SELECT score FROM table_name_66 WHERE opponent = "fabrice martin"
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What was the score against fabrice martin?
SELECT surface FROM table_name_58 WHERE score = "7–5, 3–6, 7–6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (surface VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
What was the surface of the score of 7–5, 3–6, 7–6?
SELECT order FROM table_name_61 WHERE elector = "marino bulcani"
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (order VARCHAR, elector VARCHAR)
What's the Order with an Elector of Marino Bulcani?
SELECT elevator FROM table_name_25 WHERE elevated = "1378, september 18" AND order = "cardinal-priest" AND elector = "poncello orsini"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (elevator VARCHAR, elector VARCHAR, elevated VARCHAR, order VARCHAR)
What's the Elevator that has Elevated: 1378, September 18, an Order of Cardinal-Priest, and an Elector of Poncello Orsini?
SELECT elector FROM table_name_62 WHERE title = "deacon of s. maria in domnica"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (elector VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
What is listed as the Elector with the Title of Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica?
SELECT elevated FROM table_name_78 WHERE order = "cardinal-bishop"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (elevated VARCHAR, order VARCHAR)
What's listed for the Elevated category that has an Order of Cardinal-Bishop?
SELECT division_record FROM table_name_79 WHERE school = "milford"
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (division_record VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
The Milford School has what Division Record?
SELECT team FROM table_name_29 WHERE school = "sussex tech"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (team VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
What is the name of the School of the Sussex Tech's Team?
SELECT score FROM table_name_5 WHERE player = "arnold palmer"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (score VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What was Arnold Palmer's score in the tournamnet?
SELECT party FROM table_name_31 WHERE member = "peter white"
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (party VARCHAR, member VARCHAR)
What the name of Peter White's party?
SELECT term_in_office FROM table_name_73 WHERE electorate = "indi"
CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (term_in_office VARCHAR, electorate VARCHAR)
What term did an Electorate of indi have in office?
SELECT term_in_office FROM table_name_9 WHERE member = "hon ralph hunt"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (term_in_office VARCHAR, member VARCHAR)
What term did hon ralph hunt serve in office?
SELECT party FROM table_name_65 WHERE state = "vic" AND member = "peter fisher"
CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (party VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, member VARCHAR)
What party is Peter Fisher from Vic serve in office?
SELECT SUM(laps) FROM table_name_26 WHERE year = 2012
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (laps INTEGER, year VARCHAR)
How many laps were done in 2012?
SELECT date FROM table_name_12 WHERE score = "1–6 6–1 3–6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (date VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
On what day was the score of 1–6 6–1 3–6 achieved?
SELECT AVG(gold) FROM table_name_62 WHERE total < 14 AND bronze < 1 AND nation = "czech republic"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (gold INTEGER, nation VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
Name the average gold for czech republic and bronze less than 1 when total is less than 14
SELECT MAX(rank) FROM table_name_13 WHERE silver = 4 AND bronze < 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (rank INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
Name the highest rank when silver is 4 and bronze is less than 3
SELECT COUNT(total) FROM table_name_59 WHERE bronze = 4 AND silver > 6
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (total VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR)
Name the total number of total for bronze of 4 and silver more than 6
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_11 WHERE surface = "carpet (i)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (outcome VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR)
When the Surface was Carpet (i), what was the Outcome?
SELECT SUM(draw) FROM table_name_49 WHERE place > 6 AND votes > 38
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (draw INTEGER, place VARCHAR, votes VARCHAR)
What is the draw number of the song with a place lower than 6 and more than 38 votes?
SELECT COUNT(votes) FROM table_name_4 WHERE artist = "sahlene" AND place > 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (votes VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR, place VARCHAR)
What is the total number of votes Sahlene with a place below 1 has?
SELECT MAX(place) FROM table_name_8 WHERE votes = 38 AND draw > 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (place INTEGER, votes VARCHAR, draw VARCHAR)
What is the highest place of the song with 38 votes and a draw great than 3?
SELECT SUM(votes) FROM table_name_93 WHERE draw < 4 AND artist = "yvetta kadakas & ivo linna"
CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (votes INTEGER, draw VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR)
How many votes did Yvetta Kadakas & Ivo Linna, who had less than 4 draws, have?
SELECT year FROM table_name_27 WHERE finish = "3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (year VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR)
What year was there a finish of 3?
SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_97 WHERE start = "33"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (year INTEGER, start VARCHAR)
What year was the start 33?
SELECT year FROM table_name_48 WHERE team = "simon" AND start = "3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (year VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, start VARCHAR)
When was there a team of Simon and the start was 3?
SELECT city FROM table_name_69 WHERE spire__m_ = "105" AND roof___m__ < 96 AND built = 1985
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (city VARCHAR, built VARCHAR, spire__m_ VARCHAR, roof___m__ VARCHAR)
What's the name of the 1985 city with a Spire (m) of 105, and a Roof (m) smaller than 96?
SELECT AVG(floors) FROM table_name_67 WHERE built = 2004 AND roof___m__ = 106
CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (floors INTEGER, built VARCHAR, roof___m__ VARCHAR)
What's the average number of floors that were built in 2004, and have a roof (m) of 106?
SELECT SUM(floors) FROM table_name_73 WHERE built > 2006 AND rank = 12
CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (floors INTEGER, built VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What's the total number of floors built after 2006, and have a rank of 12?
SELECT SUM(attendance) FROM table_name_80 WHERE h___a = "n"
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (attendance INTEGER, h___a VARCHAR)
What is the sum of attendance for H/A values of "n"?
SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE opponent = "stefano galvani"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
Name the score which has opponent of stefano galvani
SELECT score FROM table_name_44 WHERE opponent = "javier genaro-martinez"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
Name the score with opponent of javier genaro-martinez
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_58 WHERE tournament = "dunlop world challenge"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (outcome VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)
Name the outcome for dunlop world challenge
SELECT visiting_team FROM table_name_31 WHERE date = "december 6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (visiting_team VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who was the visiting team on December 6?
SELECT host_team FROM table_name_31 WHERE date = "october 4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (host_team VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who was the host team on October 4?
SELECT value___usd__ FROM table_name_70 WHERE date = "unknown" AND business = "energy" AND country = "new zealand"
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (value___usd__ VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, business VARCHAR)
In New Zealand, what's the value that has an unknown date and is an energy business?
SELECT company FROM table_name_20 WHERE business = "energy" AND date = "unknown"
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (company VARCHAR, business VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What company has an unknown date and is an energy business?
SELECT company FROM table_name_35 WHERE business = "energy" AND date = "unknown" AND country = "united kingdom"
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (company VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, business VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
In the United Kingdom, what company has an unknown date and is an energy business?
SELECT date FROM table_name_88 WHERE country = "united kingdom"
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (date VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
For the United Kingdom, what's the date?
SELECT country FROM table_name_15 WHERE date = "unknown" AND company = "enernoc australia pty ltd"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (country VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, company VARCHAR)
For the Enernoc Australia Pty Ltd, what's the country with an unknown date?
SELECT date FROM table_name_29 WHERE venue = "luxembourg"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
Which date is associated with a venue of Luxembourg?
SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_10 WHERE chassis = "kurtis kraft 500a" AND points < 1.5
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (year INTEGER, chassis VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
What is the year with a Kurtis Kraft 500a chassis, and less than 1.5 points?
SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_86 WHERE chassis = "kurtis kraft 500a"
CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (year INTEGER, chassis VARCHAR)
What is the year with a kurtis kraft 500a chassis?
SELECT MIN(pick__number) FROM table_name_78 WHERE college = "saint vincent college"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (pick__number INTEGER, college VARCHAR)
What is the lowest Pick # of Saint Vincent College?
SELECT MIN(overall) FROM table_name_45 WHERE name = "jack harmon" AND pick__number < 5
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (overall INTEGER, name VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR)
What is the Overall for Pick # less than 5 Jack Harmon?
SELECT rank FROM table_name_98 WHERE total_gdp__€_bn__ = "€11.243"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (rank VARCHAR, total_gdp__€_bn__ VARCHAR)
Which rank has a Total GDP (€ bn) of €11.243??
SELECT region FROM table_name_58 WHERE total_gdp__€_bn__ = "€11,745.353"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (region VARCHAR, total_gdp__€_bn__ VARCHAR)
What is the Region that has a Total GDP (€ bn ) of €11,745.353?
SELECT region FROM table_name_24 WHERE _percentage_growth = "βˆ’3.6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (region VARCHAR, _percentage_growth VARCHAR)
Which Region that has a growth of βˆ’3.6%?
SELECT per_capita FROM table_name_42 WHERE region = "greece"
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (per_capita VARCHAR, region VARCHAR)
What is the per capita of Greece?
SELECT MIN(silver) FROM table_name_97 WHERE bronze = 40 AND gold > 42
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (silver INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR)
What is the fewest number of silver medals received by a nation who received 40 bronze medals and more than 42 gold medals?
SELECT MIN(silver) FROM table_name_72 WHERE total > 3 AND bronze > 22 AND gold < 395 AND nation = "austria"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (silver INTEGER, nation VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
What is the lowest number of silver medals received by Austria when they receive more than 3 total medals, more than 22 bronze medals, and fewer than 395 gold medals?
SELECT AVG(silver) FROM table_name_53 WHERE gold > 6 AND bronze < 5
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (silver INTEGER, gold VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
What is the average number of silver medals with more than 6 gold meals and less than 5 bronze medals?
SELECT COUNT(rank) FROM table_name_39 WHERE nation = "switzerland" AND total > 2
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (rank VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
How many ranks are for Switzerland with more than 2 total medals?
SELECT event FROM table_name_39 WHERE round > 2 AND method = "ko (kick)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (event VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, method VARCHAR)
What is the event of the match with a round larger than 2 and ended with a method of ko (kick)?
SELECT method FROM table_name_82 WHERE round > 1 AND event = "k-1 andy memorial 2001 japan gp final"
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (method VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, event VARCHAR)
What is the method of the match after round 1 in the k-1 andy memorial 2001 japan gp final?
SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_91 WHERE opponent = "rene rooze" AND location = "saitama, japan"
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (round INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What is the highest round of the match with Rene Rooze as the opponent in Saitama, Japan?
SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_97 WHERE time = "0:57"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (round INTEGER, time VARCHAR)
What is the highest round of the match with a time of 0:57?
SELECT points_for FROM table_name_52 WHERE tries_for = "52" AND try_bonus = "7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (points_for VARCHAR, tries_for VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR)
How many points did the Club score that has a try bonus of 7 and 52 tries for ?
SELECT losing_bonus FROM table_name_64 WHERE tries_against = "80"
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (losing_bonus VARCHAR, tries_against VARCHAR)
What is the Losing bonus of the club that has 80 tries against ?
SELECT tries_for FROM table_name_2 WHERE club = "waunarlwydd rfc"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (tries_for VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
How many tries for does waunarlwydd rfc have ?
SELECT lost FROM table_name_7 WHERE points = "47"
CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (lost VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
How many losses did the club with 47 points have ?
SELECT points_against FROM table_name_92 WHERE try_bonus = "6" AND tries_against = "54"
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (points_against VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR, tries_against VARCHAR)
How many points against does the club that has a try bonus of 6 and tries against of 54 have ?
SELECT co_drivers FROM table_name_81 WHERE year = 2008
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (co_drivers VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
Who were the co-drivers in 2008?
SELECT pos FROM table_name_66 WHERE year = 2006
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (pos VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What was the position in 2006?
SELECT class FROM table_name_32 WHERE laps = 325
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (class VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
What was the class when there were 325 laps?
SELECT english_title FROM table_name_89 WHERE year = 2001
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (english_title VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What is the English title of the film from 2001?
SELECT original_title FROM table_name_95 WHERE year < 2003 AND country = "japan/taiwan"
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (original_title VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
What is the original title of the film from Japan/Taiwan before 2003?
SELECT english_title FROM table_name_53 WHERE director_s_ = "fernando meirelles"
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (english_title VARCHAR, director_s_ VARCHAR)
What is the English title of the film directed by Fernando Meirelles?
SELECT country FROM table_name_69 WHERE original_title = "cidade de deus"
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (country VARCHAR, original_title VARCHAR)
What is the country of the original title Cidade de deus?
SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_name_44 WHERE country = "mexico"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (year INTEGER, country VARCHAR)
What is the earliest year of a film from Mexico?
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_74 WHERE country = "france/hong kong"
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (year INTEGER, country VARCHAR)
What is the average year of the film from France/Hong Kong?
SELECT country FROM table_name_45 WHERE place = "t3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (country VARCHAR, place VARCHAR)
Name the country for t3 place
SELECT country FROM table_name_28 WHERE to_par = "+2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (country VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR)
Name the country with +2 to par
SELECT to_par FROM table_name_30 WHERE player = "colin montgomerie"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (to_par VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
Name the to par for colin montgomerie
SELECT score FROM table_name_64 WHERE country = "scotland"
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (score VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
Name the score for scotland
SELECT island FROM table_name_3 WHERE population > 76 AND height__m_ > 210 AND area___ha__ > 12068
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (island VARCHAR, area___ha__ VARCHAR, population VARCHAR, height__m_ VARCHAR)
What island has a population over 76, a height over 210, and an area larger than 12068?
SELECT MAX(population) FROM table_name_17 WHERE location = "scalloway islands" AND island = "trondra"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (population INTEGER, location VARCHAR, island VARCHAR)
What is the highest population of Trondra Island in the Scalloway Islands?
SELECT COUNT(drawn) FROM table_name_57 WHERE percentage = "7.14%" AND lost > 12
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (drawn VARCHAR, percentage VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR)
How many matches were drawn associated with a percentage of 7.14% and more than 12 losses?
SELECT percentage FROM table_name_27 WHERE first_game < 1997 AND lost < 2 AND played < 5
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (percentage VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, first_game VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR)
Which percentage has a first game before 1997, fewer than 2 losses, and fewer than 5 matches played?
SELECT SUM(drawn) FROM table_name_42 WHERE first_game < 2006 AND played < 2
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (drawn INTEGER, first_game VARCHAR, played VARCHAR)
What is the total number of drawn matches from first game years before 2006 and fewer than 2 matches played?
SELECT MAX(lost) FROM table_name_37 WHERE played = 2 AND first_game > 1997 AND drawn > 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (lost INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, first_game VARCHAR)
What is the highest number of losses associated with 2 matches played, a first game after 1997, and more than 0 draws?
SELECT result FROM table_name_53 WHERE date = "5,6,7,8 june 1997"
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What is the Result of the Test match at the Edgbaston Venue on 5,6,7,8 June 1997?
SELECT date FROM table_name_12 WHERE venue = "the oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
What is the Date of the Test match of Australia in England at The Oval Venue?
SELECT away_captain FROM table_name_56 WHERE result = "aus by 264 runs"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (away_captain VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
Who was the Away captain for the Test match of Australia in England where the Result was AUS by 264 runs?
SELECT home_captain FROM table_name_99 WHERE venue = "edgbaston"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (home_captain VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
Who was the Home captain for the Test match of Australia in England at the Edgbaston Venue?
SELECT role FROM table_name_8 WHERE notes = "co-protagonist" AND year = "2008-2009"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (role VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
what is the name of the role that has co-protagonist in the notes field and the years of 2008-2009?
SELECT role FROM table_name_41 WHERE title = "olvidarte jamas"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (role VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
What is the name of the role that has a Title of Olvidarte Jamas?
SELECT production_company FROM table_name_45 WHERE year = "2005"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (production_company VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
Which production company has the year of 2005 listed?
SELECT role FROM table_name_26 WHERE notes = "antagonist" AND title = "salud, dinero y amor"
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (role VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
What is the name of the role that has a Title of Salud, Dinero y Amor and antagonist in the notes field?
SELECT production_company FROM table_name_19 WHERE year = "2008-2009"
CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (production_company VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What is the name of the production company that has a year of 2008-2009?
SELECT authority FROM table_name_82 WHERE area = "tirau" AND name = "kuranui primary school"
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (authority VARCHAR, area VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What is the Authority for Kuranui Primary School that is located in the Area of Tirau?
SELECT name FROM table_name_38 WHERE decile > 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (name VARCHAR, decile INTEGER)
Which Names have Deciles larger than 7?
SELECT gender FROM table_name_62 WHERE roll = "135"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (gender VARCHAR, roll VARCHAR)
What Gender are the schools that have a Roll of 135?
SELECT name FROM table_name_13 WHERE authority = "state" AND roll = "72"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (name VARCHAR, authority VARCHAR, roll VARCHAR)
What is the Name of a state Authority that has a Roll of 72?
SELECT score FROM table_name_37 WHERE competition = "friendly" AND date = "19 april 1979"
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (score VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Which friendly competition took place on 19 April 1979?
SELECT team_1 FROM table_name_83 WHERE team_2 = "dynamos fc"
CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (team_1 VARCHAR, team_2 VARCHAR)
Which Team 1 faced Dynamos FC?
SELECT agg FROM table_name_81 WHERE team_1 = "al-hilal"
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (agg VARCHAR, team_1 VARCHAR)
What is Team 1 Al-Hilal's Agg.?
SELECT record FROM table_name_34 WHERE date = "may 7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Which record happened on the date of May 7?
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_53 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "lubomira bacheva"
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (tournament VARCHAR, opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR)
Which tournament had Lubomira Bacheva as the opponent in the final?
SELECT opponent_in_the_final FROM table_name_46 WHERE date = "5 july 1992"
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who was the opponent in the final on 5 July 1992?