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No, I'm saying Martin is a homosexual because I know he is a homosexual. | True | toxic |
Hey yo.u are repeating yourself and your foolish comment. Maybe you have trouble reading but the article was not about taxation but hey it all reads the same to you and your boring mantra. Go right ahead a be a gay conservative it looks good on you.
Your comment is still very much in tact below. | True | toxic |
Sorry, you have a right to be offended. Still, what you said about Fr. James was also inappropriate. My point was that James probably is asexual, not gay. | True | toxic |
It's tough being a gay guy these days. LOL | False | non-toxic |
Or the recent gay orgy. | True | toxic |
Mormonism and rape are always mentioned in the same sentence along with racism. Like Catholicism, homosexuality, and pedophilia. Both organizations should be banned from the USA. | True | toxic |
Comparing Trump to Hitler is ridiculous, it's nothing but a lame attempt to try to vilify someone who has different opinions than the authors. Same thing about Trump being racist, it's nothing but a overused label which has become a instant fallback for weak arguments. Trump is ignorant, but hardly a racist.
I will give Trump credit, he has made republicans stop obsessing about gays. This year they actually cheered for a gay speaker, in 2008 they booed a gay soldier. Quite the turn around. For all the stupid crap he says, it's rather refreshing to not hear the constant mindless babble about social issues that are pointless and a total waste of time. | True | toxic |
What a rancid apologism for hate.
The two faccts 'omitted' are common knowledge, so why would hte article have to even mention either?
You, meanwhile, 'omit' mentioning that Russia hates gay people and treats them horrifically. So, that must mean your post is "fake news", too, using your ... er, 'standards'. | False | non-toxic |
Trump supporters are out in full force in D.C. and other places, verbally assaulting Muslims, people of color and gays. Because they think they have a right to do that now. They've "taken the country back" from the people they hate. | False | non-toxic |
Paris is not safe for Jews, and increasingly unsafe for homosexuals and young women. | False | non-toxic |
I think that you can get in trouble for saying that something that feels vaguely homosexual makes you uncomfortable. | False | non-toxic |
The lesbians are killing Pride. Pride is going to be a n embarrassment as gay men, the bears and leather and jocks who are accused of being brainless racists by BLM simply don't want to get involved anymore. Don't be too surprised if corporate sponsors don't try too hard to be part of it either | True | toxic |
My general view point is that I disagree with the Pope's views on Gender and Sexuality, but I "understand" where he's coming from. From his perspective as an Argentine cleric and the first leader from the global south he sees the changes in our attitudes on Gender and Sexuality as a Western ideological construct which is why he uses the phrase "ideological colonialism" a lot. I know as someone from the Caribbean that my family says the same thing a lot of the time.
I would say in response to that that Pope Francis has to understand that it is people's lived experiences. Not just a construct. And also homophobia is itself a legacy of Western imperialism in the Third World. My other thoughts though would be that it is good that he speaks about "accompanying people in the LGBTQ community and not condemning them. | False | non-toxic |
We need to be vigilant and look out for radical islamic terrorism, the forced marriages, the forced genital mutilation, the misogamy, and if you are gay watch out as you will be thrown off a building. | True | toxic |
I think gay is a unique way to describe this nonsense. But why bring in sexism to this conversation? Gay has not meant happy, jolly or fun loving for the last one hundred years. And it has never meant "lame, stupid, ridiculous" except to a few morons that were not gay. James, just how old are you? When were you a "small-kid"? A finally, when and at what location did you arrive on this planet? | True | toxic |
So why would you even mention that he's gay? Other than that you're a bigoted imbecile. | True | toxic |
Joe completely aligns with Alaska Libertarian platform. Your beliefs are why the party has never been relevant. Here you get a quality candidate that will put your party on the map and all you cry about is how Joe Miller won't support homosexual marriage. Go back to your crybaby "I hate Joe Miller" Facebook page. Gary Johnson is a moron and far from libertarian. | True | toxic |
Has that happened? Most Muslims believe gays should be killed and young girls get their genitals sliced out. But let's stay focused on eco-terrorism. Let's just sit around and wait for more spikes go into logs until someone gets killed. Kind of like Orlando. Good plan. | True | toxic |
Jealous Insecure liberal men.... at least the few who aren't gay. | True | toxic |
Is it OK to call people homos? Trump hasn't been sworn in yet.
In any event, I would bet $100 on one of Trump's sons killing the last gorilla in the wild. Just one more accomplishment for those swell guys. | False | non-toxic |
Mass murder, terrorism, perversion, LGBT, gay washrooms, socialism, communism all from this Synagogue of Satan. Enough of this hell on earth. | True | toxic |
From the 1950s to today, and in every nation in the world: If you allow them to hang out with boys, this is what gay priests will do.
The only solution is to bar all priests from boys, or to bar gays from the priesthood.
And yet, we have progressives who think the church needs even more gay priests, and that the sexual orientation of gau priests be kept a secret from the public.
And yes, I reject the silly idea that men who rape boys are not gay. | True | toxic |
unbelievable is right. don't like someone; problem solved with a visit from the government death squad. political opponents; they're all drug dealers. gays; they're all drug dealers. | True | toxic |
Saudi Arabia there is 3 more steps to do that would make you a better Muslim country. 1. no more funding terrorist against the west. 2. no more hanging of homosexuals. and 3. no more funding of suicide bombers against Israel those are 3 big steps they should do to better themselves. | False | non-toxic |
what a bunch of whiners commenting,,,is this FAKE NEWS on the front page?
the RG just keep on feeding all the wimps and the bar can't get much lower
so many alternatives for entertainment, that everyone is voting with their CCs
first world problems all over the place in our community...2 gay guys uncomfortable reserving seats at a theatre???? LOL just think if this became a racial issue, OMG
is that Nero playing?
you can't fix stupid here in EUG | True | toxic |
not only that, but any Catholic who is brainwashed enough to believe that the Evangelicals will treat them well when they get some power is totally deficient in gray matter upstairs. they hate Catholics as much do gays and Muslim. they may hide it better these days, buy it is still there and won't be going anywhere a long time yet. | True | toxic |
Was it most helpful in explaining about misogynistic religion that forces women to cover themselves from head to toe or was it in how she explained a murderous religion that murders gays and lesbians by throwing them off buildings? Do tell. | True | toxic |
"It discriminates against muslims".
The temporary ban is against 6 arab countries who happen to be islamic in nature. It's perfectly clear to any sane person, the beheaders, those who stone the women, gay assassins, body bombs, come from this nations, for those who do not comprehend, these are places of grave concern for the lives of American citizens.
Russians, Chinese, Indians, South Americans, etc, aren't the ones causing so much distress in the world. What a hypocrisy.
So yes, you need to identify the enemy, Obama, Trudeau, don't know who the terrorists are, they can't identify them,. Weaklings. | True | toxic |
Claiming to be transgender is a sign of mental illness. The military has no place for people with mental disabilities. This is one of the times that President Obama played to the lowest denominator and is wrong. | True | toxic |
Don't most gay guys like getting roughed up by another man? | True | toxic |
1. Who the fuck asked you?
2. Being trans is not a mental illness.
3. This article is a perfect example of why we say things like cis are trash.
4. Gender is a social construct. Humans decided that penis=boy and vagina=girl. Male/female has no meaning biologically because the cultural implications far outweigh them. Anyone who refuses to respect trans people is just being difficult.
5. It’s so easy to respect trans people. You already respect cis people, why not just make it easy and be a decent fucking human being? | True | toxic |
The shout of racism by goodwhite gullible progressives is code for I hate white America! These white guilt goomba's usually have another motive in mind when they yell racism in a virtual psychological black church that they never will attend. Most times its a gay agenda! | True | toxic |
"Learning to say “they” for one person undeniably takes some extra effort".
Addressing an individual as "they" is inane and likely confusing. I am very accommodating, gay positive, transgender accepting but this stupid issue is championed by a small minority of a small minority. How freaking narcissistic do you have to be ?
If you (note I did not say "they", as that would be confusing my meaning as it would seem to imply that I mean all transgender people not just the small percentage of whiners) can't be happy with he or she then how about the already established gender neutral , "It". ?
Sheesh .... | True | toxic |
As if you Trumpsters give a damn about gays.
If you did you wouldn't be passing so many laws against them. | True | toxic |
Sure, run tranny Mike, see how badly she gets beat. Republicans would love it. | True | toxic |
Racism, fascism, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia and any laws restricting Transgenders must be eliminated period.
We all must get behind Justin, Obama, Hillary and Premier Wynne to defeat Trump and his fascist supporters! | False | non-toxic |
"All bars are lesbian bars"
-Mark Twain- | True | toxic |
manned or maybe that is the wrong way to put it ....by gays ,queers and trannies only of course. | True | toxic |
the only this idiot has accomplished is the most holidays in less than 2 yrs n most hrs logged on OUR jet/ most faggot parades attended by one goof in one yr , excellent legacy | True | toxic |
What both I and GBA suggested was that there be gender equality in sentencing.
That hetrosexual or lesbian or gay pedophiles get the same treatment in both the civil and criminal courts.
I am definitely 'attacking' pedophiles!
You appear to be protecting one class of them. Gays.
Why should gay pedophiles be treated differently? | True | toxic |
Why was this comment rejected by the civil comment gestapo?
The democrats will not be happy until all of us are dis-armed and cowering helplessly face-down on the floor of a gay bar toilet. | True | toxic |
What these femanazis fail to realize is that President Trump has hired and cut paychecks to more women blacks latinos gays lesbians transgenders and muslims than all previous presidents combined. | True | toxic |
When you equate practising homosexuals and so-called trans-gender people with blacks you are implying that to be black is also sinful, which of course is nonsense. | True | toxic |
The Constitution gives the States, and only the States, the right to regulate marriage, with the proviso that the States will not regulate in a way that interferes with one's Constitutional rights. See Loving v. Virginia.
As for your friends and gay marriage. For the past 50 years, secular and Catholic educators have failed to teach the Constitution, and Catholic educators have failed to teach Catholicism. No wonder your friends think the Court got this one right. Do you REALLY believe that the framers of the 14th Amendment thought that Amendment REQUIRED the States to re-define marriage so as to include man-man marriage? Really? When virtually EVERY State at that time (and until recently) had laws that criminalized that kind of "sex"? You REALLY think the Framers of the 14th intended that? A straight-faced answer would be appreciated. | False | non-toxic |
We have to get rid of the Ontario Liberals. They are destroying this province. First, they hound the Bowmanville Zoo out of business, now they want Marineland shut down. They are crazy and in bed with the craziest radicals. In addition to ruining Hydro, and promoting gay sex. | True | toxic |
A tremendous amount of anti-gay and anti-black bigotry on these comments directed towards a protest move on Prides part. Just vengeful and petty retribution really.
Canada is still full of hatred, from either LEO posters and other assorted bigots.
Just shameful. | False | non-toxic |
If you want to do your part for social, cultural, economic, political change and equality remaining single is a good start.
Pretty soon the only folks getting married will be that old conservative , conventional, conformist cohort, gays and lesbians. | True | toxic |
Big boy pants? So in addition to being a free-speech-hating, science loathing global warming denier, you're also a racist, homophobic, transphobic misogynist that refuses to even acknowledge your white male privilege. Sad! | True | toxic |
"The term originally appeared online in queer forums"
"The absence of the term’s presence in Latin American speech and research highlights the critique of inaccessibility and incomprehensibility as Gilbert Guerra and Gilbert Orbea of Swarthmore College write, arguing the term as “a blatant form of linguistic imperialism.”"
"Aside from opposition based on its linguistic incompatibility, some claim that the term would lead to the “destruction of gender, a fundamental part of the Spanish language” and that attempts at removing gender from the Spanish language “advocat[es] for the erasure of Spanish.""
I know a Latino who thinks the whole thing is ridiculous. He thinks "Latinx" is being imposed on his people by whites and makes his people sound like an alien race from Star Trek. Imposing English gender language norms on Spanish is ridiculous - anyone in Spanish knows that Latino refers to both and isn't sexist. | False | non-toxic |
I too as a gay man have no reason to trust Islamic Suprematism is good for me health. But our LGBT leaders support more Islamification of Canada, which is like endorsing your own suicide. | False | non-toxic |
If it's a "decency issue" then you can count yourself out, as can Trump and all of his supporters. None of you has an ounce of decency. For shame.
I'll take a trans person in the bathroom any day over Trump. "Common sense" says Trump is a pathological liar, sexual predator and cheat, among other things. I wouldn't want him anywhere near me or my child, especially in a restroom. | True | toxic |
Mokantx -- Are you male or female or 'bi' or transgendered? And what does the moniker 'Mokantx' mean? | False | non-toxic |
Hendren - WOW. "The trans looking to get into my daughters bathroom??" WTF? That is a disgusting comment to make. You had better be afraid of the "straight" women who were born female who could molest or prey on your daughter. Get real. Know your facts and your statistics. Chances are, you or your daughter wouldn't necessarily know what a "trans" looks like. Ironic, how many "straight" people are rapists, pedophiles and child molesters. Of all the stories we have seen in the news about peep holes, bathroom recordings or cameras in public bathrooms, I don't recall a single story about a "trans" person doing that. You have more to fear from straight people that you ever do w/ LGBT. "Straight" females frequently lure other females so their "straight" male partners can assault them. But hey, they are straight so they can use your daughter's bathroom, no problem. As a child I was sexually assaulted by a female who went to our church. Sexual predators are usually the people you LEAST suspect | True | toxic |
It figures that you'd know where the gay males are.....;-) | False | non-toxic |
This inclusive stuff baffles me. If I play hockey and one of players states that he is gay I'm supposed to accept him as a teammate even though I find the thought of shoving a penis into another man's anal canal disgusting and weird?
The world is wacky. | True | toxic |
obamma wamma is acting like a gay gay spolied lttle muslim rat brat who's throwing a temper tantrum
FLUSH........................................ he's finished ............ all he's doing is digging himself a deeper hole | True | toxic |
I wonder why the left continues to fight for allowing men in girls bathrooms and locker rooms? Seems strange behavior considering there are more pervs then transgenders. | True | toxic |
Translation: If you are gay, you should hate yourself and your sexual orientation. | True | toxic |
Stop lying.
Gays are members of a protectd class in Colorado, no matter what you say.
Google, how does it work? | False | non-toxic |
In the middle east they kill homosexuals.... | True | toxic |
"a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance."
There you go again. What is it with you and gay people? Was your father gay? Did you marry a man who lied to you about his sexuality before he married you? Was a gay person mean to you when you were little? What?? Your hysterical over-reaction is completely irrational. | True | toxic |
And I thought you were gay! | True | toxic |
Yep, every business owner who hates gay people for whatever reason could put out signs saying "No homosexuals allowed" or "Help wanted: homosexuals need not apply".
All they'd have to do is claim their conscience is violated.
Conservative Christian groups would launch campaigns claiming businesses that didn't discriminate were anti-Christian and anti-family-values.
The people backing this baker want to shove gay people back in the closet. | True | toxic |
Homosexual Leftists...like Larry Craig, Denny Hastert, and Mark Foley..??? | True | toxic |
Propaganda of homosexuality should be forbidden. | True | toxic |
@Tron4000- Yea people don't change after 40 years... Hillary opposed gay marriage for decades. Chances are there was some point in your life when you used to call someone a "fag"... by your logic you're homophobic. | True | toxic |
I would not vote for you as that would be a vote against the country and our cherished belief system! Now go to your transgender room and close the yap! | True | toxic |
Research "the dancing boys" umm many are homosexual themselves, child rapists, woman haters.. Their entire culture is sexually perverse, backwards and should simply be destroyed. I think it has to do with deprivation of natural male and female relationships from dictatorship, censorship, whatever keeps them under HAND and GUN. Basically, they are easily manipulated and self destructed their entire society based upon those who want to control them. It's kind of pathetic really. | True | toxic |
In transgender, why do we assume the brain is right and the body is wrong? | True | toxic |
Gay men are no more likely to be deviant than straight men. But why let facts get in the way of your hateful bias? | True | toxic |
"students from all backgrounds feel welcome here and they have an identity here,”
Unless of course you have a gay identity, in which case you are told you "struggle with same-sex attraction," because as we all know, in the Catholic world as in Iran, according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to an audience at Columbia University, gay identity doesn't exist. | True | toxic |
So maybe they should have filed this as a gay wedding, no one can refuse service then.
This group is awful, but this is how censorship works and looks like. Just imagine the reverse outrage if this was a transgender conference or a gay wedding.
I think racists are evil, but they should have equal protection and rights under the law. No matter how stupid their views are. They want to meet as a group and discus their ideas. Warped as they are, they have that right.
Everyone involved should be ashamed. | True | toxic |
trans gender people need counselling not washrooms, there are only 2 genders, male or female anything else is a fantasy of belief | True | toxic |
My conclusion is true. You loathe gays, and your loathing of them is a rejection of Christ, who told us to love. | False | non-toxic |
Why do liberals abort your babies? Because once you have a baby it makes it tougher for them to force you into a gay marriage. | False | non-toxic |
So she looks like she's about 8 years old. How does she know she's gay? | False | non-toxic |
The. Transgender pervert republicans need to be sent home , replaced immediately ! | True | toxic |
The left is utterly clueless when it comes to masculinity. They are mostly comprised of homosexuals and atheists who don't even comprehend the values and qualities that REAL MEN have. The fact is that these commie traitors have an agenda to feminize anything male or masculine and promote and defend every type of crime and sexual perversion known to humanity and for that reason alone, NOTHING that they say or do can ever be trusted. They must be PURGED from the Education System and I would not disagree to an open ended rifle season for hunting leftists everywhere. | True | toxic |
20% of priests are gay? I'd say closer to 80%. | True | toxic |
A mouthpiece for the political party that attracts Blacks who hate Whites, Homosexuals who hate Straights, Feminists who hate Men, etc. And if you don't agree with anything they say....burn and loot. | True | toxic |
Well, doesn't this mean that NO TRADE AT ALL with all the Muslim countries in the world where gays are not treated as equals.... GOOD.... boycott all the Muslim countries in the world. HA HA... the left and the progressives and their friends in the Marxist community will finally have to admit that Muslims kill gays in some countries and persecute them in all the others. WAKE UP TIME for the TRUTH. | True | toxic |
You sure TONTO don't mean GAY? | True | toxic |
He's a horrible man with his hate propaganda against homosexuals and his association with that portable toilet, the Poo Tin. | True | toxic |
Homosexuals are men right?
who knows anymore?
we are told now by the progressives that your sex could be male but your gender could be female
all kinds of combinations possible
very dangerous now if you choose the wrong washroom | False | non-toxic |
Transgender - leave it to states. Weed - Keep it at federal level because states have no rights. | False | non-toxic |
I will agree TCP that one cannot broad brush all pro-lifers and caring only about fetuses. Let me ask you, though, a few questions that many pro-lifers dodge or equivocate on:
-Are you for broad availability of contraceptives, especially for the underaged and the poor?
-Are you in favor of gov't sponsored child care, as even Trump has supported?
-Are you okay with gay couples being able to adopt children? | False | non-toxic |
i dont hate gay anyone.. j edgar was gay.. he was director of the fbi.. whats that got to do with anything.. if you had not been such a pussy and addressed the post to me directly.. you might have understood.. however, if i had of said go blow yourself. that would have been different.. | True | toxic |
LOL. Please tell me it includes the one that thinks that having boys do household chores turns them gay. | False | non-toxic |
the whole discussion about Hawaiians' self-determination is gay*. They are part of this democracy and I democracies you get self-determination.
IRONIC: Hawaiians are crying to get out fro under this DEMOCRACY (via independence or a form of "government)so that they can democratically vote who & what they want. But only what HAWAIIANS want. So Hawaiians want a democracy, but only a democracy where only they get to vote. So they want an exclusionary democracy. Great...Ironic.
*I'm using the phrase 'gay' I the old fashioned (circa my small-kid times) way: lame, stupid, ridiculous. NOT to describe a sex preference | True | toxic |
Oosterhoff: "I'm not a homophobe but homosexuality is a sin, gays should not be parents, homosexuality should never to taught in school, so please feel free to discriminate against them." | True | toxic |
STD's occur in every "sexually active" group. A very small number of gays fall into that group. Most gays are monogamous, in committed relationships. Your portrayal of gays is wrong headed and stupid. I figure you're a troll or an idiot, because Trump certainly doesn't agree with you. | True | toxic |
Being Gay is something that you are and cannot choose....so the wife of New York City's mayor is still gay, she just doesn't be gay with her male husband? I thought she stopped being a lesbian to marry a man? Help me here, please. | True | toxic |
Majority gay marriage voting is wrong. Check your Bibles when you can, on your own time, for this is not a theological debate. | True | toxic |
... just another religious blow hard taking a swipe at gays. They cant resist ... | True | toxic |
Yet you all want Muslims in Canada who mutilate, beat, and kill women for being women and make them walk around like animals. Bring your culture and misogyny says Jughead...
We love your middle earth attitudes....
It all depends on the spin I guess. Gay guys are better news and less offensive I guess.
Where is the articles on the mutilation of women by Muslims.....
BTW where are the narco-fems and anti-farts on this issue?
They like Muslim desecration of women do they?
Now if it was Trump well then....
Where are the marches and baseball bats people?
Or are you just fake people hired by you know who and who are just like all the fake Leftist globalist news? | True | toxic |
So long Europe. So many people are afraid of being called a name, that they would rather be killed in Islamic Extremist Terrorist Attacks. That's what they are and there is no way around it. The BBC now says that they just have to get used to it. Really? How about removing the individuals from your nation that cause terrorism. It's been awhile since the last Buddhist blew themselves up or maybe the elusive explosive Hindu. The fact is, the Muslim belief system desperately needs a reformation. Within that, it needs to say not to kill, steal, rape, etc. Why the Left wants to align themselves with those who throw homosexuals off roofs, don't allow women to drive, and stone women to death for being raped is beyond me. Also, why is it when you point out Muslim terrorism, you're called a racist? Islam is not a race, it's a religion... Don't forget to Spay or Neuter a Leftist - Bob Barker. | True | toxic |
Organize like the LGBTs did!? Are you serious? That's your best example? How about organized groups like Republicans for Trump, the KKK, Westboro Baptist Church and Anchorage Baptist Temple? Those groups are the ones I fear because they're hate-driven, not gay people. | True | toxic |
Epigenetics and the link to homosexuality in males has current support. New theories are always great but I am now sure how you would test or model it, but if you do I am all for it. All the evidence helps end the stupidity of gays being disordered. | True | toxic |
Holy crap. How can anyone be dumb enough that they don't understand the difference between someone's genetic traits, and what essentially amounts to a fashion choice? It's unbelievable.
Not to mention - you people have spent the last 20 years denying gays rights because it's supposedly a "choice". So your little hissy fit reveals one thing - that you're the real hypocrite here.
But you are a republican, so it's required for party membership. I won't hold it against you. | True | toxic |
Killing gays and wearing traditional clothing? How are those equivalent? | True | toxic |
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