1 value
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Hi Doctor my age is 29 years,I got married 2 years back. we are not conceving yet,Q.1 my penis is 2 inches when it is normal & when it is erected it is 4-5 inches.Q.2 my penis is little bit curve and i get little pain during inter course.Q.3 Is this the reason for my wife not conceving.Q.4 my sperm count is 35millions
As you are 29 years old, your penis size is normal, your sperm count is normal. In semen analysis other points are also important like liquidification time, active sperms, motility. As you have complained of pain during intercourse that doesn't interfere in pregnancy. For conceiving, both partner should have normal reports. Your wife should have normal tubes, ovaries. And ovaries must have ovulating. So u should do some reports of your wife like ultrasound. So consult a gynecologist and he/she will guide you properly.
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Hi, I am trying to conceive. Beginning in February my husband and I started trying, but I ended up getting my period 5 days early (10 dpo). I thought it might have been implantation bleeding but 4 preg tests (last at 18 dpo) they were all negative. But ever since I have felt SO bloated and have been feeling light abdominal cramping. What gives?
Hallow Dear, I hope both you have been investigated thoroughly and there is no problem in conceiving. In such situation, try to adjust your sexual intercourse on and around the day of egg release (ovulation). The egg is released 14 days prior to next menses. The egg has 24 hours life and the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of a week is a fertile window. Intercourse during this period might be helpful to become pregnant. You can find out the day of ovulation by ovulation monitoring kits or ultrasonography ovulation monitoring. The chances of pregnancy will be maximum if you perform sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation. If you do not conceive within six months, you may report to the Gynecologist for any investigations and interventions needed.
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Hi Doctor , My son is 22 months old and weighs 11kgs . Recently he has been coughing a lot (not dry cough) and had slight temperature last night. I called the pediatrician and he advised us to give 2.5ml of Ambrolite-D, 3 times a day . Will that be ok. What is the difference between Ambrolite S and D ? Regards, Gokul
Thanks for posting your query at Chat Doctor. Your son has a respiratory tract infection. Usually it is caused due to a virus and has an allergic component associated. Both Absolute D and Absolute S are safe to be given. Dose is ok. Absolute S contains aerosol, guaiphenesin and albuterol whereas Absolute D contains Cetirizine, Dextromethorphan, Pseudocode Chat Doctor. The actions are similar. The main difference is due to the albuterol which is a bronchodilator that helps in widening the airway tracts when there are spasms that cause wheezing. Hope that I have been able to add
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I have had pain in my right side of chest, above breast but pain goes down right breast and into my right side under arm. I have had lap banding (vbg) about 6 years ago and have kept the weight off. I have trouble keeping food down and have been vomiting it up to relieve some of the pain. I also have a large hernia (from the surgery), which took over 200 stitches to close. I am just wondering if I have caused some problem to my chest or throat from all the throwing up I have done. I do this at least once a day if not more.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you had banding surgery possibility of spasm of lower esophageal sphincter is more likely. This sphincter plays very important role in swallowing. If this sphincter doesn't work properly, chest pain, vomiting, pain relieved by vomiting is seen. So better to consult gastroenterologist and get done upper GI (gastrointestinal) copy with manometry (pressure monitoring). Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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sir i am suffering from blood both leg bones r paining & hardened. i want to feel rub both legs on rough cloth after that i will get some hb level is between apatite is good & my body weight is 60kg.earlier it was bone marrow report dr. suspected that it may be a myleofibrosis.they gave me a steroid up 8 months that time my hemoglobin was increased up 12.if i stoped steroid hb will decreases.finally i started taking wheat grass juice know i am free from steroids.sir please sugest me wether it is a milofibrosis or what is your advice for me to get relief from bone pain & improvement of hb level.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, In order to know whether the problem that you are suffering from is due to myelofibrosis or some other disorder, you need to get a bone marrow biopsy done. In this investigation, a piece of bone is taken out, is processed and examined to look for any abnormality or disease. I am not sure (not clear in your report) whether a bone marrow biopsy has been done or not, however, if it has been proven to be myelofibrosis on bone biopsy, you need to take treatment for myelofibrosis. Steroids are the mainstay of treatment for myelofibrosis, and thus you will need to take steroids only. Consult your hematologists for further work up. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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Hello Doctor, Please hep me with general information regarding MRCP result for my mother. Please advise on below areas. 1. Next step, things to look for while getting 2nd opinion based on MRCP images. 2. Some info on this disease, complexity of diagnosis (can there be multiple reason for this disease, which would be found during surgery only ?), complexity of surgery (chances of complication)3. Suggestion on best hospital for this surgery in/near Mumbai, India Report text is below.Diffuse dilatation of entire CBD is seen with maximum diameter measuring 10mm at porta. No evidence of any filling defect is seen. Intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts show normal luminal signal intensity, No evidence of any calcui or stricture seen. Pancreatic dust is normal in cliber and contour. No evidence of any side branches are seen. Pancraticobiliary junction / confluence / ampullary regions are normal. Gall bladder and cystic ducts are normal.Impression
Dear friend it's a congenital condition and it's really rare to find that she has not been treated till now the cyst will need to be excised and a Y anastomosis need to be done in lay mans term she will need to get that portion of common bile duct removed and removed portion will need to be rejoined to let the flow of bile continue from the's not a very complicated surgery so say and any proficient GI surgeon or minimal invasive surgeon can perform it your local general practitioner will be able to guide you to the best options available
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I had Blood clot on left leg several years ago. I had treatment. Last week I felt lump on calf on same leg. There was a little pain and tenderness and I have been elevating my leg. The swelling has gone down but lump is still noticeable. What does this mean?
Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted your history of blood clot on left leg several years ago - that is a long ago. This may not be related to the lump you have now as the lump has reduced in size. Since there is a little pain and tenderness, this is most probable inflammatory like a boil or so. Hence, take a course of an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicines and consult a Surgeon to get this clinically evaluated to get a proper diagnosis. Color Doppler helps a lo to get a proper diagnosis as are the blood tests.
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I have been haviaving twinges or something simiilar to being hooked up to the electric current after being at the chiropractor- no pain and its during normal activity behind my left breast that radiates to my back right around the bottm of my shoulder blade- again on my left side. A little concerning to me, but I am wondering if it might just be a muslce knot in my back that is spasming??
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, possibility of muscular spasm is more. But since it is left sided chest pain associated with left shoulder and arm, better to first rule out cardiac cause for this. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If both these are normal then no need to worry about cardiac causes. Muscular spasm is likely in your case. So avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Avoid movements causing pain. Take muscle relaxant tablet. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Gentle massage over involved region can also be helpful. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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I fell on my knee 10 days ago and it swelled up quite a bit. I can walk fine, but cant put any pressure on it. The whole lower half of my leg turned black. I went to the doctor and he took xrays and said it was fine. He said that I had a contusion in the knee that was seeping down the leg. I don t know if I landed on my ankle or not but it is swollen and bruised to the point that my whole foot doesn t have any definition anymore.... it is very very painful. Is this normal?
Hello, I have studied your case and I think that you have developed ecchymosis in the leg with swelling and due to this you are having pain and discoloration. I would recommend you to follow these steps.1. Hot water fomentation2. Compression bandage and tablet Govern if pain is there .3. Rest4. If ecchymosis increases then you need to check your blood coagulation profile as some time this can also cause increase bleeding tendency and such symptoms. I hope this answer will be helpful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
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Im 17 i weigh 125lbs, & right now im on birth control. & well my question is ...after having sex with my partner, i dont know if its his sperm or my cum that comes in a pinkish, orangish, Brownish color... Were worried,& we want to know what can we do, help?!
Thank you for the question, and thank you for visiting our site. When you have intercourse, there is bumping of the cervix. The cervix is very prone to small amounts of bleeding. This blood, after intercourse, can make its way out as a brownish discharge. Given the strong association of this discharge with intercourse, I believe that my answer is the most likely. It is never wrong to consider a visit with an OB/GUN to perform an exam and confirm that everything is otherwise normal and that there is no concern regarding infection. I hope that this helps and good luck!
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Mass felt to right of anus -- not obstructing having bowel movement but tender to touch. Almost feels like a sore muscle. Had stomach bug with diarrhea for three days - 10 days ago - went to bathroom a lot. Felt like even tho stool was softer than normal, I still strained because I had to go so much. Have slight hemorrhoid issues but never seen dr for. Then this mass showed up.
Hi, Dear,Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the facts of your query, You seem to suffer from-Internal hemorrhoid Mass with sentinel skin tag with fissure in ANO, which seems to be tender to touch. You seem to have parotitis with false frequency. Treatment -Photocopy and Second opinion from Surgeon would fix the diagnosis of the Lump. Possibility of the Rectal Polyp needs to be ruled out.USG and Contrast Barium Enema would confirm any additional Polypoid Cold. Endoscopic resection with Biopsy, by Colonoscopies would resolve this issue. Would be by-Anal Dilation with High Ligation and Excision of the Internal Hemorrhoid Mass.Hope this reply would help you to plan further treatment with your doctors. Contact with a Followup Premium question to ME. Will appreciate your Hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy patients like you. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
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Hello, I am diagnosed with TB (finally) after suffering for 5 months. My diagnose was late and was confirmed after Biopsy (lungs/Left). Now I am on AKT from past 14 days. I need to know, how can I track that the medicines are effective and I am getting cured
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In tuberculosis treatment response is a bit of delay, as it is chronic infection. Improvement in X-ray and CT THORAX will appear late. But symptomatic improvement start after 20-25 days of starting treatment. So if your symptoms likeFeverCoughLoss of appetiteWeight loss care improving, then no need to worry. Your treatment is effective and get done repeat CT after 2 months. But if your symptoms are not improving than after 1 month of treatment than get done repeat CT THORAX. And yes, you can share your reports.
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My arm suddenly went numb and when I tried to move it it worked but it felt like someone else was moving it. I could only tell it moved by watching it. Then the speed slowed down and I could barely move it at all. It was cold when it hit my other hand. Then my chest started to burn and my other arm started going numb. And everything started getting farther away as the numbness crept over my entire body. I hoped it was restricted blood flow from my previous wrist surgery. Because it started with that arm. I tried hard and jerked my right shoulder around. Hoping it would jar the senses like when your foot falls asleep. I could barely feel it but that s more than I had prior so I did it again. Then I sat on the bed and everything came back to me. I am a 21 year old female and I was not drinking or doing drugs. I had just woke up and had cooked food and drink and went to my room to eat. I am also a smoker, 5 4 weighing 104. I mention because it could be of importance. Please help it scared me. It s happened before about 8 months ago but not as severe. Simply numbness and far away and watching my body move
Hi, Thanks for your query. Numbness in the arms indicate that there is some sort of neurological disturbance (impaired conduction of nerve impulse) in the involved nerves. This may result due to compression of the nerve at some level during its course or may also result due to some systemic diseases. A detailed clinical examination and few investigations like EMG & Nerve conduction studies are needed to establish a correct diagnosis of your problem. I suggest you to consult a Neurophysician and follow the advice. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
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I twisted my torso while reaching down to get a pot out of a cabinet and experienced a sharp pain in the lower part of my right rib cage. The pain went away quickly, but I experienced it again a couple of days later when bending. Now 8 days later my right side is very tender to the touch and it is painful to rollover while sleeping. Do you know the cause?
Hi. Your Pain is due to sudden twisting and lifting of the pot.loading external oblique muscles abruptly resulting in spasm...and pain.pain got received instantly, and sudden spasm takes times to get received. Secound spasm worsened the issue...and this is what you are experiencing currently... If I am your treating doctor then I would like you to ice up that area frequently.say once in every 2 hours possibly...slowly and gently perform twisting towards the opposite side.stretching oblique muscle.keep a pillow under my back around low back lie in top of my pillow.relax and take deep breath in and breath out...perform some cobra stretches...lying on my stomach and lift my torso up with my palms elbows straight...hope this information will get you out of your issue.revert in case you need further clarification...
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one months before my wife has suffered weakness & pain in left side upper stomach. On consulting MS Surgen he has suggested liver blood test. on test it is been observed that her sgpt level has raisen to 1480 & sgot doctor told that sonography has to be done. on songraphy it is mentioned that Mild hepatomegaly is seen. liver shows alterted focal lesion is seen.Itrahepatis venous and biliary radicalls are normal.the portal vein is normal.also report concludes that mild hepatomegaly with diffuse liver parenchymal disease. Now after 18 days preoper rest & treatment now her sgpt level is 53 & sgot 33 which is normal.Now our doctor says everything is ok & recomnded sonography after 3 months.also hepatitis A.B,C,E tests found to be negative.Pls sugest us what to do next? Patient Name
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.... Noted you had hepatomegaly with elevated liver enzymes... But now your enzymes value lowering you are improving... You could have viral hepatitis that is resolved now... Your viral markers negative, so it could be by temporary cytomegalovirus or infectious mononucleosis virus infection.... You could have simple fatty liver like condition also...Meanwhile, for few days continue with low fat diet.... Green leafy veg and fruits more. One tsp licorice with honey can be taken... Less oil in cooking ... Avoid alcohol.... Repeat sonography test after few weeks...with liver enzymes .... It will be normal.... If still liver enzymes high Chat Doctor. ... Hope your concern solved.... Take care.
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I was told I have a fat pad in lower right lobe of lung. I was wondering how this may affect your health? Ive had a lot of coughing and mucus in past six weeks. Have been to Dr. and was diagnosed with bronchitis. Then went to urgent care because of wheezing. They said their was no sign of pneumonia or bronchitis. But Im still coughing and short of breath at times? Im confused as to where the coughing is from and wheezing in chest?
HI, I had gone through your questions, and understand your concerns. First fat pad seen in your X-ray or CT scan is not the cause for your coughing and breathlessness. This will not cause you any complication or illness. From your history I understand that you get cough, mucus production, shortness of breath and wheezing since 6 weeks, and X-ray ruled out pneumonia. You haven't mentioned your age and whether you are/were a smoker. Also, you had any previous history of similar symptoms. 2 probabilities are 1) allergic bronchitis or asthma, if you had similar symptoms in the past or other allergic symptoms. 2) chronic bronchitis or COPD if you are above 35 and a smoker. Depends on the condition you will need treatment with nebulizers, inhalers (bronchi dilators and sometimes containing steroids) or a combination), antibiotics (if signs of infection like colored mucus, fever, raised WBC count etc.), and may be a short course of oral steroids. In both conditions there will be excess mucus production and narrowing of airways which cause wheezing. The treatment I mentioned will take care of both. You might have to continue some tablets or inhalers for long time. Hope I have answered your queries. Thanks for using Chat Doctor>
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Hi doctor I have itchy throat and scartchy cough and I dont have any symptoms of cold like sneezing , head ache and runny or stuffed nose. But I feel like there is phlegm in my throat which neither I could spit or swallow. And one more thing,I suffer from sinusitis very often. I have 3 cough syrup in my hands 1) Dilosyn 2)Phensedyl 3) Reswas Could you please suggest me the right one among those three
Hello, NONE of the three cough syrups you have inquired about are effective for your condition. You either have allergic rhinitis or rhinosinusitis that can be established with skin prick tests or blood test (specific IGE). If allergy results are negative, then your condition is non-allergic rhinitis. You need (1) oral antihistamines like cetirizine 10\u00a0mg or Exocet 5\u00a0mg plus (2) Flumast-AZ nasal spray that is a combination of fluticasone and elastane 2 sprays/nostril twice daily. This should be taken for a minimum of 2 months (max 3 months) and then stopped to see if the effect lasts. You can always restart if symptoms return. Hope that was useful. Best Wishes.
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My wife just had a heart cauterization, and the Cardiologist discovered that her pulmonary Artery is ballooning. He chose not to call it an Arianism. He will be reviewing the situation with his colleagues to determine the seriousness of the defect. In 1964, she had open-heart surgery at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. One of the three defects corrected was removing growths from her pulmonary artery. How serious is the condition and should we seek another opinion?
HelloWelcome to Ask a Doctor service have reviewed your query, and here is my advice. If the diagnosis is not being cleared then you can go for second opinion, any symptom or condition if related with heart is said to be serious, and it has to be taken in that way only, moreover patient already has history of cardiac disease, so it is the serious condition and needs second opinion Hope I have answered your query, let me know for further assistance.
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I am a 40 year old female. For the last couple of months I have been having abdominal pain (worse on right side) pain in right hip and occasionally down right leg, nausea , very dry mouth, frequent urination , some lower back pain, bloating , tiredness and depression. I am extremely worried. All blood tests have come back as normal.
Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor, After going the available details you have abdominal pain on right side and urinary symptoms this all can happen in infection to Urinary bladder(UTI). But your blood tests are normal it is not clear what tests have been done. You should be examined by a Good Physician and get Ultrasonography of abdomen if already not done. If everything fine and your symptoms persist then even Depression may because then it will be useful to consult a Psychiatrist and take proper counselling and treatment. Hope this helps. Take care. Good Luck. Chat Doctor. D
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hello, i wanted to ask about my case. my first day of cycle was 2nd of April. i had an unsafe sex with my bf on the 12th of April. he did pull out before he ejaculated tho, but as we know that precum does have live sperm as well, so around 4 hours after, i took postinor2, both tablet in once. i read in a lot of article, we supposed to feel nausea or vomiting. well, in my case, i dont feel a thing. i feel normal. too normal. this is my first time taking this tablets. is this a normal thing? do i have to worry about me getting pregnant? when do you think i will get my period again? and when am i suppose to get a pregnancy test, incase?
HelloThanks for your query. It is not necessary to experience nausea and vomiting with the pill, though it is a common side effect. Also, with the intake of emergency contraceptives, your normal period might be advanced or postponed by a week or more. You might also experience irregular spotting / bleeding anytime in between. You should take a pregnant test if you do not have your normal period 4 weeks after the episode of unprotected sex. Take care.
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hi...i m female..i m having tb....i m taking tablets from 9 months..doc told me not to plan for baby intially...i m takinh r-cinex 600 form last 6 1st three month i was takinh forex i want to knw can i plan for baby as 9 month is already over..i also want to knw which blood test i should do so dat i cum to k dat tb germs r reduced or no more
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you can definitely plan for baby now. Ruined is having rifampicin and isoniazid. Both are safe in pregnancy. So no need to worry about this. There is no such blood test to determine quantity of TB germs. If you are having pulmonary TB then you should get done chest x-ray and sputum examination. If both are normal then you can definitely stop Ruined. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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my father is on capd , currently facing high pluse rate is there any woory
Hi DeepWelcome to Chat Doctor. I guess we need a confirmation on what you are asking. Did you mean to say COPD ? If your father has COPD and high pulse rate, this needs medical attention as early as possible. If he is breathless, you should consider supplying oxygen immediately and high pulse rate can denote a respiratory distress. Please feel free to provide us further information and get a better advice. Take care
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Hi,I was diagnosed with thorasic outlet syndrome in 2011 and told that i had 2 extra cervical ribs,one on each side.was told that I did require surgery as I have the vascular type,after deciding not to have surgery because the vascular surgeon had only done the surgery 3 times before l have since suffered a mini stroke & my right arm and hand and fingers keep swelling,going completely numb I m unable to close my hand to grasp and pick things up,been to a&e on numerous,occasions when this happens to be told that I could throw a blood clot and when this happens and that this could of been what caused the mini stroke,just wondered is this true and could it happen again.many thanks
Hi sorry to know of the stroke. Kindly consult again with the surgeon who diagnosed. This condition is not so common, and you may not find a surgeon who has performed thousands of such operations.3 surgeries are good enough for a surgeons' exposure, and trust me, he is in a good position to perform on you. Stoke can happen from any cause from clot anywhere in body to clot in brain itself due to atherosclerosis. A MRI -scan of brain and thorax including shoulder out let can catch the clue consult a neurologist as wellheads
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Hi, I am a 15 year old female and 2 days ago i have been feeling pain in my left wrist. It usually hurts the worst if i bend it any way and when i do bend it i hear popping noise, do you know what my problem is? Some people said it could be my Carpal that true?
Hello, As carpal tunnel Syn Chat Doctor. But since you have only pain in the wrist and some popping noise I feel x-ray of the wrist will be better. As these sounds are due to the movement of the carpal bones which happens due to the weakness of the ligaments and also the flexor retinaculum tightness. Do hot water fermentation, gentle massage over the flexor retinaculum which is located at the wrist level, do simple strengthening exercises for hand, fingers and forearm muscles. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
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Am 26 yrs Aswathy.for the last 3 yrs meand my husband trying for pregnancy.i haz pcod problem..had done overiandrilling..after that sergey me taken the tremens like gmh 150 injuction fertigyn 5000 iu after that iui taken.The next month i get pregnant..butunfortunately that pregnancy aborted by no feetal growth and heart beet.after 3 months of abortion treetment started. Taken three rounds of iui.but not yet pregnent.So am very sad want to pregnant what will we do..Give me a right solution.Please.
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It can be very difficult when experiencing problems trying to conceive. You seem to be seeing a fertility specialist who would have suggested the hormonal injections and the GUI. It would be best to try again, using the hormones suggested by your fertility doctor. If you are not comfortable with him or her then you can consider another center in your area. Even though the first pregnancy was associated witChatDoctorplications, the second one may be successful. Wish you the best of luck
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Does a hida scan or endoscopy look at liver or pancreas? I had both done for chronic severe upper abdominal pain . Feels like I am constantly being stabbed in put of stomach , sometimes gears a little to upper right. I am belching and burping constantly also. Both tests were negative. Endoscopy showed my stomach was fine and hida scan showed nothing wrong. I have had no blood work done. I am a 30 year old female, 100 pounds. Eating causes the pain to be excruciating. It lasts for days. I just found out I am pregnant and am scared that something is wrong in my liver or pancreas. I take Zantac twice a day. GI suggested I try Questran for bile reflux. I don t know what to do anymore,
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. No, these 2 procedures cant verify some liver or pancreatic diseases. You need to do ct scan or some certain laboratory findings to evaluate this. Your symptoms suggest stomach issue, but also it can be caused by bowel disorder or pregnancy. So you may need colonoscopy too. Since you are pregnant, you should not do ct scan and MRI would be better option so consult your doctor about it. Wish you good health. Regards.
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A tiny hard lump has developed under the skin at the top of my scalp.It does not hurt -- however my head itches like crazy -- so much so thatlately i have been applying anti-itch lotion to it. What kind of a doctorshould I see. I have moved and do not have a regular MD close by --I am worried because I have a sister who developed squameouscellcarcinoma in her mouth 10 years ago and it grew like crazy and shepassed away from it. But, with all the itching, hopefully mine is something less serious. I have also had a terrible fingernail problemfor a year or so that I thought was just a dry skin condition, but nownot sure. Can you lead me in the right direction. I am not one toworry about my health, however my roommate felt the lump earliertoday and said I had better have a doctor see it. Any advise isappreciated.Thanks. Pat
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some Desmond cyst, skin adnexal tumor or some other lesion. You should go for biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. You should consult general surgeon first. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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Hi thank you for your interest in helping me. I have been having an uncomfortable feeling on the left side of my head, my left arm and left leg, (feeling you have when sleep on a limb for too long). They did a CT scan, MRI and said everything is normal. The neurologist said it is not a stroke. The only thing they found is cervical spondylosis on my neck which gives me some neck discomfort. I have this feeling mostly at rest, I had pain at the back of my left shoulder went to the ER they did EKG and said it was normal. I m hypertensive on treatment with Losarta, Hydrochlorothiazied, and Potassium. The doctor recommended physiotherapy what could be wrong with me? Please I need help .
Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I am glad that your MRI have resulted normal. This means that there is no infection, stroke or tumor. So, all serious conditions are excluded. Coming to this point, I would recommend performing an EEG to exclude partial seizures. I would also recommend performing thyroid hormone levels for possible thyroid dysfunction, blood electrolytes for possible electrolyte imbalance and HbA1C for diabetes. If all these tests result normal, I would recommend continuing physical therapy. A cervical spine MRI would help exclude possible myelopathy, although your symptoms are not typical of cervical spine compression. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
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phy exam Volume 3 ml color grayish white Reaction .alkaline Viscosity normal Liquefaction time 30 mts motility Prograssive 20 Non progsive 30 Non motile 50 Total count 40 Morphology Normal spermatoza 85 Abnormal spermatoza 15 Pus cell 2-4 RBC s0-2 Epithelial nill Spermatogenic cell present. Sir , pls tell me this is normal or not ? Zubair
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor The report shows normal volume, color, reaction, viscosity. Liquefaction time is also normal. Progressive sperm is mildly lower (normal>25%) but the total progressive and nonprogressive spree count is normal (normal >50% as per WHO). Total count is normal (>40million/ml as per WHO 1999). Pus cell and RBC are within normal limit. Spermatogenic cell may present normally. So, overall the report is quite normal.
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I have lost 55 pounds since March of this year. I weigh 228 pounds now. For the past 2 weeks, I have had heart palpitations. I started having Employee health record my BP. I have always had a normal bp of 120/80. Recently, its been low for me. For example, today it was 110/69 and my pulse was 58. I have no other symptoms/problems other than the palpitations/hesitation. My physical is scheduled for a week from today. Should I try to get in earlier to see a doctor or should I just continue monitoring my bp/pulse until next Friday? Im scared to do the wrong thing, but I dont want to panic either. Thank you for your help.
Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and understand your concern. But you should not worry, its nothing serious. As you describe, my opinion is that we are dealing with a rhythm issue. Someone can feel strong heart beats for different reasons. It may be a simple sinus tachycardia. This means that the heart is beating faster than 100 beats for minute. Its normal range in a resting condition is between 60-100 beats for minute. When it goes up you may feel a strong heart beat in your chest and a sensation like your head and body is beating too. Another reason for this sensation might be what we call an ekstrasystol.These is electrical heart impulses that generates in some parts of heart different from normal sinus rhythm. This generates that escaped beat that you feel. You have this sensation like a beat is skipping, you may experience palpitations or an anxiety sensation. This extrasistoles may happen from different reasons from simple emotional stress to other pathologies like anemia, hyperthyroidism, extreme weight change sect. So, my opinion as a cardiologist is that you have nothing to worry and you don't have reasons to precipitate your doctor appointment. If I was your treating doctor and If these symptoms are interfering your daily live I will recommend some examinations like a blood analysis to exclude anemia, the thyroid hormones, an electrocardiogram, echocardiography and of course a holder monitoring. This will help us to document and see what happens with heart rhythm. At meantime, I will recommend you to avoid coffee, caffeine products because they rise extrasistolic beats. I encourage you to have physical training because sometimes it helps in reducing extrasistoles, tachycardia, even making them disappear. Wish I was helpful. Take good care. Best regards
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I have a hard lump on right side lower jaw just above where my lower teeth finish, I went to a dentist they said it was my glands, I then went to my doctor and he said it was a stone in my glands had antibiotics and still there, got refered to ent and she said she don t think it is a stone and I m currently waiting to have a ultra sound and is getting worrying now??
Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint a lump on the jaw can be due to a number of reasons and also depends upon the time duration for which they are present. A lump can be due to an infected tooth leading to pus formation near the root tips leading to formation of a lump (Dental abscess) as pus accumulates in the soft tissues. In this case treatment of the tooth either by root canal treatment or extraction can be done. It can also be due to a blocked salivary gland duct leading to back flow of saliva into the gland and appears as a swelling just below the jawline as well as in the floor of the mouth. It can also be due to inflamed lymph nodes due to infection in any part of the body and the lymph carries the infection along with it to the distant lymph nodes. It can also be cyst (jaw cyst, sebaceous cyst) or a tumor. In few long-standing cases it can be a cancerous lump too. I would suggest you to wait till the ultrasound report is given and need not to pain as the jaw lump can be most commonly due to non-cancerous causes and can be nothing serious. Treatment can be planned only after the diagnosis is confirmed. Hope your query is solved. If you find the answer helpful please write a positive review and click on find this answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
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I am a 52-year-old woman, 155 pounds, 5 7 , and I have several health issues, but one that remains a mystery, and that is extremely uncomfortable, is the discomfort I have in my upper abdomen when I exert myself. This is a sensation of extreme pressure in the area of my diaphragm, like I am having the wind knocked out of me, and is most extreme when I am climbing stairs or doing anything that elevates my heart rate. I can no longer do aerobic activity because of it, and I would like to be able to work my body, but this condition won t allow it. This sensation occurs right in the middle, just underneath my ribs. It feels like my stomach has been replaced with a brick--it feels weighty. I also get mildly nauseated, and it doesn t matter if I have eaten or not. It happens on an empty stomach as much as it does on a full stomach. It feels as if I ve eaten a huge meal and can t catch my breath, even if I haven t. There is also pain that I would rate anywhere between a 3 and a 6. The pain can also extend to closer to where the pancreas is, and while I have had a few cases of acute pancreatitis in the past, my blood work has not shown to be positive for it since 1996. The other mysterious thing that nobody seems to have an answer to is that I wake up in the morning with a thin lower torso, but I put a few inches on in fluid throughout the day. This is not ascites - it is all in the tissue, under the skin, surrounding my abdomen and back. This has happened every single day for the last five years, and is also worse upon exertion. High temperature can bring it on and exacerbate it too. It s so frustrating, and I have been called a hypochondriac numerous times. I was even yelled at by an ER physician when I went in with extreme PACs and a combo of bradycardia & tachycardia that wouldn t abate - something that occurs a few times a year and that makes me have to go into the ER for i.v. Lopressor. These are the things I know for sure (and I ve been tested for many, many things). I have Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, Ptosis (which is worse first thing in the morning but usually goes away after time), and I sometimes get these little painful blisters on my upper abdomen, under breasts, on my knees and elbows. They are red and full of liquid and very painful. They last just one or two days, and then they are little painful scabs. They flare up fairly often - usually I get them once or twice a month. Cholesterol is 240 (I ve brought it down from 283 with diet change and fish oil). I have some connective tissue issues (hypermobility and possibly Ehlers Danlos, which my daughter was diagnosed with too) and possibly Sjogren s Syndrome (Schirmer test result is 0 and I get frequent salivary gland pain and swelling, very dry mouth, and several other symptoms) although ANA tests are negative. I had a spot removed from my chest which was positive for Lupus, however, a subsequent biopsy on normal skin from the same area was negative. I also have frequent inflammation of the medial epicondyle and it s quite painful, and painful swelling in other joints. Tests for inflammation are also negative but I was diagnosed with arthritis. I have, what a couple doctors have called Myotonia, but others dispute it. When I squeeze my hand tightly for several seconds, then relax, my fingers stay gripped. They will relax over time, or I can open them with my other hand. The doctor who diagnosed it was a primary care physician, and she observed my daughter and I both showing her, and she used the little hammer and tapped on the muscle near my thumb, which caused the thumb to cramp up. However, muscle testing was negative. I get a combination of PACs, bradycardia, and tachycardia, that leaves me unable to function because I have near-syncope when it happens. I have had three major episodes in the last twelve months or so that required ER trips and i.v. Lopressor to fix it. The first time it happened that extreme was in February of 2012 and I ve had three like that since. They don t know why it happens, but I ve had heart rhythm issues for years. An ablation didn t fix it. I have frequent flare-ups that leave me unable to perform daily tasks or work on a regular basis so I have had to go on disability, which I hate. I would like to have my life back. I would also like to find a doctor who can help me figure out this mystery, which has robbed me of so much time. I can t do the things I used to do and I am kind of afraid of the daily edema, which is uncomfortable in itself. I want to find a doctor who will not look at me like I m a freak who is making it all up. I m not. Here are some pictures of the edema in my torso. You can also see pictures of the Ptosis and blisters if you go up to the top and click on the heading. WWW.WWWW.WW
Hi ma'am, Thanks for your query. I have gone through your detailed query very thoroughly. I am of the strong conviction that you are indeed suffering from MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY, since the majority of your problems fit into this condition. Furthermore, I will try to solve most of your problems, if not all. Firstly, the heaviness in the center of chest and upper abdomen with minimal exertions; swelling of the lower torso during the day, is STRONGLY suggestive of failing of the entire heart along with co-existing coronary artery disease. Investigations like 2-D Echo, stress TMT/Thallium test and coronary angiography will confirm my views. Medicines like digoxin, diuretics, low-dose alpha-beta blockers (such as carvedilol), coronary vasodilators in adequate doses and ACE inhibitors in titrated doses will certainly help you. Further, the tachycardia-bradycardia syn Chat Doctor.
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Hi,am 28 man,I sufferd from internal fever from a year that causes me allergy in the eyes, feel high temperature without appearing in thermometer and every time I go to the doctors they give me deffrent medicines and I geting better then afte finish the treatment the fever returns. So please tell me what I have to do?...Thanks
Howell come to ChatDoctorCore temperature is main reading as long as fever is concern if this reads normal then no need to worry, the least concern about the surface temperature of skin, even if this is high, some time because of some stress one can feel malaise, and sick, but actually this is not due to some disease, but this may be functional condition, avoid the bizarre thoughts, have a nice sleep, try to keep the stress level very low, everything would be fine soon, take care.
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I get depressed really easily and feel worthless it doesnt take much to trigger it my mum and two siblings has been diagnosed with it too
Hi. I think myself you need to find a counselor to talk your feelings out with. I don't think you sound depressed just down and out. I felt this way a couple of months ago and the best thing I ever did was seen a counselor as directed by my doctor. Most doctors prefer you to you talk then take tablets. Talking is much better than going to a GP than getting antidepressants which don't resolve the problem. You need to find someone to talk to.
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hi I have been having been suffering with some intermittent knee pain ever since I landed awkwardly as a goalkeeper when in a PE lesson in school I have repeatedly been to the Accident and Emergency department were I live but have repeatedly been turned away saying I have just sprained it ive had a few instances were my knee has frozen and I haven t been able to put weight on it I was just wondering if you could advise me what to do
Hello, What I can infer from the complaints you have described is that you may be having episodes of a knee. Joint locking. It happens when there is an obstruction to smooth movements of knee joint f on any soft tissue structures in the knee like a meniscus. The best method to diagnose this is to get an MRI scan of the knee joint. It will tell your physician the cause of your knee problem. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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My husband has Cll/lymphoma for 3 years. He went thru chemo first year and has been doing ok, He had a cold for about a week and the severe sore throat has lingered. His tonsils look very red. Is this a reason for concern and should his oncologist be contacted? He is 62 yrs.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Chemotherapy causes immunosuppression. So if a person is on chemotherapy, he is at higher risk of infection. And Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI) is very common as it is the vulnerable and easily infected site. So he is having URI, post chemotherapy. Better to follow these steps. 1. Chat Doctor. 2. Avoid oily and spicy food. 3. Warm water gargles 5 - 6 times a day. 4. Caroline group of antibiotic. 5. Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory
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my mom has a thoracic aorta aneurysm, parkinsons, and c difficile. she has been very hoarse past weak, short of breath, and has just started complaining of lower back pain. tonight she had an episode of very slurred speech, unable to stand, barely move arms, and unable to hold eyes open. what do you think?
Hi there. As per your mothers current complaints I think she is suffering from either a side effect of some Parkinson medication which is affecting her consciousness level, or she may be having deterioration of the parkinsonism per se. All these symptoms point mainly towards decrease brain activity. I would advise you to immediately consult your neurophysician who is taking care of her Parkinson. I hope my advice has helped. Good luck
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I am having an allergic reaction on parts of my face. I think it is from my limictal or this face med I take. The allergic reaction is bothering me. I keep touching and itching my face. If I put cream or other stuff on it, my face will start burning and stinging. I am gonna look for a Dermotoligist in a few days. What can I do so I will stop touching and itching my face till I find a Dermotoligist?
Thanks for writing in Chat Doctor. You have to avoid the cosmetic creams or other cosmetics which may cause allergy on your face. Wash your mouth three or four times in a day with water. Don't use excessive cold or hot water. Itching may be at least partially controlled with the use of low-sedating antihistamines. You can use lover, it will reduce the burning sensation of your face. Protect your face from direct sunlight and dust. Avoid traumatizing the skin by keeping fingernails short and hands clean to avoid scratching and infecting the skin. Wishing you a good health.
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Hi thanks for your query....first let me clarify to you that pus cells in liver suggest liver access predominantly of infectious origin....such an access is evaluated first with the help CT ABDOMEN AND ELISA IGM FOR AMOEBA ANTIGEN.LATER ITS TREATED INITIALLY WITH TAB METRONIDAZOLE 750mgm PO TID for 21 days. Generally 70 to 90 access resolve by this case an access has not resolved with this therapy, then surgical Chat Doctor. Please consult an expert hepatologist for further queries. Thank you.
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hi about a week and a half ago i started getting pain on what felt like my tail bone about 4 days ago it started getting extremely painful i cant lie on my back because the pain and when i lie on my left side i can feel a lump about 2 inches long but when lying on my right side its seems to go but is still painful
Hello, I have studied your case. Due to fall on hard surface sacrum may be injured. Due to microtrauma there may be fibrosis formation. Do hot fomentation over sacrum. It will take weeks to months to subside. Use ring cushion and take site bath [sitting in lukewarm water for 10 min]Take analgesic like Nicosia 90 once daily along with tab methylcobalamine 1500 mcg once daily consulting your doctor. If not relieved with all these methods then local injection may be required. You can take this consulting your doctor. Clinically spinal origin of pain needs to be ruled out, if required MRI spine can be done. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
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My husband has a large amount of blood after an erection and then passes large blood clots, which is a mix of semen and blood. Usually, it takes between 3 - 6 hours of soaking in a tub before these clots finally all come out. Hes already had surgery twice where the doctor have put gel and wire in his main artery because they found it tore. Now it is still happening and we are wondering if something might be done?
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. Most commonly, these symptoms indicate prostatitis or epididymitis sometimes, and rarely it may be signed of STD infection. You should avoid intercourse for till symptoms Persia. And Chat Doctor. If symptoms persist it would be good to do prostate ultrasound and check your PSA levels to rule out prostate tumor or hypertrophy and further treatment depends on these findings. In most cases it can be controlled with medications but sometimes, in case of tumor, open surgery is required. And severe benign hypertrophy may be managed endoscopically, so you should consult urologist about appropriate options. I hope I have answered you query. . Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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So the left side of my neck right under my jaw hurts a little when I touch it, and when I tilt my head up. Not bad, just enough to be irritating. Also, I ve been feeling like there s a lump there, and at a certain point if I tilt my head down and to the right I actually have a little bump like when your joints crack. I can feel the bubble like sensation move and feel like a pop in my neck when I do this. I went to the doctors a few months ago with severe front neck pain when I spoke, turned my head certain ways, or swallowed, and the physician gave me some kind of muscle straining test, and with no other concerns, left it at that. Now the pain is back but not as severe with the bubble feeling, when I press on the left it s painful, but not on the right. I m not really worried, but I want to know before I go for another emergency room visit if I ve done something to my neck?
Hello, I can understand your concern. As you are feeling the lump right under your left jaw, it is possible that you have a swollen submandibular lymph node. As it might be infected, you feel pain when you touch it. This lymph node can be infected due to presence of infection in the throat or in the oral cavity. As you are also having pain while swallowing, more chances are there of throat infection and tonsillitis. In that case, you should visit an ENT specialist to have a look at your tonsils and prescribe you antibiotics if infection is present. If the ENT specialist finds everything fine with the throat, you should consult a dentist to examine your oral cavity to find focus of infection present in the oral cavity. If infection is present in mouth like tooth decay, treatment of the infection will relieve you of pain and discomfort. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. I wish you feel better soon. Best,
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, i would like to inform you that a lump or a swelling adjacent to a tooth occurs as a result of infection. Infection may occur following tooth decay or a periodontal problem, in order to diagnose the exact cause a thorough dental check up is advised, kindly visit a dentist soon to avoid swelling from spreading to the adjacent tissues. Thermagel will only relieve tooth sensitivity, it does not act on infections, therefore kindly see a dentist.I hope I answered your dental query, i wish you good health.
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It is about my daughter. She is 30 years old. she recently experienced what the doctor called a vassal vagal. Her blood pressure spikes for no apparent reason for short periods of time. When she goes to bed she feels like her heart is fluttering. Side note my brother had two major heart attacks at age 46. My Grandfather on my Dad s side died of a heart attack and my Grandmother on Dad s side had a pace maker. My grandfather on Mom s side had heart disease. what can I say or do to get my daughter to go to a specialist?
Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, vasovagal syncope cant be itself because there are many apparent reasons behind this and without that it may not be vasovagal attack and this need to be ruled out and this is only possible when patient clinically examined and history elicited, but this is self limiting because this is malaise mediated which directly related with vagus nerve, vasovagal attack causes low blood and not high blood pressure, your sister may not be having any cardiac disease, still it is advisable to get done cardiac evaluation test, in short this is nothing to worry, take care.
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I fell off a step and my foot went off. I felt a crack across the right hand side of the foot but could walk ok, albeit with a limp. However, my ankle was also painful. That was a week go and the foot and ankle still hurt and there is still swelling lengthways on the foot. It is making my whole leg ache as well as my other leg as I put more pressure on that one.
Hello, It looks from your details that there can be a fracture at your foot bone. You should do following to have relief- -Get an x-ray of your foot done.-Consult to your doctor.-Take a mild analgesic like Advil for relief.-Meanwhile you may apply a compression bandage from below upwards from foot to leg.-Do warm fomentation to have relief from pain.-Keep your foot elevated on pillow in rest.-Do rest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
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Hello, my name is Jocelyn and i am 17 years-old. Im looking for a doctors advice because my mom wont listen to me no matter what i tell her. I havent slept at all tonight because ive had this god awful stomach pains to the fact that i feel like crying. It started out with my lower back hurting for about 3 days and it still does hurt but not as bad and now i feel like i have to constantly poop and vomit. I also have really bad dizziness and I feel really weak. I recently went to the bathroom, and it still didnt help anything, and when i looked it after i wiped it looked like coffee grounds in diarrhea. Not to be gross but im actually starting to get a little nervous. Can you please help?
Hi. Thanks for an elucidated history. Yes, you have a problem-this is gastroenteritis. The dizziness is suggestive of an active infection with loss of electrolytes into the intestine (the reverse process due to infection). You need to consult a Doctor for clinical examination, blood pressure and pulse rate. You may need IV antibiotics and supportive medicines as there is vomiting also. Request your Mother to take you to ER
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Hi, may I answer. I think im depressed or having a breakdown, been in my house for over a week and starting to feel really anxious about going outside. I have been crying for the past few hours, i feel like i cant breath or think, i dont know what to do
Hi, thank you for using Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. First let your near and dear ones about your feelings. This may help you in getting back to normal. Take help of doctor preferably psychiatrist, mental status examination by psychiatrist is needed in your case for proper evaluation of your mind condition. Once diagnosed your condition will be helped by medicine like antidepressant /antianxiety as well as psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy. Hope this will help you. Regards.
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I am a 76 year old female, always in good health,, with regular check ups, good labs, etc. Today I learned that my regular blood test showed a drop in Hemoglobin from 11.5 to7.5. I have been very tired and weak lately. My doctor has referred me to a GI specialist believing that there is internal bleeding. My mother died in 5 months from ALL. Is this a potential diagnosis? The lab tests did not indicate elevated WBCs.Thanks, (I am also an RN.
Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your hemoglobin is Chat Doctor. So this may be due to some bleeding. You may have gastrointestinal tract bleeding or may have some gynecological bleeding. So use should go for ultrasound abdomen and endoscopy if needed. Don't worry about ALL. No, any possibilities if ALL in your case. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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Hi, I went to get an MRI as I was having myclonic jerks during my sleep. Here is the result of the MRI. 1.Multiple scattered punctate foci of T2/Flair hyperintensities within the subcortical white matter are more than expected for patient s age (39) but nonspecific. These may reflect sequela of migraine headaches, mild age-advanced microvascular ischemic disease if the the patient has known vascular risk factors, or remote infectious/inflammatory etiology. 2. Left Choroial fissure cyst 1.5 x .8 x .7cm is an incidental finding of no clinical significance 3. Otherwise unremarkable Brain MRI Should i be concern with the 2 findings as I am still having issues with the myclonic jerks during my sleep
Hi there, Thank you for writing to us. You are most likely having what is called as hypnotic jerks. These are a form of myoclonic jerks that happen when one is asleep. This is something that is normal and nothing to worry about a great deal. In fact this is something that is very common, and even I experience them myself. The findings that you are having on your MRI is not something that concerns me and this should not be causing you the myoclonic jerks by any stretch of the imagination.Therefore, I would recommend that you should just relax as there is nothing a great deal to worry about. Kindest Regards.
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\"i have a bump it hurts and wheni applied pressure on it some puss came out. it is locolized over a broken baby tooth. i have had one before. both times when they had started my dentist said that he would not fill them because they are baby teeth. it hurts
Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. In your query you have not mentioned your age. If all your permanent teeth are erupted, you have to get the baby tooth removed. The pus and pain suggests an abscess formation in relation to the tooth which has to be removed. If the permanent are not erupted, then you can go for lumpectomy to save the tooth till the permanent tooth erupts. Antibiotics on advice from the dentist is to be taken. Do salt water gargling. Hope this was helpful. Thanks and regards.
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I have been detected with Grade 3 Fatty infiltration of liver . I would like to know the following
Hello USG findings indicate fatty changes in liver. Most commonly it is due to obesity and sedentary life. It is also related to alcohol intake etc. I suggest investigations like routine hologram, Random blood sugar(RBS), Liver function test(LFT), Lipid profile, Renal function test(RFT) to my patients. You should try to lose your weight as you are overweight. Fatty liver is a reversible condition, and it can be reversed by diet and lifestyle changes. You may need some medicines after full investigations. It may take 6-8 months to reverse the findings. You should be active in your daily life. You should avoid red meat and high fat milk products. Cook food in olive or canola oil. You should also avoid fried and junk food. Take a lot of fruits and vegetables and increase your physical activity in the form of walking and exercise. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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Hi, I have a brother who is currently incarcerated. When I went to visit him today, he told me about a lump on his chest. He also told me that the doctor there was giving him medication but was telling him the wrong name of the medicine. I was just wondering, arent they suppose to do some type of exam on him to determine what it is before they just give him medication for it. The reason I ask this is because he told me that they said it was nothing that they could do. So I was wondering if they were suppose to diagnose him with something before just giving him medication?
Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The history is a bit inadequate, as you have not described the lump and its location on the chest, however I will try to explain to you the possible causes.2. The most possible cause could be infective etiology, hair follicular infection with collection within - which needs antibiotic in early UN complicated condition, where late and complicated needs excision.3. Other possible cause will be lipomas which needs to monitored unless until symptomatic where excised.4.Finally, bone lesions arise on the chest wall, and hernias. Which need to examine and do needful treatment.5. An ultrasound scan will help in the assessment of the nature of the lump, its source and extensions.6. Suggest to get examined and diagnosed and treated appropriately.7. Probably the doctor would have visually able to make out the type of lump he is dealing so started treatment. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query,anything to ask do not hesitate to ask.http
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Hi My Dad 61 yrs old is had a back pain complains so after and MRI the result is L5/S1 DISC - posterial protrusion indenting the thecal sac and impinging on the traversing roots at the lateral recess; mild bony canal narrowing is present. L4/5 Disc - Diffuse posterior budge with annular tear indenting the thecal sac and touching the traversing roots at the lateral recess. L3/4 Disc - Posterior central protrusion indenting the thecal sac and impinging on the traversing roots at the lateral recess. Whole spine survey
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor Psychiatry from India. I have read your question carefully and understood it. Furthermore, I can understand your concern. Furthermore, I will try my best to answer your query. The condition you are mentioning here is called prolapse intervertebral disc with neuronal compromise. I will make you understand this disease. Our vertebral column is a bony structure which is made up of many bones called vertebrae. Vertebral column is hollow towards posterior side to accommodate spinal cord. In between two vertebrae there is a cartilaginous disc which is a main part of vertebral joint. Sometimes due to wear and tear or injury to vertebra, an intervertebral disc gets prolapsed and bulges posteriorly. If this prolapse is severe then this disc may impinge upon the spinal cord and emerging spinal nerves roots. This condition is dangerous as it may cause paralysis of lower portion of body. In your fathers' case it is more complicated due to multiple levels of involvement at both cervical (neck) and lumbar region. Sooner or later surgery may be required. I suggest you to follow the advice of his treating neurosurgeon who may advise correctly the right time of surgery according to functional capacity of your father. I wish your father a better health.
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Hi, I just had a tooth extracted, bottom molar (#19) and it was about 13 hours ago. I am still feeling numbness, but that is not the biggest concern because it is slowly going away. I have always had trouble clotting and the oral surgeon put collagen in this time to help it clot? Im not sure what that all means. Anyhow, it bled for hours, even though I was using gauze properly for 30-40 minute periods. Finally, all blood stopped. However, I dont think I have a clot. I have seen clots before and this doesnt look like my many other extractions. I shined a flashlight on it and it is brown, white and flat. There is no hole in the extraction site, but its not a clot either. Should I go back to the oral surgeon tomorrow or should I wait two days. I am just wondering if he can do something as to form a clot. I have trigeminal neuralgia and dental visits are so terrifying to me, but pain is worse. I have taken abided by all advise from office. I only drank cold drinks and NOT from a straw. I have only had cold pudding, jello and a mashed up banana today. I have not spit, rinsed or brushed my teeth. Any words of wisdom?? I feel like crying. Pain in any part of my mouth will trigger my Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have undergone extraction of wisdom tooth don't worry much, if you feel like bleeding or foul smell from extraction socket, then you consult your dentist immediately, As you said that you have said that are not brushing your teeth after 24 hours of extractions you can Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day, do mouthwash twice daily, to maintain good oral hygiene, Hope this will help you. Wish you good health
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my boyfriend went to the dentist because his tooth cracked, the dentist said it wasnt a root canal so they cleaned it and then put a grown on it, the grown felt loose so he went back and they did some more things to the tooth and then put another grown on it, he wont get his perm. grown till 5/6/2014. ever since he left the dentist on 4/18/2014 he has had this horrible pain he says he feels like the nerve. they said it shouldnt be hurting so he is going back tomorrow, i feel like they dont know what they are doing, every time he goes there for help they just add more pain. is this normal to have this pain while having a temp. grown on the tooth or is something wrong? please help
Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. Actually when a tooth is fractured horizontally, and the fractured line goes between crown and root of teeth then you should go for root canal treatment of tooth. But if the fracture of tooth is vertical, or it is below the root level or in between root, then you should go for removal of tooth. Because in these fractures no fillings or crown is helpful. So better you should go for removal of his tooth. Hope it will help you.
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Hi,My name is Jon. You can consider me as a health freak since the start of this year. The reason being is that I just had an episode of high cholesterol, including stressful situations in office, therefore experiencing heart palpitation, nausea, sweaty hands and hard of breathing.Thank God, I had a change of mindset (coz i dont wanna die) and had to eat proper foods (mainly vegetables, fish, no dairy products,and lots of fruits) and exercise. After 3 months, things got back to normal, except the feeling of anxiety. I thought then its an blood ph imbalance, so i ate more fruits, but to no avail. Ive had my insides/abdomens checked (ultrasound),all are normal, had my liver and kidneys checked, results are normal,had my triglycerides and cholesterol checked, normal,except for LDL (.5 units lower than the lowest in range, i think its caused by lots of jogging). There was this time wherein i physically felt as if the anxiety just turned off without any reason at all, and it lasted for 2.5 weeks, then it turned on again. I hate this feeling. It feels like there s an impending doom, therefore causing me to have sleepless nights. I dont know what kind of doctor do i have to go to, hematologist? endoctrinologist? nutritionist? can you please guide me on this?Jon
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to anxiety. Low cholesterol levels can contribute in sleep disturbances and in anxiety too. Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with a specialist of this field (psychotherapist or psychiatrist), who can help you to deal with your anxiety professionally. Yoga and meditation can help too. I would also encourage you to continue on your healthy diet and your daily physical activity. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
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From last two weeks,I have body full itching and swelling on face and legs especially during night times. the symptoms slowly develop from evening and severe at night.i am taking medicine for allergy everyday night . this itching lead to rashes on whole body and it disappears by morning.why this allegy came and why it is persisting??? please help
Can you think of changing any soap oil cream or shampooHave you introduced any medicine for fever cold pain or multivitamin these can cause thylakoid Using mustard coconut walnut groundnut almonds soda oilcan apply olive and can use olive for cooking the housekeep temperature between 25 to 35 degree of room temperature can take Basting 10 MGM plus Atari 10 mg at night for 3 week can apply fluticasone and histocalaminedo for 3 weeks till you find answer l
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is letsi tab helps in concieving baby soon.i want to get pregnant soon dr prescribe me letsi2.5mg tab. my age is 25yrs, wt-51kg,i had d n c on oct 15 now i am trying to concieve my reports are normal.after intercourse sperm comes out from me is it means i am not concieving.plz help me
Hi, I think it is normal for the semen to come out of vagina after contact. This will not prevent pregnancy, because sperms can swim up into the uterus even if it is in contact with your vagina for few minutes. Lie down after contact for 10 to 15 minutes. Lets tablets help in the growth of your follicles and induce ovulation. So, it increases the chance of pregnancy. You can track your ovulation by repeated ultrasound or ovulation detection kits. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It will increase chances of your pregnancy. Hope I have answered your question.
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hi my doctor said that one of my fallopian tubes is bent but last time he checked it, he said he straightened it but said it would stay straight for only about months until it goes back to being bent again. this was a year ago when he made it straight and is been over 6 months now. me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant and I was not able to conceive even though I was told I have good quality eggs and I am fertile. We tried now with insemination for the first time and it hasnt worked. what could be the problem? please help
Hi, It is not clear from your history what your doctor meant when he said he straightened your fallopian tube, if there were any adhesions which were lased. There are several factors which are responsible for failure to conceive, and tubal factor is one of the most important. I would suggest a proper evaluation by an infertility specialist. You need to test for tubal patency and tubal motility. If nothing can be done, IVF is the ideal solution. Without tubal propulsion of the ovum, insemination is not going to help any better. Hope this helps.
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hi iv just discoverd a bump at the back of my mouth on my gum next to my my tooth and when i poked it really bad smelling puss came out its the same sort of smell my breth had when i had a throte infecion once im not sure what it is? im 20 and have had teeth out in the past and braces and this week i have been to the dentist she said i had a cavity but that was on a different tooth and iv only found this bump a second ago feels like an ulser but really smells
Dear friend. Thanks for sharing your concern. The bump at the back of your mouth could be due to periodontal pocket, an abscess that contains bacteria and pus in it.Also, due to presence of braces many a time it is difficult to maintain hygiene and results in decay.Therefore, in my view you must seek your dentist help in this regard and get the suitable treatment done. The earlier, the better it is, in case of gum problems and tooth decay. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.
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So lately, ive been having problems on my vuvla/anus , were its itchy till it burns and my skin starts to peel, and it hurts when i touch it. It feels like my skin teared in some places, and sometimes it feels really itchy, and now i feel a lump near my perineum?
Welcome to ChatDoctorPerineal itching can be due to vaginal infection or worm infestation and may suggest diabetes. The lump which you are feeling may be perianal abscess. You should see your surgeon the earliest possible because pus/abscess needs urgent Chat Doctor. If there is no formed abscess antibiotics will help. Also, gynecologist opinion to rule out vaginal infection is needed. Tab Albendazole 400\u00a0mg single dose empty stomach is sufficient for worry infestation. Regards.
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I can only walk short distances and then I become very short winded. I was told that I have High blood pressure in my lungs and wonder if this could be the cause, or is it because I am overweight? What are the treatment for high blood pressure in the lungs? I really want my life back.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. High blood pressure in lungs is known as pulmonary hypertension (PHT). And It can be the cause for shortness of breath after walking. There are many causes for PHT. The common ones are1. Primary or idiopathic (without known cause)2. Secondary to pulmonary causes.3. Secondary to cardiac causes.4. Rarely storage disease. Most common causes are secondary to pulmonary and cardiac causes. So get done1. PUT (pulmonary function test)2. Chest x-ray and CT thorax.3. 2d echos better to consult doctor and discuss all these. You first need to identify the cause for your PHT and then start treatment accordingly. As treatment is different for various causes.
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My 19 month old got what I thought were mosquito bites yesterday afternoon. After about 2-3 hours they got very enlarged, irregular shaped and swollen through the night and this afternoon they are very red, raised and blotchy and oozing a yellowish pus. Should I be concerned and take her to a doctor. No fever, no strange behavior and it doesn t seem to hurt or itch.
Welcome to the ChatDoctorI completely understand your concerns but don't worry. Many a time our body releases histamines in response to some insect bites which leads to such type of reactions. You may take the following measures to help her
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Hi , 3 weeks ago ; i have alittle pain when touching near my left rib cage and below the breast area. The pain is now gone , but when i stretch my arm high ; theres pain for the 2nd week. Now , being the 3rd week ; not much pain. However , i could feel that theres this vein or muscle im not sure; probably from beneath my left nipple attached to my left rib which seems to be stretched when i lift my arm ; and i could feel it. Theres no vein on the other side of my rib. When i tend to press and pull the vein ; theres pain. Can i know whats going on ? Thanks.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your symptoms are characteristic of muscular spasm and muscular pain. So apply warm water pad on affected. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid sudden jerky movements. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 2 weeks. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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I am 8 weeks pregnant and I have started spotting. It is light and pinkish red in color. I have a uterine septum as well. I had an ultra sound this past Friday and she said everything looked ok. Should I go to the ER or can I wait to see my Dr. tomorrow?
Hi, Chat Doctor. I welcome you to Chat Doctor VIRTUAL CLINIC. I have gone through your question, and I think I have understood your concern. Furthermore, I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. Any kind of spotting or bleeding during pregnancy needs close attention. You should be cautious about it, but need not panic. I will suggest you to take bed rest. Use of vitamin C tablets, capsule GAEC CVP will be of help. Also, Use of Tab Austen SR 200 mg 2 times a day for a week is advisable. You can repeat USG if necessary, also Injection Chat Doctor 5000 II. U can be taken once a week till 14 weeks of pregnancy. Please continue with B 12 Folic acid as before. Do not worry. Be cool, calm.relaxed. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks
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Hello, I believe I recently came down with the flu as it started suddenly with a sore throat and body aches through the upper back and neck . Spent yesterday with a mild fever and lots of coughing. I am an asthmatic so the added inflammation in my bronchial passageways is less than pleasant to say the least. Today I feel like I am on the up&up and the cough is no longer producing white sputum , but when I cough hard there is a metallic-type taste in my mouth. I figured it s normal since I spent the better part of 48 hours, day and night, hacking my lungs out. Anyway, is this normal or something to be concerned about? Thanks so much! -Jonathon
Hi, Viral fevers are known to be debilitating and sap a persons' energy quickly. They manifest as anything from colds, to cough, to fever, to gastric disturbance and body aches. Altered taste in the mouth, or in your case, metallic taste is one of the symptoms of a viral infection because a virus can affect your sense of taste. Also, since you are an asthmatic, it is also possible that this added infection has caused you to breathe predominantly from your mouth making it Chat Doctor. Deny
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My son is six years old. He has got heat boils all over his face. But now he has got a boil on left side of eyelide and below the eye and there is swelling below both the eyes. Is it curable by medicines or shall I consult a surgeon for the same. please advice what you quote I feel that it could be a pyoderma of the face, and it is curable with medicines. But, Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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Hi Doctor, My couisin who is a male child of 16 years has been diagnosed with depression . He tends to act violent whenever attack strikes him. His Visa interview date is been schedule in July month itself, and he has been diagnosed positive for depression last month only. I just want to confirm that is any cure is available for depression patients .Moreover , is it safe for us to send him out of India away from family for studies??? Many thanks for your help
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My Kid 2years 6 months old is having fever thats goes up to 104 F and then goes down on giving fever tables (calpol) and antibiotic(Adventis). He is also showing red rashes all over his legs and hands since morning . Can you please advise what it could be?
Hi dear, I understand your concerns sudden onset high grade fever along with rash is most likely a viral illness. If he does not have any other symptoms, is playful when fever comes down, and taking feeds, just give him paracetamol 3-4 times a day. Let him take rest and Chat Doctor. If the rash is itchy, apply calamine lotion over there 2-3 times a day. If bothersome, I used to give antihistamines like HY
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my liver function test all parameter normal except pt -79 ,ot-120 , usg says mild fatty liver ... taken atorva -5mg for last 3 years .. drinks very less... sugar recently little higher , started med and now for last 15 days under control....age -48 height 177 cm wt. 77kg
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Noted you have fatty liver that is stenosis in which fat accumulate in hepatocytes. It is reversible condition. It will take few months for complete clearance.... For that follow below advise..... Take low fat diet. Use very less oil in cooking and use only sunflower like good oil. Regular exercise need. Refine food avoided.... Fruits more... In lunch and dinner take salad of carrot, spinach, cucumber etc.... Avoid alcohol... Non veg, pizza, meat, cheese etc. like trans fat food avoided.... Udiliv tablet can be taken.... Take care... Chat Doctor.
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hi my 10 week old daughter has been on asthavent for the past 5 days. she has also been taking an antibiotioc cefaclor oral suspension and adco prednisolone once a day. The dr prscribed these as she had a bad chest cold that bordered on asthma. we also nebulise her three times a day.unfortunately i have contracted the flu and baby seems to be getting sick again. i was wanting to know if we could give her ponstan syrup for babies .... can this be used for coughs and colds. her nose is quite runny now ...PLEASE ADVISE
Hi, As per your statement you are taking treatment for your 10-week-old daughter for Bronchial asthma - that means your child has respiratory infection associated with cold and bronchial spasm (difficulty in breathing). It is a common phenomenon. As you are suffering from flu and your child has recurrent attack it is better to consult a pediatrician for further management. She may need change of antibiotic. Bronchi dilator can be given till difficulty in breathing (asthma) stops. Regarding prednisolone, it has to be given in tapering dose and that too with the advice of the Chat Doctor. Constant may take care of fever associated body pain. Regarding your child a review by the pediatrician and simultaneous treatment for you by a physician is a must. Keep away from the child for betterment of both of you. Best wishes
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I m a woman who s 37 years old for the past 8 month I have experience sharp pains under my left boob . I been to the hospital had my heart check and was told it s ok , my family doctor said it was a floating rib then 1 month later it changed to gurd I was given medication that done nothing for me . I went back and was told it was my gallbladder so I rushed to the hospital only to find out my gallbladder was perfect and nothing was wrong didn t even have gallstones , today I woke feeling in pain like I was having a heart attack rushed into the hospital only to be told to give a pee sample , the sample came back their was blood in my pee . And once again to go see my family doctor what is the cause of my chest pain it feels like it s heart attack ?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about heart attack because your heart related reports are normal. You are having blood in urine. So possibility of kidney infection or stone is more. In both these conditions, pain and blood in urine are present. So better to get done ultrasound examination of abdomen to rule out kidney related problems. Of this is also normal than no need to worry about any major diseases. Your chest pain is mostly due to musculoskeletal cause, may be due to floating rib. So apply warm water pad on affected areas. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Avoid movements causing pain and strenuous exercise. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hi..I take ovralg to get my periods..I have son 4.5 year old through IUI and now I want another child and I m still taking I nees to go through the same process again or is there any chance I can conceive naturally...will 14 th day formula apply on me as I read that first day of ur last count 14 day if you will do then can get pregnant as i get my periods through ovral g so will this work for .please assist
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.remedy for getting pregnant...right.well.there are plenty of remedies in the present world. One of them u have already tried during your first u told that, you are taking overall, it's given for regularization of menses. Once periods will regular, chances of getting pregnancy is increased.that's why your treating doctor prescribed u.lastly want to say that, YES.there are chances of getting pregnant with natural formula, as u know 14th day formula. It is also called fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of cycle) during this period chances of getting pregnant is high. Because on the 14th day ovulation occurs(follicle rupture n ovum comes out), so that we doctor advice to do coitus from 2\u00a0days before n after this 14th day, so that sperm can fertilize the ovum n pregnancy will happen. With the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. DON'T WORRY.RELAX, u can get pregnancy with natural methods. There is chances.2. Once your menses will regular, chances of getting pregnancy will increase spontaneously. So regularize the menses then try the 14th day formula.3. If u r in hurry then visit to nearby infertility specialist.he/she can help u out. Regards- Chat Doctor. )
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Er...for some reason, Im scared of my own heartbeat. Ever since I learned about it in detail in biomedical science class. The fact that its there, pulsating, moving around a bunch of BLOOD, I just cant stand to feel my own pulse. Hearts gross me out, just,.....ewwww!
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are quite distressed by your recent problem. From the description of your symptoms, it appears that you are suffering from an Anxiety Disorder. Since this is causing you so much of distress, I would suggest that you seek professional help. So, I would advise you to see a psychiatrist in your place for a detailed evaluation and further treatment. Treatment will involve counselling and in some cases, medication can also be helpful. Wish you all the best.
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my first blood work (when i had a cold) came back that my sgot (ast) was high (50) and my alt (sgpt) 111 was also high, so I went and got some more blood work done and now it say that my sgot is 16 and sgpt is 36. so Im not sure why the difference. Also my HBsAG confirmation is positive abnormal but my HBsAg screen indicated negative... what does this mean, Im very confused.Thank you
HelloThanks for asking query on Chat Doctor. Transient elevation of transaminase (GOT/SGPT) during an episode of cold could be secondary to a viral illness or tablets you might have taken for cold. But point of concern is Bag confirmatory test being positive, it needs evaluation like HBV DNA level, E antigen and Ultrasound of abdomen. You need to meet your gastroenterologist/physician for further evaluation.
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I am 27 weeks pregnant. I had a runny nose and sore throat last Friday. The sore throat went away, but my nose completely clogged for 5 days. I took a benadryl but it is still clogged. I used Afrin once, but it is still clogged to the point where I havent tasted food for 5 days and I can barely get any mucous out when I blow it.
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that you have upper respiratory tract infection also known as Common cold that is viral infection and as you are pregnant you can take only limited medications.Also, viral infection is self limiting and resolves within a day. You can take antibiotics like Amoxicillin to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Take Tylenol for pain. Do warm saline gargles, steam inhalations, saline nasal irrigation and use a humidifier in your room to breathe moist air, and it will soothe the nose and throat. You can take plenty of warm fluids and take sufficient rest. Do warm compresses over the chest and around the nose.avoid chilled and spicy foods. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.
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I fell backwards and hit the corner of the tail gate of the truck when I landed I gashed my back and landed on my wrist and back. Back is becoming bruised and really sore, and wrist is sore? Do you think it s just bruising or do I need to get xrays done.
Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post are due to the impact as well as accumulation of fluid & blood (Hematoma). Symptomatic relief is obtained by analgesics preparations (like Diclofenac + Serratiopeptidase), ice compression & adequate rest. If it still persists or there are any other associated symptoms like fever, loss of sensation, restriction of movements, discoloration, etc...then it will be better to consult your Doctor. An X-ray of the wrist joint will be needed to rule out any bone fracture or soft tissue injury. Till then, maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. There is no need to worry, you will be fine. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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A hard area under the skin just developed. It is where the bum cheek attaches to the leg.its above the vagina and under the anus,off to the side. It is about an inch long and halph an inch thick. You cant see it, you can just feel it is hard.
Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted the history and understood your concerns. The lump under the skin that can be felt at the spot you have explained looks to be due to a boil or an infected cyst. Rare possibility of a Fistula-in-ano should be born in mind. I would advise you the following in such a situation
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For the last 5 days I have been experiencing strange, irregular heart beats. My heart beat will increase then do this like studder and then one big thump that I can feel up high in my chest/throat and then goes back to normal. It occurs at different times through out the day and can last up to 10 minutes at a time.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility arrhythmia is more. Arrhythmia is irregular heart beats due to defect in conduction system of heart. And it causes similar symptoms you are having. So better to consult cardiologist and get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo 3. Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). On the basis of these reports, type of arrhythmia can be identified and so appropriate anti arrhythmia Chat Doctor. So consult cardiologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Hello, I have been trying to conceive but since it was unsucessful for about a year went to a doctor and had done sonography tests in the month of january 2013 and my gynaecologist said i am having PCOS and prescribed to me Oosure tablets for a course of 6 months which I am still taking and then to take Clomipure for five days between day 3 - day 7 for four months. If these medicines do not help me conceive within the next four months what is the next step? I also have occasional pain on my left lower pelvis area which sonography suggested a small cyst but it keeps coming and going every cycle but yet it is very painful.
Hello, I would be happy to help you with your question. You are on the right course with closed. I agree that after 4 months, re-evaluation should occur. Given your cyclic pelvic pain, this might include a laparoscopy to evaluate the pelvis for endometriosis and patency of the tubes. If this workup was normal, then the next step would be a fertility clinic and possible GUI. I hope that this helps. If you have more questions, please click on \"ASK ME A QUESTION\" link above to directly ask me a question!
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sir i don t know wats the problem inside me i cant able to control my thoughts something is controlling inside me i don t know wats it is,i cant able to sleep at nights many times i tried to commit suicide but still i am alive i don t know wat to do.i am having full of negative thoughts and imagination thoughts.pls suggest wat give me peace? 22,4.6,38 m
Hi, I went through your query and can understand your distress. From what you have mentioned, you seemingly are suffering from depression which explains your negative thoughts and even suicidality. Since you have already attempted to harm yourself, I would suggest that you should seek a psychiatric consultation without any further delay. You should also talk with you family members regarding your symptoms. In case of depression, treatment with anti-depressants like venlafaxine or Escitalopram would be highly effective. In your case, the treatment should be started as soon as possible. I hope that you found the answer helpful. Best wishes.
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My truck driving husband, 67 yrs old has been having trouble with his lower back like he has for yrs. The last few days hes feeling weak, achy all over and cant seem to get enough sleep. Hasnt been in contact with anyone sick lately. He also runs a low grade fever and gets chills to the point that he just shivers all over. What do you think might be going on? It isnt easy getting in to see a Dr. out here on the road.
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Dear most probably your husband is suffering from lumber root compression which might be due to posture, or disc prolapse along which some medical cause for fever. Please have a MRI of lumber sacral spine and screening of whole spine get done. ESR, CRP, CBC, malaria optimal test, dengue test should be done to diagnose the cause of fever. Hot fomentation, and physiotherapy can help. Avoid forward bending and lifting heavy weight. Take analgesics, anti pyre tics, antibiotics, calcium and muscle relaxants, start physiotherapy. Visit physician for fever. Hope your query get answered. Welcome for further queries.
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Hi there, I was circumcised almost 9month ago but till today I m having swelling at circumcision scar,I asked my dr. why it isn t gone he said You got stiches infection and it will take a year and it happens to 1 in 1000 patients Now that hospital is closed n I m worry pls assist me....
Hi, does it cause pain or severe swelling? Have the sutures come out completely? Sometimes retained sutures can lead to such problems. If yes you should show it to another Surgeon and get it removed. You could also ask us a Direct or a Specialist query and send us a photo so that we can advise you whether it would require removal or can be managed without any active treatment. Take care, Chat Doctor.
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Hi there, I have been on Microlite pill for nearly 2 years. Last month my period came one week early ( still had a week left to take it and I did) . Whilst this month it has arrived with 9 more pill days to take. Is this normal, do I need to change pill?
Hello, When there is some hormonal imbalance then you may have early or delayed periods even if you are on Microliter. Yes, you can get clinically assessed & examined by a gone. Other medical conditions like thyroid issues, PCs, anemia, cervical cyst, fibroid, polyps, etc. can be detected & treated at the earliest. You can change your BC pills if you so desire. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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I have been told I have COPD. I have been having problems for 2 months. I am now having trouble coughing until I throw up, I am on Advair , Albuterol, Sinus medicine, and Muscus relief. Is there anything that will stop this coughing. My broncial tubes are very sore.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. But COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a disease in which due to airway inflammation, sputum production is continuous. If infection is there then sputum production is more. So antibiotic may be needed in your case. I also advise you to enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation center where Chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercise Are done. This will help you in clearing your secretions easily. You can also try bucolic and expectorant like N acetyl cysteine (NAC), Aerosol and guifenacine. Zince all these are prescribed Chat Doctor.
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I am 24 years of old and recently I got a problem in the back spinal cord and it pains in the middle of the back/lower back in the evening and in the morning when I gets up from the bed. I do sleep on a normal bed which is not too hard or soft. But recently when I have done an x- ray of a spine, I got a review written disc reduction space by l5-S1. And there is a light pain. I do get cold often for which I m taking homeopatChatDoctoredicines. But it is have some connection with spine and I do sometimes stitching of clothes. Or is it related to that, and it puts pressure on spinal cord. Or some sitting posture. Please do guide me.
Hi, L5-S1 space reduction is an incidental finding but the pain you are experiencing in the back is probably due to ACUTE LS STRAIN.(due to your nature of job. Sitting for prolonged period for quite some time causes spasm of para spinal muscles which causes the pain). TREATMENT
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Hi I had a asthma attack in 2009 which lead me being put into a induced coma from that I developed multi organ failure hypertension septieemia mrsa meningitis and was only given a hour to live the special ist doctor was called in and my lugs was given a adrenaline bath as as last result and it started to work 3 months hospital staff and myself battled for my life and I m here to tell the tail but I ve had on going problems 1st pres was dignosed on going severe head catches left side weakness severe lower back pin forgetfulness lack of concentration hip pain shoulder pain bad eye sight depression stress anxiety tiered all the time and arthritis plus more recently I had a operation on my right knee and they had problems bringing out of the anesthetic due to having a asthma attack while I was on the operating table do you think that I might be allergic to the anesthetic
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Hi I am Chat Doctor. . In my opinion Lipitor could cause spasms in your musculoskeletal system and that may vary from person to person but with your past history of plantar fasciitis I think it definitely have link with your tarsal spasms. Lipitor side effects include arthralgia, diarrhea, and nasopharyngitis. Other side effects include
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Hi I have a boyfriend who have leukemia for for ten years now, hes 28 years old. We are committed to each other.I am scared that its genetic, so hows severe or 1%can the kids inherit the disease?I am worry, that I might not enjoy my motherhood if we get kids. And for how long will my boyfriend lives from now on (life expectancy)?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Yes, you are right about leukemia inheritance. Leukemia s are inherited in nature. The possibility of inheritance is depending on type of leukemia. B cell leukemia have high inheritance then T cell leukemia. So please reply me the type of leukemia he is having. And with modern medicine, prognosis of leukemia s are good. Life expectancy is usually up to 40-50 years if regular follow up with oncologist is done. And inheritance in child is up to 5%.
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I had three fully impacted and one partially impacted wisdom teeth removed a week ago. I had an enormous amount of swelling and pain for five days. I still cannot eat solid foods without pain and my jaw cant open very wide. Ive got really bad breath despite swishing warm salt water every time i eat and brushing gently my front molars and teeth and swishing chlorohexadine 2x a day. Yesterday, i found a flap of gum hanging on the top left side and my mouth keeps making so much saliva that my tongue is getting sites on the side from me swallowing so much. Is all of this normal? Should i be worried? When will i be able to eat solid foods again?
Hi, Thanks for asking query on Chat Doctor. In addition to what you are doing
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My blood type is O+ and I was married previous and my pervious husband also was O+. I was pregnant for several times and I never get sick though out my previous pregnancies. After I got divorce I got remarried for a new husband and his blood type A+ and we decide to have a new baby then after I get pregnant I became very sick, I was having high fever, vomiting a lot, and tireless which I never had this symptoms before. My question is since my new husband and I have different blood type is that the cose of my sickness?
Hi, No a different blood group should not cause you to have such symptoms. A different blood of a new husband could probably give you a slightly increased chance of high blood pressure, and pre-eclampsia in the later part of pregnancy. Fever, vomiting and tiredness, could be an infection unrelated to pregnancy. You should see a physician and get blood test to check for infections and take medicines for fever and the other symptoms. Do discuss the safety of medicine during pregnancy before taking them. Hope this helps. Regards.
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Could you help please. I have had a blood test carried out this morning as a further continuing blood test plan which was required as the result of a sudden viral failure (caused by a reaction to antibiotics). This occurred seven weeks ago. My eGFR was 4 six weeks ago is now 33. Other values such as Creatine are approaching normal. My GP is impressed with my recovery and results in the main are trending towards the normal range and he has taken me off Dialysis. I have had repeated blood tests every 2 days during dialysis, and now weekly since 12-06-2017. However my platelet count is today 138 x 10^9 /L. (Normal range is 150-400). This was 160 on 12/06/2017 and 167 on 19-06-2017? Is this serious and what can I do to assist returning to the prior OK values? This is a rapid drop - maybe the lab test today are faulty? Possible solution is wait a week for the next test? Please advise.
Platelet count of 138000/CMM, is not at all a serious issue. It may be transient Chat Doctor. There is no need to take any active measures to increase it to more than 150000/CMM. It is best to repeat a platelet count after 1 week. But if you have any bleeding complaints don't wait for long. Get the platelet count done urgently. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help. With regards,
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hi,I am 25 year old i am trying to concive last 7-8 month my husband test normal then doc. say me follicur study then on 14th day doctor say ovaculation is the my reports good or bad? can i conciving this time? but this time only one time sexwith us.
Yes your report is normal since follicular study on 14th day showed ovulation. The sperm lives up to 3-5 days in the female genital tract. The lifespan of ovum is 24 hours. So if you have had sex within 5 days before the date of ovulation or on the day of ovulation you can conceive this time. To increase your chances of conception you need to have healthy lifestyle i.e. stop smoking if you are a smoker. Should not Chat Doctor. Your BMI should be around 25. If it is more you need to reduce weight. One more important thing is you should have regular intercourse 2-3 times/ week. If you don't conceive in 3-4 months time period consult your doctor and get the fallopian tube patency test done. If you have any further queries feel free to ask me. Good luck
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For several months now, I have experienced excessive mucus drip in the back of my throat, yet cannot expectorate it. My throat is sore and the middle of my tongue has a raised ridge that appears to be white. Also, I experience some difficulty swallowing when the mucus is flowing. I have a history of allergies, but this is new. I also have asthma that is under control. Over the counter medications for allergies have not given me relief. I have considered food allergies and have limited the mucus producing food products such as dairy products, but still daily I am swallowing mucus and cannot cough it out. Please advise. Thank you.
Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post suggest that you might be having Pharyngitis & Allergic tracheo-bronchitis. Management includes
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I am 41 yrs old & have type 2 diabetes & recently lost about 15 lbs for no reason. I have been eating better but not that much better & I have a stressful new job that could be the culprit but im scared b/c i know my body & i usually dont just shed 15 lbs in 2 mths with little to no effort. I am drinking more water lately but dont know if thats from the diabetes symptoms or not. Im scared something more serious might be wrong with me. I also pee frequently but I always have even before being dx w/diabetes,i went from 155 lbs down to 140 which is great but im scared b/c i usually have to work much harder to lose weight
Hello, Thanks for the query. I have gone through the details given and do understand your concern. However, there is no mention blood glucose level (fasting or PP) and HbA1c%, so there is no way to know whether diabetes is well controlled or not. Secondly no mention ChatDoctor. Persons with diabetes do lose weight at times fairly rapidly, particularly when it is uncontrolled with high blood glucose. That causes excess glucose loss through urine as well as increased frequency of toilet visits including getting up at night. In a well controlled diabetic FBG should be If blood glucose is not well controlled eating well can actually lead to more of glucose loss through urine. So my suggestion is please check your fasting, PP glucose levels and HbA1c% and try to bring those in the above recommended range. Then weight reduction will stop. Strict blood glucose control is the remedy. Thanks
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just wondering what t oexspect next he is loosing the use of his body functions and very week he is forgetting who we are and has gone down hill rapidly in the last weekhe is 56 and has been fighting throat cancer for 2yrshe weighs maybe 100 and is 510
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand his condition and problem. His symptoms like forgetfulness, weakness, loosing body functions etc. suggest possibility of brain metastasis. Throat cancer is mostly squamous cell carcinoma. And it can spread to brain in some cases. So we need to rule out brain metastasis in his case. Get done MRI brain first to rule out brain metastasis. If MRI is normal then following are the possible causes. 1. Electrolyte disturbance 2. Acute psychosis etc. So first get done MRI brain to rule out brain metastasis and then consult psychiatrist.
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My daughter is 23 year old. Finished college and just starting to work in her field. She was in an accident 2 i/2 months ago where she hit her face on the steering wheel of her car. The CT scan showed nothing. But she now is having small seizures like spells. Mostly when she is stressed out. Just feeling like she is zoned out and not able to focus. She did not have these spells before the accident. She had a MRI and they say that it could be gray matter heterotopia. Can these be treated with medicine, will she be able to drive?.
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your daughters symptoms and MRI brain findings. The accident was incidental and is not the cause of her heterosocial or seizures. The seizures can be explained by the MRI finding of heterosocial. The treatment is medical in most people with this condition. Anti-epielptic Chat Doctor. Only if the seizures remain uncontrolled, surgery may be required in a few people. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health,
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hello doctor, i have been chewing rajniganda from past three years say about 3 medium packets a day,but since a year i have been addicted to it with the addition hera-panna (sweet pan powder) and i eat a packet less a day but i still have it everyday and cant live without it, how do i stop it and what are the effects of this habit on my health physically and mentally ?please advice to the best.thank you.
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Stoping it will require some cognitive changes and behavioral modifications. Consider visiting a psychologist for the same. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link
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Hello, I have a dear friend who has been diagonised with colon cancer & mets liver cancer . They could not remove tumor from colon. She is not eating, very large stomache, in pain, thirsty all the time, restless & now today feet are swollen & so are her legs. The doctors are not giving much information. She was diagonised a week ago! How long may she have left? Is it weeks or months? Thank you
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am sorry to hear that. The life expectancy in a stage 4 colon cancer patient can be quite variable. It depends on the aggressiveness of the tumor and the psychological status of the patient. All what you can do is being around her for providing support. Make her feel that she is not going through this alone. Besides, encourage her to eat more. Regards Chat Doctor.
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Im a 48 1/2 yr old female experiencing dull pain at the right side belly button which feels worse about 30 minutes after eating. I feel almost all the time. I moticed it about 6 weeks ago but feels worse now. My right ovary was removed 7 years ago during a complete hysterectomy, although the left ovary remains. I went to a doctor who took an abdominal x-ray and blood work and found that my appendix looked normal, and no elevated white blood cell count, although he did find a renal stone that has since passed. I had my last colonoscopy 3 years ago with only a non-cancerous polyp found in the rectum. Im very concered, to the point of not eating. Can you help me, please? Thank you.
Hi, If your appendix was fine and no elevated white blood cell count, then, the pain you are experiencing might be related to