Sure, the solution is: -9361
What is the answer to -3883 - 5478
49250101 is the solution
Please solve the following equation for me: 7663 * 6427
0.50406 is the solution
What is the answer to 3846 / 7630
-6440 is the solution
2246 + -8686
-0.29109 is the answer
673 / -2312
27461268 is the answer
Give me the solution for -3882 * -7074
0.29063 is the solution
What is the answer to -1595 / -5488
-2.23137 is the answer
Tell me what -8236 / 3691 is
-6516 + -630
12392320 is the answer
Tell me what -2176 * -5695 is
Sure, the solution is: -2791300
Please solve the following equation for me: -542 * 5150
The answer to -2128 + 4978 is 2850
What is the answer to -2128 + 4978
0.48537 is the solution to -4727 / -9739
What is the answer to -4727 / -9739
Sure, the solution is: -4511
Please solve the following equation for me: -9179 + 4668
The answer to 3740 / 9346 is 0.40017
Please solve the following equation for me: 3740 / 9346
7690 is the solution to 2443 - -5247
Tell me what 2443 - -5247 is
The answer to -8389 / 177 is -47.39548
What is the answer to -8389 / 177
Tell me what 1783 / -1022 is
Sure, the solution is: 1.03509
What is the answer to 4130 / 3990
11090 is the solution
Please solve the following equation for me: 7647 - -3443
4783 is the solution
Give me the solution for 2738 + 2045
The answer to 5522 * -5547 is -30630534
What is the answer to 5522 * -5547
Sure, the solution is: 1.19423
What is the answer to 8159 / 6832
Please solve the following equation for me: -2022 * -6410
Sure, the solution is: 39488792
Give me the solution for -5704 * -6923
Sure, the solution is: -11242
What is the answer to -6723 + -4519
-5868 - -7365
30663160 is the answer
Give me the solution for -9988 * -3070
Sure, the solution is: 6127646
What is the answer to -3038 * -2017
17239862 is the answer
Tell me what 4538 * 3799 is
-58791657 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 7817 * -7521
-1238 is the solution
Give me the solution for -2380 + 1142
51809989 is the answer
-8393 * -6173
-12446174 is the solution to -3887 * 3202
Tell me what -3887 * 3202 is
Give me the solution for 7344 * -9435
Please solve the following equation for me: 5527 * 7986
The answer to 3800 / -4149 is -0.91588
Give me the solution for 3800 / -4149
-1966 is the solution
What is the answer to -1850 + -116
0.82753 is the solution to -4323 / -5224
Please solve the following equation for me: -4323 / -5224
The answer to 4189 - 6980 is -2791
Tell me what 4189 - 6980 is
1910 + 286
Sure, the solution is: 16460
8177 + 8283
-53840724 is the solution
Tell me what -6843 * 7868 is
7584 is the solution
4702 - -2882
-7082 * -6214
Sure, the solution is: 6221
Tell me what 1153 - -5068 is
Sure, the solution is: -17882750
Tell me what 2330 * -7675 is
The answer to 5997 + 8230 is 14227
5997 + 8230
The answer to 3298 * -9495 is -31314510
Please solve the following equation for me: 3298 * -9495
0.3592 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 2722 / 7578
The answer to 7227 * 3123 is 22569921
What is the answer to 7227 * 3123
-7258 is the solution to 1534 + -8792
1534 + -8792
Sure, the solution is: -1320
Please solve the following equation for me: -9193 - -7873
0.32612 is the solution
Tell me what 588 / 1803 is
548 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 1036 - 488
What is the answer to 5246 + -6472
Sure, the solution is: -14635
Please solve the following equation for me: -6706 + -7929
-4751 is the solution
Tell me what 2834 + -7585 is
9813 * 8952
Sure, the solution is: -3214
What is the answer to 4391 + -7605
-10135 is the solution
Please solve the following equation for me: -7115 + -3020
The answer to 4729 + 6214 is 10943
Give me the solution for 4729 + 6214
-12905 is the solution
What is the answer to -4179 - 8726
-0.50209 is the solution to 3008 / -5991
Give me the solution for 3008 / -5991
-0.10652 is the solution to 947 / -8890
What is the answer to 947 / -8890
Sure, the solution is: 64172808
Tell me what 9732 * 6594 is
-7064 is the solution
Tell me what -4131 + -2933 is
Sure, the solution is: 1.13809
5085 / 4468
Sure, the solution is: -8587
What is the answer to -4714 - 3873
-0.17972 is the answer
Give me the solution for -1629 / 9064
-4552 is the solution to -1742 + -2810
Please solve the following equation for me: -1742 + -2810
What is the answer to 7249 * -7768
Sure, the solution is: -5853584
Please solve the following equation for me: -4631 * 1264
What is the answer to -5861 - -8887
Sure, the solution is: 1156
Give me the solution for 5261 + -4105
13379922 is the solution to -1926 * -6947
Please solve the following equation for me: -1926 * -6947
-1.22953 is the answer
Tell me what -5571 / 4531 is
-0.12296 is the solution to 1203 / -9784
Please solve the following equation for me: 1203 / -9784
The answer to 133 + 3931 is 4064
Give me the solution for 133 + 3931
Sure, the solution is: 7650
Please solve the following equation for me: -1155 + 8805
-1366130 is the answer
670 * -2039
7170 is the solution
Please solve the following equation for me: 11 - -7159
0.55369 is the solution
4120 / 7441
-15381917 is the solution
What is the answer to 3473 * -4429
The answer to -8326 - -9543 is 1217
Tell me what -8326 - -9543 is
Sure, the solution is: 4070369
Tell me what 709 * 5741 is
52337586 is the solution
Give me the solution for -5314 * -9849
Tell me what 4521 / 8194 is
2.88102 is the solution to -6344 / -2202
Tell me what -6344 / -2202 is
400 is the answer
Tell me what 1197 - 797 is
-9177 is the solution
What is the answer to -6605 + -2572
Sure, the solution is: 13728
5515 + 8213
-5916 is the solution
-4784 + -1132
2.14297 is the solution to 2668 / 1245
Please solve the following equation for me: 2668 / 1245
The answer to 1833 * 4240 is 7771920
Please solve the following equation for me: 1833 * 4240
-2741848 is the solution to 4366 * -628
4366 * -628
-1284 is the solution
Give me the solution for -9769 - -8485
Sure, the solution is: -1006
3119 + -4125
Sure, the solution is: 13517952
Tell me what -1712 * -7896 is
-16480 is the solution
Give me the solution for -8017 + -8463