9 values
Jinjun Chen
Jin-Jun Chen, Kai Xu, Li-Hang Ren, Yu-Ran Zhang, Heng Fan
Dynamics of quantum coherence in many-body localized systems
Physical Review A, 2024, 110(2): 022434
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
We demonstrate that the dynamics of quantum coherence serves as an effective probe for identifying dephasing, which is a distinctive signature of many-body localization (MBL). Quantum coherence can be utilized to measure both the local coherence of specific subsystems and the total coherence of the whole system in a consistent manner. Our results reveal that the local coherence of small subsystems decays over time following a power law in the MBL phase, while it reaches a stable value within the same time window in the Anderson localized (AL) phase. In contrast, the total coherence of the whole system exhibits logarithmic growth during the MBL phase and reaches a stable value in the AL phase. Notably, this dynamic characteristic of quantum coherence remains robust even with weak interactions and displays unbounded behavior in infinite systems. Our results provide insights into understanding many-body dephasing phenomena in MBL systems and propose a novel feasible method for identifying and characterizing MBL phases in experiments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 20 Feb 2024 03:54:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:00:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Jin-Jun", "" ], [ "Xu", "Kai", "" ], [ "Ren", "Li-Hang", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yu-Ran", "" ], [ "Fan", "Heng", "" ] ]
Haibin Wu
Haibin Wu, Ho-Lam Chung, Yi-Cheng Lin, Yuan-Kuei Wu, Xuanjun Chen, Yu-Chi Pai, Hsiu-Hsuan Wang, Kai-Wei Chang, Alexander H. Liu, Hung-yi Lee
Codec-SUPERB: An In-Depth Analysis of Sound Codec Models
eess.AS cs.SD
The sound codec's dual roles in minimizing data transmission latency and serving as tokenizers underscore its critical importance. Recent years have witnessed significant developments in codec models. The ideal sound codec should preserve content, paralinguistics, speakers, and audio information. However, the question of which codec achieves optimal sound information preservation remains unanswered, as in different papers, models are evaluated on their selected experimental settings. This study introduces Codec-SUPERB, an acronym for Codec sound processing Universal PERformance Benchmark. It is an ecosystem designed to assess codec models across representative sound applications and signal-level metrics rooted in sound domain knowledge.Codec-SUPERB simplifies result sharing through an online leaderboard, promoting collaboration within a community-driven benchmark database, thereby stimulating new development cycles for codecs. Furthermore, we undertake an in-depth analysis to offer insights into codec models from both application and signal perspectives, diverging from previous codec papers mainly concentrating on signal-level comparisons. Finally, we will release codes, the leaderboard, and data to accelerate progress within the community.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:13:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 7 Jun 2024 06:20:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:02:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Haibin", "" ], [ "Chung", "Ho-Lam", "" ], [ "Lin", "Yi-Cheng", "" ], [ "Wu", "Yuan-Kuei", "" ], [ "Chen", "Xuanjun", "" ], [ "Pai", "Yu-Chi", "" ], [ "Wang", "Hsiu-Hsuan", "" ], [ "Chang", "Kai-Wei", "" ], [ "Liu", "Alexander H.", "" ], [ "Lee", "Hung-yi", "" ] ]
The CMS Collaboration
CMS Collaboration
A search for bottom-type vector-like quark pair production in dileptonic and fully hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and the DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at (CMS Public Pages)
Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 052004
CMS-B2G-20-014, CERN-EP-2024-016
A search is described for the production of a pair of bottom-type vector-like quarks (B VLQs) with mass greater than 1000 GeV. Each B VLQ decays into a b quark and a Higgs boson, a b quark and a Z boson, or a t quark and a W boson. This analysis considers both fully hadronic final states and those containing a charged lepton pair from a Z boson decay. The products of the H $\to$ bb boson decay and of the hadronic Z or W boson decays can be resolved as two distinct jets or merged into a single jet, so the final states are classified by the number of reconstructed jets. The analysis uses data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ collected in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC from 2016 to 2018. No excess over the expected background is observed. Lower limits are set on the B VLQ mass at 95% confidence level. These depend on the B VLQ branching fractions and are 1570 and 1540 GeV for 100% B $\to$ bH and 100% B $\to$ bZ, respectively. In most cases, the mass limits obtained exceed previous limits by at least 100 GeV.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 21 Feb 2024 13:45:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 06:42:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "CMS Collaboration", "", "" ] ]
Naci Saldi
Naci Saldi, Sina Sanjari, and Serdar Yuksel
Quantum Markov Decision Processes: General Theory, Approximations, and Classes of Policies
30 pages
quant-ph cs.SY eess.SY math.OC
In this paper, the aim is to develop a quantum counterpart to classical Markov decision processes (MDPs). Firstly, we provide a very general formulation of quantum MDPs with state and action spaces in the quantum domain, quantum transitions, and cost functions. Once we formulate the quantum MDP (q-MDP), our focus shifts to establishing the verification theorem that proves the sufficiency of Markovian quantum control policies and provides a dynamic programming principle. Subsequently, a comparison is drawn between our q-MDP model and previously established quantum MDP models (referred to as QOMDPs) found in the literature. Furthermore, approximations of q-MDPs are obtained via finite-action models, which can be formulated as QOMDPs. Finally, classes of open-loop and classical-state-preserving closed-loop policies for q-MDPs are introduced, along with structural results for these policies. In summary, we present a novel quantum MDP model aiming to introduce a new framework, algorithms, and future research avenues. We hope that our approach will pave the way for a new research direction in discrete-time quantum control.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:59:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:21:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Saldi", "Naci", "" ], [ "Sanjari", "Sina", "" ], [ "Yuksel", "Serdar", "" ] ]
Alvaro Ribot
Alvaro Ribot, Chandler Squires, Caroline Uhler
Causal Imputation for Counterfactual SCMs: Bridging Graphs and Latent Factor Models
35 pages, 17 figures
stat.ML cs.LG
We consider the task of causal imputation, where we aim to predict the outcomes of some set of actions across a wide range of possible contexts. As a running example, we consider predicting how different drugs affect cells from different cell types. We study the index-only setting, where the actions and contexts are categorical variables with a finite number of possible values. Even in this simple setting, a practical challenge arises, since often only a small subset of possible action-context pairs have been studied. Thus, models must extrapolate to novel action-context pairs, which can be framed as a form of matrix completion with rows indexed by actions, columns indexed by contexts, and matrix entries corresponding to outcomes. We introduce a novel SCM-based model class, where the outcome is expressed as a counterfactual, actions are expressed as interventions on an instrumental variable, and contexts are defined based on the initial state of the system. We show that, under a linearity assumption, this setup induces a latent factor model over the matrix of outcomes, with an additional fixed effect term. To perform causal prediction based on this model class, we introduce simple extension to the Synthetic Interventions estimator (Agarwal et al., 2020). We evaluate several matrix completion approaches on the PRISM drug repurposing dataset, showing that our method outperforms all other considered matrix completion approaches.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 22 Feb 2024 18:37:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ribot", "Alvaro", "" ], [ "Squires", "Chandler", "" ], [ "Uhler", "Caroline", "" ] ]
C\'edric Arhancet
C\'edric Arhancet
Entanglement-assisted classical capacities of some channels acting as radial multipliers on fermion algebras
38 pages, 8 pages of details/improvements added following the request of the referee report
quant-ph math-ph math.FA math.MP math.OA
We investigate a new class of unital quantum channels on $\mathrm{M}_{2^k}$, acting as radial multipliers when we identify the matrix algebra $\mathrm{M}_{2^k}$ with a finite-dimensional fermion algebra. Our primary contribution lies in the precise computation of the (optimal) rate at which classical information can be transmitted through these channels from a sender to a receiver when they share an unlimited amount of entanglement. Our approach relies on new connections between fermion algebras with the $n$-dimensional discrete hypercube $\{-1,1\}^n$. Significantly, our calculations yield exact values applicable to the operators of the fermionic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup. This advancement not only provides deeper insights into the structure and behaviour of these channels but also enhances our understanding of Quantum Information Theory in a dimension-independent context.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 23 Feb 2024 16:58:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:55:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:39:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Arhancet", "Cédric", "" ] ]
Manuel Krannich
Manuel Krannich and Alexander Kupers
A note on homotopy and pseudoisotopy of diffeomorphisms of $4$-manifolds
5 pages, to appear in Comptes Rendus Math\'ematique
math.GT math.AT
This note serves to record examples of diffeomorphisms of closed smooth $4$-manifolds $X$ that are homotopic but not pseudoisotopic to the identity, and to explain why there are no such examples when $X$ is orientable and its fundamental group is a free group.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 25 Feb 2024 18:29:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 28 Feb 2024 22:13:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 07:55:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Krannich", "Manuel", "" ], [ "Kupers", "Alexander", "" ] ]
Olli Saari
Olli Saari, Hua-Yang Wang, Yuanhong Wei
Sparse gradient bounds for divergence form elliptic equations
v2: writing improved all over and more details added
J. Differential Equations 413 (2024), 606-631
math.AP math.CA
We provide sparse estimates for gradients of solutions to divergence form elliptic partial differential equations in terms of the source data. We give a general result of Meyers (or Gehring) type, a result for linear equations with VMO coefficients and a result for linear equations with Dini continuous coefficients. In addition, we provide an abstract theorem conditional on PDE estimates available. The linear results have the full range of weighted estimates with Muckenhoupt weights as a consequence.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 25 Feb 2024 22:32:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 23 May 2024 15:00:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Saari", "Olli", "" ], [ "Wang", "Hua-Yang", "" ], [ "Wei", "Yuanhong", "" ] ]
Matthew Baumgart
Matthew Baumgart and Panagiotis Christeas
Resolving the Ultracollinear Paradox with Effective Field Theory
21 pages plus appendices, 8 figures. v2: literature discussion expanded
hep-ph hep-th nucl-th
Naive intuition about scale decoupling breaks down in the presence of fermion masses. Kinematic enhancements can greatly extend the range where one needs to keep a finite mass in calculations to obtain a correct result at even the O(1) level. Treating a light fermion as massive though, leads to a known but somewhat obscure paradox, a seeming leading-order sensitivity to an arbitrarily small mass. We show how a proper formulation in effective field theory not only resolves the physical conundrum, but answers the very practical question of when fermion masses are required. This has important implications for the development of shower Monte Carlo above the weak scale.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 26 Feb 2024 19:01:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:17:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Baumgart", "Matthew", "" ], [ "Christeas", "Panagiotis", "" ] ]
Simone Speziale
Abhay Ashtekar and Simone Speziale
Null Infinity as a Weakly Isolated Horizon
21 pages. At referee's suggestion version 1 of this paper was split into two papers. Consequently the current version v2 contains only the first three sections of v1. The remaining sections appear in a paper entitled "Null Infinity and Horizons: New Approach to Fluxes and Charges', arXiv:2407.03254. Both papers are at press at Phy. Rev. D
Phys. Rev. D 110, 044048 (2024)
hep-th gr-qc math-ph math.MP
Null infinity arises as a boundary of the Penrose conformal completion of an asymptotically flat physical space-time. We first note that null infinity is a weakly isolated horizon (WIH), and then show that its familiar properties can be derived from the general WIH framework. This seems quite surprising because physics associated with black hole (and cosmological) WIHs is very different from that extracted at null infinity. We show that these differences can be directly traced back to the fact that null infinity is a WIH in the conformal completion rather than the physical space-time. In particular, the BMS group at null infinity stems from the symmetry group of WIHs. In a companion paper, we obtain fluxes and charges associated with symmetries associated with both null infinity and black hole (and cosmological) horizons using a new Hamiltonian framework. The fact that is there is a single mathematical framework underlying these different situations paves the way to explore the relation between horizon dynamics in the strong field region and waveforms at infinity. It should also be useful in the analysis of black hole evaporation in quantum gravity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Feb 2024 01:44:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 4 Jul 2024 16:07:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ashtekar", "Abhay", "" ], [ "Speziale", "Simone", "" ] ]
Alberto Zorzato
Pietro Richelli, Kareljan Schoutens, Alberto Zorzato
Brick Wall Quantum Circuits with Global Fermionic Symmetry
42 pages
We study brick wall quantum circuits enjoying a global fermionic symmetry. The constituent 2-qubit gate, and its fermionic symmetry, derive from a 2-particle scattering matrix in integrable, supersymmetric quantum field theory in 1+1 dimensions. Our 2-qubit gate, as a function of three free parameters, is of so-called free fermionic or matchgate form, allowing us to derive the spectral structure of both the brick wall unitary $U_F$ and its, non-trivial, hamiltonian limit $H_{\gamma}$ in closed form. We find that the fermionic symmetry pins $H_{\gamma}$ to a surface of critical points, whereas breaking that symmetry leads to non-trivial topological phases. We briefly explore quench dynamics for this class of circuits.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Feb 2024 16:09:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2024 15:16:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:27:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 10 Sep 2024 15:17:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:23:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Richelli", "Pietro", "" ], [ "Schoutens", "Kareljan", "" ], [ "Zorzato", "Alberto", "" ] ]
Alec Yen
Alec Yen, Yufeng Ye, Kaidong Peng, Jennifer Wang, Gregory Cunningham, Michael Gingras, Bethany M. Niedzielski, Hannah Stickler, Kyle Serniak, Mollie E. Schwartz, Kevin P. O'Brien
Directional emission of a readout resonator for qubit measurement
16 pages, 15 figures
We propose and demonstrate transmission-based dispersive readout of a superconducting qubit using an all-pass resonator, which preferentially emits readout photons toward the output. This is in contrast to typical readout schemes, which intentionally mismatch the feedline at one end so that the readout signal preferentially decays toward the output. We show that this intentional mismatch creates scaling challenges, including larger spread of effective resonator linewidths due to non-ideal impedance environments and added infrastructure for impedance matching. A future architecture using multiplexed all-pass readout resonators would avoid the need for intentional mismatch and potentially improve the scaling prospects of quantum computers. As a proof-of-concept demonstration of "all-pass readout," we design and fabricate an all-pass readout resonator that demonstrates insertion loss below 1.17 dB at the readout frequency and a maximum insertion loss of 1.53 dB across its full bandwidth for the lowest three states of a transmon qubit. We demonstrate qubit readout with an average single-shot fidelity of 98.1% in 600 ns; to assess the effect of larger dispersive shift, we implement a shelving protocol and achieve a fidelity of 99.0% in 300 ns.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 3 Mar 2024 02:38:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:54:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 12:10:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yen", "Alec", "" ], [ "Ye", "Yufeng", "" ], [ "Peng", "Kaidong", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jennifer", "" ], [ "Cunningham", "Gregory", "" ], [ "Gingras", "Michael", "" ], [ "Niedzielski", "Bethany M.", "" ], [ "Stickler", "Hannah", "" ], [ "Serniak", "Kyle", "" ], [ "Schwartz", "Mollie E.", "" ], [ "O'Brien", "Kevin P.", "" ] ]
Iakovos Evdaimon
Iakovos Evdaimon, Giannis Nikolentzos, Christos Xypolopoulos, Ahmed Kammoun, Michail Chatzianastasis, Hadi Abdine, Michalis Vazirgiannis
Neural Graph Generator: Feature-Conditioned Graph Generation using Latent Diffusion Models
cs.LG cs.SI
Graph generation has emerged as a crucial task in machine learning, with significant challenges in generating graphs that accurately reflect specific properties. Existing methods often fall short in efficiently addressing this need as they struggle with the high-dimensional complexity and varied nature of graph properties. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Graph Generator (NGG), a novel approach which utilizes conditioned latent diffusion models for graph generation. NGG demonstrates a remarkable capacity to model complex graph patterns, offering control over the graph generation process. NGG employs a variational graph autoencoder for graph compression and a diffusion process in the latent vector space, guided by vectors summarizing graph statistics. We demonstrate NGG's versatility across various graph generation tasks, showing its capability to capture desired graph properties and generalize to unseen graphs. We also compare our generator to the graph generation capabilities of different LLMs. This work signifies a shift in graph generation methodologies, offering a more practical and efficient solution for generating diverse graphs with specific characteristics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 3 Mar 2024 15:28:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:46:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:20:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Evdaimon", "Iakovos", "" ], [ "Nikolentzos", "Giannis", "" ], [ "Xypolopoulos", "Christos", "" ], [ "Kammoun", "Ahmed", "" ], [ "Chatzianastasis", "Michail", "" ], [ "Abdine", "Hadi", "" ], [ "Vazirgiannis", "Michalis", "" ] ]
Yuri Lima
Yuri Lima, Mauricio Poletti
Homoclinic classes of geodesic flows on rank 1 manifolds
10 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AMS
math.DS math.DG
Given a $C^{1+\beta}$ flow $\varphi$ with positive speed on a closed smooth Riemannian manifold, we code two homoclinically related $\varphi$-invariant probabilities by an irreducible countable topological Markov flow. As an application, we give proofs using symbolic dynamics of the theorem of Knieper on the uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy and theorems of Burns et al on the uniqueness of equilibrium states.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 14:52:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:54:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lima", "Yuri", "" ], [ "Poletti", "Mauricio", "" ] ]
Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Burnol
Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Burnol
Digamma function and general Fischer series in the theory of Kempner sums
13 pages. v3 backports results from arxiv:2404.13763, adding then further novel bounds on general Kempner sums, adds a discussion of asymptotic expansions, largely rewrites the introduction, extends the references
Expositiones Mathematicae, Volume 42, Issue 6, December 2024, 125604
The harmonic sum of the integers which are missing $p$ given digits in a base $b$ is expressed as $b\log(b)/p$ plus corrections indexed by the excluded digits and expressed as integrals involving the digamma function and a suitable measure. A number of consequences are derived, such as explicit bounds, monotony, series representations and asymptotic expansions involving the zeta values at integers, and suitable moments of the measure. In the classic Kempner case of $b=10$ and $9$ as the only excluded digit, the series representation turns out to be exactly identical with a result obtained by Fischer already in 1993. Extending this work is indeed the goal of the present contribution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 18:15:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2024 13:54:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 27 Apr 2024 17:47:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Burnol", "Jean-François", "" ] ]
Benjamin Remez
Benjamin Remez, Vladislav D. Kurilovich, Maximilian Rieger, and Leonid I. Glazman
Bloch oscillations in a transmon embedded in a resonant electromagnetic environment
9 pages, 4 figures
Phys. Rev. B 110, 054508 (2024)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.supr-con
Recently developed Josephson junction array transmission lines implement strong-coupling circuit electrodynamics compatible with a range of superconducting quantum devices. They provide both the high impedance which allows for strong quantum fluctuations, and photon modes with which to probe a quantum device, such as a small Josephson junction. In this high-impedance environment, current through the junction is accompanied by charge Bloch oscillations analogous to those in crystalline systems. However, the interplay between Bloch oscillations and environmental photon resonances remains largely unexplored. Here we describe the Bloch oscillations in a transmon-type qubit attached to high-impedance transmission lines with discrete photon spectra. Transmons are characterized by well-separated charge bands, favoring Bloch oscillations over Landau-Zener tunneling. We find resonances in the voltage--current relation and the spectrum of photons emitted by the Bloch oscillations. The transmon also scatters photons inelastically; we find the cross-section for a novel anti-Stokes-like process whereby photons gain a Bloch oscillation quantum. Our results outline how Bloch oscillations leave fingerprints for experiments across the DC, MHz, and GHz ranges.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2024 16:08:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Remez", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Kurilovich", "Vladislav D.", "" ], [ "Rieger", "Maximilian", "" ], [ "Glazman", "Leonid I.", "" ] ]
Netan Dogra
Netan Dogra
The Zilber--Pink conjecture for products of curves with highly degenerate reduction
7 pages. Comments welcome!
math.NT math.AG
We give a proof of the Zilber--Pink conjecture for $n$-fold self-products of a curve $X$ inside the self-product of its Jacobian, when $X$ has appropriate bad reduction, its Jacobian has no extra endomorphisms, and $n$ is sufficiently small. The strategy of proof follows the work of Katz, Rabinoff and Zureick-Brown on explicit Manin--Mumford bounds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Mar 2024 17:45:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:42:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dogra", "Netan", "" ] ]
Sayantan Choudhury
Sayantan Choudhury
Large fluctuations in the Sky
15 pages (10 pages material + 5 pages references), Essay written and received honorable mention for the Gravity Research Foundation 2024 Awards for Essays on Gravitation, Comments are welcome, Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (for the special issue on Gravity Research Foundation 2024 Awards for Essays on Gravitation)
astro-ph.CO gr-qc hep-ph hep-th
Renormalization of quantum loop effects generated from large fluctuations is a hugely debatable topic of research these days which rules out the Primordial Black Hole (PBH) formation within the framework of single-field inflation. In this article, we briefly discuss that the correct implementation of regularization, renormalization, and resummation techniques in a setup described by an ultra-slow-roll phase sandwiched between two slow-roll phases in the presence of smooth or sharp transitions can lead to a stringent constraint on the PBH mass (i.e. ${\cal O}(10^{2}{\rm gm}$)), which we advertise as a new No-go theorem. Finally, we will give some of the possible way-outs using which one can evade this proposed No-go theorem and produce solar/sub-solar mass PBHs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Mar 2024 06:02:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 15 May 2024 07:09:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 6 Jul 2024 01:52:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Choudhury", "Sayantan", "" ] ]
Edi Sutoyo
Edi Sutoyo, Andrea Capiluppi
SATDAUG -- A Balanced and Augmented Dataset for Detecting Self-Admitted Technical Debt
Accepted to be published at the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2024)
cs.SE cs.CL
Self-admitted technical debt (SATD) refers to a form of technical debt in which developers explicitly acknowledge and document the existence of technical shortcuts, workarounds, or temporary solutions within the codebase. Over recent years, researchers have manually labeled datasets derived from various software development artifacts: source code comments, messages from the issue tracker and pull request sections, and commit messages. These datasets are designed for training, evaluation, performance validation, and improvement of machine learning and deep learning models to accurately identify SATD instances. However, class imbalance poses a serious challenge across all the existing datasets, particularly when researchers are interested in categorizing the specific types of SATD. In order to address the scarcity of labeled data for SATD \textit{identification} (i.e., whether an instance is SATD or not) and \textit{categorization} (i.e., which type of SATD is being classified) in existing datasets, we share the \textit{SATDAUG} dataset, an augmented version of existing SATD datasets, including source code comments, issue tracker, pull requests, and commit messages. These augmented datasets have been balanced in relation to the available artifacts and provide a much richer source of labeled data for training machine learning or deep learning models.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:33:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sutoyo", "Edi", "" ], [ "Capiluppi", "Andrea", "" ] ]
Jared Bryan
Jared Bryan, Julien de Wit, Meng Sun, Zo\"e L. de Beurs, Richard H. D. Townsend
The coevolution of migrating planets and their pulsating stars through episodic resonance locking
Nat. Astron. (2024)
astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR
Hot Jupiters are expected to form far from their host star and move toward close-in, circular orbits via a smooth, monotonic decay due to mild and constant tidal dissipation. Yet, three systems have recently been found exhibiting planet-induced stellar pulsations suggesting unexpectedly strong tidal interactions. Here we combine stellar evolution and tide models to show that dynamical tides raised by eccentric gas giants can give rise to chains of resonance locks with multiple modes, enriching the dynamics seen in single-mode resonance locking of circularized systems. These series of resonance locks yield orders-of-magnitude larger changes in eccentricity and harmonic pulsations relative to those expected from a single episode of resonance locking or nonresonant tidal interactions. Resonances become more frequent as a star evolves off the main sequence providing an alternative explanation to the origin of some stellar pulsators and yielding the concept of "dormant migrating giants". Evolution trajectories are characterized by competing episodes of inward/outward migration and spin-up/-down of the star which are sensitive to the system parameters, revealing a new challenge in modeling migration paths and in contextualizing the observed populations of giant exoplanets and stellar binaries. This sensitivity however offers a new window to constrain the stellar properties of planetary hosts via tidal asteroseismology.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Mar 2024 18:27:15 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:55:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bryan", "Jared", "" ], [ "de Wit", "Julien", "" ], [ "Sun", "Meng", "" ], [ "de Beurs", "Zoë L.", "" ], [ "Townsend", "Richard H. D.", "" ] ]
Marian Stahl
LHCb collaboration: R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta, F. Abudin\'en, T. Ackernley, J. A. Adams, A. A. Adefisoye, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P. Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, Z. Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, P. Andreola, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, A. Anelli, D. Ao, F. Archilli, M. Argenton, S. Arguedas Cuendis, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, D. Bacher, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, H. Bao, J. Baptista de Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, I. R. Barbosa, R.J. Barlow, M. Barnyakov, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, J. Bartz, F. Baryshnikov, J.M. Basels, G. Bassi, B. Batsukh, A. Bay, A. Beck, M. Becker, F. Bedeschi, I.B. Bediaga, S. Belin, V. Bellee, K. Belous, I. Belov, I. Belyaev, G. Benane, G. Bencivenni, E. Ben-Haim, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, S. Bernet Andres, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, J. Bex, Ia. Bezshyiko, J. Bhom, M.S. Bieker, N.V. Biesuz, P. Billoir, A. Biolchini, M. Birch, F.C.R. Bishop, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J.E. Blank, S. Blusk, V. Bocharnikov, J.A. Boelhauve, O. Boente Garcia, T. Boettcher, A. Bohare, A. Boldyrev, C.S. Bolognani, R. Bolzonella, N. Bondar, F. Borgato, S. Borghi, M. Borsato, J.T. Borsuk, S.A. Bouchiba, T.J.V. Bowcock, A. Boyer, C. Bozzi, M.J. Bradley, A. Brea Rodriguez, N. Breer, J. Brodzicka, A. Brossa Gonzalo, J. Brown, D. Brundu, E. Buchanan, A. Buonaura, L. Buonincontri, A.T. Burke, C. Burr, A. Butkevich, J.S. Butter, J. Buytaert, W. Byczynski, S. Cadeddu, H. Cai, R. Calabrese, S. Calderon Ramirez, L. Calefice, S. Cali, M. Calvi, M. Calvo Gomez, P. Camargo Magalhaes, J. I. Cambon Bouzas, P. Campana, D.H. Campora Perez, A.F. Campoverde Quezada, S. Capelli, L. Capriotti, R. Caravaca-Mora, A. Carbone, L. Carcedo Salgado, R. Cardinale, A. Cardini, P. Carniti, L. Carus, A. Casais Vidal, R. Caspary, G. Casse, J. Castro Godinez, M. Cattaneo, G. Cavallero, V. Cavallini, S. Celani, D. Cervenkov, S. Cesare, A.J. Chadwick, I. Chahrour, M. Charles, Ph. Charpentier, C.A. Chavez Barajas, M. Chefdeville, C. Chen, S. Chen, Z. Chen, A. Chernov, S. Chernyshenko, V. Chobanova, S. Cholak, M. Chrzaszcz, A. Chubykin, V. Chulikov, P. Ciambrone, X. Cid Vidal, G. Ciezarek, P. Cifra, P.E.L. Clarke, M. Clemencic, H.V. Cliff, J. Closier, C. Cocha Toapaxi, V. Coco, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, L. Cojocariu, P. Collins, T. Colombo, A. Comerma-Montells, L. Congedo, A. Contu, N. Cooke, I. Corredoira, A. Correia, G. Corti, J.J. Cottee Meldrum, B. Couturier, D.C. Craik, M. Cruz Torres, E. Curras Rivera, R. Currie, C.L. Da Silva, S. Dadabaev, L. Dai, X. Dai, E. Dall'Occo, J. Dalseno, C. D'Ambrosio, J. Daniel, A. Danilina, P. d'Argent, A. Davidson, J.E. Davies, A. Davis, O. De Aguiar Francisco, C. De Angelis, F. De Benedetti, J. de Boer, K. De Bruyn, S. De Capua, M. De Cian, U. De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca, E. De Lucia, J.M. De Miranda, L. De Paula, M. De Serio, P. De Simone, F. De Vellis, J.A. de Vries, F. Debernardis, D. Decamp, V. Dedu, L. Del Buono, B. Delaney, H.-P. Dembinski, J. Deng, V. Denysenko, O. Deschamps, F. Dettori, B. Dey, P. Di Nezza, I. Diachkov, S. Didenko, S. Ding, L. Dittmann, V. Dobishuk, A. D. Docheva, C. Dong, A.M. Donohoe, F. Dordei, A.C. dos Reis, A. D. Dowling, W. Duan, P. Duda, M.W. Dudek, L. Dufour, V. Duk, P. Durante, M. M. Duras, J.M. Durham, O. D. Durmus, A. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, S. Easo, E. Eckstein, U. Egede, A. Egorychev, V. Egorychev, S. Eisenhardt, E. Ejopu, L. Eklund, M. Elashri, J. Ellbracht, S. Ely, A. Ene, E. Epple, J. Eschle, S. Esen, T. Evans, F. Fabiano, L.N. Falcao, Y. Fan, B. Fang, L. Fantini, M. Faria, K. Farmer, D. Fazzini, L. Felkowski, M. Feng, M. Feo, M. Fernandez Gomez, A.D. Fernez, F. Ferrari, F. Ferreira Rodrigues, M. Ferrillo, M. Ferro-Luzzi, S. Filippov, R.A. Fini, M. Fiorini, K.M. Fischer, D.S. Fitzgerald, C. Fitzpatrick, F. Fleuret, M. Fontana, L. F. Foreman, R. Forty, D. Foulds-Holt, M. Franco Sevilla, M. Frank, E. Franzoso, G. Frau, C. Frei, D.A. Friday, J. Fu, Q. Fuehring, Y. Fujii, T. Fulghesu, E. Gabriel, G. Galati, M.D. Galati, A. Gallas Torreira, D. Galli, S. Gambetta, M. Gandelman, P. Gandini, B. Ganie, H. Gao, R. Gao, Y. Gao, Y. Gao, Y. Gao, M. Garau, L.M. Garcia Martin, P. Garcia Moreno, J. Garc\'ia Pardi\~nas, K. G. Garg, L. Garrido, C. Gaspar, R.E. Geertsema, L.L. Gerken, E. Gersabeck, M. Gersabeck, T. Gershon, Z. Ghorbanimoghaddam, L. Giambastiani, F. I. Giasemis, V. Gibson, H.K. Giemza, A.L. Gilman, M. Giovannetti, A. Giovent\`u, P. Gironella Gironell, C. Giugliano, M.A. Giza, E.L. Gkougkousis, F.C. Glaser, V.V. Gligorov, C. G\"obel, E. Golobardes, D. Golubkov, A. Golutvin, A. Gomes, S. Gomez Fernandez, F. Goncalves Abrantes, M. Goncerz, G. Gong, J. A. Gooding, I.V. Gorelov, C. Gotti, J.P. Grabowski, L.A. Granado Cardoso, E. Graug\'es, E. Graverini, L. Grazette, G. Graziani, A. T. Grecu, L.M. Greeven, N.A. Grieser, L. Grillo, S. Gromov, C. Gu, M. Guarise, M. Guittiere, V. Guliaeva, P. A. G\"unther, A.-K. Guseinov, E. Gushchin, Y. Guz, T. Gys, K. Habermann, T. Hadavizadeh, C. Hadjivasiliou, G. Haefeli, C. Haen, J. Haimberger, M. Hajheidari, M.M. Halvorsen, P.M. Hamilton, J. Hammerich, Q. Han, X. Han, S. Hansmann-Menzemer, L. Hao, N. Harnew, M. Hartmann, J. He, P. H. Hein Nogarolli Vilela Pereira, F. Hemmer, C. Henderson, R.D.L. Henderson, A.M. Hennequin, K. Hennessy, L. Henry, J. Herd, P. Herrero Gascon, J. Heuel, A. Hicheur, G. Hijano Mendizabal, D. Hill, S.E. Hollitt, J. Horswill, R. Hou, Y. Hou, N. Howarth, J. Hu, J. Hu, W. Hu, X. Hu, W. Huang, W. Hulsbergen, R.J. Hunter, M. Hushchyn, D. Hutchcroft, D. Ilin, P. Ilten, A. Inglessi, A. Iniukhin, A. Ishteev, K. Ivshin, R. Jacobsson, H. Jage, S.J. Jaimes Elles, S. Jakobsen, E. Jans, B.K. Jashal, A. Jawahery, V. Jevtic, E. Jiang, X. Jiang, Y. Jiang, Y. J. Jiang, M. John, D. Johnson, C.R. Jones, T.P. Jones, S. Joshi, B. Jost, N. Jurik, I. Juszczak, D. Kaminaris, S. Kandybei, Y. Kang, C. Kar, M. Karacson, D. Karpenkov, A. Kauniskangas, J.W. Kautz, F. Keizer, M. Kenzie, T. Ketel, B. Khanji, A. Kharisova, S. Kholodenko, G. Khreich, T. Kirn, V.S. Kirsebom, O. Kitouni, S. Klaver, N. Kleijne, K. Klimaszewski, M.R. Kmiec, S. Koliiev, L. Kolk, A. Konoplyannikov, P. Kopciewicz, P. Koppenburg, M. Korolev, I. Kostiuk, O. Kot, S. Kotriakhova, A. Kozachuk, P. Kravchenko, L. Kravchuk, M. Kreps, P. Krokovny, W. Krupa, W. Krzemien, O.K. Kshyvanskyi, J. Kubat, S. Kubis, M. Kucharczyk, V. Kudryavtsev, E. Kulikova, A. Kupsc, B. K. Kutsenko, D. Lacarrere, A. Lai, A. Lampis, D. Lancierini, C. Landesa Gomez, J.J. Lane, R. Lane, C. Langenbruch, J. Langer, O. Lantwin, T. Latham, F. Lazzari, C. Lazzeroni, R. Le Gac, R. Lef\`evre, A. Leflat, S. Legotin, M. Lehuraux, E. Lemos Cid, O. Leroy, T. Lesiak, B. Leverington, A. Li, H. Li, K. Li, L. Li, P. Li, P.-R. Li, Q. Li, S. Li, T. Li, T. Li, Y. Li, Y. Li, Z. Lian, X. Liang, S. Libralon, C. Lin, T. Lin, R. Lindner, V. Lisovskyi, R. Litvinov, F. L. Liu, G. Liu, K. Liu, S. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. L. Liu, A. Lobo Salvia, A. Loi, J. Lomba Castro, T. Long, J.H. Lopes, A. Lopez Huertas, S. L\'opez Soli\~no, C. Lucarelli, D. Lucchesi, M. Lucio Martinez, V. Lukashenko, Y. Luo, A. Lupato, E. Luppi, K. Lynch, X.-R. Lyu, G. M. Ma, R. Ma, S. Maccolini, F. Machefert, F. Maciuc, B. M. Mack, I. Mackay, L. M. Mackey, L.R. Madhan Mohan, M. M. Madurai, A. Maevskiy, D. Magdalinski, D. Maisuzenko, M.W. Majewski, J.J. Malczewski, S. Malde, L. Malentacca, A. Malinin, T. Maltsev, G. Manca, G. Mancinelli, C. Mancuso, R. Manera Escalero, D. Manuzzi, D. Marangotto, J.F. Marchand, R. Marchevski, U. Marconi, S. Mariani, C. Marin Benito, J. Marks, A.M. Marshall, G. Martelli, G. Martellotti, L. Martinazzoli, M. Martinelli, D. Martinez Santos, F. Martinez Vidal, A. Massafferri, R. Matev, A. Mathad, V. Matiunin, C. Matteuzzi, K.R. Mattioli, A. Mauri, E. Maurice, J. Mauricio, P. Mayencourt, M. Mazurek, M. McCann, L. Mcconnell, T.H. McGrath, N.T. McHugh, A. McNab, R. McNulty, B. Meadows, G. Meier, D. Melnychuk, F. M. Meng, M. Merk, A. Merli, L. Meyer Garcia, D. Miao, H. Miao, M. Mikhasenko, D.A. Milanes, A. Minotti, E. Minucci, T. Miralles, B. Mitreska, D.S. Mitzel, A. Modak, A. M\"odden, R.A. Mohammed, R.D. Moise, S. Mokhnenko, T. Momb\"acher, M. Monk, S. Monteil, A. Morcillo Gomez, G. Morello, M.J. Morello, M.P. Morgenthaler, A.B. Morris, A.G. Morris, R. Mountain, H. Mu, Z. M. Mu, E. Muhammad, F. Muheim, M. Mulder, K. M\"uller, F. Mu\~noz-Rojas, R. Murta, P. Naik, T. Nakada, R. Nandakumar, T. Nanut, I. Nasteva, M. Needham, N. Neri, S. Neubert, N. Neufeld, P. Neustroev, J. Nicolini, D. Nicotra, E.M. Niel, N. Nikitin, P. Nogga, N.S. Nolte, C. Normand, J. Novoa Fernandez, G. Nowak, C. Nunez, H. N. Nur, A. Oblakowska-Mucha, V. Obraztsov, T. Oeser, S. Okamura, A. Okhotnikov, O. Okhrimenko, R. Oldeman, F. Oliva, M. Olocco, C.J.G. Onderwater, R.H. O'Neil, J.M. Otalora Goicochea, P. Owen, A. Oyanguren, O. Ozcelik, K.O. Padeken, B. Pagare, P.R. Pais, T. Pajero, A. Palano, M. Palutan, G. Panshin, L. Paolucci, A. Papanestis, M. Pappagallo, L.L. Pappalardo, C. Pappenheimer, C. Parkes, B. Passalacqua, G. Passaleva, D. Passaro, A. Pastore, M. Patel, J. Patoc, C. Patrignani, A. Paul, C.J. Pawley, A. Pellegrino, J. Peng, M. Pepe Altarelli, S. Perazzini, D. Pereima, A. Pereiro Castro, P. Perret, A. Perro, K. Petridis, A. Petrolini, J. P. Pfaller, H. Pham, L. Pica, M. Piccini, B. Pietrzyk, G. Pietrzyk, D. Pinci, F. Pisani, M. Pizzichemi, V. Placinta, M. Plo Casasus, F. Polci, M. Poli Lener, A. Poluektov, N. Polukhina, I. Polyakov, E. Polycarpo, S. Ponce, D. Popov, S. Poslavskii, K. Prasanth, C. Prouve, V. Pugatch, G. Punzi, S. Qasim, W. Qian, N. Qin, S. Qu, R. Quagliani, R.I. Rabadan Trejo, J.H. Rademacker, M. Rama, M. Ram\'irez Garc\'ia, M. Ramos Pernas, M.S. Rangel, F. Ratnikov, G. Raven, M. Rebollo De Miguel, F. Redi, J. Reich, F. Reiss, Z. Ren, P.K. Resmi, R. Ribatti, G. R. Ricart, D. Riccardi, S. Ricciardi, K. Richardson, M. Richardson-Slipper, K. Rinnert, P. Robbe, G. Robertson, E. Rodrigues, E. Rodriguez Fernandez, J.A. Rodriguez Lopez, E. Rodriguez Rodriguez, A. Rogovskiy, D.L. Rolf, P. Roloff, V. Romanovskiy, M. Romero Lamas, A. Romero Vidal, G. Romolini, F. Ronchetti, M. Rotondo, S. R. Roy, M.S. Rudolph, T. Ruf, M. Ruiz Diaz, R.A. Ruiz Fernandez, J. Ruiz Vidal, A. Ryzhikov, J. Ryzka, J. J. Saavedra-Arias, J.J. Saborido Silva, R. Sadek, N. Sagidova, D. Sahoo, N. Sahoo, B. Saitta, M. Salomoni, C. Sanchez Gras, I. Sanderswood, R. Santacesaria, C. Santamarina Rios, M. Santimaria, L. Santoro, E. Santovetti, A. Saputi, D. Saranin, G. Sarpis, M. Sarpis, C. Satriano, A. Satta, M. Saur, D. Savrina, H. Sazak, L.G. Scantlebury Smead, A. Scarabotto, S. Schael, S. Scherl, M. Schiller, H. Schindler, M. Schmelling, B. Schmidt, S. Schmitt, H. Schmitz, O. Schneider, A. Schopper, N. Schulte, S. Schulte, M.H. Schune, R. Schwemmer, G. Schwering, B. Sciascia, A. Sciuccati, S. Sellam, A. Semennikov, T. Senger, M. Senghi Soares, A. Sergi, N. Serra, L. Sestini, A. Seuthe, Y. Shang, D.M. Shangase, M. Shapkin, R. S. Sharma, I. Shchemerov, L. Shchutska, T. Shears, L. Shekhtman, Z. Shen, S. Sheng, V. Shevchenko, B. Shi, Q. Shi, E.B. Shields, Y. Shimizu, E. Shmanin, R. Shorkin, J.D. Shupperd, R. Silva Coutinho, G. Simi, S. Simone, N. Skidmore, T. Skwarnicki, M.W. Slater, J.C. Smallwood, E. Smith, K. Smith, M. Smith, A. Snoch, L. Soares Lavra, M.D. Sokoloff, F.J.P. Soler, A. Solomin, A. Solovev, I. Solovyev, R. Song, Y. Song, Y. Song, Y. S. Song, F.L. Souza De Almeida, B. Souza De Paula, E. Spadaro Norella, E. Spedicato, J.G. Speer, E. Spiridenkov, P. Spradlin, V. Sriskaran, F. Stagni, M. Stahl, S. Stahl, S. Stanislaus, E.N. Stein, O. Steinkamp, O. Stenyakin, H. Stevens, D. Strekalina, Y. Su, F. Suljik, J. Sun, L. Sun, Y. Sun, D. S. Sundfeld Lima, W. Sutcliffe, P.N. Swallow, F. Swystun, A. Szabelski, T. Szumlak, Y. Tan, M.D. Tat, A. Terentev, F. Terzuoli, F. Teubert, E. Thomas, D.J.D. Thompson, H. Tilquin, V. Tisserand, S. T'Jampens, M. Tobin, L. Tomassetti, G. Tonani, X. Tong, D. Torres Machado, L. Toscano, D.Y. Tou, C. Trippl, G. Tuci, N. Tuning, L.H. Uecker, A. Ukleja, D.J. Unverzagt, E. Ursov, A. Usachov, A. Ustyuzhanin, U. Uwer, V. Vagnoni, A. Valassi, G. Valenti, N. Valls Canudas, H. Van Hecke, E. van Herwijnen, C.B. Van Hulse, R. Van Laak, M. van Veghel, G. Vasquez, R. Vazquez Gomez, P. Vazquez Regueiro, C. V\'azquez Sierra, S. Vecchi, J.J. Velthuis, M. Veltri, A. Venkateswaran, M. Vesterinen, M. Vieites Diaz, X. Vilasis-Cardona, E. Vilella Figueras, A. Villa, P. Vincent, F.C. Volle, D. vom Bruch, N. Voropaev, K. Vos, G. Vouters, C. Vrahas, J. Wagner, J. Walsh, E.J. Walton, G. Wan, C. Wang, G. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, M. Wang, N. W. Wang, R. Wang, X. Wang, X. Wang, X. W. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, J.A. Ward, M. Waterlaat, N.K. Watson, D. Websdale, Y. Wei, J. Wendel, B.D.C. Westhenry, D.J. White, M. Whitehead, A.R. Wiederhold, D. Wiedner, G. Wilkinson, M.K. Wilkinson, M. Williams, M.R.J. Williams, R. Williams, F.F. Wilson, W. Wislicki, M. Witek, L. Witola, C.P. Wong, G. Wormser, S.A. Wotton, H. Wu, J. Wu, Y. Wu, K. Wyllie, S. Xian, Z. Xiang, Y. Xie, A. Xu, J. Xu, L. Xu, L. Xu, M. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Xu, D. Yang, S. Yang, X. Yang, Y. Yang, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, V. Yeroshenko, H. Yeung, H. Yin, C. Y. Yu, J. Yu, X. Yuan, E. Zaffaroni, M. Zavertyaev, M. Zdybal, C. Zeng, M. Zeng, C. Zhang, D. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. Zharkova, A. Zhelezov, X. Z. Zheng, Y. Zheng, T. Zhou, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, V. Zhovkovska, L. Z. Zhu, X. Zhu, X. Zhu, V. Zhukov, J. Zhuo, Q. Zou, D. Zuliani, G. Zunica
Tracking of charged particles with nanosecond lifetimes at LHCb
All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at (LHCb public pages)
EPJC 84 (2024) 761
CERN-EP-2024-077, LHCb-DP-2023-004
A method is presented to reconstruct charged particles with lifetimes between 10 ps and 10 ns, which considers a combination of their decay products and the partial tracks created by the initial charged particle. Using the $\Xi^-$ baryon as a benchmark, the method is demonstrated with simulated events and proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.0 fb${}^{-1}$ collected with the LHCb detector in 2018. Significant improvements in the angular resolution and the signal purity are obtained. The method is implemented as part of the LHCb Run 3 event trigger in a set of requirements to select detached hyperons. This is the first demonstration of the applicability of this approach at the LHC, and the first to show its scaling with instantaneous luminosity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:25:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:55:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "LHCb collaboration", "", "" ], [ "Aaij", "R.", "" ], [ "Abdelmotteleb", "A. S. W.", "" ], [ "Beteta", "C. Abellan", "" ], [ "Abudinén", "F.", "" ], [ "Ackernley", "T.", "" ], [ "Adams", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Adefisoye", "A. A.", "" ], [ "Adeva", "B.", "" ], [ "Adinolfi", "M.", "" ], [ "Adlarson", "P.", "" ], [ "Agapopoulou", "C.", "" ], [ "Aidala", "C. A.", "" ], [ "Ajaltouni", "Z.", "" ], [ "Akar", "S.", "" ], [ "Akiba", "K.", "" ], [ "Albicocco", "P.", "" ], [ "Albrecht", "J.", "" ], [ "Alessio", "F.", "" ], [ "Alexander", "M.", "" ], [ "Aliouche", "Z.", "" ], [ "Cartelle", "P. Alvarez", "" ], [ "Amalric", "R.", "" ], [ "Amato", "S.", "" ], [ "Amey", "J. L.", "" ], [ "Amhis", "Y.", "" ], [ "An", "L.", "" ], [ "Anderlini", "L.", "" ], [ "Andersson", "M.", "" ], [ "Andreianov", "A.", "" ], [ "Andreola", "P.", "" ], [ "Andreotti", "M.", "" ], [ "Andreou", "D.", "" ], [ "Anelli", "A.", "" ], [ "Ao", "D.", "" ], [ "Archilli", "F.", "" ], [ "Argenton", "M.", "" ], [ "Cuendis", "S. Arguedas", "" ], [ "Artamonov", "A.", "" ], [ "Artuso", "M.", "" ], [ "Aslanides", "E.", "" ], [ "Atzeni", "M.", "" ], [ "Audurier", "B.", "" ], [ "Bacher", "D.", "" ], [ "Perea", "I. Bachiller", "" ], [ "Bachmann", "S.", "" ], [ "Bachmayer", "M.", "" ], [ "Back", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Rodriguez", "P. Baladron", "" ], [ "Balagura", "V.", "" ], [ "Baldini", "W.", "" ], [ "Bao", "H.", "" ], [ "Leite", "J. Baptista de Souza", "" ], [ "Barbetti", "M.", "" ], [ "Barbosa", "I. R.", "" ], [ "Barlow", "R. J.", "" ], [ "Barnyakov", "M.", "" ], [ "Barsuk", "S.", "" ], [ "Barter", "W.", "" ], [ "Bartolini", "M.", "" ], [ "Bartz", "J.", "" ], [ "Baryshnikov", "F.", "" ], [ "Basels", "J. M.", "" ], [ "Bassi", "G.", "" ], [ "Batsukh", "B.", "" ], [ "Bay", "A.", "" ], [ "Beck", "A.", "" ], [ "Becker", "M.", "" ], [ "Bedeschi", "F.", "" ], [ "Bediaga", "I. B.", "" ], [ "Belin", "S.", "" ], [ "Bellee", "V.", "" ], [ "Belous", "K.", "" ], [ "Belov", "I.", "" ], [ "Belyaev", "I.", "" ], [ "Benane", "G.", "" ], [ "Bencivenni", "G.", "" ], [ "Ben-Haim", "E.", "" ], [ "Berezhnoy", "A.", "" ], [ "Bernet", "R.", "" ], [ "Andres", "S. Bernet", "" ], [ "Bertolin", "A.", "" ], [ "Betancourt", "C.", "" ], [ "Betti", "F.", "" ], [ "Bex", "J.", "" ], [ "Bezshyiko", "Ia.", "" ], [ "Bhom", "J.", "" ], [ "Bieker", "M. S.", "" ], [ "Biesuz", "N. V.", "" ], [ "Billoir", "P.", "" ], [ "Biolchini", "A.", "" ], [ "Birch", "M.", "" ], [ "Bishop", "F. C. R.", "" ], [ "Bitadze", "A.", "" ], [ "Bizzeti", "A.", "" ], [ "Blake", "T.", "" ], [ "Blanc", "F.", "" ], [ "Blank", "J. E.", "" ], [ "Blusk", "S.", "" ], [ "Bocharnikov", "V.", "" ], [ "Boelhauve", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Garcia", "O. Boente", "" ], [ "Boettcher", "T.", "" ], [ "Bohare", "A.", "" ], [ "Boldyrev", "A.", "" ], [ "Bolognani", "C. S.", "" ], [ "Bolzonella", "R.", "" ], [ "Bondar", "N.", "" ], [ "Borgato", "F.", "" ], [ "Borghi", "S.", "" ], [ "Borsato", "M.", "" ], [ "Borsuk", "J. T.", "" ], [ "Bouchiba", "S. A.", "" ], [ "Bowcock", "T. J. V.", "" ], [ "Boyer", "A.", "" ], [ "Bozzi", "C.", "" ], [ "Bradley", "M. J.", "" ], [ "Rodriguez", "A. Brea", "" ], [ "Breer", "N.", "" ], [ "Brodzicka", "J.", "" ], [ "Gonzalo", "A. Brossa", "" ], [ "Brown", "J.", "" ], [ "Brundu", "D.", "" ], [ "Buchanan", "E.", "" ], [ "Buonaura", "A.", "" ], [ "Buonincontri", "L.", "" ], [ "Burke", "A. T.", "" ], [ "Burr", "C.", "" ], [ "Butkevich", "A.", "" ], [ "Butter", "J. S.", "" ], [ "Buytaert", "J.", "" ], [ "Byczynski", "W.", "" ], [ "Cadeddu", "S.", "" ], [ "Cai", "H.", "" ], [ "Calabrese", "R.", "" ], [ "Ramirez", "S. Calderon", "" ], [ "Calefice", "L.", "" ], [ "Cali", "S.", "" ], [ "Calvi", "M.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "M. Calvo", "" ], [ "Magalhaes", "P. Camargo", "" ], [ "Bouzas", "J. I. Cambon", "" ], [ "Campana", "P.", "" ], [ "Perez", "D. H. Campora", "" ], [ "Quezada", "A. F. Campoverde", "" ], [ "Capelli", "S.", "" ], [ "Capriotti", "L.", "" ], [ "Caravaca-Mora", "R.", "" ], [ "Carbone", "A.", "" ], [ "Salgado", "L. Carcedo", "" ], [ "Cardinale", "R.", "" ], [ "Cardini", "A.", "" ], [ "Carniti", "P.", "" ], [ "Carus", "L.", "" ], [ "Vidal", "A. Casais", "" ], [ "Caspary", "R.", "" ], [ "Casse", "G.", "" ], [ "Godinez", "J. Castro", "" ], [ "Cattaneo", "M.", "" ], [ "Cavallero", "G.", "" ], [ "Cavallini", "V.", "" ], [ "Celani", "S.", "" ], [ "Cervenkov", "D.", "" ], [ "Cesare", "S.", "" ], [ "Chadwick", "A. J.", "" ], [ "Chahrour", "I.", "" ], [ "Charles", "M.", "" ], [ "Charpentier", "Ph.", "" ], [ "Barajas", "C. A. Chavez", "" ], [ "Chefdeville", "M.", "" ], [ "Chen", "C.", "" ], [ "Chen", "S.", "" ], [ "Chen", "Z.", "" ], [ "Chernov", "A.", "" ], [ "Chernyshenko", "S.", "" ], [ "Chobanova", "V.", "" ], [ "Cholak", "S.", "" ], [ "Chrzaszcz", "M.", "" ], [ "Chubykin", "A.", "" ], [ "Chulikov", "V.", "" ], [ "Ciambrone", "P.", "" ], [ "Vidal", "X. Cid", "" ], [ "Ciezarek", "G.", "" ], [ "Cifra", "P.", "" ], [ "Clarke", "P. E. L.", "" ], [ "Clemencic", "M.", "" ], [ "Cliff", "H. V.", "" ], [ "Closier", "J.", "" ], [ "Toapaxi", "C. Cocha", "" ], [ "Coco", "V.", "" ], [ "Cogan", "J.", "" ], [ "Cogneras", "E.", "" ], [ "Cojocariu", "L.", "" ], [ "Collins", "P.", "" ], [ "Colombo", "T.", "" ], [ "Comerma-Montells", "A.", "" ], [ "Congedo", "L.", "" ], [ "Contu", "A.", "" ], [ "Cooke", "N.", "" ], [ "Corredoira", "I.", "" ], [ "Correia", "A.", "" ], [ "Corti", "G.", "" ], [ "Meldrum", "J. J. Cottee", "" ], [ "Couturier", "B.", "" ], [ "Craik", "D. C.", "" ], [ "Torres", "M. Cruz", "" ], [ "Rivera", "E. Curras", "" ], [ "Currie", "R.", "" ], [ "Da Silva", "C. L.", "" ], [ "Dadabaev", "S.", "" ], [ "Dai", "L.", "" ], [ "Dai", "X.", "" ], [ "Dall'Occo", "E.", "" ], [ "Dalseno", "J.", "" ], [ "D'Ambrosio", "C.", "" ], [ "Daniel", "J.", "" ], [ "Danilina", "A.", "" ], [ "d'Argent", "P.", "" ], [ "Davidson", "A.", "" ], [ "Davies", "J. E.", "" ], [ "Davis", "A.", "" ], [ "Francisco", "O. De Aguiar", "" ], [ "De Angelis", "C.", "" ], [ "De Benedetti", "F.", "" ], [ "de Boer", "J.", "" ], [ "De Bruyn", "K.", "" ], [ "De Capua", "S.", "" ], [ "De Cian", "M.", "" ], [ "Da Graca", "U. De Freitas Carneiro", "" ], [ "De Lucia", "E.", "" ], [ "De Miranda", "J. M.", "" ], [ "De Paula", "L.", "" ], [ "De Serio", "M.", "" ], [ "De Simone", "P.", "" ], [ "De Vellis", "F.", "" ], [ "de Vries", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Debernardis", "F.", "" ], [ "Decamp", "D.", "" ], [ "Dedu", "V.", "" ], [ "Del Buono", "L.", "" ], [ "Delaney", "B.", "" ], [ "Dembinski", "H. -P.", "" ], [ "Deng", "J.", "" ], [ "Denysenko", "V.", "" ], [ "Deschamps", "O.", "" ], [ "Dettori", "F.", "" ], [ "Dey", "B.", "" ], [ "Di Nezza", "P.", "" ], [ "Diachkov", "I.", "" ], [ "Didenko", "S.", "" ], [ "Ding", "S.", "" ], [ "Dittmann", "L.", "" ], [ "Dobishuk", "V.", "" ], [ "Docheva", "A. D.", "" ], [ "Dong", "C.", "" ], [ "Donohoe", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Dordei", "F.", "" ], [ "Reis", "A. C. dos", "" ], [ "Dowling", "A. D.", "" ], [ "Duan", "W.", "" ], [ "Duda", "P.", "" ], [ "Dudek", "M. W.", "" ], [ "Dufour", "L.", "" ], [ "Duk", "V.", "" ], [ "Durante", "P.", "" ], [ "Duras", "M. M.", "" ], [ "Durham", "J. M.", "" ], [ "Durmus", "O. D.", "" ], [ "Dziurda", "A.", "" ], [ "Dzyuba", "A.", "" ], [ "Easo", "S.", "" ], [ "Eckstein", "E.", "" ], [ "Egede", "U.", "" ], [ "Egorychev", "A.", "" ], [ "Egorychev", "V.", "" ], [ "Eisenhardt", "S.", "" ], [ "Ejopu", "E.", "" ], [ "Eklund", "L.", "" ], [ "Elashri", "M.", "" ], [ "Ellbracht", "J.", "" ], [ "Ely", "S.", "" ], [ "Ene", "A.", "" ], [ "Epple", "E.", "" ], [ "Eschle", "J.", "" ], [ "Esen", "S.", "" ], [ "Evans", "T.", "" ], [ "Fabiano", "F.", "" ], [ "Falcao", "L. N.", "" ], [ "Fan", "Y.", "" ], [ "Fang", "B.", "" ], [ "Fantini", "L.", "" ], [ "Faria", "M.", "" ], [ "Farmer", "K.", "" ], [ "Fazzini", "D.", "" ], [ "Felkowski", "L.", "" ], [ "Feng", "M.", "" ], [ "Feo", "M.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "M. Fernandez", "" ], [ "Fernez", "A. D.", "" ], [ "Ferrari", "F.", "" ], [ "Rodrigues", "F. Ferreira", "" ], [ "Ferrillo", "M.", "" ], [ "Ferro-Luzzi", "M.", "" ], [ "Filippov", "S.", "" ], [ "Fini", "R. A.", "" ], [ "Fiorini", "M.", "" ], [ "Fischer", "K. M.", "" ], [ "Fitzgerald", "D. S.", "" ], [ "Fitzpatrick", "C.", "" ], [ "Fleuret", "F.", "" ], [ "Fontana", "M.", "" ], [ "Foreman", "L. F.", "" ], [ "Forty", "R.", "" ], [ "Foulds-Holt", "D.", "" ], [ "Sevilla", "M. Franco", "" ], [ "Frank", "M.", "" ], [ "Franzoso", "E.", "" ], [ "Frau", "G.", "" ], [ "Frei", "C.", "" ], [ "Friday", "D. A.", "" ], [ "Fu", "J.", "" ], [ "Fuehring", "Q.", "" ], [ "Fujii", "Y.", "" ], [ "Fulghesu", "T.", "" ], [ "Gabriel", "E.", "" ], [ "Galati", "G.", "" ], [ "Galati", "M. D.", "" ], [ "Torreira", "A. Gallas", "" ], [ "Galli", "D.", "" ], [ "Gambetta", "S.", "" ], [ "Gandelman", "M.", "" ], [ "Gandini", "P.", "" ], [ "Ganie", "B.", "" ], [ "Gao", "H.", "" ], [ "Gao", "R.", "" ], [ "Gao", "Y.", "" ], [ "Gao", "Y.", "" ], [ "Gao", "Y.", "" ], [ "Garau", "M.", "" ], [ "Martin", "L. M. Garcia", "" ], [ "Moreno", "P. Garcia", "" ], [ "Pardiñas", "J. García", "" ], [ "Garg", "K. G.", "" ], [ "Garrido", "L.", "" ], [ "Gaspar", "C.", "" ], [ "Geertsema", "R. E.", "" ], [ "Gerken", "L. L.", "" ], [ "Gersabeck", "E.", "" ], [ "Gersabeck", "M.", "" ], [ "Gershon", "T.", "" ], [ "Ghorbanimoghaddam", "Z.", "" ], [ "Giambastiani", "L.", "" ], [ "Giasemis", "F. I.", "" ], [ "Gibson", "V.", "" ], [ "Giemza", "H. K.", "" ], [ "Gilman", "A. L.", "" ], [ "Giovannetti", "M.", "" ], [ "Gioventù", "A.", "" ], [ "Gironell", "P. Gironella", "" ], [ "Giugliano", "C.", "" ], [ "Giza", "M. A.", "" ], [ "Gkougkousis", "E. L.", "" ], [ "Glaser", "F. C.", "" ], [ "Gligorov", "V. V.", "" ], [ "Göbel", "C.", "" ], [ "Golobardes", "E.", "" ], [ "Golubkov", "D.", "" ], [ "Golutvin", "A.", "" ], [ "Gomes", "A.", "" ], [ "Fernandez", "S. Gomez", "" ], [ "Abrantes", "F. Goncalves", "" ], [ "Goncerz", "M.", "" ], [ "Gong", "G.", "" ], [ "Gooding", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Gorelov", "I. V.", "" ], [ "Gotti", "C.", "" ], [ "Grabowski", "J. P.", "" ], [ "Cardoso", "L. A. Granado", "" ], [ "Graugés", "E.", "" ], [ "Graverini", "E.", "" ], [ "Grazette", "L.", "" ], [ "Graziani", "G.", "" ], [ "Grecu", "A. T.", "" ], [ "Greeven", "L. M.", "" ], [ "Grieser", "N. A.", "" ], [ "Grillo", "L.", "" ], [ "Gromov", "S.", "" ], [ "Gu", "C.", "" ], [ "Guarise", "M.", "" ], [ "Guittiere", "M.", "" ], [ "Guliaeva", "V.", "" ], [ "Günther", "P. A.", "" ], [ "Guseinov", "A. -K.", "" ], [ "Gushchin", "E.", "" ], [ "Guz", "Y.", "" ], [ "Gys", "T.", "" ], [ "Habermann", "K.", "" ], [ "Hadavizadeh", "T.", "" ], [ "Hadjivasiliou", "C.", "" ], [ "Haefeli", "G.", "" ], [ "Haen", "C.", "" ], [ "Haimberger", "J.", "" ], [ "Hajheidari", "M.", "" ], [ "Halvorsen", "M. M.", "" ], [ "Hamilton", "P. M.", "" ], [ "Hammerich", "J.", "" ], [ "Han", "Q.", "" ], [ "Han", "X.", "" ], [ "Hansmann-Menzemer", "S.", "" ], [ "Hao", "L.", "" ], [ "Harnew", "N.", "" ], [ "Hartmann", "M.", "" ], [ "He", "J.", "" ], [ "Pereira", "P. H. Hein Nogarolli Vilela", "" ], [ "Hemmer", "F.", "" ], [ "Henderson", "C.", "" ], [ "Henderson", "R. D. L.", "" ], [ "Hennequin", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Hennessy", "K.", "" ], [ "Henry", "L.", "" ], [ "Herd", "J.", "" ], [ "Gascon", "P. Herrero", "" ], [ "Heuel", "J.", "" ], [ "Hicheur", "A.", "" ], [ "Mendizabal", "G. Hijano", "" ], [ "Hill", "D.", "" ], [ "Hollitt", "S. E.", "" ], [ "Horswill", "J.", "" ], [ "Hou", "R.", "" ], [ "Hou", "Y.", "" ], [ "Howarth", "N.", "" ], [ "Hu", "J.", "" ], [ "Hu", "J.", "" ], [ "Hu", "W.", "" ], [ "Hu", "X.", "" ], [ "Huang", "W.", "" ], [ "Hulsbergen", "W.", "" ], [ "Hunter", "R. J.", "" ], [ "Hushchyn", "M.", "" ], [ "Hutchcroft", "D.", "" ], [ "Ilin", "D.", "" ], [ "Ilten", "P.", "" ], [ "Inglessi", "A.", "" ], [ "Iniukhin", "A.", "" ], [ "Ishteev", "A.", "" ], [ "Ivshin", "K.", "" ], [ "Jacobsson", "R.", "" ], [ "Jage", "H.", "" ], [ "Elles", "S. J. Jaimes", "" ], [ "Jakobsen", "S.", "" ], [ "Jans", "E.", "" ], [ "Jashal", "B. K.", "" ], [ "Jawahery", "A.", "" ], [ "Jevtic", "V.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "E.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "X.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Y.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Y. J.", "" ], [ "John", "M.", "" ], [ "Johnson", "D.", "" ], [ "Jones", "C. R.", "" ], [ "Jones", "T. P.", "" ], [ "Joshi", "S.", "" ], [ "Jost", "B.", "" ], [ "Jurik", "N.", "" ], [ "Juszczak", "I.", "" ], [ "Kaminaris", "D.", "" ], [ "Kandybei", "S.", "" ], [ "Kang", "Y.", "" ], [ "Kar", "C.", "" ], [ "Karacson", "M.", "" ], [ "Karpenkov", "D.", "" ], [ "Kauniskangas", "A.", "" ], [ "Kautz", "J. W.", "" ], [ "Keizer", "F.", "" ], [ "Kenzie", "M.", "" ], [ "Ketel", "T.", "" ], [ "Khanji", "B.", "" ], [ "Kharisova", "A.", "" ], [ "Kholodenko", "S.", "" ], [ "Khreich", "G.", "" ], [ "Kirn", "T.", "" ], [ "Kirsebom", "V. S.", "" ], [ "Kitouni", "O.", "" ], [ "Klaver", "S.", "" ], [ "Kleijne", "N.", "" ], [ "Klimaszewski", "K.", "" ], [ "Kmiec", "M. R.", "" ], [ "Koliiev", "S.", "" ], [ "Kolk", "L.", "" ], [ "Konoplyannikov", "A.", "" ], [ "Kopciewicz", "P.", "" ], [ "Koppenburg", "P.", "" ], [ "Korolev", "M.", "" ], [ "Kostiuk", "I.", "" ], [ "Kot", "O.", "" ], [ "Kotriakhova", "S.", "" ], [ "Kozachuk", "A.", "" ], [ "Kravchenko", "P.", "" ], [ "Kravchuk", "L.", "" ], [ "Kreps", "M.", "" ], [ "Krokovny", "P.", "" ], [ "Krupa", "W.", "" ], [ "Krzemien", "W.", "" ], [ "Kshyvanskyi", "O. K.", "" ], [ "Kubat", "J.", "" ], [ "Kubis", "S.", "" ], [ "Kucharczyk", "M.", "" ], [ "Kudryavtsev", "V.", "" ], [ "Kulikova", "E.", "" ], [ "Kupsc", "A.", "" ], [ "Kutsenko", "B. K.", "" ], [ "Lacarrere", "D.", "" ], [ "Lai", "A.", "" ], [ "Lampis", "A.", "" ], [ "Lancierini", "D.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "C. Landesa", "" ], [ "Lane", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Lane", "R.", "" ], [ "Langenbruch", "C.", "" ], [ "Langer", "J.", "" ], [ "Lantwin", "O.", "" ], [ "Latham", "T.", "" ], [ "Lazzari", "F.", "" ], [ "Lazzeroni", "C.", "" ], [ "Gac", "R. Le", "" ], [ "Lefèvre", "R.", "" ], [ "Leflat", "A.", "" ], [ "Legotin", "S.", "" ], [ "Lehuraux", "M.", "" ], [ "Cid", "E. Lemos", "" ], [ "Leroy", "O.", "" ], [ "Lesiak", "T.", "" ], [ "Leverington", "B.", "" ], [ "Li", "A.", "" ], [ "Li", "H.", "" ], [ "Li", "K.", "" ], [ "Li", "L.", "" ], [ "Li", "P.", "" ], [ "Li", "P. -R.", "" ], [ "Li", "Q.", "" ], [ "Li", "S.", "" ], [ "Li", "T.", "" ], [ "Li", "T.", "" ], [ "Li", "Y.", "" ], [ "Li", "Y.", "" ], [ "Lian", "Z.", "" ], [ "Liang", "X.", "" ], [ "Libralon", "S.", "" ], [ "Lin", "C.", "" ], [ "Lin", "T.", "" ], [ "Lindner", "R.", "" ], [ "Lisovskyi", "V.", "" ], [ "Litvinov", "R.", "" ], [ "Liu", "F. L.", "" ], [ "Liu", "G.", "" ], [ "Liu", "K.", "" ], [ "Liu", "S.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Y.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Y.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Y. L.", "" ], [ "Salvia", "A. Lobo", "" ], [ "Loi", "A.", "" ], [ "Castro", "J. Lomba", "" ], [ "Long", "T.", "" ], [ "Lopes", "J. H.", "" ], [ "Huertas", "A. Lopez", "" ], [ "Soliño", "S. López", "" ], [ "Lucarelli", "C.", "" ], [ "Lucchesi", "D.", "" ], [ "Martinez", "M. Lucio", "" ], [ "Lukashenko", "V.", "" ], [ "Luo", "Y.", "" ], [ "Lupato", "A.", "" ], [ "Luppi", "E.", "" ], [ "Lynch", "K.", "" ], [ "Lyu", "X. -R.", "" ], [ "Ma", "G. M.", "" ], [ "Ma", "R.", "" ], [ "Maccolini", "S.", "" ], [ "Machefert", "F.", "" ], [ "Maciuc", "F.", "" ], [ "Mack", "B. M.", "" ], [ "Mackay", "I.", "" ], [ "Mackey", "L. M.", "" ], [ "Mohan", "L. R. Madhan", "" ], [ "Madurai", "M. M.", "" ], [ "Maevskiy", "A.", "" ], [ "Magdalinski", "D.", "" ], [ "Maisuzenko", "D.", "" ], [ "Majewski", "M. W.", "" ], [ "Malczewski", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Malde", "S.", "" ], [ "Malentacca", "L.", "" ], [ "Malinin", "A.", "" ], [ "Maltsev", "T.", "" ], [ "Manca", "G.", "" ], [ "Mancinelli", "G.", "" ], [ "Mancuso", "C.", "" ], [ "Escalero", "R. Manera", "" ], [ "Manuzzi", "D.", "" ], [ "Marangotto", "D.", "" ], [ "Marchand", "J. F.", "" ], [ "Marchevski", "R.", "" ], [ "Marconi", "U.", "" ], [ "Mariani", "S.", "" ], [ "Benito", "C. Marin", "" ], [ "Marks", "J.", "" ], [ "Marshall", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Martelli", "G.", "" ], [ "Martellotti", "G.", "" ], [ "Martinazzoli", "L.", "" ], [ "Martinelli", "M.", "" ], [ "Santos", "D. Martinez", "" ], [ "Vidal", "F. Martinez", "" ], [ "Massafferri", "A.", "" ], [ "Matev", "R.", "" ], [ "Mathad", "A.", "" ], [ "Matiunin", "V.", "" ], [ "Matteuzzi", "C.", "" ], [ "Mattioli", "K. R.", "" ], [ "Mauri", "A.", "" ], [ "Maurice", "E.", "" ], [ "Mauricio", "J.", "" ], [ "Mayencourt", "P.", "" ], [ "Mazurek", "M.", "" ], [ "McCann", "M.", "" ], [ "Mcconnell", "L.", "" ], [ "McGrath", "T. H.", "" ], [ "McHugh", "N. T.", "" ], [ "McNab", "A.", "" ], [ "McNulty", "R.", "" ], [ "Meadows", "B.", "" ], [ "Meier", "G.", "" ], [ "Melnychuk", "D.", "" ], [ "Meng", "F. M.", "" ], [ "Merk", "M.", "" ], [ "Merli", "A.", "" ], [ "Garcia", "L. Meyer", "" ], [ "Miao", "D.", "" ], [ "Miao", "H.", "" ], [ "Mikhasenko", "M.", "" ], [ "Milanes", "D. A.", "" ], [ "Minotti", "A.", "" ], [ "Minucci", "E.", "" ], [ "Miralles", "T.", "" ], [ "Mitreska", "B.", "" ], [ "Mitzel", "D. S.", "" ], [ "Modak", "A.", "" ], [ "Mödden", "A.", "" ], [ "Mohammed", "R. A.", "" ], [ "Moise", "R. D.", "" ], [ "Mokhnenko", "S.", "" ], [ "Mombächer", "T.", "" ], [ "Monk", "M.", "" ], [ "Monteil", "S.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "A. Morcillo", "" ], [ "Morello", "G.", "" ], [ "Morello", "M. J.", "" ], [ "Morgenthaler", "M. P.", "" ], [ "Morris", "A. B.", "" ], [ "Morris", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Mountain", "R.", "" ], [ "Mu", "H.", "" ], [ "Mu", "Z. M.", "" ], [ "Muhammad", "E.", "" ], [ "Muheim", "F.", "" ], [ "Mulder", "M.", "" ], [ "Müller", "K.", "" ], [ "Muñoz-Rojas", "F.", "" ], [ "Murta", "R.", "" ], [ "Naik", "P.", "" ], [ "Nakada", "T.", "" ], [ "Nandakumar", "R.", "" ], [ "Nanut", "T.", "" ], [ "Nasteva", "I.", "" ], [ "Needham", "M.", "" ], [ "Neri", "N.", "" ], [ "Neubert", "S.", "" ], [ "Neufeld", "N.", "" ], [ "Neustroev", "P.", "" ], [ "Nicolini", "J.", "" ], [ "Nicotra", "D.", "" ], [ "Niel", "E. M.", "" ], [ "Nikitin", "N.", "" ], [ "Nogga", "P.", "" ], [ "Nolte", "N. S.", "" ], [ "Normand", "C.", "" ], [ "Fernandez", "J. Novoa", "" ], [ "Nowak", "G.", "" ], [ "Nunez", "C.", "" ], [ "Nur", "H. N.", "" ], [ "Oblakowska-Mucha", "A.", "" ], [ "Obraztsov", "V.", "" ], [ "Oeser", "T.", "" ], [ "Okamura", "S.", "" ], [ "Okhotnikov", "A.", "" ], [ "Okhrimenko", "O.", "" ], [ "Oldeman", "R.", "" ], [ "Oliva", "F.", "" ], [ "Olocco", "M.", "" ], [ "Onderwater", "C. J. G.", "" ], [ "O'Neil", "R. H.", "" ], [ "Goicochea", "J. M. Otalora", "" ], [ "Owen", "P.", "" ], [ "Oyanguren", "A.", "" ], [ "Ozcelik", "O.", "" ], [ "Padeken", "K. O.", "" ], [ "Pagare", "B.", "" ], [ "Pais", "P. R.", "" ], [ "Pajero", "T.", "" ], [ "Palano", "A.", "" ], [ "Palutan", "M.", "" ], [ "Panshin", "G.", "" ], [ "Paolucci", "L.", "" ], [ "Papanestis", "A.", "" ], [ "Pappagallo", "M.", "" ], [ "Pappalardo", "L. L.", "" ], [ "Pappenheimer", "C.", "" ], [ "Parkes", "C.", "" ], [ "Passalacqua", "B.", "" ], [ "Passaleva", "G.", "" ], [ "Passaro", "D.", "" ], [ "Pastore", "A.", "" ], [ "Patel", "M.", "" ], [ "Patoc", "J.", "" ], [ "Patrignani", "C.", "" ], [ "Paul", "A.", "" ], [ "Pawley", "C. J.", "" ], [ "Pellegrino", "A.", "" ], [ "Peng", "J.", "" ], [ "Altarelli", "M. Pepe", "" ], [ "Perazzini", "S.", "" ], [ "Pereima", "D.", "" ], [ "Castro", "A. Pereiro", "" ], [ "Perret", "P.", "" ], [ "Perro", "A.", "" ], [ "Petridis", "K.", "" ], [ "Petrolini", "A.", "" ], [ "Pfaller", "J. P.", "" ], [ "Pham", "H.", "" ], [ "Pica", "L.", "" ], [ "Piccini", "M.", "" ], [ "Pietrzyk", "B.", "" ], [ "Pietrzyk", "G.", "" ], [ "Pinci", "D.", "" ], [ "Pisani", "F.", "" ], [ "Pizzichemi", "M.", "" ], [ "Placinta", "V.", "" ], [ "Casasus", "M. Plo", "" ], [ "Polci", "F.", "" ], [ "Lener", "M. Poli", "" ], [ "Poluektov", "A.", "" ], [ "Polukhina", "N.", "" ], [ "Polyakov", "I.", "" ], [ "Polycarpo", "E.", "" ], [ "Ponce", "S.", "" ], [ "Popov", "D.", "" ], [ "Poslavskii", "S.", "" ], [ "Prasanth", "K.", "" ], [ "Prouve", "C.", "" ], [ "Pugatch", "V.", "" ], [ "Punzi", "G.", "" ], [ "Qasim", "S.", "" ], [ "Qian", "W.", "" ], [ "Qin", "N.", "" ], [ "Qu", "S.", "" ], [ "Quagliani", "R.", "" ], [ "Trejo", "R. I. Rabadan", "" ], [ "Rademacker", "J. H.", "" ], [ "Rama", "M.", "" ], [ "García", "M. Ramírez", "" ], [ "Pernas", "M. Ramos", "" ], [ "Rangel", "M. S.", "" ], [ "Ratnikov", "F.", "" ], [ "Raven", "G.", "" ], [ "De Miguel", "M. Rebollo", "" ], [ "Redi", "F.", "" ], [ "Reich", "J.", "" ], [ "Reiss", "F.", "" ], [ "Ren", "Z.", "" ], [ "Resmi", "P. K.", "" ], [ "Ribatti", "R.", "" ], [ "Ricart", "G. R.", "" ], [ "Riccardi", "D.", "" ], [ "Ricciardi", "S.", "" ], [ "Richardson", "K.", "" ], [ "Richardson-Slipper", "M.", "" ], [ "Rinnert", "K.", "" ], [ "Robbe", "P.", "" ], [ "Robertson", "G.", "" ], [ "Rodrigues", "E.", "" ], [ "Fernandez", "E. Rodriguez", "" ], [ "Lopez", "J. A. Rodriguez", "" ], [ "Rodriguez", "E. Rodriguez", "" ], [ "Rogovskiy", "A.", "" ], [ "Rolf", "D. L.", "" ], [ "Roloff", "P.", "" ], [ "Romanovskiy", "V.", "" ], [ "Lamas", "M. Romero", "" ], [ "Vidal", "A. Romero", "" ], [ "Romolini", "G.", "" ], [ "Ronchetti", "F.", "" ], [ "Rotondo", "M.", "" ], [ "Roy", "S. R.", "" ], [ "Rudolph", "M. S.", "" ], [ "Ruf", "T.", "" ], [ "Diaz", "M. Ruiz", "" ], [ "Fernandez", "R. A. Ruiz", "" ], [ "Vidal", "J. Ruiz", "" ], [ "Ryzhikov", "A.", "" ], [ "Ryzka", "J.", "" ], [ "Saavedra-Arias", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Silva", "J. J. Saborido", "" ], [ "Sadek", "R.", "" ], [ "Sagidova", "N.", "" ], [ "Sahoo", "D.", "" ], [ "Sahoo", "N.", "" ], [ "Saitta", "B.", "" ], [ "Salomoni", "M.", "" ], [ "Gras", "C. Sanchez", "" ], [ "Sanderswood", "I.", "" ], [ "Santacesaria", "R.", "" ], [ "Rios", "C. Santamarina", "" ], [ "Santimaria", "M.", "" ], [ "Santoro", "L.", "" ], [ "Santovetti", "E.", "" ], [ "Saputi", "A.", "" ], [ "Saranin", "D.", "" ], [ "Sarpis", "G.", "" ], [ "Sarpis", "M.", "" ], [ "Satriano", "C.", "" ], [ "Satta", "A.", "" ], [ "Saur", "M.", "" ], [ "Savrina", "D.", "" ], [ "Sazak", "H.", "" ], [ "Smead", "L. G. Scantlebury", "" ], [ "Scarabotto", "A.", "" ], [ "Schael", "S.", "" ], [ "Scherl", "S.", "" ], [ "Schiller", "M.", "" ], [ "Schindler", "H.", "" ], [ "Schmelling", "M.", "" ], [ "Schmidt", "B.", "" ], [ "Schmitt", "S.", "" ], [ "Schmitz", "H.", "" ], [ "Schneider", "O.", "" ], [ "Schopper", "A.", "" ], [ "Schulte", "N.", "" ], [ "Schulte", "S.", "" ], [ "Schune", "M. H.", "" ], [ "Schwemmer", "R.", "" ], [ "Schwering", "G.", "" ], [ "Sciascia", "B.", "" ], [ "Sciuccati", "A.", "" ], [ "Sellam", "S.", "" ], [ "Semennikov", "A.", "" ], [ "Senger", "T.", "" ], [ "Soares", "M. Senghi", "" ], [ "Sergi", "A.", "" ], [ "Serra", "N.", "" ], [ "Sestini", "L.", "" ], [ "Seuthe", "A.", "" ], [ "Shang", "Y.", "" ], [ "Shangase", "D. M.", "" ], [ "Shapkin", "M.", "" ], [ "Sharma", "R. S.", "" ], [ "Shchemerov", "I.", "" ], [ "Shchutska", "L.", "" ], [ "Shears", "T.", "" ], [ "Shekhtman", "L.", "" ], [ "Shen", "Z.", "" ], [ "Sheng", "S.", "" ], [ "Shevchenko", "V.", "" ], [ "Shi", "B.", "" ], [ "Shi", "Q.", "" ], [ "Shields", "E. B.", "" ], [ "Shimizu", "Y.", "" ], [ "Shmanin", "E.", "" ], [ "Shorkin", "R.", "" ], [ "Shupperd", "J. D.", "" ], [ "Coutinho", "R. Silva", "" ], [ "Simi", "G.", "" ], [ "Simone", "S.", "" ], [ "Skidmore", "N.", "" ], [ "Skwarnicki", "T.", "" ], [ "Slater", "M. W.", "" ], [ "Smallwood", "J. C.", "" ], [ "Smith", "E.", "" ], [ "Smith", "K.", "" ], [ "Smith", "M.", "" ], [ "Snoch", "A.", "" ], [ "Lavra", "L. Soares", "" ], [ "Sokoloff", "M. D.", "" ], [ "Soler", "F. J. P.", "" ], [ "Solomin", "A.", "" ], [ "Solovev", "A.", "" ], [ "Solovyev", "I.", "" ], [ "Song", "R.", "" ], [ "Song", "Y.", "" ], [ "Song", "Y.", "" ], [ "Song", "Y. S.", "" ], [ "De Almeida", "F. L. Souza", "" ], [ "De Paula", "B. Souza", "" ], [ "Norella", "E. Spadaro", "" ], [ "Spedicato", "E.", "" ], [ "Speer", "J. G.", "" ], [ "Spiridenkov", "E.", "" ], [ "Spradlin", "P.", "" ], [ "Sriskaran", "V.", "" ], [ "Stagni", "F.", "" ], [ "Stahl", "M.", "" ], [ "Stahl", "S.", "" ], [ "Stanislaus", "S.", "" ], [ "Stein", "E. N.", "" ], [ "Steinkamp", "O.", "" ], [ "Stenyakin", "O.", "" ], [ "Stevens", "H.", "" ], [ "Strekalina", "D.", "" ], [ "Su", "Y.", "" ], [ "Suljik", "F.", "" ], [ "Sun", "J.", "" ], [ "Sun", "L.", "" ], [ "Sun", "Y.", "" ], [ "Lima", "D. S. Sundfeld", "" ], [ "Sutcliffe", "W.", "" ], [ "Swallow", "P. N.", "" ], [ "Swystun", "F.", "" ], [ "Szabelski", "A.", "" ], [ "Szumlak", "T.", "" ], [ "Tan", "Y.", "" ], [ "Tat", "M. D.", "" ], [ "Terentev", "A.", "" ], [ "Terzuoli", "F.", "" ], [ "Teubert", "F.", "" ], [ "Thomas", "E.", "" ], [ "Thompson", "D. J. D.", "" ], [ "Tilquin", "H.", "" ], [ "Tisserand", "V.", "" ], [ "T'Jampens", "S.", "" ], [ "Tobin", "M.", "" ], [ "Tomassetti", "L.", "" ], [ "Tonani", "G.", "" ], [ "Tong", "X.", "" ], [ "Machado", "D. Torres", "" ], [ "Toscano", "L.", "" ], [ "Tou", "D. Y.", "" ], [ "Trippl", "C.", "" ], [ "Tuci", "G.", "" ], [ "Tuning", "N.", "" ], [ "Uecker", "L. H.", "" ], [ "Ukleja", "A.", "" ], [ "Unverzagt", "D. J.", "" ], [ "Ursov", "E.", "" ], [ "Usachov", "A.", "" ], [ "Ustyuzhanin", "A.", "" ], [ "Uwer", "U.", "" ], [ "Vagnoni", "V.", "" ], [ "Valassi", "A.", "" ], [ "Valenti", "G.", "" ], [ "Canudas", "N. Valls", "" ], [ "Van Hecke", "H.", "" ], [ "van Herwijnen", "E.", "" ], [ "Van Hulse", "C. B.", "" ], [ "Van Laak", "R.", "" ], [ "van Veghel", "M.", "" ], [ "Vasquez", "G.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "R. Vazquez", "" ], [ "Regueiro", "P. Vazquez", "" ], [ "Sierra", "C. Vázquez", "" ], [ "Vecchi", "S.", "" ], [ "Velthuis", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Veltri", "M.", "" ], [ "Venkateswaran", "A.", "" ], [ "Vesterinen", "M.", "" ], [ "Diaz", "M. Vieites", "" ], [ "Vilasis-Cardona", "X.", "" ], [ "Figueras", "E. Vilella", "" ], [ "Villa", "A.", "" ], [ "Vincent", "P.", "" ], [ "Volle", "F. C.", "" ], [ "Bruch", "D. vom", "" ], [ "Voropaev", "N.", "" ], [ "Vos", "K.", "" ], [ "Vouters", "G.", "" ], [ "Vrahas", "C.", "" ], [ "Wagner", "J.", "" ], [ "Walsh", "J.", "" ], [ "Walton", "E. J.", "" ], [ "Wan", "G.", "" ], [ "Wang", "C.", "" ], [ "Wang", "G.", "" ], [ "Wang", "J.", "" ], [ "Wang", "J.", "" ], [ "Wang", "J.", "" ], [ "Wang", "J.", "" ], [ "Wang", "M.", "" ], [ "Wang", "N. W.", "" ], [ "Wang", "R.", "" ], [ "Wang", "X.", "" ], [ "Wang", "X.", "" ], [ "Wang", "X. W.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Ward", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Waterlaat", "M.", "" ], [ "Watson", "N. K.", "" ], [ "Websdale", "D.", "" ], [ "Wei", "Y.", "" ], [ "Wendel", "J.", "" ], [ "Westhenry", "B. D. C.", "" ], [ "White", "D. J.", "" ], [ "Whitehead", "M.", "" ], [ "Wiederhold", "A. R.", "" ], [ "Wiedner", "D.", "" ], [ "Wilkinson", "G.", "" ], [ "Wilkinson", "M. K.", "" ], [ "Williams", "M.", "" ], [ "Williams", "M. R. J.", "" ], [ "Williams", "R.", "" ], [ "Wilson", "F. F.", "" ], [ "Wislicki", "W.", "" ], [ "Witek", "M.", "" ], [ "Witola", "L.", "" ], [ "Wong", "C. P.", "" ], [ "Wormser", "G.", "" ], [ "Wotton", "S. A.", "" ], [ "Wu", "H.", "" ], [ "Wu", "J.", "" ], [ "Wu", "Y.", "" ], [ "Wyllie", "K.", "" ], [ "Xian", "S.", "" ], [ "Xiang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Xie", "Y.", "" ], [ "Xu", "A.", "" ], [ "Xu", "J.", "" ], [ "Xu", "L.", "" ], [ "Xu", "L.", "" ], [ "Xu", "M.", "" ], [ "Xu", "Z.", "" ], [ "Xu", "Z.", "" ], [ "Xu", "Z.", "" ], [ "Yang", "D.", "" ], [ "Yang", "S.", "" ], [ "Yang", "X.", "" ], [ "Yang", "Y.", "" ], [ "Yang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Yang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Yeroshenko", "V.", "" ], [ "Yeung", "H.", "" ], [ "Yin", "H.", "" ], [ "Yu", "C. Y.", "" ], [ "Yu", "J.", "" ], [ "Yuan", "X.", "" ], [ "Zaffaroni", "E.", "" ], [ "Zavertyaev", "M.", "" ], [ "Zdybal", "M.", "" ], [ "Zeng", "C.", "" ], [ "Zeng", "M.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "C.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "D.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "J.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "L.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "S.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "S.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Y.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Y. Z.", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Y.", "" ], [ "Zharkova", "A.", "" ], [ "Zhelezov", "A.", "" ], [ "Zheng", "X. Z.", "" ], [ "Zheng", "Y.", "" ], [ "Zhou", "T.", "" ], [ "Zhou", "X.", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Y.", "" ], [ "Zhovkovska", "V.", "" ], [ "Zhu", "L. Z.", "" ], [ "Zhu", "X.", "" ], [ "Zhu", "X.", "" ], [ "Zhukov", "V.", "" ], [ "Zhuo", "J.", "" ], [ "Zou", "Q.", "" ], [ "Zuliani", "D.", "" ], [ "Zunica", "G.", "" ] ]
Anu V. S. Nath
Anu V. S. Nath and Anubhab Roy
Clustering and chaotic motion of heavy inertial particles in an isolated non-axisymmetric vortex
45 pages, 24 figures
We investigate the dynamics of heavy inertial particles in a flow field due to an isolated, non-axisymmetric vortex. For our study, we consider a canonical elliptical vortex - the Kirchhoff vortex and its strained variant, the Kida vortex. Contrary to the anticipated centrifugal dispersion of inertial particles, which is typical in open vortical flows, we observe the clustering of particles around co-rotating attractors near the Kirchhoff vortex due to its non-axisymmetric nature. We analyze the inertia-modified stability characteristics of the fixed points, highlighting how some of the fixed points migrate in physical space, collide and then annihilate with increasing particle inertia. The introduction of external straining, the Kida vortex being an example, introduces chaotic tracer transport. Using a Melnikov analysis, we show that particle inertia and external straining can compete, where chaotic transport can be suppressed beyond a critical value of particle inertia.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2024 04:33:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:39:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nath", "Anu V. S.", "" ], [ "Roy", "Anubhab", "" ] ]
Matthieu Cadiot
Matthieu Cadiot, Jean-Philippe Lessard, Jean-Christophe Nave
Stationary non-radial localized patterns in the planar Swift-Hohenberg PDE: constructive proofs of existence
Journal of Differential Equations, volume = {414}, pages = {555-608}, year = {2025}
math.AP math.DS
In this paper, we present a methodology for establishing constructive proofs of existence of smooth, stationary, non-radial localized patterns in the planar Swift-Hohenberg equation. Specifically, given an approximate solution $u_0$, we construct an approximate inverse for the linearization around $u_0$, enabling the development of a Newton-Kantorovich approach. Consequently, we derive a sufficient condition for the existence of a unique localized pattern in the vicinity of $u_0$. The verification of this condition is facilitated through a combination of analytic techniques and rigorous numerical computations. Moreover, an additional condition is derived, establishing that the localized pattern serves as the limit of a family of periodic solutions (in space) as the period tends to infinity. The integration of analytical tools and meticulous numerical analysis ensures a comprehensive validation of this condition. To illustrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology, we present computer-assisted proofs for the existence of three distinct unbounded branches of periodic solutions in the planar Swift-Hohenberg equation, all converging towards a localized planar pattern, whose existence is also proven constructively. All computer-assisted proofs, including the requisite codes, are accessible on GitHub at \cite{julia_cadiot}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2024 16:33:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 20:24:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cadiot", "Matthieu", "" ], [ "Lessard", "Jean-Philippe", "" ], [ "Nave", "Jean-Christophe", "" ] ]
Christian D\"oding
Christian D\"oding
Localized Orthogonal Decomposition Methods vs. Classical FEM for the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
math.NA cs.NA
The time-dependent Gross-Pitaevksii equation (GPE) is a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation which is used in quantum physics to model the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates. In this work we consider numerical approximations of the GPE based on a multiscale approach known as the localized orthogonal decomposition. Combined with an energy preserving time integrator one derives a method which is of high order in space and time under mild regularity assumptions. In previous work, the method has been shown to be numerically very efficient compared to first order Lagrange FEM. In this paper, we further investigate the performance of the method and compare it with higher order Lagrange FEM. For rough problems we observe that the novel method performs very efficient and retains its high order, while the classical methods can only compete well for smooth problems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 17 Mar 2024 16:44:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:17:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Döding", "Christian", "" ] ]
Quentin Herau
Quentin Herau, Moussab Bennehar, Arthur Moreau, Nathan Piasco, Luis Roldao, Dzmitry Tsishkou, Cyrille Migniot, Pascal Vasseur, C\'edric Demonceaux
3DGS-Calib: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Multimodal SpatioTemporal Calibration
Accepted at IROS 2024 (Oral presentation). Project page:
cs.CV cs.RO
Reliable multimodal sensor fusion algorithms require accurate spatiotemporal calibration. Recently, targetless calibration techniques based on implicit neural representations have proven to provide precise and robust results. Nevertheless, such methods are inherently slow to train given the high computational overhead caused by the large number of sampled points required for volume rendering. With the recent introduction of 3D Gaussian Splatting as a faster alternative to implicit representation methods, we propose to leverage this new rendering approach to achieve faster multi-sensor calibration. We introduce 3DGS-Calib, a new calibration method that relies on the speed and rendering accuracy of 3D Gaussian Splatting to achieve multimodal spatiotemporal calibration that is accurate, robust, and with a substantial speed-up compared to methods relying on implicit neural representations. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposal with experimental results on sequences from KITTI-360, a widely used driving dataset.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2024 08:53:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:22:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Herau", "Quentin", "" ], [ "Bennehar", "Moussab", "" ], [ "Moreau", "Arthur", "" ], [ "Piasco", "Nathan", "" ], [ "Roldao", "Luis", "" ], [ "Tsishkou", "Dzmitry", "" ], [ "Migniot", "Cyrille", "" ], [ "Vasseur", "Pascal", "" ], [ "Demonceaux", "Cédric", "" ] ]
Kurran Singh
Kurran Singh, Jungseok Hong, Nicholas R. Rypkema, John J. Leonard
Opti-Acoustic Semantic SLAM with Unknown Objects in Underwater Environments
Minor typo tixes and clarifications
Despite recent advances in semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for terrestrial and aerial applications, underwater semantic SLAM remains an open and largely unaddressed research problem due to the unique sensing modalities and the object classes found underwater. This paper presents an object-based semantic SLAM method for underwater environments that can identify, localize, classify, and map a wide variety of marine objects without a priori knowledge of the object classes present in the scene. The method performs unsupervised object segmentation and object-level feature aggregation, and then uses opti-acoustic sensor fusion for object localization. Probabilistic data association is used to determine observation to landmark correspondences. Given such correspondences, the method then jointly optimizes landmark and vehicle position estimates. Indoor and outdoor underwater datasets with a wide variety of objects and challenging acoustic and lighting conditions are collected for evaluation and made publicly available. Quantitative and qualitative results show the proposed method achieves reduced trajectory error compared to baseline methods, and is able to obtain comparable map accuracy to a baseline closed-set method that requires hand-labeled data of all objects in the scene.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:42:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 20:54:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Singh", "Kurran", "" ], [ "Hong", "Jungseok", "" ], [ "Rypkema", "Nicholas R.", "" ], [ "Leonard", "John J.", "" ] ]
Jacky H. T. Yip
Jacky H. T. Yip, Matteo Biagetti, Alex Cole, Karthik Viswanathan, Gary Shiu
Cosmology with Persistent Homology: a Fisher Forecast
24+18 pages, 22 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in JCAP. Replaced with the accepted version (minor changes)
JCAP 09 (2024) 034
astro-ph.CO hep-th math.AT
Persistent homology naturally addresses the multi-scale topological characteristics of the large-scale structure as a distribution of clusters, loops, and voids. We apply this tool to the dark matter halo catalogs from the Quijote simulations, and build a summary statistic for comparison with the joint power spectrum and bispectrum statistic regarding their information content on cosmological parameters and primordial non-Gaussianity. Through a Fisher analysis, we find that constraints from persistent homology are tighter for 8 out of the 10 parameters by margins of 13-50%. The complementarity of the two statistics breaks parameter degeneracies, allowing for a further gain in constraining power when combined. We run a series of consistency checks to consolidate our results, and conclude that our findings motivate incorporating persistent homology into inference pipelines for cosmological survey data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Mar 2024 21:38:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:08:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yip", "Jacky H. T.", "" ], [ "Biagetti", "Matteo", "" ], [ "Cole", "Alex", "" ], [ "Viswanathan", "Karthik", "" ], [ "Shiu", "Gary", "" ] ]
Mirko Signorelli
Mirko Signorelli and Sophie Retif
An empirical appraisal of methods for the dynamic prediction of survival with numerous longitudinal predictors
stat.ME stat.AP
Recently, the increasing availability of repeated measurements in biomedical studies has motivated the development of several statistical methods for the dynamic prediction of survival in settings where a large (potentially high-dimensional) number of longitudinal covariates is available. These methods differ in both how they model the longitudinal covariates trajectories, and how they specify the relationship between the longitudinal covariates and the survival outcome. Because these methods are still quite new, little is known about their applicability, limitations and performance when applied to real-world data. To investigate these questions, we present a comparison of the predictive performance of the aforementioned methods and two simpler prediction approaches to three datasets that differ in terms of outcome type, sample size, number of longitudinal covariates and length of follow-up. We discuss how different modelling choices can have an impact on the possibility to accommodate unbalanced study designs and on computing time, and compare the predictive performance of the different approaches using a range of performance measures and landmark times.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:04:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Signorelli", "Mirko", "" ], [ "Retif", "Sophie", "" ] ]
Phuc Nguyen
Devanshu Brahmbhatt, Yilun Xu, Neel Vora, Larry Chen, Neelay Fruitwala, Gang Huang, Qing Ji, Phuc Nguyen
QubiCSV: An Open-Source Data Storage and Visualization Platform for Collaborative Qubit Control
Developing collaborative research platforms for quantum bit control is crucial for driving innovation in the field, as they enable the exchange of ideas, data, and implementation to achieve more impactful outcomes. Furthermore, considering the high costs associated with quantum experimental setups, collaborative environments are vital for maximizing resource utilization efficiently. However, the lack of dedicated data management platforms presents a significant obstacle to progress, highlighting the necessity for essential assistive tools tailored for this purpose. Current qubit control systems are unable to handle complicated management of extensive calibration data and do not support effectively visualizing intricate quantum experiment outcomes. In this paper, we introduce QubiCSV (Qubit Control Storage and Visualization), a platform specifically designed to meet the demands of quantum computing research, focusing on the storage and analysis of calibration and characterization data in qubit control systems. As an open-source tool, QubiCSV facilitates efficient data management of quantum computing, providing data versioning capabilities for data storage and allowing researchers and programmers to interact with qubits in real time. The insightful visualization are developed to interpret complex quantum experiments and optimize qubit performance. QubiCSV not only streamlines the handling of qubit control system data but also improves the user experience with intuitive visualization features, making it a valuable asset for researchers in the quantum computing domain.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2024 00:49:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 02:42:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brahmbhatt", "Devanshu", "" ], [ "Xu", "Yilun", "" ], [ "Vora", "Neel", "" ], [ "Chen", "Larry", "" ], [ "Fruitwala", "Neelay", "" ], [ "Huang", "Gang", "" ], [ "Ji", "Qing", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Phuc", "" ] ]
Evgeny Skvortsov D
Evgeny Skvortsov, Yihao Yin
Low spin solutions of Higher Spin Gravity: BPST instanton
34 pages, published version
Higher spin gravities do not have a low energy limit where higher-spin fields decouple from gravity. Nevertheless, it is possible to construct fine-tuned exact solutions that activate low-spin fields without sourcing the higher-spin fields. We show that BPST (Belavin-Polyakov-Schwartz-Tyupkin) instanton is an exact solution of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity, i.e. it is also a solution of the holographic dual of Chern-Simons matter theories. This gives an example of a low-spin solution. The instanton sources the opposite helicity spin-one field and a scalar field. We derive an Effective Field Theory that describes the coupling between an instanton and the other two fields, whose action starts with the Chalmers-Siegel action and has certain higher derivative couplings.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 25 Mar 2024 19:50:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:29:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Skvortsov", "Evgeny", "" ], [ "Yin", "Yihao", "" ] ]
Jo\~ao Paulo Da Silva Melo
Jo\~ao Paulo S. Melo, Mario J. Neves, Jefferson M. A. Paix\~ao, Jos\'e A. Helay\"el-Neto
Loop Quantum Gravity effects on electromagnetic properties of charged leptons
12 pages, 2 figures
Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 938 (2024)
hep-th hep-ph
The efforts in this contribution consist in reassessing a modified Dirac equation that incorporates a $\gamma^0 \gamma_5$-Lorentz-symmetry violating (LSV) term induced as a Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) effect. Originally, this equation has been applied and considered as a good scenario for describing a number of investigations on the flight time of cosmic neutrinos, which suggests that the speed, in vacuum, in connection with the geometry that describes a granular space-time, takes the energy-dependent form, e.g., $v(E) =1 \pm E/E_{\textrm{LSV}}$, with $E_{\textrm{LSV}} \approx 6,5 \times 10^{17}$ GeV for neutrinos. Once LQG provides a viable way to understand this picture consistently, we pursue an analysis of this effective Dirac equation to inspect some of its properties. These include: the derivation of the modified fermionic propagator, attainment of the Gordon decomposition of the vector current with minimal electromagnetic coupling to obtain information on the form factors, examination of the non-relativistic limit of the equation, evaluation of the spin- and velocity-dependent corrections to the Coulomb potential due to LQG effects, and the modified Hamiltonian in the low-relativistic regime. The study of the form factors may open up paths to set up bounds on the LQG parameters from the precision measurements of electromagnetic attributes of the charged leptons, such as their respective electric and magnetic dipole moments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 25 Mar 2024 21:18:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:03:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Melo", "João Paulo S.", "" ], [ "Neves", "Mario J.", "" ], [ "Paixão", "Jefferson M. A.", "" ], [ "Helayël-Neto", "José A.", "" ] ]
Matteo Baggioli
Cunyuan Jiang, Matteo Baggioli
Phonons in stringlet-land and the boson peak
v2: matching the published version in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36 505101 (2024)
cond-mat.soft cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.stat-mech
Solid materials that deviate from the harmonic crystal paradigm exhibit characteristic anomalies in the specific heat and vibrational density of states (VDOS) with respect to Debye's theory predictions. The boson peak (BP), a low-frequency excess in the VDOS over Debye law $g(\omega) \propto \omega^2$, is certainly the most famous among them; nevertheless, its origin is still subject of fierce debate. Recent simulation works provided strong evidence that localized one-dimensional string-like excitations (stringlets) might be the microscopic origin of the BP. In this work, we study the dynamics of acoustic phonons interacting with a bath of vibrating 1D stringlets with exponentially distributed size, as observed in simulations. We show that stringlets strongly renormalize the phonon propagator and naturally induce a BP anomaly in the vibrational density of states, corresponding to the emergence of a dispersionless BP flat mode. Additionally, phonon-stringlet interactions produce a strong enhancement of sound attenuation and a dip in the speed of sound near the BP frequency, consistent with experimental and simulation data. The qualitative trends of the BP frequency and intensity are predicted within the model and shown to be in good agreement with previous observations. In summary, our results substantiate with a simple theoretical model the recent simulation results by Hu and Tanaka claiming the origin of the BP from stringlet dynamics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2024 03:13:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 03:37:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jiang", "Cunyuan", "" ], [ "Baggioli", "Matteo", "" ] ]
Ting-Kang Yen
Ting-Kang Yen, Igor Morawski, Shusil Dangi, Kai He, Chung-Yi Lin, Jia-Fong Yeh, Hung-Ting Su, Winston Hsu
Tracking-Assisted Object Detection with Event Cameras
cs.CV cs.LG
Event-based object detection has recently garnered attention in the computer vision community due to the exceptional properties of event cameras, such as high dynamic range and no motion blur. However, feature asynchronism and sparsity cause invisible objects due to no relative motion to the camera, posing a significant challenge in the task. Prior works have studied various implicit-learned memories to retain as many temporal cues as possible. However, implicit memories still struggle to preserve long-term features effectively. In this paper, we consider those invisible objects as pseudo-occluded objects and aim to detect them by tracking through occlusions. Firstly, we introduce the visibility attribute of objects and contribute an auto-labeling algorithm to not only clean the existing event camera dataset but also append additional visibility labels to it. Secondly, we exploit tracking strategies for pseudo-occluded objects to maintain their permanence and retain their bounding boxes, even when features have not been available for a very long time. These strategies can be treated as an explicit-learned memory guided by the tracking objective to record the displacements of objects across frames. Lastly, we propose a spatio-temporal feature aggregation module to enrich the latent features and a consistency loss to increase the robustness of the overall pipeline. We conduct comprehensive experiments to verify our method's effectiveness where still objects are retained, but real occluded objects are discarded. The results demonstrate that (1) the additional visibility labels can assist in supervised training, and (2) our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with a significant improvement of 7.9% absolute mAP.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2024 08:11:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2024 03:00:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:54:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yen", "Ting-Kang", "" ], [ "Morawski", "Igor", "" ], [ "Dangi", "Shusil", "" ], [ "He", "Kai", "" ], [ "Lin", "Chung-Yi", "" ], [ "Yeh", "Jia-Fong", "" ], [ "Su", "Hung-Ting", "" ], [ "Hsu", "Winston", "" ] ]
Pritam Kumar Bhoi
Pritam Kumar Bhoi, Rudranarayan Padhy and Sudhansu Sekhar Rout
Sum of terms of recurrence sequences in the solution sets of generalized Pell equations
10 pages
Let $(X_{k})_{k\geq 1}$ and $(Y_k)_{k\geq 1}$ be the sequence of $X$ and $Y$-coordinates of the positive integer solutions $(x, y)$ of the equation $x^2 - dy^2 = t$. In this paper we completely describe those recurrence sequences such that sums of two terms recurrence sequences in the solution sets of generalized Pell equations are infinitely many. Further, we give an upper bound for the number of such terms when there are only finitely many of them. This work is motivated by the recent paper Hajdu and Sebesty\'en (Int. J. Number Theory 18 (2022), 1605-1612).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2024 18:16:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:23:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bhoi", "Pritam Kumar", "" ], [ "Padhy", "Rudranarayan", "" ], [ "Rout", "Sudhansu Sekhar", "" ] ]
Huanpeng Chu
Huanpeng Chu, Wei Wu, Chengjie Zang, Kun Yuan
QNCD: Quantization Noise Correction for Diffusion Models
Accepted by ACMMM2024
cs.CV cs.AI
Diffusion models have revolutionized image synthesis, setting new benchmarks in quality and creativity. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by the intensive computation required during the iterative denoising process. Post-training quantization (PTQ) presents a solution to accelerate sampling, aibeit at the expense of sample quality, extremely in low-bit settings. Addressing this, our study introduces a unified Quantization Noise Correction Scheme (QNCD), aimed at minishing quantization noise throughout the sampling process. We identify two primary quantization challenges: intra and inter quantization noise. Intra quantization noise, mainly exacerbated by embeddings in the resblock module, extends activation quantization ranges, increasing disturbances in each single denosing step. Besides, inter quantization noise stems from cumulative quantization deviations across the entire denoising process, altering data distributions step-by-step. QNCD combats these through embedding-derived feature smoothing for eliminating intra quantization noise and an effective runtime noise estimatiation module for dynamicly filtering inter quantization noise. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms previous quantization methods for diffusion models, achieving lossless results in W4A8 and W8A8 quantization settings on ImageNet (LDM-4). Code is available at:
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:24:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:50:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chu", "Huanpeng", "" ], [ "Wu", "Wei", "" ], [ "Zang", "Chengjie", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Kun", "" ] ]
Boris Shklovskii
B. I. Shklovskii
Half century of Efros-Shklovskii Coulomb gap. Romance with Coulomb interaction and disorder
13 pages, 1 figure. I added two new references
Efros-Shklovskii (ES) Coulomb gap in density of localized states and ES law of the variable range hopping conductivity were coined 50 years ago. The theory and its first confirmations were reviewed in our monograph 40-years ago. This paper reviews the subsequent experimental evidence, theoretical advancements, and novel applications. Out of hundreds of experimental validations of the ES law in a diverse range of materials, I focus on those where the dynamic range of conductivity exceeds four orders of magnitude. These include three- and two-dimensional semiconductors under both zero and high magnetic fields, localized phases in the quantum Hall effect, granular metals, nanocrystal arrays, and conducting polymers. Additionally, this review discusses the Coulomb gap near insulator-metal transition and in non-ohmic ES law. Recent developments of other concepts of the ES book are also discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:21:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:06:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:59:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:26:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sat, 20 Jul 2024 19:56:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Thu, 15 Aug 2024 22:51:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 22:58:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shklovskii", "B. I.", "" ] ]
George Tang
George Tang and Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula and Antonio Torralba
Efficient 3D Instance Mapping and Localization with Neural Fields
We tackle the problem of learning an implicit scene representation for 3D instance segmentation from a sequence of posed RGB images. Towards this, we introduce 3DIML, a novel framework that efficiently learns a neural label field which can render 3D instance segmentation masks from novel viewpoints. Opposed to prior art that optimizes a neural field in a self-supervised manner, requiring complicated training procedures and loss function design, 3DIML leverages a two-phase process. The first phase, InstanceMap, takes as input 2D segmentation masks of the image sequence generated by a frontend instance segmentation model, and associates corresponding masks across images to 3D labels. These almost 3D-consistent pseudolabel masks are then used in the second phase, InstanceLift, to supervise the training of a neural label field, which interpolates regions missed by InstanceMap and resolves ambiguities. Additionally, we introduce InstanceLoc, which enables near realtime localization of instance masks given a trained neural label field. We evaluate 3DIML on sequences from the Replica and ScanNet datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness under mild assumptions for the image sequences. We achieve a large practical speedup over existing implicit scene representation methods with comparable quality, showcasing its potential to facilitate faster and more effective 3D scene understanding.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:25:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 02:57:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:56:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tang", "George", "" ], [ "Jatavallabhula", "Krishna Murthy", "" ], [ "Torralba", "Antonio", "" ] ]
Md Abrar Jahin
Md Abrar Jahin, Md Sakib Hossain Shovon, M. F. Mridha, Md Rashedul Islam, and Yutaka Watanobe
A Hybrid Transformer and Attention Based Recurrent Neural Network for Robust and Interpretable Sentiment Analysis of Tweets
cs.CL cs.LG
Sentiment analysis is crucial for understanding public opinion and consumer behavior. Existing models face challenges with linguistic diversity, generalizability, and explainability. We propose TRABSA, a hybrid framework integrating transformer-based architectures, attention mechanisms, and BiLSTM networks to address this. Leveraging RoBERTa-trained on 124M tweets, we bridge gaps in sentiment analysis benchmarks, ensuring state-of-the-art accuracy. Augmenting datasets with tweets from 32 countries and US states, we compare six word-embedding techniques and three lexicon-based labeling techniques, selecting the best for optimal sentiment analysis. TRABSA outperforms traditional ML and deep learning models with 94% accuracy and significant precision, recall, and F1-score gains. Evaluation across diverse datasets demonstrates consistent superiority and generalizability. SHAP and LIME analyses enhance interpretability, improving confidence in predictions. Our study facilitates pandemic resource management, aiding resource planning, policy formation, and vaccination tactics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 30 Mar 2024 09:20:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 16 May 2024 14:35:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 9 Sep 2024 19:57:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:05:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jahin", "Md Abrar", "" ], [ "Shovon", "Md Sakib Hossain", "" ], [ "Mridha", "M. F.", "" ], [ "Islam", "Md Rashedul", "" ], [ "Watanobe", "Yutaka", "" ] ]
Kou Fujimori
Kou Fujimori and Koji Tsukuda
Two step estimations via the Dantzig selector for models of stochastic processes with high-dimensional parameters
51 pages, 1 figure
math.ST stat.TH
We consider the sparse estimation for stochastic processes with possibly infinite-dimensional nuisance parameters, by using the Dantzig selector which is a sparse estimation method similar to $Z$-estimation. When a consistent estimator for a nuisance parameter is obtained, it is possible to construct an asymptotically normal estimator for the parameter of interest under appropriate conditions. Motivated by this fact, we establish the asymptotic behavior of the Dantzig selector for models of ergodic stochastic processes with high-dimensional parameters of interest and possibly infinite-dimensional nuisance parameters. Moreover, we construct an asymptotically normal estimator by the two step estimation with help of the variable selection through the Dantzig selector and a consistent estimator of the nuisance parameter. Applications to ergodic time series models including integer-valued autoregressive models and ergodic diffusion processes are presented.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 03:30:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:25:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fujimori", "Kou", "" ], [ "Tsukuda", "Koji", "" ] ]
Chenglong Wang
Hang Zhou, Chenglong Wang, Yimin Hu, Tong Xiao, Chunliang Zhang and Jingbo Zhu
Prior Constraints-based Reward Model Training for Aligning Large Language Models
Accepted by CCL 2024
Reinforcement learning with human feedback for aligning large language models (LLMs) trains a reward model typically using ranking loss with comparison pairs.However, the training procedure suffers from an inherent problem: the uncontrolled scaling of reward scores during reinforcement learning due to the lack of constraints while training the reward model.This paper proposes a Prior Constraints-based Reward Model (namely PCRM) training method to mitigate this problem. PCRM incorporates prior constraints, specifically, length ratio and cosine similarity between outputs of each comparison pair, during reward model training to regulate optimization magnitude and control score margins. We comprehensively evaluate PCRM by examining its rank correlation with human preferences and its effectiveness in aligning LLMs via RL. Experimental results demonstrate that PCRM significantly improves alignment performance by effectively constraining reward score scaling. As another bonus, our method is easily integrated into arbitrary rank-based alignment methods, such as direct preference optimization, and can yield consistent improvement.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 07:49:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 05:28:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Hang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Chenglong", "" ], [ "Hu", "Yimin", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Tong", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Chunliang", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Jingbo", "" ] ]
Scott Armstrong
Scott Armstrong and Ahmed Bou-Rabee and Tuomo Kuusi
Superdiffusive central limit theorem for a Brownian particle in a critically-correlated incompressible random drift
164 pages, 2 figures; previously announced at
math.PR math-ph math.AP math.MP
We consider the long-time behavior of a diffusion process on $\mathbb{R}^d$ advected by a stationary random vector field which is assumed to be divergence-free, dihedrally symmetric in law and have a log-correlated potential. A special case includes $\nabla^\perp$ of the Gaussian free field in two dimensions. We show the variance of the diffusion process at a large time $t$ behaves like $2 c_* t (\log t)^{1/2}$, in a quenched sense and with a precisely determined, universal prefactor constant $c_*>0$. We also prove a quenched invariance principle under this superdiffusive scaling. The proof is based on a rigorous renormalization group argument in which we inductively analyze coarse-grained diffusivities, scale-by-scale. Our analysis leads to sharp homogenization and large-scale regularity estimates on the infinitesimal generator, which are subsequently transferred into quantitative information on the process.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 13:41:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:45:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Armstrong", "Scott", "" ], [ "Bou-Rabee", "Ahmed", "" ], [ "Kuusi", "Tuomo", "" ] ]
Zachariah Etienne
Zachariah B. Etienne
Improved Moving-Puncture Techniques for Compact Binary Simulations
17 pages, 15 figures; matches published version
Phys. Rev. D 110, 064045 (2024)
gr-qc astro-ph.HE
To fully unlock the scientific potential of upcoming gravitational wave (GW) interferometers, numerical relativity (NR) simulation accuracy will need to be greatly enhanced. We present three infrastructure-agnostic improvements to the moving-puncture approach for binary black hole (BBH) simulations, aimed at greatly reducing constraint violation and improving GW predictions. Although these improvements were developed within the highly efficient NR code BlackHoles@Home, we demonstrate their effectiveness in the widely-adopted Einstein Toolkit/Carpet AMR framework. Our improvements include a modified Kreiss-Oliger dissipation prescription, a Hamiltonian-constraint-damping adjustment to the BSSN equations, and an extra term to the 1+log lapse evolution equation that slows the development of the sharp lapse feature, which dominates numerical errors in BBH simulations. With minimal increase in computational cost, these improvements greatly reduce GW noise, enabling the extraction of high-order GW modes previously obscured by numerical noise. They also improve convergence properties near and inside the convergent regime, reduce Hamiltonian (momentum) constraint violations in the strong-field region by roughly two (three) orders of magnitude, and in the GW-extraction zone by five (two) orders of magnitude. To promote community adoption, we have open-sourced the improved Einstein Toolkit thorn BaikalVacuum used in this work. Although our focus is on BBH evolutions and the BSSN formulation, these improvements may also benefit compact binary simulations involving matter and other formulations, a focus for future investigations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 14:33:13 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 24 May 2024 13:52:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 13 Sep 2024 18:04:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Etienne", "Zachariah B.", "" ] ]
Kaiqiang Wang
Kaiqiang Wang, Edmund Y. Lam
Deep learning phase recovery: data-driven, physics-driven, or combining both?
24 pages, 13 figures
Advanced Photonics Nexus (2024)
eess.IV cs.LG physics.optics
Phase recovery, calculating the phase of a light wave from its intensity measurements, is essential for various applications, such as coherent diffraction imaging, adaptive optics, and biomedical imaging. It enables the reconstruction of an object's refractive index distribution or topography as well as the correction of imaging system aberrations. In recent years, deep learning has been proven to be highly effective in addressing phase recovery problems. Two most direct deep learning phase recovery strategies are data-driven (DD) with supervised learning mode and physics-driven (PD) with self-supervised learning mode. DD and PD achieve the same goal in different ways and lack the necessary study to reveal similarities and differences. Therefore, in this paper, we comprehensively compare these two deep learning phase recovery strategies in terms of time consumption, accuracy, generalization ability, ill-posedness adaptability, and prior capacity. What's more, we propose a co-driven (CD) strategy of combining datasets and physics for the balance of high- and low-frequency information. The codes for DD, PD, and CD are publicly available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2024 11:42:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2024 05:55:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Kaiqiang", "" ], [ "Lam", "Edmund Y.", "" ] ]
Zhongyu Xia
Zhongyu Xia, ZhiWei Lin, Xinhao Wang, Yongtao Wang, Yun Xing, Shengxiang Qi, Nan Dong, Ming-Hsuan Yang
HENet: Hybrid Encoding for End-to-end Multi-task 3D Perception from Multi-view Cameras
ECCV 2024
Three-dimensional perception from multi-view cameras is a crucial component in autonomous driving systems, which involves multiple tasks like 3D object detection and bird's-eye-view (BEV) semantic segmentation. To improve perception precision, large image encoders, high-resolution images, and long-term temporal inputs have been adopted in recent 3D perception models, bringing remarkable performance gains. However, these techniques are often incompatible in training and inference scenarios due to computational resource constraints. Besides, modern autonomous driving systems prefer to adopt an end-to-end framework for multi-task 3D perception, which can simplify the overall system architecture and reduce the implementation complexity. However, conflict between tasks often arises when optimizing multiple tasks jointly within an end-to-end 3D perception model. To alleviate these issues, we present an end-to-end framework named HENet for multi-task 3D perception in this paper. Specifically, we propose a hybrid image encoding network, using a large image encoder for short-term frames and a small image encoder for long-term temporal frames. Then, we introduce a temporal feature integration module based on the attention mechanism to fuse the features of different frames extracted by the two aforementioned hybrid image encoders. Finally, according to the characteristics of each perception task, we utilize BEV features of different grid sizes, independent BEV encoders, and task decoders for different tasks. Experimental results show that HENet achieves state-of-the-art end-to-end multi-task 3D perception results on the nuScenes benchmark, including 3D object detection and BEV semantic segmentation. The source code and models will be released at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 3 Apr 2024 07:10:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 20 May 2024 08:52:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 06:33:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xia", "Zhongyu", "" ], [ "Lin", "ZhiWei", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xinhao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yongtao", "" ], [ "Xing", "Yun", "" ], [ "Qi", "Shengxiang", "" ], [ "Dong", "Nan", "" ], [ "Yang", "Ming-Hsuan", "" ] ]
Taiqiang Wu
Taiqiang Wu, Chaofan Tao, Jiahao Wang, Runming Yang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong
Rethinking Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models
working in progress, code available at
cs.CL cs.AI
Kullback-Leiber divergence has been widely used in Knowledge Distillation (KD) to compress Large Language Models (LLMs). Contrary to prior assertions that reverse Kullback-Leibler (RKL) divergence is mode-seeking and thus preferable over the mean-seeking forward Kullback-Leibler (FKL) divergence, this study empirically and theoretically demonstrates that neither mode-seeking nor mean-seeking properties manifest in KD for LLMs. Instead, RKL and FKL are found to share the same optimization objective and both converge after a sufficient number of epochs. However, due to practical constraints, LLMs are seldom trained for such an extensive number of epochs. Meanwhile, we further find that RKL focuses on the tail part of the distributions, while FKL focuses on the head part at the beginning epochs. Consequently, we propose a simple yet effective Adaptive Kullback-Leiber (AKL) divergence method, which adaptively allocates weights to combine FKL and RKL. Metric-based and GPT-4-based evaluations demonstrate that the proposed AKL outperforms the baselines across various tasks and improves the diversity and quality of generated responses.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 3 Apr 2024 11:40:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 16 Jun 2024 14:32:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 02:31:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Taiqiang", "" ], [ "Tao", "Chaofan", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jiahao", "" ], [ "Yang", "Runming", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Wong", "Ngai", "" ] ]
Henry Berger
Henry Berger and Ian Abraham
RAnGE: Reachability Analysis for Guaranteed Ergodicity
21 pages, 5 figures
This paper investigates performance guarantees on coverage-based ergodic exploration methods in environments containing disturbances. Ergodic exploration methods generate trajectories for autonomous robots such that time spent in each area of the exploration space is proportional to the utility of exploring in the area. We find that it is possible to use techniques from reachability analysis to solve for optimal controllers that guarantee ergodic coverage and are robust against disturbances. We formulate ergodic search as a differential game between the controller optimizing for ergodicity and an external disturbance, and we derive the reachability equations for ergodic search using an extended-state Bolza-form transform of the ergodic problem. Contributions include the computation of a continuous value function for the ergodic exploration problem and the derivation of a controller that provides guarantees for coverage under disturbances. Our approach leverages neural-network-based methods to solve the reachability equations; we also construct a robust model-predictive controller for comparison. Simulated and experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our approach for generating robust ergodic trajectories for search and exploration on a 1D system with an external disturbance force.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 4 Apr 2024 04:02:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:59:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Berger", "Henry", "" ], [ "Abraham", "Ian", "" ] ]
Eoin Carolan
Eoin Carolan, Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, and Sebastian Deffner
Operator growth and spread complexity in open quantum systems
7 pages, 2 figures. Close to published version
EPL 147 38002 (2024)
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
Commonly, the notion of "quantum chaos'' refers to the fast scrambling of information throughout complex quantum systems undergoing unitary evolution. Motivated by the Krylov complexity and the operator growth hypothesis, we demonstrate that the entropy of the population distribution for an operator in time is a useful way to capture the complexity of the internal information dynamics of a system when subject to an environment and is, in principle, agnostic to the specific choice of operator basis. We demonstrate its effectiveness for the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, examining the dynamics of the system in both its Krylov basis and the basis of operator strings. We prove that the former basis minimises spread complexity while the latter is an eigenbasis for high dissipation. In both cases, we probe the long-time dynamics of the model and the phenomenological effects of decoherence on the complexity of the dynamics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 4 Apr 2024 15:32:34 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:56:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Carolan", "Eoin", "" ], [ "Kiely", "Anthony", "" ], [ "Campbell", "Steve", "" ], [ "Deffner", "Sebastian", "" ] ]
Marc Wagner
Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Stefan Meinel, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
$\bar b \bar b u d$ and $\bar b \bar b u s$ tetraquarks from lattice QCD using symmetric correlation matrices with both local and scattering interpolating operators
28 pages, 15 figures; version published in Phys. Rev. D
Phys. Rev. D 110, 054510 (2024)
hep-lat hep-ph
We study the $\bar b \bar b u d$ tetraquark with quantum numbers $I(J^P) = 0(1^+)$ as well as the $\bar b \bar b u s$ tetraquark with quantum numbers $J^P = 1^+$ using lattice QCD. We improve on existing work by including both local and scattering interpolating operators on both sides of the correlation functions and use symmetric correlation matrices. This allows not only a reliable determination of the energies of QCD-stable tetraquark ground states, but also of low-lying excited states, which are meson-meson scattering states. The latter is particularly important for future finite-volume scattering analyses. Here, we perform chiral and continuum extrapolations of just the ground-state energies, for which finite-volume effects are expected to be small. Our resulting tetraquark binding energies, $-100 \pm 10\:^{+36}_{-51}\:\:{\rm MeV}$ for $\bar b \bar b u d$ and $-30 \pm 3\:^{+11}_{-31}\:\:{\rm MeV}$ for $\bar b \bar b u s$, are consistent with other recent lattice-QCD predictions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 4 Apr 2024 16:55:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:53:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Alexandrou", "Constantia", "" ], [ "Finkenrath", "Jacob", "" ], [ "Leontiou", "Theodoros", "" ], [ "Meinel", "Stefan", "" ], [ "Pflaumer", "Martin", "" ], [ "Wagner", "Marc", "" ] ]
Takumu Yamanaka
Tomohiro Abe, Ryosuke Sato, Takumu Yamanaka
Composite Dark Matter with Forbidden Annihilation
30 pages, 11 figures
JHEP 09 (2024) 064
hep-ph astro-ph.CO
A dark matter model based on QCD-like $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory with electroweakly interacting dark quarks is discussed. Assuming the dark quark mass $m$ is smaller than the dynamical scale $\Lambda_d \sim 4\pi f_d$, the main component of the dark matter is the lightest $G$-parity odd dark pion associated with chiral symmetry breaking in the dark sector. We show that nonzero dark quark mass induces the universal mass contribution to both $G$-parity odd and even pions, and their masses tend to be degenerate. As a result, dark pion annihilation into heavier $G$-parity even dark pion also affects the dark matter relic abundance. Thus, our setup naturally accommodates forbidden dark matter scenario and realizes heavy dark matter whose mass is ${\cal O}(1$-$100)~{\rm TeV}$, which is different from conventional electroweakly interacting dark matter such as minimal dark matter. We also discuss CP-violation from $\theta$-term in the dark gauge sector and find that the predicted size of electron electric dipole moment can be as large as $\sim 10^{-32}~e~{\rm cm}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 5 Apr 2024 08:53:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 01:59:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Abe", "Tomohiro", "" ], [ "Sato", "Ryosuke", "" ], [ "Yamanaka", "Takumu", "" ] ]
Myles Sherman
Myles B. Sherman, Vikram Ravi, Kareem El-Badry, Kritti Sharma, Stella Koch Ocker, Nikita Kosogorov, Liam Connor, Jakob T. Faber
Searching for Magnetar Binaries Disrupted by Core-Collapse Supernovae
35 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, minor errata accepted to MNRAS (10.1093/mnras/stae2124) correcting the position errors for 1E1547, AXJ1818, AXJ1845 and truncated UKIDSS query; no changes to conclusions
Core-collapse Supernovae (CCSNe) are considered the primary magnetar formation channel, with 15 magnetars associated with supernova remnants (SNRs). A large fraction of these should occur in massive stellar binaries that are disrupted by the explosion, meaning that $\sim45\%$ of magnetars should be nearby high-velocity stars. Here we conduct a multi-wavelength search for unbound stars, magnetar binaries, and SNR shells using public optical ($uvgrizy-$bands), infrared ($J-$, $H-$, $K-$, and $K_s-$bands), and radio ($888$ MHz, $1.4$ GHz, and $3$ GHz) catalogs. We use Monte Carlo analyses of candidates to estimate the probability of association with a given magnetar based on their proximity, distance, proper motion, and magnitude. In addition to recovering a proposed magnetar binary, a proposed unbound binary, and 13 of 15 magnetar SNRs, we identify two new candidate unbound systems: an OB star from the Gaia catalog we associate with SGR J1822.3-1606, and an X-ray pulsar we associate with 3XMM J185246.6+003317. Using a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo simulation that assumes all magnetars descend from CCSNe, we constrain the fraction of magnetars with unbound companions to $5\lesssim f_u \lesssim 24\%$, which disagrees with neutron star population synthesis results. Alternate formation channels are unlikely to wholly account for the lack of unbound binaries as this would require $31\lesssim f_{nc} \lesssim 66\%$ of magnetars to descend from such channels. Our results support a high fraction ($48\lesssim f_m \lesssim 86\%$) of pre-CCSN mergers, which can amplify fossil magnetic fields to preferentially form magnetars.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 8 Apr 2024 01:26:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 15 May 2024 21:15:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:04:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sherman", "Myles B.", "" ], [ "Ravi", "Vikram", "" ], [ "El-Badry", "Kareem", "" ], [ "Sharma", "Kritti", "" ], [ "Ocker", "Stella Koch", "" ], [ "Kosogorov", "Nikita", "" ], [ "Connor", "Liam", "" ], [ "Faber", "Jakob T.", "" ] ]
Elias Milios
Elias Milios, Kim Peter Wabersich, Felix Berkel, Lukas Schwenkel
Stability Mechanisms for Predictive Safety Filters
eess.SY cs.SY
Predictive safety filters enable the integration of potentially unsafe learning-based control approaches and humans into safety-critical systems. In addition to simple constraint satisfaction, many control problems involve additional stability requirements that may vary depending on the specific use case or environmental context. In this work, we address this problem by augmenting predictive safety filters with stability guarantees, ranging from bounded convergence to uniform asymptotic stability. The proposed framework extends well-known stability results from model predictive control (MPC) theory while supporting commonly used design techniques. As a result, straightforward extensions to dynamic trajectory tracking problems can be easily adapted, as outlined in this article. The practicality of the framework is demonstrated using an automotive advanced driver assistance scenario, involving a reference trajectory stabilization problem.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 8 Apr 2024 13:20:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:44:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Milios", "Elias", "" ], [ "Wabersich", "Kim Peter", "" ], [ "Berkel", "Felix", "" ], [ "Schwenkel", "Lukas", "" ] ]
Pie Desire Ebode Atangana
Ebode Atangana Pie Desire
Circular chromatic number of Cartesian product of signed graphs
This paper studies the circular coloring of signed graphs. A signed graph is a graph with a signature that assigns a sign to each edge, either positive or negative. This paper studies circular coloring and a circular chromatic number of Type 1 and Type Cartesian products. We shall prove the following results: The circular chromatic number of Cartesian product Type 1 $(G,\sigma)\Box (H,\tau)$ is $\chi_{c}(G \Box H,\sigma\Box\tau)=\max\{\chi_{c}(G,\sigma),\chi_{c}(H,\tau)\}$ and the circular chromatic number of Cartesian product Type 2 $(G,\sigma)\Box' (H,\tau)$ satisfies $\chi_{c}(G \Box' H,\sigma\Box' \tau)\leq 2\max\{\chi_{c}(G),\chi_{c}(H)\}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 9 Apr 2024 14:54:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Desire", "Ebode Atangana Pie", "" ] ]
Ian Doust
Ian Doust and Anthony Weston
Beyond trees: the metric geometry of subsets of weighted Hamming cubes
23 pages. Minor revision to previous version, with the addition of an extra result
math.FA math.CO math.MG
Associated to any finite metric space are a large number of objects and quantities which provide some degree of structural or geometric information about the space. In this paper we show that in the setting of subsets of weighted Hamming cubes there are unexpected relationships between many of these quantities. We obtain in particular formulas for the determinant of the distance matrix, the $M$-constant and the cofactor sum for such spaces. In general, these types of results offer valuable insights into the combinatorial optimization of certain constrained quadratic forms on finite metric spaces. A key focus in this context are embedding properties of negative type metrics, which play a prominent role in addressing important questions like the sparsest cut problem in graph theory. The current work extends previous results for unweighted metric trees, and more generally, for subsets of standard Hamming cubes, as well as results for weighted metric trees. Finally we consider polygonal equalities in these spaces, giving a complete description of the nontrivial $1$-polygonal equalities that can arise in weighted Hamming cubes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 10 Apr 2024 02:15:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 23:30:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Doust", "Ian", "" ], [ "Weston", "Anthony", "" ] ]
Federico Corberi
Federico Corberi, Salvatore dello Russo and Luca Smaldone
Ordering kinetics with long-range interactions: interpolating between voter and Ising models
16 pages, 5 figures
J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment, 093206 (2004)
We study the ordering kinetics of a generalization of the voter model with long-range interactions, the $p$-voter model, in one dimension. It is defined in terms of boolean variables $S_{i}$, agents or spins, located on sites $i$ of a lattice, each of which takes in an elementary move the state of the majority of $p$ other agents at distances $r$ chosen with probability $P(r)\propto r^{-\alpha}$. For $p=2$ the model can be exactly mapped onto the case with $p=1$, which amounts to the voter model with long-range interactions decaying algebraically. For $3\le p<\infty$, instead, the dynamics falls into the universality class of the one-dimensional Ising model with long-ranged coupling constant $J(r)=P(r)$ quenched to small finite temperatures. In the limit $p\to \infty$, a crossover to the (different) behavior of the long-range Ising model quenched to zero temperature is observed. Since for $ p > 3$ a closed set of differential equations cannot be found, we employed numerical simulations to address this case.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:09:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 3 Sep 2024 05:11:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Corberi", "Federico", "" ], [ "Russo", "Salvatore dello", "" ], [ "Smaldone", "Luca", "" ] ]
Yingrui Zhuang
Yingrui Zhuang, Lin Cheng, Ning Qi, Mads R. Almassalkhi, Feng Liu
Problem-Driven Scenario Reduction Framework for Power System Stochastic Operation
This is a manuscript submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and is currently under second review
Scenario reduction (SR) aims to identify a small yet representative scenario set to depict the underlying uncertainty, which is critical to scenario-based stochastic optimization (SBSO) of power systems. Existing SR techniques commonly aim to achieve statistical approximation to the original scenario set. However, SR and SBSO are commonly considered into two distinct and decoupled process, which cannot guarantee a superior approximation of the original optimality. Instead, this paper incorporates the SBSO problem structure into the SR process and introduces a novel problem-driven scenario reduction framework. Specifically, we project the original scenario set in distribution space into the mutual decision applicability between scenarios in problem space. Subsequently, the SR process, embedded by a distinctive problem-driven distance metric, is rendered as a mixed-integer linear programming formulation to obtain the representative scenario set while minimizing the optimality gap. Furthermore, ex-ante and ex-post problem-driven evaluation indices are proposed to evaluate the SR performance. Numerical experiments on two two-stage stochastic economic dispatch problems validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, and demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly outperforms existing SR methods by identifying salient (e.g., worst-case) scenarios, and achieving an optimality gap of less than 0.1% within acceptable computation time.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 11 Apr 2024 14:53:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:05:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhuang", "Yingrui", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Lin", "" ], [ "Qi", "Ning", "" ], [ "Almassalkhi", "Mads R.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Feng", "" ] ]
Liam Dubay
Liam O. Dubay, Jennifer A. Johnson, and James W. Johnson
Galactic Chemical Evolution Models Favor an Extended Type Ia Supernova Delay-Time Distribution
26 pages, 13 figures, and 6 tables in main text, plus 4 pages of appendices with 3 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) produce most of the Fe-peak elements in the Universe and therefore are a crucial ingredient in galactic chemical evolution models. SNe Ia do not explode immediately after star formation, and the delay-time distribution (DTD) has not been definitively determined by supernova surveys or theoretical models. Because the DTD also affects the relationship among age, [Fe/H], and [$\alpha$/Fe] in chemical evolution models, comparison with observations of stars in the Milky Way is an important consistency check for any proposed DTD. We implement several popular forms of the DTD in combination with multiple star formation histories for the Milky Way in multi-zone chemical evolution models which include radial stellar migration. We compare our predicted interstellar medium abundance tracks, stellar abundance distributions, and stellar age distributions to the final data release of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). We find that the DTD has the largest effect on the [$\alpha$/Fe] distribution: a DTD with more prompt SNe Ia produces a stellar abundance distribution that is skewed toward a lower [$\alpha$/Fe] ratio. While the DTD alone cannot explain the observed bimodality in the [$\alpha$/Fe] distribution, in combination with an appropriate star formation history it affects the goodness of fit between the predicted and observed high-$\alpha$ sequence. Our model results favor an extended DTD with fewer prompt SNe Ia than the fiducial $t^{-1}$ power law.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:03:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:05:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dubay", "Liam O.", "" ], [ "Johnson", "Jennifer A.", "" ], [ "Johnson", "James W.", "" ] ]
Alessia Valzelli
Alessia Valzelli, Alice Boschetti, Francesco Mattiotti, Armin Kargol, Coleman Green, Fausto Borgonovi, Giuseppe Luca Celardo
Large scale simulations of photosynthetic antenna systems: interplay of cooperativity and disorder
Large scale simulations of light-matter interaction in natural photosynthetic antenna complexes containing more than one hundred thousands chlorophyll molecules, comparable with natural size, have been performed. Photosynthetic antenna complexes present in Green sulfur bacteria and Purple bacteria have been analyzed using a radiative non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, well known in the field of quantum optics, instead of the widely used dipole-dipole Frenkel Hamiltonian. This approach allows to study ensembles of emitters beyond the small volume limit (system size much smaller than the absorbed wavelength), where the Frenkel Hamiltonian fails. When analyzed on a large scale, such structures display superradiant states much brighter then their single components. An analysis of the robustness to static disorder and dynamical (thermal) noise, shows that exciton coherence in the whole photosynthetic complex is larger than the coherence found in its parts. This provides evidence that the photosynthetic complex as a whole has a predominant role in sustaining coherences in the system even at room temperature. Our results allow a better understanding of natural photosynthetic antennae and could drive experiments to verify how the response to the electromagnetic radiation depends on the size of the photosynthetic antenna.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:36:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:34:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Valzelli", "Alessia", "" ], [ "Boschetti", "Alice", "" ], [ "Mattiotti", "Francesco", "" ], [ "Kargol", "Armin", "" ], [ "Green", "Coleman", "" ], [ "Borgonovi", "Fausto", "" ], [ "Celardo", "Giuseppe Luca", "" ] ]
Melike Nur Yegin
Melike Nur Ye\u{g}in and Mehmet Fatih Amasyal{\i}
Theoretical research on generative diffusion models: an overview
Neurocomputing Volume 608 , 1 December 2024, 128373
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CV
Generative diffusion models showed high success in many fields with a powerful theoretical background. They convert the data distribution to noise and remove the noise back to obtain a similar distribution. Many existing reviews focused on the specific application areas without concentrating on the research about the algorithm. Unlike them we investigated the theoretical developments of the generative diffusion models. These approaches mainly divide into two: training-based and sampling-based. Awakening to this allowed us a clear and understandable categorization for the researchers who will make new developments in the future.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 13 Apr 2024 14:08:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yeğin", "Melike Nur", "" ], [ "Amasyalı", "Mehmet Fatih", "" ] ]
Junichiro Sugihara
Junichiro Sugihara, Moju Zhao, Takuzumi Nishio, Kei Okada, and Masayuki Inaba
BEATLE -- Self-Reconfigurable Aerial Robot: Design, Control and Experimental Validation
Modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRRs) offer enhanced task flexibility by constructing various structures suitable for each task. However, conventional terrestrial MSRRs equipped with wheels face critical challenges, including limitations in the size of constructible structures and system robustness due to elevated wrench loads applied to each module. In this work, we introduce an Aerial MSRR (A-MSRR) system named BEATLE, capable of merging and separating in-flight. BEATLE can merge without applying wrench loads to adjacent modules, thereby expanding the scalability and robustness of conventional terrestrial MSRRs. In this article, we propose a system configuration for BEATLE, including mechanical design, a control framework for multi-connected flight, and a motion planner for reconfiguration motion. The design of a docking mechanism and housing structure aims to balance the durability of the constructed structure with ease of separation. Furthermore, the proposed flight control framework achieves stable multi-connected flight based on contact wrench control. Moreover, the proposed motion planner based on a finite state machine (FSM) achieves precise and robust reconfiguration motion. We also introduce the actual implementation of the prototype and validate the robustness and scalability of the proposed system design through experiments and simulation studies.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 14 Apr 2024 06:10:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 16 Apr 2024 03:30:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:36:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:58:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sugihara", "Junichiro", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Moju", "" ], [ "Nishio", "Takuzumi", "" ], [ "Okada", "Kei", "" ], [ "Inaba", "Masayuki", "" ] ]
Khanh Nguyen
Panu Lahti, Khanh Nguyen
Existence and uniqueness of limits at infinity for bounded variation functions
In this paper, we study the existence of limits at infinity along almost every infinite curve for the upper and lower approximate limits of bounded variation functions on complete unbounded metric measure spaces. We prove that if the measure is doubling and supports a $1$-Poincar\'e inequality, then for every bounded variation function $f$ and for $1$-a.e. infinite curve $\gamma$, for both the upper approximate limit $f^\vee$ and the lower approximate limit $f^\wedge$ we have that \[ \lim_{t\to+\infty}f^\vee(\gamma(t)) {\rm \ \ and\ \ }\lim_{t\to+\infty}f^\wedge(\gamma(t)) \] exist and are equal to the same finite value. We give examples showing that the conditions of doubling and a $1$-Poincar\'e inequality are also necessary for the existence of limits. Furthermore, we establish a characterization for strictly positive $1$-modulus of the family of all infinite curves in terms of bounded variation functions. These generalize results for Sobolev functions given in \cite{KN23}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Apr 2024 06:24:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:06:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lahti", "Panu", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Khanh", "" ] ]
Ren Xin
Ren Xin, Hongji Liu, Yingbing Chen, Jie Cheng, Sheng Wang, Jun Ma, Ming Liu
A Generic Trajectory Planning Method for Constrained All-Wheel-Steering Robots
Accepted by iROS 2024
This paper presents a generic trajectory planning method for wheeled robots with fixed steering axes while the steering angle of each wheel is constrained. In the existing literatures, All-Wheel-Steering (AWS) robots, incorporating modes such as rotation-free translation maneuvers, in-situ rotational maneuvers, and proportional steering, exhibit inefficient performance due to time-consuming mode switches. This inefficiency arises from wheel rotation constraints and inter-wheel cooperation requirements. The direct application of a holonomic moving strategy can lead to significant slip angles or even structural failure. Additionally, the limited steering range of AWS wheeled robots exacerbates non-linearity characteristics, thereby complicating control processes. To address these challenges, we developed a novel planning method termed Constrained AWS (C-AWS), which integrates second-order discrete search with predictive control techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that our method adeptly generates feasible and smooth trajectories for C-AWS while adhering to steering angle constraints.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:14:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 16 Apr 2024 03:12:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:42:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xin", "Ren", "" ], [ "Liu", "Hongji", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yingbing", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Jie", "" ], [ "Wang", "Sheng", "" ], [ "Ma", "Jun", "" ], [ "Liu", "Ming", "" ] ]
Jiadi Cui
Jiadi Cui, Junming Cao, Fuqiang Zhao, Zhipeng He, Yifan Chen, Yuhui Zhong, Lan Xu, Yujiao Shi, Yingliang Zhang, Jingyi Yu
LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives
Project Page:
cs.CV cs.GR
Large garages are ubiquitous yet intricate scenes that present unique challenges due to their monotonous colors, repetitive patterns, reflective surfaces, and transparent vehicle glass. Conventional Structure from Motion (SfM) methods for camera pose estimation and 3D reconstruction often fail in these environments due to poor correspondence construction. To address these challenges, we introduce LetsGo, a LiDAR-assisted Gaussian splatting framework for large-scale garage modeling and rendering. We develop a handheld scanner, Polar, equipped with IMU, LiDAR, and a fisheye camera, to facilitate accurate data acquisition. Using this Polar device, we present the GarageWorld dataset, consisting of eight expansive garage scenes with diverse geometric structures, which will be made publicly available for further research. Our approach demonstrates that LiDAR point clouds collected by the Polar device significantly enhance a suite of 3D Gaussian splatting algorithms for garage scene modeling and rendering. We introduce a novel depth regularizer that effectively eliminates floating artifacts in rendered images. Additionally, we propose a multi-resolution 3D Gaussian representation designed for Level-of-Detail (LOD) rendering. This includes adapted scaling factors for individual levels and a random-resolution-level training scheme to optimize the Gaussians across different resolutions. This representation enables efficient rendering of large-scale garage scenes on lightweight devices via a web-based renderer. Experimental results on our GarageWorld dataset, as well as on ScanNet++ and KITTI-360, demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of rendering quality and resource efficiency.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Apr 2024 12:50:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 21 May 2024 09:31:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:25:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cui", "Jiadi", "" ], [ "Cao", "Junming", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Fuqiang", "" ], [ "He", "Zhipeng", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yifan", "" ], [ "Zhong", "Yuhui", "" ], [ "Xu", "Lan", "" ], [ "Shi", "Yujiao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yingliang", "" ], [ "Yu", "Jingyi", "" ] ]
Savvas Papaioannou
Savvas Papaioannou, Panayiotis Kolios, Christos G. Panayiotou, and Marios M. Polycarpou
Synergising Human-like Responses and Machine Intelligence for Planning in Disaster Response
2024 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
In the rapidly changing environments of disaster response, planning and decision-making for autonomous agents involve complex and interdependent choices. Although recent advancements have improved traditional artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, they often struggle in such settings, particularly when applied to agents operating outside their well-defined training parameters. To address these challenges, we propose an attention-based cognitive architecture inspired by Dual Process Theory (DPT). This framework integrates, in an online fashion, rapid yet heuristic (human-like) responses (System 1) with the slow but optimized planning capabilities of machine intelligence (System 2). We illustrate how a supervisory controller can dynamically determine in real-time the engagement of either system to optimize mission objectives by assessing their performance across a number of distinct attributes. Evaluated for trajectory planning in dynamic environments, our framework demonstrates that this synergistic integration effectively manages complex tasks by optimizing multiple mission objectives.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:47:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:19:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Papaioannou", "Savvas", "" ], [ "Kolios", "Panayiotis", "" ], [ "Panayiotou", "Christos G.", "" ], [ "Polycarpou", "Marios M.", "" ] ]
Luca Visinelli
Ziwen Yin and Luca Visinelli
Axion star condensation around primordial black holes and microlensing limits
25 pages, 7 figures. Part of COST actions CA21106 and CA21136
CA21106; CA21136
hep-ph astro-ph.CO
We present novel findings concerning the parameter space of axion stars, extended object forming in dense dark matter environments through gravitational condensation. We emphasize their formation within the dense minihalos that potentially surround primordial black holes and in axion miniclusters. Our study investigates the relation between the radius and mass of an axion star in these dense surroundings, revealing distinct morphological characteristics compared to isolated scenarios. We explore the implications of these results when applied to the bound state between a primordial black hole and an axion star and the gravitational microlensing from extended objects, leading to insights on the observational constraints from such ``halo'' axion stars. We provide a constraint on the fraction of the galactic population of axion stars from their contribution to the microlensing events from the EROS-2 survey, using the numerical resolution of the Schr\"odinger-Poisson equation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:22:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:29:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yin", "Ziwen", "" ], [ "Visinelli", "Luca", "" ] ]
Aaron Malcolm
Aaron Malcolm, B. Sharmila, Zhi-Wei Wang, Animesh Datta
Detecting quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field
6 pages, 1 figure
Quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field result in two signatures on a harmonically trapped charged particle: a shift from the natural trap frequency and generation of quantum coherences. We assess the role of the long-wavelength and rotating-wave approximations in estimating this frequency shift. We estimate the magnitude of the frequency shift using parameters from a single-electron cyclotron experiment and also demonstrate how the dependence of the frequency shift on the magnetic field of the cyclotron is tied to the rotating-wave approximation. We expect the frequency shift to be observable in future experiments. We also suggest a possible route to detecting vacuum-generated quantum coherences. These experiments should settle the debate on the choice of approximations and gauge in capturing the effect of the quantum vacuum fluctuations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:48:12 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:55:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Malcolm", "Aaron", "" ], [ "Sharmila", "B.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhi-Wei", "" ], [ "Datta", "Animesh", "" ] ]
Eric Keto
Eric Keto
Scales of Stability and Turbulence in the Molecular ISM
Submitted to Astronomische Nachrichten
We re-analyze the data of the BU-FCRAO $^{13}{\rm CO}$ Galactic Ring Survey (GRS) to understand the dynamics of the turbulent molecular interstellar medium. We define molecular clouds by their spatial half-power contours of $^{13}{\rm CO}$ integrated intensity, independent of a boundary based on thresholding or tiling. We find properties of hydrostatic equilibrium (HE) and virial equilibrium (VE), the former independent and the latter dependent on time and spatial scales. We suggest that HE is a stationary property of the turbulence and that molecular clouds are high-density regions of a fluctuating component. The gravitational and turbulent kinetic energies within clouds are continuously evolving toward a time-dependent VE with the fluctuating, external, turbulent pressure energy (PE) that can be treated parametrically owing to the shorter time scale for virialization. The average PE is comparable to the pressure of the multiphase ISM at the Galactic mid-plane. Larson's scaling relations analyzed by different statistical methods are not significant. The non-dimensional variances of size, line width, and column density are of comparable magnitude, ruling out the inference of constant column density. Previously unrecognized autocorrelations may have contributed to the apparent validity of the inference.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Apr 2024 01:24:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:53:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Keto", "Eric", "" ] ]
Seungjin Yoon
Seungjin Yoon, Yu Sung Choi, Mark Tame, Jae Woong Yoon, Sergey V. Polyakov, and Changhyoup Lee
Quantum plasmonic sensing by Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry
Metrologia 61, 055001 (2024)
quant-ph physics.optics
We propose a quantum plasmonic sensor using Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferometry that measures the refractive index of an analyte, embedded in a plasmonic beam splitter composed of a dual-Kretschmann configuration, which serves as a frustrated total internal reflection beamsplitter. The sensing performance of the HOM interferometry, combined with single-photon detectors, is evaluated through Fisher information for estimation of the refractive index of the analyte. This is subsequently compared with the classical benchmark that considers the injection of a coherent state of light into the plasmonic beamsplitter. By varying the wavelength of the single photons and the refractive index of the analyte, we identify a wide range where a 50 % quantum enhancement is achieved and discuss the observed behaviors in comparison with the classical benchmark. We expect this study to provide a useful insight into the advancement of quantum-enhanced sensing technologies, with direct implications for a wide range of nanophotonic beamsplitter structures.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:12:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 15:45:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 31 Jul 2024 03:07:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yoon", "Seungjin", "" ], [ "Choi", "Yu Sung", "" ], [ "Tame", "Mark", "" ], [ "Yoon", "Jae Woong", "" ], [ "Polyakov", "Sergey V.", "" ], [ "Lee", "Changhyoup", "" ] ]
Pavlo O. Dral
Yi-Fan Hou, Lina Zhang, Quanhao Zhang, Fuchun Ge, Pavlo O. Dral
Physics-informed active learning for accelerating quantum chemical simulations
physics.chem-ph cs.AI cs.LG
Quantum chemical simulations can be greatly accelerated by constructing machine learning potentials, which is often done using active learning (AL). The usefulness of the constructed potentials is often limited by the high effort required and their insufficient robustness in the simulations. Here we introduce the end-to-end AL for constructing robust data-efficient potentials with affordable investment of time and resources and minimum human interference. Our AL protocol is based on the physics-informed sampling of training points, automatic selection of initial data, uncertainty quantification, and convergence monitoring. The versatility of this protocol is shown in our implementation of quasi-classical molecular dynamics for simulating vibrational spectra, conformer search of a key biochemical molecule, and time-resolved mechanism of the Diels-Alder reactions. These investigations took us days instead of weeks of pure quantum chemical calculations on a high-performance computing cluster. The code in MLatom and tutorials are available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Apr 2024 00:17:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 16 Jul 2024 07:16:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hou", "Yi-Fan", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Lina", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Quanhao", "" ], [ "Ge", "Fuchun", "" ], [ "Dral", "Pavlo O.", "" ] ]
Daniel Schwalbe-Koda
Daniel Schwalbe-Koda, Sebastien Hamel, Babak Sadigh, Fei Zhou, Vincenzo Lordi
Model-free quantification of completeness, uncertainties, and outliers in atomistic machine learning using information theory
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cs.LG physics.chem-ph
An accurate description of information is relevant for a range of problems in atomistic machine learning (ML), such as crafting training sets, performing uncertainty quantification (UQ), or extracting physical insights from large datasets. However, atomistic ML often relies on unsupervised learning or model predictions to analyze information contents from simulation or training data. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework that provides a rigorous, model-free tool to quantify information contents in atomistic simulations. We demonstrate that the information entropy of a distribution of atom-centered environments explains known heuristics in ML potential developments, from training set sizes to dataset optimality. Using this tool, we propose a model-free UQ method that reliably predicts epistemic uncertainty and detects out-of-distribution samples, including rare events in systems such as nucleation. This method provides a general tool for data-driven atomistic modeling and combines efforts in ML, simulations, and physical explainability.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:50:15 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:30:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schwalbe-Koda", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Hamel", "Sebastien", "" ], [ "Sadigh", "Babak", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Fei", "" ], [ "Lordi", "Vincenzo", "" ] ]
Xiao Zhang
Xiao Zhang, Gosse Bouma, Johan Bos
Neural Semantic Parsing with Extremely Rich Symbolic Meaning Representations
This manuscript has been accepted by Computational Linguistics journal on 2024-09-07
Current open-domain neural semantics parsers show impressive performance. However, closer inspection of the symbolic meaning representations they produce reveals significant weaknesses: sometimes they tend to merely copy character sequences from the source text to form symbolic concepts, defaulting to the most frequent word sense based in the training distribution. By leveraging the hierarchical structure of a lexical ontology, we introduce a novel compositional symbolic representation for concepts based on their position in the taxonomical hierarchy. This representation provides richer semantic information and enhances interpretability. We introduce a neural "taxonomical" semantic parser to utilize this new representation system of predicates, and compare it with a standard neural semantic parser trained on the traditional meaning representation format, employing a novel challenge set and evaluation metric for evaluation. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the taxonomical model, trained on much richer and complex meaning representations, is slightly subordinate in performance to the traditional model using the standard metrics for evaluation, but outperforms it when dealing with out-of-vocabulary concepts. This finding is encouraging for research in computational semantics that aims to combine data-driven distributional meanings with knowledge-based symbolic representations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 19 Apr 2024 08:06:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:47:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Xiao", "" ], [ "Bouma", "Gosse", "" ], [ "Bos", "Johan", "" ] ]
Jan Erik Bellingrath
Jan Erik Bellingrath
The emergence of the width of subjective temporality: the self-simulational theory of temporal extension from the perspective of the free energy principle
The self-simulational theory of temporal extension describes an information-theoretically formalized mechanism by which the width of subjective temporality emerges from the architecture of self-modelling. In this paper, the perspective of the free energy principle will be assumed, to cast the emergence of subjective temporality, along with a Bayesian mechanism for hierarchical duration estimation, from first principles of the physics of self-organization. Using active inference, a deep parametric generative model of temporal inference is simulated, which realizes the described dynamics on a computational level. Two biases (i.e. variations) of time-perception naturally emerge from the simulated computational model. This concerns the intentional binding effect (i.e. the subjective compression of the temporal interval between voluntarily initiated actions and subsequent sensory consequences) and empirically documented alterations of time perception in deep and concentrated states of meditative absorption (i.e. in minimal phenomenal experience). Generally, numerous systematic and domain-specific alterations of subjective temporal experience are computationally explained in a unified manner, as enabled by integration with current active inference accounts mapping onto the respective domains. This concerns the temporality-modulating role of valence, impulsivity, boredom, flow-states, and near death-experiences, amongst others; as well as more general scale-invariant effects of timing and central tendency effects. The self-simulational theory of temporal extension, from the perspective of the free energy principle, explains how the subjective temporal Now emerges and varies from first principles, accounting for why sometimes, subjective time seems to fly, and sometimes, moments feel like eternities; with the computational mechanism being readily deployable synthetically.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:58:34 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 7 Jun 2024 09:14:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:05:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bellingrath", "Jan Erik", "" ] ]
Jiyoun Kim
Jiyoun Kim, Junu Kim, Kyunghoon Hur, Edward Choi
EHRFL: Federated Learning Framework for Institution-Specific Model Construction using Electronic Health Records
The increasing volume of electronic health records (EHRs) across healthcare institutions presents the opportunity to enhance model accuracy and robustness in clinical prediction tasks. Federated learning enables training on data from multiple institutions while preserving patient privacy and complying to regulatory constraints. However, most federated learning research focuses on constructing a global model for multiple clients, overlooking the practical need for institution-specific models. In this work, we introduce EHRFL, a federated learning framework using EHRs designed to develop a model tailored to a single healthcare institution. Our framework addresses two key challenges: (1) enabling federated learning across institutions with heterogeneous EHR systems using text-based EHR modeling, and (2) reducing the costs associated with federated learning by selecting suitable participating clients using averaged patient embeddings, which enables optimizing the number of participants without compromising model performance for the institution. Our experiment results on multiple open-source EHR datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of EHRFL in addressing the two challenges, establishing it as a practical solution for institution-specific model development in federated learning.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 20 Apr 2024 08:23:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:09:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Jiyoun", "" ], [ "Kim", "Junu", "" ], [ "Hur", "Kyunghoon", "" ], [ "Choi", "Edward", "" ] ]
Yifan Wu
Lunjia Hu and Yifan Wu
Calibration Error for Decision Making
cs.LG cs.DS stat.ML
Calibration allows predictions to be reliably interpreted as probabilities by decision makers. We propose a decision-theoretic calibration error, the Calibration Decision Loss (CDL), defined as the maximum improvement in decision payoff obtained by calibrating the predictions, where the maximum is over all payoff-bounded decision tasks. Vanishing CDL guarantees the payoff loss from miscalibration vanishes simultaneously for all downstream decision tasks. We show separations between CDL and existing calibration error metrics, including the most well-studied metric Expected Calibration Error (ECE). Our main technical contribution is a new efficient algorithm for online calibration that achieves near-optimal $O(\frac{\log T}{\sqrt{T}})$ expected CDL, bypassing the $\Omega(T^{-0.472})$ lower bound for ECE by Qiao and Valiant (2021).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 21 Apr 2024 01:53:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 24 Apr 2024 20:29:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:57:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hu", "Lunjia", "" ], [ "Wu", "Yifan", "" ] ]
Xiaoran Zhao
Xiaoran Zhao, Tianhao Wu, Yu Lai, Zhiliang Tian, Zhen Huang, Yahui Liu, Zejiang He, Dongsheng Li
LTOS: Layout-controllable Text-Object Synthesis via Adaptive Cross-attention Fusions
cs.CV cs.AI
Controllable text-to-image generation synthesizes visual text and objects in images with certain conditions, which are frequently applied to emoji and poster generation. Visual text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks have been popular in controllable text-to-image generation. However, each of these tasks typically focuses on single modality generation or rendering, leaving yet-to-be-bridged gaps between the approaches correspondingly designed for each of the tasks. In this paper, we combine text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks into a single task: layout-controllable text-object synthesis (LTOS) task, aiming at synthesizing images with object and visual text based on predefined object layout and text contents. As compliant datasets are not readily available for our LTOS task, we construct a layout-aware text-object synthesis dataset, containing elaborate well-aligned labels of visual text and object information. Based on the dataset, we propose a layout-controllable text-object adaptive fusion (TOF) framework, which generates images with clear, legible visual text and plausible objects. We construct a visual-text rendering module to synthesize text and employ an object-layout control module to generate objects while integrating the two modules to harmoniously generate and integrate text content and objects in images. To better the image-text integration, we propose a self-adaptive cross-attention fusion module that helps the image generation to attend more to important text information. Within such a fusion module, we use a self-adaptive learnable factor to learn to flexibly control the influence of cross-attention outputs on image generation. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in LTOS, text rendering, and layout-to-image tasks, enabling harmonious visual text rendering and object generation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 21 Apr 2024 08:37:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 16:42:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:12:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Xiaoran", "" ], [ "Wu", "Tianhao", "" ], [ "Lai", "Yu", "" ], [ "Tian", "Zhiliang", "" ], [ "Huang", "Zhen", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yahui", "" ], [ "He", "Zejiang", "" ], [ "Li", "Dongsheng", "" ] ]
Alex McAvoy
Christoph Hauert, Alex McAvoy
Frequency-dependent returns in nonlinear public goods games
19 pages; final version
When individuals interact in groups, the evolution of cooperation is traditionally modeled using the framework of public goods games. These models often assume that the return of the public good depends linearly on the fraction of contributors. In contrast, in real life public goods interactions, the return can depend on the size of the investor pool as well. Here, we consider a model in which the multiplication factor (marginal per capita return) for the public good depends linearly on how many contribute, which results in a nonlinear model of public goods. This simple model breaks the curse of dominant defection found in linear public goods interactions and gives rise to richer dynamical outcomes in evolutionary settings. We provide an in-depth analysis of the more varied decisions by the classical rational player in nonlinear public goods interactions as well as a mechanistic, microscopic derivation of the evolutionary outcomes for the stochastic dynamics in finite populations and in the deterministic limit of infinite populations. This kind of nonlinearity provides a natural way to model public goods with diminishing returns as well as economies of scale.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:14:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 19:51:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hauert", "Christoph", "" ], [ "McAvoy", "Alex", "" ] ]
Luca Iorio Mr
Luca Iorio and Raffaele Ardito and Stefano Gonella
Edge-selective reconfiguration in polarized lattices with magnet-enabled bistability
The signature topological feature of Maxwell lattices is their polarization, which manifests as an unbalance in stiffness between opposite edges of a finite domain. The manifestation of this asymmetry is especially dramatic in the case of soft lattices undergoing large nonlinear deformation under concentrated loads, where the excess of softness at the soft edge can result in the activation of sharp indentations. This study explores how this mechanical dichotomy between edges can be tuned and possibly extremized by working with soft magneto-mechanical metamaterials. The magneto-mechanical coupling is obtained by endowing the lattice sites with permanent magnets, which activate a network of magnetic forces that can interact with (either augmenting or competing with) the elasticity of the material. Specifically, under sufficiently large deformation that macroscopically alters the equilibrium positions of the sites, the attractive forces between the magnets can trigger bistable reconfiguration mechanisms. The strength of such mechanisms depends on the landscapes of elastic reaction forces exhibited by the edges, which are different due to the polarization, and is therefore inherently edge-selective. We show that, on the soft edge, the addition of magnets simply enhances the softness of the edge. In contrast, on the stiff edge, the magnets activate snapping mechanisms that locally reconfigure the cells and produce a lattice response reminiscent of plasticity, characterized by residual deformation that persists upon unloading.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:40:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:13:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Iorio", "Luca", "" ], [ "Ardito", "Raffaele", "" ], [ "Gonella", "Stefano", "" ] ]
Yunchao Liu
Thiago Bergamaschi, Chi-Fang Chen, Yunchao Liu
Quantum computational advantage with constant-temperature Gibbs sampling
To appear in FOCS 2024. v2: Improved main result to constant locality
A quantum system coupled to a bath at some fixed, finite temperature converges to its Gibbs state. This thermalization process defines a natural, physically-motivated model of quantum computation. However, whether quantum computational advantage can be achieved within this realistic physical setup has remained open, due to the challenge of finding systems that thermalize quickly, but are classically intractable. Here we consider sampling from the measurement outcome distribution of quantum Gibbs states at constant temperatures, and prove that this task demonstrates quantum computational advantage. We design a family of commuting local Hamiltonians (parent Hamiltonians of shallow quantum circuits) and prove that they rapidly converge to their Gibbs states under the standard physical model of thermalization (as a continuous-time quantum Markov chain). On the other hand, we show that no polynomial time classical algorithm can sample from the measurement outcome distribution by reducing to the classical hardness of sampling from noiseless shallow quantum circuits. The key step in the reduction is constructing a fault-tolerance scheme for shallow IQP circuits against input noise.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:29:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:51:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bergamaschi", "Thiago", "" ], [ "Chen", "Chi-Fang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yunchao", "" ] ]
Federico Ghimenti
Federico Ghimenti, Ludovic Berthier, Grzegorz Szamel and Fr\'ed\'eric van Wijland
Irreversible Boltzmann samplers in dense liquids: weak-coupling approximation and mode-coupling theory
Phys. Rev. E 110, 034604 (2024)
cond-mat.soft cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.stat-mech
Exerting a nonequilibrium drive on an otherwise equilibrium Langevin process brings the dynamics out of equilibrium but can also speedup the approach to the Boltzmann steady-state. Transverse forces are a minimal framework to achieve dynamical acceleration of the Boltzmann sampling. We consider a simple liquid in three space dimensions subjected to additional transverse pairwise forces, and quantify the extent to which transverse forces accelerate the dynamics. We first explore the dynamics of a tracer in a weak coupling regime describing high temperatures. The resulting acceleration is correlated with a monotonous increase of the magnitude of odd transport coefficients (mobility and diffusivity) with the amplitude of the transverse drive. We then develop a nonequilibrium version of the mode-coupling theory able to capture the effect of transverse forces, and more generally of forces created by additional degrees of freedom. Based on an analysis of transport coefficients, both odd and longitudinal, both for the collective modes and for a tracer particle, we find a systematic acceleration of the dynamics. Quantitatively, the gain, which is guaranteed throughout the ergodic phase, turns out to be a decreasing function of temperature beyond a temperature crossover, in particular as the glass transition is approached. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with available numerical results.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:35:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ghimenti", "Federico", "" ], [ "Berthier", "Ludovic", "" ], [ "Szamel", "Grzegorz", "" ], [ "van Wijland", "Frédéric", "" ] ]
Mahmoud Hussein
Albert Beardo, Prajit Rawte, Chia-Nien Tsai, Mahmoud I. Hussein
Entropic signature of resonant thermal transport: Ordered form of heat conduction
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.stat-mech
Thermal transport in crystals is influenced by chemistry, boundaries, and nanostructure. The anharmonic phonon band structure extracted from molecular-dynamics simulations provides an illuminating view of both the type and extent of prevalence of wavelike mechanisms underlying the transport, yet falls short of elucidating the nature of thermal evolution for different phonon regimes. Here we present an analysis framework for the characterization of the entropic signature of the mechanisms induced by boundaries and nanostructure, using both equilibrium and nonequilibrium atomistic simulations. Specifically, we examine the effects of phonon confinement, Bragg scattering, and local resonances on the configurational phase space in room-temperature nanostructured silicon, and quantify how each modifies the rate of entropy production and thermal relaxation. We reveal that the presence of phonon local resonances spanning the full spectrum enables a highly ordered regime of heat conduction, where irreversible evolution and entropy maximization are severely hindered by extensive mode hybridizations caused by the resonances. This unique regime of transport paves the way for ultra-precise phonon control for a wide range of applications in condensed matter physics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:08:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 14 May 2024 03:32:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:56:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Beardo", "Albert", "" ], [ "Rawte", "Prajit", "" ], [ "Tsai", "Chia-Nien", "" ], [ "Hussein", "Mahmoud I.", "" ] ]
Gaohang Yu
Zhiguang Cheng, Gaohang Yu, Xiaohao Cai, Liqun Qi
An Efficient Two-Sided Sketching Method for Large-Scale Tensor Decomposition Based on Transformed Domains
Large tensors are frequently encountered in various fields such as computer vision, scientific simulations, sensor networks, and data mining. However, these tensors are often too large for convenient processing, transfer, or storage. Fortunately, they typically exhibit a low-rank structure that can be leveraged through tensor decomposition. However, performing large-scale tensor decomposition can be time-consuming. Sketching is a useful technique to reduce the dimensionality of the data. In this paper, we propose a novel two-sided sketching method based on the $\star_{L}$-product decomposition and transformed domains like the discrete cosine transformation. A rigorous theoretical analysis is also conducted to assess the approximation error of the proposed method. Specifically, we improve our method with power iteration to achieve more precise approximate solutions. Extensive numerical experiments and comparisons on low-rank approximation of synthetic large tensors and real-world data like color images and grayscale videos illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of both CPU time and approximation accuracy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:52:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:56:39 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:36:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cheng", "Zhiguang", "" ], [ "Yu", "Gaohang", "" ], [ "Cai", "Xiaohao", "" ], [ "Qi", "Liqun", "" ] ]
Mirza Sami
Mirza Tanzim Sami, Da Yan, Saugat Adhikari, Lyuheng Yuan, Jiao Han, Zhe Jiang, Jalal Khalil and Yang Zhou
EvaNet: Elevation-Guided Flood Extent Mapping on Earth Imagery (Extended Version)
Published at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, 2024)
cs.CV eess.IV
Accurate and timely mapping of flood extent from high-resolution satellite imagery plays a crucial role in disaster management such as damage assessment and relief activities. However, current state-of-the-art solutions are based on U-Net, which can-not segment the flood pixels accurately due to the ambiguous pixels (e.g., tree canopies, clouds) that prevent a direct judgement from only the spectral features. Thanks to the digital elevation model (DEM) data readily available from sources such as United States Geological Survey (USGS), this work explores the use of an elevation map to improve flood extent mapping. We propose, EvaNet, an elevation-guided segmentation model based on the encoder-decoder architecture with two novel techniques: (1) a loss function encoding the physical law of gravity that if a location is flooded (resp. dry), then its adjacent locations with a lower (resp. higher) elevation must also be flooded (resp. dry); (2) a new (de)convolution operation that integrates the elevation map by a location sensitive gating mechanism to regulate how much spectral features flow through adjacent layers. Extensive experiments show that EvaNet significantly outperforms the U-Net baselines, and works as a perfect drop-in replacement for U-Net in existing solutions to flood extent mapping.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:10:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 12 May 2024 14:40:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 02:26:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sami", "Mirza Tanzim", "" ], [ "Yan", "Da", "" ], [ "Adhikari", "Saugat", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Lyuheng", "" ], [ "Han", "Jiao", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Khalil", "Jalal", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Yang", "" ] ]
Yutaro Yamaguchi
Ryoma Norose and Yutaro Yamaguchi
Approximation and FPT Algorithms for Finding DM-Irreducible Spanning Subgraphs
15 pages, 1 figure
cs.DS math.CO
Finding a minimum-weight strongly connected spanning subgraph of an edge-weighted directed graph is equivalent to the weighted version of the well-known strong connectivity augmentation problem. This problem is NP-hard, and a simple $2$-approximation algorithm was proposed by Frederickson and J\'aj\'a (1981); surprisingly, it still achieves the best known approximation ratio in general. Also, Bang-Jensen and Yeo (2008) showed that the unweighted problem is FPT (fixed-parameter tractable) parameterized by the difference from a trivial upper bound of the optimal value. In this paper, we consider a generalization related to the Dulmage--Mendelsohn decompositions of bipartite graphs instead of the strong connectivity of directed graphs, and extend these approximation and FPT results to the generalized setting.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:32:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:25:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 08:14:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Norose", "Ryoma", "" ], [ "Yamaguchi", "Yutaro", "" ] ]
Michal Mrnka
Michal Mrnka, Thomas Whittaker, David B. Phillips, Euan Hendry, Will Whittow
Shrinking a gradient index lens antenna system with a spaceplate
null physics.optics
The miniaturisation of optical systems is an ongoing challenge across the electromagnetic spectrum. While the thickness of optical elements themselves can be reduced using advances in metamaterials, it is the voids between these elements -- which are necessary parts of an optical system -- that occupy most of the volume. Recently, a novel optical element coined a `spaceplate' was proposed, that replaces a region of free space with a thinner optical element that emulates the free-space optical response function -- thus having the potential to substantially shrink the volume of optical systems. While there have been a few proof-of-principle demonstrations of spaceplates, they have not yet been deployed in a real-world optical system. In this work, we use a bespoke-designed spaceplate to reduce the length of a gradient index (GRIN) lens microwave antenna. Our antenna is designed to operate at 23.5 GHz, and the incorporation of a nonlocal metamaterial spaceplate enables the distance between the antenna feed and the GRIN lens to be reduced by almost a factor of two. We find the radiation patterns from a conventional and space-squeezed antenna are very similar, with a very low cross-polarisation, and only a minor increase in the side-lobe levels when introducing the spaceplate. Our work represents a first example of a spaceplate integrated into a functional optical system, highlighting the potential for this concept to reduce the physical size of optical systems in real-world applications.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 2 Apr 2024 11:13:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mrnka", "Michal", "" ], [ "Whittaker", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Phillips", "David B.", "" ], [ "Hendry", "Euan", "" ], [ "Whittow", "Will", "" ] ]
Giorgio Franceschelli
Giorgio Franceschelli and Mirco Musolesi
Creative Beam Search: LLM-as-a-Judge For Improving Response Generation
Presented as a short paper at the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'24)
cs.AI cs.CL cs.HC cs.LG
Large language models are revolutionizing several areas, including artificial creativity. However, the process of generation in machines profoundly diverges from that observed in humans. In particular, machine generation is characterized by a lack of intentionality and an underlying creative process. We propose a method called Creative Beam Search that uses Diverse Beam Search and LLM-as-a-Judge to perform response generation and response validation. The results of a qualitative experiment show how our approach can provide better output than standard sampling techniques. We also show that the response validation step is a necessary complement to the response generation step.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:00:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 9 May 2024 15:14:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:45:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Franceschelli", "Giorgio", "" ], [ "Musolesi", "Mirco", "" ] ]
Chao Yang
Chao Yang, Zhujun Zhang
NP-completeness of Tiling Finite Simply Connected Regions with a Fixed Set of Wang Tiles
math.CO cs.CC math.MG
The computational complexity of tiling finite simply connected regions with a fixed set of tiles is studied in this paper. We show that the problem of tiling simply connected regions with a fixed set of $23$ Wang tiles is NP-complete. As a consequence, the problem of tiling simply connected regions with a fixed set of $111$ rectangles is NP-complete. Our results improve that of Igor Pak and Jed Yang by using fewer numbers of tiles. Notably in the case of Wang tiles, the number has decreased by more than one third from $35$ to $23$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 2 May 2024 05:38:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:27:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Chao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Zhujun", "" ] ]
Mingjun Ying
Mingjun Ying, Dipankar Shakya, Theodore S. Rappaport
Using Waste Factor to Optimize Energy Efficiency in Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems
6 pages, 6 figures
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
This paper introduces Waste Factor (W) and Waste Figure (WF) to assess power efficiency in any multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) or single-input multiple-output (SIMO) or multiple-input single-output (MISO) cascaded communication system. This paper builds upon the new theory of Waste Factor, which systematically models added wasted power in any cascade for parallel systems such as MISO, SIMO, and MIMO systems, which are prevalent in current wireless networks. Here, we also show the advantage of W compared to conventional metrics for quantifying and analyzing energy efficiency. This work explores the utility of W in assessing energy efficiency in communication channels, within Radio Access Networks (RANs).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 2 May 2024 15:00:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:29:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ying", "Mingjun", "" ], [ "Shakya", "Dipankar", "" ], [ "Rappaport", "Theodore S.", "" ] ]
Sarthak Subhankar
Yanda Geng, Alan Tsidilkovski, Kevin Weber, Shouvik Mukherjee, Alessandro Restelli, and Sarthak Subhankar
A compact and open-source microcontroller-based rapid auto-alignment system
6 pages, 5 figures
physics.ins-det physics.optics
Maintaining stable and precise alignment of a laser beam is crucial in many optical setups. In this work, we present a microcontroller-based rapid auto-alignment system that detects and corrects for drifts in a laser beam trajectory using a pair of two-dimensional duo-lateral position sensing detectors (PSDs) and a pair of mirror mounts with piezoelectric actuators. We develop hardware and software for interfacing with the PSDs and for controlling the motion of the piezoelectric mirrors mounts. Our auto-alignment strategy -- implemented as a state machine on the microcontroller by a FreeRTOS kernel -- is based on a simple linearized geometrical optical model. We benchmark our system using the standard case of coupling laser light efficiently into the guided mode of a single-mode fiber optic patch cable. We can recover the maximum fiber coupling efficiency in $\sim10$ seconds, even for a laser beam that was misaligned to the point of zero fiber coupling.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 22 Mar 2024 23:36:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Geng", "Yanda", "" ], [ "Tsidilkovski", "Alan", "" ], [ "Weber", "Kevin", "" ], [ "Mukherjee", "Shouvik", "" ], [ "Restelli", "Alessandro", "" ], [ "Subhankar", "Sarthak", "" ] ]
Christopher Maxey
Christopher Maxey, Jaehoon Choi, Yonghan Lee, Hyungtae Lee, Dinesh Manocha, Heesung Kwon
TK-Planes: Tiered K-Planes with High Dimensional Feature Vectors for Dynamic UAV-based Scenes
8 pages, submitted to ICRA2025
cs.CV cs.LG cs.RO
In this paper, we present a new approach to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real-world data for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based perception. Our formulation is designed for dynamic scenes, consisting of small moving objects or human actions. We propose an extension of K-Planes Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), wherein our algorithm stores a set of tiered feature vectors. The tiered feature vectors are generated to effectively model conceptual information about a scene as well as an image decoder that transforms output feature maps into RGB images. Our technique leverages the information amongst both static and dynamic objects within a scene and is able to capture salient scene attributes of high altitude videos. We evaluate its performance on challenging datasets, including Okutama Action and UG2, and observe considerable improvement in accuracy over state of the art neural rendering methods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 4 May 2024 21:55:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:28:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Maxey", "Christopher", "" ], [ "Choi", "Jaehoon", "" ], [ "Lee", "Yonghan", "" ], [ "Lee", "Hyungtae", "" ], [ "Manocha", "Dinesh", "" ], [ "Kwon", "Heesung", "" ] ]
Kui Wang
Kui Wang, Changyang She, Zongdian Li, Tao Yu, Yonghui Li, and Kei Sakaguchi
Roadside Units Assisted Localized Automated Vehicle Maneuvering: An Offline Reinforcement Learning Approach
6 pages, 6 figures
eess.SY cs.SY
Traffic intersections present significant challenges for the safe and efficient maneuvering of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). This research proposes an innovative roadside unit (RSU)-assisted cooperative maneuvering system aimed at enhancing road safety and traveling efficiency at intersections for CAVs. We utilize RSUs for real-time traffic data acquisition and train an offline reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm based on human driving data. Evaluation results obtained from hardware-in-loop autonomous driving simulations show that our approach employing the twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient and behavior cloning (TD3+BC), achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art autonomous driving systems in terms of safety measures while significantly enhancing travel efficiency by up to 17.38% in intersection areas. This paper makes a pivotal contribution to the field of intelligent transportation systems, presenting a breakthrough solution for improving urban traffic flow and safety at intersections.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 7 May 2024 01:47:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 01:20:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Kui", "" ], [ "She", "Changyang", "" ], [ "Li", "Zongdian", "" ], [ "Yu", "Tao", "" ], [ "Li", "Yonghui", "" ], [ "Sakaguchi", "Kei", "" ] ]
Ilia Kochergin
Ilia V. Kochergin
$1/N$ Corrections in $\text{QCD}_2$: Small Mass Limit and Threshold States
45 pages, 5 figures, references added, some typos fixed
hep-th hep-ph
In this paper we investigate $1/N$ corrections to mesonic spectrum in $1+1$-dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics ($\text{QCD}_2$) with fundamental quarks using effective Hamiltonian method. We express the corrections in terms of 't Hooft equation solutions. First, we consider 2-flavor model with a heavy and a light quark. We show that, in contrast to some claims in earlier literature, the $1/N$ correction to the mass of the heavy-light meson remains finite when the light quark mass is taken to zero. Nevertheless, the corrections become significantly larger in this limit; we attribute this to the presence of massless modes in the spectrum. We also study the corrections to the lightest meson mass in 1-flavor model and show that they are consistent with recent numerical data, but not with the prediction coming from bosonization. Then we study low energy effective theory for 2 flavors. We show that the 3-meson interaction vertex correctly reproduces Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) coupling when both quarks become massless. This coupling does not change even if one of the quarks is massive. We employ Discretized Light Cone Quatization (DLCQ) to check the continuum results and show that the improved version can be used for small quark mass. Finally, we study the states associated with $1\to 2$ meson thresholds. Using degenerate perturbation theory, we show that when the decay is allowed by parity, the infinite $N$ theory has near-threshold bound states that mix one- and two-meson parts. They are $1/3$ two-meson and $2/3$ one-meson and the corrections to their masses have unusual scaling $\sim 1/N^{2/3}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 7 May 2024 06:05:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 07:57:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kochergin", "Ilia V.", "" ] ]
Georg Diez
Daniel Nagel, Georg Diez and Gerhard Stock
Accurate estimation of the normalized mutual information of multidimensional data
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 054108 (2024)
null cond-mat.soft physics.comp-ph
While the linear Pearson correlation coefficient represents a well-established normalized measure to quantify the interrelation of two stochastic variables $X$ and $Y$, it fails for multidimensional variables such as Cartesian coordinates. Avoiding any assumption about the underlying data, the mutual information $I(X, Y)$ does account for multidimensional correlations. However, unlike the normalized Pearson correlation, it has no upper bound ($I \in [0, \infty)$), i.e., it is not clear if say, $I = 0.4$ corresponds to a low or a high correlation. Moreover, the mutual information (MI) involves the estimation of high-dimensional probability densities (e.g., six-dimensional for Cartesian coordinates), which requires a k-nearest neighbor algorithm, such as the estimator by Kraskov et al. [Phys. Rev. E 69, 066138 (2004)]. As existing methods to normalize the MI cannot be used in connection with this estimator, a new approach is presented, which uses an entropy estimation method that is invariant under variable transformations. The algorithm is numerically efficient and does not require more effort than the calculation of the (un-normalized) MI. After validating the method by applying it to various toy models, the normalized MI between the $C_{\alpha}$ -coordinates of T4 lysozyme is considered and compared to a correlation analysis of inter-residue contacts.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 8 May 2024 11:41:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 17 Jul 2024 10:12:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nagel", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Diez", "Georg", "" ], [ "Stock", "Gerhard", "" ] ]
Yi Xu
Yi Xu, Juraj Hasik, Boris Ponsioen, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy
Simulating Spin Dynamics of Supersolid States in a Quantum Ising Magnet
5 pages, 4 figures. New results added
Motivated by the recent experimental study on a quantum Ising magnet $\text{K}_2\text{Co}(\text{SeO}_3)_2$ where spectroscopic evidence of zero-field supersolidity was presented [arXiv: 2402.15869], we simulate the excitation spectrum of the corresponding microscopic $XXZ$ model for the compound, using the recently developed excitation ansatz of infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS). We map out the ground state phase diagram and compute the dynamical spin structure factors across a range of magnetic field strengths, focusing especially on the two supersolid phases found near zero and saturation fields. Our simulated excitation spectra for the zero-field supersolid "Y" phase are in excellent agreement with the experimental data - recovering the low-energy branches and integer quantized excited energy levels $\omega_n=nJ_{zz}$. Furthermore, we demonstrate the nonlocal multi-spin-flip features for modes at $\omega_2$, indicative of their multi-magnon nature. Additionally, we identify characteristics of the high-field supersolid "$\Psi$" phase in the simulated spectra, to be compared with future experimental results.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 8 May 2024 15:43:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:35:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xu", "Yi", "" ], [ "Hasik", "Juraj", "" ], [ "Ponsioen", "Boris", "" ], [ "Nevidomskyy", "Andriy H.", "" ] ]
Edward Thoeng
Edward Thoeng and Md. Asaduzzaman and Philipp Kolb and Ryan M. L. McFadden and Gerald D. Morris and John O. Ticknor and Sarah R. Dunsiger and Victoria L. Karner and Derek Fujimoto and Tobias Junginger and Robert F. Kiefl and W. Andrew MacFarlane and Ruohong Li and Suresh Saminathan and Robert E. Laxdal
Depth-resolved Characterization of Meissner Screening Breakdown in Surface Treated Niobium
Sci. Rep. 14, 21487 (2024)
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We report direct measurements of the magnetic field screening at the limits of the Meissner phase for two superconducting Nb samples. The samples are processed with two different surface treatments that have been developed for superconducting radio-frequency cavity applications -- a "baseline" treatment and an oxygen-doping ("O-doping") treatment. The measurements show: 1) that the screening length is significantly longer in the "O-doping" sample compared to the "baseline" sample; 2) that the screening length near the limits of the Meissner phase increases with applied field; 3) the evolution of the screening profile as the material transitions from the Meissner phase to the mixed phase; and 4) a demonstration of the absence of any screening profile for the highest applied field, indicative of the full flux entering the sample. Measurements are performed utilizing the $\beta$-detected nuclear magnetic resonance ($\beta$-NMR) technique that allows depth resolved studies of the local magnetic field within the first 100 nm of the surface. The study takes advantage of the $\beta$-SRF beamline, a new facility at TRIUMF, Canada, where field levels up to 200 mT are available parallel to the sample surface to replicate radio frequency (RF) fields near the Meissner breakdown limits of Nb.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 8 May 2024 23:00:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Thoeng", "Edward", "" ], [ "Asaduzzaman", "Md.", "" ], [ "Kolb", "Philipp", "" ], [ "McFadden", "Ryan M. L.", "" ], [ "Morris", "Gerald D.", "" ], [ "Ticknor", "John O.", "" ], [ "Dunsiger", "Sarah R.", "" ], [ "Karner", "Victoria L.", "" ], [ "Fujimoto", "Derek", "" ], [ "Junginger", "Tobias", "" ], [ "Kiefl", "Robert F.", "" ], [ "MacFarlane", "W. Andrew", "" ], [ "Li", "Ruohong", "" ], [ "Saminathan", "Suresh", "" ], [ "Laxdal", "Robert E.", "" ] ]
Awais Hameed Khan
Awais Hameed Khan, Hiruni Kegalle, Rhea D'Silva, Ned Watt, Daniel Whelan-Shamy, Lida Ghahremanlou and Liam Magee
Automating Thematic Analysis: How LLMs Analyse Controversial Topics
18 pages, 6 figures
Microsoft Journal for Applied Research, Vol 21 (2024), pp 69 - 87
cs.CY cs.CL
Large Language Models (LLMs) are promising analytical tools. They can augment human epistemic, cognitive and reasoning abilities, and support 'sensemaking', making sense of a complex environment or subject by analysing large volumes of data with a sensitivity to context and nuance absent in earlier text processing systems. This paper presents a pilot experiment that explores how LLMs can support thematic analysis of controversial topics. We compare how human researchers and two LLMs GPT-4 and Llama 2 categorise excerpts from media coverage of the controversial Australian Robodebt scandal. Our findings highlight intriguing overlaps and variances in thematic categorisation between human and machine agents, and suggest where LLMs can be effective in supporting forms of discourse and thematic analysis. We argue LLMs should be used to augment, and not replace human interpretation, and we add further methodological insights and reflections to existing research on the application of automation to qualitative research methods. We also introduce a novel card-based design toolkit, for both researchers and practitioners to further interrogate LLMs as analytical tools.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 11 May 2024 05:28:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Khan", "Awais Hameed", "" ], [ "Kegalle", "Hiruni", "" ], [ "D'Silva", "Rhea", "" ], [ "Watt", "Ned", "" ], [ "Whelan-Shamy", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Ghahremanlou", "Lida", "" ], [ "Magee", "Liam", "" ] ]
Nikita Medvedev
N. Medvedev, D.I. Zainutdinov, A.E. Volkov
Non-ionizing cross section of electron scattering on atoms in matter accounting for dynamical screening effect
We present a model of non-ionizing scattering of electrons on atomic ensemble in matter, applicable in a wide electron energy range from ~eV up to relativistic ones. The approach based on the dynamic-structure factor formalism considers collective response of the atomic and electronic systems of a target. It accounts for dynamical screening of atomic nuclei in matter by valence (collective) and core-shell electrons during the scattering events, dependent on the incident electron velocity. The proposed formalism for the cross section enables us to describe in a unified manner the electron scattering on the ensemble of isolated atomic nuclei at high incident electron energies, reducing to the scattering on phonons with decrease of the energy. Our model can be used, e.g., in transport Monte Carlo codes to describe the energy exchange between excited electrons and atomic ensemble in matter. An example of swift heavy ion track formation in quartz simulated with the proposed cross section shows a reasonable agreement with the experiment validating the model.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 11 May 2024 08:15:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:03:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Medvedev", "N.", "" ], [ "Zainutdinov", "D. I.", "" ], [ "Volkov", "A. E.", "" ] ]
Taiki Haga
Taiki Haga
Oscillating-mode gap: an indicator of phase transition in open quantum many-body systems
16 pages, 7 figures
Physical Review B 110, 104303 (2024)
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
It presents a significant challenge to elucidate the relationship between the phases of open quantum many-body systems and the spectral structure of their governing Liouvillian, which determines how the density matrix evolves. Previous studies have focused on the Liouvillian gap, defined as the decay rate of the most slowly-decaying mode, as a key indicator of dissipative phase transition, noting its closure in symmetry-broken phases and opening in disordered phases. In this work, we propose an additional spectral gap, termed the oscillating-mode gap, defined as the decay rate of the most slowly-decaying oscillating mode. Through the analysis of a prototype dissipative boson system, we demonstrate the necessity of both the Liouvillian gap and the oscillating-mode gap for the comprehensive characterization of the system's phases and the transitions between them.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 12 May 2024 02:02:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:49:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Haga", "Taiki", "" ] ]
Zhe Wang
Zhe Wang, Shang-Qiang Ning, Zenan Liu, Junchen Rong, Yan-Cheng Wang, Zheng Yan, and Wenan Guo
Surface phase transitions in a (1+1)-dimensional $SU(2)_1$ conformal field theory boundary coupled to a (2+1)-dimensional $Z_2$ bulk
11 pages, 14 figures
Phys. Rev. B 110, 115122 (2024)
We design a (2+1))-dimensional [(2+1)D] quantum spin model in which spin-1/2 ladders are coupled through antiferromagnetic Ising interactions. The model hosts a quantum phase transition in the (2+1)D $Z_2$ universality class from the Haldane phase to the antiferromagnetic Ising ordered phase. We focus on studying the surface properties of three different surface configurations when the Ising couplings are tuned. Different behaviors are found on different surfaces. We find ordinary and two different extraordinary surface critical behaviors (SCBs) at the bulk critical point. The ordinary SCBs belong to the surface universality class of the classical 3D Ising bulk transition. One extraordinary SCBs is induced by the topological properties of the Haldane phase. Another extraordinary SCBs at the bulk critical point is induced by an unconventional surface phase transition where the surface develops an Ising order before the bulk. This surface transition is realized by coupling a (1+1)-dimensional [(1+1)D] $SU(2)_1$ CFT boundary to a (2+1)D bulk with $Z_2$ symmetry. We find that the transition is neither a (1+1)D $Z_2$ transition, expected based on symmetry consideration, nor a Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition, violating the previous theoretical prediction. This new surface phase transition and related extraordinary SCBs deserve further analytical and numerical exploration.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 14 May 2024 13:55:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:37:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Ning", "Shang-Qiang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zenan", "" ], [ "Rong", "Junchen", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yan-Cheng", "" ], [ "Yan", "Zheng", "" ], [ "Guo", "Wenan", "" ] ]
Yujie Liu
Yujie Liu, Ishtiaque Ahmed Navid, Zetian Mi and Emmanouil Kioupakis
Selective incorporation of antimony into gallium nitride
11 pages, 4 figures
Dilute concentrations of antimony (Sb) incorporation into GaN induce strong band-gap bowing and tunable room-temperature photoluminescence from the UV to the green spectral regions. However, the atomistic details of the incorporation of Sb into the GaN host remain unclear. In this work, we use first-principles calculations to understand the thermodynamics of Sb substitution into GaN, and its effect on the optical and Raman spectra. Although it is empirically considered that Sb is preferentially incorporated as an anion ($\mathrm{Sb^{3-}}$) into the N sublattice, we demonstrate that Sb can also be incorporated as a cation ($\mathrm{Sb^{3+}}$, $\mathrm{Sb^{5+}}$) into the metal sublattice. Our thermodynamic analysis demonstrates that $\mathrm{Sb_N^0}$, $\mathrm{Sb_{Ga}^{2+}}$, and $\mathrm{Sb_{Ga}^0}$ can co-exist under Ga-rich conditions in n-type samples. We further confirm the dual incorporation of Sb by calculating the vibrational frequencies of different anionic and cation substitutions to explain the origins of experimentally observed additional Raman peaks of Sb-doped GaN. Moreover, the calculated band structures of different Sb substitutions into GaN explain the experimental photoluminescence and optical absorption spectra. Overall, our analysis suggests that the coexistence of $\mathrm{Sb^{3-}}$, $\mathrm{Sb^{3+}}$, and $\mathrm{Sb^{5+}}$ substitutions into GaN explains the totality of experimental measurements. Our results demonstrate that the selective incorporation of Sb into GaN (and potentially other group-V elements such as As, P, or Bi) by tuning the growth conditions can drastically modify the electronic properties, for applications in visible light emitters and photocatalysis.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 14 May 2024 15:05:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:31:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Yujie", "" ], [ "Navid", "Ishtiaque Ahmed", "" ], [ "Mi", "Zetian", "" ], [ "Kioupakis", "Emmanouil", "" ] ]
Harsh Mehta
Harsh Mehta and Suvodip Mukherjee
A power spectrum approach to the search for Axion-like Particles from resolved galaxy clusters using CMB as a backlight
34 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables, Published in JCAP
astro-ph.CO hep-ph hep-th
Axions or ALPs are hypothetical particles predicted by BSM theories, which make one of the dark matter candidates. These particles can convert into photons and vice-versa in the presence of magnetic field, with a probability decided by its coupling strength $\mathrm{g_{a\gamma}}$. One of the ways to detect these particles is using the CMB as a backlight. As the CMB photons pass through a galaxy cluster, they can get converted into ALPs in the mass range $10^{-15}$ eV to $10^{-11}$ eV through resonant conversion in the presence of cluster magnetic fields. This leads to a polarized spectral distortion ($\alpha$-distortion) in the CMB as the photon polarization parallel to the magnetic field in the galaxy cluster is involved in the conversion. The fluctuations in the magnetic field and electron density in a galaxy cluster lead to spatially varying $\alpha$-distortion around the cluster, with a power spectrum that is different from the lensed CMB polarization power spectrum for the standard model of cosmology. By measuring the difference in the polarization power spectrum around a galaxy cluster from the all-sky signal, one can find new $\alpha$-distortion in the sky. For galaxy clusters resolvable in multiple EM bands, one can measure the coupling strength $\mathrm{g_{a\gamma}}$ from the ALP power spectrum. Using multi-frequency techniques like ILC to clean the foregrounds, we show that the new power spectrum-based approach of the resolved galaxy clusters from upcoming CMB experiments such as Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 can detect (or put constraints) on the ALP-photon coupling strength of $\mathrm{g_{a\gamma} < 5.2 \times 10^{-12} \, GeV^{-1}}$ and $\mathrm{g_{a\gamma} < 3.6 \times 10^{-12} \, GeV^{-1}}$ at 95\% C.I. respectively for ALPs of masses $10^{-13}$ eV or for smaller $\mathrm{g_{a\gamma}}$ for lighter ALP masses (Abridged).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 14 May 2024 18:00:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 08:43:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mehta", "Harsh", "" ], [ "Mukherjee", "Suvodip", "" ] ]
En Wang
Wen-Tao Lyu, Sheng-Chao Zhang, Guan-Ying Wang, Jia-Jun Wu, En Wang, Li-Sheng Geng, and Ju-Jun Xie
Evidence of the low-lying baryon $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$ in the process $\Lambda_c^+\to \eta\pi^+\Lambda$
11 pages, 14 figures, comments are welcome
Phys. Rev. D 110, 054020 (2024)
Motivated by the Belle measurements of the process $\Lambda_c^+\to \eta\pi^+\Lambda$, we investigate this process by considering the contributions from the $\Lambda(1670)$, $a_0(980)$, and $\Sigma(1385)$. In addition, we also consider the predicted low-lying baryon $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$. Our results involving the $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$ are favored by fitting to the Belle data of the $\eta\Lambda$ and $\pi^+\Lambda$ invariant mass distributions. Furthermore, we predict the $\eta\pi^+$ invariant mass distribution and the angular distribution $d\Gamma/d{\rm cos}\theta$, which are significantly different depending on whether or not the contribution from the $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$ is considered. Finally, we show that, with the contribution from the $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$, the calculated Dalizt plot agrees with the Belle measurements. Future precise measurements of the process $\Lambda_c^+\to \eta\pi^+\Lambda$ could shed further light on the existence of the low-lying $\Sigma^*(1/2^-)$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 15 May 2024 10:06:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:53:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lyu", "Wen-Tao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Sheng-Chao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Guan-Ying", "" ], [ "Wu", "Jia-Jun", "" ], [ "Wang", "En", "" ], [ "Geng", "Li-Sheng", "" ], [ "Xie", "Ju-Jun", "" ] ]