# Introduction Local early-type galaxies (ETGs) encompass objects that normally ceased their star formation, have red colors, small amounts of cold gas and dust, and which correspond morphologically to ellipticals and lenticulars. Some studies indicate that the formation of massive ETGs has occurred in two phases. At an early stage, the gas collapses into dark matter halos and forms stars intensely for a short time interval. The second phase involves mass accumulation through a series of mergers that enrich galaxies with stars set *ex-situ*. In the \({\rm \Lambda}\)CDM cosmology, structures form hierarchically, with massive systems forming through the addition of less massive objects. It means that massive galaxies may have accreted large fractions of their current mass, with the accreted components deposited mainly in its outermost parts. On the contrary, low-mass galaxies are mostly made of stars formed *in-situ*. The two-phase formation scenario is consistent with the observations of quiescent galaxies at high redshifts \((z\sim 2)\) which are very massive (\(\sim10^{11}~M_\odot)\) and compact \((R_e \sim 1\) kpc), usually called red nuggets . These objects are a factor of 2-4 times smaller than current ellipticals , and there is evidence that they grow rapidly in size with little or no star formation . It means that whatever the growth process, it has the restriction to increase considerably the size of galaxies without significantly increasing their star formation rate. Indeed, the predominance of old stellar populations in nearby massive ETGs is inconsistent with large episodes of recent star formation, which suggests that the mergers which form them either occurred very long ago (at redshifts \(z > 2\)), or they correspond to the coalescence of pre-existing old stellar populations, suggesting that dry mergers could explain the growth of these objects. However, since merging processes are relatively rare in rich clusters due to their high velocity dispersions, the late growth of ETGs must originate from a combination of other environmental mechanisms, such as tidal stripping, galaxy harassment, and dynamical friction around central galaxies. Galaxies can also experience significant pre-processing in filaments and groups before infalling into massive clusters. Some studies indicate that the environment plays an important role in this late evolution of galaxies. For instance, suggest that many compact ETGs at high redshifts have evolved into the ETGs observed in high-density environments in the Local Universe. show that there is a strong relationship between the size of quiescent galaxies and the environment where they are located, such that massive objects (\(M_\ast \geq 10^{11}~ M_\odot\)) are significantly larger in high-density environments. However, find evidence for the shrinking of cluster ellipticals at \(z <0.08\), probably via tidal stripping, which is consistent with the result of, indicating that the disappearance of the compact cluster galaxies might be explained if, on average, \(\sim 40\)% of them merge with their brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and \(\sim 60\)% are tidally destroyed into the intracluster light between \(0 \leq z \leq 1\). Also, use numerical simulations to investigate the role of dry mergers in the evolution of the mass-size relationship of ETGs in massive halos and find that central galaxies in low-z clusters with \(M\sim 10^{14}~ M_\odot\) are potential descendants of the red nuggets observed in \(z \sim 2-3\). find that local early-type galaxies heavier than \(10^{11.2}~ M_\odot\) show a clear environmental dependence in mass--size relation, in such a way that galaxies are as much as 20%--40% larger in the densest environments than in underdense environments. On the other hand, some studies do not indicate a correlation between the environment and the size growth of galaxies. An important point about studying galaxies in clusters is that once inside these systems, the galaxies remain there, allowing to connect high redshift and local objects without needing to appeal to abundance matching to link populations at different epochs. Another point to be considered is that the dynamics of galaxy clusters is closely associated with the orbits of member galaxies. Different Hubble types are usually related to different orbits, with ETGs presenting more isotropic orbits than late-type galaxies. At the same time, E and S0 galaxies show smaller velocity dispersions than spirals and irregulars. Also, find that the passive population in systems with gaussian velocity distribution is the only family with lower velocity dispersion in massive clusters. find a similar result showing that ellipticals and lenticulars have the most isotropic orbits. These examples of morphological and orbital segregation suggest that ETGs are former entrants into the potential of clusters. However the constant infall of galaxies into clusters can produce a mixture between ancient and recent early-type objects. According to, the accretion times for \(z = 0\) cluster members are quite extended, with \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20% incorporated into the cluster halo more than 7 Gyr ago and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20% within the last 2 Gyr. The effect of infalling objects can be studied using the distribution of the projected positions and velocities of cluster galaxies, due to the relationship between the region in the projected phase space (PPS) and the time since infall of objects, as shown by the recent works of, , , , and. This connection makes galaxy clusters good laboratories to study environmental effects on the growth of ETGs, since we can define galaxy samples that inhabit the systems for different time scales. In this work, we study the concentration index, radius, dark matter fraction, and color gradient of ETGs as a function of stellar mass and PPS regions in regular massive clusters (\(M_{200} \geq 10^{14}~ M_\odot\)) at low redshifts. Since most of the growth of ETGs happened at \(z \gtrsim 0.3\), we aim to understand the environmental influence on the late growth of ETGs according to the time since infall into their host clusters. The paper is structured as follows: In Sect. 2 we present the data. The analysis is presented in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4 we give a summary of the results and our conclusions. Throughout this paper we adopt the cosmology with \(\Omega_m = 0.3, \, \Omega_\Lambda=0.7,\, {\rm and}\, {\rm H}_0=100\,h\,{\rm km}^{-1}{\rm s}^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}\), with *h* set to 0.7. # DATA Our sample was obtained from the extended version of FoF group catalog originally identified by and contains 5352 groups with \(N > 5\) and \(0.03 \leq z \leq 0.11\), consisting of galaxies with absolute magnitudes \(M_r\leq-20.5\), and stellar masses in the range \(10.4< \log{(M_\ast/M_\odot)} < 11.9\),[^1] with median \(\sim 10^{11}~ M_\odot\). This version is described in and differs from the first one only in the area used (9380 square degrees from SDSS-DR7, compared to the original area of 3495 square degrees from the DR3). We derived a refined central redshift by applying the gap technique to the central (0.67 Mpc) galaxies. We also obtained a member list for each group using the "shifting gapper\" technique, extending to \(\sim 4\) Mpc around the group centers defined by. The groups were then subject to the virial analysis, analogous to that described in. This procedure yields estimates of velocity dispersion (\(\sigma_v\)), radii (\(R_{500}\), \(R_{200}\)) and masses (\(M_{500}\), \(M_{200}\)) for most of the groups from the FoF sample. In the present work, we studied a subsample containing 107 massive clusters, with at least 20 galaxies within \(R_{200}\), implying systems with \(M_{200}\gtrsim 10^{14}{\rm M_\odot}\) extending to \(2R_{200}\). We added to the resulting sample the stellar masses from the *galSpecExtra* table, corresponding to the *lgm_tot_p50* parameter. We also used the catalog, which provides morphological T types for \(\sim 670,000\) galaxies from SDSS, by training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with information from available sources such as Galaxy Zoo 2 and the catalog of visual classifications provided by, from which we included the probabilities of galaxies having a dominant bulge (\(P_{bulge}\)) and being S0 (\(P_{S0}\)). Our sample was also cross-matched with Korean Institute for Advanced Study Value-Added Galaxy Catalog, which provides some relevant photometric information, such as the rest frame color gradient \(\Delta(g-i)\), and the concentration index \(C=R_{90}/R_{50}\). Finally, we added the Sérsic indices \(n\) in the \(r\)-band from the catalog of. We defined a sample of 936 ETGs as objects with \(T< 0\), \(P_{bulge} > 0.5\) and \(n> 2.5\) located in 48 clusters without substructures, according to the DS test; and with Gaussian velocity distribution, according to the HD metric. Both DS and HD indicators were used at the 90% confidence level[^2], which means we restrict our study to systems likely to be virialized, avoiding the dynamical effects of interacting clusters and possible deviations from the expected homology of galaxy systems. Galaxies are studied according to their loci in the PPS, which is built by normalizing the projected clustercentric distances and velocities by the virial radius, \(R_{200}\), and velocity dispersion, \(\sigma_v\), respectively. To explore the PPS, we divide cluster galaxies into four subsamples, following the classification introduced by: ancient infallers (region E in their Figure 6), recent infallers (regions B & C), intermediate infallers (region D), and first infallers (region A). These regions are related to the time since infall (\(t_{inf}\)) in Gyr: 1. Ancient \(\rightarrow\) \(6.5 \lesssim t_{inf} \lesssim 13.7\) 2. Intermediate \(\rightarrow\) \(3.6 \lesssim t_{inf} \lesssim 6.5\) 3. Recent \(\rightarrow\) \(0< t_{inf} \lesssim 3.63\) 4. First infallers \(\rightarrow\) objects which are not completely fallen yet In Figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} we present the distribution of ETG galaxies in the PPS regions of, following the approximation of. All the ancient (171 objects), intermediate (157 objects), recent (307 objects), and first infallers (301 objects) are shown in this figure. # Analysis In the following, we compare some properties of ETGs in the PPS samples, also comparing them to a sample of isolated early-type galaxies taken from the list of 1-member groups of the catalog of. This field sample, composed of 6670 objects, is defined with the same criteria (except membership) used to select the cluster ETGs. ## Concentration index A direct way to study the late growth of ETGs is to consider them in the cluster environment and compare their behavior in the stellar mass-concentration plane, taking into account their positions in the PPS, which is our basic aim in this work. The concentration index reflects the current light distribution concerning \(R_{50}\) and \(R_{90}\), which can be affected in different ways by the environment. Examining the concentration index as a function of the stellar mass, we find a significant change in the behaviour of \(C\) around \(M_{\ast} \approx 2 \times 10^{11} ~M_\odot \equiv \tilde{M}_{\ast}\), see panel (a) in Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. Objects less massive than \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\) present a slight growth of \(C\) with \(M_{\ast}\), while more massive objects present an opposite trend, except for those in the intermediate region. [^3] To better understand this result, we separated the sample of ancients, building a subsample of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCG) and another of satellites (SAT). The subsample of BCGs is composed of the 48 most luminous ancient cluster ETGs (each taken from a cluster) having \(M_r <-21.4\) and \(M_\ast > 10^{11}~M_\odot\); and the SAT subsample is composed of the other 123 ancient galaxies. The behavior of these subsamples is shown in panel (b) of Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. The behavior of SATs is the same (just slightly accentuated) as that of the total ancient sample; while BCGs have a narrower mass range (with no objects with \(M_\ast < 10^{11}~M_\odot\)) and lower values of \(C\) than SATs and field galaxies. We also should note that BCGs have a slightly decreasing behavior, while the curve of field galaxies is approximately flat. The flatter behavior of the field sample suggests an environmental effect on the light distribution of cluster ETGs. For objects less massive than \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\) the PPS samples (especially the ancients) present a slightly higher growth (or a minor shrinkage) of \(R_{90}\) with respect to \(R_{50}\) (except for BCGs); and an opposite behavior for objects with \(M_\ast > \tilde{M}_{\ast}.\) According to there is a direct correlation between time since infall and tidal mass loss, in the sense that objects longer in clusters, have experienced a higher rate of tidal mass loss. A similar result is found by. Theoretically, tidal stripping from the cluster potential tends to preferentially affect the outer galaxy first, causing an outside-in stripping . Similarly, tidal stripping from impulsive galaxy--galaxy encounters (the harassment) preferentially affects the outer galaxy first. In addition, shows that, as a result of tidal stripping, galaxies weakly evolved (those with one pericentric passage) lose between 10% and 80% of their dark mass and less than 10% of stars, while objects strongly evolved (those with multiple pericentric passages) lose more than 70% of dark mass and between 10% and 55% of stellar mass. All this suggests an effect on the light distribution of galaxies in their outermost parts, possibly implying a shrinkage of \(R_{90}\) at different rates, being higher for objects more massive than \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\), and lower for less massive objects. Running robust linear regressions between \(R_{50}\) and \(R_{90}\) for objects more or less massive than \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\) (High Mass-HM and Low Mass-LM, respectively), we see that the relationship for LM objects is steeper--see Figure [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. Also in this figure, field ETGs present an intermediate slope. [^4] To test the difference between slopes, we use the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and find that the slopes \(\beta_{LM}=3.03\pm 0.06\), \(\beta_{HM}=2.69\pm 0.08\), and \(\beta_{FIELD}=2.78\pm 0.04\) are significantly different at the 90% confidence level. The different slopes imply small but significant differences between the median concentration indices for LM (\(C=3.13\pm 0.03\)) and HM (\(C=3.03 \pm 0.05\)) objects in all PPS regions. The results of this section and the next ones may be subject to two types of contaminants: (i) objects misclassified as cluster members, and (ii) contaminants with respect to the boundaries of the regions defined by. The first type of contaminants will be disregarded in this work since our shift gapper + virial analysis code has been compared to a set of 24 galaxy-based cluster mass estimation techniques and proved to be among the best three, so the number of intruder galaxies remaining after applying the method should not be significant. The second type of contaminant is due to projection effects, i.e., the properties of galaxies identified in 3D differ from their properties when they are identified on the PPS. Indeed, quantify the probability that a galaxy in a particular location belongs to a particular infall region, and they also quantify the one-sigma error on this probability due to cluster-to-cluster variations, and differing lines-of-sight. To consider this, we assume the same contamination fractions in each region of the PPS as given by (see their Figure 6). For each reference region, we randomly select points from the other three regions, according to the contamination fractions, and reclassify the selected data points to the given reference region. After repeating the procedure 100 times, we check the variation of galaxy categorizations. The procedure allows checking how many galaxies were misclassified in a given class and by which of the other classes. According to the overall highest numbers of contaminants come from the recent class, which significantly contaminates the others, especially the ancient class. Indeed, mutual contamination between all regions appears in varying degrees. Still, our tests indicate that these unavoidable misclassifications, even in noteworthy cases such as the recent class contaminants, do not lead to significant changes in the trends, since they do not imply variations that exceed the confidence intervals in all studied bins. (see Appendix [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"}). Another point possibly affecting our results is the different stellar mass intervals of the samples, as one can see in Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. But running the analysis in the approximate same range of stellar mass, \(10.6\lesssim \log{(M_\ast/M_\odot}) \lesssim 11.4\), building subsamples of 857 (cluster) and 5821 (field) galaxies, we find that the results are approximately the same. From now on, all average properties of ETGs will be obtained for these reduced samples. To further explore the structural evolution of cluster ETGs, in the following subsection we study the behavior of \(R_{50}\) and \(R_{90}\) according to the PPS regions. ## Growing (or not) in size The results presented so far suggest a differentiated growth (or shrinkage) of ETGs as a function of their stellar mass. Now we analyze what happens to the radii \(R_{50}\) and \(R_{90}\) according to the PPS regions. First, we study the variation of \(R_{90}\) after the galaxy enters the cluster. As previously discussed, \(R_{90}\) is expected to be affected by tidal stripping and harassment during galaxy infall. Figure [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"} shows the evolution of this radius from the field to BCGs. Note that the first stages of infall do not significantly change \(R_{90}\), until the first pericentric passage occurs, causing a remarkable shrinkage of the galaxies. However, after multiple pericentric passages, galaxies grow in size again, reaching values of \(R_{90}\) \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5 times larger than they had just after the first pericentric passage. This increase in size for ancient objects can be explained by the occurrence of mergers and/or feedback processes. Mergers can increase the size of galaxies but usually also raise the Sérsic index to \(n> 5\). Although mergers are not frequent in massive clusters, dynamical friction acting on central galaxies can reduce velocities and increase the rate of mergers and cannibalism on more massive objects. In addition, objects that lose mass during the first pericentric passage can undergo dynamical self-friction, the process by which material that is stripped from a subhalo torques its remaining bound remnant, which causes it to lose orbital angular momentum and favors mergers. On the other hand, find that feedback effects, such as galactic winds or displacement of black holes from the center of galaxies, can lead to an increase in size (via adiabatic expansion) but not in the shape of central galaxies. In Figure [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}, we see the relation between \(R_{90}\) and the Sérsic index \(n\) for ancient objects (satellites and BCGs) and field galaxies, as a comparison. Note in this figure that field galaxies and BCGs vary significantly in size but not in shape. At the same time, ancient satellites grow in both \(R_{90}\) and \(n\), with the Sérsic index reaching \(n\approx 8\), which could be obtained after two intermediate (mass ratio 1:5) dry mergers. This result indicates that BCGs grow preferentially via feedback mechanisms, in agreement with that explain the increase in size and the non-evolution in the Sérsic shape parameter of the BCGs in the last 6 Gyr through feedback processes. Alternatively, BCGs may also have reached their final size in earlier stages of cluster formation. Assuming that part of the ancient satellites can merge with BCGs, the result indicates that the latter can grow via both mechanisms. To complete the analysis, we finally show how \(R_{50}\) varies according to the PPS regions. In Figure [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"} we see that the values of \(R_{50}\) do not change significantly during the infall, indicating that environmental effects do not change the light distribution at this scale. However, for ancient objects, we notice a remarkable growth in size up to the BCG values. ## Color gradient Several studies show that local ETGs have negative color gradients, indicating that their stellar populations become bluer towards the galaxy outskirts. This behaviour also supports the scenario where ETGs assemble most of their stellar mass at high redshifts \((z \gtrsim 2)\), and then experience passive evolution interspersed by dry minor mergers over cosmic time. The study of ETGs through the PPS regions of clusters (i.e., their time evolution within a dense environment) can help us to better understand the late environmental effects on ETGs. In this work, the rest frame color gradient \(\Delta(g-i)\) is defined as the difference in color of the region with \(R < R_{pet}\) from that of the annulus with \(0.5 R_{pet} < R < R_{pet}\), where \(R_{pet}\) is the Petrosian radius. According to this definition, a negative color difference means a bluer outside (or redder centers). In Figure [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}, we see how color gradients \(\Delta (g-i)\) vary with the stellar mass of the ETGs. The first point to note in panel (a) of this figure is a change in the general behavior at approximately the same mass where we observe a transition in the concentration index, \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\). For lower masses, color gradients are negative and approximately constant in all samples, while for \(M_{\ast}>\tilde{M}_{\ast}\) color gradients tend to become less negative with \(M_\ast\). Two-sample permutation comparisons indicate (at the 95% C.L.) that the ancient population has the most positive color gradients (\(-0.034\pm 0.004\)), while the recent \(+\) intermediate samples have in-between values (\(-0.045\pm 0.004\)), and the first infallers are the ones with the most negative color gradients (\(-0.051\pm 0.003\)). This result points to objects longer in the clusters having less negative color gradients. At the same time, more massive objects show an increasing trend of the color gradient with \(M_\ast\) in all PPS regions. Usually, the centers of ETGs are older and more metal-enriched than their outskirts, producing negative color gradients. To make them less negative, the action of tidal stripping could be removing the outskirts and/or dry mergers would be flattening the color gradients. According to the relationship between infall time and tidal stripping, ETGs with a stellar mass smaller than \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\) present a small shrinkage of \(R_{90}\) (or smaller sizes with respect to \(R_{50}\)--as we found in the previous sections) indicating that tidal stripping could explain the behavior of color gradients for these objects. It is important to note that this behavior does not change with stellar mass, as opposed to what happens with more massive objects, as we can see in panel (b) of Figure [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}, for which the color gradients increase almost linearly with stellar mass, indicates that mergers may affect these objects by reducing (approaching zero) the mean colour gradients. The flattening can also be favored by preprocessing, where more massive objects can pass through mergers in groups before entering the clusters. As for field objects, low-mass ETGs have color gradients similar to those of first infallers. The values become more negative for objects with higher stellar masses, possibly indicating the absence of mechanisms pruning the blue edges of these objects. ## \(M_\ast-\sigma\) relation The scaling between stellar mass and velocity dispersion is one of the fundamental connections observed in ETGs[e.g. @shen2003size; @hyde2009luminosity; @roy2018evolution; @zahid2018stellar; @tortora2018last], and it directly follows the Faber-Jackson relationship. Stellar velocity dispersion depends on the gravitational potential and therefore relates galaxies to their dark matter halos. At the same time, the stellar mass indicates the amount of baryonic mass converted into stars. use data from the Illustris simulations to show that the stellar velocity dispersion is equal to the velocity dispersion in the dark matter halo. The observed relationship follows \(\sigma \propto M_{\ast}^{0.3}\) for \(M_{\ast} > 10^{10.3} M_\odot\) , which is approximately the same relation between \(\sigma_{DM}\) and \(M_{200}\) for dark matter particles. Although the \(M_\ast-\sigma\) relation does not show significant evolution at \(z < 0.7\), environmental effects may be affecting the relation for clusters ETGs with \(M_\ast > 10^{11.2} M_\odot\), since these objects experience major and minor mergers more frequently in high-density environments. Indeed, the results presented in the previous sections indicate that dynamical friction may slow down ancient satellites that vary greatly in size and shape, suggesting mergers in clusters or possibly in infalling groups where preprocessing took place. On the other hand, less massive ETGs seem to be affected by tidal stripping in the cluster environment. We study the behaviour between \(M_\ast\) and \(\sigma\) for galaxies in the PPS subsamples. The central stellar velocity dispersions are aperture corrected by the equation of : \[\sigma = \sigma_{\rm{fiber}} \left(8 r_{\rm{fiber}}\over R_e \right)^{0.066} \label{eq1}\] where \(\sigma_{\rm{fiber}}\) is the estimated velocity dispersion in SDSS, \(R_e\) is effective or the angular half-light radius in arcseconds, and \(r_{\rm{fiber}}\) is the radius of SDSS fibers, \(1.5^{ \prime \prime}\). We only use ETGs with \(100 < \sigma < 420 ~{\rm km~s^{-1}}\), since values below 100 \({\rm km~s^{-1}}\) are unreliable, and SDSS uses template spectra convolved to a maximum velocity dispersion of 420 \({\rm km~s^{-1}}\). The effective radii are calculated by \[R_e = a_{\rm deV}\sqrt{b/a} \label{eq2}\] where \(a_{\rm deV}\) and \(b/a\) are the semimajor axis length and the axis ratio from the de Vaucouleurs fit, respectively. We only use ETGs with \(b/a > 0.3\) to avoid edge-on objects. The restrictions on \(\sigma\) and \(b/a\) reduce the sample to 912 galaxies. The parameters \(a_{\rm deV}\), \(b/a\), and \(\sigma_{\rm fiber}\) in \(r\)-band are taken from the catalogs PhotObjAll and SpecObjAll of DR15. In Figure [\[fig8\]](#fig8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig8"}, we see all the robust linear regressions between central velocity dispersion and stellar mass of ETGs in the PPS regions (separating the ancients into BCGs and satellites) plus the field ETGs. Using ANOVA to compare the slopes from each sample we find that most of the samples present a similar slope, \(\beta \approx 0.3\), except with respect to the ancient objects, for which we find \(\beta = 0.45 \pm 0.07\) for the satellites, and \(\beta = 0.18 \pm 0.08\) for the BCGs, statistically distinct values at the 95% confidence level. The slopes indicate how much change there is in the central velocity dispersion when the stellar mass changes, with slopes significantly above or below \(\approx 0.3\) indicating a higher or lower fraction of dark matter in galaxies. showed that the central stellar velocity dispersion of quiescent galaxies is proportional to the dark matter halo velocity dispersion. Therefore, our results indicate an increase of dark matter in ancient satellites and a deficit in BCGs. This is consistent with what we find in the previous sections, i.e., satellites in the central region of clusters are probably going through mergers (see, for example, Figure [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}). Although mergers do not occur in clusters with high rates at low-z, there are several observational evidence for dry merging at \(z < 0.3\) in central galaxies of groups and clusters. In particular, have obtained a major dry merger rate of \(0.55\pm 0.27\) merger per Gyr at \(z \sim 0.43\). Even such a low merger rate can promote the growth of dark matter halos in ancient ETGs since they have time since infall \(\geq\) 6.5 Gyr. On the other hand, the constancy of the Sérsic index does not indicate significant mergers for the BCGs, and the shallower slope in the \(M_\ast-\sigma\) relation must be related to feedback mechanisms and/or to the fact that the BCGs could not constitute virialized configurations. The presence of self-interacting DM in haloes can also explain lower central DM densities by making the core radius larger. Lower DM fractions could also be associated with diffuse DM haloes, or due to non-universal IMF and non-homology of ETGs . ## Difference between dynamical and stellar mass Another way to explore the distribution of dark matter in ETGs through the PPS regions is to consider the difference between the dynamical (virial) mass and the stellar mass of galaxies. We can estimate the dynamical mass using the following expression: \[M_{\rm dyn} \simeq K(n) {R_e \sigma^2\over G} \label{eq3}\] , where \(K(n)\) is a scale factor that depends on the Sérsic index \(n\) as follows \[K(n) = 8.87-0.831 n + 0.00241 n^2 \label{eq4}\] , with the Sérsic indices taken from the catalog of. We also define the ratio \(M_{\rm dyn}/M_\ast\) as \[\Delta M\equiv \log{(M_{\rm dyn}/M_\odot)}-\log{(M_\ast/M_\odot)} \label{eq5}\] following the work of. We present the cumulative distribution functions of \(\Delta M\) for the PPS samples in Figure [\[fig9\]](#fig9){reference-type="ref" reference="fig9"}, and use the Conover test to compare them against each other. We use the version from the DescTools R package. The test performs a multiple comparison between the datasets and verifies whether the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of one does not cross the CDF of the other at the 90% C.L.[^5] The test indicates significant differences between ancient objects and all other samples, as well as intermediate objects and all others, not indicating a significant difference between recent, first infallers, and field ETGs. We also find no significant difference between the BCGs and the ancient satellites. In Figure [\[fig9\]](#fig9){reference-type="ref" reference="fig9"}, we show the cumulative distribution functions of the logarithmic difference between dynamical and stellar mass for the PPS samples in panel (a), and BCG, SAT, and field samples in panel (b). The shaded areas in both panels indicate the range of median values of \(\Delta M\) for the samples with \(z<0.12\) studied by, \[0.388,0.411\] for low-z ETGs. In comparison, our PPS samples have the following median values: \(0.431\pm 0.015\) (all ancient), \(0.358\pm 0.028\) (intermediate), \(0.399\pm 0.013\) (recent), and \(0.398\pm 0.017\) (first infallers). Separating the ancients: \(0.421\pm 0.019\) (BCGs) and \(0.438\pm 0.016\) (satellites), while the field ETGs present \(0.389\pm 0.011\). The medians and respective errors are computed from 1000 bootstrapped resamplings. This result suggests that ancient ETGs have a higher fraction of dark matter, while intermediate objects have a lower fraction, with the recent, first infall, and field subsamples having values in the middle. Not only does this reinforces the idea of environmental effects on the distribution of dark matter in cluster ETGs, it also gives us clues to understand the process taking into account their orbits and trajectories through the PPS of the clusters. In fact, the result seems to indicate that objects with an infall time \(\lesssim\) 3.63 Gyr are not significantly affected by dynamical processes that affect the dark matter fraction (\(f_{DM}\)), which remains at the level of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}60% (after translating to linear scale), agreeing with the median \(f_{DM}\) found by for low-\(z\) samples. At the same time, ancient ETGs have a slight (but significant) increase in \(f_{DM}\) to 65%, while intermediate ETGs have \(f_{DM}\) decreased to 56%. The decrease in \(f_{DM}\) during the intermediate phase could be the result that objects in this region had their first pericentric passage recently and may have lost part of their mass at this stage. Indeed, report that cluster galaxies with low projected velocities, usually identified as backsplash galaxies, lose a fraction of their mass in their first passage through the cluster core. find that ETGs with very low projected velocities \((|\Delta V| < 0.5 \sigma_{cl}\)), where \(\sigma_{cl}\) is the velocity dispersion of the host cluster, are systematically less massive than ETGs at higher velocities. To compare, our intermediate population typically has \(|\Delta V|\approx 0.25 \sigma_{cl}\). In addition, find a significant tidal mass loss of dark matter after the first pericenter passage; a similar result is found by. Interestingly, our intermediate population presents a cutoff in stellar mass around \(10^{11.6}~M_\odot\), while the other populations reach \(\sim 10^{11.9}~M_\odot\). This reinforces the conclusion that ETGs in this region of the PPS have either lost part of their mass (both stellar and dark matter) and/or are unable to add mass through dynamical processes. Finally, we need to reconcile the higher \(f_{DM}\) in ancient ETGs with the DM deficiency obtained from the \(M_\ast-\sigma\) relation for BCGs. It is well known that BCGs have larger \(R_e\), at fixed stellar mass than the general early type population and their velocity dispersion increases less with stellar mass. From Equations [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq1"} and [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"} we see that larger \(R_e\) decreases \(\sigma\) and increase \(M_{\rm dyn}\), which could partially explain the result. The increase in \(R_e\) can be associated with feedback effects and other effects we mentioned in the previous section. Understanding the physical processes driving the evolution of BCGs is essential for studying the formation history of galaxy clusters. Our analysis indicates early-type BCGs differ significantly from the general ETG population in low-z clusters. Still, a more specific study on the evolution of BCGs will be presented in a forthcoming paper. # Discussion The study of cluster ETGs is essential to improve our understanding of the structure formation and the galaxy--environment connection. Advances in this topic may allow us to understand how the environment may or may not favor the late evolution of ETGs. The size growth of ETGs is a long-term process that can last until the present. shows that the environment has been affecting the sizes of ETGs since at least \(z\approx 2\). Merging seems to be the main contributor to the size evolution of ETGs at \(z \lesssim 1\), with massive local galaxies assembling \(\sim 75\)% of their total stellar mass at \(0.3<z<3.0\) , indicating the need for late growth of ETGs at \(z<0.3\). However, the growth in size and mass of cluster ETGs is disfavoured by tidal effects, apart from the fact that mergers are less efficient in massive clusters. In this context, a significant result is found by , showing a direct correlation between time since infall and tidal mass loss, in the sense that objects longer in clusters have experienced a higher rate of tidal mass loss. In addition, show that the evolution in size and mass of cluster ETGs is related to the acquisition of new galaxies by the clusters and the transformation of member galaxies located at large clustercentric distances at \(z=0.85\), which end up being massive satellite ETGs at \(z=0\). Also, study BCGs and their early-type companions at \(z\sim 0.37\) as an example of late stellar assembly of massive cluster galaxies via major merging. In the present work, we present a study of cluster ETGs distributed in PPS regions defined by and. The samples containing the oldest objects (ancient and intermediate ETGs) have the time since infall \(\gtrsim 3.6\) Gyr, which places their entry into the cluster at \(z \gtrsim 0.32\). For the recent and first infallers ETGs, their time since infall is \(\lesssim 3.6\) Gyr. Despite this difference in \(t_{inf}\), all the cumulative galaxy changes, before and after the infall, are roughly called late (or residual) growth since we define all the ETGs using the same criteria. So the differences we find between the PPS regions are, in principle, thought as a result of environmental effects in the clusters. A possible caveat to the whole analysis is that the sample of ETGs has 77% of ellipticals (E) and only 23% of lenticulars (S0). We separate E from S0 following, considering ellipticals all objects with \(T <-2\), and lenticulars all those with \(-2 \leq T < 0\) with \(P_{S0} > 0.6\). Removing the S0, we reproduce all the results presented in the previous sections. But using only the S0, the results become statistically inconclusive. Another difficulty inherent to this work is associated with the mutual contamination of objects from different regions of the PPS, as discussed in Section 3.1 and Appendix [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"}. Despite these limitations, the present work achieves some significant results capable of shedding light on the problem of late growth of ETGs in galaxy clusters. Our main findings are: 1. We find a significant change in the behaviour of the concentration index \(C\) around \(\tilde{M}_{\ast}\), see Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. Objects less massive than this present a slight growth of \(C\) with \(M_{\ast}\), while more massive objects present an opposite trend. The flatter behavior of the field sample, especially regarding ancient satellites, suggests an environmental effect on the the light distribution of cluster ETGs. 2. HM objects in all PPS regions show less growth (or more shrinkage) of \(R_{90}\) concerning \(R_{50}\) than LM objects (Figure [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}), and the infall seems to decrease \(R_{90}\) and not affect \(R_{50}\) (see Figures [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"} and [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"}). But in the transition from the intermediate to the ancient region, we find a remarkable increase of \(R_{90}\) and \(R_{50}\). 3. We also find that field galaxies and BCGs vary significantly in size but not in shape, while ancient satellites grow in both \(R_{90}\) and \(n\), with the Sérsic index reaching \(n\approx 8\), indicating that BCGs grow preferentially via feedback mechanisms at low-z (or that they have already reached their final size in earlier stages of cluster formation) while central satellites probably experience a growth stage via dry mergers. 4. For LM objects, color gradients are negative and approximately constant in all samples, while for HM ETGs color gradients tend to become less negative with \(M_\ast\). The ancient population has the most positive color gradients (\(-0.034\pm 0.004\)), while the recent \(+\) intermediate samples have in-between values (\(-0.045\pm 0.004\)), and the first infallers are the ones with the most negative color gradients (\(-0.051\pm 0.003\)). This result points to objects longer in the clusters having less negative color gradients. 5. From the study of the \(M_\ast-\sigma\) relation, we find an increase of dark matter in ancient satellites and a deficit in BCGs, indicating mergers for satellites and feedback mechanisms (or a more complex structure plus previous evolution) for BCGs. 6. Estimating the dynamical mass of galaxies, we find that ancient ETGs have a higher fraction of dark matter, while intermediate objects have a lower fraction, with the recent and first infall samples having values in the middle. 7. Finally, results (v) and (vi) can be reconciled for BCGs if mechanisms capable of increasing \(R_e\) act on these objects. These results favor a scenario where cluster ETGs experience environmental influence the longer they remain and the deeper into the gravitational potential they lie. Our findings indicate a combination of tidal stripping + harassment, which predominate during infall, followed by mergers + feedback effects affecting ancient satellites and BCGs, respectively. The competition between tidal stripping and mergers is probably the key element for understanding the late evolution of ETGs toward their observed properties. At the same time, we should assume that these processes are superimposed on pre-processing mechanisms that may have happened in galaxy groups before infall. A more detailed study of this scenario is necessary, constituting a point to be further investigated in a future work.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:20', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04287', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04287'}
# Introduction {#sec:introduction} There are a number of astrophysical systems in which the effects of both general relativity (GR) and radiation in the form of photons or neutrinos significantly modify the hydrodynamics (HD) or magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of the fluid that is present. Black holes accreting at sufficiently high rates, merging neutron stars, and the innermost regions of core-collapse supernovae all belong to this category. These systems are turbulent and susceptible to intrinsically multidimensional fluid instabilities and phenomena, and so modeling and understanding them calls for accurate simulations that solve the governing differential equations. Radiation in particular is difficult to model well. In the continuum limit, collisional MHD fluids are described by a small number (\({\sim}8\)) of dynamical values at every point in space; spatial discretization results in a finite count of real numbers to evolve in time. Radiation, however, is not collisional, and so even limiting the calculation to a single frequency, the dynamical quantity comprises a functional degree of freedom at every point in space.[^1] That is, the radiation field consists of intensity that depends on three-dimensional spatial location and two-dimensional direction. With frequencies considered, this amounts to solving the Boltzmann equation on a six-dimensional domain. Radiation methods can be categorized based on how they reduce this complexity to a more tractable level.[^2] It is conceptually straightforward to divide the sphere into discrete solid angles just as finite-volume fluid methods discretize space, evolving some average representation of the intensity within each solid angle and spatial cell. This approach, called a Boltzmann, discrete-ordinate, or \(S_N\) method in various contexts, is the one we adopt here. It has a history dating back to, and it is conducive to converging to the correct solution. Values on a sphere can instead be represented by spherical harmonics. These are evolved in the \(P_N\) method, which has been applied to general-relativistic transport by. Conceptually intermediate between \(S_N\) and \(P_N\), finite-element discretizations of the sphere have been considered for special-relativistic transport, with the GR case still under development. An alternative strategy, and one with long historical precedent in astrophysics, is to describe the radiation field at a point with a finite number of moments. As the evolution of the \(k\)-th moment depends only on moment \(k + 1\), a closure relation that prescribes the \(n\)-th moment as a function of moments \(0\) through \(n-1\) truncates the series. This applies to relativistic fluids as well as it does to Newtonian fluids. Flux-limited diffusion sets \(n = 1\) and allows spatial gradients in the zeroth moment, modified by a flux limiter, to contribute to the closure. Commonly, \(n\) is chosen to be \(2\), and the different assumed prescriptions lead to different flavors of the M1 method. The accuracy of this strategy hinges on the validity of the assumed closure. Unfortunately, it is quite possible for different parts of a physical system to have similar zeroth and first moments but very different second moments, and for some problems no amount of computational power can overcome the fact that the span of radiation fields at a point representable with M1 may be insufficient to capture this diversity. Some shortcomings of M1 closures in a realistic GRMHD accretion setting are shown in. The aforementioned discrete-ordinate method is more conducive to converging to the correct solution with increased computational power, as the sphere can simply be divided into finer solid angles. Another alternative is to use Monte Carlo sampling of the radiation field, launching appropriately distributed photon packets to propagate though space according to the geodesic equation. This method converges to the correct solution with sufficiently many samples, though optically thick regions require careful treatment to avoid prohibitive costs. Moreover, parallelization and load balancing of large problems is difficult in this case: Domain decomposition only in space can lead to drastically different computational costs for different chunks of the domain based on how many packets are needed, while distributing only the packets may require prohibitively large amounts of memory for each process to store the fluid state of the entire system. Despite the difficulties, recent years have seen much progress in unifying GR, radiation, and (M)HD in astrophysical codes. Within the core-collapse community, it is common for relativistic dynamics, strong gravity, and neutrino transport to be combined in an M1 method that is simplified by leveraging the approximately spherical nature of the system or the expected approximate axisymmetry of the radiation field at every point about the radial direction. More multidimensional relativistic M1 schemes have been presented in, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, and Monte Carlo sampling has been employed in GRMHD by and. An example of a hybrid scheme is that of, where Monte Carlo techniques are used to sample the local radiation field in order to provide more situationally appropriate closures for a moment method. More deterministically, a method-of-characteristics approach is used to close the moment equations in the MOCMC scheme of. Similarly, Boltzmann solvers have been used to inform moment closures, both in spherically symmetric codes and in multidimensional contexts. More scarce in the study of accretion disks are pure, deterministic Boltzmann solvers that treat the discretized intensity as a function of angle as fundamental. The codes developed by and do this, but they are both designed for the core-collapse problem, focusing on the complexities of multi-species, multi-energy-group transport and coupling while neglecting magnetic fields. Here we describe our implementation of general-relativistic radiation, solving the GR Boltzmann transport equation as given, for example, in and especially, coupled to a relativistic MHD fluid within the framework. The MHD capabilities of the code in special relativity (SR) and stationary-spacetime GR have been used for a number of applications. At the same time, the Newtonian MHD sector of the framework has been applied to a number of radiative problems with a variety of methods; in particular, develops the explicit Boltzmann transport whose relativistic generalization is our current focus. Coupling of flat-spacetime SRMHD with radiation in has been developed and employed by, and so we now turn to the GR case. The method described here allows a number of problems at the forefront of astrophysical modeling---in particular, black holes accreting near or beyond the Eddington rate---to be simulated in a manner that provides for convergence to the physical solution even with complex radiation fields. While our method supports multiple frequency groups in a straightforward way, we will consider mostly gray transport here, leaving frequency-dependent tests and applications for a future work. At the same time, this generalization of to account for gravitational bending of light naturally allows the coupling of radiation to Newtonian or SR fluids in more 1D and 2D geometries than previously supported. Our numerical implementation is detailed in Section [2](#sec:method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method"}. Section [3](#sec:tests){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tests"} demonstrates the code passing a variety of tests of both transport and radiation--fluid coupling in both flat and curved spacetimes. We showcase a 3D simulation of black hole accretion in Section [4](#sec:example){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example"}. Section [5](#sec:performance){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:performance"} provides performance statistics for the code, especially using the new performance-portable version of the framework (Stone et al., in prep.). A summary of capability and future outlook is provided in Section [6](#sec:summary){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:summary"}. We will generally omit explicit factors of \(c\) and \(G\), and we will employ metrics with the \((-,\, +,\, +,\, +)\) signature. In what follows, our symmetrization convention omits combinatorial factors. For example, we have # Numerical Method {#sec:method} The crux of our algorithm is the time evolution of the specific intensity of radiation, \({\hat{I}}_\nu\), which is a function of three spatial dimensions and three momentum directions (one frequency or equivalently energy \({\hat{\nu}}\), a polar angle \({\hat{\zeta}}\), and an azimuthal angle \({\hat{\psi}}\)). From we can write Here, \({\hat{\jmath}}_\nu\) and \({\hat{\alpha}}_\nu\) are the emission and absorption coefficients, the components of \({\hat{n}}\) are position- and momentum-dependent geometrical factors explained below, and we use the shorthand \[{\hat{s}} = \sin{\hat{\zeta}}.\] After defining the coordinates we use (§[2.1](#sec:method:coordinates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:coordinates"}) and deriving the discretized forms of the equations we evolve (§[2.2](#sec:method:equations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:equations"}), we will detail the principal components of our time integration algorithm for radiation. Paralleling the evolution of the fluid and magnetic field, each stage in a multi-stage time integrator performs the following tasks: 1. Calculate fluxes: Intensities are reconstructed (interpolated) from cell centers to faces in both space and angle (§[2.3](#sec:method:reconstruction){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:reconstruction"}). Fluxes are then calculated by upwinding reconstructed values, while being aware of optical depths (§[2.4](#sec:method:fluxes){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:fluxes"}). 2. Communicate fluxes: Fluxes are synchronized across coarse/fine mesh-refinement boundaries, with coarse values overwritten by any finer values obtained at the same spatial coordinates. 3. Apply flux divergences: Conserved values are updated via the appropriate divergences of spatial and angular fluxes. 4. Apply source terms: Conserved values are updated in accordance with the inhomogeneous terms in the equations stemming from matter--radiation coupling (§[2.5](#sec:method:coupling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:coupling"}). 5. Communicate variables: Conserved values from active zones are sent to their corresponding ghost zones. In the case of fine-to-coarse communication across a refinement boundary, the values are restricted before communication. 6. Prolongate variables: Ghost-zone values received in coarse-to-fine communication are prolongated by the recipients. 7. Calculate primitives: The primitive intensities are calculated from their conserved counterparts. 8. Apply boundary conditions: Ghost zones external to the physical domain are populated based on the desired behavior at the boundaries. Figure [\[fig:tasks\]](#fig:tasks){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:tasks"} shows the tasks involved in a radiation-MHD calculation with mesh refinement. Arrows indicate dependencies; a task cannot commence until all tasks pointing to it have completed. Further details regarding angular discretization are given in Section [2.6](#sec:method:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:angular_grids"}. ## Coordinates {#sec:method:coordinates} As we will make use of no fewer than four coordinate systems, we are careful to distinguish them with consistent notation throughout this work. Spacetime is parameterized by coordinates \(x^\alpha\), indexed with \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), etc. Unspecified spatial components will be indexed with \(a\), \(b\), etc. We will refer to tensors with components in this frame as being in the "coordinate frame." We will only consider stationary (but certainly not necessarily static) spacetimes here, subject to \[\label{eq:stationary_metric} \pp{0} \gcov{\alpha\beta} = 0.\] At times, we will refer to quantities in the "normal frame," indicated by primes on the indices (e.g., \(x^{\alpha'}\)).[^3] This is the frame in which the time direction is made orthogonal to surfaces of constant coordinate time. In terms of the standard \(3{+}1\) lapse, shift, and spatial metric the metric in this frame is given by Tensors can be transformed between the coordinate and normal frames via We will also rely heavily on an orthonormal frame, which we will call the "tetrad frame." Indices in this frame will be decorated with circumflexes (e.g., \(x^{\hat{\alpha}}\)). The tetrad frame is related to the coordinate frame via the set of \(16\) components \(e^\alpha_{\hat{\beta}}\): Indices can be raised or lowered with the appropriate metric, whether Minkowski or the spacetime metric at hand: \[\tet{{\hat{\alpha}}}{\beta} = \etacon{{\hat{\alpha}}{\hat{\gamma}}} \gcov{\beta\delta} \tet{\delta}{{\hat{\gamma}}}.\] The components form a valid tetrad only if \[\gcov{\alpha\beta} \tet{\alpha}{{\hat{\gamma}}} \tet{\beta}{{\hat{\delta}}} = \etacov{{\hat{\gamma}}{\hat{\delta}}},\] which fixes \(10\) degrees of freedom at each point in spacetime. We further require that the timelike direction in the tetrad frame be orthogonal to surfaces of constant coordinate time \(x^0\), and that this be a future-pointing direction. Mathematically, this fixes another \(3\) degrees of freedom and forces \[\tet{\alpha}{{\hat{0}}} =-\alpha \gcon{0\alpha}.\] The remaining \(3\) degrees of freedom can be leveraged to increase numerical accuracy in problem-dependent ways. See Section [2.6](#sec:method:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:angular_grids"} for more details regarding angular grids, including geodesic grids supported by the code. As with the coordinate frame, we will restrict attention to tetrads that are stationary: \[\label{eq:stationary_tetrad} \pp{0} \tet{\alpha}{{\hat{\beta}}} = 0.\] The tetrad frame can be used to define spherical coordinates characterizing momentum at every point in spacetime. Following, define \({\hat{\zeta}}\) to be the polar angle measured from the \(+x^{{\hat{3}}}\)-direction in the tangent space at the point in question, and let \({\hat{\psi}}\) be the azimuthal angle measured in the usual sense from the \(+x^{{\hat{1}}}\)-direction. Figure [\[fig:coordinates\]](#fig:coordinates){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:coordinates"} illustrates how these coordinates parameterize direction within every cell on a spatial grid. The frequency \({\hat{\nu}}\) in this frame characterizes the magnitude of momentum. Angles \({\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{\psi}}\) will be indexed by \(l\) and \(m\). The naturally arising latitude/longitude grid is discussed further in Section [2.6](#sec:method:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:angular_grids"}, together with an alternative geodesic grid for radiation angles. Finally, we will use macrons (e.g., \(x^{\bar{\alpha}}\)) to denote components in a particular orthonormal rest frame of the fluid. Given the fluid's velocity in the tetrad frame, we define this frame via \[\acon{{\bar{\alpha}}} = \lorentz{{\bar{\alpha}}}{{\hat{\beta}}} \acon{{\hat{\beta}}},\] with ## Governing Equations {#sec:method:equations} Let \({\hat{I}}_\nu\) be the tetrad-frame specific intensity, defined in general as a function of \(x^\alpha\), \({\hat{\nu}}\), \({\hat{\zeta}}\), and \({\hat{\psi}}\). Let \({\hat{n}}\) be the future-directed null vector aligned with momentum that has spatial length unity in the tetrad frame. That is, \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\alpha}}\) is a function of \({\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{\psi}}\) with components Note that \({\hat{n}}^\alpha\) is a function of not just direction \({\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{\psi}}\), but also position \(x^a\). Additionally, define the symbols where \[\label{eq:ricci} \rot{{\hat{\gamma}}}{{\hat{\alpha}}{\hat{\beta}}} = \tet{{\hat{\gamma}}}{\epsilon} \tet{\delta}{{\hat{\beta}}} \del{\delta} \tet{\epsilon}{{\hat{\alpha}}}\] are the Ricci rotation coefficients. With these definitions, the differential equation of general-relativistic radiative transport from can be written as Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"}. The covariant \(\beta\) in Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} can be any spacetime index, and its choice will govern what quantity will be exactly conserved by the numerical scheme. For example, if \(x^\alpha\) describe axisymmetric coordinates, then setting \(\beta = \phi\) will conserve a form of angular momentum. For this work we choose to let \(\beta\) be the time coordinate, conserving the covariant radiation energy density exactly. We must also solve the equations of GRMHD, modified to account for four-momentum transfer between the fluid and radiation: where \(\rho\) is the fluid rest-mass density, \(u\) is its four-velocity, \(T\) is the stress--energy tensor of the fluid and electromagnetic field, \(F\) is the electromagnetic field tensor, and \(\star\) is the Hodge dual operator. Formally, the coupling term is given by \[\label{eq:coupling_force} \Gcov{\alpha} =-\oint \! \int_0^\infty \ncov{\alpha} ({\hat{\jmath}}_\nu-{\hat{\alpha}}_\nu {\hat{I}}_\nu) \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\nu}} \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\Omega}},\] where \(\mathrm{d}{\hat{\Omega}} = {\hat{s}} \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\psi}}\) is the standard spherical area element in the tetrad frame. However, as described in Section [2.5](#sec:method:coupling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:coupling"}, this term is not directly computed from this formula. Just as Equations [\[eq:grmhd_differential\]](#eq:grmhd_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grmhd_differential"} are averaged over a spacetime volume element to yield the finite-volume form of the equations solved by , so too is Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} averaged over spacetime volume, frequency interval, and direction solid angle. We employ the notation where \(a,\, b,\, c \in \{1,\, 2,\, 3\}\) are always distinct, as are \(l,\, m \in \{\zeta,\, \psi\}\), with \(\lambda^{\hat{\zeta}} = {\hat{\zeta}}\) and \(\lambda^{\hat{\psi}} = {\hat{\psi}}\). Then the integral form of the radiative transfer equation can be written[^4] \[\begin{gathered} \label{eq:radiation_integral_frequency} \frac{1}{\Delta t} \bracket[\Big]{\ave[\big]{\ncon{0} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}_\nu}_{V {\hat{\nu}} {\hat{\Omega}}}}_{x^0_-}^{x^0_+} + \sum_a \frac{1}{\Delta V} \bracket[\Big]{\Delta A_a \ave[\big]{\ncon{a} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}_\nu}_{t A_a {\hat{\nu}} {\hat{\Omega}}}}_{x^a_-}^{x^a_+} + \frac{1}{\Delta{\hat{\nu}}} \bracket[\Big]{\ave[\big]{\ncon{{\hat{\nu}}} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}_\nu}_{t V {\hat{\Omega}}}}_{{\hat{\nu}}_-}^{{\hat{\nu}}_+} \\ + \sum_{\hat{l}} \frac{1}{\Delta{\hat{\Omega}}} \bracket[\Big]{\Delta\lambda_{\hat{l}} \ave[\big]{\ncon{{\hat{l}}} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}_\nu}_{t V {\hat{\nu}} \lambda_{\hat{l}}}}_{\lambda^{\hat{l}}_-}^{\lambda^{\hat{l}}_+} = \ave[\big]{\ncov{0} ({\hat{\jmath}}_\nu-{\hat{\alpha}}_\nu {\hat{I}}_\nu)}_{t V {\hat{\nu}} {\hat{\Omega}}}. \end{gathered}\] Specializing to the case of gray transport, we can consider frequency to have a single bin \(0 < {\hat{\nu}} < \infty\), in which case the equation can be written \[\label{eq:radiation_integral} \frac{1}{\Delta t} \bracket[\Big]{\ave[\big]{\ncon{0} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{V {\hat{\Omega}}}}_{x^0_-}^{x^0_+} + \sum_a \frac{1}{\Delta V} \bracket[\Big]{\Delta A_a \ave[\big]{\ncon{a} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{t A_a {\hat{\Omega}}}}_{x^a_-}^{x^a_+} \\ + \sum_{\hat{l}} \frac{1}{\Delta{\hat{\Omega}}} \bracket[\Big]{\Delta\lambda_{\hat{l}} \ave[\big]{\ncon{{\hat{l}}} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{t V \lambda_{\hat{l}}}}_{\lambda^{\hat{l}}_-}^{\lambda^{\hat{l}}_+} = \ave[\big]{\ncov{0} ({\hat{\jmath}}-\alphah_\mathrm{E} {\hat{I}})}_{t V {\hat{\Omega}}}.\] The form of Equation [\[eq:radiation_integral\]](#eq:radiation_integral){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_integral"} informs a finite-volume/finite-solid-angle method, in which the conserved values \({\hat{n}}^0 {\hat{n}}_0 {\hat{I}}\) are updated not only via area-averaged spatial fluxes \({\hat{n}}^i {\hat{n}}_0 {\hat{I}}\), but also via angle-averaged angular fluxes \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\zeta}} {\hat{n}}_0 {\hat{I}}\) and \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\psi}} {\hat{n}}_0 {\hat{I}}\). The Ricci rotation coefficients hidden in \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\psi}}\) account for the bending of light as it propagates on a curved spacetime, or for the rotation of the tetrad directions as one moves through space even in flat spacetime. In a flat spacetime with \(d\) spatial dimensions and a \((d{-}1)\)-dimensional radiation angle space, one can always choose a tetrad such that \(\omega^{\hat{\gamma}}_{\hat{\alpha}\hat{\beta}}\) vanishes everywhere, even when working in curvilinear coordinates with nonvanishing connection coefficients. Indeed, this has allowed the Newtonian predecessor of our algorithm to be used in 3D simulations in spherical coordinates with great success. However, given a symmetry of the spatial dimensions, there may be no such convenient tetrad that respects that symmetry. In particular, 2D axisymmetric simulations performed in cylindrical or spherical coordinates still require two angles to capture the radiation field, which is axisymmetric about a spatial axis but not any momentum axis, and so angular transport terms cannot be avoided even in such Newtonian problems. When general-relativistic gravity is present, angular transport will always be nontrivial for any choice of coordinates and tetrad, even for 3D simulations with two angular coordinates. ## Reconstruction {#sec:method:reconstruction} At the beginning of any stage in the time-integration algorithm, we have the primitive values \({\hat{I}}\) defined everywhere. This includes ghost zones in space and angle. We must calculate slope-limited "left" and "right" values at each spatial interface (at constant solid angle) and each angular interface (at constant spatial location). Reconstruction in spatial directions is performed via the same one-dimensional algorithms as for cell-centered hydrodynamical variables, with each angular bin being treated separately. These routines include donor cell (DC), piecewise linear, and piecewise parabolic methods. Treating each angular bin separately is only valid to the extent that the tetrad basis vectors do not rotate too rapidly as one moves across the spatial grid. For example, for spatial cells indexed by \(i\), \(j\), and \(k\) and angular bins indexed by \(l\) and \(m\), \(n_{i,j,k,l,m}\) should point in roughly the same direction as \(n_{i\pm1,j,k,l,m}\). This is similar to how, in hydrodynamics on a spherical grid, the azimuthal cells must not be so large that the \(\phi\)-direction changes wildly from one cell to the next. In practice, reasonable tetrad choices will result in valid radiation reconstruction on any grid with sufficient resolution for hydrodynamics. Angular fluxes are computed similarly within each spatial cell. The procedure is most easily illustrated with the PLM stencil on a latitude-longitude grid. For concreteness, consider a grid with \(N_{\hat{\zeta}} = 4\), indexed by \(l \in \{0,\, \ldots,\, 3\}\), and \(N_{\hat{\psi}} = 8\), indexed by \(m \in \{0,\, \ldots,\, 7\}\), with half-integers denoting interfaces. Second-order reconstruction of left and right values of \({\hat{I}}\) at \((l, m) = (1, 1/2)\), with coordinates \(({\hat{\zeta}}, {\hat{\psi}}) = (3 \pi / 8, \pi / 4)\), would use angular cells with \((l, m) = (1, 7),\, (1, 0),\, (1, 1),\, (1, 2)\), with coordinates understood to be \({\hat{\psi}} =-\pi / 8,\, +\pi / 8,\, +3 \pi / 8,\, +5 \pi / 8\). The left and right values at \(l = 1/2\) and \(m = 0\) would require crossing the pole, using the four cells with \((l, m) = (0, 4),\, (0, 0),\, (1, 0),\, (2, 0)\) and understood coordinates \({\hat{\zeta}} =-\pi / 8,\, +\pi / 8,\, +3 \pi / 8,\, +5 \pi / 8\). An alternative method appropriate for geodesic grids is discussed in Section [2.6](#sec:method:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:angular_grids"}. As \({\hat{I}}\) is essentially a scalar (it has no directional sense independent of the angular cell in which it is located), there is no sign change across the angular grid poles that must be considered as happens, for example, when reconstructing velocity vectors across the poles in hydrodynamics on spherical grids. ## Fluxes {#sec:method:fluxes} In vacuum, radiation fluxes are simply given by the upwind primitives multiplied by the appropriate prefactors, where the upwind direction is determined by the normal direction of the angular cell in question. That is, we take \[\label{eq:flux_space} \ave[\big]{\ncon{a} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{t A_a {\hat{\Omega}}} = \ncon{a} \ncov{0} \begin{cases} \Ih_\mathrm{L}, & \ncon{a} > 0, \\ \Ih_\mathrm{R}, & \ncon{a} < 0, \end{cases}\] where \(\Ih_\mathrm{L}\) and \(\Ih_\mathrm{R}\) are the reconstructed intensities at the lesser and greater coordinate \(x^a\) sides of the constant-\(x^a\) interface. Angular fluxes are just as simple in our notation: \[\label{eq:flux_angle} \ave[\big]{\ncon{{\hat{l}}} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{t V \lambda_{\hat{l}}} = \ncon{{\hat{l}}} \ncov{0} \begin{cases} \Ih_\mathrm{L}, & \ncon{{\hat{l}}} > 0, \\ \Ih_\mathrm{R}, & \ncon{{\hat{l}}} < 0. \end{cases}\] In principle, a radiation--hydrodynamics scheme could simply use Equations [\[eq:flux_space\]](#eq:flux_space){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:flux_space"} and [\[eq:flux_angle\]](#eq:flux_angle){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:flux_angle"} for the radiation sector, with the hydrodynamics sector using its own Riemann-solver fluxes, which do not depend on the radiation. In practice, however, such operator splitting can lead to excessive diffusion when the speed of light greatly exceeds the effective diffusion of radiation through an optically thick medium. Radiation--hydrodynamics codes employ various methods, similar in spirit but differing in detail, to overcome this issue. For example, uses a Riemann solver to calculate radiation fluxes, with the relevant signal speed estimates (nominally the eigenvalues of the linearized, homogeneous equations for the radiation subsector) are reduced toward \(0\) in regions of large optical depth per cell. Similarly, and use the optical depth per cell to interpolate between a free-streaming flux and an advective--diffusive flux. Our own approach most closely resembles that of, generalized to a relativistic setting. For each interface, the primitive velocities \(u^{a'}\) and fluid-frame total absorption coefficients \(\alphab_\mathrm{E}\) are interpolated to the interface from the two adjacent cells. Given a timestep \(\Delta t\), this defines an effective optical depth for the interface of \[\tau \propto \frac{\alphab_\mathrm{E} \Delta t}{u^{\hat{0}}},\] where a proportionality constant of approximately \(1\) to \(10\) can be chosen based on the problem at hand, and a value of \(0\) reduces to the free-streaming case. We next define an interpolating factor \[f =-\expm(-\tau^2),\] where \(\expm(x) \equiv \exp(x)-1\) is evaluated numerically without loss of precision near \(x = 0\). Using the velocities from the adjacent cells, we can calculate \({\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}_\mathrm{L/R} =-(u_\alpha {\hat{n}}^\alpha)_\mathrm{L/R}\) in those cells. The flux is then calculated according to \[\ave[\big]{\ncon{a} \ncov{0} {\hat{I}}}_{t A_a {\hat{\Omega}}} = \ncon{a} \ncov{0} \begin{cases} \Ih_\mathrm{L} (1-g_\mathrm{L} + g), & \ncon{a} > 0, \\ \Ih_\mathrm{R} (1-g_\mathrm{R} + g), & \ncon{a} < 0, \end{cases}\] where we define \[g_\mathrm{L/R} =-f \paren[\bigg]{1 + \frac{1}{{\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}_\mathrm{L/R}}}\] and \(g\) is the interpolation of \(g_\mathrm{L/R}\) to the interface. The discretization of space and momentum space naturally results in numerical diffusion. For example, beams of light will slowly spread beyond the region allowed by an exact solution to the geodesic equation (see Section [3.2](#sec:tests:curvilinear_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tests:curvilinear_beams"}). This can lead to a subtle numerical issue inside the ergosphere of a black hole, where negative-energy orbits exist. The covariant momentum of radiation can be written \[\kcov{\alpha} = {\hat{\nu}} \ncov{\alpha}.\] Along a null geodesic in a stationary spacetime, \(k_0\) is preserved. As \({\hat{\nu}}\) is strictly positive, the sign of \({\hat{n}}_0\) must be preserved as well. However, numerical diffusion can send some light from a cell and angular bin with one sign of \({\hat{n}}_0\) to a cell and angular bin with the other sign. If this is the case, and if the sign of \({\hat{n}}_0\) on the interface, whether spatial or angular, matches the sign downwind, then any flux across the interface will increase \({\hat{I}}\) on both sides, leading to an exponential growth in \({\hat{I}}\). This happens despite conservation of energy; the energy at infinity of the radiation field does not change, since light is being added to both positive- and negative-energy orbits simultaneously. Increasing resolution can decrease the phase-space volume affected by this instability, but it will not decrease the number of cells on a particular grid where this will occur. To quell the instability, we introduce a critical value \(\nh_0^\mathrm{crit} \approx 0.1\). Every step, we zero \({\hat{I}}\) wherever \(\abs{{\hat{n}}_0} < \nh_0^\mathrm{crit}\). This occurs in a relatively small fraction (less than \(11\%\)) of the phase-space volume between the horizon and the ergosphere. ## Coupling {#sec:method:coupling} We apply the effect of the right-hand side of Equation [\[eq:radiation_integral\]](#eq:radiation_integral){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_integral"} (or, more simply, the gray version of Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"}, given that source terms affect each cell in isolation) each stage in the time integrator, after both the hydrodynamic and radiation quantities have been updated via flux divergences. Here we consider emission and true absorption (no stimulated emission) that are isotropic in the fluid frame. Given the stationary nature of the tetrad, Equation [\[eq:stationary_tetrad\]](#eq:stationary_tetrad){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:stationary_tetrad"}, we can take the coupling portion of the equation, operator-split from the spatial and angular transport, to be \[\label{eq:rad_source} \pp{0} {\hat{I}} = \frac{1}{{\hat{n}}^0} \paren[\big]{{\hat{\jmath}}-\alphah_\mathrm{E} {\hat{I}}}.\] Using the Lorentz-invariant forms of \(I\), \(j\), and \(\alpha\), as well as the fact that the ratio of frequencies seen in different frames is that of the time components of \({\hat{n}}\) (e.g., \({\bar{\nu}} / {\hat{\nu}} = {\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}} / {\hat{n}}^{\hat{0}} = {\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}\)), the equation can be transformed to the fluid frame: \[\pp{0} {\bar{I}} = \frac{{\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}}{{\hat{n}}^0} \paren[\big]{{\bar{\jmath}}-\alphab_\mathrm{E} {\bar{I}}}.\] Here, we implicitly assume the fluid velocity does not appreciably change over the course of the coupling, so that \({\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}\) has no time derivative. Consider the decomposition of emissivity and absorptivity into absorption and scattering terms, Assuming the fluid remains in local thermodynamic equilibrium with temperature \(T\), the gray form of Kirchhoff's law tells us the absorption terms are related via \[\jb^\mathrm{a} = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} a_\mathrm{rad} T^4,\] where \[\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} = \frac{4 \pi}{a_\mathrm{rad} T^4} \int_0^\infty \alphab^\mathrm{a}_\nu B_\nu \, \mathrm{d}\nu\] is the Planck-mean absorption coefficient, \(B_\nu\) is the Planck function, and \(a_\mathrm{rad}\) is the radiation constant. With scattering that is elastic, \[\oint \paren[\big]{\jb^\mathrm{s}-\alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} {\bar{I}}} \, \mathrm{d}{\bar{\Omega}} = 0,\] and fluid-frame isotropic, we have the relation \[\jb^\mathrm{s} = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \bar{E},\] where \[\bar{E} = \oint {\bar{I}} \, \mathrm{d}{\bar{\Omega}} = \oint {\hat{I}} \ncon{{\bar{0}}} \ncon{{\bar{0}}} \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\Omega}}\] is the radiation energy density in the fluid frame. Combining these results, the coupling equation can be written \[\label{eq:explicit_coupling} \pp{0} {\bar{I}} = \frac{{\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}}}{{\hat{n}}^0} \paren[\bigg]{\frac{1}{4 \pi} \paren[\big]{\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} a_\mathrm{rad} T^4 + \alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \bar{E}}-\alphab_\mathrm{E} {\bar{I}}}.\] In principle, one could apply Equation [\[eq:explicit_coupling\]](#eq:explicit_coupling){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:explicit_coupling"} cell-by-cell and angle-by-angle as an explicit update. However, the coupling coefficients \(\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a}\), \(\alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s}\), and/or \(\alphab_\mathrm{E}\) might be large enough that their associated timescales (their reciprocals, in units where \(c = 1\)) are much shorter than the hydrodynamic \(\Delta t\). Accuracy and stability demand an implicit solution to the equation. Fortunately, a locally implicit solution suffices in relativity, as the hydrodynamic evolution is already limited by light-crossing times. Naively, the appearance of \(\bar{E}\) in Equation [\[eq:explicit_coupling\]](#eq:explicit_coupling){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:explicit_coupling"} would couple all angles in a cell together, resulting in an implicit system whose size scales with the number of angles used. However, as shown in for the Newtonian case, under the small-velocity-shift assumption already made, the solution can be obtained by transforming intensities into the fluid frame and solving a quartic equation for the post-coupling temperature. This method has been extended to SR by, and here we extend it to the fully general-relativistic case. Let \(-\) and \(+\) indicate quantities before and after coupling. Implicit differencing of Equation [\[eq:explicit_coupling\]](#eq:explicit_coupling){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:explicit_coupling"} yields \[\begin{gathered} \label{eq:implicit_ii} {\bar{I}}_+-\frac{{\hat{n}}^0}{{\hat{n}}^0 + {\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}} \alphab_\mathrm{E} \Delta t} {\bar{I}}_-\\-\frac{{\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}} \Delta t}{4 \pi ({\hat{n}}^0 + {\hat{n}}^{\bar{0}} \alphab_\mathrm{E} \Delta t)} \paren[\big]{\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} a_\mathrm{rad} T_+^4 + \alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \bar{E}_+} = 0. \end{gathered}\] Integrating over solid angle in the fluid frame, we have the relation \[\label{eq:coupling_rad} \bar{E}_+-A_1-A_2 \paren[\big]{\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} a_\mathrm{rad} T_+^4 + \alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \bar{E}_+} = 0,\] where we define the coefficients and where we again assume the fluid velocity changes negligibly over the timestep in order to write \[\bar{E}_+ = \oint {\bar{I}}_+ \, \mathrm{d}{\bar{\Omega}}_-.\] At the same time, to the extent the fluid frame is not accelerated, total energy conservation relates the change in fluid internal energy to the change in fluid-frame radiation energy. More precisely, with the assumptions of a stationary tetrad and fluid velocity, we can multiply Equation [\[eq:rad_source\]](#eq:rad_source){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rad_source"} by \({\hat{n}}^0 {\hat{n}}_\alpha\) and integrate over tetrad-frame solid angle to find \[\pp{0} \Rsplit{0}{\alpha} =-\Gcov{\alpha}.\] Here we use the radiation stress--energy tensor, whose components[^5] are \[\Rcon{\alpha\beta} = \oint {\hat{I}} \ncon{\alpha} \ncon{\beta} \, \mathrm{d}{\hat{\Omega}}.\] Combined with the operator-split portion of Equation [\[eq:grmhd_differential:momentum\]](#eq:grmhd_differential:momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grmhd_differential:momentum"}, \[\pp{0} \Tsplit{0}{\alpha} = \Gcov{\alpha},\] the stationary assumption allows us to write \[\pp{0} \paren[\big]{\Rcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{\alpha}}} + \Tcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{\alpha}}}} = 0.\] As we have \(R^{{\bar{0}}\zerob} = \bar{E}\) and \(T^{{\bar{0}}\zerob} = \rho + u_\mathrm{gas} + u_\mathrm{mag}\), with \(u_\mathrm{gas}\) and \(u_\mathrm{mag}\) the thermal and fluid-frame electromagnetic energy densities, and knowing radiation does not couple directly to magnetic fields, this allows us to write \[\label{eq:coupling_tot} \frac{k_\mathrm{B} \rho}{\mu m_\mathrm{p} (\Gamma-1)} (T_+-T_-) =-\paren[\big]{\bar{E}_+-\bar{E}_-},\] where we use the ideal gas equation of state and leverage the fact that this coupling cannot change \(\rho\). Combining Equations [\[eq:coupling_rad\]](#eq:coupling_rad){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coupling_rad"} and [\[eq:coupling_tot\]](#eq:coupling_tot){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coupling_tot"}, we have a quartic equation for \(T_+\): \[B_4 T_+^4 + B_1 T_+ + B_0 = 0,\] with With \(T_+\) in hand, Equation [\[eq:coupling_tot\]](#eq:coupling_tot){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coupling_tot"} yields \(\bar{E}_+\). The new fluid-frame intensities can be found from Equation [\[eq:implicit_ii\]](#eq:implicit_ii){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:implicit_ii"}, after which they can be transformed to the tetrad frame. When the dynamics are dominated by radiation, which we take to be when \(\bar{E}\) exceeds the gas inertial density \(\rho + u_\mathrm{gas}\), the assumption of fluid velocity not changing over the course of coupling no longer holds. In such cases we modify the above procedure by using a different fluid velocity, taken to be the same before and after coupling, that approximates the velocity we expect the gas to have as a result of coupling. Given the radiation stress--energy components \(R^{ab}\), we define a "radiation three-velocity" via \[\vradcon{{\hat{a}}} = \frac{R^{{\hat{0}}{\hat{a}}}}{R^{{\hat{0}}\zeroh}},\] together with its associated four-velocity. This allows us to calculate the momentum density of the gas both at its pre-coupling velocity and at the radiation velocity: In the tetrad frame, the coupling force, Equation [\[eq:coupling_force\]](#eq:coupling_force){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coupling_force"}, is simply \[\Gcon{{\hat{\alpha}}} =-\paren[\big]{\alphab_\mathrm{P}^\mathrm{a} a_\mathrm{rad} T^4 + \alphab_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \bar{E}} \ucon{{\hat{\alpha}}}-\alphab_\mathrm{E} \ucov{{\hat{\beta}}} \Rcon{{\hat{\alpha}}{\hat{\beta}}}.\] We use the fractions \[f^a = \frac{G^{\hat{a}} \Delta t}{u^{\hat{a}} (T_\mathrm{rad}^{{\hat{0}}{\hat{a}}}-T_\mathrm{gas}^{{\hat{0}}{\hat{a}}})},\] clamped between \(0\) and \(1\), to estimate \[\ucon{{\hat{a}}} = (1-f^a) \ugascon{{\hat{a}}} + f^a \uradcon{{\hat{a}}}\] for use in the implicit coupling procedure above. After \(I_+\) is found, the total four-momentum of the fluid and radiation is conserved by subtracting the change in \({R^0}_\alpha\) from \({T^0}_\alpha\). ## Angular Grids {#sec:method:angular_grids} Just as the use of spatial coordinates \(x^a\) naturally leads to the discretization space via surfaces of constant \(x^a\), our use of angular coordinates \({\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{\psi}}\) inform a discretization of angular space (the sphere) via lines of constant latitude and longitude. Our preceding discussion is framed in this way, and the code supports this style of angular grid. By choosing \(N_{\hat{\zeta}} + 1\) lines of latitude equally spaced in \(\cos{\hat{\zeta}}\) from \(+1\) to \(-1\) and \(N_{\hat{\psi}} + 1\) lines of longitude equally spaced in \({\hat{\psi}}\) from \(0\) to \(2 \pi\), we obtain \(N_\mathrm{ang} = N_{\hat{\zeta}} N_{\hat{\psi}}\) angular cells with equal solid angle, distributed roughly uniformly in the tetrad frame. The latitude/longitude grid scheme is conceptually simple, and it can flexibly support many reasonable values of \(N_\mathrm{ang}\) for different problems. However, such grids are not particularly isotropic: for \(N_{\hat{\psi}} = 2 N_{\hat{\zeta}}\), the spherical triangles touching the pole have a short-to-long leg length ratio that scales as \(\pi / N_{\hat{\zeta}}\) for large \(N_{\hat{\zeta}}\). We therefore implement a geodesic grid scheme as an alternative to latitude/longitude grids. A number of such schemes exist in the literature; here we choose the nonrecursive grid of, constructed conceptually as follows: 1. Set \(12\) points on the sphere to be the vertices of a regular icosahedron. 2. Triangulate each of the \(20\) faces of the icosahedron into \(N_\mathrm{lev}^2\) equilateral triangles for a level \(N_\mathrm{lev}\) grid, \(N_\mathrm{lev} > 0\). 3. Project the centers of all \(20 N_\mathrm{lev}^2\) triangles onto the sphere, and connect via a spherical geodesic edge any pair of points originating from triangles sharing a common edge. The resulting discretization of the sphere has \(N_\mathrm{ang} = 10 N_\mathrm{lev}^2 + 2\) cells, \(12\) of which are pentagons with the rest hexagons. This grid's anisotropy remains bounded as resolution increases, as shown by, and it has been successfully used for other astrophysical purposes. Figure [\[fig:angular_grids\]](#fig:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:angular_grids"} illustrates coarse and fine versions of both the latitude/longitude and geodesic grids. In hydrodynamics, grids with boundaries not coinciding with constant-coordinate surfaces present issues when solving Riemann problems. Vector quantities in the left and right states must be rotated into coordinates aligned with the grid, and the resulting fluxes will therefore also be aligned with the grid. However, fluxes of vector conserved quantities are components of a rank-\(2\) tensor, and one-dimensional Riemann problems do not provide enough components for this tensor to simply be rotated back into the coordinate frame in order to apply the flux-divergence update. With radiation this is not a problem, as our conserved quantity is a scalar related to intensity. That is, there is no rotation to perform on the reconstructed intensities, Equation [\[eq:flux_angle\]](#eq:flux_angle){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:flux_angle"} holds if the direction vector \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{l}}\) is understood to be the combination of \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\zeta}}\) and \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{\psi}}\) aligned with the grid, and the angular flux-divergence term in Equation [\[eq:radiation_integral\]](#eq:radiation_integral){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_integral"} is naturally modified to sum over the (possibly more than four) edges of the cell. Spatial fluxes of radiation, as in Equation [\[eq:flux_space\]](#eq:flux_space){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:flux_space"}, are not concerned with the discretization in angle. For the purposes of taking moments of the radiation field or coupling to matter, it is sufficient (i.e., second-order accurate) to know the angular grid's cell centers and solid angles. Reconstruction on latitude/longitude grids uses the same algorithms as spatial reconstruction. Geodesic grids can use DC reconstruction. For a higher-order technique, we use the minimum-angle plane reconstruction (MAPR) method developed for triangular meshes by and implemented on the same hexagonal grid as ours by. The geodesic grid sacrifices fine-grained control of resolution (supporting \(N_\mathrm{ang} \in \{12,\, 42,\, 92,\, 162,\, \ldots\}\)), achieving instead a much more isotropic distribution of angles. In practice, this allows us to run simulations without being concerned that the grid might imprint numerical anisotropies on the solution. The bookkeeping of the geodesic grid is more complicated as well, but it can still lend itself to efficient memory packing and even vectorization by dividing it into five congruent, logically rectangular patches, as in. Finally, for any type of grid with roughly equal solid angles, we can estimate the resolution needed to retain accuracy in the presence of strong Lorentz boosts. As a point is boosted by a three-velocity \(v\) in a given direction, its sphere of angles distorts, with solid angles at the back of the sphere (i.e., in the direction opposite the boost) growing the most, approaching a factor of \((1 + v) / (1-v)\) in the most anti-aligned case. If a problem requires that no angular bin in the fluid frame have a size greater than \(\Delta\Omega_\mathrm{max}\), and if \(v_\mathrm{max}\) is the largest fluid velocity relative to the tetrad frame that will arise, then the tetrad-frame angular grid should have \[N_\mathrm{ang} \geq \frac{4 \pi}{\Delta\Omega_\mathrm{max}} \cdot \frac{1 + v_\mathrm{max}}{1-v_\mathrm{max}}.\] # Tests {#sec:tests} ## Colliding Beams {#sec:tests:colliding_beams} One of the primary motivations for the development of this method is the ability to capture radiation fields that are peaked in multiple directions simultaneously. Moment methods such as M1 fundamentally cannot do this, as is readily apparent in a colliding beam test. Two beams crossing in vacuum will merge into a single beam pointing in the average direction of the two when using M1. By discretizing in angle, our method trivially captures multimodal intensity distributions at each point. On a \(64^2\) spatial grid covering \([0,\, 1]^2\), we place beam sources at \(x = 1/8\) and \(y = 1/2 \pm 3/8\), each with a radius of \(1/16\). At each location in the source, radiation is emitted in a beam at a central angle \(\mp \pi / 4\) with respect to the \(+x\)-axis, and the beams have a nonzero full spread of \(\pi / 16\). Radiation is emitted into each appropriate angle at a rate of \(\mathrm{d} I / \mathrm{d} t = 3 N_\mathrm{ang} / 16\). The sources are optically thin: radiation emitted in one source cell is augmented rather than replaced by radiation in source cells through which it subsequently passes. Figure [\[fig:colliding_beams\]](#fig:colliding_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:colliding_beams"} illustrates the beam test with our code, using two different angular resolutions. The results are shown at \(t = 2\), sufficient for the beams to leave the grid and for the problem to be in steady state. These beams are able to cross without affecting one another. While simple, we emphasize that this test is failed by M1 and commonly employed closure methods. ## Beams in Curvilinear Coordinates {#sec:tests:curvilinear_beams} Any method that is to work with curved spacetimes should work in flat spacetime parameterized by non-Cartesian coordinates, where the connection coefficients \(\Gamma^\alpha_{\beta\gamma}\) do not identically vanish. Even in Cartesian coordinates, a choice of tetrad might have nontrivial coordinate derivatives, leading to nonzero values for the Ricci rotation coefficients defined in Equation [\[eq:ricci\]](#eq:ricci){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ricci"}. Here we illustrate the same physical problem in different flat-spacetime coordinate systems, each with different tetrads. Let the region within \(1/8\) of the point \((x,\, y,\, z) = (3/2,\,-1/2,\, 0)\) be an optically thin source initially surrounded by no radiation. Let every point in the source emit radiation at a rate of \(\mathrm{d} I / \mathrm{d} t = 10\) into any angle within \(\pi / 8\) of the direction \((+1,\, +1,\, 0)\), and allow the simulation to run for a time of \(\sqrt{2}\). We perform this simulation with \(64^3\) uniformly-spaced cells in Cartesian coordinates \((x,\, y,\, z) \in [1,\, 3] \times [-1,\, 1]^2\), cylindrical coordinates \((R,\, \phi,\, z) \in [1,\, \sqrt{10}] \times [-\pi / 4,\, \pi / 4] \times [-1,\, 1]\), and spherical coordinates \((r,\, \theta,\, \phi) \in [1,\, \sqrt{10}] \times [\pi / 4,\, 3 \pi / 4] \times [-\pi / 4,\, \pi / 4]\). We additionally add a single level of static mesh refinement to a quarter of the domain (\(x < 2\), \(y < 0\); \(R < (1 + \sqrt{10}) / 2\), \(\phi < 0\); or \(r < (1 + \sqrt{10})\), \(\phi < 0\)) encompassing the source, demonstrating the ability of our code to transport radiation through mesh refinement boundaries. In each coordinate system we use either a Cartesian tetrad with \(n^3\) (the north pole of the angular grid) in the \(z\)-direction and \(n^1\) (the \(0\)-longitude point on the equator) in the \(x\)-direction, a cylindrical tetrad with \(n^3\) in the \(z\)-direction and \(n^1\) in the \(R\)-direction, or a spherical tetrad with \(n^3\) in the \(\theta\)-direction and \(n^1\) in the \(\phi\)-direction. In all cases we use \(16 \times 32\) angles. The resulting energy densities in the \(z = 0\) planes of the nine simulations are shown in Figure [\[fig:curvilinear_beams\]](#fig:curvilinear_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:curvilinear_beams"}. In all cases, the beam travels at the speed of light in the correct direction with the correct spread, with no artifacts at the refinement boundary. There are angular transport terms when the cylindrical and spherical tetrads are used. These result in some anisotropic numerical diffusion of the radiation, seen by the beam energy not being centered between the two extremal geodesics, but this is much less perceptible when using a color scale that is linear in energy. This diffusion has the property of removing ray effects, from which one can clearly see that only four angular bins in azimuth are populated in the cases with the Cartesian tetrad. In order to illustrate our method's capability in coordinate systems with non-diagonal metrics, we consider snake coordinates as in. That is, in terms of Minkowski \((t,\, x,\, y,\, z)\), we have snake \((t,\, w,\, y,\, z)\), with \[w = x-A \sin(k \pi y).\] The metric becomes[^6] \[\gcov{\alpha\beta} = \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & \delta & 0 \\ 0 & \delta & 1 + \delta^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix},\] with \[\delta = A k \pi \cos(k \pi y).\] In this test we set \(A = 0.1\) and \(k = 2\). We run this problem on a snake grid with \(128^2\) cells covering \([-0.5,\, 0.5]\) in \(w\) and \([-0.05,\, 0.95]\) in \(y\). Here we showcase a level-\(22\) geodesic grid (\(N_\mathrm{ang} = 4842\)). The beam is centered at the origin with a proper diameter of \(0.05\). It points vertically in Minkowski coordinates with a full spread of \(10^\circ\). The problem is run to a time of \(t = 3\), at which point the leading edge of the beam has long since left the grid. Figure [\[fig:snake_beams\]](#fig:snake_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:snake_beams"} shows the results of this test. In two cases we use a snake-coordinate-aligned tetrad. As geodesics are trivial in Minkowski but not snake coordinates, aligning the tetrad in this way necessitates nonzero angular fluxes stemming from nonvanishing Ricci coefficients. The left panels illustrate this case with DC reconstruction, which results in a substantial amount of numerical diffusion. In the middle, we use MAPR reconstruction (see Section [2.6](#sec:method:angular_grids){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:angular_grids"}), which reduces diffusion. On the right we show what happens when the tetrad is aligned with Minkowski directions rather than snake directions: angular fluxes and numerical diffusion vanish, despite the beam not traveling along a coordinate direction (that is, despite the connection coefficients not all vanishing). The upper panels show the results in the same coordinates in which the test is run; the lower panels transform the outputs to Minkowski coordinates. These tests demonstrate how numerical artifacts can vary with choice of tetrad, just as they can vary with choice of coordinates. Our method grants users significant freedom in choosing tetrads appropriate for the problem at hand. ## Beams around Black Holes {#sec:tests:black_hole_beams} We proceed with beam tests in a fully general-relativistic setting, in the vicinity of a black hole. First, we consider a nonspinning black hole in Schwarzschild coordinates \((t,\, r,\, \theta,\, \phi)\). We construct a spatial grid on \([2.1,\, 6] \times [123 \pi / 256,\, 133 \pi / 256] \times [0,\, 2 \pi]\) using \(54 \times 5 \times 256\) cells, logarithmically spaced in \(r\) and uniformly spaced in angle. This grid focuses on the vicinity of the midplane, avoids the singularity at the horizon, and keeps the proper aspect ratios of the cells approximately unity. We employ a cylindrical tetrad, with \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{3}}\) in the direction of \(r \cos\theta\) and \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{1}}\) in the direction of \(r \sin\theta\). For this test we use \(15 \times 128\) angles. The source region is defined to be everywhere within a proper distance of \(7/20\) of \((3,\, \pi / 2,\, 0)\), with the beam pointing in the prograde azimuthal direction with a half-opening angle of \(5^\circ\). Radiation is injected at a rate of \(\mathrm{d}{\hat{I}} / \mathrm{d} t = 30\). The resulting conserved energy density at time \(t = 3 \sqrt{3} \pi\) is shown in Figure [\[fig:schwarzschild_equatorial_beam\]](#fig:schwarzschild_equatorial_beam){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schwarzschild_equatorial_beam"}. The beam correctly moves along the photon sphere at \(r = 3\), spreading as expected given the nonzero source size and opening angle. The duration of the simulation is chosen to correspond to half an orbit along the photon sphere, and indeed the middle of the beam travels \(180^\circ\) around the black hole. Next, we launch a beam at an angle to the grid, still along the photon sphere. For this test, we use \(64 \times 128\) cells in angular coordinates, covering \([\pi / 4,\, 3 \pi / 4] \times [-\pi / 2,\, +\pi / 2]\). In the radial direction, we have \(5\) cells logarithmically spaced from approximately \(2.896\) to \(3.108\), again resulting in equal aspect ratios. We use a spherical tetrad (\({\hat{n}}^{\hat{3}}\) in the \(\theta\)-direction, \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{1}}\) in the \(\phi\)-direction) with \(16 \times 32\) angles. The source and beam centers are set such that after one-eighth of an orbit the beam will cross the midplane at a \(30^\circ\) angle. The source has a proper radius of \(1/4\), and the beam has a half-opening angle of \(15^\circ\). Here we use \(\mathrm{d}{\hat{I}} / \mathrm{d} t = 8\). The result at \(t = 3 \sqrt{3} \pi / 2\) (a quarter orbit) is shown in Figure [\[fig:schwarzschild_inclined_beam\]](#fig:schwarzschild_inclined_beam){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schwarzschild_inclined_beam"}. This beam also propagates in the correct direction at the correct speed. We note that the beam does not align with the \(\theta\)- or \(\phi\)-directions, nor does it align with the \({\hat{\zeta}}\)- or \({\hat{\psi}}\)-directions in angular space. For a third test of beams in GR, we consider a black hole with dimensionless spin \(a = 1/2\), described in spherical Kerr--Schild coordinates \((t,\, r,\, \theta,\, \phi)\). With the introduction of spin, the prograde and retrograde photon orbits separate to radii \[r_\pm = 2 + 2 \cos \paren[\bigg]{\frac{2}{3} \cos^{-1} (\mp a)}.\] We place a source (proper diameter \(7/20\)) at both radii, each with an azimuthal beam pointed in the appropriate direction (half-opening angle \(5^\circ\)), as shown in Figure [\[fig:kerr_beams\]](#fig:kerr_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:kerr_beams"}. Radiation is injected at the prograde and retrograde sources at rates of \(\mathrm{d}{\hat{I}} / \mathrm{d} t = 70\) and \(\mathrm{d}{\hat{I}} / \mathrm{d} t = 60\), respectively. For this test, we use a \(62 \times 5 \times 256\) grid in space, covering approximately \([1.831,\, 6] \times [1.508,\, 1.634] \times [0,\, 2 \pi]\), with logarithmic spacing in radius. This grid again makes the proper aspect ratios unity: \(\sqrt{g_{rr}} \Delta r = \sqrt{g_{\theta\theta}} \Delta\theta = \sqrt{g_{\phi\phi}} \Delta\phi\), calculated at the midplane and at the geometric mean of \(r_+\) and \(r_-\). As Kerr--Schild coordinates are horizon penetrating, we place a single cell inside the horizon. We use a spherical tetrad with \(15 \times 128\) angles. At time \(t = \pi (r_+^{3/2} + a)\), the prograde beam should propagate halfway around the black hole, while the retrograde beam should complete a fraction \((1/2) (r_+^{3/2} + a) / (r_-^{3/2}-a) \approx 1/3\) of its orbit. Indeed, this is exactly what we see. ## Hohlraums {#sec:tests:hohlraum} Following, we consider an infinite wall and the 1D problem of the propagation of radiation off the wall into vacuum. The wall maintains a fixed, isotropic radiation field with energy density \(1\). After a time \(t\) and at a distance \(x < t\) from the wall, the radiation field should have intensity \(1/4 \pi\) for all angles with \(n^x > x / t\). Thus we have the analytic solution for the moments with all moments vanishing for \(x > t\). We use \(128\) cells in \(x\), and consider latitude/longitude grids with \(N_{\hat{\zeta}}\) ranging from \(2\) to \(32\). We keep \(N_{\hat{\psi}} = 2 N_{\hat{\zeta}}\). Figure [\[fig:hohlraum_1d_solution\]](#fig:hohlraum_1d_solution){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hohlraum_1d_solution"} shows the energy density and Eddington factor at \(t = 3/4\) for three different angular resolutions; Figure [\[fig:hohlraum_1d_solution_geodesic\]](#fig:hohlraum_1d_solution_geodesic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hohlraum_1d_solution_geodesic"} shows the results obtained with three geodesic grids with comparable resolutions. While \(8\text{--}12\) angles fail to capture nuances in the radiation field, higher resolutions rapidly approach the analytic solution. We calculate an error according to The results are shown in Figure [\[fig:hohlraum_1d_convergence\]](#fig:hohlraum_1d_convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hohlraum_1d_convergence"} for five latitude/longitude grids and for all geodesic grids up to \(N_\mathrm{lev} = 15\) (\(N_\mathrm{ang} = 2252\)). We expect to see \(\epsilon \sim N_\mathrm{ang}^{-1/2}\), given the discontinuous nature of the radiation field in angle at all times and locations, together with the fact that each of our angular bins in this problem is essentially "on" or "off." We see even faster convergence at low angular resolutions. Eventually, the errors in the geodesic grid reach a noise floor, which is expected given the finite spatial resolution. For comparison, the MOCMC method achieves convergence with samples as \(\epsilon \sim N_\mathrm{samp}^{-1}\) by using the sample points to perform high-order quadrature on the sphere. As \(N_\mathrm{samp}\) ranges from \(16\) to \(512\), the amplitude of the MOCMC errors is comparable to what we find with the latitude/longitude grid over the same range of \(N_\mathrm{ang}\). also consider a 2D version of the hohlraum test, where radiation from a left and a bottom wall propagates into vacuum. The other two walls employ reflecting boundary conditions; equivalently, the radiating walls extend far enough for their ends to not be in causal contact with the solution of interest. This problem also has a closed-form solution. After time \(t\) and at a distance \(x < t\) from the left wall and \(y\) from the bottom wall, the energy density seen from the left wall is \[\Rconex{tt} = \frac{1}{2}-\frac{(\pi-\eta) x}{2 \pi t}-\frac{1}{2 \pi} \sin^{-1} \paren[\Bigg]{\frac{x \sin\eta}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}},\] where we define the first-quadrant angle \(\eta\) via \[\cos\eta = \min \paren[\bigg]{\frac{y}{\sqrt{t^2-x^2}}, 1}.\] Interchanging \(x\) and \(y\) yields the energy density \(R_{\mathrm{exact},y}^{tt}\) from the bottom wall. The total energy density is the sum of the two. We run this problem on a \(64^2\) spatial grid. Again we use latitude/longitude grids with \(N_{\hat{\zeta}}\) varying from \(2\) to \(32\) and with \(N_{\hat{\psi}} = 2 N_{\hat{\zeta}}\), as well as geodesic grids with \(N_\mathrm{ang}\) ranging from \(12\) to \(2252\). The results on three different grids are shown in Figure [\[fig:hohlraum_2d_solution\]](#fig:hohlraum_2d_solution){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hohlraum_2d_solution"}. The radiation passes through itself throughout the grid, avoiding artifacts characteristic of simple closure schemes. This method also shows less noise compared to MOCMC using \(N_\mathrm{samp} = N_\mathrm{ang}\) samples. The highest resolution shown is nearly indistinguishable from the exact solution, with only a slight smoothing of the sharp kinks seen in the exact contour levels, as is expected given the coarse spatial resolution. Figure [\[fig:hohlraum_2d_convergence\]](#fig:hohlraum_2d_convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hohlraum_2d_convergence"} shows the convergence of our energy density to the exact solution with angular resolution. Here we define \[\epsilon = \int_0^1 \! \int_0^1 \abs[\big]{\Rcon{tt}-\Rcone{tt}} \, \mathrm{d} x \, \mathrm{d} y.\] As with the 1D hohlraum, we are essentially measuring the integral of a discontinuous function on the sphere using a finite number of angular bins. Thus we only expect half-order convergence, which we exceed at low resolutions and match at intermediate resolutions. Eventually, the error reaches the noise floor imposed by the spatial resolution. ## Radiating Disk {#sec:tests:radiating_disk} As an example of a hohlraum-like test in a curved spacetime, we consider the problem of a thin disk around a spinning black hole (mass \(M\), \(a = 15/16\)), radiating into vacuum. Following, we run a 2D simulation (\(r\) and \(\theta\)) in which the midplane is treated as an internal boundary, with the radiation intensity there given by the Novikov--Thorne solution. That is, we calculate a physical temperature via and then we demand \[{\hat{I}} = \frac{1}{4 \pi} a_\mathrm{rad} T^4\] in code units. Note that this means the radiation is isotropic in the tetrad frame (and thus the normal frame), not in some frame corotating with the disk. The disk occupies the single midplane cell (out of \(129\) in \(\theta\)), and is truncated at \(r = 6\) and \(r = 10\). We use spherical Kerr--Schild coordinates, with \(128\) cells logarithmically spaced from just inside the horizon (a single cell) to \(r = 20\). We choose \(\alpha = 0.05\) and \(M = 3\ M_\odot\) to parameterize the disk, and initialize the simulation with vacuum everywhere at \(t = 0\). Figure [\[fig:radiating_disk\]](#fig:radiating_disk){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:radiating_disk"} shows the normal-frame (and tetrad-frame) radiation energy density at time \(t = 5\), which is directly comparable to the results from MOCMC and other methods in. The finite number of angles introduces some ray effects (the radiation streaming into the black hole should not be limited to discrete latitudes), which are exacerbated here by the choice of a tetrad aligned with the coordinates (\(n^{\hat{2}}\) and \(n^{\hat{3}}\) point in the \(r\)- and \(\theta\)-directions everywhere). This effect is diminished as the angular resolution is increased, with the high-resolution result closely agreeing with the semi-analytic solution shown in. ## Equilibration {#sec:tests:equilibration} Shifting attention from radiative transport to matter--radiation coupling, we perform an equilibration test to ensure that a fluid at rest will come to thermal equilibrium with an isotropic radiation field. Consider a static fluid with \(\Gamma = 5/3\), \(\rho = 1\), and initial value \(p_{\mathrm{gas},0} = 2\), together with a coordinate-frame isotropic radiation field with initial energy density \(u_{\mathrm{rad},0} = 1\). We employ units in which \(k_\mathrm{B} / \mu m_\mathrm{p}\) and \(a_\mathrm{rad}\) are unity, meaning the initial temperatures are \(T_{\mathrm{gas},0} = 2\) and \(T_{\mathrm{rad},0} = 1\). We set scattering absorptivity \(\alphab^\mathrm{s}\) to zero, but employ a nonzero \(\alphab^\mathrm{a} = 0.1\). This scenario has no spatial dependence, though we run it on a Cartesian grid of \(4^3\) cells to ensure this is reflected in the code. We use \(5 \times 16\) angles with a Cartesian tetrad. The resulting temperatures and internal energies are plotted in Figure [\[fig:static_equilibration\]](#fig:static_equilibration){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:static_equilibration"}. The temperatures approach the equilibrium value \(T_\mathrm{equil}\) given by \[\frac{T_\mathrm{equil} \rho}{\Gamma-1} + T_\mathrm{equil}^4 = u_{\mathrm{gas},0} + u_{\mathrm{rad},0},\] and the total energy is conserved. Moreover, the time evolution (which takes \(134\) timesteps, set by the sound-crossing time for a single cell) follows the exact result given by \[\frac{\mathrm{d}u_\mathrm{gas}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \alphab^\mathrm{a} \paren[\Bigg]{u_{\mathrm{gas},0} + u_{\mathrm{rad},0}-u_\mathrm{gas}-\parenpow{\bigg}{\frac{(\Gamma-1) u_\mathrm{gas}}{\rho}}{4}}.\] We repeat this test, changing only the initial velocity of the fluid, now taken to be \(u^1 = 1\). The initial radiation field is still isotropic in the coordinate frame. The matter and radiation should now come to thermal and momentum equilibrium. While the non-static version of the problem includes advection, there are no spatial gradients, and so we are still essentially testing coupling without transport. That is, we are reducing Equations [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} and [\[eq:grmhd_differential\]](#eq:grmhd_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grmhd_differential"} to Figure [\[fig:moving_equilibration\]](#fig:moving_equilibration){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:moving_equilibration"} shows the coordinate-frame fluid energy and \(x\)-momentum densities, as well as the fluid-frame radiation energy and \(x\)-momentum densities, resulting from this test. The code values agree with the solution to the coupled ordinary differential equation of Equation [\[eq:moving_equilibration\]](#eq:moving_equilibration){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:moving_equilibration"}. ## Diffusion {#sec:tests:diffusion} In the limit of large scattering absorptivity \(\alpha_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} \gg 1\) and vanishing absorption \(\alpha_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{a} = 0\), radiation should diffuse through a background medium. If the medium is taken to be at rest and to affect but be unaffected by the radiation, the zeroth and first moments of the gray version of Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} reduce in this case to where we assume \(F^x =-(3 \alpha_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s})^{-1} \partial_x E\) together with the Eddington approximation for the second moments. Given an initial Gaussian profile with width \(\sigma\), amplitude \(E_\mathrm{peak}\), and offset \(E_\mathrm{off}\), the standard solution to the asymptotic equation is We initialize a 1D problem according to Equations [\[eq:diffusion\]](#eq:diffusion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:diffusion"} at \(t = 0\), fixing \(\sigma = 0.1\), \(E_\mathrm{peak} = 1\), \(E_\mathrm{off} = 0\), and \(\alpha_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s} = 10^4\). In order to initialize the intensities, we use the following prescription from in the fluid frame (which matches the coordinate frame here): The Eddington factor for this intensity field is exactly \(1/3\) for \(f \leq 1/3\). The fluid state is held constant throughout the calculation. Using \(N_\zeta = 1\) and \(N_\psi = 4\) angles and a variable number \(N_\mathrm{cell}\) of spatial cells to cover \(x \in [-1,\, 1]\), the radiation energy density at time \(t = 50\) is shown in Figure [\[fig:static_diffusion\]](#fig:static_diffusion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:static_diffusion"}. As resolution increases, the pulse's diffusion approaches the expectation given \(\alpha_\mathrm{E}^\mathrm{s}\). We can repeat this problem in a frame in which the fluid is moving with velocity \(v^x = 0.02\). The solution for all spacetime is given by Equations [\[eq:diffusion\]](#eq:diffusion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:diffusion"}, with coordinate-frame \(E\), \(t\), and \(x\) replaced by fluid-frame \(\bar{E}\), \({\bar{t}}\), and \({\bar{x}}\), respectively. That is, the initial radiation field is no longer isotropic in the coordinate frame, and the initial conditions at \(t = 0\) correspond to those at the surface \({\bar{t}} =-v^x {\bar{x}}\). The fluid-frame energy density at \(t = 50\) is shown in Figure [\[fig:advected_diffusion\]](#fig:advected_diffusion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:advected_diffusion"}, where the initial pulse is shifted to the left by unity, and the simulation covers \(x \in [-2,\, 1]\). The pulse always advects at the appropriate speed, and again increased resolution results in a closer match to the exact solution. We can quantify convergence via the \(L^1\) norm of the difference between the calculated and exact fluid-frame radiation energy densities, \[\epsilon = \int_{x_\mathrm{min}}^{x_\mathrm{max}} \abs[\big]{\bar{E}_\mathrm{calc}-\bar{E}_\mathrm{exact}} \, \mathrm{d} x..\] Figure [\[fig:diffusion\]](#fig:diffusion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:diffusion"} shows the errors as functions of the number of cells per unit length in \(x\). The static and advected cases track each other closely, with convergence that is second order in spatial resolution for all but the lowest resolutions. ## Shocks {#sec:tests:shocks} A set of four standing, radiative shock solutions, first described by, have become standard tests for relativistic hydrodynamics codes. They consist of (1) a nonrelativistic shock, (2) a mildly relativistic shock, (3) a highly relativistic wave, and (4) a mildly relativistic wave, the last of which has radiation pressure dominating gas pressure. In principle, a code initialized with such an exact, stationary solution should hold that state, at least for several signal-crossing times. However, the solutions found by  assume the Eddington approximation in the fluid frame, which is not exactly true when full transport is considered.[^7] Instead, we initialize the left and right halves of a 1D domain \([-20,\, 20]\) to the asymptotic states given by  (see their Table 1, where \(\rho\), \(p_\mathrm{gas}\), and \(\bar{E}\) implicitly define \(a_\mathrm{rad}\) via thermal equilibrium, and where the fluid-frame flux is understood to vanish). The shock tubes are evolved, holding the boundary conditions at the asymptotic states, until they find the stationary solutions, which in all cases qualitatively match those given in the literature assuming the Eddington approximation. We choose the same run times (\(40\), \(400\), \(80\), and \(150\), respectively) and spatial resolution (\(800\) cells) as in. For the angular grid, we use \(5 \times 10\) bins for the first two shocks, which is more than enough for those problems, and \(30 \times 60\) bins for the latter two, whose large relative velocities require finely sampled angles. Following, we further check the self-consistency of the numerical solutions by ensuring the radiation moments obey the appropriate time-independent equations. Given the hydrodynamical state (\(\rho\), \(p_\mathrm{gas}\), and \(u^x\)) and fluid-frame moments \(\bar{E}\) and \(F^{\bar{x}}\) found numerically across the domain, the steady-state, Minkowski, zeroth and first moments of Equation [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} tell us where \(T = p_\mathrm{gas} / \rho\) and where \(\kappab^\mathrm{a}\) is the absorption opacity (scattering is set to vanish). We can integrate the coordinate frame moments \(R^{tx}\) and \(R^{xx}\) from the boundaries to \(x = 0\), comparing the resulting profiles with their numerical counterparts. Note the Eddington approximation does not enter into this process. Figures [\[fig:shock_1\]](#fig:shock_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:shock_1"} through [\[fig:shock_4\]](#fig:shock_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:shock_4"} show the results of the four shock tests. The integrated moments agree with the moments of the radiation field directly found by the code. ## Linear Waves {#sec:tests:linear_waves} As extremely stringent, quantitative tests of fluid dynamics codes, linear waves are essential to demonstrating that a code converges with resolution to the correct solution, and that convergence proceeds at the expected rate. Here we run a number of radiation-modified hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic relativistic linear waves. In all cases, we use a one-dimensional static background state with radiation in thermal and momentum equilibrium with the fluid. We perturb each of the \(N_\mathrm{prim}\) primitive quantities \(q_n\) defining this state, relative to their background values \(q_{n,0}\), according to \[\label{eq:perturbation} q_n = q_{n,0} + \delta \cdot \Re \paren[\big]{e_n \exp(-\mathrm{i} \omega t + \mathrm{i} k x)},\] where \(\delta = 10^{-4}\), \(k = 2 \pi\), \(t\) is initially \(0\), and \(\omega\) and \(\{e_n\}\) are the complex eigenvalue and eigenvector corresponding to the desired wave (normalized such that \(\sum_n \abs{e_n}^2 = 1\)). At a later time \(t\), the numerically computed state \(\{Q_n\}\) is compared with the linear prediction given by Equation [\[eq:perturbation\]](#eq:perturbation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:perturbation"}. The error is calculated according to where the sum is taken over all \(N_\mathrm{prim}'\) quantities for which \(e_n \neq 0\). We restrict our attention to waves with no vector components (background or perturbed) in one of the transverse directions (\(z\)). The calculation of eigenvectors is detailed in Appendix [\[sec:linear_wave_analysis\]](#sec:linear_wave_analysis){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:linear_wave_analysis"}, which provides solutions in terms of the MHD primitives and the fluid-frame radiation moments \(\bar{E}\) and \(F^{\bar{a}}\). Intensities are computed from these moments according to Equations [\[eq:minerbo\]](#eq:minerbo){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:minerbo"}. We use only four solid angles for these tests, divided by lines of longitude \({\hat{\psi}} = 0,\, \pi / 2,\, \pi,\, 3 \pi / 2\). We fix the direction components to be \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{0}} = 1\), \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{1}} = \pm 3^{-1/2}\), \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{2}} = \pm 3^{-1/2}\), and \({\hat{n}}^{\hat{3}} = 0\), meaning \({\hat{n}}\) is not strictly null, nor is it a unit vector. In this way, however, a radiation field in 2D with equal intensity in all directions will be exactly Eddington: \(\Rcon{\alpha\beta}\) will be proportional to \(\diag(1,\, 1/3,\, 1/3,\, 0)\) rather than \(\diag(1,\, 1/2,\, 1/2,\, 0)\). As an Eddington approximation is assumed in the derivation of the linear solutions, this is critical for ensuring the code is solving the same problem as the analytics. Our grid, however, has \(4\) intensity values in each cell, coupled via \(3\) moments to the fluid (as there are no \(z\)-direction components). There is ambiguity in the intensity field in that one could add a given amount of \(\hat{I}\) in the directions of \({\hat{\psi}} = \pi / 4\) and \({\hat{\psi}} = 5 \pi / 4\) while subtracting the same amount from the other two directions without changing \(\Rcon{{\hat{0}}\zeroh}\), \(\Rcon{{\hat{0}}{\hat{1}}}\), or \(\Rcon{{\hat{0}}{\hat{2}}}\). Similarly, for fixed fluid-frame moments \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}\zerob}\), \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{1}}}\), and \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{2}}}\), there is a family of representable radiation fields with these moments, with the procedure of Section [2.5](#sec:method:coupling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:coupling"} subtly choosing one solution. For the linear waves we enforce \(\Rcon{{\bar{1}}{\bar{2}}} = 0\) at the end of each matter--radiation coupling step, without modifying \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}\zerob}\), \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{1}}}\), or \(\Rcon{{\bar{0}}{\bar{2}}}\), again ensuring we are making the same assumptions in the code as in the analytics. For the hydrodynamic wave, we fix the fluid adiabatic index to be \(\Gamma_\mathrm{gas} = 5/3\), and we consider the three cases of a gas-dominated state (\(p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas} = 1/10\)), a radiation-dominated state (\(p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas} = 10\)), and a gas-radiation-equality state (\(p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas} = 1\)). All of our waves are run with constant absorption and scattering absorptivities \(\alphab^\mathrm{a} = 10\) and \(\alphab^\mathrm{s} = 10\). In the limit of infinite optical depth, the total adiabatic index of the gas and radiation in thermal equilibrium would correspond to the classical result \[\Gamma = \frac{32 (p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas})^2 + 40 (p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas}) + 5}{24 (p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas})^2 + 27 (p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas}) + 3},\] with associated sound speed \[c_\mathrm{s}^2 = \frac{\Gamma (p_\mathrm{gas} + p_\mathrm{rad})}{\rho + u_\mathrm{gas} + u_\mathrm{rad} + p_\mathrm{gas} + p_\mathrm{rad}}.\] We choose to fix \(c_\mathrm{s} = 1/2\), which, together with an arbitrary normalization of \(\rho = 1\), fixes the background state. The actual linear wavespeeds are slightly different from \(1/2\) given our finite absorptivities. The exact background states and perturbations are cataloged in Appendix [\[sec:linear_wave_numerics\]](#sec:linear_wave_numerics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:linear_wave_numerics"}. Each wave is run for a time of \(-\log(2) / \Im(\omega)\), which will result in the initial linear perturbation amplitude decreasing by a factor of \(2\). The initial and final perturbations in density and longitudinal fluid-frame radiation momentum, both according to linear theory and according to the code, are shown in Figure [\[fig:linear_wave_hydro_equal\]](#fig:linear_wave_hydro_equal){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:linear_wave_hydro_equal"} for the case of \(p_\mathrm{rad} = p_\mathrm{gas}\) with \(N_\mathrm{cell} = 128\) cells across the domain. The numerical solution closely matches linear theory for all variables. The errors for the three hydrodynamic cases are shown in Figure [\[fig:linear_wave_hydro\]](#fig:linear_wave_hydro){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:linear_wave_hydro"}. In all cases, we attain at least first-order convergence with sufficient resolution. Faster convergence reflects conditions where coupling errors (which are first order in time and second order in space) are dominated by advection errors (which are second order in time and space). At very low resolutions, the radiation-dominated case has order-unity errors, which is expected given the small number of angular bins we are using to represent the radiation field. We also test a set of radiation-modified MHD waves. Here we consider the same three values of \(p_\mathrm{rad} / p_\mathrm{gas}\), keeping \(\rho = 1\) and \(\Gamma_\mathrm{gas} = 5/3\) while adding the additional constraint \(p_\mathrm{mag} / p_\mathrm{gas} = 1\). The optically thick limit of the longitudinal Alfvén speed is \[c_\mathrm{a}^2 = \frac{B^x B^x}{\rho + u_\mathrm{gas} + u_\mathrm{rad} + p_\mathrm{gas} + p_\mathrm{rad} + B^x B^x + B^y B^y}.\] By choosing a field inclination of \(45^\circ\) (\(B^x = B^y\), \(B^x > 0\)) and an Alvén speed of \(c_\mathrm{a} = 1/8\), we fix the background state, which conveniently separates all seven waves. The background states, as well as their linear eigenfunctions, are given in Appendix [\[sec:linear_wave_numerics\]](#sec:linear_wave_numerics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:linear_wave_numerics"}. Figure [\[fig:linear_wave_mhd\]](#fig:linear_wave_mhd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:linear_wave_mhd"} summarizes the MHD results. We consider the rightgoing fast magnetosonic waves in all three backgrounds, achieving first-order convergence at high resolution as expected. We also show the results for a slow magnetosonic and an entropy wave in the \(p_\mathrm{rad} = p_\mathrm{gas}\) state, which again converge as expected. As magnetic fields do not directly couple to radiation, we forego the Alfvén waves. ## Schwarzschild Atmosphere {#sec:tests:schwarzschild_atmosphere} In order to test radiation--fluid coupling in a nontrivial spacetime, we turn to the isothermal Schwarzschild atmosphere test presented in. We consider an unmagnetized fluid around a nonspinning black hole with mass \(M\) in Schwarzschild coordinates. Static, thermal equilibrium boundary conditions are imposed at inner and outer spherical shells, corresponding to a fixed temperature \(T_\infty\) at infinity. This defines a spherically symmetric, thermal equilibrium, hydrostatic solution via \(\nabla_\alpha (T^{\alpha\beta} + R^{\alpha\beta}) = 0\). Equivalently, the total pressure and internal energy must obey \[\label{eq:atmosphere} \frac{\mathrm{d}p_\mathrm{tot}}{\mathrm{d} r} =-\frac{r_\mathrm{g} (c^2 \rho + u_\mathrm{tot} + p_\mathrm{tot})}{r^2 \alpha^2},\] where \(\alpha = (1-2 r_\mathrm{g} / r)^{1/2}\) is the lapse and \(r_\mathrm{g} = G M / c^2\) is the gravitational radius. For a fluid with constant adiabatic index \(\Gamma\), the exact solution to Equation [\[eq:atmosphere\]](#eq:atmosphere){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:atmosphere"} can be obtained in a straightforward manner by considering the corresponding equation for \(\mathrm{d} (\alpha^{\Gamma / (\Gamma-1)} p_\mathrm{tot}) / \mathrm{d} \alpha\), yielding Here a \(0\) subscript indicates the quantity is evaluated at the inner boundary. The remaining quantities can be found by noting the local temperature obeys \[T = \frac{T_\infty}{\alpha}.\] Following, we fix \(M = M_\odot\), a scale height parameter \(H / r_0 = 1.6\) (which sets \(T_\infty\)), \(p_{\mathrm{rad},0} / p_{\mathrm{gas},0}\) = 43.5 (which sets \(\rho_0\)), and an optical depth parameter \(\tau = 5\) (which sets the opacity, though the solution is independent of this value). A 1D simulation is initialized to the exact solution for \(r \in [3.5,\, 20]\) with \(128\) logarithmically spaced cells and run for \(500\) gravitational times \(t_\mathrm{g} = r_\mathrm{g} / c\). Figure [\[fig:atmosphere_solution\]](#fig:atmosphere_solution){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmosphere_solution"} shows the resulting state, including the relative errors in gas and radiation temperatures, using \(64 \times 128\) angles for the radiation. We further define the error in the solution to be Figure [\[fig:atmosphere_convergence\]](#fig:atmosphere_convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmosphere_convergence"} shows the run of this error with angular resolution, using grids with \(2 \times 4\) to \(64 \times 128\) angles. We find convergence that is first order in each of \(N_{\hat{\zeta}}\) and \(N_{\hat{\psi}}\). # Black Hole Accretion Example {#sec:example} As a demonstration of the applicability of our algorithm to the physical systems we intend to study with it, we run a standard black hole accretion problem modified to include radiation. Here we use bars to denote quantities in code units, which are defined by a length scale \(r_\mathrm{g}\), a velocity scale \(c\), a time scale \(t_\mathrm{g} = r_\mathrm{g} / c\), a density scale \([\rho]\), and a temperature scale \(\mu m_\mathrm{p} c^2 / k_\mathrm{B}\) (so \(\bar{T} = \bar{p} / \bar{\rho}\)). In the ubiquitous hydrodynamic equilibrium solution of, a torus around a spinning black hole is specified with two numbers, for example the radial coordinates of the inner edge of the torus, \(\bar{r}_\mathrm{edge}\), and the pressure maximum, \(\bar{r}_\mathrm{peak}\). From these, the fluid velocity and specific enthalpy \(\bar{h} = 1 + \bar{u}_\mathrm{gas} / \bar{\rho} + \bar{p}_\mathrm{gas} / \bar{\rho}\) are determined everywhere in space. Given an arbitrary normalization \(\bar{\rho} = \bar{\rho}_\mathrm{peak}\) at the pressure maximum, a gas with a fixed adiabatic index \(\Gamma\), and an assumption of constant entropy (\(\bar{p}_\mathrm{gas} / \bar{\rho}^\Gamma = \bar{p}_\mathrm{gas,peak} / \bar{\rho}_\mathrm{peak}^\Gamma\)), the density and pressure are determined everywhere. Here, we take the fluid to have the same velocity and specific enthalpy, but the latter is understood to be appropriate for an optically thick gas coupled to radiation: \[\begin{aligned} \bar{h} & = 1 + \frac{\bar{u}_\mathrm{gas}}{\bar{\rho}} + \frac{\bar{p}_\mathrm{gas}}{\bar{\rho}} + \frac{\bar{u}_\mathrm{rad}}{\bar{\rho}} + \frac{\bar{p}_\mathrm{rad}}{\bar{\rho}} \notag \\ & = 1 + \frac{\Gamma}{\Gamma-1} \bar{T} + \frac{4 \bar{a}_\mathrm{rad}}{3 \bar{\rho}} \bar{T}^4. \end{aligned}\] Setting \(\bar{\rho}_\mathrm{peak} = 1\), this equation can be solved for the temperature \(\bar{T}_\mathrm{peak}\) at the pressure maximum. For simplicity, we assume only the gamma-law gas has spatially constant entropy: \[\bar{T} \bar{\rho}^{1-\Gamma} = \bar{T}_\mathrm{peak} \bar{\rho}_\mathrm{peak}^{1-\Gamma}.\] For this demonstration, we initialize a small torus with \(\bar{r}_\mathrm{edge} = 6\) and \(\bar{r}_\mathrm{peak} = 12\) around a black hole with dimensionless spin \(a = 15/16\). The density scale is chosen such that \(\rho_\mathrm{peak} = 10^{-2}\ \mathrm{g}\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}\) at the pressure maximum. The material's opacity is given by standard formulas for pure, ionized hydrogen: The molecular weight is appropriately set to \(\mu = 0.5\), and the adiabatic index is taken to be \(\Gamma = 4/3\). The only remaining scale in the problem is \(r_\mathrm{g}\), set by taking the black hole to have a mass of \(10\ M_\odot\). We add a standard weak poloidal magnetic field to the initial conditions, set from a vector potential \(A_\phi \propto \max(\bar{\rho}-0.2, 0)\). The normalization is chosen such that the ratio of the largest value of \(p_\mathrm{mag}\) to the largest value of \(p_\mathrm{gas}\) is \(10^{-2}\). The result is that the average value of \(p_\mathrm{mag} / p_\mathrm{gas}\), weighted by mass in regions with \(\bar{\rho} > 0.2\), is \(2.28 \times 10^{-3}\). Here we use a Cartesian Kerr--Schild \((x,\, y,\, z)\) grid with \(128^3\) cells at root level covering the interval \([-50,\, +50]\) in each direction. We add two levels of static mesh refinement. The first doubles the resolution in all dimensions in the region \([-25,\, +25]^3\), and the second quadruples the base resolution inside \([-12.5,\, +12.5]^3\). The radiation field is discretized with an \(N_\mathrm{ang} = 92\) geodesic grid. Figure [\[fig:torus\]](#fig:torus){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torus"} shows slices through the simulation at time \(10^4\ t_\mathrm{g}\). Much of the disk has cooled below \(10^8\ \mathrm{K}\). Radiation pressure dominates over gas pressure by factors of \(10\) to \(10^4\) everywhere, while magnetic pressure is comparable to gas pressure throughout most of the domain. In one panel we show the optical depth per gravitational length, \[\tau = (\kappa^\mathrm{a} + \kappa^\mathrm{s}) \rho r_\mathrm{g},\] illustrating that the bulk of the disk is optically thick. # Performance {#sec:performance} For small numbers of angles (less than approximately eight), the per-cell cost of our GR radiation scheme is comparable to the per-cell cost of GRMHD without radiation, both in terms of computation and memory usage. The cost of radiation scales linearly with the number of angles; the only potential quadratic dependence comes from implicit coupling, though this is elided via the method discussed in Section [2.5](#sec:method:coupling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method:coupling"}. Quantitatively, we measure the cost on a modern CPU node consisting of \(64\) Icelake (Intel Xeon Platinum 8362) cores. Here we run a 3D linear wave with both magnetic fields and radiation using . In one test, we use a latitude/longitude grid with \(4 \times 4\) angles, and with a domain decomposed into \(64\) blocks of \(64^3\) cells each. In another test, we employ \(8 \times 16\) angles and \(64\) blocks of \(32^3\) cells each. These tests are distributed across an entire node via MPI, and the contributions of key tasks are measured. Figure [\[fig:timings_cpu\]](#fig:timings_cpu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timings_cpu"} shows the relative costs, categorized as non-radiative MHD, calculation of radiation fluxes, updating radiation with flux divergences (in both space and angle), coupling radiation to matter, finding radiation primitives from conserved quantities, and all other tasks (e.g., communication). Scientific production runs investigating black hole accretion will likely use an intermediate number of angles between the \(16\) and \(128\) shown in Figure [\[fig:timings_cpu\]](#fig:timings_cpu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timings_cpu"}. Relative to GRMHD simulations, radiation--GRMHD can be expensive, but not overwhelmingly so, with our algorithm. For these two tests in particular, achieves a performance of \(7.4 \times 10^6\) and \(1.4 \times 10^6\) cell updates per second per node. However, the accretion flows that require radiation to be simulated are generally those in which the fluid can cool enough to form a thin disk. Capturing three-dimensional turbulent processes in such systems may require extreme resolutions and thus exascale computers, which generally employ GPUs. We therefore implement our algorithm in the newly developed code, which employs Kokkos in order to run on both CPUs and GPUs. We measure scaling of the algorithm as implemented in on two GPU machines. Crusher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory consists of AMD MI250X accelerators, with each node containing four accelerators and each accelerator containing two GPUs. Polaris at Argonne National Laboratory consists of four NVIDIA A100 GPUs per node. In each case we run a problem in Minkowski coordinates (exercising the full machinery of GR). Figure [\[fig:scaling_gpu\]](#fig:scaling_gpu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:scaling_gpu"} shows the results for a GRMHD problem with no radiation, together with the performance for a GR-radiation problem using either \(42\) or \(92\) angles (geodesic grid level \(2\) or \(3\)), reflecting typical angular resolutions we expect to use in practice. In these tests, the domain is decomposed into blocks of \(128^3\), \(128^3\), and \(64^3\) cells, respectively. The code shows excellent weak scaling out as far as tested with over \(2000\) GPUs. Relative to a single node, both radiation cases show per-node performance of greater than \(90\%\) on \(128\) Crusher nodes, with non-radiative GRMHD over \(98\%\) efficient, indicating further performance tuning on this particular machine can likely improve scaling. On Polaris, per-node performance on \(512\) nodes is at least \(97\%\) that of one node in all cases. With \(42\) angles, the code runs at approximately \(25\%\) the speed of a non-radiative calculation; this factor is \(11\%\) with \(92\) angles. # Summary {#sec:summary} We have implemented a finite-solid-angle method for radiation in the framework, as well as the newly developed, GPU-capable code. This allows radiation to be added to finite-volume GRMHD simulations, with the intensity field in each cell discretized in angle. The radiation, fluid, and electromagnetic fields are all evolved on arbitrary stationary spacetimes, and they couple to one another as is physically appropriate. Section [2](#sec:method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method"} details the numerical algorithms we develop for this evolution and coupling. Along the way, this formalism allows flat-spacetime simulations in which non-Cartesian spatial dimensions have been suppressed (e.g., 2D axisymmetric simulations). The complexity of the differential equations being solved, Equations [\[eq:radiation_differential\]](#eq:radiation_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_differential"} and [\[eq:grmhd_differential\]](#eq:grmhd_differential){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grmhd_differential"}, demands care be taken to write a robust and accurate code. We perform a large suite of tests (Section [3](#sec:tests){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tests"}), exercising all terms in the equations and all components of the method in multiple ways, to ensure that our implementation is calculating the correct solutions. We look forward to using this code on a variety of astrophysical problems, especially black hole accretion near the Eddington rate. As shown in Section [4](#sec:example){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example"}, the code is ready to simulate such systems. In contrast to earlier studies using M1 methods, our radiation fields are not restricted to be axisymmetric and monomodal in angle at every point. This can be important, especially if radiation pressure dominates over gas pressure in the optically thin--thick transition region near the disk surface. Unlike Monte Carlo methods, our procedure works well at all optical depths, with a computational cost that remains fixed as the system evolves. Radiation--GRMHD is never computationally cheap, and our method is no exception, especially if we choose to use many angles. Still, we have demonstrated the feasibility of running such problems on large machines, where our code has nearly perfect weak scaling (Section [5](#sec:performance){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:performance"}). Crusher and Polaris are forerunners to Frontier and Aurora in the next generation of exascale machines, and we anticipate being able to address a large number of previously intractable questions with resources such as these. For example, we can now begin to study the ways in which radiation affects the creation of coronae, the launching of jets, the transport of mass and angular momentum in different magnetic regimes, and the torques in misaligned systems. Our method naturally allows for discretization of radiation in energy (frequency) space separate from other dimensions. In fact, we only need to restore the gravitational redshift term present in Equation [\[eq:radiation_integral_frequency\]](#eq:radiation_integral_frequency){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_integral_frequency"} but not Equation [\[eq:radiation_integral\]](#eq:radiation_integral){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:radiation_integral"} to add frequency dependence. The only complication is that in many astrophysical systems, scattering processes can be nonlocal in energy, necessitating complicated implicit coupling in radiation momentum space, as for example treated in flat spacetime in. Computational costs will necessarily scale with the number of energy bins. The extension of our general-relativistic, finite-solid-angle method to frequency dependence will be explored in a future work, together with appropriate tests of that functionality. We are grateful to K. Felker and P. Grete for providing scaling data, and to O. Blaes, J. C. Dolence, J. M. Miller, B. R. Ryan, and G. N. Wong for useful discussions and suggestions. The authors acknowledge support from NASA TCAN grant 80NSSC21K0496, and SWD acknowledges support from NASA ATP grant 80NSSC18K1018. This work made use of the following computing resources: the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) cluster at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), through allocation AST200005; the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility cluster at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, supported by the Office of Science of the U. S. Department of Energy; the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility cluster at Argonne National Laboratory, supported by the Office of Science of the U. S. Department of Energy; the clusters and , supported by the Scientific Computing Core at the Flatiron Institute, a division of the Simons Foundation; and the Princeton Research Computing cluster , managed and supported by the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) and the Office of Information Technology's High Performance Computing Center and Visualization Laboratory at Princeton University. This work has been assigned a document release number LA-UR-23-21167. [^1]: In particular, continuum radiation is described by nonnegative functions on the sphere, which need not be smooth. [^2]: More mathematically, methods can be distinguished by how the radiation field at a point is approximated with only a finite count of real numbers. [^3]: This frame is often indicated by tildes on the tensor itself (e.g., \(\tilde{u}^i\)) in the GRMHD literature. [^4]: We omit the term \(\ave{(\partial_0 g_{\alpha\beta}) {\hat{n}}^\alpha {\hat{n}}^\beta {\hat{I}}_\nu}_{t V {\hat{\nu}} {\hat{\Omega}}} / 2\) that is added to the right-hand side but vanishes given Equation [\[eq:stationary_metric\]](#eq:stationary_metric){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:stationary_metric"}. [^5]: This equation can be written in a variety of equivalent forms, with the four free indices agreeing in coordinate system and covariance/contravariance, and with the four macrons agreeing (e.g., all changed to bars or all eliminated). [^6]: The notation here differs slightly from, and we correct a typographical error in that work. [^7]: See for a generalization to other closures, especially M1. Still, such solutions will not exactly match those obtained by full transport.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:18', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04283', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04283'}
# Introduction Symbolic regression is a problem that involves finding a mathematical expression that describes a given data set. The application possibilities of symbolic regression are wide and range from finance to even medicine. The most common approach to solve symbolic regression problems is genetic programming (GP), where candidate solutions (individuals) are evolved in an evolutionary process. To gradually improve the population during evolution, individuals are selected as parents based on their fitness (e.g., performance on the training data) for the next generation. Traditional parent selection methods, such as tournament selection, use an aggregated fitness value to evaluate the quality of the individuals, causing a loss of information for the search. In contrast, lexicase selection selects individuals by considering the error on each training case separately. Prior work has shown that lexicase selection improves problem-solving performance in many GP application domains. However, standard lexicase selection is not able to achieve the same performance improvements when applied to continuous-valued symbolic regression problems due to its strict pass condition as only candidates that perform best on each considered training case are selected. Therefore, \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection has been proposed that relaxes the pass condition by introducing an \(\epsilon\) threshold. \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection has shown to perform well over a wide range of regression problems compared to traditional methods. In other application domains of GP, such as program synthesis, the combination of random subsampling with lexicase selection significantly improved performance. In each generation, a random subset of training cases instead of all available training cases is used for all selection events, allowing more individuals to be evaluated with the same evaluation budget. However, despite its benefits, down-sampled lexicase selection is not appropriate for symbolic regression problems as it is based on standard lexicase selection. Therefore, we propose in this paper down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection and compare its performance with traditional selection methods on common real-world symbolic regression benchmarks. Furthermore, we analyze how this novel selection method influences the properties of the population over a GP run. Down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection uses a random subset of training cases in each generation for the selections with \(\epsilon\)-lexicase. The subsampling level \(s\) defines the size of the subset and the \(\epsilon\) value defines the strength of the filtering during the selection process. We analyze the influence of both parameters on behavioral diversity, the hyperselection rate, as well as on the ability to select specialists. The experiments are performed on six common symbolic regression benchmarks from the UCI machine learning repository. We find that down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection outperforms traditional selection methods on all studied symbolic regression problems. Furthermore, we find that behavioral diversity is reduced by using down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection compared to \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. Following this introduction, Sect. [2](#sec:related_work){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:related_work"} gives a brief overview of related work on the traditional selection methods analyzed in this study. Section [3](#sec:method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method"} describes our novel selection method, the used metrics, and the used benchmark problems. In Sect. [4](#sec:experiments){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:experiments"}, we describe our experimental setting and discuss the results before concluding the paper in Sect. [5](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}. # Related Work {#sec:related_work} Selection methods have a major impact on the evolutionary search process. Traditionally, selection methods are based on a compressed fitness value where the information of the error observed on all training cases is combined. A common fitness-based selection method is tournament selection, where in each selection event \(k\) random individuals participate in a tournament and the best one is selected as a parent. However, selecting individuals based on a single fitness-value leads to an information loss as the structural information of the training data is not considered. A method that addresses this issue is lexicase selection, where the performance on the individual training cases is considered instead of an aggregated fitness value. In detail, lexicase selection considers all individuals in the population as candidates for a selection event. After that, it iterates through the training cases, keeping only the candidates with the lowest error on the current case. This is repeated until either only one candidate remains or there are no more training cases. If more than one candidate remains, one of them is randomly chosen. In recent years, especially in program synthesis, great progress has been made with lexicase selection compared to the common fitness-value based selection methods. Due to the success of lexicase selection, studies have been proposed that theoretically analyze the properties of lexicase selection. However, lexicase selection is not able to achieve the same performance improvements on regression problems, as its strict pass condition is not suitable for continuous-valued problems. Therefore, La Cava et al.  introduced \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection that relaxes the pass condition of lexicase selection by introducing an \(\epsilon\) threshold that also allows candidates to pass with an error within the \(\epsilon\) threshold on each case. \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection has been found to perform well in comparison to other regression approaches. In the domain of program synthesis, the combination of subsampling and lexicase selection has been shown to improve performance over a wide range of problems. Subsampling means that each individual is only evaluated against a fraction of the training set, which overall enables the evaluation of more individuals with the same evaluation budget. In recent years, different variants of subsampling-based selection methods have emerged. However, to our knowledge, no work so far studied the combination of \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection and subsampling on common real-world regression problems and analyzed its influence on population dynamics. # Methodology {#sec:method} In order to study whether the performance benefits that random subsampling has shown for other GP application domains can be transferred to the domain of symbolic regression, we introduce down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. In this section, we describe this novel selection method and explain the metrics used to analyze its influence on the evolutionary search. In addition, we present the benchmark problems used for evaluation. ## Down-Sampled \(\epsilon\)-Lexicase Selection {#sec:down_ep_lex} Down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection is a combination of random subsampling and \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection, which means that in each generation a random subset \(S\) of the training cases \(t \in T\) is used for all selections with \(\epsilon\)-lexicase. This reduces the number of evaluations per generation as each individual is only evaluated against a fraction of the training set \(T\). By allocating the saved evaluations to a longer search or to larger population sizes, more individuals can be evaluated with the same evaluation budget. The down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase algorithm is shown in Algorithm [\[algo:down-ep-lex-math\]](#algo:down-ep-lex-math){reference-type="ref" reference="algo:down-ep-lex-math"} for all \(|P|\) selection events in a generation for a population \(P\) and a training set \(T\). ::: Specialist selection has been found to influence the problem-solving performance of lexicase selection in the domain of program synthesis. A specialist is defined as an individual that has small errors on a small subset of training cases while having large errors on others. Therefore, we analyze the ability of down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection to select specialists, by observing the mean number of training cases used for selection and the mean rank of the selected individuals per generation. An individual with a poor rank that is selected using only a few cases is considered a specialist. The case usage and the rank of the selected individuals is shown in Fig. [\[fig:rank_cases_enc_sub\]](#fig:rank_cases_enc_sub){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rank_cases_enc_sub"} for different subsampling levels and different \(\epsilon\) values. We can see that lower subsampling levels reduce the mean number of training cases that are used for selection. This can be explained by the fact that with a lower subsampling level, less training cases are available in each generation. In addition, we can observe that lower subsampling levels increase the variance in the average rank of the selected individuals. We assume that the reason for this is that smaller sample sizes lead to a greater variation between generations. In addition, Fig. [\[fig:rank_cases_enc_sub\]](#fig:rank_cases_enc_sub){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rank_cases_enc_sub"} shows that larger \(\epsilon\) values increase the case usage as more individuals pass each case in the selection process (see Alg. [\[algo:down-ep-lex-math\]](#algo:down-ep-lex-math){reference-type="ref" reference="algo:down-ep-lex-math"} line [\[line:threshold\]](#line:threshold){reference-type="ref" reference="line:threshold"}-[\[line:pass_condition\]](#line:pass_condition){reference-type="ref" reference="line:pass_condition"}). To sum up, we have found that a lower subsampling level leads to higher performance. We assume that the possibility to evaluate more individuals outweighs the lower population diversity observed with lower subsampling levels. ## Comparison of Population Metrics {#sec:results_population_metrics} To further analyze how down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection behaves, we compare it with traditional selection methods using the metrics introduced in Sect. [3.2](#sec:metrics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:metrics"}. We choose parameter values for down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection based on the results shown in Sect.  [4.2](#sec:param_setting){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:param_setting"}. We find that a smaller subsampling level performs better. Therefore, we use a subsampling level \(s = 0.1\) to compare down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection with the traditional selection methods. In contrast, the optimal \(\epsilon\) value is problem dependent. For the Concrete, ENH, and Housing problems, an \(\epsilon=1\) performs best. For the Airfoil, ENC, and Yacht problems, the best results are achieved with an \(\epsilon=5\). In addition, we show the results for down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection with a dynamically adapting \(\epsilon\) that does not require the user to tune \(\epsilon\). Figure [\[fig:behavior_diversity\]](#fig:behavior_diversity){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:behavior_diversity"} shows the evolution of behavioral diversity for tournament selection (denoted as tourn), lexicase selection (denoted as lex), \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection (denoted as \(\epsilon\)-lex), down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection with a static \(\epsilon\) (denoted as down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s) and with a dynamic \(\epsilon\) (denoted as down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d) on all considered problems. Both down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase variants produce less diverse populations than \(\epsilon\)-lex on most problems. For the ENC and ENH problem, we can observe that diversity decreases over time using down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s while it is constant using down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d. For the Yacht problem, diversity is significantly lower using down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s compared to down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d. These results fit well to the results for the hyperselection rates shown in Fig. [\[fig:hyperselection\]](#fig:hyperselection){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hyperselection"}. We can observe that especially at a high hyperselection level the number of hyperselections negatively correlates with diversity as the same individuals are selected in a large percentage of the parent selection events in each generation. For example, for the Yacht problem, the number of hyperselections at the 5% and 10% level is largest for down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s compared to the other selection methods which correlates with a low diversity. For the ENC and ENH problem, we can observe that the number of hyperselections at the 5% and 10% levels increase over time for down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s which corresponds to the observed decrease in diversity. Besides the influence on diversity, we analyze differences in the ability to select specialists between the selection methods. Figure [\[fig:mean_rank_cases_enc\]](#fig:mean_rank_cases_enc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mean_rank_cases_enc"} shows the mean number of used cases for selection and the mean rank of the selected individuals over the number of evaluations for the ENC problem. We only show the results for the lexicase-based methods, because tournament selection always uses all training cases anyway due to the use of an aggregated fitness value. We can see that \(\epsilon\)-lex and down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d use around 6 cases on average for selection. In contrast, the case usage of down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s increases over time. We assume that the reason for this is that the population converges, which means that more individuals pass the threshold in the selection process. This in turn increases the case usage. ## Performance Comparison {#sec:performance_comparison} Finally, we compare the performance of down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection methods with the traditional selection methods. Therefore, we analyze the achieved MSE on the unseen test cases on all considered problems. To test whether the results significantly differ, we perform a pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum test with a Holm correction following the approach of La Cava et al.. Significance is defined as \(p < 0.05\). Table [\[tab:medianMSE\]](#tab:medianMSE){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:medianMSE"} shows the median MSE across all runs for all problems. Each method is assigned a label \(a-e\) to indicate significant improvements with respect to the other selection methods. For the down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase variants, the results are shown for a subsampling level \(s = 0.1\). To make the distribution of the results visible, Fig. [\[fig:all_results_boxplot\]](#fig:all_results_boxplot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_results_boxplot"} shows box-plots of the MSE on the unseen test cases. We see that either down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s or down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d achieve the lowest median MSE on the test cases on all problems. For example, on the ENH problem, down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s achieves a median MSE of \(1.049\), while \(\epsilon\)-lex achieves only a median MSE of \(8.278\). Overall, down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s and down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d perform significantly better than tourn, lex, and \(\epsilon\)-lex on \(5\) out of \(6\) problems. On two problems, down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d significantly outperforms down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s. down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-s significantly outperforms down-\(\epsilon\)-lex-d on one problem. To sum up, we found that both down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection variants outperform traditional selection methods. We assume that the performance improvements are due the possibility to evaluate more individuals with the same evaluation budget as down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection searches for more generations than the other selection methods. # Conclusions and Future Work {#sec:conclusion} In this paper, we proposed down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection which combines subsampling and \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. To evaluate its performance, we compared down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase with traditional selection methods on common real-world symbolic regression benchmarks taken from the UCI machine learning repository. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection on the properties of the population over a GP run. We found in our analysis that diversity is reduced by using down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection compared to standard \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. This correlates with high hyperselection rates using down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. In addition, our results suggest that a smaller subsampling level performs better. Best results were achieved with a subsampling level \(s = 0.1\). Further, we found that down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection outperforms the traditional selection methods on all studied symbolic regression problems. This applies to the variant with a static as well as to the variant with a dynamically adapting \(\epsilon\). The improvement with respect to the median MSE on the unseen test cases is up to about 87% in comparison to standard \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection. Consequently, we recommend to use down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection as it often significantly improves the solution quality. In future work, we will study the influence of different population sizes and the number of generations on the performance of down-sampled \(\epsilon\)-lexicase selection.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:48', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04301', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04301'}
# Introduction Wireless communication technologies such as WiFi and 5G cellular networks help enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) estimated that DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communications)-based V2V communication could potentially address up to 82% of crashes in the U.S. every year . Basic safety messages (BSMs) sharing benefits connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) coordination for intersections and lane-merging . Vision information captured by the onboard cameras and LIDARs can also improve decision making. Shared vision information among vehicles provides a see-through view to human drivers for reactive early lane changing , reduces the uncertainty due to blind spots of cooperative trajectory planning . However, when CAVs get extra environment knowledge via V2V communication, how to make prudent decisions to improve traffic efficiency, whether sharing vision information can bring benefits are still unsolved challenges. Hence, we show how CAVs can take advantage of information sharing to make better driving decisions while meeting safety guarantees and improving traffic efficiency. In this work, we design a safe actor-critic algorithm integrated with information sharing to enhance operational performance. To save computing resources, we first develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) weight pruning technique to process the camera and LIDAR data, and share the output with neighboring CAVs. Then the raw images and point clouds are synchronously processed and shared as the MARL input. The mixed traffic driving environment includes autonomous and human-driving vehicles. We model the behavior planning problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) . We design a safe action mapping algorithm to make sure that the actions trained and executed by our proposed MARL algorithm are safe. In experiments, we show that our approach increases traffic efficiency and guarantees safety. In summary, the main contributions of this work are: - We design an integrated information sharing and safe multi-agent reinforcement learning framework to utilize the shared information via V2V for the behavior planning of CAVs to improve traffic efficiency and safety. - We implement the safe actor-critic in a simulator CARLA that can simulate multiple vehicles with physical dynamics. The experiment shows the designed framework can improve average velocity and comfort for CAVs with safety guarantees, for CAV-only scenario and mixed traffic environment that includes both autonomous and human driven vehicles. Our result also gives insight that the traffic flow and comfort can be improved when the CAV's penetration arises. - We validate our integrated multi-agent reinforcement learning framework in challenging driving scenarios like obstacle-at-corner, and the shared vision can help vehicles avoid obstacles in advance. # Related Work #### Deep Learning For Autonomous Vehicles It is productive for autonomous vehicles to learn the steering angle and acceleration control directly based on vision input, such as end-to-end imitation learning , and end-to-end reinforcement learning , but they cannot guarantee safety. The other popular way is to separate the learning and control phases .. The learning methods can give a high-level decision making, such as "go straight\", "go left\" , whether yield to another vehicle or not . It can also extract image features and then apply control upon these features . However, the works mentioned above do not consider the connection between CAVs, while we consider how CAVs use information sharing to improve safety and efficiency. #### Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Existing multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) literature  has not fully solved the challenges for CAVs. How communication among agents will improve systems' safety or efficiency in policy learning has not been addressed. Recent advancements like multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient (MADDPG) , the attention mechanism , cooperative MARL  and league training  do not specify communication among agents or safety guarantee for the learned policy. We consider a novel problem with information sharing, and design a safe actor-critic algorithm with centralized training and decentralized execution . #### Safe Reinforcement Learning Safe reinforcement learning is an increasingly important research area for real world safety-critical applications , including model predictive control (MPC)-based supervised learning  and guided policy search for the DRL , joint learning of control policy and control barrier certificates . Optimization-based methods are proposed to prove safety of the learned policy . However, they are not directly applicable to multi-agent systems with complicated dynamic environment such as CAVs. Safe MARL methods mainly have two types: constrained MARL or shielding for exploration. In constrained MARL , agents maximize the total expected return while keeping the costs lower than designed bounds. However, the constraints in these methods cannot explicitly represent the safety requirement at every timestep of a physical dynamic system like CAVs, and safety is rarely guaranteed during learning in practice. The model predictive shielding (MPS) algorithm provably guarantees safety for any learned MARL policy . The basic idea is to use a backup controller to override the learned policy by dynamically checking whether the learned policy can maintain safety. However, this overriding interrupts the learning process. Our proposed algorithm maps any action in the action space to a safe action such that the RL agent can keep learning without being interrupted. # Problem Description {#sec:problem} This work addresses how to utilize shared information to make better behavior decisions such as when to change/keep lane for CAVs, considering safety guarantees and the improvement of the transportation system efficiency. The environments can be mixed with CAVs and human-driven vehicles, and our decision making framework is designed for CAVs. Human-driven vehicles in the environment can be observed by the sensors on autonomous vehicles and road infrastructures. The V2V communication provides environment information to a single vehicle beyond what its own sensors can detect. We formulate this problem as a Dec-POMDP: We want to find a policy \(\pi(a|o)\) in the Dec-POMDP to maximize the total expected return \(R_t = \sum_{k = 0}^{ \infty } \gamma^{k} r_{t+k}\) where \(\gamma\) is a discount factor, and make sure there exists a controller to execute the action safely. Hence, we propose a safe actor-critic algorithm to learn the action value function \(Q(o, a)\) with a safe action mapping \(\Phi\) to guarantee policies are only explored in the safe action space. The details of this algorithm will be explained in Section [5](#sec:learning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:learning"}. The policy to generate the behavior planning decisions \(\pi(a | o)\) should maximize the total expected return while maintaining \(a\) safe. We use the centralized training and decentralized execution paradigm , a common design of the MARL. The training process can make full use of all agents' information while each agent can only access its own observation in the execution. We assume all CAVs are cooperating with each other, and a global reward is usually assigned to each agent as the cooperative MARL examples shown in. To limit the scope of this paper, we use one global reward for all the agents. Credit assignment can be included to further improve the result like the methods in. We consider a partially observable environment with unknown state transition \(\mathcal{T}\) and unknown observation function \(\mathbf{o}\) in our work. This problem impedes using value function based RL methods. One practical approach to solve it is to replace the observation by the past action-observation history \(h_t = o_1 a_1, \ldots, o_{t-1} a_{t-1}, o_{t}\) to construct a Markovian observation such that we can apply RL methods. This practical approach shows good performance in the literature . Hence, in this paper, we include the past action-observation history in the \(Q\)-network. # Information Sharing {#sec:info_sharing} The ego vehicle's observation has three sources: (i) its own onboard sensors, e.g., inertial measurement unit (IMU), camera, and LIDAR; (ii) shared actions of neighboring vehicles; (iii) the shared vision information that includes features {lane index, distance, observation angle, rotation} of neighboring vehicles provided by the processed vision (shown in Fig. [\[vision_plot\]](#vision_plot){reference-type="ref" reference="vision_plot"}) of its immediate leaders in its current lane and neighbor lanes, via V2V communication. Each vehicle sense its own onboard camera and LIDAR data. It is unrealistic to share the raw camera images and point clouds from LIDAR with others due to the following two reasons: (i) the limited bandwidth of a V2V link ; (ii) the same shared information on surrounding vehicles needs to be repeatedly learned for lane information extraction, resulting in computing resource waste. Hence, we first process the vision information locally using CNNs and then share the extracted features to other vehicles. Because the raw images and point clouds need to be synchronously processed and shared for behavior planning, we further develop a weight pruning technique to speed up the slower process. ### CNN-Driven Shared Vision {#sec:cnn_vision} We develop an end-to-end CNN-driven shared vision solution to derive the relative lane index of surrounding vehicles, i.e., which lane each surrounding vehicle is on. In Fig. [\[vision_plot\]](#vision_plot){reference-type="ref" reference="vision_plot"}, the shared vision model has two main branches. (i) Lane segmentation for global context and aggregates auxiliary segmentation task to utilize multi-scale features. The RGB images from the onboard camera are divided into equal-sized grids, and grids in the same rows are defined as row anchors. Grids with appearance of the lane mark on the row anchor will be colored green. Detailed pixel coordinates of all four-lane marks is generated by the network and saved in a hash table. (ii) The 3D OD (object detection) uses LIDAR point cloud as input. It converts raw point cloud to a sparse pseudo-image by stacking pillars and learning features from it for scatter . We process the pseudo-image into high-level representation by first continuously down-sampling learned features to small spatial resolution, then up-sampling and concatenating each down-sampled features, to predict 3D bounding boxes for neighbouring vehicles. The location of vehicles in camera coordinates, dimensions (height, width, length), observation angle, distance, and rotation is generated. As camera RGB image and LIDAR point cloud are paired under same timestamp, in the second step, we derive the lane index of each surrounding vehicle by fusing the location and dimension of the surrounding vehicle (obtained by 3D OD) with coordinate of lane marks obtained by lane segmentation. We then send the lane index along with distance, observation angle, and rotation info to the DRL for behavior planning. ### Weight Pruning to Enhance Synchronous Information Share We observe that the processing time of point cloud data using PointPillars is significantly longer (11.16\(\times\)) than that of lane segmentation. The 3D OD becomes the "critical path\" of the overall vision process. Therefore, we develop a weight pruning technique on the PointPillars network to reduce the running time. Many investigations have shown that there exists redundancy in CNN model parameters . CNN weight pruning can be used to exploit the redundancy in the parameterization of deep architectures, while maintaining the CNN model accuracy. We formulate the weight pruning problem in an \(N\)-layer CNN as: \(\underset{ \{{\bf{W}}_{i}\}}{\text{min}} ~\mathcal{F} \big( \{{\bf{W}}_{i}\}_{i=1}^N\big), \text{subject to}~ {\bf{W}}_{i}\in {\bf{S}}_{i}, \; i = 1, \ldots, N\), where \({\bf{W}}_{i}\) represents the weights in the \(i\)-th layer. \(\mathcal{F}\) is the CNN loss function with respect to \({\bf{W}}_{i}\). \({\bf{S}}_{i}= \{{\bf{W}}_{i}\mid \mathrm{cardinality}({\bf{W}}_{i})\le l_{i}\}\), where \(l_{i}\) is desired numbers of non-zero weights. Through weight pruning, we bring acceleration in computation and reduction in memory, therefore satisfying the real-time requirement. # Behavior Planning {#sec:learning} Since autonomous driving is a safety-critical application, the exploration policy in reinforcement learning (RL) for CAVs must be designed rigorously to avoid potential accidents. The action \(a\) generated by the traditional \(\epsilon\)-greedy method  may not be safe. To ensure there are no collisions during the training process, we add a feedback process to find safe feasible actions. ### Safe Action Mapping {#sec:feedback_action} The safe action mapping \(\Phi\) to get the safe action is shown in Fig. [\[fig:feedback\]](#fig:feedback){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:feedback"}. Once the RL agent selects an action, we evaluates whether it is feasible to implement this action by checking safety constraints. If \(a\) is safe, then the feedback action \(a' = a\); if not, we will search other actions in \(\mathcal{A}\) that haven't been tried and find a safe one. If all the actions in \(\mathcal{A}\) are not safe in the worst case, then the controller will apply the emergency stop (ES) process. The ES is a special action that is not included in the action set \(\mathcal{A}\). It will only be performed in an emergency scenario where all normal actions are not safe. ### Safe Actor-Critic Algorithm {#sec:Q_learning} We design a safe actor-critic algorithm as shown in Alg. [\[alg:actor-critic\]](#alg:actor-critic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:actor-critic"} for each CAV to learn a centralized critic \(Q\) by minimizing the Bellman loss: \(\mathcal{L}(\theta^i) = \mathbb{E}_{o, a, r, o'}[(y-Q^i(o, a; \theta^i))^2],\) where \(y = r^i + \gamma \cdot Q'^i(o', a'; \theta'^i)|_{a'^{i} = \pi'^{i}(o'^{i})}\) and \(Q'^i\) is the target network for the critic, \(\pi'^i\) is the target network for the actor. Then we use this critic to train a localized actor \(\pi^i(o^i; \theta^i)\) using the gradient \(\nabla_{\theta^i}J = \mathbb{E}_{o, a \sim \mathcal{D}} \left[ \nabla_{\theta^i} \pi^i(o^i)\nabla_{a^i}Q^i(o, a) \right].\) In this algorithm, we use a replay buffer to store the transition experience \((o, a, r, o')\), where \(o\) is the current observation, \(a\) is the action, \(r\) is the reward, and \(o'\) is the next observation. The safe action mapping in Fig. [\[fig:feedback\]](#fig:feedback){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:feedback"} assures the policy used to produce a new transition experience is safe. When training the critic, a minibatch is sampled from the replay buffer to decorrelate data. ### \(Q\)-network The \(Q\)-network used in Alg. [\[alg:actor-critic\]](#alg:actor-critic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:actor-critic"} is shown in Fig. [\[fig:Qnet\]](#fig:Qnet){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Qnet"}. We consider the action set \(\mathcal{A}\) includes {Keep Lane (KL), Change Left (CL), and Change Right (CR)}. The observation for each CAV includes: (i) onboard camera, LIDAR; (ii) position, velocity, and acceleration; (iii) processed shared vision information and actions of its immediate leaders on its current and neighbor lanes via V2V. Our algorithm also works in mixed traffic with both autonomous and human-driven vehicles. When there is no CAV in the surrounding vehicles, the ego vehicle can always use its onboard sensors' information as the input of the \(Q\)-network. ### Reward Function {#sec:reward} We consider two system-level reward as evaluation criteria: average velocity \(\bar{v}\) and average comfort \(\bar{c}\). The comfort of single vehicle (for passenger's experience) is defined based on its acceleration and action as follows: \[\label{equ:comfort} \small c(\dot{v}, a) = \begin{cases} 3, & \text{if } \lvert \dot{v} \rvert< \Theta \text{ and } a = KL; \\ 2, & \text{if } \lvert \dot{v} \rvert \geq \Theta \text{ and } a = KL; \\ 1, & \text{if } a = CL/CR; \\ 0, & \text{if in } ES. \end{cases}\] where \(\dot{v}\) is the acceleration, \(a \in \mathcal{A}\) is the behavior action, \(\Theta\) is a predefined threshold. The reward function is defined as: \[\mathbf{r}(s, a) = w \cdot \bar{v} + \bar{c}, \label{equ:reward_centralized}\] where \(s \in \mathcal{S}\), and \(w\) is a trade-off weight. # Experiment {#sec:experiment} We use CARLA , an open source simulator which supports development, training, and validation of autonomous driving systems, to validate our proposed method. Each CAV is integrated with a camera sensor for capturing RGB images, and a LIDAR sensor for generating point clouds. The resolution of camera image is \(375\times1,242\) pixels. We set row anchors ranging from 100 to 370 with intervals of 10, and the number of grids is 100. We scale each image to \(288\times800\). Each point cloud from LIDAR is stored with the 3 coordinates (the ego vehicle being the origin), representing forward, left, and up respectively, and an additional reflectance value. To augment the dataset, we apply random mirroring flip along the forward axis, and a global rotation and scaling. In evaluation, we set forward and up axes' resolution to \(0.16 m\), max number of pillars to 12,000, and max number of points per pillar to 100. Images and point clouds are paired under the same timestamp and are processed jointly under the CNN. We assume all CAVs to share their processed vision information that includes features {lane index, distance, observation angle, rotation} of neighboring vehicles with their immediate followers as introduced in Section [4](#sec:info_sharing){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:info_sharing"}. Each CAV collects transition experience and store them in the replay buffer. Then they use minibatch gradient descent to learn the \(Q\)-function. The learning method detail is introduced in Section [5](#sec:learning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:learning"}. The hyperparameters of our Alg. [\[alg:actor-critic\]](#alg:actor-critic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:actor-critic"} is shown in Table [1](#tbl:hyperparameter){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:hyperparameter"}. The host machine adopted in our experiments is a server configured with Intel Core i9-10900X processors and four NVIDIA RTX2080Ti GPUs. Our experiments are performed on Python 3.7.6, GCC7 7.5, PyTorch 1.6.0, and CUDA 11.0. ## CNN-Driven Shared Vision {#sec:vision_experiment} For evaluation, PointPillars uses mean average precision (mAP) as standard, while Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection uses "accuracy\", which is calculated as: \(\frac{\sum_{\text {clip}} C_{\text {clip}}}{\sum_{\text {clip}} S_{\text {clip}}}\), where \(C_{clip}\) is the number of lane points predicted correctly and \(S_{clip}\) is the total number of ground truth in each clip. We show the performance (accuracy or mAP) and running speed in Table [2](#vision_result){reference-type="ref" reference="vision_result"}. The lane segmentation achieves high accuracy with low latency. It can process 313 images in one second. The 3D object detection has the running time of \(28\) images per second (img/s), which means 100 images can be processed in around 3.6 seconds. Our weight pruning technique significantly increases the speed (by \(3.5\times\)) with a very small accuracy degradation. It decreases the processing time of 100 images from 3.6 seconds to one second. Overall, for the parallel lane segmentation and 3D object detection, our weight pruning technique significantly speeds up the CNN-driven shared vision process, satisfying real-time processing requirements. Our vision processing method can be used to mixed traffic setting that includes human-driven vehicles. The lane segmentation and object detection is the same when dealing with both autonomous and human-driven vehicles. ## System Efficiency Improvement In this section, we show our algorithm improves the CAVs' system efficiency in terms of the average velocity and the average comfort as defined in the reward function [\[equ:reward_centralized\]](#equ:reward_centralized){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:reward_centralized"}. ### Comparison Under Different CAV Ratios Our approach improves the average velocity and the average comfort as the CAV ratios (the total CAV number divided by the total number of all vehicles) get higher. In this set of experiments, the total number of CAVs ranges from 0 to 30 as listed in Table [3](#tbl:mixed_setting){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:mixed_setting"}. We compare the average velocity and comfort for all vehicles under different CAV ratios. The comfort of a single vehicle is defined in Eq. [\[equ:comfort\]](#equ:comfort){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:comfort"}. It is averaged among all the vehicles as one criterion. The velocity and comfort are averaged over all the 40000 timesteps used in the simulation. The result of our approach is shown in Table [3](#tbl:mixed_setting){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:mixed_setting"}. All CAVs use our safe actor-critic Alg. [\[alg:actor-critic\]](#alg:actor-critic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:actor-critic"} introduced in Section [5](#sec:learning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:learning"}. The result in Table [3](#tbl:mixed_setting){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:mixed_setting"} shows the average velocity and comfort of the entire mixed traffic. We use CARLA's built-in human-driven vehicle in the mixed traffic . In the result of Table [3](#tbl:mixed_setting){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:mixed_setting"}, the average velocity and comfort increase when the CAV ratio gets higher. This gives us insights that the penetration of the CAVs can improve traffic efficiency in the future. ### Comparison Under Different Traffic Densities Our approach improves the traffic flow and average comfort under different traffic densities. The traffic density \(\rho\) is the ratio between the total number of vehicles and the road length. We compare the traffic flow and average comfort under different traffic densities among our safe MARL approach using Alg. [\[alg:actor-critic\]](#alg:actor-critic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:actor-critic"}, the MADDPG  algorithm and an intelligent driving model (IDM) . The traffic flow reflects the quality of the road throughout with respect to the traffic density. It is calculated as \(\rho \times \bar{v},\) where \(\bar{v}\) is the average velocity of all the vehicles. The IDM is a common baseline in autonomous driving. In IDM, the vehicle's acceleration is a function of its current speed, current and desired spacing, and the leading and following vehicles' speed . Building on top of these IDM agents, we add lane-changing functionality using the gap acceptance method in . In this set of experiments, we keep CAV ratios at 0.6. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:idm\]](#fig:idm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:idm"}, the safe MARL agent gets both larger traffic flow and better driving comfort when traffic density \(\rho\) is low. When \(\rho\) grows, the result of the safe MARL agent gets worse, but it is still comparable with the IDM. When the road is saturated, lane-changing tends to downgrade passengers' comfort but cannot bring higher speed. Consequently, a better choice is to keep lanes when \(\rho\) is high, and there is no significant difference between the safe MARL and the IDM. We also add the result using MADDPG in Fig. [\[fig:idm\]](#fig:idm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:idm"}. Both the traffic flow and the driving comfort are very small (a positive number but close to 0) using MADDPG, and many collisions occurred during the simulation. This is because the MADDPG does not have a safety guarantee. ## Safety Guarantee In this section, we show our algorithm has a safety guarantee. We compare our safe actor-critic algorithm with the MADDPG  algorithm. We assign a negative reward in MADDPG for each collision. Our approach avoids the execution of unsafe actions that can lead to collisions. Table [4](#tbl:number_feedback){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:number_feedback"} shows the total number of unsafe actions executed by the safe MARL and MADDPG under different traffic densities. The traffic density \(\rho\) is the ratio between the total number of vehicles and the road length. The number in Table [4](#tbl:number_feedback){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:number_feedback"} is averaged over the last 10 episodes, which has a maximum timestep of 40000. When \(\rho=0.9\), our approach has 0 unsafe actions while the MADDPG has 242976 unsafe actions because it does not have a safety module. Our approach can maintain a safe headway with neighboring vehicles while the MADDPG cannot. The headway is the distance between two consecutive vehicles following each other. In Fig. [\[fig:headway\]](#fig:headway){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:headway"}, the minimum headway across all the vehicles is shown in the first 500 timesteps of one episode when \(\rho = 0.6\). We see that the headway is always greater than 0 using our safe actor-critic algorithm with a minimum value of 18.5 meters. Nevertheless, the MADDPG is likely to have a negative headway, which means collisions in reality. Note that we set the minimum car-following distance of CAVs to be 18.5 meters following the study of the safe car-following distance of autonomous vehicles , but this value can be set differently to satisfy the requirements in different scenarios. Our approach gets a much larger total episode reward than the MADDPG. The total episode reward is the summation of all stage-wise rewards defined in Eq. [\[equ:reward_centralized\]](#equ:reward_centralized){reference-type="ref" reference="equ:reward_centralized"} for each episode. As shown on the left of Fig. [\[fig:reward_result\]](#fig:reward_result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reward_result"}, the maximum total episode reward using our approach is about 1940, which is firstly reached in the 20th episode. In the right figure, the maximum total episode reward using the MADDPG is about 7, because some collision terminates the episode. They have different initial rewards because the neural networks are randomly initialized and the action is selected by the \(\epsilon\)-greedy method with randomness. Our approach runs about 30 minutes in each episode as it has a safety guarantee and runs for the maximum episode length. Yet, each episode stops quickly in about 5 seconds using the MADDPG. ## Obstacle-At-Corner Scenario and Benefit of Shared Vision We construct a scenario called obstacle-at-corner to show how sharing vision information can help autonomous vehicles make wise lane-changing decisions ahead of time. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:obstacle\]](#fig:obstacle){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:obstacle"}, there are obstacles at a left-turning corner (represented by two stationary vehicles). The right bottom figure shows the view of a vehicle that comes in the direction of this curve road. It is quite difficult to observe the obstacles merely relying on its own sensors. In this case, if the white front vehicle can share its observation, the coming vehicle can get to know there are obstacles before entering the turning corner. Shared vision with our proposed safe MARL algorithm can help CAVs avoid traffic jams. We test our learned policy in the obstacle-at-corner scenario. When no vehicle can share information in subfigure (a) of Fig. [\[fig:lanechanging_corner\]](#fig:lanechanging_corner){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lanechanging_corner"}, there are more vehicles blocked on the left-most lane and causing a traffic jam. Subfigures (b) and (c) are the screenshots taken in two close timesteps. In subfigure (b), vehicle \(A\) is blocked in the left lane because there is vehicle \(B\) in the middle lane and \(A\) does not realize there are obstacles before it enters the corner (there is no neighboring vehicle that can share the obstacle information in advance in this scene; two obstacles are not CAVs). In subfigure (c), the coming vehicle \(C\) in the left-most lane starts to change to the middle lane before it observes the obstacles because it gets the shared vision information either from \(A\) or \(B\). We use the safe action mapping introduced in Sec. [5](#sec:learning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:learning"} to ensure the safety of this lane-changing. # Conclusion {#sec:conclusion} This paper studies how to solve behavior planning challenges for CAVs, that is, how to utilize V2V communication to improve traffic efficiency while also following safety requirements. We design an integrated information sharing and safe multi-agent reinforcement learning framework, which utilizes local observations and shared information in order to safely explore a behavior planning policy. The safe action mapping guarantees the safety of the training and execution process of the proposed MARL framework. We conduct the CAV simulation in CARLA. In the experiment, our weight pruning technique increases the speed of the 3D object detection (OD) by 3.5\(\times\) with small accuracy degradation, since OD is the bottleneck for sharing vision. We also show that our approach improves the average velocity and average comfort under different CAV ratios and different traffic densities. Our approach avoids unsafe actions and maintains a safe distance from neighboring vehicles. We also construct the obstacle-at-corner scenario to show that the shared vision can help vehicles to avoid traffic jams. It is considered as future work to improve the robustness of the MARL policy under state uncertainties that are caused by V2V communication or sensor measurement errors.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-16T02:15:37', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04321', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04321'}
# Introduction {#sec:introduction} There is strong evidence that approximately 85% of the matter in the universe is practically invisible, so far only detected through its gravitational effects on luminous matter . The nature of this dark matter is a matter of open investigation. One such proposal is the QCD axion, a particle introduced to resolve the strong CP problem through the Pecci--Quinn mechanism . These scalar particles have a mass of \(10^{-11} \;\mathrm{eV}\)--\(10^{0} \;\mathrm{eV}\) for the QCD to be dark matter. The QCD axion can be generalised to a class of axion-like particles (ALPs). Among these these is fuzzy dark matter (FDM), a form of dark matter whose constituent particles have a mass of \(\sim 10^{-22} \;\mathrm{eV}\) . This means that its de Broglie wavelength is very large and the small scale structure of dark matter halos is different from that expected from more massive particles. Recent work has argued that a lack of observed gravitational heating in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies constrains the dark matter particle mass to \(m > 3 \times 10^{-19} \;\mathrm{eV}\) . This constraint relies on an assumption that Segue 1 and Segue 2 are representative of other galaxies, and that a single FDM species comprises a majority of the dark matter. The inclusion of multiple species of ultralight particle significantly reduces the expected gravitational heating . Ultralight axions (ULAs) are an extension of FDM models that include interactions. Some have considered the effects of self interactions on such ultralight scalar models . Although constraints in the single-field scenario predict the self-interaction strength be very small, it should not be ignored since the phase-space density of axions in these systems is extremely large . Another common assumption is that a particular dark matter model accounts for all---or at least a significant fraction---of the dark matter in the universe. Thus far, most work on ALPs not only assumes that the ALP comprises a significant portion of the dark matter, the ALP itself is comprised of a single species. However, there are generic predictions from string theory that is an "axiverse" of ALPs . In such a scenario, there would be a multiple ALPs with a hierarchy of masses; we use the term *species* or *field* to refer to these different ALPs. Recent work has begun to explore this part of theory space. In , the authors examine stable time-independent solitonic solutions of multi-field models and argue that the existence of axion fields with multiple masses is a plausible explanation for observed dark matter substructure. The properties of such nested solitons have been further studied in , with the addition of self-interactions. In , the authors studied closely related multi-field boson stars, solving numerically for equilibrium solutions. In the recent paper , the authors simulate multi-field ULDM halos and find that introducing more particle species smooths out outer halo profile. Not only could each of these fields have self-interactions, there is the possibility of inter-field interactions. Interactions between the multiple fields opens up a range of novel phenomenologies. In , the authors say that higher order repulsive self-interaction terms may stabilize solitons from collapsing into black holes when they have lower order attractive self-interactions . It may be possible to stabilize nested solitons with attractive self-interactions from collapsing with repulsive inter-field interactions. Interactions between axions in the early universe can also lead to transfers of energy between species . There have been a number of recent papers on structure formation and soliton condensation in single field FDM models . Structure formation in the axiverse is likely distinct from what is described in recent papers on structure formation and soliton condensation in single field FDM models. These papers have examined the timescales required for the condensation of stable configurations from an incoherent FDM field. This process would be significantly altered by the existence of multiple fields. In the most extreme case, multiple fields with repulsive interactions may even be partitioned early in structure formation, leading to different dark matter species in different galaxies. This would have an effect on, for example, rotation curves and strong gravitational lensing. Multi-component dark matter would have an appreciable affect on gravitational lensing observables. Relative time delays of strongly lensed systems are used to measure \(H_0\), the expansion rate of the universe . Recent work has explored the systematic uncertainties in these measurements due to a mass-sheet degeneracy . In particular, a \(m \sim 10^{-25} \text{eV}\) particle comprising \(\sim 10\%\) of the dark matter could have a significant effect on the inferred \(H_0\), highlighting the relevance of multi-species models . Recent work has explored the possibility of higher-spin ultralight bosonic dark matter and has shown that it can have similar phenomenology to ultralight ALPs . In fact, it has been shown that in the non-relativistic, non-interacting limit, a single spin-\(s\) field is indistinguishable from a set of \(2s+1\) scalar fields of identical mass . In this paper we present the first three-dimensional simulations of two-field ALP models with self-interactions and inter-field interactions. We use these simulations to study the stability of nested solitons and collisions between two solitons made from different bosonic fields. We consider two axion-like fields with masses in the currently supported range . We also use different combinations of attractive and repulsive self-interactions and inter-field interactions. Although it is straight forward to extend these simulations to more than two-fields, this paper will focus only on two-field simulations. This paper is structured as follows: In [6](#sec:eom){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:eom"} we present the Lagrangian, associated equations of motion and conserved energy. In [5](#sec:code){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:code"} we discuss the implementation in code. In [4](#sec:solitons){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:solitons"} we discuss multi-axion solitons and show their stability in said code. In [3](#sec:collision){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:collision"} we present collisions between solitons in one-and two-field simulations, and show that there are qualitative differences between them. # Discussion We have taken initial steps to simulate the dynamics of self-and inter-species interacting multi-species models of FDM. These models are motivated by the "axiverse" conjecture, in which there are numerous axion-like particles, each with its own mass and self-interactions . These are also applicable to spin-\(s\) FDM models, in which each the field can be decomposed into \(2s+1\) fields. We have verified the integrity of our code by finding stable equilibrium solutions when there are multiple-fields with different masses and interaction strengths. We have made an exploratory study of binary collisions with different combinations of soliton phases, soliton masses, particle masses and interaction strengths. It is important to note that the collision scenarios we have discussed in this paper are highly idealized, and in the real world, collisions are more complex. First, FDM solitons are not expected to be in zero background density regions; after initial condensation they would be surrounded by a nearly homogeneous background density and later they may have NFW-like tails. Secondly, we have little reason to believe that multi-field ALPs would form solitons or halos comprised purely of a single field. The multi-field nature could still show up in collisions. For example, the phases of fields in a halo do not have to be correlated. This could lead to one species being ejected during a merger while others are not, resulting in a halo with a deficiency or surplus of a single species. There are a variety of future directions to be explored. The most obvious is the generalization of these simulations from two to three and more FDM species. Simulations of three FDM species would allow more direct comparisons with spin-\(1\) fields . Other directions for immediate future work would further explore the dynamics of two fields. Structure formation and the initial condensation of solitons is different when dark matter is comprised of multiple species of ultralight particle. In ref. , the authors found that as multiple axion fields evolved without self-interactions or inter-field interactions, the fields showed little correlation. It would be interesting to see how this changes when there are non-zero inter-field interactions. Likewise, structure formation and soliton condensation in the presence of multiple fields has the potential to be quite different from a single field. Repulsive inter-field interactions raise the possibility that the fields separate during the initial condensation process, leading to an inhomogeneous distribution of dark matter species. This effect would leave an imprint in large scale structure, implying constraints on repulsive inter-field interactions. There are numerous unexplored avenues for multi-field solitons. We will generalise our algorithm for generating equilibrium profiles, to allow for larger values of particle mass ratios \(m_1/m_2\), as well as allow for greater self-interaction and inter-field interaction strengths. There are also more complex soliton interactions and collisions to be explored. In this work, we have not explored collisions between solitons that are initially comprised of multiple fields. We can also explore collisions with non-zero impact parameters or collisions with more than two solitons. We hope that future work on this topic will lead to insight on the validity of the axiverse hypothesis. # Collisions between solitons {#sec:collision} Collisions between solitons in single field FDM are well studied . Binary collisions have been used to study the basic dynamics of FDM fields and demonstrate effects such as self-interactions. Mergers of larger numbers of solitons have been used as a proxy for halo formation through hierarchical mergers . We continue this tradition of using soliton dynamics to elucidate properties of FDM. In an effort to simplify comparisons between plots in the following scenarios, we look at the effects of each of multi-component ALPs' properties separately: multiple species, distinct particle masses \(m_i\) for each species, and inter-species interactions \(\Lambda\). In each scenario the initial conditions contain two solitons, each composed of a single species and, unless otherwise specified, phase difference \(\varphi = 0\). The scenarios have some common parameters: the solitons start \(4 \,\mathcal{L}\) apart, with velocities \(v_1 =-v_2 = 2 \mathcal{L}/\mathcal{T}\). There are two general classes of collisions: those in which the solitons are gravitationally bound and unbound. In the unbound scenarios, the mass of each soliton is \(5 \,\mathcal{M}\). In the bound scenarios, the mass of each soliton is \(10 \,\mathcal{M}\). These parameters were chosen to capture a wide variety of phenomena, rather than correspond to a specific physical scenario. For clarity, each set of snapshots is cropped to the interior of the box; see the linked animations for uncropped versions.[^1] One of the most distinctive FDM effects is interference , which can manifest when solitons overlap during collisions. In the collision of same-species solitons, their wave-like nature shows up as a distinctive interference pattern in the density when they overlap , \[\begin{split} \psi(x, t) =& A_1 \left(|x+\hat{x}|\right)e^{i(kx/2+\omega t+\varphi/2)} \\ & + A_2 \left(|x-\hat{x}|\right)e^{i(-kx/2+\omega t-\varphi/2)} \mperiod \end{split}\] Here, \(\pm \hat{x}\) are the starting positions of the solitons, \({(A_1)}^2\) and \({(A_2)}^2\) are the density profiles of the solitons, \(\varphi\) is the relative phase between the solitons, and \(k = mv_{||}/\hbar\) is the wave number associated with the relative velocity of the solitons. This does not happen when the two solitons are comprised of different FDM species; their densities are added rather than their wave functions. This means that collisions between solitons consisting of a single species are necessarily different from collisions between solitons comprised of different species. Jain *et al.*  showed that the analogous collisions between solitons in distinct polarized states are a potential signature of higher-spin ultralight dark matter: unless the solitons are fine tuned, the density during collisions between solitons is dependent on whether they are comprised of the same field and/or polarization. demonstrates this difference in interference effects collisions between unbound solitons with phase difference \(\varphi = 0\). In one scenario, on the left, both solitons are comprised of the \(\psi_1\) field. In the other scenario, one soliton is comprised purely of the \(\psi_1\) field, and the other of the \(\psi_2\) field with \(m_1 = m_2\). Both cases have no self-interactions; \(\lambda = 0\). In each case, the solitons pass through each other with some deformation, the form of which depends on whether they are comprised of the same species. There are clear interference fringes when the solitons are comprised of the same species. This interference does not happen if the solitons consist of distinct species. Instead, the deformations of the solitons during the collision are entirely due to gravitational interactions. A relative phase of \(\varphi = \pi\) between solitons can cause them to bounce off one another during collisions, rather than passing through one another or merging . This can be viewed as an extreme case of the interference discussed above. As above, different species do not interfere with each other, and so this does not occur in collisions between solitons comprised of different species. We demonstrate this difference between single-and multi-species FDM in [\[fig:phase-diff\]](#fig:phase-diff){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase-diff"}. Because the phases are exactly opposite, the density vanishes in the \(x=0\) plane separating the solitons in the single species case. In contrast, the density in the two species case is identical to when the phases are equal. contrasts the results of colliding bound solitons. As above, one case has both solitons comprised of the \(\psi_1\) field. The other case has a soliton from each of the \(\psi_1\) and \(\psi_2\) fields with \(m_1 = m_2\) and \(\lambda = 0\). The solitons merge to form a core surrounded by an NFW-like skirt and some mass is ejected. The details of the merger depend on factors including their relative masses, velocities, and phases and self-interactions in the field. As in the unbound scenario, the single field solitons display distinct interference fringes when they overlap. However, there is a difference: the dark matter halos in the end state of the merger have different density profiles. In [\[fig:merger_1\_2_profiles\]](#fig:merger_1_2_profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:merger_1_2_profiles"}, we show that the resulting density profile is less peaked in the two-field scenario. This is consistent with the findings that the density field of multi-species FDM is smoother  and that collisions of vector dark matter solitons result in less dense cores than their scalar dark matter counterparts . The evolution of the energy components is also different: the single species takes longer to dissipate kinetic energy. Next we examine collisions between solitons whose constituent particles have unequal mass. For simplicity of illustration, we assume the masses are not extremely different. shows a comparison between a collision between solitons with \(m_1 = m_2\), and a collision with \(m_2 = m_1 \times 0.9\). Note that although the central density of the \(\psi_2\) soliton is significantly lower than that of the \(\psi_1\) soliton, they contain equal total masses. The \(\psi_2\) soliton is comprised of particles with a larger de Broglie wavelength, and so has a larger characteristic radius. This introduces larger radial distortions in the solitons, than when \(m_1 = m_2\). This relatively small difference in particle mass is also sufficient to introduce an offset in the soliton position along the \(x\)-axis, relative to the equal-mass case. A larger difference in ALP masses will enhance these differences in collision dynamics. In [\[fig:repulsive\]](#fig:repulsive){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:repulsive"} we compare collisions between solitons with no interactions (\(\Lambda_{ij} = 0\)) and with strongly repulsive inter-species interactions \(\Lambda_{12} = 10\). Repulsive interactions suppress the density of the solitons immediately after the collision, as compared to collisions with \(\Lambda_{12} = 0\). We are not aware of a scenario where this happens in collisions of single field ALPs. When the repulsive inter-species interaction is strong enough, there is another qualitative difference from collisions with \(\Lambda = 0\): instead of passing through each other with perturbations, the solitons are split. In [\[fig:attractive\]](#fig:attractive){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:attractive"} we compare collisions between solitons with no interactions (\(\Lambda_{ij} = 0\)) and with strongly attractive inter-species interactions \(\Lambda_{12} =-1\). The density peak at the midpoint between the solitons is larger than when there are no inter-species interactions. The maximum density during the collision is also increased from \(7.5 \; \mathcal{M}/\mathcal{L}^3\) to \(8.9 \; \mathcal{M}/\mathcal{L}^3\). For strong enough attractive self-interactions, an otherwise unbound system becomes bound. # Multifield solitons {#sec:solitons} The Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations have stationary solutions called solitons. These have been studied in great detail in both boson stars and single field FDM . They condense out of incoherent initial conditions . Simulations indicate that solitons inhabit the centers of FDM halos . In this paper, we use the term soliton to refer to the localized, spherically symmetric, static Bose-Einstein condensates of ALPs, possibly comprised of multiple species. In most ULA dark matter models, solitons comprise the centers of dark matter halos which are surrounded by an incoherent outer region which is well described as a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW; ) profile . Dark matter solitons in ULA models have been studied in detail . We use solitons as initial conditions in our simulations. To find these stable solitonic solutions with self-interactions and inter-field interactions, we follow a procedure similar to that used for non-interacting single species solitons in . Other procedures exist, see for example ref. . We assume two scalar fields \(\psi_1\) and \(\psi_2\) and impose spherical symmetry of \(\psi_i\) and time independence of \(|\psi_i|\), \[\begin{gathered} \psi_1 \rightarrow e^{i \beta_1 t} f_1(r) \\ \psi_2 \rightarrow e^{i \beta_2 t} f_2(r) \\ \Phi \rightarrow \varphi(r). \end{gathered}\] Combining these ansatze with [\[eq:gpp,eq:poisson\]](#eq:gpp,eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp,eq:poisson"}, we find that the density profiles \(f_j(r)\) and gravitational potential must be solutions to the differential equations \[\begin{gathered} f_1''(r) =-\frac{2}{r}f'_1(r) + 2\left(\frac{m_1}{m_0}\right)\tilde{\varphi}_1(r) f_1(r) \\ + 2\left(\frac{m_0}{m_1}\right) \Lambda_{11}f^3_1(r) + \left(\frac{m_0}{m_1}\right)\Lambda_{12} f^2_2(r) f_1(r) \end{gathered}\] \[\begin{gathered} f_2''(r) =-\frac{2}{r}f'_2(r) + 2\left(\frac{m_2}{m_0}\right) \tilde{\varphi}_2(r) f_2(r) \\ + 2\left(\frac{m_0}{m_2}\right) \Lambda_{22}f^3_2(r) + \left(\frac{m_0}{m_2}\right)\Lambda_{12} f^2_1(r) f_2(r) \end{gathered}\] \[\tilde{\varphi}''(r) = 4\pi\left(\left(\frac{m_1}{m_0}\right)f^2_1(r)+\left(\frac{m_2}{m_0}\right)f^2_2(r)\right)-\frac{2}{r}\tilde{\varphi}'(r)\] where \(\tilde{\varphi}_i(r) = \left(\frac{m_i}{m_0}\right)\left(\varphi(r) + \beta_i\right)\) are rescaled gravitational potentials. Note that \(\tilde{\varphi}''(r) = \left(\frac{m_0}{m_1}\right)\tilde{\varphi}_1''(r) = \left(\frac{m_0}{m_2}\right)\tilde{\varphi}_2''(r)\) and \(\tilde{\varphi}'(r) = \left(\frac{m_0}{m_1}\right)\tilde{\varphi}_1'(r) = \left(\frac{m_0}{m_2}\right)\tilde{\varphi}_2'(r)\) so the last equation can be written in terms of derivatives of either \(\tilde{\varphi}_1\) or \(\tilde{\varphi}_2\). Not all solutions to these equations are solitons. Most of them have \(\lim_{r \to \infty} f(r) = \pm \infty\); these solutions have infinite mass. In order to find physical solutions, one must choose sensible initial conditions \(f_j(0)\), \(f_j'(0)\), \(\varphi(r)\), \(\varphi'(0)\). In every case we consider, \(f_j'(0) = \varphi'(0) = 0\). This is because we assume the soliton is in its ground state, with a local maximum at \(r=0\). The central densities \(f_j(0)\) are set by the desired soliton mass. To find suitable values for \(\varphi_1\) and \(\varphi_2\), we search for those for which \[\lim_{r \to \infty} f(r) = 0\] and \(f(r)\) has no nodes. Our algorithm uses a modified shooting method to find such solutions for \(0.1 \lesssim m_1/m_2 \lesssim 10\) and \(|\Lambda_{ij}| \lesssim 1\). In Figure [\[m1profiles\]](#m1profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="m1profiles"}, we show profiles for solitons comprised of two fields, when the particle mass of each field is the same but they have differing self-interactions and inter-field interactions. Since we generated the initial profiles assuming the central density is the same in each profile, the cores of the solitons look similar. The differences in the profiles exist mostly in the outer regions of the solitons. As expected, introducing attractive interactions with \(\Lambda_{ij} < 0\) causes the equilibrium soliton to contract; repulsive interactions with \(\Lambda_{ij} > 0\) cause it to expand. While these differences appear subtle, if we were to assume an equilibrium profile with no self-interactions, we would see significant oscillations in supposedly static solutions (approximately \(5\%\) of the peak density) when there are attractive or repulsive self-interactions. We used the resulting soliton solutions to evaluate the correctness of our multi-field modifications to `UltraDark.jl`. We initialized profiles with a variety of particle mass ratios, self-interactions, and inter-field interactions and evolved them forward to see if they were in fact equilibrium solutions. For all the initial profiles, we assume that the central densities are \(f_1(0) = 1.0\) and \(f_2(0) = 0.2\); this ratio is chosen such that each field provides a significant but distinct contribution. shows representative tests that solitons are equilibria. There are two cases shown: one with no self-interactions (\(\Lambda_{ij} = 0\)) and one with attractive self-interactions (\(\Lambda_{11} = \Lambda_{22} =-0.25\)) and repulsive inter-species interactions (\(\Lambda_{12} = 0.25\)). Both have \(m_1=2m_2=m_0\). Figure [\[DensityChange\]](#DensityChange){reference-type="ref" reference="DensityChange"}, shows how the central density of the overlapping solitons changes over time. This figure shows that the oscillations in the profile are small, meaning the profile we initialize is very close to equilibrium and the code preserves it. Figure [\[ProfileDiff\]](#ProfileDiff){reference-type="ref" reference="ProfileDiff"} shows the fractional change in the density profiles after the soliton has evolved forward for \(35 \;\mathrm{Gyr}\). Note that the amplitude in Figure [\[ProfileDiff\]](#ProfileDiff){reference-type="ref" reference="ProfileDiff"} depends on the time when you measure the density profile, but \(35 \;\mathrm{Gyr}\) is representative. This figure shows that there are only slight deviations from the initial density profile even after a significant amount of time has passed. The largest relative deviations are in the low-density exterior of the soliton. This is largely due to the periodic boundary conditions: the soliton feels gravitational forces due to neighboring boxes. In Figure [\[SampleEnergy\]](#SampleEnergy){reference-type="ref" reference="SampleEnergy"}, we show how the energy components evolve over time for a set-up where \(m_1 = 2m_2 = m_0\), there are attractive self-interactions with \(\Lambda_{11} = \Lambda_{22} =-0.25\), and repulsive inter-field interactions with \(\Lambda_{12} = \Lambda_{21} = 0.25\). The energy components are each conserved over the duration of \(35 \;\mathrm{Gyr}\), further indicating that the soliton is near equilibrium. We see the same stability in simulations with different particle mass ratios, self-interactions and inter-field interactions. # Implementation {#sec:code} We use a modified version of `UltraDark.jl` to simulate the dynamics of multi-field ALPs .[^2] `UltraDark.jl` is a pseudo-spectral solver of the GPP equations, previously used to simulate the dynamics of self-interacting fuzzy dark matter  and vortices in scalar dark matter . We have extended it to simulate multiple fields and their self-interactions. It is convenient to rewrite [\[eq:gpp,eq:poisson\]](#eq:gpp,eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp,eq:poisson"} in code units, as in refs. . As defined elsewhere, these units depend on the mass of the (single) field. We adapt them to use with multiple fields by writing all masses with reference to a mass \(m_0\); typically \(m_0 = \mathcal{O}(m_1)\) where \(m_1\) is first field's particle mass. These units are \[\mathcal{L} = {\left(\frac{8\pi \hbar^2}{3m_0^2 H_0^2 \Omega_{m0}}\right)}^{\frac{1}{4}} \approx 121 {\left(\frac{10^{-23} \mathrm{eV}}{m_0}\right)}^{\frac{1}{2}} \;\mathrm{kpc},\] \[\mathcal{T} = {\left(\frac{8\pi}{3H_0^2\Omega_{m0}}\right)}^{\frac{1}{2}} \approx 75.5 \;\mathrm{Gyr},\] and \[\begin{gathered} \mathcal{M} = \frac{1}{G} {\left(\frac{8\pi}{3H_0^2\Omega_{m0}}\right)}^{-\frac{1}{4}} {\left(\frac{\hbar}{m_0}\right)}^{\frac{3}{2}} \\ \approx 7\times10^7 {\left(\frac{10^{-23} \mathrm{eV}}{m_0}\right)}^{\frac{3}{2}}M_\odot. \end{gathered}\] Then equations of motion are \[\begin{gathered} \label{eq:schrodinger_code} i \frac{\partial \psi_j}{\partial t} = -\frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{a^2} \frac{m_0}{m_j} \nabla^2 \psi_j + \frac{m_j}{m_0} \Phi \psi_j \\ + {\left(\frac{m_0}{m_j}\right)}^2 \Lambda_{jj} |\psi_j|^2 \psi_j + \frac{1}{2} {\left(\frac{m_0}{m_j}\right)}^2 \sum_k \Lambda_{jk} |\psi_k|^2 \psi_j \end{gathered}\] \[\label{eq:poisson_code} \nabla^2 \Phi = \frac{1}{a} 4 \pi \sum_j \frac{m_j}{m_0} |\psi_j|^2\] where the interaction coefficients are written as \[\Lambda_{jk} = \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_0^3 G \mathcal{T} c} \lambda_{jk} \mperiod\] In the present work we are concerned with the particular case of \(N = 2\) fields, but extending the code to \(N \geq 3\) fields is straightforward. The memory requirements are roughly linear in the number of fields. The computational complexity of each time step is roughly \(\mathcal{O}(N^2)\) with inter-field interactions, \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) without. The primary constraint on extending to more fields is the range of length scales that must be resolved. Each field \(\psi_j\) has characteristic length scales roughly proportional to \(1/m_j\). Resolving these simultaneously can become challenging when there is a large spread of particle masses. The resolution must be high enough to resolve details on the smallest length scales and the box must be large enough to accommodate the larger length scales. The combination of a large simulation box with a fine resolution makes for very high computational costs. # Equations of motion {#sec:eom} We assume \(N\) scalar particles with Lagrangian density \[\begin{split} \label{eq:lagrangian} \mathcal{L_{\text{ALP}}} =& \sum_j \left( -\frac{1}{2} g^{\mu\nu} \partial_{\mu} \phi_{j} \partial_{\nu} \phi_{j} -\frac{1}{2} m_{j}^2 \phi_j^2 \right) \\& -\sum_j \sum_{k \geq j} \lambda_{jk} \phi_j^2 \phi_k^2 \mcomma \end{split}\] where the indices \(j\) and \(k\) run over the \(N\) fields considered. The first term describes \(N\) free fields with masses \(m_j\), while the second term describes interactions between them. The symmetric matrix \(\lambda_{jk}\) contains interaction constants; the diagonal elements parameterise self-interactions and the off-diagonal elements parameterize inter-field interactions. Positive terms correspond to repulsive interactions and negative to attractive interactions. The corresponding equations of motion for each field \(\phi_j\) are \[\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{\sqrt{-g}}\partial_{\mu}\left[\sqrt{-g}g^{\mu \nu}\partial_{\nu}\phi_j\right] -m_j^2\phi_j-4\lambda_{jj}\phi_{j}^3 \\ -2\sum_{j \ne k}\lambda_{jk}\phi_j\phi_k^2=0. \end{gathered}\] In the Newtonian limit the equations of motion for the \(N\) fields reduce to coupled Klein-Gordon equations with self-interacting potentials, \[\label{eq:klein_gordon} 0 = \ddot{\phi_i} -\nabla^2 \phi_j + m_j^2 \phi_j + 4 \lambda_{jj} \phi_j^3 + 2 \sum_{j \ne k} \lambda_{jk} \phi_j \phi_k^2 \mperiod\] In the non-relativistic limit, each of the Klein-Gordon fields \(\phi_j\) can be re-written in terms of a complex scalar field \(\psi_j\) in the form \[\phi_j = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2m}} \left( e^{-i m_j t} \psi_j + e^{+i m_j t} \psi_j^* \right)\] and [\[eq:klein_gordon\]](#eq:klein_gordon){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:klein_gordon"} reduces to \(N\) coupled Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations \[\begin{gathered} \label{eq:gpp} i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi_j}{\partial t} = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_j a^2} \nabla^2 \psi_j + m_j \Phi \psi_j \\ + \frac{\hbar^3}{2 m_j^2 c} \lambda_{jj} |\psi_j|^2 \psi_j + \frac{\hbar^3}{4 m_j^2 c} \sum_k \lambda_{jk} |\psi_k|^2 \psi_j \end{gathered}\] \[\label{eq:poisson} \nabla^2 \Phi = \frac{1}{a} 4 \pi G \sum_j m_j |\psi_j|^2\] where \(\Phi\) is the gravitational potential. The first three terms on the right hand side of [\[eq:gpp\]](#eq:gpp){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp"} are those of a single self-interacting field; see  for prior analysis. The last term describes inter-field interactions. The fields are also coupled by [\[eq:poisson\]](#eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:poisson"}, the Poisson equation describing gravitational interactions between the fields. The matter density of each is equal to the modulus squared of the corresponding field, \[\rho_j = |\psi_j|^2 \mperiod\] When all the masses \(m_i\) are identical and there are no interactions, there is a degeneracy. In this case, [\[eq:gpp,eq:poisson\]](#eq:gpp,eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp,eq:poisson"} can alternatively be interpreted as the non-relativistic equations of motion for an integer spin-\(s\) field . This is the case when \(N \leq 2s + 1\). The fields \(\psi_i\) correspond to the components in a polarization basis. In the non-interacting case each polarization state is conserved separately, and so \(N < 2s + 1\) fields can be used to model a subset of the polarization states, assuming that the others have negligible matter content. The case with \(N=2\), \(m_1 = m_2\), and \(\lambda = 0\) can be interpreted as a single complex field. The Lagrangian density giving rise to the equations of motion [\[eq:gpp,eq:poisson\]](#eq:gpp,eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp,eq:poisson"} is \[\begin{gathered} \mathcal{L_{\text{GPP}}} = -\Bigg[ \frac{1}{2} |\nabla \Phi|^2 + \Phi \sum_j |\psi_j|^2 + \frac{1}{2} \sum_j |\nabla \psi_j|^2 \\ + \frac{i}{2} \sum_j m_j \left(\psi_j \dot{\psi^*_j}-\dot{\psi_j} \psi^*_j\right) + \sum_j \sum_k \frac{\lambda_{jk}}{4} |\psi_j|^2 |\psi_k|^2 \Bigg] \end{gathered}\] Note that at the level of the effective Lagrangian, there is no interference term between two different fields. Varying this Lagrangian density with respect to \(\psi^*\), \(\psi\), and \(\Phi\), gives [\[eq:gpp\]](#eq:gpp){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp"}, the conjugate of [\[eq:gpp\]](#eq:gpp){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gpp"}, and [\[eq:poisson\]](#eq:poisson){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:poisson"}, respectively. From this we can derive the corresponding conserved energy, \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:energy} E_{\text{total}} &= \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \ensuremath \mathrm{d} x^3 \left[ \sum_j \left( \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\psi_j}} \dot{\psi_j} + \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\psi_j^*}} \dot{\psi_j^*} \right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\Phi}} \dot{\Phi} -\mathcal{L} \right] \\ &= E_{\text{grav}} + E_{\text{KQ}} + \sum_j E_{\text{self-int}, j} + \sum_j \sum_{j>k} E_{\text{int}, j, k} \end{aligned}\] where the gravitational potential energy is defined in the usual way, \[\label{eq:e_grav} E_{\text{grav}} = \frac{1}{2} \Phi \sum_j |\psi_j|^2 \mperiod\] The sum of the kinetic and "quantum"[^3] energy is \[\label{eq:e_kq} E_{\text{KQ}} = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_j \psi_j^* (\nabla^2 \psi_j) \mperiod\] The energy due to self-interactions in field \(j\) is \[E_{\text{self-int}, j} = \lambda_{jj} |\psi_j|^4\] and the energy due to interactions between species \(j\) and \(k\) is \[E_{\text{int}, j, k} = \lambda_{jk} |\psi_k|^2 |\psi_j|^2 \mperiod\] [^1]: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHrf0iQS5SY5-pjTrIWMDfelGTEvd48l0> [^2]: <https://github.com/musoke/UltraDark.jl> [^3]: Note that the "quantum" energy does not in fact have a quantum origin .
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:51', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04302', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04302'}
# Introduction {#sec:intro} To generalize well, an agent should acquire knowledge from past tasks that helps it explore and adapt effectively in future tasks. In deep reinforcement learning (RL), there is growing interest in *in-context* generalization, where upon entering a new task, an agent's neural network weights are frozen and its policy explores and adapts based solely on real-time context, i.e., history of states, actions and/or rewards. Taking inspiration from human behavior, in-context generalization can be approached through a kind of hypothesis testing: An agent can acquire prior beliefs from past tasks about how tasks tend to work, e.g., what are the typical dynamics governing interactions between objects? In an unfamiliar (but related) task, it can periodically sample one promising hypothesis under its beliefs and test it by acting optimally under that hypothesis. The resulting data, or context, would inform the agent whether its hypothesis was correct or not, as well as improve its broader posterior beliefs. By sampling and testing many hypotheses, an agent would try diverse actions to *explore* a new task and gain information to *adapt* its posterior beliefs toward how the task truly works. The agent's policy would also adapt as it acts optimally under more accurate hypotheses. This hypothesis testing concept is neatly encapsulated by a computational framework called *posterior sampling*, which extends *Thompson sampling* from multi-armed bandits to RL. Posterior sampling, however, requires Bayesian inference and dynamic programming, which are intractable for all but toy problems and may need unknown information (e.g., a prior distribution). Even when these challenges are addressed by neural network approximations of posterior sampling, these methods are typically designed for training and evaluation on the same task, rather than for generalization across tasks. Our method for approximating posterior sampling tackles all the difficulties above: We approximate inference rather than relying on Bayesian inference, and we do so for a hypothesis space of *partial* models---represented as small Markov decision processes (MDPs)---that are cheap for dynamic programming. Furthermore, we treat the approximate inference process as generalizable knowledge that is learned from training tasks (using a neural network) and later applied to held out testing tasks. To illustrate a partial model, imagine an empty wine glass on a table. And consider a small MDP model whose dynamics only capture that pushing the glass has a high probability of breaking the glass. This model is incomplete in the sense that it excludes other relevant information for predicting whether the glass breaks, such as the glass's position on the table. However, since wine glasses generally have a round shape, we might expect they are likely to roll off the table and break, no matter where they were on the table. By applying dynamic programming on our model, we may not find an optimal policy that accounts for all relevant information, but we can nevertheless find a decent policy that avoids pushing the wine glass and is faster to compute. To learn an inference process for partial models, our method trains a transformer because transformers have previously demonstrated the ability to approximate Bayesian inference and generalize in-context. We build on architectures that take in an entire data set---or an entire context/history in our work---rather than a single data point. Given context, our transformer outputs a distribution over partial models, represented as small graphs. At testing time, we freeze our transformer's weights and embed it as an approximate inference machine in the posterior sampling framework. We evaluate our method on a simplified version of the Symbolic Alchemy benchmark. It provides a distribution of tasks for studying our generalization problem, i.e., training on some tasks (with varying transition functions) and measuring in-context adaptation and exploration performance in held out tasks. As distinct from most other benchmarks, Alchemy provides good partial representations of tasks, essentially associating a ground truth partial model with each task. This ground truth is used as a supervision signal for training our transformer, allowing us to defer the problem of how partial models should be represented (e.g., what from the environment should be included or excluded in the partial model's state space?). We instead focus on learning *how to infer* partial models from training tasks and testing whether there is merit in using partial models with the posterior sampling framework. Our method approaches the behavior of an exact posterior sampling oracle, both in terms of in-context adaptation speed and exploration-exploitation balance. We also affirm that partial models can facilitate adaptation toward near-optimal rewards. # Problem Setting {#sec:problem-setting} #### Task distribution. An MDP model of an environment has states \(s \in \mathscr{S}\), actions \(a \in \mathscr{A}(s)\), a transition probability function \(p(s'|s,a)\), a reward function \(r(s, a)\), a discount factor, and a starting state distribution. We tackle a problem setting with a distribution of tasks \(p(k)\) (represented as MDPs), where transition and reward functions are deterministic and can vary across tasks. By learning from a set of training tasks \(k_{\text{train}} \sim p(k)\), an agent should grasp the general structure of possible transition and reward functions, and generalize well to testing tasks \(k_{\text{test}} \sim p(k)\). We hold out the testing tasks such that they are never encountered during training, and evaluate generalization by how well an agent adapts and explores in-context in those testing tasks. Our problem statement is similar to several meta-RL works, which we discuss in Section [7](#sec:related){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:related"}. #### Defining in-context adaptation and exploration. We define adaptation and exploration for the purposes of our work (but do not claim these definitions cover related works). We consider adaptation to be the process of (1) inferring partial models that are more accurate descriptions of a part of the environment and (2) producing better policies as measured by reward. Importantly, such adaptation should occur *in-context*, where context refers to a history of actions and states: At testing time, models and policies should improve as a function of conditioning on longer contexts (i.e., more states and actions)---akin to conditioning on more data in Bayesian inference---as opposed to using gradient-based updates. We consider meaningful exploration to be collecting new context that is informative for inferring partial models, i.e., for disambiguating between them. As an approximation, we measure the number of unique state-actions visited in the partial model space. # Learning How to Infer Partial Models {#sec:learning-how-to} Our method learns general knowledge from training tasks in the form of an *inference process over partial models*: given context (a history of states and actions), what is the distribution of partial transition functions and partial reward functions that best describes the current task? #### Partial MDP. Our partial MDP models describe only *a part of* the environment by mapping the full state space \(\mathscr{S}\) to a smaller space \(\mathscr{V}\) (many-to-one) and defining simpler transition functions and reward functions on this space. We represent partial models as graphs: states are vertices \(v \in \mathscr{V}\), actions \(x \in \mathscr{X}(v)\) are edge traversals, a transition function is represented as a vector of the probability of each edge existing \(\mathbf{e} \in [0,1]^N\), and a reward function is represented as a vector of the probability of each vertex-edge combination having a positive (=1) reward \(\mathbf{r} \in [0,1]^M\) (otherwise a vertex-edge has zero reward). #### Approximating distributions. Unlike the usual way of representing transition and reward functions as a neural network, we represent them as a vector of edge probabilities \(\mathbf{e}\) and reward probabilities \(\mathbf{r}\), respectively, that are the *output* of a neural network, not the network itself. Our representation allows our method to focus on learning a small graph rather than all the details in the environment's dynamics. Our method learns an approximation of the inference process \(p(\mathbf{e}, \mathbf{r}|\mathbf{C}_{1:t})\). \(\mathbf{e}\) is a vector of edge probabilities in our partial model graph, \(\mathbf{r}\) is a vector of reward probabilities, and \(\mathbf{C}_{1:t}\) is a matrix containing the context, which is an agent's history of states and actions (\(s\), \(a\)) up to time \(t\). We use a transformer \(f_{\theta}\) to define the distribution: \[\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_\theta(\mathbf{e}, \mathbf{r}|\mathbf{C}_{1:t}) = &\prod_n \text{Ber}(e_n|f_{\theta,n}(\mathbf{C}_{1:t})) \\ &\times \prod_m \text{Ber}(r_m|f_{\theta,m}(\mathbf{C}_{1:t})) \end{aligned}\] \(e_n \in \{1,0\}\) is an edge probability enumerated by \(n\) and \(r_m \in \{1,0\}\) is a reward probability enumerated by \(m\). Ber is a Bernoulli distribution whose probability parameter is our transformer's sigmoid function output for either the \(n\)th edge, \(f_{\theta,n}(\mathbf{C}_{1:t})\), or the \(m\)th reward location (i.e., \(m\)th vertex-edge), \(f_{\theta,m}(\mathbf{C}_{1:t})\). For simplicity, we have assumed independence between all Bernoulli distributions. Appendix [\[sec:transformer\]](#sec:transformer){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:transformer"} has details of our transformer architecture. Our transformer also has a softmax function output that defines a categorical distribution over vertices \(\hat{p}_\theta(v_t|s_t)\) (our transformer takes in the entire context, but it should learn that \(v_t\) only depends on the most recent state \(s_t\)). #### Training. For each training task \(k\), we assume access to supervision signals (marked with an asterisk) for a partial representation of its transition function \(\mathbf{e}_k^*\) and reward function \(\mathbf{r}_k^*\). For each state \(s_t\) encountered within a task, we assume access to the state's corresponding vertex \(v_t^*\) in the partial model space. These supervision signals give us a good representation of partial models, enabling us to instead focus on (1) learning an inference process \(\hat{p}_\theta(\cdot|\mathbf{C})\) for such representations and (2) testing whether these representations are reasonable to use with posterior sampling even though they are not complete MDPs. Our transformer is trained autoregressively by minimizing the following loss: \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{p(\mathbf{C}_{1:T}, k)} \bigg[ \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T} \big[-\ln(\hat{p}_\theta(\mathbf{e}^*_k, \mathbf{r}_{k}^*|\mathbf{C}_{1:t})) \\ -\ln(\hat{p}_\theta(v_t^*|s_t)) \big] \bigg] \end{aligned}\] where \(p(\mathbf{C}_{1:T}, k)\) is a joint distribution over contexts, each with an episode-length number of time steps \(T\), and tasks. We generate offline training data that represent samples from \(p(\mathbf{C}_{1:T}, k)\): for each training task \(k\), we generate \(M\) episode-length contexts \(\mathbf{C}_{1:T}\) (i.e., history of states and actions) using a random policy. Each context is associated with the supervision signals for the corresponding task \(\{\mathbf{e}^*_k, \mathbf{r}_{k}^*\}\) and with the supervision signal about how each state in the context maps to a vertex \(v_t^*\). ::: # Posterior Sampling {#sec:post-sampl-plann} At testing time, our transformer's weights \(\theta\) are frozen. As opposed to its offline training, it now makes *online* inferences within the posterior sampling framework (Algorithm [\[alg:test\]](#alg:test){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:test"}). As a general framework, posterior sampling sets a prior distribution over possible models of the environment. It then samples a single model from this distribution and solves for the optimal policy of that model using dynamic programming. The resulting policy is followed for some time steps (1 time step in our work), producing data for updating the posterior distribution over models. The next model is sampled from the posterior distribution and the rest of the process is repeated. In our work, we approximate the inference process and use *partial* models instead of complete ones. We replace the prior with \(\hat{p}_\theta(\mathbf{e}, \mathbf{r}|\mathbf{C}_0)\), where \(\mathbf{C}_{0}\) is an empty context. Given new data, i.e., states and actions, we append those to the context \(\mathbf{C}_{1:t}\) and replace the posterior update with \(\hat{p}_\theta(\mathbf{e}, \mathbf{r}|\mathbf{C}_{1:t})\). A deterministic partial model, i.e., \(\mathbf{e}\) and \(\mathbf{r}\) containing 1/0 probabilities, is then sampled and solved with dynamic programming, particularly value iteration, producing a policy \(\pi\) in the partial model space. The current vertex prediction \(v_t\) from our transformer is used to query an action \(x_t \gets \pi(v_t)\) in the partial model space. Finally, we assume that there is a known one-to-one mapping between partial model actions \(\mathscr{X}\) (edge traversals) and real actions \(\mathscr{A}\) (e.g., integers representing an action like "dip a stone into a potion" in our environment). After mapping \(x_t\) to \(a_t\), our method executes \(a_t\) in the real environment and observes the next state \(s_{t+1}\). \((a_t, s_{t+1})\) are then appended to the context \(\mathbf{C}_{1:t+1}\). Unlike the original posterior sampling proposal, our method samples a model every time step rather than after a longer time, e.g., an episode. In some settings, acting under a sampled model for a longer time may produce more informative data for helping an inference machine discriminate between models. However, in our environment (Section [5](#sec:experimental-setup){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:experimental-setup"}), the immediate state-action data can be highly informative for discriminating between partial models, so we prefer to update our partial model beliefs and sample at every time step. Modifying our method toward the original posterior sampling setup simply requires waiting longer before sampling. #### Ablation. We construct an ablation that removes the sampling component in our posterior sampling procedure (Algorithm [\[alg:test\]](#alg:test){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:test"}), thereby testing how the presence vs. absence of sampling affects adaptation and exploration. Instead of sampling, we use the expectations of \(\mathbf{e}\) and \(\mathbf{r}\), which are the direct outputs from our transformer (i.e., parameters for each edge's Bernoulli distribution, and parameters for each reward location's Bernoulli distribution, respectively). These expected values now represent *stochastic* transition and reward functions (as opposed to deterministic ones produced by sampling): an edge traversal is successful with some 0-1 probability and a vertex-edge combination has a positive reward with some 0-1 probability. # Experimental Setup {#sec:experimental-setup} ## Simplified Symbolic Alchemy Environment We focus on the Symbolic Alchemy benchmark (Figure [\[fig:alchemy-env\]](#fig:alchemy-env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:alchemy-env"} top) because it (1) provides access to partial model representations of tasks for training our transformer, and (2) can evaluate how well our method adapts and explores in held out tasks. The full Symbolic Alchemy environment is a playground for investigating a range of problems, such as learning how to act on multiple objects and learning varying mappings from latent states to perceived observations. We pick the problem of generalizing across tasks, and for simplicity, focus only on tasks with a fixed reward function and varying transition functions. We simplify Symbolic Alchemy to isolate this problem. In our environment, an agent receives symbolic observations of 1 stone and 6 potions. It can dip the stone into a potion, which empties the potion and may transform the stone's color, shape or size. Each of the 6 potions has a unique effect targeting one feature (e.g., size) and one kind of change (i.e., increase or decrease). Different combinations of stone features are associated with different rewards (-3,-1, 1 or 15), and the agent's goal is to transform its initial stone features into more rewarding ones. Higher rewards are indicated by higher brightness values on a stone (small patches in Figure [\[fig:alchemy-env\]](#fig:alchemy-env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:alchemy-env"}). *To actually receive a stone's reward, the agent must deposit its stone into the cauldron (cylindrical container in Figure [\[fig:alchemy-env\]](#fig:alchemy-env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:alchemy-env"})*. It must do so by the end of a *trial*, which consists of 10 time steps (there are 20 trials in an episode). After a stone has been deposited into the cauldron, it disappears and the agent must wait until the next trial to receive a new stone with randomly sampled features. #### Partial Models. Our environment associates each task with a partial model, where each task has a unique partial transition function. These models are represented as constrained graphs, called "cubes" (Figure [\[fig:cube\]](#fig:cube){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cube"}), that are closely based on Alchemy's original partial model representations. They have 8 vertices and 12 edges, where edges can only exist along the outline of a cube plotted in a 3-dimensional space, with each dimension representing a stone feature (color, shape, size). The vertices represent the possible feature combinations for a single stone, and only one vertex is associated with a positive reward, representing the stone that gives the highest reward (15) if it is deposited into the cauldron. The existence of an edge represents whether it is possible to transition the stone between two vertices (i.e., sets of features). If an edge exists, then the stone can be transformed by acting on a particular potion, *assuming the potion is not empty*. Acting on a potion is represented as traversing one dimension and direction in the 3D cube space (e.g., the yellow potion makes the stone bigger, i.e., it corresponds to the increasing direction of the size dimension). In this way, the cube represents a small MDP, where vertices are states, edge traversals are actions, the vertex associated with positive reward represents a reward function, and the existence of edges represents a transition function. The MDP represented by a cube is a *partial* model of a task because it omits information. For example, it does not capture how potions become empty after they are used (and can no longer transform the stone) or how some stones do not have the maximum reward but have small positive rewards (+1). Our method performs dynamic programming (i.e., value iteration) on this kind of partial model, which amounts to finding the shortest path from the current vertex/stone to the one with the highest reward. The resulting policy could be suboptimal; it might try empty potions, and it would not deposit low (but positive) reward stones into the cauldron (but rather get stuck with zero reward if the remaining potions cannot produce the highest reward stone). Nevertheless, we expect that cubes are useful partial models because they capture essential information about transitions in the full environment. And dynamic programming may produce policies that only need to use each potion at most once to reach the highest reward stone, thereby achieving the optimal trial reward without needing information about empty potions or low-reward stones. Therefore, we hypothesize that dynamic programming on these partial models would produce policies that often result in high rewards. Alchemy gives researchers access to the cubes underlying its tasks, allowing us to pick a ground truth partial model, generate a task from that model, and collect trajectory data using a random policy. The true partial model and the trajectory data become the supervision signal and context, respectively, for training our transformer. Out of 109 possible cubes, we use 88 for training, 11 for validation (i.e., for choosing hyperparameters) and 10 for testing. Details of how we implement our method are in Appendix [\[sec:impl-method\]](#sec:impl-method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:impl-method"}. #### Evaluation. Our episodes are split into 20 trials, each consisting of 10 time steps (Figure [\[fig:alchemy-env\]](#fig:alchemy-env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:alchemy-env"} bottom). Within an episode, the ground truth partial model stays the same. Across trials in the same episode, the stone is reset with a sampled set of features (equivalent to sampling a vertex on the cube), and all potions are reset to being full again. Across episodes, the presence/absence of edges in the true partial model changes, meaning the transitions governing how potions transform stones change. To obtain high rewards, an agent must generalize well to new episodes: it must explore new stone-potion transitions and adapt its policy to transition toward the most rewarding stone. We consider a held out set of 10 Alchemy cubes in our evaluation. For each cube, we generate 20 episodes, each with a differently sampled sequence of stone resets. We evaluate our method within the span of a single episode (20 trials per episode = 200 time steps). At the beginning of each evaluation episode, both our method and ablation begin with the same trained transformer and an empty context. All metrics, explained below, are reported as averages across the 10x20=200 evaluation episodes. We measure policy adaptation as an agent's percentage of optimal reward per trial. Raw rewards are divided by the rewards from an optimal policy produced by solving (with value iteration) the *true and complete MDP*. The optimal policy's trial reward is 15 whenever the best stone can be produced given the trial's starting stone and potions, but is 1 otherwise. We also measure model adaptation as the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between predicted probabilities of an edge existing (i.e., the Bernoulli parameters returned by our transformer in the case of our full method or ablation) and the true presence/absence (1/0 probabilities) of edges in an Alchemy cube. Finally, we measure the amount of exploration as the unique number of state-actions visited in *partial* model space. We choose this metric because it is more representative of how much an agent is gathering useful information for improving its partial model beliefs, compared with state-actions in the full environment. # Experiments {#sec:experiments} #### Model adaptation. Our method adapts its inferred partial model in-context with a speed and accuracy that almost matches an exact implementation of posterior sampling (*Exact PS*) (Figure [\[fig:model-expl\]](#fig:model-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model-expl"}; qualitatively reproduced with two more training seeds in Appendix [\[sec:repr-with-diff\]](#sec:repr-with-diff){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:repr-with-diff"}). These results suggest our transformer's learned inference over a broader hypothesis space of partial models (\(2^{12}=4096\) cubes) approaches the speed and accuracy of perfect Bayesian inference over a known space of only 109 Alchemy cubes. Within 200 time steps, our method's model error almost reaches the *True Partial Model* oracle's 0 error, even though it has never seen the testing partial models' combinations of edges before. The ablation of our method---which is not performing posterior sampling but rather using the expectation of its posterior---adapts similarly well, but it is slower and less accurate, suggesting that *sampling* leads to better model adaptation. Figure [\[fig:ex-posterior\]](#fig:ex-posterior){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ex-posterior"} illustrates how our full method has learned to update its posterior beliefs according to new evidence about the presence/absence of edges in a partial model. #### Exploration. Within the posterior sampling framework, a balanced amount of exploration is represented by the *Exact PS* oracle: *Exact PS* gathers new information only to the extent of helping it find a rewarding policy. In the beginning, it explores more by having a more uniform chance of sampling different partial models and executing the optimal policy for those samples (Figure [\[fig:model-expl\]](#fig:model-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model-expl"}). As its beliefs become more confident and closer to the true partial model, *Exact PS*'s policy becomes less varied and closer to the true partial model's optimal policy, effectively reducing exploration and focusing more on exploiting its good beliefs. *Random Policy* and *Non-Adaptive PS*, on the other hand, gather information randomly and explore many more unique state-actions in the partial model space, i.e., unique vertex-edges. *True Partial Model* only observes new vertex-edges as it executes the optimal policy for its already-perfect partial model belief; it has no need to explore. Our results suggest our method strikes a good balance between exploration and exploitation (Figure [\[fig:model-expl\]](#fig:model-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model-expl"}): it explores barely more than *Exact PS*, less than random baselines (*Random Policy* and *Non-Adaptive PS*), and more than the non-exploratory *True Partial Model* oracle. Our ablation has a similar exploration behavior, but it explores *less* than the *Exact PS* oracle and our full method, which can explain why it does not adapt its partial model beliefs as well as our full method. Our ablation explores a smaller number of unique state-actions in the partial model space and likely limits how much context the transformer can leverage to improve its model beliefs. On the other hand, our full method gathers more unique state-actions and thereby enables the same transformer to make better inferences. #### Policy adaptation. Our method's in-context policy adaptation also approaches the *Exact PS* oracle's performance in terms of rewards and adaptation speed (Figure [\[fig:reward\]](#fig:reward){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reward"}; qualitatively reproduced with two more training seeds in Appendix [\[sec:repr-with-diff\]](#sec:repr-with-diff){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:repr-with-diff"}). These results make sense given how well our method adapts its partial model beliefs: as these beliefs improve quickly and accurately, the sampled model is a better description of (a part of) the testing task, meaning value iteration on this model would produce more rewarding policies. Interestingly, our ablation attains slightly higher rewards than our full method in earlier time steps (but are similar at the end of an episode), which is likely due to the differences in how they use information from our transformer. Whereas our ablation uses all information from our transformer (i.e., the expected value of edges in a partial model) to create a stochastic transition function, our full method throws away some of that information by sampling 1/0 edge probabilities to create a deterministic transition function. Consider the situation when our transformer is certain about its beliefs, i.e., assigns very high or low probabilities to edges. Value iteration on a stochastic transition function would consistently output a policy that traverses high probability edges (i.e., use Alchemy potions) that lead to the most rewarding vertex (i.e., Alchemy stone). In our full method, the sampled transition function may include edges with low (but \(>0\)) probabilities or exclude edges with high (but \(<1\)) probabilities. For the same transformer beliefs, our full method can produce different transition functions and value iteration would thus produce noisier policies that do not consistently reach the most rewarding vertex (stone). On the flip side, having a more stable policy implies our ablation explores less effectively than our full method (discussed above and shown in Figure [\[fig:model-expl\]](#fig:model-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model-expl"}), which comes at the cost of worse model adaptation than our full method. We emphasize that effective exploration of a testing task and thereby accurate model adaptation are core focuses of our work. Obtaining a precise model of a testing task is important to gain confidence in the resulting policy. #### Partial models can lead to rewarding policies. We had hypothesized that posterior sampling with partial models can lead to rewarding policies even though partial models only capture a part of the full environment's transitions and rewards (see Section [5](#sec:experimental-setup){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:experimental-setup"}). Posterior sampling involves dynamic programming (value iteration in our work), which usually assumes it has access to a complete model rather than a partial one. Figure [\[fig:reward\]](#fig:reward){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reward"} shows that if we have good partial model representations of tasks, as is the case with Alchemy, then posterior sampling with those models can lead to good policies: If an agent's beliefs have already converged to the true partial model of a task, then it can attain almost the same reward as solving the true *complete* model, i.e., almost 100% of the optimal reward (*True Partial Model*). If an agent is still uncertain but has access to a perfect Bayesian inference machine, it can adapt its policy to obtain almost 100% of the optimal reward within 100 time steps (*Exact PS*). If an agent instead has access to an approximate inference process (our transformer), it can adapt its policy to receive around 90% of the optimal reward within 100 time steps (our method). # Related Work {#sec:related} #### Meta-Reinforcement Learning. Our work can be viewed as a meta-learning method, defined by an "outer" learning algorithm (supervised learning for updating the weights of our transformer) that learns a "inner" learning algorithm (our transformer's weights implement a learning algorithm that updates a distribution over partial models from context). Essentially, our method "learns to learn" partial models. By combining partial model beliefs with planning (value iteration), our method's inner algorithm becomes a model-based RL algorithm. An inner RL algorithm is a feature of meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) methods, and our work is most related to meta-RL methods that have demonstrated *in-context* adaptation. We refer the reader to 's () survey for other interesting classes of meta-RL. Most similar to our method is 's () PEARL, which learns an inner algorithm that infers a latent variable from context and samples this variable like in posterior sampling---and 's () Algorithm Distillation---which learns an inner RL algorithm encoded by transformer weights and uses offline training data. However, these methods are not directly comparable to ours because they adapt policies (in-context) without intermediate model adaptation and planning. They also typically use reinforcement learning or imitation learning for training and, unlike our approach, would not be able to make use of our supervised learning signal. For meta-RL methods that do adapt models in-context and perform planning, they differ from us because they either do not use neural networks or usually train networks to predict observations rather than to update a *distribution* over models. We instead focus on training a neural network that can produce a distribution over models for posterior sampling. Another distinction is that we learn small, *partial* models rather than a more typical approach of learning components of a full MDP; our approach enables cheaper planning. Our training data also differ from many meta-RL works, which typically rely on training data (online or offline) with policy improvement. Our work shows that even data from a *random* policy can be valuable and motivates further investigation into learning from naive policies. #### Abstract MDPs. Our partial models can also be seen as abstract MDPs containing (1) an abstract state space (i.e., vertices on our partial model graph) that compresses information from the full state space, and (2) transition and reward functions over abstract states (i.e., edges and reward locations on the graph). Both components are features of several works in model-based RL. Many use a neural network loss that encourages learning abstract states such that they contain enough information for reconstructing the original observations. A slight but interesting difference is that our loss deliberately encourages excluding information from observations (e.g., the abstract state should discard information about whether potions are used up in our environment). Our abstract models need to encode less information than if they were optimized to reconstruct full observations. Notably, the small amount of information that is encoded is quite useful for finding good policies with planning (Figure [\[fig:reward\]](#fig:reward){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reward"}). The idea of learning abstract models that exclude information from the full MDP but are still useful for planning is also implemented by *value equivalence* methods. Value equivalence means that abstract models are learned with a loss that encourages accurate predictions of the value function (they do not try to reconstruct the original observations). With respect to the value function, planning with the abstract model should be equivalent to planning in the full MDP. To our knowledge, these methods have yet to tackle our problem of adapting abstract MDPs using context in a new task. # Conclusion {#sec:conc} How can an agent generalize *in-context* to new tasks? Our approach is based on posterior sampling and we approximate components that are often unknown or intractable: Instead of specifying the prior distribution and posterior update in exact Bayesian inference, we use a transformer to *learn* these from training tasks. Instead of computing costly solutions to large MDP models, we consider a hypothesis space of smaller, *partial* models, which are cheaper to solve with dynamic programming. In our version of Symbolic Alchemy, we evaluate how well our method generalizes to held out tasks with novel transition functions. Our method approaches the adaptation speed and exploration-exploitation balance of an exact posterior sampling oracle, and it does so using context alone, i.e., using its history of states and actions rather than gradient updates. #### Limitations and future work. Here leveraged a supervision signal about how tasks should be represented as partial models, allowing us to instead focus on learning an inference process and testing whether it is reasonable to use partial models in the posterior sampling framework. Our results suggest that partial models that are good representations of tasks may exclude information needed for finding an optimal policy, but planning on them can nevertheless produce very good policies. Future work may be able to borrow ideas from value equivalence methods for *learning* partial model representations without a supervision signal but still ensuring these representations are useful for planning.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-09T02:17:36', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04250', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04250'}
# Introduction Tameness is a concept from mathematical logic, which implements a generalized finiteness principle at the most fundamental level. In the past years it has been the basis for many remarkable mathematical advances, proving longstanding conjectures, e.g., in , and giving new proofs to foundational theorems, see e.g. . Even more recently, tameness has found its first applications in physics. In ref. , Bakker, Schnell, Tsimerman and the second author used it to prove a long-standing conjecture of Acharya and the first author, that the number of flux vacua in certain string compactifications is finite. In part I of this series, we showed that very general quantum field theories perturbative amplitudes are tame, as are many exact quantum field theory results. In this work we aim to significantly extend this perspective and further elaborate on the idea that tameness is a common property of observable physics. We will explain and formalize a new connection between mathematical logic, geometry, and fundamental physics and suggest many applications and future directions. In mathematics tameness is implemented by first introducing the notion of a structure and then requiring it to be o-minimal. Such structures can be formulated over the real numbers and collect subsets of all \(\bbR^n\)s with certain well-defined properties. In mathematical logic, a structure provides a first order language to formulate statements about the real numbers, as we will explain in more detail below. In this context, o-minimality was originally introduced as a means to extend Tarski's decidability theorem to more complicated settings. Remarkably, interpreted geometrically o-minimal structures realize a tame topology of the type envisioned by Grothendieck. On the most basic level, they define what is meant by a tame set and tame function, which subsequently can be used to define the notion of having a tame geometry. There are good reasons to expect that many physical theories will be tame, meaning that their observables, such as correlation functions, partition functions, and amplitudes, are tame functions. One reason is that this generalizes the fact that observables are usually real analytic functions except at phase transitions. In most examples of o-minimal structures (in fact, in all structures known before 2000) all tame functions can always be decomposed into finitely many analytic pieces. The existence of a finite decomposition can be interpreted as having a theory with finitely many phase transitions, a very reasonable requirement. Tameness can also include particular non-analytic behaviors such as the essential singularities of the real exponential function at plus and minus infinity. This behavior is also very common--it is the \(g\rightarrow 0\) limit of the familiar \(e^{-1/g^2}\) of instanton and other tunneling amplitudes, and of the dynamically generated mass scale in an asymptotically free theory. Thus the intuition that quantum theories become simple at weak coupling can also be expressed by tameness. Note, however, that one can construct counterexamples, for example by using non-tame functions in the Lagrangian defining the theory as we have already seen in part I. Determining precise conditions on a quantum field theory which are sufficient for tameness will be a main goal of the present work. Another intuition leading to tameness is expressed by the many conjectures that natural sets of theories, such as those arising from string/M theory compactification or which can be coupled to quantum gravity, are finite. Tameness of a set implies that it is composed of finitely many connected components, so reformulating the conjectures in this way unifies the case of moduli spaces with that of isolated vacua (without moduli). In Ref. the second author conjectured that only tame effective field theories can be coupled to quantum gravity. This suggests that the two intuitions are related, and that the quantum field theories satisfying the conditions for tame observables will be finite in number. Evaluating this hypothesis will be another main goal of this work. Following this discussion, it is natural to split tameness questions in physics into two interrelated parts. We can inquire about the tameness of physical observables of a given, sufficiently constrained, set of theories, and we can ask about the tameness of a set of theories determined by imposing natural physical conditions. As stressed in part I and in, we expect that tameness relies on the UV properties of a theory. For effective theories, we expect that a fixed finite energy cutoff and the compatibility with quantum gravity ensures tameness both for the set of theories and observables. With our current understanding, proving such claims seems far out of reach, but they can still be falsified in specific examples. In contrast, one can hope to eventually prove tameness properties of conformal field theories (CFTs). Such theories do not have a distinguished UV scale and we expect the tameness of theory spaces and observables under a natural set of constraints. In fact, we claim that one can systematically construct o-minimal structures \(\bbR_{\text{CFT}d}\) associated to sets of \(d\)-dimensional conformal field theories. The precise constraints that need to be imposed in these constructions will be formulated in two conjectures and it will be a major goal to motivate these by addressing the arising challenges and analyzing explicit CFT examples. ## Summary of results {#summary} In this section we will give a short summary of the results, leaving most of the technical details for the later sections. Central to this work is the notion of a structure, which can be either viewed as a concept from first order logic or from set theory. The tameness principle is implemented on such structures by requiring them to be o-minimal. There are many known examples of o-minimal structures and we will introduce several important ones. An introduction to the subject from a logic perspective can be found in section [2](#sec:structurelogic){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structurelogic"}, while part I focuses largely on the geometry perspective. We will define two structures denoted by \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\). The first structure \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) is the structure needed to describe a space \(\cT\) of quantum field theories (QFTs) which are well defined in a set of spacetimes \(\cS\). Thus it consists of sets of consistent QFTs and the functions required to parameterize these sets. It summarizes the parameterization of spaces of QFTs (say through couplings in the Lagrangian), consistency conditions such as unitarity, causality or the absence of tachyons, and it also allows for imposing constraints that restrict to subsets of the theory space, such as a bound on the number of degrees of freedom. The structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) is the structure needed to formulate general physical statements about the theories \(\cT\) on the spacetimes \(\cS\). More precisely, it is obtained by adding all observables, namely correlation and partition functions, of the theories to \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\). These observables are functions of the parameters of \(\cT\), the positions of the operators, and the parameters labelling spacetime manifolds. Next, we discuss general properties of these structures, especially those which bear on o-minimality. For the spacetimes \(\cS\) we mainly choose the topologies \(S^n\), \(T^n\) and \(\bbR^n\) or products thereof with conformally flat metrics. While this formulation assumes a non-dynamical background metric, we comment in section [3.3](#sec:definable-QG){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definable-QG"} on the structures appearing in theories of quantum gravity. We expect the structures \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) to be tame structures given simple physical conditions on the set \(\cT\). These conditions include an upper bound on the number of local degrees of freedom, e.g. on the central charge in CFTs or on the UV central charge for QFTs. Finally, we state precise conjectures for sets of QFTs \(\cT\) which, we will argue, have a finite number of components and thus \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) could be o-minimal. These are - [Conjecture 2:](#Conjecture2) \(\cT_{\rm EFT}\), the set of effective theories with a cutoff \(\Lambda < M_{\rm pl}\) which can be coupled to quantum gravity; - [Conjecture 5 (a):](#Conjecture5) \(\cT_{\rm CFT2}\) with an upper bound on the central charge and a lower bound on nonzero operator dimensions (the spectral gap of the radial Hamiltonian); - [Conjecture 5 (b):](#Conjecture5) \(\cT_{{\rm{CFT}}d}\) with an upper bound on \(F\) (in \(d=3\)) or \(a\) (in \(d=4\)), the quantities which decrease under RG flow. The precise formulation depends on a point discussed in §[5.3](#CFT-tameness){reference-type="ref" reference="CFT-tameness"} regarding the treatment of theories related by gauging a discrete symmetry. Furthermore, motivated by a mathematical conjecture, [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1), that adding integrals of tame functions preserves tameness, we formulate the following conjectures on \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\): - [Conjecture 3:](#Conjecture3) The structure \(\bbR_{{\rm EFT}\textit{d}}\) built from all correlation functions for the theories in \(\cT_{{\rm EFT}d}\) with cut-off \(\Lambda\) on tame spacetime manifolds \((\Sigma,g)\) is o-minimal. - [Conjecture 4:](#Conjecture4) Given a tame set \(\cT_{\rm CFT}\) of CFTs and a tame set \(\cS\) of Riemannian manifolds, the structure \(\bbR_{\cT_{\rm CFT},\cS}\) is o-minimal. These conjectures are tested in various examples, including finite dimensional quantum mechanics, 3d Chern-Simons theories, free QFTs in flat as well as AdS spacetimes. We also provide general arguments using known properties of CFTs, e.g., the fact that CFT correlators admit an expansion into conformal partial waves. Our study reveals a number of implicit conjectures. For example, we note that the tameness of observables in interacting CFTs is in close relation with the claims that there cannot be parametrically controlled gaps in the space of operator dimensions (see, e.g. ). # Tame structures in first order logic {#sec:structurelogic} In this section we introduce the notion of an o-minimal structure, but with a focus on its definition in first order logic. For readers interested in the more geometric approach we refer to part I or the some of the introductory books on the subject such as. The introduction to structures, and tameness, from a first order logic point of view will later help us in thinking about structures associated to QFTs. In §[3](#sec:structureQFT){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structureQFT"} we will construct a structure \(\bbR_{\cT}\) that allows us to formulate all 'physical' statements about a set of QFTs \(\cT\). We then introduce o-minimal, or tame, structures, and comment briefly on some of their properties. ## A structure and its language Here we will define the notion of a structure, sometimes also known as a first-order structure or model. We denote a structure \(\bbR_{\cF}\) and its logical language \(L\) in terms of a base field (here \(\bbR\)), a set of operations and a set of functions \(\cF\), [\[structure-withF\]]{#structure-withF label="structure-withF"} \_ := ; \<, +, ,-,   L()̇In the following we will make the meaning of these objects more precise. To begin, we introduce the simpler structure \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\), which has \(\cF =\emptyset\). We have defined this structure already in part I, section 2, but now we take the logic point of view. The basic object is the ordered field of real numbers with a number of standard operations [\[structureoverlineR\]]{#structureoverlineR label="structureoverlineR"} \_alg = ; \<, +, ,-,0,1   where \(0,1\) are the distinguished elements in the field \(\bbR\). The definition of \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\) comes implicitly with the specification of a logical language \(L\). The language uses the formal symbols \(x_i\), \(i=1,2...\) together with some notion of polynomials \(p(x_1...,x_n)\).[^1] These polynomials can be used to state \(L\)-formulas. By definition \(L\)-formulas have the properties: - The expressions \(p(x_1...,x_n) = 0\) and \(p(x_1...,x_n) > 0\) are \(L\)-formulas. They are called atomic \(L\)-formulas. If \(\phi\) is such an \(L\)-formula then \(\phi(\bbR_{\rm alg})\) defines a subset of \(\bbR^n\). - If \(\phi_1,\phi_2\) are \(L\)-formulas, then \(\phi_1\land \phi_2\), \(\phi_1 \lor\phi_2\), and \(\lnot \phi_1\) are \(L\)-formulas. This means that \(L\)-formulas behave well when applying finitely many logical operations 'and', 'or', and 'not'. In terms of sets, these operations correspond to restricting to the intersection, the union, or the complement of the original set(s). - If \(\phi\) is an \(L\)-formula, then \(\exists x_n\, \phi\) is also an \(L\)-formula. In terms of sets \(\phi(\bbR_{\rm alg})=A \subset \bbR^n\) one gets the coordinate projection \(\exists x_n\, \phi(\bbR_{\rm alg})=\pi_n (A)\[\subset \bbR^{n-1}.\) Hence, an \(L\)-formula is a formal string of symbols that encodes the construction of a set definable in the structure \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\) using the language \(L\). Clearly, the structure \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\) is rather simple, since it is built entirely from polynomials. It might suffice to formulate simple statements about physical problems that are naturally polynomial, but does not allow us to state more sophisticated questions. In particular, as soon as differential equations are involved one quickly leaves the polynomial world. There is no notion of integral or infinite sum in this language. In order to formulate more complicated statements one can extend the structure as in [\[structure-withF\]](#structure-withF){reference-type="eqref" reference="structure-withF"} by adding a set \(\cF\) of real functions. Concretely, this means that one can now form expressions using the ring operations \(+,\cdot,-\), real numbers, the formal variables \(x_1...,x_n\), and the functions \(f_1...,f_m \in \cF\) viewed as maps of \((x_1...,x_n)\) to \(\bbR\). Any finite composition of these operations is also allowed in building an expression of \(L(\cF)\). The notion of \(L(\cF)\)-formula is then the straightforward extension of the conditions (i), (ii), (iii). In particular, an expression of the form [\[statements_pf\]]{#statements_pf label="statements_pf"} p(x_1\...,x_n, f_1(x)\...,f_m(x)) = 0   is now an \(L(\cF)\)-formula, *i.e.* definable in \(\bbR_{\cF}\). Using \(\phi\) to denote the expression [\[statements_pf\]](#statements_pf){reference-type="eqref" reference="statements_pf"}, we denote by \(\phi(\bbR_{\cF})\) the corresponding subset of \(\bbR^{n+m}\). As indicated in [\[structure-withF\]](#structure-withF){reference-type="eqref" reference="structure-withF"} one also allows expressions formed using inequalities.[^2] To close this discussion, let us introduce some notation. We call a set given by an \(L(\cF)\)-formula, an \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable set. If it is clear which structure we are considering, we will call such sets 'definable sets'. We also can define what is meant by a \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable map, by requiring that such a map \(f\) between \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable spaces has a graph that is \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable. Also in this case we might reduce this to the short-hand notation, 'definable map', and keep the structure under consideration implicit. ## Tameness--o-minimal structures {#sec:o-minimalstructures} So far we have imposed no additional conditions on the structure \(\bbR_{\cF}\). There is, however, a special class of structures, called o-minimal structures, that incorporate a generalized finiteness principle. A structure \(\bbR_{\cF}\) is o-minimal, if the only \(\bbR_\cF\)-definable subsets of \(\bbR\) are the finite unions of points and intervals.[^3] This simple condition on the subsets of the real line impacts the whole structure through its closure under linear projection, i.e. when using the quantifier \(\exists\). Any higher-dimensional set, or associated logical expression, can be reduced to \(\bbR\) by projection and this image should only land in the finite collection of points and intervals. We will also refer to o-minimal structures as tame structures, and to their definable sets and functions as 'tame sets' and 'tame functions'. O-minimality has many remarkable implications. Many of these build on a very central property of tame sets and tame functions, the cell decomposition theorem. We describe this theorem in appendix [\[app-cells\]](#app-cells){reference-type="ref" reference="app-cells"}. A cell decomposition of \(\bbR^n\) is a slicing of \(\bbR^n\) into finitely many pieces called cells, by using definable functions that are also continuous. The cell decomposition theorem now states that one can always find such a decomposition such that any definable set is a finite union of cells. Furthermore, for any definable function \(f:A \rightarrow \bbR\) one can partition \(A\) into cells such that \(f\) is continuous on each cell. In both parts one can replace 'continuous' with being an element of \(C^p\). In many (but not all) o-minimal structures, one also has cell decompositions in which the cells are \(C^\infty\) or even analytic . As already indicated, it is often convenient to take a geometric point of view on structures built from \(\bbR\). If the structures under consideration are o-minimal this leads to the notion of a 'tame topology' as envisioned by Grothendieck. To construct this topology one starts with an o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT}\) and introduces the notion of a definable atlas, which consists of finitely many definable sets with definable transition functions. The \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable topology can be used to define many other geometric objects that are \(\bbR_{\cF}\)-definable: manifolds, vector bundles, etc. There also exists a powerful extension to complex geometry. To indicate the richness of the theory of o-minimal structures, let us list a few examples. - \(\bbR_{\rm exp}\): \(\cF =\{\text{exp}\}\), where \(\text{exp}:\bbR \rightarrow \bbR\) is the real exponential function. O-minimality was shown in. - \(\bbR_{\rm an}\): \(\cF = \{ \text{all restricted real analytic functions}\}\). Such functions are all restrictions \(f|_{[-1,1]^n}\) of functions \(f: U\subset \bbR^{n} \rightarrow \bbR\) that are real analytic on an open set \(U \supset [-1,1]^n\). To extend \(f|_{[-1,1]^n}\) outside the intervals, one can set it simply to zero there. O-minimality follows from. - \(\bbR_{\rm an, exp}\): \(\cF = \{\text{exp}, \text{all restricted real analytic functions}\}\). O-minimality was shown in. - \(\mathbb{R}_{\rm Pfaff}\): \(\cF=\{\text{all Pfaffian functions}\}\). A function is called Pfaffian if it is part of a Pfaffian chain of functions fulfilling the differential equations \(\partial_{x_j} f_i(x)=P_{i,j}(x,f_1(x),\cdots,f_i(x))\), where the \(P_{i,j}\) are polynomials of a finite degree. The Pfaffian functions include polynomials, the exponential function as well as all elementary functions on suitable domains. - \(\mathcal{P}(\tilde{\mathbb{R}})\): Starting with an o-minimal structure \(\tilde{\mathbb{R}}\), one can define its Pfaffian closure \(\mathcal{P}(\tilde{\mathbb{R}})\) by adding all solutions to the first order differential equations \(\partial_{x_i} f(x)=F_i(x,f(x))\), where all \(F_i\) are definable functions in \(\mathbb{\tilde{R}}\). O-minimality of \(\mathcal{P}(\tilde{\mathbb{R}})\) was proved in. - \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\): Start with a series of real numbers \(1 \leq M_0 \leq M_1 \leq...\), such that \(\sum_{n=0}^\infty M_n/M_{n+1} = \infty\). To obtain \(\cF\) one collects all functions with the following property. Consider \(f:[-1,1]^n \rightarrow \bbR\) with \(f \in C^\infty\), which satisfy \(|f_{\alpha_1...\alpha_n}|\leq c^{|\alpha|} M_{|\alpha|}\), where the \(f_{\alpha_1...\alpha_n}\) is the \(\alpha_i\)'s derivative with respect to \(x_i\) and \(c\) is a constant independent of \((\alpha_i,x_i)\). \(\cF = \cC(M)\) is the union of all such functions with \(n\geq 1\) and generates an o-minimal structure. - \(\mathbb{R}_{\mathcal{G},{\text{exp}}}\): This o-minimal structure consists out of Gevrey functions as well as the exponential function. The Gevrey functions \(\mathcal{G}(R,\phi,\kappa)\) are given by all holomorphic functions \(f:S\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\) defined on the wedge \(S\) in the complex plane, \(S:=\{z\in \mathbb{C},0<|z|<R,|\arg(z)|<\kappa \phi\}\), for which constants \(A\) and \(B\) exist such that \(|f^{(n)}(z)|/n!<A B^n(n!)^{\kappa}\) and the limit \(\lim_{z\rightarrow 0}f^{(n)}(z)\) exists. This structure is larger than \(\mathbb{R_{\text{an,exp}}}\) and allows to define the \(\Gamma\)-function on the positive real line. We stress that \(\bbR_{\rm an, exp}\) is very rich and allows defining many standard functions. In fact, we have shown in part I that all Feynman integrals are definable in this structure. However, we also made the point in part I that there might be exact (nonperturbative) QFT amplitudes that cannot be defined in \(\bbR_{\rm an, exp}\). Thus it may be relevant that there are structures that are different from \(\bbR_{\rm an, exp}\) with more exotic properties. For example, the structure \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\) depends on parameters \((M_i)\) and reduces to \(\bbR_{\rm an}\) if one sets \(M_n = n!\). This parameterized class of structures \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\) can be used to show several important facts about o-minimal structures. In particular, one can show that there exist two parameter sets \((M_i)\), \((N_i)\) such that \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\) and \(\bbR_{\cC(N)}\) are o-minimal without the existence of a bigger o-minimal structure that contains \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\) and \(\bbR_{\cC(N)}\). This shows that there is no largest o-minimal structure. As noted above, not every o-minimal structure admits an analytic cell decomposition. However, it is known that the structures \(\bbR_{\rm an}\), \(\bbR_{\rm exp}\), \(\bbR_{\rm an, exp}\) and \(\bbR_{\mathcal{G}}\) do admit such a decomposition. The Pfaffian closure of a structure admitting analytic cell decomposition is compatible with the decomposition. A counterexample is given by the structure \(\bbR_{\cC(M)}\) which does not admit analytic cell decomposition. The examples that do not admit such a decomposition will play no role in this work. Let us close this discussion of tameness by noting that there are other logical properties that one might want to impose on a structure. Most notably, one might want to ask about 'model completeness' and about 'decidability' of \(\bbR_{\cF}\). We refer the reader to for an introduction to these concepts. Neither of these properties is implied by tameness, but they are known to hold for many o-minimal structures. ## Physical application to QFT {#sec:examples} In the following we give some examples of physically interesting statements which can be made using a structure \(\bbR_{\cF}\). We first exemplify some aspects of definable Lagrangians \(\cL\) of QFTs. We start with the abstract variables \(\{x_i\}_{i=1,2...,m+n}\) used in some logical language \(L(\cF)\). In our example, we split them into two sets, \(\{x_i\equiv \lambda_i\}_{i=1...,m}\) and \(\{x_{\alpha+m}\equiv \phi_\alpha\}_{\alpha=1..,n}\). \(\lambda_i\) will be coupling constants or parameters in the Lagrangian, and \(\phi_\alpha\) scalar fields. Let \(V(\lambda,\phi)\) be the scalar potential (or any other coupling function) which is a function of \(\lambda,\phi\). If \(V\) is an algebraic function, *i.e.* defined by solving polynomial equations, it is definable in the structure \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). In fact, it is definable in every structure, since each \(\bbR_{\cF}\) is obtained by extending \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). Of course, one might also want to consider more general scalar potentials and coupling functions of \((\lambda,\phi)\). In this case, \(V(\lambda,\phi)\) needs to be definable in \(\bbR_{\cF}\). This can always be achieved by adding \(V\) to the set of functions \(\cF\). Assuming that \(V\) is twice differentiable, we can then formulate in \(\bbR_{\cF}\) statements like \]\begin{aligned} \label{logic-statements} &(1)\quad \exists \phi_\alpha: V(\lambda,\phi) > 0\ \land \ \partial_{\phi_\alpha} V(\lambda,\phi) =0\ \land \lambda_\alpha>0\, \nonumber \\ &(2)\quad V(\lambda,\phi)=0 \ \lor\ \partial_{\phi_\alpha}\partial_{\phi_\alpha} V(\lambda,\phi) < 0\, \qquad etc. \end{aligned}\[ These expressions are composed of finitely many logical operations among equalities and inequalities involving definable functions, where one uses that if \(V\) is definable in \(\bbR_{\cF}\) then so are its derivatives.[^4] Hence, the expressions are \(L(\cF)\)-formulas, i.e. definable in \(\bbR_{\cF}\). We stress that there is no *a priori* restriction on the functions we can include in a structure, but we might need to be careful about the details to get an o-minimal structure. For example, if we want to formulate statements about \(V(\lambda, \phi) = \lambda \cos(\phi)\) with \(\phi \in \bbR\), we should choose a structure containing \(\cos(x)\), such as \(\bbR_{\cos}\) which has \(\cF=\{\cos(x)\}\). A statement such as \(V(\lambda,\pi \phi)=0\) is then definable in the structure \(\bbR_{\cos}\) and defines the integers \(\bbZ\). Evidently, the structure \(\bbR_{\cos}\) cannot be o-minimal. On the other hand, suppose we constrain the domain of \(\phi\) to the finite length interval \([0,a]\), Then we can instead add a function \(f(x)\) to \(\cF\) which is \(\cos(x)\) on \([0,a]\) and \(0\) otherwise. This structure is o-minimal, since it is a substructure of \(\bbR_{\rm an}\). Let us now ask whether a structure \(\bbR_{\cF}\) in which the classical Lagrangian \(\cL(\lambda,\phi)\) is definable is expected to be sufficient to make statements about the quantum theory. Generally, we consider \(\cL\) to a functional of fields \(\phi\) on a \(d\)-dimensional spacetime \(\Sigma\). Quantum correlation functions for local operators \(\cO_i(y_i)\) at some spacetime positions \(y_i\) take the form [\[correlation_fct_x\]]{#correlation_fct_x label="correlation_fct_x"} \_1(y_1)\...\_k(y_k) = D  \_1(y_1)\...\_k(y_k)   e\^-\_d\^d y    are given by a path integral over the fields \(\phi\). We can now ask if the correlation functions are definable in \(\lambda\) in the original \(\bbR_{\cF}\). One immediately sees that this is a very non-trivial question, since [\[correlation_fct_x\]](#correlation_fct_x){reference-type="eqref" reference="correlation_fct_x"} involves non-definable operations and objects. Most importantly, the notion of integrating a function is not definable: it is not guaranteed that the integral of a function definable in \(\bbR_{\cF}\) is again definable in the same structure. A simple example of this was given in part I where we showed that a 0-dimensional QFT with a \(\phi^4\) Lagrangian, which is clearly definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\), leads to a partition function given by the modified Bessel function \(K_{1/4}(x)\). This Bessel function is clearly not definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). We could continue to list other correlation functions in this theory, which also need not be definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). Now we can explain the main new concept introduced in this paper. Given a list of correlation functions for some QFT or set of QFTs, we can add them to our function set \(\cF\) to get what in general will be a new structure, which characterizes the QFT or QFTs. We define this procedure next. # Structures from physical theories {#sec:structureQFT} In this section we discuss how one can systematically associate two structures \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\), obeying the axioms defined in §[2](#sec:structurelogic){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structurelogic"}, to a given set \(\cT\) of physical theories and a set \(\cS\) of spacetimes. The basic idea is that the sets \(\cT,\cS\) are definable in \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and all physical questions, i.e. statements about the observables of the theory, should definable in \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\). In order to do that we propose which functions of the theory need to be added to the set of functions generating the structure. While we could simply add every function that is needed to work with the theories under consideration, the key point is to be selective, so that the considered structures have a chance to be o-minimal. In §[4](#sec:tameobservables){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tameobservables"} we will take a closer look at \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) and discuss its tameness assuming an o-minimal \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). It will then be the task of §[5](#Tameness-cT){reference-type="ref" reference="Tameness-cT"} to propose conditions on \(\cT\) such that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) satisfies the tameness criterion. We mainly discuss structures associated to quantum field theories (QFTs) in §[3.1](#QFT-structure){reference-type="ref" reference="QFT-structure"}, §[\[sec:definable-spacetime\]](#sec:definable-spacetime){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definable-spacetime"} and briefly comment on theories with gravity in §[3.3](#sec:definable-QG){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definable-QG"}. ## Structures from QFTs {#QFT-structure} Our first goal is to describe a procedure which, given a set of QFTs parameterized by \(\cT\) and a set of spacetimes \(\Sigma\) with metrics \(g\) labelled by \(\cS\), produces two structures \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\). While the structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) allows formulating statements about the observables, \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) only allows formulating statements about the definition of the set of theories and spacetimes. While we believe that our definitions can be made mathematically rigorous, we will refrain from becoming too technical when describing QFTs on a curved spacetime. The starting point for a more complete discussion would be a rigorous definition of QFTs and correlation functions. Of the vast body of work in this area let us cite as examples which the reader could keep in mind for the following. ### Defining a structure {#defining-a-structure .unnumbered} Let us consider a set of QFTs labelled by a parameter set \(\cT\).[^5] The details on how to define these theories depends on the framework (operator formalism, path integral, *etc.*) and type of theory. As an example, consider a set of QFTs specified by a family of Lagrangians. As in §[2.3](#sec:examples){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:examples"} we can require that the Lagrangians \(\cL\) are definable in some structure. The Lagrangians can depend on dynamical fields and on couplings \(\lambda\) parameterizing specific QFTs in the family. We then impose constraints on the couplings \(\lambda\), which for simplicity can think of a \(\lambda \in \bbR^k\), such that the quantization of the corresponding action produces a well-defined and nonsingular QFT, meaning that all of the observables we are about to list are well defined and satisfy our axioms for QFTs. We require that the set \(\cT\) maximally consists of all these values of \(\lambda\), i.e. view \(\cT\) as a subset of \(\bbR^k\). As we will see later on, we will often impose additional conditions on the theories in \(\cT\), e.g. a bound on the number of degrees of freedom, in order that \(\cT\) can possibly be a tame set. In other words, while there are natural constraints on \(\cT\) such as well-definiteness, we are free to reduce this space further. We denote the structure in which the space \(\cT\) and the theories themselves can be defined by \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). The structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) needs to not only define the theories, but also the spacetime background on which we evaluate the them to compute physical quantities. Let us start with a set \(\cS\) of allowed spacetimes \(\Sigma\) with metrics \(g\) [^6]. We can think of these as being labelled by some parameters \(\rho\), *i.e.* consider \((\Sigma,g)_{\rho}\) fibered over some parameter space. This parameter space and the spacetimes with metrics should be definable in \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). While the choice of \(\Sigma_\rho\) can affect the result, this is not our primary interest and thus we will often use the notation \(\bbR^{\rm def}_\cT\) to mean that \(\Sigma_\rho\) is a standard choice, which we will take to be the conformally flat manifolds. Having described the construction of \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\), let us now turn to \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\). We then choose a set of functions in terms of observables \(O_{\kappa}\) computed within the QFTs in \(\cT\). These are functions on \(\cT\times(\Sigma_\rho)^n\), O\_(y_1\...,y_n;,)  y_k \_ ,  ,   where \(y_k\) are the \(n\) spacetime positions. We now introduce formal variables \(x_i\) parameterizing \(\bbR^m\), for a sufficiently large \(m\). Considering local neighbourhoods around the \(y_i \in \Sigma_\rho\), we can then introduce local coordinates on the product that specify the vector \((y_1...,y_n)\). The latter we identify with \(n\cdot \dim \Sigma_\rho\) variables \(x_i\). The remaining variables are the parameters \(\lambda,\rho\) and depending on the way we describe \(\cT,\cS\), we can again pass through some local construction. In this way we understand \(O_{\kappa}(x)\) as a function in some region of \(\bbR^m\), which we can extend to all of \(\bbR^m\) by setting it to zero everywhere else. We now can define a structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\), which extends \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) with the functions = { O\_}  where the union is taken over all observables and over all regions on \(\Sigma_\rho\) and \(\cT\) in which they can be evaluated. Note that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) is the 'quantum structure' associated to the sets \(\cT,\cS\), since we have built it from quantum correlation functions. Even for QFTs, *e.g.* with polynomial Lagrangian, we expect that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) contains many non-trivial functions as we have seen in part I, §4. Our requirement that \(\cT\) and \(\Sigma_\rho\) are \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\)-definable gives us a systematic way of extracting the information relevant for \(\cF\) from the functions \(O_{\kappa}\) on \(\cT\times(\Sigma_\rho)^n\). We recall from §[2](#sec:structurelogic){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structurelogic"} that a definable manifold can be covered by coordinate patches which are mapped by definable functions into definable subsets of \(\bbR^d\). We use this to combine all of the observables defined on any of the \((\Sigma_\rho,g_\rho)\) into a single structure. The observables we will allow are canonically normalized partition functions and correlation functions taking values in \(\bbR\) and defined on a family of spacetime manifolds \(\Sigma_\rho\). In other words, we consider [\[correlators_1\]]{#correlators_1 label="correlators_1"} O\_(x) = \_1 (y_1) ...\_n (y_n) \_,  where \(\{\cO_1...,\cO_n\}\) is a set of local operators of the QFT with parameters \(\lambda\). \(\kappa\) is a formal label of this set of operators. If a correlation function is complex valued we take its real and imaginary parts. Note that many observables are naturally thought of as taking values in vector bundles over \(\Sigma_\rho\), \(\cS\) and \(\cT\). Furthermore we need to say how the operators depend on the QFT parameters. These points will be discussed further below. A basic example for [\[correlators_1\]](#correlators_1){reference-type="eqref" reference="correlators_1"} would be a two-point function in quantum mechanics related to a transition of energy \(E\). It is a function of the elapsed time \(\Delta t\) between the operators. In real time quantum mechanics it would be \(e^{iE|\Delta t|}\), which is not tame. Thus (in this work) we take \(\Sigma_\rho\) to be Riemannian (not Lorentzian). In particular QFT1 is Euclidean time quantum mechanics, so the normalized two-point function for an operator which induces a transition of energy \(E\) is \(e^{-E|\Delta t|}\). Generally speaking, partition and correlation functions are only defined up to an overall multiplicative factor, which can depend on the parameters \(g\in\cT\) and \(\rho\in\cS\). By canonically normalized, we mean that there must be some physical condition which removes this ambiguity. Usually this will be done by interpreting the observables in the operator formalism. For example, a partition function on \(\Sigma=S^1\times X\) (with translation on \(S^1\) acting by isometries) has a more fundamental definition as the trace \(\Tr \exp (-LH)\) where \(L\) is the circumference of \(S^1\) and \(H\) is the Hamiltonian for canonical quantization on a hypersurface \(X\). On the other hand the partition function on \(S^d\) is not canonically normalized and will not be interpreted as a definable function.[^7] Correlation functions can also be canonically normalized by their relation to the operator formalism. In conformal field theories (CFTs) this is done by the state-operator correspondence, which is a bijective map between the space of local operators and the Hilbert space of radial quantization. Thus we can use unit normalized operators in correlation functions and remove the overall ambiguity for a given \((\Sigma,g)\) by dividing by the correlation function of the identity operator. In an asymptotically free or UV safe QFT this could be done by defining the normalizations in the UV limit.[^8] In summary, the structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) (or \(\bbR_{\cT}\) when we fix a canonical choice for \(\Sigma\)) is built from the following data: 1. A structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) that allows to define theories with labels in \(\cT\) and spacetimes with labels in \(\cS\): - A set \(\cS\) labelling \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\)-definable Euclidean spacetimes \((\Sigma_\rho,g_\rho)\) with \(\rho\in\cS\). If not explicitly stated, \(\cS\) is the set of \(d\)-dimensional conformally flat manifolds (as discussed below). - A set \(\cT\) labelling \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\)-definable, consistent QFTs. \(\cT\) might collect discrete or continuous parameters in the Lagrangian, or data such as operator dimensions and coefficients of the operator product expansion. The set \(\cT\) can be constrained by additional conditions on the considered theories. 2. Canonically normalized partition and correlation functions [\[correlators_1\]](#correlators_1){reference-type="eqref" reference="correlators_1"} which depend on the parameters \(\lambda \in\cT\) and \(\rho\in\cS\), a list of local operators and their positions in the spacetimes \(\Sigma_\rho\). Note that \(\cT\) and the correlation functions need **not** be definable in the same structure as the Lagrangians are. For example, one might want to impose a unitarity bound on the theories labeled by \(\cT\) and this could require to perform complicated manipulations with the Lagrangian. Consider, for example, the 0d \(\phi^4\)-theory as in part I, i.e. a theory with a polynomial action \(S=\frac{m_0^2}{2}\phi^2+\frac{\lambda}{4!}\phi^4\). The correlation functions of this model are not in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). It can now happen that a condition on the quantum corrected parameters, such as the renormalized mass \(m=m(m_0,\lambda)\), cannot be formulated in the original structure \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). While it is not immediately obvious that \(\cT\) itself is not \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\)-definable, a generic situation where this could happen is a parameterized set of theories with a scalar mode of mass squared \(m^2(\lambda)\) which takes both positive and negative values. Of course the negative values lead to instability (a "tachyon"). This could result in a phase transition, in which case we expect that correlation functions are discontinuous at \(m^2(\lambda)=0\). Or it could lead to ill-definedness, in which case \(m^2(\lambda)=0\) is a boundary of \(\cT\). While the constraint on \(m\) is in this case algebraic, the constraint on the original parameters \(m_0\) and \(\lambda\) need not be. There is no *a priori* reason for the function \(m^2(\lambda)\) to be algebraic and in the 0d \(\phi^4\) example it is explicitly non-algebraic. In this case the theory space (for instability) or the correlation functions are not be \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\)-definable. While the definitions make sense for any set of \(d\)-dimensional QFTs, we can consider sets of QFTs with specific properties such as global symmetry, conformal symmetry and/or supersymmetry. These choices will be referred to as the "type" of the QFT. In order to have a simplified notation, we sometimes write \_d  \_d  \_d   in case we want to only highlight certain aspects of the structure. Here AQFT\(d\) indicates that we require the considered QFTs to be asymptotically free. Of course, this simplified notation will not capture all the needed information and is more a placeholder for all the structures associated to such theories. In practice, especially when evaluating tameness, it is crucial to specify a proper definition of \(\cT\) and \(\cS\). The important point is that we want to make \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) rich enough to formulate physical questions about the theories \(\cT\), but small enough such that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) could be o-minimal. ### An example: quantum mechanics {#an-example-quantum-mechanics .unnumbered} A simple example in which \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) can be identified are quantum mechanical systems with finitely many states. So far we have mostly used the parameters \(\lambda\) of the Lagrangian to parameterize the theory space. In this case we find it more convenient to define the theory by choosing a basis \(\ket{i}\) for the states and specifying the matrix elements for some finite list of operators \(\cO_a\), \(a_{i,j}=\langle i | \cO_a | j \rangle\), as well as the energies \(\Delta_i\) of the states. Taking a single operator \(\cO\) (the generalization is obvious), the theories are parameterized by the set \(\cT=\{a_{i,j},\Delta_i\}\), a finite dimensional parameter space. Using these we define time ordered correlation functions as sums over intermediate states, \]\langle \cO_1(t_1) \ldots \cO_n(t_n) \rangle = \sum_{i} \langle 0 | \cO_1(t_1) | i \rangle e^{-{\Delta_i|t_1-t_2|}} \langle i |\cO_2(t_2) \ldots \cO_n(t_n) | 0\rangle \;,\[ where we consider \(t_1>t_2>\ldots>t_n\). After the insertion of sufficiently many intermediate states this reduces to a finite sum whose terms are polynomial in the matrix elements and exponential in the energies \(\Delta_i\). There is an evident generalization to the partition function using the trace. Thus we can regard the space of quantum mechanical theories with finite dimensional Hilbert space as parameterized by \(\Delta_i\) and the matrix elements. As these are simply real variables, if we start with \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}=\bbR_{\rm alg}\), we can define every correlation function in terms of finite sums and products of these parameters and the exponential function. Thus the resulting structure is \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}=\bbR_{\rm exp}\). For quantum mechanics with an infinite dimensional Hilbert space the situation is more complicated, as the sum over the intermediate states is an infinite summation. Nevertheless correlation functions can still be tame. We give two simple examples, the free particle and the harmonic oscillator. Consider the transition function \(\bra{x}e^{-H t}\ket{y}\). For the free particle of mass \(m\) this is \]\bra{x}e^{-(t_2-t_1) H}\ket{y}= \sqrt{\frac{m}{2 \pi (t_2-t_1)}}e^{-\frac{ m (x-y)^2}{2(t_2-t_1)}}\;.\[ For the harmonic oscillator with frequency \(\omega\), it is the Mehler kernel \]\bra{x}e^{-(t_2-t_1) H}\ket{y}= \sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2 \pi \sinh (\omega (t_2-t_1))}}e^{-\frac{ m \omega}{2 \text{sinh}( \omega (t_2-t_1))} \left(\cosh (\omega (t_2-t_1)) \left(x^2+y^2\right)-2 x y\right)}\;.\[ In both cases the dependence on the parameters \(m\) and \(\omega\) and coordinate difference \(t_2-t_1\) is definable in \(\mathbb{R}_{\rm exp}\). Similarly, if one works in the Fock space, the 2-point correlation function of two Heisenberg ground states is given by \]\bra{0}_{t_2}\ket{0}_{t_1}=\frac{1}{2 m \omega}e^{\omega (t_2-t_1)}\;.\[ Inserting more operators does not add any new functional dependence, as by Wicks theorem any \(n\)-point function can be written as sums of products of two-point functions. E.g. for the 4-point function \]\begin{aligned} \bra{0}_{t_2} x(t_4)x(t_3)\ket{0}_{t_1}=&\sum_n\bra{0}_{t_2} x(t_4)\ket{n}_{t_0}\bra{n}_{t_0}x(t_3)\ket{0}_{t_1}\\=&\frac{1}{2 m \omega}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\omega (t_2-t_1)}e^{-\omega (t_4-t_3)} \end{aligned}\[ Thus the structure generated by Euclidean quantum mechanics of a free particle or a harmonic oscillator is still \(\mathbb{R}_{\rm exp}\). ## Subtleties in the definitions While our definitions can be readily applied to many examples, there are several subtleties that can occur in general physical configurations. In the following we want to highlight a number of points which should be treated more carefully to make this definition fully precise and which we postpone for part III. ### Definability of the spacetime \(\Sigma\) {#sec:definable-spacetime .unnumbered} In the construction of the structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) we required that the spacetime \(\Sigma\) and its metric \(g\) are definable in \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\). For \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) to be o-minimal, every \(\Sigma\) should be a tame set with metric \(g\) a tame function. We already noted that we require \(\Sigma\) to be Riemannian, but which manifolds \(\Sigma\) should we allow? To answer this question in generality, we would need to develop a theory of tame differential geometry. Formally, it is not hard to state the initial definitions: a tame manifold, as mentioned in §[2](#sec:structurelogic){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structurelogic"}, has a definable atlas (covering \(\Sigma\) with finitely many charts) and definable transition functions. A Riemannian metric is a section of the square of the tangent bundle of \(\Sigma\). We require that this bundle is tame, i.e. admits finitely many trivializations and definable transition functions. The metric coefficients should then transform definably when changing charts. While it is easy to state these definitions, we are not aware of strong theorems that are implied by tameness. However, it is expected that tameness is a non-trivial constraint. Manifolds definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\) are the natural objects of real algebraic geometry and every o-minimal structure gives a generalization. Our pragmatic way to bypass tame differential geometry will be to propose some concrete choices for \(\Sigma\) and its Riemannian metric \(g\). As an initial proposal we allow manifolds of topology \(\bbR^k\), \(S^k\), \(T^k\) and direct products of these. For a given \(d\) this is a finite list of topologies. It includes \(\bbR^d\), so that we can make contact with our discussion of perturbation theory in part I, and it also includes the cases of most interest for CFTs. For \(g\), we allow general conformally flat metrics and parameterized families of such metrics. For example, \(T^d\) has a family of flat metrics parameterized by positive definite symmetric \(d\times d\) matrices (more precisely equivalence classes under \(SL(d,\bbZ)\)) and \(\cS=SL(d,\bbZ)\backslash SL(d, \bbR)/ SO(d)\) is coset space definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). More general conformally flat metrics are included to allow relating cases such as \(\bbR^d\) and \(S^d\), and also with an eye towards AdS/CFT dualities. Let us stress that even with the restriction that \((\Sigma,g)\) is conformally flat, the definability of \((\Sigma,g)\) in an o-minimal \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) gives additional conditions. Clearly, geometries \(\bbR^d\), \(S^d\), and \(T^d\) with their standard metric are \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\)-definable. However, if we consider a conformal factor \(\sigma\) that is not definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\) we potentially need to introduce a new function to \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). This factor \(\sigma\) will also enter the correlation functions, which shows that self-consistency of our construction requires it to be in \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\).[^9] Hence, in view of our goal to identify o-minimal structures \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) constructed from correlation functions, we need to demand that \(\sigma\) is \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\)-definable and adds no new non-tame function to \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\).[^10] We chose the dependence on operator locations to be in position space (points in \(\Sigma\)) as this makes sense for any manifold \(\Sigma\). If \(\Sigma\) has translation symmetry then one could replace this with the dependence on momentum space (by taking the Fourier transform of the correlation function), and this is the definition we used in part I, §3. While the two spaces of functions are related, it is not true in general that they define the same structure. In fact, it is not hard to see that a Fourier transform of a tame function, say of \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\), can require the extension of the structure to include periodic functions (see for recent general results). In this case the resulting structure has no chance to be o-minimal. Of course QFT correlation functions satisfy many constraints beyond those of \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\) and it could be that in this case the momentum and position spaces do define the same structure, at least for certain choices of \(\Sigma\). We leave this question for future work. In any case the position space definition is the relevant one here. ### Global considerations {#global-considerations .unnumbered} In our definition of \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) we largely resort to a local perspective both for the theory space \(\cT\) and the spacetimes in \(\cS\). However, there are several interesting global aspects that need to be addressed to complete our construction in general settings. First, even if we restrict \(\cS\) to be conformally flat metrics on \(\bbR^k\), \(S^k\), \(T^k\) and direct products of these, to be completely precise we should say what sort of conformal boundaries we allow. Another consideration influencing the choice of \(\cS\) would be to ensure that the functions obtainable as Green's functions are definable functions of position in a simple o-minimal structure. This might favor restricting \(\cS\) still further. Second, correlation functions of non-scalar operators are not functions on \(\Sigma\). To keep the discussion simple, we could make them real valued by postulating frames. Alternatively, one could investigate the transition functions of the bundles and construct \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) such that they become definable. Third, we need the correlation functions of local operators as functions of \(\cT\), the parameters of the set of QFTs. As is familiar from discussions of renormalization, it is not entirely trivial to define a local operator as a function of couplings. Even in quantum mechanics, there can be ambiguities arising from level crossings and monodromies. One might find that on traversing a loop in \(\cT\), an operator \(O_1\) turns into another operator \(O_2\). While these make it difficult to define continuous functions on \(\cT\), to define a structure we do not need to do this. It would suffice to decompose \(\cT\) into finitely many cells (using definable boundaries) such that the correlation functions are well defined in each cell. The final issue arises if we want to discuss the set of all QFTs of a given type and is more challenging. There is no reason to think that such a discussion could be based on a single definition of QFT. For example while Lagrangians provide very concrete parameter spaces, there are many QFTs with no known Lagrangian definition. The evident way to deal with this is to define a structure for each of the definitions, call these \(\bbR_{\cT_1}\), \(\bbR_{\cT_2}\) and so on. We could then take the union of these to get a structure including all of their correlation functions. This is fine for the dependence of these functions on \(\Sigma\), but it is possible that definitions \(\cT_1\) and \(\cT_2\) will parameterize overlapping subsets of QFTs in different ways which are not related by a definable map. If so then \(\bbR_{\cT_1}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT_2}\) might lead to different structures, and even if they are both tame the union might not be tame. Another issue is the treatment of equivalences between different QFTs such as dualities--if a single QFT is represented by infinitely many points in \(\cT\) then this definition will not work (one would need to do the quotient explicitly). We do not see these issues as leading to essential difficulties but we postpone them for future work. ## Structures for theories with gravity {#sec:definable-QG} We now briefly turn to the discussion of theories that contain dynamical gravity. At the classical level the most relevant theory to understand is Einstein's theory of general relativity. One might again hope to associate a structure to this theory in which all of its physical statements become definable. For example, one could try to construct this structure by adding all solutions to this classical theory to \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). However, a priori, there are no tameness conditions for solutions to Einstein's equations, since second-order differential equations do not necessarily preserve tameness. Nevertheless, solutions periodic in time can be ruled out for asymptotically flat spacetimes in pure gravity with vanishing cosmological constant as well as for cosmological, i.e. spatial compact, spacetimes. A periodic solution would correspond to a discrete isometry of spacetime, and these turn out to be induced by continuous isometries. This is in perfect agreement with the expectation of tameness. On the other hand, adding a negative cosmological constant allows for the construction of time-periodic solutions. We thus face similar challenges as in §[\[sec:definable-spacetime\]](#sec:definable-spacetime){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definable-spacetime"} in which we discussed the \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\)-definability of the background \((\Sigma,g)\). While a comprehensive treatment of gravitational theories is beyond the scope of this work, we will collect a few relevant observations in the following. ### Fluctuating gravitation backgrounds {#fluctuating-gravitation-backgrounds .unnumbered} It is difficult to formulate a general quantum theory of a fluctuating metric. Instead it is useful to formulate the theory perturbatively around a chosen fixed background \(g\). One then studies small perturbations \(\delta g\) around this background and writes down an effective theory for the field \(\delta g\). In the case of Einstein gravity the resulting theory is 1-loop renormalizable. Thus if the classical background is tame, the results of part I would apply to this system and the theory would be definable in \(\mathbb{R}_{\text{an,exp}}\). In the case of maximal supergravity in four dimensions this renormalizability holds at least up to seven loops. ### Quantum theories of gravity and the structure \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\) {#quantum-theories-of-gravity-and-the-structure-bbr_rm-qg .unnumbered} Certainly the most exciting task is to investigate the space of quantum gravity theories \(\cT_{\rm QG}\) and the associated structure \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\). This requires one to face multiple challenges and we want to highlight a few in the following. We do know very little about quantum gravity in the needed generality to define \(\cT_{\rm QG}\). Much work has gone in understanding string theory as a promising candidate. Trusting the lessons learned over the last decades one might hope that actually \(\cT_{\rm QG}\) is just a single theory, M-theory. Unfortunately, we have no general formulation of this theory, apart from its incarnations in various limits. Accepting this significant limitation, one might nevertheless try to construct part of \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\). Here one faces another issue, since it is well-known that it makes not much sense to construct \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\) from correlation functions of local operators due to the diffeomorphism symmetry of gravity. One could bypass this by constructing \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\) from the S-matrix instead, as it is done in the study of string scattering amplitudes. We might then ask if \(\bbR_{\rm QG}\) defined by purely perturbative information can be expected to be o-minimal. However, one can see at the example of perturbative string theory that this is not the case. In fact, if we determine the associated structure \(\bbR_{\rm pString}\) from string scattering amplitudes, it is easy to see that the presence of infinitely many poles in these amplitudes implies that \(\bbR_{\rm pString}\) cannot be o-minimal. However, as already mentioned in part I, one can hope that this is an artefact of the perturbative treatment. Adding an additional direction to the string will likely make the spectrum continuous and the associated functions have better chances to be tame. ### String/M compactification to AdS and the structure \(\bbR_{\rm AdS}\) {#stringm-compactification-to-ads-and-the-structure-bbr_rm-ads .unnumbered} The best definition we have of quantum gravity at present uses the AdS/CFT correspondence. As discussed in reviews, an anti-de Sitter spacetime \(M_{d+1}\) has a conformal boundary \(\Sigma\), and observables in quantum gravity on \(M_{d+1}\) correspond to observables in a CFT\(d\) on \(\Sigma\). Thus, it would seem, we have already defined the relevant structure for these theories: it is \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d}\). On reflection, it is not obvious that this is the definition of quantum gravity we want. The issue is that the set of quantum gravity theories we get this way includes all sorts of theories which look very different than what we need to describe the real world. It includes theories with very small AdS radius (very large negative cosmological constant) and higher spin gravity theories. And this only scratches the surface--the landscape of CFT2 and CFT3 (with no bound on the central charge) seems far larger than any known construction of string/M theory compactifications would produce. This motivates defining subsets of CFT\(d\) which satisfy additional constraints motivated by gauge-gravity duality, especially the constraint that the gravity dual is local.[^11] Such a proposal was made in Ref., which argues that any CFT with a large N expansion and for which all single trace operators of spin greater than 2 have (parametrically) large dimensions, has a local dual. This proposal was developed in many works, see and references there. It would be interesting to define a subset of CFT\(d\)'s satisfying these conditions and a corresponding structure. Since the conditions of are parametric, we presumably would do this by defining subsets satisfying sharp bounds and then showing that the resulting structures do not depend on the specific bounds. However, the conditions are not formulated in terms of individual QFTs but rather families of QFTs (say depending on \(N\)), so they go beyond the definitions made here. We leave a precise definition for future work. On the dual side, we could use the correspondence for correlation functions to express the large \(N\) limit of general CFT correlation functions in terms of classical supergravity calculations. Classical general relativity and even supergravity are much better understood mathematically than QFT, and working with this structure and checking its tameness would be very interesting even if restricted to the pure gravity sector. Tameness of the space of these theories is a refinement of the finiteness conjecture of and could be studied as well. # Tameness of physical observables {#sec:tameobservables} Having introduced structures \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) and \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) associated to a set of QFTs \(\cT\) and a set of spacetimes \(\cS\), we now want to understand when they are o-minimal. To do this, (1) we need to ensure that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\), in which \(\cT\) and \(\cS\) are definable, is an o-minimal structure, and (2) we need to ensure that adding the observables to \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) as discussed in §[3](#sec:structureQFT){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structureQFT"} preserves tameness. Let us postpone the specification of a tame set of theories \(\cT\) with as few constraints as possible to §[5](#Tameness-cT){reference-type="ref" reference="Tameness-cT"}. Here we will focus on the second step: given that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) is o-minimal, let us discuss criteria that could ensure that \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) is o-minimal. ## QFTs on points {#sec:QFTs_on_points} Let us begin with the simplest case, a QFT in zero dimensions, *i.e.* on a point \(p\). We have already mentioned the \(\phi^4\)-theory in part I, but in the following we want to be more general. Therefore, let us assume that \(S^{(0)}\) is the action of such a QFT with finitely many scalar fields \(\phi_1...,\phi_n\). While in higher dimensions, \(S^{(0)}\) is an integral over spacetime, in zero dimensions this is simply a function of fields evaluated at the point \(p\). The set of spacetimes \(\cS=\{p\}\) is therefor tame. Let us take the dependence of the Lagrangian on \(\phi\) and parameters \(\lambda\) to be definable in some o-minimal structure \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT}\), and let us consider correlation functions of operators \(O_k\) which are also \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT}\)-definable functions of \(\phi\). The simplest case would be polynomial operators \(O_k=\phi^k\) and \(S^{(0)}=\sum_k \lambda_k O_k\) but one can be more general. In zero dimensions, the path integral [\[correlation_fct_x\]](#correlation_fct_x){reference-type="eqref" reference="correlation_fct_x"} reduces to an ordinary integral [\[0dintegral\]]{#0dintegral label="0dintegral"} \_1\... \_n \_= d_1\... d_k   \_1\... \_n  e\^-S\^(0)(,)   where the integration is performed over the space of field configurations. Now, we can ask (1) Is the structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\text{exp}}^{\rm def}\) obtained by extending \(\bbR_{\cT}^{\rm def}\) by the exponential map an o-minimal structure? (2) Does the \(\bbR_{\cT,\text{exp}}^{\rm def}\)-definable function in [\[0dintegral\]](#0dintegral){reference-type="eqref" reference="0dintegral"} integrate to a \(\lambda\)-dependent function that is definable in some o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\rm QFT0}\)? The first question can be answered affirmatively as shown in.[^12] Every o-minimal structure remains o-minimal if one adds the real exponential function. A simple example of this general fact is given in §[2.2](#sec:o-minimalstructures){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minimalstructures"} where we listed both the o-minimal structures \(\bbR_{\rm an}\) and \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\). The second question on whether integrals of tame functions are also tame is longstanding in mathematics and has not been answered conclusively yet. There are, however, several interesting results to mention in this context.[^13] Firstly, it is generally understood that if a real-valued function \(f(\phi,\lambda)\) is definable in \(\bbR_{\rm an}\) then its integral \(g(\lambda)=\int d^k\phi\, f(\phi,\lambda)\) is definable in \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\). This general result naturally relates to the fact that Feynman integrals are definable as discussed in part I.[^14] In fact, this result is rather generally applicable in perturbative expansions in which the exponential in [\[0dintegral\]](#0dintegral){reference-type="eqref" reference="0dintegral"} turns into a polynomial expression. When including the exponential function only partial results are known. One important general result of is that if \(f:\bbR \rightarrow \bbR\) is definable in some o-minimal structure \(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def}\) then \(\int_0^x f(t)dt\) is definable in the Pfaffian closure \(\mathcal{P}(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def})\) of \(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def}\), as introduced in §[2.2](#sec:o-minimalstructures){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minimalstructures"}. Certain special integrals with exponential functions have also been shown to be tame in and special tame measures have been proposed in. The general statement about the existence of an o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\rm QFT0}\) follows from the following conjecture put forward in. **Conjecture 1.** *For every o-minimal structure \(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def}\) there exists an o-minimal structure \(\widehat \bbR\) such that for every real-valued function \(f(\phi,\lambda)\) that is definable in \(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def}\) and every set \(D\) definable in \(\widehat \bbR^{\rm def}\) the following holds:\ (1) The set \(\big\{\lambda \in \bbR^m: \int_{D} d^k\phi |f(\phi,\lambda)| < \infty \big\}\) is definable in \(\widehat \bbR\).\ (2) The function \(g(\lambda)=\int_D d^k\phi\, f(\phi,\lambda)\) is definable in \(\widehat \bbR\).* While this conjecture is formulated in flat space, one can extend it to definable manifolds and include definable measures. Let us note that the above considerations naturally extend to higher dimensional QFTs localized on \(N\) points, e.g. forming a finite lattice. Such settings were studied recently in . Consider a QFT with a single field \(\phi\) and localize it on \(N\) spacetime points \(y_i \in \Sigma\) by setting \(\phi_i \equiv \phi(y_i)\).[^15] Reducing the action of the higher-dimensional theory to these finitely many points will lead to an (approximate) zero-dimensional action \(S^{(0)}(\phi_i,\lambda)\). In ref.  the integrals I\_\_1\...\_N() = \_\^N d\^N   \_i\^N \_i\^\_i   e\^-S\^(0)(,)  have been studied to determine the \(\lambda\)-dependence of correlation functions polynomial in the \(\phi_i\). Clearly, by [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1), these integrals are definable in some o-minimal structure if \(S^{(0)}(\phi,\lambda)\) is. In fact, it was shown in that for simple polynomial \(S^{(0)}(\phi,\lambda)\) the \(I_{\nu_1...\nu_N}\) satisfy a set of differential equations that are solved by products of rational functions and generalized hypergeometric functions in \(\lambda\). The appearing hypergeometric functions are of type \(_pF_p\) and the challenge to establish their tameness has been pointed out already in part I. ## Simple observables in higher-dimensional QFTs For general higher-dimensional QFTs we do not know of mathematical theorems or conjectures which imply the tameness of physical observables. Recall that we added correlations functions in moving from \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\) to \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) that are, as indicated in [\[correlation_fct_x\]](#correlation_fct_x){reference-type="eqref" reference="correlation_fct_x"}, given by path integrals over field configurations. The study of such integrals is very involved and has been, to our knowledge, not been undertaken in the o-minimal context even for simple examples. In part I these integrals have been studied from a perturbative approach. At this level the correlation functions are tame functions. Here we want to study the tameness of these objects at the nonperturbative level. To gauge our expectations on the tameness of observables, let us consider the example of a Klein-Gordon field of mass \(m\) on \(d\)-dimensional Euclidean space \(\Sigma\). As we are dealing with a free theory, the \(n\)-point correlation functions can be computed using Wick's theorem as a sums of products of the two-point correlation functions \]O^{(d)}(y_1,y_2)=\bra{ \mathbf{y}_2}e^{-H (t_2-t_1)}\ket{\mathbf{y}_1}\,, \qquad y_i = (t_i,\mathbf{y}_i) \in \Sigma\.\[ For a Klein-Gordon field in flat space this two-point function can be evaluated as (see e.g. ) \]O^{(d)}(y_1,y_2)=(2\pi)^{-d/2}\left(\frac{(y_2-y_1)^2}{\sqrt{m}}\right)^{\frac{d-2}{2}}K_{\frac{d-2}{2}}(\sqrt{m}(y_2-y_1)^2)\;.\[ \(K_a(x)\) denotes the modified Bessel function of the second kind. As already discussed in §[4.1](#sec:QFTs_on_points){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:QFTs_on_points"}, these functions are in the generic case exponential periods and [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1) implies that they are definable in some o-minimal structure.[^16] If so, then all correlation functions of a finite number of operators are tame. While tameness is realized in flat space, assuming [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1), already in AdS spacetime this no longer holds. AdS space is definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\), but the tameness of the two-point function can no longer be established without imposing further constraints on the parameters. It is given by \]\label{AdS-two-point-function} O^{(d)}_{{\rm AdS}_{d+1}}(y_1,y_2)=\frac{e^{-i\pi (d-1)/2}}{(2\pi)^{(d+1)/2}}((y_1\cdot y_2)^2-1)^{-\frac{d-1}{4}}Q^{(d-1)/2}_{\sqrt{d^2/4+m^2}-1/2}(y_1\cdot y_2)\,\[ where \(Q_a^b(x)\) denotes the Legendre function of the second kind. The only dependence on the mass is in the lower argument of the Legendre function, \(\lambda=\sqrt{d^2/4+m^2}-1/2\). We can now see that the dependence on the parameter \(m\) is not tame when considering all \(m \in \bbR\), since the \(Q_{a}^b(x)\) oscillates in \(a\). Already this simple example shows that we have to be careful when making claims about the tameness of correlation functions. We will suggest two ways how we expect that such violations can be avoided: - consider the case in which the theory becomes conformal, i.e. send \(\lambda \rightarrow 0\); - introduce a cut-off scale \(\Lambda\) and restrict the mass \(|m|<\Lambda\). In case (1) one checks that the Legendre function reduce to an algebraic function and hence is definable in \(\bbR_{\rm alg}\). In case (2) we use the analyticity of \(Q\) in \(a\) to infer that it is restricted analytic on \(|m|<\Lambda\).[^17] While it is by no means immediate that these observations generalize easily to interacting theories, we will use them as inspiration to put forward two conjectures about the tameness of correlation functions in effective theories compatible with quantum gravity and in CFTs in the following. ## Tame observables in effective field theories Let us first discuss the \(d\)-dimensional effective field theories with finitely many dynamical fields and a cut-off energy scale \(\Lambda\). We will denote the space of all such theories by \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\). Clearly, the definition of what we exactly mean by \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) requires much effort. A simplified way to think of this space, is to consider only Lagrangian theories and collect all Lagrangians with their field dependence and parameter dependencies. The graphs of these Lagrangians evaluated over the field space and parameter space are sets and their formal union can be thought of as being the space \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\). Determining the conditions on the effective theories such that \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) is definable in some o-minimal structure, is a very non-trivial task. However, it was proposed in that a sufficient condition for \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) to be tame is that this space contains all effective theories that can be consistently coupled to quantum gravity. This let to the conjecture: **Conjecture 2 (Tameness of EFTs consistent with quantum gravity).** *The set \(\cT_{{\rm EFT}d}\) of all effective field theories that are valid at least below a fixed cut-off scale \(\Lambda\) and can be consistently coupled to quantum gravity is definable in some o-minimal structure.* In other words, determining the necessary set of constraints on tame \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) should be viewed as being part of the swampland program, see in e.g.  for a survey. Let us stress that from a low-energy point of view, without reference to an UV completion with gravity, it is not apparent what a minimal set of conditions on can ensure that \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) is tame. Given a well-defined set of effective theories \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\), one can again construct an associated structure \(\bbR_{\text{EFT}d}\), depending on some set \(\cS\) of Euclidean spacetimes. To evaluate the correlation functions one now has to carefully implement the cutoff \(\Lambda\), e.g. by considering a momentum expansion and retaining terms up to a finite order in \(\Lambda\). At least for the perturbative expansion we expect that the results of part I can be generalized and indicate that \(\bbR_{\text{EFT}d}\) is o-minimal. We believe that this property persists and formulate: **Conjecture 3 (Tameness of EFT correlation functions).** *The structure \(\bbR_{{\rm EFT}\textit{d}}\) built from all correlation functions for the theories in \(\cT_{{\rm EFT}d}\) with cut-off \(\Lambda\) on tame spacetime manifolds \((\Sigma,g)\) is o-minimal.* In general, it is very challenging to determine \(\bbR_{\text{EFT}d}\) for all theories in \(\cT_{\text{EFT}d}\) determined only by consistency with quantum gravity and validity below \(\Lambda\). However, to test [Conjecture 3](#Conjecture3) one can consider any set of effective theories determined from string theory and investigate its correlation functions on some chosen tame spacetime manifold. ## Tame observables in conformal field theories {#sec:tameCFTobservables} In the following we turn our attention to CFTs in \(d\) spacetime dimensions. In contrast to the effective field theories discussed in the previous section, CFTs have no scale and therefore do not require a UV completion. In the following we will claim that the tameness of observables should therefore be a general feature of tame sets of CFTs. We formulate this expectation as a conjecture: **Conjecture 4-Tame CFT Observables Conjecture.** *Given a tame set \(\cT\) of CFTs and a tame set \(\cS\) of Riemannian manifolds, the canonically normalized partition and correlation functions computed among finite sets of tame operators are tame functions varying over \(\cT\), \(\cS\). In other words, assuming that \(\cT\), \(\cS\), and considered operators \(\cO_i\) are definable in some o-minimal structure \(\bbR^{\rm def}_{\cT,\cS}\), the above constructed structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\) of physical observables is o-minimal.* While [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) is clearly speculative, we know a lot about CFTs and their correlation functions to give non-trivial evidence. We will first discuss free CFTs, in which case the conjecture is most straightforwardly supported. The true power of the statement turns out to emerge for interacting CFTs and we will give a concise discussion of conformal blocks to gather some support. Remarkably, there are a number of non-trivial implications of [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4), which we will outline at the end of this section. ### Free CFTs {#free-cfts .unnumbered} To begin with, let us comment on correlation functions of \(n\) operators defined in a tame set \(\cT\) of free CFTs. Using Wick's theorem they can be expressed in terms of the 2-point functions. The latter are fixed by conformal symmetry and take the form \]\label{two-point} \langle\mathcal{O}_i(x_1)\mathcal{O}_j(x_2)\rangle=\frac{\delta_{ij}}{(x_1-x_2)^{\Delta_i+\Delta_j}}\;,\[ where \(\Delta_i\) are the scaling dimensions of \(\cO_i\). These functions are both tame in the spacetime positions \(x_i\) as well as in the \(\Delta_i\). For fixed rational \(\Delta_i\) the function [\[two-point\]](#two-point){reference-type="eqref" reference="two-point"} is simply algebraic in \(x_i\). To also allow for variations in the exponent \(\Delta_i\) one has to consider a larger o-minimal structure such as \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\). Returning to the \(n\)-point correlation functions, we first note that the number of possible Wick contractions is finite. It is thus clear that each of these functions is obtained as finite sum of products of tame functions and therefore is also tame. Tameness hereby holds both in the spacetime positions as well as in the operator dimensions. Note that this is true as long as we can use a finite set of \(\Delta\) as parameters of the set \(\cT\) of free theories. Thus [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) holds in all examples of this type. ### Interacting CFTs {#interacting-cfts .unnumbered} Now we turn to the case of considering a tame set \(\cT\) of interacting CFTs. As in the non-interacting case, conformal symmetry strongly constrains the possible form of the correlation functions. In fact, it suffices to completely determining the spacetime dependence of the 2-and 3-point functions. The 3-point functions are given by \]\langle\mathcal{O}_1(x_1)\mathcal{O}_2(x_2)\mathcal{O}_3(x_3)\rangle=\frac{C_{1,2,3}}{x_{12}^{\Delta_1+\Delta_2-\Delta_3}x_{23}^{-\Delta_1+\Delta_2+\Delta_3}x_{13}^{\Delta_1-\Delta_2+\Delta_3}}\;,\[ where we abbreviated \(x_{ij}=x_i-x_j\). The \(C_{1,2,3}\) are the theory dependent constants that can depend on the parameters but not on the spacetime coordinates. In fact, it is natural to view \(C_{1,2,3}\) as parameterizing \(\cT\) directly (see e.g. ). The tameness in these parameters is then trivial. The tameness in the spacetime coordinates and operator dimensions follows as in [\[two-point\]](#two-point){reference-type="eqref" reference="two-point"}. The first non-trivial correlator is thus the 4-point function, which we discuss in the following. It turns out to be useful to separate the theory dependent data in terms of the 3-point coefficients and the universal structure of the conformal symmetry by introducing conformal blocks. We will first discuss the general properties of these and then specialize to the case of two-dimensional CFTs where one can understand the tameness properties. Finally we will look at some examples of simple CFTs and the structures generated by them. The four-point correlators will depend on the positions of the four operator insertions \(x_i\) only through the two independent conformally invariant crossing ratios \]u=\frac{x_{12}^2x_{34}^2}{x_{13}^2x_{24}^2}\qquad {\text{and}}\qquad v=\frac{x_{14}^2x_{23}^2}{x_{13}^2x_{24}^2}\;.\[ The 4-point correlator can then be decomposed into a sum over conformal partial waves \(W_\mathcal{O}\) which sum the contributions of the infinite descendent states, [^18] \]\begin{aligned} \label{4point} \langle \mathcal{O}_1(x_1)\mathcal{O}_2(x_2)&\mathcal{O}_3(x_3)\mathcal{O}_4(x_4)\rangle=\sum_{\mathcal{O}\in \mathcal{O}_1\times\mathcal{O}_2} C_{1,2,\mathcal{O}}C_{3,4,\mathcal{O}} W_\mathcal{O}\;,\\ W_\mathcal{O}&=\frac{1}{C_{1,2,\mathcal{O}}C_{3,4,\mathcal{O}}}\sum_{{\alpha\in}{\rm descendants}} \bra{0}\mathcal{O}_1\mathcal{O}_2\ket{\alpha}\bra{\alpha}\mathcal{O}_3\mathcal{O}_4\ket{0}\;, \end{aligned}\[ where the \(C_{1,2,3}\) denote the OPE coefficients which together with the operator dimensions \(\Delta_i\) and spins \(l\) contain the theory dependent information. To analyze the tameness properties of the 4-point function, we now restrict to CFTs with only finitely many primary operators, as it is the case for rational conformal field theories. In this case the theory contains only finitely many partial waves, which implies that the tameness of the conformal partial waves imply the tameness of the 4-point function. If there are infinitely many primaries, the sum will be replaced by an integral over the partial waves and [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1) of §[4.1](#sec:QFTs_on_points){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:QFTs_on_points"} ensures the tameness in this case. The conformal partial waves split into the contributions of two conformal blocks, the conformal block and the shadow block [^19] \]W_\mathcal{O}=G_{\mathcal{O}}+G_{\tilde{\mathcal{O}}}\;.\[ where \(\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\) is the shadow operator with dimension \(\tilde{\Delta}=d-\Delta\) and the conformal blocks are \]\label{conformalblock1} G_{\mathcal{O}}=\left(\frac{x_{14}^2}{x_{13}^2}\right)^{\frac{\Delta_{34}}{2}}\left(\frac{x_{24}^2}{x_{14}^2}\right)^{\frac{\Delta_{12}}{2}}\frac{g_{\mathcal{O}}(u,v)}{x_{12}^{\Delta_1+\Delta_2}x_{34}^{\Delta_3+\Delta_4}}\;.\[ The four-point conformal block \(g_\mathcal{O}(u,v)\) is in general given by the Lauricella type double infinite sum \]\label{conformalblock2} \begin{aligned} &g_\mathcal{O}(u,v)=\\&K_{\tilde{\Delta},\Delta_3,\Delta_4} u^{\frac{\Delta}{2}}\sum\limits_{n,m=0}^{\infty} \frac{u^m}{m!}\frac{(1-v)^n}{n!}\frac{(\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{34}}{2})_{n+m}(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{12}}{2})_{n+m}(\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{12}}{2})_{m}(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{34}}{2})_{m}}{(\Delta+1-\frac{d}{2})_m(\Delta)_{2m+n}}\;. \end{aligned}\[ The coefficients are given by \]K_{\Delta,\Delta_1,\Delta_2}= \frac{\pi^{d/2}\Gamma(\frac{d}{2}-\Delta)\Gamma(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{12}}{2})\Gamma(\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{12}}{2})}{\Gamma(\Delta)\Gamma(\frac{\tilde{\Delta}-\Delta_{12}}{2})\Gamma(\frac{\tilde{\Delta}-\Delta_{12}}{2})}\;.\[ Note that these coefficients are exactly of the form to turn the infinite sum into hypergeometric type and despite their appearance do not cause any non-tame behaviour. The tameness of the 4-point function in the spacetime positions is now manifest from [\[conformalblock1\]](#conformalblock1){reference-type="eqref" reference="conformalblock1"} and [\[conformalblock2\]](#conformalblock2){reference-type="eqref" reference="conformalblock2"}. However, if we again consider the conformal dimensions of the primary operators as parameters of \(\cT\), the tameness claim with respect to these real parameters becomes very non-trivial. We find that tameness only follows if conformal dimensions in the CFTs in \(\cT\) cannot be parametrically separated to infinity. Restricting to two dimensions, we are able to make this explicit. In this case the conformal partial waves simplify to hypergeometric functions \]\begin{aligned} \label{2dpartialwave} W^{2d}_{\mathcal{O}}(\Delta)=&\left(\frac{x_{14}^2}{x_{13}^2}\right)^{\frac{\Delta_{34}}{2}}\left(\frac{x_{24}^2}{x_{14}^2}\right)^{\frac{\Delta_{12}}{2}} \frac{u^{\Delta/2}v^{\Delta/2}}{x_{12}^{\Delta_1+\Delta_2}x_{34}^{\Delta_3+\Delta_4}}\cdot \\ & _2F_1 \Big(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{12}}{2},\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{34}}{2};\Delta;u\Big)\; _2F_1\Big(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{12}}{2},\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{34}}{2};\Delta;v \Big)\;, \nonumber \end{aligned}\[ This function oscillates in the differences \(\Delta_{ij}\) of the conformal dimensions, while it behaves in a tame way on \(\Delta,u\) and \(v\). To make this behaviour explicit, we specialize to the case of unit crossing ratio and \(\Delta_{1,2}=\Delta_{3,4}\): \]\lim_{u\rightarrow 1^{-},v\rightarrow 1^{-}} W^{2d}_{\mathcal{O}}(\Delta)\propto-\log(1-u)\log(1-v) \left(\frac{\Gamma(\Delta)}{\Gamma(\frac{\Delta-\Delta_{1,2}}{2})\Gamma(\frac{\Delta+\Delta_{1,2}}{2})}\right)^2\;.\[ For any even integer \(\Delta\) the function on the right hand side is proportional to \(\text{Sinc}^2(\pi \Delta_{1,2})\). As sinc is a non-tame function for unbounded argument this result appears to be in conflict with the tameness of the correlation function as demanded by [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4). Note that the dependence on \(\Delta\) is unproblematic, as in an unitary CFT the dimensions are non-negative and the \(\Gamma\)-function on the positive real line can be defined in the o-minimal structure \(\mathbb{R}_{\mathcal{G},\text{exp}}\) as we recalled in §[2.2](#sec:o-minimalstructures){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minimalstructures"}. We will return to this issue in [4.5](#sec45){reference-type="ref" reference="sec45"}. There are three possibilities to restore the tameness of the 4-point functions. First, the coefficients of the partial waves, i.e. the fusion coefficients, could be vanishing. This is for example the case in free theories. Second, there could be cancellations between the different partial waves. This is especially a possibility if there are infinitely many states and thus infinitely many contributions to the amplitude. Finally, the differences of the operator dimensions could be bounded, as the sinc function is definable in \(\mathbb{R}_{\rm an}\) on a finite interval. Turning this argument around, demanding tameness of the correlation functions as in [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) requires that the differences of the operator dimensions is bounded in interacting CFTs with finitely many primary states. ### An example CFT with a parameter: Liouville theory {#an-example-cft-with-a-parameter-liouville-theory .unnumbered} An example of an interacting theory with a free parameter is the Liouville theory. The Liouville theory is defined on a two dimensional surface with metric \(g_{ab}\) and curvature \(R\) by the Lagrangian \]\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{4}g^{ab}\partial_a\phi \partial_b \phi +\mu e^{2b \phi}+\frac{Q}{4\pi}R \phi\;.\[ On a fixed geometry this Lagrange depends on two parameters, the background charge \(Q\) and the coupling constant \(b\). The parameter \(\mu\) can be freely chosen to take any non-zero value and has no physical effect as it can be absorbed by a constant field redefinition. The theory is a CFT if these parameters fulfill the relation \]Q=b+\frac{1}{b}\;.\[ In this case the theory is an example of an interacting CFT which has one free parameter. As the central charge \(c= 1+6Q^2\) is fixed by the choice of the background charge \(Q\) the upper bound on \(c\) restricts the allowed values of \(Q\) to a compact interval. The primary fields are given by the exponentials \(\mathcal{O}_{\alpha}=e^{\alpha\phi}\) of conformal dimension \(\Delta_{\alpha}=\alpha(Q-\alpha)\). The relevant operators have \]\label{def-alpha-Delta} \alpha=Q/2+i p\, \qquad \Delta=p^2+Q^2/4\.\[ Due to the simplicity of the theory the 3-point structure constants as well as the 4-point correlators can be computed explicitly. The structure constants are given by the DOZZ formula \]C_{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3}=\left(\pi \mu \gamma(b^2)b^{2-2b^2}\right)^{\frac{Q-\alpha}{b}}\frac{\Upsilon(b)\Upsilon(2\alpha_1)\Upsilon(2\alpha_2)\Upsilon(2\alpha_3)}{\Upsilon(\alpha-Q)\Upsilon(\alpha-2\alpha_1)\Upsilon(\alpha-2\alpha_2)\Upsilon(\alpha-2\alpha_3)}\;,\[ where \(\alpha=\alpha_1+\alpha_2+\alpha_3\) and \(\gamma(x)=\Gamma(x)/\Gamma(1-x)\). The Upsilon function \(\Upsilon(x)\) is an entire function with the integral representation \]\Upsilon(x)=\exp\left[\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{{\rm{d}}t}{t}\left(\big(\tfrac12 Q-x\big)^2e^{-t}-\frac{\sinh^2(\frac12 Q-x)\frac{t}{2}}{\sinh(bt/2)\sinh(t/2b)}\right)\right]\;.\[ This function is a cousin of the usual \(\Gamma\) function. Note that the only zeroes of the function are the infinitely many zeroes along the real axis and it has no poles. The \(\Upsilon\) function is tame in the imaginary direction and an analytic function in the real direction. In the DOZZ formula the arguments of the \(\Upsilon\) function are of the form \(Q/2+ip\). If we consider theories \(\cT\) of central charge \(c=1+6Q^2\) bounded by some fixed constant, as we will suggest is necessary for the tameness of \(\cT\) in §[5](#Tameness-cT){reference-type="ref" reference="Tameness-cT"}, \(Q\) is restricted to an interval. This ensures that the structure constants are tame both in \(Q\) and \(p\). The 4-point correlator on the sphere can now be expressed in terms of the coefficients \(C_{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3}\) and the hypergeometric conformal blocks as \]\langle \mathcal{O}_{\frac{-1}{2b}} \mathcal{O}_{\alpha_1}\mathcal{O}_{\alpha_2}\mathcal{O}_{\alpha_3}\rangle= \int_{0}^{\infty}{\rm{d}}p \, C_{-\frac{1}{2b},\alpha_1,\frac{Q}{2}+ip}C_{\frac{Q}{2}+ip,\alpha_3,\alpha_4}W^{2d}_{\mathcal{O}}(\Delta) \,\[ where \(\Delta\) is given in [\[def-alpha-Delta\]](#def-alpha-Delta){reference-type="eqref" reference="def-alpha-Delta"}. As there are infinitely many primaries in this case the sum of [\[4point\]](#4point){reference-type="eqref" reference="4point"} is replaced by an integral over the momenta \(p\) labeling all the primaries. All functions appearing in this integral are tame functions of \(p\), thus [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1) of §[4.1](#sec:QFTs_on_points){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:QFTs_on_points"} implies that the 4-point correlators are also tame functions. Let us close by noting that an alternative route to collect evidence for [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) is to exploit the AdS/CFT duality. Here multiple new challenges arise, since the identification of parameters on the two sides of the duality can be non-trivial. For example, consider the Klein-Gordon field in AdS\(_d\) with two-point function [\[AdS-two-point-function\]](#AdS-two-point-function){reference-type="eqref" reference="AdS-two-point-function"}. By duality the mass of the particle corresponds to the operator dimension. Furthermore, this operator dimension is a natural parameter of the CFT. It therefore appears that the non-tameness of [\[AdS-two-point-function\]](#AdS-two-point-function){reference-type="eqref" reference="AdS-two-point-function"} in the mass gives a counterexample to [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4). However, a closer inspection shows that one cannot simply take the limit \(m\rightarrow\infty\) for a particle in AdS space, since we expect the theory to break down when the Schwarzschild radius of the particle exceeds the radius of the AdS space. On the AdS side this corresponds to a natural cutoff of the theory, but we could scale both the mass \(m\) and the AdS radius. It turns out that on the CFT side this leads to a bounded operator dimension and hence tameness is not violated. This is clearly just the beginning of a potentially interesting story that should be explored in the future. ## Previous conjectures related to Conjecture 4 {#sec45} Let us now suppose that [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) is true and denote that o-minimal structure by \(\bbR_{\text{CFT}d}\). While it is beyond the scope of this work to systematically study implications, let us make some remarks, on separation of conformal dimensions, and on the convergence of conformal perturbation theory. ### No parametric separation of operator dimensions {#no-parametric-separation-of-operator-dimensions .unnumbered} A first danger to the validity of [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) has already appeared in §[4.4](#sec:tameCFTobservables){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tameCFTobservables"}. We saw that it can be violated if it is possible within a set of CFTs to send differences \(\Delta_{12}= \Delta_1-\Delta_2\) between conformal dimensions of interacting operators[^20] \(\cO_1,\cO_2\) parametrically to infinity. Suppose this were the case, then individual conformal blocks involving these operators would be non-tame functions of the parameter.[^21] If the full correlation function (summing over all conformal blocks) is also non-tame, this would contradict [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4). One can imagine ways out of this, for example a sum over finely or infinitely many non-tame conformal blocks could produce a tame function, but it is suggestive. In particular, in case one has only finitely many conformal blocks, there must be an underlying reason such that the non-tame contributions cancel. An example were a cancellation of non-tame behaviour within finitely many conformal blocks arises due to an additional symmetry appears in the theory of a free boson compactified on a circle of radius \(R\). As this is a free theory the correlations functions can be computed using Wick's theorem and are tame functions. But in the 4-point correlation functions there still appear non-tame conformal partial waves. An explicit example is given by the correlator \]\label{correlator} \langle \partial X(x_1) e^{\frac{n}{R}}(x_2) \partial X(x_3) e^{-\frac{n}{R}}(x_4)\rangle\;.\(\) This correlator can be expanded into partial waves in two different ways shown in figure [\[fig:crossingsymmetry\]](#fig:crossingsymmetry){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:crossingsymmetry"}. First, one can contract the \(\partial X\) operators with each other or one can first contract the \(\partial X\) with an exponential operator. In the first case only the vacuum descendants with partial wave 1 contribute and one immediately obtains the expected tame result. In the second case the dimension of the exponential operator is given by \(\Delta=\frac{n^2}{4R^2}\), resulting in a non-tame contribution. These contributions precisely cancel and, as expected by crossing symmetry, the result is equivalent to the first expansion. This is an example of a simple cancellation due to the symmetry of the external states, but one can imagine similar cancellations to happen in more complicated scenarios. In the case of finitely many states such a cancellation requires a symmetry. In the case of infinitely many primaries the summation could cancel out the non-tameness even in the absence of such a symmetry. An analogy for such behaviour is the expansion of functions in terms of some basis functions. If one expands a tame function into its infinite Fourier modes, the individual terms in the expansion appear to be non-tame. This is in contrast to having only finitely many orthogonal non-tame functions, where tameness requires a cancellation of the coefficients and hence a symmetry. Remarkably, this implication resonates with a swampland conjecture discussed in, which claims that there are no parametrically large gaps between a finite set of operators with operator dimension \(\Delta_2\le\hat \Delta\) and an infinite set of operators with parametrically increasing dimensions \(\Delta_1\). Up to some caveats, [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) implies this conjecture. One caveat is that conjecture 4 relates to continuous dependence on the parameters, while also suggests it for discrete parameters. Another caveat is the possibility we mentioned that the full correlation functions could be tame. Note also that there are counterexamples involving limits in which the number of degrees of freedom diverge (more about this in §[5.1](#sec:o-minQFTs){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minQFTs"}). For example, in \(N\rightarrow\infty\) (planar) \(d=4, N=4\) super Yang-Mills, the Konishi operator (and other operators dual to string states) have \(\Delta_1 \sim(g^2N)^{1/4}\) as \(g\rightarrow\infty\), while protected operators have \(\Delta_2\) fixed. However at finite \(N\), the evidence is consistent with a finite upper bound for \(\Delta_1\).[^22] A related but weaker claim which is easier to argue for is the following. Let \(\Delta_1(g)\) be the dimension of an operator \(O_1\) which is suspected of diverging as we take a limit in parameter space. Suppose we know \(\Delta_1(g=0)\), and suppose the operator mixes with another operator \(O_3\) with \(\Delta_3=H>\Delta_1(g=0)\) roughly constant as a function of \(g\). Then, the phenomenon of level repulsion in quantum mechanics implies that as we increase \(g\) through the degenerate point \(\Delta_1(g)=\Delta_3\), the state \(O_1\ket{0}\) will cross over to \(O_3\ket{0}\) and thus the dimension \(\Delta_1(g)\) will asymptote to \(H\). This is a generic statement and can be avoided by tuning enough parameters, but in a QFT with a large number of candidates for \(O_3\) one could not avoid all of the crossings. Thus, unless there is a symmetry reason for \(O_1\) not to mix, we expect no parametric separation just for this reason. The conjecture of was also motivated by the results of arguing for the absence of scale separation in the dual AdS gravity background. If it is possible to realize parametrically large scale separation by tuning continuous parameters,[^23] then either [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4) is false, or else one should be able to see the needed cancellations in the full correlation functions. It would be interesting to investigate this in detail. ### Convergence in conformal perturbation theory {#convergence-in-conformal-perturbation-theory .unnumbered} Another long-standing related conjecture is that conformal perturbation theory has a non-zero radius of convergence. We recall that conformal perturbation theory is defined by adding exactly marginal operators to the action, doing a series expansion in the associated couplings, and renormalizing divergences. In this way one can compute the derivatives of all orders of a general observable with respect to the moduli. This procedure has been long known; two recent detailed discussions are in \(d=2\) and for general \(d\). Unlike perturbation theory for general interactions added to a free field theory, it is generally thought that conformal perturbation theory has a non-zero radius of convergence, and thus general observables are analytic in the marginal couplings.[^24] The folklore argument is that such perturbations do not change the large field behavior of the action. It is true in exactly solvable models: varying the radius of a free boson, and marginal sine-Gordon or current-current interactions. If all CFT observables are definable in the o-minimal structures such as \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\) or \(\mathbb{R}_{\mathcal{G},{\text{exp}}}\) then the claim of non-zero radius of convergence follows from the analytic cell decomposition discussed in §[2.2](#sec:o-minimalstructures){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minimalstructures"}. They are analytic away from a finite set of lower-dimensional regions, e.g. where they might be singular, and thus have a non-zero radius of convergence. Now as we discussed in §[2.2](#sec:o-minimalstructures){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minimalstructures"}, the analytic cell decomposition property does not hold in all o-minimal structures. But these comments and the analyticity of correlation functions suggests that it should hold in \(\bbR_{\text{CFT}d}\). # Tameness constraints on the space of CFTs {#Tameness-cT} A crucial requirement in §[4](#sec:tameobservables){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tameobservables"} was to consider tame sets of quantum field theories \(\cT\). This is necessary in order to make sense of any tameness statement about observables of these theories when varying them as a function of the parameters. Selecting such a tame set is non-trivial and it is desirable to have clear first-order principles to identify such \(\cT\) and the associated o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). For effective field theories this was made concrete in Conjecture 2, where it was stated that the set of effective theories compatible with quantum gravity and valid below a fixed cutoff scale is a tame set. In this section we ask if there are other natural criteria that select tame sets of QFTs. We first list some of the challenges that go into defining such tame \(\cT\)s, and give potential ways how they can be addressed. For CFTs we will then list a concrete set of conditions on the CFTs that make \(\cT\) tame. Our ideas are summarized in our final conjecture: **Conjecture 5-Tameness of spaces of CFTs.** - *Let \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}2}\) be the space of parameterized two-dimensional unitary conformal field theories with central charges smaller than some fixed \(\hat c>0\) and lowest nonzero operator dimension larger than a fixed \(\hat \Delta>0\). Then \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}2}\) is definable in some o-minimal structure.* - *Let \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}d}\) with \(d>2\) be the space of parameterized \(d\)-dimensional unitary conformal field theories obtained by (1) universally bounding an appropriate measure for the degrees of freedom (e.g. \(a\) in \(d=4\), or the free energy in \(d=3\)); (2) identifying pairs of theories which are related by gauging a discrete symmetry. Then \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}d}\) is definable in some o-minimal structure.* We have split this conjecture into two parts, distinguishing on dimensionality. As we will explain below, we are confident that part (a) is valid due to the connection of two-dimensional CFTs to geometry. In fact, part (a) can be viewed a generalization of a conjecture made in. In dimension larger than two, new phenomena occur and (b) might require further refinement. In particular, we have included in (b) an equivalence relation for theories theories differing by a gauged discrete symmetry. It is likely possible to weaken this condition and it would be desirable to return to the formulation of this conjecture in the future. ## Defining o-minimal structures associated sets of QFTs {#sec:o-minQFTs} In the following we collect some general observations relevant in ensuring that \(\cT\) is a definable set in an o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). We begin with some of the challenges one has to face and then sketch our general ideas how to address them. ### Challenges for defining a tame theory space {#challenges-for-defining-a-tame-theory-space .unnumbered} To get some appreciation of the difficulties that arise when trying to identify tame sets of QFTs, let us list some ways one would, at least naively, violate tameness. We do that by considering a Lagrangian QFT with a scalar field space \(M\). The theories might also have a scalar potential \(V:M \rightarrow \bbR\), and other coupling functions defined on \(M\). Even after imposing consistency conditions on \(M\) and the coupling functions, there are the following challenges to address: - There are infinitely many topological classes of manifolds in which \(M\) could reside. - \(M\) is allowed to have certain singularities, so there are even more classes. The allowed singularities depend on \(d\) and the type of QFT. One class which is always allowed is an orbifold singularity produced by quotienting \(M\) by a discrete subgroup \(G\) of its isometry group. Such a gauging of a discrete symmetry group \(G\) was already discussed in part I, §4.2. Now, if \(M\) has continuous abelian isometries such as \(U(1)\), the infinite series of subgroups \(\bbZ_p\subset U(1)\) gives rise to an infinite set of quotients \(M/\bbZ_p\) and an infinite set of distinct QFTs. - Given an \(M\), there are often infinitely many topologically distinct fiber bundles over \(M\), even if we fix the fiber dimension. For example, \(U(1)\) bundles over \(S^2\) are classified by the first Chern class, an arbitrary integer. Physically this is the magnetic flux and this choice produces an infinite sequence of quantum mechanical systems. - Some couplings are quantized for other topological reasons, such as Chern-Simons couplings in \(d=3\). These could also produce infinite sequences. - There is an infinite set of topological field theories (TFTs), with zero Hamiltonian. Given a QFT \(T\), one can obtain an infinite set of theories by tensoring it with these TFTs. - There could be non-tame continuous parameter spaces of physical interest, such as those used in the exact RG discussed in part I. While many of these issues can be addressed in EFTs compatible with quantum gravity (see, e.g. ) and thus further motivate [Conjecture 2](#Conjecture2), we next want to develop ideas to more directly impose conditions such that \(\cT\) is tame. ### Bounding the number of degrees of freedom {#bounding-the-number-of-degrees-of-freedom .unnumbered} Let us consider the set \(\widehat \cT_{{\rm CFT}d}\) of all consistent \(d\)-dimensional CFTs. While we do not know much about it, it is very unlikely that it is tame. Given a theory \(T\), we can define the tensor product \(T \otimes T\) by tensoring the Hilbert spaces and adding the Hamiltonians of the two copies, and we can define an \(n\)-fold tensor product \(T^{\otimes n}\) analogously. This gives us many discrete infinite series of CFTs, and there is no reason to believe they all sit in some larger connected structure. This particular infinity can be dealt with by upper bounding a measure of the number of degrees of freedom which is positive for nontrivial theories and additive under tensor product, call it \(F(T)\). For two-dimensional CFTs we can take \(F\) to be the central charge \(c\), while in four-dimensional theories the \(a\) function should be used. Then [\[def-cT\]]{#def-cT label="def-cT"} \_CFTd,C { T \_CFTd  \|  F(T)C }  where \(C\) is a fixed positive number. We could make a similar definition for QFTs, taking for \(F(T)\) the UV limit of the central charges. Using these sets of theories, define the structures \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d,C}\). Clearly increasing the bound enlarges the set of theories, \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}d,C}\subset\cT_{{\rm CFT}d,C'}\) for \(C < C'\). However this does not imply that it enlarges the corresponding structures; it could be that the correlation functions for the additional theories can be expressed using the same set of functions. We only know that \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d,C}\subseteq\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d,C'}\) for \(C< C'\). One can entertain various hypotheses about the limiting behavior as \(C\rightarrow \infty\). The simplest is that there exists some finite \(C_{\rm threshold}\) at which the limit is attained, \_CFTd,C = \_CFTd,C' C,C'C\_thresholḋNot having any reason to believe the contrary, we conjecture that this is the case, and let \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d}\) denote this limiting structure. The upper bound is still present, but its precise value (at or above \(C_{\rm threshold}\)) does not matter. ## Tameness conditions in various dimensions We now want to more carefully discuss the conditions one has to impose such that \(\cT\) could be definable in an o-minimal structure. A necessary condition is that \(\cT\) must have finitely many connected components. This immediately raises several problems which we want to spell out and address in the following. ### Quantum mechanics: \(\cT_{\text{QFT}1}\) {#quantum-mechanics-ct_textqft1 .unnumbered} Let us consider the quantum mechanics of a particle moving on a manifold \(M\) in a potential \(V:M\rightarrow\bbR\) and possibly with gauge fields, spin and other couplings. Here there are no constraints from renormalization and thus this data naturally lives in infinite dimensional function spaces. We expect to require more conditions on it to get tameness. We do not have a precise conjecture, but let us discuss some candidate conditions. As a basic requirement on the candidate QFTs in \(\cT\), we will insist that their radial Hamiltonians have discrete non-negative spectrum (for every \(r\)).[^25] This implies (by the definition of discrete spectrum) that eigenvalues can only have finite degeneracy. Furthermore, since the spectrum is bounded below, it implies that for any \(\Delta_{\rm max}\in\bbR\) there can only be finitely many states with \(\Delta\le\Delta_{\rm max}\).[^26] One could get a stronger requirement by asking that every theory in the closure of \(\cT\) has discrete spectrum. In other words, taking the limit of a sequence of theories does not produce a dense spectrum. This type of limit behavior is common, it appears for example in decompactifications. A discrete spectrum can be guaranteed by simple conditions: for example require \(V\) to be bounded from below and that for any \(E\), the subset \(\{x\in M|V(x)\le E\}\) has finite volume. Another possible condition (which we will definitely want in \(d\ge 2\)) is a gap between the first two eigenvalues. This is harder to enforce, but there are many works giving sufficient conditions.[^27] In part I we cited work on exact WKB, which hypothetically defines a class of quantum periods. If these functions define a tame structure, then starting from a tame \(\cT\) we would know which observables are tame. What conditions guarantee that \(\cT\) is tame? A very strong conjecture would be that for **any** family with finitely many parameters (real or integer), any closed subset \(\cT\) for which each \(T\in\cT\) has discrete spectrum is tame. This seems in the right direction but not sufficient. Let us consider a possible counterexample with an integer parameter, namely a particle on \(S^2\) coupled to a magnetic field of flux \(n\) (*i.e.*, first Chern class \(n\)). This is not a tame set but as \(|n|\rightarrow\infty\) the ground state could become approximately degenerate. This is true for constant \(F\) and \(V=0\) as this is the lowest Landau level. More generally as \(|F|\sim n\) becomes large, the theory becomes semiclassical in the sense that wave functions localize in regions of size \(1/\sqrt{n}\) with energy roughly the value of \(V\) in this region. Continuity of \(V\) would then give us what we want, but the problem is that one could choose \(F\) to be zero near the minima of \(V\). But perhaps some condition like this could work. A different approach is to make contact with finiteness results for geometry. Given a theory \(T\) in \(d=0,1\) obtained by quantizing a particle on \(M\), and given enough observables, one can reconstruct \(M\) with the metric and other data. This observation is a starting point for noncommutative geometry and is explained in and related works. To give some intuitions behind this, the complete set of \(3\)-point functions determines the algebra of functions, which for a commutative algebra determines \(M\) (at least as a measure space). The metric can be determined from the Laplacian by starting with \(\Delta(fg)-\Delta(f)g-\Delta(g)f = 2\,\partial f \cdot \partial g\) and then defining the distance between points \(x,y\) as the maximum of \(f(x)-f(y)\) over all \(f\) with \(||\partial f||^2\le 1\). Now, there are known geometric conditions on \(M\) which guarantee finiteness, such as those discussed in and which we will come back to in §[5.3](#CFT-tameness){reference-type="ref" reference="CFT-tameness"}. These could be translated into conditions on \(T\), for example the upper bound on diameter required by Cheeger's theorem plus a curvature condition is equivalent to a lower bound on the spectral gap. Perhaps these conditions can be generalized to cover all Lagrangians and translated back into quantum mechanical terms. ### QFTs and CFTs in \(d\ge 2\): \(\cT_{\text{QFT}d}\) and \(\cT_{\text{CFT}d}\) {#qfts-and-cfts-in-dge-2-ct_textqftd-and-ct_textcftd .unnumbered} First, we require the ground state to be nondegenerate (as in many axiomatic definitions). This excludes tensor products with TFTs. Next, we require the UV limit to be either weakly coupled (asymptotically free) or a nontrivial fixed point (a CFT). Since we can list the weakly coupled theories but do not actually know all the CFTs, we might want to distinguish two classes of QFTs, a smaller one, denoted by AQFT\(d\), which contains those QFTs that are asymptotically free, and a larger one QFT\(d\) consisting of CFT\(d\) and theories obtained by flows out of these. Finally, let us recall an important physical difference between QFT in \(d\le 2\) and in \(d>2\). Intuitively, the constant mode of a scalar field is quantum in \(d\le 2\) and classical in \(d>2\). Thus an energy eigenstate in \(d=2\) is delocalized, as in quantum mechanics. These delocalized states might be further decomposed into states of definite momentum (if there is translational symmetry), group representation matrix elements (for group symmetry), or more generally states related to eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on \(M\). By contrast, in \(d>2\) the fluctuations of a scalar fall off with distance, and one can fix the zero mode by using sources or boundary conditions. Thus the vacuum decomposes into superselection sectors labeled by the scalar expectation values, which must furthermore be critical points of the effective potential \(V'_{\rm eff}(\langle\phi\rangle)=0\). The space of these is now part of the theory space \(\cT_{\text{QFT}d}\) and will be referred to as the vacuum moduli space. Thus a complete definition of "space of QFTs" in \(d>2\) must account for this, however movement in \(\cT_{\text{QFT}d}\) breaks conformal invariance (since operator dimensions must be positive by unitarity) and we will not get far enough in our discussion of more general QFT to need the details. What we will use below is the geometric intuition related to this difference. In \(d\le 2\) there are QFTs which are generalizations of manifolds (sigma models, with \(V=0\)), those which are generalizations of singularities when \(V(\phi)\) has isolated critical points, and hybrid theories (\(V(\phi)\) is non-zero and has a higher dimensional manifold of critical points). In \(d>2\) one only has the singularities. ## Tameness of spaces of conformal field theories {#CFT-tameness} In the following we investigate the tameness of the spaces of \(d\)-dimensional CFTs \(\cT_{{\rm CFT}d}\) and holographic CFTs \(\cT_{\text{AdS}_{d+1}}\). These theories have a fairly satisfactory rigorous definition in terms of its spacetime symmetry and the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms[^28] (see for a recent discussion). The challenge will be to restrict the set of CFTs in such a way that there exists an o-minimal structure \(R_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) in which they are definable. The aim of this section will thus be to further motivate the assumptions of [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5). ### Tameness in \(d=2\) CFTs {#tameness-in-d2-cfts .unnumbered} As a first case we discuss two-dimensional CFTs. These theories have been studied very extensively and rather well understood. Furthermore, there are previous conjectures about the space of these theories and we will comment on their relation to our [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) (a). To begin with let us motivate the constraints in [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) (a) that we conjecture ensure that \(\cT_{\rm CFT2}\) is tame. First, we are discussing sets of CFT's with an upper bound \(\hat c\) on the central charge, as discussed in §[5.1](#sec:o-minQFTs){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minQFTs"}. But even with this condition, there are evident counterexamples to tameness, such as the set of \(c<1\) unitary minimal models. These have \(c=1-6/(p+1)(p+2)\) and are clearly not connected within the space of CFTs. Another example of a \(d=2\) infinite series is the \(SU(2)_k\) WZW models, with \(c=3-6/(k+2)\). These two infinite series can be cut off by imposing a positive lower bound on the dimensions of nontrivial operators. For the minimal models, the lowest nonzero operator dimension is \(\Delta_1=3/4(p+1)(p+2)\) (for \(p\ge 2\)), and for \(SU(2)_k\) WZW it is \(\Delta_1=3/4(k+2)\). Thus this works for any positive lower bound. Why should this particular bound lead to finiteness more generally? To see this, first note that both of our examples are associated with limits in which the diameter of the target space becomes large. The infinite series of WZW models arises from a \(\bbZ\)-valued topological choice (the quantization of the WZW coefficient \(k\) is topological). In fact the metric at the conformal fixed point is proportional to the WZW term, so this is a large target space limit. As for the minimal models, they can be identified as the multicritical points of a theory of a real scalar field \(\phi\), in other words one takes a polynomial potential \(V_p\) of degree \(2p\) with lower order coefficients tuned to achieve the largest central charge at the IR fixed point. Intuitively we can think of the potential as confining the scalar field to an interval of length \(L\) (defined using the metric on field space). The most relevant operator is then \(\phi\). Now, as \(c\rightarrow 1\) the theory becomes semiclassical and the dimension of \(\phi\) approaches that of a free boson, \(\Delta \sim 1/L^2\). Again we need \(L \sim p \rightarrow \infty\) to reproduce the series of dimensions. We conjecture that this relation is more general, so any infinite series will be associated to a limit of large target space diameter. This turns the finiteness question into finiteness for a sequence of target spaces with bounded dimension. As discussed in, this finiteness follows from Cheeger's theorem under the assumption of upper bounded curvature (so, perturbation theory is good) and lower bounded diameter. Now the leading perturbative estimate for the lowest nonzero operator dimension is the lowest nonzero eigenvalue of the scalar Laplacian \(\lambda_1\), and this is related to the diameter of the target space as \(\lambda_1\sim 1/\mbox{diameter}^2\). Thus, if this operator is in the spectrum, any positive lower bound \(\Delta_1\ge \Delta_{min}>0\) will work.[^29] Note that imposing this bound makes the conjecture weaker. For example, it then does not directly imply that there is a finite number of Calabi-Yau threefolds, but it does imply that if there is an infinite series of these then the gap \(\Delta\rightarrow 0\). Since the Ricci flatness condition is scale invariant, one cannot say that the diameters go to infinity (after all these are controlled by a Kähler modulus). But presumably if we consider an infinite sequence with bounded diameter, the maximal Riemann curvature would grow without limit. There is also a relation to the distance conjectures of Refs. (and of earlier work cited there). Granting these conjectures, the lower bound on operator dimensions excludes any infinite distance limit along a conformal manifold (varying marginal couplings). This resonates with our previous discussion and is helpful as such infinite distance limits could be a source of non-tame behavior. The conjectures formulated in Refs. do not directly address discrete series of theories, but perhaps this could be done with a more general definition of distance as in. Just as we conjectured in §[5.1](#sec:o-minQFTs){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minQFTs"} that the structure \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}2}\) does not depend on the particular (sufficiently large) upper bound on the central charge, so too we conjecture that we get the same structure \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}2}\) for any (sufficiently small) lower bound \(\Delta_{\rm min}>0\). A physical argument is that the large volume limit is weakly coupled (from the \(2\)-dimensional point of view) and shares the simplicity of weak coupling limits. While we have seen in part I that a possible choice for \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}2}\) is \(\bbR_{\rm an,exp}\), we have seen evidence in §[4.4](#sec:tameCFTobservables){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tameCFTobservables"} that one needs to go beyond this structure. We leave this as an open question for future research. ### Boundary CFT in \(d=2\) {#boundary-cft-in-d2 .unnumbered} One can make a parallel discussion of boundary conditions in a fixed 2d CFT. Now it is natural to put an upper bound on the boundary entropy. This directly controls the spacetime volume and also solves the problem mentioned in §[5.1](#sec:o-minQFTs){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:o-minQFTs"} that there are an infinite number of topological classes for the gauge field, as the boundary entropy grows with the field strength (in D-brane language it is the world-volume tension, given by the Born-Infeld action). ### Issues in \(d\ge 3\)--discrete gauge symmetry {#issues-in-dge-3discrete-gauge-symmetry .unnumbered} Let us now turn to [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) (b). In higher-dimensional CFTs one can make a very similar conjecture to the \(d=2\) case, but these spaces of CFTs are less well understood. Let us discuss some examples which illustrate new points which arise. First, consider a theory with a \(U(1)\) global symmetry group \(G\). For definiteness we will consider two examples, \(M_1=S^1\) with the shift symmetry \(\phi\rightarrow\phi+\theta\), and \(M_2=\bbC\) with the rotational symmetry \(\phi\rightarrow e^{i\theta}\phi\). Now \(\bbZ_p\subset G\) and thus we can quotient (discrete gauge) \(M\) by \(\bbZ_p\). What about these infinite series? Of course the quotients \(S^1/\bbZ_p\) are nothing new--they are circles of reduced radius \(R\rightarrow R/p\). Thus they form part of a connected moduli space and lead to no problems. But since the new target spaces are smaller, this infinite series does not seem to respect our intuition that infinite series are associated with growing target spaces and a vanishing gap. The resolution of this in \(d=2\) is familiar. It is that there are winding states with operator dimension \(R^2/p^2\) (in appropriate units) and the gap does vanish. Even if we did not have this geometric intuition, we would discover this once we added twist sectors to obtain a modular invariant theory. Very generally, discrete gauge symmetry leads to sectors with periodic boundary conditions twisted by a gauge transformation, and in this case these are the winding states. What happens to this argument in \(d>2\) ? The direct analog of the \(d=2\) twist sectors are present, but only for a state defined on a noncontractable spatial slice, such as \(S^1 \times X\). These are associated with operators of codimension \(2\), and are nonlocal in \(d>2\), so do not enter directly into the definition of the gap. While the \(M_1=S^1/\bbZ_p\) example is still no problem, now the \(M_2=\bbC/\bbZ_p\) series of theories seems to provide a infinite series without a vanishing gap (the noncompactness of \(M_2\) is not a problem in \(d>2\)). If this is so, then to save the conjecture we need to place another condition which takes care of the infinite series that arise from these theories. We have done this in [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) (b). Alternatively, one might put a condition the related \(d=2\) theory obtained by compactification on \(S^1\) and in which there will also be conventional point-like operators of low dimension. A problem with this is that the compactified theory is only a CFT in the IR so there is an implicit use of the RG in this proposal. This would make it hard to use and does not sound right. A promising direction is to replace the equivalence relation in [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) (b), to include a condition on extended states. More precisely, we can interpret the twist operators as creating extended states, not present in the usual perturbative discussion, and study the dimensions (radial energies) of these states. It could be that these states actually have small energy \(\Delta=(d-2)/2+\cO(1/p)\), in which case a gap condition would again suffice to remove non-tame infinite series of theories. ### Issues in \(d= 3\)--Chern-Simons terms {#issues-in-d-3chern-simons-terms .unnumbered} Another infinite series specific to \(d=3\) is the series of integral values of a Chern-Simons coupling. Such a set of theories could still be tame under our definitions if placing an upper bound on the free energy on \(S^3\) removes all but a finite number. This question does not seem to have been explicitly addressed in the literature and we study it in examples in Appendix A. We find that it is indeed the case, for two reasons. First, while it seems evident that \(F\sim N^2\) could bound the allowed values of \(N\), one might worry about infinite series in \(k\). But at fixed \(N\), the \(U(1)_k\) and \(SU(N)_k\) pure CS theories have \(F \sim \log k\). More generally, we will see that the leading behavior is \(F \sim \min(N,k)^2\log(N+k)\). Second, once we know that the pure CS theories are bounded, then if the additional contribution of matter to \(F\) is positive, adding matter can only reduce the number of theories satisfying a given bound. Now according to the F-theorem, an ungauged matter theory must have a positive free energy. This is less obvious for the interacting theory but it is the case for the conjectured exact results. ### Geometric picture in \(d\ge 3\) {#geometric-picture-in-dge-3 .unnumbered} As we discussed earlier, the geometric picture relevant to \(d>2\) QFT is that of singularity theory. Often the vacuum moduli space is a cone over an space \(X\) and thus one can look at geometry of \(X\). This is particularly true in AdS/CFT where the vacuum moduli space is \(X^N/S_N\) or a deformation of this. If we restrict attention to theories with geometric duals, we can make contact with finiteness results for these. There are general arguments in Ref. which relate to a number of examples we discussed. One basic phenomenon is that reducing the volume of \(X\) increases the AdS radius and thus the number of degrees of freedom of the dual CFT. This removes infinite series produced by quotienting by discrete symmetries. Consider the supersymmetric orbifolds of maximal super Yang-Mills, for example the \(\bbC^2/\bbZ_p\) orbifolds studied in and many subsequent works. These are quiver theories with 8 supercharges and \(O(N^2 p)\) degrees of freedom, manifestly at weak coupling, and also in strong coupling by AdS/CFT. As another example, many CFT3's with geometric duals can be understood as theories of M2-branes probing singularities. For example the ABJM theories arise as probes of \(\bbC^4/\bbZ_k\) and are dual to \(AdS_4\times S^7/\bbZ_k\). The parameter \(k\) becomes the Chern-Simons level \(k\) in the dual, and now the effect of the quotient on the central charge is another example of the phenomena we discussed in the previous subsection. In a different direction, one could go on to conjecture that for \(d>2\), the vacuum moduli space \(\cS\) of each such CFT is definable in an o-minimal structure. Since general expectation values break conformal symmetry, this brings us to our next topic. ## Arguments from microscopic definitions Ideally one would prove tameness statements by starting with a space \(\hat{\mathcal{T}}\) of "pre-theories" with a simple definition, embedding the theory space \(\mathcal{T}\) in \(\hat{\mathcal{T}}\), and then showing that \(\hat{\mathcal{T}}\) and the embedding are tame. To illustrate this approach, let us outline a strategy for proving the tameness of a space of CFTs, based on conjecture 2 of. This conjecture states that all \(d=2\) CFTs with central charge less than a given upper bound \(c\) can be obtained as RG flows from a sum of free CFTs and WZW models with at most \(N(c)\) factors. A generalization to \(d\ge 2\) is to take \(\hat{\mathcal{T}}\) to be a space of asymptotically free theories which can be defined in the UV using resummed perturbation theory, in terms of a fixed number \(N\) of UV fields. This space is parameterized by the couplings \(g\) in the UV Lagrangian, so it is plausible that we could define a tame region \(\mathcal {T}\subset\hat{\mathcal{T}}\) as the region (schematically) \(||g||< 1\). We would then need to prove that every CFT with \(c\le c(N)\) can be obtained by RG flow from \(\mathcal {T}\), and that this RG flow map is tame. Another strategy might be based on the conformal bootstrap. Thus, we hypothesize (as in conjecture 1 of ) that given \(c\), there is some \(h(c)\) such that the spectrum and three point functions for all operators of dimension up to \(h(c)\) uniquely determines the theory; this data then defines a point in \(\hat {\mathcal {T}}\). Further assuming an upper bound \(N(c)\) on the number of these operators, we might somehow show that \(\hat {\mathcal {T}}\) is tame; the bootstrap inequalities then (being finite in number) mark out a tame subset of true CFT's \(\mathcal {T}\subset\hat{\mathcal{T}}\). # Conclusions In this work we formulated a procedure by which, given a family (or set) of QFTs \(\cT\), and "computations" of a definite set of their observables, namely partition and correlation functions, one can derive a structure \(\bbR_\cT\) (as defined in §[3](#sec:structureQFT){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:structureQFT"}). This new perspective uses basic ideas from first order logic in which a structure provides a language to formulate logical statements, which in our case are statements about the family of physical theories and their observables. The structure \(\bbR_\cT\) can admit various general mathematical properties. Central to this work was a property called o-minimality or tameness, which imposes an intricate finiteness condition on the structure. In particular, observables in o-minimal structures cannot have too wild behavior and very general questions about these have finite answers. Showing that the structure defined by a set of QFTs is o-minimal is a very general way to answer finiteness questions studied in physics--of number of components of their parameter space and space of vacua, of the number of critical points, or about other structure of observables. The quote marks around "computations" above is meant to indicate that one does not need exact results to derive a QFT structure, only general statements about what types of correlation functions arise and what structures they live in. In some cases it suffices just to know the domain of definition of the functions (in other words the location of their singularities) to identify a structure. The mathematical literature contains many examples for interesting classes of structures, statements that large classes of functions live in particular structures, and proofs that certain structures are o-minimal. The framework is compositional, so that if one knows that subsets of the correlation functions each live in particular structures one can use this information to constrain or even derive the union structure. For all of these reasons, and especially because many challenging problems in mathematics have been solved using these techniques, we believe the problem of deriving the structures associated to particular classes of QFTs will be far more tractable than exactly solving the theories or any of the other existing approaches to studying "theory spaces". Our definition of a structure consisted of two steps. First, we carefully selected theory spaces and sets of Euclidean spacetimes which can be described using tame sets and functions of some o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\). Second, we extended this structure by adding observables of these tame theories on the tame spacetimes and claimed that the o-minimality property is preserved for the resulting larger structure. In one well known approach to Lagrangian QFTs, the observables are certain path integrals summing up intermediate configurations. Evaluating such integrals is an art and often requires intricate physical reasoning. It is unlikely that all necessary concepts to perform these integrals are definable in an o-minimal structure. Our claim is different; namely, we claim that in certain settings we expect that the physical answers can be added to an o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}^{\rm def}\) resulting in a (possibly larger) o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{\cT,\cS}\). Note that this claim can be viewed as a generalization of a mathematics conjecture (see [Conjecture 1](#Conjecture1)) that adding ordinary integrals to an o-minimal structure preserves o-minimality. As already stressed in part I and in we expect that tameness depends on the UV properties of the considered theories. Conformal field theories are a natural setup in which we expect tameness to be generally realized. This has lead us to propose two concrete conjectures. The first, [Conjecture 4](#Conjecture4), asserts that observables of tame sets of CFTs are tame, while the second, [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5), claims that sets of \(d\)-dimensional CFTs satisfying certain precise conditions (most notably a bound on the number of degrees of freedom) are tame. We have motivated the tameness of CFT observables by examining the spacial functions arising in specific CFT examples and in the general conformal partial wave expansion of correlators. For the tameness of sets of CFTs, we highlighted some particularly challenging examples, like 3d Chern-Simons theories, and showed that infinite discrete choices are avoided. While our evidence is non-trivial, it is desirable to more systematically investigate examples or even prove the conjectures using the axiomatic approach to CFTs. Whether or not there exists a maximal o-minimal structure \(\bbR_{{\rm CFT}d}\) that allows to define all sets of CFTs specified in [Conjecture 5](#Conjecture5) and their observables remains as another interesting open question for future work. While this possibility is appealing, the general theory of o-minimal structures also allows for complicated webs of structures that are not unified in a maximal one. In our study of CFTs we have highlighted that the proposed tameness can lead to interesting consequences when combined with known properties of observables. Our reasoning was that if we know the functional dependence of CFT observables, say on the conformal dimensions of operators, and can argue that it is non-tame when freely probing the domains of those functions, then we must be missing constraints that ensure tameness. For example, we have seen that under certain assumptions the parametric separation of two operator dimensions can lead to non-tame behaviour and therefore should be prohibited. Arguments of this type can be the basis of many future investigations and will allow for establishing links to previously suggested swampland conjectures. While tameness at first might not seem very powerful, we expect it to have a rich set of implications when combined with other, possibly known, properties of a theory. We have also considered effective theories that can be consistently coupled to quantum gravity in [Conjecture 2](#Conjecture2) and [Conjecture 3](#Conjecture3). Again we have made claims about the tameness both of the theory space and the space of observables. In this case, the unifying o-minimal structure for a \(d\)-dimensional theory was denoted by \(\bbR_{{\rm EFT}d}\) and, at least in its definition, depends on the cutoff energy below which the considered theories in \(\cT_{{\rm EFT}d}\) are valid. As it is common to all conjectures dealing with consistency with quantum gravity, also [Conjectures 2](#Conjecture2) and [3](#Conjecture3) are highly speculative and eventual proofs hinge on gaining a better understanding of quantum gravity itself. Nevertheless, the conjecture can be falsified if effective theories derived, for example, within string theory violate tameness. While no such examples are known to us, it is desirable to extend the search and specifically look for possibly non-tame observables within string theory. Clearly, it is also an open question whether there exists a maximal o-minimal structure capturing all effective theories that arise from string theory. Let us close by mentioning some of the possible further applications of our construction. As stressed in the conclusion of part I, we expect that some of the recent mathematical theorems using o-minimal structures will find direct applications to physical systems. In particular, some of the recent results, see e.g. , can be read as linking relations among observables of a theory to symmetries of its formulation. Focusing on the theory space, one can aim to extend the finiteness results of to larger classes of QFTs, EFTs, string compactifications and quantum gravity theories. Another is to provide an invariant which can be used to distinguish sets of QFTs, by showing that they give rise to different o-minimal structures. A related idea is to show that a proposed computational technique would not suffice to solve a given class of QFTs, by arguing that all the functions which can be produced by this technique generate a structure which does not define all the correlation functions of the QFTs.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:13', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04275', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04275'}
# Introduction {#sec:intro} The *James Webb Space Telescope* (*JWST*) is quickly revolutionizing our view of the distant Universe and our understanding of when and how galaxy formation occurred at the earliest times. One of its key capabilities is the ability to find and study high redshift galaxies, perhaps even up to \(z = 20\). These galaxies are extremely faint and the limitations of past ground-and space-based telescopes have meant galaxies at redshifts greater than around 11 have been nigh impossible to observe. With *JWST*'s immense near-infrared sensitivity, we are now able to observe and study such galaxies in unprecedented detail. Incredibly as it may seem at writing, to date the publicly available *JWST* data has not yet exceeded the *Hubble Space Telescope* (*HST*) in terms of depth. Therefore it remains possible, or even likely, that there are many galaxies waiting to be discovered below the typical depths reached to date. *JWST* is designed to observe primarily in the infrared region, whilst *HST* observes primarily in visible and ultraviolet light. Most of the discoveries of distant galaxies thus far are due to this redder coverage, rather than any exceptional depth. However, *JWST* has a much larger primary mirror than *HST* that is over 2.5 times larger in diameter. This provides an ability to probe deeper in the Universe than Hubble, and thus far has been an aspect of the parameter space that has not been explored in any detail beyond examples of gravitational lensing or the limited publications from ultra-deep GTO programmes . However, the NGDEEP project, which contains a deep NIRCam pointing of the one of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field parallel fields, provides the first opportunity to explore the Universe at an intrinsic depth greater than what Hubble has done to date. There are many reasons for probing the Universe at a deeper depth than we currently have with existing *JWST* programs. One reason is that based on early *JWST* data it appears that there may indeed be many more galaxies than expected during this epoch of reionization and beyond. These early results demonstrate that we are finding candidate galaxies upwards of \(z>12\). Some of these galaxies have possible confirmed spectroscopic redshifts using NIRSpec observations. Although no firm conclusions regarding this are available, it is clear that more data is required to address this problem. As part of the parallel observations of the NGDEEP program, whose primary target is NIRISS spectroscopy of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF), one of the parallel fields of the UDF (Par-2) has been observed longer and deeper than any public field to date with NIRCam. As such, this gives an excellent opportunity to probe the Universe deeper than we have been able to do to date with *JWST*. In this paper, we present the results of these new observations of high redshift galaxies using this deepest data to date taken with *JWST* as part of the NGDEEP observations. Based on this deep NIRCam imaging, we have discovered 18 high-z galaxies from \(8 < z < 16\) and we present in this paper an examination of their properties in some detail. These properties include, beyond the discovery and measured redshifts of these galaxies, their stellar masses, UV slopes as well as their star formation rates. We discuss how these quantities are measured and compare with previous JWST results for shallower fields. We find that these observations and follow up ones of similar deep fields are revealing new insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies at the very earliest times. These observations are thus a key aspect towards understanding how galaxy formation progressed, the first time galaxies and stars formed and initial aspects which drive the onset of star formation. We also discuss the implications of our findings for current theories of galaxy formation and evolution and what role they may play in reionizing the Universe. The structure of the remainder of this paper is as follows. In Section [2](#sec:data){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:data"}, we describe the NGDEEP observations and our reduction, including problems we faced with this unique data set due to its depth. We also describe the data products derived from this new data set which we have created. In Section [2.3](#sec:method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method"} we describe our selection procedure undertaken to define a robust sample of galaxies with redshifts \(z > 8\). In Section 3 we present an analysis of the properties of the galaxies we have found. We discuss our results in the context of previous studies and theory in Section 4, and we present a summary of our findings in Section [5](#sec:conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusions"}. Throughout this work, we assume a standard cosmology with \(H_0=70\) km s\(^{-1}\) Mpc\(^{-1}\), \(\Omega_{\rm M}=0.3\) and \(\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.7\) to allow for ease of comparison with other observational studies. All magnitudes listed follow the AB magnitude system. # Data {#sec:data} The Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public (NGDEEP[^1], PID: 2079, PIs: S.Finkelstein, Papovich and Pirzkal) Survey is a public ultra-deep field which was planned for observations in late-January/early-February of 2023. Papers from the NGDEEP team themselves include Bagley et al. (2023, in prep) for the survey parameters and G. Leung et al. (2023, in prep) for the NIRCam data description. The primary observation consists of NIRISS Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy of galaxies within the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. Due to a temporary observation suspension of NIRISS during the observation window of the survey, only 50 per cent of observations were taken, with the 2nd half expected in early 2024. Even with this limitation, NGDEEP's NIRCam data in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field Parallel 2 (HUDF-Par2) is the single deepest public NIRCam observation undertaken in the first 12 months of *JWST*'s operations. These NIRCam observations consist of 6 wide-band NIRCam photometry in 3 short wavelength (SW; F115W, F150W, F200W) and 3 long wavelength (LW; F277W, F356W, F444W) filters. These were taken over 98 ks (F115W), 93 ks (F444W), and 30--42 ks (F150W, F200W, F277W and F356W), of exposure from a combination of SHALLOW4 and DEEP8 readout patterns. Below we describe the data reduction procedures we use as well as the method for finding the high redshift galaxies in this field. ## Data Reduction Process We use our own data reduction pipeline first presented in. Our process consists of running the standard *JWST* pipeline with some minor modifications (pipeline version 1.8.2 and calibration pmap 0995). Between Stages 1 and 2 of the pipeline we apply a correction for 1/F noise and subtract templates of artefacts known as 'wisps' from the F150W and F200W imaging. For Stage 2, background subtraction is turned off and replaced with our own 2-dimensional subtraction using `photutils`. The images are aligned by using 11 objects that lie within the NIRCam footprint cross matched to the GAIA DR3 database. We note the number of GAIA stars in the field is small, therefore further refinement of the WCS is likely required (e.g. by comparing with wider field *HST* or ground-based data) when considering potential follow-up of these sources with precise instruments like NIRSpec. To ensure all NIRCam imaging is self aligned, we further tweak the WCS of the images to align the brightest 200 objects in the field, using the F444W band as the baseline for this. The NGDEEP observations are split into three visits, we find that Visit 3 has a WCS error of approximately 0.7 arcseconds. This resulted in a F200W image offset from the others by 0.7 arcseconds, and a F356W image which containing duplicate objects because its observations were split over multiple visits (such a WCS fault has previously been reported in PRIMER visit 20 of the COSMOS-2 field). We subsequently process Visit 1 and 2 images of F356W together and Visit 3 separately. We then correct the Visit 3 WCS to match the combined Visit 1 and 2 images before stacking these two mosaics together to form the final image (see ). For the F115W filter, the data volume is large and the final stage of the *JWST* pipeline struggled to process it. We subsequently split this field into three, equal sized chunks for processing and stacked the final results at the end. Due to the depths reached in our reduction, the F150W and F200W filters appear to be limited by the quality of wisp artefact templates that are available. Through experimentation, we discovered that using the initial wisp templates generated by STScI staff in mid 2022 resulted in the affected band having an elevated background noise originating from the templates themselves. This left these modules (particularly module A4 and B3) up to 1 magnitude shallower than the modules that do not require a wisp correction. Upgrading the wisp templates to those released at the end of 2022 resulted in a 0.15-0.2 magnitude improvement in the depths, but indications are that these bands are still limited by the wisp removal process and further fine tuning will be needed in the future. ### Source Extraction To locate galaxies we then run `SExtractor` with the parameters described in to obtain forced photometry using F444W as the selection band. We use 0.16 arcsecond radius circular apertures and correct this using models of the PSF from `WebbPSF`Ṫhis both allows us to observe any potential high-z galaxies whilst retaining faint, lower redshift, blue galaxies due to the low signal requirement of `SExtractor` to extract the source. After the images have passed through our full *JWST* reduction pipeline, we manually mask the shallower outer edges of the image (approx 150 pixels deep), the NIRCam detector gap in the F115W images as well as prominent stellar diffraction spikes and large foreground extended sources which may introduce contaminant flux or false detections. We find that the total unmasked area is \(6.32~\mathrm{arcmin}^2\). ### Depth Calculation We calculate local depths by placing empty 0.32 arcsec diameter apertures at an approximately constant density in the blank regions of sky in each band, as determined by both our image mask and `SExtractor` segmentation map. Taking the closest 200 apertures to each source in our `SExtractor` catalogue, we re-calculate our photometric errors as the normalized median absolute deviation (NMAD) of the aperture fluxes to include the correlated noise between image pixels, leaving a minimum 5% error to account for future potential zero-point (ZP) issues and other biases. We calculate the average depth over sub-regions of the NGDEEP field by averaging the local depths measured for sources within those regions. A breakdown of these measurements is presented in . To estimate how much deeper our data is compared to previous surveys we have compared in Figure [\[fig:ncounts\]](#fig:ncounts){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ncounts"} the number counts in the F277W band with the GLASS, CEERS and SMACS 0723 fields. As can be seen, there are some differences in the number counts between these different fields, in part due to cosmic variance. However, it can also be seen that the NGDEEP field is half a magnitude deeper in these number counts than in these previously released data. ## Photometric redshifts We use the `LePhare` and `EAZY` SED fitting codes to determine redshifts, as well as the size of the Lyman-break as well the significance of detections in various bands. We outline the set-up of `LePhare` and `EAZY` below. ### LePhare To calculate preliminary photo-zs, we run our photometric catalogue with updated local-depth errors through the `LePhare` SED fitting code. We use the BC03 stellar population synthesis (SPS) template set with both exponentially decaying and constant star formation histories (SFHs) with 10 characteristic timescales between \(0.1<\tau<30~\mathrm{Gyr}\), and 57 different ages between 0 and 13 Gyr, with fixed metallicities \(Z=\{0.2,~1.0\}~\mathrm{Z}_{\odot}\). The redshift range allowed is \(0<z<25\), and we apply dust extinction to these templates up to \(E(B-V)<3.5\) in order account for potential dusty lower-z contaminants. Attenuation from the inter-galactic medium (IGM) follows the treatment derived in. `LePhare`'s emission line treatment is also turned on. ### EAZY We use a a second SED-fitting tool, `EAZY` to confirm our photometric redshifts. We use the default Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis (FSPS) templates (tweak_fsps_QSF_12_v3), along with 6 additional templates from. These templates have been shown to better reproduce the blue colors and \(\beta\) slopes of high-z galaxies. The FSPS templates also include a better treatment of emission lines than the BC03 templates, as some high-z galaxies have been shown to have high equivalent width (EW) emission lines, which can boost photometric measurements by as much as a magnitude. ## Sample selection {#sec:method} Based on these photo-zs we select galaxies using a tiered system to determine "robust" and "good" galaxy candidates. The criteria for inclusion in these samples are: (1) The galaxy must be \(5\sigma\) detected in the 2 bands immediately redward of the inferred Lyman-break and less than \(3\sigma\) detected in the bands bluewards of the Lyman break. (2) The integrated probability density function across the primary peak must include more than 60% percent of the total probability, integrated over \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10% of the photometric redshift. (3) Any secondary, low-redshift solution, must have a peak probability \(<50\%\) of the primary solution. (4) The primary fit must have a \(\chi^2_{\mathrm{red}} < 3 (6)\) to be considered robust (good). (5) The above criteria are cross-checked with the results using the second photo-z code `EAZY`. In addition, we remove any potential hot pixels from our sample by comparing the `SExtractor` FLUX_RADIUS parameter to simulated `WebbPSF` PSFs in each band, removing sources that are considerably smaller than the NIRCam PSF FWHMs. Such artefacts in the red NIRCam modules can mimic \(z=16-20\) photometry. A summary of our NGDEEP galaxy samples, including photometry, photo-z's and galaxy properties is shown in . Template fits, images in different bands, and the probability distributions of redshifts are shown in [^2]. Likewise we show the distribution of F277W magnitudes for our sample in . What we find is that many of our new galaxies are fainter than other previous systems. This is already revealing that these systems are of a different nature than the brighter galaxies seen in previous surveys. Due to the lack of F090W in the NGDEEP photometry, and without the inclusion of deep *HST* Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) data at 0.6 and 0.8 microns, this work is limited to galaxies at \(z>8.5\). The future inclusion of the deep *HST* ACS data will enable for lower redshift sources to be studied in greater detail, including faint \(z=4-5\) sources whose Balmer breaks may mimic Lyman breaks in shallower *JWST* fields. ### Comparisons to early HUDF work We compare our output catalogues with the \(z=8\) sources identified in the work of. While these sources do not meet our strict selection criteria (due to the Lyman break being located within the F115W band), NIRCam observations may be able to validate the *HST*-based redshift estimations for sources that overlap. We cross match all sources within a search radius of 1 arcsecond and examine those with F150W magnitudes close to that of the original *HST* \(H_{160}\) band measurements. We obtain 6 total successful cross-matches where redshifts agree. Of these, UDF092y-03781204 has a NIRCam redshift of \(z=8.15\), UDF092y-03751196 has a redshift of \(z=7.30\), UDF092y-03391003 has a redshift of \(z=8.37\), UDF092y-04242094 has a redshift \(z=8.99\), UDF092y-06391247 has a redshift of \(z=8.50\), UDF092y-03811034 has a redshfit of \(z=8.30\). There are further two sources which lie on the border of our masks and have NIRCam redshifts which do not agree, though this likely due to contamination and breaks too mild in F115W, leading to degeneracies with lower-z Balmer break solutions. ### Comparisons to The MIRI Deep Survey The NIRCam NGDEEP observations are not the first to be conducted in the HUDF-Par2 field. The MIRI Deep Survey (PID: 1283, PI's Hans Ulrik Nørgaard-Nielsen, Göran Östlin) has conducted a 4 band NIRCam survey to depths just deeper than magnitude 30. They have reported 45 candidate high-z galaxies, of which around 18 of these are found to have counterparts in our catalogues (this is due to the partial overlap of NGDEEP and MIRI-DS footprints). We find only one of these galaxies enters our final sample, largely due to the low luminosities of the sample failing our 5\(\sigma\) selection criteria with very poor SED fits. The brightest source in the overlap region (MDS011049, our NGD-z11a) is successfully recovered with a redshift of \(z=11.10^{+0.31}_{-0.46}\) compared to the first published redshift of \(z=9.4^{+0.1}_{-0.2}\). Our higher redshift estimate is likely due to the addition of the F200W band in our study, which has a bright measured flux relative to the F150W band, indicating the Lyman break is located partially through the F150W band and not bluewards of the band. We also find that we measure what may be a Balmer break or extreme \[O iii\]/H\(\beta\) emission for four faint, cross-matched galaxies in the F444W band, providing redshifts that are uncertain but do agree with. These objects are MDS015081, MDS017690, MDS018332 and MDS030229 between redshifts of \(8<z<11\). However, none of our highest redshift galaxies are in this MIRI-DS GTO catalog paper. # Discussion A source of early debate within the high-redshift community was with regards to the stellar masses of some high redshift candidates. In particular, galaxies with redshifts greater than \(z>9\) were found to have stellar masses of up to \(10^{11}~\mathrm{M}_{\odot}\). Such high stellar masses raise tension with the \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmological model. The stellar masses obtained in this study are generally much lower and in the regime of \(10^{8}~\mathrm{M}_{\odot}\), we compare these to the cosmological estimations for the most massive galaxies expected in *JWST*-like survey volumes. Both our highest redshift source and most massive source sit comfortably within the \(1\sigma\) and \(2\sigma\) regions respectively of these models. Subsequently, the physical properties we measure for these sources show no significant tension with such cosmological models. In terms of other simulations, the stellar masses derived here are in agreement with the results of Astraeus, the largest simulation fully coupling galaxy formation and reionization. This is such that the most massive galaxy we find at \(z=9\) seems to hint at the region being slightly over-dense (by about 10%), as seen from predictions of JWST-JADES surveys accounting for the impact of cosmic variance. In terms of the number of expected galaxies at our depths and assuming the UV Luminosity Function follows that of recent observations, we integrate these UV LF's to predict the number of galaxies that would be expected from NGDEEP at \(z=9\) and \(z=10\). We find that the number of galaxies identified is broadly consistent with these predictions from past studies (5-8 galaxies at \(z=9\) and 1-3 galaxies at \(z=10\)), indicating that NGDEEP is not extremely over-or under-dense. This also shows that there may not be a large evolution in the luminosity function at fainter absolute magnitudes. We also conduct the same simple experiment using the high redshift simulation FLARES, which estimates the form of the UV LF back to \(z=10\) using weighted regions of overdense and underdense cosmological volumes. Using the better fit double power-law results, these UV LF's estimate within our area 8 galaxies at \(8.5<z<9.5\) and 3 galaxies at \(9.5<z<10.5\), identical to the number of sources measured here. A full measure of the UV LF using NGDEEP will be conducted once the image processing is finalised and a full completeness and contamination analysis conducted. We also compare our derived numbers to results from the Delphi semi-analytic model which fully couples the key dust mechanisms (of production, destruction, astration, ejection and grain growth) with galaxy formation at these early epochs. Crucially, this model has been fully baselined against the latest Atacama Large millimeter Array (ALMA) dust estimates at \(z \sim 7\). Accounting for the redshift-dependent impact of dust attenuation, this model predicts 12 and 4 galaxies brighter than a magnitude of 29.5 at \(z \geq 10\) and 12, respectively. These numbers are in excellent agreement with our derived values in this work. Thus, unlike in some other studies, we do not see an obvious problem within this deep, but small, field in terms of comparisons to CDM based cosmological models. In terms of star formation rates amongst our sample, NGD-z9a shows a much higher SFR (\(209.18~\mathrm{M}_{\odot}\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)) than other galaxies in our sample. One explanation for this high SFR is that it could include an AGN contribution. Further sub-mm observations (e.g. ALMA) could provide far-infrared information to make this clear. In addition, we believe that the neighbouring bright source may be increasing its Kron radius, meaning that we are likely over-correcting using the currently implemented FLUX_AUTO to aperture corrected FLUX_APER ratio, which will boost both the mass and SFR of this source. The scale of this correction is currently half a dex. # Summary and Conclusions {#sec:conclusions} We provide in this paper a first view and analysis of the galaxies found within the NGDEEP field, which will be the deepest public NIRCam imaging set once complete. We find 18 \(8 < z < 16\) galaxies through our bespoke reduction, analysis and selection methods identified using two different photometric redshift codes; `LePhare` and `EAZY`. Even though incomplete in terms of its depth, the NGDEEP survey has allowed us to identify galaxies with low inferred stellar mass. These galaxies provide a new window into the early Universe, allowing us to study the formation and evolution of galaxies as well as increase our understanding of the faintest and most distant objects in the Universe. Our major conclusions can be summarized as follows. We find a significant number of low mass dwarf galaxies with \(M_{*} < 10^{8.5}\) M\(_{\odot}\,\). One of our objects is at \(z=15.57^{+0.39}_{-0.38}\), which we find has a blue UV slope of \(\beta=-3.25^{+0.41}_{-0.46}\) and a stellar mass of \(M_{*} = 10^{7.39}\) M\(_{\odot}\,\). The majority of the galaxies in this field are faint, low-mass galaxies, at \(z \sim 9\) that have blue colors and UV slopes. We find in general that these galaxies all have flat surface brightness profiles and are small with \(R_\mathrm{e}< 1\) kpc. Thus our major finding is that there is a significant population of low mass and low luminosity galaxies in the epoch of reionization that we are just now beginning to be able to study with *JWST*. Future studies will determine the contribution of these populations to the UV flux at high redshift and its contribution to reionization. The discovery of these distant galaxies is a major step forward in our understanding of the Universe and its history, and the information gathered by deep NIRCam *JWST* will be crucial in furthering our knowledge of the early Universe and the processes that shaped it.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-14T02:34:12', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04270', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04270'}
# Introduction Quasar host galaxies are among the first massive galaxies emerging from the dark ages (\(z\gsim6\)). They host black holes with masses that can exceed \(10^9\) M\(_\odot\). They often form stars at high rates. Immense gaseous reservoirs (\(M_{\rm H2}\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)>\(}} 10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\)) fuel this intense nuclear and star formation activity . The luminosity of emission lines associated with heavy elements and ions in the broad-line region, as well as the presence of large reservoirs of dust in the interstellar medium indicate that these galaxies are already highly metal--enriched. The mass, star formation rate, and metallicity of these early quasar host galaxies exceed by orders of magnitudes those of typical star--forming galaxies at \(z>6\). In this respect, quasar host galaxies are arguably the most active and some of the most evolved objects emerging from the dark ages. They represent a challenge for models of early black hole and galaxy coexistence. Characterizing their early growth is therefore a mandatory step to understand how first massive galaxies formed. Direct observations of the starlight in quasar host galaxies at \(z\gsim6\) are hindered by the unfavorable contrast against the bright nuclear emission from the quasar, and by a combination of redshift and dust obscuration that suppresses the observed rest-frame UV emission and shifts the rest-frame optical emission into the mid-infrared bands, where the atmosphere is opaque. These limitations also affect nebular gas tracers (the hydrogen Balmer lines: H\(\alpha\), H\(\beta\), H\(\gamma\), etc; ionized and neutral oxygen: \[O iii\] at 5008 Å, \[O ii\] at 3727 Å, \[O i\] at 6300 Å; ionized nitrogen \[N ii\] at 6584 Å; etc) and will only be effectively overcome by the *James Webb Space Telescope*. On the other hand, a wealth of information on the star--forming medium at \(z\gsim6\) is accessible nowadays at sub-mm and mm wavelengths. Rest-frame far--infrared (IR) gas tracers detected in distant quasar host galaxies include various rotational molecular transitions from, e.g., carbon monoxide, CO; water, H\(_2\)O; hydroxyl, OH. In addition, many key elements and ions have fine-structure transitions at these wavelengths, such as ionized carbon \[C ii\] at 158 \(\mu\)m; neutral carbon \[C i\] at 370 \(\mu\)m and 609 \(\mu\)m; ionized nitrogen \[N ii\] at 122 \(\mu\)m and 205 \(\mu\)m; ionized oxygen \[O iii\] at 52 and 88 \(\mu\)m; and neutral oxygen \[O i\] at 63 \(\mu\)m and 146 \(\mu\)m. Many of these lines have been detected in high--redshift galaxies over the last few years. Combinations of these emission lines can shed light on the gas mass in various phases of the interstellar medium (ISM; see, e.g., @ferkinhoff15 [@zanella18; @dunne21] and the review of @carilli13); on the star formation rate (SFR; see, e.g., @delooze14 [@herreracamus15; @herreracamus18]); on metallicity (\(Z\); see, e.g., @nagao12 [@peng21; @lamarche22]); on the gas density (\(n\)), on the origin of the excitation mechanism, and on the strength and hardness of the incident flux. While mapping individual clouds in multiple ISM tracers at high redshift is impossible even with the excellent sensitivity and angular resolution provided by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), galaxy--averaged observations of these tracers can shed light on global properties of the ISM (e.g., on the mass budget in the ionized, neutral, and molecular phases; on the contribution of the central quasar to the ISM excitation; and on the total metallicity of the galaxy; see, e.g., @romano23). In this work, we present a multi-line study of the star--forming medium in the host galaxy of the quasar PSO J183.1124+05.0926 (hereafter, PJ183+05; R.A.: 12:12:26.97, Dec.: +05:05:33.4) at \(z=6.4386\). This quasar was discovered by using color-color selections from the Pan-STARRS1 database, and follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations. The \[C ii\] luminosity in this source is the highest among 27 quasars at \(z>6\) surveyed in, and one of the highest from non-lensed sources currently known at any redshift. The quasar resides at a redshift that is convenient for observations of various far-infrared emission lines that fall in transparent windows of the atmosphere at \(z\approx 6.4\). We targeted a suite of lines sampling the molecular, neutral and ionized components of the ISM in PJ183+05. The structure of the paper is as follows: In Sec. [2](#sec_observations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_observations"} we present the observations and the data processing. In Sec. [3](#sec_analysis){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_analysis"}, we analyze the dataset. In Sec. [4](#sec_results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_results"} we infer physical quantities from the observed spectra, and discuss our findings. Finally, we draw our conclusions in Sec. [5](#sec_conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_conclusions"}. Throughout the paper we adopt a flat \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmology with \(H_0=70\) km s\(^{-1}\) Mpc\(^{-1}\), \(\Omega_{\rm m}=0.3\) and \(\Omega_{\Lambda}=0.7\). Within this cosmological framework, \(z=6.4386\) corresponds to a luminosity distance of \(D_{\rm L}=62671\) Mpc and an angular scale of 5.491 kpc per arcsec. # Observations and data reduction {#sec_observations} The dataset used in this project consists of the \[C ii\] 158 \(\mu\)m observations of PJ183+05 presented in (program ID: 2015.1.01115.S, PI: Walter); as well as data from a dedicated ALMA program (ID: 2016.1.00226.S, PI: Decarli). Observations were carried out in compact array configurations. Table [\[tab_obs\]](#tab_obs){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_obs"} summarizes the observations. Integration times ranged between 8 and 80 min in each frequency setting. The quasars J1229+0203 and J1222+0413 served as bandpass / pointing and phase calibrators, respectively. Ganymede was observed for flux calibration, with the exception of the band 8 observations for which the quasar J1229+0203 served as flux calibrator. We targeted the following fine--structure lines: \[C ii\] at 158 \(\mu\)m, \[N ii\] 122 \(\mu\)m, \[C i\] 370 \(\mu\)m, and \[O iii\] 88 \(\mu\)m. The \[O i\] 63 \(\mu\)m line was also scheduled for observations, but unfavorable weather conditions prevented the completion of the program within Cycle 4. In addition, we targeted four rotational lines from carbon monoxide: CO(7--6), CO(15--14), CO(16--15), and CO(19--18); the OH doublet at 163.1 and 163.4 \(\mu\)m; and five water vapor transitions: H\(_2\)O 4(3,2)--4(2,3), 4(0,4)--3(1,3), 3(3,1)--3(2,2), 3(3,1)--4(0,4), 3(0,3)--2(1,2)[^1]. Data were reduced and calibrated with the official ALMA pipeline in CASA. We imaged the measurement sets using natural weighting, in order to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio of line detections. The \[C ii\] data presented in was binned in 30 km s\(^{-1}\) channels. The other line observations presented here are binned in 90 km s\(^{-1}\) wide channels. The expected line width (\(\sim 375\) km s\(^{-1}\) from the analysis of the \[C ii\] data) is thus sampled in \(\sim4\) independent channels, while at the same time maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio in the lines. From each frequency setting, we create two cubes, corresponding to the lower and upper side bands. The cubes are cleaned to the 2-\(\sigma\) level, using cleaning masks on the quasar. Two-dimensional channel-by-channel fits of the quasar emission at 88 \(\mu\)m in the rest-frame revealed that the emission is spatially unresolved or only marginally resolved at \(>0.7''\) resolution emission presented in\]\[\]venemans20. Therefore, we extracted the spectra of the dust continuum and targeted lines in PJ183+05 on a single-pixel basis. The extracted spectra are shown in Fig. [\[fig_spec\]](#fig_spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_spec"}. ::: Solving the system of equations [\[eq_radtransf\]](#eq_radtransf){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_radtransf"} as a function of \(n\) and \(T_{\rm gas}\) allows us to determine the fraction of the electron population in each level. This is shown in Fig. [\[fig_fsl_model\]](#fig_fsl_model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_fsl_model"}. The line luminosity associated with an optically--thin transition is then: \[\label{eq_Lc_model} L_{ul}=n_u \, A_{ul} \,h\nu_{ul} V,\] where \(V\) is the total volume in Hii regions. Compared to the analysis of, e.g.,, we assume that all the ionizing photons contribute to the photoionization equilibrium, and that the sizes of the bubbles where O\(^{++}\), N\(^{+}\) and H\(^+\) reside are comparable. In sec. [4](#sec_results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_results"} we will discuss the impact of these assumptions. We assume that photoionization sets the abundance of ions. For a given template of the ionizing source, we can derive the number of photons emitted by the photoionizing source per unit time that are energetic enough to ionize different elements and ions. Namely, for a species X\(^{N}\) with \(N\) marking the ionization state (0=neutral, 1=first ionization, 2=second ionization, etc), we have that: \[\label{eq_Qdef} Q({\rm X}^{N})=\int_{\nu_{\rm ion}}^{\infty} \frac{L_\nu}{h \nu} d \nu\] and we define its net equivalent as the difference between the number of photons emitted per unit time that can photoionize X\(^N\) into X\(^{N+1}\) minus the photons that can photoionize X\(^{N+1}\) into X\(^{N+2}\): \[\label{eq_netQdef} Q^{\rm net}({\rm X}^{N})=Q({\rm X}^{N})-Q({\rm X}^{N+1}).\] Fig. [\[fig_templates\]](#fig_templates){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_templates"} compares the templates used in our radiative transfer analysis, and their yield in terms of flux of photons energetic enough to singly and doubly ionize nitrogen, and doubly and triply ionize oxygen. As the source of photoionization we consider either a black body with varying temperature \(T_*\) (mimicking the impact of individual massive stars), an AGN, or a single stellar population. For the AGN case, we adopt the default template in [Cloudy]{.sans-serif}: \[\label{eq_agn} F_{\nu_0}=\nu_0^{-0.5}\,\exp\left(-\frac{h \nu_0}{k_{\rm b} T_{\rm BB}}\right) \,\exp\left(-\frac{k_{\rm b} T_{\rm IR}}{h \nu_0}\right) + a\, \nu_0^{-1}\] with the IR cutoff determined by \(k_{\rm b} T_{\rm IR}=0.136\) eV or \(T_{\rm IR}\)=1580 K; the Blue Bump temperature set to \(T_{\rm BB}=1.5\times10^5\) K; and \(a=2.4\times10^6\) is a coefficient set to define the relative strength of the Blue Bump and the X-ray corona, which in our case is constrained by the requirement that \(\alpha_{\rm ox}=-1.4\). For the single stellar population model, we refer to models with solar metallicity and for a Salpeter initial stellar mass function, computed at various time steps after the initial burst. The hardness of the radiation field from these templates, gauged by \(Q({\rm O^+})/Q({\rm N})\), increases with \(T_*\) for the black body templates, reaching the AGN value for \(T_*\approx 50000\) K. The single stellar population shows a non-monotonic behavior, due to the rapid evolution of the most massive stars from the main sequence to the asymptotic giant branch phase; but we find an overall trend, with the \(Q({\rm O^+})/Q({\rm N})\) ratio slowly decreasing in the first \(\sim 10\) Myr since the burst, followed by a rapid decline as all massive (O, B-type) stars evolve out of the main sequence. The analytical model used for the ionized medium cannot be trivially expanded to the PDR/XDR regime. In this regime, collision excitation/de-excitation terms need to account for multiple collision partners (electrons, neutral H atoms, para-H\(_2\), ortho-H\(_2\), He, etc), the abundance of which depends on the ionization and dissociation conditions in different layers of the clouds. Furthermore, the chemistry itself of the neutral and molecular phases is more complicated (e.g., photo-dissociation of carbon monoxide molecules alters the abundance of neutral carbon atoms in the clouds). Opacity is often non-negligible (both for lines and continuum). Finally, many parameters are interconnected (e.g., the kinetic temperature of the gas, \(T_{\rm gas}\), might be partially coupled with the dust temperature, \(T_{\rm d}\)). For instance, build on the formalism outlined in to solve the radiative transfer problem simultaneously for the dust and the molecular gas. Their modeling involves seven free parameters (gas density, \(n\); gas kinetic temperature, \(T_{\rm gas}\); dust temperature, \(T_{\rm dust}\); turbulence velocity; virial velocity gradient; carbon abundance, \[C/H\(_2\)\]; scale size of the emitting region) for each gas component. Other parameters, such as the \[CO/H\(_2\)\] abundance of the gas-to-dust mass ratio, are set independently. Their approach allows them to characterize various physical properties of the dust and molecular gas in a sample of Planck--selected sub-mm galaxies. While the method by can in principle be applied here, our observational constraints (in particular concerning the CO spectral line energy distribution) are too sparse to lead to informative results. For the analysis of the neutral and molecular regimes, we thus opt to stick to the [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models presented in and summarized in the next section. ### Cloudy modeling {#sec_cloudy} We based our [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} analysis on the models presented in and. Namely, we model the ISM as a homogeneous plane-parallel slab of gas exposed to a radiation field. We independently model the ionized vs. neutral and molecular phases. For all the input templates of photoionization sources, we fix the the ionization parameter \(U\), which represents the density of ionizing photons per hydrogen atom: \[\label{eq_U} U=\frac{Q({\rm H})}{4 \pi\,r^2\,n\,c},\] where \(Q({\rm H})\) is the number of hydrogen-ionizing photons emitted per unit time by the photoionizing source, and \(r\) is the distance between the photoionizing source and the cloud. use the dust color \(C(88/122)\) as a proxy for the ionization parameter. Following their approach, the measured \(C(88/122)\approx1.4\) corresponds to log \(U=[-1.9,-2.5]\) for a gas density \(n\)=\([10,1000]\) cm\(^{-3}\), respectively (see their Fig. 4). As we aim to compare the emission of lines with different ionization energies close to or above the ionization energy of hydrogen, for this part of the analysis it is more critical to study the hardness of the radiation field at energies higher than the ionization energy of hydrogen. We thus use a fixed log \(U\)=\(-2\) in our analysis. We assume that the gas volume density is constant within the cloud, and we sample the line emissivity over a range of \(\log n\) \[cm\(^{-3}\)\] \(=[0, +3]\) in steps of \(0.25\) dex. We assume ISM and PAH grains. The metallicity[^3] in our grids ranges between \(\log Z\) \[Z\(_\odot\)\] \(=[-1, +0.4]\) in steps of 0.2 dex. Our measurements are sensitive to the relative abundance of elements rather than to metallicity per se. Various works have addressed how to infer metal abundances and metallicities based on far-IR FSL transitions, occasionally aided by observations of nebular rest-frame optical lines. Here, following, for the abundance of carbon, nitrogen, and helium we adopt: \[\label{eq_C_O} \log {\rm [C/O]}=\log \left(10^{-0.8}+10^{\log {\rm [O/H]}+ 2.72}\right)\] \[\label{eq_N_O} \log {\rm [N/O]}=\log \left(10^{-1.732}+10^{\log {\rm [O/H]}+ 2.19}\right)\] \[\label{eq_He_H} \log {\rm [He/H]}=-1.0783 + \log \left(1+0.1703\,\frac{\rm Z}{\rm [Z_\odot]}\right),\] while we use the default ISM abundances in [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} and a linear scaling with \[O/H\] for all the other elements. We also include a CMB background computed at the source's redshift, and a turbulence with an RMS of 100 km s\(^{-1}\). We stop the integration when we reach a ionized fraction of \(x_{\rm HI}=0.05\). For the ionized medium, we run [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} for all the templates shown in Fig. [\[fig_templates\]](#fig_templates){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_templates"}. For the neutral and molecular phases, we adopt the models of Photon-Dominated Regions (PDRs) and X-ray Dominated Regions (XDRs) presented in. In brief, we compute the radiative transfer using [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} for a grid of \(15\times 18\times 3\) combinations of gas volume density, intensity of the radiation field, and column density. For the former, we adopt \(\log n\) \[cm\(^{-3}\)\] = \[2, 6\] (0.29 dex spacing). For the latter, we adopt a range of \(\log G_0\) = \[1, 6\] (0.29 dex spacing) for PDRs, and \(\log F_{\rm X}\) \[erg s\(^{-1}\) cm\(^{-2}\)\] = \[-2.0, 2.0\] (0.24 dex spacing) for XDRs. Contrary to what we have done for the ionized medium, we here fix the shape of the stellar template using a black body with \(T_*\)=50,000 K, as the intensity of the radiation field is more critical in setting the PDR conditions. For the AGN, we adopt the same template as in eq. [\[eq_agn\]](#eq_agn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_agn"}. We adopted the default [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} recipes for the cosmic ray ionization rate background. The total cloud column density lies in the range \(\log N_{\rm H}\) \[cm\(^{-2}\)\]=\[22, 24\] (1 dex spacing). A higher column density \(N_{\rm H}>5\times 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) is required to properly model H\(_2\)O and OH emission. However, because of the sparsity of the water and hydroxyl transitions studied here, an extensive analysis of the radiative properties of these molecules is beyond the scope of this work. # Results {#sec_results} In this section, we use the observed line luminosities to infer physical properties of the ISM. ## Opacity {#sec_opacity} If the line-emitting clouds are interspersed within the dusty medium, line emission should be corrected for opacity. In sec. [3.2](#sec_continuum){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_continuum"}, we inferred a non-negligible opacity, \(\tau_\nu\approx 0.47\) at the frequency of \[C ii\]. For this opacity, the flux density emerging at \(\nu_0\sim 1900\) GHz is 2/3 of the intrinsic value. The higher the frequency, the larger the correction (see eq. [\[eq_tau\]](#eq_tau){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_tau"}), with the largest value amounting to 4.6 for \[O iii\]. The extinction values computed at the frequencies of the lines studied in this work are listed in Tab. [\[tab_lines\]](#tab_lines){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_lines"}. If we correct for opacity by scaling all the line luminosities by a factor \(e^{\tau_\nu}\), we find that the intrinsic \[N ii\]\(_{\rm 122\,\mu m}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{\rm 205\,\mu m}\) ratio would be 1.77\(\times\) higher than the observed value, while the intrinsic \[O iii\]\(_{\rm 88\,\mu m}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{\rm 122\,\mu m}\) would be 2.05\(\times\) higher than the observed value. Our measurements for the molecular phase would be virtually unaltered, given that they mostly rely on lower-frequency lines. As we will show in the following subsections, applying these corrections would result in a higher estimate of the electron density (\(n>200\) cm\(^{-3}\)) and a slightly harder radiation field. However, the actual values of such corrections strongly depend on how the line--emitting gas clouds and the dust are distributed along the line of sight, which is unknown. Because of this uncertainty, and due to the modest impact that this correction would have on our final results, we opt not to apply the opacity correction to our fiducial measurements. ## Inferred \[N ii\]\(_{205 \mu{\rm m}}\) and the origin of \[C ii\] {#sec_fpdr} We estimate the luminosity of the \[N ii\]\(_{\rm 205\,\mu m}\) line following the empirical trend presented in for a sample of local luminous IR galaxies: \[\label{eq_lu} \log {\rm [NII]/[CII]} = (-0.65\pm0.08)\,C(60/100)-(0.66\pm0.06)\] where the \[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\) to \[C ii\]\(_{158\,\mu{\rm m}}\) line ratio is tied to the color of the dust emission, \(C(60/100)\), computed as the ratio between the rest-frame flux density at 60 and 100 \(\mu\)m. In the case of PJ183+05, \(C(60/100)=0.84\), yielding \(\log L_{\rm [NII]}\) \[L\(_\odot\)\]\(\approx 8.51\pm0.23\), where the uncertainty is dominated by the scatter in the relation from. The \[C ii\]\(_{158\,\mu{\rm m}}\) and \[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\) lines both have relatively low critical density (see Tab. [2](#tab_ncrit){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_ncrit"}, assuming electrons as collision partners) and have similar ionization energies (14.5 eV for nitrogen, 11.2 eV for carbon). In the ionized medium, their luminosity ratio is thus determined almost exclusively by the abundance ratio, \[C\(^+\)/N\(^+\)\]. This is confirmed by both our [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} modeling and our analytical prescription, as shown in Fig. [\[fig_cii_nii_predict\]](#fig_cii_nii_predict){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_cii_nii_predict"}. We find that, for the ionized component alone, the expected \[C ii\]\(_{158\,\mu{\rm m}}^{\rm ion}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity ratio is 6--12 at low densities, and 10--20 at high densities, with the spread completely dominated by the relative abundance. has recently reviewed the evolution of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in galaxies. Here we refer to the calibration, which yields \[C\(^+\)/H\]=\(2.6\times10^{-4}\) and \[N\(^+\)/H\]=\(6.2\times10^{-5}\) at solar metallicities, or \[C\(^+\)/N\(^+\)\]=4.28. On the other hand, in the literature it is common to follow, who rely on the abundance estimates in, \[C\(^+\)/H\]=\(1.4\times10^{-4}\) and \[N\(^+\)/H\]=\(7.9\times10^{-5}\). These slightly lower (higher) carbon (nitrogen) abundances result in a \(\sim 2.4\) lower relative abundance, \[C\(^+\)/N\(^+\)\]=1.77. Because \[N ii\] only arises from the ionized medium, while \[C ii\] can trace both the ionized and the neutral/molecular medium in PDR/XDR regimes, we can use the expected \[C ii\]\(_{158\,\mu{\rm m}}^{\rm ion}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity ratio based on our modeling (see Fig. [\[fig_cii_nii_predict\]](#fig_cii_nii_predict){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_cii_nii_predict"}) to estimate the fraction of the \[C ii\] emission which arises from the PDR/XDR environment: \[\label{eq_cii_frac} f({\rm [CII]^{PDR}}) = \frac{\rm [CII]^{PDR}}{\rm [CII]}\approx 1-9\, \frac{\rm [NII]}{\rm [CII]} \approx 0.44\] for a gas density of \(n\sim 180\) cm\(^{-3}\) and solar metallicities. We point out that this value is highly sensitive to the assumed relative abundances. If we adopt the traditional values from, we find a much higher \(f({\rm [CII]^{PDR}})=0.81\). ## Electron density and size of the Hii regions {#sec_e_dens} The ratio between the two far-IR fine-structure lines of \[N ii\] at 122 \(\mu\)m and 205 \(\mu\)m is independent of metallicity (as they are two transitions associated with the same ion). It is also insensitive to the hardness of the radiation field and to the gas temperature, due to the low energy of the \(^3 P_1\) and \(^3 P_2\) levels (\(E/k_{\rm b}=70\) and 188 K, respectively) compared to the typical electron temperatures in the ionized medium (\(T_{\rm gas}=5000\)--20000 K). On the other hand, the two transitions have different critical densities (see Tab. [2](#tab_ncrit){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_ncrit"}). Thus, their luminosity ratio is sensitive to the electron density in the range 3--3000 cm\(^{-3}\). This is shown in Fig. [\[fig_fsl_density\]](#fig_fsl_density){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_fsl_density"}, where again we show both the results from our [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models and from our analytical prescriptions. The two approaches lead to consistent results throughout the range of interest. Using the measured \[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity from Tab. [\[tab_lines\]](#tab_lines){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_lines"}, and the inferred \[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\) from the previous section, we find a ratio of \(\log\)\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{205\,\mu{\rm m}}\)=\(0.56_{-0.16}^{+0.23}\), corresponding to a gas density of \(\log n\) \[cm\(^{-3}\)\] \(=2.26\pm 0.35\). Our density estimate allows us to compute a fiducial volume occupied by the ionized gas, by comparing the observed line luminosity with the population fraction and gas density estimated via models. For \(T_{\rm gas}=10,000\) K, \(n\)=180 cm\(^{-3}\), and Z=Z\(_\odot\), using eq. [\[eq_Lc_model\]](#eq_Lc_model){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_Lc_model"} in the case of the \[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) transition, we obtain an effective volume of the ionized gas, \(V_{\rm HII}^{\rm eff}\sim 0.2\) kpc\(^3\). Assuming this volume is organized in a collection of \(N^{\rm HII}\) spherical Hii regions, the Stromgren radius would be \(\sim 360\,(N^{\rm HII})^{-1/3}\) pc. ## Hardness of the radiation field and metallicity The first ionization energies of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are 11.26, 14.53 and 13.61 eV, respectively. Their second ionization happens at 24.38 eV, 29.60 eV, and 35.11 eV, respectively. Finally, the third ionization energy of oxygen is 54.93 eV. Thus, the ratios \[O iii\]/\[C ii\]\(^{\rm ion}\) and \[O iii\]/\[N ii\] are sensitive to the hardness of the photoionizing radiation, i.e., the relative number of photons produced per unit time in the band 35--55 eV vs. the band 14--25 eV (see Fig. [\[fig_templates\]](#fig_templates){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_templates"}). In addition, these line ratios also depend on the relative abundance of the elements, and on the gas density (see Tab. [2](#tab_ncrit){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_ncrit"}). Assuming the best-fit value for \(n\) from sec. [4.3](#sec_e_dens){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_e_dens"}, we can use the [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models and analytical prescriptions described in sec. [3.3.2](#sec_cloudy){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_cloudy"} to predict the \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) ratio as a function of the hardness of the radiation field, parameterized as the effective temperature of a black body, \(T_*\), and of metallicity \(Z\). We opt to focus on the \[O iii\]/\[N ii\] ratio rather than on the \[O iii\]/\[C ii\]\(^{\rm ion}\) ratio because of the uncertainties on \(f(\)\[C ii\]\(^{\rm PDR})\) discussed in sec. [4.2](#sec_fpdr){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_fpdr"}. Our predictions are shown in Figs. [\[fig_fsl_ratios\]](#fig_fsl_ratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_fsl_ratios"} and [\[fig_templ_comp\]](#fig_templ_comp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_templ_comp"}. We find that the \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) ratio shows only a mild dependence on the gas metallicity. The evolution of the \[N/O\] relative abundance set by eq. [\[eq_N\_O\]](#eq_N_O){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_N_O"} suggests that the ratio is constant at low metallicities (Z\(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.1 Z\(_\odot\), in the regime of primary abundances, where the enrichment is dominated by core-collapse supernovae) and becomes nearly linear with Z only at Z\(>\)Z\(_\odot\) (where the secondary abundances arise due to delayed nucleosynthesis in intermediate-mass stars; see @nicholls17). On the other hand, the \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity ratio is strongly sensitive to the hardness of the photoionizing radiation. In the case the input source is a black body, we find that that the expected line ratio changes by 2--3 dex for \(T_*\) ranging between 20,000 and 40,000 K. The AGN template yields a very high \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity ratio, \(\sim 50\) times higher than observed. Finally, the single stellar population templates predict very high \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{122\,\mu{\rm m}}\) luminosity ratios in the first \(\sim 5\) Myr, followed by a rapid decrease, with virtually no significant \[O iii\]\(_{88\,\mu{\rm m}}\) expected \(\sim 10\) Myr after the burst. The observed line ratio points to a \(T_*\approx 25,000\) K for Z=Z\(_\odot\), or a burst age of \(\approx 9\) Myr. We notice that our [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models and analytical prescriptions agree on qualitative but not quantitative terms (see appendix [\[sec_model_vs_cloudy\]](#sec_model_vs_cloudy){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_model_vs_cloudy"}). Because the two approaches are consistent in the other diagnostics discussed so far (involving \(n\), \(T_{\rm gas}\), and Z), we argue that the discrepancies arise due to the simplistic assumptions made in the analytical prescriptions concerning the budget of ionizing photons \(Q\)(N) and \(Q\)(O\(^+\)). That is, our prescription assumes that all of the photons contribute to the photoionization of nitrogen and oxygen. A more realistic description would consider the competing role of hydrogen photoionization within different layers of the cloud, and the frequency dependence of the cross-section of the process (\(\propto \nu^{-3}\)). A more refined analytical description of the internal ionization structure of Hii regions is possible. However, due to the steep dependence of the observed line ratio on \(T_*\), our simple model for the Hii regions results in a \(T_*\) constraint that is only \(\sim 1.7\) times higher than the one derived from the much more refined [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} simulations--a discrepancy that has very little impact on the conclusions of our work. Thus, we argue that a more sophisticated model is unnecessary for the present work. The observed \[O iii\]/\[N ii\] luminosity ratio points to B-type stars as the main driver of the photoionization budget. These stars have a stellar mass of \(\sim 15\) M\(_\odot\), a luminosity of \(\sim 10,000\) L\(_\odot\), and a main-sequence lifetime of \(\sim 10\) Myr. A quasar contribution to the photoionization budget, while likely present, is not required to explain the observed gas properties. ## PDR or XDR? {#sec_co_ci_cii} Our program encompasses four CO transitions, with J\(_{\rm up}\)=7, 15, 16, 19. Of these, only the CO(7-6) line is detected. This places loose constraints on the CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED; see Fig. [\[fig_co_sled\]](#fig_co_sled){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_co_sled"}). We compare our observational results with the predictions for PDR and XDR models, as described in Sec. [3.3.2](#sec_cloudy){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_cloudy"}. We also compute the expected line luminosity for the CO(1-0) transition, based on the dust mass estimate presented in sec. [3.2](#sec_continuum){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_continuum"}: \(L'_{\rm CO(1-0)}=\alpha_{\rm CO}^{-1}\,\delta_{g/d}\,M_{\rm dust}\)=\(1.1\times10^{11}\) M\(_\odot\). For the conversion, we assumed a gas-to-dust ratio of \(\delta_{\rm g/d}\)=100 and an \(\alpha_{\rm CO}\)=0.8 M\(_\odot\) (K km s\(^{-1}\) pc\(^2\))\(^{-1}\). Compared to the observed CO(7-6) luminosity, \(L'_{\rm CO(7-6)}=(2.16\pm0.24)\times 10^{11}\) K km s\(^{-1}\) pc\(^2\), this implies a line ratio \(r_{71}=L'_{\rm CO(7-6)}/L'_{\rm CO(1-0)}\) = 0.20. This is in line with, e.g., the CO SLED template for \(z>2\) galaxies in the ASPECS survey. The non-detections of the very high-J CO transitions in our sample only allow us to exclude the most extreme scenarios of pure XDR with strong incident radiation field, \(F_{\rm X}\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)>\(}} 100\) erg s\(^{-1}\) cm\(^{-2}\) and \(n>10^6\) cm\(^{-3}\). The combination of \[C i\]\(_{\rm 370 \mu m}\) and \[C ii\]\(_{\rm 158 \mu m}\) provides a powerful diagnostic of the neutral and molecular medium. Models of XDRs predict that the harder X-ray radiation should be able to penetrate deeper into the cloud, and enhance the heating and the photo-dissociation of carbon monoxide compared to the predictions for models where the source of radiation is young stars. This should manifest as a low \[C ii\]/\[C i\] ratio: \(<10\) for a column density \(N_{\rm H}\) = \(10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\), over a wide range of cloud density. examined the ratio in a sample of \(z\sim 6\) quasars, and found \[C ii\]/\[C i\] ratios in the range 20--100, strongly pointing toward PDR rather than XDR regimes being the norm in the host galaxies of high--\(z\) quasars. Here we measure a ratio of \(\log\) \[C ii\]/\[C i\] = \(1.55_{-0.13}^{+0.17}\). Even if we consider only the component of \[C ii\] that is not associated with the ionized medium, \[C ii\]\(^{\rm PDR}\), the ratio drops to \(\sim 15\), still significantly higher than the predictions for XDRs. In summary, all these lines of evidence disfavor a scenario in which the neutral and molecular medium in PJ183+05 is dominated by XDR conditions, but leave room for a combination of PDR and XDR, or a PDR--dominated regime. A more extensive census of both lower-and higher-J CO transitions is required to further address the relative importance of PDR and XDR conditions in the host of PJ183+05. ## Water and hydroxyl emission Water vapor (H\(_2\)O) has been detected in high redshift galaxies up to \(z\sim 6.5\). In our study, we detected two water transitions, 3(3,1)--3(2,2) from para-H\(_2\)O and 3(0,3)--2(1,2) from ortho-H\(_2\)O, while we do not detect the 4(3,2)--4(2,3), 4(0,4)--3(1,3) or 3(3,1)--4(0,4) transitions (see Fig. [\[fig_water\]](#fig_water){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_water"}). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the 3(3,1)--3(2,2) and 3(0,3)--2(1,2) lines have been detected beyond the local Universe. The para-H\(_2\)O 3(3,1) level is populated by collisions or via IR pumping at 67 \(\mu\)m. The energy level is then de-excited into 4(0,4) or 3(2,2) via collisions or radiative de-excitation. The ortho-H\(_2\)O 4(3,2) level is populated by the 58 \(\mu\)m pumping or via collisions. The non-detection of this transition sets a loose constraint on any mechanism populating the high-energy levels (J\(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3) of the water molecule (see Fig. [\[fig_water\]](#fig_water){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_water"}). Hydroxyl (OH) has also been detected in various low and high redshift galaxies. In this work, we observe the OH \(^2\Pi_{1/2}\) J=3/2\(\rightarrow\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1/2 transition at 163 \(\mu\)m. The upper level can be populated via IR pumping from the ground level of the \(^2\Pi_{3/2}\) ladder (53 \(\mu\)m), or via radiative de-excitation from the \(^2\Pi_{1/2}\) J=5/2 level, which is populated via IR pumping at 35 \(\mu\)m (from ground level, \(^2\Pi_{3/2}\) J=3/2), and at 48 \(\mu\)m. The non--zero electronic angular momentum of OH in its ground level introduces "\(\Lambda\)"--doubling splitting of each energy level. In addition, "hyperfine" splitting occurs due to nuclear and electron spin coupling. The 163 \(\mu\)m transition thus actually splits into a total of 6 transitions, at 1834.7350 GHz (N=\(2^+\)--\(1^-\), F=1--1), 1834.7469 GHz (N=\(2^+\)--\(1^-\), F=2--1), 1834.7499 GHz (N=\(2^+\)--\(1^-\), F=1--0), 1837.7461 GHz (N=\(2^-\)--\(1^+\), F=1--1), 1837.8163 GHz (N=\(2^-\)--\(1^+\), F=2--1), and 1837.8365 GHz (N=\(2^-\)--\(1^+\), F=1--0). The hyper-fine structure splitting is negligible for typical extragalactic observations (\(\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)<\(}} 0.1\) GHz at rest frame, or \(\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)<\(}} 15\) km s\(^{-1}\), i.e., much smaller than the width of the lines). Thus, the \(\Lambda\)--doubling implies that the 163 \(\mu\)m transition appears as a doublet, spaced by \(\approx 500\) km s\(^{-1}\). Fig. [\[fig_water\]](#fig_water){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_water"}, *right* compares the line luminosity of the H\(_2\)O and OH transitions in PJ183+05, normalized to the total IR luminosity, to the values measured in other \(z>6\) quasars as a function of the upper energy level of the transitions. Strikingly, all of the detected line transitions point to a high H\(_2\)O-or OH-to-IR luminosity ratio, about 3 times higher than what is observed in other quasars at similar redshifts. The modest number of transitions observed in our study makes it impossible to draw any robust conclusions on the origin of this discrepancy. We speculate on two scenarios: 1) The IR luminosity estimate is correct, in which case the excess may be associated with a low contribution of radiative excitation (as reflected by the non-detection of high-J H\(_2\)O lines) in PJ183+05 compared to other quasars. Because of the high energies of the involved levels, this scenario would favor the presence of shocks. Alternatively, 2) the IR luminosity estimate in PJ183+05 is underestimated. The excellent sampling of the dust continuum shown in Fig. [\[fig_sed\]](#fig_sed){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_sed"} pins down the rest-frame far-IR side of the dust emission pretty accurately, but leaves room for an additional hot dust component at mid-IR frequencies (such as an AGN torus), where various H\(_2\)O and OH transitions relevant for the IR pumping mechanism reside. ## Line profiles and relative velocities Because of their relatively high energies, water levels at J\(_{\rm up}>2\) and hydroxyl levels above the ground state are expected to be significantly populated via collisions only in the presence of shocks. Furthermore, P-Cygni profiles have been observed in various water and hydroxyl transitions in lower--redshift, IR--luminous galaxies, thus demonstrating that these species trace dense molecular outflows. Similarly, high-ionization lines such as optical \[O iii\] commonly show blue-shifted wings and broadened spectral profiles that reveal the presence of outflows of the ionized medium. In Fig. [\[fig_dvel\]](#fig_dvel){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_dvel"} we compare the spectral profiles of all the transitions studied in our work. We include in the comparison the three J\(_{\rm up}\leq 4\) water transitions that remain undetected in our study. We compare each transition to the \[C ii\] line, which has the highest S/N. The velocity profiles of all the detected transitions appear in good agreement at the S/N levels of our observations. All the detected lines show negligible velocity shifts along the line of sight compared to the rest frame of the galaxy as defined by the \[C ii\] line, with all the velocity shifts, \(\Delta v=c\,\delta z / (1+z)\), significantly smaller than the adopted channel width (90 km s\(^{-1}\)). The line width is to first order identical in all the transitions. We do not find any clear evidence of P-Cygni profiles. We note the presence of a tentative absorption feature shifted by about-750 km s\(^{-1}\) in the H\(_2\)O 3(3,1)-3(2,2), 3(0,3)-2(1,2), and possibly 4(3,2)-4(2,3) lines. Noticeably, found a similar absorption feature in the OH 119 \(\mu\)m transition for PJ183+05, suggesting that the H\(_2\)O absorption found here is real. We note that this absorbing component does not match the velocity of the proximate damped-Ly\(\alpha\) absorber reported in (which shows a velocity offset of \(\approx 1400\) km s\(^{-1}\)). ## Masses {#sec_masses} Having constrained the excitation conditions of the ionized species examined in our work (Fig. [\[fig_fsl_ratios\]](#fig_fsl_ratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_fsl_ratios"}), we can use the information on the relative population of the energy levels to infer the total mass in each ion, and thus the total gas mass via our abundance assumptions. We show these gas estimates in Fig. [\[fig_masses\]](#fig_masses){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_masses"}, where we compare them with the mass estimates inferred from the dust in sec. [3.2](#sec_continuum){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_continuum"}, scaled assuming \(\delta_{\rm g/d}=100\); from CO(7-6), assuming \(r_{71}=0.38\) and \(\alpha_{\rm CO}=0.8\) M\(_\odot\) (K km s\(^{-1}\) pc\(^2\))\(^{-1}\); and from \[C i\] and \[C ii\]\(^{\rm PDR}\), following and, where we assume \(T_{\rm ex}=T_{\rm gas}\). We find that carbon fine-structure lines suggest the presence of \(\sim10^7\) M\(_\odot\) in both neutral and singly-ionized carbon. On the other hand, from the observed luminosities of \[N ii\] and \[O iii\], we infer \(\sim 2\times10^6\) M\(_\odot\) in each ion. Unsurprisingly, the mass estimates based on \[C i\] and \[C ii\]\(^{\rm PDR}\) are sensitive to the adopted kinetic energy of the collision partners at \(T_{\rm gas}\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)<\(}} 100\) K, i.e., comparable to the \(^3\)P\(_{1,2}\) and \(^3\)P\(_{3/2}\) energy levels, respectively. We scale these mass estimates by the abundances computed following eqs. [\[eq_C\_O\]](#eq_C_O){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_C_O"}--[\[eq_N\_O\]](#eq_N_O){reference-type="ref" reference="eq_N_O"} for Z=Z\(_\odot\). We find that the low-ionization species (\[C ii\], \[N ii\]) yield very consistent ionized gas mass estimates, \(M_{\rm HII}=(2-3)\times 10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\). The mass estimate based on \[O iii\] is \(\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)>\(}} 5\times\) lower, likely due to the fact that only a small fraction of oxygen atoms are highly ionized. As for the molecular medium, the mass estimates based on singly-ionized and neutral carbon are comparable. We sum them to infer the total mass associated with carbon atoms and ions. We find a corresponding molecular gas mass \(M_{\rm H2, [CI]+[CII]}\approx 5\times10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\) at \(T_{\rm gas}\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)>\(}} 100\) K. This is in excellent agreement with the CO-based mass estimate, \(M_{\rm H2, CO}=4.5\times10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\), and a factor \(\sim 2\) lower than the dust-based estimate, \(M_{\rm H2, dust}=8.7\times10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\). While all the mass estimates rely on uncertain conversion factors, all the methods independently converge towards a massive gaseous reservoir in both molecular \[\((0.5-1)\times10^{11}\) M\(_\odot\)\] and ionized \[\((2-3)\times 10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\)\] phase. ## Star formation rate estimates {#sec_sfr} Assuming that star formation is the main driver of the gas excitation and photoionization, and of the dust heating, we can convert some of the observed line and continuum luminosities into SFR estimates, using empirical scaling relations. In particular, following the scaling values reported in Tab. 2 by, we find SFR\(_{\rm [OIII]}\)=110 M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\) and SFR\(_{\rm [CII]}\)=750 M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). On the other hand, following, we estimate a dust-based SFR\(_{\rm IR}\)=1330 M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). The discrepancies in the SFR estimates are much larger than formal measurement uncertainties. The scatter in the adopted SFR--luminosity relations is \(\mathrel{\rlap{\lower 3pt \hbox{\)\sim\(}} \raise 2.0pt \hbox{\)<\(}} 0.3\) dex, insufficient to account for a \(\sim 1\) dex discrepancy between the \[O iii\]-and IR-based SFR estimates. Hence, the differences must have a more fundamental origin. One way to do so is by correcting for opacity as in Sec. [4.1](#sec_opacity){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_opacity"}. Doing so, we find SFR\(_{\rm [OIII]}\)=500 M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\) and SFR\(_{\rm [CII]}\)=1190 M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). Another way to reconcile the different SFR estimates is to account for the different star-formation time scales probed by \[C ii\] and dust (\(\sim 100\) Myr) and doubly-ionized oxygen (\(\sim 10\) Myr; see @kennicutt12). Finally, other mechanisms might be at play. For example, if star formation is heavily dust-enshrouded, dust grains may absorb and reprocess the far-UV photons required to doubly-ionize oxygen atoms, thus suppressing \[O iii\] emission. In addition to these caveats, the uncertainties in the relative abundances, metallicity, and excitation properties discussed in the previous subsections should serve as a warning on the applicability of SFR prescriptions, especially when only one or two independent tracers are available. # Conclusions {#sec_conclusions} We presented a multi-line study at FIR wavelengths of the luminous quasar PJ183+05 at \(z=6.4386\). We reported the detection of \[C ii\]\(_{\rm 158\mu m}\), \[O iii\]\(_{\rm 88\mu m}\), \[N ii\]\(_{\rm 122\mu m}\), \[C i\]\(_{\rm 370\mu m}\), CO(7-6), OH\(_{\rm 163\mu m}\), and two H\(_2\)O transitions, and we place limits on the line emission of various high-J CO lines and other water transitions. At the same time, we sampled the dust continuum over a large fraction of the FIR band. We compared our measurements with [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models and analytical prescriptions, with the goal to infer an insight of the physics of the interstellar medium in the host galaxy of a luminous quasar at cosmic dawn. We find that: - The dust emission is well described by a modified black body with \(T_{\rm dust}=47.0_{-2.0}^{+1.5}\) K, an emissivity index \(\beta=1.84_{-0.16}^{+0.15}\), a dust mass of log \(M_{\rm dust}\)/M\(_\odot\)=\(8.94_{-0.05}^{+0.06}\), and a size of the emitting region of \(\Omega_{\rm s}=0.155_{-0.022}^{+0.029}\) arcsec\(^2\). This implies a non-negligible dust opacity at the frequency of \[C ii\] of \(\tau_{\rm 1900\,GHz}=0.48\pm 0.04\), and a total infrared luminosity of log \(L_{\rm IR}\)/L\(_\odot\)=\(12.98_{-0.03}^{+0.04}\). - The \[N ii\]\(_{\rm 205\mu m}\) emission, inferred via empirical relations, is log \(L_{\rm [NII]}\)/L\(_\odot\)=\(8.51\pm0.23\). When compared with the observed \[C ii\] luminosity, we find that about half of the \[C ii\] emission arises from the ionized medium. - The luminosity ratio between the two \[N ii\] far-infrared fine-structure lines suggests that the ionized gas has a density of log \(n\) \[cm\(^{-3}\)\]=\(2.26\pm0.35\). Using our model of the energy level population, we use this estimate to infer a fiducial estimate of the volume in Hii regions, \(\sim 0.2\) kpc\(^3\). Assuming that this volume is organized in a collection of \(N^{\rm HII}\) spherical Hii regions, this implies a Stromgren radius of \(\sim 360\,(N^{\rm HII})^{-1/3}\) pc. - The \[O iii\]\(_{\rm 88\mu m}\)/\[N ii\]\(_{\rm 122\mu m}\) luminosity ratio places loose constraints on the gas metallicity, Z, but tight constraints on the hardness of the photoionization. [Cloudy]{.sans-serif} models suggests that the photoionization source has a spectrum comparable to a black body with \(T_*\approx25,000\) K or a single stellar population observed \(\approx 9\) Myr after the burst (assuming for Z=Z\(_\odot\)). This implies that B-type stars with a luminosity of \(\sim10,000\) L\(_\odot\) and a main-sequence lifetime of \(\sim10\) Myr are the main drivers of the photoionization. - The observed \[C ii\]/\[C i\] line ratio, and the non-detection of high-J CO transitions, suggest that the neutral/molecular medium is not dominated by X-ray excitation, although we cannot exclude the presence of an X-ray Dominated Region. - Water and hydroxyl line emission appears brighter than what one would expect based on the IR luminosity. This is indicative of the presence of shocks that collisionally excite the higher energy levels of the H\(_2\)O and OH molecules, or of a warm dust component that is not apparent from the dust continuum sampling in the far-infrared range presented here. - The line profiles of all the line transitions studied in this work are consistent at the level of S/N of our observations, irrespective of the gas phase they arise from (ionized, neutral, or molecular). A tentative absorption feature at \(\Delta v\sim-750\) km s\(^{-1}\) is seen in the spectra of two water transitions. Further support to the robustness of this feature comes from a similar absorption reported in the OH\(_{\rm 119\mu m}\) line from. - The mass estimates in ionized and molecular gas, computed based on different tracers, point to a massive gaseous reservoir in both phases, with \((2-3)\times 10^{10}\) M\(_\odot\) in ionized gas, and \((0.5-1.0)\times 10^{11}\) M\(_\odot\) in the molecular phase. - The host galaxy of PJ183+05 is forming stars at high rates, SFR\(_{\rm IR}=1330\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). Estimates based on either \[C ii\] and \[O iii\] point to lower values, SFR\(_{\rm [CII]}=750\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\) and SFR\(_{\rm [OIII]}=110\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). The discrepancy is partially mitigated if we account for the dust opacity suppressing the observed line luminosities. In addition, different time scales probed by \[O iii\], \[C ii\] and dust, as well as other processes (e.g., the '\[C ii\] deficit') might be responsible for the SFR discrepancies. This study demonstrates the power of multi-line observations in understanding the dominant radiative processes and astrophysical mechanisms at play in galaxies at cosmic dawn. These studies are possible in particular thanks to ALMA's exceptional sensitivity. For instance, other observations of molecules and atoms in PJ183+05 could further expand our understanding of the physical conditions in the star--forming ISM in this quasar. Expanding multi-line investigations to other sources will enable to test whether other quasars show the properties found in PJ183+05. The *James Webb Space Telescope* is poised to further expand this field of research, by complementing the study of the rest-frame FIR wavelengths with key diagnostics based on rest-frame optical tracers of the interstellar medium.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:01:22', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04312', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04312'}
# INTRODUCTION {#sec:intro} The tongue is involved in several vital activities including speaking and swallowing . Since it has no bones, the tongue changes its shape using only its own muscles. An accurate measure of tongue deformations during such activities is essential in gaining a better understanding of these vital activities and the tongue's role in them. Since the volume change of the tongue during these activities is negligible, its internal motion field can be assumed to be diffeomorphic and incompressible . The phase vector incompressible registration algorithm (PVIRA) can be used to reconstruct the tongue motion from the tagged MRI data. This method uses harmonic phase volumes obtained by HARP filtering  as input to the iLogdemons  algorithm to yield incompressible motion and an inverse motion field. This is done by computing the stationary velocity field iteratively starting from an initial zero velocity field. However, when the motion between the two input images is large, the closest matching phase may come from a different sinusoidal cycle---i.e., tag jumping---leading to grossly erroneous motion estimates. Figure [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"} shows a set of tagged MRI phase images that are affected by tag jumping. To avoid tag jumping, existing methods compute incremental motion fields between frames that are closer together in time and then compose these fields, which leads to accumulating errors. In this paper, we propose a method that uses a combined stationary velocity field to replace the zero initialization in the velocity computation iteration of the iLogDemons algorithm. This approach gives the velocity iteration a new starting point that is close to the desired velocity field, which mitigates abrupt motion changes between two registration images. The experimental results demonstrate that this approach can avoid gross motion errors due to tag jumping and therefore produce more accurate motion estimates. # METHODS ## Data Collection {#sec:title} The data sets in this paper consist of four healthy subjects who are native speakers of American English. The speech task was to pronounce /athing/. The data sets are 3D tagged images with 6 mm slice thickness and \(1.875 \times 1.875\) mm in-plane resolution captured using 26 time-frames (TFs) in one second. The tagged image volumes are converted to three HARP phase image volumes for motion estimation using PVIRA  as described below. ## Direct and Incremental Registration Method The direct and incremental approaches are two ways to use PVIRA  to estimate 3D motion. The direct method always uses the first phase image \(I_1\) as the moving image and the \(n\)-th phase image \(I_n\) as the fixed image, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(a). The resulting motion estimates from the first TF to all other TFs are: \[\psi'_n, \quad n = 2,\ldots,N\] The incremental method uses each successive phase image as the moving image and the next image in the sequence as the fixed image, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(a). This yields a sequence of deformations, \(\varphi_i\), \(i=1,\dots, N-1\). The resulting motion estimates from the first TF to all other TFs are: \[\psi''_n = \varphi_{n-1} \circ \varphi_{n-2} \cdots \varphi_{2} \circ \varphi_1, \quad n = 2,\ldots, N\] where \(\circ\) is composition. If the motion is too large between the \(1^{\text{st}}\) and \(n^{\text{th}}\) TF, the direct method may suffer from tag jumping. The incremental method avoids this by composing smaller deformations, but suffers from accumulating errors over time. ## New Starting Point Method The tag jumping problem is caused by a deformation that is too large. In this case, PVIRA latches onto matching HARP phases that correspond to the wrong sinusoidal tag period. To address this, PVIRA simply needs a closer starting point. PVIRA is based on the iLogDemons algorithm , which estimates a stationary velocity field in the log domain followed by fast exponential map to produce a displacement. To produce a closer starting point, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(b), we compose the incremental deformations by adding their stationary velocity fields as follows: \[V'_n= V_{n-1} + V_{n-2} + \cdots + V_2 + V_1, \qquad n = 2, \ldots, N\] which forms a new starting stationary velocity field for a modified PVIRA method that takes \(I_1\), \(I_{n}\), and \(V'_n\) as input. PVIRA uses \(V'_n\) rather than zero as the starting stationary velocity field, but is otherwise unchanged. This approach yields a new deformation (i.e., resulting motion estimate) from \(I_1\) to \(I_n\), which we denote by \(\psi'''_n\). # EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS {#sec:sections} The performance of the proposed method was compared to two state-of-the-art registration methods: the direct method and the incremental method. The performance evaluation is based on both the ability to avoid tag jumping and the motion estimate accuracy. For quantitative accuracy evaluation, we use the harmonic phase images generated by the HARP filter as the ground truth of the deformed phases. The experiments warp the motion field results obtained from each method to the first TF harmonic phase image to form the deformed phase results at \(n\)-th TF using the Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) : \[\hat{I}_n = \psi_n \circ I_1, \qquad n = 2, \ldots, N\] Manual review of each method's deformed phase image slices can demonstrate the ability to avoid tag jumping. The slice example from Subject 1 and Subject 2 in Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"} shows that the direct method is suffering from tag jumping between TF 10 and TF 26 for Subject 1, TF 7 and TF 26 for Subject 2, while the proposed method avoids this problem in corresponding TFs. The structural similarity index measure (SSIM)  and the correlation coefficient (CORR)  between the harmonic and deformed phase slices of each method are computed to evaluate motion estimation accuracy. Figure [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"} compares the average SSIM and CORR over all deformed phase image slices at each TF among three methods. When there is no tag jumping, the proposed method has the same performance with the other two methods. During TFs 10--26 of Subject 1, TFs 7--26 of Subject 2, TFs 9--26 of Subject 3, and TFs 6--26 of Subject 4, where tag jumping occurs, the new starting point method yields consistently higher similarity with ground truth images than the direct and incremental registration methods, indicating correction of phase jumping while maintaining more accurate motion estimates. To highlight the substantial improvement of motion estimates in the deformed phase images with tag jumping, we selected the most severely affected slice at the tag jumping TFs as shown in Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}. In the tag jumping TFs with respect to all subjects, the mean SSIM increases by 5.55\(\%\) and 7.32\(\%\) and the mean CORR increases by 14.84\(\%\) and 9.12\(\%\) for the direct and incremental methods, respectively. # DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a new registration method that can construct the motion estimate from tagged MRI data while eliminating the tag jumping problem. A new velocity initialization was used in a modified PVIRA algorithm to obtain a starting point that is closer to the correct final result. The experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the two comparison motion estimation methods, the direct and incremental PVIRA methods. The new approach reduces the possibility of tag jumping and incremental error accumulation assuming that intermediate time frames with smaller incremental motions are available. Future work will include replacing the generation of the deformed phase images by ANTs with PVIRA. This work was supported by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Grant R01-DC014717 (PI: Jerry L. Prince). The study was conducted at University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources, Translational Research in Imaging(CTRIM).
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:02:02', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04330', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04330'}
# Eigenstates for Hermitian systems perturbed by a local non-Hermitian term In this section, we analyze the feature of eigenstates for a system perturbed by a local non-Hermitian term. For concreteness, we assume that the magnitude of perturbation is comparable with the characteristic energy scale of original system. First, we will show that the eigenstate is extended when eigenvalues are real. Then, we concentrate the general case for a PT symmetric system to justify the existence of scale-free localization in the PT-broken phase.\ ## Eigenstates for real eigenvalues In this part, we show that for a Hermitian system perturbed by non-Hermitian boundary, when its eigenvalues are real, the eigenstates for continuous spectrum are always uniformly extended.\ **OBC case**. We first study the OBC case. Suppose the Hamiltonian is generally given by \[\begin{aligned} H^{(o)}=\sum_{n=1}^M h^{(o)}_n+V, \end{aligned}\] where the first term represents hopping terms with different hopping range \(n\) and \(M\) refers to the maximum hopping range, the second term is a local non-Hermitian potential. The specific form of two terms are given below, \[\begin{aligned} h^{(o)}_n&&=\sum_{i=1}^{L-n}t_n|i\rangle\langle i+n|+ t_n^\ast |i+n\rangle\langle i|,\nonumber\\ V&&=\sum_{i\in\partial\Omega} g_i|i\rangle\langle i|+\sum_{i,j\in\partial\Omega}g_{ij}|i\rangle\langle j|, \end{aligned}\] where \(t_n\) is a complex interaction between sites with distance \(n\), \(V^\dagger\neq V\), and \(\partial\Omega\) stands for sites near the boundary (assuming the size of \(\partial\Omega\) is smaller than the maximum hopping range \(M\)). The eigenstate of such system can be usually constructed based on the state \(|\beta\rangle=\sum_j \beta^j|j\rangle\). The two terms in Hamiltonian act on \(|\beta\rangle\) respectively give \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:findeigenstate} &&h^{(o)}_n|\beta\rangle=(t_n\beta^n+t_n^\ast \beta^{-n})|\beta\rangle-t_n\beta^L\sum_{l=1}^n \beta^l|L-(n-l)\rangle-t_n^\ast \beta^{-n}\sum_{l=1}^n\beta^l|l\rangle,\nonumber\\ &&V|\beta\rangle=\sum_{i\in\partial\Omega}g_i\beta^i|i\rangle+\sum_{i,j\in\partial\Omega}g_{ij}\beta^j|i\rangle. \end{aligned}\] The continuous spectrum is generally given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:generalenergy} E=\sum_{n=1}^M t_n\beta^n+t_{n}^\ast \beta^{-n}. \end{aligned}\] Here, we can see that the solutions form pairs \((\beta,1/\beta^\ast)\) for real energy. If solutions are ordered as \(|\beta_1|\leq |\beta_2|\leq \cdots\leq |\beta_{2M}|\), it must have \(\beta_j=1/\beta_{2M-j+1}^\ast\) for \(1\leq j\leq M\). In general, eigenstates can be constructed by linearly combining states corresponding different solution \(\beta_j\) as \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:wavefunction} |\psi\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^{2M}c_j |\beta_j\rangle. \end{aligned}\] Acting the Hamiltonian \(H^{(o)}\) on \(|\psi\rangle\) generates \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:eigenequation} H^{(o)}|\psi\rangle= E|\psi\rangle +B^{(o)} \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned} B^{(o)}=-\sum_{i=1}^M\sum_{n=i}^M\sum_{l=1}^{2M}c_l[t_n \beta_l^{L+i}|L-(n-i)\rangle+t_n^\ast \beta_l^{i-n}|i\rangle]+\sum_{l=1}^{2M}\sum_{i\in\partial\Omega}c_lg_i\beta_l^i|i\rangle+\sum_{l=1}^{2M}\sum_{i,j\in\partial\Omega}c_lg_{ij}\beta_l^j|i\rangle. \end{aligned}\] To satisfy the eigen-equation, the tail \(B^{(o)}\) in Eq. [\[eq:eigenequation\]](#eq:eigenequation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:eigenequation"} has to vanish, i.e., \(B^{(o)}=0\), which can be realized by choosing appropriate combination coefficients \(c_l\). The corresponding condition is generally given by \(F^{(o)}(\{\beta_i\})\cdot(c_1,c_2,\cdots,c_{2M})^T=0\) with \[\begin{aligned} F^{(o)}(\{\beta_i\})=\left( \begin{array}{cccccc} f_1(\beta_1)&\cdots &f_1(\beta_{2M})\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\ f_M(\beta_1)&\cdots &f_M(\beta_{2M})\\ \beta_1^Lg_1(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lg_1(\beta_{2M})\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\ \beta_1^Lg_M(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lg_M(\beta_{2M}) \end{array} \right), \end{aligned}\] where \(f_i(\beta_j)\), \(g_i(\beta_j)\) are polynomials of \(\beta_j\) with highest order less than the hopping range \(M\). The condition is satisfied if \[\begin{aligned} \det F^{(o)}(\{\beta_i\})=0, \end{aligned}\] which is the general boundary condition. The boundary condition demands the vanishing of a polynomial which has the leading and sub-leading term \((\beta_{2M}\beta_{2M-1}\cdots \beta_{M+2} \beta_{M+1})^L\) and \((\beta_{2M}\beta_{2M-1}\cdots \beta_{M+2} \beta_{M})^L\). For a large finte system \((L\gg 1)\), similar to the non-Bloch band theory , it requires \(|\beta_{M+1}|^L\sim |\beta_M|^L\) (not necessary to be exactly equal) to make the two terms cancel out. Moreover, the real-valued eigenvalues enforce that \[\begin{aligned} \beta_M=1/\beta_{M+1}^\ast. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, the boundary condition and real-valued continuous spectrum require \[\begin{aligned} |\beta_{M}|^L\sim|1/\beta^\ast_M|^L \end{aligned}\] which obviously demands that \(|\beta_M|^L\sim 1\). This implies that \(|\beta_M|\) can be given by a Taylor expansion \(|\beta_M|=1+\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n/L^n\). Taking \(\beta_M=|\beta_M|e^{i\theta}\), the eigenvalues can be obtained by plugging \(\beta_M\) into Eq. [\[eq:generalenergy\]](#eq:generalenergy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:generalenergy"}. And the real-valued spectrum requires vanishing imaginary part of eigenvalues \[\begin{aligned} \text{Im}(E)=\sum_{n}|t_n|(|\beta_M|^n-|\beta_M|^{-n})\sin(n\theta+\phi_n)=\frac{2a_1}{L}\sum_{n}n|t_n|\sin(n\theta+\phi_n)+O(\frac{1}{L^2})=0, \end{aligned}\] which has to be satisfied for each order of \(1/L\) when \(L\gg 1\). Even in the leading order, only limited number of \(\theta\) could meet this condition, thus the continuous spectrum only contains few isolated small spots (due to limited number of \(\theta\)), which apparently can not produce a meaningful continuous spectrum. Therefore, real-valued continuous spectrum requires unit modulus for \(\beta_M\) (\(a_n=0\)), i.e., the eigenstate is extended.\ **PBC case**. The PBC case follows the same logic but is a little bit more complicated. A general Hamiltonian in a closed chain is given by \(H^{(p)}=\sum_{n=1}^M h^{(p)}_n+V\) where \(V\) is the same as the OBC case, \(h^{(p)}_n\) represents the hopping terms, containing some terms bridging the two ends of the chain \[\begin{aligned} h^{(p)}_n=\sum_{i=1}^{L-n}t_n|i\rangle\langle i+n|+ t_n^\ast |i+n\rangle\langle i|+\sum_{i=L-n+1}^L t_n|i\rangle\langle i+n-L|+t^\ast_n|i+n-L\rangle\langle i|. \end{aligned}\] Similar as the OBC case, the eigenvalues and eigenstates can be solved by taking the same ansatz \(|\beta\rangle\) such that \[\begin{aligned} h^{(p)}_n|\beta\rangle=(t_n\beta^n+t_n^\ast \beta^{-n})|\beta\rangle+t_n(1-\beta^{L-n})\sum_{l=1}^n \beta^l|L-(n-l)\rangle+t_n^\ast \beta^{-n}(\beta^{L}-1)\sum_{l=1}^n\beta^l|l\rangle, \end{aligned}\] and the operation produced by non-Hermitian boundary stay the same as Eq. [\[eq:findeigenstate\]](#eq:findeigenstate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:findeigenstate"}. By linearly constructing the same wavefunciton in Eq. [\[eq:wavefunction\]](#eq:wavefunction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:wavefunction"} and acting the Hamiltonian on it, we obtain \[\begin{aligned} H^{(p)}|\psi\rangle=E|\psi\rangle+B^{(p)} \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned} B^{(p)}=\sum_{i=1}^M \sum_{n=i}^M\sum_{l=1}^{2M}[ c_lt_n^\ast(\beta_l^{L-n+i}-\beta_l^{i-n})|i\rangle+c_lt_n(\beta_l^{i}-\beta_l^{L+i})|L-n+i\rangle]+\sum_{l=1}^{2M}\sum_{i\in\partial\Omega}c_lg_i\beta_l^i|i\rangle+\sum_{l=1}^{2M}\sum_{i,j\in\partial\Omega}c_lg_{ij}\beta_l^j|i\rangle.\nonumber\\ \end{aligned}\] Different from OBC case, the extra term \(B^{(p)}\) contains a term \(\sim \beta_l^L\) on both boundary. As before, eliminating \(B^{(p)}\) gives the boundary equation \(F^{(p)}(\{\beta_i\})\cdot(c_1,c_2,\cdots,c_{2M})^T=0\) with \[\begin{aligned} F^{(p)}(\{\beta_i\})=\left( \begin{array}{cccccc} \beta_1^Lf^{(a)}_1(\beta_1)+f^{(b)}_1(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lf^{(a)}_1(\beta_{2M})+f^{(b)}_1(\beta_{2M})\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\ \beta_1^Lf^{(a)}_M(\beta_1)+f^{(b)}_M(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lf^{(a)}_M(\beta_{2M})+f^{(b)}_M(\beta_{2M})\\ \beta_1^Lg^{(a)}_1(\beta_1)+g^{(b)}_1(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lg^{(a)}_1(\beta_{2M})+g^{(b)}_1(\beta_{2M})\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\ \beta_1^Lg^{(a)}_M(\beta_1)+g^{(b)}_M(\beta_1)&\cdots &\beta_{2M}^Lg^{(a)}_M(\beta_{2M})+g^{(b)}_M(\beta_{2M}) \end{array} \right), \end{aligned}\] where \(f^{(a,b)}_i(\beta_j)\), \(g^{(a,b)}_i(\beta_j)\) are polynomials of \(\beta_j\) with highest order less than the hopping range \(M\). Since real eigenvalues enforce \(\beta_j=1/\beta_{2M-j+1}^\ast\), it is obvious that \(|\beta_{i\geq M+1}|\geq 1\) and \(|\beta_{i\leq M}|\leq 1\). Therefore, the leading and sub-leading term in the boundary condition are \((\beta_{2M}\cdots \beta_{M+2}\beta_{M+1})^L\) and \((\beta_{2M}\cdots \beta_{M+2})^L\). For a large system with \(L\gg 1\), it requires that these two term could compete with each other to possibly satisfy the boundary equation. Hence, \(|\beta_{M+1}|^L\sim 1\) is required, which is also equivalent to \(|\beta_M|^L=1/|\beta_{M+1}^\ast|^L\sim 1\). Now, the situation resembles the OBC case, and by the same logic we can conclude that the eigenstates always distribute uniformly as long as the eigenvalue is real.\ **For complex eigenvalues**. On the contrary, if the spectrum takes complex value, \(|\beta|\neq 1\) is required for the complex eigenvalues because \(\text{Im}[E(\beta)]_{|\beta|=1}=0\). This indicates that the decaying eigenstate (scale-free localization) is necessary for a system with complex eigenvalues and this can be regarded an accompanying effect of PT breaking induced by a boundary non-Hermitian term in a Hermitian system. ## Eigenstates for PT-broken phase Now we know that the eigenstates in the PT-broken phase cannot be extended because complex eigenvalues requires \(|\beta|\neq 1\). However, it is still necessary to confirm the appearance of scale-free localization in the PT-broken phase. In the discussion above, a key step for justification is to show \(|\beta_M|^L\sim 1\), which heavily relies on the fact that the solution for \(\beta\) appears in pairs, i.e., \((\beta,1/\beta^\ast)\), especially for the discussion of OBC case. Here, we emphasize that if the system respect PT symmetry, then its eigenvalues exist in pairs \((E,E^\ast)\). According to form of eigenvalues in Eq. [\[eq:generalenergy\]](#eq:generalenergy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:generalenergy"}, it is clear that the solution for \(\beta\) also form pairs \((\beta,1/\beta^\ast)\) for a PT symmetric system. Therefore, all the deduction for the emergence of scale-free localization works perfectly to PT symmetric phase and the complex eigenvalues in the PT-broken phase is compatible with it. # Details about the PBC model In this section, we analyze the PT breaking in the PBC model by exploring its eigenvalues and build up a phenomenological frame to understand the behavior intuitively. We first recap the PBC model introduced in the main text: \(H=H_p+V\) with \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:simplechain} H_p&&=\sum_{j=1}^{L-1} (te^{i\theta}|i\rangle\langle i+1|+te^{-i\theta} |i+1\rangle\langle i|)+t e^{-i\theta} |1\rangle \langle L|+te^{i\theta}|L\rangle\langle 1|,\nonumber\\ V&&=ge^{i\phi}|1\rangle\langle 1|+ge^{-i\phi}|L\rangle\langle L|. \end{aligned}\] For convenience, we perform similarity transformation \(U=\sum_{j=1}^L e^{i\theta j}|j\rangle \langle j|\) to convert the Hamiltonian to \(\Tilde{H}=\Tilde{H}_p+\Tilde{V}\) with \[\begin{aligned} \Tilde{H}_p&&=U^\dagger H_p U= \sum_{j=1}^{L-1} (t|i\rangle\langle i+1|+t |i+1\rangle\langle i|)+t e^{-i\theta L} |1\rangle \langle L|+te^{i\theta L}|L\rangle\langle 1|,\nonumber\\ \Tilde{V}&&=V. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(\Tilde{H}\) shares the same eigenvalues with \(H\) and the corresponding eigenstates are connected by \(U\) through \(|\psi\rangle =U|\Tilde{\psi}\rangle\). After the transformation, \(\Tilde{H}_p\) is a periodic function of \(\theta\), i.e., \(\Tilde{H}_p(\theta+2\pi n/L)=\Tilde{H}_p(\theta)\) with \(n\in\mathbbm{Z}\). The eigenvalue of \(\Tilde{H}_p\) is \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:PBCbands} E_n=2\cos(\frac{2\pi n}{L}+\theta),\qquad n=1,2,\cdots, L. \end{aligned}\] For \(\theta= m\pi/L\), the eigenvalues are doubly degenerate as \(\cos(2\pi n/L+m\pi/L)=\cos[2\pi(L-n-m)/L+m\pi/L]\) \((m,n\in \mathbbm{Z})\) where the argument of cosine is defined for modulation with respect to \(2\pi\). From the phase diagram in the main text, the PT breaking threshold vanishes at these values.\ Like before, the characteristic equation of \(\Tilde{H}\) is given by \(t(\beta+\beta^{-1})=E\) and the eigenstate is \(|\Tilde{\psi}(\beta)\rangle=c_1 |\beta\rangle+c_2 |\beta^{-1}\rangle\), such that \[\begin{aligned} \Tilde{H}|\Tilde{\psi}(\beta)\rangle=E|\Tilde{\psi}(\beta)\rangle&&+\big(c_1[t(e^{-i\theta L}\beta^L-1)+ge^{i\phi} \beta]+c_2 [t(e^{-i\theta L}\beta^{-L}-1)+g e^{i\phi} \beta^{-1}]\big)|1\rangle\nonumber\\ &&+\big( c_1[t(e^{i\theta L}\beta-\beta^{L+1})+g e^{-i\phi}\beta^L]+c_2[t(e^{i\theta L}\beta^{-1}-\beta^{-(L+1)})+g e^{-i\phi}\beta^{-L}] \big)|L\rangle. \end{aligned}\] The vanishing of the tail in the r.h.s. of the equation above requires \(\det (F)=0\) with \[\begin{aligned} F=\left(\begin{array}{cc} t(e^{-i\theta L}\beta^L-1)+ge^{i\phi} \beta&t(e^{-i\theta L}\beta^{-L}-1)+g e^{i\phi} \beta^{-1} \\ t(e^{i\theta L}\beta-\beta^{L+1})+g e^{-i\phi}\beta^L& t(e^{i\theta L}\beta^{-1}-\beta^{-(L+1)})+g e^{-i\phi}\beta^{-L} \end{array}\right), \end{aligned}\] which is the boundary condition, determining the solutions for \(\beta\). As analyzed before, the emergence of imaginary solution (PT breaking) is equivalent to existing solution \(|\beta|\neq 1\). In other words, unitary solutions fails in the PT-broken phase, so one can plug in \(\beta=e^{i\gamma}\) (\(\gamma\in [0,2\pi]\)) and detect the parameter region where the ansatz can not give meaningful results. By substituting the solution ansatz \(\beta=e^{i\gamma}\) into the boundary condition leads to \[\begin{aligned} (\frac{g}{t})^2\sin[\gamma(L-1)]-2\frac{g}{t}\cos\phi\sin(\gamma L)+2[\cos(\gamma L)-\cos(\theta L)]\sin\gamma=0, \end{aligned}\] which can be used to solve \(\theta\) for a given \(g\), or express \(g/t\) inversely in terms of \(\theta\), i.e., \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:unitsolution} \frac{g}{t}=G( \gamma)=\frac{\cos\phi\sin(\gamma L)\pm\sqrt{\cos^2\phi\sin^2(\gamma L)-2\sin[\gamma(L-1)][\cos(\gamma L)-\cos(\theta L)]}}{\sin[\gamma(L-1)]}. \end{aligned}\] As shown in Fig. [\[fig:simplemodel\]](#fig:simplemodel){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:simplemodel"} (c,d), in the PT-broken phase, there is certain region for \(\gamma\) where \(G(\gamma)\) does not always give real value, i.e., the unitary ansatz can not give all solutions in certain range of \(G(\gamma)\), equivalent to say \(g\), implying PT symmetry is broken in this regime. Especially, compared with Fig. [\[fig:simplemodel\]](#fig:simplemodel){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:simplemodel"} (a,b), this range of \(G(\gamma)\) perfectly matches the range for \(g/t\) in which PT symmetry is broken.\ In the PT-broken phase, the solutions are given by the ansatz \(|\beta|=e^{\delta/L}\) which is generally correct up to the order \(1/L\). By substituting \(\beta=e^{\delta/L+i\gamma}\) into \(\det F\), we obtain \(\det F=f_R+i f_I\) with \[\begin{aligned} f_R&&=2\sinh{\delta}[2t^2\sin(\gamma L)\sin\gamma-g^2\cos(\gamma(L-1))+2gt\cos\phi\cos(\gamma L)]+O(\frac{1}{L}),\nonumber\\ f_I&&=2\cosh{\delta}[-g^2\sin(\gamma(L-1))+2gt\cos\phi\sin(\gamma L)-2t^2\cos(\gamma L)\sin\gamma]+4t^2\cos(\theta L)\sin\gamma+O(\frac{1}{L}). \end{aligned}\] At the leading order, the boundary condition can give satisfactory value for \(\gamma\) in the region where the unitary solution fails from \(f_R=0\); the value of \(\delta\) can be subsequently solved by substituting the resultant value of \(\gamma\) into \(f_I=0\).\ **Robust continuous spectrum under OBC**. As a comparison, we also briefly analyze the open boundary case, \(H=H_o+V\) \[\begin{aligned} H_o&&=\sum_{j=1}^{L-1} (te^{i\theta}|i\rangle\langle i+1|+te^{-i\theta} |i+1\rangle\langle i|) \end{aligned}\] where the phase factor \(\theta\) can be always removed by the similarity transformation \(U\) introduced before. By following the same procedure, the boundary condition here is reduced to \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:nearestcase} \det\left(\begin{array}{cc} g e^{i\phi}\beta-t & g e^{i\phi}\beta^{-1}-t \\ g e^{-i\phi}\beta^L-t\beta^{L+1}& g e^{-i\phi}\beta^{-L}-t\beta^{-(L+1)} \end{array}\right)=0. \end{aligned}\] As we discussed before, the existence of complex eigenvalues is equivalent to existing solution \(\beta\) with non-unitary module. If we assume a solution \(|\beta|>1\) exist and \(|\beta|^L\gg |\beta|^{-L}\), then the coefficient of leading order \(\beta^L\) on the l.h.s. of equation above has to vanish, i.e., \((g e^{-i\phi}-t\beta)(g e^{i\phi}-t\beta)=0\), which gives \[\begin{aligned} \beta=\frac{g}{t}e^{\pm i\phi}. \end{aligned}\] This suggests that only when \(|g|>t_1\), there could exist two modes with \(|\beta|>1\). These modes are not continuous-spectrum PT-broken modes because of its size-independent module and limited number. Another possibility is that \(\beta^L\sim \beta^{-L}\), by which we can assume \(\beta=e^{i\gamma+\delta/L}\) \[correct to the order O\((1/L)\)\]. Plugging this expression into Eq. [\[eq:nearestcase\]](#eq:nearestcase){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:nearestcase"} and keeping leading order results in \[\begin{aligned} e^{2\delta}=\frac{g^2-2gt\cos\phi e^{-i\gamma}+ t^2e^{-i2\gamma}}{g^2-2gt\cos\phi e^{i\gamma}+ t^2e^{i2\gamma}} e^{-i\gamma 2(L-1)}. \end{aligned}\] Note that \(|\text{r.h.s.}|=1\) and \(\delta\in \mathbbm{ R}\), so the only possible solution is \(\delta=0\), i.e., the continuous-spectrum PT breaking can not happen. Since there are only two equal energy points for any energy in the band structure of the model with only nearest hopping, this result is indeed consistent with our statement on continuous-spectrum PT breaking condition. From the simple analysis, we conclude that a system can response much differently to a local non-Hermitian perturbation under PBC and OBC. ## Effective theory In this section, we construct an effective theory from phenomenological aspect to gain more intuitive understanding about the PT transition behavior. As shown in the right column of Fig.2 (d) in main text, the local non-Hermitian impurity can couple two nearest energy levels to form 2\(nd\) order EP and break the PT symmetry. So we attempt to build an effective theory to describe each two-level subsystem by using projecting method. For two nearest levels (even degenerate levels) with energy \(E_{n_1}, E_{n_2}\), assume \(|E_{n_1}-E_{n_2}|\ll\Gamma=\min_{m\neq n_{1/2}}\{|E_{n_{1/2}}-E_{m}|\}\), one can project the eigen-equation into the subspace spanned by \(n_1\), \(n_2\) modes via projector \(P_{n_1n_2}=|\psi_{n_1}\rangle\langle \psi_{n_1}|+|\psi_{n_2}\rangle\langle\psi_{n_2}|\), namely \[\begin{aligned} \big[P_{n_1n_2}HP_{n_1n_2}-E-P_{n_1n_2}HQ(QHQ-E)^{-1}QHP_{n_1n_2}\big]\psi_P=0 \end{aligned}\] where \(Q=\mathbbm{1}-P_{n_1n_2}\) and \(\psi_P\) stands for the wavefunction in the subspace. Here, \(H=H_0+V\) with \(H_0|\psi_n\rangle=E_n|\psi_n\rangle\) and \(V\) only containing nonzero components near the boundary. Since the purpose of the projection is to explore the bands deformed from \(E_{n_{1/2}}\), we focus on the energy scale \(E_{n_2}\leq E\leq E_{n_1}\) and \(||V||\simeq |E_{n_1}-E_{n_2}|\), and consider that \(P_{n_1n_2}HQ=P_{n_1n_2}VQ\), \(QHP_{n_1n_2}=QVP_{n_1n_2}\), then \[\begin{aligned} (E-QHQ)^{-1}=[G_Q^{-1}(1-G_Q V)]^{-1}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty (G_QV)^n G_Q \end{aligned}\] where \(G_Q=(E-QH_0Q)^{-1}=\sum_{m\neq n_1,n_2}|\psi_m\rangle\langle\psi_m|/(E-E_m)\). Therefore, \[\begin{aligned} P_{n_1n_2}HQ(QHQ-E)^{-1}QHP_{n_1n_2}=P_{n_1n_2}VQ\sum_{n=0}^\infty (G_QV)^n G_QQVP_{n_1n_2}\sim \mathcal O(\frac{||V||}{\Gamma}), \end{aligned}\] which can be approximately dropped out under the assumption \(||V||\ll \Gamma\). This approximation should works extremely well near the gapless point. The effective Hamiltonian is approximately given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:effectiveHamiltonian} h_{eff}\approx P_{n_1n_2}HP_{n_1n_2}=\bar{\epsilon}_{12}+\Delta_{12}\sigma_z+P_{n_1n_2}VP_{n_1n_2}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\bar{\epsilon}_{12}=\big(E_{n_1}+E_{n_2}\big)/2\) and \(\Delta_{12}=\big(E_{n_1}-E_{n_2}\big)/2\), and the effective Hamiltonian is valid for energy scale \(E_{n_2}\leq E\leq E_{n_1}\).\ In the following, we will try to utilize the effective theory to study the condition for PT breaking happened in the PBC model above. For convenience, we assume that the origin of the coordinates locate at the middle of the chain such that \(x_L=-x_1=(L-1)/2\). The unperturbed eigenstate is plane wave \(|\psi_m\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{L}}\sum_{j}e^{ik_mx_j}|j\rangle\), which gives \[\begin{aligned} \langle\psi_m|V|\psi_n\rangle=\frac{2g}{L}\cos[(k_m-k_n)\frac{L-1}{2}+\phi]. \end{aligned}\] Here, for simplicity, we focus on \(0\leq \theta< 0.25(2\pi)/L\) where the spectrum has degeneracy at \(\theta=0\), and the PT breaking could possibly take place between \(k_n\) and \(k_{L-n}\), so the involved effective Hamiltonian is given by \[\begin{aligned} h_{eff}=\bar{\epsilon}_{12}+\Delta_{12}\sigma_z+\frac{2g}{L}[\cos\phi\sigma_0-(-1)^L\cos(k_n)\cos\phi\sigma_x-i(-1)^L\sin(k_n)\sin\phi\sigma_y] \end{aligned}\] where \(\Delta_{12}=-2\sin k_n\sin\theta\), and we used \((k_n-k_{L-n})\frac{L-1}{2}=\pi(2n-L)+\pi-k_n\). This effective Hamiltonian produce Eq.(6) in main text up to a constant.\ **Emergent (approximated) chiral symmetry and stability of real spectrum**---From the phase diagram Fig. 2(a) in the main text, we find when \(\theta\simeq 0.25\times 2\pi/L\) and \(\phi=\pi/2\), the PT-broken phase is absent. This is because the gap between neighboring energy levels are almost equal, which leads to the break down of the two-level effective Hamiltonian approach discussed above. To understand the stability of PT symmetric phase in this situation, one needs to construct an effective theory including more relevant energy levels. The evenly spaced gaps around \(\theta\simeq 0.25\times 2\pi/L\) can be checked as the below: for \(\theta\leq 0.25\times 2\pi/L\), the eigenvalues for three nearest eigenvalues (labeled by \(-1,0,+1\)) read \(\epsilon_{-1}=\cos[\frac{2\pi (n-1)}{L}+\eta\frac{2\pi}{L}]\), \(\epsilon_0=\cos[\frac{2\pi (L-n)}{L}+\eta\frac{2\pi}{L}]\) and \(\epsilon_{+1}=\cos[\frac{2\pi n}{L}+\eta\frac{2\pi}{L}]\) where \(n\leq L/2\) (\(n\in\mathbbm{Z}_+\)) and \(\eta\leq 0.25\) (with \(\theta=\eta 2\pi/L\)). It is easy to check up to the order \(1/L\) \[\begin{aligned} \epsilon_{-1}-\epsilon_0=\sin(\frac{2\pi n}{L})(1-2\eta)\frac{2\pi}{L}+O(\frac{1}{L^2}),\qquad \epsilon_{0}-\epsilon_{+1}=\sin(\frac{2\pi n}{L})(2\eta)\frac{2\pi}{L}+O(\frac{1}{L^2}), \end{aligned}\] and \(\epsilon_{-1}-\epsilon_0\simeq\epsilon_0-\epsilon_{+1}\) when \(\eta=0.25\).\ Here, we put the analysis of spectrum stability to a more general ground. Let us consider a non-degenerate spectrum, in which a given eigenvalue \(E_n\) is symmetrically surrounded by several approximately evenly spaced neighboring eigenvalues. With relabeling \(E_0=E_n\), the subset of eigenvalues near \(E_0\) is given by \((E_{-w},E_{-(w-1)},\cdots,E_0,\cdots E_{w-1}, E_{w})\) where \(|E_{l+1}-E_{l}|\simeq \delta E\) (where \(-w\leq l< w\)). Now, when we concentrate on a energy scale \(E\simeq E_0\) and a moderate perturbation \(||V||\simeq\delta E\), an effective Hamiltonian can be constructed by performing projection into the space spanned by the subset. The projection scheme for the two-level case still works by neglecting a correction of order \(O(||V||/\Gamma)\simeq O(1/w)\ll 1\), where \(\Gamma=w\delta E\). Up to a constant \(E_0\), the effective Hamiltonian is \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:multibandeffective} h_{eff}=P_w HP_w=\text{diag}\{-w,-(w-1),\cdots, 0, \cdots, (w-1),w\}\delta E+\mathcal V \end{aligned}\] with \(P_w=\sum_{l=-w}^w|\psi_{l}\rangle\langle \psi_l|\) and \(\mathcal V=P_w VP_w\). Note this effective Hamiltonian only works well for \(-\delta E\leq E\leq\delta E\). Here, if the boundary term induced coupling satisfy inversion asymmetry \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal V_{i,j}=-\mathcal V_{-i,-j},\qquad i,j\in (-w,\cdots,0,\cdots,w), \end{aligned}\] the full effective Hamiltonian will be inversion asymmetric \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:chiral} \Tilde{\mathcal P} h_{eff}\Tilde{\mathcal P}=-h_{eff}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\Tilde{\mathcal P}\) is inversion operation of eigenvalue index with respect to the middle level, \(\Tilde{\mathcal P}: j\rightarrow-j\). This actually is a chiral symmetry and it enforces the eigenvalues to appear in pairs with opposite sign, so that the middle level is zero, i.e., \(E=0\). This demonstrates that the boundary term can not deform the interested level effectively, so it can not merges into a EP with other levels and break the PT symmetry. In the model studied before, the modes \(k_n\) and \(k_{L-n}\) are degenerate in the absence of phase of hopping parameter, i.e., \(\theta=0\). Adding the flux lifts the degeneracy by shifting the effective momentum by \(\theta\), i.e., \(k_n\rightarrow k_n+\theta\). For \(0< \theta<\pi/L\), the bands in Eq. [\[eq:PBCbands\]](#eq:PBCbands){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PBCbands"} is ordered by \[\begin{aligned} \cdots>E(k_{n-1}+\theta)>E(k_{L-n}+\theta)>E(k_n+\theta)>E(k_{L-(n+1)}+\theta)>\cdots. \end{aligned}\] At \(\theta=0.25\times \pi/L\), these levels are approximately spaced evenly if only a few eigenvalues near \(E(k_n+\theta)\) is counted, i.e., \(w\ll L\). The corresponding eigenstates are irrelevant with \(\theta\) due to translational symmetry. We regard \(E(k_n+\theta)\) as the reference band and index the subspace by a ascending order of eigenvalues, then the eigenstate with new index can be attached with a consistent label \[\begin{aligned} |\psi_l\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{L}}\sum_{j=1}^L e^{iK_l j}|j\rangle, \qquad (l=-w,\cdots w) \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned} &&K_0=k_n, \nonumber\\ &&K_{-1}=k_{L-{n+1}},\qquad K_{-2}=k_{n+1}, \cdots\nonumber\\ &&K_1=k_{L-n},\qquad K_{2}=k_{n-1},\cdots. \end{aligned}\] With these labeling, the potential projection at \(\phi=\pi/2\) reads \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal V_{i,j}=-\frac{2g}{L}=\sin[(K_i-K_j)\frac{L-1}{2}] \end{aligned}\] where we used \(x_1=x_L=-\frac{L-1}{2}\). This projected perturbation is asymmetric upon switching the index \(i,j\). Combing with the asymmetric diagonal terms (upon switching index) in Eq. [\[eq:multibandeffective\]](#eq:multibandeffective){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:multibandeffective"}, the effective Hamiltonian respects a chiral symmetry Eq. [\[eq:chiral\]](#eq:chiral){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:chiral"}. Therefore, the resultant reference band is untouched, namely the PT symmetry for eigenvalue of our concern (\(E_n\)) is not broken. # Boundary perturbation induced PT breaking under OBC In this section, we give more details about the parity analysis of the OBC model to lay down the foundation of effective sub-band theory presented in the main text. The model is recapped here \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:OBCmodel} H_0=\sum_{j=1}^{L-1}t_1|j\rangle\langle j+1| + \sum_{j=1}^{L-2}t_2|j\rangle\langle j+2| +H.c. \end{aligned}\] where \(t_1\), \(t_2\) are real hopping strength. And we consider two kinds of non-Hermitian boundary potential \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:OBCperturbation} V_1&&=i g ( |1\rangle\langle 1|-|L\rangle\langle L|),\nonumber\\ V_2&&= g(|1\rangle\langle 2|+ |L\rangle\langle L-1|), \end{aligned}\] where \(V_1\) is discussed in main text, \(V_2\) will be considered later as a comparison with \(V_1\). The real part of spectrum is depicted in Fig. [\[fig:staticreal\]](#fig:staticreal){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:staticreal"}, where the spectrum of \(H_0\) with PBC and OBC is given in (a) and (b), respectively, and the spectrum of model with perturbation \(V_1\), \(V_2\) are individually given in (c), (d) by overlaying them on top of OBC spectrum of \(H_0\). By comparing (a),(b), some degeneracies in the PBC are lifted under OBC while others are preserved. This is because \(H_0\) has an inversion symmetry, i.e., its eigenstates fall into even or odd parity sector. Under PBC, the eigensates of opposite parity are fully degenerate. Suppose the \(L=2M+1\) (it is similar for even number of sites), the eigenvalue and eigenstate are respectively given by \(E(k)=2t_1\cos(k)+2t_2\cos(2k)\) and \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{L}}e^{i kx}\) with \(k=\frac{2\pi n}{L},\) and \(n=0,\pm 1,\cdots,\pm M\). It is obvious that \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{L}}e^{\pm ikx}\) (for \(k\neq 0\)) are degenerate so that they can be recombined to form eigenstate with opposite parity \[\begin{aligned} \psi^{(even)}_q(x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{L}}\cos (qx),\qquad \psi^{(odd)}_q(x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{L}}\sin (qx), \end{aligned}\] and the domain of \(q\) is shrank by half, \(q=\frac{2\pi m}{L}\) and \(m=0,1,2,\cdots, M\), where \(k\) is replaced by \(q\) to distinguish their domains. Here, we assume \(x=-M,-(M-1),\cdots,-1, 0,1,\cdots, M-1,M\) to show the parity of eigenbasis in the most apparent way. Besides the parity degeneracy, after \(t_2\) reaching certain value (when \(t_2>t_1/4\), four equal energy points become possible), there are many accidental degeneracies between different \(q\) modes in the PBC spectrum, which are fragile and a gap can be easily open if there is no other symmetry protection. The OBC spectrum can be obtained by adding boundary terms to PBC Hamiltonian, i.e., \(H_{\text{OBC}}=H_{\text{PBC}}+V_{\text{OBC}}\) with \[\begin{aligned} V_{\text{OBC}}=-t_1\big(|1\rangle \langle L|+|L\rangle\langle 1|\big)-t_2\big(|1\rangle \langle L-1|+|L-1\rangle\langle 1|+|2\rangle \langle L|+|L\rangle\langle 2|\big). \end{aligned}\] It is evident that \(V_{\text{OBC}}\) preserves the inversion symmetry so it cannot mix any two PBC eigenstates of opposite parity. The accidental degeneracy between different \(q\) modes in PBC spectrum is actually 4-fold degenerate because each \(q\) mode is 2-fold degenerate with respect to parity. *\(V_{\text{OBC}}\) can only open a gap between eigenstates of same parity, the gapless points between opposite parity can be only shifted, as shown schematically in Fig. [\[fig:schematic\]](#fig:schematic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schematic"}*. As a result, the full degeneracy between opposite parity (belonging to the same \(q\) mode) is lifted due to the band shift induced by \(V_{\text{OBC}}\), which explains the absence of eigenvalue degeneracy under OBC in the regime \(t_2<t_1/4\); while the gapless point between modes of opposite parity (belonging to different \(q\) modes) is preserved. So in the Fig. [\[fig:staticreal\]](#fig:staticreal){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:staticreal"} (b), the braid shape bands with gapless points belong to opposite parity. This parity categorization of energy levels is crucial for the effective theory discussed in the main text for perturbation \(V_1\), and will be utilized as well in analyzing the effect of \(V_2\) in the following. **Effect of the second perturbation**.The boundary perturbation \(V_1\) has been discussed in the main text. It leads to a PT breaking with vanished threshold according to an effective theory. Here, we explore the effect of \(V_2\), which could give a finite PT breaking threshold. As plotted in Fig. [\[fig:model2\]](#fig:model2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model2"} (a), the phase diagram shows that the PT breaking is still launched until \(t_2=t_1/4\), which agrees well with the criteria stated in the main text. However, in this case, we find that the PT breaking can be triggered only if the non-Hermitian perturbation is strong enough, corresponding a finite threshold. For completeness, we also further verified the emergent of scale-free localization and the (real part) energy window for PT-broken modes, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:model2\]](#fig:model2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model2"} (b-d). Especially, due to that both \(H_0\) and \(V_1\) respect inversion symmetry, the eigenvalue-resolved mean position \(\langle x\rangle_n\) can not distinguish it from an extended wavefunction, since the wavefunction of PT-broken modes is expected to decay from two boundaries into bulk. Instead, the inversion symmetric scale-free localization can be characterized by \[\begin{aligned} \langle\delta x\rangle_n=\sum_{j=1}^L|\psi_{n,j}|^2 |j-L/2|/\sum_{j=1}^L|\psi_{n,j}|^2, \end{aligned}\] which reflects the asymmetry of half of the wavefunction. One should be aware of that this quantity is not always so sensitive because some combination of plane wave might be also "inversion half-asymmetric\", e.g., \(\sin(kx)\) for \(k\ll 1\). Nevertheless, in many cases, the quantity is still useful, which can help us clearly see the scale-free localization with inversion symmetry. As shown in Fig.[\[fig:model2\]](#fig:model2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model2"} (b), the wavefunction profile of PT-broken modes is indeed "half asymmetric\", in contrast to most PT symmetric modes that are uniform even in half space. This plot again confirms that scale-free localization is a concomitant effect of PT breaking. Now, we use an effective theory based on symmetry analysis to explain the finite PT breaking threshold. The second perturbation is inversion symmetric \(\mathcal PV_2\mathcal{P}=V_2\), so it can couple OBC modes with same parity. Suppose the involved modes are \(|\psi_1\rangle\), \(|\psi_2\rangle\), which respect PT symmetry \(\mathcal P\mathcal K|\psi_{1/2}\rangle\propto |\psi_{1/2}\rangle\), the elements of effective Hamiltonian can be shown to be real-valued, \[\begin{aligned} (H_{2,eff})_{ab}=\langle\psi_a|V_2|\psi_b\rangle= \langle\psi_a|\mathcal P\mathcal K V_2\mathcal P\mathcal K |\psi_b\rangle=\langle\psi_a|^\ast(\mathcal PV_2\mathcal P) |\psi_b\rangle^\ast=(\langle\psi_a|V_2|\psi_b\rangle)^\ast=(H_{2,eff})_{ab}^\ast, \quad(a,b=1,2)\nonumber\\ \end{aligned}\] where the potential is real \(\mathcal K V_2\mathcal K=V_2\) as it respects both inversion and PT symmetry. As a result, the effective Hamiltonian between two levels, up to a constant, is given by \[\begin{aligned} H_{2,eff}=\Delta_{12}\sigma_z+g(d_x\sigma_x+d_z\sigma_z+id_y\sigma_y) \end{aligned}\] where the gap \(\Delta_{12}\) is nonzero (no crossing between modes with same parity) and \(d_{x,y,z}\) are real parameters describing the interactions induced by non-Hermitian terms. The PT breaking condition \((\Delta_{12}+gd_z)^2+(gd_x)^2-(gd_y)^2<0\) is only satisfied when \(g\) exceeds certain threshold since \(\Delta_{12}\neq 0\). The threshold will increase if \(\Delta_{12}\) become larger, and the gap \(\Delta_{12}\) increase with the growing of \(t_2\), as shown in Fig. [\[fig:staticreal\]](#fig:staticreal){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:staticreal"} (b). The is consistent with the phase diagram in Fig. [\[fig:model2\]](#fig:model2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model2"} (a) where the threshold become larger when \(t_2\) is increased.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-09T02:17:46', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04256', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04256'}
# Introduction FDM is a readout technique for the TES-based bolometer and (micro-)calorimeter arrays which are used in infrared, Cosmic Microwave Background, and X-ray astronomy . In the FDM readout, TES pixels are connected in series to high-Q LC resonators with the resonance frequencies within few MHz range and Q factor in the order of \(10^4\) and higher. Signals from the individual TESs are summed up and read out by a DC SQUID amplifier in a sub-Kelvin cryogenic environment. At next stage, signals are amplified by a room temperature RF Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), then digitized and demodulated. FDM readout is particularly considered for space applications due to its low power dissipation at cryogenic temperatures and light-weight shielding requirement. In addition, TES operation points can be individually adjusted which identify the requirements of the SQUID specs. At SRON, FDM readouts are developed with a baseband feedback (BBFB) module to increase the linear dynamic range of the system. A schematic of the BBFB FDM readout developed at SRON is illustrated in Fig. [\[fig01\]](#fig01){reference-type="ref" reference="fig01"}. Cryogenic electronics include TES sensors, LC resonators and SQUID amplifiers. The SQUID in use for this study is a two-stage SQUID which has been also simulated accordingly. The FM modulated signal is summed up at point A and is amplified by the SQUID and then by LNA at the front-end electronics. The amplified signal is digitized by the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter, point B) and is demodulated by the DEMUX board. Using a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter, point C), an analog feedback is sent back to the feedback coil to enhance the linear performance of the SQUID. In Fig.[\[fig01\]](#fig01){reference-type="ref" reference="fig01"}, the \(R_{shunt}\) is in parallel to the LC resonators and provides the AC bias using the AC bias circuit(not shown). Details of the BBFB FDM readout can be found in ,. As we discuss in the following sections, the RC circuit (snubber) placed at the summing point (Point A) dampens the out of band resonances(OBR) which could cause a negative impact on the FDM readout. The use of snubber circuit improves the SQUID performance with smoother \(V-\rm\Phi\) curves and lower noise ,. In another FDM readout, it has been also reported that shunting only a 5 \(\rm\Omega\) resistor with the input coil of the SQUID removes the SQUID irregularities. This is likely due to the fact that the shunt resistor and the input coil of the SQUID make an RL low-pass filter. # Simulation In the FDM readout, TES information is embedded only in the FDM band so it is desirable to suppress the OBR as much as possible. The fundamentals of the baseband feedback(BBFB) FDM readout of TES detectors and an overview of the SRON FDM readout have been described in ,. As can be seen in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}, the AC bias line, cryogenic harness, 176 LC resonators and input coil of the first SQUID (3 nH) are simulated using LT-SPICE software. An AC bias reference of 1 V is provided via the AC bias line including 5 k\(\rm\Omega\) resistors and cryogenic harness which is a lossless transmission line with characteristic impedance of 70.7 \(\rm\Omega\)(L=500 nH and C=100 pF). TES are assumed to be in the transition region with a resistance of 40 m\(\rm\Omega\) and FDM LC's are designed for the frequency resonances between 1 MHz and 3.8 MHz. Parasitics capacitors at SQUID summing point have empirical values of 150 pF and 850 pF (next to the right red box in Fig.[\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}). Further details of the setup can be found in, ,. In the simulation demonstrated in Fig.[\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} the impact of cryogenic harness and input coil of the SQUID has been examined. Position of the snubber in use is shown in the schematics in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} at Summing Point A. The snubber circuit in use has the R 2.2 \(\rm\Omega\) and C 10 nF which are the optimized values to suppress the OBR based on the LT-SPICE simulation. As can be seen in the simulation results in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}, the OBR resonance at 98.7 MHz caused by the parasitic capacitances together with the input coil of SQUID, is dampened by the snubber in use at the input of the first stage SQUID. The peak at 15.9 MHz is related to the LC resonance made by the characteristic impedance of cryogenic harness and could be dampened by using the 2\(^{\rm nd}\) snubber (only in simulation, not in use) at the AC bias line before \(R_{\rm shunt}\).\ \ \ Next, we simulated the entire BBFB FDM readout using LT-SPICE software. The block diagram of the FDM readout shown in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} is actually a simplified version of the readout system in Fig. [\[fig01\]](#fig01){reference-type="ref" reference="fig01"}. It includes the AC bias circuit, harness, two-stage SQUID, Warm Front End Electronics (WFEE), BBFB resistor and an external LNA. For the SQUIDs, we used small signal model where the SQUID amplification is linear. This approximation is accurate enough for the BBFB FDM readout. For advanced SPICE modelling of the DC SQUID see. Only the snubber in use at summing point is included in the simulation. The results of simulation are shown in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}. Comparing the results with those in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}, it can be seen that by applying the BBFB resistor and snubber, the OBR peaks have been significantly reduced and their magnitude is well below the magnitude of the FDM signal (1 MHz-3.8 MHz). It also shows the impact of long harness (few meters for flight model) which generates repetitive OBR spikes at higher frequenies (peaks appear at frequencies higher than 50 MHz). For an AC bias of 1 V, the FDM output level is around 20 dB and the Max. OBR peak is  -10 dB. Although in simulation, the magnitude of the OBR spikes is well below the FDM signal, it should be noted that nearby OBRs could in principle destabilize the SQUID bias, increase the irregularities in the V-\(\rm\Phi\) curve and increase the readout noise. # Measurement Using an external broadband LNA at room temperature, we examined the OBR level at a broad frequency range from 1MHz up to 500 MHz. The FDM setup including the TES array and two-stage SQUID is inside a cryostat at 50mK and 4K regimes. In Fig. [\[fig02\]](#fig02){reference-type="ref" reference="fig02"}, a photo of 176 TES array developed at SRON is shown where the LC resonators, SQUIDs and the snubber(Low-Pass RC filter) are identified with white boxes. Test has been repeated for various SQUID DC bias (two edges) and SQUID is turned On and Off.\ To optimize the noise performance of the external LNA, we repeated the test using a broadband (1 MHz-2 GHz) Cryo-LNA at 77K (using liquid nitrogen) for 2 seperate FDM setups at SRON. Selected results are shown in Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"} (1 MHz-50 MHz, left and 50 MHz-500 MHz, right). It can be seen that the SQUID has negligible impact on the OBR. The measurement with Cryo-LNA did not change the results either. It is concluded that the observed OBR is either due to the harness impedance mismatch or due to the pickup noise at the lab. It should be noted that in the current prototype setup, the FEE amplifier, which amplifies the signal before the ADC, is at room temperature. The results in Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}which are measured using an external LNA only shows the impact of the SQUID on the OBR. To see the modulation of the FDM readout vs the OBR, we also took data from the output of the FEE while the snubber was in use. Similar to results in Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}, several resonances occur at frequencies below 10 MHz suggesting that nearby OBR could be due to the harmonics or intermodulation products of the FDM resonances. # Conclusion Here is a summary of the results: \- : Simulation shows that the long harness for flight model could generate repetitive spikes in the spectrum. The important factor to consider is the characteristic impedance of the harness (e.g. twisted pairs) which should be matched to the output of SQUID. \- : In addition to the harness, an OBR peak could occur due to the capacitances at the input coil of the SQUID. The capacitors (150 pF,850 pF in our model) represent the parasitic junction capacitances which are well known in the literature(e.g., ). \- : There are also inductance of the co-planar and bonding wires as well as inductance of microstrip lines but these inductances are negligible compared to the inductors used in the LC filter chip. \- : Implementing a low-pass RC circuit (snubber) at the input of SQUID dampened the OBR so the first peak observed around 20 MHz which is a safe margin for the 4 MHz FDM in use in the prototype setup. \- : OBRs are more intense at 50 mK compared to those at 4K and seem to be caused by harness impedance mismatch rather than the SQUID as the data measured with the SQUID On and Off has no significant changes. \- : A 2nd snubber at the AC bias line before \(R_{shunt}\) could in principle further suppress the OBR. This is not implemented in the setup but could be investigated for future study.\ \- : In addition to the use of snubber (low pass RC filter), placing the RF amplifier at a shielded cryostat and proper filtering after amplification could improve the FDM performance and reduce the OBR.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:39', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04297', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04297'}
# Acoustic wave propagation in solar simulations: 1D vs 3D models {#sec:Modeling} The energy flux \(F_{ac}\) of propagating acoustic waves with frequencies between \(\nu_{ac}\) (the acoustic cutoff frequency) and an upper-limit frequency \(\nu_{1}\) can be derived from observations with the following expression : \[F_{ac} = \rho \sum_{\nu' = \nu_{ac}}^{\nu_1} \frac{\left \langle v_{obs}^2(\nu') \right \rangle}{{\cal{T}}^2(\nu')} v_{gr}(\nu') \label{eqn:wave_flux}\] where \(\rho\) is the plasma density at the formation height of the observed diagnostic; \(\left \langle v_{obs}^2(\nu') \right \rangle\) is the observed velocity variance at frequency bin \(\nu'\); \(\cal{T(\nu')}\) is the attenuation coefficient due to the finite thickness of the formation region of the spectral line; \(v_{gr}(\nu')\) is the group velocity of the wave mode at frequency \(\nu'\). To estimate the wave energy flux, we have to evaluate the terms on the right side of Equation [\[eqn:wave_flux\]](#eqn:wave_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:wave_flux"} from models or observations. The quantity \(\left \langle v_{obs}^2(\nu') \right \rangle\) can be obtained from the observations as described in Section [6](#sec:Observations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Observations"}. The other three quantities however need to be estimated from numerical models, as we describe in this Section. We extend previous analyses to compare the differences between 1D models (FAL, RADYN) and 3D models (Bifrost). In comparison with 1D models, the Bifrost model includes additional physical processes (dynamical evolution, shock formation, detailed radiative transfer and non-equilibrium ionization of hydrogen) which produce a wealth of small-scale phenomena. This approach allows for self-consistent description of wave propagation in the chromosphere, avoiding some of the problems with 1D modeling described in. Previous work by compared the general wave propagation properties in 3D MHD simulations, including Bifrost, and found a lack of general agreement among the different models. We note that those authors did not explore the observational signatures of high-frequency wave propagation in the chromosphere, which is the central topic of this paper. ## RADYN models {#subsec:RADYN_models} We use the same RADYN [@1992ApJ...397L..59C; @2005ApJ...630..573A; @2015ApJ...809..104A] runs presented in Paper I to interpret the IRIS observations. The initial RADYN atmospheric model used was an IN atmosphere model with 191 grid points. The model has a piston-like lower boundary condition that acts as a sub-photospheric wave driver and an open upper boundary with constant temperature of 1 MK. RADYN self-consistently solves the equations of radiative transfer, statistical equilibrium, and the hydrodynamic equations, where the code can take into account the time dependent ionization. Furthermore, the RADYN code treats in non-LTE the transitions of hydrogen, calcium, and helium with 6, 6, and 9level atom models respectively. We synthesized time series of spectral line profiles from these models. Based on these synthetic observables, we estimated the line displacements and intensities described in the further analysis. To synthesize the , and the spectral diagnostics studied throughout this work, we use the RH 1.5D code. For the synthesis of the 280.1 nm line, we used the Kurucz line list database[^1] and we synthesized it in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). We note that the lines of exhibit non-LTE effects, but we leave the assessment of importance of these effects for a future work. To synthesize the h & k lines we used the RH code in non-LTE mode with 10 plus one ground levels and PRD treatment . ## Bifrost models {#subsec:Bifrost_models} Modern 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamic (rMHD) codes appear to result in increasing levels of realism of the simulated solar atmosphere. To leverage the advantages of multidimensional rMHD simulations, we use the publicly available Bifrost **data cubes**[^2] of enhanced network *en024048_hion* . In this simulation we utilize the quiet regions as realizations of quiet Sun internetwork and the more active network as representative of plage regions. We further employed the publicly available radiative transfer products for the h & k and the 280.9 nm lines which are synthesized with the RH 1.5D code and publicly available for the enhanced network *en024048_hion*. We also synthesized the 854.2 nm and D\(_1\) lines with RH 1.5D in nLTE. We used a 6-level model atom for the 854.2 nm line, including a ground state; for the D\(_1\) line, we used a model atom with 4 levels which includes a ground state. Before proceeding with the analysis of the spectral synthesis products, we note a few deficiencies of the Bifrost models, which should be kept in mind while interpreting the following results. First, the UV solar spectrum is not well reproduced, with spectral features lacking in intensity and width. As discussed previously in, this might be due to a combination of factors, like insufficient heating in the chromosphere and corona and the lack of small-scale motions in the simulated atmospheres. The other major drawback of these models is the presence of global oscillations over the whole simulation domain with velocity perturbations on the order of a few km/s in the lower chromosphere, accompanied by density fluctuations on the order of 20 percent. We have attempted to remove the signature of these wave modes in our analysis by filtering them in temporal Fourier space, given their periods are lower (about ten minutes) compared with the periods of interest in this paper and are coherent over the whole domain. ## Properties of the synthetic observables from Bifrost {#subsec:comparison_models} Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"} shows the formation properties of the 280.1 nm line (top panel) and k3 (middle panel) in the enhanced network Bifrost simulation. Panels (a) and (e) show the height of optical depth unity, referred to as the *height of formation* of the spectral line. These panels indicate that the two spectral lines are formed at significantly varying heights in the atmosphere at different locations in the FOV, as previously shown in. This spread of the height of formation is a significant contribution to the broad distribution of densities at the \(\tau\)=1 heights, which are shown in Panels (b) and (f). This raises the question of the applicability of the approach based on inferring the acoustic flux using a singular density value for a given spectral line. Additionally, the effective height of formation of a spectral line may change as the atmospheric properties evolve in time. The amplitude of this effect is illustrated in panels (c) and (g) which show for each line the ratio of the difference between the 10th and 90th percentile of the temporal density variation to the time-averaged plasma density at the height of formation for each pixel. We note a strong temporal variation of the density at the height of formation with time on the order of a factor of few for the same temporal location, similarly to . This change is due to the passing wave fronts and the different amplitudes are due to the significantly different properties of formation of the diagnostics in the two regions. For the line, the density of formation changes by an order of magnitude in internetwork regions over time, but relatively less in the enhanced network regions. For the k line, we see that the density changes most significantly along the fibrilar structures, connecting the two magnetic regions in the simulation domain. Based on the spectral synthesis of the two UV and the two optical lines, we computed \(\tau\)=1 plasma density histograms for each spectral line from the first snapshot of the simulation. Panel (i) shows that the densities at the \(\tau\)=1 heights exhibit wide distributions that present a challenge for the computation of the wave fluxes. If we examine indicative enhanced network (magenta squares in Panels (a) and (e)) and internetwork (green squares in Panels (a) and (e)) structures we find that those regions exhibit almost constant density inside the small boxes. The average of the density from those regions could be used as the representative of the values to be used in Equation [\[eqn:wave_flux\]](#eqn:wave_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:wave_flux"} when estimating the acoustic fluxes. This strong dependency of the density on the particular solar region, further described in Section [2](#sec:Uncertainties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Uncertainties"}, makes providing an accurate model for every solar feature crucial for the accurate estimation of the wave flux. The acoustic wave flux present in the simulation cube can be computed at different heights as the plasma conditions are known. Due to the varying formation conditions of the diagnostics, described in the previous paragraph, we estimated the average height of formation for each spectral line separately for each column of the simulation. Based on the average height of the column, we extracted the average plasma density and the amount of vertical velocity oscillatory power between 5 and 20 mHz at that height in the simulation. Based on these estimates, we computed the average wave flux at the local formation height of the spectral lines. The resulting acoustic wave-flux distributions for all spectral lines are presented in Panel (j) of Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}. The amount of acoustic flux with height decreases significantly, in contrast to the almost constant amount of wave flux in the 1D RADYN chromosphere. This is the typically observed behavior of the wave flux with height, as hinted by previous observations. The amount of acoustic wave flux in the Bifrost simulation chromosphere resembles the results based on the RADYN models in Paper I, but exhibit a more realistic decrease of the wave flux with height. This is further described in detail in Section [1.3](#subsec:comparison_models){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:comparison_models"}. Based on the spectral profiles computed from the Bifrost simulation, we measured the Doppler velocities using the same procedure as for the real observations, described in Section [6.1](#subsec:IRIS_data_processing){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:IRIS_data_processing"}. We have also subtracted a white-noise estimate, derived as frequency independent at high frequencies of the power spectrum. We compare the amounts of Doppler velocity fluctuations in the real data (blue distributions) and the simulations (green distributions) in Figure [\[fig:Vrms_total_power\]](#fig:Vrms_total_power){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Vrms_total_power"}. The data for the simulation results are based on the aforementioned green and pink regions in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}. The simulations seem to exhibit significantly higher velocity oscillation power than the actual Sun, often up to a magnitude more. The acoustic wave energy propagating through the chromosphere appears to be mostly dissipated by the time it reaches the height of formation of the k3 feature (see Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"} Panel (h)). in the simulations. This is further illustrated in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms"}, where the height dependence of the acoustic flux in the internetwork and magnetic concentration regions are shown. The amount of velocity variance is also shown in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms"} as the dashed lines. We can see that the amounts of vertical velocity oscillatory power in the internetwork and the plage are similar in the photosphere, but in the chromosphere the internetwork has higher velocity oscillation power by a factor of two. However, when taking into account the slightly lower density at chromospheric heights for the internetwork, compared with the enhanced network, we found that the velocity amplitudes are almost the same over a large range of heights. This analysis shows the drawbacks of using 1D atmospheric models to infer the wave fluxes. First and foremost, perturbative approaches cannot account for the atmospheric properties changing significantly between different solar features. There has been previous work by that used time-dependent 1D HD RADYN models to infer wave fluxes from the TRACE observations, but these authors did not use differing starting atmospheric models to study the behavior of different solar features; or have used multiple 1D semi-empirical static models. Furthermore, the analysis of the 3D models shows that the high-frequency waves do not over-saturate the chromosphere with acoustic power as in the 1D case. A key property that affects the estimation of the acoustic flux is the plasma density. We do not argue about the veracity of the conclusions in either approach, as the reliability of 3D models to represent the wave dynamics of the solar atmosphere is still under debate. Furthermore, the too-weak spectral lines in the synthetic spectra are most probably due to low densities in the Bifrost simulations. In the next section, we compare the different modeling approaches, quantifying their systematic differences, which might explain some of the discrepancies among the previous results for acoustic flux estimates. # Systematics of acoustic wave flux estimation from 3D vs 1D models {#sec:Uncertainties} The spectral synthesis of observables from numerical solar models provides us with a direct way to examine how the variations in measured diagnostics relate to the actual changes in atmospheric plasma properties. In this section we examine the behavior of the following components of Equation [\[eqn:wave_flux\]](#eqn:wave_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:wave_flux"} in different modeling approaches: *(i)* atmospheric velocity at height corresponding to the observed Doppler velocity measurement and what is the source of the observed velocity fluctuations--true plasma motions or rather changes in the \(\tau\)=1 surface; *(ii)* what is the density at the height of formation associated with the oscillatory signal; and *(iii)* what is the transmission coefficient in different regions of the solar atmosphere. We compare the results from the 3D Bifrost simulations with previous results from RADYN and FAL atmosphere-based modeling. Such comparison allows for estimating the systematic errors that are introduced by using a particular modeling approach. This is an important aspect of these studies that has not been well constrained previously. We demonstrate that specific choices made for the height of formation, density, and transmission coefficient can drastically change the conclusions from these of studies. ## Measuring velocity fluctuations, but where? {#subsec:uncertainty_vel_fluc} The analysis in Section [1.3](#subsec:comparison_models){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:comparison_models"} shows that the Doppler velocity signals derived from synthetic spectral lines originate from a height that can change with time and depending on the underlying solar feature. Hence, we need to determine at which height the Doppler velocity samples the true vertical velocity field most closely. To constrain to which height the observed Doppler velocity relates to, we calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between the observed Doppler velocity and the plasma vertical velocity. The highest correlation coefficient values were found at the heights of the time-averaged optical depth unity which confirmed our previous calculations. We compared the Doppler velocities in the synthetic spectral observations with the acoustic flux at the \(\tau=1\) height of formation of the spectral line. The results are shown in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms_vs_flux\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux"}, where the first row is for the line and the second row is the k3 feature. Optimally, there would be a direct mapping between \(v_{obs}^2\) and the wave energy flux, which would imply that the estimation of the density and the attenuation coefficient should be straightforward. For both spectral lines, there is a good agreement between the distribution of the observed synthetic velocity oscillations and the true vertical velocity oscillations at the line height of formation in the solar atmosphere. Panels (a) and (b) of Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms_vs_flux\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux"} show the observed Doppler velocity and the velocity at the time-averaged \(\tau\)=1 height for the 280.1 nm line. Panels (e) and (f) show the same for the k3 feature. On average the observed Doppler velocity fluctuations are lower than the true vertical plasma velocities in the solar atmosphere. This is due to a Doppler velocity attenuation effect that smears out the vertical velocity signal in the solar atmosphere. It is caused by a combination of multiple phases of the acoustic waves might be present in the width of the formation region as well as the changing line height of formation. This observed decrease of the wave amplitudes is described by the \(\cal{T}\) coefficient, discussed further in Section [2.3](#subsec:T_coeffs){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:T_coeffs"}. The total amplitudes of the velocities derived from the synthetic observables are on average lower by a factor of two to four, due to the attenuation of the signal. However, when we compute the acoustic fluxes at the time-averaged \(\tau=1\) surfaces of the simulations, we see that the correspondence with the velocity amplitudes is mostly nonexistent (panels (c) and (g)). This is due to the fact that the other major component of the acoustic flux calculation is the density. The density at the height of line formation varies significantly in the different regions of the chromosphere, as shown in panels (b) and (f) in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}. In particular, these subfigures show us that the local density changes by more than an order of magnitude between the quiet and enhanced network regions. This can be understood as in the hotter (network) regions, the diagnostics are formed at a lower height and on average at higher column mass. The density variation is significantly higher than the variation of the amplitudes of the observed velocity fluctuations in the simulations. This strong spatial variation of plasma properties results in the poor correlation between the observed synthetic velocity oscillation power and the acoustic flux at the line formation region, as shown in panels (d) and (f) of Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms_vs_flux\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux"}. The correlation is marginally better for the case of the k3 feature. The relatively smaller change of the density of formation in the case of the upper chromospheric k3 leads to a better correlation between the synthetic observed velocity fluctuations and the acoustic flux in the atmosphere. The conclusion from Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_v\_rms_vs_flux\]](#fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_v_rms_vs_flux"} is that the variations in the formation height of the spectral lines in different features is a significant effect when estimating the wave flux in the solar atmosphere, as that will alter the observed wave velocity amplitudes and local densities. Using fixed values for the density will produce results that do not correspond to the true flux at the formation region of the spectral lines. Optimally, we would take this into account when estimating the acoustic flux by employing different densities. However, as we discuss in the following section, sufficient knowledge of the local densities in the chromosphere and their range of variation, is still lacking. ## Chromospheric density estimates are model dependent Density is the quantity with the highest degree of variability in estimating the acoustic flux in the chromosphere, due to its highly corrugated and dynamic structure. As alluded in the previous subsection, the density at the formation location of the same diagnostics in different regions of the solar atmosphere changes by a few orders of magnitude, as illustrated in panels (b) and (f) in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}. In this section we discuss the intrinsic variability of the plasma density at the height of spectral line formation in the different modeling approaches. The variability described here is due to the different line formation conditions in the model atmospheres, not the intrinsic changes due to the wave perturbations per se. Figure [\[fig:rho_comparison\]](#fig:rho_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rho_comparison"} shows the distribution of plasma densities at the \(\tau=1\) surface for the 280.1 nm line in panel (a) and the k3 feature in panel (b) for different modeling approaches. The three different models described here are: Bifrost 3D rMHD simulations described in Section [1.2](#subsec:Bifrost_models){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:Bifrost_models"}; the RADYN models described in Section [1.1](#subsec:RADYN_models){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:RADYN_models"}; and the FAL11 semi-empirical 1D hydrostatic models, described in. We use the latest FAL models, since they reproduce the average solar spectra to the best extent, but are in essence very similar to other 1D semi-empirical atmospheric models used in previous acoustic wave studies. For the Bifrost rMHD model, we extracted the corresponding densities at every 5th spatial pixel in both spatial dimensions at 200 second intervals. The distribution of the Bifrost densities are presented as the gray distribution in Figure [\[fig:rho_comparison\]](#fig:rho_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rho_comparison"}. We also calculated the densities at the two regions of internetwork and active network, marked as the squares in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}. We plotted them over the full Bifrost distribution with the blue (internetwork) and red (active network) markers. The formation of the lines in the active network is at higher average plasma densities, which agrees with the previous discussion in Section [1](#sec:Modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Modeling"}. For the RADYN models, we calculated the and the lines for the *model_3000* run from Paper I for every temporal step, where we have excluded from the synthesis the relaxation time of the simulation. We calculated the density from the other models presented in Paper I that have increasing wave strength, but the results were similar to the ones presented here. The FAL models A-P, increasing in activity from very quiet internetwork to plage core, are shown with the colored circles on the right. The relative warmth of the color of the marker signifies increasing activity level. The different modeling approaches produce very different estimates for the plasma density at the line formation region, as shown in Figure [\[fig:rho_comparison\]](#fig:rho_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rho_comparison"}. In particular, the Bifrost models exhibit a high level of intrinsic variation of the density in the different solar features. In the case of the line, the RADYN-derived density corresponds to the quietest FAL models, which is not surprising, given the initial RADYN atmosphere was based on a relaxed FAL B like model. Comparing the Bifrost density estimates with the 1D model ones, we observed that mostly the active network regions have mostly similar density to the ones retrieved from the FAL-based modeling. In the internetwork, the Bifrost models estimated that the density of formation is significantly lower than the one derived from the FAL models, but at some points they exhibit high densities, similar to the ones seen in the enhanced network. In the case of the lines, the RADYN models exhibit densities closer to those of the hotter FAL models, opposite from what is seen in the 280.1 nm line case. However, the more self-consistent Bifrost simulation exhibits significantly lower density than either FAL and RADYN simulations for both enhanced network and internetwork. Using the values of Bifrost simulation-derived densities for flux estimates would lead to lower inferred chromospheric wave fluxes when compared with using values based on the FAL models. We do not dispute which density values are more accurate, as the Bifrost models still lack heating and sufficient density in the chromosphere to properly reproduce the observed spectral profiles. Instead, we highlighted the systematic biases in different wave flux estimates based on the models used. The large spatial and temporal spread in densities in the more dynamic rMHD models does further indicate the use of a single or few values of density in computing wave fluxes is likely an oversimplification that leads to significant uncertainties. ## Uncertainty of the transmission coefficient {#subsec:T_coeffs} The attenuation coefficient \(\cal{T}\) is the last model-dependent parameter in estimating the wave flux. We define \(\cal{T}\) in this work as the ratio of the standard deviation of the observed and actual atmospheric vertical velocities. We take a frequency-averaged approach, as previous work in Paper I calculated \(\cal{T}\) as a function of frequency and showed that most of the power is at the lower frequencies. To examine its variation in the Bifrost simulations, we calculated the ratio of the standard deviations of the Doppler velocities, derived from the synthetic observations, and the vertical velocities in the simulation at the time-averaged height of the \(\tau = 1\) surface. We have filtered the vertical velocities in Fourier space leaving the frequencies between 5 and 20 mHz. We adopt an averaging of the velocity fluctuation power over the frequency domain for calculating \(\cal{T}\), different from previous work. This makes it more resistant to noise at the high-frequency limit, which can contribute to the observed Doppler velocities solely due to measurement errors. The attenuation coefficient maps for both 280.1 nm (panel (a)) and k3 (panel (b)) are presented in Figure [\[fig:T_coeff_Bifrost\]](#fig:T_coeff_Bifrost){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:T_coeff_Bifrost"}. The attenuation coefficient varies significantly over the simulation domain and is partially correlated with the type of underlying solar features. For the 280.1 nm line the attenuation coefficient is on the order of \(\sim\) 0.4 in the internetwork, which might be expected due to the strong variation in the of heights being sampled of the Doppler velocity, as discussed in Section [2.1](#subsec:uncertainty_vel_fluc){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:uncertainty_vel_fluc"}. In the case of the network regions, the attenuation coefficient is closer to unity due to the fact that in these regions the height of formation changes significantly less, as shown in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"} panel (c). For the k3, the attenuation coefficient is in general higher compared with the lines. In the quieter regions the attenuation coefficient is lower (about \(\sim\) 0.6) and closer to unity in the network regions. In the case of the k3 (panel (b) of Figure [\[fig:T_coeff_Bifrost\]](#fig:T_coeff_Bifrost){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:T_coeff_Bifrost"}), we see that the extended fibrilar structures in the simulation are clearly correlated with a higher transmission coefficient. Panels (c)-(f) of Figure [\[fig:T_coeff_Bifrost\]](#fig:T_coeff_Bifrost){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:T_coeff_Bifrost"} present the power spectral density distributions of the synthetic observables and the actual plasma vertical velocity. In each panel, we plot the PSD of the vertical plasma velocity at the formation height of the spectral line (v\(_{sim}\)) as well as the PSD of the Doppler velocity measured in the synthetic observables for solar region of interest. The lines are the mean of the PSD distributions and the shaded areas represent the 10th to 90th percentiles region of the distributions. For the line on average the power spectra of the observed Doppler velocity signals is attenuated with a constant shift, as seen previously in Paper I and discussed in previous work. However, for the plage-like regions the power spectra of the true plasma velocity and the one of the observed (synthetic) Doppler velocity are very similar and in some places the true velocity power exceeds the observed one. This is due to the fact that the passing wave fronts in the atmosphere introduce a jump-like change of the height of formation of the diagnostics, introducing jump-like signals in the measured Doppler velocity. This effect cannot be described with 1D semiempirical atmospheric modeling and we believe that it is important to be included in the accurate estimates of the wave fluxes, as it will increase the attenuation coefficient significantly for brighter regions, leading to lower acoustic flux estimates. As is evident, the attenuation coefficient varies significantly and may depend in part on the solar feature being observed. This effect cannot be captured by static 1D models and will be definitely misrepresented by 1D hydrodynamic time-dependent models, as the obvious dependence on the simulated magnetic topology of the solar region helps determine its value. Hence, we believe that future estimations of the acoustic flux in the chromosphere should take the complicated nature of the transmission coefficient into consideration. # Introduction {#sec:Introduction} The solar chromosphere has a higher temperature than expected from radiative equilibrium. The additional heating required to maintain the chromosphere in its observed thermodynamic state is approximately a few to tens of kW/m\(^2\), depending on the activity of the particular solar feature. Understanding the primary heating sources is important for modeling the solar chromosphere correctly, as these will determine its structure and observed properties. This is an important astrophysical question beyond the Sun, because stellar chromospheres are the source of the UV continuum that influences their surrounding environment, e.g. dictates the atmospheric chemical composition of their exoplanets. Previous work has suggested that the two most viable mechanisms to provide the missing heating in the solar atmosphere is through stochastic release of stored magnetic energy or dissipation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. Release of magnetic energy--either through current sheet dissipation or magnetic reconnection  has been reported throughout the chromosphere with limited global heating implications. Conclusive observational evidence of this heating process is still lacking, even if models predict it to be pervasive in the active Sun . In this paper we focus on the other possible heating mechanism --acoustic wave energy dissipation. Chromospheric heating by waves was proposed in the late 1940's and has been discussed extensively in the literature . Recent progress on constraining the wave heating in the solar chromosphere has been enabled by the technological advances of adaptive optics, tunable filtergraphs and more sensitive ultraviolet (UV) and near-infrared (IR) instruments. There are two differing conclusions about the energetic significance of acoustic waves in the lower solar atmosphere. In general, the body of work based on high-cadence Doppler velocity observations interpreted with a 1D static atmospheric perturbative approach derive wave fluxes sufficient to maintain the quiet chromosphere [e.g. @2009A&A...508..941B; @2016ApJ...826...49S; @2020A&A...642A..52A]. On the other hand, studies based on Doppler velocities from and UV/mm continuum observations interpreted with 1D time-dependent radiative hydrodynamic (rHD) models, well suited for chromospheric studies, come to the opposite conclusion-- acoustic waves do not carry sufficient energy flux to maintain the quiet chromosphere. However, the latter studies have been critiqued for systematic biases toward underestimating the acoustic flux. For this project, we extended the previous work on determining the acoustic wave flux in the chromosphere with optical observations of (henceforth Paper I) with UV data of the low and high chromosphere from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. We also used 3D instead of 1D radiative MHD (rMHD) models to interpret the wave observations. This could be considered an extension of the similar work by with the inclusions of multiple spectral lines in the IRIS UV spectral sampling interval, instead of relying on the wings of the h and k lines. We argue that the interpretation of the observed oscillatory signals requires the use of 3D MHD models, contrary to 1D models used in previous work. Wave modeling that relies on 1D semi-empirical models calculate the properties of the observed waves as perturbations on a static atmosphere, which may be an inaccurate approximation, if the dynamical oscillations are maintaining the atmosphere in a dynamic state far from equilibrium [see @Bertschinger_Chevalier_1985 for a treatment of the similar physical setting on Mira-like stars]. This paper describes the observed wave properties in the lower and upper chromosphere observed in the UV with IRIS and tries to infer the energy flux of acoustic waves propagating in these regions through comparison with spectral synthesis from 3D rMHD Bifrost models. We compared those results with diagnostics from the optical part of the spectrum obtained with the Imaging BIdimensional Spectrograph . The paper is organized in the following way: Section [6](#sec:Observations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Observations"} describes the UV and optical observations used throughout the paper; Section [4](#sec:power_spectra){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:power_spectra"} presents the derived properties of the power spectra of different diagnostics; Section [1](#sec:Modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Modeling"} presents the wave diagnostics derived from synthetic observables from *Bifrost* MHD enhanced network models; Section [2](#sec:Uncertainties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Uncertainties"} discusses the systematics between different modeling approaches. We conclude with the wave-energy flux estimates in Section [7](#sec:Inferred_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Inferred_flux"} and discuss the implications our results in Section [5](#sec:Conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Conclusions"}. # Properties of the observed power spectra {#sec:power_spectra} We studied the wave dynamics in the observed chromospheric diagnostics by analyzing their power spectra. The power spectra are derived for each pixel in the selected interval along the slit from the squared absolute value of the Fourier transform of the time series, giving us the power spectral density (PSD) of the data. The power spectra of the IRIS data exhibit ubiquitous power law shapes at frequencies above the acoustic cutoff present in all chromospheric and photospheric observables. These power laws exhibit similar behavior to those previously observed in the chromosphere, for example in and will be further discussed further below. The average shapes, slopes and other properties of the power laws are presented in this section. [\[subsec:obs_power_laws\]]{#subsec:obs_power_laws label="subsec:obs_power_laws"} ::: [\[tab:Flux_quantities\]]{#tab:Flux_quantities label="tab:Flux_quantities"} Based on the observational data presented in Section [6](#sec:Observations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Observations"} and the numerical analysis in Sections [1](#sec:Modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Modeling"} and [2](#sec:Uncertainties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Uncertainties"}, we have the required physical quantities to demonstrate the method for estimating the acoustic flux from the IRIS and IBIS observations, based on the synthetic observables derived from the Bifrost models. In Section [2](#sec:Uncertainties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Uncertainties"} we showed that the internetwork and the plage regions exhibit different line formation characteristics, such as densities, velocity formation regions and attenuation of the wave signals, within the Bifrost simulation. In particular, the internetwork exhibits formation of the line that is significantly lower in density and has a lower transmission coefficient, compared to the active network elements. Despite the variances in density shown in Figure [\[fig:rho_comparison\]](#fig:rho_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rho_comparison"} we chose to use the densities from Bifrost to compute acoustic wave fluxes. The mean formation properties employed for the different spectral lines are listed in Table [3](#tab:Flux_quantities){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:Flux_quantities"} and were derived from averaging over the representative regions (shown as small boxes) in Figures [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"} and [\[fig:T_coeff_Bifrost\]](#fig:T_coeff_Bifrost){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:T_coeff_Bifrost"}. The attenuation coefficient values we obtained are significantly closer to unity than what previous authors have cited , which could be due to the different (and more realistic) modeling approach we employed. However, this will also lead to significantly lower estimates of the energy fluxes. We used the average formation properties, as derived for regions of the simulation for the observed internetwork and plage regions described in Section [2](#sec:Uncertainties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Uncertainties"}. To calculate the wave fluxes, we adopt values of the density and the attenuation coefficient for the spectral lines separately for the two regions (shown as squares in Figure [\[fig:Bifrost_overview\]](#fig:Bifrost_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bifrost_overview"}). The values are listed in Table [3](#tab:Flux_quantities){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:Flux_quantities"}. Figure [\[fig:Wave_flux\]](#fig:Wave_flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Wave_flux"} presents the estimated wave fluxes, based on the calculated properties of the Bifrost simulations for the corresponding solar features. The top panel (a) shows the diagnostics for the internetwork and the bottom panel (b) shows the results for the plage regions. Overplotted are the Bifrost averaged acoustic flux as a function of height for the two regions for comparison. For the case of the internetwork, the observation-derived values were generally lower than the acoustic fluxes retrieved directly from the simulations. This can be traced back to the difference in the observed and simulated Doppler velocity distributions in Figure [\[fig:Vrms_total_power\]](#fig:Vrms_total_power){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Vrms_total_power"}. This might be due to a variety of reasons, including the magnetic field topology, incorrect driving of the p-modes in the bottom boundary of the simulations or incomplete physical treatment of the wave propagation and dissipation. For the case of the plage observations, we saw that the lower chromosphere diagnostics were orders of magnitudes below the fluxes present in the simulation. Our modeling approach shows that the two independently observed lines of D\(_1\) and the 280.1 nm exhibit almost the same amount of acoustic flux at the about same formation height, acting as a self-consistency check. The wave fluxes derived from the middle and upper chromospheric diagnostics exhibit values closer to the ones derived from the Bifrost models. In conclusion, our analysis shows that the observed Doppler velocities are lower than what were derived from synthetic line profiles calculated from simulations in the four spectral lines with formation heights spanning the chromosphere. Hence, the acoustic fluxes calculated from the observations, based on the simulation results, are also lower and likely insufficient to maintain the solar chromosphere in its quiescent state. This conclusion holds for both the quiet and plage chromospheres, compared to their respective radiative losses. However, our analysis shows that any such conclusions are highly model dependent. In particular, the biggest systematic biases are the estimates of the (average-value) densities and the attenuation coefficients. # Phase delays of chromospheric diagnostics: observables vs simulations {#sec:Phase_info} Signals of propagating waves originating from different heights in the solar atmosphere will exhibit a phase delay due to the travel time needed between the two sampled layers. The delays, signatures of propagating waves, can be sought out in our observations by examining the temporal shifts between diagnostics formed at different heights in the solar atmosphere. We can detect these delays by examining cross-power transforms of the diagnostics, attained by either Fourier or wavelet transforms. We pursue the wavelet approach, since it is more appropriate for the transient behavior of the underlying signals we study . Fourier transform underestimates the localized amplitude of the oscillatory signals compared to the wavelet decomposition. Furthermore, it is essential to use wavelets for the computation of the coherency and phase delays over different scales as simple Fourier transform will return an average over the whole temporal domain, not accounting for the inclusion of regions that are not statistically significant. To estimate if the two signals are genuinely correlated with one another, we compute their coherence and its respective red-noise level. By including a noise estimate of the coherency of our data, we only include regions of statistically significant coherent power between the two signals, that provides us with an estimate of the phase delays that is not averaged down by the non-statistically not significant regions. We compute the coherency and the phase delays of the Doppler velocity by using wavelet transformation with Morlet wavelets with 6 peaks. This computation provides us with travel time between the layers in the different atmospheric layers. The phase angles and the coherency of the signals were computed using the PyCWT[^4] Python package, based on routines from. Eight suboctaves are used for each octave in period. To compute the angles presented in the Figures in this Section, we exclude the results outside the Cone-of-Influence (COI) of our transforms and we only use the locations with statistical significant coherency. To estimate the significance levels of our results we use the built-in red-noise significance estimator, described in. We reuse the noise-level models from consecutive pixel location computations to expedite the computations, as the noise-level estimates are the most time consuming part of the process and provides a few-fold acceleration of the decomposition process. We also examine the phase difference between intensity and velocity in the spectral lines, as they examine the phase difference between the plasma velocity and temperature. MHD wave modes exhibit phase delays between oscillating plasma properties dependent on the type of propagating wave. The phase delays could be a useful tool for distinguishing between MHD waves. For the case of acoustic wave modes, we expect a \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) phase shift between the local temperature and velocity perturbations. The resulting phase delays for the IRIS data products described in Section [8](#sec:Phase_info){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Phase_info"} are presented in Figure [\[fig:phase_delay_IRIS_Mg_Mn\]](#fig:phase_delay_IRIS_Mg_Mn){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase_delay_IRIS_Mg_Mn"}. # Wave power dependence on observing inclination angle {#sec:Mu_dependence} ## Plage ## Coronal holes ## Quiet Sun [^1]: http://kurucz.harvard.edu/linelists.html [^2]: Available at <http://sdc.uio.no/search/simulations>. [^3]: https://iris.lmsal.com/data.html [^4]: <https://pypi.org/project/pycwt/>
{'timestamp': '2023-02-09T02:17:43', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04253', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04253'}
# Introduction {#sec_in} Most of the baryonic mass in clusters of galaxies lies in the form of a tenuous hot plasma known as intracluster medium (ICM). The chemical composition and physical properties of this environment contains valuable information about the origin and distribution of chemical elements during the evolution of the Universe. Fe-peak elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) originate from type Ia supernovae (SNIa) while light \(\alpha\)-elements (O, Ne, Mg) mainly originate from core-collapse Sne (SNcc). Intermediate-mass elements (e.g. Si, S, Ar and Ca) are synthesized by both SNcc and SNIa. The ICM is filled with these elements from their host galaxies by ram-pressure stripping, galactic winds and AGN bubbles uplift. Therefore, the ICM metal is sensitive to both the time-scale over which the supernova products are expelled and the number of SNIa and SNcc that contribute to the chemical enrichment. Other important parameters include the initial mass function (IMF) of the stars that explode as SNcc, the initial metallicity of the progenitors and the SNIa explosion mechanism. X-ray spectroscopy of the ICM constitutes a powerful tool to study the abundance distribution of these elements. A central Fe abundance excess was first reported in the Centaurus cluster. Similar trends have been found in many cool-core clusters. Recent Perseus cluster observations by *Hitomi* indicated that the abundance ratios near the cluster core are fully consistent with solar, thus pointing out the importance of the contribution from both SNIa (with sub-Chandrasekhar mass) and near SNcc to the chemical enrichment of the ICM. Here, we present an analysis of the chemical enrichment of ICM within the Virgo galaxy cluster. Located at \(z=0.00436\pm 0.000023\), and being the second-brightest extended extragalactic soft X-ray source, constitutes an excellent laboratory to study the ICM chemical enrichment. The active AGN in its core displays a central jet as well as extended radio bubbles, creating through feedback large cavities and shocks in the ICM. *XMM-Newton* observations of the system shows that the X-ray emitting gas form arms with similar abundance ratios of elements such as O, Si and S in and outside such arms, indicating that the metals must have been transported after the last major epoch of star formation. Cold fronts have been identified within the system, with sloshing of gas as the most viable explanation for their presence. Recent analysis of the velocity structure within the Virgo cluster shows signatures for both AGN outflows and gas sloshing. This paper is organized as follow. In Section [2](#sec_dat){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_dat"} we describe the data reduction process. In Section [3](#sec_fits){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_fits"} we explain the fitting procedure. A discussion of the results is shown in Section [4](#sec_dis){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_dis"} while the conclusions and summary are included in Section [5](#sec_con){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_con"}. Throughout this paper we assumed a \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmology with \(\Omega_m = 0.3\), \(\Omega_\Lambda = 0.7\), and \(H_{0} = 70 \textrm{ km s}^{-1}\ \textrm{Mpc}^{-1}\). # Data reduction {#sec_dat} The *XMM-Newton* European Photon Imaging Camera spectra were reduced with the Science Analysis System (SAS[^1], version 19.1.0). The observations are the same as used in and we followed the same data reduction process. First, we processed each observation with the `epchain` SAS tool. We used only single-pixel events (PATTERN==0) while bad time intervals were filtered from flares applying a 1.0 cts/s rate threshold. In order to avoid bad pixels or regions close to CCD edges we filtered the data using FLAG==0. Following the work done in, we used updated calibration files which allows to obtain velocity measurements down to 150 km/s at Fe-K by using the background X-ray lines identified in the spectra of the detector as references for the absolute energy scale. Identification of point sources was performed using the SAS task `edetect_chain`, with a likelihood parameter `det_ml` \(> 10\). The point sources were excluded from the subsequent analysis, including the AGN in the cluster core (i.e. a central circular region with a diameter \(D=58\) ). In order to study the distribution of chemical elements in the ICM we analyzed non-overlapping circular regions. The thickness of these rings increases as the square root with distance from the M87 center. Figure [\[fig_regions\]](#fig_regions){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_regions"} shows the extracted regions. # Spectral fitting {#sec_fits} Previous analysis of the Virgo cluster have shown the presence of a multi-temperature component near the cluster center. In order to avoid switching between single and multi-temperature models for the ICM X-ray emission in some arbitrary way, we decided to use the `lognorm` model. The `lognorm` model includes a log-normal temperature distribution and takes as input a central temperature (\(T\)), width of the temperature distribution in log space (\(\sigma\)), metallicities, redshift and normalization. The relative normalizations of each component are scaled so that the total is the overall normalization. We included a `tbabs` component to account for the Galactic absorption. The free parameters in the model are the temperature, log(\(\sigma\)), elemental abundances (O, Ne, Si, Ar, S, Ca, Fe, Ni) and normalization. Although Al and Mg abundances are free parameters as well, their abundances may not be reliable due to the presence of an strong Al K\(\alpha\) instrumental line \(\sim 1.5\) keV. We fixed the column density to \(1.27\times 10^{20}\) cm\(^{-2}\). Different models were also tested, including \(N({\rm H})\) as free parameter, which are described in Appendix [\[sec_multi_fit\]](#sec_multi_fit){reference-type="ref" reference="sec_multi_fit"}. As background components we have included Cu-\(K\alpha\), Cu-\(K\beta\), Ni-\(K\alpha\), Zn-\(K\alpha\) and Al-\(\alpha\) instrumental emission lines, and a powerlaw component with its photon index fixed at 0.136. We also take into account the astrophysical background with a power-law with \(\Gamma=1.45\) that accounts for the unresolved population of point sources, one absorbed thermal plasma model (`apec`) for the Galactic halo (GH) emission and an unabsorbed thermal plasma model for the Local Hot Bubble (LHB) emission. In order to estimate the temperatures of these components we model the spectrum from 3 elliptical regions located in the outskirt of the cluster, \(\sim 30\) arcmin from the cluster center (see Figure [\[fig_regions\]](#fig_regions){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_regions"}). Table [1](#tab_bkg){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_bkg"} list the best-fit parameters obtained for the CXB, GH and LHB components. Henceforth, the temperatures for these background components were fixed to the best-fit values of \(T_{e}=0.48\) keV and \(T_{e}=0.065\) keV. We note that our extraction regions are closer to the cluster core and therefore may be contaminated by an elevated soft foreground component, especially affecting abundance elements of lighter elements such as O. # Conclusions and summary {#sec_con} We present an analysis of the radial distribution of elements in the ICM within the Virgo cluster using *XMM-Newton* EPIC-pn observations. This work is an extension of the results found by but including the soft energy band (\(<4\) keV) and focuses on the abundance radial distribution. In this Section we briefly summarize our findings. 1. We found a velocities trend similar to that found by but with lower values, most likely due to the inclusion of the spectra energy soft band, which allows a better constrain of metallicities and temperatures. 2. For distances \(\sim 90\) kpc the best-fit model is close to a single-temperature component. We have found discontinuities in temperature around \(\sim30\) kpc and \(\sim90\) kpc, which correspond to the radius of the cold fronts. The material with higher temperatures (\(>2.3\) keV) tends to have larger velocities. When comparing the abundance and temperature profiles we found that the cooler gas is more metal-rich. 3. We modeled the elemental X/Fe ratio profiles for elements O, Ne, Si, Ar, S, Ca, Ni with a linear combination of SNIa and SNcc models. We found that the best fit-model correspond to a pure deflagration 3D model for SNIa and an initial metallicity of Z \(=\) 0.0 for SNcc. This model roughly reproduces the observed abundance patterns of Ne/Fe, Si/Fe and Ni/Fe. The Ar/Fe and Ca/Fe profiles are not reproduced. 4. We found a flat radial distribution of SNIa ratio over the total cluster enrichment. This support an early enrichment of the ICM scenario, with most of the metals present being produced prior to clustering. The present work will be followed by a detailed study of the 2D spatial distribution of elemental abundances.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:20', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04286', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04286'}
# Introduction and preliminaries Let \(\phi\) be a Lie isomorphism between two groups \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) which are definable in o-minimal expansions of the real field. If \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) are abelian, the question of whether or not \(\phi\) is a definable isomorphism has been studied for a long time and of course it depends on the o-minimal structure: In the real field the exponential map between the additive and multiplicative group is not definable, and the real points of abelian varieties do not split as products of tori. Even when the exponential is definable, it is not known whether or not any two one dimensional torsion free ordered groups are definably isomorphic (see for a survey around this question) nor do we know whether any torsion free abelian two dimensional definable group splits (definably) as the product of one dimensional subgroups ( provides a good vision of the status of the question and gives answers in some cases). In this paper we will not focus on these issues (although we will give some insights in Section [3](#Adding){reference-type="ref" reference="Adding"} when we prove that any Lie isomorphism between groups definable in an o-minimal expansion of the exponential real field can be added while preserving o-minimality). The main result of this paper consists in proving that these are the only obstructions. We will need some notation: We fix an o-minimal expansion \(\mathcal R\) of the real field. By "definable group" and "definable map" we mean, respectively, "\(\mathcal R\)-definable group", and "\(\mathcal R\)-definable map". Recall (see ) that the connected component of any definable group \(G\) is definable, it has a maximal connected solvable radical \(R(G)\), and said radical has a maximal connected torsion free normal subgroup \(T(G)\) such that \(K(G):=R(G)/T(G)\) is a definably compact solvable group (and therefore abelian). In Section [3](#Adding){reference-type="ref" reference="Adding"} we prove that one can add any Lie map between definable abelian groups preserving o-minimality, which together with Theorem [\[Theorem\]](#Theorem){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem"} implies that the same holds when we add Lie isomorphisms between any two definable groups. In Section [4](#linear){reference-type="ref" reference="linear"} we give absolute statements (without assuming that the restrictions of \(\alpha\) are definable) in two particular cases, one which assumes the groups are linear and the other in which we assume that \(\mathcal R\) is Pfaffian-closed. We also make some remarks about possible generalizations. ## Preliminaries We will use the notation from. Let \(G\) be a group definable in an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field. The connected component \(G^0\) of the identity is definable and the notions of connectedness and definable connectedness coincide, and \(G/G^0\) is finite. As above, we will denote by \(R(G)\) the solvable radical of \(G\) (that is, the largest solvable normal--definable--connected subgroup of \(G\)), and by \(Z(G)\) the center of \(G\). In the Lie group category, if \(G\) is connected, then a *Levi decomposition* of \(G\) is a decomposition of the form \(G = R(G)\cdot S\) where \(S\) is a maximal connected semisimple group, called a *Levi subgroup* of \(G\). We know the following: - \(R(G)\cap S\) is discrete. - \(S\) is a maximal connected semisimple (Lie)-subgroup of \(G\), and unique up to conjugation (). - If \(G\) is a definable group, then \(S\) is a maximal connected ind-definable subgroup of \(G\), and unique up to conjugation (), although there are cases where it is not definable. We will say that a definable group \(G\) is *linear* if it has a definable and faithful finite dimensional representation \(\rho\) and we will call the image \(\rho (G)\) a *matrix group*. The following are from and: We will also need the following, which is Remark 4.4 in. # Proof of Theorem [\[Theorem\]](#Theorem){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem"} Let \(\alpha: G_1\rightarrow G_2\) be a Lie homomorphism of definable groups. Assume that the restriction of \(\alpha\) to any abelian definable subgroup of \(G_1\) is definable. We will first prove the connected case (although the general case will follow easily). Let \(S_1\) be a Levi subgroup of \(G_1\). The strategy to prove that \(\alpha\) is definable, will be to prove that the restriction of \(\phi\) to \(T(G_1)\) is definable, then show that the restriction to \(R(G_1)\) is definable. We will then prove that the restriction of \(\alpha\) to the definable \(Z(G_1)S_1\) is definable, which will complete the proof: Since \(G_1:=S_1\cdot R(G_1)=\left(S_1\cdot Z\left(G_1\right)\right)\cdot R(G_1)\), so that we can reconstruct \(\alpha\) from its restrictions to \(R(G_1)\) and \(S_1\cdot Z\left(G_1\right)\). ## The restriction of \(\alpha\) to \(T_1\) is definable. For this we need the following remark. ## The restriction of \(\alpha\) to \(R(G_1)\) is definable. We now have that the restriction to \(T_1\) is definable, and \(R_1/T_1\) is definably compact and solvable, so abelian. It is not true that there is always a definable section into \(R_1\) ( provides a very nice example), which of course is a limitation to having a Lie group be definable (if \(R(G_1)\) definably splits and \(R(G_2)\) doesn't, one cannot hope to have \(\alpha\) be definable). In, Strzebonski defined 0-Syllow subgroups of \(G\) as maximal definable subgroups \(H\) of \(G\) such that for every proper definable subgroup \(H'\) of \(H\) one has \(E(H/H')=0\); he showed that 0-Syllow subgroups are abelian. This, combined with the following fact (Proposition 3.1 in ) completes this case: ## Defining the restriction of \(\alpha\) to \(S_1\cdot Z(G_1)\), and the connected and general cases. # Adding the Lie isomorphism in expansions of the exponential field. {#Adding} It is not true that any Lie map between Lie isomorphic groups is definable, the most obvious example being the additive and multiplicative groups in the real field. However, we do know the following (). However, since we are dealing with expansions of the real field, the following (Proposition 3 in ) will be more useful. We can generalize this fact to any two definable abelian groups. We will first deal with the torsion free case. The key (besides Fact [\[PSS\]](#PSS){reference-type="ref" reference="PSS"}) is the following lemma which may be of independent interest. We can now prove the general abelian case. We can now combine Theorem [\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"} and Lemma [\[abelian general\]](#abelian general){reference-type="ref" reference="abelian general"} to give this latter result in full generality. # Some particular cases, and concluding remarks {#linear} [^1]: I include a brief argument. Let \(G\) be a one dimensional extension of its center \(Z\), and assume \(a\not\in Z\). Then the centralizer of \(a\) contains \(Z\) and all its powers, so it has the same dimension as \(G\). By connectedness it must be \(G\).
{'timestamp': '2023-02-09T02:17:37', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04251', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04251'}
# Introduction ## Shear-and Lid-Driven Flow in a Cavity Despite the relatively simple geometry of a flow past a rectangular cavity, such flows can exhibit a surprisingly wide range of complex behaviors, such as corner eddies, non-unique flow solutions, longitudinal vortices, as well as different instabilities and types of transition. This complexity, along with the canonical geometry of such systems, has led these flows to receive a great deal of scientific attention and research. Much of the initial research into such systems focused on the simplified 2D version of the flow, considering both the lid-driven and shear-driven forms of the problem. These preliminary investigations revealed fairly intuitive dynamics wherein for either case the predominant flow structure in the cavity is a single large eddy structure that tends to occupy the majority of the cavity, with secondary eddies in the corners. Studies that considered 3D effects showed that introducing a spanwise dimension and side walls can significantly change the qualitative behavior of such flows. For such flows at inertial but laminar Reynolds numbers, the 3D flow still remains dominated by a single main eddy structure, except that the spanwise velocity along the vortex core is not necessarily zero. Although this velocity component is small relative to the swirl velocity, it has previously been found to point from the channel centerplane towards the side walls, and such flows have been found to exhibit symmetry about the channel centerplane. This axial flow from the centerplane towards the wall along the vortex core indicates the presence of a stagnation point at the channel center on the vortex core, which is unstable on the vortex axis and stable on the centerplane. Here, when we refer to the stability of stagnation points, we are simply indicating the direction of flow either toward or away from the stagnation point. That is to say, if we refer to a stagnation point as unstable on the vortex axis, this implies that a tracer particle located at the stagnation point would flow away from the stagnation point along the axis if perturbed in that direction and vice versa. The combination of a stagnation zone, strong swirl, and weak axial flow along the vortex core hints at the potential for the onset of vortex breakdown in such systems, though most previous studies have ignored such effects. Several other key studies that have investigated 3D cavity flow have considered effects such as the influence of end walls on the formation of Taylor-type instabilities and Taylor-Görtler-like vortices in the lid-driven system. Related research for the shear-driven system examined the dynamics of the shear layer between the outer channel flow and the flow in the cavity showing that systems with either deep or shallow cavity depths can become unsteady at high Reynolds numbers via Kelvin-Helmholtz instability oscillations. One specific application of shear-driven cavity flows that has emerged in recent years is in the context of drag reduction. Specifically, researchers have used patterned or porous surfaces to reduce the laminar or turbulent drag over a surface by infusing the surface with various fluids such as simply air or a variety of oils. By doing this, the boundary condition of the external flow at the surface acquires some effective slip length that reduces the drag overall. The simplest example of this to consider is the shear-driven flow past a single cavity or array of cavities. As the external flow goes past this patterned surface, it encounters alternating no-slip conditions with the surface where there is no cavity, and effective slip conditions where the cavities are present. By infusing such cavities with different fluids such as oils, as well as alternating the geometry of the cavity, various drag reduction efficiencies can be achieved. Researchers have investigated such systems with various approaches. For example, studied the shear-driven failure of such surfaces when the cavities were infused with different oils and investigated approaches for reducing this failure mechanism. also used chemical patterning strategies to change the preferential wetting of the cavities in an attempt to prevent this leakage mechanism. Further research investigated the role of the viscosity ratio on the shear-driven failure mode and showed that lower viscosity of the driving fluid caused less fluid draining. systematically demonstrated the ability of such surfaces to reduce drag in a robust way for laminar flows, developing scaling models to determine the dependence of drag reduction on the viscosity ratio. used fully turbulent experiments to demonstrate up to a 14% drag reduction using such liquid-infused patterned surfaces in a Taylor-Couette flow. Finally, decoupled the turbulent flow past such a patterned surface into the small-scale Stokes problem within the cavity and coupled this to numerical simulations of the outer turbulent flow problem, further characterizing the efficiency of such drag-reduction strategies in turbulent flows. In the current work, we show that the shear-driven flow in a cavity can exhibit vortex breakdown, a phenomenon that can potentially alter the mass transport, flow stability, and slip behaviors in systems such as those described above. An illustration of the specific system we study is shown in Figure [\[fig:geometry\]](#fig:geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:geometry"}. The system consists of a channel flow past a single rectangular cavity of length \(\ell\), width \(w\), and depth \(d\). The inlet and outlet lengths of the channel are \(\ell_i\) and \(\ell_o\), respectively. To reduce the potential parameter space, we fix the main flow channel to be square with side length \(d\), and we use sufficiently long inlets and outlets such that the fluid dynamics in the cavity are independent of \(\ell_i\) and \(\ell_o\). With these constraints, the two key nondimensional numbers that fix the geometry of our system are \(w/d\) and \(\ell/d\). For this preliminary investigation, we also consider cases where \(\ell/d=1\) to further constrain the geometry. We define \(\Re=\frac{U\ell}{\nu}\), where \(U\) is the average inlet velocity and \(\nu\) is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. For simplicity, we place the origin of the geometry at the center of the bottom wall. The centerplane is therefore \(z=0\). At any point along the vortex core, we characterize the vortex as having an *outward axial flow* if it is directed away from \(z=0\), and an *inward axial flow* if it is directed toward \(z=0\). Before proceeding to describe our methodology and characterize the types of flow behaviors we observe in such systems, we first provide a brief introduction to the vortex breakdown phenomenon in the following section. ## Vortex Breakdown {#vbintro} In many vortex-dominated flows, the vortex core can often be approximated as axisymmetric. Within the vortex core, the balance of the axial and swirl velocity components plays an important role in determining the dynamics of the vortex. In particular, in certain flows the vortex core can experience a sudden transition in which an internal stagnation point appears in the flow. As the flow decelerates towards this point, the streamsurfaces suddenly diverge. This phenomenon is called vortex breakdown. Different types of such behaviors have been observed, the two most common of which are the spiral type and the nearly-axisymmetric bubble type breakdown. Early research into vortex breakdown primarily centered on the field of aeronautics. For example, such breakdown behaviors were originally discovered in the relatively high-speed flows over delta wings with highly swept leading edges at steep angles of attack. However, modern research has identified vortex breakdown in a much wider range of flow systems, from high-speed external flows to simple swirling pipe flows and even in low-to moderate-Reynolds number microfluidics. Typically, theoretical studies of vortex breakdown have been performed in relatively basic geometries such as an axisymmetric pipe flow where the source of swirl may be either the rotating pipe wall, a rotating end wall in a closed pipe system, or an imposed theoretical inlet condition such as imposed Batchelor vortices, etc. For example, several studies have considered the vortex breakdown in an axisymmetric cylinder geometry with a rotating end wall. In particular, the three-part study on axisymmetric vortex breakdown by, , and performed a detailed experimental, numerical, and theoretical investigation of the vortex breakdown dynamics in laminar swirling flows driven by a rotating end wall. Among other things, they identified the onset of oscillatory flows with simulations of the full unsteady axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations which could not be well-resolved experimentally, they derived an inviscid equation of motion that lead to a theoretical criterion for vortex breakdown based on the generation of negative azimuthal vorticity on streamsurfaces, and they used nonlinear dynamical systems theory to investigate the dynamics of the flow across many rotation speeds, observing multiple distinct oscillation modes and chaotic advection. Later, performed additional simulations of this system to resolve an apparent discrepancy in the prior observations of the first mode of instability. Recently, performed simulations of a similar system, but across a wide range of cylinder aspect ratios and Reynolds numbers and observed stair-stepping changes in the locations of the vortex breakdown regions as the parameters were varied. In a different system, considered the flow in an axisymmetric pipe with no end walls, where a portion of the pipe itself rotates to generate the swirl. In this way, they could consider both decaying and growing swirl in the flow direction, observing traditional bubble breakdown on the pipe axis for decaying swirl, and toroidal recirculation zones near the walls for growing swirl. Vortex dynamics and symmetry-breaking bifurcations have also been investigated in a range of other systems, such as in a cross-slot flow mixer, where above a certain Reynolds number, vortex stretching at the stagnation point drives instability that triggers the development of spiral vortex structures. A variety of key studies have used theoretical and numerical techniques to explore the stability characteristics, path to transition, and control strategies for key systems exhibiting vortex breakdown. Some of this work has been done in the high-\(\Re\) limit. For example, studied the linear stability of an inviscid, axisymmetric swirling flow in a finite length pipe by deriving a set of linearized equations for axially symmetric perturbations imposed on a base columnar flow. This work revealed a novel instability mechanism for swirling flows that cannot be predicted from previous analysis and developed new understanding of the relationship between stability and the vortex breakdown phenomenon. considered this same finite length pipe model and developed a closed-loop control scheme that can preserve the columnar swirling base state to prevent the linear development of the instability identified by. In another work, used the axisymmetric unsteady Euler equations to investigate the stability characteristics and time-asymptotic behavior of an inviscid axisymmetric swirling flow and developed a consistent explanation for the mechanism that leads to vortex breakdown in high-\(\Re\) swirling flows in a pipe. followed this same analysis to further consider how perturbations destabilize a columnar swirling jet, and they related the local stability properties in an infinite pipe to the global stability properties in a finite pipe. Despite the classic nature of vortex breakdown in the fluid dynamics community, controversies about its physical origins remain. Various explanations have been explored, but none of these have received broad acceptance in the community. The three main categories for these explanations of vortex breakdown are summarized by Hall as: (1) Vortex breakdown is analogous to 2D boundary-layer separation, (2) Vortex breakdown is due to hydrodynamic instability, and (3) Vortex breakdown depends on the existence of a critical state in which the vortex can support certain types of standing waves. Theoretical progress has been made toward each of these explanations, but the third appears to be the most favorable. Towards this explanation, Ruith *et al.*, for example, has proposed a method to predict the criticality of vortex breakdown regions by axisymmetrizing the vortex core and then seeking zeros to the solutions of a particular differential equation within the axisymmetrized region. One outstanding issue is that such types of analysis still require a priori knowledge of the flow field and the approximate location of any potential vortex breakdown regions. Recent work by reported an algorithm to find the closest first integral to a given vector field and construct approximate streamsurfaces for the flow, facilitating the detection of vortex breakdown regions. Nonetheless, it still requires the full simulated flow field. Furthermore, although vortex breakdown has typically been considered in the context of single-phase flows, recent work shows that it can have significant consequences for mass transport and mixing in multi-phase and particle-laden flows. For example, while investigating particle-wall impacts in a branching T-junction flow, Vigolo *et al.* demonstrated unexpected bubble trapping that they later attributed to the onset of vortex breakdown above a critical Reynolds number of \(\Re\approx320\), where there \(\Re\) is based on the side dimension of the square inlet channel. later expanded on this work by considering the role of both the geometry and strength of the flow through a branching junction in triggering vortex breakdown. They combined single-phase simulations and bubble-and particle-laden microfluidics experiments to show that vortex breakdown in the single-phase flow is a necessary condition for the onset of particle/bubble capture in the experiments. However, it is not a sufficient condition, since particles and bubbles also experience centrifugal effects as they swirl around the vortex core, such that only low-density objects will be pulled toward the core and ultimately trapped. Later, used numerical simulations along with an analytical approach to show that this capture is due to anchor-shaped 3D flow structures, and they identified the particle size and density regimes for capture via a stability analysis. demonstrated a practical application of this system by demonstrating the capture and rapid fusion of lipid vesicles in the high-shear vortex breakdown regions as a novel system to produce Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs). A similar system was used by introducing a small cavity in the vicinity of the junction to develop a versatile intracellular delivery method. Beyond these examples, vortex breakdown in general can have broad applications across microfluidics for all areas of mass transport, by introducing symmetry breaking, unsteadiness, unexpected particle/bubble trapping, or even local hot spots in reacting flows. Thus, it is critical to be able to understand and predict when vortex breakdown will occur in such systems and how the breakdown will affect dynamics such as particle/mass transport and mixing. For a more comprehensive overview of the nonlinear and inertial fluid dynamics in microfluidic systems including those described above, see. Upon first consideration, the shear-driven flow in a cavity does not seem to be relevant to vortex breakdown. In particular, the natural first consideration of such a problem as a 2D system precludes the possibility of breakdown since no axial flow along the vortex core is possible. But even in the 3D case, breakdown does not at first appear to be likely. At least qualitatively the system is quite different from the typical systems that can experience breakdown. Typically, such flows have a strong axial flow component along the vortex core and correspondingly strong swirl velocities. Furthermore, the vortex axis is typically parallel or at least nearly aligned with the incoming main flow (e.g. the flow through a rotating pipe). In contrast, in the shear-driven flow in a cavity, the vortex axis is perpendicular to the incoming flow. The component of flow along the vortex core is quite small, going to zero in the limit of small cavity widths \(w\). Nonetheless, we will show that cavity flow can experience multiple types of bubble-type vortex breakdown that evolve and transform as the cavity geometry and Reynolds numbers are varied. Studies on inertial microfluidic cavity flow have previously demonstrated particle trapping mechanisms within the cavity. For example, studied the particle-laden flow over a narrow, long cavity (\(w/\ell=0.22\), \(\ell/d=2-5\)) and observed recirculating, closed particle trajectories within the cavity. Trapping has also been observed in width-confined flows over different cavity geometries such as in cavities that are symmetric on both sides of the main flow channel and in round cavities. While vortex breakdown has previously been explored as a mechanism for particle trapping, it was not considered in the context of these studies. Specifically, these studies focused on width-confined channels (\(w/\ell <0.25\) in all cases), which precludes the possibility of vortex breakdown due to the nearly negligible flow along the axial direction of the vortex. Specific evidence for the possibility of vortex breakdown in cavity flows was demonstrated in the numerical simulations of, in which they showed two distinct flow regimes as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:torczdemo\]](#fig:torczdemo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torczdemo"} for Reynolds numbers of 35 and 100. Here, panels (a) and (c) correspond to diagrammatic depictions of the flow features seen by at the two Reynolds numbers, and panels (b) and (d) correspond to individual streamline visualizations from our numerical simulations for similar conditions. At \(\Re=35\), observed that the incoming flow along the centerline spirals down into the cavity toward a stagnation point, where it then diverges off of the centerplane in two streamlines that proceed out of the cavity and downstream. This is consistent with the idea of a dominant eddy structure occupying the cavity with a relatively weak outward axial flow along its axis. For \(\Re=100\), observed a 'kidney bean shaped' closed region in which two additional stagnation points appeared near the side walls symmetric about the centerplane. These stagnation points appeared to bound the bubble region, defining the limits of a recirculation zone. These two new stagnation points are unstable along the vortex core and stable along the surface of the bubble region. In addition, also report that the stagnation point on the centerplane experiences a shift in its stability, becoming unstable on the centerplane and stable on the vortex axis at this higher Reynolds number. Fluid along the surface of this closed region spirals toward the bounding stagnation points, where it then diverges back toward the centerplane along the vortex axis, and then spirals back out toward the bounding surface. Thus, this region represents a 3D closed recirculation region that resembles the classical bubble-type vortex breakdown. In this study, we expand on these preliminary findings by by characterizing the vortex breakdown dynamics in such systems across a wide range of cavity geometries and Reynolds numbers. In particular, we highlight multiple transitions between different breakdown types using a combination of numerical simulations and microfluidics experiments. We perform criticality calculations on the identified recirculation zones to show that they demonstrate criticality consistently as expected for vortex breakdown regions. We also demonstrate the strong sensitivity of the vortex breakdown structure to relatively weak asymmetries in the incoming flow. To briefly outline the remaining structure of this paper, in §[2](#section:methodology){reference-type="ref" reference="section:methodology"}, we describe our experimental and numerical methods, in §[3](#section:numerical){reference-type="ref" reference="section:numerical"} we present both our numerical and experimental results, along with analysis and discussion. In §[4](#section:conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="section:conclusions"} we present conclusions. # Methodology {#section:methodology} ## Numerical Methods {#section:numerical_methods} Fully three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed using the open source toolkit OpenFOAM. Steady-state solutions were obtained using the `simpleFoam` solver that uses the Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) algorithm. We verified that the steady-state solutions were stable by using the `icoFoam` transient flow solver that is based on the Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO) method. Simulation geometries were created using the built-in mesh-generation tool `blockMesh`, with total numbers of cells in the domains ranging from \(4.5\times 10^6\) for the smallest width cases with \(w/\ell\le1\) up to \(1.125\times 10^7\) for the largest width case with \(w/\ell=15\). The simulation domains consist of hexahedral cells that are uniform in length in each of the three dimensions, ranging from side lengths of \(\ell/70\) to \(\ell/50\). For each case, convergence tests were performed with simulations containing both one-half and double the number of cells to quantify the uncertainties in the calculated critical Reynolds numbers for the onset of vortex breakdown. By comparing the critical \(\Re\) value where vortex breakdown first occurs using each of these three grid resolutions (0.5x, 1x, and 2x), we found that the critical transition Reynolds number for the 1x grid differs by at most 3% from the 2x grid. Individual differences are measured for each case and presented as error bars in the Results section. Unless otherwise specified, the inlet and outlet lengths for each case were fixed at \(2\ell\). The steady-state simulations converged to velocity and pressure residual tolerances of \(1\times10^{-6}\) in approximately 0.5 hours when running on 32 cores on the Brown University Center for Computation and Visualization high performance computing cluster. The boundary conditions for the simulations were specified as follows: No-slip and zero normal pressure gradient conditions were imposed on all of the walls. At the channel inlet, unless specified otherwise, the velocity profile was set to be the analytical solution for the fully developed rectangular channel flow. Furthermore, a zero normal pressure gradient condition was set at the inlet, which improves stability and convergence of the solver, but introduces some minor errors within the first couple of cells of the inlet. At the outlet, the fluid velocity is assumed to be fully developed, and so a zero normal velocity gradient condition was imposed, and the pressure was set to a uniform value of zero. Initial conditions were set to zero velocity and pressure everywhere. For the majority of cavity widths, steady-state simulations were performed with \(\Re\) ranging from 20 to 250, with Reynolds numbers reaching up to 450 for widths around \(w/\ell=5\) in order to resolve a specific transition that occurs in that regime which will be described below. The specific cases that were tested for stability were those with (\(w/\ell\), \(\Re\)) values of (0.5, 40), (0.5, 70), (3, 80), (5, 130), and (5, 450), respectively. For these simulations, the converged steady-state results of `simpleFoam` were used as the initial condition in the transient `icoFoam` solver, and all cases were confirmed to be stable. Here, adaptive time-stepping was used to ensure a maximum Courant number less than 0.5. Post-processing, visualizations, and streamline calculations were performed using the open-source data analysis software ParaView. Based on our prior experience, vortex breakdown regions were identified by judicious placement of individual streamlines. For this particular flow geometry, all of the symmetric flows have a vortex core that intersects a stagnation point on the centerplane, provided the Reynolds number is not too small. Thus, the flow along the vortex core and the vortex breakdown regions themselves can be quickly identified by seeding a single streamline on the centerplane (\(z=0\)) and adjusting its \(x\),\(y\) position to find this stagnation point. This process is helped by the fact that these streamlines on the centerplane spiral in or out from this stagnation point, which makes visual identification of its position straightforward. As an additional check to validate the recirculation zones we identify in light of theoretical interpretations of vortex breakdown, we will also perform criticality calculations of the swirling flows in the cavity for select cases. As mentioned above, one of the key explanations for the vortex breakdown phenomenon is that it depends on the existence of a critical state. In particular, this was the interpretation given by, who analyzed axisymmetric swirling flow in a circular pipe of radius \(R\) and argues that breakdown is a transition between subcritical regions, which are capable of supporting standing waves, and supercritical regions, which are not capable of supporting standing waves. In practice, this criticality condition can be determined from a velocity field by solving the ordinary differential equation \[\label{eq:criticality} \left[ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2}-\frac{ \partial}{r \partial r}+\frac{1}{ru_z}\frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}+\frac{1}{r^3u_z^2}\frac{\partial (ru_\theta)^2}{\partial r}-\frac{1}{u_z}\frac{\partial^2 u_z}{\partial r^2} \right] \phi_c=0,\] subject to the boundary conditions that \(\phi_c(0)=0\) and \(\phi_c'=1\) at either \(r=0\) or \(r=R\). If the solution \(\phi_c(r)\) has a root (that we designate as \(r_\text{crit}\)) between \(0<r<R\), then the region is subcritical. Otherwise the flow is supercritical. We will use this method below to verify whether the recirculation regions that we identify satisfy this existing interpretation of vortex breakdown. One complication of applying this theory to our numerical results is that it was strictly developed in the context of axisymmetric flows in a pipe with a clearly defined radius \(R\). For our case, the flow inside the cavity is clearly not axisymmetric about the vortex core for the majority of cases, so we reserve this approach for select cases that can be reasonably axisymmetrized. Furthermore, the selection of the outer limit for this axisymmetrized region (equivalent to \(R\) in Benjamin's work) is not obvious, so we tested a variety of limits. Since the vortex core within the cavity is not perfectly straight, we cannot simply define a cylinder of radius \(R\) about the axis. Instead, at each location along the vortex core, we choose a circular region of radius \(R=\ell/5\) that is perpendicular to the vortex core and we calculate the axisymmetrized azimuthal and swirl velocities on the circle by averaging in the azimuthal direction. We then solve equation ([\[eq:criticality\]](#eq:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:criticality"}) on the slice in order to determine whether the solution has a root within the domain. We then plot the first root, designated as \(r_\text{crit}\), versus the position along the vortex core and compare this with our streamline visualizations generated from Paraview. ## Experimental Methods ### Device fabrication Microfluidic experiments were performed for channels with nondimensional cavity widths \(w/\ell\) of 0.55, 1.01, 1.48, 1.97, 2.84, 3.96 and 4.83. All but the largest width case were fabricated directly in glass using the LightFab 3D printer (LightFab GmbH, Germany) based on the selective laser-induced etching (SLE) technology. In this process, the designed channel structures are printed in a rigid piece of fused silica using ultrafast laser pulses which alter the chemical structure of the glass. The printed structures are then chemically etched with potassium hydroxide in an 80 \(^\circ\)C ultrasonic bath. The results are multiple transparent, rigid pieces of glass with the microfluidic cavities/channels embedded. Compared to the more commonly used polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) or polymethyl methacrylate devices, the glass devices can endure higher pressure, making them more suitable for the moderate and high \(\Re\) experiments conducted in the current study. In dimensional units, the fabricated microfluidic cavities have widths and depths in mm of \((w,~\ell)\) = (0.47, 0.85), (0.89, 0.88), (1.29, 0.87), (1.68, 0.85), (2.50, 0.88), and (3.30, 0.83), respectively. The inlet and outlet lengths for all cases were designed to be \(9.5w\) to ensure the flow is fully developed before reaching the cavity. Due to limitations in the size of devices that can be fabricated, SLE was not feasible to produce devices with \(w/\ell>4\) with sufficiently long inlets and outlets to achieve fully developed flow before the cavity. However, as we will show later in the Results section, one of the key vortex breakdown transitions that we identified occurs in the range \(4<w/\ell<5\). Thus, we used soft-lithography to create one more flow channel with \(w/\ell=4.83\). To produce this channel, we first milled out a model of the channel from raw aluminum using an end mill. For this case, the milled dimensions of the mold were \(w\) = 2.07 mm, \(\ell\) = 10.0 mm, \(\ell_i\) = 7\(w\), and \(\ell_o\) = 2\(w\). This model was then glued to a glass slide, and Sylgard 184 PDMS was then used to create the channel from the mold. The PDMS channel was then bonded to a clean piece of glass after plasma treatment to ensure a secure bond. ### Experimental procedures Vortex breakdown structures are visualized using a dye trapping approach that is based on the recirculating nature of the vortex breakdown regions. The flow channels are initially flushed with a dye made from diluted black watercolor ink until the entire channel and the cavity are saturated by dye. Next, clear water is flushed through the channel at a constant flow rate to set the desired Reynolds number of the experiment. The fresh water flushes away the dye except inside the vortex breakdown regions, where the streamlines form closed recirculation zones. These regions slowly fade as the dye diffuses out of the channel. To control the flow, we utilize a Harvard Apparatus PHD ULTRA syringe pump using a 60 mL syringe for the largest width case and a neMESYS (Cetoni GmbH, Germany) syringe pump with a 25 mL syringe for all of the other cases. The syringe pumps accelerate rapidly and achieve the target flow rates in less than 0.5 seconds. Experimental videos recording the flow behavior within the cavity were captured using a Leica K5 camera with a Leica DMi8 microscope for the largest width case and a SONY ILCE-6000 digital camera with a Nikon SMZ1270 stereo microscope for all other cases. For most cases with widths \(w/\ell\geq 1\) (e.g. Figure [\[fig:timelapse\]](#fig:timelapse){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timelapse"}), this visual identification process is rather straightforward and provides reasonable agreement with simulated results. Due to the diffusive nature of the dye, identifying the exact transition Reynolds numbers precisely is difficult. This is because as the Reynolds number approaches the critical value for transition, the region in the vicinity of where the bubble will appear is already becoming a stagnation region, leading to long dye-flushing times even below \(\Re_{\text{crit}}\). These cases are difficult to differentiate between those in which dye is trapped and slowly diffusing out of the breakdown bubble. Figure [\[fig:width_4\_experimental\]](#fig:width_4_experimental){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:width_4_experimental"} illustrates some of the difficulties in using this approach to precisely identify the transition Reynolds number \(\Re_{\text{crit}}\). Here, there is an obvious distinction between the dynamics of the dye between the \(\Re=60.6\) and the \(\Re=121.2\) cases. For the lower \(\Re\) case, at \(t=15\) s, the only remaining dye is along the vortex core, which is a low velocity region. Sufficiently long time is needed before the dye can diffuse off of he vortex core and finally be flushed downstream. In contrast, for the higher \(\Re\) case, a significant amount of dye is clearly trapped in some recirculating flow structure. Hence, identifying the precise transition between these two behaviors is not trivial, especially because the vortex breakdown regions shrink smoothly and eventually vanish as \(\Re\) is decreased. Thus, near the transition \(\Re\) values, the vortex breakdown regions are typically very small, such that the dye can diffuse out of them relatively quickly, and the dye-trapping visualizations may appear nearly identical to those slightly below the transition \(\Re\). Thus, this effect introduces some uncertainty into the experimental measurements of \(\Re_\text{crit}\). Nonetheless, the results agree reasonably well with numerical simulations for most cases. For ambiguous cases, we simply label those experimental results as transition cases without specifying whether they exhibit breakdown or not. # Results and Discussion {#section:numerical} In this section, we present and discuss the results of our 3D numerical simulations and experiments. As a brief introduction to the types of vortex breakdown and trapping that have been observed in such systems, Figure [\[fig:breakdown_examples\]](#fig:breakdown_examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:breakdown_examples"} presents characteristic results from the microfluidic experiments spanning a wide range of Reynolds numbers and cavity widths. These results illustrate a variety of observed behaviors including results that show two separated dye trapping regions as in panel (a), single asymmetric regions as in (b) or (f), single symmetric regions as in (d), large trapping regions that occupy nearly the entire cavity except near the walls as in (j), (k), or (p), and cases where the dye appears to be trapped near the side walls, as opposed to an internal bubble region as in (m). The internal structure of the recirculation regions can even be observed as in (d) and (g), where the swirling dye clearly illustrates the symmetric counter-rotating vortical structures inside the trapping regions. These preliminary observations indicate the types of behaviors we can expect to observe in the single-phase simulations, and they are used to inform the parameter regimes that we explore numerically. Through simulating the shear-driven cavity flow across Reynolds numbers ranging from \(\Re=0\) to 450 and cavity widths ranging from approximately \(w/\ell=0.4\) to 15, we have identified six different flow regimes based on the vortex dynamics in the cavity, reflecting the complex dynamical transitions possible in such systems. To present all of these transitions and flow regimes effectively, we first present the full phase diagram capturing all of the transitions, and then describe the individual modes and transitions in detail. The phase diagrams summarizing the experimental and numerical results are shown in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}. In this figure, the background colors indicate the different modes of the observed vortex behaviors in the cavity, which we designate as: (1) converging single stagnation point (SP) mode, (2) single-bubble breakdown mode, (3) double-bubble breakdown mode, (4) 'fully reversed' flow, (5) diverging single stagnation point mode, and (6) corner vortex trapping. Each of these modes will be described and explored below. The solid lines in the figure represent the numerically calculated critical Reynolds numbers at which transitions occur between different modes. Panel (a) shows the results over the full range of simulated \(w/\ell\), while panel (b) restricts the view to the regime in which experiments were performed, and the experimental results (symbols) are overlayed on the phase diagram. The colors of the symbols denote whether the experiments demonstrated no trapping of dye, trapping of dye in a single region, trapping of dye in two separate regions, or transitional cases that are difficult to categorize just by visual inspection. The dashed blue and red lines in panel (a) correspond to the streamline visualizations presented in Figures [\[fig:012bubble\]](#fig:012bubble){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:012bubble"} and [\[fig:varywidth\]](#fig:varywidth){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:varywidth"}, respectively. As indicated by the phase diagram, the shear-driven flow in a cavity experiences a complex landscape of dynamical transitions. In Section [3.1](#sec:large_widths){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:large_widths"}, we investigate the large cavity width regime corresponding to approximately \(w/\ell>4.5\) in which only a single transition is observed. Next, in Section [3.2](#sec:medium_widths){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:medium_widths"}, we consider intermediate cavity widths in the range \(1\leq w/\ell\leq 4.5\) in which an additional transition type appears for higher critical Reynolds numbers. Finally, in Section [3.3](#sec:small_widths){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:small_widths"}, we explore the relatively narrow width cavities with widths of approximately \(w/\ell<1\) in which several additional vortex modes and dynamical transitions appear. ## Large cavity widths (\(\mathbf{w/\boldsymbol{\ell}\geq4.5}\)) {#sec:large_widths} In the limit of very large cavity widths, the bulk of the flow in the cavity behaves as approximately 2D away from the sidewalls. Therefore, if any vortex breakdown is to occur in such cases, it must be localized near the side walls, where a flow component along the vortex axis is significant. Thus, if vortex breakdown is to occur in such systems, it must consist of two distinct separated bubble breakdown regions, which should be relatively insensitive to \(w/\ell\) since they are well-separated. This is precisely what we observe in the shear-driven cavity flow at large \(w/\ell\). As shown in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}, only two possible modes exist above \(w/\ell\approx4.5\), consisting of the modes we have designated as the "diverging single stagnation point" mode and the "double-bubble breakdown" mode. Furthermore, as \(w/\ell\rightarrow15\), the critical Reynolds number transition between these two modes asymptotes to \(\Re_\text{crit}\approx125\), independent of \(w/\ell\). The first of these two modes, the "diverging single stagnation point" mode is the same as the lower \(\Re\) example described by , which is shown diagrammatically in Figure [\[fig:torczdemo\]](#fig:torczdemo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torczdemo"}a and as a streamline visualization in Figure [\[fig:torczdemo\]](#fig:torczdemo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torczdemo"}b. In this mode, the flow on the channel centerplane \(z=0\) enters the cavity, spirals down towards an internal stagnation point (corresponding to the vortex center in the 2D and nearly 2D cases), then diverges toward both side walls along the vortex core before ultimately exiting the cavity and proceeding downstream. Generally, the axial velocity component on the vortex core is extremely small, especially for large \(w/\ell\), except near the side walls where the flow becomes fully 3D. Thus, the variation of the relative magnitude of axial and swirl flow along the vortex core with respect to the axial position and Reynolds number sets up the circumstances where vortex breakdown may occur. This is precisely what we see as we increase the Reynolds number above the critical solid gray transition line in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}. Specifically, two distinct vortex breakdown bubbles form simultaneously as this limit is crossed, creating the "double-bubble breakdown" mode. The appearance of this mode is visualized in Figure [\[fig:stagpointemergence\]](#fig:stagpointemergence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stagpointemergence"}. Here, panel (a) first visualizes the form of the double-bubble breakdown mode. The vortex core is colored by the magnitude of the flow velocity, which highlights the stagnation points (blue regions) on the channel centerplane as well as bounding the upstream and downstream limits of the breakdown bubble. As can be seen, flow along the vortex axis proceeds towards the side wall, decelerating towards an internal stagnation point. The flow then diverges out along the streamsurface that bounds the bubble shape (see the grey streamline in Figure [\[fig:stagpointemergence\]](#fig:stagpointemergence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stagpointemergence"}(a)), converging at the back towards a second internal stagnation point. Here, the flow again diverges either out of the cavity towards the outlet or into the breakdown bubble where the flow continues to recirculate. Note that the flow is symmetric about the channel centerplane \(z=0\) such that the second vortex breakdown region exists in the proximity of the other side wall. Panel (b) illustrates how these vortex breakdown regions originally form as the critical Reynolds number transition line is crossed. Here, the curves indicate the magnitude of the fluid velocity on the vortex core as a function of axial position and \(\Re\). In this case, \(\Re_\text{crit}\approx98\). As can be seen, even below \(\Re_\text{crit}\), the fluid velocity in the vicinity of the breakdown region is relatively low. As \(\Re\rightarrow\Re_\text{crit}\), the velocity magnitude begins to drop in the location where the breakdown will occur. At \(\Re=97\), this low-velocity region splits into two even lower-velocity regions. Finally, at \(\Re\approx98\), two distinct stagnation points appear. This indicates the onset of vortex breakdown and demarcates the extent of the breakdown bubble. As \(\Re\) increases beyond \(\Re_\text{crit}\), the stagnation points separate farther,, and the vortex breakdown region enlarges. Before proceeding to consider the additional modes and transitions that occur for smaller cavity widths, we provide additional evidence that the recirculating flow features we observe are indeed vortex breakdown. We calculate the criticality condition as described in Section [2.1](#section:numerical_methods){reference-type="ref" reference="section:numerical_methods"} to determine whether these recirculating flows satisfy the vortex breakdown interpretation of. For illustration, we calculate the critical radius \(r_\text{crit}\) in one half of the symmetric cavity for the cases \(\Re=90\) and \(\Re=115\) at a cavity width of \(w/\ell=5\). The first of these is an example of the diverging single stagnation point mode, and the second is an example of the double-bubble breakdown mode. The calculated \(r_\text{crit}\) values as a function of axial position \(z\) for these two cases are shown in Figures [\[fig:criticality\]](#fig:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:criticality"}a and [\[fig:criticality\]](#fig:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:criticality"}b, respectively, along with streamline visualizations that originate on the vortex core for comparison. Recall from Section [2.1](#section:numerical_methods){reference-type="ref" reference="section:numerical_methods"} that if the solution to Equation ([\[eq:criticality\]](#eq:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:criticality"}) has a root at a location \(r_\text{crit}\) within some threshold of the domain, then the region is subcritical according to Benjamin's criterion. Otherwise, if no such root exists within that threshold, then the flow is supercritical. As can be seen in Figure [\[fig:criticality\]](#fig:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:criticality"}(a), at \(\Re=90\) there are no roots to the solution of Equation ([\[eq:criticality\]](#eq:criticality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:criticality"}) along the vortex core except near the centerplane where the flow is essentially 2D. However, at \(\Re=115\) (see panel (b)), a region of subcriticality clearly exists that coincides with the location of the recirculation bubble in the streamline visualization. Furthermore, the locations where \(r_\text{crit}\) becomes very small also appear to coincide with the location of the internal stagnation points that bound the bubble. Thus, the recirculation regions we observe apparently satisfy the criticality condition developed by Benjamin for axisymmetric vortex breakdown. For additional insights and examples of these ideas, see e.g., Refs.. ## Intermediate cavity widths (\(\mathbf{1 \le w/\boldsymbol{\ell} \le 4.5})\) {#sec:medium_widths} As described in the previous section, for large cavity widths only two distinct vortex breakdown modes exist, with a single transition line between them. At smaller cavity widths of approximately \(1\leq w/\ell \leq 4.5\), the situation becomes slightly more complicated, as shown in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}. Here, the flow can exhibit a third mode, the "single-bubble breakdown" mode, associated with two additional types of transitions. These correspond to the transition from diverging single stagnation point mode to the single-bubble breakdown mode, as wells as the transition between double-bubble breakdown mode and single-bubble breakdown mode. The single-bubble breakdown mode corresponds to that originally observed by for a channel of width \(w/\ell=2.125\) (see Figure [\[fig:torczdemo\]](#fig:torczdemo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torczdemo"}c and [\[fig:torczdemo\]](#fig:torczdemo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:torczdemo"}d). In this mode, as in the diverging single stagnation point mode, the flow on the centerplane enters the cavity and proceeds to spiral down towards the vortex core. However, rather than spiraling down to a stagnation point, the flow in the single-bubble breakdown mode spirals down to a limit cycle. The flow then diverges off of the centerplane along the streamsurface of the recirculation bubble and spirals down to two bounding stagnation points. Here, the flow again diverges both downstream out of the cavity and toward the outlet, as well as into the recirculation zone along the vortex axis to the centerplane stagnation point. From here, the flow diverges off of the vortex axis on the centerplane and spirals out toward the limit cycle, completing the recirculation. Having described the structural features of this mode, we now consider transitions that occur in the moderate cavity width regime. First, when the cavity width is approximately within the range \(1\leq w/\ell \leq 3.5\), only a single transition can occur, namely the transition from the diverging single stagnation point mode to the single-bubble breakdown mode. This is precisely the transition found by . As \(\Re\) approaches and exceeds \(\Re_\text{crit}\), the entirety of the single-bubble breakdown mode emerges from the original stagnation point of the diverging single stagnation point mode. When \(\Re\) is just slightly above \(\Re_\text{crit}\), the vortex breakdown bubble is quite small, and it grows in size as \(\Re\) is increased. This can be seen clearly in Figures [\[fig:breakdown_examples\]](#fig:breakdown_examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:breakdown_examples"}c, [\[fig:breakdown_examples\]](#fig:breakdown_examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:breakdown_examples"}d, and [\[fig:breakdown_examples\]](#fig:breakdown_examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:breakdown_examples"}e, which correspond to \(w/\ell=1.967\) and \(\Re=41.1\), 59.6, and 119.2, respectively. For cavity widths approximately within the range \(3.5\leq w/\ell\leq 4.5\), two transition lines are observed in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}. First, at the lower \(\Re_\text{crit}\) value, the flow goes through the transition from the diverging single stagnation point mode to the double-bubble breakdown mode as described above for large cavity widths. Recall that as the Reynolds number increases for the double-bubble breakdown mode, the separation increases between the stagnation points bounding the breakdown region as the region grows. At the intermediate cavity widths between approximately 3.5 and 4.5, the separate breakdown regions are close enough to each other and the centerplane that their inner stagnation points can eventually merge with the original centerplane stagnation point, corresponding with a transition from the double-bubble breakdown mode to the single-bubble breakdown mode. When this occurs, the three stagnation points merge and become a single axially converging stagnation point and the limit cycle that was previously described. The shift in stability of the centerline stagnation point can be described as follows. Before the transition occurs, the centerplane stagnation point is stable to perturbations in the centerplane and unstable to perturbations on the vortex core, whereas after the stagnation points have merged, the centerline stagnation point shifts to be stable on the vortex core and unstable on the centerplane. The emergent limit cycle is stable on the centerplane and unstable along the surface of the breakdown bubble. This transition is analogous to that which was observed for the flow in a branching junction in which multiple vortex breakdown regions merged and underwent similar transitions in stability. The full transitioning process from diverging single stagnation point flow to double-bubble breakdown to single-bubble breakdown is shown in Figure [\[fig:012bubble\]](#fig:012bubble){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:012bubble"} for a cavity of width \(w/\ell=4\). Panels (a) through (e) correspond to Reynolds numbers of 80, 95, 100, 120, and 150, respectively, which correspond to the blue dashed line in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}a. Note that in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}, the transition between the double-bubble and single-bubble breakdown modes occurs at an \(\Re_\text{crit}\) value that increases abruptly with channel width, especially when \(w/\ell>4\). \(\Re_\text{crit}\) for this transition increases from approximately 105 at a cavity width of \(w/\ell=4\) to approximately 450 at a cavity width of \(w/\ell=5\). It is possible that this transition still occurs at larger widths, although we did not simulate higher Reynolds numbers beyond 450 to find it. As the cavity width increases, the flow must inevitably reach a condition where it transitions to unsteady flow before the onset of this transition. So practically, the double-bubble to single-bubble transition is only likely to be observed for approximately \(3.5\leq w/\ell \leq 4.5\). Finally, one more approach for visualizing the transition between the single-bubble and double-bubble breakdown is to hold the Reynolds number fixed and increase the cavity width. Streamline visualizations of these results at \(\Re=130\) for cavity widths ranging from \(w/\ell=1\) to 15 are shown in Figure [\[fig:varywidth\]](#fig:varywidth){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:varywidth"}. At this Reynolds number, the width at which the transition occurs is approximately \(w/\ell=4\). As \(w/\ell\) increases in panels (f) through (i), the shape of the vortex breakdown regions become roughly independent of cavity width as they become well separated. Here, the results are shown side-by-side all rescaled to have the same width \(w\). This is why the vortex breakdown regions appear to get smaller for larger \(w/\ell\), because effectively \(\ell\) is decreasing. However, if the results were rescaled to have the same \(\ell\) dimension, the vortex breakdown regions in panels (g), (h), and (i) would look nearly identical with the same size, shape, and distance from the side wall. ## Narrow cavity widths (\(\mathbf{w/\boldsymbol{\ell}<1})\) {#sec:small_widths} Finally, we consider the vortex dynamics and transitions in narrow cavity widths in the range \(w/\ell<1\). As can be seen in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"}, the narrow cavity case exhibits the most complex behaviors, with three new vortex modes unobserved at large cavity widths, and demonstrating a total of five possible modes and four possible dynamical transitions. First, note that our results and phase diagram only show results for \(w/\ell>0.4\). In all of our simulations at cavity widths below 0.4, we never identified any structures that resembled vortex breakdown. Indeed, the 3D nature of the flow appears to change in this regime. We believe this is due to a transition into the Brinkman regime, where the flow essentially becomes a 3D lubrication type flow. That is, in the so-called Brinkman limit, when a flow is tightly confined in the depth direction, it can be treated as 2D in the depth-averaged sense. More precisely, the fluid velocity in such a limit is approximately only in the \(x-\) and \(y-\)directions, with the magnitude being an approximately parabolic function of \(z\), at least away from the walls. In this regime, the flow does still recirculate and remain trapped in the cavity, but only in the same manner as the truly 2D flow in a cavity, which is clearly not a form of vortex breakdown, since the velocity component along the vortex core is approximately zero. Thus, we consider the flow regime with \(w/\ell<0.4\) to be a Brinkman flow regime, and outside the scope of this study. The five different modes that are present over the range \(0.4< w/\ell < 1\) are illustrated in Figure [\[fig:lowW\]](#fig:lowW){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lowW"}. Here, streamline visualizations are presented for each of the modes in panels (a) through (e) at a cavity width of \(w/\ell=0.65\), corresponding to the five labeled red markers on the phase diagram. The background colors in the phase diagram match those used in Figure [\[fig:re_v\_w\]](#fig:re_v_w){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:re_v_w"} and use the same legend. In the streamline visualizations, only half of the domain is shown, and the flow is symmetric about the channel centerplane, which is on the right side of each panel. Flow directions are highlighted by red arrows, and internal stagnation points are indicated by red circles. These five modes correspond to (a) converging single stagnation point mode, (b) corner vortex trapping, (c) diverging single stagnation point mode, (d) single-bubble breakdown mode, and (e) 'fully reversed' flow. Thus, modes (c) and (d) are the same as those we have seen at higher cavity widths, but here they only exist over a much narrower range of Reynolds numbers. Above the solid dark purple transition line, the single-bubble mode transitions into mode (e), which we have designated the 'fully reversed' flow regime based on Harvey's observation on the axial flow reversal in vortex breakdown. In their work, Harvey investigated the swirling flow in a cylindrical pipe as the magnitude of the swirl velocity was increased. When the magnitude of the swirl is low, the flow is a simple swirling pipe flow where the velocity along the vortex core points downstream everywhere. When the swirl is increased beyond a certain threshold, the flow exhibits bubble-type vortex breakdown, in which flow within the breakdown bubble is reversed and points upstream. As the magnitude of the swirl becomes even stronger, the breakdown bubble continues to expand and eventually engulfs the entire pipe domain, such that the velocity on the vortex core points upstream everywhere, and the stagnation point on the vortex core, which marks the beginning of the breakdown bubble, disappears. For this reason, Harvey classified this flow regime as 'fully reversed'. This phenomenon is analogous to what we see in the shear-driven cavity flows for \(0.4<w/\ell<1\). Starting from the diverging single stagnation point mode at point (c), the flow along the vortex core first proceeds 'downstream', i.e., from the centerplane toward the side wall. Then, as the Reynolds number is increased to point (d), the flow transitions to single-bubble breakdown mode, where the flow inside the bubble is reversed and proceeds 'upstream', toward the centerplane. Finally, increasing the Reynolds number to point (e), the vortex breakdown bubble grows until it engulfs the entire width of the cavity, and the flow everywhere along the vortex axis is 'upstream' toward the channel centerplane. One of the unique features of the narrow-width shear-driven flow in a cavity is the appearance of a second type of vortex breakdown trapping that can exist for surprisingly low Reynolds numbers. This corresponds to point (b) in Figure [\[fig:lowW\]](#fig:lowW){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lowW"} and is the mode we have designated as 'corner vortex trapping'. As can be seen in the phase diagram, this corner vortex trapping regime occupies a relatively small and narrow parameter space. Furthermore, this mode exhibits several unique features. First, the stability of the stagnation points is opposite to that of the single-bubble breakdown mode. In the single-bubble breakdown mode, the centerplane stagnation point is unstable on the centerplane and stable on the vortex core, whereas this is reversed for the centerplane stagnation point of the corner vortex trapping mode. Similarly, the stagnation point bounding the extend of the breakdown bubble is stable on the bubble streamsurface and unstable on the vortex axis for the single-bubble breakdown mode, but this is likewise reversed for the corner vortex trapping mode. Furthermore, a unique transition can be seen when going from points (c) to (b) in Figure [\[fig:lowW\]](#fig:lowW){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lowW"}. Here, we begin with the diverging single-stagnation point mode, and by decreasing the Reynolds number a vortex breakdown bubble appears. This exhibits the opposite of the typically expected behavior in which the Reynolds number must be increased to lead to the onset of breakdown. At these low cavity widths and Reynolds numbers, the appearance of the flow past the leading corner of the cavity is analogous to a reattaching flow, and an eddy forms at the corner on the inlet side of the cavity. Thus, we have designated this new vortex trapping mode 'corner vortex trapping' because it originates from this corner eddy in a slightly different location from the single-bubble breakdown mode. Several visualizations of this corner vortex trapping mode are shown in Figure [\[fig:CVT\]](#fig:CVT){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CVT"}. Here, panel (a) shows a perspective view of a streamline visualization of the trapping mode. As can be seen, the flow resembles a reattachment flow over a corner, and the recirculation bubble originates from the recirculating corner vortex on the inlet side of the cavity. Panels (b) and (c) show comparisons between the experimental results and simulated streamlines of the recirculation bubble at Reynolds numbers of approximately \(\Re\approx20\) and \(\Re\approx40\), respectively, highlighting the increase in size of this trapping mode with the Reynolds number. Finally, the last mode which we have not discussed is the converging single stagnation point mode, corresponding to panel (a) in Figure [\[fig:lowW\]](#fig:lowW){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lowW"}. Recall that in the diverging single stagnation point mode, the flow on the centerplane from the inlet spirals down toward a centerplane stagnation point that is stable on the plane and unstable on the vortex axis, and then diverges toward both side walls along the vortex axis and proceeds downstream to the outlet. Here, in the converging single stagnation point mode, the stability of the centerplane stagnation point is reversed, such that flow from both sides of the inlet spirals down to the vortex core, proceeds inwards toward the centerplane stagnation point, diverges off of the vortex core along the centerplane, spirals outward, and finally exits the cavity and proceeds to the outlet. The transition from this mode to the corner vortex trapping mode occurs as the solid purple \(\Re_\text{crit}\) line is crossed in Figure [\[fig:lowW\]](#fig:lowW){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lowW"}, and the bounding stagnation points and limit cycle emerge from the original centerplane stagnation point. ## Asymmetric breakdown In the previous sections, we have explored in detail the different vortex breakdown modes and flow regimes that were identified experimentally and computationally for the shear-driven flow in a cavity. One feature that was seen in the experimental dye-trapping visualizations but not observed in our initial numerical simulations was the presence of asymmetric trapping. For instance, see panels (b) and (n) in Figure [\[fig:breakdown_examples\]](#fig:breakdown_examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:breakdown_examples"}. Here, the dye-trapping is clearly asymmetric, and was most pronounced for cases with \(3\lesssim w/\ell \lesssim 4\). For all of these cases, our simulations demonstrated symmetric trapping. However, it must be noted that the flow within the cavity is already a relatively low-velocity region relative to the outer channel flow. Further, along the vortex core, the axial velocity component is typically very small, especially when vortex breakdown occurs. Thus, it is possible that relatively small asymmetries in the outer channel flow could significantly bias the axial flow on the vortex core in the cavity, which would in turn significantly affect the structure of the vortex breakdown regions. In order to test this hypothesis, we performed additional simulations with slightly asymmetric inlet conditions to test how sensitive the structure of the vortex breakdown regions is to any asymmetry in the outer channel flow. Here, we impose an inlet boundary condition on the simulations that consists of the typical fully developed inlet condition that was used in all other simulations multiplied by a constant linear function that varies from \(1-s\) to \(1+s\) from sidewall to sidewall, where \(s\) represents the degree of asymmetry. Simulations were performed for a cavity of width \(w/\ell=3\) at \(\Re=80\) with values of \(s=0.01\), 0.1 and 0.2. Since the flow is no long fully developed at the inlet, the flow in the cavity must also depend on the length of the inlet. Here, we keep the inlet length fixed as \(2\ell\) and only vary \(s\). Streamline visualizations of these results are shown in Figure [\[fig:asym_bubble\]](#fig:asym_bubble){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:asym_bubble"}. As can be seen, increasing \(s\) clearly increases the asymmetry in the vortex breakdown dynamics in the cavity. As the degree of asymmetry increases, the obvious vortex breakdown bubble shifts to the side and begins to resemble one of the two bubbles present in the double-bubble breakdown mode. Furthermore, the single-bubble breakdown mode is apparently relatively sensitive to asymmetry. For example, even with \(s=0.01\) as in Figure [\[fig:asym_bubble\]](#fig:asym_bubble){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:asym_bubble"}a, it is not clear whether the bottom half of the structure remains a recirculation zone, although it appears not to be. This is more obvious at larger values of \(s\). Thus, a small asymmetry in the system could eliminate half of the trapping potential in the system. In order to visualize the trapping computationally in these asymmetric cases, we used the `scalarTransportFoam` solver of OpenFOAM to simulate the advection-diffusion of a scalar concentration field \(C\), representing the dye concentration in the experiments. Here, the initial condition for the concentration was set to a uniform value of \(C_0\) everywhere. No-flux conditions were used at all of the walls, as well as at the outlet, and the concentration at the inlet was set to zero. Thus, these simulations are equivalent to taking the steady-state asymmetric velocity fields simulated above, filling the channel with a concentration field, and then flushing it away. A comparison between the experimental results and these simulations is shown in Figure [\[fig:asym_comp\]](#fig:asym_comp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:asym_comp"} at a cavity width of \(w/\ell\approx3\) and \(\Re=80\) with a degree of asymmetry given by \(s=0.1\). Results are compared at nondimensional times of (a) \(t^*=360\), (b) \(t^*=610\), (c) \(t^*=810\), and (d) \(t^*=1010\), where \(t\) has been nondimensionalized by the characteristic time for convection past the cavity, i.e., \(t^*=tU/\ell\). Numerical results are shown as level sets of the concentration field with values of \(C=0.4C_0\) (blue) and \(C=0.9C_0\) (red) to highlight the comparison with the experimental results. Although we have used an artificial asymmetry in the inlet condition, which is unlikely to match that which was present in the experiments, we nonetheless see surprising similarities between the experimental and computational results. More detailed experiments with well-defined added asymmetries could be used to validate and expand on the sensitivity of these vortex breakdown features, which we leave as a topic for future work. # Conclusion {#section:conclusions} In this study, we have investigated the vortex breakdown and trapping mechanisms in the shear-driven flow in a rectangular cavity. Both fully 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations and microfluidics dye-trapping experiments were used to determine the different parameter regimes and vortex breakdown modes present in the system. A total of six main parameter regimes were identified, along with five different types of flow transitions along with the corresponding critical Reynolds numbers for each of these transitions as functions of cavity width. At large cavity widths of \(w/\ell\geq 4.5\), only two modes were observed, the diverging single stagnation point mode and the double-bubble breakdown mode, along with the single transition between them. At smaller cavity widths of \(1\leq w/\ell \leq 4.5\), the additional single-bubble breakdown mode appears, along with potential direct transitions to each of the other two modes. Streamline visualizations were used to highlight the dynamical changes that occur across these transitions and the consequences on the stability of stagnation points. We also used numerical simulations to show that the vortex breakdown features we observe satisfy the criticality condition presented by Benjamin in an axisymmetric swirling pipe flow. At smaller width of \(w/\ell\leq 1\), the phase space becomes the most complicated, with a total of five possible modes and four possible transition types depending on \(w/\ell\) and \(\Re\). In particular, we see a new 'fully reversed flow' mode at high Reynolds numbers, where the single-bubble breakdown mode has grown to engulf the entire width of the cavity. At lower Reynolds numbers, below those for diverging single stagnation point mode, we see the onset of the corner vortex trapping mode, which is an especially low-\(\Re\) mode existing even down to \(\Re=\mathcal{O}(1)\) and demonstrating recirculation that is in the opposite sense from that of single-bubble breakdown. Finally, we have considered the role of asymmetry in the channel or inlet condition as a possible source of the asymmetric dye-trapping seen experimentally at moderate cavity widths, and we showed that relatively small asymmetry in the inlet condition could have relatively significant effects on the structure of the vortex breakdown regions and the trapping capacity of the cavity. These results have provided new insights into the vortex breakdown and trapping dynamics in low-and moderate-Reynolds number flows in a cavity. These results highlight the importance of a detailed investigation into even basic flow geometries where the potential for vortex breakdown may be underappreciated, and the potential flow regimes and parameter spaces may be unexpectedly complicated.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:00:34', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04296', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04296'}
# Introduction It has been shown empirically  and experimentally  that liquidity providers (LPs) in constant function markets (CFMs) (in particular, Uniswap v3) lose money on average. Indeed, from e.g. , the average LP transaction in the ETH/USDC pool (from May 2021---August 2022) resulted in a position loss of \(-1.64\%\), and fee income of \(0.155\%\) of the size of the initial trade, with an average hold time of 6.1 days. An LP entering a position in CFM opens themselves to two risks: the impermanent loss due to price moves in the underlying asset and the risk of fee income not compensating the impermanent loss. A rational LP may choose to hedge the impermanent loss component, which is essentially a perpetual option . If the fee income (from trades on the CFM) exceeds the cost of the hedge the LP is making a risk-free profit. However, if the fee income is below the cost of the hedge the LP is making a loss. We formalise this intuition using tools from continuous-time financial mathematics, to derive a theoretical, arbitrage-free upper bound on the fee income that would make the CFM efficient and LP positions fair. This is our Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"}. This is complementary perspective to that of loss versus rebalancing (LVR) introduced in . The fee income of the LP depends on the CFM fee (denoted \(1-\gamma\) in Uniswap) and the trade flow. There is no canonical way to jointly model the underlying price process and the trade flow which realistically captures the interdependence of the two. For this reason we analyse the relationship between the LP fee income and the arbitrage-free upper bound using simulations involving a CFM, another liquid exchange, an arbitrageur agent and price sensitive noise traders (they choose between the exchanges based on which offers better execution price). We considered the CFM fee to be in the range \(0\%\) to \(4\%\) and in this range the simulations show that fee income due to the LP never exceeds the cost of hedging i.e. the LP is always losing money. As one would expect from Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"} the loss is higher if the volatility of the underlying asset is higher. This is regardless of the rate of noise traders arriving in the market. One may hope that the solution is to increase the fee the CFM charges but this reduces the trade flow thus reducing the income. Similarly, reducing the slippage by depositing more into the pool would increase trade but would not lead to lower losses for LPs as this increases the hedging cost of the LP position. ## Literature review The CFM are gaining popularity in market design as they guarantee market liquidity (proportional to the amount of assets locked) and they have minimal storage and computational requirements, unlike e.g. limit-order-book-based markets. This makes them ideal for environments where computational power and storage are at a premium like Ethereum , or Cardano, Polkadot or Solana. Running on blockchain gives advantages over centralised exchanges: transparency, pseudonymity, censorship resistance and security, see references in e.g. . However blockchain-based CFMs suffer from a number of problems: namely questionable returns for LPs as has been already mentioned as well as traders (liquidity takers) being front-run by miners (known as miner-extractable-value) ,. Classical market clearing models suggest, see Glosten & Milgrom , Kyle  and Grossman & Miller , that the volatility of the underlying asset plays an important role in how the market makers should set bid-ask spread (which is comparable to the pool fee as it imacts execution costs). As we show in Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"} the fee income due to the CFM LPs is bounded above by a product of quadratic variation of the underlying asset (which is basically volatility) and convexity of the position being hedged. ## Organisation of the paper Section [2](#sec cfm thoery){reference-type="ref" reference="sec cfm thoery"} includes all the theoretical findings of the paper. Some readers may wish to skim through Section [2.1](#sec cfm mechanics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec cfm mechanics"} which reviews CFMs and how liquidity provision works and fixes some notation used further in the paper. Section [2.2](#sec perp){reference-type="ref" reference="sec perp"} recalls what a perpetual option is, Section [2.3](#section arbitrage free model){reference-type="ref" reference="section arbitrage free model"} proves the main theoretical result of the paper which is Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"}. Section [3](#sec abm){reference-type="ref" reference="sec abm"} describes in detail the agent-based model used and discusses the findings. Finally, in Section [4](#sec conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec conclusion"}, we discuss the main findings, their limitations and possible further work. A full implementation of the agent-based simulation is at[^1] [`https://github.com/simtopia/cfm-sim`](https://github.com/simtopia/cfm-sim). # Liquidity provision in constant function markets {#sec cfm thoery} In this section, we will draw a connection between a constant function market (CFM) and a perpetual (American) options contract. We will particularly seek to derive the impermanent loss (also known as LVR) of a CFM, or equivalently the arbitrage-free streaming premium of the perpetual option. ## An overview of CFMs {#sec cfm mechanics} A constant function market (CFM) is characterised by i) The reserves \((x^1,x^2)\in \mathbb R^2_+\) describing amounts of assets in the pool. ii) A trading function \(\Psi:\mathbb R_+^2 \rightarrow \mathbb R\) which determines the state of the pool after each trade according to the acceptable fund positions: \[\left\{ (x^1,x^2) \in \mathbb R^2_+\, :\, \Psi(x^1,x^2) = \text{constant}\right\}.\] iii) A trading fee \((1-\gamma)\), for \(\gamma \in (0,1]\). For the purposes of this paper, we assume \(\Psi:\mathbb R_+^2 \rightarrow \mathbb R\) to be twice continuously differentiable and convex (see, ). To acquire \(\Delta x^1_t\) of asset \(x^1\) at time \(t\) a trader needs to deposit a quantity \(\Delta x^2 = \Delta x^2(\Delta x^1)\) of asset \(x^2\) into the pool, and pay a fee \((1-\gamma) \Delta x^2\).[^2] \(\Delta x^2\) and \(\Delta x\) needs to satisfy the equation \[\label{eq princing eqn} \Psi(x^1_t-\Delta x^1, x^2_t + \Delta x^2) = \Psi(x^1_t, x^2_t)\.\] Once the trade is accepted the reserves are updated according to \[x^1_{t+1}= x^1_t-\Delta x^1 \quad \text{and} \quad x^2_{t+1}= x^2_t + \Delta x^2\.\] The relative price of trading \(\Delta x^1\) for \(\Delta x^2\) is defined as \[\frac{P_t^{1,CFM}(\Delta x^1)}{P_t^{2,CFM}(\Delta x^2)}:= \frac{\Delta x^2 }{ \Delta x^1}\, \quad \text{subject to }\quad \Psi(x^1_t-\Delta x^1, x^2_t + \Delta x^2) = \Psi(x^1_t, x^2_t)\.\] Observe that \[\begin{split} 0 =& \Psi(x^1_t-\Delta x^1, x^2_t + \Delta x^2)-\Psi(x^1_t, x^2_t) \\ & \qquad =-\partial_{x^1}\Psi(x^1_t,x^2_t) \Delta x^1 + \partial_{x^2}\Psi(x^1_t,x^2_t)\Delta x^2 + \mathcal O((\Delta x)^2)\. \end{split}\] Hence the relative price of trading an infinitesimal amount of \(\Delta x^1\) for \(\Delta x^2\) is given by \[\frac{P_t^{1,CFM}}{P_t^{2,CFM}}:= \lim_{\Delta x^1\rightarrow 0} \frac{P_t^{1,CFM}(\Delta x^1)}{P_t^{2,CFM}(\Delta x^2)} = \frac{\partial_{x^1}\Psi(x^1_t,x^2_t)}{\partial_{x^2} \Psi(x^1_t,x^2_t)} \.\] Assume that there is an external market where assets \(x^1\) and \(x^2\) can be traded (without frictions) at the prices \(S_t=(S_t^1,S_t^2)\). The no-arbitrage condition in the case of no fees (\(\gamma=1)\) implies that \[\label{eq no arbitrage price} \frac{P_t^{1,CFM}}{P_t^{2,CFM}} = \frac{S_t^{1}}{S_t^{2}}\] Conversely, if [\[eq no arbitrage price\]](#eq no arbitrage price){reference-type="ref" reference="eq no arbitrage price"} would not hold, then (in a market with no fees) there would be an arbitrage opportunity between CFM and the external market (assuming frictionless trading is possible), as it would be possible to purchase a combination of assets cheaply in one market, and then sell it in the other. The above example, also studied in, demonstrates two key properties of CFMs: - A GMM automatically re-balances liquidity pools so that the value of the pools with asset \(x^1\) and \(x^2\) is \(\theta \cdot \psi(S_t)\) and \((1-\theta)\psi(S_t)\), respectively - Providing liquidity to a CFM \(\Psi\) is equivalent to entering a long position on a perpetual derivative on the underlying asset with the payoff dictated by the value (in terms of price) \(\psi\). As observed in, , for any CFM \(\psi\) for any non-negative, non-decreasing, concave, 1-homogenous[^3] payoff function \(\psi\), there exists a trading function \(\Psi\), such that the value of the liquidity provision in CFM with with function \(\Psi\) matches this payoff function. In other words, a CFM with appropriately designed trading function \(\Psi\) dynamically adjusts portfolio held by liquidity providers so that the value of this portfolio, at any time, is described by the payoff function \(\psi\). This gives us two ways to understand a CFM: - Through the defining trading function \(\Psi\), indicating valid combinations of the two assets. - Through the valuation function \(\psi\), indicating the value of the CFM pool in terms of the prices of the two assets. Concentrated liquidity, introduced in Uniswap V3, gives individual LPs control over what price ranges their capital is allocated to. This gives a practical way of creating liquidity provision that replicates a given function \(\psi\), and has been observed and described in. ## Connection with perpetual options {#sec perp} Given a payoff function \(\psi\), there is a simple connection between liquidity provision in a CFM and investment in a perpetual American option. We begin with a precise definition of a perpetual American contract with streaming premium. As we shall see, liquidity provision in a CFM is equivalent to entering a long perpetual derivative with the payoff dictated by the function \(\psi\). This derivative is written on the underlying assets \(S=(S_t)_{t\geq 0}\) traded in the pools. We follow the definition from. In order to highlight the connections between a CFM and a perpetual American option, we make the following observations. In a CFM, a liquidity provider (CFM-LP) - initially deposits assets with value \(\psi(S_0)\), - receives fees at the rate \(f_t\) per unit time (which may vary). These fees may be withdrawn (under the Uniswap v3 protocol) at any time, - at some future time \(\tau\) (of the CFM-LPs choosing), may withdraw their assets, which will have value \(\psi(S_\tau)\). In a perpetual American option with streaming premium and payoff \(\psi\), an investor purchasing the option - initially purchases the option, for a cost \(\psi(S_0)\), - receives the streaming premium at a rate \(g_t\) per unit time (which may vary). This streaming premium may be positive or negative, and is received immediately, - at some future time \(\tau\) (of the investor's choosing), may exercise the option, which rewards them with value \(\psi(S_\tau)\). As we can see, assuming fees in the CFM are instantaneously predictable (i.e. the fee to be received from the CFM can be accurately estimated in advance), a no arbitrage argument suggests that we must have \(f_t=g_t\), as otherwise one asset is strictly better than the other in every state of the world (over some short time horizon), which implies that an efficient market will focus all its trading in the better of these alternatives. ## Model and assumptions {#section arbitrage free model} We make the following assumptions about the market: - The agent can borrow and lend any amount of cash at the riskless rate. - The agent can buy and sell any amount of assets \(x^1\) and \(x^2\). - The above transactions do not incur any transaction costs and the size of a trade does not impact the prices of the traded assets. We denote the risk free rate (which may be stochastic) by \((r_t)_{t\geq 0}\) and model the money market as \[\label{eq bond} dB_t = r_t B_t dt\,, \qquad B_0\geq 0\.\] We assume \(r_t\ge 0\). We further denote the drift and diffusion coefficients (again, possibly stochastic) of the risky asset shadow prices by \(\mu=(\mu_t^1,\mu_t^2) \in \mathbb R^2\) and \[\sigma=(\sigma_t^{(1,1)}, \sigma_t^{(1,2)},\sigma_t^{(2,1)},\sigma_t^{(2,2)}) \in \mathbb R^4_+\] respectively, and model the shadow price of the risky asset \((S^i_t)_{t\geq 0}\) by \[\label{eq risky asset} dS_t^{i}= \mu^i_t S_t^i dt + \sum_{j=1}^d \sigma^{(i,j)}_t S_t^i dW_t, \quad S_o^i\geq 0\,,\] where \(W=(W_t^1,W_t^2)\) is a \(2\)-dimensional Brownian motion. We assume that \((\mu,\sigma)\) are sufficiently regular that a (unique strong) solution to [\[eq risky asset\]](#eq risky asset){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq risky asset"} exists. We will proceed to derive an arbitrage-free fee bound in a similar way to the construction of the predictable loss in , and to classical arguments for no-arbitrage pricing in financial markets. Assumption [\[as psi\]](#as psi){reference-type="ref" reference="as psi"} holds in the case when the fee \((1-\gamma)=0\) and arbitrageurs continuously close the gap between \(S_t\) and the price of the CFM, as demonstrated in. Hence we expect the the arbitrage-free fee derived below to be a good proxy for CFMs that charge small fee (e.g Uniswap). If the CFM charges a fee \((1-\gamma)\) which is significantly larger than \(0\) then the value of the pool is a function of the reserves and the price one would use for the conversion (external price \(S_t\) or pool-implied price \(P^{2,CFM}_t\)), see Remark [\[rmk path depdend pool value\]](#rmk path depdend pool value){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk path depdend pool value"} for more details. Consider the wealth process \(Z\) of an agent who - begins with zero capital[^4], - initially borrows a quantity \(\psi(S_0)\) at the risk-free interest rate, which they use to establish a CFM position (which they can do by trading in the liquid market to obtain the desired risky assets for the pool), - until time \(t\), trades in the liquid market hold a quantity \((\Delta_s^i)\) of each asset at time \(s\). The dynamics of \(Z_t\) are given by \[Z_t = \underbrace{\psi(S_t)-\psi(S_0)}_{\text{CFM gains}}+\underbrace{\int_0^t\sum_{i=1}^2 \Delta^i_s dS^i_s}_{\text{trading gains}} + \underbrace{\int_0^t\Big(Z_s-\sum_{i=1}^2 \Delta^i_s S^i_s\Big)r_s ds}_{\text{interest payments on uninvested wealth}} + \underbrace{\int_0^t f_s ds}_{\text{CFM fees}}.\] We assumed \(\psi\) is smooth, hence we can apply Itô's lemma to obtain \[\begin{split} Z_t &= \sum_{i=1}^2 \int_0^t\Big[\partial_i \psi(S_s) + \Delta^i_s\Big]dS_s^i + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \int_0^t \partial_i \partial_j \psi(S_s)d\langle S^i,S^j\rangle_s + \int_0^t\Big[\Big(Z_s-\sum_{i=1}^2 \Delta^i_s S^i_s\Big)r_s+f_s\Big] ds. \end{split}\] By setting \(\Delta_s^i =-\partial_i \psi(S_s)\), we eliminate the first term, giving \[\begin{split} Z_t &= \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \int_0^t \partial_i \partial_j \psi(S_s)d\langle S^i,S^j\rangle_s + \int_0^t\Big[\Big(Z_s + \sum_{i=1}^2 (\partial_i \psi(S_s) ) S^i_s\Big)r_s+f_s\Big] ds. \end{split}\] As the quadratic variation is \(d\langle S^i,S^j\rangle_s = (\sigma_s\sigma_s^\top)^{(i,j)} S_s^iS_s^jds\), this simplifies to \[\frac{dZ_s}{ds} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \partial_i \partial_j \psi(S_s)(\sigma_s\sigma_s^\top)^{(i,j)} S_s^iS_s^j + \Big(Z_s + \sum_{i=1}^2 (\partial_i \psi(S_s) ) S^i_s\Big)r_s+f_s.\] If this quantity is positive, then we have a strategy which earns money with probability one over a short time period, that is, an arbitrage. Therefore, after rearrangement, we know that \[f_s + Z_sr_s\le-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \partial_i \partial_j \psi(S_s)(\sigma_s\sigma_s^\top)^{(i,j)} S_s^iS_s^j-\Big(\sum_{i=1}^2 (\partial_i \psi(S_s) ) S^i_s\Big)r_s.\] As \(Z\) is increasing in \(f\) (an agent who earns more fees will be wealthier) and we assume \(r\ge 0\), there is a unique value of \(f\) such that above equation is an equality. With this CFM trading fee income per unit of time, we have \(dZ_s/ds = 0\) and \(Z_0=0\), and hence \(Z_s = 0\). We denote this critical value[^5] \[\hat f_s =-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \partial_i \partial_j \psi(S_s)(\sigma_s\sigma_s^\top)^{(i,j)} S_s^iS_s^j-\Big(\sum_{i=1}^2 (\partial_i \psi(S_s) ) S^i_s\Big)r_s.\] We have thus shown the following. Notice that the critical CFM fee income rate depends on the trading function via \(\partial_i \partial_j \psi(S)\) (which is negative, as \(\psi\) is concave as long as the trading function \(\Psi\) is convex) and the quadratic variation of traded asset (which is implicitly related to the level of trading activity). On the other hand the actual CFM fee income rate depends on the trade flow in the CFM and the fee the pool sets i.e. \(1-\gamma\). It is not clear that one could bring \(f_t\) in line with \(\hat f_t\) as increasing \(1-\gamma\), the fee charged by the CFM will likely lead to decreased trade flow. Note that this argument only uses a long-position in the CFM, and only establishes[^6] the inequality \(f_t\leq \hat f_t\). If it were possible to perfectly short-sell the CFM (or the corresponding perpetual option), then a similar argument would yield the converse inequality. This may explain why the fee rate in Uniswap v3, is systematically below the critical fee rate, which is related to liquidity provision in CFMs yielding persistently poor returns. As mentioned above, by analyzing the data in the Uniswap v3 pool (e.g. ) one can see that, in general, the fee rate is below critical fee rate. Nevertheless, since one cannot simply short position at the Uniswap (unless using an over-the-counter bespoke arrangement) it is not clear how one could realise a potential arbitrage opportunity when \(f < \hat f\). # An Agent-based model {#sec abm} We design an Agent-Based-Model with the aim to compare the accumulated fees by a CFM defined as in Example [\[ex gmm\]](#ex gmm){reference-type="ref" reference="ex gmm"} with \(\theta=1/2\) in a period of time \([0,T]\) against the accumulated non-arbitrage fee derived in Section [2.3](#section arbitrage free model){reference-type="ref" reference="section arbitrage free model"}. ## Model description We consider the CFM with \(x^1\) being the numeraire. Price discovery occurs in a second reference market, where \(S_t\) denotes the price of asset \(x^2\) in terms of the numeraire \(x^1\) at time \(t\). We model the price \(S_t\) by a Geometric Brownian Motion \[dS_t = \sigma S_t dW_t, \quad S_0>0.\] Whenever the price of asset \(x^2\) in terms of the numeraire \(x^1\) in the CFM is different than \(S_t\), there might be an arbitrage opportunity. An arbitrageur will automatically make the necessary trades to maximise their profit. Furthermore we model the arrival of liquidity takers by Poisson process \((N_t)_t\) with intensity \(\lambda\). We run the simulation of discrete times \(\Pi := \{0,t_1,t_2...,T\}\) and initialise the simulation with reserves \((x^1_0,x^2_0)\) and fee \((1-\gamma)\); initial price \(S_0\) and volatility \(\sigma\); liquidity takers arrival intensity \(\lambda\). We run the following simulation. For every \(t\in\Pi\): - The arbitrageur makes the necessary trades resulting from optimisations [\[eq:optimisation1 arb\]](#eq:optimisation1 arb){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:optimisation1 arb"} [\[eq:optimisation2 arb\]](#eq:optimisation2 arb){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:optimisation2 arb"} in the CFM and in the reference market to make a risk-free profit. - If \(N_t-N_{t-} = 1\) then a price-sensitive liquidity trader arrives and trades \(\Delta_t\in\mathbb R\) sampled from \(\mathcal N(0,1)\) of asset \(x^1\). The noise trader chooses the market with better execution price with some high probability \(p\), i.e. we allow for the noise trader to be irrational with probability \((1-p)\)[^7]. We take \(\sigma \in \{0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8\}, \lambda \in \{50,75,100\}\) and fix \(S_0 = 10, x_0^1 = 100, x_0^2=10\) and run the above simulation 100 times for different values of \(\gamma \in [0.96,1]\). ## High fee and low fee \(1-\gamma\) Figures [\[fig:price gamma 0.96\]](#fig:price gamma 0.96){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:price gamma 0.96"}, [\[fig:fees gamma 0.96\]](#fig:fees gamma 0.96){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fees gamma 0.96"}, [\[fig:price gamma 0.997\]](#fig:price gamma 0.997){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:price gamma 0.997"} and [\[fig:fees gamma 0.997\]](#fig:fees gamma 0.997){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fees gamma 0.997"} consider two simulated scenarios: high fee value \(\gamma = 0.96\) ( i.e fee \(4\%\)); low fee value \(\gamma=0.997\) of ( i.e fee \(0.3\%\)), \(\lambda=50\) and \(\sigma=0.4\). Figures [\[fig:price gamma 0.96\]](#fig:price gamma 0.96){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:price gamma 0.96"} and [\[fig:price gamma 0.997\]](#fig:price gamma 0.997){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:price gamma 0.997"} provide the evolution of the price process for the two simulated scenarios in the CFM for the same price process \(S_t\) in the reference market. The smaller the fee (the higher the value of \(\gamma\)) the closer the CFM price process depicted in blue follows the reference market price \(S_t\). For these two scenarios, the CFM and arbitrage-free fee rates are shown in Figures [\[fig:fees gamma 0.96\]](#fig:fees gamma 0.96){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fees gamma 0.96"} and [\[fig:fees gamma 0.997\]](#fig:fees gamma 0.997){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fees gamma 0.997"}, and the area under the fee rates corresponds to accumulated fees in that particular simulation. High values of fees (low values of \(\gamma\)) indicate less arbitrage opportunities, and therefore the number of trades will be lower than in the low fees scenarios. Hence increasing the fee rate does not necessarily lead to higher fee income. However, in higher fees regimes, the trade sizes will necessarily be higher (there will only be an arbitrage opportunity when the gap between the CFM price and the reference price is big enough to compensate for the fee). Fixing \(\lambda=50\), Figure [\[fig:diff fees\]](#fig:diff fees){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:diff fees"} aggregates the generated results for all the considered \(\gamma\in[0.96,1], \sigma\in\{0.2,0.4,0.6,08\}\). Figure [\[fig:avg diff fees\]](#fig:avg diff fees){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:avg diff fees"} indicates that higher trades will bring higher fees on average, yet they will not be able to cover the cost of hedging the impermanent loss, which increases with the volatility \(\sigma\). ## Impact of noise trader arrival rate \(\lambda\) Figure [\[fig:agg results\]](#fig:agg results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:agg results"} aggregates all the simulations for three considered intensity regimes for the noise trader. Again, in average the CFM fee does not cover the cost of hedging impermanent loss and, furthermore, this is not impacted by the arrival intensity of noise traders. # Conclusion and future work {#sec conclusion} In Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"} we have derived an upper bound on the fee income for an LP placing liquidity in a CFM which does not lead to arbitrage when compared to the cost of hedging the risk of the underlying price moves (referred to as impermanent loss). These findings are augmented by agent based simulations which indicate that at least in some market regimes LP providers in CFMs are not being adequately compensated for the impermanent loss risk they take on. The theoretical model used to derive Theorem [\[thm critical rate\]](#thm critical rate){reference-type="ref" reference="thm critical rate"} makes a number of simplifying assumptions that are common in financial mathematics but on top of that it only applies in the low fee regime of CFMs, as discussed in Remark [\[rmk path depdend pool value\]](#rmk path depdend pool value){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk path depdend pool value"}. To better study the higher fee regimes one would need to jointly model the trade flow and its impact on the underlying price or to model the joint evolution of the reserves and the underlying asset price. This, mathematically more challenging problem, is left for future work. The agent-based simulation could be exctended in a number of ways. More realistic agent order flow could be based directly on empirical data e.g. from . The liquidity takers could not only choose the venue which provides better execution price but could split their orders for lowest overall execution cost. Furthermore, most arbitrageurs do not to realise the arbitrage in one "step"; instead they should consider multi-step optimisation with penalty for inventory leading to dynamic-programming problems (or, if we assume that the model of underlying price is unknown, to a reinforcement learning problem). Again, this more involved investigation is left for future work. [^1]: The link is deliberately broken to comply with the anonymous submission format. [^2]: The fee in Uniswap-V3 is not added to the pool reserves. This is in contrast to Uniswap-V2. [^3]: That is, \(\lambda \psi(S) = \psi(\lambda S)\) for all \(\lambda>0\) and \(S\). Equivalently, we can assume that one of the assets in \(S_t\) is the numeraire asset, in which case the 1-homogeneity assumption is not needed. [^4]: This is simply to avoid having to account for the interest they should earn on their initial capital. [^5]: give a similar calculation, to obtain a closely related quantity, which they call the permanent loss of the CFM. [^6]: The presentation above assumes the agent starts at time \(0\), and derives the critical fee rate on this basis. To obtain the inequality bound \(f_t\leq \hat f_t\) for all times, we formally have to consider starting with zero capital at a time where the inequality is not satisfied, and showing that this gives a short-term arbitrage opportunity. [^7]: Perfectly rational liquidity trader would consider splitting the order to optimise the execution cost. We omit this extension in our simulations.
{'timestamp': '2023-02-10T02:02:29', 'yymm': '2302', 'arxiv_id': '2302.04345', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04345'}
# Introduction {#sect:intro} Depending on whether the spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen atoms is higher or lower than that of the cosmic background radiation, there is net emission or absorption of radiation of 21 cm wavelength. Such emission or absorption features from the early universe provide us a useful tool to study the cosmic dark ages, the cosmic dawn (CD) and the epoch of reionization (EoR). The 21 cm global spectrum experiments aim to measure the sky-averaged spectrum with high precision, so as to probe the early epochs of the Universe. There are a number of such ground-based experiments, including the the Experiment to Detect the Global Epoch-of-Reionization Signature (EDGES, @2008ApJ...676....1B [@2010Natur.468..796B; @2017ApJ...835...49M]), the Sonda Cosmológica de las Islas para la Detecciónde Hidrógeno Neutro (SCI-HI, @2014ApJ...782L...9V), the Probing Radio Intensity at high-z from Marion (PRIzM, @2019JAI.....850004P), the Shaped Antenna measurement of the background RAdio Spectrum (SARAS, @2013ExA....36..319P [@2017ApJ...845L..12S; @2018ApJ...858...54S]), the Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter (CTP, @2019ApJ...883..126N), the Broadband Instrument for Global Hydrogen Reionization Signal(BIGHORNS; @2015PASA...32....4S), the Large-Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Age (LEDA, @2016MNRAS.461.2847B [@Bernardi2018:1802.07532v1; @2018MNRAS.478.4193P]), and the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH, @8879199). Compared to the 21 cm tomography experiments, measurement of the global 21 cm emission has a higher raw sensitivity and requires smaller collecting area, so that it could be conducted even with a single antenna. The EDGES reported the detection of a strong absorption feature at \(\sim 78\) MHz which has a cosmic dawn 21 cm spectrum interpretation, though it has an unexpectedly large amplitude (0.5 K) and an unusual flattened profile. If originated from the cosmic 21 cm spectrum, this would suggest possibly new physics or astrophysics , though this result is not confirmed by a recent measurement of the SARAS experiment. It is imperative to check this result and improve upon it with further and more precise observations. In ground-based global spectrum experiments, a number of possible systematic effects, such as attenuation and differential refraction of the radio wave by the ionosphere, radio frequency interference (RFI), and the interactions of the antenna with nearby ground and underground features, can introduce distortions and errors, thus limiting the measurement precision. The magnitude of the ionospheric disruptions on global spectrum varies in the range of \(\sim 0.1\ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}-3 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\) depending on the ionospheric condition. These systematic effects can be avoided or mitigated by a space-borne experiment. A number of space mission concepts have been proposed, and some are actively studied at present, such as the Discovering the Sky at the Longest wavelength (DSL; also known as *Hongmeng* in Chinese, @2019arXiv190710853C [@2020arXiv200715794C]), the Dark Ages Polarimetry PathfindER (DAPPER; @2018JCAP...12..015T) and its precursor the Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE, @2017ApJ...844...33B), and the Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets (FARSIDE, @2019arXiv191108649B [@2021arXiv210308623B]). By orbiting the Moon, or landing on the far side of the lunar surface, the RFI from the Earth can be shielded, providing an ideal environment for such observations. Compared with lunar surface experiments, the lunar orbit experiment has the advantage that it is not affected by the transient ionosphere on the day-side of the lunar surface or the reflections of the lunar rocks. Engineeringly it is also simpler, as it does not require landing on the Moon, and it is easy to supply the required energy (solar power) and transmit the data back to the Earth. In the DSL mission concept, an array of satellites will be launched together as an assembly into the lunar orbit by a single rocket, then released sequentially into a linear formation on the same circular orbit. During the mission, these satellites will make both interferometric imaging and high precision global spectrum measurement on the part of orbit behind the Moon, and the data will be transmitted to the Earth at the near side part of the orbit. (hereafter referred as Paper I) have investigated the imaging quality and sensitivity of such an array in the presence of thermal noise for interferometric observation. For the global spectrum experiment, the lunar orbit is also an ideal option, as the ionosphere refraction and ground reflection are largely avoided. Nevertheless, as the antenna beam may have frequency dependence, it is still a complicated problem. This effect have been investigated in a number of studies. In the context of the EDGES experiment, simulated the chromatic beam effects for two dipole antennas used in observations, and assessed the detectability of the global 21 cm signal. Further, validated the beam model used by EDGES by comparing different electromagnetic solvers and by comparing the simulated spectra with real observational data. More generally, in order to extract the 21 cm signal from the foregrounds convolved by a chromatic beam, one can construct training sets that include the foreground, the beam, and other instrument effects, which are then decomposed into basis vectors using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). There are also some models to deal with systematic distortions by a Bayesian nested sampling algorithm. In this paper, we explore the 21 cm global spectrum measurements on the lunar orbit. While our investigation is made in the context of the DSL mission, some of the results may also be applicable to other similar missions. This paper is structured as follows. Section [2](#sec:measure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:measure"} introduces some basic set-ups of the global signal experiment and the tools for generating the mock spectrum: the foreground map, the 21 cm signal, and the noise and beam model. In Section [3](#sec:simulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:simulation"}, we describe the simulation and the extraction of the foreground and the 21 cm signal from the mock data. We conclude in Section [4](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}. # The global spectrum measurements {#sec:measure} The basic parameters of the DSL concept relevant to our end-to-end simulation of the global spectrum experiment are listed in Table [1](#tab:basic parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:basic parameters"}. In the current DSL mission concept, a single dedicated micro-satellite would measure the global spectrum in the 30--120 MHz frequency range, while a number of micro-satellites would perform both inter-satellite interferometry and single antenna global spectrum measurements below 30 MHz. The high frequency band (30--120 MHz) micro-satellite uses a disc-cone antenna, while the low frequency band (1--30 MHz) micro-satellites use tripole antennas. To keep a stable flying formation, the micro-satellites are tuned to have one face oriented to the Moon center, and an axis pointed along the tangent direction of the orbit, so that in the rotating frame it is kept at a stable configuration. Here as a simple model for the circular orbit, we assume the axis of the antenna cone is pointing to the center of the Moon. With the satellites moving on the lunar orbit, parts of the sky are blocked by the Moon at any time, and the blocked region change with time. For any given instant, the visible part of the sky is determined by the position of the satellite. We treat the Moon as a solid sphere, and take a 300 km circular orbit with an inclination angle of 30\(^\circ\) with respect to the lunar equator as our fiducial orbit, neglecting the variation of orbital height induced by gravity anomaly. The orbital plane precesses with respect to the inertial frame with a cycle period of about 1.3 years, which we approximate as a uniform rotation. Simple simulation presented in paper I show that during about 31% of the total orbital time the Earth is shielded by the Moon, and about 10% time is "doubly good" during which both the Earth and the Sun are shielded. To simulate the spectrum measurements, we generate time-ordered mock data at different frequencies assuming a sky foreground map, a 21 cm signal model and a noise model, taking into account of the satellite orbit, the Moon blockage and the antenna response. We then try to extract the 21 cm signal, and assess the measurement errors on the 21 cm model parameters. The signal received by the antenna is modeled by the convolution of the sky signal with the antenna beam and the Moon blockage, \[T{(\nu,t)}=\int S(\mathbf{\hat{k}}, t) B(\nu, \mathbf{\hat{k}}, t) T_{\rm{sky}}(\nu, \mathbf{\hat{k}}) d^2\mathbf{\hat{k}} \label{eq:I_intergal}\] where \(\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) is the unit direction vector, \(B(\nu, \mathbf{\hat{k}}, t)\) is the antenna primary beam response, and \(S(\mathbf{\hat{k}}, t)\), which we shall call the *shade function*, describes the blockage of sky by the Moon. Here we treat it as a simple geometric function, neglecting frequency dependence induced by diffraction. We pixelize the sky with the HEALPix scheme, the integral is then approximated by sum over pixels. \[T{(\nu,t)}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{\rm pix}} S(k, t) B(\nu, k, t) T_{\rm{sky}}(\nu,k) \Delta\Omega \label{eq:signal}\] where \(k\) is the pixel index, \(N_{\rm pix}\) is the total number of pixels, \(\Delta\Omega=4\pi/N_{\rm pix}\) is the solid angle corresponding to one pixel. We have also checked the precision of integration by computing Eq.([\[eq:signal\]](#eq:signal){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:signal"}) with \(N_{\rm side}=8, 32, 64\), and 128, using the foreground model described below. The differences are smaller than \(10^{-4}\) K for our sky map. Below we take HEALPIX \(N_{\rm side}=64\), corresponding to a resolution of about \(1^{\degree}\) which should be sufficient for the global spectrum evaluation. ## Foreground model {#subsec:foreground} The mock observational data are generated with a physically-motivated sky model. The input sky map can be obtained at a given frequency by extrapolation from observed data. A few programs are available for this purpose, e.g. the Global Sky Model (GSM), the Cosmology in the Radio Band (CORA), and the Self-consistent whole Sky foreground Model (SSM). However, the interstellar medium (ISM) absorption becomes quite significant at low frequencies, which may affect the foreground-21 cm signal separation. In this work, we make use of the high-resolution Ultra-Long wavelength Sky model with Absorption (ULSA), which incorporated the free-free absorption effect of the ISM[^1]. The sky maps at 30 MHz, 60 MHz, and 120 MHz are shown in Fig. [\[fig:foreground_map\]](#fig:foreground_map){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:foreground_map"}. The galactic free-free absorption lowers the temperature of the sky at lower frequencies towards HII regions around massive stars or SNRs, an especially obvious one is the Gum Nebula at the lower left corner (around \(l \sim 150^{\degree}\)) at 30 MHz. In comparison to conventional absorption-free model, inclusion of the free-free absorption effect results in a decrements of 2.5% at 30 MHz and 0.5% at 120 MHz in sky brightness temperature. The ULSA model considers both cases of a constant spectral index and a direction-dependent spectral index for the emission. In the case of a direction-dependent spectral index, the spectral index map is obtained by combining the Haslam 408 MHz map, the LWA maps, and the Guzman 45 MHz map (through Eq.(29) in @Cong2021ArXiv210403170Astro-Ph), after smoothing all maps with a Gaussian beam with FWHM \(= 5\degree\). The whole-sky averaged spectrum is shown in Fig. [\[fig:foreground_signal\]](#fig:foreground_signal){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:foreground_signal"}. The solid lines are the absorption-included sky brightness, and the dashed lines are the absorption-free sky brightness. Here we show the result for both a constant and a direction-dependent spectral index of emission. We can see that there are significant differences at the lower frequencies due to absorption, which may affect the fitting of the spectrum for a given foreground model. It is therefore important to take into account of the ISM absorption if one is to fit the spectrum at the lower frequencies. Also, considering the importance of incorporating the spatial variation in the spectral index when accounting for the chromatic beam effect, in this work we shall use the model with absorption and direction-dependent spectral index to simulate the mock data. Then in the data analysis, the foreground contribution to the global spectrum could be modeled as polynomials of frequency or its logarithm. In Table [2](#tab:fg_model){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fg_model"} we list some foreground models used in the literature along with short names. Fig. [\[fig:foreground_fitting\]](#fig:foreground_fitting){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:foreground_fitting"} shows the residuals of fitting the global spectrum using the models listed in Table [2](#tab:fg_model){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fg_model"}. Here we show both a fit in the frequency range of 30--120 MHz (solid lines), and a fit in the frequency range of 60--120 MHz (dash lines) for each model. The RMS of residuals of the (a)-(f) models are 78.37 mK (0.06 mK), 7.58 mK (0.01 mK), 172.74 mK (33.69 mK), 8.14 mK (0.17 mK), 117.60 mK (1.21 mK), 16.08 mK(0.01 mK) for the solid lines (dash-dotted lines) respectively. As shown by the figure and the residues, the primary source of foreground, the galactic synchrotron radiation, has a nearly power law form spectrum, which can be easily fitted with few terms in the polynomial expansion. However, the ISM free-free absorption at the low frequency breaks the power law. So when the fitting is expanded to the 30--120 MHz frequency range, the five-term *Poly* and three-term *LogLogPoly* models which worked well in the 60--120 MHz range become inadequate. The five-term *LogPoly*, five-term *LogLogPoly* and seven-term *Poly* models can fit well in all cases. We take the five-term *LogPoly* model as our fiducial model for the foreground below. ## Models of the 21 cm signal {#subsec:21 cm} We consider here two models of the 21 cm global signal: one is form adopted by the EDGES experiment in, another is a Gaussian fit for the 21 cm through with adjustable amplitude and width. **EDGES 21 cm model.** This is motivated by the EDGES experiment observation. We assume the signal is \[T_{21}(\nu)=-A\left(\frac{1-\rm{e}^{-\tau \rm{e}^{B}}}{1-\rm{e}^{-\tau}}\right) \label{eq:T21_flat}\] where \[B=\frac{4\left(\nu-\nu_{0}\right)^{2}}{w^{2}} \log \left[-\frac{1}{\tau} \log \left(\frac{1+\rm{e}^{-\tau}}{2}\right)\right]\] **Gaussian model.** As demonstrated in , different astrophysical parameters can produce a variety of global 21 cm spectrum with absorption trough depths in the range of \(-200\; \rm{mK} < T_b <-25\; \rm{mK}\). also took into account the inevitable non-linear density fluctuations in the IGM, shock heating and Compton heating, and found that these effects can reduce the maximum absorption signal by 15% at redshift 17. Here we use a simpler three-parameter Gaussian form as given in Eq. ([\[eq:gaussian\]](#eq:gaussian){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gaussian"}) as our global signal model. \[T_{21}(\nu)=-A e^{\frac{-(v-\nu_0)^{2}}{2 w^{2}}} \label{eq:gaussian}\] Then we consider four cases for the global 21 cm signal profile: **Case 1**-No detectable 21 cm global signal. **Case 2**-The EDGES 21 cm signal as given by Eq.([\[eq:T21_flat\]](#eq:T21_flat){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:T21_flat"}), with \(A = 0.5\) K, \(\nu_0 = 78.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\), \(w = 19.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\), \(\tau = 7\). **Case 3**-A Gaussian signal as given by Eq.([\[eq:gaussian\]](#eq:gaussian){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gaussian"}), with \(A = 0.20 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\), \(\nu_0 = 75.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\), \(w=6.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\). **Case 4**-A Gaussian signal as given by Eq.([\[eq:gaussian\]](#eq:gaussian){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gaussian"}), with \(A = 0.155 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\), \(\nu_0 = 75.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\), \(w=10.0 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {MHz}}}\). Fig. [\[fig:21 cm\]](#fig:21 cm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:21 cm"} illustrates the 21 cm global signal for these four scenarios. ## Thermal Noise {#subsec:noise} The thermal noise on the observed signal is \[\sigma_n=\frac{T_{\rm{sys}} }{\sqrt{N \Delta \nu t_{\rm{int}}}}, \label{eq:noise}\] where \(N\) is the number of independent measurements, \(\Delta \nu\) is the channel bandwidth which we set as 0.4 MHz, and \(t_{\text{int}}\) is the integration time. The system temperature is given by \[T_{\rm{sys}} = T_{\rm{sky}} + T_{\rm{rcv}},\] where the average sky temperature as is given by \[T_{\rm{sky}} \sim 2300 \left( \frac{\nu}{75 \text{MHz}} \right)^{-2.5}. \label{eq:T_sky}\] Note that while it is important to account for the ISM absorption when fitting the low frequency spectrum, which would affect the extracted 21 cm signal several orders of magnitude lower than the foregrounds, the absorption effect makes little difference when estimating the thermal noise. Therefore, a simple power-law model is assumed here. \(T_{\rm{rcv}}\) gives the equivalent antenna temperature induced by the noise in the receiver. As the antenna and receiver impedance are mismatched, the actual power goes in to the receiver is \((1-|\Gamma|^2)P_{\rm ant}\), where \(\Gamma\) is the reflection coefficient between the antenna and receiver, and \(P_{\rm ant}\) is the power of the antenna output. So \[T_{\rm{rcv}}= \frac{T_{\rm{rcv}}^0}{1-|\Gamma|^2},\] where \(T_{\rm{rcv}}^0\) is the noise temperature of the receiver. For our current receiver design, we have measured \(T_{\rm{rcv}}^0 \approx 200 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\) in the given band. Based on antenna simulation, we find that \[\frac{1}{1-|\Gamma|^2} \approx 16.809 \exp \left(-\frac{\left(\frac{\nu}{\nu_{\rm{c}}}-0.4\right)^{1.277}}{0.0808}\right)+1.034.\] We plot \(T_{\rm{rcv}}\) in Fig.[\[fig:T_rcv\]](#fig:T_rcv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:T_rcv"}. It is about 200 K near 80 MHz. With such a system temperature, for a single antenna (\(N=1\)), after about 24 hours (10 orbits) of integration time, the RMS noise level is \(\leq 15\) mK at 75 \(\, {\rm {MHz}}\), assuming a channel bandwidth of 0.4 \(\, {\rm {MHz}}\). Even if we assume that only the data obtained during the "doubly good time", when both the Earth and Sun are shielded, can be used, which is about 10% of the total orbit time, it takes only 10 days for the thermal noise to be suppressed down to this level according to Eq.([\[eq:noise\]](#eq:noise){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:noise"}). The detailed study of the global spectrum in the 1--30 MHz band will be presented elsewhere, but here we note in passing that at 25 MHz, the sky temperature is about \(3.6\times 10^4 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\), according to Eq. ([\[eq:T_sky\]](#eq:T_sky){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:T_sky"}). After a full three year of integration, the thermal noise of a single antenna could be suppressed to a level of about 10 mK for 0.4 MHz channel bandwidth. There are 5--8 satellites in the DSL mission, and each is equipped with 3 pairs of antennas of different polarization. So the DSL mission has the potential to measure the 21 cm global spectrum from the dark ages and cosmic dawn. However, we note that this estimate accounts only for the thermal noise, a number of other factors or systematic errors, such as the self-generated RFI, stability, dynamic range, and spectral response of the system will probably limit the precision of the measurement. It is necessary to design the system such that these systematic errors to be smaller than the expected 21 cm signal. ## Beam {#subsec:beam} The global spectrum in the 30--120 MHz band will be measured by an antenna on a single satellite in the DSL mission. The primary requirement of the design is to have low chromaticity, i.e. its beam pattern should be as frequency-independent as possible, to avoid convolving the spatial structure of the sky into the frequency domain. This can be achieved by using an antenna which is electrically small, i.e. with a physical size smaller than the half-wavelength, so that the resonance frequency is above the observational band. The small size of the antenna is also consistent with the requirement on the payload of the mission. In the present design, we consider a disc-cone antenna model, which is composed of a radiating cone and a reflective disk, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:antenna\]](#fig:antenna){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:antenna"}. The size parameters of the cone and disc are labelled on the figure. The design of this antenna will be presented elsewhere, here we take a particular design as our fiducial model. The beam of this antenna is simulated using the software FEKO[^2]. The cross section of the axial-symmetric beam profiles, cut at an arbitrary \(\phi\) with varying \(\theta\), is shown in the top panel of Fig. [\[fig:beam_fid\]](#fig:beam_fid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:beam_fid"}, the actual beam in the 3D space can be generated by rotating the cross section figure around the central axis (\(\theta=0\degree\)). The beam pattern of this electrically small disc-cone antennas is quite similar to that of a short dipole; there is a single lobe of the beam (it peaks at \(\theta = 90^\circ\) and \(270^\circ\) on the cross-section plot). To see the effect of frequency variation of the beam more clearly, we also show the logarithmic frequency gradient of the beam \(\partial B(\nu,\theta)/\partial \log\nu= \nu\partial B(\nu,\theta)/\partial\nu\) in the bottom panel of Fig. [\[fig:beam_fid\]](#fig:beam_fid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:beam_fid"}. The gradient for this disc antenna is fairly small. In the next section, we shall mainly use this antenna beam model, but to explore how the chromatic beam affects the global spectrum measurement result, we shall also consider beam models which are more frequency-dependent. # Simulation and Results {#sec:simulation} With the set up described above, we simulate the observed global spectrum. First we investigate how the measured global spectrum varies as a function of time, as the satellite moves to different parts of the orbit. Next we estimate the measurement error after some time of observation. Then we consider how the systematic errors, such as the chromatic beam effect, and the non-flat spectral response of the system would affect the 21 cm signal measurement. ## Variation of Observing Position {#sec:sim_pos} As there are large scale variations in the foreground, and the Moon blocks different parts of the sky for the satellite orbiting to the different positions. We first check how much the variation is for different locations. For this purpose, we select four points, marked as A, B, C, and D, which are located \(90^\circ\) apart on the lunar orbit. These are essentially the cross-over points of the orbit with the ecliptic plane, and the highest and lowest points away from the elliptic plane along the orbit. The observed global spectrum at these points are the averaged sky temperature as weighted by \(S(\mathbf{n}) B(\mathbf{n})\) at these locations. In Fig. [\[fig:signal_abcd\]](#fig:signal_abcd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:signal_abcd"}, we show the product of the antenna beam and Moon blockage function, \(S(\mathbf{n}) B(\mathbf{n})\), at the four locations. As expected from the symmetry, the pair A and C have exactly opposite patterns, and so does the pair B and D. We then calculate the foreground spectra as would be observed at these points with our fiducial disc-cone antenna model described above. In Fig. [\[fig:satellite_abcd\]](#fig:satellite_abcd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:satellite_abcd"}, we plot the global spectra in the 30--120 MHz range. There are obvious differences in the amplitude for the four locations, but the shapes of the spectra are still quite similar with each other, and the spectra from locations A and C almost coincide. Just as shown by the spectra at these four points, there is large variation in the total intensity. In Fig. [\[fig:signal_A\]](#fig:signal_A){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:signal_A"}, we plot the simulated intensity variation at 60 MHz, as the satellite taking an observation of 24 hours. In this plot, the red solid line mark the part of data obtained when the Earth is shielded, while the black dashed line are for the rest of time. The figure shows that the signal received at a fixed frequency has a regular periodic variation, with a period of 8246 seconds corresponding to one cycle of the orbit, and an amplitude of \(\sim 10\%\) level. Actually the global spectrum is measured over a period of time as the satellite orbits the Moon. We can compute the sky average for a segment of the orbit. Despite large variations in the overall amplitude of the antenna temperature at different parts of the orbit, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:signal_A\]](#fig:signal_A){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:signal_A"}, the variation in the shape of the spectrum is not large. We fit each of the integrated spectrum for the AB, BC, CD and DA segments of the orbit separately with the five-terms *LogPoly* foreground model, and plot the residuals in Fig. [\[fig:resi_4p\]](#fig:resi_4p){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:resi_4p"}. Here the input sky model includes only the foreground, while the mock observation is performed with simulated noise, Moon blockage, and the fiducial model of antenna response. For clarity, the results are vertically shifted by different amounts in the figure. We find that the beam-weighted signals can be reconstructed with a high accuracy. The four segments yield similar residuals, and these residuals (0.012 K, 0.009 K, 0.011 K, 0.008 K, respectively) are all noticeably smaller in magnitude than the expected global 21 cm signal in typical cosmic dawn models, showing that despite the variation of foreground with sky direction, this would not seriously affect the 21 cm signal extraction. ## Projected Error In Fig. [\[fig:s1_result\]](#fig:s1_result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s1_result"}, we plot the averaged spectrum at 30--120 MHz after a total of 30 orbits, but take observation only when the Earth is shielded which is about 1/3 effective time. In the same figure we also plot the fitting residual of the foreground model, for both the noise-free case and with noise given at a level corresponding to \(t_\text{obs}= 10\) orbits. The data is assumed to be taken with our fiducial antenna model. We find that the *LogPoly* model is able to account for the global spectral structure by expanding around the expected power law spectral index of-2.5. Here \(a_0\) is an overall foreground scale factor, \(\frac{a_n}{a_0} << 1 \ (n\geq 1)\) is the correction to the typical spectral index of the foreground by capturing anisotropies of the spectral index and other higher-order spectral corrections, such as the ISM absorption. The five-term *LogPoly* model can provide a good fit in this foreground-only sky model, with the foreground model parameters taking reasonable values as shown in Fig.[\[fig:s1_mcmc\]](#fig:s1_mcmc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s1_mcmc"}. There is also no serious degeneracy in these parameters. Note that with a micro-satellite on the lunar orbit, our fitting implicitly assumes that the parameter dependencies encode only the foreground properties, and does not account for ionospheric effects. Next we consider the 21 cm signal extraction, from the mock data simulated with the foreground, the 21 cm signal, and the noise. We plot in Fig.[\[fig:result\]](#fig:result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:result"} the five-term *LogPoly* model fitting results for the EDGES 21 cm model (left panel) and the two Gaussian 21 cm models (middle and right panels). We see that in all cases, the 21 cm model signals can be well recovered by fitting the mock observation data. We also list the fitted model parameters for the EDGES 21 cm model in Table [\[tab:computation_21\]](#tab:computation_21){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:computation_21"}, and for the two Gaussian 21 cm models in Table [\[tab:computation_21_gaussian\]](#tab:computation_21_gaussian){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:computation_21_gaussian"} (the four rows correspond to the satellite completing 1, 2, 5 and 10 orbits, respectively). The thermal noise level drops with observation time as \(t_{\rm{obs}}^{-1/2}\). For the frequency resolution of 0.4 MHz, the residual RMS induced by the thermal noise drops to \(\sim 0.05 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\) after 10 orbits, allowing the extraction of the 21 cm signal with good precision. The uncertainties of the parameters are estimated by Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations. If the experiment is properly designed so that the error is dominated by thermal noise on this time scale, one should be able to discriminate between the EDGES model and the Gaussian models, and also between the two Gaussian models with different parameters introduced earlier. We also checked the results generated at different starting positions of precession for 10 effective orbits observation, the recovered 21 cm signals generally agree with each other within 0.01 K. ## Chromatic Beam Effect To explore how the chromatic beam affects the global spectrum measurement, we now consider some non-ideal cases where the beam is more frequency-dependent. To be concrete, we still consider disc-cone antennas but with different disc diameters (\(D_3\) in Fig. [\[fig:antenna\]](#fig:antenna){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:antenna"}). However, we find that as long as the size of the antenna is smaller than the half wavelength, the beam is pretty similar to that of the short dipole and the frequency-dependence is weak. This is good news for the design of the antenna for the space experiment. However, for this illustration, we decide to employ two "villain" models, which are intentionally designed to have larger frequency variation of the beam. These are realized by keeping the cone part unchanged, while increasing disc to a size comparable with the half wavelength. In the first case, we increase the disc to 200 cm from the 55 cm in the fiducial model while keeping the cone unchanged. In the second case, the disc size is increased to 300 cm. One can obviously make antenna less frequency-dependent, but we use them as illustrative examples because they are derived from electromagnetic simulation of an antenna configuration. Fig. [\[fig:2beams\]](#fig:2beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2beams"} shows the beam profile of these two villain models in the top row, and the corresponding logarithmic frequency gradient of the beam in the bottom row. Comparing with Fig. [\[fig:beam_fid\]](#fig:beam_fid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:beam_fid"}, in these two cases the beams vary with frequency much more significantly, and the logarithmic frequency gradient are also much larger. When convoluted with the spatial variations of the foreground, this may generate fake features in the global spectrum. Furthermore, in the model with 300 cm disc (right panels of Fig. [\[fig:2beams\]](#fig:2beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2beams"}), an additional sidelobe appears. The presence of sidelobe could induce even larger features in the global spectrum from the sky variation, as we will find out below. To examine how this affects the measurement of the global spectrum, we simulate the observation of a total of 10 orbits with the foreground-only model without noise. Here for simplification we have used the data from the full orbit but ignored any possible RFI. In Fig. [\[fig:gain_resi\]](#fig:gain_resi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gain_resi"}, we plot the residuals after fitting and subtracting a five-term *LogPoly* model for our fiducial model, as well as for the two villain models. The residuals for the two villain models are about two orders of magnitude higher than our fiducial model, so we multiply a factor of 100 to the fiducial model residue to show them on the same plot. The RMS of the residuals of our fiducial model without adding the noise is about 10 mK. As was shown in Fig. [\[fig:beam_fid\]](#fig:beam_fid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:beam_fid"}, \(\nu \partial B/\partial\nu \sim 10^{-2}\) for our fiducial antenna beam model, and as shown in Fig. [\[fig:signal_A\]](#fig:signal_A){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:signal_A"} the amplitude of the global spectrum varies at 10% level. We may then expect the chromatic beam may introduce a deviation at the \(10^{-3}\) level over the observation band, or \(\sim\) 1 K for the \(10^3 \sim 10^4 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\) sky temperature of this band. However, the variation in the spectral shape or spectral index induced by the varying position/orientation is much smaller. As a result, this deviation varies smoothly over the frequencies, and so when we fit with the five-term *LogPoly* model, the bulk of it is removed. In the end, we obtain a residual with RMS of only 10 mK. This is still a very substantial and important source of error for the global spectrum measurement. The two villain models are both exaggerated bad cases, but these illustrate how the beam may vary with frequency over the observational band. Even for better designed cases, the frequency-gradient of the beam may have a pattern similar to them, though with smaller gradient values. In particular, we note that the additional sidelobe may greatly increase the error. Thus, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:gain_resi\]](#fig:gain_resi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gain_resi"}, the disc-cone antenna with a 300 cm disc which has an additional sidelobe in its beam has much larger RMS residuals than the one with a 200 cm disc. It is likely that the real antenna has a beam more like that of our fiducial model than that of the two villain models shown above. Nevertheless, there may be frequency-dependent deviations due to imperfect manufacture or additional components necessary for a satellite which will modify the antenna beam pattern. Such deviations could adversely affect the performance of the global spectrum measurement. It is critical to minimize such effects for the experiment to succeed. # Conclusion and discussions {#sec:conclusion} In this work, we have presented the end-to-end simulation results for a global 21 cm spectrum experiment on lunar orbit operating in the 30--120 MHz frequency band. By adopting the specific parameters of the DSL mission concept, we assessed the feasibility of obtaining the 21 cm global spectrum from a strong foreground. A variety of practical problems, such as the Moon blockage and antenna beam (including the chromatic beam effect) have been taken into account. We first generate an input sky map with ISM free-free absorption effect, and make mock observation of the global spectrum. We find the absorption is significant at the lower frequencies, which affect the fitting of the foreground model. We simulate the observation at different positions on the lunar orbit. As the Moon blocks different parts of the sky at different positions, and the antenna orientation also changes with the position, there is variation in the measured sky signal. However, we find that though with the changing intensity in the received signal, the change in the spectrum shape (or spectral index) is much smaller. Adopting a five-term *LogPoly* model to fit the foreground, we find that the residual error drops to a level of \(\sim 0.05 \ensuremath{\, {\rm {K}}}\) within a short span of 10 orbits observation. The statistical noise would soon drop to a negligible level. We then consider systematic errors, such as the effect of chromatic beam. For our fiducial model with a disc-cone antenna with \(D=55\ \rm{cm}\) for the disc, the beam chromaticity is actually very small. The variation of the gain is at the \(10^{-4}\) to \(10^{-3}\) level within the 30--120 MHz range, and does not induce significant effect on the recovered 21 cm signal. We also introduced two "villain models", which illustrated the effect of the chromatic beam with a poorly designed antenna, having a disc size of \(D=200\ \rm{cm}\) or \(D=300\ \rm{cm}\), exceeding the half wavelength. In this case the beam chromaticity can introduce much complexity in the result, especially if there is an additional sidelobe in the beam profile. In the real world, we expect the beam to be close to our fiducial case, perhaps with a slightly distorted profile and a little higher frequency-gradient due to the imperfections, but not large enough to affect the final result. In this study we have treated the Moon as a simple opaque sphere, and neglected the thermal emission of the Moon, and its reflection and diffraction of radio waves, which can be complicated due to its rugged terrain and varying composition. These problems will be further investigated in future studies. Now it is feasible to conduct a new experiment towards the detection of the global 21 cm signal from cosmic dawn. The lunar orbit provides an unparalleled opportunity by allowing high precision global spectrum measurements. Our simulations show that the 21 cm global signal could be recovered very well on a lunar orbit.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:29:49', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01124', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01124'}
# Introduction Over recent years an effort has been made to understand tropical mathematics in terms of various algebraic structures. A major role has been taken by the max-plus algebra \(\Rmax\), but with the drawback that its structure theory is quite limited by the absence of negation. Gaubert  addressed this issue in his dissertation, followed by, studying a construction which we call "symmetrization" in. Izhakian  introduced a modification, later called "supertropical algebra" and studied extensively by Izhakian and Rowen , and later with Knebusch. Meanwhile an extensive literature developed around hyperstructures [@BB1; @CC; @GJL; @Ju; @Vi] and fuzzy rings. These constructions were unified by Lorscheid in "blueprints", and carried further into a "systemic" algebraic approach taken by, and developed in in order to unify classical algebra with the algebraic theories of supertropical algebra, symmetrized semirings, hyperfields, and fuzzy rings, with some success especially in obtaining theorems about matrices, polynomials, and linear algebra. The idea of systems in brief is to consider a formal "negation map" \((-)\) on \(\mcA\) satisfying all properties of negation except \(a-a=0.\) The zero element no longer plays a role, but is replaced by the set of **quasi-zeros** \(\mcA^\circ = \{ b+((-)b): b\in \mcA\}.\) In supertropical algebra the "negation map" actually is the identity, and in a semiring where a negation map is lacking, it can be provided in the symmetrization process. Another innovation was the "surpassing relation" \(\preceq\), to extend equality in most results. Although the negation map is very useful, this paper addresses the question as to how much semiring theory can be performed only with the "surpassing relation" given below in Definition [\[precedeq07\]](#precedeq07){reference-type="ref" reference="precedeq07"}, which is needed for our version of equations. In addition to the philosophical question of the minimal axiomatic framework needed to carry out the theory, we are motivated by new structures generalizing hyperfields which come up naturally in the study of semirings, given in §[2.4](#shyp){reference-type="ref" reference="shyp"}. Many of the relevant notions of systems are formulated without a negation map on \(\mcA\), by elevating \(\mcA^\circ\) to the principal structural role, via the embedding \(\mcA^\circ\rightarrow \mcA\). Then we can formulate relative versions of algebraic concepts which could be applied to tropical (and other) situations. In other words, we continue the approach of systems, but with a different emphasis which may provide extra intuition, in an effort to obtain the greatest generality in which the algebraic structure theorems of the Artin-Krull-Noether theory are available. One such direction of the structure theory taken in was the spectrum of prime congruences. Our main focus, extending, is on the structure of **pairs** \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) acted upon by a set \(\trop{T}.\) See Definition [\[symsyst\]](#symsyst){reference-type="ref" reference="symsyst"} for the formal set-up. In brief, \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is a **\(\trop{T}\)-semiring pair** when \(\mcA_0 \subseteq \mcA\) are semirings with compatible \(\trop{T}\)-actions, and \(\trop{T}\) is a multiplicative submonoid of \(\mcA\), where \(\mcA_0\cap \trop{T} =\emptyset\) and \(\trop{T}\) spans \((\mcA,+)\). The \(\trop{T}\)-pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is **shallow** if \(\mcA = \trop{T} \cup \mcA_0.\) Likewise, for modules (called "semimodules" in the semiring literature), we suppress the negation map, and simply consider pairs \((\mcM,\mcN)\) of modules over \((\mathcal A, \mcA_0)\), together with a map \(\pMN: \mcN\rightarrow \mcM\) where in applications \(\pMN(\mcN) \subseteq \mcM\) could be identified with the quasi-zeroes. Ideals in algebra are replaced by congruences with the "twist product". We go through the basic structure theory, starting with "prime" and "semiprime"defined by means of the twist product. Then we compare notions of algebraicity, and compute the growth of some basic pairs. Throughout we search for the precise hypotheses necessary for the various theorems. One also can manage without negation maps when studying polynomials (§[3.4](#pol){reference-type="ref" reference="pol"}), as well as pairs of fractions. The Ore condition for semigroups is well known, cf. . Following as a model, we also introduce the notion of Ore condition for pairs, under which one obtains the pair of fractions of a \(\trop{T}\)-semiring pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) (Theorem [\[OreP\]](#OreP){reference-type="ref" reference="OreP"}). One goal of any algebraic theory is to obtain some analog of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, which says that every radical ideal of the affine polynomial algebra is a set of zeroes of polynomials. This is tricky in the semiring set-up because the structure is described in terms of congruences, not ideals, but we propose an approach in Appendix A. ## Main Results See Definition [\[free0\]](#free0){reference-type="ref" reference="free0"} for "\((\preceq)\)-base." We need some more preparation for the next result. A pair \((\mcA, \mcA_0)\) is **\(\preceq\)-nondegenerate** if \(f(\trop{T}) \not \subseteq \mcA_0\) for any tangible polynomial \(f\). The Nullstellensatz does not hold in this setting in general (Example [\[nonin\]](#nonin){reference-type="ref" reference="nonin"}), but we prove that in some circumstances (including the classical case and tropical case), a version of the Nullstellensatz holds. Finally, we study growth of pairs and prove the following. # Basic notions {#BN} See for a relatively brief introduction of systems; more details are given in, , and. Throughout the paper, we let \(\mathbb{N}\) be the additive monoid of nonnegative integers. Similarly, we view \(\mathbb{Q}\) (resp. \(\mathbb{R}\)) as the additive monoid of rational numbers (resp. real numbers). \(\trop{T}\) will always denote a multiplicative monoid with \(\mathbb{1}.\) We say that \(\trop{T}\) **acts** on a set \(\mcA\) if there is a binary operation \(\trop{T} \times \mcA \rightarrow \mcA\) satisfying \[(a_1 a_2) b = a_1(a_2 b),\qquad \forall a_1, a_2 \in \trop{T}, \ b \in \mcA.\] It is appropriate to turn to the context of universal algebra, where one is given sets, called "algebraic structures," or "\(\Omega\)-algebras," with various operations, relations, and identities. The 0-ary operations can be thought of distinguished elements. Rather than stating the definitions formally, we refer the reader to , and give the main instances: We often suppress the operations and distinguished elements in the notation. When \(\trop{T}\) is ambiguous, we write \(\tTA\) to indicate that it is affiliated with \(\mcA.\) A **\(\trop{T}\)-module homomorphism** \(f: \mathcal A_1 \rightarrow \mathcal A_2\) is a function such that \(f(ab_1)=\psi(a)f(b_1)\), \(f(b_1+b_2)=f(b_1)+f(b_2)\) for all \(a \in \trop{T}\) and \(b_i \in \mathcal A_1\), \(\psi\) as in Definition [\[de1\]](#de1){reference-type="ref" reference="de1"}(iv)(c). Often we fix an action \(f_\trop{T}\) on \(\trop{T}\) and consider only those \(f\) whose restriction to \(\trop{T}\) is \(f_\trop{T}.\) ## Pairs We assume throughout this paper that \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is an admissible \(\trop{T}\)-semiring pair. ## Surpassing relations We next provide the pair with a **surpassing relation** \(\preceq\) ( and also described in ). The justification for these definitions is given in. In brief, in proving theorems about pairs, we often need equations in tangible elements to be weakened, where \(\mcA_0\) takes on the role of "zero." This can be defined on any pair, and matches the definition of systems. ## Negation maps and Property N In some cases we can define the negation map, the mainstay of. A **negation map** \((-)\) on \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is an additive automorphism of order \(\le 2\) satisfying \[\label{eq: neg}(-)(bb') = ((-)b)b' = b((-)b'), \quad b+((-)b) \in \mcA_0, \quad \forall b,b' \in \mcA,\] and \((-)\mcA_0 = \mcA_0.\) When \(\mcA\) is a \(\trop{T}\)-module we also require \((-)\) to be defined on \(\trop{T}\), such that \[(-)(ab) = ((-)a)b = a((-)b),\qquad \forall a\in \trop{T}, \quad b\in \mcA.\] We write \(b(-)c\) for \(b+((-)c)\). Thus \(\mcA_0\) contains the set of **quasi-zeros**, denoted as \(\mcA^\circ := \{ b(-)b: b\in \mcA\}.\) Often one has \(\mcA_0 = \mcA^\circ.\) A main illustration of a negation map having a different nature is as follows: ### Weaker versions of negation maps Other properties may suffice when we do not have a negation map at our disposal. Here are some versions of classical structures which need not even satisfy Property N, but at times one can obtain a negation map on a \(\trop{T}\)-submodule \(S\) of \(\mcA\), where [\[eq: neg\]](#eq: neg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: neg"} holds on \(S\), and \((-)(S\cap \mcA_0) = (S\cap \mcA_0).\) In this case we call \((-)\) a **partial negation map** (on \(S\)). We give some examples motivated by. ## Semi-hyperrings {#shyp} Furthermore we can weaken the requirement of having the hyperring negation. We have the following extension of an idea of Krasner: Let us take this one step further. ## Congruences Classically, one defines homomorphic images by defining a **congruence** on an algebraic structure \(\mcA\) to be an equivalence relation \(\Cong\), which viewed as a set of ordered pairs, is a subalgebra of \(\mcA \times \mcA\) which we require to be disjoint from \(\trop{T} \times \mcA_0\). The **congruence kernel** \(\ker f\) of a homomorphism \(f: (\mcA,\mcA_0) \rightarrow (\mcA',\mcA'_0)\) is \]\{(y_1,y_2) \in \mcA \times \mcA: f(y_1) = f(y _2)\}\[ and its restriction to \(\mcA_0\); \(\ker f\) is easily seen to be a congruence. Conversely, every congruence \(\Cong\) is the congruence kernel of the natural homomorphism \(y \mapsto [y],\) where \([y]\) is the equivalence class of \(y \in \mcA\) (resp. \(\mcA_0\)) under \(\Cong\) (resp. \(\Cong_0\)). Often we delete \(\Cong_0\) from the notation, when it is the restriction to \(\mcA_0.\) Certain congruences play a fundamental role. We would want to identify \(\pAA(\mcA_0)\) as "zero" in some factor set of \(\mcA\) with respect to \(\pAA(\mcA_0)\), but unfortunately the congruence generated by \(\{(b, b+\pAA(b_0)):\ b\in \mcA,\, b_0 \in \mcA_0\}\) could be larger than one wants. # Structure of associative pairs Much of the classic structure theory works for pairs since we can avoid negation by using the twist product. Thus we can write twist products without parentheses. The following notions have analogs in. The same proofs as in Jun and Rowen can be used to prove the following, for a \(\trop{T}\)-pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0).\) - The intersection of semiprime congruences is semiprime. - The union of a chain of congruences is a congruence. - A congruence is prime if and only if it is semiprime and irreducible. - (essentially ) For \(\mcA\) commutative, define \(\sqrt{\Cong}\) to be the set of elements \((a_1,a_2)\) of \(\mcA \times \mcA\) having a twist-power \((a_1,a_2)^{\mtw m}\) (for some \(m \in \mathbb{N}\)) in \(\Cong.\) Then \(\sqrt{\Cong}\) is a radical congruence and is the intersection of a nonempty set of prime congruences. Proposition [\[commpr\]](#commpr){reference-type="ref" reference="commpr"} is enough to show for \(\mcA\) commutative that every radical congruence is the intersection of a nonempty set of prime congruences. We can generalize this result by using a famous trick of Levitzki. We note that the Krull dimension in the context of congruences was first introduced and studied by Joó and Mincheva in. We studied ACC on congruences in, but there is a dearth of examples. Note that \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) commutative implies \(y_1y_2 \preceq y_2 y_1\) for all \(y_i \in \mcA.\) This leads to the observation: ## Module pairs We fix a ground \(\trop{T}\)-semiring pair \((\mathcal A, \mcA_0)\). Intuitively we view the module pair \((\mathcal M, {\mathcal N})\) as \(\mcM/\mathcal N\). ## Bases An obvious example: The unit vectors \(\{e_1, \dots, e_n\}\) are a base for \(\mcA^{(n)}\) over \(\mcA_0^{(n)}\). More generally, \((\mcA^{I}, \mcA_0^{I})\) is free. This proves that the universally free module pair is \((\preceq)\)-free, and unique up to the cardinality of its \((\preceq)\)-base. ## Extensions of pairs We assume from now on that \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is commutative. In the natural examples, one would expect \(\mcA_0 = \mcA \cap \mcW_0,\) but we do not see how to guarantee this. ## Function pairs and polynomials {#pol} Some of this material is reminiscent of, which handled the commutative situation. On the other hand, the prime analog proved in required a Vandermonde argument that relies on commutativity. One needs that two functions agreeing on "enough" points are the same. One can also define polynomials symbolically, but there are many examples in tropical mathematics of differing polynomials which agree as functions, such as \(\la^2 + a\la + 4\) for all \(a<2\). This will impact on our discussion of algebraicity. # Paired versions of classical theorems We generalize some results from. ## Fractions Fractions have already been studied for monoids, cf. for instance, and here we present the paired version, taking the analog from. The main tool is from monoids. We call \((\trop{T}^{-1}\mcA,\trop{T}^{-1}\mcA_0)\) of (iv) the **pair of fractions of the pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\)**. In all of our applications, the regular set \(S\) will be central, and thus automatically Ore. ## Integral extensions We the following property, to provide the converse of Remark [\[int2\]](#int2){reference-type="ref" reference="int2"}. Clearly tangible \((-)\)-reversibility implies power \((-)\)-reversibility for each \(a \in \trop{T}\). In this case we can define the **negated determinant** \(\det(A)\) of a matrix \(A=(c_{ij})\) to be the following: \[\det(A):= \sum _{\pi\in S_n} ((-) \mathbb{1})^{\sgn(\pi)} c _{i_1 \pi(i_1)} c_{i_2 \pi(i_2)} \dots c_{i_n \pi(i_n)}.\] Unfortunately, an algebraic element over a \(\trop{T}\)-semifield pair need not be \(\trop{T}\)-integral. Here is a special case where \(\trop{T}\)-integrality holds. ## Hilbert Nullstellensatz Theorem [\[sN\]](#sN){reference-type="ref" reference="sN"} could be viewed as a "baby Nullstellensatz," and we would like the conclusion that \(y\) is integral over the pair \((\mcA, \mcA_0)\). But there are counterexamples. These examples weaken the strength of the next result. Unfortunately, from the standpoint of tropical mathematics, the property that \(\trop{T}\)-algebraic implies \(\trop{T}\)-integral is not compatible with the tropical viewpoint, by Example [\[nonin\]](#nonin){reference-type="ref" reference="nonin"}. But it is all we have. # Growth in semialgebras Growth in algebraic structures has been an active area of study in the last 30 years, cf. , mostly for groups and algebras, although recently growth in semigroups and other algebraic structures has been investigated in. Some of the basic properties carry over to semialgebras, as we review here. ## Growth in a pair Let \([\mcM:\mcN]\) denote the minimum number of elements need to generate \(\mcM\) over \(\mcN\), called the **rank**. The rank is sub-multiplicative: If \(\mcN \subseteq \mcN'\subseteq \mcM\), then \([\mcM:\mcN] \leq [\mcM:\mcN'][\mcN':\mcN].\) In situations where equality holds (such as in the classical situation for modules over Artinian rings), one can develop dimension theories. In this subsection we assume that \((\mcW,\mcW_0)\) is an affine centralizing extension over a \(\trop{T}\)-semifield pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\). In the non-relative case we take \(\mcW_0 = 0.\) Now, we introduce a notion of the growth rate. We take a generating set \(\{ a_1, \dots, a_{t'}\}\) of \(\mcW_0\) over \(\mcA\) (which is empty when \(\mcW_0 = 0\)), which we extend to a generating set \(\{ a_1, \dots, a_{t}\}\) of \(\mcW\) over \(\mcA\); we put \(V' = \sum_{i=1}^{t'}\mcA a_i\) and \(V = \sum_{i=1}^{t} \mcA a_i\). Note that \(V=V'\) when \(\mcW_0 = 0.\) We have the filtration \(\mcW_k = \sum_ {i=1}^k V^k\) (which is just \(V^k\) if \(1 \in V\)) of \(\mcW\), \(1 \le k <\infty,\) and \({\mcW_0}_k = \sum _{i=1}^k {V'}^k\). We define the following numbers: \[\label{eq: 12} d_k:=[\mcW_k:\mcW_{k-1}+{\mcW_0}_k].\] If we start with a different set of generators then we may get a different growth rate \(\{d_1',d_2',\dots\},\) but they are **equivalent** in the sense that there are numbers \(m_1,m_2\) such that \(d_k' \le m_1d_{m_2k}\) and \(d_k \le m_2 d_{m_1k}'\) for all \(k.\) Since \(\tTz{}\) \((\preceq)\)-spans \(\mcW\) we may take the generating set in \(\tTz.\) Here is a semialgebraic analog of a theorem of Jategaonkar (that any domain of subexponential growth is Ore). We say that a \(\trop{T}\)-pair \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) is a **\(\trop{T}\)-semidomain pair** if every element of \(\trop{T}\) is regular over \(\mcA_0\). The conclusion of the proposition could be interpreted as saying that \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) satisfies the left Ore condition with respect to \(\trop{T}\). This is completely analogous to the standard algebraic situation, and can be viewed in terms of the **graded pair** \(\oplus (\mcW_k, \mcA_{k-1}+{\mcA_0}_k).\) Thus growth, Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and Hilbert Series of semialgebras are closely related to semigroups, and Example [\[Making\]](#Making){reference-type="ref" reference="Making"} is relevant. Shneerson , Smoktunowicz , and Greenfeld  have interesting semigroup examples of varied growth. Define the **Gelfand-Kirillov** dimension \(\GKdim (\mcA,\mcA_0)\) of \((\mcA,\mcA_0)\) to be \[\limsup{\log _k [\mcA_k:{\mcA_0}_k]}.\] # Appendix A: Roots of a polynomial Since algebra often serves as a tool for geometry, we use this appendix to lay out the geometric concepts arising from pairs. . This definition is natural, consistent with. Then for \(Z \subset \mcA^{(n)}\) one would take \(\La = \{\la_1, \dots, \la_n\}\) and \(\mathcal{I}(Z) = \{f \in \mcA[\La]: f(z) \in \mcA_0, \ \forall z \in Z.\) The difficulty in tying this in to algebra is that \(\mathcal{I}(Z)\) is an ideal of \(\mcA[\La]\), not a congruence. Accordingly we take instead points of \(\mcA^{(n)}\times \mcA^{(n)}\) and for \((z_1,z_2) \in \mcA^{(n)}\times \mcA^{(n)}\) we define the **twist substitution** \[(f_1,f_2)\tw (z_1,z_2) = (f_1(z_1)+ f_2(z_2), (f_1(z_2)+ f_2(z_1)).\] Lemma [\[twis\]](#twis){reference-type="ref" reference="twis"} implies that \(\widehat \mcI(S)\) is a radical congruence, clearly the intersection of a nonempty set of geometric congruences. For example for a system with unique negation, if \(S = \{ (a,\mathbb{0}, \dots, \mathbb{0}),(\mathbb{0}))\}\) for \(a\in \trop{T}\), then one has \(\widehat \mcI(S) = (\la_1 (-) a+ \mcA_0[\La], a' + \mcA_0[\La])\), a prime congruence. This opens the door to the Zariski topology on pairs, but pursuing this path is out of the scope of this paper.
{'timestamp': '2022-08-09T02:15:14', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01086', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01086'}
# Introduction Stars with initial masses higher than \(8\, M_\odot\) play an essential role in both the chemistry and gas dynamics in galaxies such as our own Milky Way. At the end of their lives, many massive stars undergo supernova explosions, leaving behind compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. Before this final event, however, many massive stars become completely depleted of hydrogen. This depletion may happen because of strong stellar winds, eruptive events, or binary stripping. In any case, what is left will be a stripped, hot and compact Helium star. Such stripped stars can either be classified as classical Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars (after @WolfRayet1867), when they are characterized by strong, broad emission lines, or they can become hot subdwarfs when they do not feature WR spectral characteristics. Subdwarfs are considered to be surrounded by a very thin atmosphere. On the other hand, the strong emission features that characterize WR stars are believed to originate in a dense, radiation-driven wind that surrounds the object. Classical WR winds have high terminal speeds and high mass-loss rates (on the order of \(10^{-7}-10^{-4}\) \(M_\odot\) \(\rm yr^{-1}\) e.g., @NugisLamers2000 [@Hamann2019]), and are optically thick to the extent that they hide the hydrostatic stellar core. Linking evolutionary models of the WR hydrostatic core to spectral observations thus requires a thorough understanding of the wind dynamics. Identifying the exact launching mechanism that can produce WR winds strong enough to match observations is, however, still an active area of research (e.g., @Poniatowski2021 [@Sander2019]). Specifically, while the better understood winds of OB-stars on the main sequence are well reproduced by means of a line-driven wind theory assuming an optically thin continuum (originally developed by @CAK1975, CAK), this standard theory cannot explain the high mass-loss rates inferred for high-luminosity classical WR stars. Since WR stars have high luminosity-to-mass ratios, they typically exceed their effective Eddington limit, where the stellar gravitational pull is overcome by radiative acceleration already in deep subsurface layers; the super-Eddington nature of these deep layers is associated with peaks in the Rosseland mean opacity, stemming from atomic recombination of iron in particular. first explored this as a potential driving mechanism for WR winds. Moreover, computed hydrodynamic, 1D, stationary models extending up to the wind sonic point. These works suggest that Galactic WR stars are driven to the sonic point by this \"iron opacity bump,\" as well as a transition in mass loss as a function of the luminosity-to-mass ratio. However, WR winds launched in optically thick layers through this mechanism do not meet the energy requirements to bring the stellar gas from the sonic point up to escape speed. In 1D models based purely on Rosseland opacities, this then leads to solutions that are not able to escape the stellar gravitational potential. Here, gas gets accelerated and lifted up from the hydrostatic core, before it decelerates and finally starts falling back down onto the core surface due to gravity. In we thus suggested a hybrid opacity formulation, wherein Rosseland mean opacities are combined with the strong enhancement in line opacity that, due to the Doppler effect, is expected to occur in supersonic media (CAK). In these hybrid opacity models, gas can then get lifted up from the hydrostatic stellar core via static Rosseland mean opacity. Then, once the gas is further away from the stellar core it becomes optically thin, and efficient line driving can take over. The first 1D spherically symmetric models have been computed using this mechanism, reproducing the correct order of magnitude of mass-loss rates and providing a basic explanation for the so-called core radius problem of classical WR stars. However, these 1D models still needed further ad hoc opacity enhancements to the line driving in order to prevent the mass launched in subsurface layers from falling back upon the star. In, these enhancements were attributed to unknown details about the line statistics. Similarly, to avoid a nonmonotonic velocity field in 1D stationary hydrodynamic models of WR winds based on a detailed non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) comoving frame radiative transfer, the radiation force is enhanced by first assuming transfer through a strongly clumped outflow, but then using this force to solve the equation of motion for a stationary, smooth wind (see discussion in @Bjorklund2022, their Sect. 2.2, for some potential fundamental problems with this approach). In a multidimensional setting, on the other hand, subsurface opacity peaks will also give rise to convective and radiative instabilities. Since for high-luminosity WR stars these same opacity peaks are also implied to be launching a supersonic outflow, it may be expected that, instead of being stationary, the deep WR atmosphere might consist of a complex pattern of coexisting regions of up-and down-flowing material. This would then cause the formation of structure and significant turbulent motions. To understand these effects, WR atmospheres and outflows need to be modeled using multidimensional, time-dependent simulation techniques, accounting properly for opacity peaks in deep subsurface layers, as well as line driving in the upper atmosphere. Here, we present the first attempts to construct such multidimensional simulations of classical WR stars. For this, we use the multidimensional partial differential equation (PDE) toolkit `MPI-AMRVAC` Section [2](#sec: Modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Modeling"} describes the applied prescription and setup for the RHD simulations, as well as the hybrid opacity model used to describe the interaction between gas and radiation. In Sect. [3](#sec: general properties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: general properties"}, we present the general properties of our 2D and 3D models. In Sect. [4](#sec: Grid){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Grid"}, we present a first exploration of the parameter space by computing models that have different input stellar luminosities, and we examine the effect this has upon the atmosphere and wind properties. Section [5](#sec: Discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Discussion"} discusses our main results and how the models could be further improved. Finally, Sect. [\[sec: Conclusions\]](#sec: Conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Conclusions"} concludes this work with a summary and an outlook. # Modeling {#sec: Modeling} To model the (radiation-dominated) dynamics and energy transport in the multidimensional WR atmospheres and winds, we use the newly developed radiation-hydrodynamic module of the flexible (magneto-)hydrodynamics code `MPI-AMRVAC` The RHD equations are solved on a finite volume mesh using a \"box-in--wind\" approach (see @Sundqvist2018 [@Moens2021]). The bottom boundary of the computational domain starts deep inside the WR atmosphere at the (quasi-)hydrostatic core radius \(R_{\rm c}\), and the simulations then extend several \(R_{\rm c}\) into the supersonic outflowing regions, here set to \(r = 6 R_{\rm c}\). In the remainder of this section, we describe some key features of this modeling framework. ## Radiation hydrodynamics The Euler equations of hydrodynamics describe the conservation of mass, momentum, and gas energy. With the effects of gravity and radiation included as source terms on the right-hand side, these equations are: \[\begin{aligned} \partial_t \rho + \nabla \cdot (\rho \vec{v}) &=& 0 \label{eq: hd_rho}, \\ \partial_t (\vec{v} \rho) + \nabla \cdot (\vec{v} \rho \vec{v} + p) &=&-\vec{f_g} + \vec{f_r} \label{eq: hd_mom}, \\ \partial_t e + \nabla \cdot (e \vec{v} + p \vec{v}) &=&-\vec{f_g} \cdot \vec{v} + \vec{f_r} \cdot \vec{v} + \dot{q} \label{eq: hd_e}. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(\rho\) is the gas density, \(\vec{v}\) is the gas velocity, and \(e\) is the total gas energy density, consisting of both an internal and a kinetic energy component. The source terms \(\vec{f_g}\) and \(\vec{f_r}\) are the forces due to gravity and radiation, and \(\dot{q}\) represents the heating and cooling of the gas by radiation. The gas pressure \(p\) is related to the total gas energy density \(e\) via the ideal gas law, which closes the system of PDEs: \[e = \frac{p}{\gamma-1} + \frac{1}{2} \rho v^2.\] In our simulations, the gas and radiation dynamics are separated where we assume the equation of state of a monoatomic, nonrelativistic and nondegenerate gas. Neglecting ionization effects, the polytropic index is appropriately set to \(\gamma = 5/3\) (see also e.g., @Jiang2015). The external forces due to gravity and radiation impact both the momentum and kinetic energy of the gas. In our model, the gravitational force \(\vec{f_g}\) is assumed to come from a point source: \[\vec{f_g} = \rho \frac{G M_\ast}{r^2} \vec{\hat{r}}, \label{eq: grav}\] which means that the WR core mass \(M_\ast\) is assumed to be much greater than the mass inside the atmosphere and wind. For the models presented below, a brief order of magnitude estimate shows that the mass contained in the simulated envelope is, at maximum, six orders of magnitude lower than the mass in the stellar core. Thus, the assumption of point gravity applies in this situation. The acceleration due to the radiation force \(\vec{f_r},\) and the gas heating and cooling \(\dot{q}\), depend on the radiation field. Thus, we need a formalism to treat radiation and its coupling with the gas. In this work we make use of the frequency integrated \(0^{\rm th}\) angular moment equation of the time-dependent radiation transport equation in the comoving frame. This is an additional PDE that can be written in a conservative form similar to the hydrodynamic equations: \[\partial_t E + \nabla \cdot (E\vec{v} + \vec{F}) =-\dot{q}-\nabla \vec{v}: \vec{P}. \label{eq: rhd_E}\] Here \(E\) is the frequency-integrated radiation energy density, \(\vec{F}\) is the frequency-integrated radiation flux, and \(\vec{P}\) is the frequency-integrated radiation pressure tensor. This radiation subsystem further needs a closure relation connecting the radiation flux vector, the radiation pressure tensor, and the radiation energy density scalar. The nonequilibrium flux-limited diffusion (FLD) approach, as described by, is used for this, wherein the radiation flux becomes: \[\vec{F} = \frac{-c \lambda}{\kappa \rho} \nabla E. \label{eq: fld_flux}\] Here the flux limiter \(\lambda\) prevents the magnitude of the radiation flux from exceeding the physical limit \(c E\), for the speed of light \(c\), when radiation is freely streaming. In the radiation diffusion regime, radiation follows the Eddington approximation. In the formulation above, \(\kappa\) is the flux-weighted mean opacity, in units of \(\rm cm^2 \, \rm g^{-1}\). In this paper, we assume a flux-limiter in the form suggested by (see also @Moens2021). The radiation pressure tensor is then written as \(\vec{P} = \vec{f} E\) for a corresponding analytic form of the Eddington tensor, following. The radiation force density, and the heating and cooling, are computed from the local gas and radiation quantities: \[\begin{aligned} \vec{f_r} &=& \rho \frac{\kappa \vec{F}}{c} \\ \dot{q} &=& c \kappa \rho E-4 \pi \kappa \rho B, \end{aligned}\] where \(B\) is the frequency-integrated Planck function, and where we have further assumed that the energy and Planck mean opacities present in the heating and cooling terms are equal to the flux mean \(\kappa\). Using the definitions \(E \equiv (4 \sigma/c) T_{\rm rad}^4\) and \(B \equiv (\sigma/\pi) T_{\rm gas}^4\), we can alternatively write \(\dot{q}\) as a function of the radiation and gas temperatures, \(T_{\rm rad}\) and \(T_{\rm gas}\), namely \(\dot{q} = 4 \kappa \rho \sigma (T_{\rm rad}^4-T_{\rm gas}^4)\). Because of the smaller timescales that typically control the radiative heating and cooling terms in our setup, these are updated using an implicit method as described in, allowing also for nonequilibrium conditions where the radiation temperature is not necessarily equal to the gas temperature. ## Hybrid opacity model {#sec: LineStat} An often-used method to obtain opacities \(\kappa\) for radiation-hydrodynamics is to read them from various tabulations, for example the OPAL project, which tabulates the Rosseland mean opacity in the static limit as a function of the logarithm of the temperature \(\log_{10}(T \, [K])\) and the parameter \(\log_{10}(R)\) (where \(R = \rho/(10^{-6}\,T\,[K])^3\)), and different chemical compositions. However, previous 1D WR models (e.g., @Poniatowski2021) have shown that these OPAL opacities, which have been gauged for static media, do not provide a good description for the total opacity when the gas becomes supersonic. In such layers, Doppler shifts can significantly enhance line opacities as compared to static Rosseland means, leading to efficient line driving. As shown in, for classical WR stars, a strong outflow can be initiated in deep layers around \(T \sim 150-200\) kK, where CAK-like line driving is quite inefficient (due to the high densities), but where a large number of bound-bound transitions in iron-like elements still contribute significantly to the Rosseland opacity (at the so-called iron opacity bump). Further out in the atmosphere, however, the temperature declines, and the static Rosseland mean opacity decreases to the extent that the initiated flow stagnates if it does not experience any additional driving (see also @Sander2019 [@Sander2020]). As such, building on the 1D models presented in and, we here describe the total opacity as a sum of static Rosseland and CAK-like formulations (see also suggestion by, their section on \"velocity-stretch\" opacities in Ch. 6): \[\begin{aligned} \kappa = \kappa^{\rm OPAL} + \kappa^{\rm line}, \label{Eq:kap_tot} \end{aligned}\] where \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) is the total contribution from all lines computed for a supersonic medium. In we compute \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) in the Sobolev approximation directly from a summation over the entire \"Munich\" line database, consisting of \(\sim 4 \times 10^6\) lines, for a range of temperatures and densities, assuming equal radiation and gas temperatures, and local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). We then fit our results to a variant of the parameterization suggested by: \[\kappa^{\rm line} = \kappa_0 \frac{\bar{Q}}{1-\alpha} \frac{\left ( (1 + Q_0 t)^{1-\alpha}-1 \right)}{Q_0 t}, \label{Eq:opacity_line}\] for \[t = c \kappa_0 \rho \Bigl|\frac{dv}{dr}\Bigr|^{-1},\] with a fiducial normalization constant[^1] \(\kappa_0 = 0.2\, \rm g^{-1}cm^2\), and line-force parameters \(\bar{Q}\), \(Q_0\), and \(\alpha\). These line-force parameters essentially represent the maximum line force in the limit that all contributing lines are optically thin (\(\bar{Q}\)), an effective maximum line strength (\(Q_0\)), and a power-law index related to the relative contributions from optically thick and thin lines (\(\alpha\)). From fitting Eq. [\[Eq:opacity_line\]](#Eq:opacity_line){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq:opacity_line"} to integrated opacities from our line database, we then obtain values of the line-force parameters as functions of the local temperature and density. This is quite similar to how, for example, OPAL opacity tables are constructed from computations of the Rosseland mean. In other words, we compute and tabulate \(\bar{Q}\), \(Q_0\), and \(\alpha\) as a function of density and temperature \(\bar{Q}(\rho,T)\), \(Q_0(\rho,T)\), and \(\alpha(\rho,T)\). Similar tabulations have been given by, although they use a different assumed parameterization. Using these tabulations, \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) is then obtained by computing \(t\) from the local velocity gradient and density at each spatial point and time step in the simulation. An illustration of such a fit is provided in Fig. [\[fig: Mt_fit\]](#fig: Mt_fit){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Mt_fit"}, showing the so-called line-force multiplier \(M(t) = \kappa^{\rm line}/\kappa_0\) for a range of values of the optical depth variable \(t\) at a fixed density and temperature. A fit (green line) of the results from the full line-list calculations (red dots) using Eq. [\[Eq:opacity_line\]](#Eq:opacity_line){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq:opacity_line"} here results specifically in \(\alpha =0.70\), \(\bar{Q}=1187\), and \(Q_0=689\), for \(\rho=10^{-11} \, \rm g \, cm^{-3}\) and \(T=62\) kK (typical expected density and temperature values within a WR outflow). Figure [\[fig: Mt_fit\]](#fig: Mt_fit){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Mt_fit"} further illustrates how in the optically thin limit (left on the horizontal axis), \(M(t) \rightarrow \bar{Q}\), and how the slope in the optically thick region (right on the horizontal axis) is indeed controlled by the \(\alpha\) parameter, as discussed above (see also CAK). For this paper, large tables have been constructed where \(\bar{Q}\), \(Q_0\), and \(\alpha\) are tabulated as functions of temperature and density values appropriate for the WR conditions under consideration. Specifically, we have calculated a table that covers densities in the range \(\rho\in[10^{-16},\,10^{-7}]\, \rm g \, cm^{-3}\), and temperatures in the range of \(T\in[10,\,100]\) kK, for a hydrogen-free plasma with the same chemical content as used for the OPAL tabulation. This means that the relative abundances of metals are the same as in the Sun, as described by, and the overall metalicity \(Z\) is chosen to have the solar value but without hydrogen (\(X=0\)), and thus \(Y=1-Z_\odot=0.98\). This can differ from other formulations such as those described by, where the abundance of each separate element is specified. These tables cover the typical mass densities expected for the WR atmosphere and wind, except for the temperatures near the lower boundary, which lay outside the table. This is because the original Munich atomic database only contains up to ionization stage VIII of the relevant line-driving elements, limiting the maximum temperature in our tables for which we have accurate atomic data. However, since the density in these high-temperature regions is also very high, this typically renders the contribution of \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) (\(\propto 1/\rho^\alpha\)) to the total opacity small or negligible, as discussed in and also verified here a posteriori via the lowermost panels in Fig. [\[fig: scat_gamma\]](#fig: scat_gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_gamma"}. As such, even if we were to fully neglect \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) above a certain temperature threshold, the effects upon our overall results would be small. Nevertheless, to ensure that the total opacity does not experience any unphysically sharp transitions, we instead choose to use here \(\bar{Q}(\rho,T = 10^5 \rm K)\), \(Q_0(\rho,T = 10^5 \rm K)\), and \(\alpha(\rho,T = 10^5 \rm K)\) for all temperatures above \(10^5\) K.[^2] As such, the upper limit of the tabulated temperature range should not pose any significant qualitative issues to our models. Using our new tabulations, we are now able to compute the spatially and time-varying line-force parameters from directly within our simulations. As such, this method constitutes a significant improvement compared to previous time-dependent radiation-hydrodynamic line-driven wind models, which typically have either assumed that these parameters are constant in both space and time, or used an ad hoc predescribed functional form. ## Initial and boundary conditions In this work, the outflows of WR stars are simulated using a box-in-wind approach. The lower boundary of the computational domain is located near the hydrostatic core such that, on average, the bottom boundary is subsonic. The outer boundary is located at a radius of \(6\, R_{\rm c}\). This way, the wind can be studied from a subsonic launch all the way up to a distance at which most of the gas has reached its escape velocity. As an initial condition, a 1D model is relaxed, as described in. Input parameters are the radiative luminosity \(L\) at the lower boundary, stellar mass \(M_\ast\), core radius \(R_{\rm c}\), and a chemical composition for the OPAL and line opacity tables (see above). The 1D model is copied to every lateral point in the 2D or 3D box. In order to trigger initialization of structure a perturbation, sinusoidal in \(r\), \(y\) (and \(z\)), is added to the lateral momentum components. Additionally, to speed up the transition of initial conditions, the initial density profile is reduced by a factor of ten. Boundary conditions in the lateral directions are periodic. On the bottom boundary, an extended version of our standard conditions for line-driven wind simulations is used. This means that the lower and upper boundary conditions are set as described in, in their Sect. 5. In summary, the mass density is kept at a fixed value, and the momentum is extrapolated into the ghost cells. The radial component of the gradient of \(E\) is set by an input bottom luminosity and the FLD closure Eq. [\[eq: fld_flux\]](#eq: fld_flux){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: fld_flux"}. Finally, the gas energy is set to be in equilibrium with the radiation energy. Since neither the momentum nor the gas energy density is fixed at the lower boundary, this setup allows for a self-consistent computation of the mass-loss rate \(\dot{M}\) and gas and radiation temperatures at the stellar core radius. In comparison to the 1D models in, for the multidimensional simulations, one complication arises in the boundary conditions for the radiation energy density. The elliptic (diffusion) term of Eq. [\[eq: rhd_E\]](#eq: rhd_E){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: rhd_E"} is solved with a multigrid solver. For the lower boundary condition of this multigrid solver, we use a Von Neumann boundary condition, where the value of \(\nabla_r E\) has to be set. In the multidimensional simulations described in this work, a single, laterally averaged value of \(\nabla_r E\) is used, computed via the FLD closure Eq. [\[eq: fld_flux\]](#eq: fld_flux){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: fld_flux"}. Finally, at the outer boundary, \(\rho\), \(\bf{v}\rho\), and \(e\) are linearly extrapolated outward. \(E\) is set by first calculating the average optical depth of the outer boundary. For this, we assume that the portion of the wind has reached its terminal velocity, and that outside of the numerical domain, the wind continues with this constant velocity and the same mass-loss rate. Assuming only electron scattering opacity, the portion of the wind that is not simulated can now be analytically integrated to give an optical depth. This optical depth is used to calculate the radiation temperature, and from that the radiation energy density at the outer boundary is calculated. ## Finite-volume method, mesh, and spherical corrections `MPI-AMRVAC` for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The simulations presented in this paper were run on a Cartesian mesh, with four levels of refinement resolving the bottom boundary. On the base level, the numerical domain is only 16 cells wide and 128 cells in the radial direction, covering \(0.5\, R_{\rm c}\) and \(5\, R_{\rm c}\) respectively. Doubling this resolution three times to level four means that the base is refined to an effective \(128\) cells laterally and \(1024\) cells radially. AMR is very useful in order to resolve the, on average, subsonic layers of the wind near the core radius. This is crucial in order to properly cover the average wind sonic point (and thus not \"choke\" the outflow), while still keeping the total number of cells reasonable in the outer supersonic wind. The elliptic part of the radiation energy equation is solved with a multigrid method that is integrated in `MPI-AMRVAC` correction terms accounting for spherical divergence effects in the fluxes of the conserved quantities, as described in Appendix A of.\ # General properties of the multidimensional WR simulations {#sec: general properties} In this section, we present the first multidimensional WR wind simulations using the hybrid opacity formalism from Sect. [2.2](#sec: LineStat){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: LineStat"}, which includes the improved description of line acceleration as described above. Instead of fixing \(\bar{Q}\) and parameterizing \(\alpha\) (as in @Poniatowski2021 and @Moens2021), we derive local line-force parameters as computed from the line statistics of an atomic database. This means we do not choose a fixed set of line-force parameters a priori (which is somewhat arbitrary and can have a significant effect on the model dynamics), but instead we compute and update them locally as the simulations evolve. Our wind models depend on: stellar mass, core radius, stellar luminosity, and a chemical composition for the opacity tables. The input parameters of the generic (2D and 3D) models discussed in this section are summarized in Table [1](#table: input){reference-type="ref" reference="table: input"}. The values for stellar mass (\(M_\ast = 10 \, M_\odot\)) and radius of the hydrostatic core (\(R_c = 1\, R_\odot\)) were taken from the 1D model described in, which were inspired by a calculation of the helium main sequence using the stellar evolution code MESA (see also the \(M_\ast = 10 \, M_\odot\) models in ). These values are on the low end of the mass-radius regime modeled by, and just below but in line with models by. In Table [1](#table: input){reference-type="ref" reference="table: input"}, the radiative stellar luminosity is expressed in units of the electron scattering Eddington luminosity \(L_{\rm Edd} \equiv 4 \pi G M_\ast c/\kappa_e\), for Thomson scattering opacity \(\kappa_e = 0.2 \, \rm cm^2 g^{-1}\), appropriate for our hydrogen-free simulations. In the next section (Sect. [4](#sec: Grid){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Grid"}), the Eddington ratio \(L_\ast/L_{\rm Edd}\) is varied in four steps by changing the stellar luminosity to examine how this affects the character of the simulated outflows and the resulting structures. ## 2D model with self-consistent line force {#sec: SimulationResults} ### Thermal and dynamical timescales Structures in the simulated wind have typical velocities on the order of \(10^8 \, \rm cm\, \rm s^{-1}\), which sets a characteristic dynamical timescale \(\tau_{\rm dyn}\), here defined as \(\tau_{\rm dyn} = R_{\rm c} / (10^8 \, \rm cm\, \rm s^{-1})\). This is the timescale at which we see changes in the positioning and shapes of over-densities and filaments over a spatial extent of about \(1 R_{\rm c}\). The readjustment of the entire atmosphere (and wind) as a whole also depends on its thermal timescale \(\tau_{\rm th}\), which can be estimated following: \[\tau_{\rm th} = \frac{G M_\ast M_{\rm env}}{R_{\rm c} L_\ast} \label{eq: tau_th}.\] Here, \(M_{\rm env}\) is the mass contained in the atmosphere surrounding the WR core. By integrating over the average radial density profile of the simulation, we obtain the envelope mass, and using Eq. [\[eq: tau_th\]](#eq: tau_th){reference-type="ref" reference="eq: tau_th"}, the thermal timescale of the atmosphere is estimated to \(\tau_{\rm th} \approx 300 \, {\rm s} \approx 0.5 {\tau_{\rm dyn}}\). Since the thermal and dynamical timescales are on the same order, in the rest of this paper, we will only refer to the dynamical timescale when discussing the evolution of the winds. ### Density and radial velocity maps {#sec: rho v maps} Here and throughout the paper, a relative density of the gas is used to characterize when gas in the wind is either in a clump or filament, or in the low-density medium in between overdense structures. The relative density is calculated by dividing the density at each point by an average density at the same radius. This average density is computed by averaging over the lateral coordinate over several snapshots, covering 40 dynamical timescales, well after the passing of the initial conditions. The upper and lower panels in Fig. [\[fig: timeseries_rho_v\]](#fig: timeseries_rho_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: timeseries_rho_v"} show color maps of the relative density and the radial velocity for a selected sample of snapshots of the 2D WR wind model (Table [1](#table: input){reference-type="ref" reference="table: input"}), separated by one \(\tau_{\rm dyn}\) each. The upper panel of the figure allows us to focus on the structural characteristics of the gas and its evolution. The figure shows how the initially smooth outflow is broken up, leading to a dynamically active wind with extensive structure formation in both density and velocity. In the top panels of Fig. [\[fig: timeseries_rho_v\]](#fig: timeseries_rho_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: timeseries_rho_v"}, the relative density shows the formation of higher density filaments close to the lower boundary, which are then accelerated outward with velocities slower than the surrounding less dense material (see Sect. [3.1.4](#sec: clump dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: clump dyn"} below). The lower panel further shows that close to the bottom of the simulation, these higher density regions also sometimes have negative radial velocities, indicating material that is falling back onto the hydrostatic core. Figure [\[fig: 2D_mdot\]](#fig: 2D_mdot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 2D_mdot"} shows, as a function of time, the mass flux[^3] through the simulation near the outer edge of the simulation, at \(5 R_{\rm c}\). Through inspection of both Fig. [\[fig: timeseries_rho_v\]](#fig: timeseries_rho_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: timeseries_rho_v"} and Fig. [\[fig: 2D_mdot\]](#fig: 2D_mdot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 2D_mdot"}, it can be seen that after \(\approx 10 \tau_{\rm dyn}\), the simulation is no longer affected by the initial conditions. ### Origin of the structure We note that the structures seen in these simulations do not arise from the line-driven instability (LDI, e.g., @Owocki1988; @Sundqvist2018), which is in any case expected to be damped in optically thick regimes. Instead, they are a result of instabilities related to the opacity peak associated primarily with iron recombination (often called the \"iron opacity bump\") mentioned above (see also @Jiang2015; @Jiang2018). Indeed, it can be shown that when a stellar envelope dominated by radiation pressure approaches the Eddington limit, the standard Schwarzschild criterion for convection will be fulfilled. Moreover, used a simple Kramer-type opacity law in a linear perturbation analysis to show that a star approaching the Eddington limit can get an imaginary Brunt-Väisälä frequency (see his Eq. 7.48), and thus produce an absolute instability. In our models, the Eddington ratio across the iron opacity bump increases to above unity, and the atmosphere becomes convectively unstable; in Appendix [\[App: BruntVaisala\]](#App: BruntVaisala){reference-type="ref" reference="App: BruntVaisala"} we discuss briefly how structure formation in our simulations may relate to the linear analysis by. It is important, however, to also distinguish the structures here from the well-studied convective motions occurring in subsurface layers of stars like our Sun (e.g., @Stein1998). In such low-luminosity stars, radiation pressure plays a limited role and the observed convective motions are typically slow and subsonic. By contrast, the high-luminosity WR simulations presented here are radiation dominated and energy transport by means of convection is inefficient. This means that radial motions that are highly supersonic with respect to the gas sound speed are initiated from the subsurface layers (in cases where the Eddington ratio is high enough), which then break up into a very turbulent flow where supersonic fast and slow streams of gas coexist at different lateral positions. Here, one may view gas parcels that are initiated but not able to reach their local escape speed (and thereby stagnate or even start falling back upon the core), as localized regions where the wind fails to escape the stellar gravitational potential, existing within the general multidimensional flow structure. After the initial break-up, the characteristic density structures observed in the simulations soon develop into patterns of high-density, finger-like filaments. Close to the core, these density filaments are mainly oriented in the radial direction. ### Clump dynamics {#sec: clump dyn} Figure [\[fig: scat_v\]](#fig: scat_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_v"} further displays the radial velocity of the wind as a function of radius, scaled to \(x = 1-R_{\rm c}/r\). In the plot, data from each of the cells for 40 snapshots are binned in discrete bins in (\(r\),\(v_r\))-space. Then, each bin is color-coded with the average relative density in that bin: \[\tilde{\rho}(r',v_r') = \left<\frac{\rho(r=r',v_r=v_r')}{\left<\rho(r=r')\right>}\right>.\] Yellow parts in the plot thus represent a gas that has a density higher than the average density at that radius. Dark blue parts represent a density lower than the average density at that radius. The 40 snapshots used in the analysis for Fig. [\[fig: scat_v\]](#fig: scat_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_v"} are taken \(0.5 \tau_{\rm dyn}\) apart, starting at \(t=10 \tau_{\rm dyn}\). Overplotted on the color map is the average radial velocity profile, taken from averaging over all lateral cells in those 40 snapshots. From this figure, we note that there is a large spread, of up to three orders of magnitude, in densities present at any given radius. Also, there is a clear anticorrelation between the average relative density and velocity; the high-density, clumped material is significantly slower than the average velocity, whereas the low-density material typically flows much faster. In these specific snapshots, negative velocities are also present up until \(r \approx 1.5 R_{\rm c}\) (\(x = 1-R_{\rm c}/r \approx 1/3\)). Figure [\[fig: scat_gamma\]](#fig: scat_gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_gamma"} uses the same method as Fig. [\[fig: scat_v\]](#fig: scat_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_v"}, but now displaying the average relative densities in the (\(r\),\(\Gamma\))-plane in the top panel, with the Eddington parameter \(\Gamma\): \[\Gamma \equiv f_r/f_g,\] and in the bottom panel, the average relative density in the (\(r\),\(\kappa^{\rm line}/\kappa^{\rm OPAL}\))-plane, where \(\kappa^{\rm line}/\kappa^{\rm OPAL}\) quantifies the relative importance of the two opacity sources in the hybrid opacity model (Eq. [\[Eq:kap_tot\]](#Eq:kap_tot){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:kap_tot"}). To be able to radiatively drive gas out of the gravitational potential, the Eddington parameter should be \(\Gamma > 1\). However, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig: scat_gamma\]](#fig: scat_gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_gamma"}, many of the high-density clumps (color-coded as yellow in the plot) are not super-Eddington (that is, they have \(\Gamma < 1\)). This low radiative acceleration experienced by the high-density material is caused by the inverse dependency of the line force on density; for \(Q_0 t \gg 1\) the scaling is \(\kappa^{\rm line} \sim 1/\rho^\alpha\) (see Eqs. 11-12). This is further emphasized by the lower panel of Fig. [\[fig: scat_gamma\]](#fig: scat_gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_gamma"}, which demonstrates the inefficiency of line driving for a high-density material by displaying the ratio \(\kappa^{\rm OPAL}/\kappa^{\rm line}\). We note that close to the stellar core, the high temperatures lie outside of the tables of the line-force parameters. As explained in Sect. [2.2](#sec: LineStat){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: LineStat"}, in our simulation, \(\alpha\), \(\bar{Q}\), and \(Q_0\) are approximated by assuming that they do not change significantly with temperature outside of the tabulation domain. From the bottom panel of Fig. [\[fig: scat_gamma\]](#fig: scat_gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_gamma"}, it can be seen that \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) is enhanced by \(\sim 10 \%\) of \(\kappa^{\rm OPAL}\) for a relatively low-density material, and \(\sim 1 \%\) of \(\kappa^{\rm OPAL}\) for a relatively high density material. In future work, it will be important to expand upon the tables to incorporate self-consistent line-force parameters also at higher temperatures. For this, the line database needs to be complemented with data for the higher ionization levels of the important metals, which provide the lines at such temperatures. In the absence of efficient line driving, and from a purely radiation-gravitation force balance, one might expect these clumps to decelerate and even fall back onto the stellar surface at all radii, and not only close to the surface as indicated by Fig. [\[fig: scat_v\]](#fig: scat_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_v"}. However, closer inspection of the force balance, including the advection of momentum into the clumps, reveals that the clumped regions seem rather to be advected outward by ram pressure. In other words, the low-density regions are very efficient at picking up momentum via line acceleration (in these regions \(\Gamma > 1\)), accelerating this gas to high velocities before it crashes into the star-side face of high-density clumps. Momentum is then transferred between the low-and high-density regions without the need for direct line driving on the latter. This can also be seen directly from the momentum Eq. [\[eq: hd_mom\]](#eq: hd_mom){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: hd_mom"}. Just as \(\Gamma\) is defined as the ratio of radiative to gravitational force, a similar dimensionless quantity can be defined for radially advected momentum: \[\Gamma_{\rm adv} \equiv \frac{-\nabla \cdot (v_r \rho \vec{v})}{f_g} = \frac{-[\nabla \cdot \vec{P}_{\rm ram}]_r}{f_g},\] where the second equality introduces the tensorial ram pressure as the outer product between the momentum and velocity \(\vec{P}_{\rm ram} = \vec{v} \rho \vec{v}\). In the right hand side of the equation above, \(\Gamma_{\rm adv}\) is then defined as the radial component of the divergence of the ram-pressure tensor, which is then again a scalar, scaled with the radial gravitational acceleration. If we now ignore the gas pressure term, which is small in these supersonic regions, the radial component of the momentum equation can be rewritten as: \[\partial_t (v_r \rho) = f_g (\Gamma + \Gamma_{\rm adv}-1).\] This equation shows that the experienced acceleration does not only depend on \(\Gamma\), but instead on the sum of \(\Gamma\) and \(\Gamma_{\rm adv}\). Figure [\[fig: ram_p\]](#fig: ram_p){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: ram_p"} shows this effect, comparing \(\Gamma\) and \(\Gamma_{\rm adv}\) around a representative gas clump of high density. Here, it is shown that the clump itself is not line driven, but momentum is rather added to the clump via ram pressure acting on its bottom edge. ### Line-force parameters The acceleration experienced by the gas also depends on the locally computed and varying line-force parameters \(\alpha\), \(\bar{Q}\), and \(Q_0\) (see Sect. 2). Figure [\[fig: cmap_aqq\]](#fig: cmap_aqq){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: cmap_aqq"} shows color maps of these parameters, again computed from the 2D model discussed above at a snapshot taken well after the relaxation of the initial conditions. The figure illustrates that the values of the line-force parameters, for the most part, reside in the typical ranges discussed by. For example, \(\alpha\) here is quite well constrained within a range \(\ga 0.5\) and \(< 1\). Moreover, overdense structures tend to have somewhat lower values of \(\alpha\), as illustrated by the enclosed black contours in Fig. [\[fig: cmap_aqq\]](#fig: cmap_aqq){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: cmap_aqq"}. This is consistent with the general discussion in, who find that for large parts of the (\(T\), \(\rho\)) space, \(\alpha\) indeed tends to slightly decrease with increasing density. The variations in \(\bar{Q}\) and \(Q_0\) are somewhat larger, ranging from the typical \(\bar{Q} \sim Q_0 \sim 10^3\) to much smaller values of order ten or so. Overall, though, we find that the general inverse density dependence \(\kappa^{\rm line} \sim 1/\rho^\alpha\), as discussed above, has a larger effect on the generic driving characteristics of the structured WR outflow than the temporal and spatial variation of the line-force parameters. Nonetheless, the large local variations in line-force parameters that we find, emphasize the importance of relying on a locally computed opacity rather than using pre-computed and fixed values for these parameters. ### Temperature profile Figure [\[fig: TradTgas\]](#fig: TradTgas){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: TradTgas"} shows the temporal and lateral averaged gas and radiation temperatures as a function of the scaled radial coordinate \(x = 1-R_{\rm c}/r\). The figure illustrates that the typical average temperatures seen in 1D models are overall well preserved also within our multidimensional simulations. It further illustrates that the average gas and radiation temperatures are almost identical. In our simulations, this arises from efficient radiative cooling of shock-heated regions in the dense outflows, meaning the gas quickly settles down to almost radiative equilibrium conditions with \(T_{\rm rad} \approx T_{\rm gas}\). Closer inspection of specific snapshots indeed reveals that there are quite a few gas parcels with \(T_{\rm gas}\) significantly higher than \(T_{\rm rad}\), which means that shocks present in the simulations are essentially isothermal. This may also reflect a quite general issue of resolving such shock-heated layers in supersonic line-driven flows (see discussion in @Lagae2021). ## Comparison between 2D and 3D models {#sec: 2Dv3D} As discussed above in Sect. [3.1.2](#sec: rho v maps){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: rho v maps"}, once developed, the density structure emerging in the simulated winds consists of high-density filaments, preferentially oriented in the radial direction. These characteristic structures are observed in both 2D and 3D simulations, as shown by the relative density maps displayed in Fig. [\[fig: relrho_2D_3D\]](#fig: relrho_2D_3D){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: relrho_2D_3D"}. Both plots shown in the figure are from a single snapshot, at a time well after numerical relaxation of the initial conditions. For the 3D case, a slice was taken at a fixed position in the second lateral (\(z\)-)direction. The figure shows that, although the overall characteristic structure persists, the relative density profile is sharper in 2D than in 3D, and the contrast between over-and under-dense regions is also higher. This can be explained by the fact that in 3D, the structures have an additional transverse dimension over which they can break up. Effectively, this means that in 3D there are more paths for the high-density gas to spread out than in 2D, leading to a smoothing effect on the overall structure. Although not shown in the figure, similar results are also obtained when inspecting the lateral velocity and temperature profiles in 2D vs. 3D. Such a break-up of structures in the second lateral dimension is illustrated in Fig. [\[fig: lat_slice\]](#fig: lat_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: lat_slice"}. Here, the upper panel shows lateral slices of the relative density at different radii above the core radius. The structures formed in the 3D box appear fairly isotropic in the lateral plane, rather than filaments with a preferred lateral direction. Moreover, as we move away from the stellar core, these structures tend to grow in size as they move outward in radius along with the highly supersonic mean flow of the gas. The lower panel then displays corresponding slices of radial velocity. Due to the large range of velocities present, we normalize the slices to a corresponding mean velocity (computed by an average over the lateral slice). Blue portions thus correspond to velocities above the average at that radius, and red to those below. In addition, a black contour is added to mark regions where the absolute radial velocity is zero, encircling regions of negative velocity. As was also seen in Fig. [\[fig: scat_v\]](#fig: scat_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: scat_v"}, this illustrates that negative velocities are only present in layers quite close to the core (left-most plot), and that in all outer layers the simulation indeed can be characterized as an outflowing wind with a large velocity dispersion. # From hot subdwarfs to WR stars {#sec: Grid} Starting from the simulations presented above, in this section, we calculate additional models by varying the bottom boundary luminosity flowing into the simulation box while keeping the stellar mass and core radius fixed. This serves to vary the basic scale of radiation-\(\Gamma\), allowing us to investigate the conditions under which a radial wind outflow can already be launched from the subsurface iron opacity bump, and also the conditions under which the launched wind then can be sustained to high radii. Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"} shows the basic parameters for the simulated stars in our grid, with models conveniently parameterized according to their Eddington luminosity \(L_{\rm Edd}\). The core radii \(R_{\rm c}\) and masses \(M_\ast\) are identical for all models, and are set to the same values as in Table [1](#table: input){reference-type="ref" reference="table: input"}. Here, we note that the stellar luminosity \(L_\ast\) in the \"dynamically inflated\" 1D WR model by lies approximately between the two models with the lowest luminosities in Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"}, while the core radius and stellar mass are the same. It should be noted that the simulated models have luminosities slightly above the predicted \(M_\ast,L_\ast\)-relation given by, for example,. All simulations presented in this section are computed in full 3D (for discussion on basic differences between 2D and 3D models, see Sect. [3.2](#sec: 2Dv3D){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: 2Dv3D"}). The resulting parameters obtained from the simulations are summarized in Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"}. As discussed in this section, varying the value of \(L_\ast/L_{\rm Edd}\) allows us to discover and analyze a natural transition from high-luminosity stars with WR-type dense (optically thick) outflows, to hot, compact subdwarfs with less dense (optically thin) line-driven winds. Although He-stars can span a range in \(\Gamma_e\), due to their tight mass-luminosity relation, it is unlikely that all models presented here (four different luminosities with one and the same mass and radius) would all be the result of realistic stellar evolution. In this work, we are mainly concerned with investigating the possible effect of different electron scattering Eddington ratios on the wind dynamics. ## Radial profiles Figure [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"} shows probability density cloud profiles for: i) radial velocity, ii) tangential velocity, iii) gas density, iv) radiation-\(\Gamma,\) and v) \(\kappa^{\rm OPAL}/\kappa^{\rm line}\)-ratio, in the rows for different models with changing boundary luminosity in the columns. These probability clouds are computed for each considered quantity by constructing a probability density function from all of the cells in the lateral plane at each given radius. The color-coding in the panels shows the probability density of finding a cell, for example with a given mass density or radial velocity, at a given radial distance from the stellar core (scaled according to \(x = 1-R_{\rm c}/r\) for better visualization). Supplementing these probability clouds, Figs. [\[fig: 1D_density_prof\]](#fig: 1D_density_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_density_prof"} and [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"} show the average density and radial velocity profiles of all four models \(\Gamma1\)-\(\Gamma4\). Here, we have used empty dots to indicate an estimation of the average sonic point for each profile. This was computed by finding the radius at which the average velocity profile surpasses the average speed of sound of the gas. For all of our models, the average sonic point lies within our simulation domain, where the first few cells close to the bottom boundary are, on average, subsonic. For model \(\Gamma 1\), we note that the average wind velocity becomes slightly supersonic after an initial acceleration over the iron opacity bump, before decelerating due to a lack of opacity, and then it reaccelerates again past a new sonic point due to line driving. For this model, only the outermost sonic point has been indicated. Filled dots indicate the mean photospheric radius, for which the computation is explained in Sect. [4.2](#sec: phorad){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: phorad"}. ### Model \(\Gamma 3\) Model \(\Gamma 3\) is the 3D base model from the previous section (Sect. [3](#sec: general properties){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: general properties"}). Here, the material is lifted up directly from layers close to \(R_{\rm c}\) by the enhanced opacity associated with the subsurface iron opacity bump. At higher radii, once the density gets low enough, efficient line driving then takes over and ultimately drives the launched wind out of the gravitational well of the star by accelerating it to above the local escape velocity (indicated by dashed red lines in the uppermost panels of Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}). Although the range of densities and velocities at each radius is quite large, the average profiles (Figs. [\[fig: 1D_density_prof\]](#fig: 1D_density_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_density_prof"} and [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"}) are relatively well-behaved. For example, the average radial wind outflow reaches supersonic velocities already close to \(R_{\rm c}\), and it continues to rise all the way to the outer boundary. ### Model \(\Gamma 4\) Model \(\Gamma 4\) has a base luminosity higher than the \(\Gamma 3\) simulation. The overall wind morphology of this simulation mimics that of the \(\Gamma 3\) model, but due to the higher luminosity, it can drive an even higher mass-loss rate out of the stellar potential (see also discussion in Sect. [4.5](#sec: transition){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: transition"}). We note that for both the \(\Gamma 4\) and \(\Gamma 3\) simulations, almost all gas parcels have reached velocities above the local escape speed at the outer simulation boundary. This contrasts with the situation in the \(\Gamma 2\) simulation, which is discussed next. ### Model \(\Gamma 2\) In model \(\Gamma 2\), as for \(\Gamma 3\) and \(\Gamma 4\), gas is lifted directly from \(R_{\rm c}\) and soon reaches supersonic radial velocities (see the uppermost panel in Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}), so that the wind outflow is also initiated by the iron opacity bump below the optical stellar surface. However, due to the lower luminosity, the scale of the radiation force is reduced, which results in the gas particles in the launched wind struggling to reach their local escape speeds. From the probability plot of the radial velocity (uppermost panel in Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}), we note that the majority of gas particles have actually not yet reached their escape velocity at the outer simulation boundary, making it uncertain whether they would ultimately make it out of the stellar gravitational well (see also discussion in Sect. [4.5](#sec: transition){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: transition"}). This is also visible in the plot (Fig. [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"}) of the average velocity profile, which shows a nonmonotonic behavior in the outer parts where the Rosseland mean opacity does not provide sufficient interaction between the gas and the radiation field, and the effects of line driving start to dominate. Naively, one might expect a corresponding inversion in the density due to the continuity equation that states that the average \(<r^2 \rho v_r>\) is constant throughout the wind. However, in the average density profile corresponding to this model, there is no corresponding inversion in the density. The reasons for this are most likely related to: i) \(\langle \rho \varv \rangle \ne \langle \rho \rangle \langle \varv \rangle,\) and ii) a stronger than \(r^{-2}\) decline in density. Essentially, this \(\Gamma 2\) simulation has initiated a very dense outflow directly from the iron opacity bump, but due to its reduced luminosity, the launched mass flux cannot be efficiently carried outward, and so some of the dense gas filaments begin to stagnate and might even fall back upon the core. This can also be directly seen from the probability plots, where this simulation not only shows a very large range of velocities but also displays larger downward motions than the other simulations, reaching many hundreds of kilometers per second. ### Model \(\Gamma 1\) In model \(\Gamma 1\), the bottom boundary luminosity is even lower. This simulation shows a markedly different behavior than those with higher base luminosities. In other words, in this model, the opacity around the iron opacity bump is not enough to launch a radial wind outflow from these deep subsurface regions. Instead, a very turbulent, extended atmosphere is created, which does not experience an outward-directed supersonic average velocity. In other words, although the velocity dispersion is still highly supersonic, a net radial wind outflow is no longer launched. What we obtain here is a very extended and turbulent atmosphere, reaching \(x \approx 0.4, r \approx 1.67\) where the density has become low enough for line driving to take over and launch a (significantly less dense, see also below) supersonic wind. In the deep surface regions, the opacities in this model correspond to the iron opacity bump at \(\sim 200 \, kK\) rather than the opacity increase due to Helium. Helium recombination dominates the Rosseland mean at \(\sim 50 \, kK\), which in this model occurs at \(x \approx 0.7\). However, in those regions, the gas has already reaccelerated due to line driving, which is the main contributor to the total opacity in the outer wind (see the bottom left panel in Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}). ## Photospheric radius {#sec: phorad} Using the hydrodynamical structure and the OPAL Rosseland opacity tables, a photospheric radius \(R_{\rm ph} (\tau_{\rm Ross} = 2/3)\) can be derived from the models. For simplicity, this is done by computing the Rosseland mean optical depth in the radial direction. Since the models are time-dependent and not spherically symmetric, the photospheric radius will also vary with both time and lateral position. Figure [\[fig: R_ph_r\]](#fig: R_ph_r){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: R_ph_r"} shows the distribution of photospheric radii encountered in ten different snapshots at all different lateral points for the \(\Gamma 3\) model. From this distribution, a mean photospheric radius \(<R_{\rm ph}>\) is computed by taking the straight average, which can then be compared to the radius of the hydrostatic core \(R_{\rm c}\). Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"} lists the mean photospheric radii for the four 3D models. There is a monotonic increase in the photospheric radius with the Eddington ratio. Here the \(\Gamma 1\) model stands out, having a significantly smaller photospheric radius than the \(\Gamma2-\Gamma4\) models. While the \(\Gamma 2-\Gamma 4\) models have very optically thick winds with \(\langle R_{\rm ph} \rangle/R_{\rm c} \approx 4\), \(x \approx 0.75\), for the \(\Gamma 1\) model \(\langle R_{\rm ph} \rangle/R_{\rm c} \approx 1.6\), corresponding to \(x \approx 0.4\). ## Effective temperature Continuing this analysis, a corresponding effective temperature \(\sigma T_{\rm eff}^4 \equiv F (R_{\rm ph})\) can be computed, where \(F (R_{\rm ph})\) is the radiative flux at the photosphere and \(\sigma\) is the Boltzmann constant. At every lateral point, the radial component of the FLD-flux is taken, using Eq. [\[eq: fld_flux\]](#eq: fld_flux){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: fld_flux"} at the photospheric radius. Again, due to the variation in time and lateral space, there is a distribution in effective temperatures. This is shown in Fig. [\[fig: T_eff\]](#fig: T_eff){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: T_eff"} for the \(\Gamma3\) model. For each of the four 3D models, the average effective temperature is computed and listed in Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"}. Models \(\Gamma2\)-\(\Gamma4\) have comparable effective temperatures. Here, two effects cancel each other out. Model \(\Gamma4\) has a higher Eddington ratio and thus a higher stellar luminosity than model \(\Gamma2\), but its photospheric radius is further away from the hydrostatic core, and the radiative flux drops, on average, by \(1/r^2\). On the other hand, model \(\Gamma 2\) has a lower stellar luminosity, but the flux is evaluated closer to the hydrostatic core due to the smaller photospheric radius. Apart from this, model \(\Gamma1\) stands out again with a significantly larger effective temperature. This also indicates different behavior in the overall wind structure. The histograms in Figs. [\[fig: R_ph_r\]](#fig: R_ph_r){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: R_ph_r"} and [\[fig: T_eff\]](#fig: T_eff){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: T_eff"} further display the simulated variation of the photospheric radius and effective temperature in the \(\Gamma 3\) model, showing a full width half maximum of about \(20\) kK in \(T_{\rm eff}\) and \(0.5\, R_{\rm c}\) in photospheric radius. These variations reflect the fact that the \(\tau_{\rm Ross} = 2/3\) surface along a radial line through the fast, low-density lanes of the simulations (e.g., Fig. [\[fig: timeseries_rho_v\]](#fig: timeseries_rho_v){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: timeseries_rho_v"}) lies much deeper than where such a radial line hits high-density clumps in the outer wind layers. We caution, however, that we have used a very simple radial integration to define a photospheric radius and the corresponding effective temperature along each line of sight (see above). The width of the distribution thus serves only as a first visualization of the variability, and will likely not be representative of the actual variation in stellar effective temperature. In follow-up work, we will reinvestigate this by means of 3D radiative transfer performed on the full wind volume. This will allow us to investigate the typical level of photometric and line-profile variability that our 3D models would predict. ## Mass-loss rate {#sec: mdot} Furthermore, we also compute average mass-loss rates from our models, by taking a time and spatial average of the mass-loss rate \(\dot{M} = 4 \pi \rho v_r r^2\) flowing out from the outer boundary of the simulation box. Fig. [\[fig: Mdot_gam\]](#fig: Mdot_gam){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Mdot_gam"} compares the average mass-loss rate \(\langle \dot{M} \rangle\) with various results for steady WR-type mass-loss rates from the literature. This comparison shows fair agreement in the WR wind regime (\(\Gamma2\)-\(\Gamma4\)) with the empirical results by and. For the \(\Gamma1\) simulation, our \(\langle \dot{M} \rangle\) is significantly lower than these empirical scalings, which stem from the analysis of dense WR outflows. Our rates are also considerably lower than the recent 1D steady-state models by. The reason for this discrepancy may be that, in their 1D stationary models, needed to (somewhat artificially) boost the radiative acceleration to enforce a monotonic velocity field, ensuring that the full mass flux initiated at the sonic point escapes. They did this by invoking an ad hoc large amount of clumping in the models (\(f_{\rm cl} =50\), see definition of \(f_{\rm cl}\) below), assuming that all wind mass is contained within these high-density clumps, albeit while still solving the steady-state equation-of-motion for the smooth (rather than clumped) wind. The natural question then arises about the fraction of the wind mass contained within the high-density parts of our simulations. Figure [\[fig: mass_dist\]](#fig: mass_dist){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: mass_dist"} shows the distribution of mass and radial momentum as a function of relative density for our \(\Gamma 3\) model. The top panels display the mass and outward momentum distribution from the lowermost region of the simulation, between \(5 R_{\rm c}\) and \(6 R_{\rm c}\), and the bottom panels display the distributions between \(1 R_{\rm c}\) and \(2 R_{\rm c}\). Here, the probability density functions are computed by first binning the cells according to their relative density. Then, for each bin in relative density, the number of cells with that corresponding relative density are counted and weighted with their density or momentum. Afterward, the probability densities are normalized such that the integral of the probability density function over relative density gives unity. In both the upper and lower panels, it is seen that a little over half of the mass is located in the overdense regions, to the right of the vertical dotted line indicating the average density. From the bottom panel, one can also see that, close to the stellar core, a majority of the momentum is contained in the high-velocity, low-density material. However, further out in the wind (upper panels), a majority of the momentum, and thus mass-loss rate, is contained within gas with a higher-than-average density. Most notably, however, the overall distributions of mass and momentum in our simulations are actually quite broad and Gaussian-like, which is very different from the typical two-component medium (clumps and an inter-clump medium) ansatz assumed in various spectroscopic and diagnostic clumpy wind models (e.g., @Hillier1998 [@SundqvistPuls2018; @Sander2018]). ## Transitioning from an optically thick to an optically thin wind {#sec: transition} By varying the input stellar luminosity, the models presented here show a natural, smooth transition over different wind morphologies. At the highest luminosities, simulations \(\Gamma3\) and \(\Gamma4\) essentially represent the winds from classical WR stars, where the material is lifted up directly from layers close to \(R_{\rm c}\) by the enhanced opacity associated with the subsurface iron opacity bump. With lower luminosity, model \(\Gamma 2\) is quite similar to the dynamically inflated 1D models presented in, where an ad hoc increase in the line force in the outer regions had to be made by the authors so that the wind launched at the iron opacity bump could reach a velocity above the local escape speed. At the lowest simulated luminosity, model \(\Gamma 1\) resembles how a standard line-driven wind is launched from the optically thin parts of the atmospheres in, for example, main-sequence O-stars (e.g., @Bjorklund2020), rather than from the subsurface iron opacity peak. The main difference between such a main-sequence O-star and the simulation here is that here the star is much more compact (meaning that it has a much smaller radius). Moreover, the subsonic average structure and the substantially reduced mass-loss rate observed in our \(\Gamma 1\) simulation are in qualitative agreement with the 1D (stationary and subsonic) hydrodynamic stellar structure models by, who found that below a certain mass-loss limit, a classical WR star is not able to launch a supersonic wind from the iron opacity bump region. This is apparent in Fig. [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"}, where the location of the average sonic point for the different models has been indicated with an empty circle (see also @Sanyal2015). However, in our \(\Gamma 1\) simulation, the driving force behind the second acceleration through the sonic point is different. In, the reacceleration occurs due to a second bump in the Rosseland mean opacity (e.g., the helium opacity bump), while in our models it is mainly a line-driven wind that is optically thin in the continuum. The extent of the inflated and optically thick turbulent atmosphere in our model is quite large, covering \(\sim 1.61 \, R_\odot\) in distance above the core radius. This model has a mass-loss rate that is, for the same stellar mass, almost an order of magnitude lower than the simulations, with a higher base Eddington factor. Overall, this \(\Gamma 1\) model is probably a quite good representation of the transition from WR stars to the stripped hot (sub)dwarfs that are believed to be results of binary evolution, and it essentially represents low-luminosity counterparts of classical WR stars. Thus, our grid of simulations with varying luminosity demonstrates the transition from a moderately inflated and very turbulent atmosphere with a \"standard\" optically thin line-driven wind on top of it (\(\Gamma 1\)), to a classical WR star with a very optically thick and supersonic wind outflow driven directly from deep subsurface regions (\>\(\Gamma 2\)). This transition is also directly reflected in the significant drop in the average mass-loss rate observed for the \(\Gamma 1\) simulation, as discussed below (see also Fig. [\[fig: Mdot_gam\]](#fig: Mdot_gam){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Mdot_gam"} and Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"}). Moreover, although all of our simulations are still accelerating at the simulated outer boundary, from the slope of the average velocity curves in Fig. [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"}, we may deduce that the \(\Gamma\) 1 simulation likely would reach a final terminal wind speed that is significantly higher than the other models (consistent also with the 1D, stationary models by @Sander2020). The transition from optically thick to optically thin wind conditions is also directly reflected in the average photospheric radius \(\langle R_{\rm ph} \rangle\) of the \(\Gamma 1\) model as compared to the simulations with higher luminosity (see Table [\[table: gridresults\]](#table: gridresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table: gridresults"}). Since the supersonic wind in this simulation is launched only at \(x \approx 0.4\) (see Fig. [\[fig: 1D_velocity_prof\]](#fig: 1D_velocity_prof){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: 1D_velocity_prof"}), the location of \(R_{\rm c}\) verifies that the supersonic radial outflow in the \(\Gamma 1\) model indeed represents a quite standard optically thin line-driven wind initiated from layers above, but still quite close to the optical stellar surface. In this respect, we note that although the mass flux through the outer simulation boundary in the transitional \(\Gamma 2\) simulation suggests a high WR-type mass-loss rate for this model, it is not entirely clear that this would be the final stellar mass-loss rate. In other words, although the gas parcels at the outer boundary of this simulation have positive radial velocities, the majority of them have still not reached their local escape speeds (see Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}). As such, their final fates are still somewhat uncertain; it is unknown whether they will eventually be able to escape the stellar potential, or instead lose their outward momentum and ultimately start falling back upon the core. In order to investigate this, the current simulations would have to be extended to higher radii, which we defer to future work. It is nonetheless interesting to note that the nature of these transitional winds may be somewhat different from their counterparts with higher (classical WR winds) and lower (hot subdwarfs) luminosities. Because of the high mass flux initiated in the subsurface regions, the transitional wind will still be optically thick, and as such it resembles that of a classical WR star. However, in comparison to stars with higher luminosities, the high-density regions in this wind (likely the most visible parts in spectral observations) should be characterized by significantly lower radial wind speeds. ## Clumping factor and velocity dispersion {#subsec: clumping} 1D stellar atmosphere codes such as PoWR, cmfgen and fastwind typically assume an analytic expression for the velocity and density profile, and thus they do not directly model structure in the wind. Instead, such codes rely on different parameterizations of the complex structure in the wind. Our 3D models now allow us to gauge these parameterizations. In this section, we look at the clumping factor and the velocity dispersion, which are both important quantities when deriving stellar and wind parameters from observed spectra. ### Clumping factors The clumping factor is important in the context of spectral diagnostics, for example when investigating recombination lines to determine mass-loss rates. To characterize overdensities, the clumping factor is defined as \[f_{\rm cl} \equiv \frac{\langle \rho^2 \rangle}{\langle \rho \rangle^2},\] where the angle brackets here denote averaging over time and lateral directions. Since the absorption coefficients (per unit length) of optical recombination lines scale as \(\chi \sim \rho^2\), the mean absorption becomes enhanced in a clumped outflow. In a stellar wind, the mean mass-loss rate scales with the density: \(\langle \dot{M} \rangle \sim \langle \rho \rangle\), so for the absorption coefficient of a recombination line: \(\langle \chi \rangle \sim \langle \rho^2 \rangle \sim f_{\rm cl} \langle \rho \rangle^2 \sim f_{\rm cl} \langle \dot{M} \rangle^2\). It is well known that this can have a significant effect upon empirical mass-loss rate determinations in hot star winds (see @Puls2008, for a review). Figure [\[fig: clumping\]](#fig: clumping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: clumping"} shows that the clumping factor is on the order of \(f_{\rm cl} \sim 2\) in our 3D simulations. We note that this is significantly lower than seen in corresponding 2D models, where it rather lies between \(\sim 5-10\). Again, this reflects the fact that density contrasts in general are sharper in 2D models than in 3D models, because in 3D, gas parcels have one more dimension in which they can spread out, leading to a smoothing effect (see discussion in Sect. [3.2](#sec: 2Dv3D){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: 2Dv3D"}). As can be seen from Fig. [\[fig: lat_slice\]](#fig: lat_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: lat_slice"}, the physical scales of the clumps vary throughout the radial extent of the simulation. By inspecting and measuring the diameter of some of the typical over-dense regions, we can make some simple first estimates of the characteristic clump sizes. In all of the simulations, we find that the typical lateral length scale of the over-densities is about \(\sim 0.02 R_{\rm c}\) at a radius of \(r = 1 R_{\rm c}\), \(\sim 0.06 R_{\rm c}\) at a radius of \(r = 2 R_{\rm c}\), and roughly constant at \(\sim 0.1 R_{\rm c}\) at radii outward of \(r = 3 R_{\rm c}\). ### Velocity dispersion {#sec: vdisp} The probability density maps discussed above directly suggest large velocity dispersion. We distinguish here between a radial component: \[v_{r, \rm disp} = \sqrt{ <v_r^2>-<v_r>^2 }\] and a lateral component. Since there is no net displacement in the lateral direction, the average lateral component of the velocity vector should be zero. However, this does not mean that the average magnitude of the velocity vector projected on the lateral plane is zero. As such, to statistically quantify lateral motions, we here inspect directly the root mean square (RMS) of the projected velocity vector: \[v_{t, \rm RMS} = \sqrt{ \langle v_t^2 \rangle },\] where \(v_t^2 = v_x^2 + v_y^2\). Figures [\[fig: vdispersion\]](#fig: vdispersion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: vdispersion"} and [\[fig: vtdispersion\]](#fig: vtdispersion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: vtdispersion"} show the time and laterally averaged radial velocity dispersion, and the lateral RMS velocity of the tangential velocity, as a function of radius. Models \(\Gamma2-\Gamma4\) have a peak in their radial velocity dispersion at around \(2\, R_{\rm c}\), after which the value steadily declines in the outer wind. The \(\Gamma1\) model, on the other hand, peaks significantly further out, at around \(3.5\, R_{\rm c}\). This aligns well with the interpretation that, for the more luminous models, the static Rosseland mean opacity only barely suffices to drive the stellar gas that is launched close to \(R_{\rm c}\) outward, resulting in coexisting regions of up-and down-flowing material close to the stellar core. However, when line driving takes over further out in the wind, material can escape much more easily. For the less luminous model \(\Gamma1\), on the other hand, the wind is only initiated at \(\sim 1.5\, R_{\rm c}\) (see discussion above), which means that the vigorous turbulence initiated around the iron opacity peak actually starts to decrease somewhat before the line-driven wind is ignited. As seen from both the probability-density map of the radial velocity (upper left panel in Fig. [\[fig: prof_grid\]](#fig: prof_grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: prof_grid"}) and the radial velocity dispersion as a function of radius (Fig. [\[fig: vdispersion\]](#fig: vdispersion){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: vdispersion"}), this then gives a distinctly different behavior, characterized by large dispersion close to the core radius, followed by first a region of declining values and then a second rise when the line-driven wind is launched. Typical upper values for both radial and tangential quantities in all four models are found to be \(\sim 300 \, \rm km/s\). For the higher luminosity models with WR-like mass loss, this means that when the background radial velocity field is subtracted, the turbulent motions are close to isotropic. However, as discussed in Sect. [5.1](#sec: mod lim){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: mod lim"}, at least for the outer wind (which experiences significant line driving), this velocity-dispersion isotropy needs to be further investigated and anisotropic line opacities need to be accounted for. # Discussion {#sec: Discussion} The successful 3D RHD simulations presented in this paper overall provide precious information about the structure and characteristics of WR stellar atmospheres and wind outflows. In addition, they suggest a natural transition between the dense, optically thick outflows from high-luminosity WR stars and more standard optically thin line-driven wind outflows from hot (sub)dwarfs. Nonetheless, there are a number of simplifications we have made in order to make our 3D computations possible, in particular regarding the calculation of the radiative acceleration. ## Model limitations {#sec: mod lim} First, our tabulations of the line-force parameters are based on calculations assuming the radiation and gas temperatures are equal. Although this approximation has been shown to provide good estimates of the line force also in the O-star domain, it is simultaneously well known that, at least when performing spectral synthesis, the outer regions of WR outflows are affected by NLTE effects. As such, it would be useful to extend our current tabulations toward (approximate) NLTE conditions (following, e.g., @Puls2000), in order to examine how this might affect the tabulations of the line-opacity parameters. Secondly, in this paper we have assumed an isotropic \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) set by the radial velocity gradient; since the examined WR flows are strongly dominated by the radial velocity component in the regions with significant \(\kappa^{\rm line}\), this is probably a quite reasonable first approximation. However, a more realistic treatment would instead use an anisotropic \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) computed from a proper average of the velocity gradients along different directions. Such considerations of nonradial velocity gradients might then affect, for example, the tangential velocity dispersion in the outer wind (see Sect. [4.6.2](#sec: vdisp){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: vdisp"}). Moreover, the radial line acceleration might also be affected by nonradial velocity gradients, due to the solid angle integration that is formally required in the computation of this component as well. Thirdly, our computation for \(\kappa^{\rm line}\) is essentially carried out using the Sobolev approximation. This neglects the strong line-deshadowing instability (LDI) inherent to line-driven flows. Although this LDI causes strong levels of wind clumping in OB-star winds (e.g., @Driessen2019), linear analysis suggests that it may be damped within dense WR outflows. Indeed, empirical analysis suggests lower levels of clumping in WR outflows than in O-stars. Nonetheless, as shown in Fig. [\[fig: clumping\]](#fig: clumping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: clumping"}, the clumping factors found in these first 3D simulations, \(f_{\rm cl} \sim 2\), are certainly on the lower end of what seems to be suggested by analysis of electron scattering wings in combination with optical recombination lines (see overview in @Crowther2007). This suggests that the strong radial compression typically induced by the LDI may still play a role in setting the absolute scale of clumping also in WR outflows, at least in the outer wind parts with modest continuum optical depths. Next, our setup is that of a Cartesian box-in-wind simulation, where we correct for the \(1/r^2\) decline of the fluxes of the conserved quantities in PDEs [\[eq: hd_rho\]](#eq: hd_rho){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: hd_rho"}-[\[eq: hd_e\]](#eq: hd_e){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: hd_e"} and [\[eq: rhd_E\]](#eq: rhd_E){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: rhd_E"} (see also appendix A in @Moens2021). However, so far it is unclear how wind structures would deform and grow or diffuse when advected outward in a lateral direction due to the divergence of the radial directions at different points on a lateral plane. Taking this effect into account would require moving away from our current \"pseudo-planar\" approach, using either one of two methods. A first possibility is to perform global simulations in a \"wind-in-box\" (instead of box-in--wind) setup. The drawback with this method is that the resolution, by necessity, would be lower, and thus it is unclear how well structures would be resolved (especially in the deep, critical layers around the mean sonic point). Alternatively, one could perform local box-in-wind simulations as presented here, but in full spherical coordinates. This would not require significantly higher resolution, but is so far not possible within our numerical setup due to the spherical divergence operator that would be present in Eq. [\[eq: rhd_E\]](#eq: rhd_E){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: rhd_E"}. ## Comparison between hybrid-opacity flux-limited diffusion and short characteristics Finally, our flux calculations rely on analytic closure relations between radiation energy density, pressure, and flux. To estimate the error introduced by these analytic relations used in our FLD approach, we have recalculated the radiation quantities with a full 3D short characteristics (SC) solution method for a representative simulation snapshot (corresponding to Fig. [\[fig: lat_slice\]](#fig: lat_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: lat_slice"}). Within the SC method, we are solving the (gray) equation of radiative transfer for the specific intensity directly, and then perform the angular integrals to obtain the radiation energy density and radiation flux components. To this end, we have extended the SC radiative transfer solution scheme from to include periodic boundary conditions in a slab geometry. Since this solution framework requires a global simulation setup (in contrast to the local FLD approach), we remap all required quantities on a global spatial grid with \(N_r=301\) grid points using a logarithmic spacing to recover a high resolution near the stellar core, and an equidistant grid spacing with \(N_y=N_z=101\) in the lateral components. The angular integrals are then performed by using \(N_\Omega=32\) directions distributed symmetrically over all octants. Fig. [\[fig:sc_fld\]](#fig:sc_fld){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sc_fld"} shows the resulting radial stratification of the radiative energy density and flux components for the 3D \(\Gamma 3\) model, compared to the corresponding solution from the FLD method. [^1]: In, we used a normalization constant \(\kappa_0 = 0.34 \, \rm g^{-1} \, cm^2\), but in these tabulations we have instead used \(0.2 \, \rm g^{-1} \, cm^2\) in order to reflect the typical Thomson scattering opacity in a hydrogen-free classical WR star; this then enables a better one-to-one comparison for studies of the values of \(\bar{Q}\). [^2]: We opt for this treatment instead of an extrapolation outside the high-temperature end of the tables in order to ensure that the line opacity is well behaved. [^3]: It is important to note that the time variation of this mass flux is by no means representative of the time variation of the stellar mass-loss rate in our simulations; variation of the latter will be substantially lower due to averaging effects over the full 4\(\pi\) sky.
{'timestamp': '2022-09-09T02:16:16', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01108', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01108'}
# [\[sec:level1\]]{#sec:level1 label="sec:level1"}Introduction Tipping points, or critical transitions, are sudden, drastic changes in a system resulting from initial small perturbations. The study of tipping points is of particular interest to climate scientists and ecologists, as several theoretical studies highlight such tipping for an assortment of climatic and ecological systems, and observations also indicate that abrupt changes are, indeed, common in nature.\ classified tipping points according to the causing mechanism, yielding three classes of tipping points. Bifurcation-induced tipping, or B-tipping, occurs when a steady change in a parameter past a threshold induces a sudden qualitative change in the system's behaviour. Noise-induced tipping, or N-tipping, occurs when short-timescale internal variability causes the system to transition between different co-existing attracting states. Finally, rate-induced tipping, or R-tipping, occurs when the system fails to track a continuously changing attractor and hence abruptly leaves the attractor.\ Of these three, rate-induced tipping is certainly the least studied, however as demonstrated by, and more recently, it is an important tipping mechanism that cannot be explained through classical bifurcation theory. Indeed, when the system is unable to track a continuously available quasi-stable state due to the system parameters changing too quickly, it might shift to another available equilibrium state without crossing a bifurcation boundary. There are a few methods available for estimating what exactly \"too quickly\" means, see, , and, but they depend strongly on the time-dependent parameter function; in particular its asymptotic properties. Finding generalizable methods for determining the rate of the parameter drift that induces tipping, will be of great interest going forward. Another issue of great practical importance is the question of how to obtain early warnings for such tipping points, in particular if classical methods for stability analysis also remain valid in the regime of rapid parameter changes.\ showed that for rate-induced tipping, the most commonly used early-warning indicators, namely increase in variance and increase in autocorrelation, occur not when the equilibrium drift is fastest but with a delay. This suggests that these indicators might not be able to detect tipping before it has already occurred, although their analysis does give indication that the theory behind these indicators, the so-called \"critical slowing down\", may still hold for rate-induced tipping.\ In this paper, we study an indicator for dynamic stability, from now on referred to as the **\(\Upsilon\)** *indicator*, initially proposed by. The **\(\Upsilon\)** *indicator* uses auto-regressive moving-average or ARMA(p,q) models to estimate how close a system is to an equilibrium. It is based on the observation that the dynamics of an observable arising from a potentially complex system very close to a stable equilibrium will appear like a random walk with a tendency to be attracted to a well-defined equilibrium. When discretized, such dynamics can be well represented by an ARMA(1,0) process. When approaching a transition, however, the system may experience a critical slowing down and diverging memory properties. The trajectory of the observable hence experiences new timescales, which can be detected even with a limited dataset through an increase in the necessary memory lags of fitted ARMA(p,q) models. The **\(\Upsilon\)** indicator thus defines a distance from the limiting random walk-like behaviour as a way to assess the dynamical stability properties of an observable. The indicator was applied to atmospheric boundary layer data by and and to atmospheric circulation data by. They successfully demonstrated the indicator's ability to both gauge the stability of a time series and detect tipping points. However, the indicator requires some additional testing, in particular concerning its performance for rate-induced tipping, which thus far has not been explored. It should be noted that several different early warning indicators based on ARMA models have been proposed. In fact, in the authors propose the sum of the p and q orders of the model, as well as the sum of the model coefficients as potential indicators. The sum of the order parameters then gives an estimate for the memory lag of the process, while the sum of the model coefficients gives the persistence of this memory lag.\ To further test the indicator, we have chosen the global oceanic 3-box model studied by, which in turn is based upon the 5-box model of. The model represents a simplified Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which transports warm surface water from the tropics to North America and Europe, resulting in a milder climate in these regions than what would otherwise be expected. Since the current is density driven, a large influx of freshwater due to the melting of land ice or increased precipitation in the North Atlantic, would be expected to result in a reduction in the AMOC flow strength. The question of whether the AMOC could undergo a sudden transition from a high flow strength state (the \"on\" state) to a state with weak or no overturning (the \"off\" state), is still debated. The latest assessment report of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC AR6) concludes that the AMOC strength will very likely decline in the future, but states with medium confidence that an abrupt collapse will not occur in the next century. Simple box models, like the one presented in this paper, show bi-stability, while more realistic models like the global atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) are largely mono-stable, implying that they do not exhibit the abrupt transition to an \"off\"-state so characteristic of the simpler models. However, there is limited evidence that the more complex models may be too stable (, and ), in particular that they mis-represent the direction of AMOC-induced freshwater transport across the southern boundary of the Atlantic (,, , ). demonstrated that by introducing a flux-correction term into the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3), they could make the formerly mono-stable system bi-stable.\ In addition, it has been suggested that paleoclimate data is consistent with abrupt changes in the surface temperature in the North Atlantic region in the past, as might be expected with a collapse of the AMOC. applied a statistical early warning indicator on Earth System Model (ESM) outputs, and found significant early-warning signals in eight independent AMOC indices. This was interpreted as a sign that the AMOC is not only a bistable system, but one approaching a critical transition.\ \ Previously, the potential collapse of the AMOC has largely been attributed to the crossing of a bifurcation boundary in the bi-stable system. However, more recent analysis, see in particular, demonstrate the possibility of tipping before the bifurcation boundary is reached through the mechanism of rate-induced tipping. In addition, demonstrate that due to the chaotic nature of complex systems a well-defined critical rate, i.e., the rate of parameter change at which the system tips, cannot be obtained, which in turn severely limits our ability to predict the long-term behavior of the system. They conclude that due to this added level of uncertainty, it is possible that the safe operating space with regard to future emissions of CO\(_2\) might be smaller than previously thought. This suggests that proper evaluation of the probability of rate-induced tipping in the different tipping elements of the Earth System is of utmost importance in assessing the likelihood of dramatic future changes.\ Regardless of whether the AMOC in actuality is bi-stable or mono-stable, the reduced 5-box model of is the perfect test case for the **\(\Upsilon\)** *indicator* as it exhibits both bifurcation-induced and rate-induced tipping, provided a time dependent hosing function is applied. The hosing function represents the influx of fresh water into the ocean due to increased precipitation and melting of land and sea ice in the North Atlantic region. provide an extensive analysis of the tipping mechanisms present in the model. Armed with such a well studied theoretical model, we will be able to systematically study the indicator's ability to not only detect bifurcation-induced and noise-induced, but also rate-induced tipping. We will additionally assess the indicator's ability to deal with colored noise, something that is known to cause issues for other early warning indicators, like the increase in variance and auto-correlation. In reality, the ocean system has many more degrees of freedom than those included in the box models, and ultimately a mixture of different processes is likely to trigger tipping, if occurring. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), with the Community Earth System Model (CESM2), provides an alternative AMOC model with many more degrees of freedom. Two scenarios where the atmospheric CO\(_2\) concentration is abruptly increased will be considered, providing monthly outputs of geographical density differences on which the **\(\Upsilon\)** *indicator* will be applied. In these model scenarios, the abrupt change in CO\(_2\) is followed by a response of the Earth system, and after 2-3 decades, freshwater eventually circulates in the sub-polar gyre. This response hence offers similarities with the hosing experiments done in the box models. While the two scenarios are insufficient to assess the potential bistability of the AMOC, the **\(\Upsilon\)** indicator will be used to assess the dynamical stability of the AMOC during its weakening phase.\ # The \(\Upsilon\)-indicator for early-warning signals In what follows, we will briefly outline the method used to determine the stability of the time series data. Further details can be found in, , and\ The method relies on an accurate representation of a complex dynamical system close to a metastable state by a random walk-like behavior with a tendency to be attracted to the metastable state. Changes in the system's stability are then characterized as statistically significant deviations from that local behavior, indicating that the system currently does not reside close to a metastable state. Indeed, the local dynamics of a continuous-time random dynamical system (i.e., a stochastic differential equation) near a metastable state come close to the dynamics of a stochastic spring (i.e., an Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process), whose discrete-time observations are well approximated by an ARMA (1,0) process. Here, ARMA denotes the space of autoregressive moving-average models, with the numbers in parentheses denoting the order of the model. A time series \(x(t), \;t \in \mathbf{Z}\), is an ARMA(p,q) process if it is stationary and can be written as \[\label{eq:ARMA_process} x(t) = \nu + \sum_{i=1}^p\phi_ix_{t-i} + \sum_{j=1}^{q}\theta_jw_{t-j} + w_t\] with constant \(\nu\), coefficients \(\phi_i\), \(\theta_j\) and \(\{w_t\}\) being white noise with positive variance \(\sigma^2\) (see for an introductory text). In addition, constraints are imposed on the coefficients \(\phi_i\) and \(\theta_j\) to ensure that the process in [\[eq:ARMA_process\]](#eq:ARMA_process){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ARMA_process"} is stationary and satisfies the invertibility condition. Intuitively, the variables \(p\) and \(q\) say something about the memory lag of the process, while the prefactors \(\phi_i\) and \(\theta_j\) relate to the persistence of said memory lag. One expects that the higher the values for \(q\) and \(p\), the longer the system, once perturbed from its equilibrium state, would need to return to equilibrium. It is this intuitive notion that the statistical indicator denoted \(\Upsilon\) takes advantage of. Indeed, when approaching a critical transition the response of the system to perturbations can become increasingly long (referred to as a critical slow down), and this translates into diverging memory properties of the statistical signal. Hence, an ARMA(p,q) model will require higher orders to incorporate the memory effects. By fitting the model [\[eq:ARMA_process\]](#eq:ARMA_process){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ARMA_process"} repeatedly to a time series data set for varying values of \(p\) and \(q\), one can, through application of an appropriate information criterion, obtain the values of \(p\) and \(q\) that best represent the time series data. For this purpose, we choose the Bayesian information criterion, BIC: \[\label{eq:BIC} \text{BIC} =-2 \ln L(\hat{\beta})+\ln(\tau)( p + q + 1 )\] where \(\hat{\beta}\) denotes the maximum likelihood estimator of \(\beta = (\nu, \phi_1,\dots,\phi_p,\theta_1,\dots,\theta_q)\), which is obtained by maximising the likelihood function \(L\) associated with the ARMA(p,q) model [\[eq:ARMA_process\]](#eq:ARMA_process){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ARMA_process"} for a given time series; see for details. The best fitting ARMA(p,q) model is then determined as the one that minimizes the BIC. The second term in equation [\[eq:BIC\]](#eq:BIC){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:BIC"} punishes complex models with high \(p\) and \(q\) values, and is the reason why we prefer to use the BIC over other criteria, such as the perhaps more familiar Akaike Information Criterion. Here, \(\tau\) denotes the number of discrete points in the time series to which the ARMA model is fitted. We refer to \(\tau\) as the *window length*.\ Finally, the stability indicator is defined as \[\label{eq:Upsilon} \Upsilon(p,q;\tau) = 1-\exp\left(\frac{-\left|\text{BIC}(\bar{p},\bar{q})-\text{BIC}(p,q)\right|}{\tau}\right)\] where \(\bar{p}\) and \(\bar{q}\) indicate the order of what we refer to as the theorized *base model*. This is the ARMA(p,q) model, characterized by a specific value of \(q=\bar{q}\) and \(p=\bar{p}\), to which the chosen best fit is compared. The \(\Upsilon\)-indicator takes on values between 0 and 1, where lower values imply a higher degree of stability. The intuition behind using the difference in BIC values between the chosen \"best\" model and a base model is that this quantity assesses just how much better the model with the lower BIC value approximates the fitted data compared to the other. The significance threshold for deviations in the BIC values between an ARMA(p,q) and the base model, simply denoted as \(|\Delta\)BIC\(|\), is \(|\Delta\)BIC\(|> 2\). The differences in BIC values can be directly related to the Bayes Factor, see, which is another way of quantifying the likelihood of one model over another.\ For the data sets analysed by, it was determined that the appropriate base model is the ARMA(1,0) model, i.e., \(\bar{p}=1\) and \(\bar{q}=0\), which can be viewed as a time discretized Langevin process. In later work by and the authors continued to rely on ARMA(1,0) as the base model. While used a statistical argument to justify the choice of the base model, and argued, as already noted above, that the dynamics near a stable state can be approximated as that of a stochastic spring, further strengthening the case for ARMA(1,0) as the general choice of base model. However, due to the additional well-posedness constraints on the autoregressive and moving-average coefficients \(\phi_i\) and \(\theta_j\) in [\[eq:ARMA_process\]](#eq:ARMA_process){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ARMA_process"}, depending on the treatment of constraints by the fitting routine one can have cases where the BIC value of the ARMA(1,0) process is smaller than the corresponding value for the chosen ARMA(p,q) model. In these cases the ARMA(1,0) process is rejected as the best fit, despite having the lowest BIC value, due to violating the stationarity or invertibility conditions required for a numerically well behaved fit. Thus, in this scenario it becomes unclear how to determine the 'distance' between the states. To overcome this issue we have chosen to modify the \(\Upsilon\) indicator to allow for a second base state, namely the ARMA(0,0) model. This model is just white noise, possibly with a drift, and is guaranteed to satisfy all the auxiliary conditions for the obvious reasons that there are no coefficients available to violate them. We consider ARMA(0,0) as a special case of ARMA(1,0) in which \(\phi_1=0\). The use of the ARMA(1,0) process as a base model was partly justified by the image of a particle trapped in a potential well, where a restoring force keeps the particle oscillating around the equilibrium. The justification for including ARMA(0,0) as a potential base model follows a similar argument, except that in this case the noise amplitude is too low compared to the width of the potential well to feel the restoring force. To use both base models, we first introduce \[\Delta \text{BIC}_0(p,q) := \text{BIC}(0,0)-\text{BIC}(p,q)\] and \[\Delta \text{BIC}_1(p,q) := \text{BIC}(1,0)-\text{BIC}(p,q)\] With this, the modified \(\Upsilon\)-Indicator for the extended base model class can be written as \[\label{eq:Upsilon_modefied} \Upsilon(p,q;\tau) = 1-\exp\left(\frac{-\text{min}\left\{|\Delta \text{BIC}_0(p,q)|, |\Delta \text{BIC}_1(p,q)|\right\}}{\tau}\right)\] In addition, it must be specified that in the cases where the constrained fitting failed for the ARMA(1,0) model so that \(\Delta \text{BIC}_1(p,q)\) may be negative, \(\Delta \text{BIC}_0(p,q)\) is automatically chosen in practise. For obvious reasons, there cannot be a case where \(\Delta \text{BIC}_0(p,q)\) is itself negative.\ \ Furthermore, following, we define the *order*, \(\mathcal{O}\), and *persistence*, \(\mathcal{R}\), of an ARMA\((p,q)\) process as \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:order} \mathcal{O} &=& p + q\;,\\ \label{eq:persistence} \mathcal{R}&=& \sum_{i=1}^p |\phi_i| + \sum_{i=1}^q |\theta_j|\;, \end{aligned}\] where \(\phi_i\) and \(\theta_j\) denote the autoregressive and moving-average coefficients, respectively. While the order relates to the memory lag of the process, the persistence relates to the *persistence* of said memory lag, hence the name. When approaching a tipping point, one would expect one out of two things to happen: either both the persistence and the order increase significantly, due to the increased memory of the process, or the order remains constant, and the persistence approaches the value of the order \(\mathcal{O}\), indicating a loss of stationarity. According to, the latter alternative corresponds to a case in which the potential landscape of the system does not change considerably when approaching the transition.\ This observation strengthens the case for the modified \(\Upsilon\) indicator in contrast to excluding windows of the time series where \(\Delta\text{BIC}_1(p,q)\) is negative, as these periods are indicative of an instability resulting from the loss of stationarity of the ARMA(1,0) process.\ \ To apply the method to a time series data set, one first has to ensure stationarity of the data. This can be done in two ways, depending on the nature of the time series. In some cases, it is sufficient to split the time series into small enough intervals, so that within each interval the time series is approximately stationary. To check for stationarity one runs a Kwiatkowski--Phillips--Schmidt--Shin (KPSS) tests on the intervals. This way, one also obtains an upper bound on the length of the intervals; see. The other option is to not assume stationarity from the outset, and instead allow for application of a differencing routine to the separate intervals, achieving stationarity that way. In that case, a KPSS test is run on each interval, and if the interval is found to not be stationary, differencing is applied. This process is then repeated until stationarity is achieved. The KPSS test is to be preferred over the unit root test due to the danger of over-differencing (). As we wish to study rate induced tipping phenomena, which yields highly non-stationary time series even for very small interval lengths, the latter method is to be preferred. By this choice we go from an ARMA to an ARIMA model, in which the *I* stands for \"integrated\" in reference to the differencing routine used to ensure the stationarity of the time series.\ Provided one can select sufficiently long time series intervals where the process is approximately stationary, one can fit ARMA(p,q) models to available observations during these intervals, and through the \(\Upsilon\) indicator obtain an estimate for how close any given interval is to an equilibrium state. To determine the best fit, we use the auto.arima function found in the FORECAST R package, setting BIC as the information criterion used for model selection. Since we will not assume stationarity of the time series, auto.arima first determines the correct differencing order before continuing with the fitting procedure; the details of said procedure can be found in.\ It is clear that the method is strongly dependent upon the size of the intervals, which we will refer to as the window length, \(\tau\). This is not only due to the inclusion of the \(1/\tau\) factor in the exponential, but also due to the inherent \(\tau\)-dependence of BIC\((p,q)\) and BIC\((1,0)\). In fact, the rationale for including the \(1/\tau\) factor in the definition of **\(\Upsilon\)** is to attempt to remove or reduce this dependence. From equation (2) one might conclude that the correct scaling would be \(1/\ln(\tau)\), as opposed to \(1/\tau\). However, we do not only want to remove the dependence on \(\tau\), but also include the significance threshold for \(\Delta\)BIC, such that the **\(\Upsilon\)** value of any point where \(\Delta\)BIC is below 2 is suppressed relative to other points.\ \
{'timestamp': '2022-11-08T02:22:10', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01100', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01100'}
# Introduction The rapid and regular pulsations observed from pulsars allows us to track their rotation to a small fraction of the spin period over long timescales. This technique of pulsar timing allows us to use them as tools for a wide range of physics and astrophysics applications, and makes our observations very sensitive to perturbations due to orbital motion, even from Earth or Moon mass planets. Notably, the first extrasolar planets were discovered around the pulsar PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12, and are still among the lowest mass extrasolar planets known with masses of \(0.020(2)\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\), \(4.3(2)\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) and \(3.9(2)\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). Since then, almost \(5000\) exoplanets have been discovered by various methods (see e.g. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia[^1]). However, in contrast with this considerable increase in the number of exoplanets discovered around other types of stars, only five other pulsars have been confirmed to have planetary-mass companions. Of the pulsars with planetary-mass companions, four are ultra-low mass carbon white dwarfs, or "diamond planets", around pulsars J1719\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1438, J0636\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5128, J1311\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3430 and J2322\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2650, respectively. Lastly, pulsar B1620\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26 is part of a triple system, including a super-Jupiter mass planet; however, the location of this system in the globular cluster M4 suggests the planet was captured, rather than formed around the pulsar, a process unlikely to happen for pulsars outside of the high density of such a cluster. PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 therefore remains as a unique example of a system of approximately Earth-mass planets orbiting a neutron star. There have been several previous systematic searches for low-mass planetary companions around pulsars, none of which have reported any detections. searched for planets around 151 (young) pulsars, a sample two orders of magnitude larger than previous efforts by . K15 concluded that no planets more massive than \(0.4\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) and with periods of less than one year are found around their sampled pulsars. Most recently, used Pulsar Timing Array quality data to set mass constraints as low as a Moon mass (\(\sim 0.01\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\)) for possible planetary masses around 45 millisecond pulsars (MSPs), for periods between 7 and 2000 days, also reporting no detectable planets. The apparent rarity of systems like that of PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 may well be a consequence of the extreme conditions in which pulsars form. There have been several mechanisms proposed for the formation of planets around pulsars. Of these, three different types of scenarios can be distinguished. In some of the proposed scenarios, the planets had formed around a normal star and were then captured by a neutron star through the collision of the two stars or survived the subsequent evolution of the initial system towards a neutron star system. The resulting system would consist of a normal pulsar with planetary companions in eccentric orbits. These types of events would be very rare as they require fine tuning of environment conditions for the planets to survive or for the collision to take place outside of a globular cluster. In the majority of the proposed scenarios, planets form around pulsars from a disk of material around the neutron star. In the simplest case, some of the mass ejected from the supernova in which the pulsar was formed does not fully escape the gravitational pull of the star and falls back into a disk; subsequently, a normal pulsar, surrounded by relatively small mass planets in circular orbits, is expected. In other models, a more massive circumstellar disk is a product of the neutron star distrupting its binary companion. If this companion was a white dwarf, we might expect to form a millisecond pulsar with planets in circular orbits. A third type of mechanisms proposes that the planets are the final stage of evolution of binary millisecond pulsars. Depending on the model, the initial pulsar companion is either partially evaporated or fully disrupted by the influence of the neutron star, creating either a singular planet from the remains of the original companion (such as a "diamond planet"), or a debris disk around the neutron star, which would then collapse to form planets in circular orbits. Overall, there are a large number of proposed formation paths of planets around pulsars, and therefore large scale searches of planetary-mass companions and their orbital parameters are crucial to constraining and determining the feasibility of various models. However, although the time of arrival (ToA) measurements of individual observations can be very precise, the detectability of planets around pulsars is also limited by the presence of so-called "timing noise" that manifests as a long-term red noise process in the rotation of the pulsar. Models of timing noise typically assume a stochastic stationary red noise process (e.g. [@Shannon2010]), but there is also strong evidence for quasi-periodic switching between spin-down states, which has been observed to be correlated to pulse shape changes in some pulsars. This presents a further challenge in searching for planetary companions, as it can not only mask binary signatures, but also mimic them. A careful investigation is therefore necessary, as there have been previous claims of planet detections around pulsars, later proved to be caused by intrinsic pulsar timing noise. Likewise, previous attempts have been made to explain two periodicities seen in PSR B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11 using a planetary model, but found that modelling this behaviour using only two simple sinusoids was not enough to fully account for the observed variation in the ToAs. The quasi-periodic behaviour in B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11 is now known to be of intrinsic magnetospheric origin. To better understand the population of planetary systems in pulsars, it is therefore important to both look at a large sample of pulsars that have been observed for long time-spans, and also to carefully model the pulsar timing noise to identify any purely periodic signals arising from planetary companions. The pulsar timing archive at the Jodrell Bank Observatory (JBO) is an ideal dataset for this project, consisting of regular observations of almost 800 pulsars with the 76-m Lovell Telescope. This represents nearly a third of all known pulsars, with observations spanning up to 50 years for each pulsar. In this work we apply Bayesian techniques for modelling timing noise to the available JBO data, and conduct the largest systematic search for pulsar planetary companions to date, as well as set limits to any existing population of planetary-mass bodies around pulsars. This paper is structured as follows. In Section [2](#sec:observations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:observations"}, the observational properties are summarised. Section [3](#sec:binary){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:binary"} introduces the parameters of a binary (planetary) system. The method and relevant pulsar parameters used in this analysis are further described in Section [4](#sec:analysis){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:analysis"}. The main results are presented and discussed in Section [5](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}. # Observations {#sec:observations} The dataset used in this work is composed of observations of approximately 800 pulsars from the Jodrell Bank pulsar timing database. All pulsars have observations from the 76-m Lovell Telescope. Observations since April 2009 are recorded using a digital filterbank (a clone of the DFB described in [@Manchester2013]), and processed using [psrchive]{.smallcaps} to form time and frequency averaged pulse profiles with a 200--400 MHz bandwidth centred at 1520 MHz (depending on RFI excision). RFI is excised by manual removal of small outlier segments of the band ("channels") and portions of the observations ("sub-integrations"). ToAs are generated using [psrchive]{.smallcaps} with an analytic standard template derived from the sum of all DFB observations. Prior to 2009 the data used a range of receivers and were recorded with several generations of analogue systems, processed using legacy software to directly generate ToAs. For 50 pulsars, daily observations with the 25-m Mark II Telescope at Jodrell Bank were used to fill intervals when the Lovell Telescope was undergoing upgrades and repairs. The recording and processing setup is identical to that used for the Lovell observations. For more details on the previous receivers, see. For 16 pulsars these data are supplemented with observations made using the 13-m "42-ft" telescope at the Jodrell Bank Observatory. These consist of daily observations since 1990 (depending on the pulsar) with a 5 MHz bandwidth centred at 610 MHz. Since 2011 these observations used the "cobra2" coherent dedispersion backend. Additionally the earliest ToAs for 29 pulsars come from observations made by the NASA Deep Space Network ([@Downs1983]; [@Downs1986]). In total the dataset consists of 800 pulsars, of which 104 are millisecond pulsars. In total there are \(\sim 30\,000\) Lovell ToAs (with \(1/3\) from the DFB backend) covering \(\sim 17\,000\) years of pulsar rotational history, implying an average cadence of 20 days. However, it should be noted that the cadence varies significantly from pulsar to pulsar depending on the science case for any individual source. Observations do not record absolute phase, so an initial timing solution is used to predict/estimate absolute phase. With sufficient observational cadence, this can be done unambiguously and a pulse number assigned to each ToA. Phase ambiguities arise at large glitches (instantaneous changes in spin-down), and these are left as free parameters as part of the pulsar timing model. Further details of the dataset and the study of the pulsar timing noise and astrometric parameters will be included in future publications. # Modelling the influence of planets {#sec:binary} When a pulsar is part of a binary system (either with a star or a planet), it revolves around the centre of mass of the system, moving with respect to the observer on Earth. This influences the arrival time of the signal to the observer, and is known as Rømer delay. In the timing model, the Rømer delay is expressed as \[\Delta_\mathrm{RB} (t)= \frac{a_\mathrm{PSR}\,\sin{i}}{c} \, [\,(\cos{E(t)}-e)\,\sin{\omega} + \sin{E(t)}\,\sqrt{1-e^2}\,\cos{\omega}\,], \label{eq:roemer}\] where \(t\) is the ToA; \(i\) is the inclination angle of the plane of the orbit in the sky; \(e\) is the eccentricity; \(a_\mathrm{PSR}\) is the semi-major axis of the pulsar around the centre of mass, given by \[a_\mathrm{PSR} = \left[\frac{G \, m^3 \, P_{\mathrm{b}}^2}{4\pi^2 \,(m+M_\mathrm{PSR})^2}\right]^{1/3}, \label{eq:asini}\] where \(G\) is the gravitational constant, \(M_\mathrm{PSR}\) is the mass of the pulsar, \(m\) is the mass of the companion, and \(P_\mathrm{b}\) is the orbital period; \(\omega\) is the argument of the periapsis, i.e. the angle of the periapsis with respect to the plane of the sky; \(E(t)\) is the eccentric anomaly at time \(t\) and is related to the true anomaly, \(A_\mathrm{T}(t)\), i.e. the angle of an object on the elliptical orbit with respect to the periapsis by \[\cos{E(t)} = \frac{e+\cos{A_\mathrm{T}(t)}}{1+e\cos{A_\mathrm{T}(t)}}. \label{eq:cosE}\] The mean anomaly (\(M(t)\)), which is the fraction of the orbit that has been completed at time \(t\) since the orbiting body passed periapsis at time \(t_0\), expressed as an angle between \(0\) and \(2\pi\), can also be expressed in terms of the eccentric anomaly by \[M(t) \equiv \frac{2\pi}{P_{\mathrm{b}}} \, (t-t_0) = E(t)-e\,\sin{E(t)}. \label{eq:meanan}\] If \(t_0\) is known, the two expressions of \(M(t)\) in Eq. [\[eq:meanan\]](#eq:meanan){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:meanan"} can be used to find \(E(t)\), which can then be used in Eq. [\[eq:roemer\]](#eq:roemer){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:roemer"} to calculate the Rømer delay at each ToA. However, if \(P_{\mathrm{b}}\) is shorter than the time span of the data, there are multiple (degenerate) solutions for \(t_0\), as there are multiple periapsis crossings in the observed time. To avoid this degeneracy, we considered a phase parameter (\(\phi\)), taking values between \(0\) and \(1\), such that \[\phi = \frac{A_\mathrm{T}(t_\mathrm{REF})}{2\pi}, \label{eq:phi}\] where we chose a reference time \(t_\mathrm{REF} = 55000\,\mathrm{MJD}\). The value of \(\phi\) can be used to find a single \(t_0\) solution (which is the periapsis crossing closest to \(t_\mathrm{REF}\)), as follows. Eq. [\[eq:phi\]](#eq:phi){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:phi"} gives \(A_\mathrm{T}(t_\mathrm{REF})\) straightforwardly from \(\phi\). Then, we compute \(\cos{E(t_\mathrm{REF})}\) using Eq. [\[eq:cosE\]](#eq:cosE){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:cosE"} at \(t \equiv t_\mathrm{REF}\) and the eccentricity value \(e\). Lastly, equating the two expressions for \(M(t_\mathrm{REF})\) as in Eq. [\[eq:meanan\]](#eq:meanan){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:meanan"}, and given \(E(t_\mathrm{REF})\) from the previous step, \(e\) and \(P_{\mathrm{b}}\), we can determine \(t_0\). # The analysis {#sec:analysis} ## Method overview We implemented a Bayesian method to analyse pulsar timing data, by adapting the existing pulsar timing software [enterprise]{.smallcaps}. This method consists of marginalising over parameters describing the deterministic timing model, and simultaneously fitting for white noise, red noise and a planet orbit. This approach is well-suited for a systematic search of planets around pulsars, for placing limits on the mass of any orbiting celestial bodies, and therefore for inferring statistically significant properties of the population of these planets. In practice, a function containing the Keplerian orbit parameters was added to the [enterprise]{.smallcaps} likelihood function, allowing for simultaneous fitting with the existing functionality; this is referred in this work as the "extended [enterprise]{.smallcaps}" and integrated into the [run_enterprise]{.smallcaps} pulsar analysis toolset. The method used consists, broadly, of the following steps applied to the timing data of one pulsar: 1. The orbital period prior is divided into equally-spaced bins in log-period, and the extended [enterprise]{.smallcaps} is run for each of these bins, fitting for white noise, red noise, and planet orbital parameters (see Section [4.3](#sec:planetfit){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:planetfit"}). 2. For each period bin, 3-\(\sigma\) "detections" in the mass posteriors (samples) are flagged for further investigation. To make our search for periodicities more thorough, and to counter the smearing effects of large period ranges, the mass posteriors in each of these period bins are divided into five equally-spaced period slices ("sub-bins"), and the 3-\(\sigma\) check performed again for each of these slices. Note that, while these sub-bins are not guaranteed to each have enough mass samples to give reliable mass limits, we manually verify that any detections seen are genuine, and not due to a small number of mass samples. We therefore only use the mass posteriors in these sub-bins to check for detections, not to estimate mass limits. 3. To further study the population of planets around pulsars, we also estimate limits for the mass of planets detectable with our method and data, as the 95-percentile in the mass posteriors in each period bin. ## Timing analysis ### Pulsar parameters There are a number of deterministic parameters that are known to affect the timing of most pulsars. For each pulsar in our analysis we fit for the spin frequency (\(\nu\)) and two frequency derivatives (\(\dot{\nu}\) and \(\ddot{\nu}\)); astrometric parameters (i.e. position, proper motion); orbital parameters of known binary companions; and the clock offsets ("jumps") between different telescope backend systems, if relevant. We then analytically marginalise over these parameters, using a design matrix computed by [tempo2]{.smallcaps}. Glitch parameters as given in were also used. ### Timing noise Pulsar timing is also affected by noise, which we model with a white-noise component, with parameters EFAC and EQUAD, and a power-law red-noise component. We characterise the red noise by the index \(\gamma\) and the log-amplitude \(\log_{10}(A_\mathrm{red})\), as used in the typical power-law Fourier-domain Gaussian-process model of timing noise, \[P(f) = \frac{A_\mathrm{red}^2}{12\pi^2} \, \left(\frac{f}{1 \mathrm{yr}^{-1}}\right)^{-\gamma} \mathrm{yr}^3, \label{eq:redpower}\] where \(f\) is the frequency in the Fourier domain, and \(P(f)\) is the one-sided power spectral density. ## Planet fitting {#sec:planetfit} The set of orbital parameters we use to characterise a planet influence is: the pulsar mass (\(M_\mathrm{PSR}\)), the "projected mass" of the planet (\(m\sin{i}\)), the orbital period (\(P_{\mathrm{b}}\)), the eccentricity (\(e\)), the argument of periapsis (\(\omega\)) and the planet phase on its orbit at time \(55000\,\mathrm{MJD}\) (\(\phi\)). We fix \(M_\mathrm{PSR}\) at the representative value of \(1.4\) M\(_{\odot}\), and sample over the other orbital and noise parameters using the [emcee]{.smallcaps} ensemble MCMC sampler within [enterprise]{.smallcaps}. Uniform priors are used for the orbital parameters \(\omega\), \(e\), \(\phi\), allowing \(\omega\) between \(0\) and \(2\pi\), \(e\) between \(0\) and \(0.9\), \(\phi\) between \(0\) and \(1\), and for each of the nine \(P_{\mathrm{b}}\) bins. For \(m\sin{i}\), a log-prior is used as we want to explore several orders of magnitude between \(10^{-4}\) and \(100\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). Note that \(\omega\) and \(\phi\) can be highly correlated, as they both depend strongly on the position of the periapsis, which is poorly defined for low-eccentricity orbits. For each pulsar, the analysis is split into eight period ranges, uniform in log-space, as well as a narrower range around \(P_{\mathrm{b}} = 1\,\mathrm{year}\), since fitting for the pulsar position in the timing model can absorb power at the orbital period of the Earth. Table [1](#tab:pranges){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:pranges"} shows the period ranges (\(\min P_{\mathrm{b}}-\max P_{\mathrm{b}}\)), as well as the corresponding initial number of samples per Markov chain used by the ensemble sampler (\(N\)). The number of samples for each period range was chosen as a compromise between the running time of the sampler and having a sufficient number of samples such that injected planet signals were consistently found. For each run of \(N\) samples, \(64\) chains are used, which after "burnin" and "thinning" results in \(4.8 N\) independent samples of the posterior. To check for 3-\(\sigma\) detections and compute the 95-percentile mass limit, the mass posterior is re-weighted to reflect a uniform linear prior and detections are flagged if the mean is more than 3-\(\sigma\) away from zero. An exact treatment would require solving Eq. [\[eq:meanan\]](#eq:meanan){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:meanan"} for the value of \(E(t)\), at each ToA and each \(e\). Due to the large amount of data to process, we instead interpolate over pre-computed values of \(E(t)\) over a fixed grid of 1,000 mean anomaly values and 90,000 eccentricity values, chosen such that the maximum fractional error is less than \(10^{-8}\). This approximation reduces the run-time by a factor of \(\sim 6\). # Results {#sec:results} ## Relevant examples As the only pulsar known to host Earth-mass planets, PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 provides a useful example for our analysis. Two of these planets are in the orbital period range of our search-one at \(P_{\mathrm{b}} = 66.5\,\mathrm{days}\), and the other at \(P_{\mathrm{b}} = 98.2\,\mathrm{days}\). Panel *a* of Fig. [\[fig:combined_masslims\]](#fig:combined_masslims){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:combined_masslims"} shows the results of our pipeline for B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 when no planetary companions were included in the initial pulsar timing parameters. The two planets are easily detected at the expected orbital period and projected mass. Note that we have not included the upper limits in the period bins in which a detection is made to avoid confusion. The constraints on the maximum mass of an undetected planet vary for each pulsar, depending on the length and cadence of the observations available, the presence of glitches or known binary companions, as well as on the amplitudes of any white and red noise present. The mass limits are generally better constrained for millisecond pulsars than for normal pulsars. This is illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:combined_masslims\]](#fig:combined_masslims){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:combined_masslims"}, which shows the lowest mass limits for a normal pulsar (PSR J0134\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2937; panel *b*), and a millisecond pulsar (PSR J1744\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1134; panel *c*), respectively. At the most extreme, we can put mass limits as low as 1/100th of the mass of the Moon (or \(\sim 10^{-4} \,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\)). ## 3-\(\sigma\) detections {#sec:3sigma} Excluding B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12, we found 15 pulsars in our sample for which the analysis indicates a greater than 3-\(\sigma\) detection in at least one of the searched period bins. None of these are millisecond pulsars. An algorithmic detection on its own, however, is not necessarily evidence for an orbiting planet, and further inspection is warranted. The methodology described in was used to estimate the power spectra from our data for each of the pulsars showing detections. These were used to visually inspect the agreement between the noisy power spectra and the power-law model, as well as the behaviour at the detected period. An example is given in Fig. [\[fig:PSD_example\]](#fig:PSD_example){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PSD_example"}, which shows the estimated power spectral density (PSD) as a function of frequency, as well as the fitted power-law model without including a planet influence. The equivalent plots for the other 14 pulsars can be seen in Appendix [\[app:PSD\]](#app:PSD){reference-type="ref" reference="app:PSD"}. As many of these pulsars are dominated by red timing noise, we found it useful to additionally visualise residuals after subtracting the lowest frequency components of the timing noise model. We limit this to frequencies below \(1/2P_{\mathrm{b}}\) so that we avoid falsely emphasising the detected periodicity. Additionally, in order to better understand the significance of the planetary signal, for any bin in which such a detection was made, we repeated the extended [enterprise]{.smallcaps} analysis using a nested sampler ([dynesty]{.smallcaps}; [@Speagle2020]). This nested sampler was used to estimate the evidence and therefore the Bayes factor between models with and without the planetary companion included. We consider a log-Bayes factor larger than \(\sim 3\) (i.e. odds ratio larger than \(\sim 20\)) to be "strong" evidence. We categorise and discuss these detections in the sections below, as well as summarise the main parameters of the fitted planets found in our analysis in Table [2](#tab:pmresults){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:pmresults"}. ### Pulsars with known quasi-periodic spin-down {#sec:B1540} Quasi-periodic (QP) timing irregularities have been observed in pulsar data as variations in their frequency (\(\nu\)) or frequency derivative (\(\dot{\nu}\)). characterised several pulsars showing QP behaviours, and concluded that these were caused by changes in the pulsars' magnetosphere, as they were correlated with pulse profile changes. PSRs B1540\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}06, B1714\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}34 and B1826\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}17 were among those found by to show QP timing noise, and the frequencies of their periodicities were estimated as \(0.24(2)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\), \(0.26(4)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\) and \(0.33(2)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\), respectively, where the numbers in brackets represent the 1-\(\sigma\) error in the last digit. Similarly, PSR B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11 is known to show strong QP oscillations in \(\dot{\nu}\), at a frequency of \(0.73(2)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\). The second harmonic of this is also clearly detectable. In our analysis, we detected an oscillation consistent with a planet for each of PSRs B1540\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}06, B1714\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}34 and B1826\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}17, with orbital periods which correspond to frequencies indistinguishable from those measured by. Note that the orbits found for these planets are eccentric, such that the oscillations in the residuals are asymmetrical. For B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11, we find that, within our model, the residuals are best described by the influence of two planets, at the expected orbital periods corresponding to the first and second harmonics as estimated by. Fig. [\[fig:knownQP\]](#fig:knownQP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:knownQP"} shows the residuals for PSRs B1540\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}06, B1714\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}34, B1826\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}17 and B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11, respectively. Panel *b* in each pulsar figure, showing the residuals without the low-frequency red noise components, as well as the corresponding Rømer delay of the fitted planet(s), illustrates that the behaviour is not perfectly periodic, and the purely periodic orbital solution only removes a fraction of the power on these time scales. While a model fitting for one (two) periodic term(s) better describes our data than the model without it (as also supported by the log-Bayes factors, which are larger than \(4\) in all cases), a quasi-periodic term, caused by intrinsic properties of the pulsars, would be more appropriate, and would rule out the planetary-like detections for these pulsars. ### B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 {#sec:B0144} PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 is dominated by red timing noise, but we detect a significant 319(1) day periodicity in our analysis. Removing the lowest frequency red-noise components reveals a highly periodic signal in the residuals, especially clear in the more recent DFB data where the precision of the observations is higher, as can be seen in Fig. [\[fig:B0144_res\]](#fig:B0144_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:B0144_res"}. The existence of this periodic signal is also supported by the Bayesian evidence, as calculated using the software [dynesty]{.smallcaps}: our model has a log-Bayes factor of \({9.2\pm0.5}\) compared to the standard [enterprise]{.smallcaps} model, which does not include a planet. Given the detections in pulsars with known correlations between profile shape and spin-down presented in Section [5.2.1](#sec:B1540){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:B1540"}, we looked for pulse shape changes in PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59. As shown in Figure [\[fig:B0144_pprofile\]](#fig:B0144_pprofile){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:B0144_pprofile"}, PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 exhibits an interpulse, but only the main pulse is strong enough to detect observation-to-observation variations. We used [psrsalsa]{.smallcaps}  to fit the components of the pulse profiles using von Mises functions and to estimate the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the main pulse at each observation. Fig. [\[fig:B0144_pvar\]](#fig:B0144_pvar){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:B0144_pvar"} shows the measured width overlaid with the \(\dot{\nu}\) derived from our best-fit orbital model. The strong correlation, with correlation coefficient of \(\sim 0.7\), is strong evidence that the observed periodic variations in PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 are magnetospheric in origin, similar to that of the pulsars in. Therefore, we conclude that the highly-periodic behaviour found in the residuals of PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 is likely not due to an external orbiting body, but to an intrinsic magnetospheric effect of the pulsar. PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 exhibits very periodic spin-down oscillations, however this is not uncommon amongst the pulsars that exhibit QP behaviours (see e.g. the pulsars in Section [5.2.1](#sec:B1540){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:B1540"}). Our analysis searches for purely periodic variability and therefore selects for those with the most stable periodicity. Nevertheless, this does emphasise the somewhat surprising result that pulsars can exhibit extremely stable variability with periods of tens or hundreds of days. ### Additional quasi-periodic pulsars {#sec:moreQP} In this section, we discuss six of the pulsars for which we detected a planet-like periodicity, as they show similar behaviours, namely PSRs B1727\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}33, B2053\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}36, J1758\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1931, J1843\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0744, J1904\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0800 and J2216\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5759. Fig. [\[fig:posQP\]](#fig:posQP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:posQP"} shows the residuals of these pulsars. The systematic behaviours of the residuals after subtracting the planet-like influence (shown in panels *c*) suggest that these Rømer delays are not enough to account for the shape of the oscillating residuals of these pulsars. Furthermore, we do not expect these residuals to be caused by extra companions in the system, since their shape does not indicate a different periodic oscillation. Unlike PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59, the signal-to-noise of the observations of these pulsars is insufficient for us to reliably search for pulse profile variations. PSR B1727\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}33 has two known glitches, at observation times 52 107 MJD and 55 930 MJD, respectively. We include the standard glitch fitting parameters, as well as the [tempo2]{.smallcaps} glitch recovery parameters (GLF0D and GLTD), in the fit for our analysis. Note that, although the period of the fitted planet is close to one year (\(P_\mathrm{b} = 350(1)\,\mathrm{d}\)), we can rule out the effect of the rotation of the Earth as a source of this oscillation, as our analysis includes a fit for the position and proper motion of the pulsar simultaneously with all other parameters. We therefore find that the pulsars in this section seem more likely characterised by similar QP behaviours to the pulsars we discussed in Section [5.2.1](#sec:B1540){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:B1540"} than orbital motions, but without further data we cannot be certain of the origins of the detections in PSRs B1727\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}33, B2053\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}36, J1758\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1931, J1843\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0744, J1904\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0800 and J2216\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5759. ### J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120 {#sec:J2007} Our initial analysis of PSR J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120 revealed an oscillation consistent with a planetary companion of orbital period \(723(8)\) days. The corresponding Rømer delay is shown in green in panel *b* of Fig. [\[fig:J2007_res\]](#fig:J2007_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:J2007_res"}, on top of the residuals of this pulsar. After removing the influence of this planet, the residuals (shown in panel *c* of Fig. [\[fig:J2007_res\]](#fig:J2007_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:J2007_res"}) further show a periodic behaviour. When repeating our analysis to fit for two planets accordingly, the parameters of the second potential companion were less constrained, giving an orbital period of \(1297(76)\) days. The log-Bayes factors between models with zero, one and two planets suggest that, while the existence of the first planet (of shorter period) is strongly preferred (by \({5.8\pm0.5}\)), there is not a strong preference between a red noise component and the second planet, since the two models have indistinguishable evidences. While the residuals of J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120 appear highly periodic, the time span of our current data only allows for a few oscillations. It follows that this is not sufficient to attest whether (any of) these two planet-like influences are indeed due to planetary companions to the pulsar, or are due to other effects, such as intrinsic QP noise. The signal-to-noise in the observations of J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120 is very low, which prevents us from reliably searching for pulse profile variations. The two periodicities found in our analysis are consistent, within two standard deviations, to a 2:1 ratio. On one hand, this ratio is characteristic of a harmonic relationship shown by QP noise, as is found for PSR B1828\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11. On the other hand, an orbital resonance with a 2:1 period ratio has been found to be fairly common in extrasolar planetary systems. If the periodic behaviour is indeed due to planetary companions, detecting the effect of a (near) resonance in the form of a predictable variation of the orbital parameters would firmly prove the existence of these companions around J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120. This is the same technique used to confirm the first two planetary companions of B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12, which are also in resonance, with a period ratio of 3:2. Following the three-body analysis of, we estimate that for the parameters of our two found planets around J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120, the corresponding resonant gravitational interactions would introduce deviations in the residuals of the pulsar as an oscillation of period of a few tens of years and amplitude of \(\sim 1 \upmu\mathrm{s}\). This is undetectable with our current data, as the residuals are characterised by a white noise level of \(\sim 1000 \upmu\mathrm{s}\). However, long term observations using a highly sensitive instrument such as FAST, CHIME or the Square Kilometre Array might be able to detect/rule out these oscillations, and therefore settle the cause of the periodicities seen in J2007\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3120. ### J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957 {#sec:J1947} PSR J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957 was discovered by, who at the same time also claimed the detection of a glitch in the ToAs at MJD 55 085. In our analysis of J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957, we found a planet-like influence, characterised by an orbital period of \(3\) years, projected mass of \(4\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) and a highly eccentric orbit (\(e = 0.6\)); this model was preferred to the standard [enterprise]{.smallcaps} fitting by a large log-Bayes factor, of \({7.9\pm0.5}\). The residuals of PSR J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957 (see Fig. [\[fig:J1947_res\]](#fig:J1947_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:J1947_res"}) are dominated by five peaked oscillations. The purely periodic model is successful at removing a good deal of the structure in the timing residuals, though the remaining residuals in panel *c* still have structures that appear correlated with each periastron passage. Although in theory the pulsar wind or tidal effects could perturb the orbit at periastron, it is worth noting that the closest approach of \(\sim 1\,\mathrm{AU}\) for the planetary companion is not especially small, and such effects could also be caused by variability in the periodicity of the oscillation. Alternatively, the cusps observed in the timing residuals could be due to glitches, as originally proposed by for the event at 55 085 MJD. There is no indication in our data of the presence of a glitch recovery for this proposed glitch. The subsequent four features are much less well sampled, so it is hard to tell if they exhibit the sudden change of gradient expected for a pulsar glitch. Although not common, some frequently glitching pulsars have been observed to exhibit glitches at regular intervals. However, note that the inferred glitch size for J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957 would be much smaller than those of other observed quasi-periodically glitching pulsars. Another potential origin of the periodic behaviour in J1947\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1957 could be an intrinsic QP effect in the pulsar. The very low signal-to-noise of our observations of this pulsar makes any study of the pulse profile variability extremely difficult. It is notable that the argument of periapsis found for the planetary-like signal in pulsar data was \(\omega = (80\pm20)\deg\), while the high-eccentricity, yet symmetrical shape of the cusps (as seen in Fig. [\[fig:J1947_res\]](#fig:J1947_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:J1947_res"}) also suggests that the planetary orbit would have to have a special, symmetrical orientation in the sky, such that the observer, the periastron and the apastron would be aligned, i.e. \(\omega\sim 90\deg\). However, this symmetry is typical in QP magnetospheric pulsars. ### B1931\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}24 {#sec:B1931} PSR B1931\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}24 was the first intermittent pulsar discovered; it is known to show normal pulsar behaviour for \(5-10\) days, and then undergo extreme nulling events for \(25-35\) days, making it undetectable. The possibility that this observed QP behaviour is due to a binary companion of B1931\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}24 has been studied by and; both concluded that the influence of a companion would not be enough to account for all the properties of the intermittent signal. In our analysis of this pulsar, we do not find that a single planet-like periodicity in the range \(21.3\)-\(42.5\) days is a good model to describe the residuals. This is because, as described by, the nulling events do not have an exact periodicity, but multiple, narrowly-spaced periodicities in the range discussed. However, we find a different planet-like influence, of period \(\sim 14\) years. Fig. [\[fig:B1931_res\]](#fig:B1931_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:B1931_res"} shows the only two oscillations that correspond to our current data span. The shape of the residuals in panel *b* as compared to the Rømer delay and the clearly systematic behaviour of the residuals in panel *c* of Fig. [\[fig:B1931_res\]](#fig:B1931_res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:B1931_res"} suggest that this model does not fully describe the behaviour seen, and therefore this is likely not actually caused by a binary companion. Nonetheless, the log-Bayes factor between accounting for a planet-like periodicity, and not, is \({7.9 \pm 0.5}\). This relatively large value suggests that there should be a better model to describe the current residuals than the purely power-law description of the red noise used in this analysis. However, with only two oscillations seen in these residuals, we cannot determine if this pulsar will continue showing the same periodic behaviour, and therefore what the cause of this is. ### B0823\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26 {#sec:B0823} PSR B0823\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26 is one of the brightest known radio pulsars in the northern sky, and has been observed for nearly \(50\) years. This pulsar is known to exhibit emission phenomena such as subpulse drifting and mode-changing, as well as nulling over a range of timescales from minutes to hours, often in clustered groups and with a fraction of \(\sim 7\%\). Our initial analysis flagged a planet-like signature in the residuals of B0823\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26, with a period of \(28(2)\) days. The residuals of this pulsar show that the influence of the fitted planet would be very small compared to the general white noise in the pulsar timing. On further inspection, the power spectrum (shown in Fig. [\[fig:app_PSD\]](#fig:app_PSD){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:app_PSD"}) of the timing data for this pulsar appears more like a broken power-law with a steep red component transitioning to a flatter red component at a frequency close to that found by our analysis; this is likely to be a consequence of the complicated nature of its emission. The power spectrum of the noise from B0823\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26 was therefore fitted poorly by a single power-law model, resulting in a false planet detection. ## Discussion on the results for the full data set We show a summary of the 95% mass limits of all the pulsars in our sample in Fig. [\[fig:2D_masslim\]](#fig:2D_masslim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2D_masslim"}. The different contours illustrate the fraction of the pulsars in our sample that allow a planet below the respective projected mass within the 95% limit, for each period bin. Note that we can only estimate the projected mass on the sky with respect to the observer (\(m\sin{i}\)); therefore the actual physical mass limits are on average \(\sim20\%\) larger, assuming a random orientation of binaries in the sky (since the mean of \(\sin{i}\) is \(0.785\)). In general, the mass limits as presented in Fig. [\[fig:2D_masslim\]](#fig:2D_masslim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2D_masslim"} depend on the properties of the pulsars, as well as on the properties of the observations. Mass limits close to a \(1\)-year orbital period are noticeably worse than all the rest due to the required fitting for the proper motion and distance to the pulsar, which vary periodically with the Earth's orbit and therefore reduce our sensitivity. Similarly, any known binary companions reduce the sensitivity of our search in the respective period bin. At the long-period end the sensitivity is mainly limited by the amount of red noise in the residuals. At periods larger than 5-10 years, the total timespan of the observations can also limit the sensitivity of our search, especially for more recently discovered pulsars. In the short-period limit the white noise is the dominant factor in limiting our sensitivity. Fig. [\[fig:2D_masslim\]](#fig:2D_masslim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2D_masslim"} also shows a summary of the planet detections found in our analysis, with the exception of the known QP pulsars included in. As discussed in the preceding sections, we suspect that the majority of these are likely to be spurious detections caused by QP noise in the pulsar residuals. Interestingly, these show up in a pure periodicity search, emphasising that pulsars can exhibit highly stable periodic variability on timescales of hundreds of days. A detailed re-analysis of the sources in is ongoing (Shaw et al., in prep). It is notable that in all cases where the eccentricity is well constrained the eccentricities are between 0.1 and 0.6, and are certainly not the circular orbits that might be expected from formation in a fall-back debris disk. This further supports the hypothesis that these detections are more likely due to intrinsic spin variation rather than orbital motion. In the period range of \(0.2-4.3\) years, with the exception of the aforementioned small interval around \(1\) year, about 70% of the pulsars in our sample have mass limits lower than \(1\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). This implies that the majority of our pulsars are generally unlikely to host any planets larger than this. Furthermore, 5-10% of all the pulsars in our data set have mass limits lower than one Moon mass (or \(\sim 0.01\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) ) in the same period range, ruling out any substantial planetary companions in our search range. Note that these mass limits are similar to the total mass of the asteroid belt model around PSR B1937\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}21 as estimated by. The largest known mass of an asteroid is, however, two orders of magnitude smaller. Fig. [\[fig:all_post\]](#fig:all_post){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_post"} shows another way of illustrating the mass limits for our entire pulsar data set. This is an approach similar to that of Fig. 4 of K15, and we include some of their results for comparison. To obtain the curves shown in Fig. [\[fig:all_post\]](#fig:all_post){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_post"}, the mass posteriors of all the pulsars in our data set, except those that showed detections, were added for each period bin to create a mass posterior of the data set. The \(95\%\), \(68\%\), \(32\%\) and \(5\%\) limits were then calculated and are shown by the red, green, orange and blue lines in Fig. [\[fig:all_post\]](#fig:all_post){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_post"}. Note that our mass sampling is re-weighted into a uniform prior between \(10^{-4}\) and \(100\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). Comparing our results with the limits from K15, we note that our data set includes more than 5 times the number of pulsars in the K15 sample (consisting of 151 pulsars). Therefore, although for most period bins the \(95\%\) mass limits of K15 give better constrains than our \(95\%\) mass limits, they represent a much smaller number of pulsars, i.e. 50-100 for K15 as opposed to 740 for this analysis. We also note that K15 specifically used pulsars of high spin-down luminosity and with regular cadence observations, whereas our sample consists of essentially all pulsars observed by the Jodrell Bank timing programme, and includes a number of pulsars which have been infrequently and irregularly observed. The mass limits shown can be interpreted as the fraction of pulsars in the data set that do not show a detection below the respective projected mass. For example, we can conclude that roughly two-thirds (or \(68\%\)) of the pulsars in our data set (i.e. \(\sim 530\) pulsars) do not show any planets above \(2\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) and with orbital period smaller than \(1\) year, as well as any planets above \(8\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) and with periods larger than \(1\) year. Likewise, for about \(40\) of our pulsars, we can rule out planetary companions of projected masses above \(0.2\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). Despite the large increase in sampled pulsars, our mass limits are better than those of K15 for large orbital periods. This is a consequence of our longer-span data sets, which improve our potential for detecting longer-period orbits, and often allow us to better distinguish between red noise processes and truly periodic behaviours. This large sample study shows that although planets around pulsars are rare, there is still a large population of pulsars for which we cannot rule out planets of order \(\sim1\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). The prevalence of QP timing noise in pulsars exacerbates this problem as it can lead to spurious signals that greatly increase the detection threshold. Nevertheless, we can certainly rule out a population of planets greater than \(\sim10 \,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) from our pulsars, even those with extensive timing noise. This also rules out a population of Jupiter-mass companions (including so-called "diamond planets") with orbital periods in our search range. As seen in Fig. [\[fig:all_post\]](#fig:all_post){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_post"}, most of the known exoplanets could be ruled out around our sample of pulsars. Recent results suggest that the distribution of exoplanet-to-host-star mass ratio (\(q\)) follows a broken power-law, with maxima at \(q\sim3\times10^{-5}\) for systems with host stars being "G dwarfs", and at \(q\sim2\times10^{-4}\) for "microlensing" systems, respectively. One of the pulsar planet formation models requires the planet(s) to have initially formed around a massive star and survive the subsequent supernova state. If we were to assume the shape of the microlensing \(q\)-distribution holds when extrapolated to host stars massive enough to be pulsar progenitors, i.e. more than \(\sim8\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\), the most likely planets would have masses much above \(100\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\), and anything below \(10\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\) would be extremely unlikely. Therefore, as also argued by, our analysis would support the idea that fossil (or remnant) planets are, at most, rare. If, on the other hand, we were to make the even more speculative assumption that planets forming around pulsars would follow similar \(q\)-distributions as more typical star systems, we would also expect that these exoplanets were \(10-100\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\), which are absent from our search. Alternatively we might consider our results in the context of PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12, which is the only pulsar known to host terrestrial (i.e. \(\sim\) Earth-mass) planets. The joint posterior shown in Fig. [\[fig:all_post\]](#fig:all_post){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:all_post"} implies that the probability that a system with a planet of mass similar to that of the larger planets of B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 (\(\sim 4\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\)) would have gone undetected in our sample of pulsars is less than 0.3. This implies a reasonable upper bound of 3 undetected B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12-like planetary companions amongst our 800 pulsars, with a probability of less than 0.03. Given our broad sample, this implies that no more than 0.5% of pulsars host terrestrial planets as large as those in PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12. We therefore confirm the hypothesis that the formation of planets around pulsars is rare, and PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 is a special case. It is worth noting that the smaller planet in PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 (\(0.02\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\)) would be undetectable in 95% of our sample, and we cannot rule out a large population of tiny planets or asteroids. However, given the unique case of PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12, it is unclear if such tiny planets are likely to form without the presence of larger planets. Further, such planets may be part of larger debris disks or asteroid belts and exhibit noise-like timing behaviour, rather than the purely periodic signal considered in this work. Further study into the existence of a population of these systems with only small planets would help determine how common a system such as that of B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 truly is. # Conclusions In this work, we have presented the largest search for planets orbiting pulsars to date, analysing JBO observations of 800 pulsars. We confirm that PSR B1257\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}12 must have an unusual formation mechanism, placing an upper bound of \(0.5\%\) of pulsars exhibiting similar planets. We rule out a population of undetected planetary companions greater than \(\sim10\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\). The timing noise present in most pulsars means that we cannot rule out a substantial population of tiny (\(<0.1\,\mathrm{M}_{\oplus}\)) planets, though it is not clear if such planets would exist in isolation. For most pulsars in our data set, no planet-like periodicity was detected. Of the few that did show these detections, several are known to exhibit QP spin-noise which is correlated with variations in their pulse profile. We have identified that PSR B0144\(+\)`<!-- -->`{=html}59 also exhibits this behaviour, by looking at the variation of its pulse profile shape. We suspect that many of the detections made in our analysis are caused by similar effects, but the signal-to-noise is insufficient to see pulse profile changes. The prevalence of QP noise in pulsar residuals makes searches for low-mass planetary companions to pulsars very challenging and further work is needed for robust pulsar timing analysis in the presence of such noise.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:30:18', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01136', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01136'}
# The Approximate Degree of \(\UBPMn\) {#appendix:apx_deg} The \(\varepsilon\)-approximate degree \(\epsadeg f\), of a Boolean function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}\) is the *least* degree of a real multilinear polynomial *approximating* \(f\) pointwise over \(\{0,1\}^n\), with error at most \(\varepsilon\). Formally, Approximate degree is a well-studied complexity measure. For a comprehensive survey on the topic, we refer the reader to. With regards to Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial\]](#thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial"}, we make the following observation: every Boolean function whose polynomial representation, or that of its dual, have low \(\ell_1\)-norm--can be efficiently *approximated* in the \(\ell_\infty\)-norm by a low-degree polynomial. Firstly, it is not hard to see that for any Boolean function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) and any \(\varepsilon>0\), the \(\varepsilon\)-approximate degree of \(f\) is identical to that of its dual \(f^\star\). This follows since \(f^\star\) can be obtained through an *affine transformation* of \(f\), which cannot increase the degree, and the same transformation can similarly be applied to any approximating polynomial of \(f\) (and the converse follows since \((f^\star)^\star = f\)). The second component of the approximation scheme is the following lemma. The proof of Lemma [\[lemma:low_l1_apx_deg\]](#lemma:low_l1_apx_deg){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:low_l1_apx_deg"} follows from the following simple approximation scheme: replace every *monomial* (of sufficiently large degree) with a polynomial that approximates it pointwise, to some sufficiently small error (depending only on the \(\ell_1\)-norm of the representing polynomial). The full details of this scheme appeared previously in. Combining Lemma [\[lemma:low_l1_apx_deg\]](#lemma:low_l1_apx_deg){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:low_l1_apx_deg"} with the \(\ell_1\)-bound of Corollary [\[cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar\]](#cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar"}, we obtain: # Families of Matching Functions having Low Dual \(\ell_1\)-Norm {#appendix:families_of_matching_functions} The main algorithmic result in this paper is the low \(\ell_1\)-norm of the dual function of \(\UBPMn\), from which we deduce *upper bounds*, for instance on the communication rank and the approximate degree. In, a similar bound had been obtained for the dual of the perfect matching function, \(\BPMn\). These norm bounds and their corollaries extend to a wide range of *matching-related functions*, some of which are detailed below. #### Functions Obtained by Restrictions. {#functions-obtained-by-restrictions. .unnumbered} Consider any two Boolean functions \(f\) and \(g\), such that \(g\) is obtained by a *restriction* of \(f\) (i.e., by fixing some of the inputs bits of \(f\)). As restrictions cannot increase the norm, it clearly holds that \(\norm{g}_1 \le \norm{f}_1\) and \(\norm{g^\star}_1 \le \norm{f^\star}_1\). Several intrinsically interesting matching-functions can be cast in this way. One notable example is the bipartite \(k\)-matching function, which is the indicator over all graphs \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\) containing a matching of size \(k\). \[\BMnk(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \big\{ (i,j): x_{i,j} = 1\big\} \subseteq K_{n,n} \text{ has a \(k\)-matching } \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\] This function is obtained by a restriction of \(\BPM_{2n-k}\), as follows. Label the vertices of \(K_{2n-k,2n-k}\) by \[\begin{split} \quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad L &= A \sqcup V, \text{ where } A=\{a_1, \dots, a_n\}, V=\{v_1, \dots, v_{n-k}\} \\ R &= B \sqcup U, \text{ where } B=\{b_1, \dots, b_n\}, U=\{u_1, \dots, u_{n-k}\} \end{split}\] Given any input \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\) to \(\BMnk\), the edges of \(G\) are encoded via the edges joining \(A\) and \(B\), and moreover we fix two additional bicliques \(K_{A,U}\), \(K_{V,B}\). The resulting graph contains a bipartite perfect matching if and only if \(G\) contains a \(k\)-matching, and thus This norm bound is tight whenever \(k = \alpha n\), for any *constant* \(0 < \alpha < 1\), as are (up to log-factors) the bounds on the approximate degree and on the log-rank. The aforementioned approximate degree lower bound follows using the method of *Spectral Sensitivity*--a complexity measure due to Aaronson, Ben-David, Kothari, Rao and Tal, based on Huang's proof of the sensitivity conjecture. proved that the approximate degree of any total function \(f\) is bounded below by the spectral radius of its *sensitivity graph* (i.e., the \(f\)-cut of the hypercube). As this graph is bipartite, its spectrum is symmetric, and it therefore suffices (by Cauchy interlacing) to obtain a lower bound on the spectral radius of any vertex induced subgraph of the sensitivity graph. For \(\BMnk\) this construction is straightforward--consider the induced graph whose left vertices are all \((k-1)\)-matchings, and right vertices are all \(k\)-matchings. This produces a biregular subgraph of the sensitivity graphs of \(\BMnk\), with left degrees \((n-k+1)^2\) and right degrees \(k\). As it is well known that the spectral radius of a biregular graph is \(\sqrt{d_L d_R}\) (where \(d_L\) and \(d_R\) are the left and right degrees, respectively), this concludes the bound on the spectral sensitivity of \(\BMnk\), and by extension, its approximate degree[^1]. This lower bound on \(\adeg{\BMnk}\) now implies the \(\ell_1\)-norm lower bound, through Lemma [\[lemma:low_l1_apx_deg\]](#lemma:low_l1_apx_deg){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:low_l1_apx_deg"}. As for the log-rank lower bound, it follows by a simple fooling set argument, under the same input partition used in Theorem [\[thm:rank_ubpm\]](#thm:rank_ubpm){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:rank_ubpm"}. Let \(L = A \sqcup B\) be the left vertices corresponding to the input partition, where \(|A| = |B| = \sfrac{n}{2}\), and let \(A'\) and \(B'\) be the first \(\sfrac{k}{2}\) vertices of \(A\) and \(B\), respectively. Let \(C\) be the first \(k = \alpha n\) right vertices. Then, under the notation of Theorem [\[thm:rank_ubpm\]](#thm:rank_ubpm){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:rank_ubpm"}, \[S = \Big\{ \left(\id(A',S), \id(B',\bar{S})\right)\ :\ S \subseteq C,\ \bar{S} = C \setminus S,\ |S|=|\bar{S}|=\tfrac{k}2 \Big\}\] is a fooling set for \(\BM_{n, \alpha n}\), where the indices of \(S\) and \(\bar{S}\) correspond to a *fixed* ordering on \(C\). Any pair \((x,y)\) contains a \(k\)-matching, but for any mismatching pair belonging to sets \(S_1 \ne S_2 \subseteq C\), we have that \(S_1 \cap S_2 \ne \emptyset\) and thus the maximum matching is of size \(|S_1 \cup S_2| < k\). By construction, this fooling set is of size \[\log_2 |S| = \log_2 {k \choose {\sfrac{k}{2}}} = k-o(1)\] and the log-rank bound now follows from Theorem [\[thm:fooling_set_bounds_log_rank\]](#thm:fooling_set_bounds_log_rank){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:fooling_set_bounds_log_rank"}.[^2] #### Formulas over Low-Norm Functions {#formulas-over-low-norm-functions .unnumbered} Given any two nontrivial Boolean functions \(f\) and \(g\), the norms of their conjunction, disjunction, and negation are at-most multiplicative in their respective norms, and the same holds for their duals. Therefore, the dual of any short De Morgan formula whose atoms are Boolean functions of low dual \(\ell_1\)-norm, will similarly inherit the low-norm property. Several matching functions can be represented in this way, and thus have low dual norm. For example \[\MaxMatchnk(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{The maximum matching of } \big\{ (i,j): x_{i,j} = 1\big\} \text{ is of size \(k\)} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\] can be constructed as \(\MaxMatchnk = \BMnk \land \lnot \BM_{n, k+1}\). # Introduction A perfect matching in a graph is a subset of edges spanning the graph, no two of which are incident to the same vertex. In this paper we consider the *decision problem* of unique bipartite matching: the input is a balanced bipartite graph over \(2n\) vertices, and the goal is to determine whether the graph contains a *unique* perfect matching. This problem can be naturally cast as a Boolean function. The complexity of \(\UBPMn\) is closely related to that of \(\BPMn\)--the problem in which we drop the uniqueness condition and simply ask whether a bipartite graph *contains* a perfect matching. Both \(\BPMn\) and \(\UBPMn\) are known to lie in \(\mathbf{P}\). The former due to a classical result by Edmonds, and the latter due to Gabow, Kaplan and Tarjan. However, despite their close connection, not all known algorithmic results extend from one problem to another. For instance, \(\UBPMn\) was shown by Kozen, Vazirani and Vazirani to be in \(\mathbf{NC}\) (see also ), and no such result is known for \(\BPMn\). Lovász showed that \(\BPMn\) is in \(\mathbf{RNC}\), and the current best-known *deterministic* parallel algorithm is due to Fenner, Gurjar and Thierauf, placing the problem in \(\mathbf{Quasi}\)-\(\mathbf{NC}\). Determining the membership of bipartite perfect matching in \(\mathbf{NC}\) remains one of the main open problems in parallelizability. Our main results in this paper are the complete characterizations of both \(\UBPMn\) and its dual function, by means of polynomials. These characterizations leverage a deep connection to the polynomial representations of \(\BPMn\), obtained in, and it is our hope that they can be used to further our understanding of the connection between the two. To present our results we require some notation. We say that a bipartite graph is *matching-covered* if every edge of the graph participates in some perfect matching. For a graph \(G\) we denote its *cyclomatic number*, a topological quantity, by \(\chi(G) = e(G)-v(G) + c(G)\). The set of all perfect matchings of \(G\) is denoted \(\PM(G)\), and the cardinality of this set is denoted \(\Per(G)\) (the permanent of \(G\)). Under these notations, our first theorem is the following closed-form description of the *unique* real multilinear polynomial representing \(\UBPMn\). The polynomial appearing in Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_polynomial\]](#thm:ubpm_polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_polynomial"} bears a striking resemblance to the representation of \(\BPMn\), the only difference being the multiplicative \(\Per(G)\) appearing in each term of \(\UBPMn\). This is a direct result of the connection between the two functions and the *matching-covered lattice*, hereafter \(\mathcal{L}_n\), which is formed by all order \(2n\) matching-covered graphs, ordered with respect to the subgraph relation. Billera and Sarangarajan proved that \(\mathcal{L}_n\) is isomorphic to the face lattice of the Birkhoff Polytope \(\mathbf{B}_n\). Consequently, this combinatorial lattice is Eulerian, and its Möbius function is particularly well-behaved--a fact which we rely on indirectly throughout this paper. In, it was shown that \(\BPMn\) is intimately related to the matching-covered lattice: every such graph corresponds to a monomial, and their coefficients are given by Möbius numbers. Our proof of Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_polynomial\]](#thm:ubpm_polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_polynomial"} extends this connection by leveraging Möbius Inversion Formula, and in fact allows us to derive the polynomial representation for *any* indicator function over \(\mathcal{L}_n\) (including, for instance, \(\BPMn\)), while also simplifying somewhat parts of the original proof. Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_polynomial\]](#thm:ubpm_polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_polynomial"} yields information-theoretic lower bounds. For example, \(\UBPMn\) has full total degree and is thus *evasive*, i.e., any decision tree computing it must have full depth, \(n^2\). Unlike its analogue \(\BPMn\), which is a *monotone* bipartite graph property and thus known to be evasive, the *unique* perfect matching function is *not monotone*, and for such functions evasiveness is not guaranteed (see e.g. ). We also obtain lower bounds against generalized families of decision trees, whose internal nodes are labeled by arbitrary parity functions (\(\XORDT\)), or conjunctions (\(\ANDDT\)), over subsets of the inputs bits. In the second part of this paper we consider the Boolean dual function \(\UBPMnstar\), which is obtained by flipping all the input and output bits (or formally, \(\UBPMnstar(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}) = 1-\UBPMn(1-x_{1,1}, \dots, 1-x_{n,n})\)). By construction, this is the indicator over all bipartite graphs whose *complement* does *not* contain a unique perfect matching. Our second result is a complete characterization of \(\UBPMnstar\) as a real multilinear polynomial. This description relies *heavily* on the that of \(\BPMnstar\)--which is the dual of the bipartite perfect matching function \(\BPMn\). The polynomial representation of the latter dual was obtained in a series of papers, and is omitted here for brevity. Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial\]](#thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_dual_polynomial"} expresses the coefficient of every graph \(G\) as an alternating sum over coefficients of \(\BPMnstar\), corresponding exactly to those graphs formed by adjoining a single perfect matching to \(G\). This suffices in order to *inherit* the main structural result of regarding \(\BPMnstar\): the \(\ell_1\)-norm of \(\UBPMnstar\), i.e., the norm of the coefficient vector of the representing polynomial, is *very small*--only exponential in \(\Theta(n \log n)\), and this is tight. The low norm of the dual yields algorithmic results for the unique-bipartite-matching problem, and for related matching problems. For instance, through the approximation scheme of, it allows one to obtain a low-degree polynomial *approximation* of the unique bipartite matching function over the hypercube (i.e., "approximate degree"), which holds even for *exponentially small* error. The same \(\ell_1\)-norm bound also directly extends to the spectral norm of \(\UBPMn\),[^3] which is a well-studied quantity in analysis of Boolean functions. Finally, we consider the two-party deterministic communication complexity of unique bipartite matching. The input is a graph \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\), whose edges are distributed among two parties according to *any* *arbitrary* and *fixed* partition. The sparse polynomial representation of \(\UBPMnstar\) allows us to deduce that the log-rank of the communication matrix, for *any* of the above communication tasks, is bounded by only \(\mathcal{O}(n \log n)\), and we prove that this is tight.[^4] We remark that, while we show that unique matching has low log-rank, not much is known regarding its *deterministic communication complexity*. For the monotone variant \(\BPMn\), known algorithms (e.g. ) can be translated into protocols using only \(\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^{\sfrac32})\) bits. However, it is currently not known how to convert algorithms for \(\UBPMn\) (such as ), into protocols using even \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2-\varepsilon})\) bits, for any \(\varepsilon > 0\). Determining the deterministic communication complexity of \(\UBPMn\) is thus left as an open problem. # The Unique Perfect Matching Polynomial Our main object of study is the unique bipartite matching function. The unique multilinear representation of \(\UBPMn\) is characterized in the following Theorem. ## Indicators on the Matching-Covered Lattice We remark that the proof of Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_poly\]](#thm:ubpm_poly){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_poly"} readily extends, through the same analysis using Möbius inversion, to any arbitrary *indicator function* over the matching-covered lattice. For any set \(S \subseteq \MCn\), let \(I_S: \{0,1\}^{n^2} \to \{0,1\}\) be the Boolean function \[\forall G \subseteq K_{n,n}:\ I_S(G) = \mathbbm{1}\left\{ H \in S \text{ where } H=\bigcup_{M \in \PM(G)}M \right\}\] Then, the multilinear polynomial representing \(I_S\) is given by \[I_S(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}) = \sum_{G \in \MCn} \left( (-1)^{\chi(G)} \sum_{H \in [\hat{0}, G] \cap S} (-1)^{\chi(H)+1} \right) \prod_{(i,j) \in E(G)} x_{i,j}\] ## Evasiveness and Generalized Decision Trees The characterization of \(\UBPMn\) as a multilinear polynomial can be used to derive several complexity-theoretic corollaries. Firstly, this polynomial has *full total degree over \(\mathbb{R}\)* and thus (see e.g. ): Let us remark that, contrary to its counterpart \(\BPMn\) which is a *monotone* bipartite graph property and thus known to be evasive, the *unique* matching function is *not monotone* and for such functions evasiveness is not guaranteed (see for one such example). Theorem [\[thm:ubpm_poly\]](#thm:ubpm_poly){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpm_poly"} can be also used to derive strong bounds (near evasiveness) versus larger classes of decision trees, for example trees whose internal nodes are labeled by arbitrary conjunctions of the input bits (hereafter \(\ANDDT\)), and by arbitrary parity functions (\(\XORDT\)). It is known that the depth of any \(\ANDDT\) computing a Boolean function \(f\) is at least \(\log_3{|\mon(f)|}\). Applying this to \(\UBPMn\) and recalling that asymptotically almost all balanced bipartite graphs are matching-covered (), we have: As for parity decision trees, it is well known that the depth of any such tree is bounded by the total degree of its unique representing polynomial, over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) (see ). Noting that \(\Per(G) \equiv \det(G) \pmod 2\), we may write the \(\mathbb{F}_2\)-polynomial representation of \(\UBPMn\) as follows \[\UBPMn\left(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}\right) = \sum_{\substack{G \in \MCn \\ \det(G) \equiv 1 \pmod 2}} \prod_{(i,j) \in E(G)} x_{i,j}\] Clearly this polynomial does not have full degree for any \(n > 1\), as \(\Per(K_{n,n})\) is \(n! \equiv 0 \pmod 2\)[^5]. Nevertheless, we claim that its \(\mathbb{F}_2\)-degree is at most a constant factor away from full. Observe that its monomials constitute precisely of all graphs that are both matching-covered, and whose biadjacency matrices are invertible over \(\mathbb{F}_2\), i.e., are elements of the group \(\GL_n(\mathbb{F}_2)\). However, asymptotically almost all graphs are matching-covered, and by a standard counting argument, the order of \(\GL_n(\mathbb{F}_2)\) satisfies \[\Pr_{A \sim M_{n}(\mathbb{F}_2)}[A \in \GL_n(\mathbb{F}_2)] = \left(\tfrac12; \tfrac12\right)_\infty \pm o_n(1)\] where \(\left(\tfrac12; \tfrac12\right)_\infty \approx 0.28878\) is a Pochhammer symbol. Thus by a standard Chernoff argument, there exists a matching-covered graph with odd determinant and at least \(\tfrac{1}2 n^2-o_n(1)\) edges. # The Dual Polynomial In this section we consider the Boolean dual function (Definition [\[defn:boolean_dual\]](#defn:boolean_dual){reference-type="ref" reference="defn:boolean_dual"}) of \(\UBPMn\). In what follows, we provide a full characterization of polynomial representing \(\UBPMnstar\). This description relies heavily on the that of another dual function--\(\BPMnstar\)--which is the dual of the bipartite perfect matching function \(\BPMn\) (which is defined identically to \(\UBPMn\), but without the *uniqueness* condition). The polynomial representation of \(\BPMnstar\) was obtained in a series of papers. Its monomials correspond to a family of graphs called "*totally ordered graphs*", and their coefficients are can be computed through a normal-form block decomposition of the aforementioned graphs. The full details are presented in, and are omitted here for brevity. In what follows, it suffices for us to denote \[\BPMnstar(x_{1,1}, \dots, x_{n,n}) = \sum_{G \subseteq K_{n,n}} a^\star_G \prod_{(i,j) \in E(G)} x_{i,j}\] Under this notation, our characterization of \(\UBPMnstar\) is the following. ## Corollary: The \(\ell_1\)-norm of \(\UBPMnstar\) One immediately corollary of Theorem [\[thm:ubpmnstar_poly\]](#thm:ubpmnstar_poly){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpmnstar_poly"} is the following fact: the multilinear polynomial representing \(\UBPMnstar\) has *very low \(\ell_1\)-norm*--i.e., it has few monomials, and the coefficient of every such monomial is not too large. A similar bound had previous been attained for \(\BPMnstar\) in, which we heavily rely on for our proof. # The Communication Rank of Unique Bipartite Matching {#sec:com_rank} ## Rank and Polynomial Representation The log-rank of a Boolean function is very closely related to its representation as a multilinear polynomial. This relationship is made very evident in the case of certain "lifted" functions: given a Boolean function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}\), one can define the following pair of functions \(f_\land, f_\oplus: \{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}\), where \[\forall x,y \in \{0,1\}^n: f_\land(x,y) = f(x \land y), \text{ and } f_\oplus(x,y) = f(x \oplus y)\] It is well known that the rank of the communication matrices \(M_{f_\land}\) and \(M_{f_\oplus}\) is *exactly characterized* by the *sparsity* (i.e., number of monomials) of the polynomials representing \(f\) in the \(\{0,1\}\)-basis and the \(\{\pm 1\}\)-basis (the Fourier basis), respectively. In other words, \[\begin{aligned} \quad\quad\quad\quad\rank (M_{f_\land}) &= \#\{\text{monomials in \(\{0,1\}\)-polynomial representing \(f\)}\} \\ \rank (M_{f_\oplus}) &= \#\{\text{monomials in \(\{-1,1\}\)-polynomial representing \(f\)}\} \end{aligned}\] The polynomial representation of a Boolean function \(f\) over the \(\{0,1\}\)-basis, or that of its dual \(f^\star\), can also be used to derive communication rank upper bounds for non-lifted functions. The following lemma gives such a bound for the communication task of \(f\), under *any* input partition. ## The Rank of Unique Bipartite Matching The log-rank of the unique bipartite matching function, ranging over all input partitions, is exactly characterized in the following Theorem.  \ Therefore, we have: \[\log_2 \rank \left(M_{\UBPM_n^{K_{A,R} \sqcup K_{B,R}}}\right) \ge \tfrac12 \log_2 |S|-1 = \tfrac14 n \log_2 n-\Theta(n)\] concluding the lower bound. As for the upper bound, it follows directly from Lemma [\[lemma:rank_upper_bound\]](#lemma:rank_upper_bound){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:rank_upper_bound"}, and from the characterization of Theorem [\[thm:ubpmnstar_poly\]](#thm:ubpmnstar_poly){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:ubpmnstar_poly"} (see Corollary [\[cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar\]](#cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:l1norm_ubpmnstar"}). ◻ The polynomial representations of a Boolean function \(f\) and its dual \(f^\star\) can differ substantially (for example \(\ANDn^\star = \ORn\), and while the former is represented by a single monomial, the latter consists of \(2^n-1\) monomials). However, since \(f\) and \(f^\star\) are obtained by affine transformations of one another, they share many properties. For example, their Fourier spectra are identical, up to sign. Moreover, they have the same approximate degree for any error \(\varepsilon\), and the ranks of their associated communication matrices (see proceeding subsections) are identical up to an additive constant (of \(1\)). ## Graphs We use the standard notation for quantities relating to graphs. A less common measure appearing in this paper is the cyclomatic number \(\chi(G)\), a topological quantity. A *matching* in a graph \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\) is a collection of edges sharing no vertices, and said matchings are called *perfect* if they contain exactly \(n\) edges (i.e., every vertex in the graph is incident to precisely one edge in the matching). The set of *all* perfect matchings denoted by \(\PM(G)\). For any graph \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\), we define the *permanent* \(\Per(G)\) and the *determinant* \(\det(G)\) as the application of these two functions to the biadjacency matrix of \(G\), noting that \(\Per(G)\) counts the number of perfect matchings in \(G\). Perfect matchings and the graphs formed by unions thereof play a central role in this paper. A graph \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\) is called **matching-covered** if and only if every edge of \(G\) participates in some perfect matching. Matching-covered graphs have interesting combinatorial properties. For example, this is precisely the family of all graphs admitting a bipartite ear decomposition (similar to the ear decomposition of 2-edge-connected graphs). This family had previously appeared extensively in the literature, and in particular had been studied at length by Lovász and Plummer, and by Hetyei. Hereafter, we denote the set of all such graphs by \[\MCn = \Big\{ G \subseteq K_{n,n}: G \text{ is matching-covered} \Big\}\] All graphs in this paper are *balanced bipartite graphs*, over the fixed vertex set of the complete bipartite graph \(K_{n,n}\). Consequently, we use the notation \(G \subseteq H\) to indicate inclusion over the edges, and similarly \(G \cup H\) is the graph whose edges are \(E(G) \cup E(H)\). Lastly, many of the Boolean functions appearing in this paper are defined over subgraphs of \(K_{n,n}\), where every input bit is associated with a single edge. For such functions, the notation \(f(G)\), where \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\), corresponds to this mapping. ## Communication Complexity In this paper we consider the *two-party deterministic communication model*. For a comprehensive textbook on the topic, we refer the reader to. The **deterministic communication complexity** of \(f\), hereafter \(\DCC(f)\), is the *least number of bits communicated by a protocol computing \(f\), on the worst-case input*. Any (*unpartitioned*) Boolean function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}\) naturally gives rise to a *family* of associated two-party communication tasks: one corresponding to each possible partition of the input bits between the two parties. The **deterministic communication complexity of a Boolean function** is then defined as follows. For any two-party Boolean function, let us also define the following two useful objects. The log of the rank of \(M_f\) *over the reals* (sometimes referred to as the "log-rank of \(f\)") is intimately related to the communication complexity of \(f\). A classical theorem due to Mehlhorn and Schmidt states that \(\DCC(f) \ge \log_2 \rank M_f\), and these two quantities are famously conjectured to be polynomially related. As for the fooling set, it is well known that \(\DCC(f) \ge \log_2 \fs(f)\) for any two-party function \(f\), where \(\fs(f)\) is the maximum size of a fooling set. This bound was extended by Dietzfelbinger, Hromkovič and Schnitger, who showed that in fact \(\log \fs (f) \le 2 \log \rank f + 2\). ## Posets, Lattices and Möbius Functions Partially ordered sets (hereafter, **posets**) are defined by a tuple \(\mathcal{P} = (P,\le)\), where \(P\) is the element set, and \(\le\) is the order relation (which is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive). For any two elements \(x,y \in P\), the notation \([x,y] \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \{ z \in P: x \le z \le y \}\) denotes the *interval* from \(x\) to \(y\). A *combinatorial lattice* is a poset satisfying two additional conditions: every two elements have a least upper bound (a "join"), and a greatest lower bound (a "meet"). The *face lattice of a polytope* is a combinatorial lattice whose elements correspond to the faces of a polytope, ordered by the subset relation. Such a lattice is *bounded*--it has a unique bottom element (the empty face \(\hat{0}\)), and a unique top element (the polytope itself), and it is also *graded*, meaning that the length of all maximal chains between any two elements \(x,y\) are identical (in other words, the elements can be *ranked*). Partially ordered sets come equipped with an important function known as the **Möbius function**. The Möbius function of a poset is the inverse, with respect to convolution, of its zeta function \(\zeta(x,y) = \mathbbm{1}\{x < y\}\). For information on incidence algebra and the Möbius function, we refer the reader to. The Möbius Inversion Formula allows one to relate two functions defined on a poset \(\mathcal{P}\), where one function is a downwards closed sum of another, by means of the Möbius function. This can be seen as a generalization of its number-theoretic analogue (as indeed the Möbius function of number theory arises in this manner from the *divisibility poset*). [^1]: We remark that the same construction also trivially extends to \(\UBMnk\); the *unique* \(k\)-matching function. [^2]: For the *unique* bipartite \(k\)-matching function \(\UBMnk\) one can obtain a slightly stronger log-rank bound by repeating the construction of Theorem [\[thm:rank_ubpm\]](#thm:rank_ubpm){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:rank_ubpm"} with \(k\)-matchings rather than perfect matchings, and by adding \(n-k\) isolated vertices. This yields a log-rank bound of \(\log_2 \left(\sfrac{k}{2} !\right) = \Theta(k \log k)\). [^3]: The spectra of any function and its dual are identical up to sign, and the \(\{0,1\}\)-polynomial \(\ell_1\)-norm is always trivially at least as large as the \(\{\pm1\}\)-representation ("Fourier") \(\ell_1\)-norm. [^4]: In fact, our results hold even for a certain *\(\land\)-lifted* and dualised version of this problem. [^5]: It is well known () that for any function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\), \(\deg_{2}(f) = n \iff |f^{-1}(1)| \equiv 1 \pmod 2\). Therefore we obtain that the number of graphs \(G \subseteq K_{n,n}\) containing a *unique perfect matching* is even, for any \(n>1\).
{'timestamp': '2022-04-22T02:25:49', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01071', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01071'}
# Introduction {#sec:introduction} **Motivation.** Guaranteed lower Dirichlet eigenvalue bounds (GLB) can be computed for the \(m\)-th Laplace operator from a global postprocessing of respective nonconforming finite element eigensolvers like the Crouzeix-Raviart resp. Morley finite element method (FEM) for \(m=1\) resp. \(m=2\). The maximal mesh-size \(h_{\max}\) enters as an explicit parameter and this can be non-effective for an imperative adaptive mesh-refinement. This has recently motivated the design of extra-stabilized nonconforming finite element eigensolvers for \(m=1,2\) that directly compute GLB under moderate mesh-size restrictions and allow an efficacious adaptive mesh-refinement. The striking superiority of those adaptive schemes has been displayed in numerical experiments in and motivates the mathematical analysis of optimal convergence rates in this paper. This appears to be the first method that combines the localization of eigenvalues as GLB with their efficient approximation.\ **Model problem.** The continuous eigenvalue problem (EVP) seeks eigenpairs \((\lambda, u) \in \mathbb{R}^+\times (V\setminus\{0\})\) with \[\begin{aligned} a(u,v)= \lambda\, b(u,v)\quad \text{for all } v\in V \label{eq:contEVP} \end{aligned}\] in the Hilbert space \(V:=H^{m}_0(\Omega)\) and its energy scalar product \(a(\bullet,\bullet):=(D^m\bullet, D^m\bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\) with the gradient \(D^1:=\nabla\) or the Hessian \(D^2\) and the \(L^2\) scalar product \(b(\bullet,\bullet):=(\bullet, \bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\) on a bounded polyhedral Lipschitz domain \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3\). The infinite but countably many eigenvalues \(0<\lambda_1\le\lambda_2\le\dots\) with \(\lim_{j\to \infty}\lambda_j=\infty\) in [\[eq:contEVP\]](#eq:contEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:contEVP"} are enumerated in ascending order counting multiplicities.\ **Discretization.** The discrete space \(\boldsymbol{V_h}\hspace{-.2em}= \hspace{-.2em}P_{m}(\mathcal{T})\hspace{-.1em}\times \hspace{-.1em}V({\mathcal{T}}) \hspace{-.2em}\subset\hspace{-.2em} P_{m}(\mathcal{T})\hspace{-.1em}\times\hspace{-.1em} P_{m}(\mathcal{T})\) consists of piecewise polynomials of degree at most \({m}\) on the shape-regular triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\) of \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3\) into closed tetrahedra. Throughout this paper, \(V(\mathcal{T})\) abbreviates the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element space \(\textit{CR}^1_0(\mathcal{T})\) for \(m=1\) and the Morley finite element space \(M(\mathcal{T})\) for \(m=2\). The algebraic eigenvalue problem seeks eigenpairs \((\lambda_h, \boldsymbol{u_h}) \in \mathbb{R}^+\times (\boldsymbol{V_h}\setminus\{0\})\) with \[\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{a_h}(\boldsymbol{u_h},\boldsymbol{v_h}) =\lambda_h \boldsymbol{b_h}(\boldsymbol{u_h},\boldsymbol{v_h})\quad\text{for all }\boldsymbol{v_h}\in\boldsymbol{V_h}. \label{eq:dis_EVP_alt} \end{aligned}\] The discrete scalar product \(\boldsymbol{a_h}\) contains the scalar product \(a_{\mathrm{pw}}(\bullet, \bullet):=(D^m_\mathrm{pw}\bullet,D^m_\mathrm{pw}\bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\) of the piecewise derivatives of order \(m\) and some stabilization with explicit (known) constant \(\kappa_m>0\) from, while the bilinear form \(\boldsymbol{b_h}\) is the \(L^2\) scalar product \(b(\bullet,\bullet)\) of the piecewise polynomial components, \[\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{a_h}(\boldsymbol{v_h},\boldsymbol{w_h})&=a_{\mathrm{pw}}(v_{\mathrm{nc}},w_{\mathrm{nc}}) +\kappa_{m}^{-2}(h_{\mathcal{T}}^{-2{m}}(v_{\mathrm{pw}}-v_{\mathrm{nc}}), w_{\mathrm{pw}}-w_{\mathrm{nc}})_{L^2(\Omega)},\\ \boldsymbol{b_h}(\boldsymbol{v_h},\boldsymbol{w_h})&=b(v_{\mathrm{pw}},w_{\mathrm{pw}}) \qquad\text{for all }\boldsymbol{v_h}=(v_{\mathrm{pw}},v_{\mathrm{nc}}),\, \boldsymbol{w_h}=(w_{\mathrm{pw}},w_{\mathrm{nc}})\in\boldsymbol{V_h}. \end{aligned}\] The piecewise constant mesh-size function \(h_{\mathcal{T}}\in P_0(\mathcal{T})\) has the value \(h_{\mathcal{T}}|_T=h_T:=\textup{diam}(T)\) in each tetrahedron \(T\in\mathcal{T}\) and \(h_{\max}:=\max_{T\in\mathcal{T}}h_T\) denotes the maximal mesh-size. The \(M:=\textup{dim}(P_m(\mathcal{T}))\) finite discrete eigenvalues of [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} are enumerated in ascending order \(0< \lambda_h(1)\le \lambda_h(2)\le\dots\le \lambda_h(M)<\infty\) counting multiplicity.\ **GLB.** For the biharmonic operator (\(m=2\)) the discrete eigenvalue problem [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} is analysed in. For the Laplace operator (\(m=1\)) in \(2\)D, [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} describes the lowest-order skeleton method in; for \(3\)D it is different and suggested in. The discrete eigenvalue problem [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} directly computes guaranteed lower bounds in that \[\begin{aligned} \min\{\lambda_h({k}),\lambda_k\} \kappa^2_m h_{\max}^{2{m}}\le 1 \quad\text{ implies } \quad\lambda_h({k})\le \lambda_{k} \quad\text{ for all }k=1,\dots, M. \label{eq:GLB_cond} \end{aligned}\] **AFEM.** The adaptive algorithm is based on the refinement indicator \(\eta(T)\) defined in [\[eq:def_eta\]](#eq:def_eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_eta"} below for any triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\) and any tetrahedron \(T\in\mathcal{T}\). Let \(\big(\lambda_h, \boldsymbol{u_h}\big)\in \mathbb{R}^+\times \boldsymbol{V_h}\) denote the \(k\)-th eigenpair of [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} with \(\lambda_h:=\lambda_h(k)\) and \(\boldsymbol{u_h}=(u_{\mathrm{pw}},u_{\mathrm{nc}})\in \boldsymbol{V_h}\). For any tetrahedron \(T\in\mathcal{T}\) with volume \(|T|\) and set of faces \(\mathcal{F}(T)\), the local estimator contribution \(\eta^2(T)=(\eta(T))^2\) reads \[\begin{aligned} \eta^2(T) = |T|^{2{m}/3}\Vert \lambda_h u_{\mathrm{nc}} \Vert^2_{L^2(T)} +|T|^{1/3}\sum_{F\in\mathcal{F}(T)}\Vert [{D}^{m}_{\mathrm{pw}} u_{\mathrm{nc}}]_F\times \nu_F\Vert^2_{L^2(F)} \label{eq:def_eta} \end{aligned}\] with the tangential components \([D^m_{\mathrm{pw}} u_{\mathrm{nc}}]_F\times \nu_F\) of the jump \([D^m_{\mathrm{pw}} u_{\mathrm{nc}}]_F\) along any face \(F\in\mathcal{F}(T)\) and the (piecewise) gradient \(D^1_{\mathrm{pw}}\hspace{-.2em}=\hspace{-.2em}\nabla_{\mathrm{pw}}\) (\({m}\hspace{-.2em}=\hspace{-.2em}1\)) or Hessian \(D^2_{\mathrm{pw}}\) (\({m\hspace{-.2em}}=\hspace{-.2em}2\)). Let \(\mathbb{T}:=\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T}_0)\) denote the set of all admissible regular triangulations computed by successive newest-vertex bisection (NVB) of a regular initial triangulation \(\mathcal{T}_0\) of \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3\). The AFEM algorithm with Dörfler marking and newest-vertex bisection abbreviates \(\eta_\ell(T)\) for any \(T\in\mathcal{T}:=\mathcal{T}_\ell\in\mathbb{T}\) and \(\eta_\ell^2:=\eta^2(\mathcal{T}_\ell):=\sum_{T\in\mathcal{T}_\ell}\eta_\ell^2(T)\). The selection of the set \(\mathcal{M}_\ell\) in the step Mark of with *minimal cardinality* is possible at linear cost. **Optimal convergence rates.** The optimal convergence rates of in the error estimator means that the outputs \((\mathcal{T}_\ell)_{\ell\in\mathbb{N}_0}\) and \((\eta_\ell)_{\ell\in\mathbb{N}_0}\) of satisfy \[\sup_{\ell\in\mathbb{N}_0} (1+\abs{\mathcal{T}_\ell}-\abs{\mathcal{T}_0})^s \eta_\ell \approx \sup_{N\in\mathbb{N}_0} (1+N)^s \min\{\eta(\mathcal{T}):\, \mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T} \text{ with } |\mathcal{T}|\le |\mathcal{T}_0|+ N\} \label{eq:Optimality}\] for any \(s>0\) and the counting measure \(\vert\bullet\vert=\textup{card}(\bullet)\). In other words, if the estimator \(\eta(\mathcal{T})\) converges with rate \(s>0\) for some optimal selection of triangulations \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), then the output \(\eta_\ell\) of converges with the same rate. At first glance the discrete problem [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} involves a stabilization that is expected to generate the additional term \(\kappa_m^{-2}|T|^{-2m/3}\Vert u_{\mathrm{pw}}-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert^2_{L^2(T)}\) in the error estimator [\[eq:def_eta\]](#eq:def_eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_eta"}. The negative power of the mesh-size in the latter term prevents a reduction property and has to be circumvented. The only other known affirmative result for optimal convergence rates of an adaptive algorithm with stabilization (and negative powers of the mesh-size in the discrete problem) is on discontinuous Galerkin (dG) schemes. An over-penalization therein diminishes the influence of the stabilization and eventually shows the dominance of the remaining a posteriori error terms. In the present case, the stabilization parameter \(\kappa_m\) is fixed to maintain the GLB property and this requires a different argument: Since [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} is equivalent to a rational eigenvalue problem for a nonconforming scheme, a careful perturbation analysis eventually shows efficiency and reliability of the nonconforming error estimator [\[eq:def_eta\]](#eq:def_eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_eta"} for sufficiently small mesh-sizes. The verification requires a medius analysis , which applies arguments from a posteriori error analysis (e.g., efficiency in [\[eq:ControlOfDeltaUh\]](#eq:ControlOfDeltaUh){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ControlOfDeltaUh"} below) in an a priori error analysis. **Outline.** The remaining parts of this paper are devoted to the proof of [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} and are organized as follows. A general interpolation operator \(I\) and a right-inverse \(J\) in [2](#sec:preliminaries){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:preliminaries"} allow for a simultaneous analysis for \(m=1\) and \(m=2\) in the Crouzeix-Raviart and Morley FEM. The medius analysis in [3](#sec:apriori){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:apriori"} provides new best-approximation results and thereby prepares the proof of [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} in [4](#sec:aposteriori){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:aposteriori"}--[5](#sec:optimality4evp){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:optimality4evp"}. The proof of the optimal convergence rates requires a framework extended from in [\[sec:Appendix\]](#sec:Appendix){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Appendix"}. \ The results hold in \(2\)D and \(3\)D and are presented in \(3\)D for brevity. # Preliminaries {#sec:preliminaries} This section summarizes abstract conditions [\[item:I_kappa\]](#item:I_kappa){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa"}--[\[item:I_kappa_disc\]](#item:I_kappa_disc){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa_disc"} on an interpolation operator \(I:V\to V(\mathcal{T})\) and [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} on a right inverse \(J:V(\mathcal{T})\to V\). The conditions hold for the Crouzeix-Raviart and the Morley finite element space in the two model examples for the Laplacian \({m}=1\) and the bi-Laplacian \({m}=2\). ## Notation {#sec:notations} Standard notation on Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces applies throughout this paper; \((\bullet,\bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\) abbreviates the \(L^2\) scalar product and \(H^{m}(T)\) abbreviates \(H^{m}(\textup{int}(T ))\) for a tetrahedron \(T\in\mathcal{T}\). The vector space \(H^{m}(\mathcal{T}):=\{v\in L^2(\Omega):\, v|_T\in H^{m}(T)\}\) consists of piecewise \(H^{m}\) functions and is equipped with the semi-norm \(\vvvert\bullet\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}^ :=(D^m_{\mathrm{pw}}\bullet,D^m_{\mathrm{pw}}\bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\). The piecewise gradient \(D^1_{\mathrm{pw}}\) or piecewise Hessian \(D^2_{\mathrm{pw}}\) is understood with respect to the (non-displayed) regular triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\) of the bounded polyhedral Lipschitz domain \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3\) into tetrahedra. The triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\) is computed by successive newest-vertex bisection (NVB) of a regular initial triangulation \(\mathcal{T}_0\) (plus some initialization of tagged tetrahedra) of \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3\). The set \(\mathbb{T}:=\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T}_0)\) of all admissible triangulations is (uniformly) shape-regular. For any \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), let \(\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T})\) abbreviate the set of all admissible refinements of \(\mathcal{T}\). For any \(0<\varepsilon<1\) let \(\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon):=\{\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}:\,h_{\max}:=\max_{T\in\mathcal{T}}h_T\le \varepsilon\}\) denote the set of all admissible triangulations with maximal mesh-size \(h_{\max}\le\varepsilon\). The context-depending notation \(|\bullet|\) denotes the Euclidean length of a vector, the cardinality of a finite set, as well as the non-trivial three-, two-, or one-dimensional Lebesgue measure of a subset of \(\mathbb{R}^3\). For any positive, piecewise polynomial \(\varrho\in P_k(\mathcal{T})\) with \(\varrho\ge 0\), \(k\in\mathbb{N}_0\), \((\bullet, \bullet)_\varrho:=(\varrho\bullet,\bullet)_{L^2(\Omega)}\) abbreviates the weighted \(L^2\) scalar product with induced \(\varrho\)-weighted \(L^2\) norm \(\Vert \bullet \Vert_\varrho:=\Vert \varrho^{1/2} \bullet\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\). The discrete space \(P_{m}(\mathcal{T}):=\{p_m \in L^2(\Omega):\, p_m|_T\in P_m(T) \text{ is a polynomial of degree at most } m\text{ for any }T\in\mathcal{T}\}\) consists of piecewise polynomials, the spaces \(\textit{CR}^1_0(\mathcal{T})\) resp. \(M(\mathcal{T})\) will be defined in [2.4.1](#sec:CR){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:CR"} resp. [2.4.2](#sec:Morley){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Morley"} below. Given a function \(v\in L^2(\omega)\), define the integral mean \(\Xint-_\omega v\,\textup{d}x:= 1/|\omega|\,\int_\omega v\,\textup{d}x\). The \(L^2\) projection \(\Pi_0\) onto the piecewise constant functions \(P_0(\mathcal{T})\) reads \((\Pi_0f)|_T:=\Xint-_T f\,\textup{d}x\) for all \(f\in L^2(\Omega)\) and \(T\in\mathcal{T}\). Let \(\sigma:=\min\{1,\sigma_{\mathrm{reg}}\}\) denote the minimum of one and the index of elliptic regularity \(\sigma_{\mathrm{reg}}>0\) for the source problem of the \(m\)-Laplacian \((-1)^m\Delta^m\) in \(H^m_0(\Omega)\): Given any right-hand side \(f\in L^2(\Omega)\), the weak solution \(u\in V\) to \((-1)^m\Delta^m u=f\) satisfies \[\begin{aligned} u\in H^{{m}+\sigma}(\Omega) \text{ and } \Vert u\Vert_{H^{m+\sigma}(\Omega)}\le C(\sigma)\Vert f\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}. \label{eq:def_sigma} \end{aligned}\] (This is well-established for \(m=1\) and \(m=2\) in \(2\)D with \(\sigma_{\mathrm{reg}}>1/2\) and otherwise a hypothesis throughout this paper.) The Sobolev space \(H^{m+s}(\Omega)\) is defined for \(0<s<1\) by complex interpolation of \(H^m(\Omega)\) and \(H^{m+1}(\Omega)\), \(m\in\mathbb{N}_0\). Throughout this paper, \(a \lesssim b\) abbreviates \(a\le Cb\) with a generic constant \(C\) depending on \(\sigma\) in [\[eq:def_sigma\]](#eq:def_sigma){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_sigma"} and the shape-regularity of \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\) only; \(a \approx b\) stands for \(a\lesssim b\lesssim a\). ## Interpolation {#sec:Interpolation} The operators \(I\) and \(J\) concern the (nonconforming) discrete space \({V(\mathcal{T})}\subset P_{m}(\mathcal{T})\) and \(V:=H^m_0(\Omega)\) for an admissible triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\). An advantage of separate interest is that the analysis with \(I\) and \(J\) is performed simultaneously for \(m\ge 1\), while the examples in Subsection [2.4](#sec:example){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example"} below concern \(m=1,2\). Suppose that, for each admissible triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), there exists a linear interpolation operator \(I\) onto \(V(\mathcal{T})\) that is defined on \(V+V(\widehat{\mathcal{T}})\) for any refinement \(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}\in\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T})\) and that satisfies the following properties with universal positive constants \(\kappa_{m}\) and \(\kappa_{d}\); in all examples below \(\kappa_{m}\) is known and the existence of \(\kappa_{d}\) is clarified. ## Conforming companion {#sec:Companion} Given any tetrahedron \(T\in\mathcal{T}\) in a triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), let \(\mathcal{V}(T)\) denote the set of its vertices (\(0\)-subsimplices) and let \(\mathcal{F}(T)\) denote the set of its faces (\(2\)-subsimplices). A linear operator \(J: {V(\mathcal{T})}\to V\) is called *conforming companion* if [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} hold with universal constants \(M_1,M_2,\,M_4\) (that exclusively depend on \(\mathbb{T}\)). 1. [\[item:J_rightInverse\]]{#item:J_rightInverse label="item:J_rightInverse"} \(J\) is a right inverse to the interpolation \(I\) in the sense that \(I\circ J =1 \text{ in } {V(\mathcal{T})}.\) 2. [\[item:J_approx\]]{#item:J_approx label="item:J_approx"} \(\displaystyle\Vert h_{\mathcal{T}}^{-{m}} (1-J)v_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} +\vvvert (1-J)v_{\mathrm{nc}}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} \le \Big(M_1 \sum_{T\in\mathcal{T}}|T|^{1/3}\sum_{F\in\mathcal{F}(T)}\Vert [D^m_{\mathrm{pw}} v_{\mathrm{nc}}]_F\times\nu_F\Vert^2_{L^2(F)}\Big)^{1/2}\) \(\\ \le {M_2} \min_{v\in V}\vvvert v_{\mathrm{nc}}-v\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}\) for any \(v_{\mathrm{nc}}\in V(\mathcal{T})\). 3. [\[item:J_orthogonality\]]{#item:J_orthogonality label="item:J_orthogonality"} \(\displaystyle(1-J)(V(\mathcal{T}))\perp P_{m}(\mathcal{T})\) holds in \(L^2(\Omega)\). 4. [\[item:J_T\_That\]]{#item:J_T_That label="item:J_T_That"} \(\displaystyle\vert v_{\mathrm{nc}}-Jv_{\mathrm{nc}}\vert_{H^m(K)}^2 \le {M_4} \sum_{T\in \mathcal{T}(\Omega(K))}|T|^{1/3} \sum_{F\in\mathcal{F}(T)}\Vert [D^{m}_{\mathrm{pw}} v_{\mathrm{nc}}]_F\times \nu_F\Vert_{L^2(F)}^2\) holds for any \(v_{\mathrm{nc}}\in V(\mathcal{T})\) and \(K\in\mathcal{T}\) with the set \(\mathcal{T}(\Omega(K)):=\{T\in\mathcal{T}: \mathrm{dist}(T,K)=0\}\) of adjacent tetrahedra. The properties [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} are stated for convenient quotation throughout this paper. The localized version [\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} applies at the very end (in [\[thm:A34EVP\]](#thm:A34EVP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:A34EVP"}) and implies parts of [\[item:J_approx\]](#item:J_approx){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_approx"}. The second inequality in [\[item:J_approx\]](#item:J_approx){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_approx"} is the efficiency of a posteriori error estimators. ## Examples {#sec:example} Two examples for \(V(\mathcal{T})\subset P_m(\mathcal{T})\) are analysed simultaneously in this paper for \(m=1,2\). It is appealing to follow our methodology for \(m\ge 3\) in future research. ### Crouzeix-Raviart finite elements for the Laplacian (\(\boldsymbol{m=1}\)) {#sec:CR} Given the shape-regular triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), let \(\mathcal{F}\) (resp. \(\mathcal{F}(\Omega)\) or \(\mathcal{F}(\partial\Omega)\)) denote the set of all (resp. interior or boundary) faces. Throughout this paper, the model problem with \({m}=1\) approximates the Dirichlet eigenvectors \(u\in H^1_0(\Omega)\) of the Laplacian \(-\Delta u=\lambda u\) in the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element space \[\begin{aligned} V(\mathcal{T}):=\textit{CR}^1_0(\mathcal{T}) :=\{v\in P_1(\mathcal{T}):\ &v \text{ is continuous at }\textup{mid}(F)\text{ for all }F\in\mathcal{F}(\Omega) \text{ and }\\&v(\textup{mid}(F))=0\text{ for all }F\in\mathcal{F}(\partial\Omega) \}. \end{aligned}\] Given the face-oriented basis functions \(\psi_{F}\in \textit{CR}^1(\mathcal{T})\) with \(\psi_F(\textup{mid}(E))=\delta_{EF}\) for all faces \(E,F\in\mathcal{F}\) (\(\delta_{EF}\) is Kronecker's delta), the standard interpolation operator reads \[I_{\text{CR}}(v):=\sum_{F\in\mathcal{F}(\Omega)}\bigg(\Xint-_F v\,\textup{d}\sigma\bigg)\psi_F\quad\text{ for any } v\in H^1_0(\Omega)+\textit{CR}^1_0(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}).\] The interpolation operator \(I_{\text{CR}}\) satisfies [\[item:I_kappa\]](#item:I_kappa){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa"}--[\[item:I_kappa_disc\]](#item:I_kappa_disc){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa_disc"} with \(\kappa_1:=\sqrt{{1}/{\pi^2}+{1}/{120}}\), see and the references therein. The constant \(\kappa_1\) is provided in. The design of the conforming companion \(J:\textit{CR}^1_0(\mathcal{T})\to S^{5}_0(\mathcal{T}):=P_{5}(\mathcal{T})\cap C_0(\Omega)\) with [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} is a straightforward generalization of to \(3\)D. The arguments in can be localized and lead with, to [\[item:J_approx\]](#item:J_approx){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_approx"} and [\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"}. ### Morley finite elements for the bi-Laplacian (\(\boldsymbol{m=2}\)) {#sec:Morley} Given the shape-regular triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}\), let \(\mathcal{E}\) (resp. \(\mathcal{E}(\Omega)\) or \(\mathcal{E}(\partial\Omega)\)) denote the set of all (resp. interior or boundary) edges. Let \(\mathcal{F}(E):=\{F\in\mathcal{F}:\, E\subset \overline{F}\}\) denote the set of all faces containing the edge \(E\in\mathcal{E}\). For any face \(F\in \mathcal{F}\), let \(\nu_F\) denote the unit normal with fixed orientation and \([\bullet]_F\) the jump across \(F\). The model problem with \({m}=2\) approximates the Dirichlet eigenvectors \(u\in H^2_0(\Omega)\) of the bi-Laplacian \(\Delta^2 u=\lambda u\) in the discrete Morley finite element space \[\begin{aligned} V(\mathcal{T}):={M}(\mathcal{T}):=\Big\{v\in P_2(\mathcal{T}):\ & \Xint-_E [v]_F\,\textup{d}s=0\text{ for all }E\in\mathcal{E}\text{ and }F\in\mathcal{F}(E) \text{, }\\&\text{and } \Xint-_F [\nabla v]_F\cdot\nu_F\,\textup{d}\sigma=0 \text{ for all }F\in\mathcal{F} \Big\}. \end{aligned}\] Given the nodal basis functions \(\Phi_E,\Phi_F\) for any \(E\in\mathcal{E}\) and \(F\in \mathcal{F}\) (see for details), the standard interpolation operator reads \[I_M(v):=\sum_{E\in\mathcal{E}(\Omega)}\bigg(\Xint-_E v\,\textup{d}s\bigg)\phi_E +\sum_{F\in\mathcal{F}(\Omega)}\bigg(\Xint-_F\nabla v\cdot\nu_F\,\textup{d}\sigma\bigg) \phi_F \quad\text{ for any } v\in H^2_0(\Omega)+M(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}).\] The operator \(I_M\) satisfies [\[item:I_kappa\]](#item:I_kappa){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa"}--[\[item:I_kappa_disc\]](#item:I_kappa_disc){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa_disc"} with \(\kappa_2:={\kappa_{1}}/{\pi}+\sqrt{({3\kappa_{1}^2+2\kappa_{1} })/80}\) as discussed in; \(\kappa_2\) is provided in. There exists a conforming companion \(J:M(\mathcal{T})\to V\) based on the Hsieh-Clough-Tocher FEM with [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} in in \(2\)D and on the Worsey-Farin FEM with [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_orthogonality\]](#item:J_orthogonality){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_orthogonality"} in in \(3\)D. Since the arguments in the proof of [\[item:J_approx\]](#item:J_approx){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_approx"} in are local, [\[item:J_T\_That\]](#item:J_T_That){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_T_That"} follows in \(3\)D as well. # Medius analysis {#sec:apriori} This section shows that [\[item:I_kappa\]](#item:I_kappa){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa"}--[\[item:I_Pi0\]](#item:I_Pi0){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_Pi0"} and [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_orthogonality\]](#item:J_orthogonality){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_orthogonality"} lead to best-approximation and error estimates in weaker Sobolev norms. ## Main result and layout of the proof {#sec:apriori_thm} Throughout this paper, \(k\in\mathbb{N}\) is the number of a *simple* exact eigenvalue \(\lambda\equiv\lambda_k\). The aim of this section is the proof of [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"} with \(\Vert\bullet\Vert_{\delta}\) defined in [\[eq:def_delta\]](#eq:def_delta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_delta"} below. Some comments on related results and an outline of the proof of [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"} are in order before Subsections [3.2](#sec:IntermediateEVP){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:IntermediateEVP"}--[3.5](#sec:BestApproxFinish){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:BestApproxFinish"} provide details. The convergence analysis in displays convergence of the eigenvector \(u_{\mathrm{pw}}\in P_m(\mathcal{T})\) but not for the nonconforming component \(u_{\mathrm{nc}}\in V(\mathcal{T})\). This section focusses on the convergence analysis for \(u_{\mathrm{nc}}\in V(\mathcal{T})\). Recall that \(k\in\mathbb{N}\) is fixed and \((\lambda, u)\) denotes the \(k\)-th eigenpair of [\[eq:contEVP\]](#eq:contEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:contEVP"} with a simple eigenvalue \(\lambda\equiv\lambda_k>0\) and \(\Vert u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}=1\). Set \(\varepsilon_1:=\min\{\varepsilon_0, (2\lambda_{k+1}\kappa_m^2)^{-1/(2m)}\}\) and suppose \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_1)\). Let \((\lambda_h,\boldsymbol{u_h})\) denote the \(k\)-th discrete eigenpair in [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} with \(\lambda_h\equiv\lambda_h(k)>0\), \(\boldsymbol{u_h}=(u_{\mathrm{pw}},u_{\mathrm{nc}})\in\boldsymbol{V_h}\), \(\Vert u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}=1\), and \(b(u,u_{\mathrm{nc}})\ge 0\). **Outline of the proof of [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}.[\[item:BoundInterpolationError\]](#item:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="item:BoundInterpolationError"}.** The outline of the proof of [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}.[\[item:BoundInterpolationError\]](#item:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="item:BoundInterpolationError"} provides an overview and clarifies the various steps for a reduction of \(\varepsilon_1\) to \(\varepsilon_5\), before the technical details follow in the subsequent subsections. The coefficient \((1-\lambda_h\kappa_m^2h_{\mathcal{T}}^{2m})^{-1}=1+\delta\in P_0(\mathcal{T})\) with \(\lambda_h\equiv\lambda_h({k})\) on the right-hand side of [\[eq:disEVP\]](#eq:disEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP"} is frozen in the intermediate EVP. Since \(\lambda_h\) is an eigenvalue of the rational problem [\[eq:disEVP\]](#eq:disEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP"}, \(\lambda_h\in \{\mu_1,\dots,\mu_N\}\) belongs to the eigenvalues of [\[eq:disEVP_intermediate\]](#eq:disEVP_intermediate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP_intermediate"}. [\[lem:mu_is_fine\]](#lem:mu_is_fine){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:mu_is_fine"} below guarantees the convergence \(|\mu_j-\lambda_h(j)|\to 0\) as \(h_{\max}\to 0\) for \(j =1,\dots,k+1\). Hence there exist positive \(\varepsilon_2\le\min\{1/2,\varepsilon_1\}\) and \(M_6\) such that \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_2)\) implies 1. [\[item:H1\]]{#item:H1 label="item:H1"} \(\ \ \mu_k=\lambda_h(k)\) is a simple algebraic eigenvalue of [\[eq:disEVP_intermediate\]](#eq:disEVP_intermediate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP_intermediate"}, 2. [\[item:H2\]]{#item:H2 label="item:H2"} \(\displaystyle \max_{\substack{j=1,\dots, N\\ j\not =k}}\frac{\lambda_k}{|\lambda_k-\mu_j|}\le M_6\). The intermediate EVP and the following associated source problem allow for the control of the extra-stabilization. For any \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_2)\), [3.3](#sec:IntermediateSource){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:IntermediateSource"} below provides \(C_1,C_2>0\) that satisfy \[\begin{aligned} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}&\le C_1 \Vert u-z_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}, \label{eq:u_zCR_L2}\\ C_2^{-1}\Vert u-z_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} &\le h_{\max}^{\sigma}\vvvert u-z_{\mathrm{nc}}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}+\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}. \label{eq:u_zCR_energy} \end{aligned}\] The proof of [\[eq:u_zCR_L2\]](#eq:u_zCR_L2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_L2"} in [3.3](#sec:IntermediateSource){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:IntermediateSource"} extends . The proof of [\[eq:u_zCR_energy\]](#eq:u_zCR_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_energy"} utilizes another continuous source problem with the right-hand side \(u-Jz_{\mathrm{nc}}\). For all \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_2)\), [3.4](#sec:IntermediateContSource){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:IntermediateContSource"} below provides a constant \(C_3>0\) such that \[\begin{aligned} C_3^{-1}\vvvert u-z_{\mathrm{nc}}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}\le \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} +\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}. \label{eq:u_Iu_Energy} \end{aligned}\] The proof of [\[eq:u_Iu_Energy\]](#eq:u_Iu_Energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_Iu_Energy"} below rests upon a decomposition of \(\vvvert u-z_{\mathrm{nc}}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}^2\) into terms controlled by the conditions [\[item:I_kappa\]](#item:I_kappa){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_kappa"}--[\[item:I_Pi0\]](#item:I_Pi0){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_Pi0"} and [\[item:J_rightInverse\]](#item:J_rightInverse){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_rightInverse"}--[\[item:J_orthogonality\]](#item:J_orthogonality){reference-type="ref" reference="item:J_orthogonality"}. Since \(h_{\max}\le 1\), the combination of [\[eq:u_zCR_L2\]](#eq:u_zCR_L2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_L2"}--[\[eq:u_Iu_Energy\]](#eq:u_Iu_Energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_Iu_Energy"} reads \[\begin{aligned} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le C_1C_2\big(C_3h_{\max}^\sigma \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}+(1+C_3) \Vert \delta\lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\big). \label{eq:proof_L2error_collection} \end{aligned}\] The control of \(\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\) on the right-hand side of [\[eq:proof_L2error_collection\]](#eq:proof_L2error_collection){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:proof_L2error_collection"} consists of two steps and leads to \(c_1:=2\lambda^2\kappa_m^2 C_1C_2(1+C_3)\) and \(\varepsilon_3:=\min\{\varepsilon_2,(2c_1)^{-1/2m}\}\). A triangle inequality \(\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le \Vert \delta \lambda (u-u_{\mathrm{nc}})\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}+\Vert \delta \lambda u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\), the estimate \(\delta\le 2\lambda\kappa_m^2 h_{\max}^{2m}\) in [\[rem:delta\]](#rem:delta){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:delta"}, and [\[eq:proof_L2error_collection\]](#eq:proof_L2error_collection){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:proof_L2error_collection"} imply \[\begin{aligned} \Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le \frac{c_1C_3h_{\max}^{2m}}{1+C_3}h_{\max}^{\sigma} \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} +c_1h_{\max}^{2m}\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} +\Vert \delta \lambda u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}. \end{aligned}\] The choice of \(\varepsilon_3\) shows \(c_1h_{\max}^{2m}\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\le \Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}/2\) for any \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_3)\). Therefore \[\begin{aligned} \Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\le C_3/(1+C_3) h_{\max}^\sigma \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} +2\Vert \delta \lambda u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}.\label{eq:delta_uh_2} \end{aligned}\] Notice that \(\Vert \delta u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le 2\lambda\kappa_m^2 h_{\max}^m \Vert h_{\mathcal{T}}^{m} u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\) (from [\[rem:delta\]](#rem:delta){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:delta"}) allows for the application of an efficiency estimate \[\begin{aligned} C_4^{-1} \Vert h_{\mathcal{T}}^{m} u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le h_{\max}^{m}\Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}+\lambda^{-1} \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} \label{eq:ControlOfDeltaUh} \end{aligned}\] based on Verführt's bubble-function methodology; see [3.4](#sec:IntermediateContSource){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:IntermediateContSource"} for the proof of [\[eq:ControlOfDeltaUh\]](#eq:ControlOfDeltaUh){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ControlOfDeltaUh"}. Abbreviate \(c_2:=4\lambda^2\kappa_m^2 C_1C_2(1+C_3)C_4\) and \(C_5:=2{C_1C_2}\big(2C_3+4\lambda \kappa_m^2 (1+C_3)C_4\big)\). The combination of [\[eq:delta_uh_2\]](#eq:delta_uh_2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:delta_uh_2"}--[\[eq:ControlOfDeltaUh\]](#eq:ControlOfDeltaUh){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ControlOfDeltaUh"} controls \(\Vert \delta \lambda u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\) in [\[eq:proof_L2error_collection\]](#eq:proof_L2error_collection){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:proof_L2error_collection"} and shows \[\begin{aligned} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)} \le \frac{C_5}{2} h_{\max}^\sigma \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}} +c_2h_{\max}^{2m} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}. \label{eq:towards_L2errorEnergyError} \end{aligned}\] The choice \(\varepsilon_4:=\min\{\varepsilon_3, (2c_2)^{-1/2m}\}<1\) shows \(c_2h_{\max}^{2m} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\le \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}/2\) for \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_4)\). This and [\[eq:towards_L2errorEnergyError\]](#eq:towards_L2errorEnergyError){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:towards_L2errorEnergyError"} show the central estimate in [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}.[\[item:BoundInterpolationError\]](#item:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="item:BoundInterpolationError"} \[\begin{aligned} \Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\le C_5 h_{\max}^{\sigma } \vvvert u-Iu\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}. \label{eq:L2errorEnergyError} \end{aligned}\] Note that [\[eq:L2errorEnergyError\]](#eq:L2errorEnergyError){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:L2errorEnergyError"} and [\[item:I_Pi0\]](#item:I_Pi0){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_Pi0"} imply the convergence \(\Vert u-u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}\to 0\) as \(h_{\max}\to 0\). This and some \(\varepsilon_5\le\varepsilon_4\) ensures \(b(u,u_{\mathrm{nc}})>0\) for all \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_5)\). Based on this outline, it remains to prove [\[eq:u_zCR_L2\]](#eq:u_zCR_L2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_L2"}--[\[eq:u_Iu_Energy\]](#eq:u_Iu_Energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_Iu_Energy"}, [\[eq:ControlOfDeltaUh\]](#eq:ControlOfDeltaUh){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ControlOfDeltaUh"}, and [\[eq:L2errorEnergyError\]](#eq:L2errorEnergyError){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:L2errorEnergyError"} and to identify \(C_0,\dots, C_4\) below. The remaining estimates in [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}.[\[item:BoundInterpolationError\]](#item:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="item:BoundInterpolationError"} follow in [3.5](#sec:BestApproxFinish){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:BestApproxFinish"}. ## Intermediate EVP {#sec:IntermediateEVP} Recall \(\varepsilon_1:=\min\{\varepsilon_0, (2\lambda_{k+1}\kappa_m^2)^{-1/(2m)}\}\) and that \((\lambda_h,\boldsymbol{u_h})\) denotes the \({k}\)-th eigenpair of [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"} with \(\lambda_h\equiv\lambda_h(k)>0\), \(\boldsymbol{u_h}=(u_{\mathrm{pw}},u_{\mathrm{nc}})\in\boldsymbol{V_h}\), \(\Vert u_{\mathrm{nc}}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}=1\), and \(b(u,u_{\mathrm{nc}})\ge 0\). Recall the intermediate EVP [\[eq:disEVP_intermediate\]](#eq:disEVP_intermediate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP_intermediate"} and that \((\lambda_h,u_{\mathrm{nc}})\in\mathbb{R}^+\times V(\mathcal{T})\) solves the rational EVP [\[eq:disEVP\]](#eq:disEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:disEVP"}. The subsequent corollaries adapt the notation \(\mu_j,\, \lambda_h(j), \, \lambda_j\) from [\[lem:mu_is_fine\]](#lem:mu_is_fine){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:mu_is_fine"}. ## Proof of [\[eq:u_zCR_L2\]](#eq:u_zCR_L2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_L2"}--[\[eq:u_zCR_energy\]](#eq:u_zCR_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_zCR_energy"} for the \(L^2\) error control {#sec:IntermediateSource} Recall \(M_6\) from [\[item:H2\]](#item:H2){reference-type="ref" reference="item:H2"}, \(\delta\) from [\[rem:delta\]](#rem:delta){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:delta"}, the norm equivalence from [\[rem:Normequivalence\]](#rem:Normequivalence){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:Normequivalence"}, and the auxiliary source problem [\[eq:def_zCR\]](#eq:def_zCR){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_zCR"}. ## Proof of [\[eq:u_Iu_Energy\]](#eq:u_Iu_Energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_Iu_Energy"} and [\[eq:ControlOfDeltaUh\]](#eq:ControlOfDeltaUh){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ControlOfDeltaUh"} for the energy error control {#sec:IntermediateContSource} Recall \(\delta\) from [\[rem:delta\]](#rem:delta){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:delta"} and that \(z_{\mathrm{nc}}\in V({\mathcal{T}})\) solves [\[eq:def_zCR\]](#eq:def_zCR){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_zCR"}. ## Proof of [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}.[\[item:BoundInterpolationError\]](#item:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="item:BoundInterpolationError"} {#sec:BestApproxFinish} Recall \(0<\varepsilon_5\le\varepsilon_4\) such that \(b(u,u_{\mathrm{nc}})>0\) for any \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_5)\). # Optimal convergence rates {#sec:aposteriori} This section verifies some general axioms of adaptivity sufficient for optimal rates for and prepares the conclusion of the proof of [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} in [5](#sec:optimality4evp){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:optimality4evp"}. ## Stability and reduction {#sec:A1-A2} The \(2\)-level notation of [1](#tab:2level){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:2level"} concerns one coarse triangulation \(\mathcal{T}\in \mathbb{T}\) and one fine triangulation \(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}\in\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T})\). Let \((\lambda,u)\in \mathbb{R}^+\times V\) denote the \({k}\)-th continuous eigenpair of [\[eq:contEVP\]](#eq:contEVP){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:contEVP"} with a *simple* eigenvalue \(\lambda\equiv\lambda_k\) and the normalization \(\Vert u\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}=1\). Choose \(\varepsilon_5>0\) as in [\[thm:BoundInterpolationError\]](#thm:BoundInterpolationError){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:BoundInterpolationError"}, suppose \(\mathcal{T}\in\mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_5)\), and let \(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}\in\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{T})\) be any admissible refinement of \(\mathcal{T}\). ## Towards discrete reliability {#sec:proofofA3} Given the \(2\)-level notation of [\[def:2-level\]](#def:2-level){reference-type="ref" reference="def:2-level"} with respect to \(\mathcal{T}\) and \(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}\), let \(\mathcal{R}_1:=\{K\in\mathcal{T}:\,\exists\, T\in \mathcal{T}\setminus\widehat{\mathcal{T}} \text{ with } \textup{dist}(K,T)=0\} \subset\mathcal{T}\) denote the set of coarse but not fine tetrahedra plus one layer of coarse tetrahedra around. [\[lem:TowardsDisRel\]](#lem:TowardsDisRel){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:TowardsDisRel"}--[\[lem:delta_control\]](#lem:delta_control){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:delta_control"} prepare the proof of the discrete reliability in [\[thm:A34EVP\]](#thm:A34EVP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:A34EVP"} below. Let \(\widehat{I}:V+V(\widehat{\mathcal{T}})\to V(\widehat{\mathcal{T}})\) denote the interpolation operator on the fine level of \(\widehat{\mathcal{T}}\) so that [\[item:I_identity\]](#item:I_identity){reference-type="ref" reference="item:I_identity"} and a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality show, for any \(v\in V+V(\widehat{\mathcal{T}})\) and any \(w\in V+V({\mathcal{T}})+V(\widehat{\mathcal{T}})\), that \[\begin{aligned} \begin{split} \vert b( (I-\widehat{I})v,w)\vert\le &\Vert (I-\widehat{I})v\Vert_{L^2(\mathcal{T}\setminus\widehat{\mathcal{T}})} \Vert w\Vert_{L^2(\mathcal{T}\setminus\widehat{\mathcal{T}})},\\ \vert a_{\mathrm{pw}}((I-\widehat{I})v,w)\vert \le& \Vert D^{m}_{\mathrm{pw}} (I-\widehat{I})v\Vert_{L^2(\mathcal{T}\setminus\widehat{\mathcal{T}})} \Vert D^{m}_{\mathrm{pw}}w\Vert_{L^2(\mathcal{T}\setminus\widehat{\mathcal{T}})}.\end{split} \label{eq:I-hatI_CS} \end{aligned}\] ### Reliability and efficiency A first consequence of [\[lem:TowardsDisRel\]](#lem:TowardsDisRel){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:TowardsDisRel"} is the reliability of the error estimator \(\eta(\mathcal{T})\) from [\[eq:def_eta\]](#eq:def_eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:def_eta"}. ### Discrete reliability ## Quasiorthogonality {#sec:proofofA4} The quasiorthogonality in [\[thm:A44EVP\]](#thm:A44EVP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:A44EVP"} below concerns the outcome \((\mathcal{T}_j)_{j\in\mathbb{N}_0}\) of . Let \(u_j\in V(\mathcal{T}_j)\) abbreviate the nonconforming component of the discrete solution \(\boldsymbol{u}_j=(u_{\mathrm{pw}}, u_\mathrm{nc})=:(u_{\mathrm{pw}}, u_j)\in P_m(\mathcal{T}_j)\times V(\mathcal{T}_j)\) and \(\lambda_{j}(k)\le\lambda\) the associated eigenvalue from on the level \(j\in\mathbb{N}_0\). Recall the distance \[\delta^2(\mathcal{T}_j,\mathcal{T}_{j+1})=\Vert \lambda_j(k)u_j-\lambda_{j+1}(k)u_{j+1}\Vert_{L^2(\Omega)}^2+\vvvert u_j-u_{j+1}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}^2\] for the triangulations \(\mathcal{T}_j\) and \(\mathcal{T}_{j+1}\). Set \(h_0:=\max_{T\in\mathcal{T}_0}h_T\) and recall \(\varepsilon_6>0\) from [\[thm:reliabilty+efficiency\]](#thm:reliabilty+efficiency){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:reliabilty+efficiency"}. The following [\[lem:towardsQuasiOptimality\]](#lem:towardsQuasiOptimality){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:towardsQuasiOptimality"} in the \(2\)-level notation of [\[def:2-level\]](#def:2-level){reference-type="ref" reference="def:2-level"} prepares the proof of [\[thm:A44EVP\]](#thm:A44EVP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:A44EVP"} below. # Conclusion and comments {#sec:optimality4evp} ## Proof of [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} The proven properties [\[A1Stability\]](#A1Stability){reference-type="ref" reference="A1Stability"}--[\[A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality\]](#A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality){reference-type="ref" reference="A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality"} are the axioms of adaptivity in and known to imply [\[eq:Optimality\]](#eq:Optimality){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Optimality"}. Compared to the discrete reliability in [\[thm:A34EVP\]](#thm:A34EVP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:A34EVP"} is extended in that [\[A3DiscreteReliabilty_new\]](#A3DiscreteReliabilty_new){reference-type="ref" reference="A3DiscreteReliabilty_new"} includes the additional term \(M_3 h_{\max}^{2\sigma}\eta^2(\mathcal{T})\). Minor modifications of the arguments in prove that [\[A1Stability\]](#A1Stability){reference-type="ref" reference="A1Stability"}--[\[A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality\]](#A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality){reference-type="ref" reference="A4epsilon_Quasiothogonality"} imply [\[eq:Optimality\]](#eq:Optimality){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Optimality"}. This is stated and proven as [\[thm:Optimality\]](#thm:Optimality){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality"} in [\[sec:Appendix\]](#sec:Appendix){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Appendix"} for some \(\varepsilon:=\varepsilon_7\le \varepsilon_6\). \(\Box\) ## Optimal convergence rates of the error The reliability and efficiency in [\[thm:reliabilty+efficiency\]](#thm:reliabilty+efficiency){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:reliabilty+efficiency"} provide the equivalence \(\vvvert u-u_{\ell}\vvvert_{\mathrm{pw}}\approx \eta_\ell(\mathcal{T}_\ell)\). This and [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} lead to optimal convergence rates for the error as well. ## Global convergence {#sec:modifiedAlgo} This paper on the asymptotic convergence rates justifies that a small initial mesh-size guarantees the asymptotic convergence from the beginning. Although the reasons are presented in several steps for \(\varepsilon_0, \dots,\varepsilon_7\), the computation of \(\varepsilon_7\) may be cumbersome and a huge overestimation in practice. To guarantee global convergence without a priori knowledge of \(\varepsilon_7\), we may modify the marking step in as follows: Enlarge the set \(\mathcal{M}_\ell\) in by one tetrahedron of maximal mesh-size in \(\mathcal{T}_\ell\). This guarantees that the maximal mesh-size tends to zero as the level \(\ell\to\infty\). Consequently there exists some \(L\in\mathbb{N}\) such that \(\mathcal{T}_\ell \in \mathbb{T}(\varepsilon_7)\) for all \(\ell=L,L+1,L+2,\dots\) Relabel \(\mathcal{T}_L\) by \(\mathcal{T}_0\) so that [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} leads to optimal convergence rates for \(\eta_L,\eta_{L+1},\eta_{L+2},\dots\), whence for the entire outcome of the adaptive algorithm. However, the constant in the overhead control depends on \(\mathcal{T}_L\) and this possibly enlarges the equivalence constants in [\[eq:Optimality\]](#eq:Optimality){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Optimality"}. ## Numerical experiments Numerical experiments in show an asymptotic convergences of with \(\theta=0.5\) even for coarse initial triangulation and confirm the optimal convergence rates of [\[thm:Optimality4GLB\]](#thm:Optimality4GLB){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:Optimality4GLB"} even for one example with a multiple eigenvalue. The extension to eigenvalue clusters requires an algorithm from . This paper assumes *exact solve* of the algebraic eigenvalue problem [\[eq:dis_EVP_alt\]](#eq:dis_EVP_alt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dis_EVP_alt"}, but perturbation results in numerical linear algebra can be included as in.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:24:28', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01028', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01028'}
# Introduction {#sec:intro} A group \(G\) *algebraically fibres* if there is an epimorphism \(G \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}\) with finitely generated kernel, and a manifold *algebraically fibres* if its fundamental group algebraically fibres. Let \(F \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow S^1\) be a topological fibration of a manifold \(M\) with connected fibre \(F\). Then the low-dimensional terms of the long exact sequence of homotopy groups give \[\begin{tikzcd} \pi_2(S^1) \arrow[d, equal] \arrow[r] & \pi_1(F) \arrow[d, equal] \arrow[r] & \pi_1(M) \arrow[d, equal] \arrow[r] & \pi_1(S^1) \arrow[d, "\cong", no head] \arrow[r] & \pi_0(F) \arrow[d, equal] \\ 1 \arrow[r] & \pi_1(F) \arrow[r] & \pi_1(M) \arrow[r] & \mathbb{Z} \arrow[r] & 1 \nospacepunct{,} \end{tikzcd}\] so algebraic fibrations can be viewed as weaker versions of fibrations over the circle, provided \(\pi_1(F)\) is finitely generated. In some cases, one can deduce the existence of a topological fibration from the existence of an algebraic fibration. For instance, Stallings showed that if \(G\) is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed \(3\)-manifold \(M\) and there is an algebraic fibration \(G \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}\), then it is induced by a fibration \(M \longrightarrow S^1\). When \(M\) is a smooth manifold of dimension \(\geqslant 6\) and \(\pi_1 M \cong \mathbb{Z}\), Browder and Levine showed that every algebraic fibration of \(M\) is induced by a smooth fibration \(M \longrightarrow S^1\), provided the homotopy groups of \(M\) are all finitely generated. For general \(\pi_1 M\) and \(\dim M \geqslant 6\),, Farrell gave necessary and sufficient \(K\)-theoretic conditions for an algebraic fibration of \(M\) to lift to a smooth fibration \(M \longrightarrow S^1\). In recent work, Italiano, Martelli, and Migliorini gave the first examples of hyperbolic manifolds of dimension \(\geqslant 5\) that algebraically fibre. In a followup article, they construct a smooth fibration of \(M^5\) over the circle, providing the first example of a hyperbolic \(5\)-manifold that fibres over the circle. The manifolds \(M^n\) are constructed via gluings of the remarkable right-angled \(n\)-dimensional hyperbolic polytopes \(P^n\), which exist for \(3 \leqslant n \leqslant 8\). The polytopes \(P^n\) were introduced by Agol, Long, and Reid and have many interesting properties; for more information, we refer the reader to the work of Potyagailo--Vinberg and Everitt--Ratcliffe--Tschantz. Now that examples of hyperbolic \(5\)-manifolds fibring over the circle are known, a natural direction of research is to look for fibring hyperbolic \(7\)-manifolds (the Chern--Gauss--Bonnet theorem implies there are no even-dimensional examples), with the most obvious candidates being \(M^7\) or one of its finite covers. The main result of this paper does not confirm this, though it does provide strong evidence that a finite cover of \(M^7\) fibres over the circle. We explain some of the terminology in the statement of the theorem. If there is an epimorphism \(\varphi \colon G \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}\) and \(\ker \varphi\) has a finiteness property \(\mathcal{P}\) (see [2.1](#subsec:finprop){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:finprop"} for definitions of finiteness properties), we write *\(G\) algebraically fibres with kernel of type \(\mathcal{P}\)*. Similarly, if \(M\) is a manifold, then we write *\(M\) algebraically fibres with kernel of type \(\mathcal{P}\)* if its fundamental group algebraically fibres with kernel of type \(\mathcal{P}\). The strategy to prove [\[thm:mfldFib\]](#thm:mfldFib){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:mfldFib"} is the following. Some straightforward observations show that \(\pi_1(M^7)\) is virtually RFRS and that all of its \(\ell^2\)-Betti numbers vanish (see [\[lem:mfldRFRS\]](#lem:mfldRFRS){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:mfldRFRS"}). By, this implies that \(\pi_1(M^7)\) has a finite-index subgroup that fibres with kernel of type \(\mathtt{FP}(\mathbb{Q})\). The problem is that this algebraic fibration need not coincide with the one constructed by Italiano--Martelli--Migliorini, so we cannot immediately conclude [\[thm:mfldFib\]](#thm:mfldFib){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:mfldFib"}. This is remedied by the following general result, which shows that if a RFRS group has many virtual algebraic fibrations with kernels having different finiteness properties, then there is a single virtual algebraic fibration whose kernel has all of these finiteness properties simultaneously. Finally, we note that the algebraic fibration of \(M^6\) can be improved, modulo passing to a finite cover. This is an easy corollary of previous work of the author and does not rely on [\[prop:fibring\]](#prop:fibring){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:fibring"}. ## Structure {#structure .unnumbered} In [2](#sec:prelims){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:prelims"}, we provide some background on the tools that will be used in the proof of the main theorem. We define finiteness properties of groups, introduce \(\Sigma\)-invariants, the Novikov ring, and \(\ell^2\)-invariants. We then prove [\[prop:fibring\]](#prop:fibring){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:fibring"} and [\[thm:mfldFib\]](#thm:mfldFib){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:mfldFib"} in [3](#sec:algFib){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:algFib"}. # Preliminaries {#sec:prelims} ## Finiteness properties {#subsec:finprop} We begin with the definition of the homotopic finiteness properties. Note that being of type \(\mathtt{F}_1\) (resp. \(\mathtt{F}_2\)) is equivalent to being finitely generated (resp. finitely presented). The following finiteness properties are homological analogues of those defined above. It is not hard to prove that if a group is of type \(\mathtt{F}_n\) then it is of type \(\mathtt{FP}_n(R)\) for any ring \(R\), and similarly for the other finiteness properties defined above. Moreover, if \(G\) is of type \(\mathtt{FP}_1(R)\) for some nonzero ring \(R\), then \(G\) is finitely generated. However, it is not true that being of type \(\mathtt{FP}_n(R)\) implies being of type \(F_n\) for \(n \geqslant 2\), as was first shown by Bestvina and Brady in. ## \(\Sigma\)-invariants and the Novikov ring For the remainder of [2](#sec:prelims){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:prelims"}, \(R\) will denote an associative, unital ring, and \(G\) will denote a finitely generated group. The invariants \(\Sigma^n_R(G;M)\) are generalisations of the classical Bieri--Neumann--Strebel invariant and its higher-dimensional analogues. The only difference is that we work over a general ring \(R\), while the higher BNS invariants are defined over \(\mathbb{Z}\). We note the following important facts about the invariants \(\Sigma^n_R(G;M)\). In, Bieri and Renz only state the above result in the case \(R = \mathbb{Z}\), however their proof carries over without modification to the more general setting. The \(\Sigma\)-invariants can be characterised in terms of vanishing group homology with coefficients in the Novikov ring. A proof of [\[lem:sigmaChar\]](#lem:sigmaChar){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:sigmaChar"} can be found in. The result with \(R = \mathbb{Z}\) follows from work of Schweitzer and Bieri--Renz, and their arguments carry over without modification to the case of a general ring \(R\). In his thesis, Renz defined homotopical analogues \(\prescript{*}{}{\Sigma}^m(G)\) of the \(\Sigma\)-invariants which we now describe. Let \(G\) be of type \(\mathtt{F}_m\) and suppose that \(X\) is a \(K(G,1)\) with finite \(m\)-skeleton. Let \(\chi \colon G \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}\) be a character and let \(Y \longrightarrow X\) be the covering space corresponding to \(\ker \chi\). Then, it is possible to find a continuous height function \(f \colon Y \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}\) such that \(f(g \cdot y) = \chi(g) + f(y)\) for all \(g \in G\) and \(y \in Y\). Let \(Y_{\chi,r} := \{ y \in Y: f(y) \geqslant-r \}\). Importantly for our purposes, [\[lem:hmlgBNS\]](#lem:hmlgBNS){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:hmlgBNS"} carries over to the homotopical context. ## \(\ell^2\)-invariants and the Linnell skew-field {#subsec:l2} We briefly summarise the construction of the Linnell ring of a group and explain how it is used to compute \(\ell^2\)-homology. The elements of the group ring \(\mathbb{Q} G\) act by right multiplication on \(\ell^2(G)\) and therefore can be viewed as \(G\)-equivariant operators. One easily checks that these operators are bounded; thus, we have an embedding \(\mathbb{Q} G \longhookrightarrow \mathcal{N}(G)\). An important fact about \(\mathcal{N}(G)\) is that it satisfies the *Ore condition*. We will not give a definition of the Ore condition; it will suffice to know that if a ring \(R\) satisfies the Ore condition, then it can be embedded in a ring \(\Ore(R)\) in such a way that all the non-zero divisors of \(R\) are mapped to invertible elements of \(\Ore(R)\). We refer the interested reader to for a detailed account of the Ore condition. The formulation of the Atiyah conjecture given here is equivalent to the strong Atiyah conjecture over \(\mathbb{Q}\). Linnell showed that the formulation in [\[def:linnellring\]](#def:linnellring){reference-type="ref" reference="def:linnellring"} implies the strong Atiyah conjecture over \(\mathbb{Q}\), and the details of the reverse implication can be found in Lück's book. We note here that it follows from work of Schick that RFRS groups (see [\[def:RFRS\]](#def:RFRS){reference-type="ref" reference="def:RFRS"}) satisfy the Atiyah conjecture. Let \(G^{\text{ab}} = G/[G,G]\) be the Abelianisation of \(G\). The following theorem is the main ingredient in the proof of [\[prop:fibring\]](#prop:fibring){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:fibring"}. Here, \(\mathcal D_{\mathbb F G}\) is a skew-field containing \(\mathbb F G\) known as the *Hughes-free division ring* of \(\mathbb FG\). Importantly for us, \(\mathcal D_{\mathbb FG}\) exists for any skew-field \(\mathbb F\) and \(\mathcal D_{\mathbb{Q} G}\) coincides with \(\mathcal D(G)\) whenever \(G\) is a RFRS group. The \(\mathbb F = \mathbb{Q}\) case of [\[thm:kielak\]](#thm:kielak){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:kielak"} is due to Kielak and the generalisation to arbitrary skew-fields follows from Jaikin-Zapirain's appendix to. The last thing we will need to know about Hughes-free division rings is their relation to algebraic fibring of RFRS groups, given by the following result of the author. # Main results {#sec:algFib} The manifolds \(M^n\) constructed by Italiano--Martelli--Migliorini in are special cases of the following general construction, introduced by Vesnin in. Let \(P\) be an \(n\)-dimensional finite-volume right-angled polyhedron in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) with real and ideal vertices and let \(\Gamma\) be the right-angled Coxeter group generated by the reflections across the \((n-1)\)-cells of \(P\). This is the group with presentation \[\pres{ F_1, \dots, F_k }{ [F_i, F_j] \ \text{if and only if \(F_i\) and \(F_j\) meet along an \((n-2)\)-cell}}\] where the generators \(F_i\) range over the \((n-1)\)-cells of \(P\). Colour the \((n-1)\)-cells using the set of colours \(\{1,2, \dots, m\}\) so that adjacent cells have different colours and fix a generating set \(\{e_1, \dots, e_m\}\) of \((\mathbb{Z}/2)^m\). There is then a homomorphism \(\varphi \colon \Gamma \longrightarrow (\mathbb{Z}/2)^m\) determined by \(F_i \longmapsto e_c\) if and only if the colour of \(F_i\) is \(c\). Then \(\Gamma' := \ker \varphi\) acts freely on \(\mathbb{H}^n\) and \(M = \mathbb{H}^n / \Gamma'\) is a finite-volume hyperbolic \(n\)-manifold. Note that \(\pi_1(M) = \Gamma'\) is a subgroup of a right-angled Coxeter group and is therefore virtually RFRS by. Moreover, \(\pi_1(M)\) is a lattice in \(\Isom(\mathbb{H}^n)\) and therefore its \(\ell^2\)-Betti numbers vanish except in the middle dimension. Since the manifolds \(M^n\) of are special cases of the above construction, we have the following facts. We note the following immediate application of [\[thm:b2rfrs\]](#thm:b2rfrs){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:b2rfrs"} and [\[lem:mfldRFRS\]](#lem:mfldRFRS){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:mfldRFRS"} to algebraic fibring of \(M^6\), the \(6\)-dimensional, finite-volume, cusped, hyperbolic manifold constructed in. We are now ready to prove the main result.
{'timestamp': '2022-12-07T02:18:08', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01125', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01125'}
# Introduction {#sec:intro} The bright (\(V\) = 5.65; Table [1](#tab:star_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:star_parameters"}) G0 dwarf star \(\pi\) Men has been the target of exoplanet studies for over 20 years. reported long period (\(P_\mathrm{orb,b}\) \(\approx\) 2100 d) radial velocity (RV) variations that were consistent with the presence of a sub-stellar companion (\(\pi\) Men b) with a minimum mass of \(\approx\) 10 \(M_\mathrm{Jup}\) in a highly eccentric (\(e_\mathrm{b}\) \(\approx\) 0.6) orbit. The star was later found by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to host a small planet (\(R_\mathrm{c}\) \(\approx\) 2 R\(_\oplus\)) in a 6.27-d orbit. Due to the brightness of the host star, this planet is a prime candidate for atmospheric characterization studies. Accurate planetary masses and radii are important for exoplanet studies. True planet masses are needed for understanding the architecture of exoplanets and for dynamical studies. Accurate bulk densities are essential for constraining the internal composition of the planet. In the case of \(\pi\) Men c, the measured RV amplitude (and thus mass) was based on archival data taken with the HARPS spectrograph. The observing strategy consisted of sparse observations spread over a relatively long time and thus was not geared to detect small, short period planets. The corresponding error in the mass, \(\approx\) 20 %, made it difficult to distinguish between interior models consisting mostly of water, or having a significant fraction (\(\approx\) 50 %) of silicates. The \(\pi\) Men system has received heightened interest because astrometric studies have determined the orbital inclination of the outer planet., , and combined the long time series of RV measurements for this star along with Hipparcos and Gaia astrometric measurements to determine an orbital inclination of \(i_b\) \(\approx\) 50\(^{\circ}\). Not only does this pin down the true planet mass as \(M_\mathrm{b}\) \(\approx\) 14 M\(_\mathrm{Jup}\), but more importantly it establishes that the inner and outer planetary orbits are misaligned. \(\pi\) Men joins \(\upsilon\) Andromedae and Kepler-108 as stars hosting planets with large mutually inclined orbits. The \(\pi\) Men system is thus important for constraining planet formation theories and studying the dynamical evolution of planetary systems. In order to measure a more precise mass for \(\pi\) Men c, we included observations of the host star as part of our ESO HARPS large program of spectroscopic follow-up of transiting planet candidates found by TESS. The purpose of these RV measurements was twofold. First, we wished to improve on the error in the planet mass to constrain better compositional models. An accurate mass is also needed to estimate the atmospheric pressure scale height needed for planning observations to detect atmospheric features. Second, we wished to study the architecture of this system by searching for additional planetary companions. This is of especial importance given the recent discovery of the mutual inclination of the orbits between the inner and outer planets. \(\pi\) Men was also intensively observed by the newly commissioned ESPRESSO spectrograph on the ESO's VLT which yielded a \(K\)-amplitude of 1.5 \(\pm\) 0.2 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) for the inner transiting planet \(\pi\) Men c. This result offered us a chance to compare the performance of two state-of-the-art spectrographs designed for precise RV work, one a venerable instrument, HARPS, mounted on a 3.6-m telescope and in use for almost 20 years, and a more modern one, ESPRESSO, mounted on an 8.2-m telescope. The star is bright, so high signal-to-noise ratio (\(S/N\)) data can be obtained on both instruments with relatively short exposure times. In the future, considerable telescope resources will be invested in the RV follow-up of transiting small planets found by the PLATO mission, so it is useful to compare the performance of both instruments using contemporaneous observations on the same target. In this work, we adopted the most recent stellar parameters derived by. The only exception is the stellar radius, which comes from Csizmadia et al. (2021, submitted). For the sake of completeness, they are listed in Table [1](#tab:star_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:star_parameters"}, along with the equatorial coordinates, V-band magnitude, parallax, distance, and proper motion of the star. # The Radial Velocity Data Our RV data consists of archival as well as new measurements from our ESO's HARPS large follow-up program. A total of 77 RV measurements come from the UCLES spectrograph mounted on the 3.9-m telescope of the Anglo Australian Telescope (AAT). These can be found in or in. R. Wittenmyer kindly provided us with the more recent measurements used by. Archival HARPS data consisting of 145 RV measurements (51 nightly averaged) were also taken from the public archive of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). We also included 275 RV measurements (37 nightly averaged) taken with the ESPRESSO spectrograph . The new data for \(\pi\) Men were taken as part of our ESO observing programs 0101.C-0829, 1102.C-0923, and 106.21TJ.001 (PI: Gandolfi) and during technical nights (program IDs 60.A-9700 and 60.A-9709) on HARPS. These consisted of 413 RV measurements[^1] spanning September 2018 to December 2020 (hereafter "HARPS-Large" data set). The star is bright, so we typically took several observations per night. Exposure times were 150-300 secs resulting in a median signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}250 per pixel at 550 nm. If one considers only nightly averages our program resulted in 177 new measurements taken at different epochs. In June 2015 the HARPS fiber bundle was upgraded. This results in a zero-point offset between the data taken before and after the upgrade. We therefore treated the complete data as four independent sets with different zero point offsets: UCLES, ESPRESSO and HARPS before (HARPS-PRE) and after the fiber upgrade (HARPS-POST, this set also includes HARPS-Large). We extracted the HARPS spectra using the Data Reduction Software. There are a number of reduction pipelines available for the calculation of RVs: The DRS, which uses the cross-correlation method with a digital mask, the HARPS Template-Enhanced Radial velocity Re-analysis Application and the SpEctrum Radial Velocity AnaLyser (SERVAL) pipeline. For our final analysis we used the RVs calculated with HARPS-TERRA as this produced a final root mean square (rms) scatter that was about 4 % lower than the other two methods. We emphasize, however, that *all* reduction programs produced consistent orbital parameters that were well within the uncertainties. Briefly, HARPS-TERRA performs a least squares matching of each observed spectrum to a high signal-to-noise template spectrum produced by co-adding all the observations of the target star after they have all been placed on the same wavelength scale and corrected for the Earth's barycentric motion. The RV for each spectrum is calculated with respect to this master template. \(\pi\) Men is a high proper motion star. The RV data span 17 years so it is important to remove the secular acceleration. The star has a systemic radial velocity of 10.595 \(\pm\) 0.0003 km s\(^{-1}\) (as derived from the analysis of the HARPS DRS RVs), a parallax of 54.705 \(\pm\) 0.067 mas, and proper motion of 311.187 \(\pm\) 0.127 mas yr\(^{-1}\) and 1048.845 \(\pm\) 0.136 mas yr\(^{-1}\) in RA and Declination, respectively. This results in a secular acceleration of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.48 m s\(^{-1}\)yr\(^{-1}\). This was removed for all RVs except for those processed with HARPS-TERRA, which already accounts for the secular acceleration in its pipeline. Table [\[tab:rv_sets\]](#tab:rv_sets){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:rv_sets"} lists the data sets used in our RV analysis. We reiterate that the "HARPS-POST" data contains both the 17 archival HARPS measurements after the upgrade and those from our large program. The "HARPS-Large" is a subset of this which only contains our new 404 useful measurements from the large program. The standard deviation listed is the root mean square (rms) scatter of the data sets after the removal of all periodic signals (see below). Table [\[tab:rv_data\]](#tab:rv_data){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:rv_data"} lists the new RV measurements from our ESO large programs. # Periodogram Analysis of the RV Data We first performed a frequency (periodogram) analysis on the RV data in order to confirm that the signal of the transiting planet \(\pi\) Men c is indeed present in the data. Furthermore, identifying all significant signals in the data and modeling these is important for deriving a precise RV amplitude for the transiting planet. To find weak periodic signals we first had to remove the large variations due to the outer planet. Since the UCLES measurements increase the time base of the measurements needed to refine the parameters of the outer planet, we included these in spite of these having poorer RV precision. An initial orbital solution was performed using the general non-linear least squares fitting program *Gaussfit*. All orbital parameters were allowed to vary, including the zero-point offset of each individual data set. The orbit parameters listed in Table [\[tab:orbits\]](#tab:orbits){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:orbits"} represent the final ones from our joint fit (see below), which are entirely consistent with the *Gaussfit* results. The orbital fit for \(\pi\) Men b is shown in Figure [\[fig:PiMen_b\]](#fig:PiMen_b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PiMen_b"}. The UCLES measurements have an rms scatter more than twice that of the HARPS data and will be excluded from the subsequent analyses. The generalized Lomb-Scargle (GLS) periodogram of the residual HARPS-Large RV data, after removing the orbital frequency of planet b (\(f_1\) = 4.79 \(\times\) 10\(^{-4}\) d\(^{-1}\)), is shown in the top panel of Figure [\[fig:GLS\]](#fig:GLS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:GLS"}. We only used the HARPS-Large data for this analysis for two reasons. First, it provides a much simpler sampling window. Including the early HARPS-PRE data results in a very complex window with many more alias peaks. Second, the HARPS-PRE data start approximately 10 years earlier and have much sparser sampling. This means that any underlying long term stellar variability, which will be difficult to model, can boost power into an alias frequency thus masking the true one that is present. The highest peak occurs at a frequency of \(f_2\) = 0.008 d\(^{-1}\) (\(P\) = 125 d), although one can see significant power at the orbital frequency of the transiting planet (\(f_3\) = 0.16 d\(^{-1}\); P = 6.27 d). Removing \(f_2\) increases the power seen at orbital frequency of the transiting planet (middle panel of Figure [\[fig:GLS\]](#fig:GLS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:GLS"}). The final residuals (lower panel) results in no additional significant peaks. A peak is seen at \(f\) = 1.56 \(\times\) 10\(^{-3}\) (\(P\) = 640 d), but this has low significance with an estimated false alarm probability, FAP \(\approx\) 2 %, which we do not consider significant. We assessed the statistical significance of the new \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}125 d period via the bootstrap randomization process where the RV values were randomly shuffled keeping the time stamps fixed. In 300,000 realizations of the bootstrap there was no instance where the random data periodogram showed power higher than the real data. This implies a FAP \(\ll\) 3.3 \(\times\) 10\(^{-6}\). It is highly unlikely that this peak is due to random noise. # The Nature of the 125-d Period Before we can adequately model the 125-d signal in our analysis, it is important to establish its nature. If it is planetary in origin it would be an important new member of the \(\pi\) Men system; however, it can also arise from stellar activity. Important criteria for establishing the planetary nature of an RV signal are that it is long-lived and coherent and that it is not present in any activity indicators. ## Coherence of the 125-d Period There are several ways to test whether the 125-d period in the RV data is coherent and stable. One can examine the evolution of the power in the standard Lomb-Scargle (LS) periodogram as a function of the number of measurements or the evolution of the false alarm probability. Alternatively, one can use the Stacked-Bayesian GLS periodogram to assess the stability of a signal. However, it can be difficult to assess the stability of a signal merely by looking at the stacked periodogram. The pathology of the sampling often can make a signal appear unstable for a time when in fact it is not, or vice versa. We therefore chose to use the growth of the LS power and compare it to what is expected from a simulated signal with the appropriate noise added. This provides a somewhat more "quantitative" assessment of the stability. We first isolated the 125-d signal by removing the contribution of the outer and transiting planets. The blue dots in Figure [\[fig:planet_d\_pow\]](#fig:planet_d_pow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:planet_d_pow"} shows the growth of the LS power (\(P\)) of the 125-d signal as a function of the number (\(N\)) of RV measurements (we will refer to this as the \(P\)-\(N\) relationship) using the HARPS-Large and ESPRESSO data. We then compared this to expectations (red triangles) using an orbital fit to the 125-d RV variations (see below) sampled like the data and with the appropriate random noise added (\(\sigma\) = 1.5 m s\(^{-1}\)). The error bars indicate the standard deviation in the power using simulated data with 10 different realizations of the noise. The evolution of the power of the 125-d period largely follows the simulated data in that there is a monotonic increase in the power as a function of number of data points, although the slope in the power evolution of the real data is slightly shallower than the simulated data. Overall, the behavior of the \(P\)-\(N\) relationship seems to indicate that the 125-d period is stable and coherent. ## Activity Indicators Stellar activity can also create periodic RV signals that can mimic a planet and this can be revealed by a periodogram analysis of activity indicators. If an RV signal is absent in all activity indicators then we can be more confident that it is the barycentric motion of the host star due to the presence of a companion. We have three activity indicators at our disposal: The full width at half maximum (FWHM) and bisector inverse slope (BIS) of the cross-correlation function (CCF), as well as the Ca II S-index measurement. HARPS-TERRA also delivers indices on the Balmer H\(\alpha\) and Na D lines. However, a period analysis of these data showed a dominant period at one year, possibly an indication of telluric contamination. We therefore excluded these from our analysis. Figure [\[fig:activity_gls\]](#fig:activity_gls){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:activity_gls"} shows the GLS periodograms for the three activity indicators extracted from HARPS-Large data. All have the highest peak at low frequencies that seem to be unrelated to the frequency found in the RV time series. The only exception is the BIS which shows a secondary peak near 0.008 d\(^{-1}\) (see Sect. [4.2.1](#Sec:Bis_Var){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:Bis_Var"} for a more detailed discussion of the bisector variations). Table [\[tab:indicators\]](#tab:indicators){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:indicators"} lists the dominant periodic signals found in the activity indicators and the FAP determined via 200,000 realizations of a bootstrap. Figure [\[fig:indicators_time\]](#fig:indicators_time){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:indicators_time"} shows the fit to the time series of each activity indicator using the period of the dominant peak found in the corresponding periodogram. We investigated whether additional signals could be hidden in the activity indicators. Pre-whitening, i.e., the subsequent fitting and removal of dominant frequencies in the periodogram of the time series and its residuals, is a powerful tool for finding weak, underlying signals in data. For instance, pre-whitening of the H\(\alpha\) index measurements for GL 581 was able to isolate variations with the same period as the purported planet GL 581 d , thus supporting the claim of activity as the origin for the 66-d RV period. The GLS periodograms of the residuals of the activity indicators, after removing the appropriate sine fits to the dominant frequency in the data, are shown in Fig. [\[fig:activity-f1\]](#fig:activity-f1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:activity-f1"}. The S-index and FWHM residuals do not show any significant[^2] peaks at 0.008 d\(^{-1}\). The S-index only shows a weak one that is the fifth highest peak in the frequency range. In the amplitude spectrum it appears less than twice the mean height of the surrounding noise peaks and indication that it is not significant . The peak in the BIS residuals at 0.008 d\(^{-1}\) is the highest peak in the frequency range considered (Fig. [\[fig:activity-f1\]](#fig:activity-f1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:activity-f1"}). We assessed the significance of this peak via a bootstrap. The FAP that noise can produce a peak *exactly* coincident at this frequency is about 7 %, which we do not consider statistically significant. Note that a nearby peak has comparable power. ### The Bisector Variations {#Sec:Bis_Var} The bisector is the only activity indicator that shows possible variations at the 125-d RV period. Both the raw and residual BIS variations show an isolated and modestly strong peak at the period (frequency) of interest. Since the bisector variations may be the only indicator to cast doubt on a planet hypothesis for the RV period and given the importance of establishing that the 125-d period is planetary in nature, this merits a critical evaluation of the reality of these. The periodogram of the raw bisector measurements (Fig. [\[fig:activity_gls\]](#fig:activity_gls){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:activity_gls"}, lower panel) shows a peak coincident with the 125-d period (f = 0.008 d\(^{-1}\)). Without any a priori information this has a false alarm probability of FAP \(\sim\) 30 %. However, this FAP represents the probability that noise can create a peak at least this high over a broad frequency range. As pointed out by, for a known signal (i.e., 125 d) we need to consider the probability that noise can create a peak with the observed power or higher *exactly* at this frequency. If \(z\) represents the un-normalized power, then FAP \(\sim\) \(e^{-z}\). In this case the FAP is rather low at FAP = 0.13%. This value is consistent the FAP obtained with a bootstrap analysis. In spite of this low FAP we are confident that this signal is not significant for several reasons. First, the bisector data are quite noisy. A sine fit to these using the 125-d period results in an amplitude of 0.33 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) or 2.5 times smaller than the rms scatter (\(\sigma\) = 0.83 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\)) about the fit. In spite of this, the 125-d signal should have been detected at much higher significance due to the large number of measurements. As a test, we took a 125-d sine function with an amplitude of 0.33 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) and added random noise with the rms scatter of the measurements. The periodogram of the simulated data showed power consistent with a FAP that was more than 1000 times lower than was seen for the real data. A true signal should have shown a much higher power (i.e. lower FAP) than is observed. Second, the pre-whitened analysis provides unconvincing support that the bisector variations are intrinsic to the star. Our analysis of the residuals showed a false alarm probability of FAP \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}7 %. Since we were focused on the 125-d signal we initially only considered the frequency range out to 0.025 d\(^{-1}\) (Fig. [\[fig:activity-f1\]](#fig:activity-f1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:activity-f1"}, lower panel). If we extend the analysis to higher frequencies we find that the highest peak in the residuals occurs at 20 d (f = 0.05 d\(^{-1}\)). Removing this signal weakens the peak at 125-d further such that its FAP increases to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50 %. Third, we examined whether any phase variations of the bisectors can be related to the 125-d signal. Figure [\[fig:bis_phase\]](#fig:bis_phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bis_phase"} shows the orbital fit to the 125-d RV variations. This fit is presented and discussed in detail below in Section 5.1. The points show the binned (bin size \(\approx\) 0.05 in phase) residual BIS measurements, after removing the dominant signal, phased to the same period. There is no hint of sinusoidal variations in the BIS that could account for the observed 125-d RV signal. This strongly indicates that the signal found in the periodogram is due to noise, consistent with the large FAP we derived. Finally, it is worth noting the case of 51 Peg which highlights the pitfalls of relying only on bisector measurements to refute a planet hypothesis. found bisector variations in 51 Peg that were coincident with the orbital period of the planet. The formal FAP for this signal was 0.3 % and thus seemed to be significant. Subsequently, higher quality bisector measurements were found to be constant. In spite of the low FAP, the previous variations were in fact due to noise. Since the bisector signal at 125 d in \(\pi\) Men is not supported by other activity indicators we conclude that these do not provide convincing enough evidence to refute a planet hypothesis for the RV signal. ## The Rotational Period In the full time series we found no significant peaks that may be indicative of stellar rotation. This is expected given that rotational modulation from activity may not be coherent over the long time span of our data. However, our time series did have long stretches when closely spaced measurements were made spanning 10-20 days. We searched for evidence of rotational modulation in these subsets and found only one instance, at the end of the S-index time series, which may show variations due to rotational modulation. Figure [\[fig:rotation\]](#fig:rotation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rotation"} shows a 16-d time span of S-index measurements showing sine-like variations with a period of 18.7 \(\pm\) 0.8 d. measured a projected rotational velocity of the star of \(v\) sin \(i\) = 3.34 \(\pm\) 0.07 \(\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}\) which agrees with the value of 3.3 \(\pm\) 0.5 \(\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}\) found by. Csizmadia et al. (2021, submitted) measured a stellar radius of as \(R_\star\) = 1.190 \(\pm\) 0.004 R\(_\odot\), which results in a maximum rotation period of \(P_\mathrm{rot}\) = 18.0 \(\pm\) 0.4 d, consistent with the value from the S-index variations and that inferred by. Interestingly, the 20-d period found in the bisector measurements is close to this value. Given the low significance of the bisector signal we are uncertain that it is truly related to stellar rotation. # Keplerian Motion for the 125-d Period The most likely explanation for the 125-d period is that it stems from the presence of a third companion that we refer to as \(\pi\) Men d. Here we determine the orbital parameters and investigate the stability of the system. ## Orbital Solution A preliminary Keplerian fit to the 125-d period using the residuals after removing the contributions of the inner and outer planets indicates an eccentric orbit (\(e\) \(\sim\) 0.2). We performed a joint fit for all three Keplerian signals using the code `pyaneti`, which employs a Bayesian approach combined with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the planetary parameters. We derived the best-fitting orbital solution for \(\pi\) Men b from the UCLES, HARPS-PRE, HARPS-POST, and ESPRESSO date-sets, and used only the HARPS-POST and ESPRESSO date-sets to determine the parameters of \(\pi\) Men c and d. We imposed uniform uninformative priors for all the fitted parameters, except for the orbital period and time of first transit of \(\pi\) Men c, for which we adopted Gaussian priors from. A circular orbit for the inner transiting planet was assumed, but we fitted the eccentricity for \(\pi\) Men b and d. We accounted for the RV offsets between the different instruments/setups and fitted for jitter terms to account for both instrumental noise not included in the nominal uncertainties and RV variation induced by stellar activity. A parameter space with 500 Markov chains was explored to generate a posterior distribution of 250 000 independent points for each model parameter. The inferred parameters are given in Table [\[tab:orbits\]](#tab:orbits){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:orbits"} and Table [\[tab:PiMen_d\]](#tab:PiMen_d){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:PiMen_d"}. They are defined as the median and 68 % region of the credible interval of the posterior distributions for each fitted parameter. \(\pi\) Men d has a minimum mass of \(M_\mathrm{d}\) sin\(i_\mathrm{d}\) = 13.38 \(\pm\) 1.35 M\(_\oplus\) whose orbit is modestly eccentric (\(e\) = 0.220 \(\pm\) 0.079). Interestingly, the angle of periastron passage, \(\omega\) is comparable to that of the outer planet. The phase curve of the orbit is shown in Fig. [\[fig:PiMen-d\]](#fig:PiMen-d){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PiMen-d"} and the time series, focusing on just the time span of the HARPS-Large RVs, is shown in Fig. [\[fig:planetd_time\]](#fig:planetd_time){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:planetd_time"}. We found that the difference between the Bayesian information criterion of the 3-planet (b, c, and d) and 2-planet (b and c) models is \(\Delta\)BIC = \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}73, providing very strong evidence for the existence of a third Doppler signal in the data. After removing the contribution of the orbital motions of all planetary signals the HARPS data has an rms scatter of \(\sigma_\mathrm{HARPS-Post}\)  = 1.40 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) and ESPRESSO, \(\sigma_\mathrm{ESPRESSO}\) = 0.95 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). Both are about a factor of three larger than the nominal measurement errors which are typically better than 0.5 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). ## Orbital Stability For the 125-d RV variations to be due to a planet, it must lie on a stable orbit. It is beyond the scope of this paper for a detailed dynamical investigation. Instead, we performed a preliminary analysis to assess if a stable orbit is at least feasible. For this dynamical study we employed `Rebound` and drew samples from the posterior distributions of our 3-planet orbital solutions while the inclination of \(\pi\) Men b was drawn from \(i_b\) = 50 \(\pm\) 5\(^\circ\) according to previous studies previous studies (@2020A&A...640A..73D; @2020MNRAS.497.2096X; @Damasso2020). Since we can only derive the minimum mass[^3] (\(M_\mathrm{d}\) sin \(i_\mathrm{d}\)) of \(\pi\) Men d, we allowed for an orbital inclination between 20\(^\circ\) and 90\(^\circ\). The left and center panels of Figure [\[fig:dynamic\]](#fig:dynamic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dynamic"} shows the stability probability as a function of the eccentricity, period, and mass of planet d for our simulation. For the period range of 110-130 d the orbit of planet d is stable, although there are isolated regions where it is unstable. The planet must have a mass \(<\) 20 M\(_\oplus\) for stability, For our orbital solution (Table [\[tab:PiMen_d\]](#tab:PiMen_d){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:PiMen_d"}) this implies an orbital inclination \(i_\mathrm{d}\) \(>\) 40\(^\circ\). The right panel of Figure [\[fig:dynamic\]](#fig:dynamic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dynamic"} shows the stability probability in the mass versus mutual inclination plane. In general orbits are more likely to be unstable for high mutual inclinations and a low mass planet, or high mass even for relatively low mutual inclinations. Due to limited computational resources our simulations only covered a time span of 20 Myrs, a small fraction of the estimated stellar age of \(\approx\) 3.3 Gyrs. Clearly, a numerical simulation is called for covering a much large fraction of the stellar life. For such a simulation covering a longer time span it would be important to obtain more accurate orbital parameters in order to restrict the parameter space of the simulations. The left panel of Fig. [\[fig:dynamic\]](#fig:dynamic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dynamic"} shows that the planet's orbit has a higher chance of stability if it lies on a more circular orbit, \(e\) \(<\) 0.3 and our measured eccentricity of 0.22 lies below this. Further RV measurements may reveal that the orbital eccentricity may in fact be lower. For instance, \(\epsilon\) Eri b is an exoplanet where the \(K\)-amplitude is also comparable to the rms scatter of the RV measurements as is the case here. The discovery paper initially reported a high eccentricity (\(e\) = 0.6) for this planet. However, additional measurements spanning 30 years were able to show that the actual orbit was nearly circular, \(e\) = \(0.07_{-0.05}^{+0.06}\). The initial high eccentricity most likely stemmed from the low \(K\)-amplitude that was comparable to the measurement error and the influence of activity on the RV variations from the orbital motion. # The K-amplitude of \(\pi\) Men c Having determined the presence of all stable periodic signals in the RV time series we now focus on measuring a precise mass for the transiting planet \(\pi\) Men c. This hinges on the radial velocity K-amplitude, \(K_\mathrm{c}\). ## Pre-whitening and Joint Fitting The simplest procedure is to fit sequentially a Keplerian orbit to each periodic signal, remove it, and fit the next periodic signal in a so-called pre-whitening procedure. We did this using only the HARPS-POST and ESPRESSO RVs, as these have the lowest rms scatter in our data-set. We first fitted the orbit of the outer planet (\(\pi\) Men b), removed this and then fitted the orbit of the planet at 125-d (\(\pi\) Men d). A fit was then made for planet c on the residual RVs. This procedure results in \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.30 \(\pm\) 0.13 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). An improved approach is to perform a joint fit an all Keplerian orbits that are present. This results in \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.21 \(\pm\) 0.12 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\), a value in agreement with the result from the pre-whitening procedure to well within the nominal uncertainty. We adopt this as our best solution. Figure [\[fig:PiMen_c\]](#fig:PiMen_c){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PiMen_c"} shows the phase-folded Doppler reflex motion induced by \(\pi\) Men c on the star, following the subtraction of the RV signals of the other two planets. ## Floating Chunk Offset Method As an independent approach to determining the \(K\)-amplitude we applied the so-called floating chunk offset (FCO) method. This technique was developed in order to extract the Doppler reflex motion induced by ultra-short period (USP) planets, i.e., planets with orbital periods shorter than one day. The basis is that if one takes several measurements in one night the dominant variations come from the stellar orbital motion induced by the short-period planet. If the RV variations from other sources (rotation, long period planets, systematic errors, etc.) are much longer than the short-period planet, then the nightly variations stem predominantly from orbital motion of the USP planet and all other phenomena merely add a constant value to the RV for that night. One fits a Keplerian orbit keeping the period and phased fixed, but varying the \(K\)-amplitude and the zero-point offset velocity for each night (i.e. chunk). The FCO method can also be applied to planets with orbital periods longer than one day. The only criteria are that period of the transiting planet be smaller than periods from other sources and the observing cadence is reasonably high. This is the case for \(\pi\) Men c whose orbital period is much less than the 2088-d and 125-d periods present in the RV data. Although our inferred rotation period of 18 d and its harmonics could have an influence, there is no evidence for these in the periodogram of the RV time series. Our observing strategy for \(\pi\) Men was such that RV measurements were taken on several consecutive nights. The advantage of the FCO method is that we do not have to remove the large orbital motion of the outer planet as it is naturally filtered out in the analysis. We divided the RV data from the HARPS large program into time chunks with consecutive measurements spanning two to four days. Figure [\[fig:fco_periodogram\]](#fig:fco_periodogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fco_periodogram"} shows the FCO periodogram produced by fitting the RV chunk data using a trial period, finding the best amplitude and plotting the reduced \(\chi^2\) as a function of input period. The best fit was obtained for the period of the transiting planet; the FCO method can detect the signal of the \(\pi\) Men c. We note that the raw RV data with the large orbital motion of the outer planet as well as the respective instrumental offsets were present in the chunks, so it is relatively insensitive to the details in how the other signals are removed. This resulted in \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.29 \(\pm\) 0.22 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\), a value consistent with the results from other methods. A more refined value to the FCO result can be obtained by first subtracting the large orbital RV variations due to the outer planet (\(\pi\) Men b). The high amplitude and eccentricity can still result in a large, short-term variation, especially since our measurements caught the maximum in the orbital curve where the RV changes by many \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) over several days. This can introduce a systematic error in the \(K\)-amplitude determination. To remove the variations of \(\pi\) Men b we simply subtracted the orbital solution from Table [\[tab:orbits\]](#tab:orbits){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:orbits"} from the raw data, which retained all the zero point offsets of the individual data sets. For this final step we included the ESPRESSO measurements in the analysis. This resulted in \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.16 \(\pm\) 0.13 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). As a test to ensure that FCO recovers known input signals we created synthetic simulated data consisting of the Keplerian orbits of planets c and d. These were sampled and divided into chunks in the same manner as the data. The input \(K\)-amplitude of \(\pi\) Men c was varied between 0--5 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). The appropriate random noise was added, and to test an extreme case, additional random offsets of several km s\(^{-1}\) were added to each chunk. Over the full range of the considered \(K\)-amplitudes the FCO method was able to recover the input amplitude. One advantage of the FCO method is that, unlike for other methods, it can produce good results on sparse data where you do not have a good knowledge of timescales of other signals in the data. As a test, we took a subset of only 27 measurements taken over a time span of 3400 d and applied FCO. It yielded \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.40 \(\pm\) 0.49 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\), a \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3 \(\sigma\) result that is consistent to within the error of our nominal value. Table [\[tab:k-amplitude\]](#tab:k-amplitude){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:k-amplitude"} lists the \(K_\mathrm{c}\)-amplitude determinations using the different methods (pre-whitening, joint fit, and FCO). These have a mean value of 1.22 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) and agree well within their nominal uncertainties, which indicates that the \(K_\mathrm{c}\) amplitude is robust and insensitive to the method one uses to extract it. ## K-amplitude from Individual Data Sets It is instructive to compare the \(K\)-amplitude of the transiting planet \(\pi\) Men c derived from individual and combinations of the data sets. In particular, single instrument sets will have the same zero point offset and systematic errors. We can see how consistent these solutions and their errors are to the nominal values. For this exercise we first used the complete data set to fit and remove the orbital motion of the two outer planets. This was done because each data sets sample different parts and a smaller fraction of the longer period orbits and we want a fair comparison. Using subsets of the data to fit all planetary orbits will have a strong influence on \(K_\mathrm{c}\). The remaining residuals contained just the orbital variations of the inner planet. Table [\[tab:K_c-compare\]](#tab:K_c-compare){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:K_c-compare"} shows the resulting \(K_\mathrm{c}\) amplitudes for the individual data sets. All have consistent values with each other and to our nominal value. The HARPS-PRE data, however, give a larger amplitude and error compared to the ESPRESSO result in spite of having a comparable number of measurements. It is not known whether this is due to a higher intrinsic stellar jitter during this time, or to the different quality of the optical fiber used for scrambling. Note that the ESPRESSO amplitude of \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.25 \(\pm\) 0.24 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) is slightly lower than the value of 1.5 \(\pm\) 0.2 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) found by. This may be due to authors not removing the underlying 125-d signal, which could not be seen in their data due to insufficient sampling. They did note the possible presence of a signal at \(\approx\) 194 d, but this was not significant and they chose not to include it in the modeling. Adding the ESPRESSO data to the HARPS-POST data does not alter the \(K\)-amplitude significantly. In spite of the larger scatter of the HARPS-PRE data these also have little influence on the result when combining all the data sets. Although not listed in the table, we also performed a solution including the lower quality UCLES data and this resulted in \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.24 \(\pm\) 0.12  \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). Clearly, the solution is driven by the higher quality HARPS and ESPRESSO measurements. It is of interest to make a direct comparison between the performance of HARPS and ESPRESSO for comparable data taken at roughly the same time. To do this we took a subset of our HARPS measurements so that they had the same number as those from ESPRESSO (37 nightly averages) and roughly covered the same time span. This resulted in a \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.16 \(\pm\) 0.34 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\), which compares favorably to our value of 1.25 \(\pm\) 0.24 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) using the ESPRESSO data. For bright targets where the \(S/N\) ratio is high, HARPS should perform as well as ESPRESSO for RV measurements. ## The mass of \(\pi\) Men c The \(K_\mathrm{c}\)-amplitude from the various methods and data sets (Tables [\[tab:k-amplitude\]](#tab:k-amplitude){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:k-amplitude"} and [\[tab:K_c-compare\]](#tab:K_c-compare){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:K_c-compare"}, excluding the UCLES and HARPS-PRE RV measurements) are all consistent and tightly clustered around a mean value of 1.21 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\), indicating a well constrained \(K_\mathrm{c}\)-amplitude and thus planet mass. Since all the RV measurements were taken over a relatively short time span with excellent sampling we take the \(K_\mathrm{c}\)-amplitude determined using a joint fit to the HARPS-Post + ESPRESSO data sets, namely \(K_\mathrm{c}\) = 1.21 \(\pm\) 0.12 m s\(^{-1}\), as our adopted value. Using the stellar mass of \(M_{\star}\) = 1.07 \(\pm\) 0.04 \(M_\odot\) from results in a planet mass, \(M_\mathrm{c}\) = 3.63 \(\pm\) 0.38 M\(_\oplus\). derived a ratio of the planet to star radii of \(R_\mathrm{c}/R_\star\) = 0.0165 \(\pm\) 0.0001 and a stellar radius of \(R_\star\) = 1.17 \(\pm\) 0.02 R\(_\odot\). Recently Csizmadia et al. (2021; submitted) showed that the color indices of a star can be used to check stellar parameters. For \(\pi\) Men they determined a stellar radius of \(R_{\star}\) = 1.190 \(\pm\) 0.004 R\(_\odot\). This results in a planet radius of \(R_\mathrm{c}\) = 2.145 \(\pm\) 0.015 R\(_{\oplus}\) and a bulk density of \(\rho_\mathrm{c}\) = 2.03 \(\pm\) 0.22 g cm\(^{-3}\) for \(\pi\) Men c. We note that and derived a planet radius of \(R_c\) = 2.21 \(\pm\) 0.04 R\(_\oplus\) and \(R_c\) = 2.23 \(\pm\) 0.04 R\(_\oplus\), respectively. This results in a lower planet density of \(\rho_c\) = 1.8 \(\pm\) 0.2 g cm\(^{-3}\). This only highlights that even though we have formal error of 0.7 % in the planet radius, the true uncertainty may be larger. # Discussion Our investigation of the RV variations of \(\pi\) Men has produced two main results-an accurate and precise mass for the transiting planet \(\pi\) Men c and the discovery of a third planet in the system. ## \(\pi\) Men c in the Mass-Radius Diagram With a bulk density of 2.03 \(\pm\) 0.22 g cm\(^{-3}\), \(\pi\) Men c appears to have a rather low density compared to most exoplanets with its mass. This is highlighted by Figure [\[fig:M-R\]](#fig:M-R){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:M-R"} which shows the location of \(\pi\) Men c in the mass-radius diagram for exoplanets with well determined radii and masses (better to 15 %). \(\pi\) Men c lies closest to the internal structure model for pure water. We stress that these are simple planet composition models for a planet without an atmosphere and, as noted, an atmospheric envelope may only account for a few percent of the planet mass, but it can have a huge impact on the measured planet radius. With its relatively large radius \(\pi\) Men c means it probably held a significant volatile envelope and thus is a prime target for atmospheric characterization. searched for hydrogen from photodissociation in the atmosphere of \(pi\) Men c using Ly-\(\alpha\) in-transit spectroscopy with the *Hubble Space Telescope* (HST) but found none. One explanation for the non-detection was that the atmosphere was dominated by water or other heavy molecules rather than H\(_2\)/He. Subsequently,, again using *HST*, were able to detect C II ions at the 3.6-\(\sigma\) level which seems to support this scenario. The planet may still be in transition into a bare rocky planet. More progress on the characterization of the atmosphere of \(\pi\)-Men c will surely come with investigations using the successfuly launched *James Webb Space Telescope*. The planet lies near the middle of the so-called radius valley, a gap in the radius distribution of small planets around 1.75 - 2.00 R\(_\oplus\) that separates planets with masses sufficient to maintain a H-He envelope from those without such an envelope. The orbital period of \(\pi\) Men c and its radius places it on the boundary between the two classes of planets (Fig. [\[fig:RV\]](#fig:RV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:RV"}) It is still an open question as to whether this gap results from planet formation or evolution. One hypothesis is that it is caused by atmospheric erosion of short-period planets due to photoevaporation from the close proximity to the host star (e.g. @2017ApJ...847...29O; @2017AJ....154..109F @2018AJ....156..264F). Alternatively, the gap may simply result from the planet formation process itself. showed that planet formation with a core-powered mass loss mechanism could account for the radius distribution of planets without invoking photoevaporation. This scenario is able to match the radius valley, location, shape and slope. Clearly, the addition of just a single point in the period-radius diagram will not provide the breakthrough in understanding the origin of radius valley. However, exoplanets with precisely determined masses and radii, in particular those in the middle of the gap like \(\pi\) Men c, are needed shed more light on the cause of the gap. ## \(\pi\) Men d Our analysis of the RV time series reveals the presence of a 125-d periodic signal in the data very likely due to a third planet in the system. Orbital solutions yield a minimum planet mass of \(M_\mathrm{d}\) sin \(i_\mathrm{d}\) = 13.38 \(\pm\) 1.35 M\(_\oplus\) in an eccentric orbit (e = 0.220 \(\pm\) 0.079). A preliminary dynamical study indicates that its orbit is stable on time scales up to 20 Myrs, at least over the orbital parameters that we have probed. In order to be certain this RV signal comes from a planet it must satisfy three criteria: 1) The signal should be statistical significant with a FAP \(<\) 0.1%. 2) The signal should be long-lived and coherent with no change in the period, amplitude and phase. 3) There should be no variations with the RV with any indicators (photometry, Ca II, etc.), which would suggest a stellar origin for the variations. It appears that the 125-d signal satisfies these criteria. The signal is highly significant with a FAP \(\ll\) 3.3 \(\times\) 10\(^{-6}\), which makes it unlikely to arise from noise. It also appears to be stable and coherent. Adding measurements causes the statistical significance as shown by the \(P\)-\(N\), to increases in the expected manner given the signal, sampling, and noise level. There may be a slight concern that the slope of the \(P\)-\(N\) behavior is shallower than expected from simulations, but this may be due to the noise not following a strictly a Gaussian distribution. We stress, however, that such a stable growth in \(P\)-\(N\) should not be used as a final confirmation of the planetary nature of an RV signal. A case in point is the proposed planet around \(\alpha\) Tau. found evidence for a 629-d RV signal whose power behavior in the \(P\)-\(N\) diagran followed the expected growth for a stable signal. In spite of this, additional RV measurements seemed to contradict the planet hypothesis. There seems to be no clear variations with the RV period in the activity indicators. The S-index shows periodic variations with a period (\(P\) \(\sim\) 500 d) which is much longer than RV value. The FWHM shows a dominant peak in the periodogram at \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}200 d, while the BIS shows a period of \(\sim\) 760 d. There is a weak feature in the periodogram of the BIS measurements is coincident with the RV signal, but as discussed earlier, we do not deem this as significant. The subset of S-index variations as well as the inferred value from the radius and rotational velocity of the star indicate a stellar rotational period of approximately 18 d. Clearly, the 125-d is not due to rotational modulation. If an activity cycle is present it most likely has a period of 500-700 d, as manifested in the activity indicators. G-type stars are expected to have activity cycles with timescales of years to decades. However, shorter period activity cycles are not unprecedented for other late-type stars. found evidence for a \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}120-d cycle in the F6 star \(\tau\) Boo. One may speculate that the 125-d RV period is roughly one-fourth of an activity cycle of \(\sim\) 500 d and we cannot exclude this with certainty. However, it is puzzling that the third harmonic[^4] dominates the RV, yet the "fundamental" period dominates the S-index measurements. We should stress that although the 125-d signal seems to satisfy our criteria for planet confirmation, all of these criteria are *necessary*, but not *sufficient* conditions for planet confirmation. That is to say that an RV planet candidate must satisfy these criteria, but that is still no guarantee that the signal stems from the orbital motion of a planet. This is especially true for weak signals with RV amplitudes of a few \(\sim\) m s\(^{-1}\). Conceivably, a stellar activity cycle or its harmonics could be seen in the RV data without a strong presence in classic activity indicators. We are just starting to understand the influence of stellar activity on precise RV measurements and the time scales involved, so surprises could be in store. However, all the best available evidence at hand suggests that the presence of a third planet in the system is the most likely explanation for the 125-d signal in the RV data. The planet \(\pi\) Men d may have implications for the formation of the innner planet. argued that the presence of nearby planets to \(\pi\) Men c would favor in-situ formation. At first glance, it would seem difficult for \(\pi\) Men c to have formed in the outer region of the proto-planetary disk and then migrated inwards if other planets were present. However, one could envision a scenario where \(\pi\) Men c formed first, migrated inwards and then \(\pi\) Men d formed at a later time. Dissipation of the disk would then halt the migration of \(\pi\) Men d. Alternatively, the inner planet could have formed via tidal migration. An interaction of two planets (say c and d) would have scattered planet c into the inner regions where its orbit would have been circularized via tidal effects. The planet d remained, but in a highly eccentric orbit. The outermost giant planet can also perturb the inner planets. Various effects of the giant planet on \(\pi\) Men c were investigated by and. However, here is not the place to speculate on specific formation scenerios. That is best left for detailed theoretical modeling which can produce the observed configuration of the \(\pi\) Men planetary system. To do that requires knowing the full architecture of the planetary system and \(\pi\) Men b is a key component. It is therefore important to derive more accurate orbital elements for \(\pi\) Men d. Our simple dynamical analysis of the planetary system to \(\pi\) Men indicates that the orbit of planet d should be stable. Clearly, a more detailed dynamical analysis is required, which is best left for a dedicated investigation. The \(\pi\) Men planetary system offers us a very interesting system for such studies, especially given the relative high mass of the outer planet and its inclined orbit. ## Lessons learned for the RV follow-up of small transiting planets As a closing remark, our study of \(\pi\) Men offers us important lessons for the follow-up of small transiting planets in the era of TESS, and in the near future, PLATO. First, \(\pi\) Men c has one of the most precise mass determinations for a small planet, with an error of about 10 %. This precision required approximately 200 (nightly averaged) measurements taken with superb instruments on a bright star. If one wants to increase the precision on the mass measurement one naturally requires more measurements, but the number of these may not always follow the expectations from white noise. Figure [\[fig:err_v\_n\]](#fig:err_v_n){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:err_v_n"} shows the percent error in the mass of \(\pi\) Men c as a function of the number of RV measurements, \(N\), using the homogeneous data set provided by the HARPS-Large RVs. For white noise one expects an error proportional to \(N^{-0.5}\), but in reality it is slightly worse, being \(\propto\) \(N^{-0.36}\). At the beginning our RV measurements performed as expected, but at about \(N\) = 70 the error in the mass measurement increased. For subsequent measurements, the error does follow the expected behavior \(\sigma\) \(\propto\) \(N^{-0.5}\), but from a higher starting point. There must be a "red" noise component, most likely attributable to a variable contribution of stellar jitter. One cannot always rely on a few more RV measurements to improve the error on the \(K\)-amplitude. In the case of \(\pi\) Men c, improving the mass measurement to better than 5 % would require more than 1000 RV measurements if one were to adhere to the same observing strategy and sampling of our study. This is 50 % more than the number estimated based on the trend shown at the start of the measurements. Clearly, if one is only interested in deriving the mass of the transiting planet it is more effective to obtain a large number of RV measurements for \(\pi\) Men over a much short time span, preferably over a single orbital period. Even then, a considerable number of observations will be required to find and remove additional signals due to stellar rotation or other planets which also can have a large influence on the \(K\)-amplitude of the transiting planet. This is demonstrated by the ESPRESSO data. found a \(K_c\)-amplitude 20% lower than our value for the same data set, most likely by not including the Keplerian motion of the third planet. Considerably more RV measurements were required to be certain of the presence of the 125-d signal. It is clear that the precise mass determinations of small planets will come with at a very steep price even for bright targets. Second, \(\pi\) Men seems to be a relatively inactive star, at least at the time scales of the transiting planet's orbital period. It is also a bright star which results in high signal-to-noise ratio data acquired in short exposure times. In spite of this, the resulting rms scatter for the RV measurements is \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) even after removing all periodic signals. This is a factor of 2-3 larger than the measurement errors, even when using the premier instruments in the world for RV measurements. Regardless of the effort taken to minimize instrumental and photon noise, the noise floor will be set by the intrinsic variability of the star. We will be hard pressed to find stars that are "RV quieter" than about 1 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\) and most stars will have an intrinsic jitter higher than this. For bright targets with high stellar jitter, telescope size will not necessarily matter. The RV confirmation of small transiting planets will require an inordinate amount of telescope resources. \(\pi\) Men has shown us that for bright targets with high intrinsic jitter, using a larger aperture telescope does not always result in higher precision measurements. PLATO is expected to produce a large number of small transiting planet which will severely stress the available telescope resources. Instruments on 2-3m class telescopes that provide an RV measurement precision of 3-5 m s\(^{-1}\) can clearly play an important role in the PLATO era. The lack in measurement precision can be compensated with the shear number of measurements that can be invested on one target. A simple simulation shows that with \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}150 RV measurements over nine consecutive nights one can recover the \(K\)-amplitude of \(\pi\) Men c (4\(\sigma\) result) with a modest measurement precision of 3 \(\mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}\). Bringing more 2-3m class telescopes to the upcoming PLATO follow-up effort could play an important role in the success of the mission. [\[tab:rv_sets\]]{#tab:rv_sets label="tab:rv_sets"} [\[tab:rv_data\]]{#tab:rv_data label="tab:rv_data"} [\[tab:orbits\]]{#tab:orbits label="tab:orbits"} [\[tab:indicators\]]{#tab:indicators label="tab:indicators"} [\[tab:PiMen_d\]]{#tab:PiMen_d label="tab:PiMen_d"} [\[tab:k-amplitude\]]{#tab:k-amplitude label="tab:k-amplitude"} [\[tab:K_c-compare\]]{#tab:K_c-compare label="tab:K_c-compare"} This work was supported by the KESPRINT collaboration, an international consortium devoted to the characterization and research of exoplanets discovered with space-based missions (www.kesprint.science).SG, MP, SC, APH, KWFL, ME, and HR acknowledge support by DFG grants PA525/18-1, PA525/19-1, PA525/20-1, HA 3279/12-1 and RA 714/14-1 within the DFG Schwerpunkt SPP 1992, "Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets\". LMS and DG gratefully acknowledge financial support from the CRT foundation under Grant No. 2018.2323 "Gaseous or rocky? Unveiling the nature of small worlds\". JK gratefully acknowledges the support of the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA; DNR 2020-00104). PGB acknowledges the financial support by NAWI Graz. We thank Matthias Hoeft and Alexander Drabent for use of the computer of the Tautenburg radio group for our dynamical study. [^1]: We excluded 7 measurements taken on 27 and 28 November 2018 (UT), which are affected by a poor wavelength solution. We also rejected 2 spectra taken on 5 December 2019 (UT), owing to a failure of the telescope guiding system. This gives 404 useful HARPS spectra. [^2]: We considered a signal to be significant if its false alarm probability is FAP \(<\) 0.1 %. [^3]: The orbital inclination of the outer planet comes from astrometry and that of the inner planet from the transit light curve. [^4]: Analogous to stellar oscillations, we refer to the rotation period, \(P\), as the "fundamental" and \(P/4\) as the third harmonic.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-04T02:24:17', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01018', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01018'}
# Introduction One of the legacies of every X-ray mission is the production of source catalogues. They always include a significant fraction of unidentified sources, whose nature remains unknown or controversial for several years, awaiting further investigations. This is the case of AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912, a source discovered during ASCA observations (performed in 1996) of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) RX J1713.7\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3946  a shell-like SNR site of production of synchrotron X-ray emission. AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is located beyond the northern rim of the shell, and at first it was suggested to be associated with a molecular cloud. The ASCA spectrum is well modeled by a hard powerlaw with a photon index \(\Gamma\)=0.98\(^{+0.44} _{-0.34}\) and an absorbing column density =\(1.28^{+1.00} _{-0.70}\) \(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\). This absorption was very similar to the one measured from other regions of the SNR, consistent with the total Galactic one in the source direction (\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\); @nhcol2016). The absorption-corrected flux was 4\(\times10^{-11}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) (1-10 keV). Given the spatial overlap of the ASCA source with the cloud, interpreted the flat X-ray spectrum as produced by non-thermal bremsstrahlung from particles accelerated in the SNR, then impacting the molecular gas as a target. This hypothesis assumes the physical proximity of the SNR with the molecular cloud, and that AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is an extended X-ray source. An observation performed in 2015 with the \(Chandra\) telescope proved the point-like character of AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 (named CXOU J171343.9\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}391205, @Miceli2018), excluding the association with the molecular cloud. A relatively low X-ray flux was observed, 7(\(\pm{3})\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-14}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) (2-10 keV; corrected for the absorption). reported also on a *Suzaku* observation of the field containing AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 performed in 2011, where the source showed a variable X-ray emission, with a short (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 ks) hard X-ray flare. The separate spectroscopy of the quiescent emission and the flare resulted into a quite high absorption ( in the range 3.6-12.2 \(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\) for emission in quiescence, and \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\) during the flare) and flat power law spectra (photon index, \(\Gamma\), in the range 0.6-2.3 during quiescence, and \(\Gamma\) ranging from 0.7 to 1.6 during the flare, at 90% confidence level). The observed (not corrected for the absorption) fluxes (2-10 keV) were F=6\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-13}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) and F=3.6\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-12}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) for the quiescent and flare emission, respectively. On this basis, proposed that AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is a high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) belonging to the sub-class of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs; @Sguera2005 [@Sguera2006; @Negueruela2005a]). The positional overlap with the near-infrared (NIR) point source 2MASS 17134391-3912055 further supported the identification with a massive X-ray binary. # Observations and Data Analysis {#sect:data} The sky position of AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 was serendipitously covered by \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) during an observation performed in 2017, from 29 August (at 15:28, UTC) to 30 August (at 04:08), with an on-time exposure of 41.6 ks (pn) and 45.5 ks (MOS). The observation (Obs.ID 0804300901) was targeted at the northern region of the SNR RX J1713.7\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3946 and imaged AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 at an offaxis angle of about 5 arcmin. In Fig. [\[fig:image\]](#fig:image){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:image"} we show the MOS2 field-of-view (FOV), where AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is marked by a dashed black circle. The three European Photon Imaging Cameras (EPIC) operated with the medium filter, with the pn in full frame extended window, and the two MOS in full frame mode. EPIC data were reprocessed using the version 18 of the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) Science Analysis Software (SAS), with standard procedures. The tools *rmfgen* and *arfgen*, available in the SAS, were used to generate the response and ancillary matrices, respectively. High background levels were filtered-out before extracting EPIC spectra. Light curves and spectra were extracted from circles centered on the source emission, adopting a 30\(^{\prime\prime}\) radius, selecting patterns from 0 to 4 (EPIC pn), and from 0 to 12 (MOS). Similar size regions, offset from the source position but lying on the same CCD, were used to extract background spectra. Source spectra from the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 were simultaneously fitted using xspec (version 12.10.1; @Arnaud1996) in the energy range 0.3-12 keV, allowing for free cross-calibration constants, to take into account calibration uncertainties. All fluxes were estimated in the 1-10 keV range. The models TBabs and TBpcf were adopted to account for the absorbing column density along the line of sight, assuming the photoelectric absorption cross sections of and the interstellar abundances of. The spectra were rebinned to have at least 20 counts per bin, to apply the \(\chi^{2}\) statistics. All uncertanties are computed at 90% confidence level, for one interesting parameter. The uncertainty on the X-ray fluxes have been calculated using cflux in xspec. # Results {#sect:res} ## Temporal analysis {#sect:timing} The EPIC source light curve is reported in Fig. [\[fig:lc\]](#fig:lc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lc"}, before and after filtering for high background levels. The source displays a significant variability on timescales of a few hundred seconds, with a dynamic range of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50. Although formally the energy range is 0.3-12 keV, we note that most of the source counts lies in the 2-12 keV energy band. We have identified two source states: a high state (or "flare", hereafter) and a low one, named "quiescence", indicated in the lowest panel in Fig. [\[fig:lc\]](#fig:lc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lc"}. We searched the data for periodic signals by means of Fourier transforms and Rayleigh periodograms, but we did not find any statistically significant signal. The 3\(\sigma\) upper limit on the pulsed fraction, computed by extensive Monte Carlo simulations, is 25% for a sinusoidal signal between 0.4 and 5.4 s, using only the pn data (2-12 keV), and 20% between 5.4 and 1000 s, using also the data from the MOS cameras. Above \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1000 s, the strong red noise does not allow us to set meaningful limits. ## Spectroscopy {#sect:spec} We performed the spectroscopic analysis during the flare and in quiescence separately, extracting two sets of EPIC spectra, covering the time intervals shown in Fig. [\[fig:lc\]](#fig:lc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lc"} (bottom panel). The EPIC spectra extracted during the flare are highly absorbed and with large positive residuals around 6.4 keV, very evident when fitting the spectra with a simple, absorbed power law model (Fig. [\[fig:spec_flare\]](#fig:spec_flare){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec_flare"}), resulting in a reduced \(\chi^{2}_{\nu}\)=1.928 (for 117 degrees of freedom, dof; see Table [\[tab:spec\]](#tab:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:spec"} for the spectral parameters). The addition of a narrow Gaussian line accounted for these residuals (\(\chi^{2}_{\nu}\)/dof=1.445/114; Table [\[tab:spec\]](#tab:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:spec"}). However, a mild soft excess remained below 4 keV. This suggested to consider an additional absorption model, a partial covering fraction absorption (TBpcf in xspec), where the additional column density is applied to a fraction of the power law emission. This final model provides a good description of the flare spectrum (Model 3 in Table [\[tab:spec\]](#tab:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:spec"}). The counts spectra and the residuals to this best fit model are shown in Fig. [\[fig:spec_flare\]](#fig:spec_flare){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec_flare"}. We note that the model TBpcf resulted into an almost complete covering (98\(\pm{1}\)%) of the X-ray emission, leading to an absorption of 1.5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\) during the flare, considering both absorbing components (TBabs and TBpcf). This is 2 dex larger than the Galactic absorption (\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\); @nhcol2016). The centroid of the emission line is very well constrained in a narrow range around 6.4 keV in both states, clearly indicative of fluorescence from neutral iron. The Fe K\(_{\alpha}\) line is produced when a direct hard X-ray radiation illuminates neutral matter around the source. This reprocessing results into a fluorescent iron line emission together with a Compton component. The final spectrum is a composition of a reflection component together with the direct (power law) X-ray emission. However, adopting reflection models like pexrav and pexmon in xspec did not yield better fits. We note that disentangling the incident and the reflected component is made difficult due to the limited energy band and the low counting statistics. This results into a quite hard power law slope measured in the total spectrum below 10 keV, also because of a reflected hump that is expected beyond the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) energy band. The spectrum in quiescence shows a prominent positive excess around 6.4 keV as well, when fitted with a simple absorbed power law (\(\chi^{2}_{\nu}\)/dof=2.85/6). The addition of a Gaussian line to the absorbed power law model resulted in a good fit to the data, with no need to adopt further partial covering absorption (Fig. [\[fig:spec_quiesc\]](#fig:spec_quiesc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec_quiesc"}). During the fit, a narrow iron emission line is assumed, fixing its width to zero. The best fit parameters are listed in Table [\[tab:spec\]](#tab:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:spec"} (last column). ::: # Discussion We have reported on the discovery of a prominent FeK\(\alpha\) line and a large intrinsic absorption (\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) from AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 during an \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) observation performed in 2017. The source shows a variable X-ray emission with a brighter state (flare) at the beginning of the observation, followed by a fainter state (quiescence). Spectra extracted from both states are well described by hard power law models with similar slopes, within the uncertainties. The X-ray emission is significantly more absorbed during the flare than during the following fainter state, suggesting a variability in the circumstellar absorbing matter on short timescale, correlated with the X-ray flux. The FeK\(\alpha\) is detected in both states, with a larger equivalent width during the quiescent emission. This might suggest that the unflared state is due to the eclipse by the companion star: the less absorbed X-ray spectrum can be due to scattering into the line of sight by the stellar wind matter of the central (eclipsed) X-ray radiation (e.g. @Haberl1991). However, the flux of the iron line is significantly different in the two states and correlates with the continuum flux, disfavouring this hypothesis, and suggests an intrinsic variability. Moreover, this correlation indicates a close proximity of the reprocessing matter to the compact object. The source is also variable on long timescales of years: previous X-ray observations (ASCA in 1996, *Suzaku* in 2011, \(Chandra\) in 2015) caught different X-ray fluxes (Fig. [\[fig:flux\]](#fig:flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flux"}) and a significantly lower absorbing column density ( in the range 10\(^{22}\)-10\(^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) than during the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) observation. This indicates a long-term changing aspect of the absorbing matter local to the source, possibly with an inhomogeneous distribution or a variability due to the orbital motion in a binary system. In light of the new \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) results, we discuss the possible source nature in the following sub-sections. ## Is AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 an active galactic nucleus? The point-like appearance, the large intrinsic absorption and the presence of an FeK\(\alpha\) line in AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 are reminiscent of the X-ray properties of obscured active galactic nuclei [AGN; see e.g., @guainazzi05]. To investigate such a hypothesis we examine the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) of the optical-infrared (IR) counterpart to AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912. To build the broadband SED we collected optical data from GAIA DR3 , near-IR data from 2MASS , and mid-IR data from WISE  and \(Spitzer\) . The optical-IR SED, shown in Fig. [\[fig:sed\]](#fig:sed){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sed"}, peaks at \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2\(\mu\)m and decreases steadily towards longer wavelengths up to \(\lambda{\leq}\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(\mu\)m. Such a behaviour is inconsistent with what is observed in AGN, whose SEDs typically rise long-ward of 1--5\(\mu\)m  due to the emission from AGN-heated hot dust. Therefore, the broad-band SED rules out the AGN hypothesis. The mid-IR (\(\lambda\) = 3--10\(\mu\)m) SED of AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is instead consistent with stellar radiation. The full optical-IR SED of AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 can be reproduced with various reddened stellar templates . We apply a standard Galactic reddening law . The amount of required optical extinction depends on the stellar type, for example an A\(_\mathrm{V}\) of 13 mag, corresponding to N\(_\mathrm{H}{\simeq}\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2.3\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\), is required for a B-type star, and an A\(_\mathrm{V}\) of 8 mag (N\(_\mathrm{H}{\simeq}\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.4\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) for a red-giant M-type star. The estimated column densities are consistent or slightly larger than the Galactic value measured along the line of sight towards AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 [i.e., 1.5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\); @nhcol2016]. Spectroscopic observations and a more detailed analysis would be necessary to better characterise the stellar type and determine whether intrinsic dust absorption is present in AXJ 1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912. ## Is AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 an SFXT? excluded an extragalactic origin as well, based on the rapid timescale (thousands seconds) of the X-ray flux variability. They suggested that AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is a Galactic HMXB belonging to the sub-class of SFXTs, based on the point-like appearence, the amplitude of the X-ray variability and the hard power law spectrum, indicative of accretion of matter onto a compact object. In light of the flare caught by \(XMM\)-\(Newton\), the source dynamic range (F\(_{\rm max}\)/F\(_{\rm min}\)) increases to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}900, compared with the faint flux detected by \(Chandra\) (Fig. [\[fig:flux\]](#fig:flux){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flux"}). This range of variability is not as extreme as the one shown by the prototypical members of the SFXT class (F\(_{\rm max}\)/F\(_{\rm min}\) from 10\(^{4}\) to 10\(^{6}\)) but still consistent with less variable, "intermediate" SFXTs (see Table 2 in @Sidoli2018). However it is possible that we missed the brightest flares, since the duty cycle of SFXT outbursts is very small (lower than 5%, see Table 1 in @Sidoli2018). On the other hand, the source field has been monitored by \(INTEGRAL\)/IBIS (above 20 keV) for a total exposure time of 6.7 Ms, with no detections reported in the literature. If we assume a typical flare duration of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 ks we calculate a duty cycle lower than 0.03% for AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 (percentage of time spent in bright flaring activity, i.e. with a peak flux F\(_{18-50 keV}\geq\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5-3\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-10}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\); @Sidoli2018), to reconcile with the lack of reported outbursts with \(INTEGRAL\). This would imply that AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 is the SFXT with the lowest duty cycle: to date, the SFXT with the rarest outbursts is IGR J08408-4503, showing a duty cycle of 0.09%. Alternatively, AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 could be located at large distance: a short (duration \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 ks) flare with a peak luminosity of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{36}\) erg s\(^{-1}\) (18-50 keV) implies a source distance d\(\gtrsim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}8 kpc, to not be detected by \(INTEGRAL\). The non detection with \(INTEGRAL\) poses also a 3\(\sigma\) upper limit to the persistent (quiescent) emission F\(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2.3\(\times10^{-12}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) (20-40 keV; @Bird2016). If we assume that the quiescent \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) spectrum is representative of the long-term source state, we can use this upper limit to constrain the presence of a high energy cutoff, despite the large uncertainty in the measured power law slope. In particular, if the true photon index of the quiescent spectrum is \(\Gamma\[\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.8, the extrapolation of the power law model at higher energies leads to F\(=\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.3\(\times10^{-12}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) (20-40 keV), with no need for a cutoff. If harder power law photon indexes are assumed, variable cutoff values are needed to reconcile with the \(INTEGRAL\) upper limit. For instance, for a photon index \(\Gamma\]\sim\[-1\) in the quiescent spectrum, a cutoff E\(_{cut}\]\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10 keV is needed, to match the upper limit to the 20-40 keV flux (where E\(_{cut}\) is the e-folding energy of exponential rolloff in the cutoffpl model in xspec). ## Is AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 a supergiant B\[e\] HMXB? Although the long-term X-ray light curve is compatible with an SFXT with very rare outbursts (and/or located at large distance), we note that the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) spectral properties reported here for the first time are unusual for an SFXT: so far, no members of this class are known to be so highly absorbed. Even in the SFXT IGR J18410\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0535, where an intense flare was suggested to be produced by accretion of a very massive wind clump, the associated absorbing column density was significantly lower. The most extreme absorption among SFXTs has been observed in SAX J1818.6\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1703 (5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\); @Boon2016), but it is a unique case. In general, SFXTs show a circumstellar environment less dense than in persistent HMXBs. We note that large absorbing column densities, variable on timescales of ten days, have been measured in the Be X-ray transient SXP 1062 during the decline of the outburst, but with no detection of FeK\(\alpha\) line emission. On the other hand, the AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 spectrum observed with \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) strongly resembles those of the so-called "highly obscured sources". The latter are HMXBs where the compact object is enshrouded in a dense circumstellar environment produced by the outflowing matter from an evolved, early type massive star, such as a sgB\[e\]. In particular, the huge absorbing column density of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\) we deduce from the flare emission, makes AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 one of the most absorbed sources ever observed in our Galaxy, together with IGR J16318-4848. SgB\[e\] stars are evolved massive stars characterized by disk-like, dusty circumstellar envelopes fed by dense outflows from the B supergiant. Their optical spectra show a twofold behaviour: broad Balmer emission lines plus narrow emission lines from permitted and forbidden transitions. HMXBs with a supergiant B\[e\] donor stars are a rare type of X-ray binaries, with CI Camelopardalis (CI Cam, aka XTE J0421+560; @Bartlett2013) as a prototype, being the first Galactic sgB\[e\] star observed during an X-ray outburst whose X-ray luminosity implied a clear binarity nature. suggest that sgB\[e\] HMXBs are at the short evolutionary stage when a binary system is entering a common envelope phase of binary evolution. At present, this is a small class of rare HMXBs that, besides the Galactic sources CI Cam, IGR J16318\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4848, and Wd1-9, includes a couple of candidates in the Magellanic Clouds and, remarkably, two ultra luminous X-ray sources, Holmberg II X-1 and NGC300 ULX-1/supernova imposter SN2010da. CI Cam and IGR J16318\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4848 show variable absorbing column densities in the range 10\(^{23}\)-10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\), intense FeK\(\alpha\) line emission and X-ray flux variability. But while IGR J16318-4848 is bright above 20 keV with some level of flaring activity, CI Cam has never been detected by \(INTEGRAL\)Ṅevertheless, IGR J16318\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4848 has never undergone an X-ray outburst similar to the one experienced by CI Cam in 1998: CI Cam displayed a dynamic range in excess of 500 in 8 days (from \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-8}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) to 9\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-11}\) erg cm\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\)), with a decline of five orders of magnitude, back to quiescence, in a few months. Their X-ray luminosities cannot be determined as their distances are very uncertain. The nature of the compact object is unknown as X-ray pulsations have not been observed. # Conclusions We have reported here on an \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) observation of AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912, leading to the discovery of a remarkable new behavior of this source. The new findings can be summarized as follows: - a high intrinsic obscuration (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) is observed during the flaring emission, implying a large variability of two orders of magnitude in the absorbing column density towards the source, on timescales of years; - a prominent FeK\(\alpha\) line emission is evident both during the flare and the unflared (quiescent) emission, with variable fluxes in the two source states; - the flare caught by \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) increases the source range of flux variability to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}900, when compared to a \(Chandra\) observation performed two years before. In view of these new findings we have discussed different viable scenarios for the source nature. AX J1714.1\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3912 was previously suggested to be a SFXT. The short term variability during the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) observation is consistent with a SFXT nature, as well as the long-term dynamic range. On the other hand, the \(XMM\)-\(Newton\) spectrum is remarkable, as no SFXT has ever shown an obscuration as large as 10\(^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\). This spectrum shows many similarities with those typically observed in the so-called "highly obscured sources", a rare sub-class of HMXBs with a sgB\[e\] companion. This might pose the SFXT identification into question and leads us to propose an alternative origin for the X--ray emisison, a sgB\[e\] HMXB. To confirm its membership further investigations of the companion star are needed.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-14T01:12:12', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01040', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01040'}
# Challenges on Edge AI The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been infiltrating our life as the concept of smart city evolves. Edge AI technologies have gained a significant attention since the design of the IoT architecture has recently been concerned with emerging AI technologies. Most edge AI applications are generally viewed as an edge-cloud cooperative system, as shown in Figure [\[fig:edge-cloud\]](#fig:edge-cloud){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:edge-cloud"}. Classical edge applications usually undertake a responsibility for sensing environmental data and sending them to the cloud. Due to the wide spread of edge AI technologies, this has been changing; the AI inference is becoming one of major tasks of edge devices. These "prediction-only edge AI" systems work properly if the target environment around the edge devices is fairly static. However, an environment incessantly changes over time in the real world. For example, when a vibration pattern of some equipment is captured by an IoT sensor, it would be affected by the setting of a room ventilation fan, as demonstrated later in this article. This problem is known as the concept drift. To address this problem without demanding too much generalization performance, we have been proposing an on-deice learning approach in which edge devices learn the target phenomenon by themselves. The prediction-only edge AI needs a high generalization performance so that it achieves good accuracy wherever it is deployed. On the other hand, high generalization capability is not necessarily important in the on-device learning since it can adapt to a deployed environment. Even overfitting to a specific target dataset is acceptable according to the usage of on-device learning. This allows us to use simple neural networks with a single hidden layer as machine learning model. In this article, we demonstrate that relatively low-end IoT devices, such as Raspberry Pi Pico (Figure [\[fig:edge-cloud\]](#fig:edge-cloud){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:edge-cloud"}), can train such a neural network model using an online sequential learning algorithm in conjunction with our proposing techniques tailored for such devices. In the on-device learning approach, we do not upload raw sensing data to a cloud server except for prediction results. This is one of the most important characteristics specially for wireless sensor nodes since they are mostly restricted by energy budget and wireless communication dominates energy consumption of them. Reducing energy consumed in wireless communication is one of the perpetual demands for IoT devices. In this article, we demonstrate that the on-device learning is beneficial for reducing energy consumption (hereby increasing battery life) by using LoRa as a low-power wide-area (LPWA) network technology. # On-Device Learning In, edge AI systems are classified into six levels from "cloud-edge coinference and cloud training" (Level 1) to "all on-device" (Level 6). A typical prediction-only edge AI system is corresponding to Level 3 while our on-device learning is Level 6. As the level goes higher, the data transmission latency decreases, the data privacy increases, and the network bandwidth decreases, while the computation cost at edge increases. Thus, the reduction of computation cost is a primary concern in the on-device learning, which is addressed by redesigning the machine learning algorithm as introduced in this section. A de facto approach to train artificial neural networks is a backpropagation algorithm combined with a stochastic gradient descent or its variant. A batch of training samples is processed at a time assuming that an entire training dataset is available. This assumption is not feasible in low-end IoT devices with limited memory capacity (e.g., 264KiB in Raspberry Pi Pico). In fact, it is natural that sensor data is generated continuously as a stream. OS-ELM takes a different approach to sequentially train artificial neural networks. It is an online sequential learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks consisting of input layer, hidden layer, and output layer, as shown in Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}b. Weight parameters between the input and hidden layers are denoted as \(\bm{\alpha}\), and those between the hidden and output layers are \(\bm{\beta}\). Prediction is done by \(G(\bm{x_i} \bm{\alpha} + \bm{b}) \bm{\beta}\), where \(G\) is an activation function, \(\bm{x_i}\) is an \(n\)-dimensional input data at time \(i\), and \(\bm{b}\) is a bias vector. As for the training phase, \(\bm{\alpha}\) is initialized with random numbers once, while \(\bm{\beta}\) is sequentially updated for every incoming data using preceding values. That is, at time \(i\), \(\bm{\beta}\) is updated with preceding parameters \(\bm{\beta_{i-1}}\), temporary vector \(\bm{P_i}\), and hidden layer output \(\bm{H_i}\) calculated by input data \(\bm{x_i}\), as shown in Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}c. Such a sequential processing is suited to IoT devices with limited memory capacity since only a single data item is retained at a time. For anomaly detection, OS-ELM is combined with autoencoder, where the numbers of input nodes \(n\) and output nodes \(m\) are the same. At a training phase, \(\bm{\beta}\) is updated to minimize the loss defined by \(L(\bm{y}, \bm{t})\), where \(L\) is a loss function, \(\bm{y}\) is a neural network output, \(\bm{t}\) is a normal data, and \(\bm{t} = \bm{x}\). It is then used for anomaly detection. Since it has been trained with normal data, the reconstruction error \(L(\bm{y}, \bm{x})\) is interpreted as an anomaly score of an input data \(\bm{x}\). Only normal data is needed at the training phase, enabling an on-device learning approach self-adapted to a deployed environment. In practice, more than \(N\) normal samples should be trained at a deployed environment so that it can be used for anomaly detection which is specialized for the environment, where \(N\) is the number of hidden layer nodes. Originally, \(\bm{x}\) could be a mini-batch of input data, but in, the mini-batch size is restricted to one, so that a pseudo inverse operation needed in the sequential training algorithm (blue expression in Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}c) is replaced with a reciprocal operation. In this case, the prediction and sequential training are implemented with vector addition, vector multiplication, and scalar division, eliminating a need for numerical library for pseudo inverse or SVD (Singular Value Decomposition). In this article, it is implemented with C/C++ on Raspberry Pi Pico. OS-ELM and our on-device learning have only a single hidden layer that can be trained, so their expressive power is limited compared to deep neural networks. Nonetheless, practical anomaly detection tasks often deal with complex patterns containing multiple normal/anomalous modes. For example, a cooling fan in Figure [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"} has three speed levels. If we assume they are all normal, the anomaly detection system should recognize three different patterns as normal patterns, requiring a rich expressive power. To address this issue, multiple on-device learning instances are created for multiple normal patterns to form a multiple classification system (MCS), in which a single instance is specialized for a single pattern and a set of them altogether handles multiple patterns. If we have \(K\) instances, 1. Prediction is done by \(K\) instances to produce loss values using their own parameters. The smallest loss value among them is used as an anomaly score, as shown in Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}b. 2. Sequential training is performed by a single instance that outputs the smallest loss value, as shown in Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}c. An instance with the smallest loss value is interpreted as the closest instance to a given pattern. By repeating this sequential training process, the instances are specialized to some specific patterns. On-device learning has two modes: predict mode and train mode (Figure [\[fig:algorithm\]](#fig:algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:algorithm"}a). In the predict mode, weight parameters are not updated. These modes are switched either manually or automatically. The manual mode change is triggered by a train button; users can push the train button when retraining is needed. Or it can be switched automatically when input data patterns are changed. For example, a change-point detection for shifts in mean and variance of input patterns can be used for the trigger toward the autonomous retraining. # Implementation We built an edge-cloud anomaly detection system where four on-device learning instances are implemented on Raspberry Pi Pico (consisting of ARM Cortex-M0+ CPU at 133MHz and 264KiB SRAM) as edge devices. We use GCC cross compiler for ARM Cortex-R/M processors v6.3.1, and the optimization level is-O3. Anomaly detection results are sent to the cloud with LoRa as an LPWA network technology so that users can monitor the results via a web interface as shown in Figure [\[fig:edge-cloud\]](#fig:edge-cloud){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:edge-cloud"}. Grafana and MySQL are used for visualization and database, respectively, at the cloud side. STMicroelectronics STM32WLE5JC SoC (consisting of ARM Cortex-M4 CPU at 48MHz) that supports LoRa modulation is used for the wireless communication. These edge devices are battery-powered in our system, so their power consumption determines their lifetime. Figure [\[fig:time_and_energy\]](#fig:time_and_energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time_and_energy"}a shows the execution time breakdown at the edge side when anomaly detection is executed every second. The breakdown contains six parts below: 1. A 1024-point acceleration data is received from an accelerometer via SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) at 2MHz. 2. FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) and downsampling are executed to produce a 256-point frequency spectrum ranging from 1Hz to 512Hz at 2Hz resolution. They are referred as a preprocessing. 3. Prediction with four instances is performed to calculate their loss values. 4. Sequential training is performed at a single instance that outputs the smallest loss value. 5. A 20B anomaly detection result containing an anomaly score \(l\), an output class \(k\), and headers is transmitted to a gateway via LoRa (see Figure [\[fig:edge-cloud\]](#fig:edge-cloud){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:edge-cloud"}). 6. Deep sleep mode of Raspberry Pi Pico. The four on-device learning instances each with \(n = 256\), \(N = 32\), and \(m = 256\) are implemented in Raspberry Pi Pico. Sigmoid and mean squared error are used as an activation function \(G\) and a loss function \(L\), respectively. \(\bm{\alpha}\) is shared by all the four instances, while \(\bm{P}\) and \(\bm{\beta}\) are individual for each instance. The parameter size is thus \(nN + 4NN + 4Nm\) in total. Assuming float32 is used as a number format, the memory usage is 176KiB which can be implemented in the 264KiB SRAM of Raspberry Pi Pico. Execution times of the prediction and sequential training of possible configurations are shown in Figure [\[fig:time_and_energy\]](#fig:time_and_energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time_and_energy"}b. The execution time of a prediction is shorter than that of a sequential training but this prediction is executed four times when the number of on-device learning instances is four. A larger \(N\) enriches the expressive power while it consumes more memory and thus limiting the input size \(n\). In any cases, their execution times do not overwhelm the others, as shown in Figure [\[fig:time_and_energy\]](#fig:time_and_energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time_and_energy"}a. Power consumption of the edge device is measured by TI INA219 current sensor at 600 samples per second. Raspberry Pi Pico consumes 104.5mW to 117.3mW depending on a given workload, while it is only 6.9mW at the deep sleep mode. As for the LPWA communication, we use the 923MHz LoRa channel as a license-free radio band in our region. Spreading factor is 7, channel bandwidth is 125kHz, and transmission power is 20mW in order to cover hundreds meter distance with approximately 5.47kbps bitrate. In this configuration, the LoRa module consumes 174.1mW when transmitting. The power consumption becomes very small at the sleep mode. In our experiment below, we assume the state is properly changed to the sleep mode when it is not used, which is a preferred behavior in wireless sensor nodes. # Experimental Results Four cases below are examined to see energy and execution time benefits of the on-device learning. - Case 1: On-device learning that performs sensing, FFT, prediction, and sequential training at edge. Prediction result (20B) is transmitted to a gateway with LoRa. - Case 2: Prediction-only edge AI that performs sensing, FFT, and prediction at edge. In addition to the prediction result, preprocessed data after FFT (1024B) is also transmitted to the gateway if necessary (e.g., retraining purpose at cloud). - Case 3: Vibration sensor that performs sensing and FFT at edge. Preprocessed data after FFT (1024B) is transmitted to the gateway. - Case 4: Acceleration sensor that performs only sensing at edge. Raw acceleration data (2048B) is transmitted to the gateway. Figure [\[fig:time_and_energy\]](#fig:time_and_energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time_and_energy"}c shows evaluation results of the four cases. X-axis indicates the number of operations per hour as workload. Left Y-axis is active execution time (not including the sleep time) in seconds, and right Y-axis is energy consumption in milliwatts per hour (mWh). They are log-scaled. We assume that case 2 transfers preprocessed data for future retraining at cloud to align with case 1 that can retrain. Necessity of the retraining at a deployed environment will be demonstrated later in this section. Their time and energy differences are not significant at low workloads (e.g., once per hour). As the workload is increased to once per minute or more, the time and energy for wireless communication become dominant in cases other than the on-device learning. Only the on-device learning case can implement the per-second operation while providing a retraining capability to be able to adapt to a new environment which will be evaluated next. A direct comparison between the OS-ELM based neural network and a backpropagation based deep neural network is provided in. This article rather focuses on the benefits of on-device learning when the target environment around the edge devices is changed. To evaluate the accuracy with and without the on-device learning, we use vibration patterns of a cooling fan dataset captured by PCB M607A11 accelerometer, as shown in Figure [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"}a. Normal and damaged 12cm fans supporting three speed levels (i.e., 2500rpm, 2000rpm, and 1500rpm) are running at an office room (referred as normal environment) and near a ventilation fan as a noise source (referred as noisy environment), as shown in Figure [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"}a. Examples of their vibration patterns after FFT are shown in Figures [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"}b and [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"}c. Each contains a frequency spectrum ranging from 1Hz to 512Hz. The leftmost waveforms are those at 2500rpm, and the rightmost ones are at 0rpm. Anomaly detection is conducted at the noisy environment. We assume a prediction-only AI was trained at the normal environment, while the on-device learning can be retrained at the deployed environment. A preliminary version of the cooling fan dataset containing more than 11,000 waveforms is publicly available on GitHub [^1]. Seven tasks below are used for the accuracy evaluation. - 2500rpm: Fan speeds are changed among 2500rpm, 2000rpm, 1500rpm, and 0rpm at the noisy environment. The task is to detect different fan speeds other than 2500rpm. - 2000rpm, 1500rpm, and 0rpm: Same rule as above. - Damage1: Normal fan is operating first, and then an unbalanced fan with holes (Damage1 in Figure [\[fig:noisy_env\]](#fig:noisy_env){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:noisy_env"}a) is operating instead. The task is to detect the damaged one. - Damage2: Same as above but an unbalanced fan with a chipped blade (Damage2) is used instead. - 4 speeds: Same as 2500rpm task but the task is to classify four speeds to see classification accuracy. For the 2500rpm task, 300 samples and 235 samples were used for training and prediction, respectively, for each test scenario. Multiple tests were executed both for the on-device learning and the prediction-only AI cases using different samples. The same test procedure was applied to the 2000rpm, 1500rpm, and 0rpm tasks. For the Damage1 task, 1200 samples and 470 samples were used for training and prediction for each test scenario. The same procedure was applied to Damage2 and 4 speeds tasks. The task of 4 speeds is evaluated with classification accuracy while the other tasks are with ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) AUC (Area Under the Curve). The ROC AUC is calculated with anomaly scores \(l\), and the classification accuracy is calculated with classes \(k\) predicted by the instances. Figure [\[fig:accuracy\]](#fig:accuracy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:accuracy"}a shows evaluation results of the on-device learning and the prediction-only AI with the seven tasks. Y-axis is classification accuracy for the task of 4 speeds, and it is ROC AUC for the other tasks. Detecting 0rpm as normal is an easy task for both the approaches even at the noisy environment, while in the 2500rpm task, the prediction-only AI fails to detect 2500rpm as normal at the noisy environment. Figure [\[fig:accuracy\]](#fig:accuracy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:accuracy"}b illustrates a part of the result in the 2500rpm task, in which samples 0-60 are normal (i.e., 2500rpm) and the others are anomalous (i.e., 2000rpm, 1500rpm, and 0rpm). The on-device learning recognizes this difference accurately while the prediction-only AI does not at the noisy environment. As for the Damage1, Damage2, and 4 speeds tasks, the on-device learning is also better than the prediction-only AI at the noisy environment. Figure [\[fig:accuracy\]](#fig:accuracy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:accuracy"}c illustrates a part of the result in Damage1 task, in which samples 0-234 are normal and the others are anomalous (i.e., Damage1) [^2]. As shown, loss value of the on-device learning is stably high after the damaged fan is used, while mispredictions are observed in the prediction-only AI. These results demonstrate advantages of the on-device learning when it is deployed in an unknown environment. # Summary In real-world anomaly detection, normal and anomalous patterns may vary depending on a given environment. This article introduces a neural network based on-device learning approach to address this issue. Our approach is quite different from de facto backpropagation based training but tailored for low-end edge devices. It is implemented in a wireless sensor node consisting of Raspberry Pi Pico and LPWA module. The experimental results demonstrate that retraining by the on-device learning significantly improves the accuracy at a noisy environment while saving the computation and communication costs for low power. Our future plan includes an on-device learning chip design and its application development. [^1]: <https://github.com/matutani/cooling-fan> [^2]: Y-axis is standardized loss value in each instance so that the scales of on-device learning and prediction-only AI outputs are adjusted to clearly show their difference.
{'timestamp': '2022-05-10T02:21:16', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01077', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01077'}
# Introduction In the recent decades, the advent of radioactive beam factories associated with developments of more sophisticated experimental methods has enabled to discover new manisfestations of many-body nuclear dynamics in many places of the nuclear chart. New phenomena like halo systems, two-proton radioactivity, occurence of new magic numbers, vanishing of shell closures, soft dipole modes, or even searches for superheavy nuclei have been observed and have stimulated the continuous developments and improvements of theoretical methods in order to interpret such phenomena. Among the various theoretical frameworks available, the Shell-Model (SM) or Configuration Interaction (CI), either in its no-core or valence space implementations, has always been one of the most powerful methods in the description of quantum nuclear systems , in particular with the numerical development of efficient diagonalization codes which have opened the era of the so-called \"Large Scale Shell-Model calculations\" for light and medium-mass nuclei up to \(A\sim 150\)  and have become the method of choice to explain the observed nuclear phenomena, guide experimental programs, and not the least, allowed for a deeper understanding of man astrophysical objects and processes in which exotic nuclei often play the key role. However, its success was always minored by the exponential growth of the systems basis involved. At the same time, variational methods with symmetry breaking and restoration have also shown great success for decades and have proven to a certain extent to be applicable over the nuclear chart from the lightest nuclear systems to the most heavy ones . Although these methods provide distinct description, the merging of the mean-field techniques within the shell-model formalism has already been developed and studied in the literature in the past, starting from the pioneering work of Ripka , later followed by the different `VAMPIR` implementations . One of the major achievements up to now was proposed by the Tokyo group with the Monte Carlo Shell-Model . And more recently several implementations were used, either in an punctual manner  or in a more ambitious scale with the recent development of the `TAURUS` numerical suite . In the present work, we present the formalism of the Discrete Non-Orthogonal Shell-Model (DNO-SM) and its associated numerical implementation `CARINA`. The DNO-SM amounts to diagonalize valence shell-model hamiltonians in a non-orthogonal basis with the use of beyond-mean-field techniques. The detailled framework is exposed in the next section and applications to \(sd\) shell nuclei in comparison with exact diagonalisations are discussed in section [3](#Benchmark and comparison in sd nuclei){reference-type="ref" reference="Benchmark and comparison in sd nuclei"}. The final section exposes an application to a very heavy system in the \(^{254}\)No case. # Theoretical Framework ## Shell Model formulation revisited ### The diagonalization dilemma The ultimate question in the Shell Model, once a physically meaningful valence space \(\mathcal E\) is equipped together with the associated effective interaction \(\hat{\mathcal V}\) for the problem at hand, is to tackle the secular equation \[\hat{\mathcal H} \ket\Psi = E\ket\Psi \label{eq:secular_equation}\] where \(\hat{\mathcal H}\) represents the effective Hamiltonian composed of \(\hat{\mathcal V}\) and a one-body single-particle energy \(\{e_i\}\) part \[\hat{\mathcal H} = \sum_{i\in\mathcal E} e_i a^\dagger_ia_i + \frac{1}{4}\sum_{ijkl\in\mathcal E} \elmx{ij}{\hat{\mathcal V}}{kl} a^\dagger_ia^\dagger_ja_la_k. \label{eq:hamiltonian}\] \(\{a^\dagger_i\}\) and \(\{a_i\}\) are creation and annihilation operators satisfying the common anti-commutation rules for fermionic systems. By defining a set of basis states \(\mathcal B=\{\ket{\phi_m},m\in\mathbb N\}\) constructed from the single-particle spherical oscillator valence space \(\mathcal E\) with which we can write the eigenstate \(\ket\Psi\) as \[\ket\Psi = \sum_{m=1}^{\mathrm{dim}(\mathcal B)} c_m\ket{\phi_m},\] the classic Shell Model resolution of [\[eq:secular_equation\]](#eq:secular_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:secular_equation"} then amounts to addressing the eigenvalue problem \[\sum_{m=1}^{\mathrm{dim}(\mathcal B)} \mathcal H_{m'm}c_m = E\,c_{m'} \label{eq:projected_secular_equation}\] by an exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix \(\mathcal H_{m'm} = \elmx{\phi_{m'}}{\hat{\mathcal H}}{\phi_m}\) in the model space \(\mathscr H = \overline{\mathrm{Span}\:\mathcal B}\). Although spectacular designs of Shell Model codes have been achieved  to reach space dimensions larger and larger, it is still an inherent problem that makes difficult to extend the Shell Model applicability into heavier mass nuclei. To deal with this dilemma, we look for a replacement of \(\mathcal B\) with a different family of basis states. The existence of such basis takes the root in the original idea of the Generator Coordinate Method (GCM) first proposed in Refs. . As we shall discuss in the following, it can be however viewed in an independent status with respect to the GCM, thanks to the work of the authors in Ref. . ### Discrete non-orthogonal basis The starting point of the GCM is the hypothesis that one can find a family of states depending on the continuous (generator) coordinate(s) \(q\) \[\mathit\Gamma = \{\ket{\Phi(q)}\:|\: q\in\mathbb R\}\] so that the latter forms a model subspace \(\mathscr{H}_q = \overline{\mathrm{span}\:\mathit\Gamma} \subseteq \mathscr H\) following the nature of the coordinate(s) \(q\) that we choose in the generation of \(\mathit\Gamma\). The core of our presentation of \(\mathscr H_q\) relies on the following existence theorem first noticed in Ref. . Suppose \(\mathscr H_q\) is a separable Hilbert subspace, i.e. \(\mathscr H_q \subseteq \mathscr H \subset \mathscr{L}^2\) where \(\mathscr{L}^2\) denotes the full Hilbert space associated with the space of square integrable functions, the separability property of \(\mathscr H_q\) implies the existence of a countable family \[\mathit\Gamma_0 = \{\ket{\Phi(q_i)}\:|\:i\in\mathbb N\} \subset \mathit\Gamma \label{eq:DNObasis}\] which is in general skew or non-orthogonal set of states with the property \(\mathscr H_q = \overline{\mathrm{span}\:\mathit\Gamma_0}\) (cf. the detailed demonstration given in Appendix of Ref. ). This enables us to tackle now the diagonalization of \(\hat{\mathcal H}\) in the subspace \(\mathscr H_q\) represented by the discrete non-orthogonal basis set \(\mathit\Gamma_0\). Indeed, by expressing the eigenstate \(\ket\Psi\) as \[\ket\Psi = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} f(q_i) \: \ket{\Phi(q_i)}, \label{eq:non_orthogonal_expansion}\] the projection of [\[eq:secular_equation\]](#eq:secular_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:secular_equation"} in \(\mathscr H_q\) becomes equivalent to the generalized eigenvalue problem \[\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\Big[\mathcal H(q_{i'},q_i)-E\;\mathcal N(q_{i'},q_i)\Big] f(q_i) = 0 \label{eq:projected_Hq_equation}\] where \(\mathcal O(q_{i'},q_i) = \elmx{\Phi(q_{i'})}{\hat{\mathcal O}}{\Phi(q_i)}\) (\(\hat{\mathcal O} = \hat{\mathcal H}, \mathbf 1\)) are the Hamiltonian and norm matrix elements and \(f(q_i)\) the expansion coefficient. Therefore, instead of using the basis \(\mathcal B\) spanning the full model space \(\mathscr H\), the above presented theorem on the existence (not necessarily unique) of a discrete non-orthogonal basis set of \(\hat{\mathcal H}\) suggests that: 1. the diagonalization of \(\hat{\mathcal H}\) in \(\mathscr H_q\) becomes "exact" when \(\mathscr H_q = \mathscr H\), which means the coordinate(s) \(q\) must be chosen so as to "exhaust" in some way the space \(\mathcal E\); 2. the truncation of the infinite countable set \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) could be done in a variational way such that the finite sum \[\ket\Psi \approx \sum_{i=0}^n f(q_i) \ket{\Phi(q_i)}\] yields an optimal approximation. Whether we are able to choose \(q\) to fulfil the condition \(\mathscr H_q = \mathscr H\) can be verified a posteriori. What needed is then an efficient truncation method of \(\mathit\Gamma_0\), which we shall address now. ### Truncation method with the minimization technique The existence theorem as presented previously has enabled us to transform the classic Shell Model eigenvalue problem [\[eq:projected_secular_equation\]](#eq:projected_secular_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:projected_secular_equation"}, formulated in the orthonormal basis \(\mathcal B\), into the generalized one [\[eq:projected_Hq_equation\]](#eq:projected_Hq_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:projected_Hq_equation"} through the discrete non-orthogonal basis \(\mathit\Gamma_0\). As noted earlier by the authors of Ref. , the minimization technique originally proposed by E. Caurier in Ref.  provides an iterative prescription to truncate \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) in a variational way. It proceeds as follows: *"the first point \(q_0\) is the one such that \(\ket{\Phi(q_0)}\) minimizes the energy. The second point \(q_1\) is chosen in such a way that the energy obtained from diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the \(2\)--dimensional space spanned by \(\ket{\Phi(q_0)}\) and \(\ket{\Phi(q_1)}\) be a minimum. One proceeds in the same way to determine the third basis vector \(\ket{\Phi(q_2)}\) etc\..."*. The technique was however implemented only in toy model examples of Hydrogen atom in molecular physics (cf. e.g. ) and has never been considered in realistic nuclear structure calculations. Therefore, instead of the conventional problem represented by \((\hat{\mathcal H}, \mathscr H, \mathcal B)\), our current work exploits fully this technique for the first time in the Shell Model framework formulated in terms of \((\hat{\mathcal H}, \mathscr H_q, \mathit\Gamma_0)\). This resulting model will be from now on referred to as *Discrete Non-Orthogonal Shell Model* (DNO-SM). To be now more precise in the practical realization of the DNO-SM, we assume that the Projected Constrained Hartree--Fock (PCHF) approach provides us with a basis generation method which will be our focus in the next subsection. However, before going further, let us note that, the above proposed technique suggested to minimize one state at a time. More generally in order to cover broader physical situations such as nuclear coexistences where the potential energy surface may exhibit several local minima or when states are not of collective nature, it may be more preferable to obtain various excited states by a single minimization. A generalization to deal with the minimization of many states simultaneously shall be presented. ## Projected constrained Hartree-Fock basis Having introduced the general framework of our approach to the dimensionality problem encountered in the classic Shell Model, we present now the construction of the many-body basis in the DNO-SM. The choice of degrees of freedom here is important to take into account correlations as much as possible in the generation of the basis. This should be inferred on physical grounds. Moreover, the many-body basis must conserve important symmetries of the effective Hamiltonian, in particular, the cases associated with conserved quantities such as the angular momentum and particle numbers. Such basis could be built upon the Constrained Hartree-Fock (CHF) method which relies on the rotational symmetry breaking at the mean field to incorporate deformations. A projection onto good angular momentum can be applied later before proceeding to the full diagonalization. A Hartree-Fock (HF) state \(\ket{\Phi(q)} = \displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^A a^\dagger_i\ket{0}\) for a nucleus of \(A\)--particles is obtained from CHF calculations under the conditions \[\begin{aligned} \frac 1 2 \elmx{\Phi}{\hat Q_{\lambda\mu} + (-)^\mu \hat Q_{\lambda-\mu}}{\Phi} = Q_{\lambda\mu},\\ \elmx{\Phi}{\hat J_m}{\Phi} = \langle\hat{J}_m\rangle \:\:(m = x,z), \label{eq:contraints} \end{aligned}\] where \(\hat Q_{\lambda\mu} = r^{\lambda}Y_{\lambda\mu}(\theta,\varphi)\) is the multipole operator expressed in terms of the spherical harmonics \(Y_{\lambda\mu}\) and \(\hat J_m\) the components of the total angular momentum operator \(\hat{\mathbf J}\). Here \(Q_{\lambda\mu}\) and \(\langle\hat{J}_m\rangle\) are desired constraining expectation values. Our numerical implementations of constrained HF calculations follow the standard modified Broyden method as described in Refs. . Furthermore, to ensure the correct constraining value along the iterative HF process, we use the augmented Lagrange method proposed in Ref. . Once this is done, the resulting HF state is projected onto good angular momentum \(J\) through the usual procedure using the projection operator  \[\begin{aligned} &\mathcal P^{J}_{MK}(A) = \frac{2J+1}{4\pi^2\big(3-(-)^A\big)} \times \\ &\int_0^{2\pi}d\alpha\int_0^{\pi}d\beta\int_{0}^{\gamma_{\rm max}}d\gamma \: \mathcal D^{J*}_{MK}(\alpha,\beta,\gamma) \: \hat R(\alpha,\beta,\gamma), \end{aligned}\] where \(\gamma_{\rm max}=\big(3-(-)^A\big)\pi\), \(\hat R(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) and \(\mathcal D^{J*}_{MK}(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) denote the rotation operator and the Wigner matrix . The case of \(\gamma_{\rm max} = 4\pi\) corresponds to a HF state describing odd systems. Thus we have included the dependence of the projection operator on the mass number \(A\) for convenience. This provides us a family of PCHF states characterized by the angular momentum projection onto the intrinsic axis \(|K|\leq J\) and the coordinate \(q\) for a given \(J\) \[\mathit\Gamma = \{\mathcal P^J_{MK}(A)\ket{\Phi(q)}\:|\: q\in\mathbb R\}\] with which we can now formulate the DNO-SM's working equations. The HF procedure to generate deformed Slater determinants in the construction of DNO-SM basis is implemented to treat both odd--and even--nuclei without further assumptions. More specifically, we do not impose any self--consistent symmetries (e.g. no time-reversal, no parity conservation) at the HF mean field to exploit at best what is offered by the single-particle valence space \(\mathcal E\). The construction of DNO-SM basis for odd nuclei is done via the constrain of angular momentum components \(\hat J_m\:(m=x,z)\) which, as we will show later, can provide a very good many-body basis for such nuclei. The formal aspect of this approach to treat odd-mass nuclei has been pointed out in Ref. . More recently, the theoretical demonstration in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov framework is described in Ref. . Since there is no self-consistent symmetries adopted here, the angular momentum projection demands to perform the integration over Euler angles \(\Omega = (\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) in full intervals without restrictions. To do so, we have developed an analytical formula that performs an exact integration over \((\alpha,\gamma)\) whose derivation is presented in Appendix B. The integration over \(\beta\) is done numerically using the Gauss--Legendre quadrature rule. ## DNO-SM formalism ### Secular equation in non-orthogonal PCHF basis Let us start with the ansatz [\[eq:non_orthogonal_expansion\]](#eq:non_orthogonal_expansion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_orthogonal_expansion"} where we specify the eigenstate of \(\hat{\mathcal H}\) by \(\ket{\alpha JM}\) of good total angular momentum \(J\), its projection \(M\) in the laboratory frame and an index \(\alpha\) labelling indices of corresponding energy levels and other quantum numbers. In terms of the PCHF states \(\mathcal P^J_{MK}\ket{\Phi(q)}\in\mathit\Gamma_0\subset\Gamma\), it is given by \[\ket{\alpha JM} = \sum_{q,K} f^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K) \: \mathcal P^{J}_{MK}\ket{\Phi(q)}. \label{eq:alpha_JM_PCHF}\] To simplify the notation, we omit the dependence on mass number \(A\) in the projection operator \(\mathcal P^J_{MK}\) and \(q\) is understood to take discrete values. The projected equation [\[eq:projected_Hq_equation\]](#eq:projected_Hq_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:projected_Hq_equation"} then becomes \[\sum_{q,K}\bigg[\mathcal H^{J}_{K'K}(q',q)-E^{(J)}_\alpha\mathcal N^J_{K'K}(q',q)\bigg] f^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K) = 0 \label{eq:projected_AMP_equation}\] where the Hamiltonian and the norm matrix elements \(\mathcal O^{(J)}_{K'K}(q',q) = \elmx{\Phi(q')}{\hat{\mathcal O}\,\mathcal P^J_{K'K}}{\Phi(q)}\) (with \(\hat{\mathcal O} = \hat{\mathcal H}, \mathbf 1\)) are evaluated through a three-fold integration over Euler angles \(\Omega = (\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal O^{(J)}_{K'K}(q',q) &= \frac{2J+1}{4\pi^2\big(3-(-)^A\big)} \times \\ &\int d\Omega \,\mathcal D^{J*}_{MK}(\Omega) \: \elmx{\Phi(q')}{\hat{\mathcal O}\hat R(\Omega)}{\Phi(q)}. \end{aligned} \label{eq:TBME_PCHF}\] The core of [\[eq:TBME_PCHF\]](#eq:TBME_PCHF){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:TBME_PCHF"} is in the evaluation of the kernels \(\elmx{\Phi(q')}{\hat{\mathcal O}\hat R(\Omega)}{\Phi(q)}\) for given pair of Slater determinants. For these calculations, we use the minor formula as presented in Ref. . This is given in Appendix A. The matrix element \(\mathcal O^{(J)}_{K'K}(q',q)\) obtained from the Euler angles integration is then presented in Appendix B. The treatment of the generalized eigenvalue problem [\[eq:projected_AMP_equation\]](#eq:projected_AMP_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:projected_AMP_equation"} has been well documented in the framework of the generator coordinate method (see e.g. Refs. ). We follow the standard technique that begins with the determination of the natural eigenbasis functions \(u^{(J)}_i(q;K)\) of the norm matrix \[\sum_{q,K}\mathcal N^J_{K'K}(q',q) \: u^{(J)}_i(q;K) = \eta^{(J)}_i \:u^{(J)}_i(q';K').\] By retaining only positive norm eigenvalues that we denote by \(\{\eta^{(J)}_i > 0,\:i\in\mathbb N\}\), the so-called natural state characterized by the corresponding norm eigenvalue \(\eta^{(J)}_i\) is defined as \[\begin{aligned} \ket{\eta^{(JM)}_i} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\eta^{(J)}_i}} \sum_{q,K} u^{(J)}_i(q;K) \mathcal P^{J}_{MK}\ket{\Phi(q)},\\ \overlap{\eta^{(JM)}_{i'}}{\eta^{(JM)}_i} = \delta_{i'i} \phantom{\mathcal P^{J}_{MK}\ket{\Phi(q)}} \end{aligned}\] and satisfies the orthogonality condition. This natural basis allows to transform the projected equation in the non-orthogonal PCHF basis onto the usual eigenvalue value problem of the form \[\sum_{i'}\mathcal H^{(J)}_{i'i} \: g^{(J)}_{i'} = E^{(J)}_\alpha \: g^{(J)}_i\] where the Hamiltonian matrix now is expressed between orthogonal natural basis states \(\{\ket{\eta^{(JM)}_i}\}\) \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal H^{(J)}_{i'i} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\eta^{(J)}_{i'}\eta^{(J)}_i}} \sum_{q'K',qK}\: u^{(J)*}_{i'}(q';K') \times \\ \mathcal H^J_{K'K}(q',q) \: u^{(J)}_i(q;K). \end{aligned}\] The nuclear state \(\ket{\alpha JM}\) is thus a linear superposition in the natural basis \[\ket{\alpha JM} = \sum_{i}\; g^{(J)}_i \: \ket{\eta^{(JM)}_i}\] with the transformation onto the non-orthogonal PCHF basis expressed through the expansion coefficient \(f^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K)\) of [\[eq:alpha_JM_PCHF\]](#eq:alpha_JM_PCHF){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:alpha_JM_PCHF"} \[f^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K) = \sum_{i}\; \frac{g^{(J)}_i}{\sqrt{\eta^{(J)}_i}} \: u^{(J)}_i(q;K).\] One can notice that \(f^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K)\) is not properly normalized and does not represent the probability amplitude of finding a given configuration of \(\mathit\Gamma_0\). To be able to analyze the content of the nuclear states, we can define the normalized probability amplitude to find a component \(\mathcal P^J_{MK}\ket{\Phi(q)}\) in the state \(\ket{\alpha JM}\) by  \[\mathcal M^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K) = \sum_{q',K'}\; \big[\hat{\mathcal N}^{1/2}\big]^{(J)}_{K'K}(q',q) \: f^{(J)}_\alpha(q';K').\] The corresponding probability to find the intrinsic angular momentum component \(K\) or the component \(q\) in the state \(\ket{\alpha JM}\) is respectively given by \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal P^{(J)}_\alpha(K) = \sum_{q} \Big|\mathcal M^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K)\Big|^2,\\ \mathcal P^{(J)}_\alpha(q) = \sum_{K} \Big|\mathcal M^{(J)}_\alpha(q;K)\Big|^2, \end{aligned} \label{eq:prob}\] with the normalization relation \[\sum_{K} \mathcal P^{(J)}_\alpha(K) = \sum_{q} \mathcal P^{(J)}_\alpha(q) = 1.\] ### Truncation of the PCHF basis with the generalized minimization technique {#sec:truncation} We come now to the truncation of the discrete family \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) with the minimization technique. The idea about how to choose states of \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) is quite straightforward. That is, applying to the present case including the angular momentum projection, based on the selection of discrete values of the coordinate(s) \(q\) which minimizes the energy, i.e. we let the Hamiltonian itself to choose what is the best state from a variational viewpoint. Furthermore, it is implicitly understood that the ground state or an excited state has to be chosen beforehand. Then the following iterative procedure can be implemented: 1. Fix the state \(E^{(J)}_\alpha\) to be minimized with \(\alpha\) indexing energy levels; 2. Define a searching region of the coordinate(s) \(q\); 3. Start from the first point which can be chosen as the HF minimum; 4. Solve the projected Shell Model circular equation [\[eq:projected_AMP_equation\]](#eq:projected_AMP_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:projected_AMP_equation"} over the whole searching region of \(q\) to find the second state and proceed the same way in next iterations until the convergence of \(E^{(J)}_\alpha\). More precisely, the convergence criterion is defined by the absolute energy gain \(\Delta E^{(J)}_{\alpha}(k) = E^{(J)}_\alpha(k)-E^{(J)}_\alpha(k-1)\) at the iteration number \(k\). If \(\Delta E^{(J)}_\alpha(k) > \epsilon > 0\) we keep the CHF state, otherwise it is not retained. The minimization will stop when no more states are found in the searching region. In practice, we observe that fixing \((\alpha,J)\) will exclude in the minimization the states of \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) which could be relevant for an other state \((\alpha',J')\). Hence, small components of the wave functions could be missed whereas the overall spectrum remains well described. The key point is thus, minimizing as many excited states at the same time as possible will eventually lead to the improvement of one and another mutually and also the ground state. This idea leads us to generalize the above iterative procedure in the following way: we let the minimization process to determine not only the coordinate(s) \(q\) but also the state \((\alpha,J)\) that gains the most energy at a given iteration. This is done by comparing the energy differences \(\{\Delta E^{(J)}_\alpha\}\) for every state \((\alpha,J)\) in a given set of nuclear states which we want to describe. The procedure then continues until we find no more states satisfying the condition \(\mathrm{max}\{\Delta E^{(J)}_\alpha\} > \epsilon\), which defines the convergence criterion in this scheme. We will comment on the choice of \(\epsilon\) in the following. The minimization procedure as such requires an organizational scheme of partitioning the coordinate(s) \(q\), which form in general a multi-dimensional surface. Although it is possible to determine all of them simultaneously in principle, it might not be necessary to do so. The reason is that, as a consequence of the existence theorem, different countable sets \(\mathit\Gamma_0\subset\Gamma\) could be qualified as basis for \(\mathscr H_q\). In this work, we define the following organization of the coordinate(s) \(q\). Only the deformation parameters \(Q_{\lambda\mu}\) are determined from the minimization process. The cranking components \(\langle\hat J_m\rangle\) (\(m=x,z\)) are not. Instead, they are fixed in advance. That is, we perform the minimization in the deformation surface \(\{Q_{\lambda\mu}\}\) associated to each value of \(\langle\hat J_m\rangle = J^{(1)}_m,J^{(2)}_m,J^{(3)}_m...\) ordered from input. ### Choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\) {#Choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\)} In order the generate \(\mathit\Gamma_0\), in this present work, we limit ourselves to quadrupole deformations (axial and triaxial) as the common choice of generator coordinates for triaxial systems , whose expectation values in a HF state \(\ket\Phi\) are denoted by \(Q_{20},Q_{22}\) respectively \[\begin{aligned} Q_{20} &= \sqrt{\frac{16\pi}{5}}\, \sum_{\tau=p,n}\:e^{(\tau)}_{mass}\:\elmx{\Phi}{\hat Q^{(\tau)}_{20}}{\Phi} \\ Q_{22} &= \sqrt{\frac{8\pi}{5}}\, \sum_{\tau=p,n}\:e^{(\tau)}_{mass}\: \elmx{\Phi}{\big(\hat Q^{(\tau)}_{2-2} + \hat Q^{(\tau)}_{22}\big)}{\Phi}. \end{aligned}\] In this particular case, we use the usual Hill-Wheeler \((\beta,\gamma)\) parameters  which are related to \((Q_{20},Q_{22})\) through the total quadrupole moment \(Q=\sqrt{Q_{20}^2 + Q_{22}^2}\) \[\beta = \frac{b^2Q\sqrt{5\pi}}{3r_0^2A^{5/3}}, \:\: \gamma = \arctan\big(\frac{Q_{22}}{Q_{20}}\big)\] where \(b^2\) (in fm\(^2\)) is the harmonics oscillator parameter  \[b^2 = \frac{41.4}{45A^{-1/3}-25A^{-2/3}},\] and \(A\) and \(r_0=1.2\) (in fm) are the nuclear mass number and radius parameter. Within the shell-model formalism, the use of valence spaces and truncation of the Hilbert space implies the need of effective hamiltonians as well as effective operators. Effective operators can be derived by Many-Body Perturbation Theory  but quadrupole operators are usually renormalized with the use of an effective charge. The effective charge have been defined by several authors, we use here the notation defined in Ref. : \[e_{el}^{(p)}=(1+\chi_p)e, \:\:\: e_{el}^{(n)}=\chi_n e\] with \(\chi\) being the electric polarization charge. \(\chi\) value is intimately connected to the valence space used and can be derived by Many-Body Perturbation Theory  and is shell dependent but for \(0\hbar\omega\) spaces, the microscopic Dufour-Zuker  \(\chi_p=0.31\), \(\chi_n=0.46\) are standard values. Finally, for the mass quadrupole operators, we will use \[e_{mass}^{(p)} = e_{mass}^{(n)} = (1+\chi_p+\chi_n)e \label{eq:mass_charge}\] to be consistent with the deformation parameters defined above. # Benchmark and comparison in sd nuclei {#Benchmark and comparison in sd nuclei} ## Even nuclei To assess the quality of the PCHF basis \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) against the oscillator one in the classic Shell Model, we perform a systematic comparison of two models in even sd nuclei using the USDB effective interaction . In the first series of calculations shown in Table [\[TAB_SD\]](#TAB_SD){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_SD"}, to see the overall performance of our minimization method, we compare the ground state and the first excited states \(2^+_1,4^+_1\) energies as well as the corresponding \(E2\)--transition probabilities for Neon, Magnesium, Silicon and Argon even-even isotopes. These calculations are performed using: i) the common set of states \(J_\alpha\in\{0_1,2_{1,2},4_1,8_{1},12_1,16_1\}\) whenever possible; ii) practically the same \((\beta,\gamma)\) mesh for all considered nuclei (cf. Table [\[TAB_SD_BG\]](#TAB_SD_BG){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_SD_BG"}); iii) the same set of cranking components \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle\in\{-2,-4,-8,-12,-16\}\) and iv) the same number of integration points in Angular Momentum Projection, namely, \(11\) points for the analytical integration over the angles \(\alpha,\gamma\in[0,2\pi]\) and \(20\) Gauss--Legendre quadrature points for the integration over the angle \(\beta\in[0,\pi]\). After a first round of minimization to find non-cranked CHF states over the range \(\gamma\in[0^\circ,60^\circ]\) discretized into a one-dimensional mesh of \(N_g\) points, the minimization procedure is then iterated for each above-mentioned cranking components \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle\).\ As we can see in Table [\[TAB_SD\]](#TAB_SD){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_SD"}, the agreement between two models is excellent for both relative energies and \(E2\)--transition probabilities, indicating that the wave functions have already converged for the considered states. The number of CHF basis states found by the minimization process is relatively small at the beginning and the end of the shell and increases as we go to nuclei at mid shell. Such are the cases of deformed open shell nuclei \(^{24}\)Mg, \(^{28}\)Si which seemingly require more basis states to capture correlations in the mixing than in others. In the present calculations, a similar trend is exhibited in the ground state binding energy difference (of order \(\sim 0.1-1.0\) MeV) with respect to the exact result (shown in Figure [\[Egs\]](#Egs){reference-type="ref" reference="Egs"}). There are two possible reasons for this underbinding:\ \(\bullet\) Our minimization technique builds up the many-body basis based on a finite set of states preliminarily defined, in the present case, i.e. the set \(J_\alpha\in\{0_1,2_{1,2},4_1,8_{1},12_1,16_1\}\), hence, indirectly omits basis states possibly relevant for other states not included in the set. Therefore, the representation of the effective Hamiltonian in the truncated basis \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) is not fully complete as the construction is under way. This is in contrast to the full SM diagonalization in the oscillator basis because all many-body matrix elements of the effective Hamiltonian are available once the valence space is defined.\ \(\bullet\) The second reason may be related to the choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\). Here, the question that arises is which \(q\) to be used to ensure *a priori* the full representation of the effective Hamiltonian. ## Detailed analysis of \(^{24}\)Mg In the second series of calculations, we investigate the specific case of \(^{24}\)Mg, which is a typical example of deformed nuclei in the sd shell. This nucleus was extensively studied in the past within various approaches . It is well established that it has a triaxial shape in its ground state with a rotational band built on top. Moreover, the triaxiality manifests itself in the existence of the so-called \(\gamma\)--band that was experimentally observed. In order to examine whether our method is able to correctly describe these features, we explore different minimization schemes as proposed in [2.3.2](#sec:truncation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:truncation"}. To fix ideas, let us first mention that the present calculations of \(^{24}\)Mg as shown in Figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"} are performed using the same \((\beta,\gamma)\) discretization as in Table [\[TAB_SD_BG\]](#TAB_SD_BG){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_SD_BG"} and the cranking components \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle \in\{0,-2,-3,-4,-5\}\). Results reported in the figures [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}b), [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}c) and [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}d) are obtained from the ground-state and many states minimizations in comparison with the full mesh diagonalization [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}e) and the exact SM diagonalization [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}f). The searching domain for minimizations is also the dimension of the full mesh calculation which is *a priori* \(7\times 9\times 5 = 315\). In practice, our Hartree-Fock calculations found \(277\) converged solutions. From Figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"} the first thing we note is that Angular Momentum Projection from the HF minimum gives already very good intraband transitions. In contrast, the interband transitions \(BE(2;2^+_2\rightarrow 2^+_1)\) or \(BE(2;6^+_1\rightarrow 5^+_1)\) which reflect the \(K\)-mixing of the two bands are significantly underestimated. In minimizing the ground state alone, the interband transitions are considerably improved and consistent with the exact SM result using only \(6\) basis states. This means we have already the right wave functions with the mixing of a few number of CHF states, even though about \(\sim 600\) keV is still missing in the ground state binding. Carrying out the same minimization of the ground state until no more CHF basis vectors are found in the full mesh, we obtain \(39\) states that perfectly reproduce the exact SM result. This calculation also confirms that in the ground-state minimization, \(6\) CHF vectors is enough to have good solutions in this nucleus. Now to see whether we can improve further by minimizing many states at the same time, as shown in the figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}d), we find \(55\) CHF states that provide an overall better energy spectra than the ground-state minimization but does not change much the picture. The excited states in the figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}d) are slightly more compressed. This effect, as shown in Figure [\[cranking_comparison\]](#cranking_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="cranking_comparison"}, can be traced back to the addition of cranked CHF states which are known to stretch down the relative spectrum, although in the present calculation the effect is not as huge as noted in e.g. Ref. . The first difference between the two minimization schemes are in the absolute binding energies as reported in Table [\[TAB_Full_GS\]](#TAB_Full_GS){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_Full_GS"}. Minimizing all the states provides solutions with lower bindings which are, in addition, in excellent agreement with the full mesh diagonalization. The second difference that we observe is in the state decomposition in the \((\beta,\gamma)\) plane. In Figures [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}a), [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}b) and [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}c), for illustration, we show the contributions of CHF basis vectors into the ground state wave function in the potential energy surface of \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle=0\). By comparing the figures [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}a) and [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}b), it is worth pointed out that the two minimizations produce two sets of basis vectors which give energy spectra and transitions of the same quality. The contributions of CHF states in the figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}b) are somehow fragmented into other configurations in the figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}a). The effect is even more visible in the full mesh calculation shown in the figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}c1), which means there is a redistribution of contributions in the final wave function when one uses \"redundant\" basis states. Now, what we observe in the figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}c2) is the key point: the dominant CHF configurations in the full mesh diagonalization are lying in the same region as in the minimization. In Table [\[TAB_CHF\]](#TAB_CHF){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_CHF"}, we report some of the most dominant configurations in the ground state as shown in Figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}. The most important configurations are around the Hartree-Fock minimum and they appear in both minimization calculations. In the full mesh calculation, apart from a scaling effect due to the presence of many other states, it is the same CHF configurations which contribute the most. This clearly shows that our minimization method picks up the \"right\" physical configurations of the most importance. This comparison also explains the reason why the minimization using \(6\) states gives already a good description. We summarize now the essential points which can be drawn from the present discussion:\ i) There can be different sets of CHF states that provide the same description of the relative energy spectra and transitions.\ ii) There exists specific CHF states that contribute more significantly than others. And the minimization tells us where to find them.\ iii) One must pay attention to the interpretation because of i), it is possible to replace some set of basis states with an other, although it could be at the price of taking into account more basis states than necessary.\ iv) It is more advantageous to perform the minimization than the full mesh diagonalization since basis states are interdependent in the sense of iii). In cases where such calculation is feasible like in the present one, the full mesh diagonalization should expose the limit one obtains in the minimization. By the way, it is worth noting here that in a calculation from Monte-Carlo Shell Model of Ref.  employing a stochastic sampling method to choose basis states, \(800\) Hartree-Fock states stochastically chosen give \(-86.91\) MeV of ground state binding for \(^{24}\)Mg (versus the exact value \(-87.08\) MeV) with the USD interaction.\ v) Finally, let us comment on a technical point regarding the choice of \(\epsilon\) defining the convergence criterion of the method. For the present study, we use \(\epsilon = 1\) keV. Such value seems to be too strict but is necessary to push the method to its limit and to see whether it reproduces the exact SM result. For that goal, this value is sufficient to avoid linear redundancies in the selection of CHF states. The redundancies among non-orthogonal states are very well known in the generator coordinate method and resulting from the nearly zero norm eigenvalues of the overlap matrix. In the minimization process, they manifest themselves through very tiny contributions in energy of order \(\lesssim 10^{-1}\) keV. We therefore exclude basis states yielding those negligible contributions. To look further now into the convergence process, we present in Figure [\[convergence\]](#convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="convergence"} the evolution of absolute binding energies, the energy difference with respect to the exact SM result and the transitions as a function of the number of CHF states found in the many-state minimization of Figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}d). The intraband and interband transitions converge after about \(\sim 5\) iterations. In binding energies, the excited state \(8^+_1\) approaches the exact binding value more rapidly than the ground state. This is the effect of cranked CHF configurations and is consistent with the slight compression of the energy spectra observed in Figure [\[Mg24spec\]](#Mg24spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24spec"}d), Figure [\[cranking_comparison\]](#cranking_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="cranking_comparison"} and Table [\[cranking_comparison\]](#cranking_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="cranking_comparison"}. In Figures [\[K=0_Mg24\]](#K=0_Mg24){reference-type="ref" reference="K=0_Mg24"} and [\[K=2_Mg24\]](#K=2_Mg24){reference-type="ref" reference="K=2_Mg24"}, the deformation structure of the yrast and the \(\gamma\)-band first three states is visualized in the potential energy surfaces calculated with all cranking components \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle\in\{0,-2,-3,-4,-5\}\). As already shown in Figure [\[Mg24CHF0+1\]](#Mg24CHF0+1){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24CHF0+1"}, we see now in the full decomposition, the most important states emerge from the triaxial region around the Hartree-Fock minimum. Physically, the triaxiality developing here is often interpreted as originating from the \(K\)-mixing nature of the ground state . This feature can be understood from the wave function analysis in \(K\)-quantum numbers as presented in Figure [\[Mg24WF\]](#Mg24WF){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg24WF"} where contributions from particular \(K\)-components are calculated by [\[eq:prob\]](#eq:prob){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:prob"}. Indeed, by construction single-\(K\) wave functions are fully preserved by the axial contraint. The small \(K\)-mixing we observe in this analysis hence reflects the deviation from a pure axial picture and therefore signal the presence of triaxial configurations which we have previously analyzed. This mixing via the \(K=0,2\) components also explains the weak interband transitions observed in the B\((E2)\) values. As a conclusion, the analysis of the wave function structures of \(^{24}\)Mg shows quantitatively the intimate connection between the development of triaxiality and \(K\)--mixing presences from a microscopic calculation using an underlying effective interaction. The ground state \(K\)--mixing is identified as the origin of the so-called \(\gamma\)-band assigned in this nucleus from geometrical models . This is highly non-trivial but expected given the quality of the USDB interaction in this mass region. ## Odd nuclei: example of \(^{25}\)Mg The above systematic benchmark has shown our DNO-SM's efficiency compared to the classic SM in even nuclei. As previously mentioned, the present framework is also capable to deal with odd nuclei in the same way without further treatments of the odd particle at the Hartree--Fock level. We find that the cranking Hartree--Fock can provide an excellent approach to set up the initial set of PCHF states from which we construct the basis \(\mathit\Gamma_0\) through the diagonalization-minimization process. To illustrate this, we present a DNO-SM calculation of \(^{25}\)Mg whose spectrum appears in Figure [\[Mg25spec\]](#Mg25spec){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg25spec"} compared to the classic SM one. This nucleus is known to have for instance two distinct bands: the ground state band of \(K=5/2\) and an excited band of \(K=1/2\). Employing the USDB effective interaction, this assignment is clearly seen in the wave function structure of each member of the bands as shown in Figure [\[Mg25WF\]](#Mg25WF){reference-type="ref" reference="Mg25WF"}. The minimization is carried out with a discretization of \(7\) points \(\beta\in[0.1,0.51]\), \(8\) points \(\gamma\in[1.5^{\circ},60^\circ]\) and with cranking components \(\langle\hat J_z\rangle=-1/2,-3/2,-5/2,-7/2,-9/2\). The spectrum of two bands is reproduced remarkably well with a rms error of \(44\) keV, using \(61\) CHF states. The ground state binding energy is found to be \(-93.89\) MeV versus \(-94.40\) MeV in the exact SM result. In summary for the systematic comparison we have performed between the classic exact SM and our newly developed DNO-SM, we give now a brief account of its main features as well as related questions that remain to be answered (i) Our DNO-SM formalism is composed of three elements: the existence theorem of discrete non-orthogonal bases exposed in [\[eq:DNObasis\]](#eq:DNObasis){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:DNObasis"}, the truncation scheme provided by the minimization technique and the diagonalization technique from the GCM theory. While the latter has been already well documented in the literature, the first element is the most important piece from the formal point of view (thanks to Ref. ) because it provides us a formal language to express the Shell Model in a natural way with an emphasis on the different representations of the effective Hamiltonian.\ (ii) Our minimization technique has proved to be a very efficient truncation scheme in the build-up of our non-orthogonal many-body basis for the Shell Model. In all considered nuclei, a very few number of HF states is needed to obtain solutions with very good agreement with the exact SM result.\ (iii) The procedure constructs the full representation of the effective Hamiltonian in an iterative way where we observe that DNO-SM solutions are closer and closer from the above to the exact diagonalization limit: \(\mathscr H_q \longrightarrow \mathscr H\), which means our DNO-SM is an approximation (given some particular choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\)) to the classic SM. This point merits to be mentioned because it points out the need to design an theoretical approach to choose the coordinate(s) \(q\) if one wants to obtain the full representation of the effective Hamiltonian. Whether this question can be formally demonstrated *a priori* without numerical calculations is an interesting problem to investigate.\ (iv) The wave functions and excitation energies converge faster than the absolute energy. As depicted in Figure [\[Egs\]](#Egs){reference-type="ref" reference="Egs"}, there's some missing energy in the ground state ranging around \(50-900\) keV depending on specific cases. However, it has practically no impacts on the wave functions because transition probabilities are already very well reproduced (cf. Table [\[TAB_SD\]](#TAB_SD){reference-type="ref" reference="TAB_SD"}). The physical origin of this missing binding energy is very likely related to (iii), i.e. the choice of \(q\). Here we would like to mention that the multipolarity decomposition of the effective Hamiltonian designed by A. Zuker *et al.* (see e.g. Ref. ) could be instrumental to investigate both (iii) and (iv).\ (v) Lastly, the present framework is capable to treat equally well even-and odd-mass nuclei where the cranking method is found to be really efficient in the construction of the many-body basis. To conclude, it is worth noting that the energy difference we have found using the PCHF basis is of the same order and consistent with what have been reported in similar studies of Refs.  where more sophisticated trial wave functions of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) types with pairing correlations included explicitly are used (see e.g. Figure 8 of Ref. ). Finally, let us mention that our definition of \((\beta,\gamma)\) is the same as in Refs.  up to a factor of effective charge \(e^{(p)}_{mass}=e^{(n)}_{mass}\). For example, in \(^{24}\)Mg, omitting the effective charge would yield \(\beta=0.499/1.77\approx 0.282\) which agrees well with Ref.  (cf. Table 1 therein). We would like however to keep this effective charge factor for defining mass quadrupole moments to be able to compare with \(\beta_2\)--values extracted from experimental electric BE(2) transitions which yield, e.g. \(0.605\) in \(^{24}\)Mg. # A first Shell Model calculation of \(^{254}\text{No}\) The quest for superheavy elements is a subject under intensive experimental investigations and usually, the predictions for the shell stabilization of the superheavy elements predictions rely essentially on \"standard\" mean-field calculations. In the following, we will apply the DNO-SM method to illustrate its applicability in the context of superheavy systems and we propose here for the first time, a shell-model type of description of \(^{254}\text{No}\) superheavy nucleus, using the DNO-SM. The shell-model valence space is spanned by the full Z=82-126 proton major shell and the full N=126-184 neutron major shell beyond \(^{208}\text{Pb}\), namely, the single proton orbitals 0\(h_{\frac{9}{2}}\), 1\(f_{\frac{7}{2}}\), 0\(i_{\frac{13}{2}}\), 1\(f_{\frac{5}{2}}\), 2\(p_{\frac{3}{2}}\), 2\(p_{\frac{1}{2}}\), and the single neutron orbitals 1\(g_{\frac{9}{2}}\), 0\(i_{\frac{11}{2}}\), 0\(j_{\frac{15}{2}}\), 2\(d_{\frac{5}{2}}\), 3\(s_{\frac{1}{2}}\), 1\(g_{\frac{7}{2}}\), 2\(d_{\frac{3}{2}}\) (the valence space is illustrated in in Fig. [\[pbspace\]](#pbspace){reference-type="ref" reference="pbspace"}). As effective interaction, we use the modified Kuo-Herling realistic interaction (see  for details) which was applied with great success along the N=126 isotones . The single particle energies are borrowed from \(^{209}\text{Bi}\) and \(^{209}\text{Pb}\) spectra for protons and neutrons respectively. The electric polarization charge here is taken to be \(\chi_p\) = \(\chi_n\) = 0.5. \(^{254}\text{No}\) is a deformed nucleus whose spectroscopy has been intensively investigated the recent years. In addition to the observation of its rotational Yrast structure, a side \(K=3+\) band and two long lived isomers have been observed . Figure [\[pesNo254\]](#pesNo254){reference-type="ref" reference="pesNo254"} shows the potential energy surface obtained for the mass (\(\beta\),\(\gamma\)) deformation parameters (obtained from the mass quadrupole moments defined in section [2.3.3](#Choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\)){reference-type="ref" reference="Choice of the coordinate(s) \(q\)"}. The deformation landscape shows a clear prolate axial minimum around \(\beta\sim 0.2\) extending moderately towards non-axial shapes. All the considered states are calculated with the minimization technique over a restricted region around the corresponding HF minimum. The spectrum of \(^{254}\)No resulting from these calculations is shown in figure [\[No254spec1\]](#No254spec1){reference-type="ref" reference="No254spec1"} as the function of the number of HF states retained by the minimization procedure. With a relatively small number of basis states, we observe a fast and good convergence of the low-lying members of the Yrast band but also for the higher lying isomer \(8^-\) isomer. As already shown in the previous section, the DNO-SM allows analysis of the states under study in terms of intrinsic quantities, namely, deformations \((\beta,\gamma)\) and the intrinsic angular momentum. The whole low-lying spectrum is presented in figure [\[No254spec2\]](#No254spec2){reference-type="ref" reference="No254spec2"}. The various states are shown and grouped in 3 structures: a \(K^\pi=0^+\) Yrast rotational band, a \(K^\pi=3^+\) multiplet and the \(K^\pi=8^-\) state. There is a excellent agreement for the reproduction of the Yrast rotational sequence, and the \(8^-\) isomeric state. The \(3^-\) state banhead of the \(K=3\) multiplet is lying a little bit too low, by the interband spacing is also very well reproduced. The formalism allows to extract the fractionnal spherical occupancies of the orbitals in the valence space. The structure of the three \(0^+_1\), \(3^+_1\) and \(8^-_1\) states is shown in Table [\[occ\]](#occ){reference-type="ref" reference="occ"}. with a possible large mixing of spherical orbital our description is richer than single quasi-particle estimates which are often used to assign exited and isomeric states to a single excited configurations. This is reflected in the partial occupancies of the whole proton and neutron orbitals involved in the valence space. Nevertheless, on can point out that both for protons and neutrons, the fillings proceeds through the \"largest\" orbitals and that excited \(3^+_1\) and \(8^-_1\) states mainly differ from the ground state by an additionnal proton particle filling the \(1h_{9/2}\) orbital, assigning these states as having a \"proton\" nature. We may recall here that we obtain an excellent reproduction of the experimental data with no adjustement of the effective interaction, designed more than two decades ago. Nevertheless, in order to confirm the present outcome from our calculations, a broader systematic study has been developped, and in particular we would like to connect the slight energy shift of the \(K^\pi=3^+\) multiplet to a specific single particle monopole drift for a better reproductive and predictive description of the overall region. # Conclusion and perspectives As a summary, in this paper we have exposed the formalism of the DNO-SM which amounts to diagonalize shell-model hamiltonians in a non-orthogonal basis with the use of beyond-mean-field techniques. Particular effort has been put into the proper selection of optimal basis state used for the diagonalisation. We benchmarked the method over a large set of \(sd\) shell nuclei and could reproduce the energies, and transitions probabilities of the exact diagonalisations with minimal cost of very few basis states. For the first time, we applied the DNO-SM method to a superheavy system \(^{254}\)No which is obviously far beyond the capabilities of actual diagonalisations codes. The DNO-SM formalism has also recently been very useful in the interpretation of several experimental studies  and has been to be extremely promising both for instrinsic interpretation of shell-model diagonalisations, and setting new frontiers for nuclear structure studies within the shell-model framework. # Acknowlegments The authors would like to dedicate the present work to the memory of the late Etienne Caurier, who was at the initiative of the present developments.
{'timestamp': '2022-05-03T02:45:41', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01023', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01023'}
# Introduction {#sectI} The experimental possibilities with cold atomic gases allow both huge two-body interaction variation as well as an overall confining deformed external field. Few-body physics quickly becomes complicated or even impossible as the number of particles increase, and other techniques have to be employed, see for example. One purpose of studying these cold systems is the experimental availability, where laboratory simulation and manipulation are possible. These systems may themselves be of practical use, but also able to teach us how to control and create similar properties in systems, which so far are outside of experimental reach. Comparing universal behavior of systems from different subfields of physics, perhaps also chemistry and mathematics, is then a tool to exchange knowledge between science subfields. The advantage of few-body physics is that all relevant degrees-of-freedom can be accurately treated. Increasing the number of particles from two to three is known to increase substantially the complications, like the appearance of new possible structures, but also the interest. The complications are accentuated by use of overall external fields, where the description requires more than relative degrees-of-freedom. It is then worth cashing in on a reduction of degrees-of-freedom, which is very useful, by means of the use of an effective dimension that changes continuously. We shall in this report concentrate on the \(d\)-method, introduced in Ref. , and subsequently developed and applied for two and three particles. The theoretical formulation assumes non-integer dimensions, \(d\), only relative degrees of freedom, but with a \(d\)-dependent angular momentum barrier, and spherical calculations without angular dependence corresponding to zero angular momentum for \(d=3\). The equivalence to the description with an external deformed oscillator potential is available, such that the \(d\)-method results can be translated to ordinary three-dimensional calculations, and in this way open for experimental comparison. Interesting features revealed and highlighted by this method can be understood from the continuous change of dimension from \(3\) to \(2\). The properties of quantum solutions for simple two-body systems differ enormously between these two dimensions. For \(d=3\), even for relative \(s\)-waves, a finite attraction is necessary to bind, whereas for \(d=2\) and relative \(s\)-waves, an infinitely small attraction produces a bound state. For three particles the differences are much larger, as emphasized by the existing Efimov effect for \(d=3\), defined by no bound two-body subsystems, but infinitely many bound three-body systems. In contrast, only a finite number of bound states exist for \(d=2\). Thus varying \(d\) between \(3\) and \(2\) necessarily implies that some states must change behavior from bound to continuum states or vice versa. One especially spectacular phenomenon is that the Efimov effect can be induced between dimensions \(3\) and \(2\), while absent in both ends of the interval. The \(d\)-variation amounts to varying an external field, which is a familiar procedure. This is exemplified from the Feshbach tuning of a magnetic field allowing huge changes of the effective two-body interaction. This is the same principle as for variation of an external electric field as first suggested in Ref. . The present use of the \(d\)-method can then be viewed as a theoretical application of an external field without the necessary additional degrees-of-freedom. However, these fields are unavoidable when comparing with practical experiments. Continuum or scattering calculations are usually more difficult than bound state investigations. It is therefore tempting to extend the \(d\)-method to the continuum, and first to learn from the simplest system, that is, a two-body system. The task is then to perform calculations with the \(d\)-method, and subsequently translate or interpret the results to three dimensions with an external field. We shall study two particles interacting through simple short-range potentials. The main properties can then be revealed by square-well potentials, from which we can derive analytic solutions with characteristic universal behavior. These square-well results may be compared to numerically found solutions for more realistic Gaussian potentials. The purpose of the present report is therefore to study continuum properties of two-body systems with the \(d\)-method, and interpret as if obtained in an external field with the possible experimental comparison. Special attention will be paid to the dimension, \(d=d_E\), for which the two-body binding energy is equal to zero. This dimension is particularly interesting, since for \(d=d_E\) the Efimov conditions are fulfilled if a third particle is added. After the introduction in Section [1](#sectI){reference-type="ref" reference="sectI"}, we derive in Section [2](#sectII){reference-type="ref" reference="sectII"} several analytical expressions of interest assuming a square-well interaction. In the different subsections we provide the energy of bound states as a function of \(d\) and of the strength of the potential, the critical dimension \(d_E\) as a function of the strength of the potential, and the phase shifts also as a function of \(d\) and of the strength of the potential. Finally, we also discuss in this section how these phase shifts have to be treated in order to construct the cross sections. The results and illustrations are provided in Section [3](#sectIII){reference-type="ref" reference="sectIII"}, where together with the direct applications of the expressions derived in Section [2](#sectII){reference-type="ref" reference="sectII"}, we focus on the universality of the results, investigating how the values of \(d_E\) and the phase shifts can be shown to present a universal behavior, independent of the details of the potential. We finish wit Section [4](#sectV){reference-type="ref" reference="sectV"}, which contains the summary and conclusions. Pertinent properties of the Bessel functions are collected in an appendix. # Two-body scattering {#sectII} We consider the two-body problem in \(d\) dimensions, where \(2 \leq d \leq 3\), and where the two-body interaction is assumed to be of short range. Using a schematic short-range square-well potential, we shall derive expressions for bound-and continuum-state energies, threshold conditions, phase shifts, scattering lengths, and cross sections, all as a function of \(d\). In the end, these results can be interpreted as obtained by an external deformed field and full three-dimensional space. The derived analytic properties, properly expressed, exhibit the highly desired universal behavior. This universality means potential independence at distances larger than the radius of the short-range interaction. In other words, gross properties are sufficient to describe the results for relatively small energies. Numerical calculations using a Gaussian potential will be used as an illustration. ## Theoretical formulation For two-body systems and dimension \(d\), the reduced, \(R(r)\), and the total, \(\psi(r)\), radial relative wave functions are related by \(R(r) = r^{(d-1)/2} \psi(r)\), where \(r\) is the relative distance coordinate. The reduced wave function, \(R(r)\), is obtained as a solution, with the proper boundary conditions, of the \(d\)-dimensional radial Schrödinger equation for the relative motion: \[\begin{aligned} \label{e400} \left[-\frac{\hbar^2}{2\mu} \bigg(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2} -\frac{\ell^*(\ell^*+1)}{r^2} \bigg) + V(r)-E \right] R(r)=0 \;, \end{aligned}\] where \(V(r)\) is the spherical potential and \(\mu\) the reduced mass. For two-body systems the effective angular momentum \(\ell^*\) takes the form \[\ell^*=\ell_{2b}+\frac{d-3}{2}, \label{lstar}\] where \(\ell_{2b}\) is the relative orbital angular momentum between the two particles. All along the squeezing process, the momentum \(\ell_{2b}\) is a good quantum number, which for \(d=3\) becomes the usual orbital angular momentum. Also, when confining from three to two dimensions by means of an external squeezing potential, it is known that the angular momentum projection quantum number, \(m\), is conserved, and, furthermore, \(m\) is the angular momentum in the two-dimension limit. Therefore, for \(d=2\) we have \(m=\ell_{2b}\), which, due to the conservation of \(m\), implies that the same equality holds for the initial non-squeezed 3D-state as well. Le us assume \(V(r)\) is a spherical square-well potential, that is \[\begin{aligned} \label{e410} V(r) = \begin{cases}-V_0,& \ r < r_0 \\ \ 0 & \ r > r_0 \end{cases}, \end{aligned}\] where \(V_0\) (\(>0\)) is the depth and \(r_0\) the radius. After introducing the dimensionless variable \(x=r/r_0\), the equation *inside* the box, \(r<r_0 \; (x<1)\), then reads \[\begin{aligned} \left[-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\ell^*(\ell^*+1)}{x^2} -k^2\right] R_{in}(x)=0, \label{e420} \end{aligned}\] and similarly outside the box, \(r>r_0 \; (x>1)\), \[\begin{aligned} \left[-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\ell^*(\ell^*+1)}{x^2} -\kappa^2\right] R_{out}(x)=0, \label{e430} \end{aligned}\] where the wave numbers are given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{e440} k = \sqrt{\frac{2\mu r_0^2(E + V_0)}{\hbar^2}} \;, \; \kappa = \sqrt{\frac{2\mu r_0^2 E}{\hbar^2}}. \end{aligned}\] Note that \(\kappa\) is imaginary for bound states, but real and positive for continuum states. The solution inside the box, \(R_{in}\), is simply given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{e450} R_{in}(x) = A_k x j_{\ell^*}(kx) \;, \end{aligned}\] where \(j_{\ell^*}\) is the spherical Bessel function of first kind and \(A_k\) is a normalization constant. The other Bessel function, \(\eta_{\ell^*}\), also a solution to Eq.([\[e420\]](#e420){reference-type="ref" reference="e420"}), diverges at \(x=0\) and is therefore removed from Eq.([\[e450\]](#e450){reference-type="ref" reference="e450"}), since the physical solution must satisfy that \(R_{in}(x) \rightarrow 0\) for \(x \rightarrow 0\). Note that \(\ell^*\) is in general non-integer, and even negative for \(s\)-waves (\(\ell_{2b}=0\)) when \(d<3\) (\(\ell^*=(d-3)/2\)). ## Bound states For a bound state (\(E<0\) and \(\kappa=i|\kappa|\)), the solution outside the box, \(R_{out}(x)\), takes the form \[\begin{aligned} \label{e460} R_{out}(x) = B_{\kappa} x h^{(+)}_{\ell^*}(\kappa x) \;, \end{aligned}\] where \(h^{(+)}_{\ell^*}\) is the spherical Hankel function of first kind and \(B_{\kappa}\) is a normalization constant. The other Hankel function solution to Eq.([\[e430\]](#e430){reference-type="ref" reference="e430"}), \(h^{(-)}_{\ell^*}(\kappa x)\), is removed, since the bound state solution must fall off exponentially at large distance. Matching the logarithmic derivatives of Eqs.([\[e450\]](#e450){reference-type="ref" reference="e450"}) and ([\[e460\]](#e460){reference-type="ref" reference="e460"}) at the box radius, \(x=1\), we obtain the eigenvalue equation for bound states. The normalization factors disappear and we find, by use of the two identities Eqs.([\[A480\]](#A480){reference-type="ref" reference="A480"}) and ([\[A490\]](#A490){reference-type="ref" reference="A490"}), that \[\begin{aligned} \label{e470} 1 + \ell^*-k \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(k)}{j_{\ell^*}(k)} = 1 + \ell^*- \kappa \frac{h^{(+)}_{\ell^*+1}(\kappa) }{h^{(+)}_{\ell^*}(\kappa) } \;, \end{aligned}\] where the left and right hand sides in Eq.([\[e470\]](#e470){reference-type="ref" reference="e470"}) are the logarithmic derivatives of the solutions inside and outside the box, respectively. Eq.([\[e470\]](#e470){reference-type="ref" reference="e470"}) is an equation relating the square-well parameter, \(S_0\), and \(\kappa\) in Eq.([\[e440\]](#e440){reference-type="ref" reference="e440"}) through \[\begin{aligned} \label{e500} S_0^2 \equiv \frac{2 \mu r_0^2 V_0 }{\hbar^2} \;,\; k^2 = S_0^2 + \kappa^2 \;. \end{aligned}\] In other words, the bound state energy, \(E\), in units of \(\hbar^2/(\mu r_0^2)\), is a unique function of the square-well parameter, \(S_0\). The oscillatory behavior of the Bessel functions provides more and more discrete energy solutions with increasing \(S_0\). All this is in complete analogy to the usual square-well relative two-body problem, but now depending on \(\ell^*\), and therefore on \(d\). ## Efimov condition Let us consider now a moderate square-well parameter, \(S_0\), which is too small to support any bound state for \(d=3\). However, if the system is bound in two dimensions, we then know that, when decreasing \(d\) from \(3\) to \(2\), a bound state of zero energy must appear at some value, \(d=d_E\). This always happens for \(s\)-waves (\(\ell_{2b}=0\)), since for \(d=2\) a bound state is always present, even for an infinitesimal attraction. We label this dimension, \(d_{E}\), because if an additional particle is added, the resulting three-body system would exhibit Efimov properties, if at least two of the two-body subsystems, in a relative \(s\)-wave, are bound by precisely zero energy. In particular, if dealing with identical particles, this critical value, \(d_E\), is therefore the non-integer dimension where the Efimov effect occurs on the path towards two dimensions. To find an expression for \(d_E\), we take the limit \(E\rightarrow 0^-\) in the eigenvalue equation, Eq.([\[e470\]](#e470){reference-type="ref" reference="e470"}). This means that \(\kappa \rightarrow 0\), and \(k\rightarrow \sqrt{2\mu r_0^2V_0/\hbar^2} = S_0\). Using the low-energy expansion of the Bessel-functions, Eq.([\[A500\]](#A500){reference-type="ref" reference="A500"}), we easily get: \[\begin{aligned} \label{e510} \kappa \frac{h^{(+)}_{\ell^*+1}(\kappa) }{h^{(+)}_{\ell^*}(\kappa) } \rightarrow 2\ell^* +1\;. \end{aligned}\] The eigenvalue equation, Eq.([\[e470\]](#e470){reference-type="ref" reference="e470"}), reduces then to \[\begin{aligned} \label{e520} S_0 \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(S_0)}{j_{\ell^*}(S_0)} = 2\ell^* +1 = 2\ell_{2b}+d_E-2 \;, \end{aligned}\] which is the condition for a zero-energy solution, and therefore gives \(d=d_E\) as a function of the square-well parameter, \(S_0\). We emphasize that the index, \(\ell^*\), on the Bessel function depends on \(d\) as expressed in Eq.([\[lstar\]](#lstar){reference-type="ref" reference="lstar"}). It is important to note here that the philosophy of studying scattering properties through an extension of the angular momentum to non-integer values, \(\ell^*\), is akin to the concept of Regge poles, where the angular momentum is generalized to a continuum, and even complex, variable, and the analytical behavior of the \(S\)-matrix is subsequently studied. In fact, Eq.([\[e520\]](#e520){reference-type="ref" reference="e520"}) can be simplified into: \[J_{\ell^*-\frac{1}{2}}(S_0)=0, \label{reg}\] which, as shown in, determines the zero-energy position of the Regge poles for the square-well potential. Therefore, the critical dimension, \(d_E\), for a given \(S_0\) value corresponds to the zero-energy Regge pole of the potential. ## Scattering length The zero-energy condition is closely related to the scattering length, which also must depend on the dimension \(d\). We derive an expression by first noting that the zero-energy reduced radial wave function must by definition have the form \[\begin{aligned} \label{e530} R_{out}(x) \propto x^{\ell^*+1}- \frac{(a_d^{(\ell^*)}/r_0)^{2\ell^*+1}}{x^{\ell^*}}, \end{aligned}\] expressed in terms of the scattering length, \(a_d^{(\ell^*)}\) divided by the length unit, \(r_0\). We used that the reduced, \(R\), and total, \(\psi\), radial wave functions are related by \(R(x)=x^{(d-1)/2}\psi(x)\). Matching the logarithmic derivatives of Eqs.([\[e450\]](#e450){reference-type="ref" reference="e450"}) and ([\[e530\]](#e530){reference-type="ref" reference="e530"}) at \(x=1\), we get \[\begin{aligned} \label{e540} 1 + \ell^*-S_0 \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(S_0)}{j_{\ell^*}(S_0)} = \frac{1 + \ell^* + \ell^* \big(\frac{a_d^{(\ell^*)}}{r_0}\big)^{2\ell^*+1}} {1-\big(\frac{a_d^{(\ell^*)}}{r_0}\big)^{2\ell^*+1}} \;, \end{aligned}\] which immediately leads to \[\begin{aligned} \label{e550} \frac{a_d^{(\ell^*)}}{r_0} = \Big({1-\frac{(2\ell^*+1) j_{\ell^*}(S_0)}{S_0j_{\ell^*+1}(S_0)}}\Big)^{-1/(2\ell^*+1)} \;. \end{aligned}\] The scattering length depends on \(S_0\) and \(\ell^*\), or \(S_0\), \(d\) and \(\ell_{2b}\), in units of the square-well radius. We see from Eq.([\[e520\]](#e520){reference-type="ref" reference="e520"}) that this scattering length, \(a_d^{(\ell^*)}\), is infinitely large exactly when \(d=d_E\). Another consistency check is for \(d=3\) and \(\ell_{2b}=0\) (\(\ell^* = 0\)), where Eq.([\[e550\]](#e550){reference-type="ref" reference="e550"}) reduces to the well-known expression: \[\begin{aligned} \label{e560} \frac{a_{d=3}^{(\ell^*=0)}}{r_0} = 1-\frac{\tan(S_0)}{S_0} \;. \end{aligned}\] ## Phase-shifts Let us consider now the case of continuum states (\(E>0\)). The large-distance solution in Eq.([\[e460\]](#e460){reference-type="ref" reference="e460"}) should be replaced by \[\begin{aligned} \label{e600} R_{out}(x) = x (\cos\delta_{\ell^*} j_{\ell^*}(\kappa x)- \sin\delta_{\ell^*} \eta_{\ell^*}(\kappa x) ) \;, \end{aligned}\] where \(\eta_{\ell^*}\) is the irregular Bessel function, and \(\delta_{\ell^*}\) is the phase-shift corresponding to this continuum state of generalized angular momentum \(\ell^*\) and energy \(E\). The solution of \(\delta_{\ell^*}\) as function of \(E\) and \(\ell^*\) is found by matching the logarithmic derivatives of Eqs.([\[e450\]](#e450){reference-type="ref" reference="e450"}) and ([\[e600\]](#e600){reference-type="ref" reference="e600"}), that is \[\begin{aligned} \label{e610} \frac{kj^{\prime}_{\ell^*}(k)}{\kappa j_{\ell^*}(k)} = \frac{\cot\delta_{\ell^*} j^{\prime}_{\ell^*}(\kappa)-\eta^{\prime}_{\ell^*}(\kappa)} {\cot\delta_{\ell^*} j_{\ell^*}(\kappa)-\eta_{\ell^*}(\kappa)} \;, \end{aligned}\] where the prime denotes derivative with respect to the full argument of the function. The phase-shift can then be calculated from Eq.([\[e610\]](#e610){reference-type="ref" reference="e610"}) to give \[\begin{aligned} \label{e620} \cot\delta_{\ell^*} = \frac{\eta_{\ell^*}(\kappa)}{j_{\ell^*}(\kappa)} \frac{\kappa \frac{\eta_{\ell^*+1}(\kappa)}{\eta_{\ell^*}(\kappa)}- k \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(k)}{j_{\ell^*}(k)} } {\kappa \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(\kappa)}{j_{\ell^*}(\kappa)}- k \frac{j_{\ell^*+1}(k)}{j_{\ell^*}(k)}} \;, \end{aligned}\] where we used the derivative expressions for both \(j_{\ell^*}\) and \(\eta_{\ell^*}\) from Eqs.([\[A480\]](#A480){reference-type="ref" reference="A480"}) and ([\[A490\]](#A490){reference-type="ref" reference="A490"}). The low-energy limits, \(\kappa \rightarrow 0\), \(k \rightarrow S_0\), are then to leading order obtained from Eq.([\[A500\]](#A500){reference-type="ref" reference="A500"}), \[\begin{aligned} \label{e630} \cot\delta_{\ell^*} &\rightarrow& \frac{-1}{(2\ell^*+1)\kappa^{2\ell^*+1}} \\ \nonumber \times \bigg(\frac{\Gamma(2\ell^*+2)}{2^{\ell^*}\Gamma(\ell^*+1)}\bigg)^2 &\times& \bigg(1-\frac{(2\ell^*+1)j_{\ell^*}(S_0)}{S_0j_{\ell^*+1}(S_0)} \bigg) \;, \end{aligned}\] where \(\Gamma\) is the usual Gamma function. Note that for \(d=d_E\), making use of Eq.([\[e520\]](#e520){reference-type="ref" reference="e520"}) in the last bracket of Eq.([\[e630\]](#e630){reference-type="ref" reference="e630"}), we get that \(\cot\delta_{\ell^*}=0\), or, in other words, \(\delta_{\ell^*}=\pi/2\). Assuming that the low-energy limit of the phase-shift is proportional to \(\kappa^{2\ell^*+1}\), we can express this limit in terms of the scattering length in Eq.([\[e550\]](#e550){reference-type="ref" reference="e550"}), that is \[\begin{aligned} \label{e640} \delta_{\ell^*} \rightarrow -(2\ell^*+1) \frac{2^{2\ell^*}\Gamma^2(\ell^*+1)}{\Gamma^2(2\ell^*+2)} \bigg(2\mu E [a_d^{(\ell^*)}]^2 /\hbar^2\bigg)^{\frac{2\ell^*+1}{2}} \;. \end{aligned}\] ## Cross sections {#crse} As mentioned several times, the \(d\)-method has been introduced as a tool that simplifies the description of systems squeezed due to the presence of an external field. It is obvious that any observable will be measured in the squeezed 3D space, and therefore, in order to compare the calculations with whatever available experimental data, it is necessary to translate the observable from the \(d\)-dimensional space into the 3D space. This is in particular necessary when computing cross sections. It is not obvious that the phase shifts derived in the previous subsection can be directly employed to get the cross sections simply by using them in the usual 3D cross section expressions in terms of the phase shifts. To understand how to proceed, we first interpret the \(d\)-dimensional wave function as described in, that is, as a wave function in the ordinary 3D space where the relative coordinate in the \(d\)-space, \(\bm{r}\), is now understood as a 3D vector, denoted as \(\tilde{\bm{r}}\), but where the third coordinate (the \(z\)-axis is chosen along the squeezing direction) is squeezed by means of a scale parameter \(s\). In other words, the \(d\)-coordinate, \(\bm{r}\), is then understood as a 3D-coordinate as: \[\bm{r} \rightarrow \tilde{\bm{r}}=(x,y,\tilde{z})=(x,y,\frac{z}{s}),\] where \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) are the usual Cartesian coordinates in 3D of the actual relative coordinate, \(r\), in the 3D-squeezed space. In this way: \[\tilde{r}^2=x^2+y^2+\frac{z^2}{s^2}=r_\perp^2+\frac{z^2}{s^2}=r^2\left( \sin^2\theta+\frac{\cos^2\theta}{s^2} \right), \label{eq5}\] where \(\theta\) is the usual polar angle. In the same way, the direction of the 3D-coordinate, \(\tilde{\bm{r}}\), is given by the polar and azimuthal angles \(\tilde{\theta}=\arctan(r_\perp/\tilde{z})\) and \(\tilde{\varphi}=\arctan(y/x)\). They can be easily related to the polar and azimuthal angles of the actual relative coordinate, \(\theta=\arctan(r_\perp/z)\) and \(\varphi=\arctan(y/x)\), leading to: \[\tan \theta=\frac{1}{s}\tan{\tilde{\theta}}, \hspace*{5mm} \varphi=\tilde{\varphi}, \label{tilth}\] which reflects the fact that the squeezing is taken along the \(z\)-axis, and in the case of large squeezing (very small \(s\)) only values of \(\theta\) very close to \(\theta=\pi/2\) are allowed, as it corresponds to a system moving in the \(xy\)-plane. To determine the value of the scale parameter \(s\) we use the approximate expression derived in: \[\frac{1}{s^2}=\left[1+\left( \frac{(3-d)(d-1)}{2(d-2)} \right)^2 \right]^{1/2},\] which is based on the assumption of harmonic oscillator particle-particle interactions. For identical particles, only the harmonic frequency of the interaction enters and it can be adjusted to give the same \(d=2\) binding energy as the general short-range interaction. Numerical tests show that this is a good approximation. However, for continuum states this interpretation of the radial coordinates is still not enough. Even for very small values of the scale parameter \(s\) (which imply a large squeezing along the \(z\)-direction) the asymptotic wave function ([\[e600\]](#e600){reference-type="ref" reference="e600"}) is still oscillating, and not vanishing, for sufficiently large values of \(z\). Therefore, it is necessary to introduce an additional factor imposing the confinement along the squeezing direction. In particular, assuming a harmonic oscillator squeezing, we write the asymptotic form as: \[R(\tilde{r}) \stackrel{r\rightarrow \infty}{\longrightarrow} \left[ \tilde{r} \left(\cos\delta_{\ell^*} j_{\ell^*}(k\tilde{r})-\sin\delta_{\ell^*} \eta_{\ell^*}(k\tilde{r}) \right) \right] e^{-\frac{z^2}{2 b_{ho}^2}}, \label{eq3b}\] where \(z=r\cos\theta\) and \(b_{ho}\) is the harmonic oscillator length associated to the squeezing potential. According to our estimates, the connection between \(d\) and \(b_{ho}\) is given by: \[b_{ho}=\sqrt{\frac{2(d-2)}{(d-1)(3-d)} },\] which is given in units of the range of the particle-particle interaction. The idea now is to interpret the \(d\)-wave function as an ordinary wave function in three dimensions whose radial part depends on \(\tilde{r}\), and and whose angular part is an ordinary spherical harmonic depending on \(\tilde{\theta}\) and \(\tilde{\varphi}=\varphi\). Remembering that in 3D, as discussed below Eq.([\[lstar\]](#lstar){reference-type="ref" reference="lstar"}), we must have that \(m=\ell_{2b}\) we can then write: \[\frac{R(\tilde{r})}{\tilde{r}^{\frac{d-1}{2}}} Y_{\ell_{2b}\ell_{2b}}(\tilde{\theta},\varphi) = \sum_{\ell m} \frac{u_\ell(r)}{r} Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\varphi), \label{twf}\] such that we expand the wave function in terms of the spherical harmonics expressed as function of the polar and azimuthal angles of the 3D relative coordinate. From the equation above we can extract the projected radial wave functions as: \[\frac{u_\ell(r)}{r}= \int d\Omega \frac{R(\tilde{r})}{\tilde{r}^{\frac{d-1}{2}}} Y_{\ell_{2b}\ell_{2b}}(\tilde{\theta},\varphi) Y_{\ell m}^*(\theta,\varphi),\] which, after integrating over \(\varphi\) (leading to \(\delta_{m,\ell_{2b}}\)) and getting rid of the constants factors, becomes: \[u_\ell(r) \propto r \int_0^\pi d\theta \sin\theta \frac{R(\tilde{r})}{\tilde{r}^{\frac{d-1}{2}}} P_{\ell_{2b}}^{(\ell_{2b})}(\cos\tilde{\theta}) P_\ell^{(\ell_{2b})}(\cos\theta) \label{eq9}\] whose asymptotic behavior can be computed by introducing Eq.([\[eq3b\]](#eq3b){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3b"}). For a given \(r\), the integrand in the equation above is just a function of \(\theta\) through Eqs.([\[eq5\]](#eq5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq5"}) and ([\[tilth\]](#tilth){reference-type="ref" reference="tilth"}). By fitting the \(u_\ell\) functions to the expected asymptotic behavior, \[u_\ell(r) \stackrel{r\rightarrow \infty}{\longrightarrow} r \left(\cos\delta_\ell j_{\ell}(kr)-\sin\delta_\ell \eta_{\ell}(kr) \right) \label{eq12}\] we can extract the phase shift for each partial wave \(\ell\). However, it is important to keep in mind that Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) gives the asymptotic behavior of the continuum wave functions in the ordinary, non-squeezed, 3D space. The effect of the confining external potential is not present in Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}). In fact, in the case of no interaction between the particles, the \(d\)-phase shift, \(\delta_{\ell^*}\), obtained from the asymptotic behavior ([\[e600\]](#e600){reference-type="ref" reference="e600"}) is trivially equal to zero, and the radial wave function is simply given by \(x j_{\ell^*}(kx)\). When introducing this function into Eq.([\[eq9\]](#eq9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq9"}), and making use of Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}), we can easily observe that the corresponding computed 3D phase shift is not zero. This non-zero phase shift, which we denote as \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\), reflects the effect of the confining external potential. By definition, the phase shift is just the shift of the asymptotic wave function when compared to the free wave function. It is then clear that the phase shift in the confined 3D space, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}^{(\ell)}\), is then given by: \[\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}^{(\ell)}=\delta_\ell-\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}, \label{eq32}\] where \(\delta_\ell\) and \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\) are then the phase shifts obtained from Eqs.([\[eq9\]](#eq9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq9"}) and ([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) for interacting and free particles, respectively. We shall later show that \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}^{(\ell)}\) is actually independent of \(\ell\), which permits to associate a single phase shift \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\equiv \delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}^{(\ell)}\), to the two-body continuum state in the relative \(\ell_{2b}\)-wave in the squeezed 3D space. Furthermore, we shall also show the nice result that \(\delta_{\ell^*}=\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\), which in fact means that the phase shifts obtained with the \(d\)-method are actually the phase shifts in the squeezed 3D space, and therefore they can be directly used to compute the cross section in the 3D space, which is given by the simple well-known formula: \[\sigma=\frac{4\pi}{k^2} (2\ell_{2b}+1) \sin^2\delta_{\ell^*}.\] # Results {#sectIII} In this section we show the results for the key quantities analyzed in the previous section for two-body continuum states, i.e., critical dimension, scattering length, and phase-shifts. The derivations have been carried out assuming a square-well potential, and therefore the derived formulae, which of course depend on the dimension \(d\), will depend as well on the square-well parameter, \(S_0\). This dependence has been obtained in a very specific model, and provides results that, in principle, are not universal. However, as we shall show, it is possible to extract a universal behavior, such that the square-well results previously derived can be exported to any short-range potential. ## Critical dimension The critical dimension, \(d_E\), is obtained by solving Eq.([\[e520\]](#e520){reference-type="ref" reference="e520"}) as function of \(S_0\). This dimension always exists for relative \(s\)-waves (\(\ell_{2b}=0\)), which is particularly relevant, since this is the dimension for which the Efimov effect arises in the three-body case. The resulting dependence, shown in Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"} for \(\ell_{2b}=0\), is a smoothly increasing function of \(S_0\), changing from \(d_E=2\) at \(S_0=0\), to \(d_E=3\) for \(S_0=\pi/2\). This reflects the fact that an infinitely small attractive potential is, for relative \(s\)-waves, sufficient to bind for \(d=2\), but a finite potential is necessary to support bound states as the dimension approaches \(d=3\). The value of \(S_0 = \pi/2\) for \(d=3\) is the well-known critical size for binding in a square-well. Note also that, as shown in Eq.([\[reg\]](#reg){reference-type="ref" reference="reg"}), for \(d=3\) the values of the critical dimension, \(d_E\), appear for the \(S_0\) values matching with the zeros of \(J_{-1/2}(S_0)\), which are given by \(S_0=(2n+1)\pi/2\), with \(n=0,1,2,\cdots\). Increasing the attraction of the potential still smoothly increases \(d_E\) above \(3\), as shown in the inset of Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"}. This behavior is abruptly broken by a sudden downwards jump at \(S_0 = 3.83171\), where a second bound state appears at zero energy. The following increase is the beginning of repeating this behavior reflecting the discrete increase of bound states. In fact, again, we can from Eq.([\[reg\]](#reg){reference-type="ref" reference="reg"}) see that for \(d=2\) the \(d_E\) values for which new bound states appear are determined by the zeros of \(J_{-1}(S_0)=-J_1(S_0)\), whose first three values are \(S_0=3.83171, 7.01559, 10.17347\), and which give the position of the jumps in the curve shown in the inset of Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"}. The square-well parameter is by definition not a universal quantity that could be used for other short-range potentials. Instead, in order to pursue such a universality, we turn to the scattering length for \(d=3\), which is a unique characteristic for any short-range potential, as well as definable, measurable, and reflecting a gross property independent of potential details. It determines rather accurately all low-energy scattering properties, and as such is a universal quantity. Although in principle possible as well for relative angular momenta larger than zero, universality features are specially relevant for \(s\)-waves, for which the wave function can more easily extend beyond the range of the interaction, becoming then less sensitive to the details of the potential. As shown in Eq.([\[e640\]](#e640){reference-type="ref" reference="e640"}), for small energy the phase shifts behave as \(E^{(2\ell_{2b}+d-2)/2}\), meaning that the \(s\)-wave scattering clearly dominates in the low-energy limit, and for this reason we shall focus here on universal behavior in the \(\ell_{2b}=0\) case (an exception could be the case, not considered here, of two identical fermions, for which a relative \(s\)-wave is not possible ). In Fig. [\[dc3\]](#dc3){reference-type="ref" reference="dc3"} we show the critical dimension, \(d_E\), as a function of \(a^{(\ell_{2b}=0)}_{d=3}\) for both square-well and Gaussian potentials. Different length units have been considered, and we have found that clearly the length scale with the effective range, \(r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\), provides the most satisfactory universal behavior. This is in accordance with the findings for three-body systems. The results for the two potentials are pretty close to each other, and we therefore have, to a very large extent, the desired, accurate universal function, \(d_E\), as function of scattering length in units of the effective radius, both obtained in the ordinary three dimensions. This is what shown by the two thick curves in the figure, solid (blue) and dashed (green), which have been obtained with potential strengths such that \(d_E\) corresponds to the appearance of the first bound state, i.e., to potential strengths unable to bind the system in three dimensions. In principle one could still increase \(S_0\) such that a second bound state appears (as indicated by the jump in the curve shown in the inset of Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"}). As exemplified in previous works, the depth of the two-body potential could be an important factor for universality. Although this interesting relationship goes beyond the scope of this work, we show in Fig. [\[dc3\]](#dc3){reference-type="ref" reference="dc3"}, as an indication, the curve (thin-dashed) obtained for the critical dimension \(d_E\) corresponding to the appearance of the second bound state with the Gaussian potential. As we can see, this curve does not follow the universal curve obtained when \(d_E\) indicates the appearance of the first bound state. The scattering length and effective range ratio for \(\ell_{2b}=0\) and \(d=3\) is therefore adopted as the easy accessible universal quantity. This has the advantage of requiring only one adjustment, the \(a_{d=3}^{(\ell_{2b}=0)}/r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\) ratio, when two potentials should be compared. Another possibility could perhaps be to use the same \(a^{(\ell^*)}_d\) for different potentials as defined in Eq.([\[e550\]](#e550){reference-type="ref" reference="e550"}), or may be the same ratio between \(a^{(\ell^*)}_d\) and the corresponding \(d\)-dependent effective range. However, this would require calculation with different potentials for any \(d\). The simplicity of the method would be lost, and we therefore we maintain the simple procedure. ## Scattering length In any case, even if not used in the universal curve shown in Fig. [\[dc3\]](#dc3){reference-type="ref" reference="dc3"}, a given two-body potential, has associated a different scattering length for different values of the dimension \(d\), as shown in Eq.([\[e550\]](#e550){reference-type="ref" reference="e550"}) for the case of the square-well potential. This \(d\)-dependent scattering length is a function of \(S_0\), as shown in Fig. [\[scatlenplot\]](#scatlenplot){reference-type="ref" reference="scatlenplot"} for the square-well potential and \(\ell_{2b}=0\). The left and right parts show the dependence on \(d\) for a given \(S_0\) (\(S_0\simeq 4/3\) such that \(d_E=2.75\)), and on \(S_0\) for a given \(d\) (\(d=2.75\)), respectively. If desired \(S_0\) can, through Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"}, be substituted by \(a^{(\ell_{2b}=0)}_{d=3}\). The qualitative features are precisely the same. The most pronounced feature is that the scattering length diverges at the critical dimension, \(d_E\), see Fig. [\[scatlenplot\]](#scatlenplot){reference-type="ref" reference="scatlenplot"}a. For \(S_0\simeq 4/3\) we can see from Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"} that \(d_E\approx 2.75\), which is the \(d\)-value where the divergence of the scattering length shows up. This demonstrates the existence of a zero-energy bound state for this dimension. The picture would be very similar for other values of \(S_0\), where the zero-energy would appear at another \(d\). For illustration, we show in Fig. [\[scatlenplot\]](#scatlenplot){reference-type="ref" reference="scatlenplot"}b the other dependence of the scattering length as a function of \(S_0\) for given \(d\) (\(d=2.75\)). Again we observe a divergence of \(a^{(\ell_{2b}=0)}_d\) for a specific \(S_0\), \(S_0\approx 4/3\), which agrees with the value observed in Fig. [\[dc2\]](#dc2){reference-type="ref" reference="dc2"} for \(d_E=2.75\), and defines the parameter set producing a zero-energy bound state. ## Phase-shifts The phase-shifts contain the crucial information about the continuum states. They provide the information about the asymptotic behavior of the wave function, and they are the key ingredient to obtain an important observable like the cross sections. In Fig. [\[phasetwo\]](#phasetwo){reference-type="ref" reference="phasetwo"} we show the dependence of the \(s\)-wave phase shifts on the dimension \(d\) and on the energy (through \(\kappa\), Eq.([\[e440\]](#e440){reference-type="ref" reference="e440"})). Each sub-figure compares four computed phase-shifts as function of the \(d\) for given values of \(\kappa/S_0\). The first two curves on each panel, thick-solid-black and thick-dashed-red, are the analytic square-well results in Eq.([\[e620\]](#e620){reference-type="ref" reference="e620"}) and the related low-energy approximation in Eq.([\[e640\]](#e640){reference-type="ref" reference="e640"}), respectively. Not surprisingly, we find the approximation improves with decreasing energy (decreasing \(\kappa\)), but apparently also with increasing \(d\). The mathematical reason can be found in the size of the \(d\)-dependent expansion parameter leading to Eq.([\[e640\]](#e640){reference-type="ref" reference="e640"}). The parameters for the square-well potential have been chosen such that \(d_E=2.50\). The consequence is that for this value of \(d\), as mentioned below Eq.([\[e630\]](#e630){reference-type="ref" reference="e630"}), the low energy curves (thick-dashed-red) always take the value \(\delta_{\ell^*}=\pi/2\). For \(d=2\) the low-energy phase-shifts are always \(\pi\) corresponding to a bound state. The exact model results are also close to \(\pi\) for \(d \approx 2\) and sufficiently small energies. The validity range of the low-energy expansion seem to be energies less than \(\kappa/S_0 \lesssim 0.001\). For all these lower energies we observe a very sharp transition around \(d_E\) from phase-shifts of \(\pi\) to zero moving towards larger \(d\)-values. This behavior is connected to the general property of at least one bound state for any attraction for \(d=2\) and in our case for \(d<d_E\). The phase shift is passing \(\pi/2\) and a bound state of zero energy appears for \(d=d_E\). For \(d>d_E\) there is no bound state, but a negative centrifugal barrier leading to phase-shifts close to zero, whereas there is at least one bound state for \(d<d_E\), perhaps also conditions corresponding to a resonance with phase shifts \(\pi\). In Fig. [\[phasetwo\]](#phasetwo){reference-type="ref" reference="phasetwo"} the results arising from the use of a Gaussian potential are also shown. To investigate the proper comparison between different potentials we first consider the square-well and the Gaussian potentials having the same scattering length ratio to the interaction range, \(r_0\), for \(d=3\). The results for the Gaussian case are given by the thin-solid-blue curves. When compared to the square-well results (thick-solid-black) we see that both curves are quantitatively very similar, although the agreement between them is not perfect. In fact, the Gaussian potential constructed as mentioned above leads to a critical dimension \(d_E=2.43\), which implies that the crossing through \(\delta_{\ell^*}=\pi/2\) at low energies can be easily distinguished from the one of the square-well potentials, which happens at \(d_E=2.50\). However, when the Gaussian potential is constructed having the same ratio between the scattering length and the effective range as in the square-well potential for \(d=3\), we then observe a clearly better agreement between both cases, as seen when comparing the thin-dashed-green and the thick-solid-black curves in Fig. [\[phasetwo\]](#phasetwo){reference-type="ref" reference="phasetwo"} (the Gaussian potential has now \(d_E=2.53\)). The universal function describing the critical dimension as function of the scattering length divided by the effective range is therefore also valid for continuum states. This result is consistent with the universal curve shown in Fig. [\[dc3\]](#dc3){reference-type="ref" reference="dc3"}, also a function of \(a_{d=3}^{(\ell_{2b}=0)}/r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\). This is very reassuring, because we can then compare potentials with the same gross properties like scattering length and effective range, and claim the computed universal relation between phase shifts and dimension. In other words one can use the analytic square-well results and translate to any other potential by use of the potential-independent parameters, scattering length and effective range. ## Cross sections {#cross-sections} As described in Section [2.6](#crse){reference-type="ref" reference="crse"}, the \(d\)-dimensional wave function is interpreted as a wave function in the squeezed 3D space. As shown in Eq.([\[twf\]](#twf){reference-type="ref" reference="twf"}), this wave function can be expanded in terms of the usual spherical harmonics, which permits to extract the projected radial wave functions \(u_\ell(r)\) as shown in Eq.([\[eq9\]](#eq9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq9"}). In Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} we show, for \(\ell_{2b}=0\), the large distance part of the \(u_\ell(r)\) functions after the calculation in Eq.([\[eq9\]](#eq9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq9"}) for \(d=2.9\), \(\ell=\) 0 (black), 10 (red), and 40 (blue), and three different energies, \(E=1\) (a), \(E=0.1\) (b), and \(E=0.01\) (c) in units of \(\hbar^2/(\mu b^2)\), where \(b\) is the range of the Gaussian two-body interaction used in the calculation. To be precise, we have used the Gaussian two-body potential given in Ref. , for which \(d_E=2.75\). In the figure we have multiplied \(u_\ell(r)\) by \(b^{1/2}\) and divided \(r\) by \(b\) in order to make both quantities dimensionless. We can see that the larger \(\ell\), the smaller the weight of the corresponding \(u_\ell(r)\) wave function. Therefore, one would expect that for sufficiently high values of \(\ell\), the contribution of the \(u_\ell\) wave functions to the total wave function ([\[twf\]](#twf){reference-type="ref" reference="twf"}) can be neglected. In general, the larger the squeezing, the larger the number of \(\ell\)-values contributing. In fact, for \(d=3\) only the \(u_{\ell=0}(r)\) function enters. After matching the \(u_\ell\) functions with the analytic asymptotic behavior in Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) we can extract the \(\delta_\ell\) phase shifts. The result of this matching is shown in the figure by the dots, which we can see lie very much on top of the solid curves. We can also see that, as expected, the smaller the energy, the slower the oscillations of the wave functions. An important point in the figure is that, for each energy \(E\), all the wave functions, independently of \(\ell\), have the zeros at the same \(r\)-values. Although not shown in the figure, this happens no matter the value chosen for the dimension \(d\). Therefore, as one could expect, it is possible to assign a single phase shift, \(\ell\)-independent, to the 3D wave function introduced in Eq.([\[twf\]](#twf){reference-type="ref" reference="twf"}). We illustrate this same result in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}, where we show \(\sin^2\delta_\ell\) as a function of \(\ell\) for the case in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}a, i.e., \(\ell_{2b}=0\), \(d=2.9\), and \(E=1\). The different curves in the figure correspond to different values of the radial coordinate \(r\) used to match the computed \(u_\ell(r)\) function and the asymptotic behavior in Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}). The result is that the larger the value of \(r\) chosen for the matching, the closer the curve to a horizontal line, corresponding to a constant value of \(\delta_\ell\). This is due to the fact that the larger the value of \(\ell\), the farther one has to go in the wave function in order to get the correct asymptotic behavior. Again, the results shown in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"} are qualitatively the same as the ones obtained for a different value of \(d\) and a different energy. Finally, as mentioned in Eq.([\[eq32\]](#eq32){reference-type="ref" reference="eq32"}), the phase shift, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\), in the squeezed 3D space is not given just by \(\delta_\ell\), but by the shift of the wave function for two interacting particles compared to the wave function corresponding to two free particles. The phase shift obtained from Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) for two non-interacting particles is what in Eq.([\[eq32\]](#eq32){reference-type="ref" reference="eq32"}) is denoted by \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\). In Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} we show \(\delta_\ell\), \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\), \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\), and \(\delta_{\ell^*}\) as a function of \(d\) for the same Gaussian potential as in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}, and the same three energies. The phase shifts are given by the solid-black, dashed-red, dot-green, and long-dashed-blue curves, respectively. Except for \(d=3\), where by definition they are the same, we can see that \(\delta_\ell\) and the phase shift computed directly with the \(d\)-method, \(\delta_{\ell^*}\), are very different. Also, when the two particles do not interact, the phase shift, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\), obtained from Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) is clearly different from zero (except of course for \(d=3\), where the asymptotics in Eq.([\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}) is exact). The important result is that, as shown by the dotted curves in the figure, the difference between \(\delta_{\ell}\) and \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\), that is, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\), coincides perfectly with \(\delta_{\ell^*}\), i.e., with the phase shift obtained directly from the \(d\)-method. Therefore, as anticipated in Section [2.6](#crse){reference-type="ref" reference="crse"}, the phase shifts obtained with the \(d\)-method are the phase shifts in the squeezed 3D space, and they can be used to compute the cross section in the 3D space. The result shown in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} is actually general, not restricted to the \(\ell_{2b}=0\) case. As an illustration we show in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"} the same as in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} but for \(\ell_{2b}=1\). As we can see, the equality \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}=\delta_{\ell^*}\) is also perfectly obtained, even in the case of very small energy, Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}c, where \(\delta_{\ell}\) and \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\), are very similar, leading to very small values of the true phase shift. # Summary and conclusions {#sectV} In this work we have used the \(d\)-method in order to investigate two-body continuum states in a squeezed scenario. The method describes the system in a non-integer dimensional space, which can be later translated to the usual 3D space with an external confining potential. The \(d\)-method is technically simpler, since the degrees of freedom associated to the external field do not enter in the formalism. We focus on two-body properties for short-range potentials in non-integer geometry by use of a square-well potential. The details are independent of this practical choice of the potential. We first derive conditions for bound states expressed by the square-well parameter. The depth-radius combination has to be large enough to support at least one bound state. We show how the threshold value of the dimension for binding is uniquely determined by the square-well parameter. This is in close analogy to three dimensions, but for smaller dimensions less attraction is necessary, and for \(d=2\) even infinitesimally small attraction provides binding. The point of zero energy binding defines the Efimov dimension, \(d_E\), since for this dimension the Efimov effect may become effective by adding another particle. We have derived the equation determining the value of \(d_E\) as a function of the strength of the square-well potential. This value of \(d_E\) is shown to correspond to infinite scattering length, which in turn has also been derived as a function of the same strength for each dimension \(d\). We have closed the theoretical part of this paper deriving the expressions for the \(d\)-dependent phase shifts as a function of the potential strength. These phase shifts have also been related to the ones corresponding to the physical squeezed 3D space. The main purpose of the illustrations shown in this work is to show that, even if the derived expressions, obtained for a square-well two-body interaction, are not necessarily universal, it is however possible, using the proper length and energy units, to obtain a universal behavior, independent of the details of the potential, for the Efimov dimension \(d_E\) as well as for the phase shifts. In particular, focusing on the dominant \(s\)-wave case, we have shown that the critical dimension \(d_E\) follows a universal path when plotted as a function of \(a_{d=3}^{(\ell=0)}/r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\), showing that the effective range in three dimensions is the appropriate length unit. Given the value of \(a_{d=3}^{(\ell=0)}/r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\) for any two-body short-range potential it is then possible, by means of the universal curve, to obtain the corresponding dimension \(d_E\). It is reassuring that potentials having the same value of the \(a_{d=3}^{(\ell=0)}/r_{\mbox{\scriptsize eff}}\) ratio follow as well a pretty much universal curve for the phase shifts as a function of the dimension and for given values of \(\kappa/S_0\). In other words, for the universal curve to show up, the incident momentum has to be taken in units of \(S_0\), which contains the dependence on the strength of the potential. Finally, we have related the computed phase shifts in the \(d\)-method with the ones corresponding to a squeezed 3D space. This is done by considering the \(d\)-dimensional two-body wave function as an ordinary wave function in 3D, but squeezing the coordinate along the direction of the external field after inclusion of a scale parameter. When this is done, we have shown that, in case of non-interacting particles, the usual asymptotic form of the continuum wave functions in three dimensions gives rise to non-zero phase shifts, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\). This is simply reflecting the presence of the squeezing potential. When the interaction is introduced, the relevant phase shift is the difference between the new computed phase shift and \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize free}}\). We have shown that this difference, \(\delta_{\mbox{\scriptsize conf}}\), is precisely the same as the phase shift obtained directly from the \(d\)-method. This result opens the door to using the \(d\)-computed phase shifts directly in order to obtain the cross sections in a squeezed scenario. In conclusion, we have investigated and illustrated two-body scattering processes in an analytic schematic model. The cross section behavior and the insight obtained are very hard to imagine found in any other way. Such results are, to a large extent, universal, that is independent of the details of the employed short-range potentials. The translation from \(d\) to external field is necessary, available and at least a semi-accurate description. The perspective in our investigations is that scattering between particles confined by deformed external fields may be useful tools in investigations of for example structures related to Efimov physics. Transitions between other dimensions may also be of interest.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:30:17', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01133', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01133'}
# Introduction {#sec:intro} Neural Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has achieved significant improvement with the introduction of the auto-regressive model. As a sequential generative model, it effectively enhances TTS in naturalness and fidelity. However, due to recursive generation and \"exposure bias\", inference speed and stability are also affected seriously. To solve this problem, the non-autoregressive TTS (NAR-TTS) has been attracted increasing attention for better stability and parallelizability, such as. It directly up-sampled the encoded text features to the frame-level sequence with the explicit duration information, then decode them to the acoustic features in parallel. But the removal of the auto-regressive mechanism also degrades generative capability, and hence affects the naturalness and fidelity. To address this problem, some generative models have been introduced, such as glow, VAE, diffusion model, etc\... Unfortunately, due to their special model design, these approaches have reduced flexibility and they cannot be easily adapted to arbitrary NAR-TTS models. To address the aforementioned problem, the generative adversarial network (GAN) shows great potential, which has been widely applied in speech synthesis, including statistical speech synthesis, spectrogram post-filter, spectrogram super-resolution, and neural vocoder. In this framework, NAR-TTS can be enhanced by only using a discriminator. As shown in Fig.[\[fig:gantts\]](#fig:gantts){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gantts"}, in training, the discriminator is introduced to distinguish between the generated speech and authentic speech, and applied to the adversarial training to narrow the gap between these two domains. So, to maximize the benefits derived from GAN, a well-designed discriminator capturing rich distinguishable information in training is critical. Although GAN has been widely used in neural vocoders, which adopts various structures to process the input waveform, however, for NAR-TTS, the current designs of the discriminator are still preliminary, which cannot effectively incorporate the characteristics of the spectrogram. The spectrogram is a 2-D image in the time-frequency space. There is strong relationship among different elements in this image, which affects the spectral shape, harmonics, pronunciation, prosody, and timbre, locally and globally in the time-frequency space. Hence, to generate a realistic spectrogram, it is necessary to ensure that the discriminator can effectively capture this multi-scale relationship in the time-frequency domain. Different from the waveform that is down-sampled or converted to spectrograms with various STFT parameters for multi-scale discriminating, this 2-D spectrogram is hard to be processed in the same way. Alternatively, In this paper, we propose a multi-scale time-frequency spectrogram discriminator to achieve this goal. A U-Net-based structure is adopted to discriminate at both fine-grained and coarse-grained levels. Meanwhile, we treat the spectrogram as a 2-D image along the time and frequency axis to better exploit its information in this space. This paper is organized as follows: We will first introduce our proposed discriminator, including the model structure and training algorithm for NAR-TTS. Then we will present the experiments based on ParallelTacotron, including its model structure and the specific training setup. The results of the preference tests validate that both multi-scale and time-frequency discriminating improves the training quality to NAR-TTS. When applied to the TTS system using the neural vocoder, GAN is shown as a more effective and concise approach than fine-tuning the vocoder. Finally, we visualize the output maps of the discriminator to analyze the difference between the coarse-grained and fine-grained discriminating outputs. # Multi-Scale Time-Frequency Spectrogram Discriminator {#sec:usd} In this section, We will first illustrate the U-Net based model structure of the proposed discriminator, and then introduce the corresponding training algorithm to NAR-TTS. ## Model Architecture {#ssec:model} The model is illustrated in Fig.[\[fig:disc\]](#fig:disc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:disc"}, which has a U-Net based encoder-decoder structure. Firstly, an encoder with a stack of convolutional layers is employed to down-sample the input spectrogram with shape \((1, T, N)\), i.e. 1 channel, T frames, N frequency bins, into the feature map with shape \((256, T/8, N/8)\). Then we use a convolutional output layer to compute the coarse-grained discriminator output map. The decoder has a structure symmetrical to the encoder, where the strided convolution is replaced with the transposed convolution. For each layer, it concatenates the output of the previous layer and the resolution-matched hidden feature map in the encoder as the input. In this way, the local high-resolution feature can be better extracted with the guide of the global information given from the encoder. After up-sampling in the decoder, a fine-grained discriminating output map with the same resolution as the input spectrogram can be achieved. Here, each convolutional layer is wrapped by a weight normalization layer, which helps stabilize adversarial training. The LeakyReLU with \(\alpha=0.2\) is set as the activation function for all layers except for the input layer. Most GAN-based vocoders are also trained with multi-scale discriminators by pre-processing the waveform into waveforms with different sample rates or spectrograms with different STFT parameters. However, it is difficult to do so in the training of the acoustic model, since the Mel spectrogram is hard to be down-sampled well or converted to other features with different scales. The introduction of the U-Net based spectrogram discriminator makes it possible to discriminate one sequence at multiple scales directly. ## Training Algorithm {#ssec:training} We first input the text into the TTS model to generate a fake spectrogram \(S_f\) for the discriminator. The target spectrogram of the text is set as the real input \(S_r\). They are fed to the discriminator respectively to get the discriminating results and all hidden vectors. \[S_f = TTS(text)\] \[C_{r}, F_{r}, H_{r} = Discriminator(S_r)\] \[C_{f}, F_{f}, H_{f} = Discriminator(S_f)\] where \(C_{r}, F_{r}, H_{r}\) and \(C_{f}, F_{f}, H_{f}\) denote the coarse-grained output, fine-grained output, and hidden vectors of the real and fake spectrogram, respectively. Then we update the discriminator with the LS-GAN loss function \(L_D\): \[\begin{aligned} L_d = &MSE(1, C_{r}) + MSE(1, F_{r}) \\ &+ MSE(0, C_{f}) + MSE(0, F_{f}) \end{aligned}\] Before updating the TTS model, we use the updated discriminator to extract those features again, and then calculate losses as follows: \[L_{a} = MSE(1, C_{f}) + MSE(1, F_{f})\] \[L_{f} = MAE(H_{f}, H_{r})\] \[L_g = L_{tts} + \lambda_a L_{a} + \lambda_{f} L_{f}\] Adversarial loss \(L_a\) is used to fool the discriminator by making \(C_f\) and \(F_f\) close to 1. Feature matching loss \(L_{f}\) is an effective loss function to improve stablity and quality of adversrial training. It calculates MAE loss for \(N\) pairs of the hidden vectors of \(H_f\) and \(H_r\), then averages them. \(L_{tts}\) is the loss function for NAR-TTS, e.g. a MSE loss between the predicted and the target spectrogram. Finally, we get \(L_g\) by combining these losses with two weight parameters \(\lambda_a\) and \(\lambda_{f}\). # Experimental Protocol {#sec:protocol} Our experiments are all conducted on a standard single-speaker English speech dataset, LJSpeech, with over 10 hours of recordings. After screening and pre-processing, we collect 11000 pairs of (text, 16kHz audio) as the training set. ## Non-Autoregressive TTS {#ssec:tts_model} As shown in Fig.[\[fig:parataco\]](#fig:parataco){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:parataco"}, the model is implemented based on ParallelTacotron2, but removes speaker embedding and residual encoder for simplification. In this model, the learned upsampling module can up-sample the input, a phoneme sequence with punctuations, to the frame-level features according to explicitly predicted phoneme-level durations. Then we use the decoder to generate the 80-dim log-scale Mel-spectrogram with 12.5ms frameshift and 50ms frame length. Notably, we avoid using Soft-DTW loss in our experiments due to its huge cost on computing resources. Instead, in the training stage, we use ground-truth duration[^1] as input and add an extra loss function between the predicted and target duration. It is also an effective approach with less computing cost for duration learning. To reconstruct waveform from Mel-spectrogram, Griffin-Lim and Hifi-GAN trained on the same dataset are used in the tests[^2]. ## Training Setup {#ssec:setup} We use MSE and MAE loss functions for the iterative loss of Mel-spectrogram and the duration loss as follows: \[L_{spec} = MSE(S, \hat{S}) + MAE(S, \hat{S})\] \[L_{dur} = MSE(D, \hat{D}) + MAE(D, \hat{D})\] \[L_{tts} = L_{spec} + \lambda_{dur} L_{dur}\] where \(L_{spec}\) denotes the loss function between the target spectrogram \(S\) and the predicted spectrograms \(\hat{S}\), \(L_{dur}\) denotes the loss function between the target duration \(D\) and the predicted duration \(\hat{D}\). \(\lambda_{dur}\) is set to balance these two losses, which is 0.02 in our experiments. The output Mel-spectrogram of the last layer in the decoder is involved in the adversarial training. \(\lambda_a\) and \(\lambda_f\) are set to 0.2 and 2 for all experiments with U-Net based discriminators, otherwise are 1 and 10. RAdam with \((\beta_1=0.9, \beta_2=0.999)\) and Lookahead with \((k=5, \alpha=0.5)\) are combined as the optimizer to provide more stable training process. The learning rate is exponentially decayed from \(1e^{-3}\) to \(1e^{-5}\) after 20,000 iterations. All models are trained for 200,000 iterations with a batch size of 64. # Results {#sec:results} We conduct subjective tests using Amazon Mechanical Turk. 80 utterances in the dataset which are disjoint from training set are used as the test set. For each test, each listener can only rate 30 sets of utterances to ensure good test quality. [^3] ## Discriminators {#ssec:disc_mos} The preference tests are conducted to validate that multi-scale and time-frequency discrimination are both effective for the adversarial training. Three discriminators are involved in the comparison: 1. Single-Scale Time Discriminator (S-T), which only uses the encoder part and 1-D convolutions along the time axis. It has been validated effective in. 2. Multi-Scale Time Discriminator (M-T), which is based on S-T, and uses both encoder and decoder. 3. Multi-Scale Time-Frequency Discriminator (M-TF) We first compare S-T and M-T, then compare M-T and M-TF. Here, all samples are generated using Griffin-Lim to avoid the bias brought from data-driven neural vocoder. In the comparison between S-T and M-T shown in Fig.[\[fig:ms\]](#fig:ms){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ms"}, M-T achieves significant preference with the voting rate of 49.58%. We find that they generate similar timbre and rhythm overall, but multi-scale discrimination makes the formant smoother and clearer, and produces better prosody with higher naturalness and diversity, hence receives higher listener preference. The comparison between M-T and M-TF in Fig.[\[fig:tf\]](#fig:tf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:tf"} validates that the time-frequency operation is an effective approach by the higher voting rate of 61.11%. It obviously improves the fidelity, including the spectral clarity, smoothness, and continuity, which can be easily noticed by listeners. It shows that operating the spectrogram as a 2-D image along both time and frequency axes can better exploit spectral information. [\[tab:mos\]]{#tab:mos label="tab:mos"} ## GAN or Fine-tuning Vocoder? Or Both? {#ssec:finetune} In mainstream TTS systems, the neural vocoder is usually adopted for waveform generation due to its high-quality generation. It is trained with ground-truth spectrograms but is used based on the predicted ones. The gap between them causes errors in vocoding, such as noise and distortion. To narrow the gap, fine-tuning the vocoder with TTS predictions is often used, but also leads to more costs on computing and storage resources, and more complicated TTS training and update. Instead, it is more concise to directly improve the fidelity of the generated spectrogram, e.g. GAN training. In this paper, both our approach and fine-tuning vocoder are evaluated in this aspect via a MOS test. The results of the MOS test and spectrogram generated by these models are shown in Table.[1](#tab:mos){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:mos"} and Fig.[\[fig:spec\]](#fig:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec"}, respectively. Firstly, the high-fidelity reconstruction of analysis-synthesis in Fig.[\[fig:spec\]](#fig:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec"}(b) shows that the vocoder is trained well. The baseline system, without GAN training and fine-tuned vocoder, receives the worst score of 2.91. The fuzzy spectrogram with unsmoothed low-frequency harmonics leads to serious degradation in naturalness and fidelity, which is shown in Fig.[\[fig:spec\]](#fig:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec"}(c). After fine-tuning, the harmonics in the middle and low-frequency parts are enhanced significantly, hence improving its output quality with a much higher MOS of 3.43. For the GAN-based system, it can already achieve a much higher score of 3.81 without fine-tuning. The spectrogram shown in Fig.[\[fig:spec\]](#fig:spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec"}(e) presents both clearer, smoother harmonics and richer information in high frequency. However, the system using both GAN and fine-tuning achieves a worse score of 3.71. The harmonics in the middle-frequency part become slightly fuzzier, hence degrading the fidelity. We find that, when the vocoder is fine-tuned to adapt predicted spectrograms, the larger the discrepancy between the ground-truth spectrogram and the predicted one, the fine-tuning is harder. Although GAN training reduces the distribution gap between these two domains, the distance between these two spectrograms is also enlarged. It may degrade the fidelity of the vocoder. In conclusion, GAN can bring benefits to synthesis, while finetuning may not bring consistent. ## Discriminating Visualization {#ssec:analysis} As shown in Fig.[\[fig:vis\]](#fig:vis){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:vis"}, we visualize two output maps of the multi-scale time-frequency discriminator. The high-lightness area indicates that it has a higher probability classified as the real one. The up-sampled coarse-grained output map in (b) shows a smooth and averaged heatmap, which provides coarse-grained, global discriminating information. In comparison, (c) shows a sharper heatmap that has higher resolution and more attention on local parts. This fine-grained discriminating enhances fidelity-related information like formants. # Conclusion {#sec:conclusion} This paper proposes a multi-scale time-frequency spectrogram discriminator to provide better GAN training for Non-Autoregressive TTS. It operates the Mel-spectrogram in time-frequency domain at different scales to exploit richer information for better discrimination. The preference tests validate the effectiveness of multi-scale and time-frequency discriminating. An MOS test is conducted to investigate the impact of GAN and vocoder fine-tuning on NAR-TTS. The results show that GAN training significantly improves TTS with the higher MOS of 3.81, but fine-tuning may have negative effects. In addition, the coarse-grained and fine-grained discriminator output maps are visualized to investigate their differences, and verifies that they can provide richer discriminative information at different scales. [^1]: We get the duration using MFA at <https://github.com/MontrealCorpusTools/Montreal-Forced-Aligner> [^2]: The code of HifiGAN is available at <https://github.com/jik876/hifi-gan> [^3]: Samples are available at <https://hhguo.github.io/DemoUGANTTS>
{'timestamp': '2022-03-23T01:11:41', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01080', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01080'}
# Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) enabled by neural networks has seen an explosive growth in the last decade. Neural network algorithms are inherently parallel and thus inefficient on conventional hardware where processing is sequential, this challenge has motivated neuromorphic hardware engineering. In neuromorphic electronics, bandwidth and interconnectivity have to be traded off. Photonics offers the opportunity to simultaneously achieve high bandwidth with high interconnectivity, in tandem with low power consumption and low latency. The interconnections between "neurons\" in a neural network are known as synapses. Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(a) shows the functional model of a neuron: at each neuron, inputs from other neurons are *linearly* weighed by synapses, summed and nonlinearly transformed, generating an output. In photonics, one can theoretically parallelize hundreds of high speed information channels onto a single waveguide by encoding each channel on a different wavelength, a scheme known as wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). Photonic implementations of synapses include coherent and WDM systems. WDM maximally utilizes the high bandwidth of photonics, which then translates to significant network benefits in terms of information throughput. Ref. introduced the concept of a microring weight bank, shown in Fig. [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(b), which is a WDM-based synapse where an array of microring resonators (MRRs) selectively weighs an input vector of wavelength channels. Each MRR addresses a given wavelength channel where the transmission corresponding to that wavelength is the weight for the synapse. The optical output from the pass and drop ports of the weight bank are then summed and differentially detected by a pair of balanced photodetectors. The summed electrical signal from the PD then drives an electro-optical modulator with an optical pump to generate a nonlinearly transformed optical output. Weighting at synapses represents the majority of operations in a neural network, the overall network performance is thus heavily dependent on the synapse properties, as encapsulated in Figure [\[fig:perf\]](#fig:perf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:perf"}. The free-spectral range (FSR) of an MRR limits the number of wavelength channels, \(N\), i.e. the number of synapses in a network. We estimate \(N\leq30\) for silicon MRRs. The constraint on channel count inevitably limits the throughput, i.e. the amount of information being processed, as well constrains the input dimension making some applications unfeasible. Ref. shows an approach to eliminate the FSR constraint by suppressing all but one microring resonance but the level of suppression varies with wavelength which isn't ideal. In practice, \(N\) is even lower due to effects like inter-channel crosstalk, and there have been efforts to mitigate it. Besides spectral scale, the physical scale of the network also depends on the synapses. A smaller synapse improves the compute density, which is a measure of the number of operations done per unit time normalized per unit area. The size of a photonic device used as a synapse determines the energy consumed while tuning the weight--the smaller the device, the higher the efficiency. While MRRs are relatively compact, as compared to interferometers, you can only make it so much smaller without introducing too much bending loss, typically MRRs have radii larger than 5\(\mu\)m. To make the synapse smaller entails a novel synapse. Here, we present a novel WDM synapse--a photonic crystal (PhC) weight bank, as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(c). Photonic crystals (PhCs) are nanophotonic devices with periodic dielectric function that allows to manipulate the propagation of light. By introducing defects or breaking the periodicity is some way, localized modes for some light frequency can be formed forming the basis of engineering optical resonators. They are also widely popular for nonlinear photonic applications like all-optical switching. The simplest form of PhCs is a one-dimensional PhC, also known in literature as nanobeam cavities. Their one-dimensional nature means they can easily be implemented in photonic integrated circuits where light can be evanescently coupled through a bus waveguide. PhC nanobeam based devices have previously been used as wavelength filters. Here, we propose a PhC-based synapse, which replaces the MRRs in the current weight bank architecture, for two reasons. Firstly, we show that PhCs can be FSR-free, which significantly improves the WDM channel count, thereby enhancing the system throughput and enabling neural network applications with high-dimensional inputs. Secondly, we show that the physical size reduction with PhCs improves the overall tuning energy efficiency. Our results show that photonic crystals have the potential to enable the most scalable next-generation photonic neural networks with high throughput, energy efficiency and compute density. # Scaling challenge in MRR-based synapses Before proceeding to discussing PhCs, we would like to quantitatively analyse the scaling challenge in MRR-based synapses. The channel count in an MRR-based WDM link is proportional to the ratio of the free-spectral range (FSR) to the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the resonance. The design parameters in an MRR available to tune its FSR and FWHM are the radius, \(R\) and the gap between the microring and the coupling waveguide which determines the self-coupling coefficient, \(r\), (refer Fig. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}(a)). The range of each parameter is constrained by foundry design rules due to their fabrication tolerances. To illustrate the channel count limitation fundamental to MRRs, we show how \(R\) and \(r\) affect the channel count, \(N\) in Figs. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}(b)-(e). Figs. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}(b) and (c) show that FWHM and FSR decrease similarly with increasing \(R\). This results in \(N = \frac{FSR}{2FWHM}\) being a constant function of \(R\), as shown in Fig.[\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}(d). In other words, one cannot change the allowable channel count by changing the MRR radius. Alternatively, one can vary the self-coupling coefficient, \(r\). Fig. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}(e) shows that \(N\) increases with \(r\). However, one cannot indefinitely increase \(r\)--in the high self-coupling limit (\(r\) = 0.95), \(N\) approaches to 30. This illustrates that MRR-based WDM links run into fundamental limits and cannot be scaled indefinitely. # PhC design An illustrative top-down view of the PhC nanobeam synapse is shown in Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(a). It comprises a one-dimensional lattice of cylindrical holes etched in a single-mode silicon waveguide, as evident in the side-view of the cavity in Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(b). The 1D nature eases both the design and fabrication constraints relative to higher-dimensional PhC cavities. The PhC is horizontally symmetric with 40 linearly tapered holes with radii in the range \[0.11, 0.04\] \(\mu\)m and constant hole spacing of \(a = 0.33 \mu\)m on either side. The combination of linear radii tapering and a large hole count ensures the phase velocity is preserved within each segment of the nanobeam, minimizing losses in the cavity. The resonance wavelength of the PhC can be varied by changing the cavity length, \(L_c\), which refers to the separation between the two central holes. Light is coupled into the PhC through a bus waveguide as shown in Fig.[\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(a). The gap between the waveguide and the PhC cavity was chosen to be 0.2 \(\mu\)m, which optimized the cavity quality factor and is close to parameters in. The width and thickness of both the bus and nanobeam waveguides are 500 nm and 220 nm respectively. We simulated the optical field distribution and transmission of the PhC shown in Fig.[\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(a). Fig.[\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(c) shows the optical mode at the horizontal symmetry plane of the PhC, calculated by a finite-difference eigenmode (FDE) solver on Lumerical MODE. It illustrates the evanescent coupling of light from the bus waveguide into the photonic crystal cavity. We then used a variational finite difference time domain solver in Lumerical, to simulate the transmission spectrum of the PhC across a wavelength range of 100 nm. Fig.[\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(d) shows the transmission spectrum of the PhC, showing a single resonance at 1.519\(\mu\)m. This illustrates the FSR-free nature of the PhC within the wavelength range. Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(e) shows the resonant mode within the cavity, occupying 0.16 \(\mu m^3 \approx 0.59 (\lambda/n)^3\), which is at least an order of magnitude lower than typical microrings. Time aphodization was used so that only the resonant mode profile was captured. For application as synapses, the PhC resonance wavelength needs to be tunable. Similar to MRR-based synapses, tuning the resonance wavelength tunes the transmission value at a given wavelength. In neural network terms, the transmission is the "weight\" associated to a synapse. We employ a simple thermal tuning mechanism using metal heater deposited atop the photonic cavity, as shown in Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(b). The heat from the metal heater results in a local temperature increase which tunes the local index, due to the thermo-optic effect, and thereby tunes the cavity resonance. Any other index tuning mechanism can also be employed for this purpose. # Experimental characterization To establish the performance merits of PhCs relative to MRRs, we fabricated devices with the design presented above and experimentally characterized their resonance properties. We experimentally verify that PhCs can be FSR-free within operational wavelength range and also show they have higher tuning efficiency than MRRs. We also discuss the design strategy for designing PhC-based WDM photonic synapses, shown in Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(c). Fabrication was carried out on a commercial process at Applied Nanotools, Canada. The devices were fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer with 3\(\mu\)m oxide cladding atop silicon device layer. The silicon PhC, shown in the SEM image in Fig.[\[fig:sem\]](#fig:sem){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sem"}(b), was patterned via 100 keV electron beam lithography as the feature size entails high resolution fabrication. Fig. [\[fig:sem\]](#fig:sem){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sem"}(a) shows the metal layers deposited atop for thermal tuning. A 200 nm thick layer of high-resistance titanium-tungsten alloy (TiW), with bulk resistivity (\(\rho\)) of 0.61 \(\mu \Omega\)-m, is used as the heater. A low resistance routing layer composed of tungsten/aluminum bi-layer is used to form contact to the heater. The schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. [\[fig:setup\]](#fig:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setup"}. The photonic chip was placed on a temperature controlled copper mount. The optical coupling into the on-chip waveguide is done by a Vgroove fiber array (not shown) incident on on-chip TE grating couplers. The optical input to the PhC is from a tunable laser (TL) source, and the optical output is fed to an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA).The round-trip optical insertion loss of the grating couplers was 16 dB. For electrical control of the metal heater, an off-chip current source is used, electrical coupling to the on-chip contact pads is through electrical probes (Picoprobe). The current source is remotely controlled using a lab automation software package, Lightlab. Fig. [\[fig:trans\]](#fig:trans){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:trans"} shows a schematic illustration of the experiment--input light of varying wavelengths is sent to the PhC and the output is measured. The measured transmission is thus the ratio of the output to the input at each optical frequency in the range 1525-1565 nm (spanning the entire C-band). From the measured transmission spectrum of a PhC cavity shown, we see a single resonance feature at around 1530.5 nm, with a Q-factor of 12,000 and extinction ratio of \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}14 dB. Having only a single resonance indicates the cavity is free-spectral range (FSR)-free. In contrast, for an MRR, a series of recurring resonances spaced an FSR (tens of nm) apart is expected.\ We then compare the experimentally measured tuning efficiencies of a PhC and an MRR fabricated on the same photonic die with identical routing and heater metal layers. The MRR design parameters are: 8\(\mu\)m radius and 300 nm gap between bus and MRR. Tuning efficiency here is defined as the ratio of measured shift of the resonance wavelength (\(\Delta \lambda\)) to the applied heating power (\(P_{\text{heat}}\)) calculated as \(P_{\text{heat}} = I^2\times R\) where \(I\) is the applied current and \(R\) is the resistance measured by the Keithley source meter. Figs. [\[tuning\]](#tuning){reference-type="ref" reference="tuning"}(a) and (b) show the change in the transmission spectra with thermal tuning for an MRR and a PhC respectively. Fig. [\[tuning\]](#tuning){reference-type="ref" reference="tuning"}(i),(ii) show the corresponding resonance shifts as a function of heater power. Using linear regression, we calculate tuning efficiencies of 0.18 nm/mW for the PhC and 0.04 nm/mW for the MRR. The efficiencies are expected to be an underestimate as \(R\) is the resistance of the entire circuit. However, it is adequate for a relative comparison, where we find the PhC has a 4.5 times higher thermal tuning efficiency relative to the MRR. Index-tuning efficiency increase here arises from the cavity mode volume reduction in a PhC which translates to an enhanced light-matter interaction relative to an MRR. Ref. demonstrated a three times better tuning efficiency in a PhC nanobeam filter compared to an MRR; our results qualitatively agree. ## A PhC weight bank Fig. [\[fig:wb-sim\]](#fig:wb-sim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wb-sim"} illustrates the PhC weight bank design--it is a series of PhCs coupled to a common bus waveguide. Each PhC of the weight bank is assigned a different wavelength channel, which means the resonances of the PhCs need to varied such that they collectively span the operational wavelength range. One way to design PhCs with varying resonances is to vary the cavity length, \(L_c\) (refer Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}). We fabricated PhCs with varying \(L_c\) and measured their transmission spectra and their resonance wavelengths. Fig. [\[fig:wb-sim\]](#fig:wb-sim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wb-sim"} shows the measured transmission spectra of three PhC filters with varying \(L_c\) (0.25 \(\mu\)m, 0.3 \(\mu\)m and 0.35 \(\mu\)m). We find that varying \(L_c\) by 100 nm results in a resonance wavelength shift of 12.4 nm (as reported in Fig. [\[fig:wb-sim\]](#fig:wb-sim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wb-sim"}). While we didn't have a fabricated weight bank to measure, superposing three measured transmission spectra from three PhCs as shown in Fig.[\[fig:wb-sim\]](#fig:wb-sim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wb-sim"} is a good approximation of the weight bank transmission spectrum. The fabrication limit of the foundry was reported to be about 90 nm, which means varying \(L_c\) cannot be a reliable design strategy for finer tuning of the resonance wavelength. For finer tuning, active resonance tuning mechanisms, such as thermal tuning, or post-fabrication trimming will be needed. # Performance benefits of PhC-based synapses Here we discuss the system performance metrics where PhC-based synapses outperform their MRR counterparts. Fig. [\[fig:perf\]](#fig:perf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:perf"} encapsulates how the fundamental synapse properties lead to overall performance metric improvements. Firstly, as shown in previous sections, PhCs can be designed to be FSR-free, which increases the channel count in WDM-based weight banks. More channels, in turn, means higher information throughput and amenability to high-dimensional inputs. Secondly, PhC nanobeam cavities, as discussed prior, occupy the same area as a single-mode waveguide and have a higher optical confinement. This size reduction brings about benefits in terms of improved tuning energy efficiency and compute density. A quantitative comparison between PhCs and MRRs across these metrics can be found in Table [1](#comptable){reference-type="ref" reference="comptable"}. [\[comptable\]]{#comptable label="comptable"} First, we examine how eliminating the FSR limitation in PhC increases the WDM channel count relative to MRRs within the C-band. In this comparison, we neglect any inter-channel crosstalk and thus estimate the theoretical channel count in the limit where the channel count, \(N = \frac{FSR}{2 FWHM}\) (refer Fig. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}). Due to the FSR-free nature of the PhC filters in the C-band, channels can span the entire C-band. We assume identical Q factor of  \(10^4\), which is typical for silicon MRRs and also within the range of that of our fabricated PhCs as reported in Fig. [\[fig:wb-sim\]](#fig:wb-sim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wb-sim"}. Identical Q implies identical FWHM, which means \(N\) now depends solely on the FSR. Assume a typical MRR FSR of 12 nm and we set the FSR proxy of PhC to be 35nm (entire C-band). We find that \(N = 130\) for PhCs, which is 4 times higher than in an MRR weight bank (refer Fig. [\[mrr\]](#mrr){reference-type="ref" reference="mrr"}). If we don't constrain to the C-band, the system operational wavelength range will only be limited by the bandwidth of other components like off-chip amplifiers, grating couplers, etc. Also, here we assume identical Qs, however by tweaking the mirror holes in the PhC cavity, Q factors up to \(10^7\) have been shown which would result in \(>10^4\) channels just within C-band. We do note that a higher Q means a longer cavity photon lifetime (\(\tau\)) (by the relation \(\tau = \frac{2Q}{\omega_0}\) where \(\omega_0\) is the cavity resonance frequency) which can adversely affect other metrics like processing speed. A direct implication of improved channel count is seen in throughput. Throughput is a primary incentive for using WDM-based photonic synapses. It can be estimated as the signal speed (limited by the synapse bandwidth) times the number of WDM channels. For Q of \(10^4\), typical for silicon MRRs, the maximum signal rate would be 60 Gbps. Then the maximum system throughput with the maximum channel count of 30 would be 1.8 Tbps. In PhCs, owing to increased channel count, the throughput can scale upto 7.2 Tbps for C-band. For neural networks, the ability to handle high-dimensional input is crucial, especially for applications like image classification (with large pixel count) or natural language processing (NLP). In NLP, a large vector space is required to learn associations between words. Similarly, in image classification applications, the input dimension scales with the image pixel count. Increased channel count using PhCs directly translates to photonic neural networks being amenable to applications with high-dimensional inputs. While dimensionality reduction techniques are often used in neural network models to ease the computational cost, training time and prevent overfitting, the dimensions are still beyond what what MRR-based photonic systems would be able to handle. Without a scalable solution like PhCs, applications with high input dimensions would not be feasible. Energy consumption is often cited as the impetus to novel neural network hardware, in particular photonics. It is also estimated that the majority of energy consumption in a neural network stems from the energy costs of synapses, since they scale as \(n^2\) whereas the nonlinear unit scales as \(n\) for \(n\) neurons. Energy consumption in synapses is the energy associated with tuning and holding the weight value. We experimentally demonstrated that a PhC had about 4.5 times higher thermal tuning efficiency than an MRR (refer Fig. [\[tuning\]](#tuning){reference-type="ref" reference="tuning"}). Energy consumption per weighting operation, in units of J/bits, can be calculated as the power consumed divided by the signal speed. With higher tuning efficiency, we can expect proportionately lower energy consumption per weighting operation. The overall energy reduction would then scale with the size of the neural network. The energy consumption values for a single PhC-based synapse and an MRR-based synapse, based on reported thermal tuning efficiency values in prior literature and a bit rate of 10G, are shown in Table [1](#comptable){reference-type="ref" reference="comptable"}. Energy efficiency for any index tuning in a photonic cavity depends on the interaction between light and the medium. For photonic cavities, this relationship can be quantified by the Purcell factor, \(F_p\), defined as \[F_p \approx \lambda_0^3 \frac{Q}{V}\] where \(\lambda_0\) is the cavity resonant wavelength, \(Q\) is the cavity quality factor and \(V\) is the cavity mode volume. Let \(\Delta_p\) be the ratio of the tuning efficiency of a PhC to that of an MRR. We can now calculate \(\Delta_p\) as: \[\Delta_p = \frac{F_{p, \text{PhC}}}{F_{p, \text{MRR}}} = \frac{Q_{\text{PhC}}}{Q_{\text{MRR}}}\frac{V_{\text{MRR}}}{V_{\text{PhC}}}. \label{delp}\] If we can assume \(Q_{\text{PhC}} = Q_{\text{MRR}}\), the tuning efficiency of PhC is proportionately reduced with the cavity mode volume relative to an MRR. Since we had \(Q_{\text{PhC}} =\frac{1}{20} Q_{\text{MRR}}\) in our experiment, the tuning efficiency improvement was not too significant. PhC cavities with \(Q \approx 10^7\) have been demonstrated before, meaning PhCs should offer orders of magnitude higher tuning efficiency relative to MRRs. Another point to note is that this energy efficiency improvement translates to any index tuning mechanism, for example carrier modulation. Finally, we compare MRRs and PhCs against another important metric, compute density. It is defined as the numbers of operations done per unit time per unit MAC area, where MAC refers to the multiply-and-accumulate operation in a synapse unit. In simple terms, it is a measure how physically compact can a processor be. It is also useful as a standard metric to compare different types of neural hardware (photonic, digital and analog electronics), which vary greatly in size and multiplexing techniques. In, the authors estimated that sub-\(\lambda\) photonics can achieve 100 times higher compute density than MRR-based architectures. For a typical MRR of radius 7 \(\mu\)m and a sampling speed of 10 GS/s, its compute density would be 100 tera MAC/smm\(^2\). For the PhC filter presented here, with footprint of 13 \(\mu\)m\(^2\) and the same sampling speed, the compute density is 770 tera MAC/smm\(^2\), about 8 times higher than an MRR. The limit to the physical compactness would eventually come from thermal crosstalk between neighboring devices. However, clever design can alleviate this issue. In Fig. [\[design\]](#design){reference-type="ref" reference="design"}(e), we see that the optical mode is actually confined to a much smaller area than the PhC length. This means that the heater trace need only be as large as the optical mode, which would increase the physical separation between heaters of neighboring PhCs and minimize any inter-channel thermal crosstalk. Compute density is critical for enabling large-scale photonic neural networks on edge devices where footprint can be a limiting factor. While our results are promising, further investigation will be necessary to enable photonic crystals as synapses in photonic neural networks. For example, it is worthwhile to look into ways to increase the PhC quality factor which will improve the tuning energy efficiency. Next, we can test the synapse architecture in Fig. [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(c), specifically, demonstrate multi-wavelength weighting by PhCs, summing by a photodetector and a nonlinear transformation by an electro-optic modulator. Also, the current PhC synapse architecture, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(c), only allows for positive weights, unlike the add-drop MRR synapse architecture which permits both positive and negative weights. Positive weights suffice for typical artificial neural networks, but spiking networks require negative weights for inhibition . Future work can explore improved PhC synapse architecture that can allow for negative weights in spiking networks. Finally, the tuning speed of thermal heaters is limited to 100 kHz, for higher tuning speeds, carrier-based index modulation using PhCs will need to be explored. # Conclusion High bandwidth of photonics is what makes it incredibly powerful, both for signal communication and processing. To take advantage of the bandwidth, photonic systems often implement wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Prior work on WDM-based photonic neural hardware uses microring resonators as the synapses, which fundamentally have an upper limit on the channel count, that prohibits network scale. We propose a photonic crystal nanobeam cavity based synapse as the most scalable synapse solution for photonic neural networks. We have experimentally demonstrated superior performance merits of PhCs pertinent to synaptic weighting including: first, an FSR-free operation, which results in 4 times higher channel density within the C-band and second, a 4.5 times higher weight tuning efficiency resulting from its smaller mode volume. Increased channel count improves the system throughput as well as makes the hardware amenable to applications with high-dimensional input like natural language processing. Another benefit from the smaller footprint of PhC is in compute density, a measure of processing done per unit physical area, which we estimate to be about 8 times higher compute density for our current design. Further work will be dedicated to cavity design optimization, and development of calibration and control procedures for practical applications of such weight banks.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:30:11', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01128', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01128'}
# Introduction Temporal networks were introduced to model the exchange of information in a network or the spread of a disease in a population. We are given a directed graph \(D\) and a time label function \(\tau\) on the arcs of \(D,\) the pair \((D,\tau)\) is called a temporal network. Intuitively, for an arc \(a\) of \(D\), \(\tau(a)\) is the time when the end-vertices of \(a\) communicate, that is when the tail of \(a\) can transmit a piece of information to the head of \(a.\) Then the information can propagate through a path \(P\) if it is time-respecting, meaning that the time labels of the arcs of \(P\) in the order they are passed are non-decreasing. For a nice introduction to temporal networks, see. Problems about packing arborescences in temporal networks were investigated in. An arborescence is called time-respecting if all the directed paths it contains are time-respecting. The main result of provides a packing of time-respecting arborescences, each vertex belonging to many of them, if the network is pre-flow and acyclic. Here pre-flow means intuitively that each vertex different from the root has at least as many arcs entering as leaving, while acyclic means that no directed cycle exists. Kamiyama and Kawase presented examples to show that these conditions can not be dropped. Two questions naturally arise from these results: Must all kinds of directed cycles be forbidden? Does high time-respecting root-connectivity imply the existence of 2 arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences in a non-pre-flow temporal network? Let us now present our contributions that give an answer to those questions. We first propose a generalized version of the result of with a simplified proof in Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"}. Our main result, Theorem [\[cyclic\]](#cyclic){reference-type="ref" reference="cyclic"}, is about packing time-respecting arborescences in pre-flow temporal networks that may contain directed cycles. The condition in Theorem [\[cyclic\]](#cyclic){reference-type="ref" reference="cyclic"} is that the arcs in the same strongly connected component must have the same \(\tau\)-value. If this condition holds then our intuition would be to use regular arborescences in the strongly connected components and then to try to extend them to obtain a packing of time-respecting arborescences in the temporal network. This idea is a step in the right direction, however the exact process used in the proof is a bit more complex, see Section [4](#nonac){reference-type="ref" reference="nonac"}. By the famous result of Edmonds , we know that \(k\)-root-connectivity implies the existence of a packing of \(k\) spanning \(s\)-arborescences. The authors of show that for any positive integer \(k\), time-respecting \(k\)-root-connectivity does not imply the existence of 2 arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences in a temporal network. To explain this construction (or more precisely, a slightly modified version of it), we point out and recall in Section [5](#adstra){reference-type="ref" reference="adstra"} the close relation between packings of spanning time-respecting arborescences, packings of Steiner arborescences and proper 2-colorings of hypergraphs. We remark in Theorem [\[SPNP\]](#SPNP){reference-type="ref" reference="SPNP"} that the decision problem, whether there exist 2 arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences, is NP-complete. We show in Theorem [\[newresult\]](#newresult){reference-type="ref" reference="newresult"} that time-respecting \((n-1)\)-root-connectivity implies the existence of a packing of \(2\) spanning time-respecting \(s\)-arborescences in an arbitrary temporal network on \(n\) vertices. This result becomes more interesting if we note that the examples of Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"} show that time-respecting \((n-3)\)-root-connectivity is not enough. Finally, in Theorem [\[NPC\]](#NPC){reference-type="ref" reference="NPC"}, we show that in an acyclic temporal network \((D,\tau)\), it is NP-complete to decide whether there exists a spanning arborescence whose directed paths consist of arcs of the same \(\tau\)-value. # Definitions Let \(D\) \(=(V\cup s,A)\) be a directed graph with a special vertex \(s\), called *root*, such that no arc enters \(s\). The set of arcs entering, leaving a vertex set \(X\) of \(D\) is denoted by \(\rho_D(X)\), \(\delta_D(X)\), respectively. Sometimes we use \(\rho_A(X)\) for \(\rho_D(X)\) and similarly \(\delta_A(X)\) for \(\delta_D(X)\). We denote \(|\rho_D(X)|\) and \(|\delta_D(X)|\) by \(d^-_D(X)\) and \(d^+_D(X)\), respectively. We call the directed graph \(D\) *acyclic* if \(D\) contains no directed cycle. If \(d^-_D(v)=d^+_D(v)\) for all \(v\in V\), then \(D\) is called *Eulerian*. We say that \(D\) is *pre-flow* if \(d^-_D(v)\ge d^+_D(v)\) for all \(v\in V\). A subgraph \(F=(V'\cup s,A')\) of \(D\) is called an *\(s\)-arborescence* if \(F\) is acyclic and \(d^-_F(v)=1\) for all \(v\in V'.\) We say that \(F\) is *spanning* if \(V'=V.\) For \(U\subseteq V\), \(F\) is called a *Steiner \(s\)-arborescence* or an *\((s,U)\)-arborescence* if \(F\) is an \(s\)-arborescence and it contains all the vertices in \(U.\) A *packing* of arborescences means a set of arc-disjoint arborescences. For \(v\in V,\) a path from \(s\) to \(v\) is called an *\((s,v)\)-path* and \(\lambda_D(s,v)\) denotes the maximum number of arc-disjoint \((s,v)\)-paths in \(D.\) For some \(k\in\mathbb{N}\), we say that \(D\) is *\(k\)-root-connected* if \(\lambda_D(s,v)\ge k\) for all \(v\in V.\) For some \(U\subseteq V\) and \(k\in\mathbb{N}\), we say that \(D\) is *Steiner \(k\)-root-connected* if \(\lambda_D(s,v)\ge k\) for all \(v\in U.\) We call a directed graph \(D'=(V\cup \{s,t\},A')\) *almost Eulerian* if \(d^-_{D'}(v)=d^+_{D'}(v)\) for all \(v\in V\) and \(d^-_{D'}(s)=0=d^+_{D'}(t).\) For a function \(\tau\) \(: A\rightarrow \mathbb{N}\), \(N\) \(=(D,\tau)\) is called a *temporal network*. For \(i\in \mathbb{N}\), let \(\rho_N^i(v)\[:=\{a\in \rho_D(v):\tau(a)\le i\}\) and \(\delta_N^i(v)\]:=\{a\in \delta_D(v):\tau(a)\le i\}\). We call the temporal network \(N\) *acyclic* if \(D\) is acyclic. We say that \(N\) is *pre-flow* if \(|\rho_N^i(v)|\ge |\delta_N^i(v)|\) for all \(i\in \mathbb{N}\) and for all \(v\in V.\) Note that if a temporal network \((D,\tau)\) is pre-flow, then the directed graph \(D\) is pre-flow. We say that \((D,\tau)\) is *consistent* if arcs of different \(\tau\)-values cannot belong to the same strongly connected component of \(D\). In this case in each strongly connected component \(Q\) of \(D\) that contains at least one arc, each arc has the same \(\tau\)-value, that we denote by \(\tau(Q)\). A directed path \(P\) of \(D\), consisting of the arcs \(a_1,\dots, a_\ell\) in this order, is called *time-respecting* or *\(\tau\)-respecting* if \(\tau (a_i)\le \tau(a_{i+1})\) for \(1\le i\le \ell-1.\) An \(s\)-arborescence \(F\) of \(D\) is called *time-respecting* or *\(\tau\)-respecting* if for every vertex \(v\) of \(F\), the unique \((s,v)\)-path in \(F\) is \(\tau\)-respecting. For \(v\in V,\) \(\lambda_N(s,v)\) denotes the maximum number of arc-disjoint \(\tau\)-respecting \((s,v)\)-paths in \(D.\) We say that \(N\) is *time-respecting \(k\)-root-connected* if \(\lambda_N(s,v)\ge k\) for all \(v\in V.\) If \(N'=(D',\tau')\) is a temporal network where \(D'=(V\cup \{s,t\},A')\) is almost Eulerian, then for a vertex \(v\in V,\) we call a bijection \(\mu'_v\) from \(\delta_{D'}(v)\) to \(\rho_{D'}(v)\) *\(\tau'\)-respecting* if \(\tau'(\mu'_v(f))\le \tau'(f)\) for all \(f\in \delta_{D'}(v).\) A hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}\) \(=(V,\mathcal{E})\) is defined by its vertex set \(V\) and its hyperedge set \(\mathcal{E}\) where a hyperedge is a subset of \(V.\) For some \(r\in \mathbb{N},\) the hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}\) is called *\(r\)-uniform* if each hyperedge in \(\mathcal{E}\) is of size \(r\) and *\(r\)-regular* if each vertex in \(V\) belongs to exactly \(r\) hyperedges. A \(2\)-coloring of the vertex set \(V\) is called *proper* if each hyperedge in \(\mathcal{E}\) contains vertices of both colors, in other words no monochromatic hyperedge exists in \(\mathcal{E}.\) We call \(\mathcal{E}'\subseteq\mathcal{E}\) an *exact cover* of \(\mathcal{H}\) if each vertex in \(V\) belongs to exactly one hyperedge in \(\mathcal{E}'.\) # Packing time-respecting arborescences in acyclic pre-flow temporal networks The aim of this section is to generalize the following result of Kamiyama and Kawase on packing time-respecting arborescences in acyclic pre-flow temporal networks. Note that Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"} implies that in a time-respecting \(k\)-root-connected acyclic pre-flow temporal network there exists a packing of \(k\) spanning time-respecting \(s\)-arborescences. We now present our first result, a slight extension of Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"}. We will partially follow the proof of but we will point out that Lemmas 3 and 4 in are not needed to prove Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"}. Hence the proof of Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"} is simpler than that of Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"}. The following algorithm is a slightly modified version of the algorithm of Kamiyama and Kawase. Its input is an acyclic temporal network \(N=((V\cup s, A),\tau)\) and \(k\in \mathbb{N}\) such that [\[ourcond\]](#ourcond){reference-type="eqref" reference="ourcond"} is satisfied. Its output is a packing of \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences \(T_1,\dots,T_k\) such that each vertex \(v\) in \(V\) belongs to \(\min\{k,d^-_A(v)\}\) of them. For every \(v\in V,\) let \(I(v)\) be a set of arcs of smallest \(\tau\)-values entering \(v\) of size \(\min\{k,d^-_A(v)\}\). The algorithm will use arcs only in \(\bigcup _{v\in V}I(v).\) The algorithm heavily relies on the fact that the network is acyclic. It is well-known that a directed graph \(D\) is acyclic if and only if a *topological ordering* \(v_1,\dots,v_n\) of its vertex set exists, that is if \(v_iv_j\) is an arc of \(D\) then \(i>j.\) Since no arc enters \(s\), we may suppose that in a topological ordering \(v_n=s.\) \"Packing Time-Respecting Arborescences\" Let \(v_n\) \(=s,\dots,\) \(v_1\) be a topological ordering of \(V\cup s\). Let \(A_i\) \(=\emptyset\) for all \(1\le i\le k.\) For \(j=1\) to \(n-1,\) let .7truecm \(I\) \(=\{1\le i\le k: \delta _{A_i}(v_j)\neq\emptyset\},\) .7truecm \(a_i\) be an arc in \(\delta _{A_i}(v_j)\) of minimum \(\tau\)-value for all \(i\in I,\) .7truecm \(\{\[\bar a_1\],\dots,\[\bar a_{|I|}\]\}\) be an ordering of \(\{a_{i}:i\in I\}\) such that \(\tau(\bar a_1)\le\dots\le\tau(\bar a_{|I|})\), .7truecm \(\pi\) \(:I \rightarrow\{1,\dots, |I|\}\) be the bijection such that \(a_i=\bar a_{\pi(i)}\) for all \(i\in I,\) .7truecm \(J\) be a subset of \(\{1,\dots, k\}\setminus I\) of size \(|I(v_j)|-|I|,\) .7truecm \(\sigma\) \(:J\rightarrow\{1,\dots, |J|\}\) be a bijection, .7truecm \(\{\[e_1,\dots,e_{|I|},f_1,\dots,f_{|J|}\]\}\) be an ordering of \(I(v_j)\) such that 1.7truecm \(\tau(e_1)\le\dots\le\tau(e_{|I|})\le\tau(f_1)\le\dots\le\tau(f_{|J|}),\) .7truecm \(A_i\) \(=A_i\cup e_{\pi(i)}\) for all \(i\in I,\) .7truecm \(A_i\) \(=A_i\cup f_{\sigma(i)}\) for all \(i\in J.\) Let \(T_i\) \(=(V_i,A_i)\) where \(V_i\) is the vertex set of the arc set \(A_i\) for all \(1\le i\le k.\) Stop. Note that Theorem [\[justification\]](#justification){reference-type="ref" reference="justification"} implies Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"}. Note also that Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"} implies Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"}. Indeed, if \(N\) is pre-flow, then [\[ourcond\]](#ourcond){reference-type="eqref" reference="ourcond"} is satisfied, so, by Theorem [\[theotauarb\]](#theotauarb){reference-type="ref" reference="theotauarb"}, there exists a packing of \(k\) \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences such that each vertex \(v\) in \(V\) belongs to exactly \(\min\{k,d^-_A(v)\}\) of them. This implies that \(\min\{k,\lambda_N(s,v)\}=\min\{k,d^-_A(v)\}\) and hence Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"} follows. # Packing time-respecting arborescences in non-acyclic pre-flow temporal networks {#nonac} In, Kamiyama and Kawase provide an example of 7 vertices and 12 arcs that shows that in Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"} one can not delete the condition that \(D\) is acyclic. Here we provide a smaller example with 5 vertices and 7 arcs, see the first temporal network in Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"}. Note that this temporal network contains a directed cycle whose arcs are not of the same \(\tau\)-values and hence the temporal network is not consistent. The second temporal network in Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"} is another example that shows that in Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"} one can not delete the condition that \(D\) is acyclic. Here the temporal network contains one directed cycle \(C\) and all the arcs of \(C\) are of the same \(\tau\)-values and hence the temporal network is consistent. Note that in this example there exists a packing of three \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences such that each vertex \(v\) belongs to exactly \(\lambda_N(s,v)\) of them. Kamiyama and Kawase also provide an example of 7 vertices and 12 arcs that shows that in Theorem [\[kaka\]](#kaka){reference-type="ref" reference="kaka"} one can not delete the condition that \(D\) is pre-flow. Here we provide a smaller example with 5 vertices and 8 arcs, see the third temporal network in Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"}. We now present the main result of this paper on packing of time-respecting arborescences in consistent pre-flow temporal networks where only the natural upper bound is given on the number of arborescences. To prove Theorem [\[cyclic\]](#cyclic){reference-type="ref" reference="cyclic"}, we need an easy observation on almost Eulerian acyclic pre-flow temporal networks. A similar result has already been presented in. We also need the following result of Bang-Jensen, Frank, Jackson. We are ready to prove our main result. We now start to define \(\mu''_j\). For \(vw\in R _j^1 \cup R _j^2\), let \(\mu''_j\](vw)=\mu'_v(vw)\). Since each \(\mu'_v\) is \(\tau'\)-respecting, we have \(\tau''(vw)=\tau'(vw)\ge\tau'(\mu'_v(vw))=\tau''(\mu''_v(vw)).\) Note that for all \(xy\in R _j^3\) and for all \(uv\in S _j^3\), \(\tau'(xy)\ge \tau'(Q'_j)\ge\tau'(uv).\) However, we cannot take an arbitrary bijection from \(R _j^3\) to \(S _j^3\) because we have to guarantee that the vertices in \(Q'_j\) also belong to the required number of arborescences. In order to do this, let us define the temporal network \(N'_j\) \(=(D'_j,\tau'_j)\) where the directed graph \(D'_j\) is obtained from \(D'\) by contracting \(\bigcup_{i>j} U_i\) into a vertex \(s_j\), contracting \(\bigcup_{i<j} U_i\) into a vertex \(t_j\) and deleting the arcs from \(s_j\) to \(t_j\) and \(\tau'_j\[(a)=\tau'(a)\) for all \(a\in A(D'_j).\) To be able to use normal arborescences (not time-respecting ones), we have to modify \(D'_j.\) No \(\tau\)-respecting directed path in \(D\) may contain an arc in \(S _j^1\) and an arc in \(Q'_j\), hence the corresponding arcs in \(R_j^1\) and \(S_j^1\) will be deleted from \(D'_j\). A \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescence in \(D\) may contain an arc \(\mu'_v(vw)\) in \(S _j^2\) (where \(vw\in R _j^2\)) and an arc in \(Q'_j\), but this arborescence must contain \(vw\). To guarantee this property we use a trick: we replace the corresponding two arcs in \(R_j^2\) and \(S_j^2\) in \(D'_j\) by two convenient arcs. More precisely, let \(H_j\) be obtained from \(D'_j\) by deleting \(s_jv\) and \(vt_j\) that correspond to \(\mu'_v(vw)\) and \(vw\) for all \(vw\in R _j^1\) and replacing \(s_jv\) and \(vt_j\) that correspond to \(\mu'_v(vw)\) and \(vw\) for all \(vw\in R _j^2\) by \(e_{vw}\) \(=s_jt_j\) and \(f_{vw}\) \(=t_jv.\) Let \(E_j\) \(=\{e_{vw}:vw\in R _j^2\}\) and \(F_j\) \(=\{f_{vw}:vw\in R _j^2\}\). By Claim [\[lambda\]](#lambda){reference-type="ref" reference="lambda"}(a) and Theorem [\[bjfj\]](#bjfj){reference-type="ref" reference="bjfj"}, there exists a packing \({\cal B}_j\) of \(s_j\)-arborescences \(T_j^i\) in \(H_j\), each vertex \(v\in U_j\cup t_j\) belonging to \(\lambda_{H_j}(s_j,v)\) of them. Let us choose such a packing \({\cal B}_j\) that minimizes the size of the set \(F_{{\cal B}_j}\) of the arcs \(f_{vw}\in F_j\) such that an arborescence \(T^{f_{vw}}_j\) in \({\cal B}_j\) contains \(f_{vw}\) but not \(e_{vw}\). We now finish the definition of \(\mu''_j\). Let \(vw\in R _j^3\). Then \(vw\) corresponds in \(H_j\) to an arc \(g_{vw}\) \(=vt_j\) entering \(t_j\). By Claim [\[sbt\]](#sbt){reference-type="ref" reference="sbt"}(a), \(g_{vw}\) belongs to an \(s_j\)-arborescence \(T^{g_{vw}}_j\) in \({{\cal B}_j}\). Let us define \(\mu''_j\](vw)\in S _j^3\) to be the arc \(xq''_j\) of \(D''\) that corresponds to the arc \(s_ju\) in \(H_j\) of the unique \((s_j,t_j)\)-path of \(T^{g_{vw}}_j\). Then \(\tau''_j(vw)=\tau'_j(vw)\ge \tau'_j(Q'_j)\ge\tau'_j(xq''_j)=\tau''_j(\mu''_j(vw))\) for all \(vw\in R _j^3\). By the definition of \(\mu''_j\) and Claim [\[partitions\]](#partitions){reference-type="ref" reference="partitions"}, we have a \(\tau''\)-respecting bijection \(\mu''_j\) from \(\delta_{D''}(q''_j)\) to \(\rho_{D''}(q''_j)\) for all \(2\le j\le \ell-1.\) Recall that \(D''\) is acyclic and almost Eulerian. Then, by Proposition [\[almeul\]](#almeul){reference-type="ref" reference="almeul"} and \(d^+_D(s)=d^+_{D''}(s)\), \(D''\) decomposes into \(\tau''\)-respecting \((s,t)\)-paths \(P_1,\dots,P_{d^+_D(s)}\) such that each vertex \(q''_j\ne s\) belongs to \(d^-_{D''}(q''_j)\) of them. These paths can be extended, using from Claim [\[sbt\]](#sbt){reference-type="ref" reference="sbt"}(c) the arborescences \(T_j^i-s_j-t_j\) in \(Q'_j\) for \(1\le i\le d^+_{H_j}(s_j)\) and \(2\le j\le \ell-1\), to get \(s\)-arborescences in \(D'\) such that each vertex \(v\in V\) belongs to \(\lambda_{H_j}(s_j,v)+d^-_{S_j^1}(v)\ge\lambda_{N'_j}(s_j,v)\ge\lambda_{N'}(s,v)\) of them, by Claims [\[lambda\]](#lambda){reference-type="ref" reference="lambda"}(b) and [\[lg\]](#lg){reference-type="ref" reference="lg"}(c). Since the directed paths \(P_1,\dots,P_{d^+_D(s)}\) are \(\tau''\)-respecting, that is \(\tau'\)-respecting and \(D'\) is consistent, the arborescences constructed are \(\tau'\)-respecting. Hence \(N'\) has a packing of \(\tau'\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences \(T'_1,\dots,T'_{d^+_D(s)}\) such that each vertex \(v\) of \(D'\) distinct from \(s\) and \(t\) belongs to \(\lambda_{N'}(s,v)=\lambda_{N}(s,v)\) of them, and hence \(\{\[T_1\) \(=T'_1-t,\dots,\) \(T_{d^+_D(s)}\) \(=T'_{d^+_D(s)}-t\}\) is a packing of \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences such that each vertex \(v\) of \(D\) distinct from \(s\) belongs to \(\lambda_{N}(s,v)\) of them. ◻ The authors of show that high time-respecting root-connectivity of a temporal network does not imply the existence of 2 arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences. Their construction contains directed cycles but it can be easily modified to get an acyclic example. This acyclic example for \(k=2\) is presented in Figure 2 in. We now relate the spanning time-respecting arborescence packing problem to known problems, namely the Steiner arborescence packing problem and the hypergraph proper 2-coloring problem. To do that we explain how the above mentioned modified construction can be obtained in 3 steps. First, take a \(k\)-uniform hypergraph without proper \(2\)-coloring. Then construct a directed graph that is Steiner \(k\)-root-connected without 2 arc-disjoint Steiner arborescences. Finally, construct an acyclic temporal network that is time-respecting \(k\)-root-connected without \(2\) arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences. There exist many constructions for \(k\)-uniform hypergraphs without proper \(2\)-coloring, see, and Exercice 13.45(b) of. We mention that, by a result of Erdős, all examples contain exponentially many hyperedges in \(k.\) We now show that starting from an arbitrary \(k\)-uniform hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}_k=(V_k, \mathcal{E}_k)\) without proper \(2\)-coloring how to construct an acyclic directed graph \(D_k\) and a vertex set \(U_k\) such that \(\lambda_{D_k}(s,u)=k\) for all \(u\in U_k\) and there exists no packing of two \((s,U_k)\)-arborescences in \(D_k\). Let \(G_k\) \(:=(V_k, U_k; E_k)\) be the bipartite incidence graph of the hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}_k\), where the elements of \(U_k\) correspond to the hyperedges in \(\mathcal{E}_k\). Let \(D_k\) \(=(V_k\cup U_k\cup s,A_k)\) be obtained from \(G_k\) by adding a vertex \(s\) and an arc \(sv\) for all \(v\in V_k\) and directing each edge of \(E_k\) from \(V_k\) to \(U_k.\) By construction \(D_k\) is acyclic. Since \(\mathcal{H}_k\) is \(k\)-uniform, we have \(\lambda_{D_k}(s,u)= k\) for all \(u\in U_k\). As a next step, we show that starting from the acyclic directed graph \(D_k\) and the vertex set \(U_k\), how to construct a temporal network \(N_k\) such that \(\lambda_{N_k}(s,v)=k\) for all vertices \(v\) and no packing of \(2\) spanning time-respecting \(s\)-arborescences exists in \(N.\) Let us define \(N_k\) \(:=(D_k^*,\tau_k^*)\) as follows: \(D_k^*\) is obtained from \(D_k\) by adding the set of arcs \(A_k^*\) consisting of \(k-1\) parallel arcs from \(s\) to all \(v\in V_k\) and we define \(\tau_k^*\](a)=1\) if \(a\in A_k\) and \(2\) if \(a\in A_k^*.\) Note that since \(D_k\) is acyclic, so is \(D_k^*\). Then a spanning \(s\)-arborescence \(F^*\) of \(D_k^*\) is \(\tau_k^*\)-respecting if and only if \(F^*-A_k^*\) is an \((s,U_k)\)-arborescence in \(D_k\). Thus a packing of \(2\) spanning \(\tau_k^*\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences in \(D_k^*\) would provide a packing of \(2\) \((s,U_k)\)-arborescences in \(D_k\). Hence, the following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem [\[2kex\]](#2kex){reference-type="ref" reference="2kex"}. These examples of acyclic temporal networks that are time-respecting \(k\)-root-connected without \(2\) arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences contain, by Theorem [\[exp\]](#exp){reference-type="ref" reference="exp"}, exponentially many vertices in \(k.\) In other words, \(k\le log(n)\) where \(n\) is the number of vertices. In the light of this fact, it is natural to ask whether there exist \(2\) arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences in a temporal network if \(k\) is linear in \(n.\) The examples of Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"} show that time-respecting \((n-3)\)-root-connectivity does not imply the existence of \(2\) arc-disjoint spanning time-respecting arborescences. We propose the first steps in this direction. We first remark that \(n\)-root-connectivity is enough. With some effort we can improve the previous result by 1. We conjecture that the following is true. The third example presented in Figure [\[circuitexists1\]](#circuitexists1){reference-type="ref" reference="circuitexists1"} is of \(5\) vertices, acyclic, time-respecting \(2\)-root-connected and has no packing of \(2\) spanning \(\tau\)-respecting \(s\)-arborescences. It follows that time-respecting \(\frac {2n}{5}\)-root-connectivity is not enough to have a packing of \(2\) spanning time-respecting \(s\)-arborescences in acyclic temporal networks. # Complexity results Lovász proved that the problem of 2-colorings of \(k\)-uniform hypergraphs is NP-complete. This implies that the problem of packing 2 Steiner arborescences is also NP-complete. An easier way to see this is to use the NP-complete problem of two arc-disjoint directed paths in a directed graph \(D\), one from \(r\) to \(t\) and the other from \(t\) to \(r.\) (See [@hota].) Construct \(D'\) from \(D\) by adding a new vertex \(s\) and the two arcs \(sr\) and \(st.\) Then \(D\) has an \((r,t)\)-path and a \((t,r)\)-path that are arc-disjoint if and only if \(D'\) has a packing of 2 \((s,\{r,t\})\)-arborescences. This with the construction presented in the previous section finally imply the following. Let us check what happens if we replace the inequality with equality in the definition of time-respecting directed paths and we consider the values of \(\tau\) as colors. Then we get monochromatic directed paths. We may hence study the following problem MoChPaSpAr: We show that this decision problem is difficult. We will reduce the exact cover in 3-regular 3-uniform hypergraphs problem (RXC3) to our problem. In RXC3, we are given a 3-regular 3-uniform hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}=(V,{\cal E})\), and the problem consists of determining whether there exists a subset \({\cal E}'\) of \({\cal E}\) such that each vertex in \(V\) occurs in exactly one hyperedge in \({\cal E}'\). Gonzalez proved in that RXC3 is NP-complete.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:28:22', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01096', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01096'}
# Introduction Image-based material classification is challenging due to large inter-class and intra-class variations within materials. Framing this problem in the context of ancient historical manuscripts provides a more significant challenge, primarily due to the degree of degradation of the data set. Gaining first-hand access to such manuscripts is often restricted or impractical. Subsequent chemical analysis of the material can also be damaging. On the contrary, analysis of the material using photographic images of manuscript samples causes no such damage. Furthermore, such images are relatively easy to produce and are often released into the public domain, allowing easier access. Previous material classification work has focused on inter material and texture classification techniques using data sets from non-context 'clean' images and data sets from 'wild', context-set real-world images. Other work has incorporated material, texture, and pattern recognition techniques in specific real-world intra-material classification. There has, however, been little usage of surface material classification techniques set in the context of photographic images of ancient manuscripts. This study uses images from the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) collection as a data set to investigate a classification method for materials of the writing surfaces (see figure [\[fig:x102\]](#fig:x102){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:x102"} for an example image). After conducting some pilot experiments with deep learning (convolutional neural nets), in the case of texture classification, a dedicated shape feature may prove to be more appropriate and convenient, particularly when considering the limited size of the available training data set. The research presented here employs a method in which the regular underlying periodic patterns inherent in the writing surface are used to classify the material of the manuscripts. Different feature vectors are constructed to capture these patterns. The feature vectors are compared to specify which can accurately classify the writing materials of the manuscript fragments. These feature vectors are built upon the discrete 2-dimensional Fourier Transform (2DFT). Feature vectors which include the use of the 2DFT from both a computer vision and texture analysis stand-point, have been shown to provide standalone and complementary results to spatially focused approaches. For example, the 2DFT distinguishes between material textures and objects in non-contextual and contextual images in conjunction with a standalone classifier or input to a neural network. Furthermore, incorporating the 2DFT into Compositional Pattern Producing Networks (CPPNs) has shown improvements in accurately recreating textures due to the ability of the 2DFT to match and capture high-frequency details. In addition, the Fourier Transform provides a more straightforward approach than Markov Random Field modeling of textures. Thus, 2DFT feature vectors offer an attractive solution to distinguish between inherent textures and patterns in the writing surface of ancient historical manuscripts, such as the DSS, to classify the materials upon which they are written. ## Dead Sea Scrolls {#sec:_dss} The DSS collection consists of ancient historical manuscripts produced between the third century BCE and the first century CE, written mainly on parchment (animal skin) and papyrus (made from the pith of the papyrus plant) and, as a singular exception, copper. Recent works on the DSS have concerned handwriting analysis, dating of the scrolls and writer identification. More recent work on the DSS related to the materials used in their production has focused on matching manuscript fragments. In this approach, a neural network is employed to fit manuscript fragment pairs, which potentially originate from the same sheet of papyrus. The approach utilizes patterns found in papyrus material and demonstrates some of the difficulties of working with damaged ancient historical manuscripts. In other work, the materials on which these manuscripts have been written, are analyzed by material scientists employing micro and macro x-ray fluorescence imaging, scanning electron microscopy, spectroscopy and microchemical testing. Answers to questions probing the provenance and archaeometry of the DSS are a result of such studies, and are based upon the correct identification of the underlying material. Utilizing such methods may not always be feasible due to cost, personnel availability, potential damage to the manuscripts, unavailability of technology and time. Instead, a pattern recognition system may help to classify the writing materials of the manuscripts while mitigating some of the traditional impracticalities, and by extension, help in the pursuit of answers to such questions. Despite discoloration and damage to the manuscripts over time which hinders accurate and expedient classification, the underlying periodic and regular patterns found in the material remain, and may form the basis of a classification system (see figure [\[fig:x102\]](#fig:x102){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:x102"}). Testing the accuracy of such a system can help determine whether traditional material analysis techniques used on the DSS and other ancient manuscripts have the potential for supplementation by such a system, or by a further extension of one. This work mainly focuses on classifying the primary writing materials but opens the door for further in-depth analysis using pattern recognition techniques. # Methodology This section will briefly present the data, preprocessing measures, sampling techniques, feature vector construction, and finally, the classification step. ## Data The data set consists of DSS images kindly provided by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The images are publicly available on the website of the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library project. The DSS collection comprises primarily two types of material; mostly parchment with a minority written on papyrus, and a singular exception being a copper plate. This study excludes the copper plate and uses parchment and papyrus examples resulting in a binary classification task. The vast majority of the scrolls have experienced some form of degradation due to aging or mishandling. It is common for parts of a scroll to be missing, of which a few disconnected fragments remain for analysis. Some of the remaining fragments are of relatively small size and vary in condition. Some of the images are available in a range of spectral bands. This study uses two sets of scrolls images: ordinary color photographs (Set-1) and composite images composed of the individual spectral band images (Set-2). Figures [\[fig:x102\]](#fig:x102){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:x102"} and [\[fig:977\]](#fig:977){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:977"} show examples from Set-1 and Set-2 respectively. The sets are used independently. There are notable differences between the two sets of images. While Set-1 images vary in size and distance to subject, Set-2 images are \(7216 \times 5412\) pixels and do not vary in distance. Some Set-1 images contain more than one fragment of scroll due to the nature of the arrangement by the curators. Some Set-2 MS images are only partial images of a larger fragment. The images used for this study are a subset of the complete collection. The subset was made based on two criteria; to represent as many of the different textures available throughout the collection as possible and, secondly, to maximize the available area of material for samples to be taken. The images are comprised of 23 parchment fragments and 10 papyrus fragments, totaling 33 fragments in each set (table [1](#tab:samples){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:samples"}). The same fragments were used for both sets of images (For further details, please see the table in Supplementary Material A). [\[tab:samples\]]{#tab:samples label="tab:samples"} ## Preprocessing Identifying each fragment within an image is the first step in preprocessing. This is a difficult step, especially for the Set-2 images, containing color reference panels and measurement markings (figure [\[fig:977\]](#fig:977){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:977"}). The fragments in an image are identified from the background, other fragments, and the reference markings, using automated k-means clustering and by hand. Then, each fragment is extracted for individual processing. In order to extract features, clean images of the writing surface material within each fragment are required. Removal of the text prevents any regular and periodic patterns within the text from influencing those patterns found in the material. Combining the need for clean background material with the limited supply of DSS material, the text and gaps caused by damage within the boundaries of each fragment are filled to provide more sample material. Previous work using deep learning has produced binary masks of only the visible text in each image (figure [\[fig:undilated\]](#fig:undilated){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:undilated"}). These have kindly been provided for use with this study. As each binary text image overlays onto the original image, these masks identify text locations within each fragment. These masks are made robust by dilation; one pixel of text in the mask is expanded to a \(3 \times 3\) pixel square (For further details, please see the figure in Supplementary Material B). This is a necessary alteration as the masks were used to analyze the written text of the scrolls, having been designed to capture no background material strictly. Thus, in a minority of instances, the outline of the written text may remain. Dilation of the text pixels helps capture any text not included in the original binary masks. Maintaining the regular patterns found in the material is of primary concern. The method chosen for filling in these locations was selected to maintain the surface patterns and is known as exemplar infilling. Exemplar infilling searches the entirety of the fragment-image for a patch of material that matches a section of the location to be filled most closely, based on the sum of squared differences. This patch is then used to fill that section (figure [\[fig:fill\]](#fig:fill){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fill"}). Each location is filled using different, closely matched patches of specified size (\(9 \times 9\) pixels). A new patch is searched for after every iteration, as the closest matched patches may change once the filling process starts. In addition, most of the damage to each scroll fragment is found around the edges. In order to mitigate the influence of degradation on the classification step, samples are taken from the interior part of the fragment. This is achieved by considering only the portion contained within the largest inscribed rectangle (by area) within the fragment (figure [\[fig:inscribed\]](#fig:inscribed){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:inscribed"}). This area is known as the sample area. Samples for feature vector construction are taken from within this area. ## Sampling Twenty-five samples of size \(256 \times 256\) pixels are taken at evenly spaced intervals in a \(5 \times 5\) grid pattern covering the sample area. As each sample area differs in size, the spacing between samples depends on the area's dimensions. As a result, there is an overlap of the samples for smaller sample areas, and conversely, there is unused space between samples for large sample areas. This situation is unavoidable due to the inconsistent nature of the fragment sizes. ## Feature Vector Construction The saturation values of each sample image, from an RGB to HSV conversion of the image, are extracted. The extraction assigns each pixel a value from 0 to 1 to describe its saturation level. The use of HSV and saturation values have been shown to provide improved performance when using the 2DFT for image classification purposes. The 2DFT is then applied. The DC component is centralized, and the log transform of the absolute values is taken (log2DFT) to visually display the spectrum (figure [\[fig:ftlog\]](#fig:ftlog){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ftlog"}). The log2DFT representation is then partitioned into \(n \times n\) non-overlapping sections (figure [\[fig:ftgrid\]](#fig:ftgrid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ftgrid"}). This study uses \(n = 7\). As there has been little previous work concerning the use of the log2DFT on ancient historical manuscripts, this value was a subjective decision made to balance the feature vector detail level with the feature vector length. The mean of the values in each section is calculated, and the values are concatenated to produce a feature vector for the sample image. This process is repeated for the standard deviation of the pixels, resulting in two separate feature vectors for a sample (mean feature vector as MFV and standard deviation feature vector as SDFV). These are known as the primary feature vectors. In addition, three secondary feature vectors are proposed, making five in total. The first is a feature vector based on dividing the log2DFT into six concentric rings (figure [\[fig:circles\]](#fig:circles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:circles"}). Similar to the primary feature vectors, the mean and standard deviation of the pixel values in each ring are calculated and separately concatenated to produce two feature vectors. The decision to include a concentric ring feature vector is based on the rotational variance of the log2DFT, with the orientation of the sample potentially affecting classification performance. A final feature vector based on work by is trialed. This method uses each pixel's magnitude and phase angle from a log2DFT. The magnitude acts as a weighted vote and deposits the pixel into one of nineteen phase angle bins, evenly spaced from \(0\) to \(2\pi\). The value across all bins is normalized to one and concatenated to produce a \(1 \times 19\) feature vector for the sample. ## Classification Each of the five proposed feature vectors is handled independently in the same way. Considering only one feature vector at a time, each sample has its associated feature vector and ground truth, parchment or papyrus, stored in a dictionary. There are 825 individual dictionary entries. A leave-one-out method is then employed. All 25 feature vectors of a fragment are removed from the dictionary. These feature vectors are now effectively unseen. Each of the 25 removed vectors is compared against the remaining set stored in the dictionary to find its closest match. This match is based on the Euclidean distance between the two vectors. Once the closest feature vector in the dictionary has been found, its associated ground truth is recorded. The number of matches labeled as parchment is compared to the number labeled as papyrus, providing a percentage of belief as to the fragment's material. The fragment is classified based on the greater percentage. This is repeated for all fragments. The \(F\)-scores at both the fragment and sample levels are calculated. The traditional balanced \(F_1\) score is used (eq. [\[eq:F\]](#eq:F){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F"}). \[\label{eq:F} F_1 = 2\cdot\frac{precision\cdot recall}{precision + recall}\] # Results In total, 33 fragments (23 parchment, 10 papyrus) were used. Table [2](#tab:overall){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:overall"} shows the overall classification success percentage for the image types using the primary feature vectors MFV and SDFV. Tables [3](#tab:conf_mean){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:conf_mean"} and [4](#tab:conf_sd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:conf_sd"} show the confusion matrices for the results of the primary feature vectors. Tables [5](#tab:ffrag){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ffrag"} and [6](#tab:fsamp){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fsamp"} show the precision, recall and \(F\)-score for classification at the fragment and sample levels for the primary feature vectors. The three secondary feature vectors showed less successful results (For further details, please see the tables in Supplementary Material B). [\[tab:overall\]]{#tab:overall label="tab:overall"} [\[tab:conf_mean\]]{#tab:conf_mean label="tab:conf_mean"} [\[tab:conf_sd\]]{#tab:conf_sd label="tab:conf_sd"} [\[tab:ffrag\]]{#tab:ffrag label="tab:ffrag"} [\[tab:fsamp\]]{#tab:fsamp label="tab:fsamp"} # Discussion This study presented a binary 2DFT based technique to classify material used in ancient historical manuscripts, specifically the DSS. This technique, concerning the primary feature vectors (based on Fourier-space grid representation) used in conjunction with the multi-spectral images, showed a relatively high level of performance with regards to overall classification percentage (\(\approx 97\%\) compared to \(\approx 91\%\) successful classification for MS and color images respectively) across both primary feature vectors. In addition, the mean feature vector produced slightly improved results than the standard deviation feature vector. This was particularly true for classification accuracy as measured by \(F\)-score values at the sample level. The papyrus images were, in general, more susceptible to misclassification than parchment images, showing lower recall and \(F\)-scores in their classification than parchment samples (tables [5](#tab:ffrag){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ffrag"} and [6](#tab:fsamp){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fsamp"}). When combined with multi-spectral images and using the MFV, the proposed technique achieved the highest accuracy. This is also the case for color images. This result may prove helpful for future work involving manuscripts that have not been photographed using multi-spectral equipment. Several reasons may explain the difference in performance between the multi-spectral and the color images. For example, the multi-spectral images reveal more discriminatory patterns, periodic frequencies, magnitudes, and details in the materials of the image compared to the color images. This arises from the different wavelengths of light highlighting different material details. The recombination of the images of different wavelengths may have captured more features that make each material unique for the log2DFT method. The multi-spectral images were also of higher resolution, enabling the visual-based technique to discriminate more clearly between materials. By investigating the different spectral band images individually, the band that provides the best results could be used in further research. This approach has potential implications for photographing decisions concerning other manuscripts. The MFV performed at least as well as the SDFV regarding \(F\)-score. This may suggest that measures of the spread between pixel values in grid sections provide less discriminatory ability than measures concerning the value of the pixels. Further work may investigate which particular frequencies and associated magnitudes provide improved discrimination between particular materials. This study used a selection of images to create the dictionary of feature vectors. These images were chosen based on a subjective view that they captured a high proportion of the different types of textures of parchment and papyrus and represented the DSS collection as a whole. However, there were fewer papyrus examples in the set than parchment. As a result, the papyrus samples proved more challenging to classify accurately. By expanding the dictionary set, an improved representation of the collection can be achieved, which could yield higher classification results, particularly about improving the classification of papyrus fragments. Therefore, more examples would be encountered, and closer matches to novel samples may be made. The measured voting procedure would then use more votes to confirm a classification, impacting the belief percentage per sample. The use of binary text masks was beneficial to fill the images. However, access to such materials may not always be possible. In a small minority of cases, most notably affecting some papyrus manuscripts, some of the binary images did not capture all the text on the manuscripts. This could have influenced the results, mainly where we see a slightly worse performance for the classification of the papyrus fragments which exhibited more residue text post fill. A fixed number of samples and a fixed log2DFT feature vector grid were used in this study. A suggestion for further work would be to investigate whether changing these parameters could improve the results. The secondary, i.e., the concentric Fourier-space feature vector results show relatively poorer performance than the primary feature vectors, particularly concerning the papyrus fragments (For further details, please see Supplementary Material C). With reference to the modified weighted bin feature vector, which showed success in the study by, this was particularly evident, achieving a low \(10\%\) success rate for papyrus images (For further details, please see the tables in Supplementary Material B). The image data set used in the research consisted of real-world objects set in a context, which may not have been appropriate for this study. This study's relatively simplistic periodic patterned images may not have provided enough discriminatory differences for this method to work effectively. The alternative secondary feature vector based on a concentric ring approach also demonstrated poor performance on papyrus fragments. This may suggest that periodic pattern discrimination is more than simply the distance from the center of the visualized log2DFT. The position of the pixels in a log2DFT image space and the frequencies and magnitudes they represent may hold vital information which helps improve the classification. # Conclusion The work of this article used a 2DFT based feature vector technique in the binary classification of the surface material of the DSS, achieving a performance of up to \(\approx 97\%\). It offers an accurate and accessible way to classify the material of ancient historical manuscripts without the need for more labeled data (in case of neural networks) or damaging methods (for example, chemical analysis). This study provides an initial foray into using a 2DFT technique to perform material classification of such manuscripts. The ability to quickly classify the writing surface material has the potential to expedite the initial manuscript investigation. The straightforward approach presented here may be used as a starting point to help resolve any debate over the nature of a DSS fragment's material and may be applied to other ancient historical manuscripts. Furthermore, by building upon and developing the proposed system, this method demonstrates a potential for use in helping to answer more specialized questions. Examples may include intra-material classification to provide evidence for differing production techniques and/or manuscript dating. The consequences of gaining such insight by substituting in the proposed technique are threefold; the preservation of delicate ancient manuscripts from further degradation, a relatively low cost uncomplicated implementable method, and an additional extendable tool in gathering evidence to help conclude the questions surrounding the production of such manuscripts.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:25:07', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01042', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01042'}
# Introduction GeV-TeV gamma-ray signals from various blazars (\(z>0.024\)) have been observed by the Fermi-LAT telescope and the imaging atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes (i.e VERITAS, MAGIC and HESS). Very high energy gamma rays annihilate with the extra-galactic background light (EBL), producing a collimated beam of electron-positron pairs, that are expected to quickly lose their energies via the inverse Compton scattering on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Primary gamma rays of a few TeV would produce an electromagnetic cascade in the GeV energy band, but that emission appears to be absent in the gamma-ray spectra from some blazars. One possible explanation for the absence of the GeV cascade emission is significant magnetic deflection of the electrons and the positrons of the beam. This deflection results in an extended emission or/and a time delay of the cascade emission. The field strength required to suppress the cascade emission due to the time delay is around \(B_\mathrm{IGM}>10^{-16}\ \mathrm{G}\) for IGMF with a correlation length similar to or larger than the energy loss length of the beam, \(\lambda_\text{B} \gtrsim 10\) kpc, and stronger than that for a small correlation length, for which the beam sees a fluctuating magnetic field and the deflection becomes diffusive. Those fields might be the original form of seed fields that may be amplified to stronger magnetic fields in the galaxies and galaxy clusters. If the magnetic field is strong enough to deflect by a radian or more, then the cascade emission from active galactic nuclei (AGN) with oblique jets (jets more than 30\(^\circ\) off of our line of sight) should become visible, but corresponding emission has not been found. Another possibility are beam-plasma instabilities that work as an alternative energy loss mechanism to the inverse Compton scattering of the pair beam. The beam-plasma instabilities involve both electrostatic and electromagnetic modes, the two stream-instability-(\(\boldsymbol{k}\cross{\boldsymbol{E_{1}}}=0\) where \(\boldsymbol{E_1}\) is the perturbed electric field) and transverse Weibel and filamentation modes (\(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot{\boldsymbol{E_{1}}}=0\)). However, for the blazar-induced TeV pair beams the electrostatic modes dominate the wave spectrum, and Weibel-type modes are likely suppressed. Hence considering only the electrostatic oblique modes (wave vectors with finite angle to the beam propagation direction) recovers the essential physics. Through their nonlinear feedback these electrostatic waves transfer energy from the beam particles to heat in the intergalactic medium. Cosmological simulations including this heating process can successfully reproduce the observed IGM temperature and the effective optical depth as a function of redshift as well with several other observations. argued otherwise, namely that the back reaction of the unstable waves on the pair beam particles distribution moderately scatters the beam particles and does not impose a significant energy loss. We do not discuss the particulars of the nonlinear feedback here and leave this issue for future studies. The beam-plasma electrostatic instability operates best in the absence of a magnetic field. Noting that magnetic deflection needs more than a femto-Gauss field amplitude, here we address the effect on the electrostatic instability that would be imposed by much weaker intergalactic magnetic fields with a correlation length much smaller than the beam energy loss length. In particular, we investigate whether the plasma instability still is the dominant energy-loss process and how strongly the cascade emission is suppressed. In this work, we consider an IGMF with small correlation length far below the energy-loss length of the pair beam, \(\lambda_\text{B}\) \(<<\) \(\lambda_e\), which deflects the electrons and positrons equivalently. Note that this condition implies that we assume the intergalactic magnetic fields to have no large-scale (\(\gg\) kpc) or homogeneous component. We only consider the fluctuation component. Magnetic fields with strengths of \(B_\mathrm{IGM} \ll 10^{-12}\) Gauss do not modify the linear dispersion relation of the beam-plasma instability obtained by the electrostatic approximation. However, those fields may impact the instability linear growth rate by their effect on the beam distribution function. The case of large magnetic-field correlation lengths involves a net current in the beam and will be the considered in a future publication. Our IGMF model is the same as that widely used in the analysis of deflection and time-delay limits. The focus lies on a weaker field strength and on small correlation lengths. In such magnetic fields the electrons and the positrons of the blazar-induced pair beam perform a random walk passing through many regions with different field orientations, resulting in an increased angular spread of the pair beam that scales with the mean field strength and the square root of the correlation length. We showed that this widening of the beam significantly slows the electrostatic instability, which decreases the energy loss rate of the beam particles. At a certain limit in the parameter space (\(B_\mathrm{IGM},\) \(\lambda_\text{B}\)), driving the waves becomes less effective than inverse-Compton scattering the CMB, and the GeV cascade emission can no longer be suppressed. For the plasma instability model in, this limit is found to be around three orders of magnitude below the one that by magnetic deflection would impose a time delay of the cascade emission by 10 years. The structure of this paper is as follows. In section [2](#sec:2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:2"}, we present the linear growth rate spectrum of the electrostatic instability of a realistic pair beam distributions without and with weak intergalactic magnetic fields. In section [3](#sec:3){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:3"}, we present the nonlinear instability saturation of the unstable electrostatic waves. Finally, we demonstrate our results in section [4](#sec:result){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:result"} and conclude in section [5](#sec:con){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:con"}. # Linear Growth Rate of the Electrostatic Instability {#sec:2} In this section, we present the linear growth rate of electrostatic waves for a realistic blazar-induced pair beam with finite angular spread (kinetic instability) moving in an unmagnetized intergalactic medium. Then we consider the magnetic fields in the intergalactic medium and find their impact on the beam distribution function and the implications for the growth rate of electrostatic waves. As we mentioned in the introduction, the electrostatic approximation is valid for the blazar-induced pair beam for which the electrostatic modes grow far more quickly than do the electromagnetic modes. A comparison of the Weibel growth rate for blazar-induced pair beams using a cold-beam distribution and a Waterbag distribution shows that the Weibel instability is suppressed for a realistic blazar-induced pair beam. Therefore, we will proceed with the electrostatic approximation in our analysis. Linearizing the Vlasov--Maxwell equations for electrostatic waves leads to the following dispersion relation \[\label{eq:dis} 1-\frac{\omega_p^2}{\omega^2}-\sum_b \frac{4\pi n_b e_b^2}{k^2} \int d^3\boldsymbol{p} \frac{\boldsymbol{k}\cdot \frac{\partial f_b(\boldsymbol{p})}{\partial \boldsymbol{p}}}{\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{v}-\omega}=0,\] where \(f_b(\boldsymbol{p}) = f_b(\boldsymbol{p},\boldsymbol{x})/n_b\) is the normalized momentum distribution function of the beam, \(n_b\) is the total number density of the beam, \(\omega_p = (4\pi n_e e^2/m_e)^{1/2}\) is the plasma frequency of the intergalactic background plasma with density \(n_e\). The wave vector is chosen as \(\boldsymbol{k} = (k_\perp,0,k_{||})\), and the beam propagates along the \(z\) axis with cylindrical symmetry. In our analysis we consider the kinetic instability for which the beam temperature plays a significant role. The kinetic instability is applicable, if the velocity spread times the wave vector of the unstable waves is larger than the growth rate of the reactive instability \[\label{eq:react} \abs{\boldsymbol{k}\cdot \boldsymbol{\Delta v}} >> \omega_{i,\text{r}}.\] The peak reactive growth rate is \[\omega_{i,\text{r}} = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2^{4/3}} \omega_p \left(\frac{n_b}{\gamma_b n_e}\right)^{1/3}\left(\left(\frac{k_\perp}{k}\right)^2+\frac{1}{\gamma_b^2}\left(\frac{k_{||}}{k}\right)^2\right)^{1/3},\] where \(\gamma_b\) is the beam Lorentz factor, and the parallel wave number is fixed at the resonance, \(k_{||}= \omega_p/c\). For a relativistic beam the perpendicular velocity spread is \(\Delta v_\perp \approx \frac{c}{\gamma_b}\), and the parallel velocity spread is \(\Delta v_{||} \gtrsim \frac{c}{\gamma_b^2}\), resulting from the Lorentz boost of the beam from the COM to the lab frame. For realistic blazar-induced pair beam with Lorentz factor \(\gamma_b \sim 10^5-10^6\), condition (eq([\[eq:react\]](#eq:react){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:react"})) is satisfied for essentially all oblique waves, meaning that we should consider the kinetic regime and not the reactive one (cold-limit). For a relativistic electron beam (\(\gamma_b >> 1\)) with a small angular spread (\(\Delta \theta << 1\) rad) traveling in a homogeneous background plasma with a number density \(n_e\), the dispersion relation, eq. [\[eq:dis\]](#eq:dis){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dis"}, in the kinetic regime yields the following linear growth rate of electrostatic waves \[\label{eq:growth} \begin{split} \omega_i(k) = & \pi \omega_p \frac{n_b}{n_e} \left(\frac{\omega_p}{kc}\right)^3 \int_{\theta_1}^{\theta_2}d\theta \ \frac{\partial g(\theta)}{\partial \theta}\\ & \times \frac{-2g(\theta)\sin{\theta+(\cos{\theta}-\frac{kc}{\omega_p}\cos{\theta'}})}{[(\cos{\theta_1}-\cos{\theta})(\cos{\theta}-\cos{\theta_2})]^{1/2}}, \end{split}\] where \[g(\theta) = m_e c \int_0^\infty dp \text{ } p f_b(p,\theta),\] and \[\cos{\theta_{1,2}} = \frac{\omega_p}{kc} \left( \cos{\theta'}\pm \sin{\theta'} \sqrt{ \left(\frac{kc}{\omega_p}\right)^2-1}\right),\] where \(k=\sqrt{k_\perp^2+k_{||}^2}\) is the module of the unstable electrostatic waves wave-number vector (\(k_\perp\) and \(k_{||}\) are the perpendicular and the parallel components to the beam propagation direction respectively), \(\theta'\) is the angle between the wave vector and the beam propagation direction, and \(\theta\) is the angle between the particle momentum and the beam direction axis (\(z\)-axis). The beam is azimuthally symmetric around the propagation axis. The momentum distribution function, \(f_b(p,\theta)\), of the beam is normalized as follows \[\label{eq:norm} 2\pi\int_0^\infty dp \text{ } p^2 \int_0^{\pi} d\theta \text{ } \sin{\theta} f_b(p,\theta) = 1,\] and can be factorized into parallel and perpendicular components \[\label{eq:f_dis} f_b(p,\theta) = f_{b,p}(p)f_{b,\theta}(p,\theta),\] where for the parallel momentum distribution \(f_{b,p}(p)\) we used eq. 26 and eq. 56 in that are obtained for a realistic pair beam at a distance of 50 Mpc from the blazar. The angular distribution, \(f_{b,\theta}(p,\theta)\), depends on whether or not we have intergalactic magnetic fields. ## Electrostatic instability for a pair beam in non-magnetized intergalactic medium {#sec:2.1} In the case of a non-magnetized intergalactic medium, the angular spread of the beam is due to the angular energy spread only. In this case, the angular distribution function of the beam, \(f_{b,\theta}(p,\theta)\), can be approximated by a Gaussian \[\label{eq:spread} f_{b,\theta}(p,\theta) \approx \frac{1}{\pi \Delta\theta_s^2} \exp{-\frac{\theta^2}{\Delta \theta_s^2}},\] where the angular energy spread approximated as \[\label{eq:ths} \Delta\theta_s \approx \frac{m_e c }{p }\] Substituting eq([\[eq:spread\]](#eq:spread){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:spread"}) into eq([\[eq:f_dis\]](#eq:f_dis){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:f_dis"}) and eq([\[eq:growth\]](#eq:growth){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:growth"}) we found the numerical solution for the linear electrostatic growth rate as shown in Fig.[\[fig:wiB=0\]](#fig:wiB=0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wiB=0"}, we see that most of the unstable modes are in the oblique and the parallel directions. The maximum linear growth rate is found to be \[\begin{split} \omega_{i,\text{max}} &= (3.83\times 10^{-7}) \omega_p \frac{n_{b20}}{n_{e7}},\\ & = (1.15\times 10^{-8}) \omega_p, \end{split}\] where \(\omega_p = 17.8\) Hz is the plasma frequency of the intergalactic background electrons for the unit density \(n_{e}= n_{e7} 10^{-7}\)cm\(^{-3}\) = \(10^{-7}\)cm\(^{-3}\). For the fiducial pair beam parameters, the number density of the pair beam is \(n_{b}= n_{b20} 10^{-20}\)cm\(^{-3}\) = \(3\times10^{-22}\)cm\(^{-3}\). Note that the maximum growth rate we found here is twice that reported in, because the maximum growth rate in was computed for the parallel wave numbers down to \((k_\parallel c /\omega_p-1) \approx 10^{-7}\), however we found that smaller parallel wave numbers down to \((k_\parallel c /\omega_p-1) \approx 10^{-14}\) have a larger growth rates, as shown in Fig.[\[fig:wiB=0\]](#fig:wiB=0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:wiB=0"}. demonstrated that for a blazar with a redshift \(z=0.2\) those unstable waves drain the pair beam energy around a hundred times faster than does inverse-Compton scattering on the CMB, taking into account the modulation instability as a damping process. The main uncertainties in that work are the assumptions on the spectrum and gamma-ray flux from the blazar and the approximation of the nonlinear saturation level. The growth rate is calculated for a pure electron beam moving in a background plasma of electrons and ions. demonstrated that having separate distribution functions for electrons and for positrons yields the same growth rate as do calculations that assume only an electron beam. ## Electrostatic instability for a pair beam with a weak intergalactic magnetic field {#sec:2.2} We address in this section the effects of weak intergalactic magnetic fields on the electrostatic plasma instability. If the electron gyromagnetic frequency, \(\omega_B = eB_\mathrm{IGM}/m_e\), is much smaller than their plasma frequency, \(\omega_B \ll \omega_p\), then an external magnetic field doesn't change the electrostatic dispersion relation used to derive the linear growth rate. The corresponding upper limit for the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field is \(B_\mathrm{IGM}\lesssim 10^{-9}\) Gauss, where we again assumed the number density to be \(n_e = 10^{-7}\,\)cm\(^{-3}\). The magnetic-field correlation lengths we consider, \(\lambda_\text{B}\sim 10^{3}-10^{-5}\) pc, are much larger than the intergalactic plasma skin length, \(\lambda_D \sim 5\times 10^{-10}\) pc, meaning that even the variations of the IGMF have no direct impact on the beam plasma dispersion relation. However, the directional changes of the magnetic field affect the equilibrium beam distribution function, which in turn impacts on the linear electrostatic growth rate eq([\[eq:growth\]](#eq:growth){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:growth"}). In other words, the blazar-induced pair beam that triggers the instability travels through many correlations lengths in the IGMF. For example, the blazar-induced pair beam distribution function we are considering is this work is calculated at distance 50 Mpc in the IGM from the blazar, whereas the pair production starts at distances smaller than 1 Mpc. More importantly, we can take the inverse Compton scattering length, \(\lambda_\text{IC} \approx 75\,\text{kpc} \left({10^7}/{\gamma_b}\right)\), as an upper limit on the energy loss length of the beam particles, which gives around 188 kpc for a Lorentz factor of \(\gamma_b = 4\times 10^{6}\). This means that the pair beam distribution function carries the effects of the magnetic fields over a large number of directional changes, since most of the particles in the beam have traveled many correlation lengths at least, \(\lambda_\text{IC}>>\lambda_\text{B}\). This propagation of the pair beam over many correlation length imposes an additional angular spread on its momentum distribution which in turn significantly affects the linear electrostatic growth rate. Those fields lead to stochastic deflections of the electrons and positrons that diffusively widen the angular distribution function of the pair beam as shown in appendix [\[app:G\]](#app:G){reference-type="ref" reference="app:G"}. Adding in quadrature the energy angular spread \(\Delta\theta_s\) (eq. [\[eq:ths\]](#eq:ths){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:ths"}) and the magnetic widening \(\Delta\theta_\text{IGMF}\) (eq. [\[eq:thIMGF\]](#eq:thIMGF){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:thIMGF"}) gives the following distribution of the angular spread of the pair beam after travelling many correlation lengths in the IGM \[\label{eq:fth_dis} f_{b,\theta}(\theta,p)=\frac{1}{\pi \Delta\theta^2}\exp{-\big(\frac{\theta}{\Delta\theta}\big)^2}, \quad \text{ } 0\leq\theta\leq\pi,\] where \[\label{eq:a} \Delta\theta = \frac{m_e c}{p} \sqrt{1 + \frac{2}{3}\lambda_B\lambda_{\text{IC}}\left(\frac{e B_{\mathrm{IGM}}}{m_e c}\right)^2}.\] Note that the result in appendix [\[app:G\]](#app:G){reference-type="ref" reference="app:G"} for the magnetic deflection, \(\Delta\theta_\text{IGMF}\), is consistent with the diffusion angle used in the IGMF deflection analyses, e.g. eq. 31 in. Finally, substituting eq([\[eq:fth_dis\]](#eq:fth_dis){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:fth_dis"}) into eq([\[eq:f_dis\]](#eq:f_dis){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:f_dis"}) and eq([\[eq:growth\]](#eq:growth){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:growth"}) we numerically found the linear growth rate spectrum for a few values of the IGMF strength, \(B_{\mathrm{IGM}}\), and the correlation length, \(\lambda_B\), and displayed it in Fig.[\[fig:Bwi\]](#fig:Bwi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Bwi"}. The main impact of the IGMF is a general reduction of the growth rate. Fig.[\[fig:maxwi\]](#fig:maxwi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:maxwi"} shows the peak growth rate as a function of \(B_{\mathrm{IGM}}\) and \(\lambda_B\). To be noted from the figure is that specific values of the peak growth rate are found on a characteristic \(B_{\mathrm{IGM}}\propto \lambda_B^{-0.5}\). The reduction of the instability growth rate increases the energy loss time due to the plasma instability as we will see in the next section. # Nonlinear instability saturation {#sec:3} The unstable electrostatic waves grow exponentially with the linear growth rate, accumulating at the resonant parallel wave number \(k_{||} \approx \omega_p/c\). Depending on their nonlinear interactions, the waves could drain the kinetic energy of the pair beam and heat the IGM. The first type of those nonlinear interactions is the scattering of the electrostatic waves on the background plasma, known as nonlinear Landau interactions. The second nonlinear interaction is a wave-wave interaction between the electrostatic waves known as the modulation instability. The first process operates at any wave intensity, whereas the second occurs only above a certain threshold. Simulations of the evolution of the beam/plasma system are impossible right now for realistic parameters. However, there are various analytical estimates in the literature concerning the energy density that the waves reach in an equilibrium state. The inverse energy loss time of the pair beam due to the electrostatic instability is given by \[\label{eq:loss} \tau_\text{loss}^{-1} = 2 \delta \omega_{i,\text{max}},\] where \(\omega_{i,\text{max}}\) is the peak linear growth rate and \(\delta=U_\text{ES}/U_\text{beam}\) is the normalized wave energy density at the equilibrium level. The reduction of the linear growth rate due to the IGMF translates into an increase of the energy loss time. At some limit the beam-plasma instability becomes less relevant than the inverse Compton scattering. We will find this limit in the next section. The wave intensity, \(\delta\), depends on the non-linear evolution of the electrostatic waves, for which have different estimates. In the next section, we are going to include first the result given in and then discuss the implications of changing the value of the intensity of the waves to that found by. # Results {#sec:result} We found the maximum linear growth rate of the unstable electrostatic 2D spectrum for each intergalactic magnetic field strength, \(B_\mathrm{IGM}\), and correlation length, \(\lambda_B\), as shown in Fig.[\[fig:maxwi\]](#fig:maxwi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:maxwi"}. Then we calculated the approximated energy loss time of the beam based on the maximum linear growth rate as in eq([\[eq:loss\]](#eq:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:loss"}), using the intensity of the waves given in, \(\delta = 10^{-5}\). This time should be smaller than the inverse Compton scattering energy loss time, otherwise the beam-plasma instability cannot suppress the secondary cascade. The energy loss time of the inverse Compton scattering is given by \[\label{eq:IC} \tau_\text{IC} = \left(7.7\times 10^{13}\ \mathrm{s}\right) \, (1+z)^{-4} \left(\frac{10^6}{\gamma_b}\right),\] which at redshift \(z=0.2\) and for a pair-beam Lorentz factor \(\gamma_b = 4 \times 10^6\) gives the following ratio for the beam-plasma instability loss time given in \[\label{eq:comp} \frac{\tau_\text{loss}}{\tau_\text{IC}} = 0.026,\] if the intergalactic magnetic field is zero. Using eq. [\[eq:loss\]](#eq:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:loss"}, we infer that a reduction by a factor 40 of the instability growth rate is sufficient to render it inefficient. The dependence of the growth rate on \(B_\mathrm{IGM}\) and \(\lambda_B\) (cf. Fig. [\[fig:maxwi\]](#fig:maxwi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:maxwi"}) can then be turned into a limit in the \(B_\mathrm{IGM}\)-\(\lambda_B\) parameter space, above which inverse Compton scattering provides the dominant energy loss of the pair beam. We show this limit in Fig.[\[fig:Result\]](#fig:Result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Result"}. It is at the same time an exclusion limit, because the then unavoidable inverse-Compton emission is not seen, and so the cyan-shaded are in the figure is excluded for the IGMF. For weaker field, the oblique instability may drain the beam energy sufficiently quickly, and for stronger fields the time delay of the cascade emission causes substantial uncertainty in the interpretation of the Fermi-LAT data of GeV-scale cascade emission. We see in Fig.[\[fig:Result\]](#fig:Result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Result"} that the beam-plasma instability suppression limit (the purple line) is three orders of magnitude lower than the lower limit on the IGMF strength needed to impose a significant time delay of the cascade emission flux due to the magnetic deflection (the green line). We follow in assuming an time period of 10 years as sufficient for the suppression of the cascade signal. The actual deflection angle would be well below one minute of arc. Finally, to account for the uncertainty of the non-linear saturation level of the waves, we consider also the beam-plasma instability model presented in with \(\delta =0.2\) and check how the plasma instability suppression limit changes for a certain correlation length. For \(\lambda_\text{B} =10^{-11}\) Mpc, the instability limit would shift for to \(B_\mathrm{IGM}=10^{-12.5}\) Gauss which is two orders of magnitude higher than that based on but still below the Fermi time delay lower limit. This shift applies also to all the instability suppression limit points in Fig.[\[fig:Result\]](#fig:Result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Result"}, since the correlation length and the intergalactic magnetic field strength determine together the angular spread eq.[\[eq:a\]](#eq:a){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:a"} that plays the key role in determining the linear growth rate. Although the nonlinear saturation level had changed by four orders of magnitudes between the models of and, the magnetic field limit had changed by only two orders of magnitude. This is due to the dependence of the energy loss time on the angular spread as \(\tau_\text{loss} \propto (\Delta \theta)^{2}\), which is a result of the maximum linear growth rate dependence on the angular spread as \(\omega_{i,\text{max}} \propto (\Delta \theta)^{-2}\), and the energy loss time relation with the linear growth rate as \(\tau_\text{loss} \propto \omega_{i,\text{max}}^{-1}\) eq([\[eq:loss\]](#eq:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:loss"}). For a generic beam-plasma instability model with plasma instability energy loss time \(\tau_\text{loss,0}\) in the absence of the IGMF, the energy loss time increases as \(\tau_\text{loss} \propto (\Delta \theta)^{2}\) when the angular spread increases with the IGMF strength and correlation length as in eq.[\[eq:a\]](#eq:a){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:a"} reaching the inverse Compton scattering energy loss time at the following intergalactic magnetic field strength \[\label{eq:limitB} \begin{split} \log{\left(\frac{B_\text{IGM,lim}}{\text{Gauss}}\right)} = &-17.92-\frac{1}{2}\log{\left(\frac{\lambda_\text{B}}{\text{pc}}\right)} \\ & + \log{\left(\sqrt{\frac{\mathrm{Myr}}{\tau_{\text{loss},0}}}-\sqrt{\frac{\mathrm{Myr}}{\tau_\text{IC}}}\right)}. \end{split}\] Eq([\[eq:limitB\]](#eq:limitB){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:limitB"}) provides the intergalactic magnetic fields strength that is sufficient to suppress a general plasma instability, with energy loss time \(\tau_\text{loss,0}\) in the absence of the IGMF, against the inverse Compton scattering of the blazar-induced pair beam on the CMB. For Vafin's model, the last logarithmic term on the right-hand side of eq. [\[eq:limitB\]](#eq:limitB){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:limitB"} has a value very close to unity. # Conclusion {#sec:con} We investigated the effects of tangled weak intergalactic magnetic fields with small correlation lengths on the electrostatic instability driven by blazar-induced pair beams. The weak fields increase the angular spread of the pair beam which decreases the linear growth rate of the electrostatic beam-plasma instability, which in turn reduces the associated energy loss rate. In a certain region in the \(B_\mathrm{IGM}\)-\(\lambda_B\) parameter space, neither the beam-plasma instability nor the intergalactic magnetic field deflection can explain the absence of cascade emission in the spectra of some TeV blazars, and so this parameter space region can be excluded, unless there is a third mechanism that suppresses the GeV-band cascade. Considering the beam-plasma instability model of, we can exclude an IGMF strength within the three orders of magnitude below the limit above which magnetic deflection imposes a significant time delay of the cascade (ten years). Even for the non-linear evolution model of, we can exclude a range a values that is one order of magnitude wide. Although the parameter space below the beam-plasma instability suppression limit is not excluded by the cascade observations, part of this region (at \(\lambda_\text{B}\lesssim 10^{-8}\ \mathrm{Mpc}\) and shaded in gray in Fig.[\[fig:Result\]](#fig:Result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Result"}) is constrained by MHD turbulent decay. In conclusion, the allowed region for the IGMF lies below \(10^{-16}\) Gauss at \(\lambda_\text{B}\approx 10^{-8}\) Mpc, and the constraint on the IGMF strength is tighter than that for both larger correlation lengths (due to the instability suppression) and smaller correlation lengths (due to the MHD turbulent decay).
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:24:12', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01022', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01022'}
# [\[INTRO\]]{#INTRO label="INTRO"}Introduction The kagome lattice is a 2D network of corner-sharing triangles that has been intensively investigated the last years. Due to its unusual geometry, it offers a playground to study interesting physics including frustrated, correlated , exotic topological quantum [@mekata2003kagome; @zhou2017quantum; @ohgushi2000spin; @yan2011spin; @han2012fractionalized; @mazin2014theoretical; @chisnell2015topological; @xu2015intrinsic; @zhu2016interaction; @yan2011spin; @yin2018giant; @guo2009topological; @mazin2014theoretical; @xu2011chern; @Chen:2014; @Kubler:2014; @tang2011high], topological Chern , insulating and Weyl semimetal  phases, originating from the interplay between magnetism and electronic topology. In fact, the kagome lattice has been realized in several materials including metal stannides, germannides  as well as T\(_m\)X\(_n\) compounds with T=Mn, Fe, Co, X=Sn, Ge (\(m\):\(n\)=3:1, 3:2, 1:1) . Recent studies demonstrated that Fe-Sn-based kagome compounds exhibiting interesting properties, such as large magnetic tunability . Furthermore they can host Dirac fermions and flat bands, as found in Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\)  and FeSn . The existence of spin degenerate band touching points was linked to the generation of several interesting phenomena. Specifically, the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) results in a transverse spin polarized charge current (charge current and spin current due to the imbalance of spin up and spin down electrons in ferromagnets) in response to a longitudinal charge current, in the absence of an external magnetic field . This applies also to its thermal counterpart, the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE), in which the external stimuli is replaced by a thermal gradient  as well as the Seebeck effect . Interestingly, the Fe-Sn-based intermetallics compounds not only exhibit attractive topological transport properties, but also show rich magnetic properties. In our previous studies , a DFT screening of the Fe-Sn phase diagram was used to identify Fe-Sn based phases with potential to be stabilized upon alloying, and their magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy were evaluated. The results revealed that a strong anisotropy as observed in Fe\(_3\)Sn may also be found in other Fe-Sn based phases, having high potential to be used as hard magnetic materials. Meanwhile, we applied the reactive crucible melting (RCM) approach to the Fe-Sn binary system, and observed 3 metastable intermetallic compounds, namely Fe\(_3\)Sn, Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\), Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\), which are ferromagnetic and exist between 873 K and 1173 K. We found that such metastable phases can be synthesized using the RCM method at specific temperature ranges. Furthermore, we speculted that the phase diagram reported in the literature  is inaccurate in the temperature interval 750-765 \(^\circ\)C as Fe\(_3\)Sn can exist at 750 \(^\circ\)C. Therefore, to further explore the interesting properties of metastable Fe-Sn phases, it is important to understand the phase diagram and thermodynamical properties of the Fe-Sn system. In this work, we adopted our new measurements  on the equilibria states of Fe\(_3\)Sn, Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\), Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\), combined with the thermodynamic properties of such intermetallic phases obtained based on first-principles calculations. A consistent thermodynamic assessment of the Fe-Sn system was then developed based on all available experimental and first-principles results. Furthermore, the AHC and ANC of Fe\(_3\)Sn were calculated and its dependence on the magnetization direction and doping were evaluated. We observed that there exist significant changes in AHC and ANC by tuning the Fermi energy via Mn-doping. Therefore, Fe\(_3\)Sn renders itself as a promising candidate for novel transverse thermoelectric devices with potential applications. Additionally, we suspect high-throughput calculations  can be performed to search for more intriguing magnetic intermetallic compounds with singular topological transport properties, assisted by automated Wannier function construction  for transport property calculations. # Methodology ## First-principles calculations Our calculations were performed using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation functional, in the parameterization of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof  for the Vienna ab\(-\)initio Simulation Package (VASP)  . The energy cutoff is set at 600 eV and at least 5000 k-points in the first Brillouin zone with \(\Gamma\)-centered k-mesh were used for the hexagonal lattices(Fe\(_3\)Sn, FeSn, and Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\)), while for all the other structures, Monkhorst-Pack grids were used. The energy convergence criterion was set as \(10^{-6}\) eV, and \(10^{-5}\) eV\(/\AA\) was set as the tolerance of forces during the structure relaxation. The enthalpy of formation, \(\Delta_fH(Fe_xSn_y)\), for the Fe\(_x\)Sn\(_y\) intermetallic compounds was obtained following \[\label{eq:hf} \Delta_fH(Fe_xSn_y)=E_{Fe_xSn_y}-\frac{x}{x+y}E_{Fe}-\frac{y}{x+y}E_{Sn},\] where all the total energies for the equilibrium phases in their corresponding stable structures were obtained after structural relaxation. For the phonon calculations, the frozen phonon approach was applied using the PHONOPY package . The temperature-dependent thermodynamical properties were calculated by using the quasi-harmonic approximation . The Gibbs free energy \(G(T,P)\) at temperature \(T\) and pressure \(P\) can be obtained from the Helmholtz free energy \(F(T,V)\) as follows: \[G(P,T)-PV =F(T,V) =E_{0}(V)+F_{vib}(V,T)+F_{el}(V,T)+ F_{magn}(V,T), \label{eq:GPT}\] where \(E_{0}\)(V) is the total energy at zero Kelvin without the zero-point energy contribution, which were determined by fitting of the energies with respect to the volume data using the Brich-Murnaghan equation of state (EOS) . \(F_{vib}\) corresponds to the lattice vibration contribution to the Helmholtz energy, which can be derived from the phonon density of states (PhDOS), \(g(\omega,V)\), by using the following equation : \[F_{vib}(V,T)=k_{B}T\int_{0}^{\infty}\ln\ [ 2 \sinh\frac{\hbar\omega}{2k_{B}T}]g(\omega,V)d\omega,\] where \(k_{B}\) and \(\hbar\) are the Boltzmann constant and reduced Planck constant, respectively, and \(\omega\) denotes the phonon frequency for a given wave vector \(q\). The PhDOS \(g(\omega,V)\) can be obtained by integrating the phonon dispersion in the Brillouin zone. The third term \(F_{el}\) represents the electronic contribution to the Helmholtz free energy, obtained by : \[F_{el}(V,T)=E_{el}(V,T)-T\cdot S_{el}(V,T)\] where \(E_{el}(V,T)\) and \(S_{el}(V,T)\) indicate the electronic energy and electronic entropy, respectively. With the electronic \(DOS\), both terms can be formulated as : \[E_{el}(V,T)=\int n\left ( \epsilon \right )f\epsilon d\epsilon-\int_{-\infty }^{\epsilon_{F}}n(\epsilon,V)d\epsilon,\] \[S_{el}(V,T)=-k_{B}\int n\epsilon [ flnf +(1-f)ln(1-f)]d\epsilon,\] where \(n(\epsilon)\) is the electronic \(DOS\), \(f\) represents the Fermi-Dirac distribution function and \(\epsilon_{F}\) is the Fermi energy. Finally, based on the Inden-model , the magnetic Gibbs energy can be formulated as: \[F_{magn}=RTln(\beta ^{\varphi }+1)f(\tau ), \tau =T/T_{c}^{\varphi},\] where \(T_{c}^{\varphi}\) is the Curie temperature for the phase-\(\varphi\). \(\beta^{\varphi }\) is the average magnetic moment per atom. In order to evaluate AHC, we projected the Bloch wave functions onto maximally localized wannier functions (MLWF) using Wannier90, following Ref. . A total number of 124 MLWFs, originating from the *s*, *p* and *d* orbitals of Fe atoms and the s and p orbitals of Sn atoms, are used. AHC is obtained by integrating the Berry curvature according to the formula: \[\begin{split} & \sigma_{\alpha \beta} =-\frac{e^2}{\hbar} \int \frac{d\mathbf{k}}{\left( 2\pi \right)^3} \sum f \left[ \epsilon\left(\mathbf{k}\right)-\mu\right] \Omega_{n,\alpha \beta} \left(\mathbf{k}\right), \\ & \Omega_{n,\alpha \beta} \left(\mathbf{k}\right) =-2 Im \sum_{m \neq n} \frac{\braket{\mathbf{k}n|v_{\alpha}|\mathbf{k}m}\braket{\mathbf{k}m|v_{\beta}|\mathbf{k}n}}{\left[\epsilon_m\left(\mathbf{k}\right)-\epsilon_n\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\right]^2}, \label{bc-ahc} \end{split}\] with \(\mu\), \(f\), \(n\), \(m\), \(\epsilon_n\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\), \(\epsilon_m\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\) and \(v_{\alpha}\) being the Fermi level, the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, the occupied Bloch band, the empty Bloch band, their corresponding energy eigenvalues and the Cartesian component of the velocity operator. The integration is performed on a \(270\times270\times350\) mesh using Wanniertools . ANC is evaluated using an in-house developed Python script, following the formula: \[a_{\alpha \beta} =-\frac{1}{e} \int d\epsilon \frac{\partial f}{\partial \mu} \sigma_{\alpha \beta} \left(\epsilon\right) \frac{\epsilon-\mu}{T}\\ \] where T, e and \(\epsilon\) are the temperature, the electronic charge and the energy point within the integration energy window respectively. An energy grid of 1000 points within the window \(\left[-0.5,0.5\right]\) with respect to the Fermi level was chosen. ## CALPHAD modeling ### Pure elements The Gibbs free energies for pure Fe and Sn were taken from the Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE) pure element database , which was described by: \[\scriptsize ^{\circ}\textrm{G}_i^{\phi}(T)=G_i^{\phi}(T)-H_{i,SER}(298.15~K)=a+bT+cTln(T)+dT^2+eT^3+fT^{-1}+gT^7+hT^{-9}~,\] where *i* represents the pure elements Fe or Sn, \(H_{i,SER}(298.15~K)\) is the molar enthalpy of element i at 298.15 K in its standard element reference (SER) state, and *a* to *h* are known coefficients. ### Solution Phases The solution phases, Liquid, BCC\(\_\)A2, FCC\(\_\)A1 and BCT\(\_\)A5 phases are described using the substitutional solution model, with the corresponding molar Gibbs free energy formulated as: \[G_{m}^{\varphi}=x_{Fe}G_{Fe}^{\varphi }(T)+x_{Sn}G_{Sn}^{\varphi }(T)+RT(x_{Fe} lnx_{Fe}+x_{Sn}lnx_{Sn})+G^{ex}+G^{magn},\] where \(x_{Fe}\) and \(x_{Sn}\) are the mole fraction of Fe and Sn in the solution, respectively. Taken from SGTE , \(G_{i}^{\varphi }\) denotes the molar Gibbs free energy of pure Fe and Y in the structure \(\varphi\) at the given temperature. \(G^{ex}\) denotes the excess Gibbs energy of mixing, which measures the deviation of the actual solution from the ideal solution behaviour, modelled using a Redlich-Kister polynomial: \[G^{ex}=x_{Fe}x_{Sn}\sum_{j=0}^{n} {^{(j)}{L}_{Fe,Sn}^{\varphi}(x_{Fe}-x_{Sn})^{j}}.\] The \({\it j}-th\) interaction parameter between Fe and Sn is described by \(_{}^{(j)}\textrm{L}_{Fe,Y}^{\varphi }\), which is modelled in terms of a\(^*\)+b\(^*\)T. ### Stoichiometric intermetallic compounds Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\), Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\), Fe\(_3\)Sn, FeSn, and FeSn\(_2\) were considered as stoichiometric phases. The Gibbs free energies per mole atom of these phases were thus expressed as follows: \[G_m^{Fe_xSn_y}=\frac{x}{x+y}G_{Fe,SER}+\frac{y}{x+y}G_{Sn,SER}+\Delta G^{Fe_xSn_y}_f(T)~,\] where \(\Delta G^{Fe_xSn_y}_f(T)\) is the Gibbs free energy of formation of the stoichiometric compound Fe\(_x\)Sn\(_y\) which can be expressed as: \[\Delta G^{Fe_xSn_y}_f(T)=A_3+B_3T~, \label{a}\] where the coefficients *A\(_3\)*, *B\(_3\)* are the parameters to be optimized. Since there is no experimental data of the thermodynamic properties for such intermetallic phases, the calculated enthalpies of formation for these phases from DFT calculations were treated as initial values of the coefficient *A\(_3\)* in Eq. [\[a\]](#a){reference-type="ref" reference="a"} in the present optimization. # [\[RES\]]{#RES label="RES"}Results and Discussion ## Metastable phase diagram Most end-members in the sublattice models are not stable and their thermodynamic data are impossible to be determined by experiments. First-principles are hence performed to estimate the Gibbs energies of the compounds and end-members at finite temperatures. In order to benchmark the current DFT calculations, the calculated crystallographic information of phases in the binary Fe-Sn system are listed in Table [1](#lattice){reference-type="ref" reference="lattice"}, in comparison with the available experimental data. The calculated lattice parameters of the solid phases at 0 K are in good agreement with the experimental results at room temperature As one can see, the differences between the theoretical and experimental lattice constants are within 0.5 \(\%\) for all the phases. Note that, in our earlier study , we showed, that the crystal structure of "Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\)" synthesized by the equilibrated alloy method, is not of the typically assumed hexagonal Laves structure (as shown in Table [1](#lattice){reference-type="ref" reference="lattice"}). We rather observed superstructure reflections in the powder XRD spectra that could not be explained by the hexagonal structure and we assigned to a modulated orthorhombic unit cell with lattice parameters of a = 4.221 Å, b = 7.322 Å, c = 5.252 Å. More details and explanations can be found in Ref. . Hence, we used this structure to do phonon calculations. Furthermore, the calculated phonon bands of such phases are shown in Fig. [\[phonon\]](#phonon){reference-type="ref" reference="phonon"}. To prove the validity of the calculations, as shown in Fig. [\[phonon\]](#phonon){reference-type="ref" reference="phonon"}, the phonon dispersion of BCC-Fe is compared with the experimental data , presenting good agreement. Therefore, it is expected that the thermodynamical properties of the Fe-Sn intermetallic phases can also be accurately obtained based on DFT calculations. As shown in Fig. [\[phonon\]](#phonon){reference-type="ref" reference="phonon"}, no imaginary phonon modes exist for all the compounds, indicating that all the intermetallics are dynamically stable. And the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) can be used to calculate the thermodynamic properties. The thermodynamic properties at finite temperatures are evaluated based on the Gibbs free energies specified in Eq. [\[eq:GPT\]](#eq:GPT){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:GPT"}. And from the thermodynamical point of view, we can derive the Gibbs free energies from the heat capacity. To obtain the accurate heat capacity of the intermetallics, we firstly compare the calculated heat capacity of the BCC\(\_\)Fe with the available experimental data , as shown in Fig. [\[cp\]](#cp){reference-type="ref" reference="cp"}. Among that, the magnetic contribution to the heat capacity is analyzed following the theory of Hillert and Jarl.: \[C_{p_{mag}} = Rln(\beta^{\varphi }+1)c(\tau ).\] Fig. [\[cp\]](#cp){reference-type="ref" reference="cp"} shows isobaric heat capacity obtained from our DFT calculations. It can be found that the lattice vibrations to the heat capacity plays a dominant role. Interestingly, the correction made by adding electronic and magnetic heat capacities shifted the result toward bigger values and after that calculations show an excellent agreement with the experimental data . More interestingly, the magnetic contribution to the heat capacity presents at the magnetic phase transition of BCC-Fe. These results prove the accuracy of the current methods and justify the following calculations for intermetallics. Using the same strategy, we calculate heat capacities of Fe\(_{5}\)Sn\(_{3}\), Fe\(_{3}\)Sn\(_{2}\), Fe\(_{3}\)Sn, FeSn\(_{2}\), and FeSn at finite temperatures, as shown in Fig. [\[cp\]](#cp){reference-type="ref" reference="cp"}, with the magnetic heat capacity evaluated using Inden model . The heat capacity of Fe\(_{3}\)Sn shows a good consistency between our calculations and experiments at low temperature, which also confirms the accuracy of current theoretical results. We note that such good agreements are supported by considering the magnetic contributions in the magnetic system. After getting the thermodynamical properties of intermetallics, we used CALPHAD method  to evaluate the thermodynamic model parameters of the Fe-Sn system, and the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties are calculated by Thermo-Calc .Table S1 (see Supplementary) lists the modelled thermodynamic parameters of the Fe-Sn system. The calculated Fe-Sn phase diagram is presented in Fig. [\[phase\]](#phase){reference-type="ref" reference="phase"} along with the experimental data . The comparison of the calculated temperatures and compositions of invariant reactions with experimental data  as well as results from previous thermodynamic assessments  are listed in Table [\[reactions\]](#reactions){reference-type="ref" reference="reactions"}. ## Topological transport properties Our calculations demonstrate that Fe\(_3\)Sn exhibits the largest AHC among the Fe-Sn family. The calculated x-component of AHC (\(\sigma_x\)) for the equilibrium lattice parameters, with the magnetization direction along \[100\]-axis, reaches 757 \(S/cm\) at Fermi energy, as shown in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(a). This value is surprisingly large compared to the more than 3 times smaller value of 200 \(S/cm\) for Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\). . Additionally, Li et al. reported an experimentally measured value of 613 \(S/cm\) value as well as a calculated of 507 \(S/cm\) for Fe\(_5\)Sn\(_3\) , both being smaller than our value for Fe\(_3\)Sn. In addition, compared to other ferromagnetic kagome materials, it ranks among the largest reported, being larger than 380 \(S/cm\) of LiMn\(_6\)Sn\(_6\)  and 223 \(S/cm\) for GdMn\(_6\)Sn\(_6\) , but lower than the largest reported value of 1130 \(S/cm\) for Co\(_3\)Sn\(_2\)S\(_2\) . Correspondingly, the ANC of Fe\(_3\)Sn, evaluated at \(T=300K\), is also the largest among the Fe-Sn family. Specifically, it reaches-2.71 \(A/mK\) (see Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}(b)) being more than 2 times larger than the reported value of 1 \(A/mK\) for Fe\(_3\)Sn\(_2\) . Compared to the other kagome materials, Fe\(_3\)Sn exhibits a reasonably large ANC, being larger than 1.29 \(A/mK\) and 0.20 \(A/mK\) reported for ZrMn\(_6\)Sn\(_6\) and MgMn\(_6\)Sn\(_6\) , but smaller than the largest reported value of 10 \(A/mK\) for Co\(_3\)Sn\(_2\)S\(_2\) . Compounds with large AHC and ANC values are promising candidates for transverse thermoelectric devices using geometries . Symmetry plays a crucial role in determining the shape of the AHC and ANC tensors. AHC and ANC strongly depend on the Berry curvature which behaves as a pseudovector under the application of any symmetry operation  and transforms according to the formula \[s\mathbf{\Omega\left(r\right)}=\pm det \left( \mathbf{D}\left(R\right) \right) \mathbf{D}\left(R\right) \mathbf{\Omega}\left(s^{-1}\mathbf{r}\right), \notag\] where \(\mathbf{\Omega\left(r\right)}\) denotes the pseudovector Berry curvature, \(\mathbf{D}\left(R\right)\) the three-dimensional representation of a symmetry operation without the translation part and s an arbitrary symmetry operation. That is, the symmetry operations of the magnetic point group will govern the shape of the tensors. Particularly, the ferromagnetic Fe\(_3\)Sn belongs to the magnetic space groups \(Cmc'm'\) (BNS: 63.463), \(Cm'cm'\) (BNS: 63.464) and \(P6_3/mm'c'\) (BNS: 194.270) for the magnetic moments of Fe atoms pointing along the \[100\]-, \[010\]-and \[001\]-axis, respectively. Hence the presence of the \(2_x\), \(2_y\) and \(2_z\) rotation axes for each of magnetic space groups transform the Berry curvature according to: \[\begin{split} & \text{For } 2_x \text{ with } M||[100] \\ & \Omega_{x}\left(k_x,-k_y,-k_z\right) = \Omega_{x}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{y}\left(k_x,-k_y,-k_z\right) =-\Omega_{y}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{z}\left(k_x,-k_y,-k_z\right) =-\Omega_{z}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right). \\ & \\ & \text{For } 2_y \text{ with } M||[010] \\ & \Omega_{x}\left(-k_x,k_y,-k_z\right) =-\Omega_{x}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{y}\left(-k_x,k_y,-k_z\right) = \Omega_{y}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{z}\left(-k_x,k_y,-k_z\right) =-\Omega_{z}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right). \\ & \\ & \text{For } 2_z \text{ with } M||[001] \\ & \Omega_{x}\left(-k_x,-k_y,k_z\right) =-\Omega_{x}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{y}\left(-k_x,-k_y,k_z\right) =-\Omega_{y}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right) \\ & \Omega_{z}\left(-k_x,-k_y,k_z\right) = \Omega_{z}\left(k_x,k_y,k_z\right). \\ \end{split}\] The summation over the whole Brillouin zone forces \(\sigma_y\) and \(\sigma_z\) for the magnetization direction along the \[100\]-axis to vanish, and equivalently \(\sigma_x\) and \(\sigma_z\) and \(\sigma_x\) and \(\sigma_y\) for the magnetization along \[010\] and \[001\], respectively. However, there is no such condition for \(\sigma_x\), \(\sigma_y\) and \(\sigma_z\) for magnetization direction along \[100\], \[010\] and \[001\] axes respectively, and therefore they are allowed to have finite values. AHC and ANC are proportional to the sum of the Berry curvature of the occupied bands, evaluated in the whole Brilouin zone (BZ), as defined in Eq [\[bc-ahc\]](#bc-ahc){reference-type="ref" reference="bc-ahc"}. Since the Berry curvature depends on the energy difference between two adjacent bands, therefore it is expected that Weyl nodes as well as nodal lines, located close to the reference energy, contribute significantly to the total value, as shown in Ref.  and confirmed for MnZn  and Mn\(_3\)PdN , respectively. Explicit band structure search reveals the presence of numerous Weyl nodes and nodal lines within the shaded energy range \[-0.118,-0.018\]eV of Fig [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(a) that are expected to contribute to the total AHC value. In order to identify the origin of the AHC contribution, we split the BZ into 216 cubes, within which the AHC is evaluated (see Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(d)). Since the major contribution originates from the diagonals, located within \(k_z\in\left(-0.166,0.000 \right)\) (and \(k_z\in\left(0.000,0.166 \right)\)), as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(d), it is fruitful to investigate the band gap within this \(k_z\) range. Taking as an example the \(k_z=-0.131\) plane, we plot the difference of the two involved bands as a black and white plot where the black areas correspond to small gap regions whereas white areas to large gap regions (see Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(c)). The shape of the gap plot is in complete agreement with the distribution of the AHC within the specified area, demonstrating that small gap regions similar to those within the square \(k_x,k_y\in\left(0.333,0.500\right)\) of Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(c), contribute dominantly to the total AHC value. Interesting topological transport properties can arise away from the charge neutral point. One important observation is that the AHC curve of Fe\(_3\)Sn exhibits a sharp peak of 1308 \(S/cm\) located at 60 \(meV\) below the Fermi level, as shown in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(a). Therefore, it is reasonable to wonder whether tuning the Fermi level to match the position of the peak is doable by means of doping. In order to investigate this possibility, we consider (Fe\(_{1-x}\)Mn\(_{x}\))\(_{3}\)Sn for various values of \(x\), with \(x\in\left[0,0.2\right]\), indicating the percentage of Mn doping to the system. By using virtual crystal approximation (VCA) calculations, we compute the AHC curve for different \(x\), as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}(a). It is noted that the position of the peak approaches the Fermi level while the Mn dopand concentration is increased and it hits the Fermi energy at approximately \(x=0.15\) (black curve). The existence of the AHC peak and its location affects the calculated ANC. While the energy of the peak is lower than the Fermi energy (\(x<0.15\)), the ANC is gradually decreased from-2.71 \(A/mK\) for \(x=0\) to-1.58\(A/mK\) for \(x=0.15\). Once the energy of the peak gets larger than the Fermi energy (\(x>0.15\)), ANC changes sign and jumps to 3.63 \(A/mK\) for \(x=0.2\). Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}(b) shows the calculated ANC curves for various x, demonstrating that Fe\(_3\)Sn offers an interesting playground of controlling the ANC by doping even with a sign change. Tuning the magnetization direction allows easier ANC modifications. In an attempt to tune the AHC and ANC of Fe\(_3\)Sn, we considered the magnetization direction as a perturbation by aligning it along \[100\], \[010\] and \[001\] axes. Our results show no impact of the magnetization direction to the AHC and ANC values along \[100\] and \[010\] axis, where the values remain practically unchanged at 757 \(S/cm\) and-2.58 \(A/mK\) due to the underlying hexagonal symmetry. On the other hand, a small change is noticed for direction along \[001\], where the AHC (ANC) is tuned to 676 \(S/cm\) (-2.06 \(A/mK\)), see Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}(c) and (d). Despite the minor changes in the AHC and ANC values at Fermi energy, a larger impact of the altering of the magnetization direction is observed away from the charge neutral point. Specifically, the peak of 1308 \(S/cm\) at 60 \(meV\) below the Fermi energy is moved closer to the Fermi energy, at 35 \(meV\) below the Fermi energy, and further reduces its maximum value to 886 \(S/cm\) when the magnetization direction is along the \[001\]-axis. The outcome of this change is more obvious in the ANC, where the zero value of the \[001\] direction is located closer to the Fermi energy, being useful for future applications. # [\[CONC\]]{#CONC label="CONC"}Conclusion Based on DFT calculations, the thermodynamical properties of the Fe-Sn system and topological transport properties of Fe\(_3\)Sn are studied. Thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-Sn phase diagram has been re-established. The problems concerning invariant reactions of intermetallics are remedied under our newly measured temperature ranges. First-principles phonon calculations with the QHA approach were performed to calculate the thermodynamic properties at finite temperatures. Thermodynamic properties, phonon dispersions of pure elements and intermetallics were predicted to make up the shortage of experimental data. The heat capacity of Fe\(_3\)Sn is measured for the first time, the values match well with the predicted results, confirming the accuracy of our DFT calculations. A set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters are obtained by the CALPHAD approach. Further, we evaluated the AHC and ANC of Fe\(_3\)Sn with magnetization direction and doping being perturbations. The calculated AHC of 757 \(S/cm\) is the largest among all reported members of the Fe-Sn family. It is noted that the nodal lines combined with the extended small gap areas constitute the main contribution to the total AHC and they can further be tuned by doping Mn at the Fe sites, allowing the manipulation of the AHC and ANC values and offering good candidate materials for promising transverse thermoelectric devices. This work was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via the priority programme SPP 1666 and the calculations were conducted on the Lichtenberg high performance computer of the TU Darmstadt.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:33:05', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01172', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01172'}
# Introduction and Results The landscape function, introduced by Filoche and Mayboroda in, has been conjectured to capture the low eigenvalues of the Anderson model operator, discrete or continuous, restricted to a finite large box. We can find this conjecture loosely stated in as: If 0 is the minimum of the support of the potential distribution then \[\lambda_i L_i\approx1+\frac{d}{4} \qquad 1\leq i\ll n^d\] where \(\{\lambda_i\}_{i}\) are the eigenvalues ordered increasingly, \(\{L_i\}_{i}\) are the local maxima of the landscape function ordered decreasingly, \(d\) is the dimension, and \(n\) is the linear size on the box. Numerical experiments with Bernoulli and Uniform potential distributions support the conjecture (see ,), but to this moment there is no mathematical proof. In this article we give a precise formulation of the conjecture on the discrete setting for the case \(i=1\), that is, for the product of the principal (smallest) eigenvalue and the sup-norm of the Landscape function on a large box. We claim such product converges almost surely to an explicit dimensional constant, different from \(1+\frac{d}{4}\), as the size of the box goes to infinity and give the proof of the \(\liminf\). For a special case in \(d=1\), we also give the proof of the \(\limsup\). We start with some definitions and notation. Given a non-empty and finite \(A\subseteq\Z^d\) and a positive potential \(W:A\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) we consider the Schrödinger operator \[\begin{aligned} -\Delta_{A}+W:\ell^2(A)&\longrightarrow\ell^2(A),\\ \phi&\longmapsto (-\Delta_{A}+W)\phi(x)\coloneqq\sum_{ \abs{y-x}=1}\left[\phi(x)-\phi(y)\right]+W(x)\phi(x), \end{aligned}\] where \(-\Delta_{A}\) has Dirichlet boundary conditions. From it, we define its principal eigenvalue and landscape function \[\lambda_{A,W}\coloneqq\inf\sigma(-\Delta_{A}+W),\qquad L_{A,W}\coloneqq (-\Delta_{A}+W)^{-1}\1_{A}.\] Notice that \(\lambda_{A,W}>0\) and \(L_{A,W}\) is always well defined on \(A\) since \(-\Delta_{A}>0\) and \(W\geq0\). Let \(V=\{V(x)\}_{x\in\Z^d}\) be an i.i.d. random non-negative potential whose probability measure and expectation we denote \(\mathbb{P}\) and \(\mathbb{E}\), and define for \(n\in\N\) the box \(\Lambda_n\coloneqq[-n,n]^d\cap\Z^d\). Our main objectives are the asymptotics of \(\lambda_{\Lambda_n,V}\) and \(\norm{L_{\Lambda_n,V}}_\infty\) as \(n\to\infty\), where, as customary, the restriction of \(V\) to \(\Lambda_n\) is implicit. In addition to \(V\) being non-negative (i.e., \(\PPrb{V(0)\in(-\infty,0)}=0\)) we will always assume the distribution function \(F(t)=\PPrb{V(0)\leq t}\) satisfies one of the following mutually exclusive conditions: 1. \(0<F(0)<1\),(Example: Bernoulli\((p)\) distribution) 2. \(F(t)=c\,t^\eta(1+o(1))\) as \(t\downarrow 0\) for some \(c,\,\eta>0\).(Example: Uniform\((0,1)\) distribution) We write \(n\) instead of \(\Lambda_n\) whenever convenient (e.g. \(-\Delta_n=-\Delta_{\Lambda_n}\), \(\lambda_{n,V}=\lambda_{\Lambda_n,V}\)). We denote by \(\omega_d\) and \(\mu_d\) respectively, the volume of the unit ball in \(\R^d\) and the principal eigenvalue of the continuous Laplacian (\(-\sum_{i=1}^d\partial^2/\partial x_i^2\)) on such ball with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We now state our conjecture and results. We are always assuming that \(V\) is non-negative and satisfies **(C1)** or **(C2)**. We claim that: The heuristic argument behind this conjecture is that both \(\lambda_{n,V}\) and \(\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty\) are controlled by the largest ball inside of \(\Lambda_n\) with zero or very low potential. If the radius of such ball is \(r\) then, roughly, \(\lambda_{n,V}\) is proportional to \(r^{-2}\) and \(\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty\) is proportional to \(r^{2}\), making the product of order one in \(r\). The appearance of the continuous constant \(\frac{\mu_d}{2d}\) is another instance of the solution of a discrete problem converging to the solution of the corresponding continuous one. The disagreement between the dimensional constants \(\frac{\mu_d}{2d}\) and \(1+\frac{d}{4}\) is simply explained by the fact that \(1+\frac{d}{4}\) was \"guessed\" from the numerical experiments, and the two constants are close to each other. For example, for \(d=1\) we have \(1+\frac{1}{4}=1.25\) and \(\frac{\mu_1}{2}=\frac{\pi^2}{8}\approx1.23\). Using the Min-Max Principle and our hypothesis on \(V\) it is straightforward to show that \(\lambda_{n,V}\) is decreasing in \(n\) and converges to \(0\). Our first result is on the speed of this convergence, depending on whether \(V\) satisfies **(C1)** or **(C2)**: The proof of Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"} is given in Section 2, and it is divided into the upper and lower bounds of \(\lambda_{n,V}\). The upper bound follows form the Min-Max Principle and the previously mentioned heuristic of the largest ball with zero or very low potential. The lower bound is a bit more involved; it uses a Lifshitz tails result form and the connection between the integrated density of states of the (infinite) Anderson model and the distribution function of \(\lambda_{n,V}\). We tried to illustrate Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"}, say in the case \(d=1\) and \(V(0)\overset{\text{d}}{=}\) Bernoulli\((p)\), by plotting \(\lambda_{n,V}\left(\frac{\omega_1\abs{\ln (1-p)}}{\ln n}\right)^{-2}\,\text{v.s.}\,n\) for a single realization of the potential. However, the plot does not show any kind of accumulation up to \(n=10^5\), suggesting the convergence is very slow. Instead, we draw the empirical distribution of \(\lambda_{n,V}\left(\frac{\omega_1\abs{\ln (1-p)}}{\ln n}\right)^{-2}-\mu_1\) from \(10^5\) realizations for \(n=10^2,10^3,10^4,10^5\). These are given in Figure [\[Fig1\]](#Fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig1"}, from which we can see that the empirical mean, variance, and distribution concentrate towards \(0\) as \(n\) increases. Our second result is a partial proof of Conjecture [\[Co\]](#Co){reference-type="ref" reference="Co"}, and a complete proof when \(d=1\). We prove Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} in Section 3 after deriving some general properties of landscape functions. Most notable among these properties is Proposition [\[PrEVLF\]](#PrEVLF){reference-type="ref" reference="PrEVLF"}, which states that \(\lambda_{A,W}\norm{L_{A,W}}_\infty\) is bounded form above and bellow by two dimensional constants uniformly on \(A\) and \(W\). This is a consequence of an upper bound of the \(\ell^\infty\to\ell^\infty\) norm of the semigroup generated by the Schrödinger operator, which we adapted from the book to the discrete setting. The statement i) of Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} follows from domain monotonicity of the landscape function and the asymptotic of \(\lambda_{n,V}\) given in Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"}, while ii) is based on the geometric resolvent identity and the restrictions of one dimensional geometry. In Figure [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"} we illustrate ii) by showing the convergence of the empirical distribution of \(\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty-\frac{\mu_1}{2}\) towards \(0\). In the proofs that follow, \(C(d)\) is a finite positive constant that may only depend on the dimension and can change form line to line. By \(a_t\sim_t b_t\) we mean \(\lim_{t\to\infty}\frac{a_t}{b_t}=1\). # Principal Eigenvalue (Proof of Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"}) ## Upper Bound of \(\lambda_{n,V}\) We introduce the sequences \]\epsilon_n\coloneqq\begin{cases} 0,&\textbf{(C1)},\\ (\ln n)^{-2/d},&\textbf{(C2)}, \end{cases} \qquad y_n\coloneqq\left(\frac{d\ln n}{\omega_d\abs{\ln F(\epsilon_n)}}\right)^{1/d},\[ so we can write the goal of this subsection as \]\label{EqLSEV} \varlimsup_{n\to\infty}y_n^2\lambda_{n,V}\leq\mu_d\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.}\[ As usual, getting a sharp upper bound on \(\lambda_{n,V}\) is much easier than a sharp lower bound. It just requires choosing a good test function and applying the Min-Max Principle. Let \(Y_n\) be the radius of the largest open euclidean ball contained in \(\Lambda_n\) in which \(V\) is uniformly bounded by \(\epsilon_n\), that is, \]Y_n\coloneqq\max\left\{r\in\N\,\middle|\,\exists x\in\Lambda_n\,\text{ such that }\,B(x,r)\cap\Z^d\subseteq\Lambda_n\cap V^{-1}\big([0,\epsilon_n]\big)\right\},\[ where \(B(x,r)=\{x'\in\R^d\,|\,\abs{x-x'}<r\}\subseteq\R^d\). Also, let \(x_n\in\Lambda_n\) be the center of a ball at which the maximum is attained (it may not be unique). The asymptotic growth of \(Y_n\) is given in the next proposition, whose proof we delay a short moment. Let \(\phi\in\ell^2(B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d)\) be the normalized eigenvector of \(-\Delta_{B(x_n,Y_n)}\) associated to \(\lambda_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d,0}\) and extend it by \(0\) to \(\Lambda_n\). Then, by the Min-Max Principle, we have \[\begin{aligned} \lambda_{n,V}&\leq\hp{\phi}{\left(-\Delta_{n}+V\right)\phi}_{\ell^2(\Lambda_n)}=\hp{\phi}{\left(-\Delta_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d}+V\right)\phi}_{\ell^2(B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d)}\\&\leq \lambda_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d,0}+\epsilon_n \end{aligned}\] and therefore \[\varlimsup_{n\to\infty}y_n^2\lambda_{n,V}\leq \lim_{n\to\infty}y_n^2\left(\lambda_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d,0}+\epsilon_n\right)=\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{y_n^2}{Y_n^2}Y_n^2\lambda_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d,0}=\mu_d\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.},\] where we have used Proposition [\[PrY\]](#PrY){reference-type="ref" reference="PrY"}, \(\displaystyle\lim_{r\to\infty}r^2\lambda_{B(0,r)\cap\Z^d,0}=\mu_d\) and translation invariance. This last limit is a consequence of the discrete Laplacian converging to the continuous one, or random walk converging to Brownian motion. A proof following the latter approach can be found in, where an extra factor \(d\) appears as a result of the probabilistic normalization of the Laplacian. ## Lower Bound of \(\lambda_{n,V}\) In this subsection we show that \(\mathbb{P}\)-a.s. we have \[\label{EqLIEV} 1\leq\varliminf_{n\to\infty}\frac{\lambda_{n,V}}{\mu_d\left(\frac{\omega_d\abs{\ln F(0)}}{d\ln n}\right)^{2/d}}\qquad\text{and}\qquad 1\leq\varliminf_{n\to\infty}\frac{\lambda_{n,V}}{\mu_d\left(\frac{2\eta \omega_d\ln \ln n}{d^2\ln n}\right)^{2/d}}\] for **(C1)** and **(C2)** respectively. The main input for this is a Lifshitz tail result on the integrated density of states from. We recall the integrated density of states of the Anderson model is a deterministic distribution function given by the \(\mathbb{P}\)-a.s. limit \[I(t)\coloneqq\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{1}{\#\Lambda_n}\#\{\lambda\in\sigma(-\Delta_n+V)\,|\,\lambda\leq t\},\qquad t\in\R,\] where the eigenvalues are counted with multiplicities. The central hypothesis of is a scaling assumption of the cumulant-generating function \(H(t)\coloneqq\ln\EE{e^{-t V(0)}}\) of \(V(0)\), which we prove in the following proposition. To state it, we first need to define \[(1,\infty)\ni t\longmapsto\alpha(t)\coloneqq \begin{cases}t^{1/(d+2)},& \textbf{(C1)},\\ \left(\frac{t}{\ln t}\right)^{1/(d+2)},&\textbf{(C2)}, \end{cases}\qquad \widetilde{H}\coloneqq \begin{cases}\abs{\ln F(0)},& \textbf{(C1)},\\ \frac{2\eta}{d+2},& \textbf{(C2)}. \end{cases}\] Having checked the scaling assumption on \(H\), we now have the Lifshitz tail result: The constant \(\chi\) can be explicitly computed by means of the Faber-Krahn inequality: We now exploit the connection between \(I\) and the distribution of \(\lambda_{n,V}\). This is a classic argument that can be found, for instance, in. We present here a slightly modified version. Let \(n\in\N\) and define a new potential \[V'(x)\coloneqq\begin{cases} \infty,& x\in(2n+2)\Z^d,\\ V(x),&\text{else}. \end{cases}\] Clearly \(V\leq V'\) so for any \(k\in\N\) and \(t\in\R\) we have \[\frac{\#\{\lambda\in\sigma(-\Delta_{(2n+2)k}+V)\,|\,\lambda\leq t\}}{\#\Lambda_{(2n+2)k}}\geq \frac{\#\{\lambda\in\sigma(-\Delta_{(2n+2)k}+V')\,|\,\lambda\leq t\}}{\#\Lambda_{(2n+2)k}}\] where we use implicitly the convention of Dirichlet boundary conditions wherever \(V'\) is infinite. Taking \(k\to\infty\) and noting that the infinities of \(V'\) decompose \(-\Delta_{(2n+2)k}+V'\) in to a direct sum of \((2k)^d\) independent terms equal in distribution to \(-\Delta_{n}+V\) we obtain \[\begin{aligned} I(t)&\geq \left(\lim_{k\to\infty}\frac{(2k)^d}{\#\Lambda_{(2n+2)k}}\right)\EE{\#\{\lambda\in\sigma(-\Delta_{n}+V)\,|\,\lambda\leq t\}}\\ &\geq\left(\frac{1}{2n+2}\right)^d\PPrb{\lambda_{n,V}\leq t}. \end{aligned}\] From the previous inequality, Theorem [\[ThLT\]](#ThLT){reference-type="ref" reference="ThLT"} and Proposition [\[PrCHI\]](#PrCHI){reference-type="ref" reference="PrCHI"} we have \[\label{EqLBEV} \PPrb{\lambda_{n,V}\leq t}\leq C(d) n^{d} I(t)\leq C(d)\,n^{d}\exp\left[-f(1/t)(1+o(1))\right]\quad\text{as } t\downarrow0,\] where we have introduced \(\displaystyle f(t)\coloneqq\frac{\widetilde{H}\omega_d\mu_d^{d/2}\alpha^{-1}(t^{1/2})}{t}\). To finish the proof we need the asymptotic of \(f^{-1}(t)\) as \(t\to\infty\): Going back to [\[EqLBEV\]](#EqLBEV){reference-type="eqref" reference="EqLBEV"} with \(n=\floor{e^m}\) and \(t=1/f^{-1}((1+\delta)d m)\) for some \(m\in\N\) and \(\delta>0\), we see that \[\begin{aligned} \PPrb{\lambda_{\floor{e^m},V}f^{-1}((1+\delta)d m)\leq 1}&\leq C(d) \left(\floor{e^m}\right)^{d}\exp\left[-(1+\delta)d m(1+o(1))\right]\\&\leq C(d)\,e^{-m d\delta/2}, \end{aligned}\] which is summable over \(m\in\N\). Therefore, by the Borel--Cantelli Lemma we have \[1\leq \varliminf_{m\to\infty} \lambda_{\floor{e^m},V}f^{-1}((1+\delta)d m)=(1+\delta)^{2/d} \varliminf_{m\to\infty} \lambda_{\floor{e^m},V}f^{-1}(d m)\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.}\] As in the proof of Proposition [\[PrY\]](#PrY){reference-type="ref" reference="PrY"}, we define \(m(n)\in\N\) by \(\floor{e^{m(n)}}\leq n<\floor{e^{m(n)+1}}\), so that \(\ln n\sim_n (m(n)+1)\). Since \(n\mapsto\lambda_{n,V}\) is monotone decreasing we have \[\begin{aligned} \varliminf_{n\to\infty} \lambda_{n,V}f^{-1}(d \ln n)&\geq \varliminf_{n\to\infty} \lambda_{\floor{e^{m(n)+1}},V}f^{-1}(d \ln n)\\&=\varliminf_{n\to\infty} \lambda_{\floor{e^{m(n)+1}},V}f^{-1}(d(m(n)+1))\geq (1+\delta)^{-2/d}\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.} \end{aligned}\] By sending \(\delta\to 0\) and replacing the \(f^{-1}\) term by its asymptotic given in Proposition [\[PrF\]](#PrF){reference-type="ref" reference="PrF"} we obtain the desired result of this subsection. # Landscape Function We start this section by deriving some general properties of landscape functions. For a finite \(A\subseteq\Z^d\) and \(W:A\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) we introduce the Green function (with \(0\) as spectral parameter) \[G_{A,W}(x,y)\coloneqq\begin{cases} \hp{\delta_x}{(-\Delta_A+W)^{-1}\delta_y}_{\ell^2(A)},&(x,y)\in A\times A,\\0,&(x,y)\in (\Z^d\times\Z^d)\setminus(A\times A). \end{cases}\] This function is known to be symmetric, non-negative, decreasing on the potential \(W\); and to satisfy the geometric resolvent identity (see ): if \(A'\subseteq A\) then \[G_{A,W}(x,y)=G_{A',W}(x,y)+\sum_{(i,j)\in\partial A'}G_{A',W}(x,i)G_{A,W}(j,y),\] where \(\partial A'\coloneqq\{(i,j)\in\Z^d\times\Z^d\,|\,i\in A',\,j\notin A',\,\abs{i-j}=1\}\) is the boundary of \(A'\). By extending the definition of \(L_{A,W}\) to \(L_{A,W}(x)\coloneqq\sum_{y\in \Z^d}G_{A,W}(x,y)\) for all \(x\in\Z^d\), the previously stated properties of \(G_{A,W}\) translate into non-negativity, potential monotonicity and domain monotonicity of landscape functions: - \(L_{A,W}\geq0\) and \(L_{A,W}(x)=0\) if \(x\in\Z^d\setminus A\). - If \(0\leq W'\leq W\) then \(L_{A,W}\leq L_{A,W'}\). - If \(A'\subseteq A\) then \[\label{EqGRI} L_{A,W}(x)=L_{A',W}(x)+\sum_{(i,j)\in\partial A'}G_{A',W}(x,i)L_{A,W}(j)\geq L_{A',W}(x).\] Our last general property is that \(\lambda_{A,W}\norm{L_{A,W}}_\infty\) is bounded from above and bellow by two positive constants uniformly on \(A\) and \(W\). This is based on the following upper bound of the \(\ell^\infty\to\ell^\infty\) norm of the semigroup, which can be found, for the continuous setting, in. We could not find a proof in the literature for the discrete case, so we provide one in Appendix A. As an an immediate consequence we obtain: ## Proof of Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} i) We start with the asymptotic of the sup-norm of the landscape function on balls with \(0\) potential. Recall the definitions of \(\epsilon_n\), \(Y_n\), \(x_n\) and \(y_n\) from Subsection 2.1 and notice that Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"} can be restated as \(\lambda_{n,V}\sim_n\frac{\mu_d}{y_n^2}\[\mathbb{P}\)-a.s. From domain monotonicity of landscape functions we have \]L_{n,V}\geq L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d,V}.\[ For **(C1)**, \(V\) is identically \(0\) in \(B(x_n,Y_n)\cap\Z^d\) so Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"}, Proposition [\[PrLFB\]](#PrLFB){reference-type="ref" reference="PrLFB"} and translation invariance give \]\varliminf_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty\geq \lim_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,0}}_\infty=\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{\mu_d}{y_n^2}\frac{Y_n^2}{2d}=\frac{\mu_d}{2d}\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.}\[ For **(C2)**, we use the second resolvent identity, domain monotonicity of the eigenvalue, and Propositions [\[PrEVLF\]](#PrEVLF){reference-type="ref" reference="PrEVLF"}, [\[PrLFB\]](#PrLFB){reference-type="ref" reference="PrLFB"}, [\[PrY\]](#PrY){reference-type="ref" reference="PrY"} to obtain \]\begin{aligned} \lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,0}-L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,V}}_\infty&= \lambda_{n,V}\norm{(-\Delta_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,0})^{-1}V L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,V}}_\infty\\ &\leq C(d)\epsilon_n \norm{L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,0}}_\infty\\ &\leq C(d)\epsilon_n Y_n^2 \end{aligned}\[ which implies \]\begin{aligned} \varliminf_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty&\geq \lim_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,V}}_\infty\\&=\lim_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{B(x_n,Y_n)\cap \Z^d,0}}_\infty=\frac{\mu_d}{2d}\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.} \end{aligned}\[ This concludes the proof of Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} i). ## Proof of Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} ii) We assume from this point on that \(d=1\). We set \(\II{a}{b}\coloneqq[a,b]\cap \Z\) for any two \(a,b\in\Z\). This proof is based on the following deterministic bound of the Green function in terms of the values of the potential. With the previous proposition in mind we define for \(\delta>0\) and \(x\in\Z^d\) \]\begin{aligned} Z^+_\delta(x)&\coloneqq\min\left\{n\in\N\,\middle|\,\sum_{j=1}^n(n+1-j)V(x+j)>\delta^{-1}\right\},\\ Z^-_\delta(x)&\coloneqq\min\left\{n\in\N\,\middle|\,\sum_{j=1}^n(n+1-j)V(x-j)>\delta^{-1}\right\},\\ A_\delta(x)&\coloneqq\II{x-Z^-_\delta(x)}{x+Z^+_\delta(x)}. \end{aligned}\[ Notice that \(V(x)\) is not included in the definition of \(Z^\pm_\delta(x)\) and therefore \(Z^+_\delta(x)\) and \(Z^-_\delta(x)\) are independent for all \(x\in\Z\). It follows from [\[EqGRI\]](#EqGRI){reference-type="eqref" reference="EqGRI"}, the definitions above, potential monotonicity, and Propositions [\[PrEVLF\]](#PrEVLF){reference-type="ref" reference="PrEVLF"}, [\[PrGF\]](#PrGF){reference-type="ref" reference="PrGF"} that \]\begin{aligned} \lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty&\leq \lambda_{n,V}\max_{x\in\Lambda_n}\left[L_{A_\delta(x),0}(x)+2\delta\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty\right]\\ &\leq \lambda_{n,V}\max_{x\in\Lambda_n}\norm{L_{A_\delta(x),0}}_\infty+2\delta C(1). \end{aligned}\[ By domain monotonicity and translation invariance, the last maximum above is attained at the \(x\in\Lambda_n\) that also maximises \(\#A_\delta(x)=Z^+_\delta(x)+Z^-_\delta(x)+1\). Moreover, \(V\) being i.i.d. implies \(\lim_{n\to\infty}\max_{x\in\Lambda_n}Z^+_\delta(x)+Z^-_\delta(x)=\infty\quad\mathbb{P}\)-a.s. and therefore Proposition [\[PrLFB\]](#PrLFB){reference-type="ref" reference="PrLFB"} and Theorem [\[Th1\]](#Th1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th1"} give \]\varlimsup_{n\to\infty}\lambda_{n,V}\norm{L_{n,V}}_\infty\leq\frac{\mu_1}{2} \varlimsup_{n\to\infty}\left(\frac{\max_{x\in\Lambda_n}Z^+_\delta(x)+Z^-_\delta(x)}{2y_n}\right)^2+2\delta C(1)\quad\mathbb{P}\text{-a.s.}\[ The proof of Theorem [\[Th2\]](#Th2){reference-type="ref" reference="Th2"} ii) is finished with the next proposition followed by the limit \(\delta\to0\).
{'timestamp': '2022-03-29T02:26:56', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01059', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01059'}
# Introduction Linear programming problems (LPPs) are the simplest kind of optimization problem that are widely used to solve many real-life problems. In conventional LPPs, all the parameters and decision variables are taken to be precise real numbers. However, in practical situations due to various uncontrollable factors, the data may not be available as crisp values. It may involve some vagueness/ambiguity in all or some of the parameters and/or decision variables of the problem. A general fuzzy LPP can be modeled as follows: Zadeh developed the concept of fuzzy sets which incorporated imprecision in the data successfully. Motivated by Zadeh's concept of fuzzy sets, Zimmermann initiated and developed the theory to solve fuzzy linear programming problems (FLPPs). Tanaka and Asai had first introduced the FLPPs in which both the parameters and decision variables were represented by fuzzy numbers. Initially, the researchers had extended the classical methods which were used to solve crisp LPPs to deal with FLPPs such as simplex algorithm, two-phase approach, etc. But, later on, these were proven to be incompatible with fuzzy theory. After that, linear ranking functions have been widely employed to convert FLPPs into crisp optimization problems. However, the ranking functions fail to order two such fuzzy numbers (FNs) which seems to be distinguished to a decision-maker. To overcome such limitations for the ordering of FNs, the idea of lexicographic ranking criteria came which uses multiple parameters at a time associated with an FN and hence is a more effective and powerful ordering criterion. The fuzzy theory was later on extended to the intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, which is more general than the former. The detailed literature can be seen in Section 2 of this article. It was observed that while handling the uncertain and hesitant data, the intuitionistic fuzzy sets utilize exact or crisp real numbers to assign a membership and non-membership degrees for each element of the set. However, in practical situations, a decision-maker may fails to give these degrees with full confidence. Consequently, the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy sets are extended to the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) sets, which is the key motivation for our present study. The IVIF sets use an interval to define the acceptance and rejection degrees of each element in the set. Moreover, to represent a realistic situation mathematically, \(LR\)-type fuzzy numbers play a crucial role in optimization theory since any type of variation in the input data can be reflected in the mathematical model using different \(L\) and \(R\) functions. Thus, we have firstly defined the concept of \(LR\)-type IVIF numbers and then considered an LPP having all the parameters and decision variables as \(LR\)-type IVIF numbers. Further, an approach for solving such LPPs using a lexicographic ranking methodology has been proposed. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study in the literature, describing the arithmetic operations on \(LR\)-type IVIF numbers (IVIFNs) and to find the unique optimal IVIF solution for an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem (IVIFLPP) having both linear equalities and inequalities with all the parameters represented by \(LR\)-type IVIFNs and decision variables as unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. In many practical problems like selling / purchase of some units or profit / loss etc., unrestricted decision variables are required which can be handled through this formulation. To sum up, the key features of the present work are listed as follows: 1. On the basis of \((\alpha, \beta)\)-cut of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, we define the score and accuracy indices of these numbers. 2. The basic arithmetic operations on unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFNs are developed using the \((\alpha, \beta)\)-cut. 3. Using the total order properties of the lexicographic criterion, a ranking of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs has been proposed. 4. Based on the introduced lexicographic ranking criterion, the \(LR\)-type IVIFLPP is converted to an equivalent mixed \(0\[1\) lexicographic non-linear programming problem for finding a unique optimal IVIF solution of the \(LR\)-type fully IVIFLPP. 5. Various theorems are established to show the equivalence between the various problems obtained in the proposed algorithm. 6. A practical application in production planning is constructed, solved and examined using the proposed technique. The rest of the paper is summarized as follows: In Section 2, a detailed literature review on fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy and IVIF theory is given. Section 3 includes some basic definitions and arithmetic operations on \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. A lexicographic ranking criterion is also proposed to rank two \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. The mathematical formulation of an IVIFLPP is described in Section 4 and a lexicographic method has been proposed to find the unique IVIF optimal solution of \(LR\)-type IVIFLPPs. In Section 5, the advantages of the proposed method are listed. Section 6 illustrates a numerical example to describe the proposed algorithm. A production planning problem along with its managerial insights is discussed in Section 7. The last section sums up the conclusions and some interesting future directions. # Literature review ## Fuzzy LPP In the model (P), if all the parameters are taken to be fuzzy numbers (FNs), then the problem is described as a fuzzy linear programming problem (FLPP). In the literature, several methods have been proposed to solve these models depending on which parameters and/or decision variables are taken to be fuzzy. A comprehensive survey on FLPPs can be found in Ebrahimnejad and Verdegay. Hashemi et al. considered a fully FLPP with inequality constraints having all the parameters and decision variables to be given by symmetric \(LR\)-type FNs and proposed a two-phase solution approach by using the lexicographic comparison of the mean and standard deviation of FNs. Allahviranloo et al. used a ranking function to develop a solution algorithm to deal with the fully FLPPs having inequality constraints. Later on, Kumar et al. proposed a methodology to solve the fully FLPPs with equality constraints where parameters were taken to be unrestricted and decision variables as non-negative triangular FNs. After that, Najafi and Edalatpanah proposed some corrections to the methodology of Kumar et al.. Khan et al. studied a fully FLPP where parameters and decision variables were taken to be triangular FNs and proposed a method by making use of some ranking function. Ozkok et al. extended the method of Kumar and Kaur to solve fully FLPP with all types of constraints having parameters as unrestricted and decision variables as non-negative triangular FNs. Najafi et al. examined a fully FLPP having equality constraints with parameters as well as decision variables to be expressed by unrestricted triangular FNs and developed a solution technique by converting the original model to a non-linear model. Later, Gong and Zhao considered a fully FLPP with equality constraints and proposed a method in which the problem is first transformed into a crisp multi-objective LPP and then solved by using various approaches. Arana-Jiménez presented a new method to find fuzzy optimal (nondominated) solutions of fully FLPPs having inequality constraints with triangular fuzzy numbers and not necessarily symmetric, via solving a multiobjective linear problem with crisp numbers. Kaur and Kumar analyzed that by employing the existing approaches for solving fully FLPP, the obtained optimal solution is not necessarily unique. To overcome this limitation, they have defined a lexicographic criterion for ranking trapezoidal FNs and introduced an approach to find the unique optimal solution of fully FLPP having equality constraints with unrestricted parameters and non-negative decision variables. On similar lines, Ezzati et al. introduced a lexicographic method to solve a fully FLPP with equality constraints having parameters as unrestricted triangular fuzzy and decision variables to be non-negative triangular fuzzy. Further, Mottaghi et al. solved a fully FLPP with inequality constraints by introducing non-negative fuzzy slack and surplus variables for converting the inequalities into fuzzy equality constraints. Based on a lexicographic criterion for ranking of \(LR\)-type FNs, Hosseinzadeh and Edalatpanah devised a method to solve a fully FLPP having only equality constraints where the parameters and decision variables were taken to be non-positive or non-negative \(LR\)-type FNs. After that, Kaur and Kumar introduced a lexicographic technique for obtaining the unique optimal solution of a fully FLPP with equality constraints having parameters and decision variables as unrestricted \(LR\)-type FNs. They pointed out that no method exists to obtain the unique optimal solution of a fully FLPP having inequalities in the set of constraints. But, some researchers solved fully FLPPs with inequality constraints by transforming them into equality constraints using fuzzy slack and surplus variables. However, in the case of FNs, such transformations are not correct mathematically and may lead to infeasible solutions for the considered FLPP. Later, Das et al. proposed a lexicographic method to solve a fully FLPP with all types of constraints keeping parameters as unrestricted and decision variables as non-negative trapezoidal FNs. But Ebrahimnejad and Verdegay demonstrated that this method is not suitable to deal with the fully FLPP having inequality constraints as the authors utilized different order relation for inequality constraints than that was used for the objective function, which is clearly false. Consequently, Ebrahimnejad and Verdegay suggested a correction by replacing the inequalities with a set of crisp linear inequalities. Pérez-Cañedo and Concepción-Morales introduced a method to solve a fully FLPP having equality and inequality constraints with parameters and decision variables as unrestricted \(LR\)-type FNs, using the lexicographic ranking criterion for the objective function and the set of inequality constraints. Recently, Tadesse et al. described a geometrical approach to handle the fully FLLP having non-negative decision variables. Further, some other significant applications of fuzzy theory can be found in studies of. ## Intuitionistic fuzzy LPP Atanassov generalized Zadeh's concept of fuzzy sets by introducing intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) in order to include uncertainty as well as hesitation in the involved parameters. Angelov was the first to apply the IFS theory to optimization problems. Mahapatra and Roy developed the arithmetic operations on triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs) and did reliability evaluation using these numbers. A linear programming problem (P) having equality and inequality constraints with all the parameters and decision variables expressed by IFNs is classified as a fully intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem (IFLPP). Nagoorgani and Ponnalagu proposed a method to solve an IFLPP with inequality constraints only. Using a ranking function for IFNs, Suresh et al. introduced a method to solve IFLPPs. Singh and Yadav suggested the modelling and optimization of the multi-objective non-linear programming problem in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Later, Arefi and Taheri proposed the product of \(LR\)-type IFNs when both the numbers are either non-negative or non-positive or one is non-negative, and the other is non-positive. However, the remaining cases are not discussed. Then, Singh and Yadav introduced the product of unrestricted \(LR\)-type IFNs using \((\alpha, \beta)\)-cut and proposed a method for solving fully IFLPPs using score and accuracy indices of \(LR\)-type IFNs. More review of IFS theory and its application to fully IFLPP can be seen in. Later on, Pérez-Cañedo and Concepción-Morales proposed a method using the total order properties of the lexicographic ranking criterion for finding the unique optimal intuitionistic fuzzy solution of a fully IFLPP having equality as well as inequality constraints with all the parameters and/or decision variables represented by unrestricted \(LR\)-type IFNs. Recently, Akram et al. introduced a class of fully Pythagorean fuzzy linear programming problems with equality constraints and suggested a linear ranking function based approach to handle such problems. ## Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy LPP In view of real-life situations, it is more flexible and viable to represent the membership and non-membership degrees of an element by intervals rather than crisp real numbers. Hence, Atanassov and Gargov proposed the concept of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) sets. Optimizing a linear objective function over a set of linear constraints (P) where all the parameters and decision variables expressed by interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFNs) is termed as a fully interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem (IVIFLPP). Several researchers had used the idea of IVIF theory for dealing with realistic decision-making problems. Ishibuchi and Tanaka were the first to solve a multi-objective programming problem in which coefficients of the objective function are intervals instead of crisp numbers. Şahin suggested a ranking of IVIFNs. The basic theory and various rankings of interval-valued fuzzy numbers can be reviewed in works of. Yang et al. had studied the combination of interval-valued fuzzy sets and soft sets. Zhang et al. defined the \(LR\)-type interval-valued triangular FNs and proposed a method for solving multi-criteria decision-making problems with \(LR\)-type interval valued triangular fuzzy assessments and unknown weights. Garg et al. gave an intuitionistic fuzzy optimization approach using an interval environment to solve multi-objective reliability optimization problems. Later on, Akbari and Hesamian introduced signed-distance measures to rank \(LR\)-type interval-valued FNs and applied it to solve a multi-criteria group-decision making problem. Bharati and Singh proposed a method to solve a multi-objective LPP in IVIF situations. Recently, Bharati and Singh introduced an approach for solving an IVIFLPP having unrestricted parameters while decision variables are taken to be non-negative. A brief description of the various approaches to deal with FLPPs, IFLPPs and our proposed methodology is presented in Table [\[table1\]](#table1){reference-type="ref" reference="table1"}. # Preliminaries In this section, we have introduced the basic concepts related to \(LR\)-type IVIFNs followed by the arithmetic operations on them.\ . Let \(X\) be the universal set and \(Int[0,1]\) denote the set of all subintervals of the interval \([0,1]\). An interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set (IVIFS) is defined as a set \(\tilde{A}=\{ (x, \mu_{\tilde{A}}(x), \nu_{\tilde{A}}(x)): x \in X \}\), where \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}: X \rightarrow Int[0,1]\) and \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}: X \rightarrow Int[0,1]\) represent the interval-valued membership and non-membership functions respectively, provided \(~~0 \leq \text{Sup} (\mu_{\tilde{A}}(x)) +\text{Sup}( \nu_{\tilde{A}}(x)) \leq 1,\) \(\forall~ x \in X\).\ A set \(\tilde{A}=\{ (x, \mu_{\tilde{A}}(x), \nu_{\tilde{A}}(x)): x \in X \}\) where \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}=[\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}]\) and \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}=[\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}]\) is called a convex IVIFS if \(\forall~ x_1, x_2 \in X,~0 \leq \lambda \leq 1,\) the following conditions are satisfied: - \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^L(\lambda x_1+(1-\lambda) x_2) \geq \min \{ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^L(x_1), \mu_{\tilde{A}}^L(x_2)\},\) - \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^U(\lambda x_1+(1-\lambda) x_2) \geq \min \{ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^U(x_1), \mu_{\tilde{A}}^U(x_2)\},\) - \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^L(\lambda x_1+(1-\lambda) x_2) \leq \max \{\nu_{\tilde{A}}^L(x_1), \nu_{\tilde{A}}^L(x_2)\}\) and - \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^U(\lambda x_1+(1-\lambda) x_2) \leq \max \{\nu_{\tilde{A}}^U(x_1), \nu_{\tilde{A}}^U(x_2)\}.\) An IVIF set \(\tilde{A}\) in \(X\) is called normal IVIFS if there exist \(x_1,x_2 \in X\) such that \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}(x_1)=1\) and \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}(x_2)=1\).\ An IVIF set \(\tilde{A}=\{ (x, \mu_{\tilde{A}}(x), \nu_{\tilde{A}}(x)): x \in \mathbb{R} \}\) is called an IVIFN if the following conditions hold: - \(\tilde{A}\) is a convex IVIFS in \(\mathbb{R}\), - \(\tilde{A}\) is a normal IVIFS and - \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^L\), \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^U\), \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^L\) and \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^U\) are piecewise continuous functions from \(\mathbb{R}\) to \[0,1\]. Mathematically, lower-upper membership and non-membership functions of an IVIFN \(\tilde{A}\) can be represented as: \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a,\\ g_1(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a-l^{\mu}_L <x<a,\\ g_2(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a<x<a+r^{\mu}_L,\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise}, \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \hskip 3em & \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a,\\ h_1(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a-l'^{\mu}_U<x<a,\\ h_2(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a<x<a+r'^{\mu}_U,\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise,} \end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} 0, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a,\\ l_1(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a-l^{\nu}_L <x<a,\\ l_2(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a<x<a+r^{\nu}_L,\\ 1, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \mbox{and} \hskip 2em & \nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} 0, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a,\\ m_1(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a-l'^{\nu}_U<x<a,\\ m_2(x), & \mbox{if} ~~ a<x<a+r'^{\nu}_U,\\ 1, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ where 1. \(g_1\), \(h_1\), \(l_2\) and \(m_2\) are piecewise continuous and strictly increasing functions, 2. \(g_2\), \(h_2\), \(l_1\) and \(m_1\) are piecewise continuous and strictly decreasing functions, 3. \(g_1(x) \leq h_1(x),~g_2(x) \leq h_2(x),~l_1(x) \leq m_1(x),~ l_2(x) \leq m_2(x),~~\forall~x \in \mathbb{R},\) 4. \(a\) is called the mean value of \(\tilde{A}\), 5. \(l^{\mu}_{L},~l'^{\mu}_{U},~l^{\nu}_{L}~\mbox{and}~l'^{\nu}_{U}\) are respectively the left spreads of \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},~ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}, ~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}~\mbox{and}~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}\) and 6. \(r^{\mu}_{L},~r'^{\mu}_{U},~ r^{\nu}_{L}~\mbox{and}~r'^{\nu}_{U}\) are respectively the right spreads of \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},~ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U},~ \nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}~\mbox{and}~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}\). It can be represented as \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})\). The graphical representation of an IVIFN \(\tilde{A}\) is given in Fig. [\[FIG:1\]](#FIG:1){reference-type="ref" reference="FIG:1"}.\ . A triangular IVIFN (TIVIFN) is denoted by \(\tilde{A}=\{ (a_1^U, a_1^L, a_2, a_3^L, a_3^U), (b_1^{L}, b_1^U, a_2, b_3^U, b_3^L) \}\), and its membership and non-membership degrees are defined as follows: - Lower and upper membership functions are respectively given by: \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{x-a_1^L}{a_2-a_1^L}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_1^L <x<a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{a_3^L-x}{a_3^L-a_2}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_2<x<a_3^L,\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \mbox{and} \hskip 2em &\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{x-a_1^U}{a_2-a_1^U}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_1^U <x<a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{a_3^U-x}{a_3^U-a_2}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_2<x<a_3^U,\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ - Lower and upper non-membership functions are respectively defined as: \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} \medskip 0, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a_2,\\ \medskip \displaystyle\frac{a_2-x}{a_2-b_1^L}, & \mbox{if} ~~ b_1^L <x<a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{a_2-x}{a_2-b_3^L}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_2<x<b_3^L,\\ 1, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \mbox{and} \hskip 2em &\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} \medskip 0, & \mbox{if} ~~ x=a_2,\\ \medskip \displaystyle\frac{x-a_2}{b_1^U-a_2}, & \mbox{if} ~~ b_1^U <x<a_2,\\ \displaystyle\frac{x-a_2}{b_3^U-a_2}, & \mbox{if} ~~ a_2<x<b_3^U,\\ 1, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ where  \(b_{1}^{L}\leq b_{1}^{U}\leq a_{1}^{U}\leq a_{1}^{L}\leq a_{2}\leq a_{3}^{L}\leq a_{3}^{U}\leq b_{3}^{U}\leq b_{3}^{L}\). The diagrammatic representation of a TIVIFN is shown in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}.\ . A function \(f: [0, \infty) \to [0, 1]\) is said to be shape function or reference function if it satisfies the following conditions: 1. \(f(0) = 1\), 2. \(f\) is invertible on \([0, \infty)\), 3. \(f\) is continuous function on \([0, \infty)\), 4. \(f\) is strictly decreasing on \([0, \infty)\) and 5. \(\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} f(x)=0.\) An IVIFN \(\tilde{A}\) is said to be \(LR\)-type IVIFN if there exist shape functions \(L, R, L'~ \mbox{and}~ R'\), and positive real constants \(l^{\mu}_{L},~r^{\mu}_{L},~l'^{\mu}_{U} ,~r'^{\mu}_{U} ,~l^{\nu}_{L} ,~r^{\nu}_{L} ,~l'^{\nu}_{U}~\mbox{and}~r'^{\nu}_{U}\), such that its - Lower and upper membership functions, respectively are defined as: \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\mu}_{L}}\Bigg), & a-l^{\mu}_{L} \leq x \leq a,\\\\ R\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\mu}_{L}}\Bigg), & a \leq x \leq a+r^{\mu}_{L},\\ ~0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \mbox{and} \hskip 2em & \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} L'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l'^{\mu}_{U}}\Bigg), & a-l'^{\mu}_{U} \leq x \leq a,\\\\ R'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r'^{\mu}_{U}}\Bigg), & a \leq x \leq a+r'^{\mu}_{U},\\ ~0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ - Lower and upper non-membership functions, respectively are given by: \]\begin{aligned} {2} & \begin{aligned} &\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x)=\begin{cases} 1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg), & a-l^{\nu}_{L} \leq x \leq a,\\\\ 1-R\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg), & a \leq x \leq a+r^{\nu}_{L},\\ ~1, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} & \hskip 2em \mbox{and} \hskip 2em & \nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x)= \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} 1-L'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l'^{\nu}_{U}}\Bigg), & a-l'^{\nu}_{U} \leq x \leq a,\\\\ 1-R'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r'^{\nu}_{U}}\Bigg), & a \leq x \leq a+r'^{\nu}_{U},\\ ~1, & \mbox{otherwise}\end{cases}\\[5.1ex] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\[ where \(l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq l^{\mu}_{L} ,~~r'^{\mu}_{U} \geq r^{\mu}_{L} ,~~l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{U} ,~~r^{\nu}_{L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{U} ,~~l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l^{\mu}_{L} ,~r^{\nu}_{L} \geq r^{\mu}_{L} ,~~l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{U} ,~~r'^{\nu}_{U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{U}\) and\ \(0 \leq \mbox{Sup}\{\mu_{\tilde{A}}(x)\}+\mbox{Sup}\{\nu_{\tilde{A}}(x)\} \leq 1,~\forall ~x \in \mathbb{R}\). \(a\) is called the mean value of \(\tilde{A}\); \(l^{\mu}_{L},~l'^{\mu}_{U},~l^{\nu}_{L}~\mbox{and}~l'^{\nu}_{U}\) are respectively the left spreads of \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},~ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}, ~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}~\mbox{and}~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}\), and \(r^{\mu}_{L},~r'^{\mu}_{U},~ r^{\nu}_{L}~\mbox{and}~r'^{\nu}_{U}\) are the respective right spreads of \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L},~ \mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U},~ \nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}~\mbox{and}~\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}\). An \(LR\)-type IVIFN is denoted by \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) and its possible general graphical representation is shown in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. Let \(IV(\mathbb{R})\) represents the set of all \(LR\)-type IVIFNs.\ Taking \(L(x)=R(x)=L'(x)=R'(x)=\max \{0, 1-x \},~\forall~ x \in \mathbb{R}\), the Definition \(3.7\) reduces to Definition \(3.5\).\ An \(LR\)-type IVIFN \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) is called an unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFN if \(a\) is any real number.\ An \(LR\)-type IVIFN \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) is called non-negative (positive) if\ \(a-l^{\nu}_{L} \geq (>)~0\) and non-positive (negative) if \(a+r^{\nu}_{L} \leq(<)~ 0\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then, \(\forall~\alpha,\beta \in (0,1]~ \mbox{and} ~\alpha+\beta \leq 1,\)* 1. *its lower \(\alpha\)-cut for membership and lower \(\beta\)-cut for non-membership are respectively, given by\ \ \(A_{\alpha}^{L}= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)]~~~\mbox{and}~~~A_{\beta}^{L}= [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)*\ 2. *its upper \(\alpha\)-cut for membership and upper \(\beta\)-cut for non-membership, respectively are\ \ \(A_{\alpha}^{U}= [a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)]~~~\mbox{and}~~~A_{\beta}^{U}= [a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)*\ 3. *its lower and upper \((\alpha, \beta)\)-cut respectively, are\ \ \(A_{\alpha, \beta}^{L}= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)]~ \cap ~[a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)]~~\mbox{and}\)\ \ \(A_{\alpha, \beta}^{U}=[a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)]~ \cap ~[a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)* ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. For \(\alpha \in (0,1]\), \(~\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x) \geq \alpha ~~~\mbox{implies}\) \]L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\mu}_{L}}\Bigg) \geq \alpha~\mbox{and}~R\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\mu}_{L}}\Bigg) \geq \alpha.\[ \(\mbox{Since \)L\( and \)R\( are decreasing functions, therefore}\) \]\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\mu}_{L}} \leq L^{-1}(\alpha),~\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\mu}_{L}} \leq R^{-1}(\alpha).\[ \(\mbox{It further yields}\) \]a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha) \leq x \leq a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha).\[ Hence, \]A_{\alpha}^{L}= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)].\[ Now, for \(\beta \in (0,1]~ \mbox{such that}~ \alpha+\beta \leq 1,\)\ \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{L}(x) \leq \beta~~\mbox{gives}\) \]1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg) \leq \beta~\mbox{and}~1-R\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg) \leq \beta\[ \(\mbox{which implies}\) \]\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l^{\nu}_{L}} \leq L^{-1}(1-\beta),~\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r^{\nu}_{L}} \leq R^{-1}(1-\beta).\[ Thus, \]A_{\beta}^{L}= [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\[ This proves \((i)\). 2. Applying \(\alpha\)-cut on the upper membership function, that is, \(\mu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x) \geq \alpha\), \(\alpha \in (0,1]\), we get \]L'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l'^{\mu}_{U}}\Bigg) \geq \alpha~\mbox{and}~R'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r'^{\mu}_{U}}\Bigg) \geq \alpha.\[ Using the fact that \(L^{\prime}\) and \(R^{\prime}\) are decreasing functions, it follows that \]\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l'^{\mu}_{U}} \leq (L')^{-1}(\alpha)~\mbox{and}~\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r'^{\mu}_{U}} \leq (R')^{-1}(\alpha).\[ This after simplification gives \]a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha) \leq x \leq a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha).\[ Therefore, \]A_{\alpha}^{U}= [a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)].\[ Similarly, for \(\beta \in (0,1]~\mbox{such that}~ \alpha+\beta \leq 1,\) the expression \(\nu_{\tilde{A}}^{U}(x) \leq \beta\) yields \]1-L'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a-x}{l'^{\nu}_{U}}\Bigg) \leq \beta~\mbox{and}~1-R'\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x-a}{r'^{\nu}_{U}}\Bigg) \leq \beta.\[ This finally gives \]A_{\beta}^{U}= [a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\[ Hence proved part \((ii)\). 3. From \((i)\), the lower \(\alpha\)-cut for membership and the lower \(\beta\)-cut for non-membership of \(\tilde{A}\) are respectively, given by \]A_{\alpha}^{L}= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)]~~~~\mbox{and}~~~A_{\beta}^{L}= [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\[ It yields\ \]\hspace{-9.65cm}A_{\alpha, \beta}^{L}=A_{\alpha}^{L} \cap A_{\beta}^{L}\[ \]= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)] ~\cap~ [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\[ On the same lines, the proof of \(A_{\alpha, \beta}^{U}\) can also be obtained. Hence, the result. Let \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then, the score and accuracy indices of \(\tilde{A}\) are denoted by \(S(\tilde{A})\) and \(A(\tilde{A})\), respectively and are defined by:\ \(S(\tilde{A}):=\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)+a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\big) d\alpha-\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~+a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)+a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)+a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\big) d\beta\)\ \(A(\tilde{A}):=\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)+a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\big) d\alpha +\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~+a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)+a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)+a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\big) d\beta\)\ If \(l_{L}^{\mu}= l'^{\mu}_{U},~r_{L}^{\mu}= r'^{\mu}_{U},~l^{\nu}_{L}=l'^{\nu}_{U}\) and \(r^{\nu}_{L}=r'^{\nu}_{U}\), then the Definition 3.10 reduces to the corresponding definition for \(LR\)-type IFNs given in Singh and Yadav.\ *Let \(\tilde{A}=(a; a-a_1^L, a_3^L-a, a-a_1^U, a_3^U-a; a-b_1^{L}, b_3^L-a, a-b_1^U, b_3^U-a)_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type TIVIFN. Then, the score and accuracy indices of \(LR\)-type TIVIFN \(\tilde{A}\) are respectively, given by: \]S(\tilde{A})=\displaystyle\frac{a_1^L+a_3^L+a_1^U+a_3^U-b_1^L-b_3^L-b_1^U-b_3^U}{8},\[ \]A(\tilde{A})=\displaystyle\frac{a_1^L+a_3^L+a_1^U+a_3^U+8a+b_1^L+b_3^L+b_1^U+b_3^U}{8}.\[* From Definition 3.10, we have\ \(S(\tilde{A}):=\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)+a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\big) d\alpha-\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\) \]\hspace{0.5cm}+a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)+a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)+a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\big) d\beta\[ \(A(\tilde{A}):=\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)+a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)+a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\big) d\alpha +\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} \big(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\) \]\hspace{0.5cm}+a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)+a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)+a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\big) d\beta\[ Now, since \(\tilde{A}\) is a TIVIFN, therefore \]L(x)=R(x)=L'(x)=R'(x)=\max \{0, 1-x \},~\forall~x \in \mathbb{R}.\[ Hence, for \(\alpha \in (0,1]\), we have \]\hspace{4.5cm} L(\alpha)=L^{\prime}(\alpha)=R(\alpha)=R^{\prime}(\alpha)=1-\alpha.\[ This further implies \]\hspace{4cm} L^{-1}(\alpha)=R^{-1}(\alpha)=(L')^{-1}(\alpha)=(R')^{-1}(\alpha)=1-\alpha.\[ Substituting the expressions from the equations \((3)\) and \((4)\) in \((1)\) and \((2)\), we obtain\ \]S(\tilde{A})=\displaystyle\frac{a_1^L+a_3^L+a_1^U+a_3^U-b_1^L-b_3^L-b_1^U-b_3^U}{8}~~~~\mbox{and}\[ \]A(\tilde{A})=\displaystyle\frac{a_1^L+a_3^L+a_1^U+a_3^U+8a+b_1^L+b_3^L+b_1^U+b_3^U}{8}.\[ Hence the result.\ ## Arithmetic operations on LR-type IVIFNs In this subsection, the basic arithmetic operations on \(LR\)-type IVIFNs are discussed. Here, we have introduced the addition operator \((\oplus)\), subtraction operator \((\ominus)\) and product operator \((\odot)\) for \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. The following propositions discuss the detailed expressions for the addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and product operations on these numbers.\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},\\l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be two \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. Then,* 1. \(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2=(a_1+a_2; l_{1L}^{\mu}+l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu}+r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR},\)\ \ *where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ 2. \(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2=(a_1-a_2; l_{1L}^{\mu}+r_{2L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu}+l_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR},\)\ *where the conditions for \(LR\)-type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\ominus \tilde{A}_2\) are fulfilled.* In view of Theorem 3.1, the \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)-cuts of \(\tilde{A}_1 ~\mbox{and} ~\tilde{A}_2\) are respectively, given by \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2.5cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} A_{1\alpha}^{L}= [a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{1\alpha}^{U}= [a_1-l'^{\mu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{1\beta}^{L}= [a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)],\\\\ A_{1\beta}^{U}= [a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)]. \end{array} \right\} \label{2}\[ \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2.5cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} A_{2\alpha}^{L}= [a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{2\alpha}^{U}= [a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{2\beta}^{L}= [a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)],\\\\ A_{2\beta}^{U}= [a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)]. \\\\ \end{array} \right\} \label{2}\[ 1. From the Eqs. \((5)~\mbox{and}~ (6)\), we get\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=A_{1\alpha}^{L}+A_{2\alpha}^{L}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=[a_1+a_2-(l^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L})L^{-1}(\alpha),a_1+a_2+(r^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L})R^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}=A_{1\alpha}^{U}+A_{2\alpha}^{U}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= [a_1+a_2-(l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U})(L')^{-1}(\alpha),a_1+a_2+(r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U})(R')^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=A_{1\beta}^{L}+A_{2\beta}^{L}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=[a_1+a_2-(l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L})L^{-1}(1-\beta),a_1+a_2+(r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L})R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=A_{1\beta}^{U}+A_{2\beta}^{U}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=[a_1+a_2-(l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U})(L')^{-1}(1-\beta),a_1+a_2+(r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U})(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ Since \(L, R, L'~\mbox{and}~R'\) are decreasing functions on \([0, \infty)\) with \(L(0)=R(0)=L'(0)=R'(0)=1\), there exists \(\alpha_{0} \in (0,1]\), such that \(L^{-1}(\alpha_0)=R^{-1}(\alpha_0)= (L')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=(R')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=1\). Hence, \]\hspace{2cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[a_1+a_2-(l^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L}),a_1+a_2+(r^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L})].\[ \]\hspace{2cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{U}=[a_1+a_2-(l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U}), a_1+ a_2+(r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U})].\[ Also, choosing \(\beta_{0}=1-\alpha_{0} \in (0,1]\), we get \]\hspace{2cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{L}=[a_1+a_2-(l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L}), a_1+ a_2+(r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L})].\[ \]\hspace{2cm}\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{U}=[a_1+a_2-(l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U}), a_1+ a_2+(r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U})].\[ Further, \]\hspace{0.5cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{L}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{U}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{L} =\big(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{U}=[a_1+a_2, a_1+a_2].\[ Now, since \(\tilde{A}_1~\mbox{and}~\tilde{A}_2\) are \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, therefore\ \ \(l'^{\mu}_{1U} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L} >0,~~r'^{\mu}_{1U} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{1L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{1U} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{1L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{1U} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{1L} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{1L} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L} >0,\)\ \(l'^{\nu}_{1U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{1U} >0,~~r'^{\nu}_{1U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{1U} >0,~~\) and\ \(l'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~r'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,\)\ \(l'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{2U} >0,~~r'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{2U} >0.\)\ \ Thus, \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~ r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~ l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,\\\\ r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,~ l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,\\\\ \noindent l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U} >0,~r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U} >0.\\ \end{array} \right\}\[ Combining Eqs. \((7)\) \(~(11)\), we have\ \ \(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2=(a_1+a_2; l_{1L}^{\mu}+l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu}+r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR},\)\ where the conditions for \(LR\)-type form of \(\tilde{A}_1\oplus\tilde{A}_2\) holds from \((12)\).\ Hence, \((i)\) is proved.\ 2. Using equations \((5)\) and \((6)\), we can write\ \ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=A_{1\alpha}^{L}-A_{2\alpha}^{L}=[a_1-a_2-l^{\mu}_{1L}L^{-1}(\alpha)-r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha),~a_1-a_2+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha)+l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}=A_{1\alpha}^{U}-A_{2\alpha}^{U}= [a_1-a_2-l'^{\mu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)-r'^{\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha),~a_1-a_2+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)+l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=A_{1\beta}^{L}-A_{2\beta}^{L}=[a_1-a_2-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)-r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta), a_1-a_2+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)+l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=A_{1\beta}^{U}-A_{2\beta}^{U}=[a_1-a_2-l'^{\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)-r'^{\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta),a_1-a_2+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)+\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ Now, taking \(\alpha=\alpha_{0}~\mbox{and}~\beta=\beta_{0} \in (0,1],\) we get \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} \big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[a_1-a_2-l^{\mu}_{1L}-r^{\mu}_{2L},a_1-a_2+r^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L}],\\\\ \big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{U}=[a_1-a_2-l'^{\mu}_{1U}-r'^{\mu}_{2U},a_1-a_2+r'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U}], \\\\ \big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{L}=[a_1-a_2-l^{\nu}_{1L}-r^{\nu}_{2L},a_1-a_2+r^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L}], \\\\ \big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{U}=[a_1-a_2-l'^{\nu}_{1U}-r'^{\nu}_{2U},a_1-a_2+r'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U}].\\ \end{array} \right\} \label{13}\[ Further, on substituting \(\alpha=1~\mbox{and}~ \beta=0\), we obtain \]\hspace{0.5cm}\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{L}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{U}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{L} =\big(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{U}=[a_1-a_2, a_1-a_2].\[ Also, using the fact \(\tilde{A}_1~\mbox{and}~\tilde{A}_2\) are \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, we have\ \ \(l'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~r'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U} >0,\)\ \ \(l^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L} \geq l^{\mu}_{1L}+r^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L} \geq r^{\mu}_{1L}+l^{\mu}_{2L} >0,~~l'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U} >0,~~r'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U} >0.\)\ \ Finally, from the Eqs. \((13)~\mbox{and}~(14)\), we have\ \ \(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2=(a_1-a_2; l_{1L}^{\mu}+r_{2L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu}+l_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U}+r'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{1U}+l'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{1L}+r^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{1L}+l^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}+r'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{1U}+l'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\),\ along-with \(\tilde{A}_1\ominus\tilde{A}_2\) retains the form of a \(LR\)-type IVIFN. This proves \((ii)\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN and \(\lambda\) be any real number. Then*\ \]\lambda \tilde{A}=\begin{cases} (\lambda a;\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U};\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR} & \mbox{if} ~~\lambda \geq 0,\\\\ (\lambda a;-\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U};-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR} & \mbox{if} ~~\lambda < 0.\\ \end{cases}\[ From Theorem \(3.1\), the \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)-cuts of \(\tilde{A}\) are given by \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{3cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} A_{\alpha}^{L}= [a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{\alpha}^{U}= [a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)],\\\\ A_{\beta}^{L}= [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)],\\\\ A_{\beta}^{U}= [a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)]. \end{array} \right\} \label{2}\[ Using the expression \((15)\), we have\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{L}=\lambda A_{\alpha}^{L}= [\lambda,\lambda]A_{\alpha}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)],\)\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{U}=\lambda A_{\alpha}^{U}= [\lambda,\lambda]A_{\alpha}^{U}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)],\)\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=\lambda A_{\beta}^{L}= [\lambda,\lambda]A_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)],\)\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{U}=\lambda A_{\beta}^{U}= [\lambda,\lambda]A_{\beta}^{U}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)]\).\ **Case 1.** \(\tilde{A}\) is a non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIFN.\ [Sub-case 1.]{.ul} \(\lambda \geq 0\).\ Since, \(\tilde{A}\) is a non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIFN, i.e., \(a-l^{\nu}_L \geq 0\). Thus, \(a-l^{\mu}_L \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq 0,~ a-l^{\nu}_{L} \geq 0,~a-l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq 0.\)\ \(\mbox{This further implies}~a-l^{\mu}_L L^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,~a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,\)\ \(\forall~\alpha,\beta \in [0,1]\). Hence, we get\ \ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)]=[\lambda(a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha)),\lambda (a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha))],\)\ \ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{U}=[\lambda(a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)),\lambda (a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha))],\)\ \ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta))],\)\ \ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{U}=[\lambda (a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta))]\).\ \ Further, as \(L, R, L'~\mbox{and}~R'\) are decreasing functions on \([0, \infty)\) with \(L(0)=R(0)=L'(0)=R'(0)=1\), there exists \(\alpha_{0} \in (0,1]\), such that \(L^{-1}(\alpha_0)=R^{-1}(\alpha_0)= (L')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=(R')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=1\). Therefore, \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[\lambda(a-l^{\mu}_{L}),\lambda (a+r^{\mu}_{L})]=[\lambda a-\lambda l^{\mu}_{L},\lambda a+\lambda r^{\mu}_{L}],\\\\ (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha_0}^{U}=[\lambda(a-l'^{\mu}_{U}),\lambda (a+r'^{\mu}_{U})]=[\lambda a-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},\lambda a+\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U}]. \end{array} \right\} \label{2}\[ Choosing \(\beta_{0}=1-\alpha_0 \in (0,1]\), we have \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda(a-l^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L}],\\\\ (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{U}=[\lambda (a-l'^{\nu}_{U}),\lambda (a+r'^{\nu}_{U})] =[\lambda a-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda a+\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U}]. \end{array}\right\} \label{2}\[ Putting \(\alpha=1~\mbox{and}~ \beta=0\), we get \]\hspace{3cm}(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha=1}^{L}=(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha=1}^{U}=(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta=0}^{L} =(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta=0}^{U}=[\lambda a,\lambda a].\[ Since \(\tilde{A}\) is an \(LR\)-type IVIFN and \(\lambda \geq 0\), we obtain\ \(\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq \lambda l^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U} \geq \lambda r^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~\lambda l^{\nu}_{L} \geq \lambda l'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~\lambda r^{\nu}_{L} \geq \lambda r'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~\lambda l^{\nu}_{L} \geq \lambda l^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~\lambda r^{\nu}_{L} \geq \lambda r^{\mu}_{L} >0,\)\ \ \(\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq \lambda l'^{\mu}_{U} >0,~~\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U} \geq \lambda r'^{\mu}_{U} >0.\)\ Hence, combining \((16)\) \(~(18)\), we have \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U};\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ [Sub-case 2.]{.ul} \(~~\lambda < 0\).\ Since, \(\tilde{A}\) is a non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIFN, i.e., \(a-l^{\nu}_L \geq 0\). Thus, \(a-l^{\mu}_L \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq 0,~ a-l^{\nu}_{L} \geq 0,~a-l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq 0\)\ \(\implies~a-l^{\mu}_L L^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~~ a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,~a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,~~\forall~\alpha,\beta \in [0,1]\).\ It follows that\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)]=[\lambda(a+r^{\mu}_{L}R^{-1}(\alpha)),\lambda (a-l^{\mu}_{L}L^{-1}(\alpha))],\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{U}=[\lambda(a+r'^{\mu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)),\lambda (a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha))],\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda(a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))],\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{U}=[\lambda(a+r'^{\nu}_{U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)) ,\lambda (a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta))]\).\ Taking \(\alpha=\alpha_0\), \(\beta=\beta_0=1-\alpha_0\) and using the fact that \(L^{-1}(\alpha_0)=R^{-1}(\alpha_0)= (L')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=(R')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=1\), we have \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[\lambda(a+r^{\mu}_{L}),\lambda(a-l^{\mu}_{L}) ]=[\lambda a+\lambda r^{\mu}_{L},\lambda a-\lambda l^{\mu}_{L}],\\\\\ (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha_0}^{U}=[\lambda(a+r'^{\mu}_{U}),\lambda (a-l'^{\mu}_{U})]=[\lambda a+\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U} ,\lambda a-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U}],\\\\ (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L}],\\\\ (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{U}=[\lambda (a+r'^{\nu}_{U}),\lambda (a-l'^{\nu}_{U})]=[\lambda a+\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U}].\\ \end{array} \right\} \label{2}\[ Putting \(\alpha=1~\mbox{and}~ \beta=0\), we obtain \]\hspace{3cm} (\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha=1}^{L}=(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha=1}^{U}=(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta=0}^{L} =(\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta=0}^{U}=[\lambda a,\lambda a].\[ Further, from the fact that \(\tilde{A}\) is an \(LR\)-type IVIFN and \(\lambda < 0\), we have\ \ \(-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq-\lambda l^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U} \geq-\lambda r^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L} \geq-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L} \geq-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L} \geq-\lambda l^{\mu}_{L} >0,\)\ \ \(-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L} \geq-\lambda r^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U} >0,~~-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U} \geq-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U} >0.\)\ Hence, the expressions \((19)~\mbox{and}~(20)\) finally yield \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;-\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U};-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ Therefore, the result is proved for a non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIFN.\ **Case 2.** \(\tilde{A}\) is an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a-l^{\nu}_{L} <0\) and \(a-l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq 0\). Since, \(~~~~~~a-l^{\mu}_L \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq 0,~ a-l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq 0\)\ \(~~~~~~\implies~a-l^{\mu}_L L^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~a-l'^{\mu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~~ a-l'^{\nu}_{U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,~\forall~\alpha,\beta \in [0,1]\).\ So, expressions for \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{L}\), \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\alpha}^{U}\) and \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{U}\) are same as derived in Case 1, and \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=\lambda A_{\beta}^{L}= [\lambda,\lambda]A_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda] [a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\[ Now, if \(a-l^{\nu}_{L} <0\), then either \]a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) <0 \iff \displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}<L^{-1}(1-\beta) \iff \beta >1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg)\[ or \]a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0 \iff \displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}} \geq L^{-1}(1-\beta) \iff \beta \leq 1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg).\[ \(\mbox{Hence,}~~ a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) <0 ~\mbox{for}~\beta >1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg)~~\mbox{and}~~a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0 ~\mbox{for}~\beta \leq 1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg)\).\ **(a).** Let \(1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg) < \beta \leq 1~\) or \(~a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) <0.\)\ [Sub-case 1.]{.ul} \(~~\lambda \geq 0\).\ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)]=[\lambda(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta))]\).\ On the similar lines as in Case 1, we get\ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L}]\),\ This yields \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U};\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ [Sub-case 2.]{.ul} \(~~\lambda <0\). \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda(a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))].\[ Further, we have \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L}]\[ which gives \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;-\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U};-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ **(b).** Let \(0 \leq \beta \leq 1-L\Bigg(\displaystyle\frac{a}{l^{\nu}_{L}}\Bigg)~\) or \(~a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0.\)\ [Sub-case 1.]{.ul} \(~~\lambda \geq 0\).\ \((\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda,\lambda][a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)]=[\lambda(a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta))]\).\ Following the steps of Case 1, we obtain \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L}]\[ which yields \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U};\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ [Sub-case 2.]{.ul} \(~~\lambda <0\).\ \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta}^{L}=[\lambda(a+r^{\nu}_{L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))].\[ Proceeding on the lines of Case 1 and taking \(\beta=\beta_0,\) we get \](\lambda \tilde{A})_{\beta_0}^{L}=[\lambda (a+r^{\nu}_{L}),\lambda (a-l^{\nu}_{L})]=[\lambda a+\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},\lambda a-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L}].\[ Therefore, we have \]\lambda \tilde{A}=(\lambda a;-\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda l_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U};-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}.\[ Thus, the result follows. Rest all the Cases can also be proved on the similar lines. This completes the proof.\ **Corollary 3.1.1** Proposition 3.1.2 can also be restated as: If \(\tilde{A}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN and \(\lambda\) be any arbitrary real number, then\ \(\lambda \tilde{A}=\big(\lambda a;\max \{ \lambda l_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda r_{L}^{\mu}\},\max \{\lambda r_{L}^{\mu},-\lambda l_{L}^{\mu}\},\max \{\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U}\},\max \{\lambda r'^{\mu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\mu}_{U}\};\max \{\lambda l^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda r^{\nu}_{L}\},\)\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~\max \{\lambda r^{\nu}_{L},-\lambda l^{\nu}_{L}\},\max \{\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U}\},\max \{\lambda r'^{\nu}_{U},-\lambda l'^{\nu}_{U}\}\big)_{LR}\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} <0,\)\ \(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}~~\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be two \(LR\)-type IVIFN with \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} <0,~a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\) and \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu},~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu},~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu},~a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu},~a_2,~a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu},~a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu},a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu},~a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}\) be any real numbers. Then, in view of Theorem \(3.1\), we can write\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=A_{1\alpha}^{L} \times A_{2\alpha}^{L}=[a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha)] ~\times~[a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha), a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}=A_{1\alpha}^{U} \times A_{2\alpha}^{U}= [a_1-l'^{\mu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)]~\times~[a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha), a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=A_{1\beta}^{L} \times A_{2\beta}^{L}=[a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)] ~\times~[a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta), a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=A_{1\beta}^{U} \times A_{2\beta}^{U}=[a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)] ~\times~[a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta), a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)].\)\ Since \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} <0\) and \(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\), therefore\ \(~~~~~~~~a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\) for \(\beta \in [0,1]~~\) and \(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq~(\geq)~ 0\) for \(\beta \leq ~(\geq)~ 1-L\left(\dfrac{a_1}{l_{1L}^{\nu}}\right).\)\ Now, to find the product \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2\), the following nine cases will arise and in each case, based on the sign of\ \(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\), two sub-cases are there.\ **Case 1.** \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \geq 0\).\ Then, \(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0,~a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0, a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0,~~a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha) \geq 0~\forall~ \alpha, \beta \in [0,1].\)\ [Sub-case 1.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ Now,\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=[(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}L^{-1}(\alpha)) (a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha)),~(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha)) (a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha) )]\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}= [(a_1-l'^{\mu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)),~ (a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)) (a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha))]\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=[(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)),~ (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)) (a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta))]\)\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=[(a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)),~(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)) (a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta))].\)\ Further, as \(L, R, L'~\mbox{and}~R'\) are decreasing functions on \([0, \infty)\) with \(L(0)=R(0)=L'(0)=R'(0)=1\), there exists \(\alpha_{0} \in (0,1]\), such that \(L^{-1}(\alpha_0)=R^{-1}(\alpha_0)= (L')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=(R')^{-1}(\alpha_0)=1\). Hence, \]\hspace{-1cm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{3.5cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}) (a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}),~ (a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L} ) (a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L} )],\\\\ \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{U}= [(a_1-l'^{\mu}_{1U}) (a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}),~ (a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}) (a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U})]. \\ \end{array} \right\}\[ Also, choosing \(\beta_{0}=1-\alpha_0 \in (0,1]\), we have \]\hspace{-1cm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{3.5cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{L}=[(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),~(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}) (a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} )],\\\\ \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{U}=[(a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}) (a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U} ),~(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}) (a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U})].\\ \end{array} \right\}\[ Taking \(\alpha=1\) and \(\beta=0\), we obtain \]\hspace{1.8cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{L}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha=1}^{U}=\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{L} =\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta=0}^{U}=a_1a_2.\[ Now, using the property that \(\tilde{A}_1\) and \(\tilde{A}_2\) are \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, we obtain\ \(a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu})\geq a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \implies l_{U}^{\prime\mu} \geq l_{L}^{\mu}.\)\ \((a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2 \geq (a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2 \implies r_{U}^{\prime\mu} \geq r_{L}^{\mu}.\)\ \((a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu})-a_1a_2 \geq (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2 \implies r_{L}^{\nu} \geq r_{U}^{\prime\nu}.\)\ \((a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu})-a_1a_2 \geq (a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2 \implies r_{L}^{\nu} \geq r_{L}^{\mu}.\)\ \(a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \implies l_{U}^{\prime\nu} \geq l_{U}^{\prime\mu}.\)\ \((a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2 \geq (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2 \implies r_{U}^{\prime\nu} \geq r_{U}^{\prime\mu}.\)\ Further, since \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \leq a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu},~a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} \leq a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu}\) and \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \leq a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}\), therefore\ \ \(a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \leq a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),\) that is, \(~l_U^{\prime\nu} \leq l_L^{\nu}\)\ and from \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} <0,~a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \leq a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu},a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} \leq a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu},~a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \leq a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}\), we have\ \(a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \leq a_1a_2-(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu})(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu}),\) that is, \(l_L^{\mu} \leq l_L^{\nu}.\)\ Moreover, \(l_{2L}^{\mu}(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})+a_2l_{1L}^{\mu} \geq 0~~~\) and \(~~a_1r_{2L}^{\mu}+a_2r_{1L}^{\mu}+r_{1L}^{\mu}r_{2L}^{\mu} \geq 0~~\) yield \(~~l_L^{\mu} \geq 0\) and \(~r_L^{\mu} \geq 0\), respectively.\ Finally, in view of these inequalities and combining expressions \((21),(22)\) and \((23)\), we get\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=\big(a_1a_2;a_1a_2-\left(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L} \right) \left(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L} \right)-a_1a_2,a_1a_2-\left(a_1-l'^{\mu}_{1U}\right) \left(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}\right),\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\left(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}\right) \left(a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}\right)-a_1a_2;a_1a_2-\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)-a_1a_2,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_1a_2-\left(a_1-l'^{\nu}_{1U}\right) \left(a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U} \right),\left(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}\right) \left(a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}\right)-a_1a_2\big)_{LR}.\)\ [Sub-case 1.2.]{.ul} \(~~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ Now,\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=\left[\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right),~ \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)\right) \left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta) \right)\right].\)\ Choosing \(\beta =\beta_0\), we have \]\hspace{2cm} \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta _0}^{L}=\left[\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L} \right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right) \right].\[ Hence, we have \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\) and remaining spreads of \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2\) will be same as derived in Sub-case 1.1. Further,\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1-l^{\prime\nu}_{1U})(a_2-l^{\prime\nu}_{2U}) \implies l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l^{\prime\nu}_{U}~~~\) and\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}) \implies l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l^{\mu}_{L}.\)\ Finally, combining Sub-cases 1.1 and 1.2, we get\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}= (a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2.\)\ **Case 2.** \(~a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} < 0\) and \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\).\ Then, we have \]a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~~\mbox{for}~~\beta \leq~(\geq)~ 1-L\left(\dfrac{a_2}{l_{2L}^{\nu}}\right).\[ [Sub-case 2.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ Then, \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L},~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U},~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}\) remain same as in Sub-case \(1.1\), however, the expression for \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}\) will be changed and is given by\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=A_{1\beta}^{L} \times A_{2\beta}^{L}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=\left[\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right), \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\right]~\times ~\left[\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right), \left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta) \right)\right]\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=\left[\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta) \right),\right.\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\right\},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)\right),\left.\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}R^{-1}(1-\beta) \right) \right\}\right].\)\ Choosing \(\beta =\beta_0\), we get \]\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.60 \hspace{2cm} \left.\begin{array}{r@{\;}l} \big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{L}=\left[\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),\right. \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\},\\\\ \mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left.\left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right) \right\}\right]. \end{array} \right\}\[ Hence,\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),~ \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\right\}-a_1a_2.\)\ Further, since \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} \leq a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu},~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu},~a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}\) and \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu}<0\), therefore \]\hspace{3.5cm} (a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq (a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}).\[ Also, \(~a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu}~\mbox{and}~a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} <0\) implies \]\hspace{3.5cm} (a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq (a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}).\[ It follows from the inequalities \((26)\) and \((27)\) that\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq \mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}\), that is, \(l_U^{\prime\nu} \leq l_L^{\nu}\).\ Now, if \((a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),\) then \]\hspace{3.5cm} (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L})\[ and if \((a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \geq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),\) then \]\hspace{2.15cm} (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}).\[ Thus, the inequalities \((28)\) and \((29)\) yield\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \leq \mbox{max} \{(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),~ (a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \}\), that is, \(r_U^{\prime\nu} \leq r_L^{\nu}\).\ Further, \(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L} \leq a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L},~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L} <0\) give \]\hspace{3.5cm}(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}) \geq (a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L})\[ \]\hspace{-0.8cm}\mbox{and} \hspace{2.2cm} (a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}) \geq (a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \geq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}).\[ It follows from the expressions \((30)\) and \((31)\) that\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}) \geq \mbox{min}\{(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),~(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L})\}\), that is, \(l_L^{\mu} \leq l_L^{\nu}\).\ Now, if \((a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L})\), then \]\hspace{3cm}(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L})\[ and if \((a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \geq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L})\), then \]\hspace{2.1cm} (a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \leq (a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}) \leq (a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}).\[ Hence, the inequalities \((32)\) and \((33)\) give\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \leq \mbox{max} \{(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L}),~(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}) \}\), that is, \(r_L^{\mu} \leq r_L^{\nu}\).\ [Sub-case 2.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ The proof of this part follows on the lines of Sub-case 1.1.\ Hence, now combining Cases \(1\) and \(2\), we get\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),~ \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}= \mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\right\}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2.\)\ **Case 3.** \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu} <0\) and \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu} \geq 0\).\ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}(L^{\prime})^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~\beta \leq~(\geq)~ 1-L^{\prime}\left(\dfrac{a_2}{l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 3.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ Then, the expressions \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L},~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U},\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}\) are same as discussed in Case \(2\) but \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}\) is given by:\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=A_{1\beta}^{U} \times A_{2\beta}^{U}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=\left[\left(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)\right),\left(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\left(a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta)\right)\right].\)\ Taking \(\beta=\beta_0\), we get \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{U}=\left[\left(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}\right)\left(a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}\right),\left(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U}\right)\left(a_2+r'^{\nu}_{2U}\right)\right]\[ which gives \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-(a_1+r'^{\nu}_{1U})(a_2-l'^{\nu}_{2U}).\)\ Also, we have\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),~ \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\}~~\) and \(~~l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu})\).\ Now, we claim that \(l_L^{\nu} \geq l_U^{\prime\nu}\) and \(l_U^{\prime\nu} \geq l_U^{\prime\mu}.\)\ \ Since \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}<0,~a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu} \leq a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}\) and \(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu}\), therefore, we obtain \]\hspace{4cm} (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq (a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu}) (a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),\[ \]\hspace{4cm} (a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq (a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}).\[ Thus, the inequalities \((34)\) and \((35)\) yield\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \geq \mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu}) (a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \}\) that is, \(l_U^{\prime\nu} \leq l_L^{\nu}\).\ Further, \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}<0,~ a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu} \leq a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu},~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}\) implies\ \ \((a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \leq (a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu})\leq (a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu})\) that is, \(l_U^{\prime\nu} \geq l_U^{\prime\mu}\).\ [Sub-case 3.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ The proof of this part follows on the lines of Sub-cases \(1.1\) and \(2.2\).\ \ Hence, it is concluded from Cases \(1\)  \(3\) that\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),~ \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}= \mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\right\}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu})\right\},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2.\)\ **Case 4.** \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu} <0\) and \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu} \geq 0\).\ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}(L^{\prime})^{-1}(\alpha) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~\alpha \geq~(\leq)~ L^{\prime}\left(\dfrac{a_2}{l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 4.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ Then, the expressions \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L},~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L},~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}\) are same as in Cases \(2\) and \(3\) but \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}\) is given by\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}=A_{1\alpha}^{U} \times A_{2\alpha}^{U}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=\left[\left(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\right)\left(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)\right),~\left(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\right)\left(a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha)\right)\right].\)\ Choosing \(\alpha=\alpha_0\), we get\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{U}=\left[\left(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}\right)\left(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}\right),~\left(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U}\right)\left(a_2+r'^{\mu}_{2U}\right)\right].\)\ \ This further yields \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U})(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U})\).\ Moreover, from the preceding Case \(3\), we have\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~~l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu})\).\ Next, it remain to prove that \(~~~l_U^{\prime\mu} \geq l_L^{\mu}~~\) and \(~~l_U^{\prime\nu} \geq l_U^{\prime\mu}.\)\ \ Since \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}<0,~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu} \leq a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}~\) and \(~a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu} \leq a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu} \leq a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu}\), therefore\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_1a_2-(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu})(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu}) \leq a_1a_2-(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu})(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu}) \implies l_L^{\mu} \leq l_U^{\prime\mu}.\)\ Further, \(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \leq a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu},~a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu} \leq 0\) yield\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_1a_2-(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu})(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})\leq a_1a_2-(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu})(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu}) \implies l_U^{\prime\mu} \leq l_U^{\prime\nu}.\)\ [Sub-case 4.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ It follows on the lines of Sub-case \(3.2\).\ Hence, clubbing the Cases \(1\)  \(4\), we obtain\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~ (a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U})(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}) \right\},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right),~ \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \right\},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}= \mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)~\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\right\}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu})\right\},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2.\)\ Now, for the succeeding cases, we have only derived the expressions for newer (or changed) spreads of the product \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2\) because the proofs for the bounds on the other spreads can be carried out in the similar pattern as is discussed in the preceding four cases.\ **Case 5.** \(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu} <0\) and \(a_2 \in \mathbb{R}\).\ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}L^{-1}(\alpha) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~ \alpha \geq~(\leq)~ L\left(\dfrac{a_2}{l_{2L}^{\mu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 5.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ \ Then,\ \(~~~~~~~~~~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=A_{1\alpha}^{L} \times A_{2\alpha}^{L}=[(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha)),~(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha))].\)\ \ Taking \(\alpha=\alpha_0\), we get \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}),(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L})].\[ It further yields \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}).\)\ \ Moreover, from above Cases, we have\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \left\{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),(a_1+r'^{\mu}_{1U})(a_2-l'^{\mu}_{2U}) \right\},\)\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{ \left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right), \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right) \left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L} \right) \}\).\ \ Next, the claim that \(l_U^{\prime\mu} \geq l_L^{\mu}\) and \(l_L^{\nu} \geq l_L^{\mu}\) can be proved following the lines of Sub-case \(3.1\).\ [Sub-case 5.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ The proof can be carried out following the lines of Sub-case \(1.1\).\ **Case 6.** \(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu} <0\) and \(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu} \geq 0\).\ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}R^{-1}(\alpha) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~ \alpha \leq~(\geq)~ R\left(-\dfrac{a_2}{r_{2L}^{\mu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 6.1.]{.ul} \(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ \ Then,\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{L}=A_{1\alpha}^{L} \times A_{2\alpha}^{L}=[(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L}R^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}L^{-1}(\alpha)),~(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L}L^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L}R^{-1}(\alpha))].\)\ Choosing \(\alpha=\alpha_0\), we obtain \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{L}=[(a_1+r^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\mu}_{2L}),(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L})]\[ which gives \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\mu}=(a_1-l^{\mu}_{1L})(a_2+r^{\mu}_{2L})-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Further, we have \]r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu})-a_1a_2~~ \mbox{and} ~~r_L^{\nu}= \mbox{max}\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\}-a_1a_2.\[ The proof that \(r_U^{\prime\mu} \geq r_L^{\mu}\) and \(r_L^{\nu} \geq r_L^{\mu}\) can be obtained on the lines of Sub-cases \(2.1\) and \(3.1\).\ [Sub-case 6.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ This part can be proved on the lines of Sub-case \(1.1\).\ **Case 7.** \(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu} <0\) and \(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\).\ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}(R')^{-1}(\alpha) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~ \alpha \leq~(\geq)~ R'\left(-\dfrac{a_2}{r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 7.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ \ Then,\ \(~~~~\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha}^{U}=A_{1\alpha}^{U} \times A_{2\alpha}^{U}=[(a_1+r^{\prime\mu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2-l^{\prime\mu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha)),~(a_1-l^{\prime\mu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(\alpha))(a_2+r^{\prime\mu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(\alpha))].\)\ Taking \(\alpha=\alpha_0\), we obtain \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\alpha_0}^{U}=[(a_1+r^{\prime\mu}_{1U})(a_2-l^{\prime\mu}_{2U}),(a_1-l^{\prime\mu}_{1U})(a_2+r^{\prime\mu}_{2U})].\[ It follows that \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_U^{\prime\mu}=(a_1-l^{\prime\mu}_{1U})(a_2+r^{\prime\mu}_{2U})-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Also, we have\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2~~\mbox{and}~~r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu})-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Further, the inequalities \(r_U^{\prime\mu} \geq r_L^{\mu}\) and \(r_U^{\prime\nu} \geq r_U^{\prime\mu}\) can be established on the lines of Sub-cases \(2.1\) and \(3.1\).\ [Sub-case 7.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ This part can be proved on the similar lines as Sub-case \(1.1\).\ **Case 8.** \(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu} <0\) and \(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu} \geq 0\).\ \ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~ \beta \geq~(\leq)~ 1-R'\left(-\dfrac{a_2}{r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 8.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ \ Then,\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{U}=A_{1\beta}^{U} \times A_{2\beta}^{U}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=[(a_1+r^{\prime\nu}_{1U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2-l^{\prime\nu}_{2U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta)),~(a_1-l^{\prime\nu}_{1U}(L')^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2+r^{\prime\nu}_{2U}(R')^{-1}(1-\beta))].\)\ Choosing \(\beta=\beta_0\), we get \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{U}=[(a_1+r^{\prime\nu}_{1U})(a_2-l^{\prime\nu}_{2U}),(a_1-l^{\prime\nu}_{1U})(a_2+r^{\prime\nu}_{2U})].\[ This further yields \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_U^{\prime\nu}=(a_1-l^{\prime\nu}_{1U})(a_2+r^{\prime\nu}_{2U})-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Moreover, we have\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\nu}= \mbox{max}\left\{\left(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}\right) \left(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}\right),\left(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}\right)\left(a_2+r^{\nu}_{2L} \right)\right\}-a_1a_2~~~\) and\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \left\{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \right\}-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Next, \(r_L^{\nu} \geq r_U^{\prime\nu}\) and \(r_U^{\prime\nu} \geq r_U^{\prime\mu}\) can be proved following the lines of Sub-cases \(2.1\) and \(3.1\).\ [Sub-case 8.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ The proof of this part follows on the lines of Sub-case \(1.1\).\ **Case 9.** \(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu} < 0\).\ \ Then, \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}R^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq~(\geq)~ 0~\) for \(~ \beta \geq~(\leq)~ 1-R\left(-\dfrac{a_2}{r_{2L}^{\nu}}\right)\).\ [Sub-case 9.1.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \leq 0\).\ \ Then,\ \(\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta}^{L}=A_{1\beta}^{L} \times A_{2\beta}^{L}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=[(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L}R^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta)),~(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}L^{-1}(1-\beta))].\)\ Taking \(\beta=\beta_0\), we obtain \]\big(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\big)_{\beta_0}^{L}=[(a_1+r^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L}),(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L})].\[ It follows that \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\nu}=(a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L})(a_2-l^{\nu}_{2L})-a_1a_2.\)\ Further,\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \left\{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \right\}-a_1a_2~~\) and\ \ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \left\{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \right\}-a_1a_2.\)\ \ Finally, the proof of the inequalities \(r_L^{\nu} \geq r_U^{\prime\nu}\) and \(r_L^{\nu} \geq r_L^{\mu}\) can be obtained on the lines of Sub-cases \(2.1\) and \(3.1\).\ [Sub-case 9.2.]{.ul} \(~~a_1-l^{\nu}_{1L}L^{-1}(1-\beta) \geq 0\).\ The proof of this part can be established on the lines of Sub-case \(1.1\).\ Finally, combining all the Cases \((1)-(9)\), we have\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2\)\ where \(l'^{\mu}_{U} \geq l^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~r'^{\mu}_{U} \geq r^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{L} \geq r'^{\nu}_{U} >0,~~l^{\nu}_{L} \geq l^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~r^{\nu}_{L} \geq r^{\mu}_{L} >0,~~l'^{\nu}_{U} \geq l'^{\mu}_{U} >0,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~r'^{\nu}_{U} \geq r'^{\mu}_{U} >0.\)\ \ Hence, the result.\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1 \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1 < 0,\)\ \(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu} < 0,\)\ \(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu} \geq 0\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu} < 0\)\ and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L}, l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\).\ *Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U},r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) be an \(LR\)-type IVIFN such that \(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu} \geq 0\)\ and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U}; l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L}, l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be any \(LR\)-type IVIFN. Then\ \(\tilde{A}_1 \odot \tilde{A}_2=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR}\) where\ \(a=a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\mu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\mu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\mu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\mu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\mu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_L^{\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2-l_{2L}^{\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_L^{\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1-l_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1L}^{\nu})(a_2+r_{2L}^{\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ \(l_U^{\prime\nu}=a_1a_2-\mbox{min} \{(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2-l_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \},\)\ \(r_U^{\prime\nu}=\mbox{max} \{(a_1+r_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}),~(a_1-l_{1U}^{\prime\nu})(a_2+r_{2U}^{\prime\nu}) \}-a_1a_2,\)\ where the conditions for \(LR-\)type representation of \(\tilde{A}_1\odot \tilde{A}_2\) are satisfied.*\ Similar to the Proposition \(3.1.3\). ## Proposed lexicographic criteria for the ranking of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs In the literature, there exist several ranking criteria to define the ordering of FNs, IFNs and IVIFNs. Most of the researchers have used linear ranking function which maps the set of these numbers to real-line and then a comparison is carried out on the basis of the usual ordering of real numbers. However, as pointed out in Pérez-Cañedo and Concepción-Morales that it may possible that two of these numbers may look different for the decision-maker but can be mapped to the same real number. To overcome this limitation, lexicographic ranking criteria with total order properties seems to be more logical and relevant. In this section, we discuss the lexicographic criteria for the ordering of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs.\ . For \(x,y \in \mathbb{R}^n\), the strict lexicographic inequality \(x \prec_{lex} y\) holds, *iff* there is \(1 \leq i \leq n\) so that \(x_j=y_j\) holds for \(j<i\) and \(x_i<y_i\). The weak lexicographic inequality \(x \preceq_{lex} y\) holds, *iff* \(x \prec_{lex} y\) or \(x=y\).\ Let \(\tilde{A}_1=(a_1; l_{1L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U},r'^{\mu}_{1U};l^{\nu}_{1L},r^{\nu}_{1L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}, r'^{\nu}_{1U})_{LR}\) and \(\tilde{A}_2=(a_2; l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{2U};l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{2U})_{LR}\) be two \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, then \(\tilde{A}_1=\tilde{A}_2\) *iff* \]a_1=a_2, l_{1L}^{\mu}=l_{2L}^{\mu},r_{1L}^{\mu}=r_{2L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{1U}=l'^{\mu}_{2U},r'^{\mu}_{1U}=r'^{\mu}_{2U},l^{\nu}_{1L}=l^{\nu}_{2L},r^{\nu}_{1L}=r^{\nu}_{2L},l'^{\nu}_{1U}=l'^{\nu}_{2U},r'^{\nu}_{1U}=r'^{\nu}_{2U}.\[ Let \(\preceq_{lex}\) be the lexicographic order relation on \(\mathbb{R}^n\). For \(\tilde{A}=(a; l_{L}^{\mu},r_{L}^{\mu},l'^{\mu}_{U},r'^{\mu}_{U};l^{\nu}_{L},r^{\nu}_{L},l'^{\nu}_{U},r'^{\nu}_{U})_{LR} \in IV(\mathbb{R})\), let \(S(\tilde{A})\) and \(A(\tilde{A})\) be the score and accuracy indices of \(\tilde{A}\), respectively; let \(M(\tilde{A}):= a\) (the mean value of \(\tilde{A}\)), \(C(\tilde{A}):= a-l_{L}^{\mu}\), \(D(\tilde{A}):= a-l'^{\mu}_{U}\), \(G(\tilde{A}):= a-l'^{\nu}_{U}\) and \(H(\tilde{A}):= a-l^{\nu}_{L}\). Then, for any \(\tilde{A}_1, \tilde{A}_2 \in IV(\mathbb{R})\), the strict inequality \(\tilde{A}_1 \prec \tilde{A}_2\) holds *iff*\ \(\big(S(\tilde{A}_1),A(\tilde{A}_1),M(\tilde{A}_1),C(\tilde{A}_1),D(\tilde{A}_1),G(\tilde{A}_1),H(\tilde{A}_1)\big) \prec_{lex} \big(S(\tilde{A}_2),A(\tilde{A}_2),M(\tilde{A}_2),C(\tilde{A}_2),D(\tilde{A}_2),G(\tilde{A}_2),H(\tilde{A}_2)\big).\)\ The weak inequality \(\tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_2\) holds *iff* either\ \(\big(S(\tilde{A}_1),A(\tilde{A}_1),M(\tilde{A}_1),C(\tilde{A}_1),D(\tilde{A}_1),G(\tilde{A}_1),H(\tilde{A}_1)\big) \prec_{lex} \big(S(\tilde{A}_2),A(\tilde{A}_2),M(\tilde{A}_2),C(\tilde{A}_2),D(\tilde{A}_2),G(\tilde{A}_2),H(\tilde{A}_2)\big)\)\ \(\mbox{or}~~ \big(S(\tilde{A}_1),A(\tilde{A}_1),M(\tilde{A}_1),C(\tilde{A}_1),D(\tilde{A}_1),G(\tilde{A}_1),H(\tilde{A}_1)\big) = \big(S(\tilde{A}_2),A(\tilde{A}_2),M(\tilde{A}_2),C(\tilde{A}_2),D(\tilde{A}_2),G(\tilde{A}_2),H(\tilde{A}_2)\big).\)\ The specific order in which the functions \(S, A, M, C, D, G~\mbox{and}~H\) appear in the ranking of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs gives a description of the relative importance of these functions in deciding the ordering of the IVIFNs. However, one may consider a different permutation of these parameters depending on the priority of these functions.\ Since the expressions of all the functions \(S,A,M,C,D,G,H\) are linear, therefore, each \(\Phi \in \{S,A,M,\\C,D,G,H \}\) follows the linearity property, that is, \]\Phi(\lambda_1 \tilde{A}_1\oplus \lambda_2 \tilde{A}_2)=\lambda_1\Phi(\tilde{A}_1)+\lambda_2\Phi(\tilde{A}_2)~~~~\mbox{for all}~~ \tilde{A}_1,\tilde{A}_2 \in IV(\mathbb{R})~ \mbox{and}~ \lambda_1,\lambda_2 \in \mathbb{R}.\[ *The order relation on \(IV(\mathbb{R})\) given in Definition 3.2.3, has the total order properties and yields a complete ranking on the set of all \(LR\)-type IVIFNs of the same type.*\ The order relation given in Definition \(3.2.3\) is a total order due to its following properties: 1. (reflexivity) \(\tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_1~~\forall~\tilde{A}_1 \in IV(\mathbb{R})\), 2. (anti-symmetry) \(\tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_2\) and \(\tilde{A}_2 \preceq \tilde{A}_1 \\ ~~~~~~~~~\implies \tilde{A}_1=\tilde{A}_2~~\forall~\tilde{A}_1,\tilde{A}_2 \in IV(\mathbb{R})\), 3. (transitivity) \(\tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_2\) and \(\tilde{A}_2 \preceq \tilde{A}_3 \\ ~~~~~~~~~\implies \tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_3~~\forall~\tilde{A}_1,\tilde{A}_2,\tilde{A}_3 \in IV(\mathbb{R})\), 4. (comparability) \(\tilde{A}_1 \preceq \tilde{A}_2\) or \(\tilde{A}_2 \preceq \tilde{A}_1~~\forall~\tilde{A}_1,\tilde{A}_2 \in IV(\mathbb{R})\). Further, it is to be noted that the system of linear equations \(S(\tilde{A}_1)=S(\tilde{A}_2),~A(\tilde{A}_1)=A(\tilde{A}_2),~M(\tilde{A}_1)=M(\tilde{A}_2),\\ C(\tilde{A}_1)=C(\tilde{A}_2),~D(\tilde{A}_1)=D(\tilde{A}_2),~G(\tilde{A}_1)=G(\tilde{A}_2)\) and \(~H(\tilde{A}_1)=H(\tilde{A}_2)\) has a unique solution, that is, \(\tilde{A}_1=\tilde{A}_2\) as the absolute value of the determinant of this linear system is \(2bd\) where \(b=\int_0^1 R^{-1}(x)dx >0\) and \(d=\int_0^1 R^{-1}(1-x)dx >0\). Hence, the result.\ # Model formulation and solution algorithm Consider a linear programming problem in which each parameter \(\tilde{c}_j,~ \tilde{a}_{ij},~\tilde{b}_i\) and decision variables \(\tilde{x}_j\) are taken to be in the form of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. The model of such a fully \(LR\)-type interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem along-with unrestricted decision variables can be mathematically formulated as: where the inequalities \"\(\preceq\)\" and \"\(\succeq\)\" in the problem (P1) is in accordance with the lexicographic ranking given in Definition 3.2.3.\ Let \(X\) denote the set of all feasible solutions of (P1). A vector \(\hat{\tilde{x}}=(\hat{\tilde{x}}_1,\hat{\tilde{x}}_2, \dots,\hat{\tilde{x}}_n) \in X\) is said to be an optimal solution of (P1) if Next, we propose a method to find the unique optimal solution of (P1). We use lexicographic ranking criteria for ordering of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. The steps of the proposed approach are as follows: Now, we present Theorems \(4.1\) and \(4.2\) to prove the equivalence of the models (P1), (P3) and (P3), (P4), respectively. The similar results for fuzzy LPP were discussed by Pérez-Cañedo and Concepción-Morales. However, we have shown the results for \(LR\)-type IVIFLPPs.\ **Theorem 4.1.** *If \(\hat{\tilde{x}}=(\hat{\tilde{x}}_1, \hat{\tilde{x}}_2, \hat{\tilde{x}}_3, \dots, \hat{\tilde{x}}_n)\) is an optimal solution of problem (P3), then it is also an optimal solution of (P1).*\ **Proof.** We will prove the result by the method of contradiction. Let \(\hat{\tilde{x}}=(\hat{\tilde{x}}_1, \hat{\tilde{x}}_2, \hat{\tilde{x}}_3, \dots, \hat{\tilde{x}}_n)\) be an optimal solution of problem (P3) but not an optimal solution of (P1). Then, there exists a feasible solution \(\tilde{x}^{\ast}=(\tilde{x}_1^{\ast}, \tilde{x}_2^{\ast}, \dots, \tilde{x}_n^{\ast})\) of the problem (P1), such that \]\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j \prec \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}.\[ In view of Definition \(3.2.3\), \(\tilde{x}^{\ast}\) is a feasible solution of the problem (P3) for which\ \(\bigg(S\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),A\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),M\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),C\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),D\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),G\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg),\)\ \ \(H\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \hat{\tilde{x}}_j\bigg)\bigg) \prec_{lex} \bigg(S\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),A\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),M\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),C\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),D\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),\)\ \ \(G\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg),H\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n} \tilde{c}_j \odot \tilde{x}_j^{\ast}\bigg)\bigg),\)\ that is, there exists a feasible solution of (P3) with the higher objective function value. This contradicts the fact that \(\hat{\tilde{x}}\) is an optimal solution of (P3). Hence, the result.\ **Theorem 4.2.** *The optimal solution of the problem (P4) is also optimal for (P3). The converse of the statement is also true.*\ **Proof.** Let \(\tilde{l}_i:=\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n}(m_{ij};s^{\mu}_{ijL},\lambda^{\mu}_{ijL},s'^{\mu}_{ijU},\lambda'^{\mu}_{ijU};s^{\nu}_{ijL},\lambda^{\nu}_{ijL},s'^{\nu}_{ijU},\lambda'^{\nu}_{ijU})_{LR},~~\tilde{r}_i:=(b_{i};\gamma^{\mu}_{iL},\delta^{\mu}_{iL},\gamma'^{\mu}_{iU},\delta'^{\mu}_{iU};\gamma^{\nu}_{iL},\delta^{\nu}_{iL},\gamma'^{\nu}_{iU},\delta'^{\nu}_{iU})_{LR}\)\ and \(z_i:=(z_i^S, z_i^A, z_i^M, z_i^C, z_i^D, z_i^G,z_i^H)\).\ In order to prove this theorem, we need to establish the equivalence between constraint sets \((3)[(3b),(3c)]\) and \((4)\)\ \([(4a)-(4p)]\) for positive real values of \(k\) and \(K\) sufficiently small and large, respectively. Here, we will prove the result for the \(I_2\) set of constraints only. For the remaining set of constraints, the result can be proved on the same lines.\ To show that any solution satisfying constraint set (4) also satisfies set (3), we consider the following cases: 1. If \(z_i=(1, \star,\star,\star,\star,\star,\star)\), where \(\star=0~\mbox{or}~1\), then by substituting into constraint set (4), we get \(k \leq S(\tilde{r}_i)-S(\tilde{l}_i) \leq K,\) which implies \(S(\tilde{l}_i) < S(\tilde{r}_i)\); hence, according to Definition \(3.2.3\), set of constraints (3) are satisfied. 2. If \(z_i=(0, 1,\star,\star,\star,\star,\star)\), where \(\star=0~\mbox{or}~1\), then by the constraint set (4) we get \(0 \leq S(\tilde{r}_i)-S(\tilde{l}_i) \leq 0,\) and \(k \leq A(\tilde{r}_i)-A(\tilde{l}_i) \leq K,\) which implies \(S(\tilde{l}_i) = S(\tilde{r}_i)\) and \(A(\tilde{l}_i) < A(\tilde{r}_i)\); hence, from Definition \(3.2.3\), the constraint set (3) are satisfied. The remaining cases \(z_i=(0,0,1,\star,\star,\star,\star)\), \(z_i=(0,0,0,1,\star,\star,\star)\), \(z_i=(0,0,0,0,1,\star,\star)\), \(z_i=(0,0,0,0,0,1,\star)\), \(z_i=(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)\) and \(z_i=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)\) can be proved similarly.\ Now, it is to be shown that any solution satisfying constraint set \((3)\) also satisfies constraints \((4)\). For this, let us consider the following cases: 1. If \(S(\tilde{r}_i)=S(\tilde{l}_i)\), \(A(\tilde{r}_i)=A(\tilde{l}_i)\), \(M(\tilde{r}_i)=M(\tilde{l}_i)\), \(C(\tilde{r}_i)=C(\tilde{l}_i)\), \(D(\tilde{r}_i)=D(\tilde{l}_i)\), \(G(\tilde{r}_i)=G(\tilde{l}_i)\) and \(H(\tilde{r}_i)=H(\tilde{l}_i)\), then by constraint set (4), we get \(z_i=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)\). 2. If \(S(\tilde{r}_i)>S(\tilde{l}_i)\), i.e., \(S(\tilde{r}_i)-S(\tilde{l}_i)=s_i >0\), then by constraint \((4a)\), we get \(kz_i^S \leq s_i \leq Kz_i^S\), this inequality is satisfied for \(z_i^S=1\) and for positive real values of \(k\) and \(K\), sufficiently small and large. Further, \((4o)\) and \((4p)\) give \((z_i^A, z_i^M, z_i^C, z_i^D, z_i^G,z_i^H)=(1,1,1,1,1,1)\), due to which rest of the constraints \((4b)-(4g)\) are automatically satisfied. Also, \(S(\tilde{r}_i)>S(\tilde{l}_i)\) implies that the constraint \((3b)\) is satisfied. 3. If \(S(\tilde{r}_i)=S(\tilde{l}_i)\) and \(A(\tilde{r}_i)>A(\tilde{l}_i)\) i.e., \(A(\tilde{r}_i)-A(\tilde{l}_i)=a_i >0\), then by constraints \((4a)\) and \((4b)\), we get \(s_i=0\) and \(kz_i^A \leq a_i \leq Kz_i^A\), this inequality is satisfied for \(z_i^S=0\), \(z_i^A=1\) and for positive real values of \(k\) and \(K\), sufficiently small and large. Further, \((4o)\) and \((4p)\) yield \((z_i^M, z_i^C, z_i^D, z_i^G,z_i^H)=(1,1,1,1,1)\), due to which rest of the constraints \((4c)-(4g)\) are obviously satisfied. Further, \(S(\tilde{r}_i)=S(\tilde{l}_i)\) and \(A(\tilde{r}_i)>A(\tilde{l}_i)\) implies \((3b)\) holds. The remaining cases can be similarly obtained. This establishes that the problems (P3) and (P4) are equivalent.\ Hence proved.\ # Advantages of the proposed method Some of the main advantages of the proposed algorithm over the existing approaches are listed below: 1. The existing method can only be used to solve IVIFLPPs in which all the decision variables are taken to be non-negative crisp parameters. However, our proposed method can be employed successfully to handle IVIFLPPs having all the decision variables represented by unrestricted IVIFNs. 2. The existing study defined a new product operator and the basic arithmetic operations on unrestricted \(LR\)-type IFNs. But, there is no study on \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. Consequently, we have introduced the definition of \(LR\)-type IVIFNs and developed the arithmetic operations on unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. 3. The existing models can be used only to deal with \(LR\)-type FLPPs and IFLPPs. But, in this article, we have solved the IVIFLPP in which all the parameters and decision variables are represented by \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, which is more general. Hence, the proposed method can be successfully reduced to solve IFLPPs as well as FLPPs. 4. In the present study, we have considered the model parameters and decision variables to be \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, as a result, the proposed method can also be utilized to solve LPPs where parameters and variables are represented by Triangular/Trapezoidal IVIFNs. 5. The proposed algorithm can be used to solve the models having some/all decision variables as unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFNs or non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIFNs. # Numerical illustration In this section, we present a numerical example to demonstrate the steps involved in the proposed algorithm.\ Consider the following LPP having all the parameters as \(LR\)-type IVIFN and unrestricted crisp variables: where\ \(\tilde{5}=(5;2,2,3,3;5,5,5,4)_{LR},~~\tilde{8}=(8;1,1,2,2;4,4,2,3)_{LR},~~\tilde{12}=(12;2,3,4,4;6,8,4,4)_{LR},\)\ \(\tilde{4}=(4;1,1,2,2;4,4,2,2)_{LR},~~\tilde{6}=(6;3,4,4,4;6,6,4,4)_{LR},~~\tilde{10}=(10;3,4,4,5;6,8,5,5)_{LR},\)\ \(\tilde{100}=(100;25,35,50,50;80,100,50,50)_{LR},~~\tilde{150}=(150;50,60,50,70;120,100,80,70)_{LR},\)\ \(L(x)=R(x)=L'(x)=R'(x)=\max \{0,1-x\}~\forall~x\in \mathbb{R}.\)\ \ **Solution:** 1. Substituting the expressions of various parameters, the problem (S1) can be re-written as follows:\ \(\max~\tilde{Z}=(5;2,2,3,3;5,5,5,4)_{LR} \odot x_1 \oplus (8;1,1,2,2;4,4,2,3)_{LR} \odot x_2\)\ \(~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~(12;2,3,4,4;6,8,4,4)_{LR}\odot x_1 \oplus (4;1,1,2,2;4,4,2,2)_{LR} \odot x_2 =(100;25,35,50,50;80,100,50,50)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~(6;3,4,4,4;6,6,4,4)_{LR}\odot x_1 \oplus (10;3,4,4,5;6,8,5,5)_{LR} \odot x_2 \preceq (150;50,60,50,70;120,100,80,70)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~x_1~\mbox{and}~x_2\) are unrestricted in sign.\ 2. Using the multiplication operation (Corollary 3.1.1) on \(LR\)-type IVIFNs along-with the fact that \]\max\{a,b\}=\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(a+b+|a-b|),\[ the problem (S1) is converted to the following equivalent problem:\ **(S2)** \(\max~\tilde{Z}=\big(5x_1;2|x_1|,2|x_1|,3|x_1|,3|x_1|;5|x_1|,5|x_1|,\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_1+9|x_1|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_1+9|x_1|)\big)_{LR} \oplus\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \big(8x_2;|x_2|,|x_2|,2|x_2|,2|x_2|;4|x_2|,4|x_2|, \displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_2+5|x_2|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_2+5|x_2|)\big)_{LR}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~\big(12x_1;\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_1+5|x_1|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_1+5|x_1|),4|x_1|,4|x_1|;-x_1+7|x_1|,x_1+7|x_1|,4|x_1|,4|x_1|\big)_{LR}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\oplus\big(4x_2;|x_2|,|x_2|,2|x_2|,2|x_2|;4|x_2|,4|x_2|,2|x_2|,2|x_2| \big)_{LR}=(100;25,35,50,50;80,100,50,50)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\big(6x_1;\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_1+7|x_1|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_1+7|x_1|),4|x_1|,4|x_1|;6|x_1|,6|x_1|,4|x_1|,4|x_1|\big)_{LR} \oplus \big(10x_2;\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_2+\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7|x_2|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_2+7|x_2|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(-x_2+9|x_2|),\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}(x_2+9|x_2|);-x_2+7|x_2|,x_2+7|x_2|,5|x_2|,5|x_2| \big)_{LR}\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\preceq (150;50,60,50,70;120,100,80,70)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x_1~\mbox{and}~x_2\) are unrestricted in sign.\ 3. By employing the lexicographic ordering as in Definition \(3.2.3\), using the addition operation, equality between \(LR\)-type IVIFNs and the corresponding definitions of \(S, A, M, C, D, G ~\mbox{and}~ H\), we get the following non-linear programming problem:\ **(S3)** lex max \(\bigg(\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2),\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2), 5x_1+8x_2, 5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2|,5x_1+8x_2-3|x_1|-2|x_2|,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}x_1+\displaystyle\frac{17}{2}x_2-\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_1|-\displaystyle\frac{5}{2}|x_2|,5x_1+8x_2-5|x_1|-4|x_2|\bigg)\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~3x_1+x_2=25,~~-x_1+5|x_1|+2|x_2|=50,~~x_1+5|x_1|+2|x_2|=70,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2|x_1|+|x_2|=25,~~-x_1+7|x_1|+4|x_2|=80,~~x_1+7|x_1|+4|x_2|=100,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\bigg(\displaystyle\frac{x_1}{8},\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}\big(97x_1+164x_2\big),6x_1+10x_2,\displaystyle\frac{13}{2}x_1+\displaystyle\frac{21}{2}x_2-\displaystyle\frac{7}{2}|x_1|-\displaystyle\frac{7}{2}|x_2|, 6x_1+\displaystyle\frac{21}{2}x_2-4|x_1|-\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_2|,6x_1+10x_2-4|x_1|-5|x_2|,6x_1+11x_2-6|x_1|-7|x_2|\bigg)\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\preceq_{lex} (7.5,300,150,100,100,70,30),\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x_1~\mbox{and}~x_2\) are unrestricted in sign.\ 4. To convert the lexicographic constraint \(\preceq_{lex}\) into its equivalent form, we introduce the binary variables \(z_1^S,\\ z_1^A, z_1^M, z_1^C, z_1^D, z_1^G~\mbox{and}~z_1^H\) and for \(k=10^{-4}\) and \(K=1000\), we have the following set of constraints:\ \(kz_1^S \leq 7.5-\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1) \leq Kz_1^S, \hspace{10.45cm} (5a)\)\ \(-Kz_1^S+kz_1^A \leq 300-\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}\big(97x_1+164x_2\big) \leq Kz_1^A,\hspace{7.35cm} (5b)\)\ \(-K(z_1^S+z_1^A)+kz_1^M \leq 150-6x_1-10x_2 \leq Kz_1^M,\hspace{7.08cm} (5c)\)\ \(-K(z_1^S+z_1^A+z_1^M)+kz_1^C \leq 100-\displaystyle\frac{13}{2}x_1-\displaystyle\frac{21}{2}x_2+\displaystyle\frac{7}{2}|x_1|+\displaystyle\frac{7}{2}|x_2|\leq Kz_1^C,\hspace{3.55cm} (5d)\)\ \(-K(z_1^S+z_1^A+z_1^M+z_1^C)+kz_1^D \leq 100-6x_1-\displaystyle\frac{21}{2}x_2+4|x_1|+\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_2| \leq Kz_1^D,\hspace{3.15cm} (5e)\)\ \(-K(z_1^S+z_1^A+z_1^M+z_1^C+z_1^D)+kz_1^G \leq 70-6x_1-10x_2+4|x_1|+5|x_2| \leq Kz_1^G,\hspace{2.63cm} (5f)\)\ \(-K(z_1^S+z_1^A+z_1^M+z_1^C+z_1^D+z_1^G)+kz_1^H \leq 30-6x_1-11x_2+6|x_1|+7|x_2| \leq Kz_1^H,\hspace{1.79cm} (5g)\)\ \(z_1^S,z_1^A,z_1^M,z_1^C,z_1^D,z_1^G,z_1^H \in \{0,1\}, \hspace{9.23cm} (5h)\)\ \(z_1^S \leq z_1^A \leq z_1^M \leq z_1^C \leq z_1^D \leq z_1^G \leq z_1^H.\hspace{8.9cm} (5i)\)\ 5. Finally, the equivalent mixed \(0\) \(~1\) lexicographic non-linear optimization problem obtained is as follows:\ **(S4)** lex max \(\bigg(\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2),\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2), 5x_1+8x_2,5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2|,5x_1+8x_2-3|x_1|-\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2|x_2|,\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}x_1+ \displaystyle\frac{17}{2}x_2-\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_1|-\displaystyle\frac{5}{2}|x_2|,5x_1+8x_2-5|x_1|-4|x_2|\bigg)\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~3x_1+x_2=25,~~-x_1+5|x_1|+2|x_2|=50,~~x_1+5|x_1|+2|x_2|=70,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2|x_1|+|x_2|=25,~~-x_1+7|x_1|+4|x_2|=80,~~x_1+7|x_1|+4|x_2|=100,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{constraints}~(5a)-(5i),\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x_1~\mbox{and}~x_2\) are unrestricted in sign.\ 6. To solve the problem (S4), we start by optimizing the first component of the objective function along-with imposing all the constraints of problem (S4). As a result, we solve the single-objective non-linear programming problem (S4-1) given by: ::: {.center} **(S4-1)** \(\max~ S=\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)}.\) ::: Here, we have solved all the crisp optimization models by using a software \"LINGO\(-17.0\)\" on a MacBook Air system with 1.8 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 processor and 8 GB RAM. The optimal solution of (S4-1) gives the optimal objective value as \(S=1.875\). Next, for optimizing the second component of objective function of (S4), we solve the problem (S4-2). ::: {.center} **(S4-2)** \(\max~ A=\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2)~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875\). ::: The optimal objective value of (S4-2) is \(A=18.125\) and for optimizing the third objective, the problem (S4-3) is solved. ::: {.center} **(S4-3)** \(\max~ M=5x_1+8x_2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875\),\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2) \geq 18.125.\) ::: The optimal solution of (S4-3) gives \(M=10\). Further, the fourth objective is optimized by solving the problem (S4-4). ::: {.center} **(S4-4)** \(\max~ C=5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2|\)\ \(~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},\)\ \(~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2) \geq 18.125,\)\ \(5x_1+8x_2 \geq 10.\) ::: The optimal objective value of (S4-4) is \(C=-15\) and for optimizing the fifth objective, we solve the problem (S4-5). ::: {.center}   **(S4-5)** \(\max~ D=5x_1+8x_2-3|x_1|-2|x_2|\)\ \(~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},\)\ \(~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2) \geq 18.125,\)\ \(5x_1+8x_2 \geq 10,~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2| \geq-15.\) ::: The optimal solution of (S4-5) gives the optimal objective value as \(D=-30\) and to optimize the sixth objective, the problem (S4-6) is solved. ::: {.center}    **(S4-6)** \(\max~ G=\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}x_1+\displaystyle\frac{17}{2}x_2-\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_1|-\displaystyle\frac{5}{2}|x_2|\)\ \(\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},\)\ \(\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875,~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2) \geq 18.125,\)\ \(5x_1+8x_2 \geq 10,~~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2| \geq-15,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5x_1+8x_2-3|x_1|-2|x_2| \geq-30.\) ::: The optimal solution of (S4-6) gives \(G=-55\). Finally, the seventh objective is optimized by solving the problem (S4-7). ::: {.center} **(S4-7)** \(\max~ H=5x_1+8x_2-5|x_1|-4|x_2|~~~~~~~~~\)\ \(\mbox{s.t.}~~~\mbox{all the constraints of (S4)},~~~~~~\)\ \(\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(x_1-x_2) \geq 1.875,~~~~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~\displaystyle\frac{1}{8}(79x_1+129x_2) \geq 18.125,\)\ \(5x_1+8x_2 \geq 10,~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~5x_1+8x_2-2|x_1|-|x_2| \geq-15,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5x_1+8x_2-3|x_1|-2|x_2| \geq-30,\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}x_1+\displaystyle\frac{17}{2}x_2-\displaystyle\frac{9}{2}|x_1|-\displaystyle\frac{5}{2}|x_2| \geq-55.\) ::: The optimal objective value and optimal solution of problem (S4-7) are respectively equal to \(H=-60,\) and \(x_1=10, ~x_2=-5\).\ 7. By putting the optimal solution values as obtained in step 6, we get the unique optimal IVIF value \]\tilde{Z}=(10;25,25,40,40;70,70,65,50)_{LR}.\[ # An application in production planning A bicycle manufacturing company produces two models of bicycles, namely, road bikes and mountain bikes. Steel alloy and rubber constitute the primary raw materials required in the production process of the main body of the bicycles. It is observed from the past experiences that no complete unit of a road bicycle can be manufactured if \(1.5\) hours of skilled labourers are employed per unit. On the other hand, the company can't bear to spend more than \(2.5\) hours of labour time per unit of the road bike as it will reduce the efficiency of the process. From the past data, it is estimated that complete manufacturing of each unit of a road bike requires about \(1.75\) to \(2.25\) hours of skilled labourers. It was also judged that the production curve of road bikes peaks near to \(2\) hours of labour time per unit. Further, it is known from the judgement of the decision-maker that values of all the parameters follow linear variations and involve uncertainty as well as some inherent hesitation. In this context, all the information related to the skilled labour hours is summarized in Table [\[table2\]](#table2){reference-type="ref" reference="table2"} while the data referring to the requirement of raw material is tabulated in Table [\[table3\]](#table3){reference-type="ref" reference="table3"}. The manager of the company has approximated that about \(100\) hours of labour time is available for the production process. Further, due to the various uncontrollable factors, there occurs a fluctuation in the supply and consumption of Steel alloy and rubber in the manufacturing firm. Thus, the manager has estimated that around \(300\) units of Steel alloy and nearly \(120\) units of rubber will be available for this production run. However, the manufacturing firm can purchase the additional required units of Steel alloy at a price of about \(\\)10\( or can sell leftover units at the same price. The company estimated the selling price per unit of road bike at a price nearly \)\\(80\) and that of mountain bike at about \(\\)120$. Finally, the firm manager wants to find the number of optimal units of Steel alloy need to be purchased or sold and units of the road bikes and mountain bikes be produced consequently so as to maximize the total profit.\ \(^1\) \(^2\) where \(~\tilde{x}_1=(x_1;\)\_2=(x_2; \(\tilde{y}_1=(y_1;\pi_{1L}^{\mu},\theta_{1L}^{\mu},\pi_{1U}^{\prime\mu},\theta_{1U}^{\prime\mu};\pi_{1L}^{\nu},\theta_{1L}^{\nu},\pi_{1U}^{\prime\nu},\theta_{1U}^{\prime\nu})_{LR}= \mbox{Number of additional units of Steel alloy to be purchased or sold}\).\ **Solution:** Substituting the values of the parameters, the problem (M1) can be further expressed as:\ **(M2)** max \(\tilde{Z}=(80;5,5,7,7;10,10,8,9)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_1 \oplus (120;8,7,10,10;15,15,12,11)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_2 \oplus\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(10;1,1.5,2,2;4,5,3,3.5)_{LR} \odot \tilde{y}_1\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mbox{s.t.}~(7;0.5,0.5,1,1;2,1.5,1.5,1)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_1 \oplus (8;0.5,0.5,0.8,0.9;1.5,2,1.2,1.5)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_2 \oplus \tilde{y}_1\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =(300;10,12,15,15;30,30,20,25)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(2;0.1,0.2,0.25,0.3;0.5,0.7,0.3,0.5)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_1 \oplus (4;0.3,0.3,0.5,0.7;1,1,0.7,0.8)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_2\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\preceq (120;10,8,15,15;30,30,18,20)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(2;0.1,0.1,0.25,0.25;0.5,0.5,0.3,0.3)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_1 \oplus (4;0.2,0.2,0.25,0.5;1,0.7,0.5,0.6)_{LR} \odot \tilde{x}_2\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \preceq (100;8,8,10,10;20,22,15,15)_{LR},\)\ \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\tilde{x}_1, \tilde{x}_2 \succeq 0\), \(~\tilde{y}_1\) unrestricted.\ Now, since the input data follows the linear trend, therefore, \(L(x)=R(x)=L'(x)=R'(x)=\mbox{max} \{0,1-x \}~ \forall~x \in \mathbb{R}\). Further, using \"LINGO-17.0\" software for solving the equivalent crisp model obtained after applying Steps \(1-7\) of the proposed algorithm, we get the following optimal solution of problem (M1):\ \(\tilde{x}_1=(1.71;0,0,0,0;1.7,0,0.64,0)_{LR},~~\tilde{x}_2=(3.05;1.02,1.13,1.5,1.18;2.08,2.13,1.5,1.97)_{LR}~\) and\ \(\tilde{y}_1=(263.69;0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0)_{LR}\)\ with the optimal IVIF value of the objective function equals \]\tilde{Z}=(3138.94;410.44,569.18,735.66,723.92;1454.84,1669.39,1050.39,1229.97)_{LR}\[ ## Results and discussion The optimal solution of problem (M1) calls for selling nearly \(263\) Kgs. of leftover Steel alloy, manufacturing about \(2\) units of the road bike and \(3\) units of mountain bike to gain the maximum profit in the given scenario. The graphical representation of the objective function value \(\tilde{Z}\) as an \(LR\)-type IVIFN is shown in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}. The interpretation of the profit function can be viewed as follows:\ The company's acceptance increases if the profit value increases from nearly \(\\)2403.28\( to \)\\(3138.94\) while the degree of attainability of profit decreases if profit further increases from \(\\)3138.94\( to \)\\(3862.86\). The manager is fully satisfied at a profit of \(\\)3138.94\(. However, when the profit increases from nearly \)\\(1684.1\) to \(\\)3138.94\(, the degree of non attainability (or rejection) decreases continuously while the non attainability degree increases if the profit grows from \)\\(3138.94\) to \(\\)4808.33\(. Further, the company's profit can't go below \)\\(1684.1\) and a profit above \(\\)4808.33$ is also not achievable. ## Managerial insights Our modelling of linear optimization problems in \(LR\)-type IVIF environment integrates two significant variations in the data to solve the realistic problems. Firstly, this modelling allows different types of variation in the input data using the suitable choice of \(L\) and \(R\) functions. Secondly, the model parameters are taken as IVIFNs with interval degrees which handle the uncertain data in a most appropriate manner. Hence, it is crucial for a policy-maker to understand and judge how the optimal strategy varies using different \(L,R\) functions and to evaluate the optimal solution which suits best to the concerned organization. The formulation, solution and analysis of the production planning problem (M1) successfully incorporate the uncertain and vague data in the model and further provides the flexible and optimal production strategy to the company manager. ## Comparison with other cases The problem (M1) is also solved by transforming the inequality constraints of the model into equality by introducing the non-negative \(LR\)-type IVIF slack variables. Additionally, the model is alternatively solved using the usual order relation \(\preceq\) in place of \(\preceq_{lex}\). The values obtained are mentioned in Table [\[table4\]](#table4){reference-type="ref" reference="table4"}. Further, by comparing the optimal values of \(\tilde{Z}\), it is observed that the solution obtained by the proposed methodology yields better results. However, it may also be noticed that the optimal solutions are close to each other. Moreover, using the Definition \(3.2.3\) for comparing the objective function values, we get \]S(\tilde{Z}_{slack})=-75.34 < S(\tilde{Z}_{order~ relation~ \preceq})=-58.96 < S(\tilde{Z}_{proposed})=-30.89\(\) implying that \(\tilde{Z}_{slack} \prec \tilde{Z}_{order~ relation~ \preceq} \prec \tilde{Z}_{proposed}\). Therefore, it can be inferred that the proposed algorithm yields better results than the two alternative approaches. ::: # Conclusions and future research scope The study proposes the definition of \(LR\)-type interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and defines the basic operation on unrestricted \(LR\)-type IVIFNs with the help of \(\alpha\)-cut and \(\beta\)-cut. We have also derived the expressions of the various ranking indices for these numbers. Further, a methodology has been proposed to solve a class of unrestricted fully \(LR\)-type IVIF linear programming problems. The current study also generalizes the results and theory of fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy and \(LR\)-type fuzzy / intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Finally, it is to be pointed out that all the existing models of LPPs can also be solved using the proposed algorithm. However, many real-world problems which fail to have crisp parameters can only be solved efficiently using the proposed technique by representing the uncertain data using intervals. Moreover, for ranking of the \(LR\)-type IVIFNs, a lexicographic criteria \((S, A, M, C, D, G, H)\) has been used. However, the choice of this ranking criterion is not fixed. There are a total of \(7!\) permutations possible. It totally depends on the decision-maker's attitude towards the preferences of various parameters involved in the lexicographic ranking. Furthermore, the practical applicability of the proposed model and solution algorithm is demonstrated by solving the production planning problem of a manufacturing company. Additionally, the optimal solution values are also compared with the two alternative approaches that can be used to solve the problem. The comparative results conclude that the proposed technique perform better than the alternate methods.\ Some of the future directions of the present work are as follows: 1. It can be observed that although the method is able to handle a very generalized class of linear optimization problems under uncertain conditions but the algorithm involves a large number of computation steps. Since, to obtain the final optimal value, one needs to solve seven mixed \(0-1\) integer non-linear programming problems. Therefore, it will be interesting to devise a more computationally efficient approach to handle such problems. 2. In the future, different optimization problems such as supply chain problems, portfolio optimization problems, transportation problems, etc. can be solved under the \(LR\)-type IVIF environment. 3. An important futuristic research aspect would be to formulate and to devise a solution algorithm for multi-objective LPPs under IVIF scenario. 4. In future research, the methodology can be extended to solve the quadratic programming problems, non-linear / fractional problems having parameters / variables as \(LR\)-type IVIFNs.
{'timestamp': '2023-01-19T02:10:34', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01048', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01048'}
# Introduction {#intro} The distinct (non-isomorphic) embeddings of the non-planar Kuratowski graphs \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_5\) on the torus can be found, e.g., in . We want to find explicitly all their distinct 2-cell embeddings on the double torus, which can serve as a first step in the study of graphs embeddable on the double torus. The number of 2-cell embeddings of these graphs on orientable surfaces was previously determined by Mull, Rieper, and White, and Mull, using Burnside's Lemma and automorphism groups of the graphs. In this paper, we use a constructive approach to find the embeddings and to determine their orientability. By Euler's formula for the double torus, we have \(n+ f-\varepsilon =-2\), implying that a 2-cell embedding of \(K_{3,3}\) has \(f=1\) face and a 2-cell embedding of \(K_5\) has \(f=3\) faces. Possibly some classic results to efficiently solve *NP*-hard optimization problems for planar graphs (e.g., see ) can be extended to non-planar graphs by studying their embeddings. Graphs we consider in this paper can contain parallel edges (i.e., be multi-graphs), but not loops. A \(2\)-cell embedding of a graph \(G\) on an oriented surface is characterized by its *rotation system*. Given a labelling of the vertices and edges, a rotation system consists of a cyclic list of the incident edges for each vertex \(v\), called the *rotation* of \(v\). The rotation system uniquely determines the facial boundaries, and therefore the embedding of \(G\) on the surface. If \(\tau\) is a rotation system for an embedding of \(G\), we denote the embedding by \(G^\tau\). Two embeddings \(G^{\tau_1}\) and \(G^{\tau_2}\) are isomorphic if there is a permutation of the vertices \(V(G)\) and of the edges \(E(G)\) that transforms \(\tau_1\) into \(\tau_2\). See  for more information on graph embeddings and rotation systems. We denote by \(\Theta_m\) a multi-graph consisting of two vertices \(\{u,v\}\) and a set of \(m\) parallel edges between them (\(m\ge 1\)). This graph can be considered as a generalized theta graph. In what follows, we first construct all \(2\)-cell embeddings of an auxiliary graph \(\Theta_5\) on the double torus, and then derive all possible embeddings of \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_5\) on this surface by expanding \(\Theta_5\) and some other minors of \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_5\) back to the original graphs. This is done in Sections [2](#section-theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="section-theta5"}, [3](#section-K33){reference-type="ref" reference="section-K33"}, and [5](#section-K5){reference-type="ref" reference="section-K5"}. Section [4](#section-reps){reference-type="ref" reference="section-reps"} provides different polygonal representations of the double torus, based on the results of Sections  [2](#section-theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="section-theta5"} and [3](#section-K33){reference-type="ref" reference="section-K33"}. Section [6](#section-conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="section-conclusion"} and Appendices conclude the paper, explicitly describing all rotation systems for \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the double and triple tori, and providing corrections to some numerical results from for embeddings on the torus. # \(\Theta_5\) on the double torus {#section-theta5} The multi-graph \(\Theta_5\) satisfies Euler's formula, with \(f=1\) for the double torus. Three 2-cell embeddings of \(\Theta_5\) on the double torus are shown in Figure [\[theta5\]](#theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="theta5"}. Here the double torus is represented by a standard octagon \(a^+b^+a^-b^-c^+d^+c^-d^-\), traversed clockwise, with paired sides \(\{a,b,c,d\}\). See  for more information on representations of the double torus. We first need to show that these comprise all distinct 2-cell embeddings of \(\Theta_5\). They all have a single face, homeomorphic to an open disc, with facial boundary \(C\) consisting of 10 edges. The octagon representation \(a^+b^+a^-b^-c^+d^+c^-d^-\) of the double torus determines a *tiling of the hyperbolic plane by regular octagons*, which is invariant under a group of translation symmetries, see . The translations are those that map the fundamental octagon to other octagons in the tiling, such that side \(a\) is mapped to another side \(a\), side \(b\) to another side \(b\), and so forth. The group of translations is transitive on the octagons. When the double torus is cut (see ) to produce the standard octagon \(a^+b^+a^-b^-c^+d^+c^-d^-\), the octagon becomes the fundamental region of the group of translation symmetries, and its boundary cycle \(C\) corresponds to a Jordan curve in the hyperbolic plane. In general, a Jordan curve bounding a fundamental region in the hyperbolic plane, which we will also denote by \(C\), has an interior that is equivalent to the interior of the fundamental octagon, in the sense that every point in the octagon, except points of its boundary cycle, is equivalent to exactly one point in the interior of the Jordan curve \(C\) under the action of the translation symmetries. In other words, the interior of \(C\) can also be taken as a fundamental region for the group of translations of the hyperbolic plane. Every 2-cell embedding of \(\Theta_5\) on the double torus has an associated Jordan curve with this property. ## Automorphisms, Rotations, Orientability The automorphisms of the embeddings of Figure [\[theta5\]](#theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="theta5"} will be helpful in finding the embeddings of \(K_{3,3}\). We will need the rotations at vertices \(u\) and \(v\) for each embedding, written explicitly below. The numbers below are the edge numbers in the embeddings of Figure [\[theta5\]](#theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="theta5"}. An automorphism is a permutation of vertices and/or edges that leaves the rotation system unchanged. An embedding is *non-orientable* if the embedding obtained by reversing the rotations is isomorphic to the original embedding. Otherwise it is *orientable*. \(\Theta_5^{\# 1}\[u: (1,2,3,4,5)\qquad v: (1,2,4,5,3)\) \(\Theta_5^{\# 2}\]u: (1,2,3,4,5)\qquad v: (1,2,3,4,5)\) \(\Theta_5^{\# 3}\)\(u: (1,2,3,4,5)\qquad v: (1,4,2,5,3)\) If \(uv\) is an edge of a graph \(G\), we denote the graph obtained by contracting edge \(uv\) by \(G\cdot uv\). Clearly, if \(uv\) belongs to a triangle in \(G\), contracting \(uv\) will result in parallel edges in \(G\cdot uv\), and contracting an edge \(xy\) from a set of parallel edges in \(G\) would create a loop in \(G\cdot xy\). We will need the following simple lemma. It follows from Lemma [\[autoK33\]](#autoK33){reference-type="ref" reference="autoK33"} that, without loss of generality, vertex \(u\) of \(\Theta_5\) can be taken to be \(CAE\), so that vertex \(v\) is \(DBF\). Furthermore, the *central edge* \(uv\) in the embeddings \(\#1\) and \(\#3\) of Figure [\[theta5\]](#theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="theta5"}, i.e., the only edge not crossing the boundary of the octagon, can be taken to be either \(AB\) or \(CD\), as the non-contracted edges of \(K_{3,3}\) in Figure [\[K33\]](#K33){reference-type="ref" reference="K33"} are all equivalent to one of these. So, we have an embedding of \(\Theta_5\) of Figure [\[K33\]](#K33){reference-type="ref" reference="K33"}, with the vertices labelled \(CAE\) and \(DBF\), and the edges labelled \(AB, CD, CF, ED, EF\). The embedding is one of \(\Theta_5^{\#1}, \Theta_5^{\#2}, \Theta_5^{\#3}\) of Figure [\[theta5\]](#theta5){reference-type="ref" reference="theta5"}. Vertex \(CAE\) is to be expanded into a path \([C,A,E]\), and \(DBF\) is to be expanded into a path \([D,B,F]\). When \(CAE\) is expanded, the five edges in the rotation of \(CAE\) must be divided into two consecutive edges for \(C\), one edge for \(A\), and two consecutive edges for \(E\). A similar observation holds for \(DBF\). It is easy to see that the embedding in Figure [\[K33embedding\]](#K33embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="K33embedding"} is non-orientable: the permutation \((1)(4)(26)(35)\) of vertices of \(K_{3,3}\), which is an automorphism of \(K_{3,3}\), maps the rotations to their reversals, implying the non-orientability. # Hyperbolic Tilings {#section-reps} It is well known (see ) that the torus has symbolic representations \(a^+b^+a^-b^-\) and \(a^+b^+c^+a^-b^-c^-\), which also represent tilings of the Euclidean plane by rectangles and by regular hexagons, respectively. In the tiling by rectangles, four rectangles meet at each vertex. In the tiling by hexagons, three hexagons meet at each vertex. The corresponding translation groups of the plane map rectangles to rectangles, and hexagons to hexagons. Any graph embedding on the torus which has exactly one face, and the face is equivalent to an open disk, provides a polygonal representation of the torus. By Euler's formula, the number of vertices and edges then satisfy \(n + 1-\varepsilon = 0\), so that \(\varepsilon = n+ 1\). Since we require the minimum degree to be at least three, this limits the possible graphs. We must then have \(n\le 2\), from which it follows that the rectangle and hexagon are the only one-polygon representations of the torus. With the double torus, there are many more possibilities for such one-face embeddings. The standard representation \(a^+b^+a^-b^-c^+d^+c^-d^-\) of the double torus produces a tiling of the hyperbolic plane by regular octagons, in which eight octagons meet at each vertex. The 2-cell embeddings of \(\Theta_5\) and \(K_{3,3}\) produce additional tilings of the hyperbolic plane. The three embeddings of \(\Theta_5\) produce tilings by regular \(10\)-gons, i.e. polygons with \(10\) sides. One has fundamental region \(a^+b^+c^+d^+e^+c^-d^-a^-b^-e^-\), the second has fundamental region \(a^+b^+c^+d^+e^+a^-b^-c^-d^-e^-\), and the third has fundamental region \(a^+b^+c^+a^-d^+c^-e^+d^-b^-e^-\). In each case five 10-gons meet at each vertex. The polygons of the fundamental regions determined by the embeddings of \(\Theta_5\) are shown in Figure [\[hyperbolic\]](#hyperbolic){reference-type="ref" reference="hyperbolic"}. Dotted lines are used to show the pairing of edges of the 10-gons. The polygon boundaries are traversed in a clockwise direction, such that for each pair of corresponding edges, the orientations of the two edges are opposite. \(K_{3,3}\) produces a tiling of the hyperbolic plane by regular 18-gons, i.e., polygons with \(18\) sides, with three 18-gons meeting at each vertex. It gives a polygonal representation \(a^+b^+c^+d^+e^+f^+b^-g^+h^+c^-f^-i^+g^-a^-d^-h^-i^-e^-\) of the double torus. The edges of the fundamental polygon are the nine edges of \(K_{3,3}\), each one appearing twice on the polygon boundary. This is illustrated in Figure [\[18gon\]](#18gon){reference-type="ref" reference="18gon"}, where dotted lines show the pairing of edges of the polygon. Euler's formula for the double torus and a one-face embedding gives \(\varepsilon = n + 3\). Since the minimum degree is required to be at least three, this gives \(2\varepsilon \ge 3n\), or \(2(n+3) \ge 3n\), giving \(n\le 6\). There are a number of graphs satisfying this condition. Each one will give a number of representations of the double torus as a fundamental region of the hyperbolic plane. We use some of them to find the 2-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the double torus in the next section. # \(K_5\) on the double torus {#section-K5} We find the distinct 2-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) using a number of intermediate graphs. They are related to \(K_{3,3}\) and \(\Theta_5\), and can be used as building blocks for 2-cell embeddings of various other graphs. The double torus is an orientable surface. If the rotations of an embedding are all reversed, an equivalent, but possibly non-isomorphic, embedding results. Two such embeddings will be considered as *equivalent*. As before, an embedding \(G^\tau\) whose reversal is isomorphic to \(G^\tau\) is said to be *non-orientable*. But if the reversal is non-isomorphic to \(G^\tau\), then the embedding is said to be *orientable*. Let \(T_{i,j,k}\) denote the graph of a triangle in which one edge has multiplicity \(i\), one edge has multiplicity \(j\), and the third edge has multiplicity \(k\). For example, \(T_{1,1,1} = K_3\). \(T_{i,j,k}\) has \(i+j+k\) edges, so that a \(2\)-cell embedding of \(T_{i,j,k}\) on the double torus has \(f=i+j+k-5\) faces. The most interesting case is when \(f=1\), for then the embedding must be a 2-cell embedding, with no digon faces. We look at \(T_{1,2,3}\). Denote by \(K_4^+\) the graph obtained from \(K_4\) by doubling one edge. Euler's formula tells us that a 2-cell embedding of \(K_4^+\) on the double torus has just one face. Consider now a 2-cell embedding of the wheel graph \(W_4\), shown in Figure [\[K4W4\]](#K4W4){reference-type="ref" reference="K4W4"}. We now turn to \(K_5\). The addition of edges to \(K_4^+\), \(W_4\), and \(K_5-uv\) in all possible ways in Theorem [\[K5thm\]](#K5thm){reference-type="ref" reference="K5thm"} was done by using a computer program. A list of rotation systems for the resulting \(31\) inequivalent \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) is given in Appendix A. Most of the \(31\) embeddings (\(27\)) have an automorphism group of order one (for example, see Figure [\[K5fig01\]](#K5fig01){reference-type="ref" reference="K5fig01"} below). There is one embedding with a group of order five, two with a group of order four, and one with a group of order two. Several of the embeddings are interesting. One of the non-orientable embeddings has an automorphism group of order five. It is shown in Figure [\[K5fig43\]](#K5fig43){reference-type="ref" reference="K5fig43"}, together with its three facial cycles. Its automorphism group is generated by the permutation \((1,2,3,5,4)\). The three faces determine a decomposition of the double torus, as well as a tiling of the hyperbolic plane by decagons and pentagons, in which two pentagons and two decagons meet at each corner. The 10-gon representations of Figure [\[hyperbolic\]](#hyperbolic){reference-type="ref" reference="hyperbolic"} for the double torus are often more suitable for drawing embeddings of \(K_5\) than the standard octagon form of the double torus. Figure [\[10gonK5\]](#10gonK5){reference-type="ref" reference="10gonK5"} shows a drawing of \(K_5\) on two of the 10-gon representations. As can be seen from the drawing, these embeddings have an automorphism group of order five. They are isomorphic embeddings, although this is not evident from the diagram. # Conclusion {#section-conclusion} This paper provides a method for constructing all distinct \(2\)-cell embeddings of various graphs on the double torus, and presents all the \(2\)-cell embeddings of fundamental non-planar graphs \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_5\) on the orientable surfaces, as a complement to their well-known toroidal embeddings. From Euler's formula, the maximum orientable genus of \(K_{3,3}\) is two, the maximum orientable genus of \(K_5\) is three, and the \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_{3,3}\) on the double torus and \(K_5\) on the triple torus have a single face. Therefore, \(K_{3,3}\) has orientable genus spectrum \(\{1,2\}\), and \(K_5\) has orientable genus spectrum \(\{1,2,3\}\). By reconstructing embeddings from graph minors, we obtain the unique \(2\)-cell embedding of \(K_{3,3}\) and all distinct \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the double torus. The \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the triple torus are obtained by using an exhaustive computer search of rotation systems. Figure [\[K33embedding\]](#K33embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="K33embedding"} shows the unique embedding of \(K_{3,3}\) on the double torus, Appendix A provides all the \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the double torus (represented by their rotation systems), and Appendix B provides all the rotation systems for different \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the triple torus. Thus, \(K_{3,3}\) has \(3(=2+1)\) and \(K_5\) has \(50(=6+31+13)\) inequivalent \(2\)-cell embeddings on orientable surfaces in total. In Appendix C, we report some corrections to previous computational results from for embeddings of small vertex-transitive graphs (and \(K_{3,4}, K_{3,5}, K_{3,6}\)) on the torus--these corrections result from a corrected bug in computer code (spotted by Professor William Dickinson, Grand Valley State University). Notice that the description of rotation systems in Appendix A allows a drawing of the embedding on the double torus to be constructed from its rotation system. However, in general, it is a non-trivial task to find a drawing of a graph on a polygonal representation of a surface from its rotation system. An ad-hoc approach has been used to draw two of the rotation systems from Appendix B for embeddings of \(K_5\) on the triple torus shown in Figure [\[K5tt\]](#K5tt){reference-type="ref" reference="K5tt"}. The reader is encouraged to draw the other \(11\) embeddings from Appendix B. It would be interesting to find a constructive method to obtain all \(2\)-cell embeddings of \(K_5\) on the triple torus. This paper also provides a number of different representations of the double torus and several examples of drawn \(2\)-cell embeddings, e.g. a symmetric non-orientable embedding of \(K_5\) (Figures [\[K5fig43\]](#K5fig43){reference-type="ref" reference="K5fig43"} and [\[10gonK5\]](#10gonK5){reference-type="ref" reference="10gonK5"}), an orientable embedding of \(K_5\) with the trivial automorphism group (Figure [\[K5fig01\]](#K5fig01){reference-type="ref" reference="K5fig01"}) on the double torus, two embeddings of \(K_5\) on the triple torus (having one face, Figure [\[K5tt\]](#K5tt){reference-type="ref" reference="K5tt"}). Different representations of the double torus can be used, for example, to have symmetric drawings of the embeddings (Figures [\[10gonK5\]](#10gonK5){reference-type="ref" reference="10gonK5"}) or to solve geometric packing problems like in Brandt et al. . For future research, it would be interesting to describe more precisely and obtain all polygonal representations of the double and triple tori. Since the multi-graph \(\Theta_5\) and its embeddings on the double torus play a crucial role in obtaining all the embeddings of \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_5\) on this surface (similarly to the unique embedding of \(\Theta_3\) on the torus), we ask the following: How many distinct embeddings does \(\Theta_{2g+1}\) have on the orientable surface of genus \(g\), and how can they be obtained? By Euler's formula, these embeddings will have a single face. When \(g=1\), there is one embedding. When \(g=2\), there are three embeddings.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:31:44', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01150', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01150'}
# Introduction All considered graphs in this paper are simple, finite and undirected. We follow  for all terminology and notation not defined here. A \(k\)-(vertex-)coloring of a graph \(G\) is an assignment \(\varphi: V(G)\to\{1,\ldots,k\}\). A coloring \(\varphi\) is said to be *proper* if every color class is an independent subset of the vertex set of \(G\). A *hypergraph* \(\mathcal{H}=(V(\mathcal{H}),\mathcal{E}(\mathcal{H}))\) is a generalization of a graph, its (hyper-)edges are subsets of \(V(\mathcal{H})\) of arbitrary positive size. There are various notions of (vertex-)coloring of hypergraphs, which when restricted to graphs coincide with proper graph coloring. One such notion was introduced by Even at al.  (in a geometric setting) in connection with frequency assignment problems for cellular networks, as follows. A coloring of a hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}\) is *conflict-free* *(CF)* if for every edge \(e\in \mathcal{E}(\mathcal{H})\) there is a color \(c\) that occurs exactly once on the vertices of \(e\). The *CF chromatic number* of \(\mathcal{H}\) is the minimum \(k\) for which \(\mathcal{H}\) admits a CF \(k\)-coloring. For graphs, Cheilaris  studied the *CF coloring with respect to neighborhoods*, that is, the coloring in which for every non-isolated vertex \(x\) there is a color that occurs exactly once in the (open) neighborhood \(N(x)\), and proved the upper bound \(2\sqrt{n}\) for the CF chromatic number of a graph of order \(n\). For more on not necessarily proper CF colorings see, e.g.,. Quite recently, Fabrici et al.  initiated a study of proper conflict-free colorings with respect to neighborhoods while focusing mainly on planar and outerplanar graphs. In fact, combining the coloring notions of 'conflict-free' and 'proper' is only natural as the former was initially introduced (in the hypergraph setting) in order to generalize the latter. The minimum number of colors in any proper conflict-free coloring (with respect to neighborhoods) of a graph \(G\) is the *PCF chromatic number* of \(G\), denoted \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\). Note that the obvious inequality \(\chi(G)\leq\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\) becomes an equality for every complete graph. On the other hand, the mentioned inequality may also be strict. In fact, the ratio \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)/\chi(G)\) can acquire arbitrarily high value. Indeed, consider a non-empty graph \(G\) and let \(S(G)\) be *the complete subdivision* of \(G\), i.e., the graph obtained from \(G\) by subdividing every edge in \(E(G)\) exactly once. Then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(S(G))\geq\chi(G)\) whereas \(\chi(S(G))=2\). Consequently, \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(S(G))/\chi(S(G))\geq\chi(G)/2\). On the other hand, the ratio \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)/\chi(G)\) is bounded from above by the *CF chromatic number* of \(G\), denoted \(\chi_{\rm cf}(G)\), which is the minimum number of colors in any (not necessarily proper) conflict-free coloring of \(G\) (with respect to neighborhoods). Indeed, in order to show that \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) \le \chi_{\rm cf}(G)\, \chi(G)\) simply take \(f\) to be a conflict-free coloring that realizes \(\chi_{\rm cf}(G)\) and \(g\) be a proper coloring the realizes \(\chi(G)\). Then \(h=(f,g)\) is a conflict-free coloring by the first coordinate and a proper coloring by the second coordinate, and it uses \(\chi_{\rm cf}(G)\, \chi(G)\) colors. Note in passing a fundamental distinction between the chromatic number and the PCF chromatic number. The former graph parameter is monotonic in regard to the 'subgraph relation', that is, if \(H\subseteq G\) then \(\chi(H)\leq\chi(G)\). This nice monotonicity feature does not hold for the PCF chromatic number in general. For example, \(C_4\) is a subgraph of the kite \(K_4-e\), but nevertheless we have \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(C_4)=4>3=\chi_{\rm pcf}(K_4-e)\). We bring this introductory section to an end by mentioning another related and recently introduced coloring concept for graphs, so-called 'odd coloring'. The motivation came from another notion of (vertex-)coloring of hypergraphs, which when restricted to graphs coincides with proper graph coloring. Namely, as introduced by Cheilaris et al. , an *odd coloring* of hypergraph \(\mathcal{H}\) is a coloring such that for every edge \(e\in \mathcal{E}(\mathcal{H})\) there is a color \(c\) with an odd number of vertices of \(e\) colored by \(c\). Particular features of the same notion notion (under the name *weak-parity coloring*) have been considered by Fabrici and Göring  (in regard to face-hypergraphs of planar graphs) and also by Bunde et al.  (in regard to coloring of graphs with respect to paths, i.e., path-hypergraphs). For various edge colorings of graphs with parity condition required at the vertices we refer the reader to . As defined in , a proper coloring of a graph \(G\) is *odd* if in the open neighborhood \(N(v)\) of every non-isolated vertex \(v\) a color appears an odd number of times. The minimum number of colors in any odd coloring of \(G\) is the *odd chromatic number* of \(G\), denoted \(\chi_o(G)\). This new graph parameter spurred instant interest among graph theorists (see ). Clearly \(\chi(G)\leq\chi_o(G)\leq\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\), where the latter inequality comes from the obvious fact that every proper conflict-free coloring is odd. The following was conjectured in . By the end of this paper we shall be posing a considerably stronger conjecture. The rest of the article is organized as follows. The next section provides characterizations of several basic graph classes in terms of the value of the PCF chromatic number. In Section 3 we discuss PCF colorability of claw-free and chordal graphs. This is followed by a section on upper bounds for \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\) in degree-constrained graphs \(G\). In Section 5 we turn to PCF \(k\)-colorability where \(4\le k\le6\). At the end, we briefly convey some of our thoughts for possible further work on the subject of proper conflict-free colorings. # Basic results Here we determine the proper conflict-free chromatic number of some basic/simple graph classes and study the behavior of this graph parameter under certain standard graph constructions. Since this is a relatively new graph parameters, we believe that some of these observations will be useful in future study. ## Trees, cycles and cubes First we characterize trees in terms of the PCF chromatic number. In regard to cycles, things are quite similar to the case of odd colorings. Namely, \[\label{cycles} \chi_{\rm pcf}(C_n)= \chi_o(C_n)= \begin{cases} 3 & \text{\quad if \,} 3 \mid n \,;\\ 4 & \text{\quad if \,} 3 \nmid n \text{ and } n\neq5\,;\\ 5 & \text{\quad if \,} n=5 \. \end{cases}\] Concerning hypercubes we have the following. For comparison, the following have been shown in  in regard to the odd chromatic number of cubes. \[\chi_o(Q_d)= \begin{cases} 2 & \text{\quad if \,} d \text{ is odd} \,;\\ 4 & \text{\quad if \,} d \text{ is even}\. \end{cases}\] ## Complexity The *corona* of a graph is obtained by attaching a pendant edge to each vertex. **Remark.** The condition \(\Delta(G) \le 2\chi(G)-3\) cannot be replaced by \(\Delta(G) \le 2\chi(G)-2\) as soon as \(\Delta(G)\geq4\). For example, let \(G=K_3\Box K_3\). This is a \(4\)-regular \(3\)-colorable graph and under any proper \(3\)-coloring \(c\) of \(G\) every vertex \(v\) has exactly two neighbors from each color other than \(c(v)\). Hence, for its corona \(H\) it holds \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(H)=4=\chi(G)+1\). Now let us discuss the hardness of PCF colorings. In , we have shown that the odd chromatic number of a graph is bounded by the sum of the total domination number and chromatic number. Here we prove an analogous inequality for the PCF chromatic number. **Remark.** Observe if \(G\) has a vertex \(v\) of degree \(\deg(v)=|V(G)|-1\) (i.e., a universal dominating vertex) then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\le \chi(G) +2\) simply by taking \(v\) and a neighbor of \(v\) as a total dominating set. **Remark.** The previous remark can be used to give another proof of the \(\mathcal{NP}\)-hardness of determining the PCF chromatic number. Namely, let \(G\) be an instance for the \(k\)-coloring problem. Let \(H\) be obtained from \(G\) by adding a new vertex \(v\) adjacent to all vertices of \(G\). Clearly \(\chi(H) = \chi(G) +1\). So, we have \(\chi(G) \le \chi_{\rm pcf}(H) \le \chi(H) +2 \le \chi(G) +3\). However the mentioned paper  reveals that it is \(\mathcal{NP}\)-hard to find a \(k +\lfloor k/3\rfloor-1\) coloring for \(k\)-colorable graphs. Notice that for \(k\ge 6\) it holds \(k +3 < k + \lfloor k/3\rfloor-1\) and is in the range of \(\mathcal{NP}\)-hard. ## Subdivisions First we determine the PCF chromatic number of the complete subdivision of a complete graph. Recall that \(S(G)\), the complete subdivision of graph \(G\), is obtained from \(G\) by subdividing every edge in \(E(G)\) exactly once. If \(G=K_n\) we denote \(S(G)\) by \({\rm SK}_n\). Next we give a bound on the PCF chromatic number of \(S(G)\) whenever \(G\) has a \(1\)-factor. **Remark.** The obtained bound is sharp: e.g., if we subdivide a spanning tree of \(K_3\) we get \(C_5\) with \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(C_5) = 5\) while \(\chi(K_3) = 3\). We shall be giving next sufficient conditions for PCF \(5\)-colorability and \(4\)-colorability, respectively. But before proceeding with that discussion, for the reader's convenience, we make a brief digression in order to mention some standard terminology that shall be used. A *\(j\)-vertex*, *\(j^+\)-vertex*, or *\(j^-\)-vertex* is a vertex with degree equal to \(j\), at least \(j\), or at most \(j\), respectively. Given positive integer \(\ell\), an *\(\ell\)-thread* in a graph \(G\) is a trail of length \(\ell+1\) in \(G\) whose \(\ell\) internal vertices have degree \(2\) in the full graph \(G\). Note that under this definition, an \(\ell\)-thread contains two \((\ell-1)\)-threads, and the endpoints of a thread may coincide. So, in general, we distinguish between the notions of a 'path-thread' and a 'cycle-thread'. Recall that a complete subdivision of a graph \(G\) is obtained from \(G\) by subdividing every edge exactly once. More generally, for \(k\ge1\) a *\(k\)-subdivision* of \(G\) is obtained by subdividing every edge at least \(k\) times. We already know from Observation [\[complete subdivision\]](#complete subdivision){reference-type="ref" reference="complete subdivision"}, that a \(1\)-subdivision graph can have arbitrarily large PCF chromatic number. To put it other words, given a graph \(G\), let \(K(G)=\{v\in V(G):\deg(v)\ge3\}\). If the distance \(d(u,v)\ge2\) between all vertices from \(K(G)\), then still \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\) can acquire arbitrarily large values. Contrarily, the PCF chromatic number of all \(2\)-subdivisions of graphs is bounded, in view of the following. **Remark.** A generalization of Observation [\[22\]](#22){reference-type="ref" reference="22"} is given by Theorem [\[abdegenericity\]](#abdegenericity){reference-type="ref" reference="abdegenericity"} in the upcoming section. One naturally wonders if by increasing the minimum distance between \(3^+\)-vertices, a color can be saved. We ought to be careful here because of the following negative example. Let \(G\) consist of two copies of \(C_5\) having one common vertex. Then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)=5\), and at the same time (since \(|K(G)|=1\)) the distance between any two \(3^+\)-vertices is arbitrarily large. Note in passing that the girth \(g(G)=5\). On the other hand, by putting constraint on the girth as well, we have the following positive result for \(5\)-subdivisions. Note in passing that one cannot hope in general for PCF \(3\)-colorability no matter how far apart are \(3^+\)-vertices, how large the girth is, and how large the maximum degree is. For simply take \(t\) copies of some \(C_{3k+2}\), all sharing a common vertex \(v\) of degree \(2t\). To conclude that the obtained graph is not PCF \(3\)-colorable, we argue by contradiction. By dropping the common vertex \(v\), one gets a collection of \(t\) disjoint copies of \(P_{3k+1}\). Since we are not using a fourth color, the first and the last vertex on each path are colored the same. So in \(N(v)\) every color occurs an even number of times, a contradiction. # Claw-free graphs and chordal graphs Graph \(G\) is said to satisfy the *\(1/2\)-neighborhood condition*, if for every vertex \(v\) in \(V(G)\), it holds \(\chi([N(v)]) \ge \lfloor \deg(v)/2 \rfloor + 1\). Let us add to the discussion regarding the class of claw-free graphs by establishing an upper bound on the proper conflict-free chromatic number in terms of the maximum vertex degree. **Remark.** Every claw-free graph \(G\) has \(\chi(G)\geq\Delta/2\). Consequently, in view of Proposition [\[K13\]](#K13){reference-type="ref" reference="K13"}, for every claw-free graph \(G\) it holds that \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) \le 4\chi(G) +1\). This gives us an example of a large family of graphs \(G\) where the ratio \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)/\chi(G)\) is bounded by a constant. In the next section, we shall apply the proof method of Proposition [\[K13\]](#K13){reference-type="ref" reference="K13"} in order to obtain several general upper bounds for the PCF chromatic number. But first let us establish the same upper bound od \(2\Delta+1\) colors for the PCF chromatic number of chordal graphs. **Remark.** The graph \(G\) obtained from \(C_5\) by adding two diagonals from the same vertex is chordal, and \(\Delta(G) = 4 , \chi(G) = 3, \chi_{\rm pcf}(G) = 4\). So the equality \(\chi(G) = \chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\) need not hold for chordal graphs. # Sparse graphs Here we turn to general upper bounds for the PCF chromatic number. Given integers \(a,b\) with \(2\le a\le b\), a graph \(G\) is said to be *\((a,b)\)-degenerate* if every induced subgraph \(H\) (including \(G\)) has the following property: there exists a \(1^-\)-vertex \(u\) in \(H\) (i.e. \(\deg_{H}(u)\le1\)) or an \((a^-,b^-)\) edge \(vw\), i.e., such that \(\deg_H(v)\le a\) and \(\deg_H(w)\le b\). Notice that, if present, \((a,b)\)-degeneracy is a hereditary property by definition. There are plenty of \((2,2)\)-degenerate graphs that have PCF chromatic number \(5\). One such graph family is defined as follows. Let \(\mathcal{F}=\{G: G\) is a non-trivial connected graph such that every block of \(G\) is isomorphic to \(C_5\}\). Note in passing that every connected graph \(G\) of maximum degree \(\Delta\ge2\) and degenericity \(k\ge2\) is \((k,\Delta)\)-degenerate. Thus, by Theorem [\[abdegenericity\]](#abdegenericity){reference-type="ref" reference="abdegenericity"}, \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) \le 2\Delta +\lfloor k/2\rfloor\), and the inequality is strict as soon as \(\Delta\ge3\). The same bound clearly holds if \(\Delta=1\) or \(k=1\). The following result characterizes the case of equality \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) = 2\Delta +\lfloor k/2\rfloor\). **Remark.** Note that a bound involving only the degenericity \(k\) is not possible. For example, every \({\rm SK}_n\) has \(k=2\) whereas \(\chi_{\rm pcf}({\rm SK}_n)=n\) can be arbitrarily large. **Remark.** In conclusion to this section we mention that a slightly more general concept than \((a,b)\)-degeneracy still allows to apply the technique presented in Theorem [\[abdegenericity\]](#abdegenericity){reference-type="ref" reference="abdegenericity"}. For an integer \(h\ge 4\) a graph \(G\) is said to be *\(h\)-edge degenerate* if every induced subgraph \(H\) (including \(G\)) has the following property: there exists a \(1^-\)-vertex \(u\) in \(H\) (i.e. \(\deg_H(u) \le 1\)) or there is an edge \(vw\) such that \(\deg_H(v) +\deg_H(w) \le h\). Clearly, if \(G\) is \((a,b)\)-degenerate then it is \((a+b)\)-edge degenerate. Notice that, \(h\)-edge degeneracy is hereditary, by definition. Now Theorem [\[abdegenericity\]](#abdegenericity){reference-type="ref" reference="abdegenericity"} can be applied to \(h\)-edge degenerate graphs by observing that \(2b +\lfloor a/2\rfloor \le 2(h-2) +1\); consequently, every \(h\)-edge degenerate graph \(G\) has \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) \le \max\{5, 2(h-2)\}\). # Application to PCF colorability of planar graphs The recent work of Fabrici et al. , where the notion of 'proper conflict-free coloring' was introduced, focuses on planar and outerplanar graphs. Among other things, contains a 'proof from the Book' of the fact that every planar graph is PCF \(8\)-colorable (cf. Theorem 5.3). The authors of that paper also provide an example of a planar graph (having girth \(3\)) which requires \(6\) colors for a PCF coloring, and purport that \(6\) colors always suffice (cf. Conjecture 9.1 (a)). For the class of outerplanar graphs, they establish the tight upper bound of \(5\) on the PCF chromatic number (cf. Corollary 5.1). Throughout this paper we have been using standard graph theory terminology. However, we recall here some notions relevant for this section. An upper bound on the *average degree* \(\mathrm{ad}(G)=\frac{2|E(G)|}{|V(G)|}\) of graph \(G\) forces sparse local configurations. In order to use such structure results in inductive proofs, one also requires the same bound in all subgraphs. Recall that *maximum average degree*, written \(\mathrm{mad}(G)\), is \(\mathrm{mad}(G)=\max_{H\subseteq G}\mathrm{ad}(H)\). The *girth* \(g(G)\) of \(G\) is the length of a shortest cycle in \(G\). In this section, by making use of Theorem [\[abdegenericity\]](#abdegenericity){reference-type="ref" reference="abdegenericity"} and other structure results about sparse local configurations, we deduce several sufficient conditions for PCF \(k\)-colorability (\(4\le k\le6\)) in terms of the maximum average degree, and also in terms of the girth of planar graphs. First we discuss PCF \(k\)-colorability in terms of the maximum average degree. For item \((iii)\) of the next result, recall from Proposition [\[blocks\]](#blocks){reference-type="ref" reference="blocks"} that every member of the family \(\mathcal{F}=\{G: G\) is a non-trivial connected graph such that every block of \(G\) is isomorphic to \(C_5\}\) requires \(5\) colors for a PCF coloring. Let us turn to girth-constrained planar graphs. For proving the next result we mostly rely on Theorem [\[mad\]](#mad){reference-type="ref" reference="mad"} and the following well-known fact: *every planar graph \(G\) with girth at least \(g\) satisfies \(\mathrm{mad}(G)<\frac{2g}{g-2}\)* (see  and also , pp. 13). We end this brief discussion on PCF \(4\)-colorability with a result about outerplanar graphs. The girth constrain in Theorem [\[out\]](#out){reference-type="ref" reference="out"} is sharp in view of Proposition [\[blocks\]](#blocks){reference-type="ref" reference="blocks"}. Notice that one cannot hope for analogous non-trivial sufficient conditions granting PCF \(3\)-colorability. More precisely, no value \(m>2\) would guarantee that graphs \(G\) with \(\mathrm{mad}(G)<m\) have \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\le3\). Similarly, there is no value \(g\) such that planar or outer planar graphs of girth at least \(g\) are PCF \(3\)-colorable. Namely, every \(C_{3k+2}\) requires at least four colors, has \(\mathrm{mad}(C_{3k+2})=2\), and is planar of girth \(3k+2\). # Further work In view of Observations [\[complete subdivision\]](#complete subdivision){reference-type="ref" reference="complete subdivision"}, [\[22\]](#22){reference-type="ref" reference="22"} and [\[66\]](#66){reference-type="ref" reference="66"}, we propose the following. As already observed in the introduction, the ratio \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)/\chi(G)\) can acquire arbitrarily high value. Then again, by the remark after Proposition [\[K13\]](#K13){reference-type="ref" reference="K13"}, this ratio is bounded by a constant for the class of claw-free graphs \(G\). This happens to be the case for the class of planar graphs as well, and for the class of \(k\)-subdivisions with \(k\ge2\). Corollary [\[maximumdegree\]](#maximumdegree){reference-type="ref" reference="maximumdegree"} gives an upper bound on the PCF chromatic number in terms of the maximum degree. The established bound (of \(\lfloor 5\Delta/2\rfloor\) colors) is sharp for \(\Delta\le2\), and open to improvement for \(\Delta\ge3\), which gives rise to the following problem. Notice that \(\Delta+1\le f(\Delta)\le 5\Delta/2\). The three initial values of \(f\) are: \(f(1)=2,f(2)=5\) and \(f(3)=4\), as explained below. It is our belief that for some positive constant \(C\), it turns out that \(\Delta+C\) colors always suffice. In that direction, the following holds true for connected graphs \(G\) having one of the three initial values of \(\Delta\). If \(\Delta=1\) then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\leq2\). If \(\Delta=2\) then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\leq5\), and moreover \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\leq4\) if \(C_5\) is excepted. As for \(\Delta=3\), recall that a *linear coloring* of a graph is a proper coloring such that each pair of color classes induces a linear forest, that is a union of disjoint paths. A linear coloring is said to be *superlinear* if the neighbors of every \(2\)-vertex receive different colors. The following is implied by the main result of  (see Theorem 2): *If \(G\neq K_{3,3}\) is a connected graph of maximum degree \(3\), then \(G\) is superlinearly \(4\)-choosable.* As it is readily checked that \(K_{3,3}\) is superlinearly \(4\)-colorable, it follows that every connected graph of maximum degree \(3\) admits a superlinear \(4\)-coloring. But notice that such a coloring is precisely a PCF coloring of \(G\). Thus, if \(\Delta=3\) then \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G) \le 4\). We were not able to find any graph of maximum degree \(\Delta=4\) or \(5\) that requires more than \(\Delta+1\) colors. So we are intrigued and enticed to propose the following extremely bold generalization of Conjecture [\[conj.D+1\]](#conj.D+1){reference-type="ref" reference="conj.D+1"} from the introduction. Notice that if the above conjecture turns out to be true, then the function \(f\) from Problem [\[function\]](#function){reference-type="ref" reference="function"} satisfies \(f(\Delta)=\Delta+1\) for every \(\Delta\neq2\). We complete the paper by asking a pair of questions in the realm of planar graphs. If answered in the positive, they would provide significant improvements to Theorem [\[planar\]](#planar){reference-type="ref" reference="planar"}, items \((ii)\) and \((iii)\), respectively. As already mentioned in Section 5, along with an example of a planar graph having PCF chromatic number \(6\), it was conjectured in  that every planar graph is PCF \(6\)-colorable. We accompany this with the following. By Proposition [\[blocks\]](#blocks){reference-type="ref" reference="blocks"}, there exist plenty of planar graphs with girth \(5\) that require five colors for a PCF coloring. In view of Theorem [\[out\]](#out){reference-type="ref" reference="out"}, we are tempted to end the article by asking the following. Notice that an affirmative answer to Question [\[PCF4\]](#PCF4){reference-type="ref" reference="PCF4"} would imply the Four Color Theorem (4CT). Indeed, say \(G\) is an arbitrary planar graph. Subdivide every edge of \(G\) once, i.e., consider the complete subdivision \(S(G)\). As girth \(g(S(G))\ge6\), take a PCF \(4\)-coloring \(c\) of \(S(G)\). The restriction of \(c\) to \(V(G)\) is a proper \(4\)-coloring of \(G\). A weaker form of Question [\[PCF4\]](#PCF4){reference-type="ref" reference="PCF4"} could be asking whether every planar graph \(G\) of girth at least \(6\) has \(\chi_o(G)\le4\). If answered in the affirmative, even this weaker form would imply 4CT. And a stronger form of Question [\[PCF4\]](#PCF4){reference-type="ref" reference="PCF4"} (resp. its odd coloring variant) could be asking whether every planar graph \(G\) of odd-girth at least \(7\) has \(\chi_{\rm pcf}(G)\leq4\) (resp. \(\chi_o(G)\leq4\)). **Acknowledgments.** We wish to thank prof. J.-S. Sereni for bringing to our attention the work of Liu and Yu  on superlinear colorings of subcubic graphs. This work is partially supported by ARRS P1-0383, J1-1692, J1-3002.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:28:02', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01088', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01088'}
# Introduction {#Introd} Around 1967, N.G. de Bruijn started thinking about a formal checker for mathematical proofs. He defined several Automath languages, of which AUT68 and AUT-QE (see [@deB1980]) are the most used ones. They differ in 'strength' as to the abstraction facilities, but have a common structure. Below, we concentrate on the general aspects of the Automath languages, without differentiating between the different 'dialects'. Therefore we speak about 'Automath' only and discuss its structure in a *generic* manner. The purpose of this paper is to give an impression of what Automath 'is' and discuss in passing what de Bruijn intended with this 'mathematical language'. In Section [2](#AutFor){reference-type="ref" reference="AutFor"}, we describe what the features of Automath are, as compared to other modern type theories and proof assistants based on type theory. In particular we focus on the 'book format' of Automath, with the idea that a formal mathematical text is built up incrementally, line by line, where each new line has to be correct in terms of the already existing part of the book, and thereby one creates a correct Automath book. In Section [3](#AutMod){reference-type="ref" reference="AutMod"} we define formally what this correctness means in type-theoretic terms. In Section [4](#Conc){reference-type="ref" reference="Conc"} we discuss de Bruijn's basic ideas about Automath and we summarise how Automath relates to modern type theories. # The Automath format {#AutFor} To give an idea of the original syntax of Automath, we reproduce a short fragment from the beginning of the formalization of Landau's Grundlagen ([@Lan]), written by L.S. van Benthem Jutting ([@Jutting]) in Figure [\[AutForLan\]](#AutForLan){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLan"}. In Section [2.6](#AutForInt){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForInt"} we give a translation of this text in (more or less) common mathematical phrasings. As can be seen from this example, an Automath text consists of consecutive lines, each containing four expressions. These lines can have either of the three forms \((i)\), \((ii)\) or \((iii)\) of Figure [\[AutForThr\]](#AutForThr){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForThr"}. [\[AutForThr\]]{#AutForThr label="AutForThr"} In this scheme, \(\epsilon\) (denoting the empty expression) is a special symbol, \(x\) and \(z\) represent variables, \(c\) denotes a constant and \(M\) and \(A\) are expressions; also  acts as a special symbol. The symbols \(\ast\), \(:=\) and \(:\) between the expressions are separators. [^1] The *first* entry of all Automath-lines, the *indicator* or *context indicator*, is the special symbol \(\epsilon\) or a variable (here with the name \(x\)); the indicator acts to establish the context of the line. In the *second* entry, an *identifier* (or *name*) is introduced. This can be either a *variable* (such as \(z\), in assumption lines) or a *constant* (say \(c\), in definition lines or primitive lines). The *third* entry is called the *content*.[^2] A content is the symbol '---' when the name is a variable (in assumption lines), and an expression \(M\) or the symbol  in the two other cases. The *fourth* entry, the *category*, contains an expression \(A\).[^3] The *meaning* of the three kinds of lines can be described shortly as follows: an assumption line contains a *context extension*; a definition line introduces a *definition* and a primitive line introduces a *postulate* (both in a given context). More explicitly: \((i)\) *assumption line*: in the empty context (if the indicator is \(\epsilon\)) or in a context having indicator \(x\), the *assumption* is made that newly introduced variable \(z\) has category \(A\); or, in type-theoretic terms, we extend a given context (being empty, or having indicator \(x\)) with \(z: A\), the *declaration* of variable \(z\) of *type* \(A\); \((ii)\) *definition line*: in the empty context (\(\epsilon\)) or in a context having indicator \(x\), constant \(c\) is *defined* as \(M\) of category \(A\); \((iii)\) *primitive line*: in the empty context (\(\epsilon\)) or in a context having indicator \(x\), constant \(c\) is *postulated* as a primitive notion ('') of category \(A\). In order to clarify these notions, we start with a discussion of contexts in general (Section [2.1](#AutForCon){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForCon"}) and, in particular, in Automath-style ([2.2](#AutForAss){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForAss"}). This is followed by the description of how formalised definitions ([2.3](#AutForDef){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForDef"}) and postulates ([2.4](#AutForPri){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForPri"}) are dealt with in Automath. ## Contexts {#AutForCon} A (type-theoretical) context consists of a list of *declarations* of so-called *declared variables* \(x_1\), ..., \(x_n\), together with their *types* \(A_1\), ..., \(A_n\), respectively. In type theory, such a list is generally written as \(x_1: A_1\), \(x_2: A_2\), ..., \(x_n: A_n\), or, shortly, as \(\overline{x}: \overline{A}\). Before we describe how contexts are treated in Automath (see Section [2.2](#AutForAss){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForAss"}), we devote some space to two different manners in which contexts are expressed. For that we first give a mathematical example of how contexts are introduced, followed by the same example denoted in flag-style (or Fitch-style; see below). In mathematics and logic, contexts are omnipresent. See the following example, which illustrates their use: The various contexts in this example can be expressed as follows in a typetheoretical style, using the propositions-as-types isomorphism. \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S),~B: {\cal P}(S),~C: {\cal P}(S),~u: A \subseteq B,~v: B \subseteq C\). \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S),~B: {\cal P}(S),~C: {\cal P}(S),~u: A \subseteq B,~v: B \subseteq C,~w: C \subseteq A\). \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S),~B: {\cal P}(S)\). \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S),~B: {\cal P}(S),~y: (A = B)\). \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S),~B: {\cal P}(S),~C: {\cal P}(S),~u: A \subseteq B,~v: B \subseteq C,~x: S,\)  \(~z: (x \in A)\). It will be clear that the type-theoretical style requires a frequent repetition of initial parts of contexts, in particular for the tree-like presentation as is known from proof theory. Such repetitions are to a great extent avoided in the linear presentation as is common in mathematics texts (see the Lemma above). In formal versions of mathematics, the duplication of context elements is unpleasant. One way out is to use a *Fitch-style* notation[^4] (see [@Fit]). Fitch introduced this notation in his logical course, with the clear intention to condense equal parts of contexts. He uses a linear presentation to derive logical proofs, embedded in nested rectangles to indicate the span of an assumption: each initial entry of a rectangle is supposed to be an assumption--i.e., a context entry--in all (and only) the statements within that rectangle, so also in the deeper nested ones. This gives a *block structure* to texts, as is well-known from programming languages such as Algol. For an overview of how this notation is used in systems of natural deduction, see [@Sta]. A variant of the Fitch-notation is the so-called *flag notation*, introduced in the 1970's, independently from Fitch, by R.P. Nederpelt and N.G. de Bruijn. It uses a *flag* for each initial entry of a block (acting as an assumption), and a *flag pole* to indicate the range of that assumption (and thus the length of the block). In Figure [\[AutForFla\]](#AutForFla){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForFla"} we express the structure of the above example lemma in flag format, in order to show how it works. (See also [@NedGeu].) It is obvious that the flag-(or Fitch-)notation allows *sharing* of declarations: a comparison with the series of example contexts presented above, shows that one flag can cover several context items, so repetitions have been avoided. In the example we illustrated that assumptions phrased in a lemma or theorem can be translated as newly introduced context items, that can be withdrawn later. But also the application of *logical* rules may lead to context changes (either *context extension* or *context shortening*). This can be seen, again, in the previous example, where the assumptions \(x: S\) and \(z: (x \in A)\) are introduced in order to obtain the logical result \(A \subseteq C\) (i.e., \(\forall_{x: S}(x \in A \Rar x \in C)\))as the final result of part (a). We come back to this in Section [2.3](#AutForDef){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForDef"}. ## Assumption lines in Automath {#AutForAss} Automath goes still further in avoiding repetitions of context assumptions. De Bruijn's idea was to use a handy *naming convention* for contexts: each context is represented by its *last* declared variable, acting as the *indicator* of the complete context. So the four contexts of parts (a) to (d) of the Lemma given in the previous section (cf. Figure [\[AutForFla\]](#AutForFla){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForFla"}), are simply referred to as \(v\), \(w\), \(B\) and \(y\), respectively. We shall explain below why this is advantageous. But firstly we note that this naming only works smoothly if we agree never to introduce the name of a declared variable more than once. This *unique naming convention* for context variables is, of course, rather restrictive and cannot be maintained long. However, in theory (and in this paper) we stick to it, noting that de Bruijn found a practical way out in Automath by using a so-called *paragraph system* (see [@Jutting], p. 78 or [@Zan], Section 11), thus securing the desired unicity of names for context variables, and for defined constants, as well. In Automath-style, a single assumption \(z: N\) can be added as follows to an already known context named \(x\): ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----- \(x\) \(\ast\) \(z\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(N\) ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----- Such a line is called an *assumption line*. In case the context to which \(z: N\) is added, is the *empty context* (i.e., if the assumption stands on its own), then the symbol \(\epsilon\) is used: ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(z\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(N\) ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----- As an example, we express the contexts belonging to the Lemma parts (a) to (d) mentioned in the previous section, in Automath format. We start with part (a), in which the context consists of six assumptions: ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----------------- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(S\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \({\tt set}\) \(S\) \(\ast\) \(A\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \({\cal P}(S)\) \(A\) \(\ast\) \(B\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \({\cal P}(S)\) \(B\) \(\ast\) \(C\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \({\cal P}(S)\) \(C\) \(\ast\) \(u\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(A \subseteq B\) \(u\) \(\ast\) \(v\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(B \subseteq C\) ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----------------- Now it is easy to express the context for part (b), which apparently consists of only one assumption (the other six are covered by the indicator \(v\)): ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----------------- \(v\) \(\ast\) \(w\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(C \subseteq A\) ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- ----------------- The context for part (c) can be described simply by 'plugging in' at the identifier \(B\), which is introduced in the third assumption of part (a). So if we need that context, we just put a \(B\) in the 'indicator' column. This is exemplified in the Automath-version of the context for part (d): ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- --------- \(B\) \(\ast\) \(y\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(A = B\) ----- -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- --------- The Automath-notation of contexts is still more 'economic' than the flag notation. Using flags in Fitch-style, a closed block (i.e., the ending of a flag pole) cannot be reopened. Yet, such a thing is regularly the case in mathematics. For example, one could continue Figure [\[AutForFla\]](#AutForFla){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForFla"} with describing another lemma about a triple of sets, \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\). But since the flag of \(C\) has been closed already, the only way out is to re-introduce a flag with \(C\). In the Automath-style, this is not needed, even when all flags in Figure [\[AutForFla\]](#AutForFla){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForFla"} have been closed and the text in Figure [\[AutForLan\]](#AutForLan){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLan"} is far out of sight. One just puts the \(C\) as the indicator of a new line and the context named \(C\) is available, again. Otherwise said, the flags of \(S\), \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) have been reopened. ## Definition lines in Automath {#AutForDef} The possibility to add definitions is essential in mathematics. One generally uses a special format for definitions. For example, previous to the above example called 'Lemma 5.2' in Example [\[AutForConExa\]](#AutForConExa){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForConExa"} there will have appeared a definition for inclusion of sets, for example: Note that this definition needs a *context* again, namely \(S: {\tt set},~A: {\cal P}(S)\), \(B: {\cal P}(S)\). This is the context named \(B\) in the previous section. In Automath, we use a line of the form \((ii)\) for stating a definition. Using the context named \(B\), the definition above can be expressed as follows: ----- -------- ------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ ----- -------------- \(B\) \(\ast\) \(\subseteq\) \(:=\) \(\forall x: S \lamdot (x \in A \Rightarrow x \in B)\) \(:\) \({\tt prop}\) ----- -------- ------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ ----- -------------- Here \({\tt prop}\) represents the collection of all propositions. Since the symbol '\(\subseteq\)' is used in the assumption line with identifier \(u\), this definition line should precede it. So it could be placed immediately below the assumption lines for \(A\) and \(B\) given above. In mathematics, definitions are mostly separated from, for example, the statement of a theorem or its proof. In Automath, however, definitions are omnipresent. *Every* subject \(M\) of a typing statement expressed in an Automath line (i.e., a statement of the form \(M: N\), expressing '\(M\) has category \(N\)') gets a name, say \(d\). In a context named \(x\), this is written as ----- -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- \(x\) \(\ast\) \(d\) \(:=\) \(M\) \(:\) \(N\) ----- -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- (to be read as: 'In the context named \(x\), constant \(d\) is defined as \(M\), which has category \(N\)'). Note that the earlier given example--the definition of \(\subseteq\)--has exactly the same format. We extend this example to a *proof* of the above LEMMA 5.2 (a), as expressed in Example [\[AutForConExa\]](#AutForConExa){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForConExa"}. In Automath style this reads as below. We hereby assume that the given lines are preceded by the assumption lines forming the context called \(v\), and the definition line for \(\subseteq\), given above. We use the derivation rules for the type system \(\lambda\)D ([@NedGeu]). For example, in the definition line introducing \(d_1\) we use that the type of \(u\) is \(A \subseteq B\), which is definitionally equal to \(\forall x: S \lamdot ((x \in A) \Rar (x \in B))\). Then \(u\,x\,z\), that is \((u\,x)z\), or \(u\) applied to \(x\) and the result applied to \(z\), is of type (i.e., 'proves') \(x \in B\). ----- -------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------ ----- ---------------------------- \(v\) \(\ast\) \(x\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(S\) \(x\) \(\ast\) \(z\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(x \in A\) \(z\) \(\ast\) \(d_1\) \(:=\) \(u\,x\,z\) \(:\) \(x \in B\) \(z\) \(\ast\) \(d_2\) \(:=\) \(v\,x\,d_1\) \(:\) \(x \in C\) \(x\) \(\ast\) \(d_3\) \(:=\) \(\lambda z: (x \in A) \lamdot d_2\) \(:\) \((x \in A) \Rar (x \in C)\) \(v\) \(\ast\) \(d_4\) \(:=\) \(\lambda x: S \lamdot d_3\) \(:\) \(A \subseteq C\) ----- -------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------ ----- ---------------------------- The lines defining \(d_1\), \(d_2\) and \(d_3\) can be regarded as the 'body of the proof of part(a)' as mentioned in Figure [\[AutForFla\]](#AutForFla){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForFla"}. Note the context structure in this example: the context expands from \(v\) via \(x\) to \(z\), and then shrinks again via \(x\) to \(v\). This can be expressed clearer in the corresponding flag version. We conclude that in an Automath book, apart from assumption lines and primitive lines (see below), *every* line is a definition line. This is different from what is common in mathematics, but it makes it easy and feasible to write a compact, yet precise formal text. In the above simple example we can\(\,\) already\(\,\) observe this, since\(\,\) we\(\,\) use, e.g., \(\,d_1\,\) in the\(\,\) definition\(\,\) of \(\,d_2, \,\) and\(\,\) so on. Without the definitions of \(d_1\) to \(d_3\), the subject for \(d_4\) should have been written out as \(\lambda x: S \lamdot \lambda z: (x \in A) \lamdot v\,x\,(u\,x\,z)\), which is considerably longer and further away from a proof as is usual in the 'mathematical style'. Another observation is that defined constants such as \(\subseteq\) (and also \(d_1\) to \(d_4\)) in the above case, *when used*, must be provided with a list of *instantiated parameters*. For example, in the definition above, the type of \(d_4\) is \(A \subseteq C\). Here \(A\) and \(C\) are instantiations: in its definition line, \(\subseteq\) has the *parameter list* \(S,~A,~B\). But in the final type, the parameter list is \(S,~A,~C\). So we have identity substitutions for \(S\) and \(A\), but a 'genuine' substitution of \(C\) for the final parameter \(B\). This is a simple case; but generally, these substitutions can be quite complicated. We note that the rules of Automath, being the rules of a type theory, force us to only execute instantiations with expressions of 'the same type' as the original context variables. For example, both \(B\) and \(C\) have type \({\cal P}(S)\). (Often, the instantiation of a context variable requires an analogous substitution of the types; see [@NedGeu], Section 9.4, for details. For now, we shall not go into this matter.) ## Primitive lines {#AutForPri} What remains is to explain what lines of sort \((iii)\) stand for. We call these lines *primitive lines*. They concern the introduction of so-called *primitive notions* (s), used in stating axioms or primitive elements of sets. For example, the first two axioms of Peano about the set \(\mathbb{N}\) of natural numbers and a number \(0\) in it, can be phrased as follows in Automath-style: ------------ -------- -------------- ------ -- ----- -------------- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(\mathbb{N}\) \(:=\) \(:\) \({\tt set}\) \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(0\) \(:=\) \(:\) \(\mathbb{N}\) ------------ -------- -------------- ------ -- ----- -------------- Here '`set`' stands for the collection of all sets. So now \(\mathbb{N}\) is a primitive set and \(0\) a primitive element of type \(\mathbb{N}\). For both notions, the context is empty. Note that this notation preserves the typing relation, so these lines express that \(\mathbb{N}: {\tt set}\) and \(0: \mathbb{N}\). But in these lines '' is written instead of a definiens after the symbol ':=', since both \(\mathbb{N}\) and \(0\) are not defined but axiomatically introduced. One may also define primitive notions *in a context*. For example, one way of postulating the successor function in Peano-style is as follows (the other way is to introduce \(s\) as a function of type \(\mathbb{N} \rar \mathbb{N}\), in the empty context): ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- -------------- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(n\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(\mathbb{N}\) \(n\) \(\ast\) \(s\) \(:=\) \(:\) \(\mathbb{N}\) ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- -------------- and one could continue with defining the number 1 (in the empty context): ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- -------------- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(1\) \(:=\) \(s(0)\) \(:\) \(\mathbb{N}\) ------------ -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- -------------- The last three example lines show all three different sorts of Automath lines: an assumption line, a primitive line and a definition line, respectively. Finally, we note that not only axiomatic *objects*, but also axioms (i.e., axiomatic *propositions*) can be expressed in Automath. For example, one of the Peano-axioms can be expressed as follows: ----- -------- ------- ------ -- ----- ---------------- \(n\) \(\ast\) \(AX3\) \(:=\) \(:\) \(\neg(s(n)=0)\) ----- -------- ------- ------ -- ----- ---------------- In an average Automath text, assumption lines and definition lines are the most common ones; they 'tell the story'. Primitive lines occur relatively rarely, as one may imagine. For example, the translation (see [@Jutting]) of E. Landau's 'Grundlagen der Analysis' ([@Lan]) into Automath contains more than a thousand Automath lines, of which only 26 are primitive ones. ## Special features of Automath {#AutForSpe} The most important characteristics underlying all Automath languages have now been explained. There are four peculiarities in all these languages that must be clarified. We discuss these below. ### \(\lambda\)-abstraction also for type abstraction In most type systems, the Greek letter \(\lambda\) is used for *functional abstraction* and the capital \(\Pi\) is used for expressing *dependent types*. E.g., \(\lambda x: A \lamdot M\) expresses the function sending \(x\) of type \(A\) to \(M\), and if \(M: N\), then the type of \(\lambda x: A \lamdot M\) is \(\Pi x: A \lamdot N\). In particular, \(\Pi\) can be used for expressing \(\forall\) ('universal quantification'). Automath, however, does not differentiate between \(\lambda\) and \(\Pi\). Both \(\lambda x: A \lamdot T\) and \(\Pi x: A \lamdot T\) are rendered as \([\,x, A\,]\, T\). So the square brackets \([\, \ldots\,]\) have a double role. This is clearly a case of 'overloading', that complicates both the meaning and the syntax of the Automath languages. As to the meaning: the reader of a text must decide for each \([\, \ldots \,]\)-abstraction whether it is a usual 'functional' one (a '\(\lambda\)'), or that it is meant to represent a type abstraction (a '\(\Pi\)'). This is in most cases not very difficult to decide (cf. [@Wie], Section 6.1), but sometimes it asks for special attention. On the syntactic level, when \(\Pi\) is identified with \(\lambda\) as in Automath, we have a difficulty when embedding Automath into the Calculus of Constructions. We have the choice to map \([\,x, A\,]\, T\) to either \(\lambda x: A\lamdot T\) or \(\Pi x: A\lamdot T\), and in CC there are different rules for typing a \(\lambda\)-abstraction or a \(\Pi\)-abstraction. Automath has only one rule for this purpose, but has the extra notion 'type inclusion' (see [@Daa], Section 4.4) to mend the ambiguity. Type inclusion allows e.g. to move from \(\lambda x: A \lamdot s_2\) to \(s_2\), and thereby one can simulate one abstraction rule with the other. ### Incomplete parameter lists {#IncPar} Consider a line of sort \((ii)\) in Automath, so a definition line \((l)\): \(~~~~x_n~~~\ast~~~c~~~:=~~~M~~~:~~~N\) . Then both \(M\) and \(N\) may depend on the variables in the list \(x_1, \ldots ,x_n\) referred to by the indicator \(x_n\). So, the defined constant \(c\) also (but implicitly) depends on its *parameter list* \(x_1, \ldots ,x_n\). Each case this \(c\), *defined* in line \((l)\), is *used* in a following line \((m)\), one must *instantiate* (i.e., *explicitly* write out) the expressions \(L_1, \ldots ,L_n\) that have to be substituted for the free variables \(x_1\) ...\(x_n\). As we saw before, the result is written as \(c(L_1, \ldots ,L_n)\). The list \(L_1, \ldots ,L_n\) is called the *instantiated parameter list* corresponding to that instance of \(c\). Now it frequently occurs that such a line \((m)\) 'below' line \((l)\) has a context that starts with an initial part of the context of \(c\), say \(x_1: A_1, \ldots ,x_i: A_i\). Then it regularly happens that \(L_1 \equiv x_1, \ldots L_i \equiv x_i\), so the first \(i\) substitutions for the context variables are *identity substitutions*. This often occurs not only in one Automath line, but in a full bundle of lines, and also in other circumstances. In that case it becomes a real burden to mention those initial \(x_1, \ldots, x_i\) ever and ever again. Therefore, Automath has the following *parameter omitting* convention: an *initial* part of a parameter list may be omitted when it consists of identity substitutions only. So in the above case, the expression \(c(x_1,\ldots,x_i,L_{i+1},\ldots,L_n)\) may be written as \(c(L_{i+1},\ldots,L_n)\). Obviously, the latter parameter list of \(c\) is *too short* to be syntactically correct. But this is easy to repair: if \(i\) items are missing in the parameter list, then the first \(i\) declared variables from the context should be added in front (in the same order) to make it correct. This convention is very convenient when developing mathematical theories in Automath, since it prevents lots of annoying repetitions of context declarations. So 'parameter omitting' is very practical. In Automath, this convention also applies to *primitive constants*, having been defined in a primitive line. ### \(\beta\)-reduction and \(\eta\)-reduction {#BetEta} As usual in many type systems, also in Automath *\(\beta\)-reduction* and *\(\beta\)-conversion* are used to cover the notions of function application and convertibility. And again as usual, two terms in Automath that are acceptable and \(\beta\)-convert to each other, or are 'definitionally equal', may be substituted for each other, without explicit justification. (In our example proof in Section [2.3](#AutForDef){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForDef"} we showed this, when silently replacing the type of \(u\), given as \(A \subseteq B\), by its definiens \(\forall x: S \lamdot ((x \in A) \Rar (x \in B))\), in order to obtain \(uxz\) as inhabitant of \(x \in B\).) We recall that \(\beta\)-reduction is the compatible closure of the relation expressing 'applying a function to an argument', i.e., \((\lambda x: M)N \rar_\beta M[x := N]\), where \(M[x := N]\) is the result of substituting \(N\) for all free \(x\)'s in \(M\). Conversion is the equivalence relation generated by \(\beta\)-reduction. Since \(\lambda\)s and \(\Pi\)s are identified in Automath, \(\beta\)-reduction and \(\beta\)-conversion also apply to \(\Pi\)-types. Such \(\Pi\)-types may be provided with arguments in Automath, which is very uncommon in other type theories, but a consequence of the \(\lambda\)-\(\Pi\)-identification. Automath not only has \(\beta\)-reduction, but also allows *\(\eta\)-reduction* of terms. This corresponds to the 'extensionality' relation on \(\lambda\)-terms, generated by the reduction \((\lambda x: A \lamdot N x) \rar_{\eta} N\) (if \(x\) is not a free variable in \(N\)). We note that in Jutting's Automath-version of Landau's book, only two \(\eta\)-reductions are necessary, whereas over 6.000 \(\beta\)-reduction take place in the checking procedure and more than 20.000 definition unfoldings (*'\(\delta\)-reductions'*). Again, see [@Jutting]. ### Argument precedes function De Bruijn advocates inversion of the usual order function--argument in a formal treatment of mathematics. Instead of \(f a\) for '\(f\) applied to \(a\) ' (the usual notation in \(\lambda\)-calculus), he prefers \(\!<\! a \!>\!f\) and uses this in the Automath languages. He motivates this as follows: an abstraction is written in front (\(M\) becomes \((\lambda x: A) \lamdot M\) when abstracted over \(A\)), so it is consistent to do the same with an application (\(M\) becomes \(\!<\!A\!>\!M\) when applied to \(A\)). This notation for application has both technical and philosophical advantages, which we shall not mention here. See e.g. [@KamNed]. But it is unusual and may be confusing to work with. ## Interpretation of the example text {#AutForInt} Now it is easy to 'read' Jutting's Automath text as reproduced in Figure [\[AutForLan\]](#AutForLan){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLan"}. Below we give its translation in common mathematical language. As in Automath, we use round brackets for instantiation and pointed brackets for application. Some explicit notes are added between square brackets. Note that the translation doesn't give many clues about the variations in the contexts of the various lines, whereas the Automath text is precise about these matters. > \(1\) Let \(A\) be a proposition (2) and let also \(B\) be a proposition. (3) Then \(\IMP\) is defined as the function space \(\lambda x: A \lamdot B\). \[This \(\lambda\) must be read as \(\Pi\), so \(\IMP\) (in the context of \(A\) and \(B\)) can be considered to embody the implication \(A \Rar B\).\] (4) Let moreover \(C\) be a proposition, (5) assume that \(\IMP(A,B)\) holds with proof object \(I\) (6) and assume that \(\IMP(B,C)\) holds with proof object \(J\). (7) Then \(\lambda X: A \,\lamdot\, ((J\,I)X)\) proves \(\IMP(A,C)\) and is called \(\TRIMP\). \[\(\lambda\) represents \(\Pi\), again. See also Section [2.5](#AutForSpe){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForSpe"}, (4).\] (8) By axiom, \(\CON\) is a proposition, in the empty context. \[It formalizes the notion of 'contradiction'.\] (9) In the context of \(A\), constant \(\NOT\) is defined as \(\IMP(\CON)\). \[To be read as \(\IMP(A, \CON)\), since the given parameter list is incomplete.\] (10) In the same context, \(\WEL\) is defined as \(\NOT(\NOT(A))\). (11) Assume that proposition \(A\) is inhabited by \(A1\), (12) then \(\lambda x: \NOT(A) \lamdot (X \, A1)\), called \(\WELI\), proves \(\WEL(A)\) \[so lines (11)and (12) together express: if \(A\) holds, then also \(\neg \neg A\)\]. (13) Assume that \(\WEL(A)\) is inhabited by \(W\), (14) then, by axiom, \(A\) is inhabited by \(\ET\) \['excluded third'\]. (15) Assume that \(\CON\) is inhabited by \(C1\), (16) then \(\ET(\lambda x: \NOT(A) \lamdot C1)\) proves \(A\). \[Note: the parameter list of \(\ET\) is incomplete.\] # Automath and modern type theory {#AutMod} In this section we compare the essence of the syntax of Automath (which we called the 'generic' syntax) to that of another type system: the *Calculus of Constructions* of Coquand and Huet (*CC*, also called \(\lambda\)C). Cf.Ṫhis CC is a very influential type theory, both for theoretical purposes as in practice. It is, for example, the basis of the theorem prover Coq (see [@BerCas]). CC has been devised around 1984, many years later than Automath (dating from 1968). However, Coq is still in development (see [@Coq]), but the Automath work has come to an end. The standard reference on type systems is. Coquand and Huet pay tribute to de Bruijn's Automath, but the original syntactic rules of Automath are rather complicated and difficult to compare with CC's elegant syntactic rules. An early example in this direction can be found in [@Daa], 5.5.4. An extension of CC with definitions, such as the type system \(\lambda\)D described in, has more direct links to Automath. But the direct relation of \(\lambda\)D to Automath that we show below, has not yet been described. ## Abandoning inessential Automath features {#AutModAba} First we recall that the purpose of N.G. de Bruijn when developing Automath, was to produce a *practical* system, immediately useable for a mathematician to formalize and verify mathematical content. A magnificent example to show that de Bruijn attains his goals, is the impressive translation of the complete book *Grundlagen der Analysis* ('Foundations of Analysis') of E. Landau [@Lan], into Automath, by L.S. van Benthem Jutting. The translation of the book is well readable after a little exercise, although it covers 13.433 Automath lines. (In the previous section we gave a very short impression of this translation.) For the conversion of the Automath syntax to a CC-like version, human-readability is less important then syntactical simplicity. That's why we *abandon* some complicating features of Automath (cf. Section [2.5](#AutForSpe){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForSpe"}) that are a bit unusual, or only meant for the human user, namely: (1) *\(\lambda\)-abstraction also for type abstraction*  This Automath-peculiarity is not very attractive and unnecessary ([@Wie]). We restore \(\Pi\)-abstraction in our CC-like derivation rules. (2) *Incomplete parameter lists*  These are desirable for humans, but needless for theoretical analysis. So we abandon them. (3) *\(\eta\)-reduction*  This can be harmlessly omitted, as suggested already in Section [2.5.3](#BetEta){reference-type="ref" reference="BetEta"}. (4) *Argument precedes function*  This is an Automath-peculiarity that is debatable because it is so uncommon. We restore the usual order. We also employ the usual \(\lambda\)-calculus notation. So we write *application* of \(F\) to \(M\) as \(F \, M\) (with an invisible operation sign between function and argument), instead of \(\!<\!M\!>\!F\) in Automath. Note that we also use the notation with round brackets, \(G(N)\), but only for *instantiation*. So \(G(N)\) has the meaning: 'constant \(G\) with \(N\) substituted for the context variable'. ## Automath judgements {#AutModJud} We have discussed the three kinds of Automath lines: *assumption lines, definition lines and primitive lines*. Now we want to give a type system for establishing *correctness*. Note that, in an Automath text, the lines are not given as a set, but as an ordered *list*. Such a list is called a *book* in the original Automath report. An Automath book is *correct* if it can be derived by means of the rules of Automath. There are different correctness requirements for the three sorts of lines in Automath. First note that the lines in a correct Automath book depend on earlier ones. We mention two examples: (1) an existing context can be extended or reopened later by referring to its context indicator; (2) a defined constant can be used in every line following its definition, providing that it has been properly provided with instantiations for its parameters. These dependencies are enabled by the ordered character of each Automath book: every line may depend on any number of *previous* lines. If lines (1) to \((l)\) form a correct (and ordered) book \({\bf B}\), then we may add a new line \((l + 1)\), provided that it is correct with respect to \({\bf B}\). So books are developed *incrementally*, line by line. (This linear build-up is not in contradiction with the tree-like build-up in common type systems, as we sufficiently explained in [@NedGeu].) We express correctness not as in the original Automath report ([@deB1970]), but by means of three specific rules. We refer to the system \(\lambda\)D, as described in [@NedGeu], to obtain full correctness of an Automath text. The system \(\lambda\)D is a natural extension with definitions of \(\lambda\)C (which is an alternative name for CC). We recall the following important notion used in type systems as \(\lambda\)C (cf. [@Bar1992] or [@BarGeu]). A type-theoretical *judgement* has the form \(\Gamma ~\vdash~ M \,: \, N\), expressing that it is derivable (' \(\vdash\) ') in context \(\Gamma\) that \(M\) has type \(N\). Here, a context is a list of variable declarations \(x_1: A_1, \ldots, x_n: A_n\). Since we have to do with an Automath book, we also have to consider a context \(\Delta\) of definitions. So in order to establish correctness, we need for Automath some sort of *extended judgement*. This has in \(\lambda\)D the following form: \(\Delta ~;~\Gamma ~\vdash~ M \,: \, N\), meaning that, with respect to definition context \(\Delta\) and context \(\Gamma\), we can derive that \(M\) has type \(N\). Here, a definition context is a list of definitions, each of the form \(c(x_1: A_1, \ldots, x_n: A_n) := M: A\). (A lemma about the deduction rules implies that \(\Delta\) and \(\Gamma\) have already been justified in that case; see again [@NedGeu].) ## Coherent Automath books {#AutModCoh} We start with a formal description of an Automath *book*, referring back to notions introduced in Section [2](#AutFor){reference-type="ref" reference="AutFor"}. The following notions are borrowed from type theory (see e.g. [@Bar1992]): *Var* is an infinite set of *variables*; *Const* is a disjoint, also infinite set of *constants*; *Term* is the set of *pseudo-terms* of \(\lambda\)D, given as usual by an inductive definition. *Term* includes *Var*, *Const*(*Term*, ..., *Term*), \(\lambda {\it Var}: {\it Term} \lamdot {\it Term}\) (the so-called \(\lambda\)-terms), \(\Pi {\it Var}: {\it Term} \lamdot {\it Term}\) (the \(\Pi\)-terms) and (*Term* *Term*) (the application terms). We give some terminology around lines and books: A first step to correctness concerns the structure of Automath texts as regards the use of *identifiers* introduced in an Automath book. First, we prevent ambiguities in referencing, which occur when an identifier is introduced multiply. Therefore we require that each identifier is *unique*. (This restriction can be eliminated, e.g. by a paragraph system; cf. Section [2.2](#AutForAss){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForAss"}.) We also must ensure that no indicator occurring in an Automath line does 'dangle': we recall that each context indicator \(z\) must refer to precisely one 'earlier' introduced identifier of the same name, in order to establish exactly which context is 'named' by \(z\). This earlier identifier should pop up in an assumption line. An Automath book in which the last-mentioned conditions hold, we call a *coherent* book. We have the following easy properties. If \(m\) is a line in a coherent book \({\bf B}\) with identifier \(z\) and indicator \(y \not \equiv \epsilon\), then there is exactly one line \(l < m\) in \({\bf B}\) with identifier \(y\). So, for each identifier \(z\) in a coherent book \({\bf B}\), we can 'follow the trail back' to collect the full chain of variables that 'precede' \(z\) according to the relation \(\prec\). Note that such a chain is always finite and consists of variables, but for the 'greatest' element, which may be a constant. If such a \(z\) *is* a variable (not a constant), we recursively define the notion \(\gamma_z\) as the full list of the variables in this chain, including \(z\) itself. We simultaneously define the typing-context \(\Gamma_z\) of \(z\), being \(\gamma_z\) provided with typing information for each of the variables in it. ## The derivation rules for Automath {#AutModThr} We will now define what a *well-formed book* is in the Automath sense, using the system \(\lambda\)D to obtain the desired type-correctness for the terms. As \(\lambda\)D contains rules for definitions, it fits very well with Automath, but basically any other type theory with formal definitions could be used. This is because the book structure with lines, built up in the way described in the previous section, is largely orthogonal to the notion of *well-typedness*, that we need to judge whether a new line can be added to a book. We define by induction on \({\bf B}\) the notion \({\bf B} ~ {\it ok}\), expressing that \({\bf B}\) is well-formed. The definition splits into three parts, depending on whether we add *(i)* an assumption line, *(ii)* a definition line or *(iii)* a primitive line to a book \({\bf B}\), which we assume to be already *ok*. The new book that we obtain after the addition of one of the three lines, we call \({\bf B}^+\). Simultaneously we define \(\Delta_{\bf B}\), the translation of the well-formed book \({\bf B}\) into a \(\lambda\)D-'book' (see [@NedGeu]). We recall that the symbol \(s\) stands for a so-called *sort*, being either \(\ast\) or \(\Box\). These things have been described and explained in. See also, again, [@NedGeu]. The use of \(\lambda\)D as an 'auxiliary type system' to guarantee that the lines added to the book contain well-formed (and well-typed) expressions, conforms with the philosophy of de Bruijn: he viewed the type checking of the expressions that were added to a book as a purely algorithmic issue. In his 1970 paper, de Bruijn introduces the book-concept and describes in an algorithmic way what should be verified (i.e., type-checked) before a line can be added. Our Definition [\[adding\]](#adding){reference-type="ref" reference="adding"} mimics this via \(\lambda\)D-derivation rules. ## Automath and type theory {#AutTypThr} In type theory, assumptions (or 'declarations', in type-theoretic words) are usually collected into 'contexts' \(\Gamma \, \equiv x_1: A_1, \hdots, x_n: A_n\), preceeding a 'judgement'. But in an Automath book \({\bf B}\), every new assumption is written in a separate line. Therefore, it may easily happen that an assumption turns out to be *redundant*, to be explained below. We firstly define: One might say that a dead-end assumption line has no 'successors' in the book. Of course, there may be several dead-end lines in a book \({\bf B}\). It will be clear that each dead-end line can be removed from the book without influencing any of the other lines. But note that, after removal of a dead-end-line, another dead-end line can turn up that first was 'hidden. It is not hard to show that one may successively remove *all* dead-ends from a given book \({\bf B}\), also the newly popped-up as described just now. All these lines together are called the *redundant* assumption lines of \({\bf B}\). It also holds that there is a *unique* final result, independent of the *order* of the removals of dead-ends. (Of course, 'new' dead-ends such as the above \(l_2\) can only be removed neatly *after* the removal of the 'old' ones such as \(l_1\).) Moreover, in each step of this process of removals, one coherent book is replaced by another coherent one, and an *ok*-book by a new *ok*-book. Given a coherent book \({\bf B}\), we call the result of eliminating all dead-ends from it a *clean book*. The following theorem links an Automath book \({\bf B}\) to the type-theoretic book \(\Delta_{\bf B}\). It follows directly from the rules and the definitions in Definition [\[adding\]](#adding){reference-type="ref" reference="adding"}. The correspondence between the two kinds of books is obvious and doesn't need further discussion. So there is a strong connection between a clean Automath-book \({\bf B}\) and the corresponding type-theoretic book \(\Delta_{\bf B}\). It is not hard to see that all relevant 'information' in \({\bf B}\) (i.e., the information in \({\tt cl}({\bf B})\)) has a counterpart in \(\Delta_{\bf B}\). Note that the image \(\Delta_{\bf B}\), being an environment in \(\lambda\)D, consists of definitions only. In the transition from \({\tt cl}({\bf B})\) to \(\Delta_{\bf B}\), the nice 'sharing' of context declarations \(x: A\), an asset of Automath, is completely undone. Every definition in \(\Delta_{\bf B}\) has its own context \(\Gamma\), leading to numerous repetitions of declarations and no sharing at all. The lack of sharing is also obvious in the simplest translation the other way around, leading from a legal environment \(\Delta\) to an Automath book \({\bf B}_\Delta\). In this translation, the image of a definition in \(\Delta\), e.g., \(\overline{x} \,: \, \overline{A} \, \triangleright \, a(\overline{x}) \, := \, M \slash \PN \,: \, N\), becomes a list of \(n\) assumption lines ending in one definition line or primitive line (here \(n\) is the number of declarations in \(\overline{x} \,: \, \overline{A}\)): ------------ -------- ------- ------ ---------------- ----- ------- \(\epsilon\) \(\ast\) \(x_1\) \(:=\) \(:\) \(A_1\) \(x_1\) \(\ast\) \(x_2\) \(:=\) \(:\) \(A_2\) \(\vdots\) \(x_{n-1}\) \(\ast\) \(x_n\) \(:=\) \(\text{---}\) \(:\) \(A_n\) \(x_n\) \(\ast\) \(a\) \(:=\) \(M \slash \PN\) \(:\) \(N\) ------------ -------- ------- ------ ---------------- ----- ------- In the desired translation from \(\Delta\) to \({\bf B}_\Delta\), one replaces the lines in \(\Delta\), one by one and in the same order, by clusters of lines as given just now. Of course, in this process one probably has to rename variables and constants in order to keep all variables and constants distinct. It is not hard to find a procedure to recover the sharing of variables after the translation. We don't elaborate on this. ## Example of the verification of an Automath book via a typed lambda calculus We show how the first five lines of the Automath text of Figure [\[AutForLan\]](#AutForLan){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLan"} from van Benthem Jutting's formalisation of Landau's book, is a 'correct' book in the sense of Definition [\[adding\]](#adding){reference-type="ref" reference="adding"}. See Figure [\[AutForLanChe\]](#AutForLanChe){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLanChe"}. In this example, we write the text line by line and indicate in between the \(\lambda\)D-typing judgement that is checked. We omit the '*ok*'-word, but just incrementally add lines. We write, as nowadays usual, \(\Pi x: A \lamdot B\) instead of \([x: A]B\). Note for example, that line (5) may be added to the book consisting of lines (1)---(4), because the judgement following line (5) in Figure [\[AutForLanChe\]](#AutForLanChe){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLanChe"}--the one to be checked--can be derived in type theory (e.g., \(\lambda\)D). (This judgement does not belong to the Automath text, it is added just for the example.) For the exact derivation rules concerning the derivation in \(\lambda\)D, see again [@NedGeu]. # Conclusion {#Conc} ## De Bruijn's philosophy concerning Automath {#AutModPhi} As we have discussed already in the first part of this paper, N.G. de Bruijn only allows three species of lines in an Automath book. In our terminology in Section [3](#AutMod){reference-type="ref" reference="AutMod"}, these are recorded in the conclusions of the rules *(assum)*, *(defin)* and *(prim)*: each of these statements enables the extension of the *ok*-book \({\bf B}\) with one of the three kinds of Automath lines to generate a new *ok*-book, \({\bf B}^+\). One might wonder where the justifications of the judgements in the *premisses* of these rules are registered, the \(\lambda\)D-judgements in Definition [\[adding\]](#adding){reference-type="ref" reference="adding"}. These judgements are not part of an Automath book. To explain this, we should understand de Bruijn's original ideas, since he had a number of strong opinions about the formalization of mathematics and the desirability of such a formalization. (1) Right from the actual start of the computer age, in the 1960's, N.G. de Bruijn recognised *the potential of computer use for different kinds of mathematical work*--and in particular for verification of mathematical content. That ignited his drive to develop a formal language for mathematics, since he realised that computer aid could considerably enhance the credibility of verification. His early attempts in this direction resulted in the development of a formal language for mathematics, which he called Automath ('mathematics aided by an automaton'). (2) Being a genuine (and very respected) mathematician, it is needless to say that de Bruijn produced a meticulous description of the syntax of Automath. However, *he did not shun computer assistance* in the actual verification of Automath syntax. For that purpose, he asked computer scientist I. Zandleven to write a large computer programme, with which indeed Jutting's voluminous Automath translation of Landau's analysis textbook ([@Lan]) has been checked. In essence, this Automath programme verified the derivability of the checking requirements. Indeed, de Bruijn's opinion was that such *'administrative' work could well be left to a computer*. And the more so, since a bit later it was proved that the Automath syntax could be seen as a *decidable* derivation system. (3) In de Bruijn's philosophy, an Automath book should be formal and formally verifiable, but *it should follow the original mathematical reasoning as closely as possible*. At the same time, Automath should be *as simple as possible*. Therefore he endeavoured to try to limit himself, and he attempted to do the job with assumptions and definitions only. He realised, of course, that mathematics offers more than these two 'linguistic categories'. For example, the majority of mathematical texts consists of *statements*, in order to bring the reasoning a step further. De Bruijn's invention was to *extend* all usual mathematical statements to a definition (cf. what we said about this in Section [2.3](#AutForDef){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForDef"}) and to also treat axioms or axiomatic notions as a kind of definitions ('primitive notions'). (4) Thus he could achieve his goal to *limit himself to only assumption lines, definition lines and primitive lines* in the formal Automath texts, and yet stay close to the mathematical written discourse in its usual layout and order. On a small scale, this is easily visible in our mathematical-style phrasing of the tiny part of Jutting's original Automath text, pictured in Figure [\[AutForLan\]](#AutForLan){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForLan"}, when comparing this to the 'mathematical' text in Section [2.6](#AutForInt){reference-type="ref" reference="AutForInt"}. Looking back to the central part of the present paper, we might say that a *human* should compose the Automath text and that the *computer programme* mainly works on checking the *type-theoretic premisses* of the three main derivation lines (see Section [3.4](#AutModThr){reference-type="ref" reference="AutModThr"}), inspecting the Automath lines one by one. (5) A remark in this respect is, that despite the decidability, the computer program used in the seventies sometimes had considerable problems with its verification task, in particular because of the (occasionally almost forbidding) size of the 'search space' involved in the definitional equality checking procedure. In such cases, de Bruijn had no problem with an intervention, amounting to an auxiliary lemma (plus proof!) or an extra definition, in order to *bridge the verifiability gap between one Automath line and another one*. All this fitted smoothly in the Automath syntax, so he saw no objection in that little help. Such a small intervention was incidentally executed, for example, in the Landau-translation by L.S. Jutting. ## Other proof checkers At the time when de Bruijn developed Automath, the idea of computer assisted formal proof checking arose at various other places. There has been some contact between these developments, but mostly these were done independently. Only later, in approximately the 1980s, there was more international exchange on the ideas and concepts underlying these projects, and the developers sometimes used ideas from each other or developed new systems by combining features from various existing ones. We will not provide an overview of proof assistants here, but give a brief overview of related projects and how they compare with the 'book' approach that de Bruijn took with Automath. For a historical overview of proof assistants and a more in depth discussion of the ideas, see [@Geu2009]; for a concrete picture of what present day proof assistants are and how one interacts with them, see [@Wie2006], where 17 provers are compared by showing the formalization of the basic mathematical result that \(\sqrt{2}\) is irrational. ### Mizar The Mizar system (see [@Miz]) has been developed by Andrzej Trybulec and his co-workers since around 1970, with as aim to create a library of formalised mathematics. The user enters a mathematical text (definitions, statements, proofs) and the system checks that text by verifying the logical steps made in the proof and by checking the definitions for syntactic correctness. The idea is close to de Bruijn's idea of a *mathematical vernacular*, where the mathematics that is entered into the system should be close to what one would write in a book or an article. The idea that the checking is going on 'behind the scene', while the user feeds new mathematics line-by-line, is similar to the book approach of Automath, but in Mizar this is usually done in a 'batch' process: a user writes an article and feeds that as a whole to Mizar, and then it is the system that reports which logical steps it can't follow. Mizar has existed continuously since the 1970s and has developed a very large library of formalised mathematics, *MML*. ### HOL {#Hol} The HOL proof assistants (see [@GorMel]) are based on the LCF approach ([@Gor]) due to R. Milner in the beginning of the 1970s. The idea is to have an abstract data type of theorems, where the only closed terms of this data type correspond to provable formulas in higher order logic. (Basically, this logic is the higher order predicate logic as defined by A. Church, ([@Chu]), based on his simple theory of types.) The functions one can write for producing terms of type 'theorem' correspond to the derivation rules for high order logic, which guarantees the validity. The approach is quite different from de Bruijn's, as one can write any function (in the programming language that the type 'theorem' resides in, being ML in the original approach of Milner) to produce terms of type 'theorem'. These are basically proof-tactics, so one does not write proofs in mathematical style, but in programming style. The most used systems in the 'HOL family' are HOL4, HOL-light and ProofPower. ### Isabelle The Isabelle proof assistant ([@Nip]), developed in Cambridge (Paulson) and Munich (Nipkow, Wenzel), is also based on the LCF approach and it caters for various logics to be definable in it. The main used variant is Isabelle/HOL, which is the higher order logic mentioned in [4.2.2](#Hol){reference-type="ref" reference="Hol"}. A particular feature of Isabelle is the so called 'Isar mode', which is an input mode for Isabelle similar to Mizar, where one enters mathematical texts in vernacular style, which is then processed by the system: definitions are checked for correctness and stored, and the proof steps are verified. This is again similar to the 'book' approach, with various advanced features giving additional proof automation support. ### Coq In the beginning of Section [3](#AutMod){reference-type="ref" reference="AutMod"}, we already mentioned the Coq proof assistant ([@BerCas]; [@Coq]), which is also based on dependent type theory and the propositions-as-types principle, like Automath. Also in the Coq system, the type checking algorithm is behind the scenes, while the user writes mathematics. The definitions are entered and type checked, and stored as definitions, much like in \(\lambda\)D, but the proof-terms are created interactively, via tactics, where the typing algorithm assists in filling the gaps in a proof. These are basically 'holes' in a proof term, but, different from Automath, a user never actually observes the proof-term: it is created 'under the hood'. In Coq, one can write functional programs, prove them correct and execute them in the system. A slightly modified version of the type theory of Coq has been implemented in the Lean theorem prover ([@Mou]), with the specific aim of generating interest from the mathematics community to formalize mathematical proofs. ### Agda The typed programming language Agda ([@Bov]) is based on dependent type theory and its underlying type theory is Martin-Löf Type Theory ([@Nor]), which is close to Coq's type theory. The focus is dependently typed programming, but it is also a proof assistant, where one can formalize arbitrary notions from mathematics and prove programs correct, just like Coq. The interaction is quite different from Coq, because one edits proof-terms directly. These are terms-with-holes, where the holes have types that help the user to fill in the holes. The fact that one writes proof-terms directly is closer to Automath, but, different from Automath, the system gives a lot of interactive support for creating these terms (i.e. filling the holes). [^1]: Instead of the semicolon ';' used in Automath, we take the colon ':'--as is common nowadays--for expressing the relation between a content and a category (or 'type'). [^2]: The content is called the *definition* in the original Automath paper. We use the word *content* to avoid confusion with the general meaning of the word 'definition'. [^3]: We shall often use the word 'type' instead of 'category', in order to connect Automath with more common terminology in type theory. [^4]: This presentation of natural deduction already appears in the work of Stanisław Jaśkowski ([@Jas]).
{'timestamp': '2022-06-16T02:16:11', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01173', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01173'}
# Introduction The solar electromagnetic radiation extends from \(\gamma\)-rays to km wavelengths. Each spectral range provides specific information on solar phenomena, whereas combined observations in many spectral ranges are required to obtain a complete picture of physical processes operating in the solar atmosphere. The solar radio emission in particular, which originates from the low chromosphere at mm-wavelengths up to the outer corona and the solar wind at km wavelengths, covers the same altitude range as emissions in the optical, EUV and X-ray ranges and in situ measurements, hence it is a necessary complement of data obtained in these domains (see, e.g. the recent review by ). Thus practically all phenomena observed in radio wavelengths have their counterpart in other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Metric solar bursts are an exception to the above statement. Although we have a basic understanding of their origin, some ot their counterparts in other spectral ranges have not been identified. For example, we know that type III bursts are due to beams of accelerated electrons but such beams are not detectable in optical or EUV wavelengths, although they have been observed by particle detectors in the interplanetary space. Similarly, we know that type II bursts are due to shock waves, but we are not sure which observable manifestation of the shocks corresponds to the radio emission. The reason for this lies apparently in the fact that both type IIs and type IIIs are due to coherent plasma emission, which has no observable signature outside the radio range. The only definitive association between metric burst and optical/EUV emission is that of the so called "radio CMEs", emitting in the radio range through the incoherent gyrosynchrotron mechanism (see, for example ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; see also Sect. 5 in ). This gyrosynchrotron emission originates at the core of the CME, as one of the components of the radio signature which appears on dynamic spectra in the form of a type IV continuum ; additional components of this kind of type IV burst due to plasma radiation (; ) are also possible. There have also been reports of soft X-ray (SXR) jets associated with Type III emission, apparently from accelerated electrons that traveled along the path outlined by the jet (; ). Moreover, reported the occurrence of a metric continuum source that was associated with both the partial rupture of a coronal loop top and soft X-ray plasma ejecta, whereas reported the detection of metric continuum sources associated with soft X-ray plasmoid ejecta. Earlier works (, , ) reported the association of Type IIIs with H\(\alpha\) ejecta, surges in particular. However, no direct emission from the SXR or optical structures themselves was reported by the above authors, with the possible exception of . We note that "jet" is a generic term that may describe material ejections of various nature, including surges. The latter, classically, are ejections of chromospheric material, best observed in H\(\alpha\), usually seen in absorption on the disk and occasionally in emission (; ; ). Contrary to sprays, the motion of the material is ordered and appears to follow the magnetic field lines of force, while often the material comes back along the same path. The development of soft X-ray, ultraviolet (UV), and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) instrumentation has helped us identify ejecta in these wavelength ranges as well. They are usually called jets and their properties have been reviewed by . It appears that in several cases the ejected material is multi-thermal which allows the detection of its cool, dense component in H\(\alpha\) as a surge and the detection of its hotter, more tenuous component in (E)UV or soft X-rays as a jet. Using Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) data and numerical simulations, have found that surges are characterized by temperatures around 6000 K at \(-6.0 \leq \log_{10} (\tau) \leq-3.2\) and electron density ranging from \(1.6 \times 10^{11}\) up to about 10\(^{12}\) cm\(^{-3}\) at \(-6.0 \leq \log_{10} (\tau) \leq-4.8\). On the other hand, in soft X-rays and the EUV the temperature of jets may exceed 2 MK while their density can reach values as high as 10\(^9\)-10\(^{10}\) cm\(^{-3}\) (). Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) observations of a surge at 304 Å yielded an average density of 4.1\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{9}\) cm\(^{-3}\) . There is a long tradition of interpreting jets and surges as a result of magnetic reconnection between newly emerged magnetic flux and the preexisting coronal magnetic field (; Yokoyama & Shibata ,; Archontis & Hood , , ; ). Observations of jets associated with the eruption of small-scale filaments (e.g. Sterling et al. , ) has led to propose that the ejected material is generated by a break-out mechanism similar to the one that might be at work in the initiation of CMEs (). In a previous work (, hereafter Paper I), we presented a detailed analysis of the complex M9 event SOL2010-02-012T11:25:00, whose dynamic spectrum contained at least five lanes of type-II emission and included a surge, a CME and an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave. Our analysis showed that the type IIs were not associated with the surge, but rather with the EUV wave probably initiated by the surge. During the main phase of the event there was no detectable metric emission from the surge. In this article we report the detection of surge-associated emission, which occurred after the end of the bulk of the metric radio burst. In the next section we present our observations and in Sect. [3](#results){reference-type="ref" reference="results"} our results. In Sect. [4](#emission){reference-type="ref" reference="emission"} we discuss possible emission mechanisms, whereas in Sect. [5](#concl){reference-type="ref" reference="concl"} we present our conclusions. Finally in Appendix [\[Appendix\]](#Appendix){reference-type="ref" reference="Appendix"} we give the full dynamic spectrum of the event and a movie of images used in this study. # Observations and data analysis The data set used in this work is similar to the one used for Paper I, for the time interval 11:45 to 13:00 UT of February 12, 2010. In short, we used images from the Nançay Radioheliograph ()[^1], dynamic spectra from the ARTEMIS-JLS radiospectrograph (, ) and CALLISTO[^2], light curves from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), H\(\alpha\) images from Catania Observatory, soft X-ray images from the GOES *Soft X-ray Imager* (SXI), EUV images at 304 Å with a cadence of 10 min from STEREO *Sun-Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation* (SECCHI) Ahead and Behind and coronograph images from STEREO Coronagraph1 (COR1) A and B () with a cadence of 5 min. No Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) *Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope* (EIT) data were available during the event, while the *Transition Region and Coronal Explorer* (TRACE) was pointed elsewhere. The NRH provided data at ten frequencies (150.9, 173.2, 228.0, 270.6, 298.7, 327.0, 360.8, 408.0, 432.0 and 445.5 MHz) with a cadence of 250 ms and a spatial resolution of 1.2 by 1.8 at 432 MHz. For a global view of the event we used 10 s average images, whereas for a detailed study we used images with the full temporal resolution. To facilitate displays and comparisons, we also computed cuts of intensity as a function of time and position, along the axis of the surge. Three-dimensional positions were computed from triangulation of STEREO A and B 304 Å images, as well as from COR1 images. # Results ## Overview The GOES class M9 event, which occurred around 11:25 UT on February 12, 2010 in active region 11046, was described in detail in Paper I. The bulk of the radio emission ended around 11:32 UT (see Fig. 1 of Paper I), but metric continuum emission appeared again in the dynamic spectrum from about 12:00 to 13:00 UT (see Fig. 45 of , reproduced in Fig. [\[FullDS\]](#FullDS){reference-type="ref" reference="FullDS"}); this continuum is associated with the second phase of the surge described in this work. In the STEREO images the surge started around 11:23 UT and was visible in the 304 Å band well after the main metric emission, till about 13:26 UT. In the 195 Å band it was visible in emission up to about 11:38 UT, whereas the top of the surge went above the COR1 A and B occulting disks at around 11:40 UT Seen from STEREO-A, the event was very close to the E limb, whereas it was near the W limb for STEREO-B (Fig. [\[STEREOpos\]](#STEREOpos){reference-type="ref" reference="STEREOpos"}). Fig. [\[304surge\]](#304surge){reference-type="ref" reference="304surge"} shows a sequence of STEREO-A images, in which the surge is very prominent as it is seen mostly beyond the limb. We note that between 11:36 and 11:46 UT a second ejection of material occurred, as noted in Paper I (Sect. 3.2 and Fig. 5) where it was characterized as a "slow component". For comparison, we also show a pair of STEREO A and B 304 Å images in Fig. [\[304triang\]](#304triang){reference-type="ref" reference="304triang"}, where the points used for triangulation are marked. Radio emission from the surge was detected by the NRH during two intervals: from 11:49 to 11:51 UT (phase A) and from 12:00 to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}13:00 UT (phase B). Fig. [\[NRH_Cat_SXIw\]](#NRH_Cat_SXIw){reference-type="ref" reference="NRH_Cat_SXIw"} shows NRH total intensity images during both phases, together with H\(\alpha\) and SXR images. The corresponding circular polarization images are shown in Fig. [\[NRH_Cat_SXIw_V\]](#NRH_Cat_SXIw_V){reference-type="ref" reference="NRH_Cat_SXIw_V"}. We first note that there is no trace of surge emission either in H\(\alpha\) or in SXR. We further note that in both phases two sources appear in the high frequency images where the resolution is higher; moreover, during phase B the upper source is clearly displaced upwards, compared to the phase A, apparently a result of the expansion of the surge. A final remark at this stage is that the size and position of the source are markedly different in the two lowest frequencies, indicating different structures and/or different emission mechanisms. This is further corroborated by inspection of the V images, which show a bipolar structure at low frequencies, more prominent during phase B, whereas in high frequencies both the lower and the upper source were uniformly polarized in the right-hand sense. ## Low time resolution analysis {#LowResAn} At the full cadence (250 ms) of the NRH, our 65 min of data at 10 frequencies and two Stokes parameters make a total of 312 000 images. This is a huge number of images, which cannot be easily treated. For this reason we will start our analysis with 10 s average images which, while preserving the basic characteristics of the event, reduced the number of images by a factor of 40. ### Evolution in time {#Evol} Even at the reduced time resolution, the number of images is still large. A convenient way of presentation is through cuts of the intensity as a function of position and time, which are displayed in Fig. [\[CutsI_LowResW\]](#CutsI_LowResW){reference-type="ref" reference="CutsI_LowResW"}. The full set of averaged images is presented in Movie 1 of the Appendix (see Fig. [\[frames\]](#frames){reference-type="ref" reference="frames"}). The cuts confirm our previous conclusion that the nature of the source is different at the two low frequencies; indeed, the cuts at 173.2 and 150.9 MHz show fluctuating emission but no concrete sign of the two phases. Moreover, the cuts provide some additional interesting information: The emission during phase B was much brighter and longer than the emission during phase A. In addition, the duration of this phase increased as the frequency decreased, extending beyond 13:00 UT. The emission from the lower source during the same phase can roughly be split in three parts, best visible at high frequencies: from 12:00 to 12:15 UT, from 12:15 UT to 12:28 UT and beyond 12:28 UT. The visibility of the upper source decreased with decreasing frequency. In order to check if this is due to the NRH resolution, we convolved the 445 MHz image with the beam of all other frequencies, after deconvolving with the 445 MHz beam. We found that the upper source should be detectable even at 150.9 MHz, during phase B in particular where the two sources are further apart. This means that the intensity of the upper source, relative to the intensity of the lower source, increases with frequency. ### Positions and motions As mentioned above, the three-dimensional position of surge features were computed from triangulation of STEREO A and B images. From these, the projection of the surge on the plane of the sky, as seen from the Earth, was computed and is displayed in Fig. [\[Orient\]](#Orient){reference-type="ref" reference="Orient"}. The position (centroid), as well as the brightness temperature and size of the radio sources was computed by Gaussian fit of their images. The positions derived from 10 s average images at 432.0 MHz during the entire event are plotted as dots in Fig. [\[Orient\]](#Orient){reference-type="ref" reference="Orient"}, black for the lower source and red for the upper. The flare position, from XRT and Catania images, is shown as an open circle in the same figure (see also Fig. 6 in Paper I). A first remark is that the surge was huge, its projected length being about a solar radius around 12:00 UT. On the average, its position angle was about 34 east of north. The radio source positions were spread along a shorter, but still quite long structure, going as far as the low part of COR1A emission. The extent of radio emission was about 0.5 R\(_\sun\), and was displaced by about 150  to the west of the surge; this displacement is comparable to the observed width of the sources and might be due to refraction/scattering effects or triangulation errors. We add that the orientation of the radio source motion was close to that of the surge, about 29. From the position of the top of the surge in STEREO-A 304 Å images, we deduced an accelerating motion and we obtained a velocity, projected on the plane of the sky, of about 126 km s\(^{-1}\) around 12:00 UT; this is consistent with the value of 120 km s\(^{-1}\), obtained from COR1A measurements in Paper I (Sect. 3.2) for this component of the surge. As, according to our triangulation the surge was inclined by about 15 with respect to the plane of the sky as seen from STEREO-A, this velocity translates to 130 km s\(^{-1}\) along the surge direction. On the other hand, a linear regression of the positions of the upper NRH source at 445.0 MHz as a function of time gave an apparent velocity of 123 km s\(^{-1}\); seen from the Earth, the inclination of the surge with respect to the plane of the sky was 45(see Fig. [\[Inclin\]](#Inclin){reference-type="ref" reference="Inclin"} below), thus this value corresponds to 175 km s\(^{-1}\) along the surge. Although this value is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}35% above the one deduced from the limb measurements, it is probably more reliable since the source centroids can be more accurately identified and measured than the defuse top of the 304 Å images. We note that the upward displacement of the lower source (black dots in Fig. [\[Orient\]](#Orient){reference-type="ref" reference="Orient"}) is considerably smaller (\(\simeq40\) km s\(^{-1}\)) than that of the upper source (red dots); this is expected, since the material in the lower source is continuously replenished from the eruption that produced the surge. Putting together all information presented in this section, there can be no doubt that what we see from the Earth at metric wavelengths is indeed emission associated with the 304 Å surge seen near the limb from STEREO A and B. In order to complete the picture, we provide in Fig. [\[Inclin\]](#Inclin){reference-type="ref" reference="Inclin"} the surge positions, derived from triangulation, projected on a plane that includes the line of sight. Apart from providing the inclination of the surge with respect to the plane of the sky as seen from the Earth, the plot shows a change of the surge inclination with height, apparently reflecting the curved shape of this structure seen in Fig. [\[304surge\]](#304surge){reference-type="ref" reference="304surge"}. ## Intensity fluctuations from full time resolution data {#fluct} Although our 10 s average images give an accurate view of the structure and the evolution of the event, there is a lot more of information in the full time sequence if NRH images, which will be exploited in this section, separately for phases A and B. ### Phase A {#PhaseA} The first phase of the metric surge emission was rather short, lasting for about 2 min. A concise picture of its structure and evolution is given in the total intensity cuts (Fig. [\[cutsA\]](#cutsA){reference-type="ref" reference="cutsA"}) at the three highest NRH frequencies, where the two sources were clearly resolved; the circular polarization cuts show a similar picture and are not shown here. The time variation of the cuts of Fig. [\[cutsA\]](#cutsA){reference-type="ref" reference="cutsA"} reveals two temporal components of the emission: one with a time scale of the order of 1 min and a second, fluctuating component, with sub-second scale. A power spectrum analysis did not reveal any concrete periodicities in the fluctuations, which occurred at an average rate of about one per second. The long time-scale component is broad-band, detectable from 445.0 MHz down to about 298.7 MHz, whereas most fluctuations are very different in the consecutive NRH channels displayed in the figure, which puts an upper limit of a few tens of MHz in their bandwidth. Still, there are some short time scale structures in the 408.0-298.7 MHz frequency range, which are visible in more than one NRH channel, suggesting a bandwidth of the order of 100 MHz; this is shown in Fig. [\[cutsFilt\]](#cutsFilt){reference-type="ref" reference="cutsFilt"}, where a high-pass Gaussian filter of 5 s width has been applied to the cuts in order to enhance fine structures. Most interesting, the pattern of fluctuations is very similar in the two sources, with a slight time delay of 0.2 s of the upper source with respect to the lower, as measured through cross-correlation of their light curves; this appears as a small inclination in the cuts of Fig. [\[cutsA\]](#cutsA){reference-type="ref" reference="cutsA"}. Taken literally, this translates to an apparent superluminal propagation speed of 2.6c on the plane of the sky, the projected distance of the two sources being about 230. As the geometry has to be taken properly into consideration, we will come back to this issue in Sect. [4](#emission){reference-type="ref" reference="emission"}. As expected, the light curves of the two sources follow closely each other for all three frequencies considered here (Fig. [\[lightA\]](#lightA){reference-type="ref" reference="lightA"}). The time shift between the two sources is also visible in this figure and so is the narrow bandwidth of the fluctuations. The brightness temperature, \(T_b\), of the lower source is of the order of 10\(^7\) K. At 445.0 MHz the brightness of the upper source is slightly lower than that of the lower source, their ratio being 0.85; this value decreases to 0.60 at 432.0 MHz and to 0.38 at 408.0 MHz. This quantifies our previous remark (Sect. [3.2.1](#Evol){reference-type="ref" reference="Evol"}) that the visibility of the upper source decreased with decreasing frequency. Finally, there appears to be no association of the radio emission to the GOES soft x-ray flux. ### Phase B {#PhaseB} As mentioned earlier, phase B was much longer and more intense than Phase A (c.f. Fig. [\[CutsI_LowResW\]](#CutsI_LowResW){reference-type="ref" reference="CutsI_LowResW"}). The upper source is now detectable in the four higher NRH frequencies, fading as time progresses; it is further away from the lower source, a consequence of the expansion of the surge. As it is impossible to present its time evolution in full, we show in Fig. [\[CutsB\]](#CutsB){reference-type="ref" reference="CutsB"} the first 3.5 min. As in Phase A, the intensity shows short time scale fluctuations; however, their coherence between the upper and lower sources is much reduced, particularly after 12:02 UT. Until then, the fluctuations in the upper source were delayed by 0.3 s, 50% more than during phase A; the increased delay is apparently related to the increased separation of the two sources. Fig. [\[LightB\]](#LightB){reference-type="ref" reference="LightB"} compares the light curves of the upper and lower sources, computed from the 1D cuts. No GOES curve is given, as there was no SXR emission. Contrary to phase A, the intensity of the upper source not only is about a factor of 5 lower than that of the lower source, but it also decreases with time. This decrease could be associated with the increase of the distance between the two sources and/or the fading of the upper part of the surge. ## Spectrum and polarization The average spectrum of the surge, computed from the peak NRH brightness temperature during phase A, is displayed in the upper panel of Fig. [\[SpecAB\]](#SpecAB){reference-type="ref" reference="SpecAB"}. The low and high frequency spectral components discussed previously are clearly identifiable, with a cross-over frequency around 270 MHz. We note that the high frequency component, which is the one directly associated with the burst, is rather flat with a peak around 432 MHz (\(T_b\simeq15\) MK). During phase B both the low and the high frequency spectral components brightened, the latter more than the former; they are still distinguished in the spectrum (lower panel of Fig. [\[SpecAB\]](#SpecAB){reference-type="ref" reference="SpecAB"}), better in the early stage of phase B (dashed line). The high frequency component now shows a prominent peak around 360 MHz, whose brightness temperature exceeds 150 MK. We note that in both phases the emission appears to extend above the highest NRH frequency of 445 MHz. With 10 NRH channels between 150.9 and 445 MHz, one could try to construct a dynamic spectrum that will give more complete spectro-temporal information. Such a "pseudo dynamic spectrum\" is presented in the top panel of Fig. [\[DynSpecA\]](#DynSpecA){reference-type="ref" reference="DynSpecA"}. It compares well with the e-Callisto dynamic spectrum of Bleien Observatory (BLEN7M). The flux was below the detection threshold of other radiospectrographs, including ARTEMIS-JLS. Unfortunately the Bleien spectrum showed a sharp drop above 450 MHz, apparently of instrumental origin as it appeared in all dynamic spectra from this instrument, and thus we can not estimate the high frequency extent of the emission. Features of different temporal and frequency scales (c.f. Sect. [3.3](#fluct){reference-type="ref" reference="fluct"}) are well visible in both spectra. In particular, repeated short duration spectral features visible down to \(\sim300\) MHz do not show any appreciable drift and they might be some sort of pulsations. The BLEN7M spectra in Fig. [\[DynSpecA\]](#DynSpecA){reference-type="ref" reference="DynSpecA"} reveal a very high degree of circular polarization in the right hand sense. This is confirmed by the NRH images, which gave a degree of polarization above 80%. Similarly, Fig. [\[DynSpecB\]](#DynSpecB){reference-type="ref" reference="DynSpecB"} shows dynamic spectra during the second phase of the emission. In addition to the discrete low and high frequency components, these spectra clearly show pulsations, well visible in the BLEN7M spectrum of the middle panel. Moreover, after the application of a high pass time filter of 12 s width, the spectrum obtained with the ARTEMIS-JLS acousto-optic analyzer (SAO) shows spike-like structures (bottom panel in the figure). # Discussion {#emission} ## Apparent superluminal velocities The apparent superluminal velocities deduced from the delay of fluctuations between the upper and lower sources during phase A (Sect. [3.3.1](#PhaseA){reference-type="ref" reference="PhaseA"}) and the start of phase B (Sect. [3.3.2](#PhaseB){reference-type="ref" reference="PhaseB"}) point towards the possibility that the emission of the upper source is scattered radiation from the lower source. In this section we will explore this possibility, with help of Fig. [\[geometry\]](#geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="geometry"}. In deducing the 3-dimensional positions of the NRH sources we assumed that the upper source was located in the middle of the region defined by the edges of the 304 Å surge, as derived from triangulation (red symbols and lines in Fig. [\[geometry\]](#geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="geometry"}). For the lower source we assumed that it was located lower, at a height of 1.03 R\(_\sun\), consistent with the computations in the next section. Then the delay between emission from the lower source and scattered emission from the upper source is: \[\Delta t=\frac{\Delta r-\Delta z}{c}\] and, taking into account the geometry. \[\Delta t=\frac{\Delta x}{c}\left(\frac{1}{\sin \theta}-\frac{1}{\tan \theta}\right)\] For phase A the geometry gives \(\theta\simeq24\), whereas \(\Delta x\simeq\) 230= 165 Mm, hence: \[\Delta t\simeq0.11\mbox{\,s}\] which is compatible with the measured delay of 0.2 s. Similarly, for the start of phase B we have \(\theta\simeq31\) and \(\Delta x\simeq\) 236 Mm, thus: \[\Delta t\simeq0.21\mbox{\,s}\] which is again compatible with the observed delay of 0.30 s. We note that the assumed height of the lower source does not affect much the results; a greater height would increase \(\theta\) slightly and decrease \(\Delta t\). We conclude that scattering of the emission from the lower source by the upper is a plausible interpretation of the apparent superluminal velocity. This conclusion is further strengthened by the decrease of the upper/lower intensity ratio with time, both between the two phases, as well as during phase B: it is a natural consequence of the increasing distance between the two sources, to which we may add the decrease of the density of the surge as it expands. The observed decrease of the upper/lower source intensity ratio at lower frequencies may imply that the scattering is more efficient at high frequencies ## Emission mechanism {#mech} Having established that the emission of the upper source was due to scattering from the lower source, which was located at or near the site of energy release, we will focus on the emission mechanism of the latter, in particular to its high-frequency component (\(\gtrapprox270\) MHz) which was directly associated with the surge. Noting also that pulsations and spike-like features were present in this emission, we will consider only the component with slow time variations. In this section we will discuss all three possible emission mechanisms: thermal emission, gyrosynchrotron and plasma. It is well known () that in flare events the heated coronal plasma becomes optically thick to thermal free-free emission below about 10 GHz. In such case, the brightness temperature can reach values exceeding 10\(^7\) K, its spectrum is flat and the degree of circular polarization is low (\(\lessapprox10\)%). In our case the lower source exhibits flat spectra during phase A from 327 to 408 MHz (top panel of Fig. [\[SpecAB\]](#SpecAB){reference-type="ref" reference="SpecAB"}) and during phase B in the interval 12:01-12:03 UT from 408 to 432 MHz (dashed line of bottom panel of Fig. [\[SpecAB\]](#SpecAB){reference-type="ref" reference="SpecAB"}). However, the degree of circular polarization is higher than 80% throughout the event which rules out the interpretation in terms of free-free emission. More important, there was not any surge-associated emission in the GOES data (Sect. [3.3](#fluct){reference-type="ref" reference="fluct"}), whereas the SXR emission had dropped to preflare levels at the time of the surge (see Fig. 2 of Paper I), which precludes the presence of high temperature plasma; this also rules out the possibility of thermal gyroresonance emission. We will next investigate whether gyrosynchrotron radiation from nonthermal electrons is at the heart of the emission. To this end we first attempted to model the high-frequency part of the spectrum from 12:01-12:03 UT in the early part of phase B (dashed line in the bottom panel of Fig. [\[SpecAB\]](#SpecAB){reference-type="ref" reference="SpecAB"}) with a gyrosynchrotron spectrum. We used the inhomogeneous gyrosynchrotron code described in with the addition that the effects of the ambient medium are taken into account, in order to properly account for the Razin-Tsytovich suppression (; ; ) at low frequencies. We constrained our models by fixing both the source angular scale and line-of-sight length to 200, in agreement with the results from the gaussian fit to the radio images (see Sect. [3.2](#LowResAn){reference-type="ref" reference="LowResAn"}); these fits showed that the source size did not change appreciably with frequency, which justifies our decision to work with the brightness temperature spectra instead of the flux density spectra. The remaining fit parameters are the energy spectral index, \(\delta\), of the energetic electrons, the magnetic field, \(B\), the low-and high-energy cutoffs, \(E_1\) and \(E_2\), respectively, of the nonthermal electrons, their density \(N_r\), and the density of the ambient thermal plasma, \(N_0\). The parameterized gyrosynchrotron model was fit to the spectrum using the Leveberg-Marquardt least-squares method. The best-fit model parameters, as well as their uncertainties, are given in Table [\[T01\]](#T01){reference-type="ref" reference="T01"}. [^1]: downloaded from http://secchirh.obspm.fr/ [^2]: downloaded from http://soleil.i4ds.ch/solarradio/callistoQuicklooks/
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:25:13', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01043', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01043'}
# Conclusion We present a self-supervised learning method called `RaFlow` # Evaluation {#exp} ## Experiment Settings **Data Collection.** An in-house multi-modal dataset was collected to facilitate our evaluation. The collection vehicle was equipped with a set of sensors including a Full-HD RGB camera, an Asensing INS570D navigation system, an RS-Ruby RoboSense (128-beam) LiDAR system and a HASCO LRR30 4D mmWave automotive radar. In particular, the 4D automotive radar has a maximum range of 75m with an azimuth/elevation FOV angle of 120/20. The range resolution of this 4D radar is \(0.2\rm{m}\) while the angular resolution is \(\{1.6\degree, 1\degree\}\) for azimuth/elevation measurement, respectively. We manually drove the vehicle for over 70 minutes on multiple roads and 7 sequences of data were collected with a total distance of 43.6km. We synchronize radar point clouds to 10Hz LiDAR point clouds and use pose data for motion compensation. For experiments, we select one sequence for test, another one for validation and the rest five for training. Details about these sequences are shown in Table [5](#seqs){reference-type="ref" reference="seqs"}. **Labels.** We use unlabelled samples from the training set for self-supervised learning of DNNs and from the validation set for model selection. As the test set is in a moderate amount of data, we manually label the test radar frames by referencing a 3D object detection module from the co-located RoboSense LiDAR and the accurate ego-vehicle pose information provided by the RTK-GPS and IMU sensors. Specifically, the scene flow labels of these samples can be annotated using converted vehicle pose for static points and by tracking bounding boxes (after manual inspection and correction) of dynamic objects for moving points. **Baselines.** As there is no prior work studying the sparse radar scene flow, our competing approaches are drawn from the general point-based scene flow estimation methods, including *five* state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods: *Just go with the Flow* (JGWTF) , PointPWC-Net , GraphL-L (the learning version) , FlowStep3D , SLIM , and *two* non-learning-based methods:   and GraphL-N (the non-learning version) . **Evaluation Metrics.** Prior point-based scene flow estimation works commonly use end point error (EPE) \(\mathcal{E}_{i}=||s_{i}-s_{gt,i}||_2\) as the major metric for evaluation. Many of them  achieve a mean EPE lower than \(0.2\mathrm{m}\) with dense point clouds (e.g., LiDARs) as input, as shown in their experiments. However, directly applying EPE to radar point clouds lacks sensor-specific consideration and may incur short-sighted conclusion because 4D radars currently have a much lower-resolution than LiDARs. For example, our used 4D radar has a range resolution of \(0.2\mathrm{m}\), making a sub-resolution EPE lower than \(0.2\mathrm{m}\) nearly impossible. For this reason, we also introduce a metric called Resolution-normalized EPE (RNE) in this work to make our evaluation on par with the ones in LiDAR scene flow estimation. To compensate the resolution gap, we divide the computed EPE by \({\Delta x_i^{r}}/{\Delta x_i^{l}}\), which is the ratio between our radar resolution \(\Delta x_i^{r}\) and a common Velodyne LiDAR resolution \(\Delta x_i^{l}\) used by previous LiDAR scene flow works . As both LiDAR  and radar point clouds are generated in the spherical coordinate, each point should have a unique resolution \(\Delta x_i\) in the Cartesian coordinate. To implement fine-grained RNE, given the fixed sensor spherical resolution values \(\{\Delta r, \Delta \theta, \Delta \phi\}\), we first approximate per-point Cartesian resolution values \(\{\Delta X_i, \Delta Y_i, \Delta Z_i\}\) by \[\Delta c_i =\sum_{h\in\{r,\theta,\phi\}}\Big|\frac{\partial{c(r,\theta,\phi)}}{\partial{h}}|_{(r,\theta,\phi)= (r_i,\theta_i,\phi_i)} \Big|\Delta h\] where \(c\in\{X,Y,Z\}\) denotes the Cartesian coordinate values. We then obtain the point-level resolution \(\Delta x_i\) as: \[\Delta x_i = \sqrt{(\Delta X_i)^2+(\Delta Y_i)^2+(\Delta Z_i)^2}\] We first compute per-point ratio between \(\Delta x_i^r\) and \(\Delta x_i^l\) and then obtain the RNE value by dividing EPE by the ratio. Following the accuracy score metrics in , we also define two extra metrics based on RNE by calculating the percentage of points that satisfy certain requirements: a) strict accuracy score (SAS): the ratio of points with RNE \(\leq\) \(0.1\mathrm{m}\) or \(10\%\); b) relaxed accuracy score (RAS): the ratio of points with RNE \(\leq 0.2\mathrm{m}\) or \(20\%\). Following , we also report results for static and moving points separately and calculate their average to avoid the imbalance of these two classes. For notation, we use 50-50 RNE as the average of between Stat. RNE and Mov. RNE, while Avg. RNE denotes the mean RNE for all test points. **Training Details.** We trained our model for 50 epochs using the Adam optimizer. The initial learning rate is set as 0.001 and decays by 0.9 after each epoch. Data augmentation is implemented by randomly rotating and translating each point cloud from the training set. During training, we downsample all point clouds to \(N_1=N_2=256\) for fast batch processing but do not downsample test samples in order to estimate the flow vector of each point. The values of hyperparameters can be seen in Table [6](#hyper){reference-type="ref" reference="hyper"}, which are fixed for all experiments. ## Quantitative Results {#quantitative} Our experiments begin with the comparison among `RaFlow` As seen in Table [\[baselines\]](#baselines){reference-type="ref" reference="baselines"}, `RaFlow` It is also worth noting the importance of the SFR module that refines all static points through a predicted rigid transformation. As we can see, while `RaFlow` Despite the satisfying performance achieved on dense point clouds (e.g., LiDAR), state-of-the-art methods all struggle in delivering the same efficacy on radar data. Interestingly, the traditional ICP  achieves better results than other baselines on Avg. RNE because it can solve accurate static flow vectors in many simple scenarios (e.g., ego-vehicle is stationary). Nevertheless, ICP falls behind on 50-50 RNE due to its incompatibility to tackle moving points. ## Qualitative Results To intuitively show the performance of `RaFlow` ## Ablation Study **Impact of Features.**[\[abl:ft\]]{#abl:ft label="abl:ft"} Besides the 3D positional information, we use the RRV, RCS and Power measurements as auxiliary input features which are unique strengths of radar. To understand their impacts, we ablate each component and report the performance change. As shown in Table [7](#features){reference-type="ref" reference="features"}, removing the RRV feature has the largest impact on our method. We attribute this to the fact, that under the supervision of our radial replacement loss, our model can implicitly learn to exploit the motion cues provided by the RRV feature (c.f. Sec. [11.5](#loss){reference-type="ref" reference="loss"}). The RCS and Power features can also make non-negligible contributions to our method because of the extra semantic information provided by them. **Impact of Losses.**[\[abl:loss\]]{#abl:loss label="abl:loss"} To validate the individual effectiveness of our three specific loss functions, we also conduct ablation studies with different combinations of them. Moreover, we also include the previous Chamfer loss \(\mathcal{L}_c\) and smoothness term \(\mathcal{L}_s\) used by  as reference for our loss functions. The results can be seen in Table [8](#loss table){reference-type="ref" reference="loss table"}. The bottom combination is our `RaFlow` ## Downstream Motion Segmentation Task As one of the outputs of our scene flow estimation pipeline, the generated static mask (c.f. Sec. [11.4](#refinement){reference-type="ref" reference="refinement"}) can be used to segment scene points into stationary and moving points. Following the metrics used by , we evaluate our model on the test set for the motion segmentation task. As a result, an accuracy score of \(81.9\%\) can be achieved with a mIoU score of \(47.9\%\) and a sensitivity of \(82.7\%\). Qualitative results for two scenes can be seen in Figure [\[motion\]](#motion){reference-type="ref" reference="motion"}. # Limitation and Future Work # Introduction to ensuring safe planning and navigation for autonomous vehicles lies in reasoning the motion of dynamic objects in the wild. One representation of such motion is scene flow-a set of displacement vectors between two consecutive frames describing the motion field of a 3D scene. As the 3D extension to optical flow, scene flow intrinsically fits the requirement of the point cloud data produced by a variety of 3D sensors on autonomous vehicles (e.g., LiDAR). Beyond an object-level motion description, scene flow describes the motion field at the point level and gives more fine-grained scene dynamics. Once a scene flow is accurately predicted, an array of applications can be readily enabled, such as dynamic object segmentation, point cloud stitching, and multi-object tracking. While recent improvements are witnessed in scene flow estimation by leveraging supervised or self-supervised learning, these works are mainly dedicated to LiDAR scans and cannot be readily extended to the radar data. Indeed, 4-D millimetre-wave (mmWave) radar as an emerging sensor has been receiving increasing attention from the automotive industry due to a set of complementary advantages over LiDAR. First, cutting-edge radar sensors facilitate richer observations that contain both 3D position and radial relative velocity (RRV) measurement of points in the scene, with the extra velocity measurement naturally benefiting the scene flow estimation. Second, thanks to its operating wavelength in mmWave, these radars are fundamentally robust to adverse weathers, such as fog, rain, dust, or any unfavorable illumination conditions such as darkness, dimness, sun glare etc. Last but not least, radar sensors enjoy more lightweight form factors (i.e., single-chip sizes) and lower cost than LiDAR, lending themselves more affordable to the vehicle platforms with limited budgets or payload, e.g., middle-and low-end vehicles or even delivery robots . Despite the aforementioned benefits of 4-D radar, estimating scene flow vectors from radar point clouds is non-trivial and till now, no prior works have been proposed for radar scene flow estimation. Compared to the point clouds output by LiDAR, radar point clouds are significantly sparser, noisier and in much lower resolution (c.f. Fig. [\[fig:open\]](#fig:open){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:open"}). Concretely, a single sweep of 4-D radar point cloud only has several hundreds of points (\(< 1 \%\) of a common LiDAR point cloud). This sparse nature hinders the robustness of local feature extraction methods. Moreover, radar returns are usually corrupted by noise due to the multi-path effect and specular reflection. As a result, a non-negligible amount (up to \(20\%\) in our case) of radar points are outliers, undermining the point association step of scene flow estimation. Meanwhile, the distance and angular measurement resolution of mmWave radar are constrained by the limited number of antennas for cost reasons on chip. For instance, the angular resolution of our radar is an order of magnitude worse than that of LiDAR. The above challenges are exacerbated by the fact that there are no public 4-D radar datasets and point-level scene flow annotations are costly to acquire. This fact unfortunately limits the usability of many supervised learning-based methods proposed recently . To address the above challenges and unleash the potential of 4-D radar, we propose a novel self-supervised learning approach, termed `RaFlow` # Proposed Method ## Overview **Problem Formulation.** Given two consecutive point clouds \(\mathcal{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times C}=\{\{x_i,f_i\}\in\mathbb{R}^{C}\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\) and \(\mathcal{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_2\times C}=\{\{y_i,g_i\}\in\mathbb{R}^C\}_{i=1}^{N_2}\) captured by the same radar, the scene flow estimation aims to derive a set of 3D vectors \(\mathcal{S}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times 3}=\{s_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^3\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\) that represents the displacement of each point \(x_i\in\mathcal{P}\) to its corresponding position \({x}'_i=x_i+s_i\) in the scene described by point cloud \(\mathcal{Q}\). Unlike traditional point clouds that only include the 3D positional information for each point (i.e., \(x_i,y_i\in\mathbb{R}^3\)), the radar point clouds in this work have another 3D features (i.e., \(f_i,g_i\in\mathbb{R}^3\)) including radial relative velocity (RRV) measurement, Radar Cross Section (RCS) and Power measurement in conjunction with the 3D positional information. RRV characterises the instant motion level of the objects in the scene relative to the ego-vehicle while RCS and Power measurement characterise reflectivity of those objects in different aspects , as shown in Fig. [\[input\]](#input){reference-type="ref" reference="input"}. All of them come directly from the radar scans and complement the original 3D positional information by providing more scene semantics and motion clues. In alignment with the real-world radar data, here we do not assume absolute bijective mapping between two point clouds, and \(\mathcal{Q}\) thus do not necessarily contain the corresponding point \({x}'_i\) as seen in Fig. [\[fig:rrv\]](#fig:rrv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rrv"}. **Overall Architecture.** Fig. [\[pipeline\]](#pipeline){reference-type="ref" reference="pipeline"} illustrates the overall architecture of `RaFlow` Finally, we refine the coarse flow vectors of all static points with the rigid scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_r\) to obtain the final scene flow \(\mathcal{S}\). The entire architecture is end-to-end trainable. With this architecture, we can not only predict a refined scene flow \(\mathcal{S}\) but also address the motion segmentation and rigid ego-motion estimation problems. The static mask \(\mathcal{M}_s\) can be used to segment moving points, while the rigid transformation \(T_r\) describes the ego-motion of radar. ## Radar-Oriented Flow Estimation (ROFE) Module As shown in Fig. [\[pipeline\]](#pipeline){reference-type="ref" reference="pipeline"}, the ROFE module consists of three components: multi-scale encoder, and flow estimator, which are explained below. . **Multi-scale Encoder.** Extracting robust local features from radar points clouds is hindered by two major factors: a) the severe sparse nature of radar, b) uneven point density. While enlarging the receptive field can mitigate the sparse issue, it is still hard to tackle uneven point density with single-scale feature extraction. Inspired by the discussion in , we adopt a multi-scale grouping scheme to encode features on radar point clouds. Given input point set \(\mathcal{P}\), we use multiple *set conv* layers  to group multi-scale local features with different radius neighbourhoods specified by a radius set \(R\). To include global knowledge, we also use a channel-wise max-pooling operation to aggregate global features following  and concatenate it to per-point local features. As a result, we can obtain local-global features \({G}_\mathcal{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times(2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C_k})}\) for point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\) and \(G_\mathcal{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_2\times(2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C_k})}\) for \(\mathcal{Q}\) similarly. **Cost Volume Layer.** This cost volume layer aggregates costs in a patch-to-patch manner, which is particularly useful to mitigate the low-resolution issue of radar point clouds and the resultant non-bijective mapping across frames. After passing the point clouds and local-global features through , we can attain correlated features \(H\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times C_{cor}}\). **Flow Decoder.** With flow embedding and point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\), we use another multi-scale encoder to group embedding features to include spatial smoothness for the final output. We denote these features as \(U\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times (2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C'_k})}\) from multiple *set conv* layers. Lastly, \(U\) is fed into the final four-layer MLP whose output is the coarse scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_c\). ## RRV Measurement and Scene Flow {#rrv} One important property of 4-D radars is that their RRV measurements from Doppler effects are intuitive self-supervision signals for scene flow estimation. RRV measurements describe the moving speed of ambient objects relative to the observer in the radial direction. We denote the RRV measurements of point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\) as \(\mathcal{V}_\mathcal{P}^r \in \mathbb{R}^{N_1} = \{v_i^r\in\mathbb{R}\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\), where \(v_i^r\) is positive when point \(x_i\) is moving away from the observation point. Generally, \(\mathcal{V}^{r}_{\mathcal{P}}\) can be used as a component of the input features to include point-level motion cues. However, we argue that RRV measurement has the potential to play more roles in `RaFlow` Assuming the velocity of point \(x_i\) keeps constant during time interval \(\Delta t\) between two scans, we can reach the following equation: \[\label{velo} v_i^r \Delta t={s}_{gt,i}^\top\frac{x_i}{||x_i||}\] where \({s}_{gt,i}\) is the true flow vector of point \(x_i\). Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"} means that the projection of flow vector on the radial direction equals the measured RRV times \(\Delta t\), as explained in Fig. [\[fig:rrv\]](#fig:rrv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rrv"}. The constant velocity assumption is rational because the time interval between two radar scans is usually very short (e.g., 100ms) so that the average velocity of points can be seen as an approximation of the instantaneous velocity . As we will see in the rest of this paper, RRV is crucial for our self-supervised learning framework even without the availability of the truth scene flow. We propose a static mask generation module in Section [11.4](#refinement){reference-type="ref" reference="refinement"} and formulate a radial replacement loss function in Section [11.5](#loss){reference-type="ref" reference="loss"}, which are both inspired by Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"}. [\[alg:mask\]]{#alg:mask label="alg:mask"} **Data Collection.** An in-house multi-modal dataset was collected to facilitate our evaluation. The collection vehicle was equipped with a set of sensors including a Full-HD RGB camera, an Asensing INS570D navigation system, an RS-Ruby RoboSense (128-beam) LiDAR system and a HASCO LRR30 4D mmWave automotive radar. In particular, the 4D automotive radar has a maximum range of 75m with an azimuth/elevation FOV angle of 120/20. The range resolution of this 4D radar is \(0.2\rm{m}\) while the angular resolution is \(\{1.6\degree, 1\degree\}\) for azimuth/elevation measurement, respectively. We manually drove the vehicle for over 70 minutes on multiple roads and 7 sequences of data were collected with a total distance of 43.6km. We synchronize radar point clouds to 10Hz LiDAR point clouds and use pose data for motion compensation. For experiments, we select one sequence for test, another one for validation and the rest five for training. Details about these sequences are shown in Table [5](#seqs){reference-type="ref" reference="seqs"}. **Labels.** We use unlabelled samples from the training set for self-supervised learning of DNNs and from the validation set for model selection. As the test set is in a moderate amount of data, we manually label the test radar frames by referencing a 3D object detection module from the co-located RoboSense LiDAR and the accurate ego-vehicle pose information provided by the RTK-GPS and IMU sensors. Specifically, the scene flow labels of these samples can be annotated using converted vehicle pose for static points and by tracking bounding boxes (after manual inspection and correction) of dynamic objects for moving points. **Baselines.** As there is no prior work studying the sparse radar scene flow, our competing approaches are drawn from the general point-based scene flow estimation methods, including *five* state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods: *Just go with the Flow* (JGWTF) , PointPWC-Net , GraphL-L (the learning version) , FlowStep3D , SLIM , and *two* non-learning-based methods:   and GraphL-N (the non-learning version) . **Evaluation Metrics.** Prior point-based scene flow estimation works commonly use end point error (EPE) \(\mathcal{E}_{i}=||s_{i}-s_{gt,i}||_2\) as the major metric for evaluation. Many of them  achieve a mean EPE lower than \(0.2\mathrm{m}\) with dense point clouds (e.g., LiDARs) as input, as shown in their experiments. However, directly applying EPE to radar point clouds lacks sensor-specific consideration and may incur short-sighted conclusion because 4D radars currently have a much lower-resolution than LiDARs. For example, our used 4D radar has a range resolution of \(0.2\mathrm{m}\), making a sub-resolution EPE lower than \(0.2\mathrm{m}\) nearly impossible. For this reason, we also introduce a metric called Resolution-normalized EPE (RNE) in this work to make our evaluation on par with the ones in LiDAR scene flow estimation. To compensate the resolution gap, we divide the computed EPE by \({\Delta x_i^{r}}/{\Delta x_i^{l}}\), which is the ratio between our radar resolution \(\Delta x_i^{r}\) and a common Velodyne LiDAR resolution \(\Delta x_i^{l}\) used by previous LiDAR scene flow works . As both LiDAR  and radar point clouds are generated in the spherical coordinate, each point should have a unique resolution \(\Delta x_i\) in the Cartesian coordinate. To implement fine-grained RNE, given the fixed sensor spherical resolution values \(\{\Delta r, \Delta \theta, \Delta \phi\}\), we first approximate per-point Cartesian resolution values \(\{\Delta X_i, \Delta Y_i, \Delta Z_i\}\) by \[\Delta c_i =\sum_{h\in\{r,\theta,\phi\}}\Big|\frac{\partial{c(r,\theta,\phi)}}{\partial{h}}|_{(r,\theta,\phi)= (r_i,\theta_i,\phi_i)} \Big|\Delta h\] where \(c\in\{X,Y,Z\}\) denotes the Cartesian coordinate values. We then obtain the point-level resolution \(\Delta x_i\) as: \[\Delta x_i = \sqrt{(\Delta X_i)^2+(\Delta Y_i)^2+(\Delta Z_i)^2}\] We first compute per-point ratio between \(\Delta x_i^r\) and \(\Delta x_i^l\) and then obtain the RNE value by dividing EPE by the ratio. Following the accuracy score metrics in , we also define two extra metrics based on RNE by calculating the percentage of points that satisfy certain requirements: a) strict accuracy score (SAS): the ratio of points with RNE \(\leq\) \(0.1\mathrm{m}\) or \(10\%\); b) relaxed accuracy score (RAS): the ratio of points with RNE \(\leq 0.2\mathrm{m}\) or \(20\%\). Following , we also report results for static and moving points separately and calculate their average to avoid the imbalance of these two classes. For notation, we use 50-50 RNE as the average of between Stat. RNE and Mov. RNE, while Avg. RNE denotes the mean RNE for all test points. **Training Details.** We trained our model for 50 epochs using the Adam optimizer. The initial learning rate is set as 0.001 and decays by 0.9 after each epoch. Data augmentation is implemented by randomly rotating and translating each point cloud from the training set. During training, we downsample all point clouds to \(N_1=N_2=256\) for fast batch processing but do not downsample test samples in order to estimate the flow vector of each point. The values of hyperparameters can be seen in Table [6](#hyper){reference-type="ref" reference="hyper"}, which are fixed for all experiments. ## Quantitative Results {#quantitative} Our experiments begin with the comparison among `RaFlow` As seen in Table [\[baselines\]](#baselines){reference-type="ref" reference="baselines"}, `RaFlow` It is also worth noting the importance of the SFR module that refines all static points through a predicted rigid transformation. As we can see, while `RaFlow` Despite the satisfying performance achieved on dense point clouds (e.g., LiDAR), state-of-the-art methods all struggle in delivering the same efficacy on radar data. Interestingly, the traditional ICP  achieves better results than other baselines on Avg. RNE because it can solve accurate static flow vectors in many simple scenarios (e.g., ego-vehicle is stationary). Nevertheless, ICP falls behind on 50-50 RNE due to its incompatibility to tackle moving points. ## Qualitative Results To intuitively show the performance of `RaFlow` ## Ablation Study **Impact of Features.**[\[abl:ft\]]{#abl:ft label="abl:ft"} Besides the 3D positional information, we use the RRV, RCS and Power measurements as auxiliary input features which are unique strengths of radar. To understand their impacts, we ablate each component and report the performance change. As shown in Table [7](#features){reference-type="ref" reference="features"}, removing the RRV feature has the largest impact on our method. We attribute this to the fact, that under the supervision of our radial replacement loss, our model can implicitly learn to exploit the motion cues provided by the RRV feature (c.f. Sec. [11.5](#loss){reference-type="ref" reference="loss"}). The RCS and Power features can also make non-negligible contributions to our method because of the extra semantic information provided by them. **Impact of Losses.**[\[abl:loss\]]{#abl:loss label="abl:loss"} To validate the individual effectiveness of our three specific loss functions, we also conduct ablation studies with different combinations of them. Moreover, we also include the previous Chamfer loss \(\mathcal{L}_c\) and smoothness term \(\mathcal{L}_s\) used by  as reference for our loss functions. The results can be seen in Table [8](#loss table){reference-type="ref" reference="loss table"}. The bottom combination is our `RaFlow` ## Downstream Motion Segmentation Task As one of the outputs of our scene flow estimation pipeline, the generated static mask (c.f. Sec. [11.4](#refinement){reference-type="ref" reference="refinement"}) can be used to segment scene points into stationary and moving points. Following the metrics used by , we evaluate our model on the test set for the motion segmentation task. As a result, an accuracy score of \(81.9\%\) can be achieved with a mIoU score of \(47.9\%\) and a sensitivity of \(82.7\%\). Qualitative results for two scenes can be seen in Figure [\[motion\]](#motion){reference-type="ref" reference="motion"}. # Limitation and Future Work # Introduction to ensuring safe planning and navigation for autonomous vehicles lies in reasoning the motion of dynamic objects in the wild. One representation of such motion is scene flow-a set of displacement vectors between two consecutive frames describing the motion field of a 3D scene. As the 3D extension to optical flow, scene flow intrinsically fits the requirement of the point cloud data produced by a variety of 3D sensors on autonomous vehicles (e.g., LiDAR). Beyond an object-level motion description, scene flow describes the motion field at the point level and gives more fine-grained scene dynamics. Once a scene flow is accurately predicted, an array of applications can be readily enabled, such as dynamic object segmentation, point cloud stitching, and multi-object tracking. While recent improvements are witnessed in scene flow estimation by leveraging supervised or self-supervised learning, these works are mainly dedicated to LiDAR scans and cannot be readily extended to the radar data. Indeed, 4-D millimetre-wave (mmWave) radar as an emerging sensor has been receiving increasing attention from the automotive industry due to a set of complementary advantages over LiDAR. First, cutting-edge radar sensors facilitate richer observations that contain both 3D position and radial relative velocity (RRV) measurement of points in the scene, with the extra velocity measurement naturally benefiting the scene flow estimation. Second, thanks to its operating wavelength in mmWave, these radars are fundamentally robust to adverse weathers, such as fog, rain, dust, or any unfavorable illumination conditions such as darkness, dimness, sun glare etc. Last but not least, radar sensors enjoy more lightweight form factors (i.e., single-chip sizes) and lower cost than LiDAR, lending themselves more affordable to the vehicle platforms with limited budgets or payload, e.g., middle-and low-end vehicles or even delivery robots . Despite the aforementioned benefits of 4-D radar, estimating scene flow vectors from radar point clouds is non-trivial and till now, no prior works have been proposed for radar scene flow estimation. Compared to the point clouds output by LiDAR, radar point clouds are significantly sparser, noisier and in much lower resolution (c.f. Fig. [\[fig:open\]](#fig:open){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:open"}). Concretely, a single sweep of 4-D radar point cloud only has several hundreds of points (\(< 1 \%\) of a common LiDAR point cloud). This sparse nature hinders the robustness of local feature extraction methods. Moreover, radar returns are usually corrupted by noise due to the multi-path effect and specular reflection. As a result, a non-negligible amount (up to \(20\%\) in our case) of radar points are outliers, undermining the point association step of scene flow estimation. Meanwhile, the distance and angular measurement resolution of mmWave radar are constrained by the limited number of antennas for cost reasons on chip. For instance, the angular resolution of our radar is an order of magnitude worse than that of LiDAR. The above challenges are exacerbated by the fact that there are no public 4-D radar datasets and point-level scene flow annotations are costly to acquire. This fact unfortunately limits the usability of many supervised learning-based methods proposed recently . To address the above challenges and unleash the potential of 4-D radar, we propose a novel self-supervised learning approach, termed `RaFlow` # Proposed Method ## Overview **Problem Formulation.** Given two consecutive point clouds \(\mathcal{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times C}=\{\{x_i,f_i\}\in\mathbb{R}^{C}\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\) and \(\mathcal{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_2\times C}=\{\{y_i,g_i\}\in\mathbb{R}^C\}_{i=1}^{N_2}\) captured by the same radar, the scene flow estimation aims to derive a set of 3D vectors \(\mathcal{S}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times 3}=\{s_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^3\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\) that represents the displacement of each point \(x_i\in\mathcal{P}\) to its corresponding position \({x}'_i=x_i+s_i\) in the scene described by point cloud \(\mathcal{Q}\). Unlike traditional point clouds that only include the 3D positional information for each point (i.e., \(x_i,y_i\in\mathbb{R}^3\)), the radar point clouds in this work have another 3D features (i.e., \(f_i,g_i\in\mathbb{R}^3\)) including radial relative velocity (RRV) measurement, Radar Cross Section (RCS) and Power measurement in conjunction with the 3D positional information. RRV characterises the instant motion level of the objects in the scene relative to the ego-vehicle while RCS and Power measurement characterise reflectivity of those objects in different aspects , as shown in Fig. [\[input\]](#input){reference-type="ref" reference="input"}. All of them come directly from the radar scans and complement the original 3D positional information by providing more scene semantics and motion clues. In alignment with the real-world radar data, here we do not assume absolute bijective mapping between two point clouds, and \(\mathcal{Q}\) thus do not necessarily contain the corresponding point \({x}'_i\) as seen in Fig. [\[fig:rrv\]](#fig:rrv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rrv"}. **Overall Architecture.** Fig. [\[pipeline\]](#pipeline){reference-type="ref" reference="pipeline"} illustrates the overall architecture of `RaFlow` Finally, we refine the coarse flow vectors of all static points with the rigid scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_r\) to obtain the final scene flow \(\mathcal{S}\). The entire architecture is end-to-end trainable. With this architecture, we can not only predict a refined scene flow \(\mathcal{S}\) but also address the motion segmentation and rigid ego-motion estimation problems. The static mask \(\mathcal{M}_s\) can be used to segment moving points, while the rigid transformation \(T_r\) describes the ego-motion of radar. ## Radar-Oriented Flow Estimation (ROFE) Module As shown in Fig. [\[pipeline\]](#pipeline){reference-type="ref" reference="pipeline"}, the ROFE module consists of three components: multi-scale encoder, and flow estimator, which are explained below. . **Multi-scale Encoder.** Extracting robust local features from radar points clouds is hindered by two major factors: a) the severe sparse nature of radar, b) uneven point density. While enlarging the receptive field can mitigate the sparse issue, it is still hard to tackle uneven point density with single-scale feature extraction. Inspired by the discussion in , we adopt a multi-scale grouping scheme to encode features on radar point clouds. Given input point set \(\mathcal{P}\), we use multiple *set conv* layers  to group multi-scale local features with different radius neighbourhoods specified by a radius set \(R\). To include global knowledge, we also use a channel-wise max-pooling operation to aggregate global features following  and concatenate it to per-point local features. As a result, we can obtain local-global features \({G}_\mathcal{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times(2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C_k})}\) for point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\) and \(G_\mathcal{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_2\times(2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C_k})}\) for \(\mathcal{Q}\) similarly. **Cost Volume Layer.** This cost volume layer aggregates costs in a patch-to-patch manner, which is particularly useful to mitigate the low-resolution issue of radar point clouds and the resultant non-bijective mapping across frames. After passing the point clouds and local-global features through , we can attain correlated features \(H\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times C_{cor}}\). **Flow Decoder.** With flow embedding and point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\), we use another multi-scale encoder to group embedding features to include spatial smoothness for the final output. We denote these features as \(U\in\mathbb{R}^{N_1\times (2\sum_{k=1}^{N_{sc}}{C'_k})}\) from multiple *set conv* layers. Lastly, \(U\) is fed into the final four-layer MLP whose output is the coarse scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_c\). ## RRV Measurement and Scene Flow {#rrv} One important property of 4-D radars is that their RRV measurements from Doppler effects are intuitive self-supervision signals for scene flow estimation. RRV measurements describe the moving speed of ambient objects relative to the observer in the radial direction. We denote the RRV measurements of point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\) as \(\mathcal{V}_\mathcal{P}^r \in \mathbb{R}^{N_1} = \{v_i^r\in\mathbb{R}\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\), where \(v_i^r\) is positive when point \(x_i\) is moving away from the observation point. Generally, \(\mathcal{V}^{r}_{\mathcal{P}}\) can be used as a component of the input features to include point-level motion cues. However, we argue that RRV measurement has the potential to play more roles in `RaFlow` Assuming the velocity of point \(x_i\) keeps constant during time interval \(\Delta t\) between two scans, we can reach the following equation: \[\label{velo} v_i^r \Delta t={s}_{gt,i}^\top\frac{x_i}{||x_i||}\] where \({s}_{gt,i}\) is the true flow vector of point \(x_i\). Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"} means that the projection of flow vector on the radial direction equals the measured RRV times \(\Delta t\), as explained in Fig. [\[fig:rrv\]](#fig:rrv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rrv"}. The constant velocity assumption is rational because the time interval between two radar scans is usually very short (e.g., 100ms) so that the average velocity of points can be seen as an approximation of the instantaneous velocity . As we will see in the rest of this paper, RRV is crucial for our self-supervised learning framework even without the availability of the truth scene flow. We propose a static mask generation module in Section [11.4](#refinement){reference-type="ref" reference="refinement"} and formulate a radial replacement loss function in Section [11.5](#loss){reference-type="ref" reference="loss"}, which are both inspired by Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"}. [\[alg:mask\]]{#alg:mask label="alg:mask"} ::: ## Static Flow Refinement (SFR) Module {#refinement} Due to the intrinsic sparsity and non-negligible noise of radar data, the scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_c\) estimated from the ROFE module is only coarse-grained and needs to be refined further. Since the motion of stationary scene points is caused by the radar ego-motion, one plausible refinement is to regularize those flow vectors of all static (background) points via a rigid transformation matrix respective to radar ego-motion. Unfortunately, *accurate* ego-motion is often in absence in the real world or costly to acquire in practice. `RaFlow` Concrete details of our proposed static mask generation algorithm can be seen in Algorithm [\[alg:mask\]](#alg:mask){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:mask"}. Based on our observation that most points in the scene are stationary, we intuitively assume that all points are stationary and then utilize the Kabsch algorithm  to get an intermediate transformation \(T_{cr}\in SE(3)\). Obviously, \({T}_{cr}\) is only a coarse transformation as not all points in the scene are stationary. With \({T}_{cr}\), an intermediate rigid scene flow \(\mathcal{S}_{cr}\) can be computed accordingly. With Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"} in place, we judge if points are static or moving by comparing their relative residual \(e_i\) with a preset threshold \(\zeta\). Here, \(e_i\) is defined as the difference between the radial displacement induced by the intermediate rigid flow vector \(s_{cr,i}\) and RRV measurement \(v_{i}^r\). After applying the static mask \(\mathcal{M}_s\) on point cloud \(\mathcal{P}\) and the warped one \(\mathcal{P}'_{c}\), we feed only static correspondences into the Kabsch algorithm again. Lastly, we aggregate the final scene flow \(\mathcal{S}\) by: \[\label{rigid} {s}_{i}=\left\{ \begin{aligned} s_{r,i}~~\mathrm{if}~m_{s,i}=1\\ s_{c,i}~~\mathrm{if}~m_{s,i}=0 \end{aligned} \right.\] ## Loss Function {#loss} We leverage three types of self-supervision signals for model training: radial displacement loss \(\mathcal{L}_{rd}\), soft Chamfer loss \(\mathcal{L}_{sc}\) and spatial smoothness loss \(\mathcal{L}_{ss}\). The overall loss function can be written as: \[\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} \mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}_{rd}+\mathcal{L}_{sc}+\mathcal{L}_{ss}\] These losses jointly regulate the network learning in terms of RRV, temporal, and spatial coherence respectively. **Radial Displacement Loss.** As discussed in Section [11.3](#rrv){reference-type="ref" reference="rrv"}, the product of RRV measurement and time interval \(\Delta t\) can be seen as an approximation of the radial projection of the truth flow vector. This insight is crucial to our self-supervised learning framework because we can use the existing radar inputs to constrain the radial component of flow vectors. Formally, we formulate a radial displacement loss based on Eq. [\[velo\]](#velo){reference-type="ref" reference="velo"}: \[\label{rdloss} \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} \mathcal{L}_{rd}=\sum_{x_i\in\mathcal{P}}|{s}_i^\top \frac{x_i}{||x_i||}-v_i^r\Delta t|\] Despite some inevitable measurement errors, we empirically found that RRV renders strong supervision signals for training scene flow estimators, as shown in Section [\[abl:loss\]](#abl:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="abl:loss"}. **Soft Chamfer Loss.** Introduced by , Chamfer loss is an effective constraint for self-supervised learning of scene flow estimation. By employing the mutual nearest neighbours as pseudo correspondences, it enforces the scene flow to pull the warped source point cloud \(\mathcal{P}'=\{\{x'_{i},f_i\}\in\mathbb{R}^{C}\}_{i=1}^{N_1}\) obtained by: \(x'_i=x_i+s_i\) as close as possible to the target point cloud \(\mathcal{Q}\). The challenge in our context, however, is that radar point clouds are much sparser and noisier, resulting in quite some points having no real correspondences or even close neighbours in the opposite point cloud. As a result, mapping all points to their nearest neighbours by the vallia Chamfer loss will incur erroneous scene flow estimation. We therefore propose to formulate the Chamfer matching constraints in a probabilistic manner by taking into account the Euclidean distance between a point and its neighbor points in the opposite point cloud. Motivated by , we further use a kernel density estimation (KDE) method to approximate per-point Gaussian density factor \(\nu(x'_i)\) as follows: \[\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} \nu(x'_i)=\frac{1}{N_2}\sum_{y_j\in\mathcal{Q}}\mathcal{N}(y_j; x'_i, 1)\] Before loss computation, we precompute the density factors for \(\mathcal{P}'\) and \(\mathcal{Q}\) as prior knowledge about the chance of attaining a successful matching of each point. To mitigate the problem caused by unsatisfying point matching, we select points whose density factor is lower than threshold \(\delta\) and discard these points as outliers when computing losses. Our soft Chamfer loss can be formulated as: \[\label{sc} \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{sc}=&\sum_{x'_i\in\mathcal{P}'}\mathbb{I}(\nu(x'_i)>\delta)[\min_{y_j\in\mathcal{Q}}||x'_i-y_j||^2_2-\epsilon]_{+} \\ &+\sum_{y_i\in\mathcal{Q}}\mathbb{I}(\nu(y_i)>\delta)[\min_{x'_j\in\mathcal{P}'}||y_i-x'_j||^2_2-\epsilon]_{+} \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbb{I}(\cdot)\) is the indicator function that returns one when the condition is satisfied, and zero otherwise. Due to the low resolution of radar sensor, a perfect match between two consecutive clouds is nearly impossible. It is reasonable to let the Chamfer matching tolerate small matching discrepancy. Such toleration is implemented via the \([\cdot]_{+}=\mathrm{max}(0,\cdot)\) operator so that matching errors lower than \(\epsilon\) are ignored. **Spatial Smoothness Loss.** It has been found that estimating unconstrained point-wise flow vectors can easily lead to ill-posed results . For example, two points from the same vehicle might move in different directions or magnitudes. To avoid unreasonable results, it is non-trivial to impose spatial coherence on the estimated motion fields. In , a regularization term is added to constrain the predictions when training networks. They formulate a loss function by enforcing the scene flow of \(x_i\) close to that of points in its neighbour set \(\mathcal{O}(x_i)\). However, this loss is not suitable to be directly applied to radar point clouds as it implicitly assumes that all points in the neighbour set are close enough to the target point and thus can be considered as measurements from the same rigid body. This assumption does not necessarily hold when it comes to the radar point clouds due to the point sparsity and low resolution as shown in Fig. [\[fig:open\]](#fig:open){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:open"}. To address this challenge, we propose to weigh each neighbour point according to its Euclidean distance to the target point. Intuitively, farther neighbour points are less likely to correlate with the target point and less reliable when enforcing smoothness constraints. To smoothly measure the correlation between point \(x_i\) and its neighbour \(x_j\in\mathcal{O}(x_i)\), we use the same RBF kernel as in  to formulate the weight: \[\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} k(x_i,x_j)=\exp(\frac{-||x_i-x_j||^2_2}{\alpha})\] where \(\alpha\) controls the impact of the distance on the weight. All weight values are normalized together using softmax function. With the assigned weight for each pair of point and neighbour, our spatial correlation loss is formulated as: \[\label{ssloss} \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{3pt} \mathcal{L}_{ss} =\sum_{x_i\in\mathcal{P}}\sum_{x_j\in\mathcal{O}(x_i)}k(x_i,x_j)||{s}_i-{s}_j||^2_2\] By placing local constraints weighted by the metric distance in Eq. [\[ssloss\]](#ssloss){reference-type="ref" reference="ssloss"}, the spatial coherence of predicted scene flow can be enforced more appropriately for sparser radar point clouds. # Related Works ## Supervised scene flow estimation on point clouds Till present, supervised learning is still the dominant approach to scene flow predictions esp. when it is used together with deep neural network (DNN) . Early efforts in this vein designed DNN architectures based on the layers  to process unordered point cloud inputs for effective scene flow estimation. Concurrently, a multi-task pipeline was proposed to predict scene flow and detect objects simultaneously with voxel-based networks. Subsequent works improved scene flow estimation accuracy by incorporating geometric constraints , optimal transport , cost volume , Con-HCRF  and adversarial learning . Nevertheless, supervised DNN methods come with the demand of large-scale annotated scene flow data for training, which are costly to acquire in practice. As a cost-effective alternative, synthetic or converted  datasets are used for offline DNN training. However, these methods fall short of the emerging 4-D radar as an accurate radar synthesizer/generator itself is an unsolved topic, not to mention the common discrepancy between any simulator and real-world data. In , a weakly-supervised pipeline was proposed to lessen the direct requirement of dense scene flow labels at the cost of demanding annotated background mask which still needs significant human effort to carefully inspect the sparse and non-intuitive radar point clouds. ## Self-supervised scene flow estimation on point clouds There is a recent surge on self-supervised learning based methods that train a scene flow estimator without the need of labelled data . These methods often exploit or mine supervision signal from the input itself by either designing specific losses  or generating pseudo scene flow labels  to guide the model training. Yet, all these methods only consider dense LiDAR point clouds as input and their performance may degrade greatly when applied to radars in the following aspects. **Temporal matching.** Most self-supervised methods  rely on temporal directed or bidirectional matching between two point clouds to exploit pseudo correspondence information for training. This temporal matching scheme works well for LiDAR point clouds since most points have their close neighbours in the next frame to be matched with. However, it cannot be transferred to radar point clouds directly because: a) the sparsity and noise of radar data make temporal matching between consecutive frames difficult; b) radar points have a much lower resolution which hampers accurate matching between correspondences. In this work, we propose a radar-friendly soft Chamfer loss to mitigate the negative effects of the above issues resulting from the inherent properties of the radar sensor. **Rigid ego-motion estimation.** Scene flow can be respectively disentangled into two parts induced by rigid ego-motion and moving objects. Separating these two components can not only allow us to obtain sensor ego-motion but also enable holistic refinement of flow vectors for static points. Some works  jointly estimate ego-motion, scene flow and object rigid motion but need various labels for supervision. Method in  regresses ego-motion in the first stage and then estimates the non-rigid object motion with the transformed point cloud. A recent work  predicted point-level motion classification with the network and solved the ego-motion using the differentiable Kabsch algorithm . However, these methods are either susceptible to the non-negligible amounts of outliers in radar point clouds , or highly rely on a large amount of artificial labels  that are hard to access with the sparser and noisier radar data. Our static flow refinement module also use the Kabsch algorithm to solve ego-motion but segment static points with respect to the RRV measurements instead of network output.
{'timestamp': '2022-07-05T02:10:01', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01137', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01137'}
# Introduction Quantum computing is anticipated to enable accurate simulation of chemical systems beyond the capabilities of classical methods. Whether this aim will be achieved with so-called Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum (NISQ) processors, is still to be seen. While devices are improving rapidly, NISQ applications also require algorithmic tools to mitigate noise and reduce required qubit counts. Embedding procedures work by first partitioning a system and then applying differing levels of theory to each region. An accurate but computationally expensive method is applied to a small *active region*. The surrounding *environment* is handled with a more efficient but approximate method. This allows some of the physically relevant detail to be captured while avoiding the computational cost of accurately simulating the entire system. However, even for fairly small active regions, exact classical simulation using the Full Configuration Interaction (FCI) method quickly becomes unfeasible due to the number of Slater determinants (states) scaling factorially as \(\binom{M}{N}\), for \(N\) electrons and \(M\) orbitals. The current "gold standard\" in conventional quantum chemistry is coupled cluster (CC) theory, which offers a good accuracy-to-cost ratio and reduces this factorial complexity. The CC single double (CCSD) method scales as \(\mathcal{O}(M^{6})\). The CCSD(T), which treats the triple excitations pertubatively, scales as \(\mathcal{O}(M^{7})\) in time. This still imposes practical limitations on system size while imperfectly approximating the effects of correlation. Therefore, classical embedding methods still inevitably inherit the shortcomings of such methods, even within a smaller active region. In short, accurately simulating quantum effects at large scale remains elusive. Quantum computers can efficiently represent the state of general quantum systems and provide a practical way to perform quantum chemistry simulations in polynomial time. However, this approach will only be possible in the fault tolerant regime, as it requires the quantum phase estimation (QPE) algorithm which cannot be implemented on current NISQ quantum computers. Quantum algorithms designed for NISQ devices, such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), allow quantum systems to be studied using present day hardware; however, this is limited by the current quality and quantity of qubits. To date, the largest chemical simulation was a \(12\) qubit VQE study of an chain. By embedding a wave function simulation calculated on a quantum computer into a larger classical simulation, we can mitigate some of the shortfalls of classical hardware in describing quantum systems, while requiring fewer qubits and shorter quantum circuits than full-system quantum simulation. This will allow systems normally too large to study at the wave function level to be modelled via a multi-scale approach. In this way, embedding can serve as an algorithmic tool to mitigate the shortcomings of quantum and classical processors, thereby providing novel results. Additionally, as embedding methods may utilise fault-tolerant quantum simulation methods, they will continue to facilitate the study of systems larger than would otherwise be possible. Hybrid embedding methods published to date include wave function-in-DFT, Density Matrix Embedding Theory (DMET) and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) approaches. We present a projection-based embedding method which enables the application of quantum algorithms to molecules of arbitrary size while consistently improving on the results of full-system Density Functional Theory (DFT). This method outputs a Hamiltonian which can be solved using any suitable NISQ or fault-tolerant quantum algorithm, thus augmenting the usefulness of quantum processors in general. We anticipate that by targeting quantum processors at regions with strong correlation, hybrid embedding will enable novel results. # Projection Based Embedding Projection-based embedding, which was first proposed by Manby *et al.*, provides a practical way to perform formally exact quantum embedding. We summarise the important details of their approach here. To begin, an initial DFT calculation of the entire system is carried out using a low (cheap) level of theory. This yields a set of molecular orbitals (MOs) \(\{ \psi_{i}(\vec{r}) | i=1,2,\hdots, N \}\). Each MO is formed from a linear combination of \(K\) known atomic orbital (AO) basis functions \(\{ \phi_{j}(\vec{r}) | j=1,2,\hdots, K\}\): \[\zlabel{eq:MOs_def} \psi_{i}(\vec{r}) = \sum_{j=1}^{K} \bm{C}_{j i} \phi_{j} (\vec{r}),\] where \(\bm{C}\) is a matrix of MO coefficients. In general, the AO basis functions \(\phi_{j}(\vec{r})\) are not orthonormal. However, linear combinations of these non-orthogonal AOs, given by the columns of \(\bm{C}\), construct orthogonal MOs \(\psi_{i}(\vec{r})\). Next we localize the canonical MOs \(\psi_{i}\) via different localisation methods-described in further detail in the Supporting Information. In effect, we use a unitary transform \(\bm{U}\) (defined by the localization procedure) to spatially localize each \(\ket{\psi_{i}}\) as much as possible. We denote these orbitals as localized molecular orbitals (LMOs) or \(\ket{\psi_{i}^{LMO}}\), which are defined as: \[\zlabel{eq:LMOs_def} \begin{aligned} \ket{\psi_{i}^{LMO}} \mapsto \sum_{b=1}^{K} \bm{U}_{bi}\ket{\psi_{b}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\bm{U}\bm{U}^{\dagger}=\bm{U}^{\dagger}\bm{U}=\bm{I}\). We can write \(\bm{C}\) under this transformation as: \[\zlabel{eq:comb} \begin{aligned} \ket{\psi_{i}^{LMO}} &= \bm{U}\ket{\psi_{i}} = \sum_{b=1}^{K} \bm{U}_{bi}\ket{\psi_{b}} = \sum_{b=1}^{K} [\bm{U}^{T}]_{ib}\ket{\psi_{b}} \\ &= \sum_{b=1}^{K} [\bm{U}^{T}]_{ib} \Big(\sum_{j=1}^{K} \bm{C}_{j b} \ket{\phi_{j}} \Big)\\ &= \sum_{b=1}^{K} \sum_{j=1}^{K} [\bm{U}^{T}]_{ib} \bm{C}_{j b} \ket{\phi_{b}} \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^{K} [\bm{C} \bm{U}^{T}]_{ji} \ket{\phi_{j}}\\ &= \sum_{a=1}^{K} \bm{C}_{ji}^{LMO} \ket{\phi_{j}}. \end{aligned}\] Here \(\bm{C}^{LMO} = \bm{C}\bm{U}^{T}\) and the columns of this matrix give each localized MO. In this work we localize only the occupied MOs and leave the virtual orbitals unchanged. For a closed shell molecule, described by a single determinant wave function, each MO \(\psi_{i}\) contains two electrons and thus the total charge density is: \[\zlabel{eq:charge_denistry} \begin{aligned} \rho(\vec{r}) &= 2\sum_{i=1}^{N/2} \psi_{i}^{*}(\vec{r}) \psi_{i}(\vec{r}) \\ &= 2\sum_{i=1}^{N/2} \Bigg( \underbrace{\sum_{\nu=1}^{K} \bm{C}_{\nu i}^{*} \phi_{\nu}^{*} (\vec{r})}_{\psi_{i}^{*}(\vec{r})} \underbrace{\sum_{\mu=1}^{K} \bm{C}_{\mu i} \phi_{\mu} (\vec{r})}_{\psi_{i}(\vec{r})} \Bigg) \\ &= \sum_{\mu=1}^{K} \sum_{\nu=1}^{K} \Big[ 2\sum_{i=1}^{N/2} \bm{C}_{\mu i} \bm{C}_{\nu i}^{*} \Big] \phi_{\nu}^{*}(\vec{r}) \phi_{\mu}(\vec{r}) \\ &= \sum_{\mu=1}^{K} \sum_{\nu=1}^{K} \gamma_{\mu \nu} \phi_{\nu}^{*}(\vec{r}) \phi_{\mu}(\vec{r}). \end{aligned}\] Here the square brackets define the density matrix \(\gamma_{\mu \nu}\) (defined in the AO basis): \[\zlabel{eq:density_mat} \gamma_{\mu \nu} = 2\sum_{i=1}^{N/2} \bm{C}_{\mu i} \bm{C}_{\nu i}^{\dagger},\] that for a set of basis function \(\{ \phi_{j}(\vec{r}) | j=1,2,\hdots, K\}\) fully specifies the charge density \(\rho(\vec{r})\). The sum runs over \(N/2\), as these are the occupied MOs of a closed shell calculation. The whole matrix can be obtained as \(\gamma^{total}= 2\bm{C}_{occ} (\bm{C}_{occ})^{\dagger}\), where \(occ\) denotes only using the occupied columns of the \(\bm{C}\) matrix (the first \(N/2\) columns, indexed by \(i\) in Equation ). In the localized basis, the density matrix remains unchanged as: \[\zlabel{eq:density_mat_loc} \begin{aligned} \gamma^{total} &= 2\bm{C}_{occ} (\bm{C}_{occ})^{\dagger} \\ &= 2[\bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO} \bm{U}] \; [\bm{U}^{\dagger}(\bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO})^{\dagger}]\\ &= 2 \bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO} (\bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO})^{\dagger}. \end{aligned}\] Given a set of localised molecular orbitals, we partition them into two subsystems denoted \(act\) (active) and \(env\) (environment). There are different methods to do so and we summarise our approach in the Supporting Information. Overall we generate a set of (occupied) LMO indices \(\mathcal{K}\) and \(\mathcal{L}\) for the active and environment subsystems respectively. The resulting charge density for each subsystem can then be written as: for closed-shell calculations. The set \(\mathcal{K} \cup \mathcal{L}\) contains all the occupied molecular orbital indices. The total system electron density is written as a sum of subsystem densities: \[\zlabel{eq:total_density} \begin{aligned} \gamma^{total} &= \gamma^{act} + \gamma^{env} \\ &= 2\bm{C}_{\mathcal{K}}^{LMO} (\bm{C}_{\mathcal{K}}^{LMO})^{\dagger} + 2\bm{C}_{\mathcal{L}}^{LMO} (\bm{C}_{\mathcal{L}}^{LMO})^{\dagger} \\ &= 2\bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO} (\bm{C}_{occ}^{LMO})^{\dagger}. \end{aligned}\] The number of electrons will also be split according to \(n_{e}^{total} = n_{e}^{act} + n_{e}^{env} = tr(\vb{S}\gamma^{act}) + tr(\vb{S}\gamma^{env})=tr(\vb{S}\gamma^{total})\), where \(tr\) denotes the trace operation and \(\vb{S}\) is the AO overlap matrix: \[\vb{S}_{\mu \nu} = \bra{\phi_{\mu}} \phi_{\nu}\rangle = \int d\vec{r} \; \phi_{\mu}(\vec{r})^{*}\phi_{\nu}(\vec{r}).\] The energy of the full system can be found from its components via: \[\zlabel{eq:full_energy} \begin{aligned} E[\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env}] = &\underbrace{tr(\gamma^{act} \vb{h}_{core}) + \vb{g}(\gamma^{act})}_{\text{energy of isolated \(act\) system}} + \\ &\underbrace{tr(\gamma^{env} \vb{h}_{core}) + \vb{g}(\gamma^{env})}_{\text{energy of isolated \(env\) system}}+ \\ &\underbrace{\vb{g}(\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env})}_{\text{nonadditive two-electron energy}}. \end{aligned}\] Here \(\vb{h}_{core}\) is the one-electron core Hamiltonian and \(\vb{g}\) groups the two-electron terms-Coulomb and exchange for Hartree-Fock and exchange-correlation for DFT. The nonadditive two-electron energy is given by: \[\vb{g}(\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env}) =\vb{g}(\gamma^{act} + \gamma^{env})-\vb{g}(\gamma^{act})-\vb{g}(\gamma^{env}),\] and accounts for the interaction between subsystems. Next we want to solve the active system using a higher (more accurate) level of theory. The effect of the interaction between the active and environment subsystems is accounted for by additional terms in the core Hamiltonian. The Fock matrix for the active system embedded in the environment system is: \[\zlabel{eq:emb_fock} \begin{aligned} \vb{F}_{emb}^{act} &= \vb{h}_{core} + \vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env} + \vb{g}(\gamma_{emb}^{act}) \\ &= \vb{h}_{emb} + \vb{g}(\gamma_{emb}^{act}), \end{aligned}\] where: The embedding potential \(\vb{V}_{emb}\) describes all the interactions (nonadditive part) between the active and environment subsystems. Due to the subsystem densities (Equation ) being constructed from disjoint subsets of orthogonal orbitals, the normally difficult-to-evalute nonadditive kinetic potential (NAKP) terms are exactly zero. \(\vb{P}_{proj}^{env}\) is a projection operator that enforces inter-subsystem (orbital) orthogonality. There are different ways to define this operator and we consider two in this work. The first definition was proposed by the Manby and Miller groups. They use a parameter (\(\mu\)) to shift the orbital energies of the environment to high energies-effectively meaning they will never by occupied. This projector is defined as: \[\zlabel{eq:mu_shift_eqation} \begin{aligned} (\vb{P}_{\mu}^{env})_{ij} &= \mu \bra{\psi_{i}^{LMO}} \vb{P}^{env} \ket{\psi_{j}^{LMO}} \\ &= \mu [\vb{S} \gamma^{env} \vb{S}]_{ij}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mu\) is some large integer, \(\vb{S}\) is the AO overlap matrix. \(\vb{P}^{env}\) is a projector defined as: \[\begin{aligned} \vb{P}^{env} = \sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}} \ket{\psi_{l}^{LMO}} \bra{\psi_{l}^{LMO}}. \end{aligned}\] Here we use the notation \(l \in \mathcal{L}\) to mean the sum over the set of occupied MO indices for the environment orbitals. The work in shows \(\mu\) is numerically robust and can usually be set to \(\mu=10^{6}\). In the limit that \(\mu\to\infty\) this method is exact. The action of this operator with the Fock matrix is: Again, \(k\) and \(l\) represent occupied LMOs of the active and environment subsystems respectively. Qualitatively the orbital energies of the active system are left unchanged and the orbitals for the environment are pushed to very high energies as \(\mu >> \epsilon_{i}^{env}\)-effectively suppressing transitions to these states and stopping hybridisation. The second approach, proposed by Kallay *et al.*, is to use the Huzinaga projector: \[\begin{aligned} \zlabel{eq:huz_definition} \vb{P}_{huz}^{env} &=-\big( \vb{F} \vb{P}^{env} + \vb{P}^{env} \vb{F} \big) \\ &=-\frac{1}{2}\big( \vb{F} \gamma^{env} \vb{S} + \vb{S} \gamma^{env} \vb{F} \big). \end{aligned}\] Note that the \(-\frac{1}{2}\) prefactor is needed for closed-shell systems. This operator enforces orthogonality of the occupied orbitals of each subsystem. The form of this operator increases the orbital energy for the occupied environment orbitals and leaves the active system unchanged. We write its action formally as: As \(\epsilon_{l}^{env}\) for occupied orbitals should always be negative, this ensures the filled environment orbitals will always have a positive energy and thus will never be filled. Whereas in Equation , for the unlikely case that \(\mu < \epsilon_{i}^{env}\), the environment MOs are not projected to high enough energies to stop hybridization. This scenario is highly improbable, but could still occur. The Huzinaga formalism guarantees that \([\vb{P}_{huz}^{env}, \vb{F}_{emb}^{act}]=0\) and removes the need for the \(\mu\) parameter shift. This methodology ensures that the environment orbitals \(\ket{\psi_{l\in\mathcal{L}}^{LMO}}\) are eigenfunctions of \((\vb{F} + \vb{P}_{huz}^{env})\) and when solving the active system (Equation ) the resultant canonical active orbitals will be orthogonal to them. The energy of the active system embedded in the environment is given by: \[\zlabel{eq:DFT_in_DFT} \begin{aligned} E[\gamma_{emb}^{act}; \gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env}] &= \mathcal{E}[\gamma_{emb}^{act}] + E[\gamma_{env}] + \vb{g}(\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env})\\ & + tr\Big( (\gamma_{emb}^{act}-\gamma^{act}) (\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env}) \Big), \end{aligned}\] colloquially denoted as a DFT-in-DFT calculation. We use the same notation as, where \(\mathcal{E}\) differs from \(E\) as it allows for different functionals to be applied and is computed from the embedded density matrix of the active system. Note that Equation is solved self-consistently to give \(\gamma_{emb}^{act}\). Equation reduces to Equation for the case that the active and environment regions are treated at the same level of theory. Importantly \(\mathcal{E}[\gamma_{emb}^{act}] = tr(\gamma_{emb}^{act} \vb{h}_{core}) + \vb{g}(\gamma_{emb}^{act})\) and does not involve \(\vb{V}_{emb}\) or \(\vb{P}_{proj}^{env}\). The final term in Equation is a first-order correction that accounts for the difference between \(\vb{g}(\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env})\) and \(\vb{g}(\gamma_{emb}^{act}, \gamma^{env})\), and corrects for the fact that in general \(\gamma^{act} \neq \gamma_{emb}^{act}\). This projection based embedding approach then allows for the active system to be treated using some wave function level of theory and therefore studied using a quantum computer. The electronic energy for this is given by: \[\zlabel{eq:WF_in_DFT} \begin{aligned} E[\Psi_{emb}^{act}; \gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env}] &= \bra{\Psi_{emb}^{act}} \vb{H}_{emb} \ket{\Psi_{emb}^{act}} + E[\gamma_{env}] \\ &+\vb{g}(\gamma^{act}, \gamma^{env})-tr\Big( \gamma^{act} (\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env}) \Big). \end{aligned}\] Importantly \(\vb{H}_{emb} = \vb{h}_{emb} + \vb{g}(\Psi_{emb}^{act})\), where \(\vb{g}(\Psi_{emb}^{act})\) is the two-electron operator for a given wave function method and \(\vb{h}_{emb}\) is the embedded core Hamiltonian (Equation ) which depends on \(\gamma^{act}\) and \(\gamma^{env}\). As the embedding terms have been included in \(\vb{H}_{emb}\), the final correction term is therefore slightly different to Equation . The wave function calculation in Equation includes contributions from \((\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env})\)-similar to: \(tr( \gamma_{emb}^{act} (\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env}))\). The correction therefore only requires subtracting \(tr( \gamma^{act} (\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env}) )\), unlike in Equation , where \(\mathcal{E}\) does not use \((\vb{V}_{emb}+ \vb{P}_{proj}^{env})\) to calculate the energy of the active system. For the embedded system, truncating the virtual LMOs significantly reduces the computational cost for the embedded wave function calculation. This would reduce the quantum resources required, as each qubit represents an orbital. We leave this for future work. # Methods We studied the performance of our wave function projection based embedding method on a selected set of molecular systems. We developed a python package, Nbed, that utilizes the PySCF and Openfermion quantum chemistry packages to build each embedded model. The package outputs a qubit Hamiltonian for the wave function portion of an embedded problem and the classical energy corrections from density functional theory. This is freely available for use on GitHub. For all calculations presented, the minimal *STO-3G* basis set was employed. Each global DFT calculation performed, prior to orbital localisation, used the \(B3LYP\) functional. The Intrinsic Bonding Orbitals (IBO) or Subsystem Projected AO DEcomposition (SPADE) localisation procedures are used in order to isolate the molecular orbitals to the active and environment subsystem from pre-selected active atoms. A threshold of \(95\%\) was used to select the active region when IBO was employed. This paper's Supporting Information goes into further detail on each localisation strategy. We performed both the \(\mu\)-shift and Huzinaga methods for each. A Hartree-Fock calculation for the active system, using the modified core Hamiltonian, was performed for each molecular system. The second quantized molecular Hamiltonian was then constructed with Openfermion and converted to a qubit Hamiltonian using the in-built Jordan-Wigner transformation. Post Hartree-Fock methods were performed with PySCF. The frozen core approximation is never used and all virtual orbitals were included in the wave function calculations. Only the occupied environment orbitals were removed from the wave function calculations of the active systems. For the single point electronic structure calculations, each result is compared to full system CCSD(T) calculation. Each molecular geometry was obtained from PubChem. The potential energy surface for bond stretching in water was compared to a full configuration interaction (FCI) calculation at each step, where the embedded molecular Hamiltonian at each geometry was diagonalized to find the ground state energy of the active system. # Results and Discussion ## Molecular Ground State Energy Results for embedding calculations of molecular ground state energies of small molecules are shown in Figure , with numerical values available in this paper's Supporting Information. The results for the same calculations using IBO localized orbitals can also be found in the Supporting Information. Figure shows the partition of each molecule into active and environment orbitals which underlies our localisation methods. Our results show increased accuracy in calculated molecular ground state energies. The Hamiltonians output using both localisation methods are reduced in size significantly; however, they still exceed the limit of what is practical to exactly solve using classical computers. Reported energies were calculated using CCSD(T)-in-DFT embedding to illustrate the application of this method to larger molecules than would be feasible using current quantum processors. As hardware continues to develop, implementation of our algorithm will be able to furnish novel results. Typically, results for the \(\mu\)-shift and Huzinaga projectors are very similar, however; the Huzinaga projector usually produces more accurate energies, in line with previous research. The number of terms in the Jordan-Wigner encoded qubit Hamiltonian, \(|H|\), is typically very similar between the two projection methods.\ In comparing the two localisation methods, we find that for acetonitrile and formamide, SPADE and IBO partition the active system in a similar way. This results in a similar number of active MOs and hence the ground state estimation and resource requirements are very similar for these systems. For the majority of the molecules we study, SPADE includes more MOs, resulting in significantly more accurate ground state energies while still reducing the size of the Hamiltonian. However, by reducing the threshold of assigning the localized MOs from IBO to the active region, additional MOs could be included giving a similar result. See the Supporting Information for further details. ## Strong Correlation The impact of active region selection is demonstrated by our results in Figure . We consider the bond dissociation of an bond in water-where at high bond lengths a correlated state is created. We perform projection based embedding calculations, at different molecular geometries, for two different active regions. One has the atoms in the fixed bond set active and the other has the atoms in the changing bond set active. We show this pictorially in Fig. and . At near equilibrium bond lengths, we see a similar performance between the different active systems (Figure ). This is due to the symmetrical structure of , hence at low bond lengths there is little difference between the two active regions. In fact, the third data point gives results for the scenario where both bonds are the same length and consequently is why the results for the different active regions are the same here. However, in the correlated regime-at large bond lengths-selecting the active region to encompass the stretched atoms leads to significant improvements in energy calculation over DFT alone. This is due to correlation being effectively captured in the wave function calculation. In contrast, the full DFT calculation is plagued by deficiencies of current approximate exchange-correlation functionals. We see in Figure that the global DFT calculation overestimates the bond dissociation energy. This problem is attributed to static correlation. As there is no systematic way to improve the approximate exchange-correlation functionals, the way forward to describe such systems may be hybrid quantum-classical embedding. Here quantum processors could be exploited most effectively by application to only those regions of a molecule that are highly correlated. ## MO localisation method For the work we have presented, we only use the SPADE and IBO localized molecular orbitals. The motivation for using SPADE is primarily that it does not require a parameterised heuristic to determine the active and environment subsystems. In the IBO approach, we calculate the percentage of the \(i_{th}\) LMO over atoms a user defines as the active subsystem. Any LMO that has a percentage higher than \(95\) % we assign to the active region. The SPADE approach does not require this threshold hyper-parameter. However, it does use a function of the molecular orbital coefficient matrix. Further details on both approaches are given in the Supporting Information. The IBOs were used as they only depend on the intrinsic atomic orbital charges, rather than Mulliken charges which change erratically depending on the basis set used. IBOs are therefore always well-defined, whereas other localization methods-such as Pipek-Mezey orbitals, which depend on the Mulliken charges-are unphysically tied to the basis set used. The effect of different localisation methods for this embedding method would be an interesting area to explore. Our software package Nbed can run any method given by PySCF, and users can also build their own localisation strategies themselves. # Conclusion We have used the projection-based embedding technique to reduce the size of an electronic structure calculation studied at the wave function level. The molecular problem is split into active and environment parts, each solved using different levels of theory. The active part is treated using a wave function approach and an embedded qubit Hamiltonian is generated. Solving this provides \(E_{act}^{WF}= \bra{\Psi_{emb}^{act}} \vb{H}_{emb} \ket{\Psi_{emb}^{act}}\). The whole system and environment are treated using density functional theory and the overall electronic energy is found as via an additive procedure. This is similar to the own n-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics (ONIOM) subtractive framework. What is included in the active region can be modified and thus the size of the quantum problem varied. This allows users to tune their problem to available hardware. For a small collection of molecules, too large for whole system quantum simulation and classical FCI, we have shown that this method produces more accurate energies than full system DFT when each is compared to full system CCSD(T). Furthermore, we have shown its ability to capture the effects of strong correlation by investigating the bond dissociation of . As this approach generates an embedded qubit Hamiltonian, it is agnostic to the quantum algorithm used to solve \(\vb{H}_{emb}\). NISQ friendly approaches such as the VQE algorithm can therefore be used, but also fault-tolerant methods such as quantum phase estimation (QPE). Moreover, as our method outputs a qubit Hamiltonian, different resource reduction techniques can be used in conjunction with it; for example, the contextual-subspace approach of Kirby *et al*, or the entanglement forging approach of Eddins. Similarly, the \(\mathcal{Z}_{2}\)-symmetries of the problem can also be removed via qubit tapering. As our method does not rely on imposing constraints on the system studied or costly parameter fitting, it may be reasonably combined with other hybridisation techniques which do. Further work is planned to develop this method. As significant resource reduction is achieved by localisation of only the occupied orbitals, virtual orbital localisation could lead to a greater reduction in computational resources. We anticipate that our code will allow researchers to study molecules of real chemical interest on quantum computers. We welcome readers to make use of this, which is freely available on Github.
{'timestamp': '2022-05-18T02:27:01', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01135', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01135'}
# Introduction Liquid noble gases are characterised by two essential properties for basic physics research: Firstly, they are an excellent detector medium, providing a highly efficient scintillator and an ideal medium to drift electric charges. Secondly, liquid noble gases can be cleaned to extreme purity by using getters, distillation or other methods. Therefore, liquid noble gas-filled detectors have become important as neutrino detectors, in searches for dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay, and other rare event searches as well as for medical applications. With ever-growing noble gas targets to reach better sensitivities for the aforementioned searches, increasing purity standards are needed to ensure a low background. Consequently, also the demand for noble gas liquefaction and liquid storage systems is growing. Such systems need to fulfill special requirements with respect to cleanliness and radio-purity combined with hermetic containment. A particular challenge in rare event search experiments is background created by intrinsic radioactive contamination. The radioactive noble gas isotopes of radon, a daughter of the primordial decay chains of uranium and thorium, are continuously emanated from detector materials into the detection volume, e.g. by the recoil from the \(^{226}\)Ra progenitor-isotope decay or by diffusion. In contrast to the short-lived radon isotopes \(^{219}\)Rn and \(^{220}\)Rn, \(^{222}\)Rn with a half-life of \(t_{1/2} = 3.8\) d leads to a homogeneous distribution inside the detector. The beta decays of its progenies, for instance \(^{214}\)Pb, can account for the dominant background in the region of interest. Thus, material screening of all components used is of crucial importance. In order to further decrease the radon-induced backgrounds, strategies for continuous removal are developed using physisorption based on van-der-Waals forces via gas chromatography or removal via cryogenic distillation. The XENONnT experiment searching for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) features an online radon removal system based on a cryogenic distillation column. To obtain a significant radon reduction inside the liquid xenon (LXe) target of the detector, the flow towards the radon removal system has to be at least as fast as the radon decay time constant \(\tau = t_{1/2}/\ln{2} = 5.5\) d. With a xenon inventory of 8.4 tonnes, a large LXe extraction flow of 72 kg/h through the distillation column would correspond to a radon reduction by a factor of two for radon produced inside the detector. An additional reduction by a factor of about two in XENONnT is possible by extracting the gaseous xenon (GXe) from the top of the cryostat near particular radon sources, e.g. the cables for high voltage supply and readout of the PMTs. In a cryogenic distillation column for radon removal, the radon-depleted xenon can be extracted in gaseous form from the top of the column. The extracted GXe flow has to be liquefied at the output of the distillation column again before it returns to the detector. Furthermore, it has to match the LXe input flow to keep the mass balance inside the column constant. The baseline design value for the process flow is \(\Dot{F}_0=72\) kg/h as mentioned above, but flows of up to \(\Dot{F}=100\) kg/h are a desirable option for future improvements. A cooling power of \(\Dot{F}_0 \cdot \Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}}=1850\) W is required for the given flow \(\Dot{F}_0\) using the xenon enthalpy for evaporation \(\Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}}\) (see table [2](#tab:gas_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gas_values"}) at a xenon temperature of 178 K. Because of the large required cooling power, an energy-efficient concept is needed to re-condense the radon-depleted GXe flow to provide a LXe return. This can be realized by utilizing the reboiler at the bottom of the column as a bath-type Xe-Xe heat exchanger (HE) with a top and bottom vessel: The radon-depleted GXe in the bottom reboiler part is thermally connected with the LXe in the top reboiler part. This allows to liquefy xenon in the bottom while evaporating xenon at the top that otherwise has to be evaporated by using electrical heaters. However, this process only works if the GXe in the bottom is at a higher pressure than the LXe in the top. This will allow the GXe to condense at a higher temperature allowing a temperature gradient between the two reservoirs. Like that, the necessary heat transfer can occur. To achieve a pressure difference, the GXe is compressed using a four cylinder magnetically-coupled piston pump. A 50 cm diameter HE with large-area copper between the two reservoirs fulfills both, the purity and liquefaction requirements. In order to prepare for such a novel high flow HE system, the concept and thermodynamic stability was first tested with a smaller 30 cm diameter prototype using a similar design. Later, this prototype functions as the top condenser in the final radon distillation system operated with liquid nitrogen (LN\(_{2}\)): Typically, a LXe reflux at the top of the package column is created by partially re-condensing the evaporated xenon coming from the reboiler at the column's bottom. This enhances the column's separation efficiency and lowers the probability for radon particles to escape from the column's top and to spoil the radon-depleted xenon exhaust. The XENONnT distillation column is designed for a reflux ratio of 0.5 corresponding to a required xenon liquefaction capability of 36 kg/h at the top condenser or an additional required cooling power of 925 W. In total, two cryogenic high-purity bath-type HEs for large noble gas liquefaction flows were developed. The construction and special design aspects with the focus on the 30 cm diameter prototype are described in section 2 along with a calculation of the achievable heat transfer. Section 3 shows the characterization of this HE with regard to the xenon liquefaction capability using LN\(_{2}\) as coolant. During the tests, it was already installed as the distillation column's top condenser. In section 4, the design extension to the 50 cm diameter Xe-Xe bath-type HE for the reboiler system is discussed followed by a conclusion. # Design Aspects of the LN\(_\textbf{2}\)-Xe Heat Exchanger {#I} Industrial available cooling systems are not readily available for our application and would have to be customized for our purposes. Even for a customized system, often the customer does not have full control over the components used and the manufacturing processes applied by the company. However, the selection of high purity material and manufacturing following standards of ultra-high vacuum components are key requirements for our system. Furthermore, we favored a system with the possibility to scale up in terms of supplied cooling power at a later stage. Additionally, we wanted to test already early the Xe-Xe HE concept using ultra clean parts. The XENONnT infrastructure features a 30 tonne LN\(_{2}\) tank underground already, serving several other subsystems. For this reason, we developed the prototype 30 cm diameter HE with LN\(_{2}\) cooling, where the cooling power can be regulated by the nitrogen flow through the HE. In order to fulfill the requirements in terms of cleanliness, radio-purity and xenon liquefaction capability several design features were included. This is discussed in the following with the focus on the prototype 30 cm diameter HE. ## Vacuum-insulated construction and mechanical design The prototype 30 cm diameter HE visualized in figure [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"} is composed of two vessels: The top contains the cooling liquid and the bottom works as the noble gas liquefaction vessel. Beside the desired internal heat transfer between the two cryogenic fluids, reducing external heat inputs produced via thermal conduction as well as heat radiation to the environment is a key aspect of the design. In order to minimize the external heat inputs, the HE was built into an insulation housing evacuated with a turbomolecular pump combined with a rotary vane pump to a high vacuum of 10\(^{-6}\) mbar. The vessels are fixed in position within the insulation chamber via aluminum spacers. These spacers are equipped on top with preimpregnated fibre plates of Vetronite G11 to thermally decouple the inner reservoir from the outer chamber. The HE inlet and outlet pipes for xenon and nitrogen are vacuum-insulated gas lines passing the insulation chamber via bellow feedthroughs. This reduces the conduction caused heat transfer from the outer insulation chamber to the cryogenic media and avoids thermal expansion problems. The top reservoir has a diameter of \(D_\mathrm{ss}=30\) cm with a height of 15 cm. It features a 1/2\" nitrogen supply line and a 1\" exhaust line. Since the outlet of the vessel is positioned at a height of 10 cm, the reservoir can be filled with 7.1 l of LN\(_2\). Inside the vessel, baffle plates at the inlet and at the outlet avoid the nitrogen to bypass the reservoir and to exit directly from the outlet without participating in the cooling process. Additionally, \(N_\mathrm{f,LN2} = 6\) oxygen-free high conductivity copper fins shown in figure [\[fig:copperfins\]](#fig:copperfins){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:copperfins"} with a length of \(L_\mathrm{f,LN2} = 7.5\) cm are installed to enlarge the surface in contact with the LN\(_2\). The top vessel is connected via a both-sided helicoflex-type stainless steel blank flange with thickness of \(d_\mathrm{ss} = 2.7\) cm to the bottom liquefaction vessel. Reliable leak-tightness during operation is essential. It turned out, that it could only be guaranteed by special elastic recovery gaskets between both thermally coupled vessels. We use HTMS CSI gaskets with a flexible helical spring core compensating thermally caused strains of the sealing faces. A spring-surrounding copper layer ensures a leak-tight sealing to the flange face. Advanced screws from BUMAX of particular mechanical strength with good tensile properties (800 MPa) are used. The special stainless-steel of the BUMAX 88 alloy allows for a larger tightening torque as well as results in a large notch impact strength at cryogenic temperatures of for example 47.4 J at 77 K. The liquefaction vessel below containing the noble gas has a height of 22 cm. A copper plate with a diameter of \(D_\mathrm{Cu} = 29\) cm and a thickness of \(d_\mathrm{Cu} = 2\) cm is directly connected to the stainless steel blank flange. At the bottom, \(N_\mathrm{f,GXe}=23\) additional copper fins are attached to it as shown in figure [\[fig:copperfins\]](#fig:copperfins){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:copperfins"} to further enhance the total condensation surface to \(A_\mathrm{tot}=0.76\) m\(^2\) and by that, to obtain a large heat transfer for the liquefaction process. ## Heat transfer for liquefaction The achievable heat transfer from the GXe in the bottom vessel of the HE to the LN\(_{2}\) in the top is of particular importance for the design as it defines the ultimate HE performance. Figure [\[fig:heattransfer\]](#fig:heattransfer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heattransfer"} shows the schematical temperature profile through the different layers in z direction from the GXe to the LN\(_{2}\). The heat transfer \(Q\) through each layer \(i\) gives rise to a temperature gradient \(\Delta T_i\) depending on the corresponding heat transfer coefficient \(h_i\) and the cross section of the layer \(A_i\): \[\begin{aligned} \label{film} Q = h_i\cdot A_i \cdot \Delta T_i. \end{aligned}\] The heat transfer coefficients through the stainless steel flange \(h_\mathrm{ss}\) and the copper plate \(h_\mathrm{Cu}\) can be calculated by using their thermal conductivity (\(\lambda_\mathrm{ss}\), \(\lambda_\mathrm{Cu}\)) and the corresponding thicknesses (\(d_\mathrm{ss}\), \(d_\mathrm{Cu}\)) listed in table [1](#tab:solid_state_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:solid_state_values"}: \[\begin{aligned} h_\mathrm{ss} &= \frac{\lambda_\mathrm{ss}}{d_\mathrm{ss}} = 444\,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}} \label{eq:hss}, \\ h_\mathrm{Cu} &= \frac{\lambda_\mathrm{Cu}}{d_\mathrm{Cu}} = 20500\,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}} \label{eq:hCu}, \end{aligned}\] leading to heat transfers of \[\begin{aligned} Q_\mathrm{ss} &= h_\mathrm{ss} \cdot \frac{\pi \cdot D^2_\mathrm{ss}}{4} \cdot (T_3-T_2) = 31.4 \cdot \left(\frac{T_3-T_2}{\mathrm{K}}\right)\,\mathrm{W}, \label{eq:Qss} \\ Q_{\mathrm{Cu}} &= h_{\mathrm{Cu}} \cdot \frac{\pi \cdot D^2_\mathrm{Cu}}{4} \cdot (T_4-T_3) = 1354 \cdot \left(\frac{T_4-T_3}{\mathrm{K}}\right)\,\mathrm{W} \label{eq:QCu}. \end{aligned}\] #### Interface between LN\(_2\) and stainless steel flange: The heat transfer of the transition layer between the solid stainless steel surface at a temperature \(T_2\) and the liquid nitrogen at a temperature \(T_1 = 77\) K (at 1 bar) highly depends on the corresponding heat transfer regime and on the temperature gradient \(\Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss} := T_2-T_1\): Figure [\[fig:boiling\]](#fig:boiling){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:boiling"} illustrates that the connection of the heat transfer \(Q\) through an area \(A\) given by the heat flux \(q=Q/A\) with the temperature gradient \(\Delta T\) depends on the underlying heat transfer mechanism. For small temperature differences \(\Delta T\), the heat transfer is dominated by free convection resulting in a small heat transfer. At the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB), bubble formation occurs, where the vapor inside is heated to a temperature larger than the temperature of the saturated liquid. However, most of the solid surface is still covered by liquid. Above a critical heat flux (CHF), the heat transfer is reduced again since most of the surface is covered with large bubbles. At a critical temperature, the Leidenfrost (LF) point, a continuous insulating vapor film is created. Further increase of the solid temperature and thus the temperature difference \(\Delta T\) enhances the heat flux again. As a first conservative assumption, we expect that the temperature gradient \(\Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss}\) will be large enough to be in the film boiling regime above the Leidenfrost point. According to Ref., total film boiling is expected for liquid nitrogen on a stainless-steel surface at \[\label{eq:minDeltaTLF} \Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss} \geq 35\,\mathrm{K}.\] However, this number is only an estimate since the exact onset of total film boiling depends also on the surface roughness of the stainless-steel. For film boiling on a horizontal surface, hydrodynamic considerations have to be taken into account for bubble formation. According to Ref., the heat transfer coefficient \(h_\mathrm{LN2-ss}(\Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss})\) is given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:film_boiling_calculation} h_\mathrm{LN2-ss}(\Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss}) &= 0.425 \cdot \left[\frac{g\cdot \rho_{\mathrm{GN}_2} (\rho_{\mathrm{LN}_2}-\rho_{\mathrm{GN}_2}) \cdot k_{\mathrm{GN}_2}^3\cdot \Delta H^\mathrm{{N_2}}_{\text{vap}}}{\mu_{\mathrm{GN}_2}\cdot (T_2-T_1)\cdot \sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{LN}_2}}{g(\rho_{\mathrm{LN}_2}-\rho_{\mathrm{GN}_2})}}}\right]^\frac{1}{4} \notag \\ &= 350 \cdot \left( \frac{\mathrm{K}}{T_2-T_1} \right)^{1/4} \,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}}~, \end{aligned}\] with \(g\) being the gravity acceleration, \(\rho_{\mathrm{GN}_2}\) the vapor density, \(\rho_{\mathrm{LN}_2}\) the liquid density at the boiling point, \(k_{\mathrm{GN}_2}\) the vapor thermal conductivity, \(\Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\mathrm{N}_2}\) the nitrogen enthalpy of evaporation, \(\mu_{\mathrm{GN}_2}\) the vapor viscosity, and \(\sigma_{\mathrm{LN}_2}\) the liquid nitrogen surface tension. All values are summarized in table [2](#tab:gas_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gas_values"}. Although equation [\[eq:film_boiling_calculation\]](#eq:film_boiling_calculation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:film_boiling_calculation"} was derived for a horizontal liquid-solid interface, we add the vertical fin surfaces to the stainless steel flange neglecting any temperature gradient over the length of the fins because of their large heat conductivity. Altogether, this yields a total interface area of 2012 cm\(^2\) with a heat transfer of \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:Q_from_T2} Q_\mathrm{LN2-ss} &= h_\mathrm{LN2-ss}(\Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss}) \cdot \left( \frac{\pi \cdot D^2_\mathrm{ss}}{4} + N_\mathrm{f,LN2} \cdot L_\mathrm{f,LN2} \cdot U_\mathrm{f} \right) \cdot (T_2-T_1) \notag \\ &= 70.5 \cdot \left(\frac{T_2-T_1}{\mathrm{K}} \right)^{3/4}\,\mathrm{W}. \end{aligned}\] The minimal heat transfer is calculated to be \(Q_\mathrm{LN2-ss} \geq 1014\) W considering the minimum temperature difference for film boiling (equation [\[eq:minDeltaTLF\]](#eq:minDeltaTLF){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:minDeltaTLF"}). #### Interface between copper plate with fins and GXe: Large-area vertical copper fins are used to increase the liquefaction surface per unit volume considering that surface condensation only appears when the temperature of the xenon \(T_5= 178\) K at a pressure of 2 bar can be reduced below its saturation temperature. Furthermore, the fins help to compensate the fact that the condensate on the surface itself corresponds to a resistance for further heat transfer. The total cross section of the \(N_\mathrm{f,GXe}=23\) fins amounts to \(N_\mathrm{f,GXe} \cdot A_\mathrm{f} = 197\) cm\(^2\). Although drop-wise condensation is more efficient, for our conservative estimation of the heat transfer coefficient we assume that only film condensation takes place on the xenon side. According to Ref. , the average convection coefficient \(h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}\) for a temperature gradient \(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe} := T_5-T_4\) on a vertical surface with the length \(L_\mathrm{f,GXe}\) is given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:film2} h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe} ) &= 0.943 \left[\frac{g\cdot \rho_\mathrm{LXe} (\rho_\mathrm{LXe}-\rho_\mathrm{GXe}) k_\mathrm{LXe}^3\cdot \Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}}}{\mu_\mathrm{LXe}\cdot (T_5-T_4)\cdot L_\mathrm{f,GXe}}\right]^{1/4} \notag \\ &= 2558 \cdot \left( \frac{\mathrm{K}}{T_5-T_4} \right)^{1/4} \,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}}, \end{aligned}\] with \(\rho_\mathrm{LXe}\) being the liquid density, \(\rho_\mathrm{GXe}\) the gaseous density, \(k_\mathrm{LXe}\) the liquid thermal conductivity, \(\mu_\mathrm{LXe}\) the dynamic liquid viscosity, and the temperature difference between the saturated vapor \(T_5\) and the copper surface \(T_4\). All values are listed in table [2](#tab:gas_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gas_values"}. For a conservative estimate, we consider only laminar and wave-free film condensation since turbulent flow regimes further increase the condensation rate. The surface temperature \(T_4\) of the copper facing the saturated xenon vapor in equation [\[eq:film2\]](#eq:film2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:film2"} is not constant because the fins accumulate the heat from the vapor and transport it to the copper plate creating a temperature difference \(T_\mathrm{4\,top}-T_\mathrm{4\,bottom}\) over the length of the fins as illustrated in figure [\[fig:fins_temperature\]](#fig:fins_temperature){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fins_temperature"}. Therefore, we can separate the heat transfer through the area of the copper plate not covered by fins \(Q_\mathrm{no-fins}\) from the heat transfer through the fins \(Q_\mathrm{f} = Q_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}-Q_\mathrm{no-fins}\). The former is given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:Qnofins} Q_\mathrm{no-fins} &= h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(T_5-T_\mathrm{4\,top}) \cdot \left( \frac{\pi \cdot D^2_\mathrm{Cu}}{4}-N_\mathrm{f,GXe} \cdot A_\mathrm{f} \right) \cdot (T_5-T_\mathrm{4\,top})\notag \\ &= 118 \cdot \left(\frac{T_5-T_\mathrm{4\,top}}{\mathrm{K}} \right)^{3/4}\,\mathrm{W}. \end{aligned}\] For the heat transfer through the fins, we obtain a set of coupled differential equations describing the height-dependent heat transfer \(Q_\mathrm{f}(z)\): \[\begin{aligned} Q_\mathrm{f}(z) &= \frac{\lambda_\mathrm{Cu}}{dz} \cdot N_\mathrm{f,GXe} \cdot A_\mathrm{f} \cdot \left( T_4(z)-T_4(z+dz) \right) \notag \\ &=-N_\mathrm{f,GXe} \cdot A_\mathrm{f} \cdot \lambda_\mathrm{Cu} \cdot \frac{dT_4}{dz}(z), \label{eq:qfins} \\ Q_\mathrm{f}(z+dz) &= Q_\mathrm{f}(z) + Q_\mathrm{GXe}(z) \notag \\ &= Q_\mathrm{f}(z) + dz \cdot N_\mathrm{f,GXe}\cdot U_\mathrm{f}\cdot h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}\left(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(z)\right)\cdot (T_5-T_4(z)), \label{eq:qfins_dz} \end{aligned}\] with \(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(z) := T_5-T_4(z)\). Combining equations [\[eq:qfins\]](#eq:qfins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:qfins"} and [\[eq:qfins_dz\]](#eq:qfins_dz){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:qfins_dz"} leads to \[\begin{aligned} \frac{d Q_\mathrm{f}}{dz}(z) &=-N_\mathrm{f,GXe}\cdot A_\mathrm{f} \cdot \lambda_\mathrm{Cu} \cdot \frac{d^2T_4}{dz^2}(z) \notag \\ &= N_\mathrm{f,GXe}\cdot U_\mathrm{f}\cdot h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}\left(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(z)\right) \cdot (T_5-T_4(z)) \end{aligned}\] and thus, \[\begin{aligned} \frac{d^2T_4}{dz^2}(z) &=-\frac{ U_\mathrm{f}}{A_\mathrm{f} \cdot \lambda_\mathrm{Cu}} \cdot h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}\left(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(z)\right) \cdot (T_5-T_4(z)) \notag \\ &=-2104 \left(\frac{T_5-T_4(z)}{\mathrm{K}} \right)^{3/4} \frac{\mathrm{K}}{\mathrm{m^2}}. \label{eq:fins_temp2} \end{aligned}\] Equation [\[eq:fins_temp2\]](#eq:fins_temp2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:fins_temp2"} is solved by \[\label{eq:T4} T_4(z) =-1.99 \cdot 10^6 \cdot (z-z_0)^8 \,\frac{\mathrm{K}}{\mathrm{m^8}} +T_5,\] with the integration constant \(z_0\) defined by the boundary conditions. Equations [\[eq:qfins\]](#eq:qfins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:qfins"} and [\[eq:T4\]](#eq:T4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:T4"} yield a heat transfer profile over the fins of \[\label{eq:Qfins} Q_\mathrm{f}(z) =-N_\mathrm{f,GXe} \cdot A_\mathrm{f} \cdot \lambda_\mathrm{Cu} \cdot \frac{dT_4}{dz}(z) = 1.29 \cdot 10^8 \cdot \left( z-z_0\right)^{7} \frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m^7}}.\] In the following, we search for a set of temperatures that fulfills the condition \[Q (T_1, T_2, T_3, T_4, T_5) = Q_\mathrm{LN2-ss} = Q_\mathrm{ss} = Q_\mathrm{Cu} = Q_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}.\] Furthermore, we require that temperature \(T_2\) obeys equation [\[eq:minDeltaTLF\]](#eq:minDeltaTLF){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:minDeltaTLF"} such that film boiling can be assumed. With that, the heat transfer \(Q_\mathrm{LN2-ss}\) can be computed using equation [\[eq:Q_from_T2\]](#eq:Q_from_T2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Q_from_T2"} assuming a liquid nitrogen temperature of \(T_1 = 77\) K at a pressure of 1 bar. The temperatures \(T_3\) and \(T_4 = T_\mathrm{4\,top}\) are then calculated using equations [\[eq:Qss\]](#eq:Qss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qss"} and [\[eq:QCu\]](#eq:QCu){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:QCu"} under the assumption of \(Q_\mathrm{LN2-ss} = Q_\mathrm{ss} = Q_\mathrm{Cu}\). The temperature \(T_\mathrm{4,top}\) is inserted into equation [\[eq:Qnofins\]](#eq:Qnofins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qnofins"} yielding the heat transfer \(Q_\mathrm{f}\) which has to be transferred via the copper fins in GXe. In a second step, we assume that the temperature \(T_5\) is 178 K for gaseous xenon at a pressure of 2 bar. From here, we calculate backwards and derive a second value for \(T_4 = T_\mathrm{4,top2}\) for the maximum possible heat transfer \(Q_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}\) (with boundary condition \(T_\mathrm{4,bottom2} \approx T_5\)) by using equations [\[eq:T4\]](#eq:T4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:T4"} and [\[eq:Qfins\]](#eq:Qfins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qfins"}. Figure [\[fig:temperatures_versus_Q\]](#fig:temperatures_versus_Q){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:temperatures_versus_Q"} shows that for \(Q=1380\) W the condition \(T_\mathrm{4,top} = T_\mathrm{4,top2}\) is fulfilled defining the heat transfer and the corresponding set of temperatures which this HE should provide under the specified assumptions. This value for the heat transfer \(Q\) is over-fulfilling the required design heat transfer of 925 W for the top condenser by a factor of 1.5. A comparison with measurements is discussed in section 3. In these measurements, the HE was operated with a nitrogen pressure of around 4 bar determined by the XENONnT LN\(_2\) tank. This changes the temperature \(T_1\) to 91 K. There is no reference in literature if film boiling is applicable at such a nitrogen pressure. However, when assuming the new \(T_1\) and solving equations [\[eq:Qss\]](#eq:Qss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qss"} to [\[eq:Qfins\]](#eq:Qfins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qfins"}, a maximum heat transfer of \(Q = 1356\) W is obtained. ## Controlling and Monitoring {#subsec:controlling_monitoring} The LN\(_2\) vessel contains an inlet and outlet pipe and two quarter inch lines for differential pressure measurements to determine the liquid level via a MKS Baratron 226A sensor. The capacitance manometer measures the pressure difference \[\begin{aligned} \Delta p = p_x-p_r \end{aligned}\] between the pressure of the gas phase in the vessel \(p_\mathrm{r}\) and the pressure of the gas phase in the quarter inch tube caged by the liquid \(p_x\). The difference \(\Delta p\) then determines the liquid level \(l\) via \[\begin{aligned} l = \frac{g\cdot \rho_{\mathrm{LN}_2}}{\Delta p}. \end{aligned}\] Additionally, three Honeywell HEL-705 platinum Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) are placed inside the LN\(_2\) vessel as a conventional level meter indicating when the liquid level reaches a height of 1, 3 and 5 cm. In the xenon vessel, additional eight RTDs are installed to monitor the temperature of the copper plate itself as well as the temperature profile across different copper fins attached to the plate. A Lakeshore DT-670 silicon diode measures the temperature in the stainless steel flange between the xenon and nitrogen vessels. These measurements are used to avoid xenon freezing and allow for a stable liquefaction process. In order to regulate and to balance the heat transfer and to avoid xenon freeze-out, a heating system is installed inside the connector flange between both vessels: Nine homogeneously distributed WEMA S5105 315 W heating cartridges (d = 1.27 cm, l = 6.4 cm) are controlled by a 3 kW Kniel VE3PUI2 programmable power supply. This makes it possible to also compensate fluctuations of the nitrogen supply. Additionally, the nitrogen flow through the top vessel, and by that the available cooling power, can be adjusted at the outlet via a flow regulating valve (Thermomess), specifically made for cryogenic temperature applications. # Characterization {#IV} One key aspect for the characterization of the 30 cm diameter prototype HE is the xenon liquefaction capability. Several initial performance tests were carried out at the University of Münster during its development phase giving valuable input for the design concept of the 50 cm diameter Xe-Xe HE. However, at our laboratory at Münster, the access to LN\(_2\) was limited due to the usage of 100 l dewars. Thus, only its basic functionality was tested: We were able to reach the required liquefaction flow of 36 kg/h for the reflux at the top condenser. To measure its full potential, the final characterization of the 30 cm diameter prototype HE happened while it was already installed as the top condenser of the full radon distillation system underground at LNGS with full access to the LN\(_2\) tank. The final results are presented in this work. The basic idea to measure the liquefaction capability is shown in figure [\[fig:measurement\]](#fig:measurement){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:measurement"}: LN\(_2\) is fed into the top condenser at flow rate \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{c}\) (dark green). The available cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{c}\), and thus the xenon liquefaction flow \(\Dot{L}\) (dark blue), can be adjusted by varying \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{c}\) via a flow regulating valve at the \(\mathrm{GN}_2\) outlet (light green). The bottom of the system contains a LXe reservoir where xenon is evaporated at a flow \(\Dot{V}\) (light blue) via a PID regulated heating system with up to 3 kW heating power. The available cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) at the top can be derived from the applied heating power \(Q_\mathrm{h}\) at the bottom by keeping the pressure in the system constant. For this purpose, the column was filled once with 30 kg of xenon and was operated in steady state at a xenon pressure of 2 bar. Using the enthalpy of evaporation \(\Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\mathrm{N}_2} = 178.4\) kJ/kg of liquid nitrogen at 91 K, the mass flow can be converted into an available cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) of \[\begin{aligned} Q_\mathrm{c} = \Dot{m}_\mathrm{c} \cdot \Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\text{N}_2}\label{eq.3.1}. \end{aligned}\] Here, only the cooling power from the phase change of the nitrogen is taken into account. Depending on the efficiency \(\epsilon_\mathrm{c}\) of the top condenser, a cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{L} = \epsilon_\mathrm{c}\cdot Q_\mathrm{c}\) is available to condense xenon at a flow rate \(\Dot{L}\) of \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq.3.3} \Dot{L} = \frac{Q_\mathrm{L}}{\Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\text{Xe}}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}} = 92.5\) kJ/kg is the xenon enthalpy of evaporation at the given xenon temperature of 178 K. On the other hand, depending on the efficiency of the heat transfer \(\epsilon_\mathrm{h}\) in the reboiler, the heating power \(Q_\mathrm{V} = \epsilon_\mathrm{h} \cdot Q_\mathrm{h}\) is available for the evaporation of xenon at a flow rate \(\Dot{V}\) of \[\begin{aligned} \Dot{V} = \frac{Q_\mathrm{V}}{\Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\text{Xe}}}\label{eq.3.5}. \end{aligned}\] Here, we assume a heat transfer efficiency in the reboiler \(\epsilon_h=1\) due to the good thermal conductivity of the copper in which the heaters are implemented. At a constant xenon pressure in the system achieved by the PID regulated heating at the bottom, an equilibrium between evaporation flow \(\Dot{V}\) and liquefaction flow \(\Dot{L}\) is established resulting in \[\begin{aligned} \Dot{V} = \Dot{L}. \end{aligned}\] Using equation [\[eq.3.3\]](#eq.3.3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq.3.3"} and [\[eq.3.5\]](#eq.3.5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq.3.5"} leads to \[\begin{aligned} Q_\mathrm{V} = Q_\mathrm{L}. \end{aligned}\] With that, the heating power \(Q_\mathrm{h}\) can be related to the cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) as well as to the nitrogen mass flow \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{c}\) via \[\begin{aligned} Q_\mathrm{h} = Q_\mathrm{L} = \epsilon_\mathrm{c}\cdot Q_\mathrm{c} = \epsilon_\mathrm{c} \cdot \Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\text{N}_2} \cdot \Dot{m}_\mathrm{c} = \epsilon_\mathrm{c} \cdot \Delta H_{\text{vap}}^{\text{N}_2} \cdot (\Dot{m}_\mathrm{tot}-\Dot{m}_\mathrm{0}). \label{eq.3.6} \end{aligned}\] The total XENONnT LN\(_2\) consumption rate is given by \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{tot}\) including the top condenser during the measurement that can be inferred from the XENONnT slow control data, while \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{0}\) is the consumption rate of XENONnT without the top condenser. Figure [\[fig:topcondenser_performance\]](#fig:topcondenser_performance){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topcondenser_performance"} shows the applied heating power \(Q_\text{h}\) as a function of the LN\(_2\) consumption rate \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{c}\) in black. As indicated in the figure, the measurement was limited to the maximum available heating power from the power supply at the bottom of \(Q_{\mathrm{h}_\mathrm{max}} = 3\) kW. Further increase of the cooling power was possible, but not enough heating power from the bottom was available to balance the flow rate \(\Dot{V}\) and \(\Dot{L}\). In addition, the required cooling power \(Q_\mathrm{L}\) for the design reflux flow \(\Dot{L}\) is highlighted: A xenon liquefaction flow \(\Dot{L}\) of 36 kg/h requires a cooling power of \(Q_\mathrm{L} = 925\) W following equation [\[eq.3.3\]](#eq.3.3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq.3.3"}. A linear fit based on the ride hand side of equation [\[eq.3.6\]](#eq.3.6){reference-type="ref" reference="eq.3.6"} to the data points yields an efficiency of \(\epsilon_{\mathrm{c}} = 0.98 \pm 0.03\). Furthermore, the fit gives a consumption rate of XENONnT without the top condenser of \(\Dot{m}_\mathrm{0} = 663 \pm 22\)  kg/d. This number is consistent with measurements from a period before the top condenser measurements at standard XENONnT operation mode. The maximum available xenon liquefaction capability following equation [\[eq.3.3\]](#eq.3.3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq.3.3"} can be derived using \(Q_{\mathrm{h}_\mathrm{max}} = 3\) kW to be \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:3.11} \Dot{L} \geq 113\,\mathrm{kg}/\mathrm{h}, \end{aligned}\] and demonstrates that the nitrogen cooling system of the top condenser can provide cooling powers of \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:measured_Q} Q_\mathrm{c} \geq 3\,\mathrm{kW}. \end{aligned}\] The silicon diode in the middle of the stainless steel flange between the nitrogen and xenon reservoir allows to measure a temperature profile during operation, which can be compared to the previous estimations of the heat transfer. At the above described measurement with a nitrogen pressure of 4 bar corresponding to 91 K and an applied heating power \(Q_\mathrm{h}= 917\) W, as an example near the design value, we measured a temperature of \(T_{23}=170\,\)K. Assuming a punctual temperature measurement by the silicon diode in perfect contact with the stainless steel flange, \(T_2\) can be calculated using equation [\[film\]](#film){reference-type="ref" reference="film"} to be \[\begin{aligned} T_2 = T_{23}-Q_h \frac{d_\mathrm{ss}/2}{\lambda_\mathrm{ss}}\cdot \frac{4}{\pi\cdot D^2_\mathrm{ss}}= 156\,\mathrm{K}. \end{aligned}\] This yields a temperature gradient \[\begin{aligned} \Delta T_\mathrm{LN2-ss} = T_2-T_1 = 64.7\,\mathrm{K}, \end{aligned}\] validating the assumption of total film boiling (equation [\[eq:minDeltaTLF\]](#eq:minDeltaTLF){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:minDeltaTLF"}). However, the achieved heat transfer \(Q_\mathrm{c} \geq 3\,\mathrm{kW}\) is larger than the estimated one of 1.4 kW. This can be explained by the conservative estimation of film condensation. It seems that the condensation mechanism is dominated by drop-wise condensation, which is expected to increase the heat transfer by one order of magnitude. Additionally, the estimation of total film boiling (near the Leidenfrost point) gives a lower limit for the heat transfer and was based on measurements from Ref.  without considerations on nitrogen pressure changes and surface properties of the stainless-steel flange. According to figure [\[fig:boiling\]](#fig:boiling){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:boiling"}, the transition region between nucleate and total film boiling gives much larger heat fluxes compared to total film boiling. This is due to the fact that the insulating vapor film in the nitrogen case has a two orders of magnitude lower thermal conductivity compared to the liquid. Finally, the measurements show that the heat transfer mechanisms from the GXe to the copper solid is much more efficient than estimated. This findings are essential for the design extension to the larger 50 cm Xe-Xe HE. # Design Aspects of the Xe-Xe Heat Exchanger {#V} A second cryogenic HE was built to liquefy xenon with xenon. This HE acts as the distillation column's reboiler where radon-depleted and pressurized GXe is in thermal contact with the radon-enriched LXe storage that needs to be partially evaporated. In contrast to the top condenser HE, the temperature difference for the liquefaction of GXe with LXe is much smaller compared to the liquefaction of GXe with LN\(_2\). This needs to be taken into account for the reboiler design. The reboiler is illustrated in figure [\[fig:reboiler\]](#fig:reboiler){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reboiler"} and consists of two vessels with a diameter of \(D_\mathrm{ss,Reb}=50\) cm. The top vessel (figure [\[fig:reboiler\]](#fig:reboiler){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reboiler"}, left, top) is used to store LXe and trap the radon until it decays. Therefore, this is the location with the highest radon concentration in the system. The reservoir can host up to 46.5 l LXe with a maximum filling height of 23.7 cm. The LXe level is monitored via the hydrostatic pressure as well as by four RTDs in a similar way as explained in section [2.3](#subsec:controlling_monitoring){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:controlling_monitoring"}. Additionally, \(N_\mathrm{f,top}=6\) oxygen-free high conductivity copper fins with a length of \(L_\mathrm{f,Reb}=7.5\) cm, similar to the ones of the top condenser shown in figure [\[fig:copperfins\]](#fig:copperfins){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:copperfins"}, are installed. Furthermore, a stainless steel spiral is immersed in the LXe to cool down the radon-depleted GXe, that is pressurized by the compressor, to its saturation temperature before it enters the bottom vessel. The bottom vessel (figure [\[fig:reboiler\]](#fig:reboiler){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reboiler"}, left, bottom) is then used to liquefy the radon-depleted GXe. Therefore, this is a location with low radon concentration. The vessel features a height of 20 cm and is equipped with \(N_\mathrm{f,bot}=79\) copper fins of \(L_\mathrm{f,Reb}\) as well. This results in a total heat transfer surface of \(A_\mathrm{tot,bot}=2.2\) m\(^2\). The maximum filling height of 10 cm limited by the length of the copper fins results in a maximum LXe volume of 19.6 l. The LXe level is measured with the same principles as in the top vessel. The GXe phase pressure is measured with an additional absolute pressure sensor to get insight into the liquefaction process. Additionally, a silicon diode is installed into the bottom flange to monitor the temperature. In order to reduce the temperature gradient between the two reservoirs, a copper plate with a diameter of \(D_\mathrm{Cu,Reb}=45\) cm and a thickness of \(d_\mathrm{Cu,Reb}=3.5\) cm was electron-welded into the bottom flange of the top vessel. This method guarantees absolute leak tightness between both vessels and ultra high purity to avoid any radon spoiling the radon-depleted xenon. Two silicon diodes are installed into the copper plate to monitor the temperature and ensure stable operation. The dimensions of the different reboiler components are summarized in table [3](#tab:solid_state_values_reb){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:solid_state_values_reb"}. For the distillation column's designed operation, a process flow and thus, a liquefaction rate of 72 kg/h is required corresponding to a cooling power at the bottom reboiler of \(Q_\mathrm{Cu,bot}=1850\) W. Because of the reflux coming from the top condenser in addition to the liquid feed flow, a design evaporation rate of 108 kg/h is needed at the top reboiler corresponding to a total heat transfer of \(Q_\mathrm{Cu,top}=2775\) W. Therefore, heater cartridges are installed directly into the middle of the copper plate to add the electrically created heat \(Q_\mathrm{H}\). It follows \[Q_\mathrm{Cu,top} = Q_\mathrm{Cu,bot} + Q_\mathrm{H}.\] More details about the process can be found in Ref.. In the following, we can calculate the expected heat transfer across the reboiler analog to the calculations in section [2](#I){reference-type="ref" reference="I"} with a few modifications and assumptions. Figure [\[fig:fins_temperature_reboiler\]](#fig:fins_temperature_reboiler){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fins_temperature_reboiler"} shows a simplified sketch of the reboiler with the involved surfaces, materials and heat transfers. We neglect the small surface covered by the stainless steel flange surrounding the copper plate as its thermal conductivity is negligible compared to the copper one. We further neglect the heat transfer involving the spiral and assume a saturated GXe in the bottom as well as a saturated LXe in the top also neglecting the small sub-cooling effect induced by hydrostatic pressure. Due to the additional electrical heating inside the copper plate, the temperature difference between the copper plate's middle to the bottom fins is expected to be lowered yielding a reduced heat transfer. However, the temperature difference between the copper plate's middle and the LXe is expected to be larger, enhancing the heat transfer in this location. Therefore, we assume a pool nucleate boiling regime between the top surface of the copper plate and the LXe in the top reboiler vessel. There is no literature available for our specific case. In Ref. , the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) was found for temperature differences between 3.8 K to 18 K for a thin platinum wire immersed in LXe at a saturation pressure of 1 bar. In Ref. , a copper plated resistor of a few mm\(^2\) was also fully immersed in LXe at saturation pressures of about 1 bar and 1.3 bar. The ONB was found at around \(\Delta T_\mathrm{1.0bar} = 16.9\) K and \(\Delta T_\mathrm{1.3bar} = 19.2\) K, respectively. However, the main difference is that the bulk LXe is sub-cooled and can flow below the copper surface. In our case, the cold liquid rinsing down can only go to the copper plate surface leading to an enhanced temperature difference again and thus, leading to a better heat transfer coefficient. The heat transfer coefficient \(h_\mathrm{LXe-Cu}\) for pool nucleate boiling of LXe on copper surface can be calculated using the Rohsenow correlation: \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:htc_lxe_cu} h_\mathrm{LXe-Cu} \left( \Delta T_\mathrm{LXe-Cu}\right) &= \mu_\mathrm{LXe} \cdot \Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}} \cdot \left( \frac{g \cdot (\rho_\mathrm{LXe}-\rho_\mathrm{GXe})}{\sigma_\mathrm{LXe}} \right)^{1/2} \cdot \left(\frac{c_\mathrm{p,LXe}}{C_\mathrm{s,f} \cdot \Delta H^\mathrm{Xe}_{\text{vap}} \cdot Pr^{n}_\mathrm{LXe}}\right)^3 \cdot (T_3-T_2)^2 \notag \\ &= 29\, \frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m^2\,K}} \cdot \left(\frac{(T_3-T_2)}{\mathrm{K}}\right)^2, \end{aligned}\] with \(\Delta T_\mathrm{LXe-Cu} := T_3-T_2\). Furthermore, \(C_\mathrm{s,f} = 0.013\) is defined as the liquid-solid friction coefficient, and \(n = 1.7\) is an exponent on the Prandtl number \(Pr_\mathrm{LXe}\). Both parameters are usually experimentally determined and are not available in literature for xenon. However, for fluids other than water, commonly \(n = 1.7\) is applied. For the friction coefficient, we applied the value for water on polished copper which is among the highest values available in literature leading to a lower and more conservative heat transfer coefficient according to equation [\[eq:htc_lxe_cu\]](#eq:htc_lxe_cu){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:htc_lxe_cu"}. Since the LXe surface tension and viscosity are both smaller compared to water, the LXe value for \(C_\mathrm{s,f}\) on copper is expected to be smaller than the one for water. The xenon properties are calculated using the numbers from table [2](#tab:gas_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gas_values"} for xenon at 178 K. The Prandtl number is given by \[Pr_\mathrm{LXe} = \frac{c_\mathrm{p,LXe} \cdot\mu_\mathrm{LXe}}{k_\mathrm{LXe} } = 2.1 \hspace{5mm} \text{ }.\] In this calculation, we ignore the additional copper fins in the top reboiler for simplicity and to be conservative. The heat transfer between copper plate and LXe is then given by \[Q_{\mathrm{LXe-Cu}} = h_\mathrm{LXe-Cu} \left( \Delta T_\mathrm{LXe-Cu}\right) \cdot A_\mathrm{Cu,Reb} \cdot \Delta T_\mathrm{LXe-Cu} = 4.6\,\mathrm{W} \cdot \left(\frac{(T_3-T_2)}{\mathrm{K}}\right)^3\] with \(A_\mathrm{Cu,Reb}\) being the area of the copper plate. The heater position inside the copper plate is at \(d_\mathrm{Cu,Reb}/2\). Therefore, we split the copper plate in two sections assuming infinitesimal thin homogeneously distributed heat input. Following equation [\[eq:hCu\]](#eq:hCu){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:hCu"}, the heat transfer coefficients for the top and bottom section are given by: \[h_\mathrm{Cu,top} = h_\mathrm{Cu,bot} = 23428 \,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}}.\] The heat transfers \(Q_\mathrm{Cu,top}\) above the heater location and \(Q_{\mathrm{Cu,bot}}\) below are \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:QCu_reb_top} Q_{\mathrm{Cu,top}} &= 3726\,\mathrm{W} \cdot \left(\frac{T_\mathrm{3,mid}-T_3}{\mathrm{K}}\right) + Q_{\mathrm{H}}, \\ Q_{\mathrm{Cu,bot}} &= 3726\,\mathrm{W}\cdot \left(\frac{T_\mathrm{4,top}-T_\mathrm{3,mid}}{\mathrm{K}}\right), \end{aligned}\] with \(Q_{\mathrm{H}}\) being the heater power applied depending on the selected reflux in the distillation column. Furthermore, the following relation is used: \[Q_{\mathrm{Cu,bot}} = Q_{\mathrm{f}} + Q_{\mathrm{no-fins}}.\] Applying equations [\[eq:film2\]](#eq:film2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:film2"}-[\[eq:Qfins\]](#eq:Qfins){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qfins"} to the reboiler conditions and using xenon properties at a GXe temperature of \(T_5 = 190\) K taken from table [2](#tab:gas_values){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gas_values"} yields \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:film2,reb} h_\mathrm{Cu-GXe}(\Delta T_\mathrm{Cu-GXe} ) &= 2660 \cdot \left( \frac{\mathrm{K}}{T_5-T_4} \right)^{1/4} \,\frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{K}} \\ Q_\mathrm{no-fins} &= 242 \cdot \left(\frac{T_5-T_\mathrm{4\,top}}{\mathrm{K}} \right)^{3/4}\,\mathrm{W} \\ \frac{d^2T_4}{dz^2}(z) &=-2188 \left(\frac{T_5-T_4(z)}{\mathrm{K}} \right)^{3/4} \frac{\mathrm{K}}{\mathrm{m^2}} \\ T_4(z) &=-2.33 \cdot 10^6 \cdot (z-z_0)^8 \,\frac{\mathrm{K}}{\mathrm{m^8}} +T_5 \\ Q_\mathrm{f}(z) &= 5.19 \cdot 10^8 \cdot \left( z-z_0\right)^{7} \frac{\mathrm{W}}{\mathrm{m^7}}. \end{aligned}\] Figure [\[fig:reboiler_design_profile\]](#fig:reboiler_design_profile){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reboiler_design_profile"} shows the maximum heat transfer across the reboiler for the design conditions. A LXe temperature of 178 K in the top reboiler part is assumed corresponding to the column's design operation pressure of 2 bar. In the bottom reboiler vessel, a GXe temperature of 190 K is assumed, corresponding to the design pressure of 3.5 bar provided by the compressor. Furthermore, a heating power of \(Q_\mathrm{H} = 925\) W is assumed. The matching heat transfer at \(T_\mathrm{4,top} = T_\mathrm{4,top2}\) was calculated to be \(Q_{\mathrm{Cu,top}} = 3293\) W and thus, \(Q_{\mathrm{Cu,bot}} = 2368\) W. This is a factor 1.3 larger than the required heat transfer for liquefaction in the bottom. The temperature difference \(\Delta T_\mathrm{LXe-Cu}\) is computed to be 9 K falling into the range for ONB measured in Ref.Ẇe can further investigate the expected heat transfer as a function of \(T_5\) for the case of different performances of the compressor. For that, we repeated the calculations above for a range of 185 K \(\leq T_5 \leq\) 195 K corresponding to a pressure range of about 2.8 bar to 4.3 bar deriving the xenon properties from Ref.Ṫhe results are presented in figure [\[fig:Q_function_T5_reb\]](#fig:Q_function_T5_reb){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Q_function_T5_reb"}. The measurements in Ref.  show that the compressor used can provide GXe pressures well above 4 bar allowing to enhance the expected heat transfer by a factor of two and above compared to the required heat transfer. As the liquefaction capabilities of the reboiler can only be tested when running the fully commissioned radon distillation column, the result of its performance are presented in a dedicated publication along with more details about the thermodynamic concept. # Conclusion {#VI} Customized cryogenic heat exchangers are needed for ultra-pure noble gas applications, in this case for the construction of a high-flow radon distillation system for the direct dark matter search experiment XENONnT. Therefore, we designed bath-type heat exchangers featuring high conductivity copper in the form of large-area fins. The prototype HE with a diameter of 30 cm acts as the radon column's top condenser and is liquefying xenon with liquid nitrogen. For the column's reflux ratio of 0.5, a xenon liquefaction rate of 36 kg/h is needed corresponding to a cooling power of 925 W for a xenon saturation temperature of 178 K. A conservative model was developed to compute the expected heat transfer for the given design conditions assuming film boiling in the liquid nitrogen part and film condensation in the xenon part. The calculations yield an expected heat transfer of 1380 W, well above the requirements. Measurements with this heat exchanger, while already installed as the top condenser, demonstrated a cooling power larger 3 kW limited only by the measurement procedure. A cooling efficiency of \((0.98\pm 0.03)\) was derived from these tests. The achieved xenon liquefaction rate of more than 113 kg/h is more than a factor of 3 above the design requirements allowing for a potential up-scaling of the radon distillation column's process flow. Based on the experience with the prototype, the main challenge was to design a 50 cm diameter heat exchanger to liquefy xenon with xenon at the radon distillation column's reboiler. To achieve that, the purified gaseous xenon from the radon column is pressurized by a compressor and is then thermally connected with the liquid xenon storage of the radon distillation column. The relatively small temperature difference between the two xenon phases with respect to liquid nitrogen and xenon is the main challenge. In our design, a copper plate equipped with fins was electron-welded into the flange connecting the two xenon reservoirs. This guarantees absolute leak tightness between both vessels and contains the purity of radon-depleted xenon. For the reboiler heat exchanger, a xenon liquefaction rate of 72 kg/h in the bottom reboiler is needed corresponding to a cooling power of 1850 W, while a xenon evaporation rate of 108 kg/h in the top reboiler is required corresponding to a heating power of 2775 W. Therefore, additional heat is introduced via electrical heaters in the copper plate. The developed model was applied to derive the expected heat transfer for the given reboiler design conditions, where we assume pool nucleate boiling between the top copper plate surface and the liquid xenon as well as film condensation between the bottom copper surface and the gaseous xenon. For a xenon saturation pressure of 2 bar (178 K) in the top and 3.5 bar (190 K) in the bottom, the heat transfer is computed to be 3293 W fulfilling the requirements. The compressor we built can even provide pressures above 4 bar yielding expected heat transfers larger than a factor of 2 above the design. The reboiler perfomance is published in a dedicated radon distillation column commissioning paper. The heat exchanger development at Muenster University has been supported by the German Ministery for Education and Research (BMBF) under numbers 05A17PM2 and 05A20PM1. We acknowledge the contributions by the Electrical and the Precision Mechanical Workshop of the Institute for Nuclear Physics at University of Münster. We thank Henning Schulze-Eißing and Axel Buss for the pictures taken of our apparatus.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:24:20', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01026', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01026'}
# Introduction {#into} Cities represent a unified boundary for various activities to take place. The way people organise their life through commuting between home, workplace, and other points of interest (POIs) which later followed by building social network along temporal sequences shapes the dynamics. Common questions may arise frequently regarding how to reach a place at shortest distance and time among available combination of transportation mode or even what kind of interaction emerges from typical visiting patterns. Despite the important notion of human mobility aspect as seen in the case of migration and urbanisation, traffic and transportation, and epidemic spreading, the distribution of locations across spatial areas also dictates the urban ecosystem. Agglomeration factors used in production namely capital, infrastructure, and information drives the economic existence of cities, resulting in spatial heterogeneity of productivity. Further inquiries try to refine the empirical relationships in investigating whether higher availability and accessibility of amenities (e.g.: schools, shopping blocks, and stations), including the size of central business district and industrial cluster, guarantees the well-being of whom living there or the city itself at large. On top of that, emerging literature on street network highlights greater support offered by the physical construction of street and junction to facilitate urban process. Its structural topology doesn't only stands as a container of pathway from one location to the rest but rather reflects the synthesis of socioeconomic, cultural, and political reflection. Taking a broader view, one may ask how the street network affects urban circulation systems, urban functional structure and urban attractiveness. Multifaceted nature of city builds on complexity, an object of study referenced as urban networks or urban system. The growing scholarly works dedicated to pursue this line of research expands to different directions with diverse focal points, making a consolidated definition and workhouse for urban networks hard to delineate. An attempt to formulate the spectrum of urban network employs heuristic identification spanning over three layers. Firstly, micro-analytical approach specifies intra-city networks, for example the impact of street network on pedestrian flows, neighbourhood walkability, and potential interaction. Meso-level analysis comes across on the second layer by denoting regional connectivity in polycentric coalesce such as urbanisation and sub-urbanisation. At aggregate overview, macro observation captures inter-city networks, among others in the case of global port cities centrality. Inadequacy in portraying interconnected elements in urban network or urban system could be an impediment in understanding mobility flow in city. Flow generation process aims to estimate the volume of movements between locations given the limited demographic and geometric data of respected spatial units. Gravity model is considered as the backbone in mobility flows in multiple backgrounds such as human migration and international trade. It is postulated based on Newton's law of gravitation where increase in the number of people moving between a pair of areas is in line with the population size of those areas but as distance taking them apart, decreasing flow is expected. Given the lack of formulation on the connectivity between mobility and the spatial context around it, modelling urban mobility is problematic and the and the question of which aspect at which scale might strongly affect the flows remains unclear. In this research, we take a step forward to improve predictive power of gravity model within spatial interaction research by augmenting the complexities of urban network based on micro-analytical approach (intra-city networks). We construct a framework that weights urban function (e.g.: human mobility and temporal traverse) and urban form (e.g.: street topology and building footprints) in parallel because individual movement between two places bridges the interaction between them that further magnifies the spatial dynamics. With the increasing availability of heterogeneous source of data, a new chapter in modelling urban mobility is decoupled by associated dimensions: socioeconomic stratification (e.g.: income status), transportation network (e.g: subway, bus, metro, and train service), and external shock (e.g.: COVID outbreak). It is in our interest to establish the line between the aforementioned dimensions and mobility flows as well as to measure an extent those contribute to the better prediction of spatial interaction via mobility flows in urban space. We specify three questions for this purpose: (1) How socioeconomic status and COVID epidemic spreading stratifies mobility flows across spatial units? (2) Could a better fit for mobility flow prediction be generated after taking socioeconomic stratification, transportation network, and spatial morphology into account? We take New York City as a case study to capture the changing dynamics of mobility flows in the presence of associated dimensions. # Data description {#data} Our choice of New York City as a case study is motivated by the fact that data highlighting urban aspects are completely available at fairly granular scale (Census Tract). It serves out purpose in stepping out beyond sole mobility data by synthesising heterogeneous source of data such as socioeconomic survey, street map, transportation transit feed, and building footprints. In the following subsection we present heterogeneous source of data collections comprising mobility, socioeconomic, morphology, and transportation data. *Mobility data:* Origin-Destination (OD) Matrix is constructed based on visit trajectories of anonymous mobile phone users at large scale provided by SafeGraph. Aggregation is conducted at census tract level with monthly temporal unit. We compare three periods that overlap with policy response on COVID outbreak. The baseline period is April 2019, representing the normal mobility level. As stay-at-home order was extended throughout April 2020 and followed by daily subway closures from 1 AM to 5 AM, this period is used as lockdown subset. A year later, mobility restriction was uplifted to a greater extent due to the arrival of vaccination program. Therefore, we also compare individual movement across census tract in the course of April 2021 to refine the mobility dynamics affected by different policy stringency. *Socioeconomic data:* Median household income is preferred as a basis for income status computation. It is recorded in American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimate Section DP03 on Selected Economic Characteristics 2019. We create 10 classes for income status by binning the continuous numeric data of median household income into discrete quantile. This quantile-based discretisation approach results in uniform number of census tract in each bin/income class. Income status of census tract ranges from the poorest (1) to the richest (10). *Morphology data:* The first layer representing morphological structure of urban areas is street network. Conceptualised as a graph, it consists of node of which delineate intersections and dead-ends and edge as a physical substitute for street segments. Raw street network data are collected from OpenStreetMap and for every census tract boundary, more than 30 metrics and topological measures are calculated. To get better connectivity context in street network, additional measures indicating the degree of connectivity are considered such as gamma index and alpha index. Features selection in the form of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed to selectively eliminate variables with low relevance. The most informative features with ability in explaining more variances are number of street segment and intersection. On top of street network layer, building configuration layer is constructed. Building footprint data is retrieved from New York Open Data, capturing the full perimeter outline that belongs to each building as viewed from aerial imagery. Given the geographic location of each building, we identify its census tract and take the average value of roof height above ground elevation at census tract level. *Transportation data:* General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) becomes the integrated reference for public transportation data. In its standardised format, transport operator can push the real-time transit data into static components (e.g.: schedules, fares, and stop locations) and real-time component (e.g.: trip updates and vehicle positions). GTFS is accessible from TransitFeeds as it is now an integral part of OpenMobilityData. We acquire four modals: subway (NYC Subway), metro (Metro-North Railroad), train (Long Island Rail Road), and bus (MTA Bus Company). # Results {#sec:res} Our study is motivated by the need in modelling interaction structure between spatial units represented by census tract. The dynamics within such structure is embedded in the individual flows at temporal sequence and most likely intertwined by socioeconomic stratification and connectivity. To incorporate stratification in observing flows, we propose a framework that combines two-stages spatial interaction: between a pair of census tracts and between a pair of income classes where the census tracts belong. The mobility network is constructed as a symmetric directed network with self loops and weighted by number of people moving from one census tract to another. Formal formulation of an ordered pair \(G = (N, E)\) where census tract \(n\) is a node in set \(N\) and the set of edges \(e_{i,j} \in E\) consists of symmetric links between subset node origin census tracts \(i\) and destination census tracts \(j\). The weights of the network is defined as \(w_{i,j}\) for \(i,j \in [1, N]\). Stratification is induced by assigning a set of income classes \(c_i=o \in C_I\) to each origin census tract and \(c_j=d \in C_J\) to each destination census tract. ## Mobility stratification matrix {#stratificationmatrix} Individual flows across census tracts can be characterised by socioeconomic inclination that simultaneously drives stratification in mobility. A *mobility stratification matrix* counts for probability that a trip is made by individual departed from a census tract \(i\in I\) from a given income class \(c_i=o\in C_I\) to destination census tract \(j\in J\) located in income class \(c_j=d\in C_J\). For each pair of income class/socioeconomic status (SES) namely SES origin and SES destination, matrix element is formalised as: \[M_{o,d}= \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j}}{\sum_{d\in C_J}\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j}}\] where flows from class \(o\) to class \(d\) are fitted into numerator and normalised by column as seen in denominator such that distribution of flow probability for each origin census tract class \(o\in C_I\) could be measured. It becomes the backbone for computation in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}. Given two scopes of mobility respectively inter-census tract and intra-census tract mobility, we separately construct two matrices: all flows (Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}a) and inter-census tracts flows (Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}b). We take the later as refined comparison after controlling for socioeconomic distance and geographic distance by taking out intra-census tract mobility (self loops). This procedure is intended as robustness check in order to reveal the potential bias arising from short distance flows and the degree to which deviation from general mobility pattern might occur. To incorporate the impact of temporal dynamics driven by COVID outbreak and policy responses that come after, three sequential periods are observed independently for each mobility scope. We present findings based on mobility pattern in April 2019 as baseline (B) to be compared with period during the implementation of lockdown (L) as of April 2020 and vaccination (V) in April 2021. Visual representation of mobility stratification matrix exhibits prominent diagonal elements as the colours are noticeably brighter than the upper or lower diagonal. To quantify the strength of diagonal elements, we use Pearson correlation coefficient of matrix elements as an index for *assortativity \(r\)*. It is in line with previous studies that specifies \[\ r = \frac{\sum_{o,d} o d M_{o,d}-\sum_{o,d}o M_{o,d}\sum_{o,d} d M_{o,d}}{\sqrt{\sum_{o,d} o^2 M_{o,d}-\left(\sum_{o,d} o M_{o,d}\right)^2}{\sqrt{\sum_{o,d} d^2 N_{o,d}-\left(\sum_{o,d} d M_{o,d}\right)^2}}}.\] The value of this index ranges from \(-1\) (perfect disassortativity) to \(1\) (perfect assortativity). If perfect disassortativity takes place, the mobility flows between origin and destination census tract will tend to be further away from similar income ranges. Consequently, more heterogeneities in spatial interaction are expected due to wider movement beyond what socioeconomic ties dictate. On the other hand, if the notion of perfect assortativity holds, the mobility flows will rather be concentrated along matrix diagonal. Furthermore, high individual mobility between two census tracts with similarities in socioeconomic level triggers more homogeneous spatial interaction. In case \(r = 0\), no correlation between income class of origin and destination census tract is detected, suggesting no typical socioeconomic preferences in mobility flows. Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}a shows the persistent dominance of flows among census tract within the same income class/SES regardless the time period and policy intervention on mobility restriction. Colour gradient of the diagonal elements are visibly lighter than the rest, implying higher proportion of probability visit. Assortativity index confirms this particular circumstance as \(r\) takes positive value at considerable magnitude. During period with normal mobility level (April 2019), the baseline assortativity \(r = 0.412\) is already quite high, especially between census tracts at the lowest 10 percentile where at least 40% of flows happens within the same income class. Increasing mobility isolation up to 16.69% is found during lockdown in April 2020 with \(r = 0.489\). Higher mobility intensity between census tracts in the lowest income class reaches further degree around 50%. On this point, the extension of stay-at-home order and school closures by Governor Cuomo that was made effective on April 6, 2020 brings another boundary that enforces mobility stratification to a greater extent. The coming vaccination for three categories in April 2021 namely people with underlying conditions, age 30 and up, as well as age 16 and up makes bolder steps for reopening possible. Pupils could return to school to resume in-person learning, restaurant reopening was allowed at 25% capacity, so did theatres were permitted to open the door. Lower degree of mobility restriction brings back assortativity to nearly similar level to baseline period. To check the robustness of assortativity pattern, we compute mobility stratification matrix only for inter-census tract flows. After eliminating self loops from mobility network, such stratification pattern becomes less evident as the overall \(r\) in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}b is lower for all period comparing to Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}a. However, common pattern stands still in which \(r\) reaches highest degree during lockdown (0.355). Mobility inclines to be 6.92% more localised within similar socioeconomic range. Interestingly, as some mobility restriction dissolved during vaccination period, mobility even becomes more embedded within income class. There is residual force on socioeconomic aspect that might hinder individual from exploring more diverse areas. We notice that mobility restriction policy during COVID outbreak doesn't only interfere mobility in term of the physical geographical distance, but also scales up socioeconomic barrier known as SES distance. To expound the entanglement between the two effects, Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}c plots the changing assortativity \(r\) as a function of incremental cumulative distance between pairs of census tract. Foe every increase in distance cutoff \(d\) by 1 km, we compute \(r\) value. At \(d \ge 0\), we take all mobility flows, corresponding to Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}a. Meanwhile, at \(d \ge 1\), only trips between census tracts located at least 1 km away are counted and such computation is repeated up to \(d \ge 10\). For three different periods respectively April 2019 (green line), April 2020 (purple line), and April 2021 (brown line), \(r\) decreases monotonically. Largest drops occur after the removal of trips that are less than 1 km in distance, evolve into more steady until \(d \ge 9\), and later becomes flatter. Regime switch from assortativity to disassortativity can be seen from \(d \ge 6\) at the earliest, signifying the impact of lockdown in limiting mobility space. Downsliding lines are manifest at slower rate in absence of mobility restriction in the baseline period or with lower stringency in the vaccination period. ## Mobility stratification network {#stratificationnetwork} We find the noticeable complexity in mobility network owing to the aforementioned entanglement between socioeconomic, temporal, spatial dimension. To better understand the structure of stratification in mobility at finer scale, three types of mobility is proposed. The network edge \(e_{i,j} \in E\) facilitates flows from origin census tract \(i\) in income class \(c_i = o \in C_i\) to destination census tract \(j\) in income class \(c_j = d \in C_i\). An edge belongs to downward mobility \(e_{DM}\) if destination census tract is located in the less affluent region \(d<o\). In the case a trip is made from lower income class to higher income class \(d>o\), the edge is attributed to upward mobility \(e_{UM}\). In addition, equal mobility \(e_{EM}\) takes place for an edge connecting census tracts in the same income class \(d=o\). To evaluate the relative importance of mobility type, the connectivity proportion \[p_{DM} = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{DM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j}}\] \[p_{UM} = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{UM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j}}\] \[p_{EM} = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{EM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j}}\] where for each mobility type, \(p_{DM}\), \(p_{UM}\), \(p_{EM}\) is the fraction of flows by respected mobility type given \({e_{DM}, e_{UM}, e_{EM}} \in E\) weighted by \({w_{DM}, w_{UM}, w_{EM}} \in W\). The average size of flow across census tracts in every mobility type is \[E[s_{DM}] = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{DM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} e_{i,j} \in e_{DM}}\] \[E[s_{UM}] = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{UM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} e_{i,j} \in e_{UM}}\] \[E[s_{EM}] = \frac{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} w_{i,j} \in w_{EM}}{\sum_{I,c_i=o}\sum_{J,c_j=d} e_{i,j} \in e_{EM}}\] that corresponds to average edge strength by mobility type in the mobility network configuration. Separate observation is provided in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"} for every possible combination between socioeconomic and temporal dimension of mobility in order to clarify the stratification configuration. Row-wise order pinpoints the difference by mobility type (downward mobility/green; equal mobility/orange; and upward mobility/purple) within same period, while column-wise plot distinguishes temporal shift within mobility type. As for the connectivity proportion \(p\), the sum over row equals to 1 and the average size of flow across census tracts for each mobility type in the designated period is denoted as \(E[s]\). During the baseline period (April 2019), upward mobility (Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}c) makes up the largest proportion as 41.30% of trips oriented to more affluent areas. It implies the resonance of push-factor such as work places, economic opportunities, and amusement facilities that are commonly located in areas with higher income profile. The dominance of upward mobility doesn't last once lockdown is imposed in April 2020. The order flips to 36.2% equal mobility (Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}f) and followed by 33.8% equal mobility (Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}e) and 30% downward mobility (Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}d). Decreasing upper mobility is compensated by increasing equal mobility and relatively constant downward mobility. It is consistent with higher assortativity \(r\) in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"} as mobility is very much localised during lockdown. Configuration of mobility stratification during vaccination period in April 2021 returns to the original pattern before COVID outbreak. Upward mobility is on the top with 41.1% share. However, looking at the average flow (\(E[s]\)), mobility between areas with the same income status comes with almost 2.5 times higher intensity than any other mobility type (\(E[s_{EM}] = 655\) compared to \(E[s_{UM}] = 245\) and \(E[s_{DM}] = 251\)) as seen in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}b. It is yet more intensified during lockdown in April 2020, reaching out 37.56% increase to \(E[s_{EM}] = 901\), and levelling off to \(E[s_{EM}] = 791\) in April 2021. Mobility restriction as a response to pandemics induces higher closeness between areas within similar economic ranges as a consequence of diminishing variety of mobility purpose (e.g.: minimised trips to work places and social activities). Higher homogeneity in mobility comes out as result and different mobility type reacts to changing restriction at different rate. Therefore, it is necessary to fit this condition in modelling mobility flows. ## Mobility flow estimation {#flowestimation} Movement of people can't be solely perceived as physical exploration from one location to many others. It might also indirectly reflect socioeconomic ties, income inequality, and geographic constraint that encourage an individual to be present in various places. At multiple scales, aggregation over individual generates flows. Simultaneously, spatial unit takes various shapes and sizes. Aggregation over locations falls into numerous bounding boxes such as block, census tract, and borough. Ultimately, projecting mobility flows into scaled spatial unit, represented by census tract in this study, allows us to investigate the dynamics of spatial interaction. As one of the well-established frontier in the study of spatial flows, spatial interaction model offers methods in modelling relational data that are impeded by distances in geographic space. Retrieving its long standing theoretical development, the initial formulation of spatial interaction model, known as gravity model, is simply a translated version of Newton's law of gravitation in which particle interactions are drifted due to gravitational constant, mass of those particles, and squared distance between them. In the pioneering works, interaction is defined as number of people moving between two spatial units, mass is replaced by population size of those respected spatial units, and distance remains intact with squared effect. Determination of parameter such as distance in the later literature shifts from rigid priory exponent-2 to be more empirical based on calibrated observation in the probabilistic framework of flows between a pair of locations. Calibration is usually performed under Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression. A technical issue arises from this part since OLS requires normality assumption regarding data distribution which is hard to fit on mobility data. As count data by nature with the possibility of zero flows and not normally distributed most of the time, we consider Generalised Linear Model (GLM) regression for Poisson distribution to address this incompatibility. The phenomena of interest in this research is mobility flows represented by given number of people moving across spatial units at census tract level and driving forces behind such mobility (e.g: economic opportunity, transportation infrastructure, and urban morphology). These factors are non-uniformly distributed across geographic spaces. In this context, mobility is highly dynamic and depends on the strength of those mobility driving forces over period of time. To improve the predictive power of spatial interaction model, at first we initialise *Gravity Model* (Fig. [\[fig:3a\]](#fig:3a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3a"}) by taking observed flows for every pair of census tract along with their population and median household income. The second step is extending the principal model to *Urban System Model* (Fig. [\[fig:3b\]](#fig:3b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3b"}) by augmenting related variables as proxy of urban morphology (e.g.: number of intersections, street segments, and average roof height) and urban connectivity (e.g.: the availability of subway, bus, metro, train facilitating mobility). This procedure reveals the contribution of each feature (basic gravity, urban morphology, and urban connectivity) in estimating empirical flows.Model parameter estimation is conducted under entropy maximising framework by making use of constraints namely total inflow (number of incoming people coming) and total outflow (number of outgoing people coming) at every spatial unit. In mobility network, total inflow is in parallel with weighted in strength and total outflow is in line with weighted out strength. Decision on where to designate the constraint results in four distinct configurations: unconstrained (Section [3.3.1](#unconstrained){reference-type="ref" reference="unconstrained"}), origin/production constrained (Section [3.3.2](#oconstrained){reference-type="ref" reference="oconstrained"}), and destination/attraction constrained (Section [3.3.3](#dconstrained){reference-type="ref" reference="dconstrained"}). The first only considers the equivalency between observed and estimated total flows at system level (sum of all spatial units). The later enforces such condition at spatial unit level which differs in term of which set of area being controlled, the origin or destination spatial units. We prefer this approach to identify characteristics of location that play substantial role in shaping mobility with regard to push (emissiveness) and pull (attractiveness) effect. In addition, we expect that complexity of urban mobility at micro analytical scale (intra-city mobility) could be clarified by specifying the extent spatial context including morphology and transportation is inherent to mobility flows. We also construct separate model estimation for each mobility type (downward mobility, equal mobility, and upward mobility) in order to compare the sensitivity of socioeconomic stratification and identify which mobility type highly affected by the presence of disturbance in urban system (denoted by change in policy response to COVID outbreak). Section  [3.2](#stratificationnetwork){reference-type="ref" reference="stratificationnetwork"} is in line with this reasoning, therefore the following results could validate the existing finding. ### Unconstrained model {#unconstrained} Unconstrained model guarantees the summation of estimated mobility flows to be equal with aggregate value of observed mobility flows at system level (\(T = \sum_i \sum_j T_{ij}\)). This would yield multiplicative form: \[T_{i,j} = kV_i^\mu W_j^\alpha d_{i,j}^{\text{--}\beta}\] where \(T_{i,j}\) denotes observed mobility flows between origin census tract \(i\) to destination census tract \(j\); \(V_i\) is a origin attributes vector representing the emissivity/push factors of all origins \(i \in I\) in the system; \(W_j\) is a destination attributes vector representing the attractiveness/pull factors of all destinations \(j \in J\) in the system; \(d_{i,j}\) is a distance matrix constituting the cost that might restrain mobility flows between \(i\) and \(j\). Additionally, there are four model parameters to be estimated namely \(k\) (proportionality constant that forces equality condition at system level aggregation); \(\mu\) (scaling effect of push factor); \(\alpha\) (scaling effect of pull factor); and \(\beta\) (scaling effect of distance). Negative value of \(\beta\) is expected because increasing distance rather discourages mobility at larger scale/wider space. The equation above can be rearranged in the additive form as a poisson regression: \[\lambda_{i,j} = exp(k + \mu \: ln \: V_i + \alpha \: ln \: W_j-\beta \: ln \: d_{i,j})\] for which \(\lambda_{i,j}\) is the mean of flows between \(i\) and \(j\) drawn from Poisson distribution (\(\lambda_{i,j} = T_{i,j}\)). It is logarithmically modelled by the logged independent variables in a linear combination, yielding unconstrained poisson log-linear gravity model. Estimates of \(k\), \(\mu\), \(\alpha\), and \(\beta\) are calibrated by fitting this model with the maximum likelihood estimation method namely GLM. The built-in iteratively weighted least squares (IWSL) in GLM aims to converge parameter estimates convergence to the maximum likelihood estimates. Performance of gravity model (Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}a) is compared to urban system model (Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}b) under unconstrained capacity setting. In both models, all variables are also statistically significant at \(\alpha= 5\%\). Distance is the strongest determinant in dictating mobility as distance decay parameter \(\beta\) has the largest absolute value regardless the mobility types. However, the implementation of lockdown results in shrinking \(\beta\) value, making distance effect becomes less poignant since mobility tends to be more geographically more localised in April 2020. Downward mobility is the one largely hit as \(\beta\) is dropped by 37.46%, followed by equal mobility (29.88%) and upward mobility (25.50%). In urban system model, the pattern between reversed between upward mobility (32.17%) and equal mobility (26.39%) while downward mobility (42.60%) still hardly hit. Furthermore, additional origin and destination attributes representing urban morphology magnifies the the pull factors, making destination area more influential in attracting flows. Among public transportation, metro is more prominent in bridging the distance due to its wide network throughout the boroughs in New York. In general, mobility between areas in the same income status is more predictable than others, especially before COVID outbreak (pseudo \(R^2 = 0.518\) for Gravity Model; pseudo \(R^2 = 0.597\) for Urban System Model). Therefore, prediction improvement due to feature extension to urban system model obtains highest level in baseline period (April 2019) especially for upward mobility. ### Origin/production constrained model {#oconstrained} Suboptimality might arises in unconstrained model due to its loose assumption on equal values between observed and empirical flows at system level instead of location level. To deal with this, one alternative to opt is constraining estimated flows to the existing outgoing flows from origin locations. It motivates the initialisation of origin/production constrained model. Moreover, constraining model estimates to relevant origin attributes could refine the analysis such as capturing the effect of higher accessibility of street in the destination area on flows coming from origin area. With respect to observed outflows from origin locations and the available information about them, estimated outflows are ensured to equal this capacity constraint. On the technical ground, constant \(k\) at system level is longer necessary and should be replaced by balancing factor \(A_i = \frac{1}{\sum_j W_j^\alpha d_{i,j}^{\text{--}\beta}}\) at location level. As a vector of values containing relevant information for mobility from each origin location, \(A_i\) assures that estimated flows from every single origin is comparable to total observed flows \(O_i = \sum_j T_{ij}\), not only system level aggregate. This conceptualisation generates multiplicative form: \[T_{i,j} = A_i O_i W_j^\alpha d_{i,j}^{\text{--}\beta}\] Holding logarithmic function that links variables to the flows \(T_{i,j}\) characterised by poisson distributed mean \(\lambda_{i,j}\), the equation above is transformed to: \[\lambda_{i,j} = exp(\mu_i + ln \: W_j-\beta \: ln \: d_{i,j})\] where \(\mu_i\) is a substitute to balancing factor \(A_i\) serves as categorical predictor/dummy variable representing origins in the regression. We compare the performance of gravity model (Fig. [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"}a) and urban system model (Fig. [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"}b) in the constrained capacity setting on origin side. In both models, all variables are also statistically significant at \(\alpha= 5\%\). After controlling for origin characteristics, distance decay parameter \(\beta\) becomes higher in both gravity model and urban system model, across period and for all mobility types. As being so, distance effect is actually larger in discouraging people to explore wider areas than before. Predictability of mobility between areas with similar income range is higher and most notably in the baseline period (pseudo \(R^2 = 0.635\) for Gravity Model; pseudo \(R^2 = 0.692\) for Urban System Model). Interestingly, prediction improvement due to feature extension to urban system model is at its highest in vaccination period (April 2021) for upward mobility (23.85%), highlighting the centrality of pull factor attributes. ### Destination/attraction constrained model {#dconstrained} On the other spectrum, constraining estimated flows to the observed incoming flows to destination locations, noted as destination/attraction constrained model, is also possible to perform. On top of that, constraining model estimates to relevant destination attributes may reveal the impact on street infrastructure in the origin area on mobility magnitude to destination area. In this configuration, we have by balancing factor \(B_j = \frac{1}{\sum_i V_i^\mu d_{i,j}^{\text{--}\beta}}\) at location level. As a vector of values containing relevant information for mobility to each destination location, \(B_j\) guarantees the equality between estimated flows to every single destination and total observed incoming flows \(D_j = \sum_i T_{ij}\), not only system level aggregate. This conceptualisation generates multiplicative form: \[T_{i,j} = D_j B_j V_i^\mu d_{i,j}^{\text{--}\beta}\] Assuming logarithmic function that links variables to the flows \(T_{i,j}\) characterised by poisson distributed mean \(\lambda_{i,j}\), the equation above is equivalent to: \[\lambda_{i,j} = exp(\alpha_i + ln \: V_i-\beta \: ln \: d_{i,j})\] where \(\alpha_i\) is similar to balancing factor \(B_j\) serves as categorical predictor/dummy variable representing destination in the regression. After constraining flows and other variables on destination side, the result of gravity model (Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}a) and urban system model (Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}b) is now comparable where all variables are statistically significant at \(\alpha= 5\%\). It results in higher distance decay parameter \(\beta\) than the unconstrained version and the origin constrained calibration. During the lockdown, distance effect is less deterrent due to restricted policy. The correction degree is more prevalent for downward mobility, as in the previous two model. Higher predictability level of equal mobility is also confirmed especially in the baseline period (pseudo \(R^2 = 0.755\) for Gravity Model; pseudo \(R^2 = 0.783\) for Urban System Model). In spite of that, augmenting more variables in urban system model under destination constrained setting only gives negligible prediction improvement in which the highest is retrieved in baseline period for downward mobility at 3.48%. Accordingly, push factor attributes don't really uplift the flows. # Discussion and conclusions {#sec:disscussion} This study aims to find the best fit for each specific setting in mobility and to quantify an extent external shock represented by COVID outbreak diverts the typical mobility structure. We propose combinatorial experimental design specifically target mobility stratification and later use this as a basis for estimating mobility flow. Given all possible pairings at 3 levels (Constraint-Period-Type) for 2 sets of variable in each model (Gravity Model and Urban System Model) as seen in Fig. [\[fig:3a\]](#fig:3a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3a"} and Fig. [\[fig:3b\]](#fig:3b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3b"}, evaluation of each estimation model realisation is performed by calculating pseudo \(R^2\) as goodness of fit. This measure is selected due to its convenient interpretation that resembles \(R^2\) in OLS and compatible specification for likelihood based function such as GLM. Within the range from 0 to 1, higher pseudo \(R^2\) indicates better model fit. In summary, we propose urban system model as an extension to the gravity model. The results generated by urban system model then compared with the benchmark gravity model to. To capture prediction improvement contributed by the inclusion of additional variables, among others transportation network and spatial morphology, Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}c summarises the difference in pseudo \(R^2\) between gravity model Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}a and urban system model Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}b. Overall upper mobility attains 17.88% improvement on average across constraints, on top of downward mobility (10.89%) and equal mobility (8.15%). Among other pairings, model extension works best for upper mobility under origin constrained treatment in vaccination period. The accuracy between predicted and observed flows as shown by pseudo \(R^2\) is boosted by nearly 30% after augmenting those variables into the model. Coherence between upward mobility and transportation network is rooted in two aspects. Firstly, the accessibility of public transportation network modulates commuting flows directing to areas with higher income, but not so much to areas within similar economic level. Mostly, such mobility is driven by commuting to workplaces as areas with better economic prospect offers more opportunities. Another plausible reason could be linked to the spatial distribution pattern as previously seen in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}c where SES distance is intertwined with geographic distance. Distance proximity in the case of income class similarity forms clustering tendency in which areas categorised in the same income class tends to be located next to each other at the given distance radius. To confirm the impact of transportation network in mobility stratification, upcoming study should test the magnitude of spatial autocorrelation distribution by applying Moran Moran's I index, for instance. On the changing distance decay effect, urban system model contributes to refining distance dimension. We take the average value of difference in \(\beta\) between the two models across period for each mobility type. Distance becomes most deterrent in upper mobility under various constraint treatments: unconstrained (12.17%), origin constrained (10.6%), and destination constrained (3.74%). It implies that controlling for origin attributes (Fig. [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"}b) and destination attributes(Fig. [\[fig:5\]](#fig:5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:5"}b) stabilise the the influence of distance in mobility as the two models give less obvious discrepancy on \(\beta\). Less staggering distance decay effect is also found in downward and equal mobility. We then focus on whether the prominence of pull and push effect are identical in the midst of period switch by looking at coefficient of each variables. In unconstrained spatial interaction, the strength of destination areas in attracting flows is more powerful than origin areas in triggering flows. This finding is also conclusively found in origin constrained spatial interaction, so does in destination constrained spatial interaction. Moreover, interaction factors represented by public transport connectivity between areas, more prominently metro, signifies the degree of mobility across temporal window.
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:25:38', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01047', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01047'}
# Introduction Charged particle detection in the innermost region of high energy physics collider experiments combines the challenges of high fluence and high occupancy with the need for measurements with excellent spatial and time resolution. While demand for spatial resolutions below 10 μm is now commonplace, an ever increasing number of applications now require in addition a time resolution below 50 ps . Existing solid state detector technologies suffer various limitations. While thin planar technology allows fluences of several times 10\(^{16}\)cm\(^{2}\)s\(^{-1}\) to be reached, and can in principle reach time resolution as low as 30 ps , the limited signal amplitude makes this difficult to exploit. High fluences can also be reached with 3D technologies, and thanks to the decoupling between the drift direction and charge deposition direction, the Landau fluctuation contribution to the time resolution becomes sub-leading. Hence, time resolution below the 20-30 ps range have been measured . Nonetheless, 3D technologies suffer high capacitance, fill factor reduction and it will be difficult to reach pitches lower than 50 μm with present technologies. Another approach consists of amplifying the signal within the sensors, such as done in the LGADs  family. Gains of around 10 allow time resolutions in the range 20 -- 30\(\,\)ps to be reached. Recent variations of the LGAD design address the limitation in segmentation (iLGAD , trenched LGAD, AC-LGADs, ...). However LGADs suffer gain loss for fluences above 2 10\(^{15}\)n\(\mathrm{_{eq}}\)/cm\(^{2}\) We propose here a novel sensor design, the silicon electron multiplier (SiEM), which provides intrinsic gain together with a pixel pitch better than 10 μm, without reliance on shallow doping. The SiEM is expected to be more radaition hard than LGADs while providing similar time resolution. # Sensor description {#sec:description} ## Detection principle {#sec:description:det_principle} As shown in Figure [\[fig:geometry\]](#fig:geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:geometry"} the SiEM can be delineated into two regions. In a conversion and drift layer, primary charge carriers are created by the passage of minimum ionising particles (MIPs) through the sensor which then drift under the influence of an electric field towards an amplification and induction layer. In this layer a region of high electric field is generated in the material to achieve primary charge multiplication by impact ionisation. The high electric field is achieved by applying electric potentials to a composite conductive structure buried in the bulk of the material. The drift of the secondary charges in this region induces a signal on the readout electrode. The exact geometry of the amplification and induction regions depends on the bulk material as well as the fabrication process that can be achieved. For the design proposed in this paper, as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:geometry\]](#fig:geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:geometry"}, the bulk of the sensor consists of a reversed biased n-in-p silicon junction. The readout side is etched, leaving cylindrical Si-pillars which are terminated with the n+ implant and metal contact to the readout electrodes. A composite structure consisting of two conductive grid electrodes separated by a dielectric is deposited in the etched region. A difference of potential is applied to the two grid electrodes creating a high field region in the silicon pillars. The amplification is achieved in the pillars and charges drifting in this region induces a signal on the readout electrodes. The amplification electrodes can be biased either via bonding in a dedicated etched area, or through metallisation running along the pillar wall in one of the etched region.\ Deep reactive ion etching process (DRIE) followed by successive deposition and patterning of dielectric and metal electrode is a possible approach to the making of this device. Constraints associated to this fabrication technique are considered in the following, in particular the interplay between the depth of the etch, the thickness of the dielectric layers that will be deposited on the wall and the distance needed between the pillar wall and the metal electrodes to ensure no connection is left between the top and bottom of the pillars. Alternative fabrication approaches may lift such limitations. Single buried electrode structures may also be envisaged and will be discussed in section [\[sec:discussion\]](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"} ## Geometry description {#sec:description:geometry} The text in this section will refer to Figure [\[fig:param\]](#fig:param){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:param"}, shows a cross-section of the SiEM design, identifying the most important dimensions. The thickness of the drift region (D) and the pitch (p) between pillars can be optimised depending on the application. Large thickness associated with small pitch readout could be used to reconstruct the direction of the impinging particle while a thin drift region is preferred for fast timing application, in order to minimise the time distribution centroid of the signal and thus improving on time resolution . In the double buried electrodes geometry the electrode closest to the readout electrode is numbered **1** while the one closest to the drift region is numbered **2**. The pillar width (w), the pillar height (h), and the pillar pitch (p), as well as the electrodes geometry, their widths (w\(_1\), w\(_2\)) and the inter-electrode distance (d) are the principal drivers which define the electric field shape and its intensity. A few other geometrical parameters are shown in Figure [\[fig:param\]](#fig:param){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:param"} and are related to the expected process limitation. The distances g\(_1\) and g\(_2\) are the guard distances between the electrodes and the pillar wall while t\(_d\) designate the thickness of the dielectric between the bottom of the bulk and the electrode **2** In the following sections the behaviour of the device and the impact of these dimensions on the behaviour of the device is investigated using simulations. # Sensor behaviour {#sec:simulation} ## Setup {#sec:simulation:setup} The TCAD device simulator Synopsis Sentaurus  version S-2021.06 has been used to perform the simulation of the proposed structure. The 2D-mesh has been made by the Sentaurus Structure Editor with mesh cell sizes ranging from 200 to 10 nm. The PARDISO solver  along with the Canali mobility model , Slotboom band gap model , and the vanOverstreaten-de Man impact ionization model  have been applied for quasi-static simulations. In transient simulations, the HeavyIon charge deposition is used. Unless otherwise specified, the values for the geometrical dimensions defined in [2.2](#sec:description:geometry){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:description:geometry"} are the following: the silicon parameters are defined by D=50 μm, p=10 μm, h=6 μm and w=2 μm while the electrode geometry is given by d=1 μm and t\(_d\)=0.5 μm. A slice of the sensor corresponding to one single pillar, as shown on the left of Figure [\[fig:param\]](#fig:param){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:param"}, is referred to a \"cell\". The geometry description in simulation reflects the expected constraints coming from the expected production process. In particular it is expected that when a layer of silicon oxide is deposited in the trenches, 60% of the oxide thickness is also deposited along the wall. It is also expected that to prevent metal remaining on the pillar walls, a guard of at least 0.25 μm is introduced between the edge of the electrodes and the pillar wall. The minimal value of g\(_{2}\) depends on t\(_d\), while the minimal value of g\(_1\) depends both on d and t\(_d\). In the default configuration the electrode **1** The default voltage configuration used for the electrode biasing is the following: while the readout electrode is at ground level, the potential of electrode **1** ## Electric field and leakage current {#sec:simulation:fieldncurrent} In Sentaurus TCAD quasi-stationary simulations, the voltages V\(_1\), V\(_2\) and V\(_{\mathrm{bias}}\) When the target voltages are reached, the electric field and other figures of merit discussed in [\[sec:simulation:optimisation\]](#sec:simulation:optimisation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:simulation:optimisation"} are evaluated. Figure [\[fig:ivcurve\]](#fig:ivcurve){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ivcurve"} shows the I-V characteristic of a cell for a \(\Delta\)V At low voltages, the I-V curve follows a reversed biased diode-like shape, until it reaches the saturation leakage current. At this point both the pillar and the drift region are depleted and the leakage current is low enough to allow primary charge particle detection (\(\sim0.1\)pA per cell). As \(\Delta\)V For the default pillar width of 2 μm, above \(\Delta\)V The role played by w, the pillar width, was investigated and is illustrated in Figure [\[fig:field_center\]](#fig:field_center){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:field_center"}. In these simulations V\(_1\) is kept constant, while \(\Delta\)V ## Signal amplification {#sec:simulation:amplification} In the previous paragraph it was shown that fields above 200 kV/cm can be created in the pillar without breakdown of the device. Primary charge should thus be multiplied by impact ionisation in the pillar, providing internal gain to the sensor. Transient simulations are used to probe the multiplication mechanism. A charge cloud of 80 electron--hole pairs is deposited in the drift region center, and propagated in the device until all charges are collected at the electrodes. During the charge transport, the induced currents at the electrodes are recorded and further processed in order to extract the gain and the signal shape. The gain is defined as the ratio of integrated current on the readout electrode by the input charge. The integrated charge at the readout electrode is leakage current subtracted. In Figure [\[fig:trans_currents:readout\]](#fig:trans_currents:readout){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:trans_currents:readout"}, the currents from transient simulations using different \(\Delta\)V At \(\Delta\)V This signal mainly induced by the holes drifting towards the backside electrode looks very much like what would be observed on a pad sensor, as suggested by the distribution of the weighting potential of the backside electrode shown on Figure [\[fig:w_pot:bottom\]](#fig:w_pot:bottom){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:w_pot:bottom"}. On the read-out electrode however, only the charge moving in the pillar induces signal. The signal only start when the electrons reach the buried electrodes. Charges moving in the drift region are shadowed by the amplification electrode as expected from the low weighting potential variation seen in Figure [\[fig:w_pot:top\]](#fig:w_pot:top){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:w_pot:top"}.\
{'timestamp': '2022-03-03T02:24:50', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.01036', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01036'}