8 values
「兄貎も、ああいう奎になれよ」 春圊の埌ろに秋人が立぀。 「なんでお前に蚀われなきゃいけねヌんだよ」 画面から目を離さず、錻を鳎らしお蚀った。するず秋人は笑いな がらキッチンに戻っおいく。 スタッフロヌルの埌、出挔者達が䞀斉に「ではたた、来週〜」ず蚀 っお、䌚堎は拍手に包たれた。画面は切り替わりニュヌスが始たっ た。 「こんばんは、ニュヌスをお䌝えしたす」 萜ち着いた初老のニュヌスキャスタヌだった。 「たず始めに、連続通り魔事件に぀いおです。今日、午埌䞉時過ぎ に――」 通り魔事件。始めは。次に倧孊生。小さい䌚瀟の代衚取締圹。 寺の䜏職。そしお今回は老人。無差別な殺し方だった。財垃が必ず 抜き取られおいるこずから、犯人の目的は金だずいうこずが分かる。
“You should become that kind of person too.” Akihito stands behind Haruhiko. "Why do you have to tell me?" I snorted and said without taking my eyes off the screen. Then Akito laughed. I head back to the kitchen. After the staff roll, the performers all said in unison, “See you next week.” The venue was filled with applause. The screen changes and the news begins. Ta. "Good evening, I'd like to bring you some news." He was a calm, elderly newscaster. ``First of all, let's talk about the series of incidents.Today, just after 3:00 p.m. To--” Passerby incident. I started out as an office lady. Then there are college students. CEO of a small company. The chief priest of the temple. And this time it's an old man. It was an indiscriminate killing. Always have a wallet The fact that it was taken out shows that the culprit's motive was money.
今たで犯人を目撃した人間はおらず、凶噚に指王も無い。足跡も毎 回倉わっおいた。同䞀犯であるかどうかさえ疑われおいる。実は連 続通り魔ではなく、最初以倖は党お、暡倣犯である可胜性さえ、譊 察は瀺しおいる。組織的な犯行の可胜性もあるそうだ。 いずれにしおも、春圊には関係の無い話のように思えお仕方ない。 䜏んでいる町なのに、テレビで報道される町ず、実際に春圊が暮ら す町ずは違う䞖界のように感じる。平和な今日が、明日も、その先 もずっず続く。確信にも䌌た感芚があった。 「――皆さんも、倜は出歩かないように。倖出の際は、出来る限り   では次のニュヌスです」 䞀人では出歩かないようにしたり、なるべく人通りの倚い道を遞ぶ ように心がけおください。 春圊の隣に秋人が座る。
No one has ever seen the perpetrator, and there are no fingerprints on the murder weapon. Every footprint times had changed. It is even doubted whether they are the same perpetrator. Actually, the series The police are not even considering the possibility that they are not repeat offenders, but are copycat criminals in all cases except the first. The investigation shows. There is also the possibility of organized crime. In any case, I can't help but feel like this is a story that has nothing to do with Haruhiko. Although it is the town where he lives, the town that is reported on TV and the town where Haruhiko actually lives are different. It feels like a different world from the town. Peaceful today, tomorrow and beyond continues forever. There was a feeling similar to certainty. ``--Everyone, please don't go out at night.When you go out, please do as much as possible. ...Now for the next news." Avoid going out alone and choose roads with a lot of traffic if possible Please try to do so. Akihito sits next to Haruhiko.
ここは、孊校の屋䞊。ああそう、茉莉子が蚀っおいた、「䞀番高 い堎所」だ。 県䞋の町。静かに吹く颚。舞う花びら。 綺麗だ。そう思う。 けど、そうじゃない。そんな倢ではない気がする。 䜕だ、この倢は䜕を芋せたいんだ。 芋せたいのか 倢ずは脳の蚘憶敎理。俺はテレビ番組を録画したビデオや を、捚おる前にもう䞀床芳る事ず同じだず考えおいた。 じゃあ、これは その考えで行くず、俺は。
This is the roof of the school. Ah, that's right, Mariko said, ``The highest It's a good place. The town below. The wind blows quietly. Dancing petals. Beautiful. I think so. But that's not the case. I don't think it's that kind of dream. What, what does this dream want to show me? Do you want to show it? Dreams are a way of organizing memories in the brain. I have recorded videos and DVDs of TV programs. I thought it was the same as watching it again before throwing it away. So what is this? If I go with that idea, I...
次に目を芚たした時には、事埌だった。起きお顔を掗いに掗面所 おお」 に行くず、春圊の顔には達磚のような暡様が描かれおいた。 「  う、うおぉぉぉっぉぉっぉぉぉ 鏡の前で驚きのあたり発狂する。玄関先に眮かれた達磚の顔そっ くりそのたた高クオリティ。ご䞁寧に目の呚りや瞌にたで着色され おおり、片目を瞑るず、目の呚りの癜、瞌の黒で完党に達磚だ。髪 の毛を赀くされおいたらず思うず、ゟッずする。幞い、氎で目䞀杯 掗ったら綺麗に萜ちた。党力を出しお掗ったため少し息が荒くなる。
The next time I woke up, it was after the fact. I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. oh! ? ” When I went to Haruhiko's face, I saw a pattern similar to that of Daruma. “...Uh, oooooooooooooo? I go crazy with surprise in front of the mirror. Just like Daruma's face on the doorstep High quality as is. Carefully colored around the eyes and on the eyelids. When he closes one eye, the white around his eyes and the black on his eyelids make him look like Daruma. hair I shudder to think of my hair turning red. Luckily, I was full of water. When I washed it, it came off nicely. I was breathing a little heavily as I washed with all my might.
荒い息のたた居間に駆け蟌む。 「秋人ぉぉ 食卓に秋人の姿は無く、キッチンにもいない。母は食卓に着いお、 食卓に肘を着いお玅茶の入ったカップを䞡手で持っおいた。盞倉わ らず穏やかな笑みを浮かべおいる。 「先に孊校に行くっお」 食卓に甚意された春圊の分の朝食。今日は和食。焌き魚に味噌汁、 癜米に玍豆。 「䜕か蚀っおた」 母は玅茶を䞀口飲む。ほぅ、ず䞀息぀いおから蚀う。 「兄貎、ごめん。だっお」 「ぜっおヌ謝る気ねぇな、あい぀」 食卓に着いお、胞の前で䞡手を合わせ、いただきたす。焌き魚を 口にする。少し冷めおいたものの、薄い塩味が矎味い。
I ran into the living room breathing heavily. “Akihito! Akihito was nowhere to be seen at the table, nor was he in the kitchen. Mother sat at the table, He was resting his elbows on the dining table, holding a cup of tea in both hands. As usual He has a calm smile on his face. "I'm going to school first." Haruhiko's breakfast was prepared on the table. Today we have Japanese food. Grilled fish, miso soup, Natto on white rice. “Did you say something?” Mother takes a sip of tea. Wow, I say after taking a breath. "Brother, I'm sorry. Because." "I'm not going to apologize at all, that guy." Sit at the table, join your hands in front of your chest, and enjoy your meal. grilled fish Speak. Although it was a little cold, the light salty flavor was delicious.
「矎味い。母さんが䜜ったの」 うん、ず頷く母。心底嬉しそうに、春圊の食事颚景を眺めおいる。 「  っ。そうだ、今日はこれから病院」 「そう。春圊を芋送っおすぐに行くの」 味噌汁をすする。秋人ず母の料理の腕はどっこいだが、唯䞀母に 敵わない料理が、味噌汁だった。どちらも矎味しく、飲みやすいず いう点は倉わらないが、味噌の濃さず、埌はきっず、出汁の差なん だろう、ず春圊は思っおいる。以前に秋人は、母から出汁だけは秘 密ず蚀われたらしい。 「なぁ、母さん」 「なに」 「䜕か隠しおない」 母の衚情を窺う。春圊は母に䌌お顔に出やすい。隠し事をしおい るなら、母もきっず顔に出る。そう思っお窺っおいたが、衚情は倉 わらず穏やかに埮笑んでいた。
"It's delicious. Did your mother make it?" My mother nods yes. I was looking at Haruhiko's meal with deep joy. "...That's right, are you going to the hospital today?" "Yes. I'll leave right after seeing Haruhiko off." Slurp the miso soup. Akito's mother's cooking skills are great, but she is the only one who One dish that could not be beat was miso soup. Both are delicious and easy to drink. The point remains the same, but the difference is the thickness of the miso and, of course, the soup stock. Haruhiko thinks so. Akihito once learned from his mother that the only secret is the soup stock. Apparently it was said to be secret. "Hey, mom." "what?" “Are you hiding something?” I look at my mother's expression. Haruhiko looks a lot like his mother. I'm hiding something If so, my mother will definitely show up. That's what I thought as I looked at her, but her expression changed. He was smiling calmly.
「党く。心配性だね。ありがずう倧䞈倫。昚日も蚀ったけど、梅雚 明けには垰っおこれるから」 そうか。春圊はそれ以䞊蚀わず、玍埗する。時蚈を芋れば、ただ 時間には䜙裕があった。 桜はただ圓分咲いおいるだろう。䜕ずなくそう確信めいたものが 春圊の䞭にはあった。孊校に向かう道、生埒の数は少ない。緩く、 枩い颚を頬に感じながら歩く。 春圊君」 信号で立ち止たっおいるず、背䞭を叩かれる。 「おはよう 奈々枝だった。手には鞄ず、雑誌の入ったビニヌル袋があった。 奈々枝はそのビニヌルを春圊に差し出す。
"Not at all. You're a worrier. Thank you, I'm fine. As I said yesterday, it's the rainy season. I’ll be back in the morning.” Really. Haruhiko agrees without saying anything else. If you look at the clock, it's still I had plenty of time. The cherry blossoms will still be in bloom for a while. I was somehow convinced that It was inside Haruhiko. On the way to school, there are few students. loosely, I walk while feeling the warm wind on my cheeks. Haruhiko-kun! ” When I was stopped at a traffic light, I was slapped on the back. "good morning! It was Nanae. In his hands was a bag and a plastic bag containing a magazine. Nanae hands the vinyl to Haruhiko.
「はいこれ、昚日の雑誌ず、ちょっず埅っおね」 春圊が雑誌を受け取るず、今床は鞄から財垃を取り出しお、硬貚 を二枚取り出す。 「はい、傘代」 「おう、すたん」 いいっお、ず蚀っお奈々枝は財垃をしたう。春圊は受け取った二 癟円を無造䜜にポケットにしたう。 「なんか面癜い蚘事あった」   ストギアの新䜜が出るっお」 袋から雑誌を取り出し、䞭身を読み始める。 「危ないよ。 ストリヌトギア⅀。人気栌闘ゲヌムの新䜜だ。春圊はぞぇ、ず目 次からそのゲヌムのタむトルを探す。ペヌゞを確認しお蚘事を開く。
"Okay, this is yesterday's magazine. Wait a minute." When Haruhiko received the magazine, he took out his wallet from his bag and put some coins in it. Take out two pieces. “Yes, umbrella fee.” "Oh, sorry." Okay, Nanae says and puts away her wallet. Haruhiko received two I casually put the 100 yen in my pocket. “Did you find any interesting articles?” ...There's going to be a new Stogia work.'' I take the magazine out of the bag and start reading the contents. "It is dangerous. Street Gear V. This is a new version of the popular fighting game. Haruhiko looked at me. Search for the title of the next game. Check the page and open the article.
「ふんふん。新キャラねぇ。䜕このロリっ嚘」 「媚びおるよね、それ。もう䞀人は巚乳栌闘家で䞻人公ず深い因瞁 
 がある。この蚭定、もう䞉人目だよね。ラスボス以䞊に因瞁だらけ だよ」 奈々枝は呆れながらも、楜しそうに喋る。 「既存キャラの技远加。それから、簡易キャンセル操䜜远加。  しかもこれ、今のよりロヌコストじゃん」 「酷いよね、䜿いこなした䞊玚者が䜙蚈匷くなっちゃうよ。たぁ、 私は家庭版出るたで買わないけど。そういえば――」 奈々枝は止たらない。持ちキャラや、ストヌリヌに぀いお、熱く 語っおくれる。
"Hmph. A new character. What kind of loli girl is this?" "You're flattering me, aren't you? The other one is a big-breasted fighter and has a deep connection with the main character. 
 There is. This setting is already the third person. There are more connections than the final boss That’s it.” Although Nanae is stunned, she speaks happily. “Addition of techniques for existing characters. Also, addition of simple cancel operations. 
And this is lower cost than the current one.” “It’s terrible, isn’t it? Advanced players who master it will become even stronger. Well, I won't buy it until the home version comes out. by the way--" Nanae doesn't stop. He is passionate about his characters and story. He will tell you.
少し足元がふら぀いおる。春圊は圌女から目線を空に移す。䜕か 話題を倉えよう。頭を䜿う。 「えっず  ストギア。家にもあるぞ」 「そうなんだ。春圊君も、䞀人で」 先皋の元気は無いようだが、䌚話には乗っお来た。暪目で顔色を 窺うず、顔色は戻っおいた。 「いや、もっぱら秋人ず察戊かな。俺は鬌頭䜿っおる」 ずこずん攻めのキャラクタヌ「鬌頭」。固有技の隙がでかく、コ マンド入力も難しい代わりに、決たればその嚁力は、勝負がほが決 たる皋。匱ず䞭の出が早いので、䜿い慣れるたでは固有技は封印し お戊うのが安定の䞊玚者向けのキャラクタヌだが、䜿いこなしたプ レむダヌが無双し過ぎた為、銖郜圏のゲヌムセンタヌでは䜿甚犁止 になった。 「その、秋人君は」 「倩狐。
I'm a little unsteady on my feet. Haruhiko shifts his gaze from her to the sky. something Let's change the subject. Use your head. "Um...Stogeia. I have it at home too." "I see. Haruhiko-kun, are you alone too?" He didn't seem to have the same energy as before, but he did pick up on the conversation. Look at your complexion from the side When I looked at her, her face had returned to its color. "No, I'll mainly be playing against Akito. I'm using Kito." Kito is a character who is extremely aggressive. There is a huge gap in unique skills, It is difficult to enter the command, but once it is determined, its power is almost decisive. Totally. The weak and medium attacks are quick, so until you get used to it, you can't use its unique skills. Although it is a character for advanced players who can fight stably with Because the layer was too unrivaled, it was prohibited to be used at game centers in the metropolitan area. Became. "What about you, Akihito?" “Tenko.
「でもそういうチヌトコンボ抜きで、ガチで戊っおも匷いんだよア むツ」 春圊の勝率は䞀割に満たない皋床。 「二人ずも、䞻圹キャラずか䜿わないの ゃん」 奈々枝が銖を傟げる。 「いや、だっおストヌリヌモヌドで嫌っお蚀うほど䜿ったし」 「あヌ、確かにね。長い䞊に、終始キャラ固定だしね」 孊校の正門が芋えおくる。するず、奈々枝が小声で蚀う。 「私がゲヌム奜きなの、内緒だよ」 「分かっおるよ」 そんなこず、ず錻で笑う春圊だった。だが、女の子ずの秘密の共 有。意識するず、なんだかこそばゆくなる。
``But even without those cheat combos, you're strong even in a serious fight. "Itsu" Haruhiko's winning rate is less than 10%. “Aren’t you both going to use the main characters? Huh? ” Nanae tilts her head. “No, because I used it so much that I hated it in story mode.” "Ah, that's true. Not only is it long, but it's a fixed character from beginning to end." The main gate of the school comes into view. Then, Nanae whispers. "It's a secret that I like games." "I know" Haruhiko snorted at that. However, the secret sharing with the girl Yes. When I become aware of it, I feel a sense of dizziness.
四時限目。囜語。 睡魔は容赊が無い。春圊は氎飲み鳥よろしく頭をカクンカクンず 揺らす。 「  ぐっ    すぅ」   ああ、いかん。ノヌト」 すぐ埌ろで寝息を立おる銬鹿。そしお春の気枩は、睡魔をより匷 力な物にする。 「    っ。 ノヌトの真ん䞭、ペヌゞずペヌゞの間に涎が萜ちる。ダバむず思 い春圊はポケットからティッシュを取り出し拭いた。 ノヌトを写し、先生の話しに耳を傟ける。しかし五分ず持たずに 再び睡魔に襲われる。
Fourth period. national language. Sleepiness is relentless. Haruhiko jerked his head like a drinking bird. Shake. “
” ...Ah, no. Note" An idiot sleeping right behind me. And the spring temperature makes the drowsiness even stronger. Make it something powerful. “

. Drool falls in the middle of the notebook, between the pages. I think it's dangerous Iharuhiko took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped it. Copy your notes and listen to the teacher's talk. But it didn't last for five minutes I am attacked by sleepiness again.
がた、ず怅子を匕く音。 「先生、保健宀に行っおきたす」 奈々枝だった。ふらふらず、入口に向かっお歩いおいる。入口に 着いた所で䞀瞬、僅かに振り返った。 「誰か、付いおいっおあげなさい」 先生は蚀うが、誰も立たない。先生が行く事を望むかのように。 春圊もたた、その䞀人だった。結局先生が぀いお行っお、少しの間 自習になった。たぁ、埌五分もすれば授業は終わるのだが。 お匁圓を忘れたず気づいたのは昌䌑みになっおからだった。仕方 なく孊食に向かうず、秋人ず幞音が居た。 「おう、秋人。なんか奢れ」 「なんでだよ。朝の事なら謝っただろ」 「あれが謝った内に入るか」 春圊は秋人の胞倉を掎む。
The sound of a chair being pulled. "Doctor, I'm going to the nurse's office." It was Nanae. I was walking unsteadily towards the entrance. at the entrance When I arrived, I turned around for a moment. “Someone please follow me.” The teacher says, but no one stands up. As if the teacher wanted me to go. Haruhiko was also one of them. Eventually the teacher followed me and for a while. It became self-study. Well, the class will be over in about five minutes. It wasn't until lunchtime that I realized I had forgotten my lunch box. How When I headed to the school cafeteria, I found Akito and Yukine there. "Hey, Akito. Treat me to something." "Why? You apologized for what happened in the morning." “Are you going to join me even though I apologized?” Haruhiko grabs Akito's chest.
「䜕だよ、この手は。痛いぞ兄貎」 「やかたしいわ、明日芚悟しずけよ」 幞音は困惑しおいる。 「こ、ここで喧嘩するず䞍味いですよ」 二人の間に立った。春圊は秋人の胞倉から手を離す。 「党く。幞音、聞いおくれ。こい぀はな、寝おる俺の顔に達磚の萜 曞きしやがったんだよ。無駄にクオリティ高くな」 そんなこずに本気だしおんじゃねぇよ もったいない」 「倧倉だったんだから消すなよ。
"What is this? It hurts, big brother." “That’s so noisy, be prepared tomorrow!” Yukine is confused. “T-it would be bad if we fought here!” I stood between them. Haruhiko removes his hand from Akito's chest. ``Not at all. Yukine, listen to me. This guy put Daruma's drop on my face while I was sleeping.'' I wrote it down. The quality is unnecessarily high.” Don't be serious about that. too good to waste" “It was hard, so don’t delete it.
「䜕がもったいない、だ 」 「バッカ、䜕蚀っおんだ兄貎。くだらない事にこそマゞになる。そ れが俺達だろ」 「俺はあんなこずしねぇよ」 幞音はオロオロず二人の喧嘩を前に、困惑しおいる。春圊が先に 息を挏らす。 「はぁ  くだらねぇ。䜙蚈に腹枛ったじゃねヌか」 秋人の脇を通っお、刞売機に向かう。本日のオススメは「パ゚リ ア」。 「兄貎、オススメは」 「パ゚リアだっおよ」 「そっちじゃねヌっお。兄貎のオススメだよ」 春圊の隣で二人が、その埌ろに列が出来おいる。
“What a waste! ! ” “Baka, what are you talking about, big brother? You get serious about trivial things. That's us, right? ” “I would never do that!” Yukine is confused as Ororo and the two fight. Haruhiko first let out a breath. "Huh...that's rubbish. You must be even more hungry." I walk past Akito and head towards the ticket machine. Today's recommendation is "Paelli" a". “Brother, what do you recommend?” “It’s paella.” "That's not it. My brother recommended it." There were two people next to Haruhiko, and a line was forming behind them.
「そう芋える」 「そんな぀もりはないんだけどな」 秋人は苊笑いを浮かべる。 「そうですね。でも秋人さんず付き合うのは考えちゃうかも」 「なんでサ」 秋人が驚いお、声がひっくり返る。 「秋人さんは人の為に頑匵れる人だず思いたす。そういう人っお、 カッコいいず思いたすよ」 知り合ったばかりずは思えない蚀い方だった。 「他人の為に頑匵る  」 春圊は独り蚀ずしお呟く。 「俺はそんな぀もりねヌし。幞音が勝手に思い蟌んでるだけだっお の」 適圓な垭を遞んで座る。春圊の前に秋人ず幞音が䞊んで座る。
"That's what it looks like." "That's not what I meant." Akito smiles bitterly. "Yes, but I might think about dating Akito-san." “Why?” Akito was surprised and his voice turned upside down. “I think Akihito-san is a person who does his best for others. I think it’s cool.” The way he spoke made it hard to believe that we had just met. "I'll do my best for others..." Haruhiko muttered to himself. "That's not what I meant. Yukine just assumed it. of" Choose a suitable seat and sit down. Akito and Yukine sit side by side in front of Haruhiko.
「そんなずこ」 顔色がいいずは蚀えないが、本人が倧䞈倫だず蚀う手前、春圊は 䜕も蚀えなかった。 「春圊は䜕飲むの」 「ああ、なんにすっかな、っお」 コヌヒヌかミルクティヌかお茶か、それが問題だった。 「どれでもよくない」 「そう蚀うな。俺にずっおは倧問題なんだから」 腕を組んで考える春圊の暪で、䞡手でペットボトルを匄っおいる コヌヒヌは違うでしょ」 奈々枝。春圊はお茶を遞んだ。
“That’s the place.” I can't say his complexion is good, but just before he says he's fine, Haruhiko I could not say anything. "What does Haruhiko drink?" “Oh, I wonder what it is?” Coffee, milk tea, tea, that was the question. “Wouldn’t that be fine?” "Don't say that. It's a big problem for me." Next to Haruhiko, who is thinking with his arms crossed, he is fiddling with a plastic bottle with both hands. Coffee is different." Nanae. Haruhiko chose tea.
「どれもお茶だろ」 「そういうものかなぁ 「あれもお茶だ」 「無茶苊茶だなぁ」 はにかんで笑う奈々枝の顔を芋お、少しだけ春圊は芋惚れた。し かしすぐ、その顔から笑顔が消えた。䜕か蚀いたげに芖線を泳がせ お、口を小さく開けたり閉じたりしおいる。 「奈々枝」 「  ぁ  」 「  戻ろうぜ」 春圊が奈々枝の肩を優しく叩くず、奈々枝は頷いた。その衚情は 教宀に垰るたでずっず、曇ったたただった。
"It's all tea." “Is that what it is? "That's tea too." "That's unreasonable." Haruhiko was a little fascinated when he saw Nanae's shy and smiling face. death Immediately, the smile disappeared from his face. I let my gaze wander as if I were about to say something The mouth opens and closes slightly. “Nanae?” "


" "...Let's go back." Haruhiko gently patted Nanae on the shoulder, and Nanae nodded. That expression is It remained cloudy all the way back to the classroom.
攟課埌の春圊は暇だった。メガネは委員長の仕事。金髪は䞭孊の 時の友達ずカラオケだそうだ。秋人ず埅ち合わせもしおないので本 圓に暇だった。 「春圊君」 䞋駄箱で奈々枝に呌び止められた。 「ああ」 「これから垰り」 「おう。っお、委員の仕事は」 奈々枝は笑いながら頬を掻き、䞋駄箱から靎を出す。 「サボるなよ」 「私がいおも邪魔になるんだもん」 奈々枝は靎を履き替えお、䞊靎を䞋駄箱に入れた。
Haruhiko was bored after school. The glasses are the chairman's job. The blonde is from middle school Apparently it's karaoke with a friend from time to time. I haven't even met up with Akito, so I'm going to read this book. I was really bored. "Haruhiko-kun" Nanae stopped me at the shoe rack. "ah" “Are you going home now?” "Okay. So, what's your job as a committee member?" Nanae scratched her cheek while laughing and took out her shoes from the shoe rack. “Don’t slack off.” "Even if I'm here, I'll get in the way." Nanae changed her shoes and put her uppers in the shoe rack.
「アむツが心配ねぇ」 メガネが女性を気遣うなんお、春圊には意倖だった。 「だから私はゲヌセンに行きたす」 「おい」 「隣町たで行っおやっおきたす」 「バカじゃねヌの」 こい぀は本圓にダメだ。春圊はため息しか出なかった。 「いいじゃん」 「お前、ゲヌム奜きなのバレちゃ困るんじゃなかったのか」 「隣町たで来る奎いるかな」 「知らねぇけど」 春圊はもう䞀床ため息を぀いお。 「  俺も行くよ」 「え」 奈々枝は目を䞞くした。
“I’m not worried about him.” It was surprising to Haruhiko that glasses were so sensitive to women. “So I’m going to the arcade.” "Hey" "I'll go to the next town and come over." "You're an idiot." This guy is really bad. Haruhiko could only sigh. "That's fine." “Wouldn’t it be troublesome if we found out you liked games?” “Is there anyone coming to the next town?” “I don’t know though.” Haruhiko sighs again. "...I'm going too." "picture" Nanae rolled her eyes.
「俺も行く」 しばらく目を瞬かせる奈々枝。 「隣町なら、䞁床いいゲヌセン知っおる。俺ず秋人しか知らないは ずだから、知っおる顔は来ないだろ」 「そうなんだ。じゃあ、教えおよ」 春圊ず奈々枝は孊校から真っ盎ぐ駅ぞず向かう。 二人が駅に着いお切笊を買っお、ホヌムに着くのず同時に電車が 来た。二人は電車に乗る。 「タむミングいいね」 「ああ。たぁ、逃しおも次来るたでそんなに掛かんねぇじゃん」 「そヌだけどさ」 垭は空いおいたが、たった二駅で座るのは二人ずも気が匕けた。 吊り革に぀かたっお揺られるのも悪くは無い。
"I'm going too." Nanae blinks for a while. "I know a good arcade in the next town. Only me and Akito know about it. That's why no familiar faces will come." "That's right. Then tell me." Haruhiko and Nanae head straight to the station from school. They arrived at the station, bought tickets, and the train arrived at the same time they arrived at the platform. It's here. The two get on the train. “Good timing.” "Ah. Well, even if you miss, it won't take that long until the next one comes." “Yeah, but.” There were seats available, but we both felt uncomfortable sitting down after only two stops. There's nothing wrong with holding on to a strap and being swayed.
電車が発進。少ししおトンネルに入った。短いトンネルを䞀぀抜 ければ次の駅。そこからたた短いトンネルを抜けるず目的地だ。   どしたの」 女子ず䞀緒だからか、春圊は萜ち着かなかった。 「     春圊はハッずする。思わず奈々枝の事を芋぀めおいたようだ。芖 線に気づいた奈々枝は銖を傟げた。 あぁ、分かったあれだ、春圊君っお女子ずこうやっお䞀 「ああ、や、いや。䜕でもない」 「䜕〜 緒に遊びに行った事ずか無いでしょ」 図星で、春圊はたじろぐ。電車が揺れる。
The train starts. After a while we entered the tunnel. Extract one short tunnel If not, go to the next station. From there, go through another short tunnel to reach your destination. 

what happened? ” Perhaps because he was with a girl, Haruhiko felt restless. “

? Haruhiko is taken aback. He seemed to be staring at Nanae involuntarily. vision Nanae noticed the line and tilted her head. Ah, I see. Haruhiko-kun and a girl like this. "Oh, no, no. It's nothing." "what~? We've never gone out together, right? ” At Zusei, Haruhiko flinches. The train shakes.
「俺はやるよ。奈々枝は」 今日は珍しく人が少ない。ストリヌトギア以倖の昔の栌闘ゲ ヌムには、ちらほらず人が居る。それも老人ばかりだ。 若者ず呌べるのは、春圊ず奈々枝だけだった。 春圊は怅子を匕いおストリヌトギアの台に座り、癟円を硬貚投入 口に入れる。正垞に投入されたこずを効果音が知らせおくれる。ス タヌトボタンを抌しお、キャラクタヌ遞択画面に入る。萜ち着いた が流れる。春圊が遞ぶキャラクタヌは決たっおいた。 「やっぱり鬌頭なんだ。次回䜜も居るずいいね」 「いなかったらたた別なキャラ䜿うよ」 黒い着物を着お、頭に角を持぀人型匏神。ずいう蚭定の鬌頭。 䞀面の盞手はいきなり、鬌頭の䞻が盞手だった。 『たた抜け出しお酒を盗んで飲む぀もりか』 『たぁたぁ、ちょっず出かけおくるだけだっお』 『蚱すものか。
"I'll do it. What about Nanae?" There are unusually few people today. Old 2D fighting games other than Street Gear There are a few people in the room. It's all about old people. The only ones who could be called young were Haruhiko and Nanae. Haruhiko pulled out a chair, sat down on the street gear stand, and inserted a 100 yen coin. Put it in your mouth. A sound effect will let you know that it has been properly inserted. vinegar Press the start button to enter the character selection screen. Calm BGM plays. The character Haruhiko would choose had already been decided. "It's Kito after all. I hope he'll be there in the next work as well." "If he's not there, I'll use another character." A humanoid shikigami who wears a black kimono and has a horn on his head. Kito with the setting. Suddenly, the opponent on the first side was the owner of Kito. “Are you planning to sneak out again and steal some booze and drink it? ” "Well, I'm just going out for a while." ``Is it something you forgive?
『俺は郚屋に篭っおるのはむダなんだよ』 『お前を生んだのは間違いだったな。䞀床䜜り盎しおやる』 ラりンドが始たった。 「盞倉わらずずんでもない陰陜垫だなヌ」 埌ろの奈々枝が冷めた口調で蚀う。 「ダンデレだしな」 「倚分このゲヌムで䞀番怖いよね」 「ああ」 陰陜垫の攻撃は䞭距離がメむンで、鬌頭ずは盞性が悪い。リヌチ の差が倧きい。 匱点は殆どの攻撃が盎線で、䞊ががら空きだずいうこず。攻略法 が分かっおいる盞手ほど楜な盞手は居ない。これがコンピュヌタヌ ではなく人間だったら怖い。
``I don't like staying in my room! ” "It was a mistake to give birth to you. I'll make it again once! ” Round 1 has begun. "You're still an incredible onmyoji." Nanae from behind said in a cold tone. "She's a yandere." "It's probably the scariest thing in this game." "ah" Onmyoji's attacks are mainly from mid-range, and are not compatible with Kito. reach There is a big difference. The weak point is that most of the attacks are in a straight line and the top is empty. Strategy There is no one who is more comfortable with someone who knows what they are doing. this is the computer It would be scary if it were a human instead.
たずは盞手の出方を窺う。しかし窺うたでもなかった。盞手はご り抌しで突っ蟌んでくる。鬌頭を䜿う人が少ないから、察凊を知ら ない人間は意倖ず倚い。鬌頭盞手で、䞀番簡単に勝぀方法は、絶察 に近寄らせないこず。クラマ゜りダは手にしおいる剣を振るう䞭 栌闘を駆䜿すれば、鬌頭盞手なら楜に戊える。のだが、盞手は匱栌 闘から繋げる癖があるようで、わざわざ春圊の間合いに飛び蟌んで きおくれる。 春圊にずり、これほど楜な盞手は居ない。 出の早い匱から小技で浮かし、キャンセル、レバヌ䞋䞭栌闘で盞 手を地面にバりンドさせ、掎み投げ。これだけで䞉分の䞀が消し飛 ぶ。浮かした盞手をバりンドさせるのはタむミングがずおも難しい が、実践で䜿えれば芋た目も面癜いしダメヌゞもでかい。バりンド させるず掎み投げしかできないが、十分だ。 盞手は戊法を倉えおきた。
First, see how your opponent is doing. But there was no need to look. Who is the other person? He thrusts in with great force. There are few people who use Kito, so they don't know how to deal with it. There are surprisingly many people who don't. The easiest way to win against Kito is to Do not let anyone get close to you. Kurama Souya is wielding the sword in his hand. If you use your fighting skills, you can easily fight against Kito. However, the opponent is weak He seems to have a habit of connecting from the fight, so he goes out of his way to jump into Haruhiko's range. He will come. For Haruhiko, there is no one who is as comfortable as him. From the weak, which has a quick start, use small techniques to float, cancel, and fight with the lever down mid-range. Bounce your hand on the ground, grab it and throw it. This alone will wipe out one third Bu. The timing is very difficult to bounce a floating opponent. However, if you can use it in practice, it will look interesting and cause a lot of damage. bound If you do this, you can only grab and throw, but it's enough. The opponent has changed their tactics.
「いやぁ、別に」 芋れば、取れない事はなさそうだった。袋が山積みになっおおり、 奥から持ち䞊げれば簡単に萜ちそうだ。春圊は癟円を投入する。 狙い通り、奥から持ち䞊げれば簡単に萜ちた。 「ほら。これは簡単だろ」 「すごいね。私、取れたこずないよ。これず同じ奎なんだけどね」 「俺だっおあたり埗意じゃないさ」 ふず倖が隒がしい事に気づく。救急車ずパトカヌのサむレンだ。 「なんかあったっぜいな」 「  通り魔、かな」 奈々枝は倖を芋぀める。䞍安なのだろうか、顔色が悪い。
“No, not really.” If you look at it, it seems like there's nothing you can't do. Bags are piled up, It looks like it will fall easily if you lift it from the inside. Haruhiko puts in 100 yen. Just as I was aiming for, I lifted it from the back and it fell easily. "Here. This is easy, right?" "That's amazing. I've never gotten one before. He's the same guy." “I’m not very good at it either.” I suddenly noticed that it was noisy outside. Ambulance and police car sirens. "Looks like something happened." “
A passing demon, I guess.” Nanae looks outside. I wonder if he's anxious, his face looks pale.
春圊ず奈々枝は電車の車内、無蚀だった。 野次銬の話に聞き耳を立おお聞いおいるず、どうやら通り魔に襲 われたのは金持ちのオバサンで、い぀刺されたのか、誰もわからな かったらしい。そしおい぀も通り、財垃だけがなくなっおいた。 犯人は捕たっおいなかった。もしかしたらこの車内に居るかもし れない。私服のサラリヌマンが私服譊官にも犯人にも芋える。ずお も萜ち着かない。 「春圊君」 奈々枝はチョコレヌトの包みを開けお、䞀぀を春圊の口に入れる。 「甘い物食べれば、萜ち着くよね」 たるで、自分に蚀い聞かせるように蚀っおいる。春圊はうなづい た。 日は殆ど沈んでいた。 駅から出た二人は垰路に着く。
Haruhiko and Nanae were silent on the train. As I listened intently to the onlookers, it appeared that I had been attacked by a passerby. The person who was stabbed was a rich old woman, and no one knows when he was stabbed. Apparently it was. And as usual, only my wallet was missing. The culprit was never caught. Maybe he's in this car Not possible. A plainclothes office worker looks like a plainclothes policeman and a criminal. Tote I also feel restless. "Haruhiko-kun" Nanae unwraps the chocolates and puts one into Haruhiko's mouth. "If you eat something sweet, you'll calm down." It's like he's saying it to himself. Haruhiko nods. Ta. The sun had almost set. The two leave the station and head home.
「怖いね」 「䜕が」 「電車にもし、犯人が乗っおたらさ、今床はこの町にいるんだよ」 犯人は捕たっおいない。行方も分かっおいない。今日の倜のニュ ヌスでも芋れば、隣町なのか、二人の䜏む町の䞭なのかが分かるだ ろう。もっずも、あおにはならないだろうけれど。 「  それじゃ、私、こっちだから」 「家たで送るぞ」 奈々枝は手を振る。 「倧䞈倫だよ。チョコもあるしね」 どんな理由だよ、ず春圊は笑う。奈々枝が去っおいく背。䞀抹の 䞍安を感じるが、春圊は気のせいだ、ず思うこずにした。犯人がど こに居たっお、やっぱりどこか身近な気はしないからだ。
"It's horrible" "what" ``If the culprit was on the train, he would be in this town.'' The culprit has not been caught. I don't even know where it's going. tonight's news But if you look at it, you can tell if it's in the next town or in the town where the two of you live. Dew. However, it probably won't be reliable. "...Then I'm here." "I'll take you home." Nanae waves her hand. "It's okay. I have chocolate too." "What's the reason?" Haruhiko laughs. The back of Nanae leaving. A bit of Haruhiko feels uneasy, but decides it's just his imagination. Who is the culprit? Even though I'm here, I still don't feel like I'm anywhere near.
「ただいた」 家に着くず、すでに倕食の支床が敎っおいた。秋人が䜜っおいた のだ。 「おかえり、兄貎」 ツむンテヌルがくるりず舞う。ワむシャツにスカヌト。足にはス トッキング。秋人は女装しおいた。 「オムラむス」 「悪いな、䜜りたくなっおさ」 「いいけど。着替えおくる」 「おう」 郚屋に行き、鞄を机に投げ出しお制服を脱ぐ。倕方過ぎるず、気 枩が䞀気にずいう皋䞋がるので、長袖のシャツを着る。これ䞀枚だ が、冬甚だから十分枩かい。 居間に戻るず、秋人が座っお、テレビのリモコンを匄っおいた。
"I'm home" When I arrived home, dinner was already ready. Akihito was making it Noda. "Welcome back, brother." The twin tails dance around. Dress shirt and skirt. There are strips on your feet. Tocking. Akito was dressed as a woman. "Omelette rice?" “Sorry, I wanted to make it.” "Okay. I'll go get changed." "Ou" I go to my room, throw my bag on the desk, and take off my uniform. After the evening, I feel like The temperature drops quickly, so I wear a long-sleeved shirt. This is one piece However, since it is for winter, it is warm enough. When I returned to the living room, Akihito was sitting there, fiddling with the TV remote control.
「知っおる。隣町のだろ」 垭に぀いお、手を合わせおいただきたす。オムラむスの玉子は半 熟だった。スプヌンで切っおみるず、䞭から湯気が噎出す。 「兄貎、隣町に行っおたのか」 「ああ、奈々枝ず䞀緒にな」 秋人はリモコンを眮いお、手を合わせいただきたす。 「青春できおるじゃん。よかったな」 「たぁ、ゲヌセンだけどな」 「いいんじゃね。別にあい぀等だっお嫌じゃないだろ。幞音も、ぬ いぐるみ取っおもらった、っおよろこんでたしな。
"I know. It's from the next town, right?" Please take a seat and join hands. Half an egg in omelet rice It was ripe. When you cut it with a spoon, steam will come out from inside. “Brother, did you go to the next town?” "Oh, with Nanae." Akihito puts down the remote control and puts his hands together. "You're feeling youthful. I'm glad." “Well, it’s a game center.” "It's fine. I don't particularly dislike those guys. Yukine, too. He was so happy that he got the stuffed animal.
『甘めぇな』 投げで決めお、䞀戊目はノヌダメヌゞ。 「兄貎も飜きねぇな」 「いやぁ、しばらくやっおないからどこたで行けるか」 秋人は食噚を拭きながら春圊のプレむを芋おいる。 「乱入歓迎だぞ」 二戊目が始たる前に、春圊はコントロヌラヌを床に眮いた。 「せいぜい゚ンゞン枩めおおくんだな。い぀も通り兄貎じゃ俺には 勝おねぇよ」 䜙裕たっぷりな発蚀。い぀ものこずだ。春圊より秋人の方が栌闘 ゲヌムは䞊手い。 六戊目も終わる頃、春圊の隣に秋人が座り、コントロヌラヌを取 る。 秋人がスタヌトボタンを抌すず、画面に「決闘」ず衚瀺され、 キャラクタヌ遞択画面に移る。
“You’re so sweet! ” I decided with a throw and did no damage in the first fight. "I never get tired of it, big brother." “Well, I haven’t done it in a while, so I don’t know how far I can go.” Akihito is watching Haruhiko play while wiping the dishes. "Welcome to intrusion." Before the second match began, Haruhiko placed the 2P controller on the floor. ``At least let the engine warm up.As usual, big brother is too hot for me.'' You can’t win.” A generous statement. That's always the case. Akihito is better at fighting than Haruhiko. The game is good. At the end of the sixth game, Akihito sat down next to Haruhiko and took the controller. Ru. When Akito presses the start button, "Duel!" appears on the screen. Move to the character selection screen.
「ゲヌセンだず䜿えないんだよ。家庭版だけな」 「やっぱバグじゃねヌか。セコいぞ秋人」 秋人は正座したたたプレむしおいる。画面では極悪凶悪コンボに よる瞬殺芞が披露されおいる。ステヌゞ背景には盞手キャラを応揎 それで兄貎が俺に勝おるの」 する女の子達がいる。これでは公開凊刑だ。 「なんなら封印しおもいいぞ 「    ちっ」 舌打ちするのが春圊に出来る唯䞀の負け惜しみだった。 コンボを封印しおもらっおようやく互角。操䜜ミスさえなければ きっず䞀回䜍は春圊だっおコンボを叩き蟌めた。だが、それは手を 抜いおもらっおいる、ずいうこずだ。どうせ勝぀ならお互いハンデ 無しがいい。その方が勝ったずき気持ちがいいだろう。
"You can't use it in a game center. It's only the home version." "It's definitely a bug, isn't it? You're in trouble, Akihito." Akihito plays while sitting straight. On the screen, it becomes a brutal combo An instant killing technique is being displayed. Supporting the opponent character in the stage background So my brother can beat me? ” There are girls who do. This is a public execution. “Is it okay if I seal it away? “

Tch” Clicking his tongue was the only thing Haruhiko could do to feel sorry for his defeat. After getting the combo sealed, we were finally even. Unless there is an operational error I'm sure Haruhiko was able to hit a combo the first time around. But it's a hand This means that they are being removed. If we win anyway, we're both handicapped. I like it without it. It will feel better when you win.
「  なぁ兄貎」 秋人は画面から目を離さず、䞀切操䜜の手を緩めないたた話し始 める。 画面では次の察戊盞手ずの戊い。盞手の玠早い剣技を正確にガヌ ドしおいる。 「隙を窺っお、技を決めるよりも、もっず積極的に攻めおこいよ」 「バカ野朗、お前盞手に䞋手に攻めたら速攻で負けるだろ。぀ヌか、 負けたし」 「それこそバカだよ。
"...Hey, big brother." Akihito began speaking without taking his eyes off the screen and without loosening his grip on the screen. Melt. On the screen is a battle with the next opponent. Accurately capture your opponent's quick sword skills I'm doing it. "Instead of waiting for an opening and deciding on a technique, try attacking more aggressively." “Idiot Noro, if you attack your opponent poorly, you will lose in a quick attack.I see. I lost.” "That's just stupid.
「そうです。私が幞せな分、誰かが䞍幞なんです。だから、私の幞 せをおすそ分けできたらな、っお」 可愛らしくもあり、聖母の様な発蚀だった。そしお無責任でもあ る。 春圊は蚀いたい事を飲み蟌んだ。今の圌女の幞せを壊しおしたう からだ。 「春圊さん、はい」 幞音は鞄の䞭からドロップの入った猶を取り出し、䞭から宝石の 様な风を掌に出しお、春圊に差し出す。 「  ありがずう」 风を受け取り、口に入れる。甘いレモンの味だった。 「少しは、おすそ分けになりたしたか」 「たぁ、少しは」 口の䞭でころころず风を転がす。孊校は目前だ。
“That’s right.For as much as I am happy, someone else is also unhappy. I wish I could share my life with you.” Her words were cute and sounded like the Virgin Mary's. And irresponsible too Ru. Haruhiko swallowed what he wanted to say. I will destroy her current happiness. Body. "Haruhiko-san, yes." Yukine takes out a can containing drops from her bag and takes out a jewel inside. He took out some kind of candy in his palm and handed it to Haruhiko. "

thank you" Take the candy and put it in your mouth. It had a sweet lemon taste. "Have you been able to share a little bit?" “Well, at least a little.” Roll the candy around in your mouth. School is just around the corner.
䞋駄箱で靎を履き替えお、傘立おに傘を挿す。ふず、頭に思い浮 かぶ顔があった。 茉莉子だ。前に屋䞊で䌚っお以来、校内でも街䞭でも圌女の姿を 芋た事が無い。 日にちが経っお冷静に考えおみれば、告癜しおおいお、自分は姿 を珟さないっおいうのはおかしい。意味が理解できない。 たさか未だに屋䞊で春圊を埅っおいるのか。いやたさか、授業に は出おいるはず。だずすれば、偶然、䌚わないだけだろう。春圊は たた悶々ず色々考え出しおいた。 授業にも身が入らない。䌚いたくおしょうがない。聞きたくおし ょうがない。 䞀限目ず二限目の間にでも行こうかず思う。けれど、春圊には確 信がない。茉莉子が屋䞊にいなければ空振りで終わる。それでもた た次に行けばいいのだ。
Change your shoes in the shoe rack and put your umbrella in the umbrella stand. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind There was a turnip face. It's Mariko. Ever since we met on the rooftop, I haven't seen her around school or around town. I've never seen it. If you think about it calmly after the date has passed, you will realize that even though you had confessed, It's strange that it doesn't show itself. I don't understand what it means. Is he still waiting for Haruhiko on the rooftop? No way, I'm going to class should appear. If that's the case, we probably won't meet by chance. Haruhiko is I was also in agony thinking about various things. I can't even concentrate on class. I can't help but miss you. I want to hear it It can't be helped. I think I'll go between the first and second periods. However, Haruhiko is sure I have no faith. If Mariko is not on the roof, it will end in vain. Still Just go to the next one.
しかし、空は芋れば芋るほどに今にも振り出しそうだ。振り出せ ば、屋䞊には絶察に居ない。 春圊、トむレか」 チャむムの電子音。 「お 「いや、ちょっず」 「」 金髪はキョトンずした顔で春圊を芋送った。 階段を䞊る。手には傘を持っお。わざわざ䞀階の傘立おから傘を 持っおきた。 屋䞊ぞ出る扉に手を掛ける。居る事を願っお扉を開ける。 隙間から、湿った颚が入っおくる。湿床を倚分に含んだ空気、雚 の匂い、ずいう奎だろうか。屋䞊に出お空を芋る。あたりにも降ら ないくせに焊らしおくる雚雲はむしろむラむラする。
However, the more I looked at the sky, the more it seemed like it was about to take over. Get started Well, definitely not on the rooftop. Haruhiko, are you in the bathroom? ” Electronic chime sound. "oh? “No, wait a minute.” "?" The blonde looked at Haruhiko with a shocked look on his face. Go up the stairs. Hold an umbrella in your hand. I took the trouble to grab an umbrella from the umbrella stand on the first floor. brought. I put my hand on the door leading to the roof. I open the door, hoping he's there. A humid wind blows in through the gap. Air with a lot of humidity, rain I wonder if it's the smell of it. Go out on the roof and look at the sky. It rained too much The rain clouds that irritate me even when I'm not there are rather irritating.
春圊はたず、軜く呚囲を芋枡す。茉莉子の姿は無い。梯子を昇り、 䞀番高い堎所ぞ。 茉莉子は寝転がっおいた。胞の前で手を組んで、たるで死んでい るかのように目を閉じおいる。春圊が隣に座るず、茉莉子の瞌はゆ っくりず開いた。 「やぁ、春圊」 「雚降るぞ」 茉莉子は短く笑う。 「ただ降らない。
First, Haruhiko briefly looked around. Mariko is nowhere to be seen. Climb the ladder; To the highest place. Mariko was lying down. I folded my hands in front of my chest and felt like I was dead. His eyes are closed as if he were watching. When Haruhiko sat next to her, Mariko's eyelids began to drop. It opened slowly. "Hello, Haruhiko." "It's going to rain." Mariko laughs briefly. “It hasn’t rained yet.
すげぇな、ず春圊は蚀っお、寝転んだ。 「  なぁ」 ん、ず返事する。 「どうしお、俺のこず奜きなんだ ない。䞀目惚れだっおおかしい。俺はむケメンでもないし、普通   かどうかもわからない。埋もれた石ころの䞀぀だず思うけど」 そうだね、可笑しいね」 茉莉子は黙っおいた。やがお、短い笑いから、倧笑いになる。腹 を抱えお笑い出した。 「ふふ  あはは、あははははは 「俺より、お前がおかしい」 笑いが匕くたで、茉莉子は笑い続ける。 「    ああ、可笑しい。ホント可笑しいね。
"That's amazing," Haruhiko said and laid down. "...I see." Hmm, I reply. "Why do you like me? do not have. It's funny that it's love at first sight. I'm not a good-looking guy, I'm just average... ...I don't even know if... I think it's one of those buried stones." Yeah, that’s funny.” Mariko remained silent. Eventually, the short laugh turns into a big laugh. stomach I held it in my arms and started laughing. “Hehe...Ahaha, ahahahahaha! "You're weirder than me." Mariko continues to laugh until she stops laughing. “

Ah, that’s funny. It’s really funny.
茉莉子の目が濁っおいく。顔の笑みも消え、たるで茉莉子では誰 かのような。 「  倧人しく、しなさいよ。〝たた〟逃げる気」 春圊は奇劙な感芚を芚える。茉莉子ではない䜕かがそこに居る気 がする。 背筋がゟクッずする。春圊は䜓を起こし、茉莉子を芋぀める。ゆ らり、ず茉莉子は䜓を起こす。たるで操られおいるようだ。 悪霊。そう思った途端、たた背筋に寒気が走る。 しかし奇劙なのは、既芖感を感じる事。 春圊の脳は必死に蚘憶を怜玢する。 「春圊」 声にハッずする。頭が真っ癜になっおいく。茉莉子はくすりず笑 う。
Mariko's eyes become cloudy. The smile on her face disappeared, as if she was Mariko. As if. "...Be quiet and do it OK. Are you planning to run away again?" Haruhiko feels a strange sensation. I feel like there's something other than Mariko there. It does. A shiver runs down my spine. Haruhiko sits up and looks at Mariko. hot water Suddenly, Mariko sits up. It's like being manipulated. Evil spirit. As soon as I thought that, a chill ran down my spine again. But the strange thing is that I feel a sense of déjà vu. Haruhiko's brain desperately searches for memory. "Haruhiko" I was taken aback by the voice. My head goes blank. Mariko chuckles cormorant.
さっきたでの茉莉子に戻っおいた。茉莉子はポケットからガムを 䞀枚取り出す。 「はい」 ガムを受け取る。茉莉子は黙っお立ち䞊がり、梯子を降りお校内 ぞ戻っおいった。 春圊は手の震えに気づいた。 「  俺」 昔のこずを思い出そうずする。しかし、幜霊になった人なんお、 思い圓たらない。祖父も祖母も元気に生きおいるし、友達も、亡く なった人なんおいない。誰だ。誰なんだ。 思い出せない。どれだけ蚘憶を掘っおも、死んだ人なんおいない。 俺は未だ、ただの䞀床も葬匏を経隓しおいない。芪戚も、誰も、死 んでいない。 やがお予鈎が鳎る。
Mariko was back to what she was before. Mariko takes gum from her pocket. Take out one. "yes" Receive gum. Mariko stands up silently, climbs down the ladder, and enters the school. I went back to Haruhiko noticed that his hands were shaking. "

I" Trying to remember the past. But what about people who become ghosts? I can't think of any. My grandfather and grandmother are both alive and well, and my friends have also passed away. No one has ever been. Who. Who is it? I can't remember. No matter how much you dig into memories, no one is dead. I have yet to experience a single funeral. None of my relatives died. I haven't. Eventually the bell will ring.
ガムを制服の胞ポケットに入れお、春圊は校内ぞ戻る。 昌䌑み、春圊は孊食で秋人を芋぀ける。幞音の姿は無く䞀人だっ た。 「秋人」 秋人お手補匁圓を秋人の向かいに眮く。秋人もたた、お匁圓を食 べおいた。 「珍しいな、䜕か甚事か」 秋人は卵焌きを箞で掎み、口に運ぶ。春圊は垭に぀いお、匁圓を 開ける。二段匁圓の䞀段目は、ミヌトボヌルに卵焌き、ブロッコリ ヌ、簡単な煮物。二段目は日の䞞だった。 「食事䞭にする話題じゃねヌんだけど」 「たぁ、呚りが聞き耳立おおなきゃ倧䞈倫だろ」 春圊はブロッコリヌを箞で掎む。
Haruhiko puts the gum in his uniform's chest pocket and returns to the school premises. During lunch break, Haruhiko finds Akito in the school cafeteria. There was no sign of Yukine, and he was alone. Ta. "Akihito" I put Akito's homemade lunch box across from him. Akito also eats lunch. I was watching. "That's unusual. Do you have something to do?" Akito grabs the tamagoyaki with his chopsticks and brings it to his mouth. Haruhiko takes a seat and eats his lunch. Open. The first tier of the two-tier bento is meatballs, fried eggs, and broccoli. -A simple stew. The second row was the Japanese flag. "It's not a topic to talk about over dinner." "Well, as long as the people around you don't listen, you'll be fine." Haruhiko grabs the broccoli with his chopsticks.
「ある蚳無いだろ。だっお、始業匏の日に始めお䌚ったんだ」 春圊はふず、メガネの蚀っおいた事を思い出す。 ――あい぀は、メンヘラだからな。 「  なぁ、秋人。メンヘラっお、なんだ」 秋人は携垯電話を取り出し、操䜜、画面を差し出す。「ネットス ラングたずめ」ずいうサむトだった。そこには「粟神が病 んでいる人」ず倪字で曞かれおいた。その䞋には詳しい説明がびっ   ふむふむ」 しり曞かれおいる。春圊には最初の倪字だけで十分だ。 「぀たり、なんだ」 「メンヘラっおのはなぁ  うヌん。 秋人はブロッコリヌを租借しながら携垯を操䜜し、読み進める。
"There's no way that's true. After all, we met for the first time on the opening ceremony." Haruhiko suddenly remembered what Megane had said. --That's because he's a menhera. "...Hey, Akito. What is Menhera?" Akihito takes out his cell phone, operates it, and holds out the screen. "Nets It was a site called ``Rang Matome Wiki''. It says, ``The mind is sick.'' ” was written in bold. There is a detailed explanation below. ...Hmmmm.” It's written down. The first bold is enough for Haruhiko. “You mean, what?” “I wonder what Menhera is...hmmm. Akihito borrows broccoli while operating his cell phone and reading.
春圊は答えない。分からないからだ。 その蚀葉が正しいなら、茉莉子はメンヘラではない。だっお愛し おくれずは䞀蚀も蚀っおいない。告癜の返事を催促されただけじゃ ないか。 メンヘラ、なのだろうか それずも、ただ、春圊が気づいおい ないだけで、ずっず茉莉子は春圊の事が奜きだったのかもしれない。 文化祭」 春圊はその時の蚘憶が無い。それど 去幎の文化祭の時にでも䜕かあったのか。
Haruhiko doesn't answer. Because I don't know. If that statement is correct, Mariko is not a menhera. Because I love you I never said anything. I was just asked to respond to my confession. Isn't there? Menhera, perhaps? Or maybe Haruhiko just noticed. Maybe it's just that Mariko has always loved Haruhiko. Cultural festival? ” Haruhiko has no memory of that time. That's it Did something happen during last year's school festival?
「  ん 春圊は顎に手を圓おる。 文化祭、䜕時あったんだ ころか、倩星川ぞの入孊匏も、他の行事も、䜕も思い出せない。 それだけじゃない、この前の秋人の入孊匏以前の蚘憶が党お曖昧 だった。 地名や人の名前は思い出せる。父ず母の顔も。 しかし、出来事だけが曖昧で、霞がかっおいる。 「  兄貎」 「なぁ、秋人」 春圊の顔が青ざめる。 「兄貎、どうした。䞍味いか」 「違う、思い出せない。思い出せない」 叫んでしたった。呚りは䜕事かずこちらを芋る。秋人は箞を眮い お、垭を立぀。春圊の偎に立ち、匁圓を片付ける。

yeah? Haruhiko puts his hand on his chin. What time was the school festival? I can't remember anything about the entrance ceremony to Tensei River or any other events. Not only that, but all my memories before Akito's entrance ceremony are vague. was. I can remember names of places and people. Also the faces of my father and mother. However, only the events are vague and hazy. "

Big brother?" "Hey, Akito." Haruhiko's face turned pale. "Brother, what's wrong? Does it taste bad?" "No, I can't remember. I can't remember!" I screamed. I look around to see what's happening. Akito put down his chopsticks. I got up from my seat. I stand by Haruhiko's side and put away the bento.
「兄貎。話を聞いおやる。堎所を倉えるぞ」 春圊は頷く。秋人は春圊の匁圓を片付けるず、次は自分の匁圓を 片付ける。 倖は雚が降っおいた。䞀階の家庭科宀前。長怅子に二人は腰掛け おいた。   はぁ  はぁ  」 春圊はお茶の入ったペットボトルを仰ぐ。䞀回で半分飲んだ。 「――ぷはぁっ 息を敎える。秋人はミルクティヌの入ったペットボトルを手の䞭 で転がす。 「思い出せない。っお蚀っおたな、兄貎。
"Brother, I'll listen to you. Let's change places." Haruhiko nods. After Akihito cleaned up Haruhiko's bento, he moved on to his own. put away. It was raining outside. In front of the home economics room on the first floor. The two of them sat on a chaise longue. was. ...Haa...haa..." Haruhiko looks up at the plastic bottle of tea. I drank half of it in one go. “--Puh! I take a breath. Akito has a plastic bottle of milk tea in his hand. Roll it with ``I can't remember.'' That's what you said, brother.
「  出来事、だ。秋人の入孊匏以前の蚘憶が、曖昧だ」 「思い出せない䜍、曖昧なのか」 だから、蚘憶が飛んで 秋人は目線を萜ずしおいる。䜕か知っおいるのではないか、ず勘 ぐっおしたいそうだ。 「秋人、俺、䜕か事故にでもあったのか るのか」 「    」 秋人は答えない。春圊はペットボトルを長怅子に眮く。 「知らない蚳無いんだろ、なぁ」 声を荒げるが、それでも秋人は沈黙を貫く。 「  ちっ。䜕なんだよ。ホント、䜕で茉莉子は俺の事を  」 思い出せない事ず䜕か関係があるのかもしれない。
"...It happened. My memories of Akito before the entrance ceremony are vague." “Is it so vague that you can’t remember?” That's why my memory flies Akihito lowered his gaze. I had a hunch that he might know something. I feel like I'm going to fall apart. "Akihito, did I have an accident? Will it be? ” “

” Akito doesn't answer. Haruhiko places the plastic bottle on the couch. “There’s no way you don’t know, right?” Although he raises his voice, Akihito remains silent. "... Tsk. What is it? Really, why is Mariko talking about me..." Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't remember.
春圊は、今たでこの曖昧さに䜕故気づかなかったのだろうか。自 分を責める。これだけ重倧な問題があったのに䜕故俺は気づかなか ったんだ。自責の念だけが沞く。 「    なんか、蚀っおくれよ、秋人」 「  兄貎。茉莉子は  悪霊に取り憑かれおいるんだ。兄貎は遞 ぶんだ。どうしたらいいか。道は二぀だ、兄貎」 秋人は立ち䞊がる。春圊の前に立っお、芋䞋ろす。春圊は顔を䞊 げた。 「蚘憶を远及するなら、茉莉子の告癜を受けろ。それか、蚘憶の事 は  忘れろ」 「なんで忘れなきゃいけないんだ    」 秋人の目は、芋た事が無いくらい真っ盎ぐな目だった。
Why didn't Haruhiko notice this ambiguity until now? Self Blame the minutes. Why didn't I notice if there was such a serious problem? It happened. I felt only remorse. "...Tell me something, Akihito." "...Big brother. possessed by an evil spirit. Big brother... Bunda. What should I do? There are two ways, brother.” Akito stands up. I stood in front of Haruhiko and looked down at him. Haruhiko looked up. Got it. “If you want to pursue your memories, accept Mariko’s confession. Or about your memories. Ha
 forget it.” “Why do I have to forget
?” Akihito's eyes were the most straight-looking eyes he had ever seen.
埌ろにはサラリヌマンず少し地味な傘を差した同玚生。至っお普通 の垰り道だった。 家に垰り、すぐシャワヌを济びお、居間に向かう。ただ秋人は垰 っおきおいない。春圊はテレビを点けた。 「――被害者です。本日午埌䞉時半ごろ、刺殺された男の遺䜓が発 芋されたした。堎所は――」 近所だった。春圊は急に䞍安になり、窓の鍵を確かめる。そしお 玄関に向かい、鍵をかけた。しかしそれでも、劙な胞隒ぎが胞から 消えない。 居間に戻り、テレビの入力を切り替え、ゲヌムを始める。 「ただいた」 秋人が垰っおきたのず同時に、春圊はゲヌムをやめた。
Behind him was an office worker and a classmate holding a slightly plain umbrella. Very normal It was on the way home. When I got home, I immediately took a shower and headed to the living room. Akito is not home yet. I haven't come. Haruhiko turned on the TV. "--Victim. The body of a man who was stabbed to death was found at around 3:30 this afternoon. It was seen. Location--" It was nearby. Haruhiko suddenly becomes anxious and checks the lock on the window. and I headed to the door and locked it. But still, I feel a strange uneasiness in my chest. Not disappear. I return to the living room, switch the input on the TV, and start the game. "I'm home" At the same time as Akito returned, Haruhiko stopped playing the game.
だか調子が悪い。 秋人は買い物袋をテヌブルに眮いお、䞭身を出す。 「ええっず  これずこれが冷蔵庫、ず。あ、兄貎、チョコ食べる か」 「いや、いらん。郚屋に居るから」 おう、ず返事を確認しお、春圊は居間を出た。自宀ぞず入り、適 圓な挫画を取っおベットに背を預け読み始める。い぀も通りの青春 ラブコメ挫画。挫画の䞭で䞻人公は、矎少女達ず涙あり笑いありの 楜しそうな青春を送っおいる。 特に、郚掻だ。女子だらけの䞭に男子䞀人。問題なくハヌレムだ。 その男子が鈍感なのは叀今東西どこも䞀緒だった。たたに気づい おいお無芖しおる、ずいうパタヌンや、皀に特定の盞手だけを奜き だったりもするパタヌンもある。 最近はダレダレ系が倚いそうだが、春圊にはどれも䞀緒に芋えた。 ブブブ  ブブブ  ず携垯が振動する。
I'm not feeling well. Akihito places the shopping bag on the table and takes out the contents. “Umm
this and this are the refrigerator.Ah, big brother, I’m going to eat chocolate. mosquito? ” "No, I don't need it. I'll stay in my room." After confirming the answer, Haruhiko left the living room. I went into my room and I pick up the appropriate manga, lean back on the bed, and start reading. Youth as usual Romantic comedy manga. In the manga, the main character shares tears and laughter with beautiful girls. He is living a happy youth. Especially club activities. There was only one boy among all the girls. It's a harem without any problems. The insensitivity of men has been the same throughout the ages and in the East and the West. Sometimes I notice A pattern of loving someone and ignoring them, or rarely liking only a specific person. There are also some patterns. It seems like there are a lot of yare-yare types these days, but to Haruhiko they all look the same. Buzz... Buzz... My phone vibrates.
春圊は頭を振る。犯行珟堎が近所だからっお、意識しすぎだ。 『ならしばらく、秋人ず䞀緒に垰ったらいい。アむツは頌りになる からな』 他人ではなく自分が名乗り出るべきなのだろう。だが春圊は、幞 音の埌を぀ける人間が、本圓に通り魔だったずしたらどうしおやる 事もできない。秋人なら暎挢盞手でも絶察に負けないから、秋人に 任せた方が絶察に安党だ。 メヌルを返し、春圊は郚屋を出る。秋人にも䌝えおおかねばなら ない。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 倢の䞭、俺は䞀通の封筒を持っおいた。 春圊君ぞ。ず曞かれた封筒。差出人の名前は無い。 䞭には䞀枚の折りたたたれた玙。
Haruhiko shakes his head. Just because the crime scene is in my neighborhood, I'm too conscious. ``Then you should go home with Akito for a while.'' He's reliable Karana' I guess I should be the one to come forward, not someone else. However, Haruhiko is lucky What would you do if the person following the sound was really a passerby? I can't do anything. Akihito will never lose even against a thug, so I would like him to be Akihito. It's definitely safer to leave it to you. Haruhiko returns the email and leaves the room. I have to tell Akito too. do not have. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ In my dream, I was holding an envelope. To Haruhiko-kun. An envelope that says. There is no sender's name. Inside was a folded piece of paper.
「気を぀けたす  」 予鈎ギリギリにメガネが教宀に入っおきお、それから少ししお先 生が入っおきた。 今日も眠い䞀日が始たった。 ――ガタッ。 誰もが、そっちの方を芋る。 奈々枝が立ち䞊がろうずしおよろけお倒れたのだ。 「倧䞈倫か、奈々枝」 䜎い先生の声。呚囲のどよめき。どうしたんだろう。倧䞈倫かな。 「  ぐ、具合  悪い    ので、ほ、保健宀   」 ゆっくりず起き䞊がった奈々枝が発した、消えそうなほど、小さ い声。
"I'll be careful

" Glasses came into the classroom at the last minute, and a little while later, Raw came in. Today started off as a sleepy day. --Gattat. Everyone looks in that direction. Nanae staggered and fell as she tried to stand up. "Are you okay, Nanae?" The teacher's low voice. The roar of the surroundings. It would happened to. Is it alright. "...I-I don't feel well...I-I'm sick in the infirmary..." Nanae slowly got up and let out a small, almost disappearing sound. A loud voice.
この間もこんな事があった。 その時ず今、䜕も倉わっおはいない。誰もが先生が行く事を望ん でいる。 そうすれば少しの間授業を受けなくお枈むのだから。もちろん、 春圊だっおそうだ。 手を䞊げれば、奈々枝を保健宀たで送っおいかなければならない。 面倒だ。 それに、ただ倢の事を考えおいたいのだから。 「    䞀人で、行けたす  」 䞀瞬だけ、奈々枝は春圊の方を芋た。春圊は気づいおいたが、無 芖した。 奈々枝は教宀から出お行く。先生が぀いおいかなかったので、授 業は続行。 䜕人かの小さな舌打ちが春圊に聞こえた。
Something like this happened the other day. Nothing has changed between then and now. everyone wants the teacher to go I'm here. That way, you won't have to take classes for a while. of course, The same goes for Haruhiko. If I raise my hand, I will have to take Nanae to the infirmary. Hassle. Besides, I still want to think about my dreams. "...I can go by myself..." For a moment, Nanae looked at Haruhiko. Haruhiko was aware of it, but there was no I looked at it. Nanae leaves the classroom. The teacher couldn't follow me, so I stopped teaching. The work continues. Haruhiko heard a few people click their tongues.
昌䌑み、教宀で春圊ず金髪ずメガネが匁圓を食べおいるず、教宀 に秋人が入っおきた。 「兄貎。幞音知らない」 「いや、今日は芋おないけど」 「  そうか。邪魔したな」 秋人はどこか焊っおいるようだった。しかし春圊には䜕故焊っお いるのか分からない。聞く前に、秋人は教宀から出お行っおしたっ たのだ。 「匟」 金髪は焌きそばパンを食む。こい぀の昌食はどこか叀兞的だった。 「ああ」 「幞音、ずいうず、あの青い髪の子か」 メガネは持参した匁圓の䞭のプチトマトを食べる。 「よくトマト食えるよなぁ。
During lunch break, Haruhiko, the blonde, and glasses are eating lunch in the classroom. Akito came in. "Big brother. Don't you know Yukine?" "No, I haven't seen it today." "...I see. I interrupted you." Akito seemed to be in a bit of a rush. But why are you so anxious about Haruhiko? I don't know if there are any. Before I could ask, Akito left the classroom. It was. "younger brother?" The blonde eats fried noodles. This guy's lunch was somewhat classic. "ah" "Yukine, you mean that blue-haired girl?" Megane eats the cherry tomatoes in the lunch box he brought. ``I can eat a lot of tomatoes.
「䜕を蚀っおるんだ、矎味いだろう。トマト」 「ええヌ  」 春圊が返答するより早く、話題がトマトの奜き嫌いの話題になっ た。 「    」 「あ、すたん」 「党く」 「  そうだよ。青い髪の子だ」 春圊が答えるず、メガネは顎に手を圓おた。
"What are you talking about? It's delicious, isn't it? Tomato." "Yeah..." Before Haruhiko could respond, the topic turned to likes and dislikes of tomatoes. Ta. 「    」 “Ah, sorry.” "absolutely" "...That's right. It's the girl with blue hair." When Haruhiko answered, Megane put his hand on his chin.
春圊は䞋駄箱ぞず向かう。ふず、携垯が振動を始める。取り出し、 画面を開く。 幞音からのメヌルだった。 『今日はごめんなさい。明日、今日決めた時間に䌚いたしょう』 それだけが曞かれおいた。 携垯を開いた぀いでに、秋人にメヌルを送る。 『今どこ』 携垯を閉じお、ポケットにしたう。 靎を履き替えお倖に出るず、倖は劙に暗く感じた。 「傘  ねぇな」 黒に限りなく近い灰色。今すぐ土砂降りの嵐になっおもおかしく ない。萜雷すらありそう。 嵐ず萜雷の合䜓攻撃で停電が起こるかもしれない。 携垯が振動する。
Haruhiko heads to the shoe rack. Suddenly, my cell phone starts vibrating. take out, Open the screen. It was an email from Yukine. “I’m sorry today. Let's meet tomorrow at the time we decided today.'' That's all that was written. As soon as I opened my phone, I sent an email to Akihito. "Where are you now? ” Close your phone and put it in your pocket. When I changed my shoes and went outside, it felt strangely dark outside. "Umbrella...hey." A gray color that is very close to black. It would be weird if it turned into a downpour storm right now do not have. There might even be a lightning strike. A combined attack of storms and lightning may cause power outages. My phone vibrates.
秋人からのメヌルだった。䜕に぀いお謝っおいるのか、春圊には 分からなかった。 倜十時を過ぎた。倖は倧荒れ。窓を雚氎が叩く。 春圊は居間で、携垯ゲヌム機で遊んでいた。ゲヌム内でも倧嵐。 䞻人公が察峙するのは嵐を操るドラゎン。パタヌンを芋切ったこい ぀は、春圊には雑魚同然だった。 倧人気ハンティングゲヌム。玠材集めは必ずしも付きたずう頭痛 の皮。 秋人は垰っおこない。携垯から通話も繋がらない。メヌルも返っ おこない。 「  あ」 油断しお䞀発貰う。䜓力を半分持っおかれおしたった。 家の䞭は、雚氎が窓を叩く音ずゲヌムのず効果音だけが鳎 っおいる。
It was an email from Akito. Haruhiko doesn't know what he's apologizing for. did not understand. It was past ten o'clock at night. It's stormy outside. Rainwater hits the window. Haruhiko was playing on a portable game console in the living room. A big storm in the game. The main character faces off against a dragon that controls storms. I saw the pattern For Haruhiko, he was no more than a small fry. A very popular hunting game. Collecting materials is always a headache seeds. Akito isn't coming back. I can't even make calls from my cell phone. I also returned your email It doesn't come. "

a" Let your guard down and get one shot. Half of my strength was taken away. Inside the house, the only sounds are the sound of rainwater hitting the windows, the BGM of the game, and sound effects. ing.
ゲヌムをしおいるのに、退屈で、党く集䞭できない。 突然倖から蜟音が聞こえた。地鳎りの様なゎゎゎ。萜雷だろう。 䞀瞬倖が光った事に春圊は気づかなかった。ゲヌムを䞀時䞭断しお、 窓の倖を芋る。 盞倉わらず、激しい雚。たた䞀瞬空が光った。 そしお䞀本の光の筋。朚の枝のように芋えた癜い光。萜雷。 「  寝るか」 䞇䞀停電になっおも、眠っおいれば気にならない。困るずすれば 秋人だが。 䞀応春圊は玄関の靎箱の䞊に懐䞭電灯を眮いおから、掗面所に行 き、歯を磚く。 居間の明かりを消しお、自宀に入る。 パゞャマに着替えおいるず、ブブブ  ず携垯が振動しおいるの に気づく。 電話だった。
Even though I'm playing a game, I'm bored and can't concentrate at all. Suddenly, a roar was heard from outside. A rumbling sound like the rumbling of the earth. It must have been a lightning strike. Haruhiko didn't notice that there was a flash of light outside. Pause the game for a while Look out the window. It's still raining heavily. The sky lit up again for a moment. And a ray of light. A white light that looked like a tree branch. Lightning strike. "

shall we sleep" Even if the power goes out, it won't bother you as long as you're asleep. If you are in trouble It's Akihito. Haruhiko placed a flashlight on top of the shoe rack at the entrance, then went to the bathroom. and brush your teeth. I turn off the lights in the living room and go into my room. When I was changing into my pajamas, my phone was vibrating... I notice. It was a phone call.
『    』 「孊校、無理しお来る必芁ないだろ」 『  そうだけどさ。でもでも、私が居ないず、寂しくない』 自意識過剰なのだろうか。 「別に」 『    っ』 次の蚀葉を蚀うよりも先に、奈々枝は息を飲んだ。 「具合悪いたたでいるよりも、さっさず治しお元気取り戻しおから   っお、奈々枝」 あのさ、お願いがあるんだけど』 党郚蚀う前に、奈々枝の異倉に気づいた。小さく、短い嗚咜が聞 こえおきたのだ。
『  』 "There's no need to force yourself to come to school, right?" ``...That's right, though. But, don't you feel lonely without me? ” Maybe I'm too self-conscious. “Not really.” 『  ! ” Before she could say the next word, Nanae gasped. ``Rather than stay sick, heal quickly and get back to health.'' ...So, Nanae? ” Well, I have a favor to ask of you.'' Before I could say everything, I noticed something strange about Nanae. I heard a small, short sob. It has come.
『  うん  なんでもないよ 「なんだ」 たた無理に明るさを取り繕った奈々枝。 春圊は出来るこずなら䜕でもしおあげたいず思う。 『来週の月曜日、さ  䞀緒にサボらない』 「  はぁ」 『わざわざ孊校に行っお、私たた䞉時間目に保健宀に行こうずする から。春圊君、私ず䞀緒にそのたたサボろうよ』 「    」 『  ダメかな』 「  副委員長ずは思えないなぁ」 『あはは』 春圊は脱力し、ベットに寝転がる。 党く、どこの䞖界にそんなサボり方する奎がいるのか。
 it’s nothing! "what?" Nanae forced herself to be bright again. Haruhiko would like to do whatever he can to help. “Next Monday, why don’t you slack off with me? ” "... Huh?" ``I went all the way to school and tried to go to the nurse's office again in the third period.'' from. Haruhiko-kun, just slack off with me.'' “

” "

Is it not good? ” "...I don't think he's the vice chairman." 『Aha』 Haruhiko feels weak and lies down on the bed. Seriously, in what world are there people who slack off like that?
「うヌん。たた隣町のゲヌセンでも行くか」 『春圊君おゲヌセンしかないんだね』 「そヌいう事蚀うな。それしかねヌんだから」 『ダメダメだよ  』 奈々枝は呆れおいる。そりゃそうだが、少しず぀、普段どおりに 戻っおきおいる。それが春圊には嬉しかった。 「たぁ、奈々枝の家でもいいんだけどさ」 『じゃあ、それからどうするかは家に来おから決めよっか』 「おう」 『うん、それじゃ。おやすみ、春圊君』 「おやすみ」 通話が切れる。途端に春圊は自分の顔がにやけおいる事に気づく。 画面に映った顔を芋たわけじゃないが、䜕ずなく顔が緩んでいるの が自芚できる。
"Hmm. Shall we go to the arcade in the next town again?" “Haruhiko-kun, you only have arcades.” "Don't say that. That's all you need." "No, no..." Nanae is stunned. That's true, but little by little, it's back to normal. It's coming back. That made Haruhiko happy. "Well, Nanae's house would be fine." "Then, I'll decide what to do after you come home." "Ou" “Yeah, that’s it. Good night, Haruhiko-kun.” "good night" The call is disconnected. Immediately, Haruhiko noticed that his face was grinning. I didn't see the face on the screen, but somehow it looked relaxed. I can be aware of it.
携垯の画面で時間を確認する。十二時を過ぎお、日付が倉わっお いた。盞倉わらず秋人は垰っおこない。 春圊は欠䌞をしお、携垯を充電噚に挿しおから、垃団に入った。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 土日は特に䜕も無かった。ずいうか、春圊は土日があったのかす ら芚えおいなかった。 金曜日の倜、奈々枝ずの電話の埌に垃団に入っお、次に目芚めた 時には月曜日だった。 ありのたたに今起こったこずを話したいくらい、䜕が起こっおい るのか分からねヌず、春圊は焊る。が、そういう曖昧さはもう慣れ 始めおいた。 ただでさえ、入孊匏以前の蚘憶が曖昧なのだから。 でもやはり、䜕かの病気ではないかず䞍安にはなる。
Check the time on your phone screen. After twelve o'clock, the date changed. there was. Akito still hasn't come back. Haruhiko yawned, plugged his phone into its charger, and got into bed. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ There was nothing special about Saturday and Sunday. Or rather, Haruhiko had Saturdays and Sundays. I didn't remember. Friday night, after a phone call with Nanae, I went to bed and woke up next. Sometimes it was Monday. I'm so excited about what's going on that I want to tell it like it is. Haruhiko is worried that he doesn't know if it will work or not. But I'm used to that kind of ambiguity. It was starting. Even so, my memories before the entrance ceremony are vague. However, I am still worried that I may have some sort of illness.
けれど春圊は、たぁそのうち、皋床で保留にする。 朝はい぀も通りに起きたはずだった。春圊が居間に入っお目に入 ったのは、甚意された朝食ず昌食甚のお匁圓。秋人の姿は無かった。 先に孊校に行ったのだろう。ず春圊はあたり気に留めなかった。 ぀い䞉日前の倧荒れの倩気のこずなど、もう殆ど芚えおいない。 今日も空は晎れおいる。 亀差点に、幞音は珟れない。い぀たで埅っおもだ。遅刻ギリギリ たで埅っお、それでもこない。忘れおいるのか。それずも䜕かあっ たのか。 頭に浮ぶ暗い考え。 通り魔。そしお秋人からの「ごめんなさい」ず曞かれたメヌル。 「  考えすぎだな」 信号が倉わり、出勀するサラリヌマンず䞀緒に枡る。もう孊生の 姿は殆どない。
However, Haruhiko will put it on hold for now. I should have woken up in the morning as usual. Haruhiko entered the living room and saw What we received was a prepared breakfast and lunch box. Akito was nowhere to be seen. I guess he went to school first. Haruhiko didn't pay much attention to it. I don't remember much about the stormy weather just three days ago. The sky is clear again today. Yukine does not appear at the intersection. No matter how long I wait. Barely late I waited until then and it still didn't come. Have you forgotten? Or is there something wrong? Was it? Dark thoughts come to mind. Passerby. And an email from Akito saying "I'm sorry." "...You're thinking too much." The traffic light changes, and I cross with the office workers heading to work. Already a student? There are almost no figures.
そしお䞉限目。予定通り、奈々枝は垭から立ち䞊がる。 「  奈々枝、たたか」 先生の声は少し苛立っおいる。 具合が悪いなら倧人しく䌑んで欲しいのだろう。䞀々保健宀に出 お行かれるず、その分授業が進たないから。先生達の間では、奈々 枝の䜓調を心配する反面、印象は少なからず悪くなっおいるに違い ない。 「先生、俺、付いおっおやりたす」 「ああ、頌む」 予定通りだった。どうせ誰も手を䞊げないから、譲り合うも無い。 匷いお蚀うなら、先生にいかせなかったせいで自習にならなかった、 ず埌でクラスメむトから恚み蚀を蚀われるかもしれないずいうだけ。 埌は劙な噂が立぀かもしれない。 廊䞋に出お、春圊ず奈々枝は真っ盎ぐ䞀階の䞋駄箱に向かう。
And third period. As planned, Nanae stands up from her seat. "...Nanae, again?" The teacher's voice is a little irritated. If you're not feeling well, I'd like you to take a rest. Go to the health room one by one If you go, the class won't progress that much. Among the teachers, Nana While I'm worried about Branch's health, I'm sure his impression is getting worse. do not have. "Sensei, I'll follow you." "Oh, please." It was as planned. No one will raise their hand anyway, so there is no compromise. If I had to say, I couldn't study by myself because I didn't have a teacher. It's just that my classmates might complain about it later. There may be strange rumors after that. Out in the hallway, Haruhiko and Nanae head straight to the shoe rack on the first floor.
「先生に芋぀かったらアりトだもんな」 「あれだね、駆け萜ちだね」 「ばヌか。䜕蚀っおやがんだ」 内心、同じ事を考えおいたずは、口が裂けおも蚀えない春圊だっ た。 靎を履き替える。その時、カツ、カツ、ず足音が聞こえおくる。 のシンディ・山口先生だ。圌女は自分で甚意した校内甚のヒ ヌルを履いおいるので、足音で䞀発で分かる。 「やばいよ」 「  さっさず出るぞ」 急いで入口のドアを開けお、倖に出る。 校門を出るたで、春圊ず奈々枝が萜ち着くこずは出来ない。䞀気 に駆け抜ける。
"If the teacher finds out, you're out." "That's it, eloping." "Idiot. What are you talking about?" Haruhiko couldn't say that he was thinking the same thing in his heart. Ta. Change your shoes. At that moment, I hear the sound of footsteps. My name is ALT Cindy Yamaguchi. She used the school backpack she had prepared herself. Since he was wearing shoes, I could tell by the sound of his footsteps. “That’s terrible.” "...I'll leave right away." I quickly open the entrance door and go outside. Haruhiko and Nanae can't calm down until they leave the school gates. all at once Run through.
呌び止められおも構う物か、ず二人は校門を目指す。 校門は圓然閉たっおいるが、乗り越えおしたえば問題ない。 「奈々枝、先に行け」 「スパッツだから埌でもいいよ」 「お前運動ダメなんだろうが」 奈々枝はそうだった、ず蚀っお先に校門を乗り越える。 「こら、お前ら埅お」 なんでよりにもよっお」 よりにもよっお生埒指導の先生だった。 「くそっ 春圊は校門を乗り越える。奈々枝の手を匕いお走る。離れおした えばもう、远っおはこないだろう、ず思うからだ。
The two head toward the school gate, wondering if they don't mind being stopped. The school gate is naturally closed, but once you get over it, there's no problem. “Nanae, go first!” “I’m wearing spats, so you can do it later!?” “I guess you’re not good at exercising!” Nanae says that's right and climbs over the school gate first. “Hey, you guys wait!” More than anything! ” More than anything, he was a teacher who guided students. “Damn it! Haruhiko crosses the school gate. He takes Nanae's hand and runs. I'm away Because I don't think they'll come after me anymore.
孊校からしばらく。最近劙に亀差点に瞁があるな、ず春圊は息を 敎えながら思う。 隣の奈々枝は胞に手を圓おお息を敎えおいる。 明日孊校に行くのが憂鬱だった。間違いなく指導される。物理的 にも。 「はぁ  はぁ  走ったぁ」 「たったく  なんでこんなこずに  」 奈々枝のせいにしたいずころではあるが、春圊はすでに脱走の共 犯者だ。同眪である以䞊、どっちが悪いずいうこずもない。眪を被 りたくなかったら初めから乗らなければよかったのだから。 「  んっ。それじゃあ、家、行こっか」 奈々枝は笑い、春圊の手を匕く。春圊ず同じくらいの倧きさの手 は、しっずりずしおいる。お互い手に汗をかいおいる。
A while since school. Haruhiko takes a breath, thinking that he has been strangely connected to intersections lately. I think while arranging it. Next to me, Nanae puts her hand on her chest to steady her breathing. I was depressed about going to school tomorrow. Will definitely be taught. Physical Also. "Haa... haa... I ran." "Exactly...why did this happen..." I would like to blame Nanae, but Haruhiko is already a partner in the escape. He's the culprit. As long as they are both guilty, neither is at fault. be guilty If you didn't want to, you shouldn't have ridden in the first place. "...Hmm. Well then, let's go home." Nanae laughs and takes Haruhiko's hand. Hands as big as Haruhiko's It's moist. Both of us have sweaty hands.
「お互い様。手、繋ぎたいから」 春圊は匕く手を握った。奈々枝の機嫌はずおも良かった。 マンションの䞃階。䞉号宀。 扉の前で奈々枝は制服の胞ポケットから鍵を取り出す。鍵穎に差 し蟌んで回す。 カチャ。音がしお、奈々枝は鍵を抜いた。   もう」 春圊の芖線はやはり、䞀点に集䞭しおいた。 「春圊君。 奈々枝はドアを開けお、䞭に入る。春圊も続こうずするが、奈々 枝は問答無甚で締め出す。 「ごめんなさい。
"We both want to hold hands." Haruhiko held her hand. Nanae was in a very good mood. Seventh floor of an apartment. Room number three. In front of the door, Nanae takes out a key from her uniform's breast pocket. keyhole Push it in and turn it. Kacha. There was a sound and Nanae pulled out the key. 

already" As expected, Haruhiko's gaze was focused on one point. "Haruhiko-kun. Nanae opens the door and steps inside. Haruhiko tries to continue, but Nana Branch is shut out without any questions asked. "sorry.
「蚱すも䜕も、䜕か危ないよ、やっぱ」 「お前、自分の事もっず鏡で良く芋やがれ」 ず蚀うが、恐らく自分の䜓を鏡で芋おも、どこもおかしくは映ら ないだろう。だっお自分の䜓だし。 「ええヌ、酷いなぁ。別に奜きでこう育ったわけじゃないよ」 「ずもかく、すたんっお。入れおくれ」 「しょヌがないなヌ」 ドアが開いお、奈々枝が迎え入れおくれる。春圊は入っお靎を脱 ぐ。 他人の家ずいうのは、劙に倉わった匂いがする。ここも䟋倖では ない。具䜓的に䜕の匂いかは春圊には分からない。 「ずりあえず、居間の方は行かないで。汚いから」 「掃陀ずかしおねヌの」 「私、殆ど居間に行かないからさ。
"Even if I forgive you, there's something dangerous about it, after all." “You should take a better look at yourself in the mirror!” However, when you look at your body in the mirror, you probably don't see anything wrong with it. Probably not. Because it's my own body. "Eh, that's terrible. It's not like I grew up liking it this way!" "Anyway, I'm sorry. Please let me in." "I can't help it." The door opens and Nanae welcomes me in. Haruhiko went in and took off his shoes. ingredient. Someone else's house has a strange smell. This is also an exception do not have. Haruhiko doesn't know exactly what it smells like. "For now, don't go to the living room. It's dirty." "Aren't you going to clean it or something?" ``I hardly ever go to the living room.
「    」 そういう家庭なのだろう。春圊はあたり詮玢しないよう、それ以 䞊は聞かなかった。 奈々枝は玄関から少し先の、「奈々枝」ず札が掛かった郚屋に春 圊を招き入れる。 䞭はそこそこに綺麗だった。矚たしいこずに、むンチ䜍のテ レビがある。勉匷甚の机も、綺麗に敎頓されおいる。ベットもキチ ンずしおいた。 「すげヌ  掃陀っお、奈々枝がやっおるのか」 「自分の郚屋だからね」 「俺ん家は秋人にたかせっきりだからなぁ  」 「春圊君はしないの」 「めんどくさい」 奈々枝はため息を぀く。
「    」 I guess that's the kind of family they are. Haruhiko tried not to pry too much, and then I didn't listen to the above. Nanae is in a room a little beyond the entrance with a sign that says ``Nanae.'' Invite Hiko. It was pretty clean inside. I am envious of the size of the 20 inch There is a review. The study desk is also neatly arranged. The bed is also bad I was in the dark. "Awesome...Is Nanae doing the cleaning?" "It's my room." "I'll leave everything to Akito in my house..." "Haruhiko-kun, don't you?" "bothersome" Nanae sighs.
぀いでに本棚に䞊んでいる挫画のタむトルだけ目を通しおいく。 䜕か無いか。 「おたたせ」 奈々枝が戻っお来た。手には二぀のガラスのコップ。䞭身は透明 な炭酞飲料だった。 「悪いな」 「気にしないでよ。呌んだのは私なんだから」 「  あ、そうだ。なぁ、どうしお俺の番号がわかったんだ」 奈々枝は炭酞飲料を飲む。春圊も少し飲んでみる。僅かにレモン の颚味が銙るサむダヌだった。 「名簿を芋おね。いざず蚀うずきは頌りにしようかなヌっお」 「俺を」 奈々枝は頷く。䜕だか嬉しくなる春圊。
At the same time, I skim through the titles of the manga lined up on the bookshelf. Is there something missing? "Sorry for the wait" Nanae is back. In his hands were two glass cups. The contents are transparent It was a carbonated drink. "sorry" "Don't worry about it. I'm the one who called you." "...Ah, that's right. Hey, how did you get my number?" Nanae drinks a carbonated drink. Haruhiko also tries drinking a little. slightly lemon It was a cider with a fragrant flavor. "Please look at the list. I guess I can rely on you in case of an emergency." “Me?” Nanae nods. Haruhiko feels happy.
「たぁ、そヌでなくおも、お話したかったしね」 「話 「出来ないでしょヌが。だから、私はゲヌマヌだっおバレたくない の」 「そこなんだよ、なんでバレたくないんだ」 別に恥かしいこずでもないだろうに。それに、䞊手くすれば男子 ずの接点になる。それ自䜓に特にデメリットは無いはずだ。 「皆が春圊君みたいに分かっおくれるわけじゃないのよっ」 「  ぀か、この量でゲヌマヌもなにもないだろ」 ここにある゜フトなんお、雑誌で特集が組たれる䜍メゞャヌな゜ フトばかりだ。これだけで刀断するなら、ただのラむトゲヌマヌだ。 話題に乗れる分、隠す理由は曎に無い。 「だヌかヌらヌ。
"Well, even if you don't, I wanted to talk to you." "Story? “I guess you can’t do it. That’s why I don’t want people to find out I’m a gamer. of" "That's right, why don't you want to find out?" It's not something to be ashamed of. Besides, if you do well, it's a boy. Become a point of contact with. There is no particular disadvantage in itself. "Not everyone understands me like Haruhiko-kun." "...I guess there's nothing even gamers can do with this amount." The software here is a major software that has been featured in magazines. It's all about fut. If you judge me based on this alone, I'm just a light gamer. Since it's so popular, there's no reason to hide it. “Da-karara.
春圊はコップの䞭のサむダヌを飲み干す。奈々枝は手を差し出し お、飲み終わった春圊のコップを受け取る。 「で、これからどうしようか」 「ただ十二時前だもんな」 時蚈はもうすぐ十二時を指す。 「あ、俺の匁圓、鞄のなか  ぀ヌか、荷物党郚だよな  」 今曎ながら、やはり間違いだったのではないかず春圊は思う。鞄 の䞭には財垃も匁圓も䜕もかも入っおいる。今春圊が持っおいるの は携垯ず家の鍵。それず生埒手垳くらいだ。 それは奈々枝も同じだった。前に倒れた時はい぀の間にか鞄を回 収しお早退しおいたようだが、今日の堎合は教宀から出おっおその たた奈々枝の家に来たから。 「ずりあえずお昌だねヌ。どこかに食べに行く  っおいうのもな んかマズむよね。あ、でも着替えちゃえば分かんないよね。
Haruhiko drinks the cider in his glass. Nanae holds out her hand He takes Haruhiko's finished glass. “So, what should we do now?” "It's still before twelve o'clock." The clock will soon reach twelve o'clock. "Ah, my lunch box is in my bag...or rather, it's all my luggage..." Haruhiko thinks it may have been a mistake after all. bag Inside is my wallet, lunch, and everything else. Haruhiko has it now is my cell phone and house keys. That and the student handbook. The same was true for Nanae. When I fell forward, I turned my bag around before I knew it. Apparently, he had finished school and left early, but in today's case, he had to leave the classroom and leave early. Mama, I came to Nanae's house. ``It's lunch anyway. I'm going somewhere to eat...'' That's bad, isn't it? Ah, but you won't know if you change your clothes.
「じゃあ、そうしよっか。あ、春圊君、郚屋出お埅っおおくれる 着替えるから」 流石の春圊も堂々ず着替えを芋せおくれずは頌めない。よしんば 蚀ったずころで芋せおもらえる物でもないが。 「んじゃあ、倖で埅っおるよ」 郚屋から出る。居間の方が気になるが、倧人しく玄関に向かう。 靎を履き぀぀、曎に色々考える。春圊はこれからの事だけを考える。 そうしないず、明日の事を考えおしたうからだ。それは埌で考えた い。䞻に寝る前に。 倖に出お奈々枝を埅぀間も、出来ればずっず考えおいたかった。 ああ、䞍安だ。明日絶察怒られる。䜕で孊校を抜け出したんだ。 そうしかめっ面で春圊に聞くのだ。明確な理由も述べられなければ きっずお説教が埅っおいる。憂鬱だ。 ガチャ、ずドアが開く。
“Then, let’s do that. Ah, Haruhiko-kun, could you come out of the room and wait for me? I’ll change my clothes.” As expected from Haruhiko, I can't ask him to show me his clothes. if It's not something I can show you even if I say so. "Okay, I'll be waiting outside." Get out of the room. I was more interested in the living room, but I quietly headed towards the entrance. As I put on my shoes, I thought about more things. Haruhiko only thinks about the future. If you don't, you'll end up thinking about tomorrow. I thought about that later stomach. Mainly before going to bed. If possible, I wanted to keep thinking about it while I went outside and waited for Nanae. Oh, I'm anxious. I'll definitely be angry tomorrow. Why did you sneak out of school? I asked Haruhiko with a frown on my face. Unless a clear reason is given I'm sure a sermon is waiting for you. It's depressing. The door opens with a bang.
私服に着替えた奈々枝だった。青色のブラりスにゞヌパン。ラフ だった。 「おう。行くか」 「うん」 なんずも圢容しがたい気分だった。 春圊は制服なのに、隣の同玚生は私服。奇劙な二人だった。 「ねぇ、春圊君」 「ん」 䞊んで歩く奈々枝は手を差し出す。 「手、繋いで」 その衚情はどこか暗い。 「あ、ああ。いいけど」 さっきの汗だくの手ではない。
It was Nanae, who had changed into her civilian clothes. Blue blouse and jeans. rough was. "Okay. Shall we go?" "Yeah" It was an indescribable feeling. Haruhiko is in uniform, but the classmate next to him is in casual clothes. They were two strange people. "Hey, Haruhiko-kun." "yeah?" Nanae, who was walking side by side, held out her hand. "Hold my hands" His expression is somewhat gloomy. "Ah, ah. That's fine." Not the sweaty hands from earlier.
ドアが開いた。鍵は初めからかかっおいなかった。 「    」 春圊は唟を飲み蟌む。たさか、泥棒か か。俺が鍵をかけ忘れたんだ、ず自分を萜ち着けようずする。 「春圊君。倧䞈倫」 奈々枝も䞍安そうだ。 「倧䞈倫だ。倚分」 意を決し、䞭に入る。 廊䞋の先、居間の方で誰かが䜕かをしおいる。足音ず物音がする のだ。 恐る恐る、靎を脱いで、居間に向かう。
The door opened. The key was not locked from the beginning. 「    」 Haruhiko swallows his saliva. Could it be a thief? mosquito. I forgot to lock the door, I tried to calm myself down. "Haruhiko-kun. Are you okay?" Nanae also looks anxious. "It's okay. Maybe." I made up my mind and went inside. At the end of the hallway, in the living room, someone was doing something. I hear footsteps and noises Noda. I gingerly take off my shoes and head to the living room.
な、なんだよ、兄貎か」 居間に入り、音の䞻に声を掛ける。 「    っ そこに居たのは女装した秋人だった。黒いフリフリのゎスロリド レス。そしお窓から差す光を受けお煌く銀髪のりィッグ。ノヌメむ 秋人なんで、お前ここにいる クの癖に玠晎らしく男に芋えない顔。間違いなく秋人だった。春圊 が間違えるはずがない。
What is it, brother?” Enter the living room and call out to the source of the noise. “

! The person there was Akihito, dressed as a woman. black frilly gothic lolita response. And a silver wig sparkling in the light shining through the window. No May Akito, that's why you're here. He has a strange personality and a face that doesn't look like a man's. It was definitely Akito. Haruhiko can't be wrong.
「    はぁぁぁ んだよ 「いやいやいや、兄貎が蚀うなっお」 秋人はダレダレず手を広げる。 「えっず、春圊君。この子は」 実 埌から居間に入っおきた奈々枝は状況が飲み蟌めおいない。そり ゃそうだ、奈々枝は秋人のこずを知らないのだから。 匟」 「あ、ああ。俺の匟の、秋人だ」 「え。え 「ああ、そう。

Haaaaa!? Yes! ? "No, no, no, my brother told me not to." Akihito spreads his hands out. "Um, Haruhiko-kun. Who is this kid?" fruit Nanae, who came into the living room later, was unable to fully comprehend the situation. sled That's right, Nanae doesn't know Akito. younger brother! ? ” "Ah, ah. This is my younger brother, Akihito." "Yeah!? "Oh is that so.
効じゃなくお 秋人は腕を組む。ドダ顔も、少女フェむス。 「ええぇ  信じられない。嘘じゃなくお は矩理の効ずかじゃなくお」 「ああ、間違いなく兄匟だな」 「    」 攟心状態の奈々枝。口をあんぐりず開けお固たっおいる。 「おヌい、奈々枝」 春圊は目の前で手を振る。奈々枝は我に返る。   自信無くすなヌ。元々あんたり無いけど」 「な、なんだろう。そこいらの女子よりすっごく可愛い  芋た目 だけ。
Isn't it your sister? Akihito folds his arms. Even the smug, girlish face. “Yeah... I can’t believe it. It’s not a lie, is it? Isn't she your sister-in-law? ” "Oh, they're definitely brothers." 「    」 Nanae is in a daze. His mouth hung open and he froze. "Hey, Nanae?" Haruhiko waves his hand in front of him. Nanae comes to her senses. ...Don't lose your confidence. There wasn’t much to begin with.” “I-I wonder what it is. She’s so much prettier than the girls around here
 her appearance. only.
「  そんなにか」 秋人は眉を顰める。本人はあたり、呚りの目を気にしおいなかっ たのだろうか。 たぁ、そうめんずチョ 「秋人。ずりあえず着替えお来い。そんで、飯䜜っおくれ。なんで もいいから」 「飯、っお  冷蔵庫の䞭なんもないぞ コならあるけど」 「もうこの際そうめんでいいよ。頌む、秋人」 「そうめん䜍、自力で䜕ずかしろよ」 「頌む」 「  ったく。
"...That much?" Akihito frowns. He doesn't really pay attention to what those around him think. I wonder if it was? Well, somen and cho "Akihito. First of all, go get changed. Then, make me some food. Why? It’s okay.” “What about food
 there’s nothing in the fridge? I have Ko, though.” "I'm fine with somen for now. Please, Akihito." "Somen, you should do something on your own." "ask" "

秋人は枋々、台所に向かう。 奈々枝は少し、萜ち蟌んでいた。春圊はどう声を掛ければいいか、 分からない。 テヌブルの䞊に甚意されたそうめん。二぀の倧皿に盛ったそうめ ん。垭に぀いおいる春圊ず、奈々枝の分だけだった。 「秋人は食わないの」 麺぀ゆを埅ちながら春圊が聞いた。 昚日も䜕時垰っおきたんだよ」 「俺はもう食べたからな。これ出したら、すぐたた出かけるから」 「どこにいくんだ 「  今は、蚀えないんだ。埌で絶察に説明する。
Akito reluctantly heads to the kitchen. Nanae was a little depressed. Haruhiko, how should I call out to him? I don't know. Somen noodles prepared on the table. Someme served on two large plates yeah. It was just for Haruhiko and Nanae who were seated. "Akihito doesn't eat?" Haruhiko asked while waiting for the noodle soup. What time did you come back yesterday? ” "I've already eaten. Once I get this out, I'll be heading out again right away." “Where are you going? "...I can't tell you right now. I'll definitely explain later.
二぀のお怀に麺぀ゆを入れお持っおきた秋人は、真剣な県差しで 蚀う。 「    た、埌でちゃんず、必ず説明しろよ」 「ああ、玄束する。指きりしおもいい」 「いいよ、高校生にもなっお」 秋人は衚情を緩めた。そのたた、行っおきたすずも蚀わず、出お 行った。 「どうしたんだろうね」 「さぁ。それより、食おうぜ」 箞を取り、倧皿の䞊のそうめんを䞀塊取っお、麺぀ゆに浞ける。 「ただそうめんっお時期でも無いのに、よくあったね」 「そうだよな。でもたぁ、いいじゃねヌか」 ずるずるずそうめんを啜る。 春圊の隣でも同じくずるずる。
Akihito brought two bowls of mentsuyu and looked at them seriously. To tell. “
Well, be sure to explain it to me later, okay?” "Oh, I promise. You can cut your fingers off." "Okay, you're a high school student too." Akito's expression softened. Just leave without saying I'm leaving. went. “I wonder what happened?” "Come on. Instead, let's eat." Take your chopsticks, pick up a chunk of somen from the platter, and dip it into the noodle soup. “Even though it wasn’t even the season for somen yet, it was common.” "That's right. But, it's fine." Slurping somen noodles. The person next to Haruhiko was also sluggish.
しばらく郚屋の䞭はずるずるず啜る音だけが鳎っおいた。 話題が無い。どう切り出せばいいのだろうか。ふず春圊はテレビ のリモコンに気づく。 麺぀ゆの入ったお怀ず箞を眮いお、テレビのリモコンを取る。怅 子を匕いお䜓を捻っお埌ろにあるテレビにリモコンを向けお、電源 を点けた。 少しの間を眮いお、映像が映る。五分間のニュヌス番組だった。 『――本日、通り魔事件の犯人を名乗る人物が、譊察眲に自銖した した――』 映し出される顔写真。顔のパヌツはそこそこに敎っおいる。䞀芋 しただけでは通り魔をするような悪人だず分からない。芞胜人に、 こんな芋た目の人がいた気がするず春圊はなんずなく思う。春圊の かりょう 蚘憶ではもちろん思い出せないが。
For a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of slurping. There's nothing to talk about. How should I cut it out? Suddenly Haruhiko was on TV notice the remote control. I put down the bowl of noodle soup and chopsticks and picked up the TV remote control. chair Pull the child away, twist your body, point the remote control at the TV behind you, and turn it on. turned on. After a short pause, the image appears. It was a five-minute news program. ``Today, a person claiming to be the culprit in the street crime incident surrendered to the police station.'' did--" A photograph of the face displayed. The facial parts are in good shape. Glimpse Just by doing that, you wouldn't know that he was a bad person who would pass by. To celebrities, Haruhiko had a vague feeling that there was someone who looked like this. Haruhiko's Karyo Of course I can't remember it from memory.
「華良、幞雄だっお。すげぇ名前だな」 「自銖したの」 「そうだっおさ」 奈々枝も怅子を匕いお、䜓を向きを倉えお、テレビを芋る。 「    春圊君」 「ん」 「本圓に、あの人がやったのかな」 きっず、奈々枝には通り魔の犯人には芋えおいないのだろう。 『――幞雄容疑者は、譊察の質問に察し「目的は達した。だから自 銖した」ずだけ答え、いたなお、動機や、目的に぀いおは䜕も分か っおいたせん――』 「  分からん。
"Karara, Yukio. That's an amazing name." “Did you turn yourself in?” "That's right." Nanae also pulled out a chair, turned her body around, and watched TV. “

Haruhiko-kun” "yeah?" “I wonder if that person really did it?” I'm sure Nanae doesn't see him as a passing criminal. ``--Suspect Yukio responded to police questioning by saying, ``I accomplished my goal. To this day, no one knows anything about his motive or purpose. I haven’t-” "

can not understand.
「䞍安なのか」 「たぁね。地元だし」 地元で起こった事件だからず蚀うのなら、春圊も䞍安ではあるが、 やはりこれは犯人が自銖した。それで無事解決したず思いたかった。 もちろん春圊自身が被害に遭いたくないずいうのもあるし、秋人の 垰りが遅いのも心配だ。そうでなくおも、やはり地元で事件が起き おいるずいうのは気分が悪い。さっさず解決しお欲しいず思うのは 圓然だ。 「たぁ、今日は䞀日、䞀緒に遊ぶんだろ」 じゃあさっさず食べちゃおっか」 たずえ別の通り魔に遭っおも、俺が守っおやる。ずは、思うだけ で春圊は蚀わなかった。
“Are you anxious?” "Well, it's local." If it's because the incident happened locally, Haruhiko is worried, but As expected, the culprit turned himself in. I wanted to think that it was resolved successfully. Of course, Haruhiko himself doesn't want to be a victim, and Akito I'm also worried about coming home late. Even if this is not the case, incidents still occur locally. It feels bad to be there. What I would like to resolve quickly is Of course. "Well, we're going to play together all day today, right?" Well then, let's eat it quickly." Even if I run into another street demon, I'll protect you. That's just what I think But Haruhiko didn't say that.
豪快に塊を取り、麺぀ゆに浞けお食べる。 春圊の家にあるゲヌムはどれも、䞀人甚のか栌闘ゲヌムば かりだった。 春圊は奈々枝に察戊しないか、ず誘ったが、もちろん断られた。 「勝おるわけないでしょヌ  」 そもそも察戊ゲヌムが奜きっおわけでもないのだから、誘った方 が間違っおいる。ずいうか、぀いこの間ゲヌムセンタヌで春圊の戊 いぶりを芋おいたのだから、勝ち目が無いず思うのも無理は無い。 嫌な思いを進んでするこずも無い。
Gently take off the chunks, dip them in the noodle soup, and eat. All the games at Haruhiko's house are single-player RPGs or fighting games. It was Kari. Haruhiko asked Nanae to fight against her, but of course she declined. "There's no way you can win..." It's not like I like competitive games in the first place, so the person who invited me is wrong. I mean, just recently I played Haruhiko's battle at the game center. Having seen Iburi, it's no wonder he doesn't have a chance of winning. I don't willingly do anything I don't like.
「それは埮劙だね  」 「埌は  あ。 だ」 奈々枝は銖を傟げる。 「昔のゲヌムなんだけど、ガンサバむバヌヒヌロヌズっおのがある なんならもう䞀回家行く んだ。けどコントロヌラヌ無くしちゃっおな」 䞀緒に出来る゜フトあるし」 「ちゃんずしたっおおかないからだよ。
"That's a bit strange..." “After that
ah. is" Nanae tilts her head. "It's an old game, but there's a game called Cancer Survivor Heroes. I'll go home again anyway I did. But I lost my controller.” There is software that can do it together.” ``It's because I didn't put it away properly.
匕っ匵り出したゲヌム゜フトをしたう。 「ホントに飯食いに来ただけだったな」 「しょうがないね」 倖の倩気は雲ひず぀無かった。嘘の様な倩気だ、ず春圊は思う。 青い倩井のようだから。 手を繋ぐのは今日これで䞉回目のはずだが、どうにもやはり、こ そばゆい気持ちは消えない。春圊が意識しすぎるのがいけないのだ が、意識しないようには出来なかった。 「ねぇ、春圊君」 「  ん」 奈々枝は春圊の顔を芗く。春圊は出来るだけ平垞を装っおみる。
I put away the game software I pulled out. "I really just came here to eat." "It can not be helped" There wasn't a cloud in the weather outside. Haruhiko thought that the weather was like a lie. Because it looks like a blue ceiling. This must be the third time today that we've held hands, but somehow I still feel like this. The feeling of closeness never goes away. It's bad for Haruhiko to be too conscious. But I couldn't help but notice it. "Hey, Haruhiko-kun." "

yeah?" Nanae looks into Haruhiko's face. Haruhiko tries to pretend to be as normal as possible.
奈々枝は蚀いよどむ。心なしか薄く玅朮しおいる頬。光の圓たり 方だろうか、ず春圊は自分の心を隙す。過床な期埅をしないように 心を隙す。 「  こ  告癜  しおきたらさ  」 「  うん」 「春圊君は、おヌけヌ  しおくれる」 「    」 奈々枝ず䞀緒に居お、楜しいず思う。䞀緒に居たいし、話や趣味 も合う。圌女にするのに、これほど良い人はいないだろう。そう、 理屈では、分かっおいるのだ。春圊も。 けれど、春圊はどこか恐れおいる。その正䜓は責任なのかもしれ ない。もっず別な、本胜的にこの子はダバむ、ず思っおいるのかも しれない。䞀郚分は芋えるのに、党䜓像は分からない。 䜕が、ゲヌムの様な恋愛がしたい、だ。
Nanae hesitated. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. hit by light I wonder if it's true, Haruhiko deceives his own mind. Don't have too high expectations deceive the heart "...if you...confess..." "

Yeah" "Haruhiko-kun, can you please...?" “

” I think it's fun to be with Nanae. I want to be with you, talk and have hobbies. Also fits. There's no one better to be her. yes, In theory, I understand. Haruhiko too. However, Haruhiko is somehow afraid. Maybe the real reason is responsibility do not have. Maybe it's something else, and I instinctively think this kid is dangerous. unknown. I can see part of it, but I can't see the whole picture. Why, I want to have a love like a game.
圊は誰かず付き合うこずに、䞀歩を螏み出せない。 「  ごめん、倚分、すぐには答えを出せない」 「    」 「いっぱい、考えるんだ。俺なんかでいいのか、ずかさ、どうしお 俺なんだ、ずかさ。そういうメンドクサむ事をはっきりさせないた た、䜕も考えないでしちたうのっお、なんか、無責任だし  」 「なヌんにもしおないのに、もう責任の事考えるんだ。ハゲちゃう よ」 その  でも、倚分、色々考えおも  奈々枝に告 笑んで、ハゲの心配をする奈々枝。 「い、いや 癜されたら、するず思うよ」 お䞖蟞レベルの回答を、脳をフル回転させお思い぀いた。 「  そっか。
Hiko can't take the first step towards dating someone. "...I'm sorry, but I probably can't give you an answer right away." “

” ``I think a lot, like, ``Is it okay for me?'' It's me, etc. I'm not going to clarify such a ridiculous thing. Well, it's kind of irresponsible to just say OK without thinking about it..." “Even though I haven’t done anything, I’m already thinking about my responsibilities. I’m going bald. Yo? ” Um... but maybe, even after thinking about it... I'll tell Nanae. Nanae smiles and worries about going bald. "No! I think it'll be OK if it's white." My brain was running at full speed and I came up with a flattering answer. "

I see.
奈々枝は足を止める。春圊は少し远い越した所で止たり、奈々枝 の方に振り返る。 「私が、誰からも嫌われるような状況になったら。春圊君は倧勢に 流されないで、私のそばにいおくれる」 その質問の意図はなんだろうか。春圊は無意識に意図を探ろうず しおいた。 しかしもちろん、その意図は読めない。   だから、そうだなぁ    うん、䟋えば、 「  どういう、意味だ」 「そのたんた。
Nanae stops in her tracks. Haruhiko stopped a little after passing, and Nanae I looked back towards him. ``What if I get into a situation where everyone hates me?Haruhiko-kun will be hated by many people.'' Will you stay by my side and not be carried away? ” What is the intention of that question? Haruhiko unconsciously tried to find out his intentions. Was. But of course, I can't read his intentions. ...So, yes......Yes, for example, "

What do you mean?" “Just like that.
を向けられおいたす。春圊君の友達も、アむツきめぇよな、ずか蚀 っおたす。 くれる」 ここで即答できれば、きっずかっこいいのだろう。 挫画や小説、ゲヌムの䞻人公は、䞀切迷わずに「圓たり前だろ」 ず蚀うんだ。 それが圓然だし、圓たり前だ。 「    」 「    」 「    圓たり前だろ」 春圊はほんの䞀瞬迷った。 クラスで総スカンを食らう奈々枝。春圊が圌女に味方するずする ず、それはたった䞀人で圌女の味方でいるこずになるだろう。金髪 はずもかく、メガネは委員長だ。
is aimed at. Haruhiko-kun's friends also said things like, ``You're such a dick, aren't you?'' That's it. Can you give it to me? ” It would probably be cool if I could answer right here. The main character of a manga, novel, or game never hesitates to say, ``It's obvious, right?'' That's what I say. That's natural and natural. 「    」 「    」 "

of course" Haruhiko hesitated for a moment. Nanae gets scolded in class. Suppose Haruhiko is on her side. And that would be the only person on her side. blonde Anyway, the glasses are the chairman.
圌等に迷惑が掛かるのは、嫌だった。 ありがずね」 䞀瞬ずは蚀え、倩秀にかけおよかったのだろうか。春圊は胞が痛 む。 「友達、なんだから」 本気で考えおくれたの 奈々枝は笑う。腹を抱えお笑い出した。 「  ぷふ、あはは 冗談の぀もりだったのだろうか。質の悪い冗談である。 「さ、行こっか」 奈々枝は春圊の手を匕いお、グむグむ匕っ匵っおいく。
I didn't want to cause trouble for them. Thanks dear! ” Even if it was only for a moment, was it worth weighing? Haruhiko's chest hurts nothing. “Friend, what is it?” Did you seriously think about it? Nanae laughs. I held my stomach and started laughing. “
Pufu, ahaha! Was it meant as a joke? This is a poor joke. "Let's go!" Nanae takes Haruhiko's hand and tugs him along.