at the moment capped collections default to not having an id index which makes replication work really slowly i think we should default to having an id index so that itll just work for the majority of people and can be turned off when people want a truly indexless collection
needs to happen before we fork off
the stress testing framework is growing and as such were introducing new components these are runtime monitor workload generation timestamp engine checkpointer id like to create a standard interface for control over a component each one should define a load and a run phase which can then be called from the testharnesstest class its not clear yet whether the validation or workload tracking components will extend this type
this is a regression introduced under in commit it affects only the getmore command not opgetmore affects only development release
the page contains the expression item field multiple times where it should be name field
mongodb failed to run test suites with msvc on windows it can be reproduced on master latest revision could you help have a look about this issue thanks in advance
a number of people recently have commented that the and are too close together in size and its not instantly obvious which one is bigger might some indentationcolor changesize tweaking make these organizational details more clear
running a mongodump against a windows mongodb server has gotten significantly slower in shows that this is not a mongodump client issue running mongodump or against a database shows essentially the same performance degradation something in the default server on windows bit build has made mongodumps much slower
add resolveroles method remove getroledescription clean up rolesinfo usages
the steps to reproduce and the fix are located at however i believe this fix is a kernel workaround and that the actual error is in the mongo network stack can you please either confirm or deny this statementthx
on smartos msync is implemented in a very inefficient manner it has to scan every page of the mapped region to determine which files to sync this uses a lot of cpu time for large dbs and on can cause pauses in the app due to a lock held while doing the background flush on can cause pauses in the app during background flush due to cpu contentionon the other hand fsync of the underlying file descriptor is much more efficient doing only the work necessary to flush the dirty pages
hi i have installed mongodb latest on azure vms nodes also a hdinsight spark cluster created in the same vnet want to collect mongodb mongo instance from the head node of spark cluster to do that i have downloaded the when i run the sample program quicktourscala on scala shell prompt i get the error i believe the driver expects the latest version scala but the one that comes with hd insight is guess the below error is due to that please help me understand whats going on here scala import orgmongodbscala import orgmongodbscala scala import orgmongodbscalamodelaggregates import orgmongodbscalamodelaggregates scala import orgmongodbscalamodelfilters import orgmongodbscalamodelfilters scala import orgmongodbscalamodelprojections import orgmongodbscalamodelprojections scala import orgmongodbscalamodelsorts import orgmongodbscalamodelsorts scala import orgmongodbscalamodelupdates import orgmongodbscalamodelupdates scala import orgmongodbscalamodel import orgmongodbscalamodel scala val mongoclient error bad symbolic reference a signature in mongoclientclass refers to term client in package commongodbasync which is not available it may be completely missing from the current classpath or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling mongoclientclass scala utilpropertiesversionstring string version scala utilpropertiesversionnumberstring string scala utilpropertiesversionmsg string scala library version copyright lampepfl scala exit
our recommendations for running mongodb on azure differ from this page to our production notes they should be updated to match preferably w an include to keep everything insync see for reference potential update storage considerations azure vms can be configured with either ephemeral storage or persistent storage ephemeral storage is lost when instances are terminated so it is generally not recommended unless you understand the data loss implications for most deployments azure persistent storage will be the better choice for production systems we recommend using premium storage optimized vms eg ds gs fs premium storage volumes storage configuration needs vary among deployments using separate volumes for data files the journal and the log may reduce io contention disks may be striped to increase volume size or throughput for parallel operations choose a vm size large enough to accommodate the desired throughput
example code dbcdrop assertcommandworkeddbadmincommandsetparameter internalqueryallowallpathsindexes true dbcinserta dbcinserta b const query a in printjsondbcfindquerytoarray printjsondbcexplainallplansexecutionfindqueryfinish code this query will attempt to use an allpaths index we should make sure that it doesnt
as a followup to will introduce new benign warnings that will break our builds we have disabled these warnings in but they could be reenabled and provide useful diagnostics in the near future
from the operationcontext passed in when creating a new operation context inside the alternativesessionregion
there is a todo in the codebase referencing a resolved ticket which is assigned to youplease follow this link to see the lines of code referencing this resolved ticketthe next steps for this ticket are to either remove the outdated todo or follow the steps in the todo if it is correct if the latter please update the summary and description of this ticket to represent the work youre actually doing
hello d i have a database user with username user and password passwordutfééùù var db new dbtest new serverlocalhost dbopenfunctionerr db dbauthenticateuser passwordutfééùù functionerr result consolelogerr dbclose the output is name mongoerror message auth fails code ok errmsg auth fails somewere in the lib code in places in nodemodulesmongodb you can find password but if you change it to password it will authenticate with success d doc in mongoshell it works with dbauth function node mongodb version nodejs version mongodb version thanks d
when i upgraded a secondary node from mongo to i get the following error when i connect from the command lineserver has startup warningsthu may index v key name siteid unique true ns webqasites name claims to be of type siteid which is either invalid or did not exist before see the upgrade section this is just a standard index ive tried deleting and recreating the index but that did not help does anyone have any suggestions
hi my colleagues and i have found that in nodejs mongodb driver version findone method is tagged as deprecated however in the following version this is not deprecated anymore what should we do trust in the migration notice and hence version doc or did the team decided to undo the deprecation in the comments of this page someone asks the same question but does not get any answer same for this stackexchange topic thx very much for your help hubert mine
we currently rely on operationlevel integration tests to test the message classes they should be unit tested as well
paneltitleissue status as of jul issue summary longrunning queries in mongodb periodically yield their locks as part of the yieldpreparation procedure intermediate results buffered in memory by the storage engine may need to be processed in order to ensure that there are no references into the storage layer that may become invalid when locks are relinquished a bug in this procedure may make text and geonear ie near or nearsphere longrunning queries which buffer intermediate query results execute slowly in particular if a such a query yields y times and buffers d documents the overall time spent in yieldpreparation was oyd with the fix the time complexity is reduced to oy this issue only appears when queries are performed against a mongod instance running with the wiredtiger storage engine instances running the storage engine are not affected user impact on mongodb systems using the wiredtiger storage engine queries using text or geonear ie near or nearsphere may perform poorly the performance impact is most severe for large text or geonear queries ie queries that return a lot of results or require examining a large number of index keys or documents affected versions mongodb through running with the wiredtiger storage engine fix version the fix is included in the production release panel original description created db with docs fulltext indexed as follows code words when in the course of human events it becomes necessary four score and seven years ago ask not what your country can do for you thats one small step for a man function sentence l mathrandom s for var il i w mathfloormathrandom wordslength s s words return s function init dbcdrop dbccreateindexx text function create count every for var icount var bulk dbcinitializeunorderedbulkop for var jevery j i bulkinsertxsentence bulkexecute printi code then do a fulltext search code dbcfindtext search necessaryitcount code finishes in about seconds under ran for a several minutes without finishing under wt before i killed it it also uses possibly a lot more memory under wt than it seems to be spending all its time in forcefetchalllocs itself not callees called from yield this path is only exercised if storage engine has documentlevel locking which explains why wt behaves differently than
when the server logs a bson object containing bindata at least of type such as the lsiduid field the hex encoded value is not quoted noformat lsid id uid noformat that extended json cannot be fed back into the shell for comparison the shell does output the bindata with quotes noformatconfig dbsystemsessionsfindpretty id id uid lastuse noformat i also expect that outputting hex encoded bindata instead of encoded bindata would also be a problem for round tripping with the shell maybe this was an intentional decision and not an oversight but its certainly useful for development to be able to paste the server output into a the javascript mongo shell
index builds limit their memory usage with the parameter maxindexbuildmemoryusagemegabytes which defaults to the memory usage calculation depends on the bsonobj accurately reporting its memory usuage in memusageforsorter bsonobj reports its memory usage as the size of the object but not the capacity of the buffer holding that object this is problematic because index builds can use significantly more memory than they they should we should change the imlementation of memusageforsorter to report the size of the underlying sharedbuffer in a very similar way to what we did for in
because packages will most likely be uninstalled and reinstalled when upgrading to for consistent user experience the following should be preserved from user group init script location log directory dbpath
currently we require users to specify a docker distro in order to create a docker container with hostcreate so that we can get parent and container pool information this is unintuitive for users as they shouldnt have to care about the underlying distro see comment thread in
description paneltitledownstream change support for the geosearch command and haystack indexes has been removed in version any preexisting haystack indexes will be deleted as part of the upgrade to fcv and above panel description of linked ticket these features are planned for deprecation under i believe the intention is for this deprecation notice to go out with in which case support for these features should be removed in the development branch scope of changes impact to other docs mvp work and date resources scope or design docs invision etc
the mongodb primary server in a replicaset crashed after running for hourshere is the logthu sep invalid access at address thu sep got signal segmentation faultthu sep backtrace thu sep dbexitthu sep shutdown going to close listening socketsthu sep closing listening socket sep closing listening socket sep closing listening socket sep removing socket file sep shutdown going to flush diaglogthu sep shutdown going to close socketsthu sep shutdown waiting for fs preallocatorthu sep shutdown closing all filesthu sep end connection sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep invalid access at address sep got signal segmentation faultthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep error clientshutdown not called slavetrackingthu sep got request after shutdownthu sep backtrace usrbinmongodtlsdestructor thu sep dbexit exiting immediately glibc detected usrbinmongod double free or corruption fasttop backtrace
most drivers raise a specific duplicatekeyerror exception for duplicate key errors they do this by checking error returns for specific error codesmongos raises error code for a range of insert errors including duplicate key error that error should be handled separately using a specific code errorcodesduplicatekey is appropriatethe sharding code in question
the index filter commands currently use strategycommandop which does not support database versioning so we should switch them to use scattergatherversionedtargetbyroutingtable see description for more
we turn verbose off by default but that also applies to the configure checks and associated logging to configlog thats less than helpful when it hides things like the command lines which you often want when debugging arrange things so that verbosity is always enabled in the context of configure checks
following example shows how to reproduce the exception code command find failed failed to parse find bar filter skip readpreference mode secondarypreferred tags nocursortimeout false allowpartialresults false unrecognized field readpreference code driver from nuget package legacy official c driver for mongodb code var tagsets new tagset new tagsetnew new tagdc ny new tagrack new tagsetnew new tagdc sf mongoclientsettings clientsettings new mongoclientsettings server new mongoserveraddressserver readpreference readpreferencesecondarypreferredwithtagsets exception readpreference readpreferencesecondarypreferred working mongoclient client new mongoclientclientsettings mongoserver server clientgetserver mongodatabase database servergetdatabasefoo mongocollection collection databasegetcollectionbar mongocursor cursor collectionfindall foreach bsondocument bsondocument in cursor consolewritelinebsondocumenttostring code
a class inside an embedded array is not being serialized when projectionelemmatch is used i have classes like this code internal class accountdal public guid id get set more properties public list members get set internal class accountmemberdal public registeredentitydal member get set public eaccountpermissions permissions get set some enum public bool isadmin get set public bool isdefaultaccount get set public class registeredentitydal public guid id get set public eentitytypedal type get set some enum code i constructed a query code filterdefinition filter buildersfilterand buildersfiltereqa aisbusiness true buildersfilterelemmatcha amembers buildersfilter and buildersfiltereqa aisadmin true buildersfiltereqa aisdefaultaccount false projectiondefinition project builders projectionelemmatch a amembers buildersfilterand buildersfiltereqa aisadmin true buildersfiltereqa aisdefaultaccount false or projectiondefinition project builders projectionincludea amembers which one is recommendes and execute the query imongocollection accounts dbgeneralcontextaccounts var result await accountsfindfilterprojectprojecttolistasync the query that is being generated is dbaccountsfind isbusiness true members elemmatch isadmin true isdefaultaccount false members elemmatch isadmin true isdefaultaccount false code with the following result code id members member id type permissions isadmin true isdefaultaccount false id members member id type permissions isadmin true isdefaultaccount false code however the c object does not serialize the member property and it remains null see attached accountmemberresultpng result thanks itzhak
one of the replicas got fatal assertion during replicationthu nov productionmessages assertion failure type cbindata srcmongodbkeycpp thu nov error writer worker caught exception assertion on ts timestamp h v op i ns productionmessages o id thu nov fatal assertion usrbinmongod thu nov aborting after fassert failurethu nov got signal abortedthu nov backtrace usrbinmongod after that the mongod no longer starts just crashes to the same thing every timethe document contained an indexed array field where one entry was schöne so it included a nonascii character hard to say if its relevant the other replica handled it just fineweve seen these replication errors every few months previously with and now with it takes a week to resync a replica so is it safe to just insert that document or empty one with the same ts and h manually to the locals dboplogrs and it would then continue replicating normally
helloi have seen crash of mongod process twice for daysthe load was log details are attached
in serverstatuswithtimeoutcursorsjs maxtimems is set small enough so that its likely the cursor will time out over its lifetime it executes find operations that are expected to fail due to maxtimems timeout we should change remotecommandtargeterrs so that it throws maxtimemsexpired rather than failedtosatisfyreadpreference if the remaining maxtimems is less than the rsm deadline to find a host to expose a more accurate error to the user
himy system is writen on php and javai started testing php and java drivers to communicate with gridfsi can store and get files with php and so with java butwhen i store a file with php in gridfs and then want to get and write it to fs with java it failsjavalangclasscastexception orgbsontypesbinary cannot be cast to b at at when with java and then with php everything oksample code i am using php write code m new mongo fs mtestgetgridfs echo arrayfilename arraysafe true java read code gridfs myfs try myfs new gridfsnew mongogetdbtest gridfsdbfile f iffnull fwritetojrestxt systemoutprintlntrue else systemoutprintlnfalse catch exception ex loggergetloggerufsclassgetnameloglevelsevere null ex ps i danced a lot with this code modified parameters changed ids php and java drivers on older versions nothing helped and java gets file by id fine but when saving getting exception what i am doing wrong thanks
it seems like design decisions will be much more informed if there is an initial prototype
nodemongodbnativelibmongodbcollectionjs ive been using and when i updated to i noticed that none of my scripts were workingon inspectingstepping through the code i noticed that the functionality previously in libmongodbcollectionjs has been abstracted outmost of the collection methods look like thiscodejavascriptcollectionprototypefindandmodify function return corefindandmodify codewhen — i assume — they should look something like thiscodejavascriptcollectionprototypefindandmodify function return corefindandmodifyapply this arguments codeas the collection methods simply return a function nothing is actually happening and as such a program will just hang without throwing any errorsi marked this as a blocker as it causes any node program nodemongodbnative to stop working apologies if this is no considered a blocker
ive recently gotten grumbles from customers installing ops manager on their own they take the guides found in our docs like to get them to a fulling functioning system this is not currently the case since in order to actually use ops manager you need to install agents add servers etc we do have many other docs about these tasks but some kind of summary at the end of the install instructions with links to the other steps would greatly help the enduser experience many ops folks need to create internal documentation with complete steps and this lack of stitching together the steps is a source of frustration for them
vet and clarify updatesave pages for upsert to ensure people dont think the insert operation is the same as the insert operation or insert command
when you call rsismaster on a removed node in a replica set it just hangs
change most references to master to
its intuitive to map j to the only option to increase parallelism in this specific case
index blockcompressor and collection prefixcompression options have been removed from the whitelist update documentation accordingly
step open the duplicate view modal form by clicking on duplicate view step in modal form provide the view name and click on duplicate step it gives a error ie cannot be emptycolor
this constructor was deprecated in as it serves no purpose
the test failure after merge of made me wonder why the pull request tester didnt flag the error when i looked at the output i see that its not running the python test suite code env ldlibrarypathlibs python testsuiterunpy j v j usage cd buildposix python testsuiterunpy options c file configcreate file create a config file for controlling tests c file config file use a config file for controlling tests d dir dir dir use dir rather than wttest dir is removedrecreated as a first step d debug run with pdb the python debugger g gdb all subprocesses like calls to wt use gdb h help show this message j n parallel n run all tests in parallel using n processes l long run the entire test suite p preserve preserve output files in wttest t timestamp name wttest according to timestamp v n verbose n set verboseness to n tests may be a file name in testsuite eg may be a subsuite name eg base runs testbasepy when c or c are present there may not be any tests named make clean code there are two problems that require fixes why isnt the command correct why isnt the failed test suite run flagged as an error by the test
libmongoc provides full apm support which can be read about here we should provide an idiomatic bridge to this functionality eg in node these are expressed as events
passes the usenewurlparser and useunifiedtopology options to mongoclient however that leads to the options parser erroring out with mongoparseerror options usenewurlparser useunifiedtopology are not supported
we upgraded to this morning and minutes ago had to change the ip addresses of many of our servers to address and network problem the dns values remained the same i have bounced the mongos and mongod but am still getting unable to connects thoughtsthu mar trying reconnect to mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar distributed lock acquired ts mar distributed lock unlockedthu mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar end connection mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar trying reconnect to mar connection accepted from mar authenticate authenticate nonce user aemmanuel key thu mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar trying reconnect to mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar trying reconnect to mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar trying reconnect to mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar trying reconnect to mar connection accepted from mar authenticate authenticate nonce user aemmanuel key thu mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar trying reconnect to mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar reconnect failed couldnt connect to server mar end connection mar writebacklistener exception socket exceptionthu mar writebacklistener exception socket exception
the bsoniteratorcreate was modified as follows in order to prevent the overrunmongoexport bsoniterator bsoniteratorcreate jsb in the following line i fixed sizeofbsoniterator to sizeofbsoniterator return bsoniteratormallocsizeofbsoniterator
mongod mongoperf and mongosniff has executable gnustack this is a real error it means the program has an executable stack this leaves the program vulnerable to buffer overflows quote execstack pathtobinary pathtobinary a indicates the secure nonexecutability if that shows an x or next to a file name then the stack will be executable ie insecure ie bad furthermore indicates a binary built with no marking at all which is almost certainly a build error of some kind quote you can check it by execstack program noformat execstack bin binbsondump binmongo x binmongod binmongodump binmongoexport binmongofiles binmongoimport binmongooplog x binmongoperf binmongorestore binmongos binmongostat binmongotop noformat i was trying to build mongodb myself and mongosniff is also affected binaries from are not affected so this was introduced in more info
there is an issue here that the input stream is not being closed when constructed by the driversince you can construct a gridfsinputfile with an inputstream it is really the callers responsibility to close the intput stream object it would be presumptuous for us to close that input stream
client operations over ssl will always fail in version if the client is from a mongocpoolt beginning in clients from a pool all share a set of sockets for server monitoring but use distinct perclient sockets for application operations such as queries writes etc when the pool creates sockets for monitoring it begins a nonblocking connect on each and uses poll to wait asynchronously for all of them to finish connecting when an individual client creates a socket for application operations the client connects the socket synchronously in the process of a series of refactorings mainly related to we introduced a new internal function mongocstreamwait that a pooled client uses to await connection on a socket before doing application operations on it we didnt retest ssl connections in pooled mode after those refactorings were completed this allowed a bug to slip through the new mongocstreamwait calls mongocstreampoll on a buffered tls stream but buffered tls streams dont implement poll so mongocstreampoll always errors invalid argument einval and the connection is considered failed symptom a find and mongoccursornext operation with a pooled client and ssl enabled fails with the error cursor failure failed to connect to target host
i need to serialize a bsondocument using the datacontractserializeri have a class play that has a bsondocument see stub below public class play public bsondocument od get set note the first element in the bsondocument is a using the datacontractserializer i get the following errortype with data contract name is not expected consider using a datacontractresolver or add any types not known statically to the list of known types for example by using the knowntypeattribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to datacontractserializer
the normal free monitoring metric interval is seconds and this is honored by mongod for the post interval for ongoing metrics however when mongod first registers with free montoring it sends a payload of up to metrics that were previously buffered the interval for these metrics seems to be second rather than seconds you can see this in the timestamp suffix of the metric id in the free monitoring db code dbmetricsfindid id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id code notice that the first batch of timestamps are second apart although oddly it seems there are not and then seconds apart
the chunk migration startup code can potentially return a defaultconstructed uuid value which will later on be used to notify the shard secondary because of this for collections which do not have uuids we will write some garbage uuid value which can be misinterpreted
linesmax line bytesalso track total lines written so we know if there are gaps in collection
while testing i noticed the macos installer sizes have ballooned substantially unpacked dmg is now mb this also impacts launch performance appears source maps are being included in installed payloads for or more plugins seeing the below in devtools console code devtools failed to parse sourcemap fileapplicationsmongodb compass devappcontentsresourcesappasarnodemodulesmongodbjscompassindexeslibindexjsmap code
noformat i control begin backtrace backtraceprocessinfo mongodbversion gitversion compiledmodules uname sysname linux release version smp tue may utc machine somap mongod mongodexecutenativethreadroutine end backtrace i aborting after invariant failure noformat
in a multithreaded environment the latest version crashes with ioerror stream closed hereim not familiar with the mongo driver internals therefore i just did a workaround by changing the line tosocketclose if socket and socketclosedit was working before but unfortunately i cannot pinpoint the version it became broken
as mentioned in connector document to specific schema of dataframe and avoid inference we have to provide case class but it some usage cases same as mine it not feasible and i prefer to infer schema with high rate of samples for the first time then cache it and use cached schema for that i should use following way in my source code which is not clear enough and some how it should be away from my eyes codejava buildersparksessionsessionreadconfigreadconfigbuildtodfschema code i would like to have it simple as possible somehow like codejava sessionloadfrommongodbreadconfig schmea code if you think its good way i can create pull request for it
the driver deadlocks when performing a retry when all connections are checked out from the pool this is due to the fact that the connection used in the first attempt is not dropped before attempting the retry repro coderust async fn deadlocktest let guard rwlockwriteguard lockrunexclusivelyawait let mut clientoptions clientoptionsclone clientoptionsdirectconnection sometrue clientoptionsreplsetname none clientoptionsretryreads sometrue clientoptionsmaxpoolsize let client testclientwithoptionssomeclientoptionsclone trueawait if clientsupportsfailcommandawait printlnskipping due to failcommand not being supported ok return let collection clientdatabaseokcollectionok collectioninsertonedoc x noneawaitunwrap let options failcommandoptionsbuilder build let failpoint failpointfailcommand someoptions let fpguard clientenablefailpointfailpoint noneawaitunwrap let mut tasks vec vecnew for in let coll collectionclone let task runtime spawnasync move collfindonedoc noneawait unwrap taskspushtask futuresjoinalltasks await intoiter collect expectall should succeeed code
currently the default for wtimeout is false it should be nil as wtimeout should be an integer value if it exists
currently the enterprise msi is unsigned we need the msi to be signed when built
in preparation for
from to the server has stopped returning the value field from a findandmodify command under certain conditions this is causing the net driver for instance to throw an exception where null used to be returned certainly we could alter the driver to check if the field exists first but this is a change to the servers api and affects all versions of the net driver currently released
when i go to to spawn a host i have an empty public key in the dropdown and see this message quote you cannot spawn a host because there are no spawnable distros quote i have a spawned host currently running from this morning but it doesnt show up on the spawn host page
you missed a spot in the refactor
these tests fail due to schedulingresource problems which are not the point of the tests
task a recent change in sconscript breaks the linking of unit tests of enterprise module is working on a fix that not only solves this issue but also makes coredb more sane we are waiting for that fix and leaving enterprise compile red for now if anyone needs a clear green base for enterprise now drew has a minimal fix for that
this will borrow significantly from the amboycuratoretc projects
start mongoreplay monitor i used master built from source sudo mongoreplay monitor i lo e port vvvv launch a a mongod and connect to it with a mongo shell note the following output noformat jun connection command ismaster admincmd requestclientapplicationnamemongodb shelldrivernamemongodb internal gnulinux bustersidtypelinuxversionkernel jun connection reply noformat now run the following commands noformat dbtestfindone noformat note no output from mongoreplay stop mongod and start mongod the following output is shown by mongoreplay for find and insert commands noformat jun connection opcommand insert test requestcommandargsdocumentsinserttestorderedtrueinputdocsmetadata assembling tcp layer stream connection state before message stream connection state in message assembling tcp layer assembling tcp layer stream connection state before message stream connection state in message assembling tcp layer stream connection state before message stream connection state in message jun connection opcommandreply jun connection opcommand find test jun connection opcommandreply noformat
fullbuild friday lint
i dont need permanent outputs so i switched to inline now the wholemapreduce result is returned before i had the chance to query thetmp collection with findsort and limit is there any way tosort and limit the output of an inline mapreducein my case i have like items at my inline output and i dontwant to crop it with my client language to resultsmight be an improvement to offer something to do this
we need to make it easier to provide drivers written ontop of mongoc with functionality that theyd want to maintain and possibly expose to its users currently phpc and hhvm jail break our public api and use our private headers and unversioned privso for this purpose
system using linux os ubuntu distributed kernel version bits g version after deamon process name mongod run with command linemongod storageenginerocksexperiment dbpath rocksdbmongoprograms throw exceptions as blow noformatgdb run storageenginerocksexperiment dbpath rocksdbmongostarting program storageenginerocksexperiment dbpath rocksdbmongousing host libthreaddb library i mongodb starting dbpathhomerchrocksdbmongo i i note this is a development version of i not recommended for i i db version i git version i build info linux vpnrch smp thu apr utc i allocator i options storage dbpath homerchrocksdbmongo engine rocksexperiment i network couldnt unlink socket file operation not permitted e storage rocks error i invariant failure false srcmongodbstoragerocksrocksenginecpp i begin backtrace backtraceprocessinfo mongodbversion gitversion uname sysname linux release version smp thu apr utc machine somap mongod mongodmain mongod end backtrace program received signal sigtrap tracebreakpoint trap in raise at nptlsysdepsunixsysvlinuxptraisec no such file or directorybacktrack error in line of code with gdb gdb in raise at in mongomongobreakpoint at in breakpoint at mongoinvariantfailed msgmsgentry false filefileentry srcmongodbstoragerocksrocksenginecpp at in mongocreateentries thisthisentry families handles at in mongorocksengine this path at in mongoanonymous namespacecreate this params at in mongosetglobalstorageengine this name at in initandlisten at mongoinitandlisten at in mongodbmain envp argv at main argv envp at didnt know point to investigate this error rchatsiri
codejava collectionfind id type code i am trying to use this query in the node driver i am not able to find any records which i can see in the shell is it a feature that is supported or is it not in place right now any info would be appreciated thanks in advance klvenky
updated mongofiles handling of the db argument is different from other tools mongofiles allows it with a uri whereas other tools prohibits it mongofiles has db supersede a database in the uri mongofiles provides a default for db test that still supersedes the uri this can result in a surprising auth failure as users may not realize they need to add an authsource parameter to work around the behaviors above paneltitleoriginal the mongofiles command with uri argument returns an sasl authentication failed tested in replicaset context same uri with mongo shell grants access mongofiles uri mongodbuserpassprimaryportsecondaryportmonitorportdatabasereplicasetreplica search test failed error connecting to db server server returned error on sasl authentication step authentication failed panel