Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 虽然这通常只是一种不准确的刻板印象,但在巴黎生活的最佳方式仍然是尽量举止得当,表现得像一个有 “bien élevé”(教养良好)的人。这会让参加社会活动变得容易得多。 English:
While this is often only an inaccurate stereotype, the best way to get along in Paris still is to be on your best behavior, acting like someone who is "bien élevé" (well brought up). It will make getting about considerably easier.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: While this is often only an inaccurate stereotype, the best way to get along in Paris still is to be on your best behavior, acting like someone who is "bien élevé" (well brought up). It will make getting about considerably easier. Chinese:
虽然这通常只是一种不准确的刻板印象,但在巴黎生活的最佳方式仍然是尽量举止得当,表现得像一个有 “bien élevé”(教养良好)的人。这会让参加社会活动变得容易得多。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如果你表现出一点基本的礼貌,巴黎人粗鲁的表现很快就会消失无踪。 English:
Parisians' abrupt exteriors will rapidly evaporate if you display some basic courtesies.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Parisians' abrupt exteriors will rapidly evaporate if you display some basic courtesies. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 普利特维茨湖国家公园森林茂密,主要树种有山毛榉、云杉和冷杉,并以高山和地中海植被混合为特色。 English:
The Plitvice Lakes national park is heavily forested, mainly with beech, spruce, and fir trees, and features a mixture of Alpine and Mediterranean vegetation.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The Plitvice Lakes national park is heavily forested, mainly with beech, spruce, and fir trees, and features a mixture of Alpine and Mediterranean vegetation. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 由于小气候、土壤和海拔高度的多样性,这里的植物群落种类非常丰富,并因此闻名于世。 English:
It has a notably wide variety of plant communities, due to its range of microclimates, differing soils and varying levels of altitude.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: It has a notably wide variety of plant communities, due to its range of microclimates, differing soils and varying levels of altitude. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 该地区也是各类动物和鸟类的家园。 English:
The area is also home to an extremely wide variety of animal and bird species.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The area is also home to an extremely wide variety of animal and bird species. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在那里可以看到欧洲棕熊、狼、鹰、猫头鹰、猞猁、野猫和松鸡等稀有动物以及许多更常见的物种 English:
Rare fauna such as the European brown bear, wolf, eagle, owl, lynx, wild cat and capercaillie can be found there, along with many more common species
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Rare fauna such as the European brown bear, wolf, eagle, owl, lynx, wild cat and capercaillie can be found there, along with many more common species Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 女性在参观修道院时必须穿裙子,裙子必须及膝,肩膀也要覆盖住。 English:
While visiting the monasteries, women are required to wear skirts covering the knees and have their shoulders covered, too.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: While visiting the monasteries, women are required to wear skirts covering the knees and have their shoulders covered, too. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 大多数修道院都会为没有准备的女性提供裹身衣,但如果你自己带,尤其是颜色鲜艳的,门口的修道士会向你投来抿嘴一笑。 English:
Most of the monasteries do provide wraps for women who come unprepared, but if you bring your own, especially one with bright colors, you'll get a smile from the monk or nun at the entrance.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Most of the monasteries do provide wraps for women who come unprepared, but if you bring your own, especially one with bright colors, you'll get a smile from the monk or nun at the entrance. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 同理,男士也必须穿着长裤,遮住膝盖。 English:
Along the same line, men are required to wear trousers covering the knees.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Along the same line, men are required to wear trousers covering the knees. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 也可以从入口处的存衣柜借到,但衣服并不是每次有人穿过后都会洗,所以这些裙子穿起来可能会有点不舒服。全部都是均码哦! English:
This too can be borrowed from the stock at the entrance but that clothing isn't washed after every user so you may not feel comfortable wearing these skirts. One size fits all for men!
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This too can be borrowed from the stock at the entrance but that clothing isn't washed after every user so you may not feel comfortable wearing these skirts. One size fits all for men! Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 马略卡岛的菜肴和地中海相似地区的菜肴一样,主要以面包、蔬菜和肉类(尤其是猪肉)为基础,而且完全使用橄榄油。 English:
Majorcan cuisine, like that of similar zones in the Mediterranean, is based on bread, vegetables and meat (specially pork), and uses olive oil throughout.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Majorcan cuisine, like that of similar zones in the Mediterranean, is based on bread, vegetables and meat (specially pork), and uses olive oil throughout. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: Pa amb Oli 是一种在夏天尤为流行的简单晚餐:面包搭配橄榄油、番茄,手头上任何佐料都可加入,比如奶酪、金枪鱼等。 English:
A simple popular dinner, especially during the summer, is the Pa amb Oli: Bread with olive oil, tomato, and any available condiments such as cheese, tunafish, etc.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: A simple popular dinner, especially during the summer, is the Pa amb Oli: Bread with olive oil, tomato, and any available condiments such as cheese, tunafish, etc. Chinese:
Pa amb Oli 是一种在夏天尤为流行的简单晚餐:面包搭配橄榄油、番茄,手头上任何佐料都可加入,比如奶酪、金枪鱼等。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 除去表示您的“Sie”之外的所有名词都应以大写字母开头,即使在句子中间也应如此。 English:
All nouns, alongside the word Sie for you, always begin with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: All nouns, alongside the word Sie for you, always begin with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这是区分某些动词和宾语的一个重要方法。 English:
This is an important way to distinguish between some verbs and objects.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This is an important way to distinguish between some verbs and objects. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这也可以让阅读更轻松,尽管这在一定程度上使书写变得复杂,因为你需要判断动词或形容词是否被用作一种名词化的形式。 English:
It also arguably makes reading easier, though writing is somewhat complicated by the need to find out whether a verb or adjective is used in a substantivized form.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: It also arguably makes reading easier, though writing is somewhat complicated by the need to find out whether a verb or adjective is used in a substantivized form. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 意大利语的发音相对容易,因为大多数单词的发音与拼写完全相同 English:
Pronunciation is relatively easy in Italian since most words are pronounced exactly how they are written
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Pronunciation is relatively easy in Italian since most words are pronounced exactly how they are written Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 需要注意的主要字母是 c 和 g,因为它们的发音是根据以下元音变化的。 English:
The main letters to watch out for are c and g, since their pronunciation varies based on the following vowel.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The main letters to watch out for are c and g, since their pronunciation varies based on the following vowel. Chinese:
需要注意的主要字母是 c 和 g,因为它们的发音是根据以下元音变化的。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 另外,需要确保对 r 和 rr 采取不同的发音: “caro“ 的意思是”亲爱的“,而 “carro” 的意思则是“双轮战车”。 English:
Also, make sure to pronounce r and rr differently: caro means dear, whereas carro means chariot.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Also, make sure to pronounce r and rr differently: caro means dear, whereas carro means chariot. Chinese:
另外,需要确保对 r 和 rr 采取不同的发音: “caro“ 的意思是”亲爱的“,而 “carro” 的意思则是“双轮战车”。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 波斯语的语法大多相对简单,有规律可循。 English:
Persian has a relatively easy and mostly regular grammar.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Persian has a relatively easy and mostly regular grammar. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 因此,阅读这本语法入门书能帮助你掌握更多波斯语语法,更好地理解短语。 English:
Therefore, reading this grammar primer would help you learn much about Persian grammar and understand phrases better.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Therefore, reading this grammar primer would help you learn much about Persian grammar and understand phrases better. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 毋庸置疑的是,如果你会讲一门罗曼语,那么学习葡萄牙语会更加容易。 English:
Needless to say, if you know a Romance language, it will be easier for you to learn Portuguese.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Needless to say, if you know a Romance language, it will be easier for you to learn Portuguese. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 然而,懂一点西班牙语的人可能会急着得出这样的结论:葡萄牙语与西班牙语非常接近,不需要单独学习。 English:
However, people who know a little Spanish may hastily conclude that Portuguese is close enough that it need not be studied separately.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: However, people who know a little Spanish may hastily conclude that Portuguese is close enough that it need not be studied separately. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如今,前现代的天文台大多已经被淘汰,只作为博物馆或教育场所保留了下来。 English:
Pre-modern observatories are usually obsolete today, and remain as museums, or sites of education.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Pre-modern observatories are usually obsolete today, and remain as museums, or sites of education. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 由于在其全盛时期的光污染还不像现在这么严重,所以天文台通常建立在城区或校园内,比现代修建的天文台更容易到达。 English:
As light pollution in their heyday was not the kind of problem it is today, they are usually located in cities or at campuses, easier to reach than those built in modern times.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: As light pollution in their heyday was not the kind of problem it is today, they are usually located in cities or at campuses, easier to reach than those built in modern times. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 大多数现代科研望远镜都是巨型设施,位于大气条件优良的偏远地区。 English:
Most modern research telescopes are enormous facilities in remote areas with favorable atmospheric conditions.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Most modern research telescopes are enormous facilities in remote areas with favorable atmospheric conditions. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 赏樱,亦称“花见”(hanami),从 8 世纪开始就成为了日本习俗。 English:
Cherry blossom viewing, known as hanami, has been a part of Japanese culture since the 8th century.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Cherry blossom viewing, known as hanami, has been a part of Japanese culture since the 8th century. Chinese:
赏樱,亦称“花见”(hanami),从 8 世纪开始就成为了日本习俗。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这一概念来自中国,梅花是中国人喜闻乐见的一种花卉。 English:
The concept came from China where plum blossoms were the flower of choice.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The concept came from China where plum blossoms were the flower of choice. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在日本,最早的樱花派对是由天皇为他自己和皇室其他贵族成员在皇家御所举办的。 English:
In Japan, the first cherry blossom parties were hosted by the emperor only for himself and other members of the aristocracy around the Imperial Court.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: In Japan, the first cherry blossom parties were hosted by the emperor only for himself and other members of the aristocracy around the Imperial Court. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 植物在自然环境中状态最好。因此要抵住诱惑,不去摘掉植物,哪怕“只是一株”。 English:
Plants look their best when in a natural environment, so resist the temptation to remove even "just one" specimen.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Plants look their best when in a natural environment, so resist the temptation to remove even "just one" specimen. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如果参观的是精心布置的园林,收集“标本”也会被驱逐,没有商量余地。 English:
If visiting a formally arranged garden, collecting "specimens" is also going to get you ejected, without discussion.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: If visiting a formally arranged garden, collecting "specimens" is also going to get you ejected, without discussion. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 通常来讲,新加坡是一个非常安全的地方,导航也很容易。到达后你几乎可以买到任何东西。 English:
Singapore is generally an extremely safe place to be and very easy to navigate, and you can buy almost anything after arriving.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Singapore is generally an extremely safe place to be and very easy to navigate, and you can buy almost anything after arriving. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 但由于处在赤道以北几度的“高热带”,你将需要同时应对高温(终年)和强烈的阳光(天气晴朗时,这种情况相对较少)。 English:
But being placed in the "high tropics" just a few degrees north of equator you will need to deal with both heat (always) and strong sun (when the sky is clear, more rarely).
Translate from English into Chinese: English: But being placed in the "high tropics" just a few degrees north of equator you will need to deal with both heat (always) and strong sun (when the sky is clear, more rarely). Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 有几辆巴士也向北开往希伯伦,那里是《圣经》中的族长亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和他们妻子的传统墓地。 English:
There are also a few buses going north to Hebron, the traditional burial place of the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: There are also a few buses going north to Hebron, the traditional burial place of the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 请确认你打算乘坐的公交车将会进入希伯伦,而不仅仅是去附近的基亚特·阿巴 (Kiryat Arba) 犹太定居点。 English:
Check that the bus you are thinking of taking goes into Hebron and not just to the nearby Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Check that the bus you are thinking of taking goes into Hebron and not just to the nearby Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba. Chinese:
请确认你打算乘坐的公交车将会进入希伯伦,而不仅仅是去附近的基亚特·阿巴 (Kiryat Arba) 犹太定居点。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 内陆水道可以作为假期游玩的一个不错的主题。 English:
Inland waterways can be a good theme to base a holiday around.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Inland waterways can be a good theme to base a holiday around. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 例如,在卢瓦尔河谷和莱茵河谷参观城堡,或者乘游轮去游览多瑙河沿岸好玩的城市,或者沿伊利运河乘船游玩。 English:
For example visiting castles in the Loire Valley, the Rhine valley or taking a cruise to interesting cites on the Danube or boating along the Erie Canal.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: For example visiting castles in the Loire Valley, the Rhine valley or taking a cruise to interesting cites on the Danube or boating along the Erie Canal. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 它们还为热门的徒步和自行车骑行路径明确了路线。 English:
They also define routes for popular hiking and cycling trails.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: They also define routes for popular hiking and cycling trails. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 圣诞节是基督教最重要的节日之一,是为了庆祝基督诞辰而设立的。 English:
Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christianity, and is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christianity, and is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 与这个节日有关的许多传统也被基督教国家的非信徒和世界各地的非基督徒所接受。 English:
Many of the traditions surrounding the holiday have been adopted also by non-believers in Christian countries and non-Christians around the world.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Many of the traditions surrounding the holiday have been adopted also by non-believers in Christian countries and non-Christians around the world. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 有个传统是在复活节之夜在户外某处醒着看日出。 English:
There's a tradition to pass the Easter night awake at some exposed point to see the sunrise.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: There's a tradition to pass the Easter night awake at some exposed point to see the sunrise. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 当然,这个传统有其基督教神学的解释,但它很可能是基督诞生以前就存在的一种庆祝春天、祈求丰收的仪式。 English:
There are of course Christian theological explanations for this tradition, but it may well be a pre-Christian Spring and Fertility ritual.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: There are of course Christian theological explanations for this tradition, but it may well be a pre-Christian Spring and Fertility ritual. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 更传统的教堂常常在复活节周末的周六晚上举行复活节守夜活动,会众通常在午夜钟声敲响之时涌入庆典,庆祝基督的复活。 English:
More traditional churches often hold an Easter Vigil on Saturday night during the Easter weekend, with the congregations often breaking into celebration at the stroke of midnight to celebrate Christ's resurrection.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: More traditional churches often hold an Easter Vigil on Saturday night during the Easter weekend, with the congregations often breaking into celebration at the stroke of midnight to celebrate Christ's resurrection. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 最初,动物们都是通过游泳、飞行或者漂浮的方式到达了这些岛屿。 English:
All animals that originally arrived in the islands came here either by swimming, flying or floating.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: All animals that originally arrived in the islands came here either by swimming, flying or floating. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 因为远离大陆,哺乳动物无法长途跋涉而来,使得巨龟成为科隆群岛主要的食草动物。 English:
Due to the long distance from the continent mammals were unable to make the journey making the giant tortoise the primary grazing animal in the Galapagos.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Due to the long distance from the continent mammals were unable to make the journey making the giant tortoise the primary grazing animal in the Galapagos. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 人类来到加拉帕戈斯群岛后,引进了许多哺乳动物,其中包括山羊、马、牛、老鼠、猫和狗。 English:
Since the arrival of man to the Galapagos, many mammals have been introduced including goats, horses, cows, rats, cats and dogs.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Since the arrival of man to the Galapagos, many mammals have been introduced including goats, horses, cows, rats, cats and dogs. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如果冬季去北极或南极地区旅游,你就能体验到极夜,即一段时间内太阳不会从地平线上升起。 English:
If you visit the Arctic or Antarctic areas in the winter you will experience the polar night, which means that the sun doesn't rise above the horizon.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: If you visit the Arctic or Antarctic areas in the winter you will experience the polar night, which means that the sun doesn't rise above the horizon. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这提供了一个可以看到北极光的绝佳机会,因为天空将或多或少连续一整天都是暗的。 English:
This offers a good opportunity to see the Aurora borealis, as the sky will be dark more or less around the clock.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This offers a good opportunity to see the Aurora borealis, as the sky will be dark more or less around the clock. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这些地区人口稀少,一般不存在光污染的问题,你也能欣赏到璀璨星空。 English:
As the areas are sparsely populated, and light pollution therefore often not a problem, you will also be able to enjoy the stars.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: As the areas are sparsely populated, and light pollution therefore often not a problem, you will also be able to enjoy the stars. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 与西方人习惯的工作文化相比,日本人的工作文化中等级制度更明显,更加正式。 English:
Japanese work culture is more hierarchical and formal that what Westerners may be used to.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Japanese work culture is more hierarchical and formal that what Westerners may be used to. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 西装是标准的商务着装,同事们用彼此的姓氏或职称来互相称呼。 English:
Suits are standard business attire, and coworkers call each other by their family names or by job titles.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Suits are standard business attire, and coworkers call each other by their family names or by job titles. Chinese: