17 values
Adonis is playing a prank on his dad by replacing his shampoo with hot sauce. Every day, after his dad showers, Adonis replaces the shampoo with 1/2 an ounce of hot sauce. He knows his dad uses 1 oz of shampoo a day from a new 10 oz bottle that no one else uses. After 4 days, what percentage of the liquid in the bottle is hot sauce?
Each day, the shampoo bottle goes down 1/2 an ounce because 1 - (1/2) = 1/2 After four days the shampoo bottle is 2 ounces lower because 4 x (1/2) = <<4*(1/2)=2>>2 After four days, the shampoo bottle has 8 ounces of liquid left because 10 -2 = <<10-2=8>>8 After four days the shampoo bottle has 2 ounces of hot sauce 4 x (1/2) = <<4*(1/2)=2>>2 The proportion of hot sauce in the bottle is .25 because 2 / 8 = <<2/8=.25>>.25 The percentage of hot sauce is 25% because .25 x 100 = <<.25*100=25>>25 #### 25
U-Adonis udlala ihlaya kuyise ngokufaka isoso esivuthayo esikhundleni seshampu. Nsuku zonke, ngemuva kokuthi ubaba wakhe eshonile, u-Adonis ufaka isoso esivuthayo esikhundleni seshampu. Uyazi ukuthi ubaba wakhe usebenzisa i-ounce le-shampoo ngosuku kusuka ebhodleleni elisha le-ounce eli-10 okungekho muntu olithandayo. Ngemuva kwezinsuku ezine, iphesenti elingakanani liketshezi ebhodleleni elisesosweni esivuthayo?
Nsuku zonke, ibhodlela le-shampoo liyehla ngo 1/2 i-ounce ngoba 1 - (1/2) = 1/2 Emva kwezinsuku ezine ibhodlela le-shampoo liyi-ounce emibili ngaphansi ngoba 4 x (1/2) = <<4*(1/2) = 2>>2 Emva kwezinsuku ezine, ibhodlela le-shampoo linama-ounce angu-8 oketshezi olusele ngoba 10 -2 = <<10-2=8>>8 Emva kwezinsuku ezine ibhodlela le-shampoo linama-ounce amabili kasawozi oshisayo 4 x (1/2) = <<4*(1/2) = 2>>2 Isilinganiso kasawozi oshisayo ebhodleleni ngu .25 ngoba 2 / 8 = <<2/8=.25>>.25 Amaphesenti kasawozi oshisayo ngu-25% ngoba .25 x 100 = <<.25*100=25>>25 ## 25#
Sonny received 45 boxes of cookies from his friend yesterday. He gave 12 to his brother, 9 to his sister, and he gave 7 to his cousin. How many boxes of cookies were left for him?
Sonny gave 12 + 9 + 7 = <<12+9+7=28>>28 boxes of cookies. Therefore, he was left with 45 - 28 = <<45-28=17>>17 boxes of cookies. #### 17
USonny uthole amabhokisi amakhukhi angu-45 kumngane wakhe izolo. Wanika umfowabo angu-12, udadewabo angu-9, futhi wanika umzala wakhe angu-7. Mangaki amabhokisi amakhukhi asele kuye?
USonny wanikeza u-12 + 9 + 7 = <<12+9+7=28>> 28 amabhokisi amakhukhi. Ngakho-ke, wasala no-45 - 28 = <<45-28=17>> 17 amabhokisi amakhukhi. #### 17
Erica sees 9 butterflies in the garden. She sees one-third of them fly away. How many butterflies are left in the garden?
Erica sees 9 / 3 = <<9/3=3>>3 butterflies fly away. There are 9 - 3 = <<9-3=6>>6 butterflies still left in the garden. #### 6
U-Erica ubona izimvemvane ezingu-9 engadini. Ubona ingxenye yesithathu yazo indiza ihambe. Zingaki izimvemvane ezisele engadini?
U-Erica ubona izimvemvane ezingu-9 / 3 = <<9/3=3>>3 zindiza ziyohlala. Kusele izimvemvane ezingu-9 - 3 = <<9-3=6>>6 engadini. #### 6
Mona bikes 30 miles each week to stay fit. This week, she biked on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, she biked 12 miles. On Saturday, she biked twice as far as on Monday. How many miles did she bike on Monday?
Let M be the number of miles Mona biked on Monday. Thus, Mona biked 2M miles on Saturday. In all, Mona biked M + 2M + 12 = 30 miles. Thus, on Monday and Saturday, she biked M + 2M = 3M = 30 - 12 = 18 miles. Therefore, on Monday, Mona biked M = 18 / 3 = <<18/3=6>>6 miles. #### 6
UMona uhamba amakhilomitha angu-30 ngebhayisikili isonto ngalinye ukuze ahlale esesimweni esihle. Kuleli sonto, uhamba ngebhayisikili ngoMsombuluko, ngoLwesithathu, nangoMgqibelo. NgoLwesithathu uhamba amakhilomitha angu-12, ngoMgqibelo uhamba amakhilomitha aphindwe kabili kunalawo ahamba ngawo ngoMsombuluko. Uhambe amakhilomitha amangaki ngoMsombuluko?
Ake sithi M inani lamamayela uMona ahamba ngawo ngebhayisikili ngoMsombuluko. Ngakho, uMona wahamba amamayela angu-2M ngoMgqibelo. Sekukonke, uMona wahamba ngebhayisikili u-M + 2M + 12 = amamayela angu-30. Ngakho, ngoMsombuluko nangoMgqibelo, wahamba ngebhayisikili u-M + 2M = 3M = 30 - 12 = amamayela angu-18. Ngakho-ke, ngoMsombuluko, uMona wahamba ngebhayisikili u-M = 18 / 3 = <<18/3=6>> amamayela angu-6.
Marta works on her grandparent's farm to raise money for a new phone. So far, she has collected $240. For every hour she works, she receives $10. Her grandmother often gives her tips, and she has collected $50 in tips in total. How many hours has Marta worked on the farm so far?
Ignoring tips, Marta earned $240 - $50 = $<<240-50=190>>190. Therefore, she has worked 190 / 10 = <<190/10=19>>19 hours. #### 19
UMarta usebenza epulazini likagogo nomkhulu wakhe ukuze athole imali yokuthenga ucingo olusha. Kuze kube manje, usewuthole u-R240 ngehora ngalinye asebenza ngalo. Uthola u-R10. Ugogo wakhe uvame ukumnika imali yamathiphu, futhi usewuthole u-R50 esewonke. UMarta usebenze amahora amangaki epulazini kuze kube manje?
Engazinaki izeluleko, uMarta wahola u- $ 240 - $ 50 = $ 190 Ngakho-ke, usebenze amahora angu-190 / 10 = 19
Alexa and Emily open up a lemonade stand in the front yard. They spent $10 for lemons, $5 for sugar and $3 for cups. The lemonade is $4 a cup. They sell a total of 21 cups. How much profit did Alexa and Emily make after paying off expenses?
Alexa and Emily spend a total of $10 + $5 + $3 = $<<10+5+3=18>>18. They make a total of $4 x 21 = $<<4*21=84>>84. They make a profit of $84 - $18 = $<<84-18=66>>66. #### 66
U-Alexa no-Emily bavula isitolo sama-lemonade egcekeni langaphambili. Bachitha u-$10 ngama-lemon, u-$5 ngoshukela no-$3 ngamakomishi. I-lemonade ibiza u-$4 inkomishi ngayinye. Bathengisa izinkomishi ezingu-21 zizonke. U-Alexa no-Emily bazuza malini ngemva kokukhokha izindleko?
U-Alexa no-Emily basebenzisa ingqikithi engu-$10 + $5 + $3 = $18 benza ingqikithi engu-$4 x 21 = $84 benza inzuzo engu-$84 - $18 = $66
There are 56 pieces of fruit in a box. One-fourth of the box contains oranges. There are half as many peaches as oranges and five times as many apples as peaches. How many apples are in the box?
Oranges = 56*1/4 = <<56*1/4=14>>14 oranges Peaches = half of oranges = 14/2 = <<14/2=7>>7 peaches Apples = 5*peaches = 5*7 = 35 There are 35 apples in the box. #### 35
Kunezithelo ezingu-56 ebhokisini. Ingxenye yesine yebhokisi iqukethe amawolintshi. Kunama-peach amaningi ngokuphindwe kabili kunamawolintshi nama-apula amaningi ngokuphindwe kahlanu kunama-peach. Mangaki ama-apula asebhokisini?
Amawolintshi = 56*1/4 = <<56*1/4=14>>14 amawolintshi Amapheya = ingxenye yamawolintshi = 14/2 = <<14/2=7>>7 amapheshana Ama-apula = 5*amapheshana = 5*7 = 35 Kukhona ama-apula angu-35 ebhokisini. #### 35
Cynthia harvested 67 potatoes from her garden. After washing them, she cut 13 of them into wedges. She then halved the remaining potatoes and made french fries with one half, and potato chips with the other half. If one potato can be cut into 8 wedges or make 20 potato chips, how many more potato chips than wedges did Cynthia make?
Cynthia was left with 67 -13 = <<67-13=54>>54 potatoes after making wedges. She used 54/2 = <<54/2=27>>27 potatoes to make potato chips. Cynthia made 13 x 8 = <<13*8=104>>104 wedges. She made 27 x 20 = <<27*20=540>>540 potato chips. Cynthia made 540 - 104 = <<540-104=436>>436 more potato chips than wedges. #### 436
UCynthia wavuna amazambane angu-67 engadini yakhe. Ngemva kokuwashayela, wasika angu-13 wawo waba ama-keep. Wabe esehlukanisa amazambane ayesele phakathi wenza ama-fries aseFrance ngengxenye eyodwa, wenza ama-chips amazambane ngengxenye yesibili. Uma amazambane angahlukaniswa abe ama-keep angu-8 noma enze ama-keep angu-20, uCynthia wakhiqiza ama-keep amaningi kangakanani?
U-Cynthia washiywa ngamazambane angama-67 -13 = <<67-13=54>>54 ngemuva kokwenza ama-wedges. Wasebenzisa ama-54/2 = <<54/2=27>>27 amazambane ukwenza ama-chips amazambane. U-Cynthia wenza ama-wedges ayi-13 x 8 = <<13*8=104>>104. Wenza ama-chips amazambane angama-27 x 20 = <<27*20=540>>540 amazambane. U-Cynthia wenza ama-chips amazambane angama-540 - 104 = <<540-104=436>>436 amaningi kunama-wedges. #### 436
Raine's house is just a walking distance from her school. It takes her 150 steps to walk to the school. How many steps does she take walking to and from school in five days?
Raine takes 150 x 2 = <<150*2=300>>300 steps walking to and from school each day. Thus, it takes her 300 x 5 = <<300*5=1500>>1500 steps in five days. #### 1500
Indlu kaRaine ikude kakhulu nesikole sakhe. Kudingeka ahambe izinyathelo ezingu-150 ukuze afike esikoleni. Uhamba izinyathelo ezingaki ukuya nokubuya esikoleni ngezinsuku ezinhlanu?
URaine uhamba izinyathelo ezingu-150 x 2 = <<150*2=300>>300 ukuya nokubuya esikoleni nsuku zonke. Ngakho, udinga izinyathelo ezingu-300 x 5 = <<300*5=1500>>1500 ezinsukwini ezinhlanu. #### 1500
Jane sews 2 dresses a day for 7 days. Then she sews 3 dresses a day for the next 2 days. In the end, she adds 2 ribbons to each dress. How many ribbons does Jane use in total?
In 7 days, Jane sews 2 * 7 = <<2*7=14>>14 dresses In the next 2 days, Jane sews 3 * 2 = <<3*2=6>>6 dresses Jane sews a total of 14 + 6 = <<14+6=20>>20 dresses Jane uses a total of 20 * 2 = <<20*2=40>>40 ribbons #### 40
UJane uthunga izingubo ezimbili ngosuku izinsuku eziyisikhombisa. Khona-ke uthunga izingubo ezintathu ngosuku izinsuku ezimbili ezilandelayo. Ekugcineni, unezela ama-ribbon amabili engutsheni ngayinye. Usebenzisa ama-ribbon amangaki uJane esewonke?
Ezinsukwini ezingu-7, uJane uthunga izingubo ezingu-2 * 7 = <<2*7=14>> 14 Ezinsukwini ezingu-2 ezilandelayo, uJane uthunga izingubo ezingu-3 * 2 = <<3*2=>>6 izingubo uJane uthunga ezingu-14 + 6 = <<14+6=>>20 izingubo uJane usebenzisa ezingu-20 * 2 = <<20*2=40>>40 izintambo #### 40
Hannah wanted to make an apple pie that would serve 8 people. She needed 2 pounds of apples that were on sale for $2.00 per pound. The pre-made pie crust cost $2.00. The lemon cost $.50 and the butter cost $1.50. How much did each serving of pie cost?
2 pounds of apples at $2.00/pound would cost 2*2 = $<<2*2=4.00>>4.00 If we add all of the purchases together then the total bill was 4+2+.50+1.50 = $<<4+2+.50+1.50=8.00>>8.00 There are 8 servings per pie. So $8.00/8 servings = $1.00 per serving #### 1
UHannah wayefuna ukwenza iphayi le-apula elalizobe likhonza abantu abangu-8. Wayedinga amakhilogremu amabili ama-apula ayethengiswa ngo-R1.50 ikhilogremu ngalinye. I-pie eyase yenziwe kakade yayibiza u-R1.00, i-lemon yayingu-R1.50 kanti ibhotela lalibiza u-R1.50 - kwakubiza malini iphayi ngalinye?
2 amakhilogremu ama-apula ku $2.00/kg angabiza 2*2 = $4.00 Uma sihlanganisa konke okuthengiwe ndawonye khona-ke inani eliphelele lalingu 4+2+50+1.50 = $8.00 Kukhona izingxenye ezingu-8 zephayi ngalinye. Ngakho $8.00/8 izingxenye = $1.00 ngesilinganiso ngasinye #### 1
Martin spends 2 hours waiting in traffic, then four times that long trying to get off the freeway. How much time does he waste total?
First find the total amount of time he spends trying to get off the freeway: 2 hours * 4 = <<2*4=8>>8 hours Then add the time he spends waiting in traffic to find the total time: 8 hours + 2 hours = <<8+2=10>>10 hours #### 10
UMartin uchitha amahora amabili elindile ezimotweni, bese echitha isikhathi esiphindwe kane esilinganayo ezama ukuphuma emgwaqweni omkhulu.
Okokuqala thola inani lesikhathi asichitha ezama ukuphuma emgwaqweni omkhulu: 2 amahora * 4 = <<2*4=8>> 8 amahora Bese wengeza isikhathi asichitha elinde emgwaqweni ukuthola inani lesikhathi: 8 amahora + 2 amahora = <<8+2=10>> 10 amahora #### 10
5 squirrels collected 575 acorns. If each squirrel needs 130 acorns to get through the winter, how many more acorns does each squirrel need to collect?
Each squirrel now has 575/5 = <<575/5=115>>115 acorns. Each squirrel still needs to collect another 130 - 115 = <<130-115=15>>15 acorns. #### 15
Uma isikhova ngasinye sidinga izikhova ezingu-130 ukuze sidlule ebusika, zingaki ezinye izikhova isikhova ngasinye okudingeka siqoqe?
Manje isikhova ngasinye sinama-acorn angu-575/5 = <<575/5=115>>115 Isikhova ngasinye kusadingeka siqoqe amanye ama-acorn angu-130 - 115 = <<130-115=15>>15
Taro and Vlad play a video game competition together, earning 5 points for every win. After playing 30 rounds, Taro scored 4 points less than 3/5 of the total points scored. How many total points did Vlad score?
If they played 30 rounds, the total possible points from wins are 5*30 = <<5*30=150>>150 points. Scoring 3/5 of the total possible points earns you 3/5 * 150 points = <<3/5*150=90>>90 points If Taro scored 4 points less than 3/5 of the total points, he scored 90 points - 4 points = <<90-4=86>>86 points. If the total points scored in the game is 150, then Vlad scored 150 points - 86 points = <<150-86=64>>64 points #### 64
UTaro noVlad badlala umdlalo wevidiyo ndawonye, bathola amaphuzu ama-5 ngokuwina ngakunye. Ngemva kokudlala imizuliswano engu-30, uTaro uthole amaphuzu amane ngaphansi kwamaphuzu angu-3/5 amaphuzu aphelele.
Uma badlala imizuliswano engu-30, amaphuzu angenzeka okuwina angu-5*30 = <<5*30=150>>150 amaphuzu. Ukuthola amaphuzu angu-3/5 amaphuzu angenzeka akuthola 3/5 * 150 amaphuzu = <<3/5*150=90>>90 amaphuzu Uma uTaro athola amaphuzu angu-4 ngaphansi kwamaphuzu angu-3/5 amaphuzu, athola amaphuzu angu-90 - amaphuzu angu-4 = <<90-4=86>>86 amaphuzu. Uma amaphuzu atholakele kulo mdlalo angu-150, khona-ke uVlad athola amaphuzu angu-150 - amaphuzu angu-86 = <<150-86=64>>64 amaphuzu ### 64
Tyrone empties his piggy bank and finds two $1 bills, a $5 bill, 13 quarters, 20 dimes, 8 nickels, and 35 pennies. How much money does Tyrone have?
He has $2 in $1 bills because 2 times 1 equals <<2*1=2>>2. He has $5 in $5 bills because 1 times 5 equals <<5*1=5>>5. He has $3.25 in quarters because 13 times .25 equals <<13*.25=3.25>>3.25 He has $2 in dimes because 20 times .1 equals <<20*.1=2>>2. He has $.40 in nickels because 8 times .05 equals .4. He has $.35 in pennies because 35 times .01 equals .35. He has $13 because 2 plus 5 plus 3.25 plus 2 plus .4 plus .35 equals <<2+5+3.25+2+.4+.35=13>>13. #### 13
UTyrone ukhipha imali ebhokisini lakhe elincane bese ethola imali engu-R1 emibili, engu-R5, engu-R13, engu-R20 nengu-R10 nengu-R35.
Unama-dollar amabili emabhokisini ka-dollar owodwa ngoba u-2*1=2. Unama-dollar amahlanu emabhokisini ka-dollar amahlanu ngoba u-1*5=5. Unama-dollar angu-3.25 kuma-quarter ngoba u-13*0.25=13. Unama-dollar amabili kuma-dime ngoba u-20*0.1=20. Unama-dollar angu-0.40 kuma-nickel ngoba u-8*0.05=4. Unama-dollar angu-0.35 kuma-penny ngoba u-35*0.01=35. Unama-dollar angu-13 ngoba u-2+5+3.25+2+4+35=13.
The Zargon Destroyer spacecraft can travel at 2 billion miles per hour in normal space, but when moving through a black hole they travel three times faster. If the Zargon Destroyer is making a voyage that travels seven hours in normal space and two hours through a black hole, how many billions of miles would they have traveled?
A spacecraft flying through normal space for seven hours at 2-billion miles per hour travels 7*2=<<7*2=14>>14 billion miles. A spacecraft flying through a black hole at 3*2=<<3*2=6>>6 billion miles per hour. Thus, a spacecraft flying through a black hole for two hours travels 2*6=<<2*6=12>>12 billion miles. Therefore, in total, the Zargon spacecraft will travel 14+12=<<14+12=26>>26 billion miles. #### 26
Uma isikebhe sasemkhathini i-Zargon Destroyer sihamba amahora angu-7 emkhathini ovamile futhi amahora amabili sihamba emgodini omnyama, zingaki izigidigidi zamamayela ebeziyozihamba?
Isikhala esihamba emkhathini esijwayelekile amahora ayisikhombisa nge-2 billion miles ngehora sihamba 7*2=<<7*2=14>>14 billion miles. Isikhala esihamba emgodini omnyama nge-3*2=<<3*2=6>>6 billion miles ngehora. Ngakho, isikhala esihamba emgodini omnyama amahora amabili sihamba 2*6=<<2*6=12>>12 billion miles. Ngakho-ke, isiyonke, isikhala seZargon sizohamba 14+12=<<14+12=26>>26 billion miles.
In a factory, there are 3 machines working 23 hours a day. The owner decided to buy a fourth machine, which works only 12 hours a day. One machine can produce 2 kg of material every hour. The factory sells the produced material for $50 per 1 kg. How much can this factory earn in one day?
The total runtime for the first three machines is 3 machines * 23 hours/day/machine = <<3*23=69>>69 hours/day. So these machines could produce 69 hours/day * 2 kg/hour = <<69*2=138>>138 kg/day. The fourth machine could produce 12 hours/day * 2 kg/hour = <<12*2=24>>24 kg/day of material. In total all the machines would produce 138 kg/day + 24 kg/day = <<138+24=162>>162 kg/day of material. The factory would therefore earn 162 kg/day * $50/kg = $<<162*50=8100>>8100/day. #### 8100
Emkhakheni, kunemishini emi-3 esebenza amahora angu-23 ngosuku. Umnikazi wanquma ukuthenga umshini wesine, osebenza amahora angu-12 kuphela ngosuku. Umshini owodwa ungakhiqiza izinto ezingama-2 kg ngehora. Ifektri ithengisa izinto ezikhiqizwayo ngama- $ 50 ngekhilogremu elilodwa. Kungakanani lokhu kungenza ifektri ngosuku?
Isikhathi esiphelele sokusebenza kwemishini emithathu yokuqala yimishini engu-3 * amahora angu-23 / usuku / umshini = <<3*23=69>> amahora angu-69 / usuku. Ngakho-ke le mishini ingakhiqiza amahora angu-69 / usuku * 2 kg / ihora = <<69*2=138>>138 kg / usuku. Umshini wesine ungakhiqiza amahora angu-12 / usuku * 2 kg / ihora = <<12*2=24>>24 kg / usuku lwezinto ezibonakalayo. Sekukonke yonke imishini izokhiqiza u-138 kg / usuku + 24 kg / usuku = <<138+24=162>>162 kg / usuku lwezinto ezibonakalayo. Ngakho-ke ifektri izothola u-162 kg / usuku * $ 50 / kg = $ <<162*50=8100>>8100 / ngosuku.
Wade has a hot dog food truck. He makes $2.00 in tips per customer. On Friday he served 28 customers. He served three times that amount of customers on Saturday. On Sunday, he served 36 customers. How many dollars did he make in tips between the 3 days?
On Saturday, he served 3 times the amount of customers that he served on Friday, which was 28 customers so he served 3*28 = <<3*28=84>>84 customers He served 28 customers on Friday, 84 on Saturday and 36 customers on Sunday for a total of 28+84+36 = <<28+84+36=148>>148 customers Each customer tipped him $2.00 and he had 148 customers so he made 2*148 = $<<2*148=296.00>>296.00 #### 296
Wade has a inqola ukudla inja eshisayo. Uhola $2.00 e amathiphu ikhasimende ngalinye. NgoLwesihlanu wakhonza 28 amakhasimende. Wakhonza kathathu inani amakhasimende ngoMgqibelo. NgeSonto, wakhonza 36 amakhasimende. Bangaki amadola wenza amathiphu phakathi izinsuku 3?
NgoMgqibelo, wasebenzela amakhasimende aphindwe kathathu kunalokhu ayekwenzile ngoLwesihlanu, okwakuyikhasimende eli-28 ngakho wasebenzela amakhasimende angu-3*28 = <<3*28=84>>84 Wakhonza amakhasimende angu-28 ngoLwesihlanu, angu-84 ngoMgqibelo kanye namakhasimende angu-36 ngeSonto, okwenza ingqikithi yaba ngu-28+84+36 = <<28+84+36=148>>148 Amakhasimende Ikhasimende ngalinye lamnika u-$2.00 futhi wayenabakhasimende abangu-148 ngakho wenza u-2*148 = $<<2*148=296.00>>296.00 ### 296
Colbert is building a treehouse out of wooden planks. The treehouse needs 200 wooden planks. A quarter of these planks come from Colbert’s storage, half of these planks come from Colbert’s parents, 20 planks come from Colbert’s friends and he buys the rest from the store. How many planks of wood does he need to buy from the store to finish his treehouse?
In Colbert’s storage, there are 200 wooden planks / 4 = <<200/4=50>>50 wooden planks. From his parents, there are 200 wooden planks / 2 = <<200/2=100>>100 wooden planks. So in total, Colbert has not had to buy 50 wooden planks from storage + 100 wooden planks from his parents + 20 wooden planks from his friends = <<50+100+20=170>>170 wooden planks. He therefore still needs to buy 200 needed wooden planks – 170 owned wooden planks = <<200-170=30>>30 wooden planks. #### 30
UColbert wakha indlu esihlahleni ngamapulangwe. Indlu yesihlahla idinga amapulangwe angama-200. Ingxenye yekota yalawa mapulangwe ivela esitolo sikaColbert, uhhafu wale mapulangwe uvela kubazali bakaColbert, amapulangwe angama-20 avela kubangani bakaColbert futhi uthenga okusele esitolo. Mangaki amapulangwe enkuni adinga ukuwathenga esitolo ukuze aqede indlu yakhe yesihlahla?
E-Colbert's storage, kukhona ama-boards okhuni angama-200 / 4 = <<200/4=50>>50 amapulangwe okhuni. Kubazali bakhe, kunamapulangwe okhuni angama-200 / 2 = <<200/2=100>>100 amapulangwe okhuni. Ngakho-ke, isiyonke, uColbert akadingi ukuthenga amapulangwe okhuni angama-50 kusuka esitolo + amapulangwe okhuni ayi-100 kubazali bakhe + amapulangwe okhuni angama-20 kubangani bakhe = <<50+100+20=170>>170 amapulangwe okhuni. Ngakho-ke kusadingeka athenge amapulangwe okhuni ayi-200 ayadingeka 170 amapulangwe okhuni ayenawo = <<200-170=30>>30 amapulangwe okhuni. #### 30
There are 11 boys and 13 girls in a class. If 1 boy is added to the class, what percentage of the class are girls?
There are a total of 11 + 1 = <<11+1=12>>12 boys in the class. Hence, there are a total of 12 boys + 13 girls = <<12+13=25>>25 students in a class. So 13/25 x 100% = 52% of the class are girls. #### 52
Kunabafana abangu-11 namantombazane angu-13 ekilasini. Uma kwengezwa umfana oyedwa ekilasini, amaphesenti amantombazane ekilasini angakanani?
Kukhona abafana abangu-11 + 1 = <<11+1=12>> 12 ekilasini. Ngakho, kunabafana abangu-12 + amantombazane angu-13 = <<12+13=25>> 25 abafundi ekilasini. Ngakho 13/25 x 100% = 52% ekilasini ngamantombazane. #### 52
James prints out 2 books. They are each 600 pages long. He prints out double-sided and 4 pages per side. How many sheets of paper does he use?
He printed 600*2=<<600*2=1200>>1200 pages Each sheet of paper was 4*2=<<4*2=8>>8 pages So he used 1200/8=<<1200/8=150>>150 sheets of paper #### 150
UJames unyathelisa izincwadi ezimbili. Ngamunye unamakhasi angu-600 ubude. Unyathelisa izinhlangothi ezimbili namakhasi amane ohlangothini ngalunye. Usebenzisa amashidi amangaki ephepha?
Wanyathelisa amakhasi angu-600*2=<<600*2=1200>>1200 Ikhasi ngalinye lalingamakhasi angu-4*2=<<4*2=8>>8 Ngakho wasebenzisa amakhasi angu-1200/8=<<1200/8=150>>150
In a certain country store, there are three kinds of bottled drinks. A cola, which costs $3, a juice for $1.5, and water for $1 per bottle. One day the store was able to sell 15 bottles of cola, 25 bottles of water, and 12 bottles of juice. How much did the shop earn?
15 bottles of cola is a cost of 15 * 3 = $<<15*3=45>>45. 12 bottles of juice make up to 12 * 1.5 = $<<12*1.5=18>>18. As each of the 25 sold water bottles was $1, the shop made a total of 45 + 18 + 25 = $<<45+18+25=88>>88. #### 88
Esitolo esithile sasemaphandleni, kunezinhlobo ezintathu zeziphuzo ezifakwe emabhodleleni. I-cola, ebiza u-R3, ijusi engu-R1.5, namanzi angu-R1 ibhodlela ngalinye. Ngolunye usuku isitolo sakwazi ukuthengisa amabhodlela angu-15 e-cola, amabhodlela angu-25 amanzi, namabhodlela angu-12 ijusi.
Amabhodlela angu-15 e-cola abiza u-15 * 3 = $<<15*3=45>>45. Amabhodlela angu-12 ejusi enza u-12 * 1.5 = $<<12*1.5=18>>18. Njengoba ngalinye lamabhodlela amanzi angu-25 athengiswayo lalingu-$1, isitolo senza inani eliyi-45 + 18 + 25 = $<<<45+18+25=88>>88. ### 88
Natalie's father has saved up $10,000 to split up between his kids. Natalie will get half, as she is the oldest. Rick will get 60 percent of the remaining money, and Lucy will get whatever is left after Natilie and Rick get paid. How much money does Lucy get?
Natalie: 10000/2=<<10000/2=5000>>5000$ 10000-5000=<<10000-5000=5000>>5000 Rick:5000(.60)=3000$ 5000-3000=<<5000-3000=2000>>2000$ left for Lucy. #### 2000
Ubaba kaNatalie ulondoloze u-$10,000 azowahlukanisa phakathi kwezingane zakhe. U-Natalie uzothola ingxenye, njengoba eyindodana endala. URick uzothola amaphesenti angu-60 emali esele, futhi uLucy uzothola noma yini esele ngemva kokuba uNatalie noRick bekhokhiwe. ULucy uthola imali engakanani?
Natalie: 10000/2=<<10000/2=5000>5000$ 10000-5000=<<<10000-5000=5000>5000 Rick:5000(.60) =3000$ 5000-3000=<<5000-3000=2000>2000$ ishiyelwe uLucy.
A monitor is 21 inches by 12 inches. There are 100 dots per inch. How many total pixels are there?
The display is 21*100=<<21*100=2100>>2100 pixels across The display is 12*100=<<12*100=1200>>1200 pixels tall That means there is a total of 2100*1200=<<2100*1200=2520000>>2,520,000 pixels #### 2,520,000
Isikrini singamasentimitha angu-21 ngamasentimitha angu-12. Kunamachashazi angu-100 ngesentimitha. Mangaki amapikseli aphelele akhona?
Isikrini siyizinkulungwane 21*100=<<21*100=2100>2100 ngamaphikseli ububanzi Isikrini siyizinkulungwane 12*100=<<12*100=1200>1200 ngamaphikseli ukuphakama Lokho kusho ukuthi kunenani eliphelele lamaphikseli ayizinkulungwane 2100*1200=<<2100*1200=2520000>2,520,000 #### 2,520,000
Cory bought a patio table and 4 chairs for $135. The patio table cost $55. If each chair cost the same amount, how much did each chair cost?
The 4 chairs cost Cory $135 - $55 = $80. Each chair costs $80 / 4 = $<<80/4=20>>20. #### 20
UCory wathenga itafula eliyindawo yokudlela nezihlalo ezine ngamaRandi angu-135 (amaRandi angu-135).
Izihlalo ezine zabiza uCory u- $ 135 - $ 55 = $ 80. Isihlalo ngasinye sibiza u- $ 80 / 4 = $ 20.
Leila went to the supermarket to buy food for the Christmas party. She bought apples for 5€, sugar for 3€ and carrots for 17€. She paid with a 50€ bill. How much money does the saleswoman return to her?
To find out how much the saleswoman should give her back, we have to find out first how much she spent. She bought apples for 5€, sugar for 3€ and carrots for 17€, so she spent 5€ + 3€ +17€ = <<5+3+17=25>>25€. She pays 50€ and the saleswoman must keep 25€, so the seller must give her back 50€ - 25€ = <<50-25=25>>25€ #### 25
ULeila waya esitolo ukuze ayothenga ukudla okuzodliwa emcimbini kaKhisimusi. Wathenga ama-apula ngama-€5, ushukela ngama-€3 kanye nezimbila ngama-€17. Wakhokha nge-€50 bill. Umthengisi wambuyisela imali engakanani?
Ukuze sithole ukuthi umthengisi kufanele ambuyisele malini, kufanele siqale sithole ukuthi usebenzise malini. Uthenge ama-apula ngo-5€, ushukela ngo-3€ kanye nezimbila ngo-17€, ngakho wasebenzisa u-5€ + 3€ +17€ = <<5+3+17=25>> 25€. Ukhokha u-50€ futhi umthengisi kufanele agcine u-25€, ngakho umthengisi kufanele ambuyisele u-50€ - 25€ = <<50-25=25>> 25€
Jerry paid off some of his debts. Two months ago, he paid $12 while last month, he paid $3 more. If his debt was $50 in all, how much does he still have to pay?
Jerry paid $12 + $3 = $<<12+3=15>>15 last month. He paid a total of $12 + $15 = $<<12+15=27>>27 for two months. Therefore, Jerry still has to pay $50 - $27 = $<<50-27=23>>23. #### 23
UJerry wakhokha ezinye zezikweleti zakhe. Ezinyangeni ezimbili ezedlule, wakhokha u-$12 kanti ngenyanga edlule, wakhokha u-$3 ngaphezulu. Uma isikweleti sakhe sasingu-$50 sisonke, kungakanani okusadingeka akhokhe?
UJerry ukhokhe u-$12 + $3 = $<<12+3=15>>15 ngenyanga edlule. Ukhokhe isamba sika-$12 + $15 = $<<12+15=27>>27 ezinyangeni ezimbili. Ngakho-ke, uJerry usadinga ukukhokha u-$50 - $27 = $<<50-27=23>>23. #### 23
Jean is a customer service rep and answered 35 phone calls on Monday. On Tuesday, she answered 46 and took 27 calls on Wednesday. On Thursday she answered 61 calls and finished off answering 31 calls on Friday. What’s the average number of calls she answers per day?
During the week she answered 35 on Mon, 46 on Tue, 27 on Wed, 61 on Thurs and 31 on Fri for a total of 35+46+27+61+31 = <<35+46+27+61+31=200>>200 calls She answered 200 calls over 5 days so on average, she answered 200/5 = <<200/5=40>>40 calls a day #### 40
UJean uyisikhonzi samakhasimende futhi waphendula izingcingo ezingama-35 ngoMsombuluko. NgoLwesibili, waphendula izingcingo ezingama-46 futhi wathatha izingcingo ezingama-27 ngoLwesithathu. NgoLwesine waphendula izingcingo ezingama-61 futhi waqeda ukuphendula izingcingo ezingama-31 ngoLwesihlanu. Iyini isilinganiso senani lezingcingo aziphendula ngosuku?
Phakathi nesonto uphendule izingcingo ezingu-35 ngoMsombuluko, ezingu-46 ngoLwesibili, ezingu-27 ngoLwesithathu, ezingu-61 ngoLwesine nezingu-31 ngoLwesihlanu, okuyisamba esiphelele sezingcingo ezingu-35+46+27+61+31 = <<35+46+27+61+31=200>> izingcingo ezingu-200 Uphendule izingcingo ezingu-200 ezinsukwini ezingu-5 ngakho-ke ngokwesilinganiso, uphendule izingcingo ezingu-200/5 = <<200/5=40>>40 ngosuku #### 40
Adam owns a wood carving shop, if a block of basswood can create 3 figurines and a block of butternut wood can create 4 figurines, and a block of Aspen wood can make twice the amount of figurines compared to basswood, how many figurines can he make if he owns 15 blocks of basswood, 20 blocks of butternut wood, and 20 blocks of Aspen wood?
Adam can make 15 x 3 = <<15*3=45>>45 figurines out of the blocks of basswood. He can also make 3 x 2 = <<3*2=6>>6 figurines out of a block of Aspen wood. So, he can make 20 x 6 = <<20*6=120>>120 figurines out of all the blocks of Aspen wood. He can also make 20 x 4 = <<20*4=80>>80 figurines out of all the blocks of butternut wood. Therefore, Adam can make a total of 120 + 80 + 45 = <<120+80+45=245>>245 figurines using all the blocks of wood. #### 245
U-Adam ungumnikazi wesitolo sokukrola izinkuni, uma ibhulokhi le-basswood lingenza izithombe ezi-3 bese ibhulokhi le-butternut wood lingenza izithombe ezi-4, futhi ibhulokhi le-Aspen wood lingenza izithombe eziphindwe kabili uma kuqhathaniswa ne-basswood, zingaki izithombe angazenza uma enamabhulokhi angu-15 e-basswood, amabhulokhi angu-20 e-butternut wood, namabhulokhi angu-20 e-Aspen wood?
U-Adam angenza 15 x 3 = <<15*3=45>>45 izithombe ezivela emabhuloki enkuni ye-basswood. Angenza futhi 3 x 2 = <<3*2=6>>6 izithombe ezivela ebhuloki lokhuni lwe-aspen. Ngakho, angenza 20 x 6 = <<20*6=120>>120 izithombe ezivela kuwo wonke amabhlogo enkuni ye-aspen. Angenza futhi 20 x 4 = <<20*4=80>>80 izithombe ezivela kuwo wonke amabhlogo enkuni ye-butternut. Ngakho-ke, u-Adam angenza isamba se-120 + 80 + 45 = <<120+80+45=245>>245 izithombe ezisebenzisa wonke amabhlogo enkuni. ### 245
Greta received 10 more letters in the mail than her brother. Greta's mother received twice the total number of letters Greta and her brother received. Calculate the total number of letters the three received if Greta's brother received 40 letters.
Since Greta's brother received 40 letters, Greta received 40+10 = <<40+10=50>>50 letters. Together, Greta and her brother received 50 + 40 = <<50+40=90>>90 letters. Greta's mother received twice the total number of letters Greta and her brother received, which totals 90*2 = <<90*2=180>>180 letters. In total, the three received 90+180 = <<90+180=270>>270 letters. #### 270
UGreta wathola izincwadi eziyishumi ngaphezulu kunomfowabo. Umama kaGreta wathola izincwadi eziphindwe kabili kunezingqikithi zikaGreta nomfowabo. Bala inani eliphelele lezincwadi abathathu abathola uma umfowabo kaGreta ethola izincwadi ezingu-40.
Njengoba umfowabo kaGreta athola izincwadi ezingu-40, uGreta wathola ezingu-40+10 = <<40+10=50>>50 izincwadi. Bebonke, uGreta nomfowabo bathola ezingu-50 + 40 = <<50+40=90>>90 izincwadi. Umama kaGreta wathola inani eliphindwe kabili lezincwadi uGreta nomfowabo abazithola, okuyizincwadi ezingu-90*2 = <<90*2=180>>180.
A carpenter is building a house. He needs 80 woodblocks to build it. If he has 8 logs that can make five woodblocks each, how many logs does the carpenter still need?
The carpenter initially has 8 x 5 = <<8*5=40>>40 blocks of wood. So he still lacks 80 - 40 = <<80-40=40>>40 blocks of wood. Therefore he still needs 40 / 5 = <<40/5=8>>8 logs of wood. #### 8
Umbazi wakha indlu. Udinga izingodo ezingu - 80 ukuze ayakhe. Uma enezihlahla ezingu - 8 ezingenza izingodo ezinhlanu, zingaki izihlahla asazidingayo?
Umbazi ekuqaleni une 8 x 5 = <<8*5=40>>40 amabhlogo enkuni. Ngakho usaswele 80 - 40 = <<80-40=40>>40 amabhlogo enkuni. Ngakho usadinga 40 / 5 = <<40/5=8>>8 izingodo zokhuni. #### 8
In a game, Samanta has 8 more points than Mark, and Mark has 50% more points than Eric. Eric has 6 points. How many points do Samanta, Mark, and Eric have in total?
Mark has 50/100 * 6 = <<50/100*6=3>>3 points more than Eric. So Mark has 6 + 3 = <<6+3=9>>9 points. That means Samanta has 9 + 8 = <<9+8=17>>17 points. So in total Samanta, Mark, and Eric have 6 + 9 + 17 = <<6+9+17=32>>32 points. #### 32
Emdlalweni, uSamanta unamaphuzu angu-8 ngaphezu kukaMark, kanti uMark unamaphuzu angu-50% ngaphezu kukaEric. U-Eric unamaphuzu ayisithupha. Mangaki amaphuzu uSamanta, uMark, no-Eric abanawo esewonke?
UMark unamaphuzu angu-50/100 * 6 = <<50/100*6=3>>3 ngaphezulu kuka-Eric. Ngakho uMark unamaphuzu angu-6 + 3 = <<6+3=9>>9 amaphuzu. Lokho kusho ukuthi uSamanta unamaphuzu angu-9 + 8 = <<9+8=17>>17 amaphuzu. Ngakho-ke, uma sekukonke uSamanta, uMark, no-Eric banamaphuzu angu-6 + 9 + 17 = <<6+9+17=32>>32 amaphuzu. ### 32
John manages to run 15 mph for his whole 5-mile race. The next fastest guy ran the race in 23 minutes. How many minutes did he win the race by?
He runs the race in 5/15=1/3 of an hour So he runs the race in 60/3=<<60/3=20>>20 minutes That means he beat the next fastest guy by 23-20=<<23-20=3>>3 minutes #### 3
UJohn uyakwazi ukugijima 15 mph kulo lonke umjaho wakhe wamamayela amahlanu. Umfana olandelayo osheshayo wagijima umjaho ngemizuzu engama-23. Wanqoba umjaho ngemizuzu emingaki?
Ugijima umjaho ngo 5/15 = 1 / 3 wehora Ngakho ugijima umjaho ngo 60/3 = 20 imizuzu Lokho kusho ukuthi ushaye umgijimi olandelayo ngokushesha ngo 23-20 = 3 imizuzu
Rebecca drinks half a bottle of soda a day. She bought three 6-packs of sodas the last time she was at the store. How many bottles of soda will she have left after four weeks?
Rebecca bought 3 * 6 = <<3*6=18>>18 bottles of soda. A week is 7 days, so she will drink 4 * 7 = <<4*7=28>>28 half bottles of soda in four weeks. A bottle is two half bottles, so she will drink 28 / 2 = <<28/2=14>>14 bottles of soda in four weeks. Thus, after 4 weeks, she will have 18 - 14 = <<18-14=4>>4 bottles of soda left. #### 4
URebecca uphuza isigamu sebhodlela likasawoti ngosuku. Wathenga amaphakethe amathathu ama-soda ayisithupha ngesikhathi sokugcina esesitolo. Uzosala namabhodlela amangaki kasawoti ngemva kwamasonto amane?
URebecca uthenge amabhodlela e-soda angu-3 * 6 = <<3*6=18>>18. Isonto liyizinsuku ezingu-7, ngakho uzophuza amabhodlela e-soda angu-4 * 7 = <<4*7=28>>28 ngesigamu emavikini amane. Ibhodlela liyizigamu ezimbili zamabhodlela, ngakho uzophuza amabhodlela e-soda angu-28 / 2 = <<28/2=14>>14 emavikini amane. Ngakho, ngemva kwamasonto amane, uzoba namabhodlela e-soda angu-18 - 14 = <<18-14=4>>4 asele.