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ILS es una empresa argentina de servicios de traducción, localización e interpretación que ayuda a sus clientes a comunicarse con el mercado hispanoparlante. En ILS, contamos con años de experiencia en la localización de software y páginas web para clientes específicos que buscan ampliar su audiencia y comercializar sus productos y servicios en América Latina.Servicios. Áreas de especialización. Tecnología. Contacto. ILS le abre las puertas a América Latina con servicios lingüísticos de calidad. Con su equipo de especialistas tanto en el lenguaje como en la cultura de Latinoamérica, ILS ayuda día a día a empresas en todo el mundo a comunicarse con el público en América Latina en su idioma. Contáctenos. Acerca de ILS. ILS es una empresa argentina de servicios de traducción, localización e interpretación que ayuda a sus clientes a comunicarse con el mercado hispanoparlante. Desde su fundación en 2007, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con empresas de traducción (MLV/SLV) y clientes finales de los cinco continentes para llevar su mensaje adonde usted lo necesite. Ya sea que necesite posicionar su producto o servicio en un nuevo mercado, proporcionar material de capacitación a sus empleados o evaluar información en su propio idioma, le ofrecemos todo lo necesario para lograr una comunicación precisa y eficaz. I have collaborated with ILS in several projects and all of them have always been of great quality. Not only has ILS been very efficient but always communicated through the process, asking all the necessary questions to produce the desired product requested by our client. PM at International Translation Agency. Traducción. Si su objetivo es realizar ventas en el ámbito internacional, la traducción o la localización de su producto es una necesidad. Le ofrecemos servicios de traducción integrales llevados a cabo por nuestro equipo de traductores profesionales especialistas en el par de idiomas inglés-español de América Latina y con años de experiencia en distintas áreas técnicas. Localización. Este servicio implica desarrollar versiones de un producto en función de las necesidades y los requisitos de los clientes finales. En ILS, contamos con años de experiencia en la localización de software y páginas web para clientes específicos que buscan ampliar su audiencia y comercializar sus productos y servicios en América Latina. Edición. La edición del texto traducido o localizado es un paso fundamental del ciclo por el que pasa cada uno de los proyectos en los que nos embarcamos. Este servicio consiste en contrastar la traducción con el texto original con fines de corrección, exactitud del contenido, legibilidad, tonalidad y adecuación al destinatario. Revisión. La revisión consiste en la lectura directa del texto traducido en el idioma de destino y la lleva a cabo un traductor-corrector especializado en el área técnica dada para garantizar la fluidez del texto y la coherencia y la cohesión globales. La revisión es un paso importante para alcanzar la calidad final deseada, ya sea de una traducción o de un texto producido directamente en español, para garantizar que su mensaje se transmita sin errores y de manera clara. PEMT (Posedición). Uno de los principales servicios que prestamos es la edición de textos procesados mediante traducción automática. PEMT es un servicio que presenta características únicas, y nosotros las conocemos. Gracias a los años de experiencia en esta actividad, nuestro equipo de traductores tiene el conocimiento y el entrenamiento necesarios para colaborar en proyectos de posedición de gran envergadura, que exigen costos y tiempos reducidos en comparación con la traducción tradicional sin descuidar la calidad. Aprobación Lingüística. Traducción. Si necesita que le texto final tenga el mismo diseño que el original, este proceso es fundamental para verificar que no se hayan introducido errores en la etapa de diseño (DTP). Localización. Una vez que el texto se aplica al software o al sitio web, se realiza una prueba de funcionamiento para garantizar una experiencia de usuario óptima. Gestión terminológica. Le ofrecemos una coherencia terminológica absoluta en cada proyecto de traducción. Para ello, y para garantizar la aplicación de la misma terminología en todos los proyectos futuros, nuestro equipo de lingüistas genera glosarios de cada proyecto en el que participamos. Después de nuestra investigación, le enviamos el glosario para que lo apruebe y, de esta manera, colaboramos en la consolidación de su lenguaje corporativo. Desktop Publishing (DTP). Si después de la traducción de contenido desea reproducir el formato y el diseño del original en el documento de destino, nuestro equipo de DTP entiende la importancia de este servicio y logra su objetivo mediante programas especializados. Interpretación. Ya sea que necesite la interpretación simultánea o consecutiva de una conferencia, o traducción a la vista o whispering durante una reunión, contamos con un equipo de profesionales con amplia experiencia. Ingeniería. La preparación de los documentos para el proceso lingüístico y la creación de memorias de traducción y bases terminológicas son esenciales para alcanzar la calidad esperada y los plazos deseados. Independientemente del formato del documento original, nuestros especialistas en ingeniería se encargan de estas tareas fundamentales para que nuestro equipo de profesionales pueda procesar los archivos en tiempo y forma. We highly recommend Insight Language Solutions, Translation Back Office has done many translation jobs with them and has been satisfied with the quality, communication and timeliness of the translation projects. Vendor Manager at Translation Back Office. It has been a pleasure to work with ILS over the years. We have been satisfied with their quality service and professional attitude. Acclaro, Languages Services. Nos adaptamos a la herramienta de traducción asistida por computadora (CAT TOOL) que nuestros clientes necesiten. Contáctenos. ILS has consistently delivered exceptionally high-quality translations for our projects for a number of years. We trust María and her team to quickly and efficiently respond to our requests and deliver a professional final product for our end clients. Communication between our teams is always clear and fast. Working with ILS gives us the confidence and trust we expect with a premium translation partner. We highly recommend ILS to handle any translation project responsibly and professionally. CEO, Oregon Translation, LLC. Contacto. Escríbanos. Visítenos. Ciudad de la paz 561, 3º of.52. C1426AGE - C.A.B.A. Argentina. Agréguenos. Escanee el código QR con todos nuestros datos de contacto. descargue acá el vcf para su agenda. Llámenos. +54 11 4553 0845.
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Insight Language Solutions
Home Medical Products Multi-Market Products Contact Us. Medical Products. Hospital Forms & Systems – Not just for hospitals any more! 8900 Ambassador Row. Dallas, TX 75247.Home Medical Products Multi-Market Products Contact Us. Medical Products. Multi-Market Products. Hospital Forms & Systems – Not just for hospitals any more! 8900 Ambassador Row. Dallas, TX 75247. 800.527.5081. 214.634.8900. Fax: 800.221.2825. Copyright 2011 Hospital Forms & Systems. Home. Medical Products. Multi-Market Products. Contact Us. Log In.
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Hospital Forms and Systems
A PROEFIX INDUSTRIAL LTDA. é originária da cisão da empresa Bollhoff-Dodi em 1992. Voltada para o mercado de fixação, a Proefix pode atuar em parceria, especialmente para os fabricantes de porcas e parafusos estampados, fornecendo ferramentas para o processo de estampagem e porcas usinadas de qualidade, complementando a linha de estampados do cliente.
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Proefix Industrial LTDA
The official page of the governing body of swimming, open water swimming & water polo in the islands of Maldives responsible for organising and hosting national swimming events. Also, its our responsibility to select the best swimmers to represent Maldives in various International Events.Swimming Association of Maldives. Official Website of the Swimming Association of Maldives. ­. Shajan Secures the 1st Medal For Maldives at the 12th South Asian Games 2016. Shajan received the bronze medal for women's 800m Freestyle Event at the 12th South Asian Games 2016. . . . . Swimming Association of Maldives. Swimming Association of Maldives is registered under the Maldives association act in 1983 to focus on Swimming, open water swimming, water polo and synchronized swimming. This association is affiliated to Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), Asian Swimming Federation (AASF), South Asian Swimming Federation, the Maldives Olympic Committee (MOC) and act as the National Sports Association for Aquatic Sports in Maldives. Latest News & Announcements. ފެތުމުގެ ސީނިއަރ އަދި ޖޫނިއަރ ޤައުމީ ސްކޮޑް 2021 ވަނަ އަހަރަށް އެކުލަވާލުމަށް ބޭއްވާ ޓްރަޔަލްގެ ތާރީޚް ސްވިމިންގ އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ ހިންގާ ކޮމިޓީގެ ކޯޗުންގެ ރިޕްރެޒެންޓޭޓިވްގެ އިންތިޚާބު ބޭއްވުން އިންޓަނޭޝަނަލް ކޯޗިންގ ކޯސް (ޖަރުމަނުވިލާތް) ގައި ބައިވެރިވުމަށް ނަންހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ފުރުޞަތު ސްވިމިންގ އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ ރައީސްގެ މަޤާމަށް މުޙައްމަދު ޢަބްދުއްސައްތާރު ހޮވައިފި އެސޯސިއޭޝަނުގެ 4 ވަނަ އިންތިޚާބުގެ ވޯޓުލުން ބޭއްވޭ ތަނާއި ވަގުތު ސްވިމިންގ އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ ހިންގާ ކޮމިޓީގެ ދައުރު ދެމިއޮތުން ސްވިމިންގ އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ 4 ވަނަ އިންތިޚާބުގައި ވޯޓުލާ ތާރީޚު ފަސްކުރުން Local Competitions Exclusive Nationwide Partner. Competitions & Event Updates. Results and Reports Our Sponsors & Partners Contact Us. t: +960 3323429. f: +960 3314206. e: Address:. Swimming Association of Maldives National Football Stadium. Shabnam Magu. Malé (20102). Republic of Maldives +960 3323429+960 Keep In Touch Search. Nationwide Top Partner:.
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Swimming Association of Maldives
We are a privately-owned physician group with medical offices across Washington, DC and the tri-state area. Our doctors seek to go beyond your symptoms so they can address the root causes of your health concerns. We can provide individualized, coordinated, caring, and complete care for you and your entire family, from simple wellness vaccinations to complicated chronic conditions. Our specialties include addiction recovery, allergy & immunology, cardiology & heart health, clinical research, integrative medicine, internal medicine, mental health, pediatrics & children's health, population health, psychology & psychiatry, rheumatology & arthritis, and social work. A note about opioid disorders | We believe opioid addiction is a disease, not a moral failing.PATIENT PORTALZocDoc Online Booking Welcome to MHDG. For patients & families. For medical practices. For MHDG staff. News. More. WELCOME TO MHDG! ​. CORONAVIRUS. UPDATE. PATIENTS, PEOPLE, & FAMILIES. Are you seeking a doctor. or are you already an MHDG patient? VISIT OUR PATIENT WEBSITE. WHY COME TO US? We treat you as a whole person, not just a collection of symptoms. ​. Six locations across: Northwest Washington, DC. Northeast Washington, DC.. Southeast Washington, DC. Southwest Washington, DC. See addresses. ​. See what other patients say. MEDICAL PRACTICES. Do you own or operate a physician practice. that isn't part of MHDG? WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN US. WE'RE GROWING! JOIN US. Let us manage the business of medicine for your physician practice. ​. We understand the complexities of managing physician groups and medical offices. We'll focus on freeing you. to practice medicine. ​. See what we can do for you. MHDG STAFF. Do you work for MHDG? We appreciate you! ACCESS OUR INTRANET. ©. 2018-20 Medical Home Development Group |. Washington, DC. Charleston, SC. 202.684.2784 p. 843.574.8317 f. |. Email us.. Privacy policy.
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Medical Home Development Group
At Aspatore Ventures, we come up with hundreds of new business ideas, launching a select few startups every year from our airplane hangar in Marin County, California. Our team develops all the new companies we launch, and self-funds the ventures as we scale certain businesses. Many of the companies we have started have been the first to introduce new business models in their industries. Aspatore Books (acquired by Thomson Reuters) was the first business book publisher to focus exclusively on active C-Level executives as authors, publishing over 4,000 top executives and becoming one of the five largest business book publishers in the world in a nine year period. ExecSense (acquired by the Financial Times, a division of Pearson), brought eLearning to executives in a webinar format, and set the precedent for professionals paying for webinars as a highly targeted and time efficient e-learning tool.Aspatore Ventures. We Help Busy Executives Succeed. About. News. Companies We are venture builders. From ideas to exits to running mature businesses, all done in-house, with new ventures started every year. Learn More. Copyright © 2018, Aspatore Ventures, Inc, All Logos and Trade Names Above Are Trademarks of Aspatore Ventures, Inc.
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Aspatore Ventures
Nicholas O'Dwyer Ltd, Consulting Engineers, provide water engineering, environmental engineering and civil and structural engineering services to public and private sector clients. The business is a highly respected consulting engineering firm with a well developed consulting practice in Ireland and Internationally. With 80 years of engineering experience in the water services sector, we are market leaders in the design, procurement and management of large scale projects. Our staff of highly experienced professional engineers provide a comprehensive engineering consulting service for all aspects of water engineering and waste water engineering. This includes water resource management; water supply; sewerage and sewage treatment in an environmentally sustainable manner.Nicholas O'Dwyer International Engineers & Environmentalists We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site. By continuing to use the site you agree to our use of cookies. Find out more. About Us. Projects. Services. Careers News & Publications. Blog. Locations. Contact Us We are a professional engineering and environmental consultancy advising and assisting today's global community in the delivery of sustainable infrastructure for tomorrow. Belotin Bypass: R48 Expressway. Location: Czech Republic. Service Category: Transportation VIEW PROJECT DETAILS. PrevNext International Careers. View opportunities with Nicholas O'Dwyer. view jobs. Watch the video What We Do water. transportation. wastewater. infrastructure. environmental. flood resilience. energy. communications. buildings & structures. technical assistance & capacity building About Nicholas O'Dwyer. Our Team. Our staff are the biggest single drivers of our reputation and our success – both at home and abroad Nicholas O'Dwyer staff have access to a range of major projects – in Ireland, the U.K., Europe and Africa and face a constant challenge become more accomplished and effective professionals in their fields. read more Our Vision. Our vision is to be a strong Irish-based company with an equally strong international focus, acknowledged as the Engineering and Environmental consultancy of choice for both public and private clients who demand exceptional Director-led client service. read more News. Nicholas O'Dwyer are delighted to announce the appointment of Jim Oliver as Managing Director Nicholas O'Dwyer are delighted to announce the appointment of Jim Oliver as Managing Director. Dar Es Salaam Water Distribution Network Project, Tanzania Nicholas O'Dwyer and Co. Ltd. are the supervising consultants for the Construction Stage on the €30m Dar Es Salaam Water Distribution Network Project, Tanzania. Irish Water Engineering Design Services Framework Nicholas O' Dwyer are delighted to announce our successful appointment to the Irish Water Engineering Design Services Framework. RSK acquire the Water Research Centre (WRc) and its subsidiary business, Cognica Water Research Centre Ltd (WRc), an independent centre of excellence for innovation and growth, and its subsidiary Cognica are delighted to announce RSK Group Ltd, a leading integrated environmental, engineering and technical services business, has announced the acquisition of WRc. Company About Us. Careers. Services. Our Projects. News & Publications. Blog Featured Projects. Vartry Water Supply Project- Ireland The Vartry Water Supply Scheme provides over 80,000 m3/day of drinking water to a supply area stretching through County Wicklow to south Dublin serving over 200,000 people. Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Scheme, Ireland Project proposed to transfer wastewater from the Cork Lower Harbour to a new 80,000pe wastewater treatment plant site at Carrigaline Follow Us linkedin. facebook. twitter. youtube Terms & Conditions Company Registration Number 54996 © Copyright 2021 Nicholas O'Dwyer. All rights reserved. Web Design by Continuum.
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Nicholas O'Dwyer Ltd
Com uma política de qualidade direcionada exclusivamente ao atendimento, a Vip Embalagens tornou-se exemplo no mercado nacional de embalagens e hoje não só é reconhecida pela qualidade do serviço prestado, como ao excelente atendimento aos clientes, priorizando a satisfação dos mesmos do primeiro contato até o recebimento do produto. EMPRESA PRODUTOS solicite orçamento. Assine nossa Newsletter.HOME EMPRESA PRODUTOS. ORÇAMENTO. CONTATO Catalogo Virtual. Novidades. Pote Cápsulas Rosca Lacre 30mmPote Cápsula Rosca Lacre 43mmPote Cápsula Rosca Lacre 65mmPote Rosca Lacre 95mmPote Cápsula PET BrancoPote Cápsula PET AzulPote Cápsula PET LaranjaPote Cápsula PET VerdePote Cápsula PET ÂmbarPote Cápsula PET CristalFrasco Air Less / MassageFrasco PremiumFrasco Premium AirlessFrasco Premium Dropper Solicite um orçamento agora! CLIQUE AQUI. TELEVENDAS: 11 2446-2000. CONTATO Facebook. INSTITUCIONAL. EMPRESA PRODUTOS solicite orçamento. Entre em contato SITE SEGURO. NEWSLETTER. Assine nossa Newsletter. Cadastre seu e-mail e receber nossas novidades e ofertas. Enviar. Desenvolvido por Gold Sites.
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Three Wing Aviation is an airlines/aviation company based out of 400 GREAT MEADOW RD, Stratford, Connecticut, United States.Three Wing Aviation – Stratford, Connecticut. Skip to main content. Enable accessibility for visually impaired Open the accessibility menu Skip to content Home. Services. Pilot Training. About Us. Our Fleet. Resources. Contact Us. Close Menu. Home. Services. Pilot Training. About Us. Our Fleet. Resources. Contact Us. FBO. More information Aircraft Maintenance. We Partner with Aircraft Owners, Tailoring Our Services to Meet Their Needs. More Information & Scheduling Avionics Upgrades & Repairs. We are a part 135 avionics shop that specializes in the installation of Garmin, S-Tec, L3, Bendix King and Honeywell avionics. More information Flight School. Private Pilot, Instrument Pilot or Certified Flight Instructor. We've been educating pilots since 1976. Learn more FBO. More information Aircraft Maintenance. We Partner with Aircraft Owners, Tailoring Our Services to Meet Their Needs. More Information & Scheduling Avionics Upgrades & Repairs. We are a part 135 avionics shop that specializes in the installation of Garmin, S-Tec, L3, Bendix King and Honeywell avionics. More information Flight School. Private Pilot, Instrument Pilot or Certified Flight Instructor. We've been educating pilots since 1976. Learn more FBO. More information Aircraft Maintenance. We Partner with Aircraft Owners, Tailoring Our Services to Meet Their Needs. More Information & Scheduling Avionics Upgrades & Repairs. We are a part 135 avionics shop that specializes in the installation of Garmin, S-Tec, L3, Bendix King and Honeywell avionics. More information Flight School. Private Pilot, Instrument Pilot or Certified Flight Instructor. We've been educating pilots since 1976. Learn more Previous. Next. About Three Wing Aviation. Three Wing was founded in March 1974 by an aviation enthusiast Andy Pothanszky, a Hungarian immigrant, who started a flying club that turned into a full-service FBO and Maintenance facility. In 2012 a new leadership team, led by two long-time employees Anthony Dinuzzo and Jared Gowlis, took over the Three Wing business and Three Wing Aviation Group LLC was established. Since being founded in 1974 Three Wing has been providing aircraft rental, flight instruction, aircraft maintenance and FBO services. Three Wing Aviation Group is a small boutique aviation services company who has built a reputation for providing the highest standards of safety and customer service to our clients. Located at Sikorski Memorial Airport (KBDR) we are conveniently located to major businesses in Fairfield County Connecticut, and New York. Interesting Facts. We value our reputation as a facility offering not only excellence in technical services, but creating an atmosphere of genuine caring and concern for our clients. 2,226. Flight Hours Logged. 143. Pilots Educated. 2,954. Cups of Coffee. 3,602. Aircraft Services Performed. Hours. Every Day 7:00am to 7:00pm. *After Hours Available Upon Request Frequency Info. Tower. 120.90. Ground. 121.75. Clearance. 121.75. UNICOM. 122.95. Contact us. 400 Great Meadow Rd, Stratford, CT 06615. Email: Telephone: +1-203-375-5795 Copyright © 2021. Web design by instant360. powered by.
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Three Wing Aviation
PMC is the world-leading speaker manufacturer, specialising in High-End audiophile loudspeakers for the home and cutting edge studio monitors for the world’s top music makers.The Music Makers. PMC Speakers. Skip to main content Studio. Home Audio. Custom Install. Search. Where to buy. Support. About Us. Technology the music makers. We have a passion for bringing engineering and emotion together, using precision in design to present music and sound as detailed and transparently as possible. studio. home audio. custom install. our story. Sign up to our newsletter for everything audio Join our Community Studio Nearfiled Midfield Main Monitors twotwo series result6 ci series Amplifiers Subwoofers Accessories Home Audio twenty5i fact series SE series ci series Gold series wafer series Amplifiers Subwoofers Accessories Custom Install ci series wafer series Amplifiers cor Power2400 About us Our story Technology News The team Hit list Key clients Support Contact Service request Spares Product registration Performance check Warranty Careers Help Search FAQ Privacy policy Terms & conditions Contact Paxinus © Copyright The Professional Monitor Company Ltd 2021. All rights reserved. W3C Valid. Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions. By Orqa Design Partners Area.
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PMC - The Professional Monitor Company Ltd.
Timeneye is a simple time-tracking tool, which is helping small/medium companies and freelancers to track their team productivity levels wherever they are: at the office or on the go. The cloud software we’ve built connects seamlessly with Asana, Basecamp 2, Basecamp 3, Breeze, Podio, ClickUp, Google Calendar and more to make time tracking available even when using your favorite tools. Timeneye also analyzes your daily activity and provides you daily suggested time entries: this means that after you’ve used it for a little while, Timeneye will be able to fill out most of your time sheet for you.Time Tracking Software for Teams & Freelancers - Timeneye Simple, Intelligent Time Tracking Easy, stress-free time tracking tool for teams and freelancers. Save time, manage your projects, monitor your team and increase your productivity in just a few clicks. Get started for Free. Some of the features our users love:. Billable hours management. Weekly calendar view. Budget notifications. Roles and permissions. Exports and imports. Weekly email summaries See all features Track your time, wherever you are Tracking time out of the office has never been so easy. Start timers and easily manage your existing time entries in just one tap with the Timeneye mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Your time is priceless, take better care of it Start managing your time in Timeneye with a 14-day trial. Get started Product Features. Integrations. Mobile app. Pricing Resources Blog. Product guide. Product roadmap. Service status Extras About us. Nonprofits. APIs documentation. Beta Legal Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions. Service Legal Agreement Timeneye ©2020 DM Digital Software SRL - All Rights Reserved. DM Digital Software SRL - Via Rainusso 144, 41124 Modena -. P.I. 03895390361 - REA MO-426608 DM Digital Software SRL - Via Rainusso 144, 41124 Modena - Italy P.I. 03895390361 - REA MO-426608 Notice With respect to advertising, we and selected. You can freely give, deny, or withdraw your consent at any time by accessing the. We and selected partners, use cookies or similar technologies as specified in the.With respect to advertising, we and selected third parties , may use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification in order to store and/or access information on a device and process personal data (e.g. browsing data, IP addresses, usage data or unique identifiers) for the following purposes: personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights; develop and improve products.You can freely give, deny, or withdraw your consent at any time by accessing the advertising preferences panel Learn more and customize Reject Accept.
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The experience of selling something on Amazon can be a rather perplexing and challenging experience for new ‘sellers’. Even though Amazon follows strict rules, its popularity and the number of products is increasing day by day. As a result, the competition has also increased. Because of our expert’s team advice and strategies, we take pride in the fact that many among our clients were triumph in tasting great achievement with a massive increase in their product sales. Considering e-commerce, we are aware that using Amazon as a selling platform can turn out to have an amazingly immediate effect on the revenue stream of our clients.
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Eselling Experts
AG Med LLC is a U.S. based company headquartered California’s Silicon Valley that produces and distributes of high-quality health products.Skip to content. AG Med LLC. MotiXeed®- Men's Sperm Health Optimizer. Home. Our Products. Contact Us Welcome To AG Med. AG Med LLC is a U.S. based company headquartered California's Silicon Valley that produces and distributes of high-quality health products. Our main goal is to provide high quality, effective and affordable products to infertile couples, help them to start a family and become parents. What Sets Us Apart? AG Med– specialized in Fertility Medicine- has unparalleled market awareness, giving it the edge in a versatile nutraceutical & pharmaceutical market. Due to extensive market research & experience, AG Med is able to pursue and focus on highly demanded products on the fertility and parenting market. Our Products. AG Med's products are designed and manufactured with one person in mind: the consumer. All of AG Med's products aim to improve the patient's quality of life, whether it's helping them conceive or providing a soon to be baby with essential nutrients, you can count on AG Med's product to deliver the best. MotiXeed®. Men's Sperm Health. Optimizer*. AG Stone®. Natural Micronized Progesterone USP Softgel Capsules. Vidofe®coming soon. For Pregnant, Breastfeeding, & Women. Trying to Conceive*. Testimonials. © 2018 AG Med LLC. Go to Top. Home Our Products Contact Us.
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INTELIA is a system integrator serving the operators of the South Pacific area. Since its creation in 2005, INTELIA has been supporting Pacific Islands’ operators in the transformation of their networks. INTELIA focuses on 4 industries: Telecom, IT, Media and Security. In partnership with the best suppliers of each market segment, INTELIA proposes turnkey solution to create, extend and upgrade its customers’ infrastructure networks.Qui sommes-nous. intelia. Log In. Présentation. Moyens. Nos activités. Nos partenaires. Nos références. Offres d'emploi. Contact. Intelia. un intégrateur au service. des opérateurs de la région Pacifique. © 2018 by Intelia.
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Here at Avenue Dental we take pride in what we do and strive to exceed your expectations. We are passionate about listening, educating, diagnosing, and treating your dental needs and concerns. This practice is designed to offer more than the average dental visit. We offer a positive, painless, and comprehensive experience in a relaxing and state of the art setting with the latest equipment. We are committed to providing outstanding patient care with integrity, compassion and excellence encompassed by incomparable customer service on all levels.Skip to content. 646.590.7525. Appointment Request Home Our Practice Services New Patients Appointments Gallery Contact Us Avenue Dental. 16 East 52nd Street. Suite 1102. New York, NY 10022. 646-590-7525. Services. Preventative Dentistry Restorative Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry Teeth Whitening Invisalign Associations. Copyright © 2020 Avenue Dental. Home Our Practice Services New Patients Appointments Gallery Contact Us.
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Avenue Dental NY, PC
Track Trainer is an affordable upper-limb paralysis rehabilitation device that transforms mundane training into a stimulating game, getting patients emotionally engaged in their recovery. Track Trainer wants to make the unattainable, attainable. We want to give stroke survivors a device that not only functionally engages with their disability but also encourages and pushes them to achieve the quality of life they used to have. Track Trainer is a student-led startup and is a member of the Gara
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Track Trainer
All-American social and athletic traditions, in combination with solid academics, are the defining features of Stephen F. Austin State University. Located in Nacogdoches, Texas, Stephen F. Austin is a public, independent university that offers more than 120 areas of academic study, about half of which are master’s and doctoral programs. Stephen F. Austin’s academic offerings include such fields as Radio-Television Broadcasting, Agriculture, Forestry, programs in the arts and humanities and teacher-education programs. Active, fun sororities and fraternities are part of what distinguishes the social life at Stephen F. Austin. On a typical weekend or evening at Stephen F. Austin students adorn the grasses of the football stadium, holding up signs from their respective “Greek” houses and cheering on the football team.Stephen F. Austin State University. University in Texas. Skip to main content News. Calendar. mySFA. Search Info For: Future Students Current Students New Students Faculty & Staff Parents High School Counselors Alumni & Friends Future Students About SFA. Academics. Admissions & Aid Life at SFA. Arts & Athletics. Alumni & Giving Axe 'Em, Jacks! Visit Apply Give DID YOU KNOW? # 2. ranked team debaters. in the nation $ 670. ,000+ INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO. MANAGED BY OUR. STUDENTS grammy. & oscar. Winners among our alumni. # 1. ranked ROTC Ranger Team. in the state One of the. Top. time-to-degree. rates in Texas. 97. % FIRST-TIME PASS RATE FOR. NURSE LICENSING ONLY. EARLY CHILDHOOD. RESEARCH CENTER OF ITS KIND IN TEXAS # 2. ranked team debaters. in the nation $ 670. ,000+ INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO. MANAGED BY OUR. STUDENTS grammy. & oscar. Winners among our alumni. # 1. ranked ROTC Ranger Team. in the state One of the. Top. time-to-degree. rates in Texas. 97. % FIRST-TIME PASS RATE FOR. NURSE LICENSING ONLY. EARLY CHILDHOOD. RESEARCH CENTER OF ITS KIND IN TEXAS # 2. ranked team debaters. in the nation $ 670. ,000+ INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO. MANAGED BY OUR. STUDENTS grammy. & oscar. Winners among our alumni. # 1. ranked ROTC Ranger Team. in the state One of the. Top. time-to-degree. rates in Texas. EXPLORE ACADEMICS. Have a dream career or a major in mind? Still undecided? With more than 120 areas of study at SFA. you can find the path that's best for you. Just use the button below to search by area of study. VISIT ACADEMICS Explore your passions, meet our faculty. Watch how faculty member Neal Cox helps students find their artistic voice. SCIENCES & MATH. EDUCATION. LIBERAL & APPLIED ARTS. BUSINESS. MEET NEAL COX. FINE ARTS. FINE ARTS FORESTRY & AG Life At SFA. State-of-the-Art STEM Building. Housing & Dining. 17 Division I Sports. Clubs & Organizations. 18 Beautiful Bodies of Water Nearby. SFA Traditions. The Axe Handle. Ole Cotton. Homecoming Bonfire. Purple Haze. The Axe Handle. SFA freshmen receive an axe handle to personalize with their own Lumberjack spirit. Students can be seen (and heard) banging axe handles on the bleachers at SFA football games. Info about:. Spring 2021. COVID-19 News. Events SFA names new vice president for student affairs. SFA business grads launching their careers at Lockheed Martin. SFA to host five graduation ceremonies during December More News Can we help you find what you're looking for? Request Info > Visit > Apply > Contact Us > Come See Us:. 1936 North St. Nacogdoches, Texas Call or Contact Us:. 936.468.3401. Contact Us Back To Top About This Site Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube.
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The AODA Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines the policies, achievements and actions that AHS have taken and the work underway to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. Use documented individual accommodation plans Customer Service Standard AHS is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities and we will carry out our functions and responsibilities in the following areas:.Associated Hebrew Schools. Skip to content Open toolbar. Accessibility Tools. About AHS. Choose Campus. Admissions. AHS Community. Support AHS. School Programs. Upcoming Events. PreviousNext 1234 WELCOME TO ASSOCIATED HEBREW SCHOOLS. Health and Safety Guidelines for the 2020/21 School Year. On September 8, 2020 we welcomed our students back to school! Our commitment to ensuring the safety of our community remains our utmost priority. Click here to view the most recent Health and Safety Guidelines (updated September 29). We will update the guidelines as new information becomes available from Public Health. Associated Hebrew School is a warm and vibrant school representing the diverse Toronto Jewish Community. We are rooted in Jewish traditions, yet our teaching methods are anything but traditional. We nurture a culture of innovation and support student success through inquiry-based learning. By teaching creative expression and critical thinking, we encourage curiosity and problem solving as we help your child to grow into a maker and a mensch. Our approach to differentiated learning allows us to meet the individual needs of our students to ensure their success. At AHS, we foster a lifelong love of learning while teaching our students to be ethical, knowledgeable and engaged citizens. HEAD OF SCHOOL WELCOME. לך לך"Lech-lecha el ha'aretz asher ar'eka." "Go, for you to the land that I will show you." Here at Associated, we are travelling on a journey – destination unknown. As part of the Associated community, you are a part of something greater, a part of an expedition that connects you to people from the past, the present, and the future. More. Book a Personal Virtual Tour. Call or email our Admissions Office to book a personal tour:. 416.494.7666 x 575 Book A Tour. Email. Hurwich Education Centre. Kamin Elementary School. Danilack Middle School 416.494.7666. Posluns Education Centre. 416.787.1872 © Copyright - Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto. Terms of Use. Privacy Policy.
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Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto
M&C Group Ltd has been established by a group of Naval Architects / Marine Engineers with purpose to provide the Marine Industry with integrated solutions. M&C Group Ltd provides the most appropriate and applicable solutions of highest quality. To be able to develop qualified projects, the company follows the philosophy of continuous improvement by applying the latest developments and rules with all the aspects of shipping through a constant dialogue with ship Owners, Shipyards, Suppliers, Operators, Authorities and Classification Societies. It should be noted that our marine consultant’s office is staffed and associated with Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Mechanical, Automations & Electrical Engineers, Masters, Master Mariners and Chief Engineers with sea going experience, able to offer professional services on worldwide scale. The main field of Company's activities is: A.M&C GROUP. +30 210 9401500. +30 210 9401500 HOME. SERVICES NEW BUILDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT SURVEYING & SUPERVISION SERVICES NDT SERVICES ULTRASONIC THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS – UTM TIGHTNESS TEST OF CARGO HATCH COVERS DYE PENETRANT INSPECTION (DPI) ENGINEERING & DESIGN WORK ESSENTIAL DESIGN STRUCTURAL DESIGN / CONVERSION PROJECTS CAD / CAM FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS MACHINERY / OUTFITTING / PIPING SHIP THEORY SAFETY & QUALITY CONSULTATION INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. CLIENTS. PARTNERS. NEWS & EVENTS. CONTACT M&C GROUP Marine & Industrial Technology NEW BUILDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT SURVEYING & SUPERVISION SERVICES DRONE INSPECTION SERVICES - NEW! EXHAUST GAS CLEANING SYSTEM RETROFIT – NEW! NDT SERVICES ENGINEERING & DESIGN WORK SAFETY & QUALITY CONSULTATION INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IHM SERVICES – NEW! M&C GROUP. M&C Group Ltd has been established by a group of Naval Architects / Marine Engineers with purpose to provide the Marine Industry with integrated solutions. M&C Group Ltd provides the most appropriate and applicable solutions of highest quality. To be able to develop qualified projects, the company follows the philosophy of continuous improvement by applying the latest developments and rules with all the aspects of shipping through a constant dialogue with ship Owners, Shipyards, Suppliers, Operators, Authorities and Classification Societies. It should be noted that our marine consultant's office is staffed and associated with Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Mechanical, Automations & Electrical Engineers, Masters, Master Mariners and Chief Engineers with sea going experience, able to offer professional services on worldwide scale. Contact. 36. , Epaminonda Street. GR 17674. Kallithea. Hellas. +30 210 9401500. +30 213 0320862. , Epaminonda StreetKallitheaHellas. Policy-Mission-Vision. M&C Group policy is to exceed client's expectations We emphasize to responsiveness and quality of service and we encourage innovation and creativity. Our mission is to maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our clients, our partners and our employees. Our vision is to use business to inspire and implement solutions to the marine industry future. We expect excellence. We expect greatness. We make quality. Pages. FOUNDERS. HOME. SERVICES. CLIENTS. PARTNERS. NEWS & EVENTS. CONTACT. TERMS & CONDITIONS © 2019 M&C GROUP LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRIVACY POLICY.
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Sage Bionetworks is a nonprofit biomedical research and technology development organization that was founded in Seattle in 2009. We develop and apply open practices to data-intensive research for the advancement of human health. Data-intensive research has become an important component of biomedicine, but it’s not always easy to understand how to apply computational approaches appropriately or how to interpret their results. Sage believes open practices can help. Our interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers work together to provide researchers access to technology tools and scientific approaches to share data, benchmark methods, and explore collective insights, all backed by Sage’s gold-standard governance protocols and commitment to user-centered design.Sage Bionetworks: responsible data sharing, reliable methods. Skip to content. Better Science Together. With big data, complex algorithms, and personalized health monitoring, technology has revolutionized the life sciences. But how do we translate these insights into actions? At Sage Bionetworks, we believe that modern science is a team sport. By harnessing the power of open science, we help research communities develop reliable outcomes to advance our understanding of human health. What We Do. Responsible Data Sharing Sage supports research collaborations by overseeing data coordination, visualization, and analytics across distributed teams. We manage grant- or project-based research consortia to share, evaluate and distribute data, methods, and insights Learn more. Benchmarking Reliable Methods Because we are all susceptible to the self-assessment bias, Sage has developed tools that help researchers to objectively benchmark the performance of computational methods, and to disseminate community-verified methods Learn more. Understand Real-World Evidence By applying our approach to digital health, Sage works with participants and researchers to understand how real-world environments impact our individual experience of health and disease. Learn more about how to. partner with us. Our Tools & Resources. Synapse. A suite of web services and tools that make it easier for researchers to aggregate, organize, analyze, and share scientific data, code, and insights. Bridge. A platform for conducting biomedical research studies primarily using the ResearchKit (iOS) and ResearchStack (Android) frameworks. Challenges. An open-science, collaborative competition framework for evaluating and comparing computational algorithms. Governance. Resources and policies including novel approaches to informed consent, clinical protocols, and data access. More Tools & Resources Latest News. Blog. The Global Mental Health Databank – Practicing Better Science Together. At Sage, we build responsible practices for data sharing in health research. By combining policy and technology, we work to ensure data can be safely. View full post Press Releases. Collaborating with youth is key to studying mental-health management. Sage Bionetworks leads international feasibility study to identify core design components to build the Global Mental Health Databank with youth participants SEATTLE, Nov. 18. View full post Press Releases. Sage Joins DAPI Project for Down Syndrome Research. NIH Award Funds Data Coordinating Center for Down Syndrome Research The new initiative will fuel collaboration and discovery about the biology of Down syndrome and. View full post Copyright © 2020 Sage Bionetworks Publications. Contact. COI. Social Media Policy.
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Sage Bionetworks
Privacy policy: Contact: SEMIKRON is one of the world's leading manufacturers of power modules and systems primarily in the medium output range (approx. 2 kW up to 10 MW). Our products are at the heart of modern energy efficient motor drives and industrial automation systems. Further application areas include power supplies, renewable energies (wind and solar power) and electric vehicles (private cars, vans, buses, lorries, forklift trucks, and more). SEMIKRON's innovative power electronic products enable our customers to develop smaller, more energy efficient power electronic systems.
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The Clash Company was founded in 2003 for the specific purpose of bringing high caliber tournament events to broadband video game consoles and PC. Since then Clash has become the most trusted tournament executor for Microsoft as well as other major publishers such as 2K, Rockstar, Tecmo, Bungie, EA Sports and more. Clash has held events for clients and partners such as College Sports Television, Visa Corp, Gamestop and others. Clash provides total competition programs that move software, enhance the sales of downloadable content and create brand awareness within the core gaming demographics. Clash has worked on some of the biggest game brands with the largest companies in the industry.The Clash Company "Overkill is Underrated!". Login. Home. CONTACT US. FAQ. For The Players. What players both Pro and Rookie can expect from Clash Co. events and promotions. Read More For The Creators. What Clash Co. delivers to the developers, publishers and sponsors. Read More We race, shoot and fight in worlds created of pure electricity. We are the generation of gamers born to connect and compete. We are not secluded in realities inhabited by only binary thinking friends and foes. We face the most dangerous opponents ever created Each other. Rules Rules of the Game. What's wrong with glitching into walls? Why can't you just park in the middle of a raceway? Find out here. Read More Concepts Clash Concepts. Television, physical accessories, new marketing venues and other classified new projects are in development. Read More Custom Prizes One of a Kind Rewards. Thanks to our partners at Lake Titan Labs, winners of Clash events get to own a piece of the universe they conquer. Read More NDA Removal Almost Here. Cynn - Saturday, 5 October 2013 03:33. Development NDA removal and project updates are coming soon! All partner entities and prospects will be contacted directly. The Clash Company was founded in 2003 for the specific purpose of bringing high caliber tournament events to broadband video game consoles and PC. Since then Clash has become the most trusted tournament executor for Microsoft as well as other major publishers such as 2K, Rockstar, Tecmo, Bungie, EA Sports and more. Clash has held events for clients and partners such as College Sports Television, Visa Corp, Gamestop and others. Clash provides total competition programs that move software, enhance the sales of downloadable content and create brand awareness within the core gaming demographics. Partners, platforms and properties:. The games used by this firm are copyright to their respective owners. We support Xbox Live, Playstation Network, PC and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connect. the Clash Company works with permission from ip and copyright holders directly as per mission. Contact Information. You can contact using:. E-Mail: © The Clash Company 2012.
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Clash Competition Company
Physicians Preferred offers the purest CBD oils & topicals on the market. Our CBD is extracted from our own Organic Colorado hemp.Products About Contact Subscribe. More. Engineered By Nature. View Our Products We ensure your purchase reaches your doorstep as fast as possible with our expedited courier partners. 500mg Everyday Wellness CBD Tincture. Price. $59.95. 1500mg Extra Strength CBD Tincture. Price. $149.95. 3000mg Advanced Strength CBD Tincture. Price. $244.95. 5000mg Advanced Strength CBD Tincture. Price. $359.95. View All Products Premium quality CBD. Perfected by us,non GMO, vegan & gluten free.Grown extracted. & made in America. Organic Products. Distillate Extracts. Vegan. Grown Extracted & Made In The Usa. Our Products. Learn More Perfected By Physicians Preferred. Our Hemp is grown in Colorado with Organic Farming practices utilizing no pesticides or herbicides. We then process the raw material using pharmaceutical grade equipment for one of the purest most concentrated CBD Oils on the market today. Non Gmo, Vegan. Gluten Free. Physicians Preferred is dedicated to providing the highestquality CBD products available on the market. Our products include CBD oil Tinctures, CBD topicals, and CBD tinctures specifically designed for pets. We offer full spectrum Cannabinoids as well as Isolate options. Varieties Cbd Products. Sublingual CBD oils, also known as tinctures (liquid extracts taken orally). CBD oils offered include full spectrum and THC free isolate varieties. Topical CBD products (for local application of a specific area). Grown, Extracted. & Made In America. Every one of our products comes from our very own organic hemp fields in Colorado & carefully processed with pharmaceutical - grade equipment in our U.S. facilities. More about CBD. Familiarize yourself with everything related to CBD. Read more Get to know us. and our business. Take a peek behind our process, see our partners and our production. Visit our blog Legal in 50 States! © Created with, Inc. Follow UsContact UsTerms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyRefund Policy.
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Physicians Preferred
McClure Electric, Inc. founded in July of 1966 by Thomas D. McClure as a full service Electrical Contractor. We provide complete electrical system upgrades and maintenance needs for the San Francisco Bay Area. McClure Electric, Inc. is experienced in Commercial, Industrial, Hospitality, Healthcare and Residential projects. McClure Communications was established in 2001 as a result of the data and cabling needs of our customers. This division specializes in advanced structured cabling projects for voice/data networks.McClure Electric & Communications. 45 Rausch Street. San Francisco, CA 94103. Phone415.864.5656. Fax415.864.0190. Est. 1966. " McClure's goal is to provide customer satisfaction. in all Electrical and Data Communication Services. by working closely with our clients. " Commercial - Health Care - Hospitality - Residential. Member of Electrical Industry Organizations.
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McClure Electric Inc.
Volt2Amp is a full-service electrical construction company, based in Paoli, Pa, specializing in electrical installations and maintenance. Volt2Amp also installs and services photovoltaic systems. We are licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, and we offer the highest standard of quality service and customer satisfaction in every aspect of what we do.Home. Services. About Us. Contact. Testimonials. Photos. Volt 2 Amp. Follow us on Linkedin, https://www. volt2amp Content copyright 2020. VOLT2AMP.COM. All rights reserved.
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Piletich and Skokan, PA is a debt relief agency that has been assisting Minnesota and Wisconsin residents with bankruptcy issues for over fifteen years. Their extensive experience means that they can stop the harassment and help you reduce the stress that comes from dealing with severe financial challenges. Piletich and Skokan are available evenings and weekends and they offer a free one hour initial consultation. In some cases, they will even come to you.Home. PS Affordable Bankruptcy. Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Skip to primary navigation. Skip to main content. Skip to footer 651-351-1975 MN 715-246-9331 WI PS Affordable Bankruptcy. Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Affordable Bankruptcy for Minnesota and Wisconsin. Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law. Stop the Harassment. Understanding Bankruptcy. Top 10 Reasons To File. FAQs. Contact Us Previous Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Available in your corner of the world. Serving East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Work with us Learn more READ OUR SPECIAL COVID-19 CRISIS NOTICE BELOW Next We are Piletich and Skokan, P.A. We are a team of affordable bankruptcy attorneys servicing clients across East Central Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. We Deliver Convenience! We can meet you in the evening and on weekends with pre-confirmed scheduling! And, we'll meet you in a place convenient to you Your Place or Ours! Learn more. SPECIAL NOTICE. Contact us today to learn more. Call 715-246-9331 (WI) or 651-351-1975 (MN) Did you know your bankruptcy can be successfully discharged without the need for you to leave your home during the COVID-19 crisis? US Bankruptcy Courts remain open during this time of COVID-19; making allowances to file electronically and to hold hearings by telephone. Your bankruptcy can be successfully completed without the need for you to leave your home during the crisis. Please call us and let us help you 715-246-9331 or 651-351-1975. We urge everyone to follow the stay at home laws on Covid19 and to keep you and your family safe. Ready to talk and reclaim your life? Start by contacting Piletich and Skokan, P.A. today. START HERE! Urosh, Thank you so much for all your help via the phone – you're such a sweetie. All Best to you + yours ~ L. Urosh, I want to thank you for all your help with all the little matters that keep coming up. I know many of these things keep dragging on but I do appreciate all you do for me. Your talking to Chrysler Financial helped – they fed-x'd the info I was looking for the next day. Thank you. You do make a difference. ~S. Urosh, Thank you for all that you have done for us – We truly appreciate your hard work. ~S. and P. You were awesome! Thank you for everything you did for me. ~ M.F. Thank you so much for your quick response. We had plans to start tackling all three credit bureaus to dispute it. You saved us so much time. ~K.B. 5. I do want to thank you for the time you spent in on our case, and the added travel time. Making the decision to file for bankruptcy protection was hard for us, but you made the process easy, understandable, and showed us step-by-step what was going on. We couldn't have asked for a better attorney to work the process for us. ~ D. F. 5. I received notification of our discharge in the mail today. We appreciate all of your help in getting our case completed, and I definitely think everything worked out well. While I wouldn't want to go through the process again, you certainly made it seem not so bad. Thanks so much for taking care of this for us! ~ J.A. Joe, Thank you for dealing with the extra headaches for my case. Thanks!! ~ B. Joe, Thank you for everything you have done and are doing to make this bankruptcy go as smooth as possible for me. ~ B.L. 5. Urosh, It is very difficult to explain the impact your help has had in my life. You have helped to transform my life from one plagued by phenomenal stress – stress that complicated and protracted my recovery from my illness – to one that is now manageable. Thank you – you are doing very important work, helping a lot of deserving people. Best Wishes you to you. ~ R.E. 5. Urosh, Thank you for you help + all time you've spent. Thank you for being so patient through all my struggles, while I attempted to work through everything. You have been great! I'll bring a pile of your cards and mention how good you've been to everyone! Thank you ~ B and A. 5. Dear Mr. Skokan, Your kindness in helping me was so appreciated. First, I was shocked to reach you so late in the evening (I am certain you must have expected someone else calling) but you treated me with respect and kindness which I cant thank you enough for. You helped me succeed. I intend to rebuild my life and help others. ~J. 5. Joseph, Thank you for helping me in my fresh start process. ~ H. Urosh, I just wanted to say thank you for all your help over the last couple months I really appreciated your help and support through what could have been a bad experience for me and my family. God Bless you and Thank you again. ~M. Urosh and Joe, Thanks for assisting my clients over the phone and being so willing to answer questions. I do recommend your services to anyone looking to file outside Rochester area. Any chance you'll open an office here? Have a good week. ~ A. Urosh, I can not ever begin to express how you have affected our lives and what that means to all of us. With the greatest of respect and appreciation. ~ G., S., and the entire Family Our Thanks-. Urosh, Hope this finds you and your family well. Thank you for helping me ~ J. A. Urosh, Thank you so much for all your help via the phone – you're such a sweetie. All Best to you + yours ~ L. Urosh, I want to thank you for all your help with all the little matters that keep coming up. I know many of these things keep dragging on but I do appreciate all you do for me. Your talking to Chrysler Financial helped – they fed-x'd the info I was looking for the next day. Thank you. You do make a difference. ~S. Urosh, Thank you for all that you have done for us – We truly appreciate your hard work. ~S. and P. You were awesome! Thank you for everything you did for me. ~ M.F. Thank you so much for your quick response. We had plans to start tackling all three credit bureaus to dispute it. You saved us so much time. ~K.B. 5. I do want to thank you for the time you spent in on our case, and the added travel time. Making the decision to file for bankruptcy protection was hard for us, but you made the process easy, understandable, and showed us step-by-step what was going on. We couldn't have asked for a better attorney to work the process for us. ~ D. F. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 Latest news. Bankruptcy Discharges During COVID-19 If you're facing financial stress and your situation feels as though it's compounding day-after-day, it's important to know the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts. Just Got A Little Better We're new and improved. online! We've just launched our new website design to make it easier for you to access the information in a more easy to. Debt consolidation and debt negotiation.why not? Most people would like to pay back their debts. Debt consolidation specialists and negotiators rely on this natural and common sentiment to find. Subscribe to our Content Updates. Ready to change your financial outlook? Please call us and let us help you 715-246-9331 or 651-351-1975. We urge everyone to follow the stay at home laws on Covid19 and to keep you and your family safe. Contact Us Footer. Piletich and Skokan, P.A. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Practicing Bankruptcy Protection. Practicing in Minnesota and Wisconsin 651-351-1975 MN 715-246-9331 WI Company. About Us. Joseph Skokan. Urosh Piletich. Contact Us. Privacy Policy Information. Our Blog. Understanding Bankruptcy. Top Ten Reasons To File. Common FAQs Let's Connect. facebook. twitter. youtube. google. linkedin. Quick Question? Feel free to send us a quick email, but understand we cannot and will not disperse legal advice to you via email, text, or messenger. Privacy Policy Copyright © 2021 Piletich and Skokan, P.A.. All rights reserved. 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Piletich and Skokan, PA
AGAPE INTERPRETING SERVICES INC. is a company based out of 5319 CYPRESS LINKS BLVD, ELKTON, Florida, United States.Agape Interpreting Services – Hands In Motion for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. For Immediate Assistance Call: 844-242-7312. Skip to content Agape Interpreting Services Hands In Motion for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. For Immediate Assistance Call: 844-242-7312. Home. Schedule Service. Our Services expand child menu. Our Mission. About Us & Contact. Payments. Join Our Team. Helpful Links Request Service. Announcement: New Scheduling Software. Please note, we are beginning to migrate to a new scheduling software. If you are a current Atrium client, please use the link below. If you have not used the Atrium site before, please continue to use the form on the Scheduling page. Thank you! Click here for the new Atrium site: Where professional hands in motion for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community begins. Our services are provided by the most "ELITE" group of interpreters, nationally certified and state qualified at the highest level. AGAPE interpreters are well rounded in skill in all arenas ranging from education K-12, collegiate, tutoring, medical, Deaf/blind, legal, social services, law enforcement, domestic violence/drug abuse counseling, commercial, industrial, cruise interpreting – you name it, we can provide it! Why Agape. WE ARE ACCESSIBLE. Access to more than 50 languages. Our friendly staff is available by phone 24/7. WE ARE FLEXIBLE. Cancellations accepted up to 24 hours prior to appointment without charge. Last minute requests acceptable for a nominal fee. WE ARE READY. We have an amazing staff with highly qualified interpreters – here to assist you in any situation. OUR GUARANTEE:. STELLAR customer service with reasonable rates. Always. Contact Us. Office: 844-242-7312 Email: Emergency Pager: 904-499-0667 DiAndria Lynn Zeigler: 904-588-5583 Proudly powered by WordPress.
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Mutual Aid About Mission & VisionLeadershipNews & UpdatesMediaCOVID-19 Our Work Student ChaptersCampaign Leadership CohortYWI Network Get Involved EventsGet our emails DONATE We holistically invest in the leadership and political power of young women and trans & non-binary folks. Mutual Aid About Mission & VisionLeadershipNews & UpdatesMediaCOVID-19 Our Work Student ChaptersCampaign Leadership CohortYWI Network Get Involved EventsGet our emails DONATE MEDIA.Mutual Aid About Mission & VisionLeadershipNews & UpdatesMediaCOVID-19 Our Work Student ChaptersCampaign Leadership CohortYWI Network Get Involved EventsGet our emails DONATE We holistically invest in the leadership and political power of young women and trans & non-binary folks. Learn more We're creating alternative spaces rooted in healing, transformative, and electoral justice so we can change the face of power within public and political leadership. Join us —> © 2020. Women for Political Change. INFO@WOMENFORPOLITICALCHANGE.ORG. 2380 Wycliff street #b103 St. Paul, MN 55114. Become a Mutual Aid Fund Sustaining Donor. We're in the midst of one of the worst public health and economic crises in US history. that is significantly impacting BIPOC, LGBTQ, disabled, immigrant, caretakers, people experiencing homelessness and more. It's crucial that we practice. radical care for one another for our collective survival and liberation. Donate now!.
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Women for Political Change (WFPC)
The award-winning FITCRUNCH Baked Bar is arguably the best protein bar ever made. Created by co-founder and celebrity chef, Robert Irvine, to provide quality nutrition and an unmatched taste that you’d expect from a world-renown chef. FITCRUNCH makes getting your protein more enjoyable than ever before. Sold world-wide, enjoyed by athletes, fitness enthusiasts and families.
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Pervine Foods, LLC
THE UNION CLUB OF BOSTON is a civic & social organization company based out of 8 PARK ST, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.Home - Union Club of Boston - Boston, MA Home The Club Entertaining Accommodations Reciprocal Clubs Membership COVID-19 Member Login Welcome to the Union Club of Boston. Where Friendships Flourish and New Traditions. Merge with Timeless Values. Past is Prologue » An oasis of civility. Club Life » Where friendships flourish. Entertaining » Memorable experiences. Staying at the Club » Historic 'home away from home'. Home. The Club. Entertaining. Accommodations. Reciprocal Clubs. Membership. COVID-19. User Email Update Eight Park Street, Boston Massachusetts 02108 617-227-0589.
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Cherry Valley Health Care is a hospital & health care company based out of 5800 W Wilson St, Banning, CA, United States.
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Cherry Valley Health Care
Active Foam Products is a furniture company based out of 6210 W Douglas Ave, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States.Home. LOGIN NOW. Email Address. Password: (case sensitive). PRODUCT SEARCH. Keyword. Item ID. Manufacturer Part Number. Customer Part Number. Description. Short Code. Alternate Item Code. Vendor. for Keyword Item Description Cross Reference Specials Adhesives Aircraft Products Auto & Marine Supplies Cotton Padding Fabrics Foam Pillows Polyester Cushion Wraps & Fills Staples Tools Vinyls Weltcord Upholstery Supplies Copyright © 2008 Active Foam Product Inc.
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Active Foam Products
We only understand our services from the excellence that can only be achieved by permanent attention to detail. Therefore we prioritize quality over volume, that’s why we like to be perceived as a “boutique” asset manager. This obsession to detail can also be applied to the cost side. In Audentia we are proud to offer one of the most cost-efficient platforms not only in Malta but also in Europe. We differentiate ourselves to the banking industry, because we believe that proper financial management can only be achieved from the full alignment of interests between the client and the manager.English Register Login Firm Overview. Our Services. Why Audentia Capital? News. Contact Welcome to Audentia Capital. Our StructuresOur Services Welcome to Audentia Capital. Audentia Capital Groupis a"boutique"of investment services composed by several companies under Maltese regulation, and therefore subject to the laws of the European Union. Our aim is to offer bespoke and competitive services to our demanding clients. Regulated by the. MFSA(Maltese Financial Services Authority), and, under the umbrella of the European Regulator,ESMA(European Securities and Markets Authority), we do offer services not only as an Asset Manager but also as an Investment Platform, structuring Investment Funds tailored to the needs of our clients. Our Funds. In Audentia Capital, we do manage some of the best non correlated Funds in the Market. Our Team. We count with a select team of experts in a wide range of areas (financial, international law, tax), always at our clients service. Our Platform. We do offer one of the most complete and competitive Investment Platforms within the European Union. We stand out by the creation of Investment Funds and securities, fully tailor made to satisfy the needs of our clients. Nº registration MSFA:. Audentia Capital Sicav Plc: SV-207. Audentia Capital Sicav II Plc: SV-388. Audentia Capital Management Limited: C-79067. Audentia Capital Aif Sicav Plc: SV 469. Audentia Capital Sicav-Raif: B225381. Audentia Capital Naif Sicav Plc. J8 Umbrella Funds Sicav Plc. AC Securities Scc Ltd Useful Links. Firm Overview. Our Services. News. Why Audentia Capital. Contact us Contact Us. Orange Point Building. Second Floor, Dun Karm Street. Birkirkara By-Pass. Birkirkara, BRK 9037. Malta. Phone: +35 620 34 15 96. Email:. CONTACT|NEWS © Audentia Capital 2017 LEGAL NOTICE.
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AUDENTIA Capital Group
2018 marked the beginning of a new era of pro-choice women’s leadership, but in both Minnesota and Washington D.C., women are still significantly underrepresented at the tables of power. With emboldened threats to reproductive rights at all levels of government, it is more important than ever that pro-choice women run for -- and win -- elected office. Since 1982, Women Winning has been building a coalition of people of all backgrounds, gender identities, and political affiliations united in our mission to recruit, train, and elect pro-choice women to all levels of public office -- from park board to President of the United States. We’ve endorsed and elected thousands of candidates, tripling the number of pro-choice women holding elected office in Minnesota. Pro-choice women continue to step up to run for office and Women Winning will be with them at every step on the campaign trail in 2019, 2020, and beyond.Women Winning. She runs. We win. (651) 251-0690. About. Run For Office. Get Involved. Jobs. News + Updates. Contact. Donate MADAM VICE PRESIDENT CELEBRATING A HISTORIC MILESTONE 12345 CHANGING THE FACE OF POWER Since 1982, Women Winning has been building a coalition of people of all backgrounds, gender identities, and political affiliations united in our mission to recruit, train, and elect pro-choice women to all levels of public office — from park board to President of the United States. We've endorsed and elected thousands of candidates, tripling the number of pro-choice women holding elected office in Minnesota. This is a new era of pro-choice women's leadership. Pro-choice women continue to step up to run for office and Women Winning will be with them at every step on the campaign trail in 2021, 2022, and beyond. ABOUT WOMEN WINNING. JOIN US IN THE CHANGE UPCOMING EVENTS What's New at Women Winning Standing with you in the fight for democracy. Women Winning works to elect our best advocates because we believe in the great power and promise of our democratic institutions. This week's events are a painful reminder that these institutions are fragile — only as strong as the individuals willing to defend them. Trailblazers & Changemakers: Sen. Erin Murphy "It is time for us, not to intentionally inflame the other side, but to make sure we're doing everything in the law to protect people's reproductive freedom it's time for us to get rid of barriers, and make sure people think of abortion care and reproductive care as healthcare — because they are." 2020 Election Report Card Minnesota election results are in and there's no two ways about it: pro-choice women candidates shattered ceilings, protected majorities and flipped critical seats! We're proud to release Women Winning's 2020 Election Report Card — a detailed summary of our candidates' incredible electoral success and the hard work we did together to make it possible! stay in the know. Sign up for our email list to get the latest news, events and updates from Women Winning! SIGN UP 2233 University Ave West, Suite 310. Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-251-0690.
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Women Winning
Regional full-service energy service company (ESCO) specializing in enterprise level facility LED lighting supply, new construction, and retrofit. Offering the following professional services... Consulting Energy auditing & analysis Investment analysis including detailed and accurate ROI Product recommendation Photometric calculation & CAD lighting design Project management Rebate & incentive management Project financing and leasing Warranty exchange & Maintenance plans Wholesale product supplier with over 150 brand name manufacturesBrilliant Energy Solutions EXPERTS IN LIGHTING EFFICIENCY. Trusted products from the top names in the industry. INEFFICIENT > EFFICIENT > INCENTIVES = SAVINGS. Made In the USA. Our product lines are sourced from industry leading manufactures based in the USA. Solutions are only proposed after passing our own proprietary in-house evaluations. We stand behind our work with industry leading warranty and technical support on all of the products, services, and solutions we offer. Save Money. By converting to a high efficiency LED lighting system, you can not only significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Your existing utility expenses can decrease by up to 75% along with the eliminatination of costly associated maintenance to virtually Zero. Survey & Auditing. We eliminate all of the guesswork by completing a thorough and detailed analysis of your existing lighting scenario. This includes a complete NO COST onsite physical walk through and survey which is essential for accurate current usage calculations, cost projections, and ROI estimates. Detailed Proposals. Comprehensive, detailed, transparent proposals that break down projects by their real numbers. Including Kwh saved, accurate ROI's, and the most current and up to date rebate/incentive calculations. No detail is spared when presenting and informing our clients of how their investment will perform now and the years to come. Public Relations. Let's face it. Saving energy is a BIG DEAL these days. Let us coordinate with local TV/Print/Radio media outlets to ensure your project and the positive environmental impact it has gets all of the attention it deserves. Total Project Flexibility. Whether it's simply helping select the right product for your application, or a complete turnkey systems integration from start to finish. We are completely flexible to match and meet our clients scalability and needs. Sample proposal / Real data / real numbers / accurate ROI. Download Sample Proposal PDF SHINING light everywhere. BIG ATTENTION to the small details. As an established (2014) enterprise level Energy Service Company (ESCO) we specialize in large scale high efficiency LED lighting deployments, controls, solar, and geothermal systems integration & supply. Not being limited to a single manufacturer or product line allows for custom engineered solutions that truly deliver on price, performance, and lifecycle longevity. We offer custom bespoke solutions & a long list of professional services including. Consulting. Energy auditing & analysis. Investment analysis including detailed and accurate ROI projections. Product spec & manufacturer recommendation. Installation services. Photometric calculation & CAD lighting design. Project management. Rebate & incentive management. Warranty exchange & repair management Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency. Search Now Utility Partnerships. Energy Efficiency Programs & Partners. Click here for more information Trade Ally Search. Click here to search database valued Client Testimonials. "We needed a partner that we could rely on and trust to recommend and design the lighting system for our new 200,000+ sqft manufacturing facility. Choosing to go with LED for its efficiency was a no brainer. Choosing Brilliant Energy Solutions as our partner was equally as easy. From fixture recommendations, practical technology application, photometric design, and everything in between. The team at Brilliant Energy Solutions has delivered. The improved quality of the light in the working areas has also garnered many compliments from the staff." -- James Dragon / Director of Engineering /. VIEW LETTER "The approach by Brilliant Energy Solutions, in teamwork with Lockheed Martin and NIPSCO, eliminated all the guesswork and presented us with a detailed, comprehensive proposal with real dollars and cents numbers that made the decision process easy. With controls added, we have noticed the lights staying off in inactive areas of the facility, which cuts down on our usage even further. All in all, we are very pleased." -- Michael Justice / Plant Supervisor /. FULL PRESS RELEASE "When it comes to the remodel of our Valparaiso dealership, we could not be more pleased with the results," said Leo Sfikas, general manager of Currie Motors Ford of Valpo. "Tom and Chadwick Bukur from Brilliant Energy Solutions worked closely with our local architect, Pollack Architectural Group, to design a custom engineered state-of-the-art lighting solution that would drastically reduce our existing energy consumption and showcase our vehicles in a way that outshines the competition, and we couldn't be happier with the end result." -- Leo Sfikas / General Manager /. FULL PRESS RELEASE Photo Gallery. Contact Us. Better yet, see us in person! We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. Brilliant Energy Solutions, LLC. 257 Indiana Ave. Suite B-1 Valparaiso, Indiana 46383, United States. Chadwick Bukur / Project Development312.446.9832Tom Bukur / Operations219-252-9892. Hours. Today. Closed. Social. Copyright © 2020 Brilliant Energy Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved. Shining Light Everywhere.
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Brilliant Energy Solutions, LLC
اولین پلتفرم کاریابی در صنایع نفت و گاز ایران اویل جاب در راستای تسهیل و به روزرسانی روند استخدام در صنعت نفت و گاز اقدام به طراحی یک پلتفرم کاریابی تخصصی در این زمینه کرده است تا شرکتها با استفاده از این پلتفرم نیروی مورد نظر خود را سریعتر و با امکان انتخاب از یک جامعه آماری بزرگتر انتخاب نمایند.ایران اویل جاب - اولین پلتفرم کاریابی در صعنت نفت و گاز ایران. Job Search in Iran oil and gas industry. Find your job by using the below search form Keyword Drilling Drilling Rig Assessment Driller Barge Master Camp boos Crane Operator Derrickman Driller Drilling Engineer Drilling Fluid Operator Drilling Operation Manager Drilling Project manager Drilling superintendent Electrical Technician Floor hand HSE man Motorman Radio man Rig Manager (OIM) Rig Mechanic Rig Moving specialist Rig Solid control expert Roughneck Roustabout Senior Drilling Engineering Storeman Toolpusher Drilling Services Casing Running Casing Running Operator Senior Casing Running operation Cementing Cementing Engineer Cementing Helper Cementing Lab Supervisor Cementing Operation Manager Cementing Operator Cementing Project manager Cementing Supervisor Senior Mud Engineer Coil Tubing Coil Tubing Filed Supervisor Coil Tubing Helper Coil Tubing Operator Coil Tubing Project Engineer Senior Coil Tubing Engineer Directional Drilling BPL Sub Operator Directional Drilling Operation Manager Directional Drilling Project manager Directional Drilling Well Planning Engineer Gyro Engineer Junior Directional Drilling Engineer Junior MWD Engineer Mud Motor Maintenance Engineer MWD Maintenance Engineer Senior Casing Running operation Senior Directional Drilling Engineer Senior MWD Engineer Whipstock Specialist Drilling Bit Bit Engineer Drilling Fluid Drilling Fluid Lab Supervisor Drilling Fluid Operation Manager Drilling Fluid Project manager Drilling Well Planning engineer DWM Helper DWM Operator DWM supervisor Junior Mud Engineer Junior Solid Control Engineer Senior Drilling Fluid engineer Senior Solid Control Engineer H2S Junior H2S Engineer Senior H2S Engineer Liner Hanger Liner Hanger Specialist Mud Logging Junior Logging engineer Senior Mud Logging Engineer Well Head WellHead Engineer Well Logging Acidizing Helper Acidizing Operator Senior Acidizing Engineer Wire line Senior Wire line Engineer Wire line Helper Wire line Operator Geo Sciences Application Geology Application Scientist Applied Geology Drilling Geologist Formation Evaluation Geophysical Geoscience Logging Gis Hydrogeology Operations Geology Petro physics Expert Reservoir Geologist Seismic Seismic Interpretation Well Site Geologist office Finance & Accounting Accounting Manager Budget Analyst Expert Claims Specialist Cost Accounting Cost Controls Expert Finance Manager Junior Accounting Payroll Accounting Expert Senior Accounting Tax Accountant Human Resource HR Coordinator HR Director HR manger HR Specialist IT Desk Engineer IT Field Support IT Manager IT Network IT Project Manager IT Security IT Software IT Technical Support Legal & Tendering Legal Consultant Legal Contract Expert Legal Manager Tender Manger Tender Specialist Office CRM Office Administration Office Assistant Office Coordinator Office Manager Secretary Procurement & Construction Commotional Expert Commotional Manager Export Manager Inventory Controller Logistics Logistics Coordinator Logistics Specialist Procurement Manager Procurement Specialist Purchasing Specialist Sourcing Specialist Supply Chain Management Project Control Document controller Planning Advisor Planning Analyst Project control Engineer Project Manger Technical invoicing Expert QC and HSE Drilling Tools Inspection HSE Specialist Inspection Coordinator Inspection Supervisor Quality Control Specialist Repair Manager Rig Inspection Rig Maintenance Supervisor Sales & Business Business Analyst Business Developer Business Development Manager Business Planning Manager Business Strategist Marketing Specialist Sales Manager Sales Specialist Production Acidizing & Pumping Acidizing Helper Acidizing Operator Completion Engineer Completion Superintendent Production Engineer Production Operations Manager Production Operator Production Superintendent Pumping Operator Senior Acidizing Engineer Stimulation Engineer Nitrogen lifting Nitrogen lifting Helper Nitrogen lifting Operator Senior Nitrogen lifting Engineer Well Testing Senior Well Testing Engineer Well Testing Helper Well Testing Operator Reservoir Core Analysis EOR Specialist Junior Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Evaluation Engineer Reservoir Operation Engineer Reservoir Simulation Expert Senior Reservoir Engineer Job Categories. Finds Job. Jobs Categories. Drilling Production Reservoir Geo Sciences Office Benefits of Job Boards. 1. Automated Job Notifications 2. Employers Come to You 3. More Job Listings 4. Refined Search Capabilities 5. Resume Building Tips 6. One Resume; Many Jobs 7. Tips to Find a Job 8. Resume and Cover Letter Writing Services Senior Project control Pars Drilling Fluid Full Time Tehran Job Description – Managing projects' risks, including the development of contingency plans – Identification and reporting all project risks in a regular trend – Deep Investigation and analysis of tenders and reporting potential risks – Study all aspects of tenders before entering the new scope of projects – Timely carry out risk management to relevant principals for the intangible risks View more Senior Project control Pars Drilling Fluid Full Time Tehran Job Description – Managing projects' risks, including the development of contingency plans – Identification and reporting all project risks in a regular trend – Deep Investigation and analysis of tenders and reporting potential risks – Study all aspects of tenders before entering the new scope of projects – Timely carry out risk management to relevant principals for the intangible risks View more Senior Project control Pars Drilling Fluid Full Time Tehran Job Description – Managing projects' risks, including the development of contingency plans – Identification and reporting all project risks in a regular trend – Deep Investigation and analysis of tenders and reporting potential risks – Study all aspects of tenders before entering the new scope of projects – Timely carry out risk management to relevant principals for the intangible risks View more Senior Project control Pars Drilling Fluid Full Time Tehran Job Description – Managing projects' risks, including the development of contingency plans – Identification and reporting all project risks in a regular trend – Deep Investigation and analysis of tenders and reporting potential risks – Study all aspects of tenders before entering the new scope of projects – Timely carry out risk management to relevant principals for the intangible risks View more Senior Project control Pars Drilling Fluid Full Time Tehran Job Description – Managing projects' risks, including the development of contingency plans – Identification and reporting all project risks in a regular trend – Deep Investigation and analysis of tenders and reporting potential risks – Study all aspects of tenders before entering the new scope of projects – Timely carry out risk management to relevant principals for the intangible risks View more Latest resumes. Bahareh Fereidooni Geophysicists ShortList 3 days ago Mohammad Bagher Homayoun Mohammad Bagher Homayoun ShortList 2 weeks ago Afsaneh hazrati CV of Afsaneh hazrati ShortList 3 weeks ago FOAD EM-MWD-LWD-MWD-GYRO ENGINEER ShortList 3 weeks ago. ana petroleum resrvoir eng ShortList 1 month ago zeinab petroleum resrvoir eng ShortList 1 month ago جواد بانوی Drilling superintendent ShortList 1 month ago Shahriyar Asgari petroleum Engineering (Drilling) ShortList 4 weeks ago. بانک رزومه های متخصصین صنعت نفت. بانک جامع از رزومه متخصصین شاغل در صنعت نفت و گاز ایران که کارفرمایان را در یافتن فرد مورد نظرشان بسیار کمک خواهد کرد. دسته بندی تخصصی مشاغل. دسته بندی بر اساس گروه های مختلف شغلی در صنعت نفت مانند حفاری ، بهره‌برداری ، زمین شناسی، اداری . پلتفرم اختصاصی کاریابی در صنعت نفت و گاز ایران. تنها و اولین پلتفرم اختصاصی برای کاریابی متخصصین شاغل در صنعت نفت و گاز ایران که بتوانند بوسیله آن شغل مورد نظر خود به راحتی را پیدا کنند. About Us. Iran Oil Job is the first online job board platform designed for Oilfield specialists to help them find their desired job. کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی ایران اویل جاب محفوظ و مربوط به شرکت زیگورات پترو انرژی میباشد.
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Iran Oil Job
Biotii Technologies Corp. strives to genetically engineer microorganisms to produce cannabinoids identical to those found in nature while meeting the standards demanded by consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries – all at a fraction of the cost of current producers. The Biotii team is comprised of scientists trained at Harvard, MIT, Rutgers, University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic. Team members have been awarded numerous recognitions including Forbes 30 under 30, Microsoft Prize at Hack Harvard, Intel Prize at Stanford TreeHacks, Davidson Presidential Scholarship Award, honorary doctorates and others.Biotii Technologies. LEADERSHIP. LEADERSHIP. News. News. ABOUT. TEAM. Engineered, not grown. Cannabinoids identical to Nature. Leading Innovation in synthetic Cannabinoids. Biotii is rethinking the way people produce Cannabinoids. We develop methods to synthetically produce various types, including the popular THC, CBD and CBN forms. While we're skipping the slow, conventional growing and extraction processes, we also skip most of the associated cost. Nano-engineering does not equal nano-production: fully developed, Biotii's strains allow for production of both small and large batches at remarkably similar unit cost. Biotii's proprietary biosynthesis platform will be able to fulfil the rising demand across industries. Advantages. News. Creating scalable production for all types of cannabinoids while keeping cost at equal levels. Outperforming conventional growing methods: produce Cannabinoids in days, not weeks. Biotii's proprietary biosynthesis platform allows us to build a strong IP portfolio, including new types of cannabinoids. Minimize environmental impact without financial implications. Producing cannabinoids at a fraction of the current cost, regardless of type or amount. Regulatory peace of mind: Biotii uses techniques similar to those in current FDA-approved drugs. Our proteins are not contaminated with endotoxins or viruses. Gratian Schindler joins Biotii Technologies as Advisor. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Biotii Technologies Corp. (the "Company" or "Biotii") is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into an advisory agreement (the "Agreement") with Gratian Schindler. International Cannabis, Biotii. and. Y Combinator Backed. Bio. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ICC International Cannabis Corp. (CSE: WRLD.U) (FWB: 8K51) (OTC: WLDCF) ("ICC" or "International Cannabis" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company alongside Biotii Technol. ICC International Cannabis makes US$1.2M strategic Inv. ICC International Cannabis Corp. (CSE: WRLD.U) (FWB: 8K51) (OTC: WLDCF) ("ICC" or "International Cannabis" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of a USD $1.2 million strategic investment into Biotii Technol. © 2019 Biotii Technologies Corp.
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Biotii Technologies
Grow Community is a new urban neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, just a 35-minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle. With beautifully designed solar-powered homes, shared community gardens and healthy transportation options, Grow allows all generations to enjoy a high-quality and healthy lifestyle. Homes for Sale and Rent.
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Grow Community
Somos uma empresa com mais de 15 anos de experiência no setor de infraestrutura de TI. Expertise Com o foco no cliente e seguindo as melhores práticas de mercado, a RADAR busca trazer uma melhor compreensão da importância da Continuidade de Negócios e recuperação de desastres. Diferenciais Com nossos processos, pessoas, ferramentas e parceiros, ofertamos uma solução de continuidade de negócio não vista ainda no mercado atual.
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RADAR - Central de Soluções em Tecnologia
Merket is a retail company based out of Av N S Do Sabara, 3515, Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil.
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At Inova IT Systems we work passionately on creating a world where intelligent software helps improve the lives of millions. Established in 2010, Inova IT Systems evolved into full-scale software solution development company with projects in Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia and South Africa. Whether you are a fortune 500 brand or launching a new business or introducing a new product or creating a project to increase productivity, we will develop and execute a comprehensive development plan to hInova IT Systems. DEVELOPING LOCALLY DELIVERING GLOBALLY Home. Services. Solutions. Industries. Portfolio. News. About Us End to End Solutions. Delivering solutions to meet customer needs across various domains since 2010. Contact Us. Contact Us 10. + years of Experience. in Software Industry 8. + Years of the Longest Project Engagements. 300. + Industry. Professionals 100. + Customers Across. the Globe Services Solutions. Industries. Portfolio Expertise. News. Services. Solutions. Industries. Portfolio. News. About US Healthcare Solutions. Document Generator. Indent Management. CRM Solutions. Human Resource Management Custom Software Development. IT Resource Augmentation. Enterprise Application Integration. Web Application Development. Software Quality Assurance DEVELOPING LOCALLY DELIVERING GLOBALLY Inova IT Systems (Pvt) Ltd No 5 Sulaiman Terrace, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. Phone: +94 112 593 823 Email: © Copyright 2020 Inova IT Systems (Pvt) Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Inova IT Systems
Woodmont Realty was founded in 1990 by seven local agents who wanted to provide a stable and professional environment in which to work. Woodmont continues to be owned and operated by local agents who actively participate in the business of selling real estate and supporting the communities in which they live and work. The four partners collectively have over 85 years experience in our local real estate market. We are proud of our sales associates and our award-winning Relocation Department that helps families moving to and from the area. Our commitment to quality is best summed up by our Corporate Mission Statement: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty is a full service real estate firm that exceeds the expectations of the next generation of real estate consumers by using the latest technology.Greater Nashville Real Estate. Woodmont Realty. Serving your real estate needs in Greater Nashville. Favorites@2x 043-Arrow Home@2x iphone Locked@2x action_006-open-new-tab-window-move-arrow Saved_Searches@2x Search@2x  My_Account@2x  Skip To Content Your Forever Brand. Built on Tradition. Focused on the Future. Looking to Sell? Ready to buy? Gallery View. See All Listings. Map View. See All Listings. Photo View. See All Listings. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty is a dynamic, innovative real estate company empowered by positive people who create an environment of excellence for our associates, and a passion for service to our customers. We are a market leader and create value as an organization. Our success is built on a foundation of integrity, honesty and trust. We believe that it is our responsibility to provide. our clients with a level of service they will remember and refer to their friends and families. We offer services beyond the residential buy/sell to include relocation, auction services, commercial real estate and property management. our sales associates with an environment of continual learning and professionalism. our employees with the knowledge necessary to serve the needs of everyone involved in the real estate transaction and provide an enjoyable atmosphere which is conducive to personal development and advancement opportunities. our strategic partners with the opportunity for a long-term relationship to provide cross-services and develop mutually beneficial opportunities. our community with the time and financial support necessary to forward the efforts of the Greater Nashville Chamber of Commerce, Partnership 2020, keeping our community a great place to live and work. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty — Built on Tradition. Focused on the Future. Top Areas & Neighborhoods. Nashville 1402. Brentwood 124. Franklin 252. East Nashville 29. Green Hills 94. The Gulch 142. Donelson 120. West End.Vanderbilt 344. Hermitage 55. Germantown 111. West Nashville 171. Gallatin 182. Goodlettsville 93. Hendersonville 120. Lebanon 309. Murfreesboro 373. Nolensville 107. Thompsons Station / Spring Hill 172. Mount Juliet 183. Belle Meade 7 Our Featured Listings. See More Add 37 Castlewood Ct to your favorites View Details 37 Castlewood Ct Castlewood.. Nashville. $1,450,000. New On Site Today Add 3615 Valley Vista Rd to your favorites View Details 3615 Valley Vista Rd Bellwood.. Nashville. $799,999. New On Site 1 Day Ago Add 756 Wedgewood Park to your favorites View Details 756 Wedgewood Park Wedgewood Park.. Nashville. $419,900. New On Site 6 Days Ago Add 4321 Long Ln to your favorites View Details 4321 Long Ln n/a.. Franklin. $1,200,000. Listed 15 Days Ago New Listings. See More Add 100 Post Rd to your favorites View Details 100 Post Rd Clark-Anderson.. Mc Minnville. $129,900. 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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. © 2021. © 2021 Terms of Use. Privacy Policy. Accessibility. DMCA. Listings Sitemap. Sign In Register Home. Search Map Search Our Listings. Buy. Sell. Agents. Finance. Community Guides. Relocation. Join our Team Careers Administrative Staff & Agent Support Agent Training Agent Testimonials. About Us About Woodmont Realty Global Reach Home Buyers Warranty Blog Charity Fund Additional Resources. Contact Us.
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Our Daily Bread Ministries offers devotional and biblical resources to millions worldwide. Our signature publication, the daily devotional Our Daily Bread, is translated into over 55 languages and distributed in more than 150 countries via print, web, app, email and eBooks. Whether it’s through a radio broadcast, podcast, book, DVD, website, social media account or mobile app, nothing matters more to us than helping people grow in their relationship with God and in understanding His Word. Join us! ourdailybread.orgOur Daily Bread.
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Workers' Compensation, Serious Work Injury. Death Cases & Social Security/Disability. Our Pledge To You Our mission is to provide the most professional representation with dignity, compassion, and integrity for the injured and disabled people in the State of California Charles T. Attorneys At Law Home. Workers Comp FAQs. Social Security FAQs We are not accepting new clients at this time.
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We are the largest supplier of waffle mix in the United States for the best hotels, universities, restaurants and theme parks. Golden Malted Waffles are also enjoyed throughout the world. Our waffles are distributed to several countries including Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden. We have been providing the best waffle mix for over 80 years.Carbon's Golden Malted Waffle and Pancake Mixes. About Us. About Us Contact Us. Contact Us 1.888.596.4040. Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin. YouTube. Instagram Bring Home the Same Waffle & Pancake Mixes Used in All Major Hotels & Restaurants. Your One-Stop Shop for Waffles & Pancakes - Mixes, Bakers & Much More! Enjoy Hotel Waffles at Home. Limited Time Special >>> New Customers Sign Up Now for our Newsletter and Save 10% Off Your First Retail Order Since 1937, the best hotels and restaurants around the world have been serving Golden Malted® Waffles and Pancakes. Now you can Experience these SAME hot, fluffy waffles and pancakes in the comfort of your own home. Shop Golden Malted's Waffle & Pancake Mixes Now Featured Retail Products. OUR MOST POPULAR FLAVOR. Original Waffle & Pancake Mix OTHER FLAVORS AVAILABLE Carbon's Golden Malted Gourmet Waffle Baker Deluxe Waffle Starter Kit - the Perfect Gift for Waffle Lovers! Latest News & Events Grab & Go with Golden Malted Golden Malted offers Grab & Go waffles for added convenience in the mornings. Read More. The World's Largest Supplier of Waffle Irons, Mixes & More! For over 80 years, Golden Malted's products have delighted millions of consumers. Read More. Fresh Baked Waffle Cones and Bowls Add Fresh-Baked Waffle Cones & Bowls to Your Menu This Spring! Read More. Chicken & Waffles - Best with Golden Malted Add the nation's most popular dishes to your menu! Read More. Happy National Waffle Day From Golden Malted! Celebrate National Waffle Day with America's Favorite Waffles. Read More. Golden Malted Receives Presidential "E" Award Golden Malted was awarded with the President's "E" Award For Exports, Read More. What Our Customers are Saying. This is the most delicious mix for pancakes and waffles EVER! The taste takes you back to a time when diners were the place to go not just for a meal but for seeing your friends in the community. Every time I have friends for brunch I make this and every time they swear it's the best. And by the way, you will see Carbon's in diners and in hotels--look at the label the next time you have a make your own waffle station! Best Waffles EVER!!! The secret to the most delicious waffles is this malted mix. I have bought other malted mixes, but nothing compares to Carbon's. Everyone comes to my house and requests these for breakfast. Buy in bulk, you won't be sorry! I love this stuff. It is pretty much what you get when you go to a hotel that has one of the make your own waffle bars. The best tasting mix out there IMO! With my job I spend a lot of time on the road. The hotels I stay in offer Golden Malted. I look forward to breakfast when I hit the job! Stay in Touch. Latest Tweet. @GoldenMalted Add America's Favorite Waffles to Your Menu with Golden Malted – The #1 Waffles for Restaurants | 08 Jan Happy New Year! The best way to celebrate is with America's Favorite Waffles & Pancakes! Bring home the same mixes 01 Jan Add America's Favorite Waffles to Your Menu with Golden Malted – The #1 Waffles for Restaurants | Happy New Year! The best way to celebrate is with America's Favorite Waffles & Pancakes! Bring home the same mixes Follow Us. Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin. YouTube Contact Us. FAQs. Terms of Use. Privacy © Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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Pep Ventura is a media production company based out of 400 E Royal Ln # 225, Irving, Texas, United States.Pep Ventura Audio Services - Welcome. atomicpOpmonkey site designed by Jonathan Krop.
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Palumbo Superyachts began to take root in 2008, when the Columbus Yachts brand was established, and in 2011 launched its first 54 metre superyacht, emblematically christened “Prima” (“the First”). Currently, Palumbo Superyachts comprises a representative office in Monaco and a logistics network of five shipyards in the Mediterranean (Ancona, Malta, Marseille, Naples and Savona) operating just as many world-renowned brands: ISA Yachts, Columbus Yachts, Mondomarine, Extra Yachts and Palumbo SY Refit.Skip to content. Skip to footer. Palumbo Superyachts Palumbo Superyachts division is focused in the design, construction and refit of superyachts. ISA yachts, Columbus Yachts, Palumbo Superyachts Refit, Palumbo Group. Our Brands. Isa Yachts. Columbus Yachts. Mondomarine. Extra Yachts. Palumbo SY Refit Palumbo Group Palumbo Superyachts began to take root in 2008, when the. Columbus Yachtsbrand was established, and in 2011 launched its first 54 metre superyacht, emblematically christened "Prima" ("the First"). Currently, Palumbo Superyachts comprises a representative office in Monaco and a logistics network of five shipyards in the Mediterranean (Ancona, Malta, Marseille, Naples and Savona) operating just as many world-renowned brands: ISA Yachts, Columbus Yachts, Mondomarine, Extra Yachts and Palumbo SY Refit. HERITAGE. EXPERIENCE. PASSION. FUTURE. Follow us. More on:. palumbosuperyachtsView Nov 11. Open ISA Classic 50 metre blends ultimate luxury with s ISA Classic 50 metre blends ultimate luxury with superior performance in an elegant design package under 500 GT. Designed by Enrico Gobbi - Team for D palumbosuperyachtsView Nov 10. Open #MondomarineStory After the retirement of Settimo #MondomarineStory After the retirement of Settimo Ascenso, the company changed its name into "Campanella Cantieri Navali SpA". In the same period, the palumbosuperyachtsView Nov 9. Open The forerunner of the creative range of Extra Yach The forerunner of the creative range of Extra Yachts Do you recognize her? designed by @guida_design. #palumbosuperyachts #extrayach palumbosuperyachtsView Nov 8. Open Elegance and performance, large exterior spaces an Elegance and performance, large exterior spaces and interior comfort: #Clorinda. #palumbosuperyachts #isayachts #sailing #instayacht #luxuryl Load More. Footer. Palumbo Superyachts Ancona s.r.l. via Enrico Mattei 14 / 60125 Ancona /. Italy. 071 502191. VAT IT 02719080422. Contact Us Accept. Privacy & cookie Policy This website uses technical and third-party cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.
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Palumbo SuperYachts
Precise Plastic Testing, Inc., located in Saint Petersburg, Florida is an innovative leader in advanced weathering techniques across many industries. Our 5,000 square foot testing facility employs UV, Xenon Arc and outdoor exposure testing in Florida’s harsh environment. Testing can be conducted using ISO, ASTM or SAE standards. We also work closely with our clients to develop test methodologies to simulate “real life” performance. Our primary focus is to understand the effects of weather on plastic.Precise Plastic Testing - Precise Plastic Testing. About Us. Services. Events and Milestones. Testimonials. Client Portal. Contact Precise, Fast results using advanced weathering techniques. Welcome to Precise Plastic Testing. Precise Plastic Testing, Inc., located in Saint Petersburg, Florida is an innovative leader in advanced weathering techniques across many industries. Our 5,000 square foot testing facility employs UV, Xenon Arc and outdoor exposure testing in Florida's harsh environment. Testing can be conducted using ISO, ASTM or SAE standards. We also work closely with our clients to develop test methodologies to simulate "real life" performance. Our primary focus is to understand the effects of weather on plastic. Our accelerated weathering test chambers expose specimens to approximately one year of normal outdoor exposure in as little as a month. Additionally, using a more intense UV source, we can accelerate the process even more. Once the samples are removed from the test chamber, we conduct a variety of tests to evaluate any degradation that may have occurred. Precise Plastic Testing is on the forefront of developing new, innovative techniques that detect polymer deterioration earlier than ever before. Precise Plastic Testing employs many of the latest techniques to provide an accurate understanding of weather on polymers including:. Microscopic Images. PPT can provide microscopic High resolution images with magnifications up to 200x to document the degradation process. Learn More Specimen Images. PPT can provide high resolution images at intervals to document the degradation process. Learn More Gloss Measurements. Particularly important for paints and plastics, measurement of gloss is an essential part of any evaluation program. Learn More Visual Evaluations. Periodic visual evaluations are a crucial part of any comprehensive testing program. Learn More Spectrophotometer Evaluations. PPT employs sphere spectrophotometers which are the preferred instrument to measure a specimen's color. Learn More Flexural Testing. This test determines the flexural properties of unenforced and reinforced plastics, including high-modulus composites and electrical insulating materials. Learn More Tensile Testing. Tensile testing is a fundamental materials science test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. Learn More Outdoor Weathering. Outdoor exposure, like indoor accelerated exposure is used to test the weathering durability of materials. Learn More Accelerated Weathering. For natural exposure testing, manufacturers have to wait several years to get results – our accelerated testing is 12x faster. Learn More We also provide a variety of detailed reports which show specimen photos with graphical representation of the DeCMC, Delta E and CIE- L*A*B* color scale at intervals specified by our customers. For example, our Comparative Report displays a specimen's performance relative to other similar specimens. Our goal is to provide tests that incorporate the specimen's use, environment and life cycle. We are currently researching techniques and working with our clients to understand the degradation process and report it quickly and accurately. © 2018 Precise Plastic Testing. Welcome. About Us ShareThis Copy and Paste.
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Precise Plastic Testing
We are creating a large, independent, diverse news site because we firmly believe that fair and unbiased news coverage is a prerequisite for our readers to freely make decisions. Today, Hungary needs a far-reaching and impactful media outlet.Telex. Az Ön adatainak védelme fontos a számunkra. Mi és a partnereink információkat – például sütiket – tárolunk egy eszközön vagy hozzáférünk az eszközön tárolt információkhoz, és személyes adatokat – például egyedi azonosítókat és az eszköz által küldött alapvető információkat – kezelünk személyre szabott hirdetések és tartalom nyújtásához, hirdetés- és tartalomméréshez, nézettségi adatok gyűjtéséhez, valamint termékek kifejlesztéséhez és a termékek javításához. Az Ön engedélyével mi és a partnereink eszközleolvasásos módszerrel szerzett pontos geolokációs adatokat és azonosítási információkat is felhasználhatunk. A megfelelő helyre kattintva hozzájárulhat ahhoz, hogy mi és a partnereink a fent leírtak szerint adatkezelést végezzünk. Másik lehetőségként a hozzájárulás megadása vagy elutasítása előtt részletesebb információkhoz juthat, és megváltoztathatja beállításait. Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy személyes adatainak bizonyos kezeléséhez nem feltétlenül szükséges az Ön hozzájárulása, de jogában áll tiltakozni az ilyen jellegű adatkezelés ellen. A beállításai csak erre a weboldalra érvényesek. Erre a webhelyre visszatérve vagy az adatvédelmi szabályzatunk segítségével bármikor megváltoztathatja a beállításait. TOVÁBBI LEHETŐSÉGEK ELFOGADOM Támogatás. legfrissebb. legfontosabb. kedvenceink. közlemények. english EUR 361,58 Ft. USD 296,21 Ft. 5°. 9°. Külföld Kitört az Etna, földrengés rázta meg Szicíliát. Sport Ma nincs fáradtság, nincs leszegett fej, ezt az évet meg tudjuk változtatni Szalai hadvezérként lelkesítette a magyar válogatottat az izlandiak elleni sorsdöntő meccsen egy most kikerült öltözői felvétel szerint. Észkombájn Angliában a 17. században évekre betiltották a karácsonyt, ami miatt véres lázadások is kitörtek A katolikusokra fújó puritánok böjtre cserélték az ivós-tivornyázós bulikat, még a karácsony nevét is megváltoztatták. Több városban lázadás tört ki, az egyikben egy Karácsony nevű férfi is életét vesztette. Koronavírus Sokaknak tragikus az Egyesült Királyság lezárása, mondja a londoni magyar nagykövet. Koronavírus Franciaország éjféltől megnyitja határait a Nagy-Britanniából negatív teszttel érkezők előtt. Belföld Hiába perelt Orbán Viktor veje, nem sérti Tiborcz István személyiségi jogait a Tiborcz-adó. Külföld Örökös mentelmi jogot kaptak az egykori orosz elnökök és családtagjaik. Belföld Meghalt Vince Tibor, a Speedzone egyik alapítója Koronavírus A gyerekek a járvány láthatatlan áldozatai Szórakozás Slágerajándék a koronavírusos társasjáték Németországban Koronavírus Európai Bizottság: Fel kell oldani az utazási tilalmakat az unió és az Egyesült Királyság között Szórakozás 32 év után visszatér régi szerepéhez Eddie Murphy az Amerikába jöttem folytatásában Belföld Ajándékozz karácsonyra Telexet! Belföld Az RTL is kiáll a szivárványcsaládok jogaiért Belföld Fővárosi Törvényszék: Nem tekinthető semmisnek az SZFE hallgatóinak őszi féléve Belföld Már 10 millió felett jár a civilek által összedobott nyomravezetői díj az olajszennyezés felderítésére Belföld Felfüggesztett börtönt kapott a kiskörei páva gyilkosa Belföld Jelezni szerettem volna, hogy ne tessék engem hülyének nézni Nem szimpatikus neki, hogy a politikusok ennyit sulykolják, hogy mi a kereszténység, a civileknek kontrollálniuk kellene a hatalmat, az egyházaknak pedig gyakrabban meg kellene szólalniuk. Interjú Gundel Takács Gáborral. Gazdaság Üzemképes Formula-versenyautót venne? Keresse az adóhivatalt! Belföld Hét év fegyházra ítélték a férfit, aki késsel hadonászva 30 ezret lopott egy szexshopból. Külföld Volt, hogy harmincan rejtőztünk el egy házban – a Deutsche Welle videója az egyik legaktívabb belarusz tüntetővel Szórakozás A$AP Rocky egy unicumos pólóban feszít. Koronavírus KSH: A magyarok kevesebb mint 15 százaléka oltatná be magát biztosan. Gazdaság Wáberer György visszaszállt a Waberer's kamioncégbe Sport Huszonöt holland tornaedző ellen indult vizsgálat hatalommal való visszaélés miatt A holland tornasportban tavaly robbant ki a botrány, amikor egy edző beismerte, hogy fiatal tornászlányokat alázott és félemlített meg. Tudomány Mikroműanyagot találtak még meg nem született csecsemők méhlepényében Még nem tudni, hogy van-e káros hatása, de a kutatók szerint aggasztó, további vizsgálatokat sürgetnek. Külföld A Nemzeti Liberális Párt pénzügyminiszterét kérték fel kormányalakításra Romániában Klaus Iohannis államfő Florin Cîţut bízta meg az új kormány kialakításával. Külföld Videó: Újraélesztettek egy elütött elefántborjút egy thaiföldi úton. Belföld Úgy döntöttem, hogy boldog leszek, mert az nagyon egészséges – szavalta év végi videóüzenetében Polt Péter Villon-idézettel indította, Voltaire-idézettel zárta emelkedett hangulatú videóját a legfőbb ügyész. Külföld Pert vesztett a Greenpeace, zöld utat kaptak a sarkvidéki olajfeltárások. Külföld Őrizetbe vették Navalnij ügyvédjét, az orosz külügy több nyugati diplomatát is bekéretett Kult Huszonkét tanár lépett vissza az osztályindítástól az SZFE-n. Tech Saját elektromos, önvezető autó gyártásába kezd az Apple A tervek szerint az autók nemcsak elektromosok, hanem önvezetők is lesznek. Koronavírus Több százan lehettek Nagy Grófo temetésén, megbírságolták a temetést végző szolgáltatót. Koronavírus 180 beteg halt meg, 1238 új eset került be a statisztikába Telex-támogatást karácsonyra? A tökéletes ajándék mindenkinek! Magadnak is! Támogatom Tudomány Új kékbálna-populációt találtak az Indiai-óceánban. Sport Feljelentette a FIFA az egykori elnökét, Sepp Blattert korrupció miatt. Gazdaság Felcsúton keletkezett a legmagasabb egy bevallóra jutó tőkejövedelem az összes magyarországi település közül A fővároson belül a XII., a II., és az I. kerület vezet. Belföld Kutyák életét veszélyezteti az I. kerületi várfal, több tucat állat szenvedett már balesetet Gyönyörű a panorámája két, hivatalosan kutyafuttatásra kijelölt sétánynak is a Várban, ez pedig más kerületekből, sőt más településekről is odavonzza a kutyásokat. Pedig nemrég kiderült, az utóbbi években nem egy kutyás baleset történt a helyszínen. Belföld Kormányinfó: túl vagyunk a második hullám csúcsán Eddig 300 ezren regisztráltak az oltásra. 1,5 millió család él a törlesztési moratóriummal. Kult A 168 Óránál folytatja rádiós műsorát Fiala János. Belföld Több száz hamis lakcímkártyát igényelt egy zalai férfi A papírokat ő írta alá a meghatalmazó és a meghatalmazott nevében is. Külföld Megjelent három „lázadó" képviselő, feloszlik a parlament Izraelben, ismét választások lesznek. Koronavírus Vizsgálja a vakcinák hatékonyságát az új vírustörzzsel szemben a Pfizer-BioNTech és a Moderna A Moderna szerint nem lesz gond a vakcinájukkal. Tudomány A NASA 27 majmot altatott el egy nap alatt, mert öregek és betegek voltak A majmok soha nem vettek részt kísérletekben, csak egy gyógyszerkutató cég bérelte a NASA-tól a helyet, ahol éltek. Tudomány Több szenet engednek a légkörbe egyes brazil erdők, mint amennyit elnyelnek A jelenség magyarázata a felmelegedés és az erdőégetések. Belföld Több száz tonna veszélyes hulladékot szállítottak el Ráckevei-Soroksári Duna-ágból A tisztítási munkálatok évtizedekig is eltarthatnak. Koronavírus 180 beteg halt meg, 1238 új eset került be a statisztikába Az aktív fertőzöttek száma 189,2 ezer, a gyógyultaké 108,6 ezer. Külföld Tíz éve egyetlen kormány se tudta kitölteni hivatali idejét Koszovóban, most egy korrupt képviselő miatt kell megismételni a választásokat Koronavírus Rekordot döntött a napi új fertőzöttek száma Nagy-Britanniában Belföld Az angol lesz az alapnyelv, és több országból is jönnek diákok az OPNI helyén létrejövő elit iskolába Belföld Nemzetgazdasági szempontból kiemelt jelentőségű rendészeti központ épül Sopronban Gazdaság 700 kiló problémás élelmiszert vont ki a forgalomból a Nébih egy Vas megyei tejüzemben Több terméket vissza is hívtak a forgalomból. szórakozás Szórakozás Polgár Judittal beszélgetett a felkészüléshez a Vezércsel főszereplője, aki a sorozat előtt soha nem sakkozott Szórakozás Rékasi Károly csak viccelt, amikor azt mondta a Reggeli műsorvezetőinek, hogy virággyilkosok Tudomány A Magyarságkutató coming outolt A pozsonyi csatával Észkombájn Ki találta ki ezt a hülyeséget, hogy minden árnak 99-re kell végződnie? Tudomány Nem valószínű, hogy ufók üzentek a szomszédos csillagrendszerből Szórakozás Löncshúsos-oreós burgerrel támad Kínában a McDonald's © 2020 Telex – Van Másik Kft. Impresszum. Etikai kódex. ÁSZF. Adatkezelési tájékoztató. Sütitájékoztató.
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MGS is an industry leader in aviation services through an unwavering commitment to unparalleled customer service. Founded in 2012 under the name USA Special Aviation and Security Services, Maximus Global Services (MGS) quickly established itself as an industry leader in aviation services through an unwavering commitment to unparalleled customer service. Our ultimate mission is to provide all of our clients with the finest service at an exceptional value, and the fact that our most enthusiasticMaximus Global Services. Skip to content MGS COVID-19 Response MGS is now offering non-contact thermo screening. Learn More. About Us. Aviation Services. Security. Commercial Cleaning. Temperature Screening. Careers MAXIMUS GLOBAL SErvices. Our Verticles. Aviation Services. Security Services. Commercial Cleaning. OUR CURRENT CLIENTS. Our current high profile client base is a testament to our capacity to provide the most reliable and efficient security services. Our company is owned and operated by executives with 20+ years of experience in aviation and security services. We are ready at a moment's notice to take care of your aviation, commercial and private security needs. Nuestra base de clientes de alto perfil es un testimonio de nuestra capacidad para proporcionar los servicios de seguridad más confiables y eficientes. Nuestra empresa es propiedad y es operada por ejecutivos con más de 20 años de experiencia en aviación y servicios de seguridad. Estamos listos en un momento para atender sus necesidades de seguridad aérea, comercial y privada Client Testimonials. CERTIFICATIONS & TRAININGS. SECURITY TRAINING EXPERIENCE. "It Only Takes a SEC to Make a Lasting Impression!". MGS is committed to thoroughly train all of our employees to deliver exceptional customer services and effective security, while being ADA compliant, and strictly adhering to all airport policies. Our training program consists of rigorous hours of tutoring and coaching, as we deem the highest quality of customer service to be not only our passion, but the lifeblood of our company. From our security agents to our top executives, our training embraces the SEC principle: Smile, Eye Contact, Communicate. Smile. Our staff is trained to always greet passengers with a warm smile. Eye Contact. MGS employees are taught to always engage our passengers and clients with direct eye contact, assuring them that we are here to assist in any way we can. Communicate. We consistently greet our passengers, ask for documents kindly, and thank them for their business. FEDERAL CERTIFICATIONS. OUR LOCATIONS. We would be honored to serve you! If you do not see your airport listed above, please contact our corporate team for more information on how we can serve you at your location! AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY DC About Us. MGS's ultimate mission is to provide all of our clients with the finest service at an exceptional value Contact Us for more info. Important Links. Home. Aviation Services. Security Services. Commercial Cleaning. Temperature Screening Services. Careers. Contact Locations. Headquarters. 4471 NW 36th Street #225. Miami, FL — 33166. (786) 953-4294 Monday-Friday: 9:30am – 5:00pm Copyright © 2020 Maximus Global Services.
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Maximus Global Services
At Advanced Skin Care (formerly known as Derma Graphic Studio), we combine pure and natural ingredients with the latest scientific knowledge to encourage your skin to look and feel its absolute best. Our pampering and relaxing treatments bring about real improvements to the appearance and health of the skin. Everyone's skin is different. By offering over 100 state-of-the-art treatments, we are truly able to customize treatments for each client's specific skin issues. Our licensed estheticians begin by carefully inspecting your skin and discussing your goals.Advanced Skin Care - Home. Advanced Skin Care. SERIOUS SKIN CARE. SERIOUS RESULTS. Home. Photos. New Treatments & Specials. More. Advanced Skin Care. SERIOUS SKIN CARE. SERIOUS RESULTS! Thank you for taking the time to explore our website. At Advanced Skin Care (formerly known as Derma Graphic Studio), we combine pure and natural ingredients with the latest scientific knowledge to encourage your skin to look and feel its absolute best. Our pampering and relaxing treatments bring about real improvements to the appearance and health of the skin. Everyone's skin is different. By offering over 100 state-of-the-art treatments, we are truly able to customize treatments for each client's specific skin issues. Our licensed estheticians begin by carefully inspecting your skin and discussing your goals. Based on their findings, a treatment program is designed specifically for you. We use only the highest quality natural products for our treatments. Our products range from holistic (that do not contain perfumes, dyes, mineral oil or petrolatum) to advanced medical and pharmaceutical grades. They include products from Pevonia, Christine Valmy, Cellex-C, Epicuren, Marie Katelle, Gunilla of Sweden, Karin Herzog, Knutek, Natural Difference, Wilma Schumann, BioCella, Arbonne and Jane Iredale. All of our estheticians are licensed, have advanced training and are continually educating themselves in the latest therapies and ingredients. We believe in continually educating ourselves and passing our knowledge onto our clients. After you've explored the website, if you need more information or have any additional questions, please call (734) 451-7844. Our Staff. Owner and Esthetician:. Eileen Kolar. Cell number:. 248-320-9927. Esthetician:. Magdalen Hellmer. Recent Photos. Experience the difference of. Advanced. skin care ~. Where pampering delivers results. Advanced Skin Care. 595 Forest Ave Suite 5A Plymouth, Michigan (734) 451-7844.
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Advanced Skin Care
StickyMinds is the web's first and most popular interactive testing community exclusively engaged in improving software quality throughout the software development lifecycle. Since its launch in 2001, StickyMinds has been the place software testers, QA professionals, and anyone interested in software testing go for in-depth articles, how-to advice, and the latest test technologies. StickyMinds covers test automation, test management, test design techniques, agile testing, test process improvement, test tools, and much more through Q&A discussions, articles, interviews, and presentations. StickyMinds is one of TechWell's online communities serving the software industry. Visit for the latest stories about what's happening in software today.StickyMinds. Software Testing & QA Online Community. Jump to navigation Login. Join. Member Benefits. Home. Start Here. Q&A. Topics. Resources. Events INDUSTRY INTERVIEW. Hey! I'm New Here. New To Testing? Utilizing Containers to Improve Your Production Outcomes: An Interview with Melissa Benua Melissa Benua, engineering manager at mParticle, discusses the role that containers play in test environments. She answers questions like: Why do you need containers? How is your team going to benefit from containers? What is the first step in getting started with containers? Melissa provides resources for learning how to make a container and on how containers will aid you in maintaining control over data and code. The Latest. What Are the Uses for a Vulnerability Scanner?[article] Today's hyper-connected world calls for extreme vigilance and knowledge of the ever-present threat of cyberattacks. These cyberattacks typically exploit vulnerabilities to breach your networks. What better way to prevent these attacks than to conduct regular vulnerability scans? Jordan MacAvoy Choosing the Right Testing Metrics[article] Testing always looks to provide more information in order to have less uncertainty and better control over risk, but that information has to be analyzed carefully. Federico Toledo Why Security Vulnerability Assessments Are Necessary[article] The growing menace of cybercrime has necessitated vulnerability assessments and testing. They help organizations understand their security flaws and work toward mitigating them. Akshaya Choudhary Three Ways to Help Developers Embrace Testing[article] Development teams that shift testing left discover bugs earlier, enhance developer productivity, and increase release velocity by avoiding the long and costly delays that occur when bugs are discovered at the end of the development cycle. Shifting left creates faster feedback loops and allows for faster bug remediation. Alissa Lydon Java for QA Automation Engineers: How to Learn?[article] If you are a manual tester and want to be a QA automation engineer, learn Java and programming via these 10 steps. John Selawsky More Ask a Question. Search Q&A What's your question? Recently Asked Questions. Which testing tools work best for test automation of React apps? Is there a specific certification for QA dept in product based companies? Is there any testing tools which can help in automating spark jobs and verification of hive tables All Q&A Recommended Web Seminars. Elevate Your Agile Testing Practices Starting - and Scaling - Functional Test Automation to Keep up with Fast-Paced Delivery Mobile Testing - Lessons from 2020 & What They Mean for 2021 Building Confidence in Your Automation Leveraging Open Source Tools for DevSecOps See All Featured Resources. A Modern Guide to Cloud Computing eGuide. TechWell Building Software at Scale with SAFe® 5.0 and Atlassian Tools: A Pragmatic Guide. Adaptavist Mobile App Testing Special Report. Mobile Labs Bringing UI Automation Into CI/CD Provided. Progess All About Appium: Get Up and Running in 1 Hour or Less. Mobile Labs Visit Our Other Communities. Bringing you today's best agile ideas and thought-leaders with how-to advice on the latest agile development & methodology practices. Where configuration management and development professionals go for answers on SCM, ALM, change management, DevOps, tools and more. StickyMinds is a TechWell community. Through conferences, training, consulting, and online resources, TechWell helps you develop and deliver great software every day. Leadership for Today's Agile Team Self-organizing teams are a key principle for all agile methodologies, so where does that leave managers? There are still plenty of opportunities to support your team in reaching its full potential. This eGuide provides resources to help you enable your team to embrace an agile culture. Download now. Follow Us. Upcoming Events. STAREAST. Software Testing Conference in Orlando Agile + DevOps West. The Latest in Agile and DevOps About Us. Contact Us. Advertise With Us. Terms of Use. Privacy Policy. RSS. Contribute. Site Feedback. Sitemap ©2011-2020 TechWell Corp.
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The rate of change is relentless. Hyper-competition and extreme globalization are the orders of the day. Disrupt or be disrupted. MK8 is a fluid enterprise and professional network of subject matter experts focused on designing and delivering digital transformation engagements to our clients. We are a team of ex-Big 4 advisors and consultants who possesses heavy industry experience and global best practices.澳门新葡萄京所有网站|娱乐在线网站.
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Professional printing for the volume photographer. Alkit provides world class printing, robust software, and the customer support you need to guarantee success in the school and sports market.Alkit Pro Lab About /. Products /. School & Sports /. Wedding & Portrait /. Ordering /. Sign Up / Sign In Professional Printing for Over 75 Years. Professional Printing For Over 75 Years. Specializing In School, Sports, Seniors, Wedding & Portrait Photography. School & Sports. Professional printing for the volume photographer. Alkit provides world class printing, robust software, and the customer support you need to guarantee success in the school and sports market. School & Sports Services › Wedding & Portrait. Our photographic prints are considered the finest photo printing available. We have taken the digital process to a fine art medium. Our state-of-the-art printers produce high quality color, metallic, canvas and B&W prints. Utilizing high-output RGB lasers, digital files are exposed directly onto photographic materials at high resolution. Wedding & Portrait Services › Software Solutions. & MORE! We provide and support multiple software solutions to speed workflow for the professional photographer. Our software runs on both Mac and PC, and provides digital solutions with access to our broad array of products and services. All of of software is supported by our internal staff. Our Software › Questions? Call Us! - tf (800) 285-1698 fax (516) 379-8044. © 1998-2019 Alkit of New York LLC 20 Maple Place Freeport, NY 11520. Photo Credits.
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Alkit Pro Lab
A é o principal canal de vendas para o turismo voltado para a cultura negra no País, Desde 2017, atendemos a mais de 4 mil turistas e mobilizamos uma comunidade com 20 mil pessoas interessadas no turismo de propósito - autêntico e transformador. Nós intermediamos a oferta de serviços turísticos, como hospedagem, experiências culturais e roteiros de viagem, reunidos em uma plataforma de vendas online. Nós também oferecemos treinamentos para anfitriões e operadores, além de certificação e consultoria para espaços turísticos e empresas, com o objetivo de qualificar serviços para a promoção da diversidade racial no setor. Essa atuação constrói um ambiente seguro para a realização dos sonhos de viagem de nossos clientes, atendidos por uma cadeia de serviços alinhados ao propósito de valorização da cultura afrobrasileira e fortalecimento do fluxo financeiro na comunidade negra. A Diaspora.Black é um negócio de impacto social, e nós acreditamos que no Brasil não há desafio mais urgente que a promoção da igualdade racial.Diaspora.Black – Viagem sem preconceito Experiências online. Cursos, oficinas e workshops com personalidades inspiradoras da cultura negra para acessar. quando e onde quiser Escolha a sua Experiências presenciais. Passeios culturais e pacotes de. bate-volta com capacidade reduzida e uso obrigatório de máscara – para viajar com segurança e inspiração Escolha a sua. Caminhada São Paulo Negra. Tropical Transforma - Salvador. Escapada na Vinícola - Jundiaí (SP). Planeje aquela viagem inesquecível com super descontos e pagamento facilitado! E mais: seu investimento beneficia afro-empreendedores afetados pela pandemia! Reserve aqui. DESCUBRA A DIASPORA. Hospedagem. Experiências & Pacotes. Experiências online. Com um celular e uma conexão, você pode ganhar uma grana extra! Deixe sua criatividade brilhar e cadastre sua experiência para compartilhar o melhor da cultura negra nas áreas de gastronomia, dança, música, artesanato, moda! Como anfitrião, você pode receber viajantes incríveis, engajados no propósito de valorizar a cultura negra e combater as discriminações. Mais do que nunca, somos nós por nós! Crie uma experiência. Seja um anfitrião. DIASPORA.BLACK. De braços e portas abertas para compartilhar a cultura negra em todo o mundo! Somos uma startup de impacto social focada na valorização da cultura negra e promoção da igualdade racial. Desde 2017, atendemos a mais de 4 mil turistas e mobilizamos uma comunidade com 20 mil pessoas em mais de 15 países interessadas em viajar com um propósito autêntico e transformador. No Blog. Fortaleça a Caminhada São Paulo Negra! Nota de repúdio 2009 – O Ano do Turismo Étnico no Brasil Orientações da Organização Mundial do Turismo para o pós-pandemia. FALE COM A GENTE. Copyright 2020. DIASPORA EXPERIENCE TURISMO LTDA. CNPJ: 32.109.367/0001-34 FAQ. Termos e Condições. Politica de Privacidade Acessibilidade em Libras. © Hand Talk. Acessar site.
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W.A.G.S. 4 Kids is dedicated to providing mobility service and autism service animals, meeting the specific needs of children with disabilities in Northeast Ohio, utilizing our Award-Winning ODRC Accredited Cell Dog Training Program. We are driven by our belief in early intervention and will work with a family as early in a child’s life as there is a need and an interest. All of the W.A.G.S. 4 Kids service dogs are currently trained at Grafton Correctional Institution (GCI) in Grafton, Ohio where 24 inmates work with each of 12 dogs always in the program.Home Who We Are. Our Mission. Our Team. Board of Directors. Career Opportunities. Service Dogs Welcome Here. ADA Requirements. 501 (c)(3) & Audited Financials. Family Testimonials. FAQ's. Locations. Contact Us What We Do. Request A Placement Application. Event Calendar. ODRC Accredited Apprenticeship Service Dog Training Program. Kids Who Can! Youth Program Kids In Need. Kids In Need. Meet Adam. Meet Alex. Meet Alexis. Meet Christilynn. Meet Gavin. Meet Jeremiah. Meet Johnny. Meet Landon. Meet Leo. Meet Maria. Meet Netanel. Meet Nick. Meet Shabbo Donate. Donate. Events. Sponsor A Cell. Become A Partner. Other Ways To Give W.orkingA.nimalsG.ivingS.ervice4 Kids "Growing Possibilities. One Child at a Time". Upcoming Events. Flats East Bank Howl-O-Ween! The Mac 'n' Cheese Throwdown. Wonder Run 5K. W.A.G.S.inCLE Night Out. Volunteer News & Media. News & Media. Latest News. Logos & Media. Video Gallery. Photo Gallery. Audio Gallery Log In DONATE NOW Home Who We Are. Our Mission. Our Team. Board of Directors. Career Opportunities. Service Dogs Welcome Here. ADA Requirements. 501 (c)(3) & Audited Financials. Family Testimonials. FAQ's. Locations. Contact Us What We Do. Request A Placement Application. Event Calendar. ODRC Accredited Apprenticeship Service Dog Training Program. Kids Who Can! Youth Program Kids In Need. Kids In Need. Meet Adam. Meet Alex. Meet Alexis. Meet Christilynn. Meet Gavin. Meet Jeremiah. Meet Johnny. Meet Landon. Meet Leo. Meet Maria. Meet Netanel. Meet Nick. Meet Shabbo Donate. Donate. Events. Sponsor A Cell. Become A Partner. Other Ways To Give Upcoming Events. Flats East Bank Howl-O-Ween! The Mac 'n' Cheese Throwdown. Wonder Run 5K. W.A.G.S.inCLE Night Out. Volunteer News & Media. News & Media. Latest News. Logos & Media. Video Gallery. Photo Gallery. Audio Gallery Log In Home Who We Are. Our Mission. Our Team. Board of Directors. Career Opportunities. Service Dogs Welcome Here. ADA Requirements. 501 (c)(3) & Audited Financials. Family Testimonials. FAQ's. Locations. Contact Us What We Do. Request A Placement Application. Event Calendar. ODRC Accredited Apprenticeship Service Dog Training Program. Kids Who Can! Youth Program Kids In Need. Kids In Need. Meet Adam. Meet Alex. Meet Alexis. Meet Christilynn. Meet Gavin. Meet Jeremiah. Meet Johnny. Meet Landon. Meet Leo. Meet Maria. Meet Netanel. Meet Nick. Meet Shabbo Donate. Donate. Events. Sponsor A Cell. Become A Partner. Other Ways To Give Upcoming Events. Flats East Bank Howl-O-Ween! The Mac 'n' Cheese Throwdown. Wonder Run 5K. W.A.G.S.inCLE Night Out. Volunteer News & Media. News & Media. Latest News. Logos & Media. Video Gallery. Photo Gallery. Audio Gallery Log In DONATE NOW Home Who We Are. Our Mission. Our Team. Board of Directors. Career Opportunities. Service Dogs Welcome Here. ADA Requirements. 501 (c)(3) & Audited Financials. Family Testimonials. FAQ's. Locations. Contact Us What We Do. Request A Placement Application. Event Calendar. ODRC Accredited Apprenticeship Service Dog Training Program. Kids Who Can! Youth Program Kids In Need. Kids In Need. Meet Adam. Meet Alex. Meet Alexis. Meet Christilynn. Meet Gavin. Meet Jeremiah. Meet Johnny. Meet Landon. Meet Leo. Meet Maria. Meet Netanel. Meet Nick. Meet Shabbo Donate. Donate. Events. Sponsor A Cell. Become A Partner. Other Ways To Give Upcoming Events. Flats East Bank Howl-O-Ween! The Mac 'n' Cheese Throwdown. Wonder Run 5K. W.A.G.S.inCLE Night Out. Volunteer News & Media. News & Media. Latest News. Logos & Media. Video Gallery. Photo Gallery. Audio Gallery Log In Search DONATE NOW Request An Application for Your Child! Are you a parent seeking placement of a mobility service or autism spectrum service dog for your child? Request A Placement Application! Sponsor A Child. Join us in doing something purely good. something you can be proud of. something that makes an impact. Join us in helping local children with disabilities and change a life. Kids Who Can! Youth Empowerment Program. Kids Who Can! is designed specifically to engage whatever individual gifts and talents a young person may have, in benefit to children challenged in their everyday lives. Upcoming Events. EAT. DRINK. PLAY. LIVE. LOVE. GIVE. LOCAL. DONATE. Your Gift Today. Will Change Their Lifetime. 2016 Best of Berea - Support Services. 2015 Cleveland Scene Magazine Best Charity. 2015 Best of Berea - Support Services. 2013 MTC Best Inmate Program. See Us Next At. W.A.G.S.inCLE Night Out "The Show Must Go On" Presented by. FirstEnergy Foundation, SMART Local 33, & Tito's Handmade Vodka. October 23rd - Virtual Event -. REGISTER NOW About Us. Our Mission Locations Upcoming EventsBecome A PartnerVolunteer Opportunities Resources. ADA RequirementsPortal Log InPress RoomPhoto GalleryVideo GalleryAudio GalleryShop WAGS Training BookEmbrace Pet InsuranceFAQAudited Financial ReportsBrand Assets Contact Us. 216-586-5853. W.A.G.S. 4 Kids, Headquarters. 112 East Center Street. Berea, OH 44017. W.A.G.S. 4 Kids. Central OH. Columbus, OH 43202. Tweet Copyright 2016. Terms & Conditions. ×. Store Categories. All Categories. ×. 0. items. View Cart. All Posts. ×. ×. Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use 1. Terms By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law. 2. Use License Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Working Animals Giving Service for Kids's web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: modify or copy the materials; use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial); attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Working Animals Giving Service for Kids's web site; remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or transfer the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Working Animals Giving Service for Kids at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format. 3. Disclaimer The materials on Working Animals Giving Service for Kids' web site are provided "as is". Working Animals Giving Service for Kids makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Working Animals Giving Service for Kids does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Internet web site or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site. 4. Limitations In no event shall Working Animals Giving Service for Kids or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Working Animals Giving Service for Kids's Internet site, even if Working Animals Giving Service for Kids or a Working Animals Giving Service for Kids authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you. 5. Revisions and Errata The materials appearing on Working Animals Giving Service for Kids's web site could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Working Animals Giving Service for Kids does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. Working Animals Giving Service for Kids may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. Working Animals Giving Service for Kids does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials. 6. Links Working Animals Giving Service for Kids has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Internet web site and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Working Animals Giving Service for Kids of the site. Use of any such linked web site is at the user's own risk. 7. Site Terms of Use Modifications Working Animals Giving Service for Kids may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time without notice. By using this web site you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use. 8. Governing Law Any claim relating to Working Animals Giving Service for Kids' web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio without regard to its conflict of law provisions. General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site. Privacy Policy Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy. Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected. We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law. We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes. We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned. Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date. We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information. We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained. Cookie Use. We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies. Learn More.
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Working Animals Giving Service for Kids (WAGS 4 Kids)
The Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) is an annual international conference hosted by the Creative Education Foundation and focused on three key topics – creativity, innovation and leading change. Whether you are a novice or experienced practitioner, you'll learn cutting edge techniques. World-class facilitators create an active learning environment.About CPSI Contact Us 2020 Virtual Programs People Registration Sponsors/Partners About CPSI Virtual CPSI Core CPS FAQ CORONAVIRUS CPSI 2020 conference will be presented in two parts, both held virtually. The first virtual event was a series short-format workshops held throughout the month of June. The second will be virtual CPS-based CPSI training held fromSeptember29 through November 19. Hosted by the. Creative Education Foundation (CEF), CPSI focuses on deliberate creativity, innovation and change leadership. CPSI ("SIP-see") teaches practical creativity skills and tools in an inspiring learning environment. "CPSI is magic. Great presenters, great community. Through CPSI you get inspiration to be a better facilitator, innovation practitioner, coach, human being, in a great safe space that is specially awesome to hear different perspectives." – Barbara Quinones , UPC, university teacher No matter your experience level with applying deliberate creativity, you will find what you need at CPSI. Professionals will learn the principles of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) to grapple with. complex business issues. Teachers will roll up their sleeves to learn how to bring creativity into the classroom. All participants can select from an array of dynamic, hands-on creativity workshops – ranging from tools and techniques, personal growth, current topics and research, strategic innovation, and the arts. World-class facilitators create an active-learning environment at CPSI, focused on helping you move ideas into action. Prepare to be transformed, inspired and empowered by the power of deliberate creativity. The Creative Problem Solving Institute is THE creativity conference you don't want to miss! CPSI 2020 PRESENTED BY:. Thank you to sponsors and partners for helping ignite creativity and innovation. CPSI 2020 SPONSORS:. CPSI 2020 PARTNERS:. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A CPSI 2020 SPONSOR. "Learning creativity processes, discussing ideas and concepts with thoughtful leaders in the field, and having lots of fun is what you get at CPSI." – Oliver Kern, Head of SkillCamp, Bayer CropScience, Germany Subscribe to our mailing list. Follow CPSI on social media. Connect with The CPSI Conference. on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. © 2020 Creative Education Foundation. Creative Education Foundation46 Watch Hill DriveScituate, MA 02066+1 (508) 960-0000 About CPSI FAQ Contact Us Creativity Webinars Spark Creativity Workshops YouthWise.
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Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI Conference)
Toro Group S (TGS) is a leading HR consulting company operating on the Bulgarian market for 20 years. TGS provides HR solutions in 3 main directions: ✔️ Talent Acquisition (Executive Search, Direct Search & Selection and Employer Branding Solutions) ✔️ Talent Assessment & Development (Assessment Centres, Management Development Programs, HR Due Diligence, Key Employees Programs) ✔️ Human Capital Management (Staff Leasing, HR Outsourcing, Employee Satisfaction Surveys, Engagement programs, HR consulting). TGS is a partner of the international Executive Search organization Friisberg & Partners International. 🌍In cooperation with Friisberg & Partners International +359 2 963 04 47 Home. 20 years Toro Group. For Companies. For Professionals. ITSolutions. About Us. Contacts. Our Blog CHOOSE YOUR Journey. OPERATIONS MANAGER – INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT. За наш клиент търсим опитен и мотивиран професионалист за позицията ОПЕРАТИВЕН МЕНИДЖЪР. Read more IT BUSINESS ANALYST. For one of our clients we are looking for a driven and experienced professional for the mission of IT BUSINESS ANALYST. Read more CHIEF ACCOUNTANT. Our client is a leading international financial services organization which specializes in accounting, payroll management, taxation, legal and advisory services to local and international businesses. The company operates multiple offices across Europe and is present in Bulgaria for more than 10 years. Read more SENIOR JAVA DEVELOPER. Read more SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR with LINUX. For one of our clients we are looking for a driven and experienced professional for the mission of System Administrator. Read more You see an impasse. We see the first step to an amazing journey. INDIVIDUAL CAREER CONSULTING. Career Transition Support. Career Coaching Read more Professionals. People see an amazing breakthrough. We see the human face behind. Companies. People see a crowd. We spot the TALENTS. TALENT ACQUISITION. Executive Search. Search & Selection. HR Quality Assurance Read more You know your boundaries. We see beyond. TALENT ASSESSMENT & DEVELOPMENT. Assessment & Development Centers. "Key Employees" Programmes. Tailor-made Trainings. Coaching Read more You are distracted by administration. We allow you to focus. OUTSOURCING SERVICES. Staff Leasing. Project Management. Payroll Outsourcing. HR Outsourcing Read more.
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Toro Group S Ltd.
A career focused professional and technical college offering a wide range of qualifications from GCSEs to HNDs and Degrees in a broad range of subjects. The college employs over 200 dedicated and talented staff and welcomes over 4000 students each year through its doors. The college has recently completed phase 1 of a redevelopment project with phase 2 due to complete for September 2015. Great Yarmouth College is also a University of Suffolk centre offering an ever growing range of deg
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Great Yarmouth College
CustEx was founded by Silicon Valley technology executive Daniel Curran, formerly acting COO and Vice President of Strategic Planning at Western Digital's Connex and SANavigator units. CustEx brings users happiness. Use your smartphone in the store to find better alternatives to inferior products - no app required! Suggest, review, or improve (see video), while earning fame & fortune. CustEx share these with Vendors and their competitors.
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eCore was founded to provide innovative and cost effective services to our clients. Focused heavily on remote workforces we provide services that give clients value add solutions while at the same time reducing organizational costs. eCore combines virtual work, international development, and a wealth of entrepreneurial experience. We all believe in using technology, talent, and innovation to simplify costly business processes while providing jobs to hard-working individuals deserving of opportunities.Skip to content. Main About Us Services Data Services. Calling Services. Remote BDR Services. Remote Personal Assistant. Content Management Join our Team Contact Our Services Job Openings © 2020 eCoreServices.
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eCore Services
The Dicey Merchants are the makers of the app-assisted adventure board game Kenji's Quest—coming soon to Kickstarter. We are also operators of—an online store specializing in miniatures, dice, and accessories for fantasy tabletop games.Kenji's Quest – A 90's era console game meets the tabletop. Coming soon to Kickstarter! What is Kenji's Quest? Campaign Updates. More A game made. with by. in. Provo, UT. Bakersfield, CA. Denver, CO. Salt Lake City, UT. Kyiv, Ukraine. A Classic 90's EraAdventureGameMeetsthe Tabletop. What's Next on Your Quest? Kenji's Quest is an app-assisted board game that takes the best elements from the 90's era adventure/rpg console games, translates them to the tabletop, and combines them with a groundbreaking set of features. Don't Miss Our Kickstarter Launch. Get Campaign Updates in your inbox. No Spam. Begin the Adventure. 180 N University Ave. Suite 270. Provo, UT 84606 Don't Miss Our Kickstarter Launch. Get Campaign Updates in your inbox. No Spam. Begin the Adventure. Visit our Facebook Page. Follow Us On Twitter. Check Out Our Instagram.
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The Dicey Merchants
Ak One Fitness Academia is a sports company based out of R Professor Nelson Alvaro Figueiredo Brito, 10, Pavmtosuperior, Jundiai, São Paulo, Brazil.Academia em Jundiai AK One Fitness. HOME HORÁRIOS EVENTOS. CONTATO. LIGUE JÁ: (11) 3395-7102. HORÁRIOS FALA COM A AK ONE MODALIDADES. Horário de funcionamento:. Segunda a quinta das 6h as 22h. Sexta das 6h as 21h. Sábado das 8h as 14h. Fale com Ak One Fitness agora mesmo, tire suas dúvidas e venha treinar conosco. ALONGAMENTO. STEP. FUNCIONAL. JUMP. MUSCULAÇÃO. BIKE INDOOR. PILATES. Exercício dinâmico realizado em um mini trampolim elástico e individual. Exige uma fácil compreensão motora, e concentração para a realização dos movimentos. A modalidade reduz a gordura corporal e celulite, enrijece e fortalece os membros inferiores, além de melhorar o equilíbrio corporal e auxiliar na postura. O treinamento funcional se baseia nos movimentos naturais do ser humano, como pular, correr, puxar, agachar, girar e empurrar. O praticante ganha força, equilíbrio, flexibilidade, condicionamento, resistência e agilidade. Esses exercícios podem ser mesclados com a musculação. A modalidade praticada com o uso de uma pequena plataforma possui uma série de exercícios que proporciona o aumento da capacidade aeróbica. A prática do step também garante desenvolvimento da coordenação, ritmo, velocidade, aumenta a resistência muscular, e melhora o condicionamento físico e cardiorrespiratório. Fortalece os ossos, tendões e ligamentos, e também reduz a gordura corporal. Exercício físico para o aumento da flexibilidade. Sua prática além de proporcionar bem-estar, também corrige a postura corporal. O alongamento previne lesões, diminui dores, reduz as tensões musculares, deixando os movimentos mais soltos e leves, e relaxa o corpo. O exercício também prepara o corpo para atividades físicas e ativa a circulação. Exercício para o aumento dos músculos esqueléticos. São usados uma variedade de equipamentos especializados para grupos musculares específicos e tipos de movimentos. Alguns destes treinamentos realizados com pesos geralmente exigem além da energia física a mental também, pois é preciso concentração. A musculação proporciona bem-estar e melhora no condicionamento físico. Praticado na bike a modalidade além de emagrecer, define pernas e quadril, e aumenta a resistência respiratória e cardiovascular. Sua prática também fortalece os músculos e membros inferiores do abdômen e região lombar. Pode também reduzir o colesterol, pressão arterial e ajuda a controlar diabetes. O exercício mistura movimentos aeróbicos já conhecidos de quem faz atividade física com ritmos e coreografias latinas, como a salsa e o merengue. Os treinos são intervalados e de total resistência, para maximizar a queima de calorias, beneficiar o condicionamento cardiovascular e promover a tonificação corporal por completo. A atividade trabalha várias partes do corpo, principalmente os músculos abdominais, e corrige a postura, melhora a flexibilidade, estimula a coordenação motora e concentração. O exercício também traz benefícios para a saúde, como combater e amenizar dores, melhorar a respiração, principalmente nas costas, e eliminar o estresse e ansiedade. MEXE FITNESS. © 2014 by Be Act Comunicação. © 2014 by Be Act Comunicação. IMG_7868-cortada. IMG_7932. IMG_0610. IMG_0607. IMG_7936. IMG_0619. IMG_0599. IMG_0605. GOPR0449. IMG_7883. IMG_0602. IMG_0614. GOPR0444. GOPR0446. IMG_7868-cortada. IMG_7932. IMG_0610. IMG_0607. IMG_7936. IMG_0619. IMG_0599. IMG_0605. GOPR0449. IMG_7883. IMG_0602. IMG_0614. GOPR0444. GOPR0446. GALERIA DE FOTOS. Fale com Ak One Fitness agora mesmo, tire suas dúvidas e venha treinar conosco. CONTATO. HORÁRIOS. A AK One Fitness é uma academia localizada em Jundiaí e tem como maior diferencial a responsabilidade e o compromisso com os clientes e com toda a equipe. Isto é visível na execução do nosso trabalho diário, com comprometimento, proporcionando um alto padrão de qualidade em todos os serviços. Oferecemos aos nossos alunos e professores, um ambiente inteiramente voltado para o bem-estar, com equipamentos de qualidade em um ambiente confortável. A AK One Fitness buscando oferecer maior facilidade aos seus clientes, coloca a disposição personal trainer, nutricionista, planos exclusivos e sob medida para sua necessidade e conforto. DIFERENCIAIS. Diferenciais da Academia AK One VÍDEO. INSTITUCIONAL. AK ONE. FITNESS. Experimente a versão em. alta resolução (1080p). Responsabilidade Social:. Enviar. Rua Professor Nelson Alvaro Figueiredo Brito, 10 Jardim Torres São José Jundiaí SP. 11 3395-7102. 11 97532-7334. © 2014 by Be Act Comunicação.
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Ak One Fitness Academia
The mission of the Randolph Arts Guild is to develop, coordinate, and promote activities for the citizens of Randolph County to educate, foster appreciation, and provide for self-expression of the arts. As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, the Guild conducts its business through a twenty four member volunteer Board of Directors, a small paid staff, and volunteers The Guild’s annual budget is approximately $300,000 derived from member dues, gift shop sales, special events, grants, donations and program fees. The Guild concentrates its energies on offering arts opportunities including workshops, classes, camps, lectures, exhibitions, festivals, and special events.Randolph Arts Guild – YOUR WINDOWS TO THE ARTS IN RANDOLPH COUNTY. (336) 629-0399. 123 Sunset Ave Asheboro NC, 27203. Shop Online 0 Items. Home. About. News/Local Events. Fall Festival. Programs. Sara Smith Self Gallery. Store. Support Us. View Most Recent Press Release Check out our Newsletter! February 2021 Virtual Gallery NC Cares Grant Recipients Local Art Organizations Featured In Our State Magazine Find Your Love Downtown NC Museum of History:African American Cultural Celebration Visit Moring's Fine Crafts ONLINE! Burlington Writers Club: Writing Contests Native American Pine Needle Basket Class- ONLINE! In The Gallery The Sara Smith Self Gallery Featuring local artists from Randolph County and surrounding areas. View our ONLINE GALLERY ! Currently in the Gallery: Sassy Gems Trunk Show Check it out! 12 "Every child is an artist. The problem is how we remain an artist once we grow up". ― Pablo Picasso. Our Community Partners. Our Sponsors. Our Supporters. The Randolph Arts Guild would like to truely thank our supporters and donors for helping us continue to be "Your Window to the Arts." Your Donations and Gifts have helped the Randolph Arts Guild stay open to our community during these trying times. December Ann Thomas. Dot and Bob Walker. John Casper. Linda Covington. Martha Crotty September Ann and Lloyd Hamlet. Ann and Mac Pugh. Anne and Mike Honer. Anne Presnell. Barb Burlingame. Barbara Tazewell. Carolyn Isley. Cooper and April Thornton. David Gaskin. Dick Hines. Dr and Mrs Brian Munley. Dr and Mrs James Rich, Jr. Dr and Mrs John Matkins. Dr and Mrs Lutman. Emma Washington. Grace Blair Moffitt. Jack Casper. Jacquelyn Betts. James Sink. Jamie Burroughs Plumbing. Jan and Rob Reese. Janet and David Jones. Janice Kite. Jeigh Adams. Jimmy Thompson. Linda Murphy. Lonnie and Mike Keogh. Maggie Hooker. Maria Morgan. Martha Murdoch. Patricia Pittillo. Peggy and Bob Morrison. Representative Pat Hurley. Rick and Gail Crawford. Roberta and Lee Gavin. Scottie Michelle. Susan and Charles Swiers. Toni Marley. Zondra Harris November Anne and Mike Honer. Anne Presnell. Betsy Hughes. Camille and Bill Redding. Carla and GM Shinn. Charlotte and John Settle. Christine and Thomas Osteen. Jackie and Bob Derr. Missy and Sam Rankin (this is a second donation). Pat and Howard Burkhart. Russell Walker October Alan Pugh. Bill and Susan Milner. Bonnie York. Brenda Daniel. Carol and Ted Matney. Dr and Mrs Brian Barnett. Dr Harry Killian. Four Saints. Garry Thorner. Ingrid and Brian Munley. James Sink. Lonnie and Michael Keogh. Marcia Rush. Marion McIntosh. Martha Murdoch. Missy and Sam Rankin. Mr and Mrs LT Hammond, Jr. Mr and Mrs Mike Miller. Norman Grey. Pam and Jimmy Hill. Scottie Michelle. Sonja Hole. Susan and Gary Jarrett. Susan Watson. Sue Allender McCullah. an Open & Shutt Design.
What is the name of this company?
The Randolph Arts Guild
BUSINESS CONSULTING Technology, experience and academic knowledge PODCASTS Each Tuesday, Dr. Angelos and his team. We provide interactive eLearning portal for all agesΑΡΧΙΚΗΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΕΜΑΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. FITNESS TRAINING BLOGΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ ENGLISH ΑΡΧΙΚΗΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΕΜΑΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. FITNESS TRAINING BLOGΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ ΑΡΧΙΚΗΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΕΜΑΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. FITNESS TRAINING BLOGΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ ΑΡΧΙΚΗ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΕΜΑΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. FITNESS TRAINING BLOG ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ Search ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ. ENGLISH ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ. ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. FITNESS TRAINING ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΠΩΛΗΣΕΩΝ. Μεταφέρουμε τη γνώση και την τεχνολογία που χρειάζεται ο οργανισμός σας για την ανάπτυξη των πωλήσεων. ΝΑ ΘΥΜΑΣΤΕ:. Μπορεί να έχετε ένα απίστευτο προϊόν ή υπηρεσία, αξιόλογο προσωπικό ή ακόμη να ξοδεύετε πολλά χρήματα για μάρκετινγκ και διαφήμιση, χωρίς όμως την ανάπτυξη των πωλήσεων σας δεν "έρχονται" χρήματα στην επιχείρηση σας. Δρ. Άγγελος Βουλδής. ΜΑΘΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΠΡΟΣΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ. Υποστηρίζουμε μαθητές, φοιτητές και γονείς στις αποφάσεις επιλογής μαθημάτων, Πανεπιστημίων και των επόμενων βημάτων που θα χρειαστούν τα παιδιά μας για να καταπολεμήσουν την ανεργία. ΤΟ ΑΓΧΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΓΟΝΙΟΥ. Η άγνοια και περισσότερο η λάθος εντύπωση που μπορεί να έχουμε για ένα επάγγελμα ή τα μαθήματα που χρειάζονται να επιλέξει, μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν ένα αβέβαιο μέλλον για το παιδί μας. Δρ. Άγγελος Βουλδής. ΜΑΘΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΠΡΟΣΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ. ΤΙ ΚΑΝΟΥΜΕ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΙΣ ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ. Η ΛΥΣΗ. Για να μην υπάρξει ανεργία στην καριέρα μας το κλειδί που χρειάζεται είναι ένα εντυπωσιακό βιογραφικό και μια πετυχημένη παρουσίαση κατά την συνέντευξη. Δρ. Άγγελος Βουλδής. ΜΑΘΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ Συνδεθείτε Μαζί Μας. ΦΟΡΜΑ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ. Πως μπορούμε να σας βοηθήσουμε;. Πάτμου 1Α Στρόβολος. +357 99513835. +357 99513835. ΟΝΟΜΑ. Email. ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ. ΜΥΝΗΜΑ. By continuing, you agree to our. Terms & Conditions. and. Privacy Policy. ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ. Comment. © 2020. Terms & Conditions. Privacy Policy. ΤΗΛ. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ EMAIL. ΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ All Posts. ×. Cookie Use. We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies. Learn More. Accept. No Thanks. ×. What Are Cookies? Cookies are bits of information (memory files) stored in your browser by sites you visit. As is common practice with almost all websites, this site uses cookie to improve your experience by remembering your preferences and enable other cookie-based features (e.g. analytics). Our Cookies. When you submit data through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms, cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence. In order to provide you with a better experience and remember your preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page. Third-Party cookies. In special cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties like Google Analytics. Third party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this site so that we can continue to produce engaging content. How To Disable Cookies? Most browsers let you to refuse to accept cookies. See your browser Help or Tool for how to do this. Be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. ×. Πνευματικά δικαιώματα Δεν επιτρέπεται η αντιγραφή, αναπαραγωγή, αναδημοσίευση, μεταφόρτωση σε server, αποστολή, μετάδοση, διανομή ή χρήση αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου και οποιωνδήποτε περιεχομένων του για τη δημιουργία παράγωγων έργων χωρίς την εκ των προτέρων έγγραφη συγκατάθεση της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, με την εξαίρεση ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD χορηγεί τη μη αποκλειστική, μη μεταβιβάσιμη και περιορισμένη άδεια να αποκτάτε πρόσβαση και να παρουσιάζετε τις ιστοσελίδες σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο, αποκλειστικά στον υπολογιστή σας και για δική σας προσωπική, μη εμπορική χρήση αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου. Η άδεια αυτή παρέχεται υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι δεν θα τροποποιείτε το περιεχόμενο που παρουσιάζεται σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο, ότι θα τηρείτε τα προβλεπόμενα στις σημειώσεις περί πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων και σε οποιεσδήποτε άλλες σημειώσεις περί ιδιοκτησίας, και ότι θα αποδέχεστε οποιουσδήποτε όρους, προϋποθέσεις και σημειώσεις που συνοδεύουν το περιεχόμενο ή κατά άλλο τρόπο καθορίζονται σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, οποιοδήποτε υλικό που διατίθενται για μεταφόρτωση (download), πρόσβαση ή άλλη χρήση από αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο θα διέπεται από τους εν λόγω όρους, προϋποθέσεις και σημειώσεις καθώς και τους τυχόν δικούς του όρους, προϋποθέσεις και σημειώσεις άδειας χρήσης. Η μη συμμόρφωσή σας με τους όρους, προϋποθέσεις και σημειώσεις σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τον αυτόματο τερματισμό οποιωνδήποτε χορηγηθέντων δικαιωμάτων, χωρίς προηγούμενη ειδοποίηση, και θα πρέπει να καταστρέψετε άμεσα όλα τα αντίγραφα των μεταφορτωμένων υλικών που έχετε στην κατοχή σας ή βρίσκονται υπό τον έλεγχό σας. Εκτός από την περιορισμένη άδεια που σας χορηγείται στην προηγούμενη παράγραφο, η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν σας παρέχει κανένα ρητό ή σιωπηρό δικαίωμα ή άδεια χρήσης βάσει οποιωνδήποτε ευρεσιτεχνιών, εμπορικών σημάτων, πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων ή οποιωνδήποτε άλλων δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ή άλλης ιδιοκτησίας. Δεν έχετε δικαίωμα να πραγματοποιείτε «αντανάκλαση» (mirroring) των περιεχομένων αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου σε άλλο δικτυακό τόπο ή σε οποιοδήποτε άλλο μέσο. Προσωπικά δεδομένα Γενικά, μπορείτε να επισκέπτεστε το δικτυακό τόπο της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD στο Internet χωρίς να μας λέτε ποιος είστε και χωρίς να παρέχετε οποιαδήποτε προσωπικά σας στοιχεία. Ωστόσο, μερικές φορές εμείς ή συνεργάτες μας χρειαζόμαστε ορισμένες πληροφορίες από εσάς. Ενδεχομένως να μας παράσχετε κάποια προσωπικά στοιχεία σε διάφορες περιπτώσεις. Για παράδειγμα, μπορεί να μας παράσχετε ορισμένα στοιχεία, όπως π.χ. το όνομα και την ταχυδρομική ή ηλεκτρονική σας διεύθυνση (e-mail), για να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας, προκειμένου να διεκπεραιώσουμε μια παραγγελία ή να μας παράσχετε τα στοιχεία της πιστωτικής σας κάρτας για να αγοράσετε κάτι από εμάς. Σκοπός μας είναι να σας ενημερώσουμε πώς θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε αυτά τα στοιχεία πριν τα συλλέξουμε από εσάς. Εάν μας δηλώσετε ότι δεν θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αυτές τις πληροφορίες ως βάση για περαιτέρω επικοινωνία μαζί σας πέραν της εκπλήρωσης των αιτημάτων σας, θα σεβαστούμε την επιθυμία σας. Εάν μας παράσχετε προσωπικά στοιχεία άλλου προσώπου, π.χ. συζύγου ή συναδέλφου, θα θεωρήσουμε δεδομένο ότι έχετε τη συγκατάθεσή του να μας τα παράσχετε. Χρήση και από κοινού Χρήση Προσωπικών Πληροφοριών Οι ακόλουθες παράγραφοι περιγράφουν λεπτομερέστερα πώς η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει τα προσωπικά σας στοιχεία και με ποιον μπορεί να τα μοιραστεί. Ανάλογα με το είδος του site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD που επισκέπτεστε, μπορεί να ισχύουν μία ή περισσότερες από αυτές τις παραγράφους. Για παράδειγμα, εάν παραγγείλετε ένα προϊόν από κάποιο site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, ο χειρισμός των στοιχείων σας θα γίνει όπως περιγράφεται στις παραγράφους «Διεκπεραίωση της συναλλαγής σας» και «Χρήση για σκοπούς μάρκετινγκ». Διεκπεραίωση της συναλλαγής σας Εάν ζητήσετε κάτι από κάποιο site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, π.χ. προϊόν ή υπηρεσία, επανάκληση (callback) ή συγκεκριμένο υλικό μάρκετινγκ, θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα στοιχεία που μας παρέχετε για να ικανοποιήσουμε το αίτημά σας. Για το σκοπό αυτό, μπορεί να μοιραστούμε τα στοιχεία σας με άλλα εμπλεκόμενα μέρη, π.χ. άλλα τμήματα της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, Εμπορικούς Συνεργάτες της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, χρηματοοικονομικά ιδρύματα, μεταφορικές εταιρείες, ταχυδρομικές ή κρατικές αρχές (π.χ. Τελωνειακές αρχές). Μπορεί επίσης να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας, σχετικά με μια συναλλαγή, στα πλαίσια έρευνας ικανοποίησης πελατών ή για σκοπούς έρευνας αγοράς. Χρήση για σκοπούς μάρκετινγκ Τα στοιχεία που παρέχετε στην ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD μέσω του site της μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθούν από την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD και επιλεγμένους τρίτους για σκοπούς μάρκετινγκ. Ωστόσο, θα σας δώσουμε εκ των προτέρων τη δυνατότητα να επιλέξετε αν θέλετε να χρησιμοποιηθούν τα στοιχεία σας με αυτό τον τρόπο ή όχι. Ασφάλεια και Ποιότητα Πληροφοριών Σκοπός μας είναι να προστατεύουμε τα προσωπικά σας στοιχεία και να διατηρούμε την ποιότητά τους. Εφαρμόζουμε κατάλληλα μέτρα και διαδικασίες, όπως π.χ. χρήση κρυπτογράφησης κατά τη μεταφορά ορισμένων ευαίσθητων στοιχείων, ώστε να προστατεύουμε τα στοιχεία σας και να διατηρούμε την ποιότητά τους. Συμπλήρωση Πληροφοριών Κατά διαστήματα μπορεί να συμπληρώνουμε τα στοιχεία που μας παρέχετε μέσω του site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD με πληροφορίες από άλλες πηγές, όπως π.χ. πληροφορίες που επιβεβαιώνουν τη διεύθυνσή σας ή άλλες διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες σχετικά με επιχειρήσεις. Αυτό το κάνουμε για να διατηρούμε ακριβή τα στοιχεία που έχουμε συλλέξει και να σας εξυπηρετούμε καλύτερα. Χρήση Προμηθευτών Σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD χρησιμοποιεί προμηθευτές για τη συλλογή, χρήση, ανάλυση και άλλη επεξεργασία πληροφοριών. Πρακτική της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD είναι να απαιτεί από τους εν λόγω προμηθευτές να χειρίζονται τις πληροφορίες με τρόπο σύμφωνο προς την πολιτική της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Cookies, Web Beacons και Άλλες Τεχνολογίες Μερικές φορές συλλέγουμε στοιχεία που δεν μπορούν να συσχετιστούν με συγκεκριμένο πρόσωπο («μη προσωποπαγή») από τις επισκέψεις στο site μας, τα οποία μας βοηθούν να παρέχουμε καλύτερες υπηρεσίες στους πελάτες μας. Για παράδειγμα, καταγράφουμε τα domains από τα οποία προέρχονται οι επισκέψεις και μετράμε τις δραστηριότητες των επισκεπτών στο site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, αλλά με τρόπο που διατηρεί τα συλλεγόμενα στοιχεία μη προσωποπαγή. Οι πληροφορίες αυτές ονομάζονται και «δεδομένα clickstream». Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ή άλλοι εκ μέρους της μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτά τα στοιχεία για να αναλύσουν τις τάσεις και τα στατιστικά δεδομένα και να μας βοηθήσουν να παρέχουμε καλύτερες υπηρεσίες στους πελάτες μας. Επίσης, όταν συλλέγουμε προσωπικά σας στοιχεία στα πλαίσια μιας συναλλαγής, μπορεί να καταγράψουμε κάποιες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη συγκεκριμένη συναλλαγή σε μορφή μη προσωποπαγή και να τις συνδυάσουμε με άλλες μη προσωποπαγείς πληροφορίες, π.χ. δεδομένα clickstream. Οι πληροφορίες αυτές χρησιμοποιούνται και αναλύονται μόνο αθροιστικά, με σκοπό την κατανόηση τάσεων και μοτίβων. Οι πληροφορίες αυτές δεν εξετάζονται σε επίπεδο μεμονωμένων χρηστών. Συλλέγουμε τις πληροφορίες που αναφέρονται στις προηγούμενες παραγράφους μέσω της χρήσης διαφόρων τεχνολογιών, μία από τις οποίες είναι τα λεγόμενα «cookies». Το cookie είναι ένα σύνολο δεδομένων το οποίο μπορεί να αποστέλλεται από το site στο browser του υπολογιστή σας και στη συνέχεια αποθηκεύεται στον υπολογιστή σας ως ανώνυμο ίχνος, μέσω του οποίου μπορεί να αναγνωριστεί ο υπολογιστής σας, αλλά όχι εσείς. Μερικές ιστοσελίδες της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD χρησιμοποιούν cookies, που αποστέλλονται από την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ή τρίτους προμηθευτές της, ή άλλες τεχνολογίες με σκοπό την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτησή σας την επόμενη φορά που θα επισκεφθείτε το site. Μπορείτε να ορίσετε στο browser σας να εμφανίζεται ερώτηση πριν τη λήψη ενός cookie, ώστε να έχετε τη δυνατότητα να αποφασίζετε κάθε φορά αν θα το αποδεχθείτε. Μπορείτε επίσης να απενεργοποιήσετε εντελώς τα cookies στο browser σας. Ωστόσο, εάν το κάνετε, μερικά sites μπορεί να μη λειτουργούν κανονικά. Το site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD χρησιμοποιοεί web beacons ή άλλες τεχνολογίες με σκοπό την προσαρμογή αυτού του site με γνώμονα την παροχή καλύτερων υπηρεσιών στους πελάτες. Οι τεχνολογίες αυτές μπορεί να χρησιμοποιούνται σε διάφορες σελίδες στο site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Όταν ένας επισκέπτης επισκέπτεται αυτές τις σελίδες, παράγεται ειδοποίηση σχετικά με αυτή την επίσκεψη, την οποία μπορεί να επεξεργαστούμε εμείς ή οι προμηθευτές μας. Τα web beacons συνήθως λειτουργούν σε συνδυασμό με τα cookies. Εάν δεν θέλετε να συσχετίζονται οι πληροφορίες των cookies με τις επισκέψεις σας σε αυτές τις σελίδες, μπορείτε να απενεργοποιήσετε τα cookies στο browser σας. Παρακολούθηση της Ποιότητας των Υπηρεσιών Για ορισμένες διαδικτυακές συναλλαγές μπορεί να χρειαστεί να μας καλέσετε ή να σας καλέσουμε. Παρακαλούμε να έχετε υπόψη σας ότι γενική πρακτική της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD είναι να παρακολουθεί και, σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, να καταγράφει αυτές τις κλήσεις για σκοπούς εκπαίδευσης προσωπικού ή διασφάλισης ποιότητας. Ηλεκτρονικές Διαφημίσεις Ορισμένες εταιρείες μάς βοηθούν να παρέχουμε διαδραστικές on-line διαφημίσεις, όπως π.χ. διαφημιστικά banners. Οι εταιρείες αυτές μπορεί να συλλέγουν και να χρησιμοποιούν πληροφορίες σχετικά με τους πελάτες, με σκοπό να μας βοηθούν να κατανοούμε καλύτερα τις προσφορές, τις δραστηριότητες προώθησης και τα είδη των διαφημίσεων που έχουν τη μεγαλύτερη απήχηση στους πελάτες μας. Οι συλλεγόμενες πληροφορίες είναι αθροιστικές και κατά συνέπεια δεν μπορούν να συσχετιστούν με συγκεκριμένα πρόσωπα. Ωστόσο, εάν προτιμάτε οι εταιρείες αυτές να μην συλλέγουν τέτοιες πληροφορίες, μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε το site και να ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες για την εξαίρεσή σας («opt-out») από τη συλλογή αυτών των πληροφοριών. Αποκάλυψη που Απαιτείται από το Νόμο Παρακαλούμε να έχετε υπόψη ότι, σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, είναι πιθανό να ζητηθεί η αποκάλυψη πληροφοριών με δικαστική ή άλλη κρατική εντολή, κλήτευση ή ένταλμα. Διασυνδέσεις προς sites που δεν ανήκουν στη ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD Το site της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD μπορεί να περιέχουν διασυνδέσεις προς άλλα sites. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν είναι υπεύθυνη για τις πρακτικές χειρισμού δεδομένων προσωπικού χαρακτήρα αυτών των sites, ούτε και για το περιεχόμενό τους. Ενημέρωση σε περίπτωση αλλαγών Οποτεδήποτε τροποποιείται ουσιωδώς η παρούσα δήλωση, θα υπάρχει σχετική ειδοποίηση στο home page αυτού του site για διάστημα 30 ημερών. ×. Οι παρακάτω όροι είναι οι όροι μιας νομικής συμφωνίας ανάμεσα σε εσάς και στη ADRAKSE CONSULTANTS. Με την εκ μέρους σας πρόσβαση, επίσκεψη ή χρήση του παρόντος δικτυακού τόπου (web site), δηλώνετε ότι έχετε διαβάσει, κατανοήσει και συμφωνήσει ότι δεσμεύεστε από τους παρόντες όρους, καθώς και ότι θα συμμορφώνεστε με όλους τους εφαρμοστέους νόμους και κανονισμούς. Εάν δεν συμφωνείτε με αυτούς τους όρους, σας παρακαλούμε να μη χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD έχει δικαίωμα στα πλαίσια της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας να αναθεωρεί οποτεδήποτε, χωρίς ειδοποίηση προς εσάς, αυτούς τους Όρους Χρήσης και οποιεσδήποτε άλλες πληροφορίες που περιέχονται σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο, ενημερώνοντας τις πληροφορίες αυτές. Επίσης, η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD μπορεί να προβαίνει σε βελτιώσεις ή αλλαγές στα προϊόντα και τις υπηρεσίες που περιγράφονται σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο, οποτεδήποτε και χωρίς ειδοποίηση. Γενικά Αυτός ο δικτυακός τόπος περιέχει σημειώσεις περί ιδιοκτησίας και πληροφορίες σχετικά με πνευματικά δικαιώματα (copyright), οι όροι των οποίων πρέπει να τηρούνται. Ανατρέξτε στην σελίδα με τον τίτλο «Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα» για σχετικές πληροφορίες. Συγκεκριμένες Δηλώσεις Αποποίησης Δεν παρέχεται καμία υπόσχεση ή εγγύηση ότι οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο είναι σωστές, ενημερωμένες ή πλήρεις, και ενδέχεται αυτός ο δικτυακός τόπος να περιέχει τεχνικές ανακρίβειες ή τυπογραφικά λάθη. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν αναλαμβάνει καμία ευθύνη στο μέγιστο βαθμό που επιτρέπεται από το νόμο (και αποποιείται ρητώς την ευθύνη) να ενημερώνει το περιεχόμενο αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου ώστε οι πληροφορίες να είναι πάντοτε ενημερωμένες ή ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η ακρίβεια ή η πληρότητα των πληροφοριών που ανακοινώνονται. Κατά συνέπεια, εσείς θα πρέπει να επιβεβαιώνετε την ακρίβεια και την πληρότητα των πληροφοριών που ανακοινώνονται πριν λάβετε οποιαδήποτε απόφαση σχετικά με οποιεσδήποτε υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα ή άλλα θέματα που περιγράφονται σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο. Η παρούσα δήλωση αποποίησης δεν αφορά στις πληροφορίες και τα δεδομένα που απαιτούνται από τη νομοθεσία να παρέχονται με κάθε δυνατή ακρίβεια, για την περίπτωση διενέργειας δραστηριοτήτων ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν εγγυάται ότι οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα αναφερθεί θα επιλυθεί από την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, ακόμα και σε περίπτωση που η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD να παράσχει πληροφορίες με σκοπό την αντιμετώπιση ενός προβλήματος. Εμπιστευτικές πληροφορίες Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν επιθυμεί να λαμβάνει από εσάς πληροφορίες που είναι εμπιστευτικού ή ιδιοκτησιακού χαρακτήρα μέσω του δικτυακού της τόπου. Σημειώνεται ότι οποιεσδήποτε πληροφορίες ή υλικό αποστέλλεται στην ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD θα θεωρείται ΜΗ ΕΜΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΙΚΟ στο μέγιστο βαθμό που επιτρέπεται από το νόμο. Αποστέλλοντας στην ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD οποιεσδήποτε πληροφορίες ή υλικά, παραχωρείτε στην ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD μια απεριόριστη, ανέκκλητη άδεια αντιγραφής, αναπαραγωγής, δημοσίευσης, μεταφόρτωσης (upload) σε server, αποστολής, μετάδοσης, διανομής, δημόσιας προβολής, εκτέλεσης ή τροποποίησης των εν λόγω πληροφοριών ή υλικών, καθώς και να δημιουργεί παράγωγα έργα από τις πληροφορίες ή τα υλικά αυτά ή κατά οποιονδήποτε άλλο τρόπο να τα χρησιμοποιεί ελεύθερα. Συμφωνείτε επίσης ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD είναι ελεύθερη να χρησιμοποιεί οποιεσδήποτε ιδέες, έννοιες, τεχνογνωσία ή τεχνικές που μας αποστέλλετε για οποιονδήποτε σκοπό στο μέγιστο βαθμό που επιτρέπεται από το νόμο. Ωστόσο, δεν θα δημοσιεύσουμε το όνομά σας ούτε θα δημοσιοποιήσουμε κατά άλλο τρόπο ότι μας έχετε υποβάλει υλικό ή άλλες πληροφορίες, εκτός εάν: (α) εξασφαλίσουμε την άδειά σας να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το όνομά σας, (β) σας ειδοποιήσουμε εκ των προτέρων ότι το υλικό ή άλλες πληροφορίες που υποβάλλετε σε κάποιο συγκεκριμένο τμήμα αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου θα δημοσιευτεί ή θα χρησιμοποιηθεί κατά άλλο τρόπο με σχετική αναφορά του ονόματός σας, ή (γ) είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι από το νόμο να το πράξουμε. Ο χειρισμός των πληροφοριών από τις οποίες μπορεί να προκύψει η ταυτότητα προσώπων τις οποίες αποστέλλετε στην ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD προκειμένου να λάβετε προϊόντα ή υπηρεσίες θα γίνεται σύμφωνα με την εταιρική πολιτική προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων. Παρακαλώ, μεταβείτε στην σελίδα με τον τίτλο «Προστασία Προσωπικών Δεδομένων» για πληροφορίες σχετικά με την πολιτική προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD Επιχειρηματικές σχέσεις Αυτός ο δικτυακός τόπος ενδέχεται να παρέχει διασυνδέσεις ή παραπομπές σε δικτυακούς τόπους ή άλλες πηγές πλην αυτών της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν προβαίνει σε καμία δήλωση, εγγύηση ή άλλη δέσμευση αναφορικά με οποιουσδήποτε δικτυακούς τόπους ή άλλες πηγές τρίτων, για τους οποίους μπορεί να υπάρχουν παραπομπές, δυνατότητες πρόσβασης ή διασύνδεσης από το δικτυακό τόπο της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Η ύπαρξη διασύνδεσης προς ένα δικτυακό τόπο που δεν είναι της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν σημαίνει ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD επιδοκιμάζει το περιεχόμενο ή τη χρήση του εν λόγω δικτυακού τόπου ή την εταιρεία ή τον οργανισμό στον οποίο ανήκει. Επιπροσθέτως, η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν αποτελεί συμβαλλόμενο μέρος και δεν είναι υπεύθυνη για οποιεσδήποτε συναλλαγές στις οποίες προβαίνετε με τρίτα μέρη, ακόμα και στην περίπτωση που έχετε ενημερωθεί για την ύπαρξη των εν λόγω τρίτων μερών (ή έχετε χρησιμοποιήσει μια διασύνδεση προς τα εν λόγω τρίτα μέρη) μέσω του δικτυακού τόπου της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Κατά συνέπεια, αποδέχεστε και συμφωνείτε ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν είναι υπεύθυνη για τη διαθεσιμότητα των εν λόγω εξωτερικών δικτυακών τόπων ή πόρων και ότι δεν φέρει ευθύνη για οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο, υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα ή άλλα υλικά που υπάρχουν ή διατίθενται στους εν λόγω δικτυακούς τόπους ή πηγές. Όταν επισκέπτεστε ένα δικτυακό τόπο που δεν είναι της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, παρακαλούμε να έχετε υπόψη σας ότι είναι ανεξάρτητο από την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD και ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD δεν ελέγχει το περιεχόμενο αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου. Εναπόκειται σε εσάς να λάβετε τις απαραίτητες προφυλάξεις προκειμένου να προστατεύεστε από ιούς, «λογισμικά σκουλήκια» (worms), προγράμματα παραπλάνησης («δούρειος ίππος» – trojan horses) και άλλα δυνητικά επιβλαβή προγράμματα και να προστατεύετε τις πληροφορίες σας με τον τρόπο που θεωρείτε εσείς τον πλέον κατάλληλο. Διασυνδέσεις προς αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο Οποιεσδήποτε διασυνδέσεις προς αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο πρέπει να εγκρίνονται γραπτώς από την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, με την εξαίρεση ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD παρέχει συγκατάθεση για διασυνδέσεις όπου η διασύνδεση και οι σελίδες που ενεργοποιούνται μέσω της διασύνδεσης (α) δεν δημιουργούν πλαίσια γύρω από οποιαδήποτε σελίδα σε αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο ή δεν χρησιμοποιούν άλλες τεχνικές που αλλοιώνουν κατά οιονδήποτε τρόπο την οπτική παρουσίαση και εμφάνιση οποιουδήποτε περιεχομένου αυτού του δικτυακού τόπου, (β) δεν αποτελούν ψευδή δήλωση της σχέσης σας με την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD, (γ) δεν υπονοούν ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD αποδέχεται ή εγκρίνει εσάς, το δικτυακό σας τόπο ή τις υπηρεσίες ή τα προϊόντα που προσφέρετε, και (δ) δεν παρέχουν ψευδείς ή παραπλανητικές εντυπώσεις για την ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ή κατά άλλο τρόπο βλάπτουν την υπεραξία/φήμη της ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD. Μια επιπλέον προϋπόθεση για την άδεια διασύνδεσης με αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο είναι ότι συμφωνείτε ότι η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD έχει δικαίωμα να τερματίσει οποτεδήποτε, κατά τη διακριτική της ευχέρεια, την άδεια που σας έχει παράσχει για τη διασύνδεση με αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο. Σε τέτοια περίπτωση συμφωνείτε να αφαιρέσετε άμεσα οποιεσδήποτε διασυνδέσεις προς αυτό το δικτυακό τόπο. ΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΑΠΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗΣ Η ΧΡΗΣΗ ΑΥΤΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟΥ ΤΟΠΟΥ ΓΙΝΕΤΑΙ ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΔΙΚΗ ΣΑΣ ΕΥΘΥΝΗ. ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΥΛΙΚΑ, ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ, ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΕΧΟΝΤΑΙ «ΩΣ ΕΧΟΥΝ» («AS IS»), ΧΩΡΙΣ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΝΕΝΟΣ ΕΙΔΟΥΣ. Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ΑΠΟΠΟΙΕΙΤΑΙ ΡΗΤΩΣ, ΣΤΟ ΜΕΓΙΣΤΟ ΒΑΘΜΟ ΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΕΤΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΟ, ΟΛΕΣ ΤΙΣ ΡΗΤΕΣ, ΣΙΩΠΗΡΕΣ, ΠΡΟΒΛΕΠΟΜΕΝΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΟ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΟΙΕΣΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΑΛΛΕΣ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΕΙΣ Ή ΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ, ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΛΑΜΒΑΝΟΜΕΝΩΝ, ΕΝΔΕΙΚΤΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΟΧΙ ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ, ΤΩΝ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΕΩΝ ΕΜΠΟΡΕΥΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑΣ, ΚΑΤΑΛΛΗΛΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΣΥΓΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΟΥΣ ΣΚΟΠΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΗ ΠΑΡΑΒΙΑΣΗΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΛΛΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ. ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΝΕΝΑ ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΟ, Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ΔΕΝ ΠΡΟΒΑΙΝΕΙ ΣΕ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ ΟΤΙ Η ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΟΣ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟΥ ΤΟΠΟΥ ΘΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΔΙΑΛΕΙΠΤΗ, ΕΓΚΑΙΡΗ, ΑΣΦΑΛΗΣ Ή ΧΩΡΙΣ ΣΦΑΛΜΑΤΑ. ΚΑΤΑΝΟΕΙΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΕΙΤΕ ΟΤΙ ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΠΟΥ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΤΩΝΕΤΕ (DOWNLOAD) Ή ΚΑΤΑ ΑΛΛΟ ΤΡΟΠΟ ΑΠΟΚΤΑΤΕ ΥΛΙΚΑ, ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ, ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ, ΛΟΓΙΣΜΙΚΟ, ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ Ή ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ, ΤΟ ΠΡΑΤΤΕΤΕ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗ ΔΙΚΗ ΣΑΣ ΔΙΑΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΕΥΧΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕ ΔΙΚΗ ΣΑΣ ΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΚΑΙ ΟΤΙ ΕΣΕΙΣ ΘΑ ΕΙΣΤΕ ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΑ ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΙ ΓΙΑ ΟΠΟΙΕΣΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΖΗΜΙΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΡΟΚΥΨΟΥΝ, ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΛΑΜΒΑΝΟΜΕΝΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΠΩΛΕΙΑΣ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ Ή ΤΗΣ ΠΡΟΚΛΗΣΗΣ ΖΗΜΙΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΣΑΣ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ. ΣΕ ΟΡΙΣΜΕΝΕΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΔΟΣΙΕΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΕΤΑΙ Ο ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΟΜΕΝΩΣ ΟΙ ΠΑΡΑΠΑΝΩ ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΜΟΙ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΜΗΝ ΙΣΧΥΟΥΝ ΓΙΑ ΕΣΑΣ. ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΥΘΥΝΗΣ ΣΕ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΦΕΡΕΙ ΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΕΝΑΝΤΙ ΟΠΟΙΟΥΔΗΠΟΤΕ Ή ΓΙΑ ΟΠΟΙΕΣΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΑΜΕΣΕΣ, ΕΜΜΕΣΕΣ, ΠΑΡΕΠΟΜΕΝΕΣ, ΕΙΔΙΚΕΣ Ή ΑΠΟΘΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΖΗΜΙΕΣ ΟΠΟΙΟΥΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΕΙΔΟΥΣ (ΚΑΙ ΗΘΙΚΗΣ ΒΛΑΒΗΣ) ΠΟΥ ΣΧΕΤΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΜΕ Ή ΑΠΟΡΡΕΟΥΝ ΑΠΟ ΑΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΤΟΠΟ Ή ΑΠΟ ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ ΑΥΤΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟΥ ΤΟΠΟΥ, Ή ΑΠΟ ΟΠΟΙΟΝΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΤΟΠΟ Ή ΑΛΛΗ ΠΗΓΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΟΠΟΙΑ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΔΙΑΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ, ΠΑΡΑΠΟΜΠΗ Ή ΔΥΝΑΤΟΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΑ ΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΤΟΠΟ, Ή ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΧΡΗΣΗ, ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΤΩΣΗ (DOWNLOAD) Ή ΔΥΝΑΤΟΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗΣ ΣΕ ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΥΛΙΚΑ, ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ, ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ Ή ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ, ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΛΑΜΒΑΝΟΜΕΝΩΝ, ΕΝΔΕΙΚΤΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΟΧΙ ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ, ΟΠΟΙΩΝΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΔΙΑΦΥΓΟΝΤΩΝ ΚΕΡΔΩΝ, ΔΙΑΚΟΠΗΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΩΝ, ΔΙΑΦΥΓΟΥΣΩΝ ΑΠΟΤΑΜΙΕΥΣΕΩΝ Ή ΑΠΩΛΕΙΑΣ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΩΝ Ή ΑΛΛΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ, ΑΚΟΜΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΠΟΥ Η ADRAKSE COSULTANTS LTD ΕΧΕΙ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΘΕΙ ΡΗΤΩΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΙΘΑΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΝΑ ΠΡΟΚΥΨΟΥΝ ΤΕΤΟΙΕΣ ΖΗΜΙΕΣ. ΑΥΤΟΣ Ο ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ ΕΥΘΥΝΗΣ ΙΣΧΥΕΙ ΓΙΑ ΟΛΕΣ ΤΙΣ ΑΙΤΙΕΣ ΕΓΕΡΣΗΣ ΑΞΙΩΣΕΩΝ, ΕΙΤΕ ΒΑΣΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΕ ΣΥΜΒΑΣΗ, ΕΙΤΕ ΣΕ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ, ΑΔΙΚΟΠΡΑΞΙΑ Ή ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΑΛΛΗ ΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΒΑΣΗ. Cookie Use. We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies. Learn More.
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The MacPherson Group represents clients worldwide in federal & state courts within any/all 50 States, and in foreign countries. Contact us if you have IRS liens or levies. We are Criminal Tax Attorneys, Civil Tax Attorneys, and IRS Tax Attorneys with over 60 years combined experience.Beat IRS - Tax Attorneys - The MacPherson Group. The MacPherson Group, LLC Services. Process & Fees. Media. FAQs. About. Contact. 1-800-BEAT-IRS. The MacPherson Group, LLC. Attorneys at Law Nationwide Practice. Defending Freedom and Securing the Blessings of Liberty since 1978. – TAX DEFENSE ATTORNEYS –. Criminal Tax Defense. ​. Want your criminal investigation. dropped? How about a sentence of probation with no prison time? Mac MacPherson is the only attorney in the world who is a Bar-certified specialist in both criminal and tax law. He has tried over 55 criminal tax cases in federal court in 25 states. Nathan and Scott have worked all stages of criminal cases including: criminal investigations dropped, criminal trials, and criminal appeals. Know Your Rights. Civil Tax Defense. ​. Looking for an out-of-the box solution to what looks like a hopeless situation? Want a bodyguard to keep IRS away? We have over 60 years of combined experience with federal, state, and local tax controversy work, defending against both assessment and collection of income, employment, and excise taxes. We go on the offensive for our clients, attacking both assessment and collection, exploring every possible solution. Know Your Rights. Holistic Tax Solutions. ​. What if your IRS issues could save you money rather than cost you money? Through our holistic approach to tax resolution and business strategies, we discover the underlying issues and view them as opportunities to help you to truly "BEAT IRS" in the long run, keeping more of your hard-earned money without running afoul of the law as interpreted by the courts. In short, we turn your worst nightmare into your best dreams. Know Your Rights. Brothers Nathan and Scott MacPherson Explore Three Practice Areas. Second-Generation Tax and Constitutional Defense Attorneys Watch Mac's sons Nathan and Scott MacPherson provide an overview of the firm's three main practice areas: Criminal Tax Defense, Civil Tax Defense, and Holistic Tax Solutions. ​. For more detailed information on each practice area, click on the links above. More videos by the MacPhersons. What if your tax nightmare could be turned into an even bigger opportunity? What if legal fees were an investment on return? Through our holistic approach you can stay clean, resolve your IRS issues, and actually increase your long-term wealth. Board-Certified Specialist in Tax Law and Criminal Law. More than just two Generations of Tax Attorneys, The MacPherson Group, LLC. When you engage our firm, you obtain a legal and financial dream team that also includes our Staff and Advisors. Together, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you safely through your legal issues. Nathaniel MacPherson is admitted to practice law on two continents and his clients have ranged from foreign finance ministries and major global banks, to a publicly traded company and a bank director, to a Lieutenant Governor, state senators, and state representatives, to German nobility, a Hollywood star, and a five-star restaurant, to pastors, churches, and individuals with civil and criminal tax issues. ​. More about Nathan. Mac MacPherson – "The Courtroom Commando", has been practicing law for over 35 years and is the only attorney in the world board certified by a state bar as a specialist in both tax law and criminal law. Mac has tried over 55 criminal tax cases in 25 states and was on the Criminal Justice Act panel for criminal appeals to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for nearly three decades, where he was counsel on over 150 cases. ​. More about Mac. Scott MacPherson is admitted to practice law in California, Arizona, and Washington DC. He was the editor of three books on federal income tax law and contributes articles every year to a nationally-circulated monthly tax newsletter. He has negotiated offers in compromise, installment agreements, and removal wage levies for clients all across the country. ​. More about Scott. cases dropped. SUCCESS STORIES. more successes. Naturopathic doctor obtains 1/3 settlement with Minnesota Department of Revenue. Mid-size business owners settle for 5% and keep business. Small business settles worker classification audit for less than 5%. "Thank you so very much! It will be very nice to start out the new year knowing I won't be having this hanging over my head anymore." ​. "Thank you so much for all of your help! We are very grateful!!". CASE STUDIES. more studies. Case of the Missing Paratrooper. "Keep to the high ground," goes the adage; and in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, typically we did just that. After all, the ridge line provides for the easiest footing, navigation, and fields of fire. And especially. Case of the Missing Millions. Federal criminal law generally provides for a five-year statute of limitations (SOL), meaning the government has five years from the commission of the crime to obtain a grand jury indictment and file it with the court. Once exception is the laundry list of tax crimes, for which Congress, in its divine wisdom or otherwise, provided IRS six years. Case of the Missing Truffles. What litigator, civil or criminal, does not want to have his case heard before the U.S. Supreme Court? And argue it himself. Thus it was with great hope and expectation that the highest court. 1-800-BEAT-IRS. 623-209-2008. Copyright © 2020 The MacPherson Group, LLC, All Rights Reserved. Website by Software Ridge LLC.
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Southern and Northern California premier wedding planner.Allison Weddings. Skip to content Home. Galleries. What We Do. Who We Are. Press. Giving Back. Contact. AW Blog 712 Capitola Ave. Capitola, CA 95010. 831.345.3365. © 2020 Allison Weddings.
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Allison Weddings
Camilleri Cassar Advocates is a Malta based lawfirm provide an array of legal services to global and local clients, be them large corporates, small to medium sized enterprises or private clients. The firm was set up in 2015 as a partnership between Stefan Camilleri and Laragh Cassar, two well established and leading lawyers in Malta.Camilleri Cassar Advocates - Malta Law firm COVID 19. COVID 19 Legal Updates. READ MORE. discover our full range. of legal services. Litigation and General Civil Practice Area. Click here to view the related fields of practice. READ MORE. Corporate and Finance Practice Area. Click here to view the related field of practice. READ MORE. About Us. Find out about the firm and our vision and values underpinning our practice. READ MORE. our offices. Camilleri Cassar Advocates. 206, Wisely House. Level Two. Old Bakery Street. Valletta VLT 1451. Malta. Tel: +356 2122 4276. Email: COPYRIGHT © 2020 Camilleri Cassar Advocates. TERMS OF USE. PRIVACY POLICY. SITEMAP WEBSITE BY AQUBIX.
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Camilleri Cassar Advocates
The mission at J. Butler Property Management is to deliver the highest industry standards and services possible to our many clients throughout Eastern Massachusetts, Boston, and Southern New Hampshire. Our business is based on core beliefs of integrity, honesty, and hard work. We are committed to offering our clients a level of service, response time, and open communication that often lacks in today’s business world. Our company is divided into four divisions: condominium complexes, apartment buildings, small property, and commercial property to be able to meet the unique needs of our clients and their particular circumstances. Nearly all of the clients of J. Butler Properties are long-term and stay with us because of our attention to detail and care we put into every interaction.Home - J. Butler Property Management. Other Divisions (978) 307-1240. Home. Online Services. Property Management Services. About Us. Blog. Contact Us Want to maximize your property investment? J. Butler Properties will provide your income property with the necessary plans and budgets, including market analysis and preventative maintenance, to increase your profits and decrease unnecessary spending. Learn More Who We Are. What We Do. Leasing Finding clients to occupy your space is the first step to making your property profitable. Our team of leasing experts will work with you through every step of the way. Once you receive applications, we'll carefully screen each client - including a background check - which will minimize turnover and keep your occupancy as full as possible. Finance Making sure all your finances are in order is crucial to success. We understand that keeping track of it all can be confusing, and our team of financial experts will keep track of accounts payable and receivable, and always be mindful of your budgets & make sure spending aligns with your long & short term goals. Property Inspections Completing both pre and post occupancy inspections ensures that each new tenant is moving into a space that feels new and is uniquely their own. Performing pre and post inspections allows us to track any damages and provide repairs and updates if necessary. Rent Collection Our team of financial advisors will work diligently to keep organized records and make sure your rent is paid on time. We will also carefully communicate with tenant's about your rent policies and what happens if the policies are broken. Eviction When it comes to eviction, there is a lot of legal proceedings that go along with it. Keeping detailed records and understanding the rights of both you and your tenant can minimize the chance of miscommunication and make sure the eviction process goes as smooth as possible. Maintenance Maintenance is the easy part. With our team of in-house maintenance staff and preferred vendors, you never have to worry about calling around to get the best price. You can feel confident you're receiving quality, affordable maintenance by using our services. Background Checks Performing background checks can be a time consuming and sometimes tedious process, but it's critical in order to successfully manage a property. We perform background checks on each potential occupant, ensuring you're only renting to capable, responsible tenants. Legal Guidance Navigating the legal world of property management can be challenging, and we're here to help. We have lots of experience in dealing with legal aspects of property management, and use a team of reputable lawyers if necessary. HOA Compliance Homeowners associations are put into place to provide safety guidelines and other protocols when it comes to living on your property. We'll work to ensure all staff and tenants comply with all HOA regulations, and enforce all policies. We understand that creating short-term and long-term goals for your condominium are essential for you and your investors. We can provide a variety of management services that will save you time, resources, and money to put money in your pocket now and increase value in the future. Condominium Management By utilizing our in-house team of communicative leasing, financial, and maintenance professionals, J. Butler can reduce turnover, provide comprehensive screenings, bring in qualified tenants, and service your property, which ultimately cuts costs and increases your revenue. Apartment Management J. Butler Property Management is the only company in the area to offer a division specific to small property owners' needs. We are devoted to providing comprehensive management solutions for our customers and assist in increasing their profits by screening, accepting, and retaining exceptional tenants. Small Property Management Our team knows how important it is to maintain full occupancy on your commercial properties. By using proven marketing strategies and specialized tenant retention programs, we will help bring in qualified local businesses and national franchises to maximize your rent potential. Commercial Management Our Clients Love Us And We Love Our Clients. "They Have Been Extremely Reliable". I have worked with J Butler Property Management for several years and couldn't be me more pleased. They manage a condo for me and they have provided a range of services, including screening of tenants, rent collection, lease renewal, and a range of maintenance services. ~David F. "Managed My Single Family Home". J Butler Property managed my single family home, they very quick to respond to my emails/calls whenever I had an issue. Office staff was delightful and helpful over the phone. I would recommend this company to family and friends, and use them again in the future! ~Stephanie D. Our goal is simple Whether you are new to the Massachusetts area or relocating from one Boston, MA neighborhood to another, we are here to make the process easy and enjoyable! To that end, take your time and explore our highly informative and interactive website. Our search capabilities allow you to search all Boston, MA and Massachusetts Apartments. Go To Recent Articles. Do You Need Property Management for Your Rentals? Leave the Administrative Work to J. Butler. Maintenance and Communication in Commercial Property Management. Get In Touch. 2500 Main St #105. Tewksbury, MA 01876. T:. 2500 Main St #105Tewksbury, MA 01876T: (978) 307-1240 © 2021 J. Butler Property Management. All Rights Reserved.
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J.Butler Property Management, LLC.
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TN Connections Jewelry Photography
The-O Network is company based in the San Francisco Bay Area that focuses on promoting pop culture from Asia to the United States. Our Mission •Promote recognition of the accomplishments of entertainment from Asia •Improve diversity in the entertainment industry •Build global entertainment opportunities •Support Asian entertainers and industry professionals Services Utilizing professional-level resources and talents, based on skills gained from working at various industries [including educat
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The-O Network
Idealizada com o propósito de contribuir para o atendimento de nefrologia e diálise no Brasil, a Nefrocare foi fundada por médicos que perceberam a falta de acesso ao tratamento renal substitutivo por uma grande parcela da população no país. Reconhecido por diversos órgãos internacionais pela sua execlência e empreendedorismo, a Nefrocare tem como missão promover e desenvolver soluções para saúde renal, com qualidade, segurança e eficiência, visando o bem estar social.Este site foi desenvolvido com o construtor de Crie seu site hoje. Crie seu site hoje. Comece já. Home. Serviços. Contato. More. NEFROCARE. Soluções para a saúde renal. Quem Somos. Idealizada com o propósito de contribuir para o atendimento de nefrologia e diálise no Brasil, a Nefrocare foi fundada por médicos que perceberam a falta de acesso ao tratamento renal substitutivo por uma grande parcela da população no país. Com a missão de promover e desenvolver soluções para saúde renal, com qualidade, segurança e eficiência, visando o bem estar social, somos hoje reconhecido por diversos órgãos internacionais pela excelência e empreendedorismo. Nossos Valores. Valorizamos atitudes e aspectos que contribuem para nossos objetivos:. ​. Empreendedorismo. Qualidade. Pessoas. Meritocracia. Obstinação por resultados. Nossos Serviços. ​. Hemodiálise. Diálise Peritoneal. Diálise à beira do leito. Ambulatório de Nefrologia e de Especialidades. ​. A Nefrocare oferece serviços de gestão para centros de diálise.Veja mais>>. Melhor cuidado começa com você! TRABALHE CONOSCO. Fale com a gente (19) 3287-4788. Email:.
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CommunityMed Urgent Care & Family Care is a walk-in clinic (not an expensive ER) serving the North Texas area with multiple locations. No appointment is needed to be seen by a healthcare professional and the average wait + visit time is 30 minutes or less! We are open late and on weekends (until 8pm) with convenient hours to serve you. Our Clinics are in-network with most major insurances - including Medicare and Tricare! We are not an ER and so you may pay up to 90% less than a regular ER forFamily Urgent Care. CommunityMed Urgent Care - Just another WordPress site. skip links. Why CommunityMed? Contact Us. Home Locations & Check-in. E-Check-in Forms. Services. Pay Bill Online. Careers. Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Testing is Available at All CommunityMed Clinics. PCR Swab and Blood Antibody Tests also available. Book a COVID Test FIND A CLINIC NEAR YOU. We found these clinics nearby. Arlington Family Urgent Care. Mon – Sat 8a-8p, Sun 12p-8p. 6320 US Hwy 287, Ste 112. Arlington, TX 76001. (Next to Albertsons) Click to call: (817) 778-9883 More Location Info. Online Check-In Get Directions Cross Roads Family Urgent Care. Mon – Sat 8a-8p, Sun 12p-8p. 11350 US-380 Suite #100. Cross Roads, TX 76227. (on Hwy 380 in front of Walmart Supercenter) Click to call: (940) 228-0721 More Location Info. Online Check-In Get Directions The North Texas Area. Fast & Friendly Urgent Care. Trustworthy care where you are treated like family. Check-In & Location Info COVID-19 TESTING INFO CommunityMed Offers. Little-to-no wait. Average visit time of an hour or less – including wait time. In-Network with insurances, including Medicare & Tricare. Up to 10x less expensive than an ER Visit. Open late (8pm) and weekends. Walk-ins welcome! No appointment necessary Get In Line COVID-19 SWAB & ANTIBODY TESTING. Schedule your test today or find out more information about our FDA Authorized COVID testing. MORE ON COVID TESTING Comprehensive Treatments and Services. COVID Testing PCR Swab and Antibody Tests. Book Now Urgent Care Services Treating patients of all ages. Learn More School Physicals For youth ages 12-18. Book Now Occupational Medicine For large and small companies. Learn More DOT Physicals At competitive rates. Book Now Please Note: Not all clinics have Occupational Medicine or DOT Services. Please check with a specific clinic prior to visiting if you need these services. Services. WE SEE BOO-BOOS TO BROKEN BONES, SNIFFLES AND STITCHES! WE HANDLE ILLNESS AND INJURY INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: Stitches. Strep Throat & Flu. Colds & Coughs. Rashes & Shingles. Ear Aches & Ear Infections. Bronchitis & Asthma. Diarrhea Pink Eye. Physicals & Screenings. X-Rays. Splints. Fever. UTI. Laryngitis. Ringworm Headache. Vomiting. Allergies. Abcesses. Mononucleosis (Mono). Sinus Infections. Ear Wax Removal Bug & Animal Bites. Lacerations. Sprains. Splinters & Nails. Heart Burn & Acid Reflux. Bladder Infections. RSV Diagnosis. Hand, Foot & Mouth Diagnosis CommunityMed Family Urgent Care – A Medical Clinic Providing Comprehensive Healthcare Services in North Texas There are very few health clinics in the area that offer the comprehensive services that CommunityMed Family Urgent Care does. With locations spanning the North Texas area, we're the urgent care clinic you can come to seven days a week to receive treatment for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses. We're also the center you can visit for walk-in school physicals, flu vaccinations, occupational medicine, and more. So, whether your teenager needs a sports physical for school or an X-ray after a skateboard accident, CommunityMed is here to serve you. At CommunityMed, we treat boo-boos to broken bones, sniffles to stitches. This means our extensively trained practitioners can provide medical attention for virtually any non-emergency condition. We're also equipped to administer school or work physicals, diagnostic testing, wellness exams, digital X-rays, health screenings, flu and tetanus vaccinations, and more. We're proud to have total visit time of 30 minutes or less, ensuring you're not spending hours waiting around to see one of our practitioners. We work efficiently while still providing a high level of individualized care so that our patients are in, out, and on their way sooner than they expected. Furthermore, as a medical clinic, we offer many services that you might find at a typical family practice. These services may include high blood pressure, asthma, and non-insulin diabetes diagnosis and management as part of your annual wellness screening. During the annual wellness exam, we can also identify any potential medical concerns. We can even help you schedule a consultation with a reputable specialist, should you require care that goes beyond what our practice offers. It's this kind of commitment to our patients that sets CommunityMed apart from other healthcare providers in the region. Locations & Check-In In-Network with Most Major Insurances. This even includes Medicare, Tricare and some Workman's Compensation insurances. Find out about your insurance. Insurance Info Easy Online Check-In Available. At Any of Our North Texas Urgent Care Clinics. Locations and Check-in. CommunityMed Urgent Care is a locally-owned Urgent Care healthcare provider serving the north Texas area. We are a walk-in urgent care clinic that prides itself in excellent care and community involvement. Our Cross Roads location serves Cross Roads, Krugerville, Aubrey, Pilot Point, Celina, Little Elm, North Denton, and many of the towns in the North Collin county area. We are located on Hwy 380 in front of Walmart next to Whataburger. Our Haslet Avondale 287 location serves Haslet, Rhome, Newark, Pecan Acres, Boyd, Eagle Mountain, Saginaw, Briar, Pelican Bay, Justin, Decatur and area communities. We are located off of Avondale-Haslet Rd. across the street from Walmart, near Supercuts and HWY 287. Our Haslet FM156 location serves Haslet, Saginaw, Keller, Roanoke, Justin, Trophy Club, Northlake and the surrounding areas. We are located off of FM 156 across from Community Park and next to Radiant Dental Care. Our Lantana location serves Bartonville, Lantana, Double Oak, Argyle, Highland Village, Flower Mount, South Denton, and the surrounding communities. We are located off of FM 407 in the Kroger shopping center, next to Supercuts. Our Melissa location serves North McKinney, Melissa, Anna, Princeton, Bonham, Van Alstyne, Blue Ridge, Trenton, and many of the towns in the North Collin county area. Next to Pizza Hut and Melissa Family Dental, just north of Melissa City Hall. Our Princeton location serves Princeton, Farmersville, Copeville, East McKinney, Lowry Crossing, New Hope, Merit and the surrounding areas. We are located off of Hwy 380 across from Walmart and next to Starbucks. Our Prosper location serves Frisco, McKinney, Celina, Weston, Gunter, Little Elm, Aubrey, Pilot Point, Krugerville, Oak Point, Providence Village, Little Elm, Marilee and many of the towns in the North Collin County area. We are located on N Preston Rd (289) next to Prosper Pharmacy. Our Southlake location serves Southlake, Trophy Club, Westlake, Keller, Colleyville, Grapevine, Coppell and area communities. We are located on E. Southlake Blvd. near the Chick-Fil-A, across from Lowe's. (Near Kimball and 114) Our South Arlington location serves Kennedale, Arlington, Mansfield, Forest Hill, Everman, Rendon, Crowley, and many of the towns in south Tarrant County. We are on the Sublett road exit off of US Highway 287 (next exit south of Interstate 20) next to Albertsons. Our Wichita Falls location serves Wichita Falls and the surrounding cities, including those in southern Oklahoma. We are happy to serve local cities and communities such as Burkburnett, Henrietta, Electra, Iowa Park, Holliday, Lakeside City, Archer City, Bowie and more. © 2020 CommunityMed Family Urgent Care. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. Patient Privacy. Accessibility.
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CommunityMed Family Urgent Care
A Luz Própria 360 é uma agência de propaganda e marketing, que surgiu no ano de 2005 primeiramente na web, com o objetivo de desenvolver sistemas e soluções de marketing digital. De lá pra cá surgiram novos desafios, que permitiram inovar com a integração do online e offline, dando brilho às campanhas e um alcance maior em novas áreas do marketing.Home Luz Própria Serviços Portfólio Blog Contato. LUZ CAMERA E AÇÃO. Estamos nos cinemas com uma produção própria Social Media. Planejamento, criação e gerenciamento de conteúdos estratégicos nas diferentes redes. Websites. Desenvolvimento de sites responsivos com estrutura de encontrabilidade e conversão. E-commerce. Parceria com plataforma VTEX ® para oferecer a melhor experiência para o usuário. SEO. Expertise em aumentar a visibilidade de sua marca com técnicas eficientes de otimização. Mídia de Performance. Estratégias personalizadas para atingir o melhor desempenho do investimento. Inbound Marketing. Conjunto de estratégias e automação de resultados para atrair, nutrir e converter clientes em potencial. Campanhas Integradas. Criação de ações multimídias com foco em entrega de resultados e alta performance. Data & Analytics. Informações precisas e análises eficientes para projetar as melhores decisões de marketing. Agência de Marketing Digital, desenvolvimento de E-commerce e Websites. PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE. Rua Augusta Groto da Silva, 110. +55 18 3203 3544. COPYRIGHT © 2020 - Todos os direitos reservados.
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Luz Própria 360 - Propaganda e Marketing
Based in Paris. MOdD helps brands define their identities and their communication tools. Branding is a global experience: visual, interactive and spatial.This is why we offer a full service from strategy to design. Because it takes time to truly know a brand, the values it stands for and its people, we have a long term relationship with our clients.The extend of our work allows us to follow and stimulate the development of brands in all areas of communication. With a background in architecture and design it is important to us to develop practical solutions.­ Nos projets A PROPOS Contact Nous créons ou recréons l'identité des marques. Identité visuelleDesign produitDesign d'espaceDesign web En savoir plus NOS DERNIERS PROJETS. Voir tous les projets NOS CLIENTS. CONTACT. 15 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris. +33 1 40 28 07 96. © MOdD - Crédits & Mentions légales.
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MOdD - Design and Branding Agency
Há mais de 20 anos a Correa Lima Corretora de Seguros oferece as melhores soluções em seguros, destacando-se na qualidade de atendimento aos seus clientes e uma infra-estrutura completa com profissionais altamente qualificados.A CORREA LIMA. O QUE FAZEMOS. NA MÍDIA. CONTATO. Quem Somos. Atendimento. atendimento de forma comprometida. Nossa Equipe. A satisfação de nossos colaboradores é a satisfação de nossos clientes. Correa Lima. um empreendimento visionário e inovador. Conheça. Nossos. Clientes. Seguro só com corretor de Seguros. MAPA DO SITE. FAÇA UMA COTAÇÃO. 11 2448 3500. ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO. UNIDADE JUNDIAÍ Av. Jundiaí, 625. Anhangabaú. Jundiaí - São Paulo. UNIDADE SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS Rua Madre Paula, 66. Vila Ema. São José dos Campos - São Paulo. Desenvolvido por Urso Propaganda.
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Sul América Seguros
Dutton Law Group is a “classic” insurance defense firm representing insurance companies and their insureds, as well as insurance brokers and agents. Dutton Law Group offers comprehensive insurance coverage and defense services, including policy analysis and interpretation, and defense against claim litigation. The Firm also specializes in the handling and litigation of extra-contractual or bad faith issues.Home. Dutton Law Group. Facebook. LinkedIn. Friday, January 8, 2021. Home. About. Attorneys. Blog. News & Events. Careers. Contact Home. About. Attorneys. Blog. News & Events. Careers. Contact We're expanding our footprint in the Panhandle. Click or tap here to view upcoming webinars being offered by the firm. Professional Excellence. The members of Dutton Law Group are driven by a commitment to professional excellence and adhere to this as a core value intrinsic to the Firm's culture. Find out more Effective Representation. Our work is thorough and principled. We have earned a solid reputation with both clients and colleagues for high ethical standards and attention to detail. Find out more Efficient Client Services. We understand the need for streamlined and efficient legal services while not compromising on providing quality representation to insurers and insureds. Find out more A Classic Insurance Defense Law Firm. Dutton Law Group offers comprehensive insurance coverage and defense services, including policy analysis and interpretation, and defense against claim litigation. The Firm also specializes in the handling and litigation of extra-contractual or bad faith issues, providing quality representation by legal professionals with significant experience in each area of practice. EUO needed? Inquire regarding our dedicated EUO program. Continuing Education Events Webinar - Material Misrepresentation in the Application for Insurance - Presented by Dutton Law Group. Program date and time: Wednesday January 27, 2021 at 9:00 AM. View Featured Posts From Our Blog. PIP / Discovery. Testimony of Litigation Adjuster Will Not Lead to Admissible Evidence as to Purely Legal Issues of Unbundling of CPT Codes and Sufficiency of Demand Letter. Columna, Inc., a/a/o Ovar Bailey v. Allstate Ins. Co. By Scott W. Dutton - December 23, 2020. Bodily Injury Rear-end collisions and the Rebuttable Presumption of Negligence. The "rear-end collision rule" was first acknowledged by District courts in McNulty v. Cusack. By John G. Miller – November 23, 2020. Property Claims. March 2020 Homeowner Roundup. A Snapshot of Recent Statutes, Decisions, Holdings, and Opinions, That Impact First-Party Homeowner's Property Insurance Cases. By Dutton Law Group Property Insurance Team – March 29, 2020. Congratulations to Dennis P. Dore of the Jacksonville Office for Being Recognized in the 2020 Florida Super Lawyers Listing Attorney Advertising Notice: information contained in this web site may be considered attorney advertising. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here. The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. Home. About Us. EUO. Representative Clients. Privacy. Sitemap. Contact Us Copyright © 2021 Dutton Law Group, P. A.
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Dutton Law Group
Since March 7, 1907, the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce has served the needs of the business community in Delaware County. Today, with more than 400 members, the Chamber brings a business perspective to initiatives throughout Delaware County, and works with local organizations and government entities to ensure that Delaware County continues to be one of the fastest-growing areas of the County. Governed by a Board of Directors representing businesses and organizations and elected by our StDelaware Area Chamber of Commerce About Us. Find A Business Calendar Membership. Annual Events. Newsletter Community. Development Safety Council. Member Login Leadership Delaware Join The Chamber The Chamber Welcomes Rotary Products, Inc. Onda USA, LLC Pizza Cottage MLS Construction Services, LLC Alum Creek Farm Chamber CELEBRATIONS NEW HOT DEALS widget @ UPCOMING EVENTS Sustaining Members Home. Photos. Business Directory. Calendar. Hot Deals. Job Postings. Request Information. Member Login. Delaware Area Chamber, 32 S Sandusky St, Delaware, OH 43015. (740) 369-6221. Data Protection & Privacy Policy.
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Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
When expertly harnessed and strategically applied, data can be transformational. Quantium offers a 17-year track record of innovation in data science. We combine the best of human and artificial intelligence to power possibilities for individuals, organisations and society. Founded in Australia in 2002, Quantium works with iconic brands in over 20 countries, partnering on their greatest challenges and unlocking breakthrough opportunities.Quantium. For an update on Quantium's COVID-19 response and business continuity plans, please click here Sign in.. Search. Industries. Solutions. Insights. Team and locations. Careers. Corporate responsibility Data powering possibilities. When expertly harnessed and strategically applied, data can be transformational. We combine the best of human and artificial intelligence to power possibilities for individuals, organisations and society. Talk to us We bring expertise in two core domains to make the most of opportunities in the ‘big data world'. Data science. Translating raw data into actionable insight. Data cleansing and curation. Data ecosystem. Data monetisation. Applied analytics Artificial intelligence. Build transformative, data-powered solutions. Decision support tools. Decision engines. Machine learning How we bring this together. People. We combine a diverse team of experts that spans actuaries, statisticians, data scientists, product leaders, strategy consultants, software engineers, delivery managers, industry experts, designers, and futurists – all dedicated to harnessing the power of data to drive transformational outcomes for our clients. Products and platform. Quantium delivers breakthrough solutions in data and technology. We develop, analyse and monetise datasets, generate insights, create decision support tools and embed automated decision engines. We bring all this to bear in Q, which powers everything we do. Process. We implement renowned data handling techniques, without which clients cannot fully realise the strategic and commercial value of their data. We draw upon a 18-year track record in proprietary methodologies across data science and artificial intelligence. We always go beyond mere data-led insight, into actionable commercial solutions that reshape businesses, categories and, at their very best, society at large. Everything we do is powered by Q. Q is a cloud based data science and artificial intelligence platform, integrating Quantium's IP into one powerful platform since 2002. We work with iconic brands in over 20 countries, partnering on their greatest challenges and unlocking transformational opportunities. A word from some of our clients. At Walmart, we are always looking at ways to accelerate innovation for the benefit of our customers. Quantium has developed a world-class data science and AI solution that has transformed the accuracy of Walmart's prediction of customers' needs at scale. The solution determines what our customers need, when and where they need it, significantly reducing both stock-outs and wastage. Quantium's people combine technical excellence with incisive commerciality. They took the time to really understand Walmart and delivered a solution that has yielded an immediate improvement in customer experience, along with financial benefits at both the cost and revenue lines. Greg Foran. President and CEO, Walmart Working together with Quantium has allowed our business to understand the behaviour and needs of shoppers in much greater depth than we previously have. The richness of information has also enabled us to engage in the most strategic manner with the retailer, which has helped to build joint plans over the past five or so years. The team we work with at Quantium add great value to our business through a clear understanding of our needs, how we operate, and their ability to integrate into our organisation has been fantastic. Michael Higginbotham. Buying Specialist, Mondelez We work with Quantium on a daily basis and the team are both helpful and insightful on how their data can answer our key business questions. Quantium have delivered some outstanding solutions for our business and I can honestly say we work in true partnership. Category Team. Kimberly Clark Australia The level of analytics and science behind their service is incredibly sophisticated and valuable. The opportunity for uncovering true insights is real. Cesar Contreras. Category Development, Sanofi Through understanding customers, targeting the most valuable audience or measuring the impact of advertising, Quantium's data and analytical expertise is unrivalled. Quantium brings innovative ideas to the table which deliver real commercial value to our business. They continue to support the growth of our partnership with a unique insight that continues to broaden how our clients want to engage with News Corp. Cameron King. Managing Director – Digital Revenue, News Corp Australia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Insights. Peak smartphone and the future of online search. Discover more Fresh food subscriptions and delivery services: from occasional treats to a permanent fixture. Discover more The importance of data in developing omni-channel FMCG strategies. Discover more What the online retail acceleration means for FMCG suppliers. Discover more How data science is empowering bank customers to take climate action into their own hands. Discover more. Quantium's Green Score is a ground-breaking product that allows banks to leverage the power of transaction data to help their customers track and eliminate retail carbon emissions. Why banks around the world are using Q.Refinery. Discover more Read more posts Industries FMCG / CPG Retail Banking and wealth Media Property Consumer services Insurance Health Public sector. Solutions Q Q.Checkout Q.Promotions Q.Shelf Q.Supply Q.Shopper Q.Profile Q.Segments Q.Measure Q.Measure TV Q.Activate Q.Refinery Q.Credit Q.Audience Q.Centre Q.Lease Q.Checkup Q.Dose. Insights. Team and Locations. Careers. Corporate Responsibility Sydney. Level 25, 8-12 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW, 2000 Australia. Phone: +61 2 9292 6400. Melbourne. Level 17, 600 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC, 3000 Australia. Phone: +61 3 8602 0100. Brisbane. Level 17, 144 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD, 4000. Australia Phone: +61 7 3020 2400. Canberra. Suite 1.02, Level 1, 17 Moore Street, Canberra ACT, 2601 Australia. Phone: +61 2 9292 6400. Auckland. Level 10. 11 Britomart Place. Auckland 1010. New Zealand Phone: +64 212 715 667. San Francisco. 535 Mission St. 19th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94105. United States Bentonville. 609 SW 8th St. Suite 310. Bentonville AR 72712 Phone: +1 479 225-9700. Hyderabad. CIN – U74120TG2013FTC086534 Tower 2.1, Mezzanine Level Part-E, Sy.No 115 (Part) U7 Wave Rock Building, TSIIC (IT/ITES, SEZ), Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Hyderabad, Telangana 500008, India. Phone: +91 733113 5111. Johannesburg. 5th Floor, WeWork, The Link, 173 Oxford Road, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196. South Africa Phone: +27 10 592 1810. Chicago. 1 S Dearborn. 20th Floor. Chicago, IL 60603. United States London. WeWork office, 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SH, United Kingdom. Phone: +44 20 3695 7895. Media Contact. James Tait. Managing Partner. Res Publica. E: Phone: + 61 400 304 147. Privacy policy. Whistleblowing policy. Terms of use. Opt out Copyright © 2020 Quantium.
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DDway è l'anima di system integration e consulenza di Dedagroup ICT Network. La società può vantare importanti esperienze in ambito business intelligence e gestione documentale per la Pubblica Amministrazione Centrale, nuove soluzioni per la gestione del credito e dei sistemi di pagamento per Istituti Finanziari e Assicurativi, competenze in ambito Extended ERP per le Imprese Manifatturiere. Un ricco elenco che include anche una soluzione proprietaria: Stealth, l'ERP multisite e multilingua l
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Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome at Leeds Church just as you are to receive the blessings of God so freely given of new and unending life in Jesus Christ. 250th Anniversary Celebration PostponementThe Episcopal Church of Leeds Parish. Skip to content Welcoming, Joyful, Loving. GIVE NOW. Home. About. Connect. Worship. Learn. Serve. Pastoral Care. Preschool. Contact. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome at Leeds Church just as you are to receive the blessings of God so freely given of new and unending life in Jesus Christ. 250th Anniversary Celebration Postponement. WORSHIP SCHEDULE:. This Sunday, January 31, we will offer our prerecorded worship service of Holy Eucharist: Rite II at 9:30 am from inside our beautiful and historic church building! While we cannot yet gather in-person inside our church building, we will offer our prerecorded virtual worship at 9:30 am. Please note that our worship video will be available at 9:30 am EST and any time there after for those who wish to worship later. The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Transferred) Video. Bulletin. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for changes to the worship schedule and parish and non-parish activities. And stay safe! Upcoming Events. Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany-Virtual Worship. Last Sunday after the Epiphany-Virtual Worship. Vestry Meeting - 8:30 pm. View All Events Christian Formation. Christian education is a lifelong journey of learning and enrichment in which one grows as a disciple of Jesus Christ. read more Outreach. Leeds Church has international, national, and local outreach ministries. We seek to serve and build up our neighbors, both near and far. read more Pastoral Care. At significant life moments, we experience God's love, blessing, and care through special worship services and compassionate support from our brothers and sisters in Christ. read more Give. God has blessed us abundantly, and we have the opportunity to give back to God and serve others in the name of Christ. GIVE NOW. Web Episcopal Church. Web The Diocese Upcoming Events. Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany-Virtual Worship. Last Sunday after the Epiphany-Virtual Worship. Vestry Meeting - 8:30 pm. View All Events Copyright© 2009-2016 The Diocese of Virginia.. All Rights Reserved. Design by IMAGINA Toggle Sliding Bar Area. Go to Top.
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Leeds Episcopal Church
Shifamed is a highly specialized innovation hub, striving to resolve unmet needs in the medtech industry. We are a multi-disciplined group of engineers with the imagination, ambition, and experience to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities through rapid tactical execution. With an emphasis on advanced technology and collaboration, we are dedicated to finding better ways to address critical healthcare needs. History demonstrates our ability to design, develop, and commercialize products that are done right and enhance clinical outcomes. Learn more at shifamed.comShifamed. logo-color HOME. About. People. Process. Portfolio News. Careers. Contact A Highly-Specialized. Innovation Hub. Engineering a Strong. Record of Success. Who We Are. Shifamed is a medical technology innovation hub located in a state-of-the-art campus in the heart of Silicon Valley. At our core, we are purpose-driven entrepreneurs, innovators, and engineers focused on building next generation medical products that improve clinical standards and patients' lives Meet The Team How We Work. Insight. Strategy. Ideation. Results. Return. These are the keys to our continued success and the rapid advancement of modern medical devices. Our Process Take The Tour © 2020 All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy Shifamed, LLC. 590 Division Street. Campbell, CA 95008.
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A Topeka, Kansas based boutique Architecture firm. We help our Clients with renovations, additions and new construction in a variety of building types including: office, education, parks, multifamily, medical, government, historical renovations, and adaptive re-use.Falk Architects. Skip to Content Blog About Services Careers Contact Us We Specialize in Happy Clients. Our "Secret Happy Client Formula" = Meet Project Goals + On Time + On Budget. A Topeka, Kansas based boutique Architecture firm. We provide Architectural services for renovations, additions and new construction in a variety of building types including: office, education, parks, multifamily, medical, government, historical renovations, and adaptive re-use. How can we help?. Capabilities. Commercial – We have provided services for many commercial customers. We build and renovate office spaces, apartment buildings, and venue space. If you can put a business in it, we can help you build it. Government – We work with City, County, State governments on their building and renovation needs. We provide on-call work, informal small projects, and provide services as part of a RFP or RFQ. Educational Facilities – We have had a hand in remodeling many of our local schools including kitchen remodels, classroom remodels, even work at historic Topeka High School. From preschool through college, we have the experience to improve our schools. Non-Profit – Local Churches, Topeka Housing Authority, Downtown Topeka Inc., and NOTO Arts and Entertainment District are just some of the non-profit organizations we have worked with over the years. We always try to provide great design at a fair price and help to build up our community in the process. Are you a design nerd? We're hiring. Learn more Direct: (785) 691-9958. Office: (785) 338-4920. 602 SW 6th Ave. #1. Topeka, KS 66603.
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Falk Architects Inc
JPA ENTERTAINMENT is an integrated media company that specializes in producing content for Major Record Labels, Celebrities. Brands, & Influencers. Owned and operated by founder John Andosca, since 2006 JPA Entertainment has been producing the following: Social Media Micro-Content Commercials/Pre-Rolls Lyric Videos EPKs (Short Bio Videos) Visualizers Pseudo Videos Music Videos Live Concert CoverageThe Latest. ANIMATIONS. D2C. PRE-ROLLS. LYRIC VIDEOS. EPKs. MISC. About Stallone Shop - Rocky Fedora 3D Animation. — view —. VaynerSports Sizzle Reel. — view —. Lil Yachty Animation. — view —. The Weeknd "After Hours" Ads. — view —. Stallone Shop "Yo" Collection. — view —. Migos "Need It" Visualizer. — view —. Lindsay Lohan "Back to Me" Animation. — view —. Halsey "Manic" Ad Campaign. — view —. Project Rock Strategy Meeting Video. — view —. Dwayne Johnson Superbowl Sizzle. — view —. Lil Wayne "Funeral" Animation. — view —. Stallone Shop Rambo Collection Ad. — view —. Migos Taco Tuesday Animation. — view —. Lil Baby "My Turn" Animations. — view —. Lauv "How I'm Feeling" Ad. — view —. Ozzy Osbourne "Ordinary Man" Album Launch Campaign. — view —. Hailee Steinfeld "Wrong Direction" Lyric Video. — view —. Bon Jovi "Limitless" Animation. — view —. The Rock 'Smolder For Good' Campaign Video. — view —. Black Eyed Peas Bad Boys Contest. — view —. Project Rock x Lindsey Vonn. — view —. Ozzy Osbourne Animation. — view —. Rihanna "Anti" Third Year Anniversary Animation. — view —. Ed Sheeran Merch. — view —. Drake "Care Package" Animation. — view —. The Jonas Brothers Times Square Billboard. — view —. Dwayne Johnson Titan Games Announcements. — view —. Paul McCartney Egypt Station Ads. — view —. Sly Stallone Shop Videos. — view —.
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JPA Entertainment
Specialty Engineering was founded in 1981 with the goal of providing clients with customer service, reliable testing, and comprehensive maintenance that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. With over 35 years of experience providing high voltage testing and maintenance services in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, California, Southwest, and even internationally. Specialty Engineering has the ability to find innovative solutions for our clients in areas that range from NETA standards based testing services, to substation apparatus repair, relay upgrades, SCADA upgrades, UL 508A panel construction, substation construction services, and much more! Below is a brief listing of just some of what we provide to our customers. HERE ARE SOME OF THE ENGINEERING SERVICES WE PROVIDE: Substation design, which includes ground grid design (by gathering of soil resistivity, we develop a CDEGS software model conforming to IEEE 80), coordination studies, arc flash studies, complete construction/bid-ready drawing, and specification package assembly.Specialty Engineering. High Voltage Systems Repair and Testing Skip to content. BUY / SELL / LEASE / TRADE REGULATORS About. Services. Testimonials. Resources. News. Contact Service is Our Specialty. Specialty Engineering has administered reliable service for comprehensive testing, maintenance and repair of high voltage systems throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska since 1981. GET A FREE QUOTE. SHOP SERVICES. FIELD SERVICES. Proper maintainence is essential. High voltage apparatus presents risks to high value personnel and equipment that simply cannot be ignored. Protection of complex electrical power infrastructures takes on many forms, including protective relaying, mechanical systems, arc flash, environmental, preventative maintenance testing, and regularly scheduled maintenance/repairs of equipment. Today's high demand for reliable power systems has never been more important that it is now. Whether you operate, maintain, or own a data farm, paper mill, pulp mill, steel mill, mine, seafood plant, manufacturing plant, distribution center, defense facility, government facility or are an independent power producer or utility you will need a reliable and reputable testing and maintenance company on your side. We at Specialty Engineering are ready and here to serve your immediate and continuing system protection needs. GET A QUOTE. highly trained service engineers. Continued and proper maintenance of your high voltage equipment ensures continued operation and helps reduce the risk of malfunction that can cause extended interruptions of service. For over 35 years, Specialty Engineering has worked to keep our clients operational by providing industry-leading high voltage equipment testing and maintenance services throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. We remain committed to developing dependable and innovative high voltage testing and measurement solutions designed to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of our clients in order to save you time and money. Even the best, most innovative electrical equipment will slowly degrade over years of service. However, that doesn't mean the equipment has to fail. With Specialty Engineering's Customized Substation Maintenance Programs, our team of service engineers and technicians can achieve maximum efficiency, service continuity, and improve the lifespan of our client's equipment. At Specialty Engineering, our team of experienced and highly trained service engineers stand ready to help our clients in every facet relating to electrical power systems. We provide a wide range of substation design, construction, testing, and maintenance services. Our team prides themselves on being able to quickly understand our clients' needs and offer guidance and advice to find the most cost effective solution. We guarantee to keep you ahead of any problems before they develop into a crisis that may result in long downtimes or a complete stop in production. Specialty Engineering belongs to a family of companies that also includes Engineered Solutions Group, Electric Power Systems, and Dryden & LaRue. Specialty Engineering is proud to be a member of the Northwest Public Power Association and a Cooper Power Services Authorized Service Center. GET A QUOTE Call us today to find out why service truly is our specialty. CALL TODAY! get a quote or more information today! Request a Quote. Name *. First Last. * *. *. *. I Need Help With: Testing Services Maintenance Services Other. OUR LOCATION. Specialty Engineering. 10020 NE 72nd Ave, Ste 100. Vancouver, WA 98686. Phone: (360) 693-0588. NAVIGATION. Home. About. Services. Shop Services. Field Services. Testimonials. Resources. News. Contact Specialty Engineering has administered reliable service for comprehensive testing, maintenance and repair of high voltage systems throughout Oregon, Washington, and Alaska since 1981. © 2021 Specialty Engineering.. Powered by Local Fresh.
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Specialty Engineering INC.
The Annual Bankers Conference that started in 2017 and is now a signature industry event on UBA's calendar that brings together regulators, practitioners & various industry experts from international, regional and national spheres involved in facilitating and delivering financial and banking services, to discuss issues, trends, drivers and the dynamics that are increasingly shaping sustainability strategies in banking, finance & the overall development ecosystem.UGANDA BANKERS ASSOCIATION – Promoting Partnerships, Transforming Banking. Plot 2702 Block 244 Nyangweso Road Kironde Road Tankhill Muyenga. Mon-Fri: 8.00am-17.00pm. Sat-Sun CLOSED. Tell: +256 312 343 400. Home. About Us UBA Background UBA Structure and Governance UBA Membership UBA Members as at 2019 UBA Membership Member Benefits. Join Now UBA Executive Committee UBA Management. About Us Consumer Information Consumer Affairs Consumer Protection Financial Literacy Financial inclusion Fraud Protection Anti Money Laundering Agent Banking guidelines Islamic Banking Glossary Bank Branch Code. Consumer Information PUBLICATIONS Annual Reports. PUBLICATIONS News Room Press Releases Latest News Editorial Opinions Podcast & Videos TV Interviews Radio Interviews Montage ABC 2018 & 2019 Press Conference ABC 2018. News Room Opportunities Tenders Careers. Opportunities Annual Bankers Conference About ABC Annual Bankers Conference 2019 Annual Bankers Conference Magazines. Annual Bankers Conference. Business Journalists recognized by UBA during the Annual Bankers Dinner 2018. ED Ecobank Ms. Annette Kihuguru receives a UIBFS award during the Annual Bankers Dinner 2018. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire of the Supreme Court speaking to UBA Legal Team. MInister of Finance Hon. Matia Kasaija Speaks during the Annual Bankers Conference 2019. UBA bidding farewell to the Vice Chairman Mr. Rakesh Jha on 20th August 2019. UBA Chairman Mr. Patrick Mweheire and Minister of Finance Hon. Matia Kasaija unveil new UBA logo on 16th July 2019. H.E. Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi giving his remarks at the Annual Bankers Conference. Live Demo at the launch of the shared agent banking platform. The Agent Banking Company of Uganda is a subsidiary devoted to supporting the roll out of the Shared Agent Banking System across the country. Learn More ARC is a private sector led initiative supported by UBA, established to address the incessant build of Non – Performing loans (NPLs) in Uganda's financial services sector. More About ARC ICAMEK is an independent, not for profit organization dedicated to advancing Alternative Dispute Resolution in Uganda and across East Africa. Learn More Latest News & Highlights. Our mission is to deliver reliable, latest news and opinions. Maligning commercial banks in the media will damage the economy Frequently Asked Questions – No Merchant Surcharge UBA Media Release Response to BOU Governor's call on lending Interest rates Follow us on Twitter. Connect with us on:. Click here to request feedback from UBA Member Promoting Partnerships. Transforming Banking.
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Uganda Bankers' Association
Vertex Ventures is a global network of operator-investors who manage portfolios in China, Israel, Southeast Asia & India and the US. Vertex teams combine firsthand experience in transformational technologies, on-the-ground knowledge in the world’s major innovation centers, as well as global context, connections and customers. A trusted partner to some of the world’s most innovative entrepreneurs, Vertex supports its portfolio companies with unmatched operating experience and deep access to the capital, talent, partners and customers they need to build truly global businesses.Vertex Ventures US. Investments. Team. Network. Israel China SEA & India Growth Healthcare. News. Jobs. Investor login Mentor. Prescient. Push. Daring. Engine room. Audacious. Hungry. Inflict. Hustle. Multiplier. No bullshit. You've found us, so you probably already know what we do. We partner with enterprising founders who seek to disrupt large markets. Our investments. active. exited. all Show more companies Our story. Entrepreneurs as partners. We've been in your shoes. We have 20+ years' experience transforming operations, technology, and investments at foundational companies. Collectively we have founded 6 companies with a market capitalization of more than $6B. This is experience that influences how code gets written, how strong teams are assembled, and how significant problems are solved We are curious people. We innately know certain markets and are always looking to learn more. We're looking for the next pioneers. Global Network of on-call collaborators and investors. $300M. under management. $ 6B+ enterprise value created. Anchored by. $225B Portfolio. Our team. In Sik Rhee. Partner. Jonathan Heiliger. Partner. Sandeep Bhadra. Partner. Eva Khoo. VP, Operations. Chase Roberts. Principal. Domenic Perri. Partner, Platform. Get In Touch. Subscribe to our Newsletter! Our Global Network. Vertex US is part of the global Vertex Ventures network of funds. In addition to the U.S., the Vertex Global Network is comprised of affiliates in Israel, China, Southeast Asia and India. Leveraging the combined experience and resources of our extensive partner network enables our portfolio companies to realize their full potential. Copyright. © 2020 by Vertex Ventures. All rights reserved. Legal.
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Vertex Ventures
Homicide Survivors, Inc. is a nonprofit victim assistance organization dedicated to meeting the crisis and long term needs of families of murder victims. Through support, advocacy and assistance we help survivors cope emotionally, stabilize economically and help survivors seek justice for their loved ones. Homicide Survivors is committed to ensuring that no one has to endure the murder of a loved one alone. We can’t change the tragic loss, but together, we can ease the pain & prevent further victimization.
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Homicide Survivors, Inc.
Caring for Classic Wooden Boats and Their Owners Since 1928. Located at the southern end of beautiful Lake George in the Adirondack Mountains, Hall’s Boat Corporation is a center for antique and classic wooden boats and those who love them.Hall's Boat - Boatworks - Boat Sales - Boating Club Home. About Us. Contact. Webcam. Share. Facebook. Twitter Boat House. Boatworks. Boat Sales Lodgings Boating Club Charming Lake Front. Adirondack Lodging. Located at the southern end of beautiful Lake George in the Adirondack Mountains, our rentals are minutes from the Village and are the perfect getaway. Since 1928. Caring for classic wooden boats and their owners since 1928. Boatworks Experience our boat shop; view videos & browse images of wooden boat building. Boats For Sale Enjoy shopping our virtual showroom of classic and antique wooden boats. Sign Up For Email Updates Home. |. About. |. Boating Club. |. Boat Sales. |. Boat Services. |. Lodging. |. Boat Restoration. |. Engine Restoration. |. Boat Shop Logs. |. Contact. |. Sitemap © 2008 - 2019 Hall's Boat 518-668-5437.
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Hall's Boat Corporation
Accelerated Learning Center provides an outstanding RN Bridge Program for LPNs, Paramedics, Respiratory Therapists and others that would like to achieve an ASN or BSN degree. As well as achieve their State Board RN License. Accelerated Learning Center, provides both degree level Nursing courses and General Education courses need for all degree disciplines. Courses are scheduled for attendance once per week. The courses run at an accelerated pace for 4 to 10 weeks with the average course being 6 week long.Nursing Schools Nashville Tennessee|Nursing Schools Programs Nashville TN|RN Bridge Programs Nashville TN|RN Colleges TN. Home. About. RN Tutoring. Calendar. Class Registration. Books. Exams Information. Contact Us Home Accelerated Learning Center Provides an Alternative Nursing School solution with an Outstanding RN Bridge Program for LPNs, Paramedics and others that would like to achieve an ASN and BSN degree. As well as achieve their RN License. We are a tutoring school that provides the most superior and highest quality tutoring services for college courses. With our highly qualified academic staff of PhD and Master level instructors and current study materials that are specifically designed to meet your curricular needs, you will both enjoy studying and achieve academic success with our program that excels above all others. Get Your Degree, Faster, Cheaper, & Easier with. The Credit-by-Examination Bridge Program Tutored by ALC. Our innovative program enables you to get full credit for college courses through standardized exams. A pass, gets you the same credit from a college as if you passed the exam at the college. And there are no semester long courses. Fast Track Your Accredited College Degree through Tutoring and Test-Out and Save as Much as 50% in Time and Money! Tutoring and Testing-out is the quickest, most direct route to college success. Our tutored courses with PhD INSTRUCTORS, will prepare you to pass the Accredited College Exams and receive college credit for a full semester long course in just weeks! It's that easy. "Tutored Courses" include all Text material & Pre-Exam: Start at $600/ course. Non-Tutored, "Study On Your Own Courses" Text material & Pre-Exam: $400 / course. In July of 2013 ALC launched a New and Improved GUARANTEED program with more current and helpful study material. The new program and study material are GUARANTEED and will always remain up to date with Excelsior College's Nursing Program and the text books that they require. ALC is not affiliated with or part of Excelsior College, but tutors students for their ECE Exams. Our new program is not only ACCELERATED, AFFORDABLE and GUARANTEED, but is current, easy to comprehend, and has more study tools than most non-traditional programs. Better yet, Accelerated Learning Center GUARANTEES your SUCCESS! This new tutoring program and study material will better prepare you for success in your quest for the final examinations and the completion of your college degree and RN license. Our Alternative Nursing School in TN Features:. Program accreditation by both the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), formerly the NLNAC*. 100% SUCCESS GUARANTEE. 97% Exam Pass Rate. Only one class per week. Students may accelerate their program and take multiple courses if desired. Low Flat Fee per Course, instead of by the credit hour as in Traditional Programs. Four to ten weeks per course, with the average being 6 weeks. Structured alternative to Traditional Nursing Schools in TN. Academic Support from instructors with Masters and Doctoral credentials. No waiting list. Start classes at our Nashville facility anytime. Save thousands on tuition over traditional nursing schools in Nashville,tutorial publishers and other Excelsior College Prep programs.*. Transfer most college credits, even if they are over 20 years old****. On-site Clinical Lab (CPNE) and NCLEX Practice Labs** included. Our successful Accelerated Credit by Exam Tutoring Program is your best alternative to any traditional or non-traditional RN Bridge Program. ALC provides the most successful, Accelerated, Affordable, Effective, GUARANTEED option to any program designed to aid you in passing the Excelsior College examinations (ECE)*, DANTES and CLEP exams. The ALC Clinical (CPNE) Prep Lab and NCLEX Practice Lab** are available options included to assure your success. We GUARANTEE Your Success! Average Earnings Boost after RN Degree. RNs Earn $68,910 Annually on Average, Comparatively more than LPNs*** RNs Earn. $34,330 Annually on Average more than PARAMEDICS*** Request your Free Brochure. Learn everything you need to know about our Non-Traditional Nursing School RN Bridge Program and for our Free Brochure,simply fill in the information below and click "Submit". Name Email Phone Comments. Increase your annual earnings by as much as $43,300 per year. Learn more about how and our specialized alternative to Nursing Schools in Nashville, TN – With just one-class-per-week – While you continue with your present job! ALC has the most superior RN bridge program available. For more Information Fill out the Box above or Call our Admissions Office at (615) 974-7982 today to reserve your spot. *Accelerated Learning Center, Inc. and are not affiliated / associated with or endorsed by Excelsior College, DANTES, Pearson Vue Testing Centers or the College Board. **NCLEX preparation is geared toward the states of Tennessee and Kentucky. Kentucky residents will have to complete an additional 120 clinical hours after passing the CPNE. RN licenses are transferable to most states, but there are exclusions. Should you desire to take the NCLEX in a state other than Tennessee or Kentucky, or transfer your RN license in the future, check with that state's Nursing Board. We do not guarantee transferability, or eligibility to sit for the NCLEX, for any state outside of Tennessee and Kentucky. ***Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook, 2012-2013 edition. ****Excelsior College requires that Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology courses must have been completed within five(5) years of enrollment. Accelerated Learning Center, Inc., 804 Delaware Ct., Nolensville, TN 37135; Phone No:(615) 974-7982 Contact Us. Website User Agreement. Anti-Spam Policy. Privacy Policy. Sitemap. Nursing Schools Blog. Copyright © 2009-2013 All Rights Reserved. Powered by Wordpress.
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Accelerated Learning Center, Inc.
Infuse 3d, is a Product development Young start-up. With our Expertise in Product Design and development we help you grow from idea to Manufacturing. Product is all about Design, Execution and Innovation.
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Infuse 3D
With almost twentyfive years of experience within Cisco Networking Technology, VEDUCON supports customers to implement, migrate and manage Cisco based infrastructures. Next to these activities, VEDUCON delivers courses for Cisco Learning (Solution) Partners. Since VEDUCON has a broad knowledge on (Cisco) ICT solutions, VEDUCON is able to successfully finish your projects. VEDUCON has completed a variety of projects for customers in different environments. Wireless and Network Management are our specialization.Veducon - Connecting knowledge to the network. Veducon begeleidt u bij het implementeren, migreren en beheren van Cisco gebaseerde infrastructuren. Veducon is gespecialiseerd in Cisco Wireless en Cisco Network Management. Ook geeft Veducon trainingen bij Cisco Learning (Solution) Partners. Veducon is een Cisco Select Certified Partner en Meraki Elevate Partner. Cisco Wireless Cisco Network Management Cisco Instructor Verhuur apparatuur Certificeringen en referenties. CISCO Wireless. Wireless CISCO Network Management. Veducon zorgt voor een optimaal en betrouwbaar draadloos netwerk, dat altijd werkt! Daarvoor zetten wij deze stappen:. Spectrum Analyse. 1. Wij analyseren en inventariseren alle storingsbronnen, die werken met dezelfde frequentie als Wireless. Zo voorkomen wij storingen. Site Survey. 2. Met behulp van speciale software meten wij vooraf het radiosignaal in het gebouw op verzwakkingen, signaalsterkte, reflectie, overlap, etc. Deze gegevens vertellen ons exact wat, waar en hoeveel nodig is voor een optimaal werkend draadloos netwerk. Site Survey Rapportage. 3. Wij stellen een uitgebreide rapportage met benodigdheden op, inclusief foto's, tekeningen en werkinstructies voor de (huis)installateur. Deze kan daarmee de installatie probleemloos uitvoeren. Aanschaf apparatuur. 4. Wij (kunnen) zorgen voor de aanschaf van alle apparatuur bij gecertificeerde Cisco Distributeur. Naar wens verzorgt Veducon ook het onderhoud. Configuratie. 5. Wij configureren uw draadloos netwerk en zorgen dat het perfect werkt. Dit gebeurt in nauwe samenwerking met uw systeem(netwerk)beheerder die wij tegelijkertijd een training on the job geven. Zo leert uw beheerder al tijdens de configuratie hoe alles tot in detail werkt. Cisco Training. 6. Een paar maanden later geven wij uw beheerder de officiële Cisco Training. Dit kan plaatsvinden bij u op locatie of bij een opleidingscentrum van de Cisco Learning Partner bij u in de buurt. Dit doen wij in samenwerking met één van de Cisco Learning (Solution) Partners. Nazorg. 7. In de periode erna staan wij paraat voor vragen en komen zo nodig langs om uw beheerder extra te coachen. Omdat de techniek razendsnel ontwikkelt, houden wij proactief contact om uw beheerder up-to-date te houden. Certified Cisco Systems Instructor. Veducon heeft Certified Cisco Systems Instructors en werkt nauw samen met Cisco Learning Partners. Wij geven trainingen in Wireless en Network Management. Dat doen wij op uw locatie (of bij een Cisco Learning Partner opleidingscentrum bij u in de buurt) en met behulp van de in de specifieke cursus noodzakelijke apparatuur. Daardoor is Veducon snel in te plannen. Groot voordeel van een training op locatie is dat uw medewerkers zich zekerder voelen en kunnen oefenen met de apparatuur, waarmee zij zelf gaan werken. De geselecteerde Cisco Learning Partner levert de officiële cursusmaterialen. Als Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (nr#22813) verzorgt Veducon de aan de rechter zijde vermelde trainingen voor Cisco Learning (Solution) Partners. Cisco Wireless:. WLFNDU Understanding Cisco Wireless Foundations CCNP Enterprise Certification:. ENWLSD Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks. ENWLSI Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks Cisco Meraki:. ECMS-1 Engineering Cisco Meraki Solutions Part 1 Network Management:. Managing Enterprise Networks with Prime Infrastructure 3.x Wireless (Unified & Autonomous):. WDBWL Deploying Basic Cisco Wireless LANs. WDAWL Deploying Advanced Cisco Wireless LANs. CWMN Cisco Wireless MESH Networking. WMNGI Managing Cisco Wireless LANs. WCMX Deploying Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences VEDUCON heeft als course developer meegewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een aantal CCNP Wireless Certification Courses. Verhuur. Veducon beschikt over alle apparatuur die nodig is voor o.m. Cisco Wireless, Prime Infrastructure, ISE. Wij verhuren deze apparatuur aan Cisco Learning Partners die met het oog op cursussen tijdelijk extra capaciteit nodig hebben. Ook voor andere doeleinden, zoals een demo-sessie of PoC, is onze apparatuur te huur. < > Klanten. Cisco Certifications. Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI #22813). Certified Cisco Network Associate (CCNA). CCNP Enterprise (CCNP-Enterprise). Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation. Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Core (CCS-ECore). Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Wireless Design (CCS-EWD). Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Wireless Implementation (CCS-EWI). Certified Meraki Networking Operator (CMNO). Certified Meraki Networking Associate (CMNA) Third-party certifications:. CWNE® #378 Certified Wireless Network Expert. CWTS® Certified Wireless Technology Specialist. CWNA ® Certified Wireless Network Administrator. Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWAP ® Certified Wireless Analysis Professional. Certified Wireless Analysis Professional CWDP ® Certified Wireless Design Professional. Certified Wireless Design Professional CWSP ® Certified Wireless Security Professional. Certified Wireless Security Professional AirMagnet Survey Certified Professional. Ekahau Certified Survey Engineer ID #8 © 2019 Veducon - Leveringsvoorwaarden - Website door PingOnline.
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B.O.L.O. Auto Recovery proudly services Arizona and Nevada. Founded by Dale Imbriani and Stephanie French, bringing over 40 years combined experience and a comprehensive understanding of the Auto Recovery industry. Auto Recovery prides itself on being the compliance experts. We stay up to date on all regulations that affect us or our clients.Home, Las Vegas, NV. B.O.L.O. Auto Recovery. Taking Back Your Property Vehicle. Law-Abiding Repossession Company. Learn More (702) 333-0555 Our Commitment. For more than 11 years, our goal is to ensure that your property car will be recovered as smoothly as possible. For more information, reach out to us. Get in Touch Copyright © 2020 B.O.L.O Auto Recovery - All Rights Reserved. Powered by GoDaddy Website Builder Home. About Us. Services. Contact Us This website uses cookies. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Accept.
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B.O.L.O. Auto Recovery
We specialize in providing Long-Term Care, Short-Term Rehabilitation, and Respite Care. Our staff of experienced professionals takes pride in giving each of our residents total care 24 hours a day.
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Saint Marys Nursing Home Inc
Circle Buick GMC is a dealership located in Highland IN, serving Merrillville IN and Matteson IL and Joliet IL. We offer certified used cars, trucks and SUVs in Highland IN.Buick, GMC Dealership Highland IN. Merrillville IN, Joliet IL Disclaimers. New. View all Buick Enclave Encore Encore GX Envision GMC Acadia Canyon Sierra 1500 Terrain Yukon Yukon XL. Used. View all [69]. Cars [15]. Trucks [15]. SUVs & Crossovers [41]. Vans. Research. Specials. Finance. Service. Owners. About Circle. NEW USED Service Value Trade BUY ONLINE Buy a Car in an Hour. No haggling. No hassles. We promise. Certified Pre-Owned. Only the best make the cut. Circle Community. We love making a diiference. The Future of Value. Clear Upfront Below Market Pricing END OF YEAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL. H. O. L. I. D. A. Y. E. V. E. N. T. P. R. I. C. I. N. G. O. N. E. V. E. R. Y. N. E. W. &. U. S. E. D. V. E. H. I. C. L. E. ! Details Details Details Details New Used Certified USED All Years 2020 2021 All Makes Buick GMC All Models Acadia Canyon Enclave Encore Encore GX Envision Sierra 1500 Terrain Yukon Yukon XL Max Price Under $20,000 Under $30,000 Under $40,000 Under $50,000 Under $60,000 Under $70,000 Under $80,000 Under $90,000 Find Matches Testimonials. enajizer Less than a month ago Your Buick, GMC Buick, GMC. Dealer in Highland Highland. About Us Welcome to our beautiful, state-of-the-art dealership in Highland, IN! We are proud to offer you an incredible selection of over 300 new, used and certified pre-owned Buick and GMC cars, trucks and SUVs. Choose from the Enclave, Encore, Acadia, Terrain and so many more brand-new models! In addition to our new inventory, we also offer a great selection of used vehicles in Highland, IN. Whether you have your eye on a premium used sedan or a fully-load pickup truck, you'll find it all at Circle Buick GMC! We proudly serve the following areas: Highland, Hammond, Merrillville, Schererville, Joliet IL, Naperville IL, Orland Park, Oak Lawn, Tinley Park, Gary, Portage, and beyond. New & Used Car Dealer Highland IN. Here we make the entire buying process simple, straightforward and hassle-free. Our shopping experience is quick, easy and has limited wait times. With our transparent pricing structure, family-friendly shopping environment, and VIP customer service, you can shop with confidence knowing that you're getting the very best for your time and money. Looking for a new GMC or Buick model? You can start by browsing our entire inventory right on this website. If you see something you are interested in, give us a call or stop by. In search of a new or used GMC Sierra pickup? At Circle Buick GMC you won't believe the incredible selection of Sierra trucks we have. From new 2020 models to well-priced pre-owned, we are sure to have a Sierra that will meet your needs! Buick and GMC Dealer Serving Merrillville IN, Matteson IL. Circle Buick GMC is your Buick and GMC dealer for Merrillville IN and Matteson IL. We stock the best new and used cars and trucks from Buick and GMC and have done so for decades. Circle Buick GMC provides Merrillville, Matteson, Highland and the surrounding communities with new models from Buick and GMC including the Buick Enclave, Buick Envision, Buick Encore, GMC Terrain, GMC Acadia, GMC Sierra and many others. In addition, Circle Buick GMC offers Buick and GMC service to Merrillville IN and Matteson IL in addition to Highland and the surrounding community. For many, Circle Buick GMC is the only dealership they have purchased or serviced their car with, and for that loyalty we are extremely grateful. We are proud to have been active in many communities, forming meaningful customer connections in Merrillville, Matteson, Highland and so many other areas through the years as a top Buick and GMC dealer. We are family-owned and have been a proud part of the Highland community since 1981. Our customers come from across the region to shop with us, including Merrillville, Schererville, and Hammond, IN. Simplify your car shopping experience with a visit to Circle Buick GMC today! Location Circle Buick GMC. 2440 45th St. Highland, IN 46322. Get Directions. Sales: (219) 865-4400. Service: (219) 865-4500 Sales Hours: M-F 9:00am - 9:00pm. Sat 9:00am - 6:00pm. Service Hours: M-F 7:00am - 7:00pm. Sat 8:00am - 3:00pm. Quick Contact How should we contact you? Call Text Email Send Message Next-Generation Engine 6 Custom Dealer Website powered by DealerFire. Part of the DealerSocket portfolio of advanced automotive technology products. Copyright © Circle Buick GMC Circle Buick GMC. Privacy. Sitemap.
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Circle Automotive
Wenderoth is an Intellectual Property firm with one primary focus - prosecution. We have been serving the needs of clients around the world in the patent and trademark arenas since 1921. After spending the better part of a century with this focus, we know every aspect of this business inside and out. A natural extension of our work over the years has come to include prosecution-related services such as opinions, strategic counseling and portfolio management advice, patent term analysis, post-grant proceedings, search work, opposition and cancellation proceedings, and maintenance fee and renewal tracking and payment. We love what we do and this passion drives us to remain leaders in our practice.Home. Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, L.L.P. Select Language. About. People. Specialties. Cases. News & Events. Forms. Location One Focus. Prosecution. Patents. Trademarks. In The News. USPTO Launches Fast-Track Appeals Pilot Program USPTO Announces Further Extension of Certain Patent and Trademark-related Deadlines USPTO Announces Extension of Certain Patent and Trademark-related Deadlines Wenderoth's COVID-19 Response Federal Circuit Finds USPTO's PTA Reduction Rule Contrary to the PTA Statute USPTO Issues Procedure to Request PTA Recalculation for Erroneous IDS Deduction Trademark Team Triumphs on Appeal for D.C. Atelier Wenderoth Attorney is Part of U.S. Delegation to Japan Wenderoth Hosts JETRO IPG Meeting USPTO Revises MPEP CAFC Poised to Reverse PTAB in IPR Decision Wenderoth Presents at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Annual Conference Change in Electronic Retrieval Method for Priority Documents between USPTO & JPO Wenderoth Hosts Webinar for Members of Larta Insititute USPTO EXTENDS AFCP 2.0 & QPIDS PILOT PROGRAMS ANOTHER YEAR Wenderoth Wards Off Opposition In Precedential Decision USPTO Institutes Trademark Post-Registration Rule Changes and Reforms Lee v. Tam: Supreme Court Considers Constitutionality of USPTO Disparagement Bar USPTO Initiates Post-Prosecution Pilot Program (P3) USPTO to Accelerate Examination of Cancer Treatment Applications Bascom - An Ordered Combination of Known Elements Federal Circuit Upholds USPTO's Longstanding Policy on Same Day Continuation Practice Supreme Court Upholds USPTO ‘Broadest Reasonable Construction' Standard for IPRs Enfish, TLI, and USPTO Memo USPTO Produces Inter Partes Review Motion to Amend Study New USPTO Guidance Regarding Subject Matter Eligibility Determinations CAFC Holds Willful Misconduct is a Pre-requisite for Recovering Profits for TM Infringement Cafc Recognizes Patent-Agent Privilege Federal Circuit: PTAB Not Required to Address Every Claim Challenged in IPR Federal District Court Finds Issue Preclusion based on TTAB Fraud Finding: Federal Circuit Decides No PTA for PTO Delay in Sending Corrected Restriction Req. Federal District Court Cites B&B Hardware and Applies Issue Preclusion USPTO Revises the M.P.E.P. Collaborative Search Pilot Program for Applicants The Diminished Value of Product-By-Process Claims QPIDS Pilot Program Extended Through September 30, 2016 Wenderoth's Attorney, Rebeccah Gan Named To INTA Committee AFCP 2.0 Extended Through September 30, 2016 Streamlined, Expedited Pilot Program for Small/Micro Entities with a Pending Appeal USPTO Announces Proposed Rule Changes for AIA Trials CAFC interprets two provisions of the BPCIA Wenderoth Named Capital Region's Premier IP Lawyers by Wall Street Journal CAFC Abandons Heightened Bar in Means-Plus-Function Analysis USPTO Announces Expedited Patent Appeal Pilot Program Exclusive License Agreement Limits Licensee's Rights to Bring Suit Dependent Claim Impermissibly Broadened Independent Claim in Reissued Patent USPTO erred in not considering "Pretzel Crisps" mark as a whole Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs Transition Applications During The Stages of Prosecution Bill Introduced in U.S. Congress Directed to One Year Patent Grace Period Three-Part Roll-Out Plan for PTAB Proceedings What happens AFTER the 1.55(j) time frame has passed? Federal Circuit Decision on Gilead Sciences, Inc. v. Lee Final Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) Rules USPTO Issues Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 Attorney Spotlight. David Ovedovitz. Partner. Capital Region's Premier Lawyers. Wall Street Journal. 2016 Legal 100 Award. Wealth & Finance International. IP Law Firm of the Year - Washington D.C. Global Law Experts. Top 25 Patent Firm. Number of Patents Obtained. Intellectual Property Today. Top 100 Trademark Firm. NUMBER OF TRADEMARKS OBTAINED. Intellectual Property Today. Best for Mechanical Technologies IP - USA. 2015 Legal Awards. Acquisition International. Brand design and website development by © Copyright 2021 Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, L.L.P. All Rights Reserved.Brand design and website development by Greenfield/Belser Ltd Careers. Site Map. Legal Notices.
What is the name of this company?
Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, L.L.P.
It's a club that, sure, discusses the capital markets, debates investment ideas like Jim Cramer on Mad Money, and teaches you how to successfully go through recruiting, but when you slap that zigged-zagged logo on your shirt, you have an instant family that'll forever exist outside of the 6pm Monday meeting in Ross." Michigan Stocks and Bonds was founded out of the collective ambition of student investors.Skip to content. Home About Us Team Placement Apply Here MICHIGAN STOCKS AND BONDS. Invest in your future. Apply Here Our Pillars. Michigan Stocks and Bonds is committed to our 4 pillars in guiding our contribution on campus and our members. INVESTING. MSBO will help prepare you for future financial security and teach you how to put your money to work. Learning to invest is a skill that will last a lifetime. EDUCATION. Education is at the forefront of everything we do. We learn by doing and expose new members to all aspects of investing with help from mentors. PHILANTHROPY. Investing in your community is just as important as investing for yourself. You will have the opportunity to volunteer for the Greater Detroit community. Professional development. Through our club you'll quickly learn imperative professional skills that will help you secure your dream job in the future. $10000+. AUM. 60+. Members. 100%. Placement. Alumni Testimonial – Neil Desai. "MSBO isn't your traditional investment club. It's an organization where culture matters. It's a club that, sure, discusses the capital markets, debates investment ideas like Jim Cramer on Mad Money, and teaches you how to successfully go through recruiting, but when you slap that zigged-zagged logo on your shirt, you have an instant family that'll forever exist outside of the 6pm Monday meeting in Ross." Michigan Stocks and Bonds was founded out of the collective ambition of student investors. Our goal is to help students turn their own ideas and visions into successful investments. Pages. About UsTeamPlacementApply Here Contact Us. © 2020 Michigan Stocks and Bonds. Created for free using WordPress and Colibri.
What is the name of this company?
Michigan Stocks and Bonds (MSBO)
Haddock Construction is a Design company located in 1339 K Ave, Nevada, Iowa, United States.Denise Haddock Unique Interior Designs 4630 Easton Drive #1 Bakersfield, CA 93309 phone. 661.599.0400 fax.661.631.2704. HOME. PHILOSOPHY. BIO. PORTFOLIO. BOUTIQUE. CONTACT. site by. hansen design house.
What is the name of this company?
Haddock Construction