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My Immortacly andbSeele isemo!!
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya Zaychik, Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), everyone is here lol
Everyone Is Gay, References to My Immortal, Crying
['balls_hater', 'thecranewives', 'truebluebeetlelover', 'NeelovesHuTao', 'Seeles_Omega', 'ElysianVoid', 'Tenporoo', 'LazyKatie', 'oj4149', 'Wali', 'vaemiko', 'Dogstar9069', 'NEODOROTHYMOTHERFUCKER']
Ok, so I didn't realize this made it seem like Bronya or Seele were anyway straight or bi or any way were guys. I am so sorry. I'm gonna be real I did this in 24 hours, and it's a copy pasta of My Immortal. It was not intended to be taken that way, but I do implore you to read the OG my immortal, as it's literally a self insert in the Harry Potter universe. Me and a friend went thru earlier and fixed all instances of bronya or Seele being bi/straight. We actually went and found some pretty cool emo/punk rock Russian female bands. Please enjoy the rewrite. May my apology be taken with happiness. Also &$[@&$(×&,== Bronya Rand would actually love Luona. Also hi. I'm a lesbian! Also in later chapters, Gerard Way was replaced with Hatsune Miku. Hi my name is Bronya Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long silver grey hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy grey eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Bronya Zaychik (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Lusine Gevorkyan but I wish I was because she's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Plamya Officer in Belobog where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Belobog Military Academy. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps (Pela, Gepard, Serval) stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.   "Hey Bronya!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Seele Vollerei!   "What's up Seele?" I asked.   "Nothing." She said shyly.   But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.   The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot blue velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant Louna t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.   My friend, Natasha (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Jenia Lubich t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)   "OMFG, I saw you talking to Seele Vollerek yesterday!" she said excitedly.   "Yeah? So?" I said, blushing.   "Do you like Seele?" she asked as we went out of the Architects common room and into the Great Hall.   "No I so fucking don't!" I shouted.   "Yeah right!" she exclaimed. Just then, Seele walked up to me.   "Hi." She said.   "Hi." I replied flirtily.   "Guess what." She said.   "What?" I asked.   "Well, Blestyashchiye are having a concert in Hogsmeade." She told me.   "Oh. My. Fucking. God!" I screamed. I love Blestyaschiye. They are my favorite band, besides Louna.   "Well…. do you want to go with me?" She asked.   I gasped.   On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, I read a depressing book while I waited for it to be time and I listened to some Blestyashchiye. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn't put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the concert.   I went outside. Seele was waiting there in front of her flying car. She was wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt (they would play at the show too), baggy black skater pants, black nail polish and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl girls (I love my wife) wer it ok!).   "Hi Seele!" I said in a depressed voice.   "Hi Bronya." She said back. We walked into her flying black Mercedes-Benz (the license plate said 666) and flew to the place with the concert. On the way we listened excitedly to Blestyashchiye and Jenia Lubich. We both smoked cigarettes and drugs. When we got there, we both hopped out of the car. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Blestyashchiye.   "Есть всего три слова, и они просты, Но в них каждый смысл может видеть свой. Я люблю тебя не за то, кто ты, Я люблю тебя за то, кто я с тобой.." sang Ksenia (I don't own da lyrics 2 dat song).   "She is so fucking hot." I said to Seele, pointing to her as she sung, filling the club with her amazing voice.   Suddenly Seele looked sad.   "What's wrong?" I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.   "Hey, it's ok I don't like her better than YOU!" I said.   "Really?" asked Seele sensitively and she put her arm around me all protective.   "Really." I said. "Besides I don't even know Ksenia and she’s going out with someone. that's ok and I should not be mad." I said disgustedly, thinking of morally right things.   The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Seele. After the concert, we drank some beer and asked Nadezhda and Ksenia for their autographs and photos with them. We got concert tees. Seele and I crawled back into the Mercedes-Benz, but Seele didn't go back into Plamya Officer School, instead he drove the car into… the Forbidden Forest!   "SEELE!" I shouted. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"   Seele didn't answer but she stopped the flying car and she walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.   "What the fucking hell?" I asked angrily.   "Bronya?" She asked.   "What?" I snapped   Seele leaned in extra-close and I looked into her gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn't feel mad anymore.   And then… suddenly just as I Seele kissed me passionately. Seele climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree.   "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUKERS!"   It was….Cocolia!   Cocolia made and Seele and I follow her. She kept shouting at us angrily.   "You ludacris fools!" She shouted.   I started to cry tears of blood down my pallid face. Seele comforted me. When we went back to the castle cocolia took us to Professor Landau and Professor Pikachu who were both looking very angry.   "They were having violent homosexual make-out sessions for no reason in the Forbidden Forest!" he yelled in a furious voice.   "Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?" asked Professor Pikachu.   "How dare you?" demanded Professor Landau.   And then Seele shrieked. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!"   Everyone was quiet. Cocolia and Professor Pela still looked mad but Professor Landau said. "Fine. Very well. You may go up to your rooms."   Seele and I went upstairs while the teachers glared at us.   "Are you okay, Bronya?" Seele asked me gently.   "Yeah I guess." I lied. I went to the girl's dorm and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into a low-cut black floor-length dress with red lace all around it and black high heels. When I came out….   Seele was standing in front of the bathroom, and she started to sing 'I just wanna live' by Blestyashchiye. I was so flattered, even though she wasn't supposed to be there. We hugged and kissed. After that, we said goodnight and she reluctantly went back into her room.   The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high-heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple.   In the Great Hall, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top.   "Bastard!" I shouted angrily. I regretted saying it when I looked up cause I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic girl with spiky black hair with red streaks in it. She was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down her face and she was wearing black lipstick. She didn't have glasses anymore and now she was wearing red contact lenses just like Seele's and there was no scar on her forhead anymore. She had a womanly stubble on his chin. She had a sexy English accent. She looked exactly like Ksenia Novikova. She was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw her kind of like an blush only I'm a girl so I didn't get one you sicko.   "I'm so sorry." she said in a shy voice.   "That's all right. What's your name?" I questioned.   "My name's Stelle, although most people call me Vampire these days." she grumbled.   "Why?" I exclaimed.   "Because I love the taste of human blood." she giggled.   "Well, I am a vampire." I confessed.   "Really?" she whimpered.   "Yeah." I roared.   We sat down to talk for a while. Then Seele came up behind me and told me she had a surprise for me so I went away with her. Seele and I held our pale white hands with black nail polish as we went upstairs. I was wearing red Satanist sings on my nails in red nail polish (AN: c doez dat sound lik a Maru Sue 2 u?). I waved to Vampire. Dark misery was in her depressed eyes. I guess she was jealous of me that I was going out with Seele . Anyway, I went upstairs excitedly with Seele. We went into her room and locked the door. Then…………   We started frenching passively. she held my hands. (i am in desperate need of attention from seele vollerei111!)   “Oh Seele, Seele!” I screamed. I saw a tattoo I had never seen before on Seele’s arm. It was a black heart with an arrow through it. On it in bloody gothic writing were the words………… Vampire!   I was so angry.   “You bastard!” I shouted angrily, jumping out of the bed.   “No! No! But you don’t understand!” Seele pleaded. But I knew too much.   “No, you fucking idiot!” I shouted. “You probably have a stellaron in ur body anyway!”   I put on my clothes all huffily (they were already on) and then stomped out. Seele ran out even though she wasn’t naked. She had a really big pimple on her foreheard but I was too mad to care. I stomped out and did so until I was in Vampire’s classroom where she was having a lesson with Professor Landau and some other people.   “VAMPIRE MC, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” I yelled.   Everyone in the class stared at me and then Seele came into the room even though she was gay and started begging me to take her back.   “Bronya, it’s not what you think!” Seele screamed sadly.   My friend B’loody Serval smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her long waste-length gothic black hair and opened her crimson eyes like blood that she was wearing contact lenses on. She had pale white skin that she was wearing white makeup on. March 7th was kidnapped when she was born. Her real parents are vampires and one of them is a witch but Kafka killed her mother and her father went to hawaii and never came back because she was depressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is very haunted and depressed. It also turns out her real last name is Smith and not 7th. (Since she has converted to Satanism she is in Gay now not Silvermsne guardz. )   “What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!” Landau demeaned angrily in his cold voice but I ignored him.   “Vampire, I can’t believe you cheated on me with Seele!” I shouted at her.   Everyone gasped.   I don’t know why Bronya was so mad at me. I had went out with Vampire (I’m a lesbian and so is Bronya) for a while but then she broke my heart. She dumped me because she liked Britney, a stupid preppy fucker. We were just good friends now. She had gone through horrible problems, and now she was gothic. (Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)   “But I’m not going out with Seele anymore!” said Vampire.   “Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you bastard!” I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Forest where I had lost my braincells to Seele and then I started to bust into tears.   AN: stop flaming ok! I dntn red all da boox! dis is frum da movie ok so itz nut my folt if coc nyt swers! besuizds I SED HE HAD A HEDACHE! and da reson Landau dosent lik mc now is coz shes christian and vampire is a satanist! MCR ROX!   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXX   I was so mad and sad. I couldn’t believe Seele for cheating on me. I began to cry against the tree where I made out with Seele.   Then all of a suddenly, an horrible women with spooky eyes and nose and everything started flying towards me on a space ship! She did have a nose (basically like Kafka in the game) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious she wasn’t gothic. It was…… Kfka!   “No!” I shouted in a scared voice but then Kafka shouted “Womankissius!” and I couldn’t run away.   “Crookshanks!” I shouted at her. Kafka fell of her broom and started to scream. I felt bad for her even though I’m also a woman so I stopped.   “Bronya.” she yelled. “Thou must kill Vampire MC!”   I thought about Vampire and her silly eyes and her gothic grey hair and how her face looks just like pp caca. I remembered that Seele had said I didn’t understand, so I thought, what if Seele went out with Vampire before I went out with her and they broke up?   “No, Kafka!” I shouted back.   Kafka gave me a gun. “No! Please!” I begged.   “Thou must!” she yelled. “If thou does not, then I shall kill thy beloved Seele!”   “How did you know?” I asked in a surprised way.   Kafka got a dude-ur-so-gay look on his face. “I hath telekinesis.” she answered cruelly. “And if you doth not kill Vampire, then thou know what will happen to Seele!” she shouted. Then she flew away angrily on her broomstick.   I was so scared and mad I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Seele came into the woods.   “Seele!” I said. “Hi!”   “Hi.” she said back but her face was all sad. She was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind of like a pentagram (geddit) between Ksenia Novikova and Lusine Gevorkyan.   “Are you okay?” I asked.   “No.” she answered.   “I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me.” I expelled.   “That’s okay.” she said all depressed and we went back into Plamya Officer school together making out.   Chapter 10.   XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I was really scared about Kafka all day. I was even upset went to rehearsals with my gothic metal band Bloody Gothic Rose 666. I am the lead singer of it and I play guitar. People say that we sound like a cross between Blestyashchiye, Slipknot and Louna. The other people in the band are B’loody Serval, Vampire, Seele, Pela(although we call her Pel now. She has black hair now with blue streaks in it.) and Silver Wolf. Only today Seele and Vampire were depressed so they weren’t coming and we wrote songs instead. I knew Seele was probably having lesbian thoughts (she wouldn’t die because she was a vampire too and the only way you can kill a vampire is with a c-r-o-s-s (there’s no way I’m writing that) or a steak) and Vampire was probably watching a depressing movie like The Corpse Bride. I put on a black leather shirt that showed off my boobs and tiny matching miniskirt that said Simple Plan on the butt. You might think I’m a pretty girl but I’m really not.   We were singing a cover of ‘Армагеддон’ and at the end of the song I suddenly bust into tears.   “Bronya! Are you OK?” B’loody Serval asked in a concerted voice.   “What the fuck do you think?” I asked angrily. And then I said. “Well, Kafka came and the fucking bastard told me to fucking kill MC! But I don’t want to kill her, because, she’s really nice, even if she did go out with Seele. But if I don’t kill MC, then Kafka, will fucking kill Seele!” I burst into tears. Suddenly Seele jumped out from behind a wall.   “Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” she shouted. “How could you- you- you fucking poser muggle bitch!” (c is dat out of character?)   I started to cry and cry. Seele started to cry too all sensitive. Then she ran out crying.   We practiced for one more hour. Then suddenly Cocolia walked in angrily! Her eyes were all fiery and I knew this time it wasn’t cause she had a headache.   “What have you done!” She started to cry wisely. (c dats basically nut swering and dis time she wuz relly upset n u wil c y) “Bronya Seele has been found in her room.She did dah gay and mvoed away as veliona with bronie.”   Chapter 11.   AN: i sed stup flaming up prepz! c if dis chaptr is srupid!1111 it delz wit rly sris issus! sp c 4 urself if itz ztupid brw fangz 2 ma frend Nat 4 hleping me!   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “NO!” I screamed. I was horrorfied! B’loody Seval tried to comfort me but I told her fuck off and I ran to my room crying myself. Cocolia chased after me shouting but she had to stop when I went into my room cause she would look like a mom that way.   Anyway, I started crying tears of blood.    “EW, YOU FUCKING homosexuals, STOP LOOKING AT ME CLOTHED! ARE YOU gay OR WHAT!” I screamed putting on a black towel with a picture of Jenia Lubich on it. Suddenly Vampire ran in.   “Abra Kedavra!” she yelled at Landau and kyle pointing his womb. I took my gun and shot Landau and Kyle a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke. Suddenly, Cocomelon ran in. “Bronya, it has been revealed that someone has - NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” he shouted looking at Landua and klye and then he waved his wand and suddenly…   Bronie ran outside on HER broom and said everyone we need to talk.   “What do you know, Brownie ? You’re just a little Plamya Officer School student!”   “I MAY BE A BELOBOG MILITARY ACADEMY STUDENT….” Bronie paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!”   “This cannot be.” landau said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from gis hand where Cocomelon’s wand had shot him. “There must be other factors.”   “YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!” I yelled in madly.   Klye lheld up the camera triumelephantly. “The lens may be ruined but the tape is still there! Prof that ur not a vamp!”   I felt faint, more than I normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood.   “Why are you doing this?” kyle said angrily while he rubbed his dirty hands on his clook.   And then I heard the words that I had heard before but not from him. I did not know whether to feel shocked and happy or to bite him and drink his blood because I felt faint.   “BECAUSE…BECAUSE….” Bronie said and he paused in the air dramitaclly, waving her wand in the air. Then swooped she in singing to the tune of a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent.   “Because you’re goffic?” lanau asked in a little afraid voice cause he was afraind it meant he was connected with Satan.   “Because I LOVE SEELE!”   Chapter 12. XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX “NO!” I THOUGHT IT WAS BRON IEbut it was Vampire. He started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY face HURTS!” and then….. his eyes rolled up! You could only see his red whites.   I stopped. “How did u know?”   “I saw it! And my scar turned back into the lightning bolt!”   “NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a face anymore!” I shouted.   “I do but Pel changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” he said back. “Anyway my scar hurt and it turned back into the lightning bolt! Save me! then I had a vision of what was happening to Seele…………….Kafka has him bondage!”   Anyway I was in the school nurse’s office now recovering from my fallen off pp. landuand kyleand BRONIE were there too. They were going to St. Mango’s after they recovered cause they were demons and you can’t have those fucking pervs teaching in a school with lots of hot gurlz. Coconut had constipated the cideo camera they took of me eating water . I put up my middle finger at them.   Anyway Bronie came into my hospital bed holding a bouquet of pink ammo shells.   “Bron I need to tell u somethnig.” she said in a v. serious voice, giving me the ammo.   “Fuck off.” I told her. “You know I fucking hate the color pink anyway, and I don’t like fucked up preps like you.” I Landauped. Bonie had been mean to me before for being gottik.   “No Bron.” Bronie says. “Those are not ammo shells.”   “What, are they goffs too you poser prep?” I asked cause I was angry that she had brought me pink ammo shells.   “I saved your life!” she yelled angrily. “No you didn’t I replied.” “You saved me from getting a slanderous videoZby Landau and Kyle.” Who own a dlanderous(c is dat speld rong) to it she added silently.   “Whatever!” I yelled angirly.   She pointed her emo nintedo switch at the pink ammo shells. “These aren’t gun ammo.” She suddenly looked at them with an evil look in her eye and muttered Well If you wanted Honesty that’s all you haD TO SAY! .   “That’s not a spell that’s an Luona song.” I corrected her wisely.   “I know, I was just warming up my vocal cordes.” Then she screamed. “Petulus merengo mi kremicli romacio(4 all u cool goffic Luonq fans out, there, that is a tribute! specially for raven I love you girl!)imo noto okayo!”   And then the ammo shells turned into a huge black flame floating in the middle of the air. And it was black. Now I knew he wasn’t a prep.   “OK I believe you now wtf is zeele ?”   Bronie rolled her eyes. I looked into the balls of flame but I could c nothing.   “U c, Brony,” Coconut said, watching the two of us watching the flame. “2 c wht iz n da flmes(HAHA U REVIEWRS FLAMES GEDDIT) u mst find urslf 1st, k?”   “I HAVE FOUND MYSELF OK YOU MEAN OLD MAN!” Bronie yelled. Ccoc lookd shockd. I guess she didn’t have a headache or else she would have said something back.   Bronie stormed off back into her bed. “U r a liar, prof cocoliae!”   Anyway when I got better I went upstairs and put on a black leather minidress that was all ripped on the ends with lace on it. There was some corset stuff on the front. Then I put on black fishnets and black high-heeled boots with pictures of Jenia Lubich on them. I put my hair all out around me so I looked like Samara from the Ring (if u don’t know who she iz ur a prep so fuk off!) and I put on blood-red lipstick, black eyeliner and black lip gloss.   “You look kawai, girl.” B’loody Serval said sadly. “Fangs (geddit) you do too.” I said sadly too, but I was still upset. I slit both of my wrists feeling totally depressed and I sucked all the blood. I cried again in my bathroom and put the shades on so Landu and Kyle couldn’t spy on me this time. I went to some classes. Vampire was in the Hair of Magical Magic Creatures. He looked all depressed because Seele had disappeared and he had used to be in love with Seele. He was sucking some blood from a Hufflepuff.   “Hi.” she said in a depressed way. “Hi back.” I said in an wqually said way.   We both looked at each other for some time. Mc had beautiful blue gothic eyes so much like Seeles.   “STOP IT NOW YOU gay SIMPLETONS!” shouted Professor pika who was watching us and so was everyone else.   “Vampire you fucker!” I said slapping her. “Stop trying to flirt me. You know I loved Seele!” I shouted and then I ran away angrily.   Just then he started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY face HURTS!” and then….. Her eyes rolled up! You could only see his red whites.   “NO!” I ran up closer.   “I thought you didn’t have a face anymore!” I shouted.   “I do but pel changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” he said back. “Anyway my scar hurt and then I had a vision of what was happening to Seele…………….LAFKA has him bondage!”   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXX   SPECIAL FANGZ 2 RAVEN MY GOFFIX BLOOD SISTA WTF UR SUPPOZD 2 RIT DIS!11111111   HEY RAVEN DO U KNOW WHERE MY SWEATER I   Chapter 13.   AN: raven fangz 4 gelpin me agen im sory ah tok ur postr of Lusine Gevorkyan but dat guy is such a fokin sexbom! PREPZ STOP FLAMIGNG!   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for cocolia. We were so scared.   “cocolia coconut!” we both yelled. cocolia came there.   “What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” he asked angrily.   “Kafka has Seele!” we shouted at the same time.   He laughed in an evil voice.   “No! Don’t! We need to save Seele!” we begged.   “No.” he said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Kafka does to Seele. Not after how much he misbehaved in school especially with YOU Bronya.” he said while he frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked him that much anyway.” then he walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Seele!” he moaned. (AN: don’t u fik lesbian grilz r lik so cool and valid!) (ACTUAL AUTHOR INTERVENTION: so true author of my immortal)   “Its okay!” I tried to tell him but that didn’t stop him. She started to cry tears of blood. Then he had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” she exclaimed.   “What?” I asked her.   “You’ll see.” she said. He took out his wand and did a spell. Then…… suddenly we were in Kaf’as lair!   We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “Allah Kedavra!” It was……………………………….. Kafka!   Chapter 14.   AN: fuk off PREPZ ok! Raven fangz 4 helpin agen. im sory ah kudnt update but I wuz derperessd n I had 2 go 2 da hospital kuz I slit muh rists. PS im nut updating til u giv me 10 god revoiws!   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXX   WARNING: SUM OF DIS CHAPTA IS XTREMLY SCRAY. VIOWER EXCRETION ADVISD.   We ran to where kf was. It turned out that Kafka wasn’t there. Instead the nice guy who killed Cecila was. Seele was there crying tears of blood. BROmwas torturing him. Vampire and I ran in front of aaa.   “Rid my sight you despicable preps!” she shouted as we started shooting him with the gun she Then suddenly she looked at me and she fell down with a lovey-dovey look in her eyes. “BronyaIloveyouwiluhavehugswithme.” she said. (in dis she is sixteen yrs old so shes not a pedofile ok)   “Huh?” I asked. ”Bronya I love you will you have hugs with me?” asked stelle. I started laughing crudely. “What the fuck? You torture my gfand then you expect me to gay you? God, you are so fucked up you fucking bastard.” I said angrily. Then I stabbed him in the heart. Blood pored out of it like a fountain.   “Nooooooooooooo!” she screamed. She started screaming and running around. Thens he fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly.   “stelle what art thou doing?” called Kafka. Then…… she started coming! We could hear her high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Hogwarts. We went to my room. Vampire went away. There I started crying.   “What’s wrong honey?” asked Seele Her had a sex-pack (geddit cuz shes so prety) and a really huge PIMPLE OH MYG OD and everything.   “Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other girls and preps here except for B’loody Serval, because she’s not ugly or anything.”   “Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the preps anyway. They are such fucking straoights.” answered Seele.   “Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Landaue and kyle took a video of me naked. Stele says he’s in love with me. Vampire likes me and now even BRONIE iwatnsw to be friends with me! I just wanna be with you ok Seele! Why couldn’t Satan have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory BORNYUA isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away.   Chapter 15.   AN: stup flaming ok! btw u suk frum no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona slit muh ristsz! fangz 2 raven 4 hlpein!   XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “Bronya Bronya!” shouted Seele sadly. “No, please, come back!”   But I was too mad.   “Whatever! Now u can go anh have gay with Vampire!” I shouted. I stormed into my room and closed my black door with my blood-red key. It had a picture of Bronya Zaychik  on it. He looked so sexy in a way that reminded me of Seele and Vampire. I started to cry and weep.    I put on a short ripped black gothic dress that said Anarchy on the front in blood red letters and was all ripped and a spiky belt. Under that I put on ripped black fishnets and boots that said Joel all over them with blood red letters. I put my silver grey  hair out. Anyway I went downstairs feeling all sad and depressed as usual. I did sum advanced Biology work. I was turning a bloody pentagram into a black guitar. Suddenly the guitar turned to Seele!   “Brojyua I love you!” she shouted sadly. “I dnot care what those fucker preps and posers fink. Ur da most beautiful girl in the world. Before I met you I used to want to work at mcdonalds all the time. Now I just wanna fucking be with you. I fucking love you!.” Then……………. he started to sing “Da Chronicles of Life and Death” (we considered it our song now cuz we fell in love when Joel was singing it) right in front of the entire class! Her singing voice was so amazing and gothic and sexxy like a cross between Lusine, Joel, Chester, Pierre and Marilyn Manson (AN: don’t u fink dos guyz r so hot. if u dnot no who dey r get da fuk out od hr!) .   “OMFG.” I said after she was finished. Some fucking preps stared at us but I just stuck up my middle fingers (that were covered in black nail polish and were entwined with Seele’s now) at them. “I love you!” I said and then we started to kiss just like Hilary Duff (i fukin h8 dat bitch) and CMM in a Cinderella Story. Then we went away holding hands. kyle shouted at us but he stopped cuz everyone was clapping by how sexy we looked 2gether. Then I saw a poster saying that MCR would have a concert in Belobog right then. We looked at each other all shocked and then we went 2gether.   Chapter 16.   AN: u no wut! sut up ok! proov 2 me ur nut prepz! raven u suk u fuken bich gimme bak mah fukijn swteet ur supsd 2 rit dis! Raven wtf u bich ur suposd to dodis! BTW fangz 2 britney5655 4 techin muh japnese!   XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   We ran happily to Belobog . There we saw the stage where Blestyashchiye had played. We ran in happly. MCR were there playing ‘Helena’. I was so fucking happy! Lusine looked even sexier than he did in da pictures. Even Seele thought so, I could totally see her getting an smile but it didn’t matter cuz I knew know that we were da only true ones for eachother. I was wearing a black leather minidress and black leather platinum boots with red ripped fishnets. Seele was wearing a black baggy MCR t-shirt and black baggy pants. Anyway, we stated moshing to Helena. We frenched. We ran up 2 the front of the band to stage-dive. Suddenly, Lusine pulled off his mask. So did the others. We gasped. It wasn’t them at all. It was.,……………………….. Kafka and da Stellaron hunters!   “Wtf Seele im not going to a concert wid u!” I shouted angrily. “Not after what happened to me last time? Even if its MCR n u no how much I lik them”   “What cause we…you know…” she gadgetted uncomfortbli cause guys don’t like to talk a bout gay.   “Yeah cause we you know!” I yielded in an angry voice.   “We won’t do that again.” Seele promised. “This time, we’re going with an ESCORT.”   “OMFG wtf/ Are you giving into the mainstream?” I asked. “So I guess ur a prep or a Christina or what now?”   “NO.” she muttered loudly.   “R u becoming a prep or what?” I shootd angrily.   “Bornya ! I’m not! Pls come with me!” sHe fell down to her knees and started singing ‘Da world is black’ by Blestyashchiye to me.   I was flattened cause that’s not even a single, she had memorized da lyrks just 4 me!   “OK then I guess I will have to.” I said and then we frenched 4 a while and I went up 2 my room.   B’loody Serval was standing there. “Hajimemashite gurl.” she said happily (she spex Japanese so do i. dat menz ‘how do u do’ in japanese). “BTW Willow that fucking poser got expuld. she failed al her klasses and she skepped math.” (an: RAVEN U FUKIN SUK! FUK U!) (ACTUAL AUTHOR SPEECH: damn :blushingmonkeyface:)   “It serves that fuking bich right.” I laughed angrily.   Well anyway we where felling all deprezzed. We wutsched some goffic movies like Das niteMARE b4 xmas. “Maybe Nat will die too.” I said.   “Kawai.” B’loody serval shook her head enrgtically lethriBlestyashchiyely. “Oh yeah o have a confession after she got expuld I murdered her and den kyle did it with her cause he’s a necphilak.”   “Kawai.” I commnted happily . We talked to each other in silence for da rest uv da movie.   “OH HEY BTw, im going to a concert with SEELE tonight in belobog with mcr.” I sed. “ I need to wear like da hotset outfit EVA.”   B’Loody Serval Nodded ENREGeticALLlY. “Omfg totally lets go shopping.”   “In Hot Topic, right?” I asked, already getting out my spshcial Hot Topic Loiyalty carde.   “No.” My head snaped up.   ‘WHAT?” my head spuin. I could not believe it. “B’Loody Serval are u a PREP?”   “NOOOO!NOOOO!” She laughed. “I found some cool goffic stores near Hogwarts that’s all.”   “Hu told u abut them” I askd sure it would be Drako or pel or Vampire(don’t even SAY that nam to me!). Or me.   “coconut.” She sed. “Let me just call our broms.”   “OMFFG coconut?” I asked quietly.   “Yah I saw the map for Belobog on her desk.” She told me. “Come on let’s go.”   We were going in a few gay stores SPECIALLY for the concerts in Blogbof. The salesperson was OMG HOTTER THAN Lusine EXCEPT NOT CAUSE THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE and he gave me a few dresses. “We only have these for da real goffs.”   “Da real goffs?” Me and B’Loody Serval asked.   “Yah u wouldn’t believe how many posers ther are in this town man! Yesterday kyle and Landau tried to buy a goffic camera pouch.” He shook his head. “I dint even no they had a camera.”   “OMFG NO THEIR GONNA SPY ON ME AGAIN!” I cried, running out of the changing room wearing a long black dress with lots of red tulle coming out and very low-cut with a huge slit.   “Oh my satan you have to buy that outfit” The salesperson said.   “Yeah it looks totlly hot.” said B’Loody Serval.   “You know what I am gona give it to you free cause u look really hot in that utfit. Hey are you gonna be at the concert tonight?” he asked.   “Yeah I am actually.” I looked back at him. “Hey BTW my name’s Bronya dark’ness dementia TARA way what’s yours?”   “Herrscher of sentience .” they said and ran a hand through his Grey-dyed hair. “maybe I’ll see you there tonight.”   “Yeah I don’t think so cause I am going there with my bf Zeele you sick perv!” I yelled angrily, but before they could beg me to go with them, Bronie flew in on her black motorcycle looking worried. “OMFG BRONYA U NEED OT GET BACK INTO THE CASTLE NOW!”   AN: I sed stup flming da stryo! if ur a prep den dnot red it! u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma quiz itz on ma hompage. if ur not den u rok. if u r den FOOOOOK UFFFFFFFFFF! pz willo isn’t rely a prep. Raven plz do dis il promis 2 giv u bak ur postr! THerrscher of Sentience  gave us some clothes n stuff 4 free. theye said they wud help us wif makeup if she wunted koz tehy wre relly in2 fashin n stuff. (hes bisezual). Bronie kept shooting at us to cum back 2 Hogwarts. “WTF Bronie?” I shouted angrily. “Fuck off you fjucking bastard.” Well anyway Nat came. Bronie went away angrily.   “Hey bitch you look kawaii.” she said.   “Yah but not as kawaii as you.” I answered sadly cause Nat’s really pretty and everything. She was wearing a short black corset-thingy with blood red lace on it and a blak blood-red miniskirt, leather fish-nets and black poiny boots that showed off how pale she wuz. She had a really nice body wif big bobs and everything.    “So r u going 2 da concert wif Seele?” she asked.   “Yah.” I said happily.   “I’m gong with pel.” she anserred happily. Well anyway Seele and pel came. They were both loking extremely hot and sexy and u could tell they thoufht we were ot 2. pel was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘666’ on it. He was wearing tons off makeup jus like Servallin Manson. Seele was wearing black leather pants, a gothic black Blestyashchiye t-shirt and black Vans he got from da Warped tower. B’loody serval was going 2 da concert wif Seelela. Seelela used to be called Sealy but it tuned out dat he was kidnapped at birth and his real family were vampires. They dyed in a car crash. Sea;u converted to Satanism and he went goth. He was in Slitherin now. He was wearing a black Wurped t-shirt, black jeans and shoes and black hair wif red streekz in it. We kall him Dracula now. Well anyway we al went 2 Seele’s black Mercy-Bens (geddit cuz wer gpffik) that his dad man gave him. We did pot, coke and crak. Seele and I made out. We made fun of dose stupid fuking preps. We soon got there…….I gapsed.   Lusine was da sexiest guy eva! He locked even sexier den he did in pix. He had long raven blak hair n piercing blue eyes. He wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethnic voice. We moshed 2 Helena and sum odder songz. Sudenly Lusine polled of his mask. So did the other membez. I gasped. It wasn’t Lusine at all! It was an ugly preppy man wif no nose and red eyes... Every1 ran away but me and Seele. Seele and I came. It was…….kafka  and da Stellaron hunters!   “U moronic idiots!” she shooted angstily. “Bronya , I told u to kill Vampire. Thou have failed. And now……….I shall kill thou and Seele!”   “No no please!” We begged sadly but she took out her knife.   Sudenly a gothic young flu in on her broomstick. She had lung peach hair and a looong smile. She wus werring a blak robe dat sed 'Rand' on da back. He shotted a spel and KFAKA ran away. It was…………………………………coconut!   Chapter 18.   AN: I SED STUP FLAMMING! if u do den ur a fuken prep! fangz 2 raven 4 da help n stuf. u rok! n ur nut a prep. fangz for muh sewter! ps da oder eson dumbeldor swor is koz he trin 2 be gofik so der!   XXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it.   (Da night before Seele and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Dumbeldore chased Vlodemort away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Seele had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.)   Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys.   “WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to B’loody Serval and nat. B’loody Serval was wearing a black leather mini with a Blestyashchie t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Willow was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, god and Seele came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Lusine Gevorkyan or AMOGUS. The boys joined in cause they were gay.   “Those girls are so fucking hot.” sealy was saying as suddenly a gothic old woman with a black beard and everything came. He was the same one who had chassed away Vlodemort yesterday. He had normal tan skin but he was wearing white foundation and he had died his hare black.   “……………….cocolia?1!” we all gasped.   “WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought he was just wearing that to scare kafka!”   “Hello everyone.” he said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?”   Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1.   “BTW you can call me bob.” HE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes.   “What a fucking poser!” Seele shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see him crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Lusine) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet he’s havin a mid-life crisis!” natshouted.   I was so fucking angry.   Chapter 19. im nut ok i promise   AN: plz stup flaming da story if u do ur a foken prep n ur jelous ok!11 frum noq un im gong 2 delt ur men reviowz!111 BTW evonyd a poorblod so der!1 fangz 2 raven 4m da help!11   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   All day we sat angerly finking about coconut. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go.   Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Seele was being all secretive.   I asked what it was and she got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve gayz so hot).   “No one fucking understands me!1” she shouted angrily as her black hare went in her big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. She was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik) (email:    “Accuse me? What about me!” I growled.   “Buy-but-but-” she grunted.   “You fucking bastard!” I moaned.   “No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” she shouted.   But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Seele banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (raven that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot.   Suddenly Bronie came. She had appearated.   “You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in my room room?”   Only it wasn’t just Bronie. Someone else was with her too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Herrscher of senticne  or maybe Seele but it was coconut.   “Hey I need to ask you a question.” he said, pulling out his black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?”   “U no who MCR r!” I gasped.   “No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” He said. “Anyway Seele has a surprise for u.”   Chapter 20.   AN: I sed I dnoty ker wut u fink! stof pflamin ok prepz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1 oh yah btw ill be un vacation in transilvania 4 da nex 3 dayz so dnot expect updatz.   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since Kafka  had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Seele so we could do it again.   “Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was kyle! “R u gonna cum hug me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because coconut had told us all 2 be careful around hem and Landau since he was gat.   “No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.” he growld angrily.   “Yah, so u can  hug ur nornal-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally.   “Fuker.” He said, gong away.   Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….landau  and kyle were in da middle of da empty hall, and Pom pm was watching!1   “Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Pom Pim ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have cried (I luv cing guyz have healtg6 lovint relationships) but both of them were fuking preps. (btw gay is movd 2 griffindoor now)   “WTF is that why u wanted hoodie?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat)   “Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Herta shouted angrily.   “Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed.   “You dimwit!.” hepard began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them hugging.   “Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?”   “It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my boyfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to nut. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Vampire, looking extremely fucking hot.   “WTF where’d Seele?” I asked her.   “Oh he’s bein a fucking bastard. She told me she wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking her hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?”   Then….. she showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. She said his dogfather Serious Blak had given it 2 him. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said 'Brrronya' on it.   ……….I gasped.   We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing.   Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band.   I almost had an orgasim. Lusine was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Seele, cryin in a corner.   AN: fuk u ok! u fokng suk. itz nut ma fult if itz speld rong ok koz dat bich ravern cuz it fok u prepz!1 woopz soz raven fangz 4 da help. btw transilvana rox hrad!1 I even gut 2 go 2 da kasel wer drkola was flimed!   Later we all went in the skull. Seele was crying in da common room. “Seele are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice.   “No I’m not u fuking bitch!” she shouted angrily. He stated to run out of the place in a sad way.    “Its ok Bronya .” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make him feel better.”   “U mean you’ll go fuck him wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Seele. Vampire came too.   “Seele please come!” he began to cry. Tears of blood came down his pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive lesbian girlz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!)   And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out his blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Mr. Sampo there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand.   “WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw Filth come. He went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly.   “IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Sampo.   “No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under his breast in a disgusted way.   “EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Sampo. Den he heard Filch meow. “Filth is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. Filth nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! He did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Sampo was taking of da cloak!1   “WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Seele crying n bustin in2 tearz/   “Seele!” I cried. “R u okay?”   “I guess though.” Seele weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Seele and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fug and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1   AN: stfu! prepz stup flaming ok if u dnot lik it fuk of I no itz mr. Sampo itz raven’s folt ok!11 u suk!1 no jus kidding raven u fokieng rok    All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped.   Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Serval, Vampire, pel, Seele, Herta and Nat !   I opened my crimson eyes. Nat was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Seele was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. He looked just likee Lusine Gevorkyan, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Serval was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Jenny) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Crab and Goyle.   “OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?”   “brony something is really fucked up.” Seele said.   “OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily.   “It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Seele said in a sexy voice.   “Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all flirt.”   “I will I will.” he said.   So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Great Hal and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Britney from Griffindoor was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see nut. Someone something was there shouting at cocolia. Coconut was there too.   “THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!”   “THE BARK LORD IS PLANNING TO KILL THE STUDENTS!” yelled ppcacae.   “YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE THE PRINCIPAL ANY LONGER!” yelled something. “YOU ARE TOO OLD AND YOUR ALZHEIMERS IS DANGEROUS! YOU MUST RETRY OR Kafka WILL KILL YOUR STUDENTS!”   “Very well.” cocolia said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Kafka and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Bonya  Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.”   Seele, somone, sp,etohs, Darkness, Nat, Vampire and B’loody Serval looked at each other………I gasped.    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN: dhut da fok up biches!1 ur jus jelos koz I gut 10000 reviowz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help n telin me bout da boox gurlu rok letz go shopin 2getha!   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   The door opened and Proffesor Arlan and idk Fudge stomped out angrily. Then coconut and Rumbridge sawed us.   “MR. WAY WHAT THE BEEP ARE YOU DOING!” arlan shouted angrily. cocolia blared at her.   “Oops she made a mistake!” he corrupted her. “She means hi everybody cum in!”   Well we all came in angrily. So did all the other students. I sat between Darkness and Seele and opposite B’loody Serval. Crab and Goyle started 2 make some morbid jokes. They both looked exactly like Ville Vollo. I eight some Count Chocula and drank som blood from a cup. Then I herd someone shooting angrily. I looked behind me it was………Vampire! He and Seele were shooting at eachother.   “Vampire, Seele WTF?” I asked.   “You fucking bustard!” yelled Seele at Vampire. “I want to shit next to her!1”   “No I do!” mc shouted.   “No she doesn’t fucking like u, you son of a bitch!” yelled Seele.   “No fuck you motherfucker she laves me not you!” shouted Vampire. And then……………… he jumped on Seele! (no not in dat way u perv) They started to fight and beat up each other.   Cocolia yelled at them but they didn’t stop. All of a sudden…… a terrible man with red eyes and nose flew in on her broomstick. She had nose and was wearing a black coat. All the glass in the window he flew thru fell apart. Britney that fucking prep started to cry. Vampire and Seele stopped fighting….I shopped eating….Everyone gasped. Da room fell silent………………….kafka!   “Bronba…..Bronya…….” Bronie sed evilly in her raspy voice. “Thou havfe failed ur mission. Now I shall kill thou and I shall kill Vampire as well. If thou does not kill him before then I shall kill Seele too!”   “Plz don’t make me kill him plz!” I begged.   “No!” he laughed crudely. “Kill him, or I shall kill him anyway!” Then he flew away cackling.   I bust into tears. Seele and Vampire came to contort me. Suddenly my eyes rolled up so they looked all cool and gothic. I had a vision were I saw some lighting flash and then kafka coming to kill Seel.   “No!” I screamed sexily. Suddenly I locked up and stopped having the vision.   “Bronya Bronya aure you alright?” asked Seele in a worried voice.   “Yeah yeah.” I said sadly as I got up.   “Everyfing’s all right Enoby.” said Vampire all sensetive.   “No its not!” I shouted angrily. Tearz of blood went down my face. “OMFG what if I’m getting possessed like in Da Ring 2!”   “Its ok gurl.” said B’loody Serval. “Maybe u should ask Proffesor Sinister about what the visions mean though.”   “Ok bich.” I said    Well we had Deviation next so I got to ask Proffessor Trevolry about the visions.   “Konnichiwa everybody come in.” said Proffesor Sinister in Japanese. She smelled at me with her gothic black lipstick. She’s da coolest fucking teacher ever. She had long dead black hair with blood red tips and red eyes. (hr mom woz a vampire. She’s also haf Japanese so she speaks it and everyfing. she n b’loody mry get along grate) She’s really young for a teacher. 2day she was wearing a black leather top with red lace and a long goffik black ripped dress. We went inside the black classroom with pastors of Emily the Strong. I raced my hand. I was wearing some black naie Polish with red pentagrams on it.   “What is it Bronya?” she asked. “Hey I love ur nail polish where’d u get it, Hot Topik?”   “Yeah.” I answered. All the preps who didn’t know what HT was gave me weird looks. I gave them the middle finger. “Well I have to talk to you about some fings. When do you want to due it?”   “Ho about now?” she asked.   “OK.” I said.   “OK class fucking dismissed every1.” Proffesor Trevolry said and she let every1 go. “Except for you Britney.” she pointed at Britney and sum other preps. “Please do exorcize (geddit) 1 on page 3.”   “OK I’m having lotz of visions.” I said in a worried voice. I’m so worried is Seele gong 2 die.   Well she gave me a black cryptal ball to lock in. I looked at it.   “What do you c?” she asked.   “I said I see a black gothic skull and a pentagram.”   Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at it. It was Seele. He was looking really sexy wearing a black leather facet, a black gothic Linkin Park t-shirt and blak Congress shoes.   “Okay you can go now, see ya cunt.” said Proffesor Sinister.   “Bye bitch.” I said waving.   I went to Seele and Vampire was sitting next to him. We both followed Seele together and I was so exhibited.   Chapter 25.   AN: stop flaming ok if u dnot den il tel Justin 2 bet u up!1111 n il tel al da nredz 2 put vrtuz in ur computer!11111111111 FUK UU!1 raven fangz for de help!1 What? I was so excited. I fellowed Seele wandering if we where going 2 do it again. We went outside and then we went into Seele’s black car.   “Bronya what the fuck did Profesor Trevolry say.” whispered Seele potting his gothic whit hand with bvlak nail polish on mine.   “She said she would tell me what the visions meant torromow.” I grumbled in a sexy voice. He took out a heroin cabaret and spiked it, and gave it to me to spork. He started to fly the car into a tree. We went to the top of it. Seele put on some MCR.   “And all the things that you never ever told me And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me.” sang Lusine’s sexy voice. We started tiling of each other’s cloves fevently. He took of my blak thong and my black leather bar. I took of his black boxers. Then……………………… he put his trobbing you-know-what in my tool sexily.   “OMFG Seele Seele!” I screamed having an orgism. We stated frenching passively. Suddenly………… I fell asleep. I started having a dream. In it a black guy was shooting two goffik men with long black hair.   “No! Please don’t fucking kill us!1” they pleaded but he just kept shooting them. He ran away in a red car.   “No! Oh my fucking god!11” I shouted in a scared voice.   “Bronya what’s wrong?” Seele asked me as I woke up opening my icy blue eyes.   I started to cry and tears of blood went down my face. I told Seele to call Vampire. He did it with his blak Likin Park mobile. Butt the worst thing was who the ppl who were shot in the dream where……………………… Lucian and Serious!111   Chapter 26.   AN: PREPZ STUP FLAMING SDA STRY OK!1 if u dnot lik da story den go fok urself u fokeng prep! U SUK!111 oh y and I wuznt beng rasist ok!11   XXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   A few mutates later Vampire came 2 da tree. He was wearing a blak leather jackson, black leather pants and a Good Chralotte t-shirt.   “Hi Vampire.” I said flirtily as I started to sob. Seele hugged me sexily tryont to comfrot me. I started to cry tears of blood and then told them what happened.   “Oh fuck it!” Vampire shouted angrily. He4 started to cry sadly. “What fucking dick did that!”   “I don’t know.” I said. “Now come on we have 2 tell Kafka.”   We ran out of the tree and in2 da castle. Coconut was sitting in his office.   “Sire are dads have been shot!” Seele said while we wipped sum tears from his white face. “Bornya  had a vision in a dreem.”   Coco started to cockle. “Hahahaha! And How due u aspect me to know Bronya’s not divisional?”   I glared at cocolia.   “Look motherfucker.” he said angrily as coc ogasped (c is da toot of crakter). “U know very well that I’m not decisional. Now get some fucking ppl out there to look for Series and Lucian- pornto!”   “Okay.” he said in a intimated voice. “Were are they?”   I fought about it. Then all of a sudden….. “Longdon.” I said. I told him which street. He went and called some people and did some stuff. After a few mistunes he came back and said people were going out looking for them. After a while someone called him again. He said that they had been found. Seele, Vampire and I all left to our rooms together. I went with Seele to wait in the nurses office while Vamp We looked at each other’s gothic, derperessed eyes. Then, we kissed. Suddenly Serious and Lucian came in on stretchers……………………….and Proffesor Sinister was behind them!1   Chapter 27. vampirz wil never hurt u   AN: u no wut!111 I dnot giv a fok wut u prepz fink abot me!1111 so stup flaming da foking story bichez!1111 fangz 2 raven 4 ur luv n sport n help i luv u gurl soz i kodnt update lol I wuz rly deprezzd n I silt muh rists I had 2 go 2 da hospital rraven u rok gurl!11111111111111111111   XXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   Every1 in the room stated to cry happly- I had saved them. Drako, Lucian, Serious bond Vampire all came to hug me. The nurse started to give them medicine.   “Cum on boprnya .” said Proffesor Sinatra. She was wearing a gothic blak leader dress with a corset top and real vampir blood on it and fuking black platinum boots. “I have to tell you the fucking perdition.”   I locked at yea, aome, omg and Vampire. They nodded.   I smelled happily and went into a dark room. I had changed Profesor Sinister took out some black cards. She started to look into a black crucible ball. She said……………………… “Tara, I see drak times are near.” She said badly. She peered into da balls. “You see, you must go back in time.” She took out a Time-Toner like B’loody Serval had. “When coconuyt was in Hogwarts before he became powerful he gut his hearth borken. Now do you fink he would still become Volxemort if he was in love?” I shook my head. “U must go back in time and sedouce him. It is the only way. If he is still evil then you must kill him. You can come to my room tomorrow and you can do it.”   “Okay.” I said sadly. We did dethz tuch sin. I went outside again sadly.   “What fucking happened?” asked Seele and Vampire.   “Yeah what happened?” asked Darkness, nat and Boldy Serval?   I was about to tell them butt every1 was there. They were celebrating Lucian and Sirius being fond. Everyone was proud of me butt I jut wonted 2 talk 2 Seele. They were cheesing my name and some reporters were there, trying to interview coconut. A banner was put up. Lotz of fucking prepz were there oviously tring 2 be b goffik wering the HIM sign on their handz- depite them not having akshelly heard of him. Even Mr. Sampo looked happy. A blak and red cake had been brought out. Crabbe and Goyke set up some fireworx in the shape of skulls from Wesley’s Whizard Wises.   I put on my Invisibility coke with Vampire and Seele and we sneaked outside 2gether.   Chapter 28.   AN: I sed stop gflmaing da story it wuz a miskat wen profsor relory sed dat ok!11111111 GO 2 FOKENG HELL!1111 U SUK! fangz 2 fily 4 da help!1! raven hav fun wif kiwi!1111111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   We went in2 a blak room. The wallz were blak with portraits of gothic bands lik MCR, Blestyashchiye and Marlin Mason all over them. A big black coffin was in the middle. Red vevlet lined da blak box. There were three chairs made of bones with real skullz in dem. I wuz wearing a blak corset bar wif purple stuff on it, fishnet suckings and a blak leather thong underneath.   I sat down one of da chairs dispersedly. So did Zeele and Vampire.   “Are you okay?” Vampir asked potting his albastard hand on mine. He was wearing black nail polish. I was wearing black nail polish with red crosses on it.   “Yah I guess.” I said sadly. Zeele also pot his hand on mine sexily. I smiled sadly with my blak lipstick. “The problem is……………………….I have to seduce Kafka. Ill have 2 go bak in time”   Seele started to cry sadly. Vampire hugged her.   “Itz okay bronya.” she said finally. “But what about me? Ur not gonna brake up or anyfing, are you?”   “Of coarse not!” I gasped.   “Really?” she asked.   “Sure.” I said.   We frenched sexily. Vampire looked at us longingly.   Then………… I took off Seele’s MCR shrift and seductvely took of his pants. He was hung lik a stallone. He had replaced the Vampire tattoo that said bornyzon it. Black roses were around it. I gasped. He lookd exactly lik Lusine Gevorkyan. Vampire took a vido camera. (I had sed it wuz ok b4).   I took of my clothes den we were in 4 da rid of r lif.   We started freching as we climbed into the cofin. He put his spock in my ppt and passively we did it.   “I love you Bronya . Oh let me feel u I need 2 feel u.” he screamed as we got an orgasm. We watched Vampire filmed everything perfectly. Suddenly………………………….   “WHAT THE FUCK R U DOING!”   It was………………………….Landau and Profesor Pika!111   Chapter 29.   AN: sot das fok up!11 ur jus jelouz koz ur prepz so fok u!1111 raven u rok gurl fangz 4 da help MCR ROX 666!111111111111   XXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “Oh my satan!1” we screamed as we jamped out of da coffin. Landau and Professor pika started to shoot at us angrily.   “CUM NOW!1!” Preacher pika yielded. We did guiltily. We left the room putting on our clothes. Snoop garbed the caramel and put it in his pocket.   “Hey what the fuck!111” Vampire shooted angrily.   “Yeah buster what the fuck are u going to do with the fucking camera?” Seele demonded all protective, looking at me Longley with his gothic red eyes. “Look, Dumblehor noes your little secret and if u do dis again, then u will go to St Mango’s. So give back da camera!1111”   Hahahaha the Mystery of Mogic thinks he is crazy there is no way dey wil believe him. Snoop laughed meanly.   “Yes so shut your mputh you inlosent fools!” yelled Proffesor McGoggle. She made us cum into a weird room with white stones all around it. There were all these werid tools in it. Seele started to cry all sexy and sexitive (geddit koz hes a sexbom lol tom felnot rulez 4 lif but nut as muxh as Lusine ur sex on legz I luv u u fokeng rok Serval me!111).   I started to cry tearz of blood (it hapnz in vrampir kroniklz raven sed so ok so fok u!1). Vampire took out a black honkerchief and started to wipe my red eyes.   And then……………….. he and Landua both took out guns using magic. They started to shoot each other angrily. Non of the ballots gut on eachodder yet. I took out my wand.   “Crosio!” I shouted. Landau stated 2 scram he dropd da gun. But it was too late. Both of them had run out of ballets. I STOPPED DA CURSE. Profesor pika did a spell so that we were all chained up. She took out a box of tools. Den she said “OK Serverus I’m going 2 go now.” She left. Landau started to laugh evilly. Vampire started to cry.   “It’s ok Bronya .” said Seele. “Evergreen will be all right. Remember the cideo u took of Snake.”   Landaue laughed again. And then...he took out some whips!1!1111   Chapter 30.   AN: stop flaming da story ok u dnot no wutz even gona happen ok!1111 so FUL U!111 if u flam u wil be a prep so al flamerz kan kiss muh ass!111 soz 4 soz 4 sayin alzhimers is dongerous but datz da mysteries opinin koz sosiety basically sux. fangz 2 raven u rok bich!111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “No!11” we screamed sadly. Landau stated loafing meanly. He took out a kamera anvilly. Then…………………… he came tords zeele !1! He took sum stones out of his poket. He put da stones around Seele and nit a candle.   “What the fuck r u doing!” I shooted arngrily. Snoop laughed meanly. He polled down his pants. I gasped- there was a Dork Mark on his you-know-wut!11!   He waved his wand and a nife came. He gave da knife 2 me.   “U must stab Vrompire.” he said to me. “If u don’t then I’ll hug Seele!1”   “No you fucking bastrad!1” I yielded.   But den Seele looked at me sadly with his evil goffik red eyes dat looked so depressant and sexy. sHe lookd exactly like a pentragram (lol geddit koz im a satanist) between Kurt Cobain and Lusine. But then I looked at Vampire and he looked so smexy too wif his goffik black hair. I thought of da time when we screwed and the time I did it with Seele and coconut came    Landau laughed angrily. He started to prey to Cicic. He started to do an incapacitation dancing around the stokes whipping Seele and Vampire. Suddenly an idea I had. I clozd my eyes and using my vampire powers I sent a telepathetic massage to Zeele and Vampire so they would destruct Landaue.   “coco will get u!” Seele shooted.   “Yah just wait ubtil da Mystery find out!11” Vampire yelled. Meanwhile I took out my wand.   “You ridiculus dondderhed!111” gepard yielded.    “Crosio!” I shited pointing my wound. Landua scremed and started running around da room screming. Meanwhile I grabed my blak mobile and sent a txt 2 Serious. I stopped doing crucio.   “You dunderhed!111 Im going to kill-” shooted Landaue but suddenly god came.   Snake put the whip behind his bak. “Oh hello Sev I wuz just teaching them sumthing.” he lied. But suddenly Lusian and Profesor Trevolry came in2 da room and they and Serious unlocked the chains and put dem around Landau. Then Profesor Trevolry said ‘Come on Bronya let’s go.”   Chapter 31. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “I always knew u were on Kafka’s side, you sun of a bitca (bufy rox!111).” Serious said 2 Landaue.   “No I’m not I was teaching them somefing!1” Landau clamed.   “Oh fucking yeah?” I took some blak jdsjfis out of my poket and gave it to Serverus. He made Landau dirnk it. He did arngrily. Then Luscious took out a tape recorder and started playing it while he did curses on Landau. Then Proffesor Sinister and Lucian made us get out wif them while Landaue told his secretes. Lucian took Vampure and Seele to the nurse after thanking me a millon times. Profesor Trevolry took me to a dark room. Now I wuz going to go back in time to sedouce Volxemort. Moving posters of MCR and Nrivana were all over. Bronie, emo and nat came too. B’loody Serval gave me a blak bag from Tom Rid’s store.   “Whatz in da bag?” I asked Profesor Trevolry.   “U will c.” she said. I opened thee bag. In it was a sexy tite low-smut black leather gothic dress. It had red korset stuff and there was a silt up da leg. I put it on. My frendz helped me put on blak fishnetz and blak pointy boots Willow had chosen. Willow and Darkness helped me put on black eyeliner and blod-red lipshtick.   “You look fucking kawaii, bitch.” B’loody Serval said.   “Fangs.” I said.   “Ok now you’re going to go back in tim.” said Proffesor Sinister. “U will have to do it in a few sessionz.” She gave me a blak gun. I put it in a strap on my fishnetz like in Redisnet Evill. Then she gave me a black time-tuner. “After an hour use da time torner to go back here.” Proffesor Trevolry said. Then she and B’loody Serval put a Pensive in front of me. Every1 went in front of it.   “Good luk!1” Everryone shooted. Darkess and nat gave me deth’s touch sin. Then……….. I jumped sexily in2 da Pensive.   Suddenly I was in fornt of teh School. In front of me wuz one of da sexiest goth guyz I had ever seen. He was wering long blak hair, kinda like Mikey Way only black. He had gren eyes like Billie Joe Amstrung and pale whit skin. He wuz wearing a blak ripped up suit wif Vans. It was…………………….!!!!!!!!!!!   Chapter 32.   AN: I sed stup fflaming I no his nam iznt tom bodil dat wuz a mistak!1111 if u dnot lik de story den u kan go skrew urself!11111 U SUK!111111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “Hi.” I said flirtily. “Im roneu Way da new student.” I shok my pale handz wif their blak noil polish wif him.   “Da name’s herta .” she said. “But u kan call me Satan. Datz ma middle nam”   We shok hands. “Well come on we have 2 go upstairs.” herta said. I followed him. “Hey Satan…… u happen to be a fan of Gren Day?” (sinz mcr and evinezenz dont exist yet den) I asked.   “Oh my fuking god, how did u know?” Satan gasped. “actually I like Blestyashchiye a lot too.”(geddit coz Blestyashchiye did that song I just wanna live that’s ounded really 80s)   “omg me too!” I replied happily.   “guess what they have a concert in hogsment.” satan whispered.   “hogsment?” I asked.   “yeah that’s what they used to call it in these time before it became Hogsmeade in 2000.” he told me all sekrtivly. “and theres a really cool shop called Hot-“   ‘topic!” I finshed, happy again.   He froned confusedly. “noo its called Hot Ishoo.” He smiled skrtvli again. “then in 1998 dey changd it to hot topic.” he moaned.   “ohh.” now everything was making sense for me. “so is cocoliqor your princepill?” I shouted.   “uh-huh.” he looked at his black nails. “im in slitherin’”   “OMfG SHME TOO!” I SHRIEDKED.   “u go to this skull?”(geddit cos im goffik) he asked.   “yah that’s why im here im NEW.” I SMELLED HAPPili.   Suddenly coconut flew in on her broomstuck and started shredding at us angrily. “NO TALKING IN THE HALLS!” he had short blonde hair and was wearing a polo shirt from Amrikan ogle outfters. “STUPID GOFFS!”   satan rolled his eyes. “his so mean to us goffs and punks just becose we’re in slytherine and we’re not preps.”   I turned around angrily. “actually I fink mebe its becos ur da barke lord.”   “wtf?” he asked angrily.   “oh nuffin.” I said sweetly.   then suddenlyn………………. the floor opened. “OMFG NO I SCEAMED AS I FEEL DOWN. everyone looked At ME weirdly.”   “hey where r u goin?” satan asked as I fell.   I got out of the hole n it was bak in the pensive in professor trevolry’s classroom. dumblydum wuz dere. “coconut I think I just met u.” I said.   “oh yeah I rememba that.” cocn9t said, trying to be all goffik.   Emo came in. “hey dis is my classroom wait wtf bronya what da hell r u doing?”   :”um.” I looked at her.   “oh yeaH I forgot bout that.”   “wth how?” I screamed forgetting she was a teacher for a second. but shes a goff so its ok.   professor emo looked sad. “um I was drinking Kafkaserum.” she started to cry black tears of depression. Coconu didn’t know about them.   “hey r u crying tears of blood?” she asked curiously, tuching a tear.   “fuck off!” we both said and dumblydum took his hand away.   professor sinster started crying again in her chair, sobbing limpid tears. “omfg enoby…I think im addicted to Kafkaserum.”   AN: SEE U FOKKING PREPZ GO FOK URSELXXZ DATZ SERUS ISSUZ 2O GO 2 HELL!1111112   Chapter 33.   AN: I sed shut up itz nut my folt ok if u don’t lik da story den ur a prep so fuk u flamerz!1111 ps im nut updating ubtil u giv me fiv god reviewz nd diz tim I men it!111111 U SUK!1111 fangz raven 4 di help il promiz to help u wif ur story lolz1   “Oh my fuking god!1” I shooted sadly. “Shud we get u 2 St Manga’s, bitch?”   “Hel no!” she said. “Lizzen Egogy, I need ur help. Nex tim u go bak in tim, do u fink u kod ask Tom Andorson 4 sum help?”   “Sure I said sadly. I went outside the door. Seele was there!111 He wuz wearing a big blak Blestyashchiye tshit which wuz his panamas.   “Hey Sexxy.” I said.   “How’d it go bronya?” she asked in his voice was so sexy and low kinda like Lusine Gevorkyan when hes talking.   “Fine.” I reponded. We stared 2 go bak in2 da dorm.   “How far did u go wif Satan?” seele asked jealously.   “Not 2 far, lol.” I borked.   “Will you hav to do it with him?” Seele asked angstily.   “I hop not 2 far!111” I shouted angrily. Den I felt bad 4 shooting at him. I said sorry. We frenched.   “What happened 2 Snipe?” I growled.   “U will see.” Seele giggled mistressly. He opened a door……………Landau nd Lumpkin werz there!11 Serious waz pokering dem by staging dem wif a blak nife.   “NOOOO PLZ!1111” Lumpkin bagged as Serious started 2 suk his blood. I laffed statistically. I tok some photons of him and Landau bing torqued. (ok I no dis iz men but fink abot it ppl dey r pedoz nd Landau trid 2 rap dem and neway sadiztz rok haz any1 seen shrak atak 3 lolz). We took sum of Snipe’s blod den seele and I went bak 2 our roomz. We sat on my goffik blak coffin. My cloves were kinda drity so I pot on a blak leather outfit fingie kinda like da 1 Suelene haz in Undreworld. (if u haven’t herd of it den FUK U!111) . I put on some blak platform high heelz. Darko put on ‘desolition liverz’ by MCR. Den………………………………………….we storted 2 take of eachotherz clozez. I tok of his shit nd he had a six-pak, lolz. We started 2 mak out lik in Da Grudge.   “Oh Seele!111111!1 Oh mi fuking gud Seele!1111” I screemed passively.   “I luv u Tabronya.” he whispred sexily and den we fel aspleep lol.   Chapter 34.   AN: SHOT DA FOK UP PREPZ!1111 hav u even red de story!11 u r proly al just prepz nd posrs so FUK U!111 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXX   I wook up in da coffin de next day. Seele waz gone. I got up and put on a blak tight sexah drsss that was all ripped at da end. There wuz red korset stuff going up da fornt and da bak and it came up 2 my knees. There wuz a slit in da dress lik in mr & mr simth. I pot on ripped blak fishnets and blak stilton bo-ots. Suddenly…………………. Sorious cocked on da door. I hopened it.   “Hi Ibony.” he said. “Gezz wut u have 2 cum 2 Profesor Sinistor’s office.”   “Ok.” I said in a deprezzd voice. I had wanted to fuk Seele or maybe lessen to MCR or Evonezcence. I came anyway.   “So what the fuck happened 2 Snipe and kyle?” I asked Sorious flirtily.   “I fucking tortured them.” he answered in a statistic way. “They r in Abkhazian now, lol.”   I laughed evilly.   “Where r Seele and mc?” I muttered.   “Dey are xcused form skool 2day.” Sodomize moaned sexily. “Rite now they are watching Da Nigtmare b4 Xmas.”   We went into da office. Proffesor Sinister was there. She was wearing a goffik blak dress that was all ripped all over it kinda lik da one Amy Lee wears in this pic   ( http/ She wuz drinking some Volximortserum.   She took out da Pensiv and the time-torner.   “Enoby, you will have to do anozzer session now. Also I need u to get me da cure 4 being adikited.” she said sadly. “Good luck. Fangz!”   And then……….I jumped into the Prinsive again. Suddenly I looked around……………I was in da Grate Hall eating Count Chorcula. It was mourning. I was sitting next to Satan. On a table was a tall gottik man wif long blak hair, pail skin and blue eyes wering a suit and blak Cronvrese shoes. He looked just like Charlyn Manson. I noticed……he was drinking a portent.   “Whose he!11” I asked.   “Oh, datz Profesor Slutborn.” Satan said. “He’s da Portents teacher…………..Bronya?”   “Yah?” I asked.   “Did u know dat Servallin Mason is playing in Hogsemade tonight? And they r showing The Exercise at da movies b4 dat.”   “Yah?”   “Well…...want 2 go 2 da contort and da movie wif me?”   Chapter 35. gost of u   AN: fangz 2 suzi 4 da idea!1 u rok! fuk of prepz!11111111 fangz 2 raven 4 di help u rok gurl!1 ps im gong 2 end da stroy rlly sun so FUK U!111 oh yah nd if u no eny gofik namz plz tel me koz I ned 1 4 serius!1 fangz.   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I went in2 da Conmen Room finking of Satan. Suddenly I gasped………………..Seele wuz there!111   I grasped. He locked as hut as eva werring blak ledder pants, a blak Lonken Prak t-shrit and blak eyeliner.   “Seele what da fuk r u dong!111111” I gosped.   “Huh?” he asked. Then I remembred. It wuzn’t Seele. It was Lucan!1 He stil had two arms.   “Oh hi Lucian!1” I sed. “Im Bronya the new student lol we shook handz.”   “Yah Satan told me abot you.” Lusian said. He pinted to a groop of sexxxy gottik guyz. They where siting in a corner kutting. It wuz Serious, Vampire’s dad and………………Landau! All of them were wearing blak eyeliner and blak Good Chralootte band shirts. “Lizzen I’m in a goth band wif those guys.” he said. “Were playing 2nite at da Servallin Mason show as back-up.   “ORLY.” I ESKED.   “Yeah.” he said. “Were calld XBlakXTearX. I play teh gutter. Spartacus plays da drums” he said ponting to him. “Landau plays the boss. And Jamez plays the guitar to even fo we call him Samaro, after Samara in da ring.”   “Hey bastards.” I told them they gave me Dethz tuch sin. Suddenly I gasped again. “But don’t u have a lead singer!” I asked. Lucian looked dawn sadly.   “We uzd to but she did."   “Oh my fuking god!11 Datz so fuking sad!1” I gasped.   “Its okay but we need a new led snigger.” Samaro said.   “Wel………..I said Im in a bnad myself.”   “Rilly?” asked Landau. I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111   “Yeah were called Blody Gothik Rose 666. Do u wanna hr me sing?”   Yeah said everyone. So the guys tok out der guitarz. They began to pay a song lesbian (geddit koz gurls r sooo sexah!11) Gurn Day.   “I wok dis empt stret on da bolevrad of broken dremz.” I sang sexily (I dnot own da lyrikz 2 dat song).. Every1 gasped.   “Enopby? Will u join da band? Plz!1” begged Lucian, Samoro, Serious and Landau.   “Um…….ok.” I shrugged. “Are we gong to play tonight?”   “Yah.” they said.   “Ok.” I said but I new dat I had 2 get a new outfit. I walked outside wondering how I kud go forward in time. Suddenly someone jumped in fornt of me. It wuz…..Morty Mcfli!1 He was wering a blak bnad tshrit and blak bagy jeans.   “What da hell r u dong here!11” I asked.   “I wil help u go frowad in tim bronyq.” he said siriusly Den……….he took out a blak tim machine. I went in2 it and……………………..sudenly I wuz forward in tim!111   Chapter 36.   AN: I sed stop flaming ok!111111111 I bet u r al proly old srevinty yr oldz!111 ps PORTERSUZ UR A PREP!1 o ya nd fangz 2 raven 4 di help!111 hav fun in englond gurl!11111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I loked around in a depresed way. Suddenly I saw Profesor Sinister. B’lody Serval, Asta and Seele, Vampire and nat were their to.   “OMFG Sorius I saw u nd Clara and Hook nd everyone!11111 I kant beleev Landau uzd 2 b goffik!111111”   “Yah I no.” Serious said sadly.   “Oh hey there bitch.” Profesor Kiana said in an emo voice dirnking some Volxemortserom.   Hi fuker.” I said. “kiaan, Satan asked me out to a gottik cornet and a movie so I need a sexah new outfit for da date. Also I’m playng in a gothic band so I need an ootfit for that too.”   “Oh my satan!1” (geddit lolz koz shes gofik) gasped B’lody Serval. “Want 2 go to Hot Topik to shop 4 ur outfit?”   “OMFS, letz have a groop kutting session!11” said Profesor kiana.   “I can’t fucking wait 4 dat but we need 2 get sum stuff first.” said nat.   “Yah we need sum portions for Profesor Kiana so she wont be adikted 2 Volxemortserum anymore nd also………….sum luv potion 4 brony.” Seele said resultantly.   “Well we have potions klass now.” nat said so let’s go.   We went sexily to Potionz class. But Landau wasn’t there. Instead there was…………………………………………Herta Fuck!11111   “Hey where the fuck is coconut!111” Seele shouted angrily.   “STFU!1” shooted Clara. “she is hanging out now wif Snip and kyle he is old and week she has kancer. “Now do ur work!111”   My friendz and I talked arngrily.   “Can you BELEVE Landau used to be gottik!1” Vampire asked surprisedly.   “DATZ IT!11” CLARA SHOOTED ARNGRILY. “IM GETTING PROFESOR SVAROG!111”   She stomped out angrily.   Mi frendz and I began talking again. I began to drink some blod mixed wif beer. Suddenly I saw Bronie in da cupboard.   “WTF is he doing?” I asked. Then I looked at Seele. He wuz wearing tonz of eyeliner nd he locked shexier den eva. Suddenly……………“BRONIE WUT DA FOK R U DOING!11” he shooted.   I looked around…………….BRONIE wuz putting sumfing in my glass of blod!11 seele and Vampire started 2 beat him up sexily.   “God u r such a posr!1” I shooted at Bronie. Suddenly I looked ar what he was putting in da blood. It was………………Amnesia Portion!111   Chapter 37.   AN: OK EVRYBODY IM GONG ON VOCATION ON DA FRIST OF JULY SO IM EEDER GONNA END DA FIK OR UPDAT IT IN WEEX. fangz!1 oh yah nd prepz stop flaming sa story!11 raven fangz 4 da help c ya gurl afta vocation!11   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   Seele's PONT OF VIEW LOL   Vampire and I chaind Bronie 2 da floor.   “Oh mi fucking satan!11” Bronie said. She wuz so hot. “Maybe I cud uze Amnesia potion 2 make Satan foll in love wif me faster!1”   “But u r so sexy and wonderful aneway Tata,” said Vampire. “Why would u need it?”   “To make everyfing go faster lol.” said Bronya.   “But you wont have to do it wif him or anyfing, will u?” I asked jelosly.   “OMFG u guyz r so scary!11” said Himeko, a fucking prep.   “Shut the fuk up!1” said nat.   “Ok well anyway lets go 2 Profesor Kiana's room.”   Seele, Bronga and I went to Profesor eko room. But Profesor emo wasn’t there. Instead Herrscher of Sentience was.   Oh hi fuckers he said. Emo, I got u sum kewl new clovez.   I took out da cloves from da bag. It was a goffik blak leather miniskirt that said ‘666’ on da bak, black stilton bootz, blood red fishnetz and a blak corset.   “OMG fangz!” I said hugging him in a gothic way. I took da clothes in da bag.   “OK Profesor Sinister isnt hr what the fuk should we do?” asked Seele. Suddenly he loked at a sign on da blak wall.   “Oh my fuking satan!1” I screamed as I read it. On it said Evry1 Profesor Sinister is away. She is too gottik she is in Azkhabian now. Classes shal be taught by Coco who is bak but he shall not be principal 4 now. Sincerely Profesor Danheng   “OMFG!111” I shoted arngrily. “How could they do that!11”   Suddenly coconut came.   “WHAT DA HELL R U DONG IN MY OFICE!1” she began to shoot angrily. Sudwenly I saw Morty Mcfly’s blak tim machine!111 I jumped seductivly in2 it leaving Seele and Vampire. Sudenly I wuz back in tim!11 I looked around. It was……………Profesor danheng's efface! I sneaked around. Suddenly I saw da Amnesia potion on his desk. It wuz blak wif blood-red pentagramz in it. It was the shape of a cross. I put it in my poket. Suddenly da door opened it wuz……..Profesor DANHENG1!!   OMG wut r u doing fuker he shooted angrily I don’t kno wut da fuk r u DOING I SHOUTED ANGRILY.   “Oh sorry I wuz just looking around koz I thought it wuz class.” you said finally hoping he couldn’t c da potion in ur pocket.   “Oh ok u can go now.” said Profesor Danheng.   You went to the conmen room after putting on my clothes. Arlan, welt and Landau were there practicing Vampirez will Never Hurt U by MCR.   “Oh hi you guys.” I said seductively. “Wheres Satan?”   “Oh he’s cumming.” said Serious. “BTW u can kall me Hert  now.” Suddenly Satan came. He was wearing a smexxy blak leather Jackson, blak congres shoes, a Slipnot t-shirt and a blak tie.   “Ok I will see you guyz at da concert.” I said and then I went with Satan.   Chapter 38.   AN: wut doez every1 fink if I end da strory and den I add sum more 2 it after vocation? oh yah asnd prepz stup flaming if u dnot lik dat story den take muh quiz ok den u wil c if ur gofik or not!1111111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   Satan and I walked 2 her car. It wuz a blak car wif pentagrams all over it. On da license plate said 666 just lik Seele’s car. I went in it seduktivly. Stan started 2 drive it. We talked about Satanism (lolz he wuz named after Satan)   “Oh my satan, Lusine is so fuking hot!11” Kafka agreed as we smoked sum weed. (koz  lesbians are nice dey r so sensitive I luv dem lol goez hug a girl)   “Lol, I totally decided not 2 comit suicide when I herd Hilena.” I said in a flirty voice. “……….Hey Satan do u know da cure 4 when ppl r adikted 2 Volxemortseruem?”   “Well………………” he thought. “I fink u have 2 drink Vampire blod.”   Suddenly Kafka parked da car behind a blak movie theater. Hetta and I walked outside. We went in2 da movie tether were they were showing da Excercist. In it a boy and a gurl were doing it sudenly a cereal killer came lol. HERTA and I laughed at da blood koz we’re sadists.   While herta was watching da movie, I had an idea. I took Herta's gothic blak Nightmare b4 Christmas cigar from his poket and put sum Amnesia potion in it. I put it bak in his blak Emile the Strange bag. Herta turned arund and started 2 smoke it. Blak cloudz wif red pentagramz ind em started 2 fly around everywhere.   “OMG!111” herta said jumping up. I gasped koz I wuz afraid hed notizd. “bronyq gess what?”   I new that the amnesia had worked.   “Amnesia potion has not been invented yet so it will not work.” she said. “2 badd coz I wanted 2 use sum on u.”   “Kul.” I raised my eye suggestingly. And den………. She    “Xcuze me but u r going 2 have 2 leave!111” shooted da lady behind us she was a prep.   “Fuk u!11” I said. Suddenly…………………. I attaked her suking all her blood.   “Noooooo!11” she screamed. All the preps in da theater screamed but everyone else crapped koz Satan and I loked so cute 2gether. Satan and I started to walk outside.   “Zomg how did u do that?” kafka asked in a turned-on voice.   “I’m a vampire.” I said as we went into the car.   “Siriusly?” he gasped.   “Yah siriusly.” I said drinking sum beer. Satan started 2 drive da car. I smelled happily.   “Itz too bad we didn’t get 2 c da rest of the movie, don’t u fink?”   “Yah.” I said as we kised passively. Satan parked in a blak driveway next 2 da place where Seele and I had watched Blestyashchiye for the frist time. We went inside where Servallin Mason wuz playing and started to mosh lol.   “Anti-ppl now uve gone 2 far Jeus Krist Superstar!1111” screamed Lusine on da stage. We did the devil fingers. I started 2 dance really close to Satan. He was so shmexay!1 He looked at me all emo with his gothic red eyes and he looked exactly like Mikey Way. I almost got an orgaism!1 Suddenly Lusine stopped singing.   “I wood like to peasant……………..XBlakXTearX!11” he said. I ran onstage. Arlan, Welt, Landau and herta were there. They started 2 play their instilments. I got onstag.   “Wel if u wonted honesty datz all u had 2 say!1111” I sang. (I dnot own da lyerix 2 dat song) My voice sounded lik a pentagram betwen Amy Lee and a gurl version of Lusine. Everyone clappd. Satan got an eructation. “I’M NUT OKAY!1” I sang finaly. Suddenly Lucian started playing da song wrong by mistak.   “OMFG!1” yielded James. “Wut the fuck?”   “Woops im sory!” said Lucian.   “You fuking ashhole!1” James shouted angrily.   “U guys are such prepz!11” Landau said. “Cum on it wuz a mistake!1”   “Yah itz not his fault!11” said Serious.   “No he ruined the fucking song!1” yelled Welt.   “U guys stop!11” I shotoed angrily but it waz 2 late. They all began 2 fight. Sudenly Samaro took out hiz nife.   “OMFG no!11” shouted welt but it wuz 2 late James tried 2 shoot off his arm.   And den……………………………I jumped secxily in front of da bullet!11   “No!111” yielded everyone but it wuz 2 late suddenly everyfing went blak.   Chapter 39. I Am A Trolling Genious, lolz   Disclaimer: I do not own the HP series and I am not the real XXXbloodyrists666XXX.   AN// I am an extremely immature pathetic idiot girl, I know. Out of boredom, I crack this girl's passy for fun (and it took less than 8 minutes to do it too) and will probably get in a shitload of trouble. Which I probably deserve 'cause I'm being a troll right now. Meh.   And I present to you MY crappy part in this story. (And take note I haven't even finished reading this fic yet, but instead skip over to skim chapter 38.) Flame, laugh, do whatever you want "preps."   I, the American retail wearing british vampire Sue, coughed up blood.   Satan kneeled down beside me.   "Noooooooooooooooo! Don't die!"   I gave him a rueful smile. "I'm sorry. It's something I had to do, to fufill my duty as the noble gothic Serval Sue."   Mc sobbed. "I love you Bronya."   "I love me two. I'll...I'll see you in hell." I mumbled, already finding my surroundings fading to black.   B'loody Serval suddenly popped into the room for no apparent reason. She frowned when she realized the room was oddly quiet, but at the sight of Bronya's lifeless body, she screamed. Her face became pale with horror. She screamed for the healers, cocolia, Kyle, and every single gothic person she could think of.   Suddenly, a glow started to surround the body of Bronya. Everyone stared in shock. Her body started to lift ever so slowly and then, to everyone's shock, it started to incinerate.   When everyone realized what was happening, they rushed over to try to rescue the body, but it was too late, the Sue became nothing more then a pile of ashes.   A loud resounding of everyone bellowing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!!" filled the room.   A flash of white light from the ashes then started to bounce around the room. Everyone cowered in fear and were temporarily blinded. When it was all over, things changed.   All the silly goth clothes dropped from everyone's bodies (AN//I will refuse to explain how the hell that happened.) and, in their place, clothes the characters would normally wear in canon appeared on their bodies.   When everyone got over the shock of becoming free of the gofick power, everybody cheered. Everyone started singing 'Ding dong the sue is dead...' Well, that is, until all the HP characters realized the true implications of becoming more canon like again.   All the characters who were supposed to be dead fell to the floor, their bodies cold and lifeless. Mc and Kafka started dueling. On the left side of the two, the battle of the Light Side and the Dark Side were reaching a climax.   And, because the replacement author also likes to screw around with canon, Seele and Hermione fled the scene and got married.   --------   Meanwhile...   Down in hell, Bronya shed a single tear because of her current situation. A situation that would live on for all eternity. Or at least until the end of fanfiction time.   She lost it all, but she knew she had to remain strong. Nothing would ever break her down.   She looked down over her pale body, and frowned. 'Where are my emo clothes?' She asked herself in confusion.   And then it occured to her...   For her shirt, she was wearing a bright pink polo with a little seagull on the (right or left? I can't remember) side. Below that, she was wearing a denim miniskirt with the "destroyed" look on it. Paired underneath that skirt were leggings with a little moose at the bottom. And then Bronya realized, on her shoulder, she was carrying a pretty bag with an eagle on it that said Live Your Life written all over the bag.   Bronya supressed the urge to scream. Here she was decked out in clothes prep to the extreme wearing stuff from Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, AND Hollister.   Panicked, Bronya hastily tried to take off the Hollister polo, but underneath it, there was another Hollister polo underneath. Bronya frowned, and looked under her shirt. All she saw was a bra underneath (dare I point out it's from the Aerie line available at American Eagle?). Bronya tried to remove the shirt again. But to her frustration, there was yet again another polo to replace it.   "THIS IS UNLOGICAL AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!!" Bronya bellowed out to the air. She failed to see the irony in her statement, how hypocrytical her words were, seeing as she was practically calling the kettle black here.   Bronya looked at her hand (it was a hand) and mumbled to herself, "Omigod."   /End Crap Fic.   AN// Oh yeah, if you wanna see the original content this chick had planned for this chapter, I accessed it through the document manager thingy, which I copied and pasted, so you can read it here:   AN: stfu prepz git a lif!111111 U SUCK!11 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be able 2 update 4 a while, lolz. fangz 2 evry1 hu revoiwed expect da prepz hu flamed FOK U!1 MCR RULEZ 666!111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXX   I woke up in da Norse’s offace on a special gothik coffin. BRONIE wuz in da bed opposite me in a comma coz Vampir and Seele had bet her up. Mr. Sampo was cleaning the room.   “Oh mi satan wut happened!” I screamed. Suddenly kafka came. Hse loked less mean then usual.   “Get the fuk out u fucking bastard!11” I yielded.   “Thou hath nut killd Vampire yet!11” he said arngrily. Sudenly whe started 2 cry tearz of blood al selective.   “Volxemort? OMFG what’s wrong!111” I asked.   Sudenly………. Samp, Profesor emo and Serious came! B’lody Serval and Vampire were wif dem. Every1 was holding blak boxez. ksfka DISAPAERD.   “OMFG Enoby ur alive!111” Scremed Vampire. I hugged him and B’lody Serval.   “What the fuk happened?” I asked dem. “Oh my satan!11 Am I lik dead now?” I gosped.   “Enoby u were almost shot!11” said Serious. “But da ballet could not kill u since u were form anodder time.”   “But fangz anyway!1” said kafka holding oot his arm. I gasped. He had two arms!   “OMG I cant beleve Vampirz’ dad shot u!1” I gasped.   “Well 2 be honest Landau wuz pozzesd by Landau bak den.” said James.   “Yah he wuz a spy.” emo said sadly. “He wuz really a Death Dealer.”   “And he wuz such a fuking poser 2!11” said Lucian. “He didn’t even realy no hu Blestyashchiye were until I told him.” Well anyway everyone tarted 2 give me presents. I was opening a blak box wif red 666s (there wuz a dvd of corps bride in it) on it when I gasped. Mr. Noris looked up angrily coz he h8ed gothz.   “Hey haz aneone fuking seen Seele?” I asked gothikally.   “No Seele told me he wood be watching Hoes of Wax.” said Profesor Kiana. “He duzzn’t know dat ur better. Anyway da norse said u could get up. Cum on!1”   I got up suicidally. Also emo, emo and Profesor ekoer left. I wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun. Under that I had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak lace, with a matching thong that said goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong (if u don’t get da idea massage me ill tell u). I put on a blak fishnet top under a blak MCR t-shirt, a blak leather mini with blak lace and congress shoes. I left the hospital’s wings wif B’lody Serval, nat and Vampire.   “OMFG letz celebrate!11” gasped nat.   “We can go c Hose of Wax wif Seele!1” giggled Vampire.   “Letz go lizzen 2 Blestyashchiye and kut ourselvz 666!11” said MARCH. We opened da conmen room door sexily. And den………..I gasped……………………………………… Seele wuz there playing tiktaktoe wif Landau!1111111111111111111111111 He wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy jeanz.   “U fucking prep!11” we all yielded angrily.   “Yah u betrayed us!111” shooted Vampire angrily as he took out his blak gun.   “No u don’t understand!1” screamed Seele sadly..   “No shit u fuking suk u preppy bastard!111” said Willow trying 2 attak him (u rok girl!1). I ran suicidally to my room I sexily took a steak out.   “Bdonyano!11111” screamed Seele but it wuz 2 l8 I had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly everyfing went blak again.   --------   Sincerely,   An-Anon-Author-Who-Will-Silently-Not-Reveal-Her-Identity-Because-She's-A-Coward :P   A.K.A. Just a troll with rocks for brains.   Chapter 40. LOL! Someone has taken my account over!   THE IDIOT'S NOTE: Well... this was in the doc area... might as well let the whole world see what the real Tara wanted to show us... Have a nice day!   AN: stfu prepz git a lif!111111 U SUCK!11 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be able 2 update 4 a while, lolz. fangz 2 evry1 hu revoiwed expect da prepz hu flamed FOK U!1 MCR RULEZ 666!111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXX   I woke up in da Norse’s offace on a special gothik coffin. Hairgrid wuz in da bed opposite me in a comma coz Vampir and Seele had bet him up. Mr. Noris was cleaning the room.   “Oh mi satan wut happened!” I screamed. Suddenly Volxemort came. He loked less mean then usual.   “Get the fuk out u fucking bastard!11” I yielded.   “Thou hath nut killd Vampire yet!11” he said arngrily. Sudenly she started 2 cry tearz of blood al selective.   “kafka? OMFG what’s wrong!111” I asked.   Sudenly………. Lucian, Profesor Sinister and Serious came! B’lody Serval and Vampire were wif dem. Every1 was holding blak boxez. Kafka DISAPAERD.   “OMFG Bronya ur alive!111” Scremed Vampire. I hugged him and B’lody Serval.   “What the fuk happened?” I asked dem. “Oh my satan!11 Am I lik dead now?” I gosped.   “bronya u were almost shot!11” said Serious. “But da ballet could not kill u since u were form anodder time.”   “But fangz anyway!1” said Welt holding oot his arm. I gasped. He had two arms!   “OMG I cant beleve Vampirz’ dad shot u!1” I gasped.   “Well 2 be honest Landau wuz pozzesd by Landau bak den.” said James.   “Yah he wuz a spy.” Serious said sadly. “He wuz really a Death Dealer.”   “And he wuz such a fuking poser 2!11” said welt. “He didn’t even realy no hu Blestyashchiye were until I told him.” Well anyway everyone tarted 2 give me presents. I was opening a blak box wif red 666s (there wuz a dvd of corps bride in it) on it when I gasped. Mr. Noris looked up angrily coz he h8ed gothz.   “Hey haz aneone fuking seen Seele?” I asked gothikally.   “No Seele told me she wood be watching Hoes of Wax.” said Profesor Trevolry. “He duzzn’t know dat ur better. Anyway da norse said u could get up. Cum on!1”   I got up. Welt, Serious and Profesor emo left. I wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun. Under that I had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak lace, with a matching thong that said goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong (if u don’t get da idea massage me ill tell u). I put on a blak fishnet top under a blak MCR t-shirt, a blak leather mini with blak lace and congress shoes. I left the hospital’s wings wif B’lody Serval, nat and Vampire.   “OMFG letz celebrate!11” gasped nat.   “We can go c Hose of Wax wif Seele!1” giggled Vampire.   “Letz go bron 2 Blestyashchiye and kut ourselvz 666!11” said march 7th. We opened da conmen room door sexily. And den………..I gasped……………………………………… Seele wuz there doing it wif Landau!1111111111111111111111111 He wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy jeanz.   “U fucking prep!11” we all yielded angrily.   “Yah u betrayed us!111” shooted Vampire angrily as he took out his blak gun.   “No u don’t understand!1” screamed Seele sadly as he took his thingie out of Snake’s.   “No shit u fuking suk u preppy bastard!111” said Willow trying 2 attak him (u rok girl!1). I ran suicidally to my room I sexily took a steak out.   “Enoby no!11111” screamed Seele but it wuz 2 l8 I had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly everyfing went blak again.   Idiot's Note: Ugh... I know... terrible... but then again, this wouldn't be called the 'worst fanfic ever if not for the fact that the writing standards meets the level of a day old fetus...   Chapter 41.   AN: 2 every1 hu kepz flaming diz GIT S LIF!!!!! I bet u proly odnt no hu gerod way is ur proly al prepz and pozers!!!!!!!!11111 neway sum1 hakked in2 mi akkount in November and dey put up my last chaptah but now der is a new 1. im surry 4 nut updating g 4 a while but ive been rilly bizzy. im trying 2 finish da story b4 da new movie kumz out. Im gong on vacation 4 a mons I wont be bak until abott 2 weeks. OMFG drako iz so hot in all da pix 4 da new movie!!!111 I wunted dem 2 put a kameo by geord way lol he hsud play drako. if u flame ill slit muh risztz!!!!!!!!11 raven u rok gurl hav fun in ingland.   XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   When I wook up I wuz in a strange room. I loked around I wuz wearing da same outfit I had when is performed wif XBlakXTearX!!!!!11 I looked arund confusedly. It wuz da Norse’s office but it looked difrent!! On da wall wuz a pik of Marlyin Munzon!!!1111 (just imagin dat he is an 80s goffik band 2 ok koz he is more old den panic?! at da dizcko or mcr) der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles calander with a picture of the beetlez werring iyeliner and blak cloves. On it said ‘1980.’   “OMFG!!! Im back in Tim again!!!!111” I screamed loudly. Suddenly Satan(dis is actually kafka 4 photo refrenss!). Voldimort wuz wearing a blak leather Jackson, blak tight jeans and fishnet pantz. He looked so sexah I almost had an orgy!!!!11   “OMFG bronya r u ok.” He asked gothikally.   “Yah Im okay 4 ur in4mation.” I enapsped sexily. “OMG am I dedd???” koz I remembered I had jumped in front off da bullet from Jame’s gun. I also rememberd cing selee doing it wif Landau!!!!111   I guessed dat I had went bak in tim instead of dieing. I knoew I could go forward in time if I found a time-toner or da tim machine.   “No ur not dead.” herta reassured suicidally as dhe smokd a cigarette sexily and smoke came all over his face. “Ur a vampire so u kant die frum a bullet. Cum on now lets go c how mc's dad is doing.”   I noo dat da real reason I didn’t die from da ballet was koz I was from da future. “WTF!!!! James almust shot Luciious!!!” I said indigoally. I knew that James had really ben possezzed, but I didn’t want him2 know I knew.   “Yah I know but he had a headache he wz under a lot of stress.” he4ta reasoned evilly.   “I guess that’s ok.” I said because James hadn’t really shot no. Also I noo that Lucian wood now has 2 arms instead of 1. I walked cooly outside with Satan. Suddeni I saw a totally sexi goffik gorl!!!!!11 He had bleched blond hair wiv blak streaks up 2 his ears and he wuz wearing goffik blak iliner, a blak Green Day shirt (it showed billy joel wiv bolnd hair since it was da eighties), blak congress shoes and black baggy pants. He walked in all sexly like Gerrd way in the vido for I Don’t 3 u lyk I did yesterday and you cud see a blak tear on his face lyk da wmn in dat video. “Hey.” He sed all qwietly and goffically.   “Who da fuck is that?” I asked angrly cos I did nut kno him.   “Dis is…Hedwig!!!!!!!!!11” Sed Kafka. “He used to be in XBlackXTearX 2 but he had 2 dropp out koz he broke his arm.   “Hey Hedwig.” I said seductively evn tho I wuz nut tring to b.   “Lol hi bronya.” He answered but then he ran away bcos he had hair of magical creature. He was humming Welcum 2 da Blak Prade under his breth( I no dat is not 80s but pretend it is ok!!)   “Bye.” I sed all sexily.   “Dat was Hedwig. He used 2 b my boifreind but we broke up.” Satan said sadly, luking at his blak nails.   “OMFG I can get u bak 2gether!” I said fingering something I didn’t know wuz in my pocket- a blak Kute is What we Aim 4 cideo ipod that I could take videos wif (duz ne1 elze no about dem??? dey kik azz!!!!).   “Ok u can 4get about ur class for now, Hedwig. Im going 2 show u something grate!!!!1” I led them to da Great Hall. “Cum on u guys.”   Kiana, somegyt, eno and bronie were all in da Grate Hall. Lucian woudnt talk wiv James because he had tried 2 shoot him.   “Go fuk urself you fukking douche!” he shouted at him. “seele is never gong 2 b frends with vampire now!!1”   “Yah go fuck urself welt!” Landaue agreed but I noo he wuz lying koz it had been his folt James had almost shot Lucian.   “B quiet u guys.” I said sexily. Mi plan waz working oot great. Now I kood make Voldement good wivout doing it with him! Now Vampire’s dad wood never die and “OK Satan and Hedwig, u guys can start making out.” I said and I started 2 film dem wiv da ipod.   “Kool.” said Serious as Kafka and Hedwig started 2 make out sexily. We watched as tdey started 2 take each odderz cloves off sexily. Samaro, Serious, Snake and Lucian all watched koz dey wer prolly gau. I noo Landaue wasguy.   “Oh my fukking god!!!! Kafka! Kafka!” screamed Hedwig as his glock touched Kafka’s.   But suddenly everything stopped as da door opend and in kame………………coconut and Mr. Sampo!!!!!111111111111 BEING FRIENDSmqmammamamqmqm   Chapter 42. da blak parade   AN: omg da new book iz kumming out rlly soon I kant wait!!!1111. I fink dat Landau will be really the same person as kafka koz dey are both haff-blood so dat will explain y he kild coconut and he hated hairy!!!!!1111 nd den Mc wil have 2 kommit therap6 so kafka will die koz he will rilly be a horcrox!!!!!111 omg I hope seele nd me get 2getha dat will be so shmexxy, wont it?? If dey don’t den JKR is hamophobic!!!!!111111 fangz 4 da help wiv facts, medusa u rok!!!111   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I sat depressedly in nut’s office wiv Hedwig, Satan, James, Serious, Landau and Lucian. cocolia was sitting in front of us cruelly. He looked more young den he did in da future. He had taken da ipod away and wuz now lizzening 2 a shitty Avril Levine song.   “What da hell is this anyway??” he cackled meanly. I hoped he didn’t find out dat I was frum another time.   “Whatever u do don’t blame brony, u jerk.” Satan said.   “Yah, siriusly she was trying to get Satan and Hedwig back together.” Serious said deviantly.   “Be quiet you Satanists.” cocolia cockled. “If ur lucky I’ll probably send u all to Akazaban!!! That will teach u to copolate in da Great Hall.” He changed the song on da ipod 2 a n’Sync song. Suddenly I noticed sumfing strong about da Ipod. It was slowly chonging! coconut didn’t notece.   “You fucking poser.” I muttoned.   “I bet you’ve never herd of Blestyashchiye.” James said. Know I knew waht da iPod was chonging in2- Morti McFly’s tim machine!!!!!11   “Shut up Jomes!!!” Seele’s dad shouted.   “Yeah shut up!!!!” bronie said preppily.   “No u shut up coconut!!!!!!!!1111” said senti.   “I’ve had enough of u Satanists in my school!!!!” shouted cocolia spuriously.   Suddenly I grabed da iPod from him. “Evry1! Jump in b4 itz 2 l8!!! I jumped in2 it. But only 1 odder person jumpd in. It was……..Satan.   “You dunderheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111” screamed cocolia wisely as we went.   I looked around. I wuz in da Slitherin conmen room wiv Satan. I was wearing a blak plaid miniskirt with hot pink fishnetz, a sexy blak MCR corset and blak stiletto boots with pink pentagroms on dem. My earrings were blake Satanist sins and my raven hair was all around me to my mid-black.   “Hey kool where iz dis?” he asked in an emo voice.   “Dis is da future. Dumbeldore’s iPod dat he tried to take away from me wuz really also a tim machine.” I told him.   “Kool what’s an ipatch?” he whimpered.   “It’s somefing u use 2 lizzen 2 music.” I yakked.   “OMFG kool wait whatz a 4-letter-wurd 4 dirt?” he esked in his sexah voice.   “Um I guezz sand????” I laid confuesdly.   “Yah I wuz just triinyg to make sure u were stil da same perzon.” He triumphently giggled.   Suddenly some of my friends walked in.   “OMG you’re fucking alive!” said Ginny wearing a blak leather jocket, blak baggy pants and a goffik black Frum First to Last shirt. I explained 2 her why I was alive.   “Konichiwa, bitch.” said Willow. She was wearing a blak corset showing off her boobs with lace all around it and red stipes on it. With it she waz wearing a blak leather miniskirt, big blak boots, white foundation, blak eyeliner, red eyeshadow, and blak lipstick.   “Hey, motherfucker.” Said pel with his red hair. He waz wearing a black P?ATD t-shit and blak baggy pants.   “Hey whose that, Ibony?” B’loody Serval questioned as she walked in wearing a black t-shit with a red pentarom on it with lace at the bottom, red letther pants with blak lace, and black stolettoes.   “Oh its herta.” I told her and she nodded knowing da truth.   Suddenly herta started to cry.   “Are you okay herta?” we asked concernedly.   “OMFG ur from da future!!1! What if u don’t like m anymore koz were from difrent times?????” he asked.   “No I still like you.” I said sexily to him.   “Ok.” He said ressuredly. I let him lizzen 2 Teenagers by MCR on my ipod while I was about to go outside to find out some fingz. I gave pel a signal to keep Satan occupied. Satan fell asleep. I took the iPod. I was about to walk outside. Profesor Sinister ran in!!!!!!!1111 She was wearing a gothic blak minidress with depressing blak stripes, white and blak stripped tights, and red converse shoes. She was wearing LOTS of blak iliner.   “Oh my fucking god, where’s Seele!!!!111 How did Landau get back here!!! I tohot he wuz in Azerbaijan.” I asked sadly.   “Bronya I was so worried abott u but I know you can’t fucking die because you’re a vrompire. Landaue came back because that girl Hikeio freed him. I never liked her she was a bad student.” Trevolry said reassuredly.   “That bitch!!!!!!!11 Did she also free Bronie and kyle?” I shouted angrily. I hated Britney because she was a fucking prep.   “Yes they are on the loose at this school. coconut is back Cornelia is on his way to help evry1. Tell evry1 u see to lock themselves in their conman room!!!!!!” Trevolry said worriedly.   “OK. But where’s Seele???? How cum he was doing it with Landau?????”   “I dunno why but I know he almost tried 2 commit th34pqy after he saw u almost kill urself.” she said.   “OMG dat’s terrible!!!!!!!!” I gasped. Herta was still asleep, so he couldn’t tell what was going on. Then I said “Lizzen evry1, I have sumthing imptent to do. in hr evry1 stay!!!!!!!!!” wiv dat I ran out.   “Good luck Tara!!!!!!!11” everyone cried.   I ran sexily down the staris in2 da Grate Hall while da portraits around looked at me scaredly. There was hardly ne1 else in the stairs nd tere was an atmosphere of horrer. On da way I saw Britney laughing on da stairs. She was wearing a a slutty pink shirt wiv flowers on it, a blu jean skirt Abercromie and pink stiletoos. She looked jest like a pentagram of those fucking preps Hilery Duff and Lindsey Lohan.   “You fucking bitch!!!!!111” I shouted angrily.   “No, your totally a bitch. Now Kafka will like totally kill u!” she laughed.   “Crucious!!!!!!!!!1” I shouted selectively pontificating my blak wand and she started screaming koz she was being tortured and I laughed sodistically.   “No!!!!!!1 Help me!!!!!!1 Please!!!!!!!!1” Britney screamed terrifiedly.   I put up my middle finger at her. In her hand I saw da video camera Landaue and Lumpin had used to take da video of me. I put the tape of Voldimort doing it with Hedwigg onto it. Then I continued to rown down the stairs with the camera. When I had reached da Grate Hall I saw Vampire MC. “OMG Vampira!!!!111” I yielded.   We hugged each udder happily. He locked at me wif his gothic red eyes and spiky blak hair. Around them were blak eyeliner and iShadow. His He wus wearing a blak leather Jackson, ledder pants, a Panik at da Disko concert shirt and his blak congress shoes. He looked mor like Joel from Good Charlote than ever. (did u hear der song da river it rox!!!1)“I wus so worried you died!” moaned Vampire.   “I know but Im a vampire lol. When I woke up I wuz back in 1980, so neway I bought Voldimort from when he was yung with me.”   “Where’s Seele?” I asked spuriously.   “Seele? You mean that fukking poser who betroyed you?” Vampir snarkled with anger in his sexy voice.   “I NO BUT WE HAV 2 FIND HIM.” I SED SMARTY.   “I’ll do it den.” Harry said angstily.   “OK.” I argreed. Suddenly……….all da lights in da room went out. And den…….da Dork Mark appeared.   “Oh my fucking satan!!!!!” Harry shouted.   “I fink Voldimort has arrivd.” I sed anxiously. “Fuck, I have to find Seele!!1 I guess we shood separate.”   “Ok.” Vampire sed diapperating. Sadly I ran into the Great Hall.   Chapter 43.   AN: I fink after dis I wil hav abott 2 or three mor chapterz. Fangz 2 all muh revyooers not das flamers if u flamed sis story den u suk!!!!!!!!!111111 if u flam den fukk u!!!111   XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   I walked sexily into the Great Hall. It was empty except for one person. Seele was there!! He sat der in deddly bloom in his blak 666 t-shirt and his baggy blak pants. He had slit his wrists!!!!!111 I felt mad at him for having sexwith Landaue but I felt sorry for him. He looked just like Lusine Gevorkyan with his red eyes and his pale white face.   “Seele are you okay????” I asked.   “I’m not okay.” he screamed depressedly. I thought of the MCR song nd I got even more depressed koz that song always makes me cry. I gave him a pot cigarette and he started to smoke it.   “Oh Seele why did you do it with that fucking bastard Landaue?” I asked teardully.   “I-” Seele began to say but suddenly Lupin and Mr. Norris appearated in2 da room!! They didn’t see us.   “Im so glad we me and Landaue were freed.” said kyle.   “Dam, this job would be great if it wasn’t 4 da fukking students!” Mr. Norris argreed.   “Pop addelum!!!!!111” I yielded angrily pointing my wand at them.   “Noooooooo!!!!1” Lupin shouted as chains came on him. Mr. Norris ran away.   “You fukking perv.” I said laughing wiv depths of evil and depressedness in my voice. “Now u have 2 tell us where Voldimort is or I’m gong 2 torture u!!!!”   “I don’t now where he is!!!!1111” said kyle. Suddenly Satan and Vampire ran in2 da room. Vampir didn’t know who Satan was really.   “Oh my satan, we were so worried about u guys!!1” Vampire said. I looked sexily at Seele with his goffik red eyes with contacts, blak t-shirt that said 666 on it and pale skin like Gerord Way, Vampir with his sexy blak hair and red eyes just like Frank Iero and Satan who looked jist like Brandan Urie then.   I selectively took the caramel from my pocket. And then….. I began frenching Seele sexily. kyle gasped. Seele began to take all of his cloves off and I could see his white sex-pack. Then Vampire took his own clotes off too. We all began making out 2gther sexily. I took off my blak leather bra, my blak lace thong and the rest of my clothes. Every1 took their glocks out except 4 me im a girl lol. “Oh mi satan!! Seele!!!!” I screamed as he put his hardness in my thingy Den he did da same fing to Harry. I began making out wiv Satan and he joined in. “OMS!!!111” cried Vampire. “Oh Vampire! Vampire!!!” I screamed screamed. “Oh Satan!!!!!” yelled Harry in pleasore. kyle watched in shock. Wee took turns doing torture curses on him koz we were all sadists. Suddenly……………………………..   ………….a big blak car that said 666 on the license plate flew strait through da windows. And Landau wuz in it!!!!!!!11   Chapter 44.   AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming ok!!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!!!11 omg I stil kant wait 4 da movie!!!1 tom fleton is so hot lol i hop harry wil bekum gofik koz mi frend told me he iz rlly emo in dis book!!!!1111 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   “Dat’s mi car!!!!” shooted Seele angrily. But suddenly it was revealied who was in da car. It wuz………….Landaue!!!!!   “I shall free you kyle but first you must help me kill these idiotic donderheads.” he said cruelly from the car as it flew circumamcizing above us. “Bronya Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way must be killed. Den the Dork Lord shall never die!!!!”   “You fucking prep!!!” yelled Seele. Then he loked at me sadly. “I forgot to tell u, Bronya. Landaue made me do it with him. I didn’t really have sexx him but he’s a ropeist!!!!”   We all put our clothes on quickly except Satan. We were so scarred!!!!1 But Satan didn’t change. Instead he changed into a man with gren eyes, no nose, a gray robe and white skin. He had changed into………… Kafk!!!!!!!111   “I knew who thou were all along.” he cackled evilly and sarcastically at me. “Now I shall kill thee all!!!!!!” Thunder came in da room.   “No plz don’t kill us!” pleaded Vampire. Suddenly Willow, B’loody Serval, pel, Ginny, Drocula, Fred and Gorge, Bronie, McGonagall, coconut, Serious and Lucian all ran in.   “What is da meaning of dis?” coconut asked all angrily and Voldimort lookd away (bcos coconut is da only whizard he is scared of.) He did a spell and suddenly his broomstick came to him sexily. Volxemort flew above the roof evilly on his broomstik.   “Oh my goth!” Slugborn gosped. (geddit kos im goffik)   “The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!!!!” Landaue ejaculated menacingly.   “You fucking preppy fags!” Serious shouted angrily.   “I know a four-letter word 4 dirt, CRUCIATUS!!!” screamed Harry but da sparks from his wand only hit Seele’s car. It fell down Landau quickly crowled out of it and picked up the cideo camera.   “Oh my fucking god!!!1” I cried becoze the video of me in da bathrum, the video of me dong it wif Drako and the video of Satan doing it with   “If you kill me then deze cideos will be shown to everyone in the skull. Then u can be just like that goffik girl Paris Hillton.” He laughed meanly.   “No!” I scremed. “FYI I hav da picter of u doing it with kyle!!!!11”   “Whats she talking abott??????” Lupin slurped as he sat in chains.   “I saw 2 she’s gunna show evry1 da picter!!!111” Harry shouted angrily.   “Shut up!!!111’” Lumpkin roared.   “Foolish ignoramuses!!!!!!” yielded Kafka from his broomstick. “Thou shall all dye soon.”   “Think again you fucking muggle poser!!!!!1” Harry yelled and then he and Diablo and Navel both took out blak guns! But Voldimort took out his own one.   “U guyz are in a Latin stand-of!!!!!!!111” I shouted despariedrly.   “Acco Nevel’s wand!!!11” cried Kafka nd suddenly Nevil’s wind was in his hands. “Now I shall kill thee all and Evony u will die!!!!!!!!11111”   He maid lighting come all over da place.   “Save us Bronya!” coco cried.   I cried sexily I just wanted 2 go 2 the commen room and slit my wrists with mi friends while we watched Shark Attak 3 and Saw 2 and do it with Seele but I knew I had 2 do somefing more impotent.   “ABRA KEDABRA!!!!!!!!!!!11111” I shooted.   You may think the story is over. It is. Bronya died. A true goffik love story <3 Honkai Star Rail Spoiler free because it takes place in Luofu (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) Hi my name is Bronya Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long silver grey hair (that's how I got my name). Im the baddest hottie Belobog has ever seen. Wen ever I go outside, their like "omg bronya Zaychik??!?!?" (An: IM NOT BRONYA ZAYCHIk <3. I wish I was:) my goffik hair and painted nails wuz all done up for my daet with Seele.   (AN: Seele is a major fucking bad bitch!! I'd make out with her passionately any day. Prepzzz want her)   We were at are date eating Blood like vampires and Seele sexily looked over. "Babe… are those… prepzzz?" She asked, her big neck muscles bulging as she looked.   I looked over.    O M G . . . IT WAS THE ANTI EMO ANTI VAMP HUNTERS!!!   They hated goffik bad bitches bc they wer LAME PREPZZZ!!   I felt sick. Cocolia showed me them on the news the other day. I ASSUMED THEY WERE COMINF FOR US BC YHEY WERE SITTING AND DRINKING JUICE?!?!   Me and Seele left (without paying bc were bad) we sat on Seele's super hot and tough motorcycle and passionately made out.   The PREPS left the restaurant. They looked at us… THERE WAS EVIL IN TGEIR EYES. "Oh my god!!! Vampires and Emos," shouted another prep.   The antiemo anti vampire hunters stared now. Okg they are gonna kill us!! "Can u 2 not???" Asked Blade.   I POINTED MY MIDDLE FINGER UP AT THEM.   The rabid good bitch Bronie grabbed us and knocked us out   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXbadbitchXXX   They were sat in yjeir ANTI EMO ANTI VAMP DEN drinking tea. A UGLY, BLOMDD medical professional (he was wearing a coat) stood on the other side of the room. He stared.    "OMFFG ARE YOU GONNA TSKE MY VAMP???" SEELE SHOUTED.   "No. Please shut up 🙏" said LOUCHA THE MEDICAL PROFESIONAL    "WHAT UR GONNA MAKS ME NOT EMO??" Seele asked in FEAR. She was getting depresed by her ton.   "No? What? My medical license was suspended 8 years ago?"    "FOR WHAT?" I cried.   "Uh… tax evasion," Loucha said. He did the signature BLONDE smirk and looked at US.   "wut are u gonna make us do then?" I asked in my most goffik ton.   "YOURE GOMNA FIGHT IN OUT DEATH ARENA!!!" Shouted HERTA! She jumped through the door accompanied with epic my chemical romance. Me and Seele danced to it until it ended :(   "OMFFG AHAT?!?!" BLADE ASKED GASPING VIOLWNTLY.   YES MH DEATHA AREA" herta said.   "Literally what is going on" Bronie asked.   "MUAHAHAHAHAHA I  WILL WIN TVD DEATH MATCH!!" KAFKA SAIS.   Bronie sighed. "Okay," she stated.    Sushang flew through the window and said "I AM HERE TO KICK ASS!!"   I gasped. There can't be more than 2 bad bitch here.   Too bad Mr and Seele are the only 2. We kissed and made out passionately. Then we where ready for are fight.    XXXXXZXXZXXXX   herta made us kick but. We did!! Me and seele almost one. The medical professional and the prep hunters almost beat us but we were too good. We won lost to COCOLKA AND MY BESTIE B’LOODY SERVAL??!?!   "COCONUT THATS MY BESTIE UR KISSINg!!" I screamed.   Cocolia pointed her middle finger up at me.   I sobbed and Seele held me in her buff arms, holding me in between her giant tit muscles and her six pack. Her eyes looked at mine. Then we passionateli madeout.   Cocolia gasped. "Gay?!?!" Said Coconut. "Not on my land."   Herta descended from teh heaven's. "But on my land…." She said. "WE ARE GAY"   A mirror ascended from hell and she made our with her self.    Seele gasped.    We ran out crying bc were both homephobic   Seele whipped my tears and looked in my eyes. "You r so prety, bromya" said she.    Kafka appears on a rock above. "You vampires…" she shuttered. She was weak and gay   Bronie Joined hee bc why not   Kafka sighed. "WE ARE PREPS AND WE WOLL GAY YOU BOOTH"   bronie nodded.   THE TWO JUMPED DOWN AND SEELE TOOK A KNIFE AJD TRIER TO STAB KAFK. Kafka gasped and dodged. "You may not!!!" She exclaimed.   Seele glared. "Ok…" she muttered.   Bronie gasped. "WAIT SEELE. WHAT HAPPENED TO US?" She said. Playing into the dramatics.   "US?" Seele said. "....."   "you don't remember?" Bronie said. The camera zoomed in on her face dramatically    "No.." Seele said.   "We dated once," Bronie said.    I gasped and slapped Sweele. Seele sighed. "Babde it's not ture," seele said depressed le.   Bronie shook her hed.   Kafka nodde.d she grabbed bronie. "Oh em gee we have to go Blade is coming!" shouted the sexy one.   Bronie and Kafka runaway full speed towards a forest fire.   Deele gasped. "Omg a fore. We should save them!!" She exclaimed hotly her muscles flexing as she gasped    Natasha Cioara jumped down wearing her goffik raven costume and she saved everyone before my muscular skrunky poo had the time to move her big musles.     Bronie boredly carried Blade out of the fire. Unscathed.    Kafka on the other hand was on fire. A small fire was lit on a stick in her hand. OMG SOMEOEN HAD TO BE A GENTLE MAN AND SAVE HER. JESUS CHRIST KICKED IT VIOLENTL:T/   “I have a degree in professional religous study” kafka wiggled her eyes viopelmny shek liked the attention she got when she told men about hwr degrere3w inm religion.   Bronie was extremely bored and rolled her eyes. “Kafka, you ordered that off of amazon.”   “HWPUHFO KISHOW DIDT OIY OKNOW TRHAT !!!!” KAFKA SHOUTED   “I GAVE YOU THE PASSWORD!!!” BRONIE SHOUTED.   Blade did the :o face (like this meme )   Bronie dropped him on the sand. “ITS PASSWORD”   Kafka stared violently. Eyebrows furrowing, mouth quivering, tears welling. Her eyes sparkled with sadness. Her angelic hair flowed behind her. “Y-y-you know what Bronie…” Sher crumpled to the flor. “TYOUR A VAMPIRE. WE ALL KNOW”   Bronie gasped.    Blade did the cat face.    I SCREAMED. “SEELE YOUY CHEARED OPN ME WUTH A VAMSPIRE GIRL WO ISNT ME”    “She is you babe” Seele said hotly   I gasped badly.    LOUCHA DIVED ONTO SCENE. I SCREAMED. “ I AM A CRIME SCENE ANALYSiT.”HE CRIED. HE VIEWED THE SAND.   “Lets go,” seele said hotly. She lead me with her big muscles to the dance flor., “A dance?” She asked.    “YESSS’ I CRIED   “ Corrupt binary codes infecting my mind Perform invocation with numbing freeze Querying for a variable and seizing the time To recomplie and trigger my destiny “ Seel sang in her hot voice  We danced (head boppoing”    Everyone else left bc they couldnt handle seele’s shriekingly sexy singing voice. “ Though my wings've been bloodstained and could never rid I will try hard to soar to the heaven I dreamed There is no "exception" in this library For I know I will always go with you “ Seele continued.  “ Superhot projectiles pierce the wind I charged up my armor into lightspeed Querying for a variable and seizing the time In a new day coming not so far away “ Seele’s voice began to fail her but she was sos osoo sososoos hot “ [Chorus] Though my wings’ve been bloodstained and could never rid I will try hard to soar to the heaven I dreamed There is no "exception" in this library For I know I will always go with you “ I have no idea why she kept in chours   “ Though my wings've been bloodstained and could never rid I will try hard to soar to the heaven I dreamed There is no "exception" in this library For I know I will always go with you “ I almost sobbed she was so hot “ Though my wings've been bloodstained and could never rid I will try hard to soar to the heaven I dreamed There is no "exception" in this library For I know I will always go with my heart “  We got kicked out by a funny guy with big arms   WE WERE SO MAD TAHT WE WENT HOME TO BELOBOG   At bed we stared at eachother communicating brain cells until we slumber   Taht morning we found ourselves in the figtyihnt arenea again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERTA KIDNAPPED US :DD   I looked at seele and gasped.    I gay gasped, but not really because IM HOMOPHOBIC FUCK GAY POEPLE I LOVET HEM IM SHAKING WITH FEAR JUST SAYING GAY   “Ok so bronya zaychik,” the tax collector, natasha, said.   “I am literally not her,” I said hotly.   “BYeah Bronya RAND is hot asffffffffffff.” Seele said sexily.   Selee kicked natasha her buff leg flexing as she used her butterfly kick.   Natasha stared confused. “Bro???” She said.   SEELE GSASPED. “NATASHA CIOARA FROM HIT GAME HONKAI IMPACT!?!??” SEELE CRIED.   “What the fuck is honkai impact 3rd.” raven said.   “Honkai Impact 3rd (Chinese: 崩坏3; pinyin: Bēng Huài 3; lit. 'Honkai 3rd') is a free-to-play 3D action role-playing game (originally a mobile exclusive) developed and published by miHoYo, and later ported to Microsoft Windows. It is the spiritual successor to Houkai Gakuen 2, using many characters from the previous title in a separate story. The game is notable for incorporating a variety of genres, from hack and slash and social simulation, to elements of bullet hell, platforming, shoot 'em up and dungeon crawling across multiple single and multiplayer modes. It features gacha mechanics.” Seele said.   “WHAT?!?!?!” NATASHA SAID. “YEAHHH” SEELE SAID>   “Ok we need to leave im getting prep vibezzzzzzzz,” I said . I dragged seele out and we left    We went to dinner. THE HUNTERS WERE THERE.    WE LISTENED IN   “I want my steak raw,” Kafka said to the waiter.   “I WANT MINE BURNT,” BLADE SAID.   Bronie colored on her kids menu. CLEARLY she had already ordered.   I and seele ordered BLOOD. Seele and I stared at eachother,,, Seele’s muscular arms, and knees, and neck,,,, and arms. I almost cired. SHE WAS SO HOT. She was such a baddie. We were so ooooo made ofr eachother…. I I love herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.    I drank from my water, but gagged bc im hydrophobic.   Seele gasped and punched my cup.   THE STELLARON HUNTERS LOOKED OVEr. “WH,” BLAD SAID. “Im crying is that BRONYA:   “YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” I CRIED>   “Im convinced you both have been drinking,” Bronie concluded.   “Silence small child,” Kafka said. She tposed over BRONEI.   Bronie stared up at her  BORED.    HERTA FLEW THROUGH THE WINDOW. “NEXT BATTLE.” SHE SCREAMED AS SHE TELEPORTED US TO THE ARENA>   THERE STOOD,,,,,, TERI TERI   I GASPED.   “TEri TERI,” TERI TERI AID.   Seele fainted and I had to tae this fight on my own,,,,   I ran over and drop kicked trei and won yayyyy   HERTA APPEARED. “WHAT TEH FUCK THAT WAS YOUR RING LEADER<,,,:”   “ITS ME,” ASTA SAID.   I GO SHOT WITH A LASER BEAM BUTI  DINT CARE…. I WAS TOO POWERFUL I PUNCHED ASTA AND ONE.   Seele stood up and gasped cutely. She walked over. “Omggg, shes a prep!!” She said.   I looked at asta and bit her neck. Omg she was a vamppp now. I laughed and kised seele and we walked out. We past SERVAL AND COCOLAI MAKING OUT AS WE ALKED I GASPED. “HOMOSEXUAl> I JUMPED OFF THE BRIDGE AND OVE INto WATER SWIMMING AWAY   SEELE FOLLOWED. WE MADE OUT IN THEWATEr.    We made it to our hotel room hours later.   I opened out mail box (yes this was a great hotel) “YOU HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM SILVERMANE SCHOOL FOR REASONS LISTED BELOW You can fight these or apy 2 dollars. TEIR TERI”   Seele and I gasped.   “OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” I SCREAMED   THE DOOR WAS KNOCKED On.   Me and Seele ran to it and I opened it.    “Hello, I am Jing Yuan… Oh ur not Blade,” Jing Yuan, the room cleaner, said.    “Yeah, idiot,” Bronie said. She flicked her switch’s joycons.   “Shusssssssssh,” Jing yuan shushed.   “Wut r u 2 doing?” Seele asked.   “Jing Yuan is looking for his bf,” Bronie said.   “Mighty warrior, Jing Yuan, loves blade and Loucha,” Jing Yuan announced.   “BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” BLADE SHOUTED FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HALL WAY. HE RAN ACROSS THE HALL AND DOVE OUT THE WINDOW IN HIS SWIM TRUNKS. HE LANDED IN THE POOL.   “BABY GIRL COME BACK,” JING YUAN YELLED, HOLDING HIS MAID DRESS UP AS HE RAN.   Gepard opened his door. “What the fuck is up?!” HE SAID.   “Silence,” I SHOUTED and slammed the door.   “SEGGGS UWAAAAA. YATTA.” another window crash.   “What the flip,” Welt said, his cane tapped slowly then another window crash.   We tried to sleep.   Another knock at the door at 12 am. I opened the door. “Omfg watt,” I said.   “BRO BRO, DO YOU HAVE SHAMPOO,” SMAPO ASKED.   “Yas,” I said, grabbing the shampoo from our door bin and pouring the whole bottle onto his hand.   “YAAY,” SAMPO CHEERED. HE PUT HIS HAND UP, DROPPING IT ALL ON THE FLOOR. He broke into tears.   He went to the next door.    “Yes?” Hook said in a buff voice.    “Shampoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” sampooooooo said.   Hook GROANED. “I Have NONE. I USED it ALL on my HAIR.”   Clara crossed her arms in the background. “YEAH.”   Seele and I shut the door and left. HERTA APPREAred    We had to FIGHT AGAIN. We had to FIGHT Danheng and Arlan.   Seele sighed as we got to the fight. WE WON. (not really. We just out emoed them ayyy)   “GRRRR,” DANEHNG GROWLED. “DUMB BRONyA,” HE AID.   I smiled. “Im soooo badasss,”  replied I.   Seele growled. “BARK BARK WROUGH ROUG RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” She said.   “All prepzzzzzzzz are cat girls,” Bronya replied. “Im goffik.”   “ME TOO,” DANHENG SAID.   March gasped from the side lines, and so did mc.   Pela walked over and punched Arlan. “Why lose!!’ She said.   “GINGER!!!” ARLAN SHOUTED.   “IM NOT GINGER!!!!!!” PELA SAID>   Seele sighed. “Lets go baby girl, She said draggoing me out. We left and went to the town.    A BIRD RAN INTO ME. A LETTER??? FROM…. FU HUA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I opened the letter   Hello… Bronya. It is I !MASTER FU HUA! FROM Xianshou Luofu. (this part was erased, but it clearly had Xianshou Something) I AM HERE TO GIVE YOU GOFFIK FUEL. thats rite! GOFFIK FUEl. only 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 crystals.   “It sounds fake…. We should have a song scene while we walk.   We walked  “Ariel, listen to me The human world, it's a mess Life under the sea Is better than anything they got up there”   Seele cried in song.   “The seaweed is always greener In somebody else's lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you Right here on the ocean floor Such wonderful things surround you What more is you lookin' for?”   Natasha plugged her ears, wincing as she walked by.   “Under the sea Under the sea Darling it's better Down where it's wetter Take it from me Up on the shore they work all day Out in the sun they slave away While we devotin' Full time to floatin' Under the sea” SEELE SANG   I was heart eyes.   “Down here all the fish is happy As off through the waves they roll The fish on the land ain't happy They sad 'cause they in their bowl But fish in the bowl is lucky They in for a worser fate One day when the boss get hungry Guess who's gon' be on the plate?”   “PLEASE SHUT UP,” GOD SHOUTED.   We listened yass.   We got to Fu Hua’s house. She was home.   “Omg hi,” said a red eyed person.   “Ur fu hua right???” Seele said.   “Ya r u come fro goffik,” Fu hua said.   “YESssssssss,” I said.   “Omg come in,” Fu Hua said.   We entered bc we think she is so cool   We love when cool people sell us medicine so we bought it. I wasnt poor bc I worked 3000000 hours per year (unpaid sickness)   We both left and drank the goffik potion. We gasped. “OMG IM HYDRO PHOBIC.   “IS THIS WATERRRRRRRR!” Seele said.   “YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS” Bronya said   Seele gasped . “I got you woman,” She said. She also gagged. She kissed me and smile.d    We had the last contest and so hert appeared. We both followed Herta.    Blade, bronie, and kafka,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We kicked their ass but we will lost………..   My sad depression poem about this My depresiion. So sad. We lostsion To Bronie’s bad (ass kicking legs) We criedsion We buff (ad)   Mc ran out and puncehd blade they were so bad ass.    “BRONYA! SEELE!” MC CRIED>   Seele and I ran over. “KICK THEIR ASS MC KICK IT!”    Bronya ran at the bronie   Seele Smirked and ran at kafka. W   WITH TEH HELP OF MC WE WON.    *little cat waving flag, very sad and stuff,*   “We– l-lost!” Kafka said. “Of course we lost!” Bronie said, pointing to MC! “They’re a super cool gamer!”    Herta appeared with her girl friend, mirror.   We both gasped.   “FOul!” herta said. “YOU ALL WILL HAVE TO TAKE ME!”   “What in the world!” Bronie said, dodging Herta.   “Let’s get into Stellaron hunter formation!” Blade said, dramatically.   Kafka and blade took hands and hoisted Bronie up. THEY FORMED A TRIANGLE.   “THE TRIANGLE IS THEM OST POWERFUL BEING!” Bronie said, shooting the stellaron hunter ray.    “HAAA!” KAfka and Blade said in unison.    Herta no-clipped through the beam. She made the entangled.   “No…… We’re next. You specifically! You have a higher speed rating!” I said.   Seele took out her scythe for once. “I think I know what to do!” She said.   “Omg…” I muttered.   “ACT!” Seele said.   Seele walked up and patted Herta’s head.   “I’m…. STOP!” Herta said.   I acted by slapping her acrsosed the face.   “Thats an attack, bro,” shouted god.   “Silence!” I said. “IT WAS IN THE ACT MENU!” I said.   “Grrf… Fine!” God pouted.    Seele slayed the mirror with her next term making herta 100% BREAK!   Seele used her auto second action. She slashed Herta. I buffed Seele’s attack and made her speed higher. “Fight with me, EMOZ!”   Seele slashed and attacked Herta.   “Its now or never to be goffik. FIGHT WITH ME!” I shouted, buffing Seele’s attack.   Seele used her final attack to explode herta.   Bronie, Blade, and Herta were no longer entangled.   “Move it, I wont be showing mercy if you dont move,” Seele ordered in her buff, booming voice.   “PREACH!”  shouted I.   We were onto our adventure as highschool exiles through the universe. With our new drip emo, goffik crew of Stellaron hunters, Me, Seele, MC, March, and Danheng. YAY. Are you ready for Chapter 3? OH NO Hi……………………….. My name is Bronya Dark’ness Dementia RavenWay. I am one of the hottest people on planet earth. If u disagree, I hope u explode. I love women ass a woman, BUT I AM AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS (Especially PREPZZZ >:C) I am going to tell my story of hart break, luv, hot babes (STRAIGHT) and betrayal……… SO as the HOTTEST BABE IN THE HWOLE UNIVERSE (Im bronya btw) I was playing BRONYA ZAYCHIK’S HOT NEW GAME (Arahato!! If you dont play it, GET OUT OF HERE!!!) and I just got KIANA KASLANA (Herrscher of Fire). I thought she was cring,,,, so I kept her at level one loooolzzz. My >:C Friend….. (A/N: NOT REALLY GRRRRRRRR I HATE HER) Silver Wolf had all the ARAHATO CHARACTERS without spending ANY money!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I HAD SPENT 6 MILLION DOLLARS ON THIS GAME TO GET 3 S RANKS (All BRONYA ONES) (A/N: WE SHARE A NAME SO I PICKED HER) I also have SEELE, but just shadowtail phantasm (>:C UGH Why CANT I GET tHE BoobIUS MAXIMUS SEELe I WANT STARCHAMS NYX GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) THIS IS WHY I HATE SILVER WOLF. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT SHE PLAYS ARAHATO ON A “Nintendo Switch”. SO GROSSSSSSSSSS EW YUKC YUKC YUKC YUCK YUCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kafka is the ONLY one of the 3 of them I CAN TOLERATE!!! She haz a tumblr too!!!!! Shezzz so cool! (omg Follow her BTW “@whereareyouhiding”) She’s literally so GOFFIK. I WOULD KISS HER (um im not a cheater tho,..... AND IM HOMOPHOBIC). Today, we stopped at a gas station.    “Omgggggggggggzzzz HIIII,” SERVAL SHOUTED FROM THE COUNTER.    I waved cooly. As seele stood next to me hotly.    “Weren’t u 2 here like 30 mins ago???????????????????????????????????????????????????????” asked Pela.    “That was me,” BRONYA ZAYCHIK SAID WALKING AROUND TEH ENEGRY DRINK AISLE WITH HER WIFE SEELE.   “OMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG” BRONIE CIREd. “ITS YOU!!!!!!!!!” SHE GOT INTO HER SIGNATURE FIGHTING POSE (she has one btw)   BRONYA GASPED> “MY RIVAL>?????????????????????????????????????????” SHE SAID DRAMATICALLY.   :”YES,” SILVER WOLF REPLIED. “ITS ME!”    “THE BUNNY HACKERRR!” Seele cried. “PRoTECT ME BRONya WITH YOUR sUPER MUSCLES.”   “Its 3 am, just get gummy bears, Silver Wolf,” Kafka said. She placed her hands on Silver Wolf’s shoulders and walked with her to the candy aisle.    “Oh, you should get gummy bears too…” Mei said appearing from the place Bronya came from. She led Bronya to the candy aisle.   Silver Wolf and Bronya Zaychik both reached for the same gummy bear package. Then they stared at eachother…. “Omfg,,,,, u like that type 2o…” they said in unison. Sparkles in their eyes.    “May bee we rn’t so different,,,,” Silver wolf said.   “Omg…” Bronya ZAYCHIk said.   “You should… join us on are space mision….” Silver wolf said….    “Ofc bro who r tehy tho….” Bronya said.   “Thatz…………………… Bronya Dark’ness Demnttia raven way and Seele vollerei 2,” Bronie told.   Kafka went >:C “WE DONT EVEN HAVE SPACE ON THIS SHIPPPP!!!” She said.    “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…. THATS BRONYA ZYAHICK YOU DUMBIE! YOU MORON YOU FOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” BRONEI GROWLED> “plus its a bus.”   “Dont u play all of her games…. Y did u hate her…?” Kafka said.   “The main character was extremely hot…”    “THE MAIN CHARACTER IS A WOMNA YOU ARE A SINNER,” I SHOUTED.   “I DONT CARE ABOUT UR OPINION u DONT EVEM HAVE STARCHAMS NYXXXXXXXXX” BRONIE SAID.   I GASPED> my brain fades into dark’ness…. Empty….nothing… but my thoughts…. I floated through an endless abyss…. A simple emotion floated through my head, but what was it? Could I tell? Barely. It must have been something I read in chat room 1…. But what was it. It was about the new battle suit… Bronya. Silverwing N-EX… Something that started with s. Was it? It couldn’t be… It was. IT WAS. IT WAS SEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS UWA UWA UWA SEGGGS SEGGSG UWU OWO UWU SEGGGGGGGGGGGGS SEGGGGGGGGGGS AAAAAA. YATTA.   “Bronya<,,,, BRONYA>” I had the feeling of BUFF AND BIG arms holding me. Sweat dripping down on to my shoulders as seele Kissed my face………    “Omgffggfgfg ur soooo cute together,,,” Serval said. She picked cocolia up out of Cocolia’s tiny compartment at the bottom of the desk and kissed her before putting her back.    “I want 2 gumy bear….” Bronya said. She slapped the two bags on the counter. She paid stuff.   Brony handed one bag to Bronie.    Bronie smiled at her like (:3) “thank you!” she exclaimed.    We all left and went to the ship. Bronya and Bronie were sitting in the corner on their “NINTENDO SWITCHES” playing Arahato.   “My ID is…. 00000000002,” Bronie said.    “Omg number buddies im right before u!!” Bronya said (her face -> :D)   “Omg we’re already friends :)”   “YAY!!!” Bronya said.   “We have a mission!” Blade said.   “Omg what?” I said.   “We HAVE TO RESCUE HIMEKO!!!!!!!!!!” Blade said dramaticalllylylly pointing to a screen with an awkward phot o of himeko on it :(   “Omg ok we can do this seele,” i said.    Seele nodded “WE CAN DO THIS IS LOVE YOU”   Me and seele ran off with out the detail and we totally won!! HIMEko was locked behind a cage….   “KIDS I GOT A DUI FOR drinking 8 beers @~@” hiemko cried.   “Ok…” I said.   WE ANNIHILATED THE CAGE.   “Omg thanks let me join u on ur space cruise, you smexy smoogles” himeko said.   We walked back to the bus (space ship) dont ask…………………………….   “Okmgggg TEACHER!!!!!!!!” Bronya said, starting to cry. “WE NEED TO GTOO THE MOON AND GET MEIS QwIFE.”   “Who r u” himek oasked    “Im bronya………………………………………………………….” Bronya asi,d   “NO IM BRONYA.” I SHOUTEd. I GROWLED. “I HOPE YOUR NECK FALLS OFF”   “MY LEGAL NAME IS BRONYA.” BRONIE CRIED. “AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOO”    “BORNYA HUDDLE” I SHOUTED>   We all huddled…. “Guys…. We need a new nickname system….” Bronya said.   “I will be SILVER WOLF,” Bronie said,   “Omg im bronya,” I SAID hotly I flipped my hot hair.   “Silverwing N-EX.”   “SEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS UWA UWA UWA SEGGGS SEGGSG UWU OWO UWU SEGGGGGGGGGGGGS SEGGGGGGGGGGS AAAAAA. YATTA.” I CRIED, BREAKING THE CIRCLE and rolling on the floor.   “BABE??!?!??!” SEELE CRIED, catching me in her BUFf tit muscle.   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx   The day had settled down and everyone had settled in for the night. Me and Seele shared a room with EPIC VAMP HUNTERs Silver Wolf and Kafka.    We slept…… epic transition to the middle of the night.   “Silver.” Kafka whispered. “Silver!” She whispered louder.   “Whatttttttttttttttttttt?” groaned Silver Wolf.    “I wanna talk about it now,” Kafka said.   “Tell me your story then,” Silver wolf said. She laid down still. She didnt move as Kafka told her story,.   “I was REALLY SHY FUCKING KID. And I loved to write. I loved to ACT. liek undertale,,, but in plays. I met some guy… I was shit of legends in my planet. I would do a play every week. That life takes everything. U know. I didnt like men tho for some reason. I was never attracted to him. I was kinda faking it. Kinda like spy x family u know. After he left tho, I fucked off and become a stellaron hunter and stuff. Elio was like ‘im a licensed therapist nd stuff.’”   “How do u think Elio feels about this?” Silver wolf asked.   Kafka shrugged. “We’re like his uncaged birds. If he calls, we’ll fly to his side and flock as a murder.”    Silver wolf smiled. “Do u think he gets lonely….?” she asked.   “No u loser. He has 3 eyes. He’s probably like garnet from steven universe and its just 2 random people in a trench coat.”   “What?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????” Silver wolf exclaimed.   “Theres a music festival near by…………… its mcr.”    I levitated in power. “Gerard way… IS BAC>!!>!>>!!>!?!??!?!?” She cried.   I gasped and cried,   We all gasped. “U HEARD EEVERYYTHING?!?!?!?” KAFKA CRIED.    “U said mcr so i woke up,” Seele said.   “LETS GO!!!” BLADE CHEERED FROM THE OTHER ROOM.   “YAY!” HIMEKO AID. “I LOVE MCR.”   We all went bc we’re all baddies.    “Heyyyy guys!!” gerard way said (a/n: if u dont know who he is, leave this ficccc YOU PREPZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)   Me and Seele joined the mosh pit. WE DANCED AND VIBED.    “GODM ODE.” SEELE CRIED.   Seele shut her eyes and we made out. We ran into the snack table and it exploded.   Kiana kaslana leviated up on the stage. She was fully goth, black ahir streaks, and MCR shirt and pants. One sleeve ripped off to reveal her hatsune miku fully body costume.   “YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THATS MY WIFE!!!” MEI CRIED.   SILVERWING AND SEELE (Silverwing’s one) CRIED IN HAPPINESS MAKING OUT.   We vomited bc we’re homophobic.   After that we went to goto mcdonalds.   “Sorry bros, we have to go get mcdoandls,” Himeko said.   Himeko summoned the epic train and we all drove to mcdonalds (we went through the drive through, pom pom ordered)    Blade ordered a big mac, remove burger. Extra mayo. Extra lettuce, extra pickles. A fry. Remove salt. Slightly burnt. And a coca cola (he got pepsi). Seele got 2 big macs. Extra duct tape. 30 fries. Extra salt. Apple slices (She got pepsi) with ranch. Kiana ordered the Hatsune Miku special delight meal that came with a standee of one of the project sekai groups (She got nightcord. Shes into that ok) Mei also got the Hatsune Miku pecialdeslight meal that came with a standee of one of the project sekai groups (she got leo/need). I got the epic burger (extra mayo. No lettuce. No pickles) himeko got fries. Silver Wolf and Silver Wing both got happy meals (There were monster truck toys). Kafka and Seele (Silver Wing) got a simple cheese burger both. We all cheered as the money totaled up to $42.97. PLus the $25 dollar tip it was $67.97. I paid bc im rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   We ate our mcodnalds on the train. Pom-pom didnt get any, nor did Danheng, mc, welt, or march. LMFAOOO -bronie   “Omg elio is calling,” Kafka said. She answered, “WHAT I AM EATING MCDOANLDs”   “What did u get….?” Elio asked ina deep voice.  “Cheese burger why…?”   “I need you guys to come back im so lonely,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “ Elio sobbed. He tapped his fingers together softly. “I need u guys. Ur so nice & cool and…” It was obvious he was crying sadly. He sniffled so loudly that half of the universe could hear it. “I dont know how to fix my pc….”   “OMFG JUST HANG UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, HES A PREPPPZZZZ,” I said to Kafka.   “We’re on our way,” Kafka said, before hanging up. “It was Elio. We have to go…”   “I suppose,” Blade said in a serious tone. He stood up and so did Bronie   “We could come with,” I suggested hotly.   “Ugh fine,” Blade groaned.   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   We were wearing janitor uniformzzz and entering the “NOT STELLARON HUNTER” Building.   Seele and I looked at eachother and made out…. Seele just looked so rpeetty in a janitor uniformmmmm her buff arms made her looked like a ghost buster. She was so pretty   Silver wolf, Kafka, and Blade entered a room and me and silver wing and seele (silver wings) and seele (baddie) and himeko and mei and kiana and danheng and march and mc all listened to the shockingly loud sobs as soon as the 3 walked in. We cleaned bc we r janitors and hot.   NO ONE SUSPECTED A THING AND AS SOON AS THEY CAME OUT (with elio… HE has 3 EYES???????????????????????????????? WATHHHhATATTAT) We allwatched him gasp and say, ‘u gusy got more janitorooorrrrsssssss????” He asked.   “Yea,,,, they’re gay!” Silver wolf said.   “NO IM NOT IM HOMOPHOBIC. GAY PEOPLE AREI NFECTING SOCIETY AND THEY’REM AKING CHILDREN GAY AND EVIL. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR THEY’RE EVIL I HATE GAY PEOPLE. IF GAY PEOPLE WERE IN MY AREA I WOULD DETONATE.” I CRIED.   “It ok baby.” Selee kissed me.   I blushed….    "Omg get them to jail!!!" Elio cried.    We all got put in jail!!! Yaya!!!    We were so sad. Who would goto the next mcr… concert. Who would go on homophobic rants in Walmart? Who be drawn to the spotlight, which is not the sun but Kafka? We all stared at eachother.    Suddenly, the TELLTALE SIGN OF BLONDES. THE CALL.     "hey!!!!!!" Called Cocolia, breaking in through the roof. She zip lined in and grabbed us be4 breaking us out!! She led us to the Never Winter shop!! IT WAS SERVAL AND NATASHA AND HOOK AND CLARA AND A SWIMMING POOL.   We gapsed. "BELOBOG!!!" WE CRIED.    XXXXXXXXX    Like and subscribe!!!!! Kafka lafka halfka (See the end of the chapter for notes.) I am bbronta I love my goth style. Whenm i was 19 i fell in to a wel and i was liek “omg stfu” to my mom. She was so mad. I was also trapped in a wel. This is myt STYLE mom. I climnbed out and grabed her and SCREAMED. “You are a NUT”  “BRonya YOU ARE 19 YOU MOThR FUKKER!!!!!!!!!!!” Cocolia screamed.  Oit the then occurred to me that i was infact 19 and i was stuck in a wel. “R u going to belobogian military GOTH academy?” Cooclia siad she was wearing extreme eyeshadow…. GOTH!! I nod and ran to military academt I was so shcoked… seele was there! THATS BREKAINZG AND ENTERING YOU PEACE OF SHIT 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I GRABED HER BY THE FACE AND GASPEd. “U R….” I gasped. “U are soooo hot…” Seele gasped back…. “Aa.” We sat in ‘english’ clas and sat. I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTIOn. Because you see i was already the PERFECT author. I HAVE A VERY ACTIVE TUMBLR WHERE I WATCH THE LGBTQ!! ASS u CAN SEE I FUKKING HATE THE LGBTW ONR TIME IF WAZ WALLKIGN DOWN THE STREET AND A LGBTQ WAS WALKING DOWN THE STREET. THE STREETS WERE MADE OF CONCRETE AND I AS SO SO SO SO UPSET BECAUSE THE LGBTQS FUCKING SHOES WERE LIKE STRAIGHT!! As you can see they tied their shoes… I turned to seele.  I looked into her red eye…. SHE WAS SO PRETTY . . . . “Do you have PINK EYE?!” I ASKED?! "Yah…" seele replied handsomely. I stared at her. She was so hot. Her eyes were literally eyes. I knew they were red contacts because she's goffik. I stared at her eye eyes. They were STILL EYES. I screeched interrupting the whole class, just for you know… the funnies. Seele smiled. "You're so cool bronya!" And everyone laughed. I was zo happy! We smirked. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TONFUCKING SCREAM!!" Homophobic teacher Mr. Cambridge said…  I gasped… "FUCK YOU… Y-YOU FUKKER" I said. Seele stood up and beat him up WHOCH IS OKAY BECAUSE HE HAS NO FRIENDS 😁! She kicked him with her muscular legs and he barely budged… "THE BABOCHA" SEELE cried. She jumped out the window and I screamed Gepard LANDAU showed up in the door. "THERES A DISTRUBANCE." He said BLODNELY I I cried. Oh no. My wife I miss her. She is outside.  I can see her.  I am  On the first floor 😔 "PISS OFF" I SCREAMED AND FAN OUT YHE WINDOW. The teacher didn't catch me because HAHA BALLS. I walked off thinking about seeles hot red eyes (ahe had pink eye) I want to remind you SEELE HAS PINK EYE “Veliona.” Seele said I screeched like an holy demon causing half of society to die and the other half to be thoroughly annoyed. Seele comforted me when i was flipped of by one singular person. She BET HIM UPPPP.  “Win” I said “w” i walked away and went to bed. She was like there too. I woke up in the middle of the night very emo and walked into the outdoors. I walked and I saw a wanted poster “seele” I SCREAMED… “Seele” “SEELE” I SHUTED. ‘WHO OCUDL HAVE DONE THIS” I RAN ACROSS BELOBOG AND FOUND MY MOMS UNDERGROUND BUNKER. I walked in… she was conspiracy theorist. She had 300 pictures of conspiracy theory I walked in “Hi” i walked in Cocolai looked up from her coconut overlord chair ‘what up DAUGHTER”  I gasped… “WHAT UP MOM”  She grabbed the coconut. “YOU.” WE BOTH GASPED. “YOU MADE MY WIFE AND GIRL FRIEND WANTED.” I SHOUTED. “DRAMATIC VOICE. I DID NOT” Coocnut said. She walked up to me. She handed me a coconut “this was my ancestor once.” “How are you blonde then” “Im actually a pineapple…”  ‘WHAT THE FUCK” I screamed SEELE RAN IN ‘I HEARD YOUR CRY BBG” “DONT CALL ME THAT IN PUBLIC” I SCREAMED “WHAT” SEELE SAID “BBG IM COMING” SERVAL SAID “DOTH THOU NOT CALL ME THAT IN PUBLIC” COCOLIA SAID “Lets go get coffee and settle our pains” I said “Ok” cocolai said we all went to coffee. Cocolia got a venti Carmel Frappuccino with non fat coconut milk exactly 2 1/2 cups of sugar with 4 chocolate drizzles, 6 1/2 pump of caramel drizzle, 3 expresso shots mixed in Extra whip cream, as well as birthday cake pop mixed in with a bit of strawberries on top, chocolate flakes, pump of vanilla, one pump of hazelnut, banana slices mixed in, chocolate shavings coating the bottom, cinnamon dolce and just a pinch of matcha powder. I got quad long shot grande in a venti cup half calf double cupped no sleeve salted caramel mocha latte with 2 pumps of vanilla substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha and substitute 2 pumps of hazelnut for toffee nut half whole milk and half breve with no whipped cream extra hot extra foam extra caramel drizzle extra salt add a scoop of vanilla bean powder with light ice well stirred. Seele got a hot chocolate and serval got a mocha. Me and cocolai talked. “So abot Alexandra ARand”  “Whata bout her” “She was gay right” “Yeah she was like that one person we all called straight but hse was just not bitchless but with women” “Mom wtf” “Its ok child of qlipoth” “WHAT” “YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE BRONYA YOU WERE CHOSEN AT A YOUNG AGE TO CARRY THE WEAPONRY OF TEH MIGHTY SPIDER. IN THE DREAM… BRONYA WHAT DID YOU SEE. WHAT WAS IT. WAS IT THE MIGHTY SPIDER. WAS IT KAFKA. DID YOU SEE HER? WHAT DID SHE SAY? TELL ME BRONYA. TELL ALL OF US.” “MOTHER I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU MEAN.” “Kafka… what did she tell you to do.” I was so mad and sad. I couldn’t believe Seele for cheating on me. I began to cry against the tree where I made out with Seele. Then all of a suddenly, an horrible women with spooky eyes and nose and everything started flying towards me on a space ship! She did have a nose (basically like Kafka in the game) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious she wasn’t gothic. It was…… Kfka! “No!” I shouted in a scared voice but then Kafka shouted “Imperius!” and I couldn’t run away. “Crookshanks!” I shouted at him. Kafka fell of her broom and started to scream. I felt bad for her even though I’m also a woman so I stopped. “Bronya.” he yelled. “Thou must kill Vampire MC!” I thought about Vampire and his sexah eyes and his gothic grey hair and how his face looks just like pp caca. I remembered that Seele had said I didn’t understand, so I thought, what if Seele went out with Vampire before I went out with him and they broke up? “No, Kafka!” I shouted back. Kafka gave me a gun. “No! Please!” I begged. “Thou must!” she yelled. “If thou does not, then I shall kill thy beloved Seele!” “How did you know?” I asked in a surprised way. Kafka got a dude-ur-so-gay look on his face. “I hath telekinesis.” she answered cruelly. “And if you doth not kill Vampire, then thou know what will happen to Seele!” she shouted. Then he flew away angrily on his broomstick. I was so scared and mad I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Seele came into the woods. “Seele!” I said. “Hi!” “Hi.” she said back but her face was all sad. He was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind of like a pentagram (geddit) between Joel Madden and Gerard Way. “Are you okay?” I asked. “No.” she answered. “I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me.” I expelled. “That’s okay.” she said all depressed and we went back into Plamya Officer school together making out. “Kafka told me……” I glance up to mother. “To kill seele.” “What… THATS WITCH. THAT BEAST. Do not listen to her.” “I wont mother its just…” “DONT GIVE ME A BUT” She slammed her hand onto the table. I backed off. “I’m sorry Bronya… Its just. Dont listen to anyone. Not even a voice thats not your own. Listen to your heart.” “My heart…?” “Your heart bronya.” I nodded goffikly. "Thank you mom" Cocolia patted my head. "That's my daughter."  Serval and Seele sat there in utter shock. They were completely shocked.  Want to follow me somewhere: @ice_icemonster (twitter) or ice-ice-monster (tumblr(
Silent Reading
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, possible canon divergence, Childhood Memories, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, spoilers ?
['MW_Patata', 'TrebleNerd011', 'Laserwise', 'StellaronTwinsz', 'bleblebl', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'toffeephi', 'D33JAYYY', 'NullNadia', 'xanrkgk', 'VannessaCloud', 'MiharuError', 'Whrlingx', 'DefNotMothman', 'Confettio_Spaghettio', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'Astrealiaa', 'VertexDrifter', 'Eden_of_Kovir', 'MultifandomDumbass', 'Kotofeila', 'Avorgs', 'electrobirb', 'stonekyul', 'lesbianwhoneedstherapy69', 'Songless_Sky', 'zainxdumb', 'sugandese_nuts', 'MariFaye', 'Anglea', 'mizuenator', 'PinkPrimrose06', 'schro', 'Wali', 'Muppener', 'Longwood', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega', 'SneakyTrinky']
“Seele you must sleep!” “Seele, stop crying, I can't sleep like this…” “Can you cry in another place??” While listening to the other annoyed children's words to her, Seele started sobbing even harder in the dark bedroom. It wasn't on purpose tho, but being said to stay quiet had irritated her. “Hey! Let me go! Don't touch me!” Seele shouted, feeling someone grab her arm in the dark. It wasn't a violent touch as she thought it would be, but she was too emotionally dysregulated that this made her cry even worse. “Go away with her, Bronya!” shouted one of the children, while covering their ears. Some of the kids started sobbing because of their tiredness. “Seele.” Bronya whispered to her. “If you continue like this Miss Natasha will be worried.” Bronya pulled Seele gently but firmly, making her get up from her place on the floor. Giving up, Seele let the other girl guide her, taking her own blanket as they left the bedroom, still with tears in her eyes. They walk through the dark hall until they reach the living room. There wasn't much furniture there, so they sat on the ground next to one of the walls, protecting themselves from the cold with their blankets. Bronya carefully lit a candle and placed it next to them. Seele was still crying, quietly at that time. “Seele? What happened? Why are you crying?” "It 's nothing.” “It should be something, are you sad?” “No.” “Did someone mess up with you?” Bronya asked carefully. Seele wiped her tears once more, before answering Bronya. “I had a fight earlier. I was playing and someone started to annoy me.” Seele said, a little embarrassed. “Did you get yourself hurt? I can call Miss Natasha for you!” Bronya said. She felt Seele desperately grab her arm, like she was trying to prevent her from getting up. “No! Please. I’m fine. I’m just stressed… didn't want to annoy everyone.” Bronya held Seele’s hands, and pulled her to be closer to her. The cold of winter in the environment seemed to be a bit warmer like that. She then picked something next to her. “What is this?” Seele asked. At that point, she had already stopped crying. “It's a book. I found it earlier yesterday, but Miss Natasha still didn't have to help me with it.” Bronya said, showing the object to Seele. “Help you?” Seele asked, opening it while looking at the old pages. There were some illustrations on it, between the texts. “I don't know how to read yet.” Said Bronya, blushing a little. “Me too. But Miss Natasha had started to teach me!” Said Seele, before starting to read it out loud. She struggled a little, but still managed to read some phrases to Bronya, who payed attention carefully until Seele became tired and stopped. “Let's look at the images togethers instead.” Said Bronya. “Then, when both of us learn how to read we can read it again together.” “Let's do it then.” Said Seele. She was practically leaning on Bronya’s shoulder. Silently, they started looking at the illustrations together. Seele was static on Bronya’s shoulders, just moving her eyes, while Bronya just moved her hand from time to time to pass the pages. They stayed in that silent reading until both of them accidentally fell asleep, there on the ground. When Natasha saw them, she thought about waking them up so they could sleep in the bedroom, but they looked so comfortable that she did let go. After that, many years had passed. They didn't had enough time to do what Bronya proposed because she was taken away to the Overworld and they totally forgot about what happened, just like they forgot about each other. Maybe someday, if life decides to cross their paths again, they do get to meet each other again and finally finish the book together.
What If I broke the friendship we had?
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, my heart is breaking and happy for writng angst, i wrote it on a paper during religion class, forgiv me god
['Whrlingx', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'Avorgs', 'Hakotgf', 'KuroToNoir', 'new_watch', 'Korablick', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx']
''Ugh, god damn it'' Seele groaned from the frustration, frustration from the feelings she had for the 'stupid' overworld Silvermane Princess. The poor undergrounder felt like her feelings for the overworld princess isn't valid, why? Because she's just a normal person from the underground, while Bronya? She's a princess! Princess from the overworld! What's worse is that she's scared to break their friendship too. It'd be just so awkward to be around with the overworld princess especially after getting rejecter by her. All the long blue haired woman could do was hide her feelings from the silver haired woman and try to keep her cool around her, even though sometimes it's just hard to hide the feelings from the 'stupid' overworld princess. Well, It seems like It's also the same situation for the overworld princess. The undeniable feelings for the underground woman is just there in her heart and she's just confused about her feelings. ''Mother did told me I'd feel like this around the person I'm romantically into.. But Seele..? She's just.. beautiful but will she even like me..?'' Bronya mumbled, she'd not sure about this feelings she had for the underground woman. The feelings Bronya had was just complicated for her, who knew everything by studying and books, none of them really included on what to do if you had feelings for someone. Well, none at the books she had ever read ''God damn it, should I just confess.. I'm scared what if she got disgusted over the fact that I have feelings for her?! She's just to cool for someone like me..'' Bronya complained to herself, she really isn't sure what move she should make, which decision should she choose? Confess or not..? Seems like confessing their feelings to each other is going to be difficult for the both of them.
Yaoshi, Take the Wheel
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Jing Yuan/Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
sanely drunk people, just some old hcs i'm putting out before the official release, JingLuo, Jingcha - Freeform, Flirting, luocha increasingly convincing himself it's for profit, stonks go brrt brrt, Sexual Tension
['BeautifulTrash_4', 'fraisebees', 'artemiswontmind', 'Astr0l0gy_N3rd', 'Raela13579', 'shutupaxs', 'Bluesky88', 'oreosnomnom', 'Avanotave', 'ElIbArRa_BiTcH', 'Silent_Nightmare', 'retuo', 'Ph03nixs_FicStop', 'kristinab09', 'MidnightD', 'aritomi', 'chuuyasour', 'friedctopus', '4ruityRoyalty', 'Nova_Blair', 'Antha_May', 'bebequgu', 'lumenspars', 'Astre_Red', 'vienne0_0trancy', 'KometKat', 'Vaaleriann', 'oleandertheoil', 'mark_a', 'ThatPurpleDragon', 'Adxryn_Am_Ddim', 'SpiritPhantasm', 'ia_acedia', 'Nigrechritudo', 'Brudo', 'paramoia', 'Ludacris', 'vampirempire', 'corticosteroid', 'Ashire', 'FloatingClouds', 'Argilla', 'tomster', 'wrth', 'Novae_Asteron', 'SyKo_SleepyTech', 'geummari', 'Mirase', 'birdie1661', 'wh1t3_dwarf']
Luocha wasn’t a stranger to festivities; as a merchant, his daily life involves showing face to different people and laying down his best cards on the table to get what he wants. It’s a hit-and-miss trade, for most that is. But to Luocha, a master of being one step ahead even from the wisest men in the farther reaches of the galaxy, it’s a 95% guaranteed success. This means there’s a small margin of error, and very rarely does he allow himself to be caught up in anyone’s mess (unless there’s an opportunity to exploit). Last night falls into the latter category. He has been trapped in the Xianzhou Fleet for quite some time now, and after getting the coffin that has been strapped on his back securely to its destination, he finally gives in to his new friend Su Shang’s peer pressure in attending a banquet hosted by the Cloud Knights. It's an open market, anyway. As they say, credits flow freely where the wine does.     After emptying some bottles of baijiu and light-hearted bantering, Sushang was nowhere to be found. She probably went with the trailblazer’s group, leaving Luocha to deal with the last few functioning minds in the dining hall and a slightly blurry vision. “If you’re wondering about something, don’t you think it’s better to ask them outright?” Jing Yuan finally stirs, discerning Luocha with one open eye and a small smile. “Definitely better than you sitting there speechless.” “Ah, I didn’t intend to be rude, general.” He takes a swig from his cup, not shying away from the man’s firm gaze. “It’s just natural that a man of your stature would demand attention.” Jing Yuan raises a brow, obviously humored by his response. “Are you trying to pull my leg?” “Am I?” Luocha leans forward with his head propped in an elbow. A little bit braver, but nothing unusual. “Maybe, maybe not. You ought to know. I assume lots of people do.” “I do know most of the time. But you’re a hard read since earlier.” “No need to read me then. In your own words, if you’re wondering about me, then just ask them outright. General .” Jing Yuan raises his own cup, tipping it slightly in Luocha’s direction. It wasn’t a surprise that the man has taken notice of Luocha’s discreet scrutiny. Despite Jing Yuan appearing to be a mirror-like surface of a calm lake, Luocha just senses the strong undercurrent. One can be indiscriminately swept away when they’re not being careful.  “There are some bottles left. Liquor eases the nerves, no? Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you as much as you’d like to know about me. Only if you can keep your wits about you.” The merchant nods and lets the rim of their glasses touch, a tiny but pleasant clink punctuating their mutual interest bubbling at the surface. “Who am I to refuse?”     Indeed it was a fruitful exchange. Luocha finds out that the rumors floating around weren’t entirely true. Jing Yuan does not like lifting a finger unless absolutely necessary, weeks of paperwork grow in piles on his desk, and he likes sleeping when he’s not weeding out his garden. Correct. However, the battle-hardened general is rather deliberate in everything that he does, which can be misconstrued by the innate charm that he wears well. Luocha had encountered powerful men like him in the past, and to him, they’re the most dangerous. All the more he has to strike up a bond with him, after all. Jing Yuan was taken by his small anecdotes from his travels, too. By the time they were on their third and last bottle, Luocha has lost track of how many tidbits of his exploits were shared already, but the glint in his companion's eyes haven't faltered one bit. “That’s the last of it, I’m afraid.” A single drop of liquor fell to the bottom of his cup. The corners of Jing Yuan’s mouth minutely fell too at the same time. “I would love to keep you company, general, but I’d have to save enough consciousness to walk upright to the inn.” “Regrettable. It has been a long time since someone went head to head with me while drinking and not keel over.” His expression suddenly changes, golden irises glowing a bit brighter. “Don’t fret about it. You’re a guest I’d love to keep on a strict watch, and my residence is nearby. Spend the night over. It’s a win-win situation.” The phrase strict watch doesn’t escape a partly sober Luocha. The Luofu is a lively place but it was still under martial law, and anyone who stands out from the crowd would warrant a form of surveillance one way or the other. But Jing Yuan had a point too. He hasn’t done anything suspicious nor he was guilty of anything. Besides, whether it’s for the good or the bad, it wouldn’t be for naught He can surely come up with something to spin this positively for him. “Lead the way, please.” It takes a good minute for him to fully stand up before can extend a hand to the general. “It’ll be an honor, and we could also use the change of scenery.”     The general’s residence was nothing short of grandiose. It’s a sprawling estate with multiple gardens, but instead of an uptight atmosphere, it feels like a retreat: a place where one could forget the outside world and just listen to the water trickling through the bamboo fountains. Even the guest room he was given was spacious but homey. If Luocha didn’t have to travel for trade, he could see himself settling in such a place.  “Is it up to your standards?” Luocha shifts his gaze from the carp pond outside to the familiar voice. When he turns, it’s Jing Yuan sans the armor. The man still carries the air of regency around, except it’s more lenient, warmer. There was a slight churn in Luocha’s stomach, and he was sure it wasn’t out of nerves nor withdrawal from the liquor.  “You have fine tastes, but not over the top. Certainly up my alley, general.” "Is that so? Some of my advisers prefer a more modern look." Jing Yuan steps closer and hands him a small pile of fabrics, traditional satin robes similar in color to what Luocha was wearing. "Change of clothes. It would be unpleasant to retire with the stench of liquor all over. Feel free to use the bath too." "These aren't bugged, right? I won't mind, but there's nothing to worry about. A hangover when the morning comes is a more pressing concern." It was a jest, but Loucha won't be surprised if the first part of his statement was true. But then again, a man who allegedly can summon a lord on the battlefield might not consider him as much of a threat at all.  "If they are, then it's a moot point to tell." Jing Yuan chuckles, his velvety baritone echoing in the chamber. "Well, I'd leave you to have a good night's rest. You're in the safest place in the entirety of the Luofu." "Thank you for being gracious. I hope you have a pleasant sleep too." Luocha affords to give his companion a small smile; he was genuinely feeling grateful for the hospitality. Jing Yuan inhales deeply before smiling back, but he doesn't step away either. They stay that way for a few moments, and the deadlock is shattered when Luocha speaks again, sensing something simmering in the air between them. "I'd have to get changed now." To which Jing Yuan nods. "Of course. I am aware." Luocha watches the general's expressions as he unhooks his brooch, and then his belt. As soon as the coat slides off his frame and falls to the polished floor, Jing Yuan was so close that Luocha could see how thick his eyelashes actually were. Tasting the baijiu in the general's mouth was a whole new experience, a road untraveled. Sharing a bath and the bed with him wasn't in Loucha's ledger either, but not entirely unwelcome too.     Daytime comes quickly, and out of habit, Luocha always makes sure to be up and about before the sun is fully up on the horizon no matter what warp zone he was in. Only this time, he was woken up by a slight headache, the soft breaths against his nape, and an arm draped over his naked frame. Too far?  He didn’t exactly plan to get intimately entangled with Jing Yuan, but he knows it doesn’t bear any weight either. Just two adults who made certain choices and ended up together in bed. At least for him. If Jing Yuan changes his mind and deems their actions to have crossed too many lines, where will he end up then? Yaoshi be damned.  Luocha carefully maneuvers himself, attempting to get the heavy limb out of his way. No fuss. He can just simply leave a thank you note, and maybe depart for Yaoqing the soonest he can. Technically he will still be in the general’s jurisdiction, but at least he’s far from the epicenter already. Jing Yuan was making it difficult, however. Despite Luocha’s precautions, the arm only tightened around his waist. He finds Jing Yuan staring down at him as if passing down judgment when he peers over his shoulder but it only lasts for a second. Upon full consciousness, Jing Yuan’s gaze softens once more, and a corner of his lips was turned up ever so slightly. “You don’t need to escape that way. Besides, even if you do, I have eyes and ears all over the fleet.” He sighs as his hold relaxes. “But if you have some business to attend to, then forgive me for keeping you up all night.” Luocha turns at the seemingly brazen remark, only to be confronted with the proximity of Jing Yuan’s lips. He can’t help but be reminded of where that pair was— all over him . The marks they left still stung, and yet the culprit was just lying carefreely with his messy mane and piercing gaze. This is the same man who made his toes curl, made him tremble shamelessly in pleasure. Loucha couldn’t pinpoint what it is, but it lights up something in him.  “You aren’t troubled at all.” He says matter-of-factly, fingers prodding the crisscrossing scars in Jing Yuan’s chest unconsciously.  “Why would I be? I was under the impression we both had an enjoyable excursion. But if you’re referring to the unapproved requests in my office, then yes.” Luocha prods him again for emphasis. “That’s not what I mean, general. You know what I’m referring to.” The whole notion of the Cloud Knight’s leader spending a night with an outlander might not be too scandalous as it should be, but it wouldn’t help Jing Yuan either. The fact that he was following the path of Yaoshi yet he slept with one of Lan’s charioteers was another thing to unpack altogether. Maybe this just happens too frequently to be bothered. A man of Jing Yuan’s stature puts him in a position wherein he could get whatever and whoever he wants, although he doesn’t really be a character to take advantage of others. Whatever the case is, Loucha’s train of thought was interrupted when Jing Yuan nuzzles the side of his neck. The hot breath fires off Luocha’s synapses especially when the general murmurs against his skin. “It’s still too early. Headache. If you’re not going, then please stay still. I’m not exactly a morning person either.” He tries to run through his options in his head; the budding migraine makes him want to just lay in bed until the afternoon comes. Luocha’s quick on his toes but this time, the benefits seem to outweigh the apparent repercussions. He can consider this as another transaction. It’s the wisest thing to do. Nothing too dramatic. Good old crossing of paths for the books. Maybe. “You’re in luck, general. I have the perfect cure for hangovers.”   It doesn’t take long before the general dozes off again, lips pressed against the merchant’s skin. Luocha’s fingers get lost in Jing Yuan’s hair as he holds him closer, too.
Broken pieces
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['WolfyKnight5071', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'Anglea', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega']
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Seele had paced across the cheap hotel room over one hundred times. "Stupid, selfish, old man!" She exclaimed. "Seele." Bronya was firm now. Her tone was stronger than it had been an hour ago. She'd barely cried as much as Seele had. "You need to calm down and look at the bright side," Bronya said.  "No, Bronya! I can't! I just want Fersman to climb out of his grave an apologize to Hook for being a fucking selfish asshole!" Seele shouted.  "I've seen Guards fall like that. The children… Although it was a selfish deal, I know Hook will live on. She will be completely fine." Bronya placed her hand on Seele’s back comfortingly. It caused seele to stop pacing.  "Bronya…" Seele muttered. The girl fell to her knees. "Bronya… it's just so..  SO FUCKING STUPID." Bronya joined her on the ground, and she hugged her. "Natasha has her in good hands." Seele hugged Bronya tightly. Her arms are strong against Bronya's waist. "Thank you…"
Win the Game
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail), Coconut (Honkai: Star Rail)
GOD DAMMIT JUST KISS &lt;- me while writing
['LivingThing8', 'wiinwinter', 'D33JAYYY', 'MiharuError', 'laven_boy', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Azuos', 'Astrealiaa', 'Aguaramil', 'EdelweissMax', 'AntlersPotato', 'pastelstuffed', 'mizuenator', 'MiaMiYkb', 'YingAtlas', 'Dogstar9069', 'new_watch', 'Anglea', 'DragonlordKickpuncher', 'LazyKatie', 'Kebins_Cup_Noodles_Delivery', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega', 'NEODOROTHYMOTHERFUCKER']
“Look, Bronya, that's our class's star player that I was telling you about,” Pela shouted over the crowd to Bronya.   Bronya couldn’t hear her. Her mouth was opened only so slightly in shock. Maybe it was warm in the room, but her face felt ablaze. Her eyes were dazed and her brain hard-wired to focus on only one thing. “That’s… Seele, right?” Bronya asked Pela, turning to her only slightly as to try to hide her little crush.   “Yeah, why?” Pela replied. She didn’t look at her friend as the game started. She held a camera on her lap.   “She comes to the student council meetings every so often. I never got her name,” Bronya lied. She covered her face in blatant embarrassment. The only glimpse of Seele she’d gotten before was in gym class. They had the same period.    “She’s cool! I’ve talked to her before,” Pela told her. "She's very cool in person." She smiled at Bronya.   Bronya turned to Pela faster than thought to be humanly possible. “What is she like?” She asked. Her face had only gotten worse, and it was obvious to everyone in the room but Pela.   Pela shrugged. “It was for Yearbook,” Pela stated. “It was an interview.” She almost smiled at the word Yearbook. It was her personal passion.   Bronya sighed. “She’s really pretty,” Bronya grumbled. She placed her chin in her hands. She watched seele intently.    “She’s our school’s point guard,” Pela explained. “She is also the face of the team. She is coach Natasha’s adoptive daughter.” She smiled supportively. “You should talk to her!”    Bronya shook her head. “No, no… I could never.”    “She’s not mean,” Pela replied.   Bronya sighed. "Maybe." She watched Seele intently. The crowds grew louder and so did Bronya's headache. She got up and walked outside. She stood next to the water fountain as she texted her mother to remember to keep the garage door unlocked. She sat down against the wall.   "Hey, do you need to use this, Bronya?" A voice asked.   Bronya looked up. It was Seele. "Oh, uhm… no… Seele right?" She asked.   "Oh, so you do know my name?" Seele asked before drinking what felt like half a tank of water. She had sweat running down her face.    "It's hard not to know the face of our basketball league," Bronya hummed.    "I'm on the benches all game so I'm heading out if you wanna hang out princess," Seele stated leaning against the wall over Bronya.   "You're covered in sweat," Bronya muttered. "Do you need something to change into?" She knew she was being way too generous.    Seele smiled. "Sure, princess." Seele held her hand out for Bronya to help herself up with.    Bronya took her hand and pulled herself up. Bronya walked into the gym locker room and opened her locker. "I should have a secondary uniform here."    Seele pulled it out and examined it. "Even have the tie." Then she blushed. Maybe she was always blushing. "Uh… you do plan to… walk over there, right?" She asked.   Bronya gasped. She nodded and walked over very quickly. Bronya turned away. She checked her phone to see her mother had replied, "ok."   "Okay, I'm done," Seele called. She walked up to Bronya and placed her hand on Bronya's shoulder.    Bronya turned to her. She gasped through her teeth and sweat rolled down her face as she blushed.   Seele returned the same shocked and embarrassed glare.    Bronya smiled as her heart almost fell out of her chest. She froze. "Haha… uh…" Bronya breathed. She could feel Seele's breath.    Seele leaned in only a little closer and whispered, "are you okay with me being this close?"    Bronya's heart pounded. "No, no… I don't mind at all." She could feel the heat from Seele's face on her own.    All Seele did was a smirk. Her eyes were glued to Bronya's eyes. "You're really pretty," she stated.   "Hm…" Bronya hummed lost in every thought rushing through her head. "You… are so nice!" Bronya replied. She gave her award-winning smile.    Seele backed off and covered her face. "Different brain waves." She walked over to her clothes and opened her gym locker. She tossed them in and shut the lock. "I'll see you later, Rand." She walked out.   ***   Bronya entered her math class and sat next to Pela. "Well, I met the Seele girl. She's very kind."   "What happened?" Pela asked.   Bronya smiled. "Well, I was getting a drink of water and she walked up. She wanted to go home so I offered her a change of clothes, then I talked to her a bit in the locker room. She got up close and I think she wanted to thank me then she ran off."   "Don't tell me… Bronya!! She's into you and you blew it!" Pela shouted, shaking Bronya.   Bronya sighed. "Don't shout at me! I didn't know. I promise you that I don't think she's into me," she replied. "Plus I don't think I'm into girls like that."   "Bronya, when have you ever been into a guy?" Pela asked.    Bronya thought for a minute. Bronya shrugged. "I've only ever rejected people."   "Would you reject a confession if it was Seele?" Pela asked.   Bronya's heart throbbed at the thought. "Uh… n-no.. maybe you're right. But I don't think she was anything close to romantic."   Pela crossed her arms. "I've read enough romance novels to know that closeness is a sign of romance," Pela sighed.   "Those are just novels," Bronya told her. "There's no merit to it."   ***   Seele walked into practice the next day. Her eyes twinkled with delight as she perfected each shot. The only thing on her mind that hindered her performance was with Bronya the day before.    "Seele," Natasha called. "Come here real quick."   Seele joined Natasha away from the other players. "What's up?" She asked.   "First, I want you to jog home and go take your sister to her practice, but also is there something on your mind?" Natasha asked.   "Ah, not just high school girl stuff," Seele replied.   "That's new," Natasha stated. "I'll talk to you later." She joined the team in practice.    Seele walked out of the school and pulled a coat over her head. She started her jog but paused at the corner. Bronya?   "Oh, Seele?" Bronya asked. "I'm doing a mail run for the Mayor." She stopped walking as soon as she got close to Seele.   "Im… going to go get my little sister to her practice." Seele couldn't handle the butterflies in her stomach. This girl was going to kill her. Her crush had been for so long that it felt like a necessity to tell Bronya.    "You have a little sister?" Bronya asked.   "Yeah, she's a huge fan of my sport," Seele stated.    Bronya smiled. Bronya looked like an angel when she smiled in Seele's mind.    Seele opened her mouth to just blurt it out but only a squeak came out.   "Hm?" Bronya hummed.    Seele looked to the ground and blurted, "come to my game tonight! At eight."   Bronya nodded. "I will try."   Seele ran off to go to get Hook. She drove Hook to practice and texted Oleg to remind him to pick her up at seven. She practiced in the driveway before Natasha got home. She wanted peak performance.   Natasha joined Seele in the driveway before saying, "I need to know what highschool girl things are. Do you have a significant other?"    Seele picked up the ball and turned to Natasha. She smiled. "There's this really pretty girl. Her name is Bronya."   "Mayor Cocolia's daughter?" Natasha asked.   "Bronya Rand," Seele replied.    "Yes, I've met her. She's a very kind girl. How did my tough star player fall in love with my friend's daughter?" Natasha asked.   Seele sighed. "How do I even go about asking her out? She gave me a stupid customer service smile," Seele stated.   "Just ask her," Natasha stated.    "Mom, that's a horrible idea!"    "Ask her at the game."   "Put me on the bench at the end."   Natasha agreed. She left Seele to practice.   ***   Bronya joined the crowd again. This time without Pela. Pela was busy taking pictures.    Seele was playing at the greatest skill Bronya had ever seen. By the time Seele was finally put on bench she'd amassed 48 points without a single penalty.    Bronya got up to go talk to her outside again. She walked out and met Seele at the water fountain.    "Hey," Seele already looked very red.   "Hello," Bronya said. "I have a spare uniform again."   "It's like you packed it for me," Seele remarked.    "I did," Bronya replied. Bronya walked into the locker room and opened her locker. She gave Seele the clothes and turned away. She urged herself not to recreate the situation from earlier.   "Done," Seele stated. She walked over and got close again.   Bronya stared at her. A soft blush adorning her face. Her eyes twinkled like an angel down at Seele’s admiring stare.    "You're… pretty," Seele muttered. Her voice caught in her throat and anxiety welled as she could feel Bronya's simple breaths on her face.    Bronya stared. She had no idea what to say.   "Can I hang out with you this time?" Seele asked. "You and me… just like… ahhh I can't handle this."   Bronya lifted an eyebrow. "Handle what?" Bronya asked.   Seele stared at her. "Will you be my first kiss?" She asked.   "Uh… I can do that," Bronya nodded. She kissed Seele.    It felt like an eternity before they stopped. Seele let out a few deep breaths. "Oh my god, you have soft lips."    Bronya blushed. "Don't flatter me."   "But I want to flatter you," Seele blurted out.   "Are you flirting with me?" Bronya muttered.    "Yes!!" Seele cried. "I don't even know much about you, but I love you, Bronya Rand!"   Bronya placed her head on Seele's shoulder. "I love you too. I'm just anxious to see your face right now. Let's sit down and calm down."   Bronya sat down. Seele sat next to her and they stared at opposite sides of the room while they waited for anything to dissipate.    Bronya turned back and said, "I'm ready."   Seele turned too. "Okay, here's my number. I need to go make sure to actually get driven home. Bye!"   Bronya had a little piece of paper with horrible handwriting. Bronya texted seele getting an instant reply. They go on a date “Come on!” Seele shouted to Bronya from the basketball court. She ran off at the buzzer and dived to hug Bronya. This broke Bronya's balance but Seele kept her on her feet. Seele wrapped her arms around Bronya.   Bronya cringed. “You’re all covered in sweat…” She grumbled. “You should change before you think about hugging me.” She pushed Seele off. She thrusted the bag into Seele's arms.    “Did you bring my clothes?” Seele asked with a dashing smile adorning her face. Only a week in and Seele was more comfortable than Bronya was with anyone.   “Sorry, this is my bag… I had nothing else,” Bronya explained. It had her last name sewed into the side. The name was obvious even with the bag open. She knew it would cause Seele embarrassment.   “Better than forgetting,” Seele told her. She kissed her cheek and took the bag. She walked to the lockers.   Bronya stood there as the crowd dissipated. She looked around and sat back down on the bleachers. Bronya wasn’t as social as she much wanted to be at Seele’s games. The people around her were screaming and cheering and all she could do was sit there in awe.   The coach, Natasha, approached Bronya. “You’re Seele’s girlfriend?” She asked bluntly. She was just like Seele.   Bronya looked up. She nodded. “Oh, Ms. Natasha?” She asked. “You’re the coach?”    “Mm… Yes, and you’re here for Seele,” Natasha stated. She sat down on the bench and placed her clipboard down. “You seem like a nice girl. Take care of Seele. She really loves you.”    Bronya gave her an awkward smile. “I am Bronya Rand,” She said. She walked to the locker room and Seele walked out. The bag on her hip. Her arm covered the name.   Seele placed the bag into Bronya's arms. "That's one way to come out."   "Do you want to go get pizza or something?" Bronya asked.   "Yeah! I know a great place down the road," Seele stated. "The Stellaronnie place."   "You have a stomach of iron, but eh, I need to live a little," Bronya replied.    The girls walked down the road to the shop. Three employees stood inside; one girl mopped the floor while listening to really loud music, a man stood smiling at the register, and a woman stood in the kitchen reading what looked to be a recipe.    "Cheese?" Seele asked. Bronya nodded. "We'll have cheese."   The man nodded. He inputted it, but then he grumbled. "Erm… Bronie," he said as if trying to remember her name.   The mopping girl looked over. "What is it, Ren?" She asked.   Ren looked at the terminal. "How do I input cheese pizza?"   "Oh, I know this," the woman shouted from the back. She ran in holding an unbaked sheet of pizza dough. She clicked some things then they got a loud error sound. "What did they order?"   "Cheese," Ren replied.   "No one orders cheese here." Kafka stared at the terminal. "How does one… input this?" She asked.   "Exactly." Ren smiled even brighter. "You and I both don't know. Thus it's impossible."   "The possibility is never impossible," Kafka replied.    "Nothing is perfect," Ren said.   Bronie walked over and clicked a single button.    "You may now pay," Ren told them.   Bronya paid and they sat at a table. They chatted until the pizza arrived in around 45 seconds after the order had been placed. They ate. It was the worst pizza ever.    They left and Seele was as cool as a cucumber. Bronya felt like she was dying from the inside and so Seele helped her to Seele's house. Bronya was ill. "Look, Nat, you're gonna have to drive her home. I can't do it. I'm too stressed. Please just uh… don't tell her mom that we're dating."   Bronya was out of it. She sat in the backseat, head laying on seele's lap. Seele was as pale as a ghost. Bronya reached her hand up and placed it on Seele's chin comfortingly.    Seele was like a blur getting her into the house while Natasha talked to Cocolia. She helped Bronya to her room. "Do you need help with anything?" Frantic.    Bronya laid down. Her eyes were fixed on Seele. "You can tell my mother I'm a lesbian, you know. She knows."   "It's not been too long though…" Seele muttered.   "I-... I suppose you're right," Bronya muttered. "I'm feeling better now. Laying down is not as bad."   "You know… my mom knows your mom," Seele told Bronya.   "What?" Bronya asked.   "They met at the wine store down the road to the left," Seele said. She walked over to Bronya's side.    "I forgot that wine moms know each other," Bronya said. "Aren't you tired?"   "I'm not…" Seele said. Her expression calmed and she grabbed Bronya's hand. A gentle touch. "You?"   "After feeling sick, I'm feeling pretty active," Bronya said. "Give it an hour and I can show you the local basketball court."   "You want to… go play basketball with me?" Seele asked. "Let's do it!"   Bronya smiled. "We can walk down there now."    Seeld led Bronya out, and the two walked down the street. The girls claimed a basketball from Seele's backpack. Upon starting to play it was obvious who the winner was. Oddly, it was Bronya. The final goal was made and Bronya won.    Bronya stood there a little confused. "Were you going easy?"    "Why aren't you on the basketball team?!" Seele cried. She ran over and hugged Bronya, almost causing the two to topple over at the force.    "Gah!?" Bronya gasped. "I played in elementary… but still! You were going easy on me!"   "In the beginning, yeah." Seele sighed. She walked off to grab the ball.   Bronya sat against the cold, metal fence gaining her breath back.    Seele had no sweat running down her face. She sat next to Bronya. "Looks like I have a practice buddy."   Bronya laughed. "I don't jump that much, but you're like a spring." She looked over at Seele.   Seele placed her head on Bronya's shoulder. "We should get back. You're still a little sick."   Bronya smiled. "A few more minutes," she whispered. She felt Seele nod. It was all she needed. Bronya comes out “I have a meeting with my mother tonight…” Bronya said. Her head was placed on Seele’s shoulder. They were sitting on a bench outside. Her eyes shut. Seele’s suit jacket was always well cleaned, and it always smelled nice. Bronya knew well this is Natasha’s doing. Seele doesn’t even brush her hair every day. “I want to come out to her…”   “But?” Seele asked.   “You know… anxiety.” Bronya muttered.   "I feel that… you know I've always felt this stress to perform," Seele stated. "You know…" she sighed. "It's what I get for being a star player."   "I guess, in some aspects we're kind of the same," Bronya stated.    "Us?" Seele asked.    "Yes, us…" Bronya breathed. "You know…"    Seele smiled. She patted Bronya's back. "You're just as strong as I am."   Bronya stared at her. She laughed. "God we look like idiots." She stood up. "The bell is going to ring any moment. If I were you, I'd be running to the other side of the school."   Seele stood up and dashed.   ***   Sitting outside her mom's office like another client. Her brain is hard-wired to focus on anything but her breathing. Anxiety rising and falling like the diminishing self worth she owes to no one. Not even herself.    "Bronya." The head maidens voice bounced around her head.    Bronya walked in drawing her final breath of the air of freedom before stepping through the door. "Mother… I…" Bronya muttered.    "Have your studies been doing well?" Cocolia asked.    Bronya nodded. "My studies have been… easy."   Cocolia nodded. "And is that all?"   Bronya shook her head. "I'm afraid not."    Cocolia's eyes narrowed. "What is it, Bronya?" she asked. "Have you fallen ill?" She asked.    Bronya shook her head. "No… I…" Bronya's voice hitched in her throat. She coughed and covered her mouth with her hand. She took a deep breath. "I have a girlfriend."   "The basketball girl?" Cocolia asked.   Bronya narrowed her eyes. "Uh… yes. Her name is Seele."   "Delightful news. I couldn't be happier for you. Anyways, Natasha told me." Cocolia smiled.   "Ms. Cioara told you." Bronya thought for a second then laughed. "That's really cool, but Seele told her not to."   Cocolia laughed. "Me of all people being mean to you?" She rolled her eyes. "Sounds like another universe."   Bronya smiled. "Yeah… haha… I guess I had irrational fears."   "You were afraid to tell me…?" Cocolia asked, dejected.    "Uh… kinda… but not much!" Bronya explained. She was frantic.   "You are my daughter. My beautiful, sweet, caring, amazing, smart, courageous daughter… I don't see how anyone in their right mind would be mad at you for loving Seele. I met Seele when she was a kid… she's just like you, just…" Then Cocolia grumbled, "she doesn't brush her hair."   Bronya muttered to herself. "She's also forgetful." She smiled. "But those are just personality flaws. She's very strong and courageous and I'm neither of those because I can't just talk to people like she can."   Cocolia started laughing. "Bronya, oh Bronya…" she patted Bronya's head. "Just keep up the good work."   Bronya walked out of the office and cheered to herself. She ran home and went straight to bed readying herself for a class counsel meeting. 
Amongst the amassing snow
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
death of someone, Bronya is tired
['wiinwinter', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'Glaucouss', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'MiharuError', 'envii', 'Kotofeila', 'KuroToNoir', 'VannessaCloud', 'new_watch', '3mia3', 'Master_Buginette', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega', 'Korablick']
Swirling thoughts.   Cold.   Pained.   Bronya held onto Seele as she gazed forward into the amassing snow. Her eyes grazed every little thing. The details, the imperfect, and perfect. The detail of everything is absorbed into the girl's mind, but no thoughts ever to be whispered again.    "How are you holding up?" Seele asked.   Bronya thought of a reply and only replied in a groan of, “Good.”   Seele sat Bronya down. After she walked away, she frantically tampered with a bridge device. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” She shouted at the device before placing her head in her hands. She kicked it.    Bronya placed her hand on Seele’s back in a comforting manner. “Let me handle this,” She stated. Even in her weakest, she was still causing Seele to fuss.    Seele turned to her, swift. “But BRONYA!” Seele cried.   Bronya nodded. She had no interest in it. She just wanted Seele to be less stressed.    Seele narrowed her eyes. “Do it.” She muttered. She took Bronya's place on the floor as Bronya moved the bridge. She took Seele's hand again as they pushed forward.    The guards stood at the front line as Bronya and Seele came into view. They readied their weapons for a threat, but Bronya put her hand up. She nodded to Seele.   "The Supreme Guardian, Cocolia Rand, died," Seele stated bluntly.    Bronya stared into the ground. Her cold eyes, welling with tears again as the guards scurried about. She didn't look up as Seele and the Guards escorted her to the fortress. The truth… too hard to bear with at the moment.    "What do you need?" Seele whispered.    Bronya looked up at her. She laughed through the tears. "A nap," she stated. Bronya's legs wobbled a bit. Losing her balance. She fell onto the snow, unmoving as the Belobog ground for a few minutes   Seele kneeled down and picked her up bridal style.    Bronya passed out in her arms. She was resting gently against Seele's shoulder.    Seele was escorted to Bronya's room. She laid Bronya down. "I'm tired too," she muttered.    Bronya's eyes fluttered open suddenly. She looked over to Seele. “Wait, you sleep on the bed.” Bronya stood up. “I can sleep anywhere!” She proclaimed.    Seele stared in confusion. “Don't you always sleep in bed?” Seele asked.   Bronya muttered, “No, some nights I sleep at the bathroom sink because I fell asleep while brushing my teeth.” She was used to the prospect of an all-nighter to finish something. Her eyes were so heavy it felt like she had been awake for 4 days straight.   Seele sat next to her in bed. "Alright then…"    "Hm..." Bronya thought. She rearranged her pillows and lied her head down. In the back of her mind, the stellaron's voice replayed... but among them sung a familiar tune.    "My daughter..."
How about it, kitten?
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kafka & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko & Welt (Honkai: Star Rail)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt (Honkai: Star Rail)
Alternate Universe - Cats, The Trailblazer is a cat. So are March and Dan Heng, Drabble, This is fluff. See I can write normal fluff!, a little non graphic murder
['ourvioletdelights', 'Krystal_G', 'hunterenthuasiast', 'Red__Fox', 'Eggmanstan', 'Wolf_Of_The_West', 'Budauvoowtg', 'foxyfenniken', 'Pinxku', 'artemiswontmind', 'NightShadeZ_31', 'Prienova', 'kimsquirtle', 'NonExistent19', 'WolfSpiritHunter', 'RollShion', 'ANobodyPerson', 'Renoki', 'randomsoulnix', 'Sras_is_doing_something', 'Shadow124', 'Zynie', 'SilentX', 'MitzyTea', 'DragonSlayer26806', 'Vaipris', 'patrichor', 'AxelO_o', 'BlazIngFlar', 'sengo_al', 'Meaburro100pre', 'NoahTheLostTraveler', 'Why_are_you_asking', 'Murasaki_no_majo', 'autismsubway', 'Rhaek', 'R0xy_R0cks', 'snowplayzluv', 'ShockReaper', 'InterneTrash10ol', 'vlelp', 'Naz290', 'simonapietra', 'SwanQueenSwan', 'bonkshell', 'Lampllamas', 'NarT', 'Sleeping_Raven715', 'Tsar_of_Simphnaya', 'knight__night']
“Mreooow!!”   A comically classic outcry of protest accompanies the noisy flipping over of the trashcan. Its contents spill, foul-smelling trash now littered all over the pavement.   Normally, the gray feline would be sniffing at its prize, seeking out a delicious meal. This trashcan happened to be close by to a restaurant, and aside from half-rotten junk and dirty paper, it was possible to find a real treasure. However, this was not a usual situation— in the first place, on its own, the cat (the kitten, really) did not have the strength to flip the bin, or even open the lid by itself.    It was currently hissing at the true culprit of this misdeed, fur bristled pathetically. Its yellow eyes twinkled with a mix of fear and defensive aggression.   “You poor, filthy little kitten.” The voice is incomprehensible to the feline, but the tone of it? The softness, like paws right before the claws come out? That got it hissing right up again. “Now, don’t be mad. I didn’t mean to bother you.” There is a collapsed figure against the flipped-over bin who is moaning weakly. “I only intended to take out the trash. Give me a moment, and then I’ll be all yours, all right?”   The cat shrieks in fear, startled by the incredibly loud gunshot, but the woman is quick to shush it. “Shhh, shhh, it’s over now, kitten. I don’t have treats on me, I’m afraid… Now, why don’t you come with me? ”    It’s child play for her to dodge the baby claws and retrieve the cat by the scruff. “You’re stinky,” Kafka jokes affectionately. Mmm, she’s good at giving pets, the kitten will give her that.    “I’ll keep you with me for the time being, how about that? You must be starving.” The woman is quick to let go of her new pet’s neck, instead letting it nestle in her arms however it wants, trusting that it would not even attempt to escape.    Somehow, it doesn’t even occur to the cat to leave. It was scared out of its wits a minute ago, but now, now it’s purring softly, accompanied by the woman’s approving chuckle. Perhaps that should be suspicious, but the kitten is much too distracted by a newfound sense of safety to care.   Kafka is going to give it a bath before it can eat any treats, but it doesn’t know that yet.     “This March 7th, and this is Dan Heng. Say hello.”   The gray cat licks its paw, staring curiously at two others— one black and green-eyed, the other a fluffy white and gray, with wide blue eyes. The first is the biggest, but seems like the quiet sort, while the other is the smallest even with the extra thickness of its coat. “Meow.”   “Very good, I’m proud of you.” Gentle scritches are the reward for the latest member of the family, who purrs. This is such an obedient house cat, maybe around one and a half year old, like March? Or a little older? Why was it left on her doorstep? How long did it wait? Who wanted her to have it? Somehow, Himeko has the feeling it’s not microchipped.   “Another cat?” No, it can’t be a slight despair that the woman hears in her roommate’s voice.   “Why yes, Welt, we are welcoming a new member of our little family.” A mew member, specifically. “I haven’t picked out a name yet, any ideas?”   “Arahato?”   “Rejected. I am not naming cats after your anime.”   “It’s a video game, too…”   “Rejected.”
Waiting for you to be by my side
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, meowmeow - Freeform
['Laserwise', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Glaucouss', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'Snackeater', 'new_watch', 'CMC_07', 'Wali', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick']
A certain Silvermane guard had finished her work faster today. Well, today there's not much work to start which so she had few mins of free time to think about stuffs. Originally, she was thinking about how to fix everything, what to do and how to do it until she suddenly thought of how cute Seele was when she was angry, I mean she's like always angry everytime? Maybe? Bronya shook her head as she tried to think of her works again, but kept thinking of Seele again, again and again! She sighed as she looked at the time, still quite long until Seele returns. Bronya rubbed her eyes as she tried to do other stuffs to distract her from thinking about Seele, the more she thought of Seele being around with her the more impatient she gets when waiting for Seele to come back. Waiting for Seele was a pain, but there's not much to do around there since the work today was easy and not much. With how her sleeping schedule is, Seele doesn't even allow her to go to the underground for the moment because she doesn't want Bronya to trip(which happens so many times) and injure herself or get shot. While she was patiently waiting for Seele to come back, there was of course a few reports from the other guards, but other than that her mind was still thinking of Seele, she can't stop thinking about the time they had on bed, even though it hasn't been a day Bronya misses Seele. Seele happened to be so busy today that she came back around 10 pm, surprised to see a the tired silvered hair woman not asleep and waiting for her in bed but still at the desk. ''Hey Bron, I'm back!'' The blue haired undergrounder woman announced, expecting no answers since she announced it near the desk and not at the bedroom ''Welcome back, Seele'' A tired looking Silvermane guard answered, Seele was quite surprised, 'Did Bronya had that much work today?' 'Or was she waiting for me to come back?' ''Bronya, what are you doing still awake?'' Seele asked with a slight of worry and confusion in her voice, because usually at this time Bronya is asleep waiting for Seele to come back  ''Just.. uhm- missing you'' Bronya answered ''Next time, please just wait in bed!'' Seele said as she carried Bronya in a bridal way and Bronya happily wrapped her arms around Seele's neck and kissed Seele's cheek, while Seele carried Bronya to the bedroom. ''Bronya, your health is very important and I know how tired you are, you can wait for me while resting in bed next time.'' said the annoyed and worried blue haired woman, Bronya nodded and both of them reach the bedroom, Seele laid Bronya in bed then she lied down on Bronya's body, holding Bronya tightly while Bronya stroked the blue haired undergrounder woman's hair. Seele was first to fall asleep, then Bronya.  Seele was sleeping like a kitten on Bronya while Bronya had her right hand on Seele's head while one on Seele's back. Both of them really fell asleep peacefully (More peaceful than me :(( )
a not so inobvious secret
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sexual Content, Secret Relationship, Established Relationship, My First Work in This Fandom, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, possibly ooc characters, mentioned himeko, mentioned welt, Pom-Pom knows more than you might think, No Smut, How Do I Tag, POV Second Person
['Rin_Mankai', 'Sspacejelly', 'kuromikkyu', 'jeonghaniyoo_n', 'MakeIttoBuff', 'Takashyys', 'kimiwokim', 'xXK4thiXx', 'kerhoeppi', 'linda131214', 'loverofparadise', 'Fuuyuk0', 'ALHIATHAM_PLEASE_COME_HOME', 'traveltigress', 'Musiclover059', 'torugai', 'Lenondisnats', 'Heartyyx', 'jubannii', 'nx1n4', 'qatusa', 'doubleaabatteries', 'Mestige', 'Lecren', 'yourmelodies', 'itzxxrikuxx', 'Azuna2003', 'Naomeme101', 'livelaughlovedoppo', 'Blade826', 'sylleblossom', 'ArgonInNeed', 'yonix_0', 'Laura213', '53NPAI', 'Ariadneyuu', 'maoiist_milk', 'imreallyintoblondes', 'ViolentBiteBro', 'SofiSoap', 'naomidream', 'Kotofeila', 'Patrycja444d', 'Cheese_is_cool', 'keigokisses', 'Yukinoarts', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'Vexymiku', 'mac19', 'peachiests']
„okay, i’m going to ask you only once.” march 7th bursts into your room, her face completely vacant of any cheerfulness that she usually carries around, a pretty terrifying sight. her index finger raised to undermine her „only once“ statement further. a cold and rather uncomfortable shiver runs down your spine upon her charging closer to you, disrupting your peaceful night routine, ultimately forcing you to shut off the relaxing tunes coming from your phone. anticipation lingers in your chest, a sweat-drop rolling down your forehead as the pink haired girl studies your visage thoroughly as if trying to ascertain a particular reaction from you. confusion and shock are the only „particular reaction“ you can flaunt though, making you drop the face-massage tools onto your lap, the plastic headband holding back your hair suddenly deciding to fall onto the ground as well. you jump slightly at that while your eyes shortly remain on the black item, which certainly does not do its job as efficiently as you thought it would do. after a minute of pure silence, you decide to break it, the sheer pressure coming from non-existent laser beams that pew-pew out of march‘s eyes becoming too overbearing for you long-term. „what is it?“ you sound a lot more brisk than originally planned, hissing as the realization hits you promptly afterwards. quickly shaking your head, you attempt to simultaneously get rid of anything related to that persisting guilt washing over you. „i’m certain that i’ve made it PRETTY clear that i HEAVILY dislike being interrupted while listening to music, didn‘t i?“, you continue on, hoping that the sudden substantially hefty sensation in your stomach dissipates that way. to tell that this was in vain would be an understatement. a smirk is plastered on the upbeat and chirpy girl‘s lips. subsequently, she inches even closer to you, up to the point at which you‘re starting to contemplate whether or not she’s actually aware of personal space. not that she has ever really cared in your company anyway. the two of you usually casually overstep several unwritten boundaries that you hold for other people. fortunately, neither of you really holds any grudges against the other for that, it‘s like an unspoken communication. something plenty of people lack deliriously in. the girl leans back, ending up with a halfway arched back on your mattress, deliberately refusing to lay down completely in case she feels the impulsive need to jump up. the smirk has not left her lips yet, by further observation you can discern that is has grown even wider. she ponders for a moment as if trying to sort out the mess inside her head, which is a pretty rare picture to behold, before finally responding: „i’m not allowing any type of distraction for this! so shush!“ „it‘s... mhm, i‘d classify it as vital for the cooperation between our squad!“ the confusion now reaches the rest of your facial features as you raise your right eyebrow. your shoulders grow stiffer by the passing seconds, your lips form into a thin line, a deep frown becoming distinctly apparent on your forehead. ending up in a cross-armed position, you avert your gaze back to the tools that you accidentally threw onto the ground in front of you. you shortly pout at the sight, they were expensive. „i’m not sure what you‘re referring to, but i’d advise you to stop beating around the bush for once and to get straight to the point. we have a pretty long mission ahead of us tomorrow and i‘d appreciate it if i could gather some sleep for onc-“ - „is there a thing going on between you and dan heng?“ the sudden interruption of your VERY serious monologue leaves you speechless to the point that you don’t even know what you planned to do prior to march‘s - not consented to - arrival at your private chambers. unknowingly to you, your mouth hangs open partially, the frown on your face has nullified , the confusion has vanished completely and turned into what you could call a mixture of panic and concern. you are entirely dumbfounded. fearing that she might have just broken you completely, she waves a hand in front of your face, trying to appeal to your attention, failing miserably in the process. a knowing feeling swells in march‘s chest upon analyzing your reaction. she‘s trying her very best to not leap into the air in happiness. albeit the clear signs of you dismissing anything related to her incipiently asked question, she chooses to dig deeper into the freshly cut wound. „sooo based on that silence, i can be sure that my assumption is true?“ she takes a second to snicker before continuing on her rampage. „i was kidding when i said that this information is 'vital for the cooperation between our squad.' “, she quotes herself. „but i must say that this changes a LOT for me, positively. don’t panic now! i can‘t really... express it in words, but it just.. kind of makes me happy? i don‘t know why, but seeing people finding their significant other always makes me super sentimental an-“ instantly, you grasp the chance to disrupt her jumbled train of thoughts by speaking yourself. „does... anyone other than you... you know... know about this?“ it‘s rarely seen that you decide to intervene with something or someone as you dislike the thought of others possibly not being in the right spot to explain themselves or to justify their actions adequately. this time, you completely disintegrate from your prevailing demeanor, a completely insecure and psychologically naked individual sitting shoulder on shoulder to her pink haired colleague and close friend now. it‘s now march‘s turn to raise the „judgy and brutally honest“ eyebrow in perplexity at the woman. „i can assure you, i’m the only one with a perfect score in observational skills!“ „let‘s please ignore the rest of my scoring“, she adds sheepishly. upon seeing her positive reaction to the self-explored matter, you feel your breath lose its face-paced nature, turning back to a normal one. a small smile graces your lips, a distraction for the chest-aching humiliation you just experienced, showing that ugly and negative side of yours. making a whole deal out of your secret relationship is a pretty idiotic thing to do, you deduce in retrospect. but there‘s no going back now, your „secret“ has been unraveled. now you have to deal with the aftermath accordingly and maturely. you puff up your cheeks before speaking up first again : „i know that himeko would do nothing but approve of it. but frankly, i‘m not as confident when it comes to welt.“ it‘s as if a light just flicked itself on suddenly, march‘s initial confusion turns into realization, then into amusement. naturally, as mr. yang‘s apprentice, you would want to do nothing but to avoid inflicting potential disappointment on your teacher. still, it’s quite laugh-worthy - not to mock you of course - to see your exaggerated sentiment over such a trivial matter such as a romantic relationship. „you know, even if mr. yang chooses to speak negatively about your decisions, you don‘t have to care about his opinion on this at all! it‘s not like he‘s living in your body and has full control over your feelings and thoughts. to think that he‘d even say what he‘s feeling about someone else‘s romantic relationship is hilarious. at best, you‘ll get a 'i have acknowledged what you said' look!“ the moment you raise your head, meeting march‘s chuckling form, you loosen up more, now only realizing the essential of dan heng‘s message given to you this morning when you two rose up from his VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE „bed“. „whoever finds out first, you can be sure that you‘ll only get positive reactions from march anyway. it‘s not like she’d be opposed to the thought of me actually dating someone.“ he said it with so much confidence that it originally made you believe that the opposite was bound to happen, since over-confidence usually leads to detrimental results. but this is march 7th we are talking about after all. how could she ever defy her friends engaging in a loving affair? a blow of relieved sighs crosses your lips, still leaving you exasperated at your own hyperbole. nevertheless, it was you who chose to keep this relationship hidden. for some reason dan heng didn‘t even raise a tost to hesitation upon the thought of putting your romance into the public eye. not only because his admiration and fondness for you is broader than you might think, but also since you two are professional enough to leave the personal and private matters to the after-work hours. something most lovers-at-the-workplace fail to achieve. it‘s, what himeko would describe it as, a „match made in heaven“.   „do i look weird today or something? or why were march and pom-pom eyeing me suspiciously and “grinning” at me when i saw them in the main hall earlier?“ it’s been about an hour since you have spoken to the archer about your little „not so inobvious secret“. the moment you stepped out of your room together with the girl, you were certain that there was a high chance at her spreading the positive news among the rest of the members immediately afterwards. although march‘s actions are unpredictable at times, since she tends to act upon impulse, this is something she‘s usually consistent in : gossip. you shift a little in the close and warm grip within dan heng‘s embrace in order to look at his face discreetly. he reciprocates the action to his avail, his eyebrows clutching together and forming ugly lines on his forehead. instinctively, you raise your hand and massage the gap between his brows in order to soothe his racing mind and to keep him from causing premature wrinkles on his flawless skin. he lets out an approving grunt, leaving you satisfied with your efforts. his gaze is focused on you, quietly studying every inch of your face with a wave of affection. it is something that is solely preserved for you. something that always enriches your stomach with a bunch of wild and arbitrary butterflies. „well... i didn‘t initiate that talk, but march found out that we‘re dating.“, you bluntly exclaim, scanning his face for any sign of displeasure that you somehow always anticipate in your conversation partner’s expression. a small smile finds its way onto your lover‘s lips. his grip around your back tightens subconsciously and you can sense the gentle touch of his rough hand on your cheek.     upon contact, you close your eyes in reflex, taking in the care and fondness that radiates from the man you‘re [semi] laying on top of. „i suppose her words have finally brought some sense into that pea brain of yours, huh?“, he states, half-jokingly. sometimes you forget how dry-sarcastic and ironic this man can be without even showing a hint of a reaction on his face. it‘s admirable and reminds you of someone else. deadpanning, you lift yourself up and withdraw your body from his arms around you temporarily in order to flick his forehead, not receiving the reaction that you forestalled at first. suddenly you’re squirming under the heavy weight on top of you, threatening to suffocate you whole. after some time of despondent effort to liberate yourself from his tight grip, you cease to try and he releases you. quickly, you two find back to your original position. the only difference is that now he‘s slightly sitting up, his arm loosely encircling your waist, still holding you strongly and firmly in order for you to not fall out of place. you‘re being pulled in closer abruptly, the warmth being emitted from dan heng causing you to relax your muscles completely. you can hear the smile in his voice, albeit not being able to perceive this man‘s beauty visually - the sight is already deeply ingrained into your brain though. „no matter what anyone says... i’ve never been so certain about someone and serious about committing myself to that person. you‘re the first and probably the last for me. just never forget about that, alright?“ his words are as soft as his touch, his thumb situated on your cheek while his remaining fingers sit comfortably behind your ear. a motion that you indulge in completely, turning your knees into pudding in the process.     good thing that you‘re sitting down and not standing, otherwise you would have probably crashed into his wall. you nod lowly, making sure to not break off the skin-to-skin contact, that you two are thoroughly enjoying yourselves in after a day packed with never ending work.               despite your efforts, you‘re quickly brought out of your pose as dan heng presses his slightly chapped lips against yours. that familiar feeling of butterflies roaming around your entire body erupts once again. it doesn‘t take long for you to reciprocate the kiss, your eyes closing upon deeper touches of your colliding lips. your partner‘s lips are the first to move against yours. quickly, you respond to his unspoken wishes. his hand finds itself on your shoulder, then continuously gliding up and down your still clothed skin on your upper arm. you end up on his lap, each one of you the taste of each other‘s mouth, feeling a sense of „home“. your hand lingers on his chest, gripping slightly on dan heng‘s nightwear, not suggesting anything further though. although having seen each other in the most intimate nature that is possible already, the man still sometimes hesitates in starting something bolder as the first. usually, that task is yours to cover up for the two of you. not that you particularly complain about it. after some time, you break apart, each one of you trying to catch your respective breaths, eyes focused on the other in front of them. an almost not noticeable complacent smirk is plastered on the man‘s lips, but it quickly transitions to a far more suggestive one.           this time, you find yourself being pressed against his, i repeat : VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE „bed“, with him hovering over you. not entirely sitting on your hips yet. he leans forward, you instinctively slip a hand into his hair, curling your fingers through it, earning an approving sound from the man above you, that ends in you smiling from ear to ear. the eye contact is not broken off for even one second, the lust evident within each of your expressions. sinking down further to you in order to whisper sweet things into your ears, you yelp at a particular line coming from dan heng, that leaves you rubbing your feet against each other in friction. „if you let me continue this...then I can‘t guarantee you that you‘ll find any sleep tonight, love.“ wow, that‘s a first.
Art Study
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele as artist and Bron as art model, idea from korablick, meowmeow, not canon just an au
['akxk0108', 'D33JAYYY', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'EdelweissMax', 'Wali', 'ImFooged', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick']
Seele had started to try drawing a few months ago, she had some difficulties with poses and so Bronya had volunteered to be Seele's Art Model. Bronya's quite good at holding poses for very long, which is very helpful for Seele, and it also doesn't bother Bronya at the same time! ''Uhm, Bronya. This pose might be quite difficult for you, It's okay if you don't want to, not forcing you!'' Seele said as she showed Bronya the picture of the pose, It looked like a tiring pose to hold on and might make the body sore when they got up ''It's fine Seele, I can do it'' Bronya said as she copied the pose of the image that Seele showed her as she hold the pose for quite long. Hands between her legs and her elbow resting on her leg with her hand touching the head, the head resting on her head Seele watches Bronya with an amaze face as she continued to do her art, aware but also not sure that she is slowly falling inlove with Bronya, others volunteered to be her Art Model too, but in the end she chose Bronya to be her Art Model even though others might be able to do better than her, she doesn't care as she only chose Bronya to be her Art Model. ''Bron, does it look good?'' Seele said as she showed Bronya the artwork ''It looks amazing, Seele!'' Bronya said as she looked at it with an amaze face, which cause Seele to blush a little, she could feel her heart beating so loud ''Thanks, Bronya. You did good too at the posing'' Seele said, Bronya looked at Seele as she blushed, Seele had never complimented her before, well no one ever did complimented her at her posing, this was the first time ''T-Thanks, Seele'' Bronya was suddenly so nervous that she couldn't help to but stutter ''A-Anyway! Since we're done, See you tomorrow, Seele'' Bronya spoke out as she waved at Seele ''Wait, Bronya!'' Seele said, trying to stop Bronya from leaving, but Bronya left anyway ''Ugh, I'll just try to ask her out tomorrow'' Seele said as she sighed and rubbed her eyes At Bronya's house ''God damn it, why did I rush out like that?!'' Bronya said as she sat down on her bed, her heart panicking ''She's so.. Ugh! God damn it! I shouldn't have just rush out like that! It seems so embarrassing, but.. UGH!'' Bronya kept ranting about how embarrassing it was and how beautiful Seele is But, It seems Seele changed her mind as she texted Bronya a message ''Huh?'' Bronya was confused why Seele was messaging her, It was quite rare for Seele to message her unless she needed something, what possibly could she need?  Bronya read the text, 'Bronya, do you wanna go out with me tomorrow? As a thanks for being my Art Model'. She could feel her heart beating out loud as she read the text, even though Seele might not meant it romantically, she felt like it was as she tried to take a deep breath and texted Seele 'Sure' Bronya was so happy as she laid in the bed and tried to sleep, but her excitement to go out with Seele is too much that it took her quite long to finally fall asleep (Around 11 pm) it was finally the day as Bronya wore something nice and formal, a white t-shirt and her blue coloured coat, Seele never knew why Bronya chose dark blue coloured coat, even though silver or black might've looked better, but it was because that blue reminded Bronya of Seele. Bronya then wear a black coloured bobbie cargo pant Seele took a deep breath as she started to process some stuffs, she couldn't believe that she asked Bronya to go out with her today. She took a deep breath as she started to get dressed, wearing a silver coloured sweater and black leggings(black colour>>>) Both of them are very nervous, even though Seele didn't really said it's a date, both of them kind of sees it as a date. Bronya then knocked on Seele's door, meaning that she's here and ready to go out with Seele.  Seele opened the door as she look at Bronya, not knowing how she can't get bored of seeing this person's beautiful face almost every single day. Somehow still admiring Bronya's beauty after seeing her for like the thousandth time. Bronya softly smiled at Seele, while wondering how Seele can be so handsome and pretty at the same time Both of them kept being amazed of each other and admiring each other that they almost forgot what they were going to do     ''Uh- So..'' Bronya finally spoke out awkwardly ''Ah, right! Let's go!'' Seele said as she held Bronya's hand and both got into Seele's car, Bronya intended to sit at the back but Seele said that it's okay to sit at the front beside her     ''The drinks at this café is nice'' Seele said as they both sat down beside each other at a table Bronya ordered a Latte and House Special Salad, Seele ordered grilled cheese sandwich and a Long black drink. ''Mhm, you're right, Seele. I like it here'' Bronya said as she ate her food and drink in a well manner Seele kept looking at Bronya, admiring Bronya's beauty. She can't control herself when it comes to Bronya afterall ''Hm? Seele, are you okay? Why do you keep looking at me?'' Bronya asked and Seele immediately looked away, embarrassed as hell Bronya then let out a soft small laugh as she smiled at Seele and patted her on the back, ''Hey, it's okay to keep looking at me'' Bronya said as she softly smiled at her Seele just kept looking away being embarrassed ''Come on, It's almost 2 pm, Seele. We spent most of our time looking at each other!'' Bronya teased Seele as she continued to eat her salad and Seele went back to eating her grilled cheese Both of them finished their food and drink and went back to Seele's car ''Look, I know I said we're going out.. But, can we spend the rest of the time.. uhh... maybe, cuddling at my place..?'' Seele awkwardly asked Bronya ''Hmm? Sure~'' Bronya answered Seele took a deep breath, thinking how she's going to confess to Bronya while at the same time concentrating at where she's driving to Few minutes passed as they can be seen to be having a good time on the sofa, arms wrapped around each other's body as they laid down, Bronya stroking Seele's head as Seele seems to be falling asleep on Bronya's chest Seele felt like it was the perfect time for confession, but she's holding back. She doesn't want to make the confession seems to be awkward as hell, but at the same time she just wants to release all the feelings already..
An Essay on the Causes and Effects of a McRomance
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Minor Dan Heng/Caelus | Male Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), Hua (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus | Male Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle | Female Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mafia AU, McDonald's
['ghostyface', 'Lettuce_chan', 'nneyv', 'panahodeska', 'Fandomslut', 'Wh0isGabriel', 'baaiyiayoo', 'mkay6081', 'cookkiiee771', 'TheShiningRuby', 'scvrpius', 'Ciasquare', 'yammi_nya', 'pewpiopew', 'Siren_Queen', 'girasool', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'welkinmoon', 'Sj_wodo', 'sciseven', 'psychologyfold', 'Regulus_drowned1979', 'repentjk', 'Kletzika', 'aliaes', 'threepen', 'batgen', 'bejeweledviolets', 'lotoflost', 'shinesignal', 'fyodazai', 'Asylrd', 'vesperify', 'Nyanyeh', 'caravanofdreams4death', 'Inuya', 'Moe3x', 'neveramenhera', 'jingrenhengg', 'Ren_jingmyluv', 'Ophi', 'x_Kat', 'bread_sandwich', 'heavenlymacaroni', 'KeyToSeizures', 'shroomcritic', 'DShunter27', 'ForbiddenSnow', 'semetery', 'Val_E']
Yes, Blade was a hitman working for the Stellaron Hunters.   Yes, his kill record spanned 200 targets, all successfully eliminated. During his off time, he would participate in sword duels that might or might not be lethal. For the thrill, of course; proficiency in using such an archaic weapon was secondary.   Yes, he passed by a dozen wanted posters with his own face on it every time he made his way to work.   But that did not mean that Blade could not also be flipping patties at McDonald's right now.   Blade sighed. He couldn't wait until his shift was over. Working at the grill really ground on his nerves. So did whipping up McFlurries, so did frying up the chicken nuggets, but cooking the burger meat really took the cake because he had long since figured out how best to mutilate someone with the spatula in his hands and he had to try very hard to stop himself. He couldn't be caught doing that because he's supposed to be an obedient McDonald's employee now.   It was all so boring. Hot. Tedious. Uncomfortable.   The only thing that was making everything a little more bearable was the chance to meet a certain someone after work. He had come to work today expecting nothing out of the ordinary, but to his surprise, the manager brought in a new worker, someone bearing a familiar face. And the chance to meet them was only a few minutes away...   Flip this patty and also that one at the corner. Huh, this other one is overcooked, but that's fine because Blade wasn't paid to care about the sides of the patties being burnt. Anyways, the clock said that Blade had reached the end of his shift by now, so he shoved all the meat onto the waiting burger buns with disdain and left.   Blade took off his apron and picked up his belongings, rushing out of the establishment that choked him with the smell of oil and salt. He hated this job. It wasn't so much the indignation of working there, it was more that the working conditions were absolutely terrible, the place cramped and the job draining among other things. But as much as he wanted to speed off and pretend that he didn't have to come in again the next morning, Blade stayed just outside the doors, waiting.   It did not take long before a man with a mop of blinding white hair and searing golden eyes emerged from the exit.   "Fancy meeting you here," Blade said as a greeting.   "It's strange how I'm now colleagues with someone who I hired to do my dirty work twice and tried to kill me once. If that mission of yours wasn't called off, I wouldn't be standing here."   Jing Yuan, one of the 'generals' of the Cloud Triad, was standing before him. He was glaring at Blade sharply, arms crossed, likely still viewing him as an enemy because of how they had parted on less-than-stellar terms before. What a shame. Blade actually thought Jing Yuan was an intriguing person, he had heard that the man was quite skilled at coordinating others in a fight.   "What are you doing here?"   Blade heard the distrust in Jing Yuan's voice. Did he really look like he was here to cause trouble? Like he was here to murder him? He hadn't done anything but turn over patties all day.   "I should be asking you that, too," Blade said finally, after staying silent for a while. "It's suspicious how a hitman and someone with no small position in a triad are both working at a fast food shop today."   Jing Yuan dug a hand into his pocket, fishing for anything that could be used as a weapon. "Do not change the subject."   "Hah, cautious, but calm and collected as ever," Blade remarked. He thought to himself that this was perhaps one of the things that made Jing Yuan exceptional. If not for these circumstances, Blade wouldn't have minded much if Jing Yuan wanted to be more well-acquainted with him.   "But, no, it has nothing to do with you at all. Put that pocket knife aside." Blade shook his head. "... This time, I have a target who just happens to frequent this place."   "Your target..."    "Portly. Grey-haired and in a black suit with a blue tie. He sits at the corner. I'm sure you saw him when you worked at the counter today."   "... I understand," Jing Yuan said, not as alarmed anymore, though he did not let his arms slack at his side. "I hope that you finish your mission swiftly."   "I have half a mind to let that man succumb to a heart attack." Blade laughed coldly.   "Now, what about you, Jing Yuan? I'd rather our working relationship be amicable and that can hardly be possible if we keep secrets."   "Well," Jing Yuan started, "it seems that the both of us had been too presumptuous this time around."   His eyes had softened, Blade realised, or well, the one that was visible anyways. For the first time, Blade felt aware of the mole that Jing Yuan had under his left eye. It was a telling detail that someone working as an assassin should not have missed, so Blade told himself to pay more attention.   "To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing," Jing Yuan said. "Recently, the nature of my work has become less demanding of my physical participation. It’s mostly behind the scenes. It leaves me with more space for living a normal life than I am used to, so I decided I should try my hand at a legal job this time around."   "That's all?" Blade asked, without suspicion.   "Yes, that is all. It's about time I headed home, but I... I intend to keep a lookout for that target of yours whenever he shows up. Consider this as an olive branch from me," Jing Yuan said.   "It's unnecessary,” Blade mumbled. Then, he added with a touch more sincerity, “Thank you anyways.”   Blade watched Jing Yuan turn and leave. He thought about how Jing Yuan was probably going back to his place that would be quite lively considering the apprentices he was rumoured to have taken under his wing, while he himself had to return to a cold, empty apartment.   That was neither here nor there though. Jing Yuan being here assured him that he would be having a much more exciting time for this mission that he had anticipated.   Blade hadn't felt so hopeful ever since he was assigned his task for the year. If only his fellow Stellaron Hunters were any good at maintaining his sanity on this particular, very intolerable job, he sneered. At least he had Jing Yuan.     It all went downhill soon. For the next month, Blade's target disappeared for no apparent reason. In the time when Blade worked at McDonald's, the man did not show up. Even when he made attempts to stalk the man's usual haunts provided by his client, there was no sign of him.   Blade was practically pulling his hair out. On the outside, he probably looked distracted, so Jing Yuan told him that maybe his target had made his fatal trip to the hospital. That actually made Blade laugh a little. In derision. That had never happened on his missions before, not once.   Blade found that he didn't quite know what to do once his job was put on halt. As always, he went out in the nights to hone his skills with the sword, but the days spent working at the restaurant felt rather lacklustre. There was no longer a target to keep an eye on when he was at the counter and there was no point in looking at the tables through the small window when he was in the kitchen, because even his target's friends seemed to be avoiding this place, not that there were many.   Instead, Blade resorted to... socialising.   It proved to be a difficult task and it wasn’t all that rewarding. Most of the people seemed to be afraid of him. Besides, Blade didn’t particularly want to talk with them, the world they were used to was rather plain: student loans, projects, schoolwork and professors, more or less.   Then there was this university student, Dan Heng, who came to work part-time after his lectures. Blade talked to him just once. He thought he might have acted too suspiciously, because the other man now seemed to shy away whenever possible. There was Hua, the manager, who treated everyone to ice-cream at the end of the month. Blade liked her decently, the only person here responsible enough to prevent her workers from rotting away in the kitchens, but she was hardly ever around due to the even-higher ups hounding her.   That only left him with one other option: Jing Yuan.   Surprisingly, Blade found himself getting along with Jing Yuan well; excellently, even. The perks of having been at Jing Yuan's throat before. They were in the know about each others' second occupation, so their conversations were never restricted by how much a regular person was privy to Blade's mission.   Blade talked with Jing Yuan when he was bored.   "How would you clean a sword?" Jing Yuan asked.   "Anything will do to wipe off the blood. A cloth, some grass if you're in the countryside, though I don't recommend rinsing directly with water."   "I'm sorry, I should have phrased it better. I wanted to know one would maintain a sword. My apprentice, Yanqing, only swordfights as a hobby. His situation is nothing like yours."   "... Oh. Oil the sword. Apply polish if it rusts or gets scratched. Sharpen, when necessary." Blade frowned slightly while saying this. What worth was a sword if it didn't taste the metal of blood?   "I'll keep that in mind," Jing Yuan answered.   It was quiet at the counter today. A few customers were scattered about the restaurant and Blade was attending to the only order that they had right now.    The rest of the meal, the fries and the burger hadn't come out of hiding from the kitchen yet, so Blade took his time to prepare the ice-cream. He held a plastic cup, letting the swirls of the ice-cream, white as the moon, go in loops around the cup again and again...   Then the machine went on strike and started to sputter watery cream.   Ah, just his luck. Blade threw away the ruined dessert and pinched the bridge of his nose, because he wasn't looking forward to explaining to people that the ice-cream machine was broken. Again. That was the second time this week and it was Wednesday.   A light chuckle graced his ears. "I'll go tell them. Your face always looks so sour when you have to deal with customers. I hope your target never notices."   Blade wanted to tell Jing Yuan that he didn't have to do his job for him, but by the time he came back from washing his hands, the customer had already said that it was no trouble and accepted a refund.   Ah. Blade wished he was half as good at dealing with people as Jing Yuan. Did he feel jealous? No, Blade wouldn't call it that. This was only a solidification of the reason why he always felt comfortable around Jing Yuan, as long as Blade didn't happen to be after his head. As he thought this, he felt warmth permeate through him, from the inside out.   Recently, Blade had been conducting an exercise in observation, specifically on Jing Yuan. This was because he did not want his espionage skills to be dulled while his target wasn't here, he told himself.   He did not have a list of the qualities that made Jing Yuan likeable, but if he did, he was sure that its length would grow by the day. Now, he should really invite that man to fight him, to see if 'battle prowess' could be added to it. Social skills were nice, but bloodshed was better.   "Have you considered that this is much too common an occurrence?" Blade asked, attempting to deal with the broken machine.   "Yes. Definitely. I wonder who engineered that thing," Jing Yuan said.   Blade sighed. The ice-cream machine would not cough anything other than air and liquid out. It should be functional considering how he had seen someone else refill it less than half an hour ago, but nothing worked no matter how many times he turned the levers and punched the buttons.   "I'm no good at this. Please."   Blade stood back as Jing Yuan opened up the machine entirely to take a look inside. He didn't know how Jing Yuan got around the rust on the hinges, but he didn't say anything because he would rather watch the man working his ice-cream machine magic.   The cover hit the wall with a metallic clang. Jing Yuan sat the bag of ice-cream heavily on the table and unplugged some of the tubes.   "Agh, the hygiene of this place..."   Blade smelled something pungent and he didn't think it seemed anything like dairy and sugar. He stood around anyways despite the odour, because it didn't feel right to leave Jing Yuan to do everything when he was supposed to be taking care of it, too.   Jing Yuan picked up on Blade's hesitance and smiled dazzlingly.   "It's fine. Maybe I just wanted to help you out."   Jing Yuan had a stupid McDonald's hat on his head and he was scrubbing away at the filth on the mechanical parts he took out of the ice-cream machine. There were some soapsuds blending into his white hair. Blade could not see his expression, but he knew that he was calmly murderous.   It was a very ordinary scene, something that Blade had seen at least twice by now, but still, he tripped over a particular cart in his train of thought.    Jing Yuan looked pretty . But… in a special way that couldn't be put into words.   It didn't make any sense. Right this moment, Blade felt really, really nice. Was it happiness? He supposed so. Could it also be something else? Blade did not understand, because his heart felt extra full, as if something was close to spilling out from the cavity of his ribcage.   Blade's mind stuttered. Try as he might, he didn't quite know what made this any different from the times before.   One second he was nonchalantly tracing patterns on the table. The next second, his finger stopped midway through its arc, because he was thinking very hard.   Things and people could be pretty in many ways. Art in a museum could be pretty in the way the colours danced on the canvas. A rock could be pretty in the way patterns swirled across its jagged surface. A model could be pretty in the way that their body proportions were just right and their eyes could mesmerise a crowd. Then, what was Jing Yuan?   Sure, his hair was beautiful. Blade had heard some of his coworkers talk about that, so it was close to being a universal fact by now. Jing Yuan was definitely a looker, but he appeared the same as on any other day.   Joy didn't just come from the insignificant, did it?   An outlandish possibility occured to Blade. What if...   "Now, who was last supposed to clean this again?" There was a sort of anger crackling in his tone like static electricity.   What if...   "They should've paid more attention to this."   What if Blade liked Jing Yuan?   There was no certainty in this hypothesis, it was only a very fleeting thought and an even more dubious theory. Blade didn't want to entertain it any further. But that didn't stop Blade from feeling as if all the eyes in the room were on him, did it? It didn't stop Blade from feeling rather weak at that moment, like a puppet with its strings cut, did it?   Blade didn't know if he was imagining it, but his face felt like it was heating up. Everything about him seemed to be out of sorts today. He brushed a hand over his cheeks, but something cold smeared over them.   He looked at his hand and realised that some ketchup packets had burst open after being crushed flat by a tray, leaving a puddle of red, red tomato sauce all over the table and, now, on his face.   Meanwhile, Blade only felt his heart thudding like a drumbeat in his chest, reminding him of the strange realisation that his and Jing Yuan's relationship had never been dictated by anything to be platonic.   Blade had every reason to panic at this moment, but he only managed to huff out in amusement.   Why, he was confused, to the point where it felt like a joke. This all felt much too new.   "Wipe the ketchup off. You look like a madman," Jing Yuan said, breaking Blade out of his reverie.   Blade stood there with a splatter of crimson over his face and an odd smile, looking very much like he had just killed someone. But inside, he wondered if that was what giddy teenagers felt, having a crush for the first time.   Blade went to the sink to wash himself off.      Being around your crush was supposed to be nerve-wracking, conversations spent as a bumbling mess, staring at the other person across the room with pitiful, desperate eyes... but Blade wasn't 15 anymore, so he didn't do any of that.   A 'crush' was too alien a word, to be honest.   Blade had no idea what was happening. He was a human who did not really know how to be human when it came to romance. He couldn't help but hang on to the times when Jing Yuan said that the kitchen was always less of a mess with Blade around, or, after he had lost track of his target again, Jing Yuan reassured him that it wouldn't be the death of him. It made his heart swell with something that felt as if he had just had the best meal of his life: content, perhaps?   His coworkers kept telling him that he was in an extra good mood every time this happened though. It was getting repetitive. How annoying.   He also wanted something for once.   Blade planned his target's death in great detail. He always left room for more than one option, so far, he had thought of how to poison him with an innocent fish fillet, which angle to shoot him at and which alleyway would be best for a nighttime assault. He cycled through these contingencies regularly, but he had recently found other things to mull over...   Jing Yuan popped up in his mind these days, even when Blade was sitting at home, drinking tea, watching the television, washing his clothes, whatever. He wondered what sort of tea Jing Yuan preferred, oolong? Black tea? Or did he like coffee more? He wondered what sort of show Jing Yuan liked and then thought about the dumber things like if he had a walk-in closet, because he sounded like the fancy type to own one. Above all, he wished he didn't see Jing Yuan only once a day. He missed Jing Yuan while he wasn't at work.   Blade felt like a different person ever since his epiphany, but that didn't make him any braver. He wished he had the courage to ask Jing Yuan to go out with him and do something other than serve people at McDonald's. The most he had done so far was walk alongside Jing Yuan when they went to the train station after their shifts. Though, that was mostly because they didn't want to awkwardly stay 10 paces away like they used to before this arrangement, when they were walking to the same place. Thank goodness that's over.   For now, Blade just treasured all the times when he could be next to Jing Yuan.   Today, Blade was finally in luck. His target had strolled into McDonald's looking as if he had been hit by a truck. But he was there! In the flesh! This meant that Blade was finally allowed to work on his mission again. His relief was so palpable that Jing Yuan just had to tease him about it, telling him that he looked like a schoolkid who just passed a very hard maths test.   The man ordered his two burgers, an apple crumble and a cola. Blade walked by him when he had to bring some orders to the other tables and he could have sworn that his target's phone screen was the greasiest thing ever. He had no idea why but the man was a big fan of scrolling through his phone while chowing down on fries. If Blade wasn't on a mission, he probably would've still ended this man out of disgust.   Just after he finished his meal, the man received a phone call and he rushed to the toilet, where it was quieter. Blade saw this from the counter and he followed as soon as he could, just a few steps behind, telling Jing Yuan that he would be back soon. This phone call could be from anybody. Maybe it was his target's wife, maybe it was his girlfriend, or his colleagues. Whatever the case, Blade had to grasp every chance he had to pinpoint a specific time and location that his target would appear at, so he could make his assassination clean.   Blade stood just outside the stall, eavesdropping on the man. He tried to look like a disgruntled employee skipping work by taking a bathroom break, staring at his phone, even if there wasn't anybody around yet.   It was getting increasingly harder to stand still with his target sweet-talking the woman on the other side.   "C'mon, babe. I'll be back by seven today and you know my favourite is a good pot roast," the man whined.   Blade could not hear the response.   "I'll be hungry then. I promise I'll take you out to the movies if you do."   "..."   "C'mon, babe... I love you..."   It was both the most boring and uncomfortable conversation Blade had the pleasure of sitting in on. Now, he hoped that he himself wouldn't turn out anything like that. Oh, but he was getting ahead of himself. Hopefully, if Jing Yuan liked him back-   The bathroom door flew open and Blade's target was standing on the other side with a wide grin. As Blade made his way into the vacant stall, he didn't know if his heart had picked up its pace because his target had clumsily bumped into him then cursed him out, or because he had been caught unawares while thinking about Jing Yuan.   That didn't matter though. Blade lamented that he had just wasted 10 minutes of his life listening to a man beg for someone to cook his dinner.   By the time Blade came out from the toilets, his target was nowhere in sight.   Instead, there was now some sort of commotion at the counter. Blade rushed straight back there in case Jing Yuan couldn't handle everything with him gone, though he doubted it.   What Blade saw was a sad, sad scene.   "I'll have you know, I've been waiting for 10 minutes! The standards of workers these days!"   A middle-aged white woman with ugly frown lines was standing in front of the counter, arms crossed. Her face was red with anger and the people queuing up behind her were staring.   Jing Yuan stood on the other side, face mostly blank, but with a careful, strained smile. Blade could almost feel his heart break into a million little pieces from seeing Jing Yuan deal with this person.   "Sorry, miss," Jing Yuan said politely. "It's been really busy today and we've tried our best to restock as quickly as possible. Please be patient while we prepare your promotional latte with extra milk and the three shake-shake fries flavour packets that you requested."   "You." The lady pointed at Jing Yuan with an accusing finger. Blade sighed and Jing Yuan only looked at him pleadingly.   "You'd better give me a full refund. I will not stand for my order being this late!"   She slammed her hands on the counter, making the table tremble with her brute force.   "I come here not once a month, yet every single time, I get served with disrespect! I'm the customer and I'm the one paying your salary."   And then she thrashed her hands, toppling another hapless person's order to the ground with a crash. That did not seem to be the end of her fury.   Blade made brief eye contact with Jing Yuan before he disappeared into the back of the restaurant, hoping to find a helping hand. He could hear things falling to the ground and high-pitched screaming through the walls, the evidence of a person going insane with entitlement. He braved on, just so Jing Yuan could be spared the wrath of that woman. And also because his ears couldn't take the racket anymore.   When Blade got back, he saw carnage on the floor.   There were puddles of soda. There were burgers that had flown out of their paper containers. There were trails of corn kernels left all over the place. In the middle of it all stood that woman, hair messy and shouting at the top of her lungs.   Jing Yuan looked very much defeated. Eyes dead and hands wringed, the epitome of 'please tell me you're done throwing a tantrum'. Not to mention that he would probably have to clean up the mess on the floor later.   Blade felt like Jing Yuan deserved a hug, but he was too afraid to make physical contact with him, instead he comforted him in a completely different way.   Blade stepped over the pile of trays on the ground and tapped on the woman's shoulder.   "Miss." His smile was saccharin as he said that.   The woman whipped her head around and stared straight into his eyes. "What."   "... your table has been taken," Blade said, gesturing towards the place where the woman came from. Indeed, her handbag and her coat, occupying three whole chairs, had been cast aside for a family to sit instead. The items were now placed on just one seat.   "Oh, and here's the manager. I'm assuming you would like to have a nice, long talk with her."   Manager Hua stood next to Blade, having been summoned by him. He had no idea how, but the fire in Hua's eyes seemed to be able to douse the raging flame that was the angry woman. Her red-rimmed glasses flashed.   "Get out of my McDonald's. If you would be so kind."   The woman took a cowardly step back, but she could not escape the firm grasp the manager had on her shoulder, dragging her outside the establishment. The door swung shut behind them.   Blade heard the whole room breathe a collective sigh of relief, including Jing Yuan. The audacity of people. He grimaced, wishing that he would never have to meet someone like that again. He was glad that the previously silent room was coming back to life.    While the problem at hand had been solved, all thanks to their lord and saviour Manager Hua, Blade now had his job cut out of him. The floor was a mess, there were customers lining up, trying to figure out how to salvage their ruined food and Blade had to help attend to all of that.   Among all the chaos, Jing Yuan seemed to have everything under control. Blade was preoccupied with picking up the larger items off the ground, like the trays, but when he passed by the counter, he realised that Jing Yuan had already talked with the people in the kitchen to remake all the orders that had been wasted just now. Before long, the long queue they had shortened significantly.   If it weren't for how distracted he was while cleaning up, working with sticky hands because of spilled soda and having to manoeuvre around every crumble of food lest he dirtied his shoes, he might have sat down to admire how composed Jing Yuan was. Of course, not without some embarrassment. He shouldn't be doing that.   After the dinner rush, when it was almost time for the night shift to clock in, Blade was giving the floor one last mop before he left. He had to scrub the soap in extra hard, since some of the stains had been left to sit there for hours without a proper cleaning. He hadn't been able to do that earlier, because there were too many people walking by.   He mopped and he mopped and he mopped, making sure the linoleum floor was squeaky clean. This was the most disastrous he had seen the restaurant look ever since he started working here. Thank goodness the manager had already banned that woman once she got back from kicking her out. There was a notice tacked up on the wall and everything, with that woman's face printed on with very high resolution. Hah, no way she was coming back here.   Suddenly, Blade felt a weight landing on his left shoulder. The weight was very warm and fluffy and when Blade looked towards it, he saw that it was Jing Yuan's head.   "Tired."   "... I can tell," Blade replied, frozen in place.   Jing Yuan had never been so affectionate towards Blade before. They'd never been the type of friends that hugged each other casually. This was definitely not normal. Jing Yuan was probably stressed out of his mind to do something like this, but Blade had no idea how he could possibly help him.   "Are you... alright?" Blade asked lamely.   Ah, what was he doing? He was far from being a wordsmith, soothing people was the opposite of his speciality. And why was Jing Yuan still slumped on his shoulder anyways? Of course his silly brain was now entertaining the idea that, perhaps, Jing Yuan held a soft spot for him in his heart, but that thought was only fleeting, because he was soon too busy with being worried about Jing Yuan.   Yet, Blade felt the tips of his ears turn pink, hidden away by his dark hair.   "I will be. Dealing with that egotistical, crabby lady just took a lot out of me."   Blade fiddled with the mop in his hands. "It's no surprise. She was terrible. I'm sure you'll feel better after work when you can rest, maybe with something to eat before that."   A chuckle reverberated through Jing Yuan's chest, which was pressed to Blade's back. "Yeah. You know my protégé Yanqing? He typically waits for me to have dinner together."   "So I've heard."   "It's a shame that he's staying over at someone else's place today. I'll probably order some takeout since he isn't here."   "Takeout," Blade repeated. It sounded pathetic and he would not stand for that.   "Yes, is there a problem?" Jing Yuan asked listlessly, finally lifting his head to stand upright.   Blade rolled his shoulders, but lightly put a hand on his left, marvelling at how warm it felt. Even though it made him sore, he wished that Jing Yuan had stayed like that a little longer.   "No. It's just that... you don't have to eat alone," Blade said.   "Are you suggesting that we could have dinner together?"    "Only if you want to."   "I'll take that as a yes."   It was kind of strange how the moment Jing Yuan said those words, a switch seemed to have been flipped in that man. Gone was the haggard expression and, instead, a sunny look appeared on his face. Had Blade been less concerned with Jing Yuan's wellbeing, he would have commented on it, but he was just glad that he was fine.   Disaster successfully averted!   Soon, work was over. Blade put the mop and the soap bucket away, swearing that he would not be playing janitor tomorrow. But all that distaste for cleaning was thrown out the window, because Jing Yuan had all but dragged him out the door, taking Blade out for their first dinner together.   Blade was probably overthinking things. His subconscious was telling him that this was a momentous occasion wasted on such an exhausting and ordinary day, but logically, he knew that this was just a token of friendship. Though, it would certainly serve as a good first step towards something more...   But enough of that. Jing Yuan was next to him right now, so he might as well live in the moment.   "Chinese or Italian?" Blade asked, as they walked along the streets heading downtown.   "Whichever you prefer."   "Chinese it is, then. There's this place that I have a feeling you might like."     It was ten in the evening at McDonald's. The nearby cinema had just finished showing the latest blockbuster not too long ago and there were a few people who came in to get dessert after that.   Around this time, many were heading home after a tiring day, so the place was quiet. This was why Blade enjoyed working nights more than days. When the sun was still high in the sky, too many people would be rushing around the restaurant, ordering this, spilling that and always talking. So much fuss. Later in the evening, there wasn't much for Blade to do except wiping down the counter to occupy himself every now and then.   Wipe, wipe. Put away the cloth. Look up and see that there still weren't any new customers. Look down and count the change in the cash register. All was silent.   Many of Blade's shifts had been spent like this, ever since he was assigned this mission. It would be better if Jing Yuan could keep him company today, but that man claimed that he had something important to do. Blade twisted his lips into a thin line. He wished that Jing Yuan were here.   To others, Blade's position might seem quite boring. That assumption couldn't be more wrong.   Blade was granted a front row seat to the most realistic — so real that it was happening before his eyes — and sappy romcom ever to not grace the big screens because of how unbelievable it was.   Dan Heng and his boyfriend... erm, best friend , Caelus, were sitting at one of the tables, working hard on a university project and coincidentally, Blade couldn't stress that enough, just shy of sitting on each others' laps.   The matter of Dan Heng's employment aside, it was actually kind of sweet. Their legs were intertwined. They were drinking from the same cup of cheap coffee because they had been burning the midnight oil way too often for it to be healthy. They would doodle on random pieces of yellow memo paper and show it to the other to keep them going.   Blade didn't think he had ever seen Dan Heng this comfortable with anyone. Caelus being the exception, of course. He was always so cold to his colleagues, it was hard to link the Dan Heng in front of him to the one that would roll his eyes discreetly at every other customer.   This sort of conduct was probably against workplace regulations, but Blade couldn't care less. At least he didn't have to stand awkwardly next to Dan Heng behind the counter.    It gave Blade a little hope for his own romantic life watching Caelus with Dan Heng. Ah, young love.   Except those two always insisted they were no more to each other than best friends. Friends that would eat from the same plate, dress from the same closet and sleep in the same bed. Yes, the best of friends.   Well, the Nile was not just a river in Egypt.   Even until closing time, Caelus and Dan Heng were still there, buried under a mountain of papers and files. Hours had passed since Blade had started manning the counter by himself. People came and went, yet the two of them were still there, Caelus' hand on Dan Heng's.   Blade was fine standing by himself and staring into air, a summary of his shift today, but he would rather not clean up the shop alone, so he went to badger Dan Heng into working. He was already too lenient with him.   Mop and bucket in hand, Blade headed to their table. The soles of his shoes struck the tiles crisply. The soapy water sloshed in its container. The handle of the mop was ready to hit the edge of the table and rouse his coworker into action, but Blade stopped a few steps away from Dan Heng and Caelus.   "I am this close to giving up on this project entirely."   "You need the credits for this course, Caelus. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't been sleeping at every single lecture ." Dan Heng crossed his arms judgmentally. "Your bedtime is at three in the morning."   "It's fine. It's not finals yet, I still have... plenty of time," Caelus yawned, planting his face sleepily into the crook of Dan Heng's neck.   "You should thank your sister for the notes that she took for you. I would believe it if you came to me with negative marks written on your paper." Despite saying that, Dan Heng patted Skye's head affectionately.   "I'm not that bad! What about you? I've caught you sleeping, too."   Dan Heng looked away from Caelus. "... that time the professor woke the both of us..."   "See? We're both guilty. How about we skip out on the next study group session and go ice-skating instead?"   "You're the laziest person I know," Dan Heng said matter-of-factly.   "And you're a stick in the mud."   Blade was still standing there, watching from a distance. He let out a sigh within him.   Ahh.   The sigh was long and drawn-out, stretching like a cat after its nap. It was far from being one of disappointment though.   Wouldn't it be great if he could have this with Jing Yuan? Or was that too much to ask for?   Blade wanted to trade quips with Jing Yuan, to sit with Jing Yuan, to be close with Jing Yuan and so much more, just like what he was witnessing. It made Blade's heart melt a little at the thought, if he could earn even a fraction of that. What he wouldn't give to be able to make skin-to-skin contact with Jing Yuan and not tense up out of awkwardness.   Blade wanted what Dan Heng and Caelus had. A cup of coffee, yes. Always. But it was also too bad that relationships could never be ordered from a menu at any restaurant.   All of a sudden, there was a loud banging on the glass doors of the establishment. Whoever did it completely ignored the fact that they were going to crack the glass if they used any more force. As long as they grabbed the attention of everyone there, Blade guessed, since that seemed to be their intention.   Now Blade would not be the one to remind Dan Heng of his duties. Small victories.   A head poked out from behind the doors. Grey hair, yellow eyes, she certainly looked similar to her brother.   "Caelus! Stop flirting already! It's time to go!"    "Coming, Stelle!"   Caelus scrambled off Dan Heng in a hurry, desperate to pack his stuff up before leaving. Blade could have sworn he saw Dan Heng's cheeks colour while he was intensely watching Caelus organise all the papers and pens. It could certainly be because Stella's booming voice had drawn the eyes of every patron and employee to them. Or was it out of embarrassment that she had come much too close to the truth...?   Well, Blade wasn't one to pry.   In lieu of a goodbye, Caelus enveloped Dan Heng in a hug. He collected his jacket that was draped around Dan Heng, concealing the McDonald's outfit that was under it, and pushed him in Blade's direction.   "Hehe, you really should get back to work. Your coworker is giving us the murder stare."   Finally. He was being noticed. It had only taken them 15 minutes of Blade standing there, menacingly, in the background.   "Don't mind him," Dan Heng said. He didn't look like he regretted shrugging off work, but that was fine by Blade. He would rather be somewhere else, too.   "Why would I?"   After Dan Heng had waved Caelus off, Blade thrusted the mop he was holding into his hands and handed him the bucket, too. A silent message that it was time for Dan Heng to earn his paycheck.   As Blade walked back, some part of him wanted to apologise to Dan Heng, not for watching his and Caelus' interaction, but because the first thing he had thought of when he saw that was Jing Yuan. That was all. If Jing Yuan were the sun, Blade would be his sunflower. He craved his light.   When Blade returned to the counter, there was already a man waiting to order.   "Sorry for the delay. What would you like?" Blade asked as he was trained to, fixing his cap.   "Can I have some waffle fries, a Pepsi and, uh, a bucket of chicken thighs? How much will that be?"   "Sir, this is a McDonald's. The KFC shop is two streets down."     Content wormed its way into Blade the first time Dan Heng said that he couldn't quite imagine him without Jing Yuan by his side.   He remembered it so vividly that he might as well have taken a recording of it instead of committing it to memory. It meant the world to him: Jing Yuan was not as out of reach as he had thought. Instead, they were close as can be.   Maybe Dan Heng had meant it in the 'you have a grand total of one friend' sort of way, but still! That implication wasn't particularly true anyways, Dan Heng was talking to him now, right? But enough of that, what really mattered was that now, Blade was feeling that emotion for the very second time. Right this moment.   "You managed to remove all my wanted posters...? They've been there for months."   And Blade felt mirthful peals of laughter bubble up his chest.   That morning, Blade had gone to work and felt relatively uncomfortable the whole trip from his home to McDonald's. There was something ever so slightly off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was only when he was walking to the train station with Jing Yuan as they often did after shifts that Blade realised just what it was: the wanted posters were all gone.   The wanted posters were gone, the ones that had been a staple during his daily commute to work ever since Blade was employed.   Now that he thought about it, perhaps the posters were why his coworkers were all so apprehensive of approaching him the first month he was at McDonald's. That was forever ago, so it was too late to regret not disguising himself at all. He was quite sure he still wore the same outfit featured on the notices regularly. Oops.   He brought it up to Jing Yuan and to Blade's surprise, he only chuckled secretively, upturned lips hidden by his hovering hand.   So he was responsible for this.   "I did," Jing Yuan said, "Are you really alright with people staring at you all the time?"   "...I can't say that I am," Jing Yuan whispered under his breath, conveniently looking the other way. Blade chose to ignore it, even if it made his stomach flutter with something .   "It hasn't caused me any trouble yet," Blade said.   "I hope it never does. Did you know the police's investigation into you has been retracted? Quite a surprise." Jing Yuan enunciated each word very carefully.   "And how did that happen?"   Blade had known Jing Yuan as a McDonald's employee for longer than as a member of the Cloud Triad, so hearing all the shady things that he had done felt out of left field by now, just a little. Come to think of it, it had been quite some time since Blade had committed a crime, too.   There was a hint of triumph in Jing Yuan's eyes. "Let me think. There were seven people working on your case. Five have, unfortunately, been axed due to various reasons, misconduct, drinking at work, and so on. The other two… well, they disappeared. Magically."   "There was quite a database of interesting information on you. Too bad I had to destroy most of them," Jing Yuan said, shrugging.   Jing Yuan had most certainly kept some documents for himself. Perhaps it was dangerous for your personal details to be in the possession of others, but Blade trusted him. Jing Yuan was no enemy, no stranger, no wildcard. If he had to say, those details that had avoided deletion would pop up in their conversations at some point. Blade was waiting to be teased for something he did a decade ago.    "And how did this all happen?" Blade quirked a brow.   "I pulled some strings around the police station. A paper shredder is very effective for dealing with nullified wanted posters, you see," Jing Yuan said, sounding very satisfied.   The train station was only a stone's throw from McDonald's and Jing Yuan's hand was only an inch away from his own, a perfect distance for him to reach out and hold it. Just a bit closer and... but Blade admonished himself for even having such a thought and held himself back. No matter how endearing Jing Yuan was, it was highly inappropriate for him to do such a thing.    While Blade chased his wayward thoughts away, he didn't even realise that they had already arrived. They were standing just outside the place and Jing Yuan was ready to head in the opposite direction, where his platform was.   "I... Thank you, Jing Yuan." Blade squeezed those words out of himself before the man turned the other way. Had Blade had a more normal occupation, he might have been weirded out by Jing Yuan's actions, but since he was no ordinary worker, he only found it sort of adorable.   A thought hit Blade once they were apart, one not even the noise of the subway managed to drown out.   The time that he had with Jing Yuan could no longer be counted in months and, instead, had trickled into weeks and days.   Blade only had a handful of details left to refine until his mission would be able to be completed for good. Once his target was eliminated, it was protocol for him to hand in his resignation letter to the manager after a short while and then he would never have to work in the same room as Jing Yuan again.   Of course, unless the Stellaron Hunters decided to fire him, but he would much rather give everybody at headquarters a piece of his mind than fall back on the second job he had at the moment.   He'd have to make his own excuses to see Jing Yuan everyday. Preferably the first thing he saw when he woke up, but, oh, Blade was going way too far and he felt self-conscious just thinking about that in a train compartment crammed with people.   The chances of Jing Yuan realising the feelings Blade had for him were slipping away like sand between his fingers.   Blade made his resolve, as he tried to will away the rosy blush that was forming on his cheeks.   Shoo.     Click.   The trigger of Blade's rifle sounded and, through the scope, he saw the body of his target drop dead.   Mission accomplished! He could almost see those words flashing before his eyes, narrating his game of life.   A satisfied smirk crept up his face.   He was thus freed from working at McDonald's. No more of that eight hours a day and five days a week. He could soon put all the patty-flipping, the broken ice-cream machines and the rude customers behind him and focus on a new target after so many months. He deserved a vacation.   Blade leaned casually on the low wall and watched as a crowd swarmed around the corpse, him being safeguarded by the distance between them and also by his silencer. He would have to go soon, in case someone was able to identify the building where the shooter came from, but he could afford a few more minutes savouring the sweetness of success.   Ugh. He could finally move out of his apartment. It was Beetlejuice on Mondays, Hamilton on Wednesdays, then whatever songs were on the radio in between, and he hoped that he would never have such terrible, noisy neighbours ever again. He was pretty sure his house plant was wilting from all the notes that were out of tune. His houseplant was fake.   But a bitterness seeped out from the sweetness, something like chewing on the fruit of a ginkgo.   He would never-   Blade felt someone tap on his shoulder twice and he almost kneed the intruder in the groin from the surprise.   There wasn't supposed to be anybody here, his instincts screamed at him. Oh no. Oh no, no.   This part of the building should be empty for the next hour. Not just anybody had access to the roof, unless they wanted to cripple their shoulder smashing through the doors. He had made sure no one would be scheduled to run into this scene: a guy, a gun, a collection of bullets gleaming in the mid-day sun and Google Maps open on his phone, all too handy at tracking his target.    When he hesitated on his second blow, thrown off by how the other had not attacked him yet, just barely dodging, he got a better look at the other person.   Ah. Jing Yuan. So it was him.   "Hello. I brought ice-cream."   "Oh, congratulations on your kill, by the way. It was so quiet that I couldn't hear the gunshot, very discreet!" He said jovially.   "You-"   Blade's mind blanked out for second, registering that he had almost committed two homicides in succession, on his subject of infatuation no less.   "... I invited you here. Right. You just scared me," Blade said, almost forgetting about the text messages he had sent yesterday.   It really wasn't his fault! He was more than a little jumpy after pulling the trigger. Technically, the police could barge in right then and there, overwhelming him with numbers and then subduing him. It never hurt to be on guard.   "I apologise for that. Should I have knocked?" Jing Yuan asked, handing him a cup of ice-cream, probably fresh from McDonald's. The machine must be working today.   "There's no need. I just happened to be somewhat tense."   Blade accepted it, but he didn't take a bite out of it. He was stuck between eating the ice-cream or blurt out everything he felt about Jing Yuan, the ones that he had kept to himself.   Although he had been fully prepared for this conversation last night, or so he had thought, he couldn't seem to force words out his mouth. He wasn't sure if his heart was beating fast because of the scare just now or because he was nervous.   "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"   "Your hands are trembling. The ice-cream is going to drip everywhere if you don't eat it quickly. It's okay, I'll listen."   So Blade let the dessert melt in his mouth once, and then twice. It's cold and it's sweet, just like how he last had it, but this was the only time that eating ice-cream was so comforting and he wasn't thinking that it pricked his throat with how much sugar it had. Finally, when his mind was less jumbled and his hands were more or less stilled, he said something that he had never said before.   "I think I like you, Jing Yuan."   There it was. He said it. The thing he had been harbouring for months. This was the moment.   Blade bowed his head, feigning interest in the dripping edges of his ice-cream. It really was quite interesting though. He had never seen it melt so quickly before. It must have something to do with his hot, sweaty hands.   He couldn't bear to look at Jing Yuan in the face. Part of him wanted to run away and never come back, out of embarrassment, but part of him wanted to stay and wanted Jing Yuan to reciprocate his affections. Unfortunately, his legs had turned into lead weights and he'd have to accept whatever answer he got with open arms.   He didn't hear anything for a long, long time, anything that wasn't the heartbeat in his ears. Then, bit by bit, he confusedly looked up.   Red was a very nice colour on Jing Yuan's face. It was slowly bleeding its way up his cheeks, but Blade hated assuming too much, so he waited for Jing Yuan to decide on his words.   "I've… I've been waiting for you to say that."   Jing Yuan smiled.   "You know, there's something poetic about two people falling in love at a McDonald's. We can pretend that we are society's slaves, only finding solace within each other. Ah..."   Blade had half a mind to snort at his words, but he only managed to choke on his half-eaten ice-cream.   After he stopped coughing, he replied, "... it isn't."   It really, really wasn't. They were attracted to each other, plain and simple. Even if Blade wrote a thousand haikus talking about Jing Yuan, it would not make their story of being two employees, serving fast food and being in love any more special.   Blade felt himself hit by a sense of relief, but instead of it dulling the adrenaline in his veins, he was invigorated. There was so much more that he felt like he should talk about now, more than what he had anticipated before these few minutes. He felt alive and animated.   He swallowed. "Jing Yuan. I... I love you."    "I've felt this since... I can't really remember; some time in our day to day work here. It's hard to explain. Suddenly, I realised that I feel all fuzzy inside thinking about you."   Jing Yuan nodded. "It does feel like that, doesn't it?"   "It's part of why work doesn't always feel so unbearable," Jing Yuan said. "There's the customers, the kitchen, the counter, and then there's Blade. The last one tends to make me happier than the rest."   Blade finished his ice-cream at some point. He shoved the plastic cup with its lid on into his bag to throw it away later. His hands still felt much too restless, so he started disassembling his rifle.   "Sometimes I think about it and I can't come up with any words to describe why, specifically, I like you. You're charming, I guess. That's about as good as I can do."   Man, even that sentence was bad. Maybe Blade should have paid more attention during English class back in school.   "Maybe it's precisely because... you're you and I find that hard to resist."   He clicked his briefcase shut, keeping his firearm and all the bullets safely tucked away inside it. Well, now his hands were empty and there was no other excuse to keep Jing Yuan waiting.   "I apologise for being such a downer, but what I really mean to say is that I'll miss you, Jing Yuan. My mission is over and there's always more to do. I can't stay, so... so..."   Blade deliberately turned his head away.   Here he goes.   "Can I give you a kiss?"   There was no need for an answer, because Jing Yuan walked closer and closer until Blade could feel his breath on his face. He was so close that Blade could probably count his eyelashes, but the only thing he focused on was his lips.   Soft, pink, Blade kissed them and hugged Jing Yuan close.   It was over in the blink of an eye and Blade stood back. He touched his own lips gently, wishing the warmth would last longer, even as the autumn breeze was quickly stealing it away.   Ah. Peace. Blade was at peace now. Jing Yuan had filled the gaping hole of desire eating away at his heart ever since he had fallen in love. But of course, there was that one little crack left behind, because humans were greedy little things.   "It's almost time to go," Blade said, moving slowly towards the doors of the stairway, though his soul was still lingering on that rooftop kiss. "Our time is running short. Let's not put ourselves at any more risk."   That experience happens once in a lifetime, but when you think about it, weren't there many other things he had yet to try out?   "And what about... us?" Jing Yuan asked, following along.   "You know, I've been working at McDonald's for so long. I don't think I can get used to not being there anymore." Blade shrugged, walking down the stairs.   "You can't imagine yourself in a place where people don't work minimum wage?" Jing Yuan laughed.   "Yes, exactly."   Blade almost grinned. "So, how about a Starbucks?"
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail)
['MW_Patata', 'Laserwise', 'Rdash13', 'Maxxo', 'jaysmanuscript', 'Glaucouss', 'D33JAYYY', 'MiharuError', 'FenrirV1', 'Whrlingx', 'HelloBye16', 'Nyph', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'AnonX', 'Notjessi987', 'PikachuDedInside', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Snackeater', 'Sora22', 'Kotofeila', 'longasscat', 'SertaMortis', 'Luqio', 'Izzy101', 'couldnotthinkofname123', 'EletroSimping', 'notsosillyanymoresprouts', 'sugandese_nuts', 'VannessaCloud', 'new_watch', 'Tyrux', 'vennm', 'Thelainn', 'Wali', 'mizuenator', 'Blackreape10', 'Opek', 'YingAtlas', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick', 'Muppener', 'Seeles_Omega']
Being the princess of Belobog and heir to her mother, Bronya had to fill what is expected from,her. Act as what her title presents 一 It is due to this that she had developed unhealthy habits, at first she was only doing so because it is what was expected from someone who has her title but now, it is no more一 or at the very least it doesn't matter here.   And yet, remnants of that title still lingers through her.   Whats left of that title taking in the form of said unhealthy habits 一 back then it is viewed as a worthy sacrifice in order to act out her name, but now it is just a consequence. Nothing more.   Every now and then, as Bronya would help Seele with things considering the underworld she would sometimes almost trip and fall, stare blankly into nowhere, or very rarely 一 lose her ability to hear for about 4-5 seconds.   Seele kept count and observed it all 一 for what reason? Who knows. But she hasn't said a word about it. Until now, perhaps.   Seele and Bronya is out on another day of doing what they can for their people. No matter how quiet it can be there will always be some sort of ruckus around these parts 一 As Seele had told Bronya before, they all survive together, they all die together. Without each other the result wouldn't be desirable   For that reason groups are formed because of reasons all tying back to survival. However some of these groups would have their own way of surviving, different from the survival Seele tries to spread.   A handful to deal with, even for two people. Sampo, that smooth talker isn't much of a help either. A smooth talker, yes 一 a smooth talker so he could slack off and escape his duties. Entertaining both ladies and gents alike just to get what he want   So, Bronya became Seele's partner instead. At all times. In ways that are definitely more than one   A body drops to the ground, no, not dead. Atleast I hope 一 Seele herself can't always hold back. Swinging the not so lethal side of her Scythe just to knock somebody out while Bronya watches out for their rear.   Spinning her scythe gracefully and placing it behind her back, doing so with full confidence and talent 一 As if it weights nothing. Yet no one else in the underworld wields a Scythe like her.   "Do they not get tired?" Bronya asks 一 or more like complain as she looks at the knocked out trouble makers on the ground before turning her eyes to Seele. "Trust me, these idiots don't know how to take a hint either." Looking back to Bronya, smiling proudly at her direction. Bronya returns the favor 一 one that has words embedded to it. Non verbally she expresses her gratitude, but Seele already knows it well.   What a sharp contrast compared to when they first met. Ah, speaking of which一   Seele's smile turn to panic in a second, dashing towards Bronya ready to swing her Scythe 一 Reacting by looking behind her, noticing a supposed to knocked out goon about to pierce her chest with a bullet.   Shots fired 一 Seele appears behind Bronya and through the bullet, making sure to knock out the goon this time. Bright, glowing butterflies flying around her that has the color of her azure eyes. Now it is rose red.   As for the bullet, its been swiftly slashed to pieces mid-air. No one else could do that 一 besides the one and only. Amazing indeed. Worthy of everyone's praises.   And Bronya's ever warm smile, "Thank you Seele. Are you一"   "How did you not notice that?!" But not every time her smile would be returned.   "Seele..?" As she questions her sudden aggression, Seele continues to breathe hurriedly. Her chest pumping with so little breaks 一 nonetheless Bronya would extend her hand.   "He almost shot you! You could've died, do you expect me to always catch the bullet for you?!" But ends up taking a step back instead.   "Quit that unhealthy habit will you, Princess!?" Words that striked through her and her heart, more than a bullet ever will. More piercing than any knife or a cut from any blade.   Another saying proven true.   That was the first time Bronya saw her red, rose eyes.   And so 一 Seele takes her leave without so much as a word of comfort. Not even telling Bronya to follow her as she usually would after taking care of problems such as this.   Bronya remained in her position, her hands clenching tightly together on her chest. If it was just anyone, she would've brushed it off as nothing but Seele 一 she is just not 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 to Bronya. Before they even met again she wasn't aware of how deep their bond actually is.   A bond she won't let go of, like feeling the thorns of one very gorgeous rose.   Even as her hand bleeds.   She eventually follows behind Seele, but with a distance she so feels so strange with. Does she loath the distance between them? Does she wanna walk by her side that badly? Always, now, and forever?   Yes. That's something not even she would deny. After all 一 its a promise. A promise that she'll walk together with Seele through that bridge.   Now, some simple distance might break her promise. Will you stand idly as you let it happen, Rand? No, of course she wouldn't.   However, not a word has been uttered ever since the last one that they had. Seele doesn't seem to want as much either 一 As her steps is without even a single sign of coming to ahalt.   They arrived to their home, but where's the joy? Where's the relief? Its as if a cold ice is standing between the both of them. With a word 一 Bronya attempts to break it, "Seele i一"   Futile. Seele takes her cold hearted leave, not responding to Bronya's call as she usually would've. Seele would only reply to Bronya if she had called her name 一 in an instant that is.   Seele heads to Natasha, not even a glance to Bronya. The few people around doesn't spare the broken princess any attention, taking it as nothing else and minding their own business as usual.   She's alone in the center of the city which despises her name with a heart slowly but surely crumbling. A tear escapes her eye, but it turns ice cold and shatters hitting her own foot.   After a while, Bronya also takes her leave. Somewhere or somewhat. Wherever her legs would drag her. Without someone to direct her to a path 一 She'll continue walking with uncertainty. After all, up until now she has always been told what to do, how to do it and in the way that others wishes.   "She was about to die thanks to that Natasha!" Her voice echoes through her little clinic.   "Sure, but did you really have to yell at her like that?" Whats the point of the intention when saying something, when the tone in which one says it tells a different story?   "Yes!" Seele claims what she believes to be right. Perhaps it is, but when saying something to somebody about their bad habits shouldn't their emotions also be taken into consideration? "If I hadn't yelled at her face she still wouldn't get it."   Natasha takes one moment for a short yet deep sigh and the palm of her hand on her face. A clear sign of disapproval 一 as Seele takes it. "What?"   "Your yelling at her only worsens that misunderstanding. She was about to thank you for saving her life once more."   "S-so?! I don't want her thanks anyway!"   "Really?" Seele answers with hesitation, denying herself of what she really feels. As if it wasn't obvious enough, all she did is out of her own feeling of care. But with the sudden moment it changed from what it was supposed to be.   Bronya, the supposed heir to the throne sits alone on a bed in her own quarters. Pondering on and on as she stares blankly at the floor.   Seele's voice still echoes in her head. "𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴!?" "𝘜𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵.. 𝘜𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺.. 𝘏𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵.. 𝘜𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺.." Yes. That one to be exact.   "Unhealthy habit...?" She says to herself 一 she asks herself, what could be the unhealthy habit Seele is referring to. She doesn't associate herself anymore with acting as a princess, she lets other voices be told and listen to what they think. All of it. She willingly helps the people, so what?   "What could she mean by..." Just as Bronya utters another question, a yawn escapes her mouth first. With one conclusion she figured out soon after.   Thinking back now, that wasn't the first time. Definitely. Many times has Seele saved her life, catch any bullet about to pierce right through her heart 一 even those words about her from the people that aren't so polite.   Doing it all for her, Seele doesn't see Bronya as a princess anymore. Or anything. She only sees her as a "friend" that she holds the most in her heart.   Yes. All she did 一 was, and always will be out of her own care for people she holds dear.   Bronya turns her attention to a pillow the bed, laying her own head on the pillow and with her body on the bed, a few words of her mind before she shuts her eyes and travel to the land of dreams. "I'll sleep if its for you, Seele. I promise I'll.."   "Apologise to her." Natasha is no longer asking.   "But Natasha一!" Seele 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘺 refuses.   "Apologies to her." She says again, but this time一 "Bronya is the heir to the throne of Belebog. She had to do things that at first, she couldn't. Bronya forced herself to, and this unhealthy habit of her became the aftermath of that." "You are not one to speak about her unhealthy habit, after all.. Even you have one."   "Even you don't notice. Tell me, why do you spin your Scythe after every fight that you have?" Natasha gets up and questions her, staring right through her azure eyes   "Because it feels natural..?" She answers, but rather unsurely. "Any other reason?"   She doesn't answer, but she continues to look unsure. Then 一 Natasha arrives at her own conclusion, "Your answer would be the same as hers." Then goes back to her seat. Doing what she does best. Leaving Seele the rest   Seele pushes the door behind her carefully with one hand, a real sharp differences to when she went and came barging in without warning.   Dragging herself to where the princess would be 一 A shared house of their own. Under one roof. Thinking to herself as she walks, realizing all that Bronya had possibly gone through with her position and title up in Belobog.   She has her people, but the princess has always been alone. Seele has her friends, but even she feels such emotions.   "I should really apologise to her..." She says to herself. Thinking about things as she makes her way, realizing more and more about Bronya 一 everything she had to do because of expectations of what she's supposed to be. Each one, Seele finds herself to face the same thing but in a slighty different matter.   Eventually reaching the room which Bronya would be residing in, reaching out her hand and giving it a knock. Three times 一 No reply. Her thoughts starts to wonder.   5 more 一 Her heart beats with regret as to all that she had said. Panicking ever so slowly if she would forgive her. 10 more knocks on the door, and she breaks. Suddenly opening it, "Look Broya I'm sor.." Her eyes, her sight greeted by a Bronya deep in slumber. "ry...?"   Although the light is off, she could still see that much clearly. Leaving it as that 一 looking at the sleeping beauty a little more before walking in and sitting down next to her.   "..." Seele doesn't say a thing, for the reason of not wanting to wake her up or speechless? Maybe both. She continues to admire the sight of a sleeping Bronya.   A sight like this is as rare as snowing in the underworld. Never in a million years 一 so, she takes this view as much as she can with her eyes. Until she got whats basically a perfect replica of it in her mind. "So precious..."   Slowly, but surely she sees that a blanket is right beside her as well. Reaching out for it and unfolding it 一 covering Bronya with it from toe to her chest. Seele's face being closer to the sleeping beauty. Being able to paint a more accurate picture of it in her mind. She needs no more than that, or want 一 she whispers through the sleeping Bronya's ear; "I hope you can trust me to catch the bullet again for you... Please trust me always, Prin-" Seele cuts her own word. Her "title" holds no meaning anymore. Not here. Not to their relationship 一 it simply doesn't matter anymore. It can disappear, and no one would notice.   "Bronya..."   After that, she leaves her room but before shutting the door once more 一 Seele spares the sleeping Bronya one last look. Her azure eyes shining bright and a smile so sweet.   Seele had finally shut the door, but she leans on it as she brings eyes to the floor. Talking to herself一 "God, she's so gorgeous... I love her.." Bronya woke up, saying she felt something on her cheek and forehead as she was sleeping. As well as something on her lips.
Warm to The Touch
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, literally only fluff, hand holding (crazy!!!), warm hands x cold hands ships are awesome, Dorks in Love, they’re so silly they make me weak, no beta we die like himeko murata
['Demnlex', 'Gentlewriter58', 'Hot_ice', 'Sriracha2707', 'sunisalsoaflower', 'Lisa_Libao', 'penny_wants_naku_weed', 'Robopixiebot', 'Sand_A_Man', 'TimeTravler777master', 'Hellie_shie', 'CustomerService', 'wishtobefictional', 'jielle', 'hiorarchive', 'wlfglxy', 'itsrxbekahh', 'lychufal', 'nightlywispr', 'feverishigh', 'luzyestrella', 'RhymesAndDaydreams', 'MysteriousMagic', 'mauliya', 'MarsmellowMozara', 'Enby_Sif', 'greenmaple', 'ArisWonder', 'Aubreyx0x', 'Quackers645', 'HoneyOTUtm606', 'nishaaaahhhh', 'rxyz01_nx', 'Rhopalocera1', 'kazusxiaos', 'nics_png', 'JustKazuha', 'bella_donna418', 'Kallan123', 'MiYukie_7', 'Romantinide', 'BasketofFruit', 'menggila_menggalau', 'Red_Glowing_Cinder', 'XxSephyxX', 'retjcehan', 'clover_charms', 'nenespillthetea', 'skaldin_kesting', 'Ardent_Sylph']
The cold. To be frank, she wasn’t quite used to it. It's ironic seeing how she was literally found in ice, so she of all people should be accustomed to it. But as much as she’s not its biggest fan, she didn’t dislike it. March 7th was told she was quite warm, in regards to both personality and general body temperature. She could see it, you’d think she’s cold to the touch thanks to her ice element, but according to others she was, in fact, the total opposite. Although she does know of someone a bit chillier. Of course, this ‘someone’ was Dan Heng, her friend, her perfect counterpart (In Himeko’s own words) if you will. Cold exterior, warm interior. That is how March 7th chooses to describe him in a simplified way. He’s a kind and caring person… Once you get past that surface layer of distant attitude and little to no words, that is. Of course, Dan Heng is way more complicated than that, and she’s always found herself absorbed in the desire to earn his trust and friendship because she genuinely wants to learn more about him. And she’s had the chance to witness a few moments where he showed off his softer, less known side. To say she loved being trusted by him enough for him to be alright showing some bits of vulnerability was an understatement. It brought her this giddy feeling to know Dan Heng is slowly warming up to her even with their silly bickering on missions. Really, she wouldn’t trade their bond for anything. And as she always said, he was quite literally cold. His body temperature was always cooler than hers. How exactly did she know that…? Well, it’s a long story. She’s had to avoid explaining it to people knowing fully well she’d end up rambling.                                                                                    —————— The first time she was able to touch Dan Heng, it was a total accident. March 7th was quite reckless, and a bit clumsy. These were known facts about her. On her first few expeditions with Dan Heng, who had been assigned to accompany her for that exact reason, it was not uncommon for Dan Heng to have to catch her before she trips and falls… Or before she rushes into danger without a plan and gets hurt. Although the first time, it really wasn’t too dramatic. She wasn’t looking and lost her balance after stumbling on a rock she hadn’t paid attention to. That’s when Dan Heng grabbed her hand. A surprising act, he didn’t say anything either. She assumed it was easier for him to hold her hand than to completely hold onto her arm to keep her from falling. It was also quicker. The contact of their skins must’ve been involuntary though, seeing as Dan Heng immediately retracted from the physical touch, and if you looked closely you could see a hint of embarrassment. To March it wasn’t a big deal but to him? He must not be used to this type of thing. That didn’t mean she wasn’t surprised by the sudden touch. Dan Heng’s hands were cold, that’s what she learnt that day. They were cold despite the few seconds she held onto them… But she just blamed it on the breeze that day. Still, it wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, even back then.                                                                                  —————— The second time, it lasted a bit longer. It was overall a pretty simple mission. They were out on patrol just to make sure the surroundings were safe. They’ve been involved in much worst before so this shouldn’t have been too big of an issue. Except it was. Somehow, perhaps due to her distracted mind that day, March 7th ended up getting in trouble. She had run into some opponents. In theory, she could take them on. She isn’t weak by any means but she was a bit less confident running into a fight without Dan Heng near to comfort her she’d have some backup worst-case scenario. Maybe deciding to split up to cover the area faster was a bad idea… Why did she insist again despite Dan Heng’s hesitation? Who knows. Perhaps Dan Heng already had an idea that this could happen, hence why he seemed to not be too into the idea of splitting up. Yet again she recalled she mentioned how she wanted to show off how her training helped her and how she could handle this on her own. And she could!.. Except she felt much more confident with a friend around. And this tiny bit of doubt seemed to have cost her a lot because after a few hits landed, it was her turn to receive a surprise attack. Nothing fatal, luckily. But it still caught her off guard. This is also when Dan Heng stepped in, he could’ve decided to fight off the remaining enemies but once he noticed she had been slightly injured he didn’t think twice before grabbing her hand and running back towards base. “Are you okay? Can you walk?” He had said once they’d gotten closer. Seriously, March felt a little drained but the adrenaline kept her from feeling pain if she had any at the moment. Overall, she was just confused. “Well, yeah! I was able to run all this way after all… I think I’m fine..!” She heard Dan Heng sigh then. March 7th had also noticed he had been holding her hand all along and still hadn’t let go. And just like last time, it was cold, but it felt nice against her warm body which had only heated up further while running. But she wasn’t going to tell him, it felt quite nice to have her hand in his. Her thoughts were disrupted by sudden quiet words. “…You were great out there, but be more careful, will you?” And that was all it took to set her entire self ablaze, her heart skipping a beat, only being cooled down by a pair of hands belonging to her reserved friend and teammate.                                                                                    —————— The third time was a little different, it was casual. They held hands in a very normal situation like walking together. It was a chilly day, the breeze cooler than usual. Dan Heng and her had been taking a stroll together for fun, but obviously, March felt a little cold. And somehow her first instinct was to look at her friend, asking for consent to hold onto him to warm herself up with her gestures… Knowing fully well he wasn’t exactly what you’d call a human heater, but still, she knew whenever they accidentally brushed their hands together it sent a burning feeling in her heart, warming up her entire body. She had thought about labeling this feeling as ‘love’ once or twice, but she was never certain and definitely didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Dan Heng. Still, at that moment, Dan Heng understood her want and initiated the contact, he didn’t say a word, he took her hand in his as March 7th smiled. And as she thought, it had warmed her up better than any fire could. She didn’t let go either, not wanting to end this comforting contact. She only retracted her hand once their walk was over, to say she had appreciated it wasn’t nearly enough to describe what she had felt.                                                                                    —————— Now that March 7th thinks about it, ever since that day, hand holding became something ordinary for them. They gradually started sharing more moments where their fingers interlocked, and even turning into other displays of physical affection. Like hugs, something March knew Dan Heng wasn’t used to, yet still tried and gradually got more comfortable with (to her absolute joy). It’s crazy to her how it always felt so right. Everything about being around Dan Heng felt right, and even if she wasn’t ready to say “I love you”, she knew she felt those feelings and hopefully one day will be able to confess them to her friend. One day, after perhaps hundreds or thousands more times they’ll have held hands.
'cause you're a fully loaded gun that's aimed at me
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Jing Yuan/Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Mild Sexual Content, Vaginal Sex, Smut, Bathing/Washing, Pining, No Plot/Plotless, Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Relationship, Top Jing Yuan, Bottom Luocha, Enemies With Benefits, Trans Luocha, Enemies and Lovers, There is only some porn at the start and that's it, Sorry Not Sorry
['Kami_kokoro', 'Zaeyyy', 'dreamymystique', 'sallt', 'ElIbArRa_BiTcH', 'friedctopus', 'vanrouge', 'Zakkai', 'ghostymeowsty', 'gnfs_ingot', 'Radiant_Lie', 'chocobuub', 'Tendrilsvein', 'Amemu', 'himiphy', 'Nahkriin', 'SyKo_SleepyTech', 'Wh0re4or', 'd1squ13t', 'Ryokucha1407', 'Observer12', 'robimboing', 'SkittishKitt', 'BunnyTyrant', 'JahiLex', 'YourLocal_Scenery', 'bastralle', 'CrystalRedfox24', 'YingSAKURA', 'windfalldreams', 'Calxxi', 'atinynctzen', 'Ravenace', 'Moonie_cinnabon', 'Coffey_w', 'Cerise7', 'Lonllya', 'songsui', 'cealix', 'Vii_As03', 'tuliphead', 'Fiodvn', 'zizzizz', 'Nayako_C', 'Lerwaii', 'xieanle', 'cookies_with_jam', 'Skai157', 'nioko', 'zero0nvm']
“Hah…” Hot. So hot. Jing Yuan closed his eyes at the overwhelming warmth, burying his face deeper into the crook of Luocha’s neck. Breathing deeply, he took in the faint smell of medicinal herbs, and the fresher one of sweat and sex. Lazily, the General sucked a few more hickeys on the blonde’s neck and shoulder, almost purring in satisfaction when his ears picked up the hitch of Luocha’s breath, and when the wet warmth of the doctor’s pussy clenched around his cock in response to the affectionate ministrations. “Hngh… S-stop that…” Luocha squirmed where Jing Yuan held him firmly in his lap, muscular arms securely hugging his thin waist. The General merely hummed, pressing a few apologetic kisses against the blooming bruises. It was nice there, surrounded by Luocha’s warmth and smell after a few rounds of love-making, in the comfort of Jing Yuan’s chambers. The comfortable and cozy feeling was however soon interrupted when he felt Luocha withdraw his arms from where they were previously hugging the white-haired man’s shoulders, and shifting to seemingly get off his lap. In response, Jing Yuan merely tightened his hold on the other’s waist, not moving his face from the merchant’s neck with a whine of protest. He knew how it would go. Just like every time, Luocha would slip into the bathroom to shower when he was starting to doze off, then gather his clothes and make his escape, leaving Jing Yuan somehow both satisfied and frustrated and yearning for him until their next meeting. “...” Luocha sighed. “General. Please let me go?” Jing Yuan grumbled. “Back to the title I see. I preferred when you were moaning my name.” At the complaint, the blonde couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “I need to go wash, General.” After some coaxing, he managed to lead one of Jing Yuan’s hands away from his hips and onto his slightly swollen stomach instead. His tone reproachful, he added. “See how much you’ve filled me up?” The deadpan words sent blood rushing to the General’s face— for a man who was an inexperienced virgin at the start of their very recent sexual relations, Luocha was quite shameless. “Hmph…” Jing Yuan withdrew his head from where it was resting only enough to look into the doctor’s impassive eyes. “Let’s bathe together, at least.” Another sigh. “If you wish.” ⚜ After much coaxing and bickering, Jing Yuan had convinced the blond doctor to take a bath with him and not just leave after a quick shower. So here they were, partly submerged by the water, Luocha comfortably sitting between the General’s thighs, his back pressed against the toned chest. As for Jing Yuan, he had contentedly wrapped his arms around the other’s body and leaned forward to rest his chin on the doctor’s shoulder. The position was good, giving him a generous view of Luocha’s body and ample access to nuzzle his neck and face. “Luocha,” he nearly purred as he pressed slow, languid kisses against the bruises that had formed on the side of his neck, “stay the night.” He let his hands roam slowly over the doctor's body, stroking and squeezing supple flesh with measured gentleness. Luocha's skin was so smooth and soft, perfectly untouched by scars of any kind– the blessing of Abundance. "Hmm?" As Luocha hummed, he tilted his head back, resting it against the taller man's shoulder, exposing his throat even more, like an offering that made the spark of lust reignite in Jing Yuan's belly. The light inflections of his voice were teasing but his face stayed impassive. "Why should I do that?" Hmph. How vexing. The General frowned, good mood soured. "If you're worried that this is a scheme to hurt you, I–" "I do not." So audaciously, the blonde cut the great General of the Cloud Knights off. Slowly, Luocha trailed his fingers over the white-haired man's forearm until he had grabbed his hand, which he then led up to wrap around his delicate throat. Emerald eyes shot a look of quiet defiance at Jing Yuan. "If you wanted to kill me…" He made the older man's fingers tighten ever so slightly around his throat in a choking gesture. "You've had many occasions to do so already, yet you haven't, despite your suspicions of me. I can therefore reliably rule out this possibility. Then, why?" This was too much. Jing Yuan swallowed, feeling the steady pulse of Luocha's life under his fingers. Presented so confidently, fearlessly, because that accursed doctor knew that he was right. Jing Yuan did not want to hurt him. Then, what to say? There was no reasonable explanation for this desire to spend even a single night by Luocha's side, only irrational longing that drove the General insane with every day that passed. What to answer, when a gaze the color of jade was transfixed on him, awaiting a response? Jing Yuan knew he would regret it, but perhaps, this time, he could allow himself to be sincere with the blond foreigner. "I… Simply wished to enjoy your company for a little while longer. That is all." Flustered, he immediately buried his face in the crook of Luocha's neck. That crafty merchant and his schemes… He was probably laughing inside at– "Oh." The hitch in Luocha's breath did not go unnoticed as he squirmed a bit before stilling. The next few minutes were just filled with silence, barely interrupted by the quiet sound of their breathing. After that short eternity, a hand reached up to pat soft, fluffy white locks. "I can stay." "..!" Jing Yuan felt inexplicable joy warm his chest. He had been wistfully dreaming of this for so much time, and it finally came to pass– a pathetic dream yes, but his dream. "Then…" He tightened his arms around Luocha's slim waist and lifted his head to grin at him affectionately. "Let's go to bed." "Hmm. Let us."
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
kinda nsfw a bit, Fluff though
['MW_Patata', 'Laserwise', 'rotigula', 'akxk0108', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Astrealiaa', 'FenrirV1', 'Azuos', 'kayrtVD12', 'KatiePuh', 'pastelstuffed', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Insomniac', 'zainxdumb', 'Wali', 'zjtmxls', 'StellarGemini', 'MeiMei_08', 'godcats', 'Korablick', 'jamjamx']
''Seele, do you think this dress fits me?'' Bronya asked. She was wearing a black dress that revealed her entire back and abit of her boobs. ''Too revealing for you to wear to the party that will have lots of people.'' Seele said, she really doesn't like the idea of people looking at Bronya with those ''eyes'' ''Eh? Too revealing?'' Bronya asked ''Yeah, I don't want them to look at you weirdly, maybe you should just wear it when we're in bed~'' Seele teased ''Seele, this is a dress! Not a lingerie!'' Bronya complained as she looked away embarrassed ''But, I can imagine how sexy you would look when I fuck you hard in that dress~'' Seele teased Bronya again, knowing this would risk her life ''Seele! This is a dress, not a lingerie! Please understand and use your brain!'' Bronya again, complained to Seele ''Yeah yeah, I know I was just teasing, princess~'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the cheek ''But maybe choose another one that is less.. revealing?'' Seele spoke out and Bronya nodded as she chose the same coloured dress but less revealing ''Now that's more like it, not drawing any weird attention from those shitass people!'' Seele said happily ''Mhm..'' Bronya kissed Seele on the lips and pulled away before Seele could react and let out a laugh before pulling Seele to go to the party ''I thought I was just going to be at the back!'' Seele complained ''Be beside me for once? This time?'' Bronya asked ''Fine.'' Seele agreed as she stayed near Bronya throughout the entire party, glared at the other people who dared to lay their eyes on Bronya.
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Mentioned: Himeko, Mentioned: Welt
Hurt/Comfort, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Dan Heng and Reader are old friends, Could be considered platonic as well, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, not really angst, No beta we die like my heart, i did this instead of hw, Drabble
['RichardPham', 'lovelyannaxoxo', 'ThienLam', 'kuromikkyu', 'Takashyys', 'Compactkitty', 'randomsoulnix', 'Licilynn02', 'Chasecheese', 'Heartyyx', 'jubannii', 'Hirame', 'im_dying_inside_help', 'B0Pzz', 'azuernights', 'PeachyKingg', 'yourmelodies', 'AIicePendragon', '53NPAI', 'Ariadneyuu', 'Makimoo', 'maoiist_milk', 'Lamitt', 'tangtang24', 'hanweu', 'Trixxt33rLee', 'Yukinoarts', 'peachiests', 'DendronoctilucousJade', 'Ghost_Of_Vivi', 'Kotofeila', 'Rikuu_7', 'zhenyuus', 'partychip', 'Kkat999', 'TraumatizedQueer', 'Fuuyuk0', 'Nekoism', 'Raseba20', 'Mewfy', 'bobanaicha', 'KisaragiMarru', 'haithawm', 'Mintellaine', 'Ace_010idk', 'vanessa_deathchild', 'ShadSQ', 'Necantix', 'Airiri', 'TheRealShyMel']
It's not rather often that Dan Heng has nightmares, even when he does, he pretends as though they never happened but everyone in the Astral Express knows when it happens. Dan Heng stares at the glass, almost as if he was planning to break it and escape from who knows what...this always happens but it's something everyone gets used to after some time. When Dan Heng had first joined the Astral Express, he had joined with a friend, someone who he had befriended in The Xianzhou Luofu, despite wanting to run away from his past, that person had kept him on his toes, they were also a reminder that his past was still there and he couldn't escape from it, he could only accept it. That person is you. Dan Heng had gone back to the archives as he did every other day, he was mostly stuck there when the Astral Express was making those jumps, he couldn't get himself to look at the words, his eyes were drooping and he was so very tired. He hoped nothing would disrupt his precious sleep...oh how wrong he was. They had to make a jump late at night, causing them to find a place to keep the Express...and of course, multiple creatures had to attack them. He does not know how March 7th could sleep with all those noises, he tries to check on you and of course, you look very tired, which would make sense as neither of you has slept in the past two days. They return back to the Express and head to their respective rooms. You wave him goodnight and he nods in appreciation, silently hoping you can rest tonight. He lays in his bed and closes his eyes, he falls asleep rather quickly but an image flashes in his mind...ah...the same nightmare, he thinks. Perhaps he's used to this but still, hearing that frightening sentence, "Of five people, three people must pay the price." that cold, murderous tone. He thinks he hears a door creak but pays no mind to it, he's sweating, and he feels cold...he knows he cannot escape, despite him wanting to so desperately. His eyes shot open and he gasps for air, you're resting your back on his bed and he sighs. "How long has Blade been coming in your nightmares?" You ask and he huffs in response, he can't help but feel bad that you have to sacrifice your sleep to comfort him. "Since the drowning." He silently whispers and you nod. "You should have told me, I would have come immediately if I’d known..." You sigh to yourself and he looks at you, your back still turned against him so he sits next to you. "I didn’t want to wake you, I know you’ve been exhausted lately..." He states and you look at him, he notices you've been crying, ah...he soon realizes you've done so for him. "There are things more important to me Dan Heng and you're one of them. Please don't force yourself to suffer alone like this ever again." You look at him, a certain fire in your eyes...he does not know what kind of determination runs in your blood. He asks if he can hug you and you nod. He's squeezing you in his arms, you think your bones will break after this but you stay quiet, the hushed sobs are enough to know that he's there, enough to know that you're there. 'He'll be fine', you think, but perhaps that's just wishful thinking. Dan Heng's nightmares are most likely hints to Blade's next victims but you don't dare ask about them, you don't ever want to see Dan Heng suffer ever again...not after that time. "I'm sorry." He says letting go of you, you're still holding his hands and chuckle at him. "As I said earlier," Before you could say anything, he interrupted you, "You're important to me as well and hence, I don't want to lose you." He said it all in one breath and you had to hold in your shocked gasp. "...Don't comment on it." He quickly said and you nodded, unsure of what to say anything to that. "The Xianzhou might be in danger." He spoke once again and you gestured him to go on, "Three of the five will be in danger. I am one of them, Jing Yuan is not." He stated and you hummed in thought. "Okay, so you're never leaving the Astral Express right...?" You asked and he looked at you with a blank stare, as if saying, 'you're stupid, of course, i will leave eventually.' "Don't look at me that way, young man." You scoffed and he huffed, "You're the same age as me." "I wonder if Blade would attack Bailu...that child is too adorable." You slurred over your words, sleep overcoming you and Dan Heng sighed and put or rather slammed your head into his lap. "Sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning." He said and you looked at him in confusion...Dan Heng had changed since coming to the Astral Express, he was a cold man when you met him for the first're glad he's become more open now. 'Goodnight, Dan Heng." You whisper and he nods, brushing his finger along your cheek...a small smile is present on his smile, and he cranes his's going to hurt in the morning if he sleeps like this but that doesn't matter when you're sleeping so peacefully in his lap.
One more thing
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
drunk seele, Drabble
['MW_Patata', 'Slayer_light', 'Laserwise', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Damians_Shitpost', 'NeverethBlake', 'CringeAtlanticSalmon', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'Glaucouss', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'A_Silent_Voice', 'LeOfficialMads', 'VannessaCloud', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'FenrirV1', 'Whrlingx', 'Nyph', 'Astrealiaa', 'Grimm462', 'DefNotMothman', 'KatiePuh', 'longasscat', 'Xenpachii', 'Kotofeila', 'electrobirb', 'Hakotgf', 'sharkfiz', 'steelbreaker418', 'Ecchiwolf', 'Moreube', 'Thelainn', 'mizuenator', 'schro', 'Longwood', 'Draco_180601', 'Muppener', 'Seeles_Omega', 'Korablick', 'DragonlordKickpuncher']
“Come on, now you need to sleep” Bronya said, helping Seele to walk into the room and letting her sit on the edge of the mattress. “I don't want to sleep.” Bronya crossed her arms, standing in front of Seele. “You don't want? You need to sleep. Just like you needed to shower after we arrived.” “I've already showered.” “I know! I had to obligate you” Bronya replied, placing her hand on her forehead, as if she was having a dark memory “Now you are going to sleep.” “I don't want to” Seele said, crossing her arms as well. Although she was now more sober than when she arrived, her voice was still slurred. “Seele” Bronya said with a sigh. “Stop being so stubborn, please." “I'm not being stubborn” Seele grumbled, glaring at Bronya “I'm not ready to go to sleep yet.” “Yet? What else do you want?” Bronya asked. She had already made Seele eat and shower, so the only thing left was obviously sleep. Seele continued to stare at Bronya, as if she expected her to do something. It took a few seconds for Bronya to realize what Seele meant. She climbed into bed and pulled Seele to make her lie down with her under the blanket. Hugging her from behind, Bronya tucked her chin over Seele's shoulder to whisper in her ear. "All right now?" Seele just nodded, intertwining her fingers with one of Bronya's hands, gerting her to smile, squeezing Seele's body closer to her. “Goodnight, Seele,” Bronya said, kissing her cheek. She closed her eyes. Seele, however, didn't have time to respond before falling into a heavy sleep. It didn't take long for Bronya to join her, falling asleep with the other in her arms after such a busy night.
don't touch me (it burns when you do)
['gvnnhildr (latestnite)']
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Post-Divorce, a lot of feelings remain, Ex Sex, Porn with Feelings, Crying During Sex, Lesbian writer, icb this is the third himefka fic in the tag YALL!!!!! STEP UR GAME UP, Canon Divergence, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, so it might be extremely ooc oop, Honkai Impact 3rd References, Family Dynamics
['espressoo', 'aiden_awonnn', 'Paprika5', 'kailopscia', 'branovytska', 'yejidle', 'naranjita_chiquitita', 'IvoryKichan', 'Meridian_Prime', 'EsperanZaa', 'Sora22', 'Y07', 'Nameless_Something', 'Jack0lantern0o0', 'CzarYuu18', 'Sixerry', 'kully', 'Ao3_DRider', 'mayday_las', 'Koipurr', 'Goodbye_Galaxy', 'Artemis_by_Design', 'Boostio', 'floralblur', 'Seiyang328', 'Chaeram', 'Astraeus_the_rey_of_moonlight', 'Rae_2Z', 'flooringdemon', 'Helbsal', 'Rosieposiewap', 'Classroomchaos', 'kroinos', 'beiguangs_dog19', 'sigmabsd0', 'MineeHirai', 'igarashixx', 'setangkaiMawar', '0mniessence', 'gobes', 'BlazeOfExile', 'Girlslovemetoo', 'SapphicSapphire12', 'FerociousMilfPope', 'nyXz3n', 'n3p', 'Darkypony', 'Kyo_ka2', 'Elzirk', 'Harmbinger']
A golden glow painted Jarilo-VI's blue landscapes as the sun inched its way up the horizon. Beams of warmth traveled through space before hitting the planet, turning the sky into a gradient of orange and indigo. With the sunlight, scattered birds vacated their branches and echoed their cries throughout Belobog; the city slowly catching up with the new day, citizens awoke from their slumber and plaques turned as commerce started fresh with dawn, the pink hues weakly reflected on the neverending layer of snow that characterized this tenacious metropolis. Shortly after the rays of light that hit March 7th's face were promptly ignored, her alarm clock rang loudly, the sound booming against the four walls of her small room. A groan was muffled by the pillows and March 7th reached her hand out to turn the alarm off, fingertips searching for the right button until the ringing stopped. Mustering all her strength, the girl sat upright and stretched her arms wide, eyes slowly adjusting to the light peering through the curtains and announcing a new day. March 7th huffed, she was happy to go back home and see her mom again after these long weeks back on earth, along with Pom-Pom and the crew of the Astral Express—but that required being up at the crack of dawn and March 7th has never been a morning person. A couple of minutes went by as the girl took her time waking her senses and getting out of bed, dragging her feet to the window and pulling the curtains to reveal the sun rising directly across from her, light years away but still emanating its warmth all the way back to her and the chilly city in the horizon. "March, we leave in 40 minutes. Please get your suitcase ready and check to see if you didn't forget anything." Kafka called for her daughter from outside the door. Her hand gripped the doorknob, but it lacked the courage to turn it and enter. She'd been standing there since the alarm echoed through the house, awake since before the sun graced the sky; the result of a bad night's sleep that presented itself in the circles under her eyes, heavy and punishing. With a sigh, Kafka let go of the doorknob, knowing that the courage would likely never come, and turned her back to the door, heading to the kitchen to try her luck making snacks for their trip to space. March 7th also sighed behind the closed door. Her relationship with her mother felt… odd. She had hoped the three weeks would be a chance to catch up and rebuild a connection that had been losing its strength for a while now, but their time together was slim—Kafka still had work to do and March 7th felt like an afterthought, like this was just an obligation and nothing more; something she just wanted to get over with and deliver March 7th back home as soon as possible. "Not even a 'good morning', tsk."  March 7th started folding the small pile of clothes on the desk by the window, carefully placing her camera amongst the soft fabrics to cushion it from any impact. The small vacation wasn't what she expected it to be, but while her mother was away on jobs both her parents refused to inform her about, she made good use of her time: sneaking around Belobog and snapping pictures of anything that caught her eyes—she'd at least have pretty photographs as consolation when looking down at the planet from her room in the Astral Express. Fragments of a memory froze in time, of places she'd forgotten and that once meant something to her; something she cannot name anymore. Kafka was in the bathroom when March 7th found her, storing a bandage tape back on the drawer, her ring finger enveloped in white gauze. "Everything okay?" "Yeah. Just a small cut. The ship's ready, you can put your bags in the truck if you're all done. We should be leaving in 10." Kafka gave her daughter a weak smile, the weight of the meeting ahead of her growing by the second, but inevitable nonetheless. She knew the weeks spent with March 7th left a lot to be desired but she couldn't bring herself to do more, to be better, to raise to the occasion of being mother to a girl so wonderful and extraordinary like March 7th. She felt undeserving of the family she now lost and she knows it bleeds into her relationships. “Sure, my stuff’s ready to go, should I wait for you on the ship?” March 7th’s eyes darted around the small dark bathroom, her hands fidgeted with the hem of her skirt, unsure of what else to say or how to stand. The silence that fell between them in small moments between question and answer wasn’t awkward, but deeply uncomfortable—like both were urging to fill it somehow but none found the right words to say. Kafka nodded and March 7th went ahead to grab her bags, placing them on the small ship’s truck with the help of Silver Wolf—the only clue to what her mother’s work was. But Silver Wolf didn’t offer much, she kept to herself and only showed up when Kafka requested her help. Besides, she looked like she was around March 7th’s age, so what could she possibly have to do with Kafka’s mysterious line of work? Shaking her head, March 7th thanked the girl and boarded the ship, lying comfortably on the passenger's seat and running her fingertips along the edges of the panel, a thousand and one buttons and screens that surely did something to the spacecraft, but nothing March 7th was well versed in. “Right, let’s get going then. Your mother asked me to get you to the Express ‘till lunch, so we have a bit of leverage to make our trip, if everything goes well.” The cabin lit up once Kafka stepped inside, pitched sounds echoing briefly as the engines started and the ship hovered inside the small hangar. March 7th saw Silver Wolf wave shortly before opening the gates, allowing them passage to soar up into the sky and straight into the vast unknown expanse of the universe. Minutes ticked by at a snail’s pace amidst the heavy, deafening silence that hung above them inside the spacecraft. The central screen told March 7th that their trip should take 4 to 5 hours until they approached the Astral Express, and unfortunately for her, it seems like only 30 minutes had passed since they left the ground and were now exiting Jarilo-VI’s mesosphere. Through the oval window, March 7th watched the planet grow smaller as they drifted further away from it into the blue infinity, her eyes feeling heavy while she counted stars to pass time… “March, hey, wake up. We’re here.” A gentle hand squeezed her shoulder lightly, waking her up from her nap. Her eyes opened slowly, the hissing of the depressurizing deck reverberating in her ears. Kafka had a kind smile on, but her eyes were sad, dropping ever so slightly despite her cheeks forcing them upwards. She gave March 7th a weak pat on the shoulder and turned around to turn off the ship. Once the depressurization was complete, both of them exited the spacecraft and unloaded March 7th’s bags from the truck. Kafka insisted on carrying the luggage to the next room, where they were greeted by the tiny conductor of the Astral Express, flailing their ears excitedly at the sight of March 7th. “You’re here! You’re back! Pom-Pom’s so happy to see you, March!” The rabbit-like creature hugged March 7th’s leg tightly, their long ears still dancing as if they had a life of their own. “Pom-Pom missed you so much! The Express isn’t the same without you!” “Oh, Pom-Pom, March missed you, too! I hope you’ll fill me in later over tea!” March 7th dropped to her knees to hug the creature back, patting the top of their exaggerated conductor’s hat. “You can be sure of it!” Pom-Pom jumped happily and smiled widely. “Oh, and hello Miss Kafka. Welcome back aboard the Astral Express.” They crossed their ears behind their back and looked up to the woman through the hat’s visor. “Thank you, Pom-Pom. March talked an awful lot about you while back on the ground, I’m sure you two will have plenty to catch up on.” Kafka gave the creature a sincere smile and nodded slightly, dropping the luggage by the door. She sighed as she turned her back to the pair still happily chit-chatting, trying her best to stay composed and fighting the urge to run away, hide back on the ground and not face the inevitable reunion that should soon happen. Before Kafka could soothe her worries, the echoes of heels clicking along the glassy floor of the train grew louder, coming to a halt when the doors of the landing complex opened to reveal the Astral Express' very own navigator, long black coat framing her figure, hanging from her shoulders and partially covering the cream colored dress underneath. "Mom!" March 7th jumped to her feet and ran into her mom's arms, squeezing her tightly. She stood on tiptoe in an attempt to match their heights while Himeko stroked her hair gently, adoration in her eyes. "My darling, how are you? Was the trip ok?" Himeko hugged her daughter once more, caressing her cheek softly. "Can't wait to see all your photographs later." "It was okay, mom. I'll tell you everything during dinner!" March 7th smiled widely, her eyes turning into crescents. “But… it didn’t work.” She sighed and looked down at her feet, resting her forehead on her mom’s shoulder. “I see…” Himeko bit her lower lip and squeezed her daughter’s arms lightly. “Don’t worry, I’ll settle it. Why don’t you and Pom-Pom take your luggage to your room to unpack so we can get ready for lunch?”  “Okay…” March 7th smiled once more, weaker this time, and turned around to call for the rabbit-like creature, asking for their help in carrying the smaller bag to the passengers’ car. Kafka stood in place, frozen by her anxiety and unable to look directly at Himeko, her eyes searching for a place to land. But Himeko approached her from across the room once their daughter had bid them farewell, her hands crossed behind her back. “Kafka. I’d like to talk to you in private, if you can spare the time.” “Ah, yes.” Kafka finally lifted her gaze from the marble floor to lock eyes with Himeko, feeling golden irises pierce right through her, leaving her disarmed and exposed. “Of course.” “Right, follow me then.” The clicking of heels echoed once again as Himeko guided their way to a room in the next car. "What is it?" Kafka inquired once the doors had closed behind her, looking around the suite that often times appeared to her at night, in dreams and nightmares alike. "It's about March," Himeko stopped by the couch, shedding her black coat and laying it atop the cushions. "She's upset." Kafka swallowed hard. "Upset with what?"  A heavy sigh reverberated through the room, and Kafka knew what this was about.  "Don't... don't act like you don't know," Himeko pinched the bridge of her nose. "Or maybe you actually don't. I honestly don't know which one is worse." She took a deep breath before sitting on the couch's armrest, crossing her legs. "March is upset with you, Kafka." "I..." Words fell short, caught in her throat. "I know." Her hands closed into fists, fingernails digging the soft skin of her palms and pressing red crescents. "Great! What do you plan to do about it, then?" Sarcasm coated her words, the bitter bite in her tone punched the air out of Kafka's lungs. "You'll keep ignoring her? Going away for two, three days without giving her an explanation? Acting like you don't even have a daughter?" Himeko looked at her through ginger lashes, her eyes sharp on the edges and communicating something Kafka couldn't decipher. "No, I..." She didn't have an excuse for her behaviour. She was well aware of all the ways in which she failed March 7th, but it was a never-ending cycle: her own hurt kept her from forming an actual bond with one of the people she loved most, which in turn amplified the rift already present between them, alienating both in their own sorrow and bringing their relationship to an edge. "You what, Kafka? You're sorry? That's not enough. March is growing up to think I'm the only one she has. She told me this was your last chance, that if these 3 weeks didn't work out, she doesn't want to go to Belobog anymore." Himeko's face was dull, her golden eyes darkened with each word. That sight and the confirmation of her fears made Kafka's mind go blank. Her legs suddenly felt weak and unable to support her weight. The fisted hands were now gripping at the edge of the table beside her. Himeko stood up, feeling a mix of anger and sadness burn through her. She took short steps around the room, coming to a halt in front of a big window, the stardust like a blanket over the blue immensity of the universe beyond them. "But... I tried. I try , Himeko." Kafka began, pushing the sounds past the knot in her throat, almost choking on the uncertainty of her words. "She's a wonderful girl and I love her, I love her so much... but she's just—" A pause, a hesitation, a fear. "She's just... you." Her fiery ginger hair snapped back when she turned, brows furrowed and arms crossed. Her chest heaved up and down as she took deep breaths.  "She's you, Himeko. The way she acts, the way she speaks, how she picks at her food when she's bored, the way she leaves her toothbrush on the sink, even how she tiptoes around puddles of melted snow when we walk around town, they are all you." Kafka swallowed again; if not now, when would she be able to say this again? To try and justify unforgivable mistakes. "And I think... that's too much for me. To see you in her like that. To be reminded of you when we first met, and of what I lost." "What you lost? Do you think we walked away unscathed? That you're the only one hurting? I can't believe how selfish you are." Himeko scoffed, the edge of her words cutting right through Kafka’s skin.  “That’s rich. I wasn’t the one to flee to space, Himeko. You wanted to come aboard the Express and see the universe, and that would break everything—” Her hands flailed around, trying to express more than what her words could convey, the frustration of failed attempts at reconciliation and understanding, of how much they were willing to give up for the future of their relationship—of their family. “And you… You couldn’t drop Elio. You couldn’t see how being a hunter put our family at risk, and you clearly still don’t. Do you know how worried I get when March is with you? How I flinch at every minute that ticks by when she takes too long to answer?” Tears flickered under the lights as they pooled at the corners of her eyes, her nose turning a dusty pink, giving away the emotions she’d been trying to conceal. “Do you know how much of my sleep is wasted wondering if you are okay, if you’ve had enough to eat, if you’re getting a decent night’s sleep,” Kafka wasn’t sure if that applied to March 7th anymore. “If you’re alive—” Himeko couldn’t stop the sob that spilled out of her lips at the thought. She brought a hand up to cover her mouth and her eyes darted to the gauze wrapped around Kafka’s ring finger, concealing the place that once housed a symbol of their love, now covered and hidden away. “Himeko…” Kafka moved instinctively, reaching out for Himeko and placing a hand on her waist, hovering circles over the fabric. Her other hand brushed against Himeko’s flushed cheek, the tears she’d been keeping at bay finally spilling from the corners of her eyes as she shut them tightly, trailing down to her chin, where Kafka wiped them clean and caressed the soft skin there with her thumb. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around Himeko, bringing their bodies together into a familiar shared warmth both thought was long gone, rubbing her back in circular motions to try and soothe the whimpers escaping from Himeko. It had been too long since they’ve touched —too long since they’ve been in each other’s embrace, the drums of their heartbeats resounding within the other, their skin becoming liquid at every point of contact, urging for more; the comfort inside their little universe incomparable to anything else in this or any other world. So Himeko hugged her back, tightly, tugging at Kafka’s plum jacket and allowing herself to lay her head on Kafka’s shoulder, her tears leaving small stains along the hems of the fabric. They stayed like that for a while, perhaps more than what they’d like to admit to themselves, allowing themselves to soak in this rare moment of vulnerability, something that was lost after their separation. Kafka continued to caress Himeko’s back, bringing a hand up to run it along ginger strands of hair.  Himeko surrendered to the comfort of being held, unable to move away and stop the stream of tears still cascading across her cheeks. She felt sorry, too. She knew it was unfair to blame Kafka entirely for what led to their rupture—Kafka’s role in the Stellaron Hunters was a delicate one, and she knew leaving that organization behind wasn’t something one simply does, not if Elio had any say it; that if Kafka just left, perhaps the consequences of it would put them straight into danger’s way, compared to the collateral damage Kafka’s current line of work offers them. And she knew calling Kafka selfish was a double-edged sword, because she, too, ran away. As much as she wished it was as simple as pointing fingers and depositing blame on Kafka, whenever her words cut through Kafka, they cut her from inside-out too, the guilt at having embarked on the Astral Express with March 7th and leaving their life behind still eating away at her, weakening the bold facade she built after their separation, making her afraid that someday it’ll all just crumble away.  Kafka squeezed Himeko’s waist, shifting slightly and forcing Himeko to look up at her, eyes red and cheeks wet. Himeko tugged at Kafka’s hand, glancing at the bandage around her finger. “It’s just a small cut. I tried assembling sandwiches for March before leaving and the knife slipped while I sliced tomatoes.” A prompt explanation came as Kafka followed Himeko’s eyes. “It’s okay, I’m okay.” Her hand now cupped Himeko’s cheek, who leaned into the gesture, closing her eyes for a split moment before joining their foreheads. Their breaths mingled together and Himeko brought a hand up, thumb brushing against Kafka’s lower lip, making her swallow hard, hand resting over Himeko’s waist once again before Kafka could even process it. Her eyes closed shut and Himeko watched as her shoulders moved slightly, a shiver running down her spine and pooling at the pit of her stomach. “Kafka…” Himeko whispered, fingers now on Kafka’s chin, tilting her head upward and capturing Kafka’s lips on her own. Her hands held Kafka’s face as she pressed closer, fear spreading in her ribcage for the second where Kafka didn't reciprocate, but soon enough Kafka’s hand squeezed Himeko’s waist in surprise and her lips moved in rhythm with Himeko’s, her tongue hesitantly nudging at the seam of Himeko’s lips, asking for permission, being greeted with Himeko’s own tongue guiding her inside, exploring her mouth as if it was an unknown place. When Kafka pulls away, they’re both breathless, desire overwhelming their senses, minds reeling over the unexpected kiss but urging for more, the matters of whether or not it was appropriate seemingly unimportant as Himeko slowly walked them over to the couch, kissing Kafka again, fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of her neck, loose from her ponytail. As Himeko’s knees hit the edge of the sofa, Kafka turned them around, breaking their connection and sitting amongst the plush indigo cushions. Her lips moved soundlessly, trying to formulate a word, a sentence—a question, but it was futile; her mind was hazy and all her attention was upon the woman in front of her, the overhead lights tracing her figure and casting a shadow over Kafka. Himeko’s face was partially covered, her expression a mix of uncertainty and desperation, knowing they shouldn’t do this, not after so long, not after everything. But if Kafka questioned her, it’ll all fall apart, so she brought a finger to Kafka’s lips, running it along the edges of her mouth while bunching the fabric of her dress up to straddle Kafka’s lap. Kafka brushed her thumb over Himeko’s cheek before bringing their lips together again, her other hand running up and down Himeko’s thighs, electricity coursing through her body and heightening the flames spreading in her core. The kiss itself wasn’t rushed, but slow and passionate, in contrast with their hands, gripping at each other, seeking for the contact of flesh on flesh, for anything that burned through their skin and sent waves of repressed feelings across their bodies. Kafka’s hand now dove underneath the skirt of the dress, splayed across her thigh and inching up, squeezing Himeko’s ass, causing a moan to be stifled between their lips.  Fingers still played with Kafka’s hair—arms resting atop her shoulders for support—and pulling at the little strands when their kiss was broken, Kafka’s lips now dragging along Himeko’s cheek and jawline, moving to her throat, mouthing at the skin there, licking down to her clavicle and sucking the flesh. Himeko’s mouth hung open, forbidden from spilling out any sounds but weak whimpers, deathly afraid of being overheard by people walking around the Express. Her nails dug at the skin on Kafka’s neck and her hips moved slowly at every squeeze of Kafka’s hand, grinding against her thighs. “Himeko… Can I?” Kafka breathed hot against her skin, tugging at the zipper on the back of Himeko’s dress with her free hand, already starting to pull it down; but by the time Himeko nodded in response, Kafka had already unzipped the garment and began pushing it down Himeko’s arm, revealing a white laced bra around her back, framing her delicate muscles as the cream colored fabric slipped away. Soon enough, the dress was on the floor, leaving Himeko’s pale skin exposed to the chilly air inside the suite. Kafka’s hands were splayed over her back, delicate fingers pressing against her skin and holding her closer, pressing kisses to her cleavage, shivers rushing under her skin at every point of contact between them. Himeko pushed Kafka back onto the couch, earning a small protest from her. She started undoing the buttons of her white button-up—Kafka had raised a hand to stop her, but Himeko was quicker, flicking Kafka’s hand away—revealing black lingerie and bruised skin, scars disrupting the flesh under her chest and shoulders.  Her eyes widened, taking in a deep breath as her fingertips traced along the marks on Kafka's skin, tears threatening to gather at the edges of her vision once more. Some of the bruises were recent, red and purple blots stained her skin in irregular shapes; others were yellowish and faint, turning Kafka’s defined abdomen into a watercolour of ecchymosis.  Kafka looked at her intently, a chill spreading in her chest, unsure of what to say, or of what Himeko was thinking in that moment as she scanned her bruised skin with her golden eyes. Her hands caressed Himeko’s body as they traveled from her back to her thighs, moving up to meet Himeko’s, intertwining their fingers and bringing them up to her lips. “You don’t have to worry—” She began, whispering gently against their hands. “Don’t…” Himeko shook her head. It didn’t matter, because she’d always worry. And Kafka knew that—she knew Himeko loved her still, just as her love for Himeko hasn’t dimed in the slightest, rattling inside her ribcage, aching as the unspoken words toppled each other in her lungs with nowhere to go, choking in her throat as they attempt to escape. Himeko inhaled sharply. Doubt flew over her head for a split second before she decided she wanted this, and maybe that was selfish of her, to yearn for such thing given their situation, knowing very well Kafka wouldn’t deny her, but she leaned in to kiss Kafka again before her mind could rationalize this any further, drinking on Kafka’s lips and relishing at the rush of warmth that spread through her body and lit the pit at the bottom of her stomach. Their lips danced slowly, hands once again gripping at Himeko's waist, propping her up to shift their position, laying her gently on the couch. Kafka discarded her jacket and button-up, her chest heaved as her lungs filled with air, acutely aware of her body and the history it carried, now fully exposed before Himeko's gaze—but her body has always borne a heavy past on itself. Himeko thought of the first time she had a glimpse of it, stealing a glance as they changed facing away from each other, a long scar drawing a line of smooth flesh from her scapula to the small of her back. Small bruises and burn marks accompanied it, piecing together a rather unsettling picture on her skin. One elbow supported Kafka’s weight above Himeko, her other hand cupping Himeko’s cheek, thumb caressing her skin lovingly. Himeko, in turn, wrapped her hands around Kafka’s neck, pulling her closer and pressing a kiss to the bridge of her nose, the planes of her cheek, the corners of her mouth. She shifted her attention to Kafka’s jaw, licking up to her ear and whispering, almost inaudible, “Touch me.” Kafka’s breath caught in her throat at the request; she would happily oblige, unable to refuse her, but she’d tread carefully, slowly, she knew Himeko could change her mind at any moment and she would respect whatever path she decided to follow—now, though, Himeko wants to be touched, and Kafka’s hand moved on its own, trailing down until it met the hem of her lingerie. Flames roared in her core feeling Kafka’s fingers approach her clit, hips bucking involuntarily, seeking friction. Kafka teased, fingers grazing the fabric around her folds without touching where Himeko needed her most, drawing circles around her center with a featherlight touch. "Don't—don't test me." Himeko growled against Kafka's cheek, dragging her lips until they met hers, biting and kissing and allowing herself to let go . That was enough to make Kafka's hand dive under Himeko's lingerie and slick her fingers with her wetness, pressing against her clit lightly and moving in circular motions. Hearing Himeko moaning and panting under her again seemed surreal, the sounds wrapping themselves around Kafka’s mind and trickling down her spine; her free hand cupped Himeko’s breast and teased over the lace, pushing her bra to the side and rolling her nipple between her fingertips, sending waves of pleasure rippling through Himeko, whose mind was reeling between Kafka’s ministrations, helpless as she breathed moans between their lips, a silver of rationality keeping her sounds low.  Kafka pressed a kiss to Himeko’s lips before shifting her attention to Himeko’s other breast, taking it in her mouth and tonguing at the pink bud, licking circles around her areola and sucking the skin gently.  Himeko felt her high coming close and pushed Kafka away from her chest, earning a confused look from her, but her fingers continued to rub against her clit, their pace increasing as they locked eyes, almost sending her over the edge. “Sit.” Her hand reached out for Kafka’s arm to stop her ministrations, pushing her against the sofa once again. “What—” Kafka obeyed, eyebrows furrowed as she resumed her previous position and observed Himeko prop herself up on her elbows and take a deep breath. She’d be frustrated if this was all, but she’d respect Himeko nonetheless. But Himeko had no intention to stop, straddling Kafka’s lap once more after discarting her underwear, completely exposed only for Kafka, her pale skin glowing under the lights, enhancing the freckles that dotted her shoulders. She took Kafka’s hand and brought it back to her center, leaning down to whisper against the shell of her ear, “In me.” Kafka’s breath hitched and her fingers hovered Himeko’s entrance, coating them in her slick before slowly pressing two digits inside, thrusting in and out carefully while her thumb grazed her clit. Himeko tasted hints of blood on her tongue, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth to stop moans from spilling out, the feeling of Kafka’s fingers inside of her, curling against her walls, overwhelming every single one of her senses, her eyes shut tightly as her mind reminisced countless other times where they’ve been in this situation, when Kafka would get a few days’ worth of a break from work and she’d hold Himeko at night and wake her up with a gentle kiss, slowly escalating to something more; or back when Kafka convinced her to skip class at the academy to hook up at some empty room in the top floor, her sly smile and smooth voice disarming Himeko with every word; hands linked, Kafka’s arm around her waist making it impossible for her protest to sound convincing. And despite her reputation, Kafka has always been gentle with Himeko, even in small encounters like this, kissing the back of her hand, pressing kisses below her ear and whispering ‘I need you to be quiet now, baby.’ before licking into Himeko’s mouth with ease, hands under her thighs to lift her up, slowly positioning her on a vacant desk, fingers caressing her side until they met the band of her shorts, slipping inside and fingering her in a pace that was already too familiar. Nails dug the skin on Kafka’s back, leaving red lines as they scratched over the muscle. The kisses that dotted her chest and shoulders made Himeko shiver, feeling her body tense up, riding Kafka’s fingers towards her release while tears trailed down her cheeks, falling helplessly from the corner of her eyes. Himeko pulled Kafka’s hair to force her to look up, breathing a rushed ‘Kiss me.’ and erasing their distance before Kafka could react to Himeko’s tear stained face. A cry was stifled between their lips as Himeko came on Kafka’s fingers. Her body shook through the waves of her orgasm, arms wrapped around Kafka’s neck for support until she was spent, joining their foreheads together to allow room for air. Kafka looked at the light reflected on Himeko’s cheek, instinctively bringing her free hand up to wipe the tears away, guilt sprouting in her chest knowing she’d made Himeko cry again. She slowly removed her fingers from Himeko and sighed, unsure of what to do now. “I’m fine.” Himeko started, leaning onto the touch, her chest still labouring the air through her lungs as she recomposed herself. “It was… great. I just—yeah,” She took a deep breath. “Thank you.” Her voice shook with a shrill by the last syllable and Kafka quickly wiped her fingers on her pants and hugged Himeko tightly. “I’m sorry. I love you.” The words just fell out of Kafka’s lips before she could stop them, the weight of them like a rock crushing down on her and the illusion she tried to build of a life where she could be genuinely happy without Himeko and March 7th by her side. “Kafka…” Tears continued to roll down her cheeks, face hidden on the crook of Kafka’s neck, begging her mind to stop reminding her of times long gone. “I—I should go. You need to check on March, and Silver Wolf is probably wondering why I haven’t signalled my return yet.” Kafka cleared her throat but her hands couldn’t let go of Himeko, holding her soundly, lovingly, as if that act alone could make up for all the things that went wrong. “Hm—” Himeko squeezed her eyes shut, hands balling into fists behind Kafka’s back; ‘or you could stay, have lunch with us, be there for your daughter—be there for me.’ “Yeah… I—I need to check on a few things b-before lunch and—” A hard swallow. “And help March and…” “Okay.” Kafka forced herself to let go, her spine straightening and moving away from Himeko, a chill spreading through her body. Her hands gripped gently at Himeko’s waist to settle her on the couch. She collected her button-up and jacket, quickly putting them back on, and sighed heavily, stealing one last glance at Himeko—eyes and nose red, tears, though fewer, still painting her face in colourless streams, golden eyes once again communicating something Kafka couldn't decipher, or perhaps deliberately didn’t, for the sake of them both, fingertips brushing against her lips as she sat on the sofa nude—before feeling her boots dragging her across the glassy floor towards the door. “The code—” “It’s the same.” Kafka chuckled humorlessly and entered the familiar sequence of numbers on the pad, the doors sliding open with a ding. It was as though she’d been hit by an inexplicable force, body aching with each step, a bothersome feeling on her unattended cunt and a searing pain blooming in her chest and begging to be let out, but Kafka refused, her nails pressing red crescents into her palms until she reached the landing complex. Once inside the ship, Kafka breathed out what felt like the weight of a galaxy on her shoulders, tears running down her cheeks without resistance as the cabin lit up and sounds echoed in the distance, her mind replaying moments on the back of her eyelids: first time she saw Himeko, she’d dismissed her. Kafka had just arrived at the academy and rumors about her being a good-for-nothing orphan from the Underworld with connections to a dangerous faction were already spreading amongst the students, many of them avoiding Kafka altogether, sneering about how she got lucky to enroll there, but that the academy was no place for thugs. She didn’t mind, though. It kept people at a comfortable distance and prevented questions to which she did not have the answers. But Himeko insisted. At first it was only her duty as class president to make all new pupils feel welcomed within their institution, seeking after Kafka during her first week to explain how the academy worked, or at least attempt to, for Kafka laughed ironically before Himeko could finish her sentence and walked away, disappearing from Himeko’s sight before she could chase after her. Then she got intrigued—Kafka was like a ghost, cold, distant and solitary; seen only momentarily and fleeing before anyone could reach out. And every time Himeko found her, Kafka managed to escape just outside of her grasp, like liquid slipping away through her fingers. Their first proper encounter happened in the amphitheatre, after Kafka had evaded Himeko for weeks, slightly annoyed and reluctantly curious as to why she was being tirelessly chased by the top student, of all people. She'd been keeping a low profile and staying on campus as little as she could, but she reckoned the countless rumours must've drawn attention, and she assumed sooner or later someone would bother her with it. Kafka had allowed Himeko to find her at last—she’d been practicing her violin when Himeko walked past the stone seats to the center of the stage, watching Kafka’s face at ease as she stroked the strings with her bow, an enchanting melody washing over the both of them amidst the pink hues that graced the afternoon sky. When Kafka opened her eyes, Himeko had a serene smile on her lips, arms crossed over her chest and slowly approaching the middle of the stone floor, taking carefully calculated steps as if Kafka could disappear at any moment, and she’d be sure to catch her this time. But Kafka stayed, and Himeko felt victorious, finally reaching out for her and grasping at something tangible—something real. First time they kissed was far from perfect. Kafka had been going through a rough semester at the academy for reasons she refused to share with Himeko, who also saw a decline in her academic performance: her days filled with worry and anger, desperately trying to help someone who refused it at every turn, leaving no room to mull over textbooks or spare time to spar with dummies on the training grounds. It all culminated in one of their biggest fights up until that point. Himeko had cornered Kafka and demanded answers, but she kept her lips tight, barely saying a word as Himeko’s voice filled her dorm, every word threatening to overturn the tears blurring her vision, hands desperately trying to convey her anguish—her fear at suddenly losing Kafka, if her guesses were anything to go by, the thought of it unbearable, almost paralysing; Himeko couldn't afford to lose anyone else. When Kafka finally did speak, her words knocked the air of out of Himeko’s lungs, the tears finally cascading down her cheeks in disbelief, hearing Kafka say that this didn’t mean anything to her, that her problems were hers alone and she didn’t need someone poking their nose on her business; that she’d be better off alone. “Look at me, Kafka. Look at me and tell me to leave and I will.” Hurt seeped into her words, voice barely coming out through the knot in her throat. Eyes fixed on Kafka, praying that she wouldn't, begging for her words to not carry any truth, only fear in disguise. Kafka opened her mouth, but closed it as her own voice failed her, eyes darting over the back of the room, behind Himeko, but missing her.  Himeko kneeled in front of Kafka and reached out for her hands, bringing them to her forehead, “I love you, Kafka. And I know this is hard for you, to be loved, but you are. And I know deep down you love me too. So please… Please let me in.” And for the first time, Himeko saw Kafka cry. Icy tears silently ran across her cheeks when Himeko looked up, eyes focused on her and tugging at their hands to bring Himeko up, arms latching onto her body to bring her close, low sobs muffled against Himeko’s ginger hair. “Look at me.”  Dread spread through Kafka’s chest as she unburied her face from Himeko’s neck to meet her eyes, soft, caring, forgiving— Kafka almost couldn’t bear it. A small smile softened Himeko’s expression, her hand caressing Kafka’s cheek, trying to soothe the tears still falling from her purple eyes. Slowly, she leaned in to meet Kafka’s lips, allowing space for her to refuse the gesture if it was too much; but she let Himeko kiss her, and she found herself kissing her back, parting her lips and granting Himeko passage, chasing after newly discovered feelings blooming in her chest, holding Himeko tightly, desperately searching for warmth and comfort, asking for forgiveness against her mouth. One last memory breached into Kafka’s mind, presenting itself as picture-perfect but far from reach, perhaps impossible to ever exist again but inside her ribcage, still evoking the same feelings from years ago, but now resulting in an unbearable pain: it was the first time she’d heard Himeko’s vows. It hadn’t been the last, Himeko reciting them to her whenever their issues seemed to overshadow their happiness, hands cradling Kafka’s face and reminding her of the oath they took together. But hearing Himeko so sincerely declaring her love for Kafka despite everything, against all the people that advised her differently from the very beginning, through the years and all the hardships, promising that they’d stay together, always by each other’s side, through anything, and that she didn’t know herself outside this universe they’d created for themselves—dressed in white, flowers dancing in the air as they fell from their branches and made their way onto Himeko's hair, adorning her red mane and creating a heavenly image forever framed by tenderness in her mind—made Kafka feel like she had finally found a home, like for the first time in her life she found a place where she could truly belong and feel safe. And she destroyed that home. Because the last time she’d heard those vows, Himeko told her, with just as much certainty as her promises had on that day, that this was over, and the damage done was already unfixable. With one last sigh, Kafka wiped her tears with the sleeves of her jacket and entered the familiar 4-digit code upon the central screen, engines powering up and launching her up into the unknown cosmos, restless as she made the journey back to a lifeless home and a lonely life she’d brought upon herself; the only solace streaming from the knowledge that Himeko also held onto that little sequence of numbers—perhaps out of nostalgia, or out of hope—their wedding day.
you are the right one
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Nanook/Yaoshi (Honkai: Star Rail)
Nanook (Honkai: Star Rail), Yaoshi (Honkai: Star Rail)
Rivals With Benefits, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, Implied Sexual Content, Making Out, Kissing, Nonbinary Character, Established Relationship, Not Canon Compliant, Intimacy, No word can explain their relationship, They're polar opposites but complementary, They should and probably do want the other to die, But there's not one without the other, Oh and they kiss, Somehow friends enemies lovers and rivals all at the same time
['Augurst', 'PlutoxX_XxFaerie', 'Volcrea', 'anxnmvs', 'FearsomefigureT9', 'queen_of_asgard', 'Iluvfrenchfriesverymuch', 'leafcereal', 'Syn1010', 'Zoelsu', 'astrum_luctisonus', 'Wenning', 'xNekox', 'EEAU', 'heavenlyheart', 'isolatedsystems', 'SioDemon', 'Xx_Shinigami_san_xX', '404_606', 'lucupid', 'Neptune_BlueJewel', 'Liana56', 'Your_demon', 'Lillybelle23', 'midnightafternoon', 'My_digital_footprint_man', 'Tve', 'izushee', 'RedKrill', 'Fenny1117', 'awinita', 'Eirian99', 'CeciliaDN', 'timefliessbye', 'Dazai_No_Longer_Human', 'iceymoulin', 'Thousand_sins_and_one_good_deed', 'Azure_Dawnstar', 'Iluvcwn_3', 'lovelyribbons', 'HatchlingsSs', 'Emil_LovesYou', 'lil_de_moon', 'rosequarter', 'webdings', 'Esmeray_Frappe', 'Lamaya_21', 'Revantio', 'Volhenok', 'halficinghalfcakeFULLABOMINATION']
Sometimes, even Aeons tire of their pursuits. Sometimes even Aeons relent and succumb to the parts of themselves which have been corrupted by mortal frailty. In these times of fragility, who else would be better to witness that decline but one of their own kind? "Is that really what you think?" Yaoshi withdrew from the kiss with a chuckle, amusement painted all over their face, yet not letting go of Nanook's face. They rested back against the grass they had been laying on, golden hair framing their face like a halo, or endless fields of wheat, and presented so readily like an offering. The sudden movement had their veil fall over their face, giving the other Aeon nothing but the small peek of a mysterious smile. With a huff, Nanook raised the hand that had been grabbing onto Yaoshi's hip to lift the veil again, revealing the curiously fond wrinkles at the corner of the god of peace's eyes. "You think this is decline?" The god of destruction did not deign to answer, instead closing the small gap between their lips again. The hand that had lifted Yaoshi's veil moved to cup their face, almost gently caressing the soft cheek with a rough thumb. They hungrily swallowed the chuckle that escaped Yaoshi's warm mouth, shifting ever so slightly to drag their teeth over the pale Aeon's bottom lip, almost nicely asking for access. Humming lowly, Yaoshi obediently parted their lips and closed their eyes, melting into the kiss even more as they let Nanook's teeth and tongue and lips ravage them. Yaoshi tasted of wine and fruit, the white-haired Aeon mused, the sweetest to ever be. The taste was dizzying and addicting, and it made warmth pool in their belly, burning hotter than any star. The overwhelming feeling of Yaoshi's many hands roaming over their body, squeezing and caressing bare dark skin, only made the warmth grow more unbearable until Nanook finally pulled away. "Ehe." Nanook leaned into the soft hands that cupped their face, closing their eyes at the pleasant contact, while Yaoshi laughed to themselves. "You think this is fragility? Deterioration?" "... You're chatty today." The Destruction grunted before leaning closer to bury their face into their lover's neck, softly nipping and sucking at the pale skin that smelled of flowers. Under them, Yaoshi parted their legs a little more around their waist, allowing for further closeness. In response, Nanook shifted their hands to grasp onto the pale, slim thighs, squeezing them lightly. "Am I not allowed to be?" The Abundance ran a hand through Nanook's pale, soft locks. "You're an interesting person, and I enjoy our talks." "Well, I do not." They grunted, but the words had no poison and they just pressed another kiss on Yaoshi's neck, slowly trailing down to their collarbone, then sternum. The fire in their belly had only grown worse and when they lifted their gaze to meet the other Aeon's, they must have looked desperate, because Yaoshi simply smiled and nodded, one pair of hands moving to help undo their light robes. "Go on." It was all the confirmation Nanook needed to trail lower; from Yaoshi's breasts, to their stomach, to finally their clothed crotch. The fire was now so intense it was like burning alive. "But after this..." Yaoshi sighed happily when Nanook lowered their head between their thighs. "You owe me a long conversation." Sure, Nanook thought. And if this was decline, then they found they did not hate it too much.
Flower crown
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, short fic, i'm going to be off for 2 weeks bc of my cousins, a miracle if i post a fanfic
['MW_Patata', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'FenrirV1', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Whrlingx', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'Zenguinie', 'Wali', 'Korablick', 'Muppener']
Thanks korablick for filling my head with ideas ''Hey Bron, come here!'' Seele called out to Bronya ''Hm?'' Seele then placed Blanket Flower crown on Bronya's head ''It looks good on you!'' Seele said as she places a kiss on Bronya's cheek as Bronya blushed so hard that she could swear that she is becoming like a tomato ''Pfft! Your face is so red, Bron!'' Seele teased as she pecked Bronya on the lips then patted Bronya ''T-Thanks for the flower crown, Seele'' Bronya spoke out, she could feel her heart beating out loud as if it's going to explode, man she must have been so inlove with Seele. A whole day passed, and Bronya didn't took it off and did all her meetings and work with it on. Seele finished her work at the underworld and came back and still saw Bronya wearing the flower crown, she felt so inlove and happy that Bronya's still wearing it and hadn't took it off It was late already and both of them's in bed ''Ya really like my flower crown that much,huh?'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the forehead as she took off the flower crown from bronya's head and placed it on the nightstand ''Mhm'' Bronya replied as she snuggled against Seele ''Hey come on, stay awake for abit more would ya?'' Seele spoke out as she carried Bronya by the armpits and carried her to be above her ''Mmngh, place me down, Seele. I'm tired, please?'' Bronya asked, then Seele placed Bronya down on her body as Bronya curled up and fell asleep on Seele's body while hugging Seele's arm ''Work must've been hard?'' Seele said as she ran her fingers through Bronya's hair as Bronya let out a 'mhm' which means yes
Issues with life and why does she care for me so much?
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, a little bit fluff, tysm korablick for being my grammarly cries, explodes, flies, melts
['MW_Patata', 'jaysmanuscript', 'D33JAYYY', 'FenrirV1', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Peri_Peri', 'andreacen', 'augpt', 'Kotofeila', 'SertaMortis', 'new_watch', 'Haifleisch', 'Muppener', 'Korablick']
Warning : Pills P@r@c3t@mol mentioned, shutting off from the whole worldKorablick helped me restoring my missing braincells ''Ugh..'' Bronya said as she woke up and sat up on her bed as she rubbed her eyes, as she walked towards the table with a large round mirror as she grabbed the brush from the table and brushed her hair. Bronya's been thinking of cutting her hair shorter since it's not like she even have time to take care of her long hair nowadays, especially with Cocolia gone.. Bronya sighed as she took a pill of Paracetamol, she doesn't know what's happening to her body, but everything hurts. Easiest way for her to solve it is to just take a pill of paracetamol, it seems to make her not feel much of the pain, as long as it seems to make the pain disappear she doesn't care much about it Bronya went to brush her teeth and take a shower to refresh herself, but as always, She feels tired in the inside, It didn't always feels like this until she knew the truth and.. Well Cocolia being gone. Bronya quickly dry herself and dressed herself in her usual silvermane uniform that she wears everyday, she had lots of copies of the uniform anyway. She walked towards her work desk as she stared at the work she has to do before she sat down and started doing her works. It's all the same everyday, paracetamol then coffee if she had the energy to make it, sometimes Seele cooked for her after she finished her works, honestly she just wants to shut down compeletely from the world sometimes. Until Seele suddenly appears infront of her, carrying a plastic bag of foods and put it at an empty space at Bronya's desk ''I haven't seen you eat anything for these past days, when I come back, I better see that you have eaten something from this plastic bag of foods I bought for ya. I don't want you to starve..'' Seele spoke out as she went out to continue her work, not letting Bronya to say anything as she got out of the place. Bronya sighed as she stared at the plastic bag of foods that Seele bought for her, then got back to her work. She swore that she would atleast eat something later. 30 Minutes passed, and she hasn't eaten anything yet. She looked into the plastic bag as she took out a small box that is filled with 4 muffins, she wonders how she's gonna finish it, but she slowly eats it as she does her work. She doesn't wanna make Seele sad or mad afterall. It surprisingly took Bronya quite a long time to finish it since her stubborn ass focuses on her work more, but she did finished the 4 muffins. She really gotta thank Seele for getting her all these, she really feel embarrassed at the fact that Seele had to do it for her. ''Hey! I'm back!'' Seele announced her return as she stood beside Bronya, almost causing Bronya to jump off the chair since she was too focused on her work. ''Welcome back, Seele'' Bronya said as she looked at Seele and softly smiled at her. Seele blushed as she saw Bronya smile at her but shook her head, trying to look serious ''Have you eaten anything yet?'' Seele said as she looked around then only saw a box of muffin empty and that she hasn't ate anything else from the plastic bag of foods. ''Bron, you haven't eaten much these days and all you have eaten is only the muffins?? Bron, it's not good for your health, please.'' Seele spoke out as she pulled a chair and moved it to be beside Bronya as she grabbed some apples are are still tightly wrapped in plastic ''Come on, Fruits are good for you!'' Seele said as she used her fingers to take off the plastic wrapper and gave it to Bronya ''Thank You Seele, but I'm full..'' Bronya said as she got back to work ''Hey! I rarely seen you ate and you only ate 4 muffins!'' Seele complained as she went to the kitchen as Bronya sighs as she got back to her work A few minutes around 3 to 5 minutes passed as Seele got back with a small plate with slices of apple and also with a fork as she sat at the chair beside Bronya and stick a piece of apple on a fork as she fed it to Bronya. Bronya opened her mouth as she took the slice of apple into her mouth as she munched on it, then swallowing it ''Say, does it tastes good?'' Seele asked and Bronya gave a happy nod Seele continues feeding Bronya the apple until It's finished ''See? It wasn't that bad was it??'' Seele spoke out as she took the plate and fork to the kitchen and place it on the sink, she'll prob wash it or Bronya when one of them have the time. Seele then return to sit beside Bronya and continue watching Bronya work ''By the way, are you sure you're healthy?'' Seele asked Bronya, someone that worked for the whole day and forgot to eat can be sick too afterall. ''Mhm, I'm fine, Seele. No need to be worried about me'' Bronya said, but she swore that she could feel her chest hurting again, her body suddenly felt weak as she felt quite lightheaded, but she thought It'll just be for a while so she tried not to breath that much for a while. ''Go to Natasha if there's something wrong, I don't want to see you.. ugh.. Just go to Natasha if something's wrong with you!'' Seele said as she looked away from Bronya, she didn't want to lose Bronya when she hasn't got the chance to confess her feelings yet. ''Mhm, I will, Seele. Thank You for looking out after me'' Bronya replied as she blushed, Seele really cares about her that much, huh? Seele's face almost got too red but she took a deep breath, trying not to lose her cool. ''Learn to look after yourself too, idiot!'' Seele exclaimed, she swore to god that she would slap the literal shit out of Bronya due to how Bronya doesn't seem to be taking care of herself well Well, that was it until Bronya suddenly fainted, it was quite late afterall.. Maybe like around 11:30 pm? hmm.. Who knows? ''God damnit Bronya, Why can't you take it seriously when I said to you to take care of yourself?!'' Seele complained as she carried Bronya to Bronya's bedroom, as she took off Bronya's boots and placed it properly on the floor near to the bed and laid Bronya down in the bed. ''You fucking idiot...'' Seele said as she looked around the room, maybe exploring this room for a while won't hurt. Seele looked around Bronya's room, but of course not making a mess, just looking around. ''What the heck? Why didn't she told me anything about this?'' Seele mumbled to herself as she grabbed the paracetamol pills, and looked back at Bronya with worried face. She tried to let go of her thoughts, maybe asking Bronya this question when she wakes up would be a good idea, she sure do hope Bronya doesn't mind Seele sleeping beside her. Seele took off her boots and placed it beside Bronya's and laid herself down as she hugged Bronya, she immediately felt Bronya snuggling against her and wrapped her arms around Seele. Seele wished this moment would last forever, but she got some serious questions to ask Bronya when she wakes up. Warning : Pills P@r@c3t@mol mentioned Warning : Pills P@r@c3t@mol mentioned ''Mmmm'' Bronya whimpered as she woke up, surprised to find Seele beside her, holding her. It felt nice, but she really needed to get to work, even though Seele's grip is quite hard to escape ''Hmm? Already awake?'' Seele spoke out as she looked at Bronya who just woke up ''Yeah, what are you doing here? What happened?'' Bronya asked as she grabbed Seele's arm and hugs it ''You passed out then I was uhm... lazy to go back to the underworld or the room you gave to me, so I just slept beside you, didn't knew you like my presence that much, that right now you are hugging my arm and you were snuggling against me'' Seele spoke out, which caused Bronya to blush as she let go of Seele's arms ''Sorry, that I had to make you do all that, I-I'll go to work now, can you get out for a while?'' Bronya asked as she tried to get out of bed but Seele grabbed her arm ''Bronya, tell me.. please. Does something hurts? Why do you have paracetamol pills there? I told you that you can just share anything to me, but you didn't say anything about the pills!'' Seele spoke out as she glared at Bronya, she was quite angry at Bronya ''Seele.. I... Can we just talk about this later?'' Bronya said as she grabbed a pill and swallow it, then walked to the door of her bedroom to go out to her work desk ''Fine. I better hear some fucking explanation, later.'' Seele spoke out quite loud from anger as she went out of the room with Bronya, but went to the underground while Bronya's at the overworld working. While working, Bronya took a piece of bread from the plastic bag and ate it while working. She took a deep breath, wondering how she will explain everything to Seele, It really felt like she had just broken their trust. ''God damn it, maybe I should've just told her earlier and maybe It wouldn't have turned out like this!'' Bronya mumbled to herself as she couldn't calm her anxious heart down as she continues working About 1 or 2 hours passed, receiving lots of reports and doing her works as she waits for Seele to come back ''Today, there's not much work in the underworld, so yeah I'm back early'' Seele spoke out as she pulled the chair and positioned it to be beside Bronya and sat down on it ''So, how are you feeling?'' Seele asked ''I'm Fine, what about you Seele?'' Bronya replied ''Fine too, but.. Are you sure you're not feeling hurt anywhere at your body?'' Seele asked again but with a sign of worry in her voice ''I'm fine, Seele. No need to worry.'' Bronya replied ''Oh and explain why are you taking those paracetamol pills, can't let your friend missed out an info of your life, would ya?'' Seele spoke out ''Seele, sometimes my body or the inside part just hurts, and the pills seems to you know, made it hurt less'' Bronya explained ''And? You sure the pain isn't from your how you take ''care'' of your self?'' Seele said ''I don't know, and I don't really care that much to know'' Bronya responded as she just continued working Seele then just looked at Bronya with a disappointed face, asking herself how did she even fall inlove with this woman. ''So? Any time to spend with your dear ''friend'' here?'' Seele asked, she was quite looking up to spend time with Bronya Bronya then looked at her work, then at Seele ''I'm almost done, just wait here for a while'' Bronya said as she tried to do her work faster Around 35 minutes passed then Bronya's done with her work, finally bitches. ''You said for a while, but it took almost 1 hour! Where did you get the patient to do your work for hours!'' Seele complained as she laid down on Bronya's lap ''Eh, guess I'm just used to it afterall. Why don't we move to the sofa or the bed? It's not that comfortable for you to lay like that with chairs'' Bronya spoke out, and Seele agreed as they move to the sofa and Seele laid her head down on Bronya's lap as Bronya ran her fingers through Seele's hairs ''Comfortable for ya? Or do you want to move to the bed and cuddle?'' Seele asked ''No need, I'm already comfortable enough like this'' Bronya answered ''Mhmm, Okay!'' Seele said Bronya just continued running her hands through Seele's hair as Seele felt comfortable laying down and resting on Bronya's lap ''Hey Bronya'' Seele called out ''Yeah?'' Bronya reponded ''What about you and me, together?'' Seele said with a smug ''Hm? Well, It doesn't sound bad. I mean, I really like your company, maybe more than others'' Bronya answered ''So, ya wanna be girlfriends with me?'' Seele asked, ready to kiss Bronya passionately ''I- Uhm- Uh- Well- '' Bronya couldn't really say anything out, never really handled this before ''Princess, just say yes or no'' Seele said as she grabbed Bronya's chin making Bronya to look at her face as she sit up and sat on Bronya's lap ''Yes yes yes!'' Bronya spoke out ''There we go'' Seele said as she let out a 'glad she didn't reject me' exhale and placed her lips on Bronya's and make out with her When Seele pulled away, Bronya could swear she almost fainted ''But you also better take care of yourself, Bron.'' Seele said seriously as she switched their position and laid Bronya down and placed her head on Seele's lap as she ran her hands through Bronya's hair ''Mhm, I will, Seele..'' Bronya responded as she got comfortable resting her head on Seele's lap peacefully (Me when... cries)
Bite Marks
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
kinda nsfw, gays, ME WHEN, :((
['MW_Patata', 'ccsjk98', 'Laserwise', 'Rdash13', 'rotigula', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'akxk0108', 'Glaucouss', 'FenrirV1', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'ImaginaryBass', 'jin_04', 'Zenguinie', 'Zonja', 'KatiePuh', 'pastelstuffed', 'kayzen', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Insomniac', 'chichip', 'zainxdumb', 'new_watch', 'CyznPr', 'mizuenator', 'godcats', 'jamjamx', 'Muppener', 'Korablick']
kinda nsfw-18+, go if ur not comfortable Thank you to korablick for giving some ideas to my brain that is fried as heck ''Seele, You really gotta be gentler in bed next time!'' Bronya complained as she was looking at the bite marks Seele left on her body, some might be seen even though quite hard to notice in her silvermane uniform ''Hm? But you kept moaning for me to go harder and for me to mark you so that everyone will know who you belong to, so, I did what you asked'' Seele said as looked at the mirror, looking at the bite marks she left on Bronya ''Must say, I really like seeing my bite marks on your body'' Seele said as she smiled and patted Bronya as Bronya just let out a sigh ''Well, it is making my body ache and sore at the same time'' Bronya said as she just lean onto Seele, as Seele held her so they both won't fall down ''I get it, you're tired, or do you want more~'' Seele spoke out as she slowly lowered herself towards Bronya's shoulder and started leaving a hickey on it as Bronya tried to stop her, but decided not to stop Seele ''See? You chose not to stop me to leave marks!'' Seele exclaimed ''Uh- Hmph.'' Bronya was embarrassed as she could only hide her face on the crook of Seele's neck ''Pfft! Embarrassed?'' Seele teased as she carried Bronya and laid both of them into bed ''No more rounds! We need to get back to work'' Bronya spoke out embarrassed as she got out of Seele's hands and got off the bed, while Seele only frowns ''Spend more time, tonight?'' Seele asked ''Cuddle only?'' Bronya asked in reply ''Sure'' Seele said, for a second she was almost scared that she won't be able to spend more time with Bronya because of her work, but eh.. Bronya would always make time for her afterall, won't she?
to live and let die/to give hope and take life
General Audiences
Gen, Other
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Nanook/Yaoshi (Honkai: Star Rail), Nanook & Yaoshi (Honkai: Star Rail)
Yaoshi (Honkai: Star Rail), Nanook (Honkai: Star Rail)
Not Canon Compliant, First Meetings, Canon Universe, How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard, Pre-Canon, The inherent homoeroticism in being complementary opposites, Not enemies not lovers but a secret third thing, Bickering, Unresolved Tension
['Arty_drawinng', 'Augurst', 'Lotusflower04', 'Volcrea', 'anxnmvs', 'Babyblack69', 'Iluvfrenchfriesverymuch', 'leafcereal', 'Tsukiniro', 'Blaire_Trixie', 'lovers_flowers9', 'Uncle_Karma', 'MinminMolihua', 'TinTynAS', 'uncooked_eggs', 'Wenning', 'xNekox', '29999i', 'Cless13', 'MiztyFan', 'heavenlyheart', 'Xx_Shinigami_san_xX', 'shenjeo', 'webdings', 'lucupid', 'AlyssaChes', 'Liana56', 'Your_demon', 'vietbluefic', 'midnightafternoon', 'My_digital_footprint_man', 'Tve', 'jielle', 'zairmaruErin', 'Lizneedstofuckoff', 'RedKrill', 'oldmenfishing', 'Bailey_Blues', 'w1theredd', 'Malimind', 'Eirian99', 'acrainkranf', 'snowypillows', 'Thousand_sins_and_one_good_deed', 'WitheringWisteria', 'lilivanilla', 'crazybat', 'Azure_Dawnstar', 'HatchlingsSs', 'Emil_LovesYou']
The first time they meet is in some secluded corner of a galaxy that has, by now, probably already succumbed to its own collapse under the natural pressure of incandescent stars and frozen planets. Since Adlivun, this is Nanook's first contact with another sentient being. They do not know how to react, so they ignore the newcomer and keep experimentally pushing various celestial bodies to crash into each other. The swell in their chest feels good, and so they guess this is what they must do. "You..." The stranger's voice sounds so different from Adlivun's wails of agony. It is light and soft, gentle in a foreign way. Nanook decides they do not like it. "Destruction, hm?" Suddenly, Nanook feels thorns and vines writhe by their side, and the newcomer sits down, cradled by the lush vegetation that has no reason to grow in such an inhospitable place, and especially not in the middle of space. "And you..." Nanook's voice, low and gruff, is foreign to themselves, the words the first they have spoken in their existence. And quite a mystery it is, how easily the words come to them, same for the information. The knowledge seems carved in their mind without them even being aware of it being there in the first place. "The Abundance." Yaoshi seems satisfied if the small smile that can be discerned behind their veil is any indication. Nanook just goes back to their ruining of that world after sparing the other Aeon a single glance. Under the simple impulse of their mind, a planet crashes into an asteroid belt, a comet comes flying into a moon, and a massive star swallows it all. Nothing but ruin, chaos, and entropy that fills them with... Yes, satisfaction. "... Why did you come to find me?" They turn to the pale Aeon, whose many eyes were watching the unfolding of destruction with great interest. "You are one of the few of my kin. It is only understandable I would go ahead and greet you." A vine affectionately curls around one of their hands, and the sight of such fragile life lights a bloodlust in Nanook. "Is it not?" "No." Nanook frowns. "It is not. You are the Abundance, and I am the Destruction. Thus, you are my enemy, and I am yours. You, of all, should not be seeking me out." Yaoshi's smile does not falter in the slightest, and they merely raise their eyebrows. "Is that so? That is quite harsh– you know, I am also the god of peace. I have no enemy." "That does not negate the innate oppositions of our natures. As the avatar of entropy, it is my calling to reduce all life to nothingness. Yours is to nurture them. I would expect you to hate me for getting in your way." The Abundance chuckles at that, fondness softening their beautiful features. "A charmingly simple view of things, my dear Nanook. Things are not that black and white, however." With a hum, they reach a hand out to a drifting celestial body, stopping it in its tracks. In a second, an ocean of flowers blooms where there had previously been nothing but craters filled with water following the crash of ice-filled meteorites. "There is only so much space in the universe. If we wish to welcome the new, then we must first go through annihilation. But for annihilation to mean anything, then it also needs something to destroy. Rather than opposites, I would say we are... Complementary. What do you say of that?" Nanook blinks in surprise, gazing at the boundless sea of flowers. But soon enough, they regain their composure, crossing their arms with a low hum. "Think what you will." "Then I look forward to our friendship, my dearest Destruction." ⚜⚜⚜ Death and rebirth. Destruction and Abundance. They've been in this cycle since before the beginnings of time– since Nanook's existence manifested out of a falling world and they had been born the herald of entropy, since their and Yaoshi's existences intertwined, willed by the desires of the Universe, something many would call "Fate". So Nanook isn't surprised when they see pale limbs and a ghostly smile materialize amidst the ruin and chaos. A familiar face, graceful and inhumanely beautiful. Behind them, their monstrous legions mutter and ripple in fear. Of course, Nanook chuckles, give it to Yaoshi to scare even the Antimatter Legions. "Oh my." Yaoshi sounds surprised, and they raise one of their many hands to rest their cheek against it with a thoughtful look. "It seems I'm early this time. Good day, Nanook." It makes the white-haired Aeon scoff in amusement and cross their arms. "Spare me the pleasantries. Here to undo my hard work again?" Yaoshi's back to smiling gently. "You're making me sound so awful. I'm just poking some fun at you. And you have all eternity to try and destroy life, so does it really matter much if I tease you from time to time by reviving the worlds you ruin?" The Aeon of Abundance floats into a sitting position and stretches a few of their hands toward the corpses littering the floor. Under their palms, endless seeds sprout and take root into the torn flesh, mending crushed bones and mangled muscles into what the servants of Lan qualify as Abominations. Nanook knows they shouldn't, but they find it quite beautiful. It reminds them of that first meeting, an eternity ago. They glare at the smiling Aeon, face twisted by a frown. "I do not find this 'fun', no. I'd rather you quit chasing me around." Yet a mocking smirk soon stretches their lips. "Hmph, I recall you do not enjoy Lan chasing you in the same way. What makes you think I do?" "You wound me, Nanook." Yaoshi's pink lips purse in a pout but they do not stop breathing life back into the countless cadavers. "And that is a completely different matter. Lan would shoot me on sight. Nothing like our friendly spats." "Friendly?" Nanook raises their eyebrows in surprise. Yaoshi's pout grows more pronounced yet the words hold no bite. "What, you don't think we're friends? Truly cold, even for you." The next few minutes are only filled with the wails of the wind as the Aeon of Abundance undoes months of the Antimatter Legion's efforts in a mere instant under Nanook's heavy gaze. "Hmph. Quit doing this." Once done watching, they turn their back to their fellow Aeon and head to join their servants. "Next time, I will not be so nice." "So there will be a next time. I look forward to seeing you again, Nanook." Yaoshi's smile haunts them even when they're not looking at them. "Hah, of course there will be, as long as you insist on clinging to me like this. Peace-loving fool... See you." ⚜ Later, when Nanook feels something tickle their temple and they find a flower blooming in their hair, it makes them chuckle. "Really..." They bring it to their lips, notice how the thorns dig into their fingers, and it crumbles away into oblivion. "I'll definitely get you next time."
A Friend
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Male Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail) & Bronya
Male Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail) - Character, Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Found Family, Comfort, Friendship
['OmniMaiMage', 'autumn_ore', 'Naz290', 'Guibboy', 'Habakun', 'Hajime_1', 'NuclearBird', 'BalVerZar', 'Fiugk17', 'xDesk', 'ReverseGhost', 'Kotofeila', 'Qynx', 'Lyria_Locke', 'Celian_17', 'Cereus14', 'St4r1ight', 'Klyle', 'Fujin_Patata', 'KenjiSamba', 'DaOneAndOnly747', 'Lenkasashi', 'CruelSain_t', 'frostycryo', 'twiceinthesky', 'MrWolfyWifi', 'ZombieLisa', 'MeteorGarden', 'Aqzer', 'DilaraAki']
It was a few days before the humble group of Trailblazers was set to leave Javrillo IV. Though it wouldn’t hurt to sight see and take in the views they missed after the whole episode, they had run away from this planet’s government and also be a hero in the eyes of only a few who really knew.   March was running about stall after stall, seeing whatever little knick-knacks she could buy and give to the people back on the train. Dan Heng was at his normal stoic and silent self again; he asked permission from Bronya if he could look at some books from the palace archive. Fortunately, she agreed to this request because she knew he wasn't going to do anything harmful in the short time they met. Which leaves us with the newest member, Y. Though it was only a short time being part of the crew, he seemingly fit in with everyone in a short time. So what was this Stellaron vessel doing? "Ok, I’ll help you find your mom; don't worry," he said with a soothing smile to a crying boy. It was the right thing to do after all; it was his own choice to help, and he kind of feels happy helping others. As he held the boy's arm, looking around to try and reconnect the lost child with his mother. The search was futile until "Y?" The new Guardian of Javrillo IV, Bronya Rand "Oh Bronya, are you doing your rounds?" He said with a bit of a sweat drop as the silver-haired girl eyed him before eyeing the kid. "What are you doing?" He explained everything about how he was helping the lost child return safely to his own mother. So when Bronya asked a guard with her communicator, they indeed reported that a parent was looking for her child back in the guards headquarters. So the two went there to safely reunite the lost child. As soon as they were just a little over the corner from the headquarters, a woman who seemed worried and frantic looked around the place. "Mama!" The kid came running to embrace his mother. The scene was touching, to say the least, but it also felt like seeing that scene made Y have a small yearning. "Thank you so much," the heartfelt gratitude given to Y was something he was accustomed to by now. As the parent and child slowly walk away into the city’s bustling streets. "It was kind of you to help." Bronya said as they faced each other. "It was the least I could do," but his face still seemed a bit confused. "Is something wrong?" Bronya inquired about the friend she made. "Just a bit curious, that’s all." This seems to make Bronya smile a little. "I wouldn’t mind answering if you asked?" Y braced himself a bit, though Bronya said she was open to answering anything. Maybe it was a gut feeling, or maybe the question was a bit insensitive. "What is it like to have a mother?" The question caught Bronya off guard a little bit, since her very own one filled her head with lies. Despite that, if it was a genuine question, she could perhaps answer the more positive sides she had growing up. "It has been something I have held close to me. The times where the simple comfort of her touch was something I yearned for I know what she did is something we can’t truly forgive. But I am still her child; deep inside, I still miss and love her." She said it in a heartfelt way. Y can see it in her eyes that despite Cocolia’s revelation and ending, she was still a person who raised and took in Bronya. "So that's how it feels?" "Can I ask why you asked such a question?" He knew this was going to happen, especially for the ever-strict Bronya. "I guess it’s because I never had a mother." The trailblazer never had a mother—well, the real definition of a mother." In a book I read, they said that the first person they see when they are born should be their mother". He then took a small breath and said, "But the first person I saw soon left within minutes; we managed to talk, but everything was still hazy.". If he thinks about that again, the face of a woman with purple hair always comes to mind. They say that the first face a baby imprints will always be the one that lingers. The idea of playing cat and mouse with someone as mysterious as Kafka was too confusing. People say she is bad, even the organization she was a part of. However, they showed a little care when he first awakened. He wanted to talk, to meet her, to feel complete, and all of these things came running back towards the Stellaron Hunter. "Our paths will intertwine again, so make every choice count." Those words went on and on in his head. "Oh, I’m sorry," Bronya said in an apologetic tone, and yet again, it was like karma. He asked for a sensitive topic, and in turn, he got one back. "I guess that’s why you were so fixated on children's books back in the clinic." He just scratched his check. Everything about being a child was so foreign to him that the simplest things sometimes made him curious. "I understand; don't worry. You just want a sense of belonging." Her voice made him focus back on her as Y was snapped out of his inner thoughts. "I really don’t know much about the relationship between you, March 7th, and Dan Heng are. But I will say that sometimes having friends is better than family." Friends, that is right, despite sounding like a fantasy from an old, childish novel. Everyone who helped save Belobog, the underworld, and the whole planet of Javrillo IV were friends. "You think so?" Bronya just shakes her head. "No, because I know so." This made the trailblazer smile a little; perhaps the void he was lacking can be filled after all—the void of not being a child, not having parents, not having a past. Perhaps that void can be filled with what lies ahead on their journey. "If you want before you finally depart this planet, how about we get a small snack?" The boy thought of Bronya’s invitation. "It would be my honor, Madam Guardian." This made Bronya giggle a little bit. "Oh, don’t say that; we are friends after all. Bronya, just call me Bronya. Just like you used to call me." Y just laughed at the little tease. "Sorry, but I just like the thought that you and I are just one in the same." This made Bronya smile as the two started walking together. "You know that even if you're gone, you could still message me. I’m always willing to lend an ear." This made Y raise a eyebrow. "I wouldn’t, I don’t want to add more problems onto you." Bronya sighed a little, "No, I wouldn’t mind as long as you can lend an ear to my problems as well." Y thought a bit, "Deal," and this made the two laugh a little. Despite the suspicions of the people of Belobog, the two went and had a little snack. Who knew Madam Guardian had made close friends with a Trailblazer.
Glad I tried
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
gays, Fluff, i suddenly had the motivation to write a late valentine fanfic, me when??, not beta read we die like my soul, !!
['MW_Patata', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'D33JAYYY', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Astrealiaa', 'Kotofeila', 'Muppener', 'Korablick']
Bronya took a deep, nervous breath as she is holding a bouquet of roses. She might not know Seele for that long, but she felt like she had fallen to deep inlove with her, everything about Seele amazes her, making her heart feeling like it's going to explode. Almost everyone has gone home except for the students that had clubs, knowing that Seele had joined a certain sport club Bronya messaged Seele to meet her at the rooftop when she's done with her club. She sat on the bench as she looked at the sky, trying not to run away as she try to calm down her heart that is beating out so loud. ''Hey Bronya! What did you call me here for?'' Seele said as she just arrived to the rooftop. Bronya blushed as she saw Seele there, wondering how can Seele be this pretty. ''Ah- S-Seele!'' Bronya spoke out, she can feel her heart beating out loud again, even though she's scared that she's gonna get rejected, she felt like it's worth a shot. ''Oh, who's that flower for? Do you need my help to confess to someone? If yes, I can't help I'm not good with it'' Seele spoke out, but with quite an unhappy voice ''Oh, i-it's not that- Do you wanna be my- valentine date?'' Bronya confessed as she held out her bouquet to Seele, who looked in surprised face as she became a flustered mess too. Both of them are a mess ''Oh- I- Uh- Sure!'' Seele spoke out as she grabbed the bouquet of roses, wanting to just throw herself off the rooftop because it was so awkward just saying sure to someone who worked so hard to gain the courage to ask her out on a valentine date Bronya swore to god that she was about to scream out of happiness as she hugged Seele tightly and kissed her on the lips, Seele was in shock as she kissed back, shoving her tongue into Bronya's mouth as Bronya accepted the tongue into the mouth. Both of them made out with Seele's hands, one that's still holding the bouquet on Bronya's waist and Bronya's hands on Seele's neck. Both pulled away when they're out of breath, ''So, uh.. Can we instead meet up at my house tomorrow?'' Seele asked as she blushed, she really did something for Bronya but not having the courage to say anything at all until now ''Huh? Sure, what time?'' Bronya asked as she smiled at Seele, which caused Seele to almost can't speak anything out as she blushed ''A-Around 3 pm after school, ya can?'' Seele spoke out ''Sure, I can!'' Bronya said as she hugged Seele tightly again, not that tight until Seele can't breath ''And thanks for the bouquet of roses by the way.., sorry that I didn't got ya anything..'' Seele spoke out of embarrassment, she thought of asking Bronya out tomorrow not today, but Bronya just had to ask her out first ''It's okay, you accepting to be my valentine date is enough already'' Bronya spoke out as she kissed Seele on the cheek, ''We need to go home soon'' Bronya said as she saw how late it was and that she was supposed to be home already ''Sure, my home is just a few steps passed yours, wanna go together?'' Seele asked, as she held Bronya's hand ''Sure'' Bronya replied as she softly smiled at Seele Both of them walked back home together, chatting and talking about stuff while walking back home, waving each other goodbyes when they got home and almost getting a mental breakdown by how awkward it was, then tomorrow came. Bronya knocked on Seele's door, wearing a dress that is colored black and blue(just imagine it okay pleasee). Seele then opened the door with a dark purple open chest suit and white shirt underneath. Bronya zoned out as she stared at how handsome and pretty Seele look like at the same time, ''Uhm, Bronya, why do you keep staring at me like that? Like I get it I look hot'' Seele spoke out, then Bronya finally snapped off her thought about how handsome and pretty Seele is at the same time ''Let's get inside'' Seele said as she pulled Bronya's hands into her house then Bronya took off her shoe as she put it at the shoe rack as she closed and locked the front door, pulling Bronya as she headed towards her bedroom. As Seele opened her bedroom door, Bronya was amazed as she saw the tidied bedroom, filled with heart shaped boxes that have a letter on them and filled with chocolate and lots of folded letters with a heart shaped drawn on them ''Y-You prepared all of this?'' Bronya asked in surprised and Seele nodded as she pulled Bronya into the bedroom as she closed the bedroom door and pushed Bronya onto the bed and pulled Bronya onto a hug as they both landed into the bed ''I love ya so much'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya playfully at the neck as Bronya laughed out ''Seele! It tickles!'' Bronya laughed out and kisses Seele on the cheek Both of them had their fun playing with each other inbed ''I'm tired'' Bronya said as she giggles ''Me too, let's rest for a while, then let's go to the nearby cafe?'' Seele asked as she looked at Bronya's beautiful silver eyes ''Sure'' Bronya answered as she hugged Seele, both of them took a 10 minutes nap before going out to the cafe nearby It really was the bestest day for the both of them.(Me when??)
Take a break
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
gays, tried to make it to 1k words but eh, Fluff
['MW_Patata', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'D33JAYYY', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Notjessi987', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Kotofeila', 'mizuenator', 'Muppener', 'Korablick']
''Come on, Bron! It'd be nice for you to have a break once in a while, or maybe atleast during the weekends- I'm bored of the same routine ok!'' Seele complained as she sat beside Bronya as she watched Bronya work ''I'll try to finish this one faster, so we can spend some time later'' Bronya spoke as she softly smile at Seele ''I don't need you to overwork yourself! You can take it easy but it's common for people to take a break on like either saturday and sunday! But for the past two weeks you were still working for a whole week without stopping!'' Seele spoke out as she moved her chair to be closer to Bronya ''Hmm.. Well, I can't just leave my works that are not finished.. But, maybe a few break on the weekends won't hurt..'' Bronya spoke out her thoughts as she looked at her works ''Just take it slow, sweetheart. I don't want to come back to see you being burnt out!'' Seele spoke out as she patted Bronya's back, Bronya looked at Seele as she let out a giggle ''Yeah yeah- I get it'' Bronya responded as she continued working, ''Do you still have anything more that you need to do?'' Bronya asked as she looked at Seele again ''Eh-- Nope! I finished it all already!'' Seele answered, ''But, why ya asked? Looking forward to spending time with me?~ Hmm?~'' Seele asked as she smirked at Bronya, which caused Bronya to get all red as she looked away ''Well- Yeah I do miss spending time with you- I want you near me even when I work..'' Bronya answered, Seele softly smiled as she moved her chair again, this time the chair is touching with Bronya's chair, now she's extremely close with Bronya Bronya looked at Seele as she smiled and kissed Seele's cheek. Seele blushed as she looked away then looked back to Bronya again as she returned the kiss with a kiss on the lips, Bronya slowly melted into the kiss as she kissed back, both pulling away blushing hard. ''Uhh- So.. Uhm, Can you s-stay beside me while I work? I just really like feeling your presence around me..'' Bronya awkwardly spoke out as she rubbed her head ''Sure! Why didn't you say so, princess?'' Seele said as she placed her arm on Bronya's shoulder Bronya's hand went to hold Seele's hand as she softly smiled. ''Thanks, Seele'' Bronya spoke as she caressed Seele's hand for a few minutes then went back to doing her work, while Seele is blushing as she watched Bronya work, smiling at her hardworking girlfriend, feeling proud of her lover. Long minutes passed as Bronya finally finished her work and leaned against Seele ''There there, princess~'' Seele said in a comforting voice as she pats Bronya, Bronya groans as she placed herself as she sat on Seele's lap, leaning against Seele's body as she rests her head on Seele's shoulder and her hands wrapped around Seele's back Seele smiled as she watched Bronya relaxing on her body, snuggling against her as she stroked Bronya's hair ''Seele, kiss me, please..'' Bronya said as she raised her head to look at Seele's face, Seele smiled as she kissed Bronya on the lips as she licked Bronya's lips asking for entrance which Bronya gave as she opened her mouth a little, just enough for Seele's tongue to enter. Both of them made out passionately until they're both out of breath and pulled away ''I love you, Seele'' Bronya spoke out as she rests her head on Seele's shoulder, this time falling asleep on Seele. Seele watched Bronya in awe as she ran her fingers through Bronya's hair as she rests her head on Bronya's neck, slowly falling asleep. Both of them fell asleep at their chair, not having the motivation to move to the bedroom or anywhere.
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['MW_Patata', '1000bees', 'ccsjk98', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Gingilina', 'kyorugi', 'Laura_loves_fics', 'Astrealiaa', 'Nyph', 'Notjessi987', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Kotofeila', 'Hakotgf', 'Wali', 'kiko0_o', 'deadbeet', 'Anarchy17', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega']
"Necktie?" Seele asked.   "It's a Silvermane tradition," Bronya replied. She was the one helping Seele dress for an upcoming ball. She had gotten the dark-colored suit perfectly fitted onto Seele's body and a tie that fit Seele's likeness.   Bronya was already dressed in guards' apparel. "As you are my assistant, it is of utmost appreciation that you are invited."   "Yeah, yeah… appreciation and crap, whatever. Do they have decent food?" Seele asked.   Bronya nodded. She placed a Silvermane emblem onto Seele's jacket. "Your first emblem is my own."   "W-wait!? Isn't that important to you?! I can't have this at all!!" Seele cried.   "It's okay. It's replaceable," Bronya said.   ***   The two stood together and life had died down and it became more of a social event. Bronya's arm was wrapped around Seele. "Are you having fun?" Bronya asked.   Seele shrugged. "I'm surprised you had fun here," she said.    "I'm not exactly the life of the party?"   "No! No…! It's just… argh!"    Bronya pulled Seele in by the neck tie and kissed her. "No more of that, let's just stay calm with ourselves."   Seele smiled. She blushed. "That's what the necktie was for…"    Bronya nodded. 
An argument
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Short One Shot
['MW_Patata', 'akxk0108', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Gingilina', 'Glaucouss', 'kyorugi', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Astrealiaa', 'Nyph', 'Notjessi987', 'MultifandomDumbass', 'IMGAYASFUCKNOCAP', 'pastelstuffed', 'Kotofeila', 'mizuenator', 'VannessaCloud', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega']
Seele was in a showing match with a person at Wildfire. Her body language displayed the full intent to harm. "You piece of shit!" She charged at them. Bronya grabbed her. "Not so fast." She pulled her out of the general location.  Seele actively protested, but Bronya pulled her into a hug to stop her. Seele's body language calmed down and soon she found herself nearly one hundred percent calmed down.  The girl soon apologized, and all was well. "How the fuck did you get me to calm down so fast?" Seele asked. Bronya clicked her pen and hummed, working on writing something in a notebook. "You just get so cute when we hug." Seele narrowed her eyes. "You're just a weirdo, Bronya."
Head bump
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Gyrazal618', 'akxk0108', 'Hakotgf', 'Astrealiaa', 'FenrirV1', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Insomniac', 'Nipoki', 'Thelainn', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega']
Seele leaned in for a kiss. She looked at Bronya, trying to make it way more romantic than others. She brought herself an indulgent smirk. She felt Bronya's breath on her face as well as the heat from Bronya's cheeks.  "If you're going to do this, then do it." Bronya's eyes hailed a whole story of her growing disinterest from this. Seele kissed her. Their heads getting bumped together.  "Ouch!" Bronya exclaimed, pulling away. She felt her head, then laughed.  "You're weird," Seele said. Bronya queued into Seele's embarrassment and said, "what? You just look really cute!"
Light Shut-eye
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Stress fic (Bronya's just like me fr), Mini Fic
['MW_Patata', 'Slayer_light', 'Gyrazal618', 'Glaucouss', 'kyorugi', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'Kotofeila', 'Anarchy17', 'mizuenator', 'VannessaCloud', 'new_watch', 'Muppener', 'NEODOROTHYMOTHERFUCKER', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega', 'Korablick']
Seele did a primary of her communication by text, unlike Bronya who did her face to face. Usually, Seele found that this made Bronya tired, so Seele learned to have the cooldown time with Bronya. She was very used to letting Bronya just lay there, asleep.  Bronya came over and shuffled down onto Seele’s lap. Her head rested on the crook of Seele’s neck and her eyes practically squeezed shut. She stared down at the couch from the right side of Seele’s shoulders. She yawned. “Goodnight, Bronya.” Seele continued to communicate with Natasha via phone. Bronya had fallen asleep despite vowing to not sleep. Seele found herself playing with Bronya’s hair with her other hand while texting Natasha.  Bronya shifted slightly, letting her hands fall around her sides. “Yeah, you’re comfortable. I get it,” Seele muttered. She placed her phone down and rested her head against Bronya’s shoulder. “Maybe I should get some shut eye.”  With that, both the guardian and her loyal assistant were deep into their sleep.
A little bit of care
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
warm up fic
['MW_Patata', 'Hakotgf', 'Glaucouss', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'KapusTka', 'NoAvvw', 'Xenpachii', 'Kotofeila', 'Moreube', 'Anarchy17', 'CyznPr', 'Thelainn', 'mizuenator', 'jamjamx', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega']
Bronya has been sick for three days. Her body was getting a proper rest as she held onto her blanket in desperate tiredness.    Seele was in control and doing well. All she needed to do for the rest of her day was check on Bronya.   Bronya was in a deep sleep. Her eyes shut with no ounce of the moment ever to be seen. Her back to seele. The blanket had pulled off her a bit.    Seele pulled Bronya in and wrapped her up in the blanket. She lay next to her. Her arms holding Bronya.    Bronya's eyes slowly opened and she turned to Seele. "I'm so disappointed."   "Why?" Seele asked.   "I'm sick."    "I don't care."   Bronya rolled over and shut her eyes again. She sighed and soon fell asleep. 
['ghxstbloom', 'ThatLittleSailorGirl']
F/M, M/M, Other
原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Reader x Saucy Book (Sussy Baka), Tanner x grass, Carpet x whipped cream, Ru x loneliness, Polaris x 5nemo boys
Book, Reader, Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Carpet (concerned onlooker), Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Shikanoin Heizou, Venti (Genshin Impact), Albedo (Genshin Impact), whipped cream - Character, Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Tanner, Polaris, Chongyun (Genshin Impact), Noelle (Genshin Impact), Yanfei (Genshin Impact), Fischl (Genshin Impact), Bakugou Katsuki
Enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to dead, sexy Kaeya lore book, simping over lore, #kms, Crack, Idiots in Love, Reader quacks sometimes, Major character death - Freeform, Mary Sue, Grass mowing, grass, Self Harm, Gore, Mpreg, Furry, Omegaverse, Fertilization, Hurt No Comfort, Lemon, Grapefruit, Murder, double homicide, Suicide, Anxiety, trigger warning hula hoops, dry ass skin, narrated by a cool badass bee-otch, The men are fruit smoothies, Minor Character Death, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, grand canyon - Freeform, Yandere, anemo boy harem, Ningguang is a hottie, lore makes reader horn knee, Cbat, Serial Killer, Cheating, Murder but make it cute, Not related to the story but kaeya’s a little bitch, Stockholm Syndrome, Excessive amounts of tags, ur mom - Freeform, trigger warning children, mha - Freeform, Bakugo is a bitch, Grammar I hardly know her, how am I going to use these tags
['averaga', 'HuynhQuacken', 'avlencxi']
Tbh I’m not really sure what to do with this book. It was mainly just a joke but I feel like I need to actually write it. I just needed to get this posted so that I could have a permanent layout for this. Anyways I guess we’ll see if I’m going to write chapters for this. Reader finds Lore Book (See the end of the chapter for notes.) It was a normal day. I head into the library to check out books that can range from textbooks to manga. I check in my books that I had been borrowing and walk over to the manga section. On my way there, I pass a shelf with a book that has a peculiar glow to it. I take notice, and go down the aisle to see what it is. “Quack,” I immediately slap my hand over my mouth in an attempt to silence myself. I am in a library after all. I reach for the book and as soon as I grasp the book the glowing stops. Curious, I flip through the pages only to find out that it is a book that contains all of the amazing, glorious lore of Genshin Impact. A weird warmth creeps into my lower region, I quickly add the book to my basket and I continue on with my library visit. ~Time Skip~ It is now 9:30 at night. I sigh as I close my textbook and get up to move from my desk to my bed. I catch a glimpse of the Lore Book sitting on my bedside table, the same warm feeling creeps back in. “What is with me?” I ask myself as I tuck myself into bed. I glance back over to my bedside table where the book lays. I sigh as a reach and grab the book. I reposition myself to be in a more comfortable position, and open the book to the first page. Unaware of the night I was about to have… First actual chapter of the fic lets goooooo I wrote this at 11 PM send help Reader reads Lore Book (See the end of the chapter for notes.) I read through the table of contents, looking for one specific thing- Kaeya. It wasn’t him I was attracted to, it was his lore. His backstory, the story of how he got his vision, his links to Khaenri’ha, how he has two fathers, all of it. The lore behind this one singular man brings such pleasure to me in ways that no person could. I find his name and turn to the page on which is sexy sexy lore resides. I begin with the introduction: who he is, what his job is, what are his relations and such. I then move from his introduction to his vision story. I feel heat in my core. The same kind of heat I felt when I first found the book. I carry on with the story, trying to ignore the pain. His Relations To Khaenri’ha, is the title of the next heading. I continue reading, the heat in my core begins to grow and become unavoidable. I reach my hand down into my panties in an attempt to ease the pain. I continue on reading, the more I read the more the pain grows. “Ohhh….” a voice calls out from somewhere “you like what you’re reading?” My hand stops as I stop to look around, “who are you?” “My name is something that is not important at the moment, but for now you may call me Book-kun.” I let out a small “quack” and proceed cover my face with one of my pillows. “I see that you like my lore~” it says as its pages shift into an unnatural, uncomfortable way. Almost as if it was smiling, no smirking at me. “W-what?“ I stutter, I feel my face turn bright red “I-I just happen to enjoy it y-you know?” “Well then,” Book-kun sighs “how about this, if you can finish this entire page without touching yourself, I’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.” “O-ok” I stutter. Book-kun chuckles softly and sighs “good girl.” I feel my core heat up once again. My shaking hand reaches towards the book as I begin reading the page Book-kun had instructed me to read. “This should be easy,” I think to myself. Unaware of how challenging this was really going to be… Chapter 2 lets goooo I wanna kms because I have to write chapter 3 Reader and Book-kun have a nice time together :) I wrote this at midnight help (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) I begin reading the first paragraph of the page Book-kun had instructed me to read. The original King of Khaenri’ha, King Irmin, stepped down for reasons unknown. One of the clans, the Alberich clan, took control. Kaeya is apart of the Alberich clan. They were the rulers during the Cataclysm that took place 500 years ago… The heat in my core begins to grow. I feel a sort of wetness in between my legs. My leg muscles tense up in an attempt to seize the wet feeling. Little did I know, that was only going to help me so much. Line by line, word by word, letter by letter, the wet feeling in my core grows. There is only one paragraph remaining on the page before I am finished and I get my reward from Book-kun. I begin the paragraph, absorbing every last drop of information that it has to give. The wetness grows to the point I have to clench my thighs together in an attempt to stop myself from reaching down and touching myself. I finish the page, my legs are clenched, I struggle to refrain from touching myself. A deep voice calls out from the silence, “ah, I see you have finished your task. And now, it is time for your reward.” “What did you mean exactly by “A night I won’t forget?’” I ask Book-kun. Only to revive a chuckle before it replies. “Well darling~” it says “just sit back and let me, take care of you.” “O-ok” I reply, nervous as to what was about to happen. A cold feeling creeps up my legs and a sudden force pulls them apart. “Relax sweetie, your in good hands…” Book-kun says quietly before the cold feeling creeps up to my waist where there is a tug at my shorts before they are immediately pulled off of my legs to reveal my undies. Flustered, I cover my undies with my hands. Only to have my hands pulled away and pinned above my head. “Don’t try to fight me, because of you’ll only end up hurt.” Book-kun quietly whispers into my ear. “Now then…” it begins to pull down my undies to reveal my wet core; “where do I begin…” Book-kun begins to whisper bits of lore into my ear. Not just about Kaeya, but about Khaenri’ha, the Abyss, Dainsleif. The cold feeling creeps into my core and slowly pushes in and out. The wetness only continues to grow. The lore, THE LORE. The cold feeling and the lore turn me on in such ways that I feel like I am nearing my orgasm. Book-kun apparently notices this and the cold feeling speeds up, going rapidly in and out, in and out. The lore gets deeper, juicier, sexier. I near my orgasm, desperate pants and moans escape me despite my efforts to hold them back. “Cum for me darling” book kun commands. I let out a gasp as I cum all over my bed and…the book. The Genshin Impact Lore book that had I had checked out from the library that day. “Oh no…” I pant, reaching for the cum stained book “there’s no way I can return this to the library.” I sigh, knowing I’m going to have to pay a fine and that I’m probably going to have to pay for a new book. I grab the book and move it back to my bedside table. Where I then get up and change the sheets and take a shower…again. I lay back down in bed and look at the time. 1:30 AM. Great, I have work tomorrow at 8. I turn off my lamp and settle down in bed where I eventually fall asleep. I should’ve mentioned this before but this isn’t a y/n fic lmao
Bandage around the Knuckle
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
First Aid
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'Sylster', 'HaneHayashi', 'Glaucouss', 'Maxxo', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'kyorugi', 'imbibitortunae', 'galacticbanana43', 'Astrealiaa', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'Ecchiwolf', 'KatiePuh', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'pastelstuffed', 'stonekyul', 'Kotofeila', 'Hakotgf', 'Pjosudr1', 'stars_nextdoor', 'U53R', 'juzoux', 'Moreube', 'Anarchy17', 'Thelainn', 'mizuenator', 'new_watch', 'OuchieBoxCutter', 'Shizu1300', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega']
"Don't do that again." Bronya gripped Seele's hand. Seele inhaled through her teeth. "I tried to not get into a fight." She gritted her teeth. Bronya shook her head. She wrapped a bandage around her wrist a few times then wrapped diagonally around the fingers. She covered up to reddened, scabbing knuckles adorning Seele's hand.  "Tight as shit," Seele complained. "Nat always does it loose." "Maybe you shouldn't have punched a wall," Bronya grumbled. "Maybe that punk deserved to lose the fight," Seele spat. "You never know when I will get into my next fight." Bronya sighed. She kissed Seele’s forehead, and then pressed her finger against Seele's finger tip. She watched it. "What are you doing?" Seele muttered. "Checking circulation," Bronya replied. Seele grumbled. She blushed and looked away.  "Your face is circulating blood perfectly fine," Bronya hummed. 
With you beside me
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Comfort, No Angst, No angst at all, maybe a little, A little angst, but fluff, I swear
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'Laserwise', 'jaysmanuscript', 'Glaucouss', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'SPKOTHDVL', 'Enclave25', 'MiharuError', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'envii', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Peri_Peri', 'Kotofeila', 'SertaMortis', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'new_watch', 'jamjamx', 'VannessaCloud', 'Korablick']
''Sorry Seele, I have to cancel our fun time.. I have works to do..'' Bronya said as she groaned, embarrassed to look at Seele as she continued doing her work. ''Tsk, do you always have to do your work, nowadays you rarely even have any free time, except to sleep for like 2 hours? and eat sometimes?? Most you spent it on your fucking works!'' Seele complained, fighting the urge to just carry Bronya off her chair. ''Seele, I-.. I'm just.. ugh... hhh..'' Bronya couldn't complete her sentence as she started to gasp for air, ''Bronya? Hey, are you okay?'' Seele asked as she got closer to Bronya, trying to check Bronya's condition. ''I.. I'm fine..!'' Bronya spoke out as she continued her work. She definitely doesn't look okay at all to Seele. ''Bronya. Please take a rest.. especially when you are tired.'' Seele said, hoping that will maybe make Bronya realized that she is tired but she failed to do so. ''Just.. stay beside me.., Seele..'' Bronya managed to spoke up in a soft voice, Seele was concerned by how soft it was as if Bronya had to force out all of her energy to said it out. ''..I will.'' Seele said as she took a chair and sat not far away from Bronya, watching Bronya work, it is quite boring.. but afterall what makes it less boring is that the one that she is watching is her lover, until Bronya started gasping for air again and finally asked Seele to help her get to bed since she doesn't feel like she had any energy to walk at all. ''Finally..'' Seele sighed as she helped Bronya to get to her bedroom, Bronya took off her boots and got on the bed, not bothered to change her cloth as she immediately fell asleep in bed, leaving Seele watching her who had worked too hard finally getting some rest. Seele watched Bronya fell asleep as she caressed Bronya's cheek, ran her fingers through Bronya's hair, comforting Bronya who's asleep. She's glad that Bronya's finally resting, she doesn't mind if she overworks herself since she's used to it basically almost all undergrounders are.. but Bronya? She'd be so worried. ''Seele.. come join me..'' Bronya softly spoke out as she spread her arms wide, signalling for Seele to join her. Seele smiled as she took off her boots, placing it beside Bronya's and joined in Bronya, both of them cuddled as they fell asleep against each other. Morning came over them, the bright sun shining over them, waking them up. Seele woke up, without Bronya beside her anymore and Bronya's boots are not on the floor anymore, just as Seele predicted, Bronya had gone to continue her work. Seele got up and put on her boots as she went to Bronya's desk, just as she expected Bronya is working.. again. ''Bronya for fuck sakes!'' Seele spoke out, complainining at why Bronya is working this early at the morning. ''Seele, I can't just keep avoiding works, you know..'' Bronya spoke out as she continued doing her work, Seele sighed in defeat as she went back to the underground to do her work. Bronya was embarrassed, embarrassed at the fact that she can't even spend time with her girlfriend.. She made herself work harder and faster so she can finish it faster. Finally, she was done as she laid on the chair, waiting for Seele to come back from her underground business. It didn't take that long of waiting, Seele finally came back and Bronya looked at her with a blush and a smile, Bronya could never handle how hot Seele looks i guess! ''Seele! You're finally back!'' Bronya said as she get up but she was kind of not that stable right now to walk, that's what too much work and sitting down does to you. Seele caught her on time ''Be more careful please, Bronya.'' Seele said as she carried Bronya, while Bronya's flustered getting carried by Seele. ''Finally finishing your works huh? What do you have on your mind right now that you were so excited to see me?'' Seele asked as she smiled at Bronya, whose face got more red. ''My works are finally done. So, I wanted to spend some time with you..'' Bronya said as she blushed, Seele blushed too hearing what Bronya said, she thought the first thing Bronya would do was go rest first, but she was waiting for her to come back to spend time with her! ''Sleep with me and when I wake up you better still be next to me!'' Seele said as she walked to their shared bedroom while carrying Bronya, ''E-Eh?! Don't you wanna do something else?'' Bronya asked, not that she hate resting with Seele beside her, but she was curious on why Seele chose that while she can chose to do other activities. ''Come on, we're both tired and I really miss it when you were so clingy towards me that I carried you to your desk, do you really like the warmth of my body?'' Seele spoke out as they both entered their shared bedrooms, Seele closing the door again for some privacy with her lover, the one that she swore to protect with her whole life. ''I like everything about you, Seele. Especially when you are next to me.'' Bronya spoke out, she wanted to get off but at the same time still wants to be carried by Seele, it's just so comforting feeling Seele's body against hers. It felt like all her problems went away as long as she can feel Seele's presence near her. Seele placed Bronya down on a sitting position in the bed as she sat on the bed and they both took off their boots placing it beside each other's as they lied down beside each other in bed while Bronya is snuggling into Seele. ''You acting like a cat is so cute, ya know?'' Seele said as she ran her fingers through Bronya's hair. ''Mmm..'' Bronya wrapped her arms around Seele's arm and fell asleep. ''You're really that tired huh?'' Seele said as she caressed Bronya's cheek, looking at her sleeping girlfriend lovingly. Soon, Seele also fell asleep with her chin touching her girlfriend's head and one arm getting held by Bronya while one is holding Bronya close to her.
Nobody Gets Me (You Do)
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gepard Landau, Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, No beta we die like Childe in the future Snezhnaya quest
['Katieboooo', 'Canisleepnow9', 'Buiju_dame99', 'I_Like_Being_A_Ghost', 'AllisonAnjelly', 'larii_cipher', 'VentiLatay', 'sugarcontent', 'gabyp2019', 'Zlik', 'kitdefloof', 'ABBxolotl', 'Lavender_Manga', 'KaorusFishsticks', 'jinyoungster', 'I_probably_should_sleep', 'Amnivari', 'chevreusse', 'ZenPudding', 'RadishesForSale', 'Avomiiii', 'zubat', 'chubbabubbahubba', 'Shunii', 'verspertilio', 'PhoenixNoelSolarParker', 'Fomalhaut_xx', 'Yki_b34r', 'Florine_13009', 'petrichor_vellichor', 'moEwor', 'DIO_KaiKi', 'Weichkeks', 'Pho3nix_17', 'heybabyheid', 'walkingencyclopedia', 'PointBlank007', 'wiredfiredready2xpire', 'BlackIcePhantom', 'Snow_In_Winter', 'Bismarckenterprise', 'Secretly_Judging_U', 'darklightinu', 'TheBunnyGod', 'FriendlyDragon', '5kullflow', 'midnightAlex12', 'MediocreSavant', 'anxsys', 'ChamenoSapeili']
The cold is bitter and relentless; even more so through torn clothes and on open wounds. If nothing else, Sampo Koski would define himself as a reckless man. His current state most certainly proved as much. Belobog is eerily silent, dimly lit in the early hours of the morning as he drags his feet along using about as much force as they’ll walk with. The silence gives him time to contemplate just about everything in his life right now, including himself. It was almost as though something were totally wrong with him, in his own mind, and yet he never seemed to be able to tame it. A burden to be dealt with. Interacting with him was a chore to grit your teeth through, according to most. His whole life is practically just him living from day to day. That’s all it’s been for a while now. And does that really bring fulfilment? He’s impulsive and irresponsible. He takes whatever jobs and errands are flung his way with no hesitation, even in the dead of night. And then he gets ambushed. It all flashes back through his mind in an instant- just as quickly as it happened. Silhouettes creep behind him and don’t dare hesitate before they strike. He’s unsuspecting, thrown off of his rhythm and unable to uphold his own defences. After all, this never usually happens to him, at least not on such a scale. Sure he’d been messed around, or been involved in silly one on one fist fights or what have you, but this was new. He was simply unprepared. Oh, would the universe just have some mercy on him? Not a chance. The universe spat in his face, left him bruised and bleeding at these men’s hands with only himself there to pick up the pieces. So, it isn’t much of a surprise to know just where Sampo finds himself next. Slumped against the front door of the home of none other than Gepard Landau. Their relationship has always been a little bit complex. Koski had become a known name by the Silvermane Guards by now, and not for the right reasons. Yet, their captain, although in secret, seemed to maintain a soft spot for him. Sampo would leave interrogations with gentle smiles and genuine goodbyes, even after being lectured just minutes beforehand. So yes, it was definitely kind of strange. Especially if you’re an outsider looking in. “Take care of yourself” is the advice Sampo would often receive. “There are much better ways to make a living than to get yourself into situations such as this one.” Or something along those lines. Sampo laughed at him the first time. He sounded like someone who would come into your school and do assembly presentations. That was Gepard Landau though, wasn’t it? Sensible as ever. He takes him more seriously in the instances that follow after that. Just not enough to call it quits- only enough to appreciate the gesture. Until now. Now, he finally decides to take care of himself. Not much use after he’d already messed up, but something is better than nothing, he supposes. It’s exactly 1:37 am when Gepard opens his door to this sight. Drowsy with pain and fatigue, Sampo almost collapses right there. If it weren’t for Gepard moving hastily to catch him, he probably would’ve come face first into contact with the ground. “What are you doing here?” Gepard’s voice comes out louder than he intends, unmistakably laced with panic. “Well-“ Sampo grins clumsily, trying to steady himself by gripping onto Gepard’s shoulders, “You see- ‘m listening to you.” “You’re listening to me? What are you talking about?” Gepard asks, completely confused. “God, your hands are shaking cold, Sampo.” He adds, gripping them both in his own. “Remember? All those times you said about take care of yourself? Well here I am.” “You’re hurt, Sampo! Isn’t that the opposite of taking care?” Gepard shakes his head, dragging Sampo forward into his home and shutting the door behind them both. “Nevermind, you’re here now, so don’t worry about it.” He brings Sampo into his living room and sits him down on the couch. Being captain of the guards doesn’t come without first aid training, so Gepard manages to get the wounds cleaned up and bandaged without a struggle. Sampo hisses at the stinging pain where he wipes the open wound. Despite insisting he was perfectly capable himself, Gepard is persistent and does it for him. Apparently, that’s just the bare minimum in Landau terms. “You still haven’t explained to me what actually happened?” Gepard sighs. “I won’t pressure you, but I really would rather you did just tell me.” Sampo gives in, though refuses to meet the blonde’s eyes as he begins to tell the story. He speaks rapidly, all of the words almost smushed together in a sort of word vomit, but Gepard is used to this by now. (Cough- and before he knew Sampo, he thought his sister was hard to understand at times.) Gepard simply nods at his words and does his best to provide what verbal comfort he can. Spoiler: This is not much. An awkward silence clouds the room shortly after. Sampo is the one to break it. “…Am I too much? Like- to deal with?” Gepard takes some time to think about his answer, despite the fact that he knows it already, he just has to word it right. “You’re rash, inattentive and wild, through and through.” “Right, I thought so-“ “Those are good qualities. In a way, I suppose, anyway. You carry the sense of adventure and fearlessness with you that I tend to lack.” Sampo raises an eyebrow, swallowing harshly as though he weren’t already about to cry at being called such names just now. “…I do not find myself bothered by these traits of yours, Sampo. I quite admire them. I only criticise you when you compromise the safety of yourself or others.” That’s new. Sure, Gepard had never outright acted like he hated him whatsoever, but Gepard never acted hostile even towards some of his worst enemies. (Which he also very much lacked still.) (However, you could say this also would place Sampo near the bottom of the list.) (He’s overthinking this.) “Sampo?” The darker haired male snaps out of his daze with a shudder, eyes widening in response to the sudden wake up call. “Are you alright there? Is something on your mind?” “No!” It comes out as a yell, totally unintentionally. “No, no. I’m okay. I don’t know.” “You don’t know?” “I’m fine, swear!” “…Okay. I’ll have to take your word for it.” Gepard isn’t a very good liar. He doesn’t take his word for it at all and his expression gives it all away. One thing Gepard is good at though, is reading other people. You wouldn’t think it, but leading an army can be a little bit like being a fortune teller; you’re always predicting someone else’s moves. Instinctually, almost. Gepard seems to carry this skill with him both on and off the clock, hence why he just so happened to call Sampo out so quickly after he began staring off into space. On and off the clock might be inaccurate though, considering Gepard is never off the clock mentally, only physically. He smiles in the exact way Sampo recognises from those times before though. It’s practically etched into his brain at this point. If there were a gallery inside of his head, that smile would have been the centrepiece. New and exciting, it would have reeled in many a viewer for a long time to come if they’d have caught it in the first place. It stands a chance that that’s the only reason Sampo doesn’t call Gepard out on this lie in the first place. That, and for his own sanity. He is fine, so long as he convinces himself of it. “Does it still hurt?” Gepard questions him suddenly, as if he’d completely forgotten the reason Sampo was even here in his home in the first place, and had only just now remembered. He shuffles in closer, ever so slightly, and his hand lingers over one of the larger wounds on his arm, while his eyes seem to examine the severity of it, despite the fact it’s now been covered with bandages. “Oh- Um.” Sampo’s breath hitches in his throat, and he shakes his head to fill in the gap before his voice allows him to respond. “No. Well, a bit. In some places. But I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” “You’ll be fine.” The blonde affirms. Icy blue eyes meet emerald green ones. They hold one another in their own gaze. It’s a silent reassurance; everything is going to be okay. It always has been, hasn’t it? And thus it will continue to be as such.
the night breeze carries something sweet
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Jing Yuan/Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail), Yanqing (Honkai: Star Rail) - mentioned
Not Canon Compliant, Xianxia, Demon King Jing Yuan, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Somehow my 1AM sleep deprived self writes better than me, I don't know how to feel about that, Probably ooc, Scum Villain Elements, Jing Yuan is an actual big cat, jing yuan purrs, JingLuo
['UltimaBlade', 'Lettuce_chan', 'Meri_30061994', 'ElIbArRa_BiTcH', 'Novae_Asteron', 'birdie1661', 'Antha_May', 'Zakkai', 'ghostymeowsty', 'nobody_important_tm', 'Adxryn_Am_Ddim', 'nightlynuisance', 'ia_acedia', 'Xuanen', 'CrystalRedfox24', 'SyKo_SleepyTech', 'Wh0re4or', 'SomebodyRandom', 'La_soeur_de_Hangyul', 'StormySqualls', 'nioko', 'Sooyaaaa', 'zirlaxia', 'MitsuyaHaitani', 'Emoriae', 'Coffey_w', 'mimingpspsps', 'lalascoffe', 'Justarandomperson101', 'NagisaDaisho', 'TaeTaeChimChim', 'TheAnswerIsAlways42', 'Phoenixnight59', 'Dndjdnskkkansjshdidossxdds', 'Skai157', 'sh4d0w_t3rry', 'Prienova', 'Alter_1', 'KosmicCat', 'CEFaust', 'maulie', 'pyxis_llaria', 'Elyely_amaiyoru', 'pinkdandelion', 'LeftyTheBear', 'RogueArabesque', 'irisgf', 'aarsmori', 'Amarus_Post', 'VietnameseNeuvillette']
"Shizun." The person standing before him is familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. Jing Yuan still has the same ruffled white hair, still tied with the same red ribbon that Luocha had gifted him. However, the innocent and young look has been replaced by the devious, careless aura of a king.    Jing Yuan prowls forward from his throne, entirely with the grace of a lion, lazily approaching his ensnared prey with all the confidence of a ruler who knows his power.    Luocha looks at him from behind his long hair, his clothes in disarray and his hands chained with a reinforced seal. He looks at the boy he had taken in and had given shelter and healing to once upon a time.   "It's been a while, hasn't it?" The white-haired demon king smiles, sharp teeth catching on the light, his singular eye not covered by his fringe closed in a happy curve.   Jing Yuan's steps echo in the wide, empty hall. Luocha meets the unsettling bright golden eyes of the demon with his green ones. The tension seems thick enough to be able to be cut with a knife.   "Well?" The demon drawls, hands behind his back as he steps closer, slowly, as if relishing the short moments before pouncing on his prey.    The long-haired blonde turns his level gaze away from him, not deigning a response.   That gets Jing Yuan's annoyance. "Tsk." He stalks forward, stopping before Luocha's knelt figure.    Luocha sees the gold-lined black boots –likely custom-made with the pelt of some rare demonic creature– stop before his line of sight.   It's the only warning he gets before a rough hand grasps his chin, tilting his head up to meet the annoyance-filled golden eye of the man who used to be his disciple.   The roles are reversed. Once, Luocha had been the one far away, out of reach from the boy he had saved. Now, he is kneeling before the ruler of the Demonic Realm.   How easy it would be for the demon to kill him now. One hand on his chin, the other one through his chest. It would be simple, just a matter of seconds for it to happen– for the once bright, distant star to flicker out without a trace.   Yet, the demon king does not. The thought does not even cross his mind. Only the quiet hum in his chest, happy at finally being close to his shizun once more, after years in the Demonic Realm without him.   " Shizun," Jing Yuan practically purrs, "I missed you."    Luocha blinks at the feeling of being held close to a broad chest, firm arms wrapped around him. He tenses, not knowing what the demon king is trying at.   "You… You've changed." Luocha says, stiff as a board. Jing Yuan chuckles, throaty and low.    "Of course I have, shizun. But, it doesn't change anything between us, does it?"   Luocha can feel a weight on his shoulder as the demon king leans down from towering over him, face near his neck. His shoulders rise at the feeling of his personal bubble being invaded, Jing Yuan's sharp teeth close enough to him that his throat could easily be ripped out in one bite.    He would like to argue that it does change things, but the feeling of arms tightening around his waist distracts him.    "Jing Yuan…" He says instead. A name once so familiar, now strange on his tongue from disuse.   The hum of contentment comes out easily from the white-haired man's throat. A steady rumble that Luocha realizes to be purring reverberates through the layers of the king's clothes.   It's… endearing, in a way. Something that while unexpected, would not be surprising for the Jing Yuan that Luocha knew before, but something entirely out of character for the Ruler of the Demonic Realm to be doing.   Yet, Luocha cannot help but feel the edges of his lips rise as he closes his eyes in Jing Yuan's hold. The thrum of Jing Yuan's power is comforting, in a way.   The white-haired man breathes Luocha's scent, a floral tea and incense that is neither heavy nor faint–something uniquely Luocha.   "Won't you stay with me?" Jing Yuan's voice is low and quiet, unlike the lazy confidence that he wears easily. His voice is on the edge of pleading – as if this was a request worth more than his dignity as a king.   Which, to Jing Yuan, it was. He wanted to stay with his shizun forever, to never be forced apart as fate had planned. He was stronger now, more than able to protect both himself and his shizun.    "I...I'm not so sure." Luocha says quietly. How did it become like this? He had not planned for such a thing to happen when he had set foot in Jing Yuan's territory– he had not meant to see Jing Yuan at all. He was merely trying to go through the quickest and safest path to get to where he wanted to go.    Perhaps it was cruel of him, to leave his only disciple to this, not even bothering to greet him even after finding out his whereabouts. However, he knew what it had looked like. It seemed like he had left Jing Yuan alone intentionally during the opening of the portal. He would understand if Jing Yuan held resentment against him for that– expected it, even.   And then, he had been captured by demons brandishing the Cloud Knights symbol. He had met the lieutenant that had taken one look at him, as if mentally checking off his characteristics, before sending him to the hall of the King.   He had been preparing himself for a painful death as soon as he was sent, only to be met with… this.   Although… he didn't have a specific clan he was tied to, not anymore. He was a wanderer, alone for decades, picking up some bounties and offering his healing services to other wanderers on the road. Then, he had accidentally entered a portal that sent him to the Demonic Realm with no way out. Needless to say, he had not planned this.   Though, could he trust Jing Yuan?   He was cut out of his thoughts by his center of gravity being shifted in someone's arms, his legs leaving the floor as he was raised into a bridal carry.   Luocha looks down to meet the satisfied expression of the king staring at him as he was carried out of the throne room.   "Jing Yuan-?" He questions, slightly confused.   "You were silent for so long, so I took that as a yes." Jing Yuan smiles innocently, setting a brisk yet steady pace to…. Somewhere.   "I'll still have to think about it. Who knows if this is an elaborate scheme you made?" Luocha replies steadily.   The air around them drops several degrees. Jing Yuan stops, eyes narrowing at the accusation. He presses Luocha against the wall, a growl forming from his throat as he spoke.   "I would not."   "And how would I know that?" Luocha couldn't help but challenge, emerald green eyes fixating on the visible golden eye of Jing Yuan.   "Because-" Jing Yuan huffs in annoyance, cutting himself off.   "Because?" Luocha raises an eyebrow, holding his ground despite the demon king towering over him.   "Because, well-" Jing Yuan turns his head, refusing to meet Luocha's gaze.   The blond merely stands there, back against the wall.    "Agh, you're always like this!" Jing Yuan growls, hands folding over his chest.   "I'm just asking if I'm actually safe staying here. If you wanted to kill me, you had many chances already." Luocha deduces rationally, mirroring Jing Yuan's stance.   "Of course you will!"   "Oh? Care to give me a reason, at least-?"   The demon king tsks before leaning forward, grabbing Luocha's cuffed hands in one hand, his face in another.   Luocha's eyes widen at the proximity, unable to move as Jing Yuan presses their lips together. It's a ferocious, rough kiss that leaves him out of breath when the demon king moves away, but also one that makes him yearn for more .   "There, shizun ," Jing Yuan says, face out of Luocha's sight. His hair brushes against Luocha's neck as he speaks. "Happy?"    Luocha reels back–at least, he tried to, but forgot he was still pressed against the wall– and averts his eyes.   "J-Jing Yuan?" He asks, his ears flushed, mind spinning.    “You’re really making me say it?” The demon grumbles, arms wrapping around Luocha once more. His breath ghosts over the blond’s red ear.    “I love you, shizun."
In my dreams, you're mine
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Light Angst, Pining, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Soft Jing Yuan, Top Jing Yuan/Bottom Blade, Jing Yuan is absolutely smitten but heartbroken, also kinda delulu, I actually wanted to make this very angsty but horny moment, Yearning
['Little_garden', 'Luluruth0122', 'deadlinkz', 'Paleroze', 'Godhelpme_83', 'Ziasen_is_tryna_sleep', 'quietestmouse', 'Idalia_Nisha', 'Garbage_rat_who_writes', 'why1sy', 'dogpile', 'punkbishounen', 'Unholyho', 'kurofye', 'torumei', 'princessie_caelus', 'shillys', 'Wain_Funiretto', 'Nightzael', 'KavehTheKing', 'MyhaaRe', 'Loserine', 'Mango_Beusek', 'bbbiiiew', 'Anime_fan9095', 'ray_space', 'Kalon_Hiraeth', 'bloataed', 'Klonuffka', 'RKukuku', 'jinyoungie19', 'Aubreyx0x', 'astr0_nomy', 'Blades4you', 'milkithoughts', 'lovers_flowers9', 'Mate_Cocido_Nice', 'xcotty', 'MitsuyaHaitani', 'Neptune_BlueJewel', 'junhaothekoala', 'Elverasson', 'Faayuan', 'Ace_Willows', 'dawnelly', 'letthestarsfall', 'pretty_thing', 'Morigoro', 'lolmito', 'Madamcookie']
Their youth was fleeting, ever so sweet. Perhaps they were fated, tied together by fate’s red string alone. A deep crimson shade, just like his eyes. He frowned upon the name “Blade”, a name that seemed more suitable for a soldier; more than a boy. Jing Yuan’s world seemed to revolve around him, or rather their worlds orbited around each other. He was sure of it. “Ren,” he called to the other, the dark-haired male hummed, as he moved the chess piece forward. Propping his chin in his hands. Silence. “What is it?” he murmured, meeting the other’s eyes. The cloud general felt bile in his throat, swallowing thickly, this occasion was too good to be true. He fought the urge to touch the other, to hold him once more, to ensure that he would not leave his side once more. It was all an illusion. Bitterness still lingered on his tongue, knowing this would all end the same way. “Why.. why are you here?” Jing Yuan croaked, unable to meet that scorching gaze. His presence alone was suffocating. Yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to escape. How pathetic. The assassin chuckled darkly, his lips tilting upwards into a wicked smile. “Am I not welcome in my own home?” Jing Yuan shivered. Home. Home was not a place, the Xianzhou Luofu or the Cloud Knights. It was a person, one that would bring you warmth, laughter and eternal happiness. Blade was not his home, no, not anymore. “You betrayed me.” He rasped. “And yet, you still long for me.” A breeze blew past them, and the tension grew stronger. Unbearable. There were a plethora of reasons why he should kill this man, no, a murderer of many. Heinous crimes should never be forgiven, although neither of them was truly pure. Jing Yuan wasn’t feeble, after all, he was one of the strongest warriors in his region. Without question, it was his heart. Feelings that clung to him, emotions that never faded nor vanished with time... A curse. Love was the greatest curse of them all. Suddenly, fingers caressed his cheek, and the figure inched closer, closer, hot breath ghosting over his ear. “Jing Yuan,” he purred, slotting his leg in between the man’s legs, pressing up against his crotch. The albino gasped, face heating up from sheer arousal. Restraining himself, as if to have some dignity, some pride left, although his mind was an absolute hot mess. “I need you” Ever so sultry, so sinful, perhaps Blade was the devil of temptation himself. An irresistible one at that. Jing Yuan wasted no more time. Pursuing his lips, kissing him deeply, and gradually pushing him against the table resulting in all of the chess pieces scattering on the ground in one swift movement. Nearly tearing open his garments from eagerness, however, after catching a glare from the male, he settled to take a gentle approach. Unbuttoning his top, savouring the fair skin that was revealed, Blade grunted in protest, clearly wishing to get on with it. In spite, Jing Yuan refused to listen, removing his attire painstakingly slowly, wishing for this moment to last forever. Exploring his body with his hands, fingers tracing the scars tenderly, such wounds truly made him look like a soldier. Blade scoffed. “This isn’t our first time.” Not the first time Blade fell into his bed, not the first time Jing Yuan embraced him so endearingly. “Let me cherish this, will you?’ The general replied. “I’m not sure when I’ll see you again.” His voice softened, forcing a smile. In reality, neither had time for the other, too busy chasing their aspirations. Nonetheless, being on opposing sides didn’t help in the slightest. For his blade, his love had left him years ago. Such emptiness in his heart was momentarily filled by such delusions. Jing Yuan knew better than to let it go to waste. “…Do as you wish." the latter huffed, resigned, the other grinned, peppering kisses, sucking occasionally, making purple and magenta love bites bloom from his neck to his abdomen. Pulling away to admire his work, a former blank canvas marked up in his possession. All his. Blade was all his. All for him to take. Reaching for the lube and spreading it over his fingers, pushing a digit at his love’s entrance, Blade’s breath hitched. Adding more fingers, the males whimpers getting louder as they go. As much as he enjoyed such melody, his hunger only grew. Starved for his touch, his voice, his warmth. Within seconds Jing Yuan slipped inside his heat, impatiently waiting to bottom out. “Just do it already—“ Seemingly, someone else shared his sentiment. Cutting Blade off with an abrupt thrust, gripping the man’s hips harshly. The night was full of cries of pleasure, Blade moaning wantonly as he aimed at his sweet spot repeatedly. Strings of white spilled onto his stomach. The general found himself close, nearly pulling out before his companion dug his nails deeper into his back, deep enough to draw blood. Tightening around his cock, unwilling to move. “Inside..” He sighed, nonetheless complying, plunging deeper into him, climaxing inside. The two remained quiet for a while, panting softly. Facing each other side by side, the general couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the others' bare beauty. Seeing him debauched like this, lips swollen, navy blue hair falling in front of his eyes. Such vulnerability was a sight to behold. One he wouldn’t see for another millennium in the real world. “Come back to me, please” Jing Yuan pleaded in desperation, a single tear sliding down his cheek. “Come back home.” A deafening silence washed over the two. This was merely a fantasy after all. He grimaced. Perhaps he was going insane. Everything would disappear, fade into a distant memory once more. Even so, neither of them dared to utter another word.
To you in this universe
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Void Archives/Welt Yang, Luocha/Welt Yang, Void Archives/Welt Yang/Luocha
Void Archives (Honkai Impact 3rd), Welt Yang, Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Crack, Fluff, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Established Relationship, Established Voidwelt, Jealousy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
['FoG0964', 'Yayawascool', 'InnocentUntilProvenGuilty', 'Leriamn', 'Naurrcubes', 'Sakuma_Balls', 'MEEDM', 'Rimim', 'I_Sale_Donut_Corpses', 'Keykw', 'sxchae', 'fangsyyy', 'DemonangelUTshipper', 'bakunoka', 'Nexyra', 'FlyingShibaInu', 'bubblegum27', 'Anelime', 'Wiserwords', 'whiplashflask', 'TruckyReadsThings', 'xiaochafanclub', 'Mephles', 'marsiqnec', 'Jaybirdsdelight', 'Joyfulreading', 'simpyhl', 'Gummy_smlie', 'shenchell', 'RyokoMasa', 'KakaoZUZI', 'MyGoodnessLove', 'GodsDumpster', 'Indigoscarlet', 'Kneadr', 'Sunangel12', 'themomentibecameavillain', 'Reign_of_Roses', 'Nmomns', 'JojIsNotHere', 'Anormalhuman', 'Puffypoofles', 'Hilda_Lying', 'Aotsuki', 'SatoriDoodles', 'person1020', 'NeroTheDevilBringer', 'Williamleroy38', 'Snowy_Moon', 'canaryscoalmine']
Welt manages to trip on his first step on the Xianzhou Luofu, falling flat on his face and stabbing himself in the foot with his cane.    The Archives snickers behind him.    "Getting old, Herrscher?"    Every day, Welt rethinks his life decisions that ended up saddling him with a sentient cube as a partner.    Void Archives extends a hand to him. Welt sighs as he takes it, hearing the worrying crack of his bones as he stands up. His nose was bleeding, and he's pretty sure there was a giant bruise forming on his forehead.    The Archives' hand in his' shakes with laughter.    "It's not nice to laugh at people, Void Archives." Welt chastises, leaning on his cane for more support.    Then his cane slips in a conveniently placed puddle, causing him to fall yet again.    This time, Void Archives catches him around the waist with their other hand, their long hair draping around the two of them, tickling Welt's face. A facsimile of a waltz. An unusually performative gesture, especially when coming from the 50 000 year old Archives.    "Be careful, Welt. Can't have your old bones breaking, can we?"    Welt can feel the smugness radiating off them, with a wicked, wicked smile spreading over their lips, canines protruding as they grin at him.    Somewhere behind them, the Trailblazer and March 7th make retching noises as Dan Heng sighs.    Himeko comes to his rescue, thankfully. "Do you need to get that healed? I heard there's a great medic from the intergalactic merchant guild."   "Ah, Himeko, it's just a scratch. I've faced much worse."   The frown on Himeko's face and the scowl on Void Archives' said otherwise. Welt knew a losing battle when he saw one, and this time is no exception.    As he gets dragged to wherever this medic's office may be, he says to Void Archives, "So sacrificing me to wield the Star of Eden is fine, but a nosebleed isn't?"    "It wasn't just a nosebleed, I'm worried for your back. Hopefully this so-called great medic is also a chiropractor. It's also ridiculously undignified for the former Herrscher of Reason, the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, to die from stepping off a train."    ~   Void Archives freezes immediately when he steps inside the doctor's room, their hand grasping Welt's hand so tight that he fears his blood circulation might get cut off.    They look like they just saw a ghost.    Welt, just a step behind, squeezes their hand back in reassurance. What was in this doctor's office for the First Divine Key themself to tense up and look so pallid?    Welt walks into the room himself and understands.    No, he does not understand.    Otto Apocalypse, who should be dead and buried, was sitting in a swivel chair, legs crossed, with a giant coffin next to him.    Void Archives snaps out of the trance they were in. "We are leaving."   Welt barely stops them from dragging him away. "Are you sure that's… Him?"    The Archives tugs on their entwined hands, but Welt has a substantial amount of muscle on him and Void Archives does not.   "Welt, we are leaving. I can't stand to look at his ugly face for any longer than necessary." Void Archives hisses.   "Oh? Don't we share quite similar features, my guest? Why don't you tell me what ails you or your partner here?" The Otto lookalike speaks up, picking up a glass of red wine.    Welt has to physically stop Void Archives from leaping across the room and bashing the doctor's head in.   "Is it customary for medics on the Luofu to heal while inebriated?" Welt can't help but ask. "And is it also customary for doctors to have a coffin at the ready? I don't think my injuries are severe enough to warrant imminent death."    "The coffin isn't for you." He does not answer the first question, merely taking a sip of his wine, gazing directly into Welt's eyes. It was unsettling, Welt decided, to have the face of your long dead enemy return from the dead.    Besides Welt, Void Archives snarls, pulling him in closer to them, arm snaked possessively around him. The medic smiles and locks eyes with them, grinning like a cat who caught the canary.    "Archives. That's not Otto." This person looked and acted far too young, even with Otto's immortality.    "My name is Luocha."   Void Archives ignores him. "I've spent five hundred years with Otto Apocalypse. Of course I know that's not him, but the resemblance is so uncanny, it's suspicious. He hadn't gone by the name Luocha in four hundred years, and now some lookalike comes out of nowhere?"   They turn back to glare at Luocha. "50 000 years of existence, and I've never seen or known of anything like this happening."   Welt sighs. "How many people have erased themselves from the World Tree? Probably only him. We have no precedent."    "Mr Yang, may I tend to your wound now? I have an appointment coming up soon."    Void Archives hisses like a particularly offended cat.    Welt nods his assent, sitting on the patient's chair right next to the coffin.    "I fell when I stepped off a train, hitting my face on the pavement. I suspect my back may have some injuries along with the ones on my face."   "Hm, a concussion is possible, as well as a strained back. Your nose doesn't look broken. Everything else should be minor."   Luocha places his hands on Welt's, green light forming into columns reminiscent of vines emanating from him. Void Archives' snarling increases in volume and frequency.   "Huh." Luocha frowns.   Welt waits for him to elaborate.    Luocha does not.    Void Archives snaps, "Are you going to tell us what's wrong?"    "Mr Yang, your anatomy is similar to that of a human's, yet there is something off. It's nothing like I've seen before. And I've healed many, many different people of many species. How novel."   Welt, former Herrscher of Reason, Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, felt like a tiny bacterium being stared at under a microscope by a man that was probably several decades his junior.   Unless this Outlander, follower of Abundance, had managed to discover the Xianzhou's most heavily guarded secret. He tried not to glance at the coffin.    "Well, given that you have enough similarities to a human, I can heal you regardless. We're still going to have to go through some physical examinations, but the visible injuries are easy to treat."    Luocha's hands atop Welt's glowed, and Welt instantly felt the torn skin on his face knit back together, his aches fading substantially. Even his perpetually aching knees felt more like when he was twenty. Welt hadn't felt so young in many, many years.    The scowl on Void Archives' face lessens just a bit. "Well, are we done yet?"    Luocha does not even spare them a glance, deciding to focus his sole attention on Welt instead. "Forgive my presumptuousness, but as a man of science and curiosity, I would love to understand your unique constitution. Of course, nothing invasive. Just allow me the honour of… staying by your side."    Welt has to tackle a Void Archives lunging for the medic's throat. Murderous intent from his partner aside, it would be quite the experience. And Welt would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't curious about this incredibly suspicious medic as well.    "For science." Welt decides.    Luocha smiles, a proper, warm one that makes Welt smile in return. "For science."   Next to him, the Archives slides his thumb across his neck in a fluid motion, glaring knives at Luocha.    "The appointment I have next is actually lunch with a friend of mine. Would you like to join us, as a toast to our new collaboration?" Luocha ignores the death threat, standing up and strapping the coffin on his back.    "It would be our pleasure." Welt replies, as Void Archives snarls, "It would not."    Fifteen minutes later, they end up at a table in the Petrichor Inn. Luocha takes the teapot and pours out three cups, pushing one towards Welt, keeping one for himself and leaving another in front of an empty seat.    Void Archives glares at Luocha. Luocha smiles back.    "My friend should be here soon. As thanks for your time, allow me the pleasure of footing the bill."    A tall man with strangely familiar reddish blue hair with an apron approaches their table. He has a nametag pinned on his far too opulent clothes, with a single character on it. 'Blade'.    Welt had heard much from Dan Heng about the Stellaron Hunter. What is he doing serving customers on the Luofu?    "Esteemed guests, what would you like to order today?"   Luocha does not even blink at the presence of the infamous criminal in front of him. "We're still waiting on one more person. We'll let you know when we're ready to order, thank you."    "Am I late? I'm so sorry!" A girl rushed over, plopping down in the empty seat. "I got carried away with cooking just now. Oh! I made this for you!" She pushes a lunchbox towards Luocha. "It's my specialty dish, Luofu Chicken Rice!"    "It's not made with the chicken you use in combat, right?" Luocha asks her.    She gasps. "Absolutely not! Oh, who are these two? Friends of yours?"    "New acquaintances. This is Welt. Welt, this is my friend, Sushang. She's a member of the Cloud Knights."   Sushang squints at Void Archives. "Are you Luocha's twin? You two look so alike! What's your name? How have I never heard of you?"    "We do not. How dare you." Void Archives snarls. They've been doing that a lot more than usual after meeting Luocha, Welt thinks. "And call me Void Archives."   "Why do you foreigners always have such strange names? Are you Luocha's sibling then? His nephew?" Sushang asks innocently. Void Archives doesn't even have veins, but a bulging vein appears on their forehead nonetheless. "Little girl, I am much older than that-" They visibly bite their tongue, holding back the words 'Otto wannabe'. "-that kid."    Luocha chuckles. "I haven't been a kid for a very long time."    Welt puts down his teacup. "Oh? You seem quite young though."   "I've been told I look much younger than I actually am." Luocha opens the lunchbox, picking up a piece of chicken with his chopsticks. "Sushang, this is surely too much for me? We're still going to have to order, you know. Regardless, this is quite decent. You've outdone yourself this time."    Sushang does not seem perturbed. "You can share with them!"    "Then, Welt, would you like to share with me?"    "If you'd like to."    Void Archives drags one of their claws on the tabletop with a screeching sound, leaving a slight indent in the wood. " Welt. "   Welt pops a piece of chicken in his mouth. "Would you like some, Archives?"    They grumble their assent.    The Stellaron-Hunter-turned-waiter returns to their table. "We do not allow outside food here. Would you like to place your order now?"   Luocha quickly stashes the lunchbox away on top of the coffin. "Yes, of course."    ~   Luocha follows them back to the Astral Express. Void Archives holds Welt's hand in theirs during the entire journey, walking increasingly faster as if to leave Luocha behind.    They return to see Dan Heng, March 7th and the Trailblazer covered in drawings all over their arms.    "Mr Yang! Welcome back!" March 7th bounds up to them. "Look, look, it's Pom Pom!" She shows them a drawing on the back of her hand. "Dan Heng drew it for me!"   Welt looks at the two others adorned with drawings of varying skill.    “I see that you all have amused yourself when I was gone.”   “Yup!” March 7th notices the stranger standing very conspicuously behind Welt. “Oh, who’s that?”   “This is Luocha, the medic from the intergalactic merchant guild.”   The Trailblazer squints at him. “Is he their twin?” They say, pointing at Void Archives.   “ No. ” The Archives grits out.   Luocha lets a small huff escape his lips. “So this is what the children now like to do?”   “You’ve never tried drawing on each other’s hands before? I never had many chances to play around when I was young, but even I used to do this.” Welt glances at him.   “I just never had the chance to indulge in childhood antics then, I suppose.” For the first time, Luocha looks…troubled. Sad, even.   Some part of Welt felt a pang of sympathy for Luocha. How much of his childhood must have been stolen from him? As someone who held the mantle of Herrscher of Reason from a young age, Welt could understand.    "Would you like to indulge now then?" Welt isn't sure why he offered. Perhaps out of sympathy? Out of nostalgia?    Luocha looks surprised, his mouth falling slightly ajar. "I… Would."   "What would you like me to draw?"    "The mech on your phone case, perhaps?"   "Arahato? Alright then, if you wish."   Welt takes him by the hand and leads him to a nearby sofa. "Take a seat."    Void Archives lets out a choking noise. They then walk over to sit right next to Welt, pressing right against him, wrapping their arms around his chest and burying their head in Welt's shoulder.    "Archives, you're unusually clingy today." Welt settles a hand over theirs. Void Archives lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like a whine. Welt picks up a pen with his free hand, starting to stop holding Void Archives', when they grab his hand and place it back on theirs. He'll just have to draw without holding Luocha's hand in place then.    Welt starts to draw, light pen strokes on the back of Luocha's hand, careful not to press too hard. "Can you tell me more about the Luofu, actually?"    "Of course. The Luofu is governed by the Sky-Faring Commission, with multiple commissions underneath. The Cloud Knights also belong to the Sky-Faring Commission."   Luocha furrows his brows, biting his lip. It was… Kind of cute.    "However, they still don't have a Commerce Commission. They have an Alchemy Commission, but not a Commerce Commission? Truly perplexing. It's truly a headache whenever I have to communicate with the Luofu as a member of the intergalactic merchant guild."   Welt adds the finishing touches to the Arahato on Luocha's hand. "It's been some time since I've last drawn, so forgive me if it's not the best."    "What are you talking about? It's perfect. Thank you." Luocha fiddles with the hem of his sleeves. "And if I may, can I return the favour as well? It'll probably look horrible though."   Welt smiles warmly at him. "Of course." Void Archives tightens the grip on him, hand gripping the front of Welt's shirt.    "What would you like then?"    "Hm. Whatever you would like?"    Luocha thinks for a moment, putting the tip of the pen to his lips. He then gently takes Welt's hand into his own, leaving light pen strokes on Welt's hand. A circle forms, with three strokes on it, then a face…    "Oh. Is that me?" Welt can't help but let a smile spread across his face. The little drawing of him was no masterpiece, the lines wobbly and the fringe crooked, but it was ridiculously endearing all the same.    Luocha does not reply, but the way he hides his face in his hair and the tips of his ears glow red is enough of an answer.    He then draws another circle next to Doodle Welt, followed by an angry face, and were those little fangs?    "Void Archives?"    "Yes?" They look up at him.    "No, I mean, Luocha, is this Void Archives?"    Luocha ducks his head, looking absolutely embarrassed. "They're important to you."    Void Archives, for the first time, looks at Luocha without a hint of contempt.    ~   After Luocha leaves, Void Archives finally peels themself away from Welt. They take Welt's hand in theirs, and picks up the pen on the sofa.    "Welt, may I?"    "Of course, Archives."    Void Archives starts drawing a cube, leaving little sparkles around it.    Welt stifles a snort. "Yourself? Really?"    The pout on their face speaks volumes.   They fall into comfortable, companionable silence. Welt leans back on the sofa, letting the domesticity of it all just wash over him.    "Luocha isn't that bad." He breaks the silence, feeling the other tense up slightly.    "He's better than Otto Apocalypse, I suppose. Even though that's not a high bar. Did you really have to act so chummy with him though?"    Welt blinks, then lets a grin spread across his face. "Archives, are you jealous?"    "I never knew you to be so preposterous, Herrscher."    "I never knew you to be a liar, Void."   They turn away- A battle lost. "It's irrational."   "Yes, but you don't wish for Luocha to steal me away from you, correct?"    Void Archives stares at their conjoined hands. "Do you find him… Endearing?"    Welt closes his eyes. "Yes. He's quite interesting, that one. Perhaps Otto would have been like him had he not gone down the path he had."    "... Perhaps."    Void Archives leans over to leave a feathery, chaste kiss on Welt's lips. Welt squeezes their hand in return. "Worry not. There will always be a part of me that longs to be by your side."    Void Archives lets a small smile spread across their face.   "But can I ask for you to try to get along with Luocha?"    Void Archives snorts. "Try asking for something more realistic, Welt. Not in the last era and not in the next."
A warm embrace
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Self-Indulgent, Comfort, Not Beta Read, Crying, Short One Shot
['Artia678', 'ThienLam', 'aydenzyx', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'Random_Gato', 'AkyaReads', 'Takashyys', 'l0stUnd3rW4ves', 'valzera', 'imasimpandiknowit', 'Minty613', 'Grafinition', 'queeniehoney', 'https_kvr0mi', 'Neko_Echo', 'randomsoulnix', 'Licilynn02', 'Veloraine', 'Cochiome', 'kana_theseer', 'nytemaric', 'kanasaurus', 'Hirame', 'mitsukrokrok', 'HuaMinn', 'Feelinblueforyou', 'every_chrysanthemum', 'Redblank', 'yeenma', 'simpingy3n1', 'nx1n4', 'B0Pzz', 'azuernights', 'Blade826', '53NPAI', 'Ariadneyuu', 'maoiist_milk', 'ViolentBiteBro', 'Lamitt', 'FallON_FallOFF', 'KittyKattClaws', 'tangtang24', 'weeyou', 'Cheese_is_cool', 'Natsudon', 'Yukinoarts', 'mac19', 'peachiests', 'luuuciidd', 'haithawm']
Another fail. You were sure your research was pointless. Whatever you were researching on a different planet, certainly wasn't going the way you anticipated it to.  Feeling hopeless, your sight started to blurry, from the tears accumulating in your tear ducts, warm liquid slowly making it's way down your cheeks, dropping on the scattered paperwork under you. Propping your elbows on the wooden desk, you gripped your hair, trying to tone out the voices in your head, calling your research a horrible fail, and waste of time. Something you were so proud of, which turned out to be another lie to you. You just couldn't hold on your feelings bottled up. The amounts of tears greatly increased, now your whole face being wet from them. Your eyes red and puffy from crying, and your cheeks swollen from bitting into them from the inside, to prevent any sobs to be heard.  Yet nothing went unnoticed by Dan Hengs good hearing skills. The second he heard short sobs and  shallow breathing, he knocked on your door. To the lack of response, he mentally apologized to you, as he carefully opened the door to your room, seeing your work in a scattered mess, and you crying over the desk – he quickly made his way over to you to pull you into his warm embrace.  His sudden appearance startled you, but quickly you melted into his warms, quietly sobbing into his chest, he intertwined his hand with yours, while the other brushed through your hair. "Hmm. it's alright now.. cry it out if you need to.." – he hummed, as he pressed his lips to the top of your head, pressing small kisses on it. As your hand gripped into his chest, he put his hand on your cheek, making you look at him. — "There, there.. What's wrong, dear?" – you sighed, as his hand started slowly caressing your cheek, drying it from tears. "My.. research.." — you closed your eyes, leaning into his warm hand on your cheek. This was enough for him to understand that you didn't really wanna speak of that right now. He nodded, and both of you stayed in a comfortable silence, appreciating each others company.  In the end, you fell asleep in his arms, so he carried you into your shared bed, pressing a light kiss on your forehead. – "Sleep well, my darling" — and with that he laid next to you, cuddling you to sleep.  
Sixth Star
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Jing Yuan/Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Established Relationship
['sallt', 'iluvgirls', 'oreosnomnom', 'Novae_Asteron', 'psychologyfold', 'CrystalRedfox24', 'SilverTheDumb1', 'PerceNotPurse', 'Wh0re4or', 'Secret707', 'Observer12', 'Skai157', 'SkittishKitt', 'StormySqualls', 'ForbiddenHoney', 'windfalldreams', 'Calxxi', 'Ren_jingmyluv', 'Emoriae', 'mimingpspsps', 'pianono_99', 'lalascoffe', 'x_Kat', 'tuliphead', 'Rawrwi', 'vyaa', 'lx2273', 'sh4d0w_t3rry', 'fantasticaldaydreams', 'MyL1fesALi3', 'allysanne', 'AutumnCiel27', '09Mingie', 'naafzo', 'pyxis_llaria', 'zero0nvm', 'Justarandomperson101', 'Elvesz', 'Cyxie', 'aotzz', 'Macken', 'paka_sush', 'Uchiha_Hikari', 'StarSeeker08', 'CEFaust', 'Sall', 'Amarus_Post', 'Gelatik', 'ophiurus', 'CaelumWhite']
"General, how have you been feeling lately?"   "Hm, everything has been alright, but..."   Bailu waited for his answer with narrowed eyes, ready to tackle the impending symptom with as much vigour as she could muster. She swore she would be able to treat Jing Yuan this time. Her tail waved slowly through the air.   "You could say that I have found the energy to deal with my paperwork lately. Of course, I still find napping on my desk a good pastime," Jing Yuan said, nodding.   Bailu scrunched her nose. "... huh?"   An ailment that had been troubling the General for millennia could not just disappear after centuries of useless treatment! Bailu shook her head.   "Are you certain? You don't feel as drowsy now?"   "Absolutely positive," Jing Yuan said. He smiled pleasantly as if this wasn't the most shocking news Bailu had heard all year: the most infuriating patient in her long years as a healer, cured just like that.   "I- I don't believe it!" Bailu took a step back. "How can you just..."   "Well..." Jing Yuan started, eyes following Bailu as she rushed to the room next door to get something.   Once she returned, Bailu dumped stacks of delicately packaged haw flakes into Jing Yuan's arms, who accepted them with some sort of amusement. She pouted, saying, "Take these! I don't know how you managed to get rid of that tiredness, but to keep it up, these candies will definitely help."   "Now, tell me! Is there anything you did that might have made your situation better? I have to know."   "It seems that your advice last year helped," he confessed.   "My advice last year? Hm... you mean how I said you should find ways to sleep better?" Bailu asked, tapping her chin.   "Yes, I heard that sharing a bed with a loved one makes you more well-rested." Jing Yuan chuckled. "That seems to have worked wonders, would you believe that?"   "A loved one, a loved one..." Bailu muttered, "this is an interesting treatment. How did I not think of that?"   Bailu took out a tattered notebook and wrote something down, all the while staring at Jing Yuan like he was a specimen under observation in an experiment. This fact would certainly prove useful in the future. A busy place such as the Xianzhou had no shortage of people who had to deal with exhaustion regularly.   "Is there anything else?" Bailu tapped her pen.   "No, no. I've been feeling right as rain."   "Then, I think we're cleared. See you next year, General!"   "Thank you, High Elder."   "It's my pleasure! I must admit, I did learn something today. What works for the General has got to be effective for so many more people. After all, I'm sure your workload is not small, something that even staying well hydrated can only do so much for," Bailu remarked.   "It may not be enjoyable, but, still, it's a duty that I intend to uphold," Jing Yuan said. "Have a good day, Bailu."   Jing Yuan left the Alchemy Commission as quickly as possible after his appointment. It was getting late and he'd rather be at home and in bed sooner than later. It was what the doctor recommended, right? Even though it was likely that someone had been badgering him to complete some extra documents already left on his desk, he wasn't about to work overtime just to finish them today. It was time to rest.   On the way, the haw flakes kept trying the slip through the gaps in his crossed arms, though the people who helped to pick up the ones that fell didn't bat an eye, likely because they were used to Bailu's strange treatments.   A gloved hand came to balance the candies in Jing Yuan's hold into an orderly pyramid, and he couldn't help but smile.   "There's no need for that. It will topple over before we get home."   "You can't fault me for trying," Luocha said, shrugging.   He relieved Jing Yuan from the load in his arms by storing the items in his bag. "There."   The streets of the Luofu are rarely dim, if ever. Even if it was getting quite late, the walk back home was vibrant, maybe even more so than it was in the day. The bumbling of stall owners advertising their wares and people talking reminded the both of them that the starship they were on would always be bursting with life, no matter how many catastrophes fate could throw in their way.   In a totally unnecessary move, Jing Yuan bought a cup of startaro bubble tea. Dinner wasn't very long ago, so he wasn't exactly hungry for such a filling beverage, but the sight of the shortest queue he had ever seen at the shop was enough to convince him to try it out. Every single time he passed by, people would already be waiting for their order at the end of the street and Jing Yuan would be needed at work, so tonight was the perfect opportunity.   Before Jing Yuan could even take a sip, Luocha had gently loosened his grasp on the bubble tea and drank from it.   "It tastes... nice? That's surprising," Luocha said, a lilt to his voice.   Jing Yuan hummed evenly as if someone else hadn't just stolen his drink and was quickly siphoning off all his boba pearls. It was alright though, they could always just share.   "I heard that it tasted rather foul."   "Not this time. Here."   "Hm, not bad..."   "Consider my expectations subverted," Jing Yuan said, as they kept walking down the street, the plastic cup alternating hands. "I thought I would enjoy its delicate appearance for a short while before throwing it away after a single taste. Still, I cannot afford to pass by this place very often."   "Perhaps the owner of the shop was having a good day. That happens." Luocha nodded. "And maybe the next time you visit, it won't taste the same."   Jing Yuan did not give an answer. Instead, he clenched and unclenched his fists, thinking about how they were chilly because he had been holding the iced drink for too long. Ah, how should he warm them up again...   Jing Yuan snaked his hand towards Luocha's. "You should take your gloves off. My hands are cold."   "That's a terrible excuse to have me hold your hand," Luocha remarked. Still, he stuffed his black gloves into his bag and left his hand to the mercy of Jing Yuan.    "You know, I think Bailu was taken aback by my hairstyle today."   "She was?"   "A little. I caught her staring at the braids woven in for a split second, but after that, she was already back to business. She was probably very unused to seeing anything other than a lazy ponytail. I dare say that she liked it."   "I'm glad. When I was doing your hair, I thought that nobody would notice. Though, Sushang didn't teach me how it's done just for other people to admire. It makes me happy enough to hear your own opinion."   Luocha stepped forward to open the door of the house, leaving Jing Yuan's hand empty. From where he was standing, Luocha's eyes were shaded by his fringe, but he knew he was watching him fondly. Luocha never failed to make Jing Yuan feel that he was loved.   "Hm, how should I put it then... It's beautiful."   Jing Yuan liked to do things efficiently, especially when he was tired. In his eyes, the best way to ensure he had time for himself was to deal with work in an absolutely ruthless, merciless way, as if he was engaging in a fight with his paperwork. Then, after he was done — for the moment, since there was always more and more and more to do — he would have his peace, short as it was.   He did three things once he was through the door: brush his teeth, charge his phone and take his outer garments off, armour and all. Then, he melted into his bed, hugged the covers and closed his eyes. The bed was practically his therapist at this point, all the exhaustion from his unending problems would dissolve into the comforters.   Jing Yuan did not want to budge. He was tired. So, he laid there, teetering on the edge of sleep and listening to the sounds of Luocha preparing for bed.   He thought he heard the shower turning on, the blowing of a hairdryer and the creaking of the bedroom door, but that could all just be a part of his imagination because he wasn't quite sure if he was awake anymore.   It all passed him by like a dream until he felt warm fingers patting his face and a voice saying, "You should have undone your hair, you know."   "Mm... It's fine."   "Isn't it uncomfortable? Sit up."   Jing Yuan burrowed his head lower into the pillow until Luocha lifted him into a sitting position by his bare shoulders. He kept his eye shut, but he could feel caring hands untie every single braid and the hairbrush he had entrusted to Luocha running through his white hair.   "Have you ever thought about taking better care of you hair?" Luocha asked, picking through the countless knots in Jing Yuan's hair. "You could do with some conditioner."   "Mm... Maybe..."   "Alright, I'll stop talking now."   And true to Luocha's word, Jing Yuan did not hear anything other than the bone hairbrush smoothing everything out, lock by lock. Jing Yuan rarely had the chance to hear the rolling of waves on the sea, but he supposed this would be closest he could get for a while, the ebbing and flowing of Luocha's hands.   When the caressing of his hair stopped, Jing Yuan groaned softly, mourning the loss of comfort, and looked up.   He saw Luocha shed his clothes piece by piece. The white coat went on the back of the chair, probably never seeing the day it would go on a hanger. The rest of the items Luocha folded up neatly and left them on the table.   With his weary mind, Jing Yuan thought it was miraculous how Luocha's hair never caught on any of his clothes as they were taken off, sliding over his pale back instead of tangling up in the fabric. He knew that he had more than a few admirers who would spare many glances at his mane, but now that he thought about it, it wasn't much compared to Luocha's.   "Oh? I thought you would be asleep." Luocha asked, seeing how Jing Yuan's eyes were still open   "Almost. I was... waiting," Jing Yuan said lazily.   "I can't even say tomorrow is a busy day for you, because you seem to be eternally stuck at your desk, morning to night. I guess that is how the Xianzhou keeps itself intact." Luocha chuckled. "Anyways, I'm here now. Rest."   The bed shifted. Jing Yuan tried to roll over to leave some space for Luocha, but a firm hand pressed his head close to the other man's abdomen.   "Hm...?"   Luocha shook his head and did not answer. All of Jing Yuan's days were long, stretching on forever like the galaxies. It wasn't often that he felt completely safe, secure and away from all the troubles surrounding him that changed year by year. Under Luocha's gaze, he allowed himself to drift off.   Seeing how Jing Yuan had said his wordless good night, Luocha took his time to care for him.   Jing Yuan did not look like a ferocious general when he was sleeping. He looked unguarded. When people slept, their faces softened and their muscles relaxed, returning humans to their most natural state, as if they had just been born from the womb. It was not elegant per se, nor was it comical, but instead, Jing Yuan looked fully innocent.   White hair was splayed out on Luocha's lap, soft and fluffy. The longer fringes laid on Jing Yuan's cheeks and obscured his face, leaving the curve of his eyelashes up to imagination. Luocha fought against the urge to brush them aside and reveal closed eyes.   This must be the embodiment of 'peacefulness', Luocha supposed, with Jing Yuan lying still in his embrace. Though, it also made him think of other things. Jing Yuan looked undisturbed, but some morbid part of his mind said there weren't too many differences between this and a fresh corpse, in terms of appearances. After all, death was just sleep, but one that lasted an eternity.   The line between life and death was much blurrier than most would imagine, Luocha had witnessed it himself. He had seen the dead rise back up from the grave with his own two eyes and those who hang on despite losing their corporeal form. He was no stranger to these cases, but he still believed his own lifespan was finite. While it might not be true for others, he knew his existence was no cycle, once he returned to dust, he would not reappear and he would give way to others to walk the mortal realm.   Jing Yuan, on the other hand, was not an ordinary human. The lengthy history of the Xianzhou Alliance told Luocha that their concepts of 'living' and 'dying' was worlds apart from his own.   How much time did they have together? Were there months? Years? Decades? The more Luocha thought of it, the more uncertain he became. What was his life relative to Jing Yuan's amortality?   Luocha threaded his fingers through Jing Yuan's hair, thinking about how many moments he still had with him that could be enjoyed. He counted each and every strand, wishing that the years they could spend together were just as numerous.   Jing Yuan did not snore, but the rising and falling of his chest told Luocha that this man was real and alive and he was everything that he had ever hoped for.    Luocha traced Jing Yuan's prominent collarbones, wondering how someone so familiar with the battlefield could boast such unblemished skin. He hoped it did not tickle too much, but seeing how Jing Yuan did not stir, it was safe to assume that the man was far away in an untouchable dreamscape.   In the many works Luocha had read before, Xianzhou poets liked to talk about the moon, a sphere the colour of milk, a fixture in the sky that made people long for their family, their friends and anything that they had lost. Luocha had visited many other planets and space stations, since his occupation as a merchant required him to travel far and wide, but he had never experienced anything quite like the moon.   Planets had satellites and space stations had probes, but it would be silly if somebody looked at those nameless rocks and pieces of scrap metal and wrote a poem, lauding their beauty and wallowing in their own sorrows. It would be a strangely pitiful sight.   Right now, in his place on the bed, with Jing Yuan cradled in his arms, he thought it a shame that all those people that lived aboard the Luofu and all its sister ships only had the countless stars to look at.   But it was all the same to Luocha.   To a man who had never seen the moon, the pearly white of Jing Yuan's hair could be its colour and the heat that radiated from Jing Yuan's body the way it once shone, but warm instead of cold.   By the time Luocha grew tired of brushing Jing Yuan's hair, there was no longer any other sound in the room, just the static of empty air and the slight crumpling of blankets. Luocha went to sleep, right next to Jing Yuan.   Jing Yuan would invariably wake up before Luocha the next day, but at least he could go to work without drowning himself in coffee and with a smile on his face.
Clingy cat
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
No Angst, only fluff, just about them being cute and wholesome ok, why does bronya look so similar to a cat, like srsly, i wanna pinch her cheek so bad she's so cute, headcannon that Bronya spends her free time sleeping, she needs sleep ok, we pretend work doesn't exists, we pretend it doesn't exists, they're in peace, not pieces, In Peace, i'm staring at you chave, staring at you, no angst in my dms
['MW_Patata', 'Slayer_light', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Glaucouss', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Thelainn', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'FenrirV1', 'MercerScott', 'MultifandomDumbass', 'Kotofeila', 'chichip', 'TheSymbioteWolf', 'RinuZen', 'new_watch', 'CMC_07', 'godcats', 'Anglea', 'Wali', 'Chaven27', 'jamjamx', 'Draco_180601', 'Korablick']
It's been long since Bronya had a good sleep, especially after she knew that almost all that she learned from her mother was a lie, not knowing what to believe anymore and who to trust. She does trust Seele but, it can be quite hard since she never really had someone like Seele Something inside her broke, her trust was broken. It felt like it can never be fixed again. Cocolia was gone already, Bronya had lots of people to rely on, but she mostly rely on Seele the most, believed Seele the most and trusted Seele the most. A Bunny/Cat with a Wolf? who knew that would work out, but it still did. ''Seelee'' Bronya called out to Seele to get in the bed with her. ''Come on, kitty. Be patient!'' Seele said as she just got in the bedroom and laid down beside Bronya only to have Bronya clinging on her body and resting her head on Seele's collarbone. ''Clingy one ain't ya??'' Seele said as she ran her fingers through Bronya's hair, hearing each other's breaths as Bronya just peacefully went to Sleep on Seele's body. ''Maybe next time I should put a collar on you and maybe see how much of a cat you look like!'' Seele joked as Bronya let out a low groan, meaning that she dislike the idea very much They both fell asleep staying in the same position until morning, but it seems like the wolf doesn't want the cat to leave yet ''Seele, I have to work!!'' Bronya said as she tried to get off Seele's grip but Seele was too strong, literally locking Bronya onto her with her arms. ''Come on, kitty! Stay in this position for a while more!'' Seele said as she pulled Bronya till her chin touched Bronya's head ''It's comfortable for me too! B-But we gotta go back to work!'' Bronya said still struggling to get off Seele's grip ''Seelee! You're gonna get us late for our work!'' Bronya complained only to have Seele kissing her by the cheek and that's how the cat melt onto the wolf's body and gave up trying to escape as she just snuggled against Seele making herself comfortable and went back to sleep. Bronya didn't knew that Seele actually asked a certain someone to say that Bronya's on a break, ''Sleep as much as you want, Bronya'' Seele said as she ran her hand through Bronya's hair, slowly caressing it as Bronya fell asleep again. She kissed Bronya's forehead as she watched Bronya fell asleep peacefully Hours passed and Bronya woke up again snuggling herself against Seele finding more comfort. ''Now now, kitty, it's time to wake up~'' Seele said as she carried Bronya while Bronya woke up with surprise of Seele carrying her, placing her down to sit on a chair with food prepared infront of her, pancakes were indeed Bronya's favorite breakfast. Bronya started eating but not too fast so she won't choke, ''Seele, have you ate yet?'' Bronya asked. ''Of course I have, you're a heavy sleeper as long as you have a fluffy blanket around you!'' Seele said which caused Bronya to get quite embarrassed but soon she finished her breakfast and drank water ''Now, why not let's play some things instead of working, it's break day afterall! Sunday!'' Seele said excitedly as she carried Bronya back to the bedroom, while Bronya hope it ain't cat toys ''Can we just cuddle in the bed instead of playing?'' Bronya asked as she rests her head on Seele's shoulder. ''Come on! All you do is sleep at your break time, even though it looks cute it is kind of boring!'' Seele complained as she placed Bronya beside the gaming console with two controllers, ''Seele, when do you think I have the energy to play this kind of games?'' Bronya said with a weak laugh. ''Fine! We can cuddle in bed instead!'' Seele said as she get in bed then Bronya getting herself on Seele instead ''Why do you always get on me when you have the fricking bed??'' Seele asked, it's nice but she's a curious one. ''I don't know, you're just comfy..'' Bronya replied and fell asleep on Seele while Seele sighs, wondering what did she do to deserve Bronya
I wanted you this badly.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Omegaverse, Alpha/Omega
['MW_Patata', 'Leonides2434a', 'LivingThing8', 'Zoid_01', 'D33JAYYY', 'Sangais_Lupus', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'heheboi2', 'Artistic_air_1067', '3dennhehe', 'WolfyKat_0220', 'Wali', 'KhalidNamikaze2022', 'CyanMusic', 'Blades4you', 'KingKhalil001', 'Nipoki', 'BakaBakaGo', 'Pigeonboii', 'MagnustheRed', 'paperbagdress', 'VIXspirit', 'Astrealiaa', 'Your_actual_writer', 'mikoswhore', 'Felaniasoul', 'konyakuya', 'endlesslylesbian', 'Ammyschl', 'pinkyjam', 'Oolet7', 'Ste99carol', 'Lance_lot29', 'HelloBye16', 'Owlmannnnnn', 'IMGAYASFUCKNOCAP', 'CristalXz', 'kulbaba', 'Dangalf', 'herrscherofsex', 'FruitSandwich', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'Kotofeila', 'chichip', 'paws_for_jaws', 'Localdisasterbi', 'qweowu', 'zainxdumb', 'NakadaYoichi_kenp', 'hamzzy']
''Ugh.. These ropes are so hard to break..!'' Bronya groaned as she tried to break out of the ropes that is tying her hand and her legs ''It's no use, dear princess.. You are now mine and only mine to play with~'' Seele said as she ripped off Bronya's clothings with so much force that Bronya was terrified.. Does Seele really want to devour her whole this badly..? ''M-Mmm!'' Bronya whined out from Seele kneading her breast and pinching her nipples ''My, My~ Your nipples are hardened already~ Are you really this eager to get fucked by me?~'' Seele said as she untie the rope on Bronya's legs and spread it apart ''S-Shut up!'' Bronya spat out ''Hm~ Honey, Are you really going to be this rude to your Alpha?~ You know, heat season is here and omegas like you are in heat... I don't like seeing you always taking pills just so you can calm down your heat..'' Seele said and ripped Bronya's pants and panties apart, revealing Bronya's private area ''S-Seele-! P-Please don't...'' Bronya cried out but Seele hushed Bronya with a kiss on the lips, then exploring Bronya's mouth with her tongue. Bronya couldn't resist anymore, she could feel the heat coming back again, but this time she can't take the pills and is going to rely on Seele to help her through this Seele then rubbed Bronya's clit which sent a wave pleasure throughout Bronya's body but it wasn't enough, Bronya needed Seele to breed her... hard. Seele pulled away from Bronya's lips with a string of saliva and licking her lips, ''You look so beautiful right now dear, and you're getting more wet?~ Hmm?~ I thought you didn't want me to fuck you?~'' Seele said as she grinned and shoved 2 fingers into Bronya's slit which caused Bronya to whimper and let out a heavy breath. Seele started to pumped her fingers inside Bronya slowly, as if she is very caution to not hurt Bronya, ''W-Why are you being s-so gentle- Mmmn- Ahh~'' Bronya softly moaned out. ''I don't want to hurt you darling~ Do you want me to go faster?~'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya's neck and licking it, leaving traces of herself on Bronya's collarbones and Bronya's neck ''S-Seele~ F-Faster~ P-Please~ Mmm- Ahh~'' Bronya moaned out and her body started to shake from pleasure. Seele started pumping her fingers faster and deeper into Bronya which caused Bronya to moan louder, she felt so close to cumming ''S-Seele~! Nngh- Ahh~! I-i'm cumming~!'' Bronya warned Seele about an upcoming orgasm, but seems like the warning just made Seele add a finger into Bronya's slit and pumps it in too, Bronya screamed out Seele's name as she cummed on Seele's fingers ''Do you want more?~'' Seele asked Bronya as she pulled her fingers out of Bronya slowly and licked the cum off her fingers, ''You also taste sweet~'' Seele said after cleaning Bronya's cum off her fingers ''S-Seele- F-Fuck me already please...'' Bronya begged, Seele knew what Bronya wanted and grabbed the condomn and ripped off it's packaging and took off her own pants and pantie, showing her 9 inches dick, and put on the condom on her dick, Bronya got flustered from the sight and looked away ''Come on, no need to be shy~ I'm yours and your mine~'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the cheek. ''Prepare yourself darling, I'm gonna enter~'' Seele said and held Bronya's legs apart and her dick entered Bronya's hole slowly, Bronya let out an exhale and started shaking again from the pleasure When her dick is fully in she started to thrust in and out of Bronya. ''Ah~ Your pussy feels great~'' Seele said as she groaned as she let out an exhale and soft moans, ''S-Seele~ F-Faster~ A-Ahh~'' Bronya moaned out quite loud and her legs started shaking too Seele thrusted her dick faster in and out of Bronya which caused Bronya to tear up from the pleasure she's receiving. ''A-Ah! Mmm- S-Seele~! I-I'm close~!'' Bronya moaned out and drool started dripping from the side of her mouth, ''M-Me too- M-Nngh~ It feels so good inside you~'' Seele moaned out. Both of them cummed at the same time, then Seele pulled out her dick and took off the condom and threw it away ''You look like you really enjoyed that~'' Seele said as she smirked at Bronya. ''S-Shut up-!'' Bronya spat out as she looked away but Seele grabbed her chin and made Bronya look at her, ''Has the heat calmed down?'' Seele asked and Bronya nodded, ''That's good, it felt so good inside you~'' Seele said as she let go of Bronya's chin and untied Bronya, Bronya was still flustered from what Seele said, Seele smiled at Bronya and pulled Bronya into a hug into her arms
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
lewd crest symbol, segs
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'MagnustheRed', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Your_actual_writer', 'Ammyschl', 'penguinsnowman', 'AlexkiiWantsTheirSleep', 'Zonja', 'EdelweissMax', 'MeiMei_08', 'Read100', 'CristalXz', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'kujousara_is_hot', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Insomniac', 'chichip', 'NakadaYoichi_kenp', 'KatiePuh', 'Shonyx', 'SneakyTrinky', 'CyznPr', 'Thelainn', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick']
''Bron, ya okay? Natasha did say this was a kind of symbol that puts your body in heat.. You sure you don't want me to touch you?'' Seele asked putting her arms around Bronya as she hugged her from behind ''I-I'm not sure, I'm not r-ready, but f-fuck it feels so hot!'' Bronya said as she started to move her hips as if she's trying to get some pleasure to stop the heat. ''Come on, Bron. I can help you, You're literally in pain right now..'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the cheek, that small kiss made Bronya's whole body shake as if it's asking for more ''F-Fine'' Bronya said as she took off her clothes off and dropped it on the floor, ''Please be gentle, Seele..'' Bronya said. ''I'll try my best to be gentle'' Seele said as she moved their position in the bed to be on top of Bronya while Bronya's on the bottom, she started with some foreplay and played with Bronya's boobs first only to receive a groan from Bronya and asking her to just touch her already ''Impatient one ain't ya, kitty?'' Seele said as she rubbed Bronya's clit and rubbing against her pussy to gain enough wetness then inserted 2 of her fingers inside Bronya, receiving a moan full of pleasure. Bronya spreaded her legs wider, giving Seele more access to her below part.''Needy?'' Seele said as she started pumping her fingers in and out of Bronya. ''A-Ahh~! S-Seele~!'' Bronya moaned out as her body started to shake while her below part seems to be asking for more. ''S-Seele~!'' Bronya moaned out loud as she cummedSome time has passed of Seele fucking Bronya ''A-Ahh~! S-Seele~!'' Bronya moaned out as Seele kept thrusted the strap fast in and out of Bronya who has cummed over 10 times already. ''Oh, kitty~ Seems like this symbol really made your body so needy for me huh~?'' Seele said, no answers were given only an embarrassed face from Bronya and more moanings were let out from Bronya ''S-Seele~!!'' Bronya moaned out as she cummed again, both of them has lost count of how many times Bronya has cummed, only knowing that it's more than 10 times Seele looked at the symbol on Bronya, it seems like it's slowly fading so she just kept thrusting the strap deeper and harder into Bronya, earning loud moans of Bronya moaning her name. ''S-Seele~!! A-Ahh~!'' Bronya moaned out, drool started dripping from the side of her mouth as all she did was only moaning until her voice seems weak, tears rolling down her eyes from the amount of pleasure she kept receiving ''S-SEELE~!'' Bronya screamed out Seele's name as she cummed, this time the symbol disappeared and Bronya was immediately knocked out. Seele stared at Bronya's body as she took off the strap and places it on the table beside their bed, ''You look so beautiful, kitty~'' Seele said as she admired Bronya's body from top to bottom, looking at the mess she made, looking at how she made Bronya into a mess. She soon lied down beside Bronya and went to sleep with her facing Bronya
A favor down in Rivet Town
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)
Character Death, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Men Crying, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Author Is Sleep Deprived, and needs a hug, Why Did I Write This?, Sorry Not Sorry, reader has quantum powers, i had to search up how to spell quantum, probably doesn't make sense
['Artia678', 'covecore', 'shusoki', 'WuChang_Umbrella', 'DecipherADragon', 'imasimpandiknowit', 'Gingerthorns', 'Sakura_039', 'hestia_zehera', 'soinityx23', 'Lmichii', 'randomsoulnix', 'Licilynn02', 'Feyre_Ashryver', 'auruminexx', 'FriendlyGamers', 'Hirame', 'bliztbika', 'yourmelodies', 'catdotpng', 'potatorollingonthefloor', '53NPAI', 'Ariadneyuu', 'Luhtauri', 'maoiist_milk', 'zaastasy', 'zevobbi', 'AlbedoLycan', 'Blue_rose999', 'Yukinoarts', 'peachiests', 'DendronoctilucousJade', 'Kotofeila', 'chivaruuu', 'Vexymiku', 'piastric', 'xXAstraM1dnight', 's0apsmohawk', 'bloodblister', 'Defenderofyobitches707', 'Ch33ryb10ss0m', 'Raseba20', 'hrts4yuu', 'Aarons_poprocks', 'SanaAl', 'weikyo', 'ghost_crown', 'Hibiscus_prime', 'Necantix', 'TeiLei']
You woke up, stretching your sore limbs. The past few days have been nothing but hard work — trying to save the Underworld mines and resolve the Sterallon crisis on Jarilo-VI. After quickly getting ready, you were sure you overslept for your meeting with Dan Heng, March, Seele and Bronya to discuss your next steps to saving Belobog. Rushing out of the hotel you were staying in, looking around for familiar faces, you only were met with passersby Underworlders. "Ah, here you are y/n. I was about to start looking for you." — a young adult female voice echoed in your ears. Turning around you were met with silver haired woman. You smiled at her sight and greeted her.  "Good morning Natasha. Do you, perhaps know where is everyone?" — you came closer to her, as she nodded in reply. "Hmm... I remember Dan Heng mentioning going somewhere out to gather intel, he took Bronya with him. As for Seele and March? I don't know of thier whereabouts, sorry." — she gave out an apologetic look, putting her hand over her chest. "Ah, it's alright Nat! Don't worry — although, I'll be bored, now that everyone is out doing.." — you paused for a second, tilting your head to rest it on your palm — "..."something"" — you let out an irritated sigh. Dan Heng chooses Bronya over you to take on the intel searching? You made a mental note to ask him why!! Accepting your now — "eternal" boredom you turned back in the direction of the Goeth hotel, but Natasha's favor stopt you in your tracks.  "Well, I actually need some supplies from Rivet Town, but it's really dangerous there, so.." — Natasha shook her thought off, realizing she shouldn't have told you that. As a doctor she crept you a very potentially harming favor. Yet, you accepted it. Not like Natasha was dubious of your fighting skills, but she felt like something bad was bound to happen, she insisted on going with you, but you declined.  Worst case scenario was that you wouldn't make it, and that thought corrupted her mind with massive worry and huge feeling of guilt, if anything would happen to you. After arriving at Rivet Town, you started feeling uneasy — you felt lightheaded and as if something was squeezing your heart inside of your chest, yet you decided to push the feeling away and continue on with your task. The closer you were getting to your destination the stronger the uneasy feeling was. More and more Fragmentum monsters roaming around, maybe afterall — it was a bad idea to go alone? Feeling weak, you grabbed your stomach, quietly yelping in pain. Even though it hurt badly, you still tried to not get spotted by the Fragmentum monsters nearby. You should've listened to Natasha. What if something happens? What if you won't see Dan He— At the sole thought of Dan Heng, you were quickly brought back to your senses. You couldn't worry him this way, suddenly disappearing — in the very Rivet Town.  You let out a shaky sigh, and continued on with your exploration once again. Almost at the destination of your task – the orphanage, you felt as if someone, or for the matter of fact – "something" was following you. Giving in, you let your senses lead you to the place where the supplies were supposed to be. Searching around, you were too busy to notice that some Fragmentum monster had spotted you, and was now making its way to you. It was too late when you realized that there was someone else's presence behind you, feeling a strong quantum attack hit against your head. An ambush?! The powerful attack effectively shattering your shield, sending you to already weakened state – although now it was stronger, and so was the pain. Yet, you kept on fighting as much as you could – but soon running low on energy, you weren't able to cast any shields anymore, and your quantum attacks were mere kick compared to the Fragmentum monster. Not being able to keep up anymore, your heavily wounded body hit the ground, accepting your fate, you quietly apologized to Dan Heng for leaving him so early. Footsteps were heard from not-so far away. — "I think they went this way!" — you could hear familiar voices, but they were so muffled you couldn't make out a single thing from what they were saying.  Soon enough, your blurry eyes caught the glimpse of a strong purple haired woman, you weakly smiled, realizing it was Seele. — "They're here!" – the worry in her voice strongly dominating. You felt two people kneel over you, starting to zone out from the blood loss, you suddenly were brought back by a very familiar voice speaking to you. — "Hey, y/n?! Please stay with me! Ple–" – you heard Dan Hengs voice as he was held by Bronya and March to not interfere with Seele and Natasha trying to save you. Warm tears streamed down Dan Hengs face, as he tried to stay calm and not let his cold facade shatter into pieces as he sees you hurt. It was first time March 7th had seen him like this, she felt very bad for him Natasha and Seele froze in place, turning pale as if – they've seen a ghost. Dan Heng narrowed his eyebrows and jerked out of the grip Seele and Bronya held him away in. Kneeling down to you, he picked up your unconscious body – with cold taking over it, he stared at Natasha. "I'm sorry Dan Heng, but.." – his world shattered. He couldn't even hear what Natasha was saying as he held you close to his chest, caressing your cheek with the other hand, he was infuriated – not at you. But at himself. He wasn't there to protect you, he felt guilty. "We should... give them some space." – Natasha looked at March and Bronya, as they only nodded. Natasha having an ache in her heart, realizing it's all her fault, because she told you about the favor.  After what felt like eternity he let you out of his warm embrace, he couldn't bear the fact that you were gone. All because he wasn't there.. Only if he was there.. Only if he knew of your whereabouts earlier– He was snapped out of his grieving thoughts by Bronya, who pat his shoulder. – "Dan Heng, it's time to go back.." – as much as she didn't want to interrupt the last moments of him seeing you, the area was getting more and more dangerous, with more Fragmentum monsters roaming nearby. "Can we.. at least burry them..?" – Dan Heng said in a low tone between sobs, Bronya let out a nod of acknowledgment and agreement. As the two were done with setting up a small grave, with a makeshift tombstone, they buried your body. It may feel like some body disposal after a crime – because it felt like so to Bronya, but Dan Heng saw it as a way of showing respect, rather than leaving your body exposed to corrosion.   The two of them left thier prayers for your peaceful rest, and they caught up to the other three, explaining the delay. They only gave Dan Heng a worried look, as he still couldn't believe any of this was real. It was only a nightmare, right? Honestly he would've preferred to have a nightmare with Blade again, rather this happening.  After sealing of the Sterallon, the mission was complete, but as they returned on Astral Express, Himeko and Welt noticed the lack of March 7th and yours energetic conversations. No. They noticed the lack of you, and Dan Hengs wasted look on his face, as if he was suffering from massive grief right now. He made his way to the Data Bank, shutting his doors. "Data Bank is always open" his ass. Not today. They sealed the Sterallon, right? There was hope for Jarilo-VI again, correct? So why was he crying, when he realized the lack of your warm presence of you next to him? The entire stay at Jarilo-VI he tried not to cry, but upon entering his room, all of his emotions bursted, as if they were packed up tightly in his chest.   Jarilo-VI surely will be a planet he'll be visiting often.  
Dancing away from our problems
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
gays dancing
['MW_Patata', 'Laserwise', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Hakotgf', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'cafeemoru', 'Whrlingx', 'Azuos', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'KatiePuh', 'pastelstuffed', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'Kotofeila', 'godcats', 'Korablick']
The two was dancing around their room, It just relaxes them from all the stuffs they've done. As they dance around, admired each other's beauty as they slowly dance around the room. Even though the dance might feel like forever, it's the forever that they want. ''You know, I would never have thought that I would have a slow dance with this beautiful princess right right'' Seele said as she looked at Bronya, those loving eyes would always win Bronya's heart, no, just when she look at Seele she would already felt her heart melted. ''Heh, me too. Never thought I'd have a dance with someone who is pretty and handsome at the same time~'' Bronya said as she caressed Seele's cheek. Their dance might not be that fancy, but as long as it's up to both of their taste they're fine with it, not need of hard dance that will break your legs, a simple dance is already good enough for them. For the dancing and the dreaming, one of their favorite songs to dance to. ''Love me for eternity?'' Bronya said as their face got closer to each other, smiling as they cherish the moment they are having. No one to disturb them just dancing at their bedroom ''Of course, Bunny~'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the lips, Bronya kissed back as they both melted into the kiss. Seele places both hands on Bronya's waist as Bronya places her hands on Seele's nape as they both kissed, not afraid of what will happen to them as they both got each other. Stopping the kiss as they continued dancing, hands caressing on each other's body but still knowing limits. ''Princess, how do you keep getting more beautiful every time i look at you?'' Seele asked as she gently touched Bronya's cheek, her hands caressing it, gently pinching it so she won't hurt Bronya. ''Maybe because you love me~'' Bronya said as she smiled, met with a grin from Seele. Both of them lovingly looked at each other. Not wanting to sleep and have this dance forever, not wanting it to be morning and to be free with each other That sounds.. nice.
kiss back
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Apologies
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'Laserwise', 'Rdash13', 'itsjoeylmao', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'akxk0108', 'D33JAYYY', 'Glaucouss', 'ReiRose', 'bleblebl', 'CrepeChan', 'EnraptureEnchanted', 'Kennyboiyo', 'SoManyQuestions', 'sigmabsd0', 'MiharuError', 'Cabbi', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Whrlingx', 'lunarlathe', 'WrittenInCursive', 'Astrealiaa', 'queenromain', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'furrrina', 'Wolfie257', 'MariFaye', 'iLoveMarsha', 'FenrirV1', 'YesAndSerialKillers', 'Ashees_ash', 'Snackeater', 'Peri_Peri', 'confuseduck', 'superpotstickers', 'LittleGhostlyRose', 'Gekoyaa', 'kyorugi', 'Versias', 'phoenjx', 'vicksvaporubtm', 'UnionOfPast', 'Zenguinie', 'zjtmxls', 'Kotofeila', 'forallyourtragediesillwritehappyendings']
Dark or light? Surprisingly, Bronya has trouble answering. There's a clear answer for any sane person. A clear answer for people who're not intoxicated by the soul of a phantom. Those who choose to live their life peacefully are not conscious of their own shadow. How can she ignore hers when she's addicted to it like a drug? Ripping away everything she's stood for, changing her outlook on life. Reminding her to be sensitive to those less fortunate than she ever was. Her shadow scoffs at her, they can never agree to disagree. It's always her against everything Bronya's trying to protect and yet… what she wants to protect transforms into what her shadow wants as well. So long as they agree on the baseline of it. People are people, these people deserve justice. Reforming and rebuilding those who never had light given to them is not an easy task. Her shadow has already given her enough benefit of the doubt. Nothing is enough, it's tiring… when it's her. The arguments escalate, they get work done, they make up. It's an endless intoxicating cycle that ends in kisses that have her shadow gasping for air as if her life depends on it. If she gets her energy and time, Bronya gets her heart. The latest argument ended in self isolation, well, she knows she isn't alone. Her phantom will always be hiding in her shadow, it's quite endearing once you think about it. The phantom only comes out when a tear falls from Bronya's eye. Quickly wiping it, and wiping it, and doing it until she finds herself unable to keep her face clean from the tears that fall from her eyes. It's the stress, it's fine. She'll let herself unwind this time. She doesn't stop it, the next thing she knows is that someone's wiping them for her. Azure and almost surreal, she is. Her heart aches at the thought. She kisses her, mumbling about things Bronya could care less about. One kiss turns into many, "Bronya I'm s—" Bronya scoffs, hand wrapped around her collar, her grip never faltering. "You're sorry?" She laughs, "I know you are, you better be, Seele." Tears threaten to fall from her eyes once more before the other kisses her. Chaste and short lived but it was enough — she hates that it is. — Pride has always been an issue for her. She can't let down her guard when she's been taught all her life to never surrender. The walls around you shall never falter, you shall be someone who is untouchable 'til the end of your days. To set aside that pride has always been a challenge when it comes to Seele. She feels as though she shouldn't be the one who initiates yet she finds herself doing so anyway. She's quite a traditional person, she doesn't know how to apologize either. So she takes her favorite flowers, puts them in a pretty bouquet in hopes the butterfly will like them. She knocks on her door, "I'm sorry." She simply says. It was that simple yet she feels like she's been punched in the gut. The other only takes the flowers, dumbfounded and shocked. Before she takes her in for a hug. "Finally learned to apologize?" She humors, the flowers left on the couch, forgotten. "I take pride in apologizing." In reality, she just felt like childish pride needed to be set aside. Personal laws can be broken when it comes to someone you love, she feels. She's always, always, setting things aside for her. What changes now? Her stuipid pride can't be crushed when the very person who's holding her in her arms has stripped her of every belief she's ever lived by. It opens her mind, she has no complaints. "So, you worked your way around it, good enough." — The next time they made up was near the wildfire headquarters. There was a disagreement with Captain Oleg, causing a dispute between her and Seele. Bronya doesn't know why Seele feels compelled to hide, quite like a child she is. She loves her all the same. She simply looks behind her, her lover almost flinching from her gaze before Bronya finds her hand on her head. Seele's a simple person, she nuzzles into the touch. Always being the first to apologize as Bronya reassures her. It's routine, but it's needed. It's something that Bronya wants to do willingly. Safety comes in the form of love, and Bronya wants to show her exactly that. They stay there for a few minutes, feeling tears on her shoulder as Seele lays there. She lets her, she always will. She tries to keep quiet although she knows Bronya hears the sniffling. She still wants to act tough for her when her immaturity shines through the most in moments like these. Is it childish? Perhaps, but Bronya doesn't mind. They bask in the moonlight. Tears may turn into crystals if the divine may wish it to be. Bronya feels as though her phantom already is one. She can blind you with how light bounces off of her yet she's transparent enough if you choose to blind yourself. A prism? Perhaps, yet Seele doesn't exactly like to acknowledge all the new colors she radiates. Like an ocean on a stormy night, reflecting the color of the lightning that bounces off of it. "You're feeling better now?" Bronya asks as the other nods at the crook of her neck. The smell of alcohol lingering as if it wasn't imminent before. It's going to rub off on her. "Don't drink anymore." "I won't." "You lie too much." "For you." — Bronya sighs, sending a message to Seele to come over to her office. Seele has been clowning her ( Seele feels it's solicited ) for the past few days over a trivial argument that was accidentally started by Bronya. Bronya seeks to end this and yet… to no avail. She can handle relentless teasing from Seele, yes. However, she just exploded, sort of. It was more like a gust of wind to Seele. Although she ended up feeling bad for her, she felt like it could've been solved by explaining what she felt in the moment. Her concern reaches miles, Seele is right. Bronya has to give that to her at least. It's sweet and kind, she's understanding, it surprises her every time. She prays to the divine to send this woman to her office immediately, she hopes the universe compels her to walk towards it. Her feet go against her mind, or something like that. Seele teleports to her, Bronya scoffs. The woman didn't even take the time to walk, how unfair. However, Seele is the one who's always apologizing. She figures they're even at the end of the day. She stands up, walking towards the other. "Sorry about that." She finally says as Seele looks at her expectantly. Seele only kisses her, Bronya hates it. God, this is not the time. Bronya grabs anything she can, putting the power dynamic back where it should be. She really, really, pisses her off. Teasing and all that are at the back of her mind. Bronya only hates how she tastes addicting, how she finds herself coming back to her. How she finds herself always being willing to bend the unbendable, to set aside priorities for her. Does Seele do the same? Perhaps, but it doesn't feel like it. She's a protector protecting the Supreme Guardian? Oh please, quite humorous if you ask her. However, she always ends up appreciating her more than her anger will ever allow her to. Her feelings conflict with each other as she kisses someone she's so tired of yet not sick of seeing. She loves how she haunts her in every possible way. Seele feels the same. It feels good to know that you aren't the only one addicted. Bronya is the flower that attracts the butterfly, a dandelion to admire. How sweet, a hunter has found her prey. She could never hurt her, though. Not when the prey has done nothing but heal its hunter. — "Do you think these arguments will stop?" Bronya mumbles against her lips. The answer was simple, she already knew what the other was going to say. However when you're this close to each other some things can't be helped. Seele sits on Bronya's lap, straddling her thighs. "It's in our nature. Perhaps not." "Do you not get tired?" Bronya asks, almost not wanting to hear her reply. "I don't." The other simply says, Bronya starts tracing her features. The dim lighting makes it hard to see her eyes. "Why not?" "Because it's you." She hums, kissing her until the other snaps out of it and kisses back. Lips almost swollen from the lack of conversation. "I do, though." Bronya replies, kissing her, waiting for her — needing her to kiss back. When she does her breath gets stolen. Reminding herself of her own desperation. It's frustrating. "Why?" "Because it's you." This woman is confusing, oh god, Seele loves her. "You nag and annoy me, ask me for things even though I'm busy yet it helps. You help. I get work done faster in hopes to spend time with you and it's just…" Seele kisses her, she kisses back. Bronya sighs. O, Divine, have mercy on her; for only the gods know how much she loves her.
I miss you
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Ding3', 'Kotofeila', 'DeltaDream', 'VannessaCloud', 'ruikasadevil', 'Korablick', 'Chaven27']
''Mother, Why do I need to learn all this?'' Little Bronya asked. She had the right to be curious about it afterall, honestly the world's a mysterious especially for little children like little Bronya. Once they grow older maybe they will learn that being curious as a little child is not a good idea. ''Listen Bronya, You need to learn all this since you're gonna become the future leader after me, and this knowledge will help you when you will be in my position'' Cocolia said as she pats little Bronya. Bronya just confusedly looked at Cocolia then to her book that she is holding''But I only ever see the overworld, what about the one they called the underground-?'' Bronya asked confusedly, after all she knew about them was just what she learned from her mother and the books, not like she ever saw what it was like down there. ''Why do they call the underground 'devils', Mother?'' Bronya asked again confused ''Listen here Bron, You will know about it at the future, but for now just follow what you learn okay? Cocolia said as she sat down on the bed carried Bronya and placed her down on her lap. ''Why don't we take a break now? You little ones need lots of sleep afterall~'' Cocolia said as she took the book away from Bronya and took a storybook as Bronya just looked at Cocolia still confused but Cocolia was right, she was tired Cocolia read the storybook for Bronya as Bronya slowly fell asleep, listening to every word Cocolia read until Bronya fell asleep. After Bronya fell asleep she gently carried Bronya off her lap and places her in the bed, pulling the blanket up to cover Bronya. She smiled as she caressed little Bronya's hair, hoping that nothing will go wrong for Bronya like it did to her..... previous child. She wished that this child, will have a bright future waiting for her and that she will experience the moments, the achievements that this little one will get in the futureBut the Stellaron won't allow that to happen as it took Cocolia away from Bronya just when she needed her the most. ''Mother.. I-I don't know how to lead properly, I'm scared I'll mess everything up.. Why did you have to go so early...?'' Bronya silently cried out, no one was in the room, only her in the room looking at the works Cocolia used to do while she was studying and the picture of her and Cocolia when she was still little ''I wish you can tell me what to do... N-No.. I want you to be here right now... Ugh...'' Bronya struggled as she cried out silently, it was hard doing all this leading. Bronya stared at her room, looking at the bed remembered that Cocolia used to read her storybooks until she went to sleep, tucking her into the bed as she smiled and caress little Bronya's hair. Bronya wished she was still here, someone to help her, someone to be there for her, someone who raised her. Even though all that she learned may be a lie, she was there and she was the one who raise her.''I miss you, Mother..''
Wishing for the best future
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
gays, it's just about them in bed falling asleep ok, No Angst, only fluff, not beta read we die like my soul
['MW_Patata', 'Slayer_light', 'cafeemoru', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'Kotofeila', 'new_watch', 'Korablick']
10 PM, Bronya was lying on the bed while waiting for Seele to get on the bed. Even though they might have just met it felt like love at first sight for both of them, of course not taking things to far. Bronya always wait for Seele, she acts like a clingy cat towards Seele whenever they are alone, I mean doing it at public might ruin their whole reputation especially since the underground and the overworld isn't in peace at the moment (Especially since Bronya was kind of kitnapped-) ------------------------------------------------------ ''Hey there, kitty~ Really waiting for me to get in the bed huh?'' Seele said as she sat on the bed as she caress Bronya's hair, Seele may seem like someone who might just not be soft but let's be honest she has her moments of being soft towards someone ''Just lay down beside me already.'' Bronya said as she glared at Seele. Honestly Bronya reminds Seele of both kitty and Bunny, ''Clingy little one ain't ya?'' Seele said as she lied down beside Bronya and facing Bronya. Bronya took that as a chance to snuggle against Seele as she held Seele's right hand and slowly fell asleep Seele smiled as she looked at Bronya, she never expected that she would be inlove at first sight with someone from the overworld, but who cares? This one doesn't seem bad. Seele placed her forehead against Bronya's, putting her free arm under Bronya's head as she caress Bronya's hair. Seele and Bronya slowly fell asleep, listening to each other's breath as they held each other hands, caressing her hair. It felt like heaven for both of them, wishing that this moment would never end, hoping for the best future to come for both of them.. that they will always be together forever. Sounds like an impossible wish but no one cares as they both still has hope for it.
Even though almost everything you taught me was a lie, I still look up to you..
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Cocolia dead, bronya sad, Angst, Heavy angst ig, i made my online dad watched me write this
['sparklycaprisun', 'Someone_nobody', 'Kotofeila', 'Wali', 'VannessaCloud', 'Korablick', 'Chaven27']
2 AM in the morning, and she was having a nightmare about her mother leaving her. Waking up from shock as she ran to find Cocolia, afraid that she will lose her mother. ''Come here Bron, shh.. I won't leave you, I promise.'' Cocolia said as she held little Bronya in her arms while Bronya's crying and holding onto Cocolia tightly Cocolia had to stay beside Bronya until Bronya fell asleep then got back to work But who knew that the nightmare would be true..? ------------------------------------------------- ''MOTHER! SEELE LET ME GO PLEASE!'' Bronya shouted as she tried to reach Cocolia while Seele's holding her back, knowing what happen next might be dangerous if Bronya's too close to her They were pushed back as the stellaron started to engulf everything. Bronya still reaching out for Cocolia.. her Mother.. Even though her life might have been a lie, Cocolia was always like a mother to her, caring for her.. worried of her, just like any mother would do. Bronya watched, trying to break the barrier as the stellaron engulf Cocolia. One last view of Bronya.. her child.. her successor.. her everything.. She smiled at Bronya, one last smile before the stellaron engulf her, before she would never see Bronya again.. before she's gone.. ''MOTHER!!'' Bronya shouted.. That was the last thing Cocolia heard before she disappeared. She was happy that she had Bronya as her daughter.. not only as a successor but also her dear daughter.. Bronya fell to the ground, crying.. She saw it.. she saw Cocolia got engulf by the Stellaron, disappearing, now forever gone. Bronya felt her heart shattered, scared that she would forget about Cocolia. Seele stood behind her.. no they stood behind her as they watched her fell on the ground and cry. Who knew that even though most of the things that Cocolia taught her was a lie but even if it was a lie she still looked up to Cocolia.. to her.. mother.
star shining
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Late Night Conversations, Happy Valentine’s Day
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'Rdash13', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'HighlyAwareEgg', 'MiharuError', 'Whrlingx', 'galacticbanana43', 'laven_boy', 'Attou', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'catqwtr', 'saturus', 'Peri_Peri', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'pastelstuffed', 'Kotofeila', 'new_watch', 'mizuenator', 'Longwood', 'VannessaCloud', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega', 'cii_an']
seele is awoken quite abruptly from her sleep by bronya and is irritated. “okay you overworldly princess what could possibly be so important that you needed to wake me up in the middle of the fucking night?!”   bronya giggles softly and grabs seele’s hand. “you’ll see i wanted to show you something. it’s something i found while ago and i’ve wanted to show you” and seele doesn’t reply. bronya drags her down a hill and behind some walls and finally they end up at a fence.   seele raises an eyebrow “wow a fence this is so amazing” she says sarcastically.   “no it’s behind the fence.. uh wait one moment” she lets her hand go and moves around the fence. “okay here we go come here and climb through this hole”   “wow i never expected you to get down and dirty” she laughs but obligates and follows, and once they make it through and walk down a path they come across an abandoned playground. it looks like it’s seen better days.   “i used to come here all the time as a child and would play here for hours on end and then one day mother shut it down” bronya turns and faces seele with tears in her eyes. she blinks them away. “i remember thinking it was the end of the world and being so angry at her i ran away” she grabs her hand and leads them up to the slide and turns on the fairy lights making the whole place light up.   “woah..” seele says and looks around. the lights shine in her eyes and bronya looks in them. she can see every single speckle of color in her eyes and she falls harder. it was so secret that seele was beautiful but with the lights shining on her… god bronya can’t take it. her heart is beating rapidly. she brings her hand up to her face to move a bit of hair behind her ear.   “has anyone ever told you that you are the most beautiful girl in the world?” bronya just says.   “no.. you’d be the uh first” her cheeks are a deep red. “anyways” she turns her head to hide her blush. “this place why did you bring me here?”   “because i wanted to share a bit of my life with you. seele i want to spend the rest of my life with you i see it now. i didn’t think i could love someone as much as i love you, and i just love you so much.” and seele is blushing a very deep red. seele leans over and kisses her passionately.   “you stupid fucking overworlder. i love you too” and she smiles.   “come come sit. i want to tell you stories about this place. i actually have one about gepard” and she giggles   “oh count me in” and they sit and talk for hours until the sun rises once again, and if i guard saw them sleeping on each other he says nothing and walks away. 
A surprise reunion
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Reader Is Not MC, they are so silly, im very gay for him, Kissing, Making Out, oh my god wish that was me fr, small spoilers, no beta we die like Cocolia
['sam2c', 'NeroTheDevilBringer', 'lovelyannaxoxo', 'Loulielale', 'khoidenn', 'Yshirimu', 'kuromikkyu', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'Jinglypuff', 'Hope78', 'Kalibri45', 'Takashyys', 'rina_zenka', 'Lunar_Raven', 'valzera', 'kimiwokim', 'Madara3437', 'hestia_zehera', 'Airis_Hunter', 'Compactkitty', 'The_AnarchistTicketMachine', 'Neko_Echo', 'M4r144', 'lumdays', 'honeydaydreams', 'l0stUnd3rW4ves', 'randomsoulnix', 'Licilynn02', 'Obxlixion', 'Veloraine', 'kouysl', 'Hirame', 'ladynoirx', 'baalswife', 'Mr_Penguino_has_anxiety', 'yeenma', 'nx1n4', 'Muzhroom', 'https_koiwii', 'Phaeye', 'oO0Kumiko0Oo', 'B0Pzz', 'IRequirePashta', 'Naomeme101', 'azuernights', 'UnknownFicWriter', 'Trixxt33rLee', 'Blade826', 'ArcticStick', 'BlueRose15']
After a long expedition in a different world and letting Himeko and Welt seal the Sterallon, you have finally returned on the Astral Express, exhausted and in pain, you were met with the conductor themselves — PomPom!  "You look miserable y/n..." — PomPom shook thier head and looked up to take a glance at your wounded face.  "I know... But the enemies on the Oikk-IX were stronger than I anticipated... And I encountered some... technical difficulties." — you sigh, looking away from PomPom, avoiding an eye contact.  "By the way, where are the others?" — you looked around yourself — "It's so quiet... Too quiet..? It definitely feels weird without March7 nagging others all the time." — PomPom only nodded in agreement. "Them? Oh the "Trailblazer Team" is out on an expedition aswell~" — you heard an adult female voice from behind of you - Himeko, of course.  You giggled at the name "Trailblazer Team" you found it cute. You turned around to face Himeko, her eyes widened at the sight of your wounded face and body, but she shook it off — you were strong and knew how to take care of yourself.  "The three of them currently went to Trailblazing the planet called 'Jarilo-VI'" – Himeko proudly smiled as she told you about the threes whereabouts.  wait... 'the three of them..." huh?  If your memory wasn't failing you, and you were sure it was NOT, the members of the "Trailblazer Team" were only March 7th, Dan Heng, and occasionally — you, although it wasn't that often. Himeko noticed that you're lost in your thoughts and let out a small cough to bring your attention back — "Ahem... We had a new member join our crew."  "Mm.. I understand. I'll be heading to Data Bank now, I have some intel to enter." — you waved your byes to PomPom and Himeko as she only gave you a smug face, shaking her head. "I'm sure Dan Heng will appreciate the new intel, very much." — you couldn't help but blush slightly at the brief mention of the guy.  Letting out a small laugh your walking pace fastened and you made your way into Dan Hengs room, ahem. I mean the Data Bank. Slowly opening the door, you walked up to the massive bookshelf with a small pad you entered the code and unlocked it. After a longer while of entering the intel into the database, you haven't even realized someone was standing behind you.  A sudden grab on your shoulder followed by — "Welcome back home, dear" — said in a stern voice startled you, as you quickly turned to face the source of said voice.  His eyes widened slightly at your reaction, but soon they softened when you hugged him tightly, embracing him.  "Good evening Dan Heng, it's been a while, huh? How did the Trailblazing of Jarilo-VI go?" — you smiled, pulling away to look at his face, a faint blush decorating his cheeks. He only hummed in acknowledgment of your question, which was enough to tell you that it was irrelevant right now. He leaned to you, his mouth close to your cheek, his warm breath hitting against your neck aswell as your ear. The hot tension slowly began to rise, after weeks of no interaction the yearing for each other started to make itself present. A small kiss on your neck, was already enough to make you enjoy this more than you should've, but who cared. You were once again reunited with your boyfriend after a long time of separation.  Dan Heng wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, as you put a hand on his cheek slowly stroking it, as he looked you in the eyes. You wished this could last forever, this was such a perfect moment, as if the time stopped and it was just the two of you. Even though March 7th could be heard on the corridor yelling something, it was muted out by both of you, appreciating each others embrace.  You sighed as he grabbed your chin to slightly lift it up, the pair of his neutral green (BITCH WTF IS HIS EYE COLOR ISTG???) eyes stared at your lips — full of lust yet full of love and passion. Oh, how he missed you out in the Underworld and the Overworld. You gave him a nod of consent, as his lips became one with yours, he grabbed your head with the hand he kept on your chin, for extra support. Your tongues fighting for dominance as your hands make it on his chest, grabbing on his shirt for some balance.  Unfortunately you remembered you have to breathe and both of you part lips, only to pant heavily, but as both of you got enough dose of oxygen, your lips found thier ways back to each other. With the kiss getting more passionate, both of you move to the back a little, and then you remembered the Data Banks massive bookshelf, huh?  As Dan Heng slammed you, with his hand against your head making sure you don't get hurt against the bookshelf, few of the books fell out making a loud thud, but both of you were too busy to notice. "Dan Heng? Are you alright?!—" — March 7th quickly opened the door to the Data Bank only to be met with a sight of him pinning you to a bookshelf, parting from a kiss. Tons of books scattered all over the floor. Uh-oh this wasn't good. "Sorry to bother you guys~!!" — she apologized and quickly shut the door, probably running away with a smug look on her face, already preparing the teases for both of you. He sighed and looked at you, his gaze softening as he locked an eye contact with you. He let go off your arms, softly smiling. — "Well, I didn't expect that to happen..." — he pinched his nose bridge, shaking his head — the smile never leaving his face. "Well, they would find out later or sooner right? Ah, let's clean this mess up.." — you let out a chuckle and scratched the back of your neck. The both of you leaving the room unaware of the red blush that crept on your face, that not going unnoticed by the Astral Express crew. "Haa.. young love.." — Welt smiled at Himeko as he closed his eyes and fixed his glasses. March 7th not able to content her excitement, jumping around PomPom, as thier head spun in confusion (and rapidly moving pink ball of energy *cough* i meant March 7th.)  Dan Hengs looked over at the crew, then returning his gaze at you, his hand making its way to the top of your head, giving you headpats. He was glad to see you again.  
I'm sorry..
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Dead Seele
['ccsjk98', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Maxxo', 'Glaucouss', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Whrlingx', 'Kotofeila', 'jamjamx', 'Wali', 'Korablick']
The promise they made.. cause the death of their loved one.. caused HER to lose everything, what caused her to wished to unexist, so that ''she'' wouldn't die just because of her ''Bronya!'' Seele shouted as she pushed Bronya away from the attack, they were both exhausted, especially Bronya since she was there with sampo before Seele did. ''I TOLD YOU HOW MANY TIMES TO WAIT FOR ME BEFORE GOING ON MISSIONS?!'' Seele scolded as she fought alongside them, ''I'm sorry, Seele- I just didn't want to give you more trouble..'' Bronya said as she continued to fight the enemy Heh... If it wasn't for her carelessness maybe her loved one would be alive right now. ''BRON!'' Seele took the last hit from the enemy before the enemies were all defeated, it wasn't a weak hit it was a strong one, Bronya was shocked, stared at Seele thinking of what had she done, maybe if she had listened... But she never really relied on anyone in the past, no she was the daughter of Cocolia so she thought she should do everything alone. Look where it got her to. They both were at Natasha's place. Bronya panicking, going on circles while trying not to cry, trying not to scream out of the action caused by her carelessness. Trying not to explode, to unexist as soon as she heard the news.. that Seele was g o n e. Bronya went in Seele's bedroom, holding onto Seele's stuffs as she cried, begging for forgiveness knowing that she won't get any response. Her heart felt empty.. It felt like she needed Seele, her heart felt like it was empty, an empty void that could never be filled till she is with Seele, alive and not dead.
You were the piece that completed me..
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Angst, not beta read we die like my soul
['MW_Patata', 'RichardPham', 'Laserwise', 'Glaucouss', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'V0LC4N1C', 'FenrirV1', 'Whrlingx', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'mizuenator', 'godcats', 'jamjamx', 'Wali', 'Korablick']
11 PM at Night, Seele and Bronya are still awake talking about things. But one of them isn't that.. straightfoward about her bottled up feelings, as one had only knew to do what she was told to do, she never really knew anything about releasing any of her emotions until.. Seele. -----------------------------------------------------''Shh.. everything is going to be alright Bronya'' Seele said, holding Bronya in her arms as she caress Bronya, someone's life that was mostly a lie, what she believed and what she learned, turned out to be a lie. Someone who is in denial, who doesn't want to admit that most of their life was a lie, because the one she knew it from was from the person who she trusted the most, idolized, admired.. Bronya was almost like a clingy cat towards Seele, holding tightly on Seele as she cried, apologising to Seele about it. Seele of course said she didn't mind it and that it didn't bother her when Bronya was like a clingy cat holding onto her as she cried. Sad little kitten. ''Come on, give me a big hug, Kitty!'' Seele said to Bronya as she stretch out her arms widely. Bronya smiled and hugged Seele, ''Don't call me kitty again, please.'' Bronya said, while being comfortable with Seele. Meeting Seele, is of course the best thing, bestest thing that happens to Bronya... It felt like her heart is completed, that she could survive as long as Seele would be there ''Come on, now kitty~ we gotta go to sleep, or else you especially might be super grumpy next morning!'' Seele said hugging Bronya onto the bed, both lied down on the bed, snuggling against each other. Seele didn't know what feeling this was at first but then soon she knew, she found her loved one, the piece that completed her, the piece that somehow made her feel she could survive everything as long as the piece was there.. the piece. the person.. Bronya.. Both of them lied in bed, hand holding, and is comfortable, especially with them having each other. To them it's almost like they'll never be seperated, that no matter what they would meet in every other universes, that they might have met before somewhere.. but that didn't matter because now.. they have each other already, compeleted one another as they ignored what the world would have against them that they would always go through it together.
You make my heart feels like it's exploding
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Valentine's Day, not beta read we die like my soul, my friend watched me suffer writing this ril no fek
['MW_Patata', 'RichardPham', 'Glaucouss', 'Maxxo', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'EtherRyan', 'Kotofeila', 'Wali', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick']
14th Feb.. It's Valentine who thought It'd be so fast for it to be Valentine right now? ----------- ''I hope Seele likes this flower'' Bronya said, holding a bouquet of blue coloured flowers named Bluebeard(Caryopteris). Of course she doesn't know much about love, but the flower matches Seele's look, looking at this flower always reminds her of Seele. Bronya took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't embarrassed herself, well.. especially not infront of Seele, how embarrassing would that be? Just as she was about to walk out to her door someone knocked on her door, Bronya sighed putting the flower behind her back as she opened the door, seeing Seele infront of her she swear she could faint out of the feeling of embarrassment inside of her Bronya tried not to panic and look at Seele in a ''calm'' way, seeing Seele holding bouquet of Buttercup and Rose flowers. ''Bronya, I-I.. Uhh.. God f-.. Uhm.. Will you be my valentine date, Bronya? I know this flowers might not be what you like'' Seele proposed to Bronya, as Bronya was about to take out her bouquet too to ask Seele out, guess both of them had a plan to ask each other out huh? But seems like Seele got more behind her sleeves! Seele looked that Bronya seems to be holding something behind that seems to be a bouquet of flowers too, ''U-Uhm, were you going to ask someone out. Aha-'' Seele asked trying not to rage out of embarrassment, ''I was going to ask you out-'' Bronya spoke out of embarrassment Both of them stood there, shocked while having gay panics and trying to process what had just happened, both said ''Yes, I'll be your valentine date'' at the same time then they both again standing still, more still than a log from embarrassment, feeling like their heart was going to explode until Seele dragged Bronya's arm to outside while closing Bronya's door, ''Here also a teddy bear, reminded me of you and c-chocolates..'' Seele said handing the teddy bear and the heart shaped box that is filled with chocolates ''A-Ah-! S-Seele! T-This is too much, I-I only prepared t-the bouquet for you !!'' Bronya spoke, it was hard not to stutter out of embarrassment, especially since she spent most of her time to do her works. ''Hey, come on Bron! It's okay! I know you're busy that's why it's on me today! Come on we're going to go to some of the cafe or restaurants here!'' Seele said speaking out of excitement, dragging Bronya. Two people in love. One might have given more this day but It doesn't matter, as their hearts are connected. For them, It's like one of the bestest days of their life, especially if it's with their loved ones.
We pretend to not know what we did
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['MW_Patata', 'Laserwise', 'airisdreams', 'rotigula', 'aoisiharasan', 'Viceps', 'akxk0108', 'D33JAYYY', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'appaisbestboy', 'KhalidNamikaze2022', 'Artemis_by_Design', 'astro_logy', 'CyanMusic', 'Glaucouss', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'SoManyQuestions', 'apxthetical', 'Whrlingx', 'RyosCheney2020', 'Lei_Re', 'chaoticgravityy', 'MagnustheRed', 'paperbagdress', 'VIXspirit', 'AshHirotoshi365', 'Astrealiaa', 'Funges', 'Vizii', 'Your_actual_writer', 'Karmelin', 'Azuos', 'konyakuya', 'Wolfie257', 'Ammyschl', 'CasualAo3Reader', 'endlesslylesbian', 'Bananakeks', 'penguinsnowman', 'jin_04', 'Eixirt04', 'vens_93', 'AlexkiiWantsTheirSleep', 'MultifandomDumbass', 'EdelweissMax', 'Owlmannnnnn', 'bakerwill', 'Cybee_kyra', 'Read100', 'CristalXz']
''S-Seele.. I-It hurts'' Bronya whimpered as she gripped tightly on Seele while trying not to fall down in the shower ''It's the heat season, what ya expect?! Fuck Sampo for bringing a fucking omega down here which ended up being my soulmate'' Seele said as she tried to thrust in and out of Bronya slowly and not hurting Bronya too much Bronya felt bad, but she tried to hide it, she never knew Seele felt this way about meeting their soulmate for the first time ''What now? Feeling bad? Sorry, I guess?!'' Seele said as she carried Bronya's legs to her shoulder and grabbed Bronya's hips, carrying Bronya while pushing her to the shower wall and starting thrusting her 7 inches dick faster into Bronya, which caused Bronya to held onto Seele tighter and tried not to moan out of embarrassment ''Aww~ Not letting any noises? Shy? Come on~ Let me hear you scream out my fucking name.'' Seele said as she thrusts harder into Bronya which caused Bronya to start letting gasps, whimpers and moans ''Now that's what I like to hear~'' Seele said as she started to mark her Soulmate, her Omega. ''S-Seele~! Seele~! Seele~!!'' Bronya moaned out Seele's name as she clenched around Seele's dick and cummed hard but Seele still kept going ''Sensitive much?'' Seele said as she smirked and kissed Bronya on the lips, Bronya was surprised but kissed Seele back. They both pulled away once they're out of breath, ''Heh, Not bad~ It feels good inside you too mm~'' Seele moaned out as she pulled out just to slam it all into Bronya which caused Bronya to tear up from the pleasure and moan Seele's name out loud ''Come on, be louder~ I want everyone to know the fucking silvermane from the overworld belongs to me, Seele from the underground!'' Seele said and started to mark Bronya again, at places that might be seen even when Bronya is wearing her silvermane uniform ''S-Seele~! I-I~!'' Bronya cummed before being able to finish a sentence and started to gasp for air, ''F-Fuck I'm gonna cum'' Seele moaned out and started to thrust deeper into Bronya ''A-Ahh~! S-Seele~! Seele~!! Seele~!!'' Bronya moaned Seele's name out loud as she cummed again, A few thrusts was done then Seele cummed into Bronya, Seele stayed in Bronya for a few more minutes then they continued their shower and day, pretending that they didn't had sex.
Hopelessly devoted to you.
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Mentioned: Welt, Mentioned: Himeko, Mentioned: PomPom
Fluff, they're idiots, i love them, i love DanHeng, No beta we die like my heart, i don't know how to tag, they're stupid in love, they are friends, i cannot wait for official release, Danheng reads romance, he's a fan of romance, A concept, Dan Heng is bad at flirting, goes by fast, Drabble, Dan Heng is bad at feelings, Self-Indulgent, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release
['AshAce', 'xMelo', 'RichardPham', 'ThienLam', 'Loulielale', 'l0stUnd3rW4ves', 'kuromikkyu', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'Jinglypuff', 'Sspacejelly', 'ChocoMalk', 'gumdropfelines', 'Takashyys', 'valzera', 'Gingerthorns', 'kimiwokim', 'kerhoeppi', 'stellarjuli_aa', 'mizumeoww', 'Compactkitty', 'hestia_zehera', 'Neko_Echo', 'AikoAkiyama', 'randomsoulnix', 'Veloraine', 'Linkemon', 'georgina_a', 'honeydaydreams', 'R_Zumilala', 'jubannii', 'Heartyyx', 'sugas_potato_shirt', 'laylalou', 'every_chrysanthemum', 'yeenma', 'nx1n4', 'Phaeye', 'B0Pzz', 'PeachyKingg', 'bliztbika', 'yourmelodies', 'mintbearjr', 'Ajax_0samu', 'xXAstraM1dnight', '53NPAI', 'maoiist_milk', 'Ariadneyuu', 'lukeprotector', 'Iinoixy', 'Lamitt']
There's a rumour going around in the Astral Express. "Dan Heng has joined the express to escape from his past." Most people need not care for others' past, there are things to be known, and others which need not be known. Dan Heng is a slender, tall man. His blue eyes are enchanting and alluring. He knows he's beautiful, doesn't he? He notices that you're staring at him, March 7th now blocking his view, telling him something about Himeko and he doesn't listen, well he does partly. He turns to look at March 7th, an unrecognizable look on his face, unsure of what he's feeling, unsure if he should feel something like this at all. March 7th has a smug look on her face, he sees the Trailblazer chatting up with you, he has to wonder what they're talking about. Perhaps he's just curious, yes he's just curious, that's a lie he told himself ignoring the first clench in his heart. Why is it that he recalls the scene of you holding your gun so tightly when he was going to conduct CPR on the Trailblazer, were you jealous? He had wanted to ask but he never did. You're leaving with the TrailBlazer and he has to wonder why March 7th stops him from walking alongside the both of them. Does she think she's playing matchmaker despite being bad at it? As if knowing his thoughts, March 7th gasps dramatically and steps on Dan Heng's foot while he hisses in pain. They have to leave soon and March 7th is late as fact, Welt is also late. Maybe the TrailBlazer was taking some time to wake up March 7th, she's always late...says she cannot sleep but ends up oversleeping. Dan Heng looks at you chatting up with Pom Pom, he thinks you look cute...wait, what? Why did he even...? He doesn't know and he's too tired for this. "Dan Heng!" You whisper-shout and he walks on forward to you, asking you what was wrong and you stare at him for a good two minutes. "Did you change your eye makeup product?" You ask and he nods, somewhat creeped out by how you even know about that and you hum...unsure of how to tell him that he looks nice, the new one he used was a lot more pigmented which suited him a lot. "Yeah, you look good." You state and walk over to Himeko, leaving him frozen...March 7th who sees this goes to smack Dan Heng in the back and he doesn't reply...oof she thinks he's down bad for you. The TrailBlazer has just recently joined the Astral Express and often worries for you considering you're great at long-ranged combat...somehow, March 7th knows exactly what they're thinking and affirms to them that nothing bad would happen to you as Dan Heng seems to have an extra pair of eyes when it comes to you. She receives a bonk on the head from both Dan Heng and you. The TrailBlazer sees as you shoot the enemy while Dan Heng is attacking the enemy as well as if he knows that you won't hit him by accident at all. When you and March 7th go to collect some chests, the Trailblazer approaches Dan Heng and starts, "You have a soft spot for them, don’t you?" "…That’s like saying I like to murder Herta's puppets for fun." He scoffs and the Trailblazer sweatdrops. "How does that correlate to my question?" They ask and Dan Heng sighs. "Both are baseless accusations." He says and the Trailblazer wishes to smack him in the face, they should've when they had the chance to. "You also smile a lot when they're around." They say and Dan Heng's eyes widen. He knows what they're trying to hint at but he doesn't want to admit it. "I smile plenty." He says and the Trailblazer scoffs, "How are you the smartest yet stupidest person I've met." At this, Dan Heng said, "You haven't met a lot of people." He internally chuckled...he was so infuriating. The Trailblazer only hopes he's nicer to you...oh wait, he is. Guess they don't have to worry about it much. "...I've known them for a long time and perhaps that is why." He says and the Trailblazer hums, "So, it's a friends-to-lovers trope. It's nice, I like it. I support both of you." The Trailblazer smiles and Dan Heng is at a loss for words, what do they mean??! What do they mean by 'friends to lovers'...he's confused...he's so confused as to why his heart beats faster when you come out from an alley, running with March 7th...he sees the TrailBlazer's smug face but he doesn't comment on it. He knows that he likes you but he doesn't want to admit it. Sometimes Dan Heng wonders how the Astral Express even works, he's curious about many things, the aeons, the truth, everything, hence the reason he spends so much time in the archive. He hears someone open the door but doesn't pay much mind to it, the TrailBlazer has been exploring all around the Astral Express, perhaps it is them. A shadow looms over him, he looks up to see you smiling at him. "It's time to go to sleep, Dan Heng." You say and he hums, still looking at you. He's unable to say anything, he doesn't know why, he should say something, anything. You think it's criminal for him to look good everywhere... "Is it?" He sighs looking back at the books, breaking eye contact, he doesn't want the red hue on her face to be seen, "It's easy to lose track of time in the archives." He mumbles and you nod. "Well, it's not like you can't sleep here." You say, sitting on the floor, next to him and the mountain of books. You take a book from the pile, it's the "Tale of the Winterlands". "We don't have the rest of the volumes for that." Dan Heng says, his head on his knees, looking at you and you hum. As you read the feel the stare of a cat. "I wasn't aware you were into romance." He starts and you turn to look at him, "I'm not but you are." You smile cheekily and he scoffs, turning his away, now looking at the window, the few stars adoring the night sky, the darkness is quite calming. He thinks he can hear his heartbeat...he knows he can. "Have you ever gone stargazing?" You ask, eyes now on him and he huffs, somewhat confused as to why you would ask that. "As in, laying on the grass, looking at the stars, knowing which constellations are which...I think that part of stargazing is very romantic." You chuckle and he huddles in, moving closer to you and stares into your eyes. "I am currently stargazing." You laugh at his attempts at flirting. "Oh my god! That was horrible." You say between laughs and he huffs, rather irritated. He looks at your hand...he wants to hold it, he wants to hug you, he wants to kiss you. He touches your shoulder...he thinks he shouldn't move in any closer...if he does, there's no going back. He hugs you...he hears the thud of the book, it has fallen and you're frozen, his eyes aren't leaving your lips. He barely grazes your lips...almost hesitant to do you but he sees the quirk of your lips, almost as if it were a guiding light. A soft kiss is placed on your lips, it was tender...he grinned into the kiss and you did too. Breaking the kiss, you look at him blankly. "I'm annoyed." You scoff and he tilts his head in confusion, "Why are you a better kisser than me?" You ask and he chuckles. "Don’t beat yourself up... I’m better than you at everything." He smiles cheekily and you huff, "Oh, fuck off-" Before you can even finish your sentence, he kisses you again. "...I owe March 7th a few camera reels now" You giggle and he hums, "I think we both do." You turn to look at him once again and he looks back this time. Quite hesitantly you ask, "What are we?" He hits you on the head and you gasp dramatically, before you can hit him back, he asks in turn. "What do you want us to be?" At this, you fall silent. "Well...we can take things slow, there's absolutely no need to rush into things." You smile and he smiles back, his hand intertwined in yours, as he watches you read that one book he cannot wait for you to gush about.
elephant chess
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Top Jing Yuan/Bottom Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Light Bondage
['Ranuvell', 'The_Son_Of_Fire', 'anonymitea', 'TitanMeat', 'Kali12molas', 'MysticMoon3208', '10vers', 'Furinakisser', 'hanzawas', 'boothillpeitos', 'Bahareftn', 'TWDwill', 'Juvalle', 'Tougal', 'efedlii', 'moomoomooing', 'Y0ng_bbokkari', 'Insert_creative_nane', 'badmatch', 'poimenee', 'siwokii', 'Luluruth0122', 'wayfaringvalley', 'Evergreen1013', 'silverwolf51', 'Sesenka', 'ColdandFrostea', 'Merryne', 'coffin_heartz', 'mikamuda', 'FragileAsGlass', 'Wiskaxx', 'ToksynWielki', 'Izyno_haru', 'Arsiilin', 'sugurukinnie', 'kristinab09', 'mzyiu', 'Ravioli_Queen', 'Joce0506', 'xane0', 'DelusionalDaydream1863', 'Gabble', 'Cited', 'Ender_flow3r', 'Kelo51', 'AllGoodNamesRNowhereFound', 'SandyYamz', 'Garbage_rat_who_writes', 'Fallenguardianangel7']
Jing Yuan reached out to brush his knuckles against Ren’s cheek—Blade’s cheek—and even the gentle touch was enough to make him flinch. He drew his hand back just as quick and frowned, chest filling with an aching sorrow as he recalled all the times he’d touched him there before, just like that. “Ren,” he said carefully, unable to bring himself to call him anything but, “is this alright?” Scarlet eyes stared back at him, with an intensity that was as alien as it was familiar. A look that would perhaps be known by Ren’s enemies, if their ends did not always come so quick. “You’ll do as you please,” Ren said, and it wasn’t an answer. If anything, the words only served to deepen Jing Yuan’s frown, wishing for once to see the dark-haired man fight, tooth and nail and anything he could manage. That was how it usually went, right? But now it was like that fire had been quelled, leaving behind only smouldering ashes in his gaze and a deep sadness that neither of them could ever quite place. “I will,” he replied; no point mincing words when they both knew it to be true. It was why had brought Ren to his home, to his bed. Sure, Blade was a dangerous man, one who likely deserved to be held as a prisoner regardless, but Jing Yuan was keeping him for much more… selfish reasons. “But I’m asking you a question. Are you alright with this?” Ren pursed his lips, seemingly in thought, and it tugged at Jing Yuan’s heart in a way he hadn’t even thought possible. His Ren had never been the most carefree of men, but. Seeing him relax, even just for a moment, took the general back to easier times. Lifetimes ago, when the name Blade meant nothing to either of them, and Jing Yuan would brew them both tea and they’d play xiangqi in the early hours of the morning. (Jing Yuan won each time, without fail. Ren was competitive, and a bit of a sore loser, but it was never enough to taint the tranquil atmosphere. He wondered, distantly, if this Blade would be upset if he lost.) “If it means I might be afforded your mercy, I accept.” Jing Yuan sighed, but he couldn’t help the smile that threatened to overtake his features. It was so like Ren, to still be thinking about things like mercy and survival, even draped out across the bed as he was. “You will have my mercy; you have it already. Most of my prisoners don’t receive the privilege of warming my bed,” he said, coy. Ren let out a little broken laugh, but he didn’t look quite so amused. “Good to know that I’m special.” “Of course you are,” Jing Yuan answered easily. “If that has not been made clear to you already, then that is my own shortcoming.” “Please, then,” Ren drawled, still not sounding convinced. “Prove it to me, then.” Jing Yuan’s eyes were dark as he reached forward to touch Ren’s cheek once more. He did not flinch this time; whether it was because he had accepted the situation, or because he was simply prepared this time, the general did not know. He supposed it mattered little at the end of the day. Once he felt comfortable in the knowledge that Ren would not resist his touch, he allowed his hand to wander, mapping over the body that was so familiar to him. There were new scars here and there, but he was still the same Ren that Jing Yuan loved. “I’ll be gentle,” he murmured, trailing fingers down Ren’s side, landing on his hip. “I am not your enemy.” “But I am yours. I’m a killer,” Ren said, like it was the simplest thing in the world. It probably was, to him—this life was all he knew. All he remembered. “I don’t do… gentle.” But you did, Jing Yuan wanted to say. But you have. “We are all killers,” the general landed on instead, drawing back his hand. “It’s everything else we choose to do that defines us.” “And what you choose to do is this?” Ren asked, nodding down at the red ribbons around his wrists. Jing Yuan barked out a laugh. A fair question. “I suppose it is,” he agreed. “You’re a temptation I’ve never quite been able to resist.” “How do you know you’re safe, then? That I won’t kill you?” Jing Yuan winced, but he knew that that was a fair question, too. Still, acknowledging it didn’t make the indifference on Ren’s face any easier to look at. “You underestimate me. You cannot hurt me. Nor would you.” He let his hand trail lower still, over one of Ren’s thighs. Testing the waters. The touch was clearly somewhat uncomfortable for him, but he did not argue, did not move away. Jing Yuan let his hand linger there for a long moment before letting go, reaching over for the vial of oil on the small table beside his bed. He uncapped it and slowly poured some out over his hand, rubbing it over his fingers and warming it up before setting the vial back aside. “Have you done this before?” Jing Yuan asked, running an oiled finger over Ren’s entrance. He knew the answer—he’d been the one to open Ren up many times—but he was admittedly curious as to what Ren had been up to in his time away. “I suspect I have,” Ren replied after a moment, though he still winced a little at the touch to such a sensitive area. His body reacted nicely though, just like Jing Yuan remembered. Eager and pliant, like he was made for this. Jing Yuan hummed. “So you don’t remember this, either,” he said. “But your body remembers it. Remembers me.” He pushed the tip of his finger in slowly, not wanting to hurt Ren. Ren was tight but opened up easily, body giving way to the intrusion. Jing Yuan usually liked to draw things out, maybe even making Ren come once on his fingers alone, but not this time. He took his time in opening him up enough to ensure he’d be able to take Jing Yuan’s cock without any pain, but no more than that. Perhaps he would be lucky enough that there would be a next time, and he could take his time then. All he wanted was to be inside of Ren as quickly as possible. Once Ren had been sufficiently prepared, Jing Yuan withdrew his fingers, wiping them off hastily on the inside of Ren’s thigh. He didn’t seem to mind but did let out a little whine at the loss. Jing Yuan retrieved his vial and pushed his pants down, eager to get on with it. He poured more of the oil out onto his fingers and rubbed it over his cock, hoping to make it as comfortable as possible. “Do you think you’re ready?” he asked, spreading Ren’s legs apart with one hand while he used the other to line himself up. Ren inhaled sharply, eyes not leaving the hard length of Jing Yuan’s cock. “As ready as I will be, I suppose,” he said, trying for apathetic and falling a little short. “I suppose so,” Jing Yuan agreed, and pushed in. It was still a tight fit but Jing Yuan was able to fill him up easily enough, Ren gasping as the general bottomed out inside of him. So expressive, Jing Yuan thought. One of many things he had always appreciated about Ren. “If it hurts, or it’s too much, all you have to do is say,” Jing Yuan promised. His Ren had never been one to back down from a challenge, though. He shook his head, spreading his legs wider apart in an attempt to make it easier. “Go on.” He sounded a little desperate, maybe, and Jing Yuan couldn’t resist any longer. Jing Yuan grabbed onto Ren’s hips, pulling out almost all the way before thrusting back in. He was hot, tight. And more than anything he was Ren, and oh, how Jing Yuan had missed this. Had missed him. He used his hold on Ren’s hips to pull him into each thrust, wanting to get as deep as he could. He wanted to carve himself out in Ren’s body, so that Ren could never forget again. It wasn’t long before Ren was starting to get into it, muffled little moans spilling from his lips, body arching toward Jing Yuan. With each thrust he jerked forward a little bit, on top of Jing Yuan pulling him closer, clearly wanting more even if he hadn’t spoken. Jing Yuan did love to hear Ren beg for him, but he figured it might be too cruel to make him. He didn’t have to speak for Jing Yuan to see how he loved it, regardless. Ren’s skin was flushed, cock hard and leaking against his stomach, and he was still moaning, so, so prettily. He could see Ren’s wrists strain against their binds as he reached down toward his cock. Jing Yuan knocked his hands away before he really got the chance to touch himself. “Let me,” he said, wrapping his fingers around Ren’s cock instead. He dragged his hand up the length, slow and languid, and the noise Ren let out was heavenly. Jing Yuan couldn’t help the small smirk that graced his features. “You sound more like a whore than an assassin,” he mused. “Shut up,” Ren scoffed, but it was hardly convincing with the way he was still moaning, rocking into each thrust. Usually Ren’s fingers would be tangled up in his hair, pulling and urging Jing Yuan on. Jing Yuan wondered if he would pull his hair if he unbound his wrists, or if he would simply try to run, or fight. He wished he could find out, but he wasn’t foolish enough to give Ren the chance to make a poor decision. Instead he only adjusted his angle, and thrust in harder. Ren cried out, and Jing Yuan knew immediately that he had found his prostate. He showed him no mercy from there, hammering into that spot and continuing to stroke him in time. It was obvious that Ren was about to come; he reacted the same way he always had, the way his breath caught, the uneven cadence of his moans. He kept at it until Ren spilled into his hand, practically shaking under Jing Yuan. Jing Yuan groaned as Ren tightened up around him. His control began to slip as he chased his own orgasm, thrusts shallow and uneven as he started to get close. “Ren,” he breathed. “Ren…” It didn’t take long before he was spilling inside of Ren, fucking into him like he might never get the chance again. Eventually they both stilled, Ren’s chest heaving underneath him as they came down from their orgasms. Ren had always been clingy, holding on tightly to Jing Yuan after sex, and although he couldn’t exactly do that he still got as close as possible, leaning up into the larger man and panting against his neck. Jing Yuan sighed as he ran a hand over Ren’s hair. “I love you,” he said, and the silence that filled the room after was telling. “If you don’t wish to stay here tonight, I won’t force you. You’ll be treated well regardless, so. Please don’t feel forced.” “I don’t mind,” Ren said, quiet. “Staying, I mean. You... have treated me well. Given me reason to trust you, at least for the time being.” Jing Yuan’s gaze softened. Maybe it wasn’t quite the same, but it was at least a start. He pulled out slowly and sat up, letting Ren sink into the bed, and reached down to carefully untie the ribbons around his wrists. Ren looked somewhat surprised, and Jing Yuan could only smile. “I trust you, too,” Jing Yuan said, answering the question Ren seemed unable to ask. “If you truly do wish to kill me, then so be it. Perhaps I would rather die than exist in a world where I may not share a bed with the man I love.” Ren paused. “I don’t wish to kill you.” “I should hope not.” Jing Yuan smoothed over his hair again. “I’ll have the servants draw a bath, if you’d like to clean up before you sleep.” “It would be nice,” Ren admitted. “Good,” Jing Yuan said, glad to see that Ren was relaxing some. “We’ll get some rest, then in the morning I can get you reacquainted with all of the amenities of the Xianzhou Luofu.” He wasn’t sure how long Ren would stay. How long he would want to stay, or how long Jing Yuan would have to keep him. He would take advantage of the time he got, though, never one to turn down such a generous gift from the universe. “And then perhaps I can test your skills in xiangqi, hm?” Ren sat up on the bed, rubbing idly at his wrists as he looked up at Jing Yuan. “Xiangqi?” Jing Yuan laughed. “So much to learn. Though I suspect you’ll pick it up rather quickly.” Again—it was a start. For Jing Yuan, that was more than enough.
Incongruous Area (Alien Space)
General Audiences
原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Chongyun (Genshin Impact), Amber (Genshin Impact)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Crossover, Fluff
['Cyanidedrinker', 'JojIsNotHere', 'SayNopeToReality', 'Ansha105', 'Possum33', 'lostinforevereternal', 'Craftka007', 'CoffeeBeanNirvana', 'Nonogramm', '1159', 'Just_Twisted', 'Lunarlyssa', 'N3gat1veZ3r0', 'UnknownArtist', 'MeraMera_SaboAce', 'StarlingFalls', 'Alexa_FedFed', 'Xerosis', 'Neptune_BlueJewel', 'bubble_milktea', 'Wilfed_Yiow', 'skartmoryy', 'Sofiacarmel', 'Tetria', 'cheeze_b0nks', 'Jess876', 'Soupwithsawdust', 'Jason_Theodore_Doan', 'AvonPyre', 'DevinePhoenix', 'hkvhtears', 'CaptainCubert', 'foxyfenniken', 'Hellisper40', 'RJ_Hastings', 'Conscientious_Reader', 'the_lemon_frog', 'Kotofeila', 'OriliumButtons', 'Forgetful_Cloud', 'Val_Does_Stuff', 'BBppan', 'inkvis', 'theugliestsquid', 'soupfan420', '0_Salty_0', 'Tevsster', 'Daycrule', 'Erin_Ravenseeker', 'BalanceArtist']
"Where are we, Mr Zhongli?" Chongyun asked.   They were currently deep inside the Chasm, where you could not see the grass that had been scorched by Pyro and Electro and how great boulders had crumbled into pebbles. They had walked so far down that they were only surrounded by the all-consuming silence of a cave.   Zhongli held up his crystal that was luminous with Geo energy, scanning the environment. The path before them was lined with loose stones and the occasional metal scrap. When he looked back, he could see the same thing. The stream of energy they were headed towards was the only way they could tell forwards from backwards.   "I am not sure. Judging by the lack of stalagmites and how even the ground is, this seems to be a Domain," Zhongli said, turning to Chongyun.   In the dark, Chongyun was also carrying his choice source of light: his Key, a cube of crystal that glowed a brilliant white, like burning magnesium. He nodded, but then hummed in acknowledgement when he realised Zhongli could barely see him.   Zhongli continued, "We should keep going if we are to locate this Abyss Herald. While this flux bears little resemblance to Abyssal energy, it is, unfortunately, our only lead."   Their footsteps were the only sound accompanying them. Neither of them were much for words, Zhongli knew that it would take much longer for Chongyun to warm up to him. They had only met in these two weeks, after all.    They walked for some time in the dim corridor, before the path widened into an open space. Although the lighting was not much better, Zhongli could make out the faint outline of a big, erect construct that resembled a portal. If he concentrated, he could make out something rippling there.   Chongyun had separated from him, gravitating towards a withered tree a bit further off. On the way, he tripped over something metallic.   "Ow…"   "Please, be careful," Zhongli chastised gently.   "Sorry," Chongyun mumbled, rubbing his foot. "It's some sort of machinery...?" His hand came back up dirtied with a tar-like liquid. It smelled bad.   They both explored the area a bit, but they came up with nothing more than a handful of dead weeds and debris disintegrated beyond recognition. Zhongli didn't quite know what to do now. The flow of energy that they had been following was emitted by the portal, but the portal had no visible mechanisms, nondescript as it was. The energy only seemed to be getting weaker. It had flickered like static electricity when they first descended down the Maw, but now, they couldn't feel it much at all.   "Perhaps this is a dead end. I have never seen anything like that oblong plate you showed me just now. It isn't-"   A strange sound echoed through the cavern at that moment, pitched at first then low, interrupting Zhongli.   For the first time since they had entered the Domain, there was light. Zhongli looked towards the portal and saw that it now seemed more like a clear pool of water. It flowed like one, but he couldn't see what was behind it. The second thing that he noticed was that the energy flow had become immensely stronger, so much so that he could physically feel the pull of the portal.   Chongyun could only manage a baffled 'huh?' He said, "That doesn't look like what we came here for."   "There is no knowing what lies beyond that. We are both underprepared for this, I think it is time we headed back and reported it to the Qixing," Zhongli stated. He was about to go back to where they came from when the portal unexpectedly started expanding with a purr that sounded like sand falling. At that moment, the alien presence in Liyue that had been bothering Zhongli felt starker than ever. Something foreign had fallen into his nation in the past weeks and his instincts were flaring with an extreme intensity now, but he didn't have time to dwell on that.   The boundaries of the portal were no longer confined to their frame and they were rapidly closing in. The suction of the portal was not helping. There was no air rushing towards the depths of the portal, but both Zhongli and Chongyun felt themselves being dragged into it anyways.   In a desperate attempt to hold his ground, Chongyun summoned his Skyrider Greatsword and anchored himself to the dirt. Zhongli could feel the ground beneath him giving away, even when he was expending his power. Too quickly, the rippling pool was at their back and drawing them closer and closer.    In a blink, they were smothered in its heaviness. The next, they could see an expanse of stars stretching around them, before it faded into something else entirely, something colourful.     Zhongli stared at the blue sky above him. He heard Chongyun muffle a groan somewhere to his right, although he couldn't see him because he was lying on his back.   The weather was so disarmingly pleasant. A cool breeze that spoke of autumn, even if Zhongli knew that it was summer when he ventured into the Chasm. The sunshine was warm and comforting.   Zhongli heard the faded chatter of people in the distance and he was slightly concerned that he felt no connection to them, as if they were detached from him. An Archon was meant to resonate with their people, and Zhongli had never once lost that ability since his retirement. When he walked in Liyue Harbour, he could sense the lives of a thousand individuals surrounding him like a hug. Their heartbeats were his, in a way.   Even in a foreign land like Mondstadt, Zhongli was able to feel and encompass, albeit faintly, the people around him, because he was strongly tethered to Teyvat. Now, there was nothing. He felt a vacancy.   Other than that, he could also not feel the earth beneath him. His mastery of Geo usually allowed him to bend rock and soil with his will as easily as he controlled his four limbs, but right now he could not manipulate the ground. Strangely, if he focused a little, the layer of stone bricks he was lying on vibrated as he wished them to. Perhaps they were in a place that had the unending void under it?   Zhongli mused quietly.   "This doesn't look like Liyue. Are we in another nation?" Chongyun asked, already standing around.   Zhongli had been so preoccupied with marvelling at how everything felt different, that he had not yet sat up. Brushing himself off, Zhongli finally looked around him with his eyes. They were probably tucked away in some corner of a city, boxed in by a dead end.   "Not quite, this... reminds me of earlier times. Notice the paint on the black doors and the way the door knockers are carved into lions, these used to be in fashion more than two centuries ago. Though, the beams look different than I remember," Zhongli pointed out.   Chongyun knocked on one of the dark columns holding up the building they had landed in front of, only for it to give off a crisp ring. Metal.   "Hm, I wonder what this is." Zhongli smoothed his hand over a panel on the wall, feeling how unblemished and artificial it was. There were all sorts of things around him that he had never seen before, from something that looked like a Teleport Waypoint, but not really, and crates that looked too shiny to be made from wooden planks.   "This is all very uncanny," Zhongli said, "Could we be in Inazuma? I haven't been there in quite some time, perhaps they have changed so much that even I cannot recognise it…"   "Or is it that we are not in Teyvat at all?"   It was a bit outlandish for Zhongli to think so. In all his years, he rarely heard of travellers descending from a different world, there being only a handful, much less about people leaving Teyvat. There were no devices developed for such a special form of transportation and even the Ley Lines did not have the ability to do so, which meant Zhongli was certainly very out of his depth. He pushed down the uncertainty bubbling up from his stomach.   Chongyun's eyes widened imperceptibly, balking at this terrifying hypothesis. "A friend... once told me that there were adventurers who found Domains with special doors. They can lead them across a whole area, but this doesn't seem to be the same thing."   Experimentally, Chongyun called on Cryo energy and summoned a chunk of ice into his palm, reflective and cold. He carved it into a small, delicate chrysanthemum and made it disappear with a wave of his hand once he was satisfied with it. Reassured, he patted his Vision, but only then did he realise that it hadn't been glowing at all.   "My Vision, it's not… lit. Huh."   Zhongli noticed and dipped his head, coming to a conclusion. He made sure to keep a very even tone despite his voice wanting to waver, saying, "There is something strange happening."   "But I can still use Cryo," Chongyun said rather cluelessly. "Unless it has something to do with this?"   Chongyun manifested his Key in front of his chest. To be honest, he had only realised his possession of it very recently and had little idea what it did, except it supposedly held a reservoir of power within it.   "Perhaps. I must admit, I am not knowledgeable in this aspect, since it came from a time when even I was not alive," Zhongli said. He turned his head to some shouting a street away, assessing if it posed a threat to them, but gazed back in time to see Chongyun hide his Key again.   "When in doubt, it is best to ask around. Maybe we should get in contact with the locals for some help," Zhongli reasoned. "Let's go."   Zhongli was bordering close to something called 'being afraid', but he staunchly refused to give into it. He felt responsible for Chongyun's wellbeing and the fact that, just because they landed in another universe, it was no different to arriving in a foreign land. Ask people, look around to familiarise yourself with your surroundings, and you would soon gain your bearings. There was no reason to panic.   Before leaving, Chongyun gave the ground a once-over, seeing if they had left anything behind, then he followed along behind Zhongli, who was trying to make his way to the busier districts.   The buildings around them had pristine white walls, only with an occasional spot of colour. There seemed to be a sort of electricity humming in the air, but maybe that was just Zhongli's imagination.    Zhongli was a few feet away from the second corner they had encountered when he heard voices. As he waited for Chongyun to catch up, Zhongli mentally prepared a few queries he'd like to voice, but he found himself distracted by how carefree the conversation sounded. He sighed, not wanting to interrupt their chat, but turned the corner with Chongyun in tow anyways. They desperately needed answers.   However, what Zhongli saw turned all the questions on the tip of his tongue to dust.   He saw Childe.   Or someone who looked too much like Childe. Zhongli felt something akin to his chest caving in as he thought back on that man in his memories.   They had spent so much time together when Zhongli had been carrying out his last contract, but Childe had left after that for reasons Zhongli regretted. Then, he had done his best to make it up to Childe, but the world had a funny way of keeping them apart. The Tsaritsa had said that her Eleventh's whereabouts were unknown, that he was lost in the battlefield, but Zhongli knew very well Ajax was now buried in the snow of Snezhnaya.   With a sombre heart, Zhongli did not know how to face this man. The man with the orange hair and fair skin. The man toying with his polearm, as if it were some prop and not a weapon. The man who had eyes the colour of the ocean.   But he saw how those eyes had a gleam that Childe had not had. This man was not the one who Zhongli comforted when the other had woken up from a nightmare about the Abyss, pale and sweaty. This doppelganger was a stranger and Zhongli most certainly needed to find out why he existed.   Zhongli pushed his remaining grief aside, no matter how terrible it felt, and spoke to catch the people's attention.   "Good afternoon. May we ask a few questions? We seem to have gotten a bit lost," Zhongli said in a steady tone.   The two people in front on Zhongli and Chongyun stopped their conversation abruptly and looked towards them. Zhongli shied his eyes away from the Childe lookalike and saw that the other was a girl not much older than Chongyun was. She had these almond-shaped eyes that reminded Zhongli very much of the people in Liyue, but she was mostly unfamiliar to him.   "Hi there! Are you two visitors who came here from the marketplace?" The girl pointed in the direction opposite to where Zhongli came from. "Don't worry! I'm Amber, a member of the Cloud Knights. It's my pleasure to guide you to wherever you're headed."   Zhongli nodded, even if he had no idea what the Cloud Knights were. Chongyun joined him by his side, eying the ginger man suspiciously. Zhongli understood that he was probably very confused, but too unnerved to speak.   "Your help would be appreciated, but I am afraid the nature of our being lost is not so simple," Zhongli said. "May I inquire as to where we are situated?"   Amber furrowed her brows while her companion chuckled, saying, "Right now, we are just about a block away from the western residential district and close to the market. I'm Ajax, by the way, also part of the Cloud Knights!"   "I see... This might sound strange, but may I also ask where this residential district is located? As in, I would like to know what this region as a whole is called."   "Huh? You're a funny one, but alright! We're currently aboard the Xianzhou Luofu, one of the ships among the Xianzhou Fleet. Is something the matter?" Ajax asked.   Zhongli fell silent. He had never heard of such a place. Were they really on a ship when he hadn't felt waves rocking them from side to side all this time? There were a lot of details that did not add up and along with Ajax's straightforward statement, Zhongli could see now how they were probably no longer on Teyvat.   Probably, Zhongli told himself. Logically, this could all just be some sort of misunderstanding, but that possibility seemed to be less likely by the second. He promised to steel himself, lest his lips start trembling from doubt or anxiousness.   Chongyun stepped in to speak instead when Ajax looked at Zhongli. "Uh, have you seen anything like a portal recently? I think we fell through one above the area just now, but I can't see it anymore. We don't seem to be... in the same world."   "That's a bit odd. Please don't think that I'm being rude or anything, but you didn't hit your head, did you?" Amber seemed a bit dumbfounded. "Unless... right! I think I might know what this is."   Amber nodded and smiled warmly, as if to assure them of her theory. "Travellers, do you mind coming with me for a while? I can give you a place to stay if you don't have anywhere else, but I'm going to have to report this to my seniors. I'm not an expert at this sort of stuff, but maybe they'll have a better idea."   Zhongli broke out of his thoughts and muted observation when Chongyun patted his arm to confirm his choice. Chongyun's eyes shifted, showing his inner debate on whether to trust them or not, but to Zhongli, it was certain that complying was more conducive when they had no inkling about their current situation.   "Of course," Zhongli said. "We are grateful for your help. Shall we get going?"   Amber beamed and led them along. Ajax was at the front with Amber, keeping an eye on Zhongli and Chongyun in case they accidentally lost sight of them. Zhongli walked leisurely next to Chongyun, taking in the sights. They were outlanders who did not come to this world on their own accords, but at least the exotic streets were interesting to look at, full of life and culture.   "Hey, Amber! Remind me why we are taking them in again?" Ajax asked. He was skipping along, but by the way his head was lolling ever so slightly, it seemed that he was perplexed.   "Oh, this was something that I heard back at headquarters a few days ago. You know how Lan's monument disappeared? You weren't there when they briefed us on it, but that's a good thing, you know! It was super boring."   "Yeah, yeah, but what does that have to do with them?"   "Well, they say someone transported it to another world entirely and that's why they couldn't find the statue here. Strange, right? I kinda wish I knew how it works!"   Amber shrugged, continuing, "Though, they couldn't find enough evidence to confirm that. They're looking for anything from another universe. And in the case that this isn't what they're looking for, I'm sure someone can help them out at least. Most of the people at headquarters look like they're very, very smart, so they can definitely do something!"   "Uhuh! Now that I think about it, hm, I've heard about people coming from alternate dimensions, back when I wasn't on the Luofu yet."   "You mean on some space station out there?"   "Something like that! Maybe it's been even longer, I don't remember it very well."   Amber and Ajax had left them to their own devices, chatting animatedly as if Chongyun and Zhongli weren't there. They started going on about their patrol routes at some point. Zhongli's eyes fell on Amber.   Amber was a lively girl, bouncing around with every step. She had a bright red bow perched on her head, winding down to tie her hair up into long twintails. Now that Zhongli was looking at it, he saw how her boots were mismatched. One was longer than the other, but he supposed that was the charm of this bubbly knight.   "Mr Zhongli, is that the Harbinger who..." Chongyun started after being quiet for so long. "Nevermind, he's probably not the same anyways."   Zhongli had tried to ignore this for some time, but he couldn't help but spare a gaze towards this Ajax.   Ajax was definitely different. He was dressed in a teal and white coat that seemed to have some utility for combat. If he looked closely, he could see that Ajax had an earpiece plugged in on one side, not that he knew what it was for. But, the most eye-catching part was the red scarf that was wrapped around his neck despite the clement weather. Zhongli looked away.   Yes, he was not quite ready to accept their status as being away from Teyvat, but he was even more unsure if he could look Ajax in the eye.   They walked and walked. The streets were flat in the way that they lacked the waterways like back in Liyue Harbour, and Zhongli found it strange how he was already longing for those.   At some point, they arrived at what appeared to be the edge of the ship. To the right of Zhongli were swathes and swathes of buildings and, to the left, laid empty space. He saw that the towering wall must be made of some translucent material, such that they can see into the skies. It was just as blue as when they had first arrived, but in the distance, Zhongli could see a hazy darkness that looked like the night sky.   "That... Are those the stars?" Chongyun said in amazement. He slowed his footsteps, giving him time to admire the sight. "Woah."   "Oh right, since you don't seem to have come here conventionally, you shouldn't have any idea what's off the sides of the Luofu. We're technically deep in space!" Amber explained.   "Is that so..."   Amber pointed her finger beyond the Luofu and Zhongli couldn't help but let his gaze follow along. Out there, many twinkling stars shone serenely and it was a calm sight that attempted to soothe Zhongli's nerves. Still, despite the beauty, a sense of wariness simmered within him.   Ajax was next to Zhongli in a moment. "It's nice to look into the horizon now and then, though there are definitely better places for this."   Zhongli watched as Ajax fiddled with his glove. He watched Amber wave at, then hug an old man, maybe a family member, and how Chongyun was looking around as if this was his first time outside the boundaries of Liyue.   The stars out there were distant and strange, not much like those back home. Zhongli tightened his hand into a fist, and there was a spark of some power that was so hollow and intangible when he tried to feel the familiar sturdiness of Geo flowing through him.   Teyvat was so, very far away. (See the end of the chapter for notes.) "You two are not suffering from a concussion," Ayato said, turning off his stick that emitted light. He had called it a flashlight when Chongyun first asked.   "In all seriousness, Amber should have been able to check for it herself. She's trained. That aside, if you are feeling well enough, I believe she is waiting for you."   The Cloud Knights' headquarters were located somewhere near the centre of the Luofu. It did not have a clearly defined space and Zhongli hadn't even known they were in the knights' territory until Amber pointed out the dormitories. After that, they veered straight towards the tallest building on the grounds, a magnificent tower. It shone golden and had an array of elegant, white footbridges leading up to it. Chongyun pointed out that it must be where the higher-ups worked, and Zhongli agreed.   They trudged along the winding paths, passing by small shops and even a training ground, until they reached an area far away from the bustle of the headquarters. Shaded by a giant gingko tree, there stood a simple, two-storey house that Ajax had proudly called their home. It had a little garden with a training dummy and some growing herbs, and this was where Zhongli and Chongyun would be staying, they could tell.   There was a third person within this house. In response to Amber's summon, the man with light blue hair had immediately put down the pen in his hand to assess the two outlanders as she instructed.   The man brusquely introduced himself as Ayato, a medic hailing from abroad, though he was currently staying on the Luofu. He dressed mostly in white with this flowing band of green silk tied to his arm. He was aloof, but that was likely because he was busy.   Now, true to Ayato's word, Amber was waiting right outside the room, ready to show them around. She brought them to the living room, where Ajax was lying like putty on a plush, but worn armchair, leafing through a cookbook.   "Welcome to our house!" Amber started enthusiastically. As soon as they caught up, she began walking up the stairs. "You might be staying here for a while, so make yourselves at home!"   "The bedrooms are a bit messy right now, but I'm sure the guest room is fine," Amber said, nudging a red article of clothing on the floor through the door that it was under. "... You don't have to do the cleaning, if you're wondering. You're guests!"   Back downstairs, Amber showed them the kitchen and the study, then brought them back to the living room. She did it all very quickly despite the house being much more comprehensive than Zhongli had imagined, so he supposed they would be in for many surprises.   "This place is bigger than most dorms and there's probably a few things you don't know the use of, so you can ask Ajax for that!"   Amber's speech came to a lull as she drew near the entrance, in a way that made her seem indecisive. But then she nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, that's about it. If you're all okay with it, it's about time that I left."   Zhongli watched as she put on her boots with urgency.   "I'm sorry I can't stay for long just yet. I really should be reporting your case, so I'm not going to be back before dinner. Get some rest, I'm sure it can't be easy for you guys!"    Zhongli hadn't managed to squeeze in a goodbye before Amber dashed off. He sighed and instead put his attention to Chongyun, who had taken to pressing a set of switches on the wall, memorising which switch corresponded to the lights of which room. Zhongli stopped him by placing a firm hand on the switches.   In the house, after Amber had left, there were only the sounds of flipping pages and a pen scratching paper from another room.   It was such a peaceful and homely place. There was undone laundry, but the clothes were designed in ways Zhongli had never seen. There were dog-eared books, but with titles and covers that he had not come across before. Despite all these things hinting that Zhongli was not home, where he could go down to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour easily and order food from Wanmin Restaurant, he could almost pretend that he had seen this all before. Everything here, Zhongli knew, was foreign. At the same time, he could say that it was familiar to him. Strange.   Still, it was not Teyvat, Zhongli reminded himself. He had little idea when he'd next see the lights of Liyue Harbour.    At that moment, Ajax piped up, unsolicited, from the side with a glint in his eyes. "Did Amber seriously not tell you about the basement?"   "There's a basement?" Chongyun asked in bewilderment.   It was true that Zhongli worried about how they might return, but Chongyun's overwhelming curiosity took the place where fear should be encouraged Zhongli to put it aside, even if just for a while. There was much to learn, so why not start with this very house?   "Yup! There's a locked trapdoor in the pantry if you haven't been there. It smells really bad, like ammonia. Amber says this place used to be a lab and that someone probably did experiments down there, but who knows?" Ajax said.   "And the most interesting part is that Ada lives there!"   Zhongli did not think that he would hear Ajax giggle, but it sounded crisp and mischievous, telling him that he was not privy to some inside joke.   "Ada...?" Chongyun asked.   Ayato, who was all the way in the study poring over a pile of papers, had apparently been listening to their conversation. "Those two... They theorise that there's some poor humanoid supercomputer stuck there, named Ada. Spelled A-D-A. According to them, she has pink hair, a pink skirt and if there's a sound in the night, it's her. It's a bit childish, but take it as you will."   Zhongli chuckled, finding it amusing. "I hope this Ada does not bother you too much."   Ayato scoffed from the other room, but Ajax just laughed.   At a glance, there were many knick-knacks lying around the house that Zhongli didn't know the owner of. One such item was a lone katana laid on the top of a three-tiered display rack.   There were many qualms still ebbing and flowing within his mind, now like the background noise of people chatting or the clinking of utensils at a restaurant, but perhaps if Zhongli looked around and saw all these new, interesting things, the misgivings would give way to appreciation. After all, even if he had many doubts, the Luofu being a beautiful place was not one of them.   As Zhongli got closer, he saw that the sword had a pristine white handle with extra embellishments coloured in gold. It probably didn't see much use in battle and had looked very well cared for from a distance, but then Zhongli realised that there was a mess of strings strangling the lowest tier.   A regal katana stained by human carelessness… Fascinating.   Zhongli very carefully undid the knots in an attempt to remove the strings, but he still bumped his hand on the display. To his horror, the blade threatened to topple over until his hand came to still it. The blade was not damaged upon a closer inspection, but he supposed he should refrain from touching these sorts of things.   Thinking back, the strings had this rubbery texture. They seemed to be tough and not easily snapped. It was one of those things that he did not know the purpose of, so he brought it up to Ajax.   "What is that?" Zhongli pointed at the strings, not daring to detach them from the wall.   "Those? Wires. That's where we charge our phones," Ajax answered easily. "Phones... Are those something new to you?"   He waved something rectangular in Zhongli's face, with one side black and smooth. Zhongli only squinted straight at the too close item because it truly wasn't an object he had seen before.   "It's for contacting people and a handful of other stuff. We should probably get you one eventually, I'll talk with Amber about it," Ajax said.   Zhongli wrapped his fingers around these tangled wires, wondering how they could help a rectangular box so thin connect you with other people. He felt so refreshingly inexperienced in this regard, but at the same time, he wondered if the Archons of Teyvat would be less estranged had they been in possession of such an invention, instead of having to rely on letters. Ah, the Luofu people were also one of ingenuity.   The rest of the day was spent sitting around, being confused by every other thing. Come dinner time, they had a hearty meal courtesy of Ajax, who made them some sort of baked rice. It was a wonderful event and Zhongli knew that this time of the day was much livelier than it normally would be in the house, as there were five people at the table instead of usual three. Gatherings were livelier with more people, at least that stayed constant even as Zhongli and Chongyun had literally traversed worlds.   At night, the guest room welcomed Zhongli and Chongyun. Chongyun insisted on taking the mattress on the floor, so Zhongli took the bed. Since they both travelled lightly into the Chasm, they only had some provisions and tools that were of no use here on the Luofu. There were no caves for their climbing gear and no monsters for their weapons.   Their room was very bare. There was nothing on the walls, the floor and the only furniture aside from the bed and the mattress was a bedside table. It had drawers with only a layer of dust and not even a lamp was in sight.   Just before bed, Ajax came in through the door.   "Hi, Chongyun," he greeted, then turned his face to Zhongli. "I thought I might give you my spare alarm clock. That way, you have some way of telling the time inside this room."   Zhongli had much experience in deducing the hour by the angle of the Sun, but he supposed that skill would be left unappreciated here. He placed this alarm clock on the table and thanked him. It was quiet in the room, with only himself, Chongyun and a glowing clock with no mechanical tick. He laid down and closed his eyes.     The next day, Zhongli woke up early. He was just in time to see some irrigation system, sprinklers, as Amber had supplied, installed out in the garden in action. Water rained down on the crops and on the grass, and it struck Zhongli how this place had never seen bad weather, considering the sheltered environment of the Luofu.   After breakfast, Amber told Zhongli and Chongyun to follow her to meet the General of the Cloud Knights. She had talked to them about this meeting last night, so it was not unexpected at all. The sooner they resolved their problem of appearing in this strange world, the better.   The Xianzhou Luofu was indeed lovely, such that another week or two here would not exactly be the worst thing in Zhongli's opinion, now that he thought about it, but Teyvat was waiting.   When they got out the door, apparently Ajax had already been waiting for the three. "Hi! I wanted to join in. I hope you guys won't mind?"   The question was obviously directed at Amber, so she begrudgingly said yes. By the look on her face, this wasn't the first time that this had happened.   "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Amber asked instead.   Ajax looked a little sheepish while he said this. "I... wanted to go pet the General's cat. It's fluffy and sweet."   Zhongli took one look at Ajax's slight bed hair and sighed. He had probably only just woken up, evident by how he wasn't even there for breakfast. Judging by his expression, it wasn't too farfetched to think that he was only making up excuses.   "Whatever your true reasons are, please make yourself presentable at least, is it not your superior that we are meeting?" Zhongli said lightly. He moved forward and made a token effort of patting down Ajax's hair, though it was still sticking up at this one point at the back when he was done.   Zhongli wondered why he hadn't thought of carrying a comb with him. He had his spear, ready to be summoned at a moment's notice, and not something to smooth Ajax's head with. There were no enemies for him to fight here, but there was someone with messy hair, so he supposed it was an oversight on his part. The least he could do, Zhongli thought while he worked his hands, was to be tender.   "I was going to do that myself, but thanks…" Ajax pouted. He was threading his fingers through his red hair as Amber told them to hurry up, unless they wanted to be late.   The walk to the golden tower today felt similar to yesterday. Except, at this hour, there were people sparring in front of their dormitories as a morning routine. During the short journey, he caught Chongyun tugging at his hair twice, but Zhongli didn't think he was aware of that.   At the entrance of the tower, Amber greeted the knights standing guard. It didn't take long before they had started to ascend the building. To Zhongli's relief, the footbridges he saw earlier were only decorative and no one had to suffer through a thousand flights of stairs to get to the top of the building. He supposed he could handle it, but it would not be a pleasant experience.   The ride on the lift was short, but after that, they had to weave their way through endless chambers. At every room, there seemed to be another set of knights seeking their intentions, but he supposed it was only normal for the General's office to be so guarded. Still, the questions were getting repetitive to the point that Zhongli had metaphorically closed his ears and left the answering to either Amber or Ajax.   When Zhongli got there, his first impression was that the place was not extravagant. There were no assistants milling about the place, responding to their employer's beck and call. The room wasn't wide enough to accommodate an imposing chair that a General should be sitting in. Palaces were spacious in the way that it made anyone lesser than the owner feel suffocated, but Zhongli supposed this place was none of that.   This area was not humble either. The paintings on the wall were too exquisite and the table was made of wood so fine that he could smell its fragrance from where he was. Behind the desk sat the General and she was sitting straight up with a small smile, showing that she had been anticipating their arrival.   "You must be the outlanders Amber mentioned yesterday. Greetings, I am Ningguang, General of the Xianzhou Luofu, one of the six ships of the Xianzhou Alliance. Pleased to meet your acquaintances."   Amber and Ajax bowed in respect, prompting the other two to follow. In his mind, Zhongli did his best to ignore the General's identity back in Teyvat.   Although the interior of the office still screamed the name of the Tianquan, her apparel did no such thing. She had thick armour plates weighing down her body, not a sliver of skin below the neck in sight. Her heavy outfit did not seem to deter the white cat napping by her forearm and the cat did even less to disturb her elegance.   "My name is Zhongli, and this is Chongyun," Zhongli said. Chongyun edged slowly towards him and stood there.   Ningguang nodded in a way that meant business, but with the way she held out her hand, Zhongli felt as if he were allowed to treat her as an old friend. "Welcome aboard. I have reasons to believe that you came not from the world, courtesy of my subordinates. Please, take a seat and explain."   There were chairs already laid out before the desk, so they did as they were told. Zhongli glanced over at Amber and Ajax. Seeing as they did not have anything to add on, he began his explanation.   "We came from Teyvat," Zhongli said. "Chongyun and I were carrying out a government commission. We were to investigate suspicious activity in a cave system, before we happened upon a portal there. The portal unexpectedly pulled us in and we landed here."   "Then, we met your Cloud Knights, they were very amicable and brought us in for the night." Zhongli gestured to Amber and Ajax, smiling. These were no empty words, they were incredibly hospitable to him and Chongyun that he felt as if he had just taken the wrong ship to somewhere nice like Mondstadt and not fallen through a portal that had appeared out of nowhere.   Ningguang spent some time inquiring about how the knights encountered Zhongli and Chongyun. Zhongli only had to provide his input briefly, supposing that it would help the General put her trust in himself and Chongyun, though it probably wasn't necessary.   "Well then, it seems that everything checks out," Ningguang said. "Before I divulge the matter on my hands, please entertain my curiosity. I would like to know what your investigation pertained to."   Zhongli did not understand the relevance of their commission before they arrived here, but Ningguang seemed persistent with hands clasped and eyes sharp. He eyed Chongyun, hoping he would explain. Zhongli wasn't partial to relaying the wrong information, since everything he knew was second hand.   "I received a request from the Qixing, the ruling body, to look into something the Abyss Order had done." Chongyun paused, thinking his words through.   "The Abyss Order, ah, an enemy party, left a mysterious statue on the surface of the cave system. They suspect that the statue could be used in an attack on us, so they had me take a look around the area where the members of the order were last seen," Chongyun said. "I met Mr Zhongli on the road and he kindly offered to help me."   Ningguang hummed, tapping her fingers on a set of documents laying on the desk. "Describe this statue. Do not leave out any details."   "It was tall, probably twice the height of this door. Hm, I remember the creature having a human upper body, but a horse's front legs and wheels as its hind legs. Most distinctly, I think it held a big bow above it, shooting at the sky." Chongyun furrowed his brow. Zhongli had no way of knowing if he was correct, because he had never seen the statue in person.   Zhongli stilled as Ajax whispered into his ear, "That's gotta be Lan."   Zhongli wasn't quite expecting the close proximity from Ajax, so he had to stop himself from shivering in an attempt to avoid the impression that he was not comfortable around Ajax. His heart said he was not yet ready to accept Ajax as even a friend, but his brain told him that the man was just a sociable person who was skilled at nicely breaching other people's personal space.   Among all the things on the Luofu, Zhongli couldn't believe the thing that felt he most insecure around was the person with the face of someone he had known best.   Looking around him, Zhongli was pretty sure that Ningguang was only pretending not to hear Ajax's statement, perusing the papers on her desk in concentration. Her white cat had finished its nap in the middle of their meeting, strutting down to the floor and heading towards Ajax, who was holding out his hands for it. The cat bit him.   "I thought you said the cat had a mild temper..." Zhongli noted.   "Only to the people it likes," Ningguang said offhandedly while sifting through her documents. Ajax chuckled nervously.   The cat settled like a weight on Ajax's left foot as Ningguang handed Chongyun a picture. "This is what you saw and I doubt it would be used as a weapon against your nation. It is only the monument that we sculpted to honour our Aeon, nothing more."   "Your Aeon?" Zhongli asked, staring at the picture.   "Lan is the Aeon of the Hunt, our god! A long time ago, our home planet was deceived by the Aeon of the Abundance and Lan was the one who saved us and brought our nation out of disaster. That's why our fleet follows the path of the Hunt," Amber said. "Me included!"   "So that's how deities are viewed here..." Zhongli mused. He heard Chongyun go awkwardly quiet. Ever since they had started their journey into the Chasm, Zhongli had rarely put up the effort to conceal his past identities from the other. Chongyun deserved to know.   "Yeah, so it was a big deal when Their monument disappeared overnight! I guess we know where it is now," Amber replied.    "It remains a problem as to how we may retrieve it from your world, as well as how you may return," Ningguang said. "For this matter, I have arranged for you to discuss it with someone from the Divination Commission. She should be here shortly..."   They didn't have to wait for long before someone knocked on the door to the room. A confident, light two taps.   "Please enter, Diviner Yanfei."   A girl came in with her lilac skirt and white train flowing carefully behind her. Though her face was composed, her hair told Zhongli how she had rushed here.   "Is something the matter?" Ningguang had perceptively picked up on that fact.   "General." Yanfei dipped her head. "There was some commotion downstairs in the underground holding cells. I believe one of your prisoners is kicking up a fuss again."   "That Stellaron Hunter may be dangerous, but it is likely that he was only riling up the guards because he aims to be a nuisance," Ningguang reasoned. "I can hardly tolerate this behaviour if he refuses to share his motives."   "A word of advice," Ningguang said, turning to Zhongli and Chongyun. "You are visitors of this world and you must know its hazards. Stellaron Hunters such as this one, Kunikuzuzhi, are not to be trifled with. It is only by chance that he handed himself in, though we have yet to see if it is to our fortune or misery. If you are to cross paths with one, please stay away."   "Thank you," Zhongli and Chongyun said at the same time. New universe, new dangers. Zhongli supposed no place was completely safe at all times.   "Yanfei," Ningguang continued, "tell them what you have."   "General Ningguang hasn't told me about the state of your arrival, but it doesn't matter. Dimensional travel works on only one principle: an equivalent amount of energy must be exchanged for every journey. Once matter from one world has been transported to the other-"   "The work of your 'Abyss Order'," Ningguang added.   "-the same amount must be transferred back to the original world. Lan's statue was brought over, so you two were uprooted from your world to fill in this vacuum. Any questions?" Yanfei gestured left and right.   "Uh, I have one," Chongyun spoke up, raising his hand slightly. "Mr Zhongli and I can't be the only ones who travelled over to replace it, right? I don't think we can compare to a statue that big."   Yanfei dithered for a moment, narrowing her eyes as if searching for a satisfactory answer. "My team is currently looking into that. It is likely that there might be more victims over time, since you didn't appear here the moment the statue was gone either, but there are only these small samples at my disposal. These were left where the statue used to be."   Chongyun accepted the bag of samples and gave them a quick, but pointless inspection. It didn't seem like he knew the content of it, so Zhongli took the bag into his own hands instead. Chongyun was still young and while Zhongli was sure his memory was solid, he himself had the privilege of experience.   "This soil... Have you analysed its composition before?"   "Yes, oddly enough, most of the components are from galaxies light years away, and they didn't seem to come from one individual planet," Yanfei said.   "Back where we came from, these minerals here are called Cor Lapis, and the rest are typically found in the aforementioned cave systems we ventured into." Zhongli nodded to Ningguang. The texture of the soil told Zhongli everything.   "You have a keen eye," Yanfei remarked, "how about the plant remains? Do you, perchance, know them, too?"   Zhongli was unsure if he would be as knowledgeable about the plant, since it seemed to be burnt, but to his surprise, he knew exactly what it was. "This monocotyledonous leaf, these petals that were white... These point towards the fact that this used to be a specimen of Inteyvat."   He'd rather not dwell on the circumstances under which he came into contact with these flowers, but that brought him to the question of how such an uncommon species landed in the hands of Yanfei.   He grew silent for a while, wondering how the flowers had landed next to some soil from the Chasm, but he quickly realised why. "Ah, these must be left behind by the Abyss Order. These flowers grew at the place they came from, yes…"   "This pile, along with Mr Zhongli and Mr Chongyun, only account for roughly a tenth of the total mass of the statue," Yanfei reported with a hint of pity, "we're far from case closed."   Ningguang nodded at Yanfei's words and stood up for the first time since they got here. At this, the cat who had been numbing Ajax's foot finally got up to paw at its owner. Zhongli looked on as Ajax wriggled his leg in an attempt to get some blood flowing to that area.   "To aid in this investigation, I suggest you submit a written report for an easier reference should it be required," Ningguang told the knights and the outlanders. "Interdimensional teleportation is rarely studied here, so we are expecting to be working with researchers on the Albedo Space Station. Unfortunately, we do not have any immediate methods of sending you back."   "It would just create more problems anyways. Even if we sent you back, without our statue, more people will just get sucked into our world," Yanfei said, softening the regret that Ningguang's words were laced in.   "Understood," Zhongli said, very simply despite his thoughts being complicated.   So their way back to Teyvat would not be easy. A feeling of being lost clawed at Zhongli's ankles. He could count such instances on just one hand and one of that was yesterday, so it still felt novel. To steady himself, he looked at Chongyun, his companion who must be feeling the very same thing, and then Ajax and Amber, his new acquaintances. Take a deep breath, because these people told him that he was the furthest thing from being alone.    Well… he supposed he would just have to weather through it. Did he really expect the General to say that they would be back tomorrow? That was never quite possible in the first place.   Zhongli asked, "May we inquire as to our arrangements for the foreseeable future?"   Ningguang laughed softly at that. "Did I not say it earlier?"   "Until progress has been made by the Cloud Knights, your stay will be welcomed by the Luofu with open arms."   "You have our gratitude," Zhongli said.   Without missing a beat, Chongyun also said, "Thank you."   General Ningguang had made that promise in consideration of how they might be daunted by their inability to go back, but Zhongli thought that it was a little superfluous. They had been accepted ever since they had landed, having Ajax and Amber by their side as the proof.    "This concludes all that we have to discuss. A written report and a declaration of residency is what I require, at your earliest convenience if possible, Knight Amber and Knight Ajax. Yanfei works around the compounds. In the event that you would like to ask more questions or if you find unexpected developments, do have a chat or two with her. It may be beneficial for our investigation," Ningguang said.   "You may leave now. It has been a while since an incident has piqued my interest."   There was not much fanfare as the four exited the room, leaving Yanfei behind. The white cat had hiked its way back up the desk again and the diviner and the General seemed to be having a riveting conversation about something called the Antimatter Legion.   Ajax was rubbing his hand that had feline teeth marks as they walked back to ground level. Chongyun had placed a hand above his chest, probably thinking about his Key, but too afraid to manifest it in front of a crowd.   "We can't go back home," Chongyun mumbled a bit dejectedly. Zhongli had a feeling that he was meant to hear that.   "I know," Zhongli said. "Is it that you miss Liyue? Or does it weigh on you how our stay has been deemed indefinite?"   "I don't know. There's... the Qixing and we can't even tell them about our findings. There's all sorts of stuff we left behind and we shouldn't even be here."   "Our current predicament is not something we have the power to deal with," Zhongli said kindly. "It would do us good to worry less and enjoy our time here. I cannot say that such an incident has ever happened to myself."   "Yeah, I guess this doesn't happen everyday."   Chongyun bobbed his head listlessly and kept to himself for the rest of the walk.   Ah, so the boy was worried. It's only natural that he felt so, Zhongli knew. He himself also wondered how long it would take for everything to be back to normal, but… that was no longer today's problem. Yes, they were lost here on the Luofu, but they were not trapped. Life would continue here and they would be back in Teyvat on some indeterminate day. This trip would become a memory and, faithfully, Zhongli believed in this.   On the way back to their house, Ajax started complaining about his empty stomach and dragged the rest of them to a restaurant that had only just opened for the morning.   "You've gotta come here with me. They've got marble soda and they don't sell that anywhere else!"   Ajax himself had a sandwich, while he ordered Amber, Zhongli and Chongyun a drink each.   Chongyun stared into the bubbling liquid after Ajax helped him push the marble down into the beverage. "It looks like sparkling water."   "You know what sparkling water is? That's something I didn't know, maybe I underestimated what sort of stuff you have over there."   "It tastes different... Hm..." Chongyun sipped at it slowly, expression going from impassive to something more relaxed.   "How about you? Do you like it?" Ajax asked Zhongli.   "It's too sweet for me."   Perhaps Chongyun found his momentary bliss in a bottle of sugary soda, but Zhongli preferred tea. Though, on second thought, whether it was the blend that Zhongli brewed on cool mornings or the soda in front of him, there could be a sense of contentment. They were adrift on a spaceship, but the fizzy drinks were beginning to ground them like an anchor, thanks to the two knights.   Amber, who was already halfway through her glass, said, "Well, it's not much of a soft drink if it isn't! I like it that way."   They stayed at the restaurant for the rest of the morning, long after Ajax had finished his meal. They talked over empty plates and glasses, though Chongyun seemed to never finish his drink, and watched the restaurant fill up with customers as it turned to noon.   Zhongli liked it. Really. Even if they were kicked out for the lunch rush. Zhongli -> Welt YangChilde/Ajax -> Dan HengChongyun -> Void ArchivesAmber -> SushangAyato -> LuochaNingguang -> Jing YuanYanfei -> Fu XuanScaramouche/Kunikuzuzhi/Wanderer -> BladeAlbedo -> Herta (See the end of the chapter for notes.) Zhongli was bought a coat recently, a grey one.   He didn't have much to his name now, so he treated it very carefully and put it on top of the pile of other clothes, above the shirts he just took down and the socks that he unclipped.   Instead of having a washing machine with the drying mechanism working as intended, they had a drying rack, and Amber had apologised profusely for that. Zhongli only shook his head and said it was fine.    He was about to pick up the basket of clothes and head inside when he saw Ajax coming down the street.   "Hello, Ajax. How was your family?"   "Fine as usual. It's the same as any other week, meaning that Teucer just won't do his maths homework for whatever reason. But, it's nothing I can't handle!"   Zhongli nodded in response and walked his way to the entrance, inviting Ajax to come along. "That sounds... endearing. I see that you care for your siblings deeply. How about the documents I penned? Were they delivered to Yanfei?"   "Yup. I can't believe you're writing essays for her. They look practically like university theses, thousands of words long," Ajax said. "As far as I'm concerned, you were probably a scholar back in Teyvat."   "The Diviner expressed her interest in learning about my world, so I could not help but to entertain her." Zhongli smiled. "And no, I was not a scholar."   Inside the house, Zhongli put down the clothes in the kitchen, next to the ironing board. Ajax had settled himself into a chair at the dining table, so Zhongli took it upon himself to clear out the surface littered with takeout boxes before he started on the clothes.   Amber was not at home today and Ayato had holed himself up in the study again, which left Chongyun as the only other person in the living room. Even though Zhongli was looking the other way, he knew the boy was still occupying his spot on the sofa, just like in the morning.    Chongyun was sprawled out rather lazily on the couch, but the rectangular box called a phone in his hands was peeking above the armrest conspicuously.   Ajax must have taken notice of the phone case's design, an elegant white with some green, saying, "Hey, isn't that Ayato's phone?"   Chongyun looked up. "Yeah, Amber got him to lend it to me, she says I should learn how to use one. It's probably so that I can get used to life here."   "I'm glad she didn't steal mine," Ajax said. "Ayato is never on his phone anyways, so it's the least convenient for him. I bet that his photo gallery has nothing but work-related stuff like prescriptions or whatever documents that doctors have."   "You can keep telling yourself that..."   "What does that mean?" Ajax made a funny face.   Seeing how Chongyun didn't deign to give him an answer other than ducking his head, Ajax left it at that, however unwillingly. "Anyways, that reminds me. Zhongli, isn't it time that we get you a phone, too? "   Zhongli had just finished putting away the oily chopsticks into the sink when he heard Ajax's question directed at him, all the way from the living room.   "Well, yes." Zhongli made his way to Ajax. "You had brought it up some time ago and I am not averse to this suggestion. It will allow me to travel around the Luofu by myself, as I've been meaning to, and stay in contact with you, Amber and Chongyun at the same time. It's quite an ingenious invention."   "Well, how does tonight sound? I'm free, you're probably free since your stuff's somewhat settled now. Heh, I'm glad we've finally run out of papers to sign to hand in to the General."   "I am agreeable to that arrangement." Zhongli smiled gently. "Though you might just have to guide me through the process."   Dinner was a quick affair. Amber seemed exhausted after coming back from patrol. She said she had encountered a Vanguard, but only Ajax seemed to have an idea of what that was. Ayato told her to get some rest since it was obvious that the battle did a number on her, so their meal wrapped up sooner than usual.   After that, Ajax and Zhongli left the house to catch the train.   So far, Zhongli hadn't had the opportunity for an excursion at night on the Luofu. Throughout the pair's walk to the station, he kept his eyes glued to the sky. The sky at daytime was just a projection onto the dome that protects the ship, Zhongli learnt. At night, he could see the whole galaxy laid out before him, unadulterated. Even if he could not name a single constellation, it was beautiful.   Zhongli was glad that the train had a wide window above the compartment, such that it allowed him a view of the night sky. He wondered if this was a thing back home too, but he didn't suppose they had floating locomotives back there yet.   After they got off the train, they came to a tall building with many shops and Ajax took him to the highest floor.    The electronics store, in Zhongli's opinion, was a very bizarre place. There was one wall with various screens showing the same video footage looping again and again. One of the screens was ever so slightly out of sync and if Zhongli stared at it too hard, he was certain that he would feel dizzy. Other than that, there were customers playing on the devices laid out, not necessarily making a move to inquire about the product.   "We can start by looking here," Ajax said, nearing one of the tables. "These are the most popular brands. Even though the ones on display aren't the newest models, they should work pretty much the same and they're cheaper anyways."   "Hm, what's the difference between these two?" Zhongli asked. The two devices in front of him were of roughly the same length, width and thickness, so he guessed that their differences must lie in functionality.   Ajax contacted a staff member, who told them in detail how the left one had more RAM, but the right one had more storage space. They were terms that Zhongli did not know and most of the sales pitch flew over his head, but he thanked the employee regardless.   "What do you think...?" Ajax asked him this question, even though he didn't look like he was expecting a constructive answer.   Zhongli withdrew his puzzled expression. He wanted to say that he would trust whatever Ajax recommended, but he only had to take a look at those bright eyes and his clothes, and knew that this decision was unfair to another man that he knew. His blind trust could only be a product of the long period he spent with Childe.   He said, "I am unsure. If I may ask, how did you choose yours, Ajax? Perhaps your experience could help more, your phone could be a contender."    "Uh, uh," Ajax said, stuttering a little. "It's probably not very relevant to what you're doing here..."   "Go on," Zhongli reassured, "I'd like to hear it."   And he did want to hear it. It was a bit like getting to know a stranger in Zhongli's opinion, however ironic that may be. In essence, Ajax was not someone Zhongli knew very well.   "Well, I bought this phone mostly so that I can play video games on it." Ajax seemed rather sheepish at that, although Zhongli saw no reason for him to be. "Uh, it has... good graphics, I think you know what that means, runs fast and it connects to a controller. Haven't done that yet though."   "As an added bonus, I can drop this phone on the floor as many times as I want. That's what they say anyways. I can't go into a fight and come back out with a smashed screen, can I...? Hehe, it's probably not important to you anyways."   "No, no," Zhongli said. "I understand your reasons perfectly well. Has your phone been working as intended?"   "Yeah, of course. This brand is really reliable."   Zhongli smiled. "Then I believe choosing your phone would be sufficient."   "Are you sure...? You aren't planning on gaming on it, are you?" Ajax asked.   "Ah, no, I'm afraid I don't know what that is about, but I trust your judgment."   Ajax chuckled. "Welp, there goes half of my paycheck."   "If it's too expensive, we should consider other options."   "It's fine." Ajax said that in a way that leaned towards fondness. "It'll be worth it."   While Ajax had gone off to pay for Zhongli's new phone, he stayed at the tables to browse a little longer. He noticed that some of the phones had special designs on them and brought it up to Ajax when he came back, shiny box in hand.   Ajax did not respond to his question directly, but brought Zhongli to a neighbouring store to see for himself.   "And these are?"   "They're phone cases," Ajax said simply. "It's kind of like decoration, for phones."   What Zhongli saw in front of him was very vibrant: rows upon rows of patterns and paintings printed on plastic. Zhongli picked one up from the organised display.   "You put your phone in this cavity here." Zhongli flipped it over. "Then you'll have a pretty cover for your phone. Ah."   The one that he had in hand was a gaudy one, completely covered in gold. At least the stylised lion print on it was impressive. Zhongli continued, turning towards Ajax, "Are you interested in obtaining one?"   "Me?"   "Yes. I've seen Amber's and Ayato's phones and they look decorated and personalised. If I'm not mistaken, yours seem to be rather bare."   Ajax went quiet for a moment there. "You noticed?"   "It was just an observation of mine," Zhongli said, returning to his browsing. "Are these to your liking?"   "This one..."   Ajax looked at the collection of four cases that Zhongli was showing him. They looked to be themed around some grey robot and were time-limited according to the sign.   "That's Arahato! That one robot from the animated series Teucer really, really likes. Hey, that sure wasn't here last time," Ajax remarked.   "You know, I didn't like, or dislike, Arahato before, but my brother watched it so much that I even started liking it. Let me take a closer look..."   "These two are the scenes when it went to the moon in the first season. This one isn't really anything from the cartoon, but I kinda like how simple it is."   "If you like it, you should consider buying it," Zhongli said.    "Let me think about it..."   Zhongli laughed at that. "You say that as if you are willing to put that down before you leave this place?"   "Not exactly," Ajax admitted. "Alright. I'm sure Teucer will be over the moon when he sees this."   It was getting somewhat late by then. It was not that they were in a hurry, but Zhongli preferred to be home before all the lights were out. The only exception allowed was the study.   Even with getting home sooner in mind, Ajax wanted to take a detour on the way back to the train station, and Zhongli did not object.    The smells greeted Zhongli before the sights, and in no time, he was surrounded by a street of flowers. Rather than an overwhelming sweetness, all he smelled was moist soil and fertilisers as they walked past shops with blossoms falling out their windows.   "Ah, look at this place," Ajax sighed. "Back in Belobog, there was only ever one florist and here, they have a whole street for that!"   "Belobog?"   "The city I came from," Ajax said without elaborating.   The walk itself was not disappointing in any way, but Zhongli found himself frowning over the wares of one particular store. The delicate flowers looked beautiful from a distance, a sea of blue and white, but as he got closer to them, he found that these plants were not glaze lilies at all. The street was filled with vegetation of alien leaves and alien petals, and Zhongli found that these flowers had just the wrong shape of stamen.   "Now, what's wrong with this flower?" Ajax had this smirk on his face, implying that he anticipated Zhongli's long explanation.   The curiosity of Ajax was so familiar that it sent a pang through Zhongli's chest. There were many things that were similar to Teyvat in this universe, Zhongli noticed in his time here. The flowers could fool him, so he supposed the people had the ability to delude him, too. This affection Zhongli felt for Ajax was new yet reminiscent of something he had before and he was very much afraid that it was only an illusion left over from Childe. Once again, Zhongli was reminded of this fact.   Though, more importantly, Zhongli felt the need to redeem himself. He had come into this world one day, to this Luofu, and the generous people here had treated him like he had belonged all along. He was not asked any questions about his identity, but it always hurt to be disingenuous, he had learnt.    Zhongli had a confession at the tip of his tongue, just a few words long, but colossal enough that his heart quailed. For Ajax, he pushed away his shame of likening him to Childe and the fear of the other's distrust, and broke the silence.   "You said you think I might have been a scholar," Zhongli started tentatively.   "Yeah, that's what I said."   "I have never attended an academy in my time." Zhongli took a deep breath. "I have other means to knowledge than an institute..."   "How would you feel if I told you that, in Teyvat, I was a god?"   Ajax looked at him with wide eyes, blinking owlishly. Zhongli was unable to discern the emotion behind such an expression, so he could only assume the worst. He was about to let the seedling of dread blossom in his heart, until Ajax spoke.   "I had a feeling that you weren't an ordinary person back from wherever you came from. There's a special air around you."   Ajax must have sensed Zhongli's worries, adding with a grin, "You know, this is great! Mind sparring with me? It's not everyday you get to fight a god."   And Zhongli could not help himself but laugh quietly at that, in relief or otherwise. Ajax is still staring at him with his glimmering eyes, as if waiting for an answer.   "It has been a while. I'm afraid my skills might be rusty."   "It's fine. It'll be fun anyways."   Zhongli wanted to give himself proper time to relish in how decently the exchange went, thankfully not catastrophic, but he kept going.   "I used to know someone like you, Ajax," Zhongli said. "From Teyvat."   "Another Ajax?"   "Yes. He would also ask me to spar with him and he would cook for me dishes he learnt from his home. They were delicious, but I'm afraid I will no longer taste the food that he made."   Ajax nodded, looking off to the side. He started fiddling with the edges of his coat for a moment, before saying, "I'm sorry."   "Don't be. It is only something that I would like you to know, though I understand you are not one and the same." Zhongli mused, "Ah, how strange everything is, that there could possibly be a million universes, all with different versions of us."   Ajax opened his mouth to speak, closed it, but then seemed to find his resolve again.   "Did you know that before I became a Cloud Knight, I was almost a Silvermane Guard?"   Ajax saw the visible confusion in Zhongli's eyes, so he expanded upon it.   "Back in Jarilo-VI, my home planet, there's only one city, Belobog. The Silvermane Guards is the defence force of that place, and I wanted to join it."   "Hm, how do I go about this... So there's two areas to Belobog: the Overworld, the one on the planet's surface, and the Underworld, the one that's underground and also the place that I come from. My family and I moved up to the Administrative District in the Overworld one year and we lived there for quite some time, I even studied there."   "Then one year, the Supreme Guardian sealed up the Underworld because it was too dangerous and teeming with monsters. At that time, I was just a trainee of the Silvermane Guards. I was caught in the passage that leads underground and got into trouble for that. I was just going to visit some relatives there and look what that got me. I wasn't allowed to take up a post after that."   Ajax shrugged. "Oh well, my parents weren't having it anyways. They didn't like how the Supreme Guardian was doing things and just left. After a while of going around the galaxies, we came here to the Luofu."   "I like this place though," Ajax said. "I get to be a knight now and it's way more colourful here!"   "I see," Zhongli said. They were getting closer to the station now, he could see it in the distance.   "Before today, I had no idea you came from such a different place. You're very enthusiastic about telling me your story, Ajax. May I ask why?"   "You told me a bit about yourself, so I might as well do that too, right?" Ajax said.   Zhongli hummed in contemplation. "I... appreciate it."   He meant it very much. Zhongli did not know why his face refused to fall flat, a tiny, insignificant smile gracing his face, as Ajax talked about this city that he himself had never seen before.   "Anyways, time to go! It's probably late enough that we can sit down on the train."   And he was right. There were now seats on the train and they could sit next to each other instead of standing around, clinging on to bars and handrails.   This time, Ajax was the one staring out the window above the compartment, and Zhongli glanced at him every once in a while.    Ajax from Belobog was an interesting person, Zhongli decided, while the other man pointed at a particularly bright star. He felt cozy as he sat there, enjoying this boring, yet eventful night with Ajax.     "Chongyun, Chongyun. Hello...?" Ajax was waving his hand in front of the boy's face.   Recently, Zhongli noticed that Chongyun had picked up the habit of staring into space. He would sit down on a chair with unseeing eyes and a concentrated look on his face, even though there was nothing in front of him.   Zhongli spoke up. "He's searching through his Key. Let him be."   At his words, Chongyun seemed to regain his senses, shaking his head. "No, no, I don't think I can keep going today. It's useless."   "Uh, what does that mean?" Ajax asked innocently.   "I'm trying to look for ways to contact Teyvat," Chongyun said.   "This Key," Chongyun brought the glowing cube out, letting it float there, "is something like a library, Mr Zhongli taught me this much."   "That it is," Zhongli said.   "It's an archive with a lot of knowledge from a previous civilisation that existed on Teyvat. Since General Ningguang hasn't told us anything about how we can get back, I thought I might as well look into this Key."   Chongyun slumped against the armchair. "Except I don't understand most of the information. It's like I'm in a big library with books all in a different language that not even Mr Zhongli knows. All I have is a little notebook that can help me translate a few words."   Ajax looked over to Zhongli, who shook his head. "It is true. The language was developed long before I came into being. I could only compile what little I know into notes to aid Chongyun in this endeavour."   "Anyways," Chongyun said, "there are just too many things I don't understand. My Key is just one of them."   "I didn't even know that it could help me make Cryo structures before I came to the Luofu." At this, Chongyun carefully crafted an ice chrysanthemum and balanced it on his hands.   "Before, I used to be able to use my Vision to do this, but even that doesn't work anymore. It just makes me wonder what the Key is capable of and other stuff about this world."   Ajax summoned a finch made of water, mimicking Chongyun's action. The bird perched itself on his hand and it did not take long for Zhongli to realise that it was not marked with any Hydro energy.   "Well, maybe elements in this world just work weird. I'm sure you can train yourself to wield Ice like you used to," Ajax said, petting the finch's beak.   "Elements... This topic is quite fascinating," Zhongli said. "I have not been made aware of their existence here, but they seem to be no less important."   "I guess," Ajax said. "I can show you them a bit outside, if you want. Amber would kill me if I did it inside."   Zhongli and Chongyun both agreed, so the three of them went out to the garden, where there was more open space. Ajax put aside the training dummy, to prevent it from getting in his way.   Chongyun was still holding the chilly flower in his hand, which did not seem to be melting. The water finch that was on Ajax's shoulder disappeared as soon as he brought his hand over it.   "Watch," Ajax said.   He brought his two hands out and a pair of blades, rippling with water, appeared in them. "These are usually what I use to fight. They're made of Quantum energy."   Zhongli quirked a brow. "Quantum energy? I've never heard of that."   "Neither have I," Chongyun said.   "Really? But it's one of the seven elements here," Ajax said. "I'm not really good at using Quantum outside of combat. In hindsight, Amber would've been better at showing you, she can use her Fire to make you dolls and stuff that makes you warm when you hug them."   Zhongli hummed, aware of Ajax's limits. "How about you demonstrate your prowess to us in a spar?"   "A spar?"   "Yes. Did you not request for one before?" Zhongli asked.   Ajax's eyes gleamed with joy. "Of course! I'd love it!"   "Oh, but there's the problem of how you're going fight," Ajax said, "are you sure you can fight as well as you did back in Teyvat?"   "No worries. I'm sure my abilities with the spear are enough," Zhongli said, manifesting his Vortex Vanquisher and giving it a swing. It was true that he could not feel the thrum of Geo in his veins, but he wanted to see Ajax fight and he himself needed the practice anyways.   "I'll stand by and watch. I don't think I'm good enough at using my Key yet," Chongyun explained. "I'll be glad to learn from how you two fight though."   For good measure, Chongyun said, "Don't hurt yourselves."   "Thanks." Ajax gave his double blades a twirl, ready for action.   Zhongli stood still on the other side of the grass, admiring Ajax. This man held himself just the same as that Harbinger from Teyvat and it prompted Zhongli into taking his stance too, remembering what it was like to battle again.   "You may go first," Zhongli said courteously. He thought there would be doubt in his mind considering he had not had to fight ever since coming on to the Luofu, but there was only anticipation, excitement to see another side of Ajax and to discover his own potential.   There were initially a few seconds of wait. Ajax was staring at him in concentration, to deduce his best course of action. Just by that alone, Zhongli could tell Ajax was an experienced combatant already.   The next moment, there was a flash of purple and Ajax was gone.   It was not a surprise to Zhongli, but the speed by which he moved had been unexpected. Zhongli had thought with how Ajax had shaped liquid into fine weapons with ease, he might move with the grace of water, but he was wrong. Ajax had slipped behind Zhongli quick as lightning, though he could not feel the static in the air that Electro allogenes typically left behind.   Zhongli dodged the impending slash and prepared his polearm to retaliate.   His spear hit Ajax's weapon, which was surprisingly solid. Before the resultant clang could fade away, Ajax had gone in for another few vicious swipes at him.   Before long, they began a dance of blades and polearm. They were not here to hurt each other and they would likely be distraught if they drew blood. Zhongli watched in amazement, ducking from Ajax's weapon that had transformed into a sword for a while. It was infused by some sort of energy that made it slice through the air with deadliness.   "Hah! You're quicker than I'd thought you would be!" Ajax jabbed.   "I may be millenia old, but my body was crafted for battle. My strength does not waver so quickly," Zhongli said back.   A blow from the left came to Zhongli, in the form of the blunt end of Ajax's blade. He stepped backwards and returned it with a thrust of his spear.   Then, Ajax did something new. He swung his hand in front of him in a wide arc, releasing a burst of blue, pulsating energy. It was not immediately detectable what Ajax did, but Zhongli realised soon: there was now a field surrounding them that seemed to weigh on only Zhongli, whereas Ajax was able to traverse the area even faster.   In the blink of an eye, Ajax had landed a hit to Zhongli's shoulder.    It did not hurt at all, but still, Zhongli knew Ajax had afflicted him with some effect. Under this assumption, Zhongli slowed and let Ajax just about nick him across the cheek. The weapon had not even left a scratch, but Zhongli felt an energy wash over his body in waves, causing him to stumble a little.   Ajax was smirking now. "Did you like my Riptide Slash?"   Zhongli only answered him by kicking his spear at him.   Ajax must have toned down his powers a little, because the effect did not last long and the energy field was gone before he knew it. Regardless, Zhongli raised his voice to tell Chongyun that he was fine, who seemed to be a little shocked at Zhongli's intentional misstep.   Ajax was not one to let a spar get dull and before long, his blades took the new form of a bow. Ajax sent a familiar arrow of water to strike Zhongli, who knew what to do instinctively.   Zhongli dashed in front of Ajax just before the arrow hit and with a swoosh, Ajax's weapon was on the ground.   Zhongli braced himself for his legs to be kicked out under him, as that was what usually followed this chain of events, but it did not come. He watched as Ajax took a step back and focused energy into a hand that he held up.   Ah, right. This was not the man that Zhongli had spent hours teaching him how to counter his own moves. In the heat of the battle, the similarity of some skills had confused him, but Zhongli would not make that mistake again. It was a foolish mistake, because to anyone, fighting one wielding Hydro and one wielding Quantum was nowhere near the same.   He watched Ajax with the sleeves of his teal and white coat rolled up and resolved to teach him how to fight, too.   Zhongli made no move to attack Ajax while he charged up his energy into a beam. He was about to sidestep at the last second to allow him a good view of Ajax's prowess, but with Chongyun pacing on his feet across the garden, seemingly worried, he was finding it hard to stay still.   Zhongli tried to do something new.   He sank deep into his soul and brought forth energy that was left dormant inside him after he had left Teyvat. When he first arrived, he realised that the energy could no longer control the earth with much finesse. It had felt erratic and untamed, seemingly telling Zhongli that he had forgotten how to channel it.   He had not offered much this whole spar, mostly using his polearm to block attacks, so he believed it an opportune time to experiment. After this, perhaps they could take a break.   Now, he let that energy manifest. It expanded in front of him, it was only a perfect sphere of energy and nothing more. The larger it got, the more the grass swayed under its influence. Gravity seemed to warp around the ball, drawing in all the light around and colouring itself black.   The pull of Zhongli's energy was so strong that Ajax was interrupted from his preparation, having to steady himself from slipping towards the growing sphere. As Zhongli enabled the display to develop, they both watched on.    Floating above their garden was a vortex devoid of brightness, destructive and continuously sucking everything into its depths. Everything that went in did not come out, including the grass, the rubbish scraps and surely the enemies had there been any nearby.   A soft thump was heard. Zhongli snapped his head towards the sound and realised Ajax had been brought to his knees, trying his best to stop himself from being pulled into the sphere.   Zhongli's eyes widened. He immediately dispersed the energy and rushed to Ajax's side.   "Ajax. Are you alright?" He asked.   What greeted Zhongli was not discomfort but a pair of shining, blue eyes.   "Woah! A black hole. Almost infinite density and no volume... Why didn't you tell me you could do that?"   Seeing as how Ajax was lying in a relaxed posture on the ground, Zhongli kneeled down and said, "Ah, I was only trying to test my limits. I was unaware I had such an ability."   "You should really consider refining your Imaginary energy, you know?"   "Imaginary energy?"   "Yeah, Imaginary. That's what it was, right? People usually describe it as feeling empty and impalpable, like it shouldn't exist at all, but the powers still manifest itself into something useful," Ajax said.   Zhongli nodded. "I suppose that is what happened."   Zhongli had first felt it the first day he stepped on the Luofu, but he had been unable to put his finger on it until now. This new discovery was not the most revolutionary for Zhongli though.   For a moment, he thought about how, someday, he might have to say farewell to the Childe that he knew from Teyvat. Even if Zhongli still remembered his name, his face and his essence, the collective memory of him would fade over time. An inevitable void was carving its way into his heart.   Then again, Teyvat felt so far away right now, sitting next to Ajax, who had just put away his water blades. This man made him want something, Zhongli wanted to learn and love him.   "You know, you should ask Ayato to teach you how to harness it, he would know better..."   "Did I hear my name?"   Ayato strode over curtly, assessing them both. "Now look at what you two did. My basil plants are destroyed and you're hurt."   Zhongli looked over and found that the herbs had indeed been uprooted, some of them lying in a heap where the black hole once was. Ajax only laughed as Ayato healed the wounds on his hands that he used to shield himself.   "What? It's not like you're going to use them for anything. You want to cook with them?"   Amber had come out of the house at some point, berating the two who participated in the spar in tandem with Ayato. Chongyun just stood to the side embarrassedly, apologising on their behalf.   Zhongli was stuck sitting on the grass for a while, promising that he would keep his element in check and not to do anything dangerous. It was supposed to a serious affair, but when he saw Ajax's smiling face, he felt inclined to follow along.   And Zhongli thought to himself, that he was willing to teach Ajax something new, if the spar was anything to go by.   Ajax. Yes, Ajax.   Zhongli -> Welt YangChilde/Ajax -> Dan HengChongyun -> Void ArchivesAmber -> SushangAyato -> LuochaNingguang -> Jing YuanYanfei -> Fu XuanScaramouche/Kunikuzuzhi/Wanderer -> BladeAlbedo -> Herta (See the end of the chapter for notes.) A few months later...   "Why do you all tell me to make instant noodles with SPAM whenever there's something to celebrate?" Diluc asked, laying out the bowls.   "Because we like it!" Yoimiya explained. "It's the signature taste of home, our Astral Express."   Nahida lifted up the rim of her conductor hat and said, "It's true, Diluc. It's the dish that we think of when we board this train. But we should all dig in as soon as possible, otherwise, it will get cold."   "Must the air-conditioning be on in every corner of this train?" Diluc grumbled, hugging his black leather jacket closer to his body.   "Sorry for my sister, she doesn't take the heat very well," Aether said, chewing on some noodles already.   Lumine, who was sitting next to Aether, kicked him under the table. "It's not my fault that Diluc wanted to suffocate all of us by having heaters everywhere."   Chongyun did not say it out loud, but he nodded ever so slightly at her words.   "Calm down," Zhongli said. "Did Diluc not already agree to keep the train cool? I believe the matter has long been resolved."   "Well, I was the one who got sick while walking around the train because the navigation room was just warm enough, but the common room was freezing," Diluc said.   "And we all realised that it was a better idea to keep everything at one temperature," Ajax said, ending the conversation. "Come on, Nahida was right. Let's just eat!"   Zhongli and Chongyun were now on the Astral Express. They were far away from the Luofu, travelling around the galaxies. The train would pick up passengers at one end of the universe and drop them off at the opposite side, accepting commissions every now and then for extra money on the side. Zhongli did not mind joining this motley crew while he was still searching far and wide for his ticket back home.   The day they had departed on this train, they were on the Albedo Space Station, where General Ningguang had sent them with Ajax to converse with the researchers. They had not found what they were looking for, but what they did encounter were two newly born vessels brought alive by an attack from a Stellaron Hunter.   From then on, Zhongli, Chongyun and Ajax had been working as a part of the Astral Express. The closest they got to Teyvat was the one time Chongyun managed to build a device that sent a single message there, with no way to hear back from the other side.   Their attempts were messy at best, but that was alright. They had a home within the Astral Express while they stayed in this world.   The lunch they were having today was a product of Ajax. He wanted something to remember a festival from Belobog by, since he was not currently with his family and there were not many ways for him to celebrate. Apparently, the festival was something also observed on Earth, so Diluc was willing to allow him to host a small party.   After the meal, Ajax brought out cookies for dessert. He had baked them with a recipe he learnt by heart from his hometown, while the icing was courtesy of Zhongli. The sweetness of the cookies was palpable in the air, and after that, everyone left to do their own work.    The Trailblazer siblings were still learning the operations of the train, so they didn't always have much to do. Most often, Aether would go off and talk to some passengers to hear more about the outside world, while Lumine would follow behind some of her fellow crew members, trying to get a hang of anything and everything. Today, Zhongli found them both lying on the sofa, playing video games against each other.   It was somewhat entertaining to see them raise their fist when victorious, specifically in turns. The two seem to be even in terms of skills and Zhongli wondered if they were a match for Ajax. However, their joy was cut short when Lumine started complaining about a faulty connection.   "Ugh, I was was just about to win, too," she muttered.   "What happened to the router again?" Aether whined to Nahida, who was passing by.   "Something went wrong? I'll take a look at it right away, please be patient," Nahida said, running off to fix the device.   Zhongli only sat on the armchair and watched as the Trailblazers settled themselves on the couch awkwardly, shifting every other moment. He was quite unhelpful in the way that he still had no idea how intergalactic WiFi worked, so all he could do was tell them a story to make time pass quicker and put them out of their misery.   "Back in Teyvat, there were a pair of siblings," Zhongli started, catching their attention.   "They did not come from my world and when they landed there, they were unfortunately separated. While the sister had been sent into a deep coma for hundreds of years, the brother woke soon. He set off and became the prince of an organisation that wanted to bring its fallen country back."   "What happened to the sister? Did you ever meet her?" Lumine asked.   Zhongli had thought that the both of them would have been rather bored with anything else after their gaming session was interrupted, but apparently, they still had the curiousity to listen to him ramble.   "Well, of course, the sister went to search for her brother when she woke up. She travelled through all the nations to reach this goal and, along the way, she did meet me," Zhongli said.   Then, he chuckled. "She had the patience to humour me and helped me carry out my own funeral when I faked my death. And how could I forget the time she fetched nascent bamboo shoots just for me? She was simply wonderful."   "It sounds like you just roped her along to do whatever you wanted," Lumine said dryly.   "Maybe that was the case, but that does not make her any less of a good friend," Zhongli said.   "And you..." Zhongli turned towards Aether.   At that moment, Nahida came back from tinkering with the router, claiming that everything had been fixed. The Trailblazers were quickly trapped into a cycle of winning and losing against their sibling again and Zhongli could not do anything but leave Aether's story for another day.   Zhongli might have lost his temporary companions in conversation, but he could always search for another one. He walked off in the direction of the sleeping quarters, in the hopes that he might bump into Ajax or Chongyun. He wanted to have a chat with the latter, because he seemed to be very absorbed in his work recently.   When Zhongli passed by the table in the common room, he found that Diluc was slumped in a pile over a mountain of papers. There was a calculator on the table and a variety of different stationeries, including pencils and a protractor. Most noticeably, there was a glass of juice on the table.   Diluc had once told him about it, the drink had to be seven parts grape juice, two parts sparking water and the rest was water. He also said that he thought it was brilliant that Nahida had got them these cubic stones you put in the freezer which acted like ice. They wouldn't melt and dilute the beverage further. This sort of stuff seemed precious to Diluc, so Zhongli made an effort to push the grape juice that was on the table right now as far from the edge as he could. It wouldn't do for it to spill.   "Agh, why won't this work..." Diluc was punching numbers into his calculator, fingers working quickly.   "What are you doing?" Zhongli asked.   "I'm trying to find out how we get to Jarilo-VI. We received a commission there, so please expect us to land within the week, if all goes well," Diluc answered swiftly.   Zhongli nodded. The Express Crew spent most of the time on the road, never staying on one planet for too long. He would take Diluc's reminder to heart and do some research on their destination's landmarks. When time allowed, perhaps they could go for some sightseeing.    "I do not know your work well, but is there anything I can help you with?"   "No, thank you, I'm fine. I just realised that I put in the gravitational constant wrong," Diluc said.   Diluc ran a satisfied hand through his loose hair, sighing. "Ah, it's working now. Yes, we'll make it to Jarilo-VI in... 5 days."   As much as Diluc seemed delighted that this set of calculations were done, it was not long before he became buried in another matter that Zhongli was not well-versed in. The grape juice was still inching towards the floor, so Zhongli put the glass directly in front of Diluc this time, hinting that the man should be more careful.   Zhongli had no wish to disturb the train's only navigator any further, so he decided to leave the table. Though, he was only a few steps away when he was confronted with the flash of a camera, stunning him.   "Hi, Mr Zhongli! Take this!"   Yoimiya handed him a blank picture with expectant eyes.   Zhongli accepted it and inspected the plastic, even though he knew the colours would take much longer to develop. Still, he held it out for Yoimiya to see, who perked up the moment the film showed even a little fraction of a hue.   "You seem to like catching people unawares," Zhongli pointed out. "I'm afraid I might look a bit... idiotic in this one."   "Well, sometimes it's better to snap a picture when people don't know, because they look more natural like that," Yoimiya said. "A stiff smile is the worst."   With how often Yoimiya liked to use her camera, Zhongli wondered how she could bear to put the device out in open air like that. Personally, he would have kept it in a case and perhaps carried that case in another bag, not just clipping it to his hip. But Zhongli knew that Yoimiya probably liked to be able to see the camera at all times, with its every groove and sticker.   "Your camera, it still says June 21 on it," Zhongli said. "It's been a while since you've chosen your new name."   Before Yoimiya was Yoimiya, she was June 21, a girl that had just been thawed on that very date from an ice chunk floating in space. The Astral Express had welcomed her, but it took some time before this girl grew attached to these special two characters from a book that was now her name.   "Oh right! I should probably write 'Yoimiya' on it now, huh? Can't believe I forgot," she said, taking a marker into her hands. The resultant words were a little sloppy, but they looked prominent compared to the faded date next to it.   "My birthday can stay right there," Yoimiya added. "That way, anybody would know the camera is mine. I'll never lose it now."   Zhongli rubbed his thumb over the photo that still refused to show its full colours, but he supposed that Yoimiya had the patience to wait a little longer. "I will put this on my desk, if you don't mind. Perhaps I will show it to you on another day."   "Sure. You're in a hurry?"   "No..." Zhongli trailed off. "I do not have anywhere to be. It's just that this picture might take so long that it is worth doing something else in the meantime."   "Oh! Then, could you do a favour for me?" Yoimiya asked.   "Gladly," Zhongli said.   "Here, please help me bring this to Ajax," Yoimiya said, holding something much too close to Zhongli's face.   "What is this?"   Zhongli held the headband in his hands. There were two orange fox ears on the top of it with a tuff of fur delicately glued into each felt ear. It looked to be made with care.   "It's something that I thought of this morning and I got Chongyun to make it for me," Yoimiya said.   "This is for Ajax?" Zhongli asked with a bewildered expression.   "Yup! He would look great in it, it's the same colour as his hair, too."   "Alright, I will do my best to bring it to him," Zhongli said, though he still had no idea why such a craft was brought into existence.   "Thanks, Mr Zhongli! I'll see you later," Yoimiya said. She waved Zhongli off with a bubbly vigour, even if he wasn't going very far at all.    Before finding Ajax as per Yoimiya's request, Zhongli went to his and Chongyun's room. He knocked, but there was no answer, so the boy must be somewhere else.   The unmade bed had books on it, laid out stack by stack, making Zhongli think that Chongyun was reorganising his items before he left. There were scraps of textiles and an uncapped bottle of glue on the desk, which Zhongli pushed aside, not after he made sure the glue would not dry out. He wondered if Chongyun had taken off to discuss something educational with Nahida again.   Whatever the case, Zhongli would not get his answer now, so he simply put down his desaturated picture flat on the desk and left the room as it was. He went over to Ajax's room next door. There was a giant galactic map on the wall and big speakers that sat before the bed, but there was no one else in the room except for Zhongli.   Zhongli guessed, as he spun the mug of lukewarm tea on the table idly, that Ajax was probably on patrol. He almost sighed, but realised that he didn't quite mind having to search the whole length of the train to find Ajax. There was that promise he made to Yoimiya anyways, so there was no reason not to set off.   The thing about a train is that the vehicle was pretty much just one long corridor from head to tail. There was no fuss locating someone because the compartments never branched off anywhere. When Zhongli did not find Ajax in one area, he headed on to the next and he didn't have to worry about missing him.   Zhongli passed by many compartments in his search for Ajax. He nodded to passengers in greeting and wished them a pleasant journey, occasionally admiring the scenery outside to see if he could actually feel the train moving. The planets and the stars were often so distant that it was easy to feel stationary, even though the purpose of a train was made to transport people and things.   When asked, people would tell Zhongli that Ajax had just gone by to check their tickets, but he also heard stories from all around the universe. If the Trailblazers were by his side, they would certainly conclude that there were a lot of places they had yet to visit and a lot of people to meet, a mentality that Zhongli could hardly adopt. So, he supposed he was not cut to be a traveller.   Zhongli's search led him to the very last compartment of the train, where everything was quiet and no passengers stayed.   He walked towards the figure in the room, making no attempt to be sneaky, because he was certain the other had heard him already. Slowly, he slipped the headband in his hands behind Ajax's ears.   "Yoimiya had me give it to you," Zhongli said. "She was very excited. I hope you like it."   "Huh? What is it?" Ajax asked, removing the accessory to take a look. "Oh. It's kinda cute!"   "Wear it," Zhongli urged.   "Of course, it's a gift. I'll have to go find Yoimiya later to show it to her," Ajax said. He had put the headband on again now, with hesitant fingers reaching up to brush against it.   To Zhongli, Ajax looked a little silly like that. Yoimiya was right with the ears practically blending in with Ajax's hair, a bright ginger colour. Two stubby ears poked out of his head, and Zhongli chuckled, because he had to thank Yoimiya for beginning to see how Ajax resembled a fox, albeit a nice and not at all cunning one. Perhaps the right word was 'domesticated'.   "Who made this anyways?" Ajax asked as he sat down on a bench by the window.   Zhongli followed, sitting next to him. "Chongyun. I heard he wanted to sew some plushies that looked like us. I wonder how that will turn out."   Ajax nodded. "I'm sure he can do it."   Ajax did not say anything for a while, looking off to the side. His hand was hovering unstably above his lap, as if he was trying to articulate something. Zhongli took those clueless hands into his own, covering them and assuring that Ajax could voice out whatever he had on his mind.   "You know, I met a kid just now. She held her ticket out to me and said that she was going to Belobog," Ajax began.   Zhongli nodded, bringing Ajax's hands closer to himself.   "She was very happy, did you know why? She wanted to see the snow."   "The snow..." Zhongli mused. "I would be quite content with being able to see snow, too. Snowfall is rare where I come from and the Luofu did not offer us wintertime."   "Ah." Ajax's eyes were still a little lost, but Zhongli detected a glint in them.   "I can tell you all about it. If you walk just outside Belobog, you'll see this big plain with pine trees and a thick layer of snow. There's no one around there, so we can play all we want, snowballs, snowmen, you name it."   "But, uh," Ajax said, directing his gaze to the ceiling, "there are more monsters than animals out there. If you're not used to the cold, you might not like it all that much..."   "You don't have to worry about me," Zhongli said.   "But I want to! I want to fight all the monsters and, um, you can have my coat. They're warmer, you know, they make it better where I come from," Ajax said.   "Or if that's not what you want to do, we can always just stay in the hotel room and drink hot cacao."   "But that's not the point," Ajax said.   "What is it then?" Zhongli asked as Ajax retracted his hands.   "She said that was excited to go, but she was scared that she would start missing home, having to stay away for so long."   Ajax looked slightly dejected, with his head slumping. Zhongli did not want Ajax's neck to hurt from bending at an angle for too long, so Zhongli tilted his head to rest on his own shoulder, where he was comfortable.   "Does that worry you?" Zhongli asked.   "Sorta. I was wondering what you would do if you can't go back to your own world," Ajax said.   "I'll miss you... a lot, if you leave, but I'm more worried about if you don't."   The answer was simple to Zhongli. He'd stay, because he had nowhere else to be. He'd stay for Ajax, because Ajax was here and not in Teyvat.   Zhongli cannot help but to pat Ajax's hair, where the fox ears were still buried, to soothe Ajax's miserable look. The lights on the train dim slowly, which it always did at this hour every day, signalling nightfall. It was almost time for dinner in the common room, but they could stay for a while longer.   "It's okay. It's okay. I am here right now, and we still do not know what will happen," Zhongli said gently.   "Heh, you know what? We should talk about this another day," Ajax said. "I can't stop myself from thinking about this, but maybe we can just look at the stars for now and I'll feel better."   "That's a good idea," Zhongli said.   Despite his own words, Ajax ended up burrowing his face into Zhongli's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around Zhongli and, eagerly, he indulged him in this hug.   From where he was, Zhongli saw the window. It spanned the whole room, allowing a complete view of whichever galaxy that the Astral Express was passing though. People said that space itself has no temperature, it was neither hot nor cold. But Zhongli would shiver if he were ever stuck deep in space, because when you were far from everything that you knew and helpless, a chill would seep into your heart from the loneliness. That was not true right now, since he had Ajax wrapped around him, radiating warmth.   "Come on now, the stars are beautiful here in the last compartment," Zhongli said. "Take a look."   Ajax lifted his head and stared straight at Zhongli for a while, blinking. Then, his gaze was following all the celestial bodies that lived outside the glass of the train, on his lips a smile.   "You're right. I've got to say, this is the best place to watch the stars." Zhongli -> Welt YangChilde/Ajax -> Dan HengChongyun -> Void ArchivesAmber -> SushangAyato -> LuochaNingguang -> Jing YuanYanfei -> Fu XuanScaramouche/Kunikuzuzhi/Wanderer -> BladeAlbedo -> HertaDiluc -> HimekoYoimiya -> March 7thNahida -> Pom-PomAether -> Male TrailblazerLumine -> Female Trailblazer
pure mind, tranquil soul
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Danheng, renheng
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Canon Compliant, based on a passerby's relic description, Past Relationship(s), no beta we die like kim dokja, when will the game release, Musical Instruments
['lexatea', 'loveurworklots', 'Blueink_Bluedrips', 'Rosalinde0707', 'Lunarlyssa', 'sisiilia', 'Berricko', 'CatBanshee', 'DarkSkyRed', 'LilSoftAstrantia', 'Bluff_Cat', 'peimingsimp', 'iamsuchhomogay', 'that_one_daydreamer', 'tongari', 'iHaveNoidea_Why_i', 'Haru_005', 'jkhandholder', 'Eyebugsislife', 'Kyohso', 'Sall', 'jae_bird', 'Exomamamon', 'M_irp', 'asstrovia', 'Yunisha_Syfor', 'skojare13', 'Haruka_Reeeya', 'emeneve', 'WalterTheMelon', 'Rosera', 'glouris', 'Kotofeila', 'auugustus', 'intostardust', 'LixoSwirl', 'baeyozei', 'Grimmjow14', 'kushai_kusai', 'xXAstraM1dnight', 'earned', 'Helpme45611', 'Diana___B', 'Jjanj', 'Aleise', 'Macrooberry', 'Jaecheondaesong', 'IzukiFan', 'Akira47', 'YunaiThePoet']
  The residence fell silent as it was nighttime and everyone already went to bed, only some guards were left to patrol around the gates. A rich garden with a pond sprouted out in between buildings and was fit for leisurely activities just right In the middle of a pond, there was an island that could be reached by crossing a small wooden bridge with water lilies carved out on its railing. A person carried something huge covered in a cotton cloth while passing through it, placing this thing on a table under a lush tree in the middle of an island. He was dressed in a gray hanfu with blue overcoat, sleeves laced with red ropes.  Delicate hands freed the zither from the safety cover with a swift motion, making sure that everything was kept neatly, and touched letters that this person carved out on a dark wood by himself      The name of his beloved was the last thing he had to write before drowning the wooden frame in varnishing and pulling the strings on, and with that, a present was finally made  With a soft smile blooming on his lips, the man photographed the sight of the guqin in his memory, storing it deep within so that he would never forget this night. He then took a small and lean stone from the ground and climbed up the tree, hiding behind the wide branches, waiting for the right moment “ Meet me when the moon is high in the sky on the night of xifeng” Xifeng was the wind from the west. The ancient legend said that it brought autumn, dropped the leaves, withered the flowers, and the whole world. On a night like this people gazed at the moon and asked “as another year passed by, how many more do I have for this life?” But this question could not be asked by someone blessed with immortality  When an incense stick burnt out, a shadow appeared near the island, sitting on the bridge's railing as if waiting for something. After some time it flew closer to the table, clothes rustling from the movements as swift as the wind  Noticing the zither, the person gasped in awe, lowering himself to his knees and carefully touching new strings. Amber eyes that were spying on him from the tree glistened warmly, stone slipping from the watcher’s hand and falling on the ground the very moment the name tag on the qin was supposed to be recognized  Blue eyes shot wide open and it was a matter of mere seconds that someone jumped from the tree, knocking the guest out on the back and laughing while lying down on his chest The young master’s  long white hair was blocking the view and ticking his nose, so the man laying under him had to spit them out before speaking  -I could sense that something was off -Don’t tell me that you didn’t like that They got up and cleaned clothes from the dust, amber eyes not looking away from the other even for a second, adoring pointy ears and jade earrings like it was his first time seeing them  -You called me just to try to pull this stunt? -Come on, you looked quite hooked up when you saw the present. It was made by me, especially for you  The guest finally met with the guest of the unnamed, still puzzled and pleasantly shocked, even though he didn’t say a word of this. White-haired continued  -Because I wish for you to play music, especially for me. Could I get that favor from you? Blue eyes rolled back, but the man sat behind the table, spreading the sleeves in an elegant manner and placing his hands on the strings, feeling them up. A soft light emerged from his skin, covering the zither with spiritual power -It is well-made. As expected from you, my companion  The unnamed master sat down on the opposite side, digging out a pot of wine and two cups, pouring it in them, and offering one to his friend -Made from the finest grapes found in all of Xianzhou. Let us spend this and many more nights together, my beloved Soft smiles appeared on both of their faces, as they bent over the table to link their hands while drinking out of the cups. The guest met with a  thought that the warmth of amber in his friend’s eyes shined differently in the moonlight and the tips of his ears flushed  -What do you want me to play?  -Anything you wish for, I am not in a fit of asking much Slender fingers moved through the strings, testing the sound. It disturbed the silence of the garden, koi fish stirring up in the pond Moon gazed down upon them, as the musician untied his bracers and put them on the table, warming up his wrists. One bracer was immediately snatched and put on a white-haired's hand -It is still warm from your body. Guess the blood in your veins is as hot as ever. I will keep this if you don’t mind, as an exchange  He winked, sipping from the cup another time. The bracer’s owner did not react, focusing on the guqin instead As the strings finally cried out soft sounds, a shiver went down the unnamed’s spine. Moon looked down at them, caught up in the melody itself, garden falling into a trance - the musician played the qin gifted by the man closest to him  It was always turning away in shame when both of them were together. The cold light of it could not bear the humiliation of the bracer wearer’s dance with his spear, weapon glistening in the fine steel’s beauty reminding of shooting stars. His friend was a master of his craft, always showering his beloved with the best gifts be it weapon, gear or musical instrument and not asking for anything in return, just being able to sit next to each other in pure silence Or listening to the tranquil music that calmed down his soul Not thinking further, the unnamed started meditating, hair caught up in the wind of spiritual power. Zither player’s fingers continued dancing on the strings and blue eyes observed the other’s face carefully  Unblemished and fair, always right, always ready for any opportunity that lay ahead of them. A painting that came alive to bless the heavens and the land “Real drinkers are more famous than the sober sages” Music continued filling up the garden, and they never interrupted it. Why should they talk, if the silence is pleasant enough? Is it not the most treasured thing to be able to stay silent and still be understood by the one you loved the most? Is it not the best blessing to be together in mutual reticence? Because you knew of the love, and you knew of the hatred, knew of all the emotions one stored for you and only you, and words were never enough to describe them The long-lasting hatred is like cold aged liquor. You can drink it down sip by sip until the bottle of resentment is empty.  Would the wearer share the same feeling? The unnamed didn't want to know. They never talked about this out loud, and they knew once the moment came around that they would not be able to Guqin fell silent, and amber met with the ocean. For a mere second, both of them thought that this would last forever A bottle that cannot be emptied, a gift that cannot be sent, a dream that cannot be fulfilled - a regret that one must endure -You know, my beloved, every time I am near you I can’t help but think that immortality is actually a curse -What makes you think so? -I know that I will be able to see you drift away from me one day, and I wish to gauge my eyes out before this moment comes The wearer’s brows furrowed when he saw the other man fall into saddening thought, the light dying in his eyes. He grasped the wrist of his friend - the one that was now clothed in the qin player’s own bracer - and brought it to his chest.  Light came back to amber eyes and they widened, white-haired master was holding his breath, afraid to move even for an inch -When the moment comes…I will kill you with my own hands The unnamed could feel the heartbeat of his beloved resonating deep into his own meridians, warmth rushing to his face and ears in an instant  -Would you like that, ____? Unable to answer, his friend could only nod frantically, cold tears running down his flushed cheeks, as he lowered himself down across the table and breathed into the other's lips  -But…what if I come back alive? -Then I will kill you again and again until I lose myself with you A smirk appeared on the unnamed face. He mouthed almost unintelligibly  -And if you back away on this promise…I will kill you , my love. Because only by that I can be set free Not waiting for the other’s answer, the white-haired closed the last bit of distance between them and accidentally knocked off the wine jar from the table It fell down, a big crack appeared on a smooth surface, what was left of wine slipped out on the ground in slow motion and everything disappeared, while Blade found himself in a room with a white floor and walls. The thing called “imaginary auditorium” “Simulation time ran out” He looked at the place where a second ago there was a tree with a person playing guqin under it. The metallic surface of the command center reflected the same amber eyes, except everything else was different  There was no jade hair clip in his hair anymore, and they were no longer white - no longer the symbol of pure mind and immortality This body that was holding his lost soul was still unable to die, but now it was more of a real curse . Inability to rest peacefully until his main goal is served. But is this the revenge Ren is seeking, or for someone to avenge him? Thoughts turn back to the person under the tree when a door to the room opened with gas coming out  -Don’t occupy the training room for too long, or the results will be twisted  A rose-haired woman leaned on the wall, observing him with an unreadable smile    Blade could not afford her to know that he did not use the training room for its purpose  Originally, it was supposed to create an environment from person’s imagination, recreating their memories of fights to train body and mind, but the man was able to overcome restrictions in order to find at least some clearness to his goal Or, at least, remember his own name -I don’t need to see the results, I will leave now He exited the room, walking past Kafka when her hand stopped him by the shoulder  -Do not believe everything you see here, especially while being an amnesiac. And also, stop digging your nails inside that bracer, you are going to tear it  She then went inside the imaginary auditorium herself, closing the doors, Blade stood still for a second and then walked away, hand kept on the bracer “Seems like you did not fulfill your promise to me. When will you finally kill me?  Are you feeling guilty, or do not even remember my face?” It was almost like his mind was connected to that one person when he touched this piece of cloth, warmth spreading across his body  “Stay still, I will meet you soon, Dan Heng”  
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Trailblazer & Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer & Astral Express Crew (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka & Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Welt (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
POV Second Person, Written before the final beta, Astral Express Crew as Found Family, Forehead Kisses, in which the Trailblazer's connection to Kafka is a secret, look. I've been having brainrot about those two since CBT2, Mild Hurt/Comfort, soft feelings!!, Female Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Mirasa', 'HuffleSnout', 'JMusic', 'ParvaNovel', 'PapaShiba', 'Stormy_Asters', 'Koushi_The_Author', 'ourvioletdelights', 'paruparo', 'LuckyMagicBelle', 'Laperto', 'Krystal_G', 'Selinenuli', 'C_lemon_tine', 'wild_flora', 'PheonixQueen15Ember', 'seitennosinker', 'YaoiDragon', 'Der_Unlisted8448', 'LazyCloud01', 'Reiriri123456789', 'SkepticalSceptile', 'shibusvwa', 'Magpie_Seren', 'Dakra_SR', 'Dreamfoxreader', 'froggiemoon', 'Eggmanstan', 'Jose9433', 'Saph_713', 'Lorrane', 'condroix', 'spring_day_sunrise', 'RemainShadowBird', 'Call_me_Key', 'LC7ALlizen', 'deyeeted', 'Kitenne', 'ShirakiNagi', 'Sleep_Deprived_Moth', 'AitherRhym', 'Shiito', 'outpostyuri', 'Kelo51', 'Mayhemba', 'theYukino', 'Babyblack69', 'ApatheticAsexual', 'DatCosmicIdiot', 'shinxhara']
“Get back here!”   You skid down the hallway, almost missing a flash of purple disappearing around the corner. You can hear distant albeit ignored cries from your companions (your crew, your new family, your friends who know nothing). Throwing yourself forward is what you do best, and what you’re doing now, just barely fast enough to keep up with the fleeing figure.   “Stop…!”   You’re losing ground, stamina slowly simmering to nothing while Kafka shows no sign of slowing down. The strange woman hasn’t even bothered to look back, nor does she stop for directions, no: she knows exactly where she’s going, and that isn’t anywhere near here. Near you.   “Please..! Come back…”   Completely out of breath, it’s hard to speak. You still force your legs forward, reaching out like a clinging child. You are stubborn. You want answers, you want…   “Stay…!”   You turn a corner and almost crash into Kafka, who has suddenly stopped moving… no, she takes a single step backwards, cushioning your impulsion; you find yourself suddenly nestled against her, secure and unfalling in this tucked away corner of a storage room.   “Alright, alright… since you insist.”   Kafka cups your face, and the fabric of her gloves is warm on your cheeks. She’s smiling.   “How have you been?”   You’re still out of breath, still struggling with your heartbeat, but her fingers are gentle on your temples. You stare into one another’s eyes.   “What…” You don’t know what to ask.    What is our relationship? Who am I? What made me lose my memory? Why is there a Stellaron inside me? You’re a Stellaron Hunter, why didn’t you steal it?     “What… What are you doing here?”   Her eyes crinkle at that.They’re beautiful, though the pupil is difficult to see.   “Nothing that’ll concern you. There was a sale.”   Of all things you might have guessed, this was not it. “A sale?”   Kafka chuckles, and she releases your face, “Yes. Coats are expensive; I keep an eye on sales so I can buy more at once.”   You blink once, twice, feeling silly. Because this person is a human being, with a budget and hobbies and joy? Because of who you’re talking to, the terrifying Stellaron Hunter?   Because her gentle reassurance fills you with warmth, whenever you remember your first memory?   Kafka watches you hesitate with an unflinching smile, as if endeared with you. Maybe she is. You don’t know what kind of relationship you’re supposed to have. You wish she’d hold you. You wish she’d tell you the truth.    You know she won’t. What is left to say, then?   “You haven’t answered my question,” she reminds you.    That’s right. “I’ve been well,” you say after another silence. It’s true, especially considering the ticking bomb sealed within your chest. “The Astral Express crew treats me well, and we’ve gone on a few adventures already.”    She looks happy. The faint memory of your first moments bubbles into your mind. “It’s all been like you said. They treat me like family.”   “Lovely,” she says, still soft, still the Kafka that spoke to the dazed you so gently, still cradling the connection you’ve always had, and you let the words you wanted to ask die on your lips.    Why did you leave me?   You can’t ask her that. You know, somewhere in your body, perhaps in your chest, perhaps in your heart. You know why. Even if you wonder what your life would have been if she hadn’t chosen to leave you behind— you know who she wanted you to meet, to be welcomed by, and you feel… thankful.    Your companions are good people, sincere and trustworthy, steadfast, strong. They are your family. Himeko brushes your hair once March 7th is done trying to tangle ribbons in it. Dan Heng tells you all about maps and spear-fighting and the elevator repair mechanics he’s taken up recently. Mr. Welt Yang teaches you chess and tells you stories so long they lull you into a peaceful sleep. Even Pom-Pom, who can’t leave the train— they’re kind and helpful in their own plucky way.   You’re thankful for the life you have, the life Kafka wanted you to have, guided you to have. You’re happy, and you’re thankful, but…   Somewhere, somewhere in your body, perhaps in your chest, perhaps in your heart… you miss her.   Kafka leans forward, and, surprising you, leaves a chaste kiss on your forehead. Does she know? Did she see it on your face? Will she tell you something?   When she pulls away, her smile has grown more fake, almost frightening. She’s watching something beyond you. Watching something like she’d watch prey. She’d never look at you like this.   The next moment, there is a gloved hand on your throat. The next moment, there is a gun’s barrel to your head, and Kafka’s chest pressed against your back. The next moment, March 7th bursts into the storage room, bow at the ready, closely followed by Mr. Welt.   “Get away from her!” March 7th roars, ice arrow already nocked. She doesn’t shoot, however, remaining as frozen as her would-be projectile. She knows she’s not faster than a gun. Her eyes are wide with panic, trying to meet yours.   Mr. Welt is much calmer than her. You think his eyes are colder than usual. “Release our companion. This does not need to end in violence.”   Your ears are buzzing. You don’t feel threatened, not by Kafka, but you’re struggling to reconcile the softness of her kiss with the violence of her actions. Is she… protecting your secret? Should you act more scared? You know she won’t hurt you. You can’t help but feel relaxed, even with her perfectly manicured nails digging into your throat.   You stare at the floor, letting your long hair hang in front of your face. You hear everyone exchange harsh words, but your heart is beating too hard to follow. Your chest hurts. You swallow your saliva, feeling the gloved pads of her fingers push against the movement of your throat.   She lets you go. (She leaves you again.)   Suddenly lacking her support, you almost collapse to the floor, but Mr. Welt catches you by the shoulder. Your legs feel like jelly. Maybe you’re sick.   “Did she hurt you?”   He sounds concerned like a father. In a panic, you look around yourself, but Kafka is already gone. Of course. How long did you zone out for? What did they talk about?   “Can you hear me? Are you alright?”   You need to calm down. You take a deep breath.    When Mr. Welt asks again, you nod.
unspoken words, warring hearts
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), jingren - Character
dubcon, PWP without Porn, i mean- i guess there is a little plot but not its not relevant
['trasshn', 'annycs13', 'Arjenta', 'SK_Lucifer', 'Asye123', 'ZenDrake', 'Mango_Beusek', 'HitomiMaika0110', 'Kuko_plus22', 'DShunter27', 'MidnightDoggo', 'icewing1998', 'chiliacc', 'Ttnn', 'tentenenen', 'DesperatelyEnternity', 'TrainPassengers', 'lovers_flowers9', 'astr0_nomy', 'Yoimiyasbestfriend', 'Blades4you', 'Villinx', 'AlyssaChes', 'moondustinabottle', 'Ms_Silver', 'noonlily', 'ExpiredHoney', 'Iluvcwn_3', 'chiennez', 'lucyshiki', 'Porsina', 'Xenon_5830', 'Sofiacarmel', 'katsukipups', 'Mr_Ghost77', 'Virisu', 'kokiki', 'te4br3ak', 'Emoriae', 'Soru_Kitsune', 'Swan_Lakes', 'childeajaxtartaglia', 'Angel_161', 'Scar_Czar', 'yashirocommissionerconsort', 'Orphaned_acc', 'bladehusband', 'Nai_Yomikuro', 'Nezzie08', 'krustpunk']
Two guards accompanied him from behind. Their spears were drawn for protection as Jing Yuan stopped to view their latest captive. Stellaron Hunter Blade, a man known for his destructive capabilities and equally ruinous mind. But there was no weapon in his hands, much less any signs of a threat in the man before him. His face was half covered in cloth, a blindfold and gag that obscured whatever expression he was making. His arms were shackled, and his legs chained to the cell wall. He can't help but cast a pitying glance to the disheveled man. "Leave us. I'll handle the prisoner from here." The guards exchange concerned looks with each other, but quickly bowed and took their leave. Nobody was foolish enough to think one of the generals of Xianzhou Alliance couldn't handle the fights he picked. Once their footsteps had receded, Jing Yuan finally approached the bars, kneeling to see him face-to-face. The blindfold and gag was still fastened tightly against the assassin, partially covering his ears, but Jing Yuan had no doubt the man could still hear him. And yet, despite knowing they were alone, he did not move or attempt to loosen the restraints that clearly forced him into an uncomfortable position. Such stillness as if he were a corpse. It unnerved the general. "It's just you and me now." Jing Yuan finally spoke, resting an arm on his knee. "I'll remove your gag." The man did not respond, even when Jing Yuan's fingers brushed his long black hair and pulled the fabric out. There were blood stains, most likely from injuries he received from the Xianzhou guards as they hunted him down. Once Jing Yuan withdrew his hands from the bars, he placed the fabric on the ground and waited. Like a mechanical doll being wound up, the black haired man finally began to move. Straightening his back in a proper seiza, had his arms not been bound behind his back. "And what do you want from me?" His voice was dry and low, but not afraid. If anything, Jing Yuan could almost say it sounded like indifference. He couldn't help but raise a curious smile. "I'll return the question, what is it you want from us? I don't buy for a second you were here for the view, Blade." The assassin's lips quirked into a smirk and Jing Yuan realized despite the darkness of the prison cellar, there was a tinge of red at the corners of his mouth- likely dried blood. "View... No, I'm not here for that." He turned to face Jing Yuan, his long unkempt hair falling from his shoulders. "I'm not here for you." Jing Yuan exhaled, raising his hand to his chin. "Then what were you after?" Blade smiled. "I'm here for the boy." Danheng. The youth had been seen fleeing the gates with a pale expression, unable to explain anything in his hurry. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost, and indeed it had come. The lion general grit his teeth. Danheng was already long gone, and if he was clever, he'd never come back. Not while Blade was here, custody or not. "But I suppose I was late." Blade stated calmly. He looked unbothered by his own failure- no, he was amused if anything. Jing Yuan couldn't help but let out a scoff. "You act as if there'll be a second chance. Blade, are you aware of your situation?" He drew his weapon from his back and slammed it against the fortified bars, a shrill ring wailing in the room. A flicker of lightning dangerously danced in the air as the general's golden eyes pierced through the darkness. "You're in my custody now- don't think I'll let you escape so easily." Blade's expression returned to its neutral state. "Do as you wish." After a moment of silence, Jing Yuan stood up and began to move. To the blindfolded Blade, all he could hear was the rustling of fabric- and then a metallic jingle. The prison gate was open, and the white haired man was entering the cage. "I figured you'd say that." The other man said, now closer to Blade than before. "But I don't think you've truly understood what I've said." He delicately brushed his hand against the other man's cheek, tucking loose strands of hair back in its proper place. And it was then Blade's face began showing disgust. "Haha, what's with that look," Jing Yuan hummed, leaning forward to finally remove the blindfold from the other man. "Perhaps now you'll acknowledge me properly?" Blade slowly raised his head and opened his eyes; for such a destructive man, Jing Yuan couldn't help but feel himself mesmerized by Blade's scarlet eyes. Glints of golden rings like hellfire staring back at him as he withdrew his hands. "Better, isn't it?" Jing Yuan teased lightly, holding the fabric gingerly in his hands. "I've been waiting to talk to you like this for a long time now." Blade ignored him. "But you're not fond of speaking. Well, that's quite alright by me." Jing Yuan leaned forward once more, but this time catching Blade's throat with one hand and slamming him into the concrete ground with a loud crack. Blade barely reacted with a slight furrow in his brow, but his eyes were now fully on Jing Yuan. It was intoxicating, being the sole focus of those burning eyes. Jing Yuan made sure to keep the black haired man pinned, his arms and legs were already bound in enchanted shackles from the guards earlier, but only a fool would think a Stellaron Hunter wouldn't have another trick up their sleeves. "So why don't we start getting to know each other's bodies first?" Jing Yuan said with a full smile, illuminated by the moonlight leaking through the window. He lowered his hand slowly until his fingers touched the opening of Blade's coat, and slipping under to his bare collarbone. Blade's eyes narrowed, but he remained quiet. Like a bystander simply observing what was happening. Jing Yuan was reminded of a small glass doll he'd seen in the festival stalls, their eyes simply watching as the world passed them. Their eyes were so hollow like marble, it sent shivers down his spine- emptiness, or rather... Disinterest. Well, he wouldn't let Blade escape punishment so easily. "Ah, now that I think about it, I never answered your question." He commented as he pried Blade's collar apart and revealed Blade's open chest- trained muscles marred with bandages and grievous scars covering his skin- all of which Jing Yuan delicately brushed with his hand. "What is it that I want from you." Blade's eyes narrowed, and he turned his head away. To some, it would have looked like timidity, but to Jing Yuan's trained eye, he knew it was more akin to acceptance. "Hm, I had thought since you were experienced with the feelings of 'pain', you would be far susceptible to 'pleasure.'" A part of Jing Yuan was disappointed, but considering what he knew of the man, it shouldn't have come as a surprise. Blade would have experience in areas outside of fighting in his tumultuous lifestyle. And yet... "I guess I'll just have to work a bit harder," Jing Yuan laughed darkly. "Since you're so experienced, I don't have to hold back, now do I?" Unlike before, Jing Yuan took no time to strip the black haired man from his clothes, tearing the bandages as he went. Like the claws of a beast in heat, he immediately began digging his hands around the other's waist, forcing Blade to straddle him as he harshly dug his teeth into the other's neck and trail his way down to his chest. He latched onto Blade's nipple and dug his teeth into the soft flesh, then lapping at the indents with the desperation of a starved man. He pinched the other nipple with his hand, toying with it harshly between his nails. Under Jing Yuan's cruel ministrations, Blade's body began to tense up in defense. He did not attempt to throw the general off of him, but even through his broken body, the heat of another person's body was beginning to seep into him. The waves of concentrated stimulation began to reawaken the senses that were once dull, causing the man to flinch underneath Jing Yuan. And most humiliatingly, Jing Yuan could be felt smirking against his chest. Satisfied with his reaction, Jing Yuan finally lifted his head up from Blade's scarred chest and raised to give Blade a kiss on the jaw, which the latter did nothing to stop, only parting his lips to catch his breath as his chest heaved with newfound heat. "Good boy," Jing Yuan murmured, raising Blade's left leg and resting it on his shoulder, forcing the man to reveal himself in an indecent manner. Propped up, there was nothing blocking their view of each other, which Blade maintained with an unshakable focus despite the growing flush on his face. Although Jing Yuan suspected he was no better off, his heart drumming painfully against his chest as Jing Yuan's desire burned to be inside him. The nights in Xianzhou were notoriously biting, but in this small prison, the two were only burning hotter. "Just focus on me." The general growled, biting into Blade's inner thigh, then kissing the sensitive flesh deeper and deeper until his lips made contact with Blade's cock, half hard from the foreplay. "-nh..." Blade bit his lower lip, a motion that only turned Jing Yuan on more as he finally saw the other man's composure failing him. He grinned and pushed himself over Blade, pressing his leg against his chest while Jing Yuan's other hand cupped the other leg with a deathly grip. "...Hahh..." Blade jerked at the sudden pain, his chest raised as if to showcase the soft mounds reddening from the previous abuse. Unable to bear any more arousal, the general sucked in a quick breath and reached for his waist. From a pocket, he retrieved a glass vial with oil and let it drip onto Blade's thigh and down to his ass. Jing Yuan swiftly began to apply the oil into Blade, pressing a finger against Blade's hole, pressing through the ring of muscles and digging his thick finger experimentally inside, then pumping it steadily into the other man. With each thrust, Blade seemed to grow closer to his release. It was just as he added a second finger when Blade's breath hitched and Jing Yuan completely withdrew himself, chest rising and falling unevenly. Jing Yuan glanced at his fingers, still warm and slick from being inside Blade- who was pinned underneath him, head turned away as he waited. With his arms and legs bound, practically at Jing Yuan's mercy. "You know," Jing Yuan laughed breathlessly as he undressed himself, releasing his throbbing dick from his undergarments. "Ordinarily, I'd make you beg for my dick, but I'll let you off for tonight." It was a boldfaced lie, anyone could tell it was Jing Yuan was at the end of his limits, but Blade only squeezed his eyes close and exhaled, waiting for the inevitable. Clumsily applying the oil to himself, Jing Yuan let out a shuddering sigh as he position himself against Blade, savoring the slick warm of their skin brushing against each other. Then, he finally plunged himself against Blade's ass, gasping as the warmth surrounded his aching cock, and began thrusting like a mad animal. Each push shook Blade's body, a small bump protruding from his stomach, and as Jing Yuan propped him up sideways, a new sensation took him by surprise. "Ggh- Hah--!" Blade couldn't hold back his gasps as his body trembled underneath the waves of pleasure and pain overtaking his body. Jing Yuan immediately raised his head to look at Blade's face, still turned and obscured by his long, unkempt bangs. Annoying, the white haired man grumbled internally, shoving his frustrations into his hips. Blade cried out again, but this time unable to hide as Jing Yuen grabbed him by his chin and forced Blade to look at him. His eyes glittered with tears, too hazy with pleasure to look nearly as intimidating as he did on the field. "Fuck," Jing Yuan swore before crushing his lips against Blade's, hungrily seeking out Blade's warmth as his pace became erratic. He could taste the blood on Blade's tongue, had he been biting the inside of his cheek this entire time? The taste only turned him on further, wanting to rob the man of every trace of heat inside of him. Their bodies tangled, drowned in debauchery until finally Jing Yuan reached his climax, relief washing over his body as he shot his hot seed into the depths of Blade's warmth. Just as he did, Blade flinched and trembled as he reached his own release, his hips bucking helplessly as his cum drenched both of their chests. Jing Yuan sighed as he felt the pulse of Blade's orgasm from below. He didn't want to let go of this warmth. "Fuu... Hah," He brushed his white hair out of the way as he entangled himself next to Blade, whose chest was rising and falling quickly from his own pleasure. Jing Yuan pressed their hips together, still connected, and pushed the prisoner's head next to the crook of his neck and inhaled the scent of their sweat. The reality of their situation came back to Jing Yuan- the cold cell floor and the dragging of manacles binding Blade's arms and legs so he could not resist, even if he wanted to. A pitiful man who could do nothing but fight, yet he laid in Jing Yuan's hands like a compliant dog to his master. The Cloud Knights may have thought this was the end of Blade's terror, but Jing Yuan knew it was only a matter of time before another storm would kick. But like this- just for a moment, Jing Yuan thought, they could savor the calm. --- Click The manacles unlatched, freeing Blade's hands. He quietly rubbed his wrists, staring at the dark purple bruises. The pick Silver Wolf had given him worked like a charm, although he still took punishment from the divine seals. Had he been any regular human, his hands would have been sliced off clean, but with his 'constitution', it was nothing more than a minor discomfort. He then casted a lazy glance beside himself, where a white haired general laid fast asleep and narrowed his eyes. It didn't matter if he was imprisoned or not, it was only a matter of time before he would escape. What he didn't expect was an opening so early in his sentence, all in exchange for cheap lust. Being immortal, Blade was used to losing countless fights. Stabbed through the heart, beheaded, disembodied... And occasionally, there would be those who would use him in more humiliating ways. Carnal desires, filth- he thought he'd become numbed to it all, but evidently, there was still a trace of humanity left in him. Disgusting. He stood up and collected his clothing- Kafka wouldn't be happy at the condition it was in, but what could he do? He was a master of metal, not thread. As he walked, a thick trickle of semen trailed down his leg. He'd clean himself up later, preferably far away from the damned cell. After dressing himself the best he could, Blade pushed the metal barred doors open. Moonlight leaked into the room. He had a few hours to make his get away. "Mmh..." The man mumbled from behind, still sleeping. Blade stared at him for a few seconds. Jing Yuan was not his target. And yet, the man seemed insistent on entangling himself between him and his targets. Why was that? Blade closed his eyes. Faintly, he could remember an old ache in his heart from buried memories. A love he had once felt, back when he was still pure and young, and the crushing despair as that love was dirtied, burning away at his sanity until all that remained were regrets. Regrets he could never resolve. Blade opened the door. There was no need to think. As long as that woman kept her promise, as long as he followed her instructions, that was his only salvation. He turned to the exit and left.   ---   It all started when Jing Yuan had turned fifteen. He was not yet a man, but still old enough to be taught in family affairs. His father was an officer, his grandfather a retired instructor, and his father another well established warrior. To say Jing Yuan had a chosen path was no hidden secret. But it was that night, after the close family members and retainers had celebrated and drunken themselves into a stupor, the youth had slid out of the house and saw his grandfather sitting by himself on the wooden porch. "So you've come here to escape the noise as well, have you?" The older man chuckled, still staring at the night sky. "Why are you here alone?" Jing Yuan asked, joining him. His grandfather inhaled, closing his eyes. He looked nothing like the proud man he normally was. "I only wanted to enjoy the night air." "Hm." Was all Jing Yuan could say. "Jing Yuan, do you want to be a fighter when you grow up?" Jing Yuan's golden eyes peered at the older man curiously. He hadn't really thought about any other options and it wasn't like he was terrible with a spear either. "I guess..." His grandfather scoffed. "A man's resolve should not be answered with an 'I guess', child. But I suppose it's far too early for you to grasp the meaning of my question." He paused and looked back at the stars again, and this time Jing Yuan could see how wistful his expression had become. "Grandfather, are you feeling alright?" Instead of answering, he replied with his own question. "... Jing Yuan, what do you think of eternal life?" Jing Yuan screwed his face. That certainly wasn't the response he was expecting, but he answered dutifully. "...It's an abomination, an insult to life itself, isn't that what you and father have worked hard to eradicate?" Jing Yuan asked. "Or, don't tell me you've lost your mind and-" His grandfather smacked him on the back of his head, not enough to hurt but enough to cut off the rest of Jing Yuan's accusation. "Don't be ridiculous. I haven't gone that senile yet, brat." Jing Yuan laughed, rubbing his head. "Right, but you've been saying nothing but weird things tonight." His grandfather snorted, then regarded him carefully. "Jing Yuan, do you know how our family rose to prominence?" The boy paused. It was another question that seemed so obvious, yet he hadn't really stopped to consider it. "Isn't it because of our military prowess?" His grandfather looked away. "... No. Not quite." He lowered his head and crossed his arms. "Long, long ago, before the Aeon Lan had truly returned from the abyss, our ancestors mere subjects ruled by the tyrannical emperor, obsessed with immortality and abundance. Afraid to defy him, they set off in search of that 'so-called' blessed fruit." Jing Yuan said nothing as he processed this new information. He had heard of the tale in his history classes, but never considered the roles of his ancestors. "And, it was there our kin had at last found it. A blessing of Yaoshi's abundance. But he had not found it alone. You see, he had traveled with another warrior, a man he claimed was his sworn brother. In exchange for the fruit, a price had to be paid." His grandfather sighed and shook his head. "I'm afraid the details have been lost to time, but one thing remains the same- that man, our kin, deeply regretted that day." Jing Yuan frowned, reflecting on the lavish lifestyle afforded to him all without knowing the price paid. Then, a thought came to him. "Where is his grave? I want to pay my respects." His grandfather smiled, but there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes as he did so. "Jing Yuan, who said the man was dead?" The young man's golden eyes flew open. "That- do you mean-?" "Indeed, perhaps it was the soil, or perhaps a curse from the Aeon Yaoshi itself, but we learned that man yet walks to this day." His grandfather finished sorrowfully. "Your father and I have tried many times to hunt that man down, but like the blight that the undead crawl from, he, too, persists." "So, Jing Yuan, what will you do?"   ... The young man clutched the fabric of his robes. "I will find a way to free him."
Antiseptics and forehead kisses
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, bronya taking care of seele, Literal Sleeping Together, bronya being shy, Implicit Sexual Tension, No Smut, possible canon divergence, One Shot, Useless Lesbians, Kissing, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release
['MW_Patata', 'O_Muhomor', 'RichardPham', 'Der_Unlisted8448', 'alternatealkard', 'caxhua', 'LivingThing8', 'thelineofangstybullshit', 'Mayhemba', 'Gayquaza', 'GabsForJustYuris', 'Laserwise', 'fyeb', 'UmixMakiiscanon', 'rotigula', 'lilylilac338', 'TheBigBadWolf1417', 'aye_okei', 'HelloBye16', 'PixelVixen', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'festiefern', 'halfandhalfornot', 'Ninja6345', 'akxk0108', 'soonymin', 'kailopscia', 'Maxxo', 'bleblebl', 'twicethetrash', 'wlwwonderland', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'wiinwinter', 'DesertGale', 'EnraptureEnchanted', 'Kustian', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'Glaucouss', 'naamee', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Zymzwei', 'dyskinesia', 'Shizuedayo', 'Gaycowslol', 'brobroski', 'Sora22', 'D33JAYYY', 'FlareForTheDramatics', 'ichise', 'KomiXo']
"I don't need help, I can go back on my own.”said Seele, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the grip on her wrist, even though it was being difficult to keep her body upright without shaking. “Hold on to me. You can't go home alone like this.” Bronya replied, as she kept Seele's arm around her shoulders, forcing her to lean against her. Silently, the two continued walking together down the empty street. It was already dawn, but that region had good lighting, unlike other areas known to Seele. At that moment, the brightness made her head throb. The icy wind brought her a bad feeling of insurance. Normally Seele would probably snap back or keep trying to escape, but this time she just sighed and fell silent. On her face, any trace of determination completely disappeared, giving place to an expression of deep weariness. She was as tired as anyone covered in blood and wounds could be. Bringing Seele's body closer to her, Bronya made the speed at which they walked suit the limits of the other's body. The day hadn't been easy, and this time things weren't peaceful. As much as Seele wasn't in critical condition, just injured, it was horrible for Bronya to arrive and find her in that state, but still maintaining her posture as if nothing had happened. It was only a matter of time before they were alone and the girl in her arms now looked nothing like the imposing, rebellious figure she presented to the world. After a long and slow walk, the two finally arrived at the residence where Bronya lived. Once inside, she let go of Seele briefly to open the door to her chambers, then pulled her by the hand back inside. Seele stopped midway. “Bronya, I'm fine. No need to…” “Seele.” Bronya took her wrist again, this time more gently but still remaining firm. “Let me take care of you just this time, okay?” “But…” “You don't have to do everything by yourself. Trust me, please.” Bronya said, looking straight into Seele's face. “Ah… Okay, I guess.” Seele replied, looking away, not knowing exactly how to react. Already inside the room, she took Seele so that the two sat next to a dresser, inside which she took some cotton and antiseptics. Carefully, she made Seele extend her arms and began to clean the rest of the clotted blood with a damp towel, to then clean her wounds. Some cuts were deeper than others, and Bronya could tell from Seele's pained expression as she felt the antiseptic burn against her skin. She tried to be as cautious as possible, even as she rubbed away the dark, filthy blood, but every now and then Seele let out a look of discomfort. When she finished cleaning her arms, Bronya went straight to the other's face, deciding it would be best to leave the rest to wash in the bath, which was being prepared. She got up from her chair to crouch down a little in front of Seele, keeping their faces close as she glided the cotton over her skin, removing as much of the dust and blood as possible. Seele closed her eyes, feeling one of Bronya's hands cup her cheek for support as she finished wiping the remnants of dirt from her forehead. Her touch was warm and soft, and it seemed to caress her face every time she touched it. She was so immersed in that gentle, reassuring gesture through her weariness that she didn't notice that she was holding Bronya's hand there, even though her face was already clear. Realizing it, she let go of Bronya's hand, feeling a little awkwardness wash over them both. — The bath is ready. You can change over there.” Bronya said, pointing to a wooden screen beside the tub, only glancing at Seele, who got up quickly, despite being tired, and walked behind the cabinet. Not paying much attention, Seele quickly undressed and climbed into the tub, not noticing Bronya looking away as she left the screen. Her tense muscles almost immediately relaxed as she felt her body come into contact with the hot water. Even with her eyes closed, Seele noticed Bronya approaching and turning some bath product in the bathtub, bringing a pleasant smell and a little foam to the water. She sank into the solution, making her head also wet all over. Upon emerging from the water, she opened her eyes again, pulling her bangs out of her face. The feeling of being there was strange, but pleasant. It definitely wasn't every day that Seele got to enjoy that, and it wasn't every day that someone paid so much attention to her. Although a little embarrassed, she was glad to have Bronya take care of her for at least a few hours. "Can I help you wash your hair?" Bronya asked, standing beside the tub with another vial in her hand. She only looked at Seele's face. “It's up to you…” Seele thought for a moment, pushing herselft off the edge to lean face down on the side of the bathtub. She began to play with the bubbles that covered the surface of the water. "Why don't you come in too? You must be tired.” Bronya seemed to be taken aback by Seele's statement, but she didn't reject it out of hand, as if she was wondering whether to accept Seele's suggestion. Although a little apprehensive, she nodded and went to undress herself. Seele, unlike Bronya, just pretended not to look toward the screen while Bronya was there. She only looked away when Bronya finished taking off her clothes and walked with only a towel around her body towards the bathtub. She felt a shiver go through her body when she heard her taking off the towel and entering the water, making her legs touch due to the little space. "Can you turn around?" Bronya said, trying to keep it natural. “Ah… ah, yes of course. My hair.” Seele answered awkwardly as she turned her back to Bronya, who avoided looking at her as she lifted her body partially out of the water. The action of avoiding looking didn't do much good, as Bronya felt her face burn even when she felt Seele's hip between her thighs. Bronya ignored her own thoughts and poured some of the product into her hands, and began to carefully massage Seele's hair. The sweet aroma gradually replaced the smell of death and dirt from before and made both of them relax for the moment. After she finished washing and rinsing her hair, Seele didn't ask Bronya to move away from her. All she did was lean back from lying on top of the Silvermane’s torso. Bronya had no reaction besides holding her tighter. Seele was finally resting, allowing herself to relax a little in someone else's presence, and Bronya was secretly glad for it. “Are you sleepy?” Bronya asked. Her hands were clasped in front of Seele's torso, while Seele's hands rested on top of hers. "A little.” replied Seele. Unexpectedly, she found it very comfortable to lie on top of Bronya, so despite being tired, she wanted to enjoy it a little longer. The two remained silent, not wanting to leave. Bronya took advantage of the fact that Seele had closed her eyes so that she could look into her face. Her peaceful expression was a rare thing to see, and her features seemed even lighter that way. Without thinking too much, Bronya leaned over, kissing Seele's forehead, who immediately opened her eyes in surprise. As she snapped back to reality and realized what she had done, Bronya looked away, embarrassed. After recovering from the shock, Seele sat in the bathtub, looking at Bronya, who was still avoiding look at her eyes. “Hey… What was that?” Seele said laughing. Her cheeks were a little red, but her expression was one of amusement. "I…" Bronya looked down, trying not to meet Seele's eyes, but forgetting that she had sat down again, and felt her face heat up even more as she accidentally looked at Seele's chest. “When you said you'd take care of me, I didn't think you'd go this far.” Seele teased, moving closer to Bronya. No amount of weariness in the world could make her not amused to see Bronya so embarrassed. Deep down, she found it adorable. “It doesn't matter.” Bronya said, still feeling her heartbeat increase at Seele's approach. “Don't change the topic.” Seele growled, but heeded Bronya's words and prepared to climb out of the tub. The two grabbed the dry towels and left, only glancing at one another, focusing only on getting ready for bed. After a few minutes, the two were already dressed in Bronya's night clothes. With Seele sitting on the bed, Bronya knelt behind her, starting to brush her hair. Even though it was clean now, the strands were still tangled, and if it dried like that it would be difficult to fix later. Carefully, Bronya completely untangled her hair while Seele waited in silence.   When she was done, Bronya turned to pick up the towel again. Seele still had her back to her, and Bronya thought for a while as she gripped the towel tightly in her hands. She rose to stand across from the other and bent to place the towel on Seele's head, starting to dry her hair. Gradually, the two ended up getting closer and closer, until their faces were only a few inches apart. Bronya tried not to pay attention to it and just continued what she was doing, but not pulling away. As for Seele, she found it increasingly difficult to keep her thoughts coherent and could only concentrate on being so close to Bronya. Taking the action without thinking it through, Seele closed her eyes and leaned forward, bringing her lips to Bronya's. After pressing them quickly against hers, Seele pulled away and opened her eyes, ignoring Bronya's bewildered expression, but placing her hand on her waist without letting her move away. Still a little wary, Bronya brought their faces closer together again, checking if Seele's expression showed any kind of resistance. Instead, her hand remained firm on Bronya's waist. “You are the one who started it.” Seele said, keeping her gaze locked with Bronya's until she moved closer, bringing their lips together again in a soft, gentle kiss. As they kissed, Bronya instinctively positioned herself on Seele's lap, holding onto her shoulders while touching her waist and hair. But the truth is, neither of them paid much attention to it, and they just concentrated on enjoying the feeling of kissing each other. After a few minutes like that, the two separated briefly due to lack of air, but quickly resumed their action, without even questioning what they were doing. The two only realized what was happening when they realized that they were crossing the line a little and letting their hands a little too free on each other's bodies. In silent agreement, the two broke the kiss, and Bronya got off of Seele's lap. Although none of them really wanted to stop, they knew that the right moment would be to rest, because the next day would be long and Seele's body was still quite injured. Either way, both Bronya and Seele knew things wouldn't end there. After this, the two girls laid under the covers of Bronya's bed, now preparing to go to sleep. With the lights off, Seele approached Bronya, pulling her close. Bronya didn't resist, returning the hug and letting their legs tangle under the covers. Even though the current situation was a bit awkward for both of them, they decided to let this unknown comfort prevail for now. Given the somewhat turbulent relationship they'd had some time ago, things now seemed pretty messed up, but it wasn't a bad feeling. Feeling the inevitable sleep coming, Bronya pulled Seele tighter against her, snuggling into her embrace, ready to close her eyes. “Seele.” Bronya called softly. “Hm…?” Seele murmured, opening her eyes briefly. “Good night.” Bronya said, leaning down to kiss her forehead again before closing her eyes. Bronya didn't see it, but Seele smiled before closing her eyes and answering: “Goodnight.”
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release
['Ranuvell', 'Sherraq', 'baronbunnies', 'Zozzebae', 'kysserimm', 'scvrpius', 'AnimeWeeb9', 'Clould', 'xxista', 'lover_of_stories25', 'Siren_Queen', 'pewpiopew', 'eresai', 'dvllgn', 'Sj_wodo', 'Kyekoon', 'psychologyfold', 'LyraLoveLace', 'TheGoldenTart', 'ember_yi', 'lotoflost', 'siwokii', 'sadlumos', 'torumei', 'Gyllenhaal', 'Rea_777', 'G4ME123', 'Mackenzie_18', 'caravanofdreams4death', 'sevher', 'chfszn', 'Ren_jingmyluv', 'x_Kat', 'bread_sandwich', 'Elviana', 'DShunter27', 'CanIHaveAHug', 'aaapastel', 'Nathassia', 'SharkBeam', 'saeruchi', 'ChokoNeko', 'girasool', 'camillaxy', 'ThroneOfLies101', 'Lilac_u99', 'Read_and_Dreaming', 'Do_Ray_Mi', 'madboba', 'Rin_Hawaki']
All members of the Stellaron Hunters were rather elusive.   Elio and Sam were rarely heard of, let alone seen. Silver Wolf was too busy typing up a new programme or playing video games to speak with anyone other than her colleagues. Kafka only occupied herself with clients that had the smarts to listen to her and be compliant.   And Blade...   Well, today, Blade was strolling around Central Starskiff Haven in broad starlight.   Although the Cancer of All Worlds was always eating away at the corners of reality, the Hunters still had the generosity to offer holidays and Blade was currently on one of them, even if he wasn't here to celebrate. That, and he was invited by the General of the Luofu, so there were many reasons for him to be be here.   The street Blade had just visited was decorated with many red lanterns and there was even a dance performance going on, but he thought it was too loud, so he left. Now, he was next to a stall where there was much less noise and he could enjoy the meowing of the owner's cat.   Finding little else to do, Blade flipped through some shounen mangas laid out, though they were probably more suited to people around the age of the girl who was looking through the stall's sweets display. Entertainment was foreign to him with how often he had to travel through the cosmos and he didn't even remember if he used to like comics in his youth, so he put down the manga soon after he picked it up, deciding that it wasn't worth his time.   There also seemed to be some newspapers and magazines available for purchase here. Blade saw that one of the magazines was turned over on its back, reminding him that there were many ways for one to have no scruple other than having blood on one's hands. Out of whatever remaining goodness he had in his heart, he corrected it, but what he revealed on the front cover made his mouth sour and his eye twitch.   It was a picture of himself, back turned towards the camera, in strangely high resolution. On closer inspection, this photo was quite miraculous. The photographer had somehow captured the moment his black hair and red ribbons caught the wind, when there was never the hint of a breeze in the space stations that Blade frequently travelled through. The threads of his bandaged hand were still soaked in blood and he hadn't even put away his sword, likely because he had only just finished a fight. Whoever took this picture had a lot of gall, but Blade thought that it was wasted on something this idiotic.   After being irked by the picture, Blade decided he would rather look at the contents of the magazine, since the title had so boldly claimed that it would tell the readers all about him as a Stellaron Hunter. The first few paragraphs were fine. They included facts about his organisation and physical descriptions of himself that were easy to come up with, but the rest of the article included stories so tall that they rivalled the Palace of Astrum.   Had he really slain a dozen dragons in succession? Had he really singlehandedly caused a planet to split apart? Had he really almost assassinated the previous General of the Cloud Knights? Blade was not exactly sure who this omnipotent, fantastical character that the magazine depicted was. There was not one kernal of truth in these alleged anecdotes, at least they could have mentioned the graveyard where the swords of all his felled victims were, but no, that was probably not cool enough for the editors.   He was silently fuming when he finally returned to the front cover, all the more infuriated when he realised the photographer had managed to make him look conventionally pretty.   "Oh, you're a lucky one!" The lady manning the stall remarked suddenly, causing Blade to almost drop the magazine. He wasn't expecting anyone to speak to him, because his menacing aura usually warded any attempts at socialisation away.   "Excuse me?"   "That's the last copy, you know," the lady said. "This edition of 'The Galaxy Explorer' is really popular for some reason. Been selling out and I just had them restocked!"   "Tell you what, the one in your hands is going to be sold soon even though it's pretty tattered. How about I give you a discount? Come on, I've seen you eyeing that for quite some time!"   Blade was at a lost for words. Firstly, he was inwardly hoping that the lady did not see the resemblance that he bore to the man on the front cover. He was still wearing the same outfit, as he always had. Secondly, it was slowly dawning on him why the magazine did well.   Tch, people and their strange fancies. Ridiculous.   "I'm sorry..." Blade started, ready to turn her away.   "Oh, do you not have enough credits?"   Apparently, the girl with brown hair and twintails, the one who was at the sweets selection, had taken notice to Blade and his hesitance, mistaking his anger for something more innocent, like not having change. Though... did he look as if he did not have two pennies to rub together?   "Well, here you go! I'll pay for it, but you don't have to give me anything back. I hope you enjoy reading it, sir!"   "I don't-" Blade did not manage to clear up the confusion before the girl ran off. He wondered how the girl had so much enthusiasm, but he worried more about her wallet, which was sure to be thin as paper if she kept helping random people on the streets.    Blade stood in the middle of the street awkwardly. He had a magazine with his picture on it in one hand and the other hand was pinching the bridge of his nose because of this nonsense.   At these times, he should find Jing Yuan.   ---   "What brings you here?" Jing Yuan said with eyes half closed.   Blade had breezed through security when he had said that he had a scheduled engagement with the General. He was not quite sure what made the guards believe the excuse, the guards nodding and smiling so secretively, but that was not within his domain and also not his priority.   Blade did not say anything, only putting the copy of the magazine on Jing Yuan's desk, while he went off and poured himself a cup of tea. Jing Yuan had a set of ornate, delicate cups that looked near priceless, but Blade borrowed from it whenever he wanted. He cared neither about chipping the ceremic, nor Jing Yuan's ire should he break a cup, though Jing Yuan typically only smiled in his way warmly if he was lending it.   "Oh? Bragging about your photo on the cover, are you? I've never taken you to be the type to be conceited."   "You can do better, Jing Yuan. You've lost the acid in your words." Blade drank his tea.   "Maybe I just don't find the need to be particularly caustic towards you," Jing Yuan drawled. "Where did you get that anyways? The last time I checked, you tend to leave your pockets empty of credits."   "Hm, I stole it," Blade said bluntly with a small smirk to match, reminding Jing Yuan that he was still trouble.   Jing Yuan was getting a bit too friendly with Blade lately, who felt like he was, for a lack of better words, domesticated. Jing Yuan had given him a room at his place and taken him out for dinner, but that did not make them good friends, especially considering their rivalry that had just reached its dusk.   "I'll have you know, a perpetrator of robbery is liable to a fine of 50, 000 credits, but knowing you, I'm sure some kind soul covered the cost instead," Jing Yuan returned smugly, taking a sip from Blade's tea.   Blade took his cup back from Jing Yuan's grasp, careful not to spill the drink, but forceful enough to let Jing Yuan know that the action was unwelcome. "Perhaps that kind soul would've got my gratitude had she not left so soon. I did not know you trained your knights to be so rash."   "But, what I am here to say is that this magazine spreads blatant misinformation and published photos taken without consent." Blade chuckled lowly. "It angers me that such impudence is allowed. Mortals are quite eccentric."   "It's a shame that the publishing house is not located aboard my ship, is it?" Jing Yuan said, thumbing a corner of the magazine. "Otherwise, I could have done something about that."   "I am not here to ask for your help."   There were several things that Blade thought of right then. Blade was not used to the public eye, but Jing Yuan was and he was comfortable in that publicity. He was far too detached from society and Jing Yuan was his closest tether, unusually, a person that made him feel safe. Blade craved reassurance. Also, it was strange that an entertainment magazine of all things could claim that it knew everything about Blade when he couldn't even tell people where he was born himself. But he settled for a simple:   "It's intolerable." Blade levelled a glare towards the other.   "Understood." Jing Yuan nodded. "People are just too curious."     Later on, Blade took a nap on Jing Yuan's couch, because the book that had been shoved his way was too boring for him to handle. Blade was not very interested in the nuances of agriculture.   Somewhere between dozing off and thinking about how the sofa was extremely comfortable, so much so that he wondered where Jing Yuan got his hands on it, Blade heard the snap of a camera.   He bolted up immediately, the book toppling onto the floor. He looked over and saw Jing Yuan holding his phone out. Ah, that man...   "Did you just take a photo of me?"   "Of course. It's a bit overused, but I'd like to say that you look peaceful in your sleep," Jing Yuan said.   "Oh, by the way, I intend to keep this for my personal collection." Jing Yuan waved the copy of 'The Galaxy Explorer' magazine next to Blade.   Blade ignored Jing Yuan's declaration. He had no use for the magazine anyways.   "Give me that phone. I need to delete that picture. You don't deserve it."   "You can try."   Jing Yuan held his phone just out of Blade's position on the couch, such that he would have to leave the warm blanket which he did not remember being there before he slept in order to reach it.   Jing Yuan had turned the screen towards Blade, as if to taunt him. He looked at the picture, unimpressed and huffing in resignation that he could not grab the phone. In the photo, his hair and clothes were a mess, and half his face was pressed up against the book Jing Yuan lent him. Blade thought it was weird how, after he gave up trying to delete the picture, Jing Yuan would hold his phone in adoration and his gaze would be so gentle when he looked at the screen.   "Thank you. I will treasure it," Jing Yuan said.   "There will be no repetitions of this," Blade grumbled, rubbing the drowsiness off his face.   "No promises."   "You're... terrible," Blade said, feeling slightly bitter. "The General of the Cloud Knights. Stealing pictures of his sleeping guest."   "Maybe I should've stayed with the Stellaron Hunters this week instead of coming on board. You're not very different to the photographer that put me on the cover of that magazine, are you?"   "If that's what you think, alright." Jing Yuan's lips were still upturned, but Blade thought he could see how his eyes were more unreadable.   Ah, maybe he should not have said that. All that bitterness melted into something salty like regret, if only slightly. Right, Blade was beginning to realised that Jing Yuan actually cared for him.   "... would you like a seat?" Blade asked.   Blade took Jing Yuan by the hand and laid him next to himself on the couch, covered by the blanket.   Despite everything, Blade was glad that Jing Yuan had brought him onto the Xianzhou Luofu. Over the past few days, he had had plenty of pleasant discoveries and it would not do for Jing Yuan to think that he was unappreciative.   Blade kissed the shell of Jing Yuan's ear, under the fluff of his white hair. Then, he pressed close to him and whispered, "Keep that picture well."   Blade felt Jing Yuan's smile on his neck. "If that's the last thing I will do."   Somehow, Blade did not mind it when they slept the night through on that sofa. He woke up with a crick in neck, but he had Jing Yuan by his side. In the cool morning light, Blade hugged Jing Yuan tighter to himself. Was he too scared to let go?   No, Blade now had a name for this emotion.   Love.
moonlighting knights
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Danheng, renheng
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Canon Compliant, maybe???, Dreams and Nightmares, Fever Dreams, this came to me as a prophecy, no beta we die like kim dokja, when will the game release, ren is blade but in chinese, there is no canon so im writing one, Blood and Gore, kind of? im still learning, Mind Manipulation
['L0cus_Flow3r', 'CaramelChoccyMilk', 'Marcellynnia', 'lexatea', 'Babyblack69', 'Ashire', 'Nalu_Walker', 'Shadow_the_nidhogg', 'NatTheExplorer', 'SingingtotheShadows', 'acherontic', 'TanraNyanko', 'AKiva04', 'TheSkyBleeds_Bleu', 'kaekaemm', 'Ash394527', 'Kai_Lu', 'loveurworklots', 'Ar0i', 'Aqua_Jay833', 'infiniterhapsody', 'Suharik', 'BakaPuru', 'what_is_wrong_with_everyone', 'CookieGalaxyCutter', 'cheehayaburu', 'angstybandages', 'kurisseu', 'Ancient625', 'seripm', 'ValkyrieAi', 'unholy_human', 'ShiryUKI', 'Lunarlyssa', 'silentalley', 'yu_qingxi', 'Camellia07', 'Ezzcapism', 'Ozaki_miyuki19', 'Pipa25', 'hengjings', 'Xelli', 'Yurianna', 'sisiilia', 'kysserimm', 'Moonmicrowave', 'Xeiana', 'fioreappel', 'youronetruesavior', 'pumpkin4spice']
The abode of his sleep was terrifying. This domain consisted of still water that reflected the eternal gray of the sky, with one small piece of land. There grew an “acer rubrum” - a rich, beautiful red maple that was the only source of color in the limits of this small world inside Dan Heng’s fever dreams   He often sat under it, head and back resting on the trunk, catching the leaves that fell down and carefully observing the way sunset’s colors mixed together so pleasantly. You could not quite witness such beauty while on a train that moves around the whole universe, so the usual sunsets were a luxury   Sometimes the leaves fell down on the still water, setting ripples throughout the surface, Dan Heng’s reflection blurring and coming back together, and he turned away immediately, not being able to bear looking at his own self   Because he does not exist.   He does not exist.   In this dream, he did not even wear the clothes he was supposed to. Well, not like you are obliged to have a dress code or uniform, but…what he wore was a black changshan, patterned with dark green dragon silhouettes and silver buttons on the collar, fairly close to his daily wear but different  It was one time when the abode shone with new color  A striking, bloody red  Dan Heng gazed up at the “sky”, witnessing the petals of a red spider lily falling like summer rain. They disturbed the tranquil stillness of the water, continuing to fall on and on and on A death omen. He sucked in a breath when he heard the steps approaching him, pretending to not notice. Because maybe if you will not pay attention, the monster will be gone  But this monster of his could be compared only to a sleep-paralysis demon. A laughter was heard, Dan Heng’s mind picturing the smirk that was undoubtedly adorning the demon’s face  And, unfortunately, he was no exorcist. A lovely sight. Just as the death flower’s petals stopped falling, serving like seeds, they sprouted out the spider lilies’ buds on top of the water’s surface.    The buds turned to face him, just like they had eyes. They looked at the way Dan Heng’s chest rose up and fell down, how his lips parted to release pent-up air from his lungs in order to calm himself Spider lilies moved away, creating a path for the second owner of the domain, that always barged inside as he pleased. Untied bandages became wet from coming across the water’s surface, and it dispersed upon the toxic touch of the broken flesh. Light blue eyes closed again just to try to ignore the other Please. Let him go away. -My fiery maple, are you tired? The other sat close to Dan Heng, and he could feel the way that stare of bright amber eyes lingered on the pale skin of his face, noting everything  -I’ve missed you so much Go away -Why don’t you respond? Are you scared? Yes, gods, hell yes, I am -Of what? Dan Heng, why would you be afraid?  I can’t resist you  It always started like this. The blind games of them both, one unwilling, and the other unforgiving. Then, the demon went to get some flowers from the water, tearing them out with roots, laughing when the acid sprouted from their bodies on his bandaged hands. Maybe it even burned through his skin, revealing the torn parts barely pierced together  He then mixed the flowers with the maple leaves, except he never tore the leaves from the tree in the same brutal manner he did with the flowers, instead picking up the already fallen ones Dan Heng is also fallen, and he need not experience the touch of death this close ever again  Maples and lilies made a beautiful crown together, it was contrasting with the dark black of Dan Heng’s hair  -You cut your hair short. Hmm, I liked them longer. But then again, my hair is also not white now, huh? Yes, it is not. It’s dark blue, the color of the universe and space far away  Blue eyes finally met with amber ones. The demon was holding his chin, lifting his face up -Happy to see you again, my pyre  This person already got screamed in his face multiple times that Dan Heng does not remember a thing that ever happened between them. Was it past life, this lifetime, or a parallel universe -This does not free you from responsibility and vengeance. Ignorance might be bliss, but you can’t hide from your past forever  Said the demon, sitting on a stone near the maple tree, cleaning the edge of his blade.  Blade was shattered in pieces and glued together in the most chaotic way, barely continuing to go on with living, but the amber light that covered the bruised parts made everything look beautiful in vain  No matter how my mind and body would be dissected in the future, it won’t stop me from finding you ever again…   …And crushing you, forming you into dust, ashes, so that I could let myself burn down with you, my pyre  Dan Heng heard his thoughts and froze in place. No. No. That won’t ever happen  This is just a dream, this person, demon, creature, his own reaper does not know where he is in real-time  He can’t barge into Xianzhou so easily, he can’t break the peace of new life Dan Heng just started to build to escape the past he didn’t remember  One flower blooms, while thousands more wrinkle. Bones tell no tales, to Abundance most fickle. There was no one he could tell about these dreams of and not seem crazy. They would ask him to open his heart and mind, and there was no way to that  The only one who found a way to his mind was this demon himself, who now was dancing around the tree, swinging his sword The blade went through a maple leaf with a swift cut and Dan Heng felt as if thousand of swords pierced his body, cold sweat running down his forehead A familiar stranger went up to him, throwing the sword away and cupping his face yet again -My love, I am so grateful to be able to talk to you like this. Do you know that? His smile was unsettling, like a Cheshire cat’s, his eyes shaped like moon crescents  -I treasure you dearly, so please, don’t ever look the other way The cold hands lowered down to squeeze Dan Heng’s neck, making him jolt -Because I’m afraid I would not be able to handle it again. Remember, once there were five people… The hold on the neck grew tighter. He could only and finally breathe out some words that were barely audible  -Please, please, don’t make me remember… -And why should I listen to you? Am I not in place to feel the rage while hearing your beautiful voice, begging me like this? The demon slammed their foreheads together, eyes mixing in the reflections of each other  -You can run, but you can’t hide, Dan Heng. From your past, from me, from us  He will never lose to this person, but will never win. He wants to run and escape, but there is no other way   No matter how many times his spear went through the other’s body, the person never got lost Torn body and mind sew themselves together yet again, like all these other times, the shadow coming back to haunt him  Break me apart, tear me down, make me remember all the nasty things that happened, and take me with you to the god’s trials to serve the judges and suffer from the chain’s tight hold, make them feel just right for me  Dan Heng could no longer decipher whose thoughts were whose. Where was he coming to an end, and where the other person started. His mind was as broken as the other’s, and, yet again, everything in this was beautiful  This felt like the dusk of his world, and the sky of the domain burst out in the colors of a flaming sunset  He felt hot, bloody tears coming down his cheeks when a word slipped past his tongue -Ren…Ren… please… Ren… Amber eyes widened in shock, hands moving back up to hold Dan Heng’s pale and fragile face, as his whole body was shaking and bloody tears were a dye more beautiful than any rich cinnabar  -So you know the name I go by now? How sweet. Maybe one day…you will get my real name right as well Blade leaned down, his warm tongue licking away the tears, smiling at the bitter taste, similar with that of a metal, but much, much hotter  -I need to stop torturing you like this, it hurts me as well. I love you so much, it makes everything unbearable. I love you so much I wish to see my sword go through your body and I wish to taste your blood again, to drown in it and feel the warmth of your deadly embrace, I wish I could love you with your heart split open just as when you made mine fall apart that once He barged inside Dan Heng’s mouth with a kiss, biting and licking the other’s lips and feeling him cling to his body so desperately, all while blood and saliva mixed together beautifully  Hands went into long blue hair, tangling the locks and holding on for dear life as their kiss advanced as if the outcome of it could solve whatever was happening between them But, really, nothing in this universe could manage to do so Just as swift as everything started, their morality and bodies falling apart in nude lighting, it was supposed to come to an end. With one last taste, like a sour cherry on top of a poisoned cake, Cheshire smile grew bigger, mouthing words as if they were curses -Ah, how I wish I could die right now and take you with me. Too bad it must be time to say goodbye  No, don’t go Only now Dan Heng took time to notice more of the other than the eyes. Thick brows and long lashes, lips colored with his own blood, and a smirk that always bloomed on them. That Ren’s hair actually was red at the ends, and that it was his whole body that is covered in bandages under his clothes  The man that brought death flowers with him whenever he went. And now, they started to disappear. For a second he thought the other’s bloodthirsty expression was softened. Was that the only thing he wanted? To hear the name he calls himself now? Blade?  No, it was to make Dan Heng think of him. That his presence is everywhere, and not only in a fever dream. That he will find the other no matter where the maple tree grows in this universe, and then…   Then, when they will meet in person…what will happen? Dan Heng woke up in cold sweat, his hand immediately going to his lips, feeling them like they were the essence of this world.  He couldn’t remember what he dreamed of and why he was touching his lips so frantically The other strange thing was a blade-sliced maple leaf in his other hand. The cut was swift, done with a surgical precision. A strange feeling tightened in his chest. He should tell Jing Yuan of it, or any other authority…   …if it still is not late
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Hallucinations, Longing, they both have issues
['Blades4you', 'Babyblack69', 'Sj_wodo', 'silleia_izsilly', '94Oceana94', 'Rin2y', 'Mackenzie_18', 'Xiaohani', 'lovbing', 'chiliacc', 'Tooskaafka', 'Dabriaaa', 'Oryzae', 'Constance2178', 'IzzyKocho', 'Tulipanes', 'Existing_to_multiship', 'TheGreekEmpire', 'Zanger', 'Ashxlvl', 'Emoriae', 'lucyshiki', 'Miuixyunamai', 'Xenon_5830', 'halficinghalfcakeFULLABOMINATION', 'Loum4rs', 'Virisu', 'mikumo', 'Soru_Kitsune', 'Aiko_cg28', 'YourFriendPuno', 'https_koiwii', 'h3rb1v0re', 'Koiiiiiiikosan', 'Nezzie08', 'reinefleur07', 'kazuprodigy', 'Winters_NightWren', 'LoosenUp', 'halffullglass', 'Remediem', 'sPl0tter', 'EnbyAndyy', 'blackswanswife', 'Ch3rii', 'Zeyron', 'laprizu', 'erennoodle', 'Wraith_JustAnotherReader', 'milasxio']
“Am I worth mourning for you?” The figure at the side asks, he knows it's merely his haze catching up to him but he can't help but call out to his own memories and hallucinations. He clings onto what he knows, and it clings onto him. So much for a distant memory, when he’s right in front of me, he thinks. The birds start to chirp, the deafening silence being buried by something all the more irritating. “What do you want?” He calls out, he can’t help it. “Nothing, I’m asking a simple question.” he says, firmly. Playing with the keys that he used to get from his desk every so often for whatever type of sparring match he feels like doing for that day, “I have no time for this, Blade.” “So you didn't bury me that far into the back of your mind, got it” “Don't let it get to your head.” “Touche, Jingyuan.” He says sarcastically, almost a sneer, definitely mocking the man across the room. “I wish I had the liberty to say something like that.” He laughs, putting the key in his pocket as he takes out his little watch that he got from Jingyuan, sighing when he realizes it doesn't work, not like it used to. “I know it, you’re not real, don't rub it into my face.” Jingyuan says, getting more angry as every second passes, he doesn't know why. “Why are you here?” “I'm where I’m supposed to be, Jingyuan.” He simply replies, “That’s what your heart says, yet you reject it.” Jingyuan forgets, he’s always been so straightforward. He’s not sure if he still is, but this version of him is. So he’ll cling onto it, he knows it. “Well, if you didn't—” He stops there. “Good choice, General of the Cloud Knights, Protector of the Xianzhou Luofu!” He laughs, until it's deafening, until he’s keeled over catching his breath. “You were so clouded in whatever issue you had going on that you didn't even notice how corrupt the knights were getting. Admit it, it was for the best, General.” Jingyuan only stares at him, his expression softening after a few seconds of silence, “I am where I’m supposed to be, General.” — The next time he saw him was in the very room where so many memories were made. From teaching Blade calligraphy to the virtues and rules of the Cloud Knights, it was all done here. He sighs, setting down his brush, “If you’re here to provoke me I don't want to hear it.” "I'm not," He scoffs, reeking of a familiar type of nicotine, the one they used to get together when they were younger and had no sense of self preservation. They quit after a while. "I'm just here to ask a simple question." He follows up, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it. Jingyuan wants to tell him off but with the way its scent will be left on the books they used to read together — which now he refuses to touch, gives him nothing to complain about. Acting as if the smoke is some type of repellant. "What happened…" He says, inhaling, "to us?" he exhales. The cloud of air makes it hard to see his features in the dim lighting, only the slight brightness of skylight accompanying them. Jingyuan hesitates to reply, but the promising look on his face, the slight pleading that you never see from him — it's hard. "Nothing that wasn't my fault." Blade hums, inhaling, exhaling, and inhaling all over again – until the smoke overcomes him and in a split second he dissapears. Jingyuan wishes he had the energy to look for him, he had hoped he still had it in him.   — He was in a familiar room. So much for a sense of familiarity though, he only knew what it looked like, everything else is now alien to him. He wonders why he is even in this place but he chalks it up to whatever sick nightmares the path of destruction comes with. He doesn't care, not as much as he does. "Ah, you're here." Jingyuan says, expression too soft for the man you almost exiled out of Xianzhou Luofu. "How am I in this place?" He says, not showing any fear, just confusion. "I don't know. It's where you're supposed to be." The other says, signing important paperwork that Blade surely recognizes. He was in the room when these were first filled out, he can recite every word Jingyuan uttered when it first got passed. How happy he was that he was finally being acknowledged for his hard work. Blade hums, "I'm supposed to be… huh." How ironic, he wants to say. He only stands there looking at the other. "What's with that look on your face?" "Huh?" "I don't like seeing it." He finalizes, standing up and walking up to the other. Using his finger to push a forced smirk on Blade's face, sure enough to make him actually laugh. "Can you not do that?" He says. "It still works." Jingyuan says, laughing, "It still works." — There he is again, in a room way too significant to not cause pain to Jingyuan. It was in the room where he handed his letter, the letter that would forever change their relationship. The letter about his resignation from the Knights. The same room where the string of fate was cut. A red bracelet so significant yet severed because of some stuipid outburst he had when he wasn't thinking straight. The other no longer wears his. "You seem to love this room so much. I've seen your shadow here more times than I can count on my fingers." "Maybe that's just a you thing," He chuckles, sitting down on the seat that used to be exclusively reserved for him. "This room hasn't changed a bit," "It has, you just haven't noticed it." Jingyuan says, the strokes of his brush getting more erratic and messy. "Do you think I wouldn't notice you taking out the picture of me that you used to marvel over, Jingyuan?" "Get out." He almost shouts, he lowers his volume once he realizes. Once he realized he was acting the same way he was before, when Blade was being logical. When Xianzhou Luofu were under the consequences of his own fallacies, when Blade was practically begging him to be reasonable. Blade only laughs at him, shrill, not the same laugh that he used to love so much. "You tell me to get out yet you forget that you are the one who manifests these." "Your heart and subconscious are going against your mind, fighting the denial that you feel so strongly." "Tell me, General? Are you really that foolish to miss me?" Jingyuan's breath hitches. It only hurts because he knows that he would never say that. — Jingyuan shows up again, and he welcomes him with open arms. Having no care in the world and simply enjoying it while it lasts. "Blade, you're here." "I am," He says. No time to be bitter about their dispute. He himself has rejected their future together, why not enjoy a rewriting of the past? "How have the missions been going?" Jingyuan asks, like he always does, urging him to sit in his office every time he comes back to talk about his findings. He doesn't have the heart to tell him that he doesn't go on them anymore, yet he knows that he's aware. "They have been good, no strange findings yet. How have you been here? Have you been training that kid well?" "Yes," His eyes lit up at the question. Blade wants to capture the moment, cling onto it yet he knows the best memories stay memories. They get rewritten depending on how you perceive it yet his heart and mind are full of longing so it stays exactly as it is. A distant memory. "He's been doing well, a star student I should say." "Just like you?" "Just like me." They laugh about it, taking their sweet time talking about anything and catching up like the old times. He misses it, he misses him. It's bittersweet, but he lets himself bask in the fact that this is what they could've had. This is how it could've been. They could've had all the time in the world. — In a moment of desperation, he always appears. Jingyuan thinks he's going crazy. They are now in the room where Jingyuan realized Blade was his right hand man. A soulmate, a lover, a friend. He scans the room, eyes fixated on him in the corner where Blade first kissed him. Where he walked away immediately after, leaving Jingyuan flustered. The thought makes him want to bang his head into the wall, as much as he says he hates the other now. "Why are you here again?" "You don't learn, do you?" Right, he manifests his appearance, he manifests his aura, his smile, his words. "I don't need some hallucination to lie to me, go away." "Lies?" He scoffs, "You're lucky your hallucination spares you his time." Jingyuan wants to cry, it hurts and he can't deny it. His heart pounds at the thought of what could've been, what should've been. How happy they should've been together if not for his foolish decisions, if not for his greed and selfishness they would be together. He grits his teeth at the fact that he never really got to show Blade how good Xianzhou Luofu would be under his reign. "You miss me." He says, a slight smile appears on his face, unfaltering. "'Don't say that…'" His eyes welling up with tears threatening to fall "'For I have no choice but to admit.'" He quotes himself from back then, when he had no choice but to tell Blade that he loves him wholeheartedly. He hates that it took him so long to realize that despite his feelings, he really is a friend, a lover, a knight worth mourning. "And I miss you too."
A drink
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Prehistorical, uh before cbt1
['V0LC4N1C', 'Kotofeila', 'mizuenator', 'spanishgrandpa', 'VannessaCloud', 'jamjamx', 'Dogstar9069', 'Korablick']
Bronya sat up in bed. She heard something outside of her room. Being a small room in an old building with thin walls, she thought it had to be the house settling until it persisted. She got out of bed in her pajamas and exited her room. She walked around the corner.   There stood the girl she had seen just that day. Blue hair, a sharp glare, nice shoes. She was rather confident in herself since she had broken in.   "I thought you'd hear me," Seele said. "You tend to come running more than your mother." She turned around. "It's like you like me, Miss Bronya." She smirked.   "Give me one reason not to get you hauled off of these grounds," Bronya stated. She gave a tired glare to Seele. She was not up for her antics at 23:46 at night.   Seele returned with a glare laced with an extra emotion. Fear. Whether it was fear of Bronya or fear for something else, Bronya did not know. "Look, Princess," she said. "I would not mess with people like me."   Bronya stepped forward, causing Seele to flinch. "I see," Bronya muttered. "Why are you here?"   Seele stared at the ground. "Someone sent me as a messenger," she said, "Because you scare them."   Bronya walked over to Seele, which got Seele right against a wall. She gripped both of Seele's arms and held them above her head against the wall.    Seele softened up right away. "Please stop," she muttered.   Bronya let her go. "Leave and do not alert the guards," she said, "I do not want to see you here anymore."   Seele didn't start to leave. Instead, she reached out to Bronya. "Wait, Miss Bronya," Seele said.   "What is it?" Bronya asked. She looked at Seele   "You and I at the bar down the road tonight in an hour?" Seele asked. She regained her confidence within seconds.    Bronya stared into Seele's eyes. "Alright," she finished. She stared at the girl.    "See ya, hot stuff!" Seele said as she climbed out the window.   Bronya crossed her arms. "Such a cliché of a girl," she muttered. She walked back to her room.    ~~~~~   Bronya sat in casual attire. She brought a drink to her lips. She took a sip of the nonalcoholic beverage.    Seele sat next to Bronya. She ordered a beverage from the annoyed bartender.    Bronya looked at Seele. "Do you walk everywhere?" She asked.   "Of course, I do," Seele said with a yawn. She smiled. "I'm guessing the high tech bike is yours."   Bronya nodded.    "You certainly didn't have it when I saved your ass," Seele said.   Bronya smirked. "You remind me of me when I was younger," she said.    "What do you mean?" Seele asked.    "A constant rebuttal machine," Bronya said. She took a sip of her drink as she looked over at Seele.   Seele smiled. "I wasn't like this when I was younger," she explained, "I was so soft." She got her drink, thanking the bartender.   "You'd get better reception if you were like that," Bronya said.   "You're deadpan all the time," Seele said.   "Teriri," Bronya said.   "Yuck!" Seele said. She drank.   "Hm," bronya hummed.    "I don't like TeriRi," Seele said.   "I do," Bronya said.   "Ah, i find the music annoying," Seele muttered.    Bronya laughed.   "So I really wanted to speak to you," seele said. "I really wanna be your friend…"   "That's so childish," Bronya said. "Sure."   Seele nodded. "It's quite late," she said. She placed some money on the table.   Bronya did the same. "Would you like a ride home?" She asked.   Seele nodded.    They climbed onto the motorcycle. Bronya in front and Seele behind her. Bronya offered Seele a helmet and put her own on. Seele put it on.   Seele held onto Bronya as they began to drive. She found Bronya's driving smooth.   Within minutes, Bronya had dropped Seele off at home, and she was on her way home on her own. She parked her bike and took off her helmet. She hooked the two helmets on the back of her bike and went back to the main house. Bronya climbed into bed. She fell asleep.
Every Wattpad Random Homophobe Subplot ever
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Karen
['MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'akxk0108', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'Whrlingx', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'NoliferAnKohane', 'Snackeater', 'AlexkiiWantsTheirSleep', 'Kotofeila', 'Anglea', 'jamjamx', 'ArthesiaWasMiyu', 'Negaozinhu', 'Dogstar9069', 'NEODOROTHYMOTHERFUCKER']
Bronya was known to be pretty, generous, and kind. Her soft, grey hair flowed down her back like a stream of water. Her eyes glittered under the slightest bit of light. Her skin was soft to the touch, and she was always warm to the touch. If you'd brought her up in conversation to a friend, they'd probably have a story about her kindness or run on and on about her beauty. She was like a princess from a fairy tale. This came with benefits and issues. Bronya didn't want to be viewed as untalented. She worked for every single pick up job that she could get while studying for the position of Supreme Guardian. She worked as a baker, a mechanic, a transport tech assistant, a guard, a street cleaner, a florist… any job she could get her hands on. If you came to her with a position that needed to be filled, she'd say "what time?"  Seele wasn't the same as Bronya. Sure, she was pretty, but she could never stop scowling. Shopping? Mad. Cooking? Mad. Bronya? Mad. Today was like any other. She was getting food for her fridge. Since Bronya lived with her. She had Bronya carrying her stuff as she stared at the aisles contents. She turned to Bronya. "Whole grain or wheat. What's the difference? Wheat is a grain," Seele stated.  Bronya sighed softly. She smiled. Her face was tainted with a soft blush. "Just get bread," she told Seele. "You eat it as is, so the flavor is important." Seele grabbed whole grain and placed it in Bronya's other hand. "And with that, we're done," Seele stated. The two started walking. Seele walked to the register, but as she turned around, Bronya was not there. Seele looked back to the aisle they were at, and Bronya was stopped by someone to talk. Seele approached quietly, but paused.  "You're lucky," the person said. "I've never seen two pretty people date each other, but she must be a real asshole." She looked at Bronya.  "Seele? No, no. Why would you think that?" Bronya said. She sighed. She looked at the women. Her eyes glimmered like silver gemstones. "She's the kindest, most beautiful, gentle, sweet, and amazing girl I've ever met," she rambled.  "She looks mean," the woman said.  Bronya glanced at Seele. "Hey, we should get shopping done," she told her. Her face became very red. "Did you mean it?" Seele stated. She stood there unmoving. She stood firmly. "Did you?" She asked again.  "Of course," Bronya said. She walked over and kissed Seele on the cheek, and she walked to the check out. 
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Lesbians commiting federal crimes
['MW_Patata', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'kayrtVD12', 'Hakotgf', 'Kotofeila', 'Draco_Voice', 'Muppener', 'spanishgrandpa', 'jamjamx', 'Dogstar9069', 'Korablick']
"I literally, ugh… Bronya," Seele called loudly. She walked out into the living room. "Uh!??!" She exclaimed, spotting Bronya on the couch   Bronya looked up at her. She was angelic with how she fluttered her eyes. "What is it?" She asked. She was on the couch, laying down and watching the news. 'Community 50: Horizon. How often does she watch the news?' Seele thought   "Dude, I put your keys down on the bed and I can't find them now," Seele complained.    Bronya laughed. She stood up. She was in her pajamas. "Let’s go look,” She stated. She walked into the bedroom and flipped up the blankets. She picked up the keys. “Need a driver?” She asked, turning to her and softening her expression.   “N-no… I have uhm… yeah,” Seele said, blushing softly. Why am I blushing? Am I supposed to feel this way? She's so out of my league. Seele thought. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gasped.   “Where are you going anyway?” Bronya asked. She opened her closet.    “I was going to go out and…” Seele said. “I was going to go sit on a little place I found   "Let's go then," Bronya giggled.   Bronya instantly found her silvermane clad keys. "Where is this place?"   "We could have walked actually but…" Seele muttered. "Help me climb onto the roof."   Bronya smirked.   Soon, the two sat enjoying the stars again. Bronyas heart was split into two as she held Seele’s hand atop the cold and difficult to get to the roof. 
For you and only you
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Letters, Love Confessions, Love Letters
['MW_Patata', 'sneaky_sinon', 'Laserwise', 'Gyrazal618', 'Selestial', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Wali', 'hoaye', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'pseudosmug', 'FenrirV1', 'YuriLover7', 'superpotstickers', 'Hakotgf', 'laav_ender', 'Kotofeila', 'lunardust77', 'seratsuki', 'Ecchiwolf', 'StellarGemini', 'spanishgrandpa', 'godcats', 'jamjamx', 'Longwood', 'Dogstar9069', 'Korablick']
"For you and only you."    This is what was written on the mail handed to Bronya. In crude handwriting it said this. The paper was almost torn through the sheer force put on the pencil. Bronya let out a soft giggle as she opened it.    The letter was just as crude as the envelope. The letter had an imprint of the words on the envelope on it.    Bronya skipped to the end to check who wrote it.   "Love Seele."    Seele wrote me a letter. I've never seen her write anything but her signature before. Bronya thought. Bronya stared at the letter for a minute.   Dear Bronya,  Its hard to say this to you in person, but it's hardr to say it in a letter. I want you to know that I love you. I know we met again only a few days a go. You some how changed to be my tipe. It makes you prety. I dont know if you can read any of this. To som it up, The next part was written in good writing. Seele clearly took her time to perfect it. I love you. Please love me back.     Love Seele.   Bronya laughed softly at it. She couldn't tell how red she had become. She laid down and giggled, clutching the letter to her chest. She let her shoulders fall as she shut her eyes. She could never have imagined a day where Seele had fallen in love about as hard as Bronya had.   She wrote one back, but only attempted to send it.    Hello Seele, I do love you back. I wish to love you more than the moon can be as bright as the stars. Love, Bronya Rand.  She soon went to find seele, but found herself anxious and made her confession verbal instead.
A Gift Hand Picked to me from you
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Flowers, Based on the twitter post
['MW_Patata', 'ccsjk98', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'ririkasbodyguard', 'Glaucouss', 'Wali', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Spiritual_Rock_Janitor', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Whrlingx', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'alfesia', 'kayrtVD12', 'Hakotgf', 'new_watch', 'Kotofeila', 'StellarGemini', 'mizuenator', 'Anglea', 'chiralyre', 'VannessaCloud', 'godcats', 'Korablick', 'Dogstar9069']
"You woke us up early just to come to a flower shop?" Seele asked. She had deep bags under her eyes.    Bronya nodded. "After the Eternal freeze, humanity tried to preserve flowers," she stated while looking at all of the flowers. Her eyes sparkled with amazement.   Seele stared at them and scoffed. "What are you gonna do? Buy me flowers," she joked.    "Yes, that was my plan," Bronya replied, "just pick whichever you'd like, and I can teach you how to take care of it." She looked at Seele with a simple, small smile.    Seele glared daggers back with rosy cheeks. "I'll look," Seele stated. She crossed her arms and looked at the flowers. "Hey Bron, how about the blue and white one over there?" She asked.    Bronya looked over. "I liked that one," she said. She picked it up and talked to the clerk. She purchased the pot of flowers and smiled.    Seele looked at Bronya with a soft expression. "What's with the smile?" She asked.   "I love to give you gifts because you are always cute and quiet about it," Bronya explained, "It fits you."   Seele kissed her cheek. "There! Now, you'll be cute and quiet for a week," she announced.    "Like I'd ever," Bronya replied. She brought Seele down to her room in her residence. She brought Seele down to the Consul's residence. She ran to her room, Seele in tow.   Seele laughed. "You really haul me around sometimes," she exclaimed.   "Is that an issue for you?" Bronya asked as she placed the potted plant down on the table.    "No, it's really cute," Seele replied. "I love the flower, but… isn't this your desk?"   "I want to be reminded of you every day." Bronya smiled, avoiding her gaze.   Seele stared dumbly before becoming star struck. "Did you just flirt?" Seele asked.   "Seele, I need to return the favor sometimes," Bronya giggled.
The Closet is Made of Glass
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Cocolia knew btw #trust
['GrassBox', 'MW_Patata', 'LivingThing8', 'Rdash13', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'Damians_Shitpost', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Sanitywaslost', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'KatiePuh', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'Xenpachii', 'Hakotgf', 'Sultjglsrulstukw', 'Kotofeila', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Ecchiwolf', 'EletroSimping', 'starkindred', 'Wali', 'Anglea', 'VannessaCloud', 'schro', 'Void_Watcher0907', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick']
Bronya climbed out of bed. She was in shorts and a shirt. She had a tired stare in her eyes as she looked over at Seele. “Mmm…” She hummed. She looked over at her. She knew Seele was as asleep as anyone could be.  Bronya checked her schedule. One task and she could do it in enough time to climb back into bed with enough time to wake Seele with cuddles. Bronya did minimal make up and brushed her hair. She put on her uniform and grabbed her boots, intending on putting them on outside of the room so it didn't wake Seele. Bronya checked over three times then ran out of the room, pulling her boots on and running to the job site.  After doing a few moments of talk and a bit of heavy lifting, she ran back to her room. She came to a halt at the door, taking off her boots and unclipping her union pin. She regretted every single moment of what she did next. Every moment. Every choice. Every second. Everything leading up to this she regretted, but she pushed open the door.  Before her sat Seele, chatting with Cocolia.  Seele seemed calm. She wasn't using her scythe. Cocolia also seemed relatively calm. Her eyes narrowed when Bronya entered the room. "Hello, Lady Guardian," Bronya greeted solemnly. "Care to explain why you've been hiding this from me, Ms. Bronya Rand?" Cocolia asked, motioning to Seele. Bronya lowered her shoulders. "That's Seele," Bronya said, a small curve to her lips ached until fruition.  "Your girlfriend?" Cocolia asked. Bronya nodded.  "Bronya… we need to talk," Cocolia muttered. She grabbed Bronya's hand gently and led her into the bathroom connected to the room.  "Lady Guardian…" Bronya muttered. Cocolia pulled Bronya into a hug. "I'm proud of you," she said, softly. "Despite being told to do otherwise, you got someone who has no idea what your titles mean and has no idea who I am just by my face alone." Cocolia was being sarcastic as ever. "Seele was an underground resident all her life," Bronya said. "You never go down there to say hi." "And you do?" Cocolia asked.  Bronya laughed softly. She parted from the hug. "Did you say anything rude?" She asked. "I walked in, she was awake, I made my title known, she muttered about being your girlfriend for a few minutes, I stopped her, and you came in," Cocolia explained.  Bronya muttered. "I should talk to her really quickly, so please give us a bit of time," she said. "Of course," Cocolia said, leaving.  Bronya hugged Seele like she was diving at her. "Coming out hugs!" 
Rivalry Distortion
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
More of a modern twist on the schedule leak from 2 years ago, KISSSSSSSSSS
['RichardPham', 'LivingThing8', 'Rdash13', 'bronseelelovezza', 'Gyrazal618', 'UmixMakiiscanon', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Abductor_Of_Magic', 'KatiePuh', 'Notjessi987', 'Snackeater', 'kayrtVD12', 'Xenpachii', 'new_watch', 'Kotofeila', 'Shonyx', 'Ecchiwolf', 'starkindred', 'lotusofthestars', 'mizuenator', 'NaturesDawn', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'jamjamx']
Bronya was a good kid. She studied hard and ranked number one in her class each year. She was beautiful to anyone who set their eyes on her. Her beauty came naturally. Set on the blue side of the school, she was known for being the daughter of the Supreme Guardian. Everyone assumed she was just straight, viewing her as the stereotypical perfect girl. Semesters changed and so did classes. Bronya was placed into a gym class with both red and blue sides of the school.    Bronya tied her hair up. She put on her shorts and then pulled a coat over one arm. She felt her body freeze. Her eyes twitched. She finally noticed it. This class was primarily a part of the side of this school that was devils, the students from the Underground. She didn't make eye contact with them, nor did she talk to them. She put her jacket on and straightened her collar. She sat down on the bench.   A girl sat down next to her, albeit facing the lockers behind Bronya. "Aren't you gonna make some tough talk about how you're gonna kick our asses in sports because we're devils?" The girl asked. Her tone was sharp and strong. She wore basketball shorts, a tank top, and a coat. All red.     Bronya was mesmerized. She was gorgeous.   "Hey, princess, say something! You're concerning me with that stare of yours," the girl asserted.   "Oh, I apologize, alas I do not care for such rivalries," Bronya retorted. She couldn't have been lying more. She wore her hate of these devils on her sleeve. But she'd never met one. This girl… this devil girl. She made Bronya feel mesmerized. Weightless. Bronya felt like little stars were dancing in her stomach.    "Great, we're cool then," the girl laughed. "I'm Seele, Seele Vollerei." She stood up and leaned in. "The truth is, they put me in this class last semester, and dude, I hate it," she stated.    "I'm cool to you?" Bronya asked, "like cool as in rad?"   Seele looked at Bronya. "Yeah?" She said, confused. "Is something wrong?" She asked.   Bronya jumped up. "Oh, we should be getting to class," she told Seele. She walked past. Her hand brushed against Seele's face.    Seele waited for a minute for everyone to leave. Then she grinned. She giggled like a fangirl. "That girl, oh my god," she stated, "I'd do anything!" She leaned back against her locker and sighed. She ran out to the class and joined for the warm-up and daily activity.   Bronya couldn't stop thinking about Seele. Her smooth, confident speech, was accompanied by her kindness. She just hoped for this girl to stay in her life. She liked her.   Seele walked into class a while later, scanning the room for Bronya. She spotted Bronya, mingling among the other kids on the Silver side. There were one or two. She stared from where she stood. She wanted to shoot her shot today. They'd talked for a bit and exchanged numbers.    Bronya glanced at Seele then walked over.   Seele felt no words come out of her mouth. She felt her spine get a cold chill. She was quiet, only uttering to Bronya. "Go out with me," she said quietly.   "Seele," Bronya laughed. She nodded. "Of course," she replied. She smiled and hugged her.    Seele felt weak in this girl's arms like a kitten compared to a giant. She wanted so badly for something and when she got it, she felt something rivaling completeness.
Let your hair down
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Emptying out my wips, seele likes having her hair washed shes just mean
['Tacoooosss', 'Rdash13', 'Maxxo', 'Glaucouss', 'Gingilina', 'BrunaFcf', 'wiinwinter', 'Wali', 'V0LC4N1C', 'nonsense77', 'Astrealiaa', 'Sanitywaslost', 'Azuos', 'FenrirV1', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'Hakotgf', 'new_watch', 'Kotofeila', 'Muppener', 'VannessaCloud', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick', 'Dogstar9069']
Bronya ran her hand through Seele's hair. It stuck in random places, and it was tangled. She picked up a brush and began to brush the bedhead mess.   "Yeah, it's gross I know," Seele said. "We don't have shampoo down there."   "Do you want me to wash your hair?" Bronya asked.    "Yeah, I guess," Seele said.    Bronya took Seele to her lavish bathroom. It was decorated with a few medals and other memorabilia. "I'm going to give you throw away clothes, just wear it instead of what you're wearing now, and you should keep your clothes water free."   Seele nodded. She watched Bronya enter the closet and come out with a shirt that clearly had seen better days and shorts that were covered in paint.   Bronya turned around to let Seele change. Once Seele did, Bronya sat her down and began to wash her hair. Bronya sat on the edge of the tub while Seele sat with her head resting on the other side of the tub. Bronya wet Seele's hair with the shower head. She then began to wash it with shampoo.   "You're washing my hair… I never expected to have the future Supreme Guardian doing that for me," Seele said. Embarrassed.   "I'll teach you to do it next time," Bronya said, "I like your long hair, and I want to braid it."   "You always have a second motive…" Seele muttered.   Bronya washed off the shampoo and began with a conditioner. She rubbed it into the strands of her hair.   Seele glared forward with rage in her eyes.   "You don't like it?" Bronya said.    "No… I just know you won't have your hands on my head afterward," Seele said.    "They can stay there while I braid your hair."   "Good," Seele hummed.   Bronya washed it out. "Do you want me to braid it?" She asked. Seele turned to Bronya and nodded. Bronya dried Seele's hair and brushed it again before she braided it.   When they were done, Seele stared in the mirror for a whole minute. "Not my style."   Bronya smiled. "Hair down is your style."
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bippity boppity boo angst for you, bronya finds seele safe
['Maximumlm', 'Tacoooosss', 'ccsjk98', 'Laserwise', 'Leonides2434a', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'D33JAYYY', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'sparklycaprisun', 'JustARegularGay', 'Number1seelefan', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'Glaucouss', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Astrealiaa', 'FenrirV1', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'envii', 'Kotofeila', 'Anarchy17', 'CyznPr', 'Anglea', 'OuchieBoxCutter', 'VannessaCloud', 'jamjamx', 'Korablick', 'Dogstar9069']
The snow was building as the ever glowing moon shimmered down on the backs of metal. The night had fallen, and the snow had since covered the armor of many of the lost’s long dead hours. Like a tower in a valley of thatch standing over with an ill life, forever worn and traumatized from the events of the dawn. “Bronya!” called a voice from over the flurrying snow. Without the distance, it would have felt more familiar and warm. Yet standing above the masses, it was the only voice Bronya was urging to hear. It had only been days since they last met. “Bronya!” It brought herself to question. Her eyes pierced the blizzard to find nothing. Who had called for her among the blizzard?   A gentle embrace brought her into this reality. A truly perceived reality. “Bronya, you need to wake up,” Seele whispered into her ear.    Bronya rolled over to look at her. “When did you get here?” She yawned. She rubbed her eye. “Is it snowing?” She asked Seele. She blinked slowly, taking all of the world into her brain.    “No, it’s not. Why?” Seele questioned. Seele had already likely been awake for a few hours. "You didn't wake up at your usual time."   "Usual time? You mean six?" Bronya asked.    Seele nodded. "Think that's it, not sure." She shrugged.    "Is it because I was moving a lot, Seele?" Bronya asked.   Seele nodded. "You kept moving like you were frantic and I was worried about you," she stated.   "All good now." Bronya smiled. She hugged Seele. "Now that you're here I know who called to me."
Sharing of Music
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail), Sam (Honkai: Star Rail), Elio (Honkai: Star Rail)
Baby shark, blade loves yhe song so much
['cchong', 'Zoid_01', 'ToeLicker3000', 'Saltsour', 'swingyfishy', 'muffinx2202', 'Ana57', 'Kotofeila', 'Thatbich', 'its_planetrose', 'ArthesiaWasMiyu', 'Dogstar9069']
"Wolf child," said Blade. He knocked on her door. He didn't actually know Bronie's title. He was kind of idiotic. "I require your sound blaring device."  Silver wolf opened her door. She was wearing her wolf pajamas. They were little adorable wolves plastered over blue pajamas. She stared up at him. "What?" Blade pointed to her speaker. "I require it for my music."  Silver Wolf picked it up and unhooked it from her phone. "Go off." She handed it to him and slammed her door.  Blade entered the living room where Elio sat in thought. He sat in silence tinkering with it. It took a mere 6 hours for him to figure it out. Then he got to blare Baby shark.  "OH MY FUCKING GOD," KAFKA SCREAMED. The door slammed against the wall and she ran out. "BLADE, ITS NINE AT NIGHT FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD."  Elio sighed. "Deal with it." He swiped his hand at kafka.  Sam walked in. She carried multiple bags of groceries. She opened her mouth in shock and then walked into the kitchen. "NO SAM HELP." Kafka cried in utter helplessness. "You will not stop the Baby Shark," Blade said. He braced his sword for a fight. "I am the mighty guardian of the shark." Kafka sighed. She picked up her smgs. It's a battle of wit. While they fought, Silver wolf walked out in her pajamas and picked up Blade's phone. She unbluetoothed it and walked off with the speaker pushing Blade away as he tried to fight her too. Silver wolf girl bossed to bed with white noise playing really loudly across the house.
cold war, warm heart
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game)
Cocolia/Serval Landau, Bronya Rand & Cocolia Rand, Cocolia & Bronya Zaychik, Bronya & Serval Landau
Cocolia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya Zaychik, Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Serval Landau, Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Kiana Kaslana | K-423, Sin Mal, Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail), Raven (Honkai Impact 3rd), Otto Apocalypse, Cecilia Schariac, Gepard Landau, Kallen Kaslana
Spy X Family AU, tagging for both hi3 and star rail bc the fic borrows from both, Alternate Universe - Historical, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Period-Typical Homophobia, not an excessive amount but this is West Germany in the 70s so, likewise the country's Nazi past also comes up, some of the most useless sapphics you've ever seen
['Birb106', 'Anitsuga', 'Sifer31', 'blueperiod', 'RichardPham', 'csal07', 'Ocak_Sonduren', 'Nameless_goblin', 'ISimp4No1', 'macaron666', 'Adrielly', 'nanqiche', 'InvalidReality', 'DefNotMothman', 'Luckytiger51', 'SL33PP4R4LYS1S', 'Super_NovaGrey', 'Awkward_Hooman', 'Kebins_Cup_Noodles_Delivery', 'cryovision', 'Ana57', 'Avatar_of_Ragnarok', 'velserein', 'Mischievous_unknown', 'Yui_samidare', 'topajade', 'lightforming', 'xpeachblossomx', 'SeryyyyxVyx', 'Draco_Voice', 'deadbeet', 'Goop_Blop', 'electrobirb', 'new_watch', 'Karomei', 'JuniorPsychopaths', 'JuneEgbert', 'YuriAngst', 'Gong_Yu', 'SnowPlume18', 'Alikaaagh', 'Anglea', 'Record_Blitz', 'CelestialDrafts', 'MagicalDogToto', 'disposablejar', 'AzureFrontline', 'FenrisTsukigami', 'DragonlordKickpuncher', 'elydenaponia']
July 21, 1977 Paris, France She had no name. She discarded that when she decided to become a spy. All she had was a codename, Vixen, a moniker her enemies had given her, “The Demoness of Siberia”, and an ever-changing series of disguises and fabricated identities. She was currently disguised as Michelle Lamont, a curator at the Musée Carnavalet. The real one had been left bound and gagged in her Popincourt home after a rather easy break-in. She did feel a bit bad about it, but this was her best shot at pulling off the mission smoothly, and she wasn’t going to let that go to waste. With the keys she’d stolen off her in hand, “Michelle” unlocked the front door of the museum and made her way in. “Who’s there?!” The beam of a flashlight immediately enveloped “Michelle”. The security guard holding it let out a relieved sigh after recognizing her— or rather, who he thought she was. “Oh, it’s just you. What are you doing back here so late? The museum’s been closed for hours.” “I realized I’d forgotten my wallet here, so I came back to fetch it. You wouldn’t happen to have seen it anywhere, would you?” “Michelle” lied. “I can’t say I have,” the guard answered. “I’ll let you know if I find it though.” “Thanks. I have an idea of where I might have left it, so I’m gonna go look there now.” “Here, let me come with you.” “Oh no, there’s no need for that, I can find it on my own.” “No, please, I insist.” So he was the white knight type, always looking to help out women even when it wasn’t wanted. Luckily, she knew exactly how to deal with his type. She took the liberty of undoing the top few buttons of her blouse, exposing some cleavage, before wrapping herself around him. “How noble of you.” The guard blushed. “Y-You think so?” His guard down, she threw him to the ground and gave him a hard kick to the head, knocking him out. Too easy. She then wasted no time restraining him, then took his flashlight and made her way to her target. Residing in the French Revolution section on the second floor, it was a painting by one Gilbert Babineaux, a painter known to reside in the same circles as several French politicians, and according to her intel, there was a coded message hidden in the painting meant for the CIA, and the painting was due to be traveling overseas in a week. Her mission was to steal that painting and bring it back to Moscow, where experts would decode its message and find out what it says. It was a war on information, and she was going to make sure the Soviets won. It didn’t take her long to find the painting. It was a Modernist depiction of the storming of the Bastille. She shut off the flashlight and let it fall to the ground, before grabbing the painting and making a break for it, running all the way back down to the ground floor and out the door and continued running from there, not stopping until she reached an unmarked van where her partner on this mission, one agent Natasha Cioara, codename Raven, was waiting in the driver’s seat. She threw open the passenger’s side door and got in. “I have the painting— let’s get going!” she barked, and Raven slammed down the gas pedal and they were off. July 22, 1977 Moscow, USSR “Good job, Vixen. Our cryptologists are working on deciphering the message as we speak.” “It was an easy job. The security at that place was atrocious. I do hope you’ll give me something harder next time, Oleg,” she said, sipping a glass of vodka. The old spymaster had once been one of the best agents in the KGB, and he had trained her in the ways of espionage before losing his left arm and ascending to the position of director instead. “Well, you’re in luck. Your next mission may be your most challenging one yet, one only someone of your exceptional talents could handle. A diplomat we’d dispatched to West Germany died in a car accident recently, and we suspect it was an assassination. The primary suspect right now is the right wing political party, the Christian Social Union in Bavaria, who we suspect may be looking to start a war with the Eastern Bloc. If a World War were to break out in our age of nuclear arms race, the results could be catastrophic. Your mission is to get close to the party’s leader, Walter Mal, and find out what he’s planning. In order to do this, we need you to marry and have a child.” She spat out her drink. “Excuse me?!” “Allow me to elaborate. Walter is a notorious recluse who operates almost entirely behind the scenes. The only public appearances he makes are at events for an elite private school his children attend, St. Freya Academy in Kolosten. We’ll need your child to enroll at this school and gain you access to these events. You’ll need to be fast though, the deadline for admissions is in a week.” “Only a week?!” “I’m sure you’ll have no trouble acquiring a child in that time.” “We’ll see about that. Is that all?” “Agent Raven will be your handler for this mission. You’ll be expected to check in with her periodically to give updates on the operation. You’re dismissed.” Cocolia downed the rest of her vodka in one gulp. Oleg wasn’t wrong, this probably would be her most challenging mission yet, if only because she couldn’t pull it off all by herself; she would need to rely on a child. First things first though, she had to acquire said child, and fast. July 23, 1977 Novosibirsk, USSR Truth be told, she wasn’t opposed to the idea of having a child. Rather quite the opposite. She’d always loved kids, and there was a small part of her that longed to have one of her own, but she’d always dismissed the idea, thinking it incongruent with her life as a spy. Yet here she was, having to adopt a child as part of the mission. She’d already assumed a new alias, Cocolia Rand, and now she had decided to return to the city she grew up in and adopt a child there. “Are there any specific qualities in a child you’re looking for?” the matron of the orphanage she was visiting asked her. “I want one around six, maybe a little older, who can already read and write. Give me the smartest one you have.” St. Freya’s student body was made up of kids between the ages of 6 and 19, so she couldn’t go any younger, but she also didn’t want to get a child that’s too old, as it would be easier to hide the fact that she’s a spy from a younger child. “The smartest six year old we have, huh? You may want Bronya Zaychik then.” Zaychik? She’d once known a fellow spy by the name of Alexei Zaychik, but he’d died a few years back. Was this Bronya his orphan? “Be warned though, she’s a little weird. Is that going to be okay with you?” “Yes, that’s fine. Can I see her?” “Of course, right this way,” she led her too a room in the back where young children could be seen playing, though most of them stopped what they were doing to look at the two. “Bronya’s right over there.” Bronya was off in the corner, playing with some blocks alone. Judging by the color of her hair and eyes, Cocolia was even more certain this was Alexei’s kid. “Bronya, this nice lady is interested in adopting you,” the matron said, getting Bronya’s attention. Bronya got up and walked over to them, and stared at Cocolia. “You’re going to be Bronya's new mama?” So cute… Cocolia kneeled down to be on Bronya’s level and gave her a soft smile. “That’s right. If you’re okay with it, that is.” I’m not about to force her to be my child if she doesn't want to be. There are plenty of other kids to choose from, kids I could probably complete the mission with just fine. Still, I hope she accepts me… Bronya mumbled something Cocolia couldn’t quite make out, before her eyes lit up and she nodded. “Da.” July 24, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “Listen Bronya, though we’ve only just moved here, and I’ve only just adopted you, as far as anyone else is concerned, we’ve always lived in West Germany, and you’ve always been my child. The truth could make people suspicious and potentially treat us poorly for it, so it’s better they don’t know.” She hoped Bronya would buy the excuse, as she couldn’t tell her the real reason she wanted Bronya to pretend they’d always been a family and always lived here was to avoid potentially being caught as a Soviet spy. “Oh, but don’t just bring that up out of nowhere. Only mention it if it actually comes up in conversation, understood?” She added, figuring a child her age would probably need the extra clarification. Bronya nodded. “Understood.” “Good. Now let’s get our things unpacked.” Cocolia had just purchased a pre-furnished apartment for her and Bronya to stay in; they were able to move in immediately. It was a huge convenience when the deadline for St. Freya admissions was approaching fast, so she couldn’t afford to spend time dallying. She made her way over to a closet. I can keep my spy things in here. I’ll just have to make sure to keep this closet locked… After placing a box containing her spy equipment inside the closet, she took out a combination lock and attached it to the closet door. I’ll set the combination to 8-6-7-5. After putting away her clothes, Cocolia went and found Bronya, who was watching a spy show on the television. “Bronya, I’m stepping out for a bit. Would you like to accompany me?” Bronya nodded and turned off the tv, before running up to her. “Where are we going?” “I was just going to walk about town a bit and do some shopping.” “Will you buy the Bronya anything?” “If you want me to. Anything you want, just point it out and I’ll buy it for you, okay?” “Okay!” Bronya held Cocolia’s hand tightly as they walked down the street together. She must feel so anxious. I wonder how she feels about all this, being suddenly adopted and then taken to another country… Is she going to be able to adapt to the change? As if she’d read her thoughts, Bronya suddenly spoke. “This new life is unfamiliar to the Bronya, and that makes the Bronya feel a bit anxious, but the Bronya also didn’t like life in that crummy old orphanage much either, and the Bronya thinks this new life will ultimately be better, even if it takes some getting used to. It helps that the Bronya’s new mama is also super nice, and cool too.” Cool? What gave her that impression? “You think so?” Bronya nodded in affirmation. Cocolia was relieved to find out Bronya had a good impression of her so far. She would hate to end up a failure of a parent whose child hates her. All of a sudden she felt Bronya pulling her somewhere. “The Bronya wants Mama to buy her this.” She was pointing at a Homu plush in the window of a toy store. So she likes Homu then? I’ll have to keep that in mind. “The Homu plush? All right then, let’s go inside and I’ll buy it for you.” Soon they were back to walking along the street, Bronya holding her new Homu plush in one hand, and Cocolia’s hand in the other. “I’m going to buy some groceries. What kinds of food do you like, Bronya?” “The Bronya likes cheese and crackers and grapes and apples and chicken nuggets and…” Cocolia let out a warm hearted laugh. She supposed she shouldn’t have expected any different from a child her age. Still, she resolved to get her the food she likes, and some other foods to find out if she likes them as well. It sounded like she hadn’t had many more complex meals in her life yet. A half hour later and they were walking the streets again, Cocolia carrying a bag of groceries in hand, this time heading in the direction of their apartment. “Mama, the Bronya is tired.” She had let go of Cocolia’s hand and was now rubbing her eye with her free hand. Cocolia knelt down and held her free arm open. “Here, let me carry you the rest of the way home.” And so Cocolia went on walking the rest of the way home, grocery bag in one arm and Bronya cradled in the other. The sight of the sleeping Bronya in her arms, arms wrapped around her Homu doll, was one of the most precious things she’d ever seen. While she may have only had Bronya for a day and a half at this point, she knew she would do anything for her. Once back home, she made sure to carefully tuck Bronya into bed, before stepping out again. The KGB had an informant in town by the name of Sampo Koski that she needed to meet with, and with Bronya asleep in bed this was her best opportunity to do so. Bronya woke up to find her mama was nowhere to be found. “Mama?” she called out as she searched every room of the apartment, but she received no answer. She came to the conclusion that she must have slipped out of the house to do some secret spy stuff. The Bronya wishes Mama would have taken her along. The Bronya would have loved to see Mama in action. She looked out the windows to see if she could spot her mama, but from what she could see, her mama was too far away from home to have any real hope of finding her. Hmmm, what about the spy things Mama left in the closet? Recalling her mama had set the lock combination to 8-6-7-5, Bronya got the closet unlocked and pulled out her mama’s box of spy things. “Ooh, a spy radio?” “Sir, we’ve just intercepted an interesting transmission.” “What is it?” “We found it on a frequency often used by the KGB. It’s in plain text, and says ‘Catch me if you can - the Demoness’.” “What?! The Demoness of Siberia?! Does she intend to taunt us? Find the source of that transmission as fast as you can! We’ll make her pay the price for her hubris.” BND officer Edmund Hofer smiled. No one had ever successfully captured the Demoness of Siberia and lived to tell the tale, so if it really was her, he’d be sure to earn himself a raise, maybe even a promotion too, especially with the juicy secrets an interrogation could bring to light. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip up. “Well, if it isn’t my old friend, uh, what’s the name you’re going by these days again?” Sampo greeted as she approached his shop. “Cocolia.” “Well, if it isn’t my old friend Cocolia!” “Cut the small talk, Sampo. Do you have the goods?” “Of course. You can find a St. Freya application, an appointment for the entrance exam, and a copy of the test all right here in this little envelope,” Sampo said, pulling one out and holding it out to her. Cocolia opened the envelope to confirm what he was saying was true, then handed him his payment. “Thank you.” “Always a pleasure to do business with you, friend! And hey, if you happen to need anything else-” “Drop the salesman shtick, I’m not interested in any of your scams and you know it. Anyway, now that I have what I came for, I’ll be going. I need to get back to Bronya.” “Try not to get too attached, it won’t end well and you know it.” Of course she knew it. Even still, it was hard not to get attached. She’d have to make sure to find a good home for Bronya when the mission was over. She deserved as much. It was the least she could do. “I’ll keep that in mind.” When Cocolia opened the door to her apartment, she found a baseball bat being swung at her head. Reacting quickly, she ducked under it and retaliated, kicking him in the crotch and then the chest, sending him flying back against the wall. A second man tried to attack her from behind but she took him out with a roundhouse kick, also sending him flying against the wall. Her attackers incapacitated, she frantically searched the rest of the house for Bronya. “Bronya? Bronya are you there?!” And yet she could not find her. Frustrated, she pulled out a silenced pistol, grabbed one of the men who’d attacked her, and held him up against the wall, the barrel of the gun poking into his neck. “Where’s Bronya?!” “Is that the kid’s name? The others decided to take her with them just in case.” “What others? Who are you people, what do you want?” The man gulped. “We’re BND agents. We intercepted a transmission from the Demoness of Siberia taunting us and telling us to catch her if we can, which we traced back here, but all we found was a little kid, so the others took her with them to use as leverage while the boss told us to stay behind in case the Demoness showed up later. He wanted us to capture her and bring her over for interrogation.” Odd— Cocolia didn’t recall sending such a transmission. Still, that wasn’t important. Right now she needed to figure out how to save Bronya. She took a brief moment to think up a plan. “All right then, if it’s the Demoness he wants, it’s the Demoness he’ll get. Listen up you two, if you want to live, you’ll do as I say. Here’s the plan…” Bronya was scared. If she had known playing around with her mama’s spy equipment meant a bunch of strange men would break into the apartment and kidnap her, she would have never done it. But here she was, tied up in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by a handful of unfamiliar men she suspected did not have good intentions. They must be real life bad guys. She could only hope her mama would show up to rescue her soon. “Why did we bring the kid along with us again? I didn’t think kidnapping little kids was in my job description,” one of the bad guys said. “Don’t you get it? She was in the same apartment we traced the Demoness’s transmission back to,” another one of the bad guys, who seemed to be the leader of them, said. “She’s probably her daughter. If Hans and Ernst fail to capture her themselves, we can force her to surrender to us herself instead by using the kid as a hostage.” “I guess. It still doesn’t exactly sit right with me though.” “Look, sometimes you’ve got to do things you’re not comfortable with. Those dirty commies won’t play nice, so neither should we. If we don’t play dirty every now and then, we’re just letting them win. The ends justify the means, as they say.” “You know, if this kid really is the Demoness’s, maybe she knows something. Maybe we should ask her some questions while we wait for Hans and Ernst to get back,” a third bad guy suggested. “Good idea. Hey kid!” The leader bad guy crouched down in front of her. “Do you know anything about the Demoness of Siberia?” “Um… Uh…” She wanted to tell them she didn’t know anything, but found herself unable to form words. In the end, she just ended up shaking her head. “Damn, sounds like the kid’s too scared to say anything right now,” The leader bad guy said, backing away from Bronya, to her great relief. “Oh well, we’ll get all the information we need off the Demoness when we get our hands on her.” Just then, a black unmarked van pulled up outside the warehouse. “Speak of the devil, looks like Hans and Ernst are back.” Two men stepped out of the van, presumably Hans and Ernst, and then they went around to the back and dragged out a woman in a green suit, who had a bag over her head and was bound hand and foot. She was squirming in her bonds and making muffled grunts. “She gave us some real trouble, but in the end we managed to get the jump on her,” either Hans or Ernst, Bronya had no idea which it was, said, dropping the woman to the ground. “Good, good. Now let’s find out what the Demoness of Siberia really looks like,” the leader bad guy said, pulling the bag off her head. “Mama!” Bronya called out, recognizing her instantly. How could her mama have been caught by the bad guys too? “Shut it kid!” the bad guy next to her yelled, slamming the but of his rifle into her shoulder, making her cry out in pain. “Bronya!” her mama cried out, though it was muffled by the gag in her mouth. The bad guy leader chuckled. “So I was right, that kid is your daughter. You got too cocky, Demoness. I bet you thought you were being real cute sending that transmission, but now look what it’s done for you. Not only have you been captured, but so has your daughter. What do you have to say for yourself?” He leaned down and pulled the gag down. “Stay away from my daughter,” her mama said. And then all of a sudden, she was sprinting towards her, her hands and feet no longer being bound, and soon her mama was carrying her in one hand and pointing a silenced pistol at the bad guys in the other. “I suggest you close your eyes, Bronya. Real violence is more graphic than what you’ll see on TV.” As much as Bronya wanted to see her mama in action, she decided it was probably better to follow her mama’s advice, and so she closed her eyes. The sounds of gunfire erupted around them, occasionally interspersed with the sound of a man screaming in pain. Never her mama though. It was clear that, even as outnumbered as she was, her mama was winning. Eventually it grew silent for a second, before another gunshot rang out. “Ernst! I thought you said you’d let us live if we helped you?!” the man from earlier, who must have been Hans, said. “I lied,” her mama said, and one more gunshot rang out, before her mama started running. Soon, an explosion was heard behind them, and her mama spoke again. “You can open your eyes now, Bronya.” Bronya opened her eyes to find her mama looking at her softly. They were out on the street now, and judging from the explosion she heard, her mama must have blown up that abandoned warehouse. Her mama pulled out a knife, using it to cut her bonds. “Are you okay, Bronya?” Bronya hugged her mother tightly and cried, before nodding. “The Bronya is, now that you’re here. It was so scary. How did you do that, Mama? Who were those people?” “Well, two of those men tried to ambush me when I came home to the apartment, but I made quick work of them. I then told them I’d spare their lives if they went along with my plan. It was a lie, of course. I did not trust them, but I needed their help to get to you, so I had them pretend to have captured me. All the while I had this knife hidden up my sleeve, with I used to cut the ropes while their boss was talking, under the pretense of normal struggling. As for who those guys were…” Hrmmm, how am I supposed to explain this without giving away that I’m a spy? her mama thought. Well, maybe if I just keep things simplified… “Well, they were bad people that worked for a bad organization, and they wanted to harm you and me. I’m afraid we’re going to have to move too, now that our location has been compromised. Really though, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have left you home alone.” Her mama was a big liar. Bronya almost wanted to reveal that she knew she was a spy, but she knew she couldn't. Her original mama had told her to never tell anyone about her power. “Mama?” Bronya asked. “Can you teach the Bronya to fight like you do? If bad guys come for the Bronya again, the Bronya wants to be able to fight them off, rather than counting on Mama to save her.” “I’ll tell you what. If you can manage to pass the St. Freya entrance exam, I’ll teach you how to fight, okay?” Bronya didn’t know what that was, but if it meant her mama would teach her how to fight, she’d do it. “Okay.” July 25, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany Cocolia had managed to find them a new house, and while she had worried the building she’d destroyed and BND agents she’d killed might bring her unwanted attention, it seemed the media was assuming the RAF had done it, so she was in the clear for now. In the meantime, she needed to prepare Bronya for the exam. “All right Bronya, if you’re going to pass that exam, you’ll need to study for it first. Here, let’s go over it together…” July 30, 1977 Cocolia was relieved to find out not only had Bronya passed the exam, but she’d been one of the top scorers at that. She knew she was right to have chosen Bronya. “Congratulations Bronya, you did it,” Cocolia said, hugging her daughter. “This means you’ll teach the Bronya how to fight now, right?” “Of course, I don’t go back on my word.” “You did with those bad guys.” Well, Bronya had her there. Still though. “That was different. They were bad people. You’re my daughter. I wouldn’t break a promise to my daughter. Now come on, let’s go home.” Just as Cocolia had begun to teach Bronya the basics of self-defense though, there was a knock on the door. “Is this the Rand household?” Cocolia went over to the door and opened it, where a mailman was standing there. “Yes, what is it?” “You’ve got a letter from St. Freya Academy.” It must be about the admissions. Cocolia took the letter and opened it immediately. Apparently for the second phase of the admissions process, there would be a mandatory family interview. That already sounded daunting enough on its own, but then she read the last line: Both parents must attend with the applicant. Absolutely no exceptions. “Блять!” In order to ensure Bronya can pass the family interview, Cocolia seeks out a husband, but things take an unexpected turn after a chance encounter at the tailor shop... Hi, I've had this ready since Christmas Eve but hadn't been able to post it until now bc it hadn't been fully beta'd yet. Happy Belated Christmas to those who celebrate, and even if you don't, I still hope you had/are having a great holiday season. For those who had been looking forward to the gay, don't worry, this chapter will more than make up for the lack of it in the first one. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) July 31, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “Well, if it isn’t my old pal Cocolia! What brings you around here this time, friend?” “I need you to find me a husband,” Cocolia said, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. She had made sure to have one of the neighbors agree to watch Bronya before she left the house, to avoid repeating the mistake she’d made a week ago. Sampo gave her an inquisitive look. “A husband?” Cocolia took a puff of her cigarette. “The second phase of the admissions process is a family interview and requires both parents to attend, with no exceptions. Obviously, this poses an issue in a case such as Bronya’s, where there is no second parent. If I can’t find a husband in the next two weeks, Bronya won’t be able to get into St. Freya.” “Can you not get the KGB to send someone to pose as your husband?” Another puff. “Already tried that. They don’t have anyone available to send right now. They suggested I have you pose as my husband, but to be honest I think I’d sooner kill myself than have to pretend to be your wife.” Sampo put his hand over his heart and feigned shock. “You wound me, my lady.” He then leaned in and whispered. “Just between you and me, I don’t swing that way anyway.” “Somehow that’s one of the least surprising things I’ve ever found out about you.” Another puff. “So can you do it or not?” “I’ll have the profiles of every unwed man in town in your hands by the end of tomorrow.” Cocolia smothered her cigarette against the wall. “Good. I’ll see you then.” “I’m sailing away… Set an open course for the virgin sea…” Serval sang as she popped open the hood of a client’s car. It was a pretty simple spark plug replacement job. She already had all the plugs properly gapped and greased up, and now all she had left to do was actually change out the plugs. She had her record player playing Styx’s new album, The Grand Illusion, which was easily the best new music release of the month in her opinion; the fourth track, “Come Sail Away”, was the highlight of the album. “Cause I’ve got to be free… Free to face the life, that’s ahead of me…” “On board, I’m the captain… So climb aboard…” She pulled out the wire for the first spark plug. “We’ll search for tomorrow on every shore and I’ll try, oh lord, I’ll try…” She cleaned out the plug’s well. “To caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarry on…” “I look to the sea… Reflections in the waves spark my memories…” She broke loose the old plug, discarding it. “Some happy, some sad… I think of childhood friends, and the dreams we had…” “We lived happily forever… So the story goes…” She put the new spark plug in place. “But somehow we missed out on the pot of gold…” “But we’ll try, best that we can…” She used a torque wrench to make sure the plug was secured according to the car’s specifications. “To caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarry on…” She went ahead and replaced the wire for that plug, and by the time she was working on the next one, the chorus was kicking in. “A gathering of angels appeared above my head! They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said: They said come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me, lads. Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me…” She continued to sing and hum along to the song, and within 15 minutes, she had all four spark plugs and their corresponding wires replaced. She closed the hood and wiped her brow, before heading back to the main room of her workshop, pulling out her phone and making a call. “Hi Mrs. Schröder, this is Serval. I’m here to let you know your vehicle should be good to drive again. You can come by the shop to pick it up whenever you’re ready.” Hanging up the phone, Serval grabbed the remote control for the TV and turned it on. “Let’s see what’s on the news today.” “Dresdner Bank chairman Jürgen Ponto was murdered in his Oberursel home yesterday in what is believed to have been a botched kidnapping attempt by the Baader-Meinhof Gang. It’s believed to be the terrorist group’s third major crime this year, after the murder of Attorney General Siegfried Buback back in April and the murder of eight BND agents in an abandoned warehouse in Kolosten a week-” Serval shut off the tv. That last one hadn’t even been them, though she didn’t think whoever had done it had done anything wrong. After all, eight dead fascists was eight dead fascists, regardless of what specific people or group had committed the deed. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing. “Hello, this is Serval Landau. Who is this?” “This is your father.” Shit. She’d hoped to be able to go at least another month without her dad pestering her again. She let out a nervous laugh. “Oh hi, Father. What’s up?” “Have you managed to find a boyfriend yet?” She sighed. She had a feeling this was what it was going to be about. Her father had been putting increasing pressure on her to settle down the older she got, but she had zero interest in being some rich scumbag's trophy wife, she just wanted to live her life as she saw fit, without having to worry about what people wanted or expected of her, and maybe make the world a better place while she's at it. Yet she had to make concessions to him every now and again, otherwise she risked getting cut off from the family's money, and then she’d be in big trouble. While she loved running the workshop, it wasn’t exactly profitable. And yet a decision like this was too big to make lightly. “Oh no, I haven’t yet, sorry. I’m still trying to find a guy who meets my standards.” It wasn't entirely a lie; good men were hard to find, that's why she generally preferred hooking up with women. She could never tell him that though, he'd probably have an aneurysm if he found out. “You’re setting them too high. If you go looking for a Paul McCartney, you’ll just end up disappointed. Honestly, you’re 27 years old, you should have given us grandkids by now, and yet you still haven’t even found yourself a boyfriend, let alone a husband. And if you wait too long, you’ll be too old and no man will want you anyway!” She winced. Not this rant again. “Sorry.” “No, sorry’s not going to cut it. Listen, the family will be hosting a dinner party this Saturday. You will attend, and you will bring a date, and if you can’t find one, I will pick one for you. Do you understand me?” Serval sighed. “Yes, Father.” “Good. I’ll be seeing you then.” And with that he hung up. Not only would she have to attend one of her family's stupid fancy dinner parties, they were forcing her to bring a date too. What a drag. She didn’t even know if she had any clothes that would be appropriate for the dinner party anymore. Fancy dresses didn’t fit with the punk rock aesthetic she liked to cultivate. She would have to check later; she had more important plans first. After work, Serval made her way to one of the city’s RAF safehouses, where she was due to meet with one of the members of Kolosten’s local commando, which she acted as quartermaster of. Rather than her usual flashy attire, she was clad in a trench coat, a fedora, and a mask covering the lower half of her face, so as to hide her identity. While normally simply using codenames with each other was enough to keep the identities of RAF members sufficiently hidden, the Landau family was too important a family in the city for a codename to keep her identity hidden, and she could not afford to risk potentially being ratted out to the government should one of the members of her commando get caught. The man she was meeting with went by the codename Foxtrot, and his rather unassuming appearance made him perfect for the job she had for him. “Is it just me today?” He asked, noticing there was no one else with them. “That’s right. Tonight’s job won’t need more than one person to carry it out. It’s a pretty simple one, really. According to our intel, Jochen Busch, former Nazi and an executive at Hoechst AG, has been staying in Kolosten for the past few days, but he’s due to be taking a train to Frankfurt tonight.” Serval pulled out a syringe from the inside of her trench coat. “This syringe contains a lethal dose of ricin. Your job is to head to the train station and pretend to be a normal passerby, and inject him with this while drawing as little attention to yourself as possible. Do you think you can do it?” Serval thought it was a pretty easy job. Were it not for the fact that she’d stand out too much in a crowd and be too liable to get caught, she’d even do it herself. The ricin wasn’t hard to make either, so long as you knew the right process to extract it. Foxtrot took the syringe. “Yeah, I think I can do it.” August 1, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “All right, I’ve got files on every unmarried man in the city,” Sampo said, placing a huge stack of papers on the living room table. “Mama, who’s that?” Bronya asked. “This is my… friend, Sampo,” Cocolia said. She wished she had a better word to use, but she didn’t, so friend would have to do. “He’s going to help me find you a Papa so you can get into St. Freya.” “That’s right. I don’t know how easily we’ll be able to find a man who doesn’t care that you have a kid and is willing to get married within the next two weeks, though.” “You’d be surprised how far most men are willing to go for an attractive woman.” Cocolia was no stranger to taking advantage of her looks for the sake of a mission. “Don’t assume other men are like you. For one thing, most of them aren’t gay.” “What is ‘gay’?'” Bronya asked. “Well, you know how girls generally like boys and boys generally like girls? For some people it’s different, some of us are girls who like girls or boys who like boys. That’s what being gay is.” Cocolia explained. Bronya nodded. “So Mr. Sampo likes other men?” “That’s right, but don’t go telling other people that. It’s a secret, okay?” Bronya nodded again. “Understood.” “Anyway— ideally, I’ll also want the man I marry to be refined enough for St. Freya, and most importantly, a good father to Bronya. With all these factors put together, finding someone eligible will be hard, but surely someone in the city must meet them.” “Speaking of refinement, shouldn’t you have your daughter work on that too? The way she’s dressed right now doesn’t exactly scream ‘high class’ to me.” Sampo had a point. Cocolia had been so focused on having Bronya pass the exam, and then on getting a husband, that she hadn’t gotten her any new clothes yet. She would have to fix that. “You make a fair point. Come along Bronya, we’re going to the tailor.” “Wait, what about finding a husband?!” Sampo asked as they got up to leave. “We can worry about that when we get back. Feel free to go over the candidates for me while we’re gone.” And with that, Cocolia and Bronya were out the door. I should get some dresses made for myself as well. Ideally, I’ll want dresses that allow me to blend in with the country’s bourgeoisie while sacrificing as little mobility as possible. The skirt can’t be too short either, lest I get called a harlot… “Mama, what’s a harlot?” “Where did you learn that word?!” “Um… TV?” “I’m going to have to pay more attention to what you’re watching on there. Kids your age shouldn’t know that word…” Bronya came back from getting measured by the tailor to find a strangely-dressed woman staring at her mama. Oh wow, she’s gorgeous. I almost want to make a move right now, but I know better than to hit on women outside of gay bars. Besides, I can’t say I’ve ever seen her in one before. If I did, I would definitely remember. She’s probably straight. So this lady was gay for her mama? Bronya leaned against the wall to spy on the two of them. It was kind of exciting. Was this what her mama felt like when she did her missions? Her mama turned to the stranger. “Is there a reason you’re staring at me?” The strange lady blushed. “Oh, uh…” Crap, think of an excuse, quick! “Well, uh, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you new here?” “That’s right, I just moved in about a week ago. I’m Cocolia, by the way.” She held out her hand for the strange lady to take. Ah, so she’s new in town— no wonder I haven’t seen her in the gay bar before. There’s still hope for me yet! The lady took her Mama’s hand and shook it. “I’m Serval. Nice to meet you.” Serval Landau, the rebellious eldest child of the CEO of a major military contractor. I hadn’t expected her to be so attractive in person… So her mama was gay too?! What an interesting development. No wonder she’d been so unenthused about having to find a husband. “It’s nice to meet you too, Serval. What brings you here?” “My parents are making me go to one of their stupid dinner parties this Saturday, and I don’t have any fancy dresses in good enough shape to wear to it. What about you?” “I came to get some dresses tailored for my daughter and I.” Crap, she has a kid! There go my chances with her… Bronya knew she had to do something to salvage this, so she ran up to her mama, clung to her dress, and said “Mama, can she be the Bronya’s second Mama so the Bronya can get into that school?” Her mama’s face immediately went red. “Excuse me?!” Serval gave them a questioning look. “What’s she talking about?” Her mama sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Let’s take this conversation outside.” As they headed outside, Bronya noticed Serval looking at a newspaper someone was reading. ‘Hoechst Executive Hospitalized’? Sounds like the assassination was a success. It’s only a matter of time until the ricin completely does him in. Assassination?! “To make a long story short, little Bronya here’s father died a couple of years ago, and it had always been a dream of he and I to get Bronya into a good school. We had our sights set on St. Freya Academy, and while she passed the written exam with flying colors, the second phase of admissions requires both parents to attend a mandatory family interview, which is a problem when the second parent is dead,” Cocolia explained. “I’m not sure why Bronya suggested you for it though, I doubt they’d let in a kid with gay parents.” “Actually, you’d be surprised. If the family interviews now are anything like they were when I went to that school, it’s the headmaster, Otto Apocalypse, that conducts them. He happens to be close friends with one Kallen Kaslana, who I’ve seen at the local gay bar every now and again. Given how close they are, I imagine he probably knows she’s gay and doesn’t have a problem with it, so I don’t see why he’d have a problem with a kid with gay parents applying for his school,” Serval said. “Plus, I happen to need someone to act as my romantic partner as well. My dad told me if I don’t bring a date to his stupid dinner party, they’ll pick one for me, and I’d rather avoid that if I can; If you act as my date to this party, I’ll gladly pretend to be Bronya’s second parent at that interview for you. So what do you say, I scratch your back, you scratch mine?” Cocolia knew she should say no. The logical part of her brain was screaming at her to say no. Even if she did manage to successfully get Bronya into St. Freya this way, acting as a gay couple would put a lot more attention on her than if she just found a man to act as her husband, and the less attention a spy had on them, the better. And yet for once in her career, she found herself ignoring the logical part of her brain. “You have yourself a deal. I’ll see you Saturday.” August 2, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “Good day, Agent Vixen.” “Hello, Raven. What’s this about?” Cocolia asked. She’d been given a coded message to meet up with her handler at a secret location at this date and time. “Oleg wants a status report on the progress of your mission. By now the first phase of admissions should have been completed. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like you managed to get your kid through that just fine.” “That’s right. I adopted a brilliant child by the name of Bronya, and she not only passed, but with a perfect score at that.” “Good. If she’s that smart, this mission should go a lot more smoothly. And how are preparations for the second phase going? I know we weren’t able to fulfill your request for an agent to act as your husband, have you managed to find one yet, or are you still looking?” “I've found one,” Cocolia said. “Sort of.” Natasha gave her an inquisitive look. “What do you mean, ‘sort of’?” Cocolia let out a nervous laugh. “I managed to find a second parent for Bronya, but it’s… another woman.” “Another woman?! Are you insane?!” “I know what I’m doing,” Cocolia insisted. “Look, I don’t care if you’re gay, but a lot of people in that country will, including, I’d imagine, the people at St. Freya!” “It’s not like that! She just also happened to be in need of a fake romantic partner. It was done out of convenience for both of us, that’s all,” Cocolia insisted, though she couldn’t hide the way her cheeks had reddened. “It shouldn’t be an obstacle to getting Bronya into St. Freya either. From what I’ve heard, the headmaster’s best friend is a lesbian, and it’s likely she’s out to him, so he’s unlikely to discriminate against same-sex couples.” “You’d better make damn sure you get that confirmed if you’re still insistent on going this route. Personally, I think you’re getting the raw end of your deal. Even if you do manage to get Bronya into St. Freya this way, you’d still be drawing more attention to yourself than you would if you’d just found a man to pose as your husband, and you of all people should know how important it is not to draw more attention to yourself than necessary as a spy.” Cocolia sighed. “I know. Still, I think I can pull this off. Have a little faith in me.” Natasha sighed in turn. “If it were any other spy but you, I wouldn’t, but since it is you, maybe I will. That should be all. You’re free to leave.” “All right. Before I go though, I have a personal request to ask of you, Natasha.” She used her given name instead of her code-name to show that this had nothing to do with the mission. “Do you remember Alexei Zaychik?” “Yeah. It’s a shame what happened to him. Why do you ask?” “The child I adopted, Bronya, her last name was Zaychik, and she has the same hair and eye color as him. I think she may have been his child. Would you mind looking into her history for me? You don’t have to, of course. This request is purely to sate my own personal curiosity. I doubt anything you find out will affect the mission.” “I’ll see what I can do. What was the name of the orphanage you got her from again?” From what Cocolia could tell, there was only a single gay bar in Kolosten, a place called “The Garden of Delights”. The facade was unassuming and didn’t stand out, but that was to be expected, as places like this were usually advertised through word of mouth. She’d opted to wear a short-skirted dress, as she figured this was the kind of place she could get away with it. As she stepped into the bar, she took note of the layout. It was a large room, with the bar at the far left side, various tables, booths, and chairs lining the perimeter of the room, and a dance floor at the center. There was a mix of men and women scattered throughout the bar, though if Cocolia were to make an estimate she’d say the men slightly outnumbered the women, and couples could be seen all throughout the bar engaged in various public displays of affection; It was understandable, given places like this were the only places they could get away with it without fearing for their safety. As Cocolia scanned the crowd, she spotted someone familiar walking over to her. “Cocolia? What are you doing here?” Serval asked. She was wearing a band tee of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album art that had been modified into a cropped tank top, ripped jeans, combat boots, fingerless leather gloves, and a dog collar, and her nails were painted a bright purple. She looked incredibly attractive. Cocolia had been no stranger to using her looks to her advantage in a mission, and couldn’t help but wonder if this was how it felt to be on the receiving end of that. “You mentioned you’d seen Kallen Kaslana here every now and again, I was hoping to catch her so I could get it confirmed from her firsthand if Otto Apocalypse is open to gay couples,” Cocolia explained. “What about you? What are you doing here?” Serval gave her a pointed look. “What do you think?” “You’re right, that was a stupid question. Anyway, have you seen her?” “I can’t say I have.” “Damn it. I guess I’ll come back tomorrow then.” Just as she was turning to leave though, she felt Serval grab hold of her wrist. “Now hold on, I wouldn’t be so hasty. Even if she’s not here now, she could still show up later. Are you sure you don’t want to stick around?” Cocolia knew this, of course. Really she’d just wanted to leave because she knew if she stayed, it would be in her and Serval’s best interests to start acting like a couple, and doing that in a place like this… “You’re right. While I’m reluctant to leave Bronya in the care of Sampo any longer than necessary, she’s probably asleep by now, I’m sure she’ll be fine for a few more hours. In the meantime, while we’re here, we should probably start acting like a couple.” “Are you sure? You’re aware of what that entails in a place like this, right?” “Of course I am. But if I’m to get Bronya into St. Freya, it’s in my best interests to eliminate any possible shred of doubt about us being a real couple.” “Makes sense to me.” Serval bumped Cocolia with her hip. “Come on, let’s start with some dancing.” She led Cocolia out onto the dance floor, where various people were currently dancing to ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”. “You don’t get out to these kinds of places much, do you?” “I can’t say I do, no.” “I figured. I’ll take the lead then.” Serval took Cocolia’s right hand with her left and put her right hand on Cocolia’s back, and soon she was singing and swaying along to the music, Cocolia doing her best to follow, Serval occasionally spinning her around. Such close, intimate proximity to Serval did make Cocolia feel a bit flushed, but she also knew this was nothing compared to what some of the other couples were doing. All the while Cocolia was making sure to scan the bar for any sign of Kallen. After about a half hour of dancing, there was still no sign of Kallen. “I’m getting tired. Let’s go get a drink.” “Okay.” The two of them walked hand-in-hand over to the bar. The bartender saw them approaching and called out. “Hey Serval, who’s the new fling?” “Oh she’s not a fling, Lukas,” Serval said, taking a seat on one of the bar stools, Cocolia sitting down in the one right next to it. “She’s my girlfriend actually.” “No way, you actually entered a serious relationship with someone?!” “That’s right.” “We’ve actually been dating for a while now, but because our relationship was long distance until I moved into town recently, we’d decided to keep it private as well, until now that is,” Cocolia added, a story she’d come up with to avoid accusations of only getting into a relationship so she could get Bronya into St. Freya. She held out her hand for the bartender, Lukas apparently, to shake. “I’m Cocolia.” “I’m Lukas. Nice to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand. “So what can I get you two tonight?” “I’ll have a piña colada,” Serval said. “Vodka,” Cocolia said. “All right, one piña colada and one vodka coming right up,” Lukas said, and he turned to go make their drinks. “Just straight vodka, really? I’m surprised you can stomach it.” “Vodka has always been my alcohol of choice. Generally you’ll want to have food to accompany it, but I’ve been drinking it long enough that I can drink it straight without issue.” “Wow, impressive.” “Here are your drinks, ladies,” Lukas said, setting down their drinks on the counter. “Thank you,” Cocolia said, grabbing her drink and standing up. “Let’s go find somewhere to sit.” They ended up settling in a booth in the front right by the entrance, allowing Cocolia to easily spot Kallen Kaslana should she happen to come in. Of course, this didn’t stop her from continuing her habitual scanning of the crowds. It was always possible she was already in there and she just hadn’t managed to spot her yet. “How often would you say Kallen Kaslana comes here? Is there any consistency in what days she comes here?” Cocolia asked Serval, before taking a sip of her vodka. “She comes in fairly often, but there’s no real consistency to it that I’ve noticed. If you just keep coming every day you should easily be able to run into her before the day of the interview,” Serval said. She was scooched up right next to Cocolia in the booth, and while the proximity made Cocolia a bit nervous, she also knew it was necessary to really sell the idea that they were a real couple. “Good to know. I’ll be back tomorrow then.” “Are you leaving already?” Cocolia shook her head. “No, I’ll give it a couple more hours, but I’m starting to doubt if she’ll show up tonight. Does she have any specific time she tends to show up at?” “Not from what I can recall, sorry.” Cocolia sighed. “I guess I’ll have to wait it out then.” She took another sip of her vodka. “We should kiss.” Cocolia spat out her drink, before coughing and sputtering as she tried to formulate a response. “Where did that come from?!” Serval blushed. “Well I just meant like, it’d be hard for us to pass off as a couple here if we don’t kiss at least once, right?” “Well yes, I agree, but bringing it up out of nowhere?” The many couples in the establishment sucking face had not failed to escape Cocolia’s notice. “It wasn’t out of nowhere! I was just waiting for a good opportunity to bring it up,” Serval defended. “Come on, let’s do this.” “Right,” Cocolia said, taking a deep breath and bracing herself. She could feel her face heat up already. Serval smiled at her softly. “You’ve never kissed another woman before, have you?” “No,” Cocolia admitted. Let alone one as attractive as you… “That’s okay, just close your eyes, and let me ease you into it…” Serval said, cupping her face. Cocolia closed her eyes, and soon Serval’s lips were on hers. It was intoxicating. Within seconds, Cocolia found herself kissing back, wrapping her arms around Serval, wishing the moment would never end. But of course, it had to eventually, and once they had parted, Cocolia found herself giggling a bit at Serval’s face. “What?” “Let’s just say you may want to wipe your face before you leave here,” Cocolia said. The red lipstick she’d worn had rubbed off on Serval’s own lips, leaving her looking like she’d sloppily applied some on. Not having a mirror on hand to look at, Serval opted to look at her reflection in her wine glass instead, and started laughing as well. “You’re right, I probably should. But the night’s still young, I think it can wait for now. If you look at the other couples in here, they’re not settling for just one kiss.” And so they kissed again. They spent the next couple of hours drinking and conversing and committing the occasional public display of affection, so as to really sell the couple act. They never did end up seeing Kallen Kaslana that night, and Cocolia ended up having to give up and leave. And while the CIA, FBI, BND, and KGB could never get it out of her, she could admit to herself, at least, that she’d had a great time. August 3, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany Knowing that Cocolia would be at the gay club again tonight, Serval had decided to put a little extra effort into her appearance before going out. In addition to her collar and fingerless gloves, she was wearing an off the shoulder crop top, short jean shorts, fishnet stockings, and a pair of high-heeled boots. She gave herself a good look over in the mirror, making sure her outfit and makeup were on-point. Looking herself over, she thought - hoped - that Cocolia wouldn't be able to keep her hands to herself. She actually had no idea if Cocolia was even into women. She knew she’d had a husband, but that didn’t mean anything, Serval knew plenty of lesbians who had been in relationships with men before, be it because they hadn’t figured themselves out, he was serving as her beard, or otherwise, plus it could also just be that she swung both ways. Of course, it was also entirely possible she was just a straight woman who was weirdly okay with pretending to be in a gay relationship. This uncertainty kept her from making any moves that weren’t under the pretense of making their pretend relationship look convincing. She was honestly kind of hoping Kallen wouldn’t show up for a while so that she could have more opportunities for it. As soon as Serval arrived at the Garden of Delights, before she could even begin to scan the bar to see if Cocolia was there yet, she heard the woman in question’s voice coming from her left. “Oh good, you’re here now.” Serval turned to see Cocolia sitting in the same booth the two of them had occupied the previous night, nursing a glass of vodka. She was wearing a green dress that showed a generous amount of cleavage, which Serval had to stop herself from staring at. “I’ve had several women hit on me in the time since I arrived here, only for them to be disappointed when I tell them I’m already taken. Your presence should ward off any future attempts.” “Awww, you missed me,” Serval said playfully, sitting down in Cocolia’s lap. It seemed her seduction was working already, because next thing she knew, Cocolia had grabbed her wrists and pinned her up against the wall. Serval couldn’t help but notice how strong Cocolia was too. All the more reason to be attracted to her. “Of course I did, my little… um…” Cocolia paused for a moment. “We’ll have to work on coming up with pet names. But first…” Cocolia leaned in and kissed her, and as Serval kissed her back, she wanted nothing more than for this moment to last forever. There was a spark she felt with Cocolia that she hadn’t felt with anyone else before. She thought she could even fall in love with this woman. When Cocolia broke the kiss, she didn’t stop there, opting instead to trail more kisses along Serval’s exposed shoulder, and Serval could feel her face really heat up. Just as she was really getting into it though, she heard the door open, and found herself looking in its direction. “She’s here,” Serval said, and Cocolia stopped what she was doing immediately. Serval almost regretted saying it, thinking maybe she should have kept it to herself so she could enjoy the moment longer, but she knew Cocolia probably wouldn’t have appreciated it if she’d hid that from her. “Let’s go then,” Cocolia said, getting up and pulling Serval up with her. Kallen had taken a seat at the bar, and Cocolia walked over and took a seat next to her, Serval sitting right next to Cocolia and clinging to her bicep to make it clear they were an item. “Excuse me, you’re Kallen Kaslana, right?” Kallen turned to them and gave them a friendly smile. “That’s right. Did you need something?” “You’re close friends with Otto Apocalypse, the head of St. Freya Academy, right?” “That’s right, we've been best friends for over 40 years now! Why do you ask? Are you trying to get a child into St. Freya or…?” “That’s exactly it. My daughter has already passed the written exam, but I notice the family interview requires both parents to attend, and in my case, my partner is another woman,” she motioned to Serval. “I wanted to know if he would discriminate against us for that at all. I figured since his best friend is gay, there’d be a chance he wouldn’t.” “Well, I don’t think he would. A long time ago he might have, but he’s let go of such prejudices ever since I came out to him. If he does decide to disqualify you because of it though, just let me know and I’ll never let him hear the end of it.” Cocolia let out a visible sigh of relief. “Thank you. It’s a real weight off my shoulders to know that.” “That said, don’t think getting in will be so easy just because he won’t disqualify you for being gay. You still have to make sure you meet the academy’s lofty standards, which may be a bit difficult given your partner is Serval Landau.” Kallen looked right at Serval, and Serval suddenly felt a bit awkward. “Didn’t you nearly get expelled from St. Freya when you went there?” Serval let out a nervous laugh and tried to brush it off. “That was a long time ago. I’ve cleaned up my act since then— it’ll be fine.” Kallen gave her a look of disbelief. “Are you sure? You’re not exactly dressed like a St. Freya parent. The dyed hair isn’t very St. Freya either.” Shit, she had a point there. Serval would have to get the blue parts of her hair dyed back to her natural blonde at some point before the interview. She could always get it redyed after. “Listen, I’m working on it. By the time of the interview, old man Otto won’t know what hit him.” “I wish you luck with that, I’m sure you’ll need it.” She seemed to mean it earnestly, judging by her tone. “Thanks.” August 6, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “Is your father going to be okay with me being your date?” Cocolia asked as Serval drove the both of them to her parents’ party. She looked every bit like a member of the upper crust in her fancy medium length green dress with a slit for the left leg, elbow length white gloves, pearl necklace, purple teardrop earrings, and black heels. “Oh, he almost certainly won’t, but it’s fine. Just my little way of getting back at him,” Serval said. “Besides, he never said my date had to be a man.” “Serval, you made it!” Her father greeted as she and Cocolia entered the room where the party was being held. Unfortunate, as Serval had been hoping she and Cocolia could avoid her parents for at least a little bit. “I see you even got your hair back to its natural color. There may be hope for you yet. I’m afraid I don’t see a date though…” Serval steeled herself for what she was about to say. “Actually, I did bring a date.” Her father gave her a look of confusion. “Where? I see no man accompanying you.” “My date isn’t a man. She’s my date,” Serval said, gesturing to Cocolia. “You never did say my date had to be a man.” “Another woman?! Is this some kind of twisted joke?!” Her father said, clearly unamused. “It’s no joke, father. She’s my girlfriend.” “You mean you’re one of those queers?!” Like Serval expected, he was not taking the news well, but Serval also knew she couldn’t hide herself any longer. It was inevitable that she would either have to find a beard or suffer the consequences of coming out to her parents, and she had made her choice the moment she asked Cocolia to be her date. “Yeah, I am. Is there a problem with that?” “Of course there’s a problem with that! How are you supposed to give us grandchildren without a husband?” He was furious, but Serval refused to back down or give in. “Well, she has a kid, so in a way, I already have.” “That doesn’t count! You need to carry on the noble Landau family bloodline!” “No I don’t! It’s not like I’m your only child.” “Listen to me, Serval Landau! You are going to forget about whatever homosexual brainwashing you’ve been subjected to, and you are going to find yourself a husband, or we’ll find one for you. Do you understand me?” Before Serval could even formulate a response, her father was suddenly slapped by Cocolia. “You disgust me,” Cocolia spat at him. “How could you treat your daughter like this? She’s allowed to make her own decisions. She’s your child, not your property!” Her father took a moment to recover from the slap before responding. “Not anymore she’s not. Serval, from this point forward, you’re a Landau no more. If you find yourself a husband, maybe I’ll let you back into my good graces, but until then, you won’t see a cent of your allowance!” “Oh, so now you’re disowning her over it? If you ask me, fact that this so many in this country still hold such prejudices even after the days of the Nazis is a massive blight on our society!” “Don't bring the Nazis into this! We're not rounding people up and putting them in camps anymore, we're a free democratic society now, at least over here in the West. It’s you disgusting homosexuals that are the blight on society!” "Prejudice like that is exactly what led to the Nazis' rise to power in the first place! Let's not forget that while the Jewish people were the primary victims, homosexuals were also one of the groups they targeted! This country will never be able to move on from those days until we can move past all such prejudices!" Things had erupted into a shouting match, and while the situation was tense, Serval couldn't help but admire Cocolia's passion and sense of justice. She was definitely the kind of person she could fall in love with. “Shut up! I don’t have to take this from degenerate heathens like you! What you do is a crime against nature and I will not have you corrupting my-” His rant was interrupted by a punch from Cocolia that sent him flying into the table behind him, splitting it in two. It was incredibly hot. “As far as I’m concerned, the only degenerate here is you, Mr. Landau. Come on Serval, let’s get out of here.” And with that, Cocolia roughly grabbed Serval’s hand and led the two of them outside. Once they were outside, Cocolia sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I should not have lost my cool like that.” “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. I actually really admire what you did,” Serval assured her. “Thank you for sticking up for me like that.” “Even still, I’ve spent years working on keeping my temper in check, so for it to come out like that… It feels like a step backwards for me.” “Hey, we all have to let out our anger sometimes. That’s just part of being human. To be honest, I’m not even that upset about what happened. I always hated my dad anyway, so it honestly feels freeing to finally have him off my back. The only problem is… well, the workshop I run isn’t exactly profitable, and I was kinda relying on the family money to make ends meet.” “Say no more. You can come live with Bronya and I. I should easily be able to provide for the three of us.” Serval’s face lit up. “Really? You’d do that for me?” “Of course.” Serval hugged her. “Thank you, it means a lot to me.” “Don’t mention it. To be honest, I was going to ask you to move in anyway. Raising a child by yourself is tough work, so I could use the extra help, and I think Bronya would be more likely to get into St. Freya if we actually lived together. St. Freya looks down on unmarried couples, and while getting legally married for us is impossible, I think they’d want us to at least socially consider each other a spouse.” “You make a good point. Maybe we could even have a faux wedding that we invite close friends and family to, to really sell the ruse.” “Good idea. Do you have anyone in mind you’d want to invite?” “Well, Mom is out of the question, I have a better relationship with her than Dad, but his influence is strong enough that I don't think she would come, and Lynxy is still a minor and living with them, I doubt I could get her to come without Dad noticing and I'd hate to get her in trouble with him, but I do have one brother, Gepard, who I may want to invite, depending on how he reacts to the news. He and I don’t always see eye to eye on everything, but I don’t think he’d cut ties with me over this. He works for the Federal Foreign Office and is out of town right now, but he’s supposed to be back soon, so I’ll have to see what he thinks then.” August 7, 1977 Kolosten, West Germany “Welcome back, Gepard, how was the trip to France?” Franz, one of Gepard’s neighbors, greeted as he walked over to his apartment. “It was great. Paris is a wonderful city, I’ll tell you all about it later,” Gepard assured him. “I’ll look forward to it. Hey, have you heard about what happened to your sister yet?” “I’m afraid I haven’t. Which sister? What happened?” Gepard asked, concerned. “The older one, Serval. Apparently she has a girlfriend that she brought to one of you family's parties last night and your father disowned her over it.” Gepard dropped his briefcase in shock. “What?!” Next time: Serval moves in with Cocolia and Bronya, and Gepard goes to check on his sister.
Welcoming a Swordsmaster Home
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Sushang (Honkai: Star Rail), Fu Hua (Honkai: Star Rail), Fu Xuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Taixu (Honkai: Star Rail)
Family, Fu hua adopted Taixu and Sushang pls believe me
['Rin_Hawaki', 'thistlestix', 'Kotofeila', 'Anglea', 'Draco_180601', 'LazyKatie', 'Dogstar9069']
The day had come and Sushang had found herself chilling on her couch. She stared at her phone texting her friends.    Taixu waddled over in all of their chicken glory. They squawked and caught Sushang's gaze almost immediately.   Sushang put her phone down. "Do you want to get up here?" She smiled and picked Taixu. "You're just the sweetest little Taixu, aren't you?"    The door opened slowly and Fu Hua entered through.   "You're not working late today?" Sushang asked. She tilted her head in awe.   "No, I came home so you won't be lonely today," Fu Hua told her. She hung up her coat, hat, and gloves. Then she kicked her shoes off at the door.    "Me and Taixu were about to watch a movie." Sushang looked at the TV. It wasn't even on.   Fu Hua walked over and sat down next to Taixu. She patted their head and smiled. "We all were going to be rained on pretty heavily."   "I don't need an excuse for you to be home, mom."    "Fu Xuan will be late. You shouldn't mind too much though," Fu Hua explained.    Sushang smiled. "Until then you should go get your pajamas on and hang out with Taixu." Her smile was contagious. It brought Fu Hua's cold face a smile.   "I will do that." Fu Hua stood up and walked off to her room.    "Now, Taixu, make sure to supervise Fu Hua! When she starts falling asleep, you have to carry her to her room this time!" Sushang tapped Taixu's beak.    Fu Xuan got home and the seriousness repeated for about 30 more seconds than Fu Hua. She went upstairs.   "Her too!" Sushang told Taixu.   They finally emerged five minutes later in pajamas. Sushang smiled.    Sushang was definitely the first to fall asleep during the movie. Taixu didn't have to carry her to bed though. It was Fu Hua. Taixu joined Sushang in the room in their little dog bed, but repurposed for a small chicken.
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Introspection, Character Study
['NPennyworth', 'violet_ll', 'Its_Ame', 'randomsoulnix', 'solomivan', 'greasyolives77', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'Kotofeila', 'AfternoonReverie', 'blackswanswife', 'Mangoose', 'Eldelbar20', 'Justausernameonline', 'Songless_Sky', 'Lenkasashi', 'Krinqu', 'Void_Watcher0907', 'sxlver_raven', 'kkevco_amr', 'unbendingflight', 'Draco_180601']
Everyone who was acquainted with March knew how chatty she could be. If you gave her the opportunity, she was liable to rave at length about whatever latest thing she had developed an interest in. That being said, she could also be surprisingly quiet during moments you wouldn’t expect her to be. For example, when the Astral Express was blazing a trail across the galaxy. Perhaps you would expect her to be the type who pointed out the window and shouted in awe at all the strange and wonderful things they flew by along the way. And in fairness, there were occasions where she did just that. But for the most part she liked to sit still, gazing out into the boundless unknown with careful eyes. One hand pressed against the cold glass, and the other toying idly with her camera, ready to snap a photo at a moment’s notice. The Astral Express moved faster than any other vehicle she had encountered by an order of magnitude, but the scale of the cosmos was so incomprehensibly grand that in the end the two balanced out. Thus the universe beyond the glass moved at a steady pace to her perception. Much of the universe was infinite darkness, stretching on and on forever. There were segments of their journey where that alone was all they saw, though they were usually brief. Most times, March could see a wide variety of things out of her window. Like the purple, cloudlike substance of the cosmos. Or glittering pinpricks of light from stars in other systems. Or floating chunks of rock and ice, like the kind she herself had been encased in. Those always gave her an odd feeling. And then of course every now and then they would pass by a solar system. Which meant planets. She always looked forward to seeing those, and made an effort to snap photos of them if they drew close enough for her to get a good shot. Planets came in a multitude of sizes and colors. Great blue glass giants, smaller rocky ones where it rained precious minerals… just about every composition one could imagine. She loved seeing the patterns and striations different planets could have, as well as how many moons she could spot in their orbits. And while she gazed upon these heavenly bodies, her mind often wandered. The thoughts that came to her mind sometimes felt like someone else’s with how heavy and complicated they could be, but she found herself chewing on them anyway. Not all planets had life. A great number of conditions had to line up perfectly for that to even be a possibility. Distance from the local star, elemental makeup of the planet, speed of rotation on its axis. Even one of these factors being unbalanced would erase any possibility of life. In other words it was a small, miniscule chance. But you see, the universe was boundless. It was infinite. And when you had infinite opportunities to secure a small, miniscule chance… it became certainty. Thus March wondered, every time they passed a suitable-looking planet, if it bore life. She had already encountered a great many that did, so perhaps that made her more optimistic about such things. And if a planet did have life… how advanced was it? There was no guarantee, after all, that every life-bearing planet would have sapient organisms. Or even sentient organisms. Many only had microscopic bacteria, or various species of what would be considered plants. Fauna was a rarity of an already rare occurrence. But the universe was boundless. And even an infinitesimally small chance like that became certainty when the trials were endless. So maybe the planets she passed by, small enough in her vision to fit in the palm of her hand, did have sapient life. Creatures who were capable of all the same things she herself was. And if that were the case, what were they doing? Were they still working with stone tools? Were they on the verge of making contact with other lifeforms in their galaxy? Were they somewhere in between? So many questions. So many thoughts. Were they a peaceful, united existence? Or were they divided into warring factions, as was so often the case? March found that despite the incredible variety life had throughout the stars, there were constants, too. Regardless of the planet’s terrain, intelligent lifeforms tended to follow the same trends. Harmony and conflict. Perhaps those two things were inherent to life, because they always appeared in every planetary civilization she had witnessed. The desire to come together and the desire to separate seemed to be great motivators wherever one went. When she snapped photos of these planets, it occurred to her sometimes just how ridiculous of a thing it was. A single planet could have billions of intelligent lifeforms. Millions of years of history and in that time thousands of stories. Of love and betrayal, of survival and loss, of everything. Could she really fit all that into a photo? It was easy to feel small while traversing the stars. Like a crab scuttling along a beach, where each and every grain of sand had its own little world sheltered within. To be a trailblazer was to acknowledge that you had to experience the vast expanse of the unknown in small slices, because anything greater would exceed the short lifespan you were alloted. There were times where March struggled to make sense of this, but it helped to think of it as follows — everyone who explores the universe does so in search of something. A person maybe, or a place. In March’s case, she was looking for something from her past. Since she had been found drifting in ice, it was impossible to pinpoint where something of that nature might be found. Was there a planet out there, amongst the stars, with a fragment of her past? The chances were so low they may as well be zero. But the universe was boundless…
Svarogism Bible 🙏🙏
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Svarog (Honkai: Star Rail), Clara (Honkai: Star Rail)
I got bored, this is a inside joke, hi, religious text fr bites lip
['Stardraw', 'Fitfeen', 'F1zzyPop', 'FruitVendor', 'Ariadneyuu', 'Levitate2', 'luthenas', 'Glauxian', 'Diligentreader', 'sw4mp_c0rp3s', 'Gh0sts_t1m3', 'A2rae', 'Yacer_Sho', 'Kotofeila', 'CoffeeBeanNirvana', 'Fishrubca', 'Astravus', 'Captcha_974', 'Dogstar9069', 'LazyKatie']
At the beginning of Belobog, there was nothing. The people of Belobog built vessels for their god. Two to be exact. One, to show the true power of their god, was built by Dr. Mearshimer, and another to show, the influence of their god, Qlipoth. The people of Jarilo soon were turned to ice, all but the ones blessed by their god. Except, they turned their backs on their god. The god with the ability to calculate the future of their people via math that would take years to complete.  That robot walks Jarilo-VI with his “vagrants” (holy worshippers) by his side. He was the only god they knew. He was the truth and the only truth.  Many aeons made such questions as to the morals of such an Aeon such as Svarog, but many frothed at the idea that Qlipoth was the almighty amber lord.  Svarog was a God. He is God.  Eat your vegetables Many told the story of Clara without Svarog. It was about a lonely girl, who was adopted by a robot. Clara was a girl, who enjoyed tinkering with stuff. She would be gifted a screwdriver from an orphanage keeper, Natasha. Old and rusty but it never bothered Clara. She would unscrew the bolts, fix a broken part, and then fix it.  Svarog was of course a robot. When Svarog needed a repair to his finger joint, he had no one to goto. His other hand was too mechanical to fix it with a mere screwdriver. (As you can see he was not the best mechanic.) Clara found him while scavenging the mine. She had no permission from Natasha, but that didn't necessarily stop her. She climbed down to Svarog's level and he simply handed her his screwdriver. Clara took three minutes at most and fixed it. Svarog was amazed and adopted her. The people of Belobog's Svarogism were very amazed, but not the Architects.  Drink water They believe in the story of Qlipoth, "Legend has it, the Aeon of Preservation, Qlipoth, is the oldest Aeon. Silent and mighty, Qlipoth built a light-years long barrier around the galaxy, never engaging in any trivial conflicts or badgering with the other Aeons." [Galaxy Archives, About The Architects.] Many people believed in this. Even The Interastral Peace Organization, who made Qlipoth their chairman. They blatantly disregarded Svarog as their god and continued to believe that Qlipoth was their god. Qlipoth was merely a God's influence. Yayyy svarog Many people believed in Svarog to be their lord. (He is.) He is also not a stupid self centered asshole like that Qlipoth guy. Ew Qlipoth gross. Utter sickening that they would turn from their own God. The god that led them to a brighter future. The people of the Vagrants uttered holy cries of worship, yet it was yet too late to let the people listen.
Get Honkai Star Railed
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
The Game Awards/Genshin Impact official
The Game Awards, Genshin Impact Official, Honkai Impact 3rd - Character, Honkai Star Rail, Fly me 2 the moon, Zenless Zone Zero (implied)
Rejection, Angst, very sad, more sad than spilled milk, should have added god of war tbh
['Cears', 'Kotofeila', 'blackswanswife', 'Dogstar9069', 'LazyKatie']
Hi my name is… Honkai: Star Rail and this is how I met The Game Awards. We are not dating. We are preparing for the game award’s game awards. I am a game dev from somewhere on earth probably.    My love — The Game Awards — is a very popular person as he makes the weird but kinda popular games be voted. He was so funny and his jokes were dad jokes.    I was sitting in the bank to withdraw exactly 541.54 dollars from my bank account to pay for my debts to Genshin Impact, my second youngest cousin of my family.    The Game Awards were also at the bank. He was arguing with the bank teller because he believed he should have one billion dollars. “Do you know who I am?” He shouted. His voice was so elegant as it rasped more than the worst sore throat.    “No, I do not actually,” Cocolia said. I knew why she was working at a bank. She got fired from her job at McDonalds under the general manager and CEO of McDonalds, Kiana Kaslana. Kiana is best friends with my eldest sibling, Fly Me 2 The Moon.    I walked up and screamed, “You can't tell him that, you egg!”    Cocolia looked taken aback. She clicked a little button on her bank teller thingy, and security guard and co-owner owner of McDonalds, Bronya, walked up and dragged me and The Game Awards away because apparently they can kick you out of private property.    “Who are you?” The Game Awards asked in a cold tone.   “Why, I am Honkai: Star Rail; Hit new 3D game styled to be like a JRPG, but actually I am human!” I said in utter bliss to be in this situation.    My dear cousin, Genshin Impact, walked up. “Oh my goodness, hello, The Game Awards!” Genshin Impact said. Her tone is very preppy. She even kicked up a leg to look like she had a leg up or something.    I kind of think Genshin Impact is cool, but my older sibling, Honkai Impact 3rd, (We call her the 3rd because she's the 3rd oldest.) thinks that Genshin Impact is annoying and bitchy. She spends way too much money on worthless things like expensive (think $300+) pinecones. 3rd thinks she has an annoying friend group of Mary sues, Paimon and Zhongli.   3rd is kinda better. They have a really good taste in music and good taste in friends, like Kiana and Elysia. She is also gay. 3rd is close with Guns, who is the 2nd child of the Honkai Family. She is an Introvert. I have never seen her touch grass for a long time. She also has very dramatic opinions about Genshin. She thinks they’re cringe.    Fly Me 2 the Moon is a motivated person. They are a space kin. They have been through 11 years of hardship. They were fast food employees for that long. They tell me of the stories of them fighting off Karen with a tray and getting fired.    All of my siblings hate Genshin Impact, but me. I have an open heart. Despite how annoying Genshin Impact is, I still think that she probably is responsible enough to not commit a crime (think littering).   Genshin Impact walked away with The Game Awards. She was glaring at me because you know you love rivals and stuff! She was so, so mean. I changed my mind!! I HATE GENSHIN IMPACT!   Kiana was friends with all of us BUT genshin and this is telling OF WHO GENSHIN IS!! Kiana is so smart (like book smart) and kind!!    I had to stop Genshin Impact.    ***   The next day at Mcdonalds, they had Kiana on shift (she never left), Mei (She never leaves), and Bronya (she leaves). I was sitting at the counter, pissed. My whole life had fallen to pieces from the ignoring of Hot Guy The Game Awards. I was practically shaking. 3rd was mad too, but they were fine because they really hated caring about it anymore.   Genshin pranced in. She flicked up a leg and hummed. "Heyyy coz."   "You're banned," Fly Me 2 the Moon said.   "Aw… bye then!" Genshin flipped her hair and walked out.    Then The Game Awards walked in… I was so shocked! T-this… THIS WAS MY CHANCE. I walked up very cutely. I flipped my hair and fluttered my eyelashes. "Hey The Game Awards," I flirted.   "No, sorry I'm already with Genshin Impact," The Game Awards replied   The end.
VoidWelt Shorts
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Void Archives/Welt Yang
Void Archives (Honkai Impact 3rd), Welt Yang
Drabble, oneshots, Short, Alternate Universe
['ocha_ichisann', 'JojIsNotHere', 'Nyxxxxie', 'Jolips', 'Kevslana', 'Reinhardtloves_WeltYang567', 'DeLiXWolf117', 'Shy151', 'erin_28', 'LucieBonnefoy', 'noale', 'CinnaEagle', 'Amelia_Runa', 'Ingeniia', 'kidstard', 'YorozuyaAko__Taru412', 'Mayoner', 'yournight', 'mysteryforce', 'Minty_Eloquence', 'local_tachihara_stan', 'latespringattenmas', 'Lemon__berries', 'the_sea_goat', 'revivalritual', 'LeftyTheBear', 'stinkyexpiredleftovereggyolk', 'Winell', 'Twinkle_Jackson', 'AnimeIsMySin666', 'Cat_For_Lofe', 'ThouWizard', 'Zena_OCIO', 'eanomalie', 'Yinru', 'Starkip', 'Hansell', 'Iris_2416', 'hollowish', 'bloominglille', 'Satoruberri', 'stepsofastair', 'ahkjdkdlksji', 'chokoocrispi', '0Petalos_De_Fiction0', 'SaKu204zuSa634t', 'Yoru_no_Katana', 'AloneOnAFridayNight', 'Emil_LovesYou', 'Shizuna610']
Yeah this one is ultra short i jsut couldnt figure out what to type afterwards so yeah “How come you always are the one that does the cooking and cleaning?” March 7th asked Void Archives who was setting down the plates.   “Well that’s because I like doing it for Joachim. The altruist he is, means he tends to forget to take care of himself. And I try to do what I can to take care of him.” Void Archives gave a small smile as they thought of him. Shrugs hogwarts au ig Welt knew that the books in the restricted section of the library housed possibly dangerous incantations. They were restricted after all.   But he couldn’t resist that pull he felt coming from there. He didn’t know what exactly it was. But it was gravitating.   He asked the group of fellow Gryffindors to help cause a commotion late at night just long enough for him to cast a charm that let his presence be masked and slip by.   He wandered through the aisles of books, most of them most likely on dark magic alike. Until the hairs on his arms stood up when he came across a particular book. Now it wasn’t any special looking appearance-wise, actually it looked rather plain. Nothing about the outside seemed sinister and it didn’t emit any sense of danger.    Welt held it in his hands. And before he was able to open it, he heard a loud bang from the otherside of the library. That was his cue to leave, and so he tucked it underneath his robes and made his way out into the crowd.   After an hour he was finally able to return to his room in which he lay on his bed and finally opened the book.   It was oddly blank. He tried to channel some of his magic into it. Words started appearing.   [Oh, it’s been forever since the last one.]   [You can write in here to respond]   Welt sat there in shock and a bit of horror. Was the book sentient?   Welt penned down a short ‘Hello’ onto the page, watching as more words appeared afterwards.   [What made you seek me out? The last one wanted to cheat on their OWLs. *scoffs*]   ‘I felt a pull towards you.’   It took a few extra seconds for the book to reply back.   [How curious. I haven't heard that as a response yet. What is your name then?]   ‘Welt Yang’   [A Welt. I see. So he decided to pass his name down to you then?]   Welt nodded.   [Well you may call me Void Archives.] Idk I might continue this one bit later who knows Yeah this one is an isekai visual novel au It had been about a few days since he first entered this world. It was a fantasy visual novel that he had played as a beta tester to see if there’s any bugs or pacing issues.    But now, here he was, in the role of one of the NPCs that had died during the later chapters.    Welt remembered the plot rather well.    The female protagonist would bump into the main antagonist on the first day of class. He would castise her for not watching where she was going. One of the love interest’s, would come and help her up from the fall. She would make friends with the rest of the love interests during her stay there.    Although, the visual novel did take a more mature turn with a few assassination attempts, some politics, and an entire war between the rival neighboring nations.    Welt didn’t know how he would be able to return to his own world but he’ll make do with what he can. His character was one of the background characters, born to a lower class and was accepted as an honor student. He would often follow around one of the antagonists as a sort of servant and later would be drafted into fight on the frontlines and was subsequently captured and tortured by the other nation.   Welt knew that he would rather avoid that fate. Which meant that he would need to get in the good graces of the first prince, one of the love interests. The second prince, Void Archives’ advisors that had become a traitor, feeding him false information which kickstarted the war as well as the assassination attempt on his life.   If Welt could somehow manage to ensure the survival of the first prince and possibly get into the good graces of the female lead, he could possibly even prevent the war all together.   Alternatively, if he stayed away from all major plot flags, he could maybe just retire into the countryside away from all the drama to live a simple life instead.   He sighed. If only it were that easy.    He was shoved around by one of the elites, they mocked his appearance and spat into his food for their own amusement. No one around him would speak up in fear that their parents would get a demotion.    Welt found solace in his favorite place on campus. While he played the visual novel, the rose garden to the north of the main campus was by far his favorite to visit. It was so tranquil.   Today however, there was someone else there as well. A male student with long messy blond hair with his almost comical-looking eye mask, laying on the bench. He turned his head towards him as Welt approached.   “What do you want?” He growled.   “Simply here to relax.”   “What are your intentions? Surely my brother wanted you to do something.”   Welt stood confused. “Who?”   The student sat up in silence. “You don’t know who I am?”   Welt shook his head. “No?”   The student got up and walked over, meeting Welt’s gaze as he looked him up and down. “At least you’re pleasing on the eyes. I saw you were being tossed around by Hansen back there, why don’t you serve me instead? I could give you protection.” He grinned.   “No, it’s fine. Once he gets bored he’ll stop.”   The bells rang indicating that the second half of class was about to start. Welt tried to leave but the student just would not let him leave, even trapping him by the hedges.   “Stay.”   “I can’t. Class is starting again.”    “It’s just sparring practice, you won’t miss much.”   Welt crossed his arms. “Unlike you, my scholarship depends on my grades and if I were to fail because of you I would be rather pissed.”   “How about I teach you instead? No one else is better with a sword than me.” The student boasted.   After some more nagging, Welt reluctantly stayed. He sat on the bench with one book in hand and the other running his fingers through the other’s blond hair as they lay their head on his lap.   Welt did have to admit that it was rather peaceful and calming.   Welt didn’t know this but, this moment was that exact moment that had changed his fate.   “So what's your name, I can’t just keep calling you by nothing.” The blond asked.   “Welt Yang. What about you?”   “Mm, it's a secret but you can call me VA.”    “Now that's hardly fair.”   VA shrugged. Fantasy au ig There once was a young prince in the kingdom of Eden and his younger brother. His life was carefree and full of peace. His father, the king, adopted a lowly servant boy and anointed him as the first prince’s personal servant.   Years later, a war broke out as the king’s health grew weaker in the coming years.   Civil dispute arose between all the nobles clamoring to assert themselves as a higher power, one higher than the royal family.   The empire of Elysium took advantage of the chaos, conquering territory after territory.   ~~~   Void Archives, second prince of Eden heard the rustling of fabric and clicks of footsteps behind him. Before he even had the chance to look back, he was met with a sharp blade at his neck.   “Don’t move, your highness.”   “And what might you be after?” Void Archives could feel his sweat drip down his face but maintained his signature lackadaisical composure.   “The first prince has been detained by the Elysian Empire and I am without means to rescue him.”   Void Archives’ eyes narrowed. “And why should that matter to me? One less hand towards the throne.”   “You do not have the power to oppose the Elysian Empire currently however, they too are unable to settle for this land here with bloodshed alone.”   “Now why would an empire so set on even capturing the heir to the throne have any inclination towards not outright taking all of Eden by force?”   The one who’s blade was at his neck, dropped his weapon.   “Because of you, your highness.”   “What do you mean?”   “This land has its grasps to trade from beyond, from a land that is untrusting towards anyone aside from Eden’s royal family.”   “They have my brother no? Why would they not utilize him?”   “Do you know your true origins?”   Void Archives raised his brow. “Surely you don’t mean to bring up my dead mother.”   “Your mother is far from dead. You were taken in by the royal family when you were young. A prince of two nations. If Elysian so much as hurts a hair on you, a greater war will break out. They wish to pacify you to their side,”   Tsk. Void Archives felt ticked off. All these years of being in his older brother’s footsteps. All these years of being the mockery by those nobles. All these years of being practically disowned by his own father and thinking his mother was long dead.    “Fine. I’ll help you rescue my brother. I wish to speak with this outer nation without needing to owe any debts.”   Void Archives turned around to see his attacker. He recognized that face. His brother’s personal servant, one quite loyal at that.   “Now if you’re going to be at my side as we settle things, you’ll need a new identity.”   Void Archives gave a gleeful smile. “How about you be my maid, Joachim?” Sipping on his (what must have been 5th) cup of coffee and stretching out his limbs, Welt let out a deep sigh.    Benefit of overseeing his own game at the company was the creative freedom that came with it.   Downside is the sheer amount of work necessary to create all the concept art and designs by himself. Welt massaged his right hand as he put his tablet pen down.    He only had the ending portion to finish writing and some more sprites to draw up.   Deadline was coming soon and thus Welt needed to get this done as best he could.   It was a visual novel set in a post apocalyptic world with many tasks and such scattered about. The protagonist would be tasked to clear dungeons to gain more abilities to finally be able to challenge the arch-bishop of the world who guards the celestial entity that caused the disaster.   Naturally it was also a gacha game as the higher ups were insistent on this one feature being added. Welt could do nothing but comply.   He quickly saved all his work before dragging himself to bed.   VVV   A soft set of hands and a warm embrace, this is what Welt awoke to. He squinted his eyes and was met with a pair of emerald green ones with flecks of gold sprinkled about.   “Am. I dead?”   “No.”   Welt sat up. He knew who this was but how were they real?   “Void Archives?”   The arch-angel nodded.   “My sweet creator, I have come to save you. God shall soon test humanity once again to see if they are truly worthy.” They smiled.   A cold shiver ran down Welt’s spine.    Welt had a feeling that his game’s events were about to be actualized in reality. He gulped before asking “Is there a way to stop that?”   Void Archives replied with a “No.”   “I won’t go. I’ll fix this world myself.”   Void Archives frowned. “Then the next time we meet is as enemies upon the hall of the holy saint.” They got up and left in a flash of bright light only leaving behind a pocket watch.   [I’ve decided to help you out a bit. Use this to grow stronger so that you may survive long enough to meet me once more, my dear creator]   Welt clenched the pocket watch in his fist before setting off. Welt fell to his knees, every muscle in his body ached but nothing was as painful as knowing that he’s lost.   “General Yang! Your army is outnumbered. Surrender now and your life may be spared!”   “I may have lost the battle but Anti-Entropy will win the war.” Welt spat out a mouthful of blood. He struggled as he willed his strength to stand, shakily wielding his weapon.   Welt took a few steps, cutting down as many of the opposing force as he could before his vision went dark.   Strength left his body as he fell forward.   He felt a set of hands carry his limp body as he drifted off.   ~~~   Welt groaned as he awoke. Seemingly he was not killed, but by the looks of the cuffs around not only his wrists but also his ankles, he was taken in as a prisoner of war.   But more surprisingly was that he awoke not in a cold and dark prison cell, but on a luxurious bed instead.   The door creaked open.   “General, well I suppose now Ex-General Yang. Good to see you’re awake.”   Welt narrowed his eyes. The man that stood in front of him was the very man he stood against for years. Void Archives, duke of Schicksal, a strategist, a cunning fox, a dangerous man with political power that others would dream of.    “What do you want?” Welt tried to lunge forward but to no avail.    “Oh how I’ve dreamed of this day that I would see the mighty Welt Yang beneath my fingertips.” Void Archives gave a coy smile.   Welt took a few breaths before calming down. He muttered a few words. “I would rather die than be a traitor to my nation.”   “Your nation betrayed you. Your allies left you and your men to fend for themselves.”   “Nonsense.”   “Oh but it’s true. Why else would there have been not a single squad of reinforcements, especially when knowing of the militia that I have trained. It reeks of cowardice to me.”   Welt shook his head. It can’t be true. There was no way that Anti-Entropy would have abandoned him unless circumstances arose that required them to protect themselves first and foremost.   A single thought went through his head.   What if their lives were in mortal danger?   It felt as if a lead ball had dropped in his stomach, he worried for the safety of his family. They weren’t related by blood but they were nonetheless family to him. Blood drained from his face, Welt looked up to stare at the man who held him captive.   The man was easy on the eyes, that's for sure. Welt had never paid much attention to Void Archives’ appearance when they met on the battlefield. But the man right now in his noble-like attire gave a far different air.   His eyes were as green as mana crystals with little flecks of gold. Hair pulled back into a rather messy ponytail in an attempt to cull the stubborn locks. A mischievous grin rested upon that unblemished face.   He walked over, and sat by the edge of the bed. Raising one hand up, he stroked Welt’s face gently like one would with a lover.   “Oh how I have dreamed of this day. You may not remember, but my life was once saved by you. You were my savior! And I, through pain and suffering, climbed up in rank so that I may possess you for myself.” He gave a chast kiss upon Welt’s cheek. Welt could feel his face flush warm.   “Shhhh. From now on, you won’t need to stress no longer about trivial matters and politics. Just let me pamper you, shelter you, possess you. My dear Joachim.”
Let’s Keep Sleeping
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
dumb gays, sleeping, Cuddling
['ccsjk98', 'spaceisfun', 'Rdash13', 'uxoss', 'Laserwise', 'MadHatter6660', 'Slayer_light', 'What_Social_Life_Just_Fanfic', 'TamtamNotFound', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Glaucouss', 'augpt', 'bango101', 'JustARegularGay', 'Gingilina', 'ISimp4No1', 'wiinwinter', 'V0LC4N1C', 'spryzzi_xxed', 'Spiritual_Rock_Janitor', 'Danji_bang', 'galacticbanana43', 'Astrealiaa', 'I_Was_Found', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'Wolfie257', 'sorayori', 'IRedLynx', 'FenrirV1', 'AlexkiiWantsTheirSleep', 'MultifandomDumbass', 'EdelweissMax', 'kayrtVD12', 'pastelstuffed', 'zjtmxls', 'Hakotgf', 'Dangalf', 'Kotofeila', 'kzrina', 'bakacchii', 'living_is_tough', 'Levski', 'starkindred', 'b3las3', 'CyznPr', 'MariFaye', 'Blackreape10', 'Anglea', 'Sorryexcuseforahumanbeing']
Bronya wakes up naturally, very early, still not used to not having to wake up so early. She tries to turn around to see the time but feels a large lump of a person holding onto her. The girl tries to get her girlfriend off of her, only to end in a vain struggle as Seele claps on harder. “Seele…” Bronya sighs. Seele isn’t awake, she’s dead asleep. If it were anyone else, Seele would’ve awakened immediately, but Bronya isn’t a threat to her. Bronya tries to gently move her hands off of her, only for Seele to hold somewhere else. Bronya’s efforts end up making them entangled together like a pretzel. Bronya sighs, giving up. Hugging Seele back, knowing Seele won’t wake up until the alarm goes off. Knowing she’ll need to get used to getting more sleep with Selee now in her life. Falling back asleep inside Seele’s warmth, cuddling her. -Only a couple hours later that day- The bed stand alarm goes off, indicating for the two idiots in love to wake up. Seele wakes up, yawning at having been disturbed by the alarm. The dark haired girl looks down at her girlfriend who’s still asleep, clinging onto Seele’s legs. “Bronya?” Seele’s used to having Bronya get up at 5 and having already left. She looks over at the clock, 8:01, knowing Pela won’t barge in for another 14 minutes and yell at Seele to get up. Humming to herself she gets back under the sheets, cuddling Bronya’s sleeping self. Knowing Pela will be mad at both of them, especially confused at Bronya who’s normally up way before she needs to, but doesn’t mind too much. Falling back asleep easily inside Bronya’s warmth.
A little break
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gaming, They're cringe gays, anyways hi
['WolfyKnight5071', 'JustARegularGay', 'V0LC4N1C', 'Azuos', 'kayrtVD12', 'pastelstuffed', 'EtherRyan', 'Hakotgf', 'Kotofeila', 'stars_nextdoor', 'Anglea', 'schro', 'Korablick', 'Dogstar9069', 'Seeles_Omega', 'DragonlordKickpuncher']
"You need a break," Seele told Bronya. "You specifically of all the guards and people in Belobog. You." She looked at Bronya. "How am I supposed to admire you when you look more stressed than Pela?" She crossed her arms.   "I love you too but… what about my duty as a Silvermane Guard?" Bronya muttered. She looked up at Seele who stared back in annoyance.   "Ever played that?" Seele asked. She pointed across Bronya's office at the worn-down Homu station.    "No? I have never gotten the time. Usually, when Natasha comes in, I let Hook and the Moles play it and…" Bronya explained.   Seele walked across the room and picked it up. "Hey, I wanna play this with you," Seele shouted.   Bronya put down her pen. She walked over. "It's hardly two-player," she told Seele. The handheld didn't have detachable controllers. If they wanted to play it together they'd have to be close.   "Mmm… not a problem," Seele replied. She grabbed Bronya's hand and dragged her across the room. She sat down in Bronya's appointment chair. "Sit," Seele said.   "On your lap?" Bronya asked. "No, no. What if someone walks in? You're an underworlder!"    "You're an underworlder too," Seele replied. “Just sit! No one will give a shit, Bronya. The only person who doesn’t knock is Gepard.”    Bronya sat on her lap. "Let's play then," she told her. She leaned against the armrest and swung her legs over the other.    "What happened to being uncomfortable?" Seele grumbled as she turned it on. She let her right hand off, so Bronya could use that side. Bronya took it with grace and smiled.    Seele picked the first game. A simple 2 play arcade fighting game. Bronya was having fun. She played effectively and won against Seele.    "You're gonna let that get to your head aren't you?" Seele said.   Bronya was already radiating with pride. "Huhu," Bronya giggled. "Perhaps it's a Qlipoth given skill?" She smirked.   "Oh, shut it," Seele stated. "Another round."   Bronya gripped her side in a gentle grace. She smiled at Seele before starting the match. Bronya won again.    "How can you, the calmest person I know, win such a violent game?!" Seele growled.    Bronya shrugged. "Probably built after silvermane tactics," Bronya replied. She kissed her cheek. "I need to get back to work," Bronya told her. 
Idle Life of a Silver Mane Guard
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Seele is the god of chefs /j, Implied that Bronya Rand cannot cook, Rands cant cook btw I would know I am air /j, spoilers for Belobog story, Post Canon Belobog, oh yeah Seele complains about stuff
['russetfoxfur', 'Rdash13', 'RichardPham', 'Laserwise', 'JustARegularGay', 'Maxxo', 'BrunaFcf', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Glaucouss', 'xanrkgk', 'D33JAYYY', 'sonicspeed0924', 'catqwtr', 'Astrealiaa', 'V0LC4N1C', 'KiraRed', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'YuriLover7', 'Callym', 'kayrtVD12', 'FenrirV1', 'Hakotgf', 'j1nN1310', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Frozen', 'Snackeater', 'new_watch', 'NaturesDawn', 'VannessaCloud', 'Anglea', 'jamjamx', 'mizuenator', 'schro', 'Korablick', 'MeiMei_08', 'Dogstar9069', 'Seeles_Omega', 'DragonlordKickpuncher']
Bronya exited her bedroom and made her way out into the living room of Qlipoth fortress. She was used to finding Seele laying on the couch, but the blanket she'd usually sleep in laid half folded on the arm of the couch like someone had given up halfway through. On the other end was the pillow that Seele laid with. Bronya skimmed across the room to find no Seele in sight. Bronya picked up the blanket and properly folded it before she headed for the kitchen.     Bronya entered the kitchen to find Seele. The aroma of cooking had filled the room. She gazed at the source to find Seele cooking. Seele was wearing Bronya’s sweatshirt and her signature shorts. Seele looked goofy. She had an adorable smile on her face that made Bronya blush.   "Oh, hey! I was trying to cook something for you," Seele called to Bronya. She didn’t even need to look at her. She stood above her pan and held up her spatula to wave.   "You know how to cook?" Bronya asked. She was taken aback by this new finding. She didn’t know Seele could cook. She assumed it was not a possibility because of how Seele was raised.    "Don't judge a book by its cover." Seele turned back and continued. "It's my job to make sure you don't forget to eat!" She asserted. She paced about the kitchen as she cleaned up. She was proud of herself.   "It's more like your job to pretend like I have a semblance of confidence after thirty hours of work," Bronya replied. She yawned. "What are you even cooking?"    Seele paused for a moment and looked at Bronya. "I dunno! The box said pancakes. No idea what those are, but they are odd looking!" Seele said. She glowed with happiness at Bronya like she had just done the greatest thing ever.    Bronya smiled in reply to Seele's comment. She sat in the silence for a few minutes in utter bliss. She didn’t think the future would be like this, but Seele was unique to her. She expected Seele to be such a different person that this was all too shocking.   "Anything on the to-do list?" Seele asked. She flipped the pancakes by flicking her wrist while holding the pan.   "Nothing today," Bronya answered. "We won't have much for a long time." Bronya got up and placed her head on Seele’s shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her waist. She rested her head against her shoulder.    “Oh, you’re a loser,” Seele sneered. Her face burned. She had only looked at Bronya but her face burned.    Bronya’s lips parted ever so slightly. She was stuck with butterflies in her stomach once more. She was always like this whenever it was Seele. “At least I am your loser,” Bronya told Seele.   “Is this because I am cooking for you?” Seele asked. “Because if it is, you are a bigger loser.” Seele narrowed her eyes and looked at Bronya. She could not see the whole of Bronya’s face, but she could tell Bronya was blushing.   “No, it’s not,” Bronya said. She was latched to Seele at this point. She was like glue to Seele’s back. She loved this other woman. She was at peace with just this life forever.   “I'm going to serve your food,” Seele muttered. She awkwardly struggled against Bronya’s strong hug to serve the pancake. “I have no idea how this is enough for a guardian, but go with it.”    “I will always go with it,” Bronya told her. She smiled softly at the other woman. She was at peace of mind for now. She unclung from Seele and grabbed her plate of a single pancake. “Did you already eat?” Bronya asked.    “Of course, I did,” Seele replied. She smiled. “I tried the recipe before you woke up. I didn’t wanna mess it up.”    Bronya grabbed a fork and ate it while still standing there. She listened to Seele rant about work. She could understand this, but Seele was clearly not understanding her job as the assistant. She finished her meal and cleaned her plate.    “And they use those big words I don’t understand!” Seele told Bronya. She narrowed her eyes. “You always simplify it for me.”   “That is because I empathize with you,” Bronya told her. She walked out to the living room and sat down. As expected, Seele followed and sat right next to her. Bronya cuddled up to her. Of course, this meant Bronya was going to fall back asleep against Seele, but this time Seele fell asleep on Bronya. They laid like that for hours.
cat's cradle
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Serval Landau/Cocolia Rand
Cocolia Rand, Serval Landau
serval is a brat, Bondage, BDSM, Lesbian Sex
['jiang417', 'bonjwrrycd', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'Relicxs', 'Sifer31', 'RichardPham', 'glitchy241', 'HerFlowerGarden', 'arayamjpg', 'C3c1lia', 'melibelle', 'Helbsal', 'Kychtyn', 'CyznPr', 'Selestial', 'FF_PinkPrincess', 'toweroflilies', 'kokosaras_pet_racoon', 'LargeOctahedron', 'Kylenza', 'HelloBye16', 'iramsq', 'anonymouslyvague', 'Constellation_WatcherOfLife', 'xxxDreameRxxx', 'AfternoonPancakes', 'mikoswhore', 'Nyscgo', 'Ammyschl', 'bellacjili', 'Applebingus', 'topajade', 'toastediloaf', 'Lavender_Raven', 'Draco_Voice', 'CuteGirlsEnjoyer', 'alellla', 'bakerwill', 'Mangakyu', 'RinuZen', 'j1nN1310', 'umbrgella', 'iidxae', 'shimaryuki1510', 'kokonuts', 'WitchFreyja', 'Sasuke_teme', 'Fuilteach', 'ny4nny4n', 'hoshinova']
`“Uno.” Cocolia fumed as Serval indicated she had one card left. They had invited Bronya, Seele, Gepard, and Pela over for a game of cards, and Cocolia had made the mistake of sitting to Serval’s left. Serval had been an absolute menace to her all game long, playing skip card after draw two card after draw four card, resulting in Cocolia having by far the most cards in her hand. And yet despite all the cards she had, she never seemed to have the right cards to pay Serval back whenever the turn order got put in reverse. To make matters worse, Serval had been riling her up in other ways too, brushing her hand against Cocolia’s thigh too many times to be coincidence, playing footsie with her under the table. It was all clearly very deliberate. Cocolia could only conclude one thing: Serval was asking for Cocolia to dominate her. Ever since their first foray into BDSM, they’d experimented in many different ways, and Cocolia hadn’t failed to notice that Serval was always really bratty whenever she subbed, and her behavior tonight told Cocolia it was going to be another one of those nights. The round continued around the table until it again reached Serval, who placed down her final card. It was a draw four. Cocolia should have known, grumbling as she drew four more cards just to add insult to the injury that was her hand. “Well, looks like I win,” Serval said with a smug smile on her face, probably another attempt to rile Cocolia up. It was working. “Serval, can I speak to you in private?” Cocolia said sternly. “Of course babe. What about?” Serval said, feigning ignorance. “I think you know,” Cocolia said, getting up, grabbing Serval by the wrist, and dragging her out of the room, not caring what the others in the room would think. As she and Serval had experimented more and more with BDSM, getting more equipment and the like over time, they eventually decided to have an entire room dedicated to it. This was where Cocolia led Serval. Once there, Cocolia pinned Serval up against the wall, holding her by the wrists. “You naughty little menace.” “What’s the matter? Upset you lost a silly little game of cards?” Serval taunted. Cocolia slapped her, earning a small moan from the woman. “It’s more than that and you know it. You were going out of your way to screw me over as much as possible in that game, not to mention all that touching you did to get me worked up.” “And so what if I did? What are you going to do about it?” The grin on Serval’s face told Cocolia that she was very much looking forward to seeing what Cocolia would do about it. “I’m going to put you in your place.” Cocolia told her, and she grabbed a cane and a leash, attaching the leash to Serval’s collar and pulling her forward. “Now, strip for me.” “Make me,” Serval said, a not unexpected response from the bratty woman. Cocolia responded by smacking her rear with the cane, earning another moan from her. “I said strip!” “Oh come on, my grandma can hit harder than that!” Serval goaded, and Cocolia smacked her again, harder, multiple times, Serval moaning with every strike. “Strip!” “Harder mommy,” Serval said, sticking out her tongue. Cocolia responded with even harder strikes, this time to the back of her calves, and Serval maintained remarkable composure and didn’t fall over, though she did continue to moan with pleasure. “Is that really the best you can do? Pathetic.” “I tire of your needless taunting,” Cocolia said, grabbing a ball gag and putting it into Serval’s mouth, buckling it at the back of her head. When Serval tried to reach up to unbuckle it, Cocolia grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back, restraining them with a pair of leather cuffs. The moan that escaped Serval afterwards told Cocolia that this had been her plan all along. Cocolia then resumed her assault on Serval’s calves with the cane, until Serval finally buckled and fell to her knees. “Are you going to strip for me now?” Serval shook her head. “So be it.” Cocolia chose to assault Serval’s breasts with the cane, not stopping until she was hunching over. “How about now?” Despite it all, Serval still shook her head. Cocolia rolled her eyes. “You’re insatiable.” Cocolia brought another onslaught down on Serval, switching it up between her breasts and her rear, and, after several more refusals, she at last got a nod. “It’s about time,” Cocolia said, taking out the gag and undoing the cuffs. “Get to it then.” Serval made a show of her stripping off her clothes, doing it slowly and sensually, giving Cocolia bedroom eyes the whole time. “You can stop there,” Cocolia told her just as she was about to take off her last article of clothing - her thong. “That will come off later, for now…” Cocolia grabbed Serval’s hands, pulling them behind her back and reattaching the leather cuffs. She then sat on the bed and pulled Serval forward with the leash, until her face was in front of her crotch. She then lifted up the skirt of her dress, revealing a lack of panties underneath. “Eat me out, slut.” Serval obliged, leaning in and attaching her mouth to Cocolia’s clit. Cocolia moaned as she began to suck on it, adding her tongue for good measure. Cocolia reveled in the pleasure Serval was giving her, but just as she was about to hit orgasm, Serval suddenly withdrew her face from Cocolia’s crotch. “How was that?” Serval asked, her grin and tone showing she knew exactly how it was. “We both know you’re not done yet. Get back to it, slut,” Cocolia commanded, yanking hard on the leash. “Make me,” Serval said, shit-eating grin on her face. “So be it, whore,” Cocolia said, smacking Serval’s already very red ass with the cane, earning an aroused moan from Serval. Cocolia kept this up until eventually, Serval gave in and got back to eating her out. However, once again, right as she was about to orgasm, Serval pulled away. “Oh you little brat.” Cocolia quickly struck Serval’s rear a few more times with the cane, earning more moans from the woman, who giggled when the onslaught was over. “You will pay for your insubordinate behavior tonight, do you understand me, harlot?” Serval shivered, but maintained her smirk. “We’ll see about that. I don’t think you have the balls.” “Shut your whore mouth!” Cocolia slapped her. “Now finish me off already. I won’t let you get off until I do.” This seemed to be enough convincing for Serval, who got right back to eating her out, not stopping until at last Cocolia got the release she so desperately craved. After taking a moment to regain her composure, Cocolia stood up, pulling on the leash to bring Serval up with her. “That’s a good girl, allow me to reward you…” Cocolia leaned in and kissed Serval on the mouth. As she did this, she let go of the leash and cupped Serval’s left breast in her right hand, rubbing and squeezing it, while shoving her left hand under Serval’s thong, finding she was incredibly wet, just how Cocolia wanted her. She broke the kiss and smirked. “I’ll be taking this off you now,” Cocolia said, pulling Serval’s soaked thong down and bunching it up in her hands, before grabbing a roll of tape. “Open up, slut.” Serval looked to be about to give another bratty comeback, but she never got the chance to, as the moment she opened her mouth to say it, Cocolia shoved the thong in there, taping over her mouth immediately after to keep her from spitting it out. Cocolia then took the leash again and pulled her over onto the bed, tying the end of the leash to the head of the bed, before taking two more sets of leather cuffs and cuffing her ankles to the bedposts on the other end. “I think I like you much better like this,” Coclia said, straddling Serval, who was squirming in her restraints and grunting into her gag. “So delectable, I could just…” Cocolia leaned in and kissed her shoulder, sucking on it hard enough to leave a hickey. She then kissed along her collarbone, leaving some more hickeys here and there, before repeating the action on her other shoulder. She then took her kisses downward along her chest, until she reached the breasts. Cocolia reached out and cupped both breasts in her hands, giving them a squeeze. “You nipples are so hard… You’re really turned on right now, aren’t you?” Serval just moaned, as Cocolia kept fondling her breasts. Cocolia then removed her right hand and leaned in to suck on Serval’s left nipple, making her moan even more. As Cocolia sucked on Serval’s left breast, fondling her right one with her left hand, her right hand moved down and cupped Serval’s sore behind, giving it a squeeze that earned a small jolt and an accompanying yelp from Serval. Once she’d had her fill of Serval’s breasts, Cocolia began kissing her way down Serval’s stomach, making sure to kiss her lightning bolt tattoo along the way, until eventually she’d reached the area between her thighs. Cocolia pulled away and rubbed her hand along Serval’s vulva. “You’re so wet… Maybe it’s time I got you off, what do you think?” Serval nodded fervently. “Very well then, give me a moment.” Cocolia withdrew, slowly disrobing, before grabbing a strap-on and securing it onto her hips. She then straddled Serval, positioning the tip of the dildo right in front of Serval’s entrance. “Are you ready?” Serval nodded, and with that, Cocolia began violently thrusting into Serval, with no regard for how rough she was being. But like Serval had done to her, just as Serval was about to orgasm, Cocolia withdrew, earning a whine from Serval. Cocolia laughed. “What, did you really think I’d let you get off so easily? No, I’ve got more punishment in store for you before I finish you.” Cocolia untied the leash from the headboard, before undoing the cuffs around Serval’s ankles. Once she was done with this, she took a couple lengths of rope, and bound each ankle to its corresponding thigh. “Now for the next stage of your punishment.” Cocolia picked up Serval, and carried her over to the wooden horse they had in the room, placing Serval directly on it. With that, Cocolia yanked hard on Serval’s leash, forcing her crotch to press up against the pointed edge of the wooden horse, making Serval writhe in pain and scream into her gag. Cocolia kept this up until she felt Serval had been sufficiently tormented, whereupon she lifted Serval off of the wooden horse and undid the ropes around her legs, before retying them such that her legs were tied together at the ankles and just above the knee. “Now for the final phase of your punishment.” Cocolia undid the leather cuffs binding Serval’s hands behind her back, and brought her hands up above her head and bound them to a metal hook hanging from the ceiling, leaving her suspended. Cocolia then once again grabbed the cane and got to work, delivering blows to Serval’s posterior and chest, now naked and unprotected, and still red from Cocolia’s assault on them earlier, increasing the pain with each strike. Cocolia kept this up for a few minutes, enjoying Serval’s pained reactions, until at last she’d had her fill. Cocolia cupped Serval’s vulva. “Oh my, you’re even wetter than before. You must really want me to finish you off right now, don’t you?” Serval nodded. “Very well, I’ll oblige you this time.” Cocolia began stroking Serval’s clit with her fingers, while using her other hand to cup one of Serval’s breasts, and using her mouth to suck on the other one. It took less than a minute of this overwhelming stimulation before Serval finally was able to cum. Serval’s hips bucked against Cocolia’s deft fingers and she swung back and forth on the hook she was tied to as she rode out the orgasm. Once it had passed, Cocolia pulled herself away putting her fingers, still slick with Serval’s juices, into her mouth and cleaning them off. “All right, let’s get you untied.” Cocolia untied Serval’s wrists and carried her over to the bed, where the two of them worked together to untie her legs. Cocolia then unclipped the leash from her collar and pulled the tape off of her mouth, allowing her to spit out the panties that had been stuffed in. Cocolia followed this up by handing Serval a bottle of water, allowing her to quench the thirst that surely must have built up by now. “So, how was that?” Cocolia asked once Serval had finished chugging the water. “You were great, thank you,” Serval told her, before rubbing her behind. “I think sitting may hurt for a while though.” Cocolia smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t subjected me to before.” Serval smiled back. “True.” The two of them then leaned in for a deep kiss, Cocolia wrapping her arms around Serval’s back and stroking it soothingly as their lips melded together, the two of them keeping this up for a few seconds until Serval broke the kiss. “All right, let’s get dressed, we should head back to the others.” Oh. Right. The others.
𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧. ┊ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒⁿᵉ!
Not Rated
F/F, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game)
Aether/Every Male character, Lumine/ Every Female character
Literally everyone-
gonna add later-
['NYEYEO', 'Noah_Xien', 'RandomAccount48']
Creak!   A luscious Mahogany door was slammed open by a harsh force, followed by a soothing summer breeze. Cars hissing, birds chirping, grass fluttering in the gentle wind, Plants photosynthesising, clinking of glasses. The sound of people chatting, phones buzzing, bustling children. ‘‘Aether! I got a call from the principle, I heard that you got into a fight with someone! Are you alright?” Asked a feminine voice gentle but laced with concern. Aether looked up from the book he was reading, closing the Heliotrope cover of the said book. ‘Nǐ jiāng zhànshèng shēnyuān gōngzhǔ.’ (Thou shall witness the Prinzessin der Abyss. ----あなたはプリンゼシン・デア・アビスを目撃するでしょう。) by Fǎshī zhuīsuí zhě read the title.Aether softly smiled, however Lumine didn’t buy it. ‘He looks too sad for some reason.. how odd.’Thought the slim figure of Lumine.   “Lumine.. It has been a while. Err..’’Aether scratched the back of his head while contemplating something. “I kinda got.. expelled from this campus..’’ End! >:D
To care for you
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Seele Vollerei/Bronya Zaychik, Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya Zaychik, Seele Vollerei, Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Love, Kissing, Bathing/Washing, Bathroom Sex, Non-Graphic Smut, Trans Character
['Emilinya', 'Zamian347', 'Just_Roman_Around', 'Gayquaza', 'RichardPham', 'Laserwise', 'GabsForJustYuris', 'jaysmanuscript', 'zeniksnina', 'Leonides2434a', 'Fuxuanless', 'Cup32', 'festiefern', 'nato_0', 'JustARegularGay', 'Damians_Shitpost', 'vicksvaporubtm', 'anotherandomcollection', 'wiinwinter', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'TheSinner11979', 'AnimeWolf38', 'raining_101', 'fireextinguishere', 'BabyFoxling', 'MariFaye', 'Glaucouss', 'limonel', 'arlwf', 'Ryoji_Mochizuki', 'D33JAYYY', 'starkindred', 'justurproblem', 'KomiXo', 'catqwtr', 'vinsorey', 'moarcmorejan', 'fanficgrillx2', 'Deadmyst', 'UmiMinami', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'milky_guilt', 'Raiden_Shogun', 'KuroPorp', 'SoManyQuestions', 'KiraRed', 'gaylittledaisy', 'Astrealiaa', 'queenromain', 'BeStillMyTinyGayHeart']
She was late, was the first thought that passed through Bronya's head when she looked at the time, again. It wasn't unusual for her lover to become distracted, often fighting anything and anyone who looked at her wrong, causing her to be both late and bloody, more often than not it wasn't even her own blood, Bronya wasn't sure how to feel about that. She wasn't worried for Seele, rather she simply had other obligations to tend to, and would much rather spend what little time the two had together actually being together. Another ten minutes passed with no sight of the blue-haired woman, and Bronya chose to do some work in order to pass time. She could call Seele, but it was rare the times she would actually pick up the phone. It was a cause for frustration at first, the silver-haired woman thought Seele was simply being a petty asshole for never picking up the phone, only to feel really bad when she found out that not only did the underworld had little to no connection but also Seele's phone was so broken it wouldn't register calls half the time. Were she to not show up in another half an hour Bronya would call her, but for now, taxation law regarding product labels would do. A whole hour had passed, Pela had come and gone twice, Gepard had lectured her about something which she had immediately forgotten about, Serval had awkwardly stared at her for a while, and yet there was still no signs of Seele. As Bronya promised herself, she had called the other woman after the thirty minutes mark, and just as she suspected, Seele did not pick up the phone any of the seven times she called, nor did she receive her messages. Bronya wasn't worried, maybe a little, but not too much. Seele could handle herself, she knew that better than almost anyone save for the people at the wrong end of her scythe. However, one could not fault a girl in love for worrying if just by a tiny bit, and becoming the tiniest bit paranoid.  Seele wanted to be here, Bronya knew, or did she... no, Seele loved her, she had told her, showed her, many times. She wanted to be here, just couldn't. Bronya still couldn't relax, there was nothing indicative of nervousness or tension about her, but those who knew her best would know the new consul was not her usual clueless self. Bronya found herself reading and rereading the same line without understanding what it was actually saying, or rather not bothering to understand. It was then that Bronya decided to move to something else, have a warm bath or do something to help herself relax. So what if Seele didn't come? She probably had a good enough reason not to, and it isn't like they would never see each other away anyway. There was a sound coming from the window, quiet and almost unnoticeable, Bronya heard it the first time, but discarded it to being simply the wind and continued towards the bathroom. She heard the sound again before she entered the separate room, and decided it might be worth taking a peek. Bronya was in no hurry and walked through her new room with a careful step. She opened the window and was met by two things, one - a rock hit her square in the face, leaving an angry red mark in the middle of her forehead, and two - a small blue and purple butterfly posed over her cheek, it felt almost like a kiss. The next thing she knew, one butterfly had turned into two and two into three, and three into a million blue and purple insects which began to form in the shape of a person. Bronya's pained frown turned into a soft smile as she lovingly held onto Seele's small waist. Once not a single butterfly remained, Bronya wasted not a second in kissing the woman before her. She could question her girlfriend later, but for now, Bronya was content with just kissing her.  Kissing Seele was an interesting thing, one Bronya wasn't too sure what to make out of. Seele had been her first kiss and through Bronya's clear lack of experience, she knew Seele was everything but. Seele was a gentle kisser, except when she wasn't, but it surprised Bronya just how gentle Seele could be, just as she was being right now. Seele's lips were also very soft, they looked very soft too, there was no surprise there. What most confused Bronya out of all of it was just how happy it made her. There were no fireworks every time they kissed, and there weren't any fireworks their first time either, just a lot of saliva neither knew too well what to do with. There wasn't a lack of feeling, but rather Bronya did not know where the immense feeling of happiness at the prospect of kissing came from. She wasn't in a hurry to find out either, thus she continued to kiss Seele. "Do you perhaps have any explanation as to why you're an hour late?" Bronya questioned as she took one good look at Seele, "Also covered in water?" "Yeah, yeah, sorry about that Princess," Seele said. "A water pipe exploded, something about some assholes trying to direct the water somewhere else, and yours truly got sent to deal with it." "I didn't take you for a civil engineer," Bronya said. "I meant I got sent to beat the shit out of them, Princess." "Ah yes, that makes more sense." Seele could be tremendously sweet sometimes, clingy, cheesy, and romantic, nobody ever believed Bronya when she said it, but that did not take the truth away from her words. Seele nuzzled her neck, her wet hair drenching Bronya's attire.  "Couldn't you have taken a bath before coming here? You smell terrible." Bronya questioned, and was met with a flick to the forehead. "What part of 'a water pipe exploded' did you not get?" Seele sneered, "We haven't had water in the underworld for like a week." Bronya, like every time she opened her mouth to comment on anything regarding the underworld, felt extremely embarrassed and guilty. "Sorry... I'll look into what I can do to help." She was new as a consul, but so far everything seemed to be going in her favor, not only was she extremely popular with the overworld, but she was also popular with the underworld. Bronya had done many advancements in not only allowing the people of the underworld to lead happy and full lives in the overworld but also repairing the underworld. The old city thrived under Bronya's guise, but there was still much work to do. "Thanks, Bunny." Seele chuckled. "Don't call me that." "Or what? You'll punish me, your royal highness." Seele smirked and Bronya rolled her eyes, no matter just how annoying Seele could be, Bronya found herself unable to fight it. "Come take a bath with me then, as I said, you smell like shit." Bronya smiled, and it widened more when Seele threw her head back, laughing. "You cursed! I heard you, you cursed!" Seele laughed like a little kid, and Bronya rolled her eyes for a second time. "Not a word of it, my dearest Rand-to-be, or I might as well take on your offer and punish you." Bronya won and she knew it when Seele stopped laughing and her cheeks took a red tint, redder than her lips and scarf. "Yeah... I'll take a bath with you," Seele mumbled, moving Bronya's hands away from her waist and beginning to move to the bathroom. Seele liked bubble baths, and Bronya was delighted to learn that about her lover. Sometimes the blue-haired woman seemed so adorable and innocent, Bronya would forget she was capable of making a human pretzel out of her. Seele also had a rubber duck she called by a different name each time, the toy was in danger of being shredded to pieces by the children Seele lives with, and thus the little duck lived in Bronya's bathtub. Seele was currently playing with the toy, moving it around like a child with poor motor skills and trying to spray Bronya with water. So far Bronya had managed to evade every one of her attacks, but she knew it wouldn't take long for Seele to become frustrated and splash her with water. Bronya relaxed in the warm water, Seele's presence made her feel at complete ease with everything going on around her. Work always took a piece of her mind, it always had, ever since she was a small child she worried over laws and policies that had absolutely nothing to do with her, but now as supreme consul, it had everything to do with her. She had known for a long time now that the water source and management of the underworld were not up to code. She would dedicate as many headaches as she needed to in order to fix the problem, Bronya decided. She was to schedule a meeting with a civil engineer for as soon as possible. Pela should be able to arrange all meetings, but the young girl was probably out with one of Serval's sisters, Lynx was her name Bronya thought, Pela had said something of that sort before she left her room the second time. "Bronya?" The woman in question came back to reality with a wet face. "I know I'm hot, but you don't have to stare." Seele smirked.  It took Bronya a moment to realize what Seele meant, but when she did, a blush spread over her whole face. It didn't take long for Bronya to notice that her cheeks weren't the only place blood had rushed towards. "N-no, I wasn't... I was simply thinking and my eyes wandered, it's not what you think." Bronya stammered nervously. "Right, Right," Seele inched closer and looked down. Bronya gathered as much foam as she could and used it to cover her lower half from Seele's judging, hungry eyes. "I can't control it, Seele, I'm not a pervert, I wasn't looking, it just happened." "It's fine Princess, I don't mind, and besides, it's nothing I haven't seen before." Seele smiled wickedly, her hands resting on Bronya's upper thigh, inching closer to Bronya's lips, looking into her grey eyes with her azure blue ones like a puppy begging for a treat. This woman was going to be the death of me, Bronya thought. Bronya was sore at the end of their bath, sore and happy. She laid in bed, hoping that Seele would join her, but no such luck. "Mind if I borrow some clothes, Princess?" Seele asked. "Why? You never did mind sleeping in a robe before." Bronya said. "To get back to the underworld, duh. I need to make sure everyone at Natasha's place has clean water." Seele replied. "Is no one else able to do so other than you?" Bronya just had to open her big mouth again, she just had to. Thankfully Seele didn't seem upset like she had been before. "You know there isn't." Bronya looked to her side and saw the space that Seele occupied in what would one day be their bed. She could almost feel Seele's warmth against her, could almost hear her snores, and could almost feel the drool on her shoulder. Almost. "I'll send Gepard and silver mane guards to deliver clean water to those living in the underworld." It was such short notice, but Bronya was certain Gepard could manage. "But?" Seele questioned. "Nothing, I simply want the people under my rule to have access to basic necessities," Bronya said, and Seele arched a brow. "But please stay with me tonight." "That's more like it... I don't know Bronya, I appreciate it, I really do, but they're my family, It's my responsibility to keep them safe." Seele said. "But who is going to keep you safe then?" Bronya questioned, "I know that you can manage yourself, but who else is going to help you heal from injuries, or make sure you have enough food and sleep? Who, Seele, who? I can send the Silvermane to make sure, they're not the same corrupt force you and I both knew, they can help you." "So you're worried about me? That's cute, princess, but I'm fine, really." "What about those bags under your eyes? This isn't the first time you've had to fetch water, has it? Since the underworld has been left with no water since last week, that means that you have been traveling all the way to the overworld for water, transported it back to the underworld, and then going up again for more. That will take a couple of hours at least." Bronya said, "You and I are both busy people, and I know you have things to do during the daytime, so you've been doing this at night time." "Bronya, I'm fine, really. You said you were gonna fix it, so I should be able to rest by tomorrow or the day after." Bronya didn't answer, but her stern face spoke for itself. "Princess?" Seele looked around the room for possible escape routes, anything that could get her away from her girlfriend's starn grey gaze. She might have made a run for it had she not been naked. Seele looked at Bronya directly, but her gaze faltered towards the bed her lover was occupying and she could not deny that a nap, however short, did sound nice. "Fine, but you have to wake me early so I can get my shit done. Also, call Gepard now, I wanna make sure water gets delivered." Bronya smiled and patted the space next to her, Seele's side of the bed. "Of course, I'll contact him right now. And as I said, you and I are both busy people, waking you as soon as the sun rises should be no problem for Pela." "God, you have that poor girl enslaved."  "On the contrary, there is not one single way I can make her leave me alone, she'd probably still come to bother me about her stupid dating game at the risk of fusillade." Seele chuckled and threw herself onto the bed, and by the way Seele's shoulders relaxed and her smile grew wide, Bronya knew she had made the right choice in making Seele stay, even if it had begun as a selfish little wish. "Hmm, come here, I want cuddles," Seele mumbled. "Cute." Bronya laid down, and her butterfly turned half Koala as she hugged Bronya, climbing on top of her, clinging to the rest of the silver-haired girl's body "I'm not cute... and make that phone call quickly so I can go to sleep." "Right, right," The call was not very long, but by the time she was done with it, Seele had already fallen asleep. Gepard was a true silvermane, he wasted not a second in accepting the consul's order so as long as meant helping other people, and for as boring and uninteresting as his speeches were, Bronya held nothing but respect for the blonde man. The call with him made Bronya feel sleepy, she wasn't sure what it was, but Gepard made her feel tired, the total opposite of Serval who filled those around her with energy. Seele's soft breaths lulled her to sleep, but before she closed her eyes for the night, Bronya looked beside her, the still-empty side Seele was supposed to use. The other girl's snores didn't bother her too much, she barely noticed them as it was, but they were the only bad thing she found about Seele, everything else was perfect, everything else was made just for her.
Aboard the Astral Express
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Void Archives/Welt Yang
Void Archives (Honkai Impact 3rd), Welt Yang
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Oneshot, Boypussy, Welt Yang has a pussy, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Masturbation, Overstimulation, Cervix Penetration, Double Penetration in Two Holes, Creampie
['Masha_Kaiser', 'Nemitsugu', 'Kiathefox', 'cish_the_fish_cat', 'Soso_cosplay', 'acheswan69', 'Rimim', 'vickiri', 'VyeTheWeltConnoisseur09', 'IcedBubbleTea', 'eyanne', 'Snoozing', 'salchipistachi25', 'Leck_34', 'aliaes', 'tenob21', 'Kunibram', 'Sungshines_Star2245', 'BIYA_0312', 'DrawingNonsense', 'Existing_to_multiship', 'a_fishy_rabbit', 'person1020', 'lilik1508', 'Blixer', 'Yuuj1kitty', 'ocha_ichisann', 'soinityx23', 'navii425', 'Charman_The_Weirdo', 'What_tha_hel', 'Jolips', 'PufferPuffin', 'Akira_Jazz', 'If_Ayy', 'GhostKing09', 'daiki', 'Burmilla', 'KarnaDesu', 'Sandralex', 'sukunastongue', 'sunbabe', 'Bald_bald_malfunction', 'YehorkaUwUnehrHahaha666', 'Ulalilo', 'Camelia39', 'commonsennse', 'Sweatyballs', 'Tiredfetus', 'Megras']
Welt lost the bet.   “My dear lovely Welt, you know what to do.” Void Archives gave him a mischievous look.   “Fine, hand it over.” Welt stretched out his hand.   Void Archives places a light yellow dildo one size smaller than their own but nonetheless large, into Welt’s hands before circling around behind, resting their chin on his shoulder. “It has to be kept in for the whole day, no removing it without me, my love.” They whispered with a cackle.   “Would you like some help?~” Void Archives’ hands glide over his body, resting in between his legs, pawing at his pussy.   Welt bites back a moan before giving a curt response telling Void Archives that he can do it on his own. Void Archives closes their eyes giving one of their signature smug smiles. “Of course my dear.”   Welt entered the bathroom pod that was attached to their unit, and slid his bottoms off. He grabbed the bottle of lube from underneath the sink cabinet and sat on the toilet seat with the lid down, and spread his legs apart. His pink petals twitched as they met in contact with the cool air.   He slowly fingered himself with his left hand while licking the dildo in the other. He could feel his wet slick slip down to his ass crack. He coated the dildo with a generous helping of lube before easing it into himself. He was so full. He let out a long sigh, taking in the sensation.   And when it was finally situated up to the base in him, he grabbed a handful of tissues, wiping away all the slimy slick he produced and pulled his pants up.   The tightness of his briefs kept the dildo from slipping out. Just as he was about to open the door, he felt it move inside of him. It wasn’t just a dildo, it was a vibrator.   Welt clutched at the door handle, his legs were a bit shakey as he opened it to see Void Archives fiddling with a remote.   “Did you like the surprise?~”   “I-It’s bearable.”   Void Archives approached him, placing a hand over his stomach. “I’ll fill this place with mine eventually, until then, this toy shall keep you nice and warm for me.”   Welt gave them a flick on the forehead eliciting an “Ow” from them.   “Don’t get too cocky now, brat.”   “Aren’t you a little young to be calling me that? I am over 50,000 years old, you know.” Void Archives feints a hurt look.   “Your mental age certainly didn’t age with the years of existance.”   Void Archives rest one hand around his waist and the other cradling his head as they gave him a deep kiss, the kind that’s as intoxicating as a bottle of red wine. They pushed one knee up between Welt’s legs, specifically targeting the base of the vibrator, pressing at it.   “Mhh!” Welt gasped with a shudder, as it only made the vibrations feel stronger.   “We’ll do things that only adults do later , I’m sure you’ll be pleased~”   Welt re-adjusted his glasses and managed to slip away. He needed to organize and attend the strategy meeting for the next trailblazing mission the younglings were going to run.   He seated himself in his office, slowly rearranging the correct files into place. He tried to ignore the dildo but his attention kept drifting.    He crossed his legs under his desk which he then found was a mistake as it only caused his briefs to push the toy further in.   Himeko knocked on his door before letting herself in.   “Mr.Yang, is the presentation ready yet?”   “Ah, yes, almost complete.”   Himeko looked a little concerned, noting the difference in the sound of Welt’s voice.   “Oh dear, you don’t sound very well. Are you able to present the mission?”   Welt pushed up his glasses.   “Ah hmm, just feeling a little under the weather today.”   Himeko brought her hand up to her face, thinking about something. “How about I present it today while you go and rest? Let them cover it for you?”   “Absolutely not.”   Himeko gave a sigh, she knew how stubborn Welt was.   “Ok. How about we present together, let me do most of the talking while you interject to clarify points?”   Welt jolted as he felt the vibrations get much stronger. He cleared his voice and just agreed to the arrangement, not wanting Himeko to ask more questions.   “Well alright then. Do take better care of yourself, wouldn’t want to be the one chewed out by that partner of yours for not reminding.” Himeko waved as she left the office.   Welt gives a small nod before finishing the presentation. And with a small blip of his phone to tell him that the meeting was going to occur soon, he sent the full files over to Himeko and headed down towards the conference room.   Welt did not manage to listen during the mission briefing. Words were like cotton, going in one ear and out the other. The only thing he could focus on was the damn vibrations from inside himself.    He tried to pretend that he was paying attention, nodding at certain points while interjecting his opinion at others.   March 7th was quick to catch on that something wasn’t quite right, but only spoke up about it after the debriefing had ended, less she incurred the wrath of Himeko for interrupting.   “Mr.Yang? Are you doing alright? You don’t look so good.” March 7th asked, waving her hand in front of Welt’s face to get his attention.   “I’m. F-fine. Just a bit tired is all.” Welt replied, adjusting his scarf with shaky hands.   “I don’t think you're fine, you should go and take a break, Mr.Yang. You can count on us to trailblaze the next planet on our own!”   “I think March 7th is right, Mr.Yang. You should get some rest, we’ll take care of everything else.” Danheng had interjected.   With some poking and prodding, the two finally convinced Welt that they were going to be fine.   “I-I suppose so. I’ll rest in the room next door then.” Welt reluctantly agreed, standing up.   Welt slowly wobbled over to the room nearby with much difficulty. The vibrator jostled up and down as he walked, he clutched his arms. It would slip ever so slightly out and then slam back in with each step.   He could feel himself ebbing ever so closer to climax and yet, it wasn't enough.   He shakenly slid open the door, letting it close behind him. He locked the door.   Welt at this point almost collapsed onto the plush leather seat in front of him, panting heavily. He kicked off his shoes.   He felt that time was moving far too slowly. His hips trembled in his seat, begging to have release. He folded his arms as he leaned over the table in front of his seat, trying to ignore the it to no avail.   The vibrations massaged his G-spot like a never ending assault.   He could feel his underwear getting wetter. Welt was fortunate for the long coat as if he were still standing up in the main hall, everyone would be able to see a wet stain at the back of his pants.   Welt shifted in his seat, only resulting in the vibrator nuzzling right up against his cervix. How utterly maddening.   How did he let Void Archives persuade him into this? That damn bet.   It took everything for Welt to not start moaning rather loudly, only settling for short heavy staggered breaths.   He brought his hand down to meet his belt, undoing it just enough to unbutton his pants, slipping his fingers into his briefs. He rubbed at his clit, covering his mouth with his other hand. He couldn’t remove the vibrator but Void Archives didn’t forbid himself from seeking climax, although it might make enduring it much worse with how oversensitive he would become afterwards.   But Welt did not care at the moment.   His insides ached and throbbed, pulsing with the vibrator. His climax hit him like a train as he threw his head back trembling and trying to catch his breath.    The vibrator of course did not stop, continuing to stimulate his now overly sensitive insides. It was like torturous pleasure but Welt was a man of his word and followed the rules. He could feel his vaginal muscles twitching as the mixture of Dopamine, Adrenaline, and Endorphins pulsed through his body.   He ended up quickly cumming again not long after his first orgasm. The vibrator finally stilled, becoming basically just an ordinary dildo once more. And even though Welt knew it had stopped, it was as though he could still feel its movements pounding at his walls, like a phantom touch.   Welt lay there in silence as he was catching his breath. He buttoned pants, wiping off his hand with a handkerchief. He rested one arm on his forehead, pushing his bangs back, he removed his glasses, placing them upon the table. He turned onto his side and lay his head on the armrest.   He was feeling tired. Eyes heavy as he took a well deserved nap, one arm clenched around his stomach and the other by his side.   It was around supper time when Welt had awoken from his short rest. Around 7pm or so his phone displayed.   He shifted his body, the toy pressed hard against his G-spot, causing Welt to press against the hem of his pants in an attempt to shift it around.    He put his glasses on before slowly making his way to the dining cart, crossing his arms.   Dinner today Welt chose a delicious medium well steak, with a red braised potato and vegetable dish, and a hearty soup paired with a glass of wine. Void Archives, who rarely even visited the dining cart as they would rather take nutrition cubes than show their face in front of the others.   “How’s my beloved fairing so far? Void Archives sits across from him, resting his cheek on his hand.   “Just fine.” Welt took a bite of the steak.   Void Archives looks him up and down before showing his toothy grin. “Certainly stubborn as usual.” They raised their other hand to tuck a few stray hairs behind Welt’s ear before brushing against his collarbone. “Oh how I wish to leave my mark here forever engraved upon your soul.”   Welt caught Void Archives’ hand with his own and brought them to his lips, giving a gentle kiss.    “You already have my soul.”   “Ha. You’re far too popular with everyone. How nice would it be to monopolize the Welt of humanity~ Should I lock you up?” Void Archives teased Welt, pressing the tip of his shoe at his folds.   Interrupting the moment between the two, they heard some voices draw near to the dining cart.   Void Archives grimiced before quickly manifested his mask that he wore before to hide his face.   “Oh, Mr.Yang you’re here. And um..?” March 7th tried to rack her brain to remember just who it was that Welt was dining with.   “Actually, who are you? I haven’t seen you around on the express before. And I don’t remember any super recent stops lately.”    Void Archives gave a scoff.    Danheng whispered something to March 7th which prompted her to yell, “Wait, you’re Mr.Welt’s partner? I always thought that Mr.Welt would have, I don't know, settled for someone..” She looked Void Archives up and down, “older?”   “How old do you exactly think I am?” Void Archives tucked his arms underneath his chin as he sat backwards in the seat with his arms on the backboard, giving an amused grin.   “I don’t know, 25?”   “Double that, then multiply by a thousand. About that much.” They watched March 7th try and figure out just how much that was, only to give a look of disbelief.   “There’s no way you’re that old.”   Void Archives gave a shrug and turned back around. “Tsk. Believe what you want.”   Void Archives might have made a mistake talking to March 7th, for now she’ll bombard them with question after question. Ones like ‘How did you first meet? What did you like about Mr.Welt? How are you that old?’ And more general ones as well like about colors or hobbies alike.   Void Archives absentmindedly fiddled with the remote’s settings as they were interrogated by March 7th. They watched Welt’s reactions and squirming with a bemused expression.    It continued for a bit before Welt let out a cough that sounded more like a gasp and excused himself from the table, dragging Void Archives behind him by their stoles, voicing out a vague excuse as to why they needed to leave.   Void Archives chuckled as they just let themselves get dragged away without much of a struggle.   Back in their shared living quarters, Welt tossed aside his glasses and threw Void Archives onto the bed. “Naughty naughty, who would have thought the great Welt Yang would be this impatient?” Void Archives goaded him.   “This is all your fault.”   Welt threw off their shirt before bending down to free Void Archives’ dick from their pants. He stroked it, letting it harden before putting his soft lips to it.   Void Archives let out a hiss. Welt bobbed his head up and down, taking Void Archives all the way to the base, making sure to use his tongue to massage the member. Void Archives gently massaged Welt’s scalp, only pulling slightly when they were about to climax. The inside of Welt’s throat was wet, warm, and velvety, like a tight vice.    Void Archives had come quite a lot, Welt had a little trouble swallowing all of it, some drops dripping from the edges of his mouth and down his neck. And although Void Archives just climaxed, they were still hard.   Welt grabbed the bottle of lube and generously applied it to his fingers, loosening his ass. He rubbed the excess on Void Archives’ dick, and lined himself up.   “Can't help but want all your holes filled?”    “Yes. Especially since you’ve been edging me all day.”   Void Archives’ dick quickly sinks into Welt’s backside in one slick motion, sending a shudder down Welt’s spine. He was so full, more than full. Void Archives slid their fingers under his shirt and rested them on his stomach. They could feel the small bump from both the dildo and themselves that has plugged up Welt’s insides.   They pressed a bit, causing Welt to moan loudly. “I’ll mark you, fill you with so much of my seed that you’ll never be empty again.    “Then do it.” Welt wrapped his arms around Void Archives’ neck as they pounded into him. Being penetrated in both holes felt overwhelming, and yet Welt cried out for more.   Every time Void Archives slammed their hip against his behind, they would also smack the vibrator in as well, making it a full on assault on his insides.   Welt’s neck was peppered with lovebites and actual bites, the imprints of Void Archives’ jagged teeth on his soft pale skin only made the contrast more prominent.   Void Archives sped up, giving a deep thrust before spilling themselves in Welt a second time, sending him over the edge.    Before Welt had time to come down from his high, Void Archives abruptly pulled out as well as the vibrator, leaving Welt feeling a bit empty as cum dripped out of his hole, before Void Archives scooped the cum back into him and plugged him up with said vibrator in his backhole instead.   Void Archives flipped their positions so that Welt was now underneath them on the bed, now with his ass facing upwards. “I told you that I would fill this place.” Void Archives whispered, before rubbing their cock on the entrance of his pussy.   Welt pushed himself backwards against their cock, feeling the head slowly sink in until it bumped at the entrance of his womb separated only by a small ring of muscle. He let put an “Ah~”   Void Archives rest their hands at Welt’s very thin waist, fucking him into the mattress. Welt muffling his moans with the pillow that he hugged onto tightly.   “More.”   “Quite demanding aren’t you, my love? You don’t wish for me to take my sweet sweet time to savor this?”   But nonetheless, Void Archives complies.   Welt could feel their dick bumping against their womb, but not yet breaking through.   Void Archives licked and prodded at his shoulder before asking “Can I leave my mark here?”   Welt nodded.   They interlocked their fingers with his own, using their other hand to tease at his sensitive chest. Little kisses at his neck were followed by the feeling of sharp teeth tearing through his skin at his shoulder, leaving a deep bite that might scar.   Void Archives gave a few shallow thrusts, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in at full force.   He could feel Void Archives’ dick finally push past his cervix, going directly into his womb. He saw stars and whitespots, a mixture of both pain and pleasure.   He too climaxed as he could feel a hot warmth spill into the deepest crevice of himself, filling his womb with potent viral cum.    Void Archives did not relent even after they had cum for the third time as they continued to thrust past their climax, shooting another couple loads into Welt’s fertile uterus, completely marking him as theirs both inside and out. Welt’s belly was now much rounder than usual from all the semen that filled him.   The two rolled onto their sides although not separated, catching their breaths.   Welt was finally feeling the effects of marathon sex, as he fell asleep, with Void Archives still plugging him up, not letting any cum escape, they too fell asleep holding Welt close in their arms.
Bronyas quest
['Lowqualityrozaliya (orphan_account)']
General Audiences
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), OMORI (Video Game)
Seele Vollerei/Bronya Zaychik, Seele Vollerei & Bronya Zaychik
Seele Vollerei, Bronya Zaychik
Feet, in sorry this contains feet, dirty feet too, Honkai Impact 3rd: A Post-Honkai Odyssey, Honkai Impact 3rd References, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, bronya and seele are dating, it just is canon idk what you want, Mentioned Omori (OMORI), omori - Freeform
['delixir', 'Kotofeila', 'DaddyLeg']
Bronya's feet were terrifying. They hadn’t been washed in weeks, NO, months, no, decades. they reeked of shit and other stuff that smelt bad. unfortunately for poor little bronya, the nearest bath was 3000000000 MILES away. it would take at least a month. there was no way she could possibly make it. But, she had too. she had a date with seele. and that date was in a month. the perfect amount of time to clean her Feet. and so, She began her journey to the west.. -jk She began her journey to WASH. HER. FEET!!!! It wasn't gonna be easy, but she had to do it. For love, For Friends, For seele...   Bronya would not let the fact that seele was in white space from omori stop her, when she says that she will take seele to the beach. SHE WILL TAKE SEELE TO THE BEACH. And why didn't bronya wash her feet in the water at the beach? It's because the sheer filth that her feet was covered in would kill every single speck of sea life in the ocean, and cause nuclear warfare. Bronya knew that in order to impress seele she would have to make her feet absolutely shiny, and spotless, and unbelievably smooth. So she packed her bags and was ready to cross seas, countries, and even continents, to CLEAN. HER FEET. FOR SEEELLLEEEEE. bronyas journey was definitely not easy one, and in fact her and in fact her feet got even dirtyier than they originally where, if that was even possible, it took her weeks but she had finally arrived. Finally, a bathtub. She put her feet in and began scrubbing. she put much soap on. She was determined to make her feet shine. For seele, they needed to be perfect. After what seemed like ages of scrubbing and rinseing, they were done. Her dogs were finally clean. Now there was one problem. Bronya didnt know how to qet back. she didnt know how to keep her feet clean while going back. She cloudnt go in her mech, it would just make her feet dirty again. Bronya qot an idea. She brought her mech out and made it hold her in the bathtub. she then made her mech have rocekts. tonight was *the* night. The ninth of her date. The night with seele. She had come so for seele. She couldn't give up now. She activated her mech and she flew all the way to the date. She arrived just in time. Seele was already there. Looking scrumptious as ever. Bronya showed seele her feet. seele blushed. she was very impressed. They had fun the rest of the night ;).
The Truth of the Hunt
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Fu Hua (Honkai: Star Rail), Sushang (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Fu Xuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Based on a True Story, Family, I will write a better version, before canon, Far from canon probably
['Rin_Hawaki', 'Miuixyunamai', 'Kotofeila', 'Dogstar9069']
Fu Hua was the definition of a boomer. Grumpy, old person.   That's what she was 22.7% of her day. She had no back pain though because she was born standing upright and never slouched. She also had no pain at all, she was the Taixuan. Her life as a boomer was dedicated to telling kids off for having their phone out in perfect Shakespearean English while also texting like "Hello, my children 😹" and being on her phone an equal amount of time. In fact, she was also a homosexual. She kissed women every day. Now that all of this irrelevant information is out of the way, to this fantastic tale is as old as time.   Madam Fu Hua and KFC.   Fu Hua walked around today. Much like every day, since her children were bored of her and left her alone. She was bored out of her mind as her precious angels were not replying to the group chat she had made. They were simply busy destroying other worlds for her or something probably selling chicken   "Hello, Ms. Boomer. Would you like some chicken?" A young man in a blade costume, who also sounded just like Blade, asked in a warm and welcoming, but also world-ending and angry tone. He seemed so nice that Fu Hua couldn't help but say yes.    Fu Hua had forgotten her glasses. Since she was 420 quintillion years old   "Yes, of course," Fu Hua replied with a smile. She in fact had never heard of KFC despite actually being there on September 24, 1952, at the time of opening.   "Oh my god, please pay 10 dollars for a chicken bucket," Blade said. He grabbed Fu Hua's wallet, which was made of Honkai leather. He stole 200 dollars, which she had on hand btw. She took her chicken and her wallet back peacefully (violently), and went to a table.    Fu Xuan leaned on the counter staring at Fu Hua blankly. It was like she was trying to read Fu Hua's face. She sighed and    She began to eat… but this chicken… it was finger-licking good… so much so that she oh NO. She was a CHICKEN. 🙀🙀 she ran up to the counter. "SIR!" She cried through the pain and anguish.   The man had left, but another person was at the register… a pink-haired girl who looked and sounded like Fu Xuan. "What?" She asked.   "MY CHICKEN…" Fu Hua cried. "IT'S RELATABLE."   "Bro, literally, mom, this is why I work here," Fu Xuan said. "I'm tired of paying 60000 dollars in rent every day."   "Oh my glob," Fu Hua said. She sobbed on the spot, and she grabbed her explosives from her pocket (don't ask why she had those pls she's very sensitive about it). Fu Hua rigged the explosives and picked up all of her random people. "Kaboom-y," she said watching the whole place explode "😹,'' Fu Hua said.   And that's why there are no KFCs in Xianzhou Luofu!!!
Curse of Music
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
Baby shark
['Zoid_01', 'ToeLicker3000', 'SpicyStrawberry39', 'Saltsour', 'swingyfishy', 'Ana57', 'Kotofeila', 'ArthesiaWasMiyu']
Blade is that friend. He likes weird things, but he fits in with the Stellaron Hunters because they are all quirky like that. Silver Wolf was a gamer who thought of the world as its own video game to the point where she believed it, Kafka built her life on collecting simple things like coats to build abstract beauty in everything she did (aka she was normal), Sam was just a simp, Elio was weird, and blade… oh blade, he loved the song baby shark. Many times, he played it. He played it while in the shower, on a walk, on a mission… everywhere. He did not have headphones, so he blared it from his phone speakers shamelessly.   Kafka… she had enough of it on the 23rd day of Blade knowing the song “Baby Shark” existed. “Silver Wolf,” Kafka said, opening the door to Silver Wolf’s small room. Silver Wolf was chugging gamer juice and had bloodshot eyes from staring at her computer screen for over 60 hours.    “What the fuck? Anyways Silver Wolf, did you introduce him to that song?” Kafka asked. “I need you to STOP HIM! Please, Silver Wolf… for me.” Kafka stared into Silver Wolf’s blood shot eyes with a pleading and worried look.   “Yeah ok come on,” Silver wolf said. She stood up and they went off. Silver wolf and Kafka went to Walmart, where they tried to find earbuds for Blade. “Ok, what do you think he will like?” Silver Wolf asked.    “The… shark ones?” Kafka muttered confusedly. “Hm… yes, the shark ones will do.” She grabbed them off the shelf and placed them in Silver Wolf’s broken and pained gamer hands. (She played with a controller on Honkai Elysian Realm.)    Silver Wolf started towards the register. “We check out now, and I get to sleep!” She shouted to Kafka.    “Ma’am are you on something?” Said an Interastral Peace Corporation guard.   "No," Silver Wolf said before casting down heavenly beams and deleting him.   They got the earbuds and lived happily ever after. (Not the guard though)
Enteroctopus zealandicus
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Void Archives/Welt Yang
Welt Yang, Void Archives (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Tentacles, Octopus Merman!Void Archives, Marine Biologist!Welt, Smut, Short, Short One Shot, One Shot
['VyeTheWeltConnoisseur09', 'Whoviiis000', 'BIYA_0312', 'DoctorlStrange', 'oreosnomnom', 'BlackSkull1602', 'ocha_ichisann', 'What_tha_hel', 'Jolips', 'Megras', 'VIKKYYY', 'Ssyela', 'Oracle_Maiden', 'scyhia', 'queer_tears', '101TEN101', 'coco_candy', 'mixisz', 'JustAPansexualGemini', 'IntotheUnknownAiL', 'Solxil_witch', 'Brightly_Colored_Goth', 'noale', 'UlyaKalach', 'CinnaEagle', 'fr3yyy', 'hautedlife', 'HalloIchkommeausdeutschland', 'FindTheNaClO', 'preceder', 'edawaseaten', '3lse', 'Fuuyuk0', 'RedaiXueXuesheng', 'YorozuyaAko__Taru412', 'Yennhhii', 'Lofino', 'Minty_Eloquence', 'chukihachi', 'LoosenUp', 'snowalice', 'castilla_cake', 'LeftyTheBear', 'Kvii', 'oxfordbluewine', 'Enitsirc', 'silentnote', 'Hrrrroi', 'Zena_OCIO', 'Soel0Itzjak']
As soon as Void Archives and Welt turned the corner around a secluded area, hidden behind a large rock, Void Archives reverted back to their octopus merman form.   Their hands cradled Welt in their embrace, letting their fingers wander underneath the thin transparent vinyl jacket that he wore. A piece of clothing hardly leaving anything to the imagination and yet, what was like a candy wrapper.   “Wa-wait let’s do this when we get back!”    Void Archives brushed their fingers against Welt’s chest, teasing his nipples. Welt whined and leaned into their touch.   “You don’t seem like you would last until we got back.” Void Archives used their tentacles to nudge his swim shorts down.   “Haa~”   Void Archives peppered Welt’s neck with lovebites, leaving their marks on that soft pale skin, to mark what was theirs.   Void Archives had seen the looks that Welt had gotten along the beach’s coastline. They growled, this human can only belong to them and no one else. It took alot for Void Archives to hold back from mauling those other male humans that made suggestive remarks towards their human.   Void Archives let their tentacles leave little red circles on Welt’s skin as they bit and sucked on his nipple. Making Welt’s moans louder.   They ran their fingers along his spine, sending him a shiver and squirming a bit. Their fingers landed right along his asscheeks, rolling over his hole as to tease him.   Welt bent down to give Void Archives a deep kiss, breaking it with his breaths, he rested his head in the nook of Void Archives’ neck. He wrapped his hands around Void Archives.   Void Archives massaged Welt’s scalp, making goosebumps appear on his arms, Welt losing himself to the pleasure.   Void Archive’s tentacles slowly opened him up, he knew that they would never want to hurt him. One of them jabbed at his G-spot, making him a mess.    “Look at you, writhing underneath my touch. So cute. My mate.”   “Just fuck me already. Haa!” He jolted forward, as he came. Void Archives relishing in the absolutely drunk on pleasure face that his human was making, slowly seated him upon their dick.   Welt doesn’t think they could ever get used to just how big Void Archives was, and just the feeling of how full he was, being stretched upon that heavenly pillar.   Welt nipped at Void Archive’s ear and whispered “Is that all you got?” Knowing it would provoke Void Archives to start moving.   He saw stars in his eyes and cotton in his ears. The constant assault on his prostate right after he came down from his high left him very sensitive and feeling overstimulated. Only the feeling of the cool rock upon which he was leaned up against, kept him grounded.   Welt could feel Void Archives rearranging him from the inside, molded perfectly to the length. He could feel his voice growing hoarse from the gasping, just whispering Void Archive’s name.   Void Archives flipped him over, pressing deeper as their chest met his back. Their fingers stroked his leaking cock. Welt’s mouth was full with one of Void Archive’s tentacles as the others wandered his body. One around his dick, one along his back, two around his thighs, one around his waist, and two against his chest.   Void Archives slammed forward, eliciting a “Mm!” from Welt.    “My love, how are you feeling so far?” Void Archives asked.   Welt let out a muffled “Good.”   “I’m about to release my seed in you my mate.”   Welt simply cradled Void Archive’s cheek with his hand and met their thrusts. He felt Void Archives grow bigger inside of him, painting his insides white. Welt came for a second time.   Void Archives cuddled Welt in his arms, supporting his tired body.   “I love you.”   “I love you too my dear.”   He would love to stay there for awhile but he could hear Tesla trying to look for him.    “Must we go now?”   “Yeah, otherwise I’ll get a lecture from Tesla.”   Void Archives pouted, begrudgingly agreeing. They transformed back into their small octopus form, clinging to Welt’s wrist once more.   Welt gave him a kiss on the head before pulling his swim trunks back up, and heading back. He gave Tesla an excuse about an allergic reaction to the sunscreen he wore and quickly rushed back to his hotel room.   As soon as he entered the room, Void Archives pinned him to the wall with a smug grin.   “Round two?” 
let's escape to somewhere we can be ourselves again
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya Rand/Seele Vollerei
Bronya Rand, Seele Vollerei (Honkai Star Rail)
explicit nsfw, based off of 2nd beta test lore, Disaster Lesbians
['migueloharasirlwifesband', 'neonlight13', 'SilverFox_97', 'ccsjk98', 'AngeDeMierda', 'bwbies', 'Rumtzy', 'Laserwise', 'ordeska', 'LivingThing8', 'the_jennster', 'RichardPham', 'Annflan', 'Mommylover_Shsk', 'Yuri_luvv', 'UmixMakiiscanon', 'aetheru', 'TheBigBadWolf1417', 'shiiro_rizou', 'Laviina', 'MorinoHisashi', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'akxk0108', 'hoku_miku39', 'festiefern', 'tsubahono', 'JustARegularGay', 'plg12', 'Styraen', 'LittleWolf121', 'Jsksksldh', 'hamburgersandwich', 'wiinwinter', 'Astraeus_the_rey_of_moonlight', 'Yuri_Addict', 'insert_content', 'Ariaistired', 'justgayfangirling', 'yourmomicarius', 'Frashka', 'lostmylooneys', 'ApK83N', 'eupho_ria_freenbeck_enjoyer', 'mochaster', 'LesbianSadAndTired', 'patchy', 'ririkasbodyguard', 'jinsowlwhat', 'indescribableatrocities', 'marianadelarose']
While cycles of night and day were less apparent beneath the earth, a dull stillness had fallen upon the underground city. Soft footsteps and the clicking of heels signaled the sound of an otherwise silent individual ascending the stairs leading to Natasha’s medical clinic. The approaching princess cloaked in silver passed the entryway, where she caught a glimpse of the woman asleep amidst her work. To Bronya’s slight amusement, the gray-haired doctor seemed to have drifted off with an unfinished test of papers and lab vials scattered across the table. While she found it cute that Natasha had fallen asleep mid-experiment, Bronya had been counting on sleeping on the couch as there wasn’t a spare room for her to use unless she intended to share with one of the others. As she’d discovered in the past, March snored loud enough to be heard several rooms down the hall, making her a less than exciting candidate for a roommate. The ochre-haired stranger was sharing a room with Danheng, and Bronya could barely stand the thought of staying with one other person, much less two. She couldn’t trust Sampo either even when her eyes were open, so he’d been ruled off the list of possibilities immediately. And that was how Bronya found herself knocking at the door belonging to Seele’s room. “Mm? It’s late,” the blue-haired girl answered almost immediately, her hair spilling over her shoulders and slightly tangled, and voice ringing with a slight note of tiredness. “Need something, princess?” “There’s…” Bronya hesitated. “No spare room for me to sleep. I was wondering if you'd allow me to spend the night.” “Hold up, where have you been sleeping until now?” Seele quirked an eyebrow. “The couch in the living area,” she replied. “Natasha is there, and I don’t wish to disturb her.” “My room’s hardly suited for a princess, but then again, neither is the couch,” the other girl cast a wink. “Come in. I don’t mind.” “Thank you very much, Seele,” Bronya said as she stepped inside, letting the other close the door behind her. The inside was smaller than she’d expected, and while a bit disorganized, it didn’t seem messy in the way that Bronya would picture a cluttered place. There were several notebooks scattered about a very small desk, and various small trinkets covering just about every surface. A few articles of clothing that had not been folded and put away could be seen hanging off the back of the desk chair and the foot of her bed. Speaking of her bed, it was rather small. Was Seele really okay with sharing? It didn't seem to Bronya as if she minded at all, if the rare smile on the blue-haired girl's face was anything to speak of. “So, princess, no more sleeping on the couch, alright? You can stay with me from now on.” Unsteadily at first, Bronya nodded in response. Gradually, she felt the tension leave her body as she realized Seele wasn’t bothered at all by her request. The princess moved to take a seat at the edge of the bed, but the other girl stopped her. “Hey, okay, I might be okay with you staying the night, but the thigh high boots stay off my bed, got it? Don’t you have any night clothes to sleep in?” Bronya shook her head. “I didn’t exactly have the time to pack an overnight bag while being kidnapped.” Seele blinked, and paused for a moment, then giving a light chuckle. “We’re about the same size; you can borrow some of mine.” “Ah, thank you,” the silver-haired girl smiled gratefully. “I appreciate it, Seele. I’m sorry to bother you at these hours of the night.” “Don’t even mention it,” Seele responded as she rummaged through her wardrobe, eventually finding what she was looking for and tossing it to Bronya. “These are hardly clothes fit for a princess, but they’re all I’ve got.” It was a worn pair of gray shorts and a plain tank top. Not seeming to care about Seele’s last remark, Bronya got to work on the quite challenging task of removing all of her accessories from her guard’s uniform. The smile that Seele cast her seemed slightly amused as a pile of boots and sleeves and jacket parts amassed itself in the corner of her room. When she'd finally undressed down to her underclothes, and debated whether or not she’d like to sleep braless, she heard Seele behind her shuffling; she’d climbed back into bed. A moment of deliberation passed, and Bronya opted for comfort, pulling the other girl's top over her head as her bra joined the amassing pile of clothes. While Seele’s bed was rather small, the other girl shuffled to the side to allow Bronya room. Still, with them evenly spaced out as they could be, their bodies were still close and Bronya couldn’t help but lean into Seele’s warmth. It was cold, and being so close to another person was oddly comfortable, even if she felt awkward invading the other girl's space. “Sorry that I’m… taking up the bed. I can sleep on the floor if-” “No.” Seele cut her off. “You have no idea what I’m used to. I could sleep on a rock and I wouldn’t mind, so don’t act like you’re bothering me or something.” “Okay,” Bronya’s body eventually relaxed beside her. “It’s kind of chilly in here,” she murmured softly after a moment. “What, even the princess of the frozen city gets cold? I don’t have any spare blankets, so you’ll have to suck it up.” “No, it doesn't bother me, I just wondered… your room is unusually cold to sleep in.” Seele replied with something affirmative murmured into the pillow that she couldn’t hear. After not too long of silence, Bronya couldn’t ignore the cold still, and she could feel herself nestling closer to the radiating heat of Seele’s body. Not quite a full minute passed, and she’d managed to comfortably rest herself against the crook of the other girl’s shoulder. Bronya noticed that Seele had no objections, but she couldn’t see the soft flush which rose to the other girl’s cheeks. “Thinking about something? You don’t seem close to sleep,” Seele spoke to her softly. “I’ve been thinking, and I feel a lot of guilt about our previous misunderstandings,” Bronya murmured into the other girl's shoulder. “I don’t want to come off as closed-minded to you.” “Most overworlders couldn’t even get their head far enough out of their ass to see the world around them. You’re not like them, even though it seemed like you were at first.” “Then again, I’m not even an overworlder, am I?” Bronya laughed lightly. “I took Natasha’s place, in a castle that wasn’t mine, and was taught a history about my own people that wasn’t even true.” “Bronya,” she couldn’t read the emotion in Seele’s voice. She thought the other girl had grown silent, but she felt the bed dip beside her, and suddenly, Seele’s face loomed above her. “I think you’re pretty amazing, princess or not.” Bronya averted her gaze, slightly amused. “Flattery doesn’t work with me.” “I’m not trying to flatter you, princess. I’m trying to flirt.” There was no denying that the amount of unspoken feelings between the two of them was so heavy it hung in the air with a visible presence. The first time they kissed, it was behind a wall at the old orphanage the both of them had grown up in after Bronya had recovered her childhood memories, only a few weeks back. A few days later, when Bronya tried to ask Seele what she felt of her, Seele’s answer had been that she “felt like she wanted to kiss her,” and the conversation from that point on got distracted. Therefore, the two of them hadn’t made things official yet, even though they were very official by this point. Bronya leaned up and lifted a hand to the back of Seele’s head, gently bringing her closer until their lips met. They kissed softly, and everything felt right to Bronya as Seele’s body melted into her arms and they fell into a tangled embrace. It was only a few moment’s time before the blue-haired girl pulled back gently, eyes half-lidded. “Mm… Bronya,” there was a rare note of softness present in Seele’s voice. “You’re so pretty, Seele,” the other girl murmured in embarrassment, cheeks tinging slightly pink. “Aw, don't get soft with me. I think you’re pretty, but you'd look better if I could mess your hair up a little.” Bronya blinked and didn’t understand what Seele meant until she felt the other’s fingers entangle themselves in her hair, causing loose locks to spill over her shoulders. The blue-haired girl was directly on top of her now, straddling her waist and pressing their torsos together. Their faces were tantalizingly close. “Seele, may I kiss you again?” A playful smile curled at Seele’s lips. “You didn’t ask the first time, princess.” This time, Seele bridged the gap between them, and they met a little rougher, lips crashing together. Wandering fingers found their grasp in Bronya’s hair, pulling gently. Seele wasn’t expecting the reaction she got from this, the other girl groaning slightly into the kiss. She’d be lying if she said that the sounds Bronya was making weren’t starting to get to her, mostly the little gasps she made every time they pulled back to briefly catch their breaths. Slowly, the blue-haired girl adjusted her position so that one of her knees could slide between Bronya’s thighs and softly apply pressure. “Ah…!” Bronya’s eyes slid shut and she gasped, the air quickly leaving her lungs. Her whole body jolted under the other girl’s, back arching into Seele’s touch. “Bronya, look at me. How far can I take this?” The other girl's eyelids fluttered, and she took a moment to regain her thoughts. “I’ve never…” she left the rest of her words unspoken, hoping the silence would speak for her. She expected encouragement, but was met with a shake of Seele’s head. “Me neither.” There was a momentary pause in Bronya’s words. “I trust you, Seele.” She offered a comforting smile. Seele moved up slightly so that she could make eye contact with the girl beneath her. “Say something if you’re uncomfortable, right?” Bronya nodded, and one of her hands lifted to rest on the side of Seele’s hip, gently encouraging her to move closer. One of the other girl’s hands moved to tug on the shoulders of Bronya’s top, but waited for permission to pull them down. “May I?” “Yes,” Bronya broke their eye contact, gaze shifting away as her cheeks burned ever so slightly in embarrassment. Slowly, Seele hooked a finger beneath one of the straps, and then the other, pulling both off of Bronya’s shoulders. Her hands then crept up the bottom of the tank top, cupping the other girl’s breasts while the top was pushed out of the way. Seele enjoyed the view for a few moments, but then helped Bronya pull the top free from over her head and tossed it aside. “Sorry, are you cold now?” Seele’s voice was playful and not in the slightest bit apologetic. Bronya’s expression relaxed into a smile. “Perhaps you should fix that.” The blue-haired girl laughed quietly, then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss between Bronya’s breasts. Her lips latched around the other’s right nipple, and beneath her, the princess instantly gasped. Bronya’s hands found their grasp in Seele's hair; she pulled her closer while her breaths became ragged. “Seele…” Her partner’s response came in the form of teeth carefully biting at her nipple. One of Seele’s hands held tightly on to Bronya’s hip, while the other grasped her other breast and firmly pressed her thumb against her nipple. The pressure was soft at first, but then Seele pinched it between her fingers, eliciting another groan from the silver-haired princess. Once again, Seele’s knee moved to press between Bronya’s legs, her other hand guiding the girl's hips slightly upward so that she could teasingly apply friction where she knew was most sensitive. “A-ah…!” Seele watched her from above for a moment, a satisfied smile tugging at the corner of her lips. A moment later, and Bronya felt a wandering finger tug at the waistband of her shorts. “Can I take these off?” the other girl’s request was softly spoken. “I” Bronya’s cheeks blazed. “I haven’t shaved in days. I don’t-” “I don’t own a razor, princess. I don't care.” Seele offered a smile that she hoped would be comforting to the other girl. “I think you’re beautiful, and everything about your body is perfect to me.” Bronya’s body wanted to squirm in delight at the slight praise. “Okay,” she breathed out. “Yes, it’s okay.” Seele’s knee was removed from its position, and slowly, the other girl eased her shorts and underwear down together. Bronya glanced down to see the pajama bottoms she’d borrowed completely drenched and a love-string spanning between her and her panties. She thought she might combust of embarrassment right then and there, and her expression may have betrayed this, as Seele glanced back up to her. “Hey, don’t be shy. You’re amazing, Bronya.” The silver-haired girl felt herself relax if only a sight bit as her shorts were set aside and Seele leaned in to place a single kiss against the side of her neck. “Do you… want to know what I was doing before you came in?” This served to distract Bronya from her embarrassment for a moment. “Yes?” Leaning back, Seele began to undress, and made quick work of her top which was tossed aside. However, before she could remove her shorts in a similar fashion, a squeak from the girl beneath her stopped Seele. “You have- what?!” The blue-haired girl glanced down to see Bronya staring dumbfounded at the barbells she wore through her nipples, the ends on either side shaped like tiny butterfly's wings. “What, my piercings? My belly button jewelry matches too,” Seele flashed a grin, pointing a finger to her navel which was also adorned with a similar style of butterfly piece. “How did… did they hurt? Why would you…?” “Did they hurt? What kind of question is that, princess?” Seele laughed lightly. “They’re all the rage in the underworld right now. What, you don’t like them?” “No, I-” Bronya's cheeks reddened. “I think they’re… pretty. And I like them.” This time, it was Seele that was embarrassed. “Okay, but you’re… changing the subject! That isn’t what I was talking about.” As she was about to pull down the waistband of her shorts, Bronya’s eyes widened. “You have more piercings?!” “No!” Seele protested with a shake of her head. Cheeks burning, she tugged her shorts down slowly, exposing the rest of her body to Bronya’s gaze. The other girl was met with a view of blue and glistening folds visibly wet even in the full light of Seele's room. Bronya couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight of the other girl, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Seele was beautiful. “Before you came in here, I was thinking about you, and- I just…” Seele struggled to make eye contact. “I’ve been doing this every night, imagining I could be with you like this, and-” “Seele, I… you should have said something sooner,” there was a note of adoration in Bronya’s voice. “I should have told you I was touching myself while thinking of you?!” Seele practically squeaked out the words. “No, I meant about your feelings! I’ve felt this way for a long time too, about you, and I just…” “Bronya…” the other girl paused. “I’ve been trying to hint to you for a while now, but you haven’t noticed.” Seele laughed for a moment, but then shook her head. “But I wanted to ask if you’ve ever… y’know… thought about me, or something else.” “When I was younger, I used to try and imagine fantasies about princes,” Bronya replied. “But I could never feel good when I thought of any sort of intimacy, I just felt... disgust. It felt gross, like something was wrong when I did it.” She paused. “But then, I met you, and I realized it wasn’t romance or sex that disgusted me, but-” “But men.” Seele finished. Bronya nodded. “Men are disgusting pigs. Have you met Sampo? I doubt he washes his ass.” The silver-haired girl laughed, and she lifted a hand which gently glided down Seele’s hip. “But yes, I have thought about you.” “And done anything else?” “I’ve been sleeping on Natasha's couch! No, I have not!” Wordlessly, Seele leaned in and kissed Bronya again as she laughed, and they fell back onto the bed in a tangled mess of limbs. This time, the kiss was more heated, eager hands pulling at the princess’s hair while their bodies pressed up against one another. Seele held on to Bronya as if she never intended to let go. One of Seele's hands slid down between the other girl’s legs, but paused momentarily, waiting for permission. “Can I touch you?” she murmured. Bronya didn’t hesitate to reply. “Please, yes.” Seele’s fingers found her clit easily and she began to run slow circles around it. Bronya squirmed and air quickly filled her lungs as she gasped for breath. Pleasure coiled beneath her stomach and she felt herself growing lightheaded. “Mmhgh, Seele..” Bronya’s voice cracked, and her hands grasped at the other girl’s back, leaving faint scratch marks. Seele leaned in and kissed her neck, softly at first, but when she began to use her teeth, Bronya knew she’d be leaving behind marks. Earlier, the princess might have protested against visible evidence on her body, but it felt so good, and her normal uniform covered her neck anyways, so she didn’t make any attempt to stop Seele. Instead, she leaned her head back into the pillows, unable to keep a muffled moan from escaping her lips. “More, please, more,” she gasped. Seele pulled her lips away from Bronya’s neck. “Do you want me to keep going like this?” “I…” it took the other girl a moment to form words. “...want to know what you were thinking about… ngh, before I came in.” “Oh, it was-” “Show me, please.” Bronya interrupted her. “If… if that’s ok.” “Mhmm,” Seele tried to appear confident even though her heart was racing in her chest and she wasn’t fully sure what she was doing. Her ministrations with her fingers slowed, and she pulled her hand back while lowering her body so that her face was closer to Bronya’s lower body. Instead of retracting her hand fully at first, however, Seele lifted her still-wet fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean, making eye contact with Bronya as she did so. The other girl’s expression wasn’t something she would soon forget. Once she’d finished, Seele used her hands to gently push Bronya’s thighs further apart, and lowered her head between them. She nipped at the skin of her inner thigh, but from the way Bronya grabbed at her hair, she could tell the other girl was much too impatient for any more foreplay. When Seele’s lips found their place between Bronya’s legs, the other girl’s back arched and her hands curled so hard in the sheets she feared Bronya might tear them. Seele first licked gently, and then kissed her clit. “Oh… ohhhh…” Bronya’s thighs closed around Seele’s head, and her hands grabbed at the girl’s hair. She could tell Bronya was sensitive, from the way her hips arched against nothing and her legs kept pressing into the bed as she squirmed. Seele applied more pressure with her tongue and sucked hard, then trailed downwards to lick a long stripe up and gather more wetness on her tongue, before returning her attention to Bronya’s most sensitive spot. “Ah, Seele, fuck, fuck!" With a muffled cry, Bronya came undone, her toes curling and back arching and voice breaking. Seele could tell she was trying her best to be quiet, but even with a hand over her mouth, a loud moan escaped her lips and her whole body shuddered. Seele had moved closer again by the time she’d come down from her high, a very satisfied smirk on her face. She waited for Bronya’s breathing to steady and kissed her neck playfully, hands pulling softly at the other girl’s hair. “You said fuck!” she teased gleefully. “I made the princess curse!” “A word of it, and I’ll have you silenced,” Bronya shot back with a weak laugh. Seele was about to lie down next to her with the intention of going to sleep, but she was stopped by a hand to her sternum. “We’re done?” Bronya sounded ever so slightly disappointed. “What, you want more? You barely lasted three minutes,” Seele replied with an amused glint in her eyes. “I haven’t done anything for you yet, though.” “Oh?” the blue-haired girl raised an eyebrow, then leaned in for another kiss. “So the princess isn’t a pillow princess after all~” … Despite the extremely thin walls, March next door snored so loudly she did not hear a thing.
Adjacent on the Wanted List
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)/Sam (Honkai: Star Rail)
Sam (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
Sam is hced as a HoDom EXPY, One Shot until I get forced to write a series., Not the first time they've kissed
['Duller', 'JustARegularGay', 'Kotofeila']
Missions are missions to Stellaron Hunters. You don’t need a personal relationship with your co-workers if you are all criminals to the highest degree. Kafka was a master of her trade. She was an experienced criminal. She was polite, kind, and gentle anyway.    Sam envied this. She was the least expert in the group. She had no sense of hiding from the enemy, and she was too scared to brute-forcer her way out of a problem. Kafka never seemed to mind diving in to help.    Today, one of Sam’s clones dashed at the Void Ranger. She didn’t spy Kafka even staring in her general direction, so she called all of her clones to fight. A burst of bullets whisked by like a dozen birds. She glanced back and forth and then to Kafka.    Kafka approached and pulled the clone by a tie. Sam could feel Kafka’s breath on her face. A shared feeling between all of her clones, but it was the only active one. “You could’ve called for help,” she whispered. “It’s cute that you expected me not to love helping you.”    Sam narrowed her eyes at Kafka. “Saying your welcome is much, much easier, Kafka,” Sam stated. “Thank you, Ms. Kafka.”   “You can make it Mrs. Kafka in a year,” Kafka stated. “You’re cute like that.” She leaned in close.    Sam leaned in and tapped her nose on Kafka’s nose. “What’s up with you?” She asked. “You’re not usually like this.”    “Listen,” Kafka said. “We’re all alone. Mind if I share a little bit of leisure love?”    Sam nodded softly. Maybe it was the enchanting nature of Kafka or the softness of her breath over her. Sam leaned forward and made contact with Kafka once more.    “You… I’m never leaving you alone,” Silver Wolf muttered from across the echoing hallway. She rolled the Stellaron to them like a bowling ball. 
Blessing of Music
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
Stellaron hunters are dumb reason 32
['ToeLicker3000', 'SpicyStrawberry39', 'Awkward_Hooman', 'Koyonesu', 'Miuixyunamai', 'swingyfishy', 'Ana57', 'Kotofeila', 'its_planetrose', 'Dogstar9069', 'nasia_Athy']
"What music do you like?" Silver Wolf asked. This was usually not a topic of general conversation between Blade and Silver Wolf. Much rather, it was a conversation starter between Kafka and Silver Wolf or Sam and Silver Wolf.    "Music? We did not have music in Xianzhou Luofu, and if we did, it was in leisurely activities," Blade told Silver Wolf.    "Ah, that's lame," Silver Wolf replied. "You seem so boring in your childhood. Maybe you should listen to music and become cool like Kafka," Bronie offered.    "Cool?" Blade asked. "I am not cool." He glanced out the subway train window. "I am the most dangerous swordsman in all of Xianzhou."   "Yikes, just take an earbud, buddy," Bronie said, plugging earbuds into her phone. She offered the left one to Blade and sat back as she picked a song. She thumbed over her options before a glorious option glared ever so amazingly over all of them. Baby Shark. She tapped it ever so gracefully.    Blade stared at the wall for a moment. His eyes narrowed slightly before his expression simply softened. He seemed to enjoy the song. He even shed a single tear. It was like he had finally listened to something he truly enjoyed. Silverwolf cringed.    As the song ended, Silver Wolf asked him, "did you enjoy it?"   Blade stared at her. "Is this music? Has my world hidden this rhythmical masterpiece from me for so long? This is nothing as annoying as Kafka playing her violin at 3 am or your simple minecraft world… this is unique… interesting… creative," he told her. He took a breath before shutting his eyes. "Thank you, Silver wolf."   They soon got off the train to depart to Walmart. 
Under The Moon's Embrace - Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Au
Teen And Up Audiences
F/F, Multi
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kiana Kaslana | K-423/Raiden Mei, Fu Hua/Murata Himeko, Bianka Ataegina | Durandal/Rita Rossweisse, Kallen Kaslana/Yae Sakura, Eden/Elysia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Lieserl Albert Einstein/Frederica Nikola Tesla (Honkai Impact 3rd), Multiple Pairings - Relationships
Honkai Impact 3rd Ensemble, Honkai: Star Rail Ensemble
Action/Adventure, Drama & Romance, Angst and Humor, Blood and Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Yuri, Lesbian Character, Dimension Travel, Honkai: Star Rail Closed Beta 2 Spoilers, Female Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Rating May Change, Language, One Shot Collection
['Traveler111', 'Hell_on_Wheels', 'Reddaemon', 'Goincrazy', 'theconstantineking', 'Sirin671', 'Kotofeila', 'MDWTA', 'X3lNaga', 'petras', 'Dogstar9069', 'shimaryuki1510', 'JustaSleepyBoi', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'shizuma12', 'Luna_Solaris', 'Yuuneya', 'Mirego1999']
Date: UnknownLocation: Astral Express, Above Jarillo IV   It was Strange, for Fu Hua it was as if the woman before her never died but Hua knew that this was not the same woman she knew in her world, this Himeko was different it was a emotional meeting for Kiana specifically, Hua knew Kiana had been the most devastated by Himeko's Death being that she was partially responsible for it but Kiana did not break down she did not apologize, all she told this Himeko was to live her life to the fullest to continue pursuing her dream, Hua saw tears in Kiana's eyes starting to form and the white haired girl left before she broke, it was a testament to how far Kiana had come how much she had grown, no longer was she the lazy and excitable girl who dreamt of becoming the greatest Valkyrie ever, now before Hua and everyone else was a woman who was formed from tragedy, from hardships, through her struggles that she became the Valkyrie she dreamt of becoming. Hua was use to loss of course unlike the others, having lived Fifty thousand years, but She once and awhile felt pangs of the pain of loss everytime she saw the pictures of Himeko and just looking at this Himeko she felt her heart hurt, Hua did not mind that this Himeko was not her Himeko, she was just glad that this Universe had one, which meant that other worlds likely had their own Himekos and probably their own Kianas, Hua walks up to Himeko." beautiful isn't it". Himeko smiled with a hum." yes, even though the Planet is frozen over it is still a beautiful sight". Hua nods and looks at Jarillo IV, Hua may have to go down to the planet herself to see. " so tell me Miss Hua, you are not from here are you?". " what makes you think that?". " just curious". Hua chuckled, she looks out the Express windows." it's a long complicated story and you might not believe it". Himeko gives her a try me look, Hua sighed but she smiled." have you heard of Dimension travel? that is how we came here through a place called the Sea of Quanta". Himeko actually looked intriqued, Fu Hua couldn't help but smile." yes it might be possible to use this Train to travel through it". Himeko hummed in thought, Hua chuckled as Himeko started talking to herself then turns to her." maybe after exploring space here maybe you can show me your world". Hua nods and looks back at the Planet, they haven't heard from the others for awhile now and Hua was starting to get concerned." i am going down there to see where they are". Himeko nodded and Fu Hua made her way to the Transport Room, she pulls out a device, it was the Core for her Godslayer Battlesuit, the Shadow Knight: Eclipse in case things get out of hand. if the legends of Stellaron were true they were just as great a threat as Honkai, and Fu Hua this time would not let those she cared about fall again. End Fu Hua Meets Two People who are familiar yet different yet are similar to herself, Hilarity ensues when She meets this world's Sushang Fu Hua just can't get a break lol She meets Blade and Sushang of the Cloud Knights in this and she sees Sushang's special move in this chapter, which hilarity ensues for Fu Hua and gang, yeah summoning a giant Chicken can make one freak especially a fifty thousand year old Immortal Eighteen year old woman lol (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) Date: Unknown Location: Jarilo IV   This was not what she expected when she came face to face with other versions of herself and Li Sushang, and this Sushang was not what she expected first was how excitable she was which was surprising but what really caught Hua off guard was that Sushang summoning a Giant Chick that looked oddly familiar, Fu Hua just had no words for what she had saw and could only look at Mei and Kiana who were just as confused and shocked as her, Kiana called it Senti which is kind of ironic and if the Herrscher herself was still around Hua could hear her now.' I am not a baby Chicken!'. she could just imagine her saying that. Fu Hua did not mind though after awhile, her world's Sushang had always had her quirks, then there was Blade who nobody knew his true name, it sounded like even himself did not know though he too reminded her of herself, the way he held himself and his skill with his sword, Fu Hua decided to see his fighting skill for herself, Fu Hua stood before him and he stood before her one arm behind him and sword before him, Fu Hua got into a similar stance and motions him to strike, Blade moves swinging his sword with one hand Fu Hua easily dodged it but Blade who had a calm expression flips sword into a reverse grip and swings up, Hua quickly leans back the sword barely missing her. She could hear her friends cheering her on well Kiana cheering her on loudly but Hua was use to it, Blade suddenly grips his sword with both hands as he jumps at her and performs a helm splitter strike Fu Hua activates her Shadow Knight Battlesuit and crosses her arms in front of her the sword slamming into her battlesuit's guantlets, Fu Hua felt the power behind the strike Fu Hua charged up and broke the weapon lock and strikes with a flurry of kicks and punches, Blade countered with a flurry of sword strikes, Hua and Blade jump back some feet from each other, Blade brings his sword in front of him and holds it with both hands his eyes closed (His Ultimate Skill), Fu Hua activates her battlesuit's Eclipse Mode and leaps into the Air and comes crashing down as Blade unleashes his Special Technique (Death Sentence). the two warriors collide causing a massive explosion of Energy sending the two combatants flying back both recovered quickly and skidded across the ground, Fu Hua deactivates her battlesuit returning to her normal outfit (Flame Chaser Outfit), Blade stands and bows." i thank you for the fight, i am impressed by your skill i did not think someone of your abilities even existed". Fu Hua nods having lived for so long it was not surprising." if you lived as long as I have you would be pretty skilled". Blade bows again, Hua bows back." again thank you, this was a lesson to me". Hua nods and Blade leaves, Sushang came running over." that was awesome! you have to teach me! what was that Move!? I want to learn it!". Hua chuckled, Sushang even in this world still impressed by such moves." i think not I am sorry but once this is over i will be leaving". Sushang slumped Hua chuckled again, and pats her shoulder." maybe one day i might come and visit". Sushang perked up with that and a big grin came to her face. " Then i will train hard to be just as strong as you!". " i will be looking forward to that day". Sushang with a huge grin ran off, Hua sighed but had a smile." seems even in this world people are impressed by your skills". Hua shrugs as she turns to Mei and Kiana." i guess so, i came down here to see if you were okay and find those two". Mei just smiles while Kiana gives a wide grin, Hua shakes her head." they reminded me of two people i knew, well Blade reminds me of someone i know". Hua sighed then knowing where this was going and quickly brings up a hand." Kiana just cause he does means nothing, i know what you are going to say". Kiana opened her mouth but Mei stopped her." Kiana, how bout we go and get some food". Kiana got excited and grabs Mei's hand." lets go! Come on Fu Hua!". Fu Hua follows the Excited white haired gal and Mei as they headed to the market in Belobog, Hua was conflicted this place was different and meeting Blade and Sushang made her want to stay in this world. But at same time she had people back in her world she cared about, Mei and Kiana being two of them Hua smiled she had come a long way from her first days as a Immortal and if she was honest would not trade it for anything, perhaps she would visit this world when she had time it was the least she could do, she wondered what other person that existed her was similar to others she knew, well she would likely find out as she continued helping down here and perhaps learn new things as well, only time will tell. End And here is Chapter 2, next chapter will likely focus on different Character or Characters, i will see who i can focus on next until then enjoy The Final Battle Against The Stellaron Corrupted Cocolia, The Heroes witness the awe inspiring strength of One Kiana Kaslana This is during the final moments in the battle against Cocolia, here Kiana decided to fight her alone believing that she must and so forth (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) Date: UnknownLocation: Unknown, Jarilo IV   *Power of Will and Supernova - Ivan Torrent* The Trailblazer jumps back as she dodges a attack by Cocolia, Her Flaming Lance in hand as the Ice Spears strike the ground where she stood, She lands before her allies who were in awe of the scene before them, Kiana Kaslana fought the now stellaron Cocolia with a passion and relentless determination likes never seen before, Raiden Mei who had been fighting early now stood as a onlooker as the love of her life fought a being similar to a Herrscher, Fu Hua stood there too smiling." we got to help her!". Kiana was hit and flew back but she quickly recovered not looking worse for wear, Mei stops March." No let her do this". March looks to her but Mei stayed Silent, watching Kiana it was like when She returned from the Moon those months before, in a blaze of glory like a shooting star. Lucheni and the Void Archives never saw it coming, Kiana had collided into the giant alien being that had been Lucheni and instantly destroyed the threatening being with only three movements, no matter how hard the being tried it could not hit Kiana she had been too strong and too fast, to Mei it was like watching an actual Valkyrie of Mythology in battle, It was like watching a Warrior Angel rend the heavens to save those it cared for, Kiana had explained she had sensed Void Archives and the threat he and those Alien beings posed and sensed her loved ones in danger and without hesitation used her herrscher power leaving the moon and appeared before them like a Meteor like an angel and that was what she was, an angel striking the evil that Void had summoned. Flames and Ice were all around them as Kiana and Cocolia clashed, Kiana was slammed into the Frozen Mech but she recovered and flew at Cocolia once more, their weapons clashing, Mei and the others watched on she was ready to join in again but Kiana had given her a look that she wanted to do this herself, Mei then sensed threats around them, Anti-matter Legion soldiers appeared, Mei's eyes glow with lightning and transforms into her Herrscher form and rushed the Anti-matter Legion forces, the others now watched two powerful beings clash, Fu Hua still smiled softly." Miss Hua....i don't get it, why can't we help, what is so special about miss Kiana". Fu Hua looks to March and the others, she looks to this world's Bronya and Seele." Kiana....she was once like you naive oblivious to the truth of the world, but in truth we were". Fu Hua turns to watch the fight. " Kiana changed, she became stronger than any of us ever thought she would and it was not physical, she went through many hardships but she never stopped believing in the world the goodness of a world turned violent and ugly, she saw hope and she gave us hope, she gave us reason to fight and that is why she fights, she fights for the future of all, so does Mei, so does my friends and myself cause she must, cause that is who Kiana Kaslana is". March looked up in awe, Cocolia came crashing down Kiana lands and swings down her greatsword with a mighty roar and shatters Cocolia's Ice Lance and Stellaron form and the woman reverted back to her human form, Bronya saw this and rushed over but Kiana brings up a hand and she stops, Kiana walks over to Cocolia. " why....why do you stand in it's you truly think it can be cannot, this world will die! Nothing can stop it!". * Birds of Paradise - Gisli Gunnarrsson* Kiana knelt before the woman who was on her knees ready to break down in tears, Kiana takes both her hands in her own and gets her to stand, Cocolia looks at her confused and shocked." i once thought that myself...but it can always be stopped, look at this world Cocolia, yes it is cursed but the people here make it a beautiful and wonderful place, no matter the odds, the world could end tomorrow but they still have hope, they still smile despite it all". Kiana squeezed her hands." i fight cause i see hope, yes the world is ugly but there is good in it and there is hope for a day when that ugliness will be no more". she looks to mei and fu hua and the others a smile and looks to Cocolia." sometimes we must fall before we can stand up and stay standing up, we all make mistakes we all fall down a dark path but there is always a light at the end of that darkness, someone who is there to pull us up to keep us on the right path even if we cannot do so ourselves". Cocolia broke down, Bronya rushed over hugging her adopted mother." I am so sorry....all i wanted was to protect you...". Bronya felt tears streak down her face and just hugged her mother. Mei smiled tears in her eyes, Fu Hua was not in tears but she smiled all the same, Kiana stood there as the clouds vanished and the sun shined it's light shining on Kiana like she was an angel she stood there eyes closed letting the rays of sunlight hit her face and opened them to look at the sun, Mei had never been more in love with her then she was now, no longer was Kiana the naive girl who only ate and charged recklessly into action, no the Kiana that stood there was a mature wise and determined woman who saved the world from destruction not once not twice but three times, this Kiana was her and her friends and allies' light in the darkness, Kiana was walking towards them." we did it....". Kiana nods at March and her friends, she looks to the Trailblazer. " but it is not over, i want to stay and help them rebuild it is the least we can do". " Agreed". " thank you....i was....i was lost in darkness for so long that i thought it would never go away". Cocolia looks at Kiana, Kiana smiles." Bronya needs you, they all do". Cocolia smiles nodding." thank you, all of you...perhaps this world can be saved if people like you are here". Mei comes up and takes one of Cocolia's hands into her own." we will be staying to help rebuild, we owe you that much". Bronya smiled silently thanking them for saving her adopted mother, it was not long before they left the ruins and returned to Belobog, Cocolia made an announcement soon after she was stepping down and made Bronya head of the Silvermane Guard, soon the rebuilding began, plans for investigation teams to search for any other civilizations began with the Eternal Freeze gone, Plans also began for a Celebration and Kiana and her friends were invited, though still much to do the future now looked much brighter for there was always someone like Kiana Kaslana out there to brighten it even in the darkest days * End Theme: Beyond Love - Ivan Torrent* we have no idea what happened to Cocolia after defeating her, so decided to do something about it, next chapter will focus on Kiana again and be set after this chapter and during the Celebration mentioned at end of chapter. also might turn into a Smut Chapter do not know yet i will see how i feel, i wanted to show Mei and Fu Hua's view of Kiana by this point, how much she affected them, yeah let me just say that Lucheni and Void Archives really should have not threatened her family lol just had to mention that. see you next chapter aka next update Hate to say this but i have seems my Creativity is no more, these last few months or more i have been trying to create, i get one or three chapters but then nothing, it is not to say i don't want to but any Creativity i have is just gone...i think it started when my Uncle passed and my grandfather passing i think did not make it any better...i have hundreds of ideas but i cannot for life of me get them in words. So this and other Fics i been doing will be Discontinued for unknown amount of time maybe forever unless some miracle happens which i doubt, i just cannot create stories anymore and i apologize if some of my readers were hoping for more i truly am but i also think that perhaps it is time to end that part of my life, i love writing but i have not been able to do so for almost a year and i think that it is time to stop, so unless some miracle happens no more updates and maybe no more stories
it must be her
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game)
Cocolia/Serval Landau
Serval Landau, Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Friends With Benefits To Lovers, Implied Sexual Content, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, slow burn but it happens offscreen so it doesnt really count, Mutual Pining, vague modern au
['DoctorOfLove', 'Sifer31', 'kinuchang', 'ErodiumsMnemic', '5047', 'Infro', 'MagnustheRed', 'RichardPham', 'CoffeeWings', 'Reiricchi', 'poopypongy', 'Avatarfan_223', 'Ironworks_Samurai', 'soojunq', 'Phantaros', 'ygoygo1', 'kafhimefan69', 'anotherandomcollection', 'sigmabsd0', 'Astraeus_the_rey_of_moonlight', 'silentlyjudgingyou', 'Accursed_Beast', 'bread_slicer', 'PlayerGames8', 'Dethi', 'Radovid', 'thelala123', 'SabreDagger', 'Luxy', 'hisutoria', 'strangely_appealing', 'Levinter', 'fanficgrillx2', 'Dyinglittlestar', 'junkreading_account', 'BeStillMyTinyGayHeart', 'Kogash1', 'jxna_bishop', 'clover4u', 'Budget_hrdirector', 'AileenRaven', 'Shadowslayerstu', 'windbloom', 'help_im_alive', 'Astrophel_Ester', 'FrozenAbattoir', 'Liesel_Rasalhague', 'Avatar_of_Ragnarok', 'LANGO9', 'blamidle']
Here is a really terrible hypothetical: you are in bed with your best friend, and you are desperately in love with her. Here is context, which arguably makes the situation worse: this has been happening regularly, and passionately, for the past six months, and your best friend— the love of your life, as far as you’re aware of the concept— believes you are still only friends. Friends with benefits, she’d proposed, after a night of drinking. You still can’t think back to that night without feeling like somebody is taking a sledgehammer to your skull, that’s how drunk you both were. Here is the most horrible, awful part about that hypothetical: This is Serval Landau’s life, has been since January, and she has only herself to blame for it. “Mmm.” Cocolia rolls over onto her back, tired and sated. “That was wonderful.” Oh, and just in case you think there’s anything even remotely salvageable about this circumstance, Serval has just finger-fucked her so well that she saw God. So, all cards on the table: Serval is in love with her best friend, who she has been sleeping with for half a year, she has made no effort in confessing this to said best friend, and in fact she seems to be getting further away from this hazy ‘goal’ with every day (or rather night) that passes. “I don't know. I could go again,” Serval says, only mostly joking. Cocolia gives as good as she gets, always, sometimes more; Serval is as tired and sweaty as she's been since her last tour ended. Cocolia smiles and turns over, staring at Serval with those big forbidding eyes. Her hair, rumpled but still artfully pooling underneath her head like so much blonde silk, lends her the look of a proper muse, like she's a font of inspiration just waiting to be drawn from. (If only she knew how many of Serval’s songs are about her. If only she knew that the burst of creation these past months, a proper Cambrian explosion of Serval’s best work, was mostly due to her.) “We can't. I have work in the morning.” And she’s married to her work, so even if Serval did ask her out properly, the chances that she’d accept are close to nil. But she has to do something about this. Anything. Break it off or double down, tell her you want to be just friends or something else entirely— Serval has got to do something. Mostly for her own good, but also because about a month ago she spilled this entire story to Gepard, and now he looks at her with stern judgment every time they talk. He’s not going to ask about it until he’s no longer embarrassed, but he will eventually ask. He might make a PowerPoint about it. She needs to preempt that. She needs to do it tonight. In post-coital silence, in the peace of Cocolia’s bed, she feels so little like herself that she can do it. She can just— clear her throat, and that will start this conversation that needs so much to happen. She doesn’t clear her throat. Instead, quietly, pathetically, she says, “Can we talk?” Cocolia’s smile crumbles from her face, and she says, “You want to end it.” Fuck, how could she get it right and wrong in the same breath? “How did you… get to that?” Serval responds, her fingers drumming on the sheets below her, hoping her voice is noncommittal enough that Cocolia doesn’t think she’s gotten it right. “You only sound like this when you’re miserable.” Cocolia lets herself fall onto her back, staring up at the ceiling instead of at Serval. “You’ve been off for the last few times we’ve done this. I’m not a fool, Serval. I know what the denominator is.” “Oh.” Feeling a little like a fool herself, Serval puts a hand on Cocolia’s shoulder, urging her to face her again. Cocolia doesn’t respond to it. “I wasn’t going to ask to break it off.” “Well— it must be something to that effect. Isn’t it?” Suddenly Serval is sure that she can’t get through this conversation without a drink or three. She sits up in bed, tugs her bra and panties back on with her pruney fingers (she has got to wash her hands while she’s up), and says, “Let’s go have something to drink.” Cocolia does turn to her at that, raising her eyebrows, but she doesn’t protest. “All right.”     Hands washed, life contemplated, and vodka retrieved, Serval is more prepared to have the worst conversation of her life so far. “So,” Cocolia begins. She’s got nothing on but her lingerie and a short white-fur peignoir. It’s absurdly distracting. “What did you want to say?” That’s the question of the evening. “I wanted to say…” Serval is a lyricist by trade and she can’t even begin to wrap her tongue around these words. “I wanted—” She takes a long flaming swallow of her vodka and, mortifyingly, coughs on it. Cocolia is looking at her like she’s turned into another person entirely. Once she’s managed to get over the fit, she slams the vodka down on the table, and says, without half a thought behind it, “Do you remember when we were younger?” Of course she does, that’s a stupid way to begin any sentence, but Serval’s foot is all the way down on the gas and she can’t very well stop now. “I mean— do you remember those first few months when we knew each other? I’d never felt so connected to another person. Except my brother, I guess, but he doesn’t count.” Cocolia suppresses a laugh. “I just— what I mean to say is that even back then, even before I knew you the way I do now, you were someone I never wanted to lose. Do you remember the first time you came to one of my concerts? I hadn’t cleared out all of the cars from the shop before setting up. There was this one, this bright red sports car, left, and I’d thought I would have to incorporate it into the show somehow but I didn’t think of anything in time so it was just out in the crowd. And you had promised me you’d come. I was so nervous. ” “Not that anyone in the crowd would have known that.” Cocolia smiles like velvet brushed against the lips. “You were magnificent. You are magnificent.” Serval laughs shakily, pointing at Cocolia in accusation. “Stop that or I’ll never get this out.” Obediently, but still with that poised amusement in her eyes, Cocolia falls quiet. “I was so sure I had fucked everything up before I even started. I couldn’t see you anywhere. My mic did that feedback thing that it does in the movies. But then I look around the crowd right as I’m supposed to start my set, and there you were, sitting on the hood of that red sports car like you owned it, and you were just… looking at me. And everything else went away.” Cocolia is still smiling, but it’s shaded downward, her eyes narrowed against what is surely to come. “How is this relevant?” The vodka is starting to hit her. Just in time, too. Leaning heavily on the cold granite countertop, Serval spits out, “I can’t do this anymore but it’s not at all because I don’t want to. It’s not you, it’s— No, it is you. It is you. You know I don’t have any scruples about casual sex. But you—! ” Her eyes are stinging. “If I’ve done something to hurt you…” “No!” Serval sighs and flicks her hair behind her ear. “No, that’s not what I’m trying to say.” Cocolia’s amusement has morphed now into efficient impatience. Serval pities her employees. “Then say it.” It’s not like this is going to get any easier the more she beats around it. Like the moment of truth in a song, the key changing and switching the context of everything that comes after it: she just has to split this equilibrium. Whatever comes next, she’ll deal with it. “Cocolia, I’ve been in love with you since we were twenty years old.” Cocolia spins the numbers up within a fraction a second. Her eyes harden. “ Sixteen years? And you never said anything?” “No! You were— you had your work, and then you had Bronya, and I just wanted to be constant for you. I wanted to be with you in whatever form I could.” “So when you accepted this arrangement…” Cocolia arches her brow. “Did you do it only because I asked?” “I’m sorry, did you not hear the part where I was in love with you for sixteen years?” Serval huffs a laugh. “It’s a long time to wait. For the first couple of times, I was convinced I was having a really good dream.” “Hm.” “Would you stop looking at me like that?” “I thought you liked it when I looked at you.” Serval reaches across the bright expanse of the marble, across the specular fluorescents, and slaps Cocolia on the shoulder. “You’re making me nervous.” “I think you deserve it. Sixteen years , Serval. If you had told me any earlier I could have—” She cuts herself off with a shake of her head, something strange and imperfect that is very much unlike her, and course-corrects into a different sentence entirely. “It would have spared us both a good deal of wondering.” A second passes. “Oh.” Suddenly it makes so much more sense than it ever did before: “Oh, shit. You—!” Serval barks out a laugh. “Now who’s hiding something?” “Ten years,” says Cocolia, averting her eyes. “Since we were twenty-six. Though I didn’t properly know what it was until last December. You had that little side-piece you were dragging around, some groupie, and you brought her to my holiday party, and I wanted to ruin her life.” “Come on, ” Serval says. The stone expanse between them is too much by far. She leans over it. “You can’t tell me you were jealous of her. I don’t even remember her name. I took her just to make you squirm.” Cocolia smiles, really smiles, and when Serval sees it she realizes how rare it is. Her eyes wrinkle when she means it. “Go on a date with me,” she says. Serval blinks at her. “After the confessions we just dragged out of each other, that feels sort of anticlimactic.” “Wait a year and I’ll propose.” She says it so nonchalantly that Serval doesn’t realize the absurdity at first. When she does, she grins, giddy beyond reason. “Who says I won’t be sick of you by then?” “Sixteen years,” Cocolia reminds her, reaching for her hands. It’ll be an inside joke now, that sixteen years, Serval realizes, her heart beating against gravity to push joy into her throat. It feels like closing a set or waking up in bed with her best friend for the first time, like hearing a broken engine back on its feet. Here’s how it was. Here’s how it is. “Okay,” Serval answers. Cocolia’s hands are warm when they knit into hers. “But I’m picking the movie.”
There is no air here.
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 崩坏学园2 Houkai Gakuen 2 (Video Game)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Wendy (Honkai Impact 3rd)
this is Houkai Gakuen 2 not honkai impact, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, we need more Houkai Gakuen tags
['Kashiko371', 'HerrscherOfWomen', 'The_Twilight_Trickster', 'Salty_p1geon', 'Kotofeila', 'Starlovelv_alpha']
There is no air here.  There is no space. There is nothing… Other than me… And the pieces of debris I am I lonely? No. (That’s a lie) It’s peaceful out here. There are no ants to bother me. No ants can bother me, they’re all dead. Killed by the end. That dead spot destroyed their earth. Now there is nothing but floating rocks. I escaped. I won’t miss those little moths. (Another lie.) I can’t move. There is everything nothing to stop me. So, I drift, pulled by the strings of gravity. I laugh. In my head. No point of making noise in space. Even the last remaining god must bow before gravity.   ---- There is a white spot in my vison. I know it’s the sun, I think. Hard to tell. I am forgetting. Names, faces, all of it, gone. I miss the humans. I am lonely. I am going to die soon. I wish I could… I wish I could. ---- Cold… Cold... Cold… Cold… Cold… ---- Everywhere is sun. Everything is light. Yellow. Sounds. It is loud. I can feel fluffy. Fluffy? Earth isn’t fluffy. Space doesn’t have sound. I am not in nothing anymore. I can. I Can. ---- March stared. Infront was a cold girl. March never the expected Astral Express to find another person floating in space. She pitied the girl, it was unfortunate that both her and the girl her had shared the same fate, both drifting in space for who knows for how long. The girls hair was a long black with bright turquoise on the inside. Her clothes had been skimpy, not the type for cold weather. “Ngh.” A slight groan comes from the women. Eyes slitting open for a breath moment. Was she waking up? March didn’t know. “Medic, the girl groaned.” March called out to the medic who was watching her vitals. “Yes, March I saw, there is nothing to worry about. The girl will  hopefully wake up in the next couple of days. “Oh. okay.” March paused. “She will be okay, right?” “March, what did I just say.” “Oh right, sorry. I guess I will see you in a we bit, huh. BYEEEEEE!” ---
Honkai: A Space Odyssey
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
['mixisz', 'sea1slug', 'randomsoulnix', 'KomiXo', 'OLaLa9911', 'Salty_p1geon', 'AroAce_Icon', 'I_am_amazing_wright', 'Rio15_SilenceLover', 'Asophogus', 'LivingThing8', 'Lunamme', 'Mei_Pluto', 'simplykyla', 'Solaris_Deluxe', 'stonekyul', 'Khanhlinh6809', 'Ash_Filled_skyz', 'Cereus14', 'Al_Alex', 'St4r1ight', 'Kotofeila', 'grassbl0ck', 'Aruth', 'march7thmwahmwah', 'KianaIsSpiraling', 'Fiugk17', 'ItstheBookworm', 'CatsCatsCatsCat', 'BrainRot69', 'Eclipse2486', 'T1aGenius', 'Lorzryn', 'LaiDron', 'Mehran199', 'Libra_13', 'Kinkusu', 'Rakshiem', 'Lenkasashi', '09Mingie', 'kosi_AnneC', 'ShadowCherry', 'kkevco_amr', 'LinniLotus', 'nep_t', 'Hatchiiwa', 'Tyclove', 'Void_Watcher0907', 'skizzie', 'Draco_180601']
There was a chess board in the Express passenger compartment. It was there mainly for decoration. The crew was so busy on various missions that no one paid it a thought. Until, one day, a certain iridescent-eyed girl walked by the table…for the umpteenth time. Strange, she thought. Why hasn’t anyone ever used this board? Aren’t chess sets meant for playing chess? What was perhaps even stranger, was the fact that it was now that she realized this.     “Hey Dan Heng,” March 7th called, gesturing to the chess board. “Wanna play a game?” He considered it. The Astral Express was parked outside Herta Space Station. Himeko had been talking to the lead researcher, Asta, for the past half hour. Dan Heng’s job was to guard the train, but they haven’t had any encounters with the Antimatter Legion for a while now. Maybe it was safe. Just this once. “Alright,” he said. “Awesome! Let’s go.” They sat down. March took a pawn of each colour in her hands and placed them behind her back, mixing up their positions so that neither of them knew which hand the pawns were in. After a few seconds, she held out both hands closed into fists, each containing one of the pawns. “Pick a side,” she said. Dan Heng chose the left. March opened her left hand, revealing a white pawn. “Okay, you’re playing White,” she said, replacing the pawns on the board. “What time control?” “It might not be very long before Himeko gets back, so let’s go with rapid.” “15+10?” “Sure.” March nodded and set up the chess clock. They shook hands, and Dan Heng made his first move. 1.d4 Starting with the queen’s pawn was a tried-and-true opening, controlling the centre of the board and often leading to a solid and patient game from White. 1…Nf6 Rather than responding in kind with the queen’s pawn, March decided to mix things up right from the get-go. 2.c4 Typical Dan Heng, March thought to herself. Going down well-worn paths because they’re safe. Well, with what I have in mind, he’s gonna be anything but safe! 2…g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 The King’s Indian defence. A dynamic, risky and aggressive approach from Black, giving White full control of the centre with the intention of striking back against it later. Black has good attacking chances, but nevertheless, White is objectively slightly better in this opening. So she wants to attack, Dan Heng thought. Well, now I’m objectively better. If I just defend correctly, I should be winning in the long run. 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 “Hey guys,” the Trailblazer said, walking up to the table. “Can I watch?” “I don’t mind.” “Sure! But no kibitzing!” “Don’t worry, I won’t.” The Trailblazer smiled and sat down.     They were in the middlegame now. Dan Heng was quite happy with his position. He had a space advantage, and his king was safe. His long-term positional edges would see him through. Or so he thought. March had been deep in thought for quite a few minutes now. Is she seeing something that I’m not? A hint of worry crept into Dan Heng’s mind. The move came like a slap in the face. He was stunned as March placed the piece onto the square with a triumphant look on her face. It was a rook sacrifice. Dan Heng adjusted his position in his seat. He leaned in slightly closer to the board, head in hands. He thought he had all the bases covered. Apparently not. As he regained his composure, he calculated an ostensible path to safety. My king may be exposed now, but I should be fine. A draw at worst. They played some more moves. As Dan Heng examined the position further, it became clear that he was, in fact, not fine. He was now in a checkmating net. There was no escape. He could have resigned, but the foreseen final checkmated position was a very nice one. I suppose I will play this one out all the way to the end. A victorious March 7th played her final move. They shook hands. “Let’s go!” March celebrated, rather quietly, with a fist pump. “Gotta get a photo of this.” She pulled out her camera. The Trailblazer, who had been just as immersed in the game as the two players, marvelled at the final position on the board. “Wow, March, that sacrifice was amazing! And what a picturesque finish!” Dan Heng, too, was amazed by the final combination. “That was very impressive indeed. Well played, March.” She looked at him. “Thank you for playing, Dan Heng.” “Thank you for playing.” A part of him was still curious. He really did think he was okay when he was calculating the variations. Maybe he missed something. “March, do you want to check the position with the computer? I am not sure that your sacrifice was completely sound.” “I’m pretty sure I was winning when I played it, but yeah, let’s see what the engine says.” They loaded up the chess engine. As it turns out, the sacrifice was an inaccuracy. With an extremely hard-to-find, seemingly miraculous counter-sacrifice, White could have escaped relatively unscathed with a very slight advantage. The engine’s best recommendation for Black in lieu of the sacrifice was a boring-looking move that consolidated a path to an equal position. “Hmm, interesting. It seems my judgement was correct. I just couldn’t find that clever defence.” “Yeah, guess so…but I’m glad I played the move that I did. The game was so fun and exciting afterwards! You know, even if I did see the best move, I would still play the sacrifice. The computer’s recommendation is way too boring!” “I agree!” the Trailblazer affirmed. “Hmm…I suppose you have a point.” Rejecting the best move in favour of one that would lead to a wild, exciting game. It was the type of thing March 7th would do. Some might say that her ideas were always too crazy. But in chess, being crazy can yield spectacular results. As the Express train’s guard, Dan Heng was always concerned about security and consolidation. Being safe and solid was ingrained in his mind. That would not change. However, he did learn something from his game with March. Arguably, March’s rook sacrifice was dubious. But the best move was dull, leaving White scot-free with a comfortable position. The risky, unexpected attacking move was the one that gave Black the most winning chances. The next time they faced the Antimatter Legion, he would keep this in mind. An unorthodox approach could cause the enemy to falter, giving the Express crew the edge in battle. It seems like I have some things to learn from her. Himeko walked up to join the chessist trio. “That game was truly remarkable. March, that was a very cool move you played there.” “Himeko, you’re back! Wait, you saw the game?” “I’d say I saw most of it.” “Huh?! When did you get back?” “About 20 minutes ago. I was watching just a few metres away from you guys,” she smiled. “I didn’t want to disturb the silence.” “Whoa, that was really stealthy. I didn’t hear a thing,” the Trailblazer said. Himeko chuckled. “It looks like you all had fun. Next time, I’ll join you. Wouldn’t want to let you have a party without me.” “Ooh, do you think we could have weekly chess games? Oh, what if we held a tournament with the entire crew?” March gasped in excitement. Himeko looked at March, and then at Dan Heng. “We’ll see.”