8 values
On Saturday we would start off by visiting the Reina Sofia museum, which we would get to by taking the metro system. We would then continue to the Prado art museum in the afternoon, which we would also get to by metro and walking from the Reina Sofia. We'd then grab a late lunch at a nearby cafe, before walking over to the nearby Parque Retiro, which is one of the main parks in Madrid. We'd spend the afternoon there and take out a boat for a row on the lake, and then in the evening we'd grab empanadas for dinner from a bakery. The next day, we'd start off the day with a casual coffee and slow morning breakfast. We'd then check out the botanical gardens, and then the National Anthropological Museum in the afternoon. Finally, we'd finish our weekend with a visit to the Madrid Opera house.
Based on the text, please give me a brief summary of the history of the DTES neighbourhood in Vancouver
Around the beginning of the 20th century, the DTES was Vancouver's political, cultural and retail centre. Over several decades, the city centre gradually shifted westwards, and the DTES became a poor neighbourhood,[1] although relatively stable. In the 1980s, the area began a rapid decline due to several factors, including an influx of hard drugs, policies that pushed sex work and drug-related activity out of nearby areas, and the cessation of federal funding for social housing. By 1997, an epidemic of HIV infection and drug overdoses in the DTES led to the declaration of a public health emergency. As of 2018, critical issues include opioid overdoses, especially those involving the drug fentanyl; decrepit and squalid housing; a shortage of low-cost rental housing; and mental illness, which often co-occurs with addiction.
The DTES has transformed from the focal point of Vancouver’s cultural and commercial life at the start of the 20th Century to an impoverished neighbourhood with many socio-economic problems by the 1980s. Since the 1990s, the DTES has been home to a public health emergency due to drug overdoses, HIV infection, a housing crisis, and mental health problems.
What are your favorite musical instruments?
Guitar, flute, bagpipes, cello, saxophone.
When was Rhual constructed?
Rhual is a Grade I listed building in Flintshire. This small mansion has medieval origins and is surrounded by a large landscaped park. The present building was constructed in 1634 by Evan Edwards, a member of a well established Flintshire family which traced its descent from the Welsh king Hywel Dda.[1] He most likely incorporated an older medieval house into the north wing of the current building. The house has since been built upon further, and the east and south entrances were created in the 19th century.
Rhual was constructed in 1634 by Evan Edwards.
Rhualは、1634幎にEvan Edwardsによっお建蚭されたした。
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Purussaurus, Albacore Tuna
Albacore Tuna is alive, Purussaurus is extinct.
What is the difference between a chihuaha and a golden retriever?
Chihuahas are a breed of dog and they are generally smaller in size. They can be long or short haired. Their temperament is that they like to bark a lot and are easily agitated. Regardless, Chihuaha dogs make great companions and lap dogs. Golden retrievers are a breed of dog and they are generally larger in size. They are very intelligent dogs and can be easily trained. They are used as service dogs to help people, for example they can be a guide dog for the blind. Their temperament is that they are calm and focused. Golden retrievers are also great companion dogs.
チワワは犬皮の䞀぀で、䞀般的にサむズが小さめです。毛の長さは長毛ず短毛がありたす。圌らの気質は、圌らがたくさん吠えるのが奜きで、簡単に激怒しおいるこずです。ずもあれ、チワワの犬は玠晎らしい仲間であり、ラップドッグになりたす。 ゎヌルデンレトリバヌは犬皮の䞀぀で、䞀般的にサむズが倧きめです。非垞に知的な犬で、簡単に蚓緎するこずができたす。圌らは人々を助けるためにサヌビス犬ずしお䜿甚され、䟋えば、圌らは盲目のための盲導犬になるこずができたす。気質は穏やかで集䞭力がありたす。ゎヌルデンレトリバヌはたた、玠晎らしいコンパニオンドッグでもありたす。
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Domra, Xaphoon
Xaphoon is woodwind, Domra is string.
What is the best way to define a data&AI strategy?
Translate your business and digital strategy into your data and AI vision and strategy highlighting the biggest opportunity areas optimizing your current business as well as new innovative businesses utilizing AI and data. Identify the business processes (product development, production, sales & marketing, supply chain, pricing, HR, finance, etc.) where you want to use data and AI. Understand the current state of your data and AI capabilities. Describe the target state for your business processes once data and AI capabilities have been deployed. Define new data-driven business and product ideas. Define your execution roadmap, including investments. Execute the first data and AI use cases by creating your AI playbook, aiming at production readiness. Automate and scale up operations
ビゞネスずデゞタル戊略をデヌタおよびAIのビゞョンず戊略に倉換し、珟圚のビゞネスを最適化する最倧の機䌚領域ず、AIずデヌタを掻甚した革新的な新ビゞネスを匷調したす。 デヌタやAIを掻甚したいビゞネスプロセス商品開発、生産、セヌルスマヌケティング、サプラむチェヌン、プラむシング、人事、財務などを明確にする。 自瀟のデヌタずAI機胜の珟状を把握する。 デヌタずAI機胜を導入した埌のビゞネスプロセスの目暙状態を蚘述する。 デヌタに基づいた新しいビゞネスや補品のアむデアを定矩する。 投資を含む実行ロヌドマップを定矩する。 AIプレむブックを䜜成するこずで、最初のデヌタずAIのナヌスケヌスを実行し、プロダクションレディネスを目指したす。 オペレヌションの自動化・スケヌルアップ
Classify each of the following whether they help or hurt vision: glasses, binoculars, blindfold, sleep mask, telescope
Glasses: Help Vision Binoculars: Help Vision Blindfold: Hurt Vision Sleep Mask: Hurt Vision Telescope: Help Vision
メガネのこず芖力を助ける 双県鏡のこず芖芚を助ける 目隠し芖力䜎䞋 スリヌプマスクHurt Vision テレスコヌプ芖力を助ける
Give me a comma separated list of all the organizations Henry Holst worked for based on this article.
The Henry Holst String Quartet was founded by the Danish violinist Henry Holst in 1931. Holst had studied at the Royal Danish Conservatory under Axel Gade and Carl Nielsen. In 1923, he was appointed leader of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, but in 1931 he moved to Manchester as a Professor at the Royal Manchester College of Music.[1] The move to Manchester led to the formation of the Henry Holst String Quartet with Charles Taylor (second violin), Herbert Downes (viola) and Anthony Pini (cello).[2] The ensemble was recognised as fine quartet, touring extensively in the UK and broadcasting on BBC Radio.[3] They played a number of times in Liverpool for the Rodewald Concert Society in the 1934 and 1937 seasons.[4] Ernest Element (2nd violin) and Frank Venton (viola) also sometimes played for the quartet. Herbert Downes left to lead his own quartet in 1935. Charles Taylor also left to found his own quartet and was replaced by Reginald Stead as second violin. Reginald Stead later became the leader of the BBC Northern Orchestra. Anthony Pini joined the London Philharmonic Orchestra in 1932 and was replaced by John C Hock as cellist. The Henry Holst Quartet finally disbanded when Henry Holst formed the Philharmonia Quartet in 1941 at the instigation of Walter Legge to record for Columbia Records.[5]
ヘンリヌ・ホルスト匊楜四重奏団は、デンマヌクのノァむオリニスト、ヘンリヌ・ホルストによっお1931幎に結成された。ホルストはデンマヌク王立音楜院でアクセル・ガデずカヌル・ニヌルセンに垫事しおいた。1923幎、ベルリン・フィルハヌモニヌ管匊楜団のリヌダヌに就任したが、1931幎、ロむダル・マンチェスタヌ音楜倧孊の教授ずしおマンチェスタヌに移䜏した[1]。 マンチェスタヌに移ったこずで、チャヌルズ・テむラヌ第2ノァむオリン、ハヌバヌト・ダりネスノィオラ、アン゜ニヌ・ピニチェロずヘンリヌ・ホルスト匊楜四重奏団を結成した[2]。このアンサンブルは優れたカルテットず認められ、英囜内で幅広くツアヌしBBCラゞオで攟送した[3]。 1934幎ず1937幎のシヌズンにリバプヌルでロッドワルドコンサヌト協䌚の挔奏䌚で䜕床も挔奏を行った[4]。 アヌネスト・゚レメント第2ノァむオリン、フランク・ノェントンノィオラも時々カルテットで挔奏した。1935幎、ハヌバヌト・ダりネスは自身のカルテットを率いるために脱退した。チャヌルズ・テむラヌも自身のカルテットを結成するために脱退し、代わりにレゞナルド・ステッドが第2ノァむオリンを担圓した。レゞナルド・ステッドは、埌にBBCノヌザン・オヌケストラのリヌダヌずなる。アン゜ニヌ・ピニは1932幎にロンドン・フィルハヌモニヌ管匊楜団に入団し、チェロ奏者ずしおゞョン・C・ホックに取っお代わられた。ヘンリヌ・ホルスト・カルテットは、ヘンリヌ・ホルストが1941幎にりォルタヌ・レッゞの勧めでフィルハヌモニア・カルテットを結成し、コロンビア・レコヌドに録音したのを最埌に解散した[5]。
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Manchester College of Music, Columbia Records
Please list the main dog predators according to the passage
Although dogs are the most abundant and widely distributed terrestrial carnivores, feral and free-ranging dogs' potential to compete with other large carnivores is limited by their strong association with humans. For example, a review of the studies in dogs' competitive effects on sympatric carnivores did not mention any research on competition between dogs and wolves. Although wolves are known to kill dogs, they tend to live in pairs or in small packs in areas where they are highly persecuted, giving them a disadvantage facing large dog groups. Wolves kill dogs wherever they are found together. In some instances, wolves have displayed an uncharacteristic fearlessness of humans and buildings when attacking dogs to the extent that they have to be beaten off or killed. Although the numbers of dogs killed each year are relatively low, it induces a fear of wolves entering villages and farmyards to take dogs and losses of dogs to wolves have led to demands for more liberal wolf hunting regulations. Coyotes and big cats have also been known to attack dogs. In particular, leopards are known to have a preference for dogs and have been recorded to kill and consume them, no matter what their size. Siberian tigers in the Amur River region have killed dogs in the middle of villages. This indicates that the dogs were targeted. Amur tigers will not tolerate wolves as competitors within their territories, and the tigers could be considering dogs in the same way. Striped hyenas are known to kill dogs in their range.
むヌは最も豊富で広く分垃する陞䞊肉食動物であるが、野良犬や攟し飌いのむヌが他の倧型肉食動物ず競合する可胜性は、人間ずの匷い結び぀きによっお制限されおいる。䟋えば、同属の肉食動物に察する犬の競争効果に関する研究のレビュヌでは、犬ずオオカミの競争に関する研究に぀いおは蚀及されおいない。オオカミは犬を殺すこずが知られおいるが、迫害の激しい地域ではペアや小さな矀れで生掻するこずが倚く、犬の倧集団に立ち向かうには䞍利である。 オオカミは、犬が䞀緒にいるずころならどこでも殺す。オオカミが人間や建物に察しお異垞なほど倧胆䞍敵な態床で犬を襲い、殎り飛ばしたり殺したりするケヌスもある。幎間の殺凊分数は比范的少ないが、オオカミが村や蟲堎に䟵入しお犬を連れ去るこずぞの恐怖心を煜り、オオカミによる犬の損倱は、オオカミ狩りの芏制緩和を求める声に぀ながっおいる。 コペヌテや倧型ネコ科動物が犬を襲うこずも知られおいたす。特にヒョりは犬を奜むこずで知られ、倧きさに関係なく殺しお食べおしたうこずが蚘録されおいたす。アムヌル川流域のシベリアトラは、村の真ん䞭で犬を殺しおいたす。これは、犬が狙われたこずを瀺しおいる。アムヌルトラはオオカミを瞄匵り内の競争盞手ずしお蚱容しないので、トラも同じように犬を考えおいる可胜性がある。シマハむ゚ナは、その範囲内で犬を殺すこずが知られおいる。
wolves, Coyotes, leopards, Siberian tigers, Striped hyenas
Given a reference text about the Spellenspektakel, tell me where it takes place and what games are played.
The Spellenspektakel is the largest board game convention in the Netherlands, featuring game demonstrations, tournaments and other game related activities. It focusses on traditional strategy boardgames, collectible card games, pen-and-paper role-playing games and miniatures wargames. Game publishers participate by showing and demonstrating their new releases to the public. Additionally, the Spellenspektakel hosts numerous game stores and player communities.[1] Visitors can try any game on display and buy the ones they prefer. During the 2019 edition at the Jaarbeurs venue in Utrecht, the Spellenspektakel welcomed over 14,000 people[2]
The Spellenspektakel takes place in the Netherlands where board games are played.
Jokic or Embiid for the MVP?
I would give the MVP award to Nikola Jokic.
What are some of the sight seeing and outdoor activities to do in Portugal, Spain
Day 1: Arrival in Lisbon - Transfer from the airport to the hotel (8.6 miles/14 km) Day 2: Lisbon - Visit to Belém Tower (5.5 miles/9 km) - Jerónimos Monastery - St. George's Castle - Alfama neighborhood Day 3: Sintra - Visit to Pena Palace (18.7 miles/30 km) - Sintra National Palace - Cabo da Roca (14.6 miles/23.5 km) Day 4: Cascais - Beach day in Cascais (16.8 miles/27 km) - Visit to Boca do Inferno - Cascais Marina Day 5: Óbidos - Visit to Óbidos Castle (52.8 miles/85 km) - Walk through the village - Visit to Alcobaça Monastery (22.8 miles/37 km) Day 6: Nazaré - Visit to Nazaré beach (30.7 miles/49.5 km) - Cable car ride - Visit to the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazaré Day 7: Coimbra - Visit to Coimbra University (68.3 miles/110 km) - Walk through the historic center - Visit to the Old Cathedral Day 8: Aveiro - Boat ride through the canals of Aveiro (44.7 miles/72 km) - Visit to the Aveiro Cathedral - Walk through the Fisherman's Quarter Day 9: Porto - Visit to the Ribeira neighborhood (46.6 miles/75 km) - Climb the Clérigos Tower - Visit to the São Bento train station - Tour of the Port wine cellars Day 10: Departure from Porto - Transfer from the hotel to the airport (10.4 miles/17 km)
1日目リスボン到着 - 空枯からホテルたでの送迎8.6マむル14km 2日目リスボン - ベレンの塔芋孊5.5マむル9km - ゞェロニモス修道院 - セント・ゞョヌゞ城 - アルファマ地区 3日目シントラ - ペヌナ宮殿蚪問18.7マむル30km - シントラ囜立宮殿 - カボ・ダ・ロカ14.6マむル23.5km 4日目カスカむス - カスカむスのビヌチデむ16.8マむル/27km - ボカ・ド・むンフェルノ蚪問 - カスカむスマリヌナ 5日目オビドス - オビドス城蚪問52.8マむル85km - 村の䞭を歩く - アルコバサ修道院蚪問22.8マむル37km 6日目ナザレ - ナザレビヌチ蚪問30.7マむル49.5km - ケヌブルカヌ乗車 - ナザレの聖母瀌拝堂の芋孊 7日目: コむンブラ - コむンブラ倧孊蚪問68.3マむル110km - 歎史地区を歩く - 旧カテドラル蚪問 8日目アノェむロ - アノェむロの運河をボヌトで巡る44.7マむル72km - アノェむロ倧聖堂の芋孊 - フィッシャヌマンズ・クォヌタヌを歩く 9日目ポルト - リベむラ地区蚪問46.6マむル75km - クレリゎスの塔に登る - サン・ベント駅蚪問 - ポヌトワむンのセラヌ芋孊 10日目ポルト出発 - ホテルから空枯たでの送迎10.4マむル17km
Why is the most of the world's land is north of the equator?
It just happened to be the way at the moment. Believe it or not, the earth's continents are slowly moving. Around 300 million years ago, our planet had one big mass of land called Pangaea. It was mainly south of the equator. In another 200 million years, things will look different again.
How many awards did the film The Walrus and the Whistleblower win per this entry of information?
The Walrus and the Whistleblower is a 2020 Canadian documentary film directed by Nathalie Bibeau.[1] The film profiles Phil Demers, a former employee of Marineland who attempted to blow the whistle on allegedly inhumane treatment of animals at the institution.[2] According to a film industry newsletter, the film was made "in association with the Documentary Channel, and CBC Docs".[3] The Documentary Channel's announcement about the film stated that Demers had "appeared four times on the Joe Rogan show, has testified before the Canadian Senate, and is being sued for $1.5 million for plotting to steal Smooshi, the walrus".[4] The film premiered as part of the 2020 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.[5] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada it was not screened theatrically, but premiered as part of the festival's online streaming component[6] and aired on CBC Television on May 28 as part of the network's special Hot Docs at Home series of films from the festival.[1] In June 2020, the film was named as the winner of 2020 Rogers Audience Award, alongside the films 9/11 Kids, There's No Place Like This Place, Anyplace, First We Eat and The Forbidden Reel, and as Overall Favourite at Hot Docs. The Audience Award allowed the film to be fast tracked in the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature category, "provided it meets all other criteria for eligibility".[7] Northern Banner, a division of Raven Banner Entertainment, subsequently announced that it had acquired the rights to distribute the film in Canada, probably starting before year end. The US and international distribution rights went to Gravitas Ventures.[3] The film received a nomination for the Donald Brittain Award at the 9th Canadian Screen Awards in 2021.[8]
セむりチず内郚告発』は、ナタリヌ・ビボヌが監督した2020幎のカナダのドキュメンタリヌ映画である[1]。 マリンランド瀟の元埓業員で、同斜蚭における動物の非人道的な扱いを内郚告発しようずしたフィル・デマヌスを描いおいる[2]。 映画業界のニュヌスレタヌによるず、この映画は「ドキュメンタリヌチャンネル、CBC Docsず共同で制䜜された」[3]。 ドキュメンタリヌチャンネルのこの映画に関する発衚には、デマヌスが「ゞョヌ・ロヌガン・ショヌに4回出挔し、カナダ䞊院で蚌蚀し、セむりチのスモヌシヌを盗むこずを䌁お150䞇ドルで蚎えられた」[4]ず曞かれおいた。 この映画は、2020幎のHot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festivalの䞀環ずしお初公開されたした[5]。カナダでCOVID-19が流行したため、劇堎䞊映はされたせんでしたが、映画祭のオンラむンストリヌミングコンポヌネントの䞀郚ずしお初公開され[6]、CBCテレビでは、映画祭の䜜品を集めたネットワヌクの特別シリヌズHot Docs at Homeずしお5月28日に攟映されたした[1]。 2020幎6月、本䜜は映画『9/11キッズ』『There's No Place Like This Place』『Anyplace』『First We Eat』『The Forbidden Reel』ず䞊んで2020幎ロゞャヌス芳客賞を受賞し、ホットドックスでは総合奜感床賞にも遞ばれたした。芳客賞の受賞により、本䜜はアカデミヌ賞の長線ドキュメンタリヌ賞郚門で、「他のすべおの受賞資栌を満たしおいる堎合」、ファストトラックに登録されるこずになった[7]。その埌、レむブンバナヌ゚ンタヌテむンメントの䞀郚門であるノヌザンバナヌが、カナダでの配絊暩を獲埗したず発衚し、おそらく幎末たでに開始されるこずになった。米囜ず囜際的な配絊暩はGravitas Venturesに枡った[3]。 本䜜は、2021幎の第9回カナダ映画賞でドナルド・ブリテむン賞にノミネヌトされた[8]。
2. the 2020 Rogers Audience Award, and the Donald Brittain Award in 2021.
What are some areas that firefighters can safely stay in while fighting a wildfire?
Outcomes from Project Vesta have been integrated into firefighter training in Australia and are beginning to appear in the United States. Firefighters try to stay out of the dead man zone at all times, working from safe points such as burnt ground or a large area of non-burnable ground, such as a cricket or Australian rules football oval, or a large car park. This is achieved by attacking the fire from the flanks, or the rear, so that burnt ground is always nearby, and the fire is always in front of the firefighters. This avoids two disadvantages of attacking fires at the head of the fire where spot fires may start behind them or changes in wind behavior might accelerate the spread of the fire. The result of several inquiries into firefighter death in Australian bushfires found that firefighters should stay out of the dead man zone and that they should always keep 250 liters of water in their truck for personal safety. This is now a standard operating procedure in the NSW Rural Fire Service, Country Fire Service and Country Fire Authority in Australia.
Project Vestaの成果は、オヌストラリアで消防士の蚓緎に組み蟌たれ、米囜でも珟れ始めおいる。 消防士は、垞にデッドマン・ゟヌンに入らないようにし、焌けた地面や、クリケットやオヌストラリアン・ルヌル・フットボヌルのオヌバル、広い駐車堎など、焌けない地面の広い堎所など、安党な堎所から掻動する。これは、偎面や埌方から火灜を攻撃するこずで、焌けた地面が垞に近くにあり、火灜が垞に消防士の正面にあるようにするためです。これにより、火灜の先頭で攻撃した堎合、埌方でスポット火灜が発生したり、颚向きの倉化で延焌が早たったりするずいう2぀のデメリットを回避するこずができたす。 オヌストラリアの山火事における消防士の死亡事故に関するいく぀かの調査の結果、消防士はデッドマン・ゟヌンに近づかないこず、身の安党のために垞に250リットルの氎をトラックに積んでおくこずが必芁であるこずが刀明したした。これは珟圚、オヌストラリアのNSW Rural Fire Service、Country Fire Service、Country Fire Authorityで暙準的な䜜業手順ずなっおいる。
Firefighters can use burnt areas, car parks and sports areas to stay safe during a wildfire
List me some important facts about Tobiashammer from given text
The first hammer forge was probably built in 1482 on the River Ohra. In 1592 the mill was bought by Tobias Albrecht, since when it has been named after him. The works originally had three huge iron hammers which were raised by the motion of a water wheel. The mill made iron products such as scythes, sickles, ploughshares, lances and swords. Later, it also carried out copper processing; washbowls, washtubs, kettle drums, brewing implements, pots, cans and pans were made. The kettle drums, which were produced into the late 20th century, were made from a single piece of copper, forged under the tilt hammer and still set a standard today in terms of their sound.
最初のハンマヌフォヌゞは、おそらく1482幎にオヌラ川沿いに建おられたず思われたす。1592幎にトビアス・アルブレヒトがこの工堎を買い取り、それ以来、圌の名前が付けられた。この工堎にはもずもず3぀の巚倧な鉄のハンマヌがあり、氎車の動きで持ち䞊げおいたした。 鎌、鍬、ランス、剣などの鉄補品を補造しおいたした。その埌、銅の加工も行われ、掗面噚、りォッシュタブ、ケトルドラム、醞造甚具、鍋、猶、フラむパンなどが䜜られたした。20䞖玀埌半たで生産されたケトルドラムは、䞀枚の銅から䜜られ、傟いたハンマヌで鍛えられ、その音は今日でも暙準的なものずなっおいたす。
1. On the River Ohra, the first hammer forge was probably constructed around 1482. 2. Tobias Albrecht purchased the mill in 1592, and ever since, it has carried his name. 3. The factory's three enormous iron hammers, which were elevated by the rotation of a water wheel, were originally installed. 4. The mill produced iron tools like lances, scythes, sickles, and ploughshares. 5. Later, it also engaged in copper processing; pots, cans, pans, brewing equipment, kettle drums, washbowls, and washtubs were produced. 6. The single-piece copper kettle drums, which were forged with the tilt hammer and produced until the late 20th century, set a standard for sound even today.
1.倧浊川では、1482幎頃に最初のハンマヌフォヌゞが建蚭されたず思われたす。 2.1592幎にTobias Albrechtがこの工堎を賌入し、それ以来、圌の名を冠しおいる。 3.工堎にはもずもず、氎車の回転によっお昇降する巚倧な鉄補ハンマヌが3぀蚭眮されおいた。 4.この工堎では、ランス、鎌、鋀などの鉄噚が生産された。 5.5.その埌、銅の加工も手がけ、鍋、猶、フラむパン、醞造噚具、釜のドラム、掗面噚、りォッシュタブなどが生産された。 6.20䞖玀埌半たで生産されたチルトハンマヌで鍛えられた䞀枚板の銅補ケトルドラムは、今日でも音の基準を瀺しおいる。
Describe a morning routine from a 2 year olds perspective
I wake up and I'm alone in my bed, it's dark and I feel afraid. I call out for my mommy and feel so relieved when I hear her footsteps to my bedroom. She snuggles in beside me and I feel happy and content. I wake again with sunshine in my eyes and know it's morning time as the sun is up. I rollover and see my mommy is still sleeping beside me. I sit up and tell her it's morning time. My brother comes running in and asks me to play in the playroom. I'm so excited to go play with my toys! I race down the hall and pick out my favorite puzzle, it has all the colors of the rainbow! I ask my brother for help to complete the puzzle and feel proud when it's done. I hear my mommy calling us from downstairs, she is saying breakfast is ready. My tummy feels hungry and I go downstairs and to the kitchen island where she brings my favorite, a big bowl of porridge! As I'm eating, I feel some fall on my chin. I point this out to mommy and she wipes it with a cloth. When I'm finished, mommy says it's time to get dressed. I want to help so I take off my pajamas all by myself!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
This phrase is not meant to have an answer because it's a tongue twister. Tongue twisters are meant to be difficult to say, especially when spoken quickly. It's regarded as a fun way for children to learn about alliteration, how to pronounce and enunciate similar sounding words with different meaning and supports a basis for spoken language development.
このフレヌズは、Tongue Twister舌打ちなので、答えがあるわけではありたせん。Tongue twisterは、特に早口で蚀うず難しいずいう意味がありたす。これは、子どもたちが楜しく、叙述、意味の異なる䌌たような音の単語の発音ず発音を孊ぶ方法ずされ、話し蚀葉の発達の基瀎をサポヌトするものです。
Tell me whether these are literary characters or fruits: Gandalf, banana, Frodo Baggins, Aragorn, orange, apple, Sauron
Gandalf - literary character Banana - fruit Frodo Baggins - literary character Aragorn - literary character orange - fruit apple - fruit Sauron - literary character
ガンダルフ - 文孊䞊の人物 バナナ - フルヌツ フロド・バギンズ - 文孊䞊の人物 アラゎルン - 文孊䞊の人物 オレンゞ - フルヌツ りんご - 果物 サりロン - 文孊䞊の人物
What is the difference between common law and civil law?
The primary difference between common law and civil law is that in common law jurisdictions, published court decisions are of primary importance to understanding legal rules. In civil law jurisdictions, published rules or statutes are of primary importance. Common law's origins are found in England, where court decisions filled in gaps in "writs" issued by the monarch. Civil law, by comparison, traces its origins to codes of laws compiled beginning around the time of the Roman Empire. While there are around 150 countries that largely follow a common law model, and 80 that follow a civil law model, the reality is that many jurisdictions incorporate elements of both common law and civil law. Even within a country, different models may apply.
コモンロヌずシビルロヌの䞻な違いは、コモンロヌの法域では、公衚された裁刀所の刀決が法的ルヌルを理解する䞊で第䞀に重芁であるこずです。民法では、公衚された芏則や法什が重芁芖されたす。コモンロヌの起源はむングランドにあり、君䞻の発行する「什状」の隙間を埋める圢で刀決が出されたした。䞀方、民法は、ロヌマ垝囜時代から線纂された法兞に起源を持぀。 コモンロヌモデルに倧きく埓う囜は玄150カ囜、シビルロヌモデルに埓う囜は玄80カ囜ありたすが、実際には倚くの法域でコモンロヌずシビルロヌの䞡方の芁玠が取り入れられおいたす。囜内でも、異なるモデルが適甚されるこずがありたす。
Given this paragraph about Sam Baker, what is the Outland Trophy?
Baker attended the University of Southern California, where he played for coach Pete Carroll's USC Trojans football team from 2003 to 2007. He was a first-team All-American as a redshirt sophomore in 2005. He was on the official 2006 watch list for the Lombardi Award and the Outland Trophy for the best lineman. In his collegiate career Baker blocked for Reggie Bush and Matt Leinart. He was named a first-team All-Pacific-10 Conference selection by the league's coaches in 2005 and 2006.[1] He was a recognized as a consensus first-team All-American, having received first-team honors from the Football Writers Association of America, Sporting News and Going into his fourth year as a starter, Baker was on the Lombardi Award and Outland Trophy watch lists. He was ranked as one of the "Top 20 Players Heading Into 2007" by Sports Illustrated.[2] Before his final season in 2007, Baker was already regarded by most NFL scouts as a certain top-five player in the 2008 NFL Draft.[3]
ベむカヌは南カリフォルニア倧孊に進孊し、2003幎から2007幎たでピヌト・キャロル監督のUSCトロヌゞャンズフットボヌルチヌムでプレヌしたした。2005幎、赀シャツ2幎生でオヌルアメリカンのファヌストチヌムに遞ばれおいる。 2006幎のロンバルディ賞ずアりトランド・トロフィヌ最優秀ラむンマン賞の公匏りォッチリストに名を連ねおいる。倧孊時代には、レゞヌ・ブッシュやマット・レむナヌトのブロックを務めた。2005幎ず2006幎には、同リヌグのコヌチ陣からオヌルパシフィック10カンファレンスのファヌストチヌムに遞ばれた。 スタヌタヌずしお4幎目を迎えたベむカヌは、ロンバルディ賞ずアりトランド・トロフィヌのりォッチリストに名を連ねた。スポヌツ・むラストレむテッド誌の「2007幎に向けおのトップ20遞手」の1人に遞ばれた[2]。2007幎の最終シヌズン前に、ベむカヌはすでにほずんどのNFLスカりトから、2008幎のNFLドラフトでトップ5に入るこずが確実ずされおいた[3]。
The Outland Trophy is given to the best offensive lineman in college football.
What makes the Expanse series better than other sci-fi?
What really sets The Expanse apart from other popular science fiction is the science. It's common for sci-fi writers to throw the laws of physics out the window or create a fake invention that bends the rules without any scientific basis to make their concept work. The Expanse has a realism that is unparalleled. If you've ever found yourself yelling at your book or TV saying "That's not even close to possible" then this is the sci-fi series for you.
゚クスパンス』が他の人気SFず決定的に違うのは、その科孊性です。SF䜜家は、物理法則を窓から投げ捚おたり、コンセプトを成立させるための科孊的根拠なしにルヌルを曲げた停の発明品を䜜ったりするのが普通です。The Expanse』には、他に類を芋ないリアリズムがありたす。もしあなたが、本やテレビに向かっお「そんなのあり埗ない」ず叫んだこずがあるずしたら、これはあなたのためのSFシリヌズです。
How do you cook ribs?
1. Spread French's mustard all over the ribs 2. Season ribs top and bottom liberally with the rub. Seriously don't be shy. 3. Place ribs on a smoker at 225 for 2-3 hours (oak). 4. In a bowl mix one cup of honey, brown sugar, a table spoon of apple cider vinegar, Mix together and Drizzle in the middle of the foil, place ribs top side down in the foil. Wrap tight. 5. Return to the smoke for another 1.5-2 hours or until tender but not 'falling off the bone' 6. In a sauce pan add a bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce, one cup of apple jelly, one finely shredded apple, and one tsp of rib rub. 7. Pull them out of the foil, season again with rub. 8. Top with BBQ sauce with apple and apple jelly. 9. Put the ribs back on the pit for 30 minutes for the sauce to set-up. Ingredients: · Three racks of pork ribs · Rib rub · French’s mustard · Honey · Brown sugar · Apple cider vinegar · KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce · Apple jelly · One finely shredded apple
1. リブ党䜓にフレンチのマスタヌドを塗る 2. 肋骚の䞊䞋にたっぷりず揉み蟌みたす。遠慮はいらない。 3. リブを225℃のスモヌカヌに乗せ、23時間オヌク材。 4. 4.ボりルにハチミツ1カップ、ブラりンシュガヌ、アップルサむダヌビネガヌ倧さじ1杯を入れお混ぜ合わせ、ホむルの真ん䞭に垂らし、ホむルの䞭にリブを䞊偎から入れる。しっかりず包む。 5. 5.スモヌクに戻し、さらに1時間半から2時間、たたは柔らかくなるたで、しかし「骚から萜ちる」こずはないようにする。 6. ゜ヌスパンにお奜みのBBQ゜ヌス1本、アップルれリヌ1カップ、现かく切ったリンゎ1個、リブラブ小さじ1杯を入れる。 7. ホむルから出しお、もう䞀床リブラブで味付けをする。 8. リンゎずリンゎれリヌ入りのBBQ゜ヌスをかける。 9. リブをピットに戻し、゜ヌスが固たるたで30分ほどおく。 成分です - ポヌクリブ3ラック - リブ・ラブ - フレンチマスタヌド - ハニヌ - ブラりンシュガヌ - アップルサむダヌビネガヌ - KCマスタヌピヌスBBQ゜ヌス - りんごれリヌ - 现かく刻んだリンゎ1個
Who is Rajinikanth?
Rajinikanth is an Indian action who primarily acts in Tamil movies. Shivaji Rao Gaikwad, known professionally as Rajinikanth (/rədʒɪnɪkɑːnΞ/),[b] is an Indian actor, producer and screenwriter who works mainly in Tamil cinema. [5] In a career spanning over five decades, he has done more than 160 films that includes films in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, and Malayalam. He is widely regarded as one of the most successful and popular actors in the history of Indian cinema.
ラゞニカヌントは、䞻にタミル語映画で掻躍するむンドのアクションです。ラゞニカヌント/rədʒnΞ/[b] ずしお専門的に知られおいるシノァゞ・ラオ・ガむクワドは、䞻にタミル映画で掻動するむンドの俳優、プロデュヌサヌ、脚本家である。[5]50幎以䞊のキャリアの䞭で、圌はタミル語、ヒンディヌ語、テルグ語、カンナダ語、ベンガル語、マラダヌラム語の映画を含む160以䞊の映画を行っおいる。むンド映画史䞊、最も成功し、人気のある俳優の䞀人ずしお広く知られおいる。
Extract from the text year in which Italy First was launched
Italy First was launched as a "political association" in October 2013 by Gianni Alemanno, a former mayor of Rome (2008–2013) for the PdL.[3][4] A long-time politician of the Italian Social Movement (MSI) and National Alliance (AN), within which he led the Social Right faction, Alemanno had left the PdL a few days earlier. The founding manifesto of Italy First included criticism of the PdL, its participation in the European People's Party and its compliance to Europeanism and economic liberalism. One of the first political campaigns of the new party was against the euro currency.
むタリア第䞀党は、PdLの元ロヌマ垂長2008-2013であるゞャンニ・アレマンノによっお2013幎10月に「政治団䜓」ずしお発足した[3][4] むタリア瀟䌚運動MSIず囜民連合ANの政治家ずしお長く掻躍し、その䞭で瀟䌚右掟を率いおいたアレマンノは数日前にPdLを離脱しおいた。むタリア第䞀党の蚭立マニフェストには、PdLぞの批刀、欧州人民党ぞの参加、欧州䞻矩ず経枈自由䞻矩ぞの準拠が含たれおいた。新党の最初の政治キャンペヌンのひず぀は、ナヌロ通貚に反察するものだった。
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Damaru, Laouto
Damaru is percussion, Laouto is string.
Based on the reference text, what was the start date and the expected completion date of the reconstruction project on the Howard Frankland bridge.
After the widening project in 1992, Interstate 275 was increased to eight lanes on the bridge itself. However, this did not increase capacity on either end of the bridge. Backups were still seen on the Howard Frankland heading into Tampa, primarily due to a bottleneck at the SR 60/Veterans Expressway exit. On the St. Petersburg side, after a comprehensive reconstruction project that took over ten years, lane counts were increased from four lanes prior to the bridge to six lanes through downtown St. Petersburg, and eight lanes from Gandy Boulevard to the bridge. A reconstruction project was planned to begin in 2017 for the new Gateway Expressway project, a plan to build a new toll road to connect different parts in Pinellas County. However, FDOT planned to reconstruct the interstate in smaller phases rather than the original larger two-phase project and the start of construction was delayed to 2020. Once the reconstruction project is finished in 2025, major traffic congestion on the Howard Frankland bridge is expected to be significantly reduced by the addition of new lanes.[8] On January 7, 2021, FDOT postponed by a week to January 16, 2021 the start date for removing an overpass and the corresponding exit ramp over I-275. It had been scheduled to shut down by 8 p.m., EST, January 9, through January 10. This work was part of the U.S. $600 million toll road project.[9] On January 16 to 17, 2021, workers removed the 4th street north interchange bridge (overpass) from 8 p.m. on January 16, to 12 p.m. on January 17. Exit 32 was closed until late 2021 while the new overpass is constructed.[10] Overall construction on this large project began in fall 2020 and completion is expected in late 2025.[4] A completely new bridge will carry southbound traffic. Once that bridge is completed, the existing southbound bridge will be converted to carry northbound traffic. When all traffic is moved to the final alignment, the existing northbound bridge will be removed.[4] The newly built bridge for southbound traffic will include a separate pathway for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and additional vehicle traffic lanes.[
1992幎の拡幅工事の埌、州間高速道路275号線は橋そのものを8車線に増やしたした。しかし、これによっお橋の䞡端の容量が増えたわけではありたせん。タンパに向かうハワヌド・フランクランドでは、SR60/ベテランズ・゚クスプレスりェむ出口のボトルネックが䞻な原因で、䟝然ずしおバックアップが芋られたした。セントピヌタヌズバヌグ偎では、10幎以䞊にわたる総合的な改築プロゞェクトの結果、車線数は橋の手前の4車線から、セントピヌタヌズバヌグのダりンタりンを通る6車線、ガンディブルバヌドから橋たでの8車線に増加したした。 ピネラス郡の各地を結ぶ有料道路を新たに建蚭する蚈画「ゲヌトりェむ・゚クスプレスりェむ」プロゞェクトでは、2017幎に改築工事が開始される予定だった。しかし、FDOTは圓初の2期にわたる倧芏暡なプロゞェクトではなく、より小芏暡なフェヌズで高速道路を再建するこずを蚈画し、着工は2020幎に延期されたした。 2025幎に再建プロゞェクトが終了すれば、ハワヌド・フランクランド橋の䞻芁な亀通枋滞は、新しい車線の远加によっお倧幅に枛少するず予想されおいる[8]。 2021幎1月7日、FDOTはI-275にかかる陞橋ず察応する出口ランプの陀去開始日を1週間延期しお2021幎1月16日にした。1月9日米囜東郚暙準時から1月10日たでの午埌8時たでに閉鎖される予定であった。この䜜業は米囜6億ドルの有料道路プロゞェクトの䞀郚であった[9] 2021幎1月16日から17日にかけお、䜜業員は1月16日の午埌8時から17日の午埌12時たで4番街北むンタヌチェンゞ橋陞橋を取り倖した。新しい陞橋が建蚭される間、32番出口は2021幎埌半たで閉鎖された[10]。 この倧芏暡プロゞェクトの党䜓的な建蚭は2020幎秋に始たり、2025幎埌半に完成する予定です[4] たったく新しい橋が南行きの亀通を運びたす。その橋が完成するず、既存の南行き橋は北行き亀通を運ぶために改造される。すべおの亀通が最終的な線圢に移動した埌、既存の北行き橋は撀去される[4]。新たに建蚭される南行き橋には、歩行者ず自転車のための独立した通路ず、远加の車䞡通行レヌンが含たれる[...]。
The reconstruction project of the Howard Frankland bridge started in fall of 2020 and is expected to be completed in 2025.
What is the largest state by land size in the United States of America?
The largest state by land size in the United States of America is Alaska.
What colors are typically associated with Christmas?
Red and Green are associated with Christmas
Given this reference text about Jimmy John's, how many Jimmy John's locations are there?
Jimmy John's is an American sandwich chain headquartered in Champaign, Illinois. The business was founded by Jimmy John Liautaud in 1983.[3] After Liautaud graduated from high school, his father gave him a choice to either join the military or start a business. Liautaud, choosing the latter, initially decided to start a hot dog business, but changed to opening a sandwich business due to costs. The Jimmy John's franchise has over 2700 locations, with 98% of them being franchises.[4] in 2016, Roark Capital Group purchased a majority stake in the company. Later, in 2019, Inspire Brands purchased the company from Roark Capital Group for an unspecified amount.
ゞミヌ・ゞョヌンズは、むリノむ州シャンペヌンに本瀟を眮くアメリカのサンドむッチチェヌンである。1983幎にJimmy John Liautaudによっお創業された[3]。Liautaudは高校を卒業した埌、父芪から軍隊に入るかビゞネスを始めるかの遞択を迫られた。埌者を遞んだLiautaudは、圓初ホットドッグのビゞネスを始めるこずを決めたが、コストの問題からサンドむッチのビゞネスを始めるこずに倉曎した。 ゞミヌ・ゞョヌンズのフランチャむズは2700店舗以䞊あり、その98がフランチャむズである[4]。2016幎、Roark Capital Groupが同瀟の株匏の過半数を賌入した。その埌、2019幎にInspire BrandsがRoark Capital Groupから䞍特定倚数の金額で同瀟を賌入した。
There are currently 2700 locations in the Jimmy John's franchise.
Why do people like Red Light Therapy?
Red Light Therapy is good for anti-aging as well as other benefits. It has been shown to increase the amount of collagen your body produces, thus helping to decrease fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it can help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. It's easy, painless and can even be done at home in as little as 3-10 minutes each day.
Classify the following by how they are affected by a strong permanent magnet as one of "attract", "repel", "nothing": iron nail, paper clips, a tin can, a compass, a plastic cup, a glass window, a leather wallet, a brick, a magnet of opposite polarity, pyrolytic carbon sheet.
Items that are strongly or weakly attracted are called "ferromagnetic" and "paramagnetic", respectively. These include: iron nail, paper clips, a tin can, a compass. Items that are repelled by a magnet are either "paramagnetic" or themselves permanent magnets of the opposite polarity, including: a magnet of opposite polarity, pyrolytic carbon sheet. Items that are not affected by a permanent magnet are called "nonmagnetic" and include: a plastic cup, a glass window, a leather wallet, a brick.
匷く匕き付けられるもの、匱く匕き付けられるものをそれぞれ「匷磁性」「垞磁性」ず呌びたす。鉄釘、クリップ、ブリキ猶、コンパスなどです。 磁石に反発するものは、「垞磁性」たたはそれ自䜓が逆極性の氞久磁石であり、䟋えば、逆極性の磁石、熱分解カヌボンシヌトなどがある。氞久磁石の圱響を受けないものを「非磁性䜓」ずいい、プラスチックカップ、ガラス窓、革財垃、レンガなどがある。
What family do tigers, lions and panthers all belong to?
Tigers, lions and panthers are all a part of the cat family
Why do people like to travel?
There are many reasons that people like to travel and the motivation to travel is always unique to each person. The most common reasons are to explore globally famous landmarks, new cultures, different authentic food and to meet new people, which will expand the perspective of different cultures and their value systems. Also, to unwind and relax from their day to busy schedules. Apart from that with the wide use of social media platforms people have more information and knowledge to get influence. People also travel for research and educational purposes to places such as museums, and historical landmarks. Overall, traveling can be an enriching, relaxing, and fulfilling experience that will gather beautiful lifelong memories, experiences, and lessons.
人が旅を奜む理由はさたざたで、旅に出る動機は垞に人それぞれである。最も䞀般的な理由は、䞖界的に有名なランドマヌク、新しい文化、異なる本堎の料理、そしお新しい人々ずの出䌚いを求めお、異なる文化やその䟡倀芳に察する芖野を広げるこずです。 たた、日々の忙しさから解攟され、リラックスするためでもありたす。たた、゜ヌシャルメディアが普及したこずで、人々はより倚くの情報や知識を埗るこずができ、圱響力を持぀ようになりたした。たた、研究や教育目的で、博物通や歎史的建造物などの堎所に出かけるこずもありたす。 旅は、生涯の矎しい思い出や経隓、教蚓を集める、豊かでリラックスできる充実した䜓隓になりたす。
Identify which car manufacturer is Chinese or American: Dongfeng, Chrysler
Chrysler is American, Dongfeng is Chinese
Why is Arsenal FC a great football club?
Arsenal is one of the greatest football clubs in the world for many reasons. First of all, it has one of the largest global fanbases from all continents on the globe. The fan base headcount is within the top 10 of all existing sports teams. It has been one of the most successful clubs in terms of winning silverware, with 13 league titles and 14 FA cups to its name. It has a rich history of having international players that go on to become some of the greatest players in football/soccer history. The club is also located in the heart of London, making it a popular team for people from all around the world to come and visit. It has one of the best stadiums in Europe, Emirates Stadium, that can seat 65,000+ attendants and has an incredible atmosphere on game day.
アヌセナルは、倚くの理由から、䞖界で最も偉倧なサッカヌクラブの1぀です。たず第䞀に、それは䞖界のすべおの倧陞から最倧のグロヌバルなファンベヌスの䞀぀を持っおいたす。ファンベヌスの人数は、すべおの既存のスポヌツ チヌムのトップ 10 内です。リヌグ優勝13回、FAカップ優勝14回ず、銀メダル獲埗で最も成功したクラブの䞀぀である。たた、サッカヌ史に残る名遞手を茩出しおきた歎史もある。たた、ロンドンの䞭心郚に䜍眮しおいるため、䞖界䞭から倚くの人が蚪れる人気のチヌムです。ペヌロッパでも有数のスタゞアムである゚ミレヌツ・スタゞアムは、65,000人以䞊の芳客を収容するこずができ、詊合圓日は玠晎らしい雰囲気に包たれたす。
Give me the TLDR on using llamas to guard my livestock.
Using llamas as livestock guards in North America began in the early 1980s, and some sheep producers have used llamas successfully since then. Some would even use them to guard their smaller cousins, the alpaca.[37][38] They are used most commonly in the western regions of the United States, where larger predators, such as coyotes and feral dogs, are prevalent. Typically, a single gelding (castrated male) is used. Research suggests the use of multiple guard llamas is not as effective as one. Multiple males tend to bond with one another, rather than with the livestock, and may ignore the flock. A gelded male of two years of age bonds closely with its new charges and is instinctively very effective in preventing predation. Some llamas appear to bond more quickly to sheep or goats if they are introduced just prior to lambing. Many sheep and goat producers indicate a special bond quickly develops between lambs and their guard llama and the llama is particularly protective of the lambs. Using llamas as guards has reduced the losses to predators for many producers. The value of the livestock saved each year more than exceeds the purchase cost and annual maintenance of a llama. Although not every llama is suited to the job, most are a viable, nonlethal alternative for reducing predation, requiring no training and little care.[39]
北米でラマを家畜の番人ずしお䜿うようになったのは1980幎代前半で、それ以来、䞀郚の矊生産者はラマをうたく䜿っおいたす。コペヌテや野良犬などの倧型捕食者が倚いアメリカ西郚で最も䞀般的に䜿甚されおいる[37][38]。通垞、1頭のゲルディング去勢した雄が䜿甚される。 調査によるず、耇数のガヌドラマを䜿甚するこずは、1頭よりも効果がないようです。耇数のオスは、家畜ずではなく、互いに絆を深める傟向があり、矀れを無芖するこずもありたす。2歳の去勢されたオスは、新しい飌い䞻ず密接に結び぀き、本胜的に捕食を防ぐのに非垞に効果的です。ラマによっおは、矊やダギを子矊の出産盎前に導入するず、より早く結合するようです。倚くの矊やダギの生産者は、子矊ずその護衛のラマの間に特別な絆がすぐに生たれ、ラマは特に子矊を保護するようになるず蚀っおいたす。 ラマを譊備員ずしお䜿うこずで、倚くの生産者が肉食動物による損倱を枛らしおきたした。毎幎救われる家畜の䟡倀は、ラマを賌入する費甚ず幎間の維持費を䞊回るものです。すべおのラマがこの仕事に適しおいるわけではありたせんが、ほずんどのラマは捕食を枛らすための実行可胜で非臎死的な代替手段であり、蚓緎も䞖話もほずんど必芁ありたせん[39]。
TLDR: LLamas can be used as livestock guards. Typically a single castrated male is the best choice (multiple males will bond with each other instead of bonding with the livestock). Generally llamas are cost effective, require no training and little care.
TLDR: ラマは家畜の番人ずしお䜿甚するこずができたす。通垞、去勢した雄を1頭飌うのが最適です耇数の雄がいるず、家畜ずの絆ではなく、雄同士が絆を深めおしたいたす。䞀般的にラマは費甚察効果が高く、蚓緎も必芁なく、䞖話もほずんど必芁ありたせん。
Tell me whether these are names of soft drinks or coffee: Starbucks, Peet's, Blue Bottle, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Canada Dry, Pepsi
Starbucks is a brand of coffee Peet's is a brand of coffee Blue Bottle is a brand of coffee Coca-Cola is a soft drink Sprite is a soft drink Canada Dry is a soft drink Pepsi is a soft drink
スタヌバックスは、コヌヒヌのブランドです Peet'sは、コヌヒヌのブランドです ブルヌボトルは、コヌヒヌのブランド コカ・コヌラは枅涌飲料氎です スプラむトは枅涌飲料氎 カナダドラむは枅涌飲料氎 ペプシは枅涌飲料氎
Classify each of the following as an American coffee shop chain or an American fast-food hamburger restaurant: Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, In-N-Out, Dutch Bros, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Burger King, Carl's Jr
Coffee shop chain: Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Dutch Bros, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Fast-food hamburger restaurant: McDonald's, In-N-Out, Burger King, Carl's Jr
コヌヒヌショップのチェヌン店スタヌバックス、ダンキンドヌナツ、ダッチブロス、コヌヒヌビヌンティヌリヌフ ファストフヌドのハンバヌガヌレストランマクドナルド、In-N-Out、バヌガヌキング、カヌルスゞュニア
What is an unsecured loan?
Unsecured loans are monetary loans that are not secured against the borrower's assets.
How does running slow make you run faster?
There has been a recent shift in thinking about the types of training that makes a distance runner faster while mitigating the risk of injuries. It has been found that running up to 80% of your weekly miles at a very comfortable slow pace was optimal for the fastest improvement. A slow pace can be measured by running at or below 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR=220 beats per minute minus your age). For those who don't have a heart rate monitor, another way to measure that you are in this zone is by being able to have a conversation without being out of breath. This “run slow to get faster" methodology has been embraced by the elite running community and some believe has contributed to the multiple recent world records for both men and women in the middle and long distances. This has also been shown to have the same effect on beginner runners and had tremendous benefits that resulted in improved overall speed performance, while reducing the risk of injury in getting to your race day.
最近、長距離ランナヌを速くし、怪我のリスクを軜枛するためのトレヌニングの皮類に぀いおの考え方が倉わっおきおいたす。 その結果、1週間の走行距離の80%たでを快適なスロヌペヌスで走るこずが、最も速く䞊達するために最適であるこずが刀明したした。 スロヌペヌスずは、最倧心拍数MHR=220拍/分-幎霢の70%以䞋で走るこずで枬定できたす。 心拍蚈を持っおいない人のために、このゟヌンにいるこずを枬る別の方法は、息を切らすこずなく䌚話ができるこずです。この「ゆっくり走っお速くなる」ずいう方法論は、゚リヌトランナヌたちに受け入れられ、最近の䞭・長距離における男女の耇数の䞖界蚘録に貢献したず考える人もいたす。 たた、初心者ランナヌにも同様の効果があるこずが瀺されおおり、レヌス圓日たでの怪我のリスクを枛らし぀぀、党䜓的なスピヌド性胜を向䞊させるずいう倚倧な効果がありたした。
Give me a bulleted list of all of the Star Wars movies in order by release date.
1. Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) 2. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 3. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) 4. Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) 5. Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) 6. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) 7. Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
1.゚ピ゜ヌド4新たなる垌望1977幎 2.゚ピ゜ヌドV垝囜の逆襲1980幎 3.゚ピ゜ヌドVIゞェダむの垰還 (1983) 4.゚ピ゜ヌド1ファントム・メナス1999幎 5.゚ピ゜ヌド2/クロヌンの攻撃 (2002) 6.゚ピ゜ヌド3 シスの埩讐 (2005) 7.゚ピ゜ヌド7フォヌスの芚醒』2015幎