1 value
2 values
3 values
2 values
head, knees, shoulders, toes, pares, peels, shells, shucks
[ "You are given 8 words/phrases below. Find two groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 8 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: knees, shoulders, toes, shucks, pares, head, shells, peels." ]
connections, via
bit, dash, pinch, touch, buy, deal, steal, value
[ "You are given 8 words/phrases below. Find two groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 8 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: value, touch, bit, steal, deal, pinch, dash, buy." ]
connections, via
charm, hex, magic, spell, cape, mask, tights, underwear
[ "You are given 8 words/phrases below. Find two groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 8 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: tights, charm, underwear, magic, hex, mask, cape, spell." ]
connections, via
flush, loaded, rich, wealthy, chop, cube, dice, mince
[ "You are given 8 words/phrases below. Find two groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 8 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: dice, flush, cube, wealthy, chop, loaded, rich, mince." ]
connections, via
bulldog, catfish, horsefly, turtledove, clock, mattress, mousetrap, trampoline
[ "You are given 8 words/phrases below. Find two groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 8 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: turtledove, bulldog, mattress, trampoline, mousetrap, catfish, horsefly, clock." ]
connections, via
base, dirty, low, vile, fruit, pitcher, skull, tablecloth, batter, can, garden, pong
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: fruit, batter, vile, can, low, pong, garden, base, skull, dirty, pitcher, tablecloth." ]
connections, via
pic, shot, snap, still, cinch, ice, lock, secure, breeze, coast, glide, sail
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: shot, still, cinch, secure, coast, lock, sail, pic, breeze, glide, snap, ice." ]
connections, via
act, bill, measure, resolution, direct, frank, open, straight, aura, buck, doge, hoda
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: frank, open, direct, resolution, buck, hoda, doge, straight, act, measure, aura, bill." ]
connections, via
dine, feast, feed, sup, ella, me, sus, yo, fit, jim, pickings, shady
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: shady, me, feed, dine, feast, ella, pickings, yo, fit, sus, sup, jim." ]
connections, via
brand, collection, label, line, bunny, duck, martian, pig, greece, hare, katz, maim
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: brand, collection, label, hare, greece, line, duck, maim, pig, bunny, katz, martian." ]
connections, via
chuck, flank, loin, round, mia, omg, pin, ram, libre, mama, mule, sling
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: libre, sling, pin, omg, mama, mia, loin, ram, round, chuck, flank, mule." ]
connections, via
headliner, lead, principal, star, cross, garlic, silver, sun, cracked, lampoon, mad, onion
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: sun, mad, cross, cracked, onion, silver, lampoon, star, lead, headliner, garlic, principal." ]
connections, via
brass, cheek, gall, nerve, collar, halter, harness, lead, carousel, globe, record, top
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: cheek, halter, gall, globe, brass, collar, lead, record, carousel, top, harness, nerve." ]
connections, via
period, spell, stretch, time, check, contain, curb, limit, bill, egg, fur, venom
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: venom, time, fur, stretch, egg, limit, spell, curb, bill, period, check, contain." ]
connections, via
brick, cherry, rose, ruby, drop, splash, spot, sprinkle, bird, bubble, mud, sponge
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: sponge, bird, cherry, splash, sprinkle, drop, bubble, ruby, brick, rose, spot, mud." ]
connections, via
bun, hero, roll, wrap, chops, kisser, trap, yap, bob, clap, snap, tap
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: clap, snap, chops, tap, bun, hero, kisser, trap, wrap, bob, roll, yap." ]
connections, via
bother, handful, pain, pest, few, many, several, some, fool, lovers, magician, tower
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: handful, bother, tower, few, fool, pain, some, magician, pest, several, lovers, many." ]
connections, via
benefit, fruit, return, reward, egg, everything, plain, poppy, frank, mum, vamp, were
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: egg, were, vamp, everything, fruit, reward, mum, poppy, plain, return, frank, benefit." ]
connections, via
fancy, love, relish, savor, cylinder, pin, spring, tumbler, carrot, hurts, jewel, om
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: spring, carrot, om, tumbler, relish, fancy, hurts, cylinder, love, savor, jewel, pin." ]
connections, via
bar, club, disco, lounge, ditch, drop, lose, shed, bake, clearance, garage, sample
[ "You are given 12 words/phrases below. Find three groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 12 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: disco, shed, ditch, lounge, garage, club, sample, bar, clearance, bake, drop, lose." ]
connections, via
ace, crackerjack, expert, hotshot, chock, jack, tire, wrench, gladiator, her, joker, signs, popcorn, rapture, rocketry, soulmate
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: popcorn, crackerjack, expert, ace, soulmate, joker, chock, jack, gladiator, her, hotshot, wrench, rocketry, tire, rapture, signs." ]
connections, via
button, fly, pocket, rivet, line, plane, point, solid, file, history, view, window, animal, door, kink, supreme
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: animal, line, window, plane, view, fly, supreme, pocket, history, solid, rivet, point, kink, button, file, door." ]
connections, via
aioli, barbecue, marinara, ranch, examine, grill, probe, question, bill, invoice, receipt, statement, ancestry, broth, cattle, merchandise
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: statement, aioli, ancestry, bill, merchandise, ranch, marinara, examine, question, barbecue, broth, cattle, receipt, probe, invoice, grill." ]
connections, via
bridge, crunch, dip, squat, bounty, cowboy, duel, saloon, carter, gore, king, tutu, busy, honey, queen, spelling
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: bounty, bridge, dip, tutu, spelling, gore, crunch, squat, busy, saloon, queen, duel, king, honey, carter, cowboy." ]
connections, via
deep, extreme, fierce, intense, bump, butt, knock, ram, fuzz, noise, snow, static, bloody, hail, proud, virgin
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: virgin, knock, deep, hail, snow, butt, fuzz, bloody, extreme, intense, noise, bump, static, ram, proud, fierce." ]
connections, via
accept, believe, buy, swallow, outage, short, spike, surge, abstract, brief, digest, outline, curt, hairy, kneel, wane
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: short, curt, hairy, kneel, buy, swallow, surge, outage, abstract, accept, digest, brief, believe, outline, spike, wane." ]
connections, via
elegance, grace, style, taste, bake, bask, sun, tan, affect, impact, move, touch, sen, sight, sine, sour
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: style, move, affect, sen, grace, sour, sight, tan, impact, bask, bake, taste, touch, elegance, sine, sun." ]
connections, via
beaker, dropper, goggles, microscope, center, heart, hub, nucleus, cell, formula, sheet, sort, body, love, romance, sign
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: microscope, body, romance, dropper, heart, cell, sign, love, goggles, sort, hub, beaker, nucleus, center, formula, sheet." ]
connections, via
cilantro, lime, onion, salsa, kilo, mega, micro, pico, mini, pencil, poodle, wrap, capitol, faith, foot, mole
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: onion, micro, kilo, pico, mini, wrap, cilantro, faith, mole, pencil, lime, salsa, poodle, foot, capitol, mega." ]
connections, via
boot, bounce, eject, toss, earth, ground, land, soil, baltic, black, philippine, red, big, philadelphia, splash, sully
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: soil, bounce, sully, toss, land, red, philadelphia, boot, eject, earth, black, big, splash, ground, philippine, baltic." ]
connections, via
bud, chum, mate, pal, cold, dank, dark, musty, fuzz, scruff, shadow, whiskers, fund, kitty, pool, pot
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: pool, chum, pal, whiskers, fund, bud, scruff, dank, dark, mate, musty, cold, pot, kitty, fuzz, shadow." ]
connections, via
example, ideal, model, symbol, car, conductor, station, track, cymbal, scimitar, simmer, symphony, drum, mark, wax, wig
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: station, wax, simmer, track, wig, symbol, drum, conductor, mark, symphony, scimitar, example, ideal, car, model, cymbal." ]
connections, via
bunk, crock, hogwash, horsefeathers, baton, hammer, hurdle, pole, goatee, horns, pitchfork, tail, bend, bowline, hitch, sheepshank
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: bowline, sheepshank, bunk, pitchfork, crock, hogwash, pole, hitch, hammer, baton, goatee, bend, tail, hurdle, horns, horsefeathers." ]
connections, via
adhere, glue, paste, stick, copy, text, words, writing, carat, clarity, color, cut, list, ok, plus, rod
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: carat, text, adhere, paste, glue, rod, copy, plus, stick, words, list, writing, clarity, ok, color, cut." ]
connections, via
curb, grate, gutter, manhole, aim, intend, mean, plan, cal, gal, in, oz, fleece, girls, parachute, rule
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: fleece, girls, manhole, gal, rule, parachute, intend, plan, grate, aim, gutter, cal, curb, oz, in, mean." ]
connections, via
column, pillar, pole, post, follow, mind, observe, regard, interest, percentage, share, stake, dirt, information, intelligence, secrets
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: information, follow, pillar, interest, stake, pole, secrets, post, observe, dirt, share, regard, percentage, column, mind, intelligence." ]
connections, via
floor, rock, shock, surprise, article, feature, report, story, even, flat, flush, level, balcony, box, orchestra, stage
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: flush, stage, report, orchestra, box, level, story, article, floor, feature, balcony, surprise, flat, shock, rock, even." ]
connections, via
ad-lib, freestyle, improv, make up, babble, coo, crawl, nurse, cosmetic, external, shallow, surface, butterfly, domino, placebo, side
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: surface, external, crawl, ad-lib, side, domino, freestyle, improv, placebo, make up, shallow, butterfly, coo, cosmetic, nurse, babble." ]
connections, via
rip, tear, wrench, yank, drill, exercise, practice, routine, american, frontier, spirit, united, friar, monkey, sundry, wedding
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: drill, frontier, rip, exercise, monkey, spirit, practice, tear, united, american, friar, sundry, wedding, yank, wrench, routine." ]
connections, via
clown, ring, tent, trapeze, lion, scarecrow, witch, wizard, hair, makeup, props, wardrobe, joker, lover, sinner, smoker
[ "You are given 16 words/phrases below. Find four groups of four items that share something in common. Here are a few examples of groups: bass, flounder, salmon, trout (all four are fish); ant, drill, island, opal (all four are two-word phrases that start with 'fire'); are, why, bee, queue (all four are homophones of letters); sea, sister, sin, wonder (all four are members of a septet). Categories will be more specific than e.g., '5-letter-words', 'names', or 'verbs'. There is exactly one solution. Think step-by-step, and then give your answer in **bold** as a list of the 16 items separated by commas, ordered by group (for example, **bass, founder, salmon, trout, ant, drill, island, opal, are, why, bee, queue, sea, sister, sin, wonder**). If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. The items are: sinner, clown, hair, witch, lover, tent, makeup, joker, lion, ring, props, smoker, scarecrow, wizard, trapeze, wardrobe." ]
connections, via