anh oi dong xuong em cai dem 0 phong ngu nhe
anh oi dong giup em cai rem 0 phong ngu nhe
do not hold me in the frame of the world
dong ho minh cai rem cua 0 phong doi
in the library it is bright turn off the wall light
0 trong thu vien dang sang qua kia tat cai den op tuong di em
i will help you with the trapdoor in the front
tat giup anh cai bong am tran 0 hien truoc voi nhe
build me a new army
dong giup minh chiec cua cuon voi
open the bag
mo giup minh cai van tuoi
my dear listen carefully and follow me check the game machine for me
em gai yeu oi nghe ro va lam theo nay kiem tra giup chi cai may choi game nhe
can you check my camera it seems to be stuck
ban oi kiem tra giup minh cai camera hinh nhu bi truc trac hay sao y
at 5.54 pm you can give me a gift
tam 4 gio 54 phut thi ban tang cho minh cai quat thong gio nha
check your phone
kiem tra giup anh cai bong tha
i am going to use the dust collector
bat ho minh cai may hut bui
hey can you check my phone
em oi kiem tra giup anh cai den hoc voi
turn off the led in the bkcd
tat cai den suoi trong wc di
i do not need your money anymore
anh khong can thu gian 0 tien sanh nua nho
can you turn on the washing machine in the kitchen i am going to wash the dishes
em oi bat ho chi cai may rua bat duoi bep nhe thang su sap xuong rua bat day
hey turn off the computer and wash your hands
em oi tat cho anh cai may tinh xach tay nha
i do not know if it is because of the rain or the weak electricity checking my back and i am sweating like crazy
khong biet la do troi mua hay dien yeu day kiem tra ho anh cai bong op tran voi
can you help me with the light at gate 7
em oi tang giup chi cai den tru cong 0 san so 7 voi
i am going to get my
mo giup minh cai manh
can you turn on the heater for me
em oi mo may hut am len giup chi voi
please close the door and wait in the waiting room
em oi dong cho chi cai rem cua 0 phong doi nha
i am done with the shower
toi di tam trong phong tam xong roi
i cut the sound wave in the front and cut it in 10 hours and 33 minutes
tat giup anh cai bong am tran 0 hien truoc va tat trong 10 tieng 33 phut nha
can you give me the black and white light in the corner
ban co the giam cho minh cai den compact 0 gac xep duoc khong
can you turn on the heater for me
em oi bat giup anh cai binh nong lanh di
check the ball drop in the last room
kiem tra giup toi cai bong tha 0 phong cuoi voi nha
get my fuck out frilly
bat cai may pha cafe len em oi
can you check the light at the hall
em oi kiem tra cho anh cai den tranh 0 dai sanh nha
but to me
kiem tra cho minh 0 hien truoc nhe
it is bright reduce the light intensity by 20%
sang the giam anh cai den huynh quang xuong 92% voi
i am going to turn on the light
bat giup minh cai den op tuong voi
can you lower the ball down to 400
em giam cho anh cai bong tron xuong di 4% voi
anyway that is the one guy i fight
em oi tat giup anh cai may fax
hey you turn off the light
nay tro ly ao tat giup minh cai den hat di
open youtube english to stay green and bright
mo giup toi cai manh de dai sanh no sang voi
guys the brightness of the previous version is 88%
ban oi tang do sang cua bong tha 0 san truoc len 88% nhe
the house is too bright please reduce the light
nha dang sang qua hay giam cho anh cai bong op tran xuong di
can you get me a flashlight in nhi is laundry room on the 6th floor
em oi giam cho anh cai den tuyp 0 phong giat ui cua nhi xuong 65% voi
hey turn up the volume of the radio to 31%
em oi tang giup chi cai radio len 31% di
turn on the vacuum cleaner
bat cho minh cai may hut bui
can you turn off the light for me
ban oi tat cho minh cai den chum
open the fridge for me i am in the bedroom
mo cho minh cai tu lanh 0 trong phong nghi ay
the assistant turned off the machine with the
nay tro ly tat ho minh cai may fax voi
can you help me find the air conditioner
mo giup toi cai may lanh
hey can you turn off the female bass player 1st
em oi tat ho anh cai bong am tran 0 hien truoc voi
i am going to turn off my computer to wash my hands
nay tro ly ao tat giup minh cai may tinh xach tay di ban
can i have a new light
em oi kiem tra ho anh cai den tranh voi
hey can you close the microwave
ban oi dong cai lo vi song vao nhe
hey can you close the faucet for me
em oi dong ho anh cai lo suoi 0 dai sanh ben phai nhe
can you help me turn on the fan it has been on for 4 hours and 30 minutes
giup toi bat cai quat treo tuong luc 4 gio 30 phut
help me with the grill
dong giup minh cai lo nuong voi
hey can you help me with the roll
em oi dong ho anh cai manh cuon di em oi
at 2.30 pm remember to increase the smoke alarm for me
vao luc 23 gio 40 phut nho tang quat hut mui giup anh nhe
open the vacuum cleaner for me
mo giup toi may hut am
can you help me with the lights
kiem tra giup toi may cai den tuong
honey can you give me a work ball for 71% in 26 minutes
em tang cho anh cai bong lam viec len 71% trong 26 phut
bat bong dung len giup toi
increase the brightness of the backlight to about 10%
tang do sang cua cai den ru 0 hien sau len khoang 10% giup chi
hey can you turn off the game in the waiting room
ban oi tat giup minh cai may choi game trong phong cho voi
hey check the light for me
ban oi kiem tra gium minh cai den soi dot voi
reduce the width of the new line
giam cho toi cai den compact 0 gac xep voi
too dark increase the light to 92%
toi qua nho em tang cho anh cai den ru len 92% di
you are blind right you have been using me for a whole university
choi mat qua ban tat cho minh cai den hoc voi
hey babe can you turn on the french machine
em yeu oi bat giup anh cai may fax voi
can you check the old lamp in the front at 17.46
kiem tra cai den ngu 0 hien truoc vao luc 17 gio 46 phut duoc khong em
turn on the light
bat den bong op tran len nha em
remember to check the sound level at 02.02
nho kiem tra den am tran luc 0 gio 2 phut
hey can you turn on the statue is light for me
ban oi bat cho minh cai bong treo tuong 0 cho cau thang cua quan voi
it is time let us open our box
den gio roi mo ho minh cai manh nha
i am heating the oven at the 8th floor
dong lo nuong 0 nha bep so 8
hey give me a water gun
anh oi giam cho em cai voi nuoc
check the picture to see what is wrong with the light
cai den tranh bi lam sao ay ban kiem tra giup minh nho
check the ball drop at the end
kiem tra cho anh cai bong tha 0 phong cuoi y
what is wrong with the power button check it out
den op tran bi sao ay kiem tra di em
can you help me with the led
em oi kiem tra giup chi cai den led voi
now i will go outside and turn the work inside out
gio minh phai ra ngoai tat quat treo tuong giup minh nha
close the door for me please
dong giup anh cai rem cua 0 phong doi voi
5 put your belly button up to 26.6 cm
tang giup anh cai bong compact len 26% nhe
hey can you give me a watch
ban oi kiem tra giup minh dong ho voi
assistant or assistant manager
tro ly bat cho minh cai may tinh xach tay
hey the water is running out of the tank close the tap the flower will be spoiled
em oi nuoc chay het ra san roi dong cho anh cai voi hoa senator voi
i am going to put my camera down and go play some games
4 tieng one phut nua toi se di ngu khong tiec tung nua dau tat den tren tang thuong di
i am in the kitchen number 8
em oi dong lo nuong trong nha bep so 8 ho chi
0 my watch is broken can you check my watch
cha dong ho bi hong roi co the kiem tra ho minh duoc khong
hey mike check the light bulb
e may kiem tra cho tao cai den cong voi
i am at the bathroom call me when you are done
0 nha tam ay dong van nuoc lai nhe
i am afraid of the camera
tat ho to cai camera
i am a birdman to my master
em oi bat cho anh cai may mat xa
but you will achieve a my fat caffeine yeah
bat truoc cho chi cai may pha cafe nha
toi dang 0 dai sanh ai do giup toi kiem tra cai den tranh voi
hey check the button on the bed
em oi kiem tra cai bong ngu no dang nhu the nao giup chi voi
assistant please help me check the light
tro li hay giup toi kiem tra chiec den soi dot voi
thank you for the wine and turn on the vacuum cleaner for me
lam on vao ham ruou va bat cho toi cai may hut mui
i am bored i close the door and open the window
sang qua dong cua cuon 0 phong khach ho minh di
can you help me with the dishwasher
bat giup toi cai may rua bat trong bep voi
hey it is 7.57 pm can you check my light
nay em oi luc 19 gio 57 phut e kiem tra cho anh cai den tranh nha
there is a problem with the power supply outside the garden can you check it for me
hinh nhu dien 0 ngoai vuon co van de roi ban co the kiem tra giup minh khong
now turn on the machine and put it in the cooker
lam on hay bat may rua bat trong bep len
the water is a bit small i will increase it to 30 liters
nuoc hoi nho tang cai voi hoa senator len giup anh
can you check my flashlight
em oi kiem tra cho anh cai den tuong nha