Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325
sense in which that is intelligence. If it looks like it's intelligent, it is intelligent. And I
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think there's some deep aspect of a system that appears to be conscious. In some deep sense,
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it is conscious. At least for me, we have to consider that possibility. And a system that
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appears to be conscious is an engineering challenge. Yeah, I don't disagree with any of
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that. I mean, especially intelligence, I think, is a publicly observable thing. Science fiction
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has dealt with this for a century or much more, maybe. This idea that when you are confronted with
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something that just doesn't meet any of your typical assumptions, so you can't look in the
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skull and say, oh, well, there's that frontal cortex, so then I guess we're good. So this thing
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lands on your front lawn, and the little door opens, and something trundles out, and it's shiny
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and aluminum looking, and it hands you this poem that it wrote while it was flying over,
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and how happy it is to meet you. What's going to be your criteria for whether you get to take it
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apart and see what makes it tick, or whether you have to be nice to it and whatever? All the
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criteria that we have now and that people are using, and as you said, a lot of people are
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down on the Turing test and things like this, but what else have we got? Because measuring
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the cortex size isn't going to cut it in the broader scheme of things. So I think it's a
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wide open problem. Our solution to the problem of other minds, it's very simplistic. We give each
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other credit for having minds just because we're sort of on an anatomical level, we're pretty
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similar, and so it's good enough. But how far is that going to go? So I think that's really primitive.
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So yeah, I think it's a major unsolved problem. It's a really challenging direction of thought
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to the human race that you talked about, like embodied minds. If you start to think that other
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things other than humans have minds, that's really challenging. Because all men are created equal
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starts being like, all right, well, we should probably treat not just cows with respect,
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but like plants, and not just plants, but some kind of organized conglomerates of cells
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in a petri dish. In fact, some of the work we're doing, like you're doing and the whole community
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of science is doing with biology, people might be like, we were really mean to viruses.
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Yeah. I mean, yeah, the thing is, you're right. And I certainly get phone calls about people
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complaining about frog skin and so on. But I think we have to separate the sort of deep
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philosophical aspects versus what actually happens. So what actually happens on Earth
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is that people with exactly the same anatomical structure kill each other on a daily basis.
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So I think it's clear that simply knowing that something else is equally or maybe more
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cognitive or conscious than you are is not a guarantee of kind behavior, that much we know of.
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And so then we look at a commercial farming of mammals and various other things. And so I think
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on a practical basis, long before we get to worrying about things like frog skin,
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we have to ask ourselves, why are we, what can we do about the way that we've been behaving
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towards creatures, which we know for a fact, because of our similarities are basically just
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like us. That's kind of a whole other social thing. But fundamentally, of course, you're
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absolutely right in that we are also, think about this, we are on this planet in some way,
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incredibly lucky. It's just dumb luck that we really only have one dumb animal.
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We only have one dominant species. It didn't have to work out that way. So you could easily
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imagine that there could be a planet somewhere with more than one equally or maybe near equally
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intelligent species. But they may not look anything like each other. So there may be
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multiple ecosystems where there are things of similar to human like intelligence. And then
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you'd have all kinds of issues about how do you relate to them when they're physically
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like you at all. But yet in terms of behavior and culture and whatever, it's pretty obvious
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that they've got as much on the ball as you have. Or maybe imagine that there was another
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group of beings that was on average 40 IQ points lower. We're pretty lucky in many ways. We don't
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really have, even though we still act badly in many ways. But the fact is, all humans are more
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or less in that same range, but didn't have to work out that way. Well, but I think that's part
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of the way life works on Earth, maybe human civilization works, is it seems like we want
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ourselves to be quite similar. And then within that, you know, where everybody's about the same
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relatively IQ, intelligence, problem solving capabilities, even physical characteristics.
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But then we'll find some aspect of that that's different. And that seems to be like,
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I mean, it's really dark to say, but that seems to be the, not even a bug, but like a feature
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of the early development of human civilization. You pick the other, your tribe versus the other
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tribe and you war, it's a kind of evolution in the space of memes, a space of ideas, I think,
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and you war with each other. So we're very good at finding the other, even when the characteristics
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are really the same. And that's, I don't know what that, I mean, I'm sure so many of these things
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echo in the biological world in some way. Yeah. There's a fun experiment that I did. My son
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actually came up with this and we did a biology unit together. He's a homeschool. And so we did
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this a couple of years ago. We did this thing where, imagine you get this slime mold, right?
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Fisarum polycephalum, and it grows on a Petri dish of agar and it sort of spreads out and it's a
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single cell protist, but it's like this giant thing. And so you put down a piece of oat and
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it wants to go get the oat and it sort of grows towards the oat. So what you do is you take a
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razor blade and you just separate the piece of the whole culture that's growing towards the
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oat. You just kind of separate it. And so now think about the interesting decision making
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calculus for that little piece. I can go get the oat and therefore I won't have to share those
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nutrients with this giant mass over there. So the nutrients per unit volume is going to be amazing.
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I should go eat the oat. But if I first rejoin, because Fisarum, once you cut it, has the ability
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to join back up. If I first rejoin, then that whole calculus becomes impossible because there
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is no more me anymore. There's just we and then we will go eat this thing, right? So this
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interesting, you can imagine a kind of game theory where the number of agents isn't fixed
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and that it's not just cooperate or defect, but it's actually merge and whatever, right?
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Yeah. So that computation, how does it do that decision making?
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Yeah. So it's really interesting. And so empirically, what we found is that it tends
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to merge first. It tends to merge first and then the whole thing goes. But it's really interesting
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that that calculus, I mean, I'm not an expert in the economic game theory and all that,
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but maybe there's some sort of hyperbolic discounting or something. But maybe this idea
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that the actions you take not only change your payoff, but they change who or what you are,
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and that you could take an action after which you don't exist anymore, or you are radically
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changed, or you are merged with somebody else. As far as I know, that's a whole different
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thing. As far as I know, we're still missing a formalism for even knowing how to model
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any of that.
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Do you see evolution, by the way, as a process that applies here on Earth? Where did evolution
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come from?
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Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325
So this thing from the very origin of life that took us to today, what the heck is that?
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I think evolution is inevitable in the sense that if you combine, and basically, I think
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one of the most useful things that was done in early computing, I guess in the 60s, it
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started with evolutionary computation and just showing how simple it is that if you have
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imperfect heredity and competition together, those two things, or three things, so heredity,
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imperfect heredity, and competition, or selection, those three things, and that's it. Now you're
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off to the races. And so that can be, it's not just on Earth because it can be done in
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the computer, it can be done in chemical systems, it can be done in, you know, Lee Smolin says
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it works on cosmic scales. So I think that that kind of thing is incredibly pervasive
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and general. It's a general feature of life. It's interesting to think about, you know,
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the standard thought about this is that it's blind, right? Meaning that the intelligence
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of the process is zero, it's stumbling around. And I think that back in the day, when the
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options were it's dumb like machines, or it's smart like humans, then of course, the scientists
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went in this direction, because nobody wanted creationism. They said, okay, it's got to
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be like completely blind. I'm not actually sure, right? Because I think that everything