9 values
Shun Zhang
Ziyan Li and Shun Zhang
Non-intrusive Least-Squares Functional A Posteriori Error Estimator: Linear and Nonlinear Problems with Plain Convergence
math.NA cs.NA
The a posteriori error estimator using the least-squares functional can be used for adaptive mesh refinement and error control even if the numerical approximations are not obtained from the corresponding least-squares method. This suggests the development of a versatile non-intrusive a posteriori error estimator. In this paper, we present a systematic approach for applying the least-squares functional error estimator to linear and nonlinear problems that are not solved by the least-squares finite element methods. For the case of an elliptic PDE solved by the standard conforming finite element method, we minimize the least-squares functional with conforming approximation inserted to recover the other physical meaningful variable. By combining the numerical approximation from the original method with the auxiliary recovery approximation, we construct the least-squares functional a posteriori error estimator. Furthermore, we introduce a new interpretation that views the non-intrusive least-squares functional error estimator as an estimator for the combined solve-recover process. This simplifies the reliability and efficiency analysis. We extend the idea to a model nonlinear problem. Plain convergence results are proved for adaptive algorithms of the general second order elliptic equation and a model nonlinear problem with the non-intrusive least-squares functional a posteriori error estimators.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:07:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Ziyan", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Shun", "" ] ]
Shoumeng Qiu
Shoumeng Qiu, Jie Chen, Xinrun Li, Ru Wan, Xiangyang Xue, and Jian Pu
Make a Strong Teacher with Label Assistance: A Novel Knowledge Distillation Approach for Semantic Segmentation
ECCV 2024
In this paper, we introduce a novel knowledge distillation approach for the semantic segmentation task. Unlike previous methods that rely on power-trained teachers or other modalities to provide additional knowledge, our approach does not require complex teacher models or information from extra sensors. Specifically, for the teacher model training, we propose to noise the label and then incorporate it into input to effectively boost the lightweight teacher performance. To ensure the robustness of the teacher model against the introduced noise, we propose a dual-path consistency training strategy featuring a distance loss between the outputs of two paths. For the student model training, we keep it consistent with the standard distillation for simplicity. Our approach not only boosts the efficacy of knowledge distillation but also increases the flexibility in selecting teacher and student models. To demonstrate the advantages of our Label Assisted Distillation (LAD) method, we conduct extensive experiments on five challenging datasets including Cityscapes, ADE20K, PASCAL-VOC, COCO-Stuff 10K, and COCO-Stuff 164K, five popular models: FCN, PSPNet, DeepLabV3, STDC, and OCRNet, and results show the effectiveness and generalization of our approach. We posit that incorporating labels into the input, as demonstrated in our work, will provide valuable insights into related fields. Code is available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:08:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Qiu", "Shoumeng", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jie", "" ], [ "Li", "Xinrun", "" ], [ "Wan", "Ru", "" ], [ "Xue", "Xiangyang", "" ], [ "Pu", "Jian", "" ] ]
Ming Wang
Lei Liu, Ming Wang, Shufeng Li, Yuhao Chi, Ning Wei and ZhaoYang Zhang
Interleaved Block-Sparse Transform
Submitted to the IEEE Journal
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
Low-complexity Bayes-optimal memory approximate message passing (MAMP) is an efficient signal estimation algorithm in compressed sensing and multicarrier modulation. However, achieving replica Bayes optimality with MAMP necessitates a large-scale right-unitarily invariant transformation, which is prohibitive in practical systems due to its high computational complexity and hardware costs. To solve this difficulty, this letter proposes a low-complexity interleaved block-sparse (IBS) transform, which consists of interleaved multiple low-dimensional transform matrices, aimed at reducing the hardware implementation scale while mitigating performance loss. Furthermore, an IBS cross-domain memory approximate message passing (IBS-CD-MAMP) estimator is developed, comprising a memory linear estimator in the IBS transform domain and a non-linear estimator in the source domain. Numerical results show that the IBS-CD-MAMP offers a reduced implementation scale and lower complexity with excellent performance in IBS-based compressed sensing and interleave frequency division multiplexing systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:08:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Lei", "" ], [ "Wang", "Ming", "" ], [ "Li", "Shufeng", "" ], [ "Chi", "Yuhao", "" ], [ "Wei", "Ning", "" ], [ "Zhang", "ZhaoYang", "" ] ]
Ziwei Chai
Ziwei Chai, Rutong Si, Gilberto Teobaldi, David D. O'Regan, Li-Min Liu
Minimum tracking linear response Hubbard and Hund corrected Density Functional Theory in CP2K
cond-mat.str-el physics.comp-ph
We present the implementation of the Hubbard ($U$) and Hund ($J$) corrected Density Functional Theory (DFT+$U$+$J$) functionality in the Quickstep program, which is part of the CP2K suite. The tensorial and L\"owdin subspace representations are implemented and compared. Full analytical DFT+$U$+$J$ forces are implemented and benchmarked for the tensorial and L\"owdin representations. We also present the implementation of the recently proposed minimum-tracking linear-response method that enables the $U$ and $J$ parameters to be calculated on first principles basis without reference to the Kohn-Sham eigensystem. These implementations are benchmarked against recent results for different materials properties including DFT+$U$ band gap opening in NiO, the relative stability of various polaron distributions in TiO$_2$, the dependence of the calculated TiO$_2$ band gap on +$J$ corrections, and, finally, the role of the +$U$ and +$J$ corrections for the computed properties of a series of the hexahydrated transition metals. Our implementation provides results consistent with those already reported in the literature from comparable methods. We conclude the contribution with tests on the influence of the L\"owdin orthonormalization on the occupancies, calculated parameters, and derived properties.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:09:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chai", "Ziwei", "" ], [ "Si", "Rutong", "" ], [ "Teobaldi", "Gilberto", "" ], [ "O'Regan", "David D.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Li-Min", "" ] ]
Johannes K\"ohler
Johannes K\"ohler, Melanie N. Zeilinger
Predictive control for nonlinear stochastic systems: Closed-loop guarantees with unbounded noise
eess.SY cs.SY math.OC
We present a stochastic predictive control framework for nonlinear systems subject to unbounded process noise with closed-loop guarantees. First, we first provide a conceptual shrinking-horizon framework that utilizes general probabilistic reachable sets and minimizes the expected cost. Then, we provide a tractable receding-horizon formulation that uses a nominal state and a simple constraint tightening. Both formulations ensure recursive feasibility, satisfaction of chance constraints, and bounds on the expected cost for the resulting closed-loop system. We provide a constructive design for probabilistic reachable sets of nonlinear systems using stochastic contraction metrics. We demonstrate the practicality of the proposed method through a simulation of a chain of mass-spring-dampers with nonlinear Coulomb friction. Overall, this paper provides a framework for computationally tractable stochastic predictive control approaches with closed-loop guaranteed for nonlinear systems with unbounded noise.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:09:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Köhler", "Johannes", "" ], [ "Zeilinger", "Melanie N.", "" ] ]
Oscar Dieste
Oscar Dieste, Ayse Tosun, Sira Vegas, Adrian Santos, Fernando Uyaguari, Jarno Kyykka and Natalia Juristo
The role of slicing in test-driven development
Test-driven development (TDD) is a widely used agile practice. However, very little is known with certainty about TDD's underlying foundations, i.e., the way TDD works. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for TDD, with the following characteristics: 1) Each TDD cycle represents a vertical slice of a (probably also small) user story, 2) vertical slices are captured using contracts, implicit in the developers' minds, and 3) the code created during a TDD cycle is a sliced-based specification of a code oracle, using the contracts as slicing pre/post-conditions. We have checked the connections among TDD, contracts, and slices using a controlled experiment conducted in the industry.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:10:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dieste", "Oscar", "" ], [ "Tosun", "Ayse", "" ], [ "Vegas", "Sira", "" ], [ "Santos", "Adrian", "" ], [ "Uyaguari", "Fernando", "" ], [ "Kyykka", "Jarno", "" ], [ "Juristo", "Natalia", "" ] ]
Yohan Payan
Maxime Calka (TIMC-BIOM\'ECA), Pascal Perrier (GIPSA-PPC, GIPSA-PCMD), Michel Rochette, Yohan Payan (TIMC-BIOM\'ECA)
Biomechanical modeling of the human tongue
C. Laurent & C. Verdier. Mechanics of Living Tissues: Imaging, Characterization and Modeling Towards the Study of Soft Tissues, Wiley, pp.95-115, 2024, 9781789451603
The tongue is a crucial organ for performing basic biological functions, such as chewing, swallowing and phonation. Understanding how it behaves, its motor control and involvement in the execution of these different tasks is therefore an important issue for the management and therapeutic treatment of pathologies relating to these essential functions so that quality of life can be preserved. This chapter focuses on the biomechanical modeling of this organ, as one of the key steps towards this understanding. Such a modeling will be an important tool to predict and control the functional impact of lingual surgery in the field of computer-assisted medical interventions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:11:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Calka", "Maxime", "", "TIMC-BIOMÉCA" ], [ "Perrier", "Pascal", "", "GIPSA-PPC, GIPSA-PCMD" ], [ "Rochette", "Michel", "", "TIMC-BIOMÉCA" ], [ "Payan", "Yohan", "", "TIMC-BIOMÉCA" ] ]
Hemachander Subramanian
Parthasarathi Sahu, Sashikanta Barik, Koushik Ghosh, Hemachander Subramanian
High nucleotide skew palindromic DNA sequences function as replication origins due to their unzipping propensity
20 pages, 9 figures
q-bio.GN q-bio.BM q-bio.QM
Locations of DNA replication initiation in prokaryotes, called "origins of replication", are well-characterized. However, a mechanistic understanding of the sequence-dependence of the local unzipping of double-stranded DNA, the first step towards replication initiation, is lacking. Here, utilizing a Markov chain model that was created to address the directional nature of DNA unzipping and replication, we model the sequence dependence of local melting of double-stranded linear DNA segments. We show that generalized palindromic sequences with high nucleotide skews have a low kinetic barrier for local melting near melting temperatures. This allows for such sequences to function as replication origins. We support our claim with evidence for high-skew palindromic sequences within the replication origins of mitochondrial DNA, bacteria, archaea and plasmids.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:11:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sahu", "Parthasarathi", "" ], [ "Barik", "Sashikanta", "" ], [ "Ghosh", "Koushik", "" ], [ "Subramanian", "Hemachander", "" ] ]
Zhe Chen
Zhe Chen, Xinran Li
Enhanced inference for distributions and quantiles of individual treatment effects in various experiments
Understanding treatment effect heterogeneity has become increasingly important in many fields. In this paper we study distributions and quantiles of individual treatment effects to provide a more comprehensive and robust understanding of treatment effects beyond usual averages, despite they are more challenging to infer due to nonidentifiability from observed data. Recent randomization-based approaches offer finite-sample valid inference for treatment effect distributions and quantiles in both completely randomized and stratified randomized experiments, but can be overly conservative by assuming the worst-case scenario where units with large effects are all assigned to the treated (or control) group. We introduce two improved methods to enhance the power of these existing approaches. The first method reinterprets existing approaches as inferring treatment effects among only treated or control units, and then combines the inference for treated and control units to infer treatment effects for all units. The second method explicitly controls for the actual number of treated units with large effects. Both simulation and applications demonstrate the substantial gain from the improved methods. These methods are further extended to sampling-based experiments as well as quasi-experiments from matching, in which the ideas for both improved methods play critical and complementary roles.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:12:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Li", "Xinran", "" ] ]
Alberto Guilabert
Alberto Guilabert, Pelayo V. Calzada, Pedro Bargue\~no and Salvador Miret-Art\'es
Static and spherically symmetric vacuum spacetimes with non-expanding principal null directions in $f(R)$ gravity
7 pages, 4 figures, published in EPJC
Volume 84, article number 678, (2024)
In this work we characterize all the static and spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in $f(R)$ gravity when the principal null directions of the Weyl tensor are non-expanding. In contrast to General Relativity, we show that the Nariai spacetime is not the only solution of this type when general $f(R)$ theories are considered. In particular, we find four different solutions for the non-constant Ricci scalar case, all of them corresponding to the same theory, given by $f(R) = r_0^{-1}\left\lvert R-3/r_0^2\right\rvert^{1/2}$, where $r_0$ is a non-null constant. Finally, we briefly present some geometric properties of these solutions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:13:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guilabert", "Alberto", "" ], [ "Calzada", "Pelayo V.", "" ], [ "Bargueño", "Pedro", "" ], [ "Miret-Artés", "Salvador", "" ] ]
Camille Pouchol
Camille Pouchol (MAP5), Marc Hoffmann (CEREMADE, IUF)
Regularisation for the approximation of functions by mollified discretisation methods
math.NA cs.NA math.ST stat.TH
Some prominent discretisation methods such as finite elements provide a way to approximate a function of $d$ variables from $n$ values it takes on the nodes $x_i$ of the corresponding mesh. The accuracy is $n^{-s_a/d}$ in $L^2$-norm, where $s_a$ is the order of the underlying method. When the data are measured or computed with systematical experimental noise, some statistical regularisation might be desirable, with a smoothing method of order $s_r$ (like the number of vanishing moments of a kernel). This idea is behind the use of some regularised discretisation methods, whose approximation properties are the subject of this paper. We decipher the interplay of $s_a$ and $s_r$ for reconstructing a smooth function on regular bounded domains from $n$ measurements with noise of order $\sigma$. We establish that for certain regimes with small noise $\sigma$ depending on $n$, when $s_a > s_r$, statistical smoothing is not necessarily the best option and {\it not regularising} is more beneficial than {\it statistical regularising}. We precisely quantify this phenomenon and show that the gain can achieve a multiplicative order $n^{(s_a-s_r)/(2s_r+d)}$. We illustrate our estimates by numerical experiments conducted in dimension $d=1$ with $\mathbb P_1$ and $\mathbb P_2$ finite elements.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:14:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pouchol", "Camille", "", "MAP5" ], [ "Hoffmann", "Marc", "", "CEREMADE, IUF" ] ]
Ruobin Gao
Ruobin Gao, Maohan Liang, Heng Dong, Xuewen Luo, P. N. Suganthan
Underwater Acoustic Signal Denoising Algorithms: A Survey of the State-of-the-art
cs.SD cs.AI eess.AS
This paper comprehensively reviews recent advances in underwater acoustic signal denoising, an area critical for improving the reliability and clarity of underwater communication and monitoring systems. Despite significant progress in the field, the complex nature of underwater environments poses unique challenges that complicate the denoising process. We begin by outlining the fundamental challenges associated with underwater acoustic signal processing, including signal attenuation, noise variability, and the impact of environmental factors. The review then systematically categorizes and discusses various denoising algorithms, such as conventional, decomposition-based, and learning-based techniques, highlighting their applications, advantages, and limitations. Evaluation metrics and experimental datasets are also reviewed. The paper concludes with a list of open questions and recommendations for future research directions, emphasizing the need for developing more robust denoising techniques that can adapt to the dynamic underwater acoustic environment.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:14:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gao", "Ruobin", "" ], [ "Liang", "Maohan", "" ], [ "Dong", "Heng", "" ], [ "Luo", "Xuewen", "" ], [ "Suganthan", "P. N.", "" ] ]
Thomas Salez
Aditya Jha (LOMA), Yacine Amarouchene (LOMA), Thomas Salez (LOMA)
Capillary lubrication of a spherical particle near a fluid interface
cond-mat.soft physics.class-ph physics.flu-dyn
The lubricated motion of an object near a deformable boundary presents striking subtleties arising from the coupling between the elasticity of the boundary and lubricated flow, including but not limited to the emergence of a lift force acting on the object despite the zero Reynolds number. In this study, we characterize the hydrodynamic forces and torques felt by a sphere translating in close proximity to a fluid interface, separating the viscous medium of the sphere's motion from an infinitely-more-viscous medium. We employ lubrication theory and perform a perturbation analysis in capillary compliance. The dominant response of the interface owing to surface tension results in a long-ranged interface deformation, which leads to a modification of the forces and torques with respect to the rigid reference case, that we characterise in details with scaling arguments and numerical integrations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:16:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jha", "Aditya", "", "LOMA" ], [ "Amarouchene", "Yacine", "", "LOMA" ], [ "Salez", "Thomas", "", "LOMA" ] ]
Ailin Liu
Ailin Liu, Pepijn Vunderink, Jose Vargas Quiros, Chirag Raman, Hayley Hung
How Private is Low-Frequency Speech Audio in the Wild? An Analysis of Verbal Intelligibility by Humans and Machines
This manuscript has been accepted by Interspeech 2024
cs.SD cs.HC eess.AS
Low-frequency audio has been proposed as a promising privacy-preserving modality to study social dynamics in real-world settings. To this end, researchers have developed wearable devices that can record audio at frequencies as low as 1250 Hz to mitigate the automatic extraction of the verbal content of speech that may contain private details. This paper investigates the validity of this hypothesis, examining the degree to which low-frequency speech ensures verbal privacy. It includes simulating a potential privacy attack in various noise environments. Further, it explores the trade-off between the performance of voice activity detection, which is fundamental for understanding social behavior, and privacy-preservation. The evaluation incorporates subjective human intelligibility and automatic speech recognition performance, comprehensively analyzing the delicate balance between effective social behavior analysis and preserving verbal privacy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:16:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Ailin", "" ], [ "Vunderink", "Pepijn", "" ], [ "Quiros", "Jose Vargas", "" ], [ "Raman", "Chirag", "" ], [ "Hung", "Hayley", "" ] ]
Albert Nyarko-Agyei
Albert Nyarko-Agyei, Scott Moser, Rowland G Seymour, Ben Brewster, Sabrina Li, Esther Weir, Todd Landman, Emily Wyman, Christine Belle Torres, Imogen Fell, Doreen Boyd
A Partially Pooled NSUM Model: Detailed estimation of CSEM trafficking prevalence in Philippine municipalities
Effective policy and intervention strategies to combat human trafficking for child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) production require accurate prevalence estimates. Traditional Network Scale Up Method (NSUM) models often necessitate standalone surveys for each geographic region, escalating costs and complexity. This study introduces a partially pooled NSUM model, using a hierarchical Bayesian framework that efficiently aggregates and utilizes data across multiple regions without increasing sample sizes. We developed this model for a novel national survey dataset from the Philippines and we demonstrate its ability to produce detailed municipal-level prevalence estimates of trafficking for CSEM production. Our results not only underscore the model's precision in estimating hidden populations but also highlight its potential for broader application in other areas of social science and public health research, offering significant implications for resource allocation and intervention planning.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:17:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nyarko-Agyei", "Albert", "" ], [ "Moser", "Scott", "" ], [ "Seymour", "Rowland G", "" ], [ "Brewster", "Ben", "" ], [ "Li", "Sabrina", "" ], [ "Weir", "Esther", "" ], [ "Landman", "Todd", "" ], [ "Wyman", "Emily", "" ], [ "Torres", "Christine Belle", "" ], [ "Fell", "Imogen", "" ], [ "Boyd", "Doreen", "" ] ]
Shi Huaixuan
Tao Han, Huaixuan Shi, Xinyi Ding, Xiao Ma, Huamao Gu and Yili Fang
Mixture of Experts based Multi-task Supervise Learning from Crowds
cs.AI cs.LG
Existing truth inference methods in crowdsourcing aim to map redundant labels and items to the ground truth. They treat the ground truth as hidden variables and use statistical or deep learning-based worker behavior models to infer the ground truth. However, worker behavior models that rely on ground truth hidden variables overlook workers' behavior at the item feature level, leading to imprecise characterizations and negatively impacting the quality of truth inference. This paper proposes a new paradigm of multi-task supervised learning from crowds, which eliminates the need for modeling of items's ground truth in worker behavior models. Within this paradigm, we propose a worker behavior model at the item feature level called Mixture of Experts based Multi-task Supervised Learning from Crowds (MMLC). Two truth inference strategies are proposed within MMLC. The first strategy, named MMLC-owf, utilizes clustering methods in the worker spectral space to identify the projection vector of the oracle worker. Subsequently, the labels generated based on this vector are considered as the inferred truth. The second strategy, called MMLC-df, employs the MMLC model to fill the crowdsourced data, which can enhance the effectiveness of existing truth inference methods. Experimental results demonstrate that MMLC-owf outperforms state-of-the-art methods and MMLC-df enhances the quality of existing truth inference methods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:21:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Han", "Tao", "" ], [ "Shi", "Huaixuan", "" ], [ "Ding", "Xinyi", "" ], [ "Ma", "Xiao", "" ], [ "Gu", "Huamao", "" ], [ "Fang", "Yili", "" ] ]
Christopher Butler
Christopher J. Butler, Masayuki Murase, Shunki Sawada, Ming-Chun Jiang, Daisuke Hashizume, Guang-Yu Guo, Ryotaro Arita, Tetsuo Hanaguri, Takao Sasagawa
Valley polarization of Landau levels driven by residual strain in the ZrSiS surface band
13 pages, 9 figures (plus 13 pages, 9 figures)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
In a multi-valley electronic band structure, lifting of the valley degeneracy is associated with rotational symmetry breaking in the electronic fluid, and may emerge through spontaneous symmetry breaking order, or through a large response to a small external perturbation such as strain. In this work we use scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate an unexpected rotational symmetry breaking in Landau levels formed in the unusual floating surface band of ZrSiS. We visualize a ubiquitous splitting of Landau levels into valley-polarized sub-levels. We demonstrate methods to measure valley-selective Landau level spectroscopy, to infer unknown Landau level indices, and to precisely measure each valley's Berry phase in a way that is agnostic to the band structure and topology of the system. These techniques allow us to obtain each valley's dispersion curve and infer a rigid valley-dependent contribution to the band energies. Ruling out spontaneous symmetry breaking by establishing the sample-dependence of this valley splitting, we explain the effect in terms of residual strain. A quantitative estimate indicates that uniaxial strain can be measured to a precision of $ \lt 0.025 \% $. The extreme valley-polarization of the Landau levels results from as little as $ \sim 0.1 \% $ strain, and this suggests avenues for manipulation using deliberate strain engineering.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:22:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Butler", "Christopher J.", "" ], [ "Murase", "Masayuki", "" ], [ "Sawada", "Shunki", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Ming-Chun", "" ], [ "Hashizume", "Daisuke", "" ], [ "Guo", "Guang-Yu", "" ], [ "Arita", "Ryotaro", "" ], [ "Hanaguri", "Tetsuo", "" ], [ "Sasagawa", "Takao", "" ] ]
Francesc Sabater
Francesc Sabater, Abel Rojo-Franc\`as, Grigori E. Astrakharchik, Bruno Juli\'a-D\'iaz
A BCS state formulation for the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas
5 pages
cond-mat.quant-gas quant-ph
We introduce an alternative expression for the ground state wave function of the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas. Our wave function is constructed based on the occupation numbers and natural orbitals of the one-body density matrix. We demonstrate that the newly found wave function describes the ground state of the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas under any external potential. By expressing the proposed wave function in the framework of second quantization, we show that the ground state of the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas is a number-conserving Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) state. We provide explicit expressions for the corresponding coefficients that describe the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas as a number-conserving BCS state. Additionally, the suitable form of the proposed wave function in second quantization allows us to derive the necessary expectation values to experimentally detect pairing in the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas. With this, we prove and show how to detect that the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas not only exhibits non-trivial quantum correlations but is also a paired state.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:25:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sabater", "Francesc", "" ], [ "Rojo-Francàs", "Abel", "" ], [ "Astrakharchik", "Grigori E.", "" ], [ "Juliá-Díaz", "Bruno", "" ] ]
Chong Chen
Jiachi Chen, Chong Chen, Jiang Hu, John Grundy, Yanlin Wang, Ting Chen, Zibin Zheng
Identifying Smart Contract Security Issues in Code Snippets from Stack Overflow
Smart contract developers frequently seak solutions to developmental challenges on Q&A platforms such as Stack Overflow (SO). Although community responses often provide viable solutions, the embedded code snippets can also contain hidden vulnerabilities. Integrating such code directly into smart contracts may make them susceptible to malicious attacks. We conducted an online survey and received 74 responses from smart contract developers. The results of this survey indicate that the majority (86.4%) of participants do not sufficiently consider security when reusing SO code snippets. Despite the existence of various tools designed to detect vulnerabilities in smart contracts, these tools are typically developed for analyzing fully-completed smart contracts and thus are ineffective for analyzing typical code snippets as found on SO. We introduce SOChecker, the first tool designed to identify potential vulnerabilities in incomplete SO smart contract code snippets. SOChecker first leverages a fine-tuned Llama2 model for code completion, followed by the application of symbolic execution methods for vulnerability detection. Our experimental results, derived from a dataset comprising 897 code snippets collected from smart contract-related SO posts, demonstrate that SOChecker achieves an F1 score of 68.2%, greatly surpassing GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 (20.9% and 33.2% F1 Scores respectively). Our findings underscore the need to improve the security of code snippets from Q&A websites.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:25:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Jiachi", "" ], [ "Chen", "Chong", "" ], [ "Hu", "Jiang", "" ], [ "Grundy", "John", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yanlin", "" ], [ "Chen", "Ting", "" ], [ "Zheng", "Zibin", "" ] ]
James Best
Andrea Brognara, Chanwon Jung, Cristiano Poltronieri, Philippe Djemia, Gerhard Dehm, Matteo Ghidelli and James P. Best
Thermal modification of ZrCu metallic glass nanolaminates: Structure and mechanical properties
The effects of thermal treatments on metallic glass nanolaminates (NLs), with a composition of Zr$_{24}$Cu$_{76}$ and Zr$_{61}$Cu$_{39}$ and a bilayer period of 50 nm, were explored to control their mechanical properties through annealing-induced atomic structure modifications, structural relaxation, and partial crystallisation. Annealing treatments up to 330 {\deg}C ($T$ < $T_g$, the glass transition temperature) maintain the amorphous structure of the NLs, while inducing atomic structural relaxation, densification, and free volume annihilation, reducing the formation of corrugations on fracture surfaces. Atom probe tomography measurements reveal that annealing at 330 {\deg}C for 60 mins also causes intermixing between layers, altering their compositions to Zr$_{44}$Cu$_{56}$ and Zr$_{55}$Cu$_{45}$ with increased mixing enthalpy. Moreover, the NLs exhibit superior thermal stability against crystallisation compared to their monolithic counterparts, remaining amorphous up to 420 {\deg}C, while the monolithic Zr$_{24}$Cu$_{76}$ and Zr$_{61}$Cu$_{39}$ films are crystalline at 390 {\deg}C, as a result of chemical interdiffusion and the heterogeneous NL structure of delaying the onset of crystallisation. Annealing treatments $T$ > $T_g$ ($\sim$420 {\deg}C) induce partial crystallisation, forming Cu-Zr-based intermetallic and Zr-oxide phases, whereas annealing $T$ < $T_g$ (330 {\deg}C) retains a visible layer structure. Nanoindentation analyses show a progressive increase in elastic modulus and hardness for higher annealing temperatures as a result of structural relaxation and likely nanocrystal formation, with a maximum hardness equal to 7.6 $\pm$ 0.2 GPa obtained after heat treatment at 420 {\deg}C for 60 mins and exceeding the rule-of-mixtures. These results highlight the potential of thermal treatments to tailor the structural, mechanical and thermal properties of metallic glass NLs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:25:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brognara", "Andrea", "" ], [ "Jung", "Chanwon", "" ], [ "Poltronieri", "Cristiano", "" ], [ "Djemia", "Philippe", "" ], [ "Dehm", "Gerhard", "" ], [ "Ghidelli", "Matteo", "" ], [ "Best", "James P.", "" ] ]
Lukas Lachman
Luk\' a\v{s} Lachman, Ilya P. Radko, Maxime Bergamin, Ulrik L. Andersen, Radim Filip
Experimental certification of level dynamics in single-photon emitters
15 pages, 8 figures
Emitters of single-photons are essential resources for emerging quantum technologies and developed within different platforms including nonlinear optics, atomic and solid-state systems. The energy level structures of emission processes are critical for reaching and controlling high-quality sources. The most commonly applied test uses a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) setup to determine the emitter energy level structure based on fitting temporal correlations of photon detection events. However, only partial information about the emission process is extracted from such detection, that might be followed by an inconclusive fitting of the data. This process predetermines our limited ability to quantify and understand the dynamics in the photon emission process that are of importance for the applications in communication, sensing and computing. In this work, we present a complete analysis based on all normalized coincidences between detection and no-detection events recorded in the same HBT setup to certify expected properties of an emitted photonic state. As a proof of concept we apply our methodology to single nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, in which case the certification conclusively rejects a model based on a two-level emitter that radiates a photonic states mixed with any classical noise background.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:27:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lachman", "Luk\\' aš", "" ], [ "Radko", "Ilya P.", "" ], [ "Bergamin", "Maxime", "" ], [ "Andersen", "Ulrik L.", "" ], [ "Filip", "Radim", "" ] ]
Yurou Zhao
Yurou Zhao, Yiding Sun, Ruidong Han, Fei Jiang, Lu Guan, Xiang Li, Wei Lin, Jiaxin Mao
Aligning Explanations for Recommendation with Rating and Feature via Maximizing Mutual Information
this paper has been accepted by cikm2024, and the camera-ready version will be updated soon
Providing natural language-based explanations to justify recommendations helps to improve users' satisfaction and gain users' trust. However, as current explanation generation methods are commonly trained with an objective to mimic existing user reviews, the generated explanations are often not aligned with the predicted ratings or some important features of the recommended items, and thus, are suboptimal in helping users make informed decision on the recommendation platform. To tackle this problem, we propose a flexible model-agnostic method named MMI (Maximizing Mutual Information) framework to enhance the alignment between the generated natural language explanations and the predicted rating/important item features. Specifically, we propose to use mutual information (MI) as a measure for the alignment and train a neural MI estimator. Then, we treat a well-trained explanation generation model as the backbone model and further fine-tune it through reinforcement learning with guidance from the MI estimator, which rewards a generated explanation that is more aligned with the predicted rating or a pre-defined feature of the recommended item. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our MMI framework can boost different backbone models, enabling them to outperform existing baselines in terms of alignment with predicted ratings and item features. Additionally, user studies verify that MI-enhanced explanations indeed facilitate users' decisions and are favorable compared with other baselines due to their better alignment properties.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:29:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Yurou", "" ], [ "Sun", "Yiding", "" ], [ "Han", "Ruidong", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Fei", "" ], [ "Guan", "Lu", "" ], [ "Li", "Xiang", "" ], [ "Lin", "Wei", "" ], [ "Mao", "Jiaxin", "" ] ]
Thomas Gauthier
Thomas Gauthier
H\"older estimates and uniformity in arithmetic dynamics
23 pages, comments welcome!
math.DS math.NT
In this note we study common preperiodic points of rational maps of the Riemann Sphere. We show that given any degrees $d_1,d_2\geq2$, outside a Zariski closed subset of the space of pairs of rational maps $(f,g)$ of degree $d_1$ and $d_2$ respectively, the maps $f$ and $g$ share at most a uniformly bounded number of common preperiodic points. This generalizes a result of DeMarco and Mavraki to maps of possibly different degrees. Our main contribution is the use of H\"older properties of the Green function of a rational map to obtain height estimates.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:30:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gauthier", "Thomas", "" ] ]
Janina C. Datz
Janina C. Datz, Ivo Steinbrecher, Christoph Meier, Nora Hagmeyer, Leif-Christopher Engel, Alexander Popp, Martin R. Pfaller, Heribert Schunkert, Wolfgang A. Wall
Patient-specific coronary angioplasty simulations -- a mixed-dimensional finite element modeling approach
Coronary angioplasty with stent implantation is the most frequently used interventional treatment for coronary artery disease. However, reocclusion within the stent, referred to as in-stent restenosis, occurs in up to 10% of lesions. It is widely accepted that mechanical loads on the vessel wall strongly affect adaptive and maladaptive mechanisms. Yet, the role of procedural and lesion-specific influence on restenosis risk remains understudied. Computational modeling of the stenting procedure can provide new mechanistic insights, such as local stresses, that play a significant role in tissue growth and remodeling. Previous simulation studies often featured simplified artery and stent geometries and cannot be applied to real-world examples. Realistic simulations were computationally expensive since they featured fully resolved stenting device models. The aim of this work is to develop and present a mixed-dimensional formulation to simulate the patient-specific stenting procedure with a reduced-dimensional beam model for the stent and 3D models for the artery. In addition to presenting the numerical approach, we apply it to realistic cases to study the intervention's mechanical effect on the artery and correlate the findings with potential high-risk locations for in-stent restenosis. We found that high artery wall stresses develop during the coronary intervention in severely stenosed areas and at the stent boundaries. Herewith, we lay the groundwork for further studies towards preventing in-stent restenosis after coronary angioplasty.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:31:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Datz", "Janina C.", "" ], [ "Steinbrecher", "Ivo", "" ], [ "Meier", "Christoph", "" ], [ "Hagmeyer", "Nora", "" ], [ "Engel", "Leif-Christopher", "" ], [ "Popp", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Pfaller", "Martin R.", "" ], [ "Schunkert", "Heribert", "" ], [ "Wall", "Wolfgang A.", "" ] ]
Sarah Cechnicka
Sarah Cechnicka, James Ball, Matthew Baugh, Hadrien Reynaud, Naomi Simmonds, Andrew P.T. Smith, Catherine Horsfield, Candice Roufosse, and Bernhard Kainz
URCDM: Ultra-Resolution Image Synthesis in Histopathology
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2312.01152
eess.IV cs.CV
Diagnosing medical conditions from histopathology data requires a thorough analysis across the various resolutions of Whole Slide Images (WSI). However, existing generative methods fail to consistently represent the hierarchical structure of WSIs due to a focus on high-fidelity patches. To tackle this, we propose Ultra-Resolution Cascaded Diffusion Models (URCDMs) which are capable of synthesising entire histopathology images at high resolutions whilst authentically capturing the details of both the underlying anatomy and pathology at all magnification levels. We evaluate our method on three separate datasets, consisting of brain, breast and kidney tissue, and surpass existing state-of-the-art multi-resolution models. Furthermore, an expert evaluation study was conducted, demonstrating that URCDMs consistently generate outputs across various resolutions that trained evaluators cannot distinguish from real images. All code and additional examples can be found on GitHub.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:31:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cechnicka", "Sarah", "" ], [ "Ball", "James", "" ], [ "Baugh", "Matthew", "" ], [ "Reynaud", "Hadrien", "" ], [ "Simmonds", "Naomi", "" ], [ "Smith", "Andrew P. T.", "" ], [ "Horsfield", "Catherine", "" ], [ "Roufosse", "Candice", "" ], [ "Kainz", "Bernhard", "" ] ]
Yuxuan Wang
Yuxuan Wang, Haixu Wu and Jiaxiang Dong, Yong Liu, Mingsheng Long, Jianmin Wang
Deep Time Series Models: A Comprehensive Survey and Benchmark
Time series, characterized by a sequence of data points arranged in a discrete-time order, are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Different from other modalities, time series present unique challenges due to their complex and dynamic nature, including the entanglement of nonlinear patterns and time-variant trends. Analyzing time series data is of great significance in real-world scenarios and has been widely studied over centuries. Recent years have witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in the time series community, with techniques shifting from traditional statistical methods to advanced deep learning models. In this paper, we delve into the design of deep time series models across various analysis tasks and review the existing literature from two perspectives: basic modules and model architectures. Further, we develop and release Time Series Library (TSLib) as a fair benchmark of deep time series models for diverse analysis tasks, which implements 24 mainstream models, covers 30 datasets from different domains, and supports five prevalent analysis tasks. Based on TSLib, we thoroughly evaluate 12 advanced deep time series models on different tasks. Empirical results indicate that models with specific structures are well-suited for distinct analytical tasks, which offers insights for research and adoption of deep time series models. Code is available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:31:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Yuxuan", "" ], [ "Wu", "Haixu", "" ], [ "Dong", "Jiaxiang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yong", "" ], [ "Long", "Mingsheng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jianmin", "" ] ]
Shuyu Yin
Shuyu Yin, Fei Wen, Peilin Liu, Tao Luo
Analyzing and Bridging the Gap between Maximizing Total Reward and Discounted Reward in Deep Reinforcement Learning
In deep reinforcement learning applications, maximizing discounted reward is often employed instead of maximizing total reward to ensure the convergence and stability of algorithms, even though the performance metric for evaluating the policy remains the total reward. However, the optimal policies corresponding to these two objectives may not always be consistent. To address this issue, we analyzed the suboptimality of the policy obtained through maximizing discounted reward in relation to the policy that maximizes total reward and identified the influence of hyperparameters. Additionally, we proposed sufficient conditions for aligning the optimal policies of these two objectives under various settings. The primary contributions are as follows: We theoretically analyzed the factors influencing performance when using discounted reward as a proxy for total reward, thereby enhancing the theoretical understanding of this scenario. Furthermore, we developed methods to align the optimal policies of the two objectives in certain situations, which can improve the performance of reinforcement learning algorithms.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:33:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yin", "Shuyu", "" ], [ "Wen", "Fei", "" ], [ "Liu", "Peilin", "" ], [ "Luo", "Tao", "" ] ]
Rui Abreu
Chandra Maddila, Negar Ghorbani, Kosay Jabre, Vijayaraghavan Murali, Edwin Kim, Parth Thakkar, Nikolay Pavlovich Laptev, Olivia Harman, Diana Hsu, Rui Abreu, Peter C. Rigby
AI-Assisted SQL Authoring at Industry Scale
11 pages
cs.SE cs.DB
SqlCompose is a tool that uses generative AI to assist with data analytics tasks, specifically SQL queries. It addresses the challenges of SQL being declarative, having formal table schemas, and often being written in a non-linear manner. The authors develop an internal SQL benchmark to test the performance of the Public Llama model and find that it performs well, with a BLEU score of 53% for single-line predictions and 24% for multi-line predictions. They then fine-tune the Llama model on their internal data and database schemas, resulting in a substantial improvement in performance. They also develop a fill-in-the-middle model, SqlComposeFIM, which is aware of the context before and after the line(s) that need to be completed, and this model outperforms the other two models by 35 percentage points. Additionally, they measure how often the models get the correct table names and find that SqlComposeFIM is able to do this 75% of the time, a major improvement over the other two models. The authors also roll out SqlComposeFIM at Meta and receive positive feedback from users, including completing tedious or repetitive SQL clauses, suggesting boilerplate coding, and help in eliminating the need to remember difficult SQL syntax. However, some users report table and column name hallucinations, which has been reduced with the release of SqlComposeFIM. Overall, the SqlCompose models consistently outperform public and internal LLMs despite their smaller size, providing early indications that smaller specialist models can outperform larger general purpose models.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:33:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Maddila", "Chandra", "" ], [ "Ghorbani", "Negar", "" ], [ "Jabre", "Kosay", "" ], [ "Murali", "Vijayaraghavan", "" ], [ "Kim", "Edwin", "" ], [ "Thakkar", "Parth", "" ], [ "Laptev", "Nikolay Pavlovich", "" ], [ "Harman", "Olivia", "" ], [ "Hsu", "Diana", "" ], [ "Abreu", "Rui", "" ], [ "Rigby", "Peter C.", "" ] ]
Robi Bhattacharjee
Robi Bhattacharjee, Ulrike von Luxburg
Auditing Local Explanations is Hard
40 pages
In sensitive contexts, providers of machine learning algorithms are increasingly required to give explanations for their algorithms' decisions. However, explanation receivers might not trust the provider, who potentially could output misleading or manipulated explanations. In this work, we investigate an auditing framework in which a third-party auditor or a collective of users attempts to sanity-check explanations: they can query model decisions and the corresponding local explanations, pool all the information received, and then check for basic consistency properties. We prove upper and lower bounds on the amount of queries that are needed for an auditor to succeed within this framework. Our results show that successful auditing requires a potentially exorbitant number of queries -- particularly in high dimensional cases. Our analysis also reveals that a key property is the ``locality'' of the provided explanations -- a quantity that so far has not been paid much attention to in the explainability literature. Looking forward, our results suggest that for complex high-dimensional settings, merely providing a pointwise prediction and explanation could be insufficient, as there is no way for the users to verify that the provided explanations are not completely made-up.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:34:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bhattacharjee", "Robi", "" ], [ "von Luxburg", "Ulrike", "" ] ]
Susmita Sett
S.Sett, M.Sokolowski, E.Lenc and N.D.R.Bhat
Imaging pulsar census of the Galactic Plane using MWA VCS data
21 pages, 20 figures, under review at PASA
Traditional pulsar surveys have primarily employed time-domain periodicity searches. However, these methods are susceptible to effects like scattering, eclipses and orbital motion. At lower radio frequencies (<= 300 MHz), factors such as dispersion measure and pulse broadening become more prominent, reducing the detection sensitivity. On the other hand, image domain searches for pulsars are not limited by these effects and can extend the parameter space to regions inaccessible to traditional search techniques. Therefore, we have developed a pipeline to form 1-second full Stokes images from offline correlated high time-resolution data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). This led to the development of image-based methodologies to identify new pulsar candidates. In this paper, we applied these methodologies to perform a low-frequency image-based pulsar census of the Galactic Plane ( 12 MWA observations, covering ~6000 deg^2 sky ). This work focuses on the detection of the known pulsar population which were present in the observed region of the sky using both image-based and beamformed methods. This resulted in the detection of 83 known pulsars, with 16 pulsars found only in Stokes I images but not in periodicity searches applied in beamformed data. Notably, for 14 pulsars these are the first reported low-frequency detections. This underscores the importance of image-based searches for pulsars that may be undetectable in time-series data, due to scattering and/or dispersive smearing at low frequencies. This highlights the importance of low-frequency flux density measurements in refining pulsar spectral models and investigating the spectral turnover of pulsars at low frequencies.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:34:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sett", "S.", "" ], [ "Sokolowski", "M.", "" ], [ "Lenc", "E.", "" ], [ "Bhat", "N. D. R.", "" ] ]
Owen Thomas
Owen Thomas, Leiv R{\o}nneberg
Heterogeneous Clinical Trial Outcomes via Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
stat.ME stat.AP
We make use of Kronecker structure for scaling Gaussian Process models to large-scale, heterogeneous, clinical data sets. Repeated measures, commonly performed in clinical research, facilitate computational acceleration for nonlinear Bayesian nonparametric models and enable exact sampling for non-conjugate inference, when combinations of continuous and discrete endpoints are observed. Model inference is performed in Stan, and comparisons are made with brms on simulated data and two real clinical data sets, following a radiological image quality theme. Scalable Gaussian Process models compare favourably with parametric models on real data sets with 17,460 observations. Different GP model specifications are explored, with components analogous to random effects, and their theoretical properties are described.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:36:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Thomas", "Owen", "" ], [ "Rønneberg", "Leiv", "" ] ]
Yuhan Liu
Yuhan Liu, Qianxin Huang, Siqi Hui, Jingwen Fu, Sanping Zhou, Kangyi Wu, Pengna Li, Jinjun Wang
Semantic-aware Representation Learning for Homography Estimation
Homography estimation is the task of determining the transformation from an image pair. Our approach focuses on employing detector-free feature matching methods to address this issue. Previous work has underscored the importance of incorporating semantic information, however there still lacks an efficient way to utilize semantic information. Previous methods suffer from treating the semantics as a pre-processing, causing the utilization of semantics overly coarse-grained and lack adaptability when dealing with different tasks. In our work, we seek another way to use the semantic information, that is semantic-aware feature representation learning framework.Based on this, we propose SRMatcher, a new detector-free feature matching method, which encourages the network to learn integrated semantic feature representation.Specifically, to capture precise and rich semantics, we leverage the capabilities of recently popularized vision foundation models (VFMs) trained on extensive datasets. Then, a cross-images Semantic-aware Fusion Block (SFB) is proposed to integrate its fine-grained semantic features into the feature representation space. In this way, by reducing errors stemming from semantic inconsistencies in matching pairs, our proposed SRMatcher is able to deliver more accurate and realistic outcomes. Extensive experiments show that SRMatcher surpasses solid baselines and attains SOTA results on multiple real-world datasets. Compared to the previous SOTA approach GeoFormer, SRMatcher increases the area under the cumulative curve (AUC) by about 11\% on HPatches. Additionally, the SRMatcher could serve as a plug-and-play framework for other matching methods like LoFTR, yielding substantial precision improvement.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:36:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Yuhan", "" ], [ "Huang", "Qianxin", "" ], [ "Hui", "Siqi", "" ], [ "Fu", "Jingwen", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Sanping", "" ], [ "Wu", "Kangyi", "" ], [ "Li", "Pengna", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jinjun", "" ] ]
Matija \v{S}ukovi\'c
Matija \v{S}ukovi\'c, Igor Jovan\v{c}evi\'c
Collaborative real-time vision-based device for olive oil production monitoring
6 pages, 10 figures
2024 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 236-241
cs.CV cs.AI cs.ET
This paper proposes an innovative approach to improving quality control of olive oil manufacturing and preventing damage to the machinery caused by foreign objects. We developed a computer-vision-based system that monitors the input of an olive grinder and promptly alerts operators if a foreign object is detected, indicating it by using guided lasers, audio, and visual cues.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:37:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Šuković", "Matija", "" ], [ "Jovančević", "Igor", "" ] ]
Gwyn Bellamy
Gwyn Bellamy, Christopher Dodd, Kevin McGerty, Thomas Nevins
Lagrangian Skeleta and Koszul Duality on Bionic Symplectic Varieties
Comments very welcome
math.AG math.RT math.SG
We consider the category of modules over sheaves of Deformation-Quantization (DQ) algebras on bionic symplectic varieties. These spaces are equipped with both an elliptic $\mathbb{G}_m$-action and a Hamiltonian $\mathbb{G}_m$-action, with finitely many fixed points. On these spaces one can consider geometric category $\mathcal{O}$: the category of (holonomic) modules supported on the Lagrangian attracting set of the Hamiltonian action. We show that there exists a local generator in geometric category $\mathcal{O}$ whose dg endomorphism ring, cohomologically supported on the Lagrangian attracting set, is derived equivalent to the category of all DQ-modules. This is a version of Koszul duality generalizing the equivalence between D-modules on a smooth variety and dg-modules over the de Rham complex.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:38:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bellamy", "Gwyn", "" ], [ "Dodd", "Christopher", "" ], [ "McGerty", "Kevin", "" ], [ "Nevins", "Thomas", "" ] ]
Prosenjit Howlader
Prosenjit Howlader and Churn-Jung Liau
On the Logical and Algebraic Aspects of Reasoning with Formal Contexts
30 pages
A formal context consists of objects, properties, and the incidence relation between them. Various notions of concepts defined with respect to formal contexts and their associated algebraic structures have been studied extensively, including formal concepts in formal concept analysis (FCA), rough concepts arising from rough set theory (RST), and semiconcepts and protoconcepts for dealing with negation. While all these kinds of concepts are associated with lattices, semiconcepts and protoconcepts additionally yield an ordered algebraic structure, called double Boolean algebras. As the name suggests, a double Boolean algebra contains two underlying Boolean algebras. In this paper, we investigate logical and algebraic aspects of the representation and reasoning about different concepts with respect to formal contexts. We present two-sorted modal logic systems \textbf{KB} and \textbf{KF} for the representation and reasoning of rough concepts and formal concepts respectively. Then, in order to represent and reason about both formal and rough concepts in a single framework, these two logics are unified into a two-sorted Boolean modal logic \textbf{BM}, in which semiconcepts and protoconcepts are also expressible. Based on the logical representation of semiconcepts and protoconcepts, we prove the characterization of double Boolean algebras in terms of their underlying Boolean algebras. Finally, we also discuss the possibilities of extending our logical systems for the representation and reasoning of more fine-grained information in formal contexts.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:40:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Howlader", "Prosenjit", "" ], [ "Liau", "Churn-Jung", "" ] ]
Kyeong Soo Kim
Sihao Li, Kyeong Soo Kim, Zhe Tang, Graduate and Jeremy S. Smith
Hierarchical Stage-Wise Training of Linked Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Building and Multi-Floor Indoor Localization Based on Wi-Fi RSSI Fingerprinting
9 pages, 5 figures, under review for journal publication
In this paper, we present a new solution to the problem of large-scale multi-building and multi-floor indoor localization based on linked neural networks, where each neural network is dedicated to a sub-problem and trained under a hierarchical stage-wise training framework. When the measured data from sensors have a hierarchical representation as in multi-building and multi-floor indoor localization, it is important to exploit the hierarchical nature in data processing to provide a scalable solution. In this regard, the hierarchical stage-wise training framework extends the original stage-wise training framework to the case of multiple linked networks by training a lower-hierarchy network based on the prior knowledge gained from the training of higher-hierarchy networks. The experimental results with the publicly-available UJIIndoorLoc multi-building and multi-floor Wi-Fi RSSI fingerprint database demonstrate that the linked neural networks trained under the proposed hierarchical stage-wise training framework can achieve a three-dimensional localization error of 8.19 m, which, to the best of the authors' knowledge, is the most accurate result ever obtained for neural network-based models trained and evaluated with the full datasets of the UJIIndoorLoc database, and that, when applied to a model based on hierarchical convolutional neural networks, the proposed training framework can also significantly reduce the three-dimensional localization error from 11.78 m to 8.71 m.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:43:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Sihao", "" ], [ "Kim", "Kyeong Soo", "" ], [ "Tang", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Graduate", "", "" ], [ "Smith", "Jeremy S.", "" ] ]
Bin Qiu
Bin Qiu, Wenchi Cheng, and Wei Zhang
Decomposed and Distributed Directional Modulation for Secure Wireless Communication
Directional modulation and artificial noise (AN)-based methods have been widely employed to achieve physical-layer security (PLS). However, these approaches can only achieve angle-dependent secure transmission. This paper presents an AN-aided decomposed and distributed directional modulation (D3M) scheme for secure wireless communications, which takes advantage of the spatial signatures to achieve an extra range-dimension security apart from the angles. Leveraging decomposed and distributed structure, each of modulated signal is represented by mutually orthogonal in-phase and quadrature branches, which are transmitted by two distributed transmitters to enhance PLS. In particular, we first aim to minimize transmit message power by integrated design of the transmit beamformers, subject to prescribed received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the legitimate user (LU) and no inter-branch interference. This guarantees reliable and accurate transmission for the LU with the minimum transmit message power. Considering the leakage power on the sidelobes, AN is superimposed on the messages to try to mask the confidential information transmission. Simulation results demonstrate the security enhancement of our proposed D3M system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:44:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Qiu", "Bin", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Wenchi", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Wei", "" ] ]
Erik Kalz
Amelie Langer, Abhinav Sharma, Ralf Metzler, Erik Kalz
The Dance of Odd-Diffusive Particles: A Fourier Approach
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.soft
Odd-diffusive systems are characterized by transverse responses and exhibit unconventional behaviors in interacting systems. To address the dynamical interparticle rearrangements in a minimal system, we here exactly solve the problem of two hard disk-like interacting odd-diffusing particles. We calculate the probability density function (PDF) of the interacting particles in the Fourier-Laplace domain and find that oddness rotates all modes except the zeroth, resembling a ``mutual rolling'' of interacting odd particles. We show that only the first Fourier mode of the PDF, the polarization, enters the calculation of the force autocorrelation function (FACF) for generic systems with central-force interactions. An analysis of the polarization as a function of time reveals that the relative rotation angle between interacting particles overshoots before relaxation, thereby rationalizing the recently observed oscillating FACF in odd-diffusive systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:44:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Langer", "Amelie", "" ], [ "Sharma", "Abhinav", "" ], [ "Metzler", "Ralf", "" ], [ "Kalz", "Erik", "" ] ]
Jakub Adamczyk
Jakub Adamczyk, Piotr Ludynia
Scikit-fingerprints: easy and efficient computation of molecular fingerprints in Python
cs.SE cs.LG
In this work, we present \textit{scikit-fingerprints}, a Python package for computation of molecular fingerprints for applications in chemoinformatics. Our library offers an industry-standard scikit-learn interface, allowing intuitive usage and easy integration with machine learning pipelines. It is also highly optimized, featuring parallel computation that enables efficient processing of large molecular datasets. Currently, \textit{scikit-fingerprints} stands as the most feature-rich library in the Python ecosystem, offering over 30 molecular fingerprints. Our library simplifies chemoinformatics tasks based on molecular fingerprints, including molecular property prediction and virtual screening. It is also flexible, highly efficient, and fully open source.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:45:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Adamczyk", "Jakub", "" ], [ "Ludynia", "Piotr", "" ] ]
Lukuan Dong
Lukuan Dong, Donghong Qin, Fengbo Bai, Fanhua Song, Yan Liu, Chen Xu, Zhijian Ou
Low-Resourced Speech Recognition for Iu Mien Language via Weakly-Supervised Phoneme-based Multilingual Pre-training
cs.SD cs.CL eess.AS
The mainstream automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology usually requires hundreds to thousands of hours of annotated speech data. Three approaches to low-resourced ASR are phoneme or subword based supervised pre-training, and self-supervised pre-training over multilingual data. The Iu Mien language is the main ethnic language of the Yao ethnic group in China and is low-resourced in the sense that the annotated speech is very limited. With less than 10 hours of transcribed Iu Mien language, this paper investigates and compares the three approaches for Iu Mien speech recognition. Our experiments are based on the recently released, three backbone models pretrained over the 10 languages from the CommonVoice dataset (CV-Lang10), which correspond to the three approaches for low-resourced ASR. It is found that phoneme supervision can achieve better results compared to subword supervision and self-supervision, thereby providing higher data-efficiency. Particularly, the Whistle models, i.e., obtained by the weakly-supervised phoneme-based multilingual pre-training, obtain the most competitive results.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:46:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dong", "Lukuan", "" ], [ "Qin", "Donghong", "" ], [ "Bai", "Fengbo", "" ], [ "Song", "Fanhua", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yan", "" ], [ "Xu", "Chen", "" ], [ "Ou", "Zhijian", "" ] ]
Takanori Anegawa
Takanori Anegawa, Ryota Watanabe
Krylov complexity of fermion chain in double-scaled SYK and power spectrum perspective
29 pages, 12 figures
hep-th cond-mat.str-el quant-ph
We investigate Krylov complexity of the fermion chain operator which consists of multiple Majorana fermions in the double-scaled SYK (DSSYK) model with finite temperature. Using the fact that Krylov complexity is computable from two-point functions, the analysis is performed in the limit where the two-point function becomes simple and we compare the results with those of other previous studies. We confirm the exponential growth of Krylov complexity in the very low temperature regime. In general, Krylov complexity grows at most linearly at very late times in any system with a bounded energy spectrum. Therefore, we have to focus on the initial growth to see differences in the behaviors of systems or operators. Since the DSSYK model is such a bounded system, its chaotic nature can be expected to appear as the initial exponential growth of the Krylov complexity. In particular, the time at which the initial exponential growth of Krylov complexity terminates is independent of the number of degrees of freedom. Based on the above, we systematically and specifically study the Lanczos coefficients and Krylov complexity using a toy power spectrum and deepen our understanding of those initial behaviors. In particular, we confirm that the overall sech-like behavior of the power spectrum shows the initial linear growth of the Lanczos coefficient, even when the energy spectrum is bounded.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:47:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Anegawa", "Takanori", "" ], [ "Watanabe", "Ryota", "" ] ]
Yutaro Bessho
Sho Nakazono, Yutaro Bessho, Hideyuki Kawashima, Tatsuhiro Nakamori
Griffin: Fast Transactional Database Index with Hash and B+-Tree
This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
Index access is one of the dominant performance factors in transactional database systems. Many systems use a B+-tree or one of its variants to handle point and range operations. This access pattern has room for performance improvement. Firstly, point operations can potentially be processed in $O(1)$ with a hash table. Secondly, to ensure serializability of transactions, range operations incur overhead from phantom avoidance techniques that involve additional processing or synchronization, such as an extra traversal of the B+-tree. To address these issues, we propose a hybrid index architecture, Griffin. For point operations, Griffin has a hash table that provides access paths in $O(1)$ time, along with a B+-tree. For phantom avoidance, Griffin employs a precision locking method, which does not involve additional traversal of the B+-tree. Despite its hybrid architecture, Griffin transparently provides linearizable operations and an interface of a single database index. We built a Griffin index combining a hash table and BwTree. Compared to a baseline index that is composed of a BwTree only, it achieves up to 3.1x higher throughput in a point operation dominant workload, and up to 5.4x higher throughput in a range operation dominant workload.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:49:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nakazono", "Sho", "" ], [ "Bessho", "Yutaro", "" ], [ "Kawashima", "Hideyuki", "" ], [ "Nakamori", "Tatsuhiro", "" ] ]
Pengxiang Wang
Pengxiang Wang, Jianxing Pan, Tianye Huang, Shengbo Xu, Ran Xia, Julien Fatome, Bertrand Kibler, Carlos Mas-Arabi and Gang Xu
Excitation and manipulation of super cavity solitons in multi-stable passive Kerr resonators
11 pages,5 figures
physics.optics nlin.PS
We report on the theoretical analysis as well as the numerical simulations about the nonlinear dynamics of cavity solitons in a passive Kerr resonator operating in the multistable regime under the condition of a sufficiently strong pump. In this regime, the adjacent tilted cavity resonances might overlap, thus leading to the co-existence of combinatory states of temporal cavity solitons and the extended modulation instability patterns. Very interestingly, the cavity in the regime of multistablity may sustain distinct families of cavity solitons, vividly termed as super cavity solitons with much higher intensity and broader spectra if compared with those in the conventional bi-stable regime. The description of such complex cavity dynamics in the multstable regime requires either the infinite-dimensional Ikeda map, or the derived mean-field coupled Lugiato-Lefever equations by involving the contributing cavity resonances. With the latter model, for the first time, we revealed the existence of different orders of super cavity solitons, whose stationary solutions were obtained by using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Along this line, with the continuation calculation, we have plotted the Hopf / saddle-node bifurcation curves, thus identifying the existing map of the stable and breathing (super) cavity solitons. With this defined parameter space, we have proposed an efficient method to excite and switch the super cavity solitons by adding an appropriate intensity (or phase) perturbation on the pump. Such deterministic cavity soliton manipulation technique is demonstrated to underpin the multi-level coding, which may enable the large capacity all-optical buffering based on the passive fiber ring cavities.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:53:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Pengxiang", "" ], [ "Pan", "Jianxing", "" ], [ "Huang", "Tianye", "" ], [ "Xu", "Shengbo", "" ], [ "Xia", "Ran", "" ], [ "Fatome", "Julien", "" ], [ "Kibler", "Bertrand", "" ], [ "Mas-Arabi", "Carlos", "" ], [ "Xu", "Gang", "" ] ]
Max Menssen
Max Menssen, Jonathan Ratjens
Prediction intervals for overdispersed binomial endpoints and their application to historical control data
In toxicology, the validation of the concurrent control by historical control data (HCD) has become requirements. This validation is usually done by historical control limits (HCL) which in practice are often graphically displayed in a Sheward control chart like manner. In many applications, HCL are applied to dichotomous data, e.g. the number of rats with a tumor vs. the number of rats without a tumor (carcinogenicity studies) or the number of cells with a micronucleus out of a total number of cells. Dichotomous HCD may be overdispersed and can be heavily right- (or left-) skewed, which is usually not taken into account in the practical applications of HCL. To overcome this problem, four different prediction intervals (two frequentist, two Bayesian), that can be applied to such data, are proposed. Comprehensive Monte-Carlo simulations assessing the coverage probabilities of seven different methods for HCL calculation reveal, that frequentist bootstrap calibrated prediction intervals control the type-1-error best. Heuristics traditionally used in control charts (e.g. the limits in Sheward np-charts or the mean plus minus 2 SD) as well a the historical range fail to control a pre-specified coverage probability. The application of HCL is demonstrated based on a real life data set containing historical controls from long-term carcinogenicity studies run on behalf of the U.S. National Toxicology Program. The proposed frequentist prediction intervals are publicly available from the R package predint, whereas R code for the computation of the Bayesian prediction intervals is provided via GitHub.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:54:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Menssen", "Max", "" ], [ "Ratjens", "Jonathan", "" ] ]
Joseph Marvin Imperial
Joseph Marvin Imperial, Harish Tayyar Madabushi
SpeciaLex: A Benchmark for In-Context Specialized Lexicon Learning
Specialized lexicons are collections of words with associated constraints such as special definitions, specific roles, and intended target audiences. These constraints are necessary for content generation and documentation tasks (e.g., writing technical manuals or children's books), where the goal is to reduce the ambiguity of text content and increase its overall readability for a specific group of audience. Understanding how large language models can capture these constraints can help researchers build better, more impactful tools for wider use beyond the NLP community. Towards this end, we introduce SpeciaLex, a benchmark for evaluating a language model's ability to follow specialized lexicon-based constraints across 18 diverse subtasks with 1,285 test instances covering core tasks of Checking, Identification, Rewriting, and Open Generation. We present an empirical evaluation of 15 open and closed-source LLMs and discuss insights on how factors such as model scale, openness, setup, and recency affect performance upon evaluating with the benchmark.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:56:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Imperial", "Joseph Marvin", "" ], [ "Madabushi", "Harish Tayyar", "" ] ]
Xishui Tian
Xishui Tian, Zhuo Li, Quanbu Gou, Hengying Zhang, Huihai He, Cunfeng Feng, Giuseppe Di Sciascio
Approach for composition measurement of cosmic rays using the muon-to-electron ratio observed by LHAASO-KM2A
12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted by the PRD
astro-ph.HE astro-ph.IM
Composition measurement of cosmic rays (CRs) around the knee of the CR energy spectrum is crucial for studying the processes of particle acceleration and propagation of Galactic CRs. The Square Kilometer Array (KM2A) of Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) can provide precise measurement of the muonic and electromagnetic (em.) components in CR-induced extensive air showers, and hence a good chance to disentangle the CR composition. Here we propose an approach of decomposing CR compositions with the number ratio between muons and em. particles ($N_{\mu}$/$N_{\rm e}$) observed by LHAASO-KM2A: we reconstruct the energy spectra of individual CR compositions by fitting $N_{\mu}$/$N_{\rm e}$ distributions in each reconstructed energy bin using the template shapes of $N_{\mu}$/$N_{\rm e}$ distributions of individual CR compositions based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We evaluate the performance of this approach with MC tests where mock data of LHAASO-KM2A are generated by MC simulation. We show that the input composition model can be well recovered in this approach, independent of the CR composition model adopted in the MC simulation for the template distributions. The uncertainties of the reconstructed spectra at < 20 PeV, mainly limited by simulation statistics, are $\le$ 7% for proton, He, and Fe groups, and $\le$ 8% and $\le$ 16% for CNO and MgAlSi groups, respectively.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:59:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tian", "Xishui", "" ], [ "Li", "Zhuo", "" ], [ "Gou", "Quanbu", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Hengying", "" ], [ "He", "Huihai", "" ], [ "Feng", "Cunfeng", "" ], [ "Di Sciascio", "Giuseppe", "" ] ]
William Dawson
William Dawson, Katsuhisa Ozaki, Jens Domke, Takahito Nakajima
Reducing Numerical Precision Requirements in Quantum Chemistry Calculations
The abundant demand for deep learning compute resources has created a renaissance in low precision hardware. Going forward, it will be essential for simulation software to run on this new generation of machines without sacrificing scientific fidelity. In this paper, we examine the precision requirements of a representative kernel from quantum chemistry calculations: calculation of the single particle density matrix from a given mean field Hamiltonian (i.e. Hartree-Fock or Density Functional Theory) represented in an LCAO basis. We find that double precision affords an unnecessarily high level of precision, leading to optimization opportunities. We show how an approximation built from an error-free matrix multiplication transformation can be used to potentially accelerate this kernel on future hardware. Our results provide a road map for adapting quantum chemistry software for the next generation of High Performance Computing platforms.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:02:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dawson", "William", "" ], [ "Ozaki", "Katsuhisa", "" ], [ "Domke", "Jens", "" ], [ "Nakajima", "Takahito", "" ] ]
Takuma Udagawa
Takuma Udagawa, Masayuki Suzuki, Masayasu Muraoka, Gakuto Kurata
Robust ASR Error Correction with Conservative Data Filtering
cs.CL eess.AS
Error correction (EC) based on large language models is an emerging technology to enhance the performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Generally, training data for EC are collected by automatically pairing a large set of ASR hypotheses (as sources) and their gold references (as targets). However, the quality of such pairs is not guaranteed, and we observed various types of noise which can make the EC models brittle, e.g. inducing overcorrection in out-of-domain (OOD) settings. In this work, we propose two fundamental criteria that EC training data should satisfy: namely, EC targets should (1) improve linguistic acceptability over sources and (2) be inferable from the available context (e.g. source phonemes). Through these criteria, we identify low-quality EC pairs and train the models not to make any correction in such cases, the process we refer to as conservative data filtering. In our experiments, we focus on Japanese ASR using a strong Conformer-CTC as the baseline and finetune Japanese LLMs for EC. Through our evaluation on a suite of 21 internal benchmarks, we demonstrate that our approach can significantly reduce overcorrection and improve both the accuracy and quality of ASR results in the challenging OOD settings.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:05:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Udagawa", "Takuma", "" ], [ "Suzuki", "Masayuki", "" ], [ "Muraoka", "Masayasu", "" ], [ "Kurata", "Gakuto", "" ] ]
Junying Chen
Junying Chen, Chi Gui, Anningzhe Gao, Ke Ji, Xidong Wang, Xiang Wan, Benyou Wang
CoD, Towards an Interpretable Medical Agent using Chain of Diagnosis
cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG
The field of medical diagnosis has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of large language models (LLMs), yet the challenges of interpretability within these models remain largely unaddressed. This study introduces Chain-of-Diagnosis (CoD) to enhance the interpretability of LLM-based medical diagnostics. CoD transforms the diagnostic process into a diagnostic chain that mirrors a physician's thought process, providing a transparent reasoning pathway. Additionally, CoD outputs the disease confidence distribution to ensure transparency in decision-making. This interpretability makes model diagnostics controllable and aids in identifying critical symptoms for inquiry through the entropy reduction of confidences. With CoD, we developed DiagnosisGPT, capable of diagnosing 9604 diseases. Experimental results demonstrate that DiagnosisGPT outperforms other LLMs on diagnostic benchmarks. Moreover, DiagnosisGPT provides interpretability while ensuring controllability in diagnostic rigor.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:06:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Junying", "" ], [ "Gui", "Chi", "" ], [ "Gao", "Anningzhe", "" ], [ "Ji", "Ke", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xidong", "" ], [ "Wan", "Xiang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Benyou", "" ] ]
Yuehan Yang
Weixiong Liang and Yuehan Yang
Non-zero block selector: A linear correlation coefficient measure for blocking-selection models
Multiple-group data is widely used in genomic studies, finance, and social science. This study investigates a block structure that consists of covariate and response groups. It examines the block-selection problem of high-dimensional models with group structures for both responses and covariates, where both the number of blocks and the dimension within each block are allowed to grow larger than the sample size. We propose a novel strategy for detecting the block structure, which includes the block-selection model and a non-zero block selector (NBS). We establish the uniform consistency of the NBS and propose three estimators based on the NBS to enhance modeling efficiency. We prove that the estimators achieve the oracle solution and show that they are consistent, jointly asymptotically normal, and efficient in modeling extremely high-dimensional data. Simulations generate complex data settings and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method. A gene-data analysis also demonstrates its effectiveness.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:06:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liang", "Weixiong", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yuehan", "" ] ]
Kyeong Soo Kim
Sihao Li, Zhe Tang, Kyeong Soo Kim and Jeremy S. Smith
Mean Teacher based SSL Framework for Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi RSSI Fingerprinting
12 pages, 10 figures, under preparation for a journal publication
Wi-Fi fingerprinting is widely applied for indoor localization due to the widespread availability of Wi-Fi devices. However, traditional methods are not ideal for multi-building and multi-floor environments due to the scalability issues. Therefore, more and more researchers have employed deep learning techniques to enable scalable indoor localization. This paper introduces a novel semi-supervised learning framework for neural networks based on wireless access point selection, noise injection, and Mean Teacher model, which leverages unlabeled fingerprints to enhance localization performance. The proposed framework can manage hybrid in/outsourcing and voluntarily contributed databases and continually expand the fingerprint database with newly submitted unlabeled fingerprints during service. The viability of the proposed framework was examined using two established deep-learning models with the UJIIndoorLoc database. The experimental results suggest that the proposed framework significantly improves localization performance compared to the supervised learning-based approach in terms of floor-level coordinate estimation using EvAAL metric. It shows enhancements up to 10.99% and 8.98% in the former scenario and 4.25% and 9.35% in the latter, respectively with additional studies highlight the importance of the essential components of the proposed framework.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:07:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Sihao", "" ], [ "Tang", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Kim", "Kyeong Soo", "" ], [ "Smith", "Jeremy S.", "" ] ]
Federico Magistri
Federico Magistri, Thomas L\"abe, Elias Marks, Sumanth Nagulavancha, Yue Pan, Claus Smitt, Lasse Klingbeil, Michael Halstead, Heiner Kuhlmann, Chris McCool, Jens Behley, Cyrill Stachniss
A Dataset and Benchmark for Shape Completion of Fruits for Agricultural Robotics
cs.CV cs.RO
As the population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, our agricultural production system needs to double its productivity despite a decline of human workforce in the agricultural sector. Autonomous robotic systems are one promising pathway to increase productivity by taking over labor-intensive manual tasks like fruit picking. To be effective, such systems need to monitor and interact with plants and fruits precisely, which is challenging due to the cluttered nature of agricultural environments causing, for example, strong occlusions. Thus, being able to estimate the complete 3D shapes of objects in presence of occlusions is crucial for automating operations such as fruit harvesting. In this paper, we propose the first publicly available 3D shape completion dataset for agricultural vision systems. We provide an RGB-D dataset for estimating the 3D shape of fruits. Specifically, our dataset contains RGB-D frames of single sweet peppers in lab conditions but also in a commercial greenhouse. For each fruit, we additionally collected high-precision point clouds that we use as ground truth. For acquiring the ground truth shape, we developed a measuring process that allows us to record data of real sweet pepper plants, both in the lab and in the greenhouse with high precision, and determine the shape of the sensed fruits. We release our dataset, consisting of almost 7000 RGB-D frames belonging to more than 100 different fruits. We provide segmented RGB-D frames, with camera instrinsics to easily obtain colored point clouds, together with the corresponding high-precision, occlusion-free point clouds obtained with a high-precision laser scanner. We additionally enable evaluation ofshape completion approaches on a hidden test set through a public challenge on a benchmark server.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:07:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Magistri", "Federico", "" ], [ "Läbe", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Marks", "Elias", "" ], [ "Nagulavancha", "Sumanth", "" ], [ "Pan", "Yue", "" ], [ "Smitt", "Claus", "" ], [ "Klingbeil", "Lasse", "" ], [ "Halstead", "Michael", "" ], [ "Kuhlmann", "Heiner", "" ], [ "McCool", "Chris", "" ], [ "Behley", "Jens", "" ], [ "Stachniss", "Cyrill", "" ] ]
Marcin Bia{\l}ek
Marcin Bia{\l}ek, Yanko Todorov, Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Dorota Szwagierczak, Beata Synkiewicz-Musialska, Jan Kulawik, Norbert Palka, Marek Potemski, Wojciech Knap
Hybridization of terahertz phonons and magnons in disparate and spatially-separated material specimens
physics.optics cond-mat.mes-hall
The interaction between light and matter in condensed matter excitations and electromagnetic resonators serves as a rich playground for fundamental research and lies at the core of photonic and quantum technologies. Herein, we present comprehensive experimental and theoretical studies of the photon-mediated hybridization of magnons and phonons in the terahertz (THz) range. We demonstrate the intriguing concept of composite states formed by distinct electric and magnetic quasiparticles strongly coupled to the same optical cavity modes. Specifically, we explore magnons excited in a slab of an antiferromagnetic crystal and phonons excited in a distinct specimen of an insulating material. The crystal slabs form an optical cavity with Fabry-P\'erot oscillations in the THz range. We demonstrate hybridized phonon-magnon polariton modes and their tunability by adjusting the distance between the slabs, showing that hybridization persists even at separations up to several millimeters. The experimental results are interpreted using both classical and quantum electrodynamical models. The quantum description allows us to quantify the degree of hybridization that is linked to a topological behavior of the electric field phasor, in agreement with the classical electrodynamics expectations. Importantly, the presented results refer to temperature conditions and cavities of millimeter size, paving the way for engineering realistic, frequency-tunable THz devices through the hybridization of electric (phononics) and magnetic (spintronics) elementary excitations of matter.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:07:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Białek", "Marcin", "" ], [ "Todorov", "Yanko", "" ], [ "Stelmaszczyk", "Kamil", "" ], [ "Szwagierczak", "Dorota", "" ], [ "Synkiewicz-Musialska", "Beata", "" ], [ "Kulawik", "Jan", "" ], [ "Palka", "Norbert", "" ], [ "Potemski", "Marek", "" ], [ "Knap", "Wojciech", "" ] ]
Haiquan Lu
Haiquan Lu, Yong Zeng, Shi Jin, Rui Zhang
Group Movable Antenna With Flexible Sparsity: Joint Array Position and Sparsity Optimization
5 pages, 5 figures
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
Movable antenna (MA) is a promising technology to exploit the spatial variation of wireless channel for performance enhancement, by dynamically varying the antenna position within a certain region. However, for multi-antenna communication systems, moving each antenna independently not only requires prohibitive complexity to find the optimal antenna positions, but also incurs sophisticated movement control in practice. To address this issue, this letter proposes a new MA architecture termed group MA (GMA), enabling the group movement of all elements collectively in a continuous manner, and simultaneously achieving flexible array architecture by antenna selection (AS). In this letter, we focus on the uniform sparse array based GMA, where equally spaced antenna elements are selected to achieve desired array sparsity. The array position and sparsity level are jointly optimized to maximize the sum rate of the multi-user communication system. Numerical results verify the necessity to optimize the position and sparsity of GMA, and considerable performance gain is achieved as compared to the conventional fixed-position antenna (FPA).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:08:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lu", "Haiquan", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Yong", "" ], [ "Jin", "Shi", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Rui", "" ] ]
Anna Wundram
Anna M. Wundram, Paul Fischer, Michael Muehlebach, Lisa M. Koch and Christian F. Baumgartner
Conformal Performance Range Prediction for Segmentation Output Quality Control
Accepted as an oral presentation at MICCAI UNSURE 2024
eess.IV cs.CV
Recent works have introduced methods to estimate segmentation performance without ground truth, relying solely on neural network softmax outputs. These techniques hold potential for intuitive output quality control. However, such performance estimates rely on calibrated softmax outputs, which is often not the case in modern neural networks. Moreover, the estimates do not take into account inherent uncertainty in segmentation tasks. These limitations may render precise performance predictions unattainable, restricting the practical applicability of performance estimation methods. To address these challenges, we develop a novel approach for predicting performance ranges with statistical guarantees of containing the ground truth with a user specified probability. Our method leverages sampling-based segmentation uncertainty estimation to derive heuristic performance ranges, and applies split conformal prediction to transform these estimates into rigorous prediction ranges that meet the desired guarantees. We demonstrate our approach on the FIVES retinal vessel segmentation dataset and compare five commonly used sampling-based uncertainty estimation techniques. Our results show that it is possible to achieve the desired coverage with small prediction ranges, highlighting the potential of performance range prediction as a valuable tool for output quality control.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:10:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wundram", "Anna M.", "" ], [ "Fischer", "Paul", "" ], [ "Muehlebach", "Michael", "" ], [ "Koch", "Lisa M.", "" ], [ "Baumgartner", "Christian F.", "" ] ]
Jens Engel
Jens Engel, Thomas Schmitt, Tobias Rodemann, J\"urgen Adamy
Evaluating the Impact of Data Availability on Machine Learning-augmented MPC for a Building Energy Management System
5 pages, 4 figures. To be published in 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE) proceedings
eess.SY cs.SY
A major challenge in the development of Model Predictive Control (MPC)-based energy management systems (EMSs) for buildings is the availability of an accurate model. One approach to address this is to augment an existing gray-box model with data-driven residual estimators. The efficacy of such estimators, and hence the performance of the EMS, relies on the availability of sufficient and suitable training data. In this work, we evaluate how different data availability scenarios affect estimator and controller performance. To do this, we perform software-in-the-loop (SiL) simulation with a physics-based digital twin using real measurement data. Simulation results show that acceptable estimation and control performance can already be achieved with limited available data, and we confirm that leveraging historical data for pretraining boosts efficacy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:11:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Engel", "Jens", "" ], [ "Schmitt", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Rodemann", "Tobias", "" ], [ "Adamy", "Jürgen", "" ] ]
Zhiyu Pan
Jiahao Cui, Wei Jiang, Zhan Peng, Zhiyu Pan, Zhiguo Cao
Exposure Completing for Temporally Consistent Neural High Dynamic Range Video Rendering
9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ACM-MM 2024
cs.CV cs.MM
High dynamic range (HDR) video rendering from low dynamic range (LDR) videos where frames are of alternate exposure encounters significant challenges, due to the exposure change and absence at each time stamp. The exposure change and absence make existing methods generate flickering HDR results. In this paper, we propose a novel paradigm to render HDR frames via completing the absent exposure information, hence the exposure information is complete and consistent. Our approach involves interpolating neighbor LDR frames in the time dimension to reconstruct LDR frames for the absent exposures. Combining the interpolated and given LDR frames, the complete set of exposure information is available at each time stamp. This benefits the fusing process for HDR results, reducing noise and ghosting artifacts therefore improving temporal consistency. Extensive experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the importance of absent exposure completing in HDR video rendering. The code is available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:13:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cui", "Jiahao", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Wei", "" ], [ "Peng", "Zhan", "" ], [ "Pan", "Zhiyu", "" ], [ "Cao", "Zhiguo", "" ] ]
Kristian L{\o}vland
Bjarne Grimstad, Kristian L{\o}vland, Lars S. Imsland, Vidar Gunnerud
A deep latent variable model for semi-supervised multi-unit soft sensing in industrial processes
30 pages, 11 figures
stat.ML cs.LG
In many industrial processes, an apparent lack of data limits the development of data-driven soft sensors. There are, however, often opportunities to learn stronger models by being more data-efficient. To achieve this, one can leverage knowledge about the data from which the soft sensor is learned. Taking advantage of properties frequently possessed by industrial data, we introduce a deep latent variable model for semi-supervised multi-unit soft sensing. This hierarchical, generative model is able to jointly model different units, as well as learning from both labeled and unlabeled data. An empirical study of multi-unit soft sensing is conducted using two datasets: a synthetic dataset of single-phase fluid flow, and a large, real dataset of multi-phase flow in oil and gas wells. We show that by combining semi-supervised and multi-task learning, the proposed model achieves superior results, outperforming current leading methods for this soft sensing problem. We also show that when a model has been trained on a multi-unit dataset, it may be finetuned to previously unseen units using only a handful of data points. In this finetuning procedure, unlabeled data improve soft sensor performance; remarkably, this is true even when no labeled data are available.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:13:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Grimstad", "Bjarne", "" ], [ "Løvland", "Kristian", "" ], [ "Imsland", "Lars S.", "" ], [ "Gunnerud", "Vidar", "" ] ]
Fryderyk K\"ogl
Fryderyk K\"ogl, Anna Reithmeir, Vasiliki Sideri-Lampretsa, Ines Machado, Rickmer Braren, Daniel R\"uckert, Julia A. Schnabel, and Veronika A. Zimmer
General Vision Encoder Features as Guidance in Medical Image Registration
Accepted at WBIR MICCAI 2024
General vision encoders like DINOv2 and SAM have recently transformed computer vision. Even though they are trained on natural images, such encoder models have excelled in medical imaging, e.g., in classification, segmentation, and registration. However, no in-depth comparison of different state-of-the-art general vision encoders for medical registration is available. In this work, we investigate how well general vision encoder features can be used in the dissimilarity metrics for medical image registration. We explore two encoders that were trained on natural images as well as one that was fine-tuned on medical data. We apply the features within the well-established B-spline FFD registration framework. In extensive experiments on cardiac cine MRI data, we find that using features as additional guidance for conventional metrics improves the registration quality. The code is available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:13:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kögl", "Fryderyk", "" ], [ "Reithmeir", "Anna", "" ], [ "Sideri-Lampretsa", "Vasiliki", "" ], [ "Machado", "Ines", "" ], [ "Braren", "Rickmer", "" ], [ "Rückert", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Schnabel", "Julia A.", "" ], [ "Zimmer", "Veronika A.", "" ] ]
Timothy Johnson
Timothy C. Johnson
Faith Believes, Hope Expects: The Impact of Calvin's Theology on the Mathematics of Chance
This paper attributes the sudden emergence of mathematical probability and statistics in the second half of the seventeenth century to Calvin's Reformed theology. Calvin accommodated Epicurean chance with Stoic determinism and synthesised \emph{phronesis/prudentia}, founded personal experience and employed to deal with \emph{tyche/fortuna}, and \emph{episteme/scientia}, universal knowledge. This meant that matters of chance, which had previously been considered too particular for mathematical treatment, became part of \emph{episteme/scientia}. Clear evidence of the significance of Calvin in mathematics is in the facts that Huygens considered using the word 'hope' to describe mathematical expectation and French mathematics still uses \emph{esp\'erance} for mathematical expectation. Calvin asserted that Hope represented a universal, objective and indubitable idea making it characteristic of mathematics. The argument is built on a review of how the ideas of Hope, Faith and Prudence have evolved in European thought that highlights Calvin's innovations. The conclusion identifies contemporary issues in the application of mathematics in society that are illuminated in light of Calvin's doctrine.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:14:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Johnson", "Timothy C.", "" ] ]
Christopher Lohse
Christopher Lohse, Jonas Wahl
Sortability of Time Series Data
Contribution for the Causal Inference for Time Series Data Workshop at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (CI4TS 2024)
Evaluating the performance of causal discovery algorithms that aim to find causal relationships between time-dependent processes remains a challenging topic. In this paper, we show that certain characteristics of datasets, such as varsortability (Reisach et al. 2021) and $R^2$-sortability (Reisach et al. 2023), also occur in datasets for autocorrelated stationary time series. We illustrate this empirically using four types of data: simulated data based on SVAR models and Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs, the data used in the 2019 causality-for-climate challenge (Runge et al. 2019), real-world river stream datasets, and real-world data generated by the Causal Chamber of (Gamella et al. 2024). To do this, we adapt var- and $R^2$-sortability to time series data. We also investigate the extent to which the performance of score-based causal discovery methods goes hand in hand with high sortability. Arguably, our most surprising finding is that the investigated real-world datasets exhibit high varsortability and low $R^2$-sortability indicating that scales may carry a significant amount of causal information.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:15:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lohse", "Christopher", "" ], [ "Wahl", "Jonas", "" ] ]
Brendan Martin
Brendan Martin, Francesco Sanna Passino, Mihai Cucuringu, Alessandra Luati
NIRVAR: Network Informed Restricted Vector Autoregression
26 pages
stat.ME stat.AP
High-dimensional panels of time series arise in many scientific disciplines such as neuroscience, finance, and macroeconomics. Often, co-movements within groups of the panel components occur. Extracting these groupings from the data provides a course-grained description of the complex system in question and can inform subsequent prediction tasks. We develop a novel methodology to model such a panel as a restricted vector autoregressive process, where the coefficient matrix is the weighted adjacency matrix of a stochastic block model. This network time series model, which we call the Network Informed Restricted Vector Autoregression (NIRVAR) model, yields a coefficient matrix that has a sparse block-diagonal structure. We propose an estimation procedure that embeds each panel component in a low-dimensional latent space and clusters the embedded points to recover the blocks of the coefficient matrix. Crucially, the method allows for network-based time series modelling when the underlying network is unobserved. We derive the bias, consistency and asymptotic normality of the NIRVAR estimator. Simulation studies suggest that the NIRVAR estimated embedded points are Gaussian distributed around the ground truth latent positions. On three applications to finance, macroeconomics, and transportation systems, NIRVAR outperforms competing factor and network time series models in terms of out-of-sample prediction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:16:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Martin", "Brendan", "" ], [ "Passino", "Francesco Sanna", "" ], [ "Cucuringu", "Mihai", "" ], [ "Luati", "Alessandra", "" ] ]
Hyeonho Choi
Hyeonho Choi, Myungshin Im, Ji Hoon Kim
TCSpy: Multi-telescope Array Control Software for 7-Dimensional Telescope (7DT)
8 pages, 5 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024
We introduce a novel software called TCSpy which is designed to efficiently control a multi-telescope array through network-based protocols. The primary objectives of TCSpy include centralized control of the array, support for diverse observation modes, and swift responses to the follow-up observations of astronomical transients. To achieve these objectives, TCSpy utilizes the ASCOM Alpaca protocol in conjunction with Alpyca, establishing robust communication among multiple telescope units. For the practical application of TCSpy, we implement TCSpy within the 7-Dimensional Telescope (7DT). 7DT is a telescope array consisting of 20, 0.5-m telescopes, equipped with 40 different medium-band filters. The main scientific goals of 7DT include detecting the optical counterparts of gravitational-wave sources, identifying kilonovae, and the spectral mapping of the southern sky. Through the integration of TCSpy, 7DT can achieve these scientific objectives with its unique observation modes and rapid follow-up capabilities.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:16:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Choi", "Hyeonho", "" ], [ "Im", "Myungshin", "" ], [ "Kim", "Ji Hoon", "" ] ]
Mohammad Mahmoudi Filabadi
Mohammad Mahmoudi Filabadi, Tom Lefebvre and Guillaume Crevecoeur
Deterministic Trajectory Optimization through Probabilistic Optimal Control
math.OC cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY
This article proposes two new algorithms tailored to discrete-time deterministic finite-horizon nonlinear optimal control problems or so-called trajectory optimization problems. Both algorithms are inspired by a novel theoretical paradigm known as probabilistic optimal control, that reformulates optimal control as an equivalent probabilistic inference problem. This perspective allows to address the problem using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We show that the application of this algorithm results in a fixed point iteration of probabilistic policies that converge to the deterministic optimal policy. Two strategies for policy evaluation are discussed, using state-of-the-art uncertainty quantification methods resulting into two distinct algorithms. The algorithms are structurally closest related to the differential dynamic programming algorithm and related methods that use sigma-point methods to avoid direct gradient evaluations. The main advantage of our work is an improved balance between exploration and exploitation over the iterations, leading to improved numerical stability and accelerated convergence. These properties are demonstrated on different nonlinear systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:17:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Filabadi", "Mohammad Mahmoudi", "" ], [ "Lefebvre", "Tom", "" ], [ "Crevecoeur", "Guillaume", "" ] ]
Claudio Paganini
Jos\'e M. Isidro, Claudio F. Paganini, and Alessandro Pesci
Gravitation as a Statistical Theory on the Light Cone
gr-qc math-ph math.MP
In this paper, we will explore Padmanabhan's mesoscopic, statistical approach to gravity [62] with a twist. The general picture of his approach is that spacetime is made of large numbers of localized quantum degrees of freedom. Padmanabhan assumed that the degrees of freedom of a given quantum state of geometry contribute, after averaging over fluctuations, a vector degree of freedom for space-time at a point. For null vectors, this can be regarded as corresponding to one single vector, i.e. a pure state, for the statistical ensemble on the light cone at every point. In the present paper, we consider instead the case where the states of the gravitational degrees of freedom are spread out and overlap, with only probabilistic information on which of them determines the actual spacetime at a point. In the continuum limit, this corresponds to a mixed state for the statistical ensemble on the light cone at every point. This change in assumptions leads to some interesting observations. When we define a statistical ensemble on the light cone, its variance "knows" about the interior of the light cone. As an intriguing consequence, we find that the cosmological constant can be related to the variance over the light cone. With a mixed state, we can no longer derive the gravitational field equations from an entropy functional. Here, instead, we show that a naive implementation of the measure of a mixed state on the light cone in the variation principle leads to modified measure theories (MMT) as the grand canonical ensemble and allows one to reframe unimodular gravity as the canonical ensemble of a statistical theory on the light cone.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:18:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Isidro", "José M.", "" ], [ "Paganini", "Claudio F.", "" ], [ "Pesci", "Alessandro", "" ] ]
Vikas Srivastava
Kunal Dey and Somnath Kumar and Vikas Srivastava and Sumit Kumar Debnath
A new approach to delegate signing rights to proxy signers using isogeny-based cryptography
E-governance is a two-way protocol through which one can use government services, share data and request information. It refers to the use of communication and information technologies to provide government services to public in an efficient and fast manner. In addition, any document submitted to the e-Government system must be authenticated by a government officer using a digital signature scheme. In the context of digital signatures, the proxy signature is an important cryptographic primitive that allows the original signer to delegate signing authority to another signer (proxy signer). The proxy signature has a number of important applications in the e-government system. There are now a large amount of proxy signature schemes. The security of most of them relies on the following hard problems: the discrete logarithm problem and the factorization of integers problem. However, a large-scale quantum computer can solve them in polynomial time due to Shor's algorithm. As a consequence, there is a need for a quantum computer-resistant proxy signature to secure e-governance system from quantum adversaries. In this work, we propose the first post-quantum isogeny based proxy signature scheme CSI-PS (commutative supersingular isogeny proxy signature). Our construction is proven to be uf-cma secure under the hardness of the group action inverse problem (GAIP) based on isogeny.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:19:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dey", "Kunal", "" ], [ "Kumar", "Somnath", "" ], [ "Srivastava", "Vikas", "" ], [ "Debnath", "Sumit Kumar", "" ] ]
Zhongyu Wang
Zhong-Yu Wang, Chu-Wen Xiao, Zhi-Feng Sun, and Xiang Liu
Possible molecules of triple-heavy pentaquarks within the extended local hidden gauge formalism
15 pages, 3 figures
In the present work, we investigate the meson-baryon interactions of the open heavy sectors to search for the possible triple-heavy molecular pentaquarks, where the meson-baryon interaction potentials are obtained with the vector meson exchange mechanism within the extended local hidden gauge formalism. The scattering amplitudes are evaluated by solving the coupled channel Bethe-Salpeter equation, where some bound systems are found. With the poles of the amplitudes in the complex plane, the masses and widths of these bound states are obtained. Furthermore, we also calculate the couplings and compositenesses of different channels in each bound system to check their molecular nature. We predict four $\Omega_{ccc}$-like states, four $\Omega_{bbb}$-like states, fourteen $\Omega_{bcc}$-like states, and ten $\Omega_{bbc}$-like states, which can be hunted experimentally in future.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:19:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Zhong-Yu", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Chu-Wen", "" ], [ "Sun", "Zhi-Feng", "" ], [ "Liu", "Xiang", "" ] ]
Mart\'in De Frutos Mu\~noz
Mart\'in de Frutos (1), Oscar A. Marino (1), David Huergo (1), Esteban Ferrer (1 and 2) ((1) ETSIAE-UPM-School of Aeronautics, (2) Center for Computational Simulation, Universidad Polit\'ecnica de Madrid)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Optimization: Enhancing Wind Turbine Energy Generation while Mitigating Noise Emissions
eess.SY cs.AI cs.SY math.OC
We develop a torque-pitch control framework using deep reinforcement learning for wind turbines to optimize the generation of wind turbine energy while minimizing operational noise. We employ a double deep Q-learning, coupled to a blade element momentum solver, to enable precise control over wind turbine parameters. In addition to the blade element momentum, we use the wind turbine acoustic model of Brooks Pope and Marcolini. Through training with simple winds, the agent learns optimal control policies that allow efficient control for complex turbulent winds. Our experiments demonstrate that the reinforcement learning is able to find optima at the Pareto front, when maximizing energy while minimizing noise. In addition, the adaptability of the reinforcement learning agent to changing turbulent wind conditions, underscores its efficacy for real-world applications. We validate the methodology using a SWT2.3-93 wind turbine with a rated power of 2.3 MW. We compare the reinforcement learning control to classic controls to show that they are comparable when not taking into account noise emissions. When including a maximum limit of 45 dB to the noise produced (100 meters downwind of the turbine), the extracted yearly energy decreases by 22%. The methodology is flexible and allows for easy tuning of the objectives and constraints through the reward definitions, resulting in a flexible multi-objective optimization framework for wind turbine control. Overall, our findings highlight the potential of RL-based control strategies to improve wind turbine efficiency while mitigating noise pollution, thus advancing sustainable energy generation technologies
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:21:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "de Frutos", "Martín", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Marino", "Oscar A.", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Huergo", "David", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Ferrer", "Esteban", "", "1 and 2" ] ]
Changling Chen
Changling Chen, Kai Tang, Yuxuan Zhou, KangYuan Yi, Xuan Zhang, Xu Zhang, Haosheng Guo, Song Liu, Yuanzhen Chen, Tongxing Yan, and Dapeng Yu
Hardware-Efficient Stabilization of Entanglement via Engineered Dissipation in Superconducting Circuits
Generation and preservation of quantum entanglement are among the primary tasks in quantum information processing. State stabilization via quantum bath engineering offers a resource-efficient approach to achieve this objective. However, current methods for engineering dissipative channels to stabilize target entangled states often require specialized hardware designs, complicating experimental realization and hindering their compatibility with scalable quantum computation architectures. In this work, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a stabilization protocol readily implementable in the mainstream integrated superconducting quantum circuits. The approach utilizes a Raman process involving a resonant (or nearly resonant) superconducting qubit array and their dedicated readout resonators to effectively emerge nonlocal dissipative channels. Leveraging individual controllability of the qubits and resonators, the protocol stabilizes two-qubit Bell states with a fidelity of $90.7\%$, marking the highest reported value in solid-state platforms to date. Furthermore, by extending this strategy to include three qubits, an entangled $W$ state is achieved with a fidelity of $86.2\%$, which has not been experimentally investigated before. Notably, the protocol is of practical interest since it only utilizes existing hardware common to standard operations in the underlying superconducting circuits, thereby facilitating the exploration of many-body quantum entanglement with dissipative resources.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:21:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Changling", "" ], [ "Tang", "Kai", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Yuxuan", "" ], [ "Yi", "KangYuan", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xuan", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xu", "" ], [ "Guo", "Haosheng", "" ], [ "Liu", "Song", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yuanzhen", "" ], [ "Yan", "Tongxing", "" ], [ "Yu", "Dapeng", "" ] ]
Tzu-Hsien Chen
Pei-Kai Huang, Tzu-Hsien Chen, Ya-Ting Chan, Kuan-Wen Chen, Chiou-Ting Hsu
Fully Test-Time rPPG Estimation via Synthetic Signal-Guided Feature Learning
Many remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) estimation models have achieved promising performance on the training domain but often fail to measure the physiological signals or heart rates (HR) on test domains. Domain generalization (DG) or domain adaptation (DA) techniques are therefore adopted in the offline training stage to adapt the model to the unobserved or observed test domain by referring to all the available source domain data. However, in rPPG estimation problems, the adapted model usually confronts challenges of estimating target data with various domain information, such as different video capturing settings, individuals of different age ranges, or of different HR distributions. In contrast, Test-Time Adaptation (TTA), by online adapting to unlabeled target data without referring to any source data, enables the model to adaptively estimate rPPG signals of various unseen domains. In this paper, we first propose a novel TTA-rPPG benchmark, which encompasses various domain information and HR distributions, to simulate the challenges encountered in rPPG estimation. Next, we propose a novel synthetic signal-guided rPPG estimation framework with a two-fold purpose. First, we design an effective spectral-based entropy minimization to enforce the rPPG model to learn new target domain information. Second, we develop a synthetic signal-guided feature learning, by synthesizing pseudo rPPG signals as pseudo ground-truths to guide a conditional generator to generate latent rPPG features. The synthesized rPPG signals and the generated rPPG features are used to guide the rPPG model to broadly cover various HR distributions. Our extensive experiments on the TTA-rPPG benchmark show that the proposed method achieves superior performance and outperforms previous DG and DA methods across most protocols of the proposed TTA-rPPG benchmark.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:22:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Pei-Kai", "" ], [ "Chen", "Tzu-Hsien", "" ], [ "Chan", "Ya-Ting", "" ], [ "Chen", "Kuan-Wen", "" ], [ "Hsu", "Chiou-Ting", "" ] ]
Matthias Schartner
Matthias Schartner, Bill Petrachenko, Mike Titus, Hana Kr\'asn\'a, John Barrett, Dan Hoak, Dhiman Mondal, Minghui Xu, Benedikt Soja
Optimizing VGOS observations using an SNR-based scheduling approach
The geodetic and astrometric VLBI community is in the process of upgrading its existing infrastructure with VGOS. The primary objective of VGOS is to substantially boost the number of scans per hour for enhanced parameter estimation. However, the current observing strategy results in fewer scans than anticipated. During 2022, six 24-hour VGOS R&D sessions were conducted to demonstrate a proof-of-concept aimed at addressing this shortcoming. The new observation strategy centers around a signal-to-noise (SNR)-based scheduling approach combined with eliminating existing overhead times in existing VGOS sessions. Two SNR-based scheduling approaches were tested during these sessions: one utilizing inter-/extrapolation of existing S/X source flux density models and another based on a newly derived source flux density catalog at VGOS frequencies. Both approaches proved effective, leading to a 2.3-fold increase in the number of scheduled scans per station and a 2.6-fold increase in the number of observations per station, while maintaining a high observation success rate of approximately 90-95%. Consequently, both strategies succeeded in the main objective of these sessions by successfully increasing the number of scans per hour. The strategies described in this work can be easily applied to operational VGOS observations. Besides outlining and discussing the observation strategy, we further provide insight into the resulting signal-to-noise ratios, and discuss the impact on the precision of the estimated geodetic parameters. Monte Carlo simulations predicted a roughly 50% increase in geodetic precision compared to operational VGOS sessions. The analysis confirmed that the formal errors in estimated station coordinates were reduced by 40-50%. Additionally, Earth orientation parameters showed significant improvement, with a 40-50% reduction in formal errors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:22:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schartner", "Matthias", "" ], [ "Petrachenko", "Bill", "" ], [ "Titus", "Mike", "" ], [ "Krásná", "Hana", "" ], [ "Barrett", "John", "" ], [ "Hoak", "Dan", "" ], [ "Mondal", "Dhiman", "" ], [ "Xu", "Minghui", "" ], [ "Soja", "Benedikt", "" ] ]
Hao Ding
Hao Ding, Adam T. Deller, Paulo C. C. Freire, Leonid Petrov
A millisecond pulsar position determined to 0.2 milliarcsecond precision with VLBI
12 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, submitted
astro-ph.IM astro-ph.HE
Precise millisecond pulsar (MSP) positions determined with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) hold the key to building the connection between the kinematic and dynamic reference frames respectively used by VLBI and pulsar timing. The frame connection would provide an important pathway to examining the planetary ephemerides used in pulsar timing, and potentially enhancing the sensitivities of pulsar timing arrays used to detect stochastic gravitational-wave background at nano-Hz regime. We aim at significantly improving the VLBI-based MSP position from its current $\gtrsim1\,$mas precision level by reducing the two dominant components in the positional uncertainty -- the propagation-related uncertainty and the uncertainty resulting from the frequency-dependent core shifts of the reference sources. We introduce a new differential astrometry strategy of using multiple calibrators observed at several widely separated frequencies, which we call PINPT (Phase-screen Interpolation plus frequeNcy-dePendent core shifT correction; read as "pinpoint") for brevity. The strategy allows determination of the core-shift and mitigates the impact of residual delay in the atmosphere. We implemented the strategy on PSR J2222-0137, an MSP well constrained astrometrically with VLBI and pulsar timing. Using the PINPT strategy, we determined core shifts for 4 AGNs around PSR J2222-0137, and derived a VLBI-based pulsar position with uncertainty of 0.17 mas and 0.32 mas in right ascension and declination, respectively, approaching the uncertainty level of the best-determined timing-based MSP positions. The realization of the PINPT strategy promises a factor-of-5 positional precision enhancement (over conventional VLBI astrometry) for all kinds of compact radio sources observed at $\lesssim2$ GHz, including most fast radio bursts.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:24:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ding", "Hao", "" ], [ "Deller", "Adam T.", "" ], [ "Freire", "Paulo C. C.", "" ], [ "Petrov", "Leonid", "" ] ]
Axel Kleidon
Axel Kleidon and Harald Lesch
Can nuclear energy contribute to the energy transition?
13 pages, 6 figures. Physik in unserer Zeit, available online (2024)
physics.pop-ph physics.soc-ph
In the course of the energy transition, energy generation from nuclear power - through nuclear fission and perhaps in the future through nuclear fusion - is often proposed as an alternative or supplement to renewable energy sources. There are already good reasons why electricity generation from nuclear energy is significantly more expensive than other forms of generation, while increasing dryness as a result of climate change is generally calling into question the reliability of thermal power plants. Nuclear energy is therefore unlikely to play a role in a future energy supply that relies on low costs and reliability.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:24:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kleidon", "Axel", "" ], [ "Lesch", "Harald", "" ] ]
Konstantin Rumyantsev
Konstantin Rumyantsev, Pavel Yakovlev, Andrey Gorshkov, Andrey P. Sokolov
RISC-V RVV efficiency for ANN algorithms
Handling vast amounts of data is crucial in today's world. The growth of high-performance computing has created a need for parallelization, particularly in the area of machine learning algorithms such as ANN (Approximate Nearest Neighbors). To improve the speed of these algorithms, it is important to optimize them for specific processor architectures. RISC-V (Reduced Instruction Set Computer Five) is one of the modern processor architectures, which features a vector instruction set called RVV (RISC-V Vector Extension). In machine learning algorithms, vector extensions are widely utilized to improve the processing of voluminous data. This study examines the effectiveness of applying RVV to commonly used ANN algorithms. The algorithms were adapted for RISC-V and optimized using RVV after identifying the primary bottlenecks. Additionally, we developed a theoretical model of a parameterized vector block and identified the best on average configuration that demonstrates the highest theoretical performance of the studied ANN algorithms when the other CPU parameters are fixed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:26:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rumyantsev", "Konstantin", "" ], [ "Yakovlev", "Pavel", "" ], [ "Gorshkov", "Andrey", "" ], [ "Sokolov", "Andrey P.", "" ] ]
Koushik Ray
Koushik Ray
On entropy and complexity of coherent states
10 pages
hep-th math-ph math.MP math.SG
Consanguinity of entropy and complexity is pointed out through the example of coherent states of the $SL(2,\C)$ group. Both are obtained from the K\"ahler potential of the underlying geometry of the sphere corresponding to the Fubini-Study metric. Entropy is shown to be equal to the K\"ahler potential written in terms of dual symplectic variables as the Guillemin potential for toric manifolds. The logarithm of complexity relating two states is shown to be equal to Calabi's diastasis function. Optimality of the Fubini-Study metric is indicated by considering its deformation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:28:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ray", "Koushik", "" ] ]
Jun Li
Kunyang Zhou, Yunjian Feng, and Jun Li
Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Lane Detection via Contextual Contrast and Aggregation
This paper focuses on two crucial issues in domain-adaptive lane detection, i.e., how to effectively learn discriminative features and transfer knowledge across domains. Existing lane detection methods usually exploit a pixel-wise cross-entropy loss to train detection models. However, the loss ignores the difference in feature representation among lanes, which leads to inefficient feature learning. On the other hand, cross-domain context dependency crucial for transferring knowledge across domains remains unexplored in existing lane detection methods. This paper proposes a method of Domain-Adaptive lane detection via Contextual Contrast and Aggregation (DACCA), consisting of two key components, i.e., cross-domain contrastive loss and domain-level feature aggregation, to realize domain-adaptive lane detection. The former can effectively differentiate feature representations among categories by taking domain-level features as positive samples. The latter fuses the domain-level and pixel-level features to strengthen cross-domain context dependency. Extensive experiments show that DACCA significantly improves the detection model's performance and outperforms existing unsupervised domain adaptive lane detection methods on six datasets, especially achieving the best performance when transferring from CULane to Tusimple (92.10% accuracy), Tusimple to CULane (41.9% F1 score), OpenLane to CULane (43.0% F1 score), and CULane to OpenLane (27.6% F1 score).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:29:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Kunyang", "" ], [ "Feng", "Yunjian", "" ], [ "Li", "Jun", "" ] ]
Lorenzo Paolini
Lorenzo Paolini (Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy), Sahar Vahdati (Nature-inspired machine intelligence group, SCaDS.AI center, Technical University of Dresden, Germany Institute for Applied Computer Science, InfAI - Dresden, Germany), Angelo Di Iorio (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy), Robert Wardenga (Institute for Applied Computer Science, InfAI - Dresden, Germany), Ivan Heibi (Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc), Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy), Silvio Peroni (Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc), Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
Why do you cite? An investigation on citation intents and decision-making classification processes
42 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, submitted to Scientometrics Journal
Identifying the reason for which an author cites another work is essential to understand the nature of scientific contributions and to assess their impact. Citations are one of the pillars of scholarly communication and most metrics employed to analyze these conceptual links are based on quantitative observations. Behind the act of referencing another scholarly work there is a whole world of meanings that needs to be proficiently and effectively revealed. This study emphasizes the importance of trustfully classifying citation intents to provide more comprehensive and insightful analyses in research assessment. We address this task by presenting a study utilizing advanced Ensemble Strategies for Citation Intent Classification (CIC) incorporating Language Models (LMs) and employing Explainable AI (XAI) techniques to enhance the interpretability and trustworthiness of models' predictions. Our approach involves two ensemble classifiers that utilize fine-tuned SciBERT and XLNet LMs as baselines. We further demonstrate the critical role of section titles as a feature in improving models' performances. The study also introduces a web application developed with Flask and currently available at, aimed at classifying citation intents. One of our models sets as a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) with an 89.46% Macro-F1 score on the SciCite benchmark. The integration of XAI techniques provides insights into the decision-making processes, highlighting the contributions of individual words for level-0 classifications, and of individual models for the metaclassification. The findings suggest that the inclusion of section titles significantly enhances classification performances in the CIC task. Our contributions provide useful insights for developing more robust datasets and methodologies, thus fostering a deeper understanding of scholarly communication.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:29:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Paolini", "Lorenzo", "", "Department of Classical Philology and Italian\n Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy" ], [ "Vahdati", "Sahar", "", "Nature-inspired machine intelligence group, SCaDS.AI center, Technical\n University of Dresden, Germany Institute for Applied Computer Science, InfAI\n - Dresden, Germany" ], [ "Di Iorio", "Angelo", "", "Department of Computer Science and\n Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy" ], [ "Wardenga", "Robert", "", "Institute for Applied Computer Science, InfAI - Dresden, Germany" ], [ "Heibi", "Ivan", "", "Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, Department of Classical\n Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Digital\n Humanities Advanced Research Centre" ], [ "Peroni", "Silvio", "", "Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, Department of Classical\n Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Digital\n Humanities Advanced Research Centre" ] ]
Arunabh Bora
Arunabh Bora
Exploring Robot Trajectory Planning -- A Comparative Analysis of Algorithms And Software Implementations in Dynamic Environments
cs.RO cs.SE cs.SY eess.SY
Trajectory Planning is a crucial word in Modern & Advanced Robotics. It's a way of generating a smooth and feasible path for the robot to follow over time. The process primarily takes several factors to generate the path, such as velocity, acceleration and jerk. The process deals with how the robot can follow a desired motion path in a suitable environment. This trajectory planning is extensively used in Automobile Industrial Robot, Manipulators, and Mobile Robots. Trajectory planning is a fundamental component of motion control systems. To perform tasks like pick and place operations, assembly, welding, painting, path following, and obstacle avoidance. This paper introduces a comparative analysis of trajectory planning algorithms and their key software elements working strategy in complex and dynamic environments. Adaptability and real-time analysis are the most common problems in trajectory planning. The paper primarily focuses on getting a better understanding of these unpredictable environments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:30:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bora", "Arunabh", "" ] ]
Pingjie Wang
Pingjie Wang, Ziqing Fan, Shengchao Hu, Zhe Chen, Yanfeng Wang, Yu Wang
Reconstruct the Pruned Model without Any Retraining
18 pages
Structured pruning is a promising hardware-friendly compression technique for large language models (LLMs), which is expected to be retraining-free to avoid the enormous retraining cost. This retraining-free paradigm involves (1) pruning criteria to define the architecture and (2) distortion reconstruction to restore performance. However, existing methods often emphasize pruning criteria while using reconstruction techniques that are specific to certain modules or criteria, resulting in limited generalizability. To address this, we introduce the Linear Interpolation-based Adaptive Reconstruction (LIAR) framework, which is both efficient and effective. LIAR does not require back-propagation or retraining and is compatible with various pruning criteria and modules. By applying linear interpolation to the preserved weights, LIAR minimizes reconstruction error and effectively reconstructs the pruned output. Our evaluations on benchmarks such as GLUE, SQuAD, WikiText, and common sense reasoning show that LIAR enables a BERT model to maintain 98% accuracy even after removing 50% of its parameters and achieves top performance for LLaMA in just a few minutes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:30:44 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Pingjie", "" ], [ "Fan", "Ziqing", "" ], [ "Hu", "Shengchao", "" ], [ "Chen", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yanfeng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yu", "" ] ]
Liping Liang
Liping Liang, Wenchi Cheng, Wei Zhang and Hailin Zhang
Joint OAM Multiplexing and OFDM in Sparse Multipath Environments
15 pages, 12 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( Volume: 69, Issue: 4, April 2020). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1902.07542
The emerging orbital angular momentum (OAM) based wireless communication is expected to be a high spectrum-efficiency communication paradigm to solve the growing transmission data rate and limited bandwidth problem. Academic researchers mainly concentrate on the OAM-based line-of-sight (LoS) communications. However, there exist some surroundings around the transceiver in most practical wireless communication scenarios, thus forming multipath transmission. In this paper, a hybrid orthogonal division multiplexing (HODM) scheme by using OAM multiplexing and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in conjunction is proposed to achieve high-capacity wireless communications in sparse multipath environments, where the scatterers are sparse. We first build the OAM-based wireless channel in a LoS path and several reflection paths combined sparse multipath environments. We concentrate on less than or equal to three-time reflection paths because of the severe energy attenuation. The phase difference among the channel amplitude gains of the LoS and reflection paths, which is caused by the reflection paths, makes it difficult to decompose the OAM signals. We propose the phase difference compensation to handle this problem and then calculate the corresponding capacity in radio vortex wireless communications. Numerical results illustrate that the capacity of wireless communications by using our proposed HODM scheme can be drastically increased in sparse multipath environments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:31:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liang", "Liping", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Wenchi", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Wei", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Hailin", "" ] ]
Robert Sutherland
Robert Sutherland, George Close, Thomas Hain, Stefan Goetze, Jon Barker
Using Speech Foundational Models in Loss Functions for Hearing Aid Speech Enhancement
Accepted for EUSIPCO 2024
cs.SD eess.AS
Machine learning techniques are an active area of research for speech enhancement for hearing aids, with one particular focus on improving the intelligibility of a noisy speech signal. Recent work has shown that feature encodings from self-supervised speech representation models can effectively capture speech intelligibility. In this work, it is shown that the distance between self-supervised speech representations of clean and noisy speech correlates more strongly with human intelligibility ratings than other signal-based metrics. Experiments show that training a speech enhancement model using this distance as part of a loss function improves the performance over using an SNR-based loss function, demonstrated by an increase in HASPI, STOI, PESQ and SI-SNR scores. This method takes inference of a high parameter count model only at training time, meaning the speech enhancement model can remain smaller, as is required for hearing aids.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:32:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sutherland", "Robert", "" ], [ "Close", "George", "" ], [ "Hain", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Goetze", "Stefan", "" ], [ "Barker", "Jon", "" ] ]
Mbekezeli Nxumalo
Mbekezeli Nxumalo
On the category of (i,j)-Baire Bilocales
We define and characterize the notion of (i,j)-Baireness for bilocales. We also give internal properties of (i,j)-Baire bilocales which are not translated from properties of (i,j)-Baireness in bispaces. It turns out (i,j)-Baire bilocales are conservative in bilocales, in the sense that a bitopological space is almost (i,j)-Baire if and only if the bilocale it induces is (i,j)-Baire. Furthermore, in the class of Noetherian bilocales, (i,j)-Baireness of a bilocale coincides with (i,j)-Baireness of its ideal bilocale. We also consider relative versions of (i,j)-Baire where we show that a bilocale is (i,j)-Baire only if the subbilocale induced by the Booleanization is (i,j)-Baire. We use the characterization of (i,j)-Baire bilocales to introduce and characterize (\tau_{i},\tau_{j})-Baireness in the category of topobilocales.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:33:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nxumalo", "Mbekezeli", "" ] ]
Yini Fang
Yini Fang, Jingling Yu, Haozheng Zhang, Ralf van der Lans, Bertram Shi
OAT: Object-Level Attention Transformer for Gaze Scanpath Prediction
Accepted in ECCV 2024
Visual search is important in our daily life. The efficient allocation of visual attention is critical to effectively complete visual search tasks. Prior research has predominantly modelled the spatial allocation of visual attention in images at the pixel level, e.g. using a saliency map. However, emerging evidence shows that visual attention is guided by objects rather than pixel intensities. This paper introduces the Object-level Attention Transformer (OAT), which predicts human scanpaths as they search for a target object within a cluttered scene of distractors. OAT uses an encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder captures information about the position and appearance of the objects within an image and about the target. The decoder predicts the gaze scanpath as a sequence of object fixations, by integrating output features from both the encoder and decoder. We also propose a new positional encoding that better reflects spatial relationships between objects. We evaluated OAT on the Amazon book cover dataset and a new dataset for visual search that we collected. OAT's predicted gaze scanpaths align more closely with human gaze patterns, compared to predictions by algorithms based on spatial attention on both established metrics and a novel behavioural-based metric. Our results demonstrate the generalization ability of OAT, as it accurately predicts human scanpaths for unseen layouts and target objects.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:33:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fang", "Yini", "" ], [ "Yu", "Jingling", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Haozheng", "" ], [ "van der Lans", "Ralf", "" ], [ "Shi", "Bertram", "" ] ]
Davide Laurenzano
Angshuman Choudhury and Davide Laurenzano
Entanglement Entropy for the Black 0-Brane
15 pages, 4 figures
hep-th gr-qc
We analyse the entanglement entropy between the Black 0-Brane solution to supergravity and its Hawking radiation. The Black 0-Brane admits a dual Gauge theory description in terms of the Matrix model for M-Theory, named BFSS theory, which is the theory of open strings on a collection of N D0-branes. Recent studies of the model have highlighted a mechanism of Black Hole evaporation for this system, based on the chaotic nature of the theory and the existence of flat directions. This paper further explores this idea, through the computation of the von Neumann entropy of Hawking radiation. In particular, we show that the expected Page curve is indeed reproduced, consistently with a complete recovery of information after the Black Hole has fully evaporated. A pivotal step in the computation is the definition of a Hilbert space which allows for a quantum mechanical description of partially evaporated Black Holes. We find that the entanglement entropy depends on the choice of a parameter, which can be interpreted as summarizing the geometric features of the Black Hole, such as the size of the resolved singularity and the size of the horizon.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:34:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Choudhury", "Angshuman", "" ], [ "Laurenzano", "Davide", "" ] ]
Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen, Chanho Kim, Rigved Naukarkar, Li Fuxin
Long-Term 3D Point Tracking By Cost Volume Fusion
Long-term point tracking is essential to understand non-rigid motion in the physical world better. Deep learning approaches have recently been incorporated into long-term point tracking, but most prior work predominantly functions in 2D. Although these methods benefit from the well-established backbones and matching frameworks, the motions they produce do not always make sense in the 3D physical world. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning framework for long-term point tracking in 3D that generalizes to new points and videos without requiring test-time fine-tuning. Our model contains a cost volume fusion module that effectively integrates multiple past appearances and motion information via a transformer architecture, significantly enhancing overall tracking performance. In terms of 3D tracking performance, our model significantly outperforms simple scene flow chaining and previous 2D point tracking methods, even if one uses ground truth depth and camera pose to backproject 2D point tracks in a synthetic scenario.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:34:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nguyen", "Hung", "" ], [ "Kim", "Chanho", "" ], [ "Naukarkar", "Rigved", "" ], [ "Fuxin", "Li", "" ] ]
Baicheng Li
Baicheng Li, Zike Yan, Dong Wu, Hanqing Jiang, Hongbin Zha
Learn to Memorize and to Forget: A Continual Learning Perspective of Dynamic SLAM
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with implicit neural representations has received extensive attention due to the expressive representation power and the innovative paradigm of continual learning. However, deploying such a system within a dynamic environment has not been well-studied. Such challenges are intractable even for conventional algorithms since observations from different views with dynamic objects involved break the geometric and photometric consistency, whereas the consistency lays the foundation for joint optimizing the camera pose and the map parameters. In this paper, we best exploit the characteristics of continual learning and propose a novel SLAM framework for dynamic environments. While past efforts have been made to avoid catastrophic forgetting by exploiting an experience replay strategy, we view forgetting as a desirable characteristic. By adaptively controlling the replayed buffer, the ambiguity caused by moving objects can be easily alleviated through forgetting. We restrain the replay of the dynamic objects by introducing a continually-learned classifier for dynamic object identification. The iterative optimization of the neural map and the classifier notably improves the robustness of the SLAM system under a dynamic environment. Experiments on challenging datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:35:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Baicheng", "" ], [ "Yan", "Zike", "" ], [ "Wu", "Dong", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Hanqing", "" ], [ "Zha", "Hongbin", "" ] ]
Emanuel Kieronski
Oskar Fiuk, Emanuel Kieronski, Vincent Michielini
On the complexity of Maslov's class $\overline{\text{K}}$
This is an extended version of the LICS'24 paper
Maslov's class $\overline{\text{K}}$ is an expressive fragment of First-Order Logic known to have decidable satisfiability problem, whose exact complexity, however, has not been established so far. We show that $\overline{\text{K}}$ has the exponential-sized model property, and hence its satisfiability problem is NExpTime-complete. Additionally, we get new complexity results on related fragments studied in the literature, and propose a new decidable extension of the uniform one-dimensional fragment (without equality). Our approach involves a use of satisfiability games tailored to $\overline{\text{K}}$ and a novel application of paradoxical tournament graphs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:36:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fiuk", "Oskar", "" ], [ "Kieronski", "Emanuel", "" ], [ "Michielini", "Vincent", "" ] ]
Yash Deshpande
Yash Deshpande, Eni Sulkaj, Wolfgang Kellerer
TwinRAN: Twinning the 5G RAN in Azure Cloud
The proliferation of 5G technology necessitates advanced network management strategies to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Digital Twins (DTs) have emerged as a promising paradigm for modeling and simulating complex systems like the 5G Radio Access Network (RAN). In this paper, we present TwinRAN, a DT of the 5G RAN built leveraging the Azure DT platform. TwinRAN is built on top of the Open RAN (O-RAN) architecture and is agnostic to the vendor of the underlying equipment. We demonstrate three applications using TwinRAN and evaluate the required resources and their performance for a network with 800 users and 8 gNBs. We first evaluate the performance and limitations of the Azure DT platform, measuring the latency under different conditions. The results from this evaluation allow us to optimize TwinRAN to the DT platform it uses. Then, we present the system's architectural design, emphasizing its components and interactions. We propose that two types of twin graphs be simultaneously maintained on the cloud. The first one is for intercell operations, keeping a broad overview of all the cells in the network. The second twin graph is where each cell is spawned in a separate Azure DT instance for more granular operation and monitoring of intracell tasks. We evaluate the performance and operating costs of TwinRAN for each of the three applications. The TwinRAN DT in the cloud can keep track of its physical twin within a few hundred milliseconds, extending its utility to many 5G network management tasks - some of which are shown in this paper. The novel framework for building and maintaining a DT of the 5G RAN presented in this paper offers network operators enhanced capabilities, empowering efficient deployments and management.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:37:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Deshpande", "Yash", "" ], [ "Sulkaj", "Eni", "" ], [ "Kellerer", "Wolfgang", "" ] ]
Thanh Dung Le
Mario Francisco Munoz, Hoang Vu Huy, Thanh-Dung Le
Hybrid Deep Learning-Based for Enhanced Occlusion Segmentation in PICU Patient Monitoring
Under revision
cs.CV eess.SP
Remote patient monitoring has emerged as a prominent non-invasive method, using digital technologies and computer vision (CV) to replace traditional invasive monitoring. While neonatal and pediatric departments embrace this approach, Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) face the challenge of occlusions hindering accurate image analysis and interpretation. \textit{Objective}: In this study, we propose a hybrid approach to effectively segment common occlusions encountered in remote monitoring applications within PICUs. Our approach centers on creating a deep-learning pipeline for limited training data scenarios. \textit{Methods}: First, a combination of the well-established Google DeepLabV3+ segmentation model with the transformer-based Segment Anything Model (SAM) is devised for occlusion segmentation mask proposal and refinement. We then train and validate this pipeline using a small dataset acquired from real-world PICU settings with a Microsoft Kinect camera, achieving an Intersection-over-Union (IoU) metric of 85\%. \textit{Results}: Both quantitative and qualitative analyses underscore the effectiveness of our proposed method. The proposed framework yields an overall classification performance with 92.5\% accuracy, 93.8\% recall, 90.3\% precision, and 92.0\% F1-score. Consequently, the proposed method consistently improves the predictions across all metrics, with an average of 2.75\% gain in performance compared to the baseline CNN-based framework. \textit{Conclusions}: Our proposed hybrid approach significantly enhances the segmentation of occlusions in remote patient monitoring within PICU settings. This advancement contributes to improving the quality of care for pediatric patients, addressing a critical need in clinical practice by ensuring more accurate and reliable remote monitoring.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:37:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Munoz", "Mario Francisco", "" ], [ "Huy", "Hoang Vu", "" ], [ "Le", "Thanh-Dung", "" ] ]
Shengtao Li
Shengtao Li, Ge Gao, Yudong Liu, Ming Gu, Yu-Shen Liu
Implicit Filtering for Learning Neural Signed Distance Functions from 3D Point Clouds
Accepted by ECCV 2024. Project page:
Neural signed distance functions (SDFs) have shown powerful ability in fitting the shape geometry. However, inferring continuous signed distance fields from discrete unoriented point clouds still remains a challenge. The neural network typically fits the shape with a rough surface and omits fine-grained geometric details such as shape edges and corners. In this paper, we propose a novel non-linear implicit filter to smooth the implicit field while preserving high-frequency geometry details. Our novelty lies in that we can filter the surface (zero level set) by the neighbor input points with gradients of the signed distance field. By moving the input raw point clouds along the gradient, our proposed implicit filtering can be extended to non-zero level sets to keep the promise consistency between different level sets, which consequently results in a better regularization of the zero level set. We conduct comprehensive experiments in surface reconstruction from objects and complex scene point clouds, the numerical and visual comparisons demonstrate our improvements over the state-of-the-art methods under the widely used benchmarks.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:40:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Shengtao", "" ], [ "Gao", "Ge", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yudong", "" ], [ "Gu", "Ming", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yu-Shen", "" ] ]
YenHshiang Wang
You-Cheng Liao, Chen-Jui Yu, Chi-Yi Lin, He-Feng Yun, Yen-Hsiang Wang, Hsiao-Min Li, Yao-Chung Fan
Learning-From-Mistakes Prompting for Indigenous Language Translation
Using large language models, this paper presents techniques to improve extremely low-resourced indigenous language translations. Our approaches are grounded in the use of (1) the presence of a datastore consisting of a limited number of parallel translation examples, (2) the inherent capabilities of LLMs like GPT-3.5, and (3) a word-level translation dictionary. We harness the potential of LLMs and in-context learning techniques in such a setting for using LLMs as universal translators for extremely low-resourced languages. Our methodology hinges on utilizing LLMs as language compilers for selected language pairs, hypothesizing that they could internalize syntactic structures to facilitate accurate translation. We introduce three techniques: KNNPrompting with Retrieved Prompting Context, Chain-of-Thought Prompting and Learningfrom-Mistakes Prompting, with the last method addressing past errors. The evaluation results suggest that, even with limited corpora, LLMs can effectively translate extremely low-resource languages when paired with proper prompting.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:41:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liao", "You-Cheng", "" ], [ "Yu", "Chen-Jui", "" ], [ "Lin", "Chi-Yi", "" ], [ "Yun", "He-Feng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yen-Hsiang", "" ], [ "Li", "Hsiao-Min", "" ], [ "Fan", "Yao-Chung", "" ] ]
Tom\'as Ibarluc\'ia
Ita\"i Ben Yaacov, Tom\'as Ibarluc\'ia, Todor Tsankov
Extremal models and direct integrals in affine logic
133 pages
math.LO math.FA
Affine logic is a fragment of continuous logic, introduced by Bagheri, in which only affine functions are allowed as connectives. This has the effect of endowing type spaces with the structure of compact convex sets. We study extremal models of affine theories (those that only realize extreme types), and the ways and conditions under which all models can be described from the extremal ones. We introduce and develop the general theory of measurable fields of metric structures and their direct integrals. One of our main results is an extremal decomposition theorem for models of simplicial theories, that is, affine theories whose type spaces form Choquet simplices. We prove that every model of a simplicial theory can be (uniquely) decomposed as a direct integral of extremal models. This generalizes known decomposition results (ergodic decomposition, tracial von Neumann factor decomposition), and moreover, holds without any separability hypothesis. Two extreme kinds of simplicial theories are Bauer theories, whose extreme types form a closed set, and Poulsen theories, whose extreme types form a dense set. We show that Keisler randomizations of continuous theories are, essentially, the same thing as affine Bauer theories. We establish a dichotomy result: a complete simplicial theory is either Bauer or Poulsen. As part of our analysis, we adapt many results and tools from continuous logic to the affine or extremal contexts (definability, saturation, type isolation, categoricity, etc.). We also provide a detailed study of the relations between continuous logic and affine logic. Finally, we present several examples of simplicial theories arising from theories in discrete logic, Hilbert spaces, probability measure-preserving systems, and tracial von Neumann algebras.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:41:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yaacov", "Itaï Ben", "" ], [ "Ibarlucía", "Tomás", "" ], [ "Tsankov", "Todor", "" ] ]
Masaki Uchida
S. Nishihaya, Y. Watanabe, M. Kriener, A. Nakamura, and M. Uchida
Topological Hall effect enhanced at magnetic transition fields in a frustrated magnet EuCd$_2$
17 pages, 4 figures
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el
Emergent magnetic fields exerted by topological spin textures of magnets lead to an additional Hall response of itinerant carriers called the topological Hall effect (THE). While THE as a bulk effect has been widely studied, THE driven by magnetic domain boundaries (DBs) has been elusive. Here, we report rich Hall responses characterized by multiple peak structures and a hysteresis loop in films of EuCd$_2$, where Eu layers form a geometrically frustrated lattice of Heisenberg spins. We uncover a THE component sharply enhanced at magnetic transition fields, indicating a giant contribution from non-trivial spin textures possibly formed at the DBs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:43:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nishihaya", "S.", "" ], [ "Watanabe", "Y.", "" ], [ "Kriener", "M.", "" ], [ "Nakamura", "A.", "" ], [ "Uchida", "M.", "" ] ]
Pedro Neto
Afonso Silva, Diogo Fonseca, Diogo M. Neto, Mihail Babcinschi, Pedro Neto
Integrated Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Soft Robot Actuators in a Single Casting Step
Cyborg Bionic Syst. 2024;5:0137.
Bio-inspired soft robots have already shown the ability to handle uncertainty and adapt to unstructured environments. However, their availability is partially restricted by time-consuming, costly and highly supervised design-fabrication processes, often based on resource intensive iterative workflows. Here, we propose an integrated approach targeting the design and fabrication of pneumatic soft actuators in a single casting step. Molds and sacrificial water-soluble hollow cores are printed using fused filament fabrication (FFF). A heated water circuit accelerates the dissolution of the core's material and guarantees its complete removal from the actuator walls, while the actuator's mechanical operability is defined through finite element analysis (FEA). This enables the fabrication of actuators with non-uniform cross sections under minimal supervision, thereby reducing the number of iterations necessary during the design and fabrication processes. Three actuators capable of bending and linear motion were designed, fabricated, integrated and demonstrated as three different bio-inspired soft robots, an earthworm-inspired robot, a four-legged robot, and a robotic gripper. We demonstrate the availability, versatility and effectiveness of the proposed methods, contributing to accelerating the design and fabrication of soft robots. This study represents a step toward increasing the accessibility of soft robots to people at a lower cost.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:46:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Silva", "Afonso", "" ], [ "Fonseca", "Diogo", "" ], [ "Neto", "Diogo M.", "" ], [ "Babcinschi", "Mihail", "" ], [ "Neto", "Pedro", "" ] ]
Luca Gennaioli
Thomas Beretti and Luca Gennaioli
Fourier transform of BV functions, isoperimetry, and discrepancy theory
Comments are welcome!
math.CA math.FA math.NT
This paper investigates the Fourier transform of BV functions. We obtain an averaged Plancherel formula for BV functions and a characterisation of sets of finite perimeter in terms of their Fourier transform. We also sharpen a result of Herz concerning the "set derivative" of the Fourier transform of the characteristic function of a set. Finally, we obtain a new proof of the isoperimetric inequality and sharp bounds on the $L^2$-discrepancy of BV functions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:47:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Beretti", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Gennaioli", "Luca", "" ] ]
Marcin Wie\'sniak Prof. dr hab.
Marcin Wie\'sniak
Multipartite Entanglement versus Multiparticle Entanglement
9 pages, 1 figure
Entanglement is defined as presence of quantum correlations beyond those achieved by local action and classical communication. To identify its presence in a generic state, one can, for example, check for existence of a decomposition of separable states. A natural extension is a genuine multipartite entanglement (GME), understood as nonexistenence of a decomposition into biseparable states (later called biseparable decomposition, BD). In this contribution we revisit activation of GME. We discuss few examples of states, which are decomposable into a mixture of biproduct states. However, after merging two copies of these states, we certify nonexistence of BD with witness operators. This seems to challenge our understanding of GME as a separate resource. It turns out that it requires a careful consideration of the physical context. We stress that activation of GME from multiple copies of GME-free states necessarily involves entangling operations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:49:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wieśniak", "Marcin", "" ] ]
HongHao Li
Honghao Li, Yiwen Zhang, Yi Zhang, Hanwei Li, and Lei Sang
DCNv3: Towards Next Generation Deep Cross Network for CTR Prediction
Deep & Cross Network and its derivative models have become an important paradigm in click-through rate (CTR) prediction due to their effective balance between computational cost and performance. However, these models face four major limitations: (1) while most models claim to capture high-order feature interactions, they often do so implicitly and non-interpretably through deep neural networks (DNN), which limits the trustworthiness of the model's predictions; (2) the performance of existing explicit feature interaction methods is often weaker than that of implicit DNN, undermining their necessity; (3) many models fail to adaptively filter noise while enhancing the order of feature interactions; (4) the fusion methods of most models cannot provide suitable supervision signals for their different interaction methods. To address the identified limitations, this paper proposes the next generation Deep Cross Network (DCNv3) and Shallow & Deep Cross Network (SDCNv3). These models ensure interpretability in feature interaction modeling while exponentially increasing the order of feature interactions to achieve genuine Deep Crossing rather than just Deep & Cross. Additionally, we employ a Self-Mask operation to filter noise and reduce the number of parameters in the cross network by half. In the fusion layer, we use a simple yet effective loss weight calculation method called Tri-BCE to provide appropriate supervision signals. Comprehensive experiments on six datasets demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and interpretability of DCNv3 and SDCNv3. The code, running logs, and detailed hyperparameter configurations are available at:
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:49:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Honghao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yiwen", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yi", "" ], [ "Li", "Hanwei", "" ], [ "Sang", "Lei", "" ] ]
Zhong-Xi Shen
Zhong-Xi Shen, Kang-Kang Yang, Zhi-Xiang Jin, Zhi-Xi Wang, Shao-Ming Fei
General monogamy relations of the $S^{t}$ and $T^{t}_q$-entropy entanglement measures based on dual entropy
10 pages, 7 figures
Quantum Information Processing, (2024) 23:274
Monogamy of entanglement is the fundamental property of quantum systems. By using two new entanglement measures based on dual entropy, the $S^{t}$-entropy entanglement and $T^{t}_q$-entropy entanglement measures, we present the general monogamy relations in multi-qubit quantum systems. We show that these newly derived monogamy inequalities are tighter than the existing ones. Based on these general monogamy relations, we construct the set of multipartite entanglement indicators for $N$-qubit states, which are shown to work well even for the cases that the usual concurrence-based indicators do not work. Detailed examples are presented to illustrate our results.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:49:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shen", "Zhong-Xi", "" ], [ "Yang", "Kang-Kang", "" ], [ "Jin", "Zhi-Xiang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhi-Xi", "" ], [ "Fei", "Shao-Ming", "" ] ]
Fadis Murzakhanov
F. F. Murzakhanov, M. A. Sadovnikova, G. V. Mamin, D. V. Shurtakova, E. N. Mokhov, O. P. Kazarova, and M. R. Gafurov
Optical Spin Initialization of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in a 28Si-Enriched 6H-SiC Crystal for Quantum Technologies
JETP Letters 119.8 (2024): 593-598
High-spin defect centers in crystal matrices are used in quantum computing technologies, highly sensitive sensors, and single-photon sources. In this work, optically active nitrogen-vacancy color centers NV in a 28Si-enriched (nuclear spin I = 0) 6H-28SiC crystal have been studied using the photoinduced (980 nm) high-frequency (94 GHz, 3.4 T) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance method at a temperature of 150 K. Three structurally nonequivalent types of NV- centers with axial symmetry have been identified and their spectroscopic parameters have been determined. Long spin-lattice, T1=1.3 ms, and spin-spin, T2=59 us, ensemble relaxation times of NV- centers with extremely narrow (450 kHz) absorption lines allow highly selective excitation of resonant transitions between sublevels caused by the weak hyperfine interaction (A = 1 MHz) with 14N (I = 1) nuclei for the quantum manipulation of the electron spin magnetization.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:50:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Murzakhanov", "F. F.", "" ], [ "Sadovnikova", "M. A.", "" ], [ "Mamin", "G. V.", "" ], [ "Shurtakova", "D. V.", "" ], [ "Mokhov", "E. N.", "" ], [ "Kazarova", "O. P.", "" ], [ "Gafurov", "M. R.", "" ] ]
Albert Cabot
Albert Cabot, Federico Carollo and Igor Lesanovsky
Exploiting nonequilibrium phase transitions and strong symmetries for continuous measurement of collective observables
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
Dissipative many-body quantum dynamics can feature strong symmetries which give rise to conserved quantities. We discuss here how a strong symmetry in conjunction with a nonequilibrium phase transition allows to devise a protocol for measuring collective many-body observables. To demonstrate this idea we consider a collective spin system whose constituents are governed by a dissipative dynamics that conserves the total angular momentum. We show that by continuously monitoring the system output the value of the total angular momentum can be inferred directly from the time-integrated emission signal, without the need of repeated projective measurements or reinitializations of the spins. This may offer a route towards the measurement of collective properties in qubit ensembles, with applications in quantum tomography, quantum computation and quantum metrology.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:51:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cabot", "Albert", "" ], [ "Carollo", "Federico", "" ], [ "Lesanovsky", "Igor", "" ] ]