{ "en": "The right to development was at the heart of Tunisia's concern for the effective exercise of human rights.", "zh": "发展权利是突尼斯在有效实施人权方面关注的中心内容。" }
{ "en": "Consideration of those rights afforded an opportunity to reconcile differing views through an open, constructive exchange, with respect for the principles of the Charter and for international standards, in an atmosphere of mutual respect.", "zh": "审议这些权利为在《联合国宪章》的原则和国际标准的基础上、在相互尊重的气氛中,通过开放的、建设性的交流来调和意见分歧提供了一个机会。" }
{ "en": "All societies could learn from one another.", "zh": "所有社会都可以相互学习。" }
{ "en": "11. For 15 years, Tunisia had been endeavouring to strengthen the promotion of human rights and ease the democratic process.", "zh": "15年来,突尼斯一直努力加强对人权的宣传以及缓和民主进程。" }
{ "en": "Six months previously, Tunisians had voted in favour of a historic referendum on a wide-ranging constitutional reform project to establish the republic of tomorrow by enshrining certain freedoms in the constitution, integrating into the political system such features as votes of no-confidence and written and oral questions, giving the legislature more monitoring power over the Government and promoting parliamentary dialogue.", "zh": "宪法改革方案意在通过在宪法中明文规定特定的自由、在政治制度中纳入不信任投票、书面和口头讯问等要素、赋予立法机构更多地对政府实行监督的权利以及促进议会对话等措施来建立未来的共和国。" }
{ "en": "12. A new second chamber afforded wider representation of the various regions and sectors of society.", "zh": "新选的两院更广泛地代表社会各个领域和部门。" }
{ "en": "The powers of the Constitutional Council had been strengthened and expanded, making it the arbiter at all stages of parliamentary and legislative elections.", "zh": "宪法委员会的权力得以加强和扩大,使其成为议会和立法机关选举各个阶段的权威。" }
{ "en": "To that end, neutrality and independence had been strengthened.", "zh": "为此目的,已经巩固了中立和独立地位。" }
{ "en": "The reform fostered republican principles by promoting the diversity of presidential candidates, while ensuring the irreversible abolition of the presidency for life.", "zh": "改革推行总统候选人多样化,同时确保不可撤销地废除总统任期终身制,从而树立共和国原则。" }
{ "en": "The Electoral Code had been amended to ensure transparency at all phases of the electoral process.", "zh": "《选举法》已经修订,以确保选举各个阶段的透明度。" }
{ "en": "The constitutional reform was part of the effort to modernize political life and build a legally constituted State that would lead Tunisia into a new era of freedoms and republican democracy.", "zh": "宪法改革是实现政治生活现代化以及建立一个合法的制宪国家的全部工作的一部分,这将使突尼斯进入一个自由和共和民主的新时代。" }
{ "en": "13. Mr. Tekin (Turkey) said that the past year had posed new challenges for human rights.", "zh": "Tekin先生(土耳其)说,过去的一年给人权带来了新的挑战。" }
{ "en": "In addition to the after-effects of 11 September 2001, the attacks in Bali and the hostage-taking crisis in Moscow had highlighted terrorism's threat to human rights.", "zh": "除2001年9.11事件的余波以外,在巴厘岛发生的袭击事件和在莫斯科发生的劫持人质危机突出地显示了恐怖主义给人权造成的威胁。" }
{ "en": "However, such events should not serve as a pretext for restricting fundamental rights and freedoms.", "zh": "但是,这些事件不应成为限制基本权利和自由的借口。" }
{ "en": "Human rights violations bred hatred, resentment and, ultimately, violence.", "zh": "侵犯人权的行为会引起敌意和憎恨,并最终导致暴力。" }
{ "en": "He deplored the growing prejudices based on religion, ethnicity, nationality and race observed in the wake of 11 September.", "zh": "他对9.11事件后,基于宗教、种族划分、国籍和种族的歧视不断上涨表示遗憾。" }
{ "en": "The security and stability of the world was now more dependent than ever on working towards worldwide equality, understanding, tolerance, respect for human dignity and the rule of law in order to break the vicious circle.", "zh": "目前,世界的安全和稳定比以往任何时候都更依赖于努力实现世界范围的平等、理解、宽容以及对人类尊严和法治的尊重,以便打破这种恶性循环。" }
{ "en": "14. While States were primarily responsible for the exercise of human rights, in today's world such rights assumed international dimensions.", "zh": "虽然各个缔约国主要负责人权的行使,但在当今世界上,此类权利表现为国际问题。" }
{ "en": "His country had launched a comprehensive reform process for the promotion and protection of human rights, a process that had gathered new momentum during the previous year.", "zh": "土耳其为了提高和保护人权着手进行了一个全面的改革过程,这一过程在上一年达到了新的高潮。" }
{ "en": "A comprehensive package of constitutional amendments, adopted in October 2001, had introduced new provisions to strengthen existing safeguards in a variety of areas.", "zh": "2001年10月通过的一揽子全面的宪法修正案纳入了在各个领域加强现有安全措施的新条款。" }
{ "en": "The new Civil Code reflected improvements in gender equality, protection of children's rights, and freedom of association and peaceful assembly.", "zh": "新颁布的《民法》体现了在两性平等、保护儿童权利以及结社和和平集会的自由等方面的进展。" }
{ "en": "That had been followed in 2002 by the enactment of three legislative harmonization packages that brought several laws into line with the constitutional amendments.", "zh": "随后,2002年颁布的三个立法协调一揽子方案将几项法律与宪法修正案协调起来。" }
{ "en": "The fundamental achievements of the latest package included the abolition of the death penalty, on which there had been a de facto moratorium since 1984.", "zh": "最新的一揽子方案的重要成果包括废除死刑,事实上,自1984年以来就一直对死刑进行合法延缓。" }
{ "en": "Also, legal restrictions on the learning of various languages had been lifted, and an amendment to the Penal Code had broadened freedom of expression, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights.", "zh": "此外,根据《欧洲人权公约》,对学习各种语言的法律限制也已经取消,《刑法》的一项修正案扩大了言论自由。" }
{ "en": "15. The National Committee for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education had been instrumental in raising awareness of human rights through education.", "zh": "联合国人权教育十年全国委员会在通过教育提高人们对人权的认识方面起到了辅助作用。" }
{ "en": "Compulsory human rights courses were offered in primary schools, police academies and civil service training programmes, and optional courses in secondary schools, and additional human rights centres had been established in universities.", "zh": "小学、警察专科学校和公务员培训班提供人权必修课;中学提供选修课;大学另外设立人权中心。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, recent legal amendments had been incorporated into law enforcement and judiciary training institutions.", "zh": "此外,最近的法律修正案也已经纳入执法和司法培训机构。" }
{ "en": "The country also conducted joint projects with the Council of Europe and the European Union on human rights education for security forces, judges, lawyers and human rights trainers.", "zh": "土耳其还与欧洲理事会以及欧洲联盟举办了针对保安部队、法官、律师及人权培训人员的人权教育协作项目。" }