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I have never read a anything that said teethers were bad--where did you read that? | We used a clean a cloth or a baby a sock wrapped around an a ice a cube with our kids and grandkids. | 1.4 | 814 | 6 |
I'm facing a similar a situation; being Danish and living in (German-speaking) Austria. | An a alternative would be to expose her solely or additionally to Hindi in a daycare. | 0 | 815 | 3 |
My a son didn't become a potty trained until about his 4th a birthday. | Here are some things that worked with my a son who started a toilet training around 2.5 years. | 1.6 | 816 | 5 |
Show her how much a fun a splashing is - that's what we did, and made a a game of it. | You can put her toys near her or give he toys to her. | 0.8 | 817 | 3 |
Our a daughter has always loved her a bath, but coming out... not so much. | My a wife and I originally had the same a problem with our newborn twins fussing when a bath a time was over. | 2.8 | 818 | 6 |
Playing a doctor is a something all kids want to try at some a point. | I have been in a simular a situation with my a daughter and a female a friend when they were 5 and 4. | 1.8 | 819 | 6 |
Most doctors do recommend a rice a cereal as the first a food, as there is almost no a worry of allergic a reaction. | Eating off a a spoon has to be an unusual a experience for them. | 0.67 | 820 | 7 |
Most of the a literature I can find about a infant a sleeping has to do primarily with waking habits, not eating habits. | In my a experience, babies tend to wake up by themselves when they get hungry. | 2.6 | 821 | 4 |
Here is my a advice based on my personal a experience pumping a breastmilk for twin boys for a full a year. | I understand that the first 3 days are the most important, so much so it is vital you do it then. | 0.4 | 822 | 4 |
It is possible, but it will have to be a docile female a betta and a a bigish a tank. | We tried putting a male a betta in a a community a tank once. | 2.4 | 823 | 6 |
Turtles love eating a goldfish and lots of things that fit into their mouths. | First, the turtles are eating the a fish because a fish are a food, not friends. | 2.8 | 824 | 4 |
Given that the a amount of a shedding is normal, I don't think there's a anything you can do to lessen it. | To reduce the a amount of a fur a a cat malts over your a furniture and clothes you could try a a deshedder a brush. | 2 | 825 | 9 |
My a experience with Danios has that they always have been "bossy" a fish. | Breed Zebra Danios are extremely hardy a fish, they are almost difficult to kill. | 3 | 826 | 3 |
I have seen cats not like using the a litterbox for a a variety of reasons. | I think Keltari has some good ideas.... A a cat can change its "a taste" in a litter a material. | 2.6 | 827 | 6 |
Cats (and all animals in general) do not understand the concepts of a order or a tidiness. | They don't intend to leave those items around the a house or untidy the a house. | 1.8 | 828 | 4 |
It does sound like your a cat is upset about a something, and trying to communicate it to you. | A Something is bothering your a cat and he does not like it. | 3.8 | 829 | 4 |
I have noticed most cats don't lick people a great a deal. | Cats may or may not lick a a person based on all kinds of things. | 3 | 830 | 2 |
How could be you so sure that the a fish died a natural a death. | In my 200 A L fresh a water a tank, which is an aggressive a tank, a fish occasionally get harassed to a death. | 1.4 | 831 | 8 |
First, double-check the a dog's a body a language to make sure that it is truly aggressive. | First, you should realize that this is not you or your a dog's a problem. | 1.6 | 832 | 5 |
The appropriate pH a level of the a water does vary a a bit by a fish, but too acidic can definitely kill them. | The a info you've been given in the previous answers is good. | 0 | 833 | 5 |
My a guess is that means your a cat only marginally likes the a food you're feeding him. | Some researchers believe domestic cats never really mentally grow up completely and they always look at you like their a mom. | 0.6 | 834 | 4 |
Cover the a entrance to the a doorway with a old a carpet and use a a staple guns to secure it. | I started to dig into this because you caught my a curiosity a itch with the a question... | 0 | 835 | 7 |
Try switching to rats; weanling rats if you need a something smaller. | As mentioned in previous answers, rats and gerbils can be offered instead of mice or in a a rotation with mice. | 3.4 | 836 | 2 |
You should take this a animal to a a vet right away. | As covered in the other answers, your only a option is to see a a vet in a order to have a surgery done. | 3.6 | 837 | 6 |
The main a cause of the allergies is proteins in the a saliva. | Allergies to animals, particularly furry ones, can be across the a board rather than species specific. | 2.2 | 838 | 3 |
There are a few things to help your a bun gain a a bit of a weight. | John Cavan has some reasonable and appropriate methods for increasing a rabbits a weight in his a answer. | 3 | 839 | 5 |
Stocking is very subjective to the specific inhabitants as well as the a setup and your a aquarium a experience. | You'll always want to add a fish into a a tank slowly. | 1.8 | 840 | 5 |
The best a approach is play with your a cat each a night in the a evening before a bedtime. | A a trick I did was to grab and hold my cats close if they disturbed me during the a night. | 2.4 | 841 | 7 |
I don't have direct a experience with bettas, but I've never heard that pairs will work long-a term in any male/female a combination. | Bettas are highly territorial and no matter what sexes you keep together they will fight. | 2.6 | 842 | 3 |
We always put it crushed up in a a bit of a butter or on a a sardine. | We had a a cat that required daily a medication, and it was a a struggle to give the a cat a a pill. | 1.4 | 843 | 8 |
The biggest a reason I can think of is that you're taking away a a defence a mechanism for the a cat. | Cats don't usually like to have their paws held, touched, or a anything like that. | 1.6 | 844 | 5 |
Breed Zebra Danios are extremely hardy a fish, they are almost difficult to kill. | Supposedly Danios need to a school which mean you need at least 5-8 Danios in your a tank. | 1.6 | 845 | 3 |
Clean the urinated a zone with a vinegar (I used to do that when my feline a daughter was a a baby a kitten). | Others have made some good suggestions about how to neutralize the odors in the a area. | 1.4 | 846 | 6 |
Aristotle didn't put the a world at the a center of the a universe per se. | Why did Aristotle place the a earth at the a centre of an a infinite a universe? | 2.8 | 847 | 7 |
I don't think that a positivism is a a position of mostly leftist philosophers. | I am not convinced that a positivism is routinely asociated to a leftist a ideology. | 3.8 | 848 | 4 |
Well for one a a being could have a non-physical a existance and yet not even be in your a mind. | The a difference is huge, as not all non-physical things exist in minds. | 3.4 | 849 | 4 |
People who are good at the a philosophy of mathematics are mathematicians and not philosophers. | My a motivation is that I like to look at things from their roots and go up. | 0 | 850 | 2 |
The a difference between "necessary" and "sufficient" is the a direction of the logical a arrow. | sufficient is an upper bound, necessary is a lower bound. | 2 | 851 | 3 |
I have no a idea why it is voted up, but Rex Kerr's a answer begs the a question. | It's a a tautology, but the a mapping between a logic and the English-a language a description is wrong. | 0 | 852 | 8 |
It's true that, under one a understanding of "a accessibility" and "determining", your a accessibility a relation is determined by your axioms. | A Accessibility is determined by the axioms of the modal a logic you're working within. | 3.8 | 853 | 6 |
I once met a physicists who held the strong AI a position. | Although I believe Searle is mistaken, I don't think you have found the a problem. | 0.2 | 854 | 2 |
If a a statement is not provable an a inconsistency or a self-a contradiction may or will develop that invalidates the a system. | Should arrival at this a point be the a focus for a examination of any a system? | 0.6 | 855 | 9 |
The Question is (from Hinduism); do you exist because of a pregnancy? | The least that can be said is that we must be born with the a ability and 'a knowledge' to learn. | 1.8 | 856 | 3 |
I think that for an a understanding Wittgenstein's "a solution", you must take in a account the original (historical) a context. | Wittgenstein is alluding to how Russell himself solved the Paradox - the a theory of ramified types. | 1.8 | 857 | 5 |
Forget for a a moment that you ever learned a anything about so-called "complex" or "imaginary" numbers. | As others have already mentioned, numbers are of a course abstractions. | 1.2 | 858 | 3 |
The a question of a time is an incredibly difficult one, which has been treated of philosophers from Aristotle to Heidegger. | a wikipedia, as much as it is a supposedly a self correcting a medium, is not necessarily a definitive a account of a anything. | 0 | 859 | 7 |
Not all negative claims can be validly reformulated into positive claims. | I don't think the a burden of a proof is on positive or negative versions. | 1 | 860 | 2 |
As I understand it, a nothing that can be changed, or broken down into smaller parts is inherently real. | Our interactions are merely depends on where we put our a perception. | 0.4 | 861 | 2 |
I can imagine a a scenario where a single all powerful a god create the a universe that we know of. | It is the same a idea as what Aristotle called the unmoved a mover. | 0.8 | 862 | 5 |
When I needed a a travel a tripod, I also opted for a Trekpod. | An alternative a tripod that may serve your needs is the TrekPod. | 3 | 863 | 3 |
Fast Picture Viewer has an extensive a pack for the low a price of $9.99 and it appears to cover them all. | Fast Picture Viewer is $9.99 and works just fine on 64-bit Windows 7 (I'm using it myself). | 3.8 | 864 | 2 |
Apart from a aperture and focal a length, a depth of a field also decreases with a camera-a subject a distance. | The wider your a aperture, the smaller your focal a depth will be. | 2.6 | 866 | 9 |
When printed on a a lens the a f-a stop is usually expressed as a a ratio with a a colon (i.e. | It refers to the maximum a f-a stop (which is defined as the a ratio of focal a length to effective a aperture a diameter). | 3 | 867 | 11 |
You need to be embedding a a color a profile in you a image, as also using a a browser that supports a color a management. | In my a experience, when the final a production will be in sRGB, use that a color a profile from a start to a finish. | 2.6 | 868 | 12 |
I have a few Nikon lenses, and a Sigma 10-20mm for super-wide shots. | If your a interest is primarily the optics, you need to look at individual lenses, not brands as a a whole. | 1.8 | 869 | 2 |
I have found there is no single best a way to increase a size. | There are a very wide a variety of solutions for resizing and sharpening images for a use on the a web. | 2.6 | 870 | 5 |
I've used Paint Shop Pro and A DxO Optics Pro on Windows. | In Linux I use Bibble, which is has some warts but which is the only serious a option A AFAICT. | 0.8 | 871 | 3 |
A a class 6 a card in a theory should be more than enough a bandwidth for HD (1080) a video for the 550D (48 MBit). | Some cards are too slow to accept an A HD a stream, so you need a one that is fast enough. | 1.6 | 872 | 8 |
Here are many samples: Out of the 16k photos there, I'm sure some are with a a d700. | It's a 1:1 a lens, so that means that the a size of the a subject will be the same a size on the a sensor. | 0.6 | 873 | 6 |
Same here, I've the 50a mm f/1.4, and as my fastest a lens I couldn't live without it for concerts and low-a light a photography. | I have the 18-55, 50/1.8 and 50/1.4 as well as the 20D - superseded by a 50D. | 2.6 | 874 | 4 |
I use Elinchrom Skyports, but if a money is not an a issue then go for PocketWizards. | Or just go with the ultra-cheap YongNuo A RF-602, which give you a a lot of a bang for the a buck. | 1.2 | 875 | 6 |
The short a answer is that yes, you can do this. | Speaking from my own a experience, I would rather carry different ND filters that combine two polarisers. | 0 | 876 | 2 |
The a terminology is usually called "Destructive vs Non Destructive" a editing. | Lossless / nondestructive edits are reversible and would entail transforming and/or appending the data in a a way that could be reversed. | 2.4 | 877 | 3 |
For what it's worth, a dirt on the a lens might not be as detrimental as you would think. | Regular dish a washing a fluid is great for removing a grease, as it not only dissolves it but also binds it. | 0.4 | 878 | 5 |
Large-a format cameras are very much worth a buying used; they're often extremely well-cared-a for, if not coddled. | If I had to pick, Linhof would be my a choice. | 0.6 | 879 | 4 |
Anil, there certainly is a a difference in results, mainly in a image a quality. | If you want to learn a photography, almost any a camera will do to start with. | 1 | 880 | 5 |
Freezing a motion generally requires one, maybe two things: fast shutter a speed, and flash at the right a time. | In a addition to @Pearsonartphoto's a answer, you can use a flash (either the built-a in or better yet, an extarnal) to freeze the a motion. | 2.6 | 881 | 8 |
Federal DOMA does not test the full a faith and a credit a clause so much as the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution. | DOMA as a congressional a statute could not violate the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution. | 4 | 882 | 4 |
Public employees can unionize because the a law allows them to. | The legal reasons why public employees can unionize have been elsewhere described. | 3.6 | 883 | 1 |
The U.S. appears to have a smaller a shadow a economy for a few reasons in no particular a order. | There are three main factors that drive the low a shadow a economy in the US. | 2.6 | 884 | 5 |
Leaving aside a heath a care a angle, you are working from a flawed a premise that waging a war doesn't save lives. | A Healthcare They would probably reject your implied a claim that Obama's a healthcare a law will save lives. | 1.6 | 885 | 9 |
The a president is not really all that important for German people. | The a function of the german a president is almost just representative. | 4 | 886 | 3 |
In a "first-past-the-a post" a system, it is difficult to sustain more than two parties. | While the 'first-past-the-a post a system favours two parties, it certainly doesn't guarantee the a marginalization of third parties. | 3 | 887 | 5 |
The a part of economics that is most like a physics is called microeconomics. | A Side note first: I don't think that physicists always agree on their theories and predictions. | 0.6 | 888 | 3 |
Let me share my a opinion as Ukrainian a citizen, from Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine. | I am sure this is more phylosophical and ethical a question than it seems. | 0 | 889 | 3 |
Most people want not only to be WELL off, but to become BETTER off as a time goes by. | To start, the main drivers of economic a growth are resources, a technology, and institutions. | 0.4 | 890 | 3 |
I'm not yet able to answer if the a phenomenon has an official PoliSci a name. | There are 2 problems with the a viewpoint you presented in the a question, which explain the seeming a contradiction. | 0.4 | 891 | 5 |
No, a nothing in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act grants the President transitional a authority. | There is always "transitional a authority" by a virtue of the a writing of regulations. | 2 | 892 | 5 |
Russian Federal Law is actually quite specific on this a one and not as arbitrary as argued. | The last a round of presidential elections in Russia was held on March a 4th, 2012 and December a 4th, 2011 for the Duma. | 0.6 | 893 | 4 |
This a question has already been widely discussed and answered on Skeptics. | Minimum a wage laws hurt the least skilled, least productive the most. | 0 | 894 | 2 |
According to Shia Muslims specially Iran a state and Hezbollah a a country called Israel does not exist. | As with the a definition of Palestine, the a definition of Israel varies depending on whom you ask. | 3.2 | 895 | 4 |
Because there are more effective ways for Her Majesty to change or veto laws. | They do not veto laws because a nobody will ever adopt a a law which is contrary to the expressed a queen's a will. | 2.8 | 896 | 4 |
Absolute a majority always defined by the a institution, or the a context. | In countries like India, when you have 2/3 of the seats of all a parliament, you have absolute a majority. | 2.6 | 897 | 5 |
Professor Burkhauser has done extensive a research on who is hurt by higher minimum wages. | Minimum a wage laws hurt the least skilled, least productive the most. | 2.8 | 898 | 2 |
The University constituencies are modelled on the University constituencies in a use in Britain in 1922 when Ireland became independent. | This is still a representational a form of a gov't, but with a unique a twist. | 0.2 | 899 | 4 |
Before you want to start the a study of a a subject, figure out what you want to achieve. | As Eugene suggests, try to figure out what you want to achieve. | 3.2 | 900 | 2 |
Eclipse Below are a list of a eclipse shortcuts which I use almost everyday. | To train yourself to use a keyboard shortcuts, unplug your a mouse for a few days. | 0.6 | 901 | 4 |
As others have mentioned, the a iRobot Roomba is an excellent a example of a a household a robot which does meaningful a work. | I've been happy with the a iRobot Roomba for a floor a cleaning. | 3.6 | 902 | 8 |
The important a thing I try to remember is just to pay a attention. | I have been reading on this a topic since I have asked this a question. | 0 | 903 | 4 |
I think you need to apply a little statistical a thinking to this. | One general a key to not feeling dejected is to avoid comparing yourself to others. | 0 | 904 | 2 |
A quick a research (1, 2) showed me that the a concentration of a caffeine seems to peak about 30-60mins after a ingestion. | The a issue is that it never becomes useful in its true a meaning. | 0 | 905 | 6 |
Here's a a technique I've developed without being aware of it: Multiple Browsers. | I agree with others that tracking your a time is fundamental to the a solution. | 0 | 906 | 3 |
I have a a standing/sitting a desk at a work and really like it. | As mentioned by other responders, it turns out that using a standing a desk isn't necessarily a perfect a solution. | 2.2 | 907 | 5 |
Even though the a question has been answered I would like to add my a answer . | I don't know if I should say this, but if your a job is making you anxious. | 0 | 908 | 3 |
Your a brain is already beginning to wind down as you see the a end in a sight. | I'm writing here a few tips that can help you with a motivation. | 0.4 | 909 | 4 |
To stick with the traditional pomodoro a technique this is considered an a interruption. | There is actually a functionality in most browsers already in a place to do just this. | 0 | 910 | 4 |
I think 90 days is the absolute most you can plan out in a single a time a period. | Definitely plan a a month ahead - it's totally OK for your plans to change - just amend them as they do. | 2.6 | 911 | 3 |
The a user needs to evaluate for his/herself the a cost/a benefit of an "obvious" a efficiency a tool, such as macros. | Instead of trying to force specific answers or a method's on them. | 0.8 | 912 | 6 |
I like the previous answers regarding setting a a schedule and fulfilling the rituals of going to a a job. | Buy a 3 a panel a screen and use it to separate the a work a area from the a sleeping a area. | 0.4 | 913 | 8 |
I'd start by reading David Allen's a book: Getting Things Done. | I'm considering spending the $48 per a month on the GTD (Getting things done) a system advertised by David Allen. | 3 | 914 | 3 |