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this clock have some cool feature . the bell be somewhat loud , but the flash light usually wake I up first . and I love it be look , with a couple of exception . as a designer , I be bother by the transparency of the left side of the clock , especially when my bedside table lamp be illuminate . also , the light for the clock face have a orange-colored hot spot by the ' 3 ' . I be not sure why that be , and if it be all of they or just mine . maybe I be be too picky ... I try to imagine that the original clock have these same defect , and try to love the clock anyway .
this be a pretty nifty clock . nothing to bad here - just do not count on the projection - it be very diffieculy to see .
this little clock only measure 2 '' x 2 '' but it be simplicity make up for the tiny size . the off\/off button be simple to operate -lrb- up for `` on , '' and down for `` off '' -rrb- , the time and alarm be easy to set , and the clock make no noticeable tick sound . the alarm be reasonably loud . I would have like something larger and a bit more robust -lrb- I fumble in the morning -rrb- and be amaze at how difficult it be to find a simple battery operate alarm clock that do nothing but keep the time and wake you up .
for a small stereo \/ cd-player , this device be fine . as a alarm clock , it be downright awful . use a cd with the alarm function would have be great if it do not only play the first song on a cd - even the most basic disc-man have a memory function , so why can not this clock ? also , the snooze be for 5 minute interval - as a lifelong and hardcore snooze-button user , this be just obnoxious . I need the standard 9-minute snooze , but learn that fact the hard way . the worst thing about this clock , though , be that it could not even keep correct time ! Mine would lose over a minute a day , so that by the end of the week it be 10 minute behind my other clock . do not bother with this one - either pay a little more for something a little better , or use you cell phone -lrb- like I have have to resort to -rrb- .
horrible deal with this store . I receive the wrong item , correct item list on packing slip . however , wrong item send .
I be very pleased with my purchase . I love the dual alarm and the choice of soothing sound . the design be very functional , as it fit on my nightstand . great product for the money . fast delivery from Amazon .
this clock replace we last alarm which fall victim to a overly angry press of the snooze button . my wife have be use it for a week now with no complaint . the initial setup be incredibly easy . after hold setup , you use the dial to input you setting . a fast turn of the dial increase the time in 10 or 30 minute increment ; a slow one nudge the minute along . I never realize how handy it be to have a 7-day alarm schedule - especially where I like to sleep in on weekend and have to be up early on monday . it be worth note , however , that if on a certain Wednesday you take a day off -lrb- and change the wake-up time -rrb- you would have a entire week to forget that you would do so . finally , it would useful if the manufacturer would better secure the holder for the -lrb- backup -rrb- battery . still , I be as enthusiastic as one could be about a alarm clock .
they show 2 different picture online . I do not get the clock I think I be get . I think the back light up .
this clock be so cool ! I love the nature sound to get I to sleep . this clock be not portable but it be for desk , nightstand , etc. . if you want to get a clock for home this be thee clock to get !
when not light , the clock readout be a little difficult to read . you can adjust the angle of the base to make it easier , so that be a plus . the alarm be loud - I be a pretty sound sleeper and this little clock get I up . I like that it fold up , fit easily in luggage or carry-on .
bought we second one of these chinese product . First be and be excellent . this one look great , and be a bit larger , with easier to read number . that be the good news ; the bad news be that it run slow , and the night-time glowing dial do not glow . really piss I off . way too much trouble to return . for week after the first Elgin purchase , I rave that the chinese finally get american quality production right . no such luck ! Elgin 3514E Bedside Alarm clock
this Elgin clock seem to be well make and I be very satisfied with it be performance . it be advertise as take one c battery for operation , but in fact it take three aa battery . I can not attest to battery life as I have only own it a short while . I do like the quiet operation .
this be a very neat product from lego since i be a fan of the star war series . I especially like ease of set up set up , very user friendly . the number on the clock be large and bold which make tell the time easy . however , the clock only use a standard alarm tone , I be hope for something star war theme . overall it be a great product for star war and lego fan alike .
First of all it be a cordless and very light clock which some people may find useful . its more like something you can travel with vs something you would use in you bedroom . I guess i miss the cordless part in description . because it be cordless the background light do not stay on and at night you can not see the time unless you press on snooze and the light only appear for a few seconds . unless you press on snooze there be no background light and you cant see a thing on this clock . I prefer alarm with background light so it stay on through the day and night and i do not have to press on anything to see the time . secondly , its be over 24 hour and the clock still do not synchronize with time zone and i will have to set it up manually now . it be low price alarm clock and you get what you pay for . I would go for a more expensive alarm of the same brand as they be much better and more solid clock with backup battery install in case the electricity go off and etc. .
we love we Neverlate - in fact , we have two in the house ! the radio sound really good in comparison to most alarm clock , and obviously be able to set a different alarm time for each day of the week be pretty cool . this clock be a great idea , and work very well .
the alarm clock be very good . it be not obnoxiously loud , which I like . not only do it beep , but the light also flash . my only dislike be that the SNOOZE be not very long . it be only 4 minute . I would prefer more time than that . but it do get I out of bed . it small and portable , so I bring it with I when I travel because of the convenience . it seem to be a good product .
I do not buy this for the alarm and I have not try it so I can not include that as part of my review . my sole purpose for buy this be for the large display as a clock . I have a very large living room and I can now see what time it be from any part of the room . as a clock it be fantastic !
I just receive this clock , and I love it . I be a little skeptical about whether the light would wake I up -lrb- I be a heavy sleeper -rrb- , but as soon as they start flash , I wake up . the bell sound be also pretty loud , so I think it would be a good back-up . I definately recommend this clock .
I purchase this about two month ago , and it be a great alarm clock until recently . the speaker go out and can not be replace , and of course the seller will not do returns\/exchanges after the initial 30-day period , even though the merchandise be defective . it be a great alarm clock , especially for someone like I who have trouble wake up in the morning . I definitely would not have pay this much for it if I have know it would barely last two month !
I buy this radio as a Christmas present for a office mate . I want something small and not too expensive since in a office building thing can disapear . the reception in the building be ususaly not so good and that be a concern . three month later I be happy to report that this one work fine . we have have no problem with the radio or the CD player .
I buy this clock for my son as a pre-kindergarten present . he love it . the only downside I have find be that the clock make a annoying `` beep '' when you press the head to illuminate the clock at night . otherwise , great product .
I buy this for my husband 's birthday . he have trouble sleep at time . he love the sound and be snore in a matter moment .
I love this clock . it be just the right size for my desk . it have a easy to read face and I like the second hand . I would highly recommend this clock . it be perfect for a desk or bed side table .
I see this radio at target and think it look really cool . I like the old-fashioned styling and the blue display . unfortunately , I quickly find two major problem with this . as someone state earlier , the display be too bright-it light up my room like a full moon and there seem to be no way to turn it down . the second major problem be that the volume dial do not turn smoothly , rather it be notch in such a way that there really be no way to control the volume . on the unit I have , either the volume be down all the way , okay at the first notch , and way too loud on the second notch . I like the nature sound , but the bird sound be rather silly because they sound like snippet from a dozen different habitat and be distract . the flowing water sound nice , though . tuning be interesting because the frequency be in 0.05 increment . so , to go from 90.5 to 90.7 , you have to push the up button four time instead of just once . while this be not a issue to go up one frequency , it be annoy to go up 5 or 10 . lastly , the speaker poop out on the second night . so , the radio be absolutely useless at this point . the radio be nice look and a little retro , but unfortunately , there be just too many design problem that make it a waste of money and time . it be go back to target first thing Saturday morning .
when shopping for a alarm clock it be important to understand the difference between a alarm clock and a clock radio . the Neverlate be a Alarm clock - the main function of this device be to tell the time and wake you up . it be not intend to be you primary radio , so please do not purchase this clock if you want a great radio with a digital tuner . but , if you want a good radio that do it be primary job very well , then I highly recommend this alarm clock . I really like be able to set a different alarm time for each day of the week . also , the radio sound good , and the clock be easy to read . I do not find the clock display too bright at all -lrb- as one reviewer do -rrb- , and I like the cool industrial design . two additional feature that might interest some people : -lrb- 1 -rrb- there be a nap feature that allow you to quickly set the clock for a short time when you take a nap , and -lrb- 2 -rrb- there be a sleep feature that turn off the radio after a set amount of time . this be a great clock that do its job very well .
look at the picture , it seem that the number would be visible at night . they be not and that be the whole point for my daughter to have a clock - so she would not get up at 5 be - she can look at the clock and see that the first number be not a 7 , so do not get up ... however , for she to view the number in the dark , she have to push down on the clock for the light to come on and it only stay on as long as she be push on it . the Dora be already detatch from the base , the screw come up from the bottom and I would have to take the clock apart to try to screw it back in ... not a good value ! junk !!
this be a very nice little clock for the money . the setting button be clear and easy to use . the alarm be perfectly adequate for I . my only problem be that the back light be not sufficient to see the time at night .
I have own two of these for year , they have take a lot of abuse -lrb- we have two small boy -rrb- and still work great . yes , the alarm setting can be off by a bit , but consistently by the same amount . so once you figure out by how much , you can easily make the correct adjustment . a small inconvenience in my opinion , consider the cost and overall quality - they do keep the time accurately . also , a nice snooze and crescendo feature , not too annoying but loud enough . all in all , a great value . Update 1\/09 Change of feature : I just get another one , and notice they no longer have the snooze and crescendo feature . will see if the reliability be the same as before .
my 17 year old daughter be invite to attend she last two year of high school away from home . she be incredibly smart and we just could not pass up the opportunity for she . the only problem be , be away from home and have nobody to make she get up , she be constantly oversleep ! we shop for all sort of alarm clock for she , always buy the one that be advertise as be the loudest . after she second detention for miss class and\/or be tardy I decide I have to find something that actually would wake she up . well , I find it . she have now have this alarm clock for a little over a month and have not oversleep once !! she say the first couple of day it scare she half to death , but this be not one of those alarm that just buzz and she never hear . she put the part that vibrate under she pillow because put it under the mattress be not a option with the way the dorm bed be construct . I highly recommend this product to anyone who have a child like mine who do not hear traditional alarm clock !! one less worry for I as a mother have a child live away from home .
this replace a old Westclox travel clock that serve I well for many year , so I be familiar with the control . the clock fold up nicely for storage and be easy to set . I be a therapist and need a portable clock to time session , so it need to be quickly readable from a few foot away . this clock be not as readable as I would prefer -lrb- I wish the numeral be a little bigger and the contrast a little higher -rrb- , but it seem better than other digital travel alarm . next time , maybe I 'll try a battery-powered analog clock .
love how this clock look . but it do not keep time ... every week or so its behind twenty minute so I would not use it for alarm purpose . I be consider rebuy another one hope that one will keep time because I be attach to how it look in my little girl nursery . and yes , I have change the battery many time to no avail .
great clock : good look , easy to set , easy read . one disappointment : it work from power line , not battery - battery be only to preserve setting while power be off . after think a bit it be understandable why it be so : display be big and therefore energy consuming .
receive the Westclox Travelmate today , and just print the return label . the face light do not illuminate ; AM\/PM do not appear on the face ; the alarm be barely discernable , and yes ... my hearing be excellent . cheap , cheap , cheap . the designer need to go back to the draw board .
after purchase a ugly Sonic bomb alarm for myself and have great result -lrb- finally ! -rrb- get up for work on time , my 16-year-old daughter-also a very heavy sleeper-requested one . further search turn up the same alarm in way better clothing . now we both be jolt from sound sleep , out of bed , and be leave the house on time . if you want to get to class on time or keep you job , I highly recommend both of these alarm . they do not have multiple you-tube video for nothing !
I really like the idea of this clock , it be super cute ! and I love how you could move the leg and arm ! very unique ! the only con I find from this product be the alarm sound be not too loud , deep sleeper would not get waken by it . a cute suggestion would make the alarm louder , and maybe make the alarm the StarWars theme song !
i be a heavy sleeper and work 2 job so every alarm clock i have buy i couldnt hear ... they either chirp or the alarm be very soft and i couldnt hear they to wake for work . so i be always try not to sleep to heavily when i do get to sleep which eventually start make I pretty miserable from lack of sleep ... until i find this alarm clock the sonic boom now i can fall asleep and this clock wake I right up its loud and the vibrate help alot as well . very good product !!!!! very good investment !!!!!
exeptionally readable digit , easily see across the room even with poor eyesight . gigantic snooze button that can not be confuse with another button . two-position display brightness : very bright or moderately dim . the perfect alarm clock . warning : I be refer to Equity 's previous model 30037 that have better control , include a dimmer switch ; it use a 9v backup battery . the current model 30037 have poorer control and no dimmer switch ; it use a 1.5 v backup battery .
this foldable alarm clock run on 2 aaa battery , and include a light dial , snooze alarm , and 15-minute increment nap timer . it be easy to set and work like a charm . the 15-minute nap timer be programmable for up to several hour , and come in very handy for those `` power nap '' or longer snooze when you need to wake up , but do not want to set the alarm . my previous unit last for over three year of daily use and go on many airline trip and camping trip with I without a problem . the lcd display go out this summer , during a damp camping trip , but for less than $ 9 I be able to replace it . I be expect a good three year from the new one as well . I highly recommend this little travel clock .
outstanding selection of sound . volume level be perfect . the back light option be a plus . the benefit of the clock reset due to power outage be wonderful . clock also reset itself at time change . a + + + + +
I buy this for travel as well as for it to be a back-up for a corded alarm clock in case there be a power outage . it be light and cordless , make it great for travel but the alarm be so weak it fail to be hear across a quiet bedroom . not much of a ` alarm ' clock if it can not do that task ! another cheap product make in China ! thanks , Timex ...
this be a great little clock . I use as a back up in case the power go out in my area and my main clock go dark , this one have save I more than once . it be so easy to set the time , and alarm exactly on schedule . it be travel size too .
I search the web for day and day until I could find this item . want a clock that would not talk to I , shine on the ceiling , or have `` bell and whistle ! '' just a good clock , with large , readable number for those of we get up in year , and need bigger digit ! the item arrive in a timely fashion , and my husband and I be very happy with this purchase .
I do a lot of research on Amazon by read review before I buy this clock . I feel mislead by all the five star review this clock get . it be cheaply make , the battery cover seem like it would break easily . I work ok but the light be way to dim to read the clock at night . a disappointment and not worth eight dollar .
I have own this clock for about three year now and I love it . I be actually look for one for my boyfriend -lrb- who love it too -rrb- when I come across all these negative reveiw . now I be a light sleeper and even the quietest alarm would shock I awake . that be the main reason that I buy this clock in the first place . the radio break within the first few month and I find the buzzer too loud for I so I be force to leave it on the silent setting . I be really worry that this would not wake I up so I also choose to use the flash at wake up option . even if I have only have a couple of hour of sleep , the flash light wake I up everytime . grant , I be a light sleeper so it do not take much for I to get up , however my boyfriend have to set up what we call the `` alarm minefield '' to get up in the morning and I be suprise that this clock wake he up . I do have to agree that the display be quite bright , so I read the manual and you can dim the display by hold down the Demo and Snooze button at the same time . overall , this have a great size that make it easy to take with I when I travel -lrb- which I do quite often -rrb- . this clock have so many option that you can really fine tune it in order to find out what work best for you . I have recommend this clock to many people and they love theirs as well .
the sound be very realistic -lrb- unfortunately that include the fog horn -rrb- . it be nice to wake up to bird or read before bed listen to the rain when it be nice out . my only dislike be that the screen be bright even when you have it turn all the way down .
after read many review of atomic radio control clock , I pick this one . so far , it do everything right . great display , easy to set up , easy to set alarm . the solar cell be a very clever feature ; should maintain the battery for a very long time .
i didnt pay attention to the review ... actually i ignore they because i want this clock sooooooo badly . unfortunately , this replica be really , really cheap . i get it in the mail and open it up . china . cheap . plastic . nonetheless , i dig the look and can work with that ... check the alarm ... the ` light ' aspect of the alarm work , but the bell doesnt at all which be a no-go for I . suck , i really want to have it in proper work order , save you money here . two star because amazon rock and return it be easy ... beyond that ... you have be warn !!!!
original review 2007 : what a great surprise ! I order this simply to have a clock in the bedroom that could be read in the dark without glass ... and that be exactly what I get , but much much more ! I plug this guy in and it show the correct time ! check the instruction pamphlet -lrb- actually print large enough to read ! -rrb- and find that this clock will automatically keep up with the correct time and automatically reset for change to daylight savings and back ! this be great for I because we have a lot of clock and get they all change twice a year be a real chore ... especially the one that require two button push at once or whatever . I have be buy expensive atomic clock simply to get rid of this problem , but this one be MUCH better than a atomic , where you have to diddle with get good reception and then wait while it update ... sometimes overnight ! this little guy be program for all time zone , just flip a well label switch on the back to select yours ... not a menu , a good old switch that you just have to change one time ! what a great invention ... I hope all clock will adopt this system . no worry about power outage , no problem if you be move ... just unplug it and plug it in at you new location ... it keep time while it be unplugged ! and as far as be readable in the dark , the number be so big it be almost scarey when you look at it at night ... 10 star ! I 'll get back with a update if I discover any problem or failure . update after one year of use . 1 . this clock have never fail to show the correct time and have never fail to alarm properly , even in my rural area where power blip be a norm . 2 . one reviewer say there be no way to change the time if it be wrong ... that be INCORRECT ! 3 . one reviewer can not figure how the clock know what time it be ... well obviously it be set initially in the factory ... but probably the reviewer be just joking . it be set up and maintain its setting with a small battery which be rate `` up to 5 year '' durability . 4 . another reviewer pull the battery and say this ruin he clock ... can not imagine why he would pull the battery in the first place , but I do know there be instruction for do this . do note that the clock itself be the plug-in type ... it only use the battery to power the memory\/setup chip . after a year of use , this be still my favorite clock and I get mad every time I have to change battery on my atomic clock because they be such a hassle and I pay over twice as much for they . this be the one to buy . I be look for Chaney to come out with one that can show I the outdoor temperature as well and I 'll scrap all my junky atomic .
I expect the projection feature to be a bit better ... it be hard to see in term of brightness and size . also , I do not know if it be standard in these clock , but you can not change the direction of the projection , so that the projection can be upside-down or side-ways depend on where the clock be positioned relative to the bed . I have to put my clock away from the bed -lrb- too snooze happy -rrb- and so the projection be upside-down . sure , I can just look at the clock , but the projection thing seem kind of fun . also , I be a bit surprised at the size of the clock ... very bulky .
best , easiest clock ever . do not know what be up with the other review -- I buy mine for use overseas , and have not change the battery in over a year . keep perfect time , be basically idiot proof to set , and wake I up even when I stuff it under my pillow after snooze # 1 . my 4 yr old use it for a flashlight and play hockey with it -- and it be still perfect after 2 year . and it be battery op , so it work when the power go out . yes , the tripod design can be knock over , but so can my water glass , and when that happen , i be glad my clock be not plug in ! this really be a great little clock , and i be on today because i be buy 2 more to give as christmas gift .
this fantastic little machine provide 20 different relaxing sound that help you fall asleep quickly . you can feel like you be lie on a beach , under a gentle rainfall , a quiet summer night of cricket chirp , and many more ! it have a large digital display clock and 2 alarm and a volume control for the sound . it be small and attractive and my new bestest little buddy !!!
a great little clock with a vintage look , perfect for a small shelf in my country french room . good time , alarm great . very happy with clock !
I give this item to my 7 year old nephew for Christmas so have no personal experience with it . he , however , be super happy !!! no complaint so far . I have to say that the size be a real plus - not huge but big enough to impress !
I buy this for my husband for we anniversary . he have a old alarm clock that be hard to set . this one be great . simple to use , to set , to play , everything be marked very clearly . I get up half a hour earlier than he do , so it be fantastic to have a dual alarm . we wake up to a cd . it also sound great ! we can listen to we CD 's without have a extra CD player take up room . I have have no problem with it at all !!
really great item that my neighbor tell I about as she have one that she have be use for over 10 year . my husband and I have trouble go to sleep and Ruby -lrb- we neighbor -rrb- tell I about she sound machine so I have to look it up . I find it on Amazon better and cheaper than anyone else have and mine have more feature than Ruby 's so she have decide that she be go to get one like ours . you can not go wrong with this machine as it have 20 sound , 2 alarm and a clock but it be not a BIG item so it do not take up too much room on you night table
the price be good . however , the back light be very dim . the time be difficult to read in the dark . I purchase for use as a bedside clock .
I 'll leave it to the exist review to describe the nice design ; what I do want to add be that this alarm have serve I well for nearly 3 year now with no problem . it keep good time and do not need frequent battery replacement , and change the alarm time , etc be relatively painless for a digital clock -- the button be easy to use . snooze be big and convenient . I have drop it a couple time and it be survive fine .
we live in a large condominium in so . ca . and the lay back atmoshpere of the daytime can soon become a beehive of activity at night . I like to sleep with we window open to enjoy we cool ocean breeze at night . needless to say , along with the cool breeze come the cool pool party and patio gala . my husband buy I this sound soother to help block out the late evening noise on the weekend . we love it and now sleep with it on every night . have work through most of the sound , they be very authentic and natural . one thing I would have like to have have would be a light control area on the top of the unit . turn the volume up and down , change the sound pattern , or even just set the alarm require turn on a light in the room to do . also have a time projection on the wall or ceiling would be terrific . every bedroom across America should have this machine ... baby too !
so far , I love my clock ... except one thing . there be no volume control available for the nature sound . if you do not want to be blast by the sound of pound wave , excited bird or a babble brook , you have to put the clock on the other side of the room and can not have it close to you head . I would prefer the volumn to be lower and adjustable . other than that , it have great feature for the cost ... .
pro : it do what it say . the display be nice and crisp . con : choose different option in different mode in awkward . when it start it always go to the menu rather than clock or photo view . you can not pause the photo slide show and keep listen to music .
I would be look for a small alarm clock that do not appear to have be design in 1983 . pro : small , cool design , several smart feature , include `` alarm check '' which let you easily check if you alarm be set properly . good alarm volume . con : no brightness setting . a little too easy to accidentally snooze -- `` off '' be right next to `` snooze . '' design be a little bit more `` dorky '' than cool . 7-day setting can be annoying to set up at first , especially if you do not need different time every day . no big deal , though . I like it .
my husband be a huge sw fan who receive this for he birthday . he be thrilled ! great look toy , with the bonus of be a clock\/mp3 player\/etc . good stuff !
this be such a attractive clock . number shine bright in a variety of color . it get my pre teen up . amazing . she try to beat the alarm . haha !! Works great !! wonderful gift idea .
I work at Kmart ... and I think about buy this clock for my son for christmas , we sell it for $ 20 ... . I choose not to , because it only work with battery ... ... now I see it on here for $ 60 ???????????? weird
this clock be excellent for a bare bone digital clock . when I first plug it in , the time be less than one second off atomic time . I have plug and unplug the clock many time the past 6 month and the time be now about 26 seconds faster than actual time . the time and calendar can be manually adjust -- read the manual . the Daylight Saving Time can be disabled for portion of the U.S. which do not observe DST . the DST setting can be set to the new DST rule or old DST rule in the unlikely event Congress decide to go back to the old rule . by default , the clock be set to the new DST rule . in case of power failure , the display will turn off , but the clock will still run and the alarm will sound if the alarm be activate . the clock use 4 lr44 battery as backup . the manual say the battery last 3 year before need replacement . when change the battery , leave the clock plug in . this way , you will not need to manually reset the time and calendar . the downside to this clock be the blinking colon '' : '' and the display be bright . there be no dimmer switch .
after read the mostly good review for this clock , I go ahead and order it . I be surprise to see it be not anywhere near as large as two VHS tape like one reviewer mention . it actually measure 5-1\/2 '' wide , 3 '' tall and 2 '' deep . it be very lightweight . the one feature that sell I be the configuration of the control . there be a single snooze\/light bar on the top - very simple , nothing else to press or grab accidentally while half asleep - and all the programming button be in the front . only the alarm on\/off switch be located in the back . you have the display option of 12\/24-hour time and fahrenheit\/celsius temperature . the atomic feature be fussy during setup but the bedroom 's location have also be problematic with two previous clock -lrb- a Oregon Scientific and a skyscan -rrb- . I now know to take atomic clock into the kitchen where there be better reception in order to do a initial setup and re-synch twice a year for DST . set up the alarm be fairly intuitive and easy to do -lrb- press mode\/set once and use the up\/down button for the hour , Mode\/Set again , then up\/down button for the minute -rrb- . I be a heavy sleeper but the alarm be loud enough to wake I up . the beeping be polite and not harsh at all . it start out slowly and begin to beep faster the more you delay . from a personal preference , I would have like a blue backlight instead of orange . tap the snooze\/light bar illuminate the display for approximately 3 seconds , which be not long enough if you be try to set the alarm in the dark . I also would have like the time digit to be larger - they be about 3\/4 '' tall . 1\/3rd of the bottom of the display be take up by the date , day and temperature -lrb- about 5\/16 '' tall -rrb- . all in all , for the 6 month I have have this alarm clock I have be happy with it . I have not drop it yet so can not speak to its durability . it do feel cheaply make but if it be anything like a Timex wristwatch , it 'll hopefully take a lickin ' and keep on tickin ' for a few year .
unfortunately I be not very pleased with the alarm clock . the ocean sound more like static than a real ocean . also the alarm clock do not look as cute as I imagine it would -lrb- base on the picture -rrb- . the face of the clock actually look as if the alarm clock have be use before because it have a few scratch . on the upside ... it work .
Didnot keep this clock , be not what I want ... cheap clock with too many knob for my taste ...
this atomic solar power clock only need to be adjust once for you time zone . Daylight savings time adjust automatically . clock that depend on electricity and battery be cumbersome because of frequent power surge . the indoor temperature be a nice addition . I do not use the alarm feature . I be delighted know the date , day , and have the exact time to rely on .
overall it be a quality sound machine with 20 different sound ! everyone should enjoy several different soothing sound . I be partial to rain , surfside , thunderstorm , and several other . there be a draw back , that be some of the sound loop be too short and keep I awake untl I find one I really like . another good feature be that the sound be continuous , which help I fall asleep ! it be also a dual alarm machine .
the alarm function on the new cd alarm clock which I receive do not function . that be the entire purpose of the purchase .
it be so small it do not bother I at all . if light really really bother you this may work . it be a lot of money for very little product . I now have a biobrite with white noise . I wish the BioBrite have a radio instead of a beep backup , but I be not asleep by then anyway since the light have wake I up .
I get this and it be light but it do not a feature to leave the light turn on . I find that this be not helpful . also , it look like you can not see AM or PM when you set the alarm . that definitely do not help .
I use to dread wake up in the morning the terrifying noise of my cellphone , now I have a 30 minute buffer . when I wake up to the light I can get right up , or lie in bed until the audio alarm sound . the nap and sunset function be also very useful . to be sure , this thing be not perfectly design -lrb- I put low tack duct tape over the green led display and the radio be cheap -rrb- but it be pro far outweigh any of this . personally , this be more than enough light to wake I up -lrb- usually within 10 minute of a 30 min cycle -rrb- ... but maybe you be one of those people that can sleep through anything .
I would not recommend this toy at all i be so disappointed ! 1 . this alarm clock be battery power only ! 2 . light weight plastic and cheaply make unlike the remote control Daleks 3 . projection light very dim unless its completely dark 4 . sound work 3 then stop I give this as a gift set it all up test it and then set the alarm for my friend to find they gift , to my shock the light go off but no sound talk about a fail Christmas gift . I send it back for a full refund do not buy this i think it look so cool and i love Doctor who but this product be such a let down
I have a 7 year old son who want this alarm clock for Christmas . I be able to find one here on Amazon while all local store have sell out . my son be so excited and have use it every school morning to wake himself up . he say he be give I a few extra minute to get ready in the morning . a good product to teach responsibility !!
it be high quality and very easy to set . people complain about it be too bright but I buy it for my boyfriend who like he room pitch black , and he say it do not bother he at all . it be silent and attractive and I be very pleased .
I have one on each side of we bed and we coordinate the sound . usually , it be north Woods , which sound great with we southern suburb when we crack the window . sometimes we use thunderstorm and rain . I give one to my son this year for he birthday and this most recent purchase from Amazon -lrb- a amazing price -rrb- be for the guest room . so , if one of we can not sleep or have to get up and sleep in the guest room we can still be comfort with we sound machine . the only draw back be the bright light . I simply turn the clock face down . Problem solve . we use the beeper for a alarm and that work great because we leave the north Woods sound on all night . I even use it if I take a nap in the afternoon turn on the North Woods - zap ! I be out . Pavlov training I guess . you can check out all 20 sound at Sharper image . 10-16-11 Update : one of the best feature be the battery backup . believe I when I tell you that when the power go out , this be the one clock in the house that still tell time and at which time I appreciate the bright back light as it almost light up the room . we still use the North Woods -lrb- cricket sound and night sound -rrb- and with we window open at night the North Woods sound combine with we Southern Suburbs sound and its like surround sound . wonderful . we have be on a couple of trip and I have just unplugged my radio and plug in on my side of bed in motel and we get to sleep easily . the time never skip a beat . 6-18-12 Update : I have add Brookstone Tranquil Moments Sound therapy system with the sound of rain , which be far superior to Sharper image , along with sharper image north Woods . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! sound to sleep by . incredible . purchase at another site for $ 57 and free shipping . Brookstone be also very bright ; I cover it with two dark purple wash clothes behind a plant .
leave my previous travel-size alarm clock in Paris and go through a couple different one -lrb- slight more expensive -rrb- before I get this guy . I be very satisfied . it be very compact -lrb- travel + + + -rrb- , cheap -lrb- always a + -rrb- , and pretty simple . everything have dedicate control . my only issue be the same `` feel '' of the display and alarm on\/off control , so I have miss alarm occasionally because I simply slide the wrong slider -lrb- display control instead of set the alarm slider to ON -rrb- . still like it a lot after about six month .
there be just two thing wrong with this product : the display be very small and very bright . if you be nearsighted , the .5 inch tall number be difficult to see during those groggy middle of the night time check . also , if you be use to a very dark room -lrb- I mean you be so light sensitive that you find the blue and green number display on most clock too bright so you have resort to the red -rrb- , this clock be go to annoy you . the number be dark against the light window , and 2.75 inch by .75 inch of glowing green inch from you head will disturb the most light-sensitive sleeper out there . other than that , the thing be perfect -- easy to set and use , and the radio be surprisingly good . I like the retro-industrial knob and dial , but I guess I be go to have to get that lasik surgery after all ...
my wife have cataract , but with the large letter she can see the time from all across the room , and so far it have keep time perfectly
do I receive a update version since the previous comment . . hmm . I must have . First of all , I love this product and here 's why : -lrb- I be listen to Rainforest as I write this , and I be in heaven -rrb- there be a volume range you can adjust for the sound from from 1 - 8 range . I only need to set mine at 2 for a audible , yet gentle and clear sound in my bedroom . this machine can be use in a small room to a large , spacious room with the range capability . you can adjust the backlight brightness on the display to 3 setting : hus , Med , or Lo there be also a Daylight Savings Time button on the back that can be activate . the 20 different sound to choose from be generous compare to other nature sound product . the sound be clear with combined layer of soft background to up front stronger sound - very accurate and realistic you can set a timer for sound if you choose and the sound will automatically stop at the end of the time . two separate alarm setting -lrb- can choose a sound or a beep alarm -rrb- the price be very , very affordable ! product be lightweight and sturdy , compact to fit gracefully on a small bedstand , sleek and well balanced . to parent with newborn : there be a heartbeat sound ! what more can I say ... sharper image produce another quality product . I previously have a expensive wooden chime alarm clock , and when the chime begin to sound like a low clunk after two year , it become almost worthless , except for the digital clock image , so live and learn ! I be jubliant and satisfied that I find a even better product with so many feature and sound option ...
this clock quit work for I after 2 week of use . and the gradual wake thing never work right .
the clock be so cheap and very useful and reliable . the back light be really helpful at night . the thermometer come it handy to temperature control .
I get this clock last week . I need a quiet clock for my bed headboard and this sound like it . I be also interested in one that be dark till you push a button to illuminate it . this be suppose to fit the bill but do not . the thing arrive in perfect packaging and look fine -lrb- no damage -rrb- I add a battery and see that it start run -lrb- sweeping second hand -rrb- . so then I try the light and there be nothing . I notice that the switch on back could be set to utilize the light sensor on top so I try that . still nothing . then I notice that the clock stop run . a light tap cause it to start run again . I open the battery compartment and rotate the battery a few time , in hope that would clean off some of the contact oxidation . it seem to do the job . I would have return this thing but it seem to keep pretty good time so I be test its accuracy to see if it will make a good desk clock for work . if that play out , I do not need the light function there so I 'll just use it as be .
we have four kid , the oldest be 4 yo , so sound machine be common in my house . here 's how I would rank the one we use currently : 1 . sharper image ec-b100 -lrb- ~ $ 40 -rrb- . pro : 20 sound , by far the best for low -lrb- bass sound -rrb- , ac power . con : Big , expensive . 2 . White Noise app for iphone\/ipod -lrb- Free for Lite version -rrb- . pro : sound ok , cheap . con : only 10 sound , need smartphone , need to be charge or plug in . 3 . Sleep Aid app for iphone\/ipod -lrb- $ 0.99 -rrb- . pro : sound ok , cheap . con : only a few sound , need smartphone , need to be charge or plug in . 4 . Conair SU7 Sound therapy and relaxation clock radio pro : good value , compact unit , ac power . con : sound fair compare with app , terrible when compare with sharper image , only 10 sound . - recommendation - it be not cheap but it be a really good sound machine . if you be look for a physical machine and want value , go with the Conair ; otherwise , spend the extra money and get this . - SPECIAL note if you have kid - we do not use any of these for the alarm clock feature . if you be use this for kid , I highly recommend this american innovative teach I Time ! talk Alarm clock and nightlight
I be buy a replacement that I have for 15 year . it still work but the light go off . I never think they be still make it . I try recently 2 other brand that do not make it 1 month pay around $ 25 . I give up , I be still use my old westclck until today when I find this one on Amazon .
this clock work for I because I have poor vision it be larger than most small portble alarm and it have black number on white . because I be a insomniac I like a clock close to I by my pillow . I like the brightness of the face and the fact that it have a good light by tap on top . however if you want a clock that keep good time this be not it . it lose about 5 minute during the day average and 10 at night , probably because I tap the light at least once . the exact time do not matter that much to I in those circumstance because its easy to just turn the time knob in back and reset it .
this clock break in less than 6 month , most likely because I use it everyday and do a lot of snooze . it be small so do not take up much space on the night table or suitcase . if it be sturdier it would get more star .
I purchase this for my fiance as he be a big fan of Doctor who ; myself , I be a fan , but the sound of a Dalek be the last thing I would want to wake up to . this last fact be what make this so great . this underground Toys Doctor who Dalek Projector Alarm clock be so loud , I nearly have a heart attack the first time it go off in the morning . furthermore , it have no easily-found `` off '' button for the alarm feature ; press down on it only make it snooze . thankfully , I find that the DEMO button be the `` off '' button for the alarm , so I do not have to resort to pull the battery . the clock also project brightly on the ceiling when the Dalek 's top be push down -- very handy . as a Doctor who fan , I appreciate the detail of this toy and the high-quality sound effect . as a person who often want to sleep through the alarm in the morning and often succeed , the sheer volume of the alarm feature make this great . just make sure you be in good health because , as a fit person in she 20 , this dalek almost `` exterminate '' - d I . 5 star for the fantastic quality and the fact that after much use there have be no issue with sound or projection feature .
this replace the clock radio we have have since the 90 's . we never listen or wake up to music because my husband need a `` bomb '' to get he out of bed . for some reason , he hear the `` click '' which be very faint , and it start ... very low at first , increase in volume if he do not turn it off . the dual alarm be great and easy to set and the display go from very bright to faint or even off with a push of a button . since the light bother I at night , I turn it off but if need , just a touch of the snooze button show the time for a few seconds . we test the clock when we first get it to make sure it be loud enough to wake he and it be more than sufficient , even though he hear it earlier .
this be my daughter 's favorite clock . she take it everywhere but somehow forget to take it when she go off to school . so , I `` borrow '' it . it be at least 5 year old now and the projection display be go out . it have be wonderful for all these year tho . the battery be a great back up for when the power go out . the only thing I do not care for be that the projector display be upside down when you be lie in bed and there be no way that I can see to flip it .
other review be correct as to the instruction leave something to be desire . I spend 45 minute try to figure out how to set the alarm . in the end , just keep try and you will stumble across the correct combo of button to press and when . I enjoy be awaken by chime vs my old alarm clock with a nasty loud buzzer that would make you jump five foot in the air when it go off . other reviewer where correct in say the alarm sound i.e. chime , rainfall etc. be even to loud in the lowest setting . I be go to experiment slightly cover the speaker with duct tape till I get it to the lower volume I want . this clock be not perfect , but the next best -lcb- for chime -rcb- be twice as expensive as this one . otherwise there be no other clock that come close to this one and trust I , I spend countless hour search the internet for just the right clock . this be as close as you be go to get with a clock that offer many different sound to wake to , have two separate alarm . one for you & one for you wife . the clock have a nice look to it . to those who complain about the sound quality etc. . you get what you pay for , go spend hundred of dollar and get a ipod with a separate sound system .
I have be search for a affordable sunrise simulator for some time now , and still have not find one that be worth the money . the Soleil Sun Alarm clock be cheaply make but come with a large price tag . it be small in size , which make it great for place it on a small nightstand , but it have to be position just so in order to read the display -lrb- the instruction recommend `` eye level '' , but that be not necessarily the case -rrb- . the display be not illuminate , so it be unreadable unless you press a button to activate the backlight . the nature sound have a annoying hum accompany the sound regardless of the volume . the lead light be a great addition , but be not replaceable which be a problem . the light itself be not bright enough to use as a reading light , which be one of the feature list in the product description . I would not recommend this product .
this be loud . Got this for my girlfriend who have a heck of a time get up in the morning . we both sit upright in bed the first morning she use this . the bed shaker work well too . so far it seem to be keep good time which some have think to be a issue and we have have this clock for a couple of week . she do not have any problem get up in the morning -lrb- though she have be know to hit the snooze but from time to time : p -rrb-
I have a similar clock that I buy in Tokyo several year ago . the original be a Seiko that still work but the alarm on\/off switch become loose and can easily turn off r on just by move the clock in the night . I choose this clock because it be very similar . it work as advertise . the alarm be loud enough to wake the heaviest sleeper without be too annoying . if I have to complain , it would be about the size of the display which be smaller than I have hope . however , it be easily read from the bedside .
this clock be give as a present at Christmas . it work as avertised and have exceed my expectation . I would recommend it for anyone consider use it for background noise while you be sleep and still need the functionality of a good alarm to wake by .
I like the : 1 -rrb- Easy to read display 2 -rrb- Alarm Reset - single button turn off alarm and reset it for next day and it be easy to find 3 -rrb- Easy to use 4 -rrb- display PM & Alarm on 5 -rrb- single buttom to list to NOAA Weather 6 -rrb- look good , but if you be up very close have a bit of a paint on finish appearence - the finish could be better . 7 -rrb- single alarm - most radio alarm clock have two alarm , but as I never use that feature and it cause confusion on what I be set more than once , I very much like that there be only one alarm . 8 -rrb- pick up AM , FM , and Weather great - I be in a city . 9 -rrb- Great Price - I prefer this radio to my almost new ... radio that it be replace !
I get this clock for my 13 year old brother for Christmas . he be a huge star war fan and he love it . I really like the size of the item , it be not too small like I be halfway expect it to be ; it also be not too big . I think the price be a little high for what it actually be , but overall , I be happy with the purchase .
this clock will not keep the right time . it keep kick back a hour . I would not buy this product again . I have have other La Crosse item that I have really like . this one be no good !