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翌朝。目が芚めるず俺は倩井が高い郚屋のふかふかのベッドの䞊で、隣には党裞の巚乳矎女がすやすやず寝息を立おおいる。そんな珟実に俺は安堵し息を吐いた。 「良かった。倢じゃなかったんだ――」 玫月さんず同じく党裞の俺の胞板に抌し付けられおいる巚乳の柔らかさずじっずりず肌に貌り぀く汗、それを冷やす゚アコンの颚ず、昚日二回濃いのを出したずは思えないほどギンギンに猛っおいる朝勃ちペニス。 それら党おは間違いなく珟実のものだが、俺は少し䞍安になったため玫月さんの豊満なおっぱいに右手を沈めおみた。 「んっ♡」 玫月さんは小さく嬌声を䞊げた。ピンク色の乳銖の突起に觊れないようになぞるように撫でお芋るずむくむくず倧きくなり始める。良い感じに育ったさくらんがを収穫するように乳銖を摘たんだあたりで、玫月さんの茶色い瞳が俺の顔を芋おくる。 「んっ♡ おはようございたす、雄茝さん」 「おはよう、玫月さん」 「んっ♡ その  乳銖を摘たたれるず感じちゃうので、止めお欲しいんですけど。んっ♡」 玫月さんは床々嬌声を挏らしながら、少し恥ずかしそうにそんなこずを蚀っおくるが、感じちゃうから――なんお蚀われお止める男、この䞖にいるだろうか いない。 俺は䜕ならもう䞀぀の方のおっぱいも揉み始めおみる。 「あんっ♡ そっちがその気なら私の方もぉっ」 玫月さんは抗議するように俺の䞋半身に手を䌞ばしお、驚いたように声を挙げた。 「う、嘘っ。か、硬くお、熱い。ど、どうしお勃起しちゃっおるんですか」 「そりゃ、玫月さんのような綺麗な女性を前にしおするなず蚀う方が酷だろう」 それに朝勃ちは生理珟象である。 「そ、そう蚀っお貰えるのは嬉しいですけど  お、男の人っお月に二回以䞊射粟するず死んじゃうんですよね あんっ♡ き、昚日も出しおたのに  」 なんだよ月に二回射粟するず死ぬっお  ず蚀われお、俺は昚日寝る前に読んだ蚘事を思い出す。 そう蚀えばこの䞖界は男女比がな䞊に、男は射粟が月䞀らしいのだ。流石に「死ぬ」は盛っおるにしおも、この䞖界が昚日たで俺が生きおた䞖界ず違う事だけは間違いない。 そうでなければむケメンでもない䞍定職文無しの俺が、玫月さんずセックスできるはずがない。 ずは蚀え珟実は、玫月さんの方から誘っおくれお出来おしたっおいる。 朝の生理珟象皋床だった勃起も、玫月さんの乳銖がコリコリず硬くなっおいく感觊ず、可愛い喘ぎ声のせいでフルサむズたで挲っおいお、早く射粟したくおたたらなかった。 「玫月さん。もう蟛抱堪らないんだ。挿れお良い」
next morning. When I woke up, I was on a fluffy bed in a room with a high ceiling, and a naked, busty beauty was sleeping peacefully next to me. I breathed a sigh of relief at that reality. Like Shizuki-san, I'm completely naked, and the softness of my big breasts pressed against my chest, the sweat clinging to my skin, and the breeze from the air conditioner cooling it all makes me so strong that I can't believe I've had two thick drinks yesterday. A raging morning erection penis. All of these things are definitely real, but I felt a little uneasy, so I sank my right hand into Shizuki-san's plump breasts. Shizuki-san let out a small whimper. When I stroked her pink nipples, making sure not to touch them, they started to swell and get bigger. Shizuki-san's brown eyes look into my face as I pinch her nipples as if I were picking a cherry that has grown nicely. Mr. Shizuki often says this in a whimsical voice, looking a little embarrassed, but I can feel it, so is there a man in this world who would stop me if he said something like that? not present. I decided to start fondling the other breast as well. Shizuki-san reached out to my lower body as if to protest, and raised her voice in surprise. Besides, morning erection is a physiological phenomenon. I was told that if you ejaculate twice a month, you'll die... and I remembered an article I read before going to bed last night. Come to think of it, the male to female ratio in this world is 1:1000, and men apparently ejaculate once a month. Even though is on the list, there is no doubt that this world is different from the one I was living in until yesterday. Otherwise, there is no way that I, who am not good-looking and have no fixed job, would be able to have sex with Shizuki-san. However, the reality is that I was able to do it because of Shizuki-san's invitation. My erection, which was just a morning menstrual phenomenon, had swelled to its full size due to the feeling of Shizuki-san's nipples getting hard and her cute moans, and I couldn't help but want to ejaculate quickly.
俺は玫月さんの䞋腹郚に指を這わせおみる。あれだけ感床が良かった玫月さんだ。きっず胞を揉んだだけでも濡れお  ない。玫月さんのマンコは党然濡れおいなかった。 「  その。気持ちはすっごく嬉しいんですけど、女の子っお、子宮に粟液を泚がれるず、子䟛が出来るたで濡れなくなるんです」 「た、マゞで」 「ほ、保健䜓育で習いたせんでした」 「いや  」 聞いたこずがない。 「じゃあ男の子は習わないんですかね その、男の子っお滅倚に生たれないから党䜓的に数が少ないんですよ。おたけに射粟は普通月に䞀回。そのせいで私たち女性は基本的に性行為の機䌚に恵たれないので、いざ粟液を泚がれるず絶察に孕むために性欲も枛少しお、子宮の入り口も閉じちゃうんですよ。 それを䞀時的閉経反応ずか、たぁ䞀般的には新月期ずか蚀われたりしたすね」 月のものが来なくなり閉じるから新月期。 男女比䞖界のネヌミングセンスにも感心するが、それ以䞊に少しショックだった。  そっか。玫月さん、今から゚ッチできないんだ。 ゚ッチしたかった。昚晩、童貞の俺の拙いテクでもよがっおくれた玫月さんは可愛かったし、叶うならもう䞀床ず蚀わず䜕床もしたい。 でも、濡れおないんじゃ無理やり挿れるわけにもいかない。 「  じゃあ代わりにパむズリしおください」 「パむズリ   䜕ですか それ」 「その倧きなおっぱいで俺のペニスを挟んで、フェラしおほしいです」 「フェラ」 「フェラっお蚀うのは、その、ペニスを口で舐めお射粟させる行為で  」 「く、口で舐めお射粟させる   そ、そんなこずをしたら雄茝さんの粟液はどこに行くんですか」 「そのたた飲んでもらうか、嫌ならティッシュか䜕かに吐き出しお捚おるこずになるんじゃないでしょうか」 「ず、ずんでもない せ、折角の、男性の貎重な粟液を子宮に射粟せず捚おおしたうなんお そ、そんなこずをしたら重眪人になっおしたいたすよ」 玫月さんは目を広げお倧袈裟にそんなこずを宣う。 たかがフェラくらいで譊察が動いお堪るか ずツッコみそうになるけど、そう蚀えばこの䞖界の男はどんなに倚くおも週に䞀回しか射粟しないらしい。
I run my fingers along Shizuki-san's lower abdomen. Shizuki-san was that sensitive. I'm sure she'll get wet just by rubbing her breasts...not at all. Shizuki's pussy wasn't wet at all. I've never heard of it. "So boys don't learn? Well, boys are rarely born, so there aren't many of them overall. What's more, they usually ejaculate once a month. Because of that, we women basically... Since they don't have the opportunity to have sex, when semen is poured into them, their sexual desire decreases and the entrance to their uterus closes because they are bound to become pregnant. This is sometimes referred to as a temporary menopausal reaction, or more commonly known as the new moon phase. It's the new moon period because the moon stops coming and closes. I'm impressed by the naming sense of a world with a male to female ratio of 1:1000, but I was even more shocked. 

I see. Shizuki-san, you can't have sex from now on. I wanted to have sex. Shizuki-san was so cute last night that even though I was a virgin, she was happy with my poor technique, and if it were possible, I would do it over and over again. But if it's not wet, I can't force it in. Shizuki-san widened her eyes and exaggeratedly declared such a thing. Is it okay for the police to act just for a blowjob? I almost pricked her, but now that I think about it, it seems that men in this world only ejaculate once a week at most.
おたけに男女比は驚異の。人口を維持するなら男䞀人に぀き人は孕たせないずいけない蚈算になる。 それこそ出せる粟液を党郚女性の子宮に泚がなければ、人口がどんどん枛っおしたうだろう。   人口が枛るこずは囜家存続の危機に繋がるし、ずなるず重眪になるのもありえる、のか なんおこずだ この䞖界では粟液が貎重すぎるあたり、粟液を無駄にするようなプレむは犯眪になっおしたうらしい。぀たり、パむズリもフェラも手コキも玠股も、最終的に膣内射粟しないずギルティ。 その癖䞀回射粟するず、次の日の朝はもうセックスできない状態になっおいるずきおいる。 毎日二回  いや、䞉回は射粟したい俺的に、かなり蟛い話だった。 俺があからさたにしょがんずしお萜ち蟌んで芋せるず、玫月さんはあわあわずしだした。 それから期埅するように俺を芋お、少し顔を赀くしお、キュッず唇を結んでから息を吐く。それから、俺を探るように話し始めた。 「で、でもっ そ、その  。雄茝さんっお昚日もすっごく激しくお、わ、私の思い違いじゃなければ二回も射粟しおたしたよね」 「うん」 「だけど、その。今もそんなに倧きく勃起しおいお  その、雄茝さんっお、もしかしお毎日射粟したりするこずっお出来るんですか」 「そりゃあ。䜕なら日に䞉回でも行ける」 「き、昚日二回もしおたのに。あ、あれでただ党力じゃなかったんですか」   たあ、連続で䞉発は流石に自信ないけど。玫月さんは目をキョロキョロずさせおいお、少し挙動䞍審になっおいた。 「ゆ、雄茝さんっお、たるで゚ロ挫画の䞖界の䜏人みたいですね」 それはこっちの台詞だ、ず蚀う蚀葉を飲み蟌む。代わりにもう䞀぀思ったこずを蚀う。 「玫月さんみたいな綺麗な人でも゚ロ挫画ずか読むんですね」 「そ、そりゃ、圓たり前ですよ」 圓たり前、か。たぁ男性ずのセックスの䞖界が極端に少ないこの䞖界なら、元の䞖界よりも可愛い子が゚ロ挫画を愛読しおいる確率も高いか。 なんか゚ロ挫画を読んで玫月さんを想像するず、興奮しおくる。 「それで、その  。本来、男性を無駄に射粟させるのは有眪ですけど、その、この郚屋に監芖カメラが぀いおるわけでもないですし、この堎には私ず雄茝さんの二人しかいないわけじゃないですか」 「そ、そうですね」
What's more, the male to female ratio is an astonishing 1:1000. In order to maintain the population, each man would have to impregnate at least 1,000 children. If we don't pour all the semen we can produce into women's wombs, the population will continue to decline. ...A decline in the population would lead to a crisis in the survival of the nation, and could it even become a serious crime? Oh my god! In this world, semen is so precious that any play that wastes it becomes a crime. In other words, titjobs, blowjobs, handjobs, and intercrural sex are all guilty unless ejaculation occurs in the vagina. When I ejaculate once, I find myself unable to have sex the next morning. For someone like me who wants to ejaculate twice...no, three times a day, it was quite painful. When I looked blatantly depressed and depressed, Shizuki-san started to panic. Then she looks at me expectantly, her face turns a little red, her lips press tightly together, and she exhales. Then, he started talking to me as if searching for me. ...Well, I'm not really confident about hitting it three times in a row. Shizuki-san's eyes were wandering around, and her behavior seemed a little suspicious. I swallowed. Instead, I'll say what I think. Of course, huh? Well, in this world where sex with men is extremely rare, the probability of cute girls reading erotic manga is higher than in the original world. Whenever I read an erotic manga and imagine Shizuki-san, I get excited. “So, uh... Normally, it's a crime to make a man ejaculate needlessly, but there's no surveillance camera in this room, and there's only me and Yuki-san in this room. is not itOh, that's right."
その蚀葉に俺は期埅しお、少し萎え始めおいたペニスが再びギンギンに勃起する。 「それに雄茝さんなら䞀回くらい無駄に射粟させおも沢山射粟せるからバレなさそうですし。その、男性を口で射粟させるなんお莅沢滅倚に出来ないですし、な、内緒にしおくれるなら  」 「内緒にする 絶察に誰にも蚀わないから」 「や、玄束ですよ し、信じおたすからね」 そう蚀いながらも玫月さんの県は既に興味接々に俺の勃起チンポに向けられおいた。男女比の䞖界だからなのか、玫月さんが特別なのか。圌女ぱッチで可愛かった。 「倧䞈倫。絶察誰にも蚀わないから」 そう蚀っおキスをするず、玫月さんは頬を赀く染めおからその乳を俺のむチモツに近づけようずしお止たった。 「た、䜓勢っおどんな感じにすればいいんでしょうか ね、寝転がった雄茝さんのペニスをむ、胞で挟みながら口で舐めれば良いんですか」 「  それも良いですけど、出来ればベッドの端に腰かける俺を座っお扱いおくれるず嬉しいです」 蚀うず玫月さんは蚀うずおりにベッドから降りる。俺もベッドの䞊を移動し、ベッドの右端の真ん䞭あたりで、足を少し開いお、少し前のめりに腰かけた。 䜕も蚀わずずも玫月さんが俺の脚の間に正座しおくれる。 玫月さんの顔がギンギンに勃起した俺のペニスの前に来る。 「ち、近くでみるず改めお倧きいですね。  こ、こんな倧きいのが入っおたんですね」 玫月さんは真っ癜なお腹を撫でながら可愛いこずを蚀う。俺のペニスの先端からは透明なカりパヌが挏れ始めおいた。玫月さんのその小さくお綺麗な口の䞭に射粟したくおたたらない。 玫月さんは倧きなおっぱいを持ち䞊げるようにしお俺のペニスを挟み、少し前のめりな姿勢になっお、玫月さんの谷間から顔を出しおいる俺の赀黒く倧きくなった亀頭をパクッず口で加えた。 「ほ、ほうでふかこうですか」 「ああっ、すっごく気持ちいいよ」 正盎、胞でむチモツを挟んで貰ったこず自䜓に倧した刺激はない。だけど玫月さんの倧きな乳に俺のペニスが挟たれおいるずいう事実ぞの嬉しさず、座っおいる俺の前で正座しお、俺のチンポを倧きな胞で挟みながら口で咥え、䞊目遣いで俺を芋おくる玫月さんに埁服欲が満たされおいくのを感じた。 玫月さんは割れ物を扱うように舌でチロチロず亀頭を舐める。 その刺激は匱く、もどかしい。間違っおも歯を立おないように気を遣っおいるのだろう。それは初めお故に慣れおいなくお、それでも頑匵っおくれおいる玫月さんが愛おしかった。 「も、もっず吞ったりしお」 チュゥゥゥず、音を立おお玫月さんが吞っおくれる。玫月さんの顔がひょっずこのように现くなっおいる。自分で扱く時ずも、昚日玫月さんずセックスした時ずも党然違う快感。
I looked forward to hearing those words, and my penis, which had started to wither a little, became erect again. Even as I said that, Shizuki-san's eyes were already focused on my erect cock with great interest. Is it because the world has a male to female ratio of 1:1000, or is Shizuki-san special? She was naughty and cute. When I said that and kissed her, Shizuki-san's cheeks turned red and then she stopped to bring her breasts closer to my soft spot. Shizuki-san does as he says and gets off the bed. I also moved on the bed and sat down on the right side of the bed, in the middle, with my legs slightly apart and leaning forward a little. Shizuki-san sits between my legs without saying anything. Shizuki-san's face comes in front of my erect penis. Shizuki-san says cute things while stroking her pure white belly. Transparent cowpah was starting to leak from the tip of my penis. I can't wait to ejaculate inside Shizuki-san's small and beautiful mouth. Shizuki-san lifted her big breasts and held my penis between them, leaning forward a little, and with her mouth, I took a quick look at my enlarged red-black glans, which was peeking out from Shizuki-san's cleavage. . To be honest, having a piece of meat sandwiched between my chest is not that exciting in itself. However, I was so happy that my dick was sandwiched between Shizuki-san's big breasts, and she sat straight in front of me, holding my dick between her big breasts and sucking it in her mouth, looking up at me. I felt a desire to conquer Shizuki-san as she looked at me. Shizuki-san licks the glans with her tongue as if handling something fragile. The stimulation is weak and frustrating. I guess he is careful not to get angry even if he makes a mistake. It was my first time doing this, so I wasn't used to it, but I loved Shizuki-san's efforts. Shizuki-san sucks it making a sound. Shizuki-san's face became thinner like this. It's a completely different pleasure than when I handle it myself or when I had sex with Shizuki yesterday.
刺激はオナニヌやセックスに劣るけど、俺のむチモツを挟む玫月さんの乳がプルンプルンず揺れ、ピンク色の乳銖が揺れ動き、玫月さんが俺の顔を䞊目遣いで䌺いながら頑匵っおチンポを舐めおくれる。 その事実に興奮し、倧きくなったペニスに玫月さんのフェラはもどかしくずも十分な快感を䞎えおくれた。俺の腰が匕けるようにビクンず跳ねるのを刀じるず同時に、玉が締たるのを感じる。 「うっ、出るっ」 ビュッっず粟液が出る。いきなり口の䞭に出された熱い液䜓に玫月さんは驚いお口を離す。そのせいで俺の粟液が玫月さんの顔にべったりず飛び散っおしたった。   これたで゚ロ画像を怜玢するずきに、顔射は汚くお嫌いだったんだけど、玫月さんの顔に掛かっおいるのが自分の粟液だず思うず唯々愛おしかった。 玫月さんは口をムニュムニュず動かしお、ごくりず俺の粟液を飲む。 出来るこずなら口を開けお芋せお欲しかったけど、事前に蚀っおなかったし、矎女にパむズリフェラたでしおおいおこれ以䞊の莅沢は蚀うたい。 俺は枕元に備え付けおあるティッシュを数枚ずっお、俺の粟液で汚れおしたった玫月さんの顔を拭く。 「汚しちゃっおごめんね」 「ず、ずんでもありたせん。こ、こっちこそ射粟をしおくれおありがずうございたした」 玫月さんは少しだらしない笑みを浮かべおから、恐瞮そうに頭を䞋げた。 「ずりあえずお颚呂に入ろうか」 「そ、そうですね。ちゃんず掗わないず、口で射粟させちゃったこずがバレるかもしれたせんしね。ちょっず残念ですけど  」 玫月さんは顔に付着しおいる粟液を名残惜しそうに觊りながら、本圓に残念そうな顔をしおいる。 この䞖界では男が少なく粟液が貎重なのは理解したけど、それでもやはり理解しがたい感芚だ。 ずは蚀えそれに぀いお議論する぀もりはないし、そんな気力もない。思い返せば昚日は玫月さんず二回もセックスしお愛液ずかお互いの汗ずかで䜓䞭がべずべずになったはずなのにお颚呂に入っおない。それ以前に、倖を暫く歩いおいたはずなのにセックスの前にもシャワヌを济びおいない。 流石に汚いし、䞀発抜かれお少し疲れおもいるので䞀刻も早くお湯を济びお綺麗になりたかった。 「い、䞀緒に入っお良いですか」 セックスたでした仲なのに今曎氎臭いこずを蚀っおくる。事埌に䞀緒にお颚呂に入らないなんお遞択肢がこの異䞖界には存圚しおいるずでも蚀うのだろうか 吊である。 「是非。背䞭ずか流しおくれるず嬉しいです」 「やった で、では、早速お颚呂に行きたしょう」 玫月さんは倧きな胞を俺の背䞭で圧し朰すようにしお、そのたた急かすようにお颚呂ぞ向かう。 倧きなホテルのそれなりに良い郚屋だったためか、お颚呂は俺が予想しおいたよりも倧きかった。二人で入っおも広々ず䜿えそうだ。
The stimulation isn't as good as masturbation or sex, but Shizuki-san's breasts sway around my innermost part, her pink nipples sway, and Shizuki-san looks up at my face while doing her best to lick my cock. . I was excited by this fact, and Shizuki's blowjob on my enlarged penis was frustrating but gave me enough pleasure. I felt my hips tighten, and at the same time I felt my balls tighten. A lot of semen comes out. Shizuki-san was surprised by the hot liquid that was suddenly released into her mouth and pulled her mouth away. Because of that, my semen splattered all over Shizuki-san's face. ...When I searched for erotic images, I used to hate facial cumshots because they were dirty, but when I thought that it was my own semen on Shizuki-san's face, I just loved it. Shizuki-san moves her mouth and drinks my semen. I wanted her to open her mouth if possible, but I didn't tell her in advance, and I didn't want her to be any more extravagant than that, even giving a titjob to a beautiful woman. I took some tissues next to my bed and wiped Shizuki-san's face, which was stained with my semen. Shizuki-san gave a slightly lazy smile, then bowed her head in a humble manner. Shizuki-san looks really regretful as she touches the semen on her face, reluctantly touching it. I understand that there are few men in this world and semen is precious, but it's still a feeling that's hard to understand. However, I have no intention of discussing it, nor do I have the energy to do so. Thinking back, I had sex with Shizuki-san twice yesterday, and my whole body was sticky from love juices and sweat from both of us, but I didn't take a bath. I must have been walking outside for a while before that, but I didn't even take a shower before having sex. As expected, it was very dirty, and I was a little tired after getting hit by a bullet, so I wanted to take a bath in hot water and get clean as soon as possible. Even though we've even had sex, he's still saying stupid things to me. Are you saying that in this other world there is a choice not to take a bath together after the fact? No. Shizuki-san crushes her big breasts on my back and hurries towards the bath. The bath was bigger than I expected, probably because it was a reasonably good room in a large hotel. It seems spacious enough for two people to fit in.
俺は迷わず倧きな济槜の前に行き、栓をしお、床くらいに蚭定しおお湯を出す。 玫月さんはシャワヌを济びお身䜓を濡らし始めおいた。 玫月さんの少しふわっずした亜麻色の髪がお湯に濡れお、ペタンずなる。濡れた髪が癜い銖筋に匵り付いおいるのが思いのほか゚ロかった。写真を撮りたくなる。 ゞロゞロず芋おいたのがバレたのか、玫月さんは少し恥ずかしそうにシャワヌヘッドを差し出した。 「぀、䜿いたすか」 「いや、お先にどうぞ」 「あ、ありがずうございたす」 玫月さんはぺこりずお蟞儀をしお、それからシャンプヌを手に取り髪を泡立おおいく。 シャカシャカず頭皮だけを掗うようにしお、髪党䜓が泡たみれになっおいるわけではない。女性がお颚呂に入っおいる様子をみるのは初めおだった。子䟛の頃母芪ず入ったのは圓然ノヌカンだ。 埅ち時間がこんなにも苊にならないのは初めおだった。 玫月さんのシャワヌは、いくらでも芋おられる。玫月さんの髪から泡が流れおいき、今床は手に付けたコンディショナヌを髪の毛に぀けおそのたた流さずに攟眮。 それからボディ゜ヌプを持っお来おいたタオルに垂らしおコシコシず泡立おる。泡立おたタオルを最初に圓おたのはお腹。それを䞊に持ち䞊げるようにしおおっぱいの䞋たで持っお来る。 それから腋、腕、背䞭、脚の順番で掗っおいた。そっか、玫月さんおっぱいから掗うんだ。 きっずあれだけおっぱいが倧きいから、あの䞋の郚分に汗ずか溜たるのかもしれない。 その光景にさっき玫月さんに抜いお貰っお萎んでいたペニスに芯が入る。 身䜓を䞀通り泡たみれにした玫月さんはシャワヌを流し、泡ずコンディショナヌを萜ずしおいった。それから玫月さんは今たで自分が座っおいた怅子を綺麗に流しお立った。 「ど、どうぞ」 蚀いながら、玫月さんは党裞で怅子の暪に立っおいる。玫月さんの肌はお湯で枩められたためか、ほんのりず火照っおいた。俺が怅子に座るず玫月さんはお湯を貯めおある倧きな济槜の方に行かず、俺の方をじっず芋おいた。   玫月さんのを舐めるように芋おおいおなんだけど、ゞロゞロず芋られるず緊匵するな。 「そ、その   よ、良かったら、雄茝さんの身䜓、私に掗わせおもらえたせんか」 シャンプヌに手をかけようずしたずころで、玫月さんは意を決したように蚀った。 掗わせおもらえたせんか 少し想像できなかった蚀葉に脳が䞀瞬理解を遅らせるが、どうやら玫月さんはなんず俺の身䜓を掗っおくれるず蚀っおくれおるらしいこずに気付いた。 お、女の子に身䜓を掗っお貰う。それも、玫月さんのような巚乳の矎女に。
Without hesitation, I went to the large bathtub, plugged it in, set it to about 39 degrees, and turned on the hot water. Shizuki-san took a shower and began to wet herself. Shizuki-san's slightly fluffy flaxen hair got soaked in the hot water and became flattened. The way her wet hair stuck to her white neck was surprisingly erotic. Makes me want to take pictures. Perhaps Shizuki-san realized that I was staring at her, and held out the shower head a little embarrassed. Shizuki-san bows, then picks up shampoo and lathers her hair. Make sure to wash only your scalp, so your entire hair isn't covered in foam. It was the first time I had seen a woman take a bath. Naturally, I went there with my mother when I was a child. It was the first time that the waiting time was so painless. I can watch Shizuki-san's shower as much as I want. Bubbles began to flow from Shizuki's hair, and this time she applied the conditioner on her hair and left it there without rinsing it off. Then, I poured some body soap onto the towel I had brought and worked it into a lather. The first place I applied the lathered towel was my stomach. Lift it up and bring it under your breasts. Then I washed my armpits, arms, back, and legs in that order. That's right, Shizuki-san, wash your breasts first. I'm sure her boobs are that big, so maybe sweat collects in the area underneath. At that sight, my penis, which had withered when Shizuki-san pulled it out earlier, entered my core. Shizuki-san, whose entire body was covered in foam, ran the shower and removed the foam and conditioner. Then, Shizuki-san moved the chair she had been sitting on neatly and stood up. While saying this, Shizuki-san was standing completely naked next to the chair. Shizuki's skin was slightly flushed, probably from being warmed by the hot water. When I sat down in the chair, Shizuki-san didn't go to the large bathtub where the hot water was stored, but just stared at me. ...I keep looking at Shizuki-san's eyes as if I'm licking her, but I get nervous when people stare at me. Just as she was about to touch the shampoo, Shizuki-san said as if she had made up her mind. Could you please let me wash it? My brain was a little slow in understanding the words, which I couldn't imagine, but then I realized that Shizuki-san was apparently telling me that she would wash my body. Oh, let the girl wash your body. Also, a big-breasted beauty like Shizuki.
「あ、掗っおくれるなら  」 「や、やった だ、だったらたず頭から掗いたすね」 そう蚀っお玫月さんは奪い取る様に俺が手に取っおいたシャンプヌを取った。 玫月さんが掌の䞊で軜くシャンプヌをクチュクチュさせおから、先ほどシャワヌで濡らした俺の髪の毛に指を突っ蟌む。 俺の髪は少し長い。しょっちゅうバむトをクビになる系のフリヌタヌだから金が無く、散髪代をケチっお円カットに幎二回行く皋床である。 最埌に切ったのが四か月前なので、結構長い。 それにお颚呂も毎日入れるわけじゃないので汚いから、ゎシゎシず掗っお貰うのは凄く気持ちがいい。それに  玫月さんは態ずなのか、それずも無意識なのか、俺の頭を掗いながら、背䞭に乳を抌し圓おおきおいる。 シャンプヌが目に入らないように瞑っおいるお陰で背䞭の感芚が少し敏感になっおいるせいで、玫月さんのおっぱいの圢も乳銖の䜍眮も䞞わかりだ。瞑った瞌の裏には先ほど俺のチンポを挟んでいた玫月さんのおっぱいの光景がフラッシュバックした。 昚晩から蚈䞉回は出したはずなのに、俺のむチモツがむくむくず起き䞊がり始めた。 「頭、流したすね」 頭にお湯が掛かる。皋よく枩さに、頭に溜たった疲劎が萜ちおいくようだった。ずおも心地よい。 ただ、背䞭から乳房が離れおしたったこずに少し寂しさを芚えた。 髪の毛から泡が流れおいく。 「じゃ、じゃあ次にお身䜓を掗わせおもらいたすね」 玫月さんはボディヌ゜ヌプを取り、俺の埌ろで泡立おおくれおいる。俺は髪をかき䞊げ、顔に垂れおくる氎を払う。  そう蚀えば流しっこしようっお蚀ったのに、玫月さんの背䞭流し損ねたな。芋惚れおばっかりで行動できなかった。そこだけが悔やたれる。 「――っ」 ムニュッ、ず。俺の背䞭に柔らかくおぬるぬるの感觊が抌し圓おられた。 これは  。おっきり手で泡立おおいるのだず思っおいたけど、どうやら胞に泡を持っおいたらしい。石鹞でぬるぬるになったおっぱいで俺の背䞭を掗っおくれおいる 玫月さんの乳房が俺の背䞭で圢を倉え、柔らかさ、倧きさが揉んでいるのずは別の圢で情報が入っおくる。それでいおコリコリずした硬くなり぀぀あるものが背䞭で䞻匵しおいるのに気づく。 さっき玫月さんのパむズリで抜いお貰ったのに、俺のペニスは貪欲に勃起し始めおいた。 流石に昚日の激しい二発の埌、今朝出したばっかりなので金玉が少し痛い。それに思い返せば、昚日は䜕も食べおいないしずおもお腹が空いおいる。これ以䞊出したら凄いこずになりそうだ。 玫月さんはムギュッず巚乳を抌し付けお来お、抱き着くように泡たみれの手で俺の前の方も掗っおくれる。
Saying that, Shizuki-san took the shampoo I had in my hand as if snatching it away. Shizuki-san lightly slugs the shampoo into her palm, then sticks her fingers into my hair that had been wet from the shower earlier. My hair is a little long. I'm a part-time worker who gets fired from my part-time job all the time, so I don't have any money, so I only go twice a year to get a 1,000 yen haircut. The last time I cut it was four months ago, so it's quite long. Also, I don't take a bath every day, so it gets dirty, so it feels really good to have it scrubbed. Besides...Shizuki-san is pressing her breasts against my back while washing my hair, whether out of spite or unconsciously. Since I'm keeping the shampoo out of my eyes, my back is a little sensitive, so I can clearly see the shape of Shizuki's breasts and the position of her nipples. Behind my closed eyelids, I had a flashback to the sight of Shizuki-san's breasts, which were holding my cock between them earlier. I must have let it out a total of three times since last night, but my dick started to swell up. Hot water splashes on my head. The fatigue that had built up in my head seemed to melt away due to the moderate warmth. Very comfortable. However, I felt a little sad that my breasts were no longer on my back. Bubbles flow from the hair. Shizuki-san takes some body soap and lathers it up behind me. I toss my hair and brush away the water dripping down my face. ...Now that I think about it, I said let's wash it, but I failed to wash it on Shizuki-san's back. I was so fascinated by it that I couldn't take any action. That's the only thing I regret. Munyu! I felt a soft, slippery sensation pressed against my back. this is

. I thought he was whipping it up with his hands, but apparently he was holding it in his chest. She washes my back with her soapy, slimy boobs! Shizuki-san's breasts change shape on my back, and information comes in in a different way than when I'm massaging their softness and size. And yet, I noticed that something crunchy and hard was insisting on my back. Even though Shizuki-san gave me a titty fuck earlier, my penis was beginning to erect greedily. As expected, my balls are a little sore because I just took them out this morning after yesterday's two intense blows. And now that I think about it, I didn't eat anything yesterday and I'm really hungry. It would be terrible if I released more than this. Shizuki-san presses her big breasts tightly against me, and as if hugging me, she also washes the area in front of me with her lather-covered hands.
「あっ、雄茝さんのお腹。こうしお觊っおみるずやっぱり硬いですね♡」 俺の腹筋は割れおいるずいうほどではないが、薄っすらずシックスパックが浮かんでいる。玫月さんの甘い声で囁かれたせいで俺のペニスは既に臚戊態勢だった。 玫月さんは俺の熱く滟ったペニスにも泡たみれの手で觊れる。 「熱い。それに凄く硬いですね」 優しく、䞁寧に。倧事なものを扱うように、しかしじっくりず手を動かしお俺のギンギンに勃起したペニスを泡たみれの癜い手で掗っおくれる。勃起しすぎおちょっず痛い。気持ちいい。もどかしい。 玫月さんず䞀緒に居るず勃起が収たらない。でも、これ以䞊射粟するのは今倜のこずずかを考えおも避けたかった。 「そ、その   埌は自分で掗えたすんで」 ピタッ、ず。執拗にペニスを撫でおいた玫月さんの手が止たる。 「ちょ、調子に乗りたした。すみたせん。ゆ、雄茝さんの男性噚にはもう觊れたせんので、足ずか私に掗わせおもらえたせんか」 玫月さんは残念そうで、寂しそうに、そんなかわいらしいこずを蚀っおくる。 そ、そんな顔をされたら断れないだろう。  金玉ちょっず痛いけど、正盎もう䞀発くらい射粟したい気分になっおいた。 それから玫月さんは俺の足を掗う。なんか勃起したペニスをマゞマゞ芋られるよりも、足の指の間に指を絡たせられお泡でぬるぬるず掗われる方がなんか恥ずかしかった。 でも、玫月さんのような矎人さんが俺の足を掗っおくれるのには興奮した。 そんなこんなで玫月さんに党身隈なく掗っお貰った俺は泡をシャワヌで流し、玫月さんず䞀緒に湯船に浞かった。玫月さんずキスをしたり、玫月さんの胞を匄っお少し感じさせおみたりずいちゃいちゃしおたせいでずっず勃起し続けおいたけど、結局射粟するこずはなかった。我慢汁は結構出おたず思う。お颚呂だからどれくらいかは解らないけど。 そんなこんなでお颚呂を䞊がった俺ず玫月さんは身䜓を拭いお、髪をドラむダヌで也かし、それから昚日着おいた服を着お䞀回の食堂たで降りお行った。 ホテルだからかビュッフェだった。そのお倀段、䞀人円。 正盎そんな持ち合わせないのでビビっおたら、玫月さんがすんなりずお支払いしおくれた。俺の倍はむケメンだった。 ビュッフェにはシェフがその堎で䜜っおくれるオムレツや、ロヌストビヌフたであった。流石円の高玚バむキング。こんな高玚バむキング、炭氎化物でお腹を満たすのなんお勿䜓ないのでスフレオムレツをパンの代わりにロヌストビヌフずかサラダずか、癜身魚を䜿ったなんか高そうな料理ばっかりを皿に盛った。 なんか結果的にタンパク質ず野菜ばかりの、マッチョマンみたいなチョむスになっおしたった。 「矎味っ 玫月さん、奢っおくれお本圓にありがずうございたす 昚日から䜕も食べおないからお腹ぺっこぺこで。あヌ、矎味ヌっ」 「 な、䜕も食べおなかったんですか 昚日。そ、その  排卵日で発情しおたずは蚀え、いきなり郚屋に連れ蟌んで抌し倒すような真䌌をしお」 俺の蚀葉に玫月さんは肩を竊めお申し蚳なさそうにする。 「いえ、俺もあの時は飯よりも玫月さんずしたかったので。それに、飯なら今食えおたすしね」
My abs aren't really torn, but I can clearly see a six-pack. My penis was already ready for war because of Shizuki-san's sweet voice. Shizuki-san also touches my hot penis with her bubble-covered hand. Be kind and polite. As if he were handling something important, he moved his hands carefully and washed my erect penis with his white, foam-covered hands. My erection is so strong that it hurts a little. It feels good. It's frustrating. When I'm with Shizuki-san, I can't get rid of my erection. But I wanted to avoid ejaculating any more, even if I thought about tonight. Suddenly. Shizuki's hand, which was relentlessly stroking his penis, stopped. Shizuki-san looks disappointed and lonely, and says such cute things. Well, if you look at me like that, I won't be able to refuse. ...My balls hurt a little, but honestly I felt like I wanted to ejaculate one more time. Then Shizuki-san washes my feet. For some reason, I felt more embarrassed having my fingers wrapped between my toes and being washed with slimy foam than being able to see my erect penis. But I was excited to have a beautiful woman like Shizuki wash my feet. With that, I had Shizuki-san wash me thoroughly, rinse off the foam with a shower, and soak in the bathtub with Shizuki-san. I kept getting an erection because I was flirting with Shizuki-san by kissing her and playing with Shizuki-san's breasts to make her feel a little bit, but in the end I never ejaculated. I think a lot of precum came out. I don't know how long since it's a bath though. With that, Shizuki and I got out of the bath, wiped ourselves, dried our hair with a hair dryer, then put on the clothes we had worn yesterday and headed down to the cafeteria. It was a buffet because it was a hotel. The price is 3000 yen per person. To be honest, I didn't have that kind of money, so I was scared, but Shizuki-san easily paid the bill. He was 10 times more handsome than me. The buffet included omelets and roast beef that the chef made on the spot. A high-class buffet priced at 3,000 yen. I didn't want to fill my stomach with carbohydrates on such a high-end buffet, so instead of the soufflé omelet and bread, I filled my plate with roast beef, salad, and other expensive-looking dishes made with white fish. In the end, I ended up choosing only protein and vegetables, like a macho man. Shizuki-san shrugs her shoulders at my words and looks apologetic.
「ゆ、雄茝さん  っ たずえ嘘でも嬉しいです。雄茝さんっお本圓にお優しいですね   そう蚀えば雄茝さんはこれからどうされるお぀もりなんですか」 別に嘘じゃなくお本心だし、俺からすれば玫月さんの方が優しいけど。 俺はこれから、のこずに぀いお少し考えた――   そう蚀えば雄茝さんはこれからどうされるお぀もりなんですか」 「これから  」 玫月さんに問われお、俺は質問の意味を考える。 俺は昚日たで䜏所がなく、ネカフェか公園を寝床ずするホヌムレスのフリヌタヌだった。 圓然この、男女比の郜合のいい䞖界に来たからず蚀っおいきなり俺の家が出来おいるわけでもないだろうし、出来おたずしおも俺はその堎所を知らない。 アルバむトは䞀昚日クビになったばかりで無職だし、昚日本圓は面接の予定だったけど、玫月さんに声を掛けられおぶっちしたからやはり無職だ。 だからず蚀っお、このク゜暑くお虫も倚い倏に公園で寝泊たりなんお埡免被りたいし、かず蚀っおネカフェに泊たる金も怪しいしなぁ。 ずは蚀えこの䞖界は男女比の貞操逆転䞖界。 別にむケメンでも金持ちでもない俺に、玫月さんほどの矎女の方から声を掛けお来おくれる䞖界だ。もし昚日の倜読んだネットの蚘事が本圓で、この䞖界に男が少なく粟液が貎重なら  きっず、その蟺の可愛い女の子を捕たえお「セックスするから䞀晩泊めお」ず蚀えば泊めおくれるかもしれない。 可愛い女の子にセックスをしお貰うだけでなく、泊めお貰おうなんお我ながら図々しすぎる話だけど、この貞操逆転䞖界なら或いは乗っおくれるかもしれない。 ただその話を、さっきたでいちゃいちゃしおいた玫月さんに話すのは躊躇われる。 「た、たぁ。俺は俺で適圓に奜きに生きおいくよ」 「そ、そうですか  。で、でしたら、その  ずおも申し䞊げにくい話なんですけど、䞇円の件は少しだけ時間を頂けないでしょうか」 ああ、そう蚀えば玫月さん最初に「ホ別䞇でどう」っおナンパしおきたんだった。 正確には最初䞇円だったけど、なんか俺にお金を払うずいう意味䞍明な話に混乱しおいたら䞇円に䞊がっおいたのだ。今思い返しおも蚳が分からない。 たあ正盎お金にはかなり困っおるし、䞇円なんお倧金貰えるなら靎舐めおでも欲しいけど、玫月さんみたいな矎人さんにこんないいホテルで筆おろししお貰えお、矎味しいバむキングを奢っお貰っおいる珟状でも、正盎かなり申し蚳ないくらい俺にプラスなのだ。 正盎、今、やっぱり払えたせんず蚀われおも䞀ミリも嫌な気持ちにならないず断蚀できる。 くれないならくれないで別にいい。 た、たぁ。くれるならそりゃ、欲しいなぁずは思うけど。 「そ、その。昚日は雄茝さんがあたりにも魅力的だったので咄嗟に蚀っおしたったんですけど、私、その倧孊生であんたりお金がなくっお  。䞇なら今日にでも払えるんですけど、䞇円ずなるず、お母さんに借りないずいけなくっお。
It's not like she's lying, she's being honest, and Shizuki-san is kinder to me. I thought about this a little bit from now on... ...Now that I think about it, what do you plan to do with Yuki-san from now on? ” When Shizuki-san asked me this question, I thought about the meaning of the question. Until yesterday, I was a homeless part-time worker who didn't have an address and slept in cafes or parks. Of course, just because I came to this convenient world with a male to female ratio of 1:1000 doesn't mean my home would suddenly be built, and even if it was, I wouldn't know where it was. I just got fired from my part-time job the day before yesterday, so I'm unemployed, and I was actually scheduled for an interview yesterday, but Shizuki-san called me out and blurted out, so I'm still unemployed. That being said, I don't want to have to sleep in a park during this extremely hot and bug-filled summer, and the money to stay at a cafe is questionable. However, this world is a world where chastity is reversed, with a male to female ratio of 1:1000. Even though I'm not particularly good-looking or rich, it's a world where a beautiful woman like Shizuki-san approaches me. If the article I read on the internet last night is true, and there aren't many men in this world and semen is precious...then I'm sure if you grab a cute girl around there and say, ``Let me stay the night for sex,'' she'll let you stay the night. Maybe. It's too brazen of me to ask a cute girl to not only have sex with me, but also stay overnight with me, but in this chastity-reversed world, maybe she'll come along for the ride. However, I hesitate to tell Shizuki-san, who I had been flirting with until just now, about this. Oh, now that I think about it, the first thing Shizuki-san asked me was, ``How about 500,000 yen?'' To be exact, it was 300,000 yen at first, but when I was confused by some nonsense about paying me, it rose to 500,000 yen. Even when I think back on it now, I still don't understand why. Well, to be honest, I'm in a lot of trouble with money, and if I could get 500,000 yen, I'd be happy to lick my shoes, but I'd like to have a beautiful woman like Shizuki take care of me at such a nice hotel, and treat me to a delicious buffet. Honestly, even in my current situation, I feel very sorry for myself. To be honest, I can assure you that even if I was told that I couldn't pay after all, I wouldn't feel bad about it in the slightest. If you don't give it to me, don't give it to me. Well, well. If you can give it to me, I think I'd like it. “Oh, that’s it.Yuki-san was so attractive yesterday that I said it right away, but I’m a college student and don’t have much money
I could pay 300,000 yen today. When it came to 500,000 yen, I had to borrow it from my mother.
で、でも 膣内に射粟しおもらったっお蚀ったら必ず説埗できるず思いたすし、こ、今週末たでには必ず説埗しお連絡を差し䞊げるので  」 そんなこずを考えお黙っおいるず、玫月さんは焊った様子で俺を説埗しおきた。 なんかあたふたしおいる玫月さんが可愛かった。 因みに玫月さんずは既に連絡先を亀換しおある。玫月さんの様子を芋るに本圓に払っおきそうな雰囲気はあるけど、別に払えないなら払えないで問題ない。 俺はもしゃもしゃずビュッフェのメニュヌを頬匵った。 「そ、そうだ。く、口だけじゃ信甚できたせんよね   で、では、私がちゃんず䞇円お支払いするたでこれを預かっおおください」 そう蚀っお玫月さんが差し出しおきたのは青色のプラスチックカヌド  保険蚌だった。 これだけは人に貞すな、萜ずすなず教育されおきた代物を枡されおギョッずする。これっお、確か借金ずかも出来るや぀だよな いや、流石に初めおの盞手の保険蚌を悪甚する぀もりはないけど。 口に詰め蟌んでいたロヌストビヌフず高そうな葉野菜をごくりず飲み蟌んだ。喉を詰たらせたので慌おお泚いできおいたこれたた高そうなぶどうゞュヌスを飲む。 「  い、良いの」 「も、勿論です 雄茝さんは私に子皮をくれた方ですし、それに  私の凊女を貰っおくれた方でもあるんですから」 顔をもじもじさせながらそう蚀う玫月さん。 男女比の話や、初心な玫月さんの反応的に「もしや  」ず期埅しおいたけど、やはり玫月さんは凊女だった。䜕だか嬉しくなる。 そうか。こんな䞖界だず、玫月さんほどの矎女でも凊女っおこずがあるのか。   やっぱ゚ロ挫画みたいだな、この䞖界。 そんなこずを思いながら俺は保険蚌を受け取り、ボロい皮財垃に仕舞った。 党然お金入っおないけど、玫月さんに返すたでは絶察に萜ずせなくなった。暫く萜ち着かなさそうだなぁず思い぀぀、もし払えないっお蚀われたらこれを䜿っお「ぐぞぞ。金が払えないならその身䜓で」プレむでもしようかなぁず劄想を巡らせる。 たぁこの䞖界じゃ男性が少なくお粟液は貎重だから、脅しお犯しおも玫月さんは別に屈蟱ずか思わなそうだし、完党に俺の気分でしかないむメヌゞプレむになりそうだけど。 「たぁその  。お金はくれるならすっごく嬉しいけど、玫月さんずの゚ッチは凄く気持ちよかったし、俺も嬉しかったから。キツそうだったら払わなくおも良いからね」 「いえ 絶察に払わせおもらいたす」 俺が蚀うず玫月さんは錻息荒くしお、䞻匵しおきた。 なんか今の玫月さんには、俺の為ならある皋床のこずなら䜕でもしおくれそうな雰囲気を感じ取った。今日の寝床が芋぀からなかったら家に泊めおもらえないか連絡しおみようかな。
But, but! I'm sure I'll be able to convince you if you tell me that you ejaculated into my vagina, and I'll be sure to convince you and contact you by the end of this week...! ” As I was thinking about this in silence, Shizuki-san seemed impatient and tried to persuade me. Shizuki looking flustered was so cute. By the way, I have already exchanged contact information with Shizuki-san. Judging from Shizuki-san's behavior, it looks like he's really going to pay, but if you can't afford it, there's no problem with not paying. I stuffed my mouth with the buffet menu. After saying that, Shizuki-san handed me a blue plastic card...an insurance card. I was shocked to be given something that I had been taught not to lend to anyone or drop. I'm sure this is something you can borrow money from, right? No, I have no intention of abusing the insurance card of someone I'm meeting for the first time. I swallowed the roast beef and expensive-looking leafy vegetables that I had stuffed into my mouth. I was choking, so I drank the expensive-looking grape juice that had been poured in a hurry. Shizuki-san says that while fidgeting her face. Considering the gender ratio and Shizuki-san's naive reaction, I expected her to say, , but Shizuki-san was a virgin after all. Something makes me happy. Really. In a world like this, is it possible for a woman as beautiful as Shizuki to be a virgin? ...This world really does feel like an erotic manga. With that in mind, I took my insurance card and put it away in my old leather wallet. I don't have any money in it, but I won't be able to drop it until I return it to Shizuki-san. I'm thinking that I'm not going to be able to calm down for a while, but I'm fantasizing that if I'm told that I can't pay, I'll use this and play with my body if I can't pay. Well, in this world there aren't many men and semen is precious, so Shizuki-san doesn't seem to think it's humiliating even if I threaten her and rape her, so it looks like it's going to be an image play that's just my mood. When I said this, Shizuki-san snorted heavily and insisted. I feel like Shizuki-san is willing to do anything for me, even if it's just for me. If I can't find a bed for tonight, I'll contact you to see if I can stay at your house.
  なんか、ちょっずクズ男っぜい思考回路になっおる気がする。 たあいいや。そんなこんなで話しおいるうちに、俺の皿は空になり、それから数床お代わりをしお、タンパク質ず野菜だけじゃ思いの倖満腹にならないこずに気付いお、ケヌキずかプリンずか、䞊べおあったスむヌツもドカ食いしおようやく満腹になった。 満腹になるたで食えたのは幎ぶりくらいな気分だった。 「雄茝さん、凄い食べっぷりでしたね」 「矎味しかったもので。ご銳走様でした」 「いえいえ。  あんなに食べるから、粟力もあんなに旺盛なのでしょうか」   ドカ食いしたのは俺が貧乏性なのず、腹枛っおたからなだけだけど。 玫月さんも満腹になった様子で、お開きになる。 「雄茝さん、本圓にありがずうございたした。  昚日あんなにガッツいおいた私の誘いを受け入れおくれお。私、䞀生凊女なんじゃないかっお思っおたしたから」 「いえいえ。こちらこそ、本圓にありがずうございたした」 俺こそ䞀生童貞の可胜性もあったわけだし、玫月さんには本圓に良い思いをさせお貰った。 俺ず玫月さんは暫くぺこぺこずお蟞儀の応酬をしおいた。こう蚀うずころは男女比の頃の日本ずそんなに倉わらないんだな。 「その、連絡は必ず差し䞊げたすので」 「ええ。玫月さんずたた䌚えるの楜しみにしおたす」 お金なかったらお仕眮きむメヌゞプレむ。お金貰った時は  そうだな。普通にたたパむズリフェラお願いしお、しお貰いたい。 完党に䞋心の本心でそう蚀ったのだが、玫月さんは頬をポッず赀く染めおいた。 玫月さんが可愛かったので、欲望に忠実にキスをしお芋る。 玫月さんは驚いたように目を芋開いおぱちぱちずさせる。その顔は茹で䞊がる様に真っ赀になっお行った。さ、流石にこれは気障すぎたか   元の䞖界で童貞だったから、正盎男女の機埮なんおよく解らない。 䜕だか俺も恥ずかしくなっおくる。 「で、ではたた」 俺は玫月さんに手を振っお街の方ぞ駆けだした。 玫月さんは顔を少し俯かせながら、控えめに手を挙げお俺を芋送っおくる。最埌たで可愛い人だ。
...I feel like my thought process is a bit like that of a scumbag. whatever. While we were talking like this, my plate was empty, and after refilling it several times, I realized that just protein and vegetables weren't as filling as I expected, so I started eating cake, pudding, and other sweets that were lined up. I ate a lot and finally felt full. It felt like it was the first time in two years that I was able to eat until I was full. ...The only reason I ate so much was because I'm poor and I was hungry. Shizuki-san also seems to have had her fill and opens her mouth. There was a possibility that I would remain a virgin for the rest of my life, and Shizuki-san made me feel really good. Shizuki-san and I exchanged bows and bows for a while. In this sense, it's not that different from Japan when the ratio of men to women was 1:1. Punishment image play if you don't have money. When I got the money...that's right. I would like to ask for a titjob again and have it done normally. I said that with 100% ulterior motives, but Shizuki-san's cheeks turned red. Shizuki-san was cute, so I kissed her faithfully to my desire. Shizuki-san's eyes widened and fluttered in surprise. His face turned bright red as if it were boiling. Now, is this really too disturbing? ...I was a virgin in my original world, so to be honest, I don't really understand the subtleties of men and women. Somehow I'm starting to feel embarrassed too. I waved to Shizuki-san and ran toward the city. Shizuki-san lowers her head slightly and modestly raises her hand to see me off. She's a cute person until the end.
  正盎、膣内射粟した次の日も゚ッチできるならずっず䞀緒に居おえちえちいちゃラブな甘い生掻を送りたかった。 ただ、この男女比のこの貞操逆転䞖界は、俺以倖の男の射粟の頻床が月䞀ずかなせいで、女の方も連日゚ッチが出来るように身䜓が出来おいないのである。 ただ俺は毎日䞉回は射粟しないず萜ち着かないくらいの性欲がある。 パむズリやフェラ、玠股ずかで抜いおくれおも嬉しいけど、やっぱりセックスもしたいし、それにパむズリやフェラなどの行為は法埋で芏制されおいるっぜいのだ。 粟液が入らなければ子宮が閉じず連日゚ッチできるかず問われれば、それは解らない。 だけど、少なくずも蚀えるのは、この䞖界に眮いお避劊の抂念は存圚しおいないらしい。 玫月さんず別れ、昚日みたいな逆ナンを少し期埅しながら駅前でスマホをポチポチしお調べおみた感じ『避劊具』や『コンドヌム』ず蚀ったものが党然怜玢にヒットしなかった。 たぁ月に䞀回しか出ない粟液をゎムの䞭に入れるなんお真䌌、この䞖界じゃしないのだ。 ずなるず俺は、この䞖界でちゃんず性欲を発散したいのであれば自分で猿のようにオナニヌしお慰めるか、ずっかえひっかえ毎日女の子を抱くしかないのだが、出来るなら埌者が良い。 男ならみんな女の子ず゚ッチがしたいのだ。 そしお――男の数が少なく粟力も匱いこの䞖界なら、別にむケメンでもない、ド貧乏の俺でも女の子ず゚ッチするこずが出来るはずだ。 少なくずも玫月さんほどの矎女の方から態々俺に声を掛けおくるようなこずがある䞖界なのだ。 俺から声を掛けお、誘いに乗っおくれる確率は  昚日たでの䞖界よりも遥かに高い。 それに俺は、盞倉わらず昚日ず同じで職はなく金も泊たる宿もない。 もし矎人ずセックスが出来る䞊に、お金がもらえお泊たる宿ずご飯が提䟛されるなんお倢のような話があるならば――俺にしないずいう遞択肢はなかった。 売春。お金ずか生掻に困っお、身䜓を売らないずいけない女の子ずかを可哀そうだなず思ったこずがあるけど、逆の立堎ずなるず、あたりにも最高過ぎる話である。 俺は誰ずダりたいかを考えながら、駅前を歩く女の子を物色する。 その䞭に、䞀際目立぀矎人を発芋する。 その少女は淡く青みがかった銀色の神秘的な髪色をしおいお、肌は透き通る様に癜い。胞は倧きくなく身長も䜎いが党䜓的なバランスは神が䜜り䞊げた芞術䜜品のようで、その容姿は劖粟の様に矎しい。 その矎しさは凄たじく、駅前には女性しかいないのにすれ違う床に振り返っおいた。 昚日以前だったら近寄るだけでも、黒服のお兄さんに殎られそうに思えるほどの矎女。 だけど、男女比のこの貞操逆転䞖界なら――俺は劖粟の様に矎しい少女に声を掛けるため意気揚々ず圌女の元たで歩いた。 淡く青みがかった神秘的な銀髪ず、透き通るように癜い肌。容姿は二次元に片足突っ蟌んでいるんじゃないかっおくらいに敎っおいる。胞ず身長は倧きくないもののバランスが良く、珟実離れした神秘的な容貌も盞たっお、さながら珟䞖に降り立った劖粟ず蚀ったずころだ。
...Honestly, if I could have sex with you even the day after ejaculating inside my vagina, I would have loved to stay with you forever and live a sweet and erotic life. However, in this chastity-reversed world where the male-to-female ratio is 1:1000, men other than me ejaculate only once a month, so women's bodies aren't built to be able to have sex every day. However, I have such a sexual desire that I can't calm down unless I ejaculate three times a day. I'd be happy if she could pull me off with titty fucks, blowjobs, or intercourse, but I still want to have sex, and acts like titty fucks and blowjobs seem to be regulated by law. If you ask me if I can have sex every day without the uterus closing without semen entering, I don't know. However, the least I can say is that the concept of contraception does not seem to exist in this world. After breaking up with Shizuki-san, I looked for something on my smartphone in front of the station, hoping for a reverse sex like yesterday, but I couldn't find any search results for things like ``contraceptives'' or ``condoms.'' Well, putting the semen that only comes out once a month into a rubber band is something that is not done in this world. So, if I want to properly release my sexual desire in this world, I have no choice but to console myself by masturbating like a monkey, or to embrace a girl every day, but if possible, I'd prefer the latter. All men want to have sex with girls. And--in this world where there are fewer men and less energy, even someone like me, who isn't particularly handsome or extremely poor, should be able to have sex with a girl. At the very least, it's a world where a woman as beautiful as Shizuki-san can come and talk to me. The probability that someone will accept my invitation if I call out to them is much higher than in the world until yesterday. Besides, I'm still the same as yesterday, with no job, no money, and no place to stay. If there was a dream-like story where I could have sex with a beautiful woman, get paid, and be provided with lodging and food, then there was no option for me not to do it. prostitution. I've always felt sorry for girls who have to sell their bodies because they're having trouble making ends meet, but when you're in the opposite situation, it's such a wonderful story. I search for girls walking in front of the station while thinking about who I want to have sex with. Among them, he discovers a beautiful woman who stands out. The girl had a mysterious silver hair color with a pale bluish tinge, and her skin was transparently white. Although her breasts are not large and her height is short, her overall balance is like a work of art created by God, and her appearance is as beautiful as a fairy. She was so beautiful that even though there were only women in front of the station, I looked back every time I passed her. Before yesterday, she was so beautiful that if you just approached her, you would feel like you were going to be hit by a man in black. However, in this chastity-reversed world where the male-female ratio is 1:1000, I enthusiastically walked up to the fairy-like beautiful girl to talk to her. Mysterious silver hair with a pale bluish tinge and transparent white skin. Her appearance is so perfect that you might think she has one foot stuck in a two-dimensional world. Although her breasts and height are not large, she has a good balance, and coupled with her mysterious and unrealistic appearance, she is like a fairy who has descended into this world.
男の俺だけじゃない。街を歩く女性たちも圌女の矎しさに思わず振り返っおいる。 昚日たでの俺だったらきっず声を掛けられなかった。  男女比の貞操逆転䞖界でなければ、圌女のような矎少女は間違いなくアむドルか女優で、黒服の怖いお兄さんたちがボディガヌドをしおいた可胜性も高い。だけどこの䞖界は――玫月さんのような巚乳矎女が俺に逆ナンしおくるくらい、女が男に飢えおいる䞖界。 俺でも党然ワンチャンある。いや、䜕ならさっきから歩いおいお絶察この矎少女より俺の方が泚目を集めおいるくらいだし、ツヌチャンだっおある。 俺は勇気を振り絞り、小走りで矎少女の近くたで駆け寄った。 「あ、あの  」 くらいの距離たで駆け寄っお声を掛ける。 俺より頭二぀分ほど小柄な少女が振り返るず、腰ほどたである青みがかった銀髪がふわりず揺れる。その瞳は快晎の空のように青く、近くで芋るずより䞀局可愛い。 「  ボクですか」 ボクっ嚘だ 矎少女の思わぬ萌え属性にテンションが䞊がる。 恍けたように問うおくるボクっ嚘少女の声は少し䜎くお気怠そうだった。 珟実離れした可憐さに蚀葉が出ず、俺はただこくりず頷くこずしかできなかった。 少女は興味深そうに手を挙げお、䞁床俺の頭のおっぺんくらいの高さで手をふりふりした。 矎少女のいきなりの奇行に、少し驚く。 「な、なんですか」 「いえ、こんな倧きな人を芋るのは初めおで。どんくらい倧きいのかなぁず気になりたしお」 俺の身長はである。俺の知る限り高くも䜎くもない平均的で平凡な身長だ。  なんか玫月さんもこの䞖界の男はチンポが小指サむズっお蚀っおた気がするけど、身長も䜎いのだろうか ずか䜕ずかどうでも良いこずは考えるけど、肝心の返答が党然思い浮かんでなかった。 最悪だ。この䞖界の女性は男に飢えおいる ず蚀っおも、別にだからず蚀っお俺が女性を口説くのが䞊手くなるずかそう蚀うわけではないのだ。 「それで、栌奜いいお兄さんがボクに䞀䜓䜕の甚ですか」 「い、いえ。そのずっおも可愛らしい女性が居たので思わず声を掛けおしたいたした」 少女は驚いたように目を芋開いた。 「  もしかしおボク、今お兄さんに口説かれおるんですか」
I'm not the only guy. Women walking around town can't help but look back at her beauty. If I were the person I was yesterday, I probably wouldn't have been able to talk to you. ...If it weren't for a chastity-reversed world with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1000, a beautiful girl like her would definitely be an idol or an actress, and there's a high possibility that scary older men in black clothes would be her bodyguards. But this world is a world where women are so hungry for men that big-breasted beauties like Shizuki-san are giving me back sex. Even I have my share of things. No, I've been walking around for a while now and I've definitely been attracting more attention than this beautiful girl, and I've even gotten two-chan. I mustered up all my courage and quickly ran up to the beautiful girl. I ran up to a distance of about 1 meter and called out to him. When the girl, who is about two heads shorter than me, turns around, her waist-length bluish-silver hair sways gently. Her eyes are as blue as a clear sky, and are even cuter when you look at them up close. It's me! The excitement rises due to the beautiful girl's unexpected moe attributes. The voice of the girl who asked me this question was a bit low and seemed lethargic. I couldn't find words to describe how cute it was, so far from reality, and all I could do was nod quietly. The girl seemed interested, raising her hand and waving it at about the height of my head. I was a little surprised by the beautiful girl's sudden strange behavior. My height is 175cm. As far as I know, he's an average height, neither tall nor short. ...I feel like Shizuki-san also said that men in this world have dicks the size of pinky fingers, but maybe they're also short? I thought about something that didn't matter, but I couldn't think of the most important answer. it's awful. Women in this world are hungry for men! However, that doesn't mean I'll be good at seducing women. The girl's eyes widened in surprise.
「その぀もりだけど  」 「これが巷で聞く逆ナンず蚀うや぀ですね 挫画の䞖界だけでの話だず思っおたした。でも、珟実離れしおいるず蚀ったら、お兄さんの䞊倖れた䜓栌ずかもそうですけど」 そうか。女性が倚くお貞操芳念が逆転しおるせいで、ナンパは普通女の方からするこずになっおいるのか たぁ男は月䞀しか射粟できないみたいだし、そりゃそうか。 ずか、感心しおる堎合じゃないな。どうしよう。ここからどうやっお゚ッチの誘いに繋げようか。 「それでその、良かったら今から俺ず遊びに行かない」 「  今からですか たあ栌奜いいお兄さんからのお誘いですし、孊校をサボっお遊びに行くのは吝かじゃないんですけど、䜕しお遊ぶんですか」 「い、いやぁ、そのぉ  」 たあセックスなんだけど。盎接蚀っお良いものなのか吊なのか。 俺の垞識だずナンパで「セックスしよう」ずお誘いしようものなら普通に断られるどころか、譊察沙汰だっお党然あり埗るだろうけど、ここは男女比の䞖界だ。 玫月さんのような矎女でも䞀生凊女になるかもしれないほど男が少ない䞖界なのだ。 劂䜕に圌女が矎少女であろうずも男がいないなら、党然誘いに乗っおくれる可胜性がある。 それに俺は玫月さんからお金を受け取っおないから無䞀文。遊びに行こうにも金ずかない。俺から誘っおも奢らせるこずになるだろうし、そもそも俺はこの矎少女ずショッピングずかゲヌムずかをしたいわけじゃないのである。したいのはセックスだ。 フラれたら泣こう。男はド盎球だ。 「  。この囜の少子化問題を解決するために、是非ずも子䜜りずか出来たらなぁっお思いたしお」 「  」 矎少女の県が芋開かれる。それからシュンず肩を萜ずしお、ガクリず腰を折るように頭を䞋げた。 「その――最高に魅力的な申し出は本圓に嬉しいんですけど、今日、排卵日じゃないんですよね  」 「い、いや、でも。排卵日じゃなくおもで着床するし」 俺なら回出せるからだ 寧ろ着床しなければ新月にならなくお二日目も゚ッチできるかもしれないし ずか思っお食い䞋がるず、少女は本圓に哀しそうな衚情をした。 「その  実はボク生理なんです。だから、出来なくっお。申し出はすっごく有り難いんですけど、お兄さんの粟液は是非ずも他の――排卵日の女性にあげおください」 「    」
Really. Because there are so many women and the idea of ​​chastity is reversed, is it because women are usually the ones who pick up girls? Well, it seems like a man can only ejaculate once a month, so I guess that's true. It's not the time to be impressed. What should I do. How can I get an invitation for sex from here? Well, it's sex. Is it okay to say it directly or not? According to my common sense, if I were to pick someone up and ask them to have sex, I would not only be turned down, but it would be completely possible for me to get involved with the police, but this is a world where the ratio of men to women is 1:1000. There are so few men in this world that even a beautiful woman like Shizuki might remain a virgin for the rest of her life. No matter how beautiful a girl she is, if there is no man, there is a possibility that he will accept her invitation. Besides, I haven't received any money from Shizuki, so I'm penniless. I don't have money to go out and have fun. Even if I invited her, she would probably have to treat me to something, and in the first place, I don't want to go shopping or play games with this beautiful girl. What I want is sex. If you get dumped, cry. The man is very fast. The beautiful girl's eyes widened. Then, he slumped his shoulders and lowered his head as if he were bending over. I can do it 3 times, so it's 90%! In fact, if implantation doesn't occur, there won't be a new moon and you might be able to have sex on the second day! ! Thinking that, I gave up, and the girl looked really sad.
生理、ならしょうがない。俺はガクリず膝から厩れ萜ちた。 「ほ、本圓はボクも、お兄さんずセックスしたかったんですけど」 「  だったら排卵日教えお」 「ぞ」 「排卵日教えお、それから連絡先か䜏所教えお」 俺は項垂れ、暎走しおいた。 人生でお目に掛かったこずないくらいの矎少女を前にしお、盛倧なお預けを食らっおしたったこずにより俺の理性は厩壊しおいた。 正盎ここが貞操逆転䞖界じゃなかったら、俺はただのダバいや぀で、お巡りさん案件である。 だがここは、男女比の貞操逆転䞖界だ。 少女は鞄からノヌトを取り出し、数分ほど、熱心に䜕かを曞き蟌んでいく。 俺は膝を着きながら、少女を芋続けた。やがお曞き終えた少女は曞いおいたペヌゞを砎っお俺の手に枡しお来た。 そこに描かれおいたのは解りやすい地図だった。★の郚分には「私の家」ず曞かれおいお、地図の巊䞊には䜏所ず電話番号ずメヌルアドレス、それからおよそ日埌の日付が曞かれおいた。 「これ。ボクの排卵日の予定日ず、䜏所ず連絡先です。  本圓にボクずセックスをしおくれる぀もりなら、この日に出来る分の粟液を残しおおいおください」 「わ、解りたした」 正盎この矎少女ずなら䞉発抜いた埌でも射粟できる自信があるけど、この日の前日は射粟さずに溜めようず思った。少女はそれくらいの矎少女だった。 「本圓に期埅しおたすから。  来おくれなかったらボク、排卵日にもの凄く悶々ずするこずになりたすよ」 そう蚀っお、ボクっ嚘の矎少女は名残惜しそうにちらちらず俺の方を芋ながら駅のホヌムぞ向かっおいく。 孊校行くっお蚀っおたけど、倧孊生なのだろうか 小柄だし、顔立ちも幌いから䞭孊生くらいにも芋えるけど、服装は私服っぜかった。   未成幎だったらどうしよう。淫行条䟋ずかっおどうなっおるんだろ、この䞖界。 䞀応埌で調べおおこう。  もし違法だったら、あの矎少女が未成幎じゃないこずを祈るしかない。 ずは蚀え困っおしたった。 この貞操逆転䞖界なら、玫月さんに逆ナンこの䞖界だずナンパされた成功性亀䜓隓もあっお「男の俺から声を掛ければ゚ッチできる䞊に飯も宿もご銳走しおくれるんじゃね」ずか劄想しおたけど女性には生理もあるし、普通に排卵日じゃないず断られる可胜性もあるのか。考慮しおなかった。
I can't help it if it's my period. I fell to my knees with a thud. I was hanging my head and running out of control. In front of the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life, my sanity had collapsed as I had suffered a huge loss. Honestly, if this wasn't a chastity reversal world, I'd be just a dangerous guy and a police officer. However, this is a world where chastity is reversed, with a male to female ratio of 1:1000. The girl took out a notebook from her bag and diligently wrote something down for several minutes. I continued to look at the girl as I knelt down. Eventually, the girl finished writing, tore up the page she was writing on, and handed it to me. What was drawn there was a map that was easy to understand. The word ``My House'' was written in the ★, and in the upper left of the map was written the address, phone number, email address, and the date about 10 days later. To be honest, with this beautiful girl, I'm confident that I can ejaculate even after three shots, but the day before this day I tried to hold my ejaculation instead of ejaculating. The girl was that beautiful. Saying that, my beautiful girl glanced at me as if she was reluctant to leave anything behind, as she headed towards the station platform. You said you were going to school, but I wonder if you're a college student? She was petite and her face was young, making her look like a middle school student, but her clothes looked like casual clothes. ...What if I'm a minor? I wonder what's going on with the obscenity ordinance in this world. Let's look into it later. ...If it's illegal, I can only hope that the beautiful girl isn't a minor. However, I was at a loss. In this world where chastity is reversed, I would have had the success (sexual intercourse) experience of being reverse-nanked (picked up in this world?) by Shizuki-san, and I would have been told, ``If I, a man, call out to you, we can have sex, and he will also treat me to food and lodging.'' I was imagining things like, ``Will you give me one?'' But women also have periods, so is there a possibility that they'll refuse if it's not the day of ovulation? I hadn't considered it.
流石に生理の女の子ずする぀もりはないにしおも、俺的には党然排卵日じゃなくお良いのに  。 これは早速玫月さんに泣き぀く必芁があるのか   いや、普通に排卵日の綺麗な女性を探せば良いだけである。  いや、排卵日じゃなくおも、生理でさえなければ説埗できるかもしれない。 駅前には、盞倉わらず男の姿は芋圓たらないものの女性は若いのから幎を取っおるのたで沢山いる。 そしお、今が通孊・通勀の時間垯だからか十代から二十代に芋える人たちばかりだ。 おたけにこの貞操逆転䞖界に来おから、䞍思議ず昚日以前の䞖界に比べお可愛い女性が倚いように思える。――ダレるず思うから可愛く芋えるのか、それずも本圓に可愛くなっおるのかは解らないけど。 しかし、先ほどの――あれほどの矎少女を芋た埌だずどうにも食指が動かない。 綺麗な人はちらほらいるんだけど、生理ずかそれ以倖の理由ずかで断られるこずたで考えるず、どうにも腰が重かった。 思い返せば俺はこれたでの人生でナンパずかしたこずがないのである。 玫月さんに逆ナンされお調子に乗っおいた。俺からナンパしお「セックスする代わりに、ご飯ず寝床甚意しおくれたせんか」っお蚀うだけで生きおいけるず思っおいた。矎女ずパコパコしおるだけで生きおいける玠晎らしい䞖界 なんお舐めおいた  。 俺は駅前のベンチに腰を萜ずし、駅から出おいく人、駅に入っお行く人を眺めおいた。 スヌツ着たり制服着たり私服だったり。みんな孊校行くなり働くなりしおいるのだろう。本圓に偉い。俺は孊校は途䞭で蟞めちゃったし、仕事も真面目にしたこずがないのでなんか気分が萜ちた。 ちらちらず目の前を通り過ぎる女性たちが俺の事を芋おいる。だが、誰も声を掛けお来ない。 玫月さんみたいにナンパしおくれる人っお案倖レアケヌスなんだろうか それずも時間が悪いのだろうか     。 高速で倧勢の女の人たちが行き来しおいる駅前。綺麗な女性はいくらでもいるのに、声を掛ける気力が湧かない。玫月さんず別れおから分くらいしか経っおないけど、照り付ける倏の日差しは匷く、蟛くなっおきた。お茶ずか飲みたい。 財垃を開けおみる。小銭入れの䞭には円しか入っおなかった。 玫月さんにちょっずだけでもお小遣い貰っおおけばよかったず今曎思っおも埌悔先に立たず。 面倒くさくなっおきおぐでんずベンチに暪になっお目を瞑る。䜏む家がないず駅前のベンチで寝るずか日垞茶飯事だ。倚分かなり芋られおるんだろうけど、慣れっこである。ワンチャン芪切なや぀ずかが声でもかけお来い そんなこずを考えながら寝転がるこず分。 「あの、倧䞈倫ですか」 女の人の声が聞こえお来たので目を開けるず、黒いスヌツず膝䞊くらいのタむトスカヌトを着甚し、劂䜕にもっぜい黒瞁県鏡の綺麗な女性が、近くの自販機で買っお来たのかスポヌツ飲料氎を差し出しながら本圓に心配そうに声を掛けおくる。 先ほどの矎少女ほどのむンパクトはないが、かなりの矎人さんだった。きっちりずした恰奜をしおいるためかずおも芪切そうな印象を持った。
Even though I don't intend to make her a girl who is on her period, I personally wish it wasn't the day of ovulation... Do I need to cry to Shizuki-san about this right away...? No, all you have to do is find a beautiful woman on the day of ovulation. ...Well, even if it's not ovulation day, I might be able to convince her if it's not her period. There are still no men in sight in front of the station, but there are many women, both young and old. Also, most of the people looked to be in their teens or twenties, probably because it's school/commute time. What's more, since I came to this chastity reversal world, it seems strange that there are more cute women than in the world before yesterday. --I don't know if she looks cute because she thinks she'll get laid, or if she's really cute. However, after seeing such a beautiful girl earlier, I just can't move my fingers. There are a lot of beautiful people out there, but the thought of being rejected for reasons such as menstruation and other reasons made me feel a little nervous. Looking back, I've never picked up anyone in my life. She was getting carried away after Shizuki-san fucked her. I thought I could survive just by picking up girls and saying, ``In exchange for sex, would you please prepare food and a bed for me?'' A wonderful world where you can live just by hanging out with beautiful women! What a licking... I sat down on a bench in front of the station and watched people leaving and entering the station. Wearing suits, uniforms, or plain clothes. I guess everyone is going to school or working. Really great. I quit school halfway through, and I never took my job seriously, so I felt depressed. The women passing by in front of me are looking at me. But no one calls out to me. I wonder if people like Shizuki-san who pick up people are actually rare? Or maybe time is bad? 

. In front of the station, a large number of women are coming and going at high speed. There are many beautiful women out there, but I don't have the energy to approach them. It's only been about 30 minutes since I parted ways with Shizuki-san, but the summer sun is shining brightly and it's starting to feel painful. I want to drink some tea. I open my wallet. There was only 63 yen in my coin purse. Even though I now think that I should have asked Shizuki-san for a little extra pocket money, I don't regret it. It's getting tiresome so I lie down on the bench and close my eyes. Without a home to live in, it is common for people to sleep on benches in front of the station. It's probably seen a lot, but I'm used to it. If you're a kind person, please come and say hello! I lay there for 10 minutes thinking about this. When I opened my eyes as I heard a woman's voice, I saw a beautiful woman wearing a black suit, a tight skirt about 5cm above the knee, and black-rimmed glasses that looked like an office lady, buying something from a nearby vending machine. As if he's here, he calls out to me with genuine concern as he hands me a bottle of sports drinking water. Although she didn't have as much of an impact as the beautiful girl from earlier, she was quite beautiful. I got the impression that he was very kind, perhaps because he was well-dressed.
良いな、この人。 「  倧䞈倫じゃないっぜいんで、それ、飲たせおくれたせんか 口移しで」 私の名前は䞊杉 由銙。歳。どこにでもいるしがないだ。 私の勀めおいるのは所謂ブラックず蚀うや぀で、昚日も終電を逃しお、䌚瀟から二駅離れた自宅に垰り぀いたのは深倜二時。疲れ切った身䜓で出来るこずなんおあんたりなくお、買い貯めおある栄逊補絊れリヌを胃に流し蟌んでオナニヌしお、メむクも萜ずさず党裞で寝る。 朝時半くらいに起きおシャワヌを济び、萜ずしたばかりのメむクを顔面に塗りたくる。   䌚瀟どころか街でも男なんお芋かけないし、孊生時代には遠巻きに男を芋かけたこずはあるけど、私は䌚話すらしたこずがない。正盎䜕のために綺麗にしなきゃいけないのか䞍明だけど、䞊叞にどやされれば気が滅入るし、䞇が䞀男性ず䌚った時の為の事を考えるず欠かすわけにはいかない。 入瀟しお幎。男のおの字も芋たこずないけど。 そしお朝食にバランス栄逊クッキヌを胃に入れる。高校時代は料理郚で手料理に自信はあったけど、忙しい瀟䌚人にそんな時間確保できるわけもないし、自分䞀人の為に態々自炊する気力も起きない。 そんなこんなでぱさぱさのバランス栄逊クッキヌを食べたら時ごろ。仕事は䜙裕で遅刻だけど、昚日は時間も䞍法に残業うち時間はサビ残させられたわけだし、䞀時間くらいの遅刻は蚱しお欲しい。 ず蚀うか寧ろ遅刻が倚いっおこずでクビになった方が楜なんじゃないかず思っおいた今日この頃。 九時半の駅前のベンチでゎロンず寝転がっおいる人がいた。   よくいるよね、ああいう女の人。ずか思っおちらりず様子を䌺っおみるず、なんかぱっず芋かなり倧きい。でも胞ずかはない。 も、もしかしお、男だったりするのかな 䌚瀟に行きたくなかったし、もうどうせ遅刻だし。私は珟実逃避も兌ねお近くの自販機で適圓にスポヌツ飲料氎を買い、ベンチで寝転がっおいる人に近づく。 かなり短い髪に、日焌けした小麊色の肌。骚栌は明らかに私たちのそれず違っおいお、芋おいるだけでキュンキュンず子宮が疌いお行くのを感じた。  そ、そう蚀えば私の排卵日っおい぀だったかな 私は、目の前のベンチで寝おいる人が男であるず確信した。 そしお次に思ったのは「どうしお男の人がこんな所で寝おいるんだろう」だ。 基本的に男性は囜家の管理にあるか、結婚しお女性の家に䜏んでいる。 故に滅倚に倖を出歩くこずもないし、出歩くずしおもその堎所はかなり限られおいる。少なくずもこんな街䞭では芋かけるこずすらない。 故に私はここ数幎、男性をスクリヌン以倖で芋れたこずがない。 そしおこの暑さ。日差しは匷く汗で垂れるファンデヌションが鬱陶しい。 私は思った。この人、実は熱䞭症ずかなのかも。  熱䞭症。堎合によっおは死に至る症状。身䜓が匱く守られるべき察象である男性がそんなものになっお死んでしたったら――それは倧きな損倱だ。 私はずんでもない事態に盎面しおるのかもしれないず冷や汗を流しながら、勇気を振り絞っお声を掛けた。
Good, this person. My name is Yuka Uesugi. 24 years old. She's an office lady who can't be found anywhere. I work for a so-called black guy, and yesterday I missed the last train and arrived home two stations away from work at 2 a.m. There's not much I can do with my exhausted body, so I pour the nutritional supplement jelly I had bought and saved up into my stomach, masturbate, and sleep completely naked without removing my makeup. I wake up around 7:30 a.m., take a shower, and apply the freshly removed makeup on my face. ...I don't see any men on the street, let alone at work, and although I once saw a man from a distance when I was a student, I've never even had a conversation with him. To be honest, I'm not sure why I have to keep my hair clean, but I'd be depressed if my boss scolded me, and I can't afford to do it in case I ever meet a man. It's been two years since I joined the company. I've never seen a man's handwriting. And for breakfast, I put a balanced nutrition cookie in my stomach. When I was in the cooking club in high school, I was confident in my cooking skills, but as a busy working adult, I don't have the time to do so, and I don't have the energy to cook for myself. It was around 9 o'clock when I ate this crunchy balanced nutrition cookie. I'm quite late for work, but yesterday I was made to work illegally overtime for 7 hours (of which 5 hours were left over), so please forgive me for being about an hour late. In fact, I was thinking today that it would be easier if I were fired for being late a lot. There was a person lying down on a bench in front of the station at 9:30. ...You often see women like that. Thinking of this, I took a quick look and noticed that it was quite large at first glance. But there are no breasts. Or maybe it's a man? I didn't want to go to work, and I was already late anyway. I bought some sports water from a nearby vending machine to escape reality and approached a person lying on a bench. Fairly short hair and tanned tanned skin. Its skeleton was clearly different from ours, and just looking at it made my uterus tingle. ...Now that I think about it, when was my ovulation day? I was convinced that the person sleeping on the bench in front of me was a man. The next thing I thought was, ``Why would a man sleep in a place like this?'' Basically, men are under the control of the state or are married and live in women's homes. Therefore, I rarely go outside, and even when I do, the places I go out are quite limited. At least you don't see them in the city like this. Therefore, I haven't been able to see a man other than on screen for the past few years. And this heat. The sun is strong and my foundation dripping with sweat is annoying. I thought. This person might actually be suffering from heat stroke. 

heatstroke. Symptoms can lead to death in some cases. If a man with a weak body who should be protected becomes something like that and dies - that would be a great loss. I was sweating in a cold sweat, thinking that I might be facing a terrible situation, but I mustered up the courage to call out to him.
「あの、倧䞈倫ですか」 腕で隠しおいた顔を晒し、県を開ける。想像以䞊に栌奜いい人だった。そしお熱䞭症で苊しそうにしおいるかず思いきや、顔色は悪くなくお安心する。 こんな近くで男の人を芋たのは生たれお初めおだったのでドキドキしおきた。 「  倧䞈倫じゃないっぜいんで、それ、飲たせおくれたせんか 口移しで」 これは倢だ。仕事で疲れお気絶するように眠った私が䜜り出した劄想の䞖界だ。 圌の蚀動はそうずしか思えないほどに魅惑的なダヌリントラップだった。                      ◇ 「え あの  え」 倚分この炎倩䞋のベンチで寝転がっおいる俺に芪切でスポヌツ飲料氎を買っおきおくれたスヌツの女性はいきなりかたされたセクハラに困惑しおいた。しかしその県はどこか期埅するようにちらちらず俺を芋おいお、暑さのせいでもあるだろうけど顔も赀かった。 少なくずも䟮蔑や嫌悪の衚情は芋られおいない。それだけで奜感觊だ。 はおさお。これはちょっず抌しおみおも良いのだろうか この䞖界は男女比の貞操逆転䞖界。 さっきの劖粟のようなボクっ嚘矎少女もタむミングが悪かっただけで、セックスの玄束は取り付けられたし、玫月さんなんか寧ろあっちからぐいぐいセックスを迫っおきたくらいだ。 ちょっずガッツいおも、意倖ず受け入れおくれるかもしれない。 「ほら、こんな暑い䞭いたせいで汗も凄くかいちゃったし飲たなかったら熱䞭症で死んじゃうかもしれないじゃないですか ここは䞀぀、人呜救助だず思っお」 「じ、人呜救助  」 スヌツの女性はごくりず生唟を飲む。俺に枡したペットボトルに手を䌞ばし、そしお動きを止める。 「で、でも。人目がありたすし。や、やっぱりできたせん それに、そんなに喋れる元気があるなら、自分で飲めるんじゃないですか」 たあそうだけど。  流石に初察面でいきなりマりスマりスはハヌドルが高かったようだ。 俺は喉が枇いおたので諊めおペットボトルを開けおそのたたぐびぐびずスポヌツドリンクを飲んだ。スヌツの女性は露骚に哀しそうな衚情をした。   そ、そんな顔をするくらいなら口移ししおくれればよかったのに。 ずは思うけど、その気持ちは痛いほどよく解る。
I exposed my face that I had hidden with my arms and opened my eyes. He was a better-looking person than I expected. I thought he was suffering from heatstroke, but I was relieved to see that he didn't look pale. It was the first time in my life that I had seen a man this close, so I was nervous. This is a dream. This is a delusional world that I created when I was so tired from work that I fell asleep and felt like I was passing out. His words and actions were so captivating that one could only imagine them as darling traps.                     ◇ The woman in the suit who was kind enough to buy me a sports drink while I was lying on a bench under the scorching sun was probably confused by this sudden sexual harassment. However, her eyes flickered at me as if she were expecting something, and her face was red, probably due to the heat. At least there was no expression of contempt or disgust. That alone is a good feeling. Well then. Is it okay to try pushing this a little? This world is a chastity reversal world with a male to female ratio of 1:1000. The fairy-like beautiful girl I mentioned earlier was just a bad timing, but I was able to get a promise to have sex with her, and Shizuki-san was actually pushing me to have sex all the time. Even if you're a little gutsy, they might surprisingly accept you. The woman in the suit gulps. He reaches for the plastic bottle he handed me, then stops moving. Well, that's true. ...As expected, it seemed like the hurdles of suddenly moving mouse-to-mouse when we met for the first time were high. I was thirsty, so I gave up, opened the plastic bottle, and gulped down the sports drink. The woman in the suit had a blatantly sad expression on her face. ...It would have been better if you had said it with your mouth instead of making that face. I think so, but I understand that feeling painfully well.
もし逆の立堎だずしお、俺も女の人にいきなり「口移しで」ず蚀われおも出来ないけど、出来なかったこず自䜓はすごく埌悔はするだろうし。 ただ別に口移しはたぁしおくれたらラッキヌくらいの気分で蚀っただけだ。 それにこの女性の反応的に抌せば結構むケそうな気がする。 「スポヌツドリンク、ありがずうございたした」 「い、いえ」 お瀌ずしおセックスを  。いや、それはちょっず䞍自然か。 どうやらこの䞖界の女の人は誰もが玫月さんみたいに抌せ抌せな蚳じゃないみたいだし。玫月さんならきっず口移しをしおくれおたに違いない。 ずなるずこのスヌツの女性は奥手。それでいながら暑い䞭寝転がっおた俺を態々心配しおスポヌツドリンクを買っおきおくれるくらいには芪切だ。ずなるず―― 「その、今日すっごく暑いですよね」 「そ、そうですね」 「なんか涌める堎所に行きたいなぁなんお思うんですけど  」 「だ、だったら駅の䞭に入れば良いんじゃないですか クヌラヌ効いおたすよ」 違う、そうじゃない。 求めおいた答えず床違う回答に遠回しにフラれおるんじゃないかっお気分になっおくる。 でも、スヌツの女性はもじもじしながらここに居続けおいるあたりワンチャンあるず思う。 ナンパは拒絶されおも折れない匷メンタルが必芁だっおネットの蚘事に曞いおあった。 「その。実は蚳あっお無䞀文で攟浪しおるんですけど、今日泊たる家がなくっお  」 「そ、それなら譊察に連絡すれば安党に寝泊たりさせおもらえるず思いたすよ。男性ですし、きっず手厚く察応しお貰えたす」 そうじゃないんだよ これ脈あるの ないの 俺は匕かれる芚悟をしながら、もう少し盎球で蚀っおみる。 「出来れば、貎方のお家にお䞖話になりたいです」 「そ、その。さ、さっきから。口移しずか、私のお家に、ずか。お、男の子がそんなこず蚀っちゃダメですよ わ、私はちゃんずした倧人だから我慢しおたすけど、他の女の人に同じこずを蚀ったらずっくに襲われおたすからね」 スヌツの女性は声を荒げながらそう蚀った。
If the situation were reversed, I wouldn't be able to do it if a woman suddenly told me to do it from mouth to mouth, but I would really regret not being able to do it. I just felt like I would be lucky if the mouth-to-mouth delivery was okay. Besides, I feel like if I push this woman's reaction, I'll be pretty good. Sex as a thank you... No, isn't that a bit unnatural? Apparently not all women in this world are as pushy as Shizuki-san. I'm sure Shizuki-san would have given it to me from mouth to mouth. When it comes to this, the woman in the suit is the best. Even so, he was kind enough to take care of me and buy me a sports drink while I was lying in the heat. Then... No, that's not it. I feel like I'm being dumped because the answer is 180 degrees different from the answer I was looking for. However, I think the woman in the suit has a certain point in continuing to stay here while fidgeting. An article on the internet said that picking up girls requires a strong mentality that won't give up even when rejected. That's not true! Is this relevant? There no? I try to say it a little more directly, preparing myself to be taken back. "Y-you know. Well, from a while ago. Mouth-to-mouth, things like that at my house. Oh, boys shouldn't say things like that, right? I-I'm a proper adult, so I'll put up with it, but other women's... If I said the same thing to someone else, they would have already attacked me!” The woman in the suit said, raising her voice.
寧ろ襲っお欲しくお蚀っおたんだけど、このお姉さんはどこたでも芪切だった。しかし、蚀い方のニュアンス的に脈はありそうである。 俺は立ち䞊がり、スヌツの女性の肩に手を眮く。 身長は俺よりも頭䞀぀分だけ小さく、胞はやや小さい。 肩を正面から掎たれたスヌツの女性はびくりず身䜓を震わせお、うるんだ目で俺を芋おくる。スヌツの䞊から觊れおいるだけなのにドキドキしおいるのが䌝わっおくる。 俺は緊匵をほぐす為に䞀回軜い深呌吞をしお、蚀った。 「その぀もりで蚀ったんです」 「な、なにが目的なんですか」 「お姉さん、芪切ですし綺麗なので。是非ずも䞀晩を共に過ごしたいな、ず。埌、ご飯ず寝床ず少しのお小遣いを提䟛しお頂けたら嬉しいです」 「わ、私お金持ちじゃないですし、そんなに払えたせんよ」 「別に払える分だけで倧䞈倫ですよ」 泊めおくれおご飯をくれるなら、お小遣いの方はなくおも良いくらいだ。 たあ䞇円くらい貰えたら超嬉しい。そんな感じのニュアンスで蚀うず、スヌツのお姉さんはごくりず生唟を飲んだ。 「  解りたした」 そう蚀っおからスヌツのお姉さんは携垯電話を取り出し、どこかに電話をする。内容を聞くのもあれだし、俺は街の様子をがんやりず芋ながら埅った。 「  仕事は䌑みたした。今から私のお家たで、䞀緒に来おくれるんですよね」 「はい」 「  私、男の子を家に䞊げお䜕もしないほど理性的じゃないですよ」 「問題ないです」 寧ろ俺が䞀番したいのはセックスである。䜕もしおこなければ俺の方から䜕かする぀もりだ。 「手、繋ぎたす」 「ぞ   お、お願いしたす」 スヌツのお姉さんの手は小さくお、震えおいた。緊匵しおいるのだろう。緊匵が俺にも䌝染しおきお、なんかドキドキしおくる。このお姉さんずこれからするんだず思うず、俺のむチモツは既に臚戊態勢に入っおいた。
I was saying that I wanted her to attack me, but this lady was so kind to me. However, there seems to be a connection in terms of the nuance of the wording. I stand up and put my hand on the shoulder of the woman in the suit. She's only one head shorter than me, and her chest is a little smaller. The woman in the suit whose shoulders were grabbed from the front trembled and looked at me with wet eyes. Even though he was just touching her over his suit, I could feel his excitement. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and said, As long as they let me stay the night and give me food, I don't need any pocket money. Well, I would be very happy if I could get about 50,000 yen. The lady in the suit gulped when I heard that kind of nuance. After saying that, the lady in the suit took out her cell phone and called somewhere. I had no choice but to listen to what was going on, so I waited while watching the town vaguely. In fact, what I want most is sex. If you don't do anything, I'm going to do something. The lady in the suit had small hands and was shaking. He must be nervous. The nervousness is contagious to me, and I feel nervous. When I thought about what I was about to do with this older sister, my innermost being was already ready for battle.
ほんの二時間ほど前、玫月さんに射粟させおもらったばっかりなのに。 恋人のように指を絡めお手を繋ぎながら、俺たちはスヌツのお姉さんの家に向かった。 倏なのに黒スヌツを着おいる、黒瞁県鏡のお姉さん。 黒い髪はポニヌテヌルず蚀うほど高くないものの埌ろで束ねおおり、前髪は汗でぎっちりず少し広めのおでこに匵り付いおいるのがなんか゚ロく感じた。 黒瞁の県鏡越しに、時折䞍安そうに俺の方を䞊目で芋おくる。 俺のか圌女のか、繋いだ手ず手は汗でびしょびしょだった。 二人で街䞭を歩く。駅前は人が倚くお手を繋いで歩くのはゞロゞロ芋られおいたけど、䜏宅街に入るず人の数がめっきりず枛る。すれ違う人たちは興味接々ず蚀った様子で俺を芋おくるのが少し萜ち着かない。 コツコツコツずアスファルトにお姉さんのパンプスの足音が響く。 そう蚀えば名前もただ聞いおいない。䌚話がないこずは気たずくないけれど、これから゚ッチするであろう女性の事はある皋床知っおおきたかった。 「そう蚀えば。名前、なんお蚀うんですか 俺は宮氞 雄茝です」 「  あっ。本来なら女性の私の方から名乗るべきでしたね。䞊杉 由銙です。その  男性ず䌚話するのも人生初めおで、き、緊匵しおお。す、すみたせん」 そうか。男女比ずかだずそう蚀う事もあるのか。 由銙さんの顔は暑さのせいか赀く、凄く汗を掻いおいた。俺は先ほど由銙さんに枡されたスポヌツドリンクを枡しおみる。 「汗凄いですよ   それずそのスヌツ、暑くないですか」 「あ、暑いです。で、でも、い、良いんですか」 由銙さんは䞍安そうに聞いおくる。普通にどうぞず返答した。由銙さんは恐る恐るず蚀った感じでスポヌツドリンクが入ったペットボトルに口を぀ける。間接キスだ。やはり汗を掻いお喉が枇いおいたのか、凄い勢いで飲み干した由銙さんは倧事そうにペットボトルをギュッず握っお、唇に觊れる。 唇には薄くグロスが塗っおいお、キャップが締められた飲み口にも少し着いたのだろうか 童貞を卒業しディヌプキスも経隓したけど、由銙さんの初心うぶな行動に間接キスを意識させられお今曎ながらに少し照れくさくなっおくる。 それから由銙さんは黒いスヌツのボタンを倖し、ゆっくりず脱いでいた。 䞭には半袖のカッタヌシャツを着おいお、汗でブラゞャヌが透けおいた。 色は透けずらいようになのか、シャツず同じ癜で、汗で肌色も透けおいる。 吊が応にでも胞元に芖線が行っおしたう。スヌツを畳みそれを巊手に持った由銙さんは、少し恥ずかしそうにぺこりず頭を䞋げた。 「その、透けおお気持ち悪いですよね。お目汚ししおすみたせん」
Even though Shizuki-san made me ejaculate just about two hours ago. We headed to the house of the lady in the suit, intertwining our fingers and holding hands like lovers. Even though it's summer, she's wearing a black suit and wearing black-rimmed glasses. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail, although it wasn't high enough to be called a ponytail, and the way her bangs were sweaty and stuck to her slightly wider forehead felt somehow erotic. From time to time, he looks up at me with a nervous look behind his black-rimmed glasses. Whether it was mine or hers, the hands we held were drenched in sweat. The two of us walk around town. There were a lot of people in front of the station, and people stared at me as I walked holding hands, but as I entered the residential area, the number of people decreased noticeably. The people I passed looked at me with curious looks, which made me feel a little uneasy. The sound of my sister's pumps echoing steadily on the asphalt. Come to think of it, I haven't heard his name yet. I don't mind not having any conversation, but I wanted to get to know the woman I was about to have sex with. Really. Is it possible to say that if the male to female ratio is 1:1000? Yuka's face was red from the heat and she was sweating profusely. I hand over the sports drink that Yuka-san gave me earlier. Yuka-san asks worriedly. I replied normally. Yuka-san timidly puts her mouth to the plastic bottle containing the sports drink. It's an indirect kiss. Yuka, who must have been sweating and thirsty, gulped down the bottle at a rapid pace, clutching the bottle tightly and touching it to her lips. A thin layer of gloss was applied to the lips, and perhaps some of it got to the capped mouth as well? I've lost my virginity and experienced deep kissing, but Yuka's naive behavior made me conscious of indirect kissing, and I'm starting to feel a little embarrassed now. Yuka then unbuttoned her black suit and slowly took it off. Inside, she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and her bra was showing through with sweat. The color is the same white as his shirt, perhaps because it's difficult to see through, and his skin color is visible through the sweat. Whether you like it or not, your eyes are drawn to her chest. Yuka folded her suit and held it in her left hand, bowing her head a little shyly.
「ずんでもないです   いや、その  むしろ県犏で、ありがずうございたす」 「   その、手。もう䞀回繋いでくれたすか」 「勿論」 由銙さんず手を繋ぐ。  シャツが透けおいるだなんお狙っお蚀ったわけじゃないし、少し配慮䞍足だったけど、由銙さんは䜕故か䞊機嫌だった。 暫く歩いおいるず階建おのアパヌトが立ち䞊ぶ、団地が芋えおくる。 由銙さんがその䞭の䞀棟を指さした。 「あそこが私の家」 由銙さんに぀いお行く。由銙さんの家は号ず曞かれた建物の、奥から二番目の階段の階だった。゚レベヌタヌは぀いおいない。由銙さんは「階段䞊らせおすみたせん」ず申し蚳なさげに頭を䞋げお来たけど「別に気にしないでください」ず返しおくれた。 由銙さんみたいな綺麗な女性から飯ず宿をご銳走しお貰っお、゚ッチたでしようず思っおいるのだ。 階段劂きに䞀々文句を垂れおいたら眰が圓たっおしたう。 「そ、その  片付けたいので少々埅っおおください」 「別に倚少汚れおおも気にしたせんよ」 「す、すぐ片付けたすから お願いしたす」 由銙さんは少し必死に蚀っお来た。  たあ、䞀人暮らしずかなら男の俺に芋られたくないものもあるだろうし、玠盎に埅ずう。゚ッチな玩具ずか萜ちおるなら是非ずも突入しお「これなんですか」ず聞いおは由銙さんを赀面させおやりたくもあるけど、今日が初察面の盞手にするこずでもない。   この䞖界にぱッチな玩具ずか存圚しおいるのだろうか 暇だしスマホでポチポチ怜玢しおみる。普通にいっぱいヒットした。 バむブもディルドもロヌタヌもクリ吞匕も電マも、俺が知っおる感じの玩具は割ずなんでもあった。男の勃起を促進させる゚ネマグラずか、勃起薬ずかもあった。あず女性甚の媚薬が垂販されおいた。 “䜓感したこずがない連続絶頂”ず蚀う芋出しず共に、極倪ディルドでむキたくる女性の映像がずかではなく、ただの販売促進動画の䞀環ずしお特に指定ずかも぀かずに流れお来た。 なんか普通の感じの女性が普通にむキたくっおる感じのこの動画は、䞋手なよりも゚ロくっお俺の股間は勃起しおいた。 す、凄いな。女性ばかりの䞖界だから、その性事情は俺の知る䞖界の男よりもオヌプンなのだろう。 俺は食い入るように倧人の玩具の販売コヌナヌに぀いおいる、䜿甚動画を芋おいた。ガチャリずドアの開く音がする。俺は慌おおスマホの画面を閉じた。 「お埅たせしたした」 「い、いえ」
Hold hands with Yuka. ...I didn't mean to say that the shirt was transparent, and I was a little inconsiderate, but Yuka-san was in a good mood for some reason. After walking for a while, I came across a housing complex with four-story apartment buildings. Yuka pointed to one of the buildings. Follow Yuka. Yuka's house was on the fourth floor of the building marked No. 3, the second staircase from the back. There is no elevator. Yuka bowed her head apologetically, saying, ``I'm sorry for making you go up the stairs,'' but she replied, ``Please don't worry about it.'' He is thinking of getting food and accommodation from a beautiful woman like Yuka, and even having sex with him. If you keep complaining like the stairs, you will be punished. Yuka-san said a little desperately. ...Well, if you live alone, there are probably things you don't want a man to see, so I'll just wait. If there's a naughty toy lying around, I'd definitely rush in and ask, ``What is this?'' and make Yuka blush, but it's not like I'm meeting someone for the first time today. ...Are there such things as naughty toys in this world? I have some free time so I tried searching on my smartphone. It was a regular hit. There were pretty much all the toys I knew, including vibrators, dildos, rotors, clitoris suction, and electric massagers. There were also erectile drugs such as Enemagra, which promoted erections in men. Also, aphrodisiacs for women were commercially available. With the headline , a video of a woman cumming with an extra-thick dildo was shown, not as an AV, but simply as part of a promotional video, with no R18 rating attached. This video of a normal-looking woman cumming normally was even more erotic than a bad AV, and my crotch was erect. Wow, that's amazing. Since it's a world full of women, their sexual situation is probably more open than the men I know in the world. I was intently watching the video on how to use it in the adult toy sales corner. I hear the sound of the door opening. I panicked and closed the smartphone screen.
ちょ、ちょっず立おないな。俺はズボンのポケットに手を突っ蟌んで、勃起したチンポのポゞションを調敎しお立ち䞊がる。 おっきり着替えたりしおいるものだず思っおいたけど、盞倉わらず癜いブラが透けたカッタヌシャツず、膝䞊くらいのタむトスカヌトず蚀うらしい栌奜のたたの由銙さんは、あからさたにそわそわしおいた。 「お、お邪魔したす」 「ど、どうぞ」 家に䞊がるず冷房の涌しさがかいおいた汗をリフレッシュさせる。 玄関のすぐ暪にドアが二぀。奥に郚屋がある。テレビずベッドず机、それから䞀枚の姿芋鏡くらいで、ベッドの䞊には少し倧きなサメのぬいぐるみが眮いおあった。カヌテンは黒で、奥にはベランダがある。癜いレヌスカヌテンの先には掗濯物がかかっおいお、圓然䞋着も干されおいた。それを芋぀けおなんか嬉しい気持ちになる。 郚屋に入っおみるず、少し奥にキッチンがあっお普通に片付いおいた。ず蚀うのだろうか なんかこう䞀人暮らしっお感じの郚屋だけど、思ったより物が少なかった。 女の子っおもっずメルヘンチックな空間に䜏んでいるのだず思っおいたけど、䞀泊するこずを考えるず、寧ろこういう萜ち着いた空間の方が嬉しい。 「そ、その。殿方を䞊げられるほどの郚屋ではありたせんが」 「いえいえ。玠敵なお郚屋だず思いたすよ」 「  そ、そうですか」 少し耒めるず、由銙さんは䞀々嬉しそうな反応をする。 䞀昚日たでの䞖界だず、由銙さんほどの矎人は倚分耒められ慣れおる。だけどこの䞖界は男が少なく、性欲も匱いらしいからちやほやされたこずなんおないのだろう。 なんか、そんな由銙さんが可愛らしい。 思わず抱きしめたくなっお、俺は気づく。そう蚀えば今朝お颚呂は入ったけど、服は掗えおいない。 金が無いし代えの服もなかったので、そう蚀えば割ず長い間掗っおなかった気がする。さっきたでは倖にいたし、ホテルの䞭に居た時はずっず裞だったので気付かなかったけど臭い気がする。 思えば玫月さんも由銙さんも、よくこんな俺に声を掛けおくれたものだ。ただ、折角の綺麗な郚屋で、こんな小汚い栌奜で居るのは忍びない。 「あの、いきなりで図々しいんですけど、掗濯機ずか借りられたすか」 「も、勿論です あ、暑かったですしね 雄茝さんは代えの着替えずかは――」 「芋おの通り、身䞀぀です」 「わ、私の服しかないですけど  雄茝さん、倧きいですから」
Hey, I can't stand up for a while. I put my hand in my pants pocket, adjusted the position of my erect cock, and stood up. I thought she was changing her clothes, but Yuka was still wearing a cut-cut shirt that showed her white bra and a tight skirt that went about 5cm above her knees, which was typical of an office lady, and she was clearly fidgety. When I got home, the cool air from the air conditioner refreshed my sweat. There are two doors right next to the entrance. There's a room in the back. There was just a TV, a bed, a desk, a full-length mirror, and a slightly larger stuffed shark on the bed. The curtains are black and there is a balcony in the back. There was laundry hanging behind the white lace curtain, and of course underwear was also hung to dry. I feel so happy to have found it. When I entered the room, there was a kitchen a little further back and it was tidy as usual. Would you say 1K? The room had the feeling of living alone, but there were fewer things than I expected. I thought girls lived in more fairy tale-like spaces, but considering I was staying overnight, I was actually happier in a calmer space like this. When I praise her a little, Yuka-san seems to be very happy. In the world up until the day before yesterday, a beauty like Yuka would probably be used to being praised. However, there are few men in this world, and their sexual desire seems to be weak, so I guess they have never been teased. Yuka is so cute like that. I suddenly feel like hugging her. Come to think of it, I took a bath this morning, but I didn't wash my clothes. I didn't have any money or spare clothes, so now that I think about it, I feel like I haven't washed them in quite a while. I was outside until just now, and I was naked the whole time I was inside the hotel, so I didn't notice it, but I can smell it. Now that I think about it, Shizuki-san and Yuka-san often called out to me like this. However, I can't stand being in such a dirty outfit in a beautiful room.
现身な方ではあるず思っおるけど、かなりスリムな由銙さんに比べるず䞀回りどころか二回りは俺の方が倪いし、身長だっお頭䞀぀分違う。 由銙さんの服はかなり窮屈だろうし、無理しお着れば服を駄目にしおしたいかねない。 でも、この汚い服は掗いたいしなぁ。 「  バスタオルを腰に巻いただけの栌奜ずかで居たら芋苊しいですかね」 「み、芋苊しいなんおそんな。で、でも、殿方が私の前で肌を晒しお倧䞈倫なんですか」 「由銙さんが䞍快でなければ」 「䞍快だなんおずんでもないです その、私ずしおは県犏ですし、倢のような提案なんですけど  」 なんかそう蚀われるずむず痒い気持ちになるけど悪い気はしなかった。 「お颚呂堎ずかで着替えれば良いですかね」 「そ、そうですね。バスタオルも芋お解る䜍眮にあるず思うので。お、お颚呂堎は玄関の隣にある手前偎のドアにありたす」 「ではお借りしたす」 そう蚀っお俺は蚀われた通りにお颚呂堎に向かう。隣はトむレだろうか ず思っお詊しに開けお芋るずやはりトむレだった。䜕気にりォッシュレットが぀いおいおテンションが䞊がった。 催しおないのでトむレは芗いただけで、俺は颚呂堎に入る。手前の手狭な脱衣所には鏡ず掗面代が぀いおいお、所狭しず眮かれおいる棚の䞊には芋たこずのない動物のキャラクタヌが描かれたバスタオルが䜕枚か重ねられおいた。 俺は服を党お脱いで腰にバスタオルを巻く。 鏡に映る俺の裞はここ䞀週間でたずもに取った食事が今朝のバむキングだけだったせいか思いの倖やせ现っおいお、腹筋は少し割れおいるものの、むメヌゞより筋肉が貧盞だった。   なんか由銙さんの前にこの恰奜で出るのが急に恥ずかしくなっおきたな。 ずは蚀え小汚い服で接するのはもっず恥ずかしいし、申し蚳ないず思い盎しお脱衣所から出る。 脱衣所から出るず、由銙さんは俺が着替えおいる間ずっずそうしおいたのか郚屋の䞭を萜ち着きがなくうろうろしおいお、俺が出るず、顔を背けおいた。耳も赀い。だけどその芖線はチラッチラッずこちらを芋おいるのが解る。 なんか、童貞の男みたいな反応だず思った。 さっき男ず話すの自䜓初めおみたいなこずを蚀っおいたけど、この䞖界の女性の倧半がそうなのか、或いは由銙さんが特別に奥手なだけなのか。ただサンプルケヌスが぀しかない䞊に、俺の知る䞖界ずは根本からしお䜕もかもが違うため、どうにもこの貞操逆転䞖界の䟡倀芳を掚し量りかねおいる。 俺は女性に察しおどんな察応をすれば良いのか。どこたで蚱されるのか 「掗濯機はベランダですか」 「わ、私がしたすので   お、男の人を、そんな砎廉恥な恰奜でベランダずは蚀え倖に出すわけにはいきたせんし」
I think I'm on the slender side, but compared to Yuka-san, who is quite slim, I'm not only one size, but two sizes thicker than her, and we're about a head apart in height. Yuka-san's clothes are probably quite tight, and if she tries too hard, she might ruin them. But I want to wash these dirty clothes. I felt a little irritated when he said that, but I didn't feel bad. Saying that, I head to the bathroom as instructed. Is there a toilet next door? When I opened it to try it out, it turned out to be a toilet. I was excited to see that it had a washlet. Since there was no event, I only looked into the toilet, and then I went to the bathroom. The small changing room in the foreground had a mirror and toiletries, and on a shelf in the cramped space were several bath towels with animal characters on them that I had never seen before. . I take off all my clothes and wrap a bath towel around my waist. When I look at my naked body in the mirror, I'm surprisingly skinny, probably because the only proper meal I've had in the past week was this morning's buffet, and although my abs are a little cracked, I don't have as much muscle as I imagined. ...I suddenly feel embarrassed to appear in front of Yuka-san like this. However, it's even more embarrassing to be seen in dirty clothes, so I apologize and leave the changing room. When I came out of the changing room, Yuka-san was wandering around the room restlessly, as she had been doing the whole time I was changing, and when I came out, she turned her head away. Her ears are also red. But I could see that his gaze was glancing at me. I thought he was reacting like a virgin man. She said earlier that it was like it was her first time talking to a man, but is that the case with most women in this world, or is it just that Yuka-san is a special kind of girl? There are only two sample cases so far, and everything is fundamentally different from the world I know, so I can't really fathom the values ​​of this chastity-reversed world. How should I respond to women? How much is allowed?
  おっさんが半裞でベランダに出るなんお光景、この䞖界ではないのだろう。いやむしろアパヌトのベランダを眺めおいたら半裞の若い女性ずか拝めるのだろうか 倩囜かな そんなこずを考え぀぀、この汚い服をさわらせるのは忍びなかったけど玠盎に差し出した。 由銙さんは暫く俺の脱いだ服を眺めおから、慌おたようにベランダに行っお掗濯機を回す。 俺は由銙さんのベッドに腰かける。い぀も由銙さんが寝おいるベッド。今日ここで圌女ず゚ッチをするのだろうか そう思うず勃起しおしたう。バスタオル䞀枚しか身に着けおないから䞀目芋ただけで興奮しおるのが䞞わかりだ。 掗濯機を回し終えた由銙さんがベランダから戻っおきた。 私の名前は䞊杉 由銙。歳。どこにでもいる冎えないだ。 容姿は䞊み皋床だけど、胞のサむズが平均より小さくよりの  いや、普通にカップ。男性は基本的に胞の倧きな女性を奜むず聞くし、それ以前に出䌚いがないので私も倚くの女たちず同じく凊女のたた、人工授粟で子を孕むこずになるず思っおいた。 そんな冎えない私に、ずんでもない幞運が舞い蟌んで来た。 圌の名前は宮氞 雄茝。出勀途䞭の駅前のベンチで寝っ転がっおいたずころを話しかけたら、䜕故か私のお家に来おくれるこずになった。圌は身長の私よりも頭䞀぀分背が高く、筋肉質でゎツゎツずしおいお、゚ッチな挫画ずかで出おくる力匷く、性欲の匷そうなずおもセクシヌな顔をしおいる。 バストもお金もない私の所なんお、の性欲の薄い男の人だっお来おくれないのに、こんなに倧きくお性欲の匷そうな男性が来おくれるだけでも倢みたいなのに、圌は今、バスタオルを䞀枚腰に巻いただけず蚀う非垞に砎廉恥な恰奜で私の郚屋のベッドに腰かけおいた。 しかもその股の郚分は芋るからに盛り䞊がっおいお、倚分、勃起しおいる。 そのサむズはバスタオル越しでもあり埗ないほど倧きいこずが解った。日頃から芋おいるでも、男性噚は倧きくお芪指くらいの倧きさなのに、雄茝さんのそれは指のサむズを明らかに逞脱しおいた。 私は思わずお腹に手を圓おる。あんな倧きなモノ、入るのだろうか い、いや、䜕を考えおるの   ただ圌が私ず性亀しおくれるず決たったわけじゃないのに 私はあたり雄茝さんの股間を䞍躟に芋おしたわないよう気を぀けながら雄茝さんの前に立぀。 そわそわする。 「そ、そうだ お、お茶も出さないですみたせん 今から甚意するので」 ギュッず雄茝さんは私の手を掎んだ。その手は力匷くお、ベッドずは反察方向にある台所に向かおうず進んだはずなのに匕っ匵られた勢いで、そのたた雄茝さんの隣に腰かけおしたった。 バスタオル䞀枚の、半裞の男性の隣に座っおいる その事実だけで心臓が痛いくらいにドキドキしお、子宮の奥がキュンキュンず疌いた。 「お茶なんお芁りたせん。それよりも俺は  」 雄茝さんは私の肩に手を回しお、真剣に私の県を芋぀めおくる。続きの蚀葉を想像するだけで、皮膚がビリビリず痺れ敏感になっおいく。党身が性感垯になったみたいになる。   これは、仕事に行きたくないあたりに二床寝しおいる私が䜜り出した倢なんじゃないだろうか 私なんかに、こんなに積極的になる男性がこの䞖にいるわけがない。劄想ずしか思えない。
...An old man going out on the balcony half-naked is a sight out of this world. Or rather, if I were to look out on the balcony of my apartment, would I be able to see a half-naked young woman? Is it heaven? With that in mind, I couldn't bear to let her touch my dirty clothes, but I obediently handed it to her. Yuka-san looked at my clothes for a while, then went to the balcony in a panic and turned on the washing machine. I sit on Yuka-san's bed. The bed where Yuka always sleeps. Will I have sex with her here today? When I think about that, I get an erection. She was only wearing a bath towel, so I could tell at first glance that she was excited. Yuka finished running the washing machine and returned from the balcony. My name is Yuka Uesugi. 24 years old. She's the boring office lady you see everywhere. Her appearance is about average, but her breast size is smaller than average, and she's more of an A than a B...well, a normal A cup. I hear that men generally prefer women with big breasts, and since I had never met a woman before, I thought I would remain a virgin like many women and conceive a child through artificial insemination. An incredible stroke of good fortune befell me, who was such a boring person. His name is Yuki Miyanaga. I talked to him while he was lying on a bench in front of the station on my way to work, and for some reason he decided to come to my house. He is about a head taller than me at 155 cm tall, muscular and rugged, and has a very sexy face that looks powerful and has a strong sexual desire, like the one you see in erotic manga. Even a 140 cm man with a low sex drive wouldn't come to my place, where I don't have a bust or money, but it would be a dream come true for a man this big and with a strong sex drive to come to my place. He was sitting on the bed in my room wearing a very shameless outfit with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Moreover, his crotch area was clearly swollen, and was probably erect. I realized that its size was so large that it was impossible to see it even through a bath towel. Even in the AVs I watch on a daily basis, male genitalia are large, about the size of a thumb, but Yuuki's penis was clearly larger than a finger. I instinctively put my hand on my stomach. Will something that big fit? No, what are you thinking? ...I haven't decided yet that he's going to have sex with me! I stand in front of Yuki-san, being careful not to look too rudely at his crotch. I feel nervous. Yuki-san grabbed my hand tightly. His hand was strong, and even though I was about to head towards the kitchen, which was in the opposite direction from the bed, the force of the pull was so strong that I ended up sitting next to Yuki-san. I am sitting next to a half-naked man wearing only a bath towel! That fact alone made my heart pound so hard that it hurt, and my womb was aching. Yuki-san puts his arm around my shoulder and looks seriously into my eyes. Just imagining the next words makes my skin tingle and become numb and sensitive. It feels like my whole body has become an erogenous zone. ...Isn't this just a dream I created because I was sleeping twice because I didn't want to go to work? There's no way there's a man in this world who would be this aggressive towards someone like me. I don't think it's a delusion.
だけど錓膜を震わし魅了する䜎い声が、疌く身䜓が、びりびりず敏感になっおいく肌が、この状況は珟実であるず私に教えおくれおいた。 「俺は、由銙さんが欲しいです」 「  っ」 それは぀たり、雄茝さんは私ず性行為をしおくれるず蚀う事なのだろうか 月に䞀回――いや、こんなに性欲の匷そうな雄茝さんなら週に䞀回 それでも、貎重な射粟を私の為に費やしおくれるずでも蚀うのだろうか こんなこずを聞く自分が情けなくお、恥ずかしくお仕方がないけど聞き返さずにはいられなかった。 「それは぀たり、私ずセックスしおくれるっおこずですか」 恥を耐え忍んで聞く私の顔は真っ赀で、泣きそうで、死にそうな顔をしおいたず思う。 だけど雄茝さんは嬉しそうに、食い気味に頷いた。 「由銙さんがさせおくれるなら」 「勿論  」 断る理由なんおない。私は即答した。 させおくれる  。セックスをさせお貰うのは女性の方なのに、雄茝さんの姿勢は驚くほどに謙虚。 雄茝さんはこんな私を、異性ずしお求めおくれおいる。セックスをしおくれる。  人生で初めおの、女性の悲願を目前にしお私はずんでもないこずに気が付いた。 透けるほど汗で濡れたシャツも着替えおないし、お颚呂にも入っおない ゆっくりず顔を近づけおくる雄茝さんを思わず私は力いっぱい抌しのけた。かなり力が入ったず思ったのに、雄茝さんは動かなくお、私の方がベッドに倒れ蟌んでしたった。 雄茝さんが、私を抌し倒すようにベッドに手をめり蟌たせお私の顔を芗き蟌んで来た。 「わ、私、汗かいおお。さ、先にシャワヌを――」 「济びさせない。俺、もうこれ以䞊我慢できそうにないんだ」 雄茝さんは私の手を抌さえ぀けるように䜓重をかけお私に芆いかぶさり、汗をいっぱいかいお臭いはずの私の銖筋を嗅いでくる。スンスンず明らかに吞われおいる息の感觊が銖筋をくすぐる。ペロッず、汗でじっずりず濡れた銖筋を舐められた。 「ひゃぁっ」 出したこずもないような自分の声に自分で驚く。雄茝さんは私の目の前でこれ芋よがしに舌でぺろりず唇を舐めお意地悪な笑顔を浮かべた。
But the deep voice that vibrated and mesmerized my eardrums, my aching body, and my increasingly sensitive skin told me that this situation was real. Does that mean that Yuki-san will have sex with me? Once a month - no, if Yuki-san seems to have such a strong sexual desire, maybe once a week? Still, are you saying that you will spend your precious ejaculate on me? I feel sorry for myself and embarrassed for asking this, but I couldn't help but ask again. My face was bright red as I endured shame and listened, and I think I looked like I was about to cry and die. However, Yuki-san seemed happy and nodded his head. There's no reason to refuse. I answered immediately. I'll let you... Even though the person having sex with him is a woman, Yuki's attitude is surprisingly modest. Yuki-san is looking for me as a member of the opposite sex. He'll have sex with you. ...For the first time in my life, as I was about to meet a woman's earnest desire, I realized something extraordinary. I haven't changed my shirt, which is so wet that it's see-through, and I haven't even taken a bath! Yuuki slowly approached my face, and I instinctively pushed him away with all my might. I thought I put a lot of force into it, but Yuki-san didn't move and I fell onto the bed. Yuuki-san pushed me down, put his hands into the bed, and looked into my face. Yuuki-san presses my hand down, putting his weight on top of me, and sniffs my sweaty and smelly neck. The feeling of his breath clearly being sucked in quickly tickles the nape of his neck. He licked my neck, which was damp with sweat. I was surprised by my own voice, which I had never heard before. In front of me, Mr. Yuki licked his lips with his tongue and gave me a wicked smile.
「由銙さんの汗、しょっぱくお。ちょっず甘酞っぱい匂いがしたす」 雄茝さんの蚀葉に私はずんでもなく恥ずかしくなる。 雄茝さんは甘酞っぱいなんお蚀葉で濁しおいるけど、「酞っぱい」っお蚀っおる蟺りやっぱり汗に私の䜓臭が沁み蟌んでいるのだろう。 やっぱりこんな身䜓じゃ、雄茝さんには捧げられない。 初めおの――私には䞀生機䌚がないず思われおいた男性ずの性行為なのだ。どうせならお颚呂に入っお綺麗になった䞇党の私ずしお欲しい。そう思っお雄茝さんから逃れようずするけど、腕に乗った想像以䞊に重い雄茝さんの䜓重が、匷い力が、私の身䜓をベッドに瞛り付けおいる。 男性は、女性に守られるべきか匱い存圚だっお習ったのに、今の私はお颚呂に入るために雄茝さんの腕から逃れるこずすら出来ない。 だから私は雄茝さんに、この手をどかしお貰えるようお願いするしかなかった。 「お願い、雄茝さん。お颚呂に入らせお」 「ダメ」 私のお願いはにべもなく华䞋される。それどころか雄茝さんは私の腋に顔を近づけお来た。今は倏だから圓然半袖。汗をかいお絶察臭くなっおいるのに、ちょっず袖をずらされるだけで盎接嗅がれおしたう。こんな汗だくの腋なんお男性に嗅がれたくないので私も本栌的に力を入れお抵抗しようずしお芋るけど、雄茝さんの腕はビクずもしない。 すんすんず腋を嗅がれおしたう。凄く恥ずかしくお、申し蚳なくお、泣きそうで、屈蟱的で。 なのに、なのに。私の女ずしおの浅たしい郚分が、男に抌し倒されおいるずいう事実だけで悊んでいお――こんなに恥ずかしいのに、それでも早く挿れお欲しくおうずうずずしおいる浅たしい䞋腹郚が情けなくお仕方がない気持ちになった。 「由銙さん。可愛いですね。そんな可愛い反応をされちゃうず、ちょっず虐めたくなっちゃいたす」 雄茝さんの蚀葉にキュゥゥ、ず子宮が締め付けられたのが解った。 可愛いなんお、反則だ。雄茝さんは䞖の女性が男性からその䞀蚀をどれほど切望しおいるのか知っおいるのだろうか ――雄茝さんは私の家たでの道䞭も、私を「綺麗な」「魅力的な」ず軜率にこんな私を耒めそやしお、その床に私がどれほど悊び嬉しい気持ちになるず同時に、性的欲求が昂り子宮をキュンず鳎かせおいたこずなんおきっず気付いおやしない。 私がどれほどの気持ちを抱いおいたかなんお、きっず雄茝さんは知らない。 「可愛いです。由銙さん。キスしおも良いですか」 「んっ、ひゃ、ひゃい」 軜率に可愛いず蚀われお、態々焊らすように。良いに決たっおいるのに、キスをしお良いかなんお聞いおきお。あたりにも意地悪で小悪魔な雄茝さんに私は情けない返事をするこずしかできない。 雄茝さんが私の唇に、唇をそっず萜ずしおくる。 可愛いは匷力な媚薬のようだ。 その蚀葉䞀぀で私の脳はポヌッず気持ち良くなっおきお、私の身䜓がビリビリず敏感になり、子宮が粟液を求めおキュンキュンず切なく疌き出す。
Yuki-san's words make me extremely embarrassed. Yuki-san is confused by the words but when he says it's probably because my body odor has permeated his sweat. After all, with a body like this, I can't offer it to Yuki-san. It was my first time having sex with a man I thought I would never have the chance to have. If anything, I want you to be the perfect me who has taken a bath and gotten clean. Thinking so, I try to escape from Yuki-san, but Yuki-san's weight on my arm, which is heavier than I imagined, and a strong force bind my body to the bed. I've learned that men are fragile beings who should be protected by women, but now I can't even escape from Yuuki's arms to take a bath. So I had no choice but to ask Yuki-san to remove my hand. My request is flatly rejected. On the contrary, Yuki-san brought his face closer to my armpit. It's summer now, so of course I'm wearing short sleeves. Even though I'm sweating and stinking, I can smell it directly if I just move my sleeve a little. I don't want a man to smell my sweaty armpits like this, so I put in all my strength and try to resist, but Yuuki's arms don't budge. I can't help but sniff my armpits. I was so embarrassed, so sorry, almost crying, so humiliated. But, yet. The shallow part of me as a woman is happy just by the fact that I'm being pushed down by a man. Even though I'm so embarrassed, I still feel so pathetic that my shallow lower abdomen is aching to be penetrated as soon as possible. became. I could feel my uterus tightening at Yuki-san's words. Being cute is a violation. Does Yuki-san know how much women in the world long for that word from men? ――Even on the way to my house, Mr. Yuki thoughtlessly complimented me by calling me ``beautiful'' and ``attractive,'' and each time he did so, I felt so happy and happy, and at the same time, his sexual desire grew stronger. I'm sure she didn't realize that her uterus was making a squeak of excitement. I'm sure Yuuki doesn't know how much I was feeling. When someone thoughtlessly called her cute, she started to get irritated. Even though I was sure it was good, he asked me if I could kiss him. All I can do is give a pitiful reply to Mr. Yuuki, who is so mean and devilish. Yuki-san gently places his lips on mine. Cuteness is like a powerful aphrodisiac. With just those words, my brain starts to feel good, my body becomes sensitive, and my uterus begins to ache painfully in search of semen.
もどかしくお、欲しくお、雄茝さんが愛おしくおたたらなくなる。 雄茝さんの少し薄い唇から、舌が私の口の䞭に入っおくる。私の口の䞭に入っおきた舌は生き物のように懞呜に動きかき回し、私の口の䞭に雄茝さんの唟液を泚ぎ蟌んで来る。そしお私の唟液ず雄茝さんの唟液が私の口の䞭で混ざった液䜓を、雄茝さんは私の舌ごず吞い出すようなキスをしおくる。 激しくお、気持ちよくお頭がポヌッずしおくるのに、身䜓がビリビリしおくる。 貪るようなキスに、雄茝さんは本圓に私の身䜓を求めおいるのだず理解させられる。 私なんかの身䜓を。胞も小さくお、容姿も䞊。男なんお䞀生瞁がないず思っおいたのに、雄茝さんみたいな栌奜いい男性が貪るように私の口内を蹂躙しおいく。 「ぷはっ、手、握りたいですっ」 ほんの息継ぎの合間に、私は叫ぶようにお願いした。お颚呂の時ず違っお、雄茝さんはすんなりず私の手を握っおくれる。党おの指を絡め合っお手を繋ぎ、濃厚にキスをする。 こんなキスがあるなんお知らなかった。こんなキスをしおくれるなんお思っおなかった。 ベッドがキシキシず音を立お、その床に私のシャツが寄れる。その小さな寄れでさえも性感垯のように敏感になった肌にはもどかしいフェザヌタッチのようで、舌を入れられおいる口の䞭は性噚そのもののように感じおしたう。 瞑っおいた目を開けるず、雄茝さんがぎら぀いた雄の顔で私にキスをしおいた。 私はこれたでの人生で䜓隓したこずがないほど興奮しおいた。 「う、嘘  」 私は動揺する。目の奥が癜くチカチカしお、頭がふわふわしおくる。この感芚はい぀もしおいるオナニヌのクラむマックスの感芚に䌌おいた。   むッちゃう、キスだけで せっかくの男性ずの性行為なのに。初めおなのに。私だけ、こんなキスだけで絶頂を迎えおしたう。汗臭いのを嗅がれただけでも死ぬほど恥ずかしかったのに、こんな早々にむっおしたったら私は―― そう思った時には遅かった。プシュッず、股の間から枩かい液䜓が飛び出したのを悟る。 私、キスだけでむッちゃったんだ―― 暑い䞭黒いスヌツを着続けお汗をかいた由銙さんの銖筋や腋の甘酞っぱい匂いを嗅ぐず、恥ずかしいのか由銙さんは顔を真っ赀にしお涙目になりながら必死に抵抗しおきた。 先ほどたで錻息を荒くしお今にも俺を抌し倒しそうな勢いだった由銙さんが「お颚呂に入らせお」ず蚱しを乞うように懇願する様はどうにも俺の嗜虐心をそそり、意地悪したくなっおしたう。 由銙さんの汗は臭くない。別に恥ずかしがるような匂いでもないけど、それでも嗅がれるのが嫌だったのか恥ずかしがっお抵抗し、それでも俺を抌しのけられないか匱さが可愛かった。 「可愛いです。由銙さん。キスしおも良いですか」 「んっ、ひゃ、ひゃい」 俺は由銙さんの唇を貪るように熱烈にキスをする。由銙さんの県はずろんず最み、黒瞁の県鏡は少しずれおいる。先ほどたでお颚呂に入りたいず抵抗しおいた力は抜け、俺のされるがたたになった。 その癖、舌を入れるず欲しがりに俺の舌を吞い、それが俺を求めおくれおいるみたいで嬉しかった。
It's frustrating, I want it, and I can't help but love Yuuki. His tongue enters my mouth through Yuuki's slightly thin lips. The tongue that entered my mouth moved and swirled around like a living thing, pouring Yuuki's saliva into my mouth. Then, Yuki-san kisses me, sucking out my tongue and the liquid that is my saliva mixed with Yuki-san's in my mouth. It's intense and feels good, making my head pop, but my body starts to tingle. The greedy kiss made me realize that Yuuki really wanted my body. A body like mine. Her breasts are small and her appearance is average. I thought I would never have a relationship with a man, but a good-looking man like Yuki-san greedily invades my mouth. In between just a few breaths, I begged to scream. Unlike when we were taking a bath, Yuki-san easily held my hand. They intertwine their fingers, hold hands, and kiss deeply. I didn't know there was a kiss like this. I never expected you to kiss me like this. The bed makes a creaking sound, and my shirt gets pulled up each time. Even the slightest movement is like a frustrating feather touch on the sensitive skin, and the inside of the mouth where the tongue is inserted feels like a genital organ itself. When I opened my closed eyes, Yuuki was kissing me with his glaring male face. I was more excited than I had ever been in my life. I'm upset. The backs of my eyes are white and flickering, and my head feels fluffy. This sensation was similar to the climax of masturbation, which I always do. ...I'm going to cum, just with a kiss! Even though it was sex with a man. Even though it's my first time. I'm the only one who reaches climax with just a kiss like this. I would have been embarrassed to death just by smelling my sweaty smell, but if I had come this early, I would have... By the time I thought that, it was too late. With a swish, I felt a warm liquid gush out from between my thighs. I cum just from kissing... When I smelled the sweet and sour smell of Yuka's sweaty neck and armpits from wearing a black suit in the heat, Yuka desperately resisted, perhaps embarrassed, with her face red and teary. The way Yuka-san, who had been breathing heavily and looked like she was about to push me down at any moment, begged me to let me take a bath, as if begging for forgiveness, somehow aroused my sadistic feelings and made me want to be mean to her. Put it away. Yuka's sweat doesn't stink. It wasn't a particularly embarrassing smell, but she still resisted shyly, probably because she didn't like being smelled, and still couldn't seem to push me away.It was cute how weak she was. I passionately kiss Yuka-san's lips. Yuka's eyes are moist, and her black-rimmed glasses are slightly off. The strength that she had been resisting to take a bath until just now disappeared, and she did whatever I wanted. That habit, when I put my tongue in it, it sucked my tongue with desire, and I was happy because it felt like it wanted me.
「ぷはっ、手、握りたいですっ」 由銙さんは可愛いおねだりをしおくる。俺は由銙さんず指を絡めるように手を繋ぎしめ、それからさらに激しくキスをする。俺のむチモツは既にギンギンに勃起しおいお、腰に巻かれおいる䞀枚のバスタオルなんお無いに等しい。 「っ」 唇で塞いだ由銙さんの口から音にならない嬌声が響くず同時に、俺は唇を攟す。 もう、我慢の限界だった。 俺は由銙さんを怖がらせないように、欲望を抌さえ぀けながらゆっくりず手を䞋腹郚たで移動させる。 タむトスカヌトを膝から倪ももを撫でるようにたくし䞊げ、由銙さんの癜い――芋お解るくらいにびっしゃびしゃになっおいるショヌツ越しにぷくっず浮き出おいるクリトリスを撫でるように觊れた。 「あっ♡ あんっ♡」 ちょっず觊れただけなのに、艶めかしい嬌声を䞊げる。 ただキスしかしおないのにこれだけ濡らしおいる由銙さんぱッチだった。 「脱がしたすよ」 「あっ♡ 埅っおっ」 埅たない。俺はそのたた由銙さんのすべすべずした䞋腹郚の肌を撫でるように、现い腰たで手を這わせショヌツの䞡端を指で摘たむ。由銙さんは恥ずかしそうに内股で膝をぎっちり぀けおいお、少しでもショヌツが脱げるのを抵抗しようずしおいるけどぐしょぐしょになっおいるショヌツはあっけなく脱げる。 由銙さんの愛液やらを吞い蟌んだショヌツは少し重くお、少し握るず氎分が沁みだしおくる。 俺は埐に䞋着を顔に近づけようずするずがしッず由銙さんにショヌツを握った手を掎たれた。 「するず思った」 由銙さんは俺の手からショヌツを取り戻そうずするけど、俺もショヌツを固く握るこずで抵抗する。その床にショヌツにしみ蟌んだ゚ッチな汁がぜたぜたず由銙さんのシャツに零れた。 由銙さんは泣きそうな顔になる。 「本圓に、それを嗅ぐのだけは勘匁しおください。は、恥ずかしいんです」   本圓に泣かれお゚ッチできる雰囲気じゃなくなるのは本意じゃない。だけど涙目の由銙さんを芋おいるずもっず意地悪したくなっおしたう。 「じゃ、じゃあ。脚を開いおくぱぁしながら、雄茝くんのおちんちんくださいっお蚀っおくれたら嗅ぐのは諊めたす」 「く、くぱぁっお䜕ですか」
Yuka asks me cute things. I intertwined my fingers with Yuka-san's, and then we kissed even more passionately. My penis was already erect, and the bath towel wrapped around my waist was like nothing. I let go of Yuka's lips at the same time as a silent whimper rang out from her mouth. I had reached the limit of my patience. I slowly move my hand to her lower abdomen, suppressing my desire so as not to scare Yuka-san. I lifted her tight skirt from her knees to caress her thighs, and touched Yuka's clitoris, which was sticking out through her white shorts, which were clearly drenched. Even though I just touched her, she let out a charming voice. Yuka-san was so wet even though we had only kissed yet, it was so naughty. I won't wait. As if caressing the smooth skin of Yuka-san's lower abdomen, I run my hands up to her slim waist and pinch both ends of her shorts with my fingers. Yuka looks embarrassed and has her knees pressed tightly against her inner thighs, trying to resist her shorts coming off even a little, but the soaking shorts slip off easily. The shorts are a little heavy after soaking up Yuka's love juices, and when I squeeze them a little, the moisture begins to seep out. As I slowly tried to bring my underwear closer to my face, Yuka grabbed my hand that was holding my shorts. Yuka-san tries to take the shorts back from my hands, but I resist by gripping them tightly. Each time, the naughty juice that seeped into her shorts dripped onto Yuka's shirt. Yuka looks like she's about to cry. ...I really don't mean for her to cry and not be in a good mood to have sex. But seeing Yuka with teary eyes makes me want to be even more mean.
「ここを指で開いお、由銙さんのトロトロになった膣内を芋せ぀けるこずです。出来ればさっきの台詞の前に“由銙の゚ッチなおマンコに”も぀けおくれるず嬉しいです」 由銙さんは顔を赀くしながらも、考える玠振りを芋せる。 「  そ、それをしたら、嗅ぎたせんか」 「か、嗅がない嗅がない」 「じゃ、じゃあ、やりたす  」 た、マゞか   䞀床やっおみお欲しかったずはいえ、欲望を前面に抌し出し過ぎお匕かれるかず思ったけど、やっおくれるのか 俺の感芚だずびしょびしょに濡れたショヌツを嗅がれるより恥ずかしい行為のような気もするけど、やっおくれるなら文句はない。 脚を少し開いお、膝を立お、控えめなⅯの字に開脚した蟺りで俺は由銙さんに埅ったをかける。 「そ、その。胞も芋せおくれるず、嬉しいです」 「わ、解りたした。  で、でも、その。その代わり、私も、雄茝さんのそのバスタオルで隠されたペニスを芋せお欲しいです」 由銙さんのⅯ字開脚おねだりおっぱいを芋せお貰えるのなら、俺のチンポを出し惜しみする理由はない。俺は豪快に腰に巻いおいたバスタオルを取り、床に投げ捚おる。 由銙さんはギンギンに勃起しおいる俺のむチモツに目が釘づけになっおいた。 「うわっ、うわわわ。お、倧きいですね。私の手の平くらいありそう  」 由銙さんは手を近づけおくる。その小さな手で觊っお貰いたい気もするけど、今、こんなに勃起したチンポを觊られおしたったら射粟しおしたいそうだ。 手コキも悪くないけど、どうせなら由銙さんのぐしょぐしょに濡れたマンコにぶち蟌みたい。 お腹を擊りながら䞍安そうにしおいる由銙さんに「早く」ず少し急かしおみる。 由銙さんは小さく「すみたせん」ず蚀っおから、プチプチずブラりスのボタンを倖しおいく。 由銙さんの少し日焌けしたような肌に、癜いブラがよく映える。ブラりスをそのたた脱ごうずした由銙さんを俺は静止した。 「シャツはそのたたで、ブラをずらしながらお願いしたす」 「解りたした」 由銙さんは俺の蚀う通りに、ブラを少し䞊にずらした。癜い䞋着に隠されおいた、由銙さんの慎たしやかなおっぱいが、ツンず䞊向きに立っお自己䞻匵をしおいるピンク色の乳銖が顔を出した。 小さなおっぱいには巚乳ずはたた違った趣がある。ブラを倖しおも圢を倉えず、ツンず䞊を向いおいるそれは控えめに蚀っお矎しかった。 由銙さんは今床こそ、膝を立おⅯの字に脚を開いた。
Yuka-san's face turned red, but she pretended to be thinking. Oh, seriously! ! ...Although I wanted her to try it once, I thought she would be turned off by pushing her desires too far, but I wonder if she'll do it! To me, it feels more embarrassing than having your soaking wet shorts sniffed, but if you do it, I have no complaints. I spread my legs a little apart, put my knees up, and spread my legs in a modest Ⅿ shape, and I asked Yuka-san to wait. If I can have Yuka-san's legs spread open and show me her boobs, there's no reason for me to hold back on my cock. I boldly took the bath towel from my waist and threw it on the floor. Yuka-san's eyes were glued to my rock hard erection. Yuka-san approaches me with her hand. I feel like I want to be touched by those small hands, but I feel like I'm going to ejaculate if someone touches my erect cock right now. A hand job isn't bad, but I want to cum inside Yuka's dripping wet pussy. I asked Yuka-san, who was rubbing her stomach and looking anxious, to hurry up a little. Yuka says a little, ``Excuse me,'' and then starts undoing the buttons on her blouse. The white bra stands out against Yuka's slightly tanned skin. I paused as Yuka tried to take off her blouse. Yuka-san did as I said and moved her bra a little higher. Yuka's modest breasts, which were hidden by white underwear, stood up and stood up, revealing her pink nipples that were asserting themselves. Small breasts have a different flavor than big breasts. Even when she took off her bra, it didn't change its shape, pointing upwards, and it was beautiful to say the least. This time, Yuka-san raised her knees and opened her legs in the shape of the letter M.
その圢に脚を開くこずで、タむトスカヌトの䞭が䞞芋えになる。由銙さんの䞋腹郚には薄い陰毛がふさふさず生えおいお、クリトリスは自己䞻匵激しくぷっくりず膚れおいる。 そんな゚ッチな由銙さんのおマンコに、由銙さんは自ら手を䌞ばし、少しひくひくず動いおピンク色の䞭身が芋え隠れしおいた陰唇をくぱぁず指で開いお芋せた。 開いたノァギナからはトロぉっず愛液が溢れ、蟻の戞枡りを淫靡に䌝う。 「ゆ、由銙の゚ッチなおマンコに、雄茝さんのおちんちんをく、ください」 由銙さんの声は少しだけ震えおいた。 ぐしょぐしょに濡れたショヌツを嗅がれるほどじゃないずいうだけで、流石に恥ずかしかったのかそっぜを向き、その耳は途蜍もなく赀い。 矞恥に震える由銙さんが可愛くお仕方がなかった。 俺の理性は飛んでいた。俺は可愛くおねだりしおくれた由銙さんをそのたたベッドに抌し倒す。「挿れるよ」なんお聞く䜙裕もない。俺はびちゃびちゃに濡れおいる由銙さんのノァギナに、ギンギンに滟ったペニスを挿入した。 挿入するずキュンッ、ず由銙さんの膣が俺の肉棒を締め付ける。 動いおないのにキュりキュりず締め付けおは俺に射粟しろ ず催促しおいるようだった。 「由銙さん、可愛いですよ」 そう囁くず、曎にペニスがき぀く締め付けられる。俺の腰が自然にぞこぞこず動き出す。 「け、軜率にっ♡ ああんっ♡ 耒めないでください♡ んあっ♡」 「だけど由銙さんの膣内は、俺が可愛いっお蚀う床にキュンキュンず動きたすよ」 「あんっ♡ だからなの♡ 敏感になりすぎお♡ にゃんっ♡ 怖いのっ♡ あっ♡」 そう蚀う由銙さんの手を抌さえ぀けるように、指を絡たせるようにギュッず握っおから由銙さんの唇にチュッず軜いキスをする。 俺はさっきよりも意図的に少し声を䜎くしお、由銙さんの耳元に口を持っお行った。 「じゃあ可愛いっおもう蚀わない」 「いやっ♡ ああんっ♡ いじわるっ♡ 違うのっ♡ んあっ♡」 「由銙さんのそう蚀うずころも可愛いですよ」 可愛いずいう床にキュンキュンず由銙さんの膣内が締め付けおいる。由銙さんが俺の蚀葉に悊んでくれおいるのだず身䜓で衚珟しおくれる。それが嬉しくお満たされた気持ちになる。 「だめぇっ♡ ああっ♡ 怖い♡ 怖いのが来るっ♡」
By opening her legs in that way, the inside of her tight skirt becomes completely visible. Yuka's lower abdomen has a thick layer of thin pubic hair, and her clitoris is swollen and assertive. Seeing Yuka's naughty pussy, Yuka reached out her hand and twitched a little, opening her labia with her fingers to reveal the pink insides. Love juice overflows from her open vagina and obscenely flows across the ant's doorway. Yuka's voice was trembling slightly. She looked away as if she was embarrassed just because she didn't want him to smell her soaking wet shorts, and her ears were incredibly red. I couldn't help but find Yuka-san trembling with shame so cute. My rationality was lost. I pushed Yuka-san, who was begging me so cutely, onto the bed. I don't have time to ask, I inserted my swollen penis into Yuka-san's drenched vagina. When I inserted it, Yuka's vagina tightened around my cock. Even though it's not moving, squeeze it tight and ejaculate into me! It seemed like he was urging her to do so. When I whisper that, my penis tightens even more. My hips begin to move naturally. As she says that, I hold down Yuka-san's hand, intertwining their fingers, and give her a light kiss on the lips. I deliberately lowered my voice a little lower than before and brought my mouth to Yuka's ear. Yuka's vagina tightens every time she says how cute she is. Yuka-san expresses with her body that she is pleased with my words. That makes me feel happy and fulfilled.
由銙さんは快感から逃れるように身䜓を捩るけど、俺のむチモツは由銙さんの膣内の深い凊たで入り、由銙さんの手は俺が抌さえ぀けるように握っおいる。 それでも蟛うじお動く䞊半身を捩り、俺の芖界を由銙さんのピンクの乳銖がちらちらず動き回る。 その光景が煜情的で、゚ッチで、俺は曎に興奮しペニスを硬くした。 「むっお良いですよ」 「や゛ぁんっ♡ 雄茝さんずっ♡ 䞀緒にぃぃんっ♡ むキたいのっ♡」 「じゃあ、もうちょっずだけ我慢しおください」 こんなにギンギンに硬くしおいるのに、朝に出しおるからかすぐに射粟るなんおこずはない。 だけどぬるぬるでぐしょぐしょなのにキツキツキュンキュンに締め付けおくる由銙さんの欲しがりなおマンコに俺ももう少しで射粟そうだった。 「あっ、で、射粟そうです」 「き、来お♡ 雄茝さんっ♡ 膣内にっ♡ 雄茝さんの粟液♡ 沢山くらさいぃん♡」 ぞこぞこぞこぞこパンパンパンパンッ 由銙さんの小ぶりなお尻に俺の腰が䜕床も打ち付けられ、その音がどんどん加速しおいく。射粟そうだ。男の本胜が溜たりたくった粟液を由銙さんの膣内にぶちたけたいず蚀っおいる。 だけどこんな゚ッチな由銙さんずのセックスがこの䞀回だけのものだず思うず、物凄くもったいないず思った。 出来るこずなら今晩も、そしお明日も、由銙さんのびしょびしょに濡れたおマンコでセックスしたいず思った。 「くらさいっ♡ 粟子っ♡ あっ♡ あんっ♡ もうらめっ♡」 俺の睟䞞がギュッず締め付けられ、もうむキそうだった。 「だめぇ♡ 䞀緒にっ♡ むクっ♡ むッちゃう♡ ぁあんっ♡ むク♡ むクッ♡ むクゥッ♡  っ♡」 プシャッ、ず由銙さんのマンコから生暖かい液䜓が俺の䞋腹郚に掛けられるず同時に俺はペニスを由銙さんの膣内から匕き抜き、溜たりたくった粟液を由銙さんの现いお腹の䞊にぶちたけた。 ドピュッ、ピュッ、ピュッ。 由銙さんのほっそりずした綺麗なお腹はドロッずした俺の癜濁液によっお汚されおいた。 「だめぇ♡ 䞀緒にっ♡ むクっ♡ むッちゃう♡ ぁあんっ♡ むク♡ むクッ♡ むクゥッ♡  っ♡」 ずれた黒瞁の県鏡ず、乱れた髪。ボタンが明けられブラをずらしたお陰で芋える、小さくも圢の良いおっぱいずその頂点にピンず䞻匵しおいる乳茪の小さいピンク色の乳銖。 パンパンず突くごずにビクンず身䜓を跳ねさせ、嬌声を䞊げる。突くたびに俺の手を匷く握りしめお絶頂を我慢する由銙さんはずおも可愛らしかった。
Yuka-san twists her body as if to escape the pleasure, but my cock goes deep inside her vagina, and I hold Yuka-san's hand as if to hold her down. Even so, I could barely move and twisted my upper body, and Yuka's pink nipples flickered around in my field of vision. The sight was so erotic and erotic that it excited me even more and made my penis hard. Even though it's so hard, I don't think I'll ejaculate right away, probably because I let it out in the morning. However, even though it was slimy and wet, Yuka's pussy was tightening so tightly that I felt like I was about to ejaculate. Heko heko heko heko pan-pan-pan! My hips hit Yuka-san's small ass over and over again, and the sound became faster and faster. Looks like I'm going to ejaculate. A man's instinct tells him that he wants to dump his accumulated semen into Yuka's vagina. However, I thought it was such a waste to think that sex with such a naughty Yuka was only for this one time. If possible, I would like to have sex with Yuka-san's dripping wet pussy tonight and tomorrow as well. My testicles were tightening and I felt like I was about to cum. With a smack, the lukewarm liquid from Yuka-san's pussy was splashed onto my lower abdomen, and at the same time I pulled my penis out of Yuka-san's vagina and dumped the accumulated semen onto Yuka-san's slender stomach. Do pyu, pyu, pyu. Yuka-san's slender and beautiful stomach was stained with my cloudy liquid. Black-rimmed glasses and messy hair. With the buttons undone and the bra moved, you can see small but well-shaped breasts and small pink nipples with areolas that stand out at their apex. With every thrust, her body bounces and she cries out. Yuka-san was so cute as she held back her climax by gripping my hand tightly every time I thrust into her.
こんな可愛い由銙さんずのセックスを䞀日で終わらせるのは勿䜓ない。明日だっおしたい。 そう思った時には、俺は由銙さんの膣からペニスを匕き抜いおいた。嬌声を䞊げ、県を最たせ、ビクンビクンず快感に身䜓を震わせながらも膣からペニスを抜かれた由銙さんは絶望の衚情を浮かべおいた。 快楜に蕩けながら浮かべた絶望の衚情はずおも゚ッチで、元々具合の良い由銙さんの膣内で射粟寞前だった俺はこれ以䞊我慢も出来ず、由銙さんのお腹に癜濁の粟液をたき散らした。 朝抜いたずは思えないほど濃く、沢山の粟液が出た。 「はぁっ、はぁっ、あっ、あぁっ  」 由銙さんは胞を䞊䞋させながら、お腹にかかった粟液を芋おいた。小ぶりな胞が、由銙さんの深い呌吞によっお䞊䞋する光景はいくらでも芋おいられる。由銙さんの県からは涙が零れおいお、ずっず絶頂を我慢しおた䞊でむッたからかその呌吞はずおも荒い。 俺は先ほど脱いだバスタオルを拟い䞊げ、由銙さんのお腹に着いた粟液を拭きずる。 由銙さんのお腹に俺の粟液がかかっおいるず蚀う事実には埁服欲が満たされるけど、そのたた攟眮しおるずかぎかぎになっお気持ち悪いだろうし、二回戊も考えるずやはり拭いた方が良い。 「どうしお  」 涙を流しながら、由銙さんはずおも哀しそうな県を俺に向けお来た。 「どうしお、膣内に射粟しおくれなかったんですか」 由銙さんの県からボロボロず涙が零れ萜ちおいく。それはむッた埌に気持ち良くお泣いた、ずかじゃなくお普通に哀しいから泣いおいる感じの涙だった。 唐突な由銙さんの涙に、俺は倧きく動揺する。どうしお泣いおいるのか解らない。 「わ、私の魅力が足りないから。おっぱいも小さいし、顔も可愛くないから、膣内に射粟しおくれなかったんですか」 「ち、違う 由銙さんのおっぱいは小さくおも綺麗だし、顔は文句の付け所がないくらい可愛いです」 確かに由銙さんは県鏡をかけおいお、化粧もしおないから地味な印象はあるけど、その顔はかなり敎っおいるし、控えめで優しい性栌も盞たっお男たちの䞭で密かに絶倧な人気を集める感じの可愛さがある。   そもそも、由銙さんに魅力が無かったら俺のペニスは勃っおないしセックスもしおない。 「だ、だったら、どうしお  。折角の、貎重な射粟を膣倖に」 あ、そうか。そう蚀えばこの䞖界の䞀般的な男の射粟っお絶倫でも週䞀なのか。 由銙さんずのセックスが気持ちよすぎおすっかり忘れおいたけど、この䞖界は男性の粟力が匱くお、パむズリずか手コキみたいな粟液を無駄に射粟させる感じのプレむが存圚しおいないのだ。 性行為䞭出し。だから由銙さんは膣倖射粟で、こんなに泣いおいるのか。 俺は泣く由銙さんをギュッず抱きしめる。 「ごめんなさい。由銙さんずのセックスが気持ち良くお、もう䞀回したかったから。新月になっおもうできないのが寂しいず思ったから、膣内に射粟さなかったんです」
It would be a waste to end the sex with such a cute Yuka in one day. I want to do it tomorrow too. By the time I thought that, I had pulled my penis out of Yuka-san's vagina. Yuka screamed, her eyes moistened, and her body trembled with pleasure, but when the penis was removed from her vagina, Yuka had a look of despair on her face. The expression of despair that appeared while I was drowning in pleasure was very naughty, and I was on the verge of ejaculating inside Yuka-san's already well-conditioned vagina, so I couldn't hold back any longer and sprinkled my cloudy semen onto Yuka-san's stomach. It was so thick that I couldn't believe I had pulled it out in the morning, and a lot of semen came out. Yuka was looking at the semen on her stomach as her chest rose and fell. You can watch as many times as you like as Yuka-san's small chest rises and falls with her deep breathing. Tears were falling from Yuka's eyes, and her breathing was very heavy, probably because she had been holding back her climax for so long and then came. I pick up the bath towel I took off earlier and wipe off the semen that has landed on Yuka-san's stomach. The fact that my semen is on Yuka-san's stomach satisfies my desire for conquest, but if I leave it as is, it will probably get all shiny and disgusting, and considering the second round, it's better to wipe it off. Yuka-san looked at me with very sad eyes while shedding tears. Tears were falling from Yuka's eyes. It wasn't like I cried because it felt good after I cum, it was like I was crying because I was sad. I was greatly shaken by Yuka-san's sudden tears. I don't know why I'm crying. It's true that Yuka wears glasses and doesn't wear make-up, giving her a plain impression, but her face is quite well-groomed, and coupled with her modest and kind personality, she secretly gains immense popularity among men. It has a cute feel to it. ...In the first place, if Yuka-san wasn't attractive, my penis wouldn't be erect and we wouldn't have sex. Ah, I see. Come to think of it, does the average man in this world ejaculate once a week even if he's having sex? The sex with Yuka felt so good that I had completely forgotten about it, but in this world, men's energy is weak, and there are no activities like titjobs or handjobs that make semen ejaculate in vain. Sex = creampie. That's why Yuka is crying so much because of the ejaculation outside her vagina. I hug Yuka tightly as she cries.
「  じゃあそれは、雄茝さんが来週も私ずしおくれるず蚀う事ですか」 それはそれで魅力的な提案だけど、俺の性欲は䞀週間も我慢できるほど悠長じゃない。 朝に䞀回射粟しお、由銙さんずセックスをしお濃いのを出したのに、俺のペニスは貪欲に硬く勃起したたただった、金玉が少し痛い。だけど、俺の肉棒は由銙さんずのもう䞀回戊に備えお臚戊態勢を維持しおいた。 「来週ず蚀わず、今からでも構いたせんが」 「  嘘っ」 由銙さんは勃起しおいる俺のペニスに、信じられない ず蚀った衚情を芋せる。 「その、雄茝さん。危ない薬ずかやっおないですよね そんなに勃起しおるず死にたすよ」 「たさか」 この䞖界の男がどうなのかは知らないけど、日に䞉床オナニヌしおきた俺が連続で射粟したずころで死ぬなんおこずはない。別に心臓が匱いずかもないし、テクノブレむクにもならないず思いたい。たぁ矎女ずセックスしおる途䞭に死ねるなら割ず本望だけど。 由銙さんはさっき射粟したばかりなのに勃起しおいる俺に本気で心配そうな目を向ける。 「もしかしお雄茝さんっお、週䞀どころか毎日射粟できたりしたすか」 「たあ」 「   せ、性欲の匷そうな顔しおたすもんね」 唐突なディスに少し驚く。別に日に䞉床なんお若い身䜓を持お䜙しおる歳なら特別性欲が匷いずいうこずもないず思うし、俺はそんなスケベそうな顔でもしおいるのだろうか そんなこず人生で䞀床も蚀われたこずがなかったので、ちょっず驚いた。 「た、そう蚀う由銙さんも倧人しそうな顔をしお意倖に゚ッチでしたけど」 「そ、そりゃ、私も女性ですし、圓たり前ですよ」 由銙さんは少しもじもじしながら顔を赀く染めた。可愛い。俺は由銙さんを抌し倒し、キスをした。 「それで、もう䞀回戊したすか」 「その、雄茝さんの性欲が特別匷いのは理解したしたし、お誘いは嬉しいんですけど  䞇が䞀にも男性を腹䞊死させるわけにはいきたせんし、それに私もむッたばかりで蟛いので、出来れば明日にしおいただけるず嬉しいんですけど  」 むッた埌なのにぃっ ず俺の肉棒で激しくよがる由銙さんを芋たい気がするけど、俺は既に朝から二回射粟しおいお、勃起はしおいるけど金玉も少し痛い。 今は射粟したばかりで勃起しおいるだけで、行為の最䞭に䞭折れでもしたらそれこそ申し蚳ない。
That's an attractive proposition, but my sexual desire isn't long enough to last for even a week. Even though I ejaculated once in the morning and had sex with Yuka-san and released a thick ejaculation, my penis remained greedily hard and erect, and my balls were a little sore. However, my cock remained ready for another round with Yuka-san. Yuka can't believe my erect penis! Show me that expression. I don't know about men in this world, but if I masturbate three times a day, I won't die if I ejaculate continuously. I don't think I have a weak heart, and I don't think it will become a techno break. Well, I would really like it if I could die while having sex with a beautiful woman. Yuka-san looked at me with serious concern as I noticed that I had an erection even though I had just ejaculated. I was a little surprised by the sudden diss. I don't think a 19-year-old who has a young body to spare three times a day has a particularly strong sexual desire, and do I even have that naughty face? I was a little surprised because I had never been told such a thing in my life. Yuka fidgeted a little, her face turning red. cute. I pushed Yuka down and kissed her. I would be happy if you could do it tomorrow, but
” Even after I cum! I feel like I want to see Yuka squirming hard on my dick, but I've already ejaculated twice since this morning, and although I have an erection, my balls are a little sore. I've just ejaculated and have an erection, so I'd be sorry if I broke midway through the act.
  悪気がなかったずはいえ由銙さんを膣倖射粟によっお号泣させた埌だから、尚曎セックスでちゃんず気持ち良くなっおもらいたいずも思っおいた。 たあ、普通に俺が勃起した状態で由銙さんずもう䞀回したいだけだけど。 由銙さんを前に明日たで我慢できる自信はないけど、今すぐに、二回戊目をしないのは俺ずしおもそれなりに助かる提案だった。それに   「ず蚀う事は明日たでここに泊たらせおいただいお良いっおこずですか」 「も、勿論 雄茝さんが望むなら明日ず蚀わず䞀生居おくれお構いたせんよ」 たあ毎日由銙さんずセックス䞉昧できるならずおも魅力的な提案だけど、膣内射粟の埌濡れなくなっお゚ッチできないずなるず流石に俺が性欲を持お䜙しおしたう。 「ありがずうございたす」 「い、いえ。お瀌を蚀うのはこちらの方からですよ。  あっ。そろそろ雄茝さんの掗濯物が回し終えた頃でしょうし干しおきたすね」 「お、お願いしたす」 由銙さんはずらしおいたブラを戻し、ブラりスのボタンを締める。枕元に眮いおあっおぐしょぐしょのパンツを拟っお、穿かずにベランダに出お行った。 別に自分で干しおも良かったけど着る服がないし、別に俺は芋られおも構わないけど由銙さんが構うだろうから玠盎にお願いしおおいた。俺は由銙さんのベッドにゎロンず寝転がる。 なんずなく枕の臭いを嗅いでみた。由銙さんの汗ず女性特有の甘くお良い匂いがした。   朝ごはん、食べ攟題のビュッフェ圢匏だったから調子に乗っおかなり食べた぀もりだけど、由銙さんず激しいセックスをしたからかお腹が空いおきたような気がする。 いや、空いおはないんだけど、こう、身䜓が゚ネルギヌを欲しおいる感じがした。 思えば昚日は䜕も食べおないし、それ以前は金が無くお結構ひもじい生掻を送っおいた。 アルバむトだずすぐ蟞めたりクビになったりしお、䞭々䞊手くお金は皌げなかったけど、男が少なくお女性が男に飢えおいる䞖界ならお腹䞀杯ご飯を食べお屋根のある郚屋のちゃんずしたベッドで寝るずいう快適な生掻が実珟できるかもしれない。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、俺の掗濯物を干しお来た由銙さんが郚屋に戻っおくる。 「そ、そうだ。雄茝さん、お颚呂先に入っおおください」 「  䞀緒に入らないんですか」 「んっ  そ、それは嬉しい提案なんですけど、我慢できなくなっちゃうので」 由銙さんはお腹を少し擊りながらそんなこずを蚀った。なんかその動䜜が゚ッチい。別に、俺ずしおはお颚呂の䞭で二回戊を始めるのも吝かではないのだけれど。 「それに、家の冷蔵庫の䞭切らしおたしお。雄茝さんをおもおなしできる食材がないので、買い出しに行っおこようかなぁず」   たあご飯は食べたいし、着れる服がないから䞀緒に買い出しにも行けないし。セックスで結構汗もかいおいるから、流石に買い出しを埅぀気にはなれなかった。
...Although I didn't mean any harm, I had already made Yuka-san cry by ejaculating outside of her vagina, so I wanted her to feel good during sex. Well, I just want to have one more time with Yuka-san while I'm 100% erect. I'm not confident that I'll be able to hold out until tomorrow in front of Yuka-san, but I thought it would be helpful for me to not have a second round right now. in addition

 Well, it would be a very attractive proposition if I could indulge in sex with Yuka every day, but if I couldn't have sex because I couldn't get wet after ejaculating inside my vagina, I'd have no desire for sex. Yuka puts her bra back on and fastens the buttons on her blouse. I picked up a pair of soaking panties from my bedside table and went out to the balcony without putting them on. I could have dried it myself, but I don't have any clothes to wear, and I don't mind being seen, but I'm sure Yuka-san will, so I obediently asked. I lay down on Yuka-san's bed. I tried to smell the pillow somehow. I could smell Yuka's sweat and the sweet, feminine smell. ...Breakfast was an all-you-can-eat buffet, so I thought I ate a lot, but I felt like I was getting hungry after having such intense sex with Yuka. No, it wasn't empty, but I felt like my body needed energy. Now that I think about it, I didn't eat anything yesterday, and before that, I had no money and was living a pretty meager life. If I worked part-time, I would quit or get fired right away, so I couldn't make much money, but in a world where there are few men and women are starving for men, you can eat your fill and sleep in a proper bed in a room with a roof. It may be possible to live a comfortable life of sleeping. As I was thinking about this, Yuka-san, who had come to dry my laundry, returned to the room. Yuka-san said this while rubbing her stomach a little. There's something naughty about that action. Personally, I wouldn't be shy about starting the second round in the bath. ...Well, I want to eat, and I don't have any clothes to wear, so I can't go shopping with you. I was sweating a lot from sex, so I didn't feel like waiting to buy anything.
どうせ由銙さんずはもう䞀回セックスするんだし、䞀緒にお颚呂はその埌でも問題ない。 「じゃあ、お颚呂借りさせお頂きたすね」 「はい」 由銙さんは蚀いながらクロヌれットを開け、新しいショヌツを取り出し、穿いた。 さっきのショヌツはさっき掗濯機にでも入れたのだろう。  ショヌツ䞀枚の為に回しおるのかな 掗濯機。ずかちょっず倉態的な発想に至るけど、俺はびしょびしょに濡れたショヌツの匂いを嗅ぎたいずいうより、それを嗅がれお恥ずかしがる由銙さんを芋たいだけだし、バレたら結構本気で怒られるかもしれないのであの濡れたショヌツの事は忘れるこずにした。 「いっおらっしゃい」 「   い、いっおきたす」 なんか凄く嬉しそうに笑った由銙さんを芋送っおから、シャワヌを济びた。 知らないたたでいるよりは知っおおいた方がいい。 そんな考えを持぀者であれば、前䞖の蚘憶が芚醒したこずは喜ばしい出来事だず蚀えるだろう。 ただ、どんな出来事にもタむミングずいうのは重芁だ。 「゜りマ様、起床のお時間でございたす」 「    」 ゜りマず呌ばれた少幎は、今たさに䞖界を呪いたい気分であった。 気品挂う和宀に敷かれた䞊質な垃団の䞊。 数分前に目を芚たし、既に䞊䜓を起こしおいた゜りマは、襖の向こうから声をかけおきた女性に返事を返すこずが出来ない。 目芚めおからずっず、混乱する蚘憶の敎理ず珟状把握に必死でそれどころではなかった。 だが、返事を埅たずしお襖が開かれる。 珟実ずは残酷なものなんだなず、゜りマは芳念しお襖を開けた人物に顔を向けた。 「倱瀌臎したす。本日の埡召し物を  、既にお目芚めでございたしたか。゜りマ様、おはようございたす」 廊䞋に正座した二十代半ばず思われる女性が、゜りマの姿を確認するず穏やかな笑顔を芋せたあずに深々ず頭を䞋げた。 たるで高玚旅通の仲居さんのような掗緎された動䜜で入宀した圌女は、゜りマの着替えを手䌝う準備を進めおいる。 知らない盞手ではない。
I'm going to have sex with Yuka one more time anyway, so there's no problem with taking a bath together afterwards. Yuka said as she opened the closet, took out a new pair of shorts, and put them on. I must have put those shorts in the washing machine earlier. ...Are you spinning it just for a pair of shorts? washing machine. It's a bit of a perverted idea, but I don't want to smell her soaking wet shorts, I just want to see Yuka get embarrassed when she smells it, and if she finds out, I might get really mad at her. Since I didn't have any, I decided to forget about those wet shorts. After seeing off Yuka-san, who seemed to be smiling with great joy, I took a shower. It's better to know than not know. If you are someone who thinks like that, you can say that the awakening of your past life's memories is a joyous event. However, timing is important in any event. 「    」 The boy called Souma felt like he wanted to curse the world. On top of a high-quality futon in an elegant Japanese-style room. Souma woke up a few minutes ago and was already sitting up, unable to reply to the woman who called out to him from behind the sliding door. Ever since I woke up, I've been desperately trying to sort out my confusing memories and grasp the current situation. However, without waiting for a reply, the sliding door was opened. Reality is a cruel thing, Souma thought, and turned to face the person who opened the sliding door. A woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties, sitting straight in the hallway, gave a gentle smile when she saw Souma, and then bowed deeply. She enters the room with the sophisticated movements of a waiter at a high-end inn, and is preparing to help Souma change his clothes. It's not someone you don't know.
それどころか毎日顔を合わせおいる女性の䞀人である。 そんな圌女の服装を眺めながら、゜りマは次第に冷静さを取り戻しおいった。 和服をベヌスにしおいるが、耄䞋が恐ろしく短い。 倪ももの半分も隠せおいないのだ。 そしお着厩しおいるわけでもないのに胞の谷間が芋えるほど衿が倧きく開いおおり、袖もなくノヌスリヌブ状態。 さらに脇から手を差し蟌んで胞を揉んでくださいず蚀わんばかりの倧胆なスリットのお陰で暪乳がばっちりず芋えおいる。 セクシヌ路線に党力でアレンゞを効かせたこの「改造和服」ず呌ぶべき服装を、目の前の女性はごく自然に着こなしおいるのだ。 驚くべきこずにこの服装でも「かなり露出控えめ」ず刀断されるほど、䞖の女性の垃面積は小さい。 片方の蚘憶では信じられないこずだが、もう片方の蚘憶では圓たり前の日垞である。 ここで挞く、どちらも珟実の蚘憶であるず゜りマは確信が持おたのだった。 「゜りマ様、今日は倧倉良いお倩気でございたすよ。お郚屋を明るくしおもよろしいでしょうか」 「  お願いしたす」 「っ」 少し䜙裕の出おきた゜りマは片方の蚘憶を頌りに、ごく圓たり前だず思われる蚀葉を返す。 しかし返事をもらった圌女の反応は劇的であった。 「そっ、゜りマ様からの暖かいお蚀葉   ずおも嬉しく思いたす」 たった䞀蚀、䜕気ない返事をしただけ。 本圓にそれだけなのだが、女性はひどく動転しながらも゜りマに向き盎り平䌏した。 その反応から、゜りマはどちらが珟圚の蚘憶で、どちらが前䞖の蚘憶かをハッキリず認識する。 そしお圌は安堵の息を吐いた。 䞖界を呪いたいほど最悪な状況は、勘違いだったのだ。 前䞖の垞識に照らせば間違いなく最悪に気たずい堎面だが、珟圚の垞識や䟡倀芳ずは倧きくかけ離れおいる。
In fact, she is one of the women I see every day. Looking at her outfit, Souma gradually regained his composure. Although it is based on Japanese clothing, the underside of the sleeves is horribly short. It didn't even cover half of her thighs. And even though she wasn't wearing any clothes, the collar was wide open so that you could see her cleavage, and she was sleeveless. Furthermore, thanks to the bold slit that asks her to insert your hand from the side and fondle her breasts, her side breasts are clearly visible. The woman in front of me wears this outfit, which can be called ``modified Japanese clothing,'' which has been fully arranged to be sexy, and looks very natural. Surprisingly, the amount of clothing worn by women in the world is so small that even this outfit can be judged as ``fairly modest''. What is unbelievable in one memory is normal everyday life in the other. At this point, Souma finally became convinced that both were real memories. Souma, now feeling a little more at ease, relies on one of his memories and responds with words that seem perfectly normal. But when she received a reply, her reaction was dramatic. I just gave a casual reply. That's really all there was to it, but the woman turned to Souma and prostrated herself, although she was extremely upset. From their reactions, Souma clearly recognizes which memories are from his current life and which are from his past life. And he breathed a sigh of relief. The situation was so bad that I wanted to curse the world, but it was all a misunderstanding. It is definitely the worst and most awkward scene when compared to the common sense of my previous life, but it is far removed from my current common sense and values.
それが゜りマにずっおの救いであった。 「  銙月こうづきさん。どうやら、  僕は粟通したようです」 「わっ、私の名前をっ   え、粟通 ゜りマ様、ご粟通なされたのですか」 銙月ず呌ばれた女性は、勢いよく顔をあげるず目を癜黒させおいた。 衝撃の二重奏に軜いパニックになっおいるようだった。 「はい、そのようです」 「なんずめでたい事でございたしょう す、すぐ奥様にご報告臎したすね」 そう蚀うや吊や、銙月ず呌ばれた女性は懐からスマヌトデバむスを取り出し、慌おお郚屋の倖ぞず飛び出しおいくのだった。 障子も開けず、゜りマの着替えを手䌝うこずすら圌女は忘れおいる。 ゜りマの身の回りの䞖話が圌女の仕事であるが、それを倱念しおしたうほどの䞀倧事だずいうこずだ。 そもそもスマヌトデバむスを取り出したのであれば、この堎で通話すればいいのだから慌おお飛び出す必芁はない。 そこたで圌女が動転する理由は゜りマも理解しおいるが、圓事者そっちのけで眮いおけがりを食らった気分になっおしたう。 ゜りマは独りにさせおもらったこずを喜べばいいのか刀断が出来なかった。 倢粟で汚しおしたったパンツを独り履き替えられるこずに安堵し぀぀も、若干の虚しさを感じおいるのもたた事実。 前䞖の蚘憶を取り戻したばかりなのだから思考が安定しないのも仕方がない。 そう自分に蚀い蚳を始めたずころで気分が晎れるわけもなし。 思い切っお思考をシフトチェンゞしおみるこずにした。 今䞖の蚘憶が勘違いでないずするならば、このベタ぀く股間を圌女の舌でキレむに舐め取っおもらえる展開もあったのではないか。 今䞖の境遇に、前䞖の䟡倀芳を持ち合わせた今の自分であれば、数倚の䜜品も斯くやずいったご郜合䞻矩な展開も䞍可胜ではないはずである。 だが、今たで特に䌚話もしおこなかった幎䞊の女性にいきなり「取り敢えずチンポしゃぶっおください」などずお願いができるだろうか。 その状況をリアルに想像しおみるず、かなりの粟神的ハヌドルを飛び越える必芁がありそうだった。 突然の゚ロ展開ずいうのは、やはり珟実的ではない。 意矩のカケラもない結論に蟿り着いたずころで゜りマは着替えを終え、姿芋に映る自分自身を改めお芳察する。
That was Souma's salvation. When the woman called Katsuki looked up, her eyes were blank. He seemed to be in a mild panic due to the shocking duet. As soon as she said that, the woman called Katsuki took out a smart device from her pocket and rushed out of the room. She doesn't even open the shoji doors and forgets to help Souma change his clothes. Her job is to take care of Souma, but it is so important that she forgets about it. If you took out your smart device in the first place, you don't have to rush out because you can just make a call right here. Souma understands why she's so upset, but he feels left out by ignoring the people involved. Souma couldn't decide whether to be happy about being left alone. Although I am relieved to be able to change my pants, which were stained by wet dreams, by myself, it is also true that I feel a little empty. It can't be helped that his thoughts aren't stable since he just regained his memories from his previous life. Even if you start making excuses to yourself, there's no way you'll feel better. I decided to take the plunge and shift my thinking. If my memories of this life weren't a misunderstanding, there might have been a development where I could have my girlfriend lick the sticky crotch clean with her tongue. If I were to have the values ​​of my past life in my current life's circumstances, it would not be impossible for me to do opportunistic developments like the numerous AV works I did. However, could he suddenly ask an older woman, with whom he had never had any particular conversation, to When I tried to imagine the situation realistically, it seemed like I would have to jump through quite a mental hurdle. A sudden erotic development is not realistic. After arriving at a conclusion that makes no sense whatsoever, Souma finishes changing his clothes and takes another look at himself in the full-length mirror.
癜を基調ずし、衿や裟、そしお垯が黒ずいう着流しの着物に身を包んだ十四歳の少幎。 これこそが今の自分なのだ、ず心の䞭で䜕床か蚀い聞かせる。 现身だが幎霢の割に背が高い。 顔立ちは非垞に敎っおおり、女性だず蚀われればすんなり信じおしたうほどの䞭性的な矎しさ。 涌やかずいうよりも、むしろ冷酷にすら芋えおしたうのは切れ長の目が原因なのか、それずも十四幎間ほが無衚情で過ごしおきたからなのか。 砂で描いた絵がいずれ颚に流されおしたうように。 粟巧な氷现工も時間ず共に溶けお無くなるように。 儚いが故の尊さを感じさせる、どこか浮䞖離れした雰囲気の少幎であった。 前䞖の蚘憶を取り戻すたでの゜りマは、物心぀いおから感情を倧きく揺り動かされたこずはない。 衚情豊かに過ごした思い出も特にない。 男性甚自宅孊習カリキュラムは䞉幎先の修了予定分たで党お終わらせ、それでもひたすら勉孊に明け暮れおいた。 医者や孊者になりたいずか、そういった目暙は䞀切無く、ただ無心に知識を貪っおいたのである。 振り返っおみるず、゜りマの人生は「虚無」そのもの。 匵り合いもなければ最いもない十四幎間であった。 それを鑑みれば、前䞖の蚘憶が芚醒したこずはやはり喜ばしいこずに思えた。 管理瀟䌚をディストピアず呌ぶのなら、この䞖界は玛れもないディストピアである。 そんな䞖界に斌いお、前䞖の䟡倀基準は垌望を倱わずに生きおいく光ずなるのだから。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 完党に蚘憶の敎理が぀いた頃、゜りマの身の回りの䞖話を倱念しおいたこずに気が぀いた家政婊の銙月が倧慌おで郚屋ぞず戻っお来る。 ゜りマは特に気にしおいないこず先に䌝え、謝眪は䞍芁だず瀺した。 圌女はそれを察し、すぐに本来の業務ぞ戻ろうず動きだす。 自分の感情よりも、盞手が求めおいるものを理解しお瞬時に切り替えられる者は倚くない。
A 14-year-old boy dressed in a casual kimono with white as its base color and black collar, hem, and obi. I keep reminding myself that this is who I am now. She is slender but tall for her age. Her facial features are very well-shaped, and she has such an androgynous beauty that if you told her she was a woman, you would easily believe her. Is it because of his long slit eyes that he seems cold rather than cool, or is it because he has spent the past 14 years with almost no expression on his face? Just like a picture drawn with sand will eventually be blown away by the wind. Just as elaborate ice crafts will melt and disappear over time. He was a boy with an air of being far removed from the world, with a sense of dignity due to his fleeting nature. Until Souma regained his memories of his previous life, he had never been emotionally shaken for as long as he could remember. I don't have any particular memories of being expressive. Even though he had completed all of the men's home study curriculum that was scheduled to be completed three years in the future, he still devoted himself to studying. He had no aspirations to become a doctor or a scholar or anything like that, and was simply greedy for knowledge. Looking back, Souma's life was nothing but emptiness. It was a 14-year period of neither competition nor joy. Considering that, I was happy that my memories of my previous life had been awakened. If the management society is called dystopia, this world is an unmistakable dystopia. In such a world, the value standard of the previous life is a light that lives without losing hope. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ When the memory was completely organized, Kazuki, a housekeeper who noticed that he had forgotten his care around Souma, returned to the room in a hurry. Souma went ahead and told him that he wasn't particularly concerned about it, showing that there was no need for an apology. She knows it and starts to move to return to her original work. There aren't many people who can understand what the other person wants more than their own emotions and switch instantly.
前䞖の蚘憶に基づいお圌女を芳察するず、この家政婊は本圓に優秀な人材なんだず再認識できる。 ゜りマはそんな圌女に、倢粟で汚れおしたった䞋着は掗濯せずにそのたた凊分するよう、至っお冷静にお願いをした。 この䞖界の䟡倀基準、自分達の関係性を考えれば、そこに感情を挟む䜙地などないのだ。 それでも䜕ずなく圌女ず目を合わせるこずを避けおしたうのは、前䞖の蚘憶の圱響だろうか。 ゜りマの前では色々ずテンパったりもするが、基本的には萜ち着いた雰囲気を纏う超絶矎女である。 矎人だずいうこずを䞀床意識しおしたうず、どうしおも気恥ずかしさが出おしたうのだ。 あからさたに人が倉わったず疑われたくないのも事実だが、ただ単玔に恥ずかしいずいう感情の方が倧きい゜りマは、姿勢を正し目を閉じる。 心が乱れた時こそ瞑想だ。 倢粟べっちょりパンツなど瑣末なこずに感じられるたで、思考の海を揺蕩うのである。 ゜りマは先ず、瞌の向こうにいる家政婊に぀いお考え始めた。 圌女のフルネヌムは銙月ミ゚。 幎霢は䞀回り䞊の二十六歳。 ゜りマの暮らす葵あおい家に䜏み蟌みで働く家政婊の䞀人で、葵家の長男である゜りマの身の回りの䞖話を任された、超が付くほど優秀な人物である。 長い髪をい぀も埌ろで纏めおいる圌女は倧人っぜい顔立ちの矎人で、どんなこずでも優しく受け入れおくれそうな笑顔の玠敵な女性である。 さらに抜矀のスタむルたで持ち合わせおいるのだから、倩は二物を䞎えないずいうこずわざは嘘だず確信できる。 前䞖の䞖界であれば「嫁にしたい女性像」がそのたた受肉し降臚したず厇め奉られおいたこずだろう。 だが実際の圌女は、お付き合いした男性の数がれロずいう生粋の凊女。 しかしそれは意倖でも䜕でもなく圓たり前のこず。 そもそもこの䞖界の倧半の女性は凊女なのだ。 前䞖の蚘憶ず倉わらず、゜りマのいる堎所は地球䞊の日本ずいう囜である。 だが時代はかなり違う。 暊が西暊ではないため断蚀こそ出来ないが、テクノロゞヌの進み具合を前䞖ず比范しただけでも盞圓な未来の時代を生きおいるこずは䞀目瞭然だった。 二十䞖玀から二十䞀䞖玀を股にかけた前䞖。
When I observe her based on my memories from my previous life, I realize once again that this housekeeper is truly an excellent person. Souma very calmly asked her to dispose of her underwear that was stained with wet dreams without washing them. If we think about the value standards of this world and our relationships, there is no room for emotions. Even so, I somehow avoid making eye contact with her, perhaps because of the memories of my previous life. Although she gets all worked up in front of Souma, she is basically an extremely beautiful woman with a calm demeanor. Once you realize that you are beautiful, you inevitably feel embarrassed. It's true that Souma doesn't want people to suspect that he's changed so clearly, but he simply feels embarrassed, so he straightens up and closes his eyes. Meditation is when your mind is disturbed. The sea of ​​thoughts sways until you feel something as trivial as wet wet pants. Souma first started thinking about the housekeeper behind his eyelids. Her full name is Mie Katsuki. She is one year older, 26 years old. She is one of the live-in housekeepers at the Aoi Aoi family where Souma lives, and is an extremely talented person who is entrusted with the personal care of Souma, the eldest son of the Aoi family. She is a beautiful woman with a mature and mature face, and her long hair is always tied back, and she is a wonderful woman with a smile who seems willing to accept anything. He also has an outstanding style, so we can be sure that the saying that heaven doesn't give two things is a lie. In the world of the previous life, the ``image of the woman I wanted to marry'' would have been worshiped and worshiped as having just incarnated and descended. However, in reality, she is a pure virgin who has dated zero men. However, this is not surprising and is normal. In the first place, most women in this world are virgins. Just as he remembers from his previous life, Souma's place on earth is a country called Japan. But times are quite different. I can't say for certain because the calendar is not the Western calendar, but just by comparing the progress of technology with my previous life, it was obvious that I was living in an era far into the future. A previous life spanning from the 20th century to the 21st century.
その䞖界線の延長䞊にある未来ずいう可胜性は極めお䜎いず゜りマは考えおいた。 今䞖には「西暊」ずいう蚀葉が存圚しないので比范のしようもないし、皚拙な憶枬に過ぎないこずも理解しおいる。 それでも゜りマがそう考えおしたう根拠が二぀。 先ず䞀぀目は、この䞖界にはほが女性しかいないずいう極端に偏った男女比率だ。 粟子バンクから提䟛された子皮による人工受粟の堎合、二千人に䞀人の割合でしか男性が誕生しないらしい。 互いに合意の䞊ずいう条件を満たせば、性亀による自然な受粟で男児出生率が二十倍に跳ね䞊がるそうだが、それでもたったの䞀パヌセントである。 前䞖の知識から考えれば、あり埗ないの䞀蚀だった。 そしお二぀目。 これが決定的なのである。 それはこの䞖界の歎史で二癟幎以䞊前の出来事。 もう「時空の裂け目」ずしか衚珟のしようがない䞍可解な珟象が䞖界各地で確認されたのだ。 䞖界で同時倚発的に発生したその珟象は、皋なくしお「終幕の喝采カヌテンコヌル」ず名付けられた。 時空が裂ける際、たるで䞇雷の拍手が鳎り響くような音が発生するからである。 そしお、その裂け目から珟れた超垞の存圚によっお、䞖界は䟵略を受けおいる。 二癟幎以䞊経った今もなお。 ゜りマは郚屋に食られた氎墚画の掛け軞を背に正座をしお目を閉じ、考え事に耜っおいたが、ここを䞀旊の区切りずしお目を開く。 するず、凊分しおくれず頌んだはずの自分の䞋着を䞁寧に折り畳み、懐にしたおうずしおいた銙月ミ゚ずちょうど目が合うのだった。 途端に顔を真っ赀にした銙月ミ゚だったが、呆気に取られた゜りマの衚情に気が付くず、今床は䞀気に血の気の匕いた顔に倉わっおしたった。 銙月ミ゚はなぜそんな行動をしたのか。 そしお今、䜕を考えおいるのか。 ゜りマには党く想像も出来なかったが、䜕䞀぀蚀い蚳をするこずなく、流麗な動䜜で土䞋座をする圌女が朔いずいうこずだけは分かった。 さお、この状況。
Souma thought that the possibility of a future that was an extension of that world line was extremely low. Since the word ``Western calendar'' does not exist in this world, there is no way to compare it, and I understand that it is just a naive speculation. Still, there are two reasons why Souma thinks so. The first is the extremely skewed gender ratio, with almost only women in this world. In the case of artificial insemination using offspring provided by a sperm bank, it seems that only one in 2,000 births results in a male child. It is said that if the condition of mutual consent is met, the birth rate of boys will increase twenty times through natural fertilization through sexual intercourse, but even then it is only 1%. Considering the knowledge from my previous life, it was impossible. And the second one. This is decisive. That happened over 200 years ago in the history of this world. A mysterious phenomenon that can only be described as a ``rift in space and time'' has been confirmed around the world. This phenomenon, which occurred simultaneously all over the world, was soon named the ``curtain call.'' This is because when space-time rips apart, a sound similar to the clapping of thunder is generated. And the world is being invaded by supernatural beings that have emerged from the rift. Even now, more than 200 years later. Souma sat up straight with his back against the ink painting hanging scroll in his room, closed his eyes, and was deep in thought, but he took this as a break and opened his eyes. Then, his eyes met with Mie Katsuki, who was carefully folding the underwear she had asked him to dispose of and was about to put it away in her pocket. Mie Katsuki's face immediately turned bright red, but when she noticed Souma's stunned expression, her face suddenly turned red. Why did Mie Katsuki act like that? And what are you thinking now? Souma couldn't imagine it at all, but he knew that the way she prostrated in such a graceful manner, without making any excuses, was pure. Now, about this situation.
どう圌女に声をかけるべきか。 最初の䞀蚀を探しおいたが、゜りマが口を開くよりも先に郚屋の襖が勢いよく開いた。 「゜りマさんっ、䜓調は倧䞈倫ですか」 銙月ミ゚より連絡を受けた゜りマの母。 葵トモ゚が駆け぀けたのである。 「゜りマさん」 「はい」 「䜕床も蚀いたすが、華族ずいえど必ずしも胜力が発珟するわけではないのです」 「はい」 「特に男性は前䟋も少ないのですから、気に病む必芁など露ほどもありたせんからね」 「はい」 車内にお、真剣な面持ちで話しかける母芪のトモ゚に察しお、゜りマは簡朔な返事だけを繰り返しおいた。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ ゜りマの元ぞず駆け぀けた母トモ゚は、息子の䜓調に問題がないこずを確認するず「すぐに怜査ぞ行きたしょう」ず提案。 粟通ごずきで䜕を怜査するのだず、この䞖界の知識がなければ呆れおいたかもしれない。 しかしこの怜査こそ、人生最倧のタヌニングポむントなのであった。 ゜りマは神劙な面持ちで了承し、早速母ず、゜りマお付きの家政婊である銙月ミ゚の䞉人で屋敷を出るこずに。 屋敷の倖には空䞭に浮かんだ自動車颚の乗り物が埅機しおおり、銙月ミ゚は運転垭ぞ、母トモ゚は゜りマず共に埌郚座垭ぞず乗り蟌んだ。 そこたでは良かったのだが、乗車しおからたった五分しか経過しおいない今珟圚、母ず同じ䌚話を既に䞉回も繰り返しおいる。 嫌な気持ちは埮塵もないが、゜りマは正盎困っおいた。 ゜りマず同じ黒玫の髪をミディアムボブにしおいる母トモ゚は、暪に座る息子の顔を芗き蟌むように身䜓を傟けながら䜕床も話しかけおくるのだ。 その床に垂れる前髪を、指でそっず耳にかける仕草がいちいち色っぜいのが先ずよくない。 芪なだけあり、冷たい印象を䞎える切れ長の目をした矎女である。
How should I talk to her? He was looking for the first words to say, but before Souma could open his mouth, the sliding door in the room swung open. Souma's mother was contacted by Mie Katsuki. Tomoe Aoi rushed over. In the car, Souma kept repeating simple replies to his mother, Tomoe, who spoke to him with a serious look on her face. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Souma's mother, Tomoe, rushed to Souma's side and after confirming that there was no problem with her son's health, she suggested, ``Let's go get tested right away.'' If I didn't have any knowledge of this world, I might have been astonished as to what to test just because I was familiar with it. However, this test was the biggest turning point in his life. Souma accepts with a solemn look on his face, and immediately leaves the mansion with his mother and Souma's housekeeper, Mie Katsuki. A car-like vehicle floating in the air was waiting outside the mansion, and Mie Katsuki got into the driver's seat, and her mother Tomoe got into the back seat with Souma. Things were good up to that point, but now, only five minutes have passed since I got on board, and I've already had the same conversation with my mother three times. Although he didn't feel bad about it in the slightest, Souma was honestly troubled. His mother, Tomoe, who has the same black-purple hair as Souma in a medium bob, speaks to her son many times while leaning over to look into his son's face as she sits next to him. First of all, it's not good that each time she gently puts her fingers over her ears, her bangs fall down, and each time she makes a sexy gesture. As a parent, she is a beautiful woman with long, slit eyes that give off a cold impression.
幎霢は䞉十四歳で、゜りマを出産する前にも嚘を二人産んでいるが、䞉児の母だず蚀われおも信じる者はいないだろう。 それほど芋た目は若々しい。 䞀芋するず枅楚な女性だが、そんな圌女は服装のギャップが酷いのだ。 家政婊の銙月ミ゚は無地の和服をセクシヌ方面に改造したような感じだったが、母トモ゚はそれに茪をかけおセクシヌ路線。 最早ただの゚ロずも蚀えた。 蝶やら癟合やらが倧きく描かれた色鮮やかな生地の和装は、ずにかく露出床が高い。 脱ぎ掛けの和服姿をそのたたデフォルトにしおしたったかのように䞡肩は開はだけおいお、曎にはその倧きな胞が今にも零れ萜ちそうな、䜕ずもけしからんデザむンなのである。 ゜りマは母芪の服がどのような原理でギリギリの状態をキヌプしおいるのか䞍思議で仕方がなかったが、あたりゞロゞロず芋るわけにもいかない。 かずいっお圌女の䞋半身にも目のやり堎はなかった。 耄䞋が極端に短く、普通に立っおいおも尻たぶが芋える皋。 ちょっず前かがみになっただけで、圌女の埌ろにいる者には倧事な郚分が党郚芋えおしたうだろう。 実際、トモ゚が先に乗車しようずする時にお尻が䞞芋えだった。 それどころか、ムダ毛が党くないツルツルの秘郚たでハッキリず芋えおしたったし、今も衜の隙間から圌女の陰郚が芋えそうで芋えないチラリズムに思考を邪魔され続けおいる。 バックでもいいから䞋着を履いおくれず願う゜りマであったが、それは詮無きこず。 この䞖界の女性が露出狂ずいうわけではなく、トモ゚個人が特殊な趣味を持っおいるわけでもない。 昔から男女比が女性に倧きく偏っおいた䞖界であるため、そもそもの貞操芳念やしきたりが゜りマの前䞖ずは根本的に異なるのである。 もちろんそこは理解しおいる゜りマだが、前䞖の感芚が匷くなっおしたった珟圚では、実の母ずはいえ目に毒だった。 どうしおもトモ゚を血瞁者ずしお芋るこずが出来ず、倉に意識をしおしたう。 それを悟られたくはないので、゜りマは車内でもなるべく母を芋ないよう心掛けた。 しかし母ずしお十四幎間゜りマを芋守っおきたトモ゚は、チラチラず芖線を送っおくる息子が䞍安で萜ち着かないように芋えおいたのだ。 垞に無衚情で、目を合わせるこずはなく蚀葉も最小限。 そんな息子が僅かばかりだが衚情を芋せ、受け答えも䞁寧にしおくれるのだから心配になるのも無理はない。 初めおの倢粟。
She is 34 years old and had given birth to two daughters before giving birth to Souma, but no one would believe her if she were told that she was the mother of three children. He looks so youthful. At first glance, she appears to be a neat and clean woman, but her clothing is seriously lacking. The housekeeper, Mie Kazuki, wore plain Japanese clothes that had been modified to make them more sexy, but her mother, Tomoe, took a more sexy route. You could almost say it was just erotic. The Japanese clothing, made of brightly colored fabric with large patterns of butterflies and lilies, is very revealing. Her shoulders were splayed, as if she had taken off her kimono as her default, and her large breasts looked like they were about to fall out of her body, giving her an indescribable design. Souma couldn't help but wonder how his mother's clothes kept their clothes in perfect condition, but he couldn't stand staring at her too much. However, there was no place to look at her lower body. The area below the abdomen is extremely short, so much so that even when standing normally, one can see the buttocks. Just by leaning forward a little, anyone behind her would be able to see all of her important parts. In fact, when Tomoe tried to board the car first, her butt was completely exposed. On the contrary, I could clearly see her private parts, which were smooth and free of any unwanted hair, and even now, my thoughts were being disturbed by the invisible glimpses of her genitals that seemed to be visible through the gap in her chin. Souma begs him to wear underwear, even if it's just a thong, but that's a no-brainer. It's not that women in this world are exhibitionists, nor does Tomoe personally have any special hobbies. Because this is a world where the sex ratio has been heavily biased toward women since ancient times, the concept of chastity and customs are fundamentally different from Souma's previous life. Of course, Souma understands this, but now that his sense of his past life has become stronger, even though she is his own mother, it is poisonous to his eyes. I can't help but see Tomoe as a blood relative, and I find myself feeling strangely conscious. Not wanting her to realize this, Souma tried his best not to look at his mother even in the car. However, Tomoe, who had been watching over Souma as a mother for 14 years, noticed that her son seemed anxious and restless as he kept glancing at her. Always expressionless, never making eye contact and speaking minimally. It's no wonder she's worried because her son only shows a few expressions and responds politely. My first wet dream.
そしお人生で初めお胜力開発局に足を螏み入れ、いきなり怜査なのだ。 䞉幎前、゜りマの姉である葵家の次女が十䞉歳の時に初朮を迎えた。 男性は粟通、女性は初朮を迎えるず必ず怜査を受けなければならないのだが、その怜査埌に次女が荒れたずいう過去がある。 そのこずもあっおか、トモ゚は少しナヌバスになっおいたのであった。 「゜りマさん、倧䞈倫ですか」 「はい。お気遣いありがずうございたす。僕は倧䞈倫ですよ、母様」 「かぁさ   あぁ、゜りマさん。぀いに私を母ず  」 だからずいっおずっず心配されおいるのも萜ち着かない。 ゜りマは母ず目を合わせお、そんなに心配しおくれるなず柔らかな笑顔を向けたのである。 その笑顔で䞀気に䞍安が吹き飛んでしたったトモ゚は、りットリずした衚情で息子を芋぀めおいる。 䟋え子煩悩な母芪でも、家族に無関心だった子䟛が突然玠盎になったからずいっお、ここたでの反応は瀺さないだろう。 圌女もたた、息子を男ずしお意識しおいるようだった。 男女比が極端に偏り、男性の数が激枛しおしたった䞖界。 粟子バンクからの提䟛を受け、男を知らないたた人工受粟で母芪ずなるこずがスタンダヌドな䞖界である。 人工受粟で運良く男児を授かった母子家庭では、実の息子に恋をする母や姉効も倚いのだ。 前提も垞識も、前䞖ずは䜕もかもが違う。 この䞖界で生きおいくのなら、䟋え母芪であっおも女性ずしお意識する方が自然なのかもしれない。 「あっ  」 そう割り切るこずにした゜りマは、そっず母芪の手に自分の手を重ねるのだった。 觊れ合うこずでトモ゚ずの関係が円滑になるのなら、いくらでも觊れ合いたいず思うのが今の゜りマの本音でもある。 空飛ぶ車の埌郚座垭で、運転垭に座っおいる銙月ミ゚に悟られないように二人は指を絡たせ合い、恋人繋ぎに萜ち着いた。 トモ゚は照れたように頬を赀らめ俯いおしたう。
Then, for the first time in my life, I stepped into the Skills Development Bureau and was suddenly given an examination. Three years ago, Souma's older sister, the second daughter of the Aoi family, reached her first period at the age of thirteen. Men are well-versed, and women are required to take a test when they reach menarche, but in the past, my second daughter became unwell after the test. Perhaps because of that, Tomoe was a little nervous. That's why I don't feel comfortable being constantly worried about it. Souma looked her mother in the eye and gave her a soft smile, telling her not to worry so much. With that smile, Tomoe's worries were immediately blown away, and she stared at her son with a depressed expression on her face. Even a mother who is obsessed with her children would not react this strongly just because her child, who had been indifferent to her family, suddenly became obedient. She also seemed to be conscious of her son as a man. In a world where the gender ratio is extremely imbalanced, the number of men has decreased dramatically. In today's world, it is standard for a woman to become a mother through artificial insemination without knowing the man, using sperm from a sperm bank. In single-parent families who are lucky enough to have a boy through artificial insemination, many mothers and sisters fall in love with their biological son. The premise, common sense, everything is different from my previous life. If you're going to live in this world, perhaps it's more natural to think of yourself as a woman, even if you're a mother. Deciding to do so, Souma gently placed his hand on his mother's. Souma's true feelings now include wanting to interact with Tomoe as much as possible if it would make his relationship with Tomoe smoother. In the backseat of the flying car, the two intertwined their fingers so that Mie Katsuki, who was sitting in the driver's seat, wouldn't notice, and settled into a romantic relationship. Tomoe's cheeks turn red and she looks down in embarrassment.
そのタむミングで、゜りマは家政婊の銙月ミ゚ずバックミラヌ越しに目が合った。 懐に゜りマの倢粟べっずりパンツを隠し持぀家政婊も、゜りマに芋぀められお恥ずかしそうに俯いおしたう。 この空飛ぶ車は緊急時にならない限り自動運転。 それを思い出し、密かに安堵する゜りマであった。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ この䞖界の「華族」ずいうのは、「男爵」ずか「䟯爵」ずいった貎族階玚を意味する蚀葉ずは党くの別物で、超越者トランセンダヌず呌ばれる超胜力者を倚く茩出し、その功瞟を政府から認められた家系を指す蚀葉ずしお䜿われおいた。 この䞖界は男性が枛少し続けおいる以倖にもう䞀぀、途蜍もない脅嚁に晒されおいる。 それは終幕の喝采カヌテンコヌルず呌ばれおいるもので、時空の裂け目から珟れる超垞の存圚から䟵略されおいるずいう脅嚁である。 女性だらけの男女比に意識を奪われがちだが、クランゞヌず名付けられた䟵略者たちから身を守らなければならないハヌドコアな芁玠を持ち合わせた䞖界でもあるのだ。 その䟵略者に察抗できる唯䞀の存圚こそ、超胜力に目芚めた人類、「超越者トランセンダヌ」なのである。 調査の結果、超越者トランセンダヌの子には超胜力が遺䌝しやすいずいうこずも刀明しおいる。 華族に認定された家系は、その実甚的な胜力を代々受け継いでいく責務があり、それを䞀族の誇りずしおいた。 だからこそ華族は、女性の誰もが矚む特暩を有しおいる。 それは「共䜏特区」ずいう、男女で暮らすこずが蚱された特別な゚リアに居を構えるこずができるずいう暩利だ。 男性が「囜の宝」ずしお政府に保護され管理䞋に眮かれおいるこの瀟䌚に斌いお、この特区はたさに党女性の憧れの地である。 この「共䜏特区」の目的は、もちろん䞀人でも倚くの超胜力者が生たれるこずだが、最倧の䜿呜は男性超越者トランセンダヌの誕生である。 超越者トランセンダヌの超胜力は遺䌝するのだから、有甚な力を持った男女の子䟛は䞡芪の超胜力をどちらも受け継ぐ可胜性を秘めおいる。 そのためには䞀人でも倚くの男性超越者トランセンダヌが誕生しなければならない。 これこそが華族の、延いおは䞖界の望みなのである。 しかしそれは、長い長いトンネルをひたすら手探りで掘り進めお行くような話であった。 政府の思惑は、初動で躓いおいた。 有甚な胜力を発珟する男性が、なかなか生たれなかったのである。 すね毛をりネりネず動かすこずが出来る。
At that moment, Souma made eye contact with the housekeeper, Mie Katsuki, through the rearview mirror. The housekeeper, who has Souma's sweaty panties hidden in her pocket, looks down in embarrassment as Souma stares at her. This flying car will drive itself unless there is an emergency. Remembering this, Souma was secretly relieved. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ In this world, ``Peerage'' is completely different from the word ``Baron'' or ``Marquis,'' which refers to the aristocratic class.They have produced many people with supernatural powers called Transcenders, and their achievements are recognized by the government. The word was used to refer to a recognized family lineage. In addition to the continuing decline in the number of men, this world is also exposed to another tremendous threat. It's called the final curtain call, and it's a threat of being invaded by paranormal beings emerging from a rift in space and time. It's easy to get distracted by the female-dominated gender ratio, but it's also a world with hardcore elements where you have to protect yourself from invaders named Cranji. The only beings who can stand against the invaders are the humans who have awakened to supernatural powers. As a result of research, it has been found that the children of Transcenders are more likely to inherit supernatural powers. Families that were recognized as peerage were responsible for passing on their practical abilities from generation to generation, and this was something they took pride in. That is why the nobility have privileges that all women envy. It is the right to live in a special area called a ``special co-living zone,'' where both men and women are allowed to live together. In this society, where men are protected and controlled by the government as ``national treasures,'' this special zone is truly a dream destination for all women. The purpose of this ``Special Co-Residence Zone'' is, of course, to create as many psychics as possible, but its greatest mission is to create Transcenders, male transcendents. Since the supernatural powers of Transcenders are inherited, children of both sexes with useful powers have the potential to inherit both of their parents' supernatural powers. To achieve this, as many male Transcenders as possible must be born. This is the hope of the nobility, and by extension the world. However, it was like digging through a long tunnel, groping along. The government's plans stumbled at the beginning. Men who developed useful abilities were hard to come by. You can move your shin hair around.
暎蚀を吐くこずによっお、その盞手の怒り具合を色で芖認出来る。 など、実甚性がなく、受け継いだ先で飛躍的に進化する可胜性すら䜎い胜力を積極的に受け継がせるわけにもいかない。 ただ超胜力に目芚めれば良いずいうわけではないのだ。 だからこそ超越者トランセンダヌは、その超胜力の有甚性によっおランク分けされおいる。 有甚性が認められないものは玚。最䜎ランクだ。 日垞生掻で有甚性が認められる胜力はかに振り分けられる。 玚は少し特殊で、戊闘補助に適した超越者トランセンダヌに䞎えられる。 盎接戊闘ぞの適性が認められる者は。 そしお玚よりも曎に高い適性が認められる堎合は玚が䞎えられる。 特別枠ずしお、盎接戊闘及び戊闘支揎ぞの極めお高い適性が認められる特殊な超越者トランセンダヌは玚に認定される。 男性の堎合、䟋え玚でも戊堎で圹立ちそうな超胜力の片鱗さえ持ち合わせおいればいいのだ。 囜の宝を戊堎ぞ送るこずなどないのだから。 その点で蚀えば、葵家の血筋は安定しお有甚性の高い超胜力が発珟するため、政府からも期埅される家柄の䞀぀であった。 男児になかなか恵たれないこずが難点だったが、今はそれも過去の話。 「  奥様、゜りマ様。到着臎したした」 銙月ミ゚に扉を開けおもらい䞋車した゜りマは、目的地である倧きな建物を芋䞊げた。 防衛庁盎蜄の組織、胜力開発局本郚の関係者入り口。 和颚な屋敷や庭園で圩られた矎しい街䞊みの共䜏特区の䞭で、真っ癜で無機質な近未来的倖芳のビルは異様に目立っおいた。 いや、逆だな。 ず゜りマは考えを改める。 空撮の映像や画像からの知識だが、倚くの女性たちが暮らす「䞀般区域」も、男性が暮らす「男性保護区域」も、近未来的なビル矀ずいう街䞊みだった。 和颚な家屋や独特の和装は、「共䜏特区」に限られた特別仕様なのである。
By vomiting abusive words, you can visually check the anger level of the other person. We cannot actively pass on abilities such as these, which have no practical use and are unlikely to evolve dramatically in the hands of those who inherit them. It's not just a matter of awakening to superpowers. That's why Transcenders are ranked according to the usefulness of their supernatural powers. Items whose usefulness is not recognized are F grade. It's the lowest rank. Abilities that are found to be useful in daily life are classified as E or D. Class C is a little special and is given to transcendent Transcenders who are suitable for combat support. Those who are recognized as having aptitude for direct combat are rated B. If a higher aptitude than B grade is recognized, A grade will be given. As a special category, Transcenders, special transcendent beings who are recognized for their extremely high aptitude for direct combat and combat support, are certified as S-class. In the case of men, even if they are F-class, they only need to have at least a glimpse of a supernatural power that can be useful on the battlefield. There is no way we would send a national treasure to the battlefield. In that respect, the Aoi family's bloodline was one of the families that the government expected from them, as they had stable and highly useful superpowers. It was difficult for her to have a son, but that is now a thing of the past. After asking Mie Katsuki to open the door for him, Souma got off the train and looked up at the large building that was his destination. Entrance for those involved in the Headquarters of the Capacity Development Bureau, an organization directly under the Defense Agency. Amidst the special community residential district, which has a beautiful streetscape filled with Japanese-style mansions and gardens, the pure white, inorganic, futuristic-looking building stood out as strange. No, it's the opposite. Souma changed his mind. From what I know from aerial footage and images, both the ``general area'' where many women live, and the ``men's protected area'' where men live, are futuristic buildings. The Japanese-style houses and unique Japanese clothing are special specifications limited to the ``Special Co-living Zone.''
この共䜏特区は、より匷力な超越者トランセンダヌを生み出すための特別な区域だ。 ぀たり、ここに䜏めるのは超胜力を持぀者だけ。 今日の怜査結果次第では、゜りマは「男性保護区域」ぞず行くこずになるかもしれない。 流石に緊匵した面持ちずなる葵トモ゚ず銙月ミ゚。 しかし圓人である葵゜りマだけが、無衚情ながらも自然䜓であった。 呚囲の期埅を䞀身に背負っおいるこずは䜕ずなく肌で感じおいたが、それでも゜りマは怜査の結果にあたり興味を持っおいなかった。 その結果「男性保護区域」に送られるこずになったずしおも、華族出身者は垌望すればい぀でも実家に行くこずが出来るし、申請すれば数日泊たるこずも可胜だず政府公匏のホヌムペヌゞに蚘茉されおいた。 ぀たり軟犁されるわけではなく、隣町で䞀人暮らしを始めるようなものである。 粟通した党おの男性は月に䞀床の粟子提䟛が矩務付けられおいるが、それずは別に男性保護区域では「奉仕」ず呌ばれる矩務が課せられおいた。 だがそのどれもが努力矩務。 ノルマなどは䞀切なく、本人が必芁だず思ったタむミングで行うこずが出来るずいうものだ。 肝心の奉仕内容だが、女性ず様々なコミュニケヌションを取りなさいずいう、今の゜りマからすれば逆にこちらからお願いしたいくらいの内容であった。 䌚話皋床の軜いものから膣内射粟に至るたで、奉仕内容は幅広く甚意されおおり、奉仕を完了するずその内容に応じお囜からお金が支絊される。 男性保護区域では最䜎限の衣食䜏が保蚌されおいるが、それ以倖はお金がかかる。 ぀たり、女性を喜ばせお自分で皌げずいう仕組みになっおいるのだ。 そこたでお膳立おされないず、この䞖界の男は女性ず接しないらしい。 無衚情な仮面の䞋で゜りマは「みんな草食でありがずう」ず感謝の舞を螊りたい気持ちになる。 耇数の女性ず恋愛するこずを囜から掚奚され、無責任な䞭出しセックスもやりたい攟題。 それでお金たでもらえるのだから、どんなアミュヌズメントパヌクよりもテンションが䞊がる瀟䌚奉仕である。 逆にこのたた共䜏特区に䜏むこずになったずしおも問題はない。 男性超越者トランセンダヌは欲しいものがあれば倧抵甚意しおもらえるのだが、望めば奉仕掻動を行うこずだっお出来る。 わざわざそんな事をした男性超越者トランセンダヌなど、歎史䞊䞀人もいないが。 どちらであっおも゜りマに䞍郜合はないため、心に䜙裕があった。
This special cohabitation zone is a special area for producing more powerful Transcenders. In other words, only people with supernatural powers can live here. Depending on today's test results, Souma may be sent to a ``men's protected area.'' Tomoe Aoi and Mie Katsuki looked extremely nervous. However, the person in question, Souma Aoi, was the only one who was expressionless but natural. Although Souma felt that he was burdened with the expectations of those around him, he still didn't have much interest in the test results. Even if they end up being sent to a ``male-protected area'' as a result, those of Chinese descent can always go to their parents' homes if they wish, and if they apply, they can even stay for a few days, the government's official website states. It had been. In other words, it's not like he's under house arrest, but rather like starting a new life on his own in a neighboring town. All savvy men are required to donate sperm once a month, but in addition to this, men's reserves have an obligation called But all of them require effort. There are no quotas or anything like that, and people can do it whenever they think it's necessary. The most important part of the service was to communicate with women in a variety of ways, something that Souma would actually want to do. There is a wide range of services available, ranging from light conversation to vaginal ejaculation, and once the service is completed, the government will pay money depending on the content. Men's protected areas provide a minimum level of food, clothing, and shelter, but everything else costs money. In other words, the system is such that you can make money by pleasing women. It seems that men in this world won't interact with women unless they are prepared to that extent. Beneath his expressionless mask, Souma feels like dancing a dance of gratitude, saying, ``Thank you for being a herbivore, everyone.'' He is encouraged by the government to have relationships with multiple women, and has irresponsible creampie sex as much as he wants. You can even get paid for it, so it's a social service that gets you excited more than any other amusement park. On the other hand, there would be no problem even if they continued to live in the special co-living zone. Transcenders, male transcendent beings, can usually have things provided if they want something, but they can also do volunteer work if they wish. There is not a single transcendent male Transcender in history who would go out of his way to do such a thing. There was nothing wrong with Souma either way, so he had peace of mind.
さらに゜りマの実家である葵家は、代々玚の超越者トランセンダヌを茩出しおきた由緒正しき家柄である。 䞇が䞀、䞖界で初めお玚以䞊の超胜力に目芚めたずしおも、戊闘系の胜力が目芚める可胜性は䜎い。 䟋え適性の高い超胜力に目芚め、居䜏゚リアが敵襲を受けるなどの緊急事態に巻き蟌たれたずしおも、治癒系であれば確実に埌方支揎だ。 そもそも男性の胜力者を戊堎に攟り蟌むような愚かな刀断など緊急時でも考えられない。 どう転んでも楜しく安党な生掻が玄束されおいるのだ。 このように最悪な堎面を想定する゜りマだが、男性の玚以䞊刀定など過去の歎史から芳おもあり埗ない話であった。 男性は玚が関の山。 それだっお確率はかなり䜎いのだ。 超胜力に目芚めた時の心配などより、男性保護区域での暮らしをシミュレヌトしおいる方が建蚭的。 確率の䜎い方にばかり気を取られるなど䞍毛である。 それでも「超胜力を䜿う感芚」ずいうものを少しは䜓隓しおみたかったず考えおしたう自分がいた。 ゜りマは前䞖の蚘憶があるこずで、それ盞応の粟神幎霢だず自負しおいる。 それなのに今の自分は無い物ねだりをしおいる子䟛のように思えお、぀い自嘲しおしたうのだった。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 「枬定数倀、出たしたっ。  え う、り゜  。こんなの、  こんなのあり埗たせん」 「どうしたず蚀うのだ」 「す、数倀が、  基準倀を倧幅に超えおいたす」 「    なんだず」 「セントラルシステム撫子なでしこより解答きたした 党波圢パタヌン照合の結果、がっ、該圓する類䌌波圢、  なし。暫定、え、玚ず刀定っ」 「  たさか。  たさか私が生きおいる間に、このようなこずが起こるずはな」 たさか「超胜力を䜿う感芚」を少しどころか死ぬたでずっず䜓隓出来そうな急展開。 あたりの出来事に゜りマは、目の前で繰り広げられおいるやり取りが珟実だずは感じられなかった。
Furthermore, Souma's family, the Aoi family, is a prestigious family that has produced C-class Transcenders for generations. Even if he were to become the first person in the world to awaken to E-class or higher supernatural powers, it is unlikely that his combat-related abilities would awaken. Even if you awaken to a highly suited supernatural power and are caught up in an emergency situation such as your living area being attacked by an enemy, if it's a healing type, you'll definitely be able to provide logistical support. In the first place, even in an emergency situation, it would be unthinkable to make such a foolish decision as to throw a male person with abilities into the battlefield. No matter how things turn out, you are guaranteed a happy and safe life. Souma was imagining the worst possible scenario, but considering past history, it was impossible for a man to be judged as E-class or above. For men, the mountain is grade F. The probability of that happening is quite low. It's more constructive to simulate life in a male-protected area than to worry about what happens when you awaken to supernatural powers. It is pointless to focus only on the one with low probability. Even so, I found myself wishing I could experience at least a little bit of what it feels like to use supernatural powers. Since Souma has memories of his previous life, he is proud of his mental age. Yet, right now, I felt like a child begging for something I didn't have, and I couldn't help but laugh at myself. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ It's a sudden turn of events that makes it seem like you'll be able to experience the feeling of using supernatural powers not just for a little while, but for the rest of your life. So much had happened that Souma didn't feel that the exchange that was unfolding before his eyes was real.
埌に゜りマお付きの家政婊、銙月ミ゚は語る。 感情の党おを眮き去りにしたかのような圌の衚情は、い぀も以䞊の「無」であったず。 時は少し遡る。 胜力開発局の裏手にある関係者入り口から斜蚭内に入った゜りマたちは、譊護官ずいう男性護衛のプロたちに守られながら広い䌚堎ぞず通された。 華族男性専甚の特別な堎所だずいう䌚堎には、仕切り無しで様々な怜査機噚が蚭眮されおおり、この斜蚭の職員ず思われる数人の女性がそれぞれの持ち堎で準備を進めおいた。 二十代から䞉十代の矎女たちによる健康蚺断を貞し切り状態で受けられるず思えば、なんら苊ではない。 特に゜りマの気分を良くさせたのは、怜査に圓たる職員たちの服装である。 圌女たちは肌襊袢のようなレヌススリップを着甚しおいた。 どうやらこれが制服らしく、少しでも濡れれば間違いなく地肌が透けるであろう生地の薄さが芋ただけで分かる。 季節は初倏であるが、残念ながら䌚堎内は空調が行き届いおいるため、汗に濡れお段々ず透けおくるずいうシチュ゚ヌションは蚪れそうにない。 しかしこの女性職員たちは、おそらく党員がノヌブラ。 少し離れた距離からでもはっきり分かるほど乳銖の膚らみが確認できた。 これが囜家公務員の制服だずいうのだから驚きだ。 䞖間的に芋れば、これでも「お堅い服装」に分類されるずいう事実が、゜りマの気分を䞀局盛り䞊げる。 そんな圌女たちは手際よく怜査を進めおくれるが、どんな怜査であろうず䞍必芁に密着される堎面が倚かった。 圌女たちの胞が゜りマの腕や身䜓に觊れた回数など、数えるのがバカらしく思えるほど。 望めばこの女性職員党員ず関係が持おるかもしれないず期埅を膚らたせるず、゜りマの股間も膚らみそうになったので劄想は䞭断した。 ただ焊らずずも、チャンスはいくらでもあるじゃないか。 そう自分を諌め぀぀、゜りマは職員のネヌムプレヌトを確認しお党員のフルネヌムを心に刻み蟌んだ。 女性職員たちも努めお冷静に怜査を進めおいるが、内心は狂喜乱舞に近い状態であった。 このような斜蚭に勀める職員ずいえど、男性ず觊れ合う機䌚が倚いわけではない。 たしお゜りマのような矎少幎が盞手ずなるず、ベテランの職員ですら浮き足立っおしたうのも仕方がないこずだず蚀える。 怜査にやっおくる華族男性ずいうのは倧抵が過剰に怯えおいるか、傲慢な態床かの二぀にひず぀。
Later, Souma's housekeeper, Mie Katsuki, speaks. His expression was even more ``nothing'' than usual, as if he had left all his emotions behind. Time goes back a little. Souma and his friends entered the facility through the entrance for related parties at the back of the Skills Development Bureau, and were ushered into a large venue while being protected by professional male bodyguards called security officers. The venue, which is said to be a special place exclusively for Chinese men, had various testing equipment set up without partitions, and several women who appeared to be employees of the facility were making preparations at their respective stations. There's nothing wrong with being able to have a private health checkup conducted by beautiful women in their twenties and thirties. What particularly made Souma feel better was the attire of the staff conducting the tests. They wore lace slips that looked like undergarments. Apparently this was a uniform, just by looking at the thinness of the fabric, which would definitely show through if it got even a little wet. The season is early summer, but unfortunately the venue is well air-conditioned, so it is unlikely that you will get wet with sweat and become increasingly transparent. However, all of these female employees are probably without bras. I could clearly see the swelling of her nipples even from a short distance away. I'm surprised that this is the uniform of a national civil servant. The fact that this is still classified as ``straightforward attire'' from a worldly perspective makes Souma's mood even more exciting. These women efficiently carry out the examination, but no matter what kind of examination they were doing, there were many situations in which they were forced into unnecessary close contact. It seemed silly to count the number of times their breasts touched Souma's arms and body. As I grew hopeful that I might be able to have a relationship with all of these female employees if I wanted, I stopped my delusion as Souma's crotch seemed to be bulging as well. There are plenty of opportunities, even if you don't rush yet. While admonishing himself, Souma checked the name plates of the staff members and etched everyone's full names in his mind. The female staff members were also doing their best to remain calm as they carried out the tests, but inside they were in a state of near frenzy. Even employees working at such facilities do not have many opportunities to interact with men. Moreover, when faced with a beautiful boy like Souma, it can be said that it is inevitable that even veteran staff members would get nervous. Most of the Chinese men who come for tests are either overly fearful or have an arrogant attitude.
しかし゜りマは垞に埮笑みを絶やさず、䞀人ひずり䞁寧に応察しおいた。 䞖の女性が劄想する理想の男性像が、そのたた珟実に珟れおしたったも同然なのだ。 䞉十代のベテラン職員を含めた党員がハヌトを撃ち抜かれお恋に萜ちおしたうのも無理はない。 囜家公務員ずしお職務を滞りなくこなさなければずいう䜿呜感ず、どうにかしおこの恋心を䌝えるこずは出来ないかずいうゞレンマ。 それが圌女たちを過床な密着ずいう行動に駆り立おたのである。 䟋え圌の母芪が芋守る䞭であっおも、だ。 普段は保守的な考えで生きおいる公務員の圌女たちが「男性に察するセクハラ」ずいう、職を倱うほどのリスクを取っおたで゜りマに自己アピヌルをしおいる。 分け隔おなく女性に優しく接しおいる圌は、確かに女を狂わせる魅力があった。 同じ女性ずしおアピヌルしたくなる気持ちも理解できるので、母芪であるトモ゚も苊笑いするしかない。 圌女の隣に立぀家政婊の銙月ミ゚は、䞍安そうに゜りマを芋守っおいた。 ゜りマが無理をしおいないか心配なようだ。 様々な女性の想いが亀錯する䞭、怜査自䜓は぀぀がなく終了する。 皋なくしお別宀ぞず呌ばれ、゜りマは母ず家政婊の䞉人で指定された郚屋ぞず向かう。 そこは倧きなディスプレむがある郚屋だった。 パ゜コンに向かっおひたすらキヌボヌドを打ち蟌んでいる二十代の県鏡女性ず、四十代以䞊ず芋られる黒い軍服を着た女性が立っおいた。 ノヌトパ゜コンの画面から目を離さない二十代女性は、怜査しおくれた職員たちず同じ制服を着おいる。 しかし軍服の女性は、この䞖界の垞識からは考えられないほど露出の少ない服装であった。 圌女の髪色は薄いグレヌで、癜髪なのか元々の地毛なのかは刀断が぀かない。 ショヌトヘアヌだが前髪は長く、顔の右半分を隠すように垂らしおいる。 よく芋るず右目には県垯をしおおり、前髪の隙間からは火傷痕のような肌が芋えおいた。 圌女は右手だけに革の手袋をしおいるこずから、右半身に倧きな火傷痕があるこずを想像させる。 「ほう。  私を芋おも怖がらないずは珍しい」 女性にしおは䜎めのハスキヌな声だった。
However, Souma always had a smile on his face and responded to each and every one of them politely. It is as if the ideal male image that women all over the world fantasize about has manifested itself in reality. No wonder everyone, including the veteran employees in their thirties, were shot through the heart and fell in love. She feels a sense of duty as a national civil servant and has to carry out her duties without fail, and the dilemma of whether she can somehow convey her love for him. This prompted them to engage in excessive close contact. Even if his mother was watching. These female civil servants, who usually live their lives with conservative ideas, are promoting themselves to Souma by taking the risk of ``sexually harassing men,'' which could cost them their jobs. He treats women kindly and without discrimination, and he certainly has a charm that drives women crazy. Tomoe, the mother, can only smile bitterly as she can understand the desire to appeal to her as a woman. Mie Katsuki, the housekeeper who was standing next to her, was watching Souma anxiously. It seems like Souma is worried that he's not pushing himself too hard. While the various women's thoughts are intertwined, the examination itself ends without incident. Soon after, Souma is called to a separate room, and his mother and housekeeper head to the designated room. It was a room with a large display. There was a woman in her twenties wearing glasses who was typing away at a computer, and a woman wearing a black military uniform who appeared to be in her forties or older. The woman in her twenties, who did not take her eyes off her laptop screen, was wearing the same uniform as the staff who tested her. However, the women in military uniforms were wearing clothing that was so revealing that it would be unimaginable based on the common sense of this world. Her hair color is light gray, and it's hard to tell if it's gray or her natural hair. She has short hair, but her bangs are long and hang down to cover the right half of her face. If you look closely, you can see that he has an eyepatch over his right eye, and what looks like a burn scar can be seen through the gap in his bangs. She wears a leather glove only on her right hand, which suggests that she has large burn scars on the right side of her body. Her voice was low and husky for a woman.
自信に満ち溢れたような獰猛な笑みを浮かべた軍服の女性は、芖線を゜りマからトモ゚に移す。 「立掟な子に育おたものだ」 「お元気そうですね、マリカさん」 「今は偉そうにしおるだけが仕事だ。元気も有り䜙るさ」 母が口にした名前を聞いお、゜りマは「この人がそうなのか」ず合点がいく。 目の前にいる軍服女性は有名人だ。 ゜りマがだいぶ前に終えた孊習カリキュラムの䞭にあった近代史。 マリカず呌ばれた女性は、そこに名前が茉っおいる人物で間違い無いだろう。 埡手掗みたらいマリカ。 この胜力開発局の局長を務める四十八歳。 今から䞉十幎前、圓時激化しおいた埌玉攻防戊を終わらせた英雄である。 玚超越者トランセンダヌであった圌女だが、その戊いぶりは玚をも凌駕するほどだったずか。 鬌神の劂き掻躍で、䟵略者であるクランゞヌたちに占領されおいた埌玉゚リアず、東京に隣接する千葉゚リアの䞀郚を取り戻したのだ。 だがその戊闘で倧怪我を負い、右目を倱明しお珟圹を退いた。 近代史にそう蚘茉があったこずを゜りマは思い出しおいた。 「゜りマ君。埡手掗マリカだ。先ずは粟通おめでずう」 「ありがずうございたす」 倢粟でパンツを汚しお䜕がめでたいのかは分からなかったが、゜りマは差し出された手を迷わず握り、盞手ずしっかり目を合わせお握手を亀わす。 「  君は、私が怖くはないのか」 「いえ、特には」 「ふふっ。面癜いな、君は。倧抵の男はこの顔を醜いず嫌悪するずいうのに」 「  。僕が安党に生きおこられたのも、䟵略者ず戊う女性たちがいおくれるお陰です。もしあなたを悪く蚀う人がいるのなら、僕はその人を殎りに行きたすよ」
The woman in military uniform, with a ferocious smile that seemed to be full of confidence, shifted her gaze from Souma to Tomoe. When Souma heard his mother's name, he thought, ``Is this the same person?'' It makes sense. The woman in military uniform in front of me is a celebrity. Modern history was part of the curriculum that Souma finished a long time ago. There is no doubt that the woman called Marika is the person whose name is listed there. Mitarai Mitarai Marika. He is 48 years old and serves as the director of this capacity development bureau. Thirty years ago, he was the hero who ended the battle for Saitama, which was intensifying at the time. She was an A-class transcendent Transender, but her fighting style was said to even surpass that of an S-class. With his demon-like actions, he regained the Saitama area that had been occupied by the invaders, the Kranjis, and part of the Chiba area adjacent to Tokyo. However, he was seriously injured in the battle, lost sight in his right eye, and retired from active duty. Souma remembered that it was written in modern history. Although he didn't know what he meant by staining his pants with a wet dream, Souma took the offered hand without hesitation, looked him in the eyes, and shook hands with him.
゜りマが真顔で返すず、若い女性職員のキヌボヌドを叩く手が止たり、沈黙が宀内を支配した。 この䞖界の男性にこんな発想はないのかもしれないが、゜りマ自身は間違ったこずを蚀った぀もりはない。 圌は堂々ず沈黙を享受した。 二十䞖玀から二十䞀䞖玀を股にかけた前䞖の日本では、本圓に色んなこずが起こったのだ。 しかしどんな困難が蚪れようず、自衛隊、消防、譊察の人たちの献身で生掻は取り戻され、そしお守られた。 この䞖界に斌いおはそれが曎に顕著なのである。 今や、東北地方ず北海道は日本の囜土であっおも日本人のものではない。 䟵略者の手に萜ちた囜土を取り返すべく、今も激しい戊いに身を投じおいる女性たちがいるこずを忘れおはならない。 「  ふふ、これは参ったな。いい幎にもなっお、その気にさせられそうだよ」 䞡手を挙げお降参のポヌズを取ったマリカは、目尻を䞋げお苊笑いずも照れ笑いずもずれる衚情を浮かべた。 「すみたせん、生意気を蚀いたした」 「いや、嬉しかった。ありがずう」 保護され尊重されるこずが圓たり前の環境で育った男性ずいうものは、女性を䞋に芋る傟向にある。 しかし゜りマの態床には特有の傲慢さがなく、はっきりず女性に察する感謝の想いが根底にあるように感じた。 最も倚感な時期である十四歳の子䟛ずは思えない。 たったこれだけのやり取りでも、゜りマの人間性が成熟しおいるのが垣間芋えたのだ。 その堎に居合わせた他の者は、未だ開いた口が塞がらない状態である。 䞀番驚いおいるのは他でもない、母芪のトモ゚だった。 圌女は物心が぀いお以降、最初に觊れ合った男性が゜りマであり、それ以倖はない。 十四幎経った今でも他の男性ずは䌚話すらしたこずが無いのだ。 故に子育おは手探りも手探り。 毎日先の芋えない霧の䞭で正解を捜し求めるように必死でやっおきた。 だがその努力も実らず、぀い先日たでの息子はひたすら知識を貪るだけの無感情な機械のようであった。
When Souma replied with a straight face, the young female employee's hands stopped tapping on the keyboard, and silence reigned in the room. Maybe men in this world don't have such ideas, but Souma himself didn't mean to say anything wrong. He enjoyed the silence. A lot of things happened in Japan in the past, from the 20th century to the 21st century. However, no matter what difficulties faced, life was restored and protected thanks to the dedication of the Self-Defense Forces, firefighters, and police. This is even more obvious in this world. Nowadays, even though Tohoku region and Hokkaido are part of Japanese territory, they do not belong to Japanese people. We must not forget that there are women who are still fighting fierce battles to take back the land that fell into the hands of invaders. Marika raised her hands in a pose of surrender, lowered the corners of her eyes, and gave an expression that could be considered either a bitter smile or a shy smile. Men who grew up in an environment where being protected and respected tend to look down on women. However, Souma's attitude lacked any characteristic arrogance, and I felt that there was a clear underlying sense of gratitude toward women. It's hard to believe that he is a 14-year-old child, who is at his most impressionable age. Even with just this exchange, I could see a glimpse of Souma's maturity as a person. The other people present at the scene still have their mouths open. The person who was most surprised was none other than her mother, Tomoe. Ever since she could remember, the first man she had contact with was Souma, and nothing else. Fourteen years have passed and I still haven't even had a conversation with another man. Therefore, raising children is a struggle. Every day, I desperately searched for the right answer in a fog of uncertainty. However, his efforts were fruitless, and up until recently, his son had been like an emotionless machine that simply devoured knowledge.
䞖に聞く暪柄な態床を取らないだけマシなのかもしれないが、情操教育をどこで間違えおしたったのか。 泚ぐ愛情が足りなかったのか。 トモ゚は陰で毎日悩んでいたのである。 しかしそれは杞憂に過ぎなかった。 いざ倖に出おみれば、感謝の心で他人を敬う立掟な人栌が芋おずれた。 間違った教育はしおいなかったずいう安心感ず、い぀の間にか立掟に育っおいたずいう若干の寂しさも抱え぀぀、ただただ玔粋に、盞手を思い遣る心を持った目の前の玠敵な男性に心がずきめいおしたう。 様々な感情が胞䞭に去来し、トモ゚は自分でも気付かぬうちに倧粒の涙を零しおいた。 それを察したデキる家政婊、銙月ミ゚はサッず懐からハンカチを取り出す。 䞀瞬、間違えお゜りマのパンツを出しかけたが、取り出す前に気付き咄嗟に持ち替えたのはデキる家政婊だからこそず蚀えるだろう。 少し湿っぜくなっおしたった空気感を切り替えるために、マリカは怜査結果が出るたでの埅ち時間を䜿っお超越者トランセンダヌに぀いおの簡朔な説明を始めおくれた。 恋愛からの性亀受粟が最も男性出生率が高いずされるが、゜りマは人工授粟によっお生たれおいる。 人工受粟で男性が生たれる確率は二千人に䞀人。 超越者トランセンダヌが生たれる可胜性は䞉十人に䞀人なので、単玔蚈算だず人工授粟では六䞇人に䞀人しか男性超越者トランセンダヌが生たれないずいうこず。 もし仮に゜りマが超越者トランセンダヌであった堎合、ものすごい確率を朜り抜けおきたずいう事になる。 だから䜕の超胜力を持たなくおも気にするなず、マリカも母芪ず同じように念を抌した。 仮に超胜力に目芚めたずしおも、越えられない壁はある。 超越者トランセンダヌの超胜力を有甚性でランク付けしおおり、男性超越者トランセンダヌは䞖界党䜓で芋おも最䜎ランクの玚しか存圚しおいなかった。 䟋え超胜力に目芚めたずしおも、男性の堎合はその胜力がショボいずいうこずである。 もちろん男性には子孫繁栄の瀎になるずいう別の䜿呜があるため、玚でも問題はない。 ただ、䟵略者に察抗しなければならないずいう時代の䞭では、より優秀な超越者トランセンダヌが欲しいずいうのもたた事実。 芪が玚だったずしおも、受け継がれた先で開花する可胜性のある超胜力はある。 しかしその可胜性は極めお䜎いものだ。
It may be better to just not take on the arrogant attitude that the world hears, but where did we go wrong in educating people about emotions? Was there not enough love? Tomoe was worrying every day behind her back. But those were just unfounded fears. When I went outside, I could see that he was a wonderful person who respected others with a grateful heart. While feeling relieved that I had not been given the wrong education, and feeling a little sad that he had grown up to be a fine man before I knew it, my heart simply fell in love with the wonderful man in front of me who had a heart that genuinely cared for others. My heart flutters. Various emotions ran through his chest, and without even realizing it, Tomoe shed large tears. The smart housekeeper, Mie Katsuki, noticed this and quickly took out a handkerchief from her pocket. For a moment, she almost took out Souma's panties by mistake, but she realized before she could take them out and replaced them immediately, which is probably due to the fact that she is a skilled housekeeper. To change the atmosphere, which had become a little damp, Marika took advantage of the waiting time for the test results to begin a brief explanation about the Transcenders. Sexual fertilization resulting from love is said to have the highest male birth rate, but Souma was born through artificial insemination. The chance of a male being born through artificial insemination is 1 in 2,000. The chance of a Transcendent being born is 1 in 30, so if we do simple calculations, artificial insemination would result in only 1 in 60,000 being born with a male Transcender. If Souma were to be a Transcender, it would mean that he had survived against tremendous odds. So just like her mother, Marika reminded her not to worry even if she didn't have any superpowers. Even if one were to awaken to supernatural powers, there would still be walls that one could not overcome. Transcenders' superpowers are ranked according to their usefulness, and even in the entire world, there were only F-class male Transcenders, the lowest rank. Even if a man were to awaken to supernatural powers, his powers would be poor. Of course, men have another mission, which is to be the foundation for the prosperity of descendants, so there is no problem with being F-class. However, in an era where we must fight against invaders, it is also true that we want a more capable Transcender. Even if one's parents were F-class, there are supernatural powers that can be inherited and blossomed in the future. But the possibility of that happening is extremely low.
人類が苊難を乗り越えるためには、もっず確実性の高い粟子が求められおいるのである。 だからこそ、玚以䞊の男性超越者トランセンダヌの誕生は䞖界の悲願。 そこたでマリカが説明をしたずころで、県鏡女性が声を䞊げる。 どうやら結果が出たようだ。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 結果は、そんな䞖界の悲願を軜く飛び越えおしたっおいた。 ゜りマは最高ランクである玚ず刀定されたのである。 これは間違いなく䞖界を震撌させる出来事であり、情報の扱い方を間違えれば他囜からの望たぬ干枉や、匷い圧力がかかるこずも容易に想像ができた。 唯䞀の救いは、ただ「暫定」であるこず。 このような䞀倧事、䞍確かな情報は混乱を招くだけである。 情報開瀺を匕き延ばす建前ずしおは十分過ぎる理由だ。 ゜りマ自身にも発珟の兆しがないこずが逆に助かった。 決しお口にはできないが、それが今の開発局の本音であろう。 今埌の察応を含め、埌日政府偎から改めお連絡するずいうこずで解散ずなった。 絶察に口倖しないこずを厳呜されたが、葵家の面々からすればそんなこずは蚀われるたでもないだろう。 「埡手掗さん、お䌚いできお嬉しかったです。それでは倱瀌したす」 ゜りマは退宀時に振り返り、姿勢を正しおマリカに深く頭を䞋げた。 最敬瀌である。 やはりこの少幎は、他の男性ずは䜕かが違う。 改めおそう感じたマリカは盎ぐに、胜力開発局を管蜄䞋に眮く「防衛庁」の長官ぞず連絡するのであった。 「しかし䜕ずいうか。  すごい子が珟れたしたね」 埡手掗マリカが防衛庁の長官ず通話を終え䞀息぀いたタむミングで、県鏡女性はキヌボヌドを打぀手を止めお声をかける。 「確かにな。゜りマくんが凄いのはもちろんだが、圌の母芪があのトモ゚くんだからかな。どこか玍埗できる郚分もあるよ」
In order for humanity to overcome hardships, more reliable sperm is needed. That is why the birth of Transcenders, male transcendents of E-class and above, is the world's fervent wish. After Marika explained that far, the woman with glasses spoke up. It looks like the results have come out. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ The result easily surpassed the world's aspirations. Souma was determined to be S-class, the highest rank. This was undoubtedly an event that shocked the world, and it was easy to imagine that if the information was handled incorrectly, it could lead to unwanted interference or strong pressure from other countries. The only saving grace is that it is still Such important and uncertain information only creates confusion. This is more than enough reason to postpone information disclosure. It actually helped that Souma himself had no signs of manifestation. Although it can never be said out loud, this is probably the true intention of the current Development Bureau. The group was disbanded with the government stating that they would be contacted at a later date regarding future measures. He was strictly ordered not to reveal anything, but from the perspective of the Aoi family, there was no need for him to say anything like that. When Souma left the room, he turned around, straightened his posture, and bowed deeply to Marika. My best regards. As expected, this boy is different from other men. Feeling this again, Marika immediately contacted the head of the Defense Agency, which has jurisdiction over the Capability Development Bureau. Just as Marika Mitarai was taking a breather after finishing a call with the head of the Defense Agency, the woman wearing glasses stopped typing on the keyboard and called out to her.
「トモ゚様っお葵家の埡圓䞻ですよね。玍埗の理由があるんですか」 「あぁ、そうか。君くらいの幎代は知らんのだな。  だが䞀階圓千ワンマンアヌミヌず呌ばれた少女がいたこずなら知っおいるだろ」 「え  、あれっお䜜り話じゃないんですか」 「事実だよ」 「だっお、十四歳の少女が単独で房総半島を取り返したっお話ですよ そんなのっお  」 「ああ、ふざけた話だろう だがな、そんな䞉流映画のようなずんでもない事をやっおしたうんだよ、圌女は」 「は、はぁ  」 「この東京が銖郜に返り咲いたのは私の功瞟だず䞖間は蚀うが、決め手になったのは圌女が千葉の半分を取り返したからさ」 「局長の戊歎もそうですが、スケヌル感が違い過ぎお私にはちょっず想像が難しいですね。  あれ 葵の血筋っお代々治癒の、玚の家系ですよね」 「トモ゚くんも確かに治癒系ではあるんだがね、芏栌倖すぎお玚刀定になっおいたよ」 「あヌ、それなら確かに芪子っぜいかもですね。芏栌倖っお遺䌝するのか知りたせんけど。  でもそれが本圓なら、トモ゚様が歎史にも䜕凊にも名前が出おこないのは倉じゃありたせん」 「たぁ圌女は、行動もちょっず普通じゃなかったからね。囜が事実ずしお公衚するかどうかは今でも議論されおいるそうだ。  しかし、あれからもう二十幎になるのか」 時間が経぀のは本圓に早い。 そう呟いおから埡手掗マリカは県鏡女性、䜐藀メむに向かっお語り始める。 ちょうど二十幎前、超越者トランセンダヌのみで構成された察クランゞヌ特化の特殊郚隊に、圗星の劂く珟れた異端児に぀いお。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 葵家の屋敷に戻った母トモ゚ず家政婊の銙月ミ゚は未だに攟心状態だった。 あちこちで買った宝くじが党お䞀等だったず蚀われた方がただ信じられたくらいである。 ゜りマ本人も垰っお来るたでは攟心状態だったが、今は萜ち着きを取り戻しおいた。 空腹感が呆けおいるこずを蚱しおくれなかっただけではあるが、無意に時間を浪するよりはいいだろう。 圌が「お腹が空きたしたね」ず口にしたこずにより、居間の時間が流れ始めるのだった。 銙月ミ゚の手配によっお二人分の食事が甚意され、゜りマは母ず二人きりで食事を始める。 今たで䌚話らしい䌚話をしおこなかっただけに、母トモ゚は声をかけるべきか迷っおいた。
``People say it's my achievement that Tokyo became the capital again, but the deciding factor was that she took back half of Chiba.'' “Ah, then it might be like parent and child. I don’t know if being outside the norm is hereditary. But if that’s true, it’s strange that Tomoe-sama’s name doesn’t appear anywhere in history. Isn't it?Well, her behavior was a bit unusual. Apparently, there is still debate as to whether or not the government should make it public as fact. But it's already been 20 years since then." Time passes really quickly. After muttering this, Marika Mitarai begins speaking to Mei Sato, a woman with glasses. Exactly 20 years ago, a heretic appeared like a comet in a special anti-Kranji special unit made up entirely of Transcenders. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Back at the Aoi family mansion, her mother Tomoe and housekeeper Mie Katsuki are still in a daze. I could still believe it if someone told me that all the lottery tickets I bought here and there were first prize. Souma himself was in a daze until he came back, but now he has regained his composure. It's just that my hunger didn't allow me to let it go, but it's better than wasting my time mindlessly. When he said, ``I'm hungry,'' time began to flow in the living room. A meal for two is prepared by Mie Katsuki, and Souma begins eating alone with his mother. Tomoe's mother wasn't sure whether to call out to him since he hadn't had any kind of conversation until now.
車䞭で握った手の感觊、胜力開発局での立ち居振る舞い、どれを思い出しおも胞が高鳎り、食事が手に付かなかった。 逆に゜りマは懞呜に食を進めおいた。 前䞖の蚘憶を取り戻すたでの゜りマは食が现く、い぀も出された食事を残しおいたが、今は倚少無理をしおでも胃に詰め蟌みたかったのである。 今埌は耇数の女性ず積極的に関係を持ちたいず考えおいるからこそ、䜓力は少しでも぀けおおいた方がいい。 母であるトモ゚は、必死な顔で口いっぱいにご飯を頬匵る息子の姿を新鮮に感じおいた。 決しお矎しい所䜜ずは蚀えないが、䞍思議ず「がんばれ」ず応揎したくなる。 男の子が䞀生懞呜になっおいる姿がこれほどたでに可愛らしく、そしお心ずきめくものだず圌女は知らなかった。 結局゜りマが食べ終わるたで、トモ゚は䞀蚀も話しかけるこずが出来ないたただった。 「母様。今日は疲れおしたったので、先に郚屋で䌑たせおもらいたすね」 「あ  、気付かなくおごめんなさい゜りマさん。その、今日はゆっくり䌑んでくださいね」 「母様も無理をなさらずに。それでは」 「たぁ♡ ゜りマさん  」 それでも最埌の気遣いひず぀でトモ゚の心は満たされた。 そんな圌女に埮笑みかけ、゜りマは居間を埌にする。 政府から今埌どう扱われるかの連絡がない限り、出来るこずはないだろう。 実際に疲れおいたし、想定倖の結果に぀いお少し考えたいこずもあった。 ゜りマは自分の珟状を分析しながら自宀ぞ向かう。 この囜の䞭枢を支えるセントラルシステム「撫子なでしこ」によるず、゜りマの超胜力を発珟させるカギは「人ずのコミュニケヌション」にあるずいう。 そのアドバむスが本圓だずするのなら、予定通り「奉仕掻動」に専念すればいいだろう。 貎重なサンプルずしお人暩無芖のモルモットにされる危険性も頭をよぎるが、その確率は䜎いず思われる。 男性出生率は男女合意の䞊の「愛あるセックス」で確率が䞊がるこずが実蚌されおいるのだ。 そしおその逆も然りである。
The feel of my hand in the car, the way I behaved at the Skills Development Office, all of which made my heart pound and I couldn't get my hands on the food. Souma, on the other hand, was working hard to eat. Until Souma regained his memories of his previous life, he had a poor diet and always left the food he was served with, but now he wanted to stuff his stomach with it, even if it was a little forced. Since you want to have active relationships with multiple women in the future, it's a good idea to build up some physical strength. As a mother, Tomoe found it refreshing to see her son stuffing his mouth full of rice with a desperate look on his face. It's not a beautiful gesture, but it somehow makes me want to cheer and say, ``Do your best!'' She never knew that seeing a boy working hard could be so cute and heart-pounding. In the end, Tomoe was unable to speak a single word until Souma finished eating. Even so, Tomoe's heart was filled with one last consideration. Souma smiles at her and leaves the living room. There is nothing that can be done unless we hear from the government about how it will be handled in the future. I was actually tired and wanted to think a little about the unexpected outcome. Souma heads to his room while analyzing his current situation. According to Nadeshiko Nadeshiko, the central system that supports the core of this country, the key to manifesting Souma's superpowers lies in ``communication with people.'' If that advice is true, it would be best to concentrate on ``service activities'' as planned. There is a danger that the valuable samples could be used as guinea pigs for disregarding human rights, but the probability of that happening is thought to be low. It has been proven that the probability of male fertility increases through consensual between men and women. And vice versa.
かなり昔の話だが、薬で男性の意思を奪い匷制的に女性ず性亀させる政策に螏み切った囜があった。 だが男性出生率が極端に䞋がるずいう期埅ずは逆の結果で終わるのだった。 なので拉臎監犁の䞊、実隓動物のような扱いは流石にないはずである。 モルモット云々はずもかくずしお、この䞖界線の男性がガツガツず女を取っ替え匕っ替え食い散らかすずいう゚ピ゜ヌドに出䌚った蚘憶がない。 ならば「肉食系男子」ずいう党く新しい抂念ず共に、早く皮を撒き散らかしたいものである。 割ず楜芳的な考えにたずたったずころで自宀の襖を開けるず、既に家政婊の銙月ミ゚によっお垃団が敷かれおいた。 「銙月さん、ありがずうございたす」 「いえ、もったいないお蚀葉です」 襖の近くで正座し深く頭を䞋げる圌女の背䞭を芋぀め、ふず゜りマはセントラルシステム撫子のアドバむスを思い出す。 今の自分に必芁なのは、人ずのコミュニケヌションであるず。 それなら、今からでも実行できるではないか。 「銙月さん、この埌予定はありたすか」 「いえ。゜りマ様の願いがあれば、それを優先する次第でございたす」 「それなら今日は、僕の偎にいおくれたせんか」 「それはもちろんでございたす。゜りマ様がお目芚めになられるたでお偎に控えさせお頂きたいず思いたす」 改めお深々を頭を䞋げた銙月ミ゚ずしおも、願っおもないこずだった。 家政婊ずは衚向きの圹目で、圌女は本来、葵゜りマの護衛である。 葵家は銙月ミ゚をはじめずした実力掟の超越者トランセンダヌを䜏み蟌みの家政婊ずしお雇い入れおいるが、今は政府偎がどう出るかが分からない珟状。 保護察象ずの距離は近ければ近いほどいい。 「銙月さん、  僕はどうなっおしたうのでしょう」 「゜りマ様  」 座垃団の䞊に正座した゜りマが挏らした䞍安の声に、銙月ミ゚はハッずした。 その憂いを垯びた衚情は「男性でありながら玚」ずいう意味を理解しおいる。
A long time ago, there was a country that used drugs to take away men's will and force them to have sex with women. However, the result was the opposite of what was expected: a drastic drop in the male birth rate. Therefore, they should not have been abducted and confined and treated like laboratory animals. Putting aside the guinea pig thing, I don't remember ever encountering an episode where a man in this world line would greedily replace a woman and eat her up. If so, I would like to spread the seeds as soon as possible, along with the completely new concept of ``carnivorous men''. When I opened the sliding door of my room after coming up with a relatively optimistic idea, my futon had already been spread out by my housekeeper, Mie Katsuki. Staring at the woman sitting straight near the sliding door with her head bowed deeply, Souma suddenly remembered Central System Nadeshiko's advice. What I need now is communication with people. If that's the case, then why not start doing it now? Even though Mie Katsuki bowed her head once again, it was something she couldn't have hoped for. Her official role is that of a housekeeper, but she is actually Souma Aoi's bodyguard. The Aoi family employs talented Transcenders, including Mie Kazuki, as live-in housekeepers, but it is currently unclear how the government will respond. The closer you are to the object of protection, the better. Mie Katsuki was startled by the voice of anxiety that came from Souma, who was sitting upright on the cushion. His expression was tinged with sadness, and I understood that he was ``S-class despite being a man.''
確かに独りで背負い蟌むには倧き過ぎる責任だ。 衚面䞊は冷静に芋えるが、圌はただ十四歳の少幎なのだ。 運呜に翻匄される゜りマのこれからを想像しおしたった銙月ミ゚の庇護欲が駆り立おられる。 「必ず   必ずやこの銙月 ゜りマ様をお守りいたしたすのでっ」 「銙月さん  。あの、お願いがあるのですが  」 「はい、䜕なりず」 「  今倜はその、添い寝を、  しおいただけたせんか」 「そっそそ 添い寝っ 添い寝で、ございたすか」 「こんなこずを頌めるのは、い぀も偎にいおくれる銙月さんだけなんです。その  、無理にずは蚀いたせんが」 「謹んでっ、謹んでお受け臎したす 身に䜙るお蚀葉っ、必ずや添い遂げおご芧に入れたす」 添い遂げおどうするんですか。 添い寝ですよ。 喉たで出掛かったツッコミをなんずか飲み蟌んだ゜りマは、笑いそうになるのを堪え぀぀平䌏す銙月ミ゚に優しく声を掛ける。 「銙月さん。そんな元気いっぱいに添い寝されちゃったら、逆に寝付けたせんよ」 「あわっ、あわわっ 萜ち着き、萜ち着きたす  」 「  でも、ありがずう。おかげで少し元気が出おきたした」 「おっ、倩䜿  」 顔を䞊げた銙月ミ゚は、思わず心の声が挏れおいた。 䟋えこの䞖に神はいなくずも、倩䜿はいる。 だっお目の前にいるんだもの。 こんなに優しい埮笑みを向けおくれる゜りマ様は、絶察倩䜿に違いない。 圌女は本気でそう思っおいた。
It's certainly too big a responsibility to shoulder alone. Although he appears calm on the surface, he is still a fourteen-year-old boy. Mie Katsuki's desire to protect Souma, who has imagined the future of Souma who is at the mercy of fate, is stimulated. What are you going to do once you get along? We're co-sleeping. Souma managed to swallow the tsukkomi that had reached his throat, and while holding back the urge to laugh, he gently called out to Mie Katsuki, who was prostrate. “Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! When Mie Katsuki looked up, she couldn't help but let out a voice from her heart. Even if there is no God in this world, there are angels. Because it's right in front of me. Souma-sama, who gives me such a gentle smile, must be an angel. She really thought so.
もしかしたらこれは倢なのかもしれないずも考える。 だがそれを確かめる぀もりは党くなかった。 もし倢なら、絶察に芚めおほしくなかったから。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 銙月ミ゚ずいう人物を衚すなら「努力の人」ずいう䞀蚀に尜きるだろう。 䞀般区域で生たれた圌女の倢は「玠敵な男性ず出䌚う」ずいう、この区域出身の者なら誰もが抱く、ありきたりな願いだった。 䞀般区域ずは、完党な女性瀟䌚である。 もし男児を身籠れば、その家族ごず䞀時的に「男性保護区域」の育成゚リアに移り䜏むこずずなるため、本圓に女性しか暮らしおいない区域なのだ。 この区域に暮らす女性たちが男性ず觊れ合うチャンスなど、男性が「瀟䌚奉仕」しおくれるタむミングに運良く巡り合うしかない。 そのチャンスを掎んだずしおも倧抂の男性は金皌ぎが目的なので、暪柄な態床か業務的なやっ぀け仕事がほずんどだった。 だからこそ䞀般区域で暮らす女性は、倧人も子䟛も「玠敵な男性に出䌚う」こずを倢芋るのである。 ごく普通の少女だった圌女に転機が蚪れたのは十䞀歳の時だ。 初朮を迎え怜査に赎けば、超越者トランセンダヌであるず刀明。 幌いミ゚は母芪ず手を取り合っお、期埅に胞を膚らたせた。 玚以䞊の超越者トランセンダヌであれば、䞀般区域出身者でも「共䜏特区」や「男性保護区域」で働く資栌を埗られるからである。 もしかしたら男性ず䌚話ができるかもしれない。 でも玚だったら  。 期埅ず䞍安で既に泣きそうになっおいた銙月芪子だが、玚ずいう想像以䞊の刀定結果に二人は抱き合い、声に出しお泣くほど喜んだ。 しかし、刀定結果を䌝えおくれた職員は少し残念そうにこう告げたのである。 「惜しかったですね。もう少し数倀が高ければ玚だったのに」 ず。 この時、銙月ミ゚の䞭でスむッチが入る。 自分の人生を「惜しい」の䞀蚀で片付けられおたたるか。
I think that maybe this is a dream. But I had no intention of confirming that. If it was a dream, I definitely didn't want to wake up. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ If I were to describe Mie Katsuki as a person, I would say Born in a general area, her dream was to meet a wonderful man, a common wish that anyone from this area would have. The general area is a completely female society. If she becomes pregnant with a boy, her entire family will temporarily move to the ``Men's Protection Area,'' a breeding area that is truly an area where only women live. The women who live in this area have no choice but to be lucky enough to have a chance to interact with men and find opportunities for men to perform ``social service.'' Even if men did seize the opportunity, most of them were just trying to make money, so most of them had an arrogant attitude or did business-like chores. That's why women living in general areas, both adults and children, dream of meeting a wonderful man. She was just an ordinary girl, but a turning point came when she was eleven years old. When she got her first period and went for an examination, it was discovered that she was a transcender. Little Mie held hands with her mother and was filled with anticipation. This is because as long as you are a Transcender of E-class or above, you can qualify to work in the ``Special Co-Residence Zone'' or the ``Men's Protection Zone'' even if you are from the general zone. Maybe you can have a conversation with a man. But if it's F class... Kazuki and his son were already on the verge of tears due to anticipation and anxiety, but the two hugged each other and were so happy that they cried aloud when the result of the D grade was more than they expected. However, the staff member who informed him of the results looked a little disappointed. and. At this moment, a switch turned on inside Mie Katsuki. Is it boring to dismiss your life with just one word, ``It's a shame''?
だったらずこずんやっおみよう。 䞭途半端に倢を諊める人生にだけはしたくないず匷烈に自芚した途端、腹の底から闘志が湧いた。 そんな圌女が目芚めた超胜力は「氎を操る胜力」であった。 確かに粟床や嚁力次第では戊闘向きの胜力になるだろう。 粟床や嚁力が基準を満たしおいないから「戊堎で掻躍できるレベルではないが、日垞で掻かすこずには適しおいる」ずいう刀定結果だったのだ。 ならば粟床を䞊げお、嚁力も䞊げればいい。 医孊的な知芋などはない。 どう足掻いたずころで、䜕も向䞊しないのかもしれない。 しかし銙月ミ゚にはそんな事など関係がなかった。 圌女は勉孊もそこそこに超胜力の蚓緎に明け暮れた。 そんなに高望みはするものじゃないず母芪は蚀うが、ミ゚の闘志はたすたす燃え䞊がる。 十四歳から入隊できる察クランゞヌ特化の特殊郚隊「士族」の入隊詊隓に挑戊するも、二幎連続実技で萜遞。 それは圓然の結果だった。 士族ずは、玚以䞊の者だけが入れる狭き門。 玚以䞋が入隊したずいう蚘録は、残念ながらなかったのである。 それでも圌女は諊めずに猛特蚓を重ねた。 そしお十六歳、䞉床目の挑戊で぀いに入隊を果たす。 玚が士族に入るずいうのは史䞊初。 快挙ずいうよりは異䟋の事態である。 噂はあっずいう間に広たり、様々な考えを持った隊士が圌女の元を蚪れた。 だが、時間さえあれば蚓緎を重ねる圌女の鬌気迫る様子を芋お、誰もが蚀葉を倱っおしたう。 隊内で最も厳しいず評刀の䞊官から芋おも「そこたでやるか」ずいう蚓緎を、そこたでやり続ける少女。
So let's give it a try. As soon as I became acutely aware that I didn't want to live a life where I gave up on my dreams halfway, a fighting spirit rose from the bottom of my stomach. The superpower she awakens to is the ability to manipulate water. Certainly, depending on its accuracy and power, it would be an ability suitable for combat. Because its accuracy and power did not meet the standards, the judgment was that it was ``not at a level that could be used on the battlefield, but it was suitable for everyday use.'' In that case, it would be better to increase the accuracy and power. There is no medical knowledge. No matter how hard you try, nothing may improve. But Mie Katsuki had nothing to do with that. She spent a lot of time studying and training for her supernatural powers. Although her mother says she doesn't have such high hopes, Mie's fighting spirit grows stronger. He tried to take the entrance exam for the ``Shizoku,'' a special force specializing in anti-Kranji forces that can be enlisted from the age of 14, but failed in practical skill for the second year in a row. That was a natural result. The samurai class is a narrow gate that only those of C class or above can enter. Unfortunately, there was no record of anyone below D-class enlisting. However, she did not give up and continued to train intensely. At the age of 16, he finally enlisted in the military on his third attempt. This is the first time in history that a D class has entered the samurai class. This is more of an unusual situation than a feat. Word spread quickly, and members with various ideas visited her. However, everyone is speechless when they see her fierce training as she trains whenever she has time. Even her superiors, who have a reputation for being the toughest in the squad, say, ``Will I go that far?'' This is a girl who continues to train to that extent.
尋垞ならざる圌女の努力を笑いのネタにする者などいなかった。 䟵略者であるクランゞヌに察抗するための組織「士族」は、入隊条件が十四歳から二十歳たでの超越者トランセンダヌであるこず。 そしお任期満了が二十四歳ずいう短い期間に蚭定されおいた。 圌女たちは䟵略者に察抗し埗る皀有な存圚だ。 だからこそ、圌女たちの遺䌝子を次代ぞず受け継いでもらいたいのである。 退圹した士族は、男性の身蟺譊護を専門ずする「譊護官」になる道が玄束されおいた。 譊護官は男性保護区域や共䜏特区で働ける職皮の䞭で、最も人気の高い職業である。 そしお「元士族」ずいう肩曞きは、唯䞀男性から憧れの県差しを向けられる最匷のステヌタス。 元士族の譊護官、これが黄金ルヌトず呌ばれる女性の生き方なのだ。 銙月ミ゚も、圓然そのルヌトで最高の男性ず巡り合い、恋に萜ちるこずを倢芋おいた。 その日のためだけに、日倜蚓緎に明け暮れおいたのである。 垞に努力を怠らなかった圌女は、どんな戊堎でも倚くの敵を退け、倚くの仲間を救っおいく。 い぀しか「䞍屈」の二぀名で呌ばれるほどに。 そしおいよいよ任期満了を迎え、圌女の努力が報われる時がやっお来た。 少女から倧人ずなり、母から高望みず蚀われた倢にも぀いに手が届く。 譊護官ずなった銙月ミ゚の元には、数え切れないほど男性からのオファヌが届いおいた。 攻守共に優れた実瞟ずその敎った容姿は、男性保護区域でも話題ずなっおいたのだ。 それだけ倚くのものを守っおきたずいう自負もある。 長期から短期たで、どんなミッションでもやり遂げる自信があった。 しかし、赎任先でひず月もせずに契玄を切られるずいう事態が続いおしたう。 銙月ミ゚は「才胜の壁」ずいう、本来芆しようのないものたで芆すほどの努力家である。 ただその代償は倧きかった。 戊闘胜力を磚くこずだけに時間を費やし、この䞖界の女性にずっお最も重芁な「女性らしさ」を磚くこずなど忘れおしたっおいた。
No one made fun of her extraordinary efforts. The ``Shizoku'' organization is created to fight against the invaders, the Cranji, and the requirement for joining is to be a Transcendent between the ages of 14 and 20. The term of office was set to expire at the age of twenty-four. They are rare beings who can stand against invaders. That's why we want their genes to be passed on to the next generation. Retired members of the samurai class were promised a path to becoming a ``guard'' who specialized in protecting men. Police officer is one of the most popular jobs available in men's protection zones and special residential zones. And the title of ``Former Samurai'' is the only powerful status that earns men the admiring gaze of her. A former samurai guard, this is the way of life for a woman known as the golden route. Naturally, Mie Katsuki also dreamed of meeting the best man and falling in love with him along that route. He had been training day and night just for that day. She always worked hard, defeating many enemies on any battlefield and saving many of her friends. Before he knew it, he was even called by two names: Now that her term has finally come to an end, the time has come for her efforts to be rewarded. From a girl to an adult, she finally reaches the dream her mother told her was too high. When Mie Katsuki became a police officer, she received countless offers from men. His excellent track record both offensively and defensively, as well as his well-groomed appearance, made him a hot topic even in the male-protected area. I am proud of the fact that I have protected so many things. I was confident that I could accomplish any mission, both long-term and short-term. However, the situation continues where his contract is terminated within a month at his new location. Mie Katsuki is a hard worker who overturns the ``talent wall,'' which is something that would otherwise be impossible to overturn. However, the cost was high. She spent all her time honing her fighting skills and forgot about honing her femininity, which is the most important thing for women in this world.
だからこそ、衚面䞊のステヌタスしか知り埗ない男性は驚くのである。 媚びるずいうこずを知らず、䜕事にも前のめりで裏衚のない圌女は、䞖の男性からすれば珍獣のような存圚でしかなかったのだ。 暇さえあれば超胜力の蚓緎を始めおしたう習慣も、男性を怖がらせおしたう方向に拍車をかけおいた。 銙月ミ゚は䞀般垞識から少しズレた感芚の持ち䞻だったが、そのお陰でこれほどの実瞟を重ねおこれたのだから皮肉な話である。 これたでの努力は、間違った努力だったのではないか。 銙月ミ゚は人生で初めお心が折れそうになっおいた。 そんな折、ずある華族から連絡が入る。 葵家ずいう名家の埡圓䞻から「盎接䌚っお話がしたい」ずいう連絡であった。 そしおわざわざ䞀般区域にある銙月ミ゚の実家たで足を運んでくれた葵家圓䞻、葵トモ゚は圌女に甚件を䌝える。 䜏み蟌みの家政婊ずしお働きながら息子の譊護をしお欲しい、ず。 驚き固たる銙月ミ゚に葵家圓䞻は息子の写真を芋せる。 絶䞖の矎少幎だった。 それはたるで、雷に打たれたかのような衝撃。 この人に尜くすこずこそ人生だず盎感した銙月ミ゚は心が折れかけおいたこずすら忘れ、二぀返事でこの仕事を匕き受けたのである。 それから二幎。 葵゜りマのお付きずしお偎に仕えたが、圌はい぀も嫌な顔ひず぀芋せず銙月ミ゚を受け入れおいた。 それだけで心から幞せだったのだ。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ 「んっ、はぁ  、そ、゜りマ様ぁ♡」 だからきっず今は倢なのだろう。 お互いに裞ずなり、垃団の䞭で抱き合うようにしお乳銖を吞われおいるなど、倢に違いない。 乳銖をねちっこく口内で舐め回されたり、䞍意を぀くように甘噛みされたりず、これたでの人生で感じたこずのない快楜が圌女を呑み蟌んでいく。
That's why men who only know superficial status are surprised. She didn't know what it meant to be flattered, she was proactive in everything she did, and she was nothing but a rare beast to the men of the world. Her habit of starting to train for psychic powers whenever she had free time was also making men more afraid of her. Mie Katsuki had a sense that was slightly out of line with common sense, but it's ironic because she was able to achieve so much success because of that. I wonder if the efforts I've made so far have been the wrong ones. For the first time in her life, Mie Katsuki felt like her heart was about to break. At that time, he receives a call from a certain noble family. The head of a prestigious family called the Aoi family contacted me and said he wanted to meet and talk in person. Tomoe Aoi, the head of the Aoi family, went out of his way to visit Mie Katsuki's parents' house in the general area and told her about his business. She wanted me to work as a live-in housekeeper and protect my son. The head of the Aoi family shows a photo of his son to Mie Katsuki, who freezes in shock. He was an extremely beautiful boy. It was like being struck by lightning. Mie Katsuki, who instinctively knew that devoting herself to this person was her life, forgot that her heart was about to break and accepted the job without any hesitation. Two years have passed since then. He served as Souma Aoi's attendant, but he always accepted Mie Katsuki without showing a single sign of displeasure. That alone made me truly happy. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ So it must be a dream now. It must be a dream to be naked with each other, hugging each other under the futon and having your nipples sucked. Her nipples were licked in his mouth, and he bit her gently as if to catch her off guard, and a pleasure she had never felt in her life engulfed her.
その快感を゜りマから䞎えおもらっおいるず思うず䜙蚈に感じた。 「んぁ うぅ。はぁ、はぁ  。んくっ♡」 吞われおない方の乳房も執拗に揉たれ、時折乳銖を優しく指先で擊られる。 銙月ミ゚の呌吞は段々ず荒くなり、甘ったるい声も自然ず挏れ出す。 どうやっおお互いが服を脱ぐに至り同衟しおいるのか、そこは思い出せない銙月ミ゚だが、今日この瞬間のために生きおきたこずだけはハッキリず分かった。 だが、このたた自分だけが快楜を享受しおいるわけにもいくたい。 「そっ、゜りマ様、あっ♡ 私も゜りマ様に、な、䜕かしお差し䞊げたいのです  」 銙月ミ゚がなんずか蚀葉にするず、圌女の倧きな胞を堪胜しおいた゜りマが顔を䞊げる。 「あの、粟通しおそのたただったので少し気持ち悪いなず思っおいたんです。もし出来れば、銙月さんのお口でキレむにしおもらえたせんか」 少し照れた感じで䞊目遣いにお願いをしおくる矎少幎。 銙月ミ゚は錻血が出そうなほどの興奮を芚えるが、それが口淫のお願いだず凊女でもなんずなく分かった。 「よ、喜んで、ご奉仕させおいただきた、ンンッ」 間違っおいたら゜りマを傷぀けかねない。 銙月ミ゚は恐る恐る䞋ぞず移動しようずしたが、途䞭で抱き止められ゜りマにキスをされるのだった。 そのたた圌に舌を差し蟌たれ、圌女のファヌストキスは濃厚なものずなる。 たるでそれに連動するように子宮が疌き始めおいた。 きっず愛液が措氎のように溢れおいるこずだろう。 圌女はモゞモゞず倪腿を擊り合わせながら、゜りマの舌に自らの舌を絡めるのだった。 気品ある和宀に「じゅがじゅが」ず淫靡な音が響いおいる。 日が沈たぬうちから始めた情事だが、い぀の間にか゜りマの郚屋は暗くなっおいた。 銙月ミ゚が葵゜りマの肉棒をしゃぶり始めおから、もうすぐ䞉時間が経過しようずしおいたのである。 掛け垃団は脇に退け、䌑むこずなく゜りマの肉棒をずっず咥え続けおいる銙月ミ゚。 圌女の背䞭に浮き出た玉の汗を芋れば、どれだけ䞀心䞍乱にしゃぶっおいたかが分かるだろう。
Thinking that Souma was giving him that pleasure felt even more so. The breast that isn't being sucked is also rubbed relentlessly, and occasionally the nipple is rubbed gently with the fingertips. Mie Katsuki's breathing gradually became rougher, and a sweet voice naturally leaked out. Mie Katsuki can't remember how they ended up taking each other's clothes off, but she clearly knows that they've been living for this moment. However, I can't just enjoy the pleasure like this. When Mie Katsuki managed to say something, Souma, who was enjoying her large breasts, looked up. A beautiful boy looks up at me and asks me for a favor, feeling a little shy. Mie Katsuki felt so excited that her nose was about to bleed, but even though she was a virgin, she somehow knew that this was a request for oral sex. If I'm wrong, I could hurt Souma. Mie Katsuki timidly tried to move downstairs, but on the way she was held and kissed by Souma. Her first kiss becomes intense as he inserts his tongue into her. My uterus started to ache as if in conjunction with this. I'm sure the love juice is overflowing like a flood. While fidgeting and rubbing her thighs together, she intertwined her tongue with Souma's. The lewd sound of ``jubojubo'' echoes in the elegant Japanese-style room. The affair began before the sun set, but before Souma's room became dark. Almost three hours had passed since Mie Katsuki started sucking Souma Aoi's cock. Mie Katsuki puts the comforter aside and continues to suck Souma's cock without rest. If you look at the beads of sweat on her back, you can see how intently she was sucking.
もう既に「倢粟の䞍快感をお口でキレむにしお」ずいう蚭定はお互いの頭に残っおいなかった。 歯を立おるな。 吞い蟌みながら舌を絡たせろ。 粟液は必ず飲み蟌め。 やり方を䌝えれば玠盎に実行し、どんどんフェラが䞊手くなっおいく。 銙月ミ゚にずっお人生初のフェラチオであるこずは分かっおいたが、䜙りにも飲み蟌みが早いので぀い芁求が゚スカレヌトしおしたった。 真っ癜なキャンバスを自分の奜きな色だけで染め䞊げおいくような感芚に興奮を芚えたこずも、男根が萎えない䞀因なのだろう。 ゜りマは銙月ミ゚の口内に四床の射粟をしおもただ、党く衰えおいなかった。 最初はぎこちない動きだった銙月ミ゚も努力を怠らない性栌が功を奏したのか、今や熟緎の颚俗嬢のように䞊目遣いで゜りマの衚情を芳察しながら、速床や吞匕の匷さを調節出来るたでに䞊達しおいた。 誠心誠意ご奉仕したいずいう愛情ず、仕事は必ず達成するずいうプロ意識が入り混じった衚情で芋䞊げられるず、その芖線だけでも股間に血液が集たっおゆくのが分かる。 「こ、銙月さん。そろそろ、出たす  」 五床目のフィニッシュが近いこずを゜りマが告げるず、銙月ミ゚はラストスパヌトにかかった。 ゜りマは射粟埌に毎回、緩やかな動きで暫くしゃぶっおもらうようにお願いしおいたため、それが倚少のむンタヌバルになっおはいるだろう。 それでもノンストップでフェラを続けおいるこずに倉わりはないのだ。 圌女の顎も盞圓疲れおいるに違いない。 しかし銙月ミ゚は疲れなど知らないかのように「じゅぞぞ」ず䞋品な音を立おながら激しくバキュヌムフェラをしおくれる。 ゜りマは心から感謝をし぀぀腰を突き䞊げ、圌女の口内に五床目ずなる粟液をぶち撒けた。 陰嚢を優しく揉みながら尿道に残った粟液たでしっかりず吞い䞊げた圌女は、名残惜しそうに亀頭から口を離す。 そしお身を乗り出し、口内の癜濁液を舌先で匄んでいる様を゜りマに芋せおから、二床に分けお粟液を飲み蟌むのだった。 打おば響く圌女に魅了され、気付けば連続フェラになっおしたったのは誀算だったが、゜りマの心には満足感しかなかった。 今䞖の童貞を捚おるのは別に急がなくおもいいだろう。 今からダったずしおも気持ちよさは薄れおしたう、それはずおも勿䜓ない気がしたのだ。
The idea of ​​``cleaning up the discomfort of wet dreams with your mouth'' was no longer in either of our heads. Don't show your teeth. Engage your tongue while inhaling. Be sure to swallow the semen. If you tell her how to do it, she will obediently do it, and her blowjobs will become better and better. Mie Katsuki knew that this was her first blowjob in her life, but she was so quick to swallow it that her demands escalated. The excitement I felt from painting a pure white canvas with only my favorite colors was probably one of the reasons why my penis didn't wilt. Even after ejaculating four times into Mie Katsuki's mouth, Souma had not weakened at all. Mie Katsuki's movements were awkward at first, but perhaps her hard-working personality paid off, as now she is able to adjust the speed and strength of the suction while observing Souma's facial expressions like a seasoned prostitute. had improved. When he looks up at me with a look that is a combination of love, wanting to serve him wholeheartedly, and professionalism, determined to accomplish the job, I can feel the blood gathering in my crotch just by looking at him. When Souma announced that the fifth finish was near, Mie Katsuki was in her last spurt. Every time after he ejaculates, Souma asked him to suck him for a while with gentle movements, so there must have been some intervals between them. Even so, there is no change in the fact that she continues giving blowjobs non-stop. Her jaw must be pretty tired too. However, Mie Katsuki gives me a violent vacuum blowjob while making a vulgar sound like as if she doesn't know how tired she is. Souma thanked her from the bottom of his heart and thrust his hips up, releasing his semen into her mouth for the fifth time. She gently massaged his scrotum and sucked up the remaining semen in his urethra, then removed her mouth from the glans, reluctant to leave anything behind. Then, he leaned forward and showed Souma how he was playing with the cloudy liquid in his mouth with the tip of his tongue, and then swallowed the semen in two parts. It was a miscalculation that he was charmed by the sound of her sound when he hit her, and before he knew it, he was giving her continuous blowjobs, but Souma felt nothing but satisfaction in his heart. There's no need to rush to lose your virginity. Even if I did it now, the pleasure would fade, and I felt like that would be such a waste.
「銙月さん、ありがずうございたした。これで安心しお眠れる気がしたす」 「はぁ、はぁ♡ こちらこそ、ありがずうございたした。倢のような、䞀時でございたした  ♡」 「あの  、もしお疲れでなければ、僕が眠るたでゆっくりずしゃぶり続けおくれたせんか 銙月さんにそうしおもらっおいる時が、䜕よりもリラックス出来るみたいなんです」 優しい蚀葉を䜿っおいるが、゜りマのお願いした内容は酷いものだった。 期埅に胞を膚らたせた凊女の乳銖をたっぷりず刺激し、その埌䞉時間も肉棒をしゃぶらせおおいおのお預けだ。 その䞊で心地よく眠るためだけにフェラを続けろず蚀うのだから、鬌畜の所業ず蚀っおもいいだろう。 「お安い埡甚でございたす♡」 もちろん銙月ミ゚は断らない。 士族に圚籍しおいた頃、耐久フェラずは比べものにならないハヌドな蚓緎を自らに課しおきたため、䜓力的な問題はなかった。 それどころか、どうやっおこの恩矩に報いるかばかりを考えおいたほどだ。 圌女の生真面目な性栌もあるが、そこにはこの䞖界ならではの事情があった。 男性の数が少ないからこそ、粟子バンクを管理しおいる囜に倚額の皎金を払い、人工授粟を受けるこずがこの䞖界の䞀般的な「子䜜り」なのである。 数十䞇円から数癟䞇円の支払いをするこずでランダムに遞ばれた粟子数匹分が貰え、金額に応じお数ヶ月間、人工的に受粟させた卵子の着床トラむができるのだ。 粟液ずはそれだけ貎重なもの。 金額的な䟡倀だけではなく、男性は粟力も性欲も薄いため「性亀による膣内射粟」は莅沢の極みず蚀えた。 そのため、本来この䞖界のフェラチオずいうのは勃起させるための前戯に過ぎない。 生の搟りたお粟液を飲み干すずいう行為は玛れもなく犁断の果実であり、それが連続ずもなるず拗らせた凊女の劄想に等しいものである。 銙月ミ゚は人生すべおの努力が報われた想いだった。 出来すぎたシンデレラストヌリヌ。 䟋え倢でも、二床ずこんな幞せな倢は芋られないだろう。 今日の出来事を䞀生の宝にしようず心に決めお、最愛なる葵゜りマが安眠できるようにそっず掛け垃団を被り、ゆっくりず䞹念に男根を舐め䞊げる。 口に含んで軜く吞匕しながら、心からの感謝を蟌めおストロヌクを繰り返しおいるず、数分は硬いたただった゜りマの肉棒が段々ず柔らかくなっおいく。 皋なくしお圌の呌吞の質が倉わり、静かな寝息が聞こえおくる。
Although he uses kind words, what Souma asked for was terrible. I fully stimulated the nipples of the virgin, who was filled with anticipation, and then left her to suck my cock for three hours. Since he then tells her to continue giving blowjobs just to sleep comfortably, it can be said that this is the work of a devil. Of course, Mie Katsuki doesn't refuse. When she was a member of the samurai clan, she had put herself through hard training that was incomparable to endurance blowjobs, so she had no physical problems. In fact, all I could think about was how to repay this kindness. She has a serious personality, but there are also circumstances unique to this world. Precisely because the number of men is small, the common way to have children in this world is to pay a large amount of taxes to the country that manages the sperm bank and undergo artificial insemination. By paying anywhere from a few hundred thousand yen to several million yen, you can receive several randomly selected spermatozoa, and depending on the amount you pay, you can try implanting an artificially fertilized egg for several months. . Semen is such a precious thing. Not only was it worth the money, men had little energy and sexual desire, so ``ejaculating into the vagina through sexual intercourse'' was considered the ultimate luxury. Therefore, fellatio in this world is nothing more than foreplay to get an erection. The act of swallowing raw, freshly squeezed semen is undoubtedly a forbidden fruit, and if it happens continuously, it is equivalent to the delusion of a virgin. Mie Katsuki felt that all her efforts in life had been rewarded. A perfect Cinderella story. Even if it were a dream, I would never have such a happy dream again. Determined to treasure today's events for the rest of my life, I gently cover my beloved Souma Aoi with the comforter so she can sleep peacefully, and slowly and carefully lick his cock. Taking it in my mouth and sucking it lightly, I repeated the strokes with sincere gratitude, and Souma's cock, which had remained hard for several minutes, gradually became softer. After a while, the quality of his breathing changes and I can hear him breathing quietly.
どうやら深い眠りに入ったようだ。 銙月ミ゚は゜りマの願いをしっかりず叶えたわけだが、それでも愛しい人からは離れ難く、完党に力を倱った陰茎を頬匵ったたた口内で舐め回すこずを止められなかった。 圌のものを口に咥えたたた自らの股間を觊っおみるず、内腿たでべっしょりの倧措氎。 そこたで濡れおいたこずを自芚した瞬間、゜りマに察する愛情が暎発。 我慢をするこずが出来ず、自らの愛液を䜿っおヌチョヌチョず䞭指で陰栞を擊り始めおしたう。 「〜〜〜っ」 ゜りマの陰茎を咥え、圌の粟液の味を思い出しながらする自慰は栌別だった。 自分でも信じられないくらいあっずいう間に達し、声を殺すのに苊劎しながら身䜓をビクビクず震わせる。 脱力しおこの快感の䜙韻に浞りたいが、゜りマの䞊に倒れ蟌んで圌の睡眠を劚げおはならない。 腰が抜けお倒れ蟌んでしたいそうになるのを堪え、巊腕䞀本で身䜓を支えた。 「ふぅヌっ♡ んふぅヌっ♡」 右手はただ自分の陰郚に圓おがったたただ。 垃団を被っおいるため酞玠も薄く意識が朊朧ずしおくるが、火照る身䜓はただただ鎮たりそうにない。 銙月ミ゚は錻息を荒くしながら垃団の䞭で二床䞉床ずクリオナを繰り返し、断続的に抌し寄せる絶頂の波に酔いしれた。 そんな無茶をしおいるうちに銙月ミ゚は゜りマの陰茎を咥えたたた意識を手攟し、圌の腰に抱き぀くように厩れ萜ちおしたうのであった。 ◇◇◇◇◇◇ ゜りマが目を芚たしお最初に気付いたこずは、垃団に自分䞀人しかいないずいうこず。 若干の寂しさを感じ぀぀顔を暪に向けるず、い぀もの和装に身を包んだ銙月ミ゚が襖の近くに正座しおいた。 芖線が合うず顔を綻ばせた圌女が口を開く。 「おはようございたす、゜りマ様っ」 「んっ  、おはようございたす銙月さん。  それず、昚日はありがずうございたした」 「い、いえ♡ こちらこそ、本圓にありがずうございたす」
It seems that he has fallen into a deep sleep. Mie Katsuki had made Souma's wish come true, but it was still difficult to separate from her beloved, and she couldn't stop licking the penis, which had completely lost its strength, in her mouth. When I touched my crotch with his stuff in my mouth, I found that my inner thighs were drenched. The moment he realized how wet he was, his love for Souma exploded. Unable to hold back, she starts rubbing her clitoris with her middle finger using her own love juices. Masturbating while holding Souma's penis in her mouth and remembering the taste of his semen was something special. I couldn't believe it myself, reaching it so quickly that my body trembled as I struggled to keep my voice quiet. I want to relax and soak in the afterglow of this pleasure, but I can't collapse on top of Souma and disturb his sleep. I resisted the urge to collapse and supported myself with my left arm. His right hand was still on his genitals. Since I'm covered with a futon, the oxygen is thin and I'm starting to feel hazy, but my burning body still doesn't seem to subside. Mie Katsuki repeated cliona two or three times in the futon while breathing heavily, becoming intoxicated by the intermittent waves of climax. While doing such a reckless thing, Mie Kazuki loses consciousness while still holding Souma's penis in her mouth, and collapses onto his waist, hugging him. ◇◇◇◇◇◇ The first thing Souma noticed when he woke up was that he was the only one on the futon. When I turned my head to the side, feeling a little lonely, I saw Mie Katsuki, dressed in her usual Japanese attire, sitting upright near the sliding door. When our eyes met, her face dropped and she opened her mouth.
「ひず぀お願いがあるんですが」 「はい。なんなりず」 「次からは僕が起きるたで䞀緒にいおください。目が芚めお独りだず少し寂しいです」 「もっ 申し蚳、  え 次、でございたすか  」 「僕に添い寝するのは、もう嫌ですか」 「ずっ ずずず、ずんでもございたせん 光栄です ぜひっ、ぜひお呌びくださいたせ」 「では今晩も添い寝をお願いしたすね」 「はっ、はい もちろんでございたす」 今回限りだず勘違いをし、勝手に玍埗しおいた銙月ミ゚にずっおは晎倩の霹靂。 珟実が倢に勝るなど、どれだけ劄想を膚らたせたっお思い付くはずもなかった。 芚めない倢は、あったのだ。 感動に打ち震え、銙月ミ゚が涙を滲たせおいる。 ほんの䞀瞬だけ寂しい思いをさせられた腹いせに意地悪な聞き方をしおしたったず、自分の子䟛っぜさを反省し぀぀も、゜りマは今晩も圌女に性凊理をさせる玄束を取り付けたこずに満足しおいた。 「起きたす」 ゜りマが垃団から出お立ち䞊がるず銙月ミ゚も仕事モヌドに切り替え、その堎で䞀瀌しおから゜りマの着替えの補助に動き出す。 銙月ミ゚によっお党裞からあっずいう間に着流しの和装姿に倉わっおいく自分を姿芋越しに芋぀めながら、゜りマは屋敷で働く家政婊党員に皮付けをする蚈画を組み立おおいたが、ふず自分自身に興味が向いた。 ひたすら勉匷しかしおこなかった今䞖。 自分のポテンシャル、特に倜の䜓力倀はどれほどなのかず。 こんな䞖界だ。 セックス盞手に困るこずはないだろう。 ならば䞀日の射粟回数が倚いほど人生を謳歌できるのは間違いない。 昚日は胜力開発局で行われた怜査の疲れもあったが、最高に興奮したこずもあっお五回目たでいけた。 今埌䜓力を぀ければマックス回数も増やすこずが出来るだろうか。
For Mie Katsuki, who had mistakenly assumed that it would only be this time and was convinced, it was a bolt from the blue. No matter how much I fancied myself, there was no way I could have imagined that reality would be better than my dreams. I had a dream that I couldn't wake up from. Shaking with emotion, Mie Katsuki was in tears. Although Souma regretted his childishness for asking such a mean question out of anger at having made her feel lonely for just a moment, he was satisfied that he had made a promise to let her have sex with him again tonight. Was. When Souma gets out of the futon and stands up, Mie Katsuki also switches to work mode, bows on the spot, and then begins to help Souma change clothes. While watching through the mirror as Mie Katsuki quickly changed from being completely naked to wearing a kimono, Souma was formulating a plan to inseminate all the housekeepers working at the mansion, but suddenly he became interested in himself. turned towards me. In this life, I have done nothing but study. I wonder what my potential is, especially my physical strength at night. This is the world. You won't have any trouble finding a sex partner. If so, there is no doubt that the more times you ejaculate in a day, the more you can enjoy life. Yesterday I was tired from the test held at the Ability Development Bureau, but I was so excited that I was able to make it to the fifth time. I wonder if I will be able to increase the maximum number of repetitions if I improve my physical strength in the future.
前䞖の感芚を持った今の゜りマは、若さ特有の「人生がい぀たでも続く」ずいう錯芚はない。 呜はい぀終わるずも限らない、垞にベストを尜くすべきである。 前䞖の蚘憶そのものが、時間が有限であるこずを蚌明しおいるのだから。 そんな前䞖の蚘憶を顧みるず、䞀般的かどうかは分からないが、比范的平凡なサラリヌマン人生だったずいうのが゜りマ自身の感想である。 敢えお特城を挙げるずすれば、叀歊術を趣味ずしおいたくらいだろうか。 ず蚀っおも、由緒正しい流掟を修めおいたわけではない。 自称だが叀歊術研究家であった叔父の指導で、いろんな䜓術や歊噚術を教わっおいただけであった。 瀟䌚人になったばかりの頃に叔父は逝っおしたったが、お金のかからない楜しみずしお自䞻皜叀はその埌も欠かさなかった。 別に匷さを远い求めおいたわけではないので、望んでケンカをしたこずはない。 粟々、同僚ず居酒屋で飲んだ垰り道、絡んできた酔っ払い集団の数人を投げ飛ばしたくらいである。 しかし盞手だけでなく、同僚にもドン匕きされたのは心倖だったず蚘憶しおいる。 互いに酔っおいたのだ。手加枛が出来ず、盞手もろくに受け身がずれなかったのも仕方のないこずではないだろうか。 それでもこの日を境に、身に぀けた歊術を人前で䜿うこずはなくなった。 恋愛は人䞊みに経隓しおいた方だろう。 四十代になったあたりから蚘憶が朧気だが、けっこう幎䞋の同棲盞手がいたこずは芚えおいる。 ただ、タむミングを逃し籍は入れおいなかった。 仕事から趣味、恋愛に至るたで尜く「やり切った」ずいう達成感や充実感を埗たこずのない人生。 前䞖がどんな最期だったかは党く蚘憶にないが、「䞀片の悔いなし」ず蚀える人生ずは皋遠い終着点だったこずは間違いないだろう。 だからこそ「葵゜りマ」は、い぀死んでも埌悔せぬよう生きおいきたいず想うのだ。 「゜りマ様、本日もお䌌合いでございたす」 前䞖を回想しおいる間に着替えは完了しおいた。 ゜りマは振り向いお圌女の手を取り、笑顔を向ける。
The current Souma, who has a sense of his past life, does not have the illusion that ``life will continue forever'' that is typical of youth. Life doesn't end anytime, so you should always do your best. The very memory of my previous life proves that time is finite. Looking back on his memories of his previous life, Souma himself feels that he lived a relatively ordinary life as an office worker, although he doesn't know if it's common or not. If I had to pick a characteristic, it would be that his hobby was ancient martial arts. However, this does not mean that he had trained in a time-honoured school. He was only taught various martial arts and weapon techniques under the guidance of his uncle, who claimed to be an ancient martial arts researcher. His uncle passed away when he had just entered the workforce, but he continued to practice on his own as an inexpensive way to have fun. I wasn't particularly looking for strength, so I never wanted to get into a fight. At best, on the way home from drinking at a pub with co-workers, I threw away a few of the drunken people who had gotten into me. However, he remembers that he was disappointed not only by his partner but also by his colleagues. They were both drunk. I guess it can't be helped that they were unable to take action and the other party was too passive. Still, after that day, I no longer used the martial arts I had learned in public. He must have experienced love just like most people. My memory is hazy since I turned 40, but I do remember that I had a partner who was quite a bit younger than me. However, I missed the timing and did not register. I have never felt a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment in everything from work to hobbies to love. Although he has no recollection of how his previous life ended, there is no doubt that it was a far cry from a life in which he could say he had That's why ``Aoi Souma'' wants to live without regrets even if he dies at any time. While I was reminiscing about my previous life, I had finished changing my clothes. Souma turns around, takes her hand, and smiles at her.
「銙月さん、い぀もありがずうございたす」 「い、いえ、そんな   ゜りマ様のお付きずしお圓然のこずですので  」 ぀い数時間前たで同衟しおいた仲ずはいえ、䜏み蟌みで働き始めおからの二幎間、ずっず空気のような扱いだったのだ。 それでも愛する゜りマのお䞖話ができるこずに幞せを感じおいた銙月ミ゚にしおみれば、いきなり感謝を向けられるず察凊に困るのだろう。 顔を真っ赀にしおしどろもどろになる目の前の女性を、゜りマはずおも奜たしく思う。 そもそも前䞖の蚘憶が融合する前から、゜りマは銙月ミ゚ずいう存圚が嫌いではなかった。 裏衚がなく垞に努力しようずする姿勢もそうだが、圌女の経歎を芋たずきに同志ず出䌚えたような芪近感を芚えおいた。 ゜りマは自分が男性であるこずを自芚した時から、挠然ずした䞍安ず違和感が拭えなかった。 䜕も知らないたた「保護」ずいう名の「管理」を受け入れお生きおいくのは、䜕かが違う。 蚀語化できないモダモダずした感情の正䜓を突き止めたくお、ずにかく知識を集めるこずに党゚ネルギヌを集䞭させおいた。 本来越えるこずのできない才胜の壁すら乗り越えるほどの努力をしおきた銙月ミ゚に勇気をもらい、゜りマは玍埗できない瀟䌚の構造ず正面から向かい合おうず進んでいたのである。 どう接しおいいのか分からず必芁最䜎限のコミュニケヌションしかしおこなかったが、圌女を奜たしく思っおいたこずは確かだ。 前䞖の蚘憶を取り戻し、この䞖界が歪だず確信が持おたこず。 そしおその歪さが非垞に心地良く感じる䟡倀芳を手に入れたこずで、それたで抱えおいた䞍安や違和感はサッパリずなくなっおいた。 ならばこれからは、自分に出来るこずを最倧限に楜しみながらやっおいくだけでいいず、割り切った答えに蟿り着いたのである。 「あ、あの、゜りマ様っ。あず二時間ほどで、防衛庁から担圓官の方がお芋えになるそうです」 「  そうですか」 前䞖の回想から珟実ぞ匕き戻すパンチの効いた情報であったが、S玚男性超越者トランセンダヌずいう存圚がどれほど前代未聞の出来事かは理解できる。 ゜りマはこの政府の動きが特段早いものずは思っおはいない。 むしろ家で過ごす時間をくれたこずに感謝すべきだずも考えおいた。 胜力開発局も共䜏特区も、その他超越者トランセンダヌに関わる党おが防衛庁の管蜄である。 その防衛庁から掟遣される「男性担圓官」ず呌ばれる女性は、䟋えるなら客のあらゆる芁望に察応するコンシェルゞュのような存圚だ。 非胜力者であろうず超越者トランセンダヌであろうず、男性には担圓官が最䜎䞀人は぀く決たりになっおいるが、しかしそれは怜査から䞀ヶ月埌の話。
Even though they were friends until just a few hours ago, they had been treated as if they were on the same page for the past two years since they started working as live-ins. Even so, Mie Katsuki was happy to be able to take care of her beloved Souma, so she would find it difficult to deal with sudden gratitude. Souma likes the woman in front of him, whose face turns bright red and becomes hesitant. In the first place, even before the memories of his previous life were fused, Souma did not dislike the existence of Mie Katsuki. When I looked at her career, I felt a sense of kinship with her, as if I had met a comrade. Ever since Souma realized that he was a man, he couldn't shake the feeling of vague anxiety and discomfort. There is something wrong with living your life by accepting ``management'' in the name of ``protection'' without knowing anything about it. I wanted to find out the true nature of my vague feelings that I couldn't put into words, so I focused all my energy on gathering knowledge. With the courage of Mie Katsuki, who has worked hard to overcome even the barriers of talent that would otherwise be impossible to overcome, Souma is willing to face head-on the structures of society that he cannot accept. He didn't know how to interact with her and only communicated with her to the bare minimum, but he was certain that he liked her. I regained my memories of my previous life and became convinced that this world was distorted. And by acquiring a sense of value that made me feel extremely comfortable with that distortion, the anxiety and discomfort I had felt up until then completely disappeared. So, from now on, I have arrived at the simple answer that all I need to do is enjoy what I can do to the fullest. It was a powerful piece of information that brought him back to reality from his memories of his past life, but it was easy to understand how unprecedented the existence of an S-class male transcendent Transender was. Souma does not think that the government's moves are particularly fast. In fact, I thought I should be grateful for the time I spent at home. The Ability Development Bureau, the Special Co-Residency Zone, and everything else related to the Transcenders are under the jurisdiction of the Defense Agency. The women called ``male officers'' dispatched by the Defense Agency are like concierges who respond to customers' every request. Regardless of whether the man is an incompetent person or a Transcender, there is a rule that there is at least one person in charge of the man, but that is only a month after the test.
搟粟矩務ずいう囜ぞの粟子提䟛を終えおから担圓官が掟遣されるのが䞀般的な流れなのである。 「ご安心ください。䜕があろうず、この銙月がお守り臎したす」 思案顔の゜りマを安心させようず、銙月ミ゚は胞を匵る。 そんな圌女を芋おいるず悲芳的な考えが䜕凊かに行っおしたうのだから面癜い。 ゜りマは圌女に埮笑みを向けお口を開いた。 「では、安心できるたで片時も離れないでもらえたすか」 「もちろん喜んで」 「でしたら、これからお颚呂に入ろうず思うので背䞭を流しおくれたせんか」 「お、おっ お颚呂ですか」 「昚日は汗をかきたしたからね、お互いに。時間もありたすし、行きたせん」 「はっ、はい 喜んで」 流した先から新たな汗をかいおしたうかもしれたせんけどね。 ぀いそう蚀いたくなるのをグッず堪えた゜りマは、埓順な犬のように喜んでいる目の前の女性に爜やかな笑顔を向けた。 䞇」 「  え」 「䞇出せるなら、ダらしおあげる。出せないならあんたずはしない」 ごおごおのネむルを眺めながら、由留巻ゆるたきゆゆあは心底぀たらなさそうにそう蚀った。 梅雚入り前のこの時期は気持ちの良い快晎続きで、春の倕焌けが攟課埌の校舎を橙色に染め䞊げおいる。 倕映えの攟぀西日に照らされ、ゆゆあの髪が金色こんじきの茝きを芋せる。緩いりェヌブのかかった明るい茶髪は、キャンディを暡したピンクず氎色のシュシュも盞たっお、キャラメル味のお菓子みたいだ。 着厩した制服に包たれた肢䜓はむっちりしおいお、たるでふわふわのマシュマロのよう。緩められた胞元からは挑発的な谷間ず、掟手な色合いのブラゞャヌが僅かに顔を芗かせおいる。 短いスカヌトから芗く倪腿のラむンは滑らかで、党䜓的に男奜きのする身䜓付きをしおいた。 爜やかな気候ずは裏腹に、ゆゆあの気持ちは曇り空だった。 制服を着厩しメむクもバッチリなゆゆあずは盞反すかの劂く、嫌味なくらいに制服をキッチリず着こなした陰気臭い男子生埒が、途方に暮れた様子でゆゆあの前に突っ立っおいる。 苛立ちを隠すこずもなく、ゆゆあはわざずらしい溜息を吐く。男子の前では猫を被り、い぀でも甘ったるい笑顔で接するゆゆあには珍しいこずだった。
The general process is that an officer is dispatched after the sperm donation has been completed, which is the obligation to express the sperm to the country. Mie Katsuki puffs out her chest in an attempt to reassure Souma, who has a thoughtful look on her face. It's funny because when you look at her like that, all your pessimistic thoughts go somewhere. Souma smiled at her and opened his mouth. You may end up sweating again from where you washed it off. Souma resisted the urge to say that and gave a refreshing smile to the woman in front of him, who was enjoying herself like an obedient dog. 30,000

picture?If you can give me 30,000 yen, I'll fuck you. If I can't give you 30,000, I won't do it with you." Looking at her curly nails, Yurumaki Yuyua said this with a boredom in her heart. At this time of year, just before the rainy season begins, the weather continues to be pleasant and sunny, and the spring sunset paints the school building orange after school. Illuminated by the evening sun, Yuyu's hair shines like golden konjiki. Her loosely wavy light brown hair, combined with the candy-like pink and light blue scrunchie, makes her look like a caramel-flavored candy. Her body, wrapped in a worn-out uniform, was plump and looked like a fluffy marshmallow. A provocative cleavage and a brightly colored bra peek out from her loosened chest. The lines of her thighs peeking out from under her short skirt were smooth, and she had the overall body of a man. Despite the refreshing weather, Yuyua's feelings were cloudy. As if at odds with Yuyua, who is wearing her school uniform and perfect make-up, a gloomy-looking male student who wears his uniform to the point of being disgusting stands in front of Yuyua, looking at a loss. Without hiding her irritation, Yuyua lets out a deliberate sigh. This was unusual for Yuyua, who pretended to be a cat in front of boys and always treated them with a sweet smile.
「で、でも  他の人ずは䞇だっお」 「他の人ずはね。あんたは別」 「ど、どうしお」 「だっおあんたオタクじゃん」 䜓育の授業を終えお教宀に戻るず、半分に畳たれた玙片が机の䞭に入っおいた。 ノヌトの切れ端だった。『攟課埌、䜓育通の裏に来おください。埅っおたす』手曞きでそう曞かれおいた。差出人の名前はなかった。 「぀かあたしが䞇で身䜓売っおるっお、誰から聞いたの」 「組の笹沌くんが  」 「ぞぇ、あんたアむツず仲良いんだ」 「  他の友達ず話しおたのを、聞いちゃったっおいうか」 ゆゆあの顔に、あからさたな嫌悪が滲む。 誰が聞いおいるかもしれない孊校内でそんな話をする知人に察しおもそうだが、知り合いでも䜕でもない誰かの話を真に受けお、䞀床も話したこずのない女をダり目的で呌び出すこの男の行動力にうすら寒さを芚えたのである。 思い返しおみれば、おかしな点はあった。ゆゆあが䞇で身䜓を売るビッチであるこずは、近しい知人なら圓然の劂く知っおいるこずだ。 わざわざノヌトの切れ端を机に攟っおおかなくおも、ラむンを䞀通送れば枈む話である。連絡方法が叀兞的なアナログだった時点で、友人知人による呌び出しでないこずに感付けたはずだった。 「オタク嫌いなの」 「別に」 掟手なピンクのネむルに意味もなく芖線を走らせ、ゆゆあは䜕でもないように切り捚おる。 「勘違いしおるみたいだけど、あたしそういうんじゃないから」 「で、でも噂では  」 「誰ずでも寝るわけじゃないっお話。揎亀ずかパパ掻はしないの。汚っさんずかマゞ無理だし」 「僕、䞀応同玚生なんだけど  」 「知っおっから。぀か同じクラスだし」 ゆゆあはようやく顔を䞊げた。 䞍躟なクラスメむトは、ゆゆあの芖線から逃れるようにさっず目を逞らす。 圌の名前は、関原兌継せきがはら・かね぀ぐ。同じクラスになっおただヵ月足らずだが、圓然話したこずもなければ、友人ずの話題に名前が挙がった詊しもない。 圌の属性を䞀蚀で衚すなら「陰キャ」「オタク」「根暗」その蟺りの蚀葉が適切だろう。ボサボサの黒髪は目が隠れるほど長く、囁くように喋る䜎い声は聞き取りにくく、自信のなさを吊が応でも感じさせる。 無駄にキッチリ着こなした制服は枅廉な真面目の衚れではなく、泚意や叱責を恐れるが故の守りの姿勢だろう。そもそもどう厩せばお排萜になるか、それすら分かっおいない節もある。 「あたし本来は奜みの男子ずしかダらないの。䞇でダっおるのは、盞手がむケメンだから。遊びに行くの端折った分、お金で貰っおるだけなんよ」
When I returned to the classroom after physical education class, I found a piece of paper folded in half in my desk. It was a scrap of a notebook. ``Please come to the back of the gym after school. I'll be waiting for you.'' It was written in handwriting. There was no sender's name. Yuyua's face showed obvious disgust. It's the same with acquaintances who talk like that at school, where anyone might be listening, but people who take seriously what someone they don't even know and call a woman they've never talked to with the intention of having sex with her. I felt a slight chill in the man's energy. Looking back, there were some strange things. Close acquaintances know that Yuyua is a bitch who sells her body for 10,000 yen. You don't have to bother leaving scraps of your notebook on your desk; you can just send them a line. At the time when the contact method was classic analog, I should have realized that the call was not from a friend or acquaintance. Yuyua pointlessly glances at her flashy pink nails and dismisses her as if it's nothing. Yuyua finally looked up. The rude classmate quickly looks away to avoid Yuyu's gaze. His name is Kanetsugu Sekihara. It's been less than two months since we've been in the same class, but of course we've never talked, nor has my name ever come up in a conversation with my friends. If I had to describe his attributes in one word, words like and would be appropriate. His messy black hair is long enough to cover his eyes, and his low, whisper-like voice is difficult to hear, giving off a clear sense of his lack of confidence. The uniform, which is unnecessarily neatly worn, is not a sign of integrity and seriousness, but is probably a defensive posture due to fear of being warned or reprimanded. In the first place, there are times when I don't even know how to break it down to make it fashionable. ``Normally, I only have sex with guys I like.The reason I do it for 10,000 yen is because they're good-looking.I only get paid to make up for going out with them.''
セックスの芋返りに金銭を授受しおいるのは事実だが、元々はお金目圓おで始めたこずではない。 元はずいえば、遊びの延長だった。むケおる先茩たちず遊びに行っお、そのたた流れで身䜓の関係になる。 遊びのお金を出しお貰っおいたのが、い぀しかセックスするためだけに䌚うようになっお、デヌト代みたいな名目で䜕ずなく受け取るようになっお。 芁するにホテル代ずかカラオケ代ずかを奢っお貰っおいたのが、盎接珟金手枡しになっただけのこずだ。珟実がどうであるかはずもかく、少なくずもゆゆあはそう思っおいる。 故に本来遞り奜みできる身分ではないはずなのだが、ゆゆあは圓然のように盞手によっお誘いを受けるかどうか吟味する。 ただたあ䞇幎金欠であるため、基本的に誘われたら断らないのだが。 「残念でしたぁ。陰キャオタクでも䞇で女抱けるんだっお期埅しおたんだろうけど、圓おが倖れたね」 オタクくん――関原兌継は黙ったたた䞋を向いた。 割ず本気で悔しそうにしおいるのが、ほんのちょっずだけ眪悪感を生む。 「぀かそんなにセックスしたいなら、圌女䜜った方が早いんじゃん」 「そんな簡単に蚀われおも  。僕モテないし」 「いやモテたいならたず前髪どうにかしなよ。ボサボサなのはずもかく、目くらい出したら」 「あっ、ひゃぁっ」 玠っ頓狂な声を䞊げお、兌継は埌方に飛び退いた。 ひゃぁっお。ちょっず前髪觊っただけでこの反応。 絶察童貞だなず、ゆゆあは改めお思う。髪を觊っおもベタ぀かなかったのは、たあ及第点ず蚀えるだろう。 「    」 ずはいえここたであからさたな童貞らしさを出されおしたうず、ちゃんずセックスが出来るのか甚だ疑問ではある。 女子を抱くずいうより、た×こを䜿っお射粟したいだけではないか。 今たでゆゆあが抱かれおきたのは、䜕だかんだ蚀っお盞手の女性を人間扱いしおくれる男子ばかりだった。 兌継ずのセックスは愛を育む行為ではなく、女の肉䜓を䜿っお射粟オナニヌする様を眺めおいるだけになりそうだ。 「た、その蟺りも螏たえた䞊で」 兌継が埌退った分、ゆゆあはずいず距離を詰めた。 「どヌすんの 䞇で、ダるの。ダらないの」
It is true that money is given and received in return for sex, but it was not originally about the money. Originally, it was just an extension of play. I go out with cool seniors and get into a physical relationship with them. I used to get paid for fun, but before I knew it, I started meeting people just to have sex, and I started receiving money from them in the name of date money or something. In short, what used to be lavish payments on things like hotel bills and karaoke tickets was now simply hand-delivered in cash. Regardless of the reality, at least that's what Yuyua thinks. Therefore, Yuyua is not supposed to be in a position where she can be selective, but naturally she carefully considers whether or not she will accept the invitation. However, since I'm on a pension, I generally don't turn down invitations. Otaku-kun――Ketsugu Sekihara looked down in silence. The fact that he was so genuinely regretful only made him feel a little guilty. Kanetsugu let out a frantic voice and jumped back. Hiya! I got this reaction just by touching my bangs. Yuyua thinks again that she is definitely a virgin. The fact that my hair didn't feel sticky when I touched it can be considered a passing grade. 「    」 However, I seriously doubt whether they will be able to have sex if their virginity is shown so clearly. Rather than holding a girl, don't you just want to use her pussy to ejaculate? Up until now, Yuyua has only been embraced by men who treated her as a human being. Sex with Kanetsugu isn't an act of nurturing love, but rather just watching him use a woman's body to ejaculate and masturbate. As Kanetsugu retreated, Yuyua closed the distance with him.
「    」 「ダんないならそれはそれで、怒らないし別に。ただそれなら遊び行きたいから、どっちにしろ早く決めお欲しいんだけど」 急かすようにスマホを取り出すず、兌継は慌おおカバンから財垃を取り出した。 バリバリず音を立おお、財垃を開く。今どきマゞックテヌプかよず、ゆゆあはドン匕きした。 「  こ、これで、お願いしたす」 「持っおるんだ。意倖」 震える手で差し出された諭吉枚を、ひったくるようにしお受け取る。 䞇幎金欠のゆゆあには、正盎嬉しい収入だ。少しくらい䞋手でも蚱しおやるかず、ゆゆあは䞇札を無造䜜に仕舞い蟌んだ。 「んじゃ、ちゃっちゃずやっちゃいたしょうか」 「  え、ちょ。どこに」 「瀟䌚科準備宀。あそこ絶察人来ないから、ダるのに䞁床良いんよ」 足早に向かうゆゆあを、兌継は芋倱わないよう必死に远いかけおくる。 「あ、そうそう。あんたに蚀っおも意味ないこずだず思うけど、䞀応䌝えずくわ」 呚りに人気のないこずを確認し぀぀、ゆゆあはふぁさりず緩いりェヌブのかかった茶髪を払っおみせる。 「セックスする時毎回蚀っおるこずなんだけど。あたしのこず満足させられたら、今回の分タダでいヌよっおダツ」 「    」 前髪の奥の目の色が、倉わったような気がする。 やっぱ男っお単玔だわず、ゆゆあはニマっず猫みたいに笑った。 今たでどんな䞊手ぶったダリチンずセックスしおも、本気で満足したこずはなかった。 本圓は感じおるんだろずずか思い䞊がったこず蚀っおくる男も過去にいたが、そういう「俺、女喜ばすの䞊手いっすから」みたいな自信が透けお出おる時点で、䜕故だか無性に冷めおしたうのだ。 兌継に蚀う必芁は正盎ないのだが。たたに「次こそはツボを抌さえたからむける」ず倉な自信を持ち、金を握っお再床誘っおくる男子がいるので、そこを少し期埅したのもある。 「たあ思ったより枅朔感もあるみたいだし、䞇幎金欠に䞇は結構デカいんだよねぇ」 継続的な資金源ずしお貢いでくれるのも悪くない。 たあ今回䞀発ダっおみお、無理だず思ったら今埌誘われおも断れば良いだけのこずだ。 遞択暩は自分にある。
「    」 I quickly took out my smartphone, and Kanetsugu hurriedly took out his wallet from his bag. I make a crunching noise and open my wallet. Yuyua was stunned, wondering if it was Velcro these days. With trembling hands, I snatched up the three Yukichi coins that were offered to me and took them. To be honest, this is a nice income for Yuyua, who is on a pension. Yuyua casually put away the 10,000 bills, thinking that she would forgive him even if he was a little clumsy. As Yuyua heads towards her quickly, Kanetsugu desperately chases her so as not to lose sight of her. While making sure that she is not popular with those around her, Yuyua brushes her loose, wavy brown hair. I feel like the color of her eyes behind her bangs has changed. Men are simple after all, Yuyua laughed like a cat. Until now, no matter how good the guy I had sex with, I had never been truly satisfied. There have been men in the past who have said things like arrogant things like, ``I'm really good at pleasing women,'' but for some reason, when that kind of self-confidence shows through, like ``I'm good at pleasing women,'' I just end up feeling colder. . Honestly, there's no need to tell Kanetsugu. Sometimes there are guys who have a weird confidence that says, ``Next time I'll get it because I've hit the nail on the head,'' and they take the money and ask me out again, so I was kind of hoping for that. It's not a bad idea to contribute as a continuous source of funds. Well, if you try it this time and think it's impossible, you can just decline any invitations in the future. You have the right to choose.
人知れず発奮する兌継を䜙所に、ゆゆあは瀟䌚科準備宀の扉に手をかけた。 ◇◆◇ 教宀の扉を閉めるや吊や、埅ち切れないずばかりに兌継はいきなり抱き付いおきた。 意倖にも積極的である。むンドア陰キャな兌継はそこたで倧柄なわけではなかったが、平均的な高校生男子の身長ず䜓栌はクリアしおいる。 小柄なゆゆあは兌継の腕の䞭にすっぜりず包たれおしたった。 「  っ、ああ。由留巻さん  。由留巻さんの、良い匂い  」 キャラメル色の髪に顔を埋め、兌継は倢䞭で深呌吞する。 熱い吐息が額を湿らすが、存倖ゆゆあは嫌悪感を持たなかった。 むしろ兌継の身䜓を、抱き返す䜙裕すらあるくらい。撫でるように觊っおみたが、䜓栌の割に筋肉はほずんどなかった。 「銙氎぀けおっから。おかすっごい嗅ぐね。この匂い奜き」 「  っふ、ぁ。女子の匂い嗅ぐの初めおで  。こんな良い匂いするなんお」 「そかそかヌ。思う存分いっぱい嗅げよぉ」 ずっぷりず密着する兌継の身䜓に、堅い郚分が生たれる。 ゆゆあの髪の匂いを嗅いだだけで、既に勃起しおいるらしい。 からかい半分でむっちりボディを抌し付けるず、兌継は「あっ」ず悲鳎みたいな声を䞊げた。 「きゃははっ、もぉ勃っおんじゃヌん。぀か䜕今の声、高たっか。女子じゃん」 「  す、すみたせん」 「぀かただ嗅いでんのかよ。どんだけあたしの匂い奜きなん」 抱擁する兌継の䜓枩が、ぐんず䞊昇したのが分かる。 顔も真っ赀だ。芋䞊げるように芗き蟌むず、錻の穎が膚らんでいるのが芋えた。 「やっば。あんた興奮し過ぎ」 「  は、初めおなので」 「きゃはは、芋りゃ分かるけどさぁ。  んじゃ、やっぱキスずかもしたこずないわけ」 兌継は恥ずかしそうに俯く。 初心䞞出しの反応に、ゆゆあはニマりず口角を䞊げた。 「そんじゃ、そろそろキスいっずく」
Yuyua put her hand on the door of the social studies preparation room, leaving Kanetsugu secretly excited. ◇◆◇ As soon as the classroom door was closed, Kanetsugu suddenly hugged me, as if he couldn't wait. He is surprisingly proactive. Kanetsugu, an indoor shy guy, wasn't that big, but he was taller and built better than the average high school boy. The petite Yuyua was completely wrapped up in Kanetsugu's arms. Burying his face in his caramel-colored hair, Kanetsugu takes a deep breath in fascination. Hot breath dampened her forehead, but surprisingly, Yuyua didn't feel any revulsion. In fact, she could even afford to hug Kanetsugu's body back. I tried stroking it, but it didn't have much muscle considering its size. A hard part is born in Kanetsugu's body, which is in close contact with him. It seems that just by smelling Yuyu's hair, he already has an erection. When I pressed my voluptuous body against her in a teasing manner, Kanetsugu let out a scream-like voice, I could feel Kanetsugu's body temperature rising rapidly as I hugged him. Her face is also bright red. When I looked up, I saw that his nostrils were bulging. Kanetsugu looks down in embarrassment. Yuyua's lips turned up in a grin at the reaction that showed her beginner's intentions.
「  き、キスしおくれるんですか」 「䞇も払わせおキスさせないずか流石にないわ」 顎を䞊向け背䌞びするず、兌継はぷるぷるず唇を震わせながら顔を芆いかぶせおきた。 尖った口先が、ぷにっず觊れる。ビクっずしお離れ、挏れた吐息が吹きかけられた。 その埌も䜕床か顔が近づくも、軜く唇が觊れるだけで兌継はすぐに身䜓を離しおしたう。 「はヌ、じれった」 口先に吐息を吹きかけられるのに嫌気が差し、ゆゆあは匷匕に兌継を抱き寄せた。 前のめりになっお、ようやくキスらしいキスになる。ぷにゅりず匟ける枩もりに、兌継は䞀瞬ビクンず身䜓を跳ねさせた。 ゆゆあずの口づけが、盞圓気持ち良かったのだろう。兌継はゆゆあの现い肩を掎み、倢䞭で唇を啄んできた。 「ちゅっ、ちゅぶっ。ぢゅっ、ちゅっ、ちゅぅっ」 さっきたでの匱気が嘘のように、䞀心䞍乱にゆゆあの唇に吞い付く。 ずはいえ随分ず独りよがりなキスだ。グロスずリップで圩られた小振りな唇を、兌継は肉か䜕かを貪るように堪胜する。 「ちゅっ、ぶちゅっ ぶっちゅ、ぶぢゅっ ぢゅ――っぷ」 「んヌ んヌ、んヌ。ん――」 流石に息苊しくなっお、兌継を抌しのける。 兌継は蕩けた顔をしおいた。ゆゆあは思わず自身の口先に指をあおる。グロスもリップも根こそぎ剥がれ萜ちるくらいの熱烈な口づけ。 「めっちゃ興奮しおんじゃん。息出来なくなるかず思ったわ」 「  っぷ、は。ご、ごめん。由留巻さんの唇、柔らかくお甘い味がしお」 「ふふ、良いよぉ謝らなくお。その方が男らしくお、あたしもやりやすいから」 兌継の顔が、たたしおもやや䞋向く。 だがその仕草が、照れ隠しでないこずはゆゆあにはすぐ分かった。 前髪越しの瞳から、熱い芖線を感じる。抱き付き合っおキスしおいるうちに、ゆゆあの制服は倧分もみくちゃにされおいたようだ。 緩んだ銖元の赀いリボン。圓然のように開け攟たれたシャツの胞元はさらに拡げられ、掟手なピンクのブラゞャヌが完党に顔を出しおいた。 制服を抌し䞊げる胞の谷間に、兌継の意識は完党に吞い寄せられおいる。 「ふふ。オタクくん、めっちゃ分かりやすぅい」
When I tilted my chin up and stretched, Kanetsugu covered my face with his lips trembling. The pointy tip of its mouth touches it. I jerked away and let out a breath of air. After that, their faces came close several times, but Kanetsugu quickly pulled away after just a light touch of their lips. Yuyua was tired of having his breath blown on her lips, so she forcibly hugged Kanetsugu. Leaning forward, the kiss finally turned into a kiss. Kanetsugu's body twitched for a moment as he felt the squishy warmth. Yuyuato's kiss must have felt really good. Kanetsugu grabbed Yuyu's slender shoulders and kissed her lips in a daze. As if the weakness from earlier was a lie, he sucked intently on Yuyu's lips. However, it was a very smug kiss. Kanetsugu enjoys the small lips decorated with gloss and lipstick as if he were devouring some flesh or something. As expected, I found it hard to breathe and pushed Kanetsugu away. Kanetsugu had a dejected look on his face. Yuyua instinctively puts her finger to the tip of her mouth. A passionate kiss that even peeled off the gloss and lipstick. Kanetsugu's face turned slightly downward again. However, Yuyua immediately knew that his gesture was not to hide his embarrassment. I can feel the passionate gaze from her eyes through her bangs. While they were hugging and kissing, Yuyu's uniform seemed to have gotten all messed up. A red ribbon loosely tied around the neck. Naturally, the chest of her shirt was opened, and her flashy pink bra was completely exposed. Kanetsugu's attention was completely drawn to the cleavage that pushed up the uniform.
焊らすような手぀きで、ゆゆあはベヌゞュのカヌディガンをはだけた。 シャツのボタンを䞀぀ず぀䞁寧に倖す。兌継は前のめりになっお喉を鳎らした。 ボタンが党お倖され、はらりずシャツがはだける。䜓躯の党面が露になった。兌継は脚をプルプルず震わせ興奮しおいる。 「ほいっず」 䜕でもないようにブラのホックを倖すず、兌継はビクゥンず倧きく身䜓をのけ反らせた。 「やっば。オタクくんっおば、反応が䞀々分かりやす過ぎるんですけど」 「お、おっぱ  おっぱい。由留巻さんの、おっぱい  おっぱい」 「觊りたいんでしょ お奜きにどヌぞぉ」 「良いんでしゅ、良いんですかっ」 「ぷははっ。良いんでしゅか、だっお」 お腹を抌さえお、ゆゆあはケタケタず楜しそうに笑った。 「䞀々聞かなくお良いよぉ。むダな時はちゃんずダメっお蚀うから」 「は、はひっ」 「その代わり、あたしがむダっお蚀ったらすぐやめるんだぞ」 噛むくらい興奮しお、兌継はゆゆあににじり寄る。 傍にあった長テヌブルに、ゆゆあはよっずお尻を乗せた。 䞡手を前に突き出し、指を䞞めるあからさたなポヌズ。初心䞞出しの様子に、ゆゆあは぀い぀いクスクスず笑っおしたう。 はだけたシャツの隙間から、圢の良い乳房がぷるりず顔を出す。サむズにも結構自信があった。女子の胞を始めお芋るだろう兌継には、誰々ず比べお倧きいずいう感情はないだろうが。 「  う」 おっぱいに手が觊れた途端、兌継は盞も倉わらず分かりやすい反応をみせた。 口は半開きで、完党に意識がゆゆあのおっぱい䞀点に泚がれおいる。 觊れ方を評䟡するなら、たあれロ点に近い。鷲掎むような觊り方は完党に独りよがりで、女の性感垯を愛撫しおいるずいう自芚はなさそうだ。 ずはいえ乱暎なわけでもなかった。むにゅむにゅず圢を倉える乳房の感觊に、兌継は完党に意識の総おを吞い取られおいた。 子䟛みたいだずゆゆあは思う。新しい玩具で遊ぶ子䟛のような姿。 「  お」
With a teasing gesture, Yuyua pulled off her beige cardigan. Carefully unbutton the shirt one by one. Kanetsugu leaned forward and cleared his throat. All the buttons are undone, and the shirt is exposed. The entire body was exposed. Kanetsugu's legs are shaking with excitement. When I unhooked her bra as if it was nothing, Kanetsugu arched her body back with a twitch. Holding her stomach, Yuyua laughed happily. Kanetsugu is so excited that he leans closer to Yuyua. Yuyua rested her butt on the long table nearby. An obvious pose where both hands are held out in front and the fingers are curled. Yuyua couldn't help but laugh out loud at how innocent he was. Her well-shaped breasts peek out from between her open shirt. I was pretty confident in my size. Kanetsugu, who was seeing a girl's breasts for the first time, probably didn't feel that they were bigger than anyone else's. As soon as his hand touched her breasts, Kanetsugu showed the same obvious reaction. Her mouth was half open and her attention was completely focused on Yuyu's breasts. If I were to rate the touch, it would be close to zero. The way he touches her in a gripping manner is completely self-centered, and he doesn't seem to realize that he's caressing a woman's erogenous zones. However, it wasn't violent. Kanetsugu's entire consciousness was completely absorbed by the feeling of her breasts changing shape. Yuyua thinks she looks like a child. He looks like a child playing with a new toy.
蟛抱堪らないずばかりに、兌継はゆゆあの胞に顔を埋めおきた。 やはりくんくんず匂いを嗅ぐ。ゆゆあの匂いが盞圓お気に召したらしい。 やがお兌継は、ゆゆあの乳房に舌を這わせた。チロチロず先っぜで乳茪の近くを舐めおいる。 やや長めのゆゆあの乳銖に、兌継の舌がツンず觊れる。たた慌おるかなずニダ぀いたゆゆあの予想を裏切り、兌継はツンずなった長乳銖に「ちゅぶぅぅぅぅ」ず匷く吞い付いた。 「ん♡」 ゆゆあの口から、甘いトヌンの声が匟ける。 おっず。ゆゆあはそっず口端に手を添える。油断しおいたか、えっちな声が出おしたった。 「  ぁ♡」 胞の奥が䞀瞬疌く。ゆゆあの腰が軜く跳ねた。 感じおいる。たさか。ゆゆあの動揺には露ほども気付かず、兌継は倢䞭で乳銖に吞い付いおいる。 兌継の手が腰に回され、スカヌト越しの臀郚を撫で回される。ムズムズした熱がこみ䞊げ、ゆゆあは顔を䞊げおのけ反った。 「  ん♡ ん――っ♡」 ゟクゟクする。腰の奥が、僅かだがずろけ始めおいた。 䜕が起きたのか分からない。異倉の正䜓が性感であるこずは、流石にゆゆあも理解しおいる。 だが䜕故急に来た。思い返す。兌継が乳銖を吞った瞬間、ゆゆあは胞の奥がキュンず疌いたのを感じた。 乳銖舐めるのだけが䞊手い。キスも䞋手な癖に。そんな男がいるのだろうか。 「  ん、んっ♡ ぁ♡ やぁ  んっ♡」 腰を撫でる手぀きが劙にねちっこく、ゆゆあは兌継の愛撫に酔いしれた。 ゚ロい。䜕か知らないが、゚ロい。だが兌継にその自芚はない。腰やお腹の觊り心地を、倢䞭で楜しんでいるだけのようだ。 䞡の乳銖を亀互に味わうその無駄な所䜜も、ただ単に巊右の乳銖の舌觊りを確かめおいるに過ぎない。 だがゆゆあにずっおは違った。欲しいタむミングで欲しい快感が兌継より䞎えられ、ゆゆあの䞭に秘める熱がさっきから煜られお仕方がない。 「ぁ  ♡ ダバい♡ ダバい、ダバい  ♡ そこ  んんっ♡」 ぐりぃっず、堅いモノがゆゆあの内股に抌し付けられる。
As if he couldn't bear it anymore, Kanetsugu buried his face in Yuyu's chest. I can still smell it. It seems that Yuyua really liked her scent. Eventually, Kanetsugu ran his tongue over Yuyu's breasts. She is licking the area near the areola with her tip. Kanetsugu's tongue touches Yuyu's slightly long nipples. Contrary to Yuyu's expectations that she might panic again, Kanetsugu firmly sucked on her twitching long nipples, saying, A sweet tone of voice bursts from Yuyu's mouth. Oops. Yuyua gently placed her hand on the corner of her mouth. I must have let my guard down, and a naughty voice came out. My chest hurts for a moment. Yuyu's hips bounced slightly. I feel it. No way. Kanetsugu was absorbed in sucking on Yuyu's nipples, not even noticing Yuyu's upset. Kanetsugu's hand wrapped around her waist and caressed her buttocks through her skirt. A tingly fever welled up in Yuyua, and she looked up and flinched. It gives me chills. The inside of her waist was starting to melt, albeit slightly. I don't know what happened. Yuyua clearly understands that the true nature of the abnormality is sexual sensation. But why did it come suddenly? I think back. The moment Kanetsugu sucked on her nipple, Yuyua felt a tingling sensation deep inside her chest. The only thing she's good at is licking nipples. I also have a bad habit of kissing. I wonder if such a man exists. The way Kanetsugu's hands stroked her waist was strangely clingy, and Yuyua became intoxicated by Kanetsugu's caress. Erotic. I don't know what it is, but it's erotic. However, Kanetsugu is not aware of this. It seems like he's just engrossed in enjoying the feel of his hips and stomach. The useless gesture of tasting both nipples alternately was merely checking the texture of the left and right nipples. But for Yuyua, it was different. Kanetsugu gives her the pleasure she wants at the exact moment she wants it, and Yuyua can't help but feel the heat hidden inside of her being stirred up already. Something hard was pressed against Yuyu's inner thighs.
ズボン越しの勃起ち×ぜ。䞊擊った声を挏らしながら、ゆゆあは兌継に芖線を送った。 兌継は気付かない。圌はおっぱいに倢䞭で、それ以倖のモノが芋えおいないようだ。 「  は♡ コむツ、こい぀ぅ  ♡ おっぱいしか芋おない。あたしのおっぱいしか  ♡ ん  ♡ やぁんっ♡」 腰の奥。正確にはお腹の奥の女の郚分が、熱っぜい疌きを蚎える。 ムズムズする。疌く。た×こが疌く。 ゆゆあは頭がくらくらしおきた。腰や背䞭を撫で、勃起ペ×スをぐりぐりしおくる圓の兌継本人は、さっきからおっぱいをしゃぶり尜くすこずしか頭にない。 完党に独りよがり。女の肉䜓を貪るだけのオナニヌ。予想した通りだった。 「なのに䜕で  ♡ はっ♡ 䜕でこんな  ♡ あたしぃ  ♡」 噎き䞊がる期埅ず情熱が、治たる気配が党くない。 完党に発情した。完党に火が点いた。止たらない。治たらない。 熱を垯びた頬に汗を浮かせ、ゆゆあは兌継の肩に手を䌞ばす。 兌継はようやく、乳銖から意識を倖した。 だがゆゆあの情動が止たるこずはない。長テヌブルに尻を乗せたたた、ゆゆあは前のめりになっお兌継の身䜓を撫で付ける。 ネクタむを緩め、シャツのボタンを䞀぀倖す。じれったいずばかりにゆゆあはそのたた、兌継の制服のズボンに手を䌞ばした。 「ゆっ、由留巻さんっ」 「動くな  ♡ 黙っお、倧人しくしおろっお  ♡」 匷い口調もずろけた嬌声に芆われお、甘矎なトヌンで口から匟ける。 カチャカチャずベルトを緩め、ゞッパヌに手をかける。膚らんだ郚分にわざず手を觊れるず、兌継は「あひぃ」ず倉な声を䞊げた。 「倉な声出すなよ  ♡ ったく、だっさいパンツ履きやがっお  ♡」 「あっ、ダメ。ダメです、由留巻さんっ」 「男のくせにパンツくらいで照れんなっお。぀かマゞでだっさ。りケんだけど」 氎色ず癜のストラむプのトランクス。子䟛の頃に芋たファミリヌ向けアニメで、父芪キャラが履いおるようなパンツ。 アニメ以倖で誰かが履いおいる様を、ゆゆあは芋たこずがなかった。 「おりゃっ」
Erection through pants. Yuyua looked at Kanetsugu while letting out a hoarse voice. Kanetsugu doesn't notice. He's so obsessed with boobs that he can't seem to see anything else. Deep in your waist. To be more precise, the female part of her stomach is complaining of a feverish tingling. I feel a tingle. It hurts. My pussy is aching. Yuyua felt dizzy. Kanetsugu, who is stroking her waist and back and groping her erect penis, has been thinking about nothing but sucking her breasts for a while now. Completely self-centered. Masturbation that only devours a woman's body. It was just as I expected. The excitement and excitement that is erupting is showing no signs of slowing down. I was completely in heat. It was completely lit. do not stop. It doesn't heal. With sweat pouring down her heated cheeks, Yuyua reaches out to touch Kanetsugu's shoulder. Kanetsugu finally lost consciousness from the nipple. But Yuyu's emotions never stop. With her butt resting on the long table, Yuyua leans forward and strokes Kanetsugu's body. He loosens his tie and unbuttons one button on his shirt. Impatient, Yuyua reached for Kanetsugu's uniform pants. The strong tone is covered with a melting voice, and the sweet tone bursts from the mouth. I loosen my belt and put my hand on the zipper. When I purposely touched the bulge with my hand, Kanetsugu let out a strange voice, Light blue and white striped trunks. Pants like the one the father character wore in the family anime I watched when I was a kid. Yuyua had never seen anyone wear them outside of anime.
「おっほ――っ」 「ぷっははは♡ ち×ぜこ出しただけで、そんな声出すなよぉ♡」 パンツをずり䞋ろすず、兌継は恥ずかしさのあたりか、機関車の汜笛みたいな声を出した。 情けない声なのに、䜕故か無性に愛おしい。 「んヌ。どれどれぇ  おぉ、いヌじゃん。立掟なの持っおんじゃん♡」 むわりず汗ばんだ毛に芆われた雄の蚌は、力匷く反り返りビンビンになっおいる。 倧きさは普通。特段倧きいわけではないが、オドオドしたオタクの癖に䞭々立掟なのをお持ちのようだ。 特定の誰かず比范するのは兌継に倱瀌なので控えおおくが。ゆゆあの経隓䞊、今たで芋おきたモノの䞭ではたあ平均的なサむズず蚀えるだろう。 「あっ、由留巻さん  。そんなっ。女子の前で、ちん――っ、おち×ちん、芋せっ。あっ」 「おち×ちんダベぇ。オタクくんっおば、自分のち×ぜこ、おち×ちんっお呌んでんの」 腹を抱えおケタケタず笑うゆゆあに、前髪の奥の兌継の瞳にどんどん熱いモノがこみ䞊げるのが芋お取れた。 ゆゆあの现い手銖を、兌継の手がしっかりず握り蟌む。ゆゆあは䞀瞬ビックリしたが、抵抗はしなかった。 その態床を蚱容ず捉えたか。兌継は息を荒げ、バキバキに反り返るおち×ちんをゆゆあのお腹に抌し぀けおきた。 「やばっ♡ ち×ぜこめっちゃ熱いんだけど」 はだけたシャツの隙間から芗く、ゆゆあの现い腰ず柔らかいお腹。 小さなおぞそを目掛けお、兌継は勃起ち×ぜをぐりぐりず抌し付けおきた。 「あっ、由留巻さん  。由留巻さんのお腹  柔らか」 「んっ♡ 顔めっちゃずろけおんじゃん。だいじょぶ 我慢できそ」 「    ぅ」 「んヌ」 「  ぅ、む、無理。無理ですっ」 「は」 ゆゆあの声が挏れるのず、兌継の腰が跳ねるのはほが同時だった。 勃起ち×ぜがビクンず脈動する。ゆゆあのおぞそ目掛けお、どろっどろの濃厚ザヌメンが勢いよく射出された。 「  ぁ、あヌ」 「ひゃっ ちょっ、コラ 制服にかかる 制服にかかるったら」 恍惚ずした衚情で、兌継はゆゆあのお腹に思いっきり粟液をぶちたけた。
When he pulled down his pants, Kanetsugu let out a sound that sounded like a locomotive whistle, perhaps out of embarrassment. Even though it's a pitiful voice, for some reason it's endearing. The proof of being a male is covered in sweaty hair, which is strongly curved and curled up. The size is normal. He's not particularly big, but he seems to have quite the admirable quirks of a freakish otaku. It would be rude to Kanetsugu to compare him to someone specific, so I'll refrain from comparing him. Based on Yuyua's experience, it can be said to be about average size among the things she's seen so far. Yuyua was holding her belly and laughing loudly, and I could see the passion welling up in Kanetsugu's eyes behind her bangs. Kanetsugu's hand firmly grasps Yuyu's thin wrist. Yuyua was taken aback for a moment, but didn't resist. Did you consider that attitude acceptable? Kanetsugu was breathing heavily and pressed his cock that was buckling against Yuyua's stomach. Yuyu's slender waist and soft stomach peek out through the gap in her open shirt. Aiming for her small navel, Kanetsugu pressed his erect penis firmly against her. Yuyu's voice leaked out and Kanetsugu's hips bucked almost at the same time. His erect penis is pulsating. A thick, sticky semen was ejected forcefully towards Yuyu's navel. With an ecstatic expression on his face, Kanetsugu shot as much semen as he could onto Yuyua's stomach.
案の定スカヌトやシャツにベッタリず粟子が付着し、れリヌみたいになった癜濁液がどろどろず糞を匕いお床に零れ萜ちる。 「あヌもぉ、最悪   マゞここたできお、ぶっかけずか  」 「  す、すみたせん。由留巻さんのお腹、柔らかくお゚ロくお  ぀い」 「や、たあ  。あたしは別に良いけどさ。それよりあんたもでしょ。䞇も払っおぶっかけだけずか、勿䜓なさ過ぎっしょ」 蚀葉では兌継を気遣うこずを蚀っおいるものの、実際萜ち蟌んでいるのはゆゆあも同様だった。 セックスたで出来なかったこずに、䞍満を感じおいる。乳銖舐めだけであれだけ感じさせる目の前のオタク男子は、䞀䜓どんなセックスをするのか。 心のどこかで期埅しおいる自分に、ゆゆあは少し驚いおいた。 「  ぶ、ぶっかけだけ い、䞀回射粟でたら、終わりなんですか」 「あん」 䜕を蚀っおいるんだず聞き返すより先に、ゆゆあの目の前でち×ぜがみるみる勃起するのが分かった。 ビキビキず反り返る゜レは、たるで疲劎を感じさせない。ゆゆあは思わず喉を鳎らした。 「ぞぇ  ♡ やっば♡ 陰キャの癖に䜓力あんじゃん♡」 觊っおやるず、ビクンず倧きく脈動する。兌継はピンず背筋を䌞ばした。 膚らんだカリの䞋蟺りを、现指ですいすいずくすぐっおやる。 粟子のかかったおぞその蟺りが、じくじくず熱く疌いおいる。出したおの粟液から挂う臭いのせいか、頭がくらくらしおきた。 觊っおもいないはずの股の郚分が、じゅくじゅくず熱を垯びる。ぞそずスカヌトの合間で液溜たりになった粟子を、ゆゆあは指でなぞるようにすくった。 「おたぁくクンっ♡」 挑発するように舌を出し、ゆゆあは指ですくった粟子を口に運び、じゅるりず音を立おお啜った。 前髪越しの兌継の目の色が倉わる。その目付きに、腰がゟクゟクした。 お腹の奥の深い郚分が、キュゥゥず甘い熱を攟぀。兌継の纏うオヌラが、倉わったような気がした。 「由留巻さん  」 「んヌ」 「由留巻さんっ、僕もうダメです。我慢出来たせん、すみたせん」 「わ、ひゃぁっ」 蚀葉こそ䞁寧だったが、行動は完党に発情した獣だった。
As expected, semen was clinging to her skirt and shirt, and the cloudy jelly-like fluid was dripping onto the floor. Although Yuyua says that she cares for Kanetsugu, she is actually depressed as well. I feel dissatisfied with not being able to have sex. What kind of sex does the otaku boy in front of you, who can make you feel so much just by licking her nipples, have? Yuyua was a little surprised that she was expecting something from somewhere in her heart. Before I could ask Yuyu what she was talking about, I felt my dick quickly become erect right in front of Yuyu. The way it bends back and forth makes you feel no fatigue at all. Yuyua involuntarily cleared her throat. When you touch it, it pulsates loudly. Kanetsugu straightened his back. I use my little finger to gently tickle the lower part of the bulge. The area around her belly button where the sperm was covered was tingling hotly. Maybe it was the smell of the freshly released semen that made me dizzy. The part of my crotch that I hadn't even touched felt warm. Yuyua scooped up the liquid pooling between her navel and skirt with her fingers. Sticking out her tongue provocatively, Yuyua scooped up the semen with her fingers and brought it to her mouth, making slurping sounds. The color of Kanetsugu's eyes changes through his bangs. The look in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine. The deep part of my stomach radiates a sweet heat. It felt like the aura surrounding Kanetsugu had changed. His words were polite, but his actions were like a beast in heat.
ゆゆあの抵抗も空しく、兌継は圧し掛かるようにしおゆゆあに芆いかぶさっおきた。 長テヌブルに埌頭郚が圓たり、目の前に埮かに星が散る。その隙に兌継はゆゆあのスカヌトを捲り䞊げ、パンツたでをもズラしおしたう。 声を䞊げる間もなかった。慣れおないくせに、兌継のち×ぜはにゅるんず䞍思議なくらいあっけなく、ゆゆあのた×こに朜り蟌んできた。 「ちょっ、バ――」 前戯もなしにいきなり挿入するなんおず、垞識倖れの乱暎にゆゆあは文句を蚀おうずしたが。 「――ぁ、うぅんっ♡」 ずにゅりず這入り蟌む雄の蚌に、ゆゆあの身䜓はこの䞊ない快感を叫び䞊げた。 「は  ♡ うそ   なんでぇ  ♡」 ゆゆあの女の郚分は、確実な性の悊びを蚎えおいた。 キスしお乳揉んで、ぶっかけおそのたた本番挿入。やっおるこずだけ矅列したら、ほがレむプず盞違ない。 それなのにゆゆあの身䜓は、あろうこずか兌継のぺ×スを完党に受け入れおいた。 「䜕コレ、䜕コレ䜕コレ  ぇ♡ さっきから  ♡ ぁん♡ 気持ちいの  治たらないんだけどぉ♡」 こみ䞊げる快感に、ゆゆあは䞡脚をピヌンず反るように䌞ばす。 むっちりした倪腿が、兌継の腰をコツンず小突く。兌継の意識は、完党にゆゆあのた×こに泚力しおいた。 どうやら䞀぀のこずに集䞭するず、呚りが芋えなくなる性分らしい。 ずいうか、そんなこずはどうでもいい。䜕だコレ。初めおの感芚に、ゆゆあは背䞭をのけ反らせる。 「ぁん♡ ダバいコレ  ♡ ぁ、ぁんっ♡ さっきから  ♡ さっきからオタクくんの  ♡ オタクくんのち×ぜこ  スゎいトコ圓たっおる  ♡ ぁ、あっ♡ あヌっ♡」 兌継のペ×スは特段倧きいわけではない。 癟戊錬磚のビッチギャル由留巻ゆゆあ。あたりのサむズに届かないはずの箇所たで届いおいるず、そういうわけではなかった。 今たでもこのくらいのサむズの男ずは、幟床ずなく身䜓を重ねおいる。 それこそ童貞の陰キャオタクなんかずは違い、女の身䜓を悊ばせるためにセックスの経隓を積んできた男たちがだ。 「  違、違う♡ ここ、ずっず届かなかったトコ  ♡ ぁん♡ ずっず欲しかったのに、だぁれも突いおくれなかったトコ  ♡ オタクくんの  ♡ オタクくんのち×ぜこ  ♡ 的確にあたしの欲しいトコ  ♡ めっちゃ良いタむミングで、突いおくる  ぅうっ♡」 痺れるような熱がお腹の奥に芜生え、ゆゆあは快感のあたりガクガクず腰を痙攣させる。
Yuyua's resistance was in vain, and Kanetsugu pressed down on her, covering her. The back of my head hit the long table, and a faint star appeared in front of my eyes. Taking this opportunity, Kanetsugu lifts up Yuyu's skirt and even slides down her pants. There was no time to raise my voice. Even though he wasn't used to it, Kanetsugu's dick slipped into Yuyu's pussy with a strangely ease. Yuyua was about to complain about how he suddenly inserted her into her without any foreplay. Yuyu's body cried out in exquisite pleasure as the male slowly entered her. Yuyu's feminine side was appealing for certain sexual pleasure. Kiss her, fondle her breasts, cum on her, and then insert it for real. If you just list what he's doing, it's almost no different than rape. Even so, Yuyu's body was completely accepting Kanetsugu's penetration. Yuyua's legs arched as she felt the pleasure welling up in her. Her plump thighs nudged Kanetsugu's waist. Kanetsugu's consciousness was completely focused on Yuyu's pussy. Apparently, when I concentrate on one thing, I tend to lose sight of my surroundings. In fact, it doesn't matter. What is this? Yuyua arches her back at the sensation for the first time. ``Ah♡ This is crazy...♡ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ” Kanetsugu's pace is not particularly large. Battle-hardened bitch gal Yuyua Yurumaki. That wasn't the case as it reached places that were supposed to be too big. Up until now, I have had many encounters with men of this size. These are men who have gained experience in sex in order to pleasure women's bodies, unlike virgin nerds. "...No, no ♡ This is the place I haven't been able to reach for a long time... ♡ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa♡ This is the place that I've wanted for a long time but no one has touched me... ♡ Otaku-kun's... ♡ Otaku-kun Nochi x Poko   ♡ It’s exactly what I want ♡ He hits me at the perfect timing ㅅㅅ♡” A numbing heat grows deep in her stomach, and Yuyua jerks her hips in pleasure.
兌継はただ倢䞭で腰を振り立おおいるだけだ。それなのにゆゆあの欲しい䞁床良いタむミングで、䞀番欲しい郚分にち×ぜをこすり付けおくる。 緩い抜送がクる時はゆっくりず、激しいピストンが感じる時は暎れ銬の劂く匷烈に。 特別デカいわけでもないのに、今たであず䞀歩のずころで届かなかったゆゆあの欲しい郚分を、くすぐり倒すように。 今たで感じたこずのない快楜が、ゆゆあの膣奥をじんじんず刺激する。 「ぁ――っ♡ あヌ、やっば♡ ダバっ♡ ダバ過ぎる  ぅ♡ ずっず欲しかったダツぅ  ♡ セックスするたび、ずっず欲しくお堪らなかったダツぅ  ♡ お♡ ぉおんっ♡」 腰を振るので粟䞀杯なのか、兌継はゆゆあの身䜓に觊っおきすらしない。 やがお兌継は「ぁ」ず小さな声を挏らした。びゅぐびゅぶびゅるぅっ♡ 膣の䞭で、暎れ銬が脈動するのが分かる。 射粟した。膣内射粟なかだし。いきなりだったのでゎムを着けさせるのを忘れおいたこずに、今になっお思い至る。 「  ♡   っ♡ あっ♡ ぁ、あっ♡ ぁん♡ ぁんっ♡ あんっ♡ ぁ、あ――んっ♡」 どくどくず膣奥たで埋め尜くす怒涛の粟子に、ゆゆあは腰が抜けるくらいの快感に襲われた。 膣内だけでなく、頭の䞭たで真っ癜に染め䞊げられたよう。光が散り、党身の性感垯を電流のような熱が䞀気に駆け巡った。 思わず顔を手で芆い、ガクガクガクっず腰を跳ねさせる。今たで経隓した数倚のセックスで䞀床たりずも感じたこずのない快感が、身䜓の総おを貫くようにしお駆け抜けた。 䞀瞬意識が飛んだかもしれない。目尻には涙が滲み、気付けば涎も垂れおいた。 「  ぁ、はっ。由留巻さん、由留巻さんっ」 「う、うそ  ♡ コむツ、ただ射粟だす気  」 䞀床膣内射粟なかだしを経隓しお䜙裕が出おきたのか、兌継は腰を振りながらゆゆあの身䜓に手を䌞ばした。 はだけたシャツをさらに捲り䞊げ、おっぱいや腰のくびれを撫で回す。ピンず䌞びた倪腿に、頬擊りする。觊れる郚分がじんじん熱い。 「ぁ――っ♡ マゞ♡ マゞでダメっ♡ ダメ、ダメダメダメぇっ♡」 膣奥に熱が生たれるず同時に、たたしおも兌継は射粟した。 びゅぐんびゅぶん♡ 先ほどず比べおも衰えを感じさせず、兌継の遺䌝子は濃密な荒波ずなっお、ゆゆあの牝の郚分を孕たせんばかりに塗り朰しおいく。 「ぁ  ♡ あヌ♡」 ゆゆあの身䜓が、今たでにないほどの悲鳎を䞊げる。 絶叫する。欲しい。ただ欲しい。目の前にいる男の党おを、もっず貪り尜くしたい。
Kanetsugu was just shaking his hips in a daze. And yet, at just the right moment when Yuyu wants it, she rubs her dick where she wants it most. When the loose extraction goes off, it's slow, and when you feel the violent piston, it's as intense as a raging horse. Even though it's not particularly big, it tickles the part of Yuyu that she wanted that she couldn't reach until now. Pleasure that she has never felt before deeply stimulates the depths of Yuyu's vagina. Kanetsugu doesn't even touch Yuyua's body, probably because she's shaking her hips to the best of her ability. Eventually, Kanetsugu let out a small voice. Byuugububububuuruuu ♡ I can feel the wild horse pulsating inside my vagina. I ejaculated. Ejaculation inside the vagina. I now realize that since it happened all of a sudden, I had forgotten to put the elastic on. Yuyua was attacked by a surge of pleasure that made her lose her hips as the surging sperm filled the depths of her vagina. It looks like not only the inside of her vagina but also the inside of her head has been dyed pure white. The light dispersed, and heat like an electric current ran through all the erogenous zones of my body. I instinctively covered my face with my hands and started bouncing my hips. A pleasure that I had never felt even once in all the sex I had experienced ran through my entire body. I may have lost consciousness for a moment. Tears were welling up at the corners of her eyes, and she was drooling as well. Perhaps having experienced vaginal ejaculation once, Kanetsugu felt more relaxed, and while shaking his hips, he reached out to touch Yuyua's body. He lifts up his exposed shirt and fondles her breasts and the small of her waist. I rub my cheek against her stretched thighs. The parts I touch are very hot. At the same time that heat was generated in the back of her vagina, Kanetsugu ejaculated again. Byugun Byubun ♡ Even compared to before, it doesn't seem to have weakened, and Kanetsugu's genes have become a dense turbulent wave, smearing Yuyu's female part as if she can't get pregnant. Yuyu's body screams like never before. Scream. want. I still want it. I want to devour everything about the man in front of me.
床重なる射粟の快楜にずろけた顔で立ち尜くす兌継。攟心した様子でいる圌の腕を、ゆゆあは思いっきり匕っ掎んでやった。 「ゆ、由留巻さん」 「ぉい  ♡」 さっきたでの獣みたいな男らしさはどこぞ行ったか。 兌継は怯えたように、ゆゆあの顔を芋返したが。 「䜕やり切った顔しおんのよ。ただ射粟でるんしょ  」 「え   は、はい」 「だったら䞇分  ちゃんず射粟だし尜くしちゃいなっお」 身䜓を起こし、ゆゆあはじゅるりず舌なめずりする。 「由留巻さん   䜕を」 「ゆゆあ」 「  ぞ」 「ゆゆあっお  呌べぇっ♡」 「わっふ」 飛び぀くようにしお抱き付き、ゆゆあは勢いよく兌継にしがみ付く。 小柄なゆゆあを必死に支えお、兌継はよろめきそうになる。ぬぷんずペ×スが抜け、兌継に抱っこされたたたゆゆあは圌の䜓躯をよじ登る。 そしおそのたた、腰を萜ずす。身䜓の盞性バッチリな二人の生殖噚は、タむミングを合わせずずも芋事に再び邂逅を果たした。 「ゆるた  っ、い、いやゆゆあさんっ ゆゆあ  ちゃん」 「にひひ  ♡ 兌継くん・・・・、ちょぉ頌もしいんですけどぉ♡」 「  が、僕の名前。  あっ」 「今曎だけど、兌継ずか男らしくお栌奜良い名前だよね。歎史ずか歊将奜きなの」 「  い、いえ。正盎歎史は苊手で」 「あそ」 抱き合った二人の距離は、今たでにないくらい近くなっおいる。 前髪の隙間から、兌継の動揺した瞳が芋えた。 「倧䞈倫 あたしのこず  抱っこできおる」 「で、出来おたすけど  コレはいったい」 「駅匁っおや぀♡ あたしコレ、ちょぉ奜きなんだぁ♡」 銖に手を回し、ぎゅぅっず抱き付く。膣奥で兌継のペ×スが、ビグンず反応したのが分かる。
Kanetsugu stands there with a melting face from the pleasure of repeated ejaculations. Yuyua grabbed his arm as hard as he could as he looked dazed. Where did the beast-like masculinity from before go? Kanetsugu looked back at Yuyu's face, as if he was frightened. Raising her body, Yuyua slowly licked her tongue. Jumping into his arms, Yuyua clings to Kanetsugu with all his might. Kanetsugu almost stumbles as he desperately supports the petite Yuyua. Nupun and Pexu slip out, and Yuyua, still in Kanetsugu's arms, climbs up his body. And just like that, lower your back. The genitals of the two men, whose bodies are perfectly compatible, were able to meet once again without having to coincide with the timing. The distance between the two of them hugging each other was closer than ever before. Through the gap in his bangs, he could see Kanetsugu's agitated eyes. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I could see that Kanetsugu's penis reacted strongly deep inside her vagina.
察しの悪い兌継も、この状況で䜕をすれば良いのかすぐ理解したようだ。 ゆゆあのお尻を支えながら、䞁寧にゆっくりず腰を䞊䞋に振り立おる。ズポズポず抜送を繰り返し、さっきずはたた違った郚分に甘矎な刺激が纏わり぀く。 懞呜に腰を揺らす兌継は、ゆゆあをしっかり抱きかかえおいる。その頌もしい姿に、ゆゆあは胞の奥がじくじくした。 身䜓の觊れる郚分がキュンキュン疌き、ぐりぐりず抉るように擊れる膣奥がさっきから熱くお堪らない。デカチンでも届かなかった䞍思議な箇所が、兌継のペ×スに愛されメロメロになっおいる。 「兌継くぅん  ♡」 「ゆ、ゆゆあちゃん  」 「しゅきぃ  ♡ 兌継くん奜きぃ  ♡ だヌい奜きぃ  ♡」 倧奜きな䜓䜍で欲しい郚分をメロメロに責められ、ゆゆあは完党に発情しずろけおいた。 吐息のかかる距離。倢䞭でしがみ付く、恋人同士みたいなセックス。さっきより深い郚分を責める兌継のペ×スに、ゆゆあはオクタヌブ高い声で鳎いた。 「兌継くん  ♡」 「ゆゆあちゃ――むぐっ」 愛しい顔を目の前に感じ、ゆゆあは堪らず兌継に口づけした。 顔を傟け吐息を匟たせ、ちゅるりず舌を出しお兌継の䞊唇を捲り䞊げる。 オタクらしからぬ真っ癜な歯列。厚がったいゆゆあの舌が、兌継の口腔内ぞぬるりずねじ蟌たれる。 唟液をかき出すように、ぬっずりず這い回る肉厚な舌。駅匁セックスしながらのベロチュヌに、兌継は盞圓興奮したらしい。 腰がヒク぀き、兌継は射粟した。ゆゆあのベロチュヌで、絶頂したのだ。 「    ぬ、っぱ♡」 射粟ず同時に唇を離すず、身䜓の距離も僅かに離れた。 接合郚がぬぷりず抜け、ゆゆあはすぐ埌ろにあった長テヌブルの端に䜓重をかける。 「兌継くんさぁ♡ あたしがベロ入れた瞬間、むったでしょ♡」 「  う、うん。ゆゆあちゃんのベロ、あったかくおぬっずりしおお  すごく気持ち良くお」 「やぁん♡ 顔トロけおんのやヌらしい♡」 本気で欲情した様子の兌継に、ゆゆあは子宮付近がキュンキュンず締め付けるように疌くのを感じる。 芖線を萜ずすず、兌継のペ×スは未だ堅さを倱わず勃ち䞊がっおいた。 高たる期埅に、ゆゆあは喉を鳎らす。
Even Kanetsugu, who was a bit imprecise, seemed to immediately understand what to do in this situation. While supporting Yuyu's buttocks, she slowly and carefully moves her hips up and down. I repeat the pumping, and the sweet stimulation clings to a different part than before. Kanetsugu is shaking his hips with all his might as he holds Yuyua firmly in his arms. Seeing that reliable figure made Yuyua's heart tingle. The part of my body that touches her tingles, and the inside of her vagina, where it rubs like a gouge, has been hot and unbearable. The mysterious place that even a big dick couldn't reach is now loved by Kanetsugu's penis and is becoming melodious. Yuyua was completely horny and melting as she was being attacked in her favorite position and in the parts she wanted. The distance that takes your breath away. Sex like two lovers clinging to each other in a daze. Yuyua cried out in an octave higher voice as Kanetsugu attacked her deeper than before. Feeling a loving face in front of her, Yuyua couldn't resist kissing Kanetsugu. He tilted his head and let out a breath, sticking out his tongue and curling up Kanetsugu's upper lip. A row of pure white teeth that doesn't look like an otaku. Yuyu's thick tongue slips into Kanetsugu's mouth. A thick tongue that crawls around as if spitting out saliva. It seems that Kanetsugu was quite excited by Berochu while having sex with Ekiben. His hips twitched and Kanetsugu ejaculated. Yuyu's tongue cumming made him climax. When he parted his lips at the same time as he ejaculated, the distance between their bodies also became slightly different. The joint slipped out, and Yuyua put her weight on the edge of the long table that was right behind her. Yuyua feels a tight tingling in her uterus as Kanetsugu seems to be seriously lustful. When I looked down, I saw that Kanetsugu's penis was still erect. Yuyua cleared her throat as her expectations grew.
「ただいける ねぇ、ただいけるっしょ ねえったら♡」 甘えるように錻にかかった声を出すゆゆあに、兌継は頌もしい面持ちで力匷く頷く。 「出来たす。ただ党然」 「やったぁ♡」 ゆゆあの歓喜を前に、兌継の半勃ちペ×スがぐぐんっず反り返った。 甘ったるいゆゆあのボむスに、兌継も興奮したようだ。 「ゆゆあちゃんっ」 「ぁん♡」 長テヌブルからゆゆあを䞋ろし、仰向けにしお床に寝かせた。 ゆゆあを䞋ろす際ナチュラルにお姫様抱っこをしおくれたこずに男らしさを感じ、ゆゆあはうっずりず顔をずろけさせた。 ぐちょぐちょになったパンツを脚から匕き抜き、挑発するように己がた×こをくぱりず拡げる。 兌継は獣の県差しで、ゆゆあに襲い掛かった。 「ぁん♡ やっ、さっきより激し  ♡ ぁん♡ やん♡ ゃん、やんっ♡ やぁ――んっ♡」 「そんな  っふ。声で鳎かれたら、僕だっお男なんですから  」 「ぁん♡ 男らしい、奜き♡ 兌継くん男らしくお奜き♡ しゅきしゅき♡ だヌい奜き♡」 「ゆゆあちゃんのギャルボむス、可愛すぎ  ゚ロ過ぎっ。  かわいい、うぅっ」 腰をブルブルず震わせ、兌継はたたしおも射粟する。 盞も倉わらず堅いたたのペ×ス。ゆゆあは今にも昇倩しそうなくらい興奮した。 「絶倫すごぉい  ♡ 兌継くん  ♡ ち×ぜこ絶倫なの、すっごく栌奜良い  ♡ いっぱい射粟だしお♡ ゆゆあの膣内なか、いっぱいいヌっぱい射粟だしお♡ ゆゆあったらもう、兌継くんナシじゃいられないよぉ  ♡」 「ああ  。ゆゆあちゃん、可愛い  。マゞでそんなこず蚀われたら、僕  。うぅ、うっ、うぅっ」 兌継の腰に脚を絡め、離さないずばかりにガッシリホヌルド。 手ず手を合わせ、指の䞀本䞀本を絡め合うようにしお、互いにしっかり手を握り合う。 びゅぐっ、びゅぐぐっ♡ びゅぶんっ♡ びゅぐぐぐっ♡ びゅびゅヌっ♡ 幟床ずなく続けられる膣内射粟なかだしに、ゆゆあの膣内は幞せで埋め尜くされおいった。 䞀際倧きく腰を振り立お、子宮口寞前で濃厚な遺䌝子を解き攟぀。身䜓の至る所から熱い痺れが収束し、ゆゆあは生たれおきお䞀番の匷い快楜に飲み蟌たれた。 「ぁっ♡ あっ♡ ぁ、あっ、あっ♡ あっ♡ ああぁぁぁ――――んっ♡」
Yuyua makes a nasally sound as if she's pampering him, and Kanetsugu nods vigorously with a trusting look on his face. In front of Yuyu's joy, Kanetsugu's half-erect penis arched back. Even Kanetsugu seemed excited by Yuyu's sweet voice. He took Yuyua down from the long table and laid her on her back on the floor. When he put Yuyua down, he naturally held her like a princess, which made her feel like a man, and Yuyua's face melted in ecstasy. He pulls his soaked panties off his legs and spreads his pussy wide open as if to provoke him. Kanetsugu attacked Yuyua with the gaze of an animal. Shaking his hips, Kanetsugu ejaculates again. The pace remains as firm as ever. Yuyua was so excited that she felt like she was about to ascend to heaven. Ah ♡ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
身䜓の䞀番深い堎所で、兌継からの匷い愛を実感する。 絶頂した。のけ反り爪先たでピヌンず䌞び切らせながら、ゆゆあは生たれお初めおの真の絶頂を感じおいた。 呌吞すらたたならないほどの匷い快楜に、ゆゆあは暫くビクビクず痙攣しながら、握り合った兌継の手をぎゅヌっずしおいた。 「しゅご  ♡ しゅごぃよぉ  ♡ 兌継くん、ちょぉ最高  ♡」 「ゆゆあちゃん」 「んヌ♡」 軜く口づけし合っお、二人は顔を芋合わせ笑いあった。 ゆゆあは兌継の背䞭に腕を回し、力いっぱい抱き締めたのだった。 ◇◆◇ 「たぁだち×ぜこ元気いっぱいずか。きゃははっ♡ 兌継くん絶倫過ぎるんですけどぉ♡」 長い長いセックスも終わり、心からの充足に浞っおいたゆゆあず兌継。 たったり䌑んでいる兌継の愚息が未だ半勃ちなのを芋兌ねたゆゆあは、たさかのお掃陀フェラを敢行しおいた。 「ぁ  。ゆゆあちゃん、僕もう」 「ん♡」 ぱくんず咥えた小振りなお口に、びゅびゅっず僅かな粟液が泚がれる。 心底満足した様子で、兌継はぞたり蟌む。 「ゆゆあちゃんにたさかお口でたでしお貰えるなんお  。痛い出費だず思ったけど、䞇払っお良かった」 「くぷ  んむ」 口端から滎る粟子をティッシュで拭いながら、ゆゆあはきょずんずした顔をした。 「ん ああコレ、返すわ」 「ぞ」 乱雑に握られおくしゃ぀いた諭吉を枚ずも差し出され、兌継は受け取りながらも困惑した顔をする。 「最初に蚀ったっしょ あたしのこず満足させおくれたら、タダでいヌっお」 「え、アレ冗談かず」 「マゞだっおの。あ、でもその代わりあたしずもう䞀぀玄束しお」 しなだれかかるように兌継に寄り添い、ゆゆあは耳元でコ゜っず囁いた。
I feel the strong love from Kanetsugu in the deepest part of my body. I climaxed. Yuyua felt her first true climax in her life as she stretched her legs out to the tip of her toes. The pleasure was so strong that she couldn't even breathe, and for a while Yuyua twitched and squeezed Kanetsugu's hand. They kissed each other lightly, looked at each other and laughed. Yuyua put her arms around Kanetsugu's back and hugged him with all her might. ◇◆◇ After a long, long sex, Yuyu and Kanetsugu were completely immersed in satisfaction. Yuyua couldn't help but notice that Kanetsugu's Bad Son was still half-erect while he was relaxing, so she unexpectedly gave him a cleaning blowjob. A small amount of semen poured into her small mouth. Kanetsugu slumps, looking deeply satisfied. Yuyua looked shocked as she wiped the sperm dripping from the corner of her mouth with a tissue. All three Yukichis were handed out to him, each crumpled up in his hands, and Kanetsugu looked confused even as he accepted them. Yuyua snuggled closer to Kanetsugu and whispered secretly into his ear.
「兌継くん、今日からオナニヌ犁止ね♡」 「  な」 「兌継くんの䜜った粟子は、これからぜヌんぶあたしのためだけに䜿うの。あたし以倖に射粟するの絶察犁止だから。分かった」  「  そ、それっお」 兌継は照れたように、顔を茝かせた。 「ももも、もしかしお僕ず付き合――っ。圌女になっおくれるっおこずですか」 「それも  うぅん、悪くはないんだけど。他の友達ずも遊びたいし、兌継くんだけに時間は費やせないからその  」 愛を泚ぎ蟌たれ過ぎおぜわぜわしたたたの頭を必死に回転させお、ゆゆあは䜕ずか考えを搟り出す。 「぀たりアレ――セフレっおや぀。兌継くんずあたしはセフレ。それでどう」 「ゆゆあちゃんがセフレ  」 「ダメ、かなぁ   流石に郜合良過ぎ、的な」 「いえ  。セフレでも充分、いやめっちゃ嬉しいです」 「めっちゃ喜ぶね。ちょっずかわいいかも」 アホらしいほど自分に郜合の良い提案を通したこずで、流石のゆゆあもちょっずだけ眪悪感に苛たれる。 オタク男子特有の優しさに、ゆゆあは自分を埋せねばず決意するのだった。 「た、たあ  。兌継くんの頑匵りしだいでは、付き合える可胜性だっおあるわけだし 来たるその時のために、兌継くんはフリヌでいた方が良いんじゃないかな、なヌんお」 玠盎になれたかず思った盎埌、キッチリ䞊から目線で獲物にツバを぀ける自分勝手なゆゆあ。 圌女が倧人になるのは、ただただ先のようである。 「頑匵りたす、ゆゆあちゃん」 少なくずも玔朎な兌継には、ゆゆあの手綱を握るのは難しそうであった。 「そんじゃ、今埌の予定を決めよっか。兌継くん、次い぀出来そ 今日こんなにいっぱい射粟したし、きっず暫くは無理でしょ 䞭途半端な䜓力で臚たれおもあたしも満足できないから、兌継くんの郜合に合わせるけど」 「い぀でも良いんですか」 「うん。兌継くんの䜓調ずも盞談しお――」 「では明日で」 倧袈裟にひっくり返るべきか、ゆゆあは䞀瞬迷った。 「  正気」 「はい だっおもう今日からオナ犁しないずいけないんですよね なら毎日ゆゆあちゃんずしないず、僕おち×ちん爆発しちゃいたすよ」 「た、毎日       この量を、毎日」 「はい」
Kanetsugu's face lit up as if he was embarrassed. Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend!? Yuyua desperately spins her head, still swollen from having too much love poured into her, and manages to squeeze out some thoughts. As expected, Yuyua feels a little guilty because she passed on a proposal that was so ridiculously convenient for her. Yuyua decides to control herself due to the kindness typical of otaku boys. Just when I thought she was being honest, the selfish Yuyua spits on her prey, looking straight at her from above. It seems like she still has a long way to go before she becomes an adult. At least for the naive Kanetsugu, it seemed difficult to take the reins of Yuyu. Yeah. I'll also consult with Kanetsugu-kun's health--

sanity?Yes! Because starting today, I have to stop masturbating, right? Then if I don't do Yuyua-chan every day, my dick will explode.Well, every day...!?...This amount every day!?yes!"
匷がっおいる様子もなく、兌継は前髪越しの瞳をキラキラず茝かせおいた。 この蟛抱出来ない絶倫男子が、今たで圌女もいない童貞だった。どうやっお生きおきたんだろうず、ゆゆあは本気で心配になる。 ただ――。 「どうしたんです」 「  やば。想像しただけで腰砕けそ♡」 これから兌継に、毎日あれだけの粟子を泚ぎ蟌たれる。 劊嚠するより先に、死んでしたうかもしれない。 考えただけで、ゆゆあはお腹の奥が疌くのを感じた。 ずんでもない男子をセフレにしおしたったかもしれない。 たぷたぷに粟子の詰たった䞋腹を撫でながら、ゆゆあはくったりず兌継の肩にしなだれかかった。 「ラむラさんさあ、いい加枛気づいおるよね。自分が足手たずいだっおこず」 地䞭をくり抜いお造ったような迷宮の通路で、少幎の声が響く。 難易床Eのダンゞョン【小さな地䞋迷宮】に挑戊するパヌティのようだ。男䞉人に察しお女が䞀人。いずれも同幎代である。 だれもが日本にいたころではコスプレ以倖ではありえないような、ゲヌムから飛び出しおきたような栌奜をしおいた。金属補の胞圓おや肩圓お、それに鈍色に明かりを反射する剣。あるいは盗賊颚の服装であったりだ。 ただ、少幎たちの方はどうにも衣装に着せられおいる感がぬぐえない。おそらく本人たちがろくに筋肉も぀いおいない少幎だからだろう。 これでも圌らは高校生だったが、䞇幎垰宅郚でいかにもむンドア系ずいったタむプの孊生たちである。 察照的に少女の方は芋事に衣装ず調和しおいた。 なにしろ金髪碧県で目錻立ちもけなすずころのないほど敎っおいる。ふわふわずしたロングヘアず長いた぀げを芋れば、初察面の人は「お人圢のようだ」ず耒めちぎる。高校生にしおは小柄だが、それが癜を基調ずしたワンピヌス型の服によく䌌合っおいた。 半袖で銖元が開いおいるので露出床は䜎くないのだが、実に枅楚な出で立ちである。手には自分の背より長い杖が握られおおり、先端には緑色の宝石がはめこたれおいる。 そんな少女に察しお、少幎たちは壁に抌しこむようにねちねちず指摘する。 「クラスメむトのよしみで目を぀むっおきたけど、そろそろ限界なんだよね」 「そうそう。玔ヒヌラヌのくせしお回埩量がアむテム以䞋っおのはねぇ」 「で、でも最初にパヌティに誘っおきたのはみなさんじゃ  」 「だったら迷惑かけおもいいっおいうわけ」 「そういうわけじゃ  っ」 もっずもらしいこずを述べたおおいるが、少幎らの目線はもはや少女の胞や股間に向いおいた。それに気づいお隠すように身をよじるが、少幎の䞀人に腕を぀かたれる。
Kanetsugu didn't seem to be nervous, his eyes sparkling through his bangs. This insatiable man was a virgin and had never had a girlfriend. Yuyua becomes seriously worried about how he has survived. just--. From now on, Kanetsugu will pour in that much sperm every day. You may die before you can become pregnant. Just thinking about it made Yuyua feel a tingle in her stomach. She may have turned an incredible boy into her sex friend. While stroking her lower abdomen, which was filled with sperm, Yuyua rested on Kanetsugu's shoulder. A boy's voice echoes through a labyrinth passageway that looks like it was carved out of the ground. It looks like the party is challenging a dungeon [small underground labyrinth] with difficulty level E. One woman for every three men. Both are of the same age. Everyone was dressed like they came straight out of a video game, something that would have been unthinkable back when they were in Japan other than cosplay. A metal breastplate, shoulder plate, and a sword that reflects light in a dull color. Or maybe they were dressed like thieves. However, I can't shake the feeling that the boys are being dressed up in costumes. It's probably because they're young boys who don't have much muscle. In this case, they were still high school students, but they were definitely the indoor type of students who belonged to the ``Never Go Home Club''. In contrast, the girl's outfit blended perfectly with her outfit. After all, she has blond hair and blue eyes, and her facial features are perfect. When people meet her for the first time, they compliment her and say, ``She looks like a doll,'' when she sees her long, fluffy hair and long eyelashes. She was petite for a high school student, but it matched well with the white one-piece dress. It was short-sleeved and open at the neck, so it wasn't too revealing, but it was a really neat look. In his hand, he holds a cane that is longer than he is tall, and a green gemstone is set in the tip. The boys point out the girl, pushing her against the wall. Although he was saying something plausible, the boys' eyes were already on the girl's breasts and crotch. He notices this and tries to hide it, but one of the boys grabs his arm.
「たあでも おれら優しいから、お願いを聞いおくれたらパヌティを続けおやっおもいいけど」 「いたさらヒヌラヌが䞀人で攟りだされおも行き堎はないよ 攻撃力がほずんどないラむラさんじゃ゜ロは絶察に無理だし」 「お、お願いっお  」 ヒットした釣り人のような笑みを浮かべお少幎らは告げる。 「なぁに、ちょっずおれらのこずを気持ちよくしおくれたらそれでいいんだよ」 「うひひっ。初めはじゃんけんの結果どおりおれからだからなっ」 「口は僕だぞ」 「そんなの無理ですっ」 ラむラず呌ばれた少女は悲鳎のように叫ぶ。 しかし少幎たちはいやらしい笑いをひっこめはしない。むしろご満悊ずいった衚情だった。 「あヌあ、チヌト胜力を手に入れお盞思盞愛でダりたかったのにさぁ」 「バヌカお前じゃ無理だっお。別にいヌじゃん。おれはこういうのもアリだけど」 「――だ、だれか助けおくださいっ」 「ぶはっ、無駄無駄。いたさらこんな難易床Eのダンゞョンに来るや぀いないっお。諊めおその服脱ぎなよ」 少幎の手がラむラの胞元にかかろうずいうその瞬間だった。 「おい、なにやっおんだお前ら」 「は――――」 闖入者の存圚に気が぀き、少幎はラむラから飛びのいた。 そこにいたのは、日本人の倧男だった。 「っおあれ こい぀底蟺オヌクじゃね」 「え、マゞかよ。底蟺オヌクもこの䞖界に来おたんだ。しかも゜ロじゃね うわめっちゃりケるんだけど」 底蟺オヌクず呌ばれたこの男。けっしおモンスタヌの類ではなく、れっきずした人間だ。 ただしかなりの長身ず䞭幎倪りを含めお節制のかけらも感じられない䜓型から、以前から底蟺オヌクずあだ名で呌ばれおいたのだった。名付けからわかるずおり、奜意的な意味はひず぀もない。 名前を倩野克郎あたのか぀ろうずいう。 克郎はハヌドレザヌの軜装鎧に身を包み、朚補の巚倧なメむスを片手に立ちはだかっおいる。 その衚情は険しく、少幎たちを芋据えおいた。 「  でも、なんか埮劙にやばそうじゃね」 「倧䞈倫だっお 知っおるだろ、この䞖界じゃ芋た目ず匷さは関係ないっお。こんなダンゞョンにしか来れない時点でおれたちより匷いこずはない」
The boys announced with smiles like anglers who just hit a hit. The girl called Lyra screams like a scream. But the boys did not hold back their lewd laughter. Rather, he looked pleased. It was at that moment that the boy's hand came to rest on Lila's chest. Noticing the presence of the intruder, the boy jumped away from Lyra. There was a large Japanese man. This man was called the Bottom Orc. He's not a monster at all, he's a normal human being. However, due to his considerable height and middle-aged weight, which shows no sign of restraint, he had long been nicknamed the Bottom Orc. As you can see from the name, there is no positive connotation. His name is Katsuro Amano. Katsuro is clad in light hard leather armor and stands in the way with a huge wooden mace in one hand. His expression was grim, and he was staring at the boys.
「だ、だよな」 「っおわけでおっさん。おれたちこれからお楜しみだから、さっさず消えおくんない あ、でも芋おるだけなら蚱可しおやっおもいいけど。自分がいた孊校の生埒のセックス芋ながら、みじめにシコるか」 「  なにか勘違いしおねぇか」 品のない笑い声をあげる䞉人に、克郎は静かに反論した。 「ここで聖ひじりさんに同意なく乱暎すれば、裁かれるのはお前たちだぞ」 「はあ 裁くっお、誰がだよ」 「知らんのか  ダンゞョン内での性的暎行は犁錮二十幎だ。プレむダヌフォンで調べたらわかる。この䞖界にも法埋はあるんだよ。しかも、ぜったいに欺けない神の法が」 「なっ  口からでたかせだろ」 「街には牢獄もある。信じないのは勝手だが、二十幎も牢屋の䞭でなにもできずに過ごしたいのか   神ずやらが望んでるのはたっずうなダンゞョン探玢っおこずだ」 滔々ずした説明に、少幎たちは理屈のたった蚀葉を思い぀けないようだった。そもそもが、手籠めにすればラむラは自分たちのものになるずいう、浅い考えのもず立おられた蚈画である。リスクを提瀺されおたで匷行する芚悟も圌らにはなかった。 「くそっ  底蟺オヌクのくせに」 「女を抱きたいなら颚俗に行けばいい。そのぞんは元の䞖界ず違っお法埋が緩いから、NPC盞手ずはいえかなり楜しめるぞ。わかったらどっかいけ」 「ちっ  」 吐き捚おるように舌打ちをしお、䞉人はそこから去っおいった。足音が聞こえなくなるたで、そちらを譊戒し続けた。 「あの  」 「――はぁぁぁ。なんずかなっおよかった」 ラむラの声ず重なるように克郎は深く息を吐いた。その衚情は先ほどたでずは別人のようで、オヌク呌ばわりされるほど䞍现工なのは倉わらないが、緊匵感は消え倱せおいた。 メむスを杖代わりにしお安堵する克郎。それはラむラが芋慣れた掃陀に勀しむ甚務員の姿に䌌おいた。 「よ、甚務員さんですよね。こっちにいたんですね」 「ああ、うん。あのずき俺も校舎で仕事しおたから。君は聖ラむラさん、で合っおるかな」 「はい、ご無沙汰しおたす。  あの、助けおくれおありがずうございたした」 ラむラは深くお蟞儀した。生埒にこんなふうに頭を䞋げられるのは初めおの経隓だった。 「気にしないでいいっお。それより、パヌティだけど」 「えっず  はい。もう登録を倖されおるみたいです」 「そうか。ほかのあおはあるのかい」 「いえ  友達はもうパヌティを組んでたすし、ヒヌラヌに需芁があるずは思えたせんし」 「スキルポむントは完党に回埩系だけに」 「はい。あの人たちに勧められるたたに。わたし、あたりゲヌムで遊ばないのでそういうのわからなくお」 「ふむ  ちょっず芋せおもらっおもいいかい」 「構いたせんけど  」 申し出を承諟したラむラは、おもむろに右手を胞の高さたで䞊げた。するずなにもなかった空間から、青癜い光が発生しおラむラの手のひらに集たった。それは薄く四角い圢になっお、ひず぀の物䜓ずなる。 プレむダヌフォン。略しおプレホずよく呌ばれおいる䞀皮の機械端末だった。芋た目や操䜜方法はスマホず倉わらない。
?” Katsuro quietly objected to the three of them who let out a vulgar laugh. The boys couldn't seem to come up with any logical words given the exhaustive explanation. To begin with, it was a plan based on the shallow idea that if they kept Lyra in a handbasket, she would become theirs. They weren't prepared to push through the risk. The three of them clicked their tongues and left. I continued to be on guard until I could no longer hear footsteps. Katsuro took a deep breath, echoing Laila's voice. His expression was like that of a different person from before, and although he was still ugly enough to be called an orc, his nervousness had disappeared. Katsuro uses the mace as a walking stick and is relieved. It resembled the appearance of a janitor working hard at cleaning, which Lila was familiar with. Lyra bowed deeply. It was my first experience of being bowed to by a student like this. Lyra accepted the offer and slowly raised her right hand to chest level. Then, a blue-white light appeared from the empty space and gathered in Lyra's palm. It becomes a thin rectangular shape and becomes a single object. player phone. It was a type of mechanical terminal often called a preho for short. It looks and operates the same way as a smartphone.
画面にはいく぀かのアプリのアむコンが衚瀺されおおり、そのうちのひず぀をタップするず新たな画面が立ち䞊がった。䜕床か操䜜しお、ラむラは自分のスキル状況を衚瀺しお克郎に芋せた。 「これです」 「うヌん  うわ、これはひどい。どのスキルもたんべんなくレベル1で止めおるじゃないか」 「えっず、最初はいろんなスキルをずったほうが䟿利だっお蚀われたしお。違うんですか」 「ああ。モンスタヌが匷力になるほどスキルレベルも䞊げおいかないず通甚しないんだよ。ここみたいな難易床Eのダンゞョンならただしも、Dになるずレベル3おいどじゃなきゃダメヌゞも回埩も远い぀かない」 「そんな  たしかスキルポむントを振り盎すのには」 「金がかかるね」 無慈悲な珟実を突き぀けおいるようで、克郎は良心がずがめるのを感じる。それでも事実は事実ずしおあった。 スキルを芋るかぎり、゜ロで戊えるだけの攻撃力もないだろう。 克郎は意を決しお提案する。 「もし、よければなんだけど  俺ずパヌティを組たないか あ、いや䞀時的にでもいいよ。スキルが正垞に育ったらほかのパヌティにも受け入れおもらえるだろうし。こんなおっさんずは嫌だろうけど――」 「やめおください」 「え  」 可憐な声音だが、それだけにラむラの匵りあげた声は劙な迫力があった。たるで穏やかなシスタヌがいたずらっ子を叱るような。 ラむラは克郎の目を芋぀めお力説する。 「甚務員さんはいい人です い぀も真面目に仕事しおたしたし、わたしを助けおくれたした。嫌なんかじゃありたせん。あたり自分を卑䞋しないでください」 「おっ、おお。あり、がずう」 ふんす、ず錻息を荒くするラむラに克郎は目を剥いた。孊校では、たたに声をかけおくれる優しい少女ずいう印象だったのだが、たさか自分のために怒っおくれる人がいるずは思わなかった。 「甚務員さんさえよかったらずっず組んでください。お金がたたったらスキルをふり盎しおお圹に立おるようがんばりたすから」 「いやそれはいた決めなくおも  」 「わたしがそうしたいんですっ」 「は、はい」 なるほど、ふだんはおずなしいけど意倖ず頑固な子なんだな、ず克郎は認識する。杖を握りしめお気合いを入れおいる姿は、思っおいたより頌りがいのあるものだった。 ――さお、なぜ孊校の甚務員ず生埒だった圌らが、ダンゞョンなんかにいるのか。話はおよそ䞀ヶ月前にさかのがる。 私立・英俊通孊園。 䞭高䞀貫教育を斜す郜内にある孊校である。総生埒数は二千人を超え、敷地もそれなりに広倧なわけだが  。 「あヌもう、たた散らかっおるよ」 そうなるず斜蚭の管理もそれなりの仕事ずなり、甚務員の姿はあちこちで芋られた。今幎で四十になる克郎もその䞀員で、かれこれ十幎以䞊はこの孊校で働いおいた。
Several app icons were displayed on the screen, and tapping one of them brought up a new screen. After several operations, Lyra displayed her skill status and showed it to Katsuro. Katsuro feels his conscience prick as he is confronted with a cruel reality. Still, the facts were the facts. Judging by his skills, he probably doesn't have enough attack power to fight solo. Katsuro makes a bold proposal. stop it!picture

?The janitor is a good person! He always worked seriously and helped me. It's not that I hate him. Please don't be too self-deprecating!Oh, oh. Thank you?If you're okay with the janitor, please continue to work with me. When I have enough money, I'll redo my skills and do my best to help you." I see, Katsuro realizes that he's usually a quiet child, but he's surprisingly stubborn. The sight of him clutching his cane and putting his energy into it was more trustworthy than I expected. --Now then, why are these school janitors and students in a dungeon? The story begins about a month ago. Private school, Eishunkan Academy. It is a school located in Tokyo that provides integrated middle and high school education. The total number of students exceeds 2,000, and the grounds are quite large, but... As a result, facility management became a part of the job, and janitors could be seen everywhere. Katsuro, who will turn 40 this year, is one of them and has been working at the school for over ten years.
かなり高い身長ず激しい䞭幎倪りの腹。そしおお䞖蟞にも敎っおいるずはいえない顔。あだ名は「底蟺オヌク」である。 本日は䞭等郚棟の担圓で、床の掃陀をしおいる最䞭だった。廊䞋の隅に蚭眮されおいる自販機の暪には猶やペットボトルごずにごみ箱が眮いおあるのだが、その足元に空き猶が転がっおいた。たたにあるこずで、生埒のだれかが投げおごみ箱に入れようずしお、倱敗したのを攟眮しおいるのだろう。 克郎は猶を拟おうずしゃがみこむ。膚れた腹が邪魔でしかたない。 するず、暪から別の猶がカラカラず転がる音がした。 「これも捚おずいおくれたす、底蟺オヌクさん」 女子の声だった。特城的なアニメ声なので克郎は顔を芋なくおもわかった。 「いいですねヌごみ拟いをしおいるだけで絊料がもらえお。た、たいした額じゃないんでしょうけど」 肩たで届く髪の毛ずリボンを揺らしお、にやにやずした衚情でこちらを芋おいる少女。䞭等郚二幎生の桜小路涙奈さくらこうじるいなだった。 「  桜小路さん、ごみはちゃんず捚おないず」 「うわヌ底蟺オヌクの分際で偉そうですねぇ。私たちからあなたの絊料が出おるんですよ 私が孊校にでも、甚務員さんからいたずらされたず蚀えば䞀発で解雇  いえ、譊察沙汰かもしれたせんね」 「そ、それは  」 さらに蚀えば、ここ英俊通孊園は私立ずいう点を加味しおも、平均より䞊の家の生埒が倚い。医者やスポヌツ遞手、芞胜人の子䟛たちが通っおいる。 たたは成瞟優秀であれば特埅生ずしお孊費を免陀されお入孊もできるが、数は倚くない。 涙奈は囜内でも有数の巚倧耇合䌁業の䌚長の孫であり、孊内でも家栌は最䞊䜍だ。 それだけに、孊校におけるカヌスト䜍眮も高い。ただ、ほかの生埒や教垫に察しおは品行方正で、成瞟も垞に䞊䜍をキヌプしおいる優等生だ。第䞉者がいる堎面では克郎に察しおも瀌儀正しい。 なぜか克郎ずふたりきりの時だけこういう態床をずるのだった。 「さあ、口ごたえせずにこれを捚おおくださいよ。ほらこっちに来お拟っおください」 「わかった  」 敷地が広く斜蚭も倚いだけあっお仕事量はそれなりにあり、そのせいかほかの孊校よりも少しだけ絊料がいい。それこそ涙奈の家の月収からすれば雀の涙おいどではあるが、克郎にずっおは倧きな差だった。 涙奈の蚀うずおりに行動に移す。猶は涙奈のすぐそばにあったので、それを拟おうずしゃがむず必然的に涙奈に跪くような䜍眮になった。 「あ、䞊は芋ないでくださいね いた顔を䞊げたらパンツ、芋えちゃいたすから」 「    っ」 「今日はけっこう過激なのを着けおたしお、私の倧事なずころが芋えちゃったりしお」 涙奈は愉悊に満ちた声でそう぀ぶやく。自販機があるのは廊䞋の端っこなので人圱はない。それでも声は響くので、あくたで克郎にだけ聞こえるようにしゃべった。 声優顔負けのかわいらしい声でささやかれるず、そういう音声䜜品を聞いおいるような気分になった。克郎も䜕床か賌入したこずがある。
Quite tall and extremely middle-aged with a fat belly. And a face that cannot be described as well-groomed. His nickname is Today I was in charge of the middle school building, and I was in the middle of cleaning the floors. There were trash cans for cans and plastic bottles next to the vending machine installed in the corner of the hallway, but an empty can was lying at its feet. It happens every once in a while, and I guess one of the students tries to throw it in the trash, but fails and leaves it there. Katsuro crouches down to pick up the can. My swollen belly just gets in the way. Then, I heard the sound of another can rolling from the side. It was a female voice. It was a distinctive anime voice, so Katsuro could recognize her without even looking at her face. A girl with shoulder-length hair and a swaying ribbon, looking at me with a grin on her face. It was Ruina Sakurakoji, a second-year middle school student. Oh, that's..." Furthermore, even considering the fact that Eishunkan Academy is a private school, there are many students from above-average families. Children of doctors, athletes, and celebrities attend. Alternatively, if you have excellent grades, you can enroll as a scholarship student and be exempted from tuition fees, but there are not many of them. Rina is the grandson of the chairman of one of the largest conglomerates in the country, and her family rank is among the highest in the school. For this reason, their caste position in school is also high. However, he is an honor student who behaves well with other students and teachers and always keeps his grades at the top. In situations where a third party is present, he is also polite to Katsuro. For some reason, he only behaved like this when he was alone with Katsuro. As the school grounds are large and there are many facilities, there is a fair amount of work involved, and perhaps because of this, the pay is slightly better than other schools. Although this was nothing compared to Naina's monthly income, it was a huge difference for Katsuro. Take action as Rina says. The can was right next to Ruina, so when I crouched down to pick it up, I ended up in a position where I was kneeling next to Ruina. Ruina murmured in a voice filled with joy. The vending machine is at the end of the hallway, so there's no one around. Even so, my voice still resonated, so I spoke in a way that only Katsuro could hear. When she whispered in a cute voice that rivaled that of a voice actor, I felt like I was listening to some kind of audio work. Katsuro has also purchased it several times.
性欲が匷いのが克郎の悩みだ。本番行為ふくめお颚俗店などを利甚したりするが、先に嬢がぞばるほどの絶倫だった。堎合によっおは远加料金をずられるこずもあり、高く぀くので自分でなんずかするこずも倚い。 涙奈のパンツにも興味はしんしんだった。 ずはいえ、芋た目は倉態芪父だが、本人は真っ圓な倫理芳を持っおいる぀もりだ。自衛のためにも、たさか生埒をいやらしい目で芋たりしないし、最悪でも垰っおから劄想するくらいだ。 そのくらい男子生埒や教垫だっおしおいるだろう。 だから、ここで誘惑に負けたりはしない。 克郎は涙奈ずは反察方向を向いおから立ち䞊がる。 「桜小路さん、あたり男性をからかうのはやめたほうがいい。埌先考えずに乱暎しおくるや぀だっおいるんだ」 「  ふんっ。こんなこずあなた以倖にはしたせんけど 蚀っおおきたすけど、誰かに蚀いふらしたらただじゃおきたせんから」 「蚀ったずころで疑われるのはこっちだろうさ」 「ふんっ」 さっきたでの楜しそうな雰囲気はどこぞやら、䞀転しお䞍機嫌にその堎から立ち去ろうずする涙奈。 ――が、その歩みはすぐに止たるこずずなった。 「きゃっ」 「うおぉ  !?」 足の裏に違和感をおがえた次の瞬間、床が倧きく揺れだしたからだった。地震だ、それも盞圓倧きな。それなりに生きおきた克郎でさえ経隓がないほどである。 涙奈はすぐさた䜓勢を厩し、ぺたんず女性座りになった。 克郎は少しだけ耐えたものの尻もちを぀く。 どこかの教宀からか、甲高い悲鳎が聞こえおくる。ガラスや照明の割れる音も混じっおいる。 「危ない」 克郎たちの頭䞊の照明も割れお、ガラス片がふたりに降りそそいだ。克郎はずっさに涙奈をかばうように抱きかかえた。嫌がっおいるかはわからないが、涙奈は声を䞊げる䜙裕すら無いようだった。 䜜業着の生地は厚手で䞈倫だったので刺さりはしない。ちくちくずしたかすかな痛みを感じるおいどだった。 揺れは治たる様子がなく、克郎は生呜の危機すら感じた。 校舎は無事なのか。倒壊するのではないか。そんな恐れが珟実ずなっおしたう。 「いやっ  」 涙奈の短い悲鳎は、䞀瞬の浮遊感のため。
Katsuro's problem is that he has a strong sexual desire. In addition to the actual act, he used sex shops and other places, but the sex was so intense that the girl was hooked first. In some cases, you may be charged an additional fee, which can be expensive, so you often have to do it yourself. I also had a strong interest in Rina's panties. However, although he looks like a perverted father, he himself thinks he has a fair sense of ethics. In order to protect myself, I don't look at students in a lewd way, and at worst I'll have fantasies about it after I get home. I'm sure even male students and teachers do that much. So I won't give in to temptation here. Katsuro stands up after facing the opposite direction from Rina. The happy atmosphere from earlier had completely disappeared, and Rina started to leave in a bad mood. ---However, his progress soon came to a halt. The moment I felt something strange in the soles of my feet, the floor began to shake violently. It's an earthquake, and it's pretty big. Even Katsuro, who has lived a long life, has no experience with this. Ruina immediately lost her position and flattened herself into a woman's position. Katsuro endured it for a little while, but then he regained his strength. A high-pitched scream can be heard coming from some classroom. The sounds of glass and lights breaking are also mixed in. The light above Katsuro and his friends also shattered, and glass shards rained down on them. Katsuro immediately held Rina in his arms as if to protect her. I don't know if she hated it or not, but it seemed like Rina didn't even have the courage to raise her voice. The fabric of my work clothes was thick and durable, so I didn't get stuck. I could feel a faint prickling pain. The shaking showed no signs of slowing down, and Katsuro felt that his life was in danger. Is the school building safe? I'm afraid it will collapse. That fear becomes a reality. Ruina's short scream was due to the feeling of floating for a moment.
ずうずう床は厩れおしたった。ふたりは重力にしたがい萜䞋しおゆく。涙奈は恐怖から目を閉ざし、克郎の腕の䞭で震えおいる。 それは倧人ずしおの矩務感か、克郎は涙奈が䞊になるように空䞭で姿勢を入れ替え、衝撃に備えた。声を発するこずはできない。 くそっ、なんずかこの子だけでも   そんな思いが克郎の脳内を駆け巡るが、い぀たでたっおも䜓がどこかにぶ぀かる感芚はない。芖界には校舎の癜い内装やがれきすら芋圓たらない。いや、それどころかなにもない。 どこたでも続く暗闇だけが四方八方を芆っおいた。 ただ光源はどこにもないずいうのに、なぜか涙奈の姿ははっきりず芋える。制服のしわたでもが鮮明に映る。 状況のおかしさに気づいたころ、萜䞋感は停止し克郎は地面なき空間に足を䞋ろした。 「立おる  」 真っ暗なだけの物䜓がなにもない空間で足を螏みしめるのは劙な䜓隓だった。おっかなびっくり䜕歩か歩いおみおも、䞋に萜ちる気配はない。もっずも、どこが䞋でどこが䞊かの芖芚は狂いそうだが。 わずか遅れお、涙奈も異倉を察知したようだ。 「あ、あれ 地震は」 そう蚀い出し぀぀、おそるおそる目を開けるずそこにあったのは克郎の胞元。芖線を䞊げるず克郎の顔がある。 「うそっ、な、なんでっ」 「あ    」 そこで克郎も姿勢がよくないこずに意識が向いたらしい。あわおお涙奈を攟した。 「すたん 危ないず思っお぀い  なにも手を出したりしおないから」 その蚀葉は耳には届いおいるようだが、ただ頭が働いおいないようだ。涙奈は䜕拍かおいおから、謎の空間にいるこずをひずたず飲みこんだ。 「  助けおくれたっおわけですか」 「た、たあ」 涙奈は自分の䜓をくたなく觊りながら質問した。 「ふ、ふぅん。  それで、倉なずころは觊っおないでしょうね 胞ずかお尻ずか  ここずか」 スカヌトの股郚分を抑えながら、こころなしか顔を赀らめおたずねおきた。 克郎は激しく銖を暪にふっお吊定する。
Finally, the floor collapsed. The two fall according to gravity. Ruina closes her eyes in fear and trembles in Katsuro's arms. Perhaps it was his sense of duty as an adult, but Katsuro changed his position in the air so that Rina was on top, preparing for the impact. I can't make a sound. (Damn, even if it's just this child...) Thoughts like these ran through Katsuro's mind, but no matter how long it took, he still didn't feel his body colliding with anything. I couldn't see the white interior of the school building or even any debris in my field of vision. No, on the contrary, nothing. There was nothing but endless darkness on all sides. However, even though there was no light source anywhere, I could clearly see Rina's figure for some reason. Even the wrinkles on the uniform are clearly visible. By the time he realized the strangeness of the situation, the feeling of falling stopped and Katsuro put his feet down in an empty space. It was a strange experience to step into a space that was completely dark and empty. I was so surprised that even after taking a few steps, there was no sign of me falling down. However, my vision of where is the bottom and which is the top seems to be distorted. A little later, Ruina also seemed to notice something strange. While saying that, I gingerly opened my eyes and there was Katsuro's chest. When I looked up, I saw Katsuro's face. It seems that Katsuro also became aware that his posture was not good. I panicked and let go of Rina. It seems that the words have reached his ears, but his mind doesn't seem to be working yet. After a few beats, Ruina took in the fact that she was in a mysterious space. Ruina asked while touching her body all over. She asked with a blushing face as she held down the crotch of her skirt. Katsuro violently shakes his head in denial.
「しおないしおないっお」 「  そうですか」 なぜか肩を萜ずしお、涙奈は呚囲を再床芋回す。 「ここはなんですか」 「俺もわかるわけない。地震で孊校が厩れお、萜ちたず思ったらここにいたんだから」 「なるほど  」 神劙な面持ちで、涙奈は克郎の手の甲を぀ねった。 「いたっ!?」 「あの䞖ではないでしょうね。なにか目印でもあればいいんですけど」 その蚀葉に反応するかのように、暗闇の䞭に小さな光が生たれた。どこからずもなく発生したその光は埐々に拡倧し、闇を远いやった。 「くそ、今床はなんだっ」 克郎は眩しさに手で目を芆う。涙奈も同様だった。 光は数秒ずかからず空間すべおに行き届いた。぀たり今床は真っ癜な空間になった。ただしさっきたでず違うのは、同じ高さにずらりず倧勢の人間が立っおいるのだった。 そのほずんどが涙奈ず同じ制服であり、幎頃も倧きく倉わらない。 『はじめたしお、英俊感孊園のみなさた』 突劂、男の声がその空間に響きわたる。 「あ、あそこを芋ろ」 誰かひずりが叫ぶず、みんなが気づいた。䞊空に画面があるこずに。 それはプロゞェクタヌで投圱しおいるように、幕もなにもない空間に映っおいた。鮮明なテレビ映像のようだが、倧きく広がるどの生埒たちからでも正面に芋えるほど遠く、しかし声の䞻の顔がはっきり芋えるほど巚倧な映像だった。 それは黒スヌツを着こんだ若い男だった。黒髪をぎっちりず撫で぀け銀瞁メガネをかけ、いたどき珍しいほど兞型的なサラリヌマン像ずいった颚である。 それに芋合った声色で、男はしゃべりかけおくる。 『ワタシは神です。ずはいっおも䜍は䜎いのですが。神だずいう蚌明は、みなさたを倧地震から救ったこずで玍埗しおいただきたい』 その蚀葉に異を唱える者はいなかった。 なぜならその男から画面越しに感じる存圚感は人ず盞察するのずは決定的に違ったからだ。䟋えるなら富士山の頂䞊から景色を眺めたような、あるいは人里離れた䞘で芋䞊げる星空のような、人を圧倒するなにかを感じたのである。
For some reason, Rina's shoulders slumped and she looked around her surroundings again. With a solemn look on her face, Ruina pinched the back of Katsuro's hand. As if in response to those words, a small light was born in the darkness. The light that came out of nowhere gradually expanded and drove away the darkness. Katsuro covers his eyes with his hands from the glare. It was the same with Ruina. The light permeated the entire space within a few seconds. In other words, it was now a pure white space. However, what was different from before was that there were many people standing at the same height. Most of them wear the same uniform as Rina, and their ages do not differ much. ``Nice to meet you, everyone at Eishunkan Academy.'' Suddenly, a man's voice echoes through the space. When someone shouted, everyone noticed. There is a screen in the sky. It appeared in an empty space, as if it were being projected by a projector. It looked like a clear TV image, but it was far enough away that any student could see it right in front of them, but it was huge enough that they could clearly see the voice's owner's face. It was a young man wearing a black suit. With his black hair slicked back and silver-rimmed glasses, he looks like a typical office worker, which is rare these days. The man speaks in a tone that matches that. “I am a god. However, the rank is low. I want you to be convinced that I am God by saving you all from a major earthquake.'' No one objected to those words. This is because the presence I felt from the man through the screen was definitely different from when I was face to face with a person. For example, I felt something overwhelming, like looking at the scenery from the top of Mt. Fuji, or looking up at the starry sky from a secluded hill.
男の蚀ったこずは真実だず、吊応なく信じさせられた。 涙奈は無意識に克郎の䜜業着の袖を぀かんでいた。 『しかし、本日孊校を䌑んだごく䞀郚の方を陀いお、ほが党校生埒、および職員の方々は本来なら死亡しおいたした。こうしお呜があるずはいえ、もう地球には戻れないず思っおください。本来であれば魂ずなっお別の呜に生たれ倉わるのを埅぀身です』 無情な宣告だった。 だが男は、衚情やテンションは平坊なたた『しかし』ず蚀葉を぀なぐ。 『この床は、みなさたには神々が甚意した䞖界で新たな暮らしを送っおいただこうず思っおおりたす。神々の嚯楜ずしお』 「嚯楜だず  」 克郎の぀ぶやきは偎の涙奈にしか届かない。 神を名のる男は続けた。 『ひず぀の街だけがある箱庭の䞖界で、ダンゞョン探玢に挑戊しおいただきたす。あらかじめ蚀っおおきたすず、その䞖界で金銭を皌ぐにはダンゞョンに入るしかありたせん。食事や宿泊にも察䟡が必芁ですので、飢えたくなければ探玢をしおください。 ――しかしご安心を。その䞖界ではみなさたは死ぬこずはございたせん。たずえ探玢䞭に呜を萜ずしおも無制限に生き返りたす。剣ず魔法のRPGを生身で遊んでいただく、そのように考えおいただいおけっこうです。 パヌティを組んで攻略するも、゜ロで挑むも自由です』 生埒らはざわ぀いた。にわかには信じがたいが、さきほど述べたようにその蚀葉を嘘ずは思えない。この非日垞的な䜓隓に、目を茝かせおいる生埒すらいる。この状況こそゲヌムやアニメさながらなのだ。 『たた、その䞖界では金銭を払えば倚皮倚様なサヌビス、嚯楜をご甚意しおいたす。くわしいこずは生掻するうちにわかりたすが、地球での暮らしに劣るこずはないかず。それではご案内したす』 神はただパチンず指を鳎らした。 するずたたたく間に光景は䞀倉した。真っ癜だった䞖界は近未来的な街䞊みに姿を倉えたのだ。 乱立する高局ビルや曲線を甚いた倖芳の倧型斜蚭など、掗緎された景芳がどこたでも広がっおいる。鉄道のような亀通機関も芋受けられる。 この光景だけでも、地球での暮らしには劣らないずいう蚀葉に説埗力が生たれた。驚きの声があちこちで䞊がっおいる。 『みなさたにはひずりに぀きひず぀、プレむダヌフォンを配垃いたしたした。现かな説明などはそちらからご確認ください。それでは倱瀌したす』 それを最埌の説明ずばかりに、あっさりず画面は消えた。 広堎のような堎所に攟り出された圢の生埒らは、冷静さを取り戻した教垫たちによっおクラスごずにたずめられるこずずなった。涙奈のクラスメむトが声をかけおくるのは圓然の流れだった。 「あの、桜小路さん」 「え、ええ。なにかしら」 「クラスで集たるみたいなんだけど  」
I was forced to believe that what the man said was true. Ruina unconsciously grabbed the sleeve of Katsuro's work clothes. ``However, with the exception of a small number of students who were absent from school today, almost all of the school's students and staff should have died. Please remember that even though you have life, you will never be able to return to Earth. Normally, it is a body that waits to become a soul and be reborn into another life.'' It was a heartless declaration. However, the man's expression and tension remain flat, and he continues by saying, ``But.'' ``This time, I would like to invite you all to live a new life in the world prepared by the gods. As the entertainment of the gods.'' Katsuro's tweets only reach Rina, who is standing by his side. The man who called himself God continued. ``You will take on the challenge of dungeon exploration in a miniature world with only one city. Let me tell you in advance that the only way to earn money in that world is to enter the dungeon. You have to pay for food and accommodation, so if you don't want to starve, explore. --But don't worry. In that world, you will never die. Even if you die while exploring, you will be revived indefinitely. It's great for people to think of it as a way to play a sword and sorcery RPG. You are free to form a party and take on the challenge, or take on the challenge solo.'' The students were in a commotion. It was hard to believe at first glance, but as I said earlier, I couldn't believe those words were a lie. Some students even have their eyes lit up by this extraordinary experience. This situation is just like a game or anime. ``Also, in that world, a wide variety of services and entertainment are available for you to pay money for. You'll learn the details as you live, but I wonder if it's any worse than living on Earth. I'll show you around then.'' God just snapped his fingers. Then, in an instant, the scene changed completely. The pure white world has been transformed into a futuristic cityscape. The sophisticated landscape stretches out forever, with a plethora of high-rise buildings and large facilities with curved exteriors. Transportation such as railways can also be seen. This sight alone was enough to convince me that life is no worse than living on Earth. There are voices of surprise everywhere. ``We have distributed one player phone to each of you. Please check there for detailed explanations. So you'll excuse meUm, Sakurakoji-san.Eh, yeah. What is it?It looks like we'll be meeting in class..."
話しかけおきたのはクラスメむトの女子数人だった。ただ、圌女らの芖線はどちらかずいうず克郎に向いおいる。より正確には、克郎の袖を぀かむ涙奈の手元に。 「あっ  これは気にしないで 集合するのね、わかったわ」 底蟺オヌク、ずいう小声が克郎に届く。その呌び名は涙奈発祥ではなく、むしろ䜕幎も前から孊校䞭に広たっおいた。その底蟺オヌクず桜小路涙奈がいっしょにいお、しかも服を぀かんでいる 日本有数の経営者の孫ず、䞭幎の甚務員をどうやっおも奜意的に結び぀けるこずができず、克郎がよからぬこずを考えたずいう結論に達したようだ。 「桜小路さん行こう」 「なんかされおない 先生に蚀おうか」 「本圓に気にしないで。なにもなかったから」 クラスメむトの前だずおおっぎらに克郎を眵倒もできないため、涙奈はずにかくその堎を離れるこずを遞んだ。ちらちらず物思わしげな目぀きで克郎を芋はしおいたが。 そうしお克郎はひずりがっちになった。呚りを歩く人は克郎を避けるように流れおゆく。 ここに居座っおも目立぀だけだろう。 「はあ  」 克郎はため息ずずもに歩き出す。い぀もどおりだ、ず自分を玍埗させながら。 「――ずいうわけで、いたたでずっず゜ロで探玢しおたんだ」 「そうだったんですか  」 あれからダンゞョンを脱出したあず、克郎ずラむラの二人は宿の䞀宀で向かいあっおいた。克郎が泊たっおいる安宿で、シングル郚屋で䞀泊20G。ただしこの郚屋はツむンなので30Gずなる。 克郎は二郚屋ずるこずを提案したのだが、ラむラが「安く枈たせるため」ず頑なにツむンを抌しずおした。 それぞれのベッドに腰掛けながら、克郎は自身の経緯を話した。 「胜力的には物理アタッカヌっおずこだな。ゞョブでいうず【重戊士】。攻撃力ず耐久力がバランスよく䞊がるから」 「わたしは【神官】ですね。回埩スキルばかりで、魔力ず粟神力が䞊昇したす」 互いの状況を確認しあったずころで、話の流れはこれからの探玢に぀いおに移った。 克郎が身じろぎするず、その巚䜓がベッドに深く沈む。 「たず、スキルポむントのふり盎しが1ポむントに぀き100G。聖さんが党ポむント振り盎すずするず3000G。これは珟状の俺たちだずなかなか手が出ない。だからそれに぀いおはいったん忘れお、たずはレベル10を目指そうず思う」 「どうしおですか」 「以前、街䞭で知らない生埒が話しおいるのが聞こえたんだが、レベル10になるずナニヌクスキルっおいうのを芚えられるっおいうんだ」 それは歊噚屋を巡っおいるずきのこずだった。品揃えが店によっお違うため、さたざたな店を芋お回るこずは無意味ではない。
The people who started talking to me were some of my female classmates. However, their gaze was more towards Katsuro. More precisely, in the hands of Ruina who grabs Katsuro's sleeve. Katsuro hears a whisper of The name did not originate with Rina, but rather had been spreading around the school for many years. That bottom orc and Rina Sakurakoji are together, and are they even grabbing her clothes? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the grandson of one of Japan's top businessmen and a middle-aged janitor to come together in a positive way, and he seemed to have come to the conclusion that Katsuro had something bad in mind. Unable to openly insult Katsuro in front of her classmates, Ruina chooses to leave the scene anyway. Although he was looking at Katsuro with a pensive look in his eyes. With that, Katsuro was left alone. The people walking around him moved to avoid Katsuro. Even if you stay here, you'll only stand out. Katsuro begins to walk away with a sigh. Convincing myself that it's the same as always. After escaping the dungeon, Katsuro and Lyla were facing each other in a room at the inn. A single room at the cheap hotel where Katsuro is staying costs 20G per night. However, this room is a twin room, so it will be 30G. Katsuro suggested that they take two rooms, but Lyla stubbornly pushed against the twin room, saying, ``I want to do it cheaply.'' As they sat on their respective beds, Katsuro told them about his circumstances. After confirming each other's situation, the conversation shifted to the future exploration. When Katsuro stirs, his large body sinks deeper into the bed. Why?I heard a student I didn't know talking about it on the street some time ago, and they say that when you reach level 10, you can learn something called a unique skill." It happened while I was visiting a weapon shop. It's not pointless to shop around at different stores, as each store has a different selection of products.
その途䞭に、話しながら店に入っおきた男子生埒の䌚話を偶然耳にしたのである。 「それはゞョブずは関係なく、その人だけに䞎えられるスキルらしい。どんな内容かは人によるけど、ふ぀うのスキルよりも匷力なんだずか」 「  なるほど。その内容を芋おから成長のしかたを決めおも遅くないっおこずですね」 「ああ。俺はいたレベル8で、聖さんが6だろ 地道にEのダンゞョンを呚れば二週間くらいでいけるはずだ。俺も戊い方のコツを぀かんだずこだし」 「じゃあ、わたしはしばらく足手たずいですね  」 ラむラはう぀むいお自嘲ぎみに぀ぶやく。克郎はあわおお励たした。 「そんなこずないっお ほら、聖さんがいおくれるだけで元気が出るずいうか。守るものがあるず匷くなれるっおいうだろう」 「  ほんずですか」 ラむラは瞳をうるたせお䞊目遣いで克郎を芋る。 䞍謹慎にも、かわいらしいず思っおしたった。こちらを芋おくる捚お犬のような。 い、いかんっ。生埒にこんな感情を抱いおはだめだ 倉態扱いされおしたう 甚務員をしおいたころず同じように自戒する克郎。すべおはなけなしの瀟䌚的地䜍を守るため。そんな、ある意味で必死の゚ヌルが効いたのか、ラむラは笑顔を芋せた。 「甚務員さん、ありがずうございたす。わたしなんでもしたすからっ」 「できる範囲でかたわないから、ね」 「むぅ、子䟛あ぀かいしおたすね」 実際、克郎から芋るず子䟛だ。守るものがあるず匷くなる、ずいうのはそのずおりかもしれない。克郎はラむラを守るためにいたたで以䞊のやる気を感じおいた。 子を持぀父芪のっおこんな心境なのかな、ず思いにふける克郎だった。 「うぉおおおおおおおおおっ!!」 重い颚切り音をたおおメむスを暪に薙ぐ。 その先には二足歩行の犬型獣人、コボルトずいうモンスタヌ。ラむラず倉わらないほどの䜓躯だが、ゎブリンより䞀段䞊の俊敏性をも぀。 しかしそのスピヌドも远い蟌たれおは発揮できない。 「ギャむンッ」 頭蓋を正確に捉えたその䞀撃は、コボルトを絶呜させるのに充分なダメヌゞだった。骚が砕ける音ずずもに吹き飛び、掞窟の硬い地面に倒れ䌏す。 死んだモンスタヌは即座に光の粒子ずなっお、克郎ずラむラに吞収される。 『レベルアップ レベルが10になりたした』 「おっ、レベルが䞊がった」
On the way there, she happened to overhear a conversation between male students who had entered the store while they were talking. Lyra looked down and muttered to herself. Katsuro hastily encouraged him. Laila's eyes got wet and she looked up at Katsuro. Inadvertently, I thought it was cute. Like an abandoned dog looking at me. (No, no! You can't have these feelings towards your students! They'll treat you like a pervert) Katsuro disciplines himself just like he did when he was a janitor. All to protect his meager social status. In a sense, Lyra smiled, as if her desperate yell had worked. In fact, from Katsuro's point of view, he looks like a child. It may be true that you become stronger when you have something to protect. Katsuro felt more motivated than ever to protect Lyra. Katsuro was lost in thought, wondering if this is how a father with a child feels. The mace was slashed sideways, making a heavy wind noise. Beyond that is a monster called a kobold, a bipedal dog-like beastman. Her physique is about the same as Lyra's, but her agility is one step higher than that of a goblin. However, he cannot demonstrate his speed if he is forced into a corner. The blow that accurately hit the skull was enough damage to kill the kobold. With the sound of bones breaking, I was blown away and fell to the hard ground of the cave. The dead monster instantly turns into particles of light and is absorbed by Katsuro and Lyra. "Level up! The level has reached 10! ”
「やりたしたね これでナニヌクスキルを芚えたすよっ」 ラむラが手を䞊げお寄っおきた。どういうこずかわからなかったが、すぐに理解した克郎もメむスを持っおいない方の手を䞊げる。 パチン、ず小気味いい音が掞窟内に響く。 「えぞぞ、今日はお祝いですね」 「こら、ダンゞョンの䞭で気を抜いちゃだめだろう」 「そうですね。でもスキルを確認した方がいいですよね。いったん地䞊に戻りたすか」 ラむラの進蚀に克郎はうなずく。 「そうだなぁ、今日はここらで切り䞊げようか。ナニヌクスキルの内容次第で準備も倉わっおきそうだ」 「わかりたした」 ダンゞョンから垰還するにはプレホのリタむアボタンをタップすればいい。克郎ずラむラは互いにプレホを具珟化させ操䜜した。 するず芖界が癜く染たり、数秒埌にはダンゞョンの入り口から芋える景色が広がる。ダンゞョンから出るず自動的に服装がふ぀うの掋服に入れ替わる。 克郎は癜Tシャツずベヌゞュのズボン。ラむラはトレヌナヌずハヌフパンツずいうナニセックスなファッション。 もはや慣れたこずだが、さすがに神が甚意した䞖界だ。䞍可思議な珟象であふれおいる。 「さお、どんなスキルになったか  」 「わたしも芋たいです」 「ちょっ」 ラむラは克郎の巊腕に抱き぀いおプレホの画面を芗きこんできた。ふたりが組んでから二週間が経ったのだが、日に日にラむラのスキンシップが密接になっおきたのが克郎の悩み事だった。 無理に匕き離そうずするず悲しむので、為すがたたにするしかない。 「ほら、芋おみたしょう」 「しょうがないな。  えっずスキル欄かな、ず。おっ出たけど、これは  」 「なんで、す  」 克郎のナニヌクスキル名は【生呜力付䞎】。効果は「䞀日に぀き䞀床、女性に膣内射粟をするこずで盞手のレベルを1䞊げる。たた、HPずMPを党回埩し状態異垞を治す」ずいうもの。 「いやこれ  」 克郎はめたいがしそうだった。 わけがわからない。神がこれを芋お笑っおいる姿を想像するず怒りが湧いおくる。 こんな発動条件、俺が満たせるわけないだろうが  
Lyra raised her hand and approached me. Katsuro didn't know what he meant, but he understood immediately and raised the hand that wasn't holding the mace. A snapping sound echoed inside the cave. Katsuro nods at Lyra's suggestion. To return from the dungeon, tap Preho's retire button. Katsuro and Lyra materialized and manipulated each other's preho. Then, my field of vision turns white, and after a few seconds, the view from the entrance to the dungeon expands. When you exit the dungeon, your clothes will automatically change to normal clothes. Katsuro is wearing a white T-shirt and beige pants. Laila wears a unisex outfit of a sweatshirt and shorts. I'm used to it now, but it's a world prepared by God. It is full of mysterious phenomena. Laila hugged Katsuro's left arm and looked into Preho's screen. Two weeks have passed since the two of them teamed up, but Katsuro's problem is that his physical contact with Lila has become more intimate with each passing day. If you try to force it away, it will make you sad, so you have no choice but to do as it is. Katsuro's unique skill name is [Vitality Grant]. The effect is ``Once a day, by ejaculating into a woman's vagina, the opponent's level will be raised by 1. Also, it will fully recover HP and MP and cure abnormal status.'' Katsuro felt dizzy. I do not understand. I get angry when I imagine God laughing at this. (There's no way I could satisfy such activation conditions...)
たしかに効果は匷力だ。戊わずずもレベルを䞊げられるのだから。しかも必芁な経隓倀も無芖できるため、レベルが䞊がるほど意味も倧きくなる。どのナニヌクスキルもこれほどの効果だずしたら、ダンゞョン探玢を䞀倉させるほどだ。 しかしそれは、発動できればの話である。 発動できないのならもはや無いのず倉わらない。 「    」 克郎はちらり、ず目線だけをラむラの埌頭郚に向ける。 そこから芋える耳は真っ赀だった。 ラむラはそっず抱き぀いおいた腕を離し、埡甚達の安宿がある方角ぞ進む。 「お、お祝いどこでしたしょうね」 お祝いどころじゃない、ず克郎は思ったが口には出せない。 そうだ、聖さんだっおがっかりしおいるはずだ。それに䞍安に違いない。こんなスキルを持った男ず組み続けるなんお嫌に決たっおる。それでも探玢を最滑にするために芋なかったように振る舞っおいるのだろう。 そう認識した。もちろんパヌティ解散で困るのは克郎も同様だった。 それでもラむラがナニヌクスキルを芚えるたではお互いにいたの出来事を無芖しお、レベル䞊げに勀しむべきだ。そのあずラむラがパヌティを離れるこずになっおも。 たずえそうなったずしおも、克郎の生掻は元に戻るだけである。 いずれ来るだろう未来に芚悟を決めた克郎だった。 ――それでも倕飯は気たずくお、ずおもお祝いムヌドではなかったが。 その倜のこず。 ラむラが宿をずっおくるず先に走ったので、空気を読んでゆっくりず歩く克郎。 「たあ、さすがに同じ郚屋は厳しいか」 いたたでのように䞀郚屋ではなく、二郚屋をずったのだろうず玍埗する。 ――結論を述べるず、たしかに郚屋はいたたでず違った。ベッドがふた぀䞊んだツむンではなく、倧きなベッドが宀内に鎮座するダブルが今晩のねぐらだったのだ。 「あ、あのこれ  」 「    」
The effect is certainly powerful. You can raise your level without fighting. Moreover, the required experience points can be ignored, so the higher the level, the more meaningful it becomes. If any unique skill had such an effect, it would completely change dungeon exploration. But that's only if it can be activated. If it can't be activated, it's as if it doesn't exist anymore. Katsuro glances at the back of Lila's head. The ears visible from there were bright red. Laila gently let go of the arm that was hugging her and headed in the direction of the cheap hotel she was using. This was nothing short of a celebration, Katsuro thought, but he couldn't say it out loud. Yes, even Hijiri-san must be disappointed. He must be worried about that. I'm sure I don't want to keep working with a guy with this kind of skill. Even so, he is probably acting like he didn't see it to facilitate his exploration. That's how I recognized it. Of course, Katsuro was similarly troubled by the party's dissolution. Still, until Lyra learns a unique skill, both of us should ignore the current events and work hard to raise our levels. Even if Lyra ends up leaving the party after that. Even if that happens, Katsuro's life will simply go back to normal. Katsuro was prepared for the future that would come someday. --Still, dinner was awkward and not in a very celebratory mood. About that night. When Lyra went to get a place to stay, Katsuro ran first, so Katsuro read the atmosphere and walked slowly. I'm convinced that they took two rooms instead of one like before. --To conclude, the room was certainly different from before. This night's roost was not a twin bed with two beds side by side, but a double bed with a large bed inside.