i am stuck at this error when i do mvn releaseprepare via cmd plugin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved failed to read artifact descriptor for could not transfer artifact fromto nexus not authorized reasonphrase unauthorized and i think because of this it gives the second error failed to execute goal which could be solved after first one is solved and here is what my pom has orgapachemavenplugins mavensourceplugin plugin and its dependencies are given as here under orgapachemavenplugins mavensourceplugin orgapachemavenplugins mavensourceplugin javadoc orgapachemavenplugins mavensourceplugin sources any idea why it is complaining about dependencies what is causing this
changedrenamed some of historyeventtype this causes parser to throw exception when trying to parse ats data with parsernoformat exception in thread main javalangillegalargumentexception no enum constant orgapachetezdaghistoryhistoryeventtypevertexparallelismupdated at at at at at at at term fix is to have versioning support in ats data
it would great if tablespace entry has two fields enabled it can enables or disable the tablespace description the description of tablespace
the split transformation isnt present in the mapping file in case user creates mapping of type one to many
when creating new archetypes for custom type of projects the archetypes need to be published deployed to a repository however to use the archetypes eg in you need to set an url for a remote archetypecatalogxmlarchiva should be able to dynamically produce the contents of an archetypecatalogxml based on all of the archetypes deployed in the given repository this would enable teams to use their own archetypes more efficiently
the releasenotes file trips up the rat check i think its safe to add it to the ignore list
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
the conf parameter dagdirlistinterval seems to have no effect on dag directory scanning it seems to happen every seconds no matter what the default is supposed to be minutes as a result i see a scheduler output like this codejava info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results warning db connection invalidated reconnecting info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results warning db connection invalidated reconnecting info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing results info harvesting dag parsing resultscode and no more is there the periodic printing of dag stats like there was in i can confirm that this is happening by adding this to something in dag folder codepython with openpathtemptestlogexpanduser at as f fwritefdatetimenow i am importedn code here is some scheduler output with debug log level code info starting the scheduler info running execute loop for seconds info processing each file at most times info searching for files in usersdstandishcodepythontfgetltfgetldags info there are files in usersdstandishcodepythontfgetltfgetldags info resetting orphaned tasks for active dag runs info launched dagfileprocessormanager with pid debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds info configured default timezone debug unable to load custom logging using default config instead debug setting up db connection pool pid info settingsconfigureorm using pool settings debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug waiting for debug waiting for debug waiting for debug waiting for debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug no tasks to consider for execution debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug waiting for debug waiting for debug waiting for debug waiting for debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug disposing db connection pool pid debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug waiting for debug waiting for debug waiting for debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug no tasks to consider for execution debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds debug sleeping for seconds to prevent excessive logging debug starting loop info harvesting dag parsing results debug heartbeating the executor debug running task instances debug in queue debug open slots debug calling the sync method debug ran scheduling loop in seconds debug sleeping for seconds c info terminating manager process info waiting up to for manager process to exit info exited execute loop debug calling callbacks debug disposing db connection pool pid code heres my scheduler conf section code jobheartbeatsec schedulerheartbeatsec runduration minfileprocessinterval dagdirlistinterval printstatsinterval schedulerzombietaskthreshold code
the heading for the administration roles tab reads role mangement it is missing an a and should be role management
null elements retrieved from cache even if the stored element is not nullpossible cause between cache key verification cachecontainskeykey line cacheaspectsupportjava and element element cachegetkey line ehcachecachejava the cache element elements in cache are expired even if the key is present
doing user testing for keycloak new design observe and record the key points in the testings and organize the findings
for jbide please perform the following tasks check out your existing colororangemastercolor branch code git checkout master code update your colororangemaster branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version in your colororangemastercolor branch ensure that component featuresplugins have been properly upversioned eg from to code mvn dtychomodemaven code ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for updatesite task jira
it is very common to define watermarks on localtimestamp and currenttiemstamp to support ingestion time however the following ddls failed in i also tested the following ddls can pass in so this is a regression the root cause may be introduced by which adds a strict check to only allow precision precision should also can be time attribute however the precision of return type of currenttimestamp and localtimestamp are another longlived bug we should fix them both codesql flink sql create table datagensource ordernumber bigint price int buyer string ts as currenttimestamp proctime as proctime watermark for ts as ts interval second with connector datagen rowspersecond could not execute sql statement reason orgapacheflinktableapivalidationexception invalid data type of time field for watermark definition the field must be of type or flink sql create table datagensource ordernumber bigint price int buyer string ts as castcurrenttimestamp as proctime as proctime watermark for ts as ts interval second with connector datagen rowspersecond execute statement succeed flink sql create table ordernumber bigint price int buyer string ts as localtimestamp proctime as proctime watermark for ts as ts interval second with connector datagen rowspersecond could not execute sql statement reason orgapacheflinktableapivalidationexception invalid data type of time field for watermark definition the field must be of type or code
derivedtableit is failing when setting up the minicluster for the test
noticed this while working on some other patch
schema initialization on postgres fails with the following error noformat alter table only wmpool add co nstraint uniquewmresourceplan unique name error error column name named in key does not exist closing orgapachehadoophivemetastorehivemetaexception schema initialization failed metastore state would be inconsistent underlying cause javaioioexception schema script failed errorcode orgapachehadoophivemetastorehivemetaexception schema initialization failed metastore state would be inconsistent at at at at method at at at at at caused by javaioioexception schema script failed errorcode at at at more noformat it is due to couple on incorrect constraint definitions in the schema
disable symlinks temporarily until we can make them productionready in hadoop
hellocould you please create an account for me on cordovavmapacheorgill need to investigate the cordovapluginfiletransfer test server issuesthanks
locations srcjavaorgapachenutchcrawlwebtablereaderjavawhen using function waitforcompletion in a try block exceptions are not handled waitforcompletion might throw ioexception interruptedexception classnotfoundexceptionso when calling this function in a try block we should use a catch block to handle potential exceptionspublic map runmap args throws exception try currentjobwaitforcompletiontrue finally toolutilrecordjobstatusnull currentjob results if currentjobissuccessful filesystemdeletetmpfolder true return results
literalcreateliteral somehow wrapped parsestring with dcheck which renders it noop in release builds literalcreateliteral seems to be broken that way for quite a while and recent change in exprtest ran into this value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type boolean value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type tinyint value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type smallint value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type int value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type int value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type bigint value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type bigint value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected type float value value of rawvaluecompareevalgetvaluenullptr value actual expected
this library will let you apply custom fonts to android widgets via xml views
ratis third party had most of the version declarations in the root pom this moves the remaining dependencies to the root pom so that versions are managed in one location
move explorer dock tab below the properties dock tab and then retitle that dock tab and tooltip from explorer to explore diagramps see conversation that lead to this task
we have queries like this that are bringing down our server and causing outofmemoryexceptionbq get jakarta this is caused by the jiraicalplugin performing unbounded searches and trying to store all the results in an arraylistical threadspngthe problem lies in defaultentityaseventservice on line issueresults searchservicesearchuser query pagerfiltergetunlimitedfiltergetissuescodethe rest resource that calls this method really needs to support pagination you do not want to load issues into the browser anyway
there are two failed container tests contentsetcheckfailcontent sets defined in distgit have to match with rpm content which is installed in the imagecontent sets in contentsetsyml have to be correctunsignedrpmcheckfailverify all rpms installed in the image are signedall rpms must be signed in this issue its needed to investigate them more and fix which were able to solve or get confirmation that we can proceed with failed tests
i use spring boot with spring data mongo reactive when i call or i can only get an error messge like below codejava whitelabel error pagethis application has no configured error view so you are seeing this as a fallbackwed nov cst was an unexpected error typeinternal server error resolution is not supported code when i downgrade to spring boot everything turns ok code is like below ive uploaded codejava orgspringframeworkboot springbootstarterwebflux orgspringframeworkboot springbootstarterdatamongodbreactive orgspringframeworkboot springbootstarteractuator repository public interface userrepository extends reactivecrudrepository mono findbycompanyidstring companyid mono findbycompanycompany company querycompanyid mono companyid restcontroller requiredargsconstructoronconstructor autowired public class usercontroller private final userrepository userrepository private final companyrepository companyrepository getmappingusersid public mono findonepathvariable integer id company company companybuilder name阿里巴巴 build user user userbuilder password密码 companycompany build mono companymono thiscompanyrepositorysavecompany mono usermono thisuserrepositorysaveuser return companymonothenusermono getmappingquery public mono query mono bycompanyid bycompanyidsubscribesystemoutprintln return bycompanyid public mono mono bycompanyid thisuserrepositoryfindbycompany companybuilder build bycompanyidsubscribesystemoutprintln return bycompanyid public mono mono bycompanyid bycompanyidsubscribesystemoutprintln return bycompanyid data builder noargsconstructor allargsconstructor document 如果不指定,那就是包名全路径 typealiascompanyxx public class company id private string id private string name data builder noargsconstructor allargsconstructor document public class user id id private string id 用户名 private string username 密码 private string password dbref private company company code
csvfileformatinferschema doesnt use filescanrdd so the sql ignorecorruptfiles doesnt workcodejavaioeofexception unexpected end of input stream at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at stacktrace at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at now a workaround is also setting sparkfilesignorecorruptfiles to true
the atlassiancontainerconfig class provides a setting called gadgetsjsuritemplate which evaluates to baseurl pluginsservletgadgetsjsjs presumably js is a placeholder that is replaced at some later point because of a programming error this property is evaluated once when the atlassiancontainerconfig is called instead of every time this setting is looked up this means that if the administrator changes the products base url that change will not be reflect in the value of the gadgetsjsuritemplate setting like it is for other settings such as the rpc relay path the other problem caused by this bug is that it causes applicationpropertiesgetbaseurl to be invoked too soon in the products lifecycle possibly before the database or other property store is even available
changecodecreate the new httpconnector element in the messaging subsystemsubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefaulthttpconnectorhttppublicconnectorwriteattributenamesocketbindingvaluehttppublicthe referenced httppublic socket binding must be created within the the connectors in the connectionfactory which will be used by clients for example configuration of remoteconnectionfactory as the default connection will besubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefaultconnectionfactoryremoteconnectionfactorywriteattributenameconnectors valuecodetocodethe referenced httppublic socket binding must be created within the the new httpconnector element in the messaging subsystemsubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefaulthttpconnectorhttppublicconnectoraddendpointhttpacceptor socketbindinghttppublicset the connectors in the connectionfactory which will be used by clients for example configuration of remoteconnectionfactory as the default connection will besubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefaultconnectionfactoryremoteconnectionfactorywriteattributenameconnectors valuecode
api tooling reports that minor version should be incremented for ascore plugin because new apis have been added since previous releasein theory whole jbosstoolsserveras submodule should get new version current is at the same time if master branch contains different api version in its version should be also increased question is which part of version should be changed to avoid conflicts in future between two streamsthis version changes should take place after is taken care of
i have a weld se applicationi played with the need for having beansxml files present as i read they are not necessary anymore since cdi also found that for weld se beansxml are still mandatory except if you set the system property javaxenterpriseinjectscanimplicit to true or the same property as container property like secontainerinitializernewinstanceaddpropertyjavaxenterpriseinjectscanimplicit trueinitializethis works for normal usagebut if i enable in intellij idea the jar manifest command line shortener there is a problemwhat this does is it adds all libraries and also the project classes as classpath manifest attribute to a dummy jar and adds this dummy jar to the classpath solelythis works fine if you do not enable javaxenterpriseinjectscanimplicit and have beansxml files in your archivesbut as soon as you enable javaxenterpriseinjectscanimplicit either way you getcodejavalangillegalstateexception weld se container cannot be initialized no bean archives found at at at at codeno matter whether there are beansxml files or noteven the archives that have explicit beansxml files are suddenly not found anymoreusing the javaxenterpriseinjectscanimplicit mode without the jar classpath commandline shortener works fine
this query contains the search for all nn see subtasks below
seecode build failure total time finished at wed jan utc final memory the requested profile distro could not be activated because it does not exist the requested profile all could not be activated because it does not exist failed to execute goal bundlemanifest on project servicemixcxfse errors found in manifest configuration to see the full stack trace of the errors rerun maven with the e switch rerun maven using the x switch to enable full debug logging for more information about the errors and possible solutions please read the following articles after correcting the problems you can resume the build with the command mvn rf servicemixcxfse skipping watched dependency update for build due to result failurefinished failurecode
when a request is made on a server the soap headers in a request appear to be copied directly to the response soap messagethis is pretty severe in the case of wssecurity because the consumer of the response has to use the header information to decode the message since the security headers contain implicit instructtions for decrypting and verifying signatures on elements in the message possibly elements in the security header itself typically the originator of the request eg the client does not have the key material to do this decodingone potential solution would be for the security interceptors to strip the saaj soapmessage of its headers as part of its processing the request but i its not clear we really want to do that subsequent consumers on the interceptor chain or possibly the application itself may need this information ii furthermore theres no guarantee that a security interceptor will be installed in an application so there are scenarios where such a solution would not be efficaciousi would prefer instead that the soapmessage representing the response as it is passed to the outbound interceptor on the server side be more of a blank slatethis probably applies to other ws specs that rely on proper processing of soap headersa sample cxf program will be enclosed shortly
the marshalling test bases currently reside under orgapacheflinkruntimeresthandlerlegacymessages which doesnt make sense as this isnt legacy code we should do this once the port of all handlers has been finished to avoid merge conflicts
last week ive released a new version of artifact but its not available in search
there seems to be a problem when a hive module is named hive and the module cannot be loadedused properly reported by update the root cause is that modules in sql cli yaml arent handled in order right now which they should be
i have an xhtml file with the following declarationuicomposition xmlns xmlnsui xmlnsh xmlnsf xmlnsrich xmlnss xmlnsgekko templatelayouttemplatexhtmlwith jbosstools i get the following exception when trying to open it in the xhtml editorjavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at sunreflectnativemethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source at at at i remove the template everything seems to work ok also if i change the template to be a relative location such as templatexhtml then i dont get the exception either
making it a blocker as unit test failednoformatjavasecurityprivilegedactionexception null at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception transport exception while opening transport gss initiate failed at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by orgapachethrifttransportttransportexception gss initiate failed at at at at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
add columns to channel table channelid analyse how to make channel name unique across network possible use of channel currentblockhash optgopathsrcgithubcomhyperledgerfabricpeer peer channel getinfo channelid utc initcmdfactory info endorser and orderer connections initialized blockchain info create date should be the timestamp from the fabric transaction id if there is such info store channeltx binary in channeltx column store channelblock binary in channelblock column store channel config in table including channel policy does a channel update assigns another hashblock store channel version in table tb continued
ive removed the debiantesting docker images was not sure where did we run it cc
createcconfigurelibhdfs autoheader warning missing template hadoopconfdir autoheader use acdefine autoreconf usrbinautoheader failed with exit status output at
noformatnopaneltruecommit tests all fail these are all variations of the greghudson scenarios whereby we make sure that the deleted flag works properly in commits and updates the deleted flag works properly with the add flag in a commit that propertycommits on outofdate directories are disallowedthese all used to work in need to fix the regressionsnoformat
there is a great deal of dead commented and unused code in the codebase this ticket addresses some of it limiting scope to those files in geodecoremanagement to keep the eventual diff relatively small
in case when logging to syslog through tcp protocol is configured and syslog port becomes unreachable then after syslog restart some messages can be thrown away it seems syslog handler needs to another two logs for correct closing original tcp connection in case when syslog is restarted and no message is logged during syslog is unreachable then the first two messages will not be logged to syslog after syslog is running again one message is attempted to be logged during syslog is unreachable then the first message will not be logged to syslog after syslog is running again two and more messages are attempted to be logged during syslog is unreachable then everything is logged correctly after syslog is running again
currently the mavendependencyplugin integration test fails based on missing constant pool type the information in has been enhanced which was not enhanced in mavendependencyanalyzer which results in the rte
testmrserverports depends on testhdfsserverports which was changed by resulting in a compilation failure
i got an illegalargumentexception resource is not serializable when i attempted to view the change made to this page on confluence and it resulted incodestacktrace followscausejavalangillegalargumentexception resource is not serializable at tracejavalangillegalargumentexception resource is not serializable at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at referer urlcode
a query that was in cancellationrequested state after the java concurrent program was terminated by issuing ctrlc from the command linenext stop and start drillbits drill commit id on all nodes and we see the below error message on drills web ui and we do not find the physical file sysdrill under folderclush a stopclush a start errormessage validation error no profile with given query id exists please verify the query idnnnstack trace from drillbitlog from foreman node for the above error info oadrillexecserverrestwebserver setting up http connector for web info oapachedrillexecserverdrillbit startup completed info oadesrprofileprofileresources user error occurred no profile with given query id exists please verify the query idorgapachedrillcommonexceptionsuserexception validation error no profile with given query id exists please verify the query id at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformatdetails related to the above query id from info oadewfragmentfragmentexecutor state change requested running info oadewfragmentfragmentexecutor state change requested failed info oadewfragmentfragmentexecutor state change requested failed warn oadewfragmentfragmentexecutor ignoring unexpected state transition failed warn oadrillexecopssendingaccountor interrupted while waiting for send complete continuing to waitjavalanginterruptedexception null at at at at at at at at at at at at at at resactualpeaklimit child allocators ledgers reservations info oadesrprofileprofileresources user error occurred no profile with given query id exists please verify the query idorgapachedrillcommonexceptionsuserexception validation error no profile with given query id exists please verify the query idnoformat
i have not used sts for several days and i dont recall installing any updates on the system with the exception of apache ant yet today when i attempted to start sts it crashed i attempted to use a new workspace to no avail the error in the log indicates its a jvm error but i dont know what to make of it im afraid a fatal error has been detected by the java runtime environment exceptionaccessviolation at pc jre version java vm java hotspottm client vm mixed mode problematic frame v if you would like to submit a bug report please visit t h r e a d current thread vmthread siginfo exceptioncode reading address registerseax ebx ecx edxesp ebp esi edieip eflagstop of stack sp instructions pc ec cb ff stack sp free frames jcompiled java code jinterpreted vvvm code cnative codev v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v c c vmoperation gencollectforpermanentallocation mode safepoint requested by thread p r o c e s s java threads current thread javathread daemon javathread javascript indexing daemon javathread daemon javathread xmlrpc weblistener javathread javathread javathread javathread javathread javathread javathread javathread java indexing daemon javathread javathread daemon javathread javathread idle thread daemon javathread daemon javathread main queue handler daemon javathread framework event dispatcher daemon javathread start level event dispatcher daemon javathread bundle file closer daemon javathread state data manager daemon javathread low memory detector daemon javathread daemon javathread attach listener daemon javathread signal dispatcher daemon javathread finalizer daemon javathread reference handler daemon javathread main other threads vmthread watcherthread vm stateat safepoint normal executionvm mutexmonitor currently owned by a thread threadslock owner thread heaplock owner thread heap def new generation total used eden space used from space used to space used tenured generation total used the space used compacting perm gen total used the space used no shared spaces configureddynamic libraries cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram filesbonjourmdnsnspdll cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram cprogram fileswinscpdragextdll cprogram cwinntimesptipdll cwinntimespgrmrdll cprogram filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedinkskchuidll cprogram argumentsjvmargs javacommand cprogram os ws arch showsplash launcher cprogram name sts launcherlibrary cprogram startup cprogram exitdata product comspringsourcestside vm cprogram vmargs jar cprogram type sunstandardenvironment variablesjavahomecprogram fileswindows imagingcprogram filescommon filesemccprogram filesquicktimeqtsystemcprogram family model stepping genuineintel s y s t e m os windows xp build service pack cores per cpu threads per core family model stepping cmov fxsr mmx sse page physical free swap freevminfo java hotspottm client vm for jre built on apr by javare with ms vc tue jun time seconds
javaioioexception insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service at method at sunniochfiledispatcherpwriteunknown source at sunniochioutilwritefromnativebufferunknown source at sunniochioutilwriteunknown source at sunniochfilechannelimplwriteunknown source at sunniochfilechannelimpltransferfromfilechannelunknown source at sunniochfilechannelimpltransferfromunknown source at at at the issue is cased by the function docopyfilefile srcfile file destfile boolean preservefiledate using hardcoded data chunks of fiftymb in the transferfrom callreducing this chunk from to solves the issue for my situation still failshere is a test program to reproduce the issuepackage orgtestigorimport javaiofileimport javaiofileinputstreamimport javaiofileoutputstreamimport javaioioexceptionimport javaniochannelsfilechannelimport orgapachecommonsiofileutilsimport orgapachecommonsioioutilspublic class testfileutils public static void mainstring args file src new file dest new string filename file file new filesrc filename file tofile new filedest filename try fileutilscopyfilefile tofile true systemoutprintlnsuccessful copy catch ioexception
there seems to be a problem with the way bea handles the template system or the state of a bookmark we have a page that is using a template thus it extends the mother page on this mother page we have a set of links if you make a click on any of them the following error is fired please note that we have not set neither of our pages to be stateless nor any of our forms we use the normal click and the bookmarkabledont know if it is related to this issue anet error executethread for queue weblogickerneldefault selftuning orgapachewicketrequestcycle unable to find component with path userinfoeditalumno on stateless page it could be that the component is inside a repeater make your component return false in getstatelesshintorgapachewicketwicketruntimeexception unable to find component with path userinfoeditalumno on stateless page it could be that the component is inside a repeater make your component return false in getstatelesshint at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at we have a setup consisting of the following bea wls oracle bea jrockit wicket with all default configurations for the requestcycle and the pagestore springhibernate
scm will start using container protocol to communicate with datanodes this change introduces some test failures due to some missing features which will be moved to ksm will file separate jira to track disabled ozone tests
browser is not able to findcomhexidecekitekitappletthis could be caused by a firewall
the script to create the user manual pdf is run as a part of the preparepackage lifecycle which means that any user running package or install will be forced to have latex installed with the necessary dependencies to build the user manual see the usermanual creation from preparepackage and place it somewhere more suitable perhaps site would make sense perhaps a special profile would do the trick too
persisted message contentmetadata gets orphaned in the store until recovery removes itthe messagetransfermessage reference doesnt use the message reference counting system meaning that when a message has been dequeued from all the queues it was on the content and metadata simply get orphaned in the store until recovery at whcih point it is actually deleted this can slow broker startup dramatically and could lead to disk space issues for high volume usage the messages should be updated to use the reference counting system to ensure their data is removed from the store at the earliest opportunity
when building project with wildfly swarm maven plugin and using either or build fails with following errorcode default kieserverswarm error injecting orgwildflyswarmpluginmavenpackagemojocomgoogleinjectprovisionexception guice provision no implementation for orgeclipseaetherinternalimpldefaultrepositorysystem was bound while locating error at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at am using mavencodeapache maven version vendor oracle corporationjava home locale enus platform encoding name mac os x version arch family maccodeall works perfectly with
failures occur under these conditions data classes are not present in server classpaths peerclassloading is not used because thin client is used manual construction of queryentity via setfields setindexes etc is used instead of constructor of queryentity in conjunction with querysqlfield for data clases one of the indexed fields of queryentity has type different from type of corresponding field of data object instance eg codejavatitlequeryentity fieldsputname javalangstring fieldsputwrongtypeembeddable javalangstring this is wrong type queryentity qryentity new queryentity setkeytypejavalanginteger setvaluetypeorgapacheignitewrongtypewrongtypeentity fqdn should be used setfieldsfields setindexescollectionssingleton new queryindexwrongtypeembeddable wrong type field is indexed code codejavatitleembedded field type in put operation is different new wrongtypeentityname new testfield wrongtypeembeddable field code how to reproduce start server nodes with default config via ignitesh run reproducer for apache ignite failures are identical for atomic and transactional caches codejava jvm will be halted immediately due to the failure code for ai built and assemblied from master failure is supressed for atomic and occur only for transactional caches codejava jvm will be halted immediately due to the failure code root cause for all failures is codejava caused by javalangclassnotfoundexception orgapacheignitewrongtypewrongtypeembeddable code
i want to have a new repo for a vowpal wabbit jni layer note that this is different than the work requested here and this work represents a significant improvement over that work most importantly for this community is that i have removed the infectious nature of the artifactid and it is no longer os dependent i solve this problem by packaging in os dependent implementations for a number of linux variants and darwin
hi thereive found some typos in mesos i think that it should be changed to framework from framworknoformat git grep framworkdocsappframeworkdevelopmentguidemd message failing over framework etc a framwork that attemptsframeworkstorquetorqueschedpy driverloginfomesos torque framwork registered with frameworkid s fidincludemesosschedulerhpp message failing over framework etc a framwork that attemptssrcjavasrcorgapachemesosschedulerjava message failing over framework etc a framwork that attemptssrcpythoninterfacesrcmesosinterfaceinitpy framework etc a framwork that attempts to launch tasks using ansrcscalingnestedexecpy def registeredself driver executorinfo framworkinfo slaveinfonoformatim ready for submit the patch for this it has a low potential for breaking builds
when i try to atach a timer event to an embedded sub process who is inside of an multiple instance node i get the following errorprocess test timer node has no incoming connectioni dont know if this cant be done in some other versions of jbpmbrms but the thing is that i really need to atach that timer becouse without that i can finish the bussnes process requierementsfyi i am using the web designer
hi due to my colorblindness ive noticed that its pretty hard to separate the red and green icons on the dag run would it be at all possible to change the shade of red to a darker shade such as the one provided above
verify the rules component works as expected in karaf if everything is currently working as expected please add a comment and mark this issue as resolved
coderunning orgapachehadoopyarnserverresourcemanagertestrmadminservicetests run failures errors skipped time elapsed sec failure in orgapachehadoopyarnserverresourcemanagertestrmadminservicetestresourcepersistentfornmregistrationwithnewresourceorgapachehadoopyarnserverresourcemanagertestrmadminservice time elapsed sec failureorgjunitcomparisonfailure expected but was at at at
increasing the non activity timeout solves the issues probably just jenkins thinking nothing is happening
codeunexpected http response name test type test aliasfilter undefined path undefined relativeto undefined required false provider undefined providerloader undefined address subsystem elytron keystore test operation addresponseinternal server error outcome failed failuredescription credentialreference may not be null rolledback truecodecredentialreference is currently required but input fields for this object attributes are missing in the dialog and therefore this object could not be passed
when i hover over the description of an entity the inlineeditor overlay properly appears however its really hard to click the edit button that appears on the right side of the overlay i will attach a video to show the problem
in hadoop the format of hadoop dfs ls and hadoop dfs lsr commands has changed it is a unix like output now with the filename being printed as the last column of the file listing as opposed to the first logcondensepy needs to use this new format
it assembles fabric edition instead of hadoop edition appears to be trivial bug in build procedure
at now the submarine server supports config more submitters but its not necessary in current stage at the same time it also cause trouble to users so wed better simplify the configuration to keep only one submitter in server considering the project vision we set the submitter as the default
some missing bi functions daysbetween ideally use arithmetic with like oracle quarter done via monthenddate monthstartdate yearenddate yearstartdate
proxy returns nested cdata elements which is illegal in xml it happens when called service returns en exception stack wrapped in cdata ive created patch that replaces all cdata teminating sequences with gt sequences
hi we have a batch programinformatica mapping which uses jars taken from an application which uses jboss drools and mvel the informatica integration service runs in aix machine with jre version the batch program process millions of records which in turn calls the drools api to improve the performance we tried running our informatica process in a multi threaded threads while running we got the following exception for every record that we processacross all the threads exception executing predicate eval at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgmvelcompileexception cannot invoke method at at at at at at at at at morecaused by javalangreflectinvocationtargetexception at source at at at morecaused by javalangnullpointerexception at at morecould you please let me know if this is a known issue or is there any workaround for this problemthankssitaraman
assuming that the goal of uricomponents is to be more compliant with rfc than consistent with javaneturi a path is always defined for a uri though the defined path may be empty zero lengthcurrently opaqueuricomponents always returns null and hierarchicaluricomponents will return null if there was no slash in the uri
the internal search operator introduced in along with the sarg literal type does not handle unknown correctly however we do not currently have a sql test case
i am writing this as an fyi because it caught me today my hope is that maybe this will one day help solve a bug or act as a clue ifwhen you encounter this behaviour i dont have any time at the moment to track exactly what is happening so unfortunately i am just sharing as is the issue is when one loads the rutils package after loading arrow again likely this is an issue related to rutils and therefore not strictly a bug in arrow still thought it would be useful to share codejava libraryarrow attaching package arrow the following object is masked from packageutils timestamp writeparquetiris irisparquet pq parquetfilereadercreateirisparquet libraryrutils loading required package roo loading required package utc successfully loaded see for help roo successfully loaded see roo for help attaching package roo the following object is masked from throw the following objects are masked from packagemethods getclasses getmethods the following objects are masked from packagebase attach detach load save rutils successfully loaded see rutils for help attaching package rutils the following object is masked from packagearrow timestamp the following object is masked from packageutils timestamp the following objects are masked from packagebase cat commandargs getoption inherits isopen nullfile parse warnings pq parquetfilereadercreateirisparquet error in existsname envir envir inherits false use of null environment is defunct code
when building evaluation with maven and installing inside of sakai trunk the webapp fails to start up with this funky errorcommenting out this bean in applicationcontextxml allows the webapp to initialize and at least the first screen of the tool to load property namewrappingbean reforgsakaiprojectevaluationmodelaccesswrapperinvoker log file attached with relevant section
when a commit is being rolledback and the commit has new partitions which was not present in the table before files pertaining to this new partition may not be part of rollback plan and so these files will be end up dangling wo being cleaned up eg commit files files files files files partial failed write when is triggered it will rollback when generating rollback plan we first fetch all partitions from tablefilesystemview which will hit metadata table when enabled this may return only and and not is not completed and then we do fslist and filter out files that matches the so in this case we might miss to rollback the files added to
all references throughout the documentation that currently say libserverdependenciesjar liblocatordependenciesjarare no longer correct both change to libgeodedependenciesjar
open dashboard app and click on add gadget try to add gadgets by clicking on add it now button one by we observe that in process for some gadgets the background color changes to red and their status remain if we exit the directory and launch the directory then also the gadget status remain the same and they cant be in firebug additnowerror undefined log is either user should nt be allowed to add multiple gadgets simultaneously or we should be handing it well
running orgapachejackrabbitoakjcrlargeoperationitlargemove which moves large trees causes an oome on the document node storecodeexception in thread documentnodestore background thread javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at in thread attach listener javalangreflectinvocationtargetexception at method at at at at at by javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at sunmiscvmsupportinitagentpropertiesnative method at at at moreagent failed to startexception in thread tarmk flush thread javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at at at at at at java heap space at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
currently ranger admin support only basic authentication for es as an audit store also required to support username and keytab
when invoking binripple it syntaxerror unexpected token illegalthis is because the file is actually a nodejs invoked file and comments do not exist in js
ambari will transition the service from init to installed and then started with no problems but the oozie server wont actually be started heres the relevant part of the oozie servers fatal user group could not initialize service could not find action configuration directory etcoozieconfactionconforgapacheoozieserviceserviceexception could not initialize service could not find action configuration directory etcoozieconfactionconf at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at suspect this is due to line in hdpooziemanifestsinitppcodehdpdirectory oozieconfigdir servicestate servicestate force true bug this will remove the actionsconf directory owner oozieuser group hdpusergroup overrideowner truecode
made a change to zookeeperservermainjava that broke the starting of zookeeperserver with just the port and datadir
create an rfc describing a simple sde functionality in the rustsabre sdk this would be an sde function that users get for free when creating a contract with a simple data model
default undertow https listener use legacy ssl context in standaloneelytronxml codecodeonce elytron becomes default security solution in wildfly it has to use elytron ssl context in meantime prepare such configuration in standaloneelytronxmlcodecode
the link to the applicationmasters logs on the mrappmasters web page is missing the user name
when an entity or a graph edge is committed it requires post processing in the case of entities this is indexing and processing of deletes from the mark operation in the case of edges deletes from marks are required we need a general mechanism for creating a timeout checkpoint this will then return a timeout object this object can then be invoked asychronously upon completion it should remove the timeout object only during a failure jvm shutdown node death etc should the timeout event fire the timeout event will then restart the post processing this must ensure the following no event will ever be lost events will always fire eventually at a time to its timeout events should encapsulate all data required to perform async processing since this could run on a different node than the caller no state should be shared on queuestartfailover events receivers should be idempotent they should checkpoint their work if at an time a receiver fails it may be resumed by another node the new node should be able to resume work without the need to perform all processing again
added support for using multi fields in elastic search core types note for more info see the documentation at adding the multi field support has some advantages such as using different analyzers for columns or different index types etcthe multi field columns are named as elastic search does using the following nomenclature example consider an index mapping such as type string index analyzed type string index analyzed fields raw type string index notanalyzed ignoreabove in this case the following data set columns are generated text text label
steps create slider view with incorrect parameters go to slider viewresult was opened warning dialog with nongreen ok button but other dialog windows have confirm buttons with green color
noformatnopaneltruethis is likely related to issue with a standard greek tree since this involves copies lets say the greektree is rooted beneath a trunk folder as opposed to the repository rootnow do thismkdir parentdircd parentdirsvn co repostrunkab wcbsvn co repostrunkad wcdso at this point i have two disconnected working this command failssvn cp wcb wcd reposbranchesnewbranch m of course svn ci wcb wcd also fails that is what issue is aboutfor commit there are trivial workaroundsmkdir svnsvn ci wcb wcd m this works unless you are committing a property change on the root of either of these wcs if you change the workaround to thissvn co repos depthempty svn ci wcb wcd m then any commit will work in other words in the first workaround i simply created a folder named svn in the second i had to create a valid svn folder it does some minor degree of parsing before we had the depthempty option i found i could handcraft a parseable entries file and that was all it these workarounds do not work for copy furthermore this actually causes a crash in the command line or javahl in my casesvn co repos depthempty svn cp wcb wcd reposbranchesnewbranch m on osx i simply get bus error which is what you get on osx when there is a command line crash if i use javahl then i get a little bit more detail about where the crash wctoreposcopy setupcopy svnclientcopycopysources char const char const bool bool javaorgtigrissubversionjavahlsvnclientcopy there are two problems there is a scenario that causes a crash at worst we would just want it to error out as it does when no svn is ideally i would really like commit and copy to support the parent folder not being a working copynoformat
a bunch of tests are failing on windowsnoformat info failed testearlyleaderabandonment info failed testhighestzxidjoinlate info failed testupdatingepoch info failed testobservershammer info failed testasyncexistsfailurenonode info failed testasyncgetacl info failed testasyncgetchildrenempty info failed testasyncgetchildrensingle info failed testasyncgetchildrentwo info failed testasyncgetchildrenfailurenonode info failed info failed info failed info failed info failed testasyncgetdata info failed testasyncgetdatafailurenonode info failed teststartupfailurecreate info failed teststartupfailureset info failed teststartupfailuresnapshot info failed testclientwithwatcherobj info failed testclientcleanup info failed testbindbyaddress info failed testclientwithoutwatcherobj info failed testzeroweightquorum info failed testresyncbydiffafterfollowercrashes info failed testfourletterwords info failed testle info failed testhierarchicalquorum info failed testhammerbasic info failed testquotawithquorum info failed testnull info failed testdeletewithchildren info failed testclientwithoutwatcherobj info failed testgetview info failed testviewcontains info failed testsessionmoved info failed testmultitofollower info failed testbehindleader info failed testlatelogs info failed testconnectionevents info failed testrecovery info failed testfail info failed testrestorecommittedlog info failed testauth info failed testauth info failed testauth info failed testbadsaslauthnotifieswatch info failed testauthfail info failed testauth info failed testauth info failed testcreateaftercloseshouldfail info failed testbasicnoformat
usage of bigdecimal literals in translator literals or procedure parameters results in an exception about the facet not being satisfiedwe are also with we were allowing more than just trailing to be trimmed from the numeric values this results in situations where you could return an entity with a value but could not look it up by that value as it would no longer be equal we should instead let the facet fail if we cant just trim zeros
need to write out letters for ng ns and ip grade codes error gets generated on my ucdavis fgs side now
by default wall is disabled for g if enabled it gives a large number of warnings this ticket is to fix those warnings
see noformatproxycodesplit nametokennametokensfederation subsystemextensionname federation group picketlink key logging public interface myproxy extends proxy place noformatthe subsystem key refers to the name of the subsystem this is how we deetct presencen of the subsystem and decide wether or not the extension should be displayed in the consolethe picketlink extension refers to logging but should instead refer to picketlink
right now since the jre silently swallows the invalid jar it will produce really confusing behavior if users hit this we should check if we are in this situation either in sparkclass or computeclasspath and fail with an explicit errorwe can do something likecodejavahomebinjar tf orgapachesparksparkcontextcodewhich when a user is running with jre and a jar will producecodejavautilzipzipexception invalid cen header bad signature at javautilzipzipfileopennative method at at at at at
when you request the collection resource from nexuscontent first a proxy repository will go remote and fetch the index page of the proxied server you cannot access artifacts below that path anymore after that the contenttype is wrong as well applicationoctetstream recipe default nexus configuration curl v result is delivering the index page from maven central should be curl v result is should be curl v result is curl v result is curl v result is giving the correct collection index page seems to not be affected by this