the following invariant failure only occurs when the server is running with the notablescan optionoutput and i storage rolling back i storage custom rollback mongologopmongooperationcontext char const char const mongobsonobj const mongobsonobj bool f replsets rollback of logop not currently allowed i fatal assertion received signal sigtrap tracebreakpoint trap in raise at nptlsysdepsunixsysvlinuxptraisec no such file or directorygdb in raise at in mongomongobreakpoint at in mongobreakpoint at in mongofassertfailed at in mongorollback this at in mongorollbackinnermostchanges this at in mongoendunitofwork this at in mongowriteunitofwork this inchrg at in mongorun this txn dbname cmdobj errmsg result yfalse at in mongoexeccommand txn c dbname cmdobj errmsg result fromreplfalse at in mongoexeccommand txn c cmdns testcmd cmdobj result fromreplfalse at in mongoruncommands txn ns testcmd cmdobj b anobjbuilder fromreplfalse at in mongoruncommands txn ns testcmd jsobj curop b anobjbuilder fromreplfalse at in mongonewrunquery txn m q curop result fromdbdirectclientfalse at in mongoreceivedquery txn c dbresponse m fromdbdirectclientfalse at in mongoassembleresponse txn m dbresponse remote fromdbdirectclientfalse at in mongoprocess this m port le at in mongohandleincomingmsg arg at in startthread arg at in clone at
adding a single line of code to the objectid class definition will save a significant amount of memory for application dealing with many instances of that class in some of our benchmarks the memory working set was reduced by up to when adding a slots declarationthe code would look like thisclass objectidobject a mongodb objectid slots id
steps to reproduce message should be binmongod dbpath data sslonnormalports sslpemkeyfilesmokepem binmongomongodb shell version to testfri feb socket recv connection reset by peer feb socketexception remote error socket exception server fri feb dbclientcursorinit call failedfri feb error dbclientbase transport error ns admincmd query whatsmyuri connect failed
zbigmapreducejs mrshardedoutputjs
the mongo db runs well for month without any problem recently it stores more than data whenever there is new connection unhandled exception happens see attachment
we need to add support to the distros page cc
we cannot connect to anything using the driver when its bundled because it will fail with codejavamongoserverselectionerror the driverversion field must be a string in the client metadata document code because it appears the compiled driver cannot find the packagejson file here for mongosh we use parcel for which dirname is not accessible a related problem also happens when we try to use the driver with the vscode extension in which we get codejavauncaught error enoent no such file or directory open packagejson code because for webpack dirname is accessible but you cannot use read file sync and expect the file to be included in the bundle would it be possible to find a solution that doesnt require getting the version using a file read a straightforward solution would be in a prebuild step a versionts file could be generated that would be usable by bundlers like webpack or parcel an alternative is using codejava requirepackagejson code
helloi have an interesting problem for indexing and i need additional helpi use mongodb for our multisite cms system and we put all kind of contents to the same contents collection our document is likecode id t application comcnnturk status contenttype article path dunya title description text startdate codet c driver put this field to hold inheritanceapplication we separate different web sites with this fieldstatus active passive etccontenttype content type article video episode etcpath our folder for example we put all worlds articles to the dunya path and in any path we have approximately contents turkiye ekonomi etcstartdate contents appear on the web sites after this datewe have following indexes we have mostly following the way i tried to use sort field on the end of index but i couldnt get good performancewhen i try to explain those queries i see the following resultscodecursor btreecursor multi ismultikey true n nscannedobjects nscanned nscannedobjectsallplans nscannedallplans scanandorder true indexonly false nyields nchunkskips millis btreecursor multi ismultikey false n nscannedobjects nscanned nscannedobjectsallplans nscannedallplans scanandorder true indexonly false nyields nchunkskips millis in the log file millis and nscanneds are very different and very high for those queriesanother situation is despite of those queries dont use indexes that starts with start date when i drop those indexes the queries slow down and millis goes to and higheranother problem is on count queries for example the following query codedbcontentsfind application comcnnturk status path spor contenttype in countcodelooks very slow in log filecodesat nov command quarktestcnncmd command count contents query application comcnnturk status path spors contenttype in numyields locksmicros the way im sending the db stats collection stats and index statscode db quarktestcnn collections objects avgobjsize datasize storagesize numextents indexes indexsize filesize nssizemb ok ns quarktestcnncontents count size avgobjsize storagesize numextents nindexes lastextentsize paddingfactor systemflags userflags totalindexsize indexsizes id ok have machine replica gb ram mongo uses gbraid spindle diskredhat enterprise linuxi set all ulimits as on your documentsintelr xeonr cpu for your helps in advance
in an ideal world we are able to eliminate the window between branch cut and updating fcv constants this way we can run multiversion between the new versions before teams push new changes one way to ensure that updating fcv constants happens quickly after branch cut is creating a new evergreen variant that continuously runs multiversion tests using a future git tag to avoid having to change the git tag on every release we can set the tag to some large version like this value will also need to be added to the releasesyml data file for this suite lets say we are still developing on the suite would be running multiversion with future fcv nodes against nodes however since the branch doesnt exist yet evergreen will fetch the last compiled mongo binaries on master and label them as nodes this feature was added as part of so were effectively testing master against master with future fcv constants this should notify server engineers of any breaking changes that would normally only be revealed upon the next upgrade by testing this throughout the development cycle we should be able to avoid running into these errors when it comes time to branch cut and upgrade fcvs after branch cut but before updating fcv constants this suite is still being run with the future git tag so its still testing future fcv nodes against however at this point the branch has been created so were using the actual newlycreated binaries as a result we can use this suite to catch any breaking changes that server engineers make while were working on updating fcv constants the situation described above the suite should be run occasionally during the development cycle after the branch cut it should be run continuously to ensure that no breaking changes are made after fcv constants have been updated we can go back to running occasionally
the following faq is wrongwe do support monitoring kerberosenabled nodes the faq should point the user here
this epic is for driver features that require nontrivial effort but are not currently prioritized
i am going to rename the suffix for the local tiered objects to also use wtobj that makes it more cohesive to talk about wiredtiger objects as part of a tiered table and leads to less confusion for someone seeing a file name in a directory tables ending in wt imply a single complete btree it also eliminates name collisions if someone were to create a local table with the same name as one of the objects as theyd have different suffixes and different ondisk file system names
version released enable storage engine conversions for singlenode replica sets and standalones when starting a forked mongodb processes assume success earlier do not wait for eof
from removed the json readers ability to parse legacy date integers attempting to parse such dates now emits an error such as bq unexpected integer in type datetime we should revert that commit and add some tests for reading legacy values
pymongos test suite consistently causes mongod to crash on windows with latest for example db version code mongodbbinmongod version db version build info version gitversion modules enterprise allocator tcmalloc environment distmod windows distarch targetarch code crash code ccontrol exceptionattrexceptionstringaddressstring ccontrol stack trace for unhandled exception ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol files visual ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol minidump diagnostic crepl snapshot optime is not yet part of the current committed code full mini dump and mongod logs for the above patch build are attached
enable the feature flag for this project
trying to build the driver in solaris using make and gccduring the ‘make’ step we are facing issues with the underlying c driver components and we are getting errors like the make f makefileammake fatal error in reader makefileam line unexpected end of line seen
greetingsusing days ago i encountered a perplexing problem when trying to save embedded documents i believe afterinitialize prevents the saving of embedded documents i have the test files located in a git repo for your testrb coderuby require mongoid require pp mongoidloadmongoidyml test the big container object class book include mongoiddocument embedsmany pages end the smaller embededin object class page include mongoiddocument embeddedin book embedsmany notes field content type string end and one more time class note include mongoiddocument embeddedin page field message type string end clear previous test cases bookmongosessiondrop setup the basic object book booknew pages content page notes message page note a message page note b content page notes message page note a message page note b bookid booksave puts a good copy of the document pp bookasdocument require mongoid require pp require byebug require prybyebug mongoidloadmongoidyml test the big container object class book include mongoiddocument embedsmany pages end the smaller embededin object class page include mongoiddocument embeddedin book embedsmany notes field text type string if true true breaks the code false allows the code to work afterinitialize do if self self self selfremoveattributecontent end end end end class note include mongoiddocument embeddedin page field message type string end book bookfind we will now remove those notes and a new c note bookpageseach do page going to make sure we actually clear it pagenotesclear pagenotes nil pagenotesdestroyall pagesave pagenotesnewmessage note c pagesave end if booksave puts oh noes we didnt save end puts we have removed all notes from all pages and added a new note c below is correct pp bookasdocument puts nn now reloading the book we see that note c was never saved book bookfind pp bookasdocument sample outputcodebash bundle exec ruby testrb a good copy of the document pages contentpage notes messagepage note a messagepage note b contentpage notes messagepage note a messagepage note b bundle exec ruby we have removed all notes from all pages and added a new note c below is correct pages notes textpage notes textpage now reloading the book we see that note c was never saved pages notes messagepage note a messagepage note b textpage notes messagepage note a messagepage note b textpage codethank you for all the hard work you guys are putting into this i cant wait until comes out
we are in the process of resyncing to address fragmentation and to upgrade all indexes to the newer format this process worked fine for of our shards the shard is the primary for the namespace and because we have not yet fully tested mr output to a sharded collection it also stores the output of all mr tasks none of the indexes on this shard have been upgraded to in resync attempts remove all data on secondary we have noticed that the id index on some collections is not built during the resync process and hypothesize that there is some corruption or incompatibility in the index that appears to leave the index functional for queries but somehow prevents it from being rebuilt during resync attempts we believe that this impacts replay of the oplog causing it to seemingly hangoptimedate does not advance perhaps it is working but extremely slow shutting down the node shows the inprogress operation being interruptedfri oct replset synctail interrupted at shutdown syncing ts timestamp h op u ns mydbmycoll id o id value data the timestamp matches the optimedate we have seen this affect both inserts and updates it appears to only affect collections which are the target for mr output additionally it may only affect collections wherein mr results are rereducedrefinalized but we are less confident about this assessment
this is my testcase while one process it works all rightwhile two process it will lose half the data
this page is no longer relevant atlas supports transitions itself
this can be done after an lts release
monitoring agent changelog version released support for authentication minor fix collection database statistics from secondaries as well as backup agent changelog version released support for authentication fix close race condition which could result in inconsistent clustershot for mongodb clusters using the backup role see for details
backport to onprem branch updates to server change log and monitoring agent change log to be published on mongodb management service server fixes problems automatically assigning mms backup jobs to an mms backup daemon for clusters using authentication and the builtin clustermonitor role for mms monitoring fixes problem importing email addresses for users when utilizing the mms ldap integration fixes rare race condition that can cause high cpu usage in mms http service if it is unable to connect to one of its backing databases security enhancementsmonitoring agent with onprem improved logging for mongodb config servers when connecting with a user that has the builtin clustermonitor role fixes issues with connecting to replica set members that use auth with an updated go client library added support for http proxy configuration in the agent configuration file agent includes support for an offline data collection mode
import error on the latest version of pymongo for python pip package issue the version that works is
its possible to get logically impossible results using not in lt id id not gte dbruncommandbuildinfo version gitversion opensslversion sysinfo darwin andrewemilmacbookprolocal darwin kernel version wed may pdt loaderflags fpic pthread wlbindatload compilerflags wnonvirtualdtor woverloadedvirtual fpic fnostrictaliasing ggdb pthread wall wsigncompare wnounknownpragmas winvalidpch werror pipe wnounusedfunction wnodeprecateddeclarations allocator tcmalloc versionarray javascriptengine bits debug false maxbsonobjectsize ok output of results from above attached to ticket
remove the connection pooling mechanism from the c driver completely it is not needed to have a working driver as currently specced
value returned from a function is not checked for errors before being useddefect staticc checker checkedreturn subcategory none file srcmongoscriptingdeadlinemonitorh function mongodeadlinemonitordeadlinemonitorthread srcmongoscriptingdeadlinemonitorh line colorredcalling waituntil without checking return value as is done elsewhere out of timescolor newdeadlineavailablewaituntillkcode file srcmongoscriptingdeadlinemonitorh function mongodeadlinemonitordeadlinemonitorthread srcmongoscriptingdeadlinemonitorh line colorredcalling waituntil without checking return value as is done elsewhere out of timescolor newdeadlineavailablewaituntillkcode
heyi am trying to run following querycode dbitemsfindid query suppose to return one document with id but it for some reason gives strange resultcode id codeit seems that something weird happens with default id index but i cant recreate it let me know guys how i can help reproduce this issue or how i can solve itthank you
the dbtests suite no longer works for resmokepy it was broken by the work from noformat python buildscriptsresmokepy suitesdbtest dryruntests resmokepy invocation buildscriptsresmokepy suitesdbtest dryruntests yaml configuration of suite dbtest testkind dbtest selector executor config dbtestoptions dur logging executor format asctimes messages handlers class loggingstreamhandler fixture format messages handlers class loggingstreamhandler tests format asctimes messages handlers class loggingstreamhandler tests that would be run in suite dbtest no tests tests that would be excluded from suite dbtest no tests summary of dbtest suite no tests ran suite did not run any tests noformat
this fix in appears to cause some issuessituationi have a replicaset accessed via a mongosgoalim attempting to perform an aggregation against a secondary using secondarypreferred initially slaveokay was unset the documentation says it is deprecatedobservation aggregations are performed on the primary not the secondary it looks as if the mongos is ignoring the readpreference or the driver is not sending itchange browsing some code there were indications that setting slaveokay may be required the interctions between slaveokay and usemaster in collectionaggregateobservationno change in behaviourchange deeper i found the code from that only sets the read preference when connected to a mongos and readpreference is secondarypreferred if there are tags presentobservationi shortcircuited the check and reads correctly come to the secondarythe comment just before the check states for maximum backwards compatibility dont set readpreference for secondarypreferred unless tags are in use just rely on the slaveokay bit set automatically if read preference is not primary which has the same behaviorthis would be fine but it appears that the slaveokay bit is not respected possibly in mongosas i have ensured that it is setthis behaviour is pretty unexpected as is any reliance on the slaveokay param
id like to be able to use complex dottednotation keys such as rundate with the group command ideally i could also do something like this where a key matches wherever a condition wouldinsert ainsert ainsert agroupkeyabtrue reducesomecountfunc
backup agent released encode all collection metadata avoids edgecase issues in which there are unexpected characters in collection settings
currently index builds are restarted from the beginning to be able to resume an index build we require the temporary tables used by the hybrid index build to be preserved on startup and the progress information in the internal index build table one table per index build this ticket implements the resumable index build logic for index builds that were shut down during the bulk load phase the internal ident for the index build should have the following phase noformat id phase bulk load noformat if shutdown is initiated in the second phase where the bulk loader is being used to build each index table serially the bulk load will be aborted and the same information other than the phase value is saved as from the first phase on restart the bulk load of all the tables will begin anew we must ensure the unfinished index tables are empty before starting a new bulk load by dropping and recreating the tables if the second phase completes successfully each sorter temporary file is deleted
getting following authentication error when connecting to mongodb instance in composeio this worked fine with mongodbjs version something changed in that broke this authentication quote mongoerror authentication fail at functionmongoerrorcreate at at at at finish at handleend at at at combinedtickcallback at processtickcallback name mongoerror message authentication fail errors name err quote the connection string used is the following username and password xed out for obvious reasons
hello we would like to use the mongodb rust driver we have a relatively contrived usecase where we would like to use the mongodb rust driver but would need to do watch operations on collections even in a beta capacity tbh we can see that the changestreams branch exists and we are also seeing that related tickets are marked on jira as closed under version and however it appears to us that the associated branch was never merged to master last updated months ago and has not been released in any of the official versions both those tickets refer to a change streams related epic but it has either been deleted or is not publicly available unless we havent found the correct place to look at we are not finding a lot of visibility on this topic we would therefore like to know is there another jira epicissue we can look at to have visibility on whenwhere the changestreamswatch feature may be available is the changestreams branch abandoned asin is it planned to be merged back in and released at some point should we fork the project and attempt to use that branch as a dependency directly is it known to be bugridden is there any other information available regarding changestreamwatch availability for the rust driver
step to reproduce download mongo compass install it run it crash with code mongodbcompass segmentation fault core dumped mongodbcompass code this issue seems to have been solved in but this is not the case for me users has found that and are problematic on ubuntu but is working fine
what problem are you facing unable to upload files with gridfsbucket in macos only works fine in linux what driver and relevant dependency versions are you using steps to reproduce const stream requirestream const util requireutil pipeline utilpromisifystreampipeline const mongoclient gridfsbucket requiremongodb client await mongoclientconnectmongodb usenewurlparser true useunifiedtopology true const database const bucket new gridfsbucketdatabase bucketname aaa rs fscreatereadstreamvartmptesttxt ws bucketopenuploadstreamtest await pipeliners ws mongoservererror duplicate key error collection index dup key filesid n
on this page base url points to nonexisting url
description paneltitledownstream change we now log whenever the profile settings level slowms samplerate filter change at runtime which happens via the profile command panel description of linked ticket we should add a log message at log level whenever the servers profiling settings are changed at runtime the typical way you change these settings is via the setprofilinglevel shell helper this will make it easier to understand log files the server logs slow queries to the log file using the profiling setting to decide what slow means for someone digging through a log file and seeing the number of slow queries suddenly go up or down it might be helpful to know whether thats because the workload changed or the profiling settings changed scope of changes suggest updating and to reflect this new behavior along with the usual release notes update there may be other places to doc this behavior but those are the first pages which come to mind impact to other docs mvp work and date resources scope or design docs invision etc
this is a ticket for multiple proposed extensions to mongodump repair currently it traverses the list of extents front to back and then back to front within each extent the same back and forth iteration should happen for the records for the case in which the intraextent record chain is broken deduplication should be done across the two stages otherwise we are returning possibly the number of records possibly search for the magic extent number to find unreachable extents
i have a collection with more than records we have created index on the search fields however it takes lots of time to return count most of the times it doesnt return anything below are the configuration details of mongodb server core ram engine wiredtiger collection please suggest thanks
i need to implement regular expression based search on a collection that exists on my production system lets say the collection is called user and the search needs to take place on the name field two use cases are user provides a keyword and all user instances are returned where name contains the provided keyword this translates nicely into the query name regex simp options i the java code works well for this use user provides a keyword and all user instances are returned where name does not contain the provided keyword this needs to translate into the following query name not simpi since not is not supported with regexhowever i cannot pass a string value containing this query to jsonparser because it throws a parse exception i understand that they query is not valid json but works fine when executed directly from the mongo consoletherefore the question is why doesnt jsonparser correctly translate the second query string into a valid dbobject
its nice to restore previous scope in withscope dont you think codejava diff git alibmongoidscopablerb blibmongoidscopablerb index alibmongoidscopablerb blibmongoidscopablerb module mongoid since def withscopecriteria previous threadedcurrentscopeself threadedsetcurrentscopecriteria self begin yield criteria ensure threadedsetcurrentscopenil self threadedsetcurrentscopeprevious self end end code
after a seemingly innocuous change wtlogslotjoin started hanging on further investigation it turns out the code was relying on a side effect of calling wtrandom that the compiler couldnt figure out what slot would be used at compile time after the change optimized builds were caching the value of slotslotstate and never noticing when the slot became available we need to force slotslotstate to be read each iteration by marking the field volatile
following the commands given i get codemongos dbruncommandremoveshard ok errmsg access denied use admin db codeprobably need to update the docs and use admincommand everywhere for removeshard
based on earlier patch build enable access control for evergreen microbenchmarks project requires rebaselining when implemented
the interface should eventually consist of crud operations and runcommand but initially only needs the methods required for addshard the rest can be added as we need them a the remote implementation should use the network interface similarly to how shardregistryruncommandwithmetadata and shardregistryexhaustivefindonconfig used to work b the local implementation should use the new dbhelpers being written c the mock implementation can be used for testing the shardingcatalogmanager the remote implementation can itself be unit tested using a mock network interface and the local implementation can be unit tested using the ephemeralfortest storage engine
what problem are you facing requireoptional has js syntax thats not supported in our matrix of node versions i will file an issue on the repo but we can also resolve this by replicating the logic we have in for optional dependencies what driver and relevant dependency versions are you using steps to reproduce import our driver when using node
both the and msi installers for windows available live on our download center site throw the following error message immediately upon launching the installer on windows bq mongodb application is only supported on windows or later same error for both the community and enterprise edition msi installers of both release branches this error occurs on both of my win test machines windows pro version os build windows home version os build both boxes were able to install mdb successfully via the msi installer last week mdb and deprecate win builds previous to win server but seem to be triggering this unsupported warning on windows at least in my testing with and sorry i dont have any other boxes to test with might not be very conclusive hope this helps
the jasper cli already exists in cmdjasper we just need to upload the binary thats built to an bucket this would help with other projects adopting jasper build generators in the interim until jasper is integrated with evergreen for config generation within the app server rather than on a task host it would also be good for replacing curator as the binary used in evergreen for provisioning
version released fixes problem handling keyfile paths for mixed windowsos clusters
in the sharded cluster upgrade prerequisites we state that metadata should not change during the upgrade this should be an old prerequisite not strictly needed for the upgrade could you please double check and update the documentation
paneltitledownstream change this ticket exposes densify as a useable stage in panel description of linked ticket enable the feature flag for this project
somehow while investigating the stack protector i convinced myself that clang did not support fstackprotector so i disabled it when building with clang this turns out not to be true we should enable the stack protector when building with clang as well
the resharding mirroring states coordinatorstateenumkmirroring donorstateenumkpreparingtomirror and donorstateenumkmirroring would be more accurate if we replaced mirroring with blocking writes
the following does not work reading from a database into a pyspark df performing some modifications on df overwriting that same database with df in the end the databse whould contain the updated version of df but it is always blank as the attached code snippet illustrates
i think the datatypes for windows service options are all wrong they are all marked as boolean seems like a copypaste error in the docsthis parttype booleandefault false
this statement is not truefor queries of sharded collections that do not include the shard key secondaries may return stale results with missing or duplicated data because of incomplete or terminated migrationsit is when you do include the shard key that you have problem
hi team i have a collection where i have incidents data in which if i pass the incident number more than in comma separated i want those documents into var variable tried the below code but it is not working filter buildersfiltereqincidentnumber new color result collectionfindfiltertolistcolor give the right codecolor charancolor
hi there downloading through curl seems broken curl o its an xml page i downloaded from downloads page so its ok but link on doc is wrong
in test oplogfetcherautoreconnectsbutfails the intention was to simulate a disconnect while the oplog fetcher is waiting for a response from the first find command and shut down the remote server before the oplog fetcher retries to connect however if mockservershutdown runs too fast it could fail the initial connection as well which is not what this test was intended for instead we should use simulatenetworkdisconnect to simulate a disconnect then use the hangbeforeoplogfetcherretries failpoint to hang the retry and shut down the remote server before the oplog fetcher retries
commands to reproduce mongo commands with failure mongo use customernameproductnameenvironment dbacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameinsertname wintesa new shell mongodump d customernameproductnameenvironment mongodump commands mongodump demonstrating workaround mongo use customernameproductnameenvironment dbacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternamerenamecollectionacollectionthatshouldhaveashor new shell mongodump d customernameproductnameenvironmentlogsmongod vvvvv run mongo commands thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes query snapshot true thu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count acollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid query thu apr run command customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count acollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid query thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd command count acollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid query apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid query snapshot true thu apr warning no id index on snapshot query nscustomernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameidthu apr assertion bsonobj size first element eoo mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod threadproxy libsystembdylib pthreadstart libsystembdylib threadstart apr assertion invalid bsonobj size first element eoo nscustomernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid query query snapshot true thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid exception apr messagingport recv conn closed apr socketexception remote error socket exception thu apr end connection vvvvv rename collection and run mongodump thu apr connection accepted from apr query admincmd whatsmyuri thu apr run command admincmd whatsmyuri thu apr query admincmd command whatsmyuri apr query admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr run command admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr command replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr query admincmd command replsetgetstatus forshell apr query admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr run command admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr command replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr query admincmd command replsetgetstatus forshell apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespacesthu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespaces apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespacesthu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespaces apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespacesthu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespaces apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespacesthu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespaces apr query admincmd renamecollection customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveas to customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor droptarget undefined thu apr run command admincmd renamecollection customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveas to customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor droptarget undefined thu apr command renamecollection customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveas to customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor droptarget undefined thu apr new namespace customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashornew namespace customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashoridquery admincmd command renamecollection customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveas to customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor droptarget undefined apr query admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr run command admincmd replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr command replsetgetstatus forshell thu apr query admincmd command replsetgetstatus forshell apr connection accepted from apr query admincmd isdbgrid thu apr run command admincmd isdbgrid thu apr query admincmd command isdbgrid apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespacesthu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemnamespaces apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count systemindexes query thu apr run command customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count systemindexes query thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd command count systemindexes query apr query admincmd availablequeryoptions thu apr run command admincmd availablequeryoptions thu apr query admincmd command availablequeryoptions apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes query snapshot true thu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count acollectionthatshouldhaveashor query thu apr run command customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd count acollectionthatshouldhaveashor query thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentcmd command count acollectionthatshouldhaveashor query apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor query snapshot true thu apr used cursor thu apr query customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor apr messagingport recv conn closed apr socketexception remote error socket exception thu apr end connection apr flushing mmap took for peter mongodump d customernameproductnameenvironmentconnected to customernameproductnameenvironment to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironment customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashortername to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternamebson objects customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexesbson objects customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameid to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorternameidbsonassertion nextsafe err invalid bsonobj size first element eoo code peter mongodump d customernameproductnameenvironmentconnected to customernameproductnameenvironment to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironment customernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexes to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironmentsystemindexesbson objects customernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashor to dumpcustomernameproductnameenvironmentacollectionthatshouldhaveashorbson objects
problem statementrationale is going wrong what action would you like the engineering team to takecolor is down and customers cannot submit support tickets they are getting redirected to maintenance page at steps to reproduce could an engineer replicate the issue you’re reportingcolor to launch supportmongodbcom color expected results do you expect to happencolor should allow user to log in and submit a casecolor actual results do you observe is happeningcolor to maintenance page at additional notes additional information that may be useful to includecolor
the balancercommandsscheduler includes logic to ensure that there cannot be more than one movechunk command involving a certain shard either as a donor or recipient under execution such check is useless since it is already present in a higher level component where the condition is guaranteed to be valid also for movechunk commands issued by the migrationmanager and it should be removed
i believe commit broke thisold behaviorcodechecking for c library nsl cached yesgoing to make dist done reading sconscript filesscons building targets install file as brokencodechecking for c library nsl cached yesscons done reading sconscript filesscons building targets generatebuildinfo strip o illegal option ousage strip file code
does not have mongosh packages does the difference is orgcom and orgenterprise we need to call curator twice to upload to both targets
currently in master a new behavior is to log every command failure or assertion this includes command parsing errors and every uassert that a command may throw for example the notmaster assertion noformat i command assertion while executing command getmore on database test with arguments getmore collection foo term and metadata not master and slaveokfalse noformat i believe we should change this to log at debug log level to avoid filling the server log with what are essentially usergenerated common errors
this page is missing important noteswarnings that are onshould there be even be two different pages
users need to be notified and provided with proper documentation on how to configure the newly added properties to the project config structure
calling getlasterror after inserting a document without an id via opinsert fails with code and the following message noformat collectioninsertdocument got document without id for nsjavadrivertestcommongodboperationinsertoperationspecification noformat a document succeeds and so does a server i dont see this as particularly severe because most drivers will automatically add an id field to all documents before insertion
in mmap tests the new failpoint in killcursorsjs can deadlock with journal flush since it is spinning in a tight while loop while holding a database lock example callstacks
some of our classes have inconsistencies between parameter parsing with zendparseparameters and the argument information documented with zendargarrayinfo bq followup options ie not allowing null also appears a few times in the driver so were actually less consistent about this than i thought that is used for the servers executereadcommand and related methods even though zendparseparameters uses a and accepts null thats not even consistent with itself
coverity wtpanic needs to handle a null session argument
it looks like during parallel fsm workload test sweep server in wiredtiger tries to evict an accessible internal page with an active split generation noformat e storage wiredtiger error sweepserver wtrefout wtpageisinternalrefpage fissetsessiondhandle wtdhandleexclusive wtgenactivesession wtgensplit refpagepgintlsplitgen raw sweepserver wtrefout wtpageisinternalrefpage fissetsessiondhandle wtdhandleexclusive wtgenactivesession wtgensplit refpagepgintlsplitgen e storage wiredtiger error sweepserver wtabort aborting wiredtiger library raw sweepserver wtabort aborting wiredtiger library noformat the assert was added by this recent backport
add timeseries to allfeatures builders
the documentation states bq limit number optional specifies a maximum number of documents to return from the collectionthis should be changed to bq specifies a maximum number of documents to be input into the map function
the uuidparse method uses exceptiontostatus even though the exception is already available in the catch block which results in this warning on msvc noformat warning e unreferenced local variable noformat
clientexample port number parameter messageprovide the error message if the port number parameter is not clientexample use uniform coding style for verify macrochange the mongoverify macro usage to verify so as to make the examples make use of the uniform coding clientexample cursor check and return valuescheck for the valid cursor before moving forward and add the correct return values for the application exit
i think we are starting to support strings with null characters would be nice if we could match these characters using regular expressions not sure if this is supported in pcre though codejs cdrop true a ab csave aa cfind aa id a a r new regexp ca ca cfind ar id a a r new regexp ca cfind ar csave ar cfind ar mon aug warning unknown regex flag mon aug warning unknown regex flaga id a c r amatchr cfind ar code
this code is running if lastdatasyncedfromlastrun iseqnumber extrakeeptimems log recover skipping application of section iseqnumber lsn lastdatasyncedfromlastrun endl
we are trying to connect to the mongo server using a net driver and getting this message the wait queue for acquiring a connection to server is full the exception at mongodbdrivercoreconnectionpoolsexclusiveconnectionpoolacquireconnectionhelpercheckingoutconnection in at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at at in end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterthrowfornonsuccesstask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaiterhandlenonsuccessanddebuggernotificationtask task at systemruntimecompilerservicestaskawaitergetresult at in
the driver fails to build on freebsd with the following errors noformat building cxx object srcbsoncxxcmakefilesbsoncxxdirtypesvaluecppo in file included from error staticassert failed copy may throw note expanded from macro bsoncxxenum staticassertstdisnothrowcopyconstructiblevalue copy may throw in file included from error staticassert failed copy may throw bsoncxxenumcode note expanded from macro bsoncxxenum staticassertstdisnothrowcopyconstructiblevalue copy may throw in file included from error staticassert failed copy may throw bsoncxxenumsymbol note expanded from macro bsoncxxenum staticassertstdisnothrowcopyconstructiblevalue copy may throw errors generated error code noformat interesting that bson types bsymbol bcode and fail nothrow requirement of the constructor the fix i applied in this case is to rewrite noformat if definedbsoncxxpolyuseboost noformat as noformat if definedbsoncxxpolyuseboost noformat another error relates to failure of the clang to select and appropriate overloaded function when using chronocount heres an error example for modifycollectioncpp it fails also on collectioncpp basically anywhere append is called with chronocount noformat building cxx object srcmongocxxcmakefilesmongocxxdiroptionsmodifycollectioncppo in file included from in file included from in file included from error call to member function append is ambiguous coreappendstdforwardt note in instantiation of function template specialization bsoncxxvaluecontext operator requested here expireafterseconds secondscount finalize noformat the problem comes from the fact that libc defines seconds milliseconds etc as noformat typedef duration milliseconds typedef duration seconds noformat but append accepts etc and is defined in system header as noformat typedef long noformat so compiler fails during overload resolutio to select correct version of append because chronocount returns long long which supposedly can match into both and also heres the include hierarchy of clangs libc header noformat usrincludesysendianh usrincludesyscdefsh usrincludesystypesh usrincludemachinetypesh noformat
if our system is fast enough fails in shardingpassthrough tests would be good to make more bulletproof
take this little class code public class post public string id get set public string title get set public string tags get set code notice that the tags property is an array of string and now this query that runs perfectly fine with version or earlier code var result collectionfind buildersfilterintags new tolist code i know that this query is not really correct because it should use the anyin operator but it runs fine with every version of driver up to and also if you know mongo javascript api you are perfectly fine issuing an in query for a property that is an array of string now if you upgrade the driver to the above query have an error code test newdriverqueryinonarrayverifyinquery failed systeminvalidcastexception unable to cast object of type systemstring to type systemstring at context bsonserializationargs args tfrom value at serializer bsonserializationcontext context tvalue value at documentserializer ibsonserializerregistry serializerregistry at filter options at filter options cancellationtoken cancellationtoken at cancellationtoken at source cancellationtoken cancellationtoken at newdriverqueryinonarrayverifyinquery code i know that the query should be really changed to anyin but this is a breaking compatibility with version and it requires at least a change in minor driver number
mongo async jdbc driver and leak when i am using the code in a stand alone java program i am getting result back and no issue same code if i apply in a spring app i am seeing that i never got result back and tomcat gave me below warning on sinleresultcallbak apply method never get the result and i keep getting below error code thu mar mdt warn orgapachecatalinaloaderwebappclassloaderbase the web application appears to have started a thread named but has failed to stop it this is very likely to create a memory leak stack trace of thread sunmiscunsafeparknative method code
problem statementrationale compass can not connect to an atlas cluster with srv connection string and certificate encountered in compass mongodb atlas steps to reproduce add a database user with certificate authentication in atlas click on the connect button for the cluster click connect using mongodb compass copy the connection string and remove username and password paste connection string into compass example mongodbsrvtestclusterabcdemongodbnet click fill in connection fields individually fill in the remaining fields to connect with authentication ssl certs click connect expected results compass should connect to the cluster with the given certificate actual results compass outputs the following error codejava can only have authsource set to external code screen shot at additional notes this can be worked around by adding noformatauthsourceexternalnoformat to the connection string before filling in the individual connection fields
cannot access any doc in pdf format for version server returns permission denied
taken from adorn api entry points for mongoembeddedcapi and mongoembeddedmongocclient with macros controlling symbol visibility
we have no instructions or links to instructions for how to set or check readahead we really should have somethingmentioning blockdev report and blockdev setra would be handy at a minimum potentially itd also be handy to link to vendor docs
we host our database with objectrocket which gives us a single connection string to our database they use a load balancer in front of multiple mongoss the driver thinks this is a single topology and therefore always sends queries with slaveok for example heres a connection to a shard cluster code c mongoclientnew database xxx user xxx password xxx d debug mongodb adding to the cluster runtime d debug mongodb command namespaceadmincmd flags projectnil runtime cdatabasefindcount d debug mongodb command namespacexxxcmd flags projectnil runtime d debug mongodb command namespacexxxcmd userxxx noncexxx keyxxx flags projectnil runtime d debug mongodb command namespacexxxcmd selectorcountapps query flags projectnil runtime code you can see that slaveok is passed in the query if i create my client with connect sharded then the slaveok is not sent
summary after further testing here is summary on what we know this only happens with replset with secondaries could not reproduce this with single node replset this is not related to replica protocolversion usually happens after around with continuous insert easier to reproduce with smaller instance both setups using two ssd to separate db file and journal can reproduce with replset running in the same instance attached calltree and stacktrace the issue is here for a while it failed as early as release observation we saw two failures during long insert phase of longevity tests the symptom is insert throughput drop to very low or close to the traffic is generated with ycsb will try to create a benchrun repo the original issue is observed with shard cluster with replset as shard after further test found this is issue with replset with secondaries i am testing with node replset did not see this issue with single node replset the first sha observed for this is the longevity is run once per week therefore we do not have a small range or exact sha now this can be reproduced with node replset easily so far for me on primary when this drop happens cpu usage is low at the beginning db disk partition show high disk io then all go largely idle after a while since throughput is dropped to close to this could be a lock up situation reproduce steps setup replset with secondaries start continuous insert traffic with ycsb monitor throughput with mongostat may drop to very long throughput after of test run
text search the match stage that includes a text must be the first stage in the pipeline geo search you can only use geonear as the first stage of a pipeline i want to perform the search based on distance as well as search text how can i achieve this both cases geonear near typepoint coordinatesreqbodycoordinates distancefielddistance and text search reqbodysearching i want to perform this both with mongo aggregation how can i achieve this
problem description when connecting to adl the compass ui sidebar and main view is blank the embedded shell seems to work fine steps to reproduce connect to the teams test adl observe what compass does expected results the ui loads and shows dbs collections and documents actual results the ui is blank additional notes its possible that something changed in adl and created this problem compass was working fine with adl until last week and now the same version of compass is broken happens also with
first of all i kindly ask you to take a very close look at this it is really important and can kill production systems in minutes i believe this should be fixed and released for the series as soon as possible there appears to be a deadlock in the connection management code that was introduced in the driver series due to the unfortunate decision not to ship debug symbols with the nuget package diagnosing it took more time than it should but well lets take a look the problem manifests itself as a semipermanent timeout systemtimeoutexception for every operation directed to a mongodb host it is triggered by the host being restarted thus being unavailable for heartbeats for a short time unfortunately after the host gets up and running not all clients successfully recover from this issue with some of them entering the timeout of death state given that the issue appears to have a probability of occurrence did lead us to the idea that there is some race condition behind this it occurs more frequently on net core running on linux probably due to how locking is implemented there but net framework running on windows is susceptible as well in fact last time it occurred it killed about of our backends without much further mingling on the matter let me present you a couple of stack traces the first thread is the same for about other threads waiting on a lock held by thread which is in the second stack trace it appears that parallel heartbeats background vs directly requested can lock these locks out of order since the heartbeat process itself server description change handler can try to request another heartbeat while being under the lock thread is trying to lock the multiserverclusterupdateclusterdescriptionlock at while thread is trying to get a hold of a servermonitorlock thread noformat mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreclustersmultiserverclusterprocessserverdescriptionchangedmongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs args unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreclustersmultiserverclusterserverdescriptionchangedhandlerobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs args unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversserverondescriptionchangedobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs e unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversserveronmonitordescriptionchangedobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs e unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorondescriptionchangedmongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescription olddescription mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescription newdescription unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorheartbeatasyncsystemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterresult result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorgetismasterresultasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandwireprotocol ismasterprotocol systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterresult result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterhelpergetresultasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandwireprotocol ismasterprotocol systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonbsondocument result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandusingcommandmessagewireprotocolexecuteasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesresponsemessage result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivemessageasyncint responseto mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesencodersimessageencoderselector encoderselector mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesencodersmessageencodersettings messageencodersettings systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonioibytebuffer result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivebufferasyncint responseto systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonioibytebuffer result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivebufferasyncsystemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemthreadingtasksvoidtaskresult result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultsystemthreadingtasksvoidtaskresult result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultsystemthreadingtaskstask completedtask line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoremiscstreamextensionmethodsreadbytesasyncsystemiostream stream mongodbbsonioibytebuffer buffer int offset int count systemtimespan timeout systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultint result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultint result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoremiscstreamextensionmethodsreadasyncsystemiostream stream byte buffer int offset int count systemtimespan timeout systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultint result line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfactoryfromasynctrimpromisecompletesystemiostream thisref systemfunc endmethod systemiasyncresult asyncresult bool requiressynchronization line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfactoryfromasynctrimpromisecompletefromasyncresultsystemiasyncresult asyncresult line c systemdllsystemnetlazyasyncresultcompletesystemintptr usertoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state line c systemdllsystemnetcontextawareresultcompletesystemintptr usertoken unknown systemdllsystemnetlazyasyncresultprotectedinvokecallbackobject result systemintptr usertoken unknown systemdllsystemnetsocketsbaseoverlappedasyncresultcompletionportcallbackuint errorcode uint numbytes systemthreadingnativeoverlapped nativeoverlapped unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingiocompletioncallbackperformiocompletioncallbackuint errorcode uint numbytes systemthreadingnativeoverlapped poverlap line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitormonitorserverasync unknown noformat thread noformat mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorrequestheartbeat unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversserverinvalidatestring reasoninvalidated bool clearconnectionpool mongodbdrivercoreserverstopologyversion responsetopologyversion unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreclustersmultiserverclusterprocessreplicasetchangemongodbdrivercoreclustersclusterdescription clusterdescription mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs args systemcollectionsgenericlist newservers unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreclustersmultiserverclusterprocessserverdescriptionchangedmongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs args unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreclustersmultiserverclusterserverdescriptionchangedhandlerobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs args unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversserverondescriptionchangedobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs e unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversserveronmonitordescriptionchangedobject sender mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescriptionchangedeventargs e unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorondescriptionchangedmongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescription olddescription mongodbdrivercoreserversserverdescription newdescription unknown mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorheartbeatasyncsystemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterresult result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitorgetismasterresultasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandwireprotocol ismasterprotocol systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterresult result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsismasterhelpergetresultasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandwireprotocol ismasterprotocol systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonbsondocument result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercorewireprotocolcommandusingcommandmessagewireprotocolexecuteasyncmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsiconnection connection systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesresponsemessage result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivemessageasyncint responseto mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesencodersimessageencoderselector encoderselector mongodbdrivercorewireprotocolmessagesencodersmessageencodersettings messageencodersettings systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonioibytebuffer result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivebufferasyncint responseto systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemcanon result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultmongodbbsonioibytebuffer result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreconnectionsbinaryconnectionreceivebufferasyncsystemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultsystemthreadingtasksvoidtaskresult result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultsystemthreadingtasksvoidtaskresult result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultsystemthreadingtaskstask completedtask line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoremiscstreamextensionmethodsreadbytesasyncsystemiostream stream mongodbbsonioibytebuffer buffer int offset int count systemtimespan timeout systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultint result line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasynctaskmethodbuildersetresultint result line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoremiscstreamextensionmethodsreadasyncsystemiostream stream byte buffer int offset int count systemtimespan timeout systemthreadingcancellationtoken cancellationtoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemruntimecompilerservicesasyncmethodbuildercoremovenextrunnerrun line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtasksawaittaskcontinuationrunorscheduleactionsystemaction action bool allowinlining ref systemthreadingtaskstask currenttask line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfinishcontinuations line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstasktrysetresultint result line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfactoryfromasynctrimpromisecompletesystemiostream thisref systemfunc endmethod systemiasyncresult asyncresult bool requiressynchronization line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingtaskstaskfactoryfromasynctrimpromisecompletefromasyncresultsystemiasyncresult asyncresult line c systemdllsystemnetlazyasyncresultcompletesystemintptr usertoken unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextruninternalsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state bool preservesyncctx line c mscorlibdllsystemthreadingexecutioncontextrunsystemthreadingexecutioncontext executioncontext systemthreadingcontextcallback callback object state line c systemdllsystemnetcontextawareresultcompletesystemintptr usertoken unknown systemdllsystemnetlazyasyncresultprotectedinvokecallbackobject result systemintptr usertoken unknown systemdllsystemnetsocketsbaseoverlappedasyncresultcompletionportcallbackuint errorcode uint numbytes systemthreadingnativeoverlapped nativeoverlapped unknown mscorlibdllsystemthreadingiocompletioncallbackperformiocompletioncallbackuint errorcode uint numbytes systemthreadingnativeoverlapped poverlap line c mongodbdrivercoredllmongodbdrivercoreserversservermonitormonitorserverasync unknown noformat
the killcursor helper in collectioninternaltestgo calls driverkillcursors which performs server selection change the function to directly call the killcursors command to avoid selecting the wrong server edit the test cant currently be moved to a lower level putting it in xmongodrivertopology prevents us from accessing the batch cursors server field and putting it in xmonogdriver causes an import cycle with testutil current fix is to skip the test until this ticket is resolved
if a laststable binary version mongos attempts to point to a latest featurecompatibilityversion sharded cluster the mongos will spin repeatedly attempting to connect and failing with incompatibleserverversion errors instead the mongos should crash in this scenario this framework should be available for all laststable binary versions this implementation should not cause a latest binary version mongos to crash upon attempting to connect to a last stable binary version node a proposed implementation for the framework follows the validatewireversion function in protocolcpp can be modified to have a new error code that is returned when the clients maximum wireversion is less than the servers minimum wireversion if the client is a mongos and it sees this error upon calling validatewireversion it will crash the client can use the ismongos function to determine whether it is a mongosthis lowlevel implementation is justifiable because a laststable mongos should crash upon any attempts to connect to a latest featurecompatibilityversion node in the cluster this implementation assumes a mongos will only be a client to other members of the same sharded cluster and not to members of a different sharded cluster
the mongodb manualpdf i read the http links in that book are all wrongcause the manualreference has been changed to manual in itso i wish you could fix itthx
when i use mongoidcriterianot future wheres that are not chained to the not still use not coderuby require mongoid mongoidconnectto querynotcausingweirdstuff class player include mongoiddocument field name type string default field position type string default field team type string default field number type integer end playerdeleteall playercreateteam falcons position qb name vidur number playercreateteam falcons position wr name jonathon number playercreateteam falcons position lb name david number playersonteam playerwhereteam falcons print playersonteamwhereposition wrpluckname expect print playersonteamnotwhereposition wrpluckname expect print playersonteamwhereposition wrpluckname expect actual code not sure if this has already been fixed but i couldnt find anything about it i found this on mongoid at it seems to still be a bug on