Ollivander: Just one other.
Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.
Harry: And who owned that wand?
Ollivander: We do not speak his name.
Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.
Ollivander: It's not always clear why.
Ollivander: But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you.
Ollivander: After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things.
Ollivander: Terrible yes, but great
Hagrid: Harry! Harry!
Hagrid: Happy birthday.
Hagrid: You all right, Harry?
Hagrid: You seem very quiet.
Harry: He killed my parents, didn't he?
Harry: The one who gave me this.
Harry: You know, Hagrid.
Harry: I know you do.
Hagrid: First, and understand this Harry because it's very important:
Hagrid: Not all wizards are good.
Hagrid: Some of them go bad.
Hagrid: A few years ago there was a one wizard who went as bad as he can go.
Hagrid: His name was V...
Hagrid: His name was V...
Harry: Maybe if you wrote it down?
Hagrid: No, I can't spell it.
Hagrid: All right, Voldemort.
Harry: Voldemort?
Hagrid: It was dark times, Harry. Dark times.
Hagrid: Voldemort started to gather some followers.
Hagrid: Brought them over to the Dark Side.
Hagrid: Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.
Hagrid: Your parents fought against him.
Hagrid: But nobody lived once he decided to kill them.
Hagrid: Nobody, not one.
Hagrid: Except you.
Harry: Me? Voldemort tried to kill me?
Hagrid: Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry.
Hagrid: A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse, and an evil curse at that.
Harry: What happened to V...?
Harry: To You-Know-Who?
Hagrid: Well, some say he died.
Hagrid: Codswallop, in my opinion.
Hagrid: Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on.
Hagrid: But one thing's absolutely certain.
Hagrid: Something about you stumped him that night.
Hagrid: That's why you're famous.
Hagrid: That's why everybody knows your name.
Hagrid: You're the boy who lived.
Hagrid: What are you looking at?
Hagrid: Blimey, is that the time?
Hagrid: Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you.
Hagrid: Dumbledore will be wanting his...
Hagrid: Well, he'll be wanting to see me.
Hagrid: Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes.
Hagrid: Here's your ticket.
Hagrid: Stick to it, Harry that's very important.
Hagrid: Stick to your ticket.
Harry: Platform 9 3/4?
Harry: But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake.
Harry: This says platform 9 3/4.
Harry: There's no such thing, is there?
Man: Sorry.
Harry: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Trainmaster: Right on your left Madam.
Harry: Excuse me Sir, Can you tell me where I might find platform 9 3/4?
Trainmaster: 9 3/4? Think you're being funny, do ya?
Mrs. Weasley: It's the same every year, packed with Muggles, Of course.
Mrs. Weasley: Come on!
Harry: Muggles?
Mrs. Weasley: Platform 9 3/4, this way.
Mrs. Weasley: All right, Percy, you first.
Mrs. Weasley: Fred, you next.
George: He's not Fred, I am.
Fred: Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, I'm sorry, George.
Fred: I'm only joking. I am Fred.
Harry: Excuse me.
Harry: Could you tell me how to...?
Mrs. Weasley: How to get onto the platform?
Mrs. Weasley: Not to worry, dear.
Mrs. Weasley: It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well.
Mrs. Weasley: All you've got do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.
Mrs. Weasley: Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous.
Ginny: Good luck.
Ron: Excuse me. Do you mind?
Ron: Everywhere else is full.
Harry: No. Not at all.
Ron: I'm Ron, by the way.
Ron: Ron Weasley.
Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Potter.
Ron: So it's true!
Ron: I mean, do you really have the...?
Harry: The what?
Ron: The scar?
Ron: Wicked!
Woman: Anything off the trolley, dears?
Ron: No, thanks. I'm all set.
Harry: We'll take the lot.
Harry: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?
Ron: They mean every flavor.