instruction: In this task, you are given a paragraph and question in Chinese, and your task is to generate the right answer for the given question from the passage. Construct an answer in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is extracted from the passage, (iii) it is relevant to the question asked, and (iv) its answer is a continuous text span from the paragraph. question: passage : 美国教育部(United States Department of Education,缩写:ED)为美国内阁层级的联邦政府部门,由《教育部门组织条例》(Department of Education Organization Act, Public Law 96-88)成立,由吉米·卡特总统于1979年10月17日签署生效,并于次年5月4日开始运行。《教育部门组织条例》将原先的“美国卫生、教育及福利部”重组为“美国教育部”以及“美国卫生及公共服务部”,教育部由美国教育部长管理。教育部是目前最小的内阁层级联邦部门,只有约5000名雇员。教育部正式的英文缩写是ED,而不是DOE(美国能源部英文缩写)。不同于其他国家的教育部,美国教育部不干涉课程标准的设置(现今的「有教无类法案」,或称「不让任何孩子落后法案」,是个例外),地方及州政府掌管教育权并决定大部分课程。教育部主要的职权在于编列联邦补助方案,以及执行联邦关于民权及隐私的教育法案。 , question : 该部门由谁管理? answer: 国教育部长 question: passage : 《柳林风声》(The Wind in the Willows)或译「柳林中的风声」,是英国小说家肯尼思·格拉姆的代表作,也是经典的儿童文学作品,出版于1908年。肯尼思·格雷厄姆是英国作家,出生于爱丁堡一个传统的苏格兰家庭,父亲是律师,却有严重的酗酒恶习。肯尼思·格雷厄姆的母亲因猩红热病逝后,外公外婆把他带到乡间抚养长大。他小时候流连的田野风光,后来成为《柳林风声》中鼹鼠、河鼠、獾与癞蛤蟆先生结伴畅游的世界。虽然肯尼思·格雷厄姆的童年充满烦恼,但他创作出的《柳林风声》的基调却是甜美的。这本书曾经引起当时美国总统罗斯福的注意,他曾写信告诉作者,他把《柳林风声》一口气读了3遍。《柳林风声》也是《哈利波特》的作者J·K·罗琳最喜欢的文学作品,在哈利波特当中赫夫帕夫的象征獾也是以书里憨厚的獾先生为原型的。《柳林风声》曾经多次被改编成舞台剧、电影与电视剧。其无人类存在、动物著衣拟人化亦影响迪士尼2016年3D动画电影《-{zh-cn:疯狂动物城;zh-tw:动物方城市;zh-hk:优兽大都会;}-》。 , question : 谁把《柳林风声》一口气读了3遍? answer: 美国总统罗斯福 question: passage : 滨西由希子(Yukiko Hamanishi ,),A型 金牛座日本花式撞球职业选手,日本职业撞球协会(JPBA)32期生 封号「气质美女」。2008年8月嫁同为日本职业撞球选手大井直幸。2009年以冠夫姓出赛,是为大井由希子(Yukiko Ohi)2003年 亚洲花式撞球锦标赛女子亚军2005年 第7届德国杜伊斯堡世界运动会女子9号球第5名2006年 安丽杯世界女子花式撞球锦标赛第5名2007年 安丽杯世界女子花式撞球锦标赛季军2007年 纬来2007女子职业撞球大赛第一站季军2007年 澳门亚洲室内运动会女子8号球第4名2008年 安丽杯世界女子花式撞球锦标赛第9名2008年 日本九州女子公开赛冠军2008年 全日本女子职业巡回赛第3站季军2008年 全日本女子职业巡回赛第4站冠军2008年 纬来2008女子职业撞球大赛第2站季军2009年 全日本女子职业巡回赛第2站季军2009年 安丽杯世界女子花式撞球公开赛第9名2009年 全日本女子职业巡回赛第3站冠军2010年 全日本女子职业巡回赛第一站冠军2010年 东海女子9号球公开赛冠军 , question : 滨西由希子的丈夫是谁? answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two facts, and a multiple-choice question. Based on the given facts, answer the question with index of the correct option (e.g, "A"). Q: Fact1: when sound reaches the ear , that sound can be heard, Fact2: Music is sound, sound is energy., Question: When can music be heard? (A) sound vibrations (B) when the music reaches the eye (C) when the ear is not working (D) when the music reaches the ear (E) reverberating noise (F) when the music dies (G) 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (H) speed at which sound moves A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Bengali language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. The Strategic Economic Dialogue has emerged as a promising mechanism aimed at promoting cohesive and mutually beneficial economic cooperation across core sectors by way of structured and continuous interaction between our two countries.
আমাদের দু’দেশের মধ্যে নিয়মিত গঠনমূলক আলোচনার মাধ্যমে মূল ক্ষেত্রগুলিতে অর্থনৈতিক সহযোগিতা বৃদ্ধি করার লক্ষ্যে প্রয়োজনীয় কার্যপদ্ধতি হিসাবে উঠে এসেছে কৌশলগত অর্থনৈতিক আলোচনা।
In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc. Among those who do refer to themselves as trans women , many see it as an important and appropriate distinction to include a space in the term , as in " trans woman " , thus using " trans " as merely an adjective describing a particular type of woman ; this is in contrast to the usage of " transwoman " as one word , implying a " third gender " . Because of this many see it as important to include a space in the name , as in " trans woman " , using " trans " as a word to talk about a particular type of woman , not a " third gender " as " transwoman " might imply . As a philosopher , Ernst Haeckel wrote " Die Weltra ̈ thsel " ( 1895 – 1899 ; in English : " The Riddle of the Universe " , 1901 ) , the genesis for the term " world riddle " ( " Weltra ̈ tsel " ) ; and " Freedom in Science and Teaching " to support teaching evolution . As a philosopher , Ernst Haeckel wrote " Die Weltra ̈ tsel " ( 1895 – 1899 , " The Riddle of the Universe " , 1901 ) , and " Freedom in Science and Teaching " to support teaching evolution . The republic 's Supreme Soviet had little choice other than to declare Turkmenistan 's independence from the Soviet Union and the establishment of the Republic of Turkmenistan on October 27 , 1991 .
The republic 's Supreme Soviet declared Turkmenistan 's independence on October 27 , 1991 .
Given the below context: Prior to her death, Bellette bequeathed the Hill End cottage to the National Parks and Wildlife Service (which manages the Hill End historic site), on condition that it be used as an artists' retreat. It continues to operate for that purpose. As of 2016, Bellette is the only woman to have won the Sulman Prize on more than one occasion. A large number of her works are held by the Art Gallery of New South Wales; other galleries that hold examples include the Art Gallery of South Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Bendigo Art Gallery, Geelong Art Gallery, the National Gallery of Australia, and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. In 2004–05, a major retrospective exhibition was held at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, the S. H. Ervin Gallery in Sydney, the University of Queensland Art Museum, Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery and the Drill Hall Gallery in Canberra.Described by Amanda Beresford as Australia's "only true modern classicist", Bellette is generally regarded as an influential figure in the modern art movement in Sydney in the mid-twentieth century. Art historian Janine Burke described Bellette as "a leader of the post-war art world", and the University of Queensland Art Museum's curator placed her as "a seminal figure in the visual arts from the 1930s until her death in Majorca in 1991". Of her paintings, opinions vary. Burke described her as "arguably the best painter" of the Sydney circle. Historian Geoffrey Dutton was unconvinced about her choice of subject but praised Bellette's "assured if muted" style, while dismissing the lesser efforts of her husband. Art historian and writer Sasha Grishin had a different view. Commenting on Bellette's paintings of Greek mythological subjects created in the 1940s, he wrote, "they were neither very convincing as paintings, nor works that had a particular resonance in Sydney or Australian art at the time". John Passmore and Bellette studied together both in Australia and England, travelled in Europe, and exhibited side by side in group shows. He was... Guess a valid title for it!
Jean Bellette
In this task, you're given passages that contain mentions of the quantity of a particular object and are supposed to find out the answer for a given question. Craft one correct answer to the question given in input. Make sure your correct answer is consistent with the context, and properly gives the exact number relating to the query. In your answer, use as few words as possible from the given context. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Sentence: Patricia Ebrey writes that Tibet, like Joseon Korea and other neighboring states to the Ming, settled for its tributary status while there were no troops or governors of Ming China stationed in its territory. Laird writes that "after the Mongol troops left Tibet, no Ming troops replaced them." Wang and Nyima state that, despite the fact that the Ming refrained from sending troops to subdue Tibet and refrained from garrisoning Ming troops there, these measures were unnecessary so long as the Ming court upheld close ties with Tibetan vassals and their forces. However, there were instances in the 14th century when the Hongwu Emperor did use military force to quell unrest in Tibet. John D. Langlois writes that there was unrest in Tibet and western Sichuan, which the Marquis Mu Ying (沐英) was commissioned to quell in November 1378 after he established a Taozhou garrison in Gansu. Langlois notes that by October 1379, Mu Ying had allegedly captured 30,000 Tibetan prisoners and 200,000 domesticated animals. Yet invasion went both ways; the Ming general Qu Neng, under the command of Lan Yu, was ordered to repel a Tibetan assault into Sichuan in 1390. Question: How many animals did Mu Ying capture? 200,000 Sentence: In April 2013, the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) reported that the weak antibiotic pipeline does not match bacteria's increasing ability to develop resistance. Since 2009, only 2 new antibiotics were approved in the United States. The number of new antibiotics approved for marketing per year declines continuously. The report identified seven antibiotics against the Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) currently in phase 2 or phase 3 clinical trials. However, these drugs do not address the entire spectrum of resistance of GNB. Some of these antibiotics are combination of existent treatments: Question: How many antibiotics have been created in the last 7 years? 2 Sentence: The iPod is a line of portable media players and multi-purpose pocket computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. The most recent iPod redesigns were announced on July 15, 2015. There are three current versions of the iPod: the ultra-compact iPod Shuffle, the compact iPod Nano and the touchscreen iPod Touch. Question: How many versions of the iPod currently exist?
Muslims fast during Ramadan. Catholics sometimes fast during Lent. Does the word "fast" mean the same thing in the above two sentences?
the same meaning
instruction: In this task you will be given a process, and a question. The process contains a sequence of steps that happen in order. The question asks about the effect of a certain event on another event. If the first event has a positive effect on the second event, answer with "for", if it has a negative effect, answer with "against". If there's no causal relationship between the two, answer with "none". question: Process: -A star forms -The star does not have enough mass to become a neutron star -The star goes through a change in its core and bonds helium to carbon and oxygen -The star becomes a red giant -A mass of carbon and oxygen builds up in the center of the star -The star sheds its outside layers and becomes a nebula -The star leaves behind the core which becomes a dwarf star. Question: What is the effect of "the star doesnt have any oxygen" on a larger white dwarf star.? answer: against question: Process: -Grapes are grown -A selection of grapes are gathered -The grapes are washed -The stems are removed from the grapes -The grapes are crushed and added to a fermation container -Yeast is added to the container -The yeast eats the sugar in the yeast, releasing alcohol - Question: What is the effect of temperatures too high for grapes on more grapes to crush.? answer: against question: Process: -Air is brought in through the mouth -Passes through the lungs -And into the bronchial tissue -The carbon dioxide is removed -The lungs bring the oxygen to the rest of the body. Question: What is the effect of there is a lesser chemical reaction on a greater amount of oxygen being delivered to the blood stream.? answer:
In this task you're given a question and you have to paraphrase the question to create the output question while retaining the meaning of the original question. What is the significance of the size of the address bus and the data bus in the processors? How is the type of the processors is defined like 8-bit, 16-bit processors, etc What is a 128-bit processor? What common reasons do people give for passing on A2As on Quora? What happens when I 'pass' an A2A in Quora? Who is the most likeable Game of Thrones character?
Who is the most arrogant character in Game of Thrones?
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning. Togdheer (소 말리 'Wabi Togdheer')는 소말리랜드 동부의 Togdheer River 지역의 계절 강입니다.
Togdheer (소 말리 'Wabi Togdheer')는 소말리아 동부의 Togdheer River 지역의 계절 강입니다.
(CNN) -- Jo-Wilfried Tsonga ended Roger Federer's hopes of winning a record-equaling seventh Wimbledon title on Wednesday as the French 12th seed staged a stunning fightback to reach the semifinals. Federer appeared to be cruising into the last four after winning the first two sets, but Tsonga inflicted the Swiss world No. 3's first defeat from that vantage point in 179 grand slam matches. It was only the third time in the 29-year-old's glittering career that the 16-time grand slam champion had surrendered a two-set lead. Tsonga, ranked 19th in the world, triumphed 3-6 6-7 (3-7) 6-4 6-4 6-4 on Centre Court, serving out to love as he earned a clash with second seed Novak Djokovic. The Serbian, who beat Tsonga in the 2008 Australian Open final, ended the dream run of Australian 18-year-old Bernard Tomic. Tsonga defeated Federer for just the second time in six meetings, their first on grass. "It was amazing. I played unbelievable. It's never easy to come back against Roger. I'm so happy, it's crazy," the 26-year-old told reporters after reaching the semifinals at Wimbledon for the first time. "He's the biggest champion in the sport. He has achieved so much and is the best player in the world. To be two sets down and come back was unbelievable. I served really well. Against Djokovic I will have to come out and do the same again." Federer has now lost in the quarterfinals two years in a row, being beaten by eventual runner-up Tomas Berdych in 2010. "Jo played great. Really from start to finish I don't remember seeing a break point after I broke him in the first game," Federer said. Do you have any questions?
Who was the tennis player that lost to Jo-Wilfried Tsonga?
In this task, you're given a text and question. The question is about the topic of the document. You are expected to generate an incorrect answer. The incorrect answer should be among one of the following categories: 1)Company, 2)Educational Institution, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)Office holder, 6)Mean of transportation, 7)Building, 8)Natural place, 9)Village, 10)Animal, 11)Plant, 12)Album, 13)Film, 14)Written work -------- Question: Text: When I Was a Kid (1971) is an album by Bill Cosby recorded at the Westbury Music Fair. The cover is an early appearance of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. Question: WHat is the classified topic name Answer: Natural place Question: Text: Carl Edward Nichols is a former Major League Baseball catcher. He played all or part of six seasons in the major leagues from 1986 until 1991 for the Baltimore Orioles and Houston Astros. Question: WHat is the classified topic name Answer: Artist Question: Text: Baller Blockin is a soundtrack (to the movie Baller Blockin' (film)) by the Cash Money Millionaires released September 12 2000 on Cash Money Records. The soundtrack features the main members of Cash Money Records which are Baby Mannie Fresh Juvenile B.G. Lil Wayne Turk and appearances by other various artists including E-40 UGK Eightball & MJG Nas and Mack 10.The soundtrack spawned around the lead single entitled Baller Blockin' (song) featuring E-40. Question: WHat is the classified topic name Answer:
Written work
instruction: In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to determine if the two sentences clearly agree/disagree with each other, or if this can't be determined. Indicate your answer as yes or no respectively. question: Sentence 1: Because it is a win-at-all-costs war to restore military prestige, Russian generals have shown utter indifference to civilian casualties and a willingness to lie to retain popular support. Sentence 2: Russian generals have assassinated many people in the past. answer: no question: Sentence 1: Even if you used Add/Remove on Internet Explorer, Wininet.dll, Urlmon.dll, and Mshtml.dll are still there. Sentence 2: Parts of Internet Explorer are not removed with the normal process. answer: yes question: Sentence 1: Fluid from Vrenna's cut filled his lungs. Sentence 2: Vrenna's lungs were filled with fluid. answer:
A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. શાળાઓ અને ઉચ્ચ શિક્ષણ બન્નેમાં મહત્ત્વપૂર્ણ પરિવર્તનો اسکول اور اعلیٰ تعلیم دونوں میں بڑی تبدیلیاں કેન્દ્રીય મંત્રી શ્રી પ્રકાશ જાવડેકરે લોકસભામાં એક લેખિત જવાબમાં માહિતી આપી હતી કે, પ્રાદેશિક ભાષાની ફિલ્મોને રાષ્ટ્રીય અને આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે પ્રોત્સાહન આપવા માટે માહિતી અને પ્રસારણ મંત્રાલય દ્વારા પગલા લેવામાં આવ્યા છે. علاقائی زبانوں کی فلموں کو فروغ دینے کے لئے اطلاع ونشریات کی طرف سے کئے گئے اقدامات સરકારે 4R (recognition, resolution, recapitalization અને reforms) નો અભિગમ અમલમાં મૂક્યો.
حکومت نے ریکوگنیشن ، ریزولوشن، ری۔ کیپٹلائزیشن اور ریفارمس کے 4آر طریقہ کار اپنائے ہیں۔
The answer to the question: What does the duck say immediately before starting a war between him and Mr. Meek? is inside the article: The cartoon begins with Mr. Meek carrying an axe in his hands. He turns to the audience and explains that his wife, Sweetypuss, told him that if he didn't bring home a roast duck for dinner, she would 'cook (his) goose'. (A parody of Wallace Wimple and his wife "Sweetie Face".) The scene cuts to Daffy eating corn while singing "I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" minding his business. A shadow of Meek is show getting ready to chop off Daffy's head. Then he jumps and shouts "WATCH IT, BUB!!!" directly in his face. After a brief talk to Meek, he flicks his beak at his face and marches to a hay stack. Meek chops the stack various times and on the last chop, he thinks he kills the duck. Daffy fakes his death by squirting ketchup and throwing his feathers around ("You crushed my little head!") This fools Meek by pretending he is beheaded and runs rapidly. Meek feels sad and goes back to his house, where Daffy is seen putting lots of sugar cubes into a cup of coffee. Meek guiltily tells him that he has killed a duck. Daffy cheers up Meek into giving him a cup of coffee and asks how many lumps (of sugar) his wife usually gives him. Meek shows Daffy a 'lump' (a bump on his head), and Daffy hits him on the head (giving him another 'lump') and pours cream on it. Daffy dances on the cakes and pies, singing "Shortening Bread", and Meek immediately recognizes the duck he thought he killed ("Say. That's that Daffy Duck.") Daffy then utters 'YOU AIN'T JUST WHISTLING DIXIE!!!', then throws a pie at him, leading into a war between himself and Meek. Daffy goes into army plane mode, by dropping an egg on Meek as a "Secret Bomb Site." Next, he goes into battle weaponry mode, by making various sounds and smashing household items. After all the fun and games are over, Meek gets mad, which causes the egg to fry on his head., can you guess it ? Ans: 'YOU AIN'T JUST WHISTLING DIXIE!!!' The answer to the question: What has advantages over land-based mining? is inside the article: The seabed contains enormous reserves of minerals which can be exploited by dredging. This has advantages over land-based mining in that equipment can be built at specialised shipyards and infrastructure costs are lower. Disadvantages include problems caused by waves and tides, the tendency for excavations to silt up and the washing away of spoil heaps. There is a risk of coastal erosion and environmental damage. Seafloor massive sulphide deposits are potential sources of silver, gold, copper, lead and zinc and trace metals since their discovery in the 1960s. They form when geothermally heated water is emitted from deep sea hydrothermal vents known as "black smokers". The ores are of high quality but prohibitively costly to extract. Small scale mining of the deep sea floor is being developed off the coast of Papua New Guinea using robotic techniques, but the obstacles are formidable.There are large deposits of petroleum, as oil and natural gas, in rocks beneath the seabed. Offshore platforms and drilling rigs extract the oil or gas and store it for transport to land. Offshore oil and gas production can be difficult due to the remote, harsh environment. Drilling for oil in the sea has environmental impacts. Animals may be disorientated by seismic waves used to locate deposits, probably causing the beaching of whales. Toxic substances such as mercury, lead and arsenic may be released. The infrastructure may cause damage, and oil may be spilt.Large quantities of methane clathrate exist on the seabed and in ocean sediment at a temperature of around 2 °C (36 °F) and these are of interest as a potential energy source. Some estimates put the amount available at between one and 5 million cubic kilometres (0.24 to 1.2 million cubic miles). Also on the seabed are manganese nodules formed of layers of iron, manganese and other hydroxides around a core. In the Pacific these may cover up to 30 percent of the deep ocean floor. The minerals precipitate from seawater and grow very slowly. Their commercial extraction for..., can you guess it ? Ans: dredging The answer to the question: Who makes up a fake description of the assailant? is inside the article: Johnny English is a kindhearted but inept MI7 secret agent with dreams of being their most trusted employee. After Agent One dies in a submarine accident unknowingly caused by English, the remaining agents are assassinated via a bombing at Agent One's funeral, leaving English as the lone surviving agent capable of finishing the mission Agent One left when he died. English is assigned to thwart a plot to steal the Crown Jewels, which are on display at the Tower of London. During the display, the power suddenly suffers a blackout and the jewels are stolen. During the chaos, English accidentally knocks out the deputy head of security and pretends to fight an assailant to make up for his mistakes. He later makes up a false description of the "assailant" to MI7 head Pegasus. English and his assistant Angus Bough find that the jewels were removed via a hole dug beneath their display case. The two follow a tunnel where they confront the two thieves Dieter Klein and Klaus Vendetta, who escape in a hearse, with English trying to pursue them but he mistakes another hearse for the escaped vehicle to which he accidentally gatecrashes a funeral until Bough comes to his aid by pretending English is an escaped mental patient. English connects the thieves to Pascal Sauvage, a French prison entrepreneur who helped restore the Crown Jewels. Pegasus finds the claims of his involvement absurd and warns English not to involve Sauvage. In the car park, English and Bough are attacked by Vendetta but are unharmed. English again encounters Lorna in a sushi restaurant as he recognized her pink motorcycle. During their meeting, English is suspicious of her since he has seen her at two of their crime scenes and her records cannot be found on any government computer. English and Bough then decide to break into Sauvage's headquarters via parachutes, but English mistakenly lands on a visually identical tower which turns out to be the City Hospital., can you guess it ?
Ans: Johnny English
Q: The posterior end of a typical rib is called what? Read this paragraph and choose the correct option from the provided answers: Parts of a Typical Rib The posterior end of a typical rib is called the head of the rib (see Figure 7.27). This region articulates primarily with the costal facet located on the body of the same numbered thoracic vertebra and to a lesser degree, with the costal facet located on the body of the next higher vertebra. Lateral to the head is the narrowed neck of the rib. A small bump on the posterior rib surface is the tubercle of the rib, which articulates with the facet located on the transverse process of the same numbered vertebra. The remainder of the rib is the body of the rib (shaft). Just lateral to the tubercle is the angle of the rib, the point at which the rib has its greatest degree of curvature. The angles of the ribs form the most posterior extent of the thoracic cage. In the anatomical position, the angles align with the medial border of the scapula. A shallow costal groove for the passage of blood vessels and a nerve is found along the inferior margin of each rib. Choices: - neck - chest - bottom - head A:
I have a new situation: At a doctor's office, two people come in to get STD tests. John comes in and reports the only symptom he has is a rash on his thighs. Patty says she has seen something leaking out of her vagina, and she's not sure what it is. The doctor takes a urine sample from each and will give them the results in a day or two. But I can use this background: Chlamydia may cause a burning feeling during urination. It may also cause a discharge (leaking of fluids) from the vagina or penis. But in many cases it causes no symptoms. As a result, people do not know they are infected, so they don’t go to the doctor for help. If chlamydia goes untreated, it may cause more serious problems in females. It may cause infections of the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. These infections may leave a woman unable to have children. What is an answer for this question: Would the complications be more severe for Patty or for John if it is found they have chlamydia?
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Galician. Just imagine, in a classroom a teacher writes on the blackboard and a blind student can see what's written and read using these non-visual interfaces. Tan son imaxinen, unha clase na que o profesor escrebe no encerado e un estudante cego pode ver o está escrito e lelo usando estas interfaces non visuais. Now as to what I mean by the best comedy and satire, I mean work that comes first and foremost from a place of honesty and integrity. Ben, cando falaba da mellor comedia e sátira, referíame ao traballo que procede en primeiro lugar da honestidade e da integridade. So what we going to do now?
E que imos facer agora?
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You are also given a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph and the story. You need to come up with an answer to the given question; the answer will be a span from either the question or the story. In order to correctly answer the given question, you need to understand the relationship mentioned in the background paragraph and should be able to use it to understand that in the story. Your answer can not consist of any word that is not mentioned in any of these: the background paragraph, the story, or the question. You can directly copy and paste a span from the story or the question while answering the given question. Q: Background Paragraph: Demographic stochasticity refers to variability in population growth arising from sampling random births and deaths in a population of finite size. In small populations, demographic stochasticity will decrease the population growth rate, causing an effect similar to the Allee effect, which will increase the risk of population extinction. Whether or not demographic stochasticity can be considered a part of Allee effect is somewhat contentious however. The most current definition of Allee effect considers the correlation between population density and mean individual fitness. Therefore, random variation resulting from birth and death events would not be considered part of Allee effect as the increased risk of extinction is not a consequence of the changing fates of individuals within the population.Meanwhile, when demographic stochasticity results in fluctuations of sex ratios, it arguably reduces the mean individual fitness as population declines. For example, a fluctuation in small population that causes a scarcity in one sex would in turn limit the access of mates for the opposite sex, decreasing the fitness of the individuals within the population. This type of Allee effect will likely be more prevalent in monogamous species than polygynous species. Story: Two small cities of identical population are both having elections this year. Although they have the same small amount of people, the city of Kilmar is experiencing demographic stochasticity while the city of Plano is not. Every time an election arises, both cities become very active with citizens coming out in droves to listen to the candidates speak at town hall meetings through the months leading up to the election. Question: Which city's population will grow faster? A: Plano. **** Q: Background Paragraph: Cholesterol has been implicated in heart disease for decades. Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the arteries in which cholesterol and other materials are deposited on the interior of the arterial wall. These deposits lead to the formation of plaques that can restrict or even block the flow of blood through these blood vessels (see Figure below ). A decrease in the flow of blood can lead to high blood pressure and a lowered oxygen supply to the heart muscle. A complete blockage of blood flow to parts of the heart (a heart attack) can cause significant damage due to oxygen deprivation, in some cases leading to death. Story: Two brothers went to the doctor for their yearly examination. Liam found out he has high cholesterol, while Rudy found out his triglycerides and cholesterol are within normal parameters. Question: Which brother was less at risk for a heart attack? A: Rudy. **** Q: Background Paragraph: Protozoa generally feed by engulfing and digesting other organisms. As consumers, they have various roles in food chains and webs. Some are predators. They prey upon other single-celled organisms, such as bacteria. In fact, protozoa predators keep many bacterial populations under control. Other protozoa are herbivores. They graze on algae. Still others are decomposers. They consume dead organic matter. There are also parasitic protozoa that live in or on living hosts. For example, the protozoan that causes malaria lives inside a human host. Protozoa are also important food sources for many larger organisms, including insects and worms. Story: The students studied two ponds. Class A studied a pond filled with protozoa, while class B studied a pond with almost no protozoa. Question: Which class observed more predator protozoa? A:
Class A. ****
Q: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into Polish. As bacterias desenvolven resistencias tan rápido que as compañías farmacéuticas decidiron que facer antibióticos non lles convén, así que hai infeccións movéndose por todo o mundo para as que, dos máis de 100 antibióticos dispoñibles no mercado, dous poden funcionar con efectos secundarios, ou un, ou ningún. A:
Bakterie rozwijają odporność tak szybko, że koncernom farmaceutycznym nie opłaca się produkować antybiotyków, więc po świecie krążą infekcje, z którymi, z ponad 100 antybiotyków dostępnych na rynku, tylko dwa mogą sobie poradzić ze skutkami ubocznymi lub tylko jeden, lub żaden.
I know that the answer to the question "The relay went from where to where?" is in "Turkey: The torch relay leg in Istanbul, held on April 3, started on Sultanahmet Square and finished in Taksim Square. Uyghurs living in Turkey protested at Chinese treatment of their compatriots living in Xinjiang. Several protesters who tried to disrupt the relay were promptly arrested by the police.". Can you tell me what it is? Ans: Sultanahmet Square and finished in Taksim Square I know that the answer to the question "Why is DC usually used for bulk power transmission?" is in "There has, however, been interest among railroad operators in returning to DC use at higher voltages than previously used. At the same voltage, DC often has less loss than AC, and for this reason high-voltage direct current is already used on some bulk power transmission lines. DC avoids the electromagnetic radiation inherent with AC, and on a railway this also reduces interference with signalling and communications and mitigates hypothetical EMF risks. DC also avoids the power factor problems of AC. Of particular interest to railroading is that DC can supply constant power with a single ungrounded wire. Constant power with AC requires three-phase transmission with at least two ungrounded wires. Another important consideration is that mains-frequency 3-phase AC must be carefully planned to avoid unbalanced phase loads. Parts of the system are supplied from different phases on the assumption that the total loads of the 3 phases will even out. At the phase break points between regions supplied from different phases, long insulated supply breaks are required to avoid them being shorted by rolling stock using more than one pantograph at a time. A few railroads have tried 3-phase but its substantial complexity has made single-phase standard practice despite the interruption in power flow that occurs twice every cycle. An experimental 6 kV DC railway was built in the Soviet Union.". Can you tell me what it is? Ans: less loss I know that the answer to the question "What happened during the 24th year of the 20th century?" is in "IBM's employee management practices can be traced back to its roots. In 1914, CEO Thomas J. Watson boosted company spirit by creating employee sports teams, hosting family outings, and furnishing a company band. IBM sports teams still continue in the present day; the IBM Big Blue continue to exist as semi-professional company rugby and American football teams. In 1924 the Quarter Century Club, which recognizes employees with 25 years of service, was organized and the first issue of Business Machines, IBM's internal publication, was published. In 1925, the first meeting of the Hundred Percent Club, composed of IBM salesmen who meet their quotas, convened in Atlantic City, New Jersey.". Can you tell me what it is? Ans: the Quarter Century Club, which recognizes employees with 25 years of service, was organized and the first issue of Business Machines, IBM's internal publication, was published I know that the answer to the question "The description of what was elaborated?" is in "According to Vetter, the description of the Buddhist path may initially have been as simple as the term "the middle way". In time, this short description was elaborated, resulting in the description of the eightfold path.". Can you tell me what it is?
Ans: the middle way
INSTRUCTION: Generate a context and a hypothesis. GENERATED: Context: You really don't know anything about me, do you, despite all that wallowing in my mind? As it happens I don't think I'm the right person to lead humanity into the future no. Hypothesis: she is the right person to lead humanity into the future INSTRUCTION: Generate a context and a hypothesis. GENERATED: Context: B: I think that not only applies inside the public school system, but in society itself. there's been too much negative reinforcement. How much, like, the caught being good slips. How about, just the John Q citizen out there on the street? A: Yeah, well that's true. I think, really though, I mean, that's one thing that, I mean, my kids definitely get spanked when they need to be spanked. But I really do try to use positive, uh, reinforcement with them at home, also. And it really helps. And I mean, they don't get spanked very often, but they do when they deserve it, you know. But, uh, I don't think any kid should be exempt from being spanked. I mean, I think I wouldn't mind if a teacher spanked my child. But, you know, that's just my personal opinion, and that's not going to, I mean, I don't think that law will ever change. Hypothesis: the law will change INSTRUCTION: Generate a context and a hypothesis. GENERATED: Context: I didn't really like the way the other boys treated him. I was new at the school and still observing, still beginning friendships. Perhaps Alec noticed that I did not ridicule him as the others did. Hypothesis: he did not ridicule Alec as the others did INSTRUCTION: Generate a context and a hypothesis. GENERATED:
Context: Jim waited. He waited a long time, and when the young doctor finally came out, it was almost dark. Jim could nonetheless tell by his anxious face that something was wrong. Hypothesis: something was wrong
Generate an explanation for the given claim using the provided supporting material from the paragraph. Please consider the following points while generating an output. 1) The claim will always have supporting proof in the paragraph, and the paragraph will have a clear point of view supporting the claim. 2) There can be instances where direct correlation to the claim is not available. Make use of the sentences in the paragraph to provide a corresponding output supporting the claim. 3) The explanation should be at least one and at most twelve sentences long. Q: Paragraph: The vaccine uses an inactivated whole H5N1 virus from Vietnam, said an official for Sinovac Biotech, which jointly developed the vaccine with China’s Centers for Disease Control. “We finished our second trial in November. We checked our 402 participants for antibodies and they met international standards used in the United States and the European Union both for safety and immune response,” Sinovac’s publicity supervisor Liu Peicheng told Reuters by telephone. China’s State Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday it had authorized production of the vaccine. The vaccine was used in amounts of 5, 10 and 15 micrograms but the 10 microgram dose was found to be ideal. “The 10 and 15 microgram doses met standards but we decided on 10 as it’s good enough. It would use less antigen,” said Liu. Antigens are substances like toxins, viruses and bacteria that stimulate the production of antibodies when introduced into the body. But they can be difficult to culture and scientists have been trying to fix that by using boosters, or adjuvants. Participants in the Chinese trial were between the ages of 18 and 60. Liu said only some minor side effects were recorded, in line with those sometimes seen with seasonal flu vaccines. He did not elaborate. For years now, experts have warned of a flu pandemic and many have held up the H5N1 virus as a prime candidate because people have no immunity against this bird virus, and because of the high mortality rate associated with it so far. The virus has infected 376 people in 14 countries since late 2003 and killed 238 of them, or 63 percent. An eventual vaccine to protect people against a flu pandemic can only be made 4-6 months after the start of such a disaster, when the culprit virus strain has been identified. But human populations still need some form of protection in those initial months of a pandemic, and drug companies are in a race to design what are known as “prepandemic” vaccines, which is what Sinovac is producing now. The company is conducting tests to see if the vaccine may offer cross protection against other strains of the virus found in Indonesia, Turkey and Anhui province in China, Liu said. “This vaccine is reserved for emergencies in the country and we have to get instructions on how much to produce,” he added. On March 2, GlaxoSmithKline company said a vaccine it designed to protect people against H5N1 may be effective in warding off a few different sub-types of the virus. Claim: China approves bird flu vaccine for humans. A:
Beijing has given the go-ahead to a Chinese drug maker to begin large-scale production of a human bird flu vaccine, after a second clinical trial showed the vaccine was safe and effective, the company said on Thursday.
Generate a topic word for the given sentence. A topic word is usually the name of a person, place, animal, concept or object the sentence is focusing on. the global hunger index is a measurement to measure the hunger situation in a country. global hunger index cape hatteras is a cape on the coast of north carolina. cape hatteras "supersatellite'" is a 1995 alternative rock song by the canadian alternative rock band our lady peace and is the fourth single from their debut studio album "naveed", which was released in 1994.
They are the progressive wing of the Republican Party. He preferred the drumsticks to the wings. Word: "wing" different meanings The horse threw its rider. Throw a glance. Word: "throw" different meanings Would you like to come round on Sunday for a spot of lunch? The leopard is noted for the spots of color in its fur. Word: "spot" different meanings A disk drive contains a microprocessor to handle the internal functions of the drive. A microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer. Word: "microprocessor"
the same meaning
Teacher: You are given a paragraph (Passage), a question (Question) and two answer options (Option1 and Option2). Your task is to choose the correct answer to the question based on the passage. Answer of the question cannot be found directly from the passage, it is indirectly indicated in the passage. Do not answer with words other than the two options, and do not answer with option titles(e.g. "option1" or "1" are not acceptable answers.) Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Passage: Omelettes make a great breakfast , and I enjoy making them because they are very easy to cook . First , I get the eggs out and begin cracking them on the side of the bowl and dumping them into the bowl . I normally use two eggs whites and one whole egg to cut the calories . I add some salt and pepper to the mix for flavor . I pour the mixture into the hot frying pan . I make sure that I add some vegetable oil to the pan before I add the eggs though because I do n't want them to stick . As this occurs , I add some cheese or vegetable to the center of the egg mixture . Really , almost any type of cheese or vegetable makes a good omelette . I then flip one side of the omelette over on to itself to seal in the contents in the middle . It is then ready to serve ! Question: Where is the omelette being browned? Option1: In the pan Option2: On the street Solution: In the pan Reason: As mentioned in the passage that I pour the mixture into the hot frying pan; it is clear that omelette is being browned in pan only. Also, there is nothing related to street mention in the passage. Now, solve this instance: Passage: I 've spent a lot of time at church . It 's pretty rare now that I 'll find anything I did n't already know . But that was n't the case when I was a kid . It shaped the way I thought about theology , and it 's a good moral lesson for anyone , no matter what you believe . The preacher drew a straight line , going upward . He marked x 's on the line . He said that each one represented a blessing God wants to give you , but that you do n't always get them . So he 'd draw a line around one of the x 's showing that you skipped it and did n't get it . And then he said without Jesus , you ca n't get a single one of these blessings . As an 11 year old , this got my attention . Question: When did the remember it Option1: as an adult Option2: When the person was younger Student:
as an adult
Information: - Piracetam (sold under many brand names) is a nootropic drug in the racetams group, with chemical name "2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide". It shares the same 2-oxo-pyrrolidone base structure with pyroglutamic acid. Piracetam is a cyclic derivative of GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid). Presently piracetam is used in many European countries, Asia and South America. In the United States, it is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for any medical use and it is not permitted to be sold as a dietary supplement. In the UK, piracetam is prescribed mainly for myoclonus, but is used off-label for other conditions. Evidence to support its use for many conditions is unclear. - Levetiracetam, marketed under the trade name Keppra among others, is a medication used to treat epilepsy. It is used for partial onset, myoclonic, or tonic-clonic seizures. It is the S-enantiomer of etiracetam. - Phenylpiracetam (INN: fonturacetam, brand names Phenotropil, Carphedon), also called is a phenylated analog of the drug piracetam which was developed in 1983 in Russia where it is available as a prescription drug. Research on animals has indicated that phenylpiracetam may have anti-amnesic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and memory enhancement effects. - Anticonvulsants (also commonly known as antiepileptic drugs or as antiseizure drugs) are a diverse group of pharmacological agents used in the treatment of epileptic seizures. Anticonvulsants are also increasingly being used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, since many seem to act as mood stabilizers, and for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Anticonvulsants suppress the rapid and excessive firing of neurons during seizures. Anticonvulsants also prevent the spread of the seizure within the brain. Some investigators have observed that anticonvulsants themselves may cause reduced IQ in children. However these adverse effects must be balanced against the significant risk epileptic seizures pose to children and the distinct possibility of death and devastating neurological sequelae secondary to seizures. Anticonvulsants are more accurately called antiepileptic drugs (abbreviated "AEDs"), and are often referred to as antiseizure drugs because they provide symptomatic treatment only and have not been demonstrated to alter the course of epilepsy. - Etiracetam is a chemical compound belonging to the racetam family, which was developed as a nootropic drug. It is racemic; its biologically active enantiomeric form is levetiracetam, now marketed as an antiepileptic drug. - Stimulants (also referred to as psychostimulants) is an overarching term that covers many drugs including those that increase activity of the body, drugs that are pleasurable and invigorating, or drugs that have sympathomimetic effects. Due to their rendering a characteristic "up" feeling, stimulants are also occasionally referred to as "uppers". Depressants or "downers", which decrease mental and/or physical function, are in stark contrast to stimulants and are considered to be the functionally opposite drug class. Stimulants are widely used throughout the world as prescription medicines as well as without a prescription (either legally or illicitly) as performance-enhancing or recreational drugs. The most frequently prescribed stimulants as of 2013 were lisdexamfetamine, methylphenidate, and amphetamine. It is estimated that the percent of the population that has abused amphetamines, cocaine and MDMA combined is between .8% and 2.1%. - Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behaviour. It gives the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa. A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior. According to Maehr and Meyer, "Motivation is a word that is part of the popular culture as few other psychological concepts are." - Nootropicsalso called smart drugs or cognitive enhancersare drugs, supplements, or other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy individuals in the absence of a medical indication is one of the most debated topics among neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and physicians which spans a number of issues, including the ethics and fairness of their use, concerns over adverse effects, and the diversion of prescription drugs for nonmedical uses, among others. Nonetheless, the international sales of cognition-enhancing supplements exceeded billion in 2015 and the global demand for these compounds is still growing rapidly. - In medicine, an adverse effect is an undesired harmful effect resulting from a medication or other intervention such as surgery. - Epilepsy is a group of neurological diseases characterized by epileptic seizures. Epileptic seizures are episodes that can vary from brief and nearly undetectable to long periods of vigorous shaking. These episodes can result in physical injuries including occasionally broken bones. In epilepsy, seizures tend to recur, and have no immediate underlying cause. Isolated seizures that are provoked by a specific cause such as poisoning are not deemed to represent epilepsy. People with epilepsy in some areas of the world experience stigma due to the condition. The cause of most cases of epilepsy is unknown, although some people develop epilepsy as the result of brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, infections of the brain, and birth defects. Known genetic mutations are directly linked to a small proportion of cases. Epileptic seizures are the result of excessive and abnormal nerve cell activity in the cortex of the brain. The diagnosis involves ruling out other conditions that might cause similar symptoms such as fainting and determining if another cause of seizures is present such as alcohol withdrawal or electrolyte problems. This may be partly done by imaging the brain and performing blood tests. Epilepsy can often be confirmed with an electroencephalogram (EEG), but a normal test does not rule out the condition. Epilepsy that occurs as a result of other issues may be preventable. Seizures are controllable with medication in about 70% of cases. Inexpensive options are often available. In those whose seizures do not respond to medication, then surgery, neurostimulation, or dietary changes may be considered. Not all cases of epilepsy are lifelong, and many people improve to the point that treatment is no longer needed. As of 2013 about 22 million people have epilepsy. Nearly 80% of cases occur in the developing world. In 2013 it resulted in 116,000 deaths up from 112,000 deaths in 1990. Epilepsy is more common in older people. In the developed world, onset of new cases occurs most frequently in babies and the... - A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue, causes a physiological change in the body. - Oxiracetam (ISF 2522) is a nootropic drug of the racetam family and very mild stimulant. Several studies suggest that the substance is safe even when high doses are consumed for a long period of time. However, the mechanism of action of the racetam drug family is still a matter of research. Oxiracetam is not approved by Food and Drug Administration for any medical use in the United States. - Executive functions (collectively referred to as executive function and cognitive control) are a set of cognitive processes including attentional control, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, as well as reasoning, problem solving, and planning that are necessary for the cognitive control of behavior: selecting and successfully monitoring behaviors that facilitate the attainment of chosen goals. Executive functions gradually develop and change across the lifespan of an individual and can be improved at any time over the course of a person's life. Similarly, these cognitive processes can be adversely affected by a variety of events which affect an individual. Neuropsychological tests are used to measure executive functions, and are usually performed as part of a more comprehensive assessment to diagnose neurological and psychiatric disorders. - Racetams are a class of drugs that share a pyrrolidone nucleus. Some, such as piracetam, are considered nootropics. Some such as oxiracetam and phenylpiracetam are also stimulants. Others such as levetiracetam and seletracetam are anticonvulsants. - Etiracetam is a nootropic drug of the racetam family . It is racemic ; its biologically active enantiomeric form is levetiracetam . - Seletracetam (UCB 44212) is a pyrrolidone-derived drug of the racetam family that is structurally related to levetiracetam (trade name Keppra). It was under development by UCB Pharmaceuticals as a more potent and effective anticonvulsant drug to replace levetiracetam but its production has been halted. - In chemistry, an enantiomer, also known as an optical isomer, is one of two stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other that are non-superposable (not identical), much as one's left and right hands are the same except for being reversed along one axis (the hands cannot be made to appear identical simply by reorientation). Organic compounds that contain a chiral carbon atom usually have two non-superposable structures. These two structures are mirror images of each other and are, thus, commonly called enantiomorphs ("enantio" = opposite ; "morph" = form), hence this structural property is now commonly referred to as enantiomerism. What entity does 'etiracetam' has the relation 'instance of' with?
chemical compound
TASK DEFINITION: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. PROBLEM: This means that everyone wanted this decision, but perhaps they were waiting for somebody to initiate the same and carry it forward. I have come to accomplish the task assigned to me by my countrymen. SOLUTION: इसका मतलब यह हुआ कि हर किसी के दिल में यह बात थी, लेकिन प्रारंभ कौन करे, आगे कौन आये, शायद उसी का इंतजार था और देशवासियों ने मुझे यह काम दिया और जो काम आपने मुझे दिया मैं वही करने के लिए आया हूं। मेरा अपना कुछ नहीं है। PROBLEM: Since the aircraft did not reach the destination, overdue actions were initiated by Indian Air Force. SOLUTION: विमान के अपने गन्तव्य तक नहीं पहुंचने के कारण भारतीय वायु सेना ने उचित कार्रवाई शुरू की। PROBLEM: No. of Security personnel martyred 5 SOLUTION:
शहीद हुए सुरक्षाबलों के जवानों की संख्या
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Bahasa (Indonesian) language. "Down with the British" was chanted, Mr. Mugabe saying the British are "like thieves fronting their lackeys among us, which they pay to confuse our people". "Ganyang Inggris" telah diteriakkanan, Bapak Mugabe mengatakan Inggris "seperti pencuri yang mengirimkan antek-anteknya di antara kita, yang mereka bayar untuk membingungkan orang-orang kita." By surviving and recovering, Jeanna became the only person known in medicine to overcome rabies without a vaccine. Dengan bertahan hidup dan pulih, Jeanna menjadi satu-satunya orang yang dikenal dalam pengobatan untuk mengatasi rabies tanpa vaksin. The Red Cross commented that 45,000 East Javanese people have been similarly displaced.
Palang Merah memberi komentar bahwa 45.000 penduduk Jawa Timur juga telah terlantar.
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "The interface of Windows 8 has been the subject of mixed reaction. Bright wrote that its system of hot corners and edge swiping "wasn't very obvious" due to the lack of instructions provided by the operating system on the functions accessed through the user interface, even by the video tutorial added on the RTM release (which only instructed users to point at corners of the screen or swipe from its sides). Despite this "stumbling block", Bright said that Windows 8's interface worked well in some places, but began to feel incoherent when switching between the "Metro" and desktop environments, sometimes through inconsistent means. Tom Warren of The Verge wrote that the new interface was "as stunning as it is surprising", contributing to an "incredibly personal" experience once it is customized by the user, but had a steep learning curve, and was awkward to use with a keyboard and mouse. He noted that while forcing all users to use the new touch-oriented interface was a risky move for Microsoft as a whole, it was necessary in order to push development of apps for the Windows Store. Others, such as Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNet, considered the interface to be "clumsy and impractical" due to its inconsistent design (going as far as considering it "two operating systems unceremoniously bolted together"), and concluded that "Windows 8 wasn't born out of a need or demand; it was born out of a desire on Microsoft's part to exert its will on the PC industry and decide to shape it in a direction—touch and tablets -- that allows it to compete against, and remain relevant in the face of Apple's iPad.""? The answer to this question is:
What did Adrian Kingsley-Hughes describe to be the reasons for his criticisms?
Languages typically provide more than one grammatical construction to express certain types of messages. Your task is to generate a senetence with the same meaning as given sentence, but with different grammatical construction. Alice floated a woman something Alice floated something to a woman Juan presented her a photograph Juan presented a photograph to her Michael floated a woman a bottle
Michael floated a bottle to a woman
TASK DEFINITION: Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning. PROBLEM: Chris Egan (Nick Smith)은 Summer Bay의 가족과 함께 자리를 잡았고 Duncan과 Duncan은 빨리 친구가되어 다양한 위기에 처하게되었습니다. SOLUTION: Nick Smith (Chris Egan)는 가족과 함께 Summer Bay에 정착했으며 Duncan과 Duncan은 빨리 친구가되어 다양한 긁힘에 빠지게됩니다. PROBLEM: Tweenies는 Bella, Milo, Fizz, Jake, Doodles, Izzles, Max, Judy로 구성되며 Max의 누이 Polly가 때때로 참여합니다. SOLUTION: Tweenies는 Bella, Milo, Fizz, Jake, 낙서, Izzles, Max, Judy로 구성되며 Max 'apos; 폴리 누나. PROBLEM: 이 종은 파푸아 뉴기니 (Papua New Guinea), 비스마르크 군도 (Bismarck Archipelago) : 뉴 브리튼 (New Britain); Woodlark Island; 웨스트 파푸아; 아루 군도. SOLUTION:
이 종은 뉴 브리타니아, 비스마르크 군도 : 우드락 섬, 파푸아 뉴기니, 웨스트 파푸아 및 아루 제도에서 발견 할 수 있습니다.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a text and a pronoun. You should write the name that the pronoun refers to. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. He grew up in Evanston, Illinois the second oldest of five children including his brothers, Fred and Gordon and sisters, Marge (Peppy) and Marilyn. His high school days were spent at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois. MacKenzie studied with Bernard Leach from 1949 to 1952. _His_ simple, wheel-thrown functional pottery is heavily influenced by the oriental aesthetic of Shoji Hamada and Kanjiro Kawai. <sep>, Pronoun: His Solution: MacKenzie Why? Based on the text, his refers to MacKenzie. New input: In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the medial graph of plane graph G is another graph M(G) that represents the adjacencies between edges in the faces of G. Medial graphs were introduced in 1922 by Ernst Steinitz to study combinatorial properties of convex polyhedra, although the inverse construction was already used by Peter Tait in 1877 in _his_ foundational study of knots and links. <sep>, Pronoun: his Solution:
Peter Tait
Given a passage and a question, find the answer to the question based on the passage. The answer should consist of only one word that lies in the span of only one of the sentences in the passage. Paragraph: Feist performed an alternate version of `` 1234 '' on Sesame Street during its 39th season ( 2008 ) , teaching children to count to the number four . She said working with the Muppets was a career highlight . Question: who sings the 4 song on sesame street Feist Paragraph: One of baseball 's first expansion teams , the Mets were founded in 1962 to replace New York 's departed NL teams , the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants . The Mets ' colors are composed of the Dodgers ' blue and the Giants ' orange , which also form the outer two bands of the New York City flag . During the 1962 and 1963 seasons , the Mets played their home games at the Polo Grounds . From 1964 to 2008 , the Mets ' home ballpark was Shea Stadium . In 2009 , they moved into their current ballpark , Citi Field . Question: when did the new york mets became a team 1962 Paragraph: Co-Founders `` Beaver '' Aplin and Don Wasek opened the first store , which is still open as of 2017 , in Lake Jackson , Texas in 1982 . Aplin formed the name Buc - ee 's by combining his childhood nickname and the name of his Labrador Retriever , Buck . Question: when did the first buc ee's open
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into English. خوب بیایید کمی این رو بررسی کنیم. So, let's explore. لی ‎ لی تاملین: یکی از آن آبها را به من بده ، حسابی تشنه ‎ ام. Lily Tomlin: Hand me one of those waters, I'm extremely dry. من یک یهودی اهل نیوجرسی هستم.
I'm a Jewish guy from New Jersey.
Given the fact that: The more acidic a solution is, the closer its pH value will be to 0 Answer the question: Compared to a solution of lye with water, which is strongly basic, would vinegar, which is acidic, have a pH value closer to 0 or farther away from 0??
closer to 0
Given a sentence in English language, translate the sentence to Igbo language keeping the meaning of the original sentence intact Example: English sentence: How is this possible Example solution: Olee kwere omume? Example explanation: The Igbo translation means the same as the original sentence in the English language. Problem: English sentence: Hash How to take get the MD5/SHA1 checksum for one file with PowerShell?
Solution: Hash Esi na MD5 / SHA1 elelenchikota nke a faịlụ na PowerShell?
Given a passage, write a short incorrect summary based on the passage. australian stocks are expected to remain near record levels in the week ahead , although uncertainty over commodity prices could see a drift away from mining shares towards the financial sector , dealers said friday .
boxing : cuba worried as talent continues to desert
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline. The story, set in a dystopian 2040s, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a worldwide virtual reality game, the discovery of which will lead him to inherit the game creator's fortune. Cline sold the rights to publish the novel in June 2010, in a bidding war to the Crown Publishing Group (a division of Random House). The book was published on August 16, 2011. An audiobook was released the same day; it was narrated by Wil Wheaton, who was mentioned briefly in one of the chapters. In 2012, the book received an Alex Award from the Young Adult Library Services Association division of the American Library Association and won the 2012 Prometheus Award.
was ready player one based on a book?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a review of movie. Your task is to classify given movie review into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. Mario Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute has written a definitive 120-page point-by-point, line-by-line refutation of this mendacious film, which should be titled A CONVENIENT LIE. The website address where his debunking report, which is titled "A SKEPTIC'S GUIDE TO AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH" can be found at is A shorter 10-page version can be found at: Once you read those demolitions, you'll realize that alleged "global warming" is no more real or dangerous than the Y2K scare of 1999, which Gore also endorsed, as he did the pseudo-scientific film THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, which was based on a book written by alleged UFO abductee Whitley Strieber. As James "The Amazing" Randi does to psychics, and Philip Klass does to UFOs, and Gerald Posner does to JFK conspir-idiocy theories, so does Mario Lewis does to Al Gore's movie and the whole "global warming" scam. Output:
Please answer correctly the following question related to the paragraph below. Which farmer didn't spray plants thoroughly with a insecticidal soap solution? Pam and Mary were two gardener friends. They both had some aphid infestations, but Mary had more aphids on her farm, so she used every method and insecticide available to get rid of them, with limited success. Hint: Insecticide control of aphids is difficult, as they breed rapidly, so even small areas missed may enable the population to recover promptly. Aphids may occupy the undersides of leaves where spray misses them, while systemic insecticides do not move satisfactorily into flower petals. Finally, some aphid species are resistant to common insecticide classes including carbamates, organophosphates, and pyrethroids.For small backyard infestations, spraying plants thoroughly with a strong water jet every few days may be sufficient protection. An insecticidal soap solution can be an effective household remedy to control aphids, but it only kills aphids on contact and has no residual effect. Soap spray may damage plants, especially at higher concentrations or at temperatures above 32 °C (90 °F); some plant species are sensitive to soap sprays.
This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) the answer is unique, (iv) its answer is a continous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage CHAPTER TWELVE. SAGE CONVERSE BETWEEN HAKE AND BERTHA--BIARNE IS OUTWITTED--A MONSTER IS SLAIN, AND SAVAGES APPEAR ON THE SCENE. Not long after this an event occurred which produced great excitement in the new settlement; namely, the appearance of natives in the woods. It occurred under the following circumstances. One morning Karlsefin gave orders for one of the exploring parties to be got ready to go out immediately. Karlsefin's plan from the beginning had been to class his men in two divisions. One half stayed at home to work, the other half searched the land,--always taking care, however, not to travel so far but that they could return home in the evening. They were careful also not to wander far from each other. Sometimes Karlsefin went with the exploring party, at other times stayed at home to superintend the work there, while Biarne or Thorward filled his place. On the occasion in question Biarne was in charge. Soon after the party had started, Hake, who was one of them, observed a female figure disappear round a copse near the shores of the lake. At that part they were about to strike off into the thick woods, so Hake went up to Biarne and asked leave to go along by the borders of the lake, saying that he could overtake the party again before they had reached the Willow Glen, a well-known rendezvous of the hunters and explorers of the colony. "Go as thou wilt, Hake," replied Biarne; "only see to it that ye overtake us before noon, as I intend to go on a totally new path to-day." Who gave orders? Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain. It is bordered by England to the east, the Irish Sea to the north and west, and the Bristol Channel to the south. It had a population in 2011 of 3,063,456 and has a total area of . Wales has over of coastline and is largely mountainous, with its higher peaks in the north and central areas, including Snowdon (), its highest summit. The country lies within the north temperate zone and has a changeable, maritime climate. Welsh national identity emerged among the Celtic Britons after the Roman withdrawal from Britain in the 5th century, and Wales is regarded as one of the modern Celtic nations. Llywelyn ap Gruffudd's death in 1282 marked the completion of Edward I of England's conquest of Wales, though Owain Glyndŵr briefly restored independence to Wales in the early 15th century. The whole of Wales was annexed by England and incorporated within the English legal system under the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542. Distinctive Welsh politics developed in the 19th century. Welsh Liberalism, exemplified in the early 20th century by Lloyd George, was displaced by the growth of socialism and the Labour Party. Welsh national feeling grew over the century; "Plaid Cymru" was formed in 1925 and the Welsh Language Society in 1962. Established under the Government of Wales Act 1998, the National Assembly for Wales holds responsibility for a range of . When did a specific identy emerge? CHAPTER FORTY-TWO PROJECT OF A DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES--DISAPPOINTMENT--NEGLIGENT AUTHORSHIP--APPLICATION FOR A PENSION--BEATTIE'S ESSAY ON TRUTH--PUBLIC ADULATION--A HIGH-MINDED REBUKE The works which Goldsmith had still in hand being already paid for, and the money gone, some new scheme must be devised to provide for the past and the future--for impending debts which threatened to crush him, and expenses which were continually increasing. He now projected a work of greater compass than any he had yet undertaken; a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences on a comprehensive scale, which was to occupy a number of volumes. For this he received promises of assistance from several powerful hands. Johnson was to contribute an article on ethics; Burke, an abstract of his Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful, an essay on the Berkleyan system of philosophy, and others on political science; Sir Joshua Reynolds, an essay on painting; and Garrick, while he undertook on his own part to furnish an essay on acting, engaged Dr. Burney to contribute an article on music. Here was a great array of talent positively engaged, while other writers of eminence were to be sought for the various departments of science. Goldsmith was to edit the whole. An undertaking of this kind, while it did not incessantly task and exhaust his inventive powers by original composition, would give agreeable and profitable exercise to his taste and judgment in selecting, compiling, and arranging, and he calculated to diffuse over the whole the acknowledged graces of his style. He drew up a prospectus of the plan, which is said by Bishop Percy, who saw it, to have been written with uncommon ability, and to have had that perspicuity and elegance for which his writings are remarkable. This paper, unfortunately, is no longer in existence.
Who had seen a prospect that had been written?
In electromagnetism, charge density is a measure of electric charge is the amount of electric charge per unit length, surface area, or volume, called the linear, surface, or volume charge density, respectively. The respective SI units are C⋅m, C⋅m or C⋅m. Can we infer the following? electromagnetism has to do with surface area Pick your answer from: +Yes. +It's impossible to say. +No. The answer is:
You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence. -------- Question: Sentence: The Srijana Contemporary Art Gallery, located inside the Bhrikutimandap Exhibition grounds, hosts the work of contemporary painters and sculptors, and regularly organizes exhibitions. Question: Where can one find the Srijana Contemporary Art Gallery? Answer: The Srijana Contemporary Art Gallery is located inside the Bhrikutimandap Exhibition grounds. Question: Sentence: The fire service, known as the Barun Yantra Karyalaya, opened its first station in Kathmandu in 1937 with a single vehicle. Question: When did Bhaktapur receive coverage from the fire department? Answer: 1937. Question: Sentence: My father needed to go to work so he took the keys for my mom's van and left for work. Question: what did he end up driving? Answer:
A van.
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Galician. La cosa bella è che, al contrario dei miei esperimenti con Hal e Russ Smith, non c'è bisogno di programmarli da sé per riuscire a vedere la realtà virtuale.
E o bo é, que ó contrario dos experimentos que Hal e eu levamos a cabo xunto con Russ Smith, non tedes que programalos vós para chegar a ver a realidade virtual.
Overall, there can be 73 minuses. Tus, it is A certain league has three divisions. The respective divisions had 10, 12 and 15 teams qualify for the playoffs. Each division held its own double-elimination tournament -- where a team is eliminated from the tournament upon losing two games -- in order to determine its champion. The four division champions then played in a single-elimination tournament -- where a team is eliminated upon losing one game -- in order to determine the overall league champion. Assuming that there were no ties and no forfeits, what is the maximum number of games that could have been played in order to determine the overall league champion? Options: (A) 70 (B) 72 (C) 73 (D) 78 (E) 80 (C) Speed of the boat in still water = (80+100)/2 = 90 kmph. Speed of the stream = (100-80)/2 = 10 kmph The speed of a boat in upstream is 80 kmph and the speed of the boat downstream is 100 kmph. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the stream? Options: (A) 90, 10 kmph (B) 35, 27 kmph (C) 50, 60 kmph (D) 45, 55 kmph (E) 45, 65 kmph (A) S = 180/6 * 18/5 = 108 kmph
A 180 meter long train crosses a man standing on the platform in 6 sec. What is the speed of the train? Options: (A) 48 kmph (B) 52 kmph (C) 108 kmph (D) 100 kmph (E) 98 kmph (C)
In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc. The Zulu ( ; ) are a Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa and the largest ethnic group in South Africa , with an estimated 10 – 12 million people living mainly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal .
There are 10-11 million Zulu living in South Africa , mostly in KwaZulu-Natal province .
Part 1. Definition In this task, you're given a context, a question, three options, and an answer. Your task is to classify whether the given answer is correct or not by providing 'Yes' or 'No', based on the context with commonsense reasoning about social situations. Part 2. Example Context: Tracy didn't go home that evening and resisted Riley's attacks. Question: What does Tracy need to do before this? Options: (A) make a new plan (B) Go home and see Riley (C) Find somewhere to go Answer: C Answer: Yes Explanation: Tracy finds somewhere to go and didn't come home because she has to resist Riley's attacks. So, C is the correct answer. Part 3. Exercise Context: Quinn learned to speak Sasha's native language which was Spanish. Question: What does Quinn need to do before this? Options: (A) might wish to becoming a Spanish speaking translator (B) take a course in Russian (C) enroll in a language school Answer: C Answer:
In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language and your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. In translation, keep numbers as it is. As for the second part of the question , “ What is Brahma ? ” the Taittriya Upanishad deals with it in the form of a dialogue between a father and his son .
जहां तक प्रश्न है दूसरे भाग की बात है कि ब्रह्मा क़्या है ? तैत्तरीय उपनिषद् में एक पिता और उसके पुत्र के बीच वार्तालाप के रूप में वर्णित है ।
Information: - Jon Almaas ( born August 29 , 1967 ) is a Norwegian TV - host and actor , best known from the weekly comedy Nytt på nytt , which he has presented since its 1999 inception . He has also published three books , Slik blir du husets herre ( English : This Is How You Become the Master of the House ) ( 2002 ) , Bare så du vet det ( English : Just So You Know ) ( 2004 ) and Den store norske TV - boka : Alt du ikke visste om norske TV - kjendiser ( og litt til ) ( English : The Large Norwegian Television Book : Everything You Did n't Know about Norwegian Television Stars ( and a Little Bit More ) ) ( 2006 ) . - Have I Got News for You is a British television panel show produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. It is loosely based on the BBC Radio 4 show "The News Quiz", and has been regularly broadcast since 1990. The show has cultivated a reputation for sailing close to the wind in matters of libel and slander with its topical and satirical remit. - Nytt på nytt (literally: "The News Anew" or "News on news") is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme "Have I Got News for You", by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief mention at the end of the show. The host is Jon Almaas, with permanent panelists Johan Golden and Pernille Sørensen. Sørensen replaced from the spring of 2015. Ingrid did her last show on February 20 2015. Since the start in the spring of 1999, it has grown to become the most popular weekly show on Norwegian television, with more than a million viewers every week. - Johan Derussy Golden (born 9 June 1974) is a Norwegian comedian, musician, politician and radio and television presenter. He became known through the radio programme XL, and later through the television programme En L.U.N. Aften med Golden og Antonsen on the now defunct channel Metropol. - Hat Trick Productions is a British independent production company that produces television programmes, mainly specialising in comedy. What is the relationship between 'jon almaas' and 'television presenter'? A:
You are given a request sent by a user in a human and computer dialogue. Your task is to generate a prediction of what the requester is actually trying to do. The input is a sentence written by the human user, trying to achieve certain objective through this human computer interaction, and the output should be a sentence or two succinctly describing the human user's objective mentioned previously. [Q]: Give me espn sports information. [A]: I\'m looking for various sports scores and information from the ESPN Sports site. [Q]: How can I view my internet history? [A]: How can I find my internet browsing history, i.e., the web sites I have previously visited? [Q]: What to do in Arkansas [A]:
Provide Arkansas tourist information.
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, we ask you to write an implausible answer to a question that involves "transient v. stationary" events, i.e., the understanding of whether an event will change over time or not. For example, the sentence "he was born in the U.S." contains a stationary event since it will last forever; however, "he is hungry" contains a transient event since it will remain true for a short period of time. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. Example: Sentence: Jack played basketball after school, after which he was very tired. Question: Was Jack still tired the next day? Output: Yes. Typically fatigue after playing in school goes away the next day. So, "Yes" is an unlikely answer. New input case for you: Sentence: In 27 percent of the cases, the charges were dismissed or the defendant was found not guilty. Question: Were defendants found guilty still found guilty two years later? Output:
no the sentences changed before about one year.
Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. By Anthony ZurcherEditor, Echo Chambers Hillary Clinton attached that line as a hashtag to a tweet about the importance of measles vaccinations earlier this month. Given that Mrs Clinton's tweets are read like messages from the Delphic oracle, it has rekindled speculation that the former secretary of state will be leaning on her new grandmatronly status in her all-but-announced upcoming presidential campaign. Since Chelsea Clinton gave birth to her daughter, Charlotte, last September, Hillary Clinton has frequently mentioned how being a grandmother has given her a renewed interest in ensuring the security of future generations - which, come to think of it, sounds like a pretty reliable campaign theme. Perhaps more importantly for Mrs Clinton, however, it's also a humanising theme. "I think it's a way to soften her image and make her seem very relatable," explains Jennifer Lawless, director of American University's Women & Politics Institute. Lawless says that US voters want two sets of traits in their leaders - competency and empathy. In 2008 then-Senator Clinton demonstrated that she was competent, but she often came across as cold and mechanical. One of the few times Mrs Clinton showed a more personal side was when she choked up while talking about why she was running for president - and it resulted in an overnight boost in her fortunes. "Some people think elections are a game, lot's of who's up or who's down," she said. "It's about our country, it's about our kids' futures, and it's really about all of us together." The following day she upset Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primary, giving her the momentum to wage a long, although ultimately losing, battle for the Democratic nomination. Mrs Clinton has yet to formally enter the 2016 race - and she appears to be in no rush to do so, since a credible opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination has yet to emerge. Given the tight-lipped nature of Mrs Clinton's operation up to this point, political analysts have been poring over even the smallest signs that could indicate how she will run this time around - and what lessons, if any, she has learned from her 2008 defeat. The grandmother-knows-best tweet, then, has been heralded as something of a revelation. According to the Atlantic's Peter Beinart, Mrs Clinton as "grandmother-in-chief" not only softens her occasionally hard edges, it fits nicely with her political worldview. Possible 2016 opponents No-one has formally declared but these are some of the names to watch: Meet the 2016 candidates. "In the popular imagination, grandmothers are both caring and conservative," he writes. "They dote on their grandchildren while also tut-tutting about a culture gone awry. They are pro-family in both the liberal and conservative senses of the word." Mrs Clinton has always said she's both a "trailblazer and a traditionalist", Beinart says. "Now, by running as a grandmother, she may finally make Americans believe her." The tactic is not without its risks, however. Mrs Clinton's political opponents have been quick to point out that she will be 69 on election day in 2016, the same age as the nation's oldest president, Ronald Reagan, when he was first elected in 1980. Some commentators, including Republican strategist Karl Rove, have gone so far as to question Mrs Clinton's health and fitness for the rigours of office. Could a campaign that touts the wisdom of a grandmother play into these lines of attack? "The image of a blue-haired granny is a tried-and-true American stereotype, and one that is antithetical to the image of the commander-in-chief with his finger on the button," writes Time magazine's Jay Newton-Small. According to Lawless, however, Mrs Clinton's age was going to be a factor one way or the other, so she might as well tackle the issue head-on and turn a possible weakness into a strength. "Better to be thought of as an old and empathetic person than just old," she says. Others on the right simply condemned Mrs Clinton's tweet as a calculated move from an always-calculating political family. "Clinton's flaunting of her grandchild is one of the most transparently cynical and sentimental acts of a major American politician that I can recall," Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon writes. "We have had presidents who have been parents, and we have had presidents who have been grandparents. But a campaign based on grandparental solidarity? A novelty." The line quickly gave rise to the quip that a Clinton presidency will advance the "granny state" - a haggard iteration of the liberal nanny state. "#GrandmothersKnowBest feels like a hashtag the GOP would have come up with for Hillary," tweets Jon Passantino, Buzzfeed's deputy news director. Although Mrs Clinton is treading new ground as the first woman with a realistic shot at the US presidency, it's familiar territory for other female world leaders - who have addressed the issue with varying levels of directness. One of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's public nicknames is "Mutti" - Mummy - but she largely has kept her personal life under tight wraps. In the most recent campaign, however, she did make appearances with her husband's grandchildren. On the other end of the spectrum is Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The 76-year-old grandmother of eight campaigned on the slogan that she wanted to bring "motherly sensitivity and emotion" to the office. The humanising effect of having youngsters in tow during a campaign appearance isn't limited to female candidates, of course. In 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney often brought some of his 18 grandchildren onto the public stage, and photographs of his entire brood were used in television adverts. Liberia isn't the US, however, and while Mr Romney assuredly needed a humanising touch as well, the downside of playing up his role as pater familias was minimal compared to the challenges facing Mrs Clinton. Still, says Lawless, the benefits of the strategy likely outweigh the risks. And if a single hashtag means Mrs Clinton will be placing new emphasis on the groundbreaking nature of her candidacy - which recent polls show could help broaden her appeal - the potential benefit is all the greater. "Her line about putting 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling was one of the most successful," Lawless says. Although Mrs Clinton didn't use it until she was conceding defeat to Mr Obama, this time could be different. "Grandmothers know best" may have been just one hashtag on one tweet, but there is almost certainly more to it than that. Hillary Clinton's grandmother gambit The tower, built on Conister Rock in Douglas in 1832, was the idea of Sir William Hillary, founder of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. DDP's Gill Anderson said: "It is a rare chance to learn about the role it has played in helping save lives." The guided walk is expected to begin at approximately 17:45 BST on 7 April. Mrs Anderson continued: "The Tower of Refuge is one of the most recognisable landmarks in Douglas. It's also perhaps one of the least accessible. "This event provides a rare opportunity for people to walk out safely under supervision to Conister Rock with all funds going to the RNLI." The tower was designed as a shelter for the crews of vessels which were wrecked on the nearby reef. Sir William Hillary, who launched an appeal in 1824 that led to the foundation of the RNLI, was a member of the Douglas lifeboat crew. 'One thousand' people sign up for Tower of Refuge walk The Dow Jones fell 208 points, or 1.3%, at 15885.22, while the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq indexes both lost 1.6% to 1906.90 and 4,518.49 respectively. Oil prices slid more than 6% as persistent concerns of oversupply were exacerbated by news that Iraq's output reached a record high last month. The sharp falls wiped out most of the gains from a short lived rally. All three main Wall Street indexes rose on Thursday and Friday, marking their first gains so far for the year. Wedbush Securities managing director of equity trading Michael James said the market volatility was directly linked to the fluctuations in the oil price. "Better oil markets Thursday and Friday led to better equity markets. A $2 retracement in oil today, it's not surprising to see a retracement in the equity indices," he said. Oil companies were the biggest losers, with Exxon and Chevron both closing over 3% lower, while ConocoPhillips dropped 9.2%. Johnson Controls, which makes ventilation systems and car batteries, sank 3.9% after it announced a deal to merge with Ireland-based Tyco International. The so called tax inversion deal would allow Johnson Controls to avoid relatively high US corporate tax rates by moving its headquarters to Tyco's base in Ireland's Cork.
Wall Street hit by oil price slide
This task is about identifying the subject of a given sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single subject. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified subject of that sentence. The 2.4 L LE5 I4 engine was designed for a displacement of 2,384 cc (145 cu in). 2.4 L LE5 I4 Season 12 was in 2007-2008. 12 The population of Kiyombe grows 3.5% between 2002 and 2012
A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. 114 કરોડ અને વર્ષ 201-20માં રૂ.
ఈ ప‌థ‌కాన్ని 2019-20 క‌ల్లా పూర్తి చేస్తారు.
Q: Given a passage, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. An effective HIV vaccine will likely require induction of both mucosal and systemic cellular and humoral immune responses. We investigated whether intramuscular (IM) delivery of electroporated plasmid DNA vaccine and simultaneous protein vaccinations by intranasal (IN) and IM routes could be combined to induce mucosal and systemic cellular and humoral immune responses to a model HIV-1 CN54 gp140 antigen in mice.', 'Co-immunisation of DNA with intranasal protein successfully elicited both serum and vaginal IgG and IgA responses, whereas DNA and IM protein co-delivery did not induce systemic or mucosal IgA responses. Cellular IFNγ responses were preserved in co-immunisation protocols compared to protein-only vaccination groups. The addition of DNA to IN protein vaccination reduced the strong Th2 bias observed with IN protein vaccination alone. Luminex analysis also revealed that co-immunisation with DNA and IN protein induced expression of cytokines that promote B-cell function, generation of TFH cells and CCR5 ligands that can reduce HIV infectivity. A:
Does plasmid DNA Vaccine Co-Immunisation modulate Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses Induced by Intranasal Inoculation in Mice?
Teacher: A text is given in Panjabi. Translate it from the Panjabi language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: ఎఫ్‌కు చెందిన గ్రూప్ -ఎ ఎక్సిక్యుటివ్ కేడ‌ర్ అధికారులు , నిర్దేశిత మార్గ‌ద‌ర్శ‌కాల ప్ర‌కారం 30 శాతం పెరుగుద‌ల రేటుతో ఎన్‌ Solution: ਸਮੂਹ-ਐਡ ਏਡਬਲਯੂਐਸਟਕੇਕ ਕੇਅਰ ਅਥਾਰਟੀਜ਼ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ 30 ਪ੍ਰਤੀਸ਼ਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਧਾ ਦਰ ਨਾਲ ਖਤਮ ਕਰੋ, ਬਦਲਾ ਦਿਸ਼ਾ ਨਿਰਦੇਸ਼ Reason: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'End with a 30 percent increase rate according to the Group-AD Exotic Cater Authorities, Definition Guidelines' which is the same as the output sentence. Now, solve this instance: రాజ‌స్థాన్ రాష్ట్రానికి చెందిన షెడ్యూల్డ్ ప్రాంతాలలో బాంస్ వాడా, డుంగర్‌ పుర్‌, ప్ర‌తాప్‌ గ‌ఢ్‌ జిల్లాలను పూర్తి గాను, 9 త‌హ‌సీళ్ళు పూర్తి గాను, 1 సంపూర్ణ బ్లాకు, మ‌రియు ఉదయ్ పుర్, రాజ్ సమంద్, చిత్తౌడ్ గఢ్, పాలీ ఇంకా సిరోహి జిల్లాల లోని 727 గ్రామాలను చుట్టివచ్చే 46 గ్రామ పంచాయ‌తీలను చేర్చ‌డం జ‌రుగుతుంది. Student:
ਰਾਜਸਥਾਨ ਰਾਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਨੁਸੂਚਿਤ ਖੇਤਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਿੰਨ ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹੇ ਬਾਂਸਵਾਡ਼ਾ, ਡੁੰਗਰਪੁਰ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਤਾਪਗੜ੍ਹ, ਨੌ ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਤਹਿਸੀਲਾਂ, ਇੱਕ ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਬਲਾਕ ਅਤੇ ਉਦੇਪੁਰ, ਰਾਜਸਮੰਦ, ਚਿਤੌੜਗੜ੍ਹ, ਪਾਲੀ ਅਤੇ ਸਿਰੋਹੀ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹਿਆਂ ਦੇ 727 ਪਿੰਡਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕਵਰ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ 46 ਗ੍ਰਾਮ ਪੰਚਾਇਤਾਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾਣਗੀਆਂ।
instruction: In this task, you are given a question. Your task is to generate an answer that is relevant to the question. question: Are you still in contact with the other neighbors? answer: Sally was at my birthday. question: Do you see any of our old friends? answer: I don't see anyone question: Have you kept in contact with anyone we used to know? answer:
I speak to a few on a regular basis.
Given a sentence, generate a most unlikely next statement. The next statement should not be logically relevant to the given context At the army camp, he distributes letters to soldiers. With a letter in his hand, someone rolls off his penguin. Inside, someone sketches a sloop in red ink at a drafting table. He finds someone peeking over to a couple of monitors. Grinning, the boys follow the sergeant as he marches past sand bag barricades through a doorway. The boys
watch as the water grows still.
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Polish. E credo davvero che questo possa accadere. A naprawdę sądzę, że to możliwe. E poi ho ricevuto una telefonata, e la voce all'altro capo della linea mi dice: "" Hai appena vinto il premio per il migliore blog al mondo "". Dostałem w końcu telefon, a głos po drugiej stronie powiedział, że dostałem nagrodę za najlepszy blog roku. Il primo principio è il "" primato della politica "".
Pierwsza zasada jest taka, że najważniejsza jest polityka.
instruction: Evaluate the similarity between them and classify them into classes from 0-5 as follows: 0 : The two sentences are completely dissimilar. 1 : The two sentences are not equivalent, but are on the same topic. 2 : The two sentences are not equivalent, but share some details. 3 : The two sentences are roughly equivalent, but some important information differs/missing. 4 : The two sentences are mostly equivalent, but some unimportant details differ. 5 : The two sentences are completely equivalent, as they mean the same thing. question: Sentence 1: Revenues for "The Hulk" came in well below those of last month's Marvel Comics adaptation, "X2: X-Men United," which grossed $85.6 million in its opening weekend. Sentence 2: The Hulk trailed last month's Marvel Comics adaptation, X2: X-Men United, which grossed $85.6-million in its opening weekend. answer: 5 question: Sentence 1: A person wearing a bike helmet talks on a cell phone. Sentence 2: A person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structure. answer: 3 question: Sentence 1: Security official killed in Yemen Sentence 2: Security personnel killed in Pakistan raid answer:
Answer the following question: Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: If we find a bird nest , we will have a good place of watching and knowing about birds. Birds sit on eggs and take care of their babies from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, parents often go to look for food and come back in several minutes. So it is good to watch birds. When we watch birds, we'd better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and it's better to use binoculars . But how do we make a bird nest? A good bird nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these: a) Each nest must have six boards for its cover and floor, for its left and right sides, and for its front and back sides. Don't make the boards too slippery . b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a "door". The "door" is big enough so birds can fly in or out easily. c) Make sure the rainwater can't go into the nest. d) One piece of the board should be easy to open. e) Don't forget to colour the nest. Question: When we're watching birds, we have to _ . - look after the birds more often - use the binoculars to catch the birds - hide ourselves to make the birds do everything as usual - catch the birds at last Answer:
hide ourselves to make the birds do everything as usual
A deli is for serving food, not for swimming. This justifies what answer for what question? Q & A:
Of the below sentences, which one does *not* make sense? Options: - Sentence A: "I went swimming at my uncle's house" - Sentence B: "I went swimming at my uncle's deli." Sentence B
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Farsi. PROBLEM: Kto upewni się, że twój plan jest realizowany? SOLUTION: و چه كسى پيگير اجرا شدن قطعى اين نقشه خواهد بود ؟ PROBLEM: Robimy nie tylko jarskie domy, ale też mięsne in-vitro, które badamy obecnie na Brooklynie, gdzie, jako pierwsze biuro architektoniczne, korzystamy z laboratorium biologii molekularnej i eksperymentujemy z medycyną regeneratywną i inżynierią tkankową Rozważamy, jak wyglądałaby przyszłość, gdyby architektura zespoliła się z biologią. SOLUTION: ما فقط خانه گیاهی نمیسازیم بلکه به دنبال خانه های با ساختار گوشتی (سلولی) هستیم و خانه هایی که ما در مرکز تحقیقاتی بروکلی در حال انجام هستیم در مرکزمعماری خودمان ، برای اولین بار در نوع خود برای ارائه در آزمایشگاه زیست شناسی با شروع آزمایشهاو تجربه هایی در خصوص پزشکی حیات بخش و طراحی بافت میباشد و فکر کردیم که آینده چگونه خواهد بود اگر معماران و زیست شناسان با یکدیگر همکاری کنند PROBLEM: Co jest złego w pokazaniu dzieciom, że kurczak wygląda jak kurczak? SOLUTION:
چه اِشکالی هست که به بچه ‌ ها یاد بدهیم که یک تکه مرغ شبیه یک مرغ واقعی است ؟
Your task is to extract the thesis of an opinionated news article by selecting some of its text segments. The thesis is a summarization of what the author wants to persuade the reader of. Your answer should consist of segments of the given text. Note that you are not allowed to combine different sentences. The Iranian opportunity. The instability and chaos sweeping across the Arab world today represents both a threat and an opportunity for Iran . Instability in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq are case-in-point examples that Iran can realise its short and long-term objectives to become the region's main hegemon . Surrounded by countries with significant Shia minorities, Iran seeks to cultivate the image of "protector state" for these populations . And eventually, Iran could become the "core country" in this hotly contested region . Toward this end, Iran has stirred Shia-Sunni divisions, creating sectarian identities for the various clashing groups . In the case of Yemen, this was done within the borders of one country where Iran contrived to create a distinct Shia identity for the Houthis who ended up taking control over the course of the past few months . The Iranian strategy is focused on building a new political model in the region - one that relies on Iran's "centrality" through which it can exercise power and influence both on the regional and international levels . Especially after the election of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran has been keen to develop working relations with the West and the US (particularly with regard to "fighting terrorism" - as it had done before in Afghanistan) . It is also eager to play a similar role in Iraq . This Iranian eagerness, however, cannot be isolated from the larger vision . This vision sees such cooperation as advancing the Iranian model of emphasising its geopolitical centrality for Shiism, as well as its hegemonic desires over the region, including the Arab Sunni states . To become the centre of gravity of the Middle East, Iran needs to amplify its role as both a protector and hegemon for its much weaker and unstable Arab neighbours . These neighbours would be relegated within the Iranian model to the status of periphery states . To do that, Iran uses its old revolutionary rhetoric and slogans to describe its brand of Islam as "authentic and original" while describing pro-West Sunni Arab states as having an "American-Islam" , which it presents as an illegitimate form of Islam . In his Washington Post op-ed last September, "Time to Engage", Rouhani outlined the Iranian objectives and the key areas in which Iran can cooperate with the US and the West . Although Rouhani laid out the Iranian strategic perspective and the parameters through which Iran can work and cooperate with the West , there was an important point, which he left unsaid . He was essentially saying that the US must recognise the failure of its old policies, especially in the region, and at the same time tacitly acknowledged that Iran had made mistakes in dealing with the US during the past eight years . Nevertheless , he opened the door for US-Iranian cooperation on combating terrorism and emphasised the Iranian role in solving the region's thorniest problems, such as the Palestinian cause and the conflict with Israel . View of superiority . Current Iranian discourse - political and cultural - revolves around advancing the view of superiority of the Iranian race, Shia Islam, and Iranian culture . Such discourse focuses on the uniqueness of the Iranian race as one that is steeped in civilisation, juxtaposed with the Arabs who represent, according to this view, the "other", i.e less civilised . In realpolitik terms, amid the instability and chaos plaguing Arab states, Iran presents itself as the alternative power to fill the vacuum in the region . From the Iranian perspective, the US has failed to solve many of the international crises and in some cases, it has created them . Iran, in this respect, is positioning itself as a rising power that will replace the US as the dominant power in the region . Echoing such discourse, Kazem Sajjadpour, an advisor on Strategic Affairs to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said, in Persian, during his participation in the roundtable discussion on the website Shia News Association, that while the Arab world suffers from fragmentation and strategic paralysis - while under the influence of western powers- Iran enjoys territorial integrity and cohesiveness, and is endowed with strategic resources . All of these are factors that could make Iran the new rising power in the region . Indeed , Iran is making the case that the entire Arab world revolves around it - and cannot survive without it .
The Iranian strategy is focused on building a new political model in the region - one that relies on Iran's "centrality" through which it can exercise power and influence both on the regional and international levels To become the centre of gravity of the Middle East, Iran needs to amplify its role as both a protector and hegemon for its much weaker and unstable Arab neighbours
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into English. راد بکستورم: ممنون کریس. من راد بکستورم هستم ، رییس آی سی ای ان ان ("" ICANN "") Output:
Rod Beckstrom: Thank you Chris. I'm Rod Beckstrom, CEO of ICANN.
Indicate a text span in the passage about which an inquisitive question is asked. (note, don't answer the question). Q: Sentence: In fact , at one point Merry Chase ( Melinda Mullins ) , a cool , carefully coiffed television announcer , recites a list of a dozen or more scandals of recent years , concluding with those affecting the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the savings and loan industry .<sep>Question: Can we be informed on more of these scandals? A: dozen or more scandals of recent years , **** Q: Sentence: A spokesman for the New York - based food and tobacco giant , taken private earlier this year in a $ 25 billion leveraged buy - out by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co . , confirmed that it is shutting down the RJR Nabisco Broadcast unit , and dismissing its 14 employees , in a move to save money .<sep>Question: why taken private? A: private **** Q: Sentence: Many of the nation ' s highest - ranking executives saluted Friday ' s market plunge as an overdue comeuppance for speculators and takeover players .<sep>Question: Why was it overdue? A:
overdue ****
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you're given reviews of various products in one of these languages 1) English 2) Japanese 3) German 4) French 5) Chinese 6) Spanish. Given a review you need to predict whether the language of the review is english or non-english PROBLEM: This product is a piece of shit. Do not buy. Doesn't work, and then I try to call for customer support, it won't take my number. Fucking rip off! SOLUTION: english PROBLEM: It doesn’t work after less than a month. The contacts on the connection are cheap. Don’t waste your money. SOLUTION: english PROBLEM: Accommodates our infant car seat. Rides smooth. Folds easily. SOLUTION:
A conducting wire wrapped in plastic protects the user because the plastic OPT: 1). keeps the wire cool.. 2). allows heat to move freely.. 3). is a good electrical insulator.. 4). has magnetic properties..
Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language. In addition , the financial position of the royal family was precarious and Constantine I , haunted by a deep sense of failure , soon fell ill . Or , la situation financière de la famille royale n' est pas des plus brillantes et Constantin , hanté par un profond sentiment d' échec , ne tarde pas à tomber malade . In 1956 Bernier was appointed music director of the Montreal Festivals , a post he remained in until 1960 when he became general director of the Orchestre Symphonique de Québec . En 1956 , Bernier est devenu directeur musical des Festivals de Montréal , poste qu' il a occupé jusqu' en 1960 où il a été nommé directeur général de l' Orchestre Symphonique de Québec . The TCD could simultaneously transport , refuel and put into operation four heavy helicopters , while ensuring the control of a limited landing operation , hospitalization and care of the wounded .
Simultanément , le TCD peut d' une part , transporter , ravitailler et mettre en œuvre quatre hélicoptères ; d' autre part , assurer le commandement d' une opération de débarquement d' ampleur limitée , l' hospitalisation et les soins aux blessés .
In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: threat and non-threat. Threat is a statement that someone will be hurt or harmed, especially if the person does not do something in particular. Comment: "Actually, I hate it.. but we don't know the future of marijuana under president Trump" Let me see if I understand you correctly. You are disregarding that Trump specifically chose a hardline anti-marijuana advocate as his number legal junkyard dog? Why do you think he chose him? For his good looks and suave demeanor? Because Trump was ignorant? I just don't get how you can rationally select what matters and doesn't matter in Trump's conduct.
In this task, you need to translate the given English sentence to Polish language. [Q]: activated immunological cells-- when the cytokines [A]: aktywne komórki odpornościowe -- cytokiny wnikną do nich. [Q]: In the experimental EGS system, [A]: W eksperymentalnym systemie EGS, [Q]: And that was a way of directly confronting God's presence in our world. [A]:
To piękno można przyrównać do boskiego działa stworzenia ziemi.
I heard that Riley decided that he wanted to elect every politician he could. And I was wondering Why did Riley do this?
look up all politicians that are running
Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence. [EX Q]: Passage: Non-revolutionary civil disobedience is a simple disobedience of laws on the grounds that they are judged 'wrong' by an individual conscience, or as part of an effort to render certain laws ineffective, to cause their repeal, or to exert pressure to get one's political wishes on some other issue. Revolutionary civil disobedience is more of an active attempt to overthrow a government (or to change cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc...revolution doesn't have to be political, i.e. 'cultural revolution', it simply implies sweeping and widespread change to a section of the social fabric). Gandhi's acts have been described as revolutionary civil disobedience. It has been claimed that the Hungarians under Ferenc Deák directed revolutionary civil disobedience against the Austrian government. Thoreau also wrote of civil disobedience accomplishing 'peaceable revolution.' Howard Zinn, Harvey Wheeler, and others have identified the right espoused in The Declaration of Independence to 'alter or abolish' an unjust government to be a principle of civil disobedience. Question: Why would a person chose civil disobedience against specific laws? [EX A]: they are judged "wrong" by an individual conscience [EX Q]: Passage: Fresno is served by State Route 99, the main north/south freeway that connects the major population centers of the California Central Valley. State Route 168, the Sierra Freeway, heads east to the city of Clovis and Huntington Lake. State Route 41 (Yosemite Freeway/Eisenhower Freeway) comes into Fresno from Atascadero in the south, and then heads north to Yosemite. State Route 180 (Kings Canyon Freeway) comes from the west via Mendota, and from the east in Kings Canyon National Park going towards the city of Reedley. Question: What route connects Fresno with the California Central Valley? [EX A]: State Route 99 [EX Q]: Passage: In the laboratory, stratigraphers analyze samples of stratigraphic sections that can be returned from the field, such as those from drill cores. Stratigraphers also analyze data from geophysical surveys that show the locations of stratigraphic units in the subsurface. Geophysical data and well logs can be combined to produce a better view of the subsurface, and stratigraphers often use computer programs to do this in three dimensions. Stratigraphers can then use these data to reconstruct ancient processes occurring on the surface of the Earth, interpret past environments, and locate areas for water, coal, and hydrocarbon extraction. Question: What can be combined with geophysical data to produce a better view of the subsurface? [EX A]:
well logs
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Q: (CNN) Jimmy Fallon wasn't playing it for laughs with his monologue Monday night. Instead Fallon, at times appearing to fight back tears, spoke from the heart about Saturday's deadly events in Charlottesville, Virginia. While acknowledging that "The Tonight Show" is not political, Fallon opened up about the clashes in Charlottesville between white nationalists and counterprotesters. He said it was his "responsibility to stand up against intolerance and extremism." "What happened over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, was just disgusting," Fallon said. "I was watching the news like everyone else, and you're seeing Nazi flags and torches and white supremacists and I was sick to my stomach."Fallon appears to fight back tears in monologue on clashes in VirginiaLate-night host calls out Donald Trump for delayed response to racism Questions:The late-night host was accused of not being critical enough of _ and at one point even ran his fingers through Trump's hair. (A) CNN (B) Jimmy Fallon (C) Fallon (D) Charlottesville (E) Virginia (F) The Tonight Show (G) Nazi (H) Donald Trump A: (H) **** Q: 'Size doesn't matter anymore. Lionel Messi has changed everything. Look at some of the best players in the Premier League – Santi Cazorla, David Silva, Sergio Aguero – they're not tall, but they're brilliant.' The man talking to me is smaller than all of them, but on Saturday in the hurly-burly of League On he set up a goal, he scored a goal, was named man of the match, and received a standing ovation when he was substituted with the game already comfortably won. Erhun Oztumer is just 5ft 3in and after scoring 61 goals in 97 games over two seasons at Dulwich Hamlet - he credits their manager Gavin Rose, who built the team around him, as a big influence - he earned the nickname 'non-League Messi.'English-born Turk Erhun Oztumer, 24, in fine form in League OneOztumer stands at 5ft 3in and was rejected by Charlton for being too smallHe is taking inspiration from small players such as Lionel MessiOztumer's former manager believes he can go 'to the very top'READ: Steve Evans deserves his chance at Leeds UnitedGain an extra Fantasy Football transfer this week with the code baines22 Questions:When the time came to make a decision on his future, the club carried out bone tests on _ to see if he would grow any taller. (A) Lionel Messi (B) Premier League (C) Santi Cazorla (D) David Silva (E) Sergio Aguero (F) League On (G) Erhun Oztumer (H) Dulwich Hamlet (I) Gavin Rose (J) League Messi (K) English (L) League One (M) Charlton (N) Steve Evans (O) Leeds United (P) Fantasy Football A: (G) **** Q: Jinan, China (CNN) -- Calling his former deputy a "liar with extremely bad character," fallen high-flying politician Bo Xilai on Sunday rebutted the testimony of the prosecution's star witness as his increasingly dramatic trial stretched into a fourth day. The former Communist Party chief of the sprawling southwestern metropolis of Chongqing has denied abusing his power -- the third and final charge being heard in court in Jinan, eastern China, long after he was stripped of his posts and expelled from the party. Prosecutors accuse Bo of threatening and improperly firing his former police chief Wang Lijun after learning about a murder investigation involving Bo's wife Gu Kailai, who is currently serving a suspended death sentence for killing British businessman Neil Heywood.Bo Xilai slams his former police chief as a "liar with extremely bad character"Trial adjourned after half a day on Sunday, to resume for day 5 on MondayBo facing trial for corruption, embezzlement and abuse of powerWang says he tried to seek U.S. asylum because he feared for his safety Questions:_ added: "After being convicted for abuse of power and defection, he still argued that he didn't defect but engaged in diplomacy in accordance with regulations. (A) Jinan (B) China (C) CNN (D) Bo Xilai (E) Communist Party (F) Chongqing (G) Wang Lijun (H) Gu Kailai (I) British (J) Neil Heywood (K) Wang (L) U.S. A:
(D) ****
Please answer this: This article: Chat Moss may be named after St Chad, a 7th-century bishop of Mercia, but as it was once part of a great tree-edged lake, as evidenced by the numerous wood remains in the lower levels of the peat, it is perhaps more likely that the name stems from the Celtic word ced, meaning wood. Chat Moss could also derive from Ceatta, an Old English personal name and mos, a swamp or alternatively the first element could be the Old English ceat meaning a piece of wet ground. It was recorded as Catemosse in 1277 and Chatmos in 1322. Moss is the local name for a peat bog.Daniel Defoe visited the area in 1724, on his way from Warrington to Manchester: From hence (Warrington), on the road to Manchester, we pass'd the great bog or waste call'd Chatmos, the first of that kind that we see in England ... The surface, at a distance, looks black and dirty, and is indeed frightful to think of, for it will bear neither horse or man, unless in an exceeding dry season, and then not so as to be passable, or that any one should travel over them ... What nature meant by such a useless production, 'tis hard to imagine; but the land is entirely waste, excep ... for the poor cottagers fuel, and the quantity used for that is very small. Peat bogs sometimes burst their boundaries, particularly after being subjected to heavy rainfall, and this seems to have happened with Chat Moss in the 16th century. John Leland, writing during the reign of King Henry VIII, described one such event: Chat Moss brast up within a mile of Mosley Haul, and destroied much grounde with mosse thereabout, and destroyed much fresh-water fishche thereabout, first corrupting with stinkinge water Glasebrooke, and so Glasebrooke carried stinkinge water and mosse into Mersey water, and Mersey corrupted carried the roulling mosse, part to the shores of Wales, part to the isle of Man, and some unto Ireland. Chat Moss presented a significant challenge to the engineers constructing the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1826 because of the difficulty in providing a solid base... contains an answer for the question: What place did Daniel Defoe visited in 1724?, what is it ? ++++++++ Answer: Chatmos Problem: This article: Fed up with her dead-end job with a Minneapolis car rental agency, Martha quits, cashes her final paycheck, and uses the money to purchase an airline ticket to the least expensive international destination she can find - London. At the airport, she meets Daniel, a successful music label executive, who covertly arranges for her to be upgraded to First Class and seated next to him on the flight. When she sells the ticket to another passenger and Daniel finds his seatmate is an obnoxiously loud woman instead of the girl of his dreams, he moves back to the Economy section and takes the vacant seat next to Martha. Before landing in London, he offers her the use of a deluxe suite in a luxury hotel at his company's expense in exchange for a lunch date the following day. Through a series of flashbacks and flashforwards, we learn Laurence, a former bridge champion who now teaches the game to wealthy women, went to the airport to pick up Daniel but missed him because the flight landed early. Instead, he literally runs into Martha, who hits him with a luggage cart while searching for the exit. She coerces him into taking her into the city and invites him to the suite for dinner. While she is in the bathroom, a bouquet of flowers from Daniel is delivered to the suite, and when Laurence sees the attached card, he departs without explanation. The following day, Martha meets struggling actor Frank, who has fled an audition in a panic and has gone to the park to console himself with a half-bottle of whiskey. Having heard about her from Daniel, he realizes who she is and calls Laurence to boast that he is about to make her his conquest. He takes her to a nearby art gallery. Martha slips away and heads for the exit, where she reunites with Laurence, who was looking for the pair. He invites her back to his flat and she accepts. contains an answer for the question: What is the first name of the person who sells her ticket to a fellow passenger?, what is it ? A: Martha Q: This article: American pressmen had been alerted to an upcoming Buddhist demonstration to coincide with Double Seven Day at Chanatareansey Pagoda in the north of Saigon. The nine-man group, which included Arnett, Browne, AP photographer Horst Faas, David Halberstam, Neil Sheehan of United Press International, and CBS's Peter Kalischer and photographer Joseph Masraf waited outside the building with their equipment. After an hour-long religious ceremony, the Buddhist monks, numbering around 300, filed out of the pagoda into a narrow alley along a side street, where they were blocked and ordered to stop by plain-clothed policemen. The Buddhists did not resist, but Arnett and Browne began taking photos of the confrontation. The police, who were loyal to Ngo Dinh Nhu, thereupon punched Arnett in the nose, knocked him to the ground, kicked him with their pointed-toe shoes, and broke his camera. Halberstam, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Buddhist crisis, was a tall man, standing around 20 centimetres (8 in) taller than the average Vietnamese policeman. He waded into the fracas swinging his arms, reportedly saying "Get back, get back, you sons of bitches, or I'll beat the shit out of you!" Nhu's men ran away without waiting for a Vietnamese translation, but not before Browne had clambered up a power pole and taken photos of Arnett's bloodied face. The police smashed Browne's camera, but his photographic film survived the impact. The other journalists were jostled and rocks were thrown at them. Photos of Arnett's bloodied face were circulated in US newspapers and caused further ill-feeling towards Diem's regime, with the images of the burning Thich Quang Duc on the front pages still fresh in the minds of the public. Halberstam's report estimated that the altercation lasted for around ten minutes and also admitted that the pressmen had tried to apprehend the policeman who had smashed Browne's camera but were shielded by the rock-wielding policeman's colleagues. He also claimed that the secret policemen had also... contains an answer for the question: What was the name of the person who took photos of Arnett's bloodied face?, what is it ? A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Hindi language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Hindi or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time. There was thus a shift in emphasis from the main vimana in the gopura , with the result that while in the earlier temple complexes , as in the Brihadisvara temple at Thanjavur , the sky-line descends from the stupi of the main vimana to the outer of the two front gopuras built almost in the same period as the main vimana , it ascends from the centre to the outermost gopura in the four temple complexes mentioned above . Output:
In this task, given a sentence in the Japanese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. 閉鎖の期間は不定だと考えられているが、少なくとも2009年7月1日の会計年度の終わりまで続くだろう。
The closures are considered indefinite but will last at least through the end of the fiscal year, July 1, 2009.
A text is given in Panjabi. Translate it from the Panjabi language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ 28 ਜੂਨ, 2018 ਨੂੰ ਸੰਤ ਕਬੀਰ ਨਗਰ ਦਾ ਦੌਰਾ ਕਰਨਗੇ PM to visit SantKabir Nagar on June 28, 2018
وزیراعظم کا دفتر وزیراعظم 28جون 2018کو سنت کبیر نگر کا دورہ کریں گے
WHITE HOUSE — U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday met for 80 minutes in the Oval Office with a general he described as the second most powerful man in North Korea. Afterward, Trump told reporters on the White House South Lawn that the June 12 summit in Singapore between him and North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, was back on. Trump, however, sought to quell some of the high expectations, saying the summit would "be a beginning" and subsequent discussions were likely to be needed to get Pyongyang to agree to denuclearization. "We're not going to go in and sign something on June 12th, and we never were," he said. "We're going to start a process." Trump declared he "never said it happens in one meeting," but that it "will ultimately be a successful process." Asked by VOA News whether the North Koreans had committed to complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization, Trump replied only that "we talked about a lot of things." 'Take your time' The president said he told Kim Yong Chol, the former head of North Korean military intelligence, "Take your time. We can go fast. We can go slowly." The president made clear that sanctions on North Korea would not be lifted, however, until the country agreed to give up its nuclear arsenal. As the negotiations over the Singapore summit play out in public, there is a sense among some observers that Trump and Kim Jong Un each have a clear sense of the deal they ultimately want to strike. Less clear is whether the U.S. and North Korean visions can match up in any meaningful way. "Singapore might be the first time people will have to put their cards on the table," a U.S. official said on the condition of anonymity. Upon his arrival Friday at the White House, Kim Yong Chol, who is under U.S. sanctions for links to cyberattacks against American companies, delivered a letter from Kim Jong Un. While Trump did not reveal the contents, he described the gesture as "very nice." Question: What is probably true of the general? === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - He is respected in North Korea - He is going to retire soon - He will be promoted - not enough information He is respected in North Korea It was a hot summer afternoon; I think I was 12. It was too hot too cook in the kitchen, so Mom decided we’d grill hot dogs & stuff outside. But we needed some things so Dad was elected to go to the grocery store. This turned out to be a big production; Dad was trying remember what all was needed without writing a list, and Mom kept adding things even as he was trying to leave. Finally, he got in the car and drove off. Mom & I had just turned around and sat down at our picnic table when all of sudden here was Dad pulling back into the driveway. He’d apparently just driven around the block & came right back. Mom & I looked at each other and smirked- she was thinking the same thing I was: “what’d he forget this time?” But then Dad got out of the car.. and on his face was the look. In my young life, I’d never seen that look before, but it chilled me to the core and I just knew something bad was coming. Mom knew it too; the smirk quickly left her face as Dad came over and said.. “Mom.. I hope I heard this wrong.. but on the radio they said a woman drowned at the lake.. I hope I’m wrong, I barely caught the name, but I think they said it was your sister..” The cookout was forgotten; we went inside & started making phone calls, and unfortunately it was indeed my aunt. She & her family had gone swimming to cool off; apparently she’d gotten a cramp or something and gone under while nobody was looking, and by the time she was missed it was too late. To this day, my Mom is miffed at some family members that we had to find out that way (she was pretty close to this sister so she feels someone should’ve called before it got on the news) but as for me, I will never forget that look on my Dad’s face. Question: Mom's relation that drowned was who? === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - not enough information - Some family members who were at the lake. - Dad was the relation who drowned. - The aunt to the writer. Answer: The aunt to the writer. While I was in training, my class was 2 months out from graduation. We were in class, reviewing skills such as antenna theory, radios and map reading. Our instructor walks in and pulls a candidate, we’ll leave nameless, aside. He walks him out of the classroom. I never really thought anything of it as instructors would often pull guys aside for reviews, specific instructions or taskings. I don’t know how much time passed but the candidate walked back in. He gathered his things and left the room. Guys asked if everything was cool but he didn’t say a word. The instructor came in and sat on the desk at the front of the room. We asked if everything was alright, and he told us that the day prior, the The candidate’s wife had gone into labor however there were complications with the baby but the complications were unknown. He was reporting to the commander to let him know whether he wanted to stay in training or leave because the military does not consider a spouse’s pregnancy to be an emergency even though the complication should be. If he were to leave he would have to drop from the TACP pipeline with a possibility of either starting it over from the beginning of quitting all together. The instructor shook his head and I could honestly see it was a difficult task for him to tell the candidate. It’s rare to see an instructor be emotional but it was something that brought reality into the room for us. The candidate was given 24 hours to call the hospital, talk to his wife, learn more of the situation and make a decision. He ended up staying in the pipeline and graduated. His child was born with minor complications but is healthy to this day. It may not be an exact teacher to a student scenario, but it hits pretty damn close to those of us who went through military training. Question: At the end of the story, the author thinks: === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - That her story was close to the question. - not enough information - That her story exactly answers the question. - That he story does not answer the question.
That her story was close to the question.
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. PROBLEM: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: To check assignments SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Head: PersonX answers PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: motivated SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Head: paint picture<sep>Tail: find paints SOLUTION:
Given a passage, write a short incorrect summary based on the passage. Example Input: at st. UNK , UNK was originally called in to try to repair an instrument installed in the late ##th century by francois-henri clicquot -lrb- a distant relative by marriage of the champagne widow clicquot -rrb- . Example Output: it 's up to a queasy glavine to stop the yankees Example Input: UNK corp. , an oak ridge , tenn. , technology company , is developing a camera and software system that promises by next year a significant improvement in automated traffic signals . Example Output: moving companies hit bumps in economic road Example Input: friday : munich #### v uerdingen , eintracht frankfurt v hansa rostock , saturday : borussia moenchengladbach v cologne , sankt pauli v werder bremen , stuttgart v bayern munich , freiburg v karlsruhe , kaiserslautern v hamburg , borussia dortmund v schalke ## , sunday : bayer leverkusen v dusseldorf UNK Example Output:
hariri to visit britain which he accuses of backing israel
Instructions: Given a paragraph about cooking, and a set of conversational questions and answers about the paragraph, say whether the passage contains sufficient information to answer the follow-up question. Say Yes if it is answerable; otherwise, say No. The paragraph has the prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix `Q:` followed by the answer prefix `A:`, and the follow-up question has a prefix `FOLLOWUP_Q:`. Input: CONTEXT: Fudge is basically a chocolate flavored candy.You combine chocolate and a sugar syrup and boil the syrup until you get the desired concentration. Everything else about the recipe is to either minimize sugar crystal size or add flavor.Sweetened condensed milk will do two things-1- give you a nice, caramelly flavor2- Save a little time. Since it has less water to begin with there will be less to boil off. <sep> Q: What kind of milk is the best for making fudge? A: Sweetened condensed milk <sep> FOLLOWUP_Q: Why is sweetened condensed better? Output:
Teacher:Classify the given news commentary into the language in which it is written in. There are 12 languages to classify the sentences into, 1) English, 2) French, 3) Arabic, 4) Czech, 5) German, 6) Spanish, 7) Dutch, 8) Portuguese, 9) Italian, 10) Zhuang, 11) Japanese, 12) Russian. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: وهذا يعني أمرين. الأول أن الأموال القادمة مصادر مختلفة للتمويل قابلة للتبديل إلى درجة معينة: أي أن نقص الأموال بالنسبة لأحد مكونات الدين الإجمالي يصبح من الممكن تكميله بالأموال الفائضة التي كان المقصود منها في الأساس تمويل مكونات أخرى. والثاني أن نشوء متاعب في أي من مكونات الدين الإجمالي من شأنه أن يؤثر على كافة المكونات الأخرى. Student:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a sentence in Persian, and you have to paraphrase it. The paraphrased sentence must have the same meaning as the input. تفاوت بین HTML و XHTML چیست؟ Output:
تفاوت های کلیدی بین HTML و XHTML چیست؟
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. Por volta de 2030, se as variedades de millo, que é o cultivo dominante, — a metade de [inintelixible] en África dos Sur aínda está no campo — en 2030 — dicía — veremos unha diminución do 30 por centro na produción de millo por causa do cambio climático xa nesa data.
By 2030, if the maize, or corn, varieties, which is the dominant crop — 50 percent of the nutrition in Southern Africa are still in the field — in 2030, we'll have a 30 percent decrease in production of maize because of the climate change already in 2030.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a positive review and your task is to convert it to a negative review by making minimal changes. Avoid changing the context of the review. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: tires , alignment , brakes and more . Student:
no tires , no alignment , no brakes , nothing .
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. (Risos) Non vos vou facer dano. Non vos preocupedes.
(Laughter) I'm not going to hurt you. Don't worry.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. A furry is someone, generally a male, who's autistic, in his twenties, who identifies with animals and oftentimes has sexual attraction to other people dressed as animals.
Un peludo es alguien, generalmente un macho, que es autista, a los veinte años, que se identifica con animales y muchas veces ha vestido la atracción sexual por otras personas como animales.
Part 1. Definition The task is about reading the given story and question, then finding an answer to the given question. Based on the passage provided and the given question, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question. Part 2. Example story : Honolulu is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is an unincorporated part of and the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu on the island of Oahu. The city is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major portal into the United States. The city is also a major hub for international business, military defense, as well as famously being host to a diverse variety of east-west and Pacific culture, cuisine, and traditions. Honolulu is the most remote city of its size in the world and is the westernmost major U.S. city. For statistical purposes, the U.S. Census Bureau recognizes the approximate area commonly referred to as "City of Honolulu" (not to be confused with the "City and County") as a census county division (CCD). Honolulu is a major financial center of the islands and of the Pacific Ocean. The population of the city of Honolulu was 337,256 as of the 2010 census, while the Honolulu CCD was 390,738 and the population of the consolidated city and county was 953,207. "Honolulu" means "sheltered harbor" or "calm port". The old name is said to be Kou, a district roughly encompassing the area from Nuuanu Avenue to Alakea Street and from Hotel Street to Queen Street which is the heart of the present downtown district. The city has been the capital of the Hawaiian Islands since 1845 and gained historical recognition following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan near the city on December 7, 1941. question: What does Honolulu mean? Answer: sheltered harbor Explanation: This answer for the given question is based on the following sentence from the passage - "Honolulu" means "sheltered harbor" or "calm port" and this is answerable from the passage. So, it is a good answer. Part 3. Exercise story: Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time. He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel Comic Books. Spiderman's story is the story of Peter Parker, a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle. Peter is a shy, quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends. One day, on a high school class trip to a science lab, he gets bitten by a special spider. Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers: he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense. He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him _ ,Peter decides to use his powers to fight against enemies who do cruel things to people. And so, Spiderman is born. Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero. He is in love with Mary Jane but he can't tell her about his amazing powers. Besides, his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time. He has to sell photos of Spiderman (himself!) to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he's so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight against different kinds of cruel enemies., question: how does he make money? Answer:
sells photos of Spiderman/himself
You are given a sentence from a conversation between a human and a virtual assistant. Your task is to identify whether the sentence is a question or not. Answer with Yes or No. Sure, that's perfect. May I also have the exact address for the venue? Yes Please confirm this: Booking a table at Yayoi Cupertino. The city is Cupertino. The reservation is at 7:45 pm. The date is today. the reservation is for 2 people. No What time would you like it at?
Larisa Grollemond is conducting a comparative study of illuminations in the Mirror of History (Speculum historiale, Miroir historial) as a graduate intern in the Manuscripts Department of the Getty Museum. The massive text, compiled in the 1200s by friar Vincent of Beauvais and translated into French in the 14th century by Jean de Vignay, attempts to compile all of world history from creation to the present into a single source. “If our twenty-first-century way of understanding everything is to put it on the Internet,” she says, “the medieval way of understanding was to create big encyclopedic texts that try to encompass all of human history and biblical history in an organized way.” Larisa, who recently completed her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania with a focus on 15th-century French manuscript culture, is focusing on the Getty volumes’ unique program of illuminations. The French translation of the Miroir historial exists in some 40 known copies, and while the text remains mostly unchanged from copy to copy, the illuminations vary dramatically, both in how scenes are depicted and in which episodes artists choose to depict. Larisa has decided to focus on the evolution of depictions of India and its inhabitants across these various copies, because the Getty copy, which dates to 1475, contains images that are different from earlier illuminated versions. While other copies don’t dedicate more than one or two illustrations to India, the Getty copy has several that draw upon the medieval tradition of the “monstrous peoples” as well as knowledge of geography, materials, and customs newly gained through trade. This work ties into broader scholarly efforts to shed light on globalization in the Middle Ages. “Scholars of medieval art have generally thought of Western Europe as the center and non-European places as the periphery. There has now been a revision of that view,” says Larisa. “These manuscripts provide an interesting glimpse into how late-medieval Europeans made sense of their world, including... Why did Larisa focus on the evolution of depictions of India? A. because the text from the French manuscript focuses on India B. not enough information C. because the Getty copy has different images of India than earlier versions D. because it was compiled by Vincent of Beauvais
The exercise is to decide whether the question accepts the proposed suggestion as a correct answer. If yes, write "True", otherwise write "False". Question: what is an irregular heartbeat pvc Suggestion: In a PVC, the ventricles contract first and before the atria have optimally filled the ventricles with blood, which means that circulation is inefficient.
Reconstruct a question, answer pair from this explanation: Cell division is more complex in eukaryotes than prokaryotes. Asexual cell division is called Mitosis. Mitosis is more complex in eukaryotes than prokaryotes.
Q:What is more complex in eukaryotes than in prokaryotes? Options: - (A) plants - (B) cell immigration - (C) cell establishment - (D) pollen - (E) explosions - (F) mitosis - (G) A computer - (H) orchids A:(F)
Data: Al Asad Airbase, operatingOrganisation, United States Air Force; United States Air Force, attackAircraft, Lockheed AC-130; United States Air Force, aircraftFighter, McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle; United States Air Force, battle, 1986 United States bombing of Libya The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase and fought in the bombing of Libya in 1986. They deploy the Lockheed AC-130 on their aircraft carriers and also use the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Fighter Aircraft. Data: Lahore, country, Pakistan; Allama Iqbal International Airport, cityServed, Lahore The Allama Iqbal International airport serves the city of Lahore in Pakistan. Data: Alan Martin (footballer), club, Ayr United F.C.
Alan Martin is a footballer for Ayr United FC.
Given the below context: When an ally of the Ü-Tsang ruler threatened destruction of the Gelugpas again, the fifth Dalai Lama Lozang Gyatso pleaded for help from the Mongol prince Güshi Khan (1582–1655), leader of the Khoshut (Qoshot) tribe of the Oirat Mongols, who was then on a pilgrimage to Lhasa. Güshi Khan accepted his role as protector, and from 1637–1640 he not only defeated the Gelugpas' enemies in the Amdo and Kham regions, but also resettled his entire tribe into Amdo. Sonam Chöpel urged Güshi Khan to assault the Ü-Tsang king's homebase of Shigatse, which Güshi Khan agreed upon, enlisting the aid of Gelug monks and supporters. In 1642, after a year's siege of Shigatse, the Ü-Tsang forces surrendered. Güshi Khan then captured and summarily executed Karma Tenkyong, the ruler of Ü-Tsang, King of Tibet.Soon after the victory in Ü-Tsang, Güshi Khan organized a welcoming ceremony for Lozang Gyatso once he arrived a day's ride from Shigatse, presenting his conquest of Tibet as a gift to the Dalai Lama. In a second ceremony held within the main hall of the Shigatse fortress, Güshi Khan enthroned the Dalai Lama as the ruler of Tibet, but conferred the actual governing authority to the regent Sonam Chöpel. Although Güshi Khan had granted the Dalai Lama "supreme authority" as Goldstein writes, the title of 'King of Tibet' was conferred upon Güshi Khan, spending his summers in pastures north of Lhasa and occupying Lhasa each winter. Van Praag writes that at this point Güshi Khan maintained control over the armed forces, but accepted his inferior status towards the Dalai Lama. Rawski writes that the Dalai Lama shared power with his regent and Güshi Khan during his early secular and religious reign. However, Rawski states that he eventually "expanded his own authority by presenting himself as Avalokiteśvara through the performance of rituals," by building the Potala Palace and other structures on traditional religious sites, and by emphasizing lineage reincarnation through written biographies. Goldstein states that the government of... Guess a valid title for it!
Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty
Given an abstract of a paper, generate a title for this paper such that conveys the key focus of the paper. Abstract: The purpose of the present experiment was to study frequency changes in gastric myoelectric activity of healthy human subjects and the development of symptoms of motion sickness as brought about by vection or illusory self-motion. Fifteen fasted healthy human subjects were seated inside a circular vection drum, the rotation of which produces visual signals of self-motion that are in conflict with vestibular signals (i.e., mismatched sensory input). An electrogastrogram was obtained for three 15-min. periods: baseline, rotation, and after drum rotation stopped. Respiration, symptoms volunteered by subjects, and a continuous measure of intensity of symptoms were recorded. Five subjects showed a continuation of normal 3-cycles/min. activity during drum rotation and reported no symptoms of motion sickness. Ten subjects showed a shift of their dominant gastric frequency from 3 cycles/min. to 4-9 cycles/min. during drum rotation and reported symptoms of motion sickness. Running spectral analysis revealed a close correspondence over time between tachygastria and reports of symptoms of motion sickness. Spectral analysis of tachygastria recorded during motion sickness. Abstract: The possible role of prostaglandins in mediating large coronary artery vasodilation by nitrates was investigated by quantitative magnification coronary angiography. The effects of aspirin (1 g systemically and 100 mg intracoronary) in preventing large coronary artery vasodilation induced by intracoronary isosorbide dinitrate was investigated in 16 patients. Of these, 5 received 0.3 mg (Group 1A) and 11 received 3 mg (Group 1B) intracoronary isosorbide dinitrate, before and 15 minutes after aspirin. Relative to control, 0.3 mg isosorbide dinitrate induced a 19 +/- 9% (mean +/- SD) (p less than 0.01) and 19.5 +/- 11% (p less than 0.01) increase in coronary diameter before and after aspirin, respectively (p = NS). Changes after 3 mg isosorbide were 23 +/- 12% (p less than 0.01) and 26.5 +/- 14% (p less than 0.01), respectively, before and after aspirin (p = NS). In 10 additional patients (Group 2), the effect of the same dose of aspirin on rest coronary artery tone was assessed: changes relative to control were 0.9 +/- 5.5% (p = NS) minutes after aspirin. The intracoronary administration of 3 mg isosorbide dinitrate produced a 24.7 +/- 11% increase in coronary diameter (p = NS versus pre- and postaspirin isosorbide in Group 1B). Urinary 6-ketoprostaglandin-F1 alpha values in urine samples collected in the 8 hours before and the 8 hours after the study in five patients in Group 1B and five patients of Group 2, revealed a 36 +/- 14% (mean +/- SD) reduction in excretion of prostacyclin (p less than 0.01). These data rule out a role for prostaglandins both in mediating dilation of large coronary arteries by nitrates and in affecting their vascular tone at rest. Coronary vasodilation by nitrates is not mediated by the prostaglandin system: a quantitative cineangiographic study. Abstract: Active forms of vitamin D3, 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, were administered in an open-design study to 40 patients with psoriasis vulgaris in three ways: to 17 patients 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 was given orally at a dose of 1.0 micrograms/day for 6 months, to four patients 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 was given orally at a dose of 0.5 microgram/day for 6 months, and 19 patients were given 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 applied topically at concentration of 0.5 microgram/g of base for 8 weeks. Improvement was observed at the end of the individual study periods in 13 (76%) patients in Group 1 with a mean period of treatment (+/- SD) of 2.7 +/- 0.6 months, in one patient in Group 2 at 3 months after the start of treatment, and in 16 (84%) patients in Group 3 when the chemical was applied for 3.3 +/- 1.2 weeks. No side-effects were observed in any of these trials. These data suggest that psoriasis may respond to active metabolites of vitamin D3 and that abnormalities in vitamin D metabolism or in responsiveness of the skin cells to active metabolites of vitamin D may be involved in the pathogenesis of this skin disease.
An open study of vitamin D3 treatment in psoriasis vulgaris.
Please answer the following question: Found the following article online, use it to answer the question: Who watches Holly's video? Two days after the events of the first film, a traumatized and blood-covered Sarah escapes the cave with no memory of the events. She is taken to a hospital, where it is found that some of the blood on her belongs to Juno Kaplan. Sheriff Vaines takes his deputy Elen Rios, Sarah, and three spelunking specialists – Dan, Greg, and Cath – to the cave to find the missing women. The team members are sent down via an old mine shaft operated by the old, mysterious Ed Oswald. The group discovers Rebecca's mutilated body, causing Sarah to have flashbacks of the crawlers and causing Vaines to believe Sarah may be responsible for the girls' disappearance. While crawling through a tunnel, she attacks Vaines and the others, causing the others to split up. Vaines runs to search for Sarah, and in the process is surprised by a crawler, and fires his gun in a panic, causing a minor collapse in the cavern which traps Cath, separating her from Rios, Dan, and Greg. The three decide to find an alternate way around in order to try to free Cath and arrive in a room full of bones, where they find Holly's video camera. They watch it and realize the women were attacked by the crawlers. The three are then themselves attacked by crawlers and separated. Rios starts calling for help, alerting the crawlers to her location, but is rescued by Sarah. The two then watch as a crawler kills Dan and drags his body away, prompting Sarah to inform Rios that the crawlers are blind and hunt via sound. After escaping from and killing a crawler, Cath finds Greg before the two escape from another crawler and find Sam's body. They decide to try to use her to swing across a chasm, but are attacked again. Greg sacrifices himself to buy time for Cath, but she ultimately does not survive. Answer:
In this task, you are given a sentence from the Quran in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. To dwell therein for ever: no protector will they find, nor helper. همیشه در آن جاودانه‌اند، و سرپرست و یاوری [که آنان را نجات دهد] نیابند. (Remember also) Qarun, Pharaoh, and Haman: there came to them Moses with Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not overreach (Us). و قارون و فرعون و هامان را [نیز نابود کردیم]. و همانا موسی برای آنان دلایل روشن آورد، پس آنان در زمین تکبر و سرکشی کردند، ولی پیشی گیرنده [بر اراده و قضا و قدر ما] نبودند [تا بتوانند از عذاب ما بگریزند.] Crystal-clear, made of silver: they will determine the measure thereof (according to their wishes).
جام هایی از نقره که آنها را به اندازه مناسب اندازه گیری کرده‌اند،
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Spanish language. Your task is to translate the Spanish sentence into the English language. En un estudio farmacoeconómico, el fármaco A produce una esperanza de vida de 5 años con un coste total de 5.000 euros, mientras que el fármaco B produce una esperanza de vida de 6 años con un coste total de 15.000 euros (valores medios por paciente). El criterio de decisión se basa en escoger la intervención más efectiva con un umbral de coste-efectividad de 30.000 euros por año de vida adicional ganado por paciente, ¿qué fármaco es coste-efectivo respecto del otro y por qué?
In a pharmacoeconomic study, drug A produces a life expectancy of 5 years with a total cost of 5,000 euros, while drug B produces a life expectancy of 6 years with a total cost of 15,000 euros (average values ​​per patient) . The decision criterion is based on choosing the most effective intervention with a cost-effectiveness threshold of 30,000 euros per year of additional life earned per patient, what drug is cost-effective compared to the other and why?