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The Psychology of Open Teaching and Learning: An Inquiry Approach | 19,991 |
The Open University | 19,991 |
The Dynamics of Open, Peer-To-Peer Learning: What Factors Influence Participation in the P2P University? | 19,991 |
What Are Open Universities For? | 19,991 |
Conceptualising OEP: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Literature in Open Educational Practices | 19,991 |
The Open University | 19,991 |
The Open Access Curriculum | 19,991 |
What Is Open Learning? | 19,991 |
What Is Open Access? | 19,991 |
"Libraries / Open educational resources in libraries" | 19,991 |
Open University | 19,991 |
Use of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education | 19,991 |
Open Learning | 19,991 |
Effective Facilitation of Online Learning: The Open University Experience | 19,991 |
Interactive Open Educational Resources: A Guide to Finding, Choosing, and Using What's Out There to Transform College Teaching | 19,991 |
Open Content and Open Educational Resources: Enabling Universal Education | 19,991 |
Open Educational Practices for Curriculum Enhancement | 19,991 |
Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning | 19,991 |
An OER COUP: College Teacher and Student Perceptions of Open Educational Resources | 19,991 |
Trainee Characteristics and the Outcomes of Open Learning | 19,991 |
The Open University | 19,991 |
Open Educational Resources and the Transformation of Education | 19,991 |
Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education Through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge | 19,991 |
Practical Instructional Design for Open Learning Materials: A Modular Course Covering Open Learning, Computer-Based Training, Multimedia | 19,991 |
Open Education: A Source Book for Parents and Teachers | 19,991 |
The Open Courseware Movement in Higher Education: Unmasking Power and Raising Questions About the Movement's Democratic Potential | 19,991 |
Student Preferences for Editing, Persuading, and Negotiating the Open Learner Model | 19,991 |
From Open Content to Open Course Models: Increasing Access and Enabling Global Participation in Higher Education | 19,991 |
Open Learning Handbook: Selecting, Designing and Supporting Open Learning Materials | 19,991 |
A Sustainable Future for Open Textbooks? The Flat World Knowledge Story | 19,991 |
Open Education: A Parable of Change in Higher Education | 19,991 |
Impact of OER Use on Teaching and Learning: Data From OER Research Hub (2013-2014) | 19,991 |
Open Learning Environments | 19,991 |
Open Universities | 19,991 |
A Test of the Hydraulic Limitation Hypothesis in Fast-Growing Eucalyptus Saligna | 19,992 |
Water Relations of Water Molds | 19,992 |
Responses of Two Semiarid Conifer Tree Species to Reduced Precipitation and Warming Reveal New Perspectives for Stomatal Regulation | 19,992 |
Heavy Water Fractionation During Transpiration | 19,992 |
Diel Patterns of Water Potential Components for the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Plant Opuntia Ficus-Indica When Well-Watered or Droughted | 19,992 |
Shrinkage of Attached Roots of Opuntia Ficus-Indica in Response to Lowered Water Potentials—Predicted Consequences for Water Uptake or Loss to Soil | 19,992 |
Trade-Offs Between Leaf Hydraulic Capacity and Drought Vulnerability: Morpho-Anatomical Bases, Carbon Costs and Ecological Consequences | 19,992 |
The Evolution of Water Transport in Plants: An Integrated Approach | 19,992 |
Impact of Water Stress on Leaf Anatomy and Ultrastructure in Cynodon Dactylon (L.) Pers. Under Natural Conditions | 19,992 |
Cavitation Fatigue. Embolism and Refilling Cycles Can Weaken the Cavitation Resistance of Xylem | 19,992 |
Size and Function in Conifer Tracheids and Angiosperm Vessels | 19,992 |
The Physiological Implications of Primary Xylem Organization in Two Ferns | 19,992 |
Root Growth, Developmental Changes in the Apex, and Hydraulic Conductivity for Opuntia Ficus-Indica During Drought | 19,992 |
Aquaporins Account for Variations in Hydraulic Conductance for Metabolically Active Root Regions of Agave Deserti in Wet, Dry, and Rewetted Soil | 19,992 |
Polystichum Munitum (Dryopteridaceae) Varies Geographically in Its Capacity to Absorb Fog Water by Foliar Uptake Within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem | 19,992 |
Automated Analysis of Three-Dimensional Xylem Networks Using High-Resolution Computed Tomography | 19,992 |
Structure and Function of Bordered Pits: New Discoveries and Impacts on Whole-Plant Hydraulic Function | 19,992 |
Formation and Influencing Factors of Dew in Sparse Elm Woods and Grassland in a Semi-Arid Area | 19,992 |
Water Potentials for Developing Cladodes and Fruits of a Succulent Plant, Including Xylem-Versus-Phloem Implications for Water Movement | 19,992 |
The Determinants of Leaf Turgor Loss Point and Prediction of Drought Tolerance of Species and Biomes: A Global Meta-Analysis | 19,992 |
Understanding Transpiration – More Than Meets the Eye | 19,992 |
Transpirational Water Loss in Invaded and Restored Semiarid Riparian Forests | 19,992 |
Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations | 19,992 |
The Physiological Resilience of Fern Sporophytes and Gametophytes: Advances in Water Relations Offer New Insights Into an Old Lineage | 19,992 |
A Physiologically Explicit Morphospace for Tracheid-Based Water Transport in Modern and Extinct Seed Plants | 19,992 |
The Relationships Between Xylem Safety and Hydraulic Efficiency in the Cupressaceae: The Evolution of Pit Membrane Form and Function | 19,992 |
Limits to Xylem Refilling Under Negative Pressure in Laurus Nobilis and Acer Negundo | 19,992 |
The Structure of the Cuticle in Relation to Cuticular Transpiration in Leaves of the Halophyte Suaeda Maritima (L.) Dum | 19,992 |
Seasonal Changes in Tissue-Water Relations for Eight Species of Ferns During Historic Drought in California | 19,992 |
Analysis of Circular Bordered Pit Function II. Gymnosperm Tracheids With Torus-Margo Pit Membranes | 19,992 |
Structure-Function Constraints of Tracheid-Based Xylem: A Comparison of Conifers and Ferns | 19,992 |
Analysis of Freeze-Thaw Embolism in Conifers. The Interaction Between Cavitation Pressure and Tracheid Size | 19,992 |
Xylem Anatomy and Hydraulic Conductance of Psilotum Nudum | 19,992 |
Effects of Intraspecific Crowding on Water Uptake, Water Storage, Apical Growth, and Reproductive Potential in the Sahuaro Cactus, Carnegiea Gigantea | 19,992 |
Cavitation Resistance in Seedless Vascular Plants: The Structure and Function of Interconduit Pit Membranes | 19,992 |
New Insights Into Bordered Pit Structure and Cavitation Resistance in Angiosperms and Conifers | 19,992 |
Role of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance in the Regulation of Stomatal Conductance in Almond and Olive in Response to Water Stress | 19,992 |
Optimal Plant Water Economy | 19,992 |
Hydraulic Conductivity and Anatomy Along Lateral Roots of Cacti: Changes With Soil Water Status | 19,992 |
Dynamic Root Responses to Water Deficits | 19,992 |
Xylem Hydraulic Physiology: The Functional Backbone of Terrestrial Plant Productivity | 19,992 |
The Competition Between Liquid and Vapor Transport in Transpiring Leaves | 19,992 |
Editorial Note for the Special Issue on 'Sap Flow and Hydraulic Functioning' of TREES: Structure and Function | 19,992 |
Xylem Wall Collapse in Water-Stressed Pine Needles | 19,992 |
Xylem Anatomy and Hydraulic Conductance of Costa Rican Blechnum Ferns | 19,992 |
Testing the 'Rare Pit' Hypothesis for Xylem Cavitation Resistance in Three Species of Acer | 19,992 |
Evolution of Water Transport and Xylem Structure | 19,992 |
Lacunar Pressures in Myriophyllum Heterophyllum: Manometric Measurement and Diurnal Gas Dynamics in Field Populations | 19,992 |
Mechanism of Water Stress-Induced Xylem Embolism | 19,992 |
Drought Experience and Cavitation Resistance in Six Shrubs From the Great Basin, Utah | 19,992 |
Optimal Stomatal Behavior With Competition for Water and Risk of Hydraulic Impairment | 19,992 |
Inter-Tracheid Pitting and the Hydraulic Efficiency of Conifer Wood: The Role of Tracheid Allometry and Cavitation Protection | 19,992 |
Water Relations of Plants | 19,992 |
The Importance of Xylem Constraints in the Distribution of Conifer Species | 19,992 |
Differences in Water Relations Parameters for the Chlorenchyma and the Parenchyma of Opuntia Ficus-Indica Under Wet Versus Dry Conditions | 19,992 |
Influence of Stem Lacunar Structure on Gas Transport: Relation to the Oxygen Transport Potential of Submersed Vascular Plants | 19,992 |
Hydraulic Constraints on Plant Gas Exchange | 19,992 |
Cavitation Resistance Among 26 Chaparral Species of Southern California | 19,992 |
Tracheid Diameter Is the Key Trait Determining the Extent of Freezing-Induced Embolism in Conifers | 19,992 |
Hydraulic Efficiency and Safety of Branch Xylem Increases With Height in Sequoia Sempervirens (D. Don) Crowns | 19,992 |
Trends in Wood Density and Structure Are Linked to Prevention of Xylem Implosion by Negative Pressure | 19,992 |
Xylem Hydraulic Safety Margins in Woody Plants: Coordination of Stomatal Control of Xylem Tension With Hydraulic Capacitance | 19,992 |
Leaf Shrinkage With Dehydration: Coordination With Hydraulic Vulnerability and Drought Tolerance | 19,992 |
Hydraulic Limits to Tree Height and Tree Growth | 19,992 |
The Contributions of Apoplastic, Symplastic and Gas Phase Pathways for Water Transport Outside the Bundle Sheath in Leaves | 19,992 |
Ancestral Stomatal Control Results in a Canalization of Fern and Lycophyte Adaptation to Drought | 19,992 |
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