In May , she took part in operations supporting Malcolm <e1> Scott Carpenter </e1> 's manned space flight in <e2> Mercury - Atlas 7 </e2> .
astronaut mission
On 3 February 1994 , Mir veteran <e1> Sergei Krikalev </e1> became the first Russian cosmonaut to launch on a US spacecraft , flying on during <e2> STS-60 </e2> .
astronaut mission
April 25 – South African <e1> Mark Shuttleworth </e1> blasts off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the <e2> Soyuz TM-34 </e2> , becoming the first African space tourist . *
astronaut mission
He served as back - up crew member to Peggy Whitson for ISS Expedition 5 , and to <e1> Tracy Caldwell Dyson </e1> on <e2> Expedition 23/24</e2> .
astronaut mission
Brigadier General <e1> Charles Duke </e1> , USAF – <e2> Apollo 16 </e2> lunar module pilot . *
astronaut mission
June 18 * * <e1> Sally Ride </e1> becomes the first American woman in space aboard Space Shuttle Challenger on the <e2> STS-7 </e2> mission . * *
astronaut mission
They were able to launch two orbital flights in 1964 and 1965 and achieved the first spacewalk , made by <e1> Alexei Leonov </e1> on <e2> Voskhod 2 </e2> on 8 March 1965 .
astronaut mission
* <e1> Alan Bean </e1> , NASA astronaut , artist , and , as a member of <e2> Apollo 12 </e2> became the fourth man to walk on the Moon .
astronaut mission
The <e1> Ukrainian People 's Republic </e1> between 17 March 1917 and 29 April 1918 had a <e2> Central Rada </e2> .
In the <e1> 2016 Census of Population </e1> conducted by <e2> Statistics Canada </e2> , the County of Stettler No .
The <e1> French Fifth Republic </e1> is a <e2> semi - presidential system </e2> .
basic form of government
At the time <e1> New Spain </e1> was a <e2> viceroyalty </e2> of Spain that included modern day Mexico , Guatemala , the Philippines and other parts of Central America and the Caribbean .
basic form of government
<e1> Canada </e1> is a <e2> constitutional monarchy </e2> , in which the monarch is head of state .
basic form of government
The <e1> Almohad </e1> <e2> caliph </e2> Abd al - Mu'min conquers most of Morocco from the Almoravids . *
basic form of government
Upon activation by <e1> thrombin </e1> ( factor IIa ) , it dissociates from the complex to interact with factor IXa in the <e2> coagulation cascade </e2> .
biological process
The ABO antigen is also expressed on the <e1> von Willebrand factor </e1> ( vWF ) glycoprotein , which participates in <e2> hemostasis </e2> ( control of bleeding ) .
biological process
It blocks dopamine receptors in the anterior pituitary gland increasing release of <e1> prolactin </e1> which in turn increases <e2> lactation </e2> .
biological process
The Holden Astra and <e1> Vectra </e1> , both designed by <e2> Opel </e2> in Germany , replaced the Toyota - sourced Holden Nova and Apollo .
The <e1> Monteverdi Safari </e1> was made by <e2> Monteverdi </e2> , the Swiss brand of luxury cars , used Scout IIs to produce well - equipped luxurious off - road station wagons .
From 1974 to 1976 , he co - presented <e1> the Today programme </e1> on <e2> BBC Radio 4 </e2> on three mornings each week .
broadcast by
The 40th Annual TV Week <e1> Logie Awards </e1> was held on Sunday 19 April 1998 at the in Melbourne , and broadcast on the <e2> Nine Network </e2> .
broadcast by
When Zomba was subsequently purchased by BMG in 2002 , Windsong / Pinnacle was moved under <e1> Bertelsmann 's </e1> group <e2> Arvato AG </e2> .
business division
Sunstate Airlines is a subsidiary of <e1> Qantas </e1> which operates regional flights under the <e2> QantasLink </e2> banner throughout Queensland , and between Brisbane and Canberra .
business division
Stainless continued to release yearly updates to this , culminating in <e1> Magic Duels </e1> , a <e2> free - to - play </e2> title released in 2015 .
business model
* Princess Duan , wife of Murong Chui , ruler and founder of Later Yan * <e1> Paulinus of Trier </e1> , bishop and Christian <e2> saint </e2> .
canonization status
<e1> Pope John Paul II </e1> named the late religious as <e2> Venerable </e2> on 28 June 1999 after he confirmed that she had lived a life of heroic virtue .
canonization status
The <e1> Shippingport Bridge </e1> carries <e2> Pennsylvania Route 168 </e2> across the river into Industry .
The <e1> Victory Bridge </e1> carries <e2> Route 35 </e2> over the Raritan River , connecting Perth Amboy on the north with the borough of Sayreville to the south .
The <e1> Veterans Memorial Bridge </e1> , opened in 1957 , carries <e2> M-25 </e2> over the river .
The <e1> Millau Viaduct </e1> , the tallest bridge in the world , carrying the <e2> A75 autoroute </e2> across the Tarn Gorge near Millau , opened in December 2004 .
The success of early infrared space astronomy led to further missions , such as the Infrared Space Observatory ( 1990s ) and the <e1> Hubble Space Telescope </e1> <e2> NICMOS </e2> instrument .
carries scientific instrument
March 5 – Nicolaus Copernicus ' <e1> De revolutionibus orbium coelestium </e1> ( 1543 ) is placed on the <e2> Index Librorum Prohibitorum </e2> by the Roman Catholic Church . *
Pakistan is split with its two western regions of <e1> Baluchistan </e1> and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa sharing a greater Iranic heritage due to the native Pashtuns and <e2> Baloch </e2> people of the regions .
category of associated people
The Cathedral of the <e1> Diocese of Helsinki </e1> is the <e2> Helsinki Cathedral </e2> , completed in 1852 .
* <e1> Catholic Diocese of Helsinki </e1> * List of Catholic dioceses in Finland * <e2> St. Henry 's Cathedral </e2> * St. Mary 's Church , Helsinki
Wilson 's disease involves a mutation of the gene coding for the enzyme <e1> ATPase 7B </e1> , which prevents copper within the liver from entering the <e2> Golgi apparatus </e2> in cells .
cell component
Taiwan was under Japanese rule from 1895 to 1945 and the colonial government of Taiwan issued <e1> Taiwanese yen </e1> during this period through the <e2> Bank of Taiwan </e2> .
central bank/issuer
<e1> Mario </e1> and The Legend of Zelda creator <e2> Shigeru Miyamoto </e2> was involved with the Prime trilogy , having been the one that suggested Retro to work with the franchise .
character designer
His attacks on Anglo - Irish conservative writer <e1> Edmund Burke </e1> led to a trial and conviction in absentia in England in 1792 for the crime of <e2> seditious libel </e2> .
The CEO of commodities company <e1> Glencore </e1> , <e2> Ivan Glasenberg </e2> , is a resident of Rüschlikon .
chief executive officer
In 2009 , Johnson 's chapter of Net Impact hosted the organization 's annual conference , where <e1> GE </e1> CEO <e2> Jeff Immelt </e2> was the keynote speaker .
chief executive officer
<e1> The Moor 's Pavane </e1> ( 1949 ) , a ballet choreographed by <e2> José Limón </e2> . *
In 1967 , she performed as Carmen in the <e1> Carmen Suite </e1> , choreographed specifically for her by Cuban choreographer <e2> Alberto Alonso </e2> .
His performances there included <e1> Fancy Free </e1> ( 1944 ) choreographed by <e2> Jerome Robbins </e2> and with music by Leonard Bernstein , in which he played one of the three sailors .
A change in codon 102 from proline to leucine has been found in the prion protein gene ( <e1> PRNP </e1> , on <e2> chromosome 20 </e2> ) of most affected individuals .
Yokoi was a samurai born in Kumamoto , <e1> Higo Province </e1> ( present - day <e2> Kumamoto Prefecture </e2> ) , and a distant descendant of Hōjō Takatoki .
coextensive with
The of <e1> Magna Carta </e1> belonging to <e2> Lincoln Cathedral </e2> also left Britain in 1939 for the first time to be in the British Pavilion at the fair .
He then painted the illusionistic <e1> Vision of St. John on Patmos </e1> ( 1520–21 ) for the dome of the church of <e2> San Giovanni Evangelista </e2> .
The best documented is <e1> The Descent from the Cross </e1> in the <e2> Museo del Prado </e2> , Madrid .
<e1> Jacob and his twelve sons </e1> , a series depicting the patriarch Jacob and his 12 sons , is held at <e2> Auckland Castle </e2> in Bishop Auckland .
Isaac Newton identified 7 colors of the <e1> rainbow </e1> – red , orange , yellow , green , <e2> blue </e2> , indigo , and violet . *
The flag , in common with many other flags of Slavic nations , uses <e1> Pan - Slavic colors </e1> – red , <e2> white </e2> and blue .
3rd Guards Army was assigned in succession to the Soviet Southwestern Front , 3rd , 4th and since March 1944 the <e1> First Ukrainian Front </e1> led by Marshal <e2> Ivan Konev </e2> .
commanded by
Howe never attempted a major engagement with the <e1> Continental Army </e1> , which had come under the command of Major General <e2> George Washington </e2> .
commanded by
On <e1> Easter Mondays </e1> a procession climbed the steep road leading to the calvary to celebrate the <e2> resurrection of Christ </e2> .
His quote about burning books is prominently displayed in the <e1> Yad Vashem </e1> <e2> Holocaust </e2> museum in Jerusalem . (
During his trip , Erdoğan visited the <e1> Yad Vashem </e1> , Israel 's official memorial to the victims of the <e2> Holocaust </e2> .
Its first public performance was during <e1> Midnight Mass </e1> , <e2> Christmas </e2> 1969 .
Dwarf elliptical satellite galaxies in the Local Group include <e1> NGC 147 </e1> , <e2> NGC 185 </e2> , and NGC 205 , which are satellites of our neighboring Andromeda galaxy .
companion of
Boxing * * In a split decision , <e1> Jermain Taylor </e1> upset defending champion Bernard Hopkins to win the undisputed <e2> middleweight </e2> championship in Las Vegas . * *
competition class
* Ty Powell , former NFL Linebacker * <e1> Tommy Morrison </e1> , former world <e2> heavyweight </e2> boxing champion . *
competition class
August 16 – <e1> Robert Quiroga </e1> , former International Boxing Federation <e2> super flyweight </e2> champion , found stabbed to death . *
competition class
Tendulkar was made the icon player and captain for his home side , the Mumbai Indians in the inaugural <e1> Indian Premier League </e1> <e2> Twenty20 </e2> competition in 2008 .
competition class
* <e1> All American Red Heads Team </e1> , a <e2>professional women 's basketball </e2> team
competition class
October 2 – <e1> Ceferino Garcia </e1> wins the world <e2> Middleweight </e2> title , knocking out Fred Apostoli in seven rounds , at New York . *
competition class
The <e1> France women 's national football team </e1> represents the country in <e2>international women 's football </e2> .
competition class
Maxim 's next major fight was on May 30 , 1951 , when he made a bid for <e1> Ezzard Charles </e1> 's world <e2> heavyweight </e2> title .
competition class
When baking soda and vinegar are combined , the <e1> bicarbonate </e1> ion of the baking soda reacts to form <e2> carbonic acid </e2> , which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water .
conjugate acid
The brightest globular cluster in the northern hemisphere is <e1> Messier 13 </e1> in the constellation of <e2> Hercules </e2> .
The prototype of this class is <e1> Algol </e1> in the constellation <e2> Perseus </e2> .
The <e1> Tricity </e1> urban area , consisting of Gdańsk , <e2> Gdynia </e2> and Sopot , is one of the main cultural , commercial and educational centres of Poland .
contains settlement
February 17 – <e1> Giordano Bruno </e1> is burned at the stake for <e2> heresy </e2> in Rome . *
convicted of
In this post , Hand succeeded <e1> Martin Manton </e1> , who had resigned after corruption allegations that later led to Manton 's criminal conviction for <e2> bribery </e2> .
convicted of
The <e1> FreeDOS </e1> version was developed by Jim Hall and is licensed under the <e2> GPL </e2> .. Additionally < code > sponge</code > command offers similar capabilities .
copyright license
* All songs written by Winston Rodney * Recorded at Jamaica Recording and Publishing Studio * Music Arranged by <e1> Clement Dodd </e1> * Published by JAMREC Music / <e2> BMI </e2> .
copyright representative
<e1> Helicopteros Nacionales de Colombia , S.A. v. Hall </e1> , a <e2> United States Supreme Court </e2> decision in which Helicol was a party .
As attorney general , Vacco also argued the landmark assisted suicide case <e1> Vacco v. Quill </e1> before the <e2> United States Supreme Court </e2> .
The case of <e1> Dartmouth College v. Woodward </e1> , heard before the <e2> Supreme Court of the United States </e2> in 1818 centred on the status of the college 's royal charter .
A second form called <e1> lonsdaleite </e1> , with <e2> hexagonal </e2> symmetry , has also been found , but it is extremely rare and forms only in meteorites or in laboratory synthesis .
crystal system
He wrote especially on the means of determining the different feldspars , and is credited with the discovery of <e1> microcline </e1> ( a <e2> triclinic </e2> potash - feldspar ) .
crystal system
Cimon laid siege to the Phoenician and Persian stronghold of <e1> Citium </e1> on the southwest coast of <e2> Cyprus </e2> in 449BC ; he died during or soon after the failed attempt .
The earliest archaeological evidence of papyrus was excavated in 2012 and 2013 at <e1> Wadi al - Jarf </e1> , an <e2> ancient Egyptian harbor </e2> located on the Red Sea coast .
Hostilities between <e1> Segesta </e1> and Selinunte , two <e2> Greek </e2> cities on Sicily , take place over access to the Tyrrhenian Sea .
<e1> La Venta </e1> , an important <e2> Olmec </e2> site , has the same orientation , which indicates an understanding of astronomy and a calendar system ( Evans 2004 , pp.&nbsp;122–123 ) .
928 : Mardavij ibn Ziyar founds the <e1> Ziyarid </e1> rule in <e2> Tabaristan </e2> . *
Just north of the town , at the Villa Potenza , lie the remains of ancient <e1> Helvia Recina </e1> , a <e2> Roman </e2> settlement destroyed by the Visigoths .
<e1> Xenia </e1> ( ξενία xenía ) , hospitality , was an extremely important practice in <e2> ancient Greece </e2> .
For the early history of the region , see <e1> Petén Basin </e1> , <e2> Maya civilization </e2> and Spanish conquest of Petén .
<e1> Cahokia </e1> , the urban center of the pre - Columbian <e2> Mississippian culture </e2> , was located near present - day Collinsville , Illinois .
In the <e1> Dionysia </e1> festivals of <e2> ancient Greece </e2> , for example , trilogies of plays were performed followed by a fourth satyr play .
During the decline of the Seleucid Empire , the <e1> Petra </e1> - based <e2> Nabatean Kingdom </e2> emerged to the Hauran 's south .
<e1> La Venta </e1> Museum - Park , which includes a small zoo , has the most important collection of <e2> Olmec </e2> artifacts .
* The city of <e1> Mycenae </e1> , located in the northeast Peloponnesus , comes to dominate the rest of Achaea , giving its name to the <e2> Mycenaean </e2> civilization . *
During the 2nd century BC , Raydanites established themselves at <e1> Zafar </e1> , about south of Dhamar , and they rallied the <e2> Himyarite </e2> tribes in their fight with Sabaean forces .
c. 1650 BC — Beginning of construction of 900 - acre <e1> Poverty Point </e1> settlement earthworks ( now northern Louisiana ) by <e2> NA hunter - gatherers </e2> .
454 BC : Hostilities between Segesta and <e1> Selinunte </e1> , two <e2> Greek </e2> cities on Sicily . *
On the banks of the Bagmati River in Kathmandu , Nepal is a <e1> Pashupatinath Temple </e1> dedicated to <e2> Pashupatinath </e2> .
dedicated to
the daughter of Emperor Suinin , supposedly founded the <e1> Ise Shrine </e1> to the sun - goddess <e2> Amaterasu </e2> .
dedicated to
1786 & ndash ; <e1> Mission Santa Barbara </e1> is dedicated ( on the feast day of <e2> Saint Barbara </e2> ) . *
dedicated to
A very expensive , but plain , garment described as a tabard is worn by <e1> Giovanni Arnolfini </e1> in the <e2> Arnolfini Portrait </e2> of 1434 ( National Gallery , London ) .
depicted by