55 values
inadequate amounts of goods are entering Gaza to meet Gaza's humanitarian and reconstruction needs
the blockade of gaza
The collaborative nature of the open source community creates software that can offer customizability
governments should choose open source software
in an environment of laissez-faire, a spontaneous order of cooperation in exchanging goods and services emerges that satisfies human wants
the free market
people living near wind power facilities are increasingly complaining of health problems
wind power
Unity without diversity results in cultural repression
greenhouse gas emissions from the reservoir could be higher than those of a conventional oil-fired thermal generation plant
hydroelectric dams
Dam failures can cause immense damage and loss of life
hydroelectric dams
building this pipeline has the potential to undermine America's clean energy future and international leadership on climate change
the keystone xl pipeline
Multiculturalism is divisive
welfare creates a dependence
poor communities
all licit sexual acts must be open to procreation
barrier methods of contraception
Freedom of expression does not give anyone the licence to insult another's religion or race
economic and political freedoms are linked
the free market
Various forms of online gambling are legal and regulated in many countries
Affirmative action programs have at best a negligible impact on the groups they are intended to assist
the use of affirmative action
Compared to the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor
wind power
all phenomena could be understood as resulting from purely natural causes
advertisement images disempower and objectify the consumer
redistribution tends to benefit those with political clout to set spending priorities more than those in need
poor communities
Monarchy provides continuity and stability
the monarchy
the right to freedom of speech is not absolute
leaking of military documents
government intervention is the cause of economic crises
the free market
the offensive was the result of Israel’s "patience running out" over the rocket attacks
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources
wind power
an effort to limit the use of words of language is actually a form of restricting freedom of thought
freedom of speech
Freedom of speech may be restricted by law to protect rights and respectability of others
freedom of speech
this pipeline is a multi-billion dollar investment to expand our reliance on the dirtiest source of transportation fuel currently available
the keystone xl pipeline
freedom of learning is part of freedom of thought
raising the school leaving age to 18
Lawmakers are in gridlock because of becoming locked into entrenched positions over time
enforce term limits on the legislative branch of government
free trade is a large and unambiguous net gain for society
the free market
Multiculturalism is a perilous concept on which to found policy
the tuition voucher proposal would undermine public education
fund education using a voucher scheme
Collective bargaining permits workers to achieve a form of workplace democracy
collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions
parents should make the decision” about what video games they purchase for their children, and what constitutes “too violent
the sale of violent video games to minors
Physical exercise helps prevent the diseases of affluence
physical education
Dam failures have been some of the largest man-made disasters in history
hydroelectric dams
Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land
the keystone xl pipeline
Wind power emits no air pollution
wind power
advertising can "impose a sense of inadequacy on young women's self-concepts
efficiency is best achieved through a market economy
the free market
there is an inherent right to collective bargaining
collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions
Patents are critisized as state-granted monopolies inconsistent with free trade
intellectual property rights
Patents give rise to troll entities
intellectual property rights
it was a war against Palestinian civilians
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
abstinence is the only guaranteed way of avoiding unwanted pregnancies and contraction of STDs
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
Religion fills a much needed gap
effective enforcement of intellectual property rights is critical to sustaining economic growth
intellectual property rights
Freedom of speech and expression can not be an excuse for distribution of indecent and immoral content
freedom of speech
Catholic and Jewish traditions have even set aside days for gambling
lower water flow and alterations in the rainfall regime, could reduce total energy production
hydroelectric dams
Free trade promotes peace
the free market
sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception had a positive effect on teen sexual behavior
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
there is no correlation between population density and poverty and starvation
the one-child policy of the republic of china
assimilation can hurt minority cultures by stripping away their distinctive features
freedom of expression by non-speech means is commonly thought to be protected under the First Amendment
burning the stars and stripes
Israel disproportionately attacked civilians
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
aggression and disproportionate use of force by Israel is unfortunate and only leads to further escalation of violence
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Sports related to combat skills have been a part of human culture for thousands of years
free' competition means for the great mass of people a tyranny probably worse, because more irresponsible, than that of the state
the free market
Corruption and economic crimes undermine the value of democracy
A monarchy demands deference
the monarchy
every wind turbine must be backed up by reliable power
wind power
atheism systematically influences people to do bad things
Monarchy is archaic
the monarchy
conscription would not provide adequate protection for the rights of conscientious objectors
national service
The Israeli air strikes have demanded a disproportionate amount of civilian victims
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
corruption still is rife in spite of democratically elected governments
Mandatory military and national service are considered as ways of instilling maturity in young adults
national service
Limiting terms deprives voters of the right to choose whom they want in office
enforce term limits on the legislative branch of government
The social pressure exerted by the one-child policy has affected the rate at which parents abandon undesirable children
the one-child policy of the republic of china
A right to life begins at conception
partial birth abortions
Gaza Palestinians "do not want or deserve to be dependent on humanitarian aid
the blockade of gaza
There are significant correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates
the right to bear arms
New dams mean very elevated social and environmental costs
hydroelectric dams
Contact sports have a higher risk of transmission of blood-borne disease between players
limiting access to guns by law-abiding people makes them more vulnerable to armed criminals
the right to bear arms
Procedures for acquiring an ID are too burdensome and costly for some low income or elderly voters
democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station
the draft is fundamentally unfair
national service
Palestinian security forces do little or nothing to prevent rocket attacks
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
FOSS applications often provide high levels of functionality with good user acceptance
governments should choose open source software
Unborn children have an inherent right to life
partial birth abortions
It is less likely that a republic with conscription would engage in preemptive wars
national service
God cannot exist with, or would want to prevent, all evils
denying or minimising the Holocaust must be seen as one of the acutest forms of racial slandering
holocaust denial
free trade would reduce war
the free market
Freedom of expression is at the core of democracy
Illegal immigrants may serve as informants or as operatives of hostile states or terrorist organizations
the right to asylum
numerous FBS Conferences have expressed their unwillingness to participate in a play-off system
implement playoffs in collegiate level american football
Monarchy strengthens popular liberty
the monarchy
only high rise developments could accommodate the density level of population
high rises for housing
In many reservoir construction projects people have to be moved and re-housed
hydroelectric dams
The open source community promotes the creation of software that is not proprietary, thus resulting in lower costs
governments should choose open source software
Israel's inhuman blockade of Gaza represents a threat to regional peace and stability
the blockade of gaza
Freedom of speech is the heart of democracy
freedom of speech
the state has a role to play in the economy, and specifically, in creating a "safety net
the free market
free markets, by themselves, often do not lead to what is best
the free market
massive advertising has a detrimental effect on children
Freedom of expression is subject to certain restrictions
freedom of speech
Monarchy devalues intellect and achievement
the monarchy
A majority bullying a minority is just as bad as a dictator, communist or otherwise, doing so