it appears that the performance analysis and triage service in production is sometimes unavailable reproduce by following this link be sure to clear cookies here first as a dag engineer id like this to work and redirect users to authenticate through corpsecure when it doesnt such that we have the necessary auth cookies to make these requests ac evergreen auths against corpsecure as needed
due to bug in etcinitdmongodb script mongodb installation process as explained in the official mongodb documentation fails with following errorsetting up starting database mongodbstartstopdaemon unrecognized option interleavealltry startstopdaemon help for more information failedinvokercd initscript mongodb action start faileddpkg error processing configure subprocess installed postinstallation script returned error exit status to not write apport reports errors were encountered while processing patch provided fixes this while still chekcing for numactl availability
codecpp if this operation is holding any database locks then it must have opted into getting interrupted at stepdown to prevent deadlocks invariantopctxlockstateislocked opctxshouldalwaysinterruptatstepdownorup code operationcontextsetalwaysinterruptatstepdownorup isnt called in the write command codepath and so the invariant in primaryonlyservicelookupinstance would get triggered however those operations are still interruptible at stepdown because theyll have acquire the global ix lock
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user callbacks to withtransaction are expected to return false and set a bsonerrort in case of failure however if a user callback is reporting a userside error in their own code not reporting back a different libmongoc error there are no error codesdomains they can use to represent their failure lets either provide some way to signal an unknown error to the driver or document that users should set the error code and domain to or another well known value
version released fix bug preventing deletion of users on the external database prevent automation monitoring and backup agents from sharing a kerberos credentials cache revert upgrade of third party library which prevents json parsing from working correctly on windows
systemthe system in place includes a rails based application using mongomapper as the interface to the db the mongo instances include a primary and secondary with an arbiter on small vmbackgroundwe are using mongo to maintain a two lists of people that is the base of a checkout system one collection named campaignid is the source of people the comprises the list of people who are available for a checkout a second collection named availableid maintains the same list of people but this collection is actually modified using a findandremove call to remove the person who has been checked outwe were experiencing double checkouts caused by the same person being placed into the availableid collection multiple times the solution executed was to change the index on the collection to include unique and dropdups on the personid attribute of the document the solution appears to work properly has the count and length of a distinct match on both the availableid and campaignid collections however at some point during replication we are receiving a duplicate key error on the personid index the current work around we have employed is to reindex the collections on the secondary which results in dropping all indexes not an ideal situation for failover but it does allow the replication to begin working again and will eventually complete its sync a second situation that may have a part in producing the error may occur when these collections are refreshed on a nightly basis this refresh happens through a rake task kicked off by a request to the rails application this task creates a tempid collection and then uses mongoimport to to fill the collection with fresh data indexes are created on this temp collection the current collections are then renamed campaignoldid and availableoldid and the temp are renamed the standard campaignid and availableidthe question how can we eliminate the duplicate key error when replicating to the secondary what could cause an index to exist but not be respected on the secondary serverthe error messagesyncthread duplicate key error index dup key syncthread duplicate key error index dup key the indexes on the collectionsvcsrepprimary name id ns key id v name ns key loc after name ns key id after v name ns key personid unique true dropdups true dropdups true v
the options classes define in commongodbclientmodel use fluent setter methods so that all options can be set without first assigning an instance of the options class to a variable eg codejava java collectionupdatemanyfilterseqx updatessetx updateoptions upserttrue bypassdocumentvalidationtrue code this is convenient for java but in kotlin there is a more natural idiom that could be used if each option were exposed as a standard java beanstyle setter codejava kotlin collectionupdatemanyfilterseqx updatessetx updateoptionsapply upsert true collation collationbuilderbackwardstruebuild bypassdocumentvalidation true code which makes use of the tapplyblock t unit t extension function in the kotlin standard library
a recent commit changed the formatting of the currentop as well as codes that refer to it since chunkmanipulationutiljs can also be used in multiversioned test it should also support the format specifically the top level field was changed from query to command here
description hi team pearson raised a valid point during on of our calls that the customeruser is left to assume a lot about how the secret access key works based on the current docs our docs dont elaborate that the secret access key is automatically rotated in conjunction with the kms key i further clarified with davi and my understanding is that atlas on interacts with the kms key and aws in turn rotates the other keys such as the secret access key please let me know if im missing something here scope of changes impact to other docs mvp work and date resources scope or design docs invision etc
both of these tools have the following output in their help string noformat authenticationdatabase arg user source defaults to dbname noformat i interpret this instruction as having two possible meanings neither of which work dbname could refer to another commandline parameter but there is no such other parameter to these two tools the tools perform a global function so a default database has no meaning dbname could mean the literal string dbname if i create a userpass for a database named dbname it works when i specify it as the authenticationdatabase but not if i leave that parameter out i am forced to conclude that authenticationdatabase is actually a required parameter for these two tools when authentication is enabled if there is a default database to auth against i have not been able to find it admin does not work test does not work dbname does not work the help output for these two tools should be adjusted and a sensible default should be given or auth param made mandatory
dbcollectioncountor is extremmely slow i command command smotreshkapurchaseaccounts command count count accounts query or plansummary ixscan deleted locks global acquirecount r database acquirecount r collection acquirecount r protocolopquery quote i do have the index on deleted and as i understand it is expected to work but it is not working in mongodb and mongodb still examins lots of documents noformat frontendprimary dbaccountsfind or explain queryplanner plannerversion namespace smotreshkapurchaseaccounts indexfilterset false parsedquery or deleted eq false nor deleted exists true winningplan stage subplan inputstage stage fetch filter or deleted eq false nor deleted exists true inputstage stage ixscan keypattern deleted indexname ismultikey false multikeypaths deleted isunique false issparse false ispartial false indexversion direction forward indexbounds deleted rejectedplans serverinfo host port version gitversion ok noformat ive tryed to google answer but i failed to find solution ive tryed sparse indes but as i read documentation it is not supposed to work so now i have ordinary index any hints are really appreciated
we must make sure that there are no more users of it before removing
paneltitleissue status as of june issue summary there is a risk of inmemory corruption on mongodb when incremental backup is enabled user impact for this bug to occur the deployment must be running mongodb the deployment is managed by ops manager or managed in cloud manager with mongodb agent version incremental backups are enabled the deployment has collection files larger than on disk these collections are modified anytime after backups are enabled if these conditions are met and only if all these conditions are met there is a chance that mongodb will improperly overwrite memory the most likely results of this bug are failed operations or process crashes it is possible that a document in memory may be corrupted in a way that allows it to be returned to a client or persisted to disk without an explicit failure suggested action all users on mongodb with incremental backup should upgrade to mongodb to avoid encountering this issue if you have experienced a process crash and your deployment meets the above conditions it may be advisable to validate the collections on the process to ensure that the data is consistent affected versions this issue affects version fix version the fix is included in panel original description found an error the code for managing block bitmaps for incremental backups specifically when touch the bit one past the end of the current map we fail to extend the bitmap in this case and wind up overflowing the existing bitmap buffer probably with bad consequences with a default incremental backup granularity of and a bitmap allocation that starts at bits and grows at a time this would only trigger if somebody modifies a large file on a gb boundary
the topology coordinator is the repository for replica set state about leadership and electability and about topology sync source it should provide clear well documented interfaces for updating and observing that state
the legacy release of the c driver is being transitioned from stable to maintenance only new and existing users should transition to using the driver where possible the driver documentation including readme files and the wiki should be updated to reflect this change of state