The government assists the residents to build fish ponds and seedbeds to increase their incomes. It also encourages families to engage in handicraft production, and the making of shoes, umbrellas and zippers. A network of production is thus constituted.
Hearing me speak in verse, some people thought I was going a little overboard. "
4. Place cooked eggs and fish fry into bottom of small liquor glasses, then add results of step 1 and steam in bamboo steamer for 12 minutes. Remove and arrange on plate with results of step 2.
4. 將蛋鬆、吻仔魚放在小酒杯底,再塞入1,放入蒸籠蒸 12 分鐘取出,和 2 排盤。
One unique feature of Pingchen Community is the Boy Scouts 'activities. They participate in the community services, such as traffic control, cleaning the environment and caring for the poor and the sick.
The purpose of community development is to inspire local residents to take the initiative and contribute their efforts in cooperation with the government. This helps them to improve their lives, promote their welfare, accelerate social progress and stimulate economic growth.
In January 1973, five special silk production zones were set up with government support in the Miaoli, Nantou, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung areas of Taiwan. The goal was to plant more mulberry trees, encourage farmers to engage in sericulture, and assist the establishment of modernized silk reeling factories as well as new systems of management.
After Kuro's guilty verdict, and the possibility that damages could be applied to individual members, many users are migrating to KKBOX, leading to a three-fold increase in the latter's membership. In October 2005, KKBOX broke even for the first time, and projects that in 2006 it will become profitable, making its prospects bright.
在 Kuro 一審敗訴,並且可能「禍」及個人會員後,許多網路族轉戰 KKBOX,使得他們每月新增的付費會員數暴增 3 倍,並在今年 10 月首度收支平衡,預計明年開始獲利,前景看好。
Mrs. Agustin Donis-Kestler, wife of Ambassador of Guatemala in Taipei, is deeply impressed by the customs and folkways of the Chinese people, as she visits a temple in Taipei on April 18 and receives three Buddhist statues.
With this situation in mind, some legal experts in the United States established the Creative Commons organization, and proposed the concept of "some rights reserved" to provide a basis for authors to offer their works for public use, subject to certain conditions.
有鑑於此,2001 年美國一些法律專家成立「創用 CC」組織,提出「保留部分權利」(Some Rights Reserved)的觀念,讓願意在一定條件下釋出作品給公眾使用的創作者能有所依循。
In the last several years, DWB has been cooperating with various NGOs to promote the Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, providing medical treatment to sufferers of AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and hopes to pressure pharmaceutical companies in developed countries through a sense of moral duty to freely license their patents so that developing countries can produce medicine, decreasing the costs of drugs so patients can receive medical care.
MSF 最近幾年和許多非政府組織合作,大力推動「病者有其藥」,讓愛滋、瘧疾等病患得到治療,也希望藉道德壓力,要求先進國家藥廠釋放專利權給開發中國家生產,以降低藥物單價,讓病患獲得醫治。
His extensive use of the knife techniques creates simple but charming figures. His humble origin and diligent nature are apparent in the content of his art. His works radiate power and beauty. Ju Ming was born in Miaoli during the Second World War.
He entered the Taiwan provincial art exhibition at the age of 30 and was awarded special prizes. Since then his name became well known in wood carving circles. In 1968 Ju Ming approached sculptor Yuyu Yang and was accepted as a disciple. Under Yang's influence and encouragement, Ju Ming's talents shone even brighter than before.
If there were no opportunity to download, these music lovers would not have a chance to listen to music before buying, but would have to passively accept the publicity that the record companies provide through the media in the form of favored songs--a practice that damages diversity in musical culture. "
The Fourth Asian Writers 'Conference opens on April 26 at the Grand Hotel in Taipei. More than 100 writers from Asia, Europe and America attended the one-week conference with the theme: "Thirty Years of Turmoil in Asian Literature."
Many Taiwan farmers are finding in sericulture--the raising of silkworms, --a profitable side-line to their other production. It offers the advantages of a short feeding period and relatively low costs. In addition to providing the filaments from which silk is made, a by-product, the excrement of the silkworms, is a valuable fertilizer.
In 1975, 4,896 families were engaged in sericulture, producing 26,400 trays of silkworms. The total production of silkworm cocoons weighed more than 476,000 kilograms, each tray averaging 18.03 kilograms.
Strolling along a winding road in Ilan's Yuanshan Township, the scenery unfolds before you, no towering buildings to obstruct your view. If you drive, the lack of the level, hurried pavement found in the city will oblige you to let up on the pedal.
Laosung Primary School is one of the oldest primary schools in Taiwan and also the largest primary school in the world.
台北市老松國校﹘ ﹘世界規模最大的小學位於台北市桂林路的台北市老松國民小學,是台灣規模宏大,而且是世界上學生人數最多的小學。
Its goal is to stimulate their creative spirits and enable them to develop their own careers in conjunction with national construction needs. It aims further to promote economic development, create more wealth and more employment opportunities for youths, and train skilled and management personnel.
As of March, 1976, the government had provided NT $ 103,854,000 in loans to 943 persons for career development. Annual production from these careers and enterprises reached more than NT $ l, 500,000,000. They include 28 fields, such as the petrochemical industry, the manufacturing of machinery, electric machinery and transportation equipment.
Sometimes women fans would get so caught up in the performances that they would write her. "My heart has been absent ever since I saw your opera," wrote one.
The government also has set up dairy farms at Hsinchu and Miaoli for use by agricultural school graduates in developing the livestock industry.
In a P2P network, every participant is an autonomous node, with each user downloading directly from other users 'file directories rather than from a small number of centralized servers.
所謂 P2P,指的是社群中每個參與者都是獨立的端點,使用者不是從少數的中央主機下載檔案,而是從社群裡其他用戶的資料夾中進行下載。
ezPeer and Kuro, two Internet companies that in recent years have been accused by the IFPI of copyright infringement, use just such a P2P approach. The companies assert that they merely provide a platform, as the users are the ones providing the actual shared files.
近年來屢遭 IFPI 控告侵權的 Ezpeer 與 Kuro 兩家業者,就是採用 P2P 模式運作,業者宣稱只扮演提供平台的角色,實際被交換分享的檔案皆由用戶自行提供。
The North-South Freeway will link Keelung at Taiwan's north-central tip with Kaohsiung in the south by way of Taipei, Chungli, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi and Tainan.
In 2005, the courts found ezPeer innocent, and Kuro guilty, of copyright infringement charges. That similar business models could lead to completely opposed verdicts makes it evident that there is no legal consensus on the copyright disputes over such online music.
2005 年中,士林地方法院與台北地方法院一審判決,分別裁定 Ezpeer 無罪而 Kuro 有罪,類似的經營方式,卻有截然不同的判決結果,顯示法律對線上音樂的版權爭議仍缺乏一致見解。
Construction work is divided into three sections and is under way simultaneously. The northern section extends from Keelung to Miaoli, the central section from Miaoli to Hsilo, and the southern section from Hsilo to Fengshan. All work is on or ahead of schedule. The freeway between Sanchung and Yangmei in the northern section is already opened to traffic.
Online and off KKBOX, founded in July 2004, whose business is based on streaming music, is currently Taiwan's only legal platform for paid music services.
網路與實體共榮 2004 年 6 月成立,以經營「串流」音樂起家的 KKBOX,是台灣目前唯一合法的數位音樂付費服務平台。
KKBOX spent a year negotiating copyright issues with 40 record companies including EMI, and finally was successful in building a legal digital music platform.
他們花了一年時間與包括 EMI 在內的 40 家唱片業者洽談版權,終於成功地建構出一套合法的數位音樂平台。
In recent years, a number of studies conducted abroad have shown that the people who download the most MP3 files also tend to spend the most on music products.
近年來國外眾多研究都顯示,下載最多 MP3 的人,通常也正是花最多錢在音樂商品上的人。
New indie forum In fact, the popularity of MP3s provides an excellent avenue for independent artists without the resources to promote their music otherwise.
獨立藝人新天地事實上 MP3 的風行,對於沒有資源宣傳打歌的獨立藝人而言,反倒是宣揚音樂理念的好管道。
With a view to assisting the development of the industry, the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction and the Taiwan Provincial Government established in 1970 a model zone to conduct research for technical improvement of sericulture.
The band regards those who listen to their music as collaborators in the creative endeavor.
As for Taiwan, the first album that fans were encouraged to freely share, Jesus Rocks, was released in 2004.
而在台灣,第一張鼓勵樂迷自由分享的音樂專輯《搖滾主耶穌》也於 2004 年問世。
Lim, who in recent years has devoted himself to creating electronic music, samples various types of previously recorded sound during the production process. However, with the strict copyright regime that prevails, any sampling requires payment of substantial royalties, forming an invisible obstacle to creative latitude.
The Taiwan Plastics Industry Association reports that because of the energy crisis the growth rate of the industry in 1974 was the lowest on record. But the situation has turned brighter since April 1975. The export business is recovering from the recession and orders for the plastic products have been gradually increasing.
Lim says frankly that in the current legal battles over digital music, record companies are mainly protecting their own interests, while musicians may end up gaining nothing.
Kenting Park is located at the southern tip of Taiwan, to the south of Hengchun, Pingtung County, in the center of Oluanpi Peninsula. It is 120 kilometers south of Kaohsiung and 9 kilometers north of Oluanpi. It can be reached by highway bus.
During the past 10 years, the Forestry Bureau has carried out a program to open forest playgrounds in coordination with Taiwan's booming tourism. The Kenting playground is composed of three areas: beach, hotel and park.
Fo Guang University's Ho therefore believes that faced by the onslaught of digital technologies, music industry companies should not limit their business ideas to only album sales. They must expand their conception of the music business in order to adapt to this new revolution.
It's far enough, however, so that the noise of the tourists doesn't disturb the quiet atmosphere around the hotel. Many consider that Kenting Park is indeed an ideal place to go for holidays. Scenic spots are almost everywhere in Kenting Park.
Creative Commons Licensing In the Internet age, the notion of "resource shar-ing" has become widely accepted.
創用 CC 網路時代的「資訊分享」觀念普遍而根深柢固,甚至可以說,網路時代就是奠基於資訊的公開、免費、迅速、共享等特質上。
A CC license comprises four elements--retention of the licensor's original attribution, non-commercial use, distribution in the original manner, and prohibition on modification of the work.
CC 授權包括 4 項要素,分別是姓名標示、非商業性、相同方式分享、禁止改作。
Other unique scenery in Kenting Park includes 'Weeping Banyan Valley,' 'Monkey Rock,' 'Sun Viewing Hill' and 'Silver Dragon Cave.'
The Institute of Information Science at Academia Sinica is the major force behind efforts to popularize CC licensing in Taiwan. Chuang Tyng-ruey, deputy director of the institute, states that using a CC license does not mean that copyright is being relinquished, but rather gives the author control over how his work is licensed, while allowing a degree of communal ownership.
中研院資訊所則是台灣推動 CC 運動的主力,副所長莊庭瑞表示,使用 CC 授權不代表放棄著作權,而是讓著作權人藉由控制作品的授權方式,使其作品能維持一定的「公共」性質。
The academic community paid its respects via Poetry of Divine Blessings: Festschrift in Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of Professor Yu Kwang-chung, edited by Francis K. H. So.
陳芳明主編《余光中跨世紀散文》交由九歌,《余光中 60 年詩選》交由印刻出版。
Their plumage is bright and beautiful, rivaling that of peacocks. Pheasant feathers are used in such delicate Taiwan handicraft items as neckties and purses. In Taiwan there are many people who raise pheasants. The largest farm with more than 10,000 birds is located in Kaohsiung County in southern Taiwan.
Writing Essays in Steel The Lin family residence in Chiaohsi was Huang Sheng-yuan's first architectural project in Ilan.
Shih Ju-fang explains, "In the opera, the boss of the Little Wind Theater comes up with the idea of putting on a masked ball to catch a ghost. Although there's no tradition of this kind in the Orient, we decided to keep it in the plot for the sake of dramatic tension."
Improvement of the living conditions of salt laborers is a matter of public concern in the Republic of China. The total area of salt fields in Taiwan is 4,156 hectares. (About 10,400 acres). In case of rainy weather or typhoons, salt production is curtailed and the income of salt laborers decreases.
His many ideas on ecology during a conference in Ilan drew the attention of then county county chief executive Yu Shyi-kun, who asked him to come and help out in Ilan.
一次到宜蘭參加會議,因為表達自己對環境生態的種種意見,引起當時縣長游錫 $ 的注意,進而邀請他來宜蘭工作。
Huang, who makes it a point to concern himself with the latest developments in construction in Ilan, hops from his vehicle whenever he passes by a public construction site to familiarize himself with the latest progress. If he can think of any ways to further improve the project, he will put his head together with his partners and offer suggestions and put out bids to win opportunities to put their ideas into practice.
The Veterans General Hospital has won honors both at home and abroad in physical check-ups because of its excellent equipment and outstanding services.
An idea began forming in his mind, murky at first: architecture should exist as part of the landscape, not in spite of the landscape. It should not negatively impact either local residents or its surroundings.
"If the locals can't even get in, then they will stop caring about these places in the future," he says, so Wong advocates setting aside a time during the low season for tourism or during off-hours when people who won't pay the high price of admission can have a chance to appreciate the beauty of world heritage.
Caring for the environment can be a tough and lonely road and Huang doesn't want the glory all to himself. He calls on other architects to join in and to do their part in imparting Taiwan's environment with diverse creations.
Its achievements are credited in large part to several former principals who had labored diligently.
Praise goes to former principal Chang Kuo-shui, who worked in the field of education for 48 years. While serving as the principal of Laosung for eight years, he enabled the school to make great strides.
After his retirement in February of 1976, Chang continued to contribute his efforts to kindergarten education. He was publicly commended by Premier Chiang Ching-kuo on March 15.
Chien often reminds the students to study hard, to keep their bodies fit and strong and to be sincere in any work they do. Be a good student of Laosung now, and you will be a useful and proud Chinese after you are grown up, Chien tells his students.
The Primary school education in the Republic of China emphasizes balanced development of moral, intellectual, physical and teamwork education.
Laosung Primary School is no exception. However, it is outstanding in its extracurricular activities.
Its team won the inter-school volly-ball championship several times in the past.
As its name indicates, Laosung Primary School today is like an "old pine tree" of 80 years 'standing. It has quietly brought forth thousands upon thousands of "cones." They spread into every corner of society, becoming a main force in their chosen fields and serving large numbers of people.
It would be inconvenient for vehicles picking up and dropping off passengers, however, and could be expected to be opposed by vehicle owners. But with the increasing number of people retiring to Ilan from other areas, attitudes have been changing, and in the end the project, as one that would benefit a wider range of people, was accepted with surprisingly little resistance.
Up on stage, a gong resounds. The curtain gently opens, as Tang Mei-yun sings "The Charm of Opera" in seven-character lines. Her voice meanders up and down, at times surging valiantly, and the emotions of the actors and audience rise and fall with her singing.
The 280-acre Hospital grounds is located at Shipai, a suburb of Taipei. With a capacity of 1,546 beds and a total of 2,778 personnel, it has become one of the largest medical centers in Taiwan.
Work on some projects needs to be done by installment, on-again off-again over a period of years, due to government budget restrictions. But the media, which is in the dark about such considerations and doesn't bother dropping by to investigate, criticizes them, saying that a site is "sitting idle and has become a mosquito breeding ground." Needless to say, Huang and his team feel unjustly treated.
Every department has its own characteristics. For example, one ward concerns the diseases of coronary arteries, where the patients suffering acute myocardial impaction are given competent, vigilant care. Surgical service is able to perform such operations as chest, neuro-surgery and combatting cardiovascular diseases. Open-heart surgery by the open method was first performed by the Hospital in Taiwan.
The Nuclear Medicine Center at the Veterans General Hospital is the first such unit established in the Republic of China. There are sophisticated as well as basic nuclear facilities, including a scintillation camera with its data processing accessories. The founding of this Center has brought the medicine to a new horizon of "Nuclear Medicine."
The Rehabilitation Center provides physical and daily activity therapies for patients. Parallel bars, crutch gait training, range of motion, and progressive resistive exercise are provided in the gymnasium for the rehabilitation of the disabled.
After more than 20 years of endeavor, the salt laborers 'life today is not too different from that of residents in average towns. If the weather affects their production, the government grants the salt workers wage subsidies.
A resident for over a decade, Huang takes part in discussions of renovation plans from the perspective of a local. With the completion of the Taipei-Ilan Expressway, the city of Ilan might find itself faced with an influx of vehicles and the train station will gradually lose its importance.
Emerging from the surroundings Ilan's beautiful mountains and waters have attracted many new residents. Huang is no exception. Huang did a lot of soul-searching, however, before deciding to pursue a career in architecture here.
Alishan, located in Chiayi County of central Taiwan, is a branch of the Morrison Mountain Range, with an elevation up to 2,905 meters. Its vast sea of clouds, sublime cliffs, dense jungles and the unique flowers and grasses compose an unforgettable scene.
He taught for many years at Tamkang, Huafang, Chiao Tung, and Chung Yuan Universities, while serving on review committees evaluating public art proposals for the Ministry of Education and urban design for the Taipei City Government. He also came in contact with and studied public infrastructure projects and urban planning for the first time.
"The Tungshan River Park was being built at the time. It wasn't big, but it had character and the people of Ilan were encouraged to take part in the project."
He began to realize that the government here was different ... none of the stubborn conservatism that you find in most bureaucracies. It seemed to him that he might be able to do something interesting here.
"On a light and airy day in March, azaleas are blooming on the slopes of the hills, azaleas are blooming on the banks of a tiny stream. How beautiful!
The firm took on a number of these jobs which though small individually, interlocked in complex networks stretching across different neighborhoods.
事務所接了許多這種穿鄰越里、交涉網路複雜的小工程,可讓同事忙壞了,人手也一路擴充到 25 人,但事務所還是不賺錢。
Although the firm was busy and now had two dozen employees, it still wasn't making any money. In the early days of the firm, Huang even had to borrow over NT $ 2 million to pay rent and salaries.
"During the first three years, my salary was only NT $ 18,000 per month. The same was true of everyone in the firm.
「頭 3 年,我每月只拿 1 萬 8000 元的薪水,夥伴們也一律比照。
Four years ago this project won kudos in the form of the Outstanding Architectural Design Award.
這項工程 4 年前即獲得「台灣建築佳作獎」的肯定。
For example, an express train will make the Taipei-Taichung run in 2 hours and the trip to Kaohsiung in 4 hours. Fast freights will make the Kaohsiung trip in six hours.
In recent years guesthouses in Taiwan have risen dramatically in popularity. Small groups of three to five good friends might use them to take their vacations together, or families with children stay at them to experience country life.
The manufacturing of yachts for export is one of the newer industries in the Republic of China. The demand from abroad has increased rapidly in recent years. The export value of yachts for 1976 is estimated at US $ 10 million.
Many delicate pieces of enamel ware in a variety of styles and colors were produced during the Ming (1368-1644 A.D.) and Ching (1644-1911 A.D.) dynasties of imperial China. This art reached a high stage of development in the Ching-tai era of the Ming dynasty (1450-1456 A.D.) and became famous throughout the world as Ching-tai-lan ware.
The site construction work was divided into three periods. It started in March of 1975 and is scheduled for completion in August of 1979. By that time 1,153 kms of rail lines from Keelung to Kaohsiung will fully be electrified.
Just as for the other employees, the studio is his home. He works until he decides to stop. If he's tired, he gives his ragged out brain a rest by crashing on one of the futons on the second and third floors, working out in the nearby swimming pool, or biking around in the countryside.
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo sent a letter of commendation to all the employers of CSBC, saying that their performance was a brilliant record in the history of construction projects and an important achievement in the nation's material and spiritual construction, to assure final victory.
For instance, during the 1960s in Japan, with the rising popularity of swimming beaches and ski resorts, there was a major shortage of hotel rooms. This sparked a rise in Western-style B & Bs.
例如日本民宿開始於 1960 年間,當時海水浴場與滑雪場成為熱門景點,旅館住宿嚴重不足,西洋式民宿於是興起。
It was due to the efforts of Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation that the building of big modern ships began in the past ten years, and the Republic of China became known in international shipbuilding circles.
From a distance, this low-key structure hidden in the woods appears simple and unadorned, but entering the backyard, you suddenly realize that the mansion is mounted on stilts extending into a carp-filled pond below.
A rare species, the Mikado pheasant, once was common in Taiwan's forests.
What is here before your eyes, exposed to the sun and the wind-every brick and tile, every tree and clump of grass-are the fruit of work put in collectively over eight years by the museum, architects, construction companies and community.
眼前的風和日麗景象,充滿故事的一磚一瓦、一草一木,都是博物館、建築師、營造商和社區 8 年共同合作,不斷突破種種困難的成果。
This ware is considered a significant contribution by Chinese craftsmen to the art world. In the making of enamel ware, any kinds of colored enamels are applied to the surface of a metal body. After the baking process, it becomes colorful enamel-ware.
The Taiwan Railway Administration, in recent years, has pushed efforts to increase the capacity of the Republic of China rail system, as a part of the nation's fast economic development.
However, the line capacity has already reached its saturation point and traffic volume cannot be increased without radical changes in operation.
After three-years 'efforts of planning, an Electrification Unit was established July 1, 1974 to carry out the project. Track strengthening had already begun early in July of 1973.
Finally, in the autumn of 2003 Huang left his job as head of the institute and returned to his previous plans, formally establishing Atelligent Global Consulting.
直到 2003 年秋天辭卸資策會董事長一職後,小轉彎的黃河明才又回到原訂軌道,正式著手成立悅智全球顧問公司。