This course change me the views on 3D printing and their revolution.
Have got a great insight towards 3D Printing.
Excelent! Lots of information and really interesting interviews. Plus Aric Rindfleisch is extremely clear in the lectures. Congratulations.
Wow ! Learning is so easy here, bring your innovation to reality , please join this course , Highly recommended !!!!
This is a great introduction to 3D printing. It covers the basics of different 3D printing technologies, from desktop to industrial hardware. It shows the resources and services available to utilise 3D printing effectively. It provides interviews with entrepreneurs and others in industry which are using this technology.
This course doesnt contain any new information. It does not teach you but just excitedly shows commonly known facts.There are better ways to invest your time.
Fred J FeilerNov 20, 05:49 PSTChat started: 2016-11-20 01:37 PM UTC(01:37:50 PM) Fred J Feiler: We need a start date for 3D Printing Software course. The learners are concerned that this course will never happen even for those who have been enrolled since June 2016.(01:38:52 PM) Coursera Support: Thanks for reaching out to us! Someone will be right with you.(01:39:38 PM) *** Jessy joined the chat ***(01:39:54 PM) Jessy: Thanks for reaching out to us. I’d be more than happy to help you today.(01:40:29 PM) Jessy: I am very sorry for the inconveniences.(01:40:40 PM) Jessy: Please allow me a moment while I take a look into this for you Fred.(01:40:59 PM) Fred J Feiler: Thanks(01:44:54 PM) Fred J Feiler: I enrolled in the five course specialization. My momentum is at a standstill so if this course is delayed I’ll look for something better.(01:46:05 PM) Jessy: I am very sorry for the inconveniences Fred, I checked and that course does not have sessions available yet.(01:46:16 PM) Jessy: It looks like we will need some time to look into this issue further. I am going to escalate this to our support specialists so they can further investigate. This means that I will be ending this chat and it will become a support ticket email. You will receive an email transcript of our chat for your records, and someone from our support team will review our chat and email you with updates as soon as possible.(01:47:18 PM) Fred J Feiler: OK, thank you!
Excellent introduction of 3D printing. The course is well designed and engaging. Looking forward to the other courses in the series.
This course was fantastic, I learned so much from it, and I am so excited to continue this track!
Great course. Cant wait for the next one to start
Not according what I expected
2 thumbs up learned something that I have never learnt before.
Great course to start with 3D printing technology.
Great Introduction to the 3d printing world
a very good introductory course. as a novice in 3d printing it helped me a lot understanding the basics of 3d printing.
Good place to start if you dont know anything about 3D printing.
Very complete and extensive.The weeks actually take weeks to complete!
Thank you so much!
Excellent information covered, very understandable with practical examples and great professors.
Very interesting course!
A very comprehensive and total introduction to basic concepts of 3d printing
Excellent course, really lloking forward for the rest of the specialization!
Suberb introducition into 3d printing idea and usage
I really liked The 3D Printing Revolution course. Its easy to understand, you dont need any background knowledge, but you will find out so much about this topic - including materials that are used, technologies, 3D printing companies... Also, the materials cover history and the future of 3D printing. Its a great introductory course and the instructor (and the guests) are amazing. I recommend it!
Nice introduction to 3D for absolute beginners. Very interesting interviews entrepreneurs.
Great course! The fundamentals were covered and I am excited to take the next course.
Its mostly very basic stuff, but even then it introduced me to concepts I wasnt aware of.
Great thanks for Dr.aric ,who has a smiley face ,If any one enrolled this course ,he would get a great knowledge and usefull information about 3d printing or addtive manufacturing ,throw a simple & exciting videos ,not only that ,you would get another benefits not only information about 3d priting ,like ,getting knowledge of many companies from the inside ,see stories of successfull people which achieves you to keep up with your work ,meet with your colleagues and make new friends ,and finally grow up your english skills ,like listening and grow up your vocabulary .....Great thaks for coursera team ,its our pleasure to learn with you ........
Very nice introduction about 3D printing! I love it!
Good introductory course, just a little bit to short for my like.Gus
I cant just not to rate this as I really enjoyed it to the max
Great course. A must for every individual who has some idea about it and even if you dont, Aric and his team will guide you throughout this wonderful technique.
great course for learning about 3d printing and seeing where the technology has gottten to. I will be pursueing the rest of this capstone.
Do not hesitate to enroll, its a brain storming course & I like the way of the teaching here!
Great course delivery by the instructor! Great opportunity to meet great people! To me it was like a real journey! The course gave me a clear understanding of 3D printing in high level. Looking forward to get in -depth knowledge from further courses! I would highly recommend this course to those who wish to know about 3D printing!
It provides not only a good overview about 3D Printing but stimulates people who attend it to look for more. Great course to start the journe
Geeat it give the confidence to unleash my creativity. And now I see the world with different eyes, with great opportunities to create or customize objects in 3D.
A very good introductory course in 3D Printing for everybody at every level.
Mind-blowing course!
Great introduction
I like the course. Pretty concise and straight forward. Highly recommended.
Eye and mind opening course.
good introduction to 3D printing
Very good introduction to the subject, instructor never looses the attention with new topics and examples.
Great introduction, even for people who will not pursue completion of the full specialisation.
perfect introduction to the 3D printing world!
Amazing! Very interactive, engaging and comprehensive.
Excellent introduction to 3D printing.
Great content, the videos and talks are very motivating and they give an exciting overview of the subject. Thanks for the great work.
Great class!
very interactive and reflective course highly recommended.
a very good overview that makes you long for
If you know little or nothing about additive, and it sounds interesting, this is a good place to start!
An excellent course to start with, if you are completely new to 3D printing. Easy-to-understand language, very little special tech-talk, so the course is suitable for virtually anybody. t is true that you do not need to be a tech genius to get acquanted with the world of 3D printing!
A good course, please provide more practice quiz in depth.
Simply very interesting.
Its a nice brief introduction about 3-D Printing technology.
Very good and helpful introduction to 3D Printing
Great Class!
its a very good an easy to understand first inmersion in the world of 3d printing
It was exactly like the lecturer said it would be like.The only hard part is the last part, where we had to actually remix an existing 3D model .I think this part of the lecturer video should have had an in depth look at how to use the 3D app.Nevertheless the course was good I learnt a lot of new stuff and not to give out any spoilers.....Its worth it.
A good Introduction to 3D printing.
Great information about 3d printing. It helps you to understand what is the current scope of this technology and how you can start.
I didnt really care about the stories from the students or seeing the space for one whole lecture video. Its clear that Ultimaker is the sponsor, but it felt like a commercial. I want to learn more.
Its fantastic
Great class
This first course has been an excellent overview of the field. Easy to follow and brought everything into perspective . Eagerly looking forward to the next course.
Excellent course! Very thorough introduction and has only peaked my curiosity to go further in understanding this powerful technology!
The course was great! I think its a great point to start in 3d printing, it has lot of information, links, interviews and it easy to understand. Keep up the good work!!!
Very useful for understanding the basics of 3D printing technology.
This is a fantastic course, even if youve never before heard of 3D printing or youve been using a 3D printer for a while, and Id highly recommend it to anyone interested in technology or futuristic concepts.The videos in this course are very engaging. There are a plethora of interviews with people who are involved with the 3D printing industry, who discuss specific topics in 3D printing, and each offer their views on the future of 3D printing. All the different opinions and perspectives really helped me understand the importance of 3D printing at both an industry and consumer level. Considering this is an introductory course, its very thorough, and it consolidates and summarizes information that might take you ages to glean off the internet. Even though I had a 3D printer before I took this course, I learned a lot!
Very good intro to 3d printed.
I enjoyed this class very much. All the content was very easy to understand and follow. I love the fact that I can pick up the materials on my phone or table through the app! Is very convenient. Before this class I had no idea 3D printing had been around for so long, I thought it was someone newer, its amazing to see all the different applications it can be use for.
Its not a course... this is a very short general introduction to 3D Printing
Hello!My name is Ahmed from Egypt, I am 3D Hubs Mayor. I think its The first course in the internet which will give you the opportunity to know a lot of things about 3D Printing so stay tuned and register now if you interested in 3D printing.Cheers,
This is a great introduction to 3d printing and the maker movement. Things I thought I knew were corrected and resources I never knew about were introduced. Very worthwhile
Good information but way too short for what Coursera charges.
Practically oriented and brilliantly organized!
It was a perfect introductory course for those who really want to learn something about 3D-Printing. I loved it..
Best place to get yourself up-to-date with the state-of-the-art in 3D printing. I really liked The Revolutionaries section where you get exposure to all the inter-disciplinary ideas floating around in the 3D Printing landscape.
Thank you for this course, very good course.
I am very glad to see courses like this one on Coursera. The course itself is well structured and contains a lot of useful information and that is exactly what I needed in one place.My only complaint is the price of the course - I think it is a bit expensive especially for this first part of the specialisation - it is an introductory two week course with a lot of advertising...£40..common..are you serious?? A lot of people will buy personal 3D printers or kits after the course, some of them will make a decision to buy a 3D printer for a company they work for (as myself), Fusion 360 subscriptions etc. These companies should sponsor such courses to make them more affordable - it is their interest.I made several courses on Coursera already (Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), they were 5 to 8 weeks and comprised a lot of quite hard work from mentors and students and were only £32 for certificate.I like the idea of this specialisation but I decided not to pay for the certificate because of its price. Although I am very happy to have access to the courses and I thank you for you effort!
This is a really great introductory course on 3D printing. I was completely new to the subject and in just two short modules both the basic techniques and some modern day applications were explained in a really clear and engaging manner.I was also really interested to learn about the business examples that made use of these new technologies.Recommended for anyone who is interested in new and exciting techniques!
Great endeavor! You can now learn about the 3D printing technology at your own place.
An excellent course. I only wish the portion on non-financial metrics included some examples or insight in how best to quantify non-financial metrics in do
week 1 and 2 were kind of boring, but maybe necessary; weeks 3 and 4 were more interesting from a business point of view (im not so much interested in accounting as in business decisions).the virtual class of professor Bushee was quite funny :)
Excellent course, first 3 weeks were very technical but highly informative. Quite a bit of accounting knowledge is required to understand the work. Last week of lessons were more simple and intuitive to understand, but overall, a very insightful module
First of all, I really enjoyed Professor Ittners presentations. Sadly, his presentation was only 25% of the course. Professor Ittner was very direct but also was very engaging in how he delivered his content. I had a good feeling that I could really understand the material he was teaching. If I could give a rating for just Professor Ittner, I would give a 5 star rating. Now, this is why I am giving this course a 1 star rating. But I do have to say, going into the depths of Accounting Analytics is not easy. You really need to have a good grasp of Accounting otherwise you will get lost. Professor Bushee did not make the first 3 weeks really easy to get through. While I enjoyed his examples & case studies, he simply did not do a great job of really explaining and illustrating the concepts he was teaching. And worst of all, he setup a digitally generated classroom where he had his computer generated students ask pointless questions, make pointless statements, or answer with pointless statements/answers. I really wish I had the time to analyze how much of the course time he spent doing this, I would estimate that its around 10% but it could very well be higher. There are so many different examples to pick form, but Ill just pick a few here. I didnt read the Iliad or Odyssey some Im not going to ask you to in reference why in regression there are Greek letter used for coefficients (its a fair assumption that someone taking this class understands coefficients), a 30 second exchange where a PC generate student says that theyre stocked to run some regression followed by Proffessor Bushee informing us that were going to run some narly regressions, Professor Bushee saying he doesnt know how to perform Earning Management Analysis on Mars but he certainly knows how to do it on Earth, and a joke why people dont like accountants. These segments add absolutely zero value. They lengthen the time of the course. To make maters worse, Im sure Proffessor Bushee had to spend even more time creating this additional interaction together.
This is the first English course I have taken.Though at first it was kind of difficulty because of language(especially the terms) and profession knowledge(it is a comprehensive course and I am still learning courses concerned at school)the course is really worth taking. I have learned a lot .and it stimulates my interest in accounting.
Thanks for your help.
It was fast, but provided a good overview. I would like some cases to work and to apply the methods to.
Providing what are the insight we need to look before investing in a company and how interpret the balance sheet and found the
No practical knowledge learnd and no clear examples of the topics. Too complex all the course
The course itself is good. Nevertheless, it says that it doesnt require any previous experience... But there is actually experience required on financial statements and concepts.
Very good course but videos sometimes too long
A fantastic course
Really fantastic and interesting intermediate accounting course
weeks 1,2 and 3 were not satisfactory according to me. the video lectures were difficult to comprehend. week 4 was very good.
this is the best course that i ever studied it
I love the professors, but unfortunately, I do not feel much connection to me (not really seeing so much importance for me to identifying if a company is making fake financial statements; I am not an investor, and my everyday work does not really have so much to do with financial statements).The Managerial Accounting (week 4) transforms my mindset!! I really appreciate that. That one single week of course can literally help so many companies/NGOs. That week 4 should be promoted more!!