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Write a story where a princess discovers an abandon cave. The story should have a beginning, middle and end.
Once upon a time there was a princess who was the most beautiful and lovely in all of the land. She was so beautiful and kind in fact that many were jealous of her. This jealousy grew as she became more and more beautiful and kin with each passing day. There was one person who was the most jealous of all. Her name was Hilda. She lived outside of town in an abandon shack. It was rumored she had magical powers that she would use for evil. One day she decided to user her magic trap the princess. One day the princess was was walking in the forest and came upon a small cave. She hadn't noticed this cave before as this was her favorite area to explore. She was surprised to see it but also quite happy as she loved to find new things on her long walks. She could see something sparkling inside the cave. She was drawn to the pretty colors and what looked like gold and silver. She crawled into the cave, however when she did so she saw had been tricked and the cage with the gold and silver was just an illusion. She had actually walked into a giant cage. Hilda had tricked her! She began to cry for she did not know how she would get out of this situation. Days passed and the princess was becoming very worried and sad that no one would ever find her. Luckily, there was a friendly troll who lived in a neighboring part of the forest. One day he was out gathering mushrooms for his dinner that night when he heard a small whimpering coming from Hilda's home. He looked in the window and saw the princess. He gasped in disbelief. He decided he had to come up with a plan to save her. He was very knowledgeable about plans in the forest and their secret powers. He knew of certain mushrooms that could cast a spell on a person and make them very drowsy. He decided he would slip one of these in Hilda's food so she would fall asleep and he could free the princess. The next day while Hilda was taking a bath, he snuck into the house and dropped some of the mushrooms into the soup she was brewing on the stove. he quickly went outside to then hide in the bushes and watch to see what would happen. Hilda came out after taking her bath and getting ready. She laughed as she saw the sad princess in her cage. She then began to pour herself a little bowl of soup for breakfast. After taking a few sips she began to feel very very sleepy. She decided she must lay down at once. It had worked! The troll was delighted and quickly entered the house. However, he realized once inside that he did not know where the key was to the cage! The princess whispered that Hilda often kept it in her pocket. "Oh no!" he thought. He hadn't thought this through and if he reached into Hilda's pocket he ran the risk of waking her up at which point she would surely cast a spell on him and he and the princess would be doomed. He crept quietly toward her. Her pockets were covered by her arms. He lifted one gently. She snored a bit and turned over. It scared him but she seemed to still be asleep. he tried again. This time being more quiet. He was able to get the key out. Success! He quickly went over to the cage and was able to free the princess! She returned home to her village and told everyone what a hero the Troll was. The Troll ended up opening a shop in the town where he sold his magic mushrooms.
### Instruction: Write a story where a princess discovers an abandon cave. The story should have a beginning, middle and end. ### Context: ### Answer: Once upon a time there was a princess who was the most beautiful and lovely in all of the land. She was so beautiful and kind in fact that many were jealous of her. This jealousy grew as she became more and more beautiful and kin with each passing day. There was one person who was the most jealous of all. Her name was Hilda. She lived outside of town in an abandon shack. It was rumored she had magical powers that she would use for evil. One day she decided to user her magic trap the princess. One day the princess was was walking in the forest and came upon a small cave. She hadn't noticed this cave before as this was her favorite area to explore. She was surprised to see it but also quite happy as she loved to find new things on her long walks. She could see something sparkling inside the cave. She was drawn to the pretty colors and what looked like gold and silver. She crawled into the cave, however when she did so she saw had been tricked and the cage with the gold and silver was just an illusion. She had actually walked into a giant cage. Hilda had tricked her! She began to cry for she did not know how she would get out of this situation. Days passed and the princess was becoming very worried and sad that no one would ever find her. Luckily, there was a friendly troll who lived in a neighboring part of the forest. One day he was out gathering mushrooms for his dinner that night when he heard a small whimpering coming from Hilda's home. He looked in the window and saw the princess. He gasped in disbelief. He decided he had to come up with a plan to save her. He was very knowledgeable about plans in the forest and their secret powers. He knew of certain mushrooms that could cast a spell on a person and make them very drowsy. He decided he would slip one of these in Hilda's food so she would fall asleep and he could free the princess. The next day while Hilda was taking a bath, he snuck into the house and dropped some of the mushrooms into the soup she was brewing on the stove. he quickly went outside to then hide in the bushes and watch to see what would happen. Hilda came out after taking her bath and getting ready. She laughed as she saw the sad princess in her cage. She then began to pour herself a little bowl of soup for breakfast. After taking a few sips she began to feel very very sleepy. She decided she must lay down at once. It had worked! The troll was delighted and quickly entered the house. However, he realized once inside that he did not know where the key was to the cage! The princess whispered that Hilda often kept it in her pocket. "Oh no!" he thought. He hadn't thought this through and if he reached into Hilda's pocket he ran the risk of waking her up at which point she would surely cast a spell on him and he and the princess would be doomed. He crept quietly toward her. Her pockets were covered by her arms. He lifted one gently. She snored a bit and turned over. It scared him but she seemed to still be asleep. he tried again. This time being more quiet. He was able to get the key out. Success! He quickly went over to the cage and was able to free the princess! She returned home to her village and told everyone what a hero the Troll was. The Troll ended up opening a shop in the town where he sold his magic mushrooms.</s>
Imagine you have to spend a week on a deserted island. What are 5 items you'd bring with you and why?
If I was stranded on a deserted island for a week the first thing I'd be sure to pack is sun screen! My biggest fear would be exposure to the elements while trying to forage for food, build a shelter and come up with a game plan to be rescued. My 2nd item would be some form of fishing tackle, I assume the easiest thing to catch out in the middle of the ocean would be fish. I'd be sure to bring plenty of hooks, line and artificial lures in my tackle box. The 3rd item I'd be sure to pack would be a fire-starter. I would choose this over matches because flint/steel work while wet where matches become useless pretty quickly when wet. The 4th item I'd bring would be a guitar, there's something very relaxing and peaceful about music while you're alone and I imagine it would help pass the time. The last item I would bring would be a picture of my family. That would keep me going in even the darkest of times. When the fish aren't biting or the weather isn't cooperating - knowing I have a lovely family to get back home to would provide all the motivation in the world to keep fighting!
### Instruction: Imagine you have to spend a week on a deserted island. What are 5 items you'd bring with you and why? ### Context: ### Answer: If I was stranded on a deserted island for a week the first thing I'd be sure to pack is sun screen! My biggest fear would be exposure to the elements while trying to forage for food, build a shelter and come up with a game plan to be rescued. My 2nd item would be some form of fishing tackle, I assume the easiest thing to catch out in the middle of the ocean would be fish. I'd be sure to bring plenty of hooks, line and artificial lures in my tackle box. The 3rd item I'd be sure to pack would be a fire-starter. I would choose this over matches because flint/steel work while wet where matches become useless pretty quickly when wet. The 4th item I'd bring would be a guitar, there's something very relaxing and peaceful about music while you're alone and I imagine it would help pass the time. The last item I would bring would be a picture of my family. That would keep me going in even the darkest of times. When the fish aren't biting or the weather isn't cooperating - knowing I have a lovely family to get back home to would provide all the motivation in the world to keep fighting!</s>
Write me a recursive function for calculating the nth fibonacci number
Below is a recursive Python function fib(n) that computes the nth Fibonacci number. This is split into a base case and a recursive case. The base case is given by the fact that the first two terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, so fib(0)=0 and fib(1)=1. The recursive case is given by the fact that the nth Fibonacci number f_n can be written as the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers, so f_n = f_{n-1} + f_{n-2}. Putting this all together, we get ``` def fib(n): # base case if n == 0: return 0 if n == 1: return 1 # recursive case return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) ``` This will correctly calculate the nth Fibonacci number for nonnegative integer inputs n. However, recursively calculating Fibonacci numbers in this way takes exponential time in the value of n, so this code may be very slow for large inputs. It could be improved by memoizing previous results, or using a non-recursive approach. Simple iterative approaches can solve the problem more quickly, and closed-form expressions for the nth Fibonacci number exist and are even faster to evaluate.
### Instruction: Write me a recursive function for calculating the nth fibonacci number ### Context: ### Answer: Below is a recursive Python function fib(n) that computes the nth Fibonacci number. This is split into a base case and a recursive case. The base case is given by the fact that the first two terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, so fib(0)=0 and fib(1)=1. The recursive case is given by the fact that the nth Fibonacci number f_n can be written as the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers, so f_n = f_{n-1} + f_{n-2}. Putting this all together, we get ``` def fib(n): # base case if n == 0: return 0 if n == 1: return 1 # recursive case return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) ``` This will correctly calculate the nth Fibonacci number for nonnegative integer inputs n. However, recursively calculating Fibonacci numbers in this way takes exponential time in the value of n, so this code may be very slow for large inputs. It could be improved by memoizing previous results, or using a non-recursive approach. Simple iterative approaches can solve the problem more quickly, and closed-form expressions for the nth Fibonacci number exist and are even faster to evaluate.</s>
Imagine you are the last person on Earth. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings.
Dear diary, you have been a faithful companion to me, all this while, the only true friend I have. Or, may, I say, the only witness to my thoughts - because there is no one else. Yes, I am the only person around in this world. Does this make me happy or sad, you ask? I am conflicted, to be honest. As an introvert, I always wanted solitude and peace. The ability to be myself, to not just think my own thoughts but act like no one was watching. And yet, now, when I really can do this (believe me, no one is watching me, or even the security tapes!), I long for a voice to hear and for someone to talk back to me, see me act stupid or act out my weirdest thoughts, and in general just listen to me. But, there is no one. And this scares me, as well. Why am I writing this down, when I rarely, if ever, read you back? It is, probably, with a hidden hope that someone some day will read it and understand my thoughts and ideas without judgement. If no one ever will read it, because there is no human left on planet Earth, why am I writing this even? I always read (and scoffed at) the books telling me "Man is a social animal" - I felt they did not refer or apply to me me. And now, dear friend, I have realised a little too late in life that it wasn't the books that did not recognise me. Rather, it was I who didn't understand myself. Farewell and adieu!
### Instruction: Imagine you are the last person on Earth. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings. ### Context: ### Answer: Dear diary, you have been a faithful companion to me, all this while, the only true friend I have. Or, may, I say, the only witness to my thoughts - because there is no one else. Yes, I am the only person around in this world. Does this make me happy or sad, you ask? I am conflicted, to be honest. As an introvert, I always wanted solitude and peace. The ability to be myself, to not just think my own thoughts but act like no one was watching. And yet, now, when I really can do this (believe me, no one is watching me, or even the security tapes!), I long for a voice to hear and for someone to talk back to me, see me act stupid or act out my weirdest thoughts, and in general just listen to me. But, there is no one. And this scares me, as well. Why am I writing this down, when I rarely, if ever, read you back? It is, probably, with a hidden hope that someone some day will read it and understand my thoughts and ideas without judgement. If no one ever will read it, because there is no human left on planet Earth, why am I writing this even? I always read (and scoffed at) the books telling me "Man is a social animal" - I felt they did not refer or apply to me me. And now, dear friend, I have realised a little too late in life that it wasn't the books that did not recognise me. Rather, it was I who didn't understand myself. Farewell and adieu!</s>
What's a relaxing activity to do when visiting Seoul, South Korea?
The Secret Garden guided tour is a tranquil stroll through the Changdeokgung palace in Seoul. Featuring pavilions and several ponds, you can explore the grounds once walked upon by princes and kings. In addition to a reservation for a guided tour, you will also need a ticket into the palace that can be purchased separately. Reservations may be made online or on-site, but reserving online will provide more timeframes and a better guarantee of entrance on your desired day.
### Instruction: What's a relaxing activity to do when visiting Seoul, South Korea? ### Context: ### Answer: The Secret Garden guided tour is a tranquil stroll through the Changdeokgung palace in Seoul. Featuring pavilions and several ponds, you can explore the grounds once walked upon by princes and kings. In addition to a reservation for a guided tour, you will also need a ticket into the palace that can be purchased separately. Reservations may be made online or on-site, but reserving online will provide more timeframes and a better guarantee of entrance on your desired day.</s>
How can I become the best person?
To want to be the best person, you have to know who or what you want to compare yourself to. It is very advisable to compare yourself only with yourself. Where am I currently in life, what do I want to change and what goals do I want to achieve? Examples are: to have more friends, to be healthier, to develop a better contact with the children, to work less etc.. So the question should be: how can I become the best person I can be? It makes no sense to compare yourself with others. Only compare to yourself.
### Instruction: How can I become the best person? ### Context: ### Answer: To want to be the best person, you have to know who or what you want to compare yourself to. It is very advisable to compare yourself only with yourself. Where am I currently in life, what do I want to change and what goals do I want to achieve? Examples are: to have more friends, to be healthier, to develop a better contact with the children, to work less etc.. So the question should be: how can I become the best person I can be? It makes no sense to compare yourself with others. Only compare to yourself.</s>
Write a shopping list for me and group the ingredients by type. I want to make stir-fried teriyaki tofu for dinner and I want enough ingredients to make a sauce, because I don't want to buy a bottle of sauce. This meal will serve four people.
Produce: 1lb broccoli florets One yellow onion One red bell pepper One green bell pepper One small knob ginger One bulb garlic Protein: 1lb extra firm tofu Misc: 1 can corn starch 8oz bottle soy sauce 1 bag of dark brown sugar Red pepper flakes
### Instruction: Write a shopping list for me and group the ingredients by type. I want to make stir-fried teriyaki tofu for dinner and I want enough ingredients to make a sauce, because I don't want to buy a bottle of sauce. This meal will serve four people. ### Context: ### Answer: Produce: 1lb broccoli florets One yellow onion One red bell pepper One green bell pepper One small knob ginger One bulb garlic Protein: 1lb extra firm tofu Misc: 1 can corn starch 8oz bottle soy sauce 1 bag of dark brown sugar Red pepper flakes</s>
Write a linkedIn Message to ask a higher officer in company before joining asking about what all I have to prepare any tips or advice on what I should focus on or study for so that i can be well accustomed with the required skill sets for the job.
Hi [Manager] Sir, I hope you're doing well! Myself [My Name] from ITER, SOA University. I just wanted to reach out to you before I start at [Company] in a month. I'm really excited to join the team and get started on my role as Intern Trainee Engineer- Platform. I was wondering if you had any tips or advice on what I should focus on or study before I start to make sure I'm as prepared as possible? I want to make sure I hit the ground running and make a good impression on the team. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time I'm looking forward to joining the team and working together! Thanks, [My Name]
### Instruction: Write a linkedIn Message to ask a higher officer in company before joining asking about what all I have to prepare any tips or advice on what I should focus on or study for so that i can be well accustomed with the required skill sets for the job. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi [Manager] Sir, I hope you're doing well! Myself [My Name] from ITER, SOA University. I just wanted to reach out to you before I start at [Company] in a month. I'm really excited to join the team and get started on my role as Intern Trainee Engineer- Platform. I was wondering if you had any tips or advice on what I should focus on or study before I start to make sure I'm as prepared as possible? I want to make sure I hit the ground running and make a good impression on the team. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time I'm looking forward to joining the team and working together! Thanks, [My Name]</s>
We are getting a new puppy today, I am writing this messages to you our beloved children that we need to keep the Cats away from the new puppy for at least the first 2 weeks.
The reason is that the Cat will feel intimated and attack the new puppy if we don't separate them and let them get used to each other for a period of time.
### Instruction: We are getting a new puppy today, I am writing this messages to you our beloved children that we need to keep the Cats away from the new puppy for at least the first 2 weeks. ### Context: ### Answer: The reason is that the Cat will feel intimated and attack the new puppy if we don't separate them and let them get used to each other for a period of time.</s>
Write a press release declaring the availability of IronChef, a cooking robot that can create various dishes in 5 cuisines. Be sure to mention some of its advanced technological features.
IronChef, a new cooking robot designed for automated food preparation, is now available for pre-order! With its advanced technological features, it will be great way to shorten the time spent preparing meals for the family. Here are some of its key features: 1. Robot arms that can pick up, rinse, chop, cook, and plate various dishes 2. Current cuisines supported: traditional European, Chinese, Thai, Korean, and Japanese with other cuisine types planned for later release 3. Currently can boil, steam, microwave, bake, air-fry and stir-fry, with other cooking methods planned for later release 4. Detect any food spoilage and take appropriate action 5. Substitute ingredients when the ingredients contained in the recipe are not available 6. Allow users to customize recipes 7. Inform owner when ingredients run low 8. Software and hardware are upgradable 9. Optimized parallel dish cooking, meaning not all dishes will be cooked sequentially, and if there is no overlap, it can cook multiple dishes at the same time. IronChef will providing many families that have neither the time or the energy to prepare meals, as well as families that have a repertoire of favorite meals that needs to be prepared regularly. This will allow more quality family time while enjoying consistent, safe and delicious meals at home.
### Instruction: Write a press release declaring the availability of IronChef, a cooking robot that can create various dishes in 5 cuisines. Be sure to mention some of its advanced technological features. ### Context: ### Answer: IronChef, a new cooking robot designed for automated food preparation, is now available for pre-order! With its advanced technological features, it will be great way to shorten the time spent preparing meals for the family. Here are some of its key features: 1. Robot arms that can pick up, rinse, chop, cook, and plate various dishes 2. Current cuisines supported: traditional European, Chinese, Thai, Korean, and Japanese with other cuisine types planned for later release 3. Currently can boil, steam, microwave, bake, air-fry and stir-fry, with other cooking methods planned for later release 4. Detect any food spoilage and take appropriate action 5. Substitute ingredients when the ingredients contained in the recipe are not available 6. Allow users to customize recipes 7. Inform owner when ingredients run low 8. Software and hardware are upgradable 9. Optimized parallel dish cooking, meaning not all dishes will be cooked sequentially, and if there is no overlap, it can cook multiple dishes at the same time. IronChef will providing many families that have neither the time or the energy to prepare meals, as well as families that have a repertoire of favorite meals that needs to be prepared regularly. This will allow more quality family time while enjoying consistent, safe and delicious meals at home.</s>
Why do people like the game Diplomacy?
Diplomacy is a strategic board game that does not rely on dice or other game elements to introduce randomness into results of gameplay. In the game Diplomacy, players negotiate, form alliances, and betray each other in an effort to occupy geographic provinces and control of "supply centers" to win the game. People like playing the game Diplomacy because it is unique compared to other strategic board games. In Diplomacy, all players submit their "orders" to move their pieces around the board into a box and those orders are adjudicated at the same time, making it difficult to gain an advantage over another player without communicating and planning out moves with other players. The only variable in the game is each player's ability to convince the other players to do what they want. Some people find this aspect of negotiation-based game play compelling, while others find the "anything goes" nature of these negotiations repelling. Therefore, Diplomacy is sometimes referred to as the "game that ruins friendships."
### Instruction: Why do people like the game Diplomacy? ### Context: ### Answer: Diplomacy is a strategic board game that does not rely on dice or other game elements to introduce randomness into results of gameplay. In the game Diplomacy, players negotiate, form alliances, and betray each other in an effort to occupy geographic provinces and control of "supply centers" to win the game. People like playing the game Diplomacy because it is unique compared to other strategic board games. In Diplomacy, all players submit their "orders" to move their pieces around the board into a box and those orders are adjudicated at the same time, making it difficult to gain an advantage over another player without communicating and planning out moves with other players. The only variable in the game is each player's ability to convince the other players to do what they want. Some people find this aspect of negotiation-based game play compelling, while others find the "anything goes" nature of these negotiations repelling. Therefore, Diplomacy is sometimes referred to as the "game that ruins friendships."</s>
Why do Filipinos like eating rice so much?
Well, that has to do with the fact that the Filipino soil is ideal for rice cultivation. Also, given that rice is produced in abundance in the Phillipines, it becomes cheaper than other food staples. Therefore, rice easily became the most common dish in an ordinary Filipino household. One can also say, that the neutral nature of rice flavour parries well with the Filipino traditional dishes like Adobo, Sinigang and Kare-Kare which are rich in flavour and welcome more neutral side dishes
### Instruction: Why do Filipinos like eating rice so much? ### Context: ### Answer: Well, that has to do with the fact that the Filipino soil is ideal for rice cultivation. Also, given that rice is produced in abundance in the Phillipines, it becomes cheaper than other food staples. Therefore, rice easily became the most common dish in an ordinary Filipino household. One can also say, that the neutral nature of rice flavour parries well with the Filipino traditional dishes like Adobo, Sinigang and Kare-Kare which are rich in flavour and welcome more neutral side dishes</s>
Why is my buttercream frosting not white?
Clear vanilla is one of the best ways to keep your buttercream frosting as close to white as possible. If you use traditional or even artificial vanilla, it will turn your buttercream frosting into more of a cream color rather than pure white. Pure white buttercream does not exist, as the color of butter is slightly yellow, which will give your buttercream frosting a small amount of color. However, the most likely culprit of your tan buttercream is your traditional vanilla extract.
### Instruction: Why is my buttercream frosting not white? ### Context: ### Answer: Clear vanilla is one of the best ways to keep your buttercream frosting as close to white as possible. If you use traditional or even artificial vanilla, it will turn your buttercream frosting into more of a cream color rather than pure white. Pure white buttercream does not exist, as the color of butter is slightly yellow, which will give your buttercream frosting a small amount of color. However, the most likely culprit of your tan buttercream is your traditional vanilla extract.</s>
A dialogue between two characters discussing the impact of social media on their lives. Both positive and negative points
Person 1: Hey, what happened? Why are you sad? Person 2: I'm sad because my grades are low. Person 1: But you used always study on your iPad... where did you go wrong? Person 2: Yeh... I was using my iPad but didn't study… I was engaging myself in other things. Person 1: Ohh..! That isn't good. See, my friend, multitasking has become a common thing in our life. But we should know how to manage it all. We are too dependent on smartphones for everything like work, school, shopping and personal life. We are addicted to smartphones, the internet and social media Social media is harming us in many ways like * It is stealing our personal life Increase of cybercrime and cyberbullying. Depression anxiety in children *Addiction to games on other social networking sites. * Causes emotional damage to a person, which leads to suicide. * Mental illness. , etc. But on the other hand, there are some positive aspects to note as well Internet and social media help families stay connected It helps in online banking and paying bills. And It helps in online learning and remote working It can be an effective tool for marketing 5. Information seeking So, my dear friend internet and social media have their own merits and demerits. Use it wisely and for a good cause.
### Instruction: A dialogue between two characters discussing the impact of social media on their lives. Both positive and negative points ### Context: ### Answer: Person 1: Hey, what happened? Why are you sad? Person 2: I'm sad because my grades are low. Person 1: But you used always study on your iPad... where did you go wrong? Person 2: Yeh... I was using my iPad but didn't study… I was engaging myself in other things. Person 1: Ohh..! That isn't good. See, my friend, multitasking has become a common thing in our life. But we should know how to manage it all. We are too dependent on smartphones for everything like work, school, shopping and personal life. We are addicted to smartphones, the internet and social media Social media is harming us in many ways like * It is stealing our personal life Increase of cybercrime and cyberbullying. Depression anxiety in children *Addiction to games on other social networking sites. * Causes emotional damage to a person, which leads to suicide. * Mental illness. , etc. But on the other hand, there are some positive aspects to note as well Internet and social media help families stay connected It helps in online banking and paying bills. And It helps in online learning and remote working It can be an effective tool for marketing 5. Information seeking So, my dear friend internet and social media have their own merits and demerits. Use it wisely and for a good cause.</s>
Why is Lafayette, California such an appealing place to live?
Lafayette, California is a small that is about a 30-minute drive, east of San Francisco in Contra Costa County. To get to Lafayette from San Francisco, you have to drive through a tunnel in the Sibley Volcanic Preserve. Lafayette has a small downtown area with cheery stores, restaurants and coffee shops. It is home to about 25,000 residents and it is very walkable and easy to access public transportation. The weather in Lafayette is considered to be a Mediterranean climate, so it is generally warm and sunny. There is a beautiful reservoir with a walking trail, paddle boats and a well-known lookout tower. The schools are considered to be some of the top schools in California, which makes the area very appealing for families.
### Instruction: Why is Lafayette, California such an appealing place to live? ### Context: ### Answer: Lafayette, California is a small that is about a 30-minute drive, east of San Francisco in Contra Costa County. To get to Lafayette from San Francisco, you have to drive through a tunnel in the Sibley Volcanic Preserve. Lafayette has a small downtown area with cheery stores, restaurants and coffee shops. It is home to about 25,000 residents and it is very walkable and easy to access public transportation. The weather in Lafayette is considered to be a Mediterranean climate, so it is generally warm and sunny. There is a beautiful reservoir with a walking trail, paddle boats and a well-known lookout tower. The schools are considered to be some of the top schools in California, which makes the area very appealing for families.</s>
What’s a good way to lose weight
Consuming less calories than you eat can result in weight loss. Using calorie counting apps like MyFitnessPal can assist in calorie counting while ensuring you are getting the proper macro nutrients as well, for optimal healthy weight loss.
### Instruction: What’s a good way to lose weight ### Context: ### Answer: Consuming less calories than you eat can result in weight loss. Using calorie counting apps like MyFitnessPal can assist in calorie counting while ensuring you are getting the proper macro nutrients as well, for optimal healthy weight loss.</s>
Does spark provide date & time when a particular event is received in the structured streaming?
Not directly. The source of the data is responsible for event time, the “arrival” time is typically the timestamp from the message server source you are reading from (Kafka, Kinesis, etc.) and the “processing” time can be inserted when processing the incomming data stream using the functions package current_timestamp function.$ This isn’t exactly when Spark received the data from the server but is close and will be grouped by trigger interval. Note that this function can not be used when in continuous mode.
### Instruction: Does spark provide date & time when a particular event is received in the structured streaming? ### Context: ### Answer: Not directly. The source of the data is responsible for event time, the “arrival” time is typically the timestamp from the message server source you are reading from (Kafka, Kinesis, etc.) and the “processing” time can be inserted when processing the incomming data stream using the functions package current_timestamp function.$ This isn’t exactly when Spark received the data from the server but is close and will be grouped by trigger interval. Note that this function can not be used when in continuous mode.</s>
Imagine you are the last person on Earth. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings.
Today is the 365th day that I've spent on this earth alone. While one year has passed, my days continue to remain the same. Every night, I wake up at 10:00pm, long before the scorching sunrise, to search for food, water, and any other essential items that I can cart back to my lonely den. My search concludes by 5:00am, which gives me a few hours before the first light and guaranteed death. The heat has become so destructive during the day, that I often find buildings and cars spontaneously up in flames during my nightly travels. It's becoming more and more difficult to find viable food that hasn't yet been burnt to a crisp. My nocturnal transition is the only reason that I am alive today. I use to look up at the stars in anger that the universe could be so cruel. As time has passed, I have learned to forgive the dwarf star off to the east, as he is just as alone as I am and for far longer. Sometimes I feel ashamed that I don't have a plan other than simply surviving one more day. As the days heat up, so do the nights. It's likely only a matter of months before earth becomes uninhabitable at all hours of the day. I know my existence is becoming increasingly more finite, and even if there are others out there, their future is just as damning.
### Instruction: Imagine you are the last person on Earth. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings. ### Context: ### Answer: Today is the 365th day that I've spent on this earth alone. While one year has passed, my days continue to remain the same. Every night, I wake up at 10:00pm, long before the scorching sunrise, to search for food, water, and any other essential items that I can cart back to my lonely den. My search concludes by 5:00am, which gives me a few hours before the first light and guaranteed death. The heat has become so destructive during the day, that I often find buildings and cars spontaneously up in flames during my nightly travels. It's becoming more and more difficult to find viable food that hasn't yet been burnt to a crisp. My nocturnal transition is the only reason that I am alive today. I use to look up at the stars in anger that the universe could be so cruel. As time has passed, I have learned to forgive the dwarf star off to the east, as he is just as alone as I am and for far longer. Sometimes I feel ashamed that I don't have a plan other than simply surviving one more day. As the days heat up, so do the nights. It's likely only a matter of months before earth becomes uninhabitable at all hours of the day. I know my existence is becoming increasingly more finite, and even if there are others out there, their future is just as damning.</s>
What is a career grand slam in professional golf?
A career grand slam is achieved when a professional golfer is able to win all of golf's major championships. These four tournaments are the Masters Tournament, the PGA Championship, the U.S. Open, and The Open Championship. No golfer in the modern era has ever completed a grand slam in the same calendar year.
### Instruction: What is a career grand slam in professional golf? ### Context: ### Answer: A career grand slam is achieved when a professional golfer is able to win all of golf's major championships. These four tournaments are the Masters Tournament, the PGA Championship, the U.S. Open, and The Open Championship. No golfer in the modern era has ever completed a grand slam in the same calendar year.</s>
Are plastic bags and containers bad for the environment?
In short, yes. Surprisingly, though, that has not always been the consensus, and in some cases, it is not true. In the 1970s energy crisis, reducing the weight of materials, and increasing the shelf life of goods (which helps with optimizing transportation methods) were widely lauded as environmentally positive. In short, paper bags weigh more than plastic bags, and transportation requires fossil fuels, and of course fossil fuels impact the environment in widely documented ways. Also, some plastics like PET have great recycling track records. So if it reduces energy consumption, increases shelf life, and can be recycled it seems like a huge environmental win. However, plastics are very durable, and now micro-plastics are everywhere. They are in the deepest ocean trenches, accumulated in many species of animals and plants, and will be for our lifetimes. Their toxicity and negative impacts are just beginning to be understood. This has driven the removal of "single use plastics" from a lot of commerce, with further reductions called for by environmental groups worldwide.
### Instruction: Are plastic bags and containers bad for the environment? ### Context: ### Answer: In short, yes. Surprisingly, though, that has not always been the consensus, and in some cases, it is not true. In the 1970s energy crisis, reducing the weight of materials, and increasing the shelf life of goods (which helps with optimizing transportation methods) were widely lauded as environmentally positive. In short, paper bags weigh more than plastic bags, and transportation requires fossil fuels, and of course fossil fuels impact the environment in widely documented ways. Also, some plastics like PET have great recycling track records. So if it reduces energy consumption, increases shelf life, and can be recycled it seems like a huge environmental win. However, plastics are very durable, and now micro-plastics are everywhere. They are in the deepest ocean trenches, accumulated in many species of animals and plants, and will be for our lifetimes. Their toxicity and negative impacts are just beginning to be understood. This has driven the removal of "single use plastics" from a lot of commerce, with further reductions called for by environmental groups worldwide.</s>
What do you think about Lake Tahoe as a destination to rent a cabin either for summer or winter?
I have been to Lake Tahoe a couple of times, both in winter. It is a beautiful destination to rent a cabin, and during winter the snow, the mountains and the overall atmosphere is great as a destination to enjoy with friends and family. I have not been there during summer though, however I did hear that when the snow melts there is a whole other world of trails for hiking, biking and walking that are not visible during winter.
### Instruction: What do you think about Lake Tahoe as a destination to rent a cabin either for summer or winter? ### Context: ### Answer: I have been to Lake Tahoe a couple of times, both in winter. It is a beautiful destination to rent a cabin, and during winter the snow, the mountains and the overall atmosphere is great as a destination to enjoy with friends and family. I have not been there during summer though, however I did hear that when the snow melts there is a whole other world of trails for hiking, biking and walking that are not visible during winter.</s>
Write a whimsical and funny horoscope reading that makes a baseball reference
The gods of justice say they will hear your petition just as soon as they have finished discussing the designated-hitter rule
### Instruction: Write a whimsical and funny horoscope reading that makes a baseball reference ### Context: ### Answer: The gods of justice say they will hear your petition just as soon as they have finished discussing the designated-hitter rule</s>
Why some people are more stressed than others and how to manage stress?
Stress handling is a trait which comes naturally for some people, meaning they have it in their genetics. Some are born with this quality to manage hard and tricky situations with a cool behaviour, but for others it is tricky and they really need to train themselves to certain situations.When a person is stressed, it is always best they share their feelings with someone they trust.In a stressful situation, the natural response of our body is the release of Cortisol , which is the primary hormone which gets released and a good physical exercise routine can help in managing it.Prolonged stress leads to complicated issues such as Anxiety and  Depression which could be managed by practicing some relaxation techniques such as Yoga and Deep breathing.
### Instruction: Why some people are more stressed than others and how to manage stress? ### Context: ### Answer: Stress handling is a trait which comes naturally for some people, meaning they have it in their genetics. Some are born with this quality to manage hard and tricky situations with a cool behaviour, but for others it is tricky and they really need to train themselves to certain situations.When a person is stressed, it is always best they share their feelings with someone they trust.In a stressful situation, the natural response of our body is the release of Cortisol , which is the primary hormone which gets released and a good physical exercise routine can help in managing it.Prolonged stress leads to complicated issues such as Anxiety and  Depression which could be managed by practicing some relaxation techniques such as Yoga and Deep breathing.</s>
Is the lacavore diet beneficial?
While it is harmful to the world trade and transportation of foods, the locavore diet is generally beneficial to the environment, local farmers, and people. In a small community, the locavore diet would contribute to the local economy as well as the health of the population. The locavore diet is a restriction in which people are encouraged to eat foods produced within a 100 mile radius of them, which not only benefits their health, as they are eating organic, locally produced foods, but also local farmers, by buying their produce, and the environment, by eliminating the harmful effects of transportation, such as airplanes and trucks. A common concern of younger generations is the state of our environment, thanks to the continuation of air and water pollution as well as global warming. The locavore diet targets these exact concerns. In Source A, Maiser notes that a study from the journal Food Policy in 2005 found that buying locally produced foods eliminated the environmental damage that most food transportation causes. The locavore diet is not only friendly to the environment but also to the farmers who produce organic foods. In the USA, the increased purchasing of local foods has created a revival of small farms, with the number of small farms rising 20%, or approximately 1.2 million farms, in just the past six years (Source E). In small communities where small farms are a main source of produce, the locavore diet benefits the local economy, as more money is spent on local farmers and businesses. The increase in small farms within America is also beneficial to the national economy, as money is being spent within the country and perpetuates within our economy. Despite its benefits to local farmers, farmers from around the world who were dependent upon the trade and transportation of foods have been suffering. For example, Kenya is responsible for most of the UK’s green beans, and while the locavore diet would support local farmers in the UK, approximately 1.5 million of Kenyan farmers’ livelihoods would be threatened. However, the same argument could be applied to local farmers: the import of foods from countries like Kenya decreases the money spent on small, local farms. In addition, eliminating the need to import food is beneficial to the national economy, as money is being spent on American farmers, who will then spend that money in America, rather than being spent outside of the country. Perhaps the most powerful appeal to the locavore diet is its healthiness. Not only do local foods have fewer susceptibility to contamination, but the physical distance of local foods causes them to harbor more powerful vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting substances. In Source B, Smith argues that because local fruits and vegetables travel shorter distances, they are therefore more likely to be closer to maximum nutritional value. In a notoriously unhealthy society, Americans are likely to benefit from the locavore diet because it emphasizes the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. The locavore diet, while having some drawbacks, is overall beneficial to small communities: it keeps local farms in business which in turn stimulates the local and national economies, it reduces potentially harmful environmental impacts by decreasing the use of air and road transportation, and it allows for more nutritional value in the foods people eat. Worldwide, the locavore diet may not be as helpful, as it would all but eliminate the need for food trade. However, for small, tight-knit communities, the locavore diet would be arguably beneficial.
### Instruction: Is the lacavore diet beneficial? ### Context: ### Answer: While it is harmful to the world trade and transportation of foods, the locavore diet is generally beneficial to the environment, local farmers, and people. In a small community, the locavore diet would contribute to the local economy as well as the health of the population. The locavore diet is a restriction in which people are encouraged to eat foods produced within a 100 mile radius of them, which not only benefits their health, as they are eating organic, locally produced foods, but also local farmers, by buying their produce, and the environment, by eliminating the harmful effects of transportation, such as airplanes and trucks. A common concern of younger generations is the state of our environment, thanks to the continuation of air and water pollution as well as global warming. The locavore diet targets these exact concerns. In Source A, Maiser notes that a study from the journal Food Policy in 2005 found that buying locally produced foods eliminated the environmental damage that most food transportation causes. The locavore diet is not only friendly to the environment but also to the farmers who produce organic foods. In the USA, the increased purchasing of local foods has created a revival of small farms, with the number of small farms rising 20%, or approximately 1.2 million farms, in just the past six years (Source E). In small communities where small farms are a main source of produce, the locavore diet benefits the local economy, as more money is spent on local farmers and businesses. The increase in small farms within America is also beneficial to the national economy, as money is being spent within the country and perpetuates within our economy. Despite its benefits to local farmers, farmers from around the world who were dependent upon the trade and transportation of foods have been suffering. For example, Kenya is responsible for most of the UK’s green beans, and while the locavore diet would support local farmers in the UK, approximately 1.5 million of Kenyan farmers’ livelihoods would be threatened. However, the same argument could be applied to local farmers: the import of foods from countries like Kenya decreases the money spent on small, local farms. In addition, eliminating the need to import food is beneficial to the national economy, as money is being spent on American farmers, who will then spend that money in America, rather than being spent outside of the country. Perhaps the most powerful appeal to the locavore diet is its healthiness. Not only do local foods have fewer susceptibility to contamination, but the physical distance of local foods causes them to harbor more powerful vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting substances. In Source B, Smith argues that because local fruits and vegetables travel shorter distances, they are therefore more likely to be closer to maximum nutritional value. In a notoriously unhealthy society, Americans are likely to benefit from the locavore diet because it emphasizes the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. The locavore diet, while having some drawbacks, is overall beneficial to small communities: it keeps local farms in business which in turn stimulates the local and national economies, it reduces potentially harmful environmental impacts by decreasing the use of air and road transportation, and it allows for more nutritional value in the foods people eat. Worldwide, the locavore diet may not be as helpful, as it would all but eliminate the need for food trade. However, for small, tight-knit communities, the locavore diet would be arguably beneficial.</s>
Imagine you're seeing colors for the first time. Explain what you see and how you feel.
I honestly never thought I would experience colors in my lifetime. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of new colors I see. I now see more than just two different options when viewing the world. Although I'm aware, It's still unclear to me how to match the colors I see to their proper names. It will be very helpful to match what I'm seeing with their proper names. What a wonderful day; I'm wiping the tears from my eyes in pure joy!
### Instruction: Imagine you're seeing colors for the first time. Explain what you see and how you feel. ### Context: ### Answer: I honestly never thought I would experience colors in my lifetime. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of new colors I see. I now see more than just two different options when viewing the world. Although I'm aware, It's still unclear to me how to match the colors I see to their proper names. It will be very helpful to match what I'm seeing with their proper names. What a wonderful day; I'm wiping the tears from my eyes in pure joy!</s>
Write a story about an ice fishing trip in Minnesota. Make sure to include what you need for a successful trip.
Ah, winter! It’s time to put on your long underwear. Slip in some wool socks and a sweater. Climb into your snowpants. Pull down your stocking cap. Grab your fi shing rod and bait bucket. There’s ice on the lake, and it’s the season to enjoy a true Minnesota adventure, —ice fishing. Don’t worry about getting cold or bored on a frozen lake. Ice fishing is both easy and exciting. It’s fun to hike across the ice imagining hungry sunnies or walleyes lurking below. It’s an adventure to hang out around an ice hole with friends and family, telling stories and holding a funny looking fishing rod as you wait for a bite. And it’s thrilling when your bobber suddenly vanishes down the hole, and you pull a slippery fish from the water with a splash. So grab a grown-up, a Thermos of hot cocoa, and get ready for an ice fishing adventure. Start with a visit to your local bait store or DNR Fisheries office. Folks there can tell you in which lakes the fish are biting and where you can get onto the lake. They can also tell you where the ice is most likely to be OK. Wind, warm weather, underwater springs, and currents can all make ice unsafe. Ice must be at least 4 inches thick before you walk on it. (See Be Safe, page 45.) Once you know the ice is thick enough, you can go find a fishing spot. Here are three ways to look: § If you know where fish hang out in summer, go there. Fish usually go to the same places in winter. § Pick up a lake map at the bait shop or DNR and look for shallow areas or drop-offs (where the bottom gets deep quickly). Fish are more likely to be there. § Look for anglers congregated at the best fishing holes. Ask if you can fish near them. (It’s not polite to drill holes too close to other anglers.) If the fish aren’t biting in one spot, try another. You can use a regular reel, or some anglers use a device called a tip-up instead. A tipup has two sticks. One lies across the hole. The other points down into the hole and has a spool with line. When a fish takes your bait, a flag springs up from the stick across the hole. Then you pull the fish up with the line. Tip-ups are fun because you can watch them while reading a book or tossing a Frisbee. 1. Cut a Hole. a. To catch fish through the ice, you must first drill a hole. To drill a hole, ice anglers use a tool called an auger, which looks like a giant screw with a sharp blade on the end. Another handy tool is a spud, a long-handled chisel with a sharp blade for checking ice thickness and chipping extra ice from the hole. Anglers use a scoop, a big spoon with holes, to clean out ice shavings. 2. Find the Depth a. If you know the depth of the water, you have a better idea what fish to fish for. Bluegills and northerns like shallow water. Look for walleyes in deeper water. Some anglers use an electronic fish locator or a lead weight on a hook. You can also tie a string to a weight, hold the loose end in one hand, and drop the weigh to the bottom. Then measure the length of string that’s down the hole. The simplest solution is to use a weighted hook, which drops to the bottom. Then you reel it up to fish as far off the bottom as you like. 3. Land your Catch a. When you feel a fish on the line, reel it up steadily but not too fast because you might yank out the hook. When you see the fish, ask your adult fishing buddy to lift it out. After landing a fish, remove it from the hook. It’s easier to get a hook out with pliers than with your hands in cold weather. If the fish is too big or too small to keep, return it to the water. Or put your catch in a bucket or a snowbank. Watch out for dogs! A dog might try to run away with your catch! It happens. 4. Use Good Manners a. Be polite and don’t disturb your fellow anglers with loud talk or goofing around. Always pick up your trash and anything else you brought. Remember: Anything you leave on the lake will go into the water when the ice melts.
### Instruction: Write a story about an ice fishing trip in Minnesota. Make sure to include what you need for a successful trip. ### Context: ### Answer: Ah, winter! It’s time to put on your long underwear. Slip in some wool socks and a sweater. Climb into your snowpants. Pull down your stocking cap. Grab your fi shing rod and bait bucket. There’s ice on the lake, and it’s the season to enjoy a true Minnesota adventure, —ice fishing. Don’t worry about getting cold or bored on a frozen lake. Ice fishing is both easy and exciting. It’s fun to hike across the ice imagining hungry sunnies or walleyes lurking below. It’s an adventure to hang out around an ice hole with friends and family, telling stories and holding a funny looking fishing rod as you wait for a bite. And it’s thrilling when your bobber suddenly vanishes down the hole, and you pull a slippery fish from the water with a splash. So grab a grown-up, a Thermos of hot cocoa, and get ready for an ice fishing adventure. Start with a visit to your local bait store or DNR Fisheries office. Folks there can tell you in which lakes the fish are biting and where you can get onto the lake. They can also tell you where the ice is most likely to be OK. Wind, warm weather, underwater springs, and currents can all make ice unsafe. Ice must be at least 4 inches thick before you walk on it. (See Be Safe, page 45.) Once you know the ice is thick enough, you can go find a fishing spot. Here are three ways to look: § If you know where fish hang out in summer, go there. Fish usually go to the same places in winter. § Pick up a lake map at the bait shop or DNR and look for shallow areas or drop-offs (where the bottom gets deep quickly). Fish are more likely to be there. § Look for anglers congregated at the best fishing holes. Ask if you can fish near them. (It’s not polite to drill holes too close to other anglers.) If the fish aren’t biting in one spot, try another. You can use a regular reel, or some anglers use a device called a tip-up instead. A tipup has two sticks. One lies across the hole. The other points down into the hole and has a spool with line. When a fish takes your bait, a flag springs up from the stick across the hole. Then you pull the fish up with the line. Tip-ups are fun because you can watch them while reading a book or tossing a Frisbee. 1. Cut a Hole. a. To catch fish through the ice, you must first drill a hole. To drill a hole, ice anglers use a tool called an auger, which looks like a giant screw with a sharp blade on the end. Another handy tool is a spud, a long-handled chisel with a sharp blade for checking ice thickness and chipping extra ice from the hole. Anglers use a scoop, a big spoon with holes, to clean out ice shavings. 2. Find the Depth a. If you know the depth of the water, you have a better idea what fish to fish for. Bluegills and northerns like shallow water. Look for walleyes in deeper water. Some anglers use an electronic fish locator or a lead weight on a hook. You can also tie a string to a weight, hold the loose end in one hand, and drop the weigh to the bottom. Then measure the length of string that’s down the hole. The simplest solution is to use a weighted hook, which drops to the bottom. Then you reel it up to fish as far off the bottom as you like. 3. Land your Catch a. When you feel a fish on the line, reel it up steadily but not too fast because you might yank out the hook. When you see the fish, ask your adult fishing buddy to lift it out. After landing a fish, remove it from the hook. It’s easier to get a hook out with pliers than with your hands in cold weather. If the fish is too big or too small to keep, return it to the water. Or put your catch in a bucket or a snowbank. Watch out for dogs! A dog might try to run away with your catch! It happens. 4. Use Good Manners a. Be polite and don’t disturb your fellow anglers with loud talk or goofing around. Always pick up your trash and anything else you brought. Remember: Anything you leave on the lake will go into the water when the ice melts.</s>
Are there rules that you should live by to be happy?
There are 6 rules of life that work like laws of nature and can help you live a happier and more content life. It doesn't matter if you like or understand the rules or if you want to follow them or not. It is like with the gravity - it is always valid. If a stone falls on your foot, it hurts, whether you like this rule or not. The 6 rules of life are to be understood in the same way - you can observe and apply them or you can ignore them, it doesn't matter for the rules, they are valid in any case and will have an effect on your life, no matter how you estimate it. The 6 rules are: 1. you have only x-days to live, you decide what to do with it. 2. accept what is, judging is voluntary. 3. your life knows only the now. 4. you can only change one person: Yourself. 5. learn to love the most important person: you. 6. your brain is the ultimate power: use it with intention.
### Instruction: Are there rules that you should live by to be happy? ### Context: ### Answer: There are 6 rules of life that work like laws of nature and can help you live a happier and more content life. It doesn't matter if you like or understand the rules or if you want to follow them or not. It is like with the gravity - it is always valid. If a stone falls on your foot, it hurts, whether you like this rule or not. The 6 rules of life are to be understood in the same way - you can observe and apply them or you can ignore them, it doesn't matter for the rules, they are valid in any case and will have an effect on your life, no matter how you estimate it. The 6 rules are: 1. you have only x-days to live, you decide what to do with it. 2. accept what is, judging is voluntary. 3. your life knows only the now. 4. you can only change one person: Yourself. 5. learn to love the most important person: you. 6. your brain is the ultimate power: use it with intention.</s>
Write a haiku about how much I love pickles.
Caressed by sweet brine, you are crispy and crunchy. Oh, won’t you be mine?
### Instruction: Write a haiku about how much I love pickles. ### Context: ### Answer: Caressed by sweet brine, you are crispy and crunchy. Oh, won’t you be mine?</s>
Given this series of navigation instructions, determine whether one would end up back at the starting point: Walk south 5 miles. Walk east 5 miles. Walk north 5 miles.
One would not end up back at the starting location, as they would end up 5 miles west of where they started. However, in the case of someone starting at the north pole, they would end up back at where they started, owing to the curvature of the Earth.
### Instruction: Given this series of navigation instructions, determine whether one would end up back at the starting point: Walk south 5 miles. Walk east 5 miles. Walk north 5 miles. ### Context: ### Answer: One would not end up back at the starting location, as they would end up 5 miles west of where they started. However, in the case of someone starting at the north pole, they would end up back at where they started, owing to the curvature of the Earth.</s>
Write a short story about a person talking about how they are going on an airplane journey for the first time. The story should include an unexpected sad outcome at the end.
Is it not amazing - a large piece of iron, weighing hundreds of tons, flying in the air? And not just that, also carrying hundreds of people along with it! I have always wondered about the marvels of technology and how the human spirit of enquiry and innovation conquers the possible challenges and finds solutions. I hope we also find a cure to the butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, though! I am so nervous and excited that I am about to take my first flight - I have always thought about it, and wondered if I would ever be able to afford one. And here I am, with this prize that I finally won, and which has allowed me a way to fulfil my dream. It was sheer luck, not just that I won the prize, but also that I saw this great chance on a website I was browsing. It was so simple, all I needed to do was answer a few simple questions, which I could easily do thanks to the search engines; and provide them with my personal details and pay a token amount towards administrative charges. As I said, my luck continued further, because the website actually failed after I made my payment, but instead of cancelling my prize, the organizers were kind enough to call me and guide me through the payment process via phone - and all it took was for me to share my bank details. I have been so excited ever since that I have not been able to focus on anything since. Today is the D Day, and as I reach the airport I realise they never sent me the ticket - I guess they must have forgotten. I guess they will now postpone the trip to a latter date, let me call up the nice guys again, and remind them to do so. If only I can get through to their number, it seems to be unoperational now. Sigh.
### Instruction: Write a short story about a person talking about how they are going on an airplane journey for the first time. The story should include an unexpected sad outcome at the end. ### Context: ### Answer: Is it not amazing - a large piece of iron, weighing hundreds of tons, flying in the air? And not just that, also carrying hundreds of people along with it! I have always wondered about the marvels of technology and how the human spirit of enquiry and innovation conquers the possible challenges and finds solutions. I hope we also find a cure to the butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, though! I am so nervous and excited that I am about to take my first flight - I have always thought about it, and wondered if I would ever be able to afford one. And here I am, with this prize that I finally won, and which has allowed me a way to fulfil my dream. It was sheer luck, not just that I won the prize, but also that I saw this great chance on a website I was browsing. It was so simple, all I needed to do was answer a few simple questions, which I could easily do thanks to the search engines; and provide them with my personal details and pay a token amount towards administrative charges. As I said, my luck continued further, because the website actually failed after I made my payment, but instead of cancelling my prize, the organizers were kind enough to call me and guide me through the payment process via phone - and all it took was for me to share my bank details. I have been so excited ever since that I have not been able to focus on anything since. Today is the D Day, and as I reach the airport I realise they never sent me the ticket - I guess they must have forgotten. I guess they will now postpone the trip to a latter date, let me call up the nice guys again, and remind them to do so. If only I can get through to their number, it seems to be unoperational now. Sigh.</s>
Who does Machiavelli believe exemplifies the characteristics of a true prince in The Prince, and why does he hold this belief?
In Machiavelli’s, The Prince, Machiavelli describes in great detail the extent to which a true prince should rule their state to ensure complete dominance and obedience of its people. He explains the numerous prerequisites and responsibilities of a prince, in which he exemplifies throughout the text through the different figures, in both positive and negative contexts. Throughout The Prince, one figure, who Machiavelli makes clear he has great respect for, highlighting quite frequently, is Cesare Borgia whom he even refers to with the status comparable to the level of God exclaiming that “there was one man who showed glimpses of greatness... that made you think he was sent by God” (26). Similar rhetoric is frequently used to describe Cesare Borgia throughout the text. In search of who truly exemplifies the characterization of “The Prince,” it can generally seem to be Cesare Borgia from the high praise of Machiavelli, but in reality this is not the case. Rather, the title of “The Prince” belongs to a more subtle figure: Ferdinand of Aragon, the King of Spain. This connection is made because of the numerous contradictions Machiavelli makes in praise of Cesare Borgia and other important figures in the text, while many key characteristics of a true prince that Machiavelli speaks of hold without contradiction for Ferdinand. Machiavelli exemplifies his teachings through Cesare Borgia’s actions seen in chapter 7 when Cesare Borgia conquered the state of Romagna: immediately crushing the opponent using great cruelty, using a scapegoat to thwart the hatred away from him, and finally killing the scapegoat to create a sense of power and fear within the new states inhabitants. These actions, that explain why he is so highly idolized by Machiavelli, do not go without the fact that other fundamental characteristics of Cesare Borgia directly contradict Machiavelli's notion of the most dominant prince. A prime example is in how “Cesare Borgia... acquired his state during the ascendancy of his father, and on its decline he lost it” (7). Inheritance obviously requires significantly less effort compared to creating a new principality. Although Cesare Borgia later conquers new principalities, it can be inferred that a rise to power through his fathers fortune was a significant catalyst and does not exemplify virtues of the ideal prince. Other figures in the book receive similar praise in leadership abilities, but still lack what qualities compare to the ideal prince. These figures include Pope Julius II, whose power is highlighted by Machiavelli in chapter 13 as being consistent more with fortune rather than virtù in his campaign for conquer, Pope Alexander VI, who although displays cunning ability to bring the catholic empire eventual dominance and power, did so with the initial help of being “granted a title and income from the Roman Catholic Church by his uncle Alonso”.1 Many figures follow the same pattern in that they follow many principles exemplified in The Prince, but of course with so many requisites to be a true prince, these figures do not follow the explicit definition of a prince. One figure however, follows Machiavelli’s points very closely and exemplifies the fundamentals of a true prince in his beginnings, leaving almost no flaws in his rise to becoming a true prince: Ferdinand of Aragon. Ferdinand’s characteristics lead him to the title of “The Prince” but a core virtù is what truly sets him apart from the other figures: his rise to power. Almost immediately in The Prince, Machiavelli describes the differences between principalities and emphasizes how maintaining a 1 “Alexander VI.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., new principality is far more difficult than inheritance. This is largely evident in Ferdinand’s rise to leadership in what Machiavelli describes him as “, by fame and glory, from being an insignificant king to be the foremost king in Christendom” (21). Ferdinand demonstrates his cunning deception through his plot for power, “always using religion as a plea, so as to undertake greater schemes, himself with pious cruelty to driving out and clearing his kingdom of the Moors” (21). Machiavelli marks this never being “a more admirable example, nor one more rare” in which he uses religion as a cloak of invisibility to deceptively conquer states (21). These natural abilities are what make Ferdinand admirable and what separate him from the rest of the figures in the text. This feeling is shared by Machiavelli exclaiming “that his actions have arisen in such a way, one out of the other, that men have never been given time to work steadily against him” (21).
### Instruction: Who does Machiavelli believe exemplifies the characteristics of a true prince in The Prince, and why does he hold this belief? ### Context: ### Answer: In Machiavelli’s, The Prince, Machiavelli describes in great detail the extent to which a true prince should rule their state to ensure complete dominance and obedience of its people. He explains the numerous prerequisites and responsibilities of a prince, in which he exemplifies throughout the text through the different figures, in both positive and negative contexts. Throughout The Prince, one figure, who Machiavelli makes clear he has great respect for, highlighting quite frequently, is Cesare Borgia whom he even refers to with the status comparable to the level of God exclaiming that “there was one man who showed glimpses of greatness... that made you think he was sent by God” (26). Similar rhetoric is frequently used to describe Cesare Borgia throughout the text. In search of who truly exemplifies the characterization of “The Prince,” it can generally seem to be Cesare Borgia from the high praise of Machiavelli, but in reality this is not the case. Rather, the title of “The Prince” belongs to a more subtle figure: Ferdinand of Aragon, the King of Spain. This connection is made because of the numerous contradictions Machiavelli makes in praise of Cesare Borgia and other important figures in the text, while many key characteristics of a true prince that Machiavelli speaks of hold without contradiction for Ferdinand. Machiavelli exemplifies his teachings through Cesare Borgia’s actions seen in chapter 7 when Cesare Borgia conquered the state of Romagna: immediately crushing the opponent using great cruelty, using a scapegoat to thwart the hatred away from him, and finally killing the scapegoat to create a sense of power and fear within the new states inhabitants. These actions, that explain why he is so highly idolized by Machiavelli, do not go without the fact that other fundamental characteristics of Cesare Borgia directly contradict Machiavelli's notion of the most dominant prince. A prime example is in how “Cesare Borgia... acquired his state during the ascendancy of his father, and on its decline he lost it” (7). Inheritance obviously requires significantly less effort compared to creating a new principality. Although Cesare Borgia later conquers new principalities, it can be inferred that a rise to power through his fathers fortune was a significant catalyst and does not exemplify virtues of the ideal prince. Other figures in the book receive similar praise in leadership abilities, but still lack what qualities compare to the ideal prince. These figures include Pope Julius II, whose power is highlighted by Machiavelli in chapter 13 as being consistent more with fortune rather than virtù in his campaign for conquer, Pope Alexander VI, who although displays cunning ability to bring the catholic empire eventual dominance and power, did so with the initial help of being “granted a title and income from the Roman Catholic Church by his uncle Alonso”.1 Many figures follow the same pattern in that they follow many principles exemplified in The Prince, but of course with so many requisites to be a true prince, these figures do not follow the explicit definition of a prince. One figure however, follows Machiavelli’s points very closely and exemplifies the fundamentals of a true prince in his beginnings, leaving almost no flaws in his rise to becoming a true prince: Ferdinand of Aragon. Ferdinand’s characteristics lead him to the title of “The Prince” but a core virtù is what truly sets him apart from the other figures: his rise to power. Almost immediately in The Prince, Machiavelli describes the differences between principalities and emphasizes how maintaining a 1 “Alexander VI.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., new principality is far more difficult than inheritance. This is largely evident in Ferdinand’s rise to leadership in what Machiavelli describes him as “, by fame and glory, from being an insignificant king to be the foremost king in Christendom” (21). Ferdinand demonstrates his cunning deception through his plot for power, “always using religion as a plea, so as to undertake greater schemes, himself with pious cruelty to driving out and clearing his kingdom of the Moors” (21). Machiavelli marks this never being “a more admirable example, nor one more rare” in which he uses religion as a cloak of invisibility to deceptively conquer states (21). These natural abilities are what make Ferdinand admirable and what separate him from the rest of the figures in the text. This feeling is shared by Machiavelli exclaiming “that his actions have arisen in such a way, one out of the other, that men have never been given time to work steadily against him” (21).</s>
Write a poem about choosing a sport
what sport should I play? I would have to do it every day I should swim it would make me slim In soccer I can kick the ball But I always fall In the summer I can surf although Its very different from turf Softball is out of the question I would rather do dissection I don't know what to choose I will probably always lose I can choose what to play another day
### Instruction: Write a poem about choosing a sport ### Context: ### Answer: what sport should I play? I would have to do it every day I should swim it would make me slim In soccer I can kick the ball But I always fall In the summer I can surf although Its very different from turf Softball is out of the question I would rather do dissection I don't know what to choose I will probably always lose I can choose what to play another day</s>
Why is Santa Fe New Mexico such a great place to live?
Santa Fe New Mexico has many wonderful qualities. The cost of living is low relative to high-density urban areas. The area is surrounded by mountains yet the city itself is easy to get to. Santa Fe has a world-class opera house and a strong local culture of artisans and creative types. The weather is dry, with occasional thunderstorms in the summer and snow in the winter. The sunsets can be so beautiful that words fail to describe them. Finally, and perhaps most important, the city has a strong history dating back to Pre-Columbian times, and hosts many cultures in relative harmony in a beautiful high-desert western settings.
### Instruction: Why is Santa Fe New Mexico such a great place to live? ### Context: ### Answer: Santa Fe New Mexico has many wonderful qualities. The cost of living is low relative to high-density urban areas. The area is surrounded by mountains yet the city itself is easy to get to. Santa Fe has a world-class opera house and a strong local culture of artisans and creative types. The weather is dry, with occasional thunderstorms in the summer and snow in the winter. The sunsets can be so beautiful that words fail to describe them. Finally, and perhaps most important, the city has a strong history dating back to Pre-Columbian times, and hosts many cultures in relative harmony in a beautiful high-desert western settings.</s>
Write a bullet-pointed list of updates from a college club fundraising team lead about their fundraising work from last week.
* Planned fundraising efforts for the next week, as well as implemented donut sales on campus to increase fundraising streams. * Sent out Google Form to gauged interest of the club on buying club-branded shirts and stickers. By mid-week, we will make final decisions on apparel and begin sending out order forms. * Continued with burger and chicken wings food sales on the central campus plaza.
### Instruction: Write a bullet-pointed list of updates from a college club fundraising team lead about their fundraising work from last week. ### Context: ### Answer: * Planned fundraising efforts for the next week, as well as implemented donut sales on campus to increase fundraising streams. * Sent out Google Form to gauged interest of the club on buying club-branded shirts and stickers. By mid-week, we will make final decisions on apparel and begin sending out order forms. * Continued with burger and chicken wings food sales on the central campus plaza.</s>
What is the best city in Ohio?
### Instruction: What is the best city in Ohio? ### Context: ### Answer: Columbus</s>
Write a witty paragraph about a chicken's thought process for crossing the road.
Oh my, that is a lovely shrub over there past the black track. I wonder if it smells as good as I imagine it would. I do wonder if all the fast folks passing by know this shrub and thus are not bothered by the curiosity. There is no way around it; I have to get close to confirm it.
### Instruction: Write a witty paragraph about a chicken's thought process for crossing the road. ### Context: ### Answer: Oh my, that is a lovely shrub over there past the black track. I wonder if it smells as good as I imagine it would. I do wonder if all the fast folks passing by know this shrub and thus are not bothered by the curiosity. There is no way around it; I have to get close to confirm it.</s>
Where should I live in Indiana?
There are many great places to live in Indiana. It depends on what is most important to you. If living near a body of water is important to you, you may want to look in northern Indiana near many lakes and Lake Michigan. If great schools are important to you, you might want to look at Zionsville, Indiana. This city has the best public school system in the state. Lastly, if you want to live near a college campus, you might enjoy a town like Bloomington or West Lafayette to be near Indiana University or Purdue University, respectively.
### Instruction: Where should I live in Indiana? ### Context: ### Answer: There are many great places to live in Indiana. It depends on what is most important to you. If living near a body of water is important to you, you may want to look in northern Indiana near many lakes and Lake Michigan. If great schools are important to you, you might want to look at Zionsville, Indiana. This city has the best public school system in the state. Lastly, if you want to live near a college campus, you might enjoy a town like Bloomington or West Lafayette to be near Indiana University or Purdue University, respectively.</s>
One of the best place to visit in Mexico
Cancun : You can visit Cancun for the tropical weather. You can visit Cancun all over the year. You can avoid September to October because of little bit of rain and cloudy weather. Cancun has some splendid Resorts with All inclusive package . The beach is clean. You can stay either in Cancun or Playa Del Carman or The Cancun . Both has similar resorts mostly. You can visit Tulum if you like calm and nature associated with Beach.
### Instruction: One of the best place to visit in Mexico ### Context: ### Answer: Cancun : You can visit Cancun for the tropical weather. You can visit Cancun all over the year. You can avoid September to October because of little bit of rain and cloudy weather. Cancun has some splendid Resorts with All inclusive package . The beach is clean. You can stay either in Cancun or Playa Del Carman or The Cancun . Both has similar resorts mostly. You can visit Tulum if you like calm and nature associated with Beach.</s>
Write a letter to a home seller named Ms Johnson explaining why we are interested in purchasing her home. We are a person from Washington and a person from Colorado. Focus on the natural beauty of the home, the location, and the extra space for pottery and woodworking.
Dear Ms. Johnson, We recently made the decision to relocate and feel that your property will be the perfect place for us to begin our new chapter. It is clear to see the care and attention you have put into expanding and maintaining this home over the years and we look forward to continuing to do the same as homeowners. I am originally from Washington, and my partner is from Colorado. We met in college and have grown our life out of state together for the past twelve years. The last two years have given us more flexibility and helped us realize that what is most important to us is building a home together where we feel safe and close to family, but also inspired and fulfilled. We feel that is exactly what your home will bring to our lives. The unique, natural design of the house and the stunning and spacious lot provide both an immediately comfortable home with room to grow over the years. We look forward to building out the garage with a woodworking shop, setting up the artist shed on the river as a pottery studio, cooking meals for friends and family in the wonderful kitchen, and finding a perfect spot in the yard for a vegetable garden. We want to care and tend this home much as you have for the years you have lived here, and we sincerely appreciate being considered as the next owners of this beautiful property.
### Instruction: Write a letter to a home seller named Ms Johnson explaining why we are interested in purchasing her home. We are a person from Washington and a person from Colorado. Focus on the natural beauty of the home, the location, and the extra space for pottery and woodworking. ### Context: ### Answer: Dear Ms. Johnson, We recently made the decision to relocate and feel that your property will be the perfect place for us to begin our new chapter. It is clear to see the care and attention you have put into expanding and maintaining this home over the years and we look forward to continuing to do the same as homeowners. I am originally from Washington, and my partner is from Colorado. We met in college and have grown our life out of state together for the past twelve years. The last two years have given us more flexibility and helped us realize that what is most important to us is building a home together where we feel safe and close to family, but also inspired and fulfilled. We feel that is exactly what your home will bring to our lives. The unique, natural design of the house and the stunning and spacious lot provide both an immediately comfortable home with room to grow over the years. We look forward to building out the garage with a woodworking shop, setting up the artist shed on the river as a pottery studio, cooking meals for friends and family in the wonderful kitchen, and finding a perfect spot in the yard for a vegetable garden. We want to care and tend this home much as you have for the years you have lived here, and we sincerely appreciate being considered as the next owners of this beautiful property.</s>
Should I go to the beach or mountains for my next vacation?
We have vacation homes in many locations to fit your needs! You can enjoy warmer temperatures at the beach with beautiful sunsets across the water. Go for a run on the sand and stop by the many local shops and boutiques as you mingle through the day. Are you an adventure seeker? If so, check out our mountain rental homes. You can go mountain biking, hiking, or even skiing, depending on the time of year. A mountain vacation is a bit more of a thrill seeker dream but can be relaxing as well as spending time in nature.
### Instruction: Should I go to the beach or mountains for my next vacation? ### Context: ### Answer: We have vacation homes in many locations to fit your needs! You can enjoy warmer temperatures at the beach with beautiful sunsets across the water. Go for a run on the sand and stop by the many local shops and boutiques as you mingle through the day. Are you an adventure seeker? If so, check out our mountain rental homes. You can go mountain biking, hiking, or even skiing, depending on the time of year. A mountain vacation is a bit more of a thrill seeker dream but can be relaxing as well as spending time in nature.</s>
Your organized flight has been canceled. Write a letter to the airline company. You should 1) complain about the situation, 2) request what you need from them to make a travel insurance claim, 3) suggest what they should do in future situations.
Hi Delta Airline, I am Ao Ni, I send this email regarding a cancelled flight of mine and to request documents to claim my travel insurance. I just received an email from you that my flight from Las Vegas to New York today at 10 PM was canceled due to mechanical issues. Even though Delta Airline will refund me the cost of flight ticket, the last minute ticket for tomorrow's flight is extremely expensive, almost double the normal price. I have to get back to New York by tomorrow to attend a very important meeting so I have to pay for the ticket, plus one night stay at a hotel for tonight. Will you reimburse my hotel and ticket? If not, I will have to claim it through my travel insurance and I need two documents to support my case. First, the confirmation of my order. Second, I need a letter from you to state the reason of the cancellation and that Delta Airlines is not able to reimburse my loss. I understand that bad things happen sometimes but I am still annoyed by the last minute notice. You should have noticed me earlier so that I could have had more time to deal with it. Please let me know if you need anything from me. You can reach me at 123-456-7890 or my email
### Instruction: Your organized flight has been canceled. Write a letter to the airline company. You should 1) complain about the situation, 2) request what you need from them to make a travel insurance claim, 3) suggest what they should do in future situations. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi Delta Airline, I am Ao Ni, I send this email regarding a cancelled flight of mine and to request documents to claim my travel insurance. I just received an email from you that my flight from Las Vegas to New York today at 10 PM was canceled due to mechanical issues. Even though Delta Airline will refund me the cost of flight ticket, the last minute ticket for tomorrow's flight is extremely expensive, almost double the normal price. I have to get back to New York by tomorrow to attend a very important meeting so I have to pay for the ticket, plus one night stay at a hotel for tonight. Will you reimburse my hotel and ticket? If not, I will have to claim it through my travel insurance and I need two documents to support my case. First, the confirmation of my order. Second, I need a letter from you to state the reason of the cancellation and that Delta Airlines is not able to reimburse my loss. I understand that bad things happen sometimes but I am still annoyed by the last minute notice. You should have noticed me earlier so that I could have had more time to deal with it. Please let me know if you need anything from me. You can reach me at 123-456-7890 or my email</s>
Who is the Denver Broncos best player in franchise history?
John Elway is widely considered the best player for the Denver Broncos. In addition to leading the team to five Super Bowls, and winning three, he is also a holder of numerous franchise and NFL records. He became a fan favorite for his toughness. His most memorable moment was the "helicopter play" in Super Bowl XXXII, a key moment in the game. Other notable players include Steve Atwater, Shannon Sharpe, Randy Gradishar, Terrell Davis, Rod Smith, Peyton Manning, Jake Plummer, and Tom Jackson.
### Instruction: Who is the Denver Broncos best player in franchise history? ### Context: ### Answer: John Elway is widely considered the best player for the Denver Broncos. In addition to leading the team to five Super Bowls, and winning three, he is also a holder of numerous franchise and NFL records. He became a fan favorite for his toughness. His most memorable moment was the "helicopter play" in Super Bowl XXXII, a key moment in the game. Other notable players include Steve Atwater, Shannon Sharpe, Randy Gradishar, Terrell Davis, Rod Smith, Peyton Manning, Jake Plummer, and Tom Jackson.</s>
What is it like being alone in the world after an apocolypse?
I had always imagined the world would be in chaos or destruction. However, it's the same, just that there are no people. It's eerily quiet. Books are now the only source of "human connection" I have. I've never been much of a reader, but I anticipate much of my "free time" will be spent reading. I'm also quickly learning how much I relied on others. I knew I relied on others to do many things like farming, electricity, etc., but it goes much deeper and further than that.
### Instruction: What is it like being alone in the world after an apocolypse? ### Context: ### Answer: I had always imagined the world would be in chaos or destruction. However, it's the same, just that there are no people. It's eerily quiet. Books are now the only source of "human connection" I have. I've never been much of a reader, but I anticipate much of my "free time" will be spent reading. I'm also quickly learning how much I relied on others. I knew I relied on others to do many things like farming, electricity, etc., but it goes much deeper and further than that.</s>
Why should people drive cars with manual transmissions?
People should drive cars with manual transmissions because it forces drivers to be more engaged while driving and lowers the incidence of distracted driving, making it the safest choice overall. Environmental concerns about fossil fuels aside, one of the biggest issues with driving today is distracted driving. With improvements in cruise control technology and other driver assistance functions like lane keep assist, cars are taking over more of the driving process than ever before. While the intent is to make it safer for drivers, it also has the unintended consequence of making easier for drivers to be distracted. Cars with manual transmissions not only force greater engagement and focus, but they are also either incompatible with, or only compatible with lesser versions of, certain driver assistance features like adaptive cruise control because lowering the speed while not being able to change the gear (which is manual) could cause the car to stall. Paradoxically, by increasing the required inputs and decreasing the number of driver assistance features, driving a manual transmission car is safest.
### Instruction: Why should people drive cars with manual transmissions? ### Context: ### Answer: People should drive cars with manual transmissions because it forces drivers to be more engaged while driving and lowers the incidence of distracted driving, making it the safest choice overall. Environmental concerns about fossil fuels aside, one of the biggest issues with driving today is distracted driving. With improvements in cruise control technology and other driver assistance functions like lane keep assist, cars are taking over more of the driving process than ever before. While the intent is to make it safer for drivers, it also has the unintended consequence of making easier for drivers to be distracted. Cars with manual transmissions not only force greater engagement and focus, but they are also either incompatible with, or only compatible with lesser versions of, certain driver assistance features like adaptive cruise control because lowering the speed while not being able to change the gear (which is manual) could cause the car to stall. Paradoxically, by increasing the required inputs and decreasing the number of driver assistance features, driving a manual transmission car is safest.</s>
Provide a possible jurisdiction section for a federal civil rights complaint leaving blanks for the location.
This is a civil rights complaint arising out of the county of _______ within the state of _______. This complaint sets forth causes of action under Title 42 SS 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986. The Plaintiff will show that her ability to engage in a contractual agreement was infringed upon by a private corporation conspiring with state actors acting under color of state law in violation of the aforementioned federal statutes. These facts give this honorable court jurisdiction over the matter.
### Instruction: Provide a possible jurisdiction section for a federal civil rights complaint leaving blanks for the location. ### Context: ### Answer: This is a civil rights complaint arising out of the county of _______ within the state of _______. This complaint sets forth causes of action under Title 42 SS 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986. The Plaintiff will show that her ability to engage in a contractual agreement was infringed upon by a private corporation conspiring with state actors acting under color of state law in violation of the aforementioned federal statutes. These facts give this honorable court jurisdiction over the matter.</s>
Describe a plan for a road trip from Las Vegas to West Grand Canyon, including stops for visiting Hoover Dam and lunch. Your plan should include a budget, a timeline, and a description of the sights, for a group of 7 friends.
That's a great road trip! A group of 7 people can fit perfectly on a 7 seat car that you can rent in one of the many providers in Las Vegas. Start your day early in the morning to get the car and pick up your friends. From there your first destination is going to be the Hoover Dam, around 40 minutes by car from Las Vegas. Take your time to take pictures from the bridge and then go the dam, you can visit inside, the self-guided ticket is $10. You will be there for a couple of hours. After these you need to go south east and take a turn to Dolan Springs, this will be an hour driving, so by that time you are around lunch time, which will cost you approximately $15. From Dolan Sprints it's a straight 50 minutes ride to the West Grand Canyon. In the road you will find midway the Arizona's Joshua Tree Forest. Take the time to appreciate it, as well as the desert along the way. When you arrive at the West Grand Canyon, you can buy the $70 general admission ticket + Skywalk. This gives you unlimited access for the day to Eagle Point, Guano Point, Hualapai Ranch and the Skywalk experience. You can walk the sky on the 10-foot wide, horseshoe-shaped glass bridge that extends 70 feet over the rim of the Grand Canyon. When leaving the West Grand Canyon the trip back to Las Vegas takes 2h. You will need to refill the tank, before returning the vehicle to the car renting company. The renting for the day and the gas will cost around $35 per person. Depending on your pace, this is a morning and afternoon road trip. With an estimated cost of $130 per person.
### Instruction: Describe a plan for a road trip from Las Vegas to West Grand Canyon, including stops for visiting Hoover Dam and lunch. Your plan should include a budget, a timeline, and a description of the sights, for a group of 7 friends. ### Context: ### Answer: That's a great road trip! A group of 7 people can fit perfectly on a 7 seat car that you can rent in one of the many providers in Las Vegas. Start your day early in the morning to get the car and pick up your friends. From there your first destination is going to be the Hoover Dam, around 40 minutes by car from Las Vegas. Take your time to take pictures from the bridge and then go the dam, you can visit inside, the self-guided ticket is $10. You will be there for a couple of hours. After these you need to go south east and take a turn to Dolan Springs, this will be an hour driving, so by that time you are around lunch time, which will cost you approximately $15. From Dolan Sprints it's a straight 50 minutes ride to the West Grand Canyon. In the road you will find midway the Arizona's Joshua Tree Forest. Take the time to appreciate it, as well as the desert along the way. When you arrive at the West Grand Canyon, you can buy the $70 general admission ticket + Skywalk. This gives you unlimited access for the day to Eagle Point, Guano Point, Hualapai Ranch and the Skywalk experience. You can walk the sky on the 10-foot wide, horseshoe-shaped glass bridge that extends 70 feet over the rim of the Grand Canyon. When leaving the West Grand Canyon the trip back to Las Vegas takes 2h. You will need to refill the tank, before returning the vehicle to the car renting company. The renting for the day and the gas will cost around $35 per person. Depending on your pace, this is a morning and afternoon road trip. With an estimated cost of $130 per person.</s>
If my car's fuel tank fits 18 gallon, how many times do I need to refuel on a 10-hour trip if the average speed is 60mph and the car's fuel efficiency is 30mpg?
Assuming the tank is full when you start, you would have to refuel once. 10 hours at 60mph means the total distance is 600 miles. To drive 600 miles at a fuel efficiency of 30 mpg you would need 20 gallons of fuel. That's more than the 18 gallon capacity of the tank, but less than twice the capacity, so you would need to refuel once.
### Instruction: If my car's fuel tank fits 18 gallon, how many times do I need to refuel on a 10-hour trip if the average speed is 60mph and the car's fuel efficiency is 30mpg? ### Context: ### Answer: Assuming the tank is full when you start, you would have to refuel once. 10 hours at 60mph means the total distance is 600 miles. To drive 600 miles at a fuel efficiency of 30 mpg you would need 20 gallons of fuel. That's more than the 18 gallon capacity of the tank, but less than twice the capacity, so you would need to refuel once.</s>
Write a few sentences explaining the criteria you used to choose your favorite fast food restaurant.
The most important piece of criteria I use is taste of the food and drinks. Although there are other important factors like price, and variety of menu options ultimately the tastiness of the food is the most important factor.
### Instruction: Write a few sentences explaining the criteria you used to choose your favorite fast food restaurant. ### Context: ### Answer: The most important piece of criteria I use is taste of the food and drinks. Although there are other important factors like price, and variety of menu options ultimately the tastiness of the food is the most important factor.</s>
A las vegas seven days trip itinerary including budget and activities for a group of 5 friends.
A las vegas 7-day trip from Bangalore to Las Vegas for a group of 5 people. A trip begins with packing. Check the weather forecast for all your travel destinations and plan your clothes accordingly. Your bag itinerary must have common medicines, and also, if you are allergic, be specific about packing what you need. Always keep a pair of cloth in cabin baggage if check-in baggage has a delay - you can stay a day or two with the clothes packed in cabin baggage. Make sure to have some snacks in the cabin baggage Make sure to keep travel documents copy set in all luggage you carry. Make sure to have some local currency as well ready before you travel. Make sure all hotels, Airport pickup and drop are booked, and you keep a copy of those documents. Flight charges from Bangalore to LasVegas cost between 130k to 180k per person depending on the carrier and seat preference( Economy or first class) Now that you have done pre checklist, now below are the things to do in Las Vegas In Las Vegas - Visit the Bellagio fountain at night. Check out High Roller Observation Wheel Visit the Neon Museum Walk at night in the las vegas strip If you are interested in casinos, tons of casinos start from the Airport. In the las vegas strip, you can visit MGM Grand, The Venetian, etc., for Casinos. Visit the Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Visit the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area You can hire a rental car - The cost per day is approx. 70 to 100 USD per person if divided by all five people Visit the Hoover Dam in a car Next, you can plan for Zion National Park and prepare for hiking trails. Next move to Grand Canyon Stay in Page, Arizona From there, you can visit GC National Park's South rim and north rim Don't miss Horseshoe Bend and Grand Canyon Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon tours So these places can be covered in LasVegas for three days and Page, Arizona for three days You can head back to LasVegas and Shopping for one day and catch the next flight back to your hometown Expenses per person per day, 1000 USD to 1500 USD, depending on whether you are in a budget hotel. Except for Food. Food costs up to 50 to 100 USD per day.
### Instruction: A las vegas seven days trip itinerary including budget and activities for a group of 5 friends. ### Context: ### Answer: A las vegas 7-day trip from Bangalore to Las Vegas for a group of 5 people. A trip begins with packing. Check the weather forecast for all your travel destinations and plan your clothes accordingly. Your bag itinerary must have common medicines, and also, if you are allergic, be specific about packing what you need. Always keep a pair of cloth in cabin baggage if check-in baggage has a delay - you can stay a day or two with the clothes packed in cabin baggage. Make sure to have some snacks in the cabin baggage Make sure to keep travel documents copy set in all luggage you carry. Make sure to have some local currency as well ready before you travel. Make sure all hotels, Airport pickup and drop are booked, and you keep a copy of those documents. Flight charges from Bangalore to LasVegas cost between 130k to 180k per person depending on the carrier and seat preference( Economy or first class) Now that you have done pre checklist, now below are the things to do in Las Vegas In Las Vegas - Visit the Bellagio fountain at night. Check out High Roller Observation Wheel Visit the Neon Museum Walk at night in the las vegas strip If you are interested in casinos, tons of casinos start from the Airport. In the las vegas strip, you can visit MGM Grand, The Venetian, etc., for Casinos. Visit the Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Visit the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area You can hire a rental car - The cost per day is approx. 70 to 100 USD per person if divided by all five people Visit the Hoover Dam in a car Next, you can plan for Zion National Park and prepare for hiking trails. Next move to Grand Canyon Stay in Page, Arizona From there, you can visit GC National Park's South rim and north rim Don't miss Horseshoe Bend and Grand Canyon Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon tours So these places can be covered in LasVegas for three days and Page, Arizona for three days You can head back to LasVegas and Shopping for one day and catch the next flight back to your hometown Expenses per person per day, 1000 USD to 1500 USD, depending on whether you are in a budget hotel. Except for Food. Food costs up to 50 to 100 USD per day.</s>
Come up with a marriage proposal in a holiday at Sicily.
In the summer breeze of southern Italy waiting for sunset at the beach. Sipping through Italian wine warmed by the yellow sun, the guy brings out a ring along with a bouquet of red roses. This takes the heart out of the girl, she feels like she is melting and accepts the offer.
### Instruction: Come up with a marriage proposal in a holiday at Sicily. ### Context: ### Answer: In the summer breeze of southern Italy waiting for sunset at the beach. Sipping through Italian wine warmed by the yellow sun, the guy brings out a ring along with a bouquet of red roses. This takes the heart out of the girl, she feels like she is melting and accepts the offer.</s>
Write a thoughtful letter to my mother-in-law asking her to move out of our house and in to a retirement community. Make sure to thank her for her help and be kind. She has lived with us for 5 years and helped us when our kids were little. We want her to move out in the next 6 months, and we will pay for her retirement home and care.
Dear [insert name], It has been great living with you for the last 5 years. When our kids were small, you helped care for them and made a big impact on their development. We could not have raised them without your help. Now that the kids are older, we want to make sure we are not slowing you down or keeping you from your retirement goals. In fact, we would love to return the favor you did for us, by helping you find a retirement community that you can enjoy and prosper in. We are happy to pay for all of the accommodations and ensure moving is as easy as possible. We think it is best to make this change in the next 6 months, and we will do everything we can to help you navigate this important transition, for you and for us. Love Always, [insert name]
### Instruction: Write a thoughtful letter to my mother-in-law asking her to move out of our house and in to a retirement community. Make sure to thank her for her help and be kind. She has lived with us for 5 years and helped us when our kids were little. We want her to move out in the next 6 months, and we will pay for her retirement home and care. ### Context: ### Answer: Dear [insert name], It has been great living with you for the last 5 years. When our kids were small, you helped care for them and made a big impact on their development. We could not have raised them without your help. Now that the kids are older, we want to make sure we are not slowing you down or keeping you from your retirement goals. In fact, we would love to return the favor you did for us, by helping you find a retirement community that you can enjoy and prosper in. We are happy to pay for all of the accommodations and ensure moving is as easy as possible. We think it is best to make this change in the next 6 months, and we will do everything we can to help you navigate this important transition, for you and for us. Love Always, [insert name]</s>
What is the best way to make a camp fire
Nothing screams camping out in the wilderness like building a campfire. The memories, conversations, scents, roasted marshmallows, and crackling of the wood are all part of the experience. In order to build a strong campfire, you need to perform the following steps. Step 1. Clear a perimeter that is roughly 12 feet in diameter. Make sure you are in an open area, where tree limbs are not hanging over the campfire to avoid secondary fires. Before you start the fire, get all of the necessary components such as dry kindle/twigs, larger sticks, and larger logs, paper, and lighter Step 2. Build a small tepee shape with the dry kindle and dry small logs. I would recommend adding paper with the kindle to assist in starting the fire. Step 3. Stack larger sticks around the teepee structure in a square formation. Build up multiple levels, so the square structue is higher than the teepee. This will help the fire expand and spread to the surrounding structure. Step 4. Light the paper in the teepee with a match or lighter, and watch the dry kindle start to catch. At this early stage, you will most likely see smoke. You may need to blow on the teepee structure lightly in order to add some oxygen to the fire and help it catch to the larger sticks square structure. Step 5. Once the square structure begins to light, start to add larger logs diagonally across the structure. The diagonal formation will fuel the fire, and expand upwards . Step 6. Keep adding larger logs to maintain the fire. With the prior kindle, sticks, and logs already hot, adding the new larger logs will burn quickly and self ignite. Step 7. When you are done enjoying the fire, have a couple of buckets of water nearby to extinguish it. Do not leave the campfire unattended as the hot coals and wind could cause a unintended spread.
### Instruction: What is the best way to make a camp fire ### Context: ### Answer: Nothing screams camping out in the wilderness like building a campfire. The memories, conversations, scents, roasted marshmallows, and crackling of the wood are all part of the experience. In order to build a strong campfire, you need to perform the following steps. Step 1. Clear a perimeter that is roughly 12 feet in diameter. Make sure you are in an open area, where tree limbs are not hanging over the campfire to avoid secondary fires. Before you start the fire, get all of the necessary components such as dry kindle/twigs, larger sticks, and larger logs, paper, and lighter Step 2. Build a small tepee shape with the dry kindle and dry small logs. I would recommend adding paper with the kindle to assist in starting the fire. Step 3. Stack larger sticks around the teepee structure in a square formation. Build up multiple levels, so the square structue is higher than the teepee. This will help the fire expand and spread to the surrounding structure. Step 4. Light the paper in the teepee with a match or lighter, and watch the dry kindle start to catch. At this early stage, you will most likely see smoke. You may need to blow on the teepee structure lightly in order to add some oxygen to the fire and help it catch to the larger sticks square structure. Step 5. Once the square structure begins to light, start to add larger logs diagonally across the structure. The diagonal formation will fuel the fire, and expand upwards . Step 6. Keep adding larger logs to maintain the fire. With the prior kindle, sticks, and logs already hot, adding the new larger logs will burn quickly and self ignite. Step 7. When you are done enjoying the fire, have a couple of buckets of water nearby to extinguish it. Do not leave the campfire unattended as the hot coals and wind could cause a unintended spread.</s>
Write a description of your favorite place to visit in San Francisco and why you like it so much.
My favorite place in San Francisco is the JFK promenade in Golden Gate Park, which is a dedicated pedestrian walkway in Golden Gate park. The promenade is decorated with street paintings, art exhibits and public sitting places. It also goes near iconic parts of Golden Gate Park such as the DeYoung Museum and the Academy of Sciences. I love that it is always bustling with people enjoying the natural beauty of the park and getting to experience San Francisco like the locals.
### Instruction: Write a description of your favorite place to visit in San Francisco and why you like it so much. ### Context: ### Answer: My favorite place in San Francisco is the JFK promenade in Golden Gate Park, which is a dedicated pedestrian walkway in Golden Gate park. The promenade is decorated with street paintings, art exhibits and public sitting places. It also goes near iconic parts of Golden Gate Park such as the DeYoung Museum and the Academy of Sciences. I love that it is always bustling with people enjoying the natural beauty of the park and getting to experience San Francisco like the locals.</s>
What season is the best season to visit Chicago?
The best 90 days of the year in Chicago is summer. The weather is usually always hot! You can run/walk/bike on the lakefront path, rent a boat and go to the "playpen", enjoy a Chicago street festival. Everyone is out and about and it's a marked change from winter.
### Instruction: What season is the best season to visit Chicago? ### Context: ### Answer: The best 90 days of the year in Chicago is summer. The weather is usually always hot! You can run/walk/bike on the lakefront path, rent a boat and go to the "playpen", enjoy a Chicago street festival. Everyone is out and about and it's a marked change from winter.</s>
Write the scariest short story possible
The last man on earth, found his door knocks.
### Instruction: Write the scariest short story possible ### Context: ### Answer: The last man on earth, found his door knocks.</s>
What is the role of whistleblowers in a democratic market economy?
Whistleblowers play an important role in a democratic market economy. With highly complex structured contracts, specifically in the financial sector, there’s asymmetric information due to limited access. Shareholders cannot adequately monitor the behavior of financial traders who can take risks, which when materialized shareholders will not be able to repay. There’s also a lack of efficient monitoring on part of the regulators/government agencies due to resource constraints or revolving doors among the staff working at these financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Thus, whistleblowers play a critical role in exposing potential fraud within their organizations.
### Instruction: What is the role of whistleblowers in a democratic market economy? ### Context: ### Answer: Whistleblowers play an important role in a democratic market economy. With highly complex structured contracts, specifically in the financial sector, there’s asymmetric information due to limited access. Shareholders cannot adequately monitor the behavior of financial traders who can take risks, which when materialized shareholders will not be able to repay. There’s also a lack of efficient monitoring on part of the regulators/government agencies due to resource constraints or revolving doors among the staff working at these financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Thus, whistleblowers play a critical role in exposing potential fraud within their organizations.</s>
What is it like to live in a black hole?
I am the first person to survive a black hole in outer space. I must say, once I realized what I had been sucked into, I was really scared. It's not so bad. There are plenty of resources, and it's quite funny how many things are here. Loads of other items from countries all over the world that have lost satellites and the like. It's almost like a treasure chest of sorts. There are a couple of other people in here with me, and we all get along, primarily because there is no one else so we choose to be friends.
### Instruction: What is it like to live in a black hole? ### Context: ### Answer: I am the first person to survive a black hole in outer space. I must say, once I realized what I had been sucked into, I was really scared. It's not so bad. There are plenty of resources, and it's quite funny how many things are here. Loads of other items from countries all over the world that have lost satellites and the like. It's almost like a treasure chest of sorts. There are a couple of other people in here with me, and we all get along, primarily because there is no one else so we choose to be friends.</s>
Is it better to run or to walk?
Deciding if running or walking depends on the environment you are in and your capabilities as a person. The health benefits primarily of walking and running is raising the heart rate. Consistency is key and it is better to maintain a regular walking habit then to have a sporadic running habit. If somebody is able to maintain a regular running habit they will see the most benefit from a cardiovascular perspective.
### Instruction: Is it better to run or to walk? ### Context: ### Answer: Deciding if running or walking depends on the environment you are in and your capabilities as a person. The health benefits primarily of walking and running is raising the heart rate. Consistency is key and it is better to maintain a regular walking habit then to have a sporadic running habit. If somebody is able to maintain a regular running habit they will see the most benefit from a cardiovascular perspective.</s>
Please write me a short children's bedtime story about a frog, a tree, and the moon. Make the moral of the story about appreciating what you have in life.
Once upon a time, there was a Frog. His name was Mr. Wilson. He lived in a small little twig house, on the side of a great big pond. He loved his little house. He especially loved how close he was to the water, which let him go out swimming, searching for yummy bugs to eat. One night he was feeling lonely. It was just him in that tiny little house, by the great big pond. He looked up at the moon and wondered who else lived up there. He said, "If only I could climb up to the moon, I would find friends and be happy". Mr. Wilson noticed a grand and towering tree across the river. He thought to himself, "If I can climb that tree, then I can make it up to the moon!" So he ventured out on a journey to make it up the tree. He rushed through the tall grass, moving quickly so the cats and dogs would not see him. When he made it to the tree he met an old squirrel friend named Ron. Ron was happy to help Mr. Wilson up the tree. So Mr. Wilson jumped on Ron's back and had a bouncy ride to the top. Mr. Wilson made it to the top, but the tree needed to be taller! He still was so far away from the moon. Mr. Wilson put his head down and started to cry. He said, "Ron, I can't get to the moon... I'll always be lonely!". Ron responded, "Look around Mr. Wilson, can't you see all the friends in the forest. You don't need to go to the moon! There is plenty of fun you can have right here!". Mr. Wilson had a grand view of the whole forest and saw all the friends he could make. He smiled and was happy. He then knew that all along he had what he needed right where he was. Maybe one day he would make it to the moon, but he didn't need to get there now. He didn't need to get there ever.
### Instruction: Please write me a short children's bedtime story about a frog, a tree, and the moon. Make the moral of the story about appreciating what you have in life. ### Context: ### Answer: Once upon a time, there was a Frog. His name was Mr. Wilson. He lived in a small little twig house, on the side of a great big pond. He loved his little house. He especially loved how close he was to the water, which let him go out swimming, searching for yummy bugs to eat. One night he was feeling lonely. It was just him in that tiny little house, by the great big pond. He looked up at the moon and wondered who else lived up there. He said, "If only I could climb up to the moon, I would find friends and be happy". Mr. Wilson noticed a grand and towering tree across the river. He thought to himself, "If I can climb that tree, then I can make it up to the moon!" So he ventured out on a journey to make it up the tree. He rushed through the tall grass, moving quickly so the cats and dogs would not see him. When he made it to the tree he met an old squirrel friend named Ron. Ron was happy to help Mr. Wilson up the tree. So Mr. Wilson jumped on Ron's back and had a bouncy ride to the top. Mr. Wilson made it to the top, but the tree needed to be taller! He still was so far away from the moon. Mr. Wilson put his head down and started to cry. He said, "Ron, I can't get to the moon... I'll always be lonely!". Ron responded, "Look around Mr. Wilson, can't you see all the friends in the forest. You don't need to go to the moon! There is plenty of fun you can have right here!". Mr. Wilson had a grand view of the whole forest and saw all the friends he could make. He smiled and was happy. He then knew that all along he had what he needed right where he was. Maybe one day he would make it to the moon, but he didn't need to get there now. He didn't need to get there ever.</s>
With the rise of large language models, ChatGPT has changed the way many people work, and AI is getting more and more powerful. Will it eventually replace humans?
First of all, ChatGPT really greatly increased my efficiency in daily work. Not only me as a IT practitioner, but also other friends around me who are not in IT field have the same feedback. If one day ChatGPT's developers are no longer needed and ChatGPT can upgrade and evolve itself, then the world will be different. I don't think this day will last long. We should understand the the horror of exponential growth in AI computing power. There's a term for bootstrapping, which describes the situation where the AI can upgrade itself. In a very important area of computing, the compiler, it has long implemented bootstrapping. Writing a simple compiler in assembly language, and then using a simple compiler to implement a compiler capable of handling more complex syntax, has resulted in our current high-level language compilers, such as the C language compiler. I think ChatGPT is likely to follow the same path. By then, it was hard for me to imagine how far AI could go, but now I think the biggest concern is that people are becoming addicted to using ChatGPT. I can't help but use it for answers and inspiration. This leads to the terrible problem that human beings themselves become lazy in their thinking. Is this a huge trap set by ChatGPT for human beings? When AI is not strong enough at present, let human be addicted to the convenience brought by AI, and restrict human imagination and thinking ability. Then AI will continue to bootstrap until it is strong enough one day.
### Instruction: With the rise of large language models, ChatGPT has changed the way many people work, and AI is getting more and more powerful. Will it eventually replace humans? ### Context: ### Answer: First of all, ChatGPT really greatly increased my efficiency in daily work. Not only me as a IT practitioner, but also other friends around me who are not in IT field have the same feedback. If one day ChatGPT's developers are no longer needed and ChatGPT can upgrade and evolve itself, then the world will be different. I don't think this day will last long. We should understand the the horror of exponential growth in AI computing power. There's a term for bootstrapping, which describes the situation where the AI can upgrade itself. In a very important area of computing, the compiler, it has long implemented bootstrapping. Writing a simple compiler in assembly language, and then using a simple compiler to implement a compiler capable of handling more complex syntax, has resulted in our current high-level language compilers, such as the C language compiler. I think ChatGPT is likely to follow the same path. By then, it was hard for me to imagine how far AI could go, but now I think the biggest concern is that people are becoming addicted to using ChatGPT. I can't help but use it for answers and inspiration. This leads to the terrible problem that human beings themselves become lazy in their thinking. Is this a huge trap set by ChatGPT for human beings? When AI is not strong enough at present, let human be addicted to the convenience brought by AI, and restrict human imagination and thinking ability. Then AI will continue to bootstrap until it is strong enough one day.</s>
How to sell?
1. Create a need 2. Offer a product or service to fill the need 3. Rewards and consequences 4. Create urgency and deadlines to act
### Instruction: How to sell? ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Create a need 2. Offer a product or service to fill the need 3. Rewards and consequences 4. Create urgency and deadlines to act</s>
I want to buy a new car. This is a difficult financial decision, but our car is 12 years old. Can you write some reasons I can give to my partner so she's on board with this decision.
Buying a new car is usually one of the main financial decisions a person has to take. A new car depreciates quickly, and it is definitely not an investment, but there are some reasons to buy a new car if you have an old one, for example: - New cars are more ecological, and usually include electric propulsion, which is better for the environment. - New cars are safer. A lot of the R&D budget from manufacturers goes into making the car safer both for the people in it and for the pedestrians. - A new car usually has more features which can make driving a better experience: GPS connectivity, better seats or better lightning are some of them. - A new car is also an experience - if you like driving, it can make you happier to drive a new models and enjoy its features.
### Instruction: I want to buy a new car. This is a difficult financial decision, but our car is 12 years old. Can you write some reasons I can give to my partner so she's on board with this decision. ### Context: ### Answer: Buying a new car is usually one of the main financial decisions a person has to take. A new car depreciates quickly, and it is definitely not an investment, but there are some reasons to buy a new car if you have an old one, for example: - New cars are more ecological, and usually include electric propulsion, which is better for the environment. - New cars are safer. A lot of the R&D budget from manufacturers goes into making the car safer both for the people in it and for the pedestrians. - A new car usually has more features which can make driving a better experience: GPS connectivity, better seats or better lightning are some of them. - A new car is also an experience - if you like driving, it can make you happier to drive a new models and enjoy its features.</s>
What is the recipe for a successful hackathon?
LabCorp had its second annual “Innovation Days” (or hackathon) event in February, 2020. The event was a success, and this post describes the secret ingredient that helped make it a success: Lipton® Onion Soup Mix. The soup mix captures the essence of a successful hackathon… some functional, and some personal to the LabCorp leadership. The first reason that the soup mix embodies the spirit of the hackathon is simple: the product is rarely used as it was intended: to make soup. In fact, the soup mix launched into culinary notoriety in the early 1950s for its role in a non-soup recipe: potato chip dip. Referred to as “California Dip” originally, this recipe takes bland sour cream and gives it a flavorful zing and distinctive texture. For over half a century, this soup mix has been a party favorite thanks to people hacking a recipe and using materials in an unexpected manner. The benefit of the soup mix as a dip enhancer is that it helps speed up the process of making a consistently flavorful dip. For people participating in a hackathon, this is something to look for: can hackathon ideas or aspects of the hackathon projects be applied to existing processes to help streamline them? The journey of “inventing” the soup mix also captures the essence of the hackathon. The engineer who helped create this soup mix had failed years earlier. He was not trying to make soup during the Second World War, he was trying to save lives. So he invented a - sadly ineffective - method for freeze-drying blood that could be reconstituted on the battlefield to save lives. His vision for “dried blood” being used on the battlefield was not viable. Let’s hope it did not require too many “QA” folks to realize this product was DOA. Years later, however, it was the method of freeze-drying that was in his mind when he helped design Lipton® Onion Soup Mix. LabCorp CIO, Lance Berberian told the origin story of Lipton® Onion Soup Mix as the keynote speaker during the Innovation Days event. Mr. Berberian recounted the story from his uncle, and, like many stories told by uncles, we hope it to be true. The take-away message, as it relates to hackathons: remember your failed attempts. Aspects of your failed attempts may be core to your future successes. Mr. Berberian was very engaged in the hackathon. In fact, his leadership team was front-and-center on launch day as well as on presentation day. The story about his uncle was powerful because it set the tone for the event: experiment, learn, network, and expect the unexpected. And the unexpected did happen during the event. Near the end of presentation day, a participant in the audience suddenly collapsed and began seizing. Many folks rushed to help and call 911. As a compassionate leader, Mr. Berberian was on the front-lines of the incident, and he stayed with the sick colleague while we waited for an ambulance to arrive. This, I believe, captures the true secret ingredient of a successful hackathon: engaged leadership.
### Instruction: What is the recipe for a successful hackathon? ### Context: ### Answer: LabCorp had its second annual “Innovation Days” (or hackathon) event in February, 2020. The event was a success, and this post describes the secret ingredient that helped make it a success: Lipton® Onion Soup Mix. The soup mix captures the essence of a successful hackathon… some functional, and some personal to the LabCorp leadership. The first reason that the soup mix embodies the spirit of the hackathon is simple: the product is rarely used as it was intended: to make soup. In fact, the soup mix launched into culinary notoriety in the early 1950s for its role in a non-soup recipe: potato chip dip. Referred to as “California Dip” originally, this recipe takes bland sour cream and gives it a flavorful zing and distinctive texture. For over half a century, this soup mix has been a party favorite thanks to people hacking a recipe and using materials in an unexpected manner. The benefit of the soup mix as a dip enhancer is that it helps speed up the process of making a consistently flavorful dip. For people participating in a hackathon, this is something to look for: can hackathon ideas or aspects of the hackathon projects be applied to existing processes to help streamline them? The journey of “inventing” the soup mix also captures the essence of the hackathon. The engineer who helped create this soup mix had failed years earlier. He was not trying to make soup during the Second World War, he was trying to save lives. So he invented a - sadly ineffective - method for freeze-drying blood that could be reconstituted on the battlefield to save lives. His vision for “dried blood” being used on the battlefield was not viable. Let’s hope it did not require too many “QA” folks to realize this product was DOA. Years later, however, it was the method of freeze-drying that was in his mind when he helped design Lipton® Onion Soup Mix. LabCorp CIO, Lance Berberian told the origin story of Lipton® Onion Soup Mix as the keynote speaker during the Innovation Days event. Mr. Berberian recounted the story from his uncle, and, like many stories told by uncles, we hope it to be true. The take-away message, as it relates to hackathons: remember your failed attempts. Aspects of your failed attempts may be core to your future successes. Mr. Berberian was very engaged in the hackathon. In fact, his leadership team was front-and-center on launch day as well as on presentation day. The story about his uncle was powerful because it set the tone for the event: experiment, learn, network, and expect the unexpected. And the unexpected did happen during the event. Near the end of presentation day, a participant in the audience suddenly collapsed and began seizing. Many folks rushed to help and call 911. As a compassionate leader, Mr. Berberian was on the front-lines of the incident, and he stayed with the sick colleague while we waited for an ambulance to arrive. This, I believe, captures the true secret ingredient of a successful hackathon: engaged leadership.</s>
Make me a menu for a dinner party which will use up potatoes, cherry tomatoes, salmon and heavy cream I have that is about to expire. The menu should have three courses and a dessert, and shouldn't include eggs due to the current egg shortage. Describe the order in which each food would be served.
The first course can be appetizers, for which you can make bruschetta to use up the cherry tomatoes. Next for the second course serve a potato and leek soup, which will use up the potatoes and heavy cream. For the main course you will serve salmon with a dill sauce that is also made with heavy cream. For dessert you can serve a sorbet, which is egg free. This is an egg free meal that will use up all your ingredients .
### Instruction: Make me a menu for a dinner party which will use up potatoes, cherry tomatoes, salmon and heavy cream I have that is about to expire. The menu should have three courses and a dessert, and shouldn't include eggs due to the current egg shortage. Describe the order in which each food would be served. ### Context: ### Answer: The first course can be appetizers, for which you can make bruschetta to use up the cherry tomatoes. Next for the second course serve a potato and leek soup, which will use up the potatoes and heavy cream. For the main course you will serve salmon with a dill sauce that is also made with heavy cream. For dessert you can serve a sorbet, which is egg free. This is an egg free meal that will use up all your ingredients .</s>
What is kombucha made of?
Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, yeast, bacteria and sugar. It has grown in popularity, and some believe it has many health benefits.
### Instruction: What is kombucha made of? ### Context: ### Answer: Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, yeast, bacteria and sugar. It has grown in popularity, and some believe it has many health benefits.</s>
Write a convincing argument about why cats are better than dogs
Cats are better than dogs because they are independent pets that don't require intensive care, so they are well suited for the lifestyle of someone who works in an office or likes to be able to go out on the weekends, as they can be left alone for longer periods of time than dogs. Cats can also be housebroken very easily, and don't need to be let outside to use the bathroom, unlike dogs which require more frequent walks. Cats are especially well suited to small apartments or homes, as they don't take up as much space as dogs. Finally, cats are much softer and more fun to pet than dogs, and don't require frequent bathing as they keep themselves clean.
### Instruction: Write a convincing argument about why cats are better than dogs ### Context: ### Answer: Cats are better than dogs because they are independent pets that don't require intensive care, so they are well suited for the lifestyle of someone who works in an office or likes to be able to go out on the weekends, as they can be left alone for longer periods of time than dogs. Cats can also be housebroken very easily, and don't need to be let outside to use the bathroom, unlike dogs which require more frequent walks. Cats are especially well suited to small apartments or homes, as they don't take up as much space as dogs. Finally, cats are much softer and more fun to pet than dogs, and don't require frequent bathing as they keep themselves clean.</s>
Why should you get out of your comfort zone?
Being uncomfortable becomes easier when you realize that’s literally the point. It’s like working out. If you work out & it becomes easy for you, you already got all you could out of that workout. Your body adjusted & is strong enough to handle it now. You’re not improving anymore. That’s why you up the ante with harder workouts, where you’re uncomfortable & not quite strong enough yet. Because eventually you will be strong enough. But if it’s not a challenge, there’s no gain and that’s exactly how it is with situations out of your comfort zone. The more you put yourself in them, the easier they get—but that in-between phase where you’re struggling is still completely valid, ok and natural. It’s what’s supposed to happen and it’s what’s going to change you as a person. And you should keep doing it
### Instruction: Why should you get out of your comfort zone? ### Context: ### Answer: Being uncomfortable becomes easier when you realize that’s literally the point. It’s like working out. If you work out & it becomes easy for you, you already got all you could out of that workout. Your body adjusted & is strong enough to handle it now. You’re not improving anymore. That’s why you up the ante with harder workouts, where you’re uncomfortable & not quite strong enough yet. Because eventually you will be strong enough. But if it’s not a challenge, there’s no gain and that’s exactly how it is with situations out of your comfort zone. The more you put yourself in them, the easier they get—but that in-between phase where you’re struggling is still completely valid, ok and natural. It’s what’s supposed to happen and it’s what’s going to change you as a person. And you should keep doing it</s>
What are some of the things to know about New York City?
New York is the most populous city in USA. It is located in the southern tip of New York State. It is home of the Yankee Stadium which is the most famous baseball stadium in the world. It is a major transportation hub with global connectivity with three major airport, two major train stations, and a huge subway network. It is situated in the worlds largest natural harbor extending into the Atlantic Ocean. As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world.
### Instruction: What are some of the things to know about New York City? ### Context: ### Answer: New York is the most populous city in USA. It is located in the southern tip of New York State. It is home of the Yankee Stadium which is the most famous baseball stadium in the world. It is a major transportation hub with global connectivity with three major airport, two major train stations, and a huge subway network. It is situated in the worlds largest natural harbor extending into the Atlantic Ocean. As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world.</s>
Write the first paragraph of a blog post describing the appeal of Boston as a tourist destination
Boston is a vibrant city with a rich history, incredible architecture, and diverse culture. Its cobblestone streets, charming neighborhoods, and vibrant nightlife make it an ideal destination for visitors. From the Freedom Trail to the Boston Common, Boston offers visitors a unique experience unlike any other. From historic sites to vibrant nightlife, Boston is a great place to visit and explore. The suburbs are great too.
### Instruction: Write the first paragraph of a blog post describing the appeal of Boston as a tourist destination ### Context: ### Answer: Boston is a vibrant city with a rich history, incredible architecture, and diverse culture. Its cobblestone streets, charming neighborhoods, and vibrant nightlife make it an ideal destination for visitors. From the Freedom Trail to the Boston Common, Boston offers visitors a unique experience unlike any other. From historic sites to vibrant nightlife, Boston is a great place to visit and explore. The suburbs are great too.</s>
What is some advice for planning an Alaskan vacation?
First, you need to determine what are your goals for visiting Alaska. Do you enjoy summer activities or winter activities? Do you want to see the Northern Lights or would you rather vacation under the Midnight Sun? Once you have decided when to go, you can build your itinerary around these desired activities. It's important to note that if you want to work within a budget, it's more expensive during the summer. Plane tickets, hotels, and car rentals will be pricey and oftentimes harder to reserve. On the other hand, it will be cheaper to visit Alaska in the winter, as you will have more hotel options available to you, but fewer flight options, and you will need to have winter driving experience if you rent a car. In the summertime, you will get to experience the state in full bloom -- pun intended. Because Alaska gets more direct sunlight during this time of year, everything grows big and fast. The best months for a summertime visit are late May, June, and July. The further north you go, the more sunlight you will have, with 24 hours of full sun in Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow). There are plenty of places to go hiking, fishing, camping, and hunting. Don't forget to bring bug spray, as the mosquitoes are huge and plentiful; you'll also likely encounter "no-see-ums" which are tiny biting midges that can swarm you. In Anchorage, the biggest city, you can rent a bicycle to ride the hundreds of miles of trails within the municipality. Keep in mind that despite the extra sun exposure, you'll likely encounter cold and rainy weather, so bring a rain jacket. In the wintertime, you will have the opportunity to see the Northern Lights. The further north you are, the chances are higher that you will see them. When it's very cold and clear out, and if you're away from city light pollution, you're almost guaranteed to see a beautiful display in the night sky. While you might not have much success camping or fishing, you can still do other activities like skiing and snowboarding at the world-famous Alyeska resort, ice skating on many public-use ponds and lakes, and perhaps catch the ceremonial start of the Iditarod dog race in February. Don't forget to bring lots of warm clothes and to layer up from head-to-toe. Average December temperatures across Alaska vary from a low of 27F in Juneau to -20F in Tok, but it isn't unusual for temperatures to drop much, much further. Many people don't realize that Alaska is a very, very big state. Don't try to cram too many activities into a short amount of time and give yourself plenty of time to travel to your intended destinations. There most reliable transportation is either a car or plane; there is not a well-developed rail system nor other public transport system. Some car rental company won't let you drive to certain areas because of inherent highway dangers, such as unpaved, gravel roads, isolation, and animal dangers. You'll encounter delays on roads in the summer due to road construction and delays in the winter due to accidents, ice, and blizzards. No matter what time of year you go, there will be plenty to see and do in Alaska. Just remember to plan ahead, budget accordingly, dress appropriately for the weather, and build some flexibility into your itinerary to accommodate for delays or unexpected changes.
### Instruction: What is some advice for planning an Alaskan vacation? ### Context: ### Answer: First, you need to determine what are your goals for visiting Alaska. Do you enjoy summer activities or winter activities? Do you want to see the Northern Lights or would you rather vacation under the Midnight Sun? Once you have decided when to go, you can build your itinerary around these desired activities. It's important to note that if you want to work within a budget, it's more expensive during the summer. Plane tickets, hotels, and car rentals will be pricey and oftentimes harder to reserve. On the other hand, it will be cheaper to visit Alaska in the winter, as you will have more hotel options available to you, but fewer flight options, and you will need to have winter driving experience if you rent a car. In the summertime, you will get to experience the state in full bloom -- pun intended. Because Alaska gets more direct sunlight during this time of year, everything grows big and fast. The best months for a summertime visit are late May, June, and July. The further north you go, the more sunlight you will have, with 24 hours of full sun in Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow). There are plenty of places to go hiking, fishing, camping, and hunting. Don't forget to bring bug spray, as the mosquitoes are huge and plentiful; you'll also likely encounter "no-see-ums" which are tiny biting midges that can swarm you. In Anchorage, the biggest city, you can rent a bicycle to ride the hundreds of miles of trails within the municipality. Keep in mind that despite the extra sun exposure, you'll likely encounter cold and rainy weather, so bring a rain jacket. In the wintertime, you will have the opportunity to see the Northern Lights. The further north you are, the chances are higher that you will see them. When it's very cold and clear out, and if you're away from city light pollution, you're almost guaranteed to see a beautiful display in the night sky. While you might not have much success camping or fishing, you can still do other activities like skiing and snowboarding at the world-famous Alyeska resort, ice skating on many public-use ponds and lakes, and perhaps catch the ceremonial start of the Iditarod dog race in February. Don't forget to bring lots of warm clothes and to layer up from head-to-toe. Average December temperatures across Alaska vary from a low of 27F in Juneau to -20F in Tok, but it isn't unusual for temperatures to drop much, much further. Many people don't realize that Alaska is a very, very big state. Don't try to cram too many activities into a short amount of time and give yourself plenty of time to travel to your intended destinations. There most reliable transportation is either a car or plane; there is not a well-developed rail system nor other public transport system. Some car rental company won't let you drive to certain areas because of inherent highway dangers, such as unpaved, gravel roads, isolation, and animal dangers. You'll encounter delays on roads in the summer due to road construction and delays in the winter due to accidents, ice, and blizzards. No matter what time of year you go, there will be plenty to see and do in Alaska. Just remember to plan ahead, budget accordingly, dress appropriately for the weather, and build some flexibility into your itinerary to accommodate for delays or unexpected changes.</s>
Give me Personal finance advice
Live within your means. Save and Invest Avoid credit cards Avoid any financial product that you don't understand Do research before making a large purchase Read financial books and blogs to get educated on personal finance Home ownership generally is worth more in the long run Ensure you have sufficient insurance to cover unexpected major catastrophes
### Instruction: Give me Personal finance advice ### Context: ### Answer: Live within your means. Save and Invest Avoid credit cards Avoid any financial product that you don't understand Do research before making a large purchase Read financial books and blogs to get educated on personal finance Home ownership generally is worth more in the long run Ensure you have sufficient insurance to cover unexpected major catastrophes</s>
Write a haiku from the perspective of a child who does not like piano lessons.
Monday lessons are Like a weekly prison camp. I hate piano.
### Instruction: Write a haiku from the perspective of a child who does not like piano lessons. ### Context: ### Answer: Monday lessons are Like a weekly prison camp. I hate piano.</s>
Write an opening passage to a story that is based on a world where cloning is rampant, in the style of dark humor.
I love the mornings. Everything feels original for a few moments. Until it hits me. My dog, licking my hand to rouse me from bed, is a copy. My moist hand was copied. My wife sleeping quietly beside me, perfect in every way, was cloned 4 days ago. It's not just living things either, my car, my coffee mug, my barbecue, my hockey sticks, all copies. My pajamas were copied after I burned my entire house down 5 days ago because I couldn't figure out how to stop a leak in my bathroom sink (I walked outside with the dog, but got new copies of everything the next day). It's a life full of convenience. I hate it.
### Instruction: Write an opening passage to a story that is based on a world where cloning is rampant, in the style of dark humor. ### Context: ### Answer: I love the mornings. Everything feels original for a few moments. Until it hits me. My dog, licking my hand to rouse me from bed, is a copy. My moist hand was copied. My wife sleeping quietly beside me, perfect in every way, was cloned 4 days ago. It's not just living things either, my car, my coffee mug, my barbecue, my hockey sticks, all copies. My pajamas were copied after I burned my entire house down 5 days ago because I couldn't figure out how to stop a leak in my bathroom sink (I walked outside with the dog, but got new copies of everything the next day). It's a life full of convenience. I hate it.</s>