kidney infections
"Got diagnosed with my third kidney infection in two months, nothing seems to make it go away. Have been taking 500mg twice a day for 3 days now and I still have pain in my side, and the side effects are nasty. Bad nausea, acid reflux and dizziness is making me have to sleep with a bowl next to my bed. But hey ho if it works it's a small price to pay. Not impressed right now though"
January 5, 2016
"I took one of the 200mg pills as prescribed to me for UTI symptoms. I took it with a meal and a glass of water as suggested. It did work relatively quickly to get rid of the urgency, burning, and pain. Unfortunately it caused me to vomit up everything I ate and drank within 5 hours of taking it. Severe dizziness, nausea, and uncontrollable vomiting are not worth the benefits of the medication."
September 9, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I am on my second pack and will not be starting the third one. I was so happy to start the pill because I thought I wouldn't see nearly as much blood as I usually do, but I was wrong. I had the worst breakthrough bleeding. I bleed for almost a month straight, and some days it was heavy enough for a tampon and some it was just panty liners and as soon as it went away my period would come. I had bad back pain. Some nights I can't even sleep it hurts so bad. I also do not even feel like myself anymore. I would honestly rather not even be on the pill then have to take this again."
June 2, 2017
inflammatory conditions
"for my Polymyalgia rheumaticaI I was taking four ibuprofen 3 times per day which provided only some relief from the joint and muscle pain. I had severe pain in my wrists, and pain and stiffness in my shoulders, back, and legs. I started on 25mg/day and most of my symptoms disappeared. I have been tapering for six months now and am down to 8mg/day. Some symptoms have returned but at a very manageable level. I have experienced some weight gain, maybe 5-7 pounds. At times I feel a bit of anxiety and possibly a little depression that may be related to the prednisone. No other side effects at this point."
January 31, 2017
hypogonadism, male
"I'm 51. My Testosterone level had dropped to about 150. I hadn't been to a doc in a few years and have been gaining weight and feeling more fatigued and less motivated. Doc offered Testim and others but said Testim seemed to absorb better than others. He mentioned the possible smell and stickiness, but I gave it a try. Today was my fourth day and it really seems to already be helping with fatigue and overall motivation. I'm going over to the gym and work out this morning and I'm going to get the house cleaned up too. Perhaps just psychological this early. Regardless, I feel MUCH better already. I really don't see the smell or sticky issues, seems about like hand sanitizer. Rub it in a minute or so, no smell or stickiness. Happy!"
October 12, 2013
"I have been on Pristiq for 10 days now. The first two and a half days I felt sick, dizzy and fuzzy. I have had no side effects since. Lost 2.5 lbs the first week, which is a plus. Was on Lexapro a few years ago and gained a lot of weight. I also suffer from panic attacks and am taking Xanax when needed. Going through divorce, 23 year marriage."
August 12, 2009
polycystic ovary syndrome
"I've been taking metformin for about 3 weeks . I lost over 20lbs so far. My starting weight was 240lbs and my current weight is 217lbs . I'm 24 yr old and I'm about 5"2'. I had no bad side effects on metformin."
July 22, 2017
high blood pressure
"I'm sure this medicine has its place in the internist's arsenal BUT UNDER NO CONDITION SHOULD THIS DRUG EVER be prescribed for the elderly. A Board Certified Internist prescribed this medicine (although there are over 100 other alternatives) for my 75-year old mother. Luckily, she is totally competent & in VERY good health. BUT the smallest dose of this medicine did exactly what the manufacturer WARNS ABOUT - dizziness, sleepiness, etc. She wound up falling and the ER doctors who treated her said that if (BY PURE LUCK) I hadn't been walking directly behind her and was strong enough to catch her she would have broken hr femur or hip. This was reported to our State Medical Board and the MD was fully investigated. Within 60 days the license was revoked."
September 1, 2009
ulcerative colitis
"I Have UC for almost 3 years now and now start having RA. Start using Humira 02.09.2016. My UC feels like it clear up totely... Fingers Cross. Now I am hoping and believing it will help with RA. I had now 6 Injections and Luckely no side effects.."
September 16, 2016
birth control
"Late 20s, no children. Worked great as far as birth control. Sklya insertion was extremely painful. I spotted on and off for about a month. My period decreased however my cramps increased times 10. It has been 5 months and I was in a lot of pain. I previously would only have cramps on the day my cycle started but now it was the entire week leading up to it. I gave it till this long thinking my body would adjust. Just went to the doctor and she stated that it was still placed correctly but it was not as high up as it should be. I decided to have it removed. I felt an immediate relief! As if my body did not want that thing in there. Switching back to Nuva Ring."
June 2, 2017
birth control
"I started Implanon December of 2009. Everything was wonderful for the first year and a half. I didn't have my period or PMS symptoms whatsoever. Less than a year ago I started having PMS symptoms and within 3 months I started having my period again without any reason or cause. What is my worry is that I am ovulating and I am not sure if it is working anymore. My periods have been worse than when I was on the pill. I also didn't like the cost of the Implanon. Due to the cost and the fact that I am not even sure if it is working anymore, I can't say I have been happy with Implanon."
June 3, 2012
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
bowel preparation
"This was my third colonoscopy in 15 years - the first time using Suprep - and by far the best experience. My colonscopy was scheduled for 7 a.m. on a Monday. I ate normally through Sat evening. On Sunday, I only had black coffee, lemon water, and chicken broth. At 6 pm I began drinking the first mixture as directed. I used a straw, took a deep draw, and followed it by sucking on lemon wedges. I then started drinking one of two 16 oz water bottles. I accidentally spilled about 1/4 of the mixture, and finished it all by 6:15. By 6:30 I was in the bathroom and everything began pouring out. No cramping, no violent discharges, just a stream of poop. I had the moistened wipes which I just dabbed, and A&D ointment. Cleaned out by 11 pm"
August 26, 2017
"I'm a 43 y.o. female diagnosed with ADD or ADHD at the age of 30-it's actually the inattentive type if you want to be specific. I kind of knew I had it most of my life because my bro and father had it. was prescribed ritalin-had energy....but increased my anxiety & insomnia (1-2 yrs) . Only lasted 4-6 hours but racing thoughts & heart palps at night. Now at 43-I had to ask Dr. repeatedly to prescribe Stratterra-non stimu-helps tremendously w/ anxiety & I can focus somewhat better. Tired in the day but I can complete tasks faster-sleeping much better :) Bonus: I pee less during the day. Took about 1 mo to kick in- side effects: tingling and tiredness. Got used to it."
November 10, 2015
"I have lost 11.5 lbs in the first six weeks of taking this drug. However, the first week the side effects were horrible (anxiety, insomnia, irregular heart beat) until my body got used to the product. As I enter week 7 of my 3 month course, I find that Meridia is having an opposite effect on my appetite. I am constantly hungry at this point. My Dr will probably have to increase my dose for the next month. Please keep in mind that YOU have to do everything you can to control your own diet and exercise schedule. This is not a miracle drug, but something to get you over the hill for a short period of time until you are comfortable enough to continue weight loss of your free will. Hope this helps. Good luck to all."
December 5, 2009
Sodium oxybate
"My experience about xyrem is phenomenal. Going back, I can't imagine myself how I survived before this medication, comparing how I used to feel before taking the medication. I'm at least 70 percent feeling better. I read a couple suggestions on this website as far as not eating 2 to 3 hours before and not drink much water 5 hrs before, I will try them to see if I can get any improvement. So far my only issue is on the second dose, it wears off quick, it feels like I passed out for a couple hours and wake up to pee and that will be it but still can feel that heavy eyes just won't be able to fall asleep again."
August 16, 2016
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir
hepatitis c
"Was diagnosed w/hep C 20 years ago through physical for life insurance. I figure that I've had it for at least 40 years w/ no side affects, but Dr. insisted if I didn't treat it I would end up with end stage liver disease. Not a pleasent thought. Viral load is only 650,000, so I am now into day 17. No side affects so far other than recent feeling of a mild flu like systems that last for very short periods. MUCH better than the interferon I tried for 5 months 20 years ago!"
December 10, 2016
birth control
"I have taken this pills for 3 months this has turned out to be the worst birth control pills I have gained 20 pounds on it without changing my diet I have had anxiety, no energy, severe bloating I spot in between periods I'll be switching back to my old birth control $30 per month copay this ones were covered at 100% but not worth it"
June 24, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I have been on this pill for about a month now. I have one more pill to take before I start my second month. I have increased breast tenderness and have LOST weight. I do however have a bigger appetite and my sex drive has increased a whole since coming off the Mirena. I did not have a period but not sure if I ever will since I haven't had a period since Dec of 2008. So far I like the pill but reading reviews I'm seeing that most REAL side effects don't come until after the second month."
June 15, 2012
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I find myself sleeping alot, feeling depressed, I have for sure gained weight, and the worst of it all would be MOOD SWINGS."
October 27, 2009
"Been taking Trileptal for about a year. Mostly because every 5 to 6 years have to change my medicine because I tend to get immune to them. Have taken Sodium Valproate, Tegretol and Carbamazepine over the last 30 years. With Oxcarb seizures are controlled but not totally gone. Also, am putting on extraordinary amount of weight, looking for other options for what is becoming an obesity problem."
November 6, 2010
"Started taking Temazepam (30 mg) two months ago and manage to fall asleep within 30 minutes of taking it. Sometimes I will wake after 2 hours of sleep but can fall back asleep easily. Was getting less than an hour of sleep a night, but now can sleep for 5 to 5 1/2 hours. Stopped taking one night and did not sleep a wink. Also taking Wellbutrin (450 mg) - for depression, Seroquel XR (600 mg) - for anxiety, and Evoxac (30 mg) - for dry mouth, and the only side effects I added with this medicine is doing things that I have no recollection of doing, short term memory loss, and restlessness during waking hours. Overall, this has done wonders for me."
June 14, 2010
bipolar disorde
"Geodon has cleared up my mania. I had psychotic delusions of grandeur before and after being treated with this medication. They've cleared up and I've returned to myself. The only side effect for me was sleepiness that was irritating to go through at first, but lately I haven't had it in awhile. I'd also had trouble sleeping, and this has given me a few hours everyday where I was having none at all before. I'm on 80mg at around supper time."
August 27, 2011
weight loss
"I started my injections on the 22nd of July, 2017. I am at the .06% I give the injections daily at the same time in my upper left or right thigh. No adverse reactions from injection location or medication to date. The first week I lost 5lbs. I will weigh in tomorrow for the second week. To date my appetite has been diminished. I feel fuller quicker. I have more energy and it is not reacting adversely with my other medications. I will say however, I am concerned about the long term effects, but then I must admit there is a trade off with being obese as well and the long term side effects. So which is better? Loose the weight through an artificial means versus continuing to remain obese?"
August 5, 2017
birth control
"I am new at bc. I just had a baby in Nov. 2016 and got the shot in Dec. 2016 by Jan 16 I started spotting and I have my period now for two weeks non-stop. That has me in a terrible mood. Besides this no other complaints."
January 31, 2017
not listed / othe
"I have been on this generic Ambien for about two years. I can't sleep without it. I try to not take it but I won't get any sleep with out this. It takes me about 15-30 minutes to fall asleep after I take it. It works great for me. No side effects."
July 28, 2010
"I took Sertraline for two months after a short period of depression. Started with stomach cramps and terrible diarrohea. Could not think at all. Began to have difficulty in reading and writing. Became agressive and unpleasant to be around. Felt like all my emotions and cognitive abilities had been switched off. Reactions became so slow that I stopped driving out of fear of killing someone. Became paranoid. It's awful."
June 4, 2016
"I was on oxycontin 40mg 2x a day but had to increase its strength as time passed. Then the doctor put me on Methadone 10mg 4 x a day. This been effective without any increase in dosage over the last year. I am now trying an additional drug with it called Lyrica 150mg 2 x a day. Now almost pain free, only break through pain occasionally. Before, life was not really anything to look forward too, just pain, pain and more pain. I couldn't even sleep. Not so now with Methadone."
July 25, 2008
"66 yo with badly damaged ankles--both need replacement, which I won't do until absolutely necessary. Bad back; recent wrist surgery. Hamstring injury taking months for recovery. And some shoulder pain. All from a lifetime of sports competition, injuries, and overuse. I take Tramadol 37.5 with acetaminophen and it really helps. Take around 3 to 5 a week. Have tried the time release 200 mg and it really worked, but knocked me silly for the first couple hours. Ultracet really helps and I'm wary of additive potential since I feel hopeful/moderate well-being on it, but at my age--what the hack."
August 17, 2014
erectile dysfunction
"Stendra WORKS MUCH MORE QUICKLY THAN Cialis or Viagra - seems to cause fewer side effects too!"
April 24, 2014
"Codeine very effective for pain, but some people are very sensitive to it so what out for allergies/ sensitivities. Other than that, fantastic."
November 14, 2011
prevention of hypokalemia
"Got severe gastrointestinal pain/cramps and diarrhea after 2 doses. "
January 21, 2012
birth control
"So I had the IUD for about a month and a week and so far my experience has been horrible. The cramps have woken me up out my sleep numerous times, cramping after intercourse, heavy bleeding, period lasting 2 or more weeks. I just don't recommend this to anybody. I take 2 or 3 pills a day at one time because 1 pill isn't enough for the amount of pain I'm going through. I haven't had it that long but maybe it'll get better after that."
April 21, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"After being off of BC for 19 years , I decided I was tired of my horrible PMS symptoms and asked my Dr. to give me BC so I could skip my periods. The last BC I was on was Seasonale, 1 period every 3 months. It was awesome. Since I've started this pill I have experienced anxiety attacks, and constantly feeling sad, not me at all! The worse part of it is the bleeding, I have skipped my period for the last 7 months but that hasn't stopped the bleeding. I have been bleeding for 2 weeks now. Since I've started this pill I probably have had 2 days of not spotting. I bled for 17 days at first. This sucks!"
November 4, 2017
"I've been on Effexor for several years and suffered severe sexual effects so went to the doc and he started me on Remeron. For the last three years I've been training cardio 5-6 times a week, had lost 10 kg and feeling quite proud of my body. Now at just over three months on Remeron I started feeling my clothes getting tighter, am feeling fat, bloated and lethargic. I can't train with the intensity I am used to and just want to go to bed earlier and earlier. I weighed myself the other day and to my horror found I'd put on 11 kg. I don't feel I've been eating much more than I used to. Of course the realization that I've lost everything I've worked for in recent years has made me feel pretty bad, and I'm not sure I want to continue."
October 14, 2017
"The first 3 days of taking this I couldn't stop yawning!! I was literally yawning about once every minute. This went on for hours, it was incredibly annoying (although I've heard this is a very rare side effect). Finally after 3 days the yawning subsided. On the 4th day I was so nauseous I couldn't even eat. Now I'm 3 weeks in, I still sometimes get nauseous but nowhere near to the extent that I was nauseous on day 4. Also my sex life has drastically taken a hit. I went from being a very sexual person to now not finding any pleasure in sex at all. Also my mind is foggy and I'm very distracted. I'm stopping the medication today because I haven't seen any improvements in my anxiety."
January 12, 2017
"I have fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue syndrome for 30 yrs, I have like most tried every drug under the sun and non have really worked even at very high doses pain meds do nothing for my pain. I decided to try gabapentin because I read it would help with the insomnia and hopefully stop some of the pain. I stopped all pain meds and started at 100 mg at night, yes I have slept, yes it has relived some of the pain, yes I am like a zombie during the day, no I will not continue it. But I feel it is worth a shot for everyone with FMS or CFS as I see it has helped many."
November 8, 2016
alcohol dependence
"I've been a heavy alcohol dependant for 20 yrs, been in detox counsellors all that. Until 34 days ago being the 4th day sober I went to the docs, he supplied naltrexone, still sober I'm also on anti depressants and diazepam for anxiety. I don't crave, the thought drinking makes me feel sick. You have to want to give up honestly and like everything else if you follow your plan it will work. I feel strong and powerful being sober!!Good luck all."
February 26, 2015
erectile dysfunction
"Been having some Erectile Dysfunction problems on and off this year, noticeable since November 2014. Decided to speak to GP about it. Given Viagra, 50mg. Taken as needed just to get things kick started again. Took it last night. Bit of flushing, a slight sorehead but have had worse, even had one glass of wine an hour later. Action in bed - incredible. Rock-hard, large, could last a long time, enjoyable. Woke up again at 6 for round two - same again. And then another round at 8:30am - same again. 12 hours later and if I get turned on, things are happening again. Seriously impressed and if it's got things kick started again, then it's well worth it."
April 24, 2015
bipolar disorde
"Lauda has been a life saver for me. I am bi polar 1 with rapid cycling. I've been on this drug for about six months and I am happy and stable. The two things I recommend though are take it at night and take it with a meal. The first few months it made me so sleepy but that eventually wore off. Good luck!"
September 25, 2015
generalized anxiety disorde
"I've been taking Cymbalta for about 3 weeks now. I started with 30mg for the first week. I found it worked but not quite there for me so I asked my Doctor to increase it for me. I'm on 60mg a day now which I take in the morning. I feel much better on this dose. I feel happier, much more calm, relaxed, less worry, and I even find myself being more friendly to people in general. I also take 300mg of Wellbutrin in the morning for my depression. This combo seems to be really working for depression and general anxiety. Side effects: frequent headaches (I just take Advil when needed) a little bit of increased body temperature and I'm up later in the evening and wake up earlier in the morn. When I wake I'm super wide awake and very clear headed."
November 28, 2015
birth control
"34 day in a row bleeding... Only had it for 2 months and I heard it settles into your body for first 3 months. Ill give it one more month, but I cant describe how its been ontop of work and exams and practicals at school. It's different for everyone"
October 12, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I was on this pill for almost 7 years straight. I had zero issues with side effects. No mood swings, nausea, depression or changes in appetite. Sex drive was the same if not increased. I had fluctuated with weight on this pill but it was because of bad diets. I ended up loosing the weight with proper eating habits and exercise. The problem I have with this pill is that towards the end of my time on it I started getting break through bleeding. IT IS ANNOYING. Otherwise this pill is perfect for me. I went off the pill for a few years and went back on to this because of ovarian cysts. After a few months the breakthrough bleeding still came back. Sometimes it's so light I don't notice, other times it's like having a second period."
April 28, 2015
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
bowel preparation
"Unfortunately I allowed other reviews to turn my opinion prior to taking suprep. I have had the gastric sleeve and was afraid of all the fluid intake that I had to swallow. Once I started it I took others opinions and sucked on a lemon wedge every time I would take a drink from a straw at the back of my throat. Hardly tasted a thing. I was also worried about my small stomach when I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning to take my second dose again I had no problems with the straw and with the lemon wedge. Instead of drinking just plain water I drink Gatorade and Hint water and had no problems keeping it down. I had a panic attack because of all the negative reviews before I started the prep. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to help."
July 16, 2016
atrophic vaginitis
"Awful product!!!!! I was excited that a generic was offered. The price was unbelievable compared to Vagifem but I am going back to the brand name. Price does not compare to comfort. I do not recommend this product."
April 18, 2017
"I've only been on it for a week and my acne is already starting to clear up."
January 30, 2014
irritable bowel syndrome
"This was a miracle drug for me. The first dose stopped the diarrhea and the nausea. I would recommend it for relief from irritable bowel syndrome. I was also given Vicodin with it to help with the body aches."
November 30, 2012
"I started Effexor XR (generic version) about 3 weeks ago. I will admit, the bottle sat on my counter for a week before I took my first one, because the negative reviews terrified me. I finally took one and I am so glad I did! I have been on practically every anxiety/ depression med there is and had kind of lost hope with them working. I have also tried several different natural methods and they helped a little bit, but not nearly enough. I struggle mainly with anxiety and have for about 15 years now. By day 3, I had already noticed a difference. It's been 3 weeks & not only is my anxiety significantly better, I no longer have swollen joints or numbness in my hands & feet, I'm so much happier & way less stressed. Life changing!!"
August 22, 2017
muscle spasm
"I was having severe leg cramp in my right leg due to pinched nerve. Whole leg would cramp when I got out of bed in the morning. Started taking a 5mg valium before bed. First time I took before bed no leg cramp in morning. I have reduced dose to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet (2 1/2 mg)and still no cramps. going to reduce to 1/4 tablet and try to in time to wean myself off. Several peoples comments on here have said can take as needed so that is what I hope I can eventually do."
March 18, 2015
social anxiety disorde
"The first time I tried Zoloft I hated it, made me feel very nauseous. My doctor wanted me to start on 50mg for 5 days and then go to 100mg, I never made it to day 3 on 50mg. SO I decided to try half of a half approximately 25mg and that worked fine! After 5 days I went to 50, then 5 more days 100, no problems! What I noticed that at the end of the first week was I was more at ease. It not only helped my social anxiety but also reduced my general anxiety too stretching out my Xanax for when I really needed it the most. Worth noting I also take Wellbutrin with the Zoloft and while it's not perfect, I am very happy and pleased with this combination."
December 5, 2013
"Lowered pain when taken regularly. If a dose was missed I would get very dizzy. All in all positive expirence."
December 12, 2012
diabetes, type 2
"I took Victoza for a few months and it caused me to have Gastroparesis! Sometimes diabetes meds can cause gastroparesis but my doctors were doubly sure it was the Victoza that did it!! I hope nobody else gets this!!! Now I have something else I have to live with the rest of my life!!"
September 9, 2017
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
bowel preparation
"25 yr female. 5'3" @ 125 pounds. First colonoscopy. 1st dose @ 6:00pm. 2nd dose @ 3:00am. Procedure @ 7:30am. Suprep tastes terrible - no qualms there. Chugged through a straw and chased with Gatorade and my two 16oz of water. Experienced burping and minor "I'm gunna puke" but muscled through it in 20 minutes. No cramps, discomfort, or side effects. Felt the tummy rumbles 40 minutes after drinking. Casually walked to bathroom (no urgency or rushing) sat on the potty, felt a few more rumbles and then released the ocean. No burning, no rawness, used regular angel soft TP. Total time in bathroom was 60 minutes. Got a shower, went to bed. Repeated at 3am. Super easy. Effective. Actually felt good!"
October 8, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
abnormal uterine bleeding
"I began taking this b/c 2 years ago because I was having a 10 day long period every other week. The pill worked perfect for regulating my hormones so that I would have a normal (4-5 day long) period once a month. I didn't have headaches, mood swings, weight gain, or any odd side effects. Only downside is my insurance began charging $50 a month for it so I had to stop using it and now have to switch. And now that I have stopped taking it my acne on my face, back, and chest has returned."
September 22, 2015
birth control
"I got the rod put in Feb of 2016.. sooo 14 months, and this thing has been bad ever since I got it. I got my period like a week after and was on it for two weeks. I usually only get my period for 3/4 days. But my periods stayed like that for a while , then they started lasting 3 weeks , and then I'd spot for the last week. And now I've had my period for a whole month .. I'm getting this out ASAP. I have changed from the person I used to be . Always moody . Kinda felt like I was a little depressed . But I did lose weight on it , but so not worth it and I WOULDN'T RECOMMEND"
May 8, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
abnormal uterine bleeding
"Terrible bc. I get sick just thinking of taking it. Periods are worse and longer. It's depressing not feeling normal. On my 3rd pack and things never changed for the better. Horrible!!"
February 8, 2016
irritable bowel syndrome
"I've been on linzess for 2 weeks and feel amazing! Yes I go to the bathroom a lot in the morning, about 4 times, mostly watery. BUT it beats feeling cramped and gross all day like I did before. My stomach is flatter Bc I am finally not bloated. I am not sure how people gain weight on this Bc it makes you go to the bathroom a lot. Maybe fluid retention. I do drink A LOT of water with this medicine and followed the reccomendation of increased fiber in my diet. I've lost 5lbs. It's only been 2 weeks but I am having amazing results and am finally pain free!"
August 5, 2016
"I took one pill yesterday morning and my God, I was sick for the entire day! I read reviews on the medication and how nauseated people became, I ignored the reviews because I usually have an iron stomach. Money down the drain! I have tried phentermine, which worked, I also tried belviq 15 day trial, did nothing for me! I guess I will have to really work hard with exercise and diet, I am at my biggest 5'0- 160 lbs. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I will find a way to lose some weight."
July 4, 2015
birth control
"I had Skyla placed in May. I have gained about 20lbs since then, which sucks. I'm not good with birth control pills so I guess I'm stuck with the weight gain."
September 18, 2016
bipolar disorde
"I have been on lithium for a week and I already feel great. Grounded in the world and clear headed. I no longer feel I am trapped in a daydream/nightmare. I have no side effects apart from slightly dry lips and this drug will save my life, I have already deferred several decisions to end my life in the hope that I could find a cure for my Bi polar (once at 19 and again at 34) and I am glad I did as I think I have found it. I guess this is how it feels to be normal. I now feel that I can partake in the world rather than being caught in an endless battle of Bi Polar 2 rapid cycling."
May 17, 2017
bipolar disorde
"Started Latuda several months ago. I couldn't be happier. This medication is changing my life ( years of instability). Up to 80mg daily. The only side effect I notice is weight loss; which is fine by me."
October 15, 2016
Grifulvin V
"It worked great but, a little slower than I wanted."
June 22, 2015
high blood pressure
"I'm a 54 years old non-smoker, 5'8"/145 lbs & healthy all of my life. Developed labile hypertension 5 years ago. Dr. first prescribed 25mg metoprolol in 2010, dose increased to 50mg in 1/2014. BP was controlled on Metoprolol but still not always ideal. Dr. felt metoprolol was the best med, since it has been around for decades with a proven track record. New dr. this past April gave me some samples of 5mg Bystolic. I have been taking it for about 6 weeks and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! No fatigue, no depressed feeling & better exercise tolerance-HIGHLY recommend. BP great! Give yourself 2-3weeks to adjust to new med. Drawback it is more expensive than Metoprolol, but it's worth it."
June 15, 2015
emergency contraception
"I had unprotected sex August 29 which was a Monday and after we finished he told me that he came inside me, and let me tell y'all I was fertile and i ovulated on Wednesday!! Well I started freaking out and took the pill 40 min after. Tuesday morning I did feel some of the side effects but nothing too major!! Your period is either going to be early or late but i wasn't supposed to get my period until 2 weeks from the day I had sex. Fortunately I got it early six days later so it does work!! Also they say that if you weigh more then 160 or so it won't be as effective and well I'm a pretty curvy girl I weigh 250 and it worked on me so Don't believe that stupid theory!!! Hope it was helpful!!"
September 16, 2016
"I am in my first week and I have lost 4lbs.. my starting weight was 228.. I haven't had any side effects other than I'm thirsty all the time I drink lots of water which helps. I sleep better and I'm not hungry during the day I can tell about 9pm I start getting hungry so I just go too bed. I'll check back in a couple weeks"
March 16, 2015
crohn's disease
"Although this medication does work for my minor crohn's symptoms the side effects are concerning . Diagnosed last year during a routine ultrasound for an unrelated issue . Never sick a day in my life before then . Never had taken any prescription medication in the prior 53 years . Since taking this drug 3 bad colds , 2 bladder infections , 1 prostate infection and now a candida yeast infection ( major rash ) and signs of psoriasis . Glad it does help some people but I think suppressing the immune system is very risky . Now looking for a " milder "drug or alternative treatments ."
June 29, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
"I would not recommend this birth control to anyone. I have NEVER had acne or oily skin in my life (I'm 25 years old now) actually I've always had pretty clear skin and very dry skin, and now it's filled with cystic acne and it's constantly oily ever since I switched to this. I have given it 4 months because that's what my obgyn suggested, and it just seems to keep getting worse and worse. And not to mention I've gained 15 pounds, and I'm pretty sure it's made my depression and anxiety worse. I go on the 25th of this month to get switched back and I wish I could just throw this crap in the trash but I'm afraid it'll throw my periods out of whack if I suddenly stop taking it. Ugh! It's awful."
January 10, 2017
birth control
"I had my Mirena in for a year and half and just had it removed because my husband and I want another child. Insertion was uncomfortable but removal was way worse. I went in thinking that removal was going to be this quick painless thing, but that did not happen. The doctor could not locate the string, so she had to do an ultrasound to make sure it was still in place. It was there alright but the string was cut way to short. So they gave me a shot of numbing medicine in my cervix went into my uterus and finally retrieved it. "
January 6, 2011
bipolar disorde
"Found Lamictal to be wonderful, with *NO* side effects (can't say that about many medicines). Really worked for mood disorders. No withdrawal symptoms when I stopped it either. While I do not currently take this, if I am having a rough time with depression/mania this is what I request."
February 27, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"I'm on my last week of my 2nd 3-month pack of Loseasonique. I started the first 3-month pack and in the middle of the 2nd month, I had really bad breakthrough bleeding for 2 and a half weeks. Then during the last week of the 3-month pack, I had my pill period for 2 weeks instead of one. The same thing happened in the middle of the 2nd month of the 3-month pack, for about the same amount of time. And now, I'm halfway through the pill period week, and still no period."
July 27, 2011
"I've only been on this med for a few days. I had a scope of my rt knee 5 months ago and the arthritis is advancing quickly and severely. In the past month I started having pain in my shoulders, wrists, and left hip. I'm a nurse and can not take opiods/narcotics for relief. I was taking more ibuprofen than I could count! I took my first mobic and not an ibuprofen since. I've been able to sleep, not be tied down by a clock for pain, and have more mobility than I've known in months! I'm grateful. I'm closely watching for side effects & scheduled lab work to check blood levels & liver function in 6 weeks. For the first time in a long time, I'm hopeful."
February 15, 2010
Gildess Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"I have been on this pill for a little over one year. When I first started this pill my appetite doubled. Therefore, I gained about 7-8 pounds.The next six months were great and I had no issues. My acne went away and I did not experience any cramps. When the seventh month came around I had my period for two weeks straight followed by extremely painful cramps. The cramps would return every period for 2-3 days. The next month I started spotting in between my periods for the first time. I also developed cystic acne every time my period came around. In addition, I started getting very emotional."
June 26, 2016
Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
"A life changer! I only had to use it about four times. The last time was about 8 years ago. Guess what? My underarms remain dry!"
July 15, 2014
cold sores
"First outbreak was HORRIBLE. Once I got Valtrex in my system, the outbreak cleared up within two days. Lysine helps prevent outbreaks and is for immune health. Has been working well for me and haven't had any real problems since first outbreak."
July 26, 2011
weight loss
"Today marks the first day of my 3rd week - 2 in AM, 1 PM. My appetite has yet to be affected by the medication. I still have massive hunger cravings in the afternoons the same as I always have. I am also trying to stick with Weight Watchers and with that prior to this medicine, I lost 6 lbs. I have yet to lose anything in the last 2 weeks. I don't work out right now. The first two days I experienced headaches - as with most new medications. I also take Metformin in the morning for my PCOS. Only slight nausea at certain times in the afternoon before I take my next dose. Other than that, I was on Belviq for 3 weeks before this and same thing, no results. Hopefully after I am on the full dosage, something will start to change."
April 13, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I started this bc when I was about 17 years old. I had few side effects but over the course of a few months I started developing UTIs. I'd never gotten one previously but at the time I didn't associate it with the bc pills. The UTIs become frequent, multiple UTIs within a month even peeing after intercourse, taking cranberry supplements, wearing looser clothing, etc. After a couple years my prescription ran out (away at college). The UTIs immediately stopped and I haven't experienced one since. Another long term side effect I experienced was depression and irritability. I was treated for that and am still recovering from the depression. I've been off the pill for over a year now and things are finally just now normalizing."
December 8, 2015
"I was doing my yearly check up. Pap results came back saying I had trich. I was completely shocked. 53 years old and No sexual partner for almost 2 year. But was told can also get from unclean toilets. I had no symptoms by me been without my meds for a year type II i pee alot like ever 2 hours. Yeast infection came to mind. Anyway day 3 of 7 twice a day. The tast is bad, I felt tired at times."
February 29, 2016
birth control
"I am 24 years old. No children and I'm not looking to have children within the next few years. The insertion was practically painless and I didn't even bruise. I only had a little bit of nausea and cramping the day after insertion. I did not have this placed during my period but about 15 days after. I have had no breakthrough bleeding and I'm very happy with my choice. "
July 21, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I started this BC at 17 and just went off of it a few months ago at age 19 to one that would help my skin. BIG MISTAKE. I did not realize how great Lo Loestrine fe was until I was on a new one. I experienced virtually no side effects - other than not getting a period whatsoever, even the first pack, which I loved. Other than that I felt absolutely no different, and while I'm sad it didn't help my skin at all, I'm starting to think that moderate acne is pretty small in comparison to all the negative side effects I have on my new pill. I think I will be switching back to LoLo"
August 11, 2017
"Black female with cystic acne and dark spots on cheeks and under chin! I am so happy with Aczone. 2 months in and I look different without the bumps on my face. It is also slowly breaking up my dark spots too! Really calmed down my acne and I feel good about the progress!"
December 2, 2011
birth control
"I just started taking Sprintec and so far the hormone variations are severe. I hope it gets better."
October 3, 2009
hashimoto's disease
"I started on Tirosint when they stopped making Levoxyl. I had tried the generic Levothyroxine, but I am lactose intolerant, and the fillers in them did not work well for me. I've been taking Tirosint for two years now, and I have never felt better. My TSH levels are optimal, I have better energy, sleep better, and the bloated feeling I had with the generic is gone."
November 10, 2014
hepatitis c
"Hep C, GT 3, age 52, Hep C for 30 years. I did Interferon - it was the devil himself and did nothing but raise my levels after a year - that was 20 years ago. I did a 'trial' a few years ago of the Harvoni w\Ribavirin that I again failed miserably. I started Epclusa 13 weeks ago. Promised no side effects. I went to sleep & woke up in an 80 year old body, it was/is causing muscle wasting, extreme muscle/joint pain. Everything else is hardly noticeable comparative. Includes; ringing of the ears, headaches, fatigue, bland taste buds. Raised ALT & AST and of course the levels of CK are well over 560 weekly, severe skin rash that grows daily and has now moved to my face/arms. BUT SHOWING NEGATIVE!! Lets see what 3 months says, fingers crossed!"
October 11, 2017
"Been on these pills for 3 yrs now. Started out for pain relief but soon discovered my depression fading fast. I take 200m xr in am and 200 at night also helps me wake up alot easier and happier. I went off them depression came back and suffered some withdrawals instantly aND geting oit of bed was a nighmare. Back on them life is great one major down fall is my sex drive these pills kill it but it's worth it cause I'm happier on these pills with less sex then lots of sex and not happy. Sacrifice I choose to make."
May 18, 2016
"Stopped dry hacking cough, have used it once but found Drs don't write for this medicine."
February 4, 2014
birth control
"I have been on Implanon since November 2009. I got it just 10 weeks after I gave birth to my youngest son. Since then I've had every side effect imaginable. By the third week after having my son I had lost all and more of my baby weight, now I am the heaviest that I've ever been in my life after gaining 25 pounds. I also suffer from strange bouts of depression and of course the mood swings. I am married to the calmest most sweet man alive who is now master in the art of tip toeing around me and my anger. "
October 21, 2010
"I have been taking Norco for foot surgery and it has been working quite well for me. I also have been reading other posts and found that this medicine works well for migraines too, I will have to try that."
August 10, 2011
bacterial infection
"I am taking Clindaycin now and I get a dry throat, seemed to have gained a little more weight because of being hungry, but I do believe it has cleared the infection (absessed tooth). I imagine when I'm done with my course everything will be back to normal hopefully. I'd recommend it."
July 7, 2009
birth control
"I have had nexplanon since February of 2015, it was great at first when I got it, no periods, no cramps, nothing. At the end of July I started spotting (which was normally when I would start a period before birth control). I just thought maybe it was just a few times a year I would have a small period. Well not even 2 weeks later I had a full blown period and heavy at that. Awful cramps and mood swings came with this period and it lasted longer than any period I had ever had before. After it was over another 2 weeks went by and I started my period again. This one is not that heavy but it's really annoying me and I got so used to not having one I was spoiled. I am hoping that these multiple periods in a month stop."
August 29, 2015
postoperative pain
"After using medication for 4 days my feet, legs and ankles swelled"
October 20, 2013
Plan B
emergency contraception
"My boyfriend and I were having sex and the condom broke. I freaked out as soon as it happened! It was about 3:10 pm and I took plan b around 4:30. I didn't really feel any side effects until the next day when I had a headache, super tired and extremely moody. The moodiness might've been because I was due for my period in a week and a half and I was PMSing but the moodiness was bad. I got my period yesterday and I told myself I would right a review if it worked for me. My period came 3 days early and it's extremely heavy with bad cramps, but that's how it normally is but I'm never early. Also, the things that say it doesn't work for people over 176 pounds is a lie, I'm 210 pounds and it worked for me! I hope this helps someone!!!"
November 26, 2016
"After a little over two months taking 50mg of Zoloft, I feel happier, calmer, less anxious about things, I look forward to things again, I enjoy things I had forgotten I cared about, I laugh more, I enjoy sex more (when I am depressed my mind is on other things whenever I wanted to have sex). I sleep whole nights, I used to wake up in the middle of the night EVERY night, and stay awake for 1-2 hours before falling asleep again. I wish I had tried it sooner. Part of me wants to quit taking it now to see if I feel better still without the side effects (such as crazy vivid dreams, lower libido than when I am not depressed, yawning, etc.) but I think I am fooling myself. It is not perfect, but so much better than I could've hoped."
January 20, 2017
"in my third week of 05 mg as add on to Paxil, After first week I thought to myself, "so this is what its like to feel good, up beat and happy" Now this week i definately notice increase in appetite, constantly snacking and looking for something to eat. That will not make me happy as weight issues were already a problem. Also a bit troublesome is I am feeling tingling in my arm. from wrist all the way up to my elbow. Tingling numb, soemthing is off. My guess its the rexulti. See doctor on MOnday and will update. If it gets worse I will follow up sooner"
May 5, 2016
chronic pain
"Worked for my neck pain"
March 4, 2015
Bupropion / naltrexone
"This medicine definitely works!! Lost 5 pounds in the first 5 days even with cheat meals! No constipation like most had but I don't eat gluten. The only reason for a 9 is because it caused some anxiety and mood swings but I have bipolar disorder and depression anyways."
March 14, 2017
birth control
"I've been on these pills for 3 weeks now and yes I've noticed that I've been crying a lot lately too just out of the blue."
July 11, 2016
birth control
"When I got the Implanon I was VERY excited, no pill popping, sticky tape, or possible uterus punctures. Having the procedure done was quick and virtually painless. I hate needles so this was a leap of faith for me. I have had the Implanon for a year now and the only thing I like about it is I am not pregnant. I have one child and want it to stay that way for a bit. I have awful mood swings the kind where I ask myself why I am being so crazy! I have had great skin my whole life and since having it my skin has been awful. No weight gain, infact I lost weight. I don't believe that has anything to do with the Implanon but of my own doing. I also bled for the most part during my year. Time to get it out."
April 13, 2011
ankylosing spondylitis
"Don't know why, but the Humira Pen injection is almost always super painful. MUST be poor design. I did self-injectiions with a string of Enbrel for 10 years, and it never hurt. And after a recent hip replacement, I had Arixtra (blood thinner) injections that were completely painless. Why does the Humira pen hurt so bad? And I know it is not me, because I have read hundreds of other people complain about the same thing."
November 17, 2011
Lo Loestrin Fe
birth control
"Omg I've been taking it for less than a month and had enough of it already. I turned me into a monster! I'm yelling at people, crying all the time, kicked out one of my clients from my office during our meeting, I've been having suicidal thoughts and been super depressed. Also I have an uncontrollable appetite, I've been stuffing myself with white bread for days. I don't eat white bread! I'm not supposed to! But I just wake up in the morning and have these insane cravings for croissants. Yesterday I had 4 of them. Surprisingly I haven't gained any weight but my skin is breaking out due to my gluten and dairy allergies. It's been a nightmare and I don't know what to do because I've tried all kinds of BC and my body rejects everything."
February 13, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I've been taking Sprintec for 4-5 months now. The first few weeks my breast were EXTREMELY swollen and tender. It was so bad to the point that it hurt to just walk. That went away after the 1st month. I had very little nausea for a couple of weeks. The one side effect that I absolutely HATE is that I'm always hungry and have gained some weight. I've noticed that I am A LOT more emotional especially right before I get my period. Overall I'm pretty happy with Sprintec. I just really wish I didn't put on the extra weight."
December 28, 2012
"Made my heart race and had severe headaches while taking it. Not taking it anymore, Doctor took me off of it."
November 30, 2010