reptiles live on land. A tortoise is an example of a reptile.
closed choice
natural science
Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A coral snake is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. A giraffe is a mammal. It has hair and feeds its young milk.
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Select the vertebrate.
[ "grasshopper", "pig" ]
Hint: Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are vertebrates.
closed choice
natural science
Identify vertebrates and invertebrates
Vertebrates and invertebrates are both groups of animals. A vertebrate has a backbone. The backbone is made of many bones in an animal's back. A vertebrate's backbone helps connect the different parts of its body. In the drawings below, each vertebrate's backbone is colored orange. An invertebrate does not have a backbone. In fact, invertebrates do not have any bones! Some invertebrates have a hard outer cover on their body. Other invertebrates have a soft body.
A pig is a mammal. Like other mammals, a pig is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A grasshopper is an insect. Like other insects, a grasshopper is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover.
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What do these two changes have in common? a copper statue turning green baking an apple pie
[ "Both are only physical changes.", "Both are chemical changes.", "Both are caused by cooling.", "Both are caused by heating." ]
closed choice
natural science
Physical and chemical change
Compare physical and chemical changes
Chemical changes and physical changes are two common ways matter can change. In a chemical change, the type of matter changes. The types of matter before and after a chemical change are always different. Some chemical changes are caused by heating or cooling. For example, burning a piece of paper is a chemical change caused by heating. When paper gets hot enough, it re­acts with oxygen in the air and burns. The paper and oxygen change into ash and smoke. In a physical change, the type of matter stays the same. The types of matter before and after a physical change are always the same. A change of state is a type of physical change. Changes of state can be caused by heating or cooling. For example, ice melting is a physical change that can be caused by heating. Ice and liquid water are made of the same type of matter: water. The law of conservation of mass says that all physical and chemical changes conserve mass. Conserve means to keep the same. So, the total mass before a physical or chemical change is equal to the total mass after the change.
Step 1: Think about each change. A copper statue turning green is a chemical change. The copper reacts with oxygen in the air. This reaction forms a different type of matter called copper oxide. The copper oxide is green. Baking an apple pie is a chemical change. The type of matter in the pie changes when it is baked. The crust turns brown, and the apples become soft. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. They are not physical changes. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are chemical changes. The type of matter before and after each change is different. Both are caused by heating. Baking is caused by heating. But a copper statue turning green is not. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
What can Harper and Adriana trade to each get what they want?
[ "Harper can trade her tomatoes for Adriana's broccoli.", "Adriana can trade her broccoli for Harper's oranges.", "Adriana can trade her almonds for Harper's tomatoes.", "Harper can trade her tomatoes for Adriana's carrots." ]
Trade happens when people agree to exchange goods and services. People give up something to get something else. Sometimes people barter, or directly exchange one good or service for another. Harper and Adriana open their lunch boxes in the school cafeteria. Neither Harper nor Adriana got everything that they wanted. The table below shows which items they each wanted: Look at the images of their lunches. Then answer the question below. Harper's lunch Adriana's lunch
closed choice
social science
Basic economic principles
Trade and specialization
Look at the table and images. Harper wants broccoli. Adriana wants tomatoes. They can trade tomatoes for broccoli to both get what they want. Trading other things would not help both people get more items they want.
Which of the following fossils is older? Select the more likely answer.
[ "ginkgo leaf", "wood" ]
This diagram shows fossils in an undisturbed sedimentary rock sequence.
closed choice
natural science
Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence
A fossil is the preserved evidence of an ancient organism. Some fossils are formed from body parts such as bones or shells. Other fossils, such as footprints or burrows, are formed from traces of an organism's activities. Fossils are typically found in sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks usually form in layers. Over time, new layers are added on top of old layers in a series called a rock sequence. The layers in an undisturbed rock sequence are in the same order as when they formed. So, the deeper layers are older than the shallower layers. The relative ages of fossils can be determined from their positions in an undisturbed rock sequence. Older fossils are usually in deeper layers, and younger fossils are usually in shallower layers.
Look again at the fossils in the rock sequence diagram. Compare the positions of these fossils to determine which one is older: The wood fossil is in a deeper layer in the rock sequence than the ginkgo leaf fossil. So, the wood fossil is most likely older than the ginkgo leaf fossil.
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What is the mass of a school bus?
[ "15 ounces", "15 pounds", "15 tons" ]
Select the best estimate.
closed choice
natural science
Units and measurement
Choose customary units of mass
Measurements are written with both a number and a unit. The unit comes after the number. The unit shows what the number means. Mass is a measurement of how much matter something contains. There are many different units of mass. When you are using customary units, mass may be written with units of ounces, pounds, or tons. There are 16 ounces in 1 pound and 2,000 pounds in 1 ton. So, 1 ounce is less than 1 pound and much less than 1 ton. A slice of bread has a mass of about 1 ounce, while a can of beans has a mass of about 1 pound. A small car has a mass of about 1 ton.
The best estimate for the mass of a school bus is 15 tons. 15 ounces and 15 pounds are both too light.
Which animal is also adapted to be camouflaged among green leaves?
[ "green silver-line", "fire salamander" ]
Emerald tree boas live in the forests of South America. The tree boa is adapted to be camouflaged among green leaves. Figure: emerald tree boa.
closed choice
natural science
Animal adaptations: skins and body coverings
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The color, texture, and covering of an animal's skin are examples of adaptations. Animals' skins can be adapted in different ways. For example, skin with thick fur might help an animal stay warm. Skin with sharp spines might help an animal defend itself against predators.
Look at the picture of the emerald tree boa. The emerald tree boa has bright green scales covering its body. It is adapted to be camouflaged among green leaves. The word camouflage means to blend in. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The green silver-line has a green body. It is adapted to be camouflaged among green leaves. The fire salamander has brightly colored skin. It is not adapted to be camouflaged among green leaves.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
Two magnets are placed as shown.
closed choice
natural science
Identify magnets that attract or repel
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles: north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is labeled N, and the south pole is labeled S. If opposite poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same, or like, poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
To predict if these magnets will attract or repel, look at which poles are closest to each other. The north pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Opposite poles attract. So, these magnets will attract each other.
Which of these states is farthest east?
[ "Wisconsin", "Washington", "Pennsylvania", "Utah" ]
closed choice
social science
Read a map: cardinal directions
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. Pennsylvania is farthest east.
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Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
[ "After Maria scolded Susan for missing the deadline, she felt awful.", "Maria felt awful after she scolded Susan for missing the deadline." ]
closed choice
language science
Identify vague pronoun references
When writing, make sure to avoid vague pronoun references. A vague pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun could refer to more than one possible antecedent. When Lisa and Kim finally landed, she breathed a sigh of relief. The pronoun she could refer to either Lisa or Kim, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. Vague pronoun references can be corrected in one of two ways: 1. Replace the pronoun with its correct antecedent: When Lisa and Kim finally landed, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. 2. Rewrite the sentence: Lisa breathed a sigh of relief when she and Kim finally landed. A vague pronoun reference also occurs when they, them, their, theirs, it, or its is used without its antecedent. They say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. This problem can be fixed by replacing the pronoun with its missing antecedent. The advertisements say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes.
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun she could refer to Maria or Susan. After Maria scolded Susan for missing the deadline, she felt awful. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Maria felt awful after she scolded Susan for missing the deadline.
Which material is this coat made of?
[ "concrete", "metal" ]
closed choice
natural science
Identify multiple materials in objects
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Some objects are made of just one material. Most nails are made of metal. Other objects are made of more than one material. This hammer is made of metal and wood.
Look at the picture of the coat. The coat is made of two materials. The buckle is made of metal. The rest of the coat is made of wool. Wool comes from the fluffy coats of sheep! First, a farmer cuts the sheep's coats. Then, the wool is spun into yarn. The yarn can be dyed and used to make clothes.
Which of the following could Manuel's test show?
[ "which design would have the greatest distance between the concert area and the road", "which design would have the least traffic noise in the concert area", "if at least 20% of the park would be shaded by trees in each design" ]
People can use the engineering-design process to develop solutions to problems. One step in the process is testing if a potential solution meets the requirements of the design. The passage below describes how the engineering-design process was used to test a solution to a problem. Read the passage. Then answer the question below. Manuel was a landscape architect who was hired to design a new city park. The city council wanted the park to have space for outdoor concerts and to have at least 20% of the park shaded by trees. Manuel thought the concert area should be at least 150 meters from the road so traffic noise didn't interrupt the music. He developed three possible designs for the park with the concert area in a different location in each design. Then, he tested each design by measuring the distance between the road and the concert area. Figure: studying an architect's design.
closed choice
natural science
Engineering practices
Evaluate tests of engineering-design solutions
People can use the engineering-design process to develop solutions to problems. One step in the process is testing if a potential solution meets the requirements of the design. How can you determine what a test can show? You need to figure out what was tested and what was measured. Imagine an engineer needs to design a bridge for a windy location. She wants to make sure the bridge will not move too much in high wind. So, she builds a smaller prototype, or model, of a bridge. Then, she exposes the prototype to high winds and measures how much the bridge moves. First, identify what was tested. A test can examine one design, or it may compare multiple prototypes to each other. In the test described above, the engineer tested a prototype of a bridge in high wind. Then, identify what the test measured. One of the criteria for the bridge was that it not move too much in high winds. The test measured how much the prototype bridge moved. Tests can show how well one or more designs meet the criteria. The test described above can show whether the bridge would move too much in high winds.
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Does the sentence use a simile or a metaphor? From across the room, Uncle Ronald's laughter was booming thunder.
[ "simile", "metaphor" ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Identify similes and metaphors
Similes and metaphors are figures of speech that compare two things that are not actually alike. A simile compares two things by saying that one is like the other. Similes often use the words like and as. My sister runs like a cheetah. The sister's running and a cheetah's running are compared using the word like. A cheetah is known for running fast, so the simile means that the sister also runs fast. The cat's fur was as dark as the night. The cat's fur and the night are compared using the word as. The night is dark, so the simile means that the cat's fur is also dark. A metaphor compares two things by saying that one of them is the other. Unlike similes, metaphors don't use the word like or as. The snow formed a blanket over the town. The snow and a blanket are compared without the word like or as. A blanket is a large piece of cloth that completely covers a bed. The metaphor makes the reader imagine that the snow becomes a blanket, covering the town completely. Using similes and metaphors in your writing can help you create an interesting picture for the reader.
From across the room, Uncle Ronald's laughter was booming thunder. The words laughter and thunder are compared without the word like or as. So, the sentence uses a metaphor.
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Select the liquid.
[ "ballet shoes", "hammer", "wet paint", "ring" ]
closed choice
natural science
States of matter
Identify solids, liquids, and gases
Solid, liquid, and gas are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a definite volume and a definite shape. So, a solid has a size and shape of its own. Some solids can be easily folded, bent, or broken. A piece of paper is a solid. Also, some solids are very small. A grain of sand is a solid. When matter is a liquid, it has a definite volume but not a definite shape. So, a liquid has a size of its own, but it does not have a shape of its own. Think about pouring juice from a bottle into a cup. The juice still takes up the same amount of space, but it takes the shape of the bottle. Some liquids do not pour as easily as others. Honey and milk are both liquids. But pouring honey takes more time than pouring milk. When matter is a gas, it does not have a definite volume or a definite shape. A gas expands, or gets bigger, until it completely fills a space. A gas can also get smaller if it is squeezed into a smaller space. Many gases are invisible. Air is a gas.
A ring is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. A ring keeps its shape, even when you take it off your finger. A ballet shoe is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. When a dancer wears a ballet shoe, it may bend a little. But the ballet shoe still has a size and shape of its own. A hammer is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. A hammer is made of iron and wood. Both iron and wood are solids. Wet paint is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour wet paint out of a can, the paint will change shape. But the wet paint will still take up the same amount of space.
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What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "That fits you well," Bobby remarked after Paula's cap fell over her eyes for the tenth time.
[ "The cap was a good fit.", "The cap was too big." ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Interpret figures of speech
Figures of speech are words or phrases that use language in a nonliteral or unusual way. They can make writing more expressive. Verbal irony involves saying one thing but implying something very different. People often use verbal irony when they are being sarcastic. Olivia seems thrilled that her car keeps breaking down. Each breakdown is as enjoyable as a punch to the face.
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Fits you well ironically suggests that the cap was too big. The cap was falling over Paula's eyes, so it didn't fit her well at all.
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Select the description that doesn't belong.
[ "old", "after", "during", "before" ]
closed choice
language science
Select the words that don't belong
Old doesn't belong. During, before, and after all describe the order of events.
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What do these two changes have in common? erosion caused by wind mixing sand and water
[ "Both are caused by heating.", "Both are only physical changes.", "Both are chemical changes.", "Both are caused by cooling." ]
closed choice
natural science
Chemical reactions
Compare physical and chemical changes
Matter is made of very small particles called atoms. Atoms can be linked together by chemical bonds. When two or more atoms link together, they form a molecule. In a chemical change, the chemical bonds in the molecules break. The atoms then link together to form different molecules. The types of molecules in matter before and after a chemical change are always different. Some chemical changes are caused by heating or cooling. For example, burning a piece of paper is a chemical change caused by heating. As paper burns, paper molecules react with oxygen molecules in the air. This reaction breaks the chemical bonds in the molecules. The atoms then link together in a different way to form different molecules. For example, carbon dioxide molecules are formed when paper burns. In a physical change, chemical bonds do not break. The types of molecules in matter before and after a physical change are always the same. A change of state is a type of physical change. Changes of state can be caused by heating or cooling. For example, water vaporizing is a physical change that can be caused by heating. Liquid water and water vapor are made of the same type of matter: water. The law of conservation of mass says that all physical and chemical changes conserve mass. Conserve means to keep the same. So, the total mass before a physical or chemical change is equal to the total mass after the change.
Step 1: Think about each change. Erosion caused by wind is a physical change. The wind carries away tiny pieces of rock. But the pieces of rock do not become a different type of matter. Mixing sand and water is a physical change. Adding water makes the sand wet. But both the sand and water are still made of the same type of matter as before. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are physical changes. No new matter is created. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are physical changes. They are not chemical changes. Both are caused by heating. Neither change is caused by heating. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
Which of the following organisms is the tertiary consumer in this food web?
[ "copepod", "rotifer", "green algae" ]
Below is a food web from Little Rock Lake, a freshwater lake ecosystem in Wisconsin. A food web models how the matter eaten by organisms moves through an ecosystem. The arrows in a food web represent how matter moves between organisms in an ecosystem.
closed choice
natural science
Interpret food webs I
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web.
Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. So, in a food web, tertiary consumers have arrows pointing to them from secondary consumers. Secondary consumers have arrows pointing to them from primary consumers. And primary consumers have arrows pointing to them from producers. The copepod has an arrow pointing to it from the rotifer. The rotifer is a secondary consumer, so the copepod is a tertiary consumer. The rotifer has arrows pointing to it from the green algae and the water flea. Neither the green algae nor the water flea is a secondary consumer, so the rotifer is not a tertiary consumer. The black crappie has arrows pointing to it from the rotifer and the shiner. The rotifer and the shiner are secondary consumers, so the black crappie is a tertiary consumer. The green algae does not have any arrows pointing to it, so it is not a tertiary consumer.
Which type of relationship is formed when a megabat eats a fig and drops the fig tree's seeds in a new location?
[ "parasitic", "mutualistic", "commensal" ]
Read the passage. Then answer the question. Megabats are large-bodied bats that eat fruit, including figs. When a megabat eats a fig, it may also swallow the seeds inside the fig. The bat gets energy from the fruit but cannot digest the seeds. The seeds pass through the bat's digestive system and are disposed of in its feces. The bat often drops the seeds far from the fig tree that produced the fruit. When a seed germinates, or begins to grow, in a new location, it doesn't need to compete with its parent tree for resources. So, both the fig seed and the parent tree have a better chance of surviving. Figure: a megabat carrying a fig away from a fig tree.
closed choice
natural science
Ecological interactions
Classify symbiotic relationships
When two organisms of different species interact in a way that affects one or both organisms, they form a symbiotic relationship. The word symbiosis comes from a Greek word that means living together. Scientists define types of symbiotic relationships based on how each organism is affected. This table lists three common types of symbiotic relationships. It shows how each organism is affected in each type of symbiotic relationship. Type of symbiotic relationship | Organism of one species... | Organism of the other species... Commensal | benefits | is not significantly affected Mutualistic | benefits | benefits Parasitic | benefits | is harmed (but not usually killed)
When a megabat eats a fig, the megabat gets the food it needs to survive and grow. So the megabat benefits from its relationship with the fig tree. Both the fig tree and its seeds have a better chance of surviving when the bat moves the seeds to a new location. So, the fig tree also benefits from its relationship with the megabat. Since both the megabat and the fig tree benefit, a mutualistic relationship is formed when a megabat eats a fig and drops the fig tree's seeds in a new location.
Select the mammal below.
[ "giraffe", "green tree frog" ]
Mammals have hair or fur and feed their young milk. A zebra is an example of a mammal.
closed choice
natural science
Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A green tree frog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. There are many kinds of tree frogs. Most tree frogs are very small. They can walk on thin branches. A giraffe is a mammal. It has hair and feeds its young milk. Giraffes eat mostly leaves that are too high up for other animals to reach.
What is the capital of South Dakota?
[ "Pierre", "Newark", "Charleston", "Sioux Falls" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Midwest
Pierre is the capital of South Dakota.
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Complete the sentence. Stapling an envelope shut is a ().
[ "physical change", "chemical change" ]
closed choice
natural science
Physical and chemical change
Identify physical and chemical changes
Chemical changes and physical changes are two common ways matter can change. In a chemical change, the type of matter changes. The types of matter before and after a chemical change are always different. Burning a piece of paper is a chemical change. When paper gets hot enough, it reacts with oxygen in the air and burns. The paper and oxygen change into ash and smoke. In a physical change, the type of matter stays the same. The types of matter before and after a physical change are always the same. Cutting a piece of paper is a physical change. The cut pieces are still made of paper. A change of state is a type of physical change. For example, ice melting is a physical change. Ice and liquid water are made of the same type of matter: water.
Stapling an envelope shut is a physical change. The envelope and the staple get new shapes. Both are still made of the same type of matter.
Select the organism in the same species as the pink-backed pelican.
[ "Strix uralensis", "Pelecanus rufescens", "Ardea cinerea" ]
This organism is a pink-backed pelican. Its scientific name is Pelecanus rufescens.
closed choice
natural science
Classification and scientific names
Use scientific names to classify organisms
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
A pink-backed pelican's scientific name is Pelecanus rufescens. Pelecanus rufescens has the same scientific name as a pink-backed pelican. So, these organisms are in the same species. Strix uralensis does not have the same scientific name as a pink-backed pelican. So, Pelecanus rufescens and Strix uralensis are not in the same species. Ardea cinerea does not have the same scientific name as a pink-backed pelican. So, Pelecanus rufescens and Ardea cinerea are not in the same species.
Which of these states is farthest north?
[ "Louisiana", "Michigan", "Illinois", "New Mexico" ]
closed choice
social science
Read a map: cardinal directions
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the north arrow is pointing. Michigan is farthest north.
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Which tense does the sentence use? We will camp for two nights.
[ "past tense", "present tense", "future tense" ]
closed choice
language science
Verb tense
Is the sentence in the past, present, or future tense?
Present tense verbs tell you about something that is happening now. Most present-tense verbs are regular. They have no ending, or they end in -s or -es. Two verbs are irregular in the present tense, to be and to have. You must remember their forms. Past tense verbs tell you about something that has already happened. Most past-tense verbs are regular. They end in -ed. Some verbs are irregular in the past tense. You must remember their past-tense forms. Future tense verbs tell you about something that is going to happen. All future-tense verbs use the word will. Present | Past | Future walk, walks | walked | will walk go, goes | went | will go
The sentence is in future tense. You can tell because it uses will before the main verb, camp. The verb tells you about something that is going to happen.
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What information supports the conclusion that Samuel inherited this trait?
[ "Samuel and his father both have short hair.", "Samuel's parents were born with straight hair. They passed down this trait to Samuel." ]
Read the description of a trait. Samuel has straight hair.
closed choice
natural science
Traits and heredity
Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment.
Identify the question that Cameron's experiment can best answer.
[ "Can pennies hold more drops of water mixed with dish soap or water mixed with hand soap?", "Can pennies hold more drops of pure water or water mixed with hand soap?" ]
The passage below describes an experiment. Read the passage and then follow the instructions below. Cameron used a dropper to put equal-sized drops of pure water, one at a time, onto a penny. The drops stayed together and formed a dome on the penny's surface. Cameron recorded the number of drops he could add before the water spilled over the edge of the penny. Then, he rinsed and dried the penny, and repeated the test using water mixed with hand soap. He repeated these trials on nine additional pennies. Cameron compared the average number of pure water drops to the average number of water drops mixed with hand soap that he could add to a penny before the water spilled over. Figure: a dome of water on the surface of a penny.
closed choice
natural science
Designing experiments
Identify the experimental question
Experiments can be designed to answer specific questions. How can you identify the questions that a certain experiment can answer? In order to do this, you need to figure out what was tested and what was measured during the experiment. Imagine an experiment with two groups of daffodil plants. One group of plants was grown in sandy soil, and the other was grown in clay soil. Then, the height of each plant was measured. First, identify the part of the experiment that was tested. The part of an experiment that is tested usually involves the part of the experimental setup that is different or changed. In the experiment described above, each group of plants was grown in a different type of soil. So, the effect of growing plants in different soil types was tested. Then, identify the part of the experiment that was measured. The part of the experiment that is measured may include measurements and calculations. In the experiment described above, the heights of the plants in each group were measured. Experiments can answer questions about how the part of the experiment that is tested affects the part that is measured. So, the experiment described above can answer questions about how soil type affects plant height. Examples of questions that this experiment can answer include: Does soil type affect the height of daffodil plants? Do daffodil plants in sandy soil grow taller than daffodil plants in clay soil? Are daffodil plants grown in sandy soil shorter than daffodil plants grown in clay soil?
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Complete the sentence. Mixing eggs, oil, and vinegar to make mayonnaise is a ().
[ "physical change", "chemical change" ]
closed choice
natural science
Physical and chemical change
Compare physical and chemical changes
Matter is made of very small particles called atoms. Atoms can be linked together by chemical bonds. When two or more atoms link together, they form a molecule. In a chemical change, the chemical bonds in the molecules break. The atoms then link together to form new molecules. The types of molecules in matter before and after a chemical change are always different. Burning a piece of paper is a chemical change. As paper burns, paper molecules react with oxygen molecules in the air. This reaction breaks the chemical bonds in the molecules. The atoms then relink and form different molecules. For example, carbon dioxide molecules are created when paper burns. In a physical change, chemical bonds do not break. The types of molecules in matter before and after a physical change are always the same. A change of state is a type of physical change. For example, water vaporizing is a physical change. Liquid water and water vapor are made of the same type of matter: water.
Mixing eggs, oil, and vinegar to make mayonnaise is a physical change. Mayonnaise is a mixture. Making a mixture does not form a different type of matter. The eggs, oil, and vinegar look different when they are mixed together. But, their molecules do not change.
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Which change better matches the sentence? Lava comes out of the ground.
[ "volcanic eruption", "flood" ]
closed choice
natural science
Earth events
Classify changes to Earth's surface
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1." ]
The images below show two pairs of magnets. The magnets in different pairs do not affect each other. All the magnets shown are made of the same material, but some of them are different shapes.
closed choice
natural science
Velocity, acceleration, and forces
Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when there is a greater distance between the magnets.
Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a greater distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is smaller. There is a greater distance between the magnets in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
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Last year, there were seven men's clothing stores on Main Street in Milford. This year, there are only three. What probably happened to the overall supply of men's shirts in Milford?
[ "The supply probably went down.", "The supply probably went up." ]
closed choice
social science
Supply and demand
Understand overall supply and demand
Overall supply is the total amount of a good or service that producers make and sell. There are several things that can make overall supply go up or down. The table below shows how changes to these things might affect overall supply. | Resources | Number of producers or suppliers | Expected change in demand Supply goes up | when resources cost less or are easier to get | when there are more producers or suppliers | when demand is expected to go up Supply goes down | when resources cost more or are harder to get | when there are fewer producers or suppliers | when demand is expected to go down Producers are people or companies that make goods or provide services. Suppliers are people or companies that sell goods or services. New inventions or technologies can also help workers produce goods and services more quickly. As a result of these changes, the supply of a good or service will often go up.
When four men's clothing stores closed on Main Street, the number of suppliers went down. There were fewer stores selling men's shirts. So, the supply of men's shirts probably went down.
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Complete the statement. Assume that the motorcycle's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the motorcycle and Earth () as Emmett rode up the hill.
[ "decreased", "increased", "stayed the same" ]
Read the text about an object in motion. Emmett rode his motorcycle from the bottom of a hill to the top of the hill.
closed choice
natural science
Kinetic and potential energy
Identify changes in gravitational potential energy
Gravitational potential energy is stored between any two objects. So, for every object on or near Earth, there is gravitational potential energy stored between the object and Earth. The amount of gravitational potential energy stored between an object and Earth depends on the mass of the object. The amount of gravitational potential energy also depends on the distance between the object and the center of Earth. This distance increases when the object moves higher and decreases when the object moves lower. If the distance between an object and the center of Earth changes, the gravitational potential energy stored between the object and Earth will change. The table below shows how this change can happen. When an object's mass stays the same and its distance from the center of Earth... | Gravitational potential energy stored between the object and Earth... increases | increases decreases | decreases stays the same | stays the same
Think about how the distance between the motorcycle and the center of Earth changed. The top of the hill is higher than the bottom of the hill. As Emmett rode toward the top of the hill, the distance between the motorcycle and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the motorcycle and Earth increased as Emmett rode up the hill.
What is the expected ratio of offspring with a white body to offspring with a brown body? Choose the most likely ratio.
[ "4:0", "3:1", "0:4", "2:2", "1:3" ]
In a group of Channel catfish, some individuals have a brown body and others have a white body. In this group, the gene for the body color trait has two alleles. The allele for a white body (b) is recessive to the allele for a brown body (B). This Punnett square shows a cross between two Channel catfish.
closed choice
natural science
Genes to traits
Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of offspring types
Offspring phenotypes: dominant or recessive? How do you determine an organism's phenotype for a trait? Look at the combination of alleles in the organism's genotype for the gene that affects that trait. Some alleles have types called dominant and recessive. These two types can cause different versions of the trait to appear as the organism's phenotype. If an organism's genotype has at least one dominant allele for a gene, the organism's phenotype will be the dominant allele's version of the gene's trait. If an organism's genotype has only recessive alleles for a gene, the organism's phenotype will be the recessive allele's version of the gene's trait. A Punnett square shows what types of offspring a cross can produce. The expected ratio of offspring types compares how often the cross produces each type of offspring, on average. To write this ratio, count the number of boxes in the Punnett square representing each type. For example, consider the Punnett square below. | F | f F | FF | Ff f | Ff | ff There is 1 box with the genotype FF and 2 boxes with the genotype Ff. So, the expected ratio of offspring with the genotype FF to those with Ff is 1:2.
To determine how many boxes in the Punnett square represent offspring with a white body or a brown body, consider whether each phenotype is the dominant or recessive allele's version of the body color trait. The question tells you that the b allele, which is for a white body, is recessive to the B allele, which is for a brown body. A white body is the recessive allele's version of the body color trait. A Channel catfish with the recessive version of the body color trait must have only recessive alleles for the body color gene. So, offspring with a white body must have the genotype bb. There are 0 boxes in the Punnett square with the genotype bb. A brown body is the dominant allele's version of the body color trait. A Channel catfish with the dominant version of the body color trait must have at least one dominant allele for the body color gene. So, offspring with a brown body must have the genotype BB or Bb. All 4 boxes in the Punnett square have the genotype BB or Bb. So, the expected ratio of offspring with a white body to offspring with a brown body is 0:4. This means that, based on the Punnett square, this cross will never produce offspring with a white body. Instead, this cross is expected to always produce offspring with a brown body.
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Which figure of speech is used in this text? Edgar's '64 Impala groaned as he turned the ignition. Yet again he resolved to refurbish it over the summer.
[ "personification", "metaphor" ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Classify figures of speech
Figures of speech are words or phrases that use language in a nonliteral or unusual way. They can make writing more expressive. Alliteration is the repetition of sounds at the beginning of nearby words. What a lucky little lady you are! An allusion is a brief reference to something or someone well known, often from history or literature. "I'd better get home before I turn into a pumpkin!" Lila remarked. An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood literally. Its meaning must be learned. The assignment was a piece of cake. A simile uses like or as to compare two things that are not actually alike. The cat's fur was as dark as the night. A metaphor compares two things that are not actually alike without using like or as. The snow formed a blanket over the town. Onomatopoeia involves using a word that expresses a sound. The scrambled eggs hit the floor with a splat. Personification is giving human characteristics to nonhuman things. The trees danced in the wind. A pun involves using a word or phrase in a humorous way that suggests more than one meaning. A great new broom is sweeping the nation. Verbal irony involves saying one thing but implying something very different. People often use verbal irony when they are being sarcastic. Olivia seems thrilled that her car keeps breaking down. Each breakdown is as enjoyable as a punch to the face.
The text uses personification, giving human characteristics to nonhuman things. Edgar's '64 Impala groaned describes the car as if it were human.
What is the capital of Montana?
[ "Billings", "Salem", "Honolulu", "Helena" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the West
Helena is the capital of Montana.
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Which word is not like the others?
[ "water", "juice", "glass", "milk" ]
closed choice
language science
Which word is not like the others?
Some words are alike. They go together in a group. Red, blue, and green go together. They are colors. Mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa go together. They are people in a family.
Juice, water, and milk go together. They are drinks. Glass is not a drink, so it is not like the other words.
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What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? "Jason's personality is very Jekyll and Hyde," Sasha told her brother.
[ "literature", "a song" ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Recall the source of an allusion
An allusion is a brief mention of something or someone well known, often from mythology, history, or literature. An allusion lets you reference ideas from an entire story in just a few words. "I'd better get home before I turn into a pumpkin!" Lila remarked. Here, Lila alludes to the fairy tale "Cinderella," in which Cinderella must leave the ball before the coach that brought her transforms into a pumpkin. The allusion shows that Lila must depart immediately.
The source of the allusion Jekyll and Hyde is literature. Robert Louis Stevenson's popular Victorian novella Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tells the story of a man with two distinct personalities. Known to the world as a kind and highly respected doctor, at night he transforms into a monstrous person. The allusion Jekyll and Hyde means kind then cruel.
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Is the following trait inherited or acquired? Wayne has naturally dark skin.
[ "acquired", "inherited" ]
closed choice
natural science
Traits and heredity
Identify inherited and acquired traits
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment. Children do not inherit their parents' acquired traits.
Humans do not choose their skin color. Babies get their skin color from their parents. So, Wayne's skin color is an inherited trait.
What is the capital of Maine?
[ "Augusta", "Portland", "Savannah", "Louisville" ]
closed choice
social science
State capitals
Identify state capitals of the Northeast
Augusta is the capital of Maine.
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Using only these supplies, which question can Chloe investigate with an experiment?
[ "Do round rocks or flat rocks skip more times when thrown across the river?", "Do rocks skip more times when thrown across a river or across a pond?", "Do small rocks or large rocks skip more times when thrown across the river?" ]
Chloe likes to skip rocks at the river. She notices that some of the rocks she throws skip off the surface of the water many times, while others skip once and then sink. She wonders what factors affect how well rocks skip on the water. So, she decides to design an experiment. She has the following supplies available: 10 small flat rocks 10 large flat rocks access to the river by her school
closed choice
natural science
Designing experiments
Identify questions that can be investigated with a set of materials
Experiments can be designed to answer specific questions. When designing an experiment, you must identify the supplies that are necessary to answer your question. In order to do this, you need to figure out what will be tested and what will be measured during the experiment. Imagine that you are wondering if plants grow to different heights when planted in different types of soil. How might you decide what supplies are necessary to conduct this experiment? First, you need to identify the part of the experiment that will be tested, which is the independent variable. This is usually the part of the experiment that is different or changed. In this case, you would like to know how plants grow in different types of soil. So, you must have different types of soil available. Next, you need to identify the part of the experiment that will be measured or observed, which is the dependent variable. In this experiment, you would like to know if some plants grow taller than others. So, you must be able to compare the plants' heights. To do this, you can observe which plants are taller by looking at them, or you can measure their exact heights with a meterstick. So, if you have different types of soil and can observe or measure the heights of your plants, then you have the supplies you need to investigate your question with an experiment!
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What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Adam said he would put in a good word for Sophia with their boss, but she knew he had a reputation as a Benedict Arnold.
[ "a movie", "U.S. history" ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Recall the source of an allusion
An allusion is a brief mention of something or someone well known, often from mythology, history, or literature. An allusion lets you reference ideas from an entire story in just a few words. "I'd better get home before I turn into a pumpkin!" Lila remarked. Here, Lila alludes to the fairy tale "Cinderella," in which Cinderella must leave the ball before the coach that brought her transforms into a pumpkin. The allusion shows that Lila must depart immediately.
The source of the allusion Benedict Arnold is U.S. history. Benedict Arnold was an American officer who secretly aided the British during the American Revolution. The allusion Benedict Arnold means a traitor.
Is a pair of jeans a solid, a liquid, or a gas?
[ "a gas", "a liquid", "a solid" ]
closed choice
natural science
States of matter
Identify and sort solids, liquids, and gases
Solid, liquid, and gas are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a definite volume and a definite shape. So, a solid has a size and shape of its own. Some solids can be easily folded, bent, or broken. A piece of paper is a solid. Also, some solids are very small. A grain of sand is a solid. When matter is a liquid, it has a definite volume but not a definite shape. So, a liquid has a size of its own, but it does not have a shape of its own. Think about pouring juice from a bottle into a cup. The juice still takes up the same amount of space, but it takes the shape of the bottle. Some liquids are thicker than others. Honey and milk are both liquids. But pouring honey takes more time than pouring milk. When matter is a gas, it does not have a definite volume or a definite shape. A gas expands, or gets bigger, until it completely fills a space. A gas can also get smaller if it is squeezed into a smaller space. Many gases are invisible. The oxygen you breathe is a gas. The helium in a balloon is also a gas.
A pair of jeans is a solid. You can fold a pair of jeans. But it will still have a size and shape of its own.
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Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
[ "At lunchtime, Steven can often be found reading at his favorite café, where the servers provide unlimited coffee refills.", "At lunchtime, Steven can often be found reading at his favorite café, where they provide unlimited coffee refills." ]
closed choice
language science
Identify vague pronoun references
When writing, make sure to avoid vague pronoun references. A vague pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun could refer to more than one possible antecedent. When Lisa and Kim finally landed, she breathed a sigh of relief. The pronoun she could refer to either Lisa or Kim, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. Vague pronoun references can be corrected in one of two ways: 1. Replace the pronoun with its correct antecedent: When Lisa and Kim finally landed, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. 2. Rewrite the sentence: Lisa breathed a sigh of relief when she and Kim finally landed. A vague pronoun reference also occurs when they, them, their, theirs, it, or its is used without its antecedent. They say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent, so the meaning of the sentence is unclear. This problem can be fixed by replacing the pronoun with its missing antecedent. The advertisements say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes.
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. They has been replaced with the servers. At lunchtime, Steven can often be found reading at his favorite café, where the servers provide unlimited coffee refills.
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What information supports the conclusion that Matthew acquired this trait?
[ "Matthew learned history by reading.", "Matthew is most interested in American history." ]
Read the description of a trait. Matthew knows a lot about history.
closed choice
natural science
Traits and heredity
Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment.
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Compare the motion of two beluga whales. Which beluga whale was moving at a lower speed?
[ "a beluga whale that moved 30kilometers in 5hours", "a beluga whale that moved 20kilometers in 5hours" ]
closed choice
natural science
Force and motion
Compare the speeds of moving objects
An object's speed tells you how fast the object is moving. Speed depends on both distance and time. Distance tells you how far the object has moved. One unit used to measure distance is the kilometer. Time tells you how long the object has spent moving. One unit used to measure time is the hour. Think about two objects moving for the same amount of time. The object that is moving slower will go a shorter distance in that time. It is moving at a lower speed.
Look at the distance each beluga whale moved and the time it took to move that distance. One beluga whale moved 20 kilometers in 5 hours. The other beluga whale moved 30 kilometers in 5 hours. Notice that each beluga whale spent the same amount of time moving. The beluga whale that moved 20 kilometers moved a shorter distance in that time. So, that beluga whale must have moved at a lower speed.
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Select the one substance that is not a mineral.
[ "Quartz is not made by living things. It is a pure substance.", "Pyrite is a pure substance. It is formed in nature.", "Plastic is not a pure substance. It is made in a factory." ]
closed choice
natural science
Rocks and minerals
Identify minerals using properties
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different!
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. Pyrite is a mineral. Quartz is a mineral. Plastic is not a pure substance. But all minerals are pure substances. Plastic is made in a factory. But all minerals are formed in nature. So, plastic is not a mineral.
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Select the amphibian.
[ "robin", "cane toad", "sea turtle", "koala" ]
closed choice
natural science
Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Amphibians have moist skin and begin their lives in water.
A koala is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk. Koalas sleep for up to 20 hours a day! A robin is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak. A robin is a songbird. It sings different songs at different times of the day. A sea turtle is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. Sea turtles live in the water, but they lay their eggs on land. A cane toad is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Toads do not have teeth! They swallow their food whole.
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Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? It is 65°F in Kylie's backyard.
[ "weather", "climate" ]
Hint: Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place.
closed choice
natural science
Weather and climate
What's the difference between weather and climate?
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures.
Read the text carefully. It is 65°F in Kylie's backyard. This passage tells you about the temperature in Kylie's backyard right now. It describes the atmosphere at a certain place and time. So, this passage describes the weather.
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What information supports the conclusion that Brody inherited this trait?
[ "Brody's mother cuts his hair every month.", "Brody's parents have blond hair. They passed down this trait to Brody." ]
Read the description of a trait. Brody has blond hair.
closed choice
natural science
Traits and heredity
Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment.
Which type of force from the uncle slides the sled along behind him?
[ "push", "pull" ]
An uncle plays with his nieces on the beach. He applies a force to the rope on their sled. The sled slides along behind him.
closed choice
natural science
Force and motion
Identify pushes and pulls
A force is a push or a pull that one object applies to a second object. The direction of a push is away from the object that is pushing. The direction of a pull is toward the object that is pulling.
The uncle applies a force to the rope on the sled. The sled slides along behind him. The direction of this force is toward the uncle. This force is a pull.
Which i in row C?
[ "the library", "the restaurant", "the park", "the grocery store" ]
closed choice
social science
Use a letter-number grid
A grid is made up of lines of squares. They are organized in rows and columns. A grid can help you use a map. A row is a line of squares that goes from side to side. Rows are marked with letters. A column is a line of squares that goes up and down. Columns are marked with numbers.
The restaurant is in row C.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
Two magnets are placed as shown.
closed choice
natural science
Identify magnets that attract or repel
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles: north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is labeled N, and the south pole is labeled S. If opposite poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same, or like, poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
To predict if these magnets will attract or repel, look at which poles are closest to each other. The north pole of one magnet is closest to the north pole of the other magnet. Like poles repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.
Which of these oceans does the prime meridian intersect?
[ "the Indian Ocean", "the Arctic Ocean", "the Pacific Ocean" ]
closed choice
social science
Use lines of latitude and longitude
Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are imaginary lines drawn on some globes and maps. They can help you find places on globes and maps. Lines of latitude show how far north or south a place is. We use units called degrees to describe how far a place is from the equator. The equator is the line located at 0° latitude. We start counting degrees from there. Lines north of the equator are labeled N for north. Lines south of the equator are labeled S for south. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because each line is parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They show how far east or west a place is. We use degrees to help describe how far a place is from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line located at 0° longitude. Lines west of the prime meridian are labeled W. Lines east of the prime meridian are labeled E. Meridians meet at the north and south poles. The equator goes all the way around the earth, but the prime meridian is different. It only goes from the North Pole to the South Pole on one side of the earth. On the opposite side of the globe is another special meridian. It is labeled both 180°E and 180°W. Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a grid. You can use this grid to find the exact location of a place.
The prime meridian is the line at 0° longitude. It intersects the Arctic Ocean. It does not intersect the Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean.
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Which object has the most thermal energy?
[ "a cherry pie at a temperature of 78°F", "a cherry pie at a temperature of 73°F", "a cherry pie at a temperature of 87°F" ]
The objects are identical except for their temperatures.
closed choice
natural science
Heat and thermal energy
How is temperature related to thermal energy?
All solids, liquids, and gases are made of matter. Matter is made up of tiny particles that are always moving. The energy from the motion of these particles is called thermal energy. Temperature measures how hot or cold matter is. If the particles in matter move faster, the temperature goes up. The matter now has both more thermal energy and a higher temperature.
All three cherry pies have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 87°F pie is the hottest, it has the most thermal energy.
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Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? slush - star
[ "seventh", "spray" ]
closed choice
language science
Reference skills
Use guide words
Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. To put words in alphabetical order, put them in order by their first letters. If the first letters are the same, look at the second letters. If the second letters are the same, look at the third letters, and so on. If one word is shorter, and there are no more letters to compare, then the shorter word comes first in alphabetical order. For example, be comes before bed.
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since spray is between the guide words slush - star, it would be found on that page.
Select the bird below.
[ "African bullfrog", "pelican" ]
Birds have feathers, two wings, and a beak. An ostrich is an example of a bird.
closed choice
natural science
Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A pelican is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak. An African bullfrog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? The volume of Earth is more than ten times the volume of Mercury.
[ "true", "false" ]
Use the data to answer the question below.
true-or false
natural science
Analyze data to compare properties of planets
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The volume of a planet is a very large quantity. Large quantities such as this are often written in scientific notation. For example, the volume of Jupiter is 1,430,000,000,000,000 km^3. In scientific notation, Jupiter's volume is written as 1.43 x 10^15 km^3. To compare two numbers written in scientific notation, first compare their exponents. The bigger the exponent is, the bigger the number is. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.43 x 10^12 If their exponents are equal, compare the first numbers. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.25 x 10^15 To multiply a number written in scientific notation by a power of 10, write the multiple of 10 as 10 raised to an exponent. Then, add the exponents. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 · 1000 = 1.43 x 10^15 · 10^3 = 1.43 x 10^(15 + 3) = 1.43 x 10^18
To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of ten times the volume of Mercury. Then compare the result to the volume of Earth. The volume of Earth is 1.08 x 10^12 km^3, which is greater than 6.08 x 10^11 km^3. So, the volume of Earth is more than ten times the volume of Mercury.
Is a rubber duck a solid or a liquid?
[ "a solid", "a liquid" ]
closed choice
natural science
States of matter
Classify matter as solid or liquid
Solid and liquid are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a shape of its own. Some solids can be bent or broken easily. Others are hard to bend or break. A glass cup is a solid. A sock is also a solid. When matter is a liquid, it takes the shape of its container. Think about pouring a liquid from a cup into a bottle. The shape of the liquid is different in the cup than in the bottle. But the liquid still takes up the same amount of space. Juice is a liquid. Honey is also a liquid.
A rubber duck is a solid. You can squeeze a rubber duck. But it will still have a size and shape of its own.
What can Max and Edmond trade to each get what they want?
[ "Max can trade his tomatoes for Edmond's broccoli.", "Max can trade his tomatoes for Edmond's sandwich.", "Edmond can trade his broccoli for Max's oranges.", "Edmond can trade his almonds for Max's tomatoes." ]
Trade happens when people agree to exchange goods and services. People give up something to get something else. Sometimes people barter, or directly exchange one good or service for another. Max and Edmond open their lunch boxes in the school cafeteria. Both of them could be happier with their lunches. Max wanted broccoli in his lunch and Edmond was hoping for tomatoes. Look at the images of their lunches. Then answer the question below.
closed choice
social science
Basic economic principles
Trade and specialization
Max wanted broccoli in his lunch and Edmond was hoping for tomatoes. Look at the labeled part of the images. Max has tomatoes. Edmond has broccoli. They can trade tomatoes for broccoli to both be happier. Trading other things would not help either person get more items they want.
Which of these states is farthest west?
[ "Michigan", "Arkansas", "Alabama", "North Dakota" ]
closed choice
social science
Read a map: cardinal directions
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the west arrow is pointing. North Dakota is farthest west.
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What kind of sentence is this? What made Sally so upset?
[ "imperative", "interrogative" ]
closed choice
language science
Sentences, fragments, and run-ons
Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
There are four kinds of sentences. A declarative sentence is a statement. It tells about something. A declarative sentence always ends with a period. I have an older brother and a younger sister. An interrogative sentence is a question. It asks something. An interrogative sentence always ends with a question mark. How tall are you? An imperative sentence is a command. It makes a request or tells someone to do something. An imperative sentence usually ends with a period. If the command shows strong feeling, it ends with an exclamation point. Read the first chapter by next week. Look out for that car! An exclamatory sentence is like a statement, but it shows surprise or strong feeling. An exclamatory sentence always ends with an exclamation point. Some whales are over ninety feet long! I can't wait until tomorrow!
The sentence asks something, and it ends with a question mark. It is an interrogative sentence.
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What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "Sleeping through the rooster's crowing was no problem," Jack joked with a yawn.
[ "Jack slept poorly.", "Jack slept well." ]
closed choice
language science
Literary devices
Interpret figures of speech
Figures of speech are words or phrases that use language in a nonliteral or unusual way. They can make writing more expressive. Verbal irony involves saying one thing but implying something very different. People often use verbal irony when they are being sarcastic. Olivia seems thrilled that her car keeps breaking down. Each breakdown is as enjoyable as a punch to the face.
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Sleeping through the rooster's crowing was no problem ironically suggests that Jack slept poorly. Jack was tired, so the rooster's crowing was clearly a problem.
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Based on this information, what is this cucumber plant's genotype for the fruit texture gene?
[ "Ff", "bumpy fruit" ]
In a group of cucumber plants, some individuals have bumpy fruit and others have smooth fruit. In this group, the gene for the fruit texture trait has two alleles. The allele F is for bumpy fruit, and the allele f is for smooth fruit. A certain cucumber plant from this group has bumpy fruit. This plant has one allele for bumpy fruit and one allele for smooth fruit.
closed choice
natural science
Genes to traits
Genetics vocabulary: genotype and phenotype
All organisms have pieces of hereditary material called genes, which are passed from parents to offspring. Genes contain instructions for building the parts of an organism. An organism's genes affect its observable traits, including its appearance, its behavior, and which diseases it may have. Genes may have different alleles, or forms, that can cause different versions of a trait. For example, flower color is a trait in pea plants. The gene for this trait has two possible alleles. Each allele is represented by an uppercase or lowercase letter. The allele F is for purple flowers, and the allele f is for white flowers. Each pea plant has two alleles for the flower color gene—one allele inherited from each parent. An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. So, a pea plant may have a genotype of FF, Ff, or ff for the flower color gene. An organism's phenotype for a trait is its observable version of that trait, which depends on the organism's combination of alleles. A pea plant may have a phenotype of purple flowers or white flowers for the flower color trait.
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. The cucumber plant has one allele for bumpy fruit (F) and one allele for smooth fruit (f). So, the plant's genotype for the fruit texture gene is Ff.
Which of the following fossils is younger? Select the more likely answer.
[ "wood", "mammal tooth" ]
This diagram shows fossils in an undisturbed sedimentary rock sequence.
closed choice
natural science
Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence
A fossil is the preserved evidence of an ancient organism. Some fossils are formed from body parts such as bones or shells. Other fossils, such as footprints or burrows, are formed from traces of an organism's activities. Fossils are typically found in sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks usually form in layers. Over time, new layers are added on top of old layers in a series called a rock sequence. The layers in an undisturbed rock sequence are in the same order as when they formed. So, the deeper layers are older than the shallower layers. The relative ages of fossils can be determined from their positions in an undisturbed rock sequence. Older fossils are usually in deeper layers, and younger fossils are usually in shallower layers.
Look again at the fossils in the rock sequence diagram. Compare the positions of these fossils to determine which one is younger: The mammal tooth fossil is in a shallower layer in the rock sequence than the wood fossil. So, the mammal tooth fossil is most likely younger than the wood fossil.
What is the name of the colony shown?
[ "North Carolina", "Rhode Island", "Connecticut", "New Hampshire" ]
closed choice
social science
Colonial America
Identify the Thirteen Colonies
The colony is Rhode Island.
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "stretchy", "colorful", "bumpy" ]
Select the best answer.
closed choice
natural science
Compare properties of objects
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A bumpy object is covered in lumps and bumps. All three objects are bumpy. A stretchy object gets longer when you pull on it. None of the objects are stretchy. A colorful object has one or more bright colors. The gold nugget is colorful, but the pretzel and the log are not. The property that all three objects have in common is bumpy.
Which of these states is farthest north?
[ "South Carolina", "Oklahoma", "Minnesota", "Delaware" ]
closed choice
social science
Read a map: cardinal directions
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the north arrow is pointing. Minnesota is farthest north.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "neither; the samples have the same temperature", "sample A", "sample B" ]
The diagrams below show two pure samples of gas in identical closed, rigid containers. Each colored ball represents one gas particle. Both samples have the same number of particles.
closed choice
natural science
Particle motion and energy
Identify how particle motion affects temperature and pressure
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in sample A has more mass than each particle in sample B. The particles in sample A also have a higher average speed than the particles in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
Two magnets are placed as shown.
closed choice
natural science
Identify magnets that attract or repel
Magnets can pull or push on other magnets without touching them. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes are called magnetic forces. Magnetic forces are strongest at the magnets' poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles: a north pole (N) and a south pole (S). Here are some examples of magnets. Their poles are shown in different colors and labeled. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles. If opposite poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same, or like, poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
To predict if these magnets will attract or repel, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Like poles repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.
Which better describes the Taklamakan Desert ecosystem?
[ "It has warm, wet summers. It also has long, cold winters.", "It has long, cold winters. It also has a small amount of rain or snow." ]
Figure: Taklamakan Desert. The Taklamakan Desert is a cold desert ecosystem in northwestern China.
closed choice
natural science
Describe ecosystems
An environment includes all of the biotic, or living, and abiotic, or nonliving, things in an area. An ecosystem is created by the relationships that form among the biotic and abiotic parts of an environment. There are many different types of terrestrial, or land-based, ecosystems. Here are some ways in which terrestrial ecosystems can differ from each other: the pattern of weather, or climate the type of soil the organisms that live there
A cold desert is a type of ecosystem. Cold deserts have the following features: a small amount of rain or snow, dry, thin soil, and long, cold winters. So, the Taklamakan Desert has long, cold winters. It also has a small amount of rain or snow.
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Based on this information, what is Milo's genotype for the fur type gene?
[ "FF", "straight fur" ]
In a group of cats, some individuals have straight fur and others have curly fur. In this group, the gene for the fur type trait has two alleles. The allele F is for straight fur, and the allele f is for curly fur. Milo, a cat from this group, has straight fur. Milo has two alleles for straight fur.
closed choice
natural science
Genes to traits
Genetics vocabulary: genotype and phenotype
All organisms have pieces of hereditary material called genes, which are passed from parents to offspring. Genes contain instructions for building the parts of an organism. An organism's genes affect its observable traits, including its appearance, its behavior, and which diseases it may have. Genes may have different alleles, or forms, that can cause different versions of a trait. For example, flower color is a trait in pea plants. The gene for this trait has two possible alleles. Each allele is represented by an uppercase or lowercase letter. The allele F is for purple flowers, and the allele f is for white flowers. Each pea plant has two alleles for the flower color gene—one allele inherited from each parent. An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. So, a pea plant may have a genotype of FF, Ff, or ff for the flower color gene. An organism's phenotype for a trait is its observable version of that trait, which depends on the organism's combination of alleles. A pea plant may have a phenotype of purple flowers or white flowers for the flower color trait.
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. Milo has two alleles for straight fur (F). So, Milo's genotype for the fur type gene is FF.
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What information supports the conclusion that Bella acquired this trait?
[ "Bella's scar was caused by an accident. She cut her leg when she was climbing a tree.", "Some scars fade more quickly than others." ]
Read the description of a trait. Bella has a scar on her left leg.
closed choice
natural science
Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
Organisms, including people, have both inherited and acquired traits. Inherited and acquired traits are gained in different ways. Inherited traits are passed down through families. Children gain these traits from their parents. Inherited traits do not need to be learned. Acquired traits are gained during a person's life. Some acquired traits, such as riding a bicycle, are gained by learning. Other acquired traits, such as scars, are caused by the environment.